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Pe Te ENT 

Victoria Regia 

a ae ru yVy VV Y VI UVP 


Floreat Flora 


Printed for the Society by 
T. Buncle & Co. Ltd., Market Place, Arbroath, Angus 

Published and sold by the Botanical Society of the British Isles, c/o Department 
of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), London, S.W.7. 


p. 36, line 10 up: For Achilea read Achillea. 

p. 66, line 5 up: For Carrothers read Carrothers. 

p. 101, heading: For Notes read Notices. 

p. 163, line 10: For Pica read Picea. 

Dp. 213, line 20: For Ardgarter read Ardgarth. 

p. 260, line 11: For Machinhanish read Machrihanish. 

p. 266, lines 21 & 22 up: For Tralligyll read Tralligill. 

p. 300, line 13: For ‘as yet C. juncella has been’ read ‘as yet C. juncella has not 

p. 368, line 17: For MARITINIT read MARTINI. 

facing p. 430, heading: For Exhibitors read Contributors. 


Part 1, pp. 1-104, June 1956. 
Part 2, pp. 105-196, October 1956. 
Part 3, pp. 197-336, July 1957. 
(Supplement) 1-42, July 1957 
Part 4, pp. 337-430, November 1957. 


A HyBRID SEDGE FROM WEST NORFOLK. By C. P. Petch and E. L. Swann...’ 



SUGGESTIONS FOR RECORDING IN 1956. By S. M. Walters and F. H. 
Perring Ee She P25 a 

IRISH HERBARIA. By D. A. Webb ... 










ASSISTANT SECRETARY’S REPORT FOR 1955 ... ig ed: ane #2 Eee 



OBITUARIES : Piet Jansen (1982- 4955); ‘Arthur George ‘Tansley (4 1871-1955) 


Brenan 5 Ase 

Douglas H. Kent 











OBITUARIES: Johanna Charlotte Davy (1865-1955); Professor James Small 


Dawe Kent 

NOTES ON THE FLORA OF FAIR ‘ISLE. “By N M. ‘Pritchard. ue 

Cannon and Margaret Cannon ae aA seh 























SHORT NOTE Boe ee ee Ls Bee 2 

OBITUARIES: Hilda Sophia “Annesley Dent “(1903- 56); Georg Kiukenthal 
(1864-1955); Henry Nicholas Ridley (1855-1956) 





By J. A. Richardson : 

A NEW HABITAT FOR OSMUNDA REGALIS. By 127. “Jane. Warwick © a 








OBITUARY : Professor Sir William Wright Smith (1875-1956 ee 









Editor: D. H. KENT 

Vol. 2 JUNE 1956 Pet 
A Hysrip SEDGE rroM WEST NorFo.k. By C. P. Petch and 
E. L. Swann : ee ae re Pe 1 
Taw MinITrARy ORCHID IN Siiboux: Anon ee 4 
F. H. Perring . 6 
B.S.B.I. DistTRIBUTION Maps esaniaek ok ae OF > 1955 acne. 
ING, ETC. By S. M. Walters and F. H. Perring _... ae 10 
IrnisH HERBARIA. By D. A. Webb... is re ay va 18 
PLANt NOTES ‘ ae +h By es ree oes 19 
PLant RECORDS won : cy Be ae as ne 26 
ABSTRACTS FROM ieee “fe sits 4. He eS 45 
WESTERN REGIONAL MEETING, 1955 ae a a a3 69 
EXHIBITION MEETING, 1955 i ea re me a ies 
REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1955 Des ne a eas 82 
ANNUAL REPORT ie a4 Sie ee rags oe 96 
Booxs RECEIVED He ae aa oe ve3 ee Me es 97 
OBITUARIES ae fe : 2s ae ae ot we, 98 
PERSONALIA AND NOTICES TO Meacteae at) uae eS oor. a BOE 

o/o DePaRTMENT oF Botany, British Museum (Natura History), 
Lonpvon, S.W.7 



Patroness: H.R.H. Toe Princess Roya 

Applications for Membership should be addressed to the Hon. Assistant 
Secretary: D. H. KENT, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, from whom 
copies of the Society’s Prospectus may be obtained 

OFFICERS FOR 1956-1957 
APRIL 12r7x, 1956 

President: Dr. George Taylor 

Vice-Presidents: G. M. Ash, Prof. D. A. Webb, J. E. Lousley, 
N. Y. Sandwith 

Honorary General Seeretary : Dr. J. G. Dony 

Honorary Treasurer : E. L. Swann 

Honorary Editor : Dr. E. F. Warburg 

Honorary Meetings Secretary : Dr. H. J. M. Bowen 

(in order of seniority for purposes of Rule 3 (e)) 

Elected March 1958 Elected April 1955 

Prof. J. H. Burnett Dr. F. Rose 

R. A. Graham ©. E. Hubbard 

D. E. Allen P. J. Wanstall 

Mrs. A. N. Gibby J. E. Raven 
Elected April 1954 Elected April 1956 

O. Buckle J. E. Dandy 

Dr. H. G. Baker P. C. Hall 

D. McClintock J. Grant Roger 

Dr. E. M. Rosser Miss C. M. Rob 

Honorary Assistant Secretaries D. H. Kent and Mrs. B. Welch 
Honorary Assistant Treasurer : P. M. Newey 
Honorary Field Secretary P. C. Hall 

Association of School Natural History Societies : Dr. J. G. Dony 
Biological Stains Commission of the British Isles : Prof. J. H. Burnett 
Field Studies Council : J. E. Lousley 
Wild Plant Conservation Board : R. A. Graham 

Continued on tnsitde of back cover 

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C!. rostrata Hybrid Cl. pseudocyperus 


By C. P. Percy and E. L. Swann 

In late August, 1955, when botanizing on Cranberry Rough, 
which is on the site of the former Hockham Mere, we came across 
a few clumps of a sedge which one of us (E.L.S.) at first glance 
took to be a strange form of Carex vesicaria L. Fortunately the 
other had taken material for further examination and found that 
no fruit had formed. Subsequent visits to secure fresh material 
and to carry out further field-observations strengthened the 
suggestion of hybridity, for the characters appeared to be more 
or less intermediate between C. psewdocyperus L., and C. rostrata 
Stokes. On submitting material to Mr. Nelmes our tentative 
determination was confirmed. 

Although Pearsall (1934) records this hybrid as British he 
gives no particulars and search in the literature has revealed 
remarkably few instances. There are no European specimens at 
Kew but Mr. Nelmes informs us that he has seen three Swedish 
gatherings at the British Museum. It would seem reasonable to 
suggest that its rarity may be due to three reasons. Although 
both parents are common in West Norfolk they do not usually 
grow together; C. rostrata begins to flower about a month earlier 
than C. pseudocyperus; and the plants are wind-pollinated. 

The area in which we found this plant is only a few square 
yards in extent. One of its parents (C. pseudocyperus) is abun- 
dant close by but the other is about a hundred yards away. There 
are five colonies in all growing on the side of one of the drainage 
channels near alder-carr. The soil here is peat, up to 120 cm. 
deep, with the summer water-table not far below the surface. 
The Mere was drained during the 18th century. The associated 
flora comprises : — 

Alnus glutinosa (a), Holcus lanatus (f), Juncus effusus (a), 
Lysimachia vulgaris (f), Lythrum salicaria (f), Mentha aquatica 
(a), Phragmites communis (0), Salix cinerea (a). 

A description of the hybrid Carex follows. 

Carex pseudocyperus xX rostrata (Thorstenson) Kiikenth., 1909, in Engl. 
Pflanzenr., IV, 20: 758. C. ampullacea x pseudocyperus Thor- 
stenson, 1893, in Vet.-Akad. Férh. Stockholm, 50: 278.—Sweden, 
Thorstenson, C. Schmidtiana Junge, 1904, in Verh. naturw. Ver. 
Hamburg, 3, Folge, 12: 22.—Germany, Junge. 

Densely tufted. Stems to 75 cm. tall, 3 mm. thick above the crowded 
lower leaves, smooth below but scabrid towards and on the rhachis, 


erect up to the slightly drooping inflorescence. Leaves overtopping 
the spikes, 6-12 mm. wide, flat or flattish, glaucous below, bright green 
above, scabrid on the margins and principal nerves and very rough on 
much of both surfaces, longly attenuated towards the apices. Spikes 
5, rarely 6, dense-flowered, slightly drooping, sometimes slightly curved 
or flexuous, fastigiate, and approximate, l.e. arising from nodes which 
are 3-6 cm. distant from one another, uppermost 14-2 male, terminat- 
ing the stem, slenderly cylindric, 8 cm. long, about 3 mm. thick, lateral 
spikes female (except the uppermost which has a male upper halt), 
stoutly cylindric, 6-5-12 cm. long, 8-10 mm. thick (including the long 
spreading beaks of the utricles), upper scarcely or shortly, lower rather 
shortly peduncled, lowest slightly compound at base. SBracts (lower) 
subfoliaceous, much longer than the whole inflorescence, upper bracts 
reduced, none sheathing. Female glumes more or less oblong to elliptic- 
lanceolate, apex obtuse, 3-4 mm. long (excluding awn), whitish to light, 
bright brownish with a greenish midrib, awn flattened, ciliolate- 
hispidulous, 0-5-4 mm. long. Utricles ovoid or, beak included, ovoid- 
lanceoloid, inflated, often somewhat shrunken, 5-6 mm. long (including 
stipe and beak with teeth), 1-:8-2-2 mm. broad, distinctly rather many- 
nerved, narrowly but distinctly marginate, glabrous, straight, obliquely 
to subpatently spreading, light-greenish to light yellowish-green, taper- 
ing gradually into a beak; beak at the base gradually and above 
scarcely tapering, rather compressed, 2-2-5mm. long, narrowly mar- 
ginate, smooth, bidentate; teeth 0-5-1mm. long, slender, firm, each 
tooth gradually tapering, together sometimes erect but usually moder- 
ately diverging. Achene undeveloped. 

V.c. 28, W. Norfolk. Cranberry Rough, Hockham, August 1955, C. P. 
Petron and E. L. Swann (Herb. Kevw.). 

The following is Kikenthal’s description of European specimens. 
‘Rhizoma laxe caespitosum interdum stoloniferum. Culmus validus 
triqueter parce scaber. Folia 3-5 mm. lata, vaginae basilares brunneae 
parce reticulatim fissae. Spiculae 5-6, superiores 2-3 ¢, inferiores 9 
cylindricae remotiusculae pedunculatae subnutantes. Squamae ¢ 
lanceolatae acuminato-aristatae ferrugineo-fuscae. Utriculi lanceolato- 
ovati subinflato-trigoni multicostati, in rostrum longum bidentatum 
subsensim desinentes steriles, crura porrecta (breviora quam in C. 

It will be seen that the leaves of the Norfolk plants are wider 
and male spikes fewer than in Kiikenthal’s description. 

The Norfolk hybrid differs from C. pseudocyperus L., in its 
partly glaucous leaves; its only slightly pendulous, less crowded, 
longer, looser-flowered, spikes, fewer male spikes; its less oblong, 
much longer (but shorter-awned), not always whitish female 
glumes; and its utricles ovate-lanceolate, less strongly and rather 
fewer nerved, less spreading, brighter and more yellowish green, 
more inflated, with teeth slightly shorter and more diverging. 


It differs from C. rostrata Stokes in its wider, flatter and partly 
greenish leaves; its more pendulous, longer, fewer male, more 
numerous female, more crowded and fastigiate spikes; its 
differently shaped, obtuse, not reddish-brown with silvery mar- 
gins, awned, female glumes; and its utricles differently shaped, 
longer (5-6 not 4-5mm.), relatively narrower, and more 
stoutly nerved, slightly less spreading, tapering gradually (not 
abruptly contracted) into the beak, which is more flattened, much 
longer, more distinctly marginate and with much longer and 
somewhat firmer teeth. 

A later visit brought to light a few clumps of a plant that 
appears to be intermediate between the hybrid and C. rostrata. 
A few achenes had developed and this may well be accounted for 
by its being nearer one of the fertile parents. The leaves are 
darker and more glaucous green and slightly less flat; spikes 
more erect and slightly stouter; female glumes oblong-ovate 
to elliptic, 3-5-5 mm. long, dark brownish and but little awned; 
utricles mostly ovoid or ellipsoid, 5-6 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad, 
rather less distinctly and fewer nerved, darker and more yellowish 
green, more abruptly and more shortly and slenderly beaked; 
beak shorter in proportion to the rest of the utricle; teeth shorter, 
less firm and slightly more divergent. Kukenthal (1909) has the 
hybrid divided into “A. suwperpseudocyperus Junge, B. intermedia 
Junge, and C. super-rostrata Junge” but his descriptions do not 
fit our plant very well. 

The accompanying photograph shows the hybrid with parents, 
and the bracts have been removed to show the inflorescences 
more clearly. 

The writers are much indebted to Mr. E. Nelmes for his 
interest and assistance in the preparation of this paper. 


JUNGE, P., 1904, In Schleswig-Holstein beobachtete Formen und Hybriden der 
Gattung Carex, Verh. Naturw. Ver. Hamburg, 3 (12), 1-24. 

JUNGE, P., 1908, Die Cyperaceae Schleswig-Holsteins, Jahrb. Hamburg Wissen 
Anat., 25, 125-277. 

KUKENTHAL, G., 1909, Cyperaceae, in Engler, A., Das Pflanzenreich, 4, 20. 

PEARSALL, W. H., 1934, Some hybrid carices, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 10, 682-685. 



Orchis militaris L. is one of the rarest of British plants. 
Although the nineteenth century produced a good many scattered 
records for the orchid and in places it was ‘seen in considerable 
numbers’, it appears to have been unknown as a British plant 
from about 1914 until rediscovered by J. E. Lousley in May 1947. 
All the British records appear to be in the Chilterns and North 
Downs areas. 

The discovery of a large population of the Military Orchid 
in Suffolk in June last year was therefore particularly surprising, 
not only because of the size and vigour of the population, but 
because the locality was more than 60 miles from any previous 

The plant in its newly-discovered Suffolk locality is strictly 
confined to a calcareous, partly-shaded habitat not unlike that 
described for its other known British stations. The colony 
contained at least 500 plants in all stages of development from 
seedlings with single leaves to magnificent plants in full flower 
up to 18” tall with as many as 42 flowers per spike. On the 2nd 
June, when the colony was first discovered, only a few spikes 
had opened their lowest flowers. Well over 100 spikes were in 
flower or in bud. Extensive damage was caused by some animal 
which bit through the flower-stalk, mostly just beneath the in- 
florescence, and also caused leaf-damage (see plate 3). This may 
be slug-damage, but slugs have not been seen actually at work. 
The following data show the fate of the flowering spikes : — 

5th June Well over 100 flowering spikes developing. Some 
last year’s dead fruiting stalks visible. 

8th June At least 10 spikes eaten off. 

22nd June Only 35 spikes flowering; remainder had _ been 
eaten off. 

Ist July 29 flowering spikes left. Nearly all flowers were 
now open, and some capsules were developing. 

9th July 18 spikes left, with flowers and capsules. 

18th July 16 fruiting spikes. 

17th August 16 fruiting spikes (now brown) with 65 capsules. 

20th Sept. At least 21 ripe capsules containing dust-like seed. 
Basal leaves and fruiting stems were brown and 
withered, but young single-leaved plants were still 

Flowering spikes of Orchis militaris. 


Group of flowering plants of Orchis militaris, showing animal damage 


The age of the colony is of considerable interest. Various 
lines of evidence suggest that it could not be much less than 10 
years, and probably not more than 50. About 20 years seems a 
reasonable estimate. Its discovery emphasises yet again that 
relatively well-known territory can yield, on careful scrutiny, 
botanical ‘finds’ of first-class importance. As a by-product of the 
Distribution Maps Scheme, Orchis militaris is very impressive! 


By F. H. Perrine 

On 6th September 1955 a letter was published in “The Times” 
from Canon Barker of Ellisfield, nr. Basingstoke, commenting on 
the fact that ‘Lady Tresses’ had appeared in masses on a south- 
facing lawn in north Hampshire. In the previous year there 
had been but a few specimens and the plant had not been known 
there in earlier years. A few days later “The Times” printed 
nine more letters which reported similar occurrences from places 
as far apart as Groombridge in Kent, Kingwood, Henley-on- 
Thames, Oxon, and Braunton, North Devon. Following this Dr. 
Walters and I wrote to “The Times” asking other readers for 
information on the extraordinarily profuse flowering of this 
species in southern England this season. As a result we received 
over 50 letters, nearly all of which confirmed the general impres- 
sion that either the species had occurred in new localities or was 
much more abundant than usual in old ones. The majority of 
records were for lawns which correspondents explained had not 
been cut for some weeks during the unusually long hot dry spell 
in mid-summer. This agrees well with V. S. Summerhayes’ re- 
mark in Wild Orchids of Britain that at one locality in Somerset 
the species used to flower regularly on a tennis court immediately 
under the net, where the mowing was not quite so vigorous as 

In addition to “The Times” records I have received reports 
from some county referees and I have extracted data from liter- 
ature and herbaria. Records already acquired by the Maps 
Scheme have also been incorporated. The map (Fig. 1) shows the 
distribution of Spiranthes spiralis for three periods of time: 

1. Solid dot. 10 kilometre grid squares in which the species 
was reported as flowering in 1955. 

2. Cross. Squares from which the species has been recorded 
since 1930 but not in 1955. 

3.  Cirele. Squares from which the species was recorded before 
1930 but not subsequently. 

The map shows an interesting apparent change in the range 
of the species in the last 25 years. If Ireland is excluded (as “The 
Times” survey surely did not operate there) then of the 72 records 
for 1955 only 5 (7%) fall to the north and east of a line drawn 
from the Thames Estuary to Anglesey, whilst 67 fall to the west. 



® 1955 
x 1930 - 1954 
° PRE 1930 



Figure 1 


Over the period 1930-54, of 100 records 10 (10%) are to the east 
and 90 to the west. Of the records before 1930 no fewer than 121 
(27-57%) are to the east and 318 to the west. Is this a real change 
of range, however? Spiranthes spiralis is much more frequent in 
the south and west and occurs every year in some coastal local- 
ities; for example, a lady living near St. Catherine’s Point, Isle 
of Wight, writes that she has noticed it on her lawn every year 
for 73 years. It may be that in favourable seasons the plant 
extends its range to the north and east where it establishes itself 
in new localities for a number of years before dying out. If these 
localities are noted over a period of 200 years, records would 
accumulate for many parts of the north and east though in no 
one year need there have been a greater percentage of occur- 
rences than there have been in 1955. 

This situation raises a special problem in the mapping of 
species which are sporadic over part of their range, where they 
are rare not only in space but in time. A map using symbols to 
indicate records in a particular age group as has been done in 
Fig. 1 would, with these results, normally suggest that a species 
is being reduced in range, but as we now see it may be due to the 
accumulation of old sporadic records and it may be impossible 
to distinguish between the two. 

Nevertheless it seems unlikely that this effect can whollv 
account for the differences in past and present distribution pat- 
terns of Spiranthes. The almost complete absence of records 
from the whole of East Anglia in the last 25 years, from the Mid- 
land counties and the Yorkshire limestone, leads to the belief 
that the plant was at one time more frequent. This belief can 
to a certain extent be supported by figures. If we assume that 
effective recording started about 1780 then between that date 
and 1930 the 121 records from the north and east would accumu- 
late at the rate of 0-8 records per year. If the plant were as 
frequent in the period between 1930 and 1954 inclusive, 20 records 
would be expected. In fact there were only 10. From the south 
and west there are records from 318 squares over the 150 years 
1780-1930, i.e. 2:12 records per year. Therefore in the 25 years 
since 1930, 53 records would be expected. The actual figure is 90. 
(1955 records are excluded as a special effort has been made to 
acquire records for this year). These figures suggest that the 
species is at least as frequent as formerly in the south and west 
but only about half as frequent in the north and east. 

It would be too simple to suggest that the difference is related 
entirely to macro-climatic changes. There are other factors which 
are probably equally responsible. The absence in the London 
area is certainly in part due to population pressure and the same 
may be said of the Yorkshire limestone where its disappearance 
is parallelled by that of Anemone pulsatilla. Where habitats are 
given in nineteenth century floras of East Anglia several records 


are from ‘Moors’; for example, in Babington’s Flora of Cambridge 
(1860) ‘Sawston Moor’, ‘Moor at Snailwell’, and in the herbariurn 
at Cambridge there is a specimen collected by F. Robinson in 
1915 labelled ‘damp heathland, Foulden’ (W. Norfolk). These 
moors are not of acid peat but are wet base-rich meadows. As 
was pointed out in a recent paper* the extensive drainage of the 
fens has caused the disappearance or serious reduction of many 
species of fen and marsh in Cambridgeshire. Damp meadows 
may have dried out at the same time and the general level of 
relative humidity must certainly have fallen, creating a drier 
micro-climate and conditions less suitable for the growth of 
Spiranthes. ‘Moors’ however are not the only localities mentioned 
for Kast Anglia and there were at one time records from lawns in 
Suffolk which have not been confirmed in recent years. 

If in East Anglia, the most continental part of Britain, Spir- 
anthes used to occur in damp meadows it is not surprising that 
it should be most abundant on the coast of England in the south 
and west, where the rainfall is higher, and that inland it is most 
frequent around the two large estuaries, the Bristol] Channel and 
Southampton Water, where the effect of the higher relative 
humidity is experienced furthest from the sea. 

From the survey of literature and herbaria the vice-comital 
distribution of Spiranthes spiralis is: 62(1), H.21(1), S.; 1-30, 32- 
4], 44-46, 48-60, 62-65, 69, 71, (47); H. 1-9, 11-13, 15-18, 20, 21, 25, 
26, 28, (10). There is no further confirmation of the record for 
Montgomeryshire. The original record in Topographical Botany 
gives no locality. No locality is known for the record from N. 

The vice-counties from which Spiranthes spiralis was recorded 
in 1955 are: 1-6, 9-19, 23, 24, 30, 34, 36, 41, 46, 48, 49, 52, 63, 69. 
Pe 2 2. 21; 26; 8. 

More information, particularly of records since 1930, would be 

*Notes on the flora of Cambridge (v.c. 29), Perring, F. H., Walters, S. M., 
and Sell, P. D., Proceedings of the Bot. Soc. Br. Isles, 1, 471 (1955). 








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square in which >50 species are recorded 
LO km. square in which 150 species are recorded in literature 
10 km. square in which >50 species are recorded in literature 


square in which > 
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By S. M. Watters and F. H. PERRING 

By November 1955, about 250,000 records for 887 10-kilometre 
erid squares had accumulated, an average of about 280 per 
square covered. There remained 2,600 squares with under 50 
records; from at least 300 of these, however, full information is 
promised, and there are therefore some 2,300 squares under- 
worked. ‘The map, fig. 1, shows the state of the returns. 

The 1955 response in recording has been gratifying, and much 
useful information has been gained, which enables us to make 
suggestions and recommendations for 1956. Two recording 
excursions in particular might be used as examples of what is 
practicable in underworked areas. These are, the B.S8.B.I. meet- 
ing in Galloway in June and an excursion, organised from the 
Cambridge Botany School, in north Montgomery and adjoining 
counties in August. 

During the week’s recording in Galloway seventeen 10-kilo- 
metre squares were visited and a total of about 4,000 records 
was made; the average per square was about 230. The fewest 
species were found in the montane squares. Here it was difficult 
to reach a total of over 150. Although the highest parts of those 
squares were not visited, it seems unlikely that a thorough search 
would yield much more than another 50. In contrast the coastal 
squares, particularly those on the south, were relatively rich and 
over 300 species were recorded in a day from 25/43, the Whithorn 
square. During the first few days the object was to work the 
squares around Newton Stewart as thoroughly as possible, but 
later in the week new habitats were visited wherever they might 
occur. Asa result over 630 species of flowering plants were seen 
during the period. Although by this method less frequent species 
may have been missed in some of the squares, there are records 
which will show relatively, though not absolutely, the pattern 
of distribution of a great many more species than would other- 
wise have been possible. 

The distributions fall into six main groups: — (see fig. 2) 

(a) The ubiquitous; e.g. Bellis perennis, Plantago lanceolata, Plantago 
major, Cynosurus cristatus, Dactylis glomerata, Conopodium majus, 
Athyrium filiz-femina, Poa annua. 

(b) The lowland; (absent from mountain squares with most land over 

500° and little arable land); e.g. Geranium dissectum, Glechoma 
hederacea, Geum wurbanum, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Veronica 


(c) The upland; (most frequent in the north and east though not 
confined to the mountains, less frequent in coastal squares because 
of the lower rainfall); e.g. Carum verticillatum, Thelypteris 
oreopteris, Juncus kochii, Eriophorum vaginatum. 

(d) The intermediate; (excluded from both mountain and coast); e.g. 
Alchemilla vulgaris agg., Geum rivale, Carex curta, Antennaria 

(e) The coastal; (this comprises species not confined to maritime 
habitats, but to cliffs and dry places near the sea); e.g. Helianthe- 
mum chamaecistus, Astragalus danicus, Vicia bithynica, Vicia 
lutea, Leontodon leysseri, festuca arundinacea, Trisetum flavescens, 
Helictotrichon pubescens, Humulus lupulus, Koeleria gracilis, 

(f) The montane; (found only in north and east squares with high 
rainfall and altitude); Lycopodium selago, Hymenophyllum wilsoni, 
Hieracium diaphanoides, Meum athamanticum, COryptogramma 
crispa, Salix herbacea. 

Further investigation might show that these groups are not 
valid. Geum rivale, group (d), is generally regarded as a hill 
plant associated with Trollius europaeus in Scotland and might 
therefore be expected to have an upland distribution. Caruni 
verticillatum, group (c), we understand, does grow in damp 
pastures close to the shore, but under the lower rainfall conditions 

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NEWTONS Ws On perennis, Plantogo lanceolota, Geranium dissectum, Geum verticilictum, Juncus koche, 
| .< < tN Plantago major, Cynosurus urbdanum Capsetio bursa - Eriophorum voginetum 
= 1S x cristotus, Dactylis glomerate, pastoris Veronica persica 

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role Corex curta 

Vig. 2. Distribution patterns from Galloway data (explanation in text). 


there are fewer damp pastures, Carum verticillatum is corre- 
spondingly rarer, and whereas in the uplands it was recorded 
constantly, a party of six did not see it once during a whole day 
in the Whithorn square, in the extreme south. 

The student excursion to Montgomery did not concentrate 
exclusively on recording. Nevertheless, in the fortnight August 
13th-27th, thirteen squares round Llanrhaiadr-ym-Mochnant (on 
the Montgomery-Denbigh border, to the south east of the 
Berwyn range) were more or less adequately sampled, and a 
total of over 600 vascular plants recorded. 

Distribution patterns were revealed by the recording (fig. 3) 
which it is interesting and instructive to compare with those 
derived from the Galloway meeting. The following points emerge 
from a comparison of the data (a selection of which is represented 
in figs. 2 and 3):— 

(a) In both areas Poa annua, Plantago lanceolata, Cynosurus cristatus, 
Dactylis glomerata, Athyrium filix-femina, are ubiquitous, though 
Conopodium majus, ubiquitous in Newton Stewart, has an inter- 
mediate distribution in Wales. This probably reflects the relatively 
greater gradient of altitude in the Welsh area in which the most 
western square, 23/92, has little or no ground below 1,000 ft., 
whereas in the Merrick square, 25/48, north of Newton Stewart, 
the altitude on the shores of Lake Trool is only 250 ft. 

(b) Glechoma, Capsella and Veronica persica have a lowland distribu- 
tion in both areas—the last two, weeds of cultivation, excluded 
from the highlands for obvious reasons. Glechoma may be restricted 
by climate. 

(c) In both areas Thelypteris oreopteris shows a very similar pattern, 
but the absence of other species with similar patterns in both areas 
emphasises the suggestion that this upland group may not be valid. 

(d) There is no overlap of species in the intermediate group but if 
Alchemilla vulgaris agg. is broken down into its segregates, then 
in both areas Alchemilla xanthochlora has an intermediate distri- 

(e) There is a strong relationship between the calcicole flora in Wales 
and the coastal flora in Scotland. Helianthemum chamaecistus is 
only one example, but there are many others which are not illus- 
trated in the figures, e.g. Koeleria gracilis, Festuca arundinacea. 
In both areas these were the only dry base-rich habitats. | 

(f) The montane distribution is well marked in both areas but there 
are only a few species in common, e.g. Lycopodium selago, Crypto- 
gramma crispa. 

Experience on these and other recording trips in 1955 has 
shown that a day’s visit to a 10-kilometre square by one or two 
competent botanists at any time in the summer season (June to 
September inclusive) can yield between 150 and 300 species 
depending on the richness of the flora; most lowland squares 




OTHER EXAMPLES: Hypericum dubrum,Plantago lanceoiata.Gnosurus 
enstatus,Dactylis glomercn, Athynum filo-foemina Cailune yuigans. 

ZA | oY 
| jolololo| 

OTHER EXAMPLES -Anisantha sten Sonal elropoes com 
urbanum Veronica persica, Acer =e pestre, Zerna ramosd 


OTHER EXAMPLES: Carex ovalis,Enophorum = OTHER EXAMPLES Geranium dissectum, OTHER EXAMPLES: Sorbus anglica Bryonic doica, Cartina 
angustifolium,Erica tetralix,Jasione montana Enca cinerea Ceterach officinale, Alopecurus wigaris Clenatis vitalba Inula conyza. Koeleria gracilis, 
geniculatus Festuca arundinacea. 

Poe |UM 


OTHER EXAMPLES: Rubus chamaemorus Geum OTHER EXAMPLES'Lemno tnsuko, Butomus GeAglobro X=A.xonthochore 
nvale Thelypteris dryoptens,Listera cordata umbellatusElodeo canadensis Ceratophylium demersum VaA. vestito 

Fig. 3. Distribution patterns from Llanrhaiadr data (explanation in 


will give 250 without much difficulty if all the obvious habitats 
are sampled. (The richest square so far, incidentally, is 52/03, 
Ampthill square, with a total of 828; in contrast, 28/61, one of 
a group of squares in the Monadhliath mountains surveyed this 
season, could be made to yield only 115). It seems lkely that 
for most of lowland Britain, the first 250 species recorded in any 
square contain most of the really common plants (for the High- 
lands and islands this figure should probably be 159 or even 100); 
and that the failure to record a reputedly common species prob- 
ably—though by no means certainly—indicates that even if it 
is really present it is relatively infrequent. 

These considerations lead us to suggest that for 1956, recorders 
should concentrate on covering to the extent of 250 species (or 
fewer for upland and other floristically relatively poor squares) 
one or more of the ‘blank’ or ‘category 1 and 2’ squares shown on 
the map, and that the production of a basic list of common 
species for every square should be the aim for 1956. In addition, 
of course, we need more complete information from most squares 
already at the 250 species level, and naturally residents in a 
particular square will be able to continue to add to lists already 
submitted. Volunteers who already have records for their 
squares but have not sent them in are asked to do so, in order 
that an up to date ‘situation map’ can be maintained. 

At the present rate of returns, the office is able to deal with 
all the records received without difficulty. This should not be 
the case, as in the early stages of the scheme the vast bulk of the 
records should be received, and it is desirable that there should 
be an accumulation of these records awaiting incorporation in 
the punched-card system. 

The collection of information on individual species (mainly 
rarities) from herbaria and literature is going ahead. Altogether 
71 species (a list of which is appended) are now reasonably com- 
plete. Fig. 4 gives the known distribution of Viola stagnina Kit., 
one of these completed species. The base map here used is that 
designed for the final mapping. 

Offers to supply the basic ‘common species’ data for under- 
worked squares in 1956, or any other information, will be 
gratefully received at:— 

B.8.B.I. Distribution Maps Scheme, 
University Botanic Garden, 
1 Brookside, 
Cambridge. Tel. 58144. 



Aconitum anglicum 
Actaea spicata 
Alchemilla acutiloba 
Anemone pulsatilla 
Arabis stricta 
Arctous alpinus 
Arenaria balearica 
Astragalus alpinus 
Avena ludoviciana 
Bartsia alpina 
Bunias erucago 
Cardaminopsis petraea 
Carex rariflora 
Cuscuta europaea 
Draba aizoides 
Erica ciliaris 
Eriophorum gracile 
Helianthemum canum 
Hieracium sparsifolium 
Hierochloe odorata 
Impatiens noli-tangere 
Juncus capitatus 
Lugurus ovatus 

Lotus angustissimus 
Luronium natans 
Matthiola incana 
Mibora minima 
Minuartia rubella 
stricta ‘ 
Myosotis alpestris 
Oxytropis campestris 
Phleum commutatum 
Polystichum lonchitis 
Potentilla crantziu 
Ranunculus lutarius 
Salix myrsinites 
Sazifraga cernua 
Silene nutans 
Spiranthes aestivalis 
Thymus drucei 
Trifolium bocconi 
Veronica filiformis 
Vicia bithynica 
Viola stagnina 

Post-1950 records for any of these species would be welcome. 

*This list contains rare species which should on no account be picked. 


Viola stagnina 

= OL ae 
Bas pyre (NI. | | 
Let et ak 
elt el Le 

| ete | 
Ee Som 

Fig. 4. Known distribution of Viola stagnina Kit. 
(including extinct records) 


By D. A. WEBB 

The scholarly article on the Limonium binervosum complex 
in Ireland by Dr. Baker which appeared in a recent number of 
this journal (Vol. I, p. 131) has earned him the gratitude of all 
Irish botanists, and I hope it will not be thought amiss if I com- 
ment on one peculiar feature in it. Dr. Baker searched four 
British herbaria (and perhaps others which he does not men- 
tion); he visited Co. Clare; he inspected plants transplanted from 
Kerry; but he does not seem to have consulted a single her- 
barium sheet in Ireland. In this technique he is following in the 
footsteps of many British botanists; so perhaps I may be for- 
given for drawing the attention of members of ‘the B.S.B.1. to 
the fact that anyone who is investigating an Irish plant wil 
usually find more material in Dublin than in Kew and the British 
Museum combined. The Irish collection in Trinity College, 
Dublin, is rather small and scrappy (though it is often as good 
as Kew for species which do not grow at Killarney or Round- 
stone); but that in the National Museum of Ireland is for most 
species extensive and varied. If Dr. Baker, for example, had con- 
sulted the latter he would have found specimens of Limonium 
binervosum from the Loop Head, Horn Head and Rossguiill 
localities (for which he had to rely on literary evidence alone) 
and he would have found earlier gatherings from some of the 
other stations than any which he saw in England. 

Both these herbaria freely send out material on loan to suit- 
able applicants and are, indeed, always glad of an opportunity 
for a revision of their material by specialists. 



127/15. GERANIUM PURPUREUM Vill. In a recent account of Geranium 
purpureum (Watsonia, 3, 163, 1955) reference is made to an erect plant 
I collected in 1930 ‘‘at Clymping (Middleton) between Littlehampton and 
Bognor at the station for the prostrate subsp. forsterv’’. Dr. Baker 
suggests that some of the specimens distributed give the impression of 
having grown upright in shade, but reference to my field notes made at 
the time the plant was gathered shows that this suggestion is hardly 

I had the plants under observation for several years and in my notes 
described them as ‘‘erect, green, leaf segments flat’? in contrast to 
“‘var.’’? forstert as ‘‘ quite prostrate, very red, leaf segments curled’’. 
The erect plants I found first at Atherington, Clymping, where they 
grew at a higher level of the beach than forsteri. It was from here that 
I distributed the specimens seen by Dr. Baker and, as my note printed 
at the time (Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 9, 511, 1931) indicates, the plants 
were all small. They grew with other shore plants on shingle rich in 
decaying vegetable matter. Specimens I collected on May 21, 1933, by 
a small headland near Elmer Farm, some 2 mile to the west, were larger. 
They also grew near the top of the beach in decaying vegetable detritus. 
My field observations suggest that the erect plants were a form of 
forsteri but that a better water and food supply round the roots is more 
likely to be responsible for the habit than slight differences in shelter. 
The plants were not near any groynes. During the years I had these 
plants under observation sea defences were under construction which 
made major changes in the character of this coast. These changes are 
more likely to be responsible for the decrease in quantity of forster 
than the collection of seaweed by tractor. It would be interesting to 
know whether forsteri retains its prostrate habit in cultivation.—J. E. 

155/14. Trirotium strictum L. 52, Anglesey. ‘Gathered on a wild 
uncultivated heath about 3 miles north of Aberffraw, Anglesea, nearly 
in the centre of the island, in abundance covering a space of 50 yards 
square and to all appearance undoubtedly indigenous’. W. F. Dickin- 
son, June 1837. Ex Hb. Leighton, 1858, Hb. C. C. Babington, Hb. 
Univ. Cantab. See Griffith, J. K., Flora of Anglesey and Caernarvon- 
shire (1895) 36, where Dr. Dickinson’s find is reported but dismissed by 
the author who, having searched the area thoroughly in vain, finding 
Trifolum arvense, suggested that TJ. strictwm had been reported in 
error for this species. This find was originally published in Bot. Gazette, 
1, (1849) 28, by Leighton who says that he has an undetermined specimen 
in his herbarium which was given to him by Mr. F. Dickinson in June 
1837. On comparing the specimen with the plate of T. strictum recently 


published he is in no doubt that his specimen is 7. strictum. His final 
sentence is still valid. ‘It may therefore be well to record this, that 
botanists may next season search the locality and confirm the above 
or otherwise’.—F. H. PERRING. 

217/1(2). CaLLiItRIcCHE pLatTycaRPA Kiitz., 1831, Monogr. Calli- 
tricharum Germ., in Reichenbach, H. G. L. Iconogr. bot. pl. crit., 9, 38. 
Common in Great Britain. 

In his description of C. platycarpa Kiitzing states that it differs 
from C. stagnalis Scop. by having linear young leaves, linear stem 
leaves, and fruits a little smaller with the carpels less divergent. 
Schotsman (1954), in the Netherlands, records that C. platycarpa and 
C. stagnalis are two quite distinct species than can readily be separated 
from each other by cytological and morphological characters. Material 
of these two species collected in Britain, by the author of this note, 
during 1954 and 1955, supports Schotsman’s observations. The two 
species can readily be separated when they have mature fruit, the 
mature fruit of C. platycarpa being as long as broad, normally 1-2 to 
1-4 mm. Xx 1:2 to 1:4 mm., whereas the fruits of C. stagnalis are broader 
than long, normally 1-4 to 165mm. x 1-3 to 1:55 mm., but there are 
exceptions which suggest that C. platycarpa may consist of two or more 
distinct entities. Cytological investigation of some 200 gatherings 
collected in Cheshire and North Wales has shown that C. stagnalis 
has 2n=10, and C. platycarpa 2n= 20. 

In Britain, before the publication of Hegelmaier’s monograph of the 
genus in 1864, C. stagnalis was usually regarded as a mud form of U. 
platycarpa, but after this publication C. platycarpa soon lost species 
rank in Britain and during the past few decades it has been regarded 
as a linear-leaved form of C, stagnalis. Examination of British her- 
barium material has shown that the majority of records of C. polymorpha 
Lonnr., C. palustris L. (C. verna L.), and linear-leaved forms of C. 
stagnalis, can be referred to C. platycarpa, which appears to be common 
throughout Great Britain. 

Distribution maps of all the British species of Callitriche are being 
prepared and material, preferably fresh, would be most gratefully 
received.—J. P. SAVIDGE. 

HEGELMAIER, F., 1864, Monogr. d. Gattung Callitriche. 
SCHOTSMAN, H. D., 1954, A taxonomic spectrum of the section Eu-Callitriche in 
the Netherlands, Acta Bot. Neerl., 3, 318-384. 

463/4. LystMAcHIA NUMMULARIA L. T. G. Tutin, in Clapham, Tutin 
& Warburg, Flora of the British Isles (1950), 806, says of Lysimachia 
nummularia fruit apparently never produced in Britain’. Ripe capsules 
were, however, found on this species at Spar Pools, Yate (v.c. 34, W. 
Glos.), on September 4, 1955. The plants were growing along the sides 
and bottom of a dry ditch which normally drains away surface water 
from strontium workings nearby. The flowering parts of the plants 


were in full light, in a part of the ditch where there was almost no 
other vegetation (a few seedlings of Juncus and grass species only). The 
soil is a heavy clay. 

In all, fourteen capsules with seeds were obtained. One was ripe 
already, the rest were ripened off at home, and seemed to be quite nor- 
mal. In five of them, however, the seeds had shrivelled away in the 
pits in the placenta and in the others many of the seeds were shrunken 
or small. On other plants under observation capsules developed until 
they were about 2 mm. in diameter and then progressed no further. 
The naturally ripened capsule had ten ripe seeds and the rest from two 
to six seeds. 

The calyx lobes, which exceeded the capsule, closed over the young 
capsule but later became patent or more or less reflexed, and remained 
green or pale brown (the calyx of unfertilized material withers and 
turns rusty red as soon as the flower fades). 

The capsules were suborbicular, 2-2-3-5 mm., pale brown when ripe, 
with linear orange glands. The seeds were 1:0-1‘5 mm., dark brown/ 
black, trigonous (sometimes with two sides concave and one convex), 
densely warted with blunt, transparent warts, visible under lens at the 

I am indebted to Mr. N. Y. Sandwith for the description of Con- 
tinental material by W. Ludi in Hegi, JIl. Fl. Mittel-Huropa, 3, 1854 
(1927). It seems that the Yate capsules are smaller (Ludi gives 4-5 mm.), 
but the size of the seeds is similar.—G. W. GaRtLick. 

465/1. TRIENTALIS EUROPAEA L. This species was discovered in 
September 1955, very locally abundant in a boggy birch-alder wood in 
N.E. Suffolk. Its previously known range did not extend nearer 
to East Anglia than the north Yorkshire moors west of Scarborough and 
the north Yorkshire Pennines in Upper Wharfedale. Like Goodyera 
repens in Norfolk pine woods it may be a genuine native which has ex- 
tended its range into suitable lowland habitats.—F. Ross. 

513(2)/1. Dichondra repens J. R. & G. Forst., 1776, Charact. Gen. 
Plant., 40, 1, W. Cornw.; on sandhills at Hayle, 1955, Mrs. J. 
Russetu, Lt.-Col. J. Coprrneton and Miss M. McCattum WEssTER 
(May 19, in flower), Mrs. J. Russrett (July 9, in fruit). This plant 
belongs to Convolvulaceae, although some authors have segregated it into 
a distinct family, Dichondraceae. 

It is a small, softly pubescent plant with creeping stems, rooting at 
the nodes; leaves alternate, reniform or roundish-reniform, long- 
petioled, their blades 4-7 mm. long, 3-7 mm. broad, entire, rounded or 
retuse at the apex; flowers small, solitary, greenish-white, on bractless 
peduncles which are shorter than the petioles; calyx silky, 2-3 mm. 
long, of 5 distinct or nearly distinct, cuneate or cuneate-obovate sepals; 
corolla rotate or broadly campanulate, 5-lobed, more or less equalling 
the calyx; stamens 5, shorter than the corolla, with purplish anthers; 
pistils 2, distinct or nearly so, silky; styles 2; capsules 2 together, utricle- 


like, subtended by the persistent calyx, usually indehiscent, with 1 or 2 
seeds; seeds about 1 mm., nearly orbicular, brown. 

This species is a cosmopolitan weed in the tropics and warm temperate 
and temperate regions of the world.—J. RussELu. 

511. Catysteera. British material of Calystegia, as was first pointed 
out by J. E. Lousley (1948), is referable for the most part to two taxa, 
which have been treated as distinct species by most Continental authori- 
ties—C. semum (L.) R. Br. and the larger-flowered C. sylves- 
tris (Willd.) Roem. & Schult., with the characteristically infiated ‘calyx’ 
of bracteoles. The latter plant, apparently introduced into British 
gardens early in the nineteenth century (Loudon (1830) gives 1815 as the 
date of introduction) is now widespread throughout the British Isles, 
though often more or less obviously an escape from cultivation. In low- 
land England, at least, it is generally quite distinct from C. sepium; 
thus, in Cambs. (v.c. 29) it occurs almost exclusively in hedgerows near 
houses, whilst C. sepiwm occurs both in these localities and in native fen 
habitats also. Intermediates do, however, not infrequently occur; these 
may possess varying combinations of the characters of the two species, 
and might reasonably be presumed to be of hybrid origin. 

Typical C. sepiwm and C. sylvestris are white-flowered, though pink 
forms otherwise referable to one or other of these species undoubtedly 
occur. Investigation of pink-flowered Calystegias in Britain has, how- 
ever, shown that the commonest plant is referable to neither species, 
but is clearly Calystegia dahurica (Herbert) G. Don (Convolvulus 
dahuricus Herbert in Sims (1825, Bot. Mag., 53, t. 2609). This plant 
differs not only in its characteristic deep pink flower colour, but also in 
showing a varying degree of hairiness on stem, petiole, pedicel and even 
leaf under-surface, a varying development of a repand margin to the 
pedicel-ridges, and a characteristic narrow leaf-shape and rather thick 
texture. Further, its flowers are typically intermediate in size and 
bracteole shape between C. sepium and C. sylvestris. Indeed, the com- 
bination of characters shown is such that C. dahurica is more clearly 
distinct from C. sepiwm and C. sylvestris than these are from each other. 

The origin of (. dahurica is apparently to be traced to the St. Peters- 
burg botanic garden, whence the seed was sent by Baron Fischer. The 
taxonomic relationships of the plant to C. sepium and allied taxa are as 
yet very imperfectly investigated; it seems probable that C. dahurica 
represents a possible hybrid product of the strongly hairy, pink-flowered 
EK. Asiatic C. pellita (Ledeb.) G. Don and C. sepiwm, but further in- 
vestigations are needed on this point. 

Another question as yet unsolved is the relationship of ‘Convolvulus 
Seprwm (8) americanus’ of Bot. Mag,, 19-20, t. 732 to the three pink- 
flowered forms here mentioned. It seems possible that at least one other 
pink-flowered plant was introduced into British gardens from N. 
America in the early nineteenth century, and that this may still be 


Hylander (1949) has considered the taxonomy and nomenclature of 
the pink-flowered Calystegias in Scandinavia. It would seem that the 
plant introduced into Swedish gardens and generally known as ‘var. 
americanus’ is distinct from a larger-flowered plant which Hylander 
accepts as the pink form of C. sylvestris; it is tempting to suppose that 
Hylander’s ‘var. americanus’ plants are at least in part referable to C. 
dahurica, especially as he comments on the hairiness of some of the 

The persistence of C. dahurica as a cottage garden hedge plant and 
garden outcast is a tribute to its vigorous powers of vegetative spreading, 
which may, however, be more limited than those of its relative C. syl- 
vestris. Limited field observations suggest that whereas the native (C. 
sepium sets good seed quite freely, C. sylvestris may be less fertile, and 
C. dahurica rarely ripens its capsules at all. It would be interesting to 
have further information on this point, which is obviously relevant to 
the question of hybridisation.—S. M. Watters & D. A. Wess. 


HYLANDER, N., 1949, Botaniska Notiser, 1949, 148. 
LOUDON, J. C., 1830, Hortus Britannicus, 64. 
MOUS Ibs 1926. Rep. Bot, Soc. & £.C% 79) 265. 

718/16b. JuNous TENUIS var. anthelatus Wieg., 1900, Bull. Torr. 
Bot. Club, 27, 523. 24, Bucks.; abundant in a gravel pit close to Denham 
Golf-club railway platform, 1955, Lonpon Naturat History Society 
Excursion, det. N. Y. SanpwitrnH. Plant taller and stiffer (5-9 dm. 
high); leaves broader; sheaths numerous and loose, often causing the 
base of the stem to appear stout. Inflorescence large, open and diffuse 
(5-15 em. long); flowers scattered and smaller (2-5-3-5 mm.): capsule not 
over three fourths the length of the perianth, round-ovate, shining. 
Native of the U.S.A.—D. H. Kent. 

747/3. FERtopHORUM GRACILE Roth. Hriophorwm gracile Roth is un- 
doubtedly one of the rarer British plants, for although there are accept- 
able records in the literature for seven vice-counties, it has been extinct 
in one of these (v.c. 65) for many years, and the basis for one other 
(v.c. 32) rests on a single specimen. Moreover, even where twentieth 
century records exist (v.ce. 5, 9, 11, 12 and 17) the information suggests 
that nowhere does the plant occur in any abundance. The discovery of 
an entirely new locality in an area from which the Eriophorum has 
never been recorded is therefore a matter of some interest and im- 
portance. This discovery was made by Mr. G. H. Rocke in the Broads 
area of East Norfolk (v.c. 27) in July 1955. Mr. Rocke, who does not 
wish to publish more precisely the locality because the plant is only in 
small quantity, has provided a voucher specimen (now in Hb. Univ. 
Cantab.) and some notes on which the following description of the 
habitat is based. 

The Eriophorum was growing in a mixed fen community, not in 
Sphagnum as in its other described localities (though Sphagnum 


occurred nearby about 25 yards away). Nine or ten flowering spikes 
were noted, growing singly and separated by a yard or two from each 
other. The associated species included:—Briza media L., Caltha 
palustris L., Carex appropinquata Schumach., Epipactis palustris (L.) 
Crantz, Eriophorum angustifoium Honck., Galium uliginosum L., 
Hypericum tetrapterum Fr., Juncus subnodulosus Schrank, Lychnis 
flos-cuculi L., Lythrwm salicaria L., Phragmites communis Trin., Salix 
cinerea L. agg., Thelypteris palustris Schott, and Valeriana dioica L. 
Although the Hriophorwm is not in any sense a critical species it 
could be quite easily overlooked, especially when growing with its com- 
mon and variable relative, HE. angustifoliwm Honck. Its diagnostic 
features include: 
(a) roughly-hairy peduncles (EZ. angustifolium has glabrous 
(b) short, obtuse-tipped leaves (EZ. angustifolitum has longer 
leaves with long triquetrous points) 
(c) ovate, rather blunt glumes without scarious margin (LE. 
angustifolium has lanceolate acuminate glumes with a broad 
scarious margin) 

EL. latifolium Hoppe, which also has hairy peduncles, differs in being 
tufted, not rhizomatous, and in having broader, flat leaves. 

Sowerby (1870) has an excellent illustration of EH. gracile, drawn 
from material from the now extinct Whitemoor locality in Surrey (cf. 
Garry (1904)). Townsend (1904) gives a very good description, based on 
New Forest specimens, and Beeby (1885) describes the habit of growth 
in Sphagnum in a Surrey station.—S. M. Watters. 


BEEBY, W. H., 1885, J. Bot. 23, 311. 
GARRY, F. N., 1904, Notes on the drawings for ‘English Botany’, suppl. J. Bot., 


SYME, J. T. B. (Ed.), 1870, Sowerby’s English Botany, vol. 10, 74. (English 
Botany, Supplement, t. 2886.) 

TOWNSEND, F., 1904, Flora of Hampshire, Ed. 2, 645. 

767/1. Hierocnior oporata (L.) Beauv. As one of the members 
of the Galloway Meeting this summer which recorded Hierochloe odorata 
on the Kirkcudbright shore I was interested to discover whether or not 
this was a new locality. The evidence is that it is not but it also 
happens that there are at least two known localities in the Stewartry. 

The earliest record is apparently from the shore near Rerrick in 
25/74 and was first published, so I am informed by Dr. H. Milne- 
Redhead, in the Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Antiquarian 
Society, 1900-01. In the botanical notes for 1899 J. McAndrew says 
‘In conclusion IT may refer to the excellent discovery last summer of 
Hierochloe on the Rerrick Shore.’? This would be the same locality to 
which Druce refers in the Annals of Scottish Natural History, 
1911, 74, where he writes ‘Still exists in small quantity on the 
Kirkcudbright Coast’, as there is a specimen in the Herbarium at Cam- 


bridge so labelled collected in 1910 and another in Oxford University 
Herbarium dated May 1910 and labelled by Druce ‘The Heughs, Rer- 

This is not the locality discovered this summer. The second locality 
is further west and may have been first discovered by C. Waterfall who 
has a specimen in the Herbarium at Oxford labelled ‘between Gate- 
house and Creetown, 1927’. Such a description would fit our locality 
and is probably the same as that found by Dr. G. Taylor a few years 
Therefore in 1955 it is true to say that Hverochloe ‘still exists in 
small quantity on the Kirkcudbright coast’ but this need not refer 
only to the locality Druce had in mind; whether the plant is still at 
Rerrick is uncertain.—F. H. PERRING. 

788/1. Lacurus ovatus L._ S., Jersey. Ex Hb. W. H. White, 
Ex Hb. Soc. Bot. Lond., Jan. 1838, Hb. Univ. Cantab. G. C. Druce 
(J. Bot., 31, 22 (1893)) reports that he discovered a good patch of Lagurus 
gerowing on the sands at St. Ouen’s Bay in 1877 but subsequently ascer- 
tained that the seed had been intentionally sown there the previous 
year. If the label on the Hb. Univ. Cantab. specimen is to be relied 
upon it suggests either that the species had been introduced to Jersey 
many years earlier than had been realised or that Lagurus was origin- 
ally a native which may or may not have become extinct before being 
introduced artificially. —F:. H. PErrine. 

840/1. Taxus Baccata L. 15, E. Kent; chalky slope, Gorham Wood, 
Bicknor, 1953, among normal yews one bush occurred with unusually 
short foliage 7-11 mm. long. This bush, found by the writer in company 
with Messrs. EK. Milne-Redhead, N. Y. Sandwith, V. S. Summerhayes 
and P. Taylor, was 3 metres high with patent branches, and gave the 
impression of being a chance mutant from the normal yews around. 

Various yews with shorter foliage than normal are in cultivation but 
none of these seems to match our plant exactly. The nearest appears 
to be what Rehder, Bibl. Cult. Trees and Shrubs, 3 (1949) calls T. baccata 
f. adpressa (Carr.) Beisn., Syst. Kintheil. Conif., 23 (1887) (T. adpressa 
Carr. in Rev. Hort., 1855, 95. This differs from the normal yew not 
only in its foliage but also apparently in its denser branching.— 
J. P. M. Brenan. 


Compiled by E. C. WatuLacr 

Records are for the year 1955 when no date is given. 

The following signs are used :— 

§ before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the paragraph con- 
tains information necessitating a correction to an annotated 
copy of the Comital Flora. 

t before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the plant is not a 
native species in the British Isles. 

t before the record: to indicate a species which, though native in 
some parts of the British Isles, is not so in the locality recorded. 

* before the record: to indicate a new vice-county record, not pub- 

lished previously to this issue of the Proceedings. 

before the record: to indicate a record additional to an anno- 

tated copy of Comital Flora, but published elsewhere prior to the 

issue of the Proceedings in which it appears. 

[ ] enclosing a record: to indicate doubt as to the validity of the 

record, either of identification or locality. 


It will be useful if, in future, National Grid Co-ordinates, made as 
accurate as is thought advisable, are added to all records. 

1/1. Crrmatis viTarsa LL. 73, Kirkeudbr.; sheltered wooded 
ravine, Carsluith, EK. I. Breear, D. E. Nort, F. H. Perrine and D. E. 

§2/2. THarictrum minus L. agg. *73, Kirkcudbr.; roadside, edge 
of Wood of Cree, and by river edge of wood, J. F. and P. C. Hatt, 
conf. A. MELDERIS. 74, Wigtown.; Barnkirk, E. I. Breear, F. H. 
Perrine and D. EK. pp Vestan. 98, Argyll.; calcareous rocks of Meall 
nan Gabhar, a small colony at 1,500 ft., 1954, K. N. G. MacLray. 

6/6. Ranuncunus tinaua L. +21, Middx.; pond, Potters Bar, S. 
PHELP, comm. D. H. Kent. 

§6/9. Ranuncutus arvensis L. *95, Elgin; shingle at mouth of 
Spey, Garmouth, Miss G. Harnes, comm. M. McCattum Wesster. 

§6/22. Ranuncutus tTRICcHOPHYLLUS Chaix. *108, W. Sutherland; 
ditch near Tongue, M. McCattum Wensster, det. P. D. Setx. 

§6/29. Ranuncutus TrRipartitus DC. *9, Dorset; deep pond, Lower 
Common, near Potterne, Verwood, 1917, J. H. Santrr, comm, Nar. 
Mus. WaAtes. 


7/lc. CALTHA PALUSTRIS var. GUERANGERI (Bor.) Lamotte. 36, 
Hereford.; Eastnor, F. M. Day. 

22/1. Merconorsis camsBrica (L.) Vig. +74, Wigtown.; garden 
escape, Isle of Whithorn, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

§23/1. Guauctum FLAvuUM Crantz. *101, Kintyre; shingle on west 
coast of Kintyre, 8 miles north of Campbeltown, M. H. CUNNINGHAM. 

§32/1b. FUMARIA CAPREOLATA var. BABINGTONIZ Pugsl. *106, E. Ross; 
Kilmuir, Black Isle, 1947, U. K. Duncan, det. N. Y. SANDWITH. 

35/5. Roripra austRiaca (Crantz) Bess. 56, Notts.; bank of river 
Erewash, 1953, R. C. L. Howirt, det. R. H. Hatt. 

§36/1. BarBarea stricta Andrz. *56, Notts. ; Nottingham Meadows, 
Mot, RK. C. L.vHowrrt. 

§36/5. BARBAREA INTERMEDIA Bor. 56, Notts.; arable field weed, 
Bathley, 1952, R. C. L. Howirr. *74, Wigtown.; arable field west of 
Kirkeowan, F. H. Perrine and D. E. pr VEstan. 

§44/1. Wropnina verna (L.) Chevall. *74, Wigtown.; sandy shore, 
New England Bay, Mull of Galloway, A. M. Strruine. {77, Lanark. ; 
bare stony ground by Logan House, south west of Lesmahagow, 1953, 
A. A. Stack. {86, Stirling; Basalt crag near Fintry, A. M. Strruine 
and A. A. Snack. *91, Kincard.; gravel path in gardens of Glenbervie 
House, J. C..Garpiner, det. G. Taytor. 199, Dunbarton.; wall top, 
Loch Lomond side, near Balloch, A. M. Srirtine. £100, Clyde Isles; 
stony road verge south of Whiting Bay, 1954, A. M. Srirzine and A. A. 
Stack. 101, Kintyre; Machrihanish Links, 1952, E. C. Wattacr and 
K.N.G. MacLeay. For earlier records see J. R. Lee, Flora of the Clyde 
Area (1933). 

§44/2. ERopHina spatHunaTa Lang. 44, Carm.; Carreg Common, 
I. M. Vaughan (1955, Nature in Wales, 1, 80). 

§45/7. CocHLEARIA DANICA L. *74, Wigtown.; locally common 
around the Mull of Galloway, as at West Tarbert ; alle south of Ls 
Logan, A. A. Stack and A. M. Strrirne. 

147/2. Hesperis matronatis L. 74, Wigtown.; waste ground by 
river Cree near centre of Newton Stewart, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

§t49/4. SrsyMBRIUM ORTENTALE L. *56, Notts.; Mill Gate Dump, 
Newark, 1949, R. C. L. Howirt, det. R. W. Butcuer. *74, Wigtown.; 
waste ground on jetty, Garliestown, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howirr. 

49/5. Stsymprium rrto L. 3, S. Devon.; Exeter Docks, R. C. L. 
Howitt, det. A. MELperts. | 


49/7. ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (L.) Heynh. 91, Kincard.; weed in 
gardens of Glenbervie House, Drumlithie, 1951-53, J. C. GarpIner. 

154/20. Erucastrum catiicum (Willd.) O. E. Schulz. 56, Notts.; 
lime quarry, Barnstone, 1950, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. R. W. BurcHer, 
as Brassica gallica Willd. 

§55/1. Dr1pLoTAxIs TENUIFOLIA (L.) DC. *T56, Notts.; lime quarry, 
Barnstone, 1950, R. C. L. Howirt, det. R. W. ButcHer. 

+61/24. Leprptum NEGLECTUM Thell. 56, Notts.; Mill Gate Dump, 
Newark, 1949, R. C. L. Howirt, det. A. J. Wimmortt. 

66/1. © TkESDALIA NuDIcAULIS (l.) R.Br. 49, Caern.; open ground 
north-east end Mynydd Rhiw, at 750 ft., Lleyn, A. Conotty. 74, Wig- 
town.; Torrs Warren, Luce Dunes, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

67/1. HoRNUNGIA PETRAFA (L.) Reichb. 49, Caern.; calcareous sand 
dunes, Abersoch, Lleyn, 1954, A. Conotty and P. M. Smirn. 

+76/3. RapistrRuM ruGcosuM (L.) All. 56, Notts.; river Trent side, 
Farndon, 1952, R. C. L. Howrrtr. 

§89/4. PoLyGaLa oxypTERA Reichb, *101, Kintyre; Muasdale Glen 
and Clockheil Links, West Kintyre, M. H. CunnIneHam. 

89/5.  PoLyGaLA cALCAREA F'. Schultz. 34, W. Glos.; (5) two 
small colonies in calcareous pasture north-east of Hawkesbury Upton, 
G. W. Garlick (1955, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 18). 

§92/3. DrantrHus ARMERIA L. *56, Notts.: roadside, Farndon, 
1952, R. C: L: Howrrr. 

§95/1. SapoNnaRIa oFFIcINALIS L. *195, Elgin; railway line, Elgin, 
1951, R. Ricuter. *+96, Easterness; roadside east of Croy: 96b, Nairn; 
common by river Nairn, Holme Rose, M. McCattum WeEsstTeErR. 

§96/3. Sruenr contca L. *t56, Notts.; one plant on newly sown 
lawn, Farndon, 1950, R. GC. L. Howrrr. 

98(2)/1. Mertanprium atBpum (Mill.) Garcke. 73, Kirkeudbr.; 
rubbish-tip near Blackcraig about 2 miles east of Newton Stewart, E. I. 
Breaar, J. F..and P. C. Haun. 

§101/2. SreLtnarRIA NEMORUM L. *56, Notts.: Clifton Grove by 
Nottingham, 1954, R. C. L. Howrrr. 

§101/4.  Srrenarta NEGLECTA Weihe. *101, Kintyre; seashore, burn- 
side, Glenbarr, West Kintyre, M. H. Cunnincuam. 


§102/10. Mainuartra verna (L.) Hiern. *86, Stirling; basalt crags 
(1,000 ft.) } mile north-east of Craigton, Fintry, A. M. StTIRLInec. 

§103/7. Sacina ciumata Fr. *74, Wigtown.; old walls, Port Logan, 
Mull of Galloway; old walls by jetty, Garliestown, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. 

§103/8. Saerna aperata Ard. *56, Notts.; waste ground, Cropwell 
Bishop, 1950, R. C. L. Howitt. 

§103/10. Sacrina MaRITIMA Don ex Sm. *35, Mon.; dried muddy 
path and stone-work of sea wall, Rumney; St. Brides Wentllog, A. E. 

105/1. Spercunarta RupIcoLA Lebel ex Le Jolis. 49, Caern.; rocks 
by sea, Porth Iago, Porth Golman and Traeth Penllech near Llangwnadl, 
Lleyn; on drift cliff Gallt-y-M6ér near Llanfaelrhys, Lleyn, A. ConoLiy 
and P. M. Smit. 

4108/1. CLAYTONIA ALSINOIDES Sims. 52, Anglesey; woods, Bode- 
dern, F. C. G. GoueH, comm. Nat. Mus. WALEs. 

4108/2. CrxayToNnIA PERFOLIATA Donn ex Willd. 74, Wigtown.; road- 
side wall near Manse, one mile south of Sandhead, A. A. Stack and 
A. M. Srtrrqiine. 

112/12. Hypericum MACULATUM Crantz. 95, Elgin; Moy House, 
Forres, M. McCattum WessTER, det. N. Rosson (as subsp. maculatum) : 
banks of Findhorn river north of Greshop Woods, Forres; rough ground 
near curling pond, Grantown-on-Spey, M. McCattum Wepsster, det. N. 
Rosson (as subsp. obtusiusculum (Tourlet) Hayek), 

§127/7. GERANIUM PYRENAICUM Burm. f. {44, Carm.; hedgebank, 
Aberglasney, Mrs. ENTHovEN, comm. Nat. Mus. Wates. Already in 
C.F. but the record on which the entry was based was an error.—EbD. 

128/1. Eroprium maritimum (L.) L’Hérit. 74, Wigtown.; bare 
sandy places among rocks, East Tarbet Bay, Mull of Galloway, A. A. 
Suack and A. M. Srtrriine. 

128/3. Eroprum cicuTarium subsp. DUNENSE Andreas. 56, Notts.; 
Pusto Hill, Everton, R. C. L. Howirt, det. E. F. Warsure. 

128/3c. ERropium GLUTINOosuM Dum. *74, Wigtown.; Torrs Warren, 
Luce Dunes, J. F. and P. C. Hatt, conf. A. MELpERIs. 

§+132/2. Oxatis cornicutata L. 31, Hunts.; roadside, Elton Vil- 
lage, 1951, J. L. Gilbert, det. S. M. Walters and D. P. Young (1952, 
Ann. Rep. Hunts. Fauna & Flora Soc., 1951, 17). *56, Notts.; garden 
weed, Farndon, 1950, R. C. L. Howirt, 1950, det. D. P. Youne (as var. 
microphylla. A. Cunn.). 


§$132/3. OxaLis EUROPAEA Jord. *56, Notts.; garden weed, Farn- 
don, 1950, R. C. L. Howitt, det. D. P. Youne. 

7132/8. Oxatis coRymBosA DC. 56, Notts.; garden weed, Farn- 
don, known for about 50 years, R. C. L. Howitt, det. D. P. Youne. 

1132/10. Oxants IncaRnata L. 56, Notts.; garden weed, Farndon, 
1954, R. C. L. Howitt, det. D. P. Youne. 

1133/2. ImpatTIENS cApENSIS Meerb. 56, Notts.; Willowholt, 
Farndon, 1948, R. C. L. Howirt. 

§+133/3. ImpatTreENS PARVIFLORA DC. $36, Heretord.; Kington; 
Pembridge (1955, Trans. Woolhope N.F.C., 34, 302). *56, Notts.; 
builder’s yard, Newark, 1947, R. C. L. Howirr. 

§+133/4. ImpaTiIENS GLANDULIFERA Royle. *11, S. Hants.; waste 
ground, Southampton, M. Cote. *56, Notts.; river Trent side, Thorpe, 
1948, R. C. L. Howirr. *74, Wigtown.; garden and roadbank on Stran- 
raer road west of Glenluce, J. F. and P. ©. Hatz: round the Doctor’s 
Pond, Ardwell, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howirr. 

149/3. Uxex minor Roth. 56, Notts.; Boughton Breck, 1953, 
R. C. L. Howitt, det. A. MELDERIS. 

§153/1. Mepicaco ratcaTta L. *156, Notts.; waste ground, Newark, 
1951, R. C. L. Howirt, det. J. E. Loustey. 

§153/2. Merpitcaco xX vaRIA Martyn. *1t56, Notts.; waste ground, 
Newark, 1953, R. C. L. Howirrt. 

§¢155/4. TrirotiIum Incarnatum L. *56, Notts.; railway bank, 
Rampton, R. C. L. Howirr. 

§155/14. Trrrottum strictum L. *52, Anglesey.—See Plant Notes. 
§160/8. Lotus aneustisstmus L. *49, Caern.; between Tremadoc 
and Tan-y-bwlch, 1863, S. H. Brokuam (Hb. Cantab.), det. F. H. 

Perrine, conf. S. M. WALTERs. 

+166/6. AsTRAGALUS opoRATUS Lam. 56, Notts.; river Trent side. 
Newark, 1952, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. A. Metperts. 

§t170/1. Coronitia varta L. *56, Notts.; waste ground, Newark, 
1951, R. C. L. Howirt. 

§176/7. Vuicra srraynica (L.) L. *74, Wigtown.; cliffs at Port Castle 
Bay, B.S.B.1. Gattoway MEBRTING. 


176/9. Vicra tuteA L. 111, S. Hants.; waste ground, Southamp- 
ton, M. Cone. +23, Oxon.; edge of quarry, now filled with water, Son- 
ning Eye, 1954, F. H. PErRRING. 

178/3. Laruyrus tuserosus L. 19, Dorset.; edge of cornfield, 
Fleet, Miss P. M. Wricut, comm. EK. B. Bancerter. 115, E. Kent; 
orchard, Hales Place, Canterbury, F. Rose. 

§+178/7. LatHyrus uirsutus L. *22, Berks.; downs above Aston 
Tirrold, Lapy SEvreRN, conf. E. Ff. Warsure. 

178/8.  Latuyrus nissontia L. 31, Hunts.; rough grassland, Spald- 
wick, 1954, F. H. Perrine. 

§183/2. Prunus papus L. {t31, Hunts.; spinney, Huntingdon, 
probably planted, 1953, Huntingdon Grammar School (1954, Ann. Rep. 
Hunts. Fauna & Flora Soc., 1953, 18). 

185/38. Rusus saactnratus Willd. 6, N. Som.; summit of 
Blackdown on Mendip, Dr. David Prowse (1955, Proc. Bristol Nats. 
Soc., 29, 19). 

190/4. ALCHEMILLA VESTITA (Buser) Raunk. 56, Notts.; Papple- 
wick, 1951, R. C. L. Howitt, det. S. M. Watters. 

190(2)/1. APHANES ARVENSIS L. H.15, S.E. Galway; Lough Derg 
near Woodford, U. K. Duncan, conf. S. M. Watters. 

§190(2)/2. APHANES MICROCARPA (Boiss. & Reut.) Rothm. “%31, 
Hunts.; Holme Lode Covert, Holme Fen, 1954, J. L. Ginpert, conf. S. 
M. Watters. *36, Hereford.; dry gravelly places on the Malvern Hills, 
Colwall, F. M. Day, det. S. M. Watters. *41, Glam.; Penard and 
Oxwich Burrows, A. E. Wave. *56, Notts.; Langford Moor, 1951, R. C. 
L. Howitt, det. S. M. Watters. 73, Kirkcudbr.; woodland, Ravens- 
hall, F. H. Perrine. *74, Wigtown.; Torrs Warren, Luce Dunes, J. F. 
and P. C. Hatt: roadside, Mochrum Loch, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. 
Howitt: quarry, Linloskin Bridge, E. I. Briecar, F. H. Perrine and 
D. E. pe Vesian, all det. S. M. Watrers. *H. 35, W. Donegal; 
Lackagh Bridge, U. K. Duncan, conf. S. M. Watters. 

191/1. AGRimonta EUPAToRIA L. 97, (Argyll.); bushy places on 
sea-cliffs near Mingary, Ardnamurchan, A. A. Snack and A. M. 

1192/1. ACAENA ANSERINIFOLIA (J. R. & G. Forst.) Druce. 3, S. 
Devon.; by roadside over a small common, with gorse, etc., Fortescue 
Road, Salcombe, 1953, J. P. M. Brenan. 

195/22. Sorsus pEvoniensis E. F. Warb. 4, N. Devon.; small 
lane south of Fremington, three bushes, Mrs. C. M. A. Capruu, det. 
K. F. Warzure. 


196/2. CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHOIDES Thuill. 36, Hereford.; one 
bush in-hedge of woodland coppice, Evendine, Colwall, probably planted, 
BoM Day. 

Wood, Forres, Miss M. Murray, comm. M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§207/5, Rises atprinum L. *+t56, Notts.; Hardwick, R. C. L. 
Howitt. But see Top. Bot., 174. 

§211/1. Sepum TELEPHIUM L. {31, Hunts.; margin of Perry Wood, 
Great Staughton, in one place only, 1954, R. Fraser (1955, Ann. Rep. 
Hunts. Fauna & Flora Soc., 1954, 17). 

1211/1(2). Sepum spurium  Bieb. 73, Kirkcudbr.; roadside, 
Minnigaff, Newton Stewart, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

$220/7(2). Epitoptum ADENocAULON Hausskn. 3, S. Devon.; road- 
side, Sidmouth, A. E. Wane. 

§220/12. EprLoBiuM ALSINIFoLIUM Vill. *95, Elgin; Cromdale Hills, 
1955, M. McCattum WesstTeER, conf. G. M: AsH. 

§220/13. EprLoBIuM ANAGALLIDIFOLIUM Lam. *95, Elgin; Cromdale 
Hills, M. McCattum WEBSTER. : 

§1220/17. Epirosptum PEDUNCULARE Cunn. *14, E. Sussex; path 
near Kast Grinstead, D. Srreerer. *73, Kirkcudbr.; waste ground by 
roadside, south end of Clétteringshaws Loch, E. I. Breear and F. H. 
Perrine. *96, Easterness; quarry near Croy: 96b, Nairn; Dallaschyle, 
near Cawdor, M. McCattum WeEpss TER. 

1244/2. Smyrnium peRFouIaAtumM L. 33, E. Glos.; Stow-on-the- 
Wold, Miss Taytor, comm. C. W. BANNISTER. 

§245/3. BurteurumM rotunpiFoLIuM L. *69b, N. Lancs.; near 
Coniston, 1955, E. V. Watson. 

248/1, CrcuTa virosa L. 8&8, Mid Perth; near Comrie by the road 
to Druimintavour, J. D. Forrest, comm. A. M. Strrurme. 

§¢252/1. Fatcarta vutearts Bernh. *9, Dorset.; edge of cornfield, 
Fleet, Miss P. M. Wrieut, comm. EF. B. BANGERTER. 

§266/1. ArtHusa cynarium L. *107, E. Sutherland; field border- 
ing the Back Road, Golspie, one plant, J. Dickson. 

§269/1. Srmaum SILAUs (L.) Schinz & Thell. *74, Wigtown.; grass 
field by roadside, Mochrum Loch, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howirr. 


§306/2. Dresacus pitosus L. *4, N. Devon.; The Tors, Ilfracombe, 
1947, '. M. GizBert, comm. J. L. GILBERT. 

+320/3. EXRIGERON CANADENSIS L. 56, Notts.; gravel pits, Farndon, 
1948, R. C. L. Howitt. 

328/1. GNaPHALIUM LuTEoALBUM L. 27, HE. Norfolk; waste 
ground, Buxton Heath, Hevingham, 1954, A. C. Jury. 

§+333/1. Inuta HELENIUM L. *4, N. Devon.; lane near Saunton 
Court, Mrs. I. M. Grose. 

333/5. Inu~aA critrHmMorpEs L. 74, Wigtown.; in considerabie 
quantity on a rock promontory about 4 mile west of West Tarbet, Mull 
of Galloway, A. A. Stack and A. M. STIRuine. 

§368/2. ANTHEMIS NoBILIS L. *49, Caern.; farm field, Ty’n-y-cae 
near Llangian, Lleyn; margin of pond, Mynydd Cilan, Lleyn, A. 
ConoLty, conf. T. G. Turin. 

1378/21. ARTEMISIA VERLOTORUM Lamotte. 20, Herts; side of Great 
North Road near Welwyn, 1953, T. G. Cotuert, comm. D. H. Kent. 

§+380/3. PrrasitEs FRAGRANS (Vill.) C. Presl. *27, E. Norfolk; 
roadside near Horsey, T. G. Turtmn. *56, Notts.; river bank, Newark 
Castle, 1949, R. C. L. Howirt. *74, Wigtown.; waste ground behind 
Newton Stewart gas works, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

§383/8. SrmNnEcIo viscosus L. *f56, Notts.; old lime pit, Staunton, 
1948, R. C. L. Howirt. 

§395/3. CarpuUUS TENUIFLORUS Curt. {f36, Hereford.; Hereford 
railway station (1955, Trans. Woolhope N.F.C,, 34, 302). 74, Wigtown. ; 
Monreith Bay, E. I. Biecar and D. EH. pr Vestn. 

396/1b. CrrsIUM ERIOPHORUM subsp. BRITANNICUM Petrak. 28, W. 
Norfolk; calcareous grassland, Scanning, K. Durrant, comm. Mrs. J. 

396/3. CrrsIUM HETEROPHYLLUM (L.) Hill. 73, Kirkcudbr.; road 
verge near Boreland Ledge, ? garden escape, J. F. and P. C. Hatu. 

1409/2. CicHorIUM ENDIVIA L. 56, Notts.; sandy field, Girton, 
1953, R. C. L. Howrrt. 

Hieractum all det. or conf. by P. D. Setn and C. West. 
419/54. Hieractum arcenteum Fr. 48, Mer.; Cynfal river, Fes- 
tiniog, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/55. Hreractum vaGEeNsE Ley. 49, Caern.; east end of road 
tunnel near Penmaenmawr, C. EK. A. ANDREWS. 


419/149. Higractum vuLeatum Fr. *37, Wores.; Acocks Green, 
Birmingham; Grimes Hill, near Earlswood: *38, Warw.; Shirley; Earls- 
wood; Bearley, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/166. Hieractum AaNGLoRUM (Ley) Pugsl. 38, Warw.; Sutton 
Park; Edgbaston; Amington; Nuneaton; Gorcott Hill; Kenilworth; 
Earlswood; Chadwick End; Packwood: 48, Mer.; Cynfal Valley, near 
Festiniog, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/169. Hirractum strumMosuM (Ley) Ley. 37, Wores.; Moseley; 
Birmingham, 1954: 38, Warw.; Meriden; Coughton; Edgbaston; Earls- 
wood; Coleshill Heath, 1952: *46, Cards.; Craig-y-Fintan, Nant Ber- 
wyn, near Tregaron, C. EK. A. ANDREWS. 

419/191. Hirractum caLcaRicota (F. J. Hanb.) Roffey. *43, Rad- 
nor.; roadside 2 miles south of Llanbister, C. E. A. ANDREWs. 

419/198. HigRAcIUM PSEUDACRIFOLIUM Pugsl. *43, Radnor.; bank 
of river Wye, Llanstephan, 1953, C. E. A. ANDREWs. 

419/236. HirRAcIUM UMBELLATUM L. *43, Radnor.; main road one 
mile east of Cross Gates, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/239bis. H1reractuM PERPROPtNQUUM (Zahn) Druce, *37, Worcs. ; 
near Martley, 1953: *88, Warw.; Earlswood, 1952, C. E. A. ANDREWs. 

+419/257. Hipractum BRUNNEOCROCEUM Pugsl. *38, Warw.; Brown’s 
Coppice, Solihull, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

§439/1. Oxycocous paLustRIs Pers. 37, Worcs.; bog on Hartlebury 
Common, near Stourport, E. C. Watiace. Remove from brackets in C.F. 

§453/1b. PYROLA ROTUNDIFOLIA subsp. MARITIMA (Kenyon) E. F. 
Warb. *52, Anglesey; damp spot on fixed dunes, Newborough, 
R. H. Rosperts, comm. Nat. Mus. Watss. 

453/4. ORvTHILIA seEcuNDA (L.) House. 42, Brecon.; Craig Cerig- 
gleisiad, B. A. Mires, comm. Nat. Mus. WALEs. 

457/5. Limontum BINERVostm (G. E. Sm.) C. E. Salmon. 74, 
Wigtown.; several places west of West Tarbet and also at East Tarbet, 
Mull of Galloway, A. A. Stack and A. M. Srreuine. 

467 /2f. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS var. AZUREA Wilmott. 31, Hunts.; 

arable land, Hill Farm, Chesterton, J. H. Hovgutox, comm. J. L. 

§468/1. CrntuncuLus mintmus L. *73, Kirkcudbr.; wet track by 
side of Minnoch Water near Large Farm, J. F. and P. C. HAL, 


4473/3. VincA HERBACEA Waldst. & Kit. 41, Glam.; naturalised 
in a wood on the Dunraven Castle Estate, B. A. Mites, comm. Nar. 
Mus. WALES. 

+474/2. BUDDLEJA DAVIDI Franch. 8, S. Wilts.; on a chalk face, 
Pitton, near Salisbury, B. Hopxins. 

477/1. BUACKSTONIA PERFOLIATA (L.) Huds. 51, Flint; old limestone 
quarry near Pant y Wacco, 4 miles west of Holywell, A. M. Srrriine. 

478/2x1. CENTAURIUM LITTORALE X MINUS. 48, Mer.; dune slack, 
Morfa Dyffryn, P. M. BeEwnorr. 

§480/4. GENTIANELLA AMARELLA (L.) H. Sm. *31, Hunts.; on rough 
land between Grafham and Ellington, 1954, R. Fraser, comm. J. L. 

+497 /3. SYMPHYTUM ORIENTALE L. 56, Notts.; waste ground, 
Newark, 1953, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. A. E. Wane. 

500/1. PENTAGLOTTIS SEMPERVIRENS (L.) Tausch. *+56, Notts.; 
hedgebank, Lowdham, 1950, R. C. L. Howrrr. *+107, E. Sutherland; 
common on slopes of Dunrobin Castle, Golspie, J. Dickson. 

§507/1. LirgosPeERMUM OFFICINALE L. *97, (Argyll); among bushes 
near cliff-top, Mingary, Ardnamurchan, A. A. Stack and A. M. 

§+511/2. CaLySTEGIA SYLVESTRIS (Willd.) Roem. & Schult. 240) 
Caern.; garden weed, Llangwnadl, Lleyn, A. CoNnoLty. 1% 
Kirkeudbr.; roadside, Minnigaff, Newton Stewart, J. F. and P. C. 

515/3. Cuscura EpItHymum (L.) L. 32, Northants.; disused 
limestone quarry, Easton, near Stamford, mainly on Genista tinctoria, 
but also on Ononis spinosa and Galium verum, G. L. Smirn. 

§521/1. ATROPA BELLA-DONNA L. *56, Notts.; surrounding Nuthall 
Temple, 1952, R. C. L. Howirt. 

§527/4. VeERBAscum virGaTum Stokes. *56, Notts.; field side, 
Brough, 1951, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. J. E. Loustey. 

§7527/5. VERBASCUM BLATTARTIA L. 120, Herts; chalky fallow near 
Mile End Bottom, Royston, H. W. Payton, det. and comm. D. H. 
Kent. But see Fl. Herts., 296. 

§5382/7. CHAENORHINUM minus (L.) Lange. *+74, Wigtown.; rail- 
way line side behind Barlae Toll House, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howrrr: 
railway line, Kirkcowan, F. H. Perrine and D. E: pre VEsIAN. 


§535/3. SCROPHULARIA UMBROSA Dum. *95, Elgin; one plant on 
shingle at mouth of river Spey, Garmouth, W.F.S. Fretp MEETING, 
comm. M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

1537/1b. Mimutus tutTeus L. 42, Brecon.; streamside, Capel-y- 
fin, Mrs. K. F. Apams, comm. Nat. Mus. Watgs. 

§+543/41. VERONICA FILIFORMIS Sm. *59, S. Lanes.; limestone 
grassland, Downham, F. SiaTer. 

§545/2. KuPHRASIA BOREALIS Wettst. *74, Wigtown.; marsh 4 mile 
west of Kirkcowan, F. H. Prerrine and D. E. Dr Vestan, det. P. F. 

§545/3. EUPHRASIA BREVIPILA Burnat & Gremli. *73, Kirkcudbr.; 
Ravenshall Cliffs: *74, Wigtown.; cliffs at Port Castle Bay; banks of 
river Cree, F. H. Perrine, all det. P. F. YEo. 

545/5d. EupHRASIA NEMOROSA var. COLLINA Pugsl. H.9, Clare; 
Poulsallagh, U. K. Duncan, det. E. F. Warsure. 

W. Donegal; The Rosses, U. K. Duncan, det. E. F. Warsure. 

§545/18. EupHRAsIA conFusA Pugsl. 74, Wigtown.; quarry at Linlo- 
skin Bridge, F. H. Perrine, det. P. F. Yro.; *H.16, W. Galway; 
Renvyle Lough, U. K. Duncan, det. E. F. Warsurc. 

§545/19. KuPHRASIA ROSTKOVIANA Hayne. *73, Kirkeudbr.; damp 
meadow by the Palnure Burn, near Bargaly Farm House, E. J. Brecar, 
J. F. and P. C. Hatt, det. P. F. Yeo. *H.9, Clare; Poulsallagh: 
*H.15, S.E. Galway; by Lough Derg near Woodford, U. K. Duncan, 
conf. EK. F. Warsure. 

§550/12. OnroBANCHE PURPUREA Jacq, *15, E. Kent; Bishopsbourne, 
on Achilea millefolium, B. J. Brooke, comm. F. Ross. 

552/3. UrricuLarRIA INTERMEDIA Hayne. 74, Wigtown.; peaty 
pools, side of Dernaglor Loch and peaty drain between Mochrum Loch 
and Water of Malzie, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howirr. 

5538/4. Pryevutcuna tusiranica L. 73, Kirkeudbr.; hillside near 
the waterfalls, Glen Trool, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. I. Howrrr. 

558/2. MentHA X ALopEcUROIDES Hull. 3, S. Devon.; riverside, 
Sidmouth, with IW, longifolia, A. E. Wane. 

§558/10. Mentua x cGentiuts L. *56, Notts.; marsh, Adbolton. 
1952, R. C. LL. Howirr, det. R. A. GRrawaM. 


008/14. MerntTua puLEcIum L. 15, E. Kent; old gravel pit, Big- 
bury Wood, near Canterbury, 1954, D. Swinscow, D. McClintock and 
F. Rose—the first Kent record for about 50 years (1954, S.E. Nat. & 
Antiq., 59, 24). 

§4565/1. MeELIssa oFFicInAlis L. *56, Notts.; hedgebank, Crop- 
well Bishop, 1951, R. C. L. Howirrt. 

5677/6. SvracHys aRVENSIs (L.) L. +95, Elgin; garden weed, Moy 
House, Forres, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§581/4. Lamrum HysBripum Vill. 49, Caern.; arable field, Bardsey, 
1954, A. Conotity and P. M. Smitru. *101, Kintyre; seashore verge, 
Glenbarr, West Kintyre, M. H. Cunnineuam. 

§+600/12. CHENOPODIUM FICIFOLIUM Sm. *56, Notts.; Misterton, 
Ws... C. i. Howitt. 

§600/13. CHENoPpopIUM GLAUcUM L. {136, Hereford.; hopyards near 
Bosbury (1955, Trans. Woolhope N.F.C., 34, 302). *90, Forfar; sands of 
Barry, a well established colony on sea-shore, 1954, U. K. Duncan, conf. 
J. P. M. Brenan. 

§615/3. PotyGonum sistorta L. t45, Pemb.; hedge, Blaenffos, 
Miss M. Rees (1955, Nature in Wales, 1, 181). 

618/2. Rumex Lonerrorrus DC. 101, Kintyre; gravelly fore- 
shore, West Loch Tarbert, frequent, 1954, R. Mackrcuniz, B. W. Ri1s- 
Bons and K. N. G. MacLray. 

618/10. Rumex ruprestris Le Gall. 4, N. Devon.; Braunton Bur- 
rows, two clumps (confirmation of old record by Ley, 1882). 41, Glam.; 
Merthyr-mawr Warren, 1954, B. A. Miss, conf. J. E. Loustey. 

623/1. DarpHne LAUREOLA L. 174, Wigtown.; woods round Mon- 
reith House, near Fort William, E. I. Biecar and D. H. pe VESsIAN. 

§625/1. HrppopHaE RHAMNOoIDES L. *+107, E. Sutherland.; com- 
mon near shores in Golspie —? planted, J. Dicxson. 

§628/16. EurHorsia LATHYRUS L. *156, Notts.; garden weed, Farn- 
don, 1948, R. C. L.. Howirt. 

§632/2. MerrourtaLis ANNUA L. 69, Westmorland; record given in 
Proceedings B.S.B.1., 1, 333 was an error, the plant in question being 
a form of M. perennis. Delete from (C.F. 

§633/2. Un~mMus CARPINIFOLIA Gleditsch. *1f90, Forfar; Skating 
Pond, Arbroath, no doubt planted, 1954, U. K. Duncan, det. R. MeEt- 


646/2. Quercus PETRAEA (Mattuschka) Liebl. 98, Argyll.; Ballie- 
meanoch; Loch Awe, Culnadalloch, Glen Nant, 1954, K. N. G. Mac- 
Leay. 101, Kintyre; Crinan, Tayvallich, 1954, K. N. G. MacLeay; 
Saddell, Crossaig, Cour, 1953, F. Davip, comm. K. N. G. MacLeray. 

1656/2. ELoDEA CALLITRICHOIDES (Rich.) Casp. 21, Middx.; 
abundant in the Thames at the eastern end of Strand-on-the-Green, 
D. H. Kent. 

669/9. ORcHIS PURPURELLA T. & T. A. Steph. 74, Wigtown.; Port- 
yerrock, Whithorn, J. F. and P. C. Hatu, conf. A. MELDERIs. 

669/11. OrcHis FrucHsiI Druce. 98, Argyll.; burnside marsh above 
Inverary, M. H. CunnincHAM. 

680/1. SisyRINCHIUM BERMUDIANA L. +59, S. Lanes.; rubbish-tip, 
Farnworth, F. Suater. 

§684/1. Narcissus psEupoNARcIssuS L. *+t73, Kirkcudbr.; river 
bank, Water of Fleet, south of Pulcree, Mr and Mrs R. C. L. Howirr. 

694/1. © ConvaLniARIA MAsJALIS L. 88, Mid Perth.; crevices of lime- 
stone pavement near road north of Schiehallion, Kinlochrannoch, A. A. 
Siack and A. M. Strruine. 

§702/3. ALLIuM scoropoPRASUM IL. *t56, Notts.; waste ground, 
Barnby Moor, R. C. L. Howirr. 

§702/11. ALLIumM sCHOENOPRASUM L. *t26, W. Suffolk; along an old 
roadway near Blenheim Barracks, 1942, J. L. Giiperr. 

+702/19. ALLiumM PARADOXUM (Bieb.) G. Don. 83, Edinb.; wood near 
Roslin, E. I. Brecar, det. C. M. Ros. 95, Elgin; four plants by Moy 
Burn, Kintessack, Miss C. A. Murray, comm. M. McCattum WeEpsstTer. 

§¢708/2.  Littum pYyRENATcUM Gouan. *56, Notts.; canal side, Ranby, 
R. C. L. Howr1rr. 

+719/9. Luzuna tuzuLotpEs (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott. 96b, Nairn; 
abundant in policies of Holme Rose, M. McCartum WesstTer. 

7221/1. Typwa batiror1A L. 98, Argyll.; reedswamp in artificial 
lochan at Ardbrecknish —? planted, 1954, K. N. G. MacLeay. 101, 
Kintyre; reedswamp in Lochan Cill, Aonghais, Knapdale, 1954, R. Mac- 

KECHNIE, B. W. Rippons and K. N. G. MacLray. 

§722/4.  SPARGANIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Michx. *42, Brecon.; abund- 
ant in Abernant Lake, Llanwrtyd Wells, B. A. Mines, conf. A. E. Wane. 


4723/1. Arum 1Taticum Mill. *45, Pemb.; in a wood and as a gar- 
den weed, Orielton, R. M. Locxrzey, det. A. E. Wane, conf. O. BUCKLE. 
Erroneously recorded as A. neglectum (Towns.) Ridl. in Nature in Wales, 
1, 80 (1955). 

727/1. Lemna minor L. 74, Wigtown.; rocky pool, Isle of Whit- 
horn, J: F. and P. C. Hat. 

§729/2. ALISMA LANCEOLATUM With. 116, W. Kent; pond east of 
East Peckham, 1954, F. Rose (1954, S.H. Nat. & Antiq., 59, 25). 

§731/1. LuRontum natans (L.) Raf. *27, E. Norfolk; dyke lead- 
ing in to Calthorpe Broad, in small quantity, T. G. Turin. 

737/4. PoraMoGETON coLoratus Hornem. 4, N. Devon.; disused 
claypit, Fremington Parish, the second locality for N. Devon, Mrs. C. 
M. A. Cavett, det. J. E. Danny and G. Taytor. 

§737/8. PoTaMoGETON X SPARGANIFOLIUS Laest. ex Fr. *56, Notts.; 
drain on Gringley Carr, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. J. E. Danpy and 
G. Taytor. 

§737/11. PoTaMoGETON x NITENS Weber. *56, Notts.; drain, Mis- 
son, 1953, R. C. L. Howirt, det. J. E. Danny and G. Tayror. 

§737/14. PoTamMoGETON X DECIPIENS Nolte ex Koch. *56, Notts. ; 
Nottingham Canal, Trowell, 1953, R. C. L. Howrrr. 

737/17 x22. PoTaMoGETON x LINTONI Fryer. 56, Notts.; Chester- 
field Canal, Misterton, 1952, R. C. L. Howrrt. 

737/27. PoTaAMOGETON TRICHOIDES Cham. & Schlecht. 6, N, Som.; 
Blagdon Lake, Miss E. Claydon, 1934, not ‘‘Near Weston-super Mare... 
per Lady Davy” as in Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 10, 845 (1935) and J. Bot., 
76, 168 (1938) (1954, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 21). 

§744/1. Cyperus toneus L. *f33, E. Glos.; (7b) well established 
on roadside by barn, Greet, near Winchcombe, Mrs. N. Saunpers, 
comm. D. EK. pE Vestan. {36, Hereford; banks of Wye, R. W. Butcher 
(1955, Trans. Woolhope N.F.C., 34, 302). 

§745/2. ExrocHaris unictumis (Link) Schult. *44, Carm.; Towyn 
Burrows, Mrs. I. M. VaueHan, comm. Nat. Mus. WALEs. 

§745/4. ExLzocHaRIs acicuLaRis (L.) Roem. & Schult. 16, SWE 
Kent; abundant round a pond east of East Peckham, 1954, F. Rose 
(1954, S.H. Nat. & Antiq., 59, 25). 

746/4. ScrRpus TABERNAEMONTANI C. C. Gmel. 21, Middx.; side of 
lake, Syon Park, Kew Britisn Botany Cuius Fieup MEETING, 


746/9.  EneocHaRIS PARVULA (Roem. & Schult.) Link ex Bluff. 
Nees & Schau. 11, S. Hants.; near Beaulieu, G. M. Hatnzs, det. 

746/15. Buysmus rurus (Huds.) Link. 74, Wigtown.; Portyerrock, 
Whithorn, J. F. and P. C. Haru. 98, Argyll.; salt marsh, Culnadalloch 
Lorn; Bagh Dun Mbhuilig, Craignish, 1954, K. N. G. MacLeay. 

748/1. RayncHospora Fusca (L.) Ait. f. 3, S. Devon.; Aylesbeare 
Common, Mrs. Butcher, det. A. Melderis, the second record for S. Devon 
(1955, Rep. & Trans. Devon Assocn., 86, 282). 

§748/2. RayYNCHOSPORA ALBA (L.) Vahl. *42, Brecon.; bog by Wolf’s 
Leap, Irfon Valley, near Abergwesyn, B. A. Mires. 

753/3. Carex acuTirorMiIs Ehrh. 49, Caern.; roadside verge and 
ditch, near Llangwnadl, Lleyn, A. Conotmy and P. Smita, conf. T. G. 

§753/6. Carex saxatitis L. {89, EK. Perth.; west side of Ben a’ 
Chuallaich, Kinlochrannoch, at 2,500 ft., in small quantity, A. A. Stack 
and A. M. Srrrtine.—But see Top. Bot., 459. 

§753/12. Carex stricgosa Huds. *56, Notts.; Park Wood, Caunton, 
1952, R. C. L. Howr1rt, det. EH. Nemes. 

753/13. CAREX LAEVIGATA Sm. 49, Caern.; margin of fen by Nant- 
y-Gledrydd, Buan parish, Lleyn, A. Conotny and P. Smirr. 98, Argyll; 
wood on shores of Loch Awe, Inverinan, 1954: 101, Kintyre; wood at 
Inverneill, 1954, R. Mackecunig, B. W. Rippons and K. N. G. MacL&ay. 

753/18. Carex puNCTATA Gaudin. 49, Caern.; in crack of wet rock by 
sea, Gallt-y-Mor, near Llanfaelrhys, Lleyn, A. Conotuiy. 

753/19. Carex HosTIANA DC. 17, Surrey; Folly Bog, Bagshot, F. 
Rost and R. A. Bonrracr. 

§753/20(2). Carpx pemIssA Hornem. *8, S. Wilts.; Landford Com- 
mon, 1947, J. D. Grosz. *27, E. Norfolk; Sutton Broad, 1952, T. G. 
Turin. *49, Caern.; near Criccieth, E. K. Horwoop. *66, Durham; 
Widdybank Fell, 1947, T. G. Turry. *H. 25, Roscommon; Annaghmore, 
between Stokestown and Elphin, 1952, T. G. Turr. *H.28, Sligo; 
Lough Gill, 1953, D. Boatman. 

753/28. Carex CARYOPHYLLEA Latourr. 97, (Argyll.); Beinn Iadain, 
Morvern, 1952, E. C. Waruace and K. N. G. MacLray. 

§753/88. Carex timosa L. *74, Wigtown.; marshy ground on moor 
by Bernaglar Loch, Mr and Mrs. R. C. L. Howrrr, det. E. Netmes. 
98, Argyll.; reedswamp at south end of Ederline Loch, Ford, in 9 inches 
of water, local, 1954, R. MaAckrcunir, B. W. Ripsons and K. N. G. 


§753/58. Carex curta Good. {73, Kirkeudbr.; near a pond on Min- 
nigait Golf Course, Newton Stewart, J. F. and P. C. Hatu.—But see 
Top, Bot. Supp., 1. 186, (Dunbarton); marshy ground near the reser- 
voir, Mugdock, A. M. Sriruinc.—But see Top. Bot. Supp., 1. 

§753/61. Carex patRAEI F. Schultz. *56, Notts.; Sconce Hills, 
Newark, 1951, R. C. L. Howitt, det. E. NELMEs. 

§753/62. Carex pivuLsA Stokes. *56, Notts.; Frog Abbey Wood, 
Averham, 1951, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. E, Netmess. 

§753/65. Carex DIANDRA Schrank. {73, Kirkcudbr.; above Ornock- 
enoch Loch, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Iu. Howirrt, det. EK. Nermes.—But see 
Top. Bot., 455. 

§753/67. Carex ARENARIA [.. *56, Notts.; on blown sand, Besthorpe, 
1950, R. C. L. Howirt, det. KE. Nrevmes. 

753/68. Carex DIvIsA Huds. 34, W. Glos.; (4) rediscovered in 
small quantity on marshy ground adjoining the tidal river Wye, Beach- 
ley; see Fl. Glos., p. 528, R. B. Apert and C. W. BANNISTER, comm. 
D. K. Dr VEsian. 

758/3. SPARTINA TOWNSENDII H. & J. Groves. 4, N. Devon.; salt 
marsh south of Instow, J. D. Gross. 

§770/6. ALOPECURUS AEQUALIS Sobol. *96, Easterness; bog near 
Croy, M. McCattum Wepsster, det. C. E. Hutssarp. 

783/1. CanamacrostTis EpicEJos (L.) Roth. 49, Caern.; by coast 
road near Llangwnadl, Lleyn, A. Conority and P. M. Smirn. 

783/1x787/1. *AMMOCALAMAGROSTIS BALTICA (Schrad.) P. Fourn. 
25, EK. Suffolk; beach, Hopton, F. Rose. 

783/4. CALAMAGROSTIS sTRICTA (Timm) Koel. 28, W. Norfolk; 
fen at Thompson Common, Thompson, Miss E. R. Nosrir, conf. and 
comm. E, L. Swann. 

793/1. TRIsSETUM FLAVESCENS (L..) Beauv. 73, Kirkcudbr.; grassy 

bank at bottom of protected gully by sea, Carsluith, E. I. Bieear, 
F. H. Perrine and D. EH. Dr Vesian. 

794/2. HerticroTRICHON PUBESCENS (Huds.) Pilger. 97, (Argyll.); 
occasional on Lias Limestone and on other basic rocks between Min- 
gary and MaclLean’s Nose, Ardnamurchan, A. A. Suack and A. M. 

+808/1. Cynosurus EcHINATUS L. 56, Notts.; railway-line side, 
Newark, 1954, R. C. L. Howitt, det. C. E. Husparp. 


814/1. CataBrosa aquatica (L.) Beauv. 74, Wigtown.; cattle- 
trampled stream bed, Port Castle Bay, J. F. and P. C. Hatt and F. H. 

§822/1. Briza mMepia L. *107, EK. Sutherland.: Dunrobin Castle 
grounds, one plant, J. Dickson. 

§822/2. Briza minor L. 8, S. Wilts.; grassy track, Lophill, Mrs. 
K. TimpereRLey, comm. J. D. Grosr. Remove from brackets in C.F. 

§824/4. PoA SUBCAERULEA Sm. *56, Notts,; gravel pit, Besthorpe, 
1953, R. C. L. Howirr, det. C. EK. Hussarp as P. irrigata Lindm. 

§824/5. Poa patustRis L. 21, Middx.; plentiful by the lake, Chis- 
wick House grounds, R. A. Bonrrack, comm. D. H. Kent. *56, Notts.; 
marsh by railway, South Collingham, 1951, R. C. L. Howrrr, det. C. 
K. Hvssarn. 

824/7. Poa xnemMoratis L. 73, Kirkeudbr.; woods on Cree side, 
J. F. and P. C. Hatu. 74, Wigtown.; woods at Logan, Mull of 
Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howirr. 

§825/3b. GLYCERIA DECLINATA Bréb. *56, Notts.; Hesley, 1954, E. J. 
Ginpons, det. C. EK. Hvusparp. 

§826/1. Carapopium ricipum (L.) C. E. Hubbard. *74, Wigtown.: 
old pier, Port Logan, Mull of Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howirr: 
Port Castle Bay, Burrow Head, B.S.B.I. GaLtLtoway MEBRTING. 

826/4x829/1. %*FESTULOLIUM LoLIAcEUM (Huds.) P. Fourn. 37, 
Worcs.; near Limley Green, Alfrick, F. M. Day, det. C. E. Hupparp. 

826/5. Festuca attisstMa All. 14, E. Sussex; sandstone rocks in 
oakwood, Mills Rocks, East Grinstead, F. Rose. 

§+826/6.  FesrucA HETEROPHYLLA Lam. *29, Cambs.; along a cart- 
track bordering Madingley Park, J. L. Grrpert, det. W. O. Howarrtn. 

§826/8. Festuca suUNcIFOLIA St.-Amans. *19, N. Essex; sand dunes, 
Crabknowe Spit, near Ramsey, F. Roser. 

§826/16. Vutrra AmBicua (Le Gall) More. {3, S. Devon.; Dawlish 
Warren, abundant, H. Gilbert-Carter (1955, Rep. & Trans. Devon 
Assocn., 86, 282). 

+826(2)/1. Narpurus mMaritimus (L.) Fiori. 12, N. Hants.; on 
chalk spoil heaps near Micheldever railway station, W. E. Warren 
and E, C. WaLiack. 


+827 /1(2). Bromus pIANDRUsS Roth. 17, Surrey; sandy bank, Walton- 
on-Thames, plentiful, N. Y. SanpwitH and R. A. Bontrace, conf. C. 
EK. Hussarp. 

§827/3. Bromus sterinis L. *107, E. Sutherland.; common along 
the back road, Golspie, J. Dickson. 

§827/20. Bromus FERRONII Mabille. *49, Caern.; grassy bank of 
drift and blown sand, by the sea, Porth Tago, Lleyn, A. Cono.ty, 
dep. T. G. Turin. 

§830/2. AGROPYRON PUNGENS (Pers.) Roem. & Schult. *56, Notts. ; 
meadow land, Nottingham, 1951, R. C. L. Howrrt, det. T. G. Turi. 

§833/3. PARAPHOLIS INCURVA (L.) C. E. Hubbard. 41; Glam.; 
sandy ground above the salt-marsh, the Leys, near Aberthaw, A. E. 
WabE, comm. Nat. Mus. Waters. Previously recorded from yv.c. 41 only 
as an adventive; at the Leys it was found in several places, A. EF. 
Wave, *53, S. Lincs.; Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve, M. Smitx, 
conf. and comm. C. E. Hupsarp. 

§836/1. ExymMus arenarius L. {44; Carm.; a few plants among 
Agropyron juncetforme on mobile dunes, Towyn Burrows, Mrs. I. M. 
Vaughan (1955, Nature in Wales, 1, 135). 

836/3. HorpELymus EuRoPAEUS (L.) Harz. 16, W. Kent; beech- 
wood, east side of Riverhill, Sevenoaks, F. Rose. 

§844/2x6. EquisreTum x LITORALE Kiihlew. *14, E. Sussex; by pond 
in Ashdown Forest, near Coleman’s Hatch, N. Y. Sanpwiru, conf. P. 
Taytor. *H.35, W. Donegal; by Lough Kinny, U. K. Duncan, det. 
A. H. G. Aston. 

§856/1(2). Dryoptrrts sorrerI Newm. 49, Caern.; wood, Nanhoran 
Estate, Lleyn, P. M. Smiru and A. Conotty. *56, Notts.; Margaret 
Springs Wood, Oxton, 1954, R. C. L. Howirt, det. A. H. G. Aston. 
*74, Wigtown.; plentiful in Barrhill Wood, J. F. and P. C. Hatt, 
det. A. H. G. Aston. 97, (Argyll.); Finnary, Morvern; Strontian, 
Sunart, 1952, E. C. Watuace and K. N. G. MacLeay. 98, Argyll.; Loch 
Awe side, frequent, 1954: 101, Kintyre; Stonefield; Ormsary; Clachan, 
etc., 1954, K. N. G. MacLaay. 

856 /7. THELYPTERIS OREOPTERIS (Ehrh.) Slosson. 25, E. Suffolk; 
Ashby Warren, F. Rosr. 56, Notts.; Margaret Springs Wood, Oxton, 
1954, R. C. L. Howirt, det. A. H. G. ALsTon. 

863/2. HyMENOPHYLLUM wiLsont Hook. 49, Caern.; north-facing 
rock of summit, Carn Fadryn, at 1200 ft., Lleyn, 1954, A. Conomty. 


§869/1. IsoznTEs LacusTRIs L. *95, Elgin; Lochindorb, M. McCat- 

870/1. LycopopiIum aLtpINum L. 49, Caern.; plateau below sum- 
mit, Carn Fadryn, at 1200 ft., Lleyn, 1953-54, P. M. Surrn, comm. A. 

870/5. Lycopopium ciavatum L. 24, Bucks.; Monkton Wood, W. 
M. Baron and R. Kemp. 

870/7. Lycopopium sELAco LL. 49, Caern.; rocks of summit, Carn 
Fadryn, at 1200 ft., Lleyn, 1954; rocks of eastern summit, Carn Bach, 
Lleyn, A. ConoLty and P. M. Smita. 

CHAROPHYTA determined by G. O. ALLEN. 

872/2. NireiiA opacA Ag. 101, Kintyre; Gigha, a fine capitate 
form resembling f. conglomerata Nig., G. Taytor. 

§872/2c. NITELLA OPACA var. BRACHYCLEMA Groves & Bull.-Webst. 
*102, S. Ebudes; Islay Loch, Ballygrant, dredged from deep water, 
1952, J. K. Morron. 

§872/5. NITELLA TRANSLUCENS Ag. *102, S. Ebudes; Islay Loch 
nan Diol, 1952, J. K. Morton. 

873/1. ToLyPELLA InTRICATA Leonh. 63, S.W. Yorks.; Fishlake, 
near Thorne, small cattle pond, W. Buntine. 

876/7x5. CHARA CONTRARIA X HISPIDA. 27, E. Norfolk; Hickling 
Broad, G. H. Rockr. 

876/10c. CHARA BALTICA var. RIGIDA Groves & Bull.-Webst. 27, E. 
Norfolk; Hickling Broad, G. H. Rocke. 

§876/16a. CHARA GLOBULARIS var. CAPILLACEA (Thuill.) Zaney. *102, 
S. Ebudes; Islay, peaty ditch, J. K. Morron. *108, W. Sutherland. ; 
Loch Borralaidh in Durness area, dredged from 10-15 ft., L. C. Morean, 
comm. A. J. Broox, 

§876/17. CHARA DELICATULA Ag. 55, Leies.; gravel pit, Heming- 
ton: *74, Wigtown.; Newton Stewart, R. C. L. Howitt. 

§876/17c. CHARA DELICATULA var, ANNULATA (Wallm.) Groves & Bull.- 
Webst. *102, S. Ebudes; Tslay, Loch Ballygrant, J. K. Morton. 



Compiled by D. H. Kent 

Thanks are due to KE. B. Bangerter, J. E. Lousley and A. E. Wade 
for their help. 


3/1. PuULSATILDA vuLGARIsS Mill. Bocher, T. W., 1954, Natural 
populations of Pulsatilla in Zealand, Bot. Tidssk., 51, 33-47. 

3/1. Puusatmtua vuteaRis Mill. Grigson, G., 1955, In search of the 
pasque flower, Country Life, 117, 1230-1231. The author describes a 
search for Pulsatilla vulgaris on the Berkshire downs.—[ D.H.K. | 

6/4. RanuncuLus AuRicomus L. Rousi, A., 1955, Cytological obser- 
vations on the Ranunculus auricomus group, Hereditas, 41, 516-518. 

6/5. RanunctLus BuLBosus L. Barling, D. M., 1955, Some popula- 
tion studies in Ranunculus bulbosus, J. Hcol., 43, 207-218. Ranunculus 
bulbosus has a distribution of the British type and is abundant in 
permanent pastures, but poorly developed in temporary swards and 
arable land. It is most densely distributed in swards with well-drained 
soils such as those overlying the Oolitic Limestone and chalk formations. 

Populations in suitable areas are large, sometimes several millions. 
The species is thus a natural evil of permanent pastures with good drain- 
age and subjected to intensive management. It is replaced by R. acris 
and R. repens in the wetter areas.—[D.H.K. | 

6/28x6/24b. RanuncuLus BAuDoTII Godr. X AQUATILIS subsp. 
RADIANS (Revel) Clapham. Serensen, T., 1955, Hybriden Ranunculus 
baudotii x Ranunculus radians, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 113-124. The hybrid 
Ranunculus baudotu x aquatilis subsp. radians and its parent taxa are 
described. The chromosome number of R. baudotu, 2n=32, is confirmed 
and that of R. aquatilis subsp. radians is given as 2n=48. The hybrid 
plant has 2n=40, and is in all respects larger than the parent taxa. In 
most of its vegetative characters, especially those of growth-habit and 
leaf-shape, it resembles R. aquatilis subsp. radians. The hybrid appears 
to be rather frequent in brackish waters in Denmark.—[D.H.K. ] 

19. NupuHar. Harrison, Y. Heslop, 1955, Nuphar (Biological Flora), 
J. Ecol., 43, 342-364. Gives accounts of Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., N. 
pumila (Timm) DC. and N. x intermedia Ledeb.—[D.H.K. ] 

20/1. Nympuara atBA L. Harrison, Y. Heslop, 1955, Nymphaea 
alba L. (Biological Flora), J. EHcol., 43, 719-734. 

31. Corypatis. Ryberg, M., 1955. A taxonomical survey of the 
genus Corydalis Ventenat with reference to cultivated species, Acta 
Hort. Berg., 17, 115-175. 

*Ecological and miscellaneous abstracts are held over until the next part of 
the Proceedings.—Ed. 


33.— CRUCIFERAE. Bateman, A. J., 1955, Self-incompatibility systems 
in angiosperms. 3, Cruciferae, Heredity, 9, 53-68. 

35. Roriepa. Green, P. S., 1955, Pollen grain size in Nasturtium 
and Cakile, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 26, 289-303. The possi- 
bility of using pollen grain size for differentiating between Rorippa 
nasturtium-aquaticum and Rk. microphylla, and between Cakile mari- 
tima and CU. edentula was investigated. Pollen grains from individual 
specimens of Rorippa were found to vary greatly in size, but by using a 
standard sample of ten grains from each specimen it was found possible 
to distinguish between R. nasturtium-aquaticum and R. microphylla by 
both length and breadth of pollen grains. Hybrids between the two 
species possessed pollen which was mostly abortive. Material examined 
by the author from the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh, provided additional vice-county records as follows:—H. 
nasturtium-aquaticum 98, 100 and 108. R. microphyllum v.c. 66. 
R. microphylla x nasturtium-aquaticum yv.ce. 20, 72, 93 and 111. 

It proved impossible to differentiate between the species of Cakile 
by using pollen grain size.—[D.H.K. | 

39/1. CARDAMINE PRATENSIS L. Southon, M. J., 1955, An investiga- 
tion of the distribution of double-fiowered and single-flowered forms of 
Lady’s Smock (Cardamine pratensis), Mag. Blundell’s School Sci. Soc., 
9, 37-46. 

45. CocHLEARIA. Saunte, L. H., 1955, Cyto-genetical studies in the 
Cochlearia officinalis complex, Hereditas, 41, 499-515. Counts have been 
made on 59 specimens of the Cochlearia officinalis complex from Scan- 
dinavia, Great Britain and Greenland. All plants referred to C. danica 
had 2n=42, C. officinalis 2n=24, C. anglica 2n=48. All plants from 
Greenland and Iceland had the mitotic number of 14. Details of cross- 
ing experiments are given—U. officinalis x anglica, C. anglica x 
officinalis, C. danica x officinalis, C. danica x anglica crosses all suc- 
ceeded and the seeds germinated. Hybrid swarms with 2n=36 have 
been found in nature between plants with 2n=24 and 2n=48. 

The taxonomic implications are discussed and the author suggests 
that 1. All the 14-chromosome type should be included in one species 
under the name C. groenlandica L. 2. C. danica L. should be maintained 
as a distinct species. 3. That the officinalis and anglica types should 
rank as C. officinalis subsp. eu-officinalis and subsp. anglica following 
Ascherson and Graebner. 4. C. micacea, a true-breeding 36-chromosome 
species, occurs as an endemic in Britain.—[D.H.K.] 

49/5. Srtsymprium rrro L. Khoshoo, T.N., 1955, Biosystematics of 
the Sisymbrium irio complex, Nature, 176, 608. Sisymbrium irio is a 
polytypic winter annual which grows throughout the Punjab plains. It 
occurs in diploid, triploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and oectoploid races. 
The diploid is morphologically uniform and shows seven bivalents. Its 
artificial autotetraploid shows quadrivalents and does not resemble the 
natural tetraploid. The latter possesses two ecological races which are 
markedly different from the diploid. The triploid is morphologically 
somewhat akin to the diploid but differs in details of leaf shape, flower 


size and above all in being completely sterile. It is a natural hybrid 
between diploid and tetraploid forms. The hexaploid is morphologically 
like the triploid except that it has bigger flowers and long fertile siliquae. 
The octoploid is somewhat akin to the tetraploid but differs in possess- 
ing shorter and thicker stems and fruits and bigger and thicker leaves, 
flowers and seeds. Crosses were attempted in all directions, but so far 
no hybrids except the triploid have either been obtained or seen in 

Only the hexaploid race compares very well with the Linnean holo- 
type collected from Spain. These resemble each other in fruit characters, 
but differ in the number of lobes of leaves.—[D.H.K. | 

49/7 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (L.) Heynh. Langridge, T., 1955, 
Biochemical mutations in the crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., 
Nature, 176, 260-261. 

54. Brassica. Fussell, G. E., 1955, History of the cole (Brassica 
sp.), Nature, 176, 48-51. 

59/1. CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS (L.) Medic. Sorensen, T., 1954, 
Adaptation of small plants to deficient nutrition and a short growing 
season illustrated by cultivation experiments with Capsella_ bursa- 
pastoris (L.) Med., Bot. Tidssk., 51, 339-361. 

77. Cakite.—See 35. Roriprpa. 

98(2). Mertanprium. Kunze, G., 1955, Ein Fall von geschlechtsge- 
bundener Vererbung beine Melandrium (Garcke), Ber Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 
68, 249-256. 

98(2). Mertanprium. Nygren, A., 1955, Polyploids in Melandrium 
produced by nitrous oxide, Hereditas, 41, 287-290. 

100. Cerrastium. Brett, O. E., 1955, Cyto-taxonomy of the genus 
Cerastium, 1. Cytology, New Phyt., 54, 138-148. Chromosome numbers 
of all the British species of Cerastium from twenty localities have been 
counted, and also nine species from localities outside Britain. Multi- 
valents have been observed in three species, namely C. holosteoides Fr., 
C. arcticum Lange and C. pumilum Curt. C. holosteoides has been 
found to have a variable chromosome number ranging from 2n=1386 to 

The appearance of the chromosomes at mitosis and meiosis has been 
described. It has been found that chromosome numbers of British 
material are the same as those reported for the same species on the 
continent of Europe, with the exception of (. tetrandrum Curt. which 
has a higher chromosome number than has been found as yet from 
localities outside Britain.—[{Author’s summary ]. 

100. Crrastium. Wiinstedt, K., 1953, Cerastium Holosieniabe i 
Danmark, Bot. Tidsskr., 50, 107-109. The author points out that C. 
holosteoides Fr. should still be separated from C. vulgare Hartm. (C. 
caespitosum Gilib.) and be treated as a distinct species. A map of its 
distribution in Denmark shows that although evenly distributed around 
the coast it is a marked shore plant associated with littoral meadows.— 



100/2. CrrasTIuUM ARVENSE L. Raymond, M., 1955, Une variéte 
nouvelle du Cerastium arvense L., Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 125-127. 
A new variety, var. ophiticola Raymond, of Cerastium arvense is de- 
scribed from the province of Quebec. It is entirely glabrous, an adap- 
tation to the unusual habitat on serpentine.—{ E.B.B.] 

102/3. ARENARIA NORVEGICA Gunn. Nordhagen, R., 1954, Some 
new observations concerning the geographic distribution and ecology 
of Arenaria humifusa Wg. in Norway as compared with Arenaria nor- 
vegica Gunn., Bot. Tidssk., 51, 248-262. 

102/6. ARENARIA LEPTOCLADOS (Reichb.) Guss. Wiinstedt, A. K., 
1955, Arenaria leptoclados, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 60. 

109. Montia. Clason, E. W., 1955, Montia fontana in Nederland, 
Acta Bot. Neerl., 4, 242-272. The literature of Montia fontana L. in 
the Netherlands is reviewed and the nomenclature of the group is dis- 
cussed. The correct names of the taxa occurring in the Netherlands 
are given as M. fontana subsp. fontana, var. fontana, var. chondro- 
sperma Fenzl, subsp. rivularis, f. rivularis (Gmel.) Schueb. & Mart., 
f. terrestris f. nov. (=M. rivularis var. lamprosperma Beck.). The 
ecology and variation of the various taxa are described in detail and 
results of some transplant experiments are given.—[{ D.H.K. } 

112. Hypericum. Bouchard, J., 1954, Un Hypericum nouveau pour 
la flore de France, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 101, 351-354. Hypericum 
canadense L.., discovered on the borders of several ponds in the wooded 
areas of Servance (Hte.-Saone), is described. Discussion of the possible 
means of introduction and the possibility of its being a glacial relict 
leaves its status undecided.—[ E.B.B. ] 

128/3. Eroprum cicutarium (L.) L’Hérit. Linser, H., Frohner, W. 
& Kirschner, R., 1955, Verinderungen von Blattmorphologie und Blatt- 
folge bei Erodium cicutarium unter den Einfluss von Phenoxyessig- 
siurederivaten, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 68, 46-51. 

132. Oxazts. Eiten, G., 1955, The typification of the names ‘‘Oxalis 
corniculata L.’’ and ‘‘Oxalis stricta L.’’, Taxon, 4, 99-105. 

1383/4. IMpaTIENS GLANDULIFERA Royle. Le Saint-Quervel, A.-M., 
1955, Etude anatomique de quelques plantules anormales d’Impatiens 
roylei, Rev. Gen. Bot., 62, 373-391. Studies of normal and abnormal 
seedlings of Impatiens roylei.—[E.B.B.] 

141/1. AxgscuLUs HIPpocAsTANUM L. Hardin, J. W., 1955, Studies 
in the Hippocastanaceae. 1. Variation within the mature fruit of 
Aesculus, Rhodora, 57, 38-42. 

141/1. AgSCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM L. Michel, E., 1952, Le 
Marronnier (Aesculus hippoecastanum L.), Nat. Belge, 33, 89-92 and 

149. Unrex. Milliner, L. H., 1955, Experimental studies on the 
growth forms of the British species of Ulex L., Abstr. Diss. Camb., 
1952-53, 23-25. The three British species of Ulex and their chief 
varieties are discussed taxonomically and the extent of hybridism 
among the species is examined. It is concluded that U. europaeus 
and U. gallit can, and do, cross in nature, and that widespread hybridisa- 


tion has lain behind the evolution of U. gallii at least. U. minor does 
not hybridise.—[ D.H.K. ] 

150/1. SaroTHAMNUS scoPpaRiIus (L.) Wimm. ex Koch. Morton, J. 
K., 1955, Chromosome studies on Sarothamnus scoparius (L.) Wimmer 
and its subspecies prostratus (Bailey) Tutin, New Phyt., 54, 68-69. 
Sarothamnus scoparius is a common plant widely distributed through- 
out Britain, while its subspecies prostratus appears to be confined to 
the coasts of Cornwall, Pembroke, Co. Cork and the Channel Isles. The 
species 1s a diploid with 2n=48, the subspecies is also a diploid, but 
has 2n=24. It is suggested that the species may have arisen as an 
autotetraploid from the subsp. prostratus.—[D.H.K. ] 

153/3. Mepicaco sativa L.—See 155. TriroLium. 

155. Trirottum. Evans, A. M., 1955, The production and identi- 
fication of polyploids in red clover, white clover and lucerne, New 
Phyt., 54, 149-162. 

155. Trirorium. Evans, A. M. & Denward, T., 1955, Grafting and 
hybridization experiments in the genus Trifolium, Nature, 175, 687- 

155/16. Trirottum repens L. Bradshaw, A. D. & Pritchard, T., 
1955, Wild white clover in natural mountain grassland, Nature, 176, 
596. An ecological race of Trifvolitwm repens characterized by small size 
but extreme persistence, adapted to upland conditions of grazing and 
climate, has been found at Cwm Llefrith in south Caernarvonshire at 
1600-1800 feet in a rainfall area of 100”.—[D.H.K.] 

155/16. TrirotiIum REPENS L. Brewbaker, J. L., 1955, Incom- 
patibility in autotetraploid white clover. 2. Dominance and double 
reduction, Genetics, 40, 137-152. 

160. Lotus. Larsen, K., 1954, Cytotaxonomical studies in Lotus. 
1. Lotus corniculatus L. sens. lat., Bot. Tidssk., 51, 205-211. In Lotus 
corniculatus sens. lat. three diploid types, DL. corniculatus var. alpinus, 
LL. tenuis and L. wliginosus, and one tetraploid type, L. corniculatus 
L. sens. strict., are recognised. JL. corniculatus L. has the largest dis- 
tribution, but that of ZL. uliginosus is very similar. JL. corniculatus 
var. alpinus is found at high altitudes in the Alps. 

The three species L. corniculatus, LT. tenuis and DL. uliginosus are 
not difficult to distinguish in northern Europe, but in south and 
especially south east Europe they vary so greatly that it is extremely 
difficult to separate them. It is suggested that this may be due to the 
formation of hybrid swarms between Lotus uliginosus, L. tenuis, and, 
perhaps, diploid L. corniculatus races. 

The phylogenetic origins and relationships of the species are also 

160. Lotus. Larsen, K., 1955, Cytotaxonomical studies in Lotus. 
2. Somatic chromosomes and chromosome numbers, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 
8-17. Chromosome numbers of thirteen species of the genus Lotus from 
Europe and N. Africa are given.—[D.H.K.] 

176. Victa. Baksay, L., 1954, Chromosomenstudien an den 
ungarischen Vicia-Arten, Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., 5, 139-148. 


Studies on Vicia section Cracca in Hungary. V. cracca was found to 
have 2n=14 and 2n=24; morphological differences between the two 
chromosome races are also given.—[D.H.K. ] 

185. Rusus. Boivin, B., 1955, Etudes batologiques. 1. Sous-genre 
Cyclactis (Raf.) Focke, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 234-236. The sub- 
specific forms of two aggregate species of Rubus—R. arcticus L. sens. 
amplo and &. pubescens Raf. sens. lat., are differentiated and their 
general distribution given.—[{E.B.B.] 

185/1. Rusus ipaeus L. Boivin, B., 1955, Etudes batologiques. 2. 
Sous-genre Idaeobatus Focke, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 237-238. 
Some varieties of Rubus idaeus are discussed. Main differences between 
the American plant and the European are: the former essentially 
glandular with acicular armature, the latter rarely glandular with 
stouter prickles.—[E.B.B.] 

185/1. Rupus mwaEus L. Haskell, G., 1955, Genic and environ- 
mental relations of flowering-time in Raspberry, Genetica, 27, 377-390. 

189. Porentinya. Wiinstedt, A. K., 1955, Potentilla arenaria x 
Potentilla tabernaemontani, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 58-59. 

194. Rosa. Wylie, A., 1955, The history of garden roses, Endeavour, 
14, 181-189. 

195(2).. Sorsus. Liljefors, A., 1955, Cytological studies in Sorbus, 
Acta Hort. Berg., 17, 47-113. 

196. Cratagecus. Kruschke, E. P., 1955, The hawthorns of Wis- 
consin, part 1, status, objectives and methods of collecting and prepar- 
ing specimens, Milwaukee Public Museum, Publications in Botany, 
No. 2. This exhaustive account of the author’s collecting and her- 
barium technique used in his researches runs to 120 pages and contains 
much of considerable value to workers on other groups.—[A.E.W. ] 

196. Cratarcus. Lundman, B., 1955, Nagra ord om Crataegus- 
formerna vid ekoln séder om Uppsala, Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 1955, 247-251. 
Studies on local populations of Crataegus species near Uppsala with 
particular reference to leaf-shape.—[ D.H.K. ] 

199—> SaxrrRAGACEAE. Hamel, J.-L., 1953, Contribution a l'étude 
cyto-taxonomique de Saxifragacées, Rev. Cytol., Paris, 14, 113-308. 

213/1. Drosera anctica Huds. Wood, C. E., Junr., 1955, Evidence 
for the hybrid origin of Drosera anglica, Rhodera, 57, 105-130. 

216/1. MyriopHyttum spicatum L. Patten, B. C., Junr., 1955, 
Germination of the seed of Myriophyllum spicatum L., Bull. Torr. Bot. 
Club, 82, 50-56. 

217. Cauurrricur. Jones, H., 1955, Heterophylly in some species of 
Callitriche with especial reference to Callitriche intermedia, Ann. Bot., 
19, 225-245. Callitriche stagnalis, C. obtusangula and C. intermedia in 
that order, were found to show a progressively greater variation in leaf 
form. Axes of C. intermedia bearing crowns of ovate leaves were sub- 
merged under various light and temperature conditions and the growth 
rates studied in relation to the form of the leaves produced. Leaf move- 
ments were also studied in connexion with the growth of such submerged 



shoots aud with the general question of heterophylly.—[Author’s sum- 
mary. | 

217/5. CaALLITRICHE INTERMEDIA G. F. Hoffm. Jones, H., 1955, Fur- 
ther studies on heterophylly in Callitriche intermedia: leaf development 
and experimental induction of ovate leaves, Ann. Bot., 19, 369-388. 

223. OENOTHERA. JDeschartres, R., 1954, Une espece adventice 
nouvelle des vallées de |’ Allier et de la Loire: Oenothera strigosa (Ryd- 
berg) Mackenzie et Bush., Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 101, 348-350. Oeno- 
thera strigosa, a native of N. America, was discovered in France in 1950, 
a first record for Europe. Possibly previously overlooked owing to its 
resemblance to one of the many forms of O. biennis, its salient charac- 
ters are: lightly canescent owing to numerous adpressed hairs; rosette 
leaves flat, somewhat narrow, with many adpressed hairs on both sur- 
faces, stem becoming pinkish with age; petiole and main nerve of cauline 
leaves white; floriferous axis lax, elongating, very leafy, leaves passing 
into bracts; upper leaves persistent; flowers medium; ovaries covered 
with sharp, close hairs, whitish. Details of distribution and biology are 
also given.—[ E.B.B. | 

237/1. HypRocotyLte vutearis L. Lindsay-Smith, W. A., & Ran- 
well, D., 1955, The Marsh pennywort, Hydrocotyle vulgaris, as a weed 
in Newborough Nursery, J. For Comm., 23, 108-111. 

244/2. Smyrnium PERFoLIATUM L. Floto, EH., 1954, lagttageiser 
over Smyrnium perfoliatum L., Bot. Tidssk., 51, 66-70. 

282. Davuous. Shove, R. F., 1954, The carrot (Daucus carota) wild 
and cultivated, School Nature Study, 49, 22-25. 

284/1. HepERA HEeLIx L. Boullard, P., 1955, Nouvelles observations 
relatives a Jinfection mycorhiziene expérimentale des _ plantules 
d’ Hedera helix L. (Araliacées), Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 101, 361-363. 

296/1. GaLium BoREALE L. Grontved, J., 1954, Galium boreale L. 
new to Greenland, Bot. Tidssk., 51, 98-102. 

301. VaAuLERIANA. Prat, S., 1955, Vegetare v Silné kyselych vodach 
a regenerace Zelezitych slatin, Preslia, 27, 225-242. Studies on polyploid 
forms of Valeriana officinalis from twenty different localities in Bohemia. 
The results are compared ecologically and taxonomically with similar 
studies carried out in Poland and in England. Taxonomic conditions 
agree more closely between England and Bohemia than between Bohemia 
and Poland—[D.H.K. ] 

301. VALERIANA. Stomps, J. J., 1955, Eine verticillate Valeriana 
oficinalis, Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr., 102, 393-394. A monstrous form of 
Valeriana officinalis is described and figured.—[D.H.K. ] 

308/4. SuccisA PRATENSIS Moench. Adams, A. W., 1955, Succisa 
pratensis Moench (Biological Flora), J. Hcol., 43, 709-718. 

309 ComposiTaE. Cronquist, A., 1955, Phylogeny and taxonomy 

' of the Compositae, Amer. Midl. Nat., 53, 478-511. 

339. AmBrosia. Lawalrée, A., 1955, Note complémentaire sur les 
Ambrosia adventices en Europe occidentale, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 
87, 207-208. Further records from western Europe for Ambrosia trifida, 
A. coronopifolia and .A. elatior.—[E.B.B. ] 


378/2. ARTEMISIA CAMPESTRIS L. Gram, K., 1954, The life form 
and growth of Artemisia campestris, Bot. Tidssk., 51, 93-97. Artemisia 
campestris subsp. eu-campestris 1s a perennial with a many-headed root 
and is in Denmark a hemicryptophyte. The influence of drifting sand, 
moss vegetation and shade on the stretching of the rosette-shoots is 
demonstrated. Attempts to produce vegetative propagation by stolons 
have been seen. This case was only found in two plants of 187 more 
thoroughly investigated in 1950 and never found since.—[ Author’s 
suminary. | : 

379/1. Tussttaco FaRFARA L. Bakker, D., 1955, Klein hoetblad, 
De Levende Natuur, 58, 41-48. 

383/5. SENECIO JACOBAEA L. Bécher, T. W. & Larsen, K., 1955, 
Chromosome studies on some European flowering plants, Bot. Tidssk., 
52, 125-132. Senecio jacobaea in Denmark appears to be represented by 
a fairly uniform population, but in the British Isles its range of varia- 
tion increases, and it is frequently found on coastal dunes, a habitat 
unknown in Denmark. The chromosome number is 2n=40, but two 
plants from Ireland were found to have 2n=32 these resembled the 
plants of the other strains from that country but differed in size.— 

393. Arctium. Baillaud, L., 1954, L’anatomie du pétiole dans le 
genre Arctium, Intérét systématique et signification phylogénetique, 
Ann. Sct. Univ. Besan., Ser. 2, Bot., 1, 31-35. 

396/8. CrRsSIUM ARVENSE (L.) Scop. Willis, S. J., 1954, An experi- 
ment on the control of creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense) in pasture, 
Proc. Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 95-97. 

405. CrnTAUREA. Wagenitz, G., 1955, Pollen Morphologie und Sys- 
tematik in der Gattung Centaurea L. s.l., Flora, 142, 213-279. 

423. Taraxacum. Van Soest, J. L., 1955, Taraxacum section Vul- 
garia Dt. in Nederland, 1., Acta Bot. Neerl., 4, 82-107. Descriptions 
of many of the segregates of Taraxacum officinale in the Netherlands 
are given together with details of distribution and ecological preference. 
Extra-EKuropean, including British, localities are also given.—{D.H.K. } 

428. Tracopogon. Regel, C. von, 1955, Die Verbreitung einiger 
europaisch-asiatischer Tragopogon-Arten, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges., 65, 

428/1. TrAGopoGon porriFoLIuS L. Duiven, J. M., 1955, De blauwe 
morgenster, De Levende Natuur, 58, 30-34. 

438. Vaccintum. Ritchie, J. C., 1955, A natural hybrid in Vac- 
cinium. 1. The structure, performance and chorology of the cross Vac- 
cinium intermedium Ruthe, New Phyt., 54, 49-67. A brief account of 
early investigations on Vaccinium X intermedium is given and the mor- 
phology and anatomy of the putative hybrid are summarized. The 
hybrid shows conspicuous intermediacy between V. myrtillus and V. 

Evidence of hybrid vigour and partial sterility is presented, and the 
ecology of the plant is described. Maps of the distribution in north- 
west Europe of the hybrid and its putative parents are given. 


The data of distribution evoke the hypothesis that the parent species 
are isolated by certain locally operative factors. There is considerable 
evidence of ecological isolation, particularly in northern and upland 
communities; the significance of habitat disturbance is demonstrated 
and attention is drawn to the apparent correlation between the occur- 
rence of the hybrid and the incidence and intensity of factors of distur- 
bance.—[ Author’s summary p.p ] 

438. Vacctntum. Ritchie, J. C., 1955, A natural hybrid in Vacc- 
sinium. 2. Genetic Studies in Vaccinium intermedium Ruthe, New 
Phyt., 54, 320-335. The results of breeding experiments verify the 
putative parentage of V. x intermedium. Progeny from the backcross 
V. x imtermedium Q x V. vitis-idaea ¢ have been obtained and they 
evince introgression to the recurrent parent. 

Detailed exploratory analyses of certain vegetative characters of 
V. x ntermedium demonstrate a significant correlation between morpho- 
logical and anatomical variation and environmental differences. Using 
both floral and vegetative characters, extensive field and herbarium 
observations suggest that apart from this distinct vegetative flexibility, 
the populations of V. x intermedium (and the parent species) are remark- 
ably homogeneous; detailed quantitative analysis of sample populations 
of all three species confirm this hypothesis; graphical and statistical 
assessments of the validity of the hypothesis are presented. 

The apparently restricted gene-flow between V. myrtillus and V. 
vitis-idaea is ascribed to an interaction of partial sterility of the first 
generation hybrid, effective (but not complete) asexual reproduction 
due to the vegetative morphology and longevity of individuals, the 
apparently high frequency in nature of in-breeding due to the over- 
dispersing of individual clones, and the operation of factors of ecological, 
phenological and mechanical isolation.—[{Author’s summary p.p. | 

438/383. Vaccinium viTIs-IpAEA L. Ritchie, J. C., 1955, Vaccinium 
vitis-idaea L. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 43, 701-708. 

439. Oxycoccus. Seymour, F. C., 1955, Oxycoccus as a genus, 
Amer. Midl. Nat., 49, 935-936. 

445/1. Cattuna vuLeartis (L.) Hull.—See 847/1. Preripium 
Aguiuinum (L.) Kuhn. 

446/3. Erica MAcKAIANA Bab. Webb, D. A., 1955, Erica Mackaiana 
Bab. (EH. Mackayi Hook., ined.), (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 43, 319- 

460. Primuta. Valentine, D. H., 1955, Studies in British Primulas. 
4. Hybridization between Primula vulgaris Huds. and P. veris L., New 
Phyt., 54, 70-80. Experimental studies on the crossing of Primula vulgaris 
and P. veris. When P. veris was the female plant of the cross, the 
germination rate was fairly good and the minute seedlings obtained 
grew into vigorous diploid hybrid plants. When P. vulgaris was the 
female plant the germination of seed was nil.—_[D.H.K. ] 

460/5. Primvuta scotica Hook. Dovaston, H. F., 1955, Primula 
scotica Hook f.; a relict species in Scotland, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. 
EHdinb., 21, 289-291. Published somatic chromosome numbers are con- 


firmed for Primula farinosa L., P. scotica Hook. and P. scandinavica 
H. G. Bruun. Repeated attempts to cross these species failed. Re- 
examination of a seed (K3713) from a Quaternary deposit in Cambridge- 
shire confirmed that it belonged to P. scotica sensu stricto, and not to 
P. scandinavica which was separated from P. scotica subsequent to the 
identification of K3713. P. scotica is therefore a relict species in 
northern Scotland. Another fossil seed in the same deposit (K3714) was 
identified as belonging to a Primula of the Hu-Farinosae group now 
extinct in Britain.—[D.H.K. ] 

460/5. Primus scoticA Hook. Ritchie, J. C., 1955, A note on the 
distribution of Primula scotica Hook., J. Ecol., 43, 39-45. The distribu- 
tion of Primula scotica in Scotland is discussed, and it is concluded that 
two natural barriers prevent an extension of range of the species; these 
are the prevalence of moorland and peat-bog vegetation over much of 
the land which is contiguous with the present area of the plant, and the 
insularity of the localities in Orkney. It is suggested that the dispersal 
of seeds by wind is inadequate to overcome these barriers. 

In Full- and Late-Glacial times P. scotica occupied a greater area 
than it does at present. The relationship of the plant with P. farinosa 
and other allied species is discussed.—[D.H.K.] 

467/2. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS L. Buzzard, C. N., 1954, The incon- 
sistent Scarlet Pimpernel, Country Life, 116, 714-715. An account of 
the reactions of Anagallis arvensis to light and weather.—[{[D.H.K.] 

467/2. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS, L. Rodi, D., 1955, Die blaubliitige 
Varietat azurea des Ackergauchneils in Wiirttemburg, Th. Ver. 
Naturk., Wiirttemb., 110, 216-220. 

522/1. Datura strRAMoNIUM L. Michel, E., 1954, Datura stramon- 
ium L. (la pomme épineuse), Nat. Belge, 35, 120-122. 

532/1. Liyarta vuniearts Mill. Rohlfs, L., 1955, Les peloria de 
Linaria vulgaris Mill. en 1954, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., 15, 163-176. 

540/1. SrstHorprA EUROPAFA L. Hedberg, O., 1955, A taxonomic 
revision of the genus Sibthorpia, Bot. Not., 108, 161-183. 

543/41. VEeRONICA FILIFORMIS Sm. Hansen, A., 1955, Veronica 
filiformis Sm. og dens optraeden; Danmark, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 61-64. 
The early records, spread and present distribution of Veronica filiformis 
in Seandinavia are discussed.—[ D.H.K. ] 

561. THymus. Pigott, C. D., 1955, Thymus (Biological Flora), 
J. Ecol., 43, 365-387. Accounts of Thymus drucet Ronn. em. Jalas, T. 
serpyllum L. em. Mill. and 7. pulegioides L. are given.—[{D.H.K.] 

581. Lamium. Bernstrém, P., 1955, Cytogenetic studies on relation- 
ships between annual species of Lamium, Hereditas, 41, 1-122. 

588/3. PrLantraco coronopus L. Béocher, T. W., Larsen, K. & Rhan, 
K., 1955, Experimental and cytological studies on plant species. 3. 
Plantago coronopus and allied species, Hereditas, 41, 423-453. 

588/5. PrLantraco maritima L. Rodrigues, J. E. de M., 1954, Notas 
sobre a cariologia de Cistus palhinhaii Ingram, C. crispus L., Plantago 
maritima L., e Campanula vidalii Watson, Bol. Soc. Brot., 28, 118-129. 


688 9. PiLantaco MEDIA L. Rahn, K., 1954, Experimental and 
cytologival studies in Plantago media, Bot. Tidssk., 51, 300-307. Com- 
parative data are given for plants of Plantago media cultivated from 
seed from Spain, S. France, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Yugo- 
slavia and the Netherlands. Two races have been detected, a diploid 
(2n=12) found so far only in northern Spain and the Pyrenees and a 
tetraploid (2n=24) which is widespread in northern and western 
Kurope.—[ D.H.K.] 

095. ScLERANTHUS. MRossler, W., 1955, Die Scleranthus-Arten 
Osterreichs und seiner Nachbarlinder, Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr., 102, 30- 
72. The distribution of Scleranthus species in Europe is discussed. 
S. perennis, S. annuus and S. polycarpus are given as occurring in 

600. CHENopopIUM. Aellen, P., 1951, Addition a la flore des 
Chenopodiaceae de Belgique, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 87, 195-202. 
Thirteen species of Chenopodiaceae, additional to those in Flore 
Générale de Belgique (1953) are noted, eight being new to Belgium. 
A new hybrid C. x pelgrimsianum (C. album x bushianum) is described, 
and particular reference is given to the forms and varieties of C. album. 
A useful key is provided to separate C. carinatum, C. cristatum and U, 
pumilio.— D.H.K. | 

611. SartcorntaA. Nannfeldt, J. A., 1955, Nagot om Slaktet 
Salicornia: Sverige, Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 1955, 97-109. Preliminary 
notes on studies of Salicornia species in Sweden.—[ D.H.K.] 

615. Potyconum. Bangerter, EK. B. & Welch, B., 1955, The alien 
Polygonums of the London area, Lond. Nat., 34, 60-65. The authors 
describe and key Polygonum pulchellum, P. cognatum, P. amplexicaule, 
P. pensylvanicum var. laevigatum, P. baldschuanicum, P. cuspidatum, 
P. sachalinense, P. polystachyum and P. campanulatum.—[D.H.K. | 

641/1. Myrica catE L. Fletcher, W. W., 1955, The development 
and structure of the root-nodules of Myrica gale L. with special refer- 
ence to the nature of the endophyte, Ann. Bot., 19, 501-513. 

643/1. AtNus cLuTINosA (L.) Gaertn. McVean, D. N., 1955, 
Ecology of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. 1. Fruit formation, J. Hcol., 
43, 46-71. 

643/1. AtNnus cLuTINOosA (L.) Gaertn. McVean, D. N., 1955, The 
ecology of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Abstr. Diss. Camb., 1952-53, 

646. QueRcus. Fenton, E. W., 1955, Notes on the germination 
and early growth of the oak, Scot. For., 9, 65-67. 

646. Quercus. Ward, J. D. U., 1955, American red oak in Britain, 
Country Infe, 118, 628. Quercus borealis Michx. f. (Q. rubra Duroi), 
indigenous to the northeastern United States of America and Canada, 
was introduced into Britain in the 18th century and by the 19th century 
had become a popular park tree. It has long been used in German and 
Dutch forests and is now being used extensively in British forestry, 
largely because it is much less exacting in its soil requirement than the 
native Q. robur and Q. petraea. It will grow, and sometimes grow 


fast, on poor soils, and may even be used in heathland and other places 
where some foresters would hesitate to plant Castanea sativa. The 
acorns take two years to mature and ripen well in Britain. 

The species is often confused with Q. coccinea, but the latter’s leaves 
have a bright and more vivid autumn colour.—[ D.H.K. ] 

649/1. Facus sytvatica L. Matthews, J. D., 1955, The influence 
of weather on the frequency of beech mast years in England, Forestry, 
28, 107-116. 

650. Satrx. Hakansson, A., 1955, Chromosome numbers and meiosis 
in certain Salices, Hereditas, 41, 454-482. Chromosome numbers are 
given for a number of species of Salix not previously investigated and 
counts by earlier authors are confirmed. A number of artificially in- 
duced hybrids have also been investigated cytologically.—{D.H.K.] 

656/1. EnopEA CANADENSIS Michx. Olsen, C., 1954, Hvilke betin- 
gelser ma vaere opfyldte, for at Helodea canadensis kan opna den 
optimale udvikling, der er arsag til dens massevise optraeden: 
naturen?, Bot. Tidssk., 51, 263-273. The conditions of optimum de- 
velopment enabling Elodea canadensis to grow profusely in nature are 
examined and discussed.—[D.H.K. ] 

668/2. PIPACTIS HELLEBORINE (L.) Crantz. Vermeulen, P., 1955, 
Epipactis helleborine, a problem of nomenclature, Acta Bot. Neerl., 4, 
226-251. The nomenclature of Epipactis helleborine is discussed at 
length.—[D.H.K. ] 

668/3(6). EprpactIs PHYLLANTHES G. E. Sm. Young, D. P., 1955. 
Epipactis phyllanthes in Yorkshire, The Nat., 1955, 65. 

669. OrcHis. Hultén, E., 1955, En Gatfull Svensk orkidé, Svensk 
Bot. Tidsk., 1955, 127-130. A solitary specimen of an Orchis (illus- 
trated by a coloured plate), showing no close resemblance to any of the 
known Scandinavian species, was discovered in the Province of Uppland, 
Sweden. In general appearance it somewhat resembled 0. maculata 
and is thought to be a mutation of that species.—[D.H.K. ] 

669. Orcuts. Harrison, J. Heslop, 1955, Orchid hybrids in North 
Down, Irish Nats. J., 11, 342-346. An account of Orchis populations 
found near Strangford Lough, North Down, in 1955. The following 
‘hybrids are described and discussed :—Gymnadenia conopsea x Orchis 
purpurella, G. conopsea x O. ericetorum, O. ericetorum x fuchsii, O. 
fuchsii x purpurella, O. ericetorum x purpurella—[D.H.K.] 

669/7. Orcnts mIncaRNATA L. Harrison, J. Heslop, 1955, The early 
marsh orchid, Dactylorchis incarnata L., in Northumberland and 
Durham, Vasc. (Subst.), 40, 6. Discusses the variation (particularly 
of flower colour) in colonies of Orchis incarnata in Northumberland and 
Durham.—[ D.H.K.] 

684/1. Narcrssus psruponarcissus L. Caldwell, J. & Wallace. 
T. J., 1955, Narcissus pseudonarcissus LL. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 
43, 331-334. 

684/1(2). Narcissus oBVALLARIS Salish. Vaughan, I. M., 1955, 
Botanical field notes, Nature in Wales, 1, 80-81. The distribution of 
Narcissus obvallaris in Wales is discussed.—[D.H.K.] 



718/4. Juncus EFFusus L. Lazenby, A., 1955, Germination and 
establishment of Juncus effusus L. The effect of different companion 
species and of variation in soil and fertility conditions, J. Ecol., 43, 103- 
119. 2. The interaction of moisture and competition, op. cit., 43, 595- 

718/10. Juncus articutatus L. Davies, T. H. & Doney, R. P., 
1954, ‘‘The effect of 2, 4-D (Amine) on Juncus articulatus’’, Proc. Brit. 
Weed Control Conf., 1954, 85-87. 

719. Luzuna. Battaglia, E., 1955, A consideration of a new type 
of meiosis (mis-meiosis) in Juncaceae (Luzula) and Hemiptera, Bull. 
Torr. Bot. Club, 82, 383-396. 

732. Sacirtarta. Bogin, C., 1955, Revision of the genus Sagittaria 
(Alismataceae), Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 9, 179-233. 

736/1. ScHEucHzERIA paLusTRIs L. Moore, J. J., 1955, The distri- 
bution and ecology of Scheuchzeria palustris on a raised bog in Offaly, 

Irish Nats, J., 11, 321-329. 

753. Carex. Prudhomme, J., 1955, Le Carex vulpina L. et le Carex 
subvulpina Senay en Berry, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 41-42. In 1945 
Senay drew attention to the necessity of dividing Carex vulpina into two 
elements; C. subvulpina Senay (=C. nemorosa Rebentisch; C. nemorosa 
Willd.), commonly met with in all herbaria misidentified as CU. vulpina 
L., and true C. vulpina L., much rarer, known so far only from the east, 
centre, north and north west of Europe reaching in France a line 
roughly following the course of the Loire in the Bas-Rhin. No diag- 
nostic characters are given but some further records for the latter species 
are noted.—[ E.B.B. ] 

754> GramiIneak. Beetle, A., 1955, The four subfamilies of the 
Gramineae, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 82, 196-197. 

(04> GRAMINEAE. Jeater, R. S. L., 1954, Preliminary observations 
on the effect of 2, 4-D. on morphological development in grasses, Proc. 
Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 111-123. 

7098/3. SPARTINA TOWNSENDID H. & J. Groves. Chubb, J. C., 1954, 
Further spread of Spartina townsendii H. & J. Groves, N.-W. Nat. 
(N.S.), 2, 651. Spartina townsendti appears to be spreading and estab- 
lishing itself in the northern part of the Dee estuary.—[D.H.K.] 

77//1. PHLEUM PRATENSE L. Langer, R. H. M., 1954, A study of 
the leaf growth in Timothy (Phleum pratense), J. Brit. Grassland Soc., 
9, 275-284. 


794. Avena. Stanton, T. R., 1955, Oat identification and classifica- 
tion, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Technical Bull., No. 1100, 1-206. An 
account of the genus Avena including keys to species, varieties and 
cultivars. Many illustrations and photographs are included.—[D.H.K. ] 

824. Poa. Grun, P., 1955, Cytogenetic studies of Poa. 2. The pair- 

ing of chromosomes in species and interspecific hybrids, Amer. J. Bot., 
42, 11-17. 


824/11. Poa atpiIna L. Miintzing, A. & Nygren, A., 1955, A new 
diploid variety of Poa alpina with two accessory chromosomes at Meiosis, 
Hereditas, 41, 405-422. 

824/14. Poa annua L. Secretain, G. & Schmidt, P., 1955, Nécessité 
de la symbiose pour maintenir Poa annua a l'état vivace, Rev. Gen. Bot., 
62, 124-126. 

824/14. Poa annua L.  Skottsberg, C., 1954, Antarctic flowering 
plants, Bot. Tidssk., 51, 330-332. A single plant of Poa annua was 
found at Whaler’s Bay in 1953. This is the first record of a weed in 
the Antarctic.—[D.H.K. ] 

826. Festuca. MHoranszky, A., 1954, Die Kenntnis der Festuca- 
arten auf Grund der Blattepidermis, Acta Bot. Hung., 1, 61-87. Studies 
on the structure of the epidermal cells of various species of Festuca 
illustrated by many photographs.—[D.H.K. } 

826. Frstuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 9. Festuca arundinacea with some other 
Festuca species, J. Genetics, 53, 81-93. Festuca arundinacea (2n=42) 
and F. pratensis (2n=14) were intercrossed in both directions without 
serious difficulty. The F, hybrids obtained were very highly, but not 
completely, sterile. F. arundinacea was also intercrossed with F. 
gigantea (2n=42), but the F, hybrids obtained were even more highly 
sterile than those of F, arundinacea x pratensis. Established F, hybrid 
plants were also obtained by crossing Ff’. rubra (2n=42) with F. arun- 
dinacea; these were, however, very incompetent and failed to produce 
inflorescences, although, with difficulty, they could be perpetuated vege- 
tatively.—[D.H.K. ] 

826. Festuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 10. Some of the breeding interactions of 
Festuca gigantea, J. Genetics, 53, 94-99. Further information is given 
of results of experimental crosses between Festuca gigantea and F. 
pratensis. An attempt to cross Brachypodium sylvaticum and Festuca 
gigantea gave a negative result.—[D.H.K. ] 

826. Festuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 11. Some of the breeding interactions of 
Festuca pratensis, J. Genetics, 53, 100-104. The present results show 
no breeding affinity between Festuca pratensis and Glyceria fluitans, 
Bromus asper or B. erectus; slight breeding affinities with the three fine- 
leaved fescue species: —Festuca capillata, F. heterophylla and F. rubra, 
and relatively strong breeding affinities with the broad-leaved fescues : — 
Festuca arundinacea and F, gigantea.—{ Author’s summary. ] 

826. Festuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 12. Festuca capillata in crosses, J. Gene- 
tics, 53, 105-111. An account of experimental crosses between Festuca 
capillata and the following species:—F. ovina, F. heterophylla, F. 
rubra, F. pratensis and Lolium perenne.—[D.H.K.] 

826. Festuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 

hybrids in herbage grasses. 13. The breeding affinities of Festuca 
heterophylla, J. Genetics, 53, 112-117. Festuca heterophylla (2n=28) 


has given fully established F, hybrid progeny from crosses with F. 
capillata (2Qn=14), F. rubra (2n=42?) and Loliwm perenne (2n=14).— 
LD ic Bl <a 

826. Frstuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 14. The breeding affinities of Festuca ovina, 
J. Genetics, 53, 118-124. Studies in the experimental crossing of 
Festuca ovina with F. capillata, F. rubra, Lolium loliaceum and L. 
perenne.—| D.H.K. | 

826. Frstuca. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 15. The breeding affinities of Festuca rubra, 
J. Genetics, 53, 125-130. The original results described in the present 
paper or in previous papers of this series concerning the breeding affi- 
nities of Festuca rubra can be summarised in tabular form as below. 

fe) 3 Result* 
Festuca rubra x arundinacea +4 
F. arundinacea x rubra ae 
F. rubra x pratensis + 
F. pratensis x rubra = 
F rubra x capillata = 7 
F. rubra xX heterophylla ++ 
F. heterophylla xX rubra + 
F. rubra xX ovina st 
F. ovina x rubra ++ 
(F. ovina xX rubra) x rubra ++ 
(F. ovina X rubra) xX ovina ++ 
F. loliacea x rubra + 
Lolium temulentum x F. rubra F 
Festuca rubra x (Lolium rigidum xX perenne) = 
F. rubra x L. perenne ate 
Lolium perenne xX F. rubra aP or 
(L. perenne X F. rubra) x rubra - 
(L. perenne X F. rubra) x L. perenne _ 

duced but seeds failed to germinate; — no caryopses produced.—[ Author’s 
summary. | 

*44 established F, hybrids; + seedlings failed to survive; + caryopses pro- 

826/3. FEstTucA ARUNDINACEA Schreb.—See 829. Lotro. 
826/4. Festuca pratensis Huds. Lindquist, A., 1955, Genetics of 
self-incompatibility in Festuca pratensis Huds., Hereditas, 41, 518-520. 

826/4. Frstuca PRATENSIS Huds.—See 829/1. Loxt1um PERENNE IL. 

829. Lonium. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and intergeneric 
hybrids in herbage grasses. 18. Various crosses including Lolium 
rigidum sens..ampl. with L. temulentum and Ju. loliaceum with Fes- 
tuca pratensis and Festuca arundinacea, J. Genetics, 53, 467-486. 

829/1. Lottum pEerENNE L. Fejer, S. O., 1955, Genotype environ- 
ment interactions in Lolium perenne, Nature, 175, 944-945. 

829/1. Lontum PERENNE L. Jenkin, T. J., 1955, Interspecific and 
intergeneric hybrids in herbage grasses. 16. Lolium perenne and 
Festuca pratensis with references to Festuca loliacea, J. Genetics,, 53, 

379-441. 17. Further crosses involving Lolium perenne, op. cit, 53, 


830/4. AGROPYRON REPENS (L.) Beauv. Hood) sae Key 1954: 
Chemical control of couch grasses (Agrostis alba and Agropyron repens), 
a preliminary trial, Proc. Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 201-203. 

830/4. AGROPYRON REPENS (L.) Beauv. Osvald, H. & Aberg, E., 
1954, Recent experiences with herbicides for eradication of Agropyron 
repens, Proc. Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 186-193. 

839/1. JuNIPERUS commuNIs L. Horsley, G. F., 1955, Juniper in 
Swaledale, The Nat., 1955, 29. 

841/1. Pinus sytvestRis L. Harris, E. H. M., 1955, The effect 
of rainfall on the late wood of scots pine and other conifers in East 
Anglia, Forestry, 28, 136-140. 

841/1. Prnvus sytvestris L. Saxon, J. M., 1955, Reproductive 
development in scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Mag. Blundell’s School 
SB Petia Le eS. 

844. Eaquisetum. Pohl, R. W., 1955, Toxicity of ferns and Equi- 
setum, Amer. Fern J., 45, 95-97. 

844. Equisretum. Rapp, W. F., Jr., 1954, The toxicity of Equi- 
setum, Amer. Fern J., 44, 148-154. . 

844. Equiserum. See 845 Prertpopnyra. 

845—> PreripopHyTs. Benedict, R. C., 1955, Weed-killers and 
roadside ferns, Amer. Fern J., 45, 105-106. 

845— PreRIDOopHYTA. lLawalrée, A., 1954, Données nouvelles sur 
les Ptéridophytes de Belgique, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 86, 265-273. 
Details of distribution with several new Belgian localities are given 
for 35 species of Lycopodium, Equisetum and ferns. Dryopteris filixr- 
mas f. petiolata (J. Schmidt) Lawalrée is a new combination. The 
form is characterised by segments with petiolules 5-10 mm. long; a 
detailed description, illustrated by a diagram, is given.—[E.B.B.] 

845— PreripopHyTa. Wagner, W. H., Jr., 1955, Cytotaxonomic 
observations on North American ferns, Rhodora, 57, 219-240. Many 
species also found in Britain are included in these studies of North 
American ferns.—[D.H.K.] 

845— PreripopHyta. Wardlaw, C. W., 1955, Experimental in- 
vestigation of leaf formation, symmetry and orientation in ferns, 
Nature, 175, 115-117. 

845—> PrertpopHyTa. Wardlaw, C. W., 1955, Experimenta) and 
analytical studies of Pteridophytes. 28. Leaf symmetry and orienta- 
tion in ferns, Ann. Bot., 19, 389-399. 

845— Prertporpnyta. Zimmerman, W., 1955, Die Phylogenie der 
Pteridophylle, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 68, 275-284. 

847/1. Prertpium aquitinum (L.) Kuhn. Watt, A. S., 19535, 
Bracken versus heather, a study in plant sociology, J. Ecol., 43, 490-505. 

51/8. AsSpLENIUM X BREYNII Retz. Greenfield, P., 1955, Asplenium 
germanicum, Brit. Fern Gaz., 8, 121-123. Gives an account of this 
hybrid between Asplenium septentrionale and A. trichomanes. An 
editorial note draws attention to the studies of J. D. Lovis at Leeds 
University which have shown that there are two forms of A. ftricho- 


manes, only one of which, apparently, hybridises with A. septentrionale. 

T. M. C., 1953, Further observations on the putative hybrid Dryopteris 
filix-mas xX oreopteris, Amer. Fern J., 43, 69-70. 

856/4. DryopreRIs pitataTa (Hoffm.) A. Gray. Cutter, E. G. 
1955, Experimental and analytical studies of pteridophytes. 29. The 
effect of progressive starvation on the growth and organization of the 
shoot apex of Dryopteris aristata Druce, Ann. Bot., 19, 485-499. 

856/4. DryoprTeriIs pivaTaTa (Hoffm.) A. Gray. Wardlaw, C. W. 
1955, Responses of a fern apex to direct chemical treatments, Nature, 
176, 1098-1100. 

856/4. DryoptrErIs pinaTata (Hoffm.) A. Gray. Wardlaw, C. W. 
& Cutter, E. G., 1955, Experimental and analytical studies of pteri- 
dophytes. 30. Further investigations of the formation of buds and 
leaves in Dryopteris aristata Druce, Ann. Bot., 19, 516-526. 

8956/9. THELYPTERIS PHEGOPTERIS (L.) Slosson. Morton, C. V. & 
Neidorf, C., 1955, The northern beech-fern, Amer. Fern J., 45, 17-19. 

861/2. Woopsta atpina (Bolton) S. F. Gray. Pichi-Sermolli, R. 
EK. G., 1955, ‘‘Woodsia”’ R. Br. nell’ Appennino, Webbia, 10, 447-460. 
Woodsia alpina has been discovered in the Apennines; this represents 
the southern limit of the species (and genus) in western Europe. The 
nomenclature of the genus |Voodsia is also discussed.—[D.H.K. ] 

876/10. CHara Battica Bruz. Corillion, R., 1954, Chara_baltica 
Fries, Charophycée nouvelle pour le Nord-Ouest de la France, Bull. 
Soc. Sci. Bretagne, 28, 42-44. A specimen collected from Vauville is 
referred to Chara baltica, new to the north-west of France. A dis- 
tribution map shows it from only four other French localities, three 
in the west and one in the south-east; it is recorded from Guernsey, 
is rare in the British Isles and is known from the south-west of the 
Baltic, north Atlantic islands, Greenland and North Africa.—[E.B.B.] 

876/15. CHARA FRAGIFERA Durieu. Corillion, R., 1954, Chara fragi- 
fera Durieu. Notes phytogéographiques, écologiques, phytosociologi- 
ques, Bull. Soc. Sci. Bretagne, 28, 45-54. Chara fragifera is known 
from western France, north-west Spain, Portugal, N. Africa, with 
its northern limit in the extreme west of Cornwall. Its ecological re- 
quirements are discussed and its aquatic associates listed from two 
pools.—[ E.B.B. | 


3, S. Devon. Wright, P. M., 1954, Notes on the flora of Sidmouth, 
Country-side (N.S.), 17, 153. 

3-4, Devon. Martin, Rev. W. Keble, 1955, 46th Report on the 
botany of Devon (phanerogams), Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assocn., 86 

6, N. Somerset & 34, W. Gitos. Hope-Simpson, J. F. & Willis, 
A. J., 1955, Vegetation, in MacInnes, C. M. & Whittard, W. F., Bristol 
and its adjoining counties, 91-110 (British Association). 



6, N. Somerset & 34, W. Guos. Sandwith, C. I. & N. Y., 1955, 
Bristol botany in 1954, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29,. 17-24. The 
authors discuss the changes in the flora of the Bristol area since 1939 
and give further stational records.—[ D.H.K. | 

9, Dorset. Good, R., 1955, First addendum to the Handlist of the 
Dorset Flora, Proc. Dorset N.H. & Arch. Soc., 15, 157-163. This is the 
first of what it is hoped may be periodic addenda to the ‘‘Hand-list’’ 
in the author’s A Geographical Handbook of the Dorset Flora.— 
[A.E.W. ] 

9, Dorser & 11, S. Hants. Lavender, J. H., 1955, Problems in the 
study of local marsh, bog and fen vegetation, Proc. Bournemouth Nat. 
Scr. Soc., 44, 59-65. 

10, Wient. White, E. H., 1952-53, Botanical Notes, Proc. Isle of 
Wight N.H. & Arch. Soc., 4, 184-185. The author deals with the 
present status of the various species of Orchidaceae found on the island. 
Orchis ustulata has not been seen for many years and Platanthera 
chlorantha and P. bifolia are decreasing. All previous records of Orchis 
latifolia are referred to O. praetermissa: Botanical notes for 1952, 
op. cit., 4, 247.—[D.H.K. ] 

10, Wiext. Young, D. P., 1953, The Isle of Wight Helleborines, 
Proc. Isle of Wight N.H. & Arch. Soc., 4, 252-256. 

11, S. Hants.—See 9, Dorset. 

12, N. Hants. Hall, I. G., 1955, Natural vegetation of oak woods 
in Alice Holt Forest, J. For. Comm., 23, 105-108. 

13-14, Sussex, 15-16, Kent & 17, Surrey. Rose, F., 1954, Botanical 
records for Kent, Sussex and Surrey, 1953-54, S.H. Nat. & Antiq., 59. 

14, E. Sussex. Ticehurst, N. P., 1955, Notes on the local fauna and 
flora for 1954: plants, Hastings & EF. Sussex Nat., 8, 155-156. 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18, S. Essex, 20, Herts & 21, Mippx. 
Lousley, J. E., 1955, Botanical records for 1954, Lond. Nat., 34, 2-6. 
Gives further interesting records for the London area.—{D.H.K.] 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18-19, Essex, 20, Herts, 21, Mippx. & 
24, Bucks. Kent, D. H. & Lousley, J. E., 1955, A Hand List of the 
Plants of the London Area, part 5, Labiatae (Teucrium) to Trilliaceae, 
supplement Lond. Nat., 34. 

17, Surrey. Castell, C. P., 1955, The bomb-crater ponds of Book- 
ham Common, Lond. Nat., 34, 16-21. An ecological account of the 
aquatic vegetation of bomb-crater ponds at Bookham Common.— 
[D:H.EB. | 

17, Surrey. Jones, A. W., 1955, The flora of the golf course on 
Wimbledon Common, Lond. Nat., 34, 141-145. 

17, Surrty. Topping, M. P., 1955, The changing vegetation of the 
North Downs, Council for the Promotion of Field Studies, 1953-54 Rep.., 
26-32. Notes on plant succession in the Box Hill area.—[D.H.K.] 

18, S. Essex. Selby, C. H., 1955, Some aspects of dispersal and 

succession of plants in some Epping Forest ponds, Lond. Nat., 34, 128- 


18-19, Essex. Jermyn, S. T., 1955, Botanical notes and records, 
1954, S. Hssex Nat., 4, 13-16. 

20, Herts. English, R. D. S., 1955, Botanical observations on 
Bricket Wood, Trans. Herts. N.H.S., 24, 146-156. 

21, Mippx. Baker, EK. C., 1955, Botany in London City, Post Office 
Mag., 16, 84-85. A short popular account of the flora of bombed sites 
in London.—[D.H.K. ] 

22, Berks. & 24, Bucks. Ambrose, F. & Hyde, M. B., 1955, Some 
Thames-side plants, Middle-Thames Nat., 7, 26-30. A popular account 
of some of the plants found by the Thames between Henley and Staines. 
—=[.D. EbkK. | 

22, Berxs. & 24, Bucks. Hyde, M. B., 1955, Botanical records, 
1954, Middle-Thames Nat., 7, 7-9. 

24, Bucks. Le Sueur, A. D. C., 1955, A guide to Burnham Beeches. 
Corporation of London. Price 1/3. The natural history of Burnham 
Beeches, pp. 12-21. Contains a few notes on the plant life of the area, 
including such unusual statements as Lysimachia vulgaris being de- 
scribed as a plant of woodlands and Impatiens parviflora as a species 

of ponds and wet places. More careful proof reading could have 
eliminated such misprints as ‘‘Myotis secunda’’, ‘‘Polygonum amphybi- 
bium’’, ‘‘Iris pseudacornis’? and ‘‘Impatiens parvifolia’’.—[D.H.K. ] 

25, E. SUFFOLK. Punter, D., 1955, An ecological survey of the 
Dunwich neighbourhood, Rep. Gresham’s School N.H.S., 32, 52-60. 

25-26, SurFoLK. Simpson, F. W., 1955, Doubtful, extinct and un- 
common flora of Suffolk, Trans. Suffolk Nats. Soc., 9, 38-43. 

25-26, SurrotkK. Trist, P. J. O., 1955, Blythburgh Marshes, Trans. 
Suffolk Nats. Soc., 9, 36-87. A short account of plant succession at 
Blythburgh Marshes following inundation by sea water.—[D.H.K. | 

27-28, Norrotk. Swann, EH. L., 1955, An annotated list of Norfolk 
vascular plants, Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Nats. Soc., 18, 3-54. An 
up-to-date list of the flowering plants, ferns and fern allies of Norfolk, 
compiled by the author from his own observations, together with numer- 
ous references from literature. A most useful guide to the present 
flora of the county.—[D.H.K.] 

30, Beprorp. Dony, J. G., 1955, The Bedfordshire railway flora, 
Bedford. Nat., 9, 12-16. Gives an account of the adventive vegetation 
of railway sidings, permanent way, etc., in Bedfordshire.—[D.H.K.] 

30, Beprorp. Dony, J. G., 1955, Flowering plants, Bedford. Nat., 9, 
30. Gives the most interesting records for 1954.—[D.H.K. ] 

32, NoRTHANTS. Gilbert, J. L., 1955, Botanical records, 1954, 
J. Northants. N.H.S. & F.C., 33, 33. 

32, NortHants. Hepburn, I., 1955, The vegetation of the old stone 
quarries at Collyweston: a further study of the Northamptonshire 
Jurassic Limestone, J. Hcol., 43, 74-79. 

32, NortHants. Leftwich, A. W. & James, H. G., 1955, Ecology of 
the river Nene and of the Grand Union Canal, J. N om oee. N.S. & 
F'.C., 33, 25-32. 


36, HEREFORD. Carter, P. W., 1955, Some account of the history 
of botanical exploration in Herefordshire, Trans. Woolhope N.F.C., 
34, 232-267. 

36, HEREFORD. Kendrick, F. M., 1955, Botanical report, 1954, 
Trans. Woolhope N.F.C., 34, 301-303. 

38, WARWICK. Henshall, T., 1955, Botanizing along the Fosse 
Way, Ann. Rep. Waruick N.H.S., 1, 8-13. 

39, STAFFORD. Edees, E. S., 1955, Botany, Itep. & Trans. N. Staffs. 
F'.C., 88, 82-89. Gives further new stations for Staffordshire plants. 

41, Guam. Reynolds, L. D., 1955, The flowering plants and pteri- 
dophyta of the Caerphilly Basin, N.W. Nat. (N.S.), 3, 35-57. 

42, Brecon & 44, Carm. Davies, F. H., 1955, Natural regeneration 
at 1200 feet above sea level at Glasfynydd Forest, J. For. Comm., 23, 

44, Carm. & 45, Pems. Vaughan, I. M., 1955, Botanical field notes, 
Nature in Wales, 1, 80-81. Several new county records are given for 
Carmarthen and Pembroke and the distribution of Narcissus obvallaris 
in Wales is discussed. Details are also given of the arrival and spread 
of Spartina townsend at the Dale estuary.—[D.H.K.] 

44, Carm., 45, Pems., 46, Carp., 47, Monte. & 48, Mer. Vaughan, 
Mrs. I. M., 1955, Field notes: Botanical, Nature in Wales, 1, 134-135. 
Includes a few new vice-county records.—[ D.H.K.] 

45, Pems. Goodfield, J. & Bullock, W. A. C., 1955, An Introduc- 
tion to the natural history of the Gann Estuary, Pembrokeshire, Coun- 
cul for the Promotion of Field Studies, 1953-54 Rep., 47-52. 

45, PrEeMs. Gillham, M. E., 1955, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire 
Islands. 3. The effect of grazing upon the vegetation, J. Ecol., 43, 

45, Pems. Gillham, M. E., 1955, Some possible consequences if 
rabbits should be exterminated by myxomatosis on Skokholm Island, 
Pembrokeshire, N.W. Nat. (N.S.), 3, 30-34. 

46, Carp. Jones, H., 1955, Studies on the ecology of the river 
Rheidol. 1. Plant colonization and permanent quadrat records in the 
main stream of the lower Rheidol, J. Ecol., 43, 462-476. 

46, Carp., 48, Mer. & 49, Carrn. Benoit, P. M., 1955, The sand 
dune areas of Cardigan Bay, Nature in Wales, 1, 116-119. An account 
of the plant life of the sand dunes of Cardigan Bay.—[D.H.K.] 

49, Carrn. Swinscow, D., 1955, A visit to Snowdonia, Brit. Fern 
Gaz., 8, 118-121. Describes a visit to Snowdonia and refers to the 
horsetails and ferns met with.—{A.E.W.] 

51, Furr, 58, Cues. & 59, S. Lanes. Savidge, J. P., 1955, Botani- 
cal records and notes, 1954, Proc. Liverpool N.F.C., 1954, 9-14. In- 
cludes a number of additions to C. T. Green’s Flora of the Liverpool 
Area.—[A.E.W. & D.H.K.] 

58, Cures. Chubb, J. C., 1955, Pyramidal orchid in Wirral, Proc. 
Liverpool N.F.C,, 1954, 15. The pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyra- 
midalis) was found on the sand-dunes near West Kirby in 1952, This 


appears to be the only record for the Liverpool district since 1891.— 

58, Cues. Henderson, M. & McMillan, N. F., 1955, Changes in 
the Dee Marshes, 1951-1954, Proc. Inverpool N.F.C., 1954, 20-21. 

58, Cues. McMillan, N. F. & Henderson, M., 1954, Wirral flower- 
ing plants, V.W. Nat. (N.S.), 2, 651. Alliwm vineale var. compactum, 
A. oleraceum, Inula helentum and Juncus tenuis are reported from 
the Wirral peninsula.—[D.H.K. | 

59, S. Lancs. Lacey, W. S., 1954, Notes on the fiora of the Chorley 
district of South Lancashire, N.W. Nat. (N.S.), 2, 526-558. Over 400 
flowering plants and vascular cryptogams are listed from the Chorley dis- 
trict (i.e., the area enclosed by a circle of 5 mile radius from Chorley 
Town Hall) from observations made by the writer between 1940 and 
1950.—[D.H.K. | 

60, W. Lancs. Burns, J., 1955, Some of the rarer plants in the 
Lancaster district, New Biologian, 4, 9-11. A short account of some 
of the more uncommon plants to be found within a 15 mile radius of 
Lancaster.—[D.H.K. ] 

61-65, York. Shaw, G. A., 1955, Botany: Plant records, The Nat., 
1955, 27-29. Includes a few new vice-county records.—[D.H.K. ] 

64, Mip. W. York. Milton, S., 1953, The formation of raised peat 
bog, New Biologian, 2, 15-18. An account of the formation of a raised 
peat bog at the west end of Malham Tarn.—[D.H.K. ] 

66, DurHAM. Harrison, J. Heslop, 1955, Records: flowering plants, 
Vasc. (Subst.), 40, 8, 16, 22-24 and 32. 

66, DurHAM. Morton, J. K., 1955, Alopecurus alpinus Sm. in Upper 
Teesdale, Vasc. (Subst.), 40, 5-6. 

69, Westm. Holdgate, M. W., 1955, The vegetation of some springs 
and wet flushes on Tarn Moor near Orton, Westmorland, J. Heol., 43, 

69, Westm. Holdgate, M. W., 1955, The vegetation of some British 
upland fens, J. Ecol., 43, 389-403. The author describes some of the 
rich fen vegetation to be found in the neighbourhood of Sunbiggin Tarn 
in central Westmorland. Much ecological data are given.—[D.H.K. ] 

70, CuMBERLAND. Dyce, J. W., 1955, The Borrowdale Excursion, 
1954, Brit. Fern Gaz., 8, 115-118. A complete list of the ferns seen is 
given.—[ A.K.W. | 

88, Mip PertH. The National Trust for Scotland, 1955, Ben Lawers 
and its Alpine Flowers. Kdinburgh. Pp. 56. Price 4/-. An excellent 
account of the plant ecology of the hill by D. Poore (31 pages) deals 
with the factors which determine the vegetation and the various com- 
munities to be seen. The reasons for the richness of the flora, and 
relationship of the rarities to the Ben Lawers schist, are discussed. 
In addition, this booklet includes short accounts of the mountain in 
history and legend by Miss M. S. Campbell, of the geology by G. R. 
Elles, and animals by J. Grant Roger. It is illustrated by maps, fine 
photographs of the scenery, and 12 colour photographs of rare plants.— 
fo. Li.) 


IRELAND. Bocher, T. W., 1954, Studies on European calcareous 
fixed dune communities, Vegetatio, 5-6, 562-570. The account includes 
descriptions of such dune communities in Ireland and Jersey.—[ D.H.K. | 

IreLanp. Mould, D. D. C. P., 1956, The mountains of Ireland. 
Batstord. London. Price 21/-. Gives brief details of the Flora of the 
various Irish mountains, mainly based on information given in 
Praeger’s The Botanist in Ireland (1934).—[D.H.K.] 

H.4, Mip Cork. O’Reilly, H., 1955, Survey of the Geragh, an area 
of wet woodland on the river Lee, near Macroom, Co. Cork, Irish Nats. 
J., 11, 279-286. 

H.9, Crare. Webb, D. A., 1955, Woodland relics in the Burren, 
Irish Nats., J., 11, 251-252. 

H.20, Wicktow. Brunker, J. P., 1955, Flora of Co. Wicklow, new 
records, Irish Nats. J., 11, 250-251. 

H.38, Down, H.39, Antrim & H.40, Derry. Carrothers, E. N. & 
Moon, J. McK., 1956, Notes on the Flora of the north east of Ireland, 
Irish Nats. J., 12, 11-14. The authors give new stations for a number 
of plants in Down, Antrim and Derry.—[D.H.K.] 




The meeting was held in the Botany Dept., Leeds University, on 
Saturday, October 22. At the morning session lectures were given by 
Professor I. Manton and Professor R. Good, followed after lunch by 
two more short lectures by Dr. C. D. Pigott and Mr. A. D. Greenwood. 
The remainder of the afternoon was devoted to an inspection of the 
exhibits in one of the botanical laboratories, with a break for tea in 
the University Refectory. About 50 members and guests attended the 



I. Manton 

Professor Manton reviewed the progress of cyto-taxonomic research 
on ferns since the publication of her Problems of cytology and evolution 
im the Pteridophyta. She described how the cytological information 
derived from the limited number of British and west European ferns 
has recently been supplemented by chromosome counts on numerous 
Ceylon and Malayan genera, pointing out the relation of this new 
body of data to that obtained from Kuropean species and its bearing 
on fern classification. 

R. Goon 

Professor Good outlined the principal features of the vegetation 
and flora of East Yorkshire, relating these to topographical and geo- 
logical factors and the highly cultivated conditions which prevail over 
most of the Riding. Species conspicuous by their rarity or absence 
from the chalk wolds but characteristic of similar ground in southern 
Britain, and notably abundant species, were enumerated. 


C. D. Picott 

Dr. Pigott discussed the inadequacy of single factors which have 
sometimes been evoked to account for observed phenomena of distri- 
bution, illustrating his remarks by particular reference to I[soetes 
hystrix, Polemoniwm caeruleum and Cirsium acaule. 



Mr. Greenwood described the occurrence of Lycopodium alpinum 
in a Caernarvonshire valley where its unusual abundance is such as 
to make it a significant element in the turf of the valley slopes. Obser- 
vations, photographs and measurements of individual colonies made 
over a period of seven years showed that the patches are at present 
increasing by nearly a foot a year. The possible causes leading to its 
rapid increase were discussed. 


1. A preliminary investigation into the taxa Arenaria serpyllifolia 
and A. leptoclados. F. W. Apams. 
2. Distribution maps of Alchemilla spp. in the Teesdale area. 
Miss M. E. Brapsuaw. 
3. Calamagrostis canescens xX neglecta from South-East Yorks and 
Swedish species and hybrids of Calamagrostis. 
Miss F. E. Cracktes. 
4. Distribution and ecology of Primula farinosa. Dr. E. M. Evans. 
5. Alisma gramineum and Lincolnshire alien plants. 
Miss E. J. Grpsons. 
6. Colonisation by Lycopodium alpinum and L. clavatum, illustrated 
by photographs and specimens. A, D. GREENWOOD. 
7. (a) Gametophytes of Ophioglossum and Lycopodium spp. (b) Prints 
and paintings illustrating early Chinese botany. Prof. I. Manton. 
8. Crocus nudiflorus, Potamogeton epihydrus and other Halifax plants. 
F. Murearroyp. 
9. Investigations on Huphorbia cyparissias, E. esula and E. virgata. 
T. O. PriteHarp. 
10. Peculiar features in the distribution of Polemonium caeruleum. 
C. D. Pieorr. 

11. Variation in Ranunculus acris and R. bulbosus. J. Rossiter. 

12. Living plants of the cytological races of British Polypodium vulgare 
and of P. virginianum and P. californicum. Miss M. Sutvas. 

13. Cirsium hybrids. W. A. SLEDGE. 

14. Hpipogium aphyllum from Switzerland: specimens and colour 
photographs. Miss C. SHAppIcK and W. A. Sieper. 



A Western Regional Meeting was held at Cardiff on Saturday, 18th 
March 1955, in the Department of Botany, University College, by kind 
permission of the Principal and Professor R. C. McLean. Approxi- 
mately 25 members and guests attended all, or part, of the day’s pro- 

The meeting opened at 10.30 a.m., when Professor McLean gave a 
short address of welcome. The chair was then taken by Mr. H. A. Hyde 
and Professor McLean delivered a paper entitled ‘‘Spore variation in 
Equisetum’’. He pointed out that although the spores of Hquisetum 
arvense were apparently all alike, careful measurement had shown that 
two size groups existed which had more or less independent ranges of 
distribution. Similar variations had been detected in the homosporous 
Calamites, a fossil group in which true heterospory was also developed. 
He suggested that variation in spore size of the type described might 
represent a stage in the evolution of heterospory. 

During the interval which followed, coffee was served in the laboratory 
and many of those present took the opportunity of inspecting the Time- 
lapse Ciné Unit, the operation of which was explained and demonstrated 
by Miss K. Benson Evans. 

The chair at the second lecture session was taken by Professor 
McLean. Mr. A. E. Wade read a paper on ‘‘The British and introduced 
species of Symphytwm’’, in which he discussed their differential charac- 
ters and referred to the various views which had been expressed regard- 
ing the origin of Symphytum ‘“‘peregrinum’’. Mr. F. Perring then gave a 
stimulating account of the Maps Scheme which he introduced with a 
historical survey of the study of plant distribution in Britain. 

The meeting then adjourned for lunch, reassembling in the afternoon 
at 2.30 in the National Museum of Wales, where the Keeper of Botany, 
Mr. Hyde, gave a short introductory talk. Under the guidance of Mr. 
Hyde and Mr. Wade, members and guests toured the botanical galleries 
and inspected the special exhibits which had been arranged for the 
meeting in the reserve. These included plants of special local interest 
from the herbarium, illustrated books on plants from the library and 
an exhibit relating to work on air-borne pollen by Mr. Hyde. To those 
who had not previously visited the Museum, the occasion was doubtless 
a memorable one; to those who were revisiting it, a pleasure renewed. 

At 4.30, the Society was entertained to tea by the University College 
of South Wales and Monmouthshire in the New College buildings 
adjacent to the Museum, and thereafter the exhibits staged by members 
and guests were open for inspection in the Plant Physiology laboratory. 



A series of 24 herbarium specimens, including Paeonia mascula, 
Arabis stricta, Koeleria vallesiana, Allium sphaerocephalon, Vicia 
orobus, Sisymbrium irio.—l. Evans. 


Herbarium specimens and photographs illustrating the principal 
communities: Grass heath dominated by Agrostis setacea, limestone 
grassland with many ealcicoles including Curexr montana but no 
dominant, and limestone heath which is a mosaic of the other two.— 
R. B. Ivimey Cook. 


Living specimens in flower and fruit (Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum 
and R. microphylla) which had been grown under conditions of extended 
daylight.—A. G. Lyon. 


Colour transparencies and a note drawing attention to factors which 
may result in the disappearance of the plant from former localities.— 
A. G. Lon. 


A historical series illustrating the evolution of the Society’s publica- 
tions from its beginning.—Pror. R. C. McLEan. 


Herbarium specimens and maps relating to the British distribution 
of this new record for Wales. (See Proc. B.S.B.I., 1, 498: 1955.— 
B. Mires. 

Tue Distrinution Mars ScHEME 

An exhibit illustrating the morning lecture.—F. PEerRRING. 

A specimen from Orielton, Pembrokeshire.—Mrs. I. M. Vavenan. 

A series of herbarium sheets illustrating the paper given during the 
morning lecture session.—A. EB. Wapr. 

At approximately 5.30 p.m. the meeting ended. 
In replying to Dr. Dony’s concluding remarks, I had a welcome 
opportunity of expressing my own thanks to all those who had con- 


tributed to the day’s activities. I should like to reafirm my grateful 
appreciation of the help and co-operation I received in making the local 
arrangements for the meeting and to include this time Dr. Dony him- 
self, whose assistance, I fear, I failed to acknowiedge verbally. Not 
only was the idea of holding a Regional Meeting in Cardiff his, but in 
the course of correspondence in the months preceding it, I received 
from him much valuable help and encouragement. 

In conclusion, may I thank those speakers and exhibitors who pro- 
vided me with notes relating to their contributions, which I have freely 
used in compiling this account. 

A. G. Lyon. 


On Sunday, 19th March 1955, a visit was paid by a party of about 
12 members and guests to Cwm George, Dinas Powis, under the leader- 
ship of Mr. A. EK. Wade. Cwm George is the first Welsh locality for 
Arum. neglectum (Towns.) Ridl. and several plants were seen. Unfor- 
tunately, careful search failed to disclose the presence of Polypodiwm 
vulgare var. cambricum (L.) Lightf. which seems to have disappeared 
from its classical locality—at least from the accessible parts of it! 

In spite of the early date of the visit, a number of additional plant 
records were obtained for the Distribution Maps Scheme. 

Thanks are due to Mr. Wade for his able leadership and to the 
Conservator, South Wales Conservancy of the Forestry Commission, 
for granting access to the Cwm. 

A. G. Lon. 




An Exhibition Meeting was held in the Lecture Hall of the British 
Museum (Natural History), London, S.W.7, by kind permission of the 
Trustees, on Saturday, November 26, 1955, from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. 
Over 300 members and guests attended, and exhibits were arranged by 
33 individuals and institutions. An account of these is given below, 
based on notes supplied by the exhibitors. For further details see 
Nature, 177, 18-20 (1956). 


Black and white and colour photographs were exhibited of the newly- 
discovered Suffolk population of the military orchid (Orchis militaris 
L.).— ANON. 


Specimens were exhibited of this grass which has been recorded in 
Britain only eight times (three times since 1954), and similar species of 
the genus Vulpia with which it might be confused were also shown. 
Two maps were included in the exhibit, the first of the distribu- 
tion of Nardurus martimus in western Europe; indicating that 
the plant is rather rare north of Paris, and in England and Belgium 
is at the northern limit of its range. The second map showed the 
eight British localities in relation to the chalk and limestone areas 
where it is principally found. 

A third section included a preliminary investigation of the ecology 
of Nardurus and showed that the species is fully able to compete with 
many stronger taxa on the more disturbed areas of chalk grassland. 

It is to be hoped that a careful search of old rabbit warrens, craters 
and rough scarps in the chalk and limestone areas will disclose new 
localities for the plant and indicate that it may in fact be a much over- 
looked native of the British Isles—W. M. Baron & R. KeExp. 

Herbarium sheets were exhibited of ‘‘typical’’ Spartina townsendti 
and of an unusual form of the plant from Merioneth.—P. M. Brnorrt. 

A Ser or Hysrip Docks 

The exhibit consisted of herbarium sheets of the four common docks, 
Rumezx conglomeratus, R. crispus, R. obtusifolius and R. sanguineus, 
and six hybrids—R. conglomeratus xX crispus, R. conglomeratus x 
obtusifolius, R. ? crispus x hydrolapathum, R. crispus x obtusifolius, 
R. crispus X sanguineus and R. obtusifolius x sanguineus—P. M. 

*See also separate paper on p. 4. 



Herbarium specimens were shown of Centaurium littorale x minus 
from Merioneth.—P. M. BeEnorr. 


DistRIBuTION Mars or somMeE ALCHEMILIA Mtcrospeci&s 

The distribution of Alchemilla monticola, A. acutiloba, A. glomeru- 
lans and A. wichurae in the north Pennine area was shown on two 
base maps. These were plotted on a grid of 0-2 km. and showed in- 
teresting correlations between roadsides and meadows used by sheep 
and cattle—Miss M. EK. Brapsnaw. 

Prant Lire on RocKAty 

A party of Royal Marine Commandos landed on Rockall on Sept. 
18, 1955, and with them was Mr. James Fisher, the naturalist. Mr. 
Fisher brought back a few rock specimens, the seaweeds on the sur- 
face of which were identified by Mr. H. T. Powel of the Marine Station, 
Millport, and myself. Photographs of the rock were shown in the 
exhibit together with a lst of the species found both in 1955 and in 
1922 by the French. The main components of the flora were the 
brown seaweed Alaria esculenta (LL.) Grev. round the base of the rock, 
and a tuft of the small green seaweed Prasiola stipitata Suhr. on the 
upper parts. One lichen—Verrucaria microspora Nyl. was present 
but there are no flowering plants among the 22 species so far recorded. 


This exhibit was prepared to enable examples of interesting and 
newly-recorded plants described in ‘‘Plant Notes’’ to be seen. The fol- 
lowing herbarium specimens were shown:—Cotoneaster horizontalis 
Deene., Salpichroa origanifolia (liam.) Baill., Cyperus rotundus L., 
Genistella sagittalis (l..) Gams, Elodea callitrichoides (Rich.) Casp., 
Egeria densa Planch., Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) C. E. Moss and Cam- 
panula lactiflora Bieb.—BritisH Museum (Naturat History). 


Specimens were exhibited of Centaurea solstitialis var. intermedia 
Gugl. from a rubbish-tip at Downe, W. Kent and a Juncus sp.* from 
Denham, Bucks.—British Musrum (Natural History). 


Original drawings for James Sowerby’s English Botany (1790-1814) 
were displayed.—BoTanicaL [LipraRy, British Museum (NATURAL 
History). ; 

*Since determined by Mr. N. Y. Sandwith as J. tenuis var. anthelatus Wieg.—ED. 



The following MSS. were exhibited:—Flora of Uxbridge and 
Middlesex, John Benbow (1821-1908): Flora of Sussex, A. H. Wolley- 
Dod (1861-1948), Annotated copy of Brewer’s Flora of Surrey, H. 
Trimen (1843-96), Appendix to the Botany of Worcestershire, Carle- 
ton Rea (d. 1946).—Bortantcan Lisprary, British Museum (Natura. 

New Licut on DILLENIUS AND JoHN SisptHorRe.—Mrs. H. N. Croxm. 



Herbarium specimens and distribution maps were shown of the 
rarer species from the south-western part of the Lleyn Peninsula, 
Caernarvon.—Dr. A. M. Conorty. 


Maps showing the distribution of Primula farinosa throughout the 
world (according to Hegi), and in Europe and Western Asia were exhi- 
bited. It was pointed out that recent taxonomic work has rendered 
Hegi’s map incorrect and that both the North and South American 
plants are separated as distinct species. 

In its ecology, Primula farinosa is an arctic-alpine plant of base- 
rich soils. It appears to thrive in three types of community, a short- 
turf grassland of dry soils, a parvocaricetum of flushed soils, and fen. 
In Teesdale, Malham, Oland and the Pyrenees it has been observed 
in a short dry Seslerietum turf, while in Austria it may form dense 
carpets in alpine meadows with Carex firma. On the other hand, it 
grows luxuriantly in permanently wet soils with much taller fen 
plants, as at Cunswick Tarn, Westmorland, Murnauer Moos, Bavaria, 
and Le Vallon d’Estibére in the Pyrenees. 

To explain this wide tolerance in its water relations the following 
hypothesis is advanced. It is suggested that P. farinosa requires a 
habitat with a high water table for maximum development. Those 
habitats which appear to be dry in summer may in fact be extremely 
moist in spring owing to melting snow or heavy rainfall, and it is at 
this time when germination of the seed and subsequent establishment 
take place. The difference in height of the inflorescence stalk pro- 
duced by plants from these different habitats is worth noting: it varies 
from nil in the completely stemless form of exposed dry habitats to a 
stalk of 30 ems. from a fen community. Plants from a wide variety 
of habitats are in cultivation to see whether these differences are main- 
tained under uniform conditions. 

The exhibitor would be very pleased to receive recently confirmed 
records of Primula farinosa in the British Isles—Dr. Enizaneta M. 



The completely submerged form of Alisma gramineum Lejeune was 
discovered in the river Glen, Surfleet, on September 3, 1955, by Miss 
i. J. Gibbons. Specimens and photographs were shown of the plant 
in this locality, and maps to show the distribution in four rivers and 
drains between Spalding and Surfleet. Specimens and photographs 
were also exhibited of the shallow-water form previously known at 
Westwood Park, Worcestershire, and a map to illustrate the distribu- 
tion abroad. An account of the species in Britain is in preparation. 
—Miss. E. J. Grssons & J. E. Lovustey.: 


An Armeria was recorded by Vincent Bacon from near Grantham 
in 1726 and there are numerous records showing that thrift grew over 
a wide area of the old Lincoln Heath in Leicestershire as well as in 
Taincolnshire. It still occurs at Ancaster and Wilsford and material 
collected at Ancaster appears to be Armeria maritima var. elongata 
(Hoffm.) Mansf. Specimens, a photograph and maps were shown, and 
an account is in preparation.—Miss E. J. Grppons & J. EK. Loustey. 


Herbarium sheets were shown of twelve adventive grasses intro- 
duced into the market garden areas of the Vale of Evesham with 
“wool manure’’ (‘“‘shoddy’’) from the woollen mills of Yorkshire and 
the blanket mills of Witney. A large proportion of the imported wool 
used in the mills is of Australian and New Zealand origin and contains 
the seeds and fruits of many Australasian and cosmopolitan plants. 
These survive the process of cleaning in the mills and give rise to alien 
plant communities in the arable fields where the wool manure is spread 
and at sidings where it is unloaded. 

The exhibit also included photographs taken in the Vale of Eve- 
sham and a sample of wool manure from a Witney blanket mill con- 
taining many seeds and fruits.—Mi1ss C. M. Goopman. 



This plant was first found in Britain by the Rev. T. Gisborne in 
1839 at Clapham, Yorks., and although it was incorporated in Bab- 
ington’s herbarium it was labelled ‘‘A. ciliata’. It was not until 1859 
that J. Sim brought his Perthshire discovery to the notice of the 
botanical world in the pages of The Phytologist. This provoked a 
violent controversy regarding the plant’s status in Britain. 

The horticultural literature is more reserved. It records the plant 
as being introduced in 1787, and there is little reason to doubt that 
it had been previously absent from this country. It spread rapidly 
and is now known from Cornwall to Raasay, growing usually on wall 


tops and old buildings, though it is most plentiful in the south-west. 
—G. Haiipay. 

MINUARTIA FASCICULATA (L.) Reichb. AN Unconrirmep ReEcorp 

A specimen of this plant collected by G. Don in Clova was shown. 
—G. Harirmay. 


A map was exhibited showing the British distribution of this species 
in relation to lead workings, carboniferous limestone, basalt and ser- 
pentine.—G. Hatripay. 


This simple exhibit showed a plant of Glaux maritima with its 
extensive system of subterranean stems ramifying about 3 ft. and in 
several directions. The particular plant on view came from the shore 
near Spurn Head where a thin layer of sand overlies boulder clay, 
and each stolon (or thin rhizome) was interlocked with others from 
neighbouring plants. It does not appear to be generally realised that 
G. maritima possesses such a system.—F. N. HEPppER. 

Tue Distrrisution or LURONIUM NATANS 

The exhibit consisted of maps showing the distribution of Iwronium 
natans in the British Isles and Europe. Herbarium sheets of Lwronium 
natans identified by Gliick as f. typicum and f. spargantfolium were 
exhibited with a comparative sheet of Baldellia ranunculoides var. 
repens Davies.—A. C. JERMY. 


The object of this exhibit was to indicate that the relationship be- 
tween Sieglingia decumbens (I.) Bernh. and Danthonia calycina 
(Vill.) Rehb. is one of species and not genus. The two species 
hybridise with great facility where they occur together (in southern 
Europe); the hybrid is known as xX Danthosieglingia breviaristata 
(Beck.) Domin. The characters used in separating the two genera were 
reviewed and additional evidence that seems to indicate a closer 
relationship was put forward.—J. G@. PAcKER. 

DistriputIion Maps ScueMe: Locan Distrirsution PATTERNS REVEALED 
BY Map Recorpinc.—F. Perring & Dr. S. M. Watters* 


Although a common garden plant and often naturalised, the native 
race of Polemonium caeruleum may be distinguished from the usual 
garden form by its slightly drooping, campanulate flowers of a more 
intense, purplish-blue. 

*See separate paper on p. 11. 


The native habitats in Yorkshire and Derbyshire are strikingly 
uniform in character. Polemonium is only abundant in black humus- 
rich soil on the ledges of limestone cliffs or soil-covered limestone scree- 
slopes with a northerly or westerly aspect where competition is low. 
The following species are almost always associated: Arrhenatherum 
elatius, Festuca rubra, Dryopteris filix-mas, Melandrium dioicum, Mer- 
curialis perennis, Urtica dioica, Valeriana officinalis, Lophocoleu 

Transplants and the exposure of well-established plants to the con- 
ditions on southern aspects suggest that the soil moisture content is a 
critical factor. Investigation of the soil moisture in the natural habi- 
tats shows that even in a drought year the content does not fall below 
the critical level until after flowering and fruiting; whereas southern 
slopes become too dry as early as June. 

Although Polemonium is present in Scandinavia and the mountains 
of Central Europe it is strangely absent from Scotland and restricted 
to the Pennines and Cheviots. A possible explanation of the discon- 
tinuity in England lies in the distribution of suitable habitats during 
the Post-glacial forest maximum. Derbyshire, Craven and Teesdale 
are well known for the peculiarity of their flora. The presence of 
Polemonium in more widespread localities during the Late-glacial 
has many times been confirmed during the investigation of 
Quaternary deposits. Its persistence through the Post-glacial, how- 
ever, has been ascertained during an investigation of Malham Tarn 
Moss. Here grains of Polemoniwm pollen have been found with 
abundant tree pollen in peat of late Boreal or early Atlantic age.— 
Dr. C. D. & M. E. Picort. 


The principal differences (according to Murbeck) between Gentian- 
ella campestris and G. baltica, and between two subspecies of G. cam- 
pestris, subsp. germanica and subsp. suwecica, were described. Scan- 
dinavian specimens (identified by Murbeck) were shown of the extreme 
forms. In addition, a range of British specimens were exhibited, show- 
ing extreme and more obscure forms. Biometric analysis and cultural 
experiments are being undertaken to ascertain if G. baltica is distinct 
from G. campestris, and if so, whether the latter forms a uniform 
group.—N. M. PritcHarp. 


The 702 species recorded by J. D. Salmon in the Godalming district 
in 1849 was compared with the 1,016 species known in 1955. During 
this period there have been great increases in the human population 
and considerable changes in land usage in the area. An estimation 
of the changes in the environment has been made from old maps and 
records. Of the increment of over 300 species in 100 years alien plants 
form 60% and native or well naturalised species 40%.—O. V. Potunr. 



A herbarium specimen of Trientalis europaea was exhibited from a 
recently discovered station in East Anglia, together with a map show- 
ing its previous known range and distribution in Britain.—Dr. F. Rosz. 

Recent Work oN KeEntisH Piant DISTRIBUTION 

A series of maps were exhibited showing the distribution of Vaeci- 
nium myrtillus, Chrysosplenium oppositijolium, C. . alternifolium, 
Ulmus glabra, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Agropyron caninum and Adoza 
moschatellina in Kent. The maps, of dot-distribution type, were shown 
as examples of the types of maps which are to appear in the new 
“Flora of Kent’’.—Dr. F. Rose. 

Herbarium specimens were shown of interesting plants from 
southern, south-eastern and eastern England.—Dr. F. Rose. 


The exhibit illustrated ecotypic differentiation between the two 

In Ranunculus acris typical lowland meadow plants were compared 
with a dwarf form growing in flushes on the Pennine moors. Cultivation 
experiments showed them to be genotypically different. A dwarf form 
from the bank of the river Tees was also shown. Cultivation showed 
this to be merely an ecological modification and not different from 
the lowland plants. 

In R. bulbosus plants from the lowland meadows were compared with 
plants growing on stable sand dunes. Cultivation showed these to be 
genetically distinct, the latter remaining dwarf.—J. RossITEr. 


A herbarium specimen and drawings were exhibited of Dichondra 
repens found as an adventive in W. Cornwall. The plant is widespread 
in the Tropics and warm regions of the world.—Mrs. B. H. S. Russett. 


Epidermal and spore characters offer an aid to identification and 
confirm relationships in the Dryopteris spinulosa complex. 

The epidermal cells of the various species of the complex differ in 
size and lobing. Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray, D. spinulosa (O. F. 
Muell.) Watt and D. dilatata (Hoffm.) A. Gray are readily separable by 
epidermal characters. The epidermis is also useful in distinguishing 
between the European diploid and tetraploid D. dilatata. 

Spore characters provide the only reliable criteria for discriminat- 
ing the European-type diploid from the tetraploid D. dilatata without 
cytological evidence. The diagnostic characters in such spore studies 

“See also Plant Notes.—Ed. 


ave the size, thickness, shape, and ornamentation of the perispore. 
The spores of tetraploid D. dilatata have a thick dark-tan perispore 
which is furnished with large spinules connected by prominent ridges; 
in the diploid the perispore is much thinner with smaller spinules and 
connecting ridges, when present, are inconspicuous (cf. Crane, F. W., 
1955, Watsonia, 3, 168-169). The Madeiran diploid DV. dilatata has 
much smaller spores than the European diploid, and the perispore 
characters of the two diploids are also dissimilar. 

The exhibit consisted of epidermal and spore drawings of the species 
of the D. spinulosa complex together with herbarium sheets.—J. A. 


Callitriche platycarpa and C. stagnalis are two distinct species and 
can be readily separated by morphological and cytological characters. 

The exhibit was illustrated by photographs showing mitosis in C. 
platycarpa (2n=20), C. stagnalis (n=10), and C. obtusangula 
(n—1'0):. Herbarium sheets of several forms of C. platycarpa, to- 
gether with sheets of C. stagnalis and C. obtusangula for comparison, 
were also displayed.—J. P. SAVIDGE. 

A Swetrnanp ‘‘Enpemic’’? HIHRACIUM 

An examination of a good series of specimens of Hieraciwum pseudo- 
protractum Pugsl. (from the Shetlands), H. faeroense Dahlst, (from 
the Faeroes), H. epileucoides Dahlst. (from the Faeroes), H. sticto- 
phyllum Dahlst. ex W. R. Linton (from various localities in Britain, 
Iceland and Norway), and H. spursifolium Lindeb. (from Norway) has 
shown that they are one and the same species. H. sparsifolium is the 
oldest name and must therefore be used. 

The distribution of H. sparsifoliwm was shown on an outline map. 
—P. D. Sevt & C. West. 


The exhibit consisted of an illuminated display of colour shdes show- 
ing certain interesting plants seen at some of the field meetings held 
in 1955 and monochrome photographs of Bookham Common and Hack-: 
hurst Downs, showing the abnormal growth of grasses resulting from 
the extermination of the rabbit population. Photographs of some 
British orchids were also shown.—K. LE SUEUR. 


A photograph of a plant of Ophrys fuciflora believed to have been 
found in the Cotswolds was displayed with a detailed account of the 
circumstances and the history of the Gloucestershire record.—C 

| THomas. 

*See also Plant Notes.—EKd. 



Hieracitum spraguei was discovered by Dr. T. A. Sprague in a road 
cutting near Chorleywood in Bucks. in 1923; it was again collected by 
him in 1925. Recent attempts to locate the species had failed, and it 
was thought that the plant had been destroyed by building or road 
reconstruction. In 1951, however, the plant was rediscovered by Mrs. 
A. T. Peppercorn, and is now known to occur in six stations in the 
neighbourhood of the type locality, one of them being in Herts. The 
species is a member of the section Praealtina of the subgenus Pilosella 
and is an introduction, the native home of which is not known. 

Herbarium specimens of the plant were exhibited including one 
from Dr. Sprague’s original gathering in 1923, kindly loaned by the 
Kkew Herbarium.—R. F. TuRNEY & OTHERS. 


Typical Calystegia sepium and C. sylvestris are white-flowered, 
though pink forms otherwise referable to one or other of these species 
undoubtedly occur. Investigation of pink-flowered Calystegia forms 
in Britain has, however, shown that the commonest plant is referable to 
neither of these species, but is clearly C. dahuwrica. 

Herbarium sheets were set out to exhibit the range to be found in 
British material—Dr. S. M. Watters & Pror. D. A. WEBB. 

Some Forms or SEDUM FORSTERIANUM anv its ALLIES.—Dr. E. F. 


It is proposed to hold a Field Meeting in August 1956 to study 
Euphrasia in Surrey and Sussex. This exhibit showed the species that 
will be seen, and others of more western distribution. 

Owing to the nature of the differences between the species it is 
difficult to describe them in such a way as to ensure against mistakes 
in identification. It is thus desirable to see authentic specimens in 
the herbarium and in the field if one wishes to study the group. 

Specific distinctions are based on numerous characters which are 
often qualitative but of a kind that is often difficult to define. Varia- 
tion from one population to another within the species is often evident. 
Hybrids occur quite frequently but in most cases it is found in the 
field that both parents, identical with their respective species else- 
where, are present. However, the recognized species have distinct 
habitats and distributions, and hybrids are usually found where habi- 
tats meet or where their distinctions are broken down. 

When looking at Euphrasias it is necessary to make allowance for 
the effects of age and luxuriance. The exhibit included sheets illus- 
trating these effects. 

*See also Plant Notes.—Ed. 


The characters used for distinguishing species are habit (length of 
internodes, number, position, and form of branches), leaf shape, corolla 
size, calyx and capsule size and shape. 

The species exhibited were: H. micrantha Reichb., EF. occidentalis 
Wettst., H. confusa Pugsl. (states showing more and less luxuriance), 
E. nemorosa (Pers.) H. Mart. (young and old), a form intermediate 
between H. confusa and EH. nemorosa, E. pseudokernerit Pugsl., LH. 
anglica Pugsl. and a plant of hybrid origin, E. x vigursit Davey. 
Information on distinguishing characters, habitat, distribution, chromo- 
some number, and hybrids was supplied for each species.—P. F. Yro. 



The report and the audited accounts printed below cover the period 
January ist to December 31st, 1955. Comparative figures for 1954 are 
given in brackets. 

MEMBERSHIP. During the year 136 (142) new members joined the 
Society, and we lost 60 (25) by reason of death, resignation and the 
operation of Rule 6 (e). It is with very great regret that we report the 
death of four Honorary Members, Lady Davy, Mr. W. R. Sherrin, 
Dr. G. Kiikenthal and Dr. P. Jansen who all rendered valuable services 
to the Society. Our congratulations and good wishes were sent to 
Mr. H. N. Ridley, an Honorary Member, on the occasion of his 
hundredth birthday on December 10th. The net increase in membership 
was 76 (117) and the total membership at the end of the year 1032 (956). 

FINANCE. Receipts from subscriptions amounted to £1,014 (£910), 
which is exceeded by the cost of printing and postages expended on our 
two periodical publications—£1,070 (£938). Sales of periodicals 
totalled £220 and of other publications £232—giving a total of £452 
(£209). We paid £350 towards the cost of printing the 1954 Conference 
Report. Our total assets at the end of the year were £1,535, which 
shows a decrease (£216) on the previous figure. 

During the year the effect of the rising costs referred to in the last 
report has been reflected in the accounts. The final balance of the 
General Fund was £30 less, and the combined balances of the Journal 
and Publications Funds £101 less, than those with which we started 
the year. For 1955, this deficit can be justified by the cost of bringing 
up-to-date several regular features of the Proceedings which were pre- 
viously published in arrears but it is clear that in future we must either 
reduce the size of our periodicals or find additional income. The 
prospect is rendered more serious by the announcement of the very 
heavy increase in postal charges to come into force in January 1956. 

The balance on the Publications Fund includes £677 12s 5d in 
respect of sales of the British Plant List and Comital Flora published 
in 1928 and 1932 respectively. This money has been carefully accumu- 
lated with the object of publishing fresh editions of the works mentioned 
and represents approximately £150 for the British Plant List and £527 
for Comital Flora. The balance also includes £125 each set aside from 
the General Fund towards the cost of the Index of British Herbaria and 
Flora of Scilly. The remaining £73 is less than has been received from 
sales of county floras. Owing to the current high printing costs the 
publication of books involves locking up substantial amounts of capital 
and the risk of loss, and it is evident that, although the balance on 
the Publications Fund may appear large, it is inadequate for all the 
purposes the Council have in mind. This is emphasised by recent 


experience in issuing the 1954 Conference Report for which a substantial 
loss is unlikely to be avoided. 


This Committee has only met once during the year. In addition to 
its usual duties in revision of the lists of Local Secretaries, etc., a report 
to the Council was prepared on the proposals which led to the setting 
up of the (joint) Committee for the Study of the Scottish Flora in 
collaboration with the Botanical Society of Edinburgh (see below). 
Several suggestions for new developments have been referred to the 
Committee by the Council and are awaiting consideration. 

MEETINGS COMMITTEE. Secretary: Dr. J. G. Dony. 

Arrangements were made for lectures by Miss C. M. Rob, Dr. R. W. 
Butcher and Mr. F. Perring to be delivered on April 2nd prior to the 
Annual General Meeting. The published programme of field meetings 
was carried through as advertised with a total attendance of 151 (224) 
made up as follows:—Dover 35, Dunfanaghy 24, Galloway 11, Durham 
16, Chester 15, Kew 12, Bury St. Edmunds 10, and Hayling Island 18. 

The special meeting for younger members at Flatford Mill, which 
lasted a week, was attended by 10 (25). The attendance at field meetings 
show a considerable decrease on those of recent years but this is partially 
explained by concentration on serious mapping work at some of the 
meetings, which produced valuable results but is not calculated to 
encourage large parties. 

Three very successful Regional Meetings were held during the year. 
We are grateful to Mr. D. H. N. Spence for arranging the Scottish 
Regional Meeting at Glasgow on March 12th, at which the attendance 
was about 80; to Dr. A. G. Lyon for the Western Regional Meeting at 
Cardiff on March 19th with an attendance of 25; and to Dr. W. A. 
Sledge for the Northern Regional Meeting at Leeds on October 22nd 
with 50 members and guests present. The Annual Exhibition Meeting 
was held on November 26th in the Lecture Hall of the British Museum 
(Natural History) by kind permission of the Trustees, and was attended 
by 300 (280) members and guests. There were 41 exhibits. The meeting 
was followed in the evening by a Conversazione at Crosby Hall, Chelsea ° 
Embankment, at which the attendance was 62 (54). 

Much of the time of. the Committee during the year has been taken 
up with preliminary arrangements for the Conference under the title of 
“Progress in the Study of the British Flora’’ to be held at Bedford 
College, London, on April 13th and 14th, 1956. This will be followed 
by a field meeting on the next day. Seven field meetings and one 
Regional Meeting have been arranged for 1956. 

PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE. Secretary: Mr. P. J. Wanstall. 

During the year two parts of Watsonia, totalling 108 pages, and two 
of the Proceedings, totalling 298 pages, have been issued. Plant Records 


for 1954 as well as 1953, and Abstracts from Literature covering several 
years have been published, and other regular features have been brought 
up to date. In future these should appear regularly during the year 
following the one to which they reter. 

Species Studies in the British Flora, being the report of the 1954 
Conference edited by J. E. Lousley, was published in December at £1. 
Members and guests who attended the meetings were given the oppor- 
tunity of purchasing a copy at 12s 6d, and 161 of them took advantage 
of this. In addition 83 members applied for copies of the Flora oj 
Buckinghamshire by G. C. Druce which we were able to offer at half the 
published price. 

The revised and shortened British Plant List is now virtually ready 
for the printers, who have been asked to set up specimen pages. We 
hope to publish this in several formats to allow for special requirements 
for annotation in the field or herbarium. Work is proceeding on the 
Index of British Herbaria, which should be ready for the printers next 
year, and A Flora of the Isles of Scilly, but considerations of finance 
make it necessary to give precedence to other works. 

Orders for our publications reached a record total this year and we 
are very grateful to Mr. E. B. Bangerter and Mrs. B. Welch for dealing 
with them so very efficiently, and to the Trustees of the British Museum 
(Natural History) for facilities of storage. 

CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. Secretary: Mr. J. E. Lousley. 

During the year members have reported ‘‘threats’’ covering such 
diverse matters as the transplanting of orchids by a school-boy, inter- 
ference with the native vegetation of Dovedale, spraying of natural 
vegetation with weedkillers, and the continued existence of colonies of 
rare species like Hierochloe odorata and Euphorbia peplis. In all eases 
appropriate enquiries have been made and advice given. No cases 
have been reported of damage to interesting plants on roadside verges 
through the use of selective weedkillers, which is a welcome contrast 
to our experience in recent years. If, in future, spraying of roadside 
verges is restricted to trunk and class I roads, and certain dangerous 
corners on class II roads, with the other safeguards covered in Circular 
718 of the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation to all appropriate 
local authorities on 31st August 1955, there is no reason to expect serious 
damage to native plants from this cause. It may turn out that a 
greater danger arises from spray carried by the wind when selective 
weedkillers are applied to agricultural crops under unsuitable weather 
conditions, and members have been asked to report any examples of 
this they may observe. 

The spread of myxomatosis throughout the country is likely to affect 
grassland species of interest very adversely, though the immediate 
changes following reduction of rabbit-grazing may, in cases, be bene- 
ficial. Members have been asked to help by reporting any changes they 


During 1955 we continued to collaborate closely with the Nature 
Conservancy and the regular liaison meetings with their representatives 
have proved most valuable in keeping us informed of developments and 
providing an opportunity to express our views. The scheme for collecting 
reports on areas in which they are specially interested has been con- 
tinued and during 1955 Mrs. Welch received 54 reports from 19 members. 
Reports on 150 areas have been supplied since the beginning of the 
scheme and as the list of the Conservancy’s requirements is now covered 
with the exception of a small number of localities which are mostly 
difficult to reach, this work is unlikely to be continued next year. 

MAPS COMMITTEE. Secretary: Prof. A. R.-Clapham. 

The progress made by the Distribution Maps Scheme during its 
second year is the subject of a separate report prepared by the Director, 
and of accounts which are kept entirely separate from the Society’s 
own funds. We are grateful to the Nuffield Foundation for the second 
annual instalment of £2,000 from their grant, and to the Nature Con- 
servancy for £1,959 1s 10d as a second instalment of the sum they have 
undertaken to contribute. With this financial support the collection of 
data is proceeding satisfactorily and we are very gratified with the 
enthusiastic support which is being provided by members and others. 


During the year, six meetings were arranged for young people of Sth 
and 6th form grammar school standard, and attendances were as fol- 
lows: —Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History), 250; 
Whippendell Wood, Watford, 52; Flanders Moss, near Glasgow, 60; 
Hampton Court, 70; Freshfield Dunes, Lancashire, 140. The meeting 
arranged for September Ist to Chipstead Valley, Surrey, was not 
supported, owing, it is thought, to the date, so long after schools break 
up for the main holiday of the year, being unsuitable. Arrangements 
for 1956 include a visit to the South London Botanical Institute, field 
meetings in Sussex, Glamorgan, Perthshire and Derbyshire and three 
in the London area. Plans are in hand for extending these meetings 
to cover other parts of the country as suitable leaders can be found. 
It is hoped to arrange a visit to Austria during the summer holiday. 

Botanical assistance has been given to the Youth Hostels Association. 
The Committee is making arrangements for setting up a Panel of 
Lecturers prepared to give suitable talks, and is also exploring the 
possibility of making a cine film in colour with commentary for the 
purpose of interesting young people in field botany. 


This Committee has been set up under the joint aegis of the B.S.B.I. 
and the Botanical Society of Edinburgh (B.S.E.) ‘‘to further the study 
of the plants of Scotland both by encouraging individual effort by 
organizing meetings and excursions, and to co-ordinate work on the 


Scottish flora on behalf of the two sponsoring Societies.’’ A constitu- 
tion was agreed by the Councils of the sponsoring Societies, and in April, 
we appointed Dr. George Taylor, Mr. B. W. Ribbons and Mr. J. Grant 
Roger as our representatives to the Committee. The B.S.E. appointed 
Professor J. R. Matthews, Miss U. K. Duncan and Mr. B. L. Burtt. 
At the first meeting on May 9th, Mr. Burtt was appointed Chairman, 
Mr. Ribbons, Secretary, and Miss M. S. Campbell and Mr. R. Mac- 
kechnie were added to the Committee under their powers of co-option. 

A field meeting at Elliot Links in July was attended by 15, and an 
exhibition meeting in Edinburgh in November was supported by 150 
members of the sponsoring societies and visitors. Exhibition meetings 
at Inverness and Glasgow and four field meetings are being arranged 
for 1956. All meetings will be open to all members of both the sponsoring 
societies and details are given in our Calendar and Field Meeting 


The meeting referred to in the last report took place on January 6th 
when the Linnean Society, British Ecological Society, and B.S.B.I. 
were each represented by two members and Mr. J. S. L. Gilmour was 
in the Chair. A resolution was passed that it was considered desirable 
that an organisation should be established charged with the collection 
and classification of available published and unpublished biological and 
autecological information about British vascular plants, with a view to 
assisting the work of conservation and of research workers, and especi- 
ally those who are contributing to the Biological Flora, and certain 
proposals were made with a view to implementing this. The resolution 
was reported by the representatives to their respective Councils, and 
approved by the Linnean Society in January and by the B.S.B.I. on 
February 4th. The views of the British Ecological Society are still not 

GrorGcE Taytor, President. 
J. EK. Loustey, Honorary General Secretary. 

By Order of the Council. 
February 38rd, 1956. 



4 1954 
To Balance from 1954 £64 310] £300 By 
10 =,, Subscriptions received * 
during the year E ADI4Z 15 250 
8 ,, Receipts from Advertise- cd 
ments 819 3 25 
46 ,, Income Tax Recovered . 449 4 3 
,, Interest for 1954 on Post 25 
Office Savings Bank De- a 
35 posit 38h 7h 
» sales of Reports and Re- 6 
26 prints j : the 40 8 7 AN gens 
6 > 
1 be 
aa tae 
4 33 
| ’) 
. ” 
| 148 
a lp bs Bes 
64 9” 
25 £1205 15 11] £1025 
74 To Balance from 1954 ... £309 10 6 By 
» Transfers from General 
00 Fund dee 50 0 0 
06 «4, Sales of Watsonia 158 16 7 
80 £568 7 1/ £880 


Transfers to Journal Fund £50 0 
Transfers to Proceedings 
Fund - Bae yy (D0m0 
Transfers to Meetings’ 
Committee’s Fund 40 0 
Notional Interest to Pub- 
lications Fund 28 6 
Hire of Rooms for Coun- 
cil and Committee Meet- 
ings eS 
Cheque-book Bac aoe 0 10 
Duplicating Minutes of 
Meetings ae allay D2 
Officers’ Expenses 23 16 
Fire Insurance ab 
Advertising Expenses 4 8 
Telephones a he 38 
Affiliation Fee to Bio- 
logical Council ete 03," 
Committee Secretaries’ 
Expenses me Ss, bef 2 
General Printing and 
Stationery ‘ 158 11 
Postages and Petty EX- 
penses :— 
Hon. General 
Secretary ...£15 11 8 
Hon. Treasurer 1615 0 
Hon. Assistant 
Secretaries ... 22 9 0 
Hon. Distributor 1 8 11 
Parcelling pub- 
lications at 
Nat. History 
Museum 8 3 0 
C2 an 
Sundry Items, 1954 — 
Balance 3410 | 
£1205 15 1 
Printing Watsonia and 
postages thereon :— 
Vol. III, part 
3 (to com- 
plete pay- 
ment) . £121 10 3 
Vol. III, part 4 25218 1 
—————._ £374 8 . 
Balance 193 18 § 
£568 7 + 



£200 To 




£1016 To 






Balance from 1954 £46 0 4) By Printing Pro- 
Transfers from General | ceedings and 
Fund 75020) 103) postages there- 
Sales of Proceedings and on :— 
Year-Book Day al Vol. I, part 2 
(to complete 
payment) ... £101 19 5 
Vol; TA partis) c04. 3=0 i 
VOT ear e209) eee 
LAT £695 6. 
46 +«,, Balance 424 45 
LSVi2 A AOI £463 


Balance from 1954 
Interest for year on ini- 
tial balance at 24% (per | 

=~ £1132 9 1 | By 

General Fund) 28 6 0 — 
Sales of 1948 Conference : Bs 
Report Ae 219 7 
Sales of 1950 Conference — 
Report ae Das Ae 9 5 6) 
Sales of 1952 Conference == 
Report ss aa : QOEISE coNle-cAd a2) ee 
Sales of 1954 Conference 
Report ee kes erate eo (8 
Sales of Flora of Buck- 
inghamshire : : G8 a7 
Sales of Comital Flora . 14 6 7 
Sales of Flora of North- 
amptonshire : ay aby 
£13892, 3° 5| £1132 
Transfer from General | £28 By 
Fund ~ £40 0 0} 
Field Meeting Fees 17 10 9 es 
Sundry Items, 1954 — » 
Balance O 43" Si —— 
| 101 
ea ae | 
£58 2 0} L147 


», Part cost of 1954 Confer- 

Binding 200 copies of the 
1952 Conference Report ... 
Expenses of editing 1954 
Conference Report 
Purchase of remaining 
copies of Flora of Buck- 

ence Report 


Balance from 1954 ee 
Expenses of Scottish Re 

gional Meeting evi es 2 Se 
Expenses of Leeds Meet- 
ing sé 0 18 
Postages and “Petty Ex- 
penses 6 if 

Expenses of ‘Annual EX- 
hibition : cue 
Loss on Conversazione ae: 
Sundry Items, 1954 

General Fund 
Journal Fund 
Proceedings Fund 
Publications Fund 
Life Members’ Fund 
Benevolent Fund 

12th January 1956. 

Examined and found correct, 


e Balances on Life Members’ and Benevolent Funds remain unchanged for the year 
£145 12s 0d and £39 11s 0d respectively. 

BALANCE-SHEET as at 3ist December 1955. 

£34 10 6| 500 National Savings Certifi- 
193 18 9) £400 cates at cost 5) Bite HEROD 
S28 15° 4 Meetings Committee’s Fund 
1000 7 11) 36 Debit Balance nA ae 0 © 
145 12 0) Deposit at Post Office Sav- 
ood Ole 1335 ings Bank 554 Los ree LOGS 
16 Cash at Bank a 5A ie 66 
£1535 15 6| £1787 £1535 - 

(Signed) J. H. G. PETERKEN, Hon. Audito 
E. L. SWANN, Hon. Treasurer. 




In September 1955 the Maps Office was moved from the temporary 
accommodation in the University Botany School to rooms in the Univer- 
sity Botanic Garden, Cambridge, and the heavy machinery and card- 
index cabinets have been installed in a specially converted basement 
room there. The main problem of accommodation for the remaining 
years of the Scheme has therefore been satisfactorily solved. The staff 
has remained constant during the year. 

By the end of the year, nearly 200,000 records had been put into the 
system (either from composite lists on regional record cards or as 
individual record cards), and a further large quantity of data had 
accumulated at the regional record card stage. In addition 70 rare 
species have been more or less completed from herbarium and literature 
data. The system of checking lists and other records by submitting 
to vice-county referees has been working reasonably well, as has also 
a system whereby tabulated lists of individual species are submitted to 
people who may have special information to contribute. 

The response from field recorders in 1955 has been quite gratifying, 
and with a total of over 1,700 names on our books, offers of help are 
still being received. With a view to indicating those squares for which 
information is most needed, an up-to-date map showing the number 
of species per square (in three categories 1 = 550, 2 = 5150, 3 = 250) 
actually already recorded was prepared for the November Exhibition 
Meeting and will be published in the Society’s Proceedings, together 
with suggestions for future recording. 

Valuable contributions were received from the Society’s Field Meet- 
ing in 1955, and the experience gained in the specially-designed 
recording meetings (in Galloway and Suffolk) has been used in the 
planning of the 1956 programme. 

The Scottish and the Irish (Dublin and Belfast) Regional Offices 
have done very good work. In Scotland the newly-formed Committee 
for the study of the Scottish Flora has planned a programme of field 
meetings for 1956 with an emphasis upon recording for the Scheme. 
The co-operation of the National Museum of Wales has been excellent. 
Approaches to the National Agricultural Advisory Service (England 
and Wales) have borne fruit in an arrangement whereby a circular 
inviting the help of N.A.A.S. Offices particularly in the provision of 
information on arable and grassland weeds was sent by Provincial 
Directors to all members of their staffs. A good many offers have 
already been received from N.A.A.S. Officers as a result. 

The sub-committee preparing the base map has finished its work, 
and the completed map is in the hands of the printers, who have sub- 
mitted proofs of the map printed on continuous stationery for tabulation. 
A provisional list of species and hybrids which it is proposed to map, 


has been prepared by the appropriate sub-committee, and is available 
for reference. 

In 1956 it is hoped that a major effort can be made to bring up, at 
least in England and Wales, the majority of squares to a level of 250 
species recorded. At such a level most common plants, it seems, are 
likely to be recorded, if not in every square, at least in a sufficiently 
large number for a ‘true’ distribution pattern to emerge. In many 
parts of Scotland and Ireland this minimum figure, it seems, may well 
be placed at 150. 

Progress in 1955 has been on the whole satisfactory. The main 
unexpected delay has been in the production of the final base-map for 
tabulation, but this has not been serious because the building up of the 
card-index goes on independently. 

Thanks are due to the many Society members and others who con- 
tinue to give freely of their time and knowledge to help the Scheme 
as specialist referees and recorders, and without whose help no progress 
would be possible. The interest and enthusiasm engendered by the 
Scheme is one of its most satisfying features. 

S. M. WaLrteERs. 


To Balance from 1954 3 edd 3 11-] By Furniture and _ Office 
» Grant from Nuffield Equipment :— 
Foundation ane ... 2000' 0 0 Cambridge ...£157 2 8 
, Grant from Nature Con- Dublin ae oo OO 
servancy a} ae ce, 1959" 99040 257 : £182 2 
», Interest on £500 33% 163. ,, Mechanisation Equipment* 771 6 
Defence Bonds sit ae 16 9 4 45 ,, Postages and Telephones 50 2 
, Interest on Deposit Ac- 248 ,, Printing and Stationery 228 4 
count eee ae Foe 8 9 2 Hae TRAST E PUNO LAR ENWES Gos Bos 54 11 
, Grant from B.S.B.I. A) _- 861 ,, Salaries a. a 5 2092) 93 
, Travelling Expenses :— 
Stati... noo EEO} &) 
Others - 196 
62 ————._ 141 3 
1s. Insurance bse ae Bae fe) 
— ,, Clerical Assistance Sag 118 
— ,, Other Expenses ... Mae Met hc) 2335 
» Investment in 33% De- 
| 500 fence Bonds . — 
, Balance :— 
Current Account £46 3 6 
| Deposit Account 510 0 0 
| 119 ———-. 556 _ 3 
£4103 4 3 | £2297 £4103 4 


aixpenditure on this item is covered by the Nature Conservancy Grant and the balance | 
£1187 15s 7d is applied to Salaries. 

Examined and found correct, (Signed) J. H. G. PETERKEN, Hon. Auditor. 
12th January 1956. ef E. L. SWANN, Hon. Treasurer. 



The Annual General Meeting was held in the rooms of the Linnean 
Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, on Thursday, April 12th, 
1956, at 6.15 p.m. 

Dr. George Taylor (President) was in the chair and 54 members 
were present. 

The Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting as printed in 
Proceedings B.S.B.I., Vol. I, Pt. 3, page 408, were adopted. 

Councit’s Rerort.—The Report of the Council for the year 1955 
had been printed and circulated. The Hon. Genera! Secretary stated 
that since the lst January 60 new members had joined the Society and 
that total membership is now 1084. Dr. Dony drew attention to the 
decrease in attendance at Field Meetings in 1955. On a proposal from 
the Chair the Report was adopted, with thanks to Mr. Lousley for 
compiling it. 

ELecTION OF Two Vick-PReEsIDENTS.—Council had nominated Mr. J. 
EK. Lousley and Mr. N. Y. Sandwith, who were elected unanimously. 
The President paid tribute to Mr. Lousley, who had held office for 14 
very critical years, during which time he had been present at every 
meeting of Council and all Committees excepting two, a wonderful record 
and a measure of his devotion to the Society. Mr. Lousley had, at the 
same time, been an arduous recruiting agent and a great help and 
support to a new President. By electing him a Vice-President, the 
Society will continue to have his assistance and counsel. The Resolu- 
tion, proposed from the Chair, that the warmest thanks of the President, 
Council and members of the Society be extended to Mr. Lousley, was 
carried with acclamation. 

ELecTION oF HonoraRY GENERAL SECRETARY.—Council had nominated 
Dr. J. G. Dony, who was assured of the support of the retiring Hon. 
General Secretary and of all members of Council. He was elected 

Evection oF Honorary TREASURER AND Honorary Eprror.—Council 
had nominated Mr. E. L. Swann and Dr. E. F. Warburg respectively, 
and they were unanimously re-elected, the President expressing the 
Society’s thanks for their great services. 

ELECTION oF Honorary Meertines Secretary.—Council had nominated 
Dr. H. J. M. Bowen, who was unanimously elected. 


EvLectTION oF MEMBERS oF Councin.—There were four vacancies occa- 
sioned by the retirement, under Rule 3(e), of Dr. D. P. Young, Mr. V. 
S. Summerhayes, Mr. E. B. Bangerter and Dr. S. M. Walters. Four 
members, Mr. J. EK. Dandy, Mr. P. C. Hall, Mr. J. Grant Roger and 
Miss C. M. Rob, had been nominated under Rule 3(f) and were elected. 
The order of seniority for retirement, as decided by lots drawn by the 
Chairman, is in the sequence given. 

ELEcTION oF Honorary MempBers.—Council had nominated Mr. J. E. 
Lousley and Dr. W. B. Turrill, who were elected with acclamation. 

There being no other business, the President thanked members for 
their attendance and declared the Meeting closed at 6.34 p.m. 




During 1955, 136 new members joined the Society, this being 6 less 
than in 1954, and 44 more than in 1953.. Of the new members 91 were 
Ordinary members, 16 Subscriber members, 25 Junior members and 4 
Family members. Losses were 60, this being 35 more than in 1954, and 
29 more than in 1953. Of these, 43 members resigned, 9 ceased to be 
members under Rule 6 (e), and we regret having to record the deaths 
of the following 8 members:—Miss E. A. Bruce, Major J. W. Cardew, 
Lady Davy (Honorary member), Dr. P. Jansen (Honorary member), 
Dr. G. Kukenthal (Honorary member), C. E. Raison, W. R. Sherrin 
(Honorary member), and Sir A. G. Tansley. 

New Ordinary members are:—D. J. Anderson, Dr. Ch. H. Andreas 
(Honorary member), Miss M. Andrews, P. W. Ball, J. O. Ballard, W. 
M. M. Baron, L. V. G. Barrow, Miss E. P. Beattie, Mrs. D. L. Bennett, 
R. C. Bullock, E. A. Burrows, E. P. Bury, A. O. Chater, G. Clements, 
Dr. J. Colhoun, W. S. Craster, A. A. Cridland, Miss U. E. Davies, M. 
W. Dick, A. W. Exell, J. A. Field, Dr. M. Fishenden, L. G. Frost, 
A. Gaunt, J. B. Gillett, J. B. Gillies, Mrs. E. Glaister, C. S. Grant, 
Miss M. A. Grierson, E. W. Groves, Miss M. Hadlow, Mrs J. Haldane, 
Miss M. N. Hamilton, W. E. W. Harding, Miss E. J. Harris, Sir G. 
Harrison, D. M. Henderson, E. K. Horwood, Miss M. A. Hudson, 
Mrs. L. T. Hyde, Dr. N. Hylander (Honorary member), Miss F. G. 
Johnston, Dr. P. Jovet (Honorary member), Mrs. E. L. King, Dr. A. 
Lawalrée (Honorary member), Mrs. F. Le Sueur, J. Lid (Honorary 
member), Dr. V. E. Lloyd, Miss A. M. McCosh, Miss M. M. MacDonald, 
J. McNeill, W. R. Masefield, Miss B. N. Matson, H. T. Mayo, Dr. J. 
Milne, J. N. Milsum, Miss P. Morgan, M. Morris, Dr. D. Munro- 
Smith, F. Murgatroyd, J. G. Packer, C. Parker, Miss J. V. Pearce, 
Mrs. A. T. Peppercorn, A. Pettet, Miss E. V. Pilcher, J. W. Price, J. 
A. Ratter, Dame E. Russell-Smith, T. B. Ryves, M. M. Sayer, Miss C. 
Schelwald, G. A. M. Scott, W. A. Scott, R. Seeley, Dr. C. Shaw, Mrs. J. 
E. Smith, Miss E. W. Southwick, L. F. Stearn, Miss A. B. P. Stevens, 
Miss A. Sumner, R. I. Sworder, R. F. Turney, Miss E. M. Uren, R. de 
Vilmorin (Honorary member), Miss P. J. Warwick, Miss P. C. Webb, 
P. H. F. White, C. E. Wicking, W. D. Williams, and R. E. Wood. 

New Junior members are:—Miss M. C. Allott, Miss B. M. Archer, 
Miss B. A. Bunting, D. Burdon, Miss S. A. Clark, B. Clay, K. E. 
Cockshull, P. J. Cross, J. H. Dickson, A. C. Foottit, Miss G. A. Gar- 
nett, P. J. Grubb, D. W. Hendra, R. H. Herniman (re-joined), Miss R. 
A. Hill, G@. Hind, M. J. Horrell, D. Schofield, W. Scott, G. L. Smith, 
J. D. Stephen, P. W. Strachan, D. Streeter, B. T. Styles and R. S. 


New Subscriber members are: —Bergianska Tridgarden, Stockholm, 
California, University of, Chicago Natural History Museum, County 
Grammar School for Girls, Chislehurst, East Ham Grammar School for 
Boys Natural History Society, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van 
Wetenschappen, Lady Eleanor Holles School, Lund University Library, 
Manchester Grammar School, Masaryk University, Meerut College, 
Mitcham County School for Girls, Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fen- 
nica, Tiffin Girls’ School, Universitets Biblioteket, Uppsala and 
Zoologisch-Botanisch Gesellschaft in Wien. 

New Family members are:—Mrs. G. E. Buckle, Miss G. W. Dalby, 
Mrs. H. T. Mayo and K. C. Side. 

D. H. Kenv. 
January 1956. 




The Committee was formed in April after discussions, during the 
- previous twelve months, among numerous botanists in Scotland and 
the Botanical Society of the British Isles and the Botanical Society of 
Edinburgh. Two Committee meetings have been held in Edin- 
burgh, on 9th May and 17th September, and announcements of the 
Committee’s existence and activities have appeared in the monthly 
billets of the Edinburgh Society and in the Proceedings of the British 
Society. The Committee has arranged a programme of indoor and 
field meetings for 1956 and details are already published. 

It was possible to arrange only a limited programme in 1955, con- 
sisting of two meetings. An excursion to Elliot Links, Angus, attended 
by 15 people and devoted to recording for the Maps Scheme, took 
place on 2nd July. An Exhibition meeting held by kind permission 
of the Regius Keeper at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, on 5th 
November attracted some 150 visitors. The exhibits were chiefly illus- 
trative of recent and current work on the Scottish Flora, and Mr. J. 
Grant Roger gave a short popular illustrated lecture on some interest- 
ing Scottish plants. We are indebted to Miss Duncan and Mr. Burtt 
respectively for making the local arrangements for these two meetings. 

The Committee is particularly anxious to enlist the support of per- 
sons interested in the plants of Scotland but who so far are not mem- 
bers of either Society. 

The Honorary Secretary wishes to express grateful thanks to the 
various officers of the two sponsoring Societies for much assistance. 

B. W. RIBgoONs. 



CarEy, M. C. & Fircuew, D. Wild Flowers at a Glance. 2nd 
Edition. J. M. Dent & Sons, London, 1955. Price 15/-. This little 
book, especially produced for the beginner, contains 264 water-colour 
drawings of British wild flowers grouped under flower colours as an 
aid to identification. The nomenclature has been revised by J. E. 
Dandy and W. T. Stearn. 

Dickson, V. The Wild Flowers of Kuwait and Bahrain. George 
Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1955. Price 25/-. An account of the 
plants of Kuwait State in Arabia. The plants are listed alphabetic- 
ally under their Latin names and a short description of each plant and 
the localities in which it has been found are given. There are numerous 
illustrations in black and white and two colour plates. 

LanFrranoo, G. G. Guide to the Flora of Malta. Progress Press Co. 
Ltd., Valetta, 1955. Price 6/6. A popular guide to the wild flowers 
of Malta arranged under flower colours. 300 black and white drawings 
illustrate the text. 

Wats, G. B., B.Sc. & Rimineton, F. C., M.P.S., Editors. The 
Natural History of the Scarborough District. Vol. 1. Geology and 
Botany. The Scarborough Field Naturalists’ Society, 1953 Price 
21/-. An account of the vascular plants of the Scarborough district 
is given by Harold Rowntree. Following an introduction by W. A. 
Sledge the plants are arranged in Bentham & Hooker order. Full 
localities of occurrence are given for each plant. 

Witp, H., 1955, Common Rhodesian Weeds, Government Publica- 
tions Office, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia, 15s bound, 10s with manilla covers. 
This useful book contains 102 full page figures of common Rhodesian 
weeds, with brief descriptions, notes on the distributions and control 
measures. At least 40 of the species have occurred in Britain in recent 
years. Seedlings of 24 species are also illustrated, and there is a 



Pier JANSEN (1882-1955) was born in Rotterdam on 25th January 
1882, and was trained to be a teacher. He passed his last examina- 
tion when he was 18, and had to wait a year before he was old enough 
to teach. With his great capacity for work he studied every evening 
and qualified to teach English, German and French, as well as mathe- 
matics and book-keeping. 

In 1912 he was appointed mathematics tutor at the teacher’s train- 
ing college in Amsterdam, and he moved with his family to the capital. 
In 1935 he became the principal of this college until 1947, when he 
retired. For his services in connection with the training of teachers 
he received the order of knighthood of Oranje Nassau. 

At the age of fifteen he had already begun to collect plants, for he 
was very much interested in botany, and soon he and his friend W. H. 
Wachter started their ‘‘Herbarium van Jansen en Wachter’’, one ot 
the largest collections of the Dutch flora. Wachter stayed in Rotter- 
dam, and as Jansen lived in Amsterdam the friends wrote to each 
other every week on botanical problems. Both were self-taught in this 
respect, but they were observant and critical. In the years 1905-1942 
they wrote 34 ‘‘floristische aantekeningen’’, articles on critical species. 

Whereas Wachter first studied Phanerogams and later on mosses, 
Jansen concentrated mainly on grasses (‘‘hay’’ as he himself mock- 
ingly called them). He devoted special attention to the genus Pucci- 
nellia, In 1902 Jansen joined the Dutch Botanical Society, and he 
was soon one of the prominent members. Whenever scientists threat- 
ened to dominate the Botanical Society, Jansen fearlessly and success- 
fully spoke up for the florists. He was several times elected a member 
of the executive of the Society and in 1937 he was made an honorary 
member of the Botanical Society of the British Isles. Jansen and his 
friends Wachter and Kloos were the inspiration of the group for 
floristic research in the Netherlands, and they led the annual excur- 

After the war, on 28th October 1945, the three friends were ap- 
pointed honorary members of the Royal Dutch Botanical Society, and 
on the occasion of the centenary of the Society they were granted 
honorary doctorates by Leiden University. 

Jansen was also a member of the editorial board of the periodicals 
of the Society, and he became an honorary collaborator of the State 
herbarium at Leiden. 

Jansen was a great friend of Braun Blanquet, and together with 
Dr. W. C. de Leeuw he introduced Braun Blanquet’s methods in the 
Netherlands, and encouraged with Dr. J. Heimans the founding of the 
committee for ecology and palynology of the Botanical Society. Jansen 


accompanied Braun Blanquet on several long excursions, e.g. to Switzer- 
land, Corsica and Spain. During the Botanical Congress in 1935 
Braun Blanquet was Jansen’s guest. 

Dr. Jansen’s most important work was the family of the grasses 
in the Flora Neerlandica (1951). On the morning of the day he died, 
2nd April, 1955, he finished the manuscript dealing with the grasses of 
the Malayan area, which he had been contributing to the Flora 

Jansen was a friendly man, always generous with his help and 
advice. His knowledge of grasses was phenomenal. He was like a 
father to his pupils, and was the young florists’ guide and friend. In 
spite of his many commitments he still found time for other pursuits, 
such as music. With Jansen’s death the last of the three friends who 
rendered such great service to the cause of the Dutch botany was gone. 

A further obituary notice may be found in Acta Botanica Neer- 
landica, 4, 485-486 (1955). 


ARTHUR GEORGE TANSLEY (1871-1955).—The death of Sir Arthur 
Tansley on 25th November 1955 marks the end of a great epoch in 
field botany. It was he, more than anyone else in this country, who 
directed attention to the importance of studying plant communities 
and consequently to the interest of common plants. His pioneer 
ecological work Types of British Vegetation was published as a guide 
for the first International Phyto-geographical Excursion in 1911; about 
the same time the interest of members of this Society in rare plants, 
simply because they are rare, began to decline. The two events were 
not unconnected, for Tansley, by his work, had placed the whole study 
of plants in the field on a broader, saner, and more scientific basis. 

In the intervening years he and his disciples have accomplished the 
major part of the basic description of the chief types of British vegeta- 
tion and have accumulated a vast mass of information which was 
lucidly summarized in The British Isles and their Vegetation (19389), 
for which he received the Gold Medal of the Linnean Society. 

So great was the influence of Tansley and his work that for many 
years young botanists with an interest in plants in the field almost 
automatically became ecologists, and it is probably true to say that for 
a time systematic botany in University teaching was largely replaced 
by ecology. This was very far from being the wish or intention of 
Tansley himself, for he fully realised that the lack of ability to identify 
plants accurately largely destroys the value of ecological work. As the 
years went by he became more and more convinced of the necessity of a 
new British flora, and it was over tea at Grantchester one winter 
evening in 1944 that he initiated the Flora of the British Isles. In 
spite of his many other duties he continued to take a great interest in 
its progress, reading and commenting on large parts of the MS. 

Probably the greatest single factor in stimulating the study of 
British vegetation was the founding in April 1913 of the British 


Ecological Society, largely at the instigation of Tansley. He was its 
first President and, soon after its inception, became editor of the Journal 
of Ecology, a post which he filled with distinction for 21 years. He 
served a second term as President from 1938 to 1940. He had earlier 
founded the New Phytologist as a private venture, acting to begin with 
as editor and publisher. He continued to edit it for 30 years, during 
which time it became established as one of the leading botanical journals. 

Tansley was educated at Highgate School, University College, Lon- 
don, and Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1893 he obtained a First in 
botany in Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos and returned to teach 
at University College, where he remained till 1906, becoming Assistant 
Professor. He then went back to Cambridge as a lecturer and took a 
house at Grantchester, which became his permanent home. 

About the end of the 1914-18 war he became greatly interested in 
psychology and temporarily gave up botany. He studied under Freud 
in Vienna and in 1920 published The New Psychology, which was the 
first work to make Freud’s theories widely known in this country. 

After this interlude he continued his ecological work privately from 
1923 until, in 1927, he was elected to the Sherardian Professorship of 
Botany at Oxford. Ten years later he retired with the title of Pro- 
fessor Emeritus. 

The Conference on the place of nature conservation in post-war re- 
construction which was held in 1942 gave him an opportunity of fur- 
thering an aim which he had pursued for many years. He was ap- 
pointed Vice-Chairman of the Wild Life Conservation Committee (Eng- 
land and Wales) set up by the Minister of Town and Country Planning 
in 1945, and before long succeeded Dr. Julian Huxley as Chairman. In 
the course of his work on this Committee he visited many of the areas 
proposed for conservation by local bodies and, although well over 70, 
spent long days in the field. The report of his Committee, published in 
1947, contains a vast amount of information and formed the basis on 
which the Nature Conservancy has been built. When the Conservancy 
came into being, Tansley’s life work was crowned by this important 
event in the struggle for the preservation of wild life in Britain. 
Appropriately enough he was appointed the first Chairman of the 
Conservancy and in 1950 was knighted for his services to the cause 
which he had so much at heart. 

His Presidency of the Council for the Promotion of Field Studies 
(1947-1953) afforded him the opportunity of aiding the work of spread- 
ing knowledge of all aspects of the countryside, an essential adjunct to 
any sound conservation policy. 

All field botanists owe a great debt to him for his unceasing work 
for the preservation of our wild plants as well as for the knowledge of 
ecological problems which has added so greatly to the interest and 
value of the work of members of the Botanical Society. Those who 
were fortunate enough to know him mourn the loss of a good friend and 
inspiring leader. 

T. G. Turm. 




Mr. P. M. Benoit, Pencarreg, Barmouth, Merioneth, is studying 
the British segregates of Rumex acetosella, and would be grateful for 
fresh or herbarium material from all types of habitat. Specimens from 
localities on acid sandy soil would be particularly welcome. 


Mr. N. M. Pritchard, University Department of Botany, South 
Parks Road, Oxford, is studying the British species of Gentianella. 
He would be grateful to receive herbarium material or seeds of any 
species. The genus is widespread throughout the British Isles, and 
herbarium material has too frequently been gathered from the same 
few localities. 


Mr. L. E. Watts, National Vegetable Research Station, Welles- 
bourne, Warwick, is anxious to obtain as many samples of seed of 
_Lactuca serriola, L. altaica and L. virosa as possible. 

Seed samples should be sent to him at the above address; postage 
will be refunded. 


The despoliation of Daphne mezereum, in gardens, by Chloris 
chloris L., the Greenfinch—which may eat every single seed on a bush 
in May or early June—has been described recently and an investiga- 
tion initiated (J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 81: 36, 1956; Nature, 117: 709 (1956) 
and elsewhere). The question arises as to whether or not this calamity 
also happens to the shrub in its wild condition. Dr. Max Pettersson, at 
the Linnean Society, Burlington House, Picadilly, W.1., would there- 
fore be glad either (a) to learn exactly where such plants may be visited 
(security guaranteed), or preferably (b) to hear first hand reports on 
the point, without disclosure of pinpoint localities. A visit in early 
July or late June should be decisive, showing either the full crop of 
unripe drupes, or their shrivelled remnants hanging and strewn on the 


In view of increasing interest in wool aliens, material passing 
through my hands is now being distributed with labels printed with 
the above heading. It should, however, be put on record that these 
specimens are not to be regarded as having all the qualities of good 


exsiccata. The rarer species are usually found in very small quantity 
and sometimes only one or two specimens can be collected from the 
same place. Occasionally a single plant can be divided to prepare 
several sheets but more often the same number is given to individual 
plants found scattered about a field. Every care has been taken to 
ensure that these are as uniform as possible, but it must be remem- 
bered that the wool industry is so organised that the shoddy used in 
any given field is likely to contain seeds from widely different sources, 
and sometimes even from different continents, 

During 1955, 270 numbers have been used for material collected in 
Worcestershire, Bedfordshire, Yorkshire and Roxburgh by myself, Miss 
C. M. Goodman, C. W. Bannister, D. McClintock and J. G. Dony. 

J. E. Lovustey. 


This Society was founded in 1836 and the first two year’s activities 
were recorded in its Proceedings, published in 1839, and subsequent 
years in reports printed in contemporary periodicals such as The 
Phytologist and Botanical Gazette. In 1852 and 1853 less frequent 
meetings were reported but the exchange activities were still carried 
on energetically, and at the end of 1853 or early 1854 there were pro- 
posals for a new Foreign Exchange section on terms which indicated 
some financial stringency (Phyt., 5, 95-96 (1854)). The last meeting 
reported was that of February 4, 1853. Early in 1857 the herbarium 
and duplicates were sold, and the Society was said to be dissolved 
(Gardener's Chronicle, 1857, 648, and Phyt., 2 (N.S.), 143 (1857)) or 
rather in a ‘‘state of abeyance’’ (London Catalogue of British Plants, 
Kd. 5 (1857), & Hooker's Journal of Botany, 9, 379-880 (1857)). Ata 
meeting of the Thirsk Natural History Society on November 2, 1857, 
J. G. Baker stated that the exchanges of British plants carried on by 
the London Botanical Society were suspended and resolutions were 
passed taking over these activities (Phyt., 2 (N.S.), 294-296). It appears 
that the Honorary Secretary, G. E. Dennes, disappeared about 1856, 
and is believed to have gone to Australia (J. Bot., 60, 364 (1922)) and 
this no doubt has a bearing on the sudden crisis in the affairs of the 
Botanical Society of London, and the suspension of its activities. Since 
the B.S.B.1. is descended from this Society it would be interesting to 
have further information about its affairs from 1853 to 1857 on which 
so much reticence is shown in contemporary literature and later 
chronicles. I would be grateful if members would draw my attention 
to any further information about this period I may have overlooked. 

J. E. Lovstry. 

Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory, North Wales, plans to com- 
plete a survey of the island's flora during 1956. Visits by botanists 
would therefore be particularly weleome during the coming season. 



Inquiries re accommodation to W. M. Condry, Eglwystach, Machynlleth, 

For details of the Nature Reserves declared by the Nature Con- 
servancy and procedure for obtaining permits to visit them see Pro- 
ceedings B.S.B.1., 1, 565 (1955). 



The Air Ministry propose to establish a range at Newborough Warren 
but following representations made at a Public Local Inquiry by this 
Society and others, have agreed to make advance notices of firing prac- 
tices available to research workers and students. These notices will be 
sent to our Local Secretary, Prof. P. W. Richards, Coed Menai, Upper 
Bangor, Caernarvonshire, and members wishing to visit the Warren 
are advised to make arrangements with him well in advance of the 
time of their visits. 

Members are urged to report to the Hon. General Secretary any 
threats to the British flora. The Council has appointed a Conservation 
Committee to deal with such matters and every effort will be made ‘‘to 
promote in every way possible the conservation of the British flora’’. 

The Society is collecting information about the effect on native vege- 
tation of toxic chemicals used for spraying crops. The increasing use 
of weed-killing chemicals on arable land implies a threat to neighbour- 
ing uncultivated land or woods since the spray can be carried a con- 
siderable distance under suitable conditions. Members who observe 

damage from this cause are asked to send full details to J. E. Lousley, 
7 Penistone Road, London, S.W.16. 


A card index of autecological and/or cytogenetic-taxonomic 
researches that are being carried out on British flowering plants is 
maintained by the Association. Copies of the index may be consulted 
at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, or at the Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh. Its purpose is to obviate overlapping between different 
workers. Members taking up research of this nature are asked to 
send particulars either to Mr. R. D. Meikle, Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Kew, Surrey, or to Mr. B. L. Burtt, Royal Botanic Garden, Edin- 
burgh, 4. 



Members are reminded that through the kindness of the Council of 
the Linnean Society of London, they have the privilege of consulting 
the Library of the Linnean Society at Burlington House, Piccadilly, 
London, W.1. 


Mr. H. N. Ridley, an Honorary Member of the Society, celebrated 
his hundredth birthday on December 10, 1955, when our congratulations 
and good wishes were added to those from other organisations. Mr. 
Ridley was Director of Singapore Botanical Gardens from 1888 to 1911 
and originated the tapping technique which is the foundation of the 
modern rubber industry. In Malaya his birthday was celebrated by 
floodlighting of the gardens, a banquet and an exhibition. He is so 
well known for his work on the Flora of Malaya, and on the distribution 
of seeds and fruits, that the valuable contributions he made to the 
knowledge of British plants before he left for Singapore is apt to be 
overlooked. Some 70 years ago he published a series of papers on our 
Flora ranging from Dorset to the Shetlards—in 1885 alone he added 
Schoenus ferrugineus and Carex salina to our list, and gave us the first 
account of Juncus tenuis. Mr. Ridley is the first centenarian member 
of the Society. 

Continued from inside front cover 


Development and Rules Meetings 
D. E. Allen (Hon. Sec.) Dr. E. F. Warburg 
A. H. G. Alston A. H. G. Alston 
Dr. H. J. M. Bowen E. B. Bangerter 
Miss M. S. Campbell O. Buckle 
Dr. J. G. Dony Dr. J. G. Dony (Hon. Sec.) 

J. S. L. Gilmour Mrs. A. N. Gibby 

R. A. Graham 
D. H. Kent P. C. Hall 
R. D. Meikle Dr. E. M. Rosser 
E. Milne-Redhead Mrs. B. H. S. Russell 
O. V. Polunin . Mrs. B. Welch 
- * a hia Conservation 
. E. Dandy 
D. H. Kent de Bandy. 
J. E. Lousley Captain . Diver 
H. K. Airy Shaw J. 8. L. Gilmour 
R. M. Payne R. A. Graham 
a . Aa ies J. E. Lousley (Hon. Sec.) 
. C. Wallace A 
Te SM. Walters E. Milne-Redhead 
P. J. Wanstall (Hon. Sec.) Dr. F. Rose 
Dr. E. F. Warburg V. S. Summerhayes 
P. J. Wanstall 
Maps Mrs. B. Welch 
Prof. A. R. Clapham Dr. D. P. Young 
(Hon. Sec.) 
Dr. J. G. Dony 
aa ae a 
J. E. Lousley aaa a 
R. D. Meikle Miss H. Franks 
E. Milne-Redhead Miss L. W. Frost 
a D. Pi Miss B. M. C. Morgan 
T. Stearn 
; J. Ounsted 
Prof. T. G: Tutin " cae 
BE. C. Wallace Abdo Se 
Dr. S. M. Walters Dr. C. T. Prime 

Dr. E. F. Warburg A. W. Westrup (Hon. See.) 
Prof. D. A. Webb 


*B. L. Burtt (Chairman) R. Mackechnie 

+B. W. Ribbons (Hon. Sec.) *Professor J. R. Matthews 
Miss M. 8. Campbell tJ. Grant Roger 

*Miss U. K. Duncan +tDr. G. Taylor 

*Appointed by the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 
tAppointed by the Botanical Society of the British Isles 



Published Twice Yearly 

Price 15} per part 

Obtainable from Mr E. B. BANGERTER, 
c/o Department of Botany, British Museum, 
(Natural History), London, S.W.7 



Edited by J. E. LOUSLEY 

The purpose of this volume is to make available to a wider public the 
papers read at the very sticcessful Conference arranged by the Botanical 
Society of the British Isles in 1954. The sixteen contributions cover the 
subject over a very wide field and, in addition to those dealing with 
special studies of flowering plants, from palaeobotany to experimental 
taxonomy, others are concerned with fungi, algae, bryophytes and ferns. 
The contributors include Prof. Alan Burges, Prof. J. H. Burnett, Mr. J. 
S. L. Gilmour, Prof. S. C. Harland, Prof. J. Heslop-Harrison, Dr. E. 
W. Jones, Prof. I. Manton, Dr. A. Melderis, Dr. R. Melville, Dr. H. 
Hamshaw Thomas, Dr. W. B. Turrill and Prof. T. G. Tutin. The 
discussion which followed some of the papers is also included. 
Demy 8vo., 190 pages, with 2 half-tone plates and 28 figures in the tezt. 
Bound in buckram. 
E. B. Banosrtrer, c/o Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural 
History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7 




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Editor: Ds Ho KENT 

[ Vol. 2 OCTOBER 1956 . Pe2 

By J. P. M. Brenan ... iss Bh iat aan eer} LO 
| RECORDS (TO 1877). By D. H. Kent ab va fae DB 
: SELINUM CARViIFOLIA (L.) L. in Brrrarn. By S.M. Walters ... 119 


By Hugh Boyd Watt am een a Ney RT og Wes: 

By G. Hind ee ern eM One eG 
| Seep Dispersat on Footwsar. By H. T. Clifford wn woe 129 
SHoRT NOTES ies uy wo A os ae SEE ESM Ie 924 
Piant NOTES Be he na ie Ae Ai Uo lat 
| Puant RECORDS ae a Ns vo, Ho ee Wie LOS 
| Asstracts From LITERATURE ne Soe bee fe oe.) oe 
| Frmitp Meetines, 1954 das Bee a aoe a Deeg OU | 
| Frecp Mzertes, 1955 ey On) i Ag 
| REVIEW ear ae a ae eo age “a i LST 
| OBITUARIES... a SEED ae uae ee oe He 190 


o/o DEPARTMENT oF Botany, British Muszum (Naturau History), 
Lonpon, S.W.7 



Patroness: H.R.H. THE Princess Roya 

Applications for Membership should be addressed to the Hon. Assistant 
Secretary: D. H. KENT, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, from whom 
copies of the Society’s Prospectus may be obtained 

OFFICERS FOR 1956-1957 
APRIL 12rx, 1956 

President: Dr. George Taylor 

Vice-Presidents: G. M. Ash, Prof. D. A. Webb, J. E. Lousley, 
N. Y. Sandwith 

Honorary General Secretary : Dr. J. G. Dony 

Honorary Treasurer : E. L. Swann 

Honorary Editor : Dr. E. F. Warburg 

Honorary Meetings Secretary : Dr. H. J. M. Bowen 

(in order of seniority for purposes of Rule 3 (e)) 

Elected March 1953 Elected April 1955 

Prof. J. H. Burnett Dr. F. Rose 

R. A. Graham C. E. Hubbard 

D. E. Allen P. J. Wanstall 

Mrs. A. N. Gibby J. E. Raven 
Elected April 1954 Elected April 1956 

O. Buckle J. E. Dandy 

Prof. H. G. Baker P. C. Hall 

D. McClintock J. Grant Roger 

Dr. E. M. Rosser Miss C. M. Rob 

Honorary Assistant Secretaries : D.H. Kent and Mrs. B. Welch 
Honorary Assistant Treasurer : P.M. Newey 
Honorary Field Secretary : P. C. Hall 


Association of School Natural History Societies : Dr. J. G. Dony 
Field Studies Council : J. E. Lousley 
Wild Plant Conservation Board : R. A. Graham 

Continued on inside of back cover 



By J. P. M. Brenan, M.A. 

The following notes are a continuation of those published in 
Rep. Bot. Soc. & H.C., 13, 781-802, 1946, and relate especially 
to the writer’s botanising in Oxfordshire and Berkshire, mainly 
in the neighbourhood of the city of Oxford. It should be 
emphasised that these notes are not in any way a complete 
catalogue of all records for Oxfordshire and Berkshire made 
during the last few years, but simply a selection of those made 
by the writer, and by certain friends and correspondents, which 
seem worthy of mention. 

As in the first part of these notes, the records are arranged 
under their appropriate vice-counties: Berkshire (“22, Berks.”’) 
and Oxfordshire (“23, Oxon.’’), and the numbers between 1 and 7 
preceding records refer to the botanical districts as defined in 
Druce’s Fl. Berks., 1897, and in the second edition of his 
Fl. Oxfordsh., 1927. The districts are in serial order under each 

The abbreviation ‘(sp.)” after the date indicates that a 
voucher specimen is in the writer’s herbarium (Herb. Brenan). 
If it is to be found in another herbarium, then it is indicated. 

The following abbreviations are used for recorders’ names : — 
R.B. for Mr. R. Burn, with whom numerous finds were jointly 
made, and to whom my gratitude is due for his help and 
companionship; and J.P.M.B. for the writer’s name. My thanks 
are also due to Mr. P. G. Beak and Dr. E. W. Jones, who have 
kindly allowed me to include various records they have made 
and who, with others too many to enumerate here, are gratefully 
remembered for their acute observation and good fellowship on 
botanical outings. 

Last but not least, acknowledgment must be made of the 
expert help of Mr. J. E. Lousley with Rumez, Mr. R. D. Meikle 
with Callitriche, and Mr. E. Nelmes with Carez. 

6/5. RAanuNcuLus BuLBosus L. 238, Oxon. 5. A few plants with 
petals and stamens pale lemon-yellow on a grassy roadside 
strip not far from Cassington station, 1946 (sp.). The 
upper part of the petals inside is almost white, and the 
sepals have whitish, not yellowish, margins. The striking 
colour is not due to natural bleaching as the flowers were 
mostly only just opened; plenty of the normally coloured 
plants grew with this colour-form. 










RANUNCULUS SPHAEROSPERMUS Boiss. & Blanche. 22, Berks. 
4. In the Kennet Avon Canal E. of Kintbury station, 1946 
(sp.), Dr. E. W. Jones & J.P.M.B. 

MaHoNnIA AQUIFOLIUM (Pursh.) Nutt. 23, Oxon. 5. S. border 
of Singe Wood, adjoining cultivated field, 1946, N. D. 
Simpson & J.P.M.B. 

SISYMBRIUM ALTIssSIMUM L. 22, Berks. 2. Several plants 
on a rubbish-heap, Frilford Heath, 1946 (sp. in Druce 
Herbarium), N. D. Simpson & J.P.M.B. 

SISYMBRIUM ORIENTALE L. 23, Oxon. 5. One large plant 
on a small tip by a railway bridge near Yarnton, 1946. 
Coronopus pipymus (L.) Sm. 22, Berks. 5. Cultivated field 
reverting to grassland at N. end of Windsor Great Park, 

THLASPI PERFOLIATUM L. 23, Oxon. 5. Although a number 
of localities for this rare plant are given in Fl. Ozjordsh., 
in recent years it seems to have been lost sight of as a 
permanency in the county except near Woodstock and at its 
well-known Stonesfield station. In 1946, Mr. R. Burn and 
myself had the good fortune to encounter it in a new locality 
in a part of the district away from its previous ones; here 
it was growing in great profusion on banks and dry stony 
ground for some 300 yards or so. The ground had been much 
disturbed, and it is possible that it may originally have been 
an introduction here, especially as the geological deposit 
is one on which, so far as I am aware, it has not been 
previously recorded. At least, its abundance seems to 
indicate a long tenancy. The locality is purposely not 
precisely defined, but lies in the approximately quadrilateral 
area between Witney, Bampton, Eynsham and the great 
bend of the river Thames between the two last-named towns 

ReEseDA LureoLA L. 23, Oxon. 5. Sparingly at Taynton 
and Milton Quarries, 1946. 

VIOLA CALCAREA (Bab.) Gregory. 23, Oxon. 5. On a limited 
area only of stony limestone ground among scattered buslies 
at Taynton Quarries, 1946 (sp.). 

PoLYGALA CALCAREA F. W. Schultz. 23, Oxon. 5. Abundant 
in rough, open, limestone grassland at Taynton Quarries, 

AGROSTEMMA GITHAGO L. 22, Berks. 1. A weed in 
cornfield on Wytham Hill, 1946. <A specimen shown to me 
by Mr. P. F. Burgess, then at the University School of 

CERASTIUM ARVENSE L. 23, Oxon. 5. Sparingly in a rough, 
open field by the quarries at Taynton, 1946. 

CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM L. 22, Berks. 4. Snelsmore 
Common, 1947, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 


112/12. Hypericum macutatum Crantz. 23, Oxon. 5. Rather 
plentiful by sides of track on heathy ground, often among 
bracken, Singe Wood, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Simpson), N. D. 
Simpson & J.P.M.B. 

112/15. Hyerrertcum numirusum L., sens. lat. 23, Oxon. 5. Scarce 
on track over heathy ground, Singe Wood, 1946 (sp. in Herb. 
Oxon.), N. D. Simpson & J.P.M.B. 

112/15d. Hypericum HUMIFUSUM var. DECUMBENS (Peterm.) Reichb. 
23, Oxon. 5. Damp ground by path, Bladon Heath, 1946 

4117/7. Matva nicarensis All. 23, Oxon.. 5. Garden weed, 19, 
Beaumont Street, Oxford, 1945, Dr. E. W. Jonzs (sp.). A 
form with densely hairy fruits. 

127/12. Geranium pusittum L. 22, Berks. 4. Grassy ground by the 
canal at Aldermaston, 1948, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 23, Oxon. 3. 
On some short grassy, apparently calcareous hillocks near 
the Bretch (between North Newington and Banbury), 1946 
(sp. in Herb. Oxon.). 

133/2. Tnpatrens caPpENSIS Meerb. 22, Berks. 5. By river Thames 
between Aston and Hambleden Lock, 1955. 

7133/3.  ImpaATIENS PARVIFLORA DC. 22, Berks. 2. By a ride in 
Bagley Wood close to the upper road to Abingdon, probably 
introduced with rubbish used for building up the ride, 1946, 

| Dr. E. W. Jongs. 

) 136/1b. ILEx AQUIFOLIUM var. LAURIFOLIUM Lej. 22, Berks. 1. A 

| single, rather large tree in ash woodland on N. slopes. of 

Wytham Hill, 1947 (sp.). 
150/1. SarotHaAMNUS scopARIUS (L.) Wimm. ex Koch. 22, Berks. 
2. Near Churn, rare, 1946, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 

+154/2. Metitorus arpa Medic. 23, Oxon. 5. One plant on a small 
tip by a railway bridge near Yarnton, 1946. 

1154/4.  Metitotus inpica (L.) All. 28, Oxon. 5. Waste ground, 
Port Meadow, 1953, R. D. Mrrtxrtze & J.P.M.B. 

155/11. Trirotium striatum L. 22, Berks. 3. In rather small 
quantity on a trampled path in an enclosure of chalk grass- 
land, near the golf course, Lough Down near Streatley, 1948 
(sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. On the chalk here there is a capping 
of sandy soil, with gorse and Filago, to which the clover 
seems restricted. 23, Oxon. 4. Locally plentiful on sandy 
ground near Bayswater Mill, 1945 (sp.), Dr. E. W. Jonss, 
A. P. D. Jones & J.P.M.B. 

178/8. LatHyrus nissouia L. 22, Berks. 1. Im grassland near 
Hid’s Copse Road, Cumnor Hill, 1948, Dr. E. W. Jonzs. 

178/25. Latuyrus mMontanus Bernh. 23, Oxon. 5. Heathy ground 
under bracken, Singe Wood, 1946, N. D. Simeson & J.P.M.B. 

183/4. Prunus cprasus L. 22, Berks. 4. A few trees in woodland 
on Snelsmore Common, 1947 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. 


191 /2. 





194 / 18e. 



903 / 2. 


220 /6. 



AGRIMONIA ODORATA (Gouan) Mill. 23, Oxon. 4. Among 
bushes by green lane between Stonehouse Farm and Stonepit 
Hills, Weston-on-the-Green, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.), N. D. 
Simpson & J.P.M.B. 
6. Edge of cultivated field near Littlemore, 1945 (sp.), R.B. 
& J.P.M.B. 
Rosa CANINA var. RAMOSISSIMA Rau. 23, Oxon. 4. Near 
Wood Eaton, by the road to Marston, 1946 (sp.), N. D. 
Simpson & J.P.M.B. 
RoSA CANINA var. SYLVULARUM f. apsciTa (Déségl.) Rouy. 23, 
Oxon. 6. Chalk grassland, Crowell Hill, 1946 (sp.), J. F. G. 
CuHappeLe, H. W. Puestey, N. D. Stupson & J.P.M.B. 
Rosa CANINA var. BLONDAEANA f. VINACEA (Baker) Rouy. 25, 
Oxon. 6. Chalk grassland, Crowell Hill, 1946 (sp.), J. F. G. 
CHaprpLe, H. W. Poestey, N. D. Simpson & J.P.M.B. 
Berks. 2. Open bushy enclosure, Boar’s Hill, 1946 (sp.), 
N. D. Stmpson & J.P.M.B. 
CoTONEASTER SIMONSII Baker. 22, Berks. 3. A single shrub 
about 1:5 m. high, presumably bird-sown, in Rosa-Crataegus 
scrub marginal to chalk grassland on §. side of Lough Down 
near Streatley, 1948 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. 
SAXIFRAGA GRANULATA L. 22, Berks. 4. Sparingly on a 
hedgebank near Snelsmore Common, 1947, R.B. & J.P.M.b. 
dant in marshy, semi-shaded ground in More Wood N. of 
Hampstead Marshall, 1946, Dr. E. W. Jones & J.P.M.B. 
CALLITRICHE OBTUSANGULA Le Gall ex Hegelm. 23, Oxon. 4. 
Pool on Otmoor, N. of Beckley, 1937 (sp.), J. F. @. CHaprrie 
& J.P.M.B., conf. R. D. METELE. 
Prptis portutaA L. 23, Oxon. 5. Rare, growing with 
Centunculus and a dwarf Callitriche in the dampest part of 
a path, Bladon Heath (sp. in Herb. Oxon.); very plentiful 
on wet clay rides in Churchill Heath Wood near Kingham, 
especially where there are deep cart-ruts, 1948, R.B. & 
A FY Bd 2 

eround, with putative parents, Jackdaw Lane, Oxford, 1940 
(sp.), conf. G. M. Asn. 
Iptroptum LAMYT FEF. W. Schultz. 23, Oxon. 6. Waste ground, 
Jackdaw Lane, Oxford, 1940-41 (sp.), conf. G. M. Asx. 
KprnopitumM oBpscuRUM Schreb. 28. Oxon. 5. Cleared wood- 
land, Slatepits Copse, on W. side of Wychwood, 1946 (sp. in 
Herb. Oxon.), J. F. G@. Cuapprzs & J.P.M.B. 

EprLtoBluM ADENOCAULON Hausskn. 22, Berks. 3. A fair 
quantity in a small clearing in open woodland on top of the 
downs S.W. of Streatley, 1948 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. 23, 


261 /2. 


328 /3. 

$330 / 4. 

383 /8. 


421 /3. 

463 /5. 


Oxon. 5. A few plants in rough, bushy ground on the Beg- 
broke side of Bladon Heath, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.); 
numerous plants in cleared woodland, Slatepits Copse on 
W. side of Wychwood, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.), J. F. G. 
CHAPPLE & J.P.M.B.; one patch by a stream in Sarsgrove 
Wood near Churchill, 1948. 6. One plant among huts at 
the Churchill Hospital, Headington, 1947. 

ANTHRISCUS CAUCALIS Bieb. 23, Oxon. 5. Plentiful on a 
small area of a steep, shaded, sandy bank bordering a gravel- 
pit between Eynsham and Cassington, 1946. There are seve- 
ral gravel-pits hereabouts, but I have only seen this species 
in the one. 

LONICERA CAPRIFOLIUM L. 22, Berks. 2. Rediscovered in 
Bagley Wood by Dr. E. W. Joness in 1945 (sp.). Previously 
recorded by the Rev. W. T. Bree in 1835 (see Druce, fl. 
Berks., 257). Dr. Jones kindly conducted me to the locality, 
where the plant appeared to be well established in a small 
clearing in woodland of oak standards with coppice. 
GNAPHALIUM SYLVATICUM L. 23, Oxon. 5. Heathy ground 
by track, Singe Wood, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.), N. D. 
Srmpson & J.P.M.B. 

HELICHRYSUM BRACTEATUM (Vent.) Andr. 23, Oxon. 5. 
Waste ground, Port Meadow, Oxford, 1953 (sp.), R. D. 

SENECIO viscosus Il. 23, Oxon. 5. Rather plentiful for a 
short distance on cindery ground by the L.M.S. line between 
Polstead Road and Port Meadow, Oxford, 1946 (sp.), R.B. 
& J.P.M.B. A remarkably rare plant in the county, with a 
single previous record from near Reading. 

CaRLINA VULGARIS L. 23, Oxon. 5. Taynton Quarries, 1946. 

SILYBUM MARIANUM (L.) Gaertn. 23, Oxon. 6. One plant on 
waste ground, Jackdaw Lane, Oxford, Miss Marriott, comm. 
by the late H. W. Puestey. 

HYpPocHOERIs GLABRA L. 22, Berks. 2. Short turf on sandy 
ground on Cumnor Hurst Hill, 1948 (sp.), Dr. FE. W. Jones 
& J.P.M.B. 

LacTUCA SERRIOLA var. puBIA (Jord.) Rouy. 22, Berks. 5. 
Cultivated field reverting to grassland, N. end of Windsor 
Great Park, 1955 (sp. in Herb. Kew.). 

SoNCHUS ARVENSIS var. GLABRESCENS Giinth., Grab. & Wimm. 
23, Oxon. 3. Several plants on a disturbed patch of ground 
in an extensive open, swampy area of Glyceria maxima and 
Carices between Polstead Road and Port Meadow, Oxford, 
1946 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. Typical S. arvensis was also 
present, but no intermediates were seen. 

LYSIMACHIA NEMORUM [L. 28, Oxon. 4. Noke Wood, 1946, 
RB: & Je .M.B: 


467 /2d. 


+488 /7. 

T497 / 4. 



532 / a. 

+543/ 41, 

ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS var. LILACINA Alef. 22, Berks. 4. Rare, 
mixed with an abundance of the normal red form, in an 
arable field N. of Fieldridge Copse, East Garston, 1946 (sp.), 
Dr. E. W. Jones. Corolla claret-coloured. Leaves with 
numerous, minute, deep purple dots on lower surface. 
SAMOLUS VALERANDI L. 22, Berks. 2. Damp ground in Pusey 
Wood, 1946, Dr. E. W. Jones. 

MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA L. 22, Berks. 1. Boggy ground on 
S. side of Wytham Hill, 1947, Dr. E. W. JOoNngEs. 

Phacelia viscida (Benth. ex Lindl.) Torr., Botany U.S. 
Mexican Boundary Survey, 143, 1858; Brand in Das 
Pflanzenr., IV, 251, 68, 19138; Abrams, Il. Fl. Pacific States 
3, 514, fig. 4123, 1951; G. W. Gillett in Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., 
28 (2), 66, 1955. EHutoca viscida Benth. ex Lindl., Bot. Reg., 
21, t. 1808, 1835. Native of California. 23, Oxon. 5. Waste 
ground, Port Meadow tip, Oxford. 1946 (sp.). 

A very striking plant, more or less glandular all over 
except on the flowers, with ovate, coarsely and irregularly 
incise-serrate leaves, and large (1:5-2 cm. in diameter), 
bright intense blue, white-eyed, shortly funnel-shaped 
corollas borne in lax, terminal scorpioid cymes. 

SYMPHYTUM X UPLANDICUM Nyman. 22, Berks. 4. By the 
canal a short way EK. of Kintbury Station, 1946 (sp.), Dr. E. 
W. Jones & J.P.M.B. 

CALYSTEGIA SYLVESTRIS (Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.) Roem. & 
Schult. 23, Oxon. 6. Edge of old tip, Jackdaw Lane, Oxford, 
1946 (sp.), N. D. Stmeson & J.P.M.B. 

Cuscuta EuROPAFA L. 22, Berks. 5. By backwater of river 
Thames between Aston and Hambleden Lock, 1955 (sp. in 
Herb. Kew.). 

LINARIA REPENS (L.) Mill. 23, Oxon. 6. One plant in a 
quarry at Headington, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Pugsley), H. W. 

VERONICA FILIFORMIS Sm. 23, Oxon. 5. Bampton, as a garden 
weed and in the cemetery, 1946, Dr. Davey, comm, P. G. 
Brak (sp. in Herb. Beak!). 

545/5x21. EupHrRASIA NEMOROSA X PSEUDOKERNERI. 23, Oxon. 6. 


Chalky bank, Crowell Hill, 1946 (sp.), J. F. G. CHAppLr, 
H. W. Puastryry. N. D. Srmmpson & J.P.M.B., det. H. W. 

Verbena elegans Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl., 2, 273, 1817. 
See Lily Perry in Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard., 20, No. 2, 1933. 
Native of Mexico. 28, Oxon. 6. Waste ground, Jackdaw 
Lane, Oxford, 1988 (sp.), J. F. G@. CHarprs & J. P. M. 
Brenan, det. N. Y. Sanpwith & J. P. M. Brenan at Kew. 

A handsome vervain with pinnatifid leaves triangular 
in outline, and red-purple flowers in short, dense, terminal 

-_—_ ae 



578 ji 4h C 

587 /1. 




627 /1. 



NEPETA caTARIA L. 23, Oxon. 7. Hedge near Lambridge 
Wood, Henley, 1946, N.Y.S., R. Granam & J.P.M.B. 
GALEOPSIS ANGUSTIFOLIA var. arenaria Gren. & Godr., Fl. Fr., 
2, 684, 1850, sec. Briquet, Labiées Alp. Marit., 167, 1894. 

23, Oxon. 5. In a cornfield on calcareous soil about 1 
mile N.E. of Woodstock, 1942 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B.; scat- 
tered through a _ potato-field adjoining Singe Wood near 
Hailey, 1946 (sp.), N. D. Stmeson & J.P.M.B. 

The above appears to be the correct name for what has 
often, but apparently wrongly, been called in Britain var. 
canescens (Schultes); other synonyms are G. arvatica Jord. 
in Billot, Annot. Fl. Fr. Allem., 130, 1858, and G. ladanum 
subsp. angustifolia var. calcarea (Schoenh.) Briq., Monogr. 
Genre Galeopsis, 255, 1893, the latter based on G. calcarea 
Schoenh. in Flora (1832), 593-4. The name var. monticola 
Lannes, employed in B.P.L., ed. 2, dates from 1885 accord- 
ing to Briquet, and, according to F. N. Williams, Prod. 
Fl. Brit., 399, 1910, is a nomen nudum. 

In its densely spreading-hirsute calyces and its usually 
rather squat and compact, often much branched habit, it 
seems a distinct enough plant. It is probably not uncom- 
mon in our area, though normal G. angustifolia with ap- 
pressed-hairy calyces also occurs. The distributions of these 
two, and any possible ecological differences between them, 
require working out. 

AJUGA REPTANS L. 23, Oxon. 4. A single white-flowered in- 

florescence seen in Noke Wood, 1946, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 22, 

Berks. 1. Two white-flowered inflorescences seen at Appleton 

Lower Common, 1946, in company with Dr. C. West, J. 

Brooke & Dr. F. Rose. 

AMARANTHUS GRAECIZANS L. 23, Oxon. 6. Waste ground, 

Jackdaw Lane, Oxford, 1939 (sp.). 

CHENOPODIUM FICIFOLIUM Sm. 22, Berks. 5. Cultivated field 

reverting to grassland, N. end of Windsor Great Park, 1955. 

4, Edge of hayfield on Otmoor N. of Beckley, 1946 (sp.), 

J. F. G. CHaprte and J.P.M.B., conf. J. HE. Lovustey. 

virIDIS. 23, Oxon. 4. Edge of hayfield on Otmoor N. of 

Beckley, 1946 (sp.), J. F. G. Coapprzt & J.P.M.B., conf. J. E. 


THESIUM HUMIFUSUM DC. 23, Oxon. 5. Taynton Quarries, 

1945, Dr. E. W. Jonss. 

MERCURIALIS PERENNIS L. 23, Oxon. 4. One small patch 

of a remarkably broad-leaved form, perhaps to be put under 

var. ovata Mitt., in Noke Wood, 1946 (sp.), R.B. & 


QuERCUS CERRIS L. 22, Berks. 4. Heathy ground, Padworth 

Common, 1948, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 


650 / 3e. 

650/3 x 2. 


€50/38x 4. 

SALIX ALBA var. chermesina Hartig, Vollst. Naturgesch. d. 
Forstl. Culturpfl. Deutschlands, 421, 1851; S. alba var. brit- 
zensis Spaeth, Cat. No. 57, 67, 1883. 

23, Oxon. 5. Two small trees in a thicket of mixed wil- 
lows in a gravel-pit near Cassington, 1944-46 (sp.), R.B. & 

One of these trees has not yet produced catkins; the other 
is @. Both, however, appear to come under this variety, 
characterised by crimson branchlets. J. Fraser, in Rep. Bot. 
Soc. & E.C., 9, 720, 1932, seems to have been the first to 
draw the attention of British botanists to this striking wil- 
low, but the name that he used, var. britzensis Spaeth, is 
antedated by the varietal name given above. I have been 
unable to consult the original place of publication of var. 
britzensis, but accept it on the authority of Fraser and of 
Elwes & Henry, Trees Great Brit: & Irel., 7, 1769, 1913. 

Salix ALBA X FRAGILIS (S. X RUBENS Schrank.). 23, Oxon. 
5. In two gravel-pits near Cassington, 1946 (sp.). These are ¢ 
plants with narrow leaves, nearer to S. fragilis than to S. 

SaLIx ALBA X FRAGILIS forma monstrosa, sens. Floderus 
(S. xX ALOPECUROIDES auct.); vide Fraser in Rep. Bot. Soc. 
& £.C., 9, 367-8, 1933. 

22, Berks. 1. A large tree in a roadside hedge at Bab- 
lock Hythe, 1946 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. 23, Oxon. 5. Seve- 
ral trees, together with S. fragilis, in Ferry Hinksey Lane, 
Oxford, 1945-6 (sp.): a row of trees seen on the Oxfordshire 
side of the Thames at Bablock Hythe, 1946, R.B. & 

The trees of S. x alopecuroides in this area confirm 
Fraser’s notes on this remarkably distinct and uniform wil- 
low. It is immediately separable from SN. fragilis auct. when 
not in flower by its broader leaves of a deep glossy green 
above, recalling those of S. pentandra I... and more laxly 
arranged on the branches, which are fewer and more divari- 
cate, making a lighter crown, Mr. P. G. Beak remarks 
that the Ferry Hinksey trees lack the ‘‘witches’-brooms’’ 
that are so characteristic of normal S. fragilis auct., so that 
non-susceptibility to this gall may be a further distinguish- 
ing character. 

Although the hybrid formula used here for this willow has 
become familiar to British botanists, the taxonomic status 
of this plant will most probably be changed in the future. 

Salix ALBA X TRIANDRA (S. X unpDuULATA Ehrh.). 23, Oxon. 
5. Damp ground by a backwater of the R. Thames, Botley, 
1946 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. 

The published accounts of British willows apparently fail 

to mention that the long shoots and their leaves when young 



669 / 4. 




674(5) /2. 

707 /2. 


746 /1. 


747 /2. 

753 / 28. 

are conspicuously suffused with dull red-purple. This fea- 
ture, which I have observed on S. xX wndulata in Oxford- 
shire, Surrey and Somerset, enables the hybrid to be sepa- 
rated at a glance in the field from both the putative parents, 
at any rate in spring and early summer. The comment 
made in the last sentence under the preceding willow apples 
also here. 
OrcHIS usTuLATA L. 22, Berks. 2. Several patches in an 
area of chalk grassland on Gore Hill, S. of Chilton, just 
in this district, 1946 (sp.), R.B. & J.P.M.B. The locality 
is probably now destroyed by ploughing. 
ORCHIS INCARNATA L. 22, Berks. 4. One plant in a rough 
wet field by the canal E. of Marsh Benham, 1946, Dr. EK. W. 
JONES & J.P.M.B. 23, Oxon. 4. Sparingly, in company 
with O. praetermissa, in one wet alluvial enclosure on S.W. 
side of Otmoor, 1946, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 
ORCHIS PRAETERMISSA Druce. 23, Oxon. 4. Sparingly in one 
alluvial enclosure on the S.W. side of Otmoor, 1946, R.B. 
& J.P.M.B. 

PLATANTHERA CHLORANTHA (Cust.) Reichb. 23, Oxon. 4. 
Sparingly in Noke Wood, 1946, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 
PLATANTHERA BIFOLIA (L.) Rich. 23, Oxon. 5. Sparingly 
on a densely bushy slope on limestone at Pool Bottom, 1946. 
ORNITHOGALUM PYRENAICUM L. 22, Berks. 4. Edge of wood 
near Lower Poughley, between Lambourn and Hungerford, 
1946, Dr. E. W. Jones. 
ORNITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM L. 23, Oxon. 4. Between Stow 
Wood and Beckley, in small quantity, 1946 (sp.). Dr. J. N. 
Mitts, the finder, kindly directed me to this locality. 
Juncus TENUIS Willd. 22, Berks. 5. Damp ground near 
King’s Mere, Finchampstead, 1955 (sp. in Herb. Kew.). 
LuzuLa FoRSTERI (Sm.) DC. 22, Berks. 3. Beechwood near 
Sulham, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.). 
Scirpus syuivaticus L. 22, Berks. 4. By the river Enborne 
near Greenham Common, 1946, Dr. E. W. Joness (sp. in 
Herb. Oxon.). ; 
ScrrRPUS SETACEUS L. 23, Oxon. 3. Several patches in boggy 
pastures by a stream between Shutford and Welshcroft Hill 
(near North Newington), 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.). Oo. 
Clayey ride in Churchill Heath Wood near Kingham, rare, 
1948, R.B. & J.P.M.B.; by a rivulet in a pasture near Sars- 
grove Wood, 1948, R.B. & J.P.M.B. 
ERIOPHORUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Honck. 22, Berks. 1. Sparingly 
in a spring below Wytham Hill, 1945 (sp.). This plant, 
unexpected in this habitat and area, was first found by the 
Rev. N. E. G. Crourrwetn, who kindly directed me to it. 

CAREX CAROPHYLLEA Latourr. 23, Oxon. 5. Abundant in 
rough, open, limestone grassland at Taynton Quarries, 1946. 



753/46h. CAREX ACUTA var. PROLIXA Fr. 22, Berks. 1. By a back- 

water of the R. Thames, Hagley Pool near Wytham, 1940 
(sp.), conf. Mr. E. NELMEs. 

753/61(2). CAREX POLYPHYLLA Kar. & Kir. 22, Berks. 3. In rather 


open woodland on sandy soil capping chalk on the downs 
S.W. of Streatley, 1948 (sp.), R. B. & J.P.M.B. 23, Oxon. 
5. Roadside at Burford, 1938 (sp.). 7. Grassy bank in open 
chalk meadow between Lambridge Wood and the Fair Mile 
near Henley, 1946 (sp.), N. Y. Sanpwirn, R. Granam & 
J.P 3B? 

SIEGLINGIA DECUMBENS (L.) Bernh. 23, Oxon. 3. Sparingly 
in a damp hillside pasture between Shutford and Welshcroft 
Hill (near North Newington), 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.). 



LOLIACEUM (Huds.) P. Fourn.). 22, Berks. 1. Alluvial 
pasture near St. John’s Lock, Lechlade, 1947 (sp.), J. F. G. 
CHapeLeE & J.P.M.B. 

Bromus rRAceMosus L. 23, Oxon. 3. Hay meadow by the 
river Cherwell near Old Grimsbury, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.). 

' 827/191. Bromus THoMINII Hard. 22, Berks. 1. Pasture near St. 

John’s Lock, Lechlade, 1947 (sp.). 23, Oxon. 5. Grassy 
verge by the Burford road about 3 mile W. of Witney, 1946 


897/19(2). Bromus LEPIpDus Holmb. 22, Berks. 1. Pasture near St. 

John’s Lock, Lechlade, 1947 (sp.), J. F. G. CnHaprprr & 
J.P.M.B. 2. Plentiful by roadsides, tracks and field-borders 
over a wide area on the chalk S. and S.E. of Chilton, 1946 
(spin OMérb: hOxon:), BeBe JS Pa 23, Oxon. 5. 
Roadside verge about 14 miles W. of Witney, 1946 (sp. in 
Herb. Oxon.); plentiful in field of rye-grass near Pool 
Bottom, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.). 7. Grassy roadside at 
the Fair Mile near Henley, 1946 (sp. in Herb. Oxon.) N. Y. 
SanpwirH, R. Granam and J.P.M.B. 

827/19(2).. Bromus teprpus f. LAstotePIs Holmb. 23, Oxon. With 



the typical plant, on the grassy verge of the main Witney 
road a short way W. of Duke’s Lock, Wolvereote, 1946 (sp.). 
Tn Oxfordshire and Berkshire at least, plants of this species 
with hairy spikelets are very much searcer than these with 
glabrous spikelets. 

PHYLLITIS SCOLOPENDRIUM (L.) Newm. 22, Berks. 4. On 
bricks of a culvert by the railway FE. of Kintbury, 1946, 
Dr. BE. W. Jones & J.P.M.B. 28, Oxon. 5. Numerous but 
mostly small plants on the brick wall of a railway station 
building at Charlbury, 1946. 

AspLENIUM TRICHOMANES L. 22, Berks. 4. On the bricks 
of a culvert, growing with the last, by the railway E. of 
Kintbury, 1946, Dr. FE. W. Jones & J.P.M.B. 23, Oxon. 
5. Under the coping of the station platform at Charlbury, 1946, 

— ae 


RECORDS (TO 1877) 

By Doveuas H. KENT 

This is the first of a series of papers in which it is proposed 
to outline the historical spread and present distribution of Senecio 
squalidus in Britain and Ireland. 

Senecio squalidus L. was cultivated in the Oxford Botanic 
Garden at least 265 years ago, and early dried specimens from 
there are preserved in Hb. Du Bois (Oxford) and Hb. Sloane 
(British Museum) under the name ‘Jacobaea aetnea glauco folio’. 
The species was described by Linnaeus in 1753 from material 
cultivated at Uppsala, Sweden. Walker (1833) stated that 
Linnaeus obtained the seed for his cultures from the Botanic 
Garden at Oxford via J. J. Dillenius, the first Sherardian 
Professor of Botany, but Smith (1828) had already shown that 
there was no definite evidence of this. The Linnean description is 
very brief, and the plant is described as an annual from southern 
Europe. In Britain S. squalidus behaves as an annual, biennial 
and perennial, and often flowers and fruits in 12 weeks or less 
from the time of germination. It is now known to be native in 
Sicily, where it flourishes on the slopes of Mount Etna and 
southern Italy. It is a polymorphic species and in Italy a number 
of microspecies, varieties and forms are recognised. 

S. squalidus having been cultivated in the Oxford Botanic 
Garden since at least 1690 it seems curious that the species was 
not reported as an established escape on walls in that city until 
over a century later. Sibthorp (1794) was the recorder, and he, 
being unaware of the identity of the plant, merely described it as 
‘Senecionis species’. Smith (17 99) eventually identified the 
plant, and in 1800 described it ‘as very plentiful on almost every 
wall in Oxford’. The extreme local occurrence of the plant | 
attracted many collectors, as evidenced by the large number of 
early nineteenth century specimens in all the principal herbaria, 
and it is known that some of them took seed for cultivation in 
their gardens in various parts of the kingdom and that the plumed 
fruits escaped to become established on adjacent walls and banks. 
It is likely, therefore, that many of the early records from other 
counties originated in this manner, although it is also known in 
some cases to have been deliberately introduced on to walls and 
| waste ground. 

The earliest British record outside Oxford is from Worcester 

where the eran was first observed growing on old buttresses by 
the Rey. T. Shirley in 1801 (Lees, 1868). In 1820 it was seen 


growing on walls at Taunton, 8. Somerset, by Dr. Southby 
(Flower, 1886) and is said to have been deliberately introduced 
there by the Rev. W. Tuckwell (Murray, 1896). During 1827 
Edward Forster found it ‘growing by the roadside from Bideford 
(N. Devon) to the turnpike on the Torrington road, and on walls 
and banks in the town’, and in 1829 the Rev. W. T. Bree wrote 
‘some years since I introduced the plant from Oxford into my 
garden, whence by means of its volatile seeds, it has made its 
escape, and has now for a long time, voluntarily and firmly 
established itself on walls and waste banks in this village’ 
(Allesley, Warwick.). 

In 1833 it was located on a wall at Wytham, Berks. (Baxter, 
1843) and here may have originated from seed wind-borne from 
Oxford. The first Irish record came in 1839 when it was reported 
on walls and roofs of houses in the southern part of the City of 
Cork (Power. 1845). Four years later the plant was collected at 
Bristol by W. A. Bromfield, and may have been an isolated 
introduction direct into the port from southern Europe. In the 
same year it was gathered from garden walls at Gorleston, E. 
Suffolk, where it was said to have been introduced by Dawson 
Turner. During 1849 the Rev. P. Lothbury discovered it in 
quantity at Bury, W. Suffolk (Hind, 1889), and in 1850 it was 
recorded from walls near Canterbury Cathedral, E. Kent (‘G@’, 
1873) and from Eaton Lime Kiln, EF. Norfolk, where it was believed 
to have been introduced by J. W. Ewing (cf. Deacon, 1943 & 
Nicholson, 1914). In 1855 it was noted from Anwick, 8. Lincs. 
(Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 1856, 13), and in 1866 was reported to 
be spreading on walls at Eaton (Trimmer, 1866). A solitary speci- 
men was found by W. T. Dyer in a newly laid out road between 
Twickenham and Teddington, Middlesex, in 1867, possibly as a 
result of the ballast being used as a foundation originating from 
the Oxford area. Allen (1871) records S. squalidus from Marazion 
Marsh, W. Cornwall, but this was almost certainly a misnomer. 
In 1877 it was reported from Norwich, E. Norfolk, and from near 
Thorparch, Mid-W. Yorks., by T. Scatcherd (Miall, 1877), but 

Lees (1888) considered the latter record to be an error. 

The following exsiccata supporting the records and observa- 
tions mentioned above have been seen by the author except 
where otherwise stated. 

V.c. 4, N. Devon. Bideford, 1827, EF. Florster], Hb. Mus. Brit. 
1843, S. O. Gray, Hb. Manchester, teste Dr. FE. M. Rosser. 1850. G. Maic, 
Hb. Mus. Brit. Bideford Churchyard, 1865, W. T. Dyer. Hb. Kew. 
Bideford, 1877, Johnstone, Hb. Oxon. 1880, W. Waterfall, Hb. Mus. 
Wales, teste A. E. Wade. Near Bideford, 1881, 7. B. Blow, Hb. Mus. 
Brit. Bideford, 1916, G. C. Druce & Lady Fortescue, Hb. Druce. 

V.-c. 15, E. Kent. Canterbury, 1866, 7. S. Mil], Hb. Kew. 



V.c. 21, Mippuesex. In a newly laid out road between Twickenham 
and Teddington, near Strawberry Hill, a solitary plant, 1867, IW. 7. 
Dyer, Hb. Mus. Brit. 

V.c. 23, Oxon. Walls, Oxford, 1799, Hb. Sherard. 1800, W. Middle- 
ton, Hb. Yorks. Phil. Soc., teste C. M. Rob. 1805, EF. F[orster], Hb. 
Mus. Brit. Magdalen College, 1808, W. Dowell, Hb. J. D. Salmon 
(Norwich Museum), teste E. A. Ellis. Oxford, 1821, W. Blake, Hb. 
Druce. 1828)“W.W.B.’, Hb. Oxon. 1832, W. Christy, Hb. Mus. Brit. 
College walls, Oxford, 1833, F. Tivinang, Hb. Univ. Coll. N. Wales, teste 
Prof. P. W. Richards. Oxford, 1836, Hb. Geldart (Norwich Museum), 
teste HE. A. Ellis. 1840, 7. B. Flower; 1859, Hb. Oxon. 

V.-c. 25, E. SurroLtK |now Norroik]. Garden walls, Gorleston (in- 
troduced by Dawson Turner), 1843, S. Hailstone, Hb. Yorks. Phil. Soc., 
teste C. M. Rob. 

V.-c. 26, W. SurrotkK. Bury St. Edmunds, 1856, Hb. Syme. 1875, 
Hb. Mus. Brit. 1876, Jordan, Hb. Manchester, teste Dr. E. M. Rosser: 
1883, W. M. Hind, Hb. Cantab., teste Dr. S. M. Walters. 

V.c. 27, E. Norroutk. Eaton Lime-kiln (introduced by J. W. Ewing), 
1850, “FM; Hb. Geldart, teste EK. A. Ellis. Norwich, 1877, A. W. 
Preston, Hb. Manchester, teste Dr. E. M. Rosser. Eaton, 1882, A. W. 
Preston, Hb. Mus. Wales, teste A. EK. Wade. 1883, HW. F. Linton, Hb. 
Mus. Brit 

V.c. 34, W. Guoucrester. Bristol, 1843, Bromfield, Hb. Kew. 

V.c. 37, Worcester. Worcester Cathedral, 1837, Hb. Cantab., teste 
Dr. S. M. Walters. Worcester, 1841 & 1844, H. Lees, Hb. H. C. Watson 

Vic. 38. Warwick. Allesley, 1862, W. W. Lyle, Hb. Mus. Brit. 

V ce. H3-5, Cork. Cork, 1840, W. Wilson; 1841, S. O. Gray, Hb. 
Manchester, teste Dr. EK. M. Rosser. 1848, J. Carroll, Hb. Mus. Brit. 
Bandon, 1870, Rev. T. Albin, Hb. Manchester, teste Dr. E. M. Rosser. 


I am greatly indebted to Dr. E. F. Warburg for the loan of 
material from Hb. Druce and Hb. Oxon., to Mr. J. E. Lousley for 
reading and commenting on this paper, and to the following for 
very kindly supplying details of specimens of S. squalidus in their 
care: —Mr. E. A. Ellis (Norwich Museum), Prof. P. W. Richards 
(Univ. Coll. N. Wales, Bangor), Miss C. M. Rob (Yorks. Phil. Soc. 
Museum, York), Dr. E. M. Rosser (Manchester Museum), Mr. A. 
E. Wade (National Museum of Wales, Cardift), and Dr. S.. M. 
Walters (Cambridge University). 



ALLEN, C. B., 1871, Local botany: being the result of a students rambles in 
Penzance and neighbourhood, Ann. Rep. Royal Cornwall Polytechnic 
SOC eA Sil 

BAXTER, W., 1843. British phaenogamous botany. 6 vols. 


BREE, W. T., 1829, Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. 

DEACON, G. E., 1943, Early history of Senecio squalidus in Norfolk, Trans. Nor- 
folk & Norwich Nats. Soc., 15, 425. ; 

FLOWER, T. B., 1886, Senecio squalidus in S. Somerset, J. Bot., 24, 309. 

‘G’, 1873. Senecio squalidus, Hardwicke’s Science Gossip, 9, 139. 

HIND, W. M., 1889. flora of Suffolk. 

LEES, A., 1888, Flora of West Yorkshire. 

LEES, E., 1868, Botany of Malvern Hitls. Ed. 3. 

LINNAEUS, C., 1753, Species Plantarum. 

MIALL, L. C., 1877. The geology, natural hislory and antiguilies of Craven in 

MURRAY, R. P., 1896, Flora of Somerset. 

NICHOLSON, W. A., 1914, Flora of Norfolk. 

POWER, T., 1845, The Botanist’s guide to the counly of Cori. 

SIBTHORP, J., 1794, Flora Oxoniensis. 

SMITH, J. E., 1799, English Botany, vol. 9. 

1828, The English Flora. 4 vols. 
TRIMMER, K., 1866, Flora of Norfoll. 
WALKER, R., 1833, Flora of Oxfordshire and iis contiguous counties. 



This Umbellifer was first discovered in Britain by the Rev. W. 
Fowler at Broughton, Linecs., in 1880; it was identified and fully 
described by F. A. Lees (1882, a,b) who, it is clear from the 
accounts, had no doubt that it was native, predicting that it would 
be discovered elsewhere in the Eastern Counties. This prediction 
was quickly fulfilled by W. J. Cross, a young botanist of Ely, who 
discovered the plant ‘on swampy land near Fordham [misprinted 
as Foulham], Cambridgeshire’, in August 1882. W. Marshall of 
Ely, who contributed the note on the discovery (1882) stated 
that the plant was in his opinion quite native at Fordham, ‘and 
in the two adjacent parishes of Snailwell and Chippenham the 
plant is abundant’. (Lees, 1882, c). A. Bennett and A. Fryer, 
however, visiting the Chippenham Fen locality in 1883, came to 
the conclusion ‘that it was not an indigenous species’, a conclusion 
unacceptable to Lees; and eventually a somewhat touchy ‘ex- 
change of notes’ was published (Bennett, A., et al, 1899). Reading 
between the lines, one is tempted to conclude that Bennett and 
Fryer were so ashamed at not having recorded the plant that they 
decided it was a relatively recent introduction which had spread 
rapidly. Actually the complete absence of records of Chippenham 
Fen plants in Babington’s Flora of Cambridgeshire or elsewhere 
for the period 1840 to 1880 suggests strongly that no Cambridge 
botanists visited the fen until Cross’s discovery of Selinum drew 
their attention to it! Druce and Riddelsdell, visiting the fen in 
1903, saw no reason to doubt that Selanum was native there, point- 
ing out its resemblance in habit to Daucus .. . ‘it is quite conceiv- 
able and probable that botanists, even careful and keen-eyed men, 
may have overlooked it time after time’. (Riddelsdell, 1903). 

In 1909, J. W. Carr discovered the plant in Notts.; this time — 
even Bennett, who was consulted, conceded that the plant was 
native there... but still implied that it was introduced in the 
Lines. and Cambs. localities by suggesting that the Notts. plant 
resembled the Continental one and differed from the others in its 
less robust habit! (Carr, 1909). 

The plant has now apparently disappeared from the Notts. 
locality through drainage; and in the original Lincs. locality it 
has not been seen in the last few years. Localities in Cambs. are 
_ therefore at present the only known ones. These are (1) the well- 
| known Chippenham Fen locality; (2) a locality in the grounds of 
_ Fordham Abbey, about a mile from the fen; (3) a small wet 
_ grazed pasture near Sawston. This last is a newly-discovered 


locality, and is of great interest in that the species here associated 
with Selinum resemble those at Chippenham remarkably closely. 
(See lists). The Fordham Abbey station is presumably a relic of 
the original distribution of the plant in the Chippenham-Fordham- 
Snailwell area; it was good to verify that the plant still grows 
here, however, as there is now little ground in this area which 
has not either been drained or become woodland. 

The conditions under which Selinum grows at Sawston suggest 
strongly that it might be surviving elsewhere in the Eastern 
Counties in rough-grazed marshy pasture where there is a high 
calcareous water-table, perhaps unable to flower properly and 
thus showing only radical leaves. Indeed, I have no doubt that 
the combination of late flowering (August to September) and 
similarity of foliage to Silaus and Peucedanum palustre (and to 
a lesser extent to Daucus) could explain the mystery and con- 
fusion which has surrounded the plant and caused it to be over- 
looked and unrecorded. 

Certain generalisations can be made about the habitats of 
Selinum in Britain, which resemble rather closely its habitats on 
the Continent. In all British localities the species list suggests 
strongly, even if the records do not state, that the ground water 
is caleareous—thus Juncus subnodulosus occurs in all the lists 
except Fordham. It is also clear that the habitats are 
marshy throughout the year, probably with regular winter flood- 
ing; and, further, that the plant is intolerant of shade from trees 
(cf. Lees’ description of the Lines. locality (1882, ¢)): so that suit- 
able habitats may be of a rather temporary and fluctuating 
nature. Thus ill-drained marshy pasture will be colonised by 
trees 1f grazing or other interference is absent; if grazing, etc., is 
too intense (and particularly 1f accompanied by attempts at 
drainage) the plant will be unable to flower properly and _ pre- 
sumably will in time be eliminated. One would expect, therefore, 
an optimum grazing or interference effect, large enough to pre- 
vent tree colonisation, but not large enough to damage the plant 
directly. This optimum seems to be found at present in the 
Chippenham locality, but it is quite clear that there is a delicate 
balance of factors, and a good deal of variation in the size of the 
Selinum population and the luxuriance of growth seems to have 
occurred over the 70 years since the plant was first recorded at 



1. Fordham Abbey grounds, Cambs. List made September 1949 (S.M.W.). 

2. Sawston, Cambs. Lists made September 1949 (S.M.W.), and September 1955 
(F. H. Perring). 

3. Chippenham Fen, Cambs. List made September 1949 (S.M.W.). 

4. Broughton, Lincs. Composite list of Lees (1882,c) and Woodruffe-Peacock 
(1908); those with asterisk added or confirmed by Miss E. J. Gibbons 23.8.49. 

5. Teversall, Notts. Carr’s list, 1909 (clearly incomplete). 

Selinum carvifolia 
Succisa pratensis p 
Eupatorium cannabinum 
Mentha aquatica 
Filipendula ulmaria 
Carex flacca 

Cirsium palustre 
Molinia caerulea 
Serratula tinctoria 
Galium wuliginosum 
Holcus lanatus 
Senecio jacobaea 
Festuca ovina 
Agrostis stolonifera 
Centaurea nigra 
Prunella vulgaris 
Anagallis tenella 
Alnus glutinosa 
Angelica sylvestris 
Lythrum salicaria 
Carex distans 

Juncus articulatus 
Senecio aquaticus 
Juncus subnodulosus 
Cirsium arvense 
Dactylis glomerata 
Festuca arundinacea 
Heracleum sphondylium 
Lathyrus pratensis 
Trifolium repens 
Plantago lanceolata 
Vicia cracca 

Carex disticha 

C. lepidocarpa 

C. panicea 

Juncus inflexus 
Leontodon leysseri 
Linum catharticum 
Lotus corniculatus 
Ranunculus flammula 
Sieglingia decumbens 
Cladium mariscus ; 
Deschampsia cespitosa 
Equisetum palustre 
Potentilla erecta 
Valeriana dioica 
Potentilla reptans 
Schoenus nigricans 
Cirsium dissectum oe 
Hydrocotyle vulgaris ... 
Phragmites communis 



t+H++4 oo 


++t¢¢¢¢¢4¢¢4¢Ggt¢ + 
+ttttt++4+ w 
+++tt4t4¢4+444 o 




++++++++++4+4+4+4+44 ++++++++4+4++ + 



1 2 


Potentilla anserina 
Silaum silaus = 
Epilobium parviflorum 
Frangula alnus 

Geum rivale 

Juncus acutifiorus 
Lychnis flos-cuculi 
Lysimachia vulgaris 
Samolus valerandi 
Stachys officinalis 
Triglochin palustris 
Blysmus compressus 
Achillea ptarmica 
Carex hirta 

C. nigra sa 
Juncus conglomeratus 
J. effusus Se Be 
Lysimachia nummularia 


x OK 

+tt+ttt+ttt+ o 




BENNETT, A., ET AL, 1899, J. Bot., 37, 244, 326, 359. 

GARR sd) Wi» 1909) 7 BO. aan ah 

LEES, F. A.. 1882 a, Rep. Bot. Rec. Club, 2, 156. 

LEES, F. A., 1882 b, J. Bot., 20, 129, t- 229. 

LEES, F. A., 1882 c, Rep. Bot. Rec. Club, 2, 216. 

MARSHALL, W., 1882, J. Bot., 20, 284. 

RIDDELSDEEL, Hi. J.; 1903, Rep: Bot. Soc. & £.C{ 2, 19: 
WOODRUFFE-PEACOCK, E. A., 1908, Trans. Lincs. Nat. Union, 1908, 38. 


By Huexu Boyrp Watt 
(written c. 1932) 

The accepted belief has been that Dillenius (1724) was the 
first recorder of Cymbalaria muralis as a British plant. He con- 
sidered that the Physic Garden at Chelsea, London, was the 
place whence the plant, a native of southern Europe, 
originated in England, or at all events about London. It has, 
however, recently been ascertained from John Goodyer’s notes 
that its first introduction was into Willham Coys’s garden at 
Stubbers, North Ockington, Essex, in the early seventeenth cen- 
tury, and that it was planted in Goodyer’s garden at Droxford, 
Hants., in 1617. From there it became dispersed over the 
British Isles. It is a prolific flowerer, and well deserves the name 
“mother of thousands”, by which it is known in the west of 
England. Other vernacular names are “roving jenny” and “roving 

In Scotland, as might be expected, the plant is not mentioned 
in the works of the pioneers of Scottish botany—Reid (1683), 
Sibbald (1684) and Lightfoot (1777). The Edinburgh Botanic 
Garden was founded in 1680, and by 1683 is said to have con- 
tained 3,000 species of plants, but Cymbalaria muralis is not 
named among them. Mr. J. R. Matthews of the Royal Botanic 
Garden, Edinburgh, tells me that he has no knowledge of the 
plant’s introduction to that Garden, but since the Garden has 
occupied its present site for just over a century its cultivation 
would not date so very far back. He also says that it is just 
possible that the plant was cultivated in one or other of the 
Gardens before removal to Inverleith Row. 

The probability is that it was brought into Scotland as a 
garden plant during the period when planting and gardening came 
into vogue about the beginning of the eighteenth century, but the 
first Scottish record is given by Hopkirk (1813)—“at Bothwell 
Castle on the Clyde’, where it continues at the present time. 
Hooker (1821); considered it very rare, and mentions the Bothwell 
Castle station, as does Hennedy (1878); he also adds “garden walls 
in various places”. Patrick (1831) records the species, and the 
Annals of the Andersonian Naturalists’ Society (1893) notes its 
occurrence at Chatelherault (Gadzow), Lochwinnoch and Balloch 
Castle, while the British Association Handbook on the Clyde Area 
(1901) records the plant in four divisions. My first acquaintance 


with this attractive species was on the occasion of an Andersonian 
Naturalists’ Society excursion to Chatelherault about forty years 
ago, when its abundant festoons of delicate pale purple flowers 
were a delight to the eyes. 

Cymbalaria muralis is now well distributed in the Clyde area, 
and I am indebted to observers in the above named Society for 
the followimg imformation. 

At Barncluith (Hamilton) it has spread so much over old 
gardens that it has recently had to be cleaned off the walls as a 
troublesome weed. In upper Clydesdale it occurs so far up as 
near Elvanioot (Dr. Donald Patton). In Renfrewshire it is re- 
corded as rare, but on the walls of the old Collegiate Church 
at Lochwinnoch it used to be plentiful, and probably is so still. 
In Dunbartonshire it is found on the kitchen walls at Balloch 
Castle, and at Rhu it is remarkably abundant on walls at Gare- 
loch head and at Ardmay; below Arrocher it has long been known 
to Mr. John R. Lee. Mrs P. Ewing reports that she found it at 
Kalmun, Argyllshire, first about the year 1884, since when it has 
spread and is now abundant there. Dr. Patton records its 
abundance on the Island of Bute. In Ayrshire the species is 
recorded as an alien. Further south it is described as an outcast 
or escape; in Dumfriesshire and Kirkcudbrightshire the localities 
mentioned are Kirkcudbright, 1882; Dumfries, 1890; Wigtown, 
1893. In Peeblesshire it is noted as common on walls, but 
originally introduced. In the eastern border counties Cymbalaria 
is recorded previous to 1853 as established in so many gardens, on 
walls, etc., that its eradication would be difficult. North Berwick, 
East Lothian, is another locality named further north. 

In the Forth area there are early records by Woodforde (1824) 
and Greville (1824), and the stations named are the debris of 
Salisbury Craigs; wall near Newhaven; new road to Portobello, 
Trinity Mains. Martin (1927) says that the species is frequent, 
and the localities show that it occurs on or about all the old castles 
and similar buildings of the district. 

In the vicinity of Larbert, Stirlingshire, it occurs on a wall 
around a wood, well away from gardens. Instances of this 
character, some distance away from possible centres of cultiva- 
tion, are exceptional. 

In Perthshire it is recorded as naturalised on some old walls, 
and in Forfarshire there was only one record given by Gardiner 
(1848). Dr. Wilham G. Smith of Edinburgh tells me that at a 
later date he knew this station, and that the plant now occurs 
in other places in Forfarshire, but not in so many as in the 
Lothians. Stations in that county named by another observer 
are a garden wall at Bervie, and at a small village near Montrose. 

In Aberdeenshire it is recorded previous to 1853 for the Den 
of Rubislaw and on old walls, but always the outcast of a garden. 
At a later date Ferryhill and elsewhere around Aberdeen are 


named. ‘Traill (1923) gives five stations in Aberdeen, and the 
species occurs in only one, doubtfully two, parishes adjacent to 

In Banfishire the parishes of Fordyce, Banff, Gamrie, Alvah, 
King Edward, Rothiemay and Aberlour are named. The parish 
of Fyvie is named by Prof. Traill. There is an early record from 
Elgin, namely on the wall at Gordon Castle, 1832; rare, and cer- 
tainly introduced. 

On the north-west coast the only report that I have is that 
the species occurs on an old castle in west Ross-shire, and in 
various places in the west, Loch Duich, and elsewhere. Further 
south it occurs on walls near Oban, Argyllshire. 

The list of references names the authors from whose works 
information has been collected, but makes no claim to be 

I have also gratefully to acknowledge assistance kindly given 
by Dr. William G. Smith, Mr. J. R. Matthews and Mr. J. R. Lee, 
without whose help these notes would have been much less 



BROMFIELD, W. A., 1848, Linaria cymbalaria, Phyt., 3, 621-622. 

CRAIB, W. G., 1912, The Flora of Banffshire. Banff. 

DILLENIUS, J. J., 1724, Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum. By John 
Ray. Ed. 3. Lond. 

ELLIOT, G. F. SCOTT 1896. The Flora of Dumfriesshire. Dumfries. 

GARDINER, W., 1848, Flora of Forfarshire. 

GREVILLE, R. K., 1824, Flora Edinensis. Edinburgh. 

HENNEDY, R., 1878, The Clydesdale Flora. Glasgow. 

HOOKER, W. J., 1821, Flora Scotica. Lond. 

HOPKIRK, T., 1813. Flora Glottiana. Glasgow. 

JOHNSTON. G., 1853, The Botany of the Eastern Borders. 

LIGHTFOOT, J., 1777, Flora Scotica. 2 vols. Lond. 

MACGILLIVRAY, P. H., 1853, A catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns 
growing in the neighbourhood of Aberdeen. Aberdeen. 

M‘ANDREW, J., 1882, A list of the flowering plants and ferns of Dumfriesshire 
and Kirkcudbrightshire. Dumfries 

MARTIN, TI. H., 1927, The Field-club Flora of the Lothians. Edinburgh. 


PATRICK, R., 1831, Flora of Lanarkshire. 

REID, J., 1683, The Scots Gard’ner. 

SIBBALD, R., 1684, Scotia Illustrated. 

SMITH, J., 1896, The Botany of Ayrshire. Ardrossan. 

TRAILL, J. W. H., 1902. The Flora of Buchan, Trans. Buchan Field Club, 6, 69-162. 

TRAILL, J. W. H., 1923, Flora of the City Parish of Aberdeen: A memorial] 
volume. Aberdeen. 

WHITE, F. BUCHANAN, 1888, The Flora of Perthshire. Edinburgh. 

WOODFORDE, J., 1824, A catalogue of indigenous phanerogamic plants growing 
in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 



By G. HinpD 

At a botanical exhibition at Bolton School in July 1954, I 
was surprised to see specimens of Orchis fuchsi Druce and 
Gymnadema conopsea (l.) R.Br. in a section dealing with local 
flora, since neither plant was recorded for the district (2). 

Their given locality was an alkali-waste heap, disused and 
overgrown, which, on investigation by myself and others, revealed 
in addition : — 

Hrigeron acer L., Linum catharticum L., Orchis purpurella T. & 
T. A. Steph., Orchis incarnata I.., Orobanche minor Sm. and Sisyrin- 
chium angustifolium Mill. 


The waste-heap is very large, flat-topped, and approximately 
triangular with steep sides. It is at the confluence of two rivers 
and its third side is bounded by a canal. 


The soil is well-drained and has a pH of 7-1 to 7-3 at a depth 
of 1”. Its surface is thinly covered with cinders, below which is 
a black loam in increasing admixture with waste until, 7” to 9” 
down, raw waste is reached. 

When tipped, the waste would contain sandstone (of local 
origin) and calcium sulphide (3), but on weathering, the latter 
undergoes the following change: 

1. CaS + 20, = CaSO, to produce the neutral and almost 
insoluble sulphate. The following reaction occurs to a lesser 

2. CaS + H,CO, = CaCO, + H.S (simplified) and thus the 
weathered waste contains sandstone, calcium sulphate and a small 
proportion of caletum carbonate. This last, together with lime- 
stone imported as a raw material and often spilled when being un- 
loaded, accounts for the alkalinity of the soil. 

Waste was last tipped in c. 1880 and since then a colony of 
G. conopsea containing several hundred plants, has developed. 
It is possible that this colony may have arisen from a single 
sasual introduction, but it is also possible either that a number 
of tubers were introduced, or that seed was brought in over a 


The tubers or seed were probably introduced with the lime- 
stone, which was brought by canal from either Buxton (Derby- 
shire) or the Clitheroe district (E. Lancs. and W. Yorks.). 

Linum catharticum, which is abundant on the tip, was com- 
mon and generally distributed in both Derbyshire (6) and the 
West Riding (4) as also was Orchis fuchsii. Both O. incarnata and 
G. conopsea were, however, rare and local in Derbyshire in 1889, 
but in W. Yorks were respectively very common and locally com- 
mon (4 & 1). Furthermore, O. purpurella is recorded as such only 
for Yorkshire where it is ‘common in calcareous marshes’ (5). 

It is difficult to be sure how seeds of, say, O. purpurella 
reached the quarried limestone, but it is possible that when the 
waste-heap became disused it was covered with soil (containing 
tubers and perhaps seeds) brought specially for the purpose from 
an orchidiferous locality, most likely in Yorks. 

Indeed, it is notable that all the orchids mentioned often occur 
together in such Yorkshire calcareous bogland as that near Mal- 
ham Tarn, and that Taraxacum spectabile agg., Pulicaria 
dysenterica and Succisa pratensis occur with them on the waste, 
indicating a helophytic origin. 

It is assumed that L. catharticum and Erigeron acer were 
introduced with the limestone. In support of this is the fact that 
L. catharticum abounds on nearby alkali-waste heaps where it is 
not accompanied by any orchids. 

Orobanche minor here grows on Trifolium pratense and both 
were probably introduced together. I am unable, however, to 
find any record of O. minor from the Clitheroe area. 

Sisyrinchium angustifolium is likewise of doubtful origin but 
is most likely an adventive because there are no gardens near by. 
T can find no old record for Yorkshire or E. Lanes. and it is per- 
haps not coincidental that this species and O. minor occur close 
together some distance from the main orchid colony, and hardly 

One naturally suspects their source to be where both are 
native, possibly W. Ireland, and I find that between 1760 and 
1834 iron pyrites were imported from Wicklow (7) to supply a 
sulphuric acid plant on the same site. 

Wicklow, however, is in E. Ireland and further difficulties 
arise in explaining how the seeds or rhizomes escaped subsequent 
burial in alkali-waste. 


Similar waste-heaps occur near many industrial towns and 
deserve investigation by both botanists and local historians, ideally 
in co-operation. The results of this investigation would have been 
even more inconclusive had not the industrial history of the site 
been the subject of recent research. © 



I am indebted to Mr. J. B. L. Worthington for historic details, 

to the Rev. C. E. Shaw, to Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 
General Division, and to Mr. A. Hazelwood of the Bolton Museum 
for his continued encouragement and advice. 

co 2D 


BAINES, H., 1840, The Flora of Yorkshire. London. 

GREENLEES, T. & HOLDEN. T. K., 1920. The Flora of Bolton. 

KINGZETT, C. T., 1877, The History, Products and Processes of the Alkali 
Trade. London. 

4. LEES, F. A., 1888, The Flora of West Yorkshire. 

LEES, F. A., ed. CHEETHAM, C. A. & SLEDGE, W. A., 1941, A Supplement to 
the Yorkshire Floras. 

LINTON, W. R., 1903. The Flora of Derbyshire. 

LUNGE, G., 1880, A Theoretical and Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of 
Sulphuric Acid and Alkali. 3 vols. London. 

PAINTER, W. H., 1889. The Flora of Derbyshire. 


H. T. CLirFrorpD 
(The Durham Colleges, University of Durham) 

The presence of seeds in the mud scraped from the feet of 
birds has often been demonstrated. There are, however, few re- 
ports of the seeds or other propagules found in the mud which 
may accumulate on footwear. As Sir Edward Salisbury was re- 
ported to have stated (Yorkshire Post, 4th November 1954), such 
reproductive structures may be present in great numbers, 
especially on the footwear of those who work in the country. 
Furthermore, the presence of seeds on footwear may result in 
their transport to places far from where they were collected. 

On the return to England of the Durham University Explora- 
tion Society’s Eire Expedition in 1954, the members were asked 
to scrape off the mud from any footwear worn on the expedition 
but not since their return. The samples of mud received were 
placed on pots of sterilised soil in an unheated glasshouse. They 
were kept damp and within a few days seedlings began to ger- 
minate. From the 22-1 gms. of dry mud sown, 65 plants were 
raised among which the following were identified: 

Aira praecor, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Bellis perennis, Carex 
sp., Festuca sp., Juncus bufonius, J. effusus, Plantago lanceolata, I’. 
major, Sagina procumbens, Vulpia bromoides. 

Similarly, from boots not worn since their wearer’s return 
from Madeira 2:5 gms. of mud were obtained. This yielded 10 
seedlings, all of which unfortunately died before being identified; 
they comprised 4 dicotyledons and 6 grasses. 

Many samples of mud from the writer’s footwear and that of 
friends have been tested. Only a few of these failed to produce 
plants within the three months for which each sample was tested. 
A list of the plants identified from all the samples tested is given 
in the accompanying Table. 

Puants RatsED FROM Mup orr FooTwkaR 
Agrostis stolonifera Capsella bursa-pastoris 
Aira praecoxr Cardamine pratensis 
Anthoxanthum odoratwm Carex sp. 
Atriplex patula Cerastium ? semidecandrum 
Bellis perennis Gahum hercynicum 

Bromus mollis Chamaenerion angustifoliwm 


Chenopodium album 
Cirsium arvense 
Crataegus sp. 
Deschampsia cespitosa 
Kuphrasia sp. 

Festuca ovina subsp. tenuifolia 
Glyceria fluitans 
Gnaphalium uliginosum 
TTolcus mollis 

Juncus bufonius 

J. effusus 

J.? articulatus 

Lolium perenne 

Poa annua 
Polygonum aviculare 
Prunella vulgaris 
Ranunculus acris 

R. repens 

Rubus sp. 

Sagina procumbens 
Senecio jacobaea 
Spergula arvensis 
Stellaria media 
Tararacum officinale 
Trifolium repens 
Urtica dioica 

Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora Viola arvensis 
Plantago lanceolata Vulpia bromoides 
Plantago major 

From the Table it can be seen that plants with many different 
types of dispersal mechanism may be carried on footwear, and it 
would appear that many species are capable of being so dispersed. 
There would be little use discussing the number of individuals 
of each species that appeared during the tests as this devends 
upon several factors, including the amount of mud available for 
testing, the season of its collection and the type of habitat from 
which it was derived. Nevertheless, it is perhaps of interest to 
note that Poa annua occurred in more samples than did any other 
species; the greatest number of seedlings obtained from a single 
sample was 176. 

As the samples were all taken from footwear that had 
travelled a considerable distance from where the mud was 
acquired to where it was scraped off, it is evident that large 
numbers of seeds may be dispersed on the footwear of travellers. 
This is fairly obvious, but as has been said by Ridley (1930), 
“Though it is highly probable that most of the seeds of the herbs 
common on roadsides and ploughed fields owe much of their dis- 
tribution to their becoming attached in mud to the feet of men 
and domestic cattle, the amount of actual proof of this is not 

The data presented above are a contribution to the analysis 
of this problem. They differ somewhat from those usually pre- 
sented in that they have been obtained by cultivation. Some 
previous workers have postulated a pedestrian dispersal for cer- 
tain plants after studying their distribution and usual habitats, 
while others such as Praeger, (1915) have identified the seeds 
present in mud seraped from footwear. The former of these 
methods is unreliable in that it offers no conclusive proof of 
pedestrian dispersal, and the latter method does not show the 


seeds to be viable. Using the technique described above these 
difficulties are partially overcome, though unless the experiment 
is conducted for a long time, dormant seeds will be overlooked. 


PRAEGER, R. L., 1915, A Biological Survey of Clare Island in the county of Mayo, 
Ireland, Proc. Roy. Irish Academy, 31 (1), 47 & 54. 
RIDLEY, H. N., 1930, The Dispersal of Plants throughout the World. London. 




I am sure that many British botanists will agree with me that 
Professor D. A. Webb has performed a real service in pointing out the 
availability of material from the Dublin herbaria (Proc. B.S.B.I., 2, 18, 
1956). As Professor Webb has referred to my own investigation of 
Limonum, may I assure him that I was not at all unaware of these 
collections. For personal reasons I was forced to return from my Irish 
visit before I could carry out my intention of visiting them and I mis- 
takenly assumed subsequently that the controlling authorities would 
not have permitted the loan of specimens overseas (to England). My 
impending departure for a distant part of the world seemed to preclude 
another visit. 

IT am relieved to know that the specimens there do not in any way 
contradict my conclusions and they will be fully considered in a pub- 
lication of wider scope which is now being prepared. 

H. G. Baker. 


Since the war cellulose tape has become very popular for mounting 
hotanical specimens. All too frequently collections arrive at large 
herbaria liberally plastered with this tape. One collector even went 
to the extreme of carefully ‘‘protecting’’ each delicate flower with it, 
never considering that when the tape was removed the flower would be 
torn apart. As a result not only was his collection spoilt and hours 
of labour wasted, but the collector himself became thoroughly 

Many botanists make a practise of using small strips of tape for 
mounting plants in their private herbaria, and I did so myself for 
several years because of the ease and efficiency with which it can be 
appled. But with the lapse of time the adhesive substance loses 
much of its proper qualities, squeezes out along the sides and becomes 
coated with dust and grit. Another unfortunate result is that sheets 
above one another tend to stick together—and this can make looking 
through a pile of specimens quite a frustrating experience! Also for 
these reasons it should never be used to repair books. Even when 
cellulose tape is used temporarily on tougher woody plants much of 
the tacky adhesive remains on the twig when the tape is removed. 

Useful as cellulose tape may be for parcels and exhibition work, 
my advice is never to use it for anything permanent or semi-permanent, 
and then on nothing weaker than itself, for its hygroscopic nature 
means that it will stretch or contract according to atmospheric 
moisture. In fact, cellulose tape is a snare and deception and quite 

a menace, 
F. N. HeppPer. 



In July 1955 a visit to Wisbech Museum resulted in the discovery 
there of a manuscript by an unknown hand which contains much use- 
ful information on Cambridgeshire plants from the north of the county 
at the end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the 

On the fly leaf the following explanation occurs:—‘‘This book con- 
tains the Catalogue of Plants contained in Mr. Skrimshire’s Hortus 
Siccus—sold some years since to Lord Milton—and also of Plants con- 
tained in a Hortus Siccus bought by me and collected by Mr. Skrim- 
shire after the sale of the former’’. 

Skrimshire was a correspondent of Relhan’s and is responsible for 
some entries in the latter gentleman’s Flora Cantabrigiensis, the first 
edition of which was published in 1785. Examination of the manu- 
script has revealed one new county record, Silene maritima. This 
species may well have occurred in the past with other maritime ele- 
ments of the flora of Cambridgeshire on the banks of the tidal Nene 
north of Wisbech. Another species, Limonium bellidifolium, was re- 
corded by Skrimshire from the same area and the fact was noted by 
Babington in his Flora of the county. However, this plant has not 
been seen within the county boundaries since 1860. Halimione pedun- 
culata is a further maritime species recorded by Skrimshire from below 
Wisbech which has since become extinct. 

A number of other records in the MS. antedate previous first re- 
cords for species in the county. The entry for Ozxalis corniculata may 
be included amongst these and is also interesting in the light it throws 
on rural economy at that period. ‘‘From Mr. Peckover’s Garden 17938. 
It is now a weed in my garden at Wisbh. 1798. From hence it has been 
carried with manure into my Peppermint Plantation where it is how 
a troublesome weed, 1822’’. 

The first record for this weed was made in Britain about 1585. The 
plant must have persisted at Wisbech for many years for I have a record 
from Dr. D. P. Young of a specimen in the British Museum from south 
of Wisbech, collected in 1862. 

The collection was not entirely confined to Cambridgeshire. Many 
entries refer to neighbouring Norfolk and for rare species Skrimshire 
acquired specimens, mainly from the classic localities. 

It would be of interest to know whether any part of Skrimshire’s 
Hortus Siccus is still in existence and further whose was the benevo- 
lent hand which transcribed this valuable information about 130 years 
ago, though this may yet be revealed by internal evidence within the 
MS. or by researches at Wisbech Museum. 

IT would like to thank the Curator of Wisbech Museum, Mr. J. N. 
Hardie, who kindly allowed me to borrow the MS. — 




3/1. PuLsaTILnLa vuLtGaRIs Mill. This plant is thought by many 
to be extinct in Yorkshire (cf. Lees, F. A., Cheetham, C. A. & Sledge, 
W. A., A Supplement to the Yorkshire Floras, 1941). In a recent 
letter to Country Life (vol. 117, 1441 (1955)) a correspondent writes 
‘‘vear by year these beautiful little flowers appear through uncut grass 
in our garden here (Tickhill, Doncaster) and in other gardens of this 
ancient township’’. It seems possible therefore that although its 
habitats are now enclosed the plant still persists in south-west Yorks.— 
De Wenn: 

127/15. Geranium puRPUREUM Vill. It was both interesting and 
pleasing to read Mr. J. E. Lousley’s further evidence from his field 
notes of the appearance and relative positions in 1930 of erect and 
prostrate plants of this species on the beach at Clymping (West Sussex) 
(Proc. B.S.B.I., 2, 19, 1956). It was just the paucity of anthocyanin 
and the broadness of the leat-segments of the specimens which he 
distributed which suggested to me that some of the erect plants might 
have grown in shade. Even plants which have grown prostrate on the 
pebbles can give an appearance of uprightness when they are dis- 
interred from deep shingle for the seeds normally germinate beneath 
the shingle on the moist sand and the leading shoot must grow up to 
the light before branching profusely. 

Mr. Lousley’s question in the last sentence of his note is readily 
answered. Subsp. forsterit (Wilm.) Baker does keep its characters if 
carefully cultivated and, as I was at pains to make plain in the intro- 
duction to my paper (Watsonia, 3, 163, 1955), it is where a taxon has 
both an ecological significance and genetically determined morpho- 
logical characters of its own that [ have recognised it as a subspecies 
(taxonomically) and an ecological race (genecologically). The experi- 
ments upon which these and other conclusions are based are fully 
described in an article which is in the press in another journal. 

I do not think it is likely that, as Mr. Lousley suggests ‘‘a better 
water and food supply around the roots’? would cause a genetically 
prostrate form to grow erect (and does not do so in this case in the 
garden). Consequently, as Lt.-Col. A. H. Wolley-Dod first pointed out 
in 1931 (Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 9, 511), it is most likely that the erect 
plants at Clymping belong to what is now called subsp. purpureum and 
not to subsp. forstert which is also present. Mr. Lousley’s observations 
give support to Mr. O. Buckle’s record of a small population of ascend- 
ing plants still growing near Clymping, suggesting that subsp. 
purpureum lingers yet in West Sussex.—H. G. Baker. 


fioe/OS Vicia LoTEA Li. and 176/10. Vicia HyYBRIDA LL. In going 

through British material of Vicia lutea in the Cambridge University 
Herbarium recently it became clear that there had in the past been 
some contusion between this species and Vicia hybrida, this contusion 
probably arising from the hasty determination of any yellow-flowered 
Vicia as the former species. When compared side by side, however, 
the two are quite distinct. V. hybrida has a hairy standard and trun- 
cate or shallowly emarginate leaflets whereas in V. /utea the standard 
is glabrous and the mucronate leaflets vary between obtuse and acute 
but are never emarginate. As some of this confusion has passed into 
print it seems worth while making a note of these errors. 

Vieira lutea L. V.c. 24, Bucks. Chalfont, F. H. Woods, 1897. Spec. 
in Hb. Univ. Oxon. (fide E. F. Warburg). As V. hybridu in 
Druce, Flora of Bucks. and Flora of Berks. 

Vicia hybrida L. V.c. 26, W. Suffolk. Brandon, W. J. Cross, 1882. 
Spec. in Hb. Univ. Cantab. As V. lutea in Hind, Flora of 

Views hybmida L. V.c. 30, Beds. Manor Farm, Cardington, J. 
McLaren, 1884. Spec. in Hb. Univ. Cantab. Originally pub- 
lished in Bot. Rec. Club Rep., 1884, as V. lutea; also in Dony, 
Flora of Beds.—F. H. PERRING. 

217/3. CALLITRICHE PALUSTRIS L. In her recent paper, ‘‘A taxono- 
mic spectrum of the Section Hu-Callitriche in the Netherlands’’, pub- 
lished in Acta Bot. Neerlandica, 3 (3), ann. 1954, Dr. H. D. Schots- 
man gave an appendix of localities of the five Dutch species in which 
she cited (p. 379) a single British collection of C. palustris from Peters- 
ham, Surrey, 1877, in the Herbier Delessert at the ‘Conservatoire 
Botanique, Geneva. L[arlier on in the same paper (pp. 349-350) she 
discussed the distribution of (’. palustris outside the Netherlands and 
marked the Surrey locality on her map with a dot indicating evidence 
from a dried specimen, but she did not mention the occurrence in 
Britain in the accompanying text. As we have failed to find any evi- 
dence of (. palustris as a British species in the national herbaria 
(British Museum, Kew and Kdinburgh) and suspect that the published 
records are based on misidentifications, we were anxious to see the 
Petersham specimen. Dr. Charles Baehni, Director of the Conserva- 
toire Botanique, most kindly lent to Kew the only two British gather- 
ings of the genus Callitriche in the possession of the Conservatoire. 
They are: C. B. Clarke 32212B, ‘‘Petersham, Surrey, 2 Sept. 1877’, 
written up by Clarke as ‘‘Callitriche verna Linn.’’; and C. B. Clarke 
A47551B, ‘‘Ashtead, Surrey, 27 May 1894’’, written up by him as “Calli- 
triche verna Linn, var. hamulosa Kuetz’’. Clarke evidently added 
the letter B to indicate a duplicate of a given number and the Ash- 
tead gathering is represented, as no. 47551, in the Kew Herbarium 
but there seems to be no material of the Petersham plant, no, 32212. 
The Geneva specimens were presented by the collector to the Herbier 
Delessert, and were incorporated in the European collection in 1901. 


Both gatherings are the terrestrial form of CU. stagnalis Scop. and 
were labelled ‘“‘C. stagnalis Scop.’’ by the late Prof. G. Samuelsson in 
1925. Mr. J. P. Savidge, of the Hartley Botanical Laboratories, 
Liverpool University, who has also examined the specimens, agrees 
that they are CU. stagnalis. Dr. Baehni writes that Clarke 32212B is 
the only Callitriche at Geneva from Petersham, Surrey, and considers 
that it corresponds to the material cited by Dr. Schotsman who, he 
adds, made no annotations in the Geneva herbaria. This Petersham 
material shows conspicuously keeled fruits of the size and shape of CU. 
stugnalis, and we are sure that Dr. Schotsman herself would not 
refer it to C. palustris, were she to re-examine it. We should like to 
add that the distribution of C. palustris, as given by Dr. Schotsman, 
is not at all against its occurrence here, perhaps at relatively high 
altitudes in the north of England, Wales or Scotland.—h. D. MEIKLE 
and N. Y. Sanpwitg. 

517(2)/1. SaALpIcHROA ORIGANIFOLIA (Lam.) Baillon. 10, Wight; 
St. Lawrence, 1927, E. & H. Drabble, Hb. Mus. Brit., det. EK. B. 
Bangerter. This antedates the record given for this locality (Prue. 
B.S.BI., 1, 158 (1954) by 25 years, and the first British record by 
10 years.—E. B. BANGERTER. 

558/14. Menrua puLtecium L. In the autumn of 1954 I was weed- 
ing a herbaceous border that is usually left to my gardener when, to 
my great surprise, my nostrils were suddenly assailed by the unmis- 
takeable odour of Mentha pulegium. A search revealed two patches 
of the plant in the weedy turf of the corner of the lawn on which I 
was kneeling. Owing to mowing the plants were small and starved, 
and the leaves were small, They had no opportunity to flower and 
visually one might almost have passed them by as Veronica serpylli- 
folia, which was also present. 

In the two years that have passed since the discovery, I have con- 
tinued the past type of garden management, and the quantity and 
quality of the plant appear to have remained unchanged. It has cer- 
tainly not been introduced during the eight years of my occupation 
of the house, and its deliberate introduction beforehand seems impro- 
bable. The one suspicious circumstance is the presence in the turi 
of Cotula coronopifolia, Its other associates are: Bellis perennis, 
Cerastium vulgatum, Hieracium pilosella, Holcus lanatus, Luzula 
campestris, Plantago major, Prunella vulgaris, Sagina procumbens, 
Tararacum sp., Thymus sp., Trifolium dubtum and T. micranthum. 1 
confess with shame the absence of any legitimate grass. 

The origin of the plant in this site can hardly, of course, now be 
known, but Mr. R. A. Graham, to whom J am grateful for his help, 
suggests two possibilities: accidental introduction with turf for the 
lawn, or being a relie of the terrain over which the lawn was laid or 
sown. The house was built shortly before the First World War. Local 
residents recall that in earlier times the land had been pasture for 


many years, including some boggy patches, but shortly before the 
building began some parts were in cultivation as allotments. It is 
not known whether the exact area of my garden coincided either with 
former allotment or with former bog. 

The garden is in Reading, Berkshire, v.c. 22 (4). It is on plateau 
gravel at a height of 267 feet a.s.l. and in normal weather tends to be 
very dry. Druce’s Flora of Berkshire (1897) gives three old records 
for Mentha pulegium on commons in the district, one three miles away 
and two about six miles away; but it is extremely unlikely that the 
plant survives at any of them, nor do I know of any recent record else- 
where in the county.—J. OUNSTED. 

615/20(2). Polygonum campanu‘atum Hook. F., 1886, Fl. Brit. India, 
5, 51. 3, S. Devon.; bank of stream, Bovey Tracey, 1954, E. A. Durry, 
det. E. B. Bancerter. 17, Surrey; swamp near Warren Farm, Wim- 
bledon Common, 1952, C. Avery: 1955, R. A. Bontrace. 36, Here- 
ford.; wet lane outside a cottage, Colwall, 1949, F. M. Day (Hb. 
Kew.). 105, W. Ross; shore of Lochcarron, 1953, Miss D. Hiticoar 
(Hb. Mus. Brit.). Herbaceous perennial 30-60 cm. high. Stem creep- 
ing or stoloniferous, branching above. Plant pubescent or tomentose. 
Leaves variable in shape and size, ovate to ovate-elliptic or lanceolate 
from a blunt or pointed base (3°5-12 em. by 1°5-6 cm.), dark green with 
or without a blackish blotch along midrib, whitish to buff and felted 
below. Flowers pale pink in usually much contracted panicles; cymes 
3-5-flowered; perianth campanulate, 4-5 mm. long and 5 mm. across; 
nut ellipsoid, triquetrous, 2 mm. long, brown in colour. [Illustrated 
in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 151, t. 9098 (1926). Native of Hima- 
laya.—D. H. Kent. 


Compiled by E. C. Wa ace 

Records are for the year 1955 when no date is given. 
The following signs are used :— 

§ before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the paragraph con- 
tains information necessitating a correction to an annotated 
copy of the Comital Flora. 

+ before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the plant is not a 
native species in the British Isles. 

t+ before the record: to indicate a species which, though native in 
some parts of the British Isles, is not so in the locality recorded. 

* before the record: to indicate a new vice-county record, not pub- 
lished previously to this issue of the Proceedings. 
+ before the record: to indicate a record additional to an anno- 

tated copy of Comital Flora, but published elsewhere prior to 
the issue of the Proceedings in which it appears. 

[ ] enclosing a record: to indicate doubt as to the validity of the 
record, either of identification or locality. 

It will be useful if, in future, National Grid Co-ordinates, made 
as accurate as is thought advisable, are added to all records. 

Man; common along sandy brows from Kirkmichael northwards, D. E. 

9/1.  HeLirsporus virivpis L. 17, Surrey; old earthwork, Lodge 
Farm, Bletchingley, B. A. KNELLER, comm. D. P. Youne. 

§9/2.  HeLienorus Fortripus L. *tH.13, Carlow; Slyguff, probable 
escape, but well established, Lady Nesta F1ITzG@ERALbD. 

421/13. Papaver LAterItIUM C. Koch. 13, W. Sussex; railway 
siding, Littlehampton station, 1951: 14, E. Sussex; near St. Eliza- 
beth’s Church, Eastbourne, 1951; rubbish-tips, Princes Park, Crumbles, 
Eastbourne, 1950; bombed site, Michelgrove, Eastbourne, 1950-1954; 
weed at Litlington Tea-gardens, 1954: 16, W. Kent; weed at Boyne 
Park, Tunbridge Wells: 17, Surrey; weed near Rose Hill House, 
Dorking: 33, FE. Glos.; plentiful in an abandoned garden, main street, 
Chipping Campden, K. E. Bute. 

§32/1.  Fumaria carreotata L. *101, Kintyre; Kilchonsland shore, 
KF. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnineuam, det. N. Y. Sanpwits. 



32/9. FuMARIA BAsTARDI Bor. 101, Kintyre; seashore by Pans, 
S. Kintyre, M. H. Cunninenam, det. N. Y. SanpwitH. 

30/1(2)x1. Rorippa xX stTERILIs Airy Shaw. 101, Kintyre; Bara- 
skomil shore marsh, near Campbeltown, M. H. Cunnineuam, det. H. 
K. Airy SHaAw. 

36/5.  BaRBAREA INTERMEDIA Bor. t85, Fife; Corporation rub- 
bish-tip, St. Andrews, several plants, 1954, A. W. Rosson. 

1740/2. ULunarta annua L. 14, EK. Sussex; plentiful on waste 
ground, Sheepcote Valley, Brighton, 1954; rubbish-tips, Heathfield, 
1952-1954, K. E. Buv. 

04/4d. Brassica RAPA var. Briegestr H. C. Wats. 71, Man; localiy 
frequent about Kirkmichael, 1955, D. E. ALLEN. 

754/20 HRucastRUM GALLicum (Willd.) O. E..Schulz. 14, FE. Sussex; 
waste ground, Shoreham-on-Sea, 1954, K. KE. Buin, det. at Kew. 

§61/7. Lepipi1um smirxit Hook. *101, Kintyre; banks of Breckerie 
Water, S. Kintyre, plentiful, M. H. Cunninenam, det. E. C. WaLace. 

80/1c. RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM Var. AUREUS Wilmott. 71, Man; 
near Kirkmichael; among rye-grass near Sandhouse, German, D. E. 

¥96/16. SiLeNE bicHotoma Ehrh. 17, Surrey; in several cornfields, 
Chipstead, 1954, W.F.S. Fietp MEETING. 

101/4. Sre~raria NEGLEcTA Weihe. 101, Kintyre; burnside near 
Bellochroy, W. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. E. C. WatLuace. 

103/2. Sactna supuLatTa (Sw.) C. Presl. 8, S. Wilts.; refound in 
its only known Wilts. locality at Hamptworth whence it was last re- 
corded by E. J. Tatum in 1890, S. Sandell (1955, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. 
Mag:;: (56,36); 

4108/1. CLAYTONIA ALSINOIDES Sims. 71, Man; by stream, White 
House, Kirkmichael, M. QuayLe, comm. D. E. ALLEN. 

109/2. MonrttIa FONTANA subsp. FONTANA. 48, Mer.; wet place on 
bank by path through Talybont Wood, P. M. Benoit, det. S. M. 

125/2. Linum anelicum Mill. 53, S. Lincs.; Ermine Street, near 
Grantham, R. M. Payne. 

127/4.  GErRaNiuM PRATENSE L. +71, Man; grassy laneside near 
Ballacooiley, Ballough, presumably only naturalised, D. E. ALLEN. 


127/13. Geranium Lucipum L. 14, EK. Sussex; old mossy wall, Wil- 
lingdon village: 16, W. Kent; wall, Yalding Churchyard, K. E. BULL. 
96, Easterness; Strone Point, Loch Ness, A. A. SLACK. 

§+133/2. JIMPATIENS CAPENSIS Meerb. 463, S.W. Yorks.; Rockly 
end of Worsborough Reservoir, L. Magee (1956, The Nat., 1956, 29). 

§1133/4. ImpaTIENS GLANDULIFERA Royle. {25, E. Suffolk; Oulton 
Broad, Miss N. Harding (1950, Ann. Rep. Lowestoft Field Club, 5, 154). 

166/3. AsTRAGALUS DANICUS Retz. 53, S. Lines.; Ermine Street, 
near Grantham, R. M. Payne. 

1176/5. Vuicta vittosa Roth. 15, E. Kent; waste ground by Guild- 
ford Hotel, Sandwich Bay, 1951, K. E. Buz, det. at Kew. 

1176/26. VuictA PANNonIcA Crantz. 14, E. Sussex; among bushes, 
chalky waste ground, Eastbourne, 1951, K. E. Bui, det. at Kew. 

4176/37. Viera ERvitia (L.) Willd. 17, Surrey; (V) Leigh, in a 
vetch-oat crop, D. P. Youne. 

178/7.  Laruyrus nirsutus L. +16, W. Kent; rough field near 
Bromley, J: CusprEn, conf. and comm. D. P. Young. 

§183/4. Prunus cerasus L. *101, Kintyre; hillside, Balbuie 
meadowland, S. Kintyre, M. H. CunnineHam, det. RK. MELVILLE. 

187/21. Geum xX InTeRMEDIUM Ehrh. 53, S. Lines.; Little Pon- 
ton, in wood, R. M. Payne. 

4189/13. Porenrinna recta L. 14, E. Sussex; grassy bank, May- 
field village, 1950-1954, IK. E. Bui, det. at Kew. 

190(2)/1. APHANES ARVENsIS L. 57, Derby.; exposed carboniferous 

limestone rocks, Dovedale, D. E. ALLEN. 
§194/2. Rosa arvENsIs Huds. *101, Kintyre; roadside, North 

Bay, Tarbert, Loch Fyne, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. R. MELVILLE. 

§194/10. Rosa pumEToRUM Thuill. *101, Kintyre; Kilkerran road- 
side, Campbeltown Loch, M. H. Cunntncuam, det. R. MELVILLE. 

§194/12. Rosa arzeniana Fr. $44, Carm.; single bush among sili- 
ceous rocks by roadside, Rhandirmwyn, Mrs. T. M. Vaughan (1956, 
Nature in Wales, 2, 230). *101, Kintyre; sea shore rocks at Balloch- 
na-giachan and by roadside between Tayinloan and Rhunahaorine, 
W. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnineuam, det. R. MELVILLE. 


§194/15. Rosa Rusieinosa L. {101, Kintyre; roadside, North Bay, 
Tarbert, Loch Fyne, M. H. Cunnineuam, det. R. MELVILLE. But see 
Pop: Bot. 

§194/20. Rosa SHERARDI Davies. $44, Carm.; in half shade at 
edge of Quercus petraea woodland, Rhandirmwyn, Mrs. I. M. Vaughan 
(Nature in Wales, 2, 230). 101, Kintyre; banks of Coniglen Water near 
Balbuie, S. Kintyre, M. H. Cunninenam, det. R. MELVILLE as f. 
resinosoides (Crép.) W.-Dod. 

§t197/9. CoToNEASTER HORIZONTALIS Decne. *51, Flint; naturalised 
on a limestone cliff, Dyserth, 1950, E. P. A. JonEs, comm. JD. P. 

§217/2. CALLITRICHE OBTUSANGULA Le Gall ex Hegelm. *71, Man; 
ditch by Pulrose power station, 1954, J. T. Wiittams, det. and comm. 

220. Eptropnium. All records determined or confirmed by G. M. 

220/310. Epirop1umM HIRSUTUM X MONTANUM. 24, Bucks.; rub- 
bish-tip, Burnham Beeches, A. F. Woop. 

220/56. EPILboBIuM ADNATUM X LAMYI. 24, Bucks.; rubbish-tip, 
Burnham Beeches, 1954, A. F. Woop. 

§220/6. Epritostum tamyt F. W. Schultz. *38, Warwick; Southam 
Holt, margin of salt spring marsh, 1954, R. C. Reaper. 

220/64. EPpiILopiuM LAMYI X PARVIFLORUM. 24, Bucks.; rubbish- 
tip, Burnham Beeches, A. F. Woop. 

220/7x14. EpimLopium OBSCURUM X PALUSTRE. 48, Mer.; ditch near 
Arthog, P. M. Benoit. 

§+220/7(2). EpinoptuM ADENOCAULON Hausskn. {63, S.W. Yorks.; 
by the stream, Goit Stock, near Bingley, G. A. Shaw (1956, The Nat., 
1956, 29). 

220/7(2)x7. HKprILoBIuM ADENOCAULON X oBSCURUM, 48, Mer; rub- 
bish-tip, Dolgelly, with the parents, P. M. Benorr. 

220/7(2)x10. EpiLopruM ADENOCAULON X MONTANUM. 48, Mer.; 
rubbish-tip, Dolgelly, with the parents, P. M. Benorr. 

220/107. EpILoBIuM MONTANUM X oBscURUM, 48, Mer.; roadside, 
Dolgelly, P. M. Bernorr, 


4224/2. FucHsia gracitis Lindl. 101, Kintyre; naturalised in 
woodland by Glenramskill, S. Kintyre, and in glen by Muasdale, W. 
Kintyre, M. H. Cunnineram, det. at Royan Botanic GARDEN, EDIN- 

225/3. CrrcakA ALPINA L. 48, Mer.; cliffs in Llaethnant, Pennant 
Dyfi, near Llanymawddwy, W. M. Conpry and M. RicHarps, conf. 
A. E. WAvE. 

4245/6. BurpLEURUM LANCIFOLIUM Hornem. 17, Surrey; outside 
corn chandlers, Chipstead railway station, 1954, B. M. C. Morean, 
det. A. MELDERIS. 

1261/3. ANTHRISCUS CEREFOoLIUM (L.) Hoffm. 22, Berks.; sandy 
roadside, Whiteknights Park, Reading, 1945, B. VEeRpcovrt. 

+285/3. CoRNUS STOLONIFERA Michx. 17, Surrey; several bushes, 
roadside between Witley and ‘Chiddingfold, 1953; slaggy ground, 
Wareham Brickworks, one plant, 1953, K. E. Butt. 

288/1. VisurNum oputus L. 88, Mid Perth; Dunning Glen, near 
Pitmeadow, one bush, A. W. Rosson. 

296/5. GALIUM STERNERI subsp. STERNERI. 96, Easterness; slopes 
of Mealfourvonie, Loch Ness, at about 1.500 ft., A. A. Stack, det. 
K, M. Goopway. 

296/10. Gatium TRICORNE Stokes. 17, Surrey: (VI) Leigh, in a 
vetch-oat crop, probably introduced, D. P. Youne. 

+320/3. ERIGERON CANADENSIS IL. 37, Wores.; Droitwich Park, 

+320/11. Ertcrron ctaucus Ker-Gawl. 4, N. Devon; a patch on 
cliff at Croyde Bay, among Carpobrotus, 1954, K. E. Bunn, det. at 

326 /1. ANTENNARIA ptotca (T..) Gaertn. 49, Caern.; Bardsey 
Tsland, 1954, H. Pricr, det. and comm. D. FE. Atien. 

328/4. GwnapHatium NorveEGIcum Gunn. 97, Westerness; plenti- 
ful in a deep rocky gully on the cliffs of Coire Ardair on Creag Mea- 
eaidh above Loch Laggan, C. D. Preorr. 

953/1b. Broens cernva f. RADIATA (Roth) Larsson. 4, N. Devon; 
Great Torrington, K. T. Cortrits, det. and comm. D. E. ALLEN. 

§+354/1.  GatrnsoGa parvirrora Cav. 125, E. Suffolk; Oulton, Miss 
N. Harding (1950, Ann. Rep. Lowestoft Field Club, 5, 154). 


4354/2. Ganinsoca citiata (Raf.) Blake. 14, EK. Sussex; Park 
Wood, Hellingly, apparently introduced by timber fellers, D. P. 

§+378/21. ARTEMISIA VERLOTORUM Lamotte. 16, W. Kent; waste- 
ground near Tonbridge railway station, K. E. Butt. “24, Bucks.; 
rubbish-tip, Burnham Beeches, A. F. Woop, conf. R. A. GRanam, 

§393/2. ARcTIUM vULGARE (Hill) A. H. Evans. *101, Kintyre; 
Keil Woods, S. Kintyre, M. H. CunnincHam, det. W. A. SLEDGE. 

61, S.E. Yorks.; field between North Grimston and Wharram Percy, 
W. A. Sledge—a former record by J. F. Pickard is a misnomer (1956, 
The Nat., 1956, 29). 

4001/1. Savussurea anpina (L.) DC. 104, N. Ebudes; slopes of Sgur 
Thuilm, Skye, in abundance, R. A. Bontrace, 

419. Hrrractum. All determined or confirmed by P. D. Serum and 
“©. WEST. 

419/73. HieRActIum DICELLA Sell & West. *49, Caern.; rocks above 
Bodafon, near Llandudno, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/99 bis. HipraciIuM CINDERELLA (Ley) Ley. *36, Hereford; 
Grittles End, Cradley, 1952: 37, Worcs.; Stanford-on-Teme, 1954, 

419/99 bis. Hirractum cINDERELLA (A. Ley) A. Ley. *36, Hereford; 
Ribblehead, 1954, C. EK. A. ANDREWS. 

419/169. Hizractum strumMosum (W. R. Linton) A. Ley. 40, Salop; 
main road, Wyken, near Bridgnorth, 1952, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/226. HikRactum RETIcULATUM J[indeb. 96b, Nairn; island on 
river Nairn, Holm Rose, M. McCartum WEBSTER. 

419/246. Hieractum saLticota (Sudre) Sell & West. *37, Worcs.; 
Hall Green; Kings Heath, 1952. *38, Warwick; Sutton Park; Edg- 
baston Park, 1953, C. KE. A. ANDREWS: University Grounds, Edgbaston, 
J. G. Hawkes, comm, C. E. A. ANpREwsS. *39, Staffs.; near Brown- 
hills, on main road, 1952, C. E. A. ANDREWS. 

419/255. H1reraclIuM COLLINIFORME (Naegeli & Peter) Roffey. *96b, 
Nairn; kitchen garden, Holme Rose, M. McCattum WEBsTER. 

§422/1. Leronropon uisPpipus I. *71, Man; sandpit near Peel 
Road railway station, D. E. Aten, - 


423/34. TARAXACUM SPECTABILE Dahlst. agg. 37, Wores.; marshes 
near ‘“The Maypole’, South Birmingham: 38, Warwick; Sutton 
Park, in plenty: 39, Staffs.; Yoxhall Bridge; Hamstall Ridware: 71, 
Man; frequent in bogs in the hills, D. E. ALien. 

425/4. Mycrtis murALIs (L.) Reichb. 71, Man; Glentrammon, 
Lezayre, G. E. Quayre: Ballaterson, Ballough, M. QuarLe: Rhen- 
cillin, Michael, R. Dawson, all comm. D. E. ALLEN. 

1428/1. Tracopocon PoRRIFOLIUs L. 71, Man; Andreas, M. 
QuaYLE; Kirkmichael, one plant, D. E. ALLEN. 

439/1. Vaccintum oxycoccos L. 12, N. Hants.; bog in Woolmer 
Forest, near Liphook, R. A. Bontrace. 

453/4. OrTHILIA sEcUNDA (L.) House. 96, Easterness; ledges in 
a ravine in the birch woods beside the Allt Calder, near Coignafearn, 
Strath Dearn, Monadhliath, M. E. and C. D. Picorr. 

+474/2. Buppiesa pAvip1 Franch. 48, Mer.;: waste ground by 
Dolgelly Road, 14 miles from Barmouth, 1954, P. M. BeEwnorr. 

478/7. CENTAURIUM CAPITATUM (Willd.) Borbas. 3, S. Devon; 
mixed with dwarf forms of Centaurium minus in short turf 
on the cliff tops at Cathole Cliff near Sewer and above Elenden Cove 
near Prawle Point, 1951, C. D. Picorr. 

497 /2. SymMpnuytum TUBEROSUM LL. 101, Kintyre; Ronachan shore 
verge and roadside, Machrihanish, W. Kintyre, M. H. CUNNINGHAM, 
det. A. E. WADE. 

1497/3. Sympnytum ORIENTALE L. 16, W. Kent; abundant in a 
weedy shrubbery, Boyne Park, Tunbridge Wells, K. E. Butt. 

506/9. Myosotis nisprpA Schlecht. 101, Kintyre; roadside, Keil, 
S. Kintyre, and elsewhere, M. H. CunnincuHam, det. A. E. Wabe. 

$517(2)/1. SatprcHROA ORIGANIFOLIA (Lam.) Baillon. 1, W. Corn- 
wall; waste ground, St. Michael’s Mount, a large patch, K. E. Burt. 
det. at Kew. 

+532/21(2). CHARNORHINUM ORIGANIFOLIUM (L.) Fourr. 3, S. Devon; 
waste ground near Meadfoot Beach, Torquay, 1954, K. E. Burr, det. at 

5385/2. ScropHunarta aquatica LL. 71, Man; bank of river Neb 
near The Congery, Peel, D. E. Atnen. 

§+537/2.  Mimutvs moscnatus Dougl. ex Lindl. *48, Mer.; com- 
pletely naturalised in a ditch near Borthwen Point, Llwyngwril, 1951, 
P. M. Brnort, conf, A, E. Wane, 


543/10. Veronica ALPINA L. 97, Westerness; wet ledges on the 
cliffs of Coire Ardair on Creag Meagaidh above Loch Laggan, C. D. 

545/3. EUPHRASIA BREVIPILA Burnat & Gremli. 101, Kintyre; 
widespread on both coasts and inland—Ballochnagiachan shore, Muas- 
dale Glen, by Penngown, etc., M. H. Cunninewam, det. E. F. 

945/10. EUPHRASIA OCCIDENTALIS Wettst. 49, Caern.; several 
places on Bardsey Island, H. Prick and Mrs. A. E. Tru, det. and 
comm. D. KE. Atten. 101, Kintyre; widespread on both coasts—Bara- 
skomil shore, Ranachan hill, Clochkeil links, ete., M. H. CunnINGHAM, 
det. EK. F. Warsure. 

545/15. EuPpHRASIA MICRANTHA Reichb. 101, Kintyre; rough 
pasture by Carskiey burn, S. Kintyre, M. H. Cunninenam, det. FE. F. 

§545/18. EupHRASIA CONFUSA Pugsl. *101, Kintyre; Mull Gap. 
Carskiey Machair and pasture above Gartvaigh, S. Kintyre, M. H. 
CUNNINGHAM, det. E. F. Warsure. 

§558/3x1f. MENTHA X NILIACA var. WEBBERI Fraser. *112, Zetland; 
roadside, Sandwick, W. Scott, det. R. A. GRAHAM. 

559/1. Lycorpus EvRopAEUS L. 85, Fife; Loch Lindores, A. W. 

§562/1. AcINos ARVENsIS (Lam.) Dandy. *H.13, Carlow; Slyguff, 
Lady Nesta FitzcEraLp, 

§572/1. ScuTELLARIA GALERICULATA L. +71, Man; weed in a garden 
at Onchan for over ten years—the only Manx station, W. S. CowI1n. 
This is an unusually densely glandular form corresponding with the 
description of var. hirsuta Saut., Dalla-Torre & Sav., and must be 
assumed to have been introduced. Bracket record in C.F., D. E. 

§573/2. PRUNELLA LACINIATA (L.) L. £25, E. Suffolk; Sotterley, R. 
Fisk (1950, Ann. Rep. Lowestoft Field Club, 5, 154). 

576/1. Marrusium vutcare .. +16, W. Kent; waste ground by 
Christchurch, Southborough, 1950, K. HE. Butt. 

581/4. Lamium HYBRIDUM Vill. 101, Kintyre; grassy verge of 
Glenbarr shore, W. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnrnenam, det. E. C. WALmace. 

4588/1. Pranraco wnpica Ty. 101, Kintyre; on seashore drift line. 
Atlantic coast, S. Kintyre, by Pans, M. H. Cunninenam, det. 


590/1.  ILLeEcEBRUM vVeERTIcILLATUM IL. 22, Berks.; near Brack- 
nell, on bed of dried-up pond, 1952, B. M. C. Morean and E. M. C. 

§604/4. Brera maritima L. *101, Kintyre; seashore, Brunerican, 
S. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. at Kew. 

611/1. SaLicorNIaA PERENNIS Mill. 48, Mer.; mudflats near Fair- 
bourne, EK. V. Watson. 

615/1. Potyegonum puMETORUM I. 13, W. Sussex; plentiful in 
a hedge at Trotton, R. A. Bontirace, 

§618/16(2). Rumex tTENUIFOoLIUS (Wallr.) Love. 25, E. Suffolk; 
Great Martin’s Hill Wood, near East Bergholt, 1954: 27, E. Norfolk; 
Horning, 1952: 37, Worcs.; Great Malvern; Hartlebury Common, in 
great abundance: 38, Warwick; Sutton Park; Coleshill Bog, D. E. 
Auten. 64, Mid-W. York.; Dallowgill, C. M. Rob (1956, The Nat., 
1956, 29). 

621/1. ASARUM FUROPAEUM L. 24, Bucks.; in view of threats by 
building to the well known Halton station for this plant (ef. Druce, 
Flora of Buckinghamshire, 292 (1926)) specimens have been transplanted 
in two new sites across the road by the N.E. edge of Weston Turvile 
Reservoir, Lady Bartow. 

628/5. EupnorpiA puATypHyttos L. 17, Surrey; (V) arable field 

north of Outwood, B. A. KNELLER, conf. and comm. D. P. Youne. 
§628/8. EHurpHorBIA AMYGDALOIDES IL. *+H.12, Wexford: Bun- 

clody, possibly introduced with trees or shrubs, Miss FE. M. Boorn. 

632/2. Merrcurtanis ANNUA TL. 71, Man; garden weed, Ballough. 
W. H. Harpaxer, comm. PD. FEF. ALien, 

642/3. Brrunta NANA LL. 96, Easterness; bog on the undulating 
eround near Loch Spey at the source of the Spey, head of Glen Roy, 
C. D. Pteort. 

650/5. Sarix purpurkA TL. 71, Man: The Congery, near Peel, 
looking native in alder-willow earr, D. FE. Aten. 

650/8x6. Sattx cAPREA X vImMINatts, 101, Kintyre; burnside by 
Knocknaha, S. Kintyre, M. H. Cunntrnenam, det. R. D. METKIR. 

6652/2. Emprrrum HERMAPHRODITUM (Lange) Hagerup. 96, Easter- 
ness; slopes of Mealfourvonie, Toch Ness, at about 1,500 ft., A. A. 
Snack, conf. B. W. Rrprons. 


654/1. HyprRocHARIS MORSUS-RANAE L. 17, Surrey; (IX) pond at 
Bletchingly, near gravel pit; not seen before 1955 and very uncommon 
in this part of the county, B. A. KNELLER, comm. D. P. Youne. 

§ 668 / 5. EprIpactus ATRORUBENS (Hoffm.) Schult. *66, Durham, on 
magnesian limestone, Cassop, 1911, G. W. T. H. Fremine, det. and 
comm. D. P. Youne. 

§669 /2. ORCHIS MILITARIS IL. 496, W. Suffolk; see Proceedings 
ey ste) 31g a eae 

§669/9. ORcHIS PURPURELLA T. & T. A. Steph. *11, S. Hants.; a 
large colony in marshland E. of Southampton, with O. praetermissa, 
O. fuchsii, etc., A. Rosrwetr, det. and comm. V. S. SuMMERHAYES. 85, 
Fife; Tentsmuir, Nature Conservancy Area, A. M. Stiruinc & A. A. 
Snack. 96, EHasterness; Glen Convinth; Laggan Bridge, roadside, A. A. 
SLACK. 97, Westerness; wet moor S. of river Spean, 1954, A. M. 
Strruing & A. A. Stack. 98, Argyll; flushes on Meallmor, Glencoe, 
A. A. Snack. 104, N. Ebudes; shores of Loch Cill Chriosd, Skye, 1954, 
A. M. Stirring & A. A. Stack. 108, W Sutherland; Sangomore Bay, 
Durness, A. A. Srack 

§669/9(3). ORcHIS TRAUNSTEINERI Sauter. *52, Anglesey; Cors 
Bodeilio, in swamp with O. ericetorum, O. incarnata, Gymnadenia 
conopsea, Ophrys muscifera and Schoenus nigricans, R. H. Roserrs, 
det. and comm. V. S. SUMMERHAYES. 

674(2)/1. Lrucorcuis atsprpa (L.) EF. Mey. ex Schur. 104, N. 
Kbudes; rocky slope of Sgur Thuilm, Skye, R. A. Bontrace. 

§+683/1. CrocosMIA X CROCOSMIFLORA (Lemoine) N.E.Br. *A8, 
Mer.; thicket by Mynach Road, Barmouth, 1954, P. M. Benorr. 

§686/2. LEucosjum arEstTivum IL. ~8, S. Wilts.; riverside near 
Ford, 1953, Miss D. Stevens (1955, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. Mag., 56, 38). 

ground at Mynachlogddu, with the parents: 47, Montg.; marshy 
ground near Dovey Junction railway station, P. M. Benotrr. 

718/12bis. Juncus Kocnit F. W. Schultz. 45, Pemb.; Skomer 
Tsland, T. A. W. Davis; Prescelly Mountain, P. M. Benorr. 47, 
Montg.; roadside ditch between Forge and Dylife, near Machynlleth, 
W. M. Conpry. 

718/13. Juncus squarrosus L. 38, Warwick; two tufts in centre 
of Ryton Wood—very rare in the eastern half of the county, BIRMING- 
HAM Nat, Hist. & Puit. Soc. Excursion, comm. D. BE. ALLEN. 


718/20. JuNcus casTANEUS Sm. 97, Westerness; wet rock ledges on 
the cliffs of Coire Ardair on Creag Meagaidh above Loch Laggan, C. D. 

1725/1. DracuncuLtus vuteaRis Schott. 14, E. Sussex; on chalky 
rubble, bomb-damaged site, The Avenue, Eastbourne, 1951-1953, K. E. 
Buy, det. at Kew. 

§727/1.. Lemna minor L. *1T112, Zetland; Clickhimmin Loch, near 
Lerwick, in small quantity and doubtfully native, W. Scorr. 

§738/2. Ruppia MARITIMA L. *101, Kintyre; seashore rocks at 
Clachan, W. Kintyre, M. H. Cunninenam, det. G. TAyior. 

§+742/1. APONOGETON pisTacHyos L. f. $8, S. Wilts.; river Avon, 
S. of Salisbury, H. J. Patrick (1955, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. Mag., 56, 38). 

744/1. Cyprrus toneus L. +14, E. Sussex; lake at side of Herst- 
monceux Castle, 1952, K. EK. Butt. 

746/11. Scrreus setaceus L. 14, E. Sussex; cleared ground, Runt- 
in-Tun Wood, Heathfield, K. EK. Butt. 

746/15. Buysmus ruFus (Huds.) Link. 104, N. Ebudes; edge of 
och Portree, Skye, R. A. BONIFACE. 

§753/2. CaREX RIPARIA Curt. *48, Mer.; marsh between Towyn 
and Aberdovey, P. M. Brnort, conf. A. E. WADE. 

§753/138. CAREX LAEVIGATA Sm. 71, Man; wood by sea, Port Corna, 
D. FE. Auten and A. D. Watxer. *108, W. Sutherland; bushes near 
sea, Loch Laxford, A. A. Stack, conf. E, NELMEs. 

§753/19. Carex HOosTIANA DC. *14, FE. Sussex; marshy ground, 
Ditchling Common, R. A. Bontrrack and D. H. Kent. 

§753/22. CAREX SEROTINA Mérat. *46, Cards.; dune = slacks, 
Ynyslais, P. M. Brenorr, conf. A. E. Wapr. 48, Mer.; Morfa Harlech, 
1953; Mochras, near Llanbedr;. Morfa Dyffryn, 1952; Aberdovey golf 
links, P. M. Benorr. 96, Easterness; Loch na ba Ruaide, Glen Con- 
vinth, at 800 ft.: 99, Dunbarton; shores of Loch Lomond, 1953, A. A. 


Snack, conf. FE. NrumMgs. 

753/23e. CAREX BXTENSA var. pumInA Anderss. 71, Man; rock-clefts 
under Peel Castle, D. FE. ALien. 

§753/28. Carex caAryornyturA Latourr. 71, Man; Peel golf links; 
brows near Brooghjairg, Ballaugh; cliff at mouth of Dalby Glen: re- 
move brackets in C.F., D. E. Aten, 


§753/38. Carex timosa L. *62, N.K, York; with Carex rostrata 
and Menyanthes in soakways in the valley bog near Fen Bog Houses 
on Goathland Moor, C. D. Picort. 

§753/60. Carex conticgua Hoppe. 71, Man; the Hairy Reservoir 
record (1954, Proc. B.S.B.1., 1, 16) has proved on re-examination to 
be an error for an abnormally robust form of C. echinata Murr. Delete 
from C.F., D. E. ALLEN. 

753/61(2). CaREX POLYPHYLLA Kar. & Kir. 17, Surrey; (VIII) 
Croham Hurst, Croydon, D. P. Youne, det. EK. NELMEs. 

753/63x57. CAREX X BOENNINGHAUSIANA Weihe. 16, W. Kent; one 
large tuft, with parent species, by lake, Bedgebury Park, 1954, J. P. M. 

§758/3. SPARTINA TOWNSENDII H. & J. Groves. *t47, Montg.; salt- 
marshes by Dovey Junction railway station, P. M. Benorr. 

(7/1. Mirtum errusum L. 87, W. Perth; rocks, Glen of Case, 
near Castle Campbell, Dollar, A. W. Rosson. 

§780/4. AGROSTIS sETACEA Curt. *13, W. Sussex; sandy track on 
Iping Common: first recorded by Borrer for Heathfield (v.c. 14) and 
by Roper in 1881 but not since, and thought to be long extinct in 
Sussex (Flora of Sussex), R. A. BONIFACE. 

797/1. Cynopon pactyton (L.) Pers. +17, Surrey; edge of Rei- 
gate Heath, a patch about 20 ft. long and 13 ft. wide, B. M. C. 

814/y. Carasrosa aquatica (L.) Beauv. 4, N. Devon; plentiful in 
shallow ditches, Westward Ho, R. M. Payne. 

814/1b. CATABROSA AQUATICA var. LITTORALIS A. & D. Love. 101, 
Kintyre; seashore, Muasdale, W. Kintyre, M. H. CunnincHam, det. 
C. EK. Husparp. 

$824/2(3). Poa suBCAERULEA Sm. 1444, Carm.; sea edge of shifting 
dunes, Towyn Burrows, I. M. Vaughan (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 230). 

824/10. Poa compressa L. 71, Man; sandy brow at mouth of river 
Ballaugh; walls about Peel; Foxdale; Patrick; St Johns; Crosby; 
The Barory, Maughold—clearly native and apparently more plentiful 
than in Ireland, D. E. ALLEN, 

825/38. GuycerRiIa pricata Fr. 71, Man; Ballalough Curragh near 
Peel; Ballabooye, German; edge of salt-marsh, Port Corna, D. E. 


§826/1. Carapopium Ricipum (L.) C. E. Hubbard. *tf47, Montg.; 
railway station platform, Dovey Junction, P. M. Benorr, conf. A. E. 

§826/15. VuLPIA MEMBRANACEA (L.) Dum. 1, W. Cornwall; locally 
abundant on Penhole Sands, near Perranporth, R. A. Bonirace. *9U, 
Forfar; sand-dunes, Monifieth, A. W. Rosson, det. C. KE. Hussarp, 

$827/1(2). Bromus pIANDRUS Roth. 17, Surrey; sandy verge otf 
Irensham Great Pond, 1954, W. E. WaRREN. 

~827/13. Bromus uNIoLoIDES Kunth. 16, W. Kent; garden weed, 
Bickley, J. CuspEen, det. A. MELpERIS, comm. D. P. Youne; rubbish- 
tip, Karlswood, 1954, B. M. C. Morean, det. B. WeEtLcH. 

$28/2. BRACHYPODIUM PINNATUM (Ll. Beauy. 85, Fife; cliff- 
banks, Pettycur Harbour, near Kinghorn, 1954, A. W. Rosson, 

+829/2. LoLiuM TEMULENTUM L. 4, N. Devon; Clovelly, a few 
plants at the foot of chffs, R. M. Payne. 

830/1x4. AGROPYRON JUNCEIFORME X REPENS. 48, Mer.; seashore, 
Morfa Dyffryn, 1953, P. M. Benoit, det. C. E. Hupsparp. 101, Kin- 
tyre; Kuilchousland seashore, E. JXintyre, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. 

844/1. Kquiserum TELMATEIA Ehrh. 71, Man; cliff-top, Ballelby, 
near Dalby; railway bank by The Congery, near Peel; roadside N. ot 
IXnockshurry, D. EK. ALLEN. . 

851/2. - ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES L. 18, S. Essex; wall of railway 
bridge, Woodham Ferrers, many large plants, R. M. PAyYne. 

851/4. ASPLENIUM oBovaATuM Viv. 101, Kintyre; seashore rocks 
near Peninver, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. A. H. G. ALSTON, 

851/5. ASPLENIUM ADIANTUM-NIGRUM L. 17, Surrey; (VIII) old 
walls, Carshalton, D. P. Youne: (1X) Dormans, P. GREENFIELD. 

854/38.  PotysticHumM LoncnHiTiIs (l.) Roth. 96, Easterness; crevices 
on the cliffs of the corrie on the north-east face of Marg na Craige, 
above Laggan Bridge, Monadhhath, C. D. Picorr. 

856/1(2). Dryorrerts BorRERI Newm. 459, 8S. Lanes.; in shade of 
pines, Freshfield dunes, 1951, D. E. Atnen, conf. A. H. G. Atston, 

§856/5. DRYOPTERIS AEMULA (Ait.) Kuntze. 146, Cards.; on a shady 
stream bank, Cwm Enion, A. O. Chater (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 230). 

863/2.  UHyMrENoPHYLLUM wiLsont Hook. 101, Kintyre; growing 
on rocks at Mull of Kintyre hills in unusually exposed situation, M. 


Compiled by Dovetas H. Kent 

Thanks are due to E. B. Bangerter, P. M. Benoit, J. Ounsted and 
A. EK. Wade for their assistance. 


6/4. RANUNCULUS AURICOMUs L. Haas, P. A., 1952, Neue siid- 
deutsche Arten aus dem Formenkreis des Ranunculus auricomus L., 
Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 29, 5-12. Four new microspecies of fh. auri- 
comus are described.—|[ D.H.K. | 

6/4. RANuNCULUS AaURIcOMUS L. Haas, P. A., 1954, Neuer Beit- 
rag zur Kenntnis des Formenkreis von Ranunculus auricomus L. in 
Stiddeutschland, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 30, 27-32. Four more new 
microspecies of R. auricomus are described.—[ D.H.k. ] 

6/4. Ranunculus auRicoMus L. Jasiewicz, A., 1956, Badania nad 
jaskrami z cyklu Auricomi Owez w okolicach Krakowa; w potnocne) 
ezésc1 Karpat, Fragm. Flor. Geobot., 2, 62-110. The Polish micro- 
species of . auricomus are described and some detail is given of their 
distribution.—[D.H.K. | 

6/4. RaNuNcuLUs AuRIcomMus L.  JRousi, A., 1956, Cytotaxonomy 
and reproduction in the apomictic Ranunculus auricomus group, Ann. 
Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. ‘Vanamo’, 29 (2), 1-64. 

21 PapaverRace®. bBersillon, G., 1955, Recherches sur les Papa- 
véracées: contribution a létude du développement des dicotylédones 
herbacées, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 16, 225-448. 

25/1. CHELIDONIUM MaAJUs L. Lawalrée, A., 1955, La Chélidone 
double et la Chélidone laciniée en Belgique, Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruz., 25, 
409-410. Two mutant forms of Chelidonium majus have been dis- 
covered in Belgium; the first, described as a new variety, var. pleni- 
florum Lawalrée, differs from the typical plant in having double flowers. 
The second is var. tenuifolium Retz. f. multifidum (Fast) Lawalrée, 
comb. nov. Fast recognises four taxa among the laciniate Cheli- 
doniums (some occur in the British Isles, usually under the name var. 
luciniatum, which is antedated however by the name var. tenutfolium). 

33 CructrERAE. Yarnell, S. H., 1956, Cytogenetics of the vege- 
table crops. 2. Crucifers, Bot. Rev., 22, 81-166. Gives much infor- 
mation, especially on the various taxa of Brassica and Raphanus.— 

35. ROoRIppa. Van Ooststrcom, S. J. & Reichgelt, T. J., 1956, 
Floristische notities 1-18, Acta Bot. Neerl., 5, 94-101. The differences 
between Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum and Rk. microphyllum are 

given and the distribution of the two puecie: in the Netherlands is dis- 


39, CARDAMINE. Banach-Pogan, E., 1955, Dalsze badania cyto- 
logiczne nad gatunkami rodzaju Cardamine L., Acta Bot. Soc. VPol., 
24, 275-286. An account of cytological studies on Cardamine species. 

45. CocuurARIA. Lawalrée, A., 1956, Cochlearia pyrenaica DC. en 
Belgique, Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruz., 25, 205-208. 

49/7. ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (L.) Heynh. Napp-Zinn, K., 1955, 
Spontanes Auftreten von Kotylvarianten bei Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) 
Heynh., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 68, 369-373. 

53/1. SuBunaria aquatica L.—See 199/22. SaxiFRAGA HIRCULUS L. 

54. Brassica.—See 33-> CRUCIFERAE, 

80. RapHanus.—See 33-> CRUCIFERAE. 

98(2). MELaANpRIUM. Kunze, G., 1955, Ein Fall von geschlechtsge- 
bundener Vererbung bei Melandrium (Garcke), Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 
Gies., 68, 249-256. 

128. Eropium. Rottgardt, K., 1956, Morphologische, cytologische 
und physiologische Untersuchungen von Okotypen in Schleswig-Hol- 
stein, Beitr. Biol. Pflanz., 32, 225-278. Studies on Hrodium cicutarium, 
Odontites verna and Matricaria maritima.—[D.H.K. | 

1383/4. IMPATIENS GLANDULIFERA Royle. King, Avi) Kees 1986, 
Extension of range of Impatiens glandulifera Royle and Mentha rotun- 
difolia L., Irish Nats. J., 12, 71. New vice-county records are given 
for Impatiens glandulifera and Mentha rotundifolia in Ireland.— 
L1Disle leq 

138. RuHAMNAcEAE. Pritchard, E. C., 1955, Morphological studies 
in Rhamnaceae, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 71, 82-106. 

153. MeEpicaco. Shinners, L. H., 1956, Authorship and nomen- 
clature of bur-clovers (Medicago) found wild in the United States, 
Ithodora, 58, 1-8. Includes many species also found in Britain. A 
number of new combinations are made, in one of which M. apiculatu 
Willd. is reduced to M. polymorpha var. ciliaris f. apiculata (Willd. 
em. Urban) Shinners.—[D.H.K. ] 

155/2. TRriroLtuM PRATENSE L. Pandey, K. K., 1956, Mutations 
of self-incompatibility alleles in Trifolium pratense and T. repens, 
Genetics, 41, 327-343. 

155/2. TriroLiIum PRATENSE L. Pandey, K. K., 1956, Incompati- 
bility of autotetraploid Trifolium pratense, Genetics, 41, 353-366. 

155/2. TRiroLiuM PRATENSE L. Povilaitis, B. & Boyes, J. W., 1956, 
A cytological study of autotetraploid red clover, Amer. J. Bot., 48, 

1155/2. Trironium pRATENSE L. Thaler, I. & Weber, F., 1955, Ein 
merkwiirdiges Trifolium mit mehrzihligen Blattern, Phyton, 6, 73-75. 

155/12. TRiroLIuM SUBTERRANEUM L. Morley, F. H. W., Brock, 
R. D. & Davern, C. I., 1956, Subspeciation in Trifolium subterraneum, 
Austral. J. Biol. Sci., 9, 1-17. 

155/16. ‘TRIroLIUM REPENS L.—See 1155/2. TRIroLiuM PRATENSE L. 


160. Lorus. lLouis-Marie, P., 1954, La graine du lotier (Lotus 
corniculatus), Rev. Oka, 28, 77-86. The author gives details of 
methods of identification based on seed characters of various species 
and vars. of Lotus.—|[D.H.K.]| 

185/1. Rusus ipaztus L. Willams, I. H. & Hudson, J. P., 1956, 
Effect of environment upon the growth and development of raspberry 
canes, Nature, 177, 798-799. 

192/1.. ACAENA ANSERINIFOLIA (L.) J. R. & G. Forst. Lousley, J. E., 
1956, Menace of the New Zealand bur, Country Life, 119, 495-497. 
An account, illustrated by photographs, of the rapid spread of Acaena 
anserinifolia in Holy Island, Northumberland. The burs of the plant 
are spread by birds, dogs, rabbits and humans. The known British 
distribution of the species is also reviewed.—|[D.H.K. ] 

199. SaxirracaA. Marsden-Jones, E. M. & Turrill, W. B., 1956, 
Additional breeding experiments with Saxifraga, J. Genetics, 54, 186- 
193. Comparative descriptions are given of British material of Sazi- 
fraga rosacea, S. cespitosa and S. hypnoides. 

Families have been raised from selfings and from crossings of our 
stock plants of these taxa, and from reciprocal crosses of S. hypnovdes 
and S. graunulata. 

In the discussion it is shown that genetical sterility barriers are 
not important in keeping the taxa distinct and their absence or in- 
completeness explains the occurrence of ‘intermediates’ in certain wild 
populations and in some plants in cultivation. 

The doubtful taxonomic value of the differences between S. cespi- 
tosa and S. rosacea is considered and the need for further comparative 
researches on Welsh and Scottish populations is suggested.—[ Authors’ 
summary. | 

199/2. Saxirraca oppositirolia L. James, V. & Richards, P. W., 
1956, Saxifraga oppositifolia L. (Biological Flora), J. Hecol., 44, 300- 

199/22. Saxirraca HIRCULUS L. Kertland, M. P. H., 1956, Subu- 
laria aquatica and Saxifraga hirculus in Co. Antrim, /rish Nats. J., 
12, 51-52. Swhularia aquatica and Saxifraga hirculus have been redis- 
covered in Co. Antrim.—[ D.H.K. ] 

216/1. MyriopHytitum spicatum L. Patten, B. C., 1956, Notes on 
the biology of Myriophyllum spicatum L. in a New Jersey lake, Bull. 
Torr. Bot. Club, 83, 5-18. 

217. CALLITRICHE. Heine, H., 1954, Callitriche cophocarpa 
Sendtner, Ber. Bayer Bot. Ges., 30, 32-37. The nomenclature of 
various species of Callitriche is discussed, and the author shows that 
C. cophocarpa Sendtn. is an earlier valid name than C. polymorpha 
Lonnr.—[D.H.K. ] 

217. CaLlitTRIcHE. Pawlowski, B., 1956, Rozmieszezenie gatun- 
kéw rodzaju Callitriche lL. w Polsce; w krajach sasiednich, Fraqgm. 
Flor. Geobot., 2, 27-48. The Polish species of Callitriche are described 
and figured and their distribution is outlined.—[D.H.K. ] 


263/1. FoENIcULUM vULGARE Mill. Bruch, H., 1955, Beitrage zur 
Morphologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Fenchelwurzel (Foeui- 
culum vulgare Muill.), Beitr. Biol. Pflanz., 32, 225-278. 

283/3. Toritis gaponica (Houtt.) DC. Erskine, D., 1955, Torilis 
japonica in the Ottawa district, Canad. Field Nat., 69, 131. Torilis 
jyuponica has been tound as an adventive roadside weed in the Ottawa 
district. Only two other Canadian records are known.—[ D.H.K. } 

284/1. Hepera HELIx L. Hadfield, M., 1956, Does ivy damage 
trees?, Country Infe, 119, 670. The literature of the subject is reviewed 
and it is concluded that there is no real evidence of ivy harming its 
host trees.—[D.H.K.] 

285/2. CHAMAEPERICLYMENUM svuECICUM (l.) Aschers. & Graebn. 
Stapelveld, K., 1956, De zweedse kornoelje, De Levende Natuur, 59. 

296. Gatium. Urschler, I., 1955, Die Fruchtbehaarung des Galium 
septentrionale Roemer & Schultes, Phyton, 6, 48-56. 

320. Erickron. Ziegler, H., 1952, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in 
Deutschland eingewanderten nordamerikanischen Erigeron-Arten, 
Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 29, 88-91. The spread of Hrigeron annuus and 
EK. strigosus in Germany is discussed.—[ D.H.K. ] 

3871/1. Marricarnia MARITIMA L.—See 128. Eropium, 

395. Carpuus. Moore, R. J. & Mulligan, G. A., 1956, Natural 
hybridisation between Carduus acanthoides and Carduus nutans in 
Ontario, Canad. J. Bot., 34, 71-85. A survey was made of the occur- 
rence of natural hybrids between two species of introduced thistles, 
Carduus acanthotdes var. acanthoides and C. nutans var, nutans, in 
Grey County, Ontario. The population of one field was studied in 
detail. Specimens were taken and their morphological variation was 
evaluated by means of a hybrid index. ‘These species have different 
chromosome numbers, C. acanthoides, 2n=22; C. nutans, 2n=16. All 
the intervening numbers were found in the hybrids. There is a clear 
correlation between chromosome number and hybrid index. Plants 
with the chromosome number of a first generation hybrid have an index 
intermediate between those of the parental species. The chromosome 
numbers of seedlings raised from seed collected from hybrid plants 
were determined. It was found that seedlings with the number 2n=22 
were much more frequent than those with other numbers. It is sug- 
gested that both ecological and gametie selection are acting in this 
area to favour production and survival of plants with the chromosome 
number and morphology of C. acanthoides.—{ Authors’ summary. ] 

493. Taraxacum. Van Soest, J. L., 1956, New Taraxaca from the 
Netherlands, Acta Bot. Neerl., 5, 94-101. Five new dandelions are 
desecribed.—| D.H.KK. } 

438/2. Vaccintum mMyrtittus L. Ritchie, J. C., 1956, Vaccinium 
myrtillus L. (Biological Flora), J. Heol., 44, 291-299. 

462. CYCLAMEN. Schwarz, O., 1955, Systematische der Gattung 
Cyclamen, Fedde Rep, Spec. Nov., 58, 234-283. 


467/2. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS L. Domac, R., 1955, Beitraige zur 
Flora Jugoslawiens, Phyton, 6, 15-23. Includes some information on 
Anagallis arvensis and its subspecies.—[D.H.K. | 

543. Veronica. Thieret, J. W., 1955, The seeds of Veronica 
and allied genera, Lloydia, 18, 37-45. A discussion on certain evyolu- 
tionary changes which the author claims can be clearly traced in the 
seeds of Veronica and allied genera.—[ D.H.K.] 

543/41. VERONICA FILIFORMIS Sm. Viola, §S., 1955, Presenza della 
Veronica filiformis Smith in Italia, Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 61, 697- 
699. Veronica filiformis has been detected at Lecco near Neguccio. 
It is new to Italy.—[D.H.K.] 

546/5. OpoONTITES VERNA (Bellardi) Dum.—See 128. ERopiumM. 

550. ORoBANCHE. Hambler, D. J., 1956, Further chromosome 
counts in Orobanchaceae,, Nature, 177, 438-439. 

OOl. LATHRAEA. Ziegler, H., 1955, Lathraea, ein Blutungssaft- 
schmarotzer, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 68, 311-318. 

558/1. MerntuHa rotunpironia (L.) Huds.—See 1383/4. Impatiens 

561. Tuymus. Machule, M., 1954, Die bayerischen Thymusarten, 
Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 29, 88-90. The author keys the six species of 
Thymus known to occur in Bavaria; these include 7. serpyllum and 
T. pulegioides.—[ D.H.K. | 

588/8f. PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA var. LANUGINOSA Bluff & Fing. Nehou, 
J., 1955, Recherches sur la valeur taxonomique de deux Plantaginacées : 
Plantago carinata Schrad. var. littoralis Rouy et Plantago lanceolata 
L. var. lanuginosa Bl. et. Fing., Bull. Soc. Sci. Bret., 29, 113-133. Ex- 
perimental studies on Plantago lanceolata var. lanuginosa (P. lanu- 
ginosa DC., P. ertophora H. & L.) has led to the conclusion that it 
is an ecotype. Found on maritime sands, it differs from P. lanceo- 
lata by its very woolly leaves and its ovoid or subglobose spike.— 

606. Arrierex: Brown, G. D., 1956, Taxonomy of American 
Atriplex, Amer. Midl. Nat., 55, 199-210. 

606. Arripuex. Klimmek, F., 1955, Die Strandmelden Niedersacli- 
sens, Bietr. Natur. Nied. Hanover, 8, 56-60. 

615. Ponyconum. Marek, S., 1954, Cechy Morfologiczne: anatom- 
iczne owoecdw rodzajow Polygonum L.; Rumex lL. oraz klucze do ich 
oznaczania, Monogr. Bot., 2, 77-161. The author gives keys (based on 
morphological and anatomical features of flowers and fruits) of 21 species 
of Polygonum and 22 species of Rumex found in Poland.—[D.H.K. ] 

618. Rumex.—See 615. Potyconum. 

621— ARISTOLOCHIACEAE. Gregory, M. P., 1956, A phyletic arrange- 
ment in the Aristolochiaceae, Amer. J. Bot., 4%, 110-122. 

633/5. U~mMus procera Salisb. Morris, P. F., 1956. Notes on the 
growth of an English elm, Muelleria, 1, 54. 


642. Brerutsa. Vaartaja, O., 1956, Photoperiodic response in ger- 
mination of seed of certain trees, Canad. J. Bot., 34, 377-388. Studies 
on the germination of seeds of Betula pubescens and B. verrucosa.— 

643/1. AtNnus GLuTINosA (L.) Gaertn. McVean, D. N., 1956, Ecology 
of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. 3. Seedling establishment, J. Hcol., 44, 
195-218. 4. Root system, op. cit., 44, 219-225. 

646. Quercus. Fenton, E. W., 1956, An outline of oak distribution 
in Scotland and the need for local records, Scot. For., 10, 104-107. 

649. Facus. Borza, A., 1956, Uber Fagus orientalis und F. taurica 
in Ruminien sowie tiber die Verbreitung zweier Varietaten von F. 
silvatica, Fedde Rep. Spec. Nov., 59, 113-116. 

649/1. Faeus syuivatica L. Podgorska, J., 1955, Materialy do 
studium nad geograficzna zmiennoscia lisci buka (Fagus silvatica L.) w 
Polsce, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 24, 95-108. The distribution of Fagus sylva- 
tica in Poland is reviewed.—[{ D.H.K. | 

666/1. Eprirocium aPHYLLUM Sw. Smalleombe, W. A., 1954, 
Epipogium aphyllum, Reading Nat., 6, 1-3. An account of the 5 ap- 
pearances of this species in the Reading District from 1924-1953, with 
a photograph of the plant in situ. In 1953 careful removal of the beech 
litter at the exact spot where a flower appeared in 1931 showed the 
underground parts still apparently healthy, though there is no evidence 
of the plant’s having flowered in the interval. Similar search near the 
1953 flower revealed two more underground plants.—[J.O. ] 

669/7. OrcHIS INCARNATA L. MHeslop-Harrison, J., 1956, Some 
observations on Dactylorchis incarnata (L.) Verml. in the British Isles, 
Proc. Linn. Soc., 166, 51-82. Analytical studies of characteristic popula- 
tions of Orchis incarnata in the British Isles have shown that the 
taxonomic subdivision into subspecies is of limited application. The 
‘“‘subspp.’’ represent specialized ‘radiations’ of the species. There are 
also populations which cannot be reterred to any one infraspecific taxon. 
Numerous subspecific forms of D. incurnata have been described on the 
Continent, and some of these have obvious affinities with the British 
forms. <A key is given to the British ‘‘subspecies’’ which are discussed in 
detail. Flower variation (colour, flower patterning, labellum shape and 
spur size), floral variation and environmental influence and reproductive 
biology are also discussed.—[{ D.H.K. ] 

669/9(3). ORCHIS TRAUNSTEINERI Saut. Heslop-Harrison, J., 1956, 
Dactylorehis traunsteineri Saut. in Co. Antrim, Trish Nats. J., 12, 56-57. 

672. Opurys. Kullenberg, B., 1956, On the scents and colours of 
Ophrys flowers and their specific pollinators among the aculeate hymen- 
optera, Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 50, 25-46. 

672. Opnrys. Stebbins, G. L. & Ferlan, L., 1956, Population varia- 
bility, hybridization and introgression in some species of Ophrys, Evolu- 
tion, 10, 32-46. 

691— Potyconatrak, Therman, E., 1956, Cytotaxonomy of the 
tribe Polygonateae, Amer. J. Bot., 43, 134-142. 


713. ConcHicum. D’Amato, F., 1955, Revisione citosistematica del 
genere Colchicum. 1. C. autumnale L., C. lusitanicum Brot. e C. neo- 
poltanum Ten., Caryologia, 7, 292-348. 

719. Luzuna. Nordenskiodld, H., 1956, Cyto-taxonomical studies in 
the genus Luzula. 2. Hybridization experiments in the campestris- 
multiflora complex, Hereditas, 42, 7-73. 

721/2. TypHa aneustiroria L. Weatherup, R., 1956, An unusual 
bulrush from Co. Fermanagh, Irish Nats. J., 12, 43. A plant has been 
found in Co. Fermanagh with as well as the normal male and female 
spikes a second female spike formed with a sterile half inch or so of stem 
between it and the first spike.—[D.H.K. ] 

750/1. Ciapium mariscus R. Br. MHeslop-Harrison, J., 1956, 
Cladium mariscus in Co. Antrim, Irish Nats. J., 12, 72. Cladium maris- 
cus has been refound in Co. Antrim after being thought extinct.— 

753. Carex. Nelmes, E., 1956, Key to the Carices of the London 
Area, in Kent, D. H. & Lousley, J. E., A Hand List of the Plants of 
the London Area, part 6, 291-294. 

783/33: CAREX ¥FLACCA Schreb. Taylor, F. J., 1956, Carex  flacca 
Schreb. (Biological Flora), J. Hcol., 44, 281-290. 

754—> GRaMINEAE. Meredith, D., (Editor), 1955, The grasses and 
pastures of South Africa, pp. 1-771. Central News Agency, Cape Times 
Ltd., Parow, C.P. Price 63/-. Keys and describes all the known grasses 
of S. Africa, including many found as adventives in Britain. Numerous 
figures are given.—[D.H.K. | 

754—> GRAMINEAE. Senaratna, S. D. J. H., 1956, The. grasses of 
Ceylon, pp. 1-229, plus 52 plates. Peradeniya Manual No. 8. Price 15 
rupees. Figures, describes and keys the grasses of Ceylon. Many alien 
species found in Britain are included.—[D.H.K. | 

754-> GRAMINEAE. Takeoka, T., 1955, Karyotaxonomic studies in 
Poaceae. 2. Ann. Rep. Nat. Inst. Genetics (Japan), 5, 68-69. Chromo- 
some counts are given of 86 taxa of Gramineae including some species 
also found in Britain.—[D.H.K. ] 

777/1. PHLEUM PRATENSE L. Langer, R. H. M., 1956, Growth and 
nutrition of Timothy (Phleum pratense). 1. The life history of indi- 
vidual tillers, Ann. Appl. Biol., 44, 166-187. 

7777/2. PxHiEUM commuTatuM Gaudin. Michalski, T., 1955, Studia 
cytologiczno-morfologiczne nad Phleum commutatum z Tatr., Acta Soc. 
Bot. Pol., 24, 181-188. 

792/1. Hotcus moriis L. Ovington, J. D., & Scurfield, G., 1956, 
Holcus mollis L. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 44, 272-280. 

794. Avena. Joshi, A. B. & Howard, A. W., 1955, Meiotic irregu- 
larities in hexaploid oats. 4. Hybrids between Avena sativa (spring 
and winter varieties), A. fatua, A. sterilis, A. byzantina and A. nuda, J. 
Agric. Sci., 46, 183-190. 

794/7. Avena sativa L. Coffman, F. A., 1955, Avena sativa L. 
probably of Asiatic origin, Agron. J., 47, 281. Avena sativa-like forms 
have arisen from a variety of the polymorphous A. byzantina after its 


introduction into the U.S.A. It is suggested that A. sativa itself may 
have originated in a like manner when A. byzantina was brought by 
migrants from the Middle East to Europe.—[D.H.K. ] 

807. DanruHonta. Vickery, J. W., 1956, A revision of the Australian 
species of Danthonia, Contrib. New South Wales Nat. Herb., 2, 249-325. 

809. Kogrterta. Shinners, L. H., 1956, Illegitimacy of Persoon’s 
species of Koeleria (Gramineae), Rhodora, 57, 93-96. In his 
Synopsis Plantarum vol. 1, p. 97 (1805) Persoon described the genus 
Koeleria with 5 species. Four of the five names are illegitimate since 
an earlier legitimate epithet in the same rank is cited as a synonym 
but not taken up. The fifth (A. tuberosa) is illegitimate also since the 
synonymy quoted by Persoon with a question mark does in fact apply 
to the same plant. The earliest valid names for the five species are 
given as follows:—for K. gracilis—K. macrantha (Ledeb.) Spreng., 
Mant., 2, 345-46 (1824): for K. cristata—K. pyramidata (Lam.) Beauv., 
Agrost. pp. 84, 166 and 175 (1812): for K. phleoides—K. gerardi (Vill.) 
Shinners, comb. nov., based on Festuca gerardi Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauph., 
1, 249 (1786) (in footnote): for K. villosa—K. pubescens (lam.) Beauv. 
ex Cosson & Durieu, Fl. Alg., 2, p. 122 (1854-57): for K. tuberosa—K. 
pectinata (Lam.) Shinners, comb. nov. based on Poa pectinata Lam. IIl., 
1, p. 182 (1791)—[D.H.K. | 

825. GryceRIA. Gyjaerevell, O., 1955, Glyceria grandis S. Wats. som 
melleplante 1 Norge, Blyftia, 13, 109-112. The North American species 
Glyceria grandis S. Wats. has been detected in two localities in Norway 
where it is believed to have been introduced with American grain. In 

one locality it has been known to persist since 1918 but has hitherto been 
confused with G. marima.—[D.H.K. ] 

825/1. GrycERIA MAXIMA (Hartm.) Holmb. Gutteridge, R. L., 1954, 
Glyceria maxima on the Mississippi River, Ontario, 1953, Canad. Field 
Nat., 68, 133-135. Glyceria maxima has been found as a naturalised 
alien along 13 miles of the Mississippi river near Ottawa. It is com- 
pared with the related American G. grandis.—[D.H.K. ] 

826. Frstuca.—See 829/1. Lottum PERENNE. 

826/4. Festuca pRATENSIS Huds. Bosemark, N. O., 1956, On aeces- 
sory chromosomes in Festuca pratensis. 3. Frequency and geographical 
distribution of plants with accessory chromosomes, Hereditas, 42, 189-210. 
4. Cytology and inheritance of small and large accessory chromosomes, 
op. cit., 42, 235-260. 

'827/9. Bromus INERMIS Leyss. Nielsen, E. L., 1955, Cytological 
disturbances infiuencing fertility in Bromus inermis, Bot. Gaz., 116, 

829/1. Lotium PERENNE L. Carnahan, H. L., & Hill, H. D., 1955, 
Lolium perenne L. x tetraploid Festuca elatior L., triploid hybrids and 
colchicine treatments for inducing autoallohexaploids, Agron. J., 47, 

841—> ConriFERAE. Mehra, P. N. & Khoshoo, T. N., 1956, Cytology 
of conifers, J. Genetics, 54, 165-185. 


843. Picea. Laing, HE. W., 1956, The genus Abies and recognition 
of species, Scot. For., 10, 20-25. Includes keys to the identification of 
species (1) vegetative shoots and (2) cones and coning shoots.—[ D.H.K. | 

857/4. CysTopTERIS FRAGILIS (L.) Bernh. Wagner, W. H. Jr. & 
Hagenah, D. J., 1956, A diploid variety in the Cystopteris fragilis com- 
plex, Rhodora, 58, 79-87. 

872— CHaARACEAE. Wood, R. D. & Muenscher, W. C., 1956, The 
Characeae of the State of New York, Memoir 338, Cornell Univ. Experi- 
ment Station, Ithaca, New York. Keys and describes the Charophytes of 
New York State some of which also occur in Britain. Excellent figures 

are given.—[D.H.K. | 


1, W. Cornwatt. Coombe, D. E. & Frost, L. C., 1956, The heaths 
of the Cornish serpentine, J. Keol., 44, 226-255. 

3, S. Devon. Burke, D. P. T., 1956, An investigation of factors in- 
fluencing the luxuriance of the field layer on different slopes in Epps- 
cleave Wood, Mag. Blundell’s School Sci. Soc., 10, 20-26. 

3-4, Devon. Martin, W. Keble, 1955, 47th report on the botany of 
Devon. Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assoc., 87, 327-330. 

4. N. Devon. Gillham, M. E., 1955, Some effects of the larger 
animals on the flora of Lundy, Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assoc., 87, 206-209. 

6, N. Som. & 34, W. Gros. Sandwith, C. I. & N. Y., 1955, Bristol 
botany in 1954, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 17-24. 

7, N. Witts. Grose, J. D., 1955, A botanical survey of Colerne Park, 
Wilts. Arch. & N.H. Mag., 56, 39-47. 

7-8, Witts. Grose, J. D., 1955. Wiltshire plant notes (16), Welts. 
Arch. & N.H. Mag., 56, 35-38. Gives further localities for Wilts. plants, 
including some new vice-county records.—[ D.H.K. | 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18-19, Essex, 20, Herts, 21, Mippx. & 
24" Bucks. Kent, D. H. & Lousley, J. H., 1956, A Hand Last of the 
Plants of the London Area, part 6, Juncaceae to Gramineae (Festuca), 
supplement Lond. Nat., 35. Includes a key to Carex of the London 
area by EK. Nelmes.—[D.H.K. ] 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18-19, Essex, 20, Herts, 21, Mippx. & 
24, Bucks. Lousley, J. E., 1956, Botanical records for 1955, Lond. Nat., 
35, 2-6. Gives a selection of the more interesting records from the Lon- 
don area in 1955.—[D.H.K. | 

17, Surrey. Polunin, O., 1954, The flora of Godalming and Charter- 
house, The Carthusian, 21, 181-184 and 253-256. A systematic account 
of the flora of the Godalming area to the genus Rosa.—[ D.H.K. | 

18, S. Essex. Jermyn, S. T., 1956, Botanical notes and records: 
mainly for the Rochford Hundred, S. Essex Nat., 1955, 42-70. 

21, Mippx. Murray, D., 1956, The flora of Chiswick, 1955, 6 pp. 
Privately printed. A systematic list of flowering plants and vascular 
cryptogams observed by the author during 1955.—[D.H.K. ] 


25, EK. SurrotK. 1950-55, Botany, Ann. Rep. Lowestoft Field Club, 
5, 153-155, 6, 192-194, 7, 225-226, 8, 253-254 and 9, 280-282. Gives de- 
tails of the more interesting plants found in the Lowestoft area.— 
(DEK 3] 

32, NortHants. Gray, D. S. & Timperley, W. R., 1955, The colonisa- 
tion of open cast spoil heaps by plants, Ann. Rep. Oundle School N.H.S., 
1955, 51-57. Studies on spoil heaps at Deene, Northants. The area 
examined showed spoil heaps up to 30 years old; work there ceased in 
1951. In the early stages Tussilago farfara becomes dominant but is later 
replaced by Calamagrostis epigejos. After about 10-15 years trees and 
shrubs become established, and if left to develop the area might revert 
to woodland in 40-50 years.—[D.H.K. ] 

33-34, Guos. Fleming, G. W. T. H., 1955, Phanerogams and vascular 
cryptogams, Proc. Cotteswold N.F.C., 31, 256-262. Many alien species 
are recorded from Avonmouth Dock, Bristol, and Sharpness Dock, 
Gloucester.—[ D.H.K. | 

34, W. Gros.—See 6, N. Som. 

38, Warwick. Cooper, G., 1956, Some notes on the flora of the Avon 
and canal at Emscote, Ann. Rep. Warwick N.H.S., 1956, 11-12. 

38, Warwick. Hawkes, J. G., Readett, R. C. & Skelding, A. D., 
1956, The Warwickshire County Flora revision, mapping distribution, 
Proc. Birmingham N.H. & Phil. Soc., 18, 109-112. 

38, Warwick. Roberts, H. A., 1956, Unusual plants in common 
places, Ann. Rep. Warwick N.H.S., 1956, 9-10. A few notes on plants 
seen in the Wellesbourne district.—{D.H.K. ] 

39, Starrs. Rees, W. J., 1956, Some preliminary observations on the 
flora of derelict land, Proc. Birm. N.H. d& Phil. Soc., 18, 119-129. A 
preliminary account of the flora of coal measure spoil heaps of various 
ages, furnace slag heaps, ete., in the industrial areas of Staffs.— 

41, Guam. Carter, P. W., 1955, Some account of the history of 
botanical exploration in Glamorgan, Trans. Cardiff. Nats. Soc., 82, 5-31. 

41, Guam. Wade, A. E., 1956, Botanical notes, 1953-54, Trans. 
Cardiff Nats. Soc., 83, 25-26. 

44, Carm., 45, Pems., 46, Carp. & 48, Mer. Vaughan, I. M., 1956, 
Iield Notes: botanical, Nature in Wales, 2, 230-231. Gives several new 
vice-county records.—[ D.H.K. ] 

45, Prmp. Gillham, M. E., 1956, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire 
islands. 4. Effects of treading and burrowing by birds and mammals, 
J. Ecol., 44, 51-82. 

46, Carp. Barker, D. J. P., 1955, A Welsh gorge, Ann. Rep. Oundle 
School N.H.S., 1955, 39-40. A short account of the plant life of a gorge 
near the village of Elerch, Aberystwyth.—[ D.H.K. ] 

46, Carp. Jones, H., 1956, Studies in the ecology of the river 
Rheidol. 2. An ox-bow of the lower Rheidol, J. Eeol., 44, 12-27 

ame ie 
48, Mer. Carter, P. W., 1955, Some account of botanical exploration 
in Merionethshire, Merioneth Miscellany, 3, 1-40. A good detailed 

——_—-— oe. 


account of botanical exploration in this much-botanised county, to- 
gether with a list of most of the published references to the flora.— 

53-54, Lincs. Gibbons, EH. J., 1955, Botany, Trans. Lincs. Nats. 
Union, 13, 246-248. 

61-65, Yorks. Shaw, G. A., 1956, Plant records, The Nat., 1956, 
28-30. Records are given for all the vice-counties.—[A.E.W. ] 

64, Mip-W. Yorks. Holmes, P. F., 1956, Malham Tarn: a back- 
ground for freshwater biologists, Field Studies Council Ann. Rep., 
1954-55, 48-57. Gives some details of the aquatic vegetation of Malham 
Tarn.—[D.H.K. ] 

66, DuraAm. Morgan, D., 1955, Extermination of plants on the 
Wear at Wolsingham (66), Vasc. (Subst.), 40, 14. A short note on the 
wholesale disappearance of many riverside plants due to gravel bed 
operations.—[ D.H.K. ] 

66, Durnam & 67-68, NortHums.  Heslop-Harrison, J. W., 1956, 
Records: flowering plants, The Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 7. 

77, LANARK. Patton, D. & Rennie, W., 1955, The plants of Possil 
Marsh, Glasgow Nat., 17, 161-172. 216 plants are recorded, of which 
18 have disappeared from the marsh.—[A.E.W. ] 

85, Fire. Eggeling, W. J., 1956, The flowering plants and ferns of 
the Isle of May, Firth of Forth, Fife (v.c. 85), Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. 
Edinb., 37, 11-23. 

92, S. ABERDEEN, 94, BAnFr & 96, EasterRNESS. Roger, J. G., 1956, 
Flowering plants of the Cairngorms, Cairngorms Club J., 17, 57-72. 

H.18, Orraty. Moore, J. J., 1956, Plants associated with Ramischia 
(Pyrola) secunda on Pollagh Bog, Offaly, Irish Nats. J., 12, 42-43. 

S., GUERNSEY. Girard, P. J., 1955, New botanical records for 
Guernsey, Rep. & Trans. Soc. Guern., 15, 339-340. Helaxine soleirolii, 
Saponaria officinalis and Lysimachia vulgaris are reported as new to 
Guernsey.—[D.H.K. ] . 

S., Sark. Sowerby, W. B. H., 1955, Some new records for Sark 
(Channel Islands), Rep. & Trans. Soc. Guern., 15, 340-342. 


Acnew, A. D. Q., 1954, Some problems in the ecology of rush-infested 
pastures, Proc. Brit. Weed Control. Conf., 1954, 89-94. 

BercHEN, C. V. & CoutEaux, M., 1955, Contribution a l’étude de la 
végétation et de la flore du district Lorrain, 3. Note sur la végétation 
forestiere du district Lorrain, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belge, 87, 231-240, 
Three types of forest are found in the Lorrain district: typical beech, 
mixed beech, oak and hornbeam and a sub-association of the latter 
(with Pulmonaria officinalis). These three are briefly described and 
their distribution indicated by a map. The sub-association is analysed 
in more detail by a table showing the distribution of about 120 species 
(most are also found in Britain) over 36 woodland stations.—[E.B.B.] 

Coomsg, D., 1955, Plant growth and light in woodlands, Abstr. Diss. 
Camb., 1952-53, 15-16, Experimental autecological studies of the growth 


of Impatiens parviflora in woodlands were carried out in order to 
elucidate the relations between plant distribution in space and time 
and the physical environment, and to test the validity of various 
measurements of the light climate.—[D.H.K. ] 

CoutrAaux, M., 1954-55, Contribution a l’étude de la végétation et 
de la flore du district Lorrain. 2. Aspect varié du paysage botanique, 
Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belge, 86, 255-263. The varied aspect of the 
vegetational pattern in the district of Lorrain is due to the presence 
of six different botanical landscapes; these are defined and described 
and their various plant associations are given: 4. La végétation com- 
mensable des cultures, op. cit., 87, 241-255. The associations found on 
cultivated land are described and discussed. A map shows the areas 
studied and six tables analyse the distribution of the species (mostly 
also found in Britain) concerned.—[ E.B.B. | 

DizerBo, A. H., 1955, Observations sur la flore phanérogamique de 
la presqu’ile de Crozon (Finistere), Bull. Soc. Sci. Bret., 29, 59-63. 
Notes on 12 phanerogamic and 4 cryptogamic species occurring in the 
Crozon peninsula (nearly all occur in the British Isles).—[{E.B.B.] 

Dupont, P., 1955, La végétation des marais de la Vilaine maritime, 
Bull. Soc. Sci. Bret., 29, 65-104. An ecological study of the marshes 
of the maritime section of the river Vilaine (Morbihan). One, that of 
Fégréac, is dealt with in detail, associations of successive zones being 
listed and analysed. The other marshes are treated together. Some 
suggestions are made for extending some types of terrain and reclaim- 
ing others. Maps and tables illustrate the work.—[ E.B.B. ] 

GorHam, E., 1956, The ionic composition of some bog and fen waters 
in the English Lake District, J. Ecol., 44, 142-152. 

GorHAM, I. & PeEarsatt, W. H., 1956, Acidity, specific conductivity 
and calcium content of some bog and fen waters in northern Britain, 
J. Heol., 44, 129-141. 

GuinocHet, M., 1954, Sur les fondements statistiques de la phyto- 
sociologie et quelques unes de leurs conséquences, Veroff. Geobot. Inst. 
Riibel Zurich, 29, 41-67. A method of applying statistical analyses to 
the study of plant associations is described. Various mathematical 
formulae are evolved from the tables and histograms which illustrate 
the text.—[E.B.B.] 

Hosss, R. F., 1955, Some notes on the ecology of the chalk downs, 
Rep. Eton College N.H.S., 11, 26-28. 

Hopkins, B., 1955, The species-area relations of plant communities, 
J. EKcol., 43, 409-426. 

Jerrree, KE. P., 1955, Temperature ranges and distributions of some 
vascular plants, Nature, 176, 703-704. Attempts to fit isotherms to 
certain limits of areas of plant distributions in the ‘‘Biological Flora”’ 
and other works are discussed and analysed. A new method of repre- 
senting the limits of a plant’s area of distribution by a combination of 
upper and lower limits respectively both for January and July (with 
January and July limits transposed for the southern hemisphere) is 


Forty-one distributions have so far been plotted by this method, in- 
cluding the twenty-areas given by J. R. Matthews in his Origin and 
Distribution of the British Flora (1955), seven from the ‘‘Biological 
Flora’’ and fourteen from other sources. In this survey, thirty gave real 
_ approximations to the given distributions, whereas in ten there were 
discrepancies which seemed of greater importance, and in one (Lloydia 
serotina) the fit was not satisfactory with the approximate and not very 
detailed isotherms which have so far been used. The possible reasons 
for this are discussed. Maps are given showing distributions of 
Ranunculus lenormandi, Pica excelsa (P. abies) and Ilex aquifolium by 
various authors and by the present writer’s method.—[D.H.K. ] 

Keutett, EF. G., 1955, How to begin the study of plant ecology, 
Country-side (N.S.), 17, 182-191. 

LEBRUN, J., NormrFaLisE, A. & SouGnez, N., 1955, Sur la flore et la 
végétation du territoire de la Basse-Meuse, 1, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belge, 
87, 157-194. 

McNett, W. M., 1955, Studies of surface vegetation and natural 
regeneration in a mature Scots Pine wood in Aberdeenshire, Forestry, 
28, 49-65. Observations and data are recorded regarding the changes 
which take place in the composition and pattern of the surface vegetation 
immediately following regeneration fellings in a 75 to 85 year old 
plantation composed principally of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). The 
study covers a period of five years, 1946 to 1950. During the same period 
all natural regeneration of tree species was charted and counted and 
the results are given. The wood selected for the study was one where 
it was known that natural regeneration was difficult to obtain. The 
soil and site factors in the area examined are similar to those in many 
artificially formed coniferous plantations in the north-east of Scotland. 
—[Author’s summary. ] 

NewsouLp, P. J. & GorHam, E., 1956, Acidity and specific con- 
ductivity measurements in some plant communities of the New Forest 
valley bogs, J. Hcol., 44, 118-128. 

Ovineton, J. D., 1955-56, Studies of the development of woodland 
conditions under different trees. 3. The ground flora, J. Hcol., 43, 1-21. 
4. The ignition loss, water, carbon and nitrogen content of the mineral 
soul, ‘op. cit., 44, 171-179. 

Ovineton, J. D., 1955, The ecological conditions of different wood- 
land types, Proc. Linn. Soc., 165, 103-105. 

Ovineton, J. D. & Mapnewick, H. A. I., 1955, A comparison of light 
in different woodlands, Forestry, 28, 141-146. 

Poort, M. E. D., 1955-56, The use of phytosociological methods in 
ecological investigations. 1. The Braun-Blanquet system, J. Hcol., 43, 
226-244. 2. Practical issues involved in an attempt to apply the Braun- 
Blanquet system, op. cit., 43, 245-269. 3. Practical application, op. cit., 
43, 606-651. 4. General discussion of phytosociological problems, op. cit., 
44, 28-50. 

Ricwarvpson, 8S. D., 1955, Effects of sea-water flooding on tree growth 
in the Netherlands, Quart. J. For., 49, 22-28. An account is given of 
the flood damage suffered by trees in south-west Holland as a result 


of the great storm of January 31l-February 1, 1953, and a comparison is 
made with that recorded in England. The research now being under- 
taken in Holland in connection with flood damage to trees is also briefly 
described.—[ D.H.K. ] 

Rosinson, P., 1955, The estimation of ground cover by the point 
quadrat method, Ann. Bot., 19, 59-66. 

Rutter, A. J., 1955, The composition of wet-heath vegetation in 
relation to the water-table, J. Ecol., 43, 507-543. 

SKeLLAM, J. G., 1955, Quadrat sampling from the mathematical stand- 
point, Proc. Linn. Soc., 165, 95-102. 

Wiis S. J., 1954, Observations on the weed problem of allotments 
based on a survey, Proc. Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 71-74. Studies 
on the weed flora of a number of allotments in an urban area of Hert- 
fordshire, inciuding tables showing the most prevalent weeds on the 

various sites.—[D.H.K. ] 


Eytes, J. M., 1955, John Ray, F.R.S. (1627-1705), Nature, 175, 103- 

Gitmour, J. S. L., 1955, Linnaeus’s ‘Species Plantarum’; the man 
and the book, Proc. Linn. Soc., 165, 156-157. 

Ramspotrtom, J., 1955, Linnaeus’s nomenclature, Proc. Linn. Soe., 
165, 164-166. 

Ross, R., 1956, An unrecorded reprint of Sir J. E. Smith, The 
Knglish Flora, vol. 5, part 1, J. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist., 3, 133-134. 

Spracuk, T. A., 1955, Peculiarities in old botanical books, Proce. 
Cotteswold N.F.C., 31, 228-229. 

Spracug, T. A., 1955, The plan of the ‘Species Plantarum’, Proc. 
Linn. Soc., 165, 151-156. 

STEARN, W. T., 1955, Linnaeus’s ‘Species Plantarum’ and the 
language of botany, Proc. Linn. Soc., 165, 158-161. 

STEaARN, W. T., 1956, Bentham & Hooker’s ‘Genera Plantarum’: its 
history and dates of publication, J. Soc. Bibl. Nat. Hist., 3, 127-132. 

YoncrE, C. M., 1955, George Johnston and the Ray Society, 
Endeavour, 14, 136-139. 


Beatson, M. E., 1955, Sub-fossil pollen of Lemna in Quaternary 
deposits: Data for the study of Post-Glacial history, 15, New Phyt., 
54, 208. 

BerGuen, C. V., 1954, Le peuplement Végétal de la Belgique durant 
le Quaternaire, Nat. Belge, 35, 173-186. 

Kpwarps, W. N., 1955, The geographical distribution of past floras, 
Adv. Sct., 12, 165-176 

Fraser, G. K. & Gopwiy, H., 1955, Two Scottish pollen diagrams: 
Carnwath Moss, Lanarkshire, and Strichen Moss, Aberdeenshire: Data 
for the study of Post-Glacial History 17, New Phyt,, 54, 216-221, 


Gopwin, H., 1955, Vegetational history at Cwm Idwal: a Welsh 
plant refuge, Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 1955, 35-43. 

JENNINGS, J. N., 1955, Further pollen data from the Norfolk Broads: 
Data for the study of Post-Glacial History, 14, New Phyt., 54, 199-207. 

JESSEN, K., 1955, Key to sub-fossil Potamogeton, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 

MitcHe.t, G. F., 1956, Post-Boreal pollen-diagrams from Irish raised 
bogs, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 57, Sect. B., 185-251. 

Waker, D., 1955, Studies in the Post-Glacial History of British 
vegetation, 14. Skelsmergh Tarn and Kentmere, Westmorland, New 
Phyt., 54, 222-254. 

Waker, D. & Lampert, C. A., 1955, Boreal deposits at Kirkby 
Thore, Westmorland: Data for the study of Post-Glacial History, 16, 
New Phyt., 54, 209-215. 


Burton, M. P., 1955, Preservation of botanical specimens in natural 
form by a thin plastic cast (not embedment), New Zeal. J. Scr. Techn, 
36B, 479-487. 

Daviss, D. A. L. & Baucu, V. S. G., 1956, Preservation of animals 
and plants by drying from the frozen state, Nature, 177, 657-658. 

GatinaT, M., 1956, Notes complémentaires relatives a la préparation 
des herbiers, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1956, 6-8. Useful informa- 
tion on pressing and mounting of specimens is given, including: use of 
padding; construction of a home-made ‘‘drying room’’; choosing size 
of herbarium sheets, etc. The placing of material high up and away 
from windows is recommended against insect attack.—[H.B.B. ] 

Iptz, D. B., 1955, An auxanometer for isolated plant sections, 
Nature, 176, 778-780. 

Pasot, H., 1955, La notation des facteurs stationnels dans les herbiers. 
Proposition d’un systeme figuratif, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 244-247. 
A system is proposed of small diagrammatic signs for indicating various 
types of habitat for field-lists, herbarium labels, margins of Floras, 
etc. 84 such signs are illustrated.—[E.B.B. ] 

Rouuins, R. C., 1955, The Archer method for mounting herbarium 
specimens, Rhodora, 57, 294-299. Outlines a method for mounting 
plant specimens by means of a plastic medium.—[D.H.K.] 

Weser, J. R., 1953, A thermosetting resin for more permanent pre- 
servation of botanical specimens, Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 60, 275-277. 


Gueason, H. A., 1956, On authors’ citations in plant names, Rhodora, 
58, 88-96. 

Srartev, F. A., 1954, Nomenclature at, the Paris Congress, Tazon, 
3, 217-225. 

Wir, H. C. D. ve, 1956, Nomina nuda are not illegitimate!, Tazon, 
5, 4-7. 



ANDREANSZKY, G., 1954, Climatic limits of tree growth and palaeo- 
botanical research work, Acta Bot. Hung., 1, 1-14. 

ANDREANSZKY, G., 1955, Sur les centres d’évolution des types 
biologiques, Acta Bot. Hung., 1, 233-241. 

Aupus, L. J., 1955, Growth substances and plant development, 
Endeavour, 14, 205-211. 

Baume, O. E., 1954, Preliminary experiments on the effect of the 
selective weedkiller 2, 4-D on the vegetation of roadside verges, Proc. 
Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 219-228. Roadside verges provide a 
variety of habitats for characteristic communities of ecological interest. 
Experiments are being carried out to demonstrate the effects of 2, 4-D 
on types of verge vegetation. On all sites spraying has reduced the 
proportion of dicotyledons in the sward. This has been brought about 
mainly by eradicating a few species which were originally present in 
significant quantities, e.g., Ranunculus repens, Stachys, Utrica, etc. 
There is no conclusive evidence for a positive effect on the agricultural 
weeds Rumex crispus and Cirstum arvense. The ecologically important 
species of Anthriscus and Heraclewm have not been reduced to a signi- 
ficant extent but show evidence of susceptibility on some sites.— 
{Author’s summary, p.p. ] 

Barnes, B., 1955, Poisonous plants in Britain, Discovery, 16, 343- 
345. Popular account of poisonous British plants, including Conium, 
Atropa, Agrostemma, Aethusa, Taxus and Datura.—[D.H.K.]} 

BaszynskI, T., 1955, Mikroelementary w niektorych gatunkach traw 
i roslin motylkowych, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 24, 334-340. Studies on the 
content of copper, cobalt and magnesium ions in 37 species of grasses 
and leguminous plants.—[D.H.K. | 

Battacuia, EK., 1955, Chromosome morphology and _ terminology, 
Caryologia, 8, 179-187. 

Beckett, G. J., 1954, Collecting ferns in northern England, New 
Biologian, 3, 7-9. 

Berceren, G., 1956, Vaxtmaterial fran triaskboplatsen; dagsmosse, 
Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 50, 97-112. 

Bocner, T. W., & Larsen, K., 1955, Chromosome studies on some 
Kuropean flowering plants, Bot. Tidssk., 52, 125-132. Plants studied 
include Centaurea scabiosa, Senecio jacobaea, Chaerophyllum temulum, 
Anthriscus sylvestris, Geranium robertianum, G. purpureum, Sarotham- 
nus scoparius, Dryas octopetala and Turritis glabra.—{D.H.K.] 

BreEMEKAMP, ©, E. B., 1956, The concepts on which a morphology of 
the vascular plants should be based, Acta Bot. Neerl., 5, 122-134. 

CARPENTER, K. & Wiuson, C., 1954, The use of 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T 
brush-killers on railway embankments, Proc. Brit. Weed Control Conf., 
1954, 523-533. 

CrapHam, A. R., 1956, Autecological studies and the ‘Biological Flora 
of the British Isles’, J. Heol, 44, 1-11. 

CoLEMAN, I*., 1954, Weed seed dispersal by machinery, Proc. Brit. 
Weed Control Conf., 1954, 295-300. 

~~ a 


Couuison, R. L., 1955, Dictionaries of Foreign lunguages. Hatner 
Publishing Co., London. Price 27/6. Lists a number of specialised 
biological and botanical dictionaries.—[ D.H.K. | 

Corinuion, R., 1954, Phanérogames intéressantes pour la Bretagne, 7, 
Bull. Soc. Scr. Bretagne, 28, 55-64. Plant notes on 49 phanerogamic 
species and on 2 vascular cryptogams (appendix). Discussion is mainly 
on distribution but some ecological information is also given in many 
cases. Particular attention is given to Carex serotina, Malaxis (Ham- 
marbya) paludosa and Statice (Iamonium) occidentalis.—[E.B.B. | 

Curtis, J. T., 1955, A note on recent work dealing with the spatial 
distribution of plants, J. Ecol., 43, 309. 

Davies J. & Evans, S. A., 1954, Sward destruction by T.C.A., Proc. 
Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 205-211. Reports on three observation 
trials where T.C.A. has been applied at various rates at two times of 
the year to undisturbed swards on the hills of Staffordshire and Shrop- 
shire.—[ Authors’ summary p.p. | 

Demerec, M., 1955, What is a gene?—twenty years later, Amer. 
Nat., 89, 5-20. 

Duten, R., 1955, Modification d’une flore en cinquante années, Bull. 
Soc. Bot. France, 102, 242-243. A list of 50 species (many occurring in 
the British Isles) which have been observed as new to, or as extending 
their range in, the district around Cercy-la-Tour during the past 50 
years.—[ E.B.B. ] 

Dormer, K. J., 1955, Mathematical aspects of plant development, 
Discovery, 16, 59-64. 

GJAEREVOLL, O., 1956, The plant communities of the Scandinavian 
alpine snow beds, Det. Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift., 19, 1-405. 

Giock, W. S., 1955, Growth rings and climate, Bot. Rev., 21, 73-188. 

Gricson, G., 1954, Flowers in the witness box, Country Life, 115, 

Haccius, B., 1955, Experimentally induced twinning in plants, 
Nature, 176, 355-356. 

Hacervup, O., 1954, Autogamy in some drooping bicornes flowers, 
Bot. Tidssk., 51, 103-116. 

Heywoop, V. H., 1956, The University Herbarium, Liverpool, 
Taxon, 5, 10-11. An account of the collections at the University of 
Liverpool and of the research being undertaken there.—[D.H.K.] | 

Hotripay, R., Townsenn, W. N. & Hopeson, D., 1955, Plant growth 
on ‘fly ash’, Nature, 176, 983-984. Gives details of experiments being 
carried out at Leeds towards rendering ‘fly ash’ in itself a medium 
suitable for plant growth._[D.H.K. ] 

Hype, H. A., 1955, Oncus, a new term in pollen morphology, New 
Phyt., 54, 255-256. 

Hyver, H. A., 1955, A census of atmospheric pollen and its possible 
application, Proc. Linn. Soc., 165, 107-112. 
JENTYS-SzZAFEROWA, J., 1955, Wielopostaciowoge ligci drzew i je] 

prayczyny, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 24, 207-236. Studies on the polymor- 
phism of tree leaves and its causes.—[D.H.K. ] 


Keiiett, EK. G. & Morse, R., 1955, Albinism in flowers, Country- 
side (N.S.), 17, 297-299. 

KemptHorne, O., 1955, The correlation between relatives in a simple 
autotetraploid population, Genetics, 40, 168-174. 

Kotz, M., 1954, Characterization of plant groups by area coverage, 
Bot. Tidssk., 51, 157-171. 

Leprix, E. E., 1955, Some view points on the origin and evolution of 
flowering plants, Acta Bioth., 11, 45-56. 

Lewis, J., 1955, An aspect of judgment in taxonomy, Tazon, 4, 73-77. 

Lip, J., 1955, Nye plantefunn, 1952-54, Blyttia, 13, 33-49. Species 
new to Denmark between 1952 and 1954 include 24 adventives.— 
Da. Ks] 

Loustey, J. E., 1954, The amateur botanist in 1954, S.E. Nat. & 
Antiq., 59, 15-20. 

Loustry, J. E., 1955, The British flora during 1955, Nature, 177, 
18-20. An account of exhibits shown at the exhibition meeting held in 
London by the B.S.B.I. in November, 1955.—[D.H.K. ] 

Loustey, J. E., 1956, Progress in the study of the British flora, 
Nature, 177, 1162-1164. An account of the Conference held in London 
by the Botanical Society of the British Isles in April, 1956.—[D.H.K. } 

MatuHer, K., 1955, Biological organization, Adv. Sci., 12, 250-257. 

MeuxKnecut, J. G., 1955, On the ideal value of varying characters, 
Acta Bot. Neerl., 4, 273-320. 

Moore, R. W., 1955, Physical factors in seed dispersal, Mag. Blun- 
dell’s School Sct. Soc., 9, 25-36. Studies in the seed dispersal of 
Aquilegia, Meconopsis cambrica, Melandrium dioicum, Acer pseudo- 
platanus, Taraxacum and Fraxinus.—[D.H.K.] 

Murer, P., 1955, Verbreitungsbiologie der Bliitenpflanzen, Veréff. 
Geobot. Inst. Riibel, 30, 3-152. 

NorpuHaGEN, R., 1954, Om gjennombruddet av den engelske land- 
skapsstil i nordisk havekunst og dens betydnining for Nordens flora, 
Blyttia, 12, 37-101. The introduction of the English landscape style 
into Scandinavian ornamental gardening about 1770-1780 and its bear- 
ing on the flora of Scandinavia is outlined and discussed. Luzula 
luzuloides, Poa chaixi, Phyteuma spicatum, Hieracium aurantiacum and 
II. grandidens are all known to have been introduced with grass seed 
used in laying out lawns, and are now naturalised in old lawns, under 
trees and in the parks of castles and old mansions.—{D.H.K. ] 

NorpDHAGEN, R., 1954, Om Poa chaixii i det gamle parkanlegg pa 
Rotvoll ved Trondheim oget funn ay Luzula luzuloides i Lunden pa 
Kjorbo i Baerum, Blyttia, 12, 158-166. 

Nozeran, R., 1955, Contributions a l’étude de quelques structures 
florales (essai de morphologie florale comparée), Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 16, 
1-224, In this study of comparative morphology, methods and technique 
are described, theories of floral evolution reviewed and the floral struc- 
ture of a large number of groups analysed. One conclusion is that only 
a pre-floral state has been reached in many groups regarded as having 
true flowers. 279 figures illustrate the account.—[E.B.B.] 

SS ee ee 


OsKarsson, I., 1954, Ny jungar tr groédurriki Islands, Natturi 24, 
22-30. New localities are given for Icelandic plants. Carex canescens 
x dioica is new to the island.—[ D.H.K. ] 

PEDERSEN, A., 1955, Indslaebte planter ved jernbanerne, Flora og 
Fauna, 61, 81-109. A very interesting account, illustrated by maps, 
of the occurrence and spread of introduced plants over the Danish rail- 
way system. The methods of introduction of the various adventives are 
discussed and the following species are treated in detail:—Corrigiola 
litoralis, of very rare indigenous occurrence in the southernmost part 
of Jutland has probably been introduced to railways in north and south 
Slesvig with gravel and has now spread to almost all stations in West 
Jutland; its spread eastward is impeded by soil conditions. Chaenor- 
hinum minus is considered to have migrated to the railways from fields 
on the Danish islands and elsewhere. Matricaria matricarioides was 
found for the first time in 1841, having escaped from Botanical Gardens 
in Copenhagen. It has spread to all the Danish stations in the last 50 
years. Senecio viscosus has spread into Denmark from Germany. 
Erigeron canadensis has been known in Denmark since 1821 but its 
spread has only begun to accelerate since the 1930’s, especially under 
the German occupation. Diplotuxis muralis was introduced by way of 
the seaports in the 1880’s and in the last thirty years has been chiefly 
spread along the railways. Bromus tectorwm was partly introduced by 
way of harbours and partly by being sown with impure grass seed. The 
spread by rail has, among others, happened from Copenhagen, and 
over the border from Germany.—[D.H.K. ] 

Porscu, O., 1956, Windpollen und Blumeninsekt, Osterr. Bot. 
Zeitschr., 103, 1-18. 

PERRING, F., 1955, Mapping wild flowers, Country-side (N.S.), 17, 30- 

Rees, W. J. & Siprak, G. H., 1955, Plant growth on ‘fly-ash’, Nature, 
176, 352. Preliminary field observation has suggested that ‘fiy-ash’ 
(pulverised fuel waste from power station boilers) might contain certain 
substances which seriously retard the growth of plants and the common 
weeds of industrial waste ground seem unable to colonize the materia] 
with three exceptions. The most successful colonist is Atriplex hastata. 
—[D.H.K. ] 

Rickert, H. W., 1955, Materials for a dictionary of botanical terms. 
3. Inflorescences, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 82, 419-445. 

Rennine, O. I., 1954, Some new plant finds from Arctic Norway, 
Acta Borealia, A. Scienta, 7, 1-20. New extensions to the northern limits 
of a number of species many of which also occur in Britain.—[D.H.K. ] 

Satispury, E. J., 1954, Weed dispersal and persistence, Proc. Brit. 
Weed Control Conf., 1954, 289-294. 

Ssors, H., 1955, Remarks on ecosystems, Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 1955, 

SmitH, A. M., 1955, Leafing and leaf-fall dates of three common 
trees, The Nat., 1955, 5-6. Studies on the leafing-out in spring and the 
leaf-fall in autumn in Aesculus, Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior.— 

(ee. K.| 


Smiru, F. D., 1955, The revolution in weed killing, Discovery, 16, 

Snow, R. P., 1955, Problems of phyllotaxis and leaf determination, 
Endeavour, 14, 190-199. 

Sod, R., 1954, Die umgestaltende Wirkung der kiinstich verandertern 
Lebensbedingungen auf die Pflanzen, Acta Bot. Hung., 1, 180-191. 

Sporne, K. R., 1956, The phylogenetic classification of the angio- 
sperms, Biol. Rev., 31, 1-29. 

STEELE, B., 1955, Soil pH and base status as factors in the distribu- 
tion of ecalcicoles, J. Hcol., 43, 120-132. 

Street, H. E., 1955, The scientific study of plants, Nature, 176, 1240- 

Van Ooststroom, S. J. & Retcueett, T. J., 1955, Nieuwe planten- 
soorten en vorinen in Nederland Gevonden in 1954, De Levende Nutuur, 
58, 224-9296. Many new adventives are included in the account.— 

Van OoststrRoom, S. J. & REtcHeELT, T. J., 1956, Floristische notities. 
1-18, Acta Bot. Neerl., 5, 102-114. Includes details of a number of new 
adventives found in the Netherlands.—[D.H.K. } 

Van Zeist, W., 1955, Pollen analytical investigations in the northern 
Netherlands, Med. Bot. Mus. Rijksuniversitet Utrecht, 127, 1-81. 

VissER, T., 1955, Germination and storage of pollen, Med. Landbou- 
whoogesch. Wagen., 55, 1-68. 

Warn, R. L., 1955, A new approach to selective weed control, Ann. 
Appl. Biol., 42, 151-157. 

Watters, S. M., 1955, Welsh recording for the B.S.B.I. Distribution 
Maps Scheme, Nature in Wales, 1, 68-70. 

Warpiaw, C. W., 1955, Evidence relating to the diffusion-reaction 
theory of morphogenesis, New Phyt., 54, 39-48. 

WarEING, P. F., 1956, Photoperiodism and its practical importance, 
Discovery, 17, 55-60. 

Wess, D. A., 1954, Is the classification of plant communities either 
possible or desirable?, Bot. Tiddsk., 51, 362-370. 

WuittincHam, C. P., 1955, Photosynthesis, Endeavour, 14, 173-180. 

WitiiaMs, C. G., 1954, The problem of weeds in herbage seed crops, 
Proc. Brit. Weed Control Conf., 1954, 101-109. 

Witson, A., the late, 1955, The altitudinal range of British plants: 
second edition: revised and enlarged, 1949, 1-28, Suppl. to N.W. Nat. 
(NS). : 2. 



Aprit 15th, 1954. Epping Forest 

Leader: Miss H. FrRanxKs 

A party of 40 met at Loughton station for the first Junior Iield 
Meeting of the Society. A study was made of the types of trees in 
Epping Forest and of the effects of pollarding to which many of them 
had been subjected. Methods of identifying the trees in the absence 
of their leaves were described. 

Golding’s Ponds showed an interesting willow community in the 
lower pond and a young growth of horsetails, water crowfoot and water 
lily in the upper pond. 

A visit was made to the Kast Ham Field Centre at Debden House 
for lunch and to view the house and gardens. 

A walk through varied woodland, via Jack’s Hill where Salix repens 
was found in a swamp, brought the party te Amberley Mounds. Here 
many un-pollarded trees were found for comparison. 

The return to Loughton was made by way of Epping Thicks with 
its hollies and hawthorns in contrast to the forest trees, and Theydon 
Bois where a stop was made for tea. 

Included in the party were 30 Sixth Form students from 12 of the 
London Grammar Schools and a French student from the Rouen 
Technical College.—A. W. WEsTRUP. 

JUNE 25th to 28th, 1954. THe WiLTsHIRE CHALK 
Leader: Dr. D. E. CoomBer 

The object of this meeting was ‘‘to study the flora of typical Wiltshire 
chalk-grassland and of woodlands on the chalk.’’ Some sixty members 
and friends took part. The usual Friday evening meeting was held 
at the Cathedral Hotel at Salisbury, and on Saturday morning the 
party went to Pepperbox Hill, a fine example of chalk downland with 
Senecio integrifoltus and many orchid species, including Orchis ustulata, 
a thicket of juniper and beech plantations. The afternoon was spent 
to the south of Salisbury. The first stop was near Rockbourne in 
Hampshire where, in a calcareous marsh, Orchis praetermissa, O. fuchsit. 
and hybrids, Carex paniculata, C. echinata and C. disticha were also seen 
with Catabrosa aquatica. A short visit was paid to Breamore Common | 
on the alluvium of the river Avon, and Limosella aquatica and Blysmus 
compressus were found. The party then returned to Wiltshire, passing 
through Downton to Redlynch to see Asarum europaeuwm in the lane 


where it has been known for 180 years. Two small areas of chalk grass- 
land near by were visited; one short turf with Ophrys apiferu, 
Anacamptis pyramidalis and Gymnadenia conopsea, the second (a 
disused golf course) showing tall Bromus erectus overwhelming the 
small herbs. In the evening B.S.B.I. Maps Scheme cards were filled 
in and Dr. Coombe described the geology, topography and ecology of the 
area to be visited on the following day. 

On Sunday, June 27th, the coach and several cars took the party 
westward to Stockton Wood (Nat. Grid Ref. 31/9635) where the road- 
sides carry a typical chalk flora. Short forays into the southern edge 
of the wood (which is on a plateau near the 650 ft. contour) showed it 
to have developed on the ‘‘clay-with-flints’? which covers the high 
ground of this ridge. Oak is frequent with some ash and beech. 
Aquilegia vulgaris, Polygonatum multiflorum and Platanthera chlor- 
antha were seen. South of the road on Chilmark Down are patches 
of scrub and Genista tinctoria, Alchemilla vestita, Calluna vulgaris and 
Pteridium aquilinum grow where deeper clay or leached soil occurs. 
Carex pallescens and Geum x intermedium were found in the scrub. 
Then the convoy moved off through Fonthill Bishop, Tisbury in the 
Nadder Valley and Ansty, to cross the Salisbury to Shaftesbury road 
and climb the escarpment of ‘‘Middle Chalk’’ to the south of it. The 
steepness of the ascent daunted the coach driver, and after some delay 
a shuttle service of cars conveyed the party to the summit (700 ft.) 
where lunch was enjoyed. In an old beechwood abundant Ozralis 
acetosella was growing with Mycelis muralis. Beyond a cornfield, a 
footpath east of the road led round the top of a deep narrow south- 
facing combe which had been left as a rabbit-warren. Much Sambucus 
nigra was seen in the disturbed ground at the head of the combe and 
little besides Sedum acre at the bottom; but on the rim was short, well- 
grazed turf with Polygala vulgaris, P. oxyptera, Hippocrepis comosa, 
Gentianella anglica and Coeloglossum viride, with Carex humilis locally 
dominant. The visit to Hambledon Hill was omitted and the party 
drove via Shaftesbury and Blandford to the Pitt-Rivers Museum at 
Farnham, where tea was taken on the lawn and the museum inspected. 
Some who knew the Museum would have preferred to visit Great Yews 
or look at the ashwood on the chalk near the county boundary. On 
Sunday evening there was no meeting, so two members went to Bulford 
and re-found Bunias orientalis (Wilts. A. & N.H. Mag., 54, 76, 1951) 
and Astragalus danicus, but much of the latter had been overgrown by 
Bromus erectus. Minuartia tenuifolia, abundant Filipendula vulgaris, 
Senecio integrifolius and Serratula tinctoria were noted. 

On Monday, June 28th, the first stop was made about three miles 
north-west of Salisbury, at Camp Down, where Thestum humifusum was 
found on a chalky bank; the next was near Durnford where an abund- 
ance of Orobanche elatior, parasitic on Centaurea scabiosa, was seen in 
a lane; one striking specimen was bright yellow. Ancient trackways 
nearby had a good chalk flora with orchids, Polygala calcarea and the 
native form of Onobrychis viciifolia. Stonehenge was visited, and after 
lunch Old Sarum and the river Avon with QOenanthe fluviatilis and 


Crane Bridge with its Maidenhair ferns which have survived for over 
thirty years. In the evening the City rubbish dump at the Butts was 
visited and Bromus carinatus, first noticed here in 1948, was seen in 
great quantity. 

On Tuesday the contrasting flora on the Tertiary beds a few miles 
out of Salisbury on the Southampton Road was shown to a few members, 
and the survival of Pingwicula lusitanica and other bog plants was 

In addition to Dr. Coombe’s knowledge of ecology, the party had had 
the benefit of Miss E. H. Stevenson’s many years’ experience of 
botanising from Salisbury and the combination gave a most satisfying 
week-end, though not entirely on the chalk, and some members would 
have preferred more botany and less archaeology. 

Juty 30th to Aveust 3rd, 1954. THr DrrpysHire LIMESTONE 
Leader: F. W. ApAmMs 

By kind permission of the Registrar and of the Professor, the 
Botany Department of the University of Shefheld was our headquar- 
ters, and most of the party (which numbered 28) stayed at the Stephen- 
son Hall of Residence. On Friday evening Prof. A. R. Clapham gave 
a welcome and a talk, and on Saturday a lantern lecture, and he came 
in for an informal chat on Monday evening, all of which were much 
appreciated by members of the party. 

The object of the meeting was to list all plants seen, both for the 
revision of Linton’s Flora of Derbyshire and for the B.S.B.I. Maps 
Scheme. The special recording cards used by Sheffield University were 
available. but most preferred to use the familiar B.S.B.I. cards. On 
Friday evening Professor Clapham talked about the Maps Scheme 
and gave an outline of the geology of the area. Sheffield stands upon 
Coal Measures with Carboniferous Limestone to the west, and Mag- 
nesian Timestone (Permian) to the east. The latter is now mostly 
arable on the characteristic red soil, but was formerly floristically rich 
and wooded ; the best relics now occur in gorges and small grassy areas 
which show a close resemblance to southern chalk and limestone, pro- 
bably because the Magnesian Limestone is lowland, whereas the Car- 
boniferous Limestone is highland. 

Saturday, 3lst July, was spent on the Magnesian Limestone S.E. 
of Sheffield. The coach was taken to the centre of Whitwell Wood 
(43/5277) where an officer of the Forestry Commission met us and ex- 
plained the plan of planting such conifers and hardwood trees as 
would tolerate the smoke-laden atmosphere. The wide grassy rides 
show a semi-natural vegetation, and a base-rich marsh has EHpipactis 
palustris, Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Carex lepidocarpa 
and ©. dioica. Along the rides Aquilegia vulgaris, Cornus sanguinea, 
Melica nutans and Hordelymus europaeus were seen. After lunch the 
party moved to Markland Grips (43/5074), a little gorge with wall-like 


sides supporting trees of Tarus, Fraxinus, Ulmus glabra and Tilia 
cordata, all natives, and Tilia platyphyllos perhaps not native. Cam- 
panula latifolia, Agropyron caninum and Hordelymus europaeus were 
also noted. At the upper end of the valley is a small area of calcareous 
grassland with Carex montana, CU. ericetorum and Bromus erectus, a 
typical grass of Magnesian Limestone as of chalk. On Saturday even- 
ing Professor Clapham talked about the Millstone Grit and its charac- 
teristic scenery and plants, and the Carboniferous limestone Dales 
and the various ‘‘elements’’ in their flora, the Steppe and Arctic- 
alpine elements and the relics from Late Glacial times. 

Sunday, August lst, was spent on the Carboniferous Limestone. 
The coach took us past a lovely abundance of Geranium pratense, 
through Tideswell to Monk’s Dale House (43/1375). On sunny south- 
facing rocks in Peter Dale we listed many plants familiar on southern 
chalk, including Rhamnus catharticus and Geranium columbinum, but 
also G. sanguineum, Silene nutans and Dianthus deltoides. Then we 
walked down Monk’s Dale, past damp, shaded, north-east-facing rocks 
with Trollius europaeus, Sanguisorba officinalis, Pimpinella major, 
Cirsium heterophyllum and ferns, and south-west-facing steep rocky 
grassland with Hypericum montanum, Potentilla tabernaemontani 
and Helictotrichon pratense. On the opposite slope Gymnadenia 
conopsea was seen. Further down the valley, in damp woodland with 
much Frazxinus, Aquilegia vulgaris, Cardamine impatiens, Rubus sara- 
tilis, Saxifraga hypnoides and Melica nutans were noted. Beyond 
the southern end of the wood, the flora by the stream was very in- 
teresting, with Parnassia palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Blysmus com- 
pressus, Carex lepidocarpa and, though the water is alkaline, (’. 
demissa. On a grassy cliff Carlina vulgaris, and on near by scree Thelyp- 
teris robertiana were seen. Then, as the rain began, we reached Millers 
Dale, where tea and the coach awaited us. 

On Monday, August 2nd, the party went again to the Carboniferous 
Limestone, to Cressbrook Dale with its very rich and well-known flora. 
The coach took us past Monsal Viaduct and some fine Vicia sylvatica 
on a steep roadside, through Litton to Wardlow. A _ short walk 
brought us above the northern (upper) end of the dale (43/1774); here 
on the hummocky ground of old lead workings Minuartia verna, Galium 
pumilum and Thymus druceit were seen. The east side of the Dale has 
patches of scrub of Corylus avellana and Crataegus monogyna and 
areas of grassland with screes and rocky outcrops. On the west side 
abundant Filipendula vulgaris was seen on a steep grassy slope, but 
this side is largely planted with beech and sycamore, and the ground 
layer is brambles. On the roadside in Millers Dale, Symphytum x 
uplandicum was collected, and further south, near the old Cotton Mill, 
some explored the steep ashwood east of the stream and some rested 
in the coach, while others visited Monsal Dale where Sambucus ebulus 
and Hornungta petraea were seen. On the return journey a stop was 
made at The Winnats, a steep limestone slope, to see Polemontum 


caeruleum, Cochlearia alpina and Draba incana which, Professor Clap- 
ham had told us, in his opinion represent survivals from the Late 
Glacial Period over ten thousand years ago. 

On Tuesday, August 3rd, we set off again for the Carboniferous 
Limestone, making a short stop at the upper end of Brook Bottom 
(43/1477), north-west of Tideswell, where our leader had found an in- 
teresting juxta-position of calcicoles and caleifuges. Between the 
brook and the cliff was a little lawn of Deschampsia flexuosa with 
Agrostis tenuis, Holcus mollis, Molinia caerulea, Nardus_ stricta, 
Potentilla erecta and Galium hercynicum. On the small vertical lime- 
stone cliff were Galium pumilum, Briza media, Koeleria gracilis, 
Asplenium viride and Cystopteris fragilis, while on the flat ground 
above were Calluna vulgaris and Vaccinium myrtillus. By the brook 
Rorippa x sterilis was noted. Then the coach went through Tideswell 
to the southern side of Chee Dale (43/1273). High above a hairpin 
bend of the river Wye is a small limestone cliff with a rich flora, but 
the old record of Hippocrepis comosa was not confirmed. 

After lunch the rain began and the afternoon’s botanising was done 
during brief sorties from the coach. Polemoniwm caeruleum was seen 
by the roadside in Taddington Dale, Paris quadrifolia and Dipsacus 
pilosus by the Via Gellia (where we also noticed an inn called ‘‘The 
Lilies’), and the Lovers’ Walk at Matlock Bath was visited for Festuca 
altissuma. When we reached the Millstone Grit, the coach slowed down 
for the party to see Rumex alpinus near a farm, but we stopped and 
scaled a wall on Beeley Moor to examine a clump of the hybrid Vacci- 
nium xX intermedium, a clone which may well be 300 years old. We 
had a glimpse of Ladybower Reservoir and returned to Sheffield in time 
for members to catch trains home. 

Tt had been a richly satisfying week-end to which the enthusiasm 
of Mr. Adams and the kindness of Professor Clapham, and the local 
knowledge of both, had greatly contributed.—B. WELcH. 



Aprit 20th, 1955. Casstopury PARK AND WHIPPENDELL Woop 

Leader: E. B. BANGERTER 

This Junior meeting, well attended by over 50 scholars from 8 
schools, was intended for the study of the spring flora in mixed wood- 
land. Unfortunately the backwardness of the season allowed only a 
few species to be seen in flower, but the weather was by no means as 
dull as the botany and welcome hours of sunshine were enjoyed by all. 

Before setting off to look at the riverside flora in Cassiobury Park, 
near Watford, a brief explanation of the Maps Scheme was given. Sub- 
sequently members of the party assisted the leader in marking a card 
for Whippendell Wood to supplement records made at a later season 
in previous years. Species seen in flower were identified together with 
many in a vegetative state; among the latter the most interesting was 
Alchemilla vestita, an uncommon plant in the London area. 

Thanks are due to Miss H. Franks for generous help in organising 
and instructing the party.—E. B. BANGERTER. 

May 27th to 30th, 1955. Dover 

Leader: Dr. Francts Rose 

This Whitsun week-end was attended by 35 members and guests. 
At the Friday evening meeting at Biggin Hall the two objects of the 
meeting were explained as (1) exploring little-known chalk country 
near Dover to help the leader’s ‘‘Flora of Kent’’ (now in preparation) 
and (2) listing (especially of common plants) for the 10 km. grid squares 
for the Maps Scheme. 

On Saturday the party left by coach in steady rain and, after a 
brief stop at Kearsney to inspect Orobanche caryophyllacea by the main 
road, the morning was spent working the magnificent stretch of open 
downs between Woodville Park, Temple Ewell and Lydden. Valerianella 
carinata was seen on the old flint wall of Woodville Park. On the downs 
the abundant Polygala calearea included both light-blue and white- 
flowered forms. There is a gap of some 18 miles between those on the 
North Downs and these populations, which show unusual features. 
Brachypodium pinnatum is locally a curse, but in the shorter turf Ophrys 
sphegodes was found in plenty, and a fine colony of Orchis ustulata con- 
firmed a pre-war record. Galium pumilum, Hippocrepis comosa and 
(renista tinetoria were seen, the last being a fine and characteristic 
feature of many downs about Dover. On the ‘clay-with-flints’ plateau 
to the north, a small oak-hazel wood was visited near Coldred and an 


old record of Helleborus viridis confirmed. After lunch, Eastling Wood, 
Waldershare, proved interesting, and provided a new locality for Orchis 
purpurea. On Sutton Downs, now chalk scrub and coppice, last year’s 
stems of Monotropa were seen, with Neottia nidus-avis and Platanthera 
chlorantha. Allotment and wayside weeds were listed at St. Margaret’s- 
at-Cliffe. Free Downs to the north yielded a rich chalk-grassland fiora 
in a few spots with orchids and plentiful Filipendula vulgaris, and a 
small area of chalk-heath on leached soil showed Ulex europaeus 
dominant, with Calluna vulgaris, Potentilla erecta, Succisa pratensis 
and Rumex acetosa; this seems to be the first true chalk-heath to be 
observed in Kent. At Langdon Bay Orchis ustulata was seen again, 
and Silene nutans subsp. smithiana and heavily  wind-trimmed 
Juniperus communis were seen on the cliff edge. 

Sunday was warm and sunny. At Coombe Farm, in a dry valley in 
the chalk just west of Dover, Calamintha ascendens (rare in K. Kent) 
was seen by the road. The party divided to work both sides of the 
beautiful Coombe-to-Poulton valley. The hanging woods of the steep 
valley sides about Dover are unlike those in other parts of Kent in that 
beech is very rare or even absent, and the dominant trees are Fraxinus 
excelsior, Quercus robur and Acer campestre, with coppiced Corylus and 
Carpinus. On the steep north-facing slope of this valley a very damp 
wood showed Orchis purpurea, Ophrys insectifera, Paris quadrifolia, 
Adoxa moschatellina, Luzula sylvatica and many ferns, including 
Dryopteris borreri, Polystichum setiferum and P. lobatum, and bryo- 
phytes were very luxuriant. The downs in Coombe Vale yielded Galiwm 
pumilum (a rare Kent plant which proved to be frequent about Dover), 
Tinum bienne and fine Hippocrepis comosa. The two parties met for 
lunch near Poulton Farm at the valley head and then passed over the 
ridge into Elms Vale, the next dry valley southwards. Elms Wood was 
visited while the second party examined cornfields and hedgebanks in 
the valley floor, finding a new locality for Orobanche caryophyllacea and 
listing for grid square 61/23 on the way to Hougham, where Ceterach 
was seen on a wall. After tea, the downs and cliffs from Lydden Spout 
to Shakespeare’s Cliff were visited, and Genista tinctoria and Ophrys 
sphegodes in vast quantity, Matthiola incana, Brassica oleracea and 
Inmonium binervosum were seen. 

On Monday,: another fine day, the coach took the party to Lydden 
village, five miles inland, from whence they walked through a wild and 
beautiful valley to Swingfield, examining downs, scrub and ashwoods 
on the way. Polygala calcarea was seen near Lydden and numerous 
Orchis morio and O. mascula in the chalk pastures. In the ashwoods 
Orchis purpurea was seen in quantity, with albinoes, and Lathraea 
squamaria was discovered, parasitic on hazel. At Swingfield Church 
Ceterach officmarum and Asplenium ruta-muraria were found. After 
lunch the coach took the party to South Alkham. From here one party 
worked the south side of the Alkham valley eastwards, while the other 
party went on to Alkham village to work the northern side. The first 
party found little beyond the common downland and scrub plants, 
except for Ophioglossum vulgatum, but useful lists were obtained from 


‘unknown’ country. The second party found Polygala oxyptera above 
Alkham, and quantities of Orchis purpurea, Helleborus viridis, Cam- 
panula trachelium, Paris quadrifolia, Angelica sylvestris and Ophrys 
insectifera in Sladden Wood. The acid plateau of Ewell Minnis is 
bracken-covered and added few new species. The meeting closed at 
teatime and, thanks to members with private cars, the difficulties of 
getting home in the rail strike were mitigated. 

The meeting produced no new county records, but extremely valuable 
species-lists for a number of habitats were obtained, and the records 
for the B.S.B.I. Maps Scheme were greatly augmented. In square 
61/24, 127 additional species were recorded, making the total 460; in 
square 61/34, 63 new species, making the total 420; and in square 61/23, 
107 new species, making the total 382. These totals may not seem high 
but the Dover countryside, though of extreme interest, consists entirely 
of chalk with a clay capping on the plateau, and there is very little 
water.—F. Ross. 

JUNE 25th to Juty 2nd, 1955. GaLLoway. 

The main party of seven met at their headquarters, the Galloway 
Arms Hotel, Newton Stewart, for breakfast on Saturday morning. The 
Halls, who had arrived the previous day, had already completed a Maps 
Scheme record card sent hopefully in advance. This was presented over 
the marmalade and the tone of the meeting was set. Two cars were 
available and the pattern of the first day was followed throughout most 
of the week. Three groups worked independently taking one 10 kilo- 
metre square each day. The Howitts transported the Halls with great 
elegance, leaving them in one square whilst taking a more distant one 
themselves. Miss de Vesian took Miss Biggar and me in her car. Later 
in the week Miss North joined us for three days and she worked with 
the latter party. On the Thursday it gave us great pleasure to be 
joined by Dr. Milne-Redhead. Most of the party met at Physgill on 
the coast near Whithorn and spurred on by Dr. Milne-Redhead’s 
enthusiasm spent a most valuable afternoon, which produced a new 
county record for Vicia bithynica and the first plant of Bromus sterilis 
of the week. The weather over the period was not unkind, there was 
rarely sun at Newton Stewart but it always looked better in the south. 
We waited in vain for what became mythically known as a ‘Glen Trool 
Day’. It did not arrive. Plans were laid for a route march round 
Merrick on the last Friday, but it poured until mid-day. Everyone 
visited Glen Trool, a situation of calm delight unexpected outside the 
Highlands, but excursions were made only to the Cryptogramma crispa 
zone; this was sufficient to bring in Pinguicula lusitanica. 

The area round Newton Stewart does not vary much geologically, 
being mainly made up of Silurian shales with an intrusion of granite 
in the area to the north-east of Newton Stewart. However, what it 
lacks in range of parent materials is compensated for by the large range 
of topography and climate. The area to the south and west of Newton 
Stewart is low lying, rarely exceeding 500 ft. above sea level; it consists 


of lochs, ponds, streams and raised bogs, with intervening patches of 
arable and rough pasture where the drainage is more free. The amount 
of land of economic value increases rapidly as one goes south and around 
Whithorn one can perhaps understand Druce’s reference to botany in 
Galloway reminding him of a walk in a Midland Shire. To the north 
and east of Newton Stewart the land rises rapidly—up to 2,784 on 
the Merrick some 12 miles due north and to 2,331’ on Cairnsmore of 
Fleet about 6 miles to the east. Here are large areas of acid moorland 
with a very restricted flora, but the monotony is relieved by upland 
lochs, old quarries and waterfalls. Besides these two areas of obvious 
contrast there are the fascinating marshes of the river Cree with their 
rich variety of sedges, and the whole of the coastline. This coastline 
has examples of all the main maritime habitats, cliff, shingle beach, salt 
marsh and sand dune, besides some fine oak woods which sweep down 
to the beach, some sheltered wooded gullies to which many of the plants 
of the area are confined and finally some relatively base-rich coastal 
marshes. The rainfall in the area varies from about 30” on the coast 
at Whithorn to about 60” per annum in the hills. 

Besides the interest aroused by the distribution of species many 
individual records were made. Altogether 24 new vice-county records 
were made, 7 for Kirkcudbright and 17 for Wigtown. The most exciting 
for Kirkcudbright were perhaps Hpilobium pedunculare, Hieracium 
diaphanoides and Euphrasia rostkoviana whilst in Wigtown Carex 
limosa, EHrodium glutinosum, Vicia bithynica, Sagina ciliata and 
Barbarea intermedia were amongst those made. Other species it was 
a pleasure to re-record included Astragalus danicus, Blysmus rufus, 
Centunculus minimus, Cirsium heterophyllum, Lathyrus sylvestris, 
Pyrola minor, Valeriana pyrenaica, Hippophae rhamnoides, Vicia lutea, 
and on account of its rarity most fascinating of all Hierochloe odorata, 
discovered quite by chance on the Kirkcudbright shore. None of the 
party who found it knew the grass, as how few would? We had an 
unknown grass in our hands; we were in Kirkcudbright. Half joking, 
“Holy Grass’’ passed our lips. If it was that then, we mused vaguely, 
should it not smell of coumarin like Anthoxanthum? So late in the 
season for this, one of the earliest flowering British grasses, few green 
leaves remained, but some were found and crushed doubtfully between 
the fingers—Goodness, it does smell like new mown hay!—Could it be? 
Surely not—but then the smell. Well, there was Hubbard in the car 
(not in person, only his distillation) and over plastic cups of tea satis- 
faction was given, the rough edge to the leaf was reassuring under the 
little finger, and the thin wiry, slightly wavy branches of the panicle 
were unmistakable. There was nothing left to do that day but go 
straight back to the Hotel. 

As well as the rare and local plants we did see, our final lists show 
that there were a lot of common species which we did not. Among the 
most startling absentees were Aethusa cynapium, Alliaria petiolata, 
Armoracia rusticana, Arum maculatum, Atriplex patula, Chelidonium 
majus, Convolvulus arvensis, Coronopus squamatus, Dipsacus fullonum, 


Glyceria maxima, Hordeum murinum, Leontodon hispidus, Papaver 
rhoeas, Salix fragilis, Stachys arvensis and Tragopogon pratensis. The 
list would have been considerably longer had we not had one or two 
bad days towards the end when several plants we had been trying to 
avoid were unkind enough to appear. However, it is certainly true that 
Lemna minor, Medicago lupulina, Lamium album, Melandrium album 
and Bromus sterilis are all scarce. 

Appended to this report is a full list of common species which we did 
not see and a list of species which are undoubtedly rare. In the first list 
many of the species have been recorded previously from vice-counties 
73 and 74 but, in the generally available literature (Scot-Elliot’s Flora 
and the McCandlish List), no localities are given. If these species were 
as rare in Surrey or Sussex, for example, as they are in Wigtown and 
Kirkeudbright, the localities would be well known and recorded. I 
therefore include this lst in the hope that those who have records for 
these species in these counties will be persuaded to publish them. 

An apology is due for the Southern bias of this report. It has been 
prepared by one who has not had the pleasure of botanising in Scotland 
extensively before, and I have undoubtedly made many points which 
are common knowledge to the indigenous Scot or the frequent visitor. 
I must thank Dr. Milne-Redhead for his advice which was always most 
productive when followed; Miss Biggar for being the indigenous but 
never indignant Scot who saved us from recording Carum verticillatum 
as Myriophyllum spicatum ; the rest of the party for working so furiously 
and fruitfully; and finally Kirkcudbright and Wigtown for providing 
such a variety of scenery and botany; I hope it will not be many years 
before another party visits these undeservedly underworked counties. 

Species Not Founp 

o=Recorded for v.c. 74 as natives in A list of Wigtownshire plants by 
A. C. McCandlish, 1931, Galloway Gazette. 

*=Recorded for v.c. 73 as natives in Flora of Dumfries, Scot-Elliot, 

/=Recorded for v.c. 74 as natives in Flora of Dumfries, Scot-Elliot, 
/*Acer campestre *Carex riparia 
/*Aethusa cynapium Centaurea scabiosa 
/*Aqrostis canina (overlooked 2) *Chelidonium majus 
/*Alliaria petiolata *Cochlearia danica 
Anthemis cotula oConvolvulus arvensis 
/*Arabidopsis thaliana (over?) Coronopus didymus 
*Arctium lappa *Coronopus squamatus 
Armoracia rusticana Cynoglossum officinale 
Arum maculatum *Dipsacus fullonum 
/*Atriplex patula oEchium vulgare 
Ballota nigra Elodea canadensis 
'*RBidens spp. ‘*Euphorbia exigua 
Bryonia dtotca *Filago germanica 
Cardaria draba o*Galium mollugo 

Carduus nutans Geranium pusillum 


*Glyceria maxima ; Ranunculus arvensis 
Hordeum murinum /*Ranunculus auricomus 
oHypericum dubium /*Khynchospora alba 
*Hypericum hirsutum oRumex conglomeratus 
Kickzia elatine * Salix fragilis 
Kickxia spuria Saxifraga tridactyliles 
/*knautia arvensis Scabiosa columbaria 
Lemna trisulea oScandix pecten-veneris 
*Leonlodon hispidus Senecio erucifolius 
/*Lysimachia nummularia *Serratula tinctoria 
Matricaria chamomilla /*Stachys arvensis 
Melilotus spp. /*Stellaria palustris 
o*Milium effusum /*Tanacetum vulgare 
/*Odontites verna /*Thaliclrum flavum 
/*Ononis spinosa *Tragopogon pratensis 
oOriganum vulgare /*Ulex gallii 
*Papaver rhoeas oUmbilicus rupestris 
*Parietaria diffusa Verbena officinalis 
*Plantago media *Veronica hederifolia 
*Polerium sanguisorba *Viola hirta 

/*Primula veris 

Figures in brackets refer to number of records 

Lemna minor (2 
Medicago lupulina ( 
Leontodon leysseri ( 
Lamium album ( 
Melandrium album ( 



) Bromus sterilis (1) 
) Arabis hirsuta (1) 
) Artemisia vulgaris (2) 
) Euphorbia peplus (4) (Too early ?) 
) Festuca arundinacea (3) (Coastal only) 
) Juncus inflexus (2) 
) Juncus subnodulosus (4) 

Chaerophyllum temulum 
Agrimonia eupatoria 


Junty 8th to llth, 1955. DuryHam 

On the evening of Friday, July 8th, the party of 16 met at St. Mary’s 
College, where most of the members coming from a distance were 
staying, to discuss plans for the week-end. 

Saturday morning was devoted to a study of the plants at Cassop, 
situated on the Magnesian Limestone, about 4 miles south-east of 
Durham City. Among these were Helianthemum chamaecistus, Orchis 
fuchsti, Gymnadenia conopsea, Coeloglossum viride, Sesleria caerulea 
subsp. calcarea and Selaginella selagmnoides. 

The party then went on to Butterby Ponds, some 2 miles south of 
the City, for a picnic lunch followed by an investigation of the vegeta- 
tion in and surrounding the ponds. The latter looked very attractive 
with a large number of plants of Nuphar lutea on both ponds, with the 
addition of Nymphaea alba on the larger one. A few flowers of Iris 
pseudacorus still remained and the patch of Acorus calamus, which has 
been known there for a long time and which appears to have increased 
in extent during the past 10 years, was examined with interest, 
although, as usual, it showed no signs of flowering. A number of Carices 
were observed, including Carex flacca, C. rostrata, C. acutiformis, 
C. disticha, C. vesicaria, C. remota and C. otrubae. Rumex hydro- 


laputhum and Epipactis helleborine were also seen. Aiter tea at the 
Bridge Inn, Croxdale, some enthusiasts returned to the ponds for 
further work. 

Sunday, July 10th, was spent in Weardale, where stops were made 
at a quarry near Stanhope to look at the plants colonising the area and 
also those in an adjacent meadow. Later, on the road from Eastgate 
to Rookhope, a halt was made near a stream, for lunch and a survey 
of the plant life nearby. Here, as well as in other places, was a great 
profusion of Geranium pratense and many plants of Cirsium hetero- 
phyllum bordering the roadsides. 

In the Rookhope neighbourhood, our last stop was made near some 
disused lead-mine workings, where the usual plants that flourish in such 
habitats were seen. After tea at the Phoenix Hotel at Stanhope 
Dr. Young kindly expressed the party’s thanks to Mrs. Gibby. The 
return to Durham was made via Tow Law, one of the highest points 
in the county. 

The lists of plants noted in Weardale were being collected for the 
Maps Scheme by Miss Bradshaw and Mr. Morgan, to both of whom 
very grateful thanks are due for coming so readily to give much help 
in the absence of a leader. 

Throughout the week-end the weather was perfect, if rather on the 
hot side, and the unusually brilliant sunshine enabled the visitors to 
see Durham, especially the Cathedral in its magnificent setting, at its 
best.—A. N. Gipsy. 

Avueust 24th to 31st, 1955. FLatrrorp Mitt FIetp CENTRE 

We met on Wednesday, 24th August, at Flatford Mill. After dinner 
the Warden, Mr. F. J. Bingley, gave a talk on this part of East Anglia, 
outlined the work to be done and told us the history of the mill and 
its connection with John Constable. The party consisted of Douglas W. 
and Peter J. Cross, John H. and Heather Field, Peter J. S. Furneaux, 
John Horsman, Roy Maycock, Beverley Miles and Maureen A. Turner. 
Mr. and Mrs. Buckle were with us for the first two days. 

On Thursday morning we set out by coach to Wicken Fen, making 
three short stops on the way, Dipsacus pilosus was seen growing on a 
shaded bank by the road, and on the Breckland edge Silene otites was 
seen with a second crop of flowers, and Medicago falcata in flower with 
its convincingly curved fruits. On Risby Common we explored a 
small area of Breckland grassland around a disused chalkpit, finding 
many plants which most of us had not seen before, such as Thesium 
humifusum and Huphrasia pseudokernert. 

Wicken Fen is too well known to need much description here, 
though it was ‘‘new’’ to all of us. The effect of cutting the Cladium 
mariscus which enables other plants to enter the sedge fen was most 
striking and we felt the denseness of the almost impenetrable developing 
earr. A number of aquatics, particularly in the Main (Wicken) Lode 
we found of interest; these included Alisma plantago-aquatica and A. 
lunceolatum and various seedlings which led to speculation upon their 

identification. In the brick pits there was a fine show of the yellow 
flowers of Utricularia vulgaris. 

On Friday Mr. Bingley decided that some ecological work would be 
good for us, so we set out with suitable gear to the near by brackish 
marsh, the vegetation of which we listed and mapped in various ways. 

On Saturday we visited Stour Wood, stopping at Wrabness to 
examine Zostera nana and Z. hornemanniana, the latter being more 
tolerant of exposure at low tide. Stour Wood is coppiced Castaneu 
satica with standards; the coppicing is on a fourteen year cycle which 
means that the ground flora is also cyclic, light being one of the obvious 
factors. Differences in the vegetation of the cart ruts through the wood 
due to the substratum, which is either clay or gravel, were also examined. 

For Sunday there was no set programme, so while some of us spent 
it around the mill trying to absorb some of the things we had been told, 
shown, and seen, Beverley Miles and Peter Furneaux cycled the twenty 
or so miles to Colne Point (near St. Osyth) to collect Spartina 
maritima and Frankenia laevis; Roy Maycock and John Horsman 
motored to an area about seven miles from Saxmundham, at East 
Bridge, where they examined the aquatic flora of the brackish dykes 
and at Eastern Broad where they examined the flora of the northern 
sandy end. In the evening Mr. Bingley lectured on Shingle Street, 
telling us much of interest about the succession of shingle ridges and 
salt marsh to the west of Orford Haven. 

On Monday we shared a coach with a party of freshwater biologists 
and some artists to Shingle Street. We examined the vegetation of the 
shingle, noting how the oldest and most inland ridges had the richest 
flora. Several plants unexpected on shingle such as Hryngwum mari- 
timum, Honkenya peploides and Crithmum maritimum were shown to 
us and duly theorised upon. Crambe maritima, rare in this area, was 
also seen. Jn the salt marsh at the back of the shingle the zonation 
of plants was well marked and the comparatively distinctive Salicorniu 
dolichostachya was demonstrated to us, as was the effect of draining 
a pan with a subsequent colonisation by Salicornia spp. 

On Tuesday we studied aquatic plants in several reaches of the rivers 
Stour and Brett. We listed plants which, being on a vice-comital as 
well as a grid basis, proved complicated, as the rivers are vice-county 

We returned to an orgy of sorting out, clearing up, and the making 
of composite lists of the plants seen; these lists were left with Mr. 
Bingley who is going to mark Distribution Maps Scheme cards and 
the card index kept at the field centre. The artists arranged an 
exhibition of their work, so we took the opportunity to see how others 
had spent the week. 

On Wednesday we had to depart, having indeed been fortunate with 
the weather and our surroundings, for this field centre of the Field 
Studies Council combines picturesque buildings set in a lovely country 
with a library, a laboratory, and stimulating company. We should 
like to thank the Society and all those who helped us during this week 


and give particular thanks to Messrs. Bingley and Buckle.—MavuReeEn A. 

August 27th, 1955. Day Megrrine to study Saliz 
Leader: R. D. MEIKLE 

As there had been too few applications to justify booking a coach, 
the itinerary was altered and the 11 members who met at Kew Bridge 
walked from there downstream on the Surrey bank of the Thames to 
Chiswick Bridge, which they crossed to continue on the Middlesex side 
to Barnes Railway Bridge. Then they travelled by bus to Ham Common 
and walked from Teddington Lock along the towpath towards Richmond. 

In the first section the willows noted included Salix x hippophaéfolia 
Thuill. GS. triandra x viminalis (or alba), formerly called S. lanceolata 
Sm. and S. undulata Khrh., and large trees of one of the S. fragilis 
group, with leaves having unusually coarse serrations, referred to 
S. russelliana Sm. by Mr. Meikle who suggested that it is not a hybrid 
but a mutation propagated vegetatively. Fine trees of S. alba x fragilis 
and S. babylonicax fragilis (S.x blanda Anderss.) were seen by Chiswick 
Bridge. On the Middlesex bank S. viminalis and S. atrocinerea were 
observed and planted groups include two decorative segregates of 
S. fragilis named S. basfordiana and S. sunguinea, and the handsome 
S. daphnoides and S. acutifolia, both with very pruinose twigs. 

Near Teddington Lock S. x hippophaéfolia, S. babylonica x fragilis 
and two S. fragilis segregates were seen again, and a fine tree of 
‘nearly alba” and one of S alba x fragilis with very finely-toothed 
leaves, and the osier S. purpurea X viminalis f. forbyana, were pointed 
out. Visitors to the London area were also pleased to see Artemisia 
verlotorum and Scilla autumnalis.—B. WertcH. 

Aveusr 27th and 28th, 1955. Wrst Surroik 

A party of 11 met at the headquarters, the Suffolk Hotel, Bury St. 
Mdmunds, on the evening of Friday, 26th August. One group had by 
that time already investigated part of the Breckland to the north 
west and compiled an impressive list. Plans were laid for the following 
day. Four groups were organised, each of which would patrol one of 
the surrounding 10 kilometre grid squares. Roughly speaking Bury 
lies at the junction of two distinct types of country. To the north lies 
the Breckland, with its many sandy heaths which have chalk at varying 
depths from the surface, giving rise to vegetation which changes from 
something similar to chalk grassland rich in species to a very acid 
species-poor vegetation dominated by Calluna. The area is dissected 
by valleys many of which have large tracts of base-rich fen still 
undrained bearing a rich and interesting flora. Much of the area is 
covered in Forestry Commission plantations, but there are also some 
semi-natural woodlands with a rather poor ground flora. To the south 
the chalk is buried under many feet of boulder clay much of which has 



incorporated chalk lumps. The majority of this area is under the 
plough and only scattered woodlands bear witness to the type of vegeta- 
tion which must have covered the area extensively in pre-Saxon times. 
These woodlands are, however, extremely rich in their ground flora and 
contrast markedly with those to the north of Bury. 

As there were only two full days available for mapping it was 
arranged that each party visited each of the two main types of country 
as described above. In all seven 10 kilometre squares were fairly 
thoroughly worked and short lists were made in two others. About 
2,000 records were made, an average of nearly 225 per square. 

Some of the most interesting species seen in the two areas were :-—— 


1. HEATH. Dianthus deltoides, Genista anglica, Inula conyza, Medicago 
falcata, M. minima, M. xX varia, Minuartia tenuifolia, Potentilla 
argentea, Quercus petraea, Rumex pulcher, Sagina ciliata, Thesium 
humifusum, Thymus serpyllum, Turritis glabra, Viola canina, 
V. curtisii. 

2. WOOD AND ScRUB. Agrimonia odorata, Hypericum androsaemum, 
Lysimachia nemorum, Peplis portula, Ulmus coritana. 

3. FEN. Carex paniculata, C. pseudocyperus, C. vesicaria, Cladium mariscus, 
Epipactis palustris, Scirpus setaceus, Oenanthe lachenalii, Parnassia 
palustris, Schoenus nigricans, Stellaria alsine. 

4. RUDERAL AND ARABLE. Agrostis gigantea, Ammi majus, XFestulolium 
loliaceum, Lepidium campestre, Polygonum nodosum, Solanum 
sarrachoides, Stachys arvensis, Symphytum orientale, S.xuplandicum. 


1. Woops. Primula elatior, Rosa tomentosa, Veronica montana. 
2. RUDERAL AND ARABLE. Carex polyphylla, Dipsacus pilosus, Orobanche 
minor (fields of red clover). 
On behalf of the Maps Scheme I would hke to thank all those who 
took part and made such a valuable contribution to the collection of 
records.—F. H. PERRING. 

SEPTEMBER 10th, 1955. Hayiine IsuaANnp, HAMPSHIRE 

Leader: D. H. Datsy 

This meeting was held for the study of Salicornaa, and the party of 
18 met at North Hayling Halt, conveniently situated beside the shore, 
and the leader made some introductory remarks about the distribution 
of Salicornia spp. on Hayling Island, and the types of plant present. 
As most of the shoreline is artificially banked to prevent marine incur- 
sions over the low-lying fields, glassworts are now restricted to a num- 
ber of separate localities, with sterile stretches between. Many dis- 
tinct forms were encountered, and the expedition was fortunate in 
having the company of Mr. N. D. Simpson, whose help in their recogni- 
tion was much appreciated. 

The first locality visited was a field near the Halt, where saltwater 

penetrates a sluice at high tide, and also soaks through the railway 
embankment which acts as a seawall in places. Dense colonies of 


ramosissima-type plants occur here, often passing into the grucillima- 
inodification as a result of crowding. Seedlings in this field have 
reached the remarkable density of 290 per square inch. Typical bushy 
specimens of S. disarticulata were also encountered. After walking 
up the railway the party next visited some rich colonies of glassworts, 
including S. perennis, growing in and beside semi-permanent pools 
which gave the impression of being relict upper saltmarsh pans, The 
vegetation round these pools showed very marked zonation. 

The party next crossed an expanse of Agropyron pungens to reach 
an exposed stony shore where S. cf. stricta and S. cf. ramosissima grow 
together. The ramosissima-type in this colony is undoubtedly dif- 
ferent from that occurring in the other localities visited, being more 
extreme in its morphology, having more stereids in the flowering 
segments and an earlier flowering period. Some of the party 
visited the outer bank of the old oyster beds, but were unable to find 
any specimens of the very typical form of S. cf. dolichostachya, 
although it has occurred there each year previously. This served to 
demonstrate the temporary nature of so many Salicornia colonies, 
which fluctuate in response to changing environment. 

Another colony was visited growing on shallow mud overlying chalk 
and flint rubble beside the railway embankment. It is not easy to 
name the plants here with confidence, their numerous flowering seg- 
ments, lack of anthocyanin and general growth habit suggesting SN. ct. 
stricta, but the shape of these segments suggesting S. cf. ramosissima. 
In a saline cow-inhabited field near by a colony of small reddish 
ramostssima-type plants was examined, a comparison being made be- 
tween them and specimens of Suaeda maritima growing in the same 

The last glasswort locality visited was Northney saltmarsh, where 
several species occur, being limited however to upper marsh depressions 
and to pans with sufficient drainage to prevent water standing after 
spring tides. The artificial blocking of the exit to one of these pans 
caused the rapid rotting and death of young plants growing in it. XS. 
disarticulata, S. ef. ramosissima and S. ef. stricta grow in the pans, 
the latter possibly hybridising in one place. The evidence for hybri- 
disation lies in reduced pollen fertility and the presence of tetraploids 
in both types of plant. On the upper marsh NS. disarticulata and SN. 
cl. ramosissima occur, both usually in the simple competition-induced 
forms. Puzzling specimens with flowers in threes below but solitary 
above may perhaps be hybrids, but more satisfactory evidence is 

Just before the party separated specimens of the native cordgrass, 
Spartina maritima, were examined. On these marshes the species is 
mostly restricted to pans of soft mud at a relatively low level, rather 
than being a constituent of the general saltmarsh community as it is 
for instance on some of the Essex and Suffolk marshes.—D. H. Darsy. 



Collins Pocket Guide to Wild Flowers including Trees, Shrubs, Ferns, 
Grasses and Sedges. By Davin McCuintock and R. S. R. Firrer. 
Pp. 340, 64 colour plates, 76 black-and-white drawings. Collins, 
1956. Price 25s. 

When I first looked at this companion volume to R. 8S. R. Fitter’s 
admirable Pocket Guide to British Birds, up rose all my snobbish 
botanical prejudices against imprecise measurements, ‘‘Knglish’’ names 
and classification by colour. I did not like it and I decided not to buy 
it. I mention this so that B.S.B.I. members may learn by my mistake, 
for, being sent a copy to review and thus being obliged to read it 
thoroughly, I have become an enthusiastic convert. 

The authors’ aim is to provide a ready means of naming, without 
frighteningly scientific language or methods, every flower and fern 
“likely to be found looking wild” in the British Isles. To this end 
almost all are illustrated in colour, or, if they do not bear coloured 
flowers, in black-and-white plates or line drawings. Similar plants are 
all illustrated together on the same page with a daisy head on each 
page to give the scale, and the whole set is grouped together on 
successive pages; so that these pictures, in which the seven artists have 
achieved a very high standard of ‘‘recognisability’’, do provide a ready 
and rapid means of provisional identification. ‘But’, the authors 
firmly instruct us, ‘‘never rely on the plates alone’. Each figure refers 
us to a text where, in an average of about six lines and with ingenious 
avoidance of repetition or unnecessary detail, but at the same time 
without ugly and discouraging abbreviations, the essential distinguish- 
ing features are given. In addition Mr. Fitter has provided a number 
of interesting and original keys, including a scent key, which wisely 
make no attempt to be dichotomous and collectively exhaustive, but 
pick on important salient features. Moreover many fine details (e.g. 
Carex fruits) are illustrated by. line drawings in the text by Francis 

Chiefly, perhaps, this book is an ideal present for the beginner of 
any age, the amateur who wants to make himself familiar with the 
greatest possible number of wild plants. To avoid what in Bentham and 
Hooker he is bound to find frustrating, the authors have sensibly 
excluded extinct or virtually extinct plants, such as Aspleniwm 
fontanum, the famous Senecios and S'piranthes aestivalis, and have re- 
placed Xanthiwm strumarium by X. spinosum. They have excluded cer- 
tain ‘‘splits’’, such as the forms of Limonium binervosum. Contrariwise 
they have added Mahoma aquifolium, Galinsoga quadriradiata and 
other plants more likely to be found in the field than in books. Indeed 
for the more experienced botanist the chief value of the book above its 
pleasure-giving originality lies in its comprehensive up-to-dateness. 


There are immediately identifiable pictures of Diapensia lapponica aud 
of ‘‘Iceland Purslane’’ (this latter an unusually well-grown specimen, 
more than half an inch long). 

What about these ‘‘English’’ names? Provided they are necessary 
at all, it must be confessed that, with the help of Miss C. M. Rob, the 
vocabulary has been established with care and authority. Readers will 
have recognised the plant last mentioned; and a few other inventions, 
such as ‘‘Rannoch Rush’’ and ‘‘Shaggy Soldier’’, are equally happy. 
But it seems fussy to substitute ‘‘St. Olaf’s Candlestick”’ for an English 
name which most readers of this review would recognise, though few 
have been able to apply it in the field. And it must be remembered that 
common Knglish families have gardens and do use Latin names in 
common speech—‘‘Viper’s Grass’’ conceals the name of a well-known 
vegetable and, after finding a Spiraea disguised as Bridewort and a 
Cotoneaster disguised as ‘‘Khasia Berry’’ (‘‘Great Orme Berry’’ was 

easier to spot!), I hurriedly turned up Fuchsia fearing it would have 
become ‘‘Connemara Hedgewort’’. 

Reviewers are supposed to look for mistakes; but here one is up 
against the knowledge and efficiency of Mr. David McClintock who 
seems, moreover, to enjoy that rare gift, control over the printers. 
‘‘Childling Pink’’ appears more than once, so cannot be a misprint; it 
is surely a mistake for ‘‘Childing’’, the word used by Shakespeare with 
the same meaning as prolifera. The description of Carex atrofusca 
(not illustrated) does not bring out how much more nodding its fruits 
are than those of its allies, a useful field character. In contrast to 
Dactylorchis fuchsu, D. maculata (Orchis ericetorum) is said to bloom 
only till July and not in August. But on the Scottish moors, which are 
perhaps its chief habitat, it is always to be found well into the school 
holidays. In the illustrations, the leaf of Allitwm paradoxum seems too 
narrow (half the width of the Snowdrop’s on the same page) and so does 
that of Hypochoeris maculata. Contrariwise the authors gain over the 
Flora of the British Isles in placing Mibora minima in Dorset instead 
of Hampshire, for its well-known station is in fact half a mile on the 
Dorset side of the county boundary. 

A most attractive feature to the amateur is the fact that species 
are given 0, 1, 2, or 3 stars denoting degree of rarity. This must, of 
course, be a matter of opinion, but I was astonished to find how little 
I felt able to disagree with the opinions expressed. I should have given 
Carex ericetorum and Galiwm parisiense three stars, not two like 
G. boreale. I should have given Botrychium lunaria two, not one like 
Ophioglossum vulgatum. I should have given no star to Trifoliui 
medium. But such argument is all part of the pleasure added by this 
novel feature. 

There are attractive end-papers in the form of outline maps of the 
British Isles inscribed with names to make the botanical mouth water, like 
Roundstone, Altnaharra, and ‘‘Phyllack Towans’’. It is a pity the artists 
were not able instead, as in the bird book, to cover these maps with 
unlabelled sketches of the appropriate species as a sort of quiz for the 


In conclusion I commend the ownership of this book to amateur 
naturalists at all stages. Joint authorship must have its difficulties; 
but in this case the cross between an ornithologist and a botanist has 
led to an offspring showing a large number of new characters and a 
remarkable hybrid vigour. It should stand every chance of becoming 
established in the appropriate habitats.—J. OUNSTED. 



JOHANNA CHARLOTTE Davy (1865-1955).—Lady Davy, who died on 
December 28th, 1955, was one of the outstanding personalities of this 
Society in the years between the two World Wars. 

She was born in London in February 1865, but before she was three 
years old the family moved to Roehampton, ‘‘to the country near Lon- 
don”? was her description of the place. From childhood she loved 
flowers; her earliest recollection was of sitting on the lawn picking 
daisies. While a young girl she started painting and in a lesser degree 
pressing wild flowers found on holidays in Switzerland, but her interest 
in British field botany came much later when she was over 30. In 1886 
she married James Stewart Davy, and went north to Settle, in York- 
shire, a place she hated; her joy was unbounded when, after a few 
months, they moved to Sussex, to Hamsey, and in 1893 to Copyhold 
near Cuckfield. It was while at Copyhold she began her work on the 
British flora, and in 1899 she joined the Wild Flower Society, which 
added to her interest. Whatever Joan Davy did she did thoroughly; 
she had an instinct for where to look for plants, an instinct which 
developed into a knowledge of plant ecology which was quite remark- 

In 1900 she met Dr. G. C. Druce on a visit to Oxford. This meet- 
ing was the beginning of a friendship which lasted until Druce’s death. 
He was a frequent visitor to Copyhold, and together they explored the 
Sussex countryside; the many entries in the Sussex Flora are proof 
of the valuable work done in that county. Similar work was done in 
Surrey after the Davys moved to Pyrford in 1909, where Pyrola minor 
grew in the grounds of their house, hence its name ‘‘Wintergreen’’. 

Sir James died in 1915, and shortly after, in 1922, Lady Davy moved 
to West Byfleet. Here she kept open house for botanists of all ages, 
helping the beginner and assisting the experienced. There are many 
who remember days spent in the Byfleet-Woking area with gratitude. 

When travel became possible again after the 1914 war Lady Davy 
began a series of trips in search of British plants, often in the com- 
pany of Dr. Druce, T. J. Foggitt and other botanist friends, 

She visited all the well-known localities and many that are to-day 
well known but which 30 years ago were still pastures new. She pub- 
lished a short account of one such trip under the title ‘“‘From John 0’ 
Groats to Lands End” in Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 7, 939-944 (1926). 
This was but one of several and before long she became a recognised 
expert on the distribution of the British flora. One cannot help feel- 
ing how she would have enjoyed the Distribution Maps scheme, and 
what an asset her knowledge and experience would have been. 


In 1923 she went to Scotland with Mrs. Foggitt (then Miss Gert- 
rude Bacon) and together they added Carex microglochin to the British 
flora, a discovery of sufficient importance to warrant an interim report 
of the Society. It is typical of Lady Davy that while not a little proud 
of having found the plant she was even more pleased that she had 
been able to identify it correctly. She kept a collection of specimens 
of the more interesting plants she found and these are now incorpo- 
rated in the herbarium of Mr. J. E. Lousley. 

She had a flair for identification, aided by a wonderful eye for detail 
and a good memory, often declaring she was ‘‘plumb certain’’ before 
even opening a flora. Even so, she always checked her spot diagnosis. 

A talented artist, she did a fine series of water colours of British 
Orchids which are now in the British Museum (Natural History), S. 
Kensington. She had strong views on many things, and never tried to 
hide them. She could strike terror into the heart of some of the younger 
botanists, a terror which quickly turned to admiration and affection 
when the first awe wore off. Joan Davy was one of the kindest and 
most generous of women, and she was always ready to encourage those 
who showed real interest in any subject that appealed to her. 

She was a member of the advisory committee formed to administer 
the Society when Dr. Druce died in 1932, and remained a member of 
Council until 1947. She was a keen and tireless worker for the Society 
and led several excursions, in particular one to the Channel Islands 
in 1936. In recognition of her services to the B.S.B.I. she was elected 
an Honorary Member in 1950. 

There will be many who remember Joan Davy’s kindness with affec- 
tion and gratitude, her readiness to help, her constructive advice, her 
delightful comments and her sense of humour. We could do with more 
of her sort, but there will never be another; she was unique. 

I am grateful to her daughter Lady Richmond for much valuable 
help in compiling this appreciation.—C. M. Ros. 

To those who were privileged to know Lady Davy well, a botanical 
outing meant first-rate field work and a good deal of delightful humour. 
A brilliant field botanist, with an eye that missed nothing, she had a 
really remarkable knowledge of any plant encountered, so that to the 
writer—a schoolboy at the time—she was a most instructive and, since 
she always liked to encourage, a most painstakingly helpful companion. 
Her experience was extremely wide, and by the Second World War she 
had seen in wild situ nearly all the species figured in Bentham & Hooker 
that had existed during her forty-odd years of concentrated study and 
searching. She was one of the last to see Pinguicula alpina at Avoch, 
and Orchis militarits at Goring. Wherever she lived the neighbourhood 
seemed to abound with rare or interesting plants as a result of her 
continuous and careful examination of the local flora. Even the Roman 
Nettle turned up once in her garden, in (I believe) a pot of imported 


Always ready for a good laugh, she also dispensed humour in ways 
which were perhaps not intended. Those who witnessed them will be 
unlikely and unwilling to forget the withering shafts directed through 
her car window at careless users of the public highways who were un- 
fortunate enough to perform in her immediate presence. She had, too, 
confirmed dislikes of certain sections of the community which, if not 
always strictly fair, were sheer delight to listen to. But such idio- 
synerasies as she had seemed all the more to enhance her great person- 
ality, and, grand person that she was, she will be remembered in terms 
of immense gratitude and affection by those for whom—like the writer— 
she did so much and in such a kind way.—R. A. GraHAM. 

PROFESSOR JAMES SMALL (1889-1955) died on the 28th November 1955 
at the comparatively early age of 66, fourteen months after his retire- 
ment from the chair of botany at The Queen’s University of Belfast. 
He was born at Brechin in Forfarshire and educated at the High School 
there, where he early showed his botanical leanings by winning the first 
prize for a very complete collection of local plants. This collection was 
intact when the Professor retired and still occupies a corner of the 
Herbarium in the University. It was probably his early interest in 
plants that led Small to embark on a pharmaceutical training, 
specialising in pharmacognosy, which finally led to an honours degree 
at London University. His post-graduate career was interrupted by 
the First World War, in which he was badly wounded, being invalided 
out of the army in 1916. Later that year he was appointed lecturer 
at Bedford College, London University. While he was still a student 
in London he had spent all his spare time in Chelsea Physic Garden, 
and it was then that he began his studies of the pollination mechanisms 
of the Compositae and the collection of material for the monograph on 
the “Origin and Development of the Compositae’’, for which he was 
awarded the degree of D.Sc. in 1919. As a specialist in this family he 
assisted in the classification of material from Kingdon Ward’s expedi- 
tions and was the author of the genus Wardaster. 

In 1920 Small was appointed Professor of Botany in Belfast, and a 
year later his Textbook of Botany was published. This book was to his 
students an epitome of the man himself, revealing the wide range of 
knowledge and the delight in small things—the multum in parvo. 

To the academic world Small’s name is mainly associated with his 
exhaustive series of papers on ‘‘Quantitative Evolution’’, so that his 
quite considerable contributions in the fields of physiology and systematics 
are often overlooked, and his pioneer work on ecology in Ireland almost 
forgotten. Early in the 1920s he directed the attention of his students 
to this branch of field botany, which was then only in the earliest stages 
of development. Among other studies he organised a survey of the peat 
lands around Lough Neagh, which he was the first to identify as fen, 
drawing attention to the ‘‘zonal dominants’’ exhibited in the flora. A 
need for a simple method of acidity determination arose both in these 
habitat studies and in physiological research, and this led Small to 


devise the “‘range indicator’? method for pH determination, which was 
used in his research on stomatal movements. Small published a mono- 
graph on the pH of plant cells in 1929, and followed this with two books 
summarising modern research on pH in 1947 and 1953. 

Photography early became his principal hobby, and he perfected a 
camera capable of taking pictures of ‘‘pocket-lens’’ magnification. With 
it he produced a wonderful collection of studies of plant and animal 
structure, made both in the laboratory and out of doors during his 
caravan holidays. In 1938 he was admitted to the fellowship of the 
Royal Photographic Society, a professional honour which he had long 
coveted, and which he treasured as highly as the gold medal awarded 
to him by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1951 in recognition of his 
published research work. 

Small delighted in improvisation and invention, and many of his 
‘““makeshifts’? far excelled the expensively manufactured article. He 
also encouraged originality in his students, and his teaching courses 
were planned to set a premium on initiative. His advanced students 
followed a programme of individual assignments rather than set classes, 
a practice far in advance of the period when it was initiated, but which 
is now becoming more common. An innate dogged perseverance enabled 
him to circumvent any difficulties of organisation that arose, and each 
move was worked out in meticulous detail before any project was set 
on foot. This led to a natural deliberation of manner, which, added to 
the formidably gruff facade he exhibited to the general public, masked 
his deep interest in all his students, his pawky sense of humour and his 
generous loyalty. It was only those who worked with him closely who 
came to a full appreciation of the man.—M. P. H. Kerruanp. 



Mr. F. W. Adams, 141 Sandygate Road, Sheffield, 10, would be glad 
to receive living and herbarium material, and seed of Arenaria serpylli- 
fola L. agg. 

Mr. G. R. Sagar, Dept. of Agriculture, Parks Road, Oxford, is work- 
ing on the ecology of the five common British species of Plantago. He 
would be grateful for seed samples of any of the species together with 
short notes on the habitats of the parent populations. 


Mr. E. W. Groves, Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural His- 
tory), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7, is interested in the distribution 
in Britain of the Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides). It is 
regarded as being native along our shores from Yorkshire to East 
Sussex where it occurs locally on dune scrub. Elsewhere it has been 
planted either as a sand-binder, or where growing inland as an orna- 
mental. Some maritime stations have been known for many years but 
so far the plant has not spread inland to colonise the alluvial gravels 
as it has done on the Continent. 

Most of the herbarium material examined has consisted of gather- 
ings made fifty or more years ago, while records in published Floras are 
not much more recent. Up-to-date information is required as in some 
stations the plant may no longer exist, while in others it may be 
diminished through coastal erosion. Records kindly supplied by 
Dr. S. M. Walters from returns received under the B.S.B.I. Maps 
Scheme have been a help, but many of the older recorded localities need 
recent confirmation and suitable sand dune areas need searching for 
new ones. 

Ideal would be specimens collected and well documented with precise 
localities so that their limits of occurrence could be plotted later on a 
map. Such material would be deposited in the National Collection at 
the British Museum (Natural History) for future reference as material 
represented in the Herbarium is at present somewhat meagre. Records 
of material in members’ own herbaria or from their field note books 
would also be of assistance. Ornithological friends, too, may be able 
to help as winter feeding flocks of birds along the coast are known to 
frequent bushes of Sea-buckthorn wherever it grows. Positive obser- 
vations as to the bird species involved, particularly if seen eating the 
berries, would be most valuable as it is probable that they play a part 
in the spread of the plant where new colonies arise some distance away 
from those already well established. Inland the Sea-buckthorn has 

within recent years been planted in several places as a road beautifier. 
Information of this kind with dates of planting, if known, would be 

Hippophae is dioecious so that where male and female plants occur 
in close proximity fertile fruit is set. It is when the glistening orange 
berries are in the branches, often in great profusion, that the shrubs 
really become conspicuous. They remain on the twigs throughout the 
winter, so it is during this period more than at any other time of the 
year that the presence of the Sea-buckthorn in a new locality is most 
likely to be noticed. 

For details of the Nature Reserves declared by the Nature Con- 
Servancy and procedure for obtaining permits to visit them see [’ro- 

ceedings B.S.B.1., 1, 565 (1955). 


The Air Ministry have established a range at Newborough Warren 
but, following representations made at a Public Local Inquiry by this 
Society and others, have agreed to make advance notices of firing prac- 
tices available to research workers and students. These notices will be 
sent to our Local Secretary, Prof. P. W. Richards, Coed Menai, Upper 
Bangor, Caernarvonshire, and members wishing to visit the Warren 
are advised to make arrangements with him well in advance of the 
time of their visits. 

Members are urged to report to Mr. J. KE. Lousley, 7 Penistone 
Road, London, S.W.16, any threats to the British flora. The Council 
has appointed a Conservation Committee to deal with such matters and 
every effort will be made ‘‘to promote in every way possible the 
conservation of the British flora’’. 

The Society is collecting information about the effect on native vege- 
tation of toxic.chemicals used for spraying crops. The increasing use 
of weed-killing chemicals on arable land implies a threat to neighbour- 
ing uncultivated land or woods since the spray can be carried a 
considerable distance under suitable conditions. Members who observe 
damage from this cause are asked to send full details to Mr. J. FE. 

Lousley, 7 Penistone Road, London, S.W.16. 

A card index of autecological and/or cytogenetic-taxonomic 
researches that are being carried out on British flowering plants is 
maintained by the Association. Copies of the index may be consulted 
at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, or at the Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh. Its purpose is to obviate overlapping between different 


workers. Members taking up research of this nature are asked to send 
particulars either to Mr. R. D. Meikle, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 
Surrey, or to Mr. B. L. Burtt, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 4 


The Association has a Field Studies Centre at Garth, Fortingall, 
Aberfeldy, Perthshire. The charge for accommodation is about 4 gns. 
per week and parties from Natural History Societies and amateur 
naturalists coming individually are just as welcome as school, training 
college and University groups 

Full information, including details of courses run by the Association 
(e.g. on Sedges and Rushes, Mosses and Liverworts) may be obtained 
from the Honorary Secretary, Scottish Field Studies Association, 
Department of Botany, The University, Glasgow, W.2, to whom all 
enquiries should be addressed. 

Members are reminded that through the kindness of the Council of 
the Linnean Society of London, they have the privilege of consulting 
the Library of the Linnean Society at Burlington House, Piceadilly. 
London, W.1. 

A limited number of relevant advertisements will be accepted for 
the Society’s publications as space permits. Enquiries should be 
addressed to Mr. D. H. Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13. 

It is hoped to print a revised list of members early next year, and 
members are requested to send any alterations or corrections to Mr. D. 
H. Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, as soon as possible. 



To be obtained from Mr. E. B. Bangerter, c/o Department of Botany, 

British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 
Prices revised September 1956. Postage extra. 


A few almost complete runs are available for sale to Institutions; details 
will be sent on request. For details of other available parts see Year 
Book 1951. 

SPECIAL OFFER OF BACK REPORTS. To enable new members to 
cbtain a representative selection of eariier publications, and in order to 
reduce the Society’s stock of surplus Reports, they are offered certain 
back Reports at a greatly reduced price. The parts available are mainiy 
from Vol. X (1933) to Vol. XIII (1946-47), and parcels of 20 different 
Reports (10 Secretary’s Reports and 10 Distributor’s Reports; published 
price £7), are offered at the price of £1 post free (British Isles only). 
Parcels of 10 different Reports (5 Secretary’s Reports and 5 Distribuior’s 
Reports; published price £3 10/-), are offered at the price of 10/- post- 
free (British Isles only). Selection of Reporis to be made by the Society. 

SECOND-HAND REPORTS. The runs listed below are offered at less 
than half-price. In some cases the covers are worn or torn, or the pages 
annotated, but they include parts which cannot be supplied separately 
out of the Society’s stock. 
RUN GC. Vols. VI—XIII, 1920-1947 .........00 00... £10 
RUN D. Vols. VI—XIII, 1920-1947 20, £10 

Certain parts of Volume | and other volumes are also available second- 
hand at half-price—details may be obtained from Mr. Bangerter. 


Vol. | (1949-50), parts 1-6; Vol. If (1951-52), parts 1-6; Vol. Ill (1953- 

56), part 1, 7/6 each; parts 2-5, 15/- each. Members purchasing Reports, 

Watsonia and Proceedings, for their own use are entitled to a reduction of 

25%. This concession cannot be allowed on more than one copy of a 
part or volume. 

1949, 1950, 1951, 1952 and 1953, 7/6 each. 

ISLES. Vol. | (1954-55), parts 1-4; Vol. I! (1956), parts 1 and 2, 
10/- each. 

METHODS. Ed. A. J. Wilmott, 1948, 10/-. 

Ed. J. E. Lousley, 1951, 10/-. 

THE CHANGING FLORA OF BRITAIN. Ed. J. E. Lousley, 1953, 15/-. 
1955, 20/-. 

THE FLORA OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Druce (1926). Bound, 30/-. 
Bound, 25/-. 

are given the opportunity of purchasing this book at half-price, i.e., 10/-. 
The price to non-members remains at 20/-. 

THE FLORA OF WEST ROSS. Druce (1929). 7/6. 



Reprints of most papers which have appeared in Watsonia from Vol. 

Annals of the B.E.C. Foggitt (1933) M 
Samuel Brewer’s Diary (N. Wales). Hyde (1931) 
Du Bois Herb., British Plants in. Druce (1928) ... 

John Blackstone, Apothecary and GBotanist (1712-53). Kent 
C1949) )\00.: oe JR re 
John Clare and ‘Northamptonshire “Plant. Records. Perring 
(1955) ae iv E 

Duplicated Binomials. Druce (1925) 

Nomenclature and Corrections to British Piant List 
1 (1942), 2 (1944), 4 (1947), 5 (1948), 6 (1949), 
Wilmott; 7 (1950), 8 (1951), Warburg... per set 
A Binary Name for the Hybrid Watercress. Shaw (1951) 
es nena of the British a of paneebsees Lousley 
950 e i% vi Be 
Correct Name for Veronica aquatica ‘Bernh. Burnett (1950) ... 
Orchis latifolia. Vermeulen, Pugsley, Wilmott (1947) ... 

Notes on the Flora of Alderney. Ounsted (1954) eee 
Notes on Flora of Scilly Isles & Lizard. Raven (1950) . of 
A List of Plants from the Isle of Wight. Drabble & Long (1932) 
Flora of Surrey (Notes on). Druce (1932) . 

Additions and Correction to the Comital Floral for Middlesex. 
Kent (1949) 

Notes on the Flora of Kensinzton Gardens & Hyde Park. Kent 

(1950) ; 
Additions to the Berkshire Flora. Druce (1919) ie Ps 
Notes on the Fiora of Oxfordshire and Berkshire: Il. Brenan 
(1956) be aes oe ede 
Notes on the Flora of Cambridgeshire. Perring, Seil & Walters 

Additions and E mendations to c. F. for Beds. Dony (1946) ... 
Contribution to the Flora of Huntingdonshire. Dony (1950) . 

Plants of the Silurian Limestones on the West of the Malvern 
Hills. Day (1953) 

Staffs., additions to C. F. Edees (1944) 

Notes on Staffordshire Brambles. Edees (1955) 

Flora of Caldey Island, Pembrokeshire. Hepper (1954) 
Recent Work on the Manx Flora. Allen (1954) 

Additions and Emendations to the C. F. for Fife and Kinross 
(v.c. 85). Macleay (1953) 

Three Weeks’ Botanising in Outer Hebrides. Campbel! (1937) 
Additions to Flora Zetlandica. Druce (1925) 

Flora of Foula. Turrill (1929) 

irish Plant Records. Webb (1952) 

Egypt and Palestine. Druce (1926) ... 

part 1 onwards, are available for saie; details will be sent on request. 



— — © WD 

~~ st «—| KW WD 


nDnmD © 

oo oo © 

onan oo © 

REPRINTS FOR SALE (continued) 


Adventive Flora of the Port of Cardiff and additions. Wade & 
Smith (1926 and 1927), each 

Adventive Flora of Burton-on-Trent. Curtis (1931) 
Adventive Flora of Burton-on-Trent. Burges (1946) 
Southampton Docks. Brenan (1947) ebb 

Flora of Bombed Sites in Canterbury. Kent (1951) 

Extinct and Dubious Plants of Britain. Druce (1926) . 

Identification and Distribution of the British Watercress Species. 
Howard & Lyon (1950) 

Distribution of British Watercress Species. Howard & Lyon 

Cakile edentula (Bigel.) ook. in Britain. Aen (1952) 
Variations of Silene nutans L. in Great Britain. Hepper (1951) 

Floral Variation in Stellaria holostea L. Brenan & Lousley 
(1946) oh abe, a: ae ee om Maer dd 
British Brambles. Trower (1929) 

Weihean Species of Rubus in Britain. Watson (1949) 
Rubus Watsonii sp. nov. Mills (1949) ae o 
Rubus corylifolius var. purpureus Bab. Watson (1950) 
Alchemilla vulgaris L. agg in Britain. Walters (1949) 
Alchemilla subcrenata Buser in Britain. Walters (1952) 

Aphanes microcarpa (Boiss. et tie Rothm. in Britain. 
Walters (1949) ai seh 

Mossy Saxifrages of the British Isles. Webb (1951) 

Australian Myriophyilum verrucosum eed in Britain. 
Brenan & Chapple (1949) es 2 <A 

Selinum carvifolia L. in Britain. Walters (1956) 

Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte and its Occurrence in Britain. 
Brenan (1950) : Fae 

Homogyne alpina in Scotland. Ribbons (1952) 

Senecio squalidus L. in the British Isles. I, Eariy records. 
Kent (1956) ae 5 “ 

Lapsana intermedia in Britain. Burtt. (1950) 

Limonium binervosum complex in Western and Northern Ireland. 
Baker (1954) : 

Cuscuta europaea var. nefrens ‘ Verdcourt (1947) 

Cuscuta epithymum var. trifolii Bab. Van Oostroom (1951) 

Some Remarks on British Rhinanthus. Wilmott (1942) ... i 

Another British Rhinanthus with Pubescent Calyx. Wiimott 
(1949)... : Va = Na ey ie 

Scutellaria hastifolia in Britain. Pigott (1951) ... 

Menthae Briquetianae. Fraser (1925) 

Menthae Britannicae. Fraser (1927) 

Mint Notes. Graham, 1 (1949), 2 (1950), 4 (1951), each 

Koenigia islandica L. in Scotland. Raven (1952) ... 

Lines of Evolution and Geographical Distribution in Rumex 
Subgen. Lapathum. Rechinger (1949) ; 

Ficus carica L. Lousley (1948) si dB 
Key to the British Species of Salix. Rechinger (1949) 

ee ae a ee 

eoxaNN =| =| 

— a — a — >) 

REPRINTS FOR SALE (continued) 

Observations on some Scottish Willows. Rechinger (1950) 

1 6 
Salix calodendron Wimm. in Britain. Meikle (1952) 772 
The Kenfig Epipactis. Thomas (1950) Zee i 2» 
Studies in the British Epipactis, | and Il. Young (1949) 2 0 
Studies in the British Epipactis, Ill. Young (1952) 7 ae = 
Orchis cruenta Mull. in the British Islands. esa eecenen 
(1950)... hid’ vel bse 2. @ 
Orchis traunsteineri Saut. in the British Isles. Heslop-Harrison 
CASS) 25: i Bis ane fA at an 2.0 
Orchis traunsteineri Saut. in Wales. Lacey (1955) a Ss Lie 
Distribution and Ecology of Arum neglectum in Southern 
England. Prime, Buckle & Lovis (1955) BA! i: 2 9 
Distribution and Ecology of Scheuchzeria ae. L. Sledge 
(1949) iP 5% om 2 8 
Carex flava and C. muricata. " Nelmes (1947) i..@ 
A Hybrid Sedge from West Norfolk. Petch & Swann (1956) i.<5 
Another Hybrid Carex from Ireland. Nelmes (1949) ... 8 
A Mysterious Carex on Ben Lawers. Sandwith (1952) 0 6 
Milium scabrum Merlet. Tutin (1950) [ae 
Avena strigosa. Marquand (1922) 1 #0 
British Fescues. Howarth (1948) if 3 an i 2 0 
Roegneria doniana (F. B. White) Meld. in Britain. Raven 
(1952) a ie Ln Ri 1 0 
Note on Species Pairs in the Gramineae. Tutin (1950) ... ve ie em 
Equisetum ramosissimum as a British Plant. Alston (1949) ... 1 6 

‘Victoria regia’’—the Emblem of the Society. Lousley (1951) 


A Magazine of Natural History 

Published Every Quarter by the I.N.J. Committee. 

Epitep spy Miss M. P. H. KERTLAND, M.Sc., with the assistance of 
Sectional Editors. 

Annual Subscription, 10/- post free. Single Parts, 3/6. 
All communications to be addressed to:— 

The Editor, Department of Botany, Queen’s University, Belfast 

@ A Lt Hl ese 

Continued from inside front cover 


Development and Rules Meetings 
D. E. Allen (Hon. Sec.) A. H. G. Alston 
A. H. G. Alston EK. B. Bangerter 
Dr. H. J. M. Bowen Dr. H. J. M. Bowen (Hon. Sec.) 
Miss M. S. Campbell O. Buckle 
Dr. J. G. Dony Dr. J. G. Dony 
J. S. L. Gilmour Mrs. A. N. Gibby 
R. A. Graham P. C. Hall 
D. H. Kent Dr. E. M. Rosser 
R. D. Meikle Mrs. B. H. S. Russell 
E. Milne-Redhead Mrs. B. Welch 
O. V. Polunin ; 
7 ee a a Conservation 
J. E. Dandy J. E. Dandy 
D. H. Kent Captain C. Diver 
6 re eg J. S. L. Gilmour 
. K. Airy Shaw 
RM Payne R. A. Graham 
N. ¥. Sandwith J. E. Lousley (Hon. Sec.) 
E. C. Wallace E. Milne-Redhead 
Dr. S. M. Walters Dr. F. Rose 
P. J. Wanstall (Hon. Sec.) V. S. Summerhayes 
Dr. E. F. Warburg P. J. Wanstall 
Maps Mrs. B. Welch 
Prof. A. R. Clapham Dr. D. P. Young 
(Hon. Sec.) 
Dr. J. G. Dony 
Dr. H. Godwin Junior Activities 
R. A. Graham 
Fe Lousley Oy he 
R. D. Meikle Miss H. Franks 
E. Milne-Redhead Miss L. W. Frost 
C. D. Pigott Miss B. M. C. Morgan 
W. T. Stearn J. Ounsted 
Prof. T. G. Tutin : 
E. C. Wallace ue oes 
Dr. S. M. Walters Dr. C. T. Prime 
Dr. KE. F. Warburg A. W. Westrup (Hon. Sec.) 

Prof. D. A. Webb 


*B. L. Burtt (Chairman) R. Mackechnie 

+B. W. Ribbons (Hon. Sec.) *Professor J. R. Matthews 
Miss M. S. Campbell +J. Grant Roger 

*Miss U. K. Duncan ' +Dr. G. Taylor 

*Appointed by the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 
TAppointed by the Botanical Society of the British Isles 



Published Twice Yeariy 

Price 15} per part 

Obtainable from Mr E. B. BANGERTER 
c/o Department of Botany, British Museum, 

(Natural History ), London, S.W.7 


Edited by J. E. LOUSLEY 

The purpose of this volume is to make available to a wider public the 
papers read at the very successful Conference arranged by the Botanical 
Society of the British Isles in 1954. The sixteen contributions cover the 
subject over a very wide field and, in addition to those dealing with 
special studies of flowering plants, from palaeobotany to experimental 
taxonomy, others are concerned with fungi, algae, bryophytes and ferns. 
The contributors include Prof. Alan Burges, Prof. J. H. Burnett, Mr. J. 
S. L. Gilmour, Prof. S. C. Harland, Prof. J. Heslop-Harrison, Dr. E. 
W. Jones, Prof. I. Manton, Dr. A. Melderis, Dr. R. Melville, Dr. H. 
Hamshaw Thomas, Dr. W. B. Turrill and Prof. T. G. Tutin. The 
discussion which followed some of the papers is also included. 

Demy S8vo., 190 pages, with 2 half-tone plates and 28 figures in the tezt. 
Bound in buckram. 



Mr. E. B. Bancerter, c/o Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural 
History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 



Editor: D. H. KENT 

Vol. 2 JULY 1957 


E. B. Bangerter and D. H. Kent . me “esenpes (2 
NOTES ON THE FLoRA oF Farr Iste. By N. M. Pritchand, ree be) 

Wiuuows. By J. F. M. Cannon and Margaret Cannon... 226 

R. 8S. R. Fitter es <3 ee oe or Bo eae 
Piant NOTES ot ee ae oS 
PLANT RECORDS. paired = E. C. Wallace ae exe 240 
ABSTRACTS FROM LITERATURE. Compiled by D. H. ont Eee) 0) 
EXHIBITION MeEtTiIne, 1956 se - oe aie are Ore 
REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 1956 . ee = se Beret Oe 
DISTRIBUTION Mars SCHEME, eno eee ae ee 312 

‘ANNUAL REPORT se ae ae pamtamersy be ! 
ANNUAL GENERAL Meerine, 13TH is 1957 ee ie a tape 2 1G 
REVIEW fi oes ae ay =o ee is Eee PA 
Booxs Reeves So = = < Ee ee Goa oe 
SHorT Note Sots = oe oes ee ae . O24 
OBITUARIES)... Gs Ses Ss ae en pe er ateeo 
Personauia AND Notices TO MEMBERS... Se ee, 
List OF MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS (Supplement ae ... 1-42 

0/0 DEPARTMENT OF BoTANY, British Musrum (NaturaL History), 
Lonpon, S.W.7 



Patroness: H.R.H. THe Princess Royar 

Applications for Membership should be addressed to the Hon. Assistant 
Secretary: D. H. KENT, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, from whom 
copies of the Society’s Prospectus may be cbtained 

APRIL 12rx, 1957 

President: Prof. T. G. Tutin 

Vice-Presidents: J. E. Lousley, N. Y. Sandwith, G. M. Ash, 
Prof. D. A. Webb 

Honorary General Secretary : Dr. J. G. Dony 

Honorary Treasurer ; E. L. Swann 

Honorary Editor : Dr. E. F. Warburg 

Honorary Meetings Secretary : Dr. H. J. M. Bowen 

(in order of seniority for purposes of Rule 3 (e)) 

Elected April 1954 Elected April 1956 

O. Buckle J. E. Dandy 

Prof. H. G. Baker P. C. Hall 

D. McClintock J. Grant Roger 

Dr. E. M. Rosser Miss C. M. Rob 
Elected April 1955 Elected April 1957 

Dr. F. Rose A. W. Westrup 

C. E. Hubbard Dr. S. M. Walters 

P. J. Wanstall E. Milne-Redhead 

J. E. Raven Miss L. W. Frost 

Honorary Assistant Secretaries D. H. Kent and Mrs. B. Welch 
Honorary Assistant Treasurer : P.M. Newey 
Honorary Field Secretary P. C. Hall 


Association of School Natural History Societies : A. W. Westrup 
Biological Council : Dr. E. F. Warburg 

Field Studies Council : J. E. Lousley 

Continued on itnstde of back cover 


By E. B. BANGERTER and D. H. Kent 


Turrill (1948) has stressed the need for recording the spread 
ot Veronica filiformis, a well known rock-garden plant which has 
escaped and become established in many parts of Britain. In 
this paper we have attempted to outline its history and 
spread in the British Isles and elsewhere. A full list of all the 
British records known to us is also appended. 


Smith (1791) in describing Veronica filiformis stated—‘“This 
plant is very like V. hederifolia in many respects, but is sufficiently 
distinguished from that species by its leaves being crenate and 
not five-lobed, the segments of its calyx lanceolate, not ovate, 
and by the very long filiform footstalks of its flowers”. In fact 
the alleged similarity is not at all close, and V. filiformis is much 
more closely related to V. persica Poir., even Smith himself con- 
fusing the two species in his herbarium. Further complications 
are that the nomenclature of the two species has been much 
confused (see Lacaita, 1917, & Williams, 1904), and that V. fili- 
formis DC. is a synonym of V. persica, while Don (1838) confuses 
V. filiformis Sm. with V. polita Fr. 

V. filiformis differs from V. persica in the following characters: 


habit creeping slender peren- straggling stouter 
nial annual 

stems shortly pubescent pilose 

pedicels slender, up to 6-8 times up to twice as long as 
longer than leaves leaves 

leaves - broadly ovate, or almost triangular - ovate to 
reniform - orbicular, oval, coarsely  ser- 
crenate, 5-10 mm. rate, 10-30 mm. broad 

calyx lobes oblong obtuse, green ovate, accrescent, 

becoming brown; 
strongly nerved 

corolla pale blue bright blue 
capsule suborbicular with a of 2 divaricate lobes 
long style compressed upwards 

and sharply keeled 


secd pale yellowish - brown, medium brown, 2-1 xX 
1:5 x -9 mm. (rarely 1-5 mm. (freely pro- 
produced) duced) 
habitat * streamsides, roadside cultivated ground 

banks, lawns and 
other grassy places 
flowering period April-June March-November 


V. filiformis is a rare plant with a very restricted range in the 
mountain areas of the Caucasus and Asia Minor, where it grows 
in woods, fields and pastures. Maps showing the known distri- 
bution of the species are given by Wulff (1914), Lehmann (1942 
& 1954) and Thaler (1953). 


Lehmann (1944) records that even in its native habitats 
V. filiformis produces very little seed and spreads vegetatively. 
Beauverd (1927) writing on the plant in Switzerland states— 
“the flowering stem has alternate leaves and a solitary flower but 
becomes too heavy for the filiform main stem with opposite 
leaves; the latter is thus bent and where the nodes touch the 
soil it roots and gives off branches. After flowering the floriferous 
stem produces opposite leaves and becoming too heavy im its 
turn, trails the ground and gives off rootlets and branchlets. 
Thus the plant perennates. During the former operation the 
flowering stem straightens by heliotropism, and about 12-15 
(rarely 29) flowers are developed, one per day. Although spread- 
ing by this sympodial method plants also produced fertile fruits 
(2-4 on each 12-20 flowers per inflorescence) and showed them- 
selves capable of reproducing by seed”. Warburg (1952) says 
“fruit not known in Britain’, but we have seen material with 
capsules containing seed from Hampshire (coll. F. E. W. Venning) 
and W. Kent (coll. J. F. & P. C. Hall), now both in Hb. Mus. Brit. 
The proportion of fructiferous to non-fructiferous flowers was 
small. A solitary seed was also produced by material from E. 
Kent (coll. D. Long), also in Hb. Mus. Brit. 

We have not seen V. filiformis seedlings in Britain, nor have 
we received reports of any: the spread in fact appears to be 
entirely vegetative. Lehmann (1944) writing on the plant in 
western Europe refers to its two characteristic features—extensive 
reproduction through runners and almost total lack of reproduc- 
tion through seed. He mentions also that some authors have 
attributed the scarceness of seed formation to the plant’s new 
environment and points out that this assumption is incorrect 
since even in its native habitat the plant forms few seeds. He 


attributes this rare formation of seed to some connection between 
the plant’s self-sterility and its rapid and extensive reproduction 
by runners, and gives details of experiments conducted with 
different clones of the species. These showed that when self- 
pollinated a plant formed no seed but when cross-pollinated many 
seeds were produced. The statement by Wolley-Dod (1937) that 
the “species spreads rapidly from seed in gardens... .” cannot be 
accepted as accurate. Hansen (1955), however, reports capsules 
and seedlings from Denmark. 

Thaler (1951) writes at length on the morphology of the 
species and makes a comparison with V. persica. 


Much has been written on V. filiformis in Europe since its 
discovery in France in 1893 until the present time. It is a 
pernicious weed in many parts of France, Switzerland, Germany 
and Austria, and in the interests of space these records have been 
condensed and are summarised below. 

FRANCE. First recorded in 1893 at St-Menet and Camp-Major, 
Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhone) under the wrong name—V. acinifolia L. 
(Roux, 1893; Thellung, 1912; Marnac & Reynier, 1910). Rouet, Mar- 
seilles, 1904 (Marnac & Reynier, 1910). Mayenne, 1923 (Touton & 
Courcelle, 1937). Abundant and spreading in Bouches-du-Rhéne and 
Marseilles, 1924 (Blanc, 1924). Chapelle-au-Grain (Rocher, 1930). 
Samoens (Haute-Savoie), abundant, 1936; Rennes; Tours; Laval 
(Touton & Courcelle, 19387A). Many additional stations are given by 
Lehmann (1942) and Thaler (1953). 

Betcium. Spreading with great rapidity in the suburbs of Brus- 
sels (Matagne, 1938). 

NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam; Limburg (Kloos, 1938). 

GeRMANY. First recorded from Munich in 1929 under the wrong 
name—V. cymbalaria Bod., apparently as an escape from the Botanic 
Garden. It spread rapidly in the area between 1931 and 1934, and 
in the years preceding and during the Second World War it was found 
in many other localities. Bornmiiller (1941) and Lehmann (1942) 
give numerous stations, including Hamburg, Bonn, Darmstadt, 
Coburg, Tiibingen, Jena, Dresden and Chemnitz. 

Austria. Reported first as a garden pest in Graz in 1923, and in 

meadows in Carinthia in 1945. It has now spread and is a trouble- 
some weed in many parts of the country (Thaler, 1953 and Widder, 

Potanp. Detected as an adventive, new to the Polish flora, in the 
East Carpathians in 1952 (Kornas & Kuc, 1954). 

SWITZERLAND. First noted as an established escape at Berne in 
1913 (Lehmann, 1942). In 1927 it was discovered growing abundantly 
on the embankment of a newly made road at Geneva, and was 
erroneously claimed as a plant new to Europe (Beauverd, 1927). It 


has since been found in many other places and numerous localities are 
given by Becherer (1938-56). 

Iraty. Reported, as new to Italy, at Lecco near Neguccio in 1954 
(Viola, 1954). 

Denmark. A pest in the garden belonging to the Royal Veterinary 
and Agricultural College in Copenhagen since at least 1917, and in 
Copenhagen Botanic Garden since 1920. Known as an “‘escape’”’ from 
about 1947 and now established in about 100 localities (Hansen, 1955). 

SweEDEN. Found at Sdédermanland Rénnige in 1931 (Thaler, 1953) 
and as a garden weed in the province of Vasterg6tland in 1939 (Thaler, 
1953). Marstrand-Island, 1944 (Fries, 1945). 

Norway. Nordhagen (1940) records the plant as a garden escape 
at Bergen, while Lid (1950) reports it as a pest in lawns in the old 
park at Store Milde, Fana, first noticed in 1941. Lid (1952) gives 
Vardal, 1944, and Os, and Nordhagen (1954) reports it in a lawn in the 
park at Bogstad, Oslo, in 1951. 


Unitep States. Muenscher (1949) records that in central New York 
the plant has overrun many lawns and presents a difficult control pro- 
blem, and later (1955) reports that it is well established locally in 
the north eastern states. 


Paxton (1840) gives the date of the introduction of V. filiformis 
into Britain as 1780, but this possibly refers to V. persica. The 
earliest certain evidence of the cultivation of the plant ma British 
garden is to be found in A Catalogue of the plants in the Royal 
Botanic Garden at Liverpool (1808), p. 51, which briefly states 
that V. filiformis, ‘long-stalked speedwell’ is cultivated in that 
garden. Aiton (1810) makes no mention of the species, but Donn 
(1845) records it as growing in the Botanic Garden at Cambridge. 
The Hand List of Herbaceous Plants cultivated in the Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, ed. 2 (1902) fails to mention the plant 
but it is given in the Hand List of Rock Garden Plants cultivated 
in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1925). 

Although it will be seen that V. filiformis was firmly entrenched 
in various botanic gardens by the outbreak of the First World 
War, it had yet to become popular among rock garden enthusiasts. 
Farrer (1919) does not include it in his comprehensive work, 
but a correspondent writing in Gardeners’ Chronicle, 65, 
297 (1919) states “Most books of reference and catalogues are 
silent on the subject of V. filiformis; a pretty speedwell which 
comes from Asia Minor which I grew first some fourteen or fifteen 
years ago... . V. filiformis is apparently quite hardy and will 
last for years with fair treatment but it must not be checked or 
overrun by other and stronger growing subjects”. The miscon- 


ception that the plant was easily overrun was revealed by Downes 
(1931) who wrote “For rapidly covering a rough bank or wail 
and for positions on the rock garden where it can be allowed to 
run V. filiformis is a dainty subject. Flowering in May and June, 
the small, pale blue flowers spread thickly over the dense mats 
of light green leaves, making a charming picture .... its one 
fault, if it be a fault in so charming a subject is its rampant 
growth, the slender creeping stems spreading themselves over a 
large area in a single season and rooting freely to form new 
colonies”. This provoked some correspondence in horticultural 
literature and began to reveal the true nature of the species, for 
Milne-Redhead (1932) stated—“This beautiful but rampant 
carpeter from Asia Minor has begun to play an annoying role 
in my garden here (Cheltenham). During 1928 I noticed two 
patches established in the turf of the lawn; these I pulled out 
and those that have appeared since have been treated similarly. 
In the mown turf it is a very close and firm creeper and is as hard 
to remove as the native V. serpyllifolia. This spring I see that 
it has increased and there are several small colonies all over the 
lawn. The “disease” is evidently very infectious and spreads 
rapidly in congenial surroundings. The subsoil here is Lower 
lias”. A further warning was given by “L.B.C.” (1932) who 
wrote—“There are many keen gardeners who do not relish the 
appearance in their gardens of this little speedwell. Certainly 
V. filiformis should be ruthlessly attacked if seedlings appear in 
close proximity to some treasured alpine for the Veronica will 
sweep over everything in its path”. Further confirmation of the 
danger of introducing the plant into the rock garden was afforded 
by Elliott (1935) who stated—“‘Veronica filiformis has got me 
into more trouble than any plant I have ever distributed. As 
far as I can remember I have always stated quite frankly, that 
it is a rampant trailer, or a lovely wandering weed... . and yet 
folk will go and plant it in the scree, or among their Jankaeas”’. 


The earliest evidence of the occurrence of V. filiformis as an 
established garden escape appears to be a specimen collected by 
the river Ayr near Ayr in 1927. Two years later it was gathered 
on waste ground in Jersey, Channel Islands. Wolley-Dod (1937) 
states that “it was first observed as an escape in Sussex about 
1930”, while in 1932 it was found on waste ground at Jethou, 
Channel Islands. During the same year it was collected from 
Edinburgh, and was reported to be established near Freshwater, 
Isle of Wight. In 1933 it was noted as naturalised near gardens 
in Jersey, Guernsey and Sark, and on a roadside bank at 
Exmouth, §. Devon and Ockham, Surrey. It was reported also 
from Sidcot and Street, N. Somerset and Ballina, W. 
Mayo, the first evidence for Ireland. In 1935 it was seen at 


Wicklow, and was becoming established as an escape from culti- 
vation in Cardigan, Wales. It was gathered also from Kingsley 
Common, N. Hants. In 1936 it was found by the roadside 
at Mold, Flint and at Lymington, S. Hants, and in 1937 on 
waste ground at Oxford, and on a grassy bank between Sligo and 
Ben Bulben. Evidence that the plant was spreading in Sussex 
was given by Wolley-Dod (1937) who listed seven known stations 
in the county. 

During 1938 it was recorded from Painswick, E. Gloucester, 
banks of river Severn near Holt Fleet, Worcester, and Greencastle, 
KEK. Donegal. A second Oxford locality was noted in 1939, and in 
1940 the plant was reported to be colonising lanesides at Farn- 
don, Nottingham; it was noted also from waste ground at Bridge 
of Weir, Renfrew and in a woodland strip at Helensburgh, Dun- 
barton. In 1941 it was found far from houses between Winter- 
bourne-Stoke and Yarnbury, S. Wilts, and on a roadside at High 
Wray, Westmorland. During 1942 it was seen on a grassy wayside 
at Gressingham, Lime Valley, W. Lancs and in a meadow at 
Ockley, Surrey. Further localities were also reported from S. 
Devon and Oxford. In 1944 it was found to be well established 
on the banks of the river Wye, both in W. Gloucester and Mon- 
mouth, and was also reported from waste ground at Perth. 

During 1945 it was noted from the banks of the river Arun 
near Houghton Bridge, W. Sussex, Sketty Green and Limeslade, 
Glamorgan, and Barnstaple, N. Devon. In 1946 it was recorded 
in a stubble field at Colchester, N. Essex, colonising a newly-made 
road at Colwall, Hereford, on sand dunes at Strandhill, Sligo, on 
a river bank near Catton, N.E. York, near Reeth, Upper Swale- 
dale, N.W. ‘York, by a roadside ‘at Rockcliffe, Kirkcudbright 
and by a streamside at Drumnadrochit, Easterness. New localities 
were also reported from E. Gloucester, Glamorgan and Ayr. 
During 1947 it was found established by a roadside at Tillbrook, 
Bedford, and near Craigs of Lundie, Forfar. Further localities 
were also recorded from §. Somerset, E. Gloucester, Glamorgan 
and Wicklow. In 1948 it was noted at Powerstock, Dorset, and 
Glen Mona, Isle of Man. During 1949 it was discovered on the 
banks of the river Pont near Ponteland, 8S. Northumberland, and 
on the golf-links at Howth, Dublin, and in 1950 was noticed on a 
footpath near Bembridge, Isle of Wight, on a grassy bank at 
Tunbridge Wells, W. Kent, in lanes about Llawhaden and Tenby, 
Pembroke, banks of the river Dibbin, Bromborough, Chester and 
river bank above Tanfield, N.W. York. Additional stations were 
also reported from Surrey, Oxford and E. Gloucester. 

From 1951 records have come in from all parts of the British 
Isles in ever increasing numbers and it is clear that V. filiformis 
is now widely established and locally abundant in a variety of 
natural and artificial habitats. It is perhaps most widely 
naturalised on river and stream banks, but it is also widely 


| Veronica filiformis Sm. 

1: 1,500,000 (approximately 24 miles=1 inch) 
Statute Miles 
e 24 a n Cy | 


Fig. 1. Distribution of Veronica filiformis Sm. as an established escape 
in the British Isles. 

Outline by courtesy of Messrs. George Philip & Son Ltd. 



established on lawns and in churchyards. In England it is 
probably most frequent in Gloucester, where Sprague (1948) and 
Salisbury (1953) have described its dominance over native vege- 
tation, Monmouth, Worcester, Hereford, S. Devon and Sussex. 
In the London area it is, as yet uncommon, but is slowly spread- 
ing. In Wales it is locally common in Glamorgan and Cardigan, 
while in southern Scotland it also appears to be locally plentiful. 
in Ireland, Prof. D. A. Webb informs us that it is a very common 
lawn weed in gardens but is very slow to spread extensively 
elsewhere, usually being found on roadside banks near houses 
and on rubbish-heaps. It is as yet barely naturalised although 
admittedly so in many centres. 

The known British and Irish vice-comital distribution of 
V. filiformis as an established escape (see Fig. 1) should read: 
1-25, 27-30, 33-52, 54, 56, 58-79, 81-84, 88-90, 92-101, 104, 107, 
$09, 112: H.5;7,'8, 16, 20, 27, 27, 23. 33-30) 56-40 


The following list gives all the records known to us, including 
details from herbarium specimens examined.* The following 
abbreviations are used : —Hb. British Museum (BM), Hb. Univer- 
sity Cambridge (CGE), Hb. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 
(E), Hb. Mus. Leicester (LTR), Hb. Univ. Leicester (LEI), Hb. 
National Museum of Wales, Cardiff (NMW), Hb. Univ. Oxford 
(OXF), Hb. South London Botanical Institute (SL.BI), Hb. 
Trinity Coll., Dublin (TCD). 

GUERNSEY: naturalised near gardens, Chevalier, 1933. 
JERSEY: bank at La Haule, 1929, ZL. Arséne (oxr). St 
Heliers, 1929, LZ. Arséne (oxr). Naturalised near gar- 
dens, Chevalier, 1933. 
JeETHOU: waste ground, Jethou, 1932, R. Meinertzhagen, det. 
E. B. Bangerter (BM). 
Sark: naturalised near gardens, Chevalier, 1933. 
V.c. 1. W. Cornwati: established in a waste corner of Perran- 
zabuloe Churchyard and lane outside, 1945, F. Rilstone 
(nMw). Garden weed, Lambourne Hill, 1945, F. Ril- 
stone (Hb. E. C. Wallace). Hedgebank, Tremethick 
Cross, near Penzance, 1954, R. C. DL. Howitt. Perra- 
nuthnoe Churchyard; Gulval Churchyard, abundant, 
1955, K. E. Bull. 
1b. Istes oF Sortty: on a bank near a house, St. Mary’s, 1955, Mr. 
& Mrs. R. C. L, Howitt. 
2. E. Cornwati: wet field by river, Chapel Amble, near Wade- 
bridge, 1954; old slate quarry 4 miles from Tintagel on 
the road to Camelford, 1955, R. I. Sworder. 

*Additional records (and specimens) would be much appreciated, and should be 
sent to either of the authors. 


3. S. Devon: roadside bank, Exmouth, 1933, H. S. Thompson 
(Hb. Lousley). Torquay, 1944, Itev. T. Stephenson, 
Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 13, 305. Hedgerows, Yelverton, 
1944, C. West (Hb. Lousley).  Gidleigh, spreading on 
roadside banks, W. Keble Martin, Rep. & Trans. Devon. 
Assocn., 83, 485. Weed in Jenny Wren’s Tea Garden, 
Knowle, 19538, J. Nesbit (pm). Abundant on grass 
verge and roadside by Paignton goods station; not far 
from Berry Head Hotel, Brixham; Ashburton Church- 
yard; outskirts of Galmpton, K. H. Bull, Proc. B.S.B.1., 
1, 176. Lane side near Loughwood Farm, Kilmington, 
1954, J. P. M. Brenan (x). Near Kingsbridge, in hedge- 
rows and by roadsides, 1955, S. M. Walters. Membury 
and Stockland districts, spreading along sides of streams 
into places remote from habitation, 1955, T. J. Wahan. 
4. N. Devon: Barnstaple, two stations, Ff. A. Brokenshire, det. 
at Kew, Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assocn., 77, 58. Belstone 
and South Tawton Quarries, O. Greig, Rep. & Trans. 
Devon. Assocn. 84, 257. Gooseford and Paynes Bridge, 
O. Greig, Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assocn., 85, 181. Parra- 
combe, 1950, 7. G. Collett. Among, rubble field corner 
above Pixie Lane, Braunton, 1954, K. H. Bull. 
5. §. Somerset: weed in kitchen garden, Newton Farm, Bick- 
noller, 1932, T. A. Sprague (x). Hedgebank, Edgcott, 
1947, C. T. Amherst, det. A. J. Wilmott (pm). Verge of 
lane at edge of wood, Angersleigh, 1955, O. M. Hallam. 
Grassy bank at roadside, opposite houses, N. of Dunkery 
Beacon, 1956, Mr. & Mrs. Hallam, J. F. & P. C. Hall. 
Fivehead ; West Sedgemoor, 1956, Miss D. EF. de Vesian. 
6. N. Somerset: Sidcot, 1933, H. S. Thompson (kK). Friends’ 
Burial Ground, Street, 1933, H. S. Thompson (k&). 
Wootton, near Street, 1946, V. S. Swinmerhayes (k). 
Abundant weed in nurseries, Baltensborough, 1948, J. 
Markham (x). Roadside, Priston, Mrs. EH. M. Bell; 
Glastonbury Abbey ruins, C. J. & N. Y. Sandwith, Proc. 
Bristol Nats. Soc., 28, 172. Main Bristol to Bridgwater 
road at Axbridge, 1954; Rk. C. L. Howitt. On uncut 
grass strip in front of Drewa’s House, Saltford, near 
Bath; banks of Kennet-Avon Canal at Bathwick, and 
below Limpley Stoke, 1956; in a ditch at Bathampton 
since 1946, Miss A. L. Miller, teste D. McClintock. Bank 
of Kennet-Avon Canal, near Limpley Stoke, 1956, Miss 
J. D. Miller, comm. D: McClintock. 
7. N. Wiirs: in grassland near Great Chalfield, in great quan- 
tity; meadow §. of Corsham; roadside near Neston, in 
fair quantity, 1951, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. Mag., 54, 341. 
Chippenham, 7. G@. Collett, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. Mag., 
55, 62. Garden weed, Melksham; roadside bank, Bow- 









den, 1950, T. G. Collett. Stream bank near Rowde, in 
quantity; roadside near Liddington; river bank near 
Ramsbury, in good quantity, J. D. Grose. 

S. Witts: between Winterbourne Stoke and Yarnbury, far 
from houses, 1941, B. Welch (pm). Grassy lane near 
Clyffe Hall, 1950, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. Mag., 53, 77. 
Little Cheverell, Mrs. M. EK. Nurse, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. 
Mag., 55, 62. Devizes, R. Sandell, Wilts. Arch. ¢& 
N.H, Mag., 55, 62. Roadside N. of Dinton, in great 
quantity, 1954, Mrs. J. M. Grose, Wilts. Arch. & N.H. 
Mag., 57, 37. Roadside, Widbrook; roadside by Round 
Wood, one small patch; Upavon; river bank, Upton 
Lovell, in good quantity; river bank, Boyton, in fair 
quantity; J. D. Grose. Lane verge near Salisbury, 
1954; R. W. David. 

Dorset: garden escape, Powerstock, 1948, C. D. Chase, Proc. 
Dorset. N.H. & Antiq. F.C., 75, 161. Roadside bank, 
Wimborne, 1954, R. A. Graham (Hb. Graham). 

IstE oF Wicut: Middleton, near Freshwater, 1932, HE. & H. 
Drabble (sm). Footpath near Bembridge, J. Ounsted, 
Watsonia, 2, 48. 

S. Hants: near Lymington, 1936, S. A. Taylor (trTR). 
Garden weed, Butts Ash, near Hythe, 1953, F. EF. W. 
Venning (BM). Thoroughly established, and in fine 
flower on Pennington Common, 1954, J. EH. Lousley (BM, 
Hb. Lousley). Garden pest, New Milton, 1954, T. G. 
Collett. Garden pest, Southsea, 1956, Miss D. W. 
Fawdry. Denmead; Hambledon, 1950, A. W. Westrup. 

N. Hants: garden outcast, edge of Kingsley Common, 1935, 
P. M. Hall, N. D. Simpson & E. C. Wallace (BM, SLI, 
Hb. Lousley & Hb. Wallace). 

W. Sussex: bank of river Arun near Houghton Bridge, N. 
Y. Sandwith, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 13, 68. Abundant 
by the river Arun near Houghton towards Arundel Park, 
E. C. Wallace, Watsonia 1, 255. Near Amberley, bank 
near river Arun, S. of Houghton, 1953, B. Welch (BM). 
Streamside near Poynings Church, for 100 yards or more, 
and large patches in nearby meadows; covering most 
of East Preston Churchyard, 1953, K. FE. Bull. Waste 
ground, Bosham, 1953, T. G. Collett. Waste ground W. 
of river Adur, Shoreham; footpath, W. side of river 
Arun, North Stoke; roadside E. of Lancing College, 
1956, D. Philcor. Roadsides and turfy slopes to lake, 
Chatergrove, near Bolney, 1956, R. C. Palmer. 

EK. Sussex: near Fairwarp, FE. D. Morgan; under a wall at 
Ratton, Mrs. Horrill; in three places near Mayfield; 
Crowborough; Blackham, FE. D. Morgan (Wolley-Dod 


1937). Lewes, Miss K. Pickard, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 
10, 28. In three places about Alfriston, 1938, J. E. 
Lousley (sm, Hb. Lousley & Hb. Wallace). Railway em- 
bankment near Robertsbridge; East Dene Churchyard; 
St Leonards, 1949, R. Doggett in litt. to Kew. Kings- 
ton-by-Lewes Churchyard, 1951; MHorselunges, Hel- 
lingly, roadside and lawns, 1953; Iford Churchyard, 
below Lewes, covering nearly all the available turf, 
1951; roadside for some distance near Tanyard Farm, 
Buxted; by stream, Cuttinglye Wood, East Grinstead, 
1953; by New Place, Willingdon, and in Jordans Lane, 
Willingdon, 1954; Hellingly station yard, 1954; Buck- 
hurst Lane, Wadhurst, 1955; St Peter’s Churchyard, 
Eastbourne, 1955, K. H. Bull. Haywards Heath, 1953, 
Miss M. Songhurst (8m). Hawkenbury Cemetery, Tun- 
bridge Wells, K. H. Bull, Proc. B.S.B.1., 1, 59. Stream 
side, Maresfield, 1956, D. H. Allen & D. P. Young. 

15. KE. Kent: garden weed, Denton, near Canterbury, 1953, Miss 
D. Long (BM). Among bushes on grassy road verge, 
Seabrook, 1955, F. Rose, J. F. & P. C. Hall. 

16. W. Kent: grassy bank, Bishop’s Down, Tunbridge Wells, 
1950-53; abundant in turf, St Paul’s Churchyard, Rust- 
hall, 1950-53; Bull’s Hollow, Rusthall, 1951, K. E. Bull, 
Proc. B.S.BJI., 1, 176. Otford, 1953, N. DL. Kimmins 
(pm). Holt Wood, Aylesford, 1953, C. West (Hb. Lous- 
ley). Hildenborough, 1956, D. McClintock. Grassy 
roadside at edge of Boarzell Wood, S. of Flimwell, 
1956, J. F. & P. C. Hall (Bm). 

17. Surrey: roadside bank, Ockham, 1933, A. H. Carter (Hb. 
Lousley). Meadow by stream S. of Ockley, 1942, N. Y. 
Sandwith d& E. C. Wallace (Hb. Wallace). Headley, 
1947, H. F. Warburg (uEI1). Meadow by backwater of 
river Wey near Ockham Court, Ripley, 1949, J. P. M. 
Brenan & N. Y. Sandwith (x). Banks of river Wey, 
Hlstead, 1950, O. V. Polunin (pm). Reigate Heath, 
1952, R. A. Boniface; 1953, B. Welch (sm). Bookham 
Common, 1953, HE. B. Bangerter (Bm). The Glade, Fet- 
cham, 1953, A. H. Norkett (pm). By River Mole, Nor- 
bury Park, 1953, J. F. & P. C. Hall (pm). Rubbish- 
tip, Leatherhead, 1953, London Natural History Soctety 
Excursion. Roadside, Marden Park, 1954, P. Green- 
field. Grassy patch near Chelsham bus garage, 
1956, London Natural History Society Hxcursion. 
Rapidly increasing in Sanderstead New Churchyard, 
1956, D. P. Young. Banks of river Wey below Tilford 
in quantity, 1954, H. Muilne-Redhead. Garden pest, 
Ewshott, Farnham, 1956, Miss V. M. Leather. 








Essex: Ramsden Heath, 1955, S. T. Jermyn (Bm). Ditch 
banks, Margaretting, Ingatestone, 1955, T. H. C. 
Bartrop. Garden pest, Leigh, 1955-56, S. T. Jermyn. 

N. Essex: in stubble fields near Mile End, Colchester, J. A. 
Whellan, Rep. Bot. Soc. & B:C.; 13, 300.) Pest ot gar 
dens and lawns, Harlow, 1951-56, H. Mace. Halstead 
area, 1950, D. EF. Allen. 

Herts: waste ground, Welwyn Garden City, 1952, Miss H. 
D. Garside (pm). Near Tring railway station, 1953, G. 
Rance (pm). Abundant in a disused garden and spread- 
ing outside, Watersplace, near Ware, 1955; roadside, 
Kelshall, near Therfield, 1955; by gamekeeper’s cot- 
tage in grass, Wain Wood, near Preston, Hitchin, 1956; 
J. G. Dony. 

MIppLESEx: weed on tennis courts, Hounslow, 1942, H. Banks. 
Garden pest, Harrow, G. H. Lockett, det. N. Polunin 
(oxF). Road bank, Northwood, 1952, R. A. Graham. 
Canal path near Jack’s Lock, Harefield, 1955, B. Welch. 
Garden pest, Battle of Britain House, Northwood, 
1955, B. P. Pickess. Garden and lawn pest, Ruislip, 
1956, F. HE. Wrighton. 

Berks: garden path, Kennington, 1943, C. E. Hubbard (k). 
Windsor Great Park, 1950, H. Milne-Redhead & R. A. 
Graham. By the river Thames, Little Wittenham Wood, 
1956, R. C. Palmer. 

Oxrorp: waste ground, Manor Road, Oxford, 1937; Jackdaw 
Lane, 1939, J. P. M. Brenan, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.U.., 
12, 795. Garden weed, Yardley Lodge, Oxford, 1943, 
C. E. Hubbard (kx). Bank of river Thames, Binsey, 
1944, C. E. Hubbard (xk). Persistent garden weed, St 
Margaret’s Road, Oxford, 1948, A. P. Conolly, comm. 
T. G. Tutin, Watsonia, 2, 48. Garden weed, Staverton 
Road, Oxford, 1954, M. Fisher (pm). Thames bank be- 
tween Goring and Pangbourne, 1954, P. C. Hall (BM). 
Garden weed, Bampton, and in the cemetery, Dr. 
Davey, comm. P. G. Beak, Proc. B.S.B.I., 2, 110. Road- 
side bank, Burford, 1952-56; garden weed, Chinnor, 
1954-56, R. S. R. Fitter. 

Bucks: garden pest, High Wycombe, 1955, EH. C. Badcock 
(pM). Bank near Radnage Church, 1954, R. S. R. Fitter, 
Middle-Thames Nat., 8, 28. Pest of lawns, Beconscot 
Village, Beaconsfield, 1956, T. G. Collett. 

KI. Surrork: near Belstead Lodge and Gusford Hall, 1952, 
Trans. Suffolk Nats. Soc., 8, 191. 

E. NorrotkK: near Bungay, Ditchingham, garden weed, 1953, 
Miss M. Brown (sm). Abundant at Calthorpe, near 
Stalham, 1956, T. G. Tutin. 








W. NorFoLtk: garden escape from High House, Westacre; in 
the paving of the cemetery at Upwell, 1955, E. L. 
Swann. 2 

CAMBRIDGE: persistent garden weed, Storey’s Way, Cambridge, 
1948, T. G. Tutin, Watsonia, 2, 48. Playing fields, St. 
John’s College, Cambridge, 1952, D. A. Hopwood & S. 
M. Walters (cee). Rough grass in grounds of Kirtling 
Towers, 1952, S. M. Walters (cGE). 

BEpForD: established by roadside, Tillbrook, 1947, J. G. Dony 
(pm). Garden pest, Luton Hoo, Dony, 1953. 

E. GLovucEstTER: by roadside, Painswick, 1938, EH. R. Roberts 
(c@E). Garden escape, well established in turf in 1941, and 
increasing, Lower Hilcot; Elkstone, 7. A. Sprague; 
Cirencester; Rendcomb, Airy Shaw; village green, 
Hucclecote (Riddelsdell, Hedley & Price, 1948). 
Garden at ‘“‘Royal William’”’, Cranham, 1946, J. Evans 
(Riddelsdell, Hedley & Price, 1948). Cheltenham, T. A. 
Sprague, Watsonta, 1, 255. Near Queen’s Wood, Prest- 
bury; sandpits, Sandy Lane, Leckhampton, 1947, C. C. 
Townsend, det. A. J. Wilmott, Watsonia 1, 255. 
Meadow by lane leading to Dowdeswell Reservoir to 
Rossleigh Manor, Watsonia, 2, 347. Allotments near 
Bourton-on-the-Water School; streamside near Cran- 
ham Church; Nethercote, Bourton-on-the-Water; Lower 
Slaughter Churchyard; near Hatherley Park, Chelten- 
ham, 1950, K. FE. Bull. Pest in lawn near Cranham, 
1953, M. J. Mulligan (pM).  Brimscombe, 1953, C. C. 
Townsend, Chelt. & Dist. Nat. Soc. J., 1954, 5. 

W. GuoucesTER: well established on banks of the Wye between 
Redbrook and Bigsweir; below rapids, Symonds Yat, 
1944, Charles (Riddelsdell, Hedley & Price, 1948). 
Abundant all along the Wye banks from Symonds Yat 
station to the track to Braceland, C. C. Townsend, 
Watsonia, 2, 347. Below Symonds Yat, on Gloucester 
side of the Wye, in masses in hedgebanks, 1953, Mrs. 
D. Aston (BM). Grassy slope near Arbutus Drive,: 
Blaize Castle, Henbury, with V. chamaedrys; com- 
pletely covering a large lawn at Clifton House Hotel, 
Clifton, 1951, K. E. Bull. Hedgerow, Portway Lane, 
Old Sodbury, and cart track, Bangel Wood, Kilcot, G. 
W. Garlick, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 28, 309. By the 
Frome at the foot of Bury Hill, Winterbourne, G. JV. 
Garlick, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 104. 

MonmovutH: banks of river Wye, Hadnock near Monmouth, 
1944, R. Lewis (BM, NMw). Bank of river Wye under 
Penallt, 1944, R. Lewis (nmw).- Bank of river Wye 
between Bigsweir and Whitebrook, 1944, S. G. Charles 








(nMw). Along the Wye Valley on a disused road, 1953, 
Mrs. D. Aston (BM). 

HEREFORD: new road, Colwall, becoming established as a 
weed, 1946, F. M. Day (sm). Banks of river Wye from 
Bredwardine Bridge to Farnhope, 1949; open wood, 
Longworth Hall, 1950; roadside, King’s Acre, Here- 
ford, 1950, Mrs. L. E. Whitehead. Roadside, Vow- 
church, 1950, H. Blundstone. Roadside, Ridge Hill, 
1951, Mrs. L. E. Whitehead. Bank of river Monnow, 
Pandy, 1951, K. Johnston. Joadside, Ewyas Harold, 
1951, M. Porter. Roadside, Mordiford, 1952; old 
garden, Whitbourne, 1952, 7. Muller. River bank and 
open wood, Downton Gorge, 1953, Mrs. L. E. White- 
head. Bearswood Common, 1953, F. M. Day. Nieu- 
port House and roadside, Almeley, 1956, A. Melderis. 
Road bank near Leominster, Miss C. M. Goodman. 

WoRkcEsSTER: naturalised on the banks of the river Severn north 
of Leachford Ferry near Holt Fleet, 1938, W. H. 
Hardaker (oxF). In quantity on the bank of the river 
Severn behind Shrawley Wood, near Droitwich, C. E. 
Andreus & C. C. Townsend, Proc. B.S.B.I., 1, 59. 
Kempsey; Ombersley Churchyard; Malvern; Malvern 
Wells, Hardaker, 1954. Grass verge of a rough unmade 
road leading to Castlemorton Common, 1955, M. H. 
Cocke, det. It. C. L. Burges. In profusion over at least 
100 yards outside Birtsmorton Church, C. C, Townsend, 
Watsonia, 2, 347. 

Warwick: Rough Hill Wood, near Studley, 1953, C. C. Town- 
send, Proc. B.S.BJ., 1, 176. Locally abundant on road- 
side, Turners Green, 1953; garden weed, Solihull, 1952; 
locally abundant as a garden weed, Knowle, and in an 
adjoining meadow, 1955, R. C. Readett. Roadside and 
banks, Haslor, near Alcester, Miss C. M. Goodman. 

STaFFORD: canal side near Sutton, Forton, 1955, E. S. Edees. 

SaLtop: garden weed, Church Stretton, 1941, M. Gepp. 
Garden pest, Shrewsbury, 1956, 7. G. Collett. Ludlow, 
1955, Miss C. M. Goodman. 

GLAMORGAN: grassy verge by Sketty Green, 1945, J. A. Webb 
(nMw). Caswell, Gower, 1954, J. A. Webb (nmw). Over 
the cliffs at Limeslade, Gower, 1945, J. 4. Webb (xmw). 
Roadside, Nottage, 1947, HE. M,. Thomas (NMw). 
Mumbles Cemetery, J, A. Webb; an increasing garden 
weed, Cogan, etc., H. Vachell, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 
13, 305. Bank of river Ely, St. Georges; pest of lawns, 
Cardiff, 1955, A. FE. Wade. Streamside, Ilston Cwm, 
abundant, 1956, J. A. Webb (xmw). Southgate, 1956, 
J. A. Webb (Nw). 







Brecon: laneside near house, Abergwesyn, 1956, P. C. & J. F. 
Hall. Llangammarch Wells, 1956, Mr. & Mrs. R. C. L. 
Howitt. Abundant by streamside near Three Cocks Inn, 
near Talgarth, 1956, R. A. Graham & R. M. Harley. 

Rapnor: bank of river Wye near Boughrood, 1956, P. C. & 
J. F. Hall.  Pen-y-bont, 1956, Mr. & Mrs. R. C. L. 

CARMARTHEN: Rhandirmwyn, 1952, J. M. Vaughan (NMwW). 

PemMBROKE: lanes about Llawhaden; Narberth Road, Tenby, 
Rees, 1950. 

CaRpDIGAN: becoming established rather frequently as an escape 
from cultivation, 1935, Wade, 1952. 

MontGomeEeRY: near Meifod, 1955, Cambridge Bot. School 
Exped. Roadside near Congregational Chapel, Carno, 
1956, I. A. Williams (8M). 

MerIoNETH: Barmouth, 1951, R. Lumley-Jones (pm). Road- 
sides near Bron Meiron, Arthog, 1951, P. M. Benoit 
(nMw). Path on south bank of river Sgethin just below 
Talybont Bridge; grassy places near the end of the road 
to the sea from Llanddwywe Church; rubbish-tip between 
Llanbedr village and Talwrnbach Halt; Dolgelly, 1955, 

P. M. Benoit. 
CAERNARVON: Capel Curig, 1950, Miss D. E. de Vesian. 
DENBIGH: rapidly spreading in the county ... . and in places 

becoming dominant, Savidge, 1954. 

Fuint: by roadside, Llanferres, near Mold, 1936, J. A. Whel- 
lan (Kk). Rapidly spreading in the county .... and in 
places becoming dominant, Savidge, 1954. Extensive 
patches at Loggerheads and near Nant Alyn, J. P. 
Savidge, Proc. Inverpool Nats. F.C., 1955, 5. 

ANGLESEY: Menai Bridge area, 1950, ex. B.S.B.I. Maps 

S. Lincomn: garden weed, Old Hall, Stragglethorpe, 1954, 
Rh. C. L. Howitt. 

N. Lincotn: pest in lawn, Boston, 1951; roadside, Reverly 
Bridge, near Boston, 1956; pest of lawns, Willoughton, 
1956; Tealby, near Market Drayton, 1956, Miss E. J. 

NotrinGHAM: garden weed and colonising lanesides, Farndon, 
1940; Orston, 1953, R. C. L. Howitt. 

Cuester: banks of river Dibbin, Bromborough, Savidge, 1954. 

S. Lancaster: pathsides and grassland, Downham, 1951, M. R. 

W. LANCASTER: grassy wayside in lane near Gressingham, Lime 
Valley, 1942, J. N. Frankland, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 
12, 498. Grassland on edge of Haugh Wood, near Rib- 
chester, 1953, M. R. Tomlinson. 











S.E. York: Riplingham Road, Hull, Mrs. Grewe, per Miss 
F. E. Crackles, The Nat., 1957, 28. 

N.E. York: river bank about a mile below Catton village, 
1946, C. M. Rob (nmw & oxF). Lastingham, H. B. Wil- 
loughby Smith, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 13, 305: Hack- 
ness, 1947, H. Rowntree (Walsh & Rimington, 1953). 

S.W. Yorxk: grassland, edge of stream, Waddington, 1956, 
M. R. Tomlinson. 

Mip W. Yor«k: river bank above Tanfield, C. M. Rob, The 
Nat., 1955, 28. 

N.W. York: well established near Reeth in Upper Swale- 
dale, C. M. Rob, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 13, 365. 
DurHam: in a dense mat along the Wear near Hastgate, J. W. 
Heslop-Harrison, The Vasculum (Substitute), 39, 18. 

S. NoRTHUMBERLAND: banks of the Pont near Ponteland, J. JW. 
Heslop-Harrison, Watsonia, 2, 48. Near Haltwhistle; 
Riding Mill; Wylam, J. W. Heslop-Harrison, The Vas- 
culum (Substitute), 38, 24. Holywell Dene, L. Hunt, 
The Vasculum (Substitute), 39, 10. A large patch along 
the roadside between Apperley Dene Farm and Wheel- 
birks, J. W. Heslop-Harrison, The Vasculum (Substi- 
tute), 36, 16. Roadside, Stocksfield, 1955, W. B. H. 
Sowerby (BM). 

CHEVIOTLAND: Rothbury, J. W. Heslop-Harrison, The Vas- 
culum (Substitute), 38, 24. Alnwick, 1955, W. S. Craster. 

WESTMORLAND: roadside in High Wray village, 1951—had in 
creased somewhat by 1948, 7. G. Tutin, Watsonia, 1, 255. 
Near Appleby, 1953, Mrs. J. Dalton (pm). Levens, near 
Kendal, 1955, Miss #. Bradshaw (BM). 

CUMBERLAND: garden and roadside weed, Holmrook, 1953, Miss 
P. Bewlay (pm). Near Salkeld, 1953, Mrs. J. Dalton. 

Iste oF Man: plentiful by the entrance to Glen Mona, 1948, 
J. A. Whellan, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 13, 305. 

Dumrrirs: plentiful on river bank, Tarron Lodge, Langholm. 
1955, G. Watt. Moffat area, 1950, ex B.S.B.I. Maps 

KIRKCUDBRIGHT: roadside, Rockcliffe, 1946, R. Mackechni: 
(om, Hb. Lousley & Hb. Wallace). 

Wictown: near Newton Stewart, 1955, Miss D. E. de Vesian 
(pM). Garlhestown, 1955, R. C. L. Howitt. 

Ayr: waste ground by river Ayr, 1927, R. Mackechnie (Hb. 
Wallace). Roadside, West Kilbride, 1946, R. Mac- 
kechnie (Hb. Lousley & Hb. Wallace). Sunny places on 
roadsides, becoming frequent, Lee, 1953. 

RENFREW: amoug building rubbish, Bridge of Weir, 1940. 
W. Rennie (k). 

Lanark: sunny places on roadsides, becoming frequent, Lee, 









PEEBLES: grassy bank near houses, West Linton, Miss H. P. 

SELKIRK: grassy bank, Yair, Miss H. P. Beattie. 

Berwick: Cambridge, Mrs. M. L. Murray. 

HapDDINGTON: grassy bank, near Saltoun; grassy bank, Tyning- 
hame, Miss H. P. Beattie. 

EpinspureH: Edinburgh, 1932, H. A. Webber (pm). Roadside, 
Fettes Avenue, Edinburgh, 1952, P. S. Green (&); since 
eradicated by Corporation weeding operations, B. L, 
Burtt. Grassy verge outside church, Crichton Castle, 
1956, D. McClintock. W. Calder & Roslin areas, 1950, 
ex B.S.BI. Maps Scheme, 

LINLITHGOW: grassy bank, Bathgate, Miss H. P. Beattie. 

Mip Perru.: waste ground, Perth, 1944, M. S. Campbell & 
A. J. Wilmott (mM). Roadside, Killin, 1945, RK. 
Mackechnie (Hb. Lousley & Hb. Wallace). Cemetery at 
St. Kattan’s Chapel, Aberuthven; §. bank of river Tay 
near Elcho Castle, A. W. Robson, Proc. B.S.B.I., 1, 59. 

E. Pert: grassy bank, Blairgowrie, Miss HZ. P. Beattie. 

Forrar: Ardgarter Farm, near Craigs of Lundie, 1947, A. 
Hf. G. Alston (BM). 

KINCARDINE: abundant garden weed, Glenbervie, 1953, J. C. 

S. ABERDEEN: Braemar area, 1950, ex B.S.B.I. Maps Scheme. 

N. AperpEEN: Inverkeithny area, Miss M. McCallum Webster. 

BanrF: wet ground by a drain mouth, Tomintoul, opposite 
Woodhill, 1954, W. J. Hopkins. Bridgend, Drummuir 
Castle and Portknockie areas, Miss M. McCallum 

EKuein: Dunphail, Forres, Findhorn, Dallas, Burghead, 
Rothes and Fochabers areas, Miss M. McCallum 

HASTERNESS: streamside, Drumnadrochit, 5.W. of Inverness, 
1946, A. J. Wilmott & M. S. Campbell. 

WESTERNESS: meadow, Morar, 1957, Miss M. McCallum 

ARGYLL: roadside in Kilchrenan village, 1952, H. C. Wallace 
& K. N. G. Macleay (Hb. Wallace). Portnacroish and 
Invercreran areas, 1950, ex B.S.B.1l. Maps Scheme. 

DuNBARTON: woodland strip, Helensburgh, 1940, W. Rennie 

CLypE ISLES: grassy verge near the pier, Brodick, Arran, 
1954, G. C. Lewarne. 

Kintyre: sunny places on roadside, becoming frequent, Lee, 

1953. Kilkerran Quarry, near Campbeltown, 1956; 
banks of Killean burn, W. Kintyre, 1956, M. H, Cun- 
ningham, det. HE. C. Wallace. 

*Records so marked were received. too late for inclusion on the map... 












VERONICA FILIFORMIS sM. )fl 2:1 8x)2)7: )7517 

N. ExsuprEs: rough ground outside the kirkyard, Uig, Skye, 
1954, Miss M. McCallum Webster (BM). : 

E. SuTHERLAND: Helmsdale area, Miss M. McCallum Webster. 

CaITHNESS: roadside, Dunbeath, 1956, Miss M. McCallum 
Webster (BM). 

ZETLAND: naturalised by Tingwall Churchyard, 1956, W. 
Scott, det. J. HE. Lousley. 

E. Cork: Foaty Island and Belvelly near Cork, 1955, Miss 
C. E. Longfield. Abundant in a pasture along the bank 
of the river Blackwater about a mile E. of Fermoy, 
1956, D. A. Webb. 

S. Tipperary: Thurles, D. A. Webb. 
Limerick: Pallaskenry, D. A. Webb. 

W. Gatway: field at Gorteen Bay, W. of Roundstone (near a 
house), J. Ounsted, Watsonia, 2, 203. Naturalised 
alongside the road to the pier, Oughterard, 1952, R. B. 
Drummond (kK). East end of Ballynahinch Lough, 1956, 
D. A. Webb. 

WIcKLow: garden pest at the rectory, Wicklow, spreading into 
grazing land, 19385; margin of a hayfield between 
Rathsaltagh and the Greese river, near Colbinstown, 
1947, Brunker, 1950. Grange Con; Woodenbridge; 
Rathnew, J. P. Brunker. 

DuBLIN: near the club-house, St. Finian’s golf-links, Howth, 
S. M. Sockett Foster, det. E. F. Warburg (oxF). Shady 
roadside bank, Monkstown, D. A. Webb (rep). 

MeatH: garden pest, Pilton House, Drogheda, 1956; The 
Grove, Balroth, 1956, D. McClintock. 

W. Mayo: roadside bank, Ballina, 1933, C. Pearson (tcp). 
Westport, R. L, Praeger. 

Suigo: grassy bank between Sligo and Ben Bulben, 1937, W. 
H. Hardaker (oxr). Sand dunes, Strandhill, Faris 
(Praeger, 1946). 

LoutH: garden pest at Killiney House, Drogheda and Red 
House, Ardee, 1956, D. McClintock. 

FerMANAGH: Laragh Ballinamallard, escaped garden weed, 
1953, Mrs. G. Burkitt & S. M. Walters (cee). Lisnar- 
rick; Aghalane, I. D. Meikle, E. N. Carrothers & J. 
McK. Moon. Wayside near Inver Lough, 1956, J. McK. 

E. Donecat: field by the Fort, Greencastle, Brenan & Simp- 
son, 19388. 

W. Donrcat: shore of Lough Kinney, 1955, B.S.B.I. Field 

Tyrone: garden weed, Tynan Abbey, 1956, D. McClintock. 


H.38. Down: hedgebanks and waste ground near the shore, Rost- 
revor, 1952, J. McK. Moon. Weed in Slieve Donard 
Nurseries, Newcastle, 1956; Ards Airport, 1956, D. 

H.39. ANTRIM: ditches and golf course, Carrickfergus, 1940; 
ditches and golf courses at Greenisland, Portrush and 
Antrim, 1956; waste ground and meadows, Belfast, 
1956, J. Mchk. Moon. Basaltic pavements by shore of 
Lough Neagh, Shane’s Castle, 1956, J. McK. Moon & 
D. McClintock. Garden weed, Rathmore, Green Island 
and Red Hall, Ballycarry, 1956, D. McClintock. 

H.40. DERRY: waste ground near shore and golf links, Castlerock; 
sand dunes, Magilligan, 1956, J. McK. Moon. 


We are greatly indebted to the many friends and correspondents, 
too numerous to name individually, who have provided us with re- 
cords and specimens. Special thanks must however be offered to Miss 
G. A. Hayes for the preparation of the map, Dr. S. M. Walters and 
Dr. F. H. Perring for records extracted from the Distribution Maps 
Scheme and for details of specimens in Hb. Cantab., Professor D. A. 
Webb, Miss P. M. Hardman and Mr. J. McK. Moon for providing 
records and detailed information for Ireland, Miss EK. P. Beattie and 
Mr. R. Mackechnie for Scottish records, Mr. J. KE. Lousley for informa- 
tion on specimens in his own herbarium and in that of the South London 
Botanical Institute, Dr. E. F. Warburg for details of specimens in 
Hb. Oxon., Professor T. G. Tutin for details of specimens in Hb. Univ. 
Leicester and Leicester Museum, Mr. E. C. Wallace for records 
from his herbarium and Mr. A. E. Wade for details of specimens 
in Hb. Mus. Wales. 


AITON, W., 1810, Hortus Kewensis, Ed. 2. Lond. 

BEAUVERD, G., 1927, Premiére apparition en Europe de Veronica filiformis 
Smith (1791) avec observations sur la biologie de cette plante, Bull. Soc. 
Bot. Genéve, 2, Ser. 18, 328-329. 

BECHERER, A., 1938-56, Fortschritte in der Systematik und Floristik der 
schweizerflora in den Jahren 1936 und 1937, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Gés., 
AS, 273-317: 1938 und 1939, op. cit., 50, 379-424: 1942 und 1943, op. cil., 54, 
847-398 : 1944 und 1945, op. cit., 56, 587-628: 1946 und 1947, op. cit., 58, 131- 
471: 1950 und 1951, op. cit., 62, 527-582: 1952 und 1953, op. cit., GA, 355-389 : 
4954 und 1955, op. cit., 66, 164-193. 

BLANC, P., 1924, Contribution a la flore des Bouches-du-Rhéne, Monde des 
Plantes, 151, 6 

BOISSIER, E., 1879, Flora Orientalis, 4. Basle. 

BORNMULLER, J., 1941, Veronica filiformis Sm. ein ldstiger Neubtirger der Flora 
Deutschland, Fedde Rep. Spec. nov. Beih., 126, 21-26. ae 

Reports, 1927-48. 

216 VERONICA FILIFORMIS sM. )fl 2:1 8x)2)7: )7517 

BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES, Watsonia, 1949->; Proceedings, 


BRUNKER, J. P., 1950, Flora of County Wicklow. Dundalk. 


CHEVALIER, A., 1933, Une excursion botanique dans les iles anglo-normandes, 
Bull. Lab. St. Servan, 11, 27-30. 


& Transactions, 1862—> 

DON, G., 1838. A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants. 4 vols. Lond. 

DONN, P. N. (Editor), 1845, Hortus Cantabrigiensis, by the late J. Donn, Ed. 13. 

DONY, J. G., 1953, Flora of Bedfordshire. Luton. 


DOWNES, A. C., 1931, Two dwarf Veronicas and a Wahlenbergia, Gard. Chron., 
90, 394. 

ELLIOTT, C., 1935, Rock Garden Plants. Lond. 

FARRER, R., 1919, The English Rock Garden. 2 vols. Lond. 

FRIES, H., 1945, Géteborgs och Bohus Ldns Fanerogamer och Ormbunkar. 


HANSEN, A., 1955, Veronica filiformis Sm. og dens optraeden i Danmark, Bol. 
Tidssh., 52, 61-64. 

HARDAKER, W. H., 1954, The Botany of Worcestershire: appendix 2, Trans. 
Worcs. Nats. Club, 10, 328-340. 

HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE, 1902, Hand List of Herbaceous Plants 

cultivated in the Royal Gardens, Kew, Ed. 2. Lond. 

, 1925, Hand List of Rock Garden Plants cultivated in the Royal Botanic 

Gardens, Kew. Lond. E 

KLOOS, I. A. W., 1938, Aanwinsten van de Nederlandse flora in 1937, Ned. Kruidk. 
Arch., 48, 197. 

KORNAS, J. & KUC, M., 1954, Veronica filiformis Smith—nowy we florze polskiej 
uciazliwy chwast lakowy, Fragm. Flor. Geobot., 1 (1), 81-86. 

LACAITA, C. C., 1917, Veronica buxbaumii, J. Bot., 55, 271-276. 

‘L.B.C.’, 1932, Veronica filiformis, Gard. Chron., 91, 419. 

LEE, J. R., 1953, Additions to the Flora of the Clyde Area, Glasgow Nat., 17. 

LEHMANN, E., 1942, Die Einbtirgering von Veronica filiformis Sm. in West- 
europa und ein Vergleich ihres Verhaltens mit dem VY. tournefortii, 
Gartenbauwissenschaft, 16, 428-489. 

———, 1944, Veronica filiformis Sm., eine selbsterile Pflanze Jahrb. Wiss. Bot 

91, 395-403. 

, 1954, Ein Ehrenpreis erobert Westeuropa, Orion, 9, 389-392. 

LID, J., 1950, Nye plantefunn, 1945-1949, Blyttia, §, 41-53. 

, 1952, Norsk Flora, Ed. 2. Oslo. 

LIVERPOOL BOTANIC GARDEN, 1808, A Catalogue of the Plants in the Royal 
Botanic Garden at Liverpool. 


MARNAC, Dr. & REYNIER, A., 1910, Préliminaire d'une flora des Bouches-du- 
Rhone, Bull. Acad. Intern. Géogr. Bot., 20., 88. 

MATAGNE, H., 1938, Quelques phanérogames nouvelles pour la flore belge, Bull. 
Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 71, 68-72. 


MILNE-REDHEAD, G. B., 1982, Veronica filiformis, Gard. Chron., 91, 388. 

MUENSCHER, W. C., 1949, Veronica filiformis, a weed of lawns and gardens, 
Rhodora, §1, 365. 
————-, 1955, Weeds. Ed. 2. New York. 

NATURALIST, 1864-—> 


NORDHAGEN, R., 1940, Norsk Flora. Oslo. 

, 1954, Om gjennombruddet av den engelske landskapsstil i nordisk have- 
kunst og dens betydning for Nordens flora, Blyttia, 12, 37-101. 

PAXTON, J., 1840, A Pocket Botanical Dictionary. Lond. 

PRAEGER, R. L., 1939, A further contribution to the flora of Ireland, Proc. Roy. 
Trish Acad., 45, Sect. B, 231-254. 

, 1946, Additions to the knowledge of the Irish flora, Proc. Roy. 
Acad., 51, Sect. B, 27-51. 

REES, F. L., 1950, A List of Pembrokeshire Plants. Arbroath. 

RIDDELSDELL, H. J.,. HEDLEY, G. W. & PRICE, W. R., 1948, Flora of Glouces- 
tershire. Arbroath. 

ROCHER, E., 1931, Relevé d’herborisations, 1930-31, Bull. de Mayenne-Sciences, 
1930, 47-51. 

ROUX, H., 1893, Supplément au Catalogue des plantes de Provence. Marseilles. 

SALISBURY, E. J., 1953, A changing flora as shown by the study of weeds of 
arable land and waste places, in Lousley, J. E. (Ed.), The Changing Flora 
of Britain, 130-139. Lond. 

SAVIDGE, J. P., 1954, Botanical records and notes, 1949-1953, Proc. Liverpool 
Nats. F.C., 1953, 12-18. 

SMITH, J. E., 1791, Remarks on the genus Veronica, Trans. Linn. Soc., 1, 189-195. 

SPRAGUE, T. A., 1949, Veronica filiformis, in Riddelsdell, Hedley & Price, 1948, 


THALER, I., 1951, Morphologisches tiber Veronica filiformis Smith und ihre 

Verwandten, Phyton, 3, 216-226. 

, 1953, Die Ausbreitung von Veronica filiformis Sm., Phyton, 5, 41-54. 

THELLUNG, A., 1912, La Flore Adventice de Montpellier. Cherbourg. 

TOUTON, J. B. & COURCELLE, R., 1937, Une plante 4 observer: Veronica fili- 

formis Sm., Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 84, 75-81. 
, 1937A, Nouvelles localités pour Veronica filiformis Sm., Monde des Plantes 
38, 38. 

TURRILL, W. B., 1948, British Plant Life. Lond. 

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VIOLA, S., 1954, Presenza della Veronica filiformis Smith in Italia, Nuov. Giorn. 
Bot. Ital., 61, 697-699. 

WADE, A. E., 1952, A Supplement to Dr. J. H. Salter’s The Flowering Plants and 
Ferns of Cardiganshire. Cardiff. 

WALSH, G. B. & RIMINGTON, F. C., (Ed.), 1953, The Natural History of the 
Scarborough District, vol. 1, Geology and botany. Scarborough. 

WARBURG, E. F., 1952, Veronica filiformis Sm., in Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G. 
& Warburg, E. F., Flora of the British Isles, 886. Cambridge. 

WIDDER, F., 1947, Adventivfloristische Mitteilungen, 3: Veronica filiformis Sm. 
ein unerwunschter Zuwachs der karntner flora, Mitt. Naturw. Ver. /. 
Kdrnt., 1947, 94-102. 

WILLIAMS, F. N., 1904, Veronica buxbaumii as a British colonist, J. Bot., 42, 
253-254. ; ; 


WULFF, E., 1914, Les Véroniques de la Crimée et du Caucase, Trav. Jard. Bot. 
Tiflis, 15. 1-179. 






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By N. M. PritcHarpD 
(Botany Department, University of Oxford) 

During August 1956 I spent a week on Fair Isle. No record 
of the plants of the Island has appeared since that of Trail in 
1906, and it seems worth while putting on record some of the 
observations made there last year. 

Fair Isle lies midway between Sumburgh Head on the main- 
land of Shetland and the Island of North Ronaldshay in Orkney. 
It forms part of Vice-County 112, Zetland, and its relation- 
ships are with that group of islands rather than with Orkney. 
The island is about 3 miles long and from 1 to 14 miles wide. 
Except in the extreme south, the coastline is formed almost 
entirely by high cliffs, in some places rising as high as 600 feet. 
Ward Hill (712 feet), the highest part of the island, lies in the 
north west, and it is balanced in the south east by Sheep Craig, 
about 500 feet high. The whole island is composed of Old Red 
Sandstone, which appears more closely related to that of Shetland 
than to the Orkney rocks. This suggests an absence of basic soils 
of any sort, and while no soil samples were taken the plant lists 
confirm this. The range of habitats is extremely limited, a small 
number of plants being abundant more or less throughout the 
island. This limitation is reflected in the list. 

A summary of the different habitats follows. 

(1) The northern two-thirds of the island is completely 
covered by a fairly dry, thin peat, with a few streams and one 
or two more or less barren tarns. Over this area the vegetation 
consists almost entirely of a mixture of Calluna vulgaris, Erica 
cinerea, Himpetrum nigrum and Juniperus communis subsp. nana. 
The Juniper is far more abundant on Fair Isle than on the main- 
land of Shetland. Among these are patches of Agrostis spp., 
Scirpus cespitosus, Festuca spp. and various Carex spp. The 
streams, as elsewhere on the island, contain Hydrocotyle vulgaris, 
Ranunculus flammula, Potamogeton natans and P. polygonifolius. 

(2) The south-western part of this area is rather wetter, and 
the vegetation consists mainly of Juncus articulatus, J. acuti- 
florus, Schoenus nigricans and Molinia caerulea. 

(3) At intervals round the high cliffs are more or less sheltered 
ravines running down to the sea, the richest of which is that 
known as the Gully. In these ravines are found many of the 
grasses and ferns, and such relatively rare species as Primula 
vulgaris and Hypericum pulchrum. — 


(4) The tops of the cliffs themselves are largely eroded by 
wind, but as on Sheep Craig, Malcolm’s Head and the North and 
South Gavels they form the greater part of the sheep-grazing on 
the island. Here there is a close turf of Festuca spp., Carex flacca, 
Luzula multiflora, Armeria maritima and Plantago maritima. 

(5) The cliff faces are largely occupied by the nests of fulmars, 
but on ledges occur Armeria, Plantago maritima, P. coronopus, 
Sedum rosea and Ligusticum scoticum. 

(6) There is a little coarse sand and shingle in the South 
Harbour and in North and South Havens, but this bears little 
except a few plants of Atriplex spp., Potentilla anserina and 
Galium aparine. 

(7) In the southern third of the island the peaty ground is 
replaced by rocky turf, consisting chiefly of Festuca ovina, 
Armeria and Plantago maritima, with such plants as Leontodon 
autumnalis (also common elsewhere), Huphrasia confusa, Gentian- 
ella campestris and Jasione montana. 

(8) In the southern part also, in the village, is all the arable 
land found on the island. Here there are a considerable number 
of weeds, of which the commonest are Myosotis arvensis, Lycopsis 
arvensis, Spergula arvensis, Agropyron repens and Polygonum 
aviculare age. 

In the list of vascular plants which follows, those recorded 
by Trail (1906) are marked with a + sign. When the + sign is 
placed in parentheses, this indicates that Trail recorded an aggre- 
gate which now includes the species, e.g. he recorded Carex flava 
but not C. demissa. Where no indication of habitat is given, I did 
not see the plant myself. These indications are not intended to be 
exclusive, but they give an idea of frequency and also show where 
the plants seem most typically to occur. The plants collected 
may be seen in the Druce Herbarium in Oxford. 

I should like to record my thanks to my wife for assisting in 
the collection of specimens and for drawing the map. 

My thanks are also due to Mr. Kenneth Williamson, Director 
of the Fair Isle Bird Observatory, for his hospitality and 


Lycopoptum sELAGo L. + 

Link Frequent in damp grassland 
Isorrres LAcustRiIs L. In ponds near Ward Hill 
EQUISETUM PALUSTRE L. + Streams near Bird Observatory 

PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM (L.) Kuhn + Drier patches, N. of Island 


BLECHNUM SPICANT (L.) Roth + Rocks in the Gully 
ASPLENIUM MARINUM L. + Ledges in cave, N. Haven 


A. Gray + Rocks in the Gully 
(Willd.) Syme + Abundant in N. of Island 

CALTHA PALUSTRIS L. Frequent in streams 
RANUNCULUS AcRIS L. Streamside in the Gully 
R. REPENS L. Old garden, Vaasetter 


R. FLAMMULA L. + Frequent in wet places 
R. HEDERACEUS L. + Stream in the village 

Medic. + Waste ground in the village 
CocHLEARIA OFFICINALIS L. + Sea cliffs, N. Haven 
C. scotica Druce se 
C. panica L. + Sea cliffs, N. Haven 
CARDAMINE PRATENSIS L. + Fields in the village 
V. cantina L.. Grassland in N. of Island 
V. PALUSTRIS L. + Frequent in N. of Island 
POLYGALA SERPYLLIFOLIA Hose + Damp grass above the Gully 
Hypericum putcHrum J.. + Rock cleft below Wirrvie Brecks 
SILENE MARITIMA With. + Frequent on sea cliffs 
MELANDRIUM pDIoIcum (L.) Coss. 

& Germ, + Sea cliffs, Burrashield 
LYcHNIS FLOS-cucULI L. + Frequent in wet places 
CERASTIUM BOLOSTEODES Fr. + Common in waste places and on 

C. ATROVIRENS Bab. + In the Gully 
STELLARIA MEDIA (L.) Vill. + Frequent near buildings 
SAGINA MARITIMA Sm. Sea cliffs, N. Haven 
S. PROCUMBENS L. + By the Observatory 
HONCKENYA PEPLOIDES (L.) Ehrh. Sand in S. Haven 
SPERGULA ARVENSIS L. + Common in arable land 
MonTIA FONTANA subsp. FONTANA (+) By the Observatory 
ATRIPLEX PATULA L. Shingle in S. Harbour 
A. HasTaTA L. Shingle in N. Haven 

(Woods) Druce + 
TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE L. Arable land. ? Escape 
T. REPENS L. + Frequent in arable land and 

throughout the Island 
ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA L. + Roadsides in the village 
Lotus corNnicuLatus L. + Frequent in grassland 
Victa cracoa L. + Frequent in arable ground 



P. ErectA (LL.) Rausch. 

SrEpuUM ROSEA (L.) Scop. 

EpiInobium opscurum Schreb. 






Licusticum scoticum L. 







R. acEtTosa L. 

R. tonerFrorius DC. 

R. crispus L. 

Urtica DIoIca L. 












LyYcopsis ARVENSIS L. 

Myosotts scorprompes L. 

M. cagsrrtosa K. F. Schultz 

M. arvensis (L.) Hill 


P. syivaTiIoa L. 


E. F. Warburg) 
FE. scottca Wettst. 
FE. rounarnsts Towns. ex Wettst. 
KK. Bnorratis Wettst. 
Prneuicuna vurearts L. 


+ +444 

++++++4 +++++++++4+ 444 





Frequent near buildings and on 

Common throughout Island 

Cliffs, Malcolm’s Head 

[Not rec. for v.ce. 111 or 112] 

Frequent in damp places 

Stream near Observatory 
Frequent in streams 
Stream on Wirrvie Brecks 
Common in wet places 
Occasional on sea cliffs 
Waste ground near school 
Frequent on sea cliffs 

In fields, on shingle, &c. 
Wet patch near the school 
Common in arable land 
By stream in the Gully 

On sea cliffs, N. Haven 
Occasional near buildings 
Planted in the Gully 
Sea cliffs below the Gully 
Near the school 

Abundant throughout Island 
Abundant in N. of Island 
Abundant in N. of Island 
Abundant on sea cliffs 
Streamside below Wirrvie Brecks 
Streamside, Eas Brecks 

Near the Methodist Chapel 
Frequent in arable land 
Streams in village 
Frequent in streams 
Common in arable land 
Common on Sukka Moor 

(+) Roadsides in the village 

Sea cliffs, N. Haven 

Occasional by streams ‘ 



MeEnTHA Aquatica L. + Wet patch near the school 
THYMUS DRUCEI Ronn. (+) Common throughout Island 
PRUNELLA VULGARIS L. + Common throughout Island 
LAMIUM MOLUCCELILIFOLIUM Fr, Occasional in arable land 
L. PURPUREUM IL. + Frequent in arable land 
GALEOPSIS BIFIDA Boenn. (+) Frequent in arable land 

Occasional in village 
Frequent in grassland 
Common throughout Island 
Frequent on sea cliffs 
Frequent in rocky places 
Common in N. of Island 
Streamside above the Gully 
Shingle in S. Harbour 
Common in §S. of Island 




P. coRonorus L. 







S. aguaticus Hill 

S. vuuearis L. 





A. pTaRmMica L. 


MARITIMA Common in arable land 
M. maritrMa LL. subsp. INODORA (A plant approximating to this 
(L.) Clapham subspecies but having pale 

yellow ray florets was found 
in arable land in the village. 

Common in 8. of Island 
Occasional in arable land 

Frequent in rocky places 
Common in the village 

++ f+ teetteettt++e tts 

No record of such a form 
appears in the literature, and 
further material would be 

M. MATRICARIOIDES (Less.) Porter Frequent in arable land 
CIRSIUM ARVENSE (L.) Scop. Occasional near buildings 
C. vuLeGARE (Savi) Ten. + Occasional throughout Island 
HYPOCHOERIS RADICATA IL. Roadsides in village 
LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS JL. + Common in grassy places 
SoNCHUS ARVENSIS L. + Garden near the Haa 
S. OLERACEUS IL. + Occasional in arable land 
S. asper (L.) Hill + 
TRIGLOCHIN PALUSTRIS IL. Occasional on Sukka Moor 
POTAMOGETON NATANS L. Stream on Wirrvie Brecks 
P. PpoLyGontFroLtius Pourr. + Stream on Wirrvie Brecks 

Huds. ~— + Wirrvie Brecks 








. BULBosUS L. 

. kocut F. W. Schultz 

Oy, Ce ee 

Luzvuia syLvatica (Huds.) Gaudin 

L. campestris (L.) DC. 
L. MULTIFLORA (Retz.) Lejeune 



(EK. S. Marshall) E. F. Linton 




Scirpus cEspiTosus L. 

S. Fuurrans L. 

ELrocnartis PALUSTRIS (L.) R. Br. 



. DEMISSA Hornem. 



. FLAcCcA Schreb. 

nicRA (L.) Reichard 

. BIGELOWII Schwein. 


. PuLiIcaRis L. 

Mortnta CAERULFA (L.) Moench 




F. ovina L. 

F. vrvreara (L.) Sm. 


Poa annua L. 


P. trrvtanis L. 

Cynosurvs cristatus L. 
Hotovus LANatus L. 



+ +++4+++4 



Scattered on sea cliffs and rocks 
Common in N. of Island 

Pools on N. Gavel 

Occasional in the Gully 

Two plants above the Gully 
Frequent in wet places 

Common in wet places 

Common in wet places & streams 
Occasional in the Gully 

Ward Hill and in the Gully 

Frequent in grassy places 
Streams in the village 

Grassy places, S. of Island 

Occasional in N. of Island 
Frequent around Ward Hill 
Frequent in N. of Island 
Streams on Sukka Moor 
Frequent on Sukka Moor 
Frequent in N. of Island 

(+) Frequent by streamsides 

Occasional in bogs 
Occasional in grassland 
Occasional in N. of Island 

Frequent in N. of Island 
Frequent on Sukka Moor 
Common on Sukka Moor 
Frequent in damp places 
Ditches in the village 
Occasional in S. of Island 
?Occasional in grassland 
Frequent in N. of Island 
Frequent in arable land 
Frequent round buildings 
Occasional in arable land 
Frequent round buildings 
Occasional in arable land 
In grassland in the village 
Frequent in arable land 



H. mous L. In the Gully 

DESCHAMPSIA CESPITOSA (L.) Beauv. + By the Observatory 

D. Fiexuosa (L.) Trin. Cccasional in the Gully 

AIRA PRAECOX L. + Grassland above the Gully 

AGRosTIS TENUIS Sibth. Common in N. of Island 

A. STOLONIFERA L. Frequent on rocks and in village 

ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS L. Waste ground in village 

ANTHOXANTHUM opoRATUM L. Frequent. throughout Island 

PHALARIS ARUNDINACEA L. + Streams in the village 

Narpvs stricta L. Common in N. of Island 

CLARKE, W. EAGLE, 1906, The Birds of Fair Isle, Native and Migratory, Ann. 
Scot. Nat. Hist., 57, 4-21. 

DRUCE, G. C., 1921, Flora Zetlandica, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 6, 457-546. 

TRAIL, J. W. H., 1906, The Flora of Fair Isle, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 57, 165-170. 



By J. F. M. Cannon 

(Dept. of Botany, British Museum, Natural History) and 


The rich epiphytic floras of some tropicai regions have frequently 
been described, but few observations have been made on the 
sparser, but nevertheless interesting temperate epiphytic commun- 
ities. In Great Britain relatively few trees support a permanent 
phanerogamic epiphytic flora; the Killarney Oak Woods in Ireland 
(Riibel, 1912) and Wistman’s Wood on Dartmoor (Harris, 1921; 
Miller & Worth, 1922; Anderson, 1954) contain the best known 
examples. Willis and Burkill (1893) described the results of 
investigations of four thousand pollarded willow trees in the 
Cambridge district, which between them supported eighty species 
of vascular plants as epiphytes. In a letter to the editor of 
Nature in 1925, Thompson gave a general brief description of 
willow epiphytes in the Bath and Bristol areas. In 1904, Thomas 
had investigated the epiphytes of sixty willows at St. Dizier, 
France. Other continental workers were Loew (1892) and Bolle 
(1892), both dealing with willow epiphytes in Germany. To the 
best of our knowledge, these latter five papers are the only pub- 
lished contributions to our understanding of willow epiphytes. 
These works were mainly composed of descriptive lists of the 
species present, with statistics and notes on their relative 
frequencies. In all cases, only one series of observations was 
made, and few indications were given regarding the persistence 
of either the individual plants or the epiphytic communities 
which they formed. ‘The object of the present study was to 
investigate further the epiphytic flora of pollarded willows, with 
particular reference to the stability and continuity of the 

In describing the extensive communities of epiphytes found 
in New Zealand, Oliver (1930) devised a general scheme for their 
biological classification, in which he recognised four categories. 
These are: 

TypicaL. Habitual epiphytes not normally found in terrestrial 

OccasIonaL. Normally occur as terrestial plants, but may 
mature successfully as epiphytes. 


HEMI-EPIPHYTES. Germinate as epiphytes, then send down 
roots to the ground, thereby becoming independent. 

KPHEMERALS. Plants unable to grow large enough as epiphytes 
to reproduce themselves (mostly tree seedlings). 

It was thought that it might be possible to apply this classi- 
fication to the very different plants growing as epiphytes in the 
British willows. Some useful information concerning the 
efficiency of the dispersal mechanisms of certain ot the species 
investigated was obtained as an indirect result of the studies. 


For the purpose of assessing the stability of the willow 
epiphyte communities, one hundred trees were selected, the vast 
majority of which were pollarded. An annual survey of their 
epiphytic flora was carried out for five years. In recording the 
species present, the presence of one or more plants of any species in 
any one tree was taken to constitute one record for that species in 
that tree. The relative abundance of the species present in any one 
tree was not estimated, as this study was primarily concerned 
with the persistence of the flora as a whole, and the dispersive 
abilities of the species represented. It is generally impossible to 
tell whether any particular plant is an original coloniser, or the 
progeny of a coloniser. The results were expressed as the per- 
centage of trees colonised by each species, and also the total 
number of trees colonised by any epiphytes. The trees examined 
are situated on the south bank of the river Stour, near Flatford 
Mill Field Study Centre, in Suffolk. The first hundred trees up 
stream, west of the footbridge near the mill, were chosen for the 
annual examination. The majority of the trees are Salix fragilis, 
the remainder being S. alba. 


In the process of pollarding, the branches of the tree are cut 
right back to the top of the trunk, which is generally 2-5-3 m.. 
above the ground. This is normally carried out at fairly regular 
intervals of about 20 years. The general effect of the process is 
to produce a saucer-like depression at the top of the trunk, sur- 
rounded by a ring of branches. This depression becomes filled 
with an accumulation of litter and wind-blown dust, which 
matures into a rich mould. This mould is mainly organic in 
origin, from the fallen leaves of the trees, but close examination 
provides evidence of a small amount of inorganic material. The 
mould is distinctly acidic, having an average pH of 5:0 (B.D.H. 
Capillator), which in our experience varies very little from tree 
to tree. The soil may reach a depth of about 30cm., where it 
blends almost imperceptibly into the rotting centre of the trunk. 



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aulaede uinijes 


Plants growing in this situation are subjected to deep shading by 
the dense leat canopy of the willows during the summer months. 
Pollarding provides a greater surface suitable for the establish- 
ment of epiphytic plants than is available in a non-pollarded 
willow. ‘Lhe ettect, however, is purely quantitative non-pollarded 
willows may sometimes support quite a rich flora. In this study 
the species of willow invoived does not appear to affect the 
epiphytic flora developed thereon. 


During the five years of study a total of thirty-five species 
have been recorded (for a complete list see fig. 1) As may be 
seen from this chart, the number of trees in which epiphytes were 
found, varied from 61 to 50. This fall was largely due to a 
decrease in the number of trees available for colonisation, owing 
to a number being cut down or burnt As the histograms show, 
the chief species present were remarkably constant in their rela- 
tive frequencies. Hpilobium species, particularly H. hirsutum 
which occurs abundantly in the immediate neighbourhood, are 
apparently ideally equipped for dispersal to an epiphytic habitat, 
but do not occur in the Flatford willows. The reason for their 
absence is obscure. Plants from similar terrestrial habitats and 
with similar dispersal mechanism, for example Cirsium palustre 
and Eupatorium cannabinum have been recorded. Hpilobsum 
hirsutum and EH. parviflorum were recorded from the Cambridge 
willows by Willis and Burkill, thus demonstrating that this type 
of habitat is not outside their range of tolerance. In France, 
Thomas records H. montanum as his second most frequent species. 
Hedera helix, which often occurs very abundantly in the willow 
crowns, is not recorded in this study, as it nearly always appears 
to originate from strands growing up the trunks from the ground. 

In fig. 2 a tabulation is given of dispersal data, for all 
the species which occur on the Flatford willows. This informa- 
tion was gained partly from our own observations, with the 
unpublished observations of local biologists, and partly from the 
literature, notably Ridley (1930). We have identified the follow- 
ing plants or fruits as components of birds’ nests in the willows 
investigated: —Galium aparine, Cirsium spp., Poa annua, 
Anthriscus sylvestris, Lolium perenne and Bromus sterilis. All 
had seeds which were in an apparently viable condition. The 
fruit of many of the species of epiphytes found are known to be 
eaten by birds, in particular, berries and the small fruits of grasses 
and Composites. Sernander (1901) has described the probable 
dispersal of Avena sativa into Salix caprea in Scandinavia by 
the Nuthatch (Sitta ewropaea). Other species are most probably 

dispersed through ene ge oF sim noe eatiange Taraxacum 
and Cirsium. 


Fig. 2. 
Birds: Birds: Attached 
Food Nests to Birds Wind 
Gallium aparine x i x 
liosuw canina agg. x 
Crataegus monogyna x 
Rubus frwuticosus x 
Turaxacum officinale of x 
Poa annua x O° 
Cirsium palustre x x x 
Sambucus nigra x 
Quercus robur x 

Anthriscus sylvestris x x 
Cirsium arvense 
Dactylis glomerata 
Stachys sylvatica 
Ribes uva-crispa 

Ribes rubrum 

Rumex acetosa 
Fagopyrum esculentum 
Fraxinus excelsior os 
Alliaria petiolata 


Lolium perenne x x x 
Stellaria media 

Senecio sylvaticus x 
Rubus idaeus x 

Hypochoeris radicata x 
Bromus sterilis x x x 
Parapholis strigosa x, 

Prunus spinosa ~ 

Sonchus oleraceus se x 
Urtica dioica x 

Cirsium vulgare x x x 
Kupatorium cannabinum x X 
Solanum dulcamara > 

Achillea millefoliwm Pi x 
Solanum nigrum x 

Rumex conglomeratus x x 

,in mud on foot of bird? 

Two cases of dispersal over known distances were recorded. 
Fagopyrum esculentum was grown, in 1950, in a field about half 
a mile from the willow in which it was found growing as an 
epiphyte in the following year. It was not grown in any other 
field in the district. It seems almost certain that it must have 


been carried over that distance by a bird; wood pigeons and 
pheasants particularly relish these seeds, and they are known to 
frequent the willows. Parapholis strigosa occurs in the salt 
marshes, about half a mile away from the tree in which it was 
found as an epiphyte in 1952. This species does not occur in 
the intervening meadows, and it seems most likely to have been 
transported, in one stage, in mud on the foot of a bird. 

Reference to fig. 1 shows that the main species which com- 
prise the epiphytic flora of the Flatford willows are remarkably 
constant in their relative frequencies. The data obtained by 
other British workers, for example, Willis and Burkill (1893) 
show similar results. Galiwm aparine appears to be the most 
successful coloniser of pollarded willows in all cases. In addition 
to those species which occur in many of the colonised willows, 
there are several species, e.g. Stachys sylvatica and Alliaria petio- 
lata, which have persisted in the same few trees throughout the 
period of investigation. Other species, e.g. Fagopyrum esculentum 
and Achillea millefoliwm have only occurred in the one year, 
without persisting. There are no species in the British flora 
which may be classified, after Oliver’s groupings, as “Typical” 
epiphytes. The majority of the species occurring in the Flatford 
willows, fall into the “Occasional” class of epiphytes. Willis and 
Burkill observed a plant of Sambucus nigra, the roots of which 
had grown down through the trunk of the willow into the soil. 
This might be classed as a “hemi-epiphyte”; we have not observed 
this type of behaviour. A number of the epiphytes in the Flat- 
ford willows, such as Quercus robur and Fraxinus excelsior, may 
be placed in Oliver’s “Ephemeral” class. We have only observed 
non-flowering rosettes of Cirsium palustre; it seems possible that 
this species is also unable to reach maturity in this epiphytic 


Comparison. of our list of species with those of other workers 
suggests that there are certain species which occur with great 
regularity as epiphytes in British willows. The most typical 
are: —Galium aparine, Crataegus monogyna, Rosa canina, Rubus 
fruticosus and Taraxacum officinale. All the plants which occur 
with considerable frequency as willow epiphytes are to be found 
in terrestrial habitats, close to areas where pollarded willows 
are maintained, for example, on lowland river banks and in damp 
hedgerows. Naturally the details of the community vary from 
place to place, depending on the plants locally available to act 
as colonisers. Thus Willis and Burkill record Rhamnus cathar- 
ticus and Polypodium vulgare from the Cambridge willows, 
neither of which occur in the immediate vicinity of the Flatford 


willows; lkewise we have recorded Parapholis strigosa, which 
doubtless does not occur near Cambridge. Willis and Burkill 
state that in their experience willow epiphytes are not found 
more than two hundred yards from terrestrial plants of the same 
species. In our studies we have recorded two examples (Fago- 
pyrum and Parapholis), where colonisation has apparently 
occurred from distances of about half a mile. Obviously, how- 
ever, the density of species in the immediate neighbourhood must 
have a primary effect in determining the composition of the 
epiphytic flora. The willows were repollarded in the early spring 
of 1953, six months before the annual examination of that year. 
In the process of repollarding, all the willow branches were cut 
down, together with the larger epiphytes, for example Rosa canina 
and Crataegus monogyna. Reterence to the histogram for 1953 
in (fig. 1), shows that there was very little change in the epiphytic 
flora as a result of this violent disturbance. There was a notable 
decrease in the representation of Crataegus, but it was found to 
have almost regained its former abundance two years later. The 
decrease was very probably apparent rather than real, and was 
due to the great difficulty of observing the cut Crataegus stumps 
(which regenerated very slowly) in the especially dense leaf 
canopy developed by the mass of new shoots in the willow crown. 
Other shrubs such as Rubus and Rosa rapidly produce large new 
shoots and were recorded in scarcely diminished numbers. A 
remarkable example of the continuity of one plant and its pro- 
geny in an epiphytic habitat, is mentioned by Willis and Burkill 
who recorded that the annual species of Mycelis muralis survived 
over thirty-five years in one group of Cambridge willows. 

Thus it may be seen that the Flatford willow epiphyte com- 
munity has remained remarkably stable in relation to the time 
factor. In addition to its great stability in qualitative and quan- 
titative composition, it has during the period of study suffered 
the great disturbance of the repollarding process and yet has 
been able to regenerate with an almost unchanged composition. 


1. Literature relating to the epiphytic flora of pollarded willows 
is briefly reviewed. 

2. An account of methods of investigation of the epiphytic flora 
and the nature of the habitat is given. 

3. Comments on the dispersal mechanisms involved are made, 
together with examples of dispersal over known distances. 

4. The considerable stability of the Flatford willow epiphyte 
community in relation to the time factor is recorded, and 
the existence of a typical willow epiphyte community of 
south and central Britain is postulated. 


We gratefully acknowledge the considerable encouragement 
we have received from Mr. F. J. Bingley, warden of Flatford Mill 
Field Study Centre, and also ornithological information from Miss 
J. M. Walker, assistant warden of the centre. Our thanks are 
also due to the Field Studies Council, for bursaries received during 
some of our studies at Flatford. 


ANDERSON, M. L., 1954, The Ecological Status of Wistman’s Wood, Devonshire, 
Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 36, 195-206. 

BOLLE, C., 1892, Nachtrag zur Florula der Kopfweiden, Ver. Bot. Ver. Brandenb., 
33, 72-74. 

HARRIS, G. T., 1921, Ecological Notes on Wistman’s Wood and Black Tor Copse, 
Dartmoor, Trans. Devon. Assocn. Sci., Lit. & Art, 53, 232-245. 

LOEW, E., 1892, Andfange epiphytischer Lebenswelse bei Gefasspflanzen Nord- 
deutschlands, Ver. Bot. Ver. Brandenb., 33, 63-71. 

MILLER, C. & WORTH, R. H., 1922, The Ancient Dwarfed Woods of Dartmoor, 
Trans. Devon. Assocn. Sci. Lit. & Art, 54, 291-342. 

OLIVER, W. R. B., 1930, New Zealand Epiphytes, J. Ecol:, 18, 1-50. 

RIDLEY, H. N., 1930, The Dispersal of Plants throughout the World. Ashford. 

RUBEL, E. A., 1912, The Killarney Woods, New Phytol., 11, 54-57. 

SERNANDER, R., 1901, Den Skandinaviska Vegetationes Spridningsbiologi, 232. 

THOMAS, M. C., 1904, Végétation Epiphyte sur les Saules Tétards, Bull. Acad. 
Géonr. Bot., 13, 358-361. 

THOMPSON, H. S., 1925, Flowering Plants as Epiphytes, Nature, 177, 710. . 

WILLIS. J. C. & BURKILL, I. H., 1893, Observations on the Flora of Pollarded 
Willows, Proc. Camb. Phil. Seoc., 8, 82-91. 



By R. 8. R. FITTER 

In July 1955 Mrs. H. V. Hawkins was taken by a friend who 
lives in the Buckinghamshire Chilterns to see three flowering 
spikes of Cephalanthera rubra, which she had found in a small 
clearing in a beechwood. The plants answered so exactly 
to the descriptions in the books that Mrs. Hawkins, not 
realising the extreme unusualness of the occurrence, did not seek 
further confirmation of the record. She did, however, make an 
entry in her diary for the Wild Flower Society and not surprisingly 
had it scored through. 

In 1956, as soon as her friend reported that the helleborines 
were in flower again, Mrs. Hawkins asked me to come and see 
them. On July 2, she and her friend were able to show my wife 
and myself nine flowering spikes of undoubted C. rubra. Unfor- 
tunately the finest spike had already disappeared, having 
possibly been picked by a passer-by the day before, which was 
a Sunday. On July 3, J. E. Lousley and D. McClintock also came 
to see the plants with my wife and myself. A careful search was 
made and it was estimated that there were ten extant flowering 
spikes in the open patch and no fewer than 64 non-flowering 
plants, some of them very small, either in the open patch itself 
or in fairly deep shade within 20-30 yards of it. 

The open patch is only a few yards in extent, in almost pure 
beechwood. It faces south-west and is on a chalk subsoil. The 
other plants growing on the open pateh included : — 

*Agrostis stolonifera Crepis capillaris 
*Arctium sp. Deschampsia cespitosa 
Arenaria serpyllifolia Dryopteris filix-mas 
Asperula odorata Epilobium montanum 
Brachypodium sylvaticum Epipactis helleborine 
Bromus ramosus Euphorbia amyqdaloides 
Campanula rotundifolia Festuca gigantea 

O. tracheliuwm *F. ovina 

Carex flacca Fragaria vesca 

C. remota Fraxinus excelsior 

C. sylvatica Geranium robertianum 
Cephalanthera damasonium Geum urbanum 
Chamaenerion angustifolium *Holcus lanatus 
Circaea lutetiana Hypericum perforatum 
Cirsium vulgare Iberis amara 

Cornus sanguinea Leontodon hispidus 


Ligustrum vulgare Rumex sanguineus 
Lonicera periclymenum Salix caprea 
Inzula pilosa Sanicula europaea 
Lysimachia. nemorum Scrophularia nodosa 
Medicago lupulina Sedum acre 
Melica uniflora *Silene vulgaris 
Mercurialis perennis Sonchus arvensis 
Milium effusum S. asper P 
Mycelis muralis Stachys sylvatica 
Oxalis acetosella Stellaria holostea 
Plantago major Tussilago farfara 
Poa nemoralis Urtica dioica 
Prunella vulgaris Verbascum thapsus 
Pteridium aquilinum Veronica montana 
Ranunculus repens V. officinalis 

Rosa arvensis Viburnum lantana 

Rubus fruticosus 

A further visit was paid on August 13 to see if any of the 
flowering spikes had set seed, but no capsules remained on any 
of the spikes (it will be remembered that the finest spike had 
already disappeared on July 2). 

There is no evidence that the small clearing where the orchid 
erows is a very recent one, or even that a great deal more light 
has been let into it within the past few years. There is thus every 
possibility that the colony has existed for several years, a tribute 
to the neglect of the Chilterns by botanists. 

A remarkable feature of the discovery is that it is in an entirely 
new area, some seventy miles from the known Cotswold localities 
and at least as far from any of the places in Kent, Sussex and 
Somerset from which there are recent unconfirmed records of 
C. rubra. It is to be hoped that the discovery will stimulate 
renewed search in other suitable areas. 

IT am much indebted to J. E. Lousley for reading this note and 
for adding the starred plants to the list given above. 



3/1. PuLsatTinta vuteaRIs Mill. In Proceedings B.S.B.1., 2, 134 
(1956), I drew attention to the existence of Pulsatilla vulgaris in uncut 
grass in gardens at Tickhill, Doncaster, S.W. Yorks., and suggested 
that it may be a native survival. Dr. W. A. Sledge informs me, how- 
ever, that Tickhill is not a district from which this species has previously 
been recorded, and that in his opinion it had been deliberately planted 
there. He further mentions that the areas in Yorkshire in which P. 
vulgaris did at one time grow, and where the last plant was seen about 
80 years ago, are on the Magnesian Limestone some considerable dis- 
tance from Tickhill, and that the present northern limit of the species 
in England is a locality near Scunthorpe, N. Lincs., where one or two 
plants still precariously survive—D. H. Kent. 

6/33e. RANUNCULUS FICARIA var. aurantiacus Turrill, 1954, Curtis’s 
Bot. Mag., 170, tab. 226—a planta typica (var. ficaria) petalis in pagina 
superiore aurantiacis differt. The following account is given by the 
author: ‘“This var. shows the recessive character of having no tubercles 
in the axils of the cauline leaves. The leaves have diverging, not over- 
lapping, basal lobes, and slight to moderate crenations at the margins, 
with blotched and mottled upper surfaces. The flowers are herma- 
phrodite and show normal development of the sepals, in contrast with 
the petaloid sepals of male plants. The petals are fully developed but 
are characterized by the orange (Cadmium Yellow) colour of their 
upper surface’’. 

The variety has been found only once—in a field near Windsor, 
Berks., as a single plant growing with many ordinary yellow-flowered 
plants. It has been cultivated at Kew, and it was from here that it was 
described and figured.—D. H. Kent. 

96/2B. Srmenre vuncarts subsp. macrocarpa Turrill, 1956, Hook. 
Icon. Plant., 36, tab. 3551, 1-3. Under this new subspecies, described 
from material cultivated at Kew from seed obtained from Cyprus, the 
author places plants from the small population naturalised on 
Plymouth Hoe, S. Devon. These plants have the peculiar characters 
of subsp. macrocarpa, including subterranean stolons, greenish-yellow 
or purple petals (in some plants) and large flask-shaped capsules. The 
Plymouth plants were wrongly named S. angustifolia var. carneiflora 
(Legrand) Pugsl. in J. Bot., 78, 94-96 (1940). S. angustifolia Guss., non 
Poir. is a different plant with exceedingly narrow leaves and, moreover. 
the name is a later homonym and cannot be used under the International 



Subsp. macrocarpa, at present known only from Cyprus, may be 
found elsewhere in the Mediterranean region.—D. H. Kent. 

112/12. Hypericum macunatum Crantz. Investigations which are 
not yet complete have revealed that both of the widespread subspecies 
of this species occur in Britain, and not only one of them as stated by 
Pugsley in J. Bot., 78 (1940). The N.W. European plant, subsp. 
ebtusiusculum (Tourlet) Hayek (= H. quadrangulum var. erosum 
Schinz) is much commoner here than the type, which has a predominantly 
eastern distribution in Europe. The type subspecies (subsp. maculatum) 
is diploid (2n=16), but subsp. obtusiusculum has proved to be tetra- 
ploid like the closely related H. perforatum (2n=32). 

Subsp. maculatum has been found in several localities, mostly in the 
west of Scotland, but specimens from two places in the south of England 
also appear to belong to this subspecies. These, however, have not been 
examined cytologically. 

Tutin (in Clapham, Tutin and Warburg, 1950) follows Pugsley in 
using the name H. dubium Leers for the British representatives of this 
group, but the correct application of this name is doubtful. Leers’ type 
specimen is not available for comparison with the British material and 
his description is rather ambiguous, although it probably refers to the 
tetraploid. On the other hand, photographs of the type specimen of 
H. maculatum show that this name should be applied to the diploid 
plant. Thus, if the tetraploid is treated as a separate species, the 
correct name may be H. dubiwm; but the botanical evidence suggests 
that the two plants should be treated as subspecies of the same species, 
in which case the nomenclature used in the first paragraph is correct. 

The two subspecies can be distinguished in the field by the following 
characters : — 

Subsp. maculatum 
Plant more slender, less branched. 

Inflorescence rather strict. Branches 
make an angle of ca. 30° with the 

Leaves usually without pale glands; 
venation densely reticulate. 

Sepals broad, entire. 
Petals entire, marginal dark dots 

absent. Superficial dark glands mainly 
in the form of dots. 

Subsp. obtusiusculum 
Plant stouter, more branched. 

Inflorescence more spreading. Branches 
make an angle of ca. 50° with the 

Leaves more often with pale glands; 
venation laxer. 

Sepals often narrower*, eroded. 

Petal margin sometimes crenate, one 
or two marginal dots sometimes 
present. Superficial dark glands 
mainly in the form of lines or dashes. 

Although none of these differences is wholly reliable by itself, the 
combined characters of any one plant usually indicate clearly to which 

subspecies it belongs. 

*Narrow sepals may be due to introgression from H. perforatum. 


The writer would be very grateful for any opportunity to examine 
material of this species and of suspected hybrids with H. perforatum, 
especially from Ireland, Wales and western areas of Scotland.—N. K. B. 

112/14(2). Hypericum canadense L., 1753, Sp. Plant., 785. D. A. 
Webb (Irish Nats. J., 12, 113-116) reports the occurrence of this species 
in boggy pools and on wet disturbed peat on the shore of Lough Mask, 
mainly in the townland of Gortmore (which is towards the southern end 
of the lough), W. Galway, and also near the extreme. north-west corner, 
one mile south of Srah, W. Mayo. The status and ecology of the plant 
in Ireland are discussed, and the following description is given—A slen- 
der, stiffly erect plant, rarely over 8 ins. high, and often +, with some- 
thing of the habit of a small Linum or Epilobium. Probably annual. 
Stem quadrangular and slightly winged; leaves narrow-oblong, about 
3 in. long, marked with pellucid dots; inflorescence is a regular, rather 
open cyme. Flowers golden-yellow, tinged with red in bud, about 3 in. 
across; the petals are narrow, giving the flower a star-like appearance, 
but it remains closed in dull weather and also in the dry atmosphere of 
aroom. Most of the plant is strongly suffused with a deep wine-red tint. 

The author points out that ‘‘the combination of the erect, four- 
angled stem, the small narrow, glabrous leaves, and the absence of black 
glands serves, quite apart from its striking delicacy of habit, to dis- 
tinguish it from any other Irish Hypericum’’. Prof. Webb is preparing 
a full account of the species for inclusion in a future issue of Watsonia. 
—D. H. Kent. 

178/2(2)b. Lathyrus heterophyllus var. unijugus Koch, 1843, Syn. 
Flor. Germ. et Helv., Ed. 2, 224. Some of the specimens collected by 
Mr. E. L. Swann at Burnham Overy Staithe (v.c. 28, W. Norfolk) 
appear to be DL. heterophyllus var. unijugus. They agree with the 
original description of ZL. heterophyllus var. unijugus given by Koch 
and with the illustration in H. G@. Reichenbach fil. & G. Beck de Man- 
nagetta, Icones Florae Germanicae et Helveticae, 22, Tab. MMCCLXTI, 
Fig. I, II, 1, 2. In addition, they well match specimens from Sweden, 
deposited at the Herbarium of the British Museum (Natural History). 
This variety differs from the typical form of ZL. heterophyllus L. in 
having all leaves of one pair of leaflets only instead of two pairs as in 
the upper leaves of the typical form. In this character it approaches 
L. sylvestris L., a native species, and JD. latifolius L., an alien from 
S. Europe, naturalised in some localities in this country. Both these 
species are closely allied to ZL. heterophyllus, which is distributed in 
S., C. and W. Europe, reaching C. Sweden in the north. Some con- 
tinental authorities have treated L. heterophyllus, L. latifolius and 
L sylvestris as microspecies of ZL. sylvestris agg., or the first two as 
varieties of ZL. sylvestris. For an interesting account dealing with these 
and allied species see A. Ginzberger, ‘‘Ueber einige Lathyrus-Arten aus 
der Sektion Fulathyrus und ihre geographische Verbreitung”’ (Sitzungs- 


ber. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Mathem.-naturw. Kl., 105, 281-352, 1896). 

L. heterophyllus var. unijugus has not previously been recorded from 
Britain. According to H. Gams in G. Hegi’s Illustrierte Flora von 
Mittel-Europa, 4/3, 1600 (1924), it is of rare occurrence and it has been 
found in Germany (Hartz, Mannheim), Austria (Tyrol) and Switzerland 
(Graubtinden, Wallis). I have seen specimens also from Sweden VaAster- 
gotland, Smaland and Skane). In general appearance, especially in the 
width of the leaflets, it resembles a broad-leaved form of L. sylvestris 
var. latifolius Peterm., from which it can be distinguished by larger and 
broader stipules, relatively shorter petioles, more obtuse leaflets and 
unequal teeth of the calyx, of which the lower one much exceeds the 
calyx-tube. From L. latifolius it differs mainly in having narrower 
wings of the stem and petioles, narrower stipules and smaller flowers. 

The main distinctive characters of L. sylvestris, L. heterophyllus var. 
unyugus and L. latifolius are tabulated as follows: 


Petioles (incl. wings) nar- 
rower than the winged 

Stipules narrowly  semi- 
hastate, faintly nerved, 
4-1 length of the petiole. 

Leaflets (except var. lati- 

folius) lanceolate or 
linear, gradually taper- 
ing, usually 6-20 times 

longer than broad, with 
indistinct reticulate 

Flowers 13-18 mm. long, 
paler and more greenish 
than in the two other 
species, the standard be- 
ing rose-pink. 5 

Teeth of the calyx nearly 
| equal, shorter than the 
| tube. 



(incl. wings) nar- 
than the winged 

Stipules semi-hastate, dis- 
tinctly reticulate-nerved, 
as long as or up to 3 
length of the petiole. 

Leaflets lanceolate to nar- 
rowly elliptic, abruptly 
tapering, 4-9 times longer 
than broad, distinctly 

Flowers 15-20 mm. long, 
standard pale crimson- 

Teeth of the calyx un- 
equal, the lower much 
exceeding the tube. 

Petioles (incl. wings) equal- 
ling or broader than the 
winged stem. 

Stipules broadly semi- 
hastate, distinctly reti- 
culate-nerved, as long as 
or up to 4 length of the 

Leaflets ovate, rounded at 
the apex or abruptly 
tapering, less than 4 
times longer than broad. 

Flowers 15-30 mm. long, 
the standard of a rich 
magenta colour. 

Teeth of the calyx un- 
equal, the lower much 
exceeding the tube. 

Mr. Swann has observed the Lathyrus at Burnham Overy Staithe 

for several years and has found it growing in three or four vigorous 
colonies. According to him (in a letter): ‘‘As a result of the disastrous 
sea-floods of 1953 these colonies appreciably diminished but observations 
in 1956 showed not only that they were recovering but also that two 
distinct plants were present’’. The other plant proved to be L. latifolius. 
Both plants seem to be escapes, which have established themselves in 


damp hollows on sand-dunes there. Mr. Swann writes: “According to 
the villagers there was at one time a row of huts near the Overy Staithe 
station and the introduction of the so-called ‘Sea-pea’ may be due to the 
efforts of an old lady hut-owner who was keen on gardening to the extent 
of growing plants in the sand round her hut’. 

A similar plant having broad and abruptly tapering leaflets and 
relatively short petioles has been collected at Swanscombe Wood (v.c 16, 
W. Kent). It has been known for a long time as a broad-leaved form of 
L. sylvestris (cf. D. H. Kent & J. E. Lousley, A Hand List of the Plants 
of the London Area, 70, 1952). It differs from var. wnijugus in having 
narrower and shorter stipules and the nervation on its leaflets is indis- 
tinctly marked. According to Messrs. E. B. Bangerter and P. C. Hall, 
who have visited Swanscombe Wood recently, the population of this 
plant is very polymorphic there. As the specimens from that locality 
available for my study were not in flower, being either sterile or in 
fruit, I was unable to come to a definite conclusion. A specimen ap- 
proaching the Norfolk plant in question has been collected also by Mr. 
A. J. Wilmott near Greenhithe, which is not far from Swanscombe 
Wood. This specimen differs from the Swanscombe Wood plant in having 
broader stipules and may be a variant of the same population. It would 
be desirable to pay further attention to this plant and I hope to investi- 
gate it in situ.—A. MELDERIs. 

353/6(2). Bidens vulgata Greene, 1899, Pittonia, 4, 72. 17, Surrey; 
several plants at the side of a yard used for parking lorries, Croydon, 
1956 (Herb. Young, no. 5919). 

An erect annual, 30-150 cm. tall, with glabrous leaves and stem. 
Leaves 5-15 cm. long, on slender petioles, pinnate, 3- or 5-partite; 
leaflets lanceolate-acuminate, serrate. Capitula 15-28 mm. broad (ex- 
cluding the outer bracts), 12-18 mm. high. Phyllaries strongly hispid; 
the exterior 10-16, unequal, linear-spatulate, 10-20 (-30) mm. long; the 
interior ones lanceolate-ovate, 7-9 mm. long. Flowers yellow; ray-florets 
inconspicuous, with an obovate ligule 25-35 mm. long. Achenes flat, 
obovate- or oblong-cuneate, brown or olive, often tuberculate, with a 
single rib on each face; the margins with forward-pointing bristles; 
crowned by two erect awns with backward-pointing barbs. Native of 
the whole of temperate N. America; a naturalised alien in Italy over a 
century ago. A “‘split’’? from B. frondosa L., from which it is distin- 
guished by the more hispid and more numerous exterior bracts (5-8 in B. 
frondosa), the inner ones shorter than the disc, and larger achenes 
(body of outer ones 6°5-11°3 x 3-5-6:3 mm., against 5:3-7-0 x 3-0-4:0; 
awn of inner ones 4:0-9-5, against 2-5-5-0 mm.). Figured by Sherff, 
1937, The Genus Bidens, Field Museum Publ., Bot. Series, 16, t. 58.— 
D. P. Youne. 

422/2e. LronTropon AuTUMNALIS var. Safinus (Aspegren) Lange, 1851, 
Haandb. Danske Fl., ed. 1, 462; Apargia autumnalis 8 salina Aspegren, 
1823, Blekingsk Fl., 57; DL. autumnalis var. integrifolius Knuth, 1887, 


Fl. Schlesw.-Holst., 424 (non var. integrifolius Uechtr., 1881, Fl. 
Schlesien, 248); L. autumnalis f. salinus (Aspegren) Neum., 1901, Sver. 
Fl., 65. Plant graceful and slender. Scape simple, more or less erect, 
up to 15 em., bearing a single flower. Imvolucre glabrous. Leaves 
rather thick and fleshy, glabrous, lanceolate, quite entire or with a few 
distant teeth (never pinnatifid). An ecotype of salt-marshes, tested in 
cultivation by Turesson (1922, Hereditas, 3, 236) and found to retain its 
characters, including leaves composed of very compact tissues and poor 
in air spaces. 

A plant agreeing with this variety in every respect was collected 
in 1955 from a salt-marsh at Port Corna, Isle of Man, v.c. 71. It is 
probably widespread in such habitats round the British and Irish coasts. 
—D. KE. AEN. 

511. Catysrecia. Walters and Webb (1956) have invited the pub- 
lication of information regarding the reproductive biology of species 
of this genus in the British Isles. The following observations, made 
whilst on leave from the Gold Coast, are relevant. 

In south-eastern England this summer (1956) the fruiting of both 
Calystegia sylvestris (Willd.) Roem. & Schult. and C. sepium (L.) R.Br. 
has been good in patches. UC. sylvestris, as befits a species with greater 
powers of spread in northern regions, appears to have flowered more 
freely in the cold, wet weather. However, it is noticeable that, in each 
taxon, it is in the larger populations (which are likely to be made up of 
several distinct plants) that abundant full capsules have been formed. 
Small ‘‘populations’’ which, in extreme cases, may have been derived 
vegetatively from a single individual, have often remained barren. This 
suggests that seeding is possible where there is genetic diversity and 
not in its absence, indicating the existence of self-incompatibility. 

Large populations with abundant seed-formation were observed at 
Preston Park (Brighton) and in several parts of north and north-east 
London. The Preston Park population of C. sylvestris contained plants 
with pink, white and striped corollas, respectively. None of these plants 
matched the description of C. dahurica given by Walters and Webb. 
Smaller populations which failed to set seed were studied in the London 
area, particularly in garden hedges within the boundaries of Epping » 

As an experiment, six flowers of C. sylvestris growing in a population 
in Wood Green and « similar number of @. sepium within the grounds 
of Alexandra Palace were self-pollinated as their stigmata became 
receptive and enclosed within cellophane bags until the withering of 
their corollas. The ovaries in these flowers failed to swell and no seeds 
were developed, although many fruits were forming from other flowers 
in the Alexandra Palace population. An examination of the pollen 
from flowers in both populations showed the grains to be generally well- 
filled and of normal, though somewhat variable in size. Although alter- 
native explanations for these results cannot be ruled out entirely, it 


seems likely that these two species are truly self-incompatible even 
though East (1940), in his survey of the known occurrence of seli- 
incompatibility amongst flowering plants, comments on the Convolvul- 
ineae:—‘‘The general evidence, however, indicates that self-sterility is 

It is interesting that in both of the experimental populations, as 
elsewhere, flowers were being visited freely by a considerable number 
of insects all of which could be considered to be potential pollen vectors. 
Bumble bees, hive bees, Syrphids, Empids and a number of other Dip- 
tera (ranging from Bluebottles to small flies no more than a millimetre 
in length) were active and many photographs were easily taken. The 
bees applied themselves to nectar-collecting and, in their movements, 
made frequent contacts with anthers and stigmata. The visits of the 
Syrphids (particularly Rhingia) to individual flowers were more pro- 
longed and they spent periods up to 10 minutes palpating the anthers 
from which they appeared to derive refreshment. An examination of 
stigmata in the evening showed frequent pollen grains upon the inner 
surfaces of the stigmatic lobes which in C. sylvestris stand consistently 
above the level of the anthers (although their position in C. sepium is 
more variable). 

Such adequate pollination by diurnally flying insects, even in urban 
areas, raises strong doubts as to the truth of the assertion made many 
years ago that the fruiting of Calystegia sepium (which is apparenily 
scentless) is dependent upon visits by hawkmoths, especially as the 
flowers often begin to close some time before dusk. They are, however. 
open in both species at dawn. I, personally, have seen no visits by moths 
and it is interesting that Hermann Muller (1883) makes the same remark 
although he gives second-hand accounts of crepuscular and nocturnal 
visitations on the Continent and even he regards the hawkmoths as the 
primary pollinators of C. sepium. This has been a poor season for 
Lepidoptera of all kinds, yet the Calystegias have fruited quite well. 

The apparent direct correlation between the abundance of the Con- 
volvulus Hawkmoth (Sphingz convolvuli L.) in any area and the fruiting 
of Calystegia sepium there seems to have been first commented upon by 
Buchanan White (1873) in a paper published both in England and 
America, although it has been repeated freely by subsequent authors, 
particularly those of popular works. Now, however, it is possible to put 
forward another explanation than that of cause and effect advanced 
by White. 

If, as seems likely, climatic factors cause a thinning-out of C. sepium 
as one passes northward over the country, cross-pollination will become 
progressively more difficult as plants become more scattered. In such 
circumstances seed-setting will also become rarer. The Convolvulus 
Hawkmoth, according to Ford (1956), is truly native only in southern 
Europe, individuals which visit this country being adult strays, so that 
again more would be encountered in the south than in the north. But 
there need be no close connection between these phenomena. 

——— ae 


An outbreeding system in both C. sepium and CQ. sylvestris would 
help to explain the occurrence of the apparently not infrequent inter- 
mediates between the species, for these may owe their existence to 
interspecific hybridisation. I know nothing of the breeding system of 
C. dahurica, but if this species should also prove to be self-incompatible 
and, in addition, should exist only as scattered plants in the British 
Isles derived from a single restricted introduction, plants with unlike 
incompatibility factors would occur near to each other only on very rare 
occasions and seed-setting would be (as it is reported to be) negligible. 
However, this does not rule out the further possibility of infertility 
resulting from a hybrid ancestry. 


BUCHANAN WHITE, F., 1873, Journ. Bot., N.S., 2, 11-18. Amer. Nat., 7, 268-271. 

FORD, E. B., 1956, Moths. London. 

MULLER, H., 1883, The Fertilisation of Flowers, trans and ed. D’Arcy W. 
Thompson. London. 

WALTERS, S. M. & WEBB, D. A., 1956, Proc. B.S.B.I., 2, 22-23. 

—H. G. Baker. 

5090/6 OROBANCHE RETICULATA Wallr. There is a record for this 
species for Brecon, v.c. 42, based on a specimen, now at the British 
Museum (Natural History), which was collected in 1905 by H. H. Knight 
from (what appears to read) Llandovey and identified by Beck, who 
monographed Orobanche and dealt with Orobanchaceae in Das Pflanzen- 
reich—where this Welsh record for this species is mentioned, albeit 
erratically. The record has been taken up, variously as var. pallidifloru 
(Wimm. & Grab.) Beck or as subsp. pallidiflora (Wimm. & Grab.) Hegi 
var. procera (Koch) Beck, in 1934, Hyde and Wade, Welsh Flowering 
Plants and in 1952, Clapham, Tutin & Warburg, Flora of the British 
Isles, but owing to the isolation of the occurrence a further investigation 
seemed desirable. 

This specimen, which is of an immature plant, is different from the 
Yorkshire O. reticulata, indeed it seems to be a totally different species 
—in fact, apparently 0. picridis F. W. Schultz ex Koch, other British 
material of which it matches well. Dr. Melderis kindly examined it in- 
dependently and arrived at the same conclusion. We have therefore - 
renamed the specimen as the latter species—constituting as it happens 
a new v.c. record of this for Brecon 

Whether or not ‘‘pallidiflora’’ should be referred, even in part, to 
O. picridis is another matter on which pronouncement cannot at the 
moment be made. Dried broomrapes are difficult objects for investiga- 
tion, but there is some similarity in the descriptions.—R. A. Granam. 

826/7 f.x15. Festuca rubra var. arenaria x Vu:pia membranacea. 
3, S. Devon; Dawlish Warren, J. F. & P. C. Hall. This intergeneric 
hybrid has not been found before in Britain, or on the Continent. I+ 
differs from F. rubra x Vulpia Ret aniacen in hewne slightly hairy 
lemmas.—A. MELDERIS. 


862/1. TRICHOMANES SPECIOSUM Willd. The only plant of this 
extremely rare fern known to exist in Merioneth was, when visited on 
lst June 1956, found to have been dislodged by an unknown agency 
from the rock crevice in which it grew. I+ was still alive and bore two 
small fronds, so it was firmly wedged back into position in the hope that 
it might survive. It is feared, however, that the plant will shortly be 

Elsewhere in Wales the Killarney Fern is now known only in a single 
locality in Caernarvonshire.—Nature in Wales, 2, 314 (1950). 


Compiled by EH. C. Watiacr 

Records are for the year 1956 when no date is given. 
The following signs are used :— 

§ before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the paragraph con- 
tains information necessitating a correction to an annotated 
copy of the Conuital Flora. 

t before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the plant is not a 
native species in the British Isles. 

t before the record: to indicate a species which, though native in 
some parts of the British Isles, is not so in the locality recorded. 
before the record: to indicate a new vice-county record, not pub- 
lished previously to this issue of the Proceedings. 
before the record: to indicate a record additional to an anno- 
tated copy of Comital Flora, but published elsewhere prior to 
the issue of the Proceedings in which it appears. 

[ ] enclosing a record: to indicate doubt as to the validity of the 
record, either of identification or locality. 


It will be useful if, in future, National Grid Co-ordinates, made 
as accurate as is thought advisable, are added to all records. 

1/1. Crematis vwiratspA L. 56, Notts.; hedgerow, Trumpton, 
ite. ia Hows. 

6/4. RanunctuLus Aauricomus L. 94, Banff.; woods at Colleonard, 
1939—still persisting, M. McCaLttum WEBSTER. 

6/5. Ranuncutus BuLBosus L. 104, N. Ebudes; sand dunes, Kil- 
mory, Isle of Rhum, G. HAtuiipay. 

7710/1. Eranruis HYEMALIS (L.) Salisb. 56, Notts.; small planta- 
mon, Langar, 1952; R. C. L. Howirt. 

§15/1. ActTara spicata L. *195, Elgin; garden weed, croft of 
Buniach, Kelles, Miss D. Brown, det. B. L. Burrr, comm. M. 
McCatium WEBSTER. 

§21/2. Papaver RHOEAS L. *106, HE. Ross; railway siding, Muir- 
of-Ord, B.S.B.I. Fretp MEETING, comm. U. K. Dutnoay. 

§22/1. Merconopsis camprica (L.) Vig. +72, Dumfries.; edge of 
fir wood, Rush Hill, Lockerbie, 1943, F. Amsprose. *1106, E. Ross; 
near Lochluichart station, B.S.B.I. Firtp Merrine, comm. U. K. 


+23/2. GLAUCTUM coRNICULATUM (L.) Rudolph. 16, W. Kent; 
rubbish-tip, Edenbridge, D. P. Youne. 21, Middx.; railway yard, 
Kew Bridge, D. Murray, det. at Kew, comm. D. H. Kent. 

§32/1. EFumMasaRia capReotata L. 60, W. Lanes.; railway embank- 
ment, Galgate, 1948, G. W. Garuick, conf. N. Y. SanpwitnH. 106, E. 
Ross; shores of Beauly Firth, North Kessock: *107, E. Sutherland; 
Helmsdale, 1952, M. McCattum WEBSTER, 

§32/5. Fumaria BorAEI Jord. 60, W. Lancs.; by the mill at Gal- 
gate, In a cornfield, G. W. GaR.icrk. *106, E. Ross; Rosemarkie, 
B.S.B.1. Firtp Meretine, conf. N. Y. SANDWiTH, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§32/9. Fumaria BAsTARDII Bor. 60, W. Lancs.; railway embank- 
ment, Galgate, 1948, G. W. Garticn, conf. N. Y. Sanpwirn. *108, W. 
Sutherland; potato field, Achmelvich, near Lochinver, R. A. GRAHAM 
and R. M. Harury, det. N. Y. SaANDWITH. 

§35/1(2). RorippaA MICROPHYLLA (Boenn.) Hyland. *73, Kirkeudbr.; 
stream on shore, Southwick Merse, E. & H. M1Itne-REDHEAD. 

Anglesey; swamp, Newborough Warren, P. M. Benoit (1956, Nature 
Any VCO, 94, BUD, 

§35/4. Rorrepa IsLANpIcA (Oeder) Borbas. *96b, Nairn; shores of 
Loch Flemington, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§36/5.  BarBAREA INTERMEDIA Bor. *106, E. Ross; railway siding, 
Muir-ot-Ord, B.S.B.I. Firtp Mersrtine, conf. J. E. LousLey, comm. U. 
K, Dunoan. 

+42/6. AtLyssum ALyssorpEs (L.) L. 56, Notts.; railway bank, Stan- 
ford-on-Soar, R. C. L. Howirr. 

§43/2. Drapa norveerca Gunn. *109, Caithness; near summit of 
Marven, R. Ricuter, comm. M. McCartum WEBSTER. 

§44/1.  Eropuria verna (L.) Chevall. *106, E. Ross; near Loch- 
luichart station, B.S.B.I. Fretp Mererine, comm. U. K. DUNCAN, 

44/2. Eropnina spatHuLata Lang. 69, Westm.; limestone out- 
crops near Brough, A. M. STIRuine. 

+47/2.  Hesprrts Marronauis L. 60, W. Lanes.; near Burton Wood, 
Aughton, 1955, G. W. GAR ick. 

§¢49/3.  SrsymMBRiuM attisstmum L, *101, Kintyre; woodland, north 
of Campbeltown, M,. CUNNINGHAM. 


§+49/4. SisYMBRIUM ORIENTALE L. *94, Banff.; garden weed, Aber- 
lour: *95, Elgin; rubbish-tip, Rothes; Forres station yard: *96, Easter- 
ness; near the docks, Inverness: *96b, Nairn; rough ground near the 
harbour, Nairn, M. McCattum WEBSTER. *101, Kintyre; seashore, 
Campbeltown, M. CunNINGHAM. 

folk; Blakeney, plentiful, F. M. Day. 82, Haddington; sandy banks on 
shore, North Berwick, growing with the typical plant, 1955, C. W. 

§50/1. ERysiMuM CHEIRANTHOIDES L. [748, Mer.; one plant on a 
railway siding at Barmouth Junction, Mrs. K. M. Benoit (1956, Nature 
in Wales, 2, 353). 95, Elgin; edge of potato field, Avielochan, three 

miles north of Aviemore, 1955, J. MINE. 

§53/1. SusBunarta aquatica L. {H.39, Antrim; north east shore of 
Lough Beg, 1955, last seen in Co. Antrim about 1870, M. P. H. Kert- 
land (1956, Irish Nats. J., 12, 511). 

54/15. Srvapis arpa L. 112, Zetland; common on waste ground, 
Lerwick, R. C. PatmMer and W. Scorr. 

+54/16. Brasstca suncEA (L.) Coss. 29, Cambs.; roadside, Ford- 
ham, 1954, D. P. Youne. 

§55/2.  DipLotaxis MuRALIs (L.) DC. *+108, W. Sutherland; one 
plant beside the steps of Achmelvich Youth Hostel, near Lochinver, J. 

§761/3. Carparta pRaBa (L.) Desv. *111, Orkney; Lyness, North 
Walls, Hoy, J. Srncrarr. 

§+61/4. Leprpium rupERALE L. *71, Man; near Richmond Hill, 1874, 
T. EntwistLe (Hb. Manx Mus.), comm. D. E. ALLEN. 

§61/7. Leprprem smiratt Hook. *107, E. Sutherland; railway em- 
bankment, Helmsdale, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

64/1. THLAsPI ARVENSE L. 66, Durham; Heathery Cleugh, Upper 
Weardale, J. W. Heslop-Harrison (1956, Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 66). 

§65/1. Iseris amara L. *155, Leics.; railway bank between Scal- 
ford and Hose, in quantity, R. C. L. Howitt. 

§66/1. TrEspatia NupicauLis (L.) R.Br. *71, Man; sandy heath- 
land near Ballacooilly, Ballough, W. H. HarpaKer, comm. D. E. ALLen. 
96b, Nairn; abundant on eranely bank south of Bock Flemington, M. 
7 ae Tee 


T74/2. Bunias ontentatis L. 55, Leics.; waste ground, Melton 
Road, Leicester, 1953, B. M. G. Jonzs. 

§85/2. ResEepa LuTEaA L. *{t67, Northumb., S.; by roadside near 
Ridsdale, G. Hattrpay. +95, Elgin; railway track, Carron: 196, 
Hasterness; railway track near Inverness: t96b, Nairn; railway track 
between Auldearn and Nairn, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§88/3. VioLA REICHENBACHIANA Jord. ex Bor. *73, Kirkcudbr.; 
side of stream in damp wood, with Gagea lutea, The Grove, Terregles, 
H. Mitnre-REDHEAD. 

§95/1. SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS L. *t73, Kirkcudbr.; roadside, 
Loamingfoot, Kirkbean, H. Mitnze-REepHEAD. *+94, Banff.; rough 
ground near Buckie: 95, Elgin; railway track near Elgin, 1953: *+106, 
K. Ross; near dwellings, Nigg and Kilmuir, M. McCattum WexstTeEr. 

98/3. MELANDRIUM ALBUM (Muill.) Garcke. 112, Zetland; waste 
ground, Lerwick, 1955, R. C. PALMER and W. Scorv. 

§100/2. CrERASTIUM ARVENSE L. 32, Northants; abundant in sand- 
pit near Tiffield, Towcester, A. S. Harris and D. HE. Auten. 90, Angus; 
sandy river bank below the road bridge, near the hotel, Milton of Glen- 
clova, R. A. Granam and R. M. Harrey. *106, EK. Ross; near Fortrose, 
1943, U. K. Dunoan. 

101/7.. SrELuaRIA GRAMINEA L. 112, Zetland; hay-field near 
Kasterhoull, Scalloway, W. Scorr. 

102/8. Minvartia TENvIvotiA (L.) Hiern. +32, Northants.; rail- 
way track north of Salcey Forest, A. S. Harris and D. E. ALLEN, det. 

102/10. MunvartrA verna (L.) Hiern. 94, Banff.; serpentine gorge, 
Blackwater Forest, near Cabrach, G. Hatuipay. 

1038/2. Sacirna supuLaTa (Sw.) C. Presl. 112, Zetland; common 
along roadside between Hamnavoe and Grunasound, Burra Isle, 1955; 
near Loch Spiggie, R. C. PALMER. 

§103/7(2). Sagrna Frticautis Jord. *16, W. Kent; footpath, Eden- 
bridge station, D. P. Young. 

§103/10. SagrinA MARITIMA Don ex Sm. *106, E. Ross; Cromarty, 
B.S.B.I. Firup Meretine, conf. J. E. Loustry, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§105/3. SprR@ULARIA MARINA (L.) Griseb. *73, Kirkcudbr.; flooded 
hollows in salt-marsh, Gillfoot Bay, H. Mitnr-REepHEAD. 

§¢108/1. CLAYTONIA ALSINOIDES Sims. *95, Elgin; bank of Sluie near 
Forres: *109, Caithness; roadside, Dunbeath, M. McCattum Wesster. 


§+108/2.  CuayrTonta prRrotiaTA Donn. ex Willd. 24, Bucks.; Part- 
ridge Hill, Great Brickhill, in quantity, T. G. and M. Couuerr, J. E. 
Loustey and D. H. Kent *49, Salop; damp grass, under yew, near 
Severn, Bridgnorth, 1948, F. Amprosr. *106, E. Ross; near North 
Kessock, 1948, U. K. Duncan. 

§112/11. Hyprricum TerrapTeRUM Fr. *f111, Orkney; heathery, 
sandy roadside, by excavations from a tunnel, Wee Fea, above Lyness, 
North Walls, Hoy, J. SINcrarr. 

1117/1. Marva moscuata L. 195, Elgin; side of Great North Road, 
four miles north of Aviemore, 1955, J. MILNE. 

§117/3. Marva NeEcLEctA Wallr. ~71, Man; Knock-y-Doonee, 
Andreas, M. QuayiE—only previous Manx record unlocalised, comm. D. 
EH. ALLEN. *96, Easterness; rough ground, Ardesier, M. McCativum 

123/3. Tirta corpata Mill. 47, Montg.; wooded crags of Craig 
Rheiwarth, Llangynog, one tree only seen, but certainly not planted, 
A. M. Srrruine. *+106, KE. Ross; near Evantown, B.S.B.]. Fietp Meret- 
Inc, conf. J. EK. LoustrEy, comm. U. K. DuNCcAN. 

124/1. Rapiora tinoipes Roth. 112, Zetland; frequent on bare, 
gravelly ground, Hamnavoe, Burra Isle, 1955, W. Scort. 

§127/4. GpRaANiIumM PRATENSE L. *+95, Elgin; near Cromdale, Rothes 
and Findhorn, garden escapes, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§7133/4. InmparTreENsS GLANDULIFERA Royle. tH.3, W. Cork; tributary 
stream of river Lee, below Gougane Barra Lake, A. L. K. King: {H.29, 
Leitrim ; mill dam at Drumshanbo, 1948, A. L. K. King: 1H.31, Louth; 
Piperstown, near Drogheda, 1955, Miss M. Lyons (1956, Irish Nats. J., 
2 Wy: 

§f145/1. Lupinus nootKatTensts Donn ex Sims. *94, Banff.; shingle 
of river Spey, Blecksboat to Aberlour: *95, Elgin; shingle of river Spey, 
Bleckshoat to Garmouth; shingle of Findhorn river between Sluie and 
Greshop, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

147/1. Gentsta anetica L. 95, Elgin; quite common on moorland 
south-east of Loch Vaa, four miles north-east of Aviemore, 1955, J. 

147/3. Genista trnctorta L. 24, Bucks.; rough meadowland near 
Stewkley, T. G. and M. Cotzerr, J. E. Loustey and D. H. Ken. 

§149/3. Usex minor Roth. t66, Durham; Cassop Vale (1956, Vasc. 
(Subst.), 41, 24). 


153/5. Merpicaco arasica (L.) Huds. 32, Northants.; canal bridge 
near Castle Thorpe, A. S. Harris and D. E. ALLEN. 

§+154/2.  Merrimorus arpa Medic. {52, Anglesey; border of arable 
land near Lligwy, probably introduced with a cultivated crop, R. H. 
Roberts (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 353). 

§7154/4. Mertitotus rmpica (L.) All. *94, Banff.; garden weed, 
Dufftown: *95, Elgin; rough ground, Rothes and Carron, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER. 

155/21. Trirotium puBIum Sibth. +112, Zetland; rough pasture, 
south side of Eela Water Burn, introduced, W. Scort. 

155/22. TRIFOLIUM MICRANTHUM Viv. 94, Banff.; grass lawn of 

lodge, Aberlour House, Mrs. Stuart, comm. M. McCaLium WEBSTER. 

4163/1. GaLEca orFictnatis L. 56, Notts.; open woodland, Carl- 
ton in Lindrick, 1955, R. C. L. Howrrr. 

§171/2.  ORnirHopus rERPUSILLUS LL. *106, E. Ross; Munlochy 
Bay, B.S.B.I. Fretp MEETING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

176/1.  Victa sytvatica L. 40, Salop; Whitecliff Wood, west of 
Ludlow, 1938: 81, Berwick; cliffs and railway cuttings, north of Ber- 
wick, 1942, F. AmsBrosE. 96, Easterness; raised shingle persisting on 
beach between Fort George and Ardesier, small plants that seldom 
flower, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§176/7.: Vicia sitHynica (L.) L. ‘*t56; Notts.; Kelsal, 1952; 
R. C. L. Howr1rr. 

§176/14. Victa LATHYROIDES L. *+t56, Notts.; railway bank, Church 
Warsop, 1951, R, C. L. Howrrt. 

§178/3. Latrayrus tuperosus L. *+16, W. Kent; well established 
on the edge of Longfield rubbish-tip, J. F. and P. C. Harn. 

178/9. Larayrus apHaca L. 13, W. Sussex: grassy bank, Hangle- 
ton, Miss C, ScHeLWALD. 

+183/5. Prunus pomestica L. *106, E. Ross: hedges near Ding- 
wall, 1943, U. K. Duncan. 

§+184/10. Sprrara saticironia L. *56, Notts.; Pinxton Dumble, Pinx- 
ton, 1952, R. C. L. Howrrs. 

187/1x2. Geum xX INTERMEDIUM Ehrh. 90, Angus; roadside ditch 
and bank, by the main road near Mains of Stobhall and by Broadgreen, 
near Cargill, with both parents, R. A. Granam and R. M. Harter. 


§189/6. PoTENTILLA TABERNAEMONTANI Aschers. *106, E. Ross; cliffs 
near Rosemarkie, B.S.B.I. Fretp MeEeEt«Ine, conf. J. E. Lousnry, comm. 
U. K. Dunoan; 

190/2. ALCHEMILLA XANTHOCHTORA Rothm. 24, Bucks.; Windsor 
Hill, Princes Risborough, B. P. Pickrss, conf. and comm. D. H. Kent. 
78, Peebles.; roadside below Boreland, near Portmore Loch, 1954: 85, 
Fife; roadside ditch, Inverkeiling Bay, 1954, C. W. Murrueap, both 
conf. S. M. Watters. 

190/4. AtcHEMILLA vEsTITA (Buser) Raunk. 83, Edinb.; Upper 
Hobbies How, above Loganba, on limestone rocks, 1954, C. W. Mutr- 
HEAD, conf. S. M. WAtLrTERs. 

190/8. AtcHEMILLA GLaBRA Neygenf. 78, Peebles.; roadside near 
Boreland, 1954: 85, Fife; Inverkeiling Bay, in roadside ditch, 1954, 
C. W. Mutreueap, both conf. S. M. Watters. 

190(2)/2.  APHANES MIcROCARPA (Boiss. & Reut.) Rothm. 32, 
Northants. ; abundant in sandpit near Tiffeld, Towcester, A. S. Harris 
and D. E. Auten. 36, Hereford.; Fowlett Farm, Eastnor, F. M. Day, 
det. S. M. Watters. 96, Easterness; near Milton, Drumnadrochit: 
*101, Kintyre; by Carradale Water, also seashore verge, Peninver and 
New Orleans, E. Kintyre, M. H. Cunntnenam, det. S. M. Watters. 
*106, E. Ross; near Lochluichart station, B.S.B.I. Frrrp MEETING, 
conf. S. M. Watters, comm. U. K. Duncan. *111, Orkney; sandy 
oatfield at seashore, Mill Bay, below church, Stronsay, 1952, J. Srncratr. 

§4192/1. AcCAENA ANSERINIFOLIA (J. R. & G. Forst.) Druce. £25, E. 
Suffolk; fringe of a wood at Easton Bavents, several patches, R. A. 
Long (1952, Ann. Rep. Lowestoft Field Club, 7, 225). 

194/10c. Rosa DUMETORUM f. SEMIGLABRA (Rip.) W.-Dod. 56, Notts. ; 
roadside, Cottam, 1951, R. C. L. Howirt, det. R. MELvitte. 

194/19d. Rosa TOMENTOSA var. PSEUDO-cUSPIDATA (Crép.) Rouy & 
Camus. 56, Notts.; Eakring, R. C. L. Howirt, det. R. MELvItie. 

§195/8. Sorsus anerica Hedl. *40, Salop; plentiful on Blodwel 
Rocks near Oswestry, on carboniferous limestone: *47, Montg.; Breid- 
den Hill; south side of Llanymynech Hill (a continuation of the Shrop- 
shire station): *50, Denb.; limestone crags, Trevor Rocks, Llangollen; 
one plant on walls of Castell Dinas Bran, Llangollen, A. M. SrrRiine. 

§195/11. Sorspus ruprcora (Syme) Hedl. *47, Montg.; on Craig 
Breidden, with S. anglica, A. M. Stirurnec. 

§195/13. Sorpus arta (L.) Crantz. *56, Notts.; Styrrup, R. C. L. 


§195/15. Sorspus rorminaiis (L.) Crantz. *47, Montg.; rocks near 
Llanfyllin, one plant, A. M. Srrrrrmc. 

§196/2. CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHOIDES Thuill. 156, Notts.; Farndon, 
1952; common in the Trent Valley, R. C. L. How1rrr.—But see J. Bot., 
1969, 136.—Ed. 

199/2. SaxirRaca opposirrrotia L. 48, Mer.; on calcareous rocks 
in Pennant Dyfi, A. O. Chater (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 311). 

§199/17. SaxirRaca GRaNnuLATA L. 34, W. Glos.; hillside, Hawkes- 
bury, D. Munro Smith (1956, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 102). 7106, 
E. Ross; sand dunes, Fortrcse, B.S.B.I. Frretp MEETING, comm. U. K. 
Duncan. Remove from brackets in C.F. 

§199/18. Saxirraca cerNuA L. *97, Westerness; on exposed basic 
rocks at about 3000 ft., near Ben Nevis, E. A. BLAKE. 

199/22. SaxirRaca HirncuLus L. H.39, Antrim; Garron peninsula, 
last seen in Antrim about 1920, M. P. H. Kertland (1956, Irish Nats. 
JY 42 55): 

207/5. Rises auPrnum L. +95, Elgin; grounds of Darnaway 
Castle, Forres, M. McCattum WEssTER. 

§211/1. Sepum rELErHtumM L. *56, Notts.; Gamston Wood, Gam- 
ston, 19538, R. C. L. Howirrt. 

§211/7. Sepum atpum L. *+106, E. Ross; cliffs near Rosemarkie. 
B.S.B.1. Fretp MEeEtIne, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§214/1. Hiepurts vurearis L. 24, Bucks.; Grand Union Canal 
near Langley; gravel pits, Marlow, abundant, 1954-56, F. Amsrose. 
*93, N. Aberdeen.; pool near river Deveron, Dunlugas: *95, Elgin: old 
lime-kiln, Cothall, M. McCattum WeEssTeER. 

216/2. MvyRrioPHYLLUM ALTERNIFLORUM DC. 108, W. Sutherland; ~— 
Loch an Aigeil, Stoer, R. A. Granam and R. M. Hartey. 

218/1. Prrtis portura L. 31, Hunts.; damp hollows in cleared 
area, Monk’s Wood, S. M. Watters. 

§220/3. Eprmosrum uirsutum L. *94, Banff.; by burn at Sand- 
end, and by burn between Spey Bay and Portgordon, M. McCatitum 

+220/7(2).. Errioptum aprnocatLton Hausskn. 36, Hereford.; station 
vard, Colwall, 1954; roadside, Colwall, F. M. Day, det. G. M. Asa. 


§+220/17. Epiosrum pepuNcuLare A. Cunn. 60, W. Lancs.; Loft- 
shaw Moss, Burnmoor, 1955: 64, Mid-West Yorks.; near Kingsdale 
Head Farm, Kingsdale, Ingleton, G. W. Garrick. *105, W. Ross; abun- 
dant on the sides of the stream immediately beside Achininver Youth 
Hostel, Achiltibuie, J. Dickson. *111, Orkney; heathery, sandy road- 
side by excavations from a tunnel, Wee Fea, above Lyness, North Walls, 
Hoy, J. SInciair. 

§+223/1. OENOTHERA BIENNIS I. *56, Notts.; common in waste 
places, R. C. L. Howirt. 

§225/1. CrrcaEa LuTeTIANA L. *106, E. Ross; Brahan Woods, near 
Conon Bridge, B.S.B.I. Firty Mretinc, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§225/2. CrrcaEA INTERMEDIA Ehrh. *73, Kirkcudbr.; rocky bank, 
Kirkbean Burn, H. Mirne-Repueap, *106, E. Ross; near Achilty, 
B.S.B.1. Firtp MeEEtInc, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

+250/1. Carum carvi L. 92, S. Aberdeen; near Cockbridge: 94, 
Banff.; The Square, Tomintoul; frequent round farm buildings, Aber- 
lour: 95, Elgin; roadsides near Knockendo and Auchiestown, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER, 

250/2. CaRumM VERTICILLATUM (L.) Koch. 48. Mer.; rediscovered 
in quantity in a meadow by the river Glaslyn at Minffordd, Penrhyn- 
deudraeth, an old locality given in D. A. Jones’s MS. Flora. This 

‘species is apparently unknown elsewhere in the county, Mrs. H. M. 

Richards (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 311). 

§4252/1. Fancarra vuneaRts Bernh. *56, Notts.; railway side, Kil- 
vington, 1951, R. C. L. Howrrt. 

§257/1. Myrruts oporata (L.) Scop. *93, N. Aberdeen.; common 
round Turriff and Huntly, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§258/2. CHAEROPHYLIUM TEMULENtTUM L. *96, Easterness; road-. 
sides, Ardesier and Culloden, M. McCartum WEBSTER. 

4275/2.  ANeELIcA ARCHANGELICA L. 56, Notts.; side of river Trent, 
North Leverton, 1951, R. C. L. Howrrr. 

276/38. Pasrinaca sativa L. *+106, E. Ross; shore near Cromarty, 
B.S.B.1. Frrnp Merrtine, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§+276/5. PrucrpANum ostRuTHIUM (L.) Koch. *93, N. Aberdeen; 
small island in river Deveron, Huntly, and one mile north of Huntly 
on Keith road: 94, Banff.: in two localities south of Aberlour: 109, 
Caithness; roadside, outside cottage, Inver, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 


t287/1.  Sampuctus racemosa L. 94, Banff.; hedges and rough 
ground, Dufftown: 95, Elgin; open woods, Dallas and Rothes: 96, 
Kasterness; open woods near Beauly: 106, E. Ross; policies of Allah- 
grange House, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§296/2. Gattium mMotiuco L. *96b, Nairn; one mile west of Nairn 
on main road, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

296/13. Gatium ancLicum Huds. 12, N. Hants.; sparingly on chalk 
spoil heaps, Popham Beacons, E. C. WaAtLtace. 

§296/14. Gattum cructata (L.) Scop. 195, Elgin; grass verge, 
Carron, M. McCarttum WErsteR. *106, E. Ross; near Evanton, B.S.B.I. 
Fretp MEETING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§298/3. ASPERULA cyNaNcHICA L. *55, (Rutland); limestone grass- 
land by roadside near Empingham, A. M. Strerine. 

3804/4.  VaALERIANELLA CARINATA Lois. 17, Surrey; railway bank, 
Nutfield, 1955, B. A. KNELLER, det. and comm. D. P. Youne. 

310/1. Evpatorium cANNABINUM L. 47, Montg.; wooded crags of 
Craig Rhiwarth, Llangynog, at 1,000 ft., A. M. Srtrrine. 

*318/15. AsTER ERIcOIDEsS L. 16, W. Kent; rubbish-tip, Downe; this 
species is much grown in gardens now, and may occur increasingly as 
an escape, D. P. Youne. 

§+333/1.  Inuta HELENIUM L. 195, Elgin; near farmhouse, one mile 
south-east of Nethybridge, M. McCattum WesstErR. But see Burgess 
Flora, 15.—Ed. *96b, Nairn; about outhouses at Drynechan Lodge, 
garden escape, M. McCartum WEBSTER. 

§3383/4. Invuna conyza DC. 166, Durham: on fixed dunes north of 
Hartlepool: given for Durham and Northumberland in C.F. apparently 
in error (1956, Vase. (Subst.), 41, 24). 

353/1b. BrpeNs cerRNva var. RADIATA DC. 40, Salop; Brown Moss, 
Whitchureh: 58, Cheshire; pond near Malpas, A. M. Strruine. 

§+354/2.  Ganrnsoea crmata (Rafn.) Blake. *16, W. Kent; weed in 
nursery, Farnborough, Mrs. L. ACKERMAN, det. and comm. E. B. Ban- 
GERTER. 17, Surrey; cornfield in Esher Place park, in great quantity; 
weed in two nurseries, Croydon, D. P. Youne and H. Inerts. *59, S. 
Lanes.; Hesketh Park, Southport—previously reported in Watsonta, 2, 
199, as G. parviflora Cav., D. E. Aturn. *75, Ayr.; garden at Kilmar- 
nock, possibly introduced from Troon with garden plants, R. C. Watts. 

370/4. CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM L. 112, Zetland; near 
Scalloway; west side of Tingwall Loch, 1955, W. Scorr. 



§¢371/3. MATRICARIA MATRICARIOIDES (Less.) Porter. *106, E. Ross; 
near Lochluichart station, B.S.B.I. Firrp Mertinc, comm. U. K. 

+372/3. Coruna coronopirouia LL. 3, 8. Devon.; brackish marsh 
by river Exe, Woodbury, T. J. Wallace, det. at Kew (1955, Rep. & 
Trans. Devon. Assocn., 87, 328). 

378/21. ARTEMISIA VERLOTORUM Lamotte. 16, W. Kent; grassy 
road bank near Mountain Farm, Marden, J. F. and P. C. Hatt, conf. 
D. H. Kent. Rubbish-tip, Sevenoaks, several large colonies, J. E. 
Loustry, D. McCruintock, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

§+330/2. PrtTasirEs aLBus (I..) Gaertn. *94, Banff.; frequent round 
Banff: *95, Elgin; common in Moray: *96, Easterness; Beauly: 96b, 
Nairn; Holme Rose; Nairn, M. McCattum WesstEr. *106, E. Ross; 
near Evanton, B.S.B.I. Firrup Merrtinc, comm. U. K. Duncan, *112, 
Zetland; waste ground, Lerwick, W. Scorr. 

§1380/3. PETASITES rraGRANs (Vill.) C. Presl. *93, N. Aberdeen.; 
about village of Gordonstown: *94, Banff.; grounds of Cairnfield 
House, Buckie; about Dufftown and Cullen: *95, Elgin; garden escape, 
Forres: *96, Easterness; about village of Ardesier, M. McCattum WeEs- 
STER. *106, KE. Ross; shore, Rosemarkie, 1943, U. K. Duncan. 

$381/1. Doronicum pARDALIANCHES L. 83, Edinb.; Mortonhall, 
Liberton, 1948, E. B. Baspen; Kevock, near Lasswade, J. F. BASpDEN. 

§383/38. Senecio aquaticus Hill. *93, N. Aberdeen.; plentiful by 
river Deveron at Huntly and Turriff, M. McCatium WEssTER. 

383/8. SENEcIO viscosus L, 22, Berks.; abundant on railway sid- 
ings, Cookham station, 1952, F. Amprosr., 106, E. Ross; railway 
siding, Muir-of-Ord, B.S.B.I. Frrip Merrtinc, comm. U. K. Dunoan. 

383 /10c. SENECIO VULGARIS var. HIBERNIcUS Syme. 32, Northants. ; 
abundant in quarry west of Milton, near Northampton, A. S. Harris — 
and D. EK. ALLEN. - 

383/10e. SENECIO VULGARIS var. RADIATUS Koch. 37, Worcs.; Mal- 
vern, F. M. Day. 

1385/2. CaLENDULA ARVENSIS L. 19, N. Essex; waste ground near 
Witham, D. EH. Atien, det. A. MrLperis. 

395/1. Carpuus nutans [.. 95, Elgin; roadside, New Elgin, M. 
McCatitum WEBSTER. 

396/1b. Crrstum ERIOPHORUM subsp. BRITANNICUM Petrak. 24, 
Bucks. ; scrub slope, Wooburn to Hedsor, 1954, F. AMBROSE. 


§+399/1. Sirypum mariANum (L.) Gaertn. *94, Banff.; sea shingle, 
Portgordon: *95, Elgin; three plants in newly tilled ground, Moy 
House, Forres, M. McCartum Wesster. *106, E. Ross; entrance to 
Invergordon Dockyard, Mrs. B. H. S. Russet. 

419. irractum. Al! det. by P. D. Serzt and C. West. 

419/58. Hreractum DEGANWYENSE Pugsl. 83, Edinb.; Blackpond 
Hill, on basalt rocks, 1954, C. W. Murrueap. 

419/63. Hieractum orimMELEs F. J. Hanb. 112, Zetland; Hurda 
Field, north of Mavis Grind, W. Scort. 

419/65. Hieractum caLEponticum F. J. Hanb. 83, Edinb.; on scree 
above Loganlea Reservoir, c. 1,000 ft., 1954, C. W. Murrueap. 

419/73. Hieractum picELtua Sell & West. 83, Edinb.; Arthur’s 
Seat, ec. 600 ft. on rocks facing north-west; Loganlea Reservoir, 1954. 
C. W. MurrHeap. 

419/136. Hirractum cRAvONIENSE (F. J. Hanb.) Roffey. 82, Had- 
dington; rocks on Gullane Point, 1953, C. W. MurrHeap. 

419/246. Hirracium saALticota (Sudre) Sell & West. 6, N. Som.; 
Leigh Woods, A. H. G. Alston (1956, Proc. Bristol Nats. See., 29. 103). 

419/254. H1ifRACIUM FLAGELLARE Willd. 8&3, Edinb.; roadside be- 
tween Luffen Houses and Law Heads: 84, Linlithgow; railway bank 
near Dalmeny station: 85, Fife.; waste ground, North Queensferry 
station, 1954, C. W. MutIRHEAD. 

425/3. Laorvoa satiena L. 18, S. Essex; inner sea-wall, near 
Fobbing, 1955, K. L. Atvry, conf. J. E. Loustry, D. MceCirytock and 
Bl. WER. 

§425/4. Mycrtis muraris (1..) Reichb. *106, E. Ross; walls, Evan- 
ton, B.S.B.I. Frrtp MEETING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

+425/8. CrcerBITA MACROPHYLLA (Willd.) Wallr. 7, N. Wilts.; 
among fodder, north of Marlborough Downs, J. M. Hopeson, det. and 
comm. EK. B. BANGERTER. 

§428/2h. TRAGOPOGON PRATENSIS subsp. MINOR (Mill.) Hartm. f. 95, — 
Elgin; Spey Bay railway station: *96, Easterness; Kingussie railway _ 
station: 96b, Nairn; railway embankment, Nairn, M. McCattum WEs- 
sTeR. *106, E. Ross; near Invergordon, Mrs. B. H. S. RUSSELL. 

§435/2. Campanvta tatrronia L. f+t71, Man; old orchard, Balla- 
monagh, Sulby, M. Quayite—only previous record in Top. Bot., comm. 
D. E. Atven. *106, E. Ross; near Evanton, B.S.B.I. Fretp MEETING, 
comm. U. K. Duncan. 


7435/13. CAMPANULA ALLIARIDFOLIA Willd. 17, Surrey; railway em- 
bankment, London Road station, Guildford, M. Norgman, det. and 
comm. DY P. Youne. 

439/1. Vaccinium oxycoccos L. 69b, N. Lanecs.; bog south-east 
of Three Shire Stone, Wrynose Pass, alt. 1250 ft., R. MAcKECHNIE. 

§449/1. Dasorcta cantaBrica (Huds.) C. Koch. *+105, W. Ross; 
beside the Abhainn Cuileg, Dundonnel road, near Braemore, Mrs. P. 
C. Le NAsurIER, comm. B. L. J. BYERLEY. 

AG7/1. ANAGALLIS TENELLA (L.) L. 60, W. Lancs.; damp sands, 
Sunderland Point, 1955, G. W. GARLICcK. 

473/2. Vinca Minor L. +96, Kasterness; Perth Road, Inverness, 
garden escape, M. McCattum WEBSTER, 

§476/1. Cicenpia FILIFoRMIS (L.) Delarb. *49, Caern.; south-west 
part of Lleyn Peninsula, Miss A. P. Conotty and Miss P. M. Smiru. 

§477/1. BuacksTonta PERFoLIATA (L.) Huds. {66, Durham; in 
plenty on a bank along a saltwater pcol south of the sand dunes at 
Seaton Carew: given for v.c. 66 in C.F. apparently in error (1956, 
Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 24). 

478/4. CENTAURIUM PULCHELLUM (Sw.) Druce. 31, Hunts.; abun- 
dant on rough ground, edge of wood near railway, Brampton, 1954, 
D. A. Davies and J. G. Dony (1955, Hunts. Fauna & Flora League 
Rep., 8, 18). 

§497/1. SyMPHYTUM OFFICINALE L. *94, Banft.; Banff, Cullen, 
Dufftown, Keith and Tomauoulin: *95, Elgin; Grantown on Spey rail- 
way yard, white-flowered, 1950, M. McCatuum WEssTER. 

497/2. SyMPHYTUM TUBEROSUM L. +14, E. Sussex; naturalised be- 
side a stream, Maresfield, D. E. ALLEN and D. P. Youna. 

§506/7. Myosotis syivatica Hoffm. =t71, Man; roadside . 
between Sulby and Ballaugh, W. H. Harpaxer, comm. D. E. ALLEN. 

§507/1. LirHosPpERMuUM oFFICINALE L. *106, E. Ross; Castle Craig, 
Mrs. B. H. S. Russert, comm. M. McCaLttum WEBSTER. 

511/1b. CALYSTEGIA SEPIUM var. AMERICANA (Sims) Hyland. ii 
Hunts; more frequent than the white-flowered form, Hod Fen, Yaxley, 
J. L. Givserr. 

§517/2. SoLanum NicRuM L. £195, Elgin; rubbish-tip, Rothes; 
garden weed, Forres, M. McCattum WesstEer.—But see Burgess, Flora, 



§527/3. VERBASCUM THAPSUs IL. *106, E. Ross; Rosemarkie, 
B.S.B.I. Fittp MEETING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

1527/5. VeRBascum sLaTTaARia L. 17, Surrey; on new embankment, 
Esher Place park, D. P. Youne. 39, Staffs.; the plant recorded from 
Burton-on-Trent in B.H.C. 1946-47 Rep., 13, 304, as Celsia cretica L. 
is’ Vi= blatiatia, DP. Noun. 

5382/1.  Linaria vutearis Mill. 96, Easterness; Beauly, Ardesier 
and Kingussie, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

532/3.  LINARIA REPENS (L.) Mill. 69, Westm.; growing by path 
100 yards east of Haweswater Dam, Bampton, G. HaAtiipay. 

§+532/26. CYMBALARIA MURALIS Gaertn., Mey. & Scherb. 94, Banff.; 
walls at Banff, Macduff and Dufftown: 96b, Nairn; Nairn and Croy: 
*96, Easterness; Ardesier, M. McCattum Wesster. *106, E. Ross; 
near Evanton, B.S.B.I. Fretp MEeEtTING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

1537/1b. Mimuxtvus tutevs L. 108, W. Sutherland; roadside ditches, 
Stoer and Clashnessie, R. A. Granam and R. M. Hartey. 

543/4. VERONICA CHAMAEDRYS L. 112, Zetland; abundant by road- 
side between Asta and Tingwall, W. Scorr. 

§543/5. VeERoNIcA MonTANA L. *106, E. Ross; Brahan Woods, near 
Conon Bridge, B.S.B.I. Frrtp Meretrnc, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

545/383.  EupuHrasia BREVIPILA Burnat & Gremli. 3, S. Devon.; cliff 
pastures, Beer Head, 1953, F. AmpBrose, det. P. F. YrEo, 

545/9. Eupnrasia curta (Fr.) Wettst. 108, W. Sutherland; by 
the broch at Stoer, R. A. Granam and R. M. Hartey, det. E. F. 

546/1. Ovontires verNA (Bellardi) Dumort. 112, Zetland; along 
edges of oat crops near Hamnavoe, Burra Isle, W. Scorr. 

550/7. ORoBANCHE HEDERAE Duby. 50, Denb.; limestone rocks, 
Pen-y-Corddyn Mawr, near Abergele, A, M. StTrRruinec. 

§550/10. QOroBpancHE MINOR Sm. *31, Hunts.:; on cultivated red 
clover, meadow, Wistow, Miss F. M. Brackuvurst, conf. R. A. Granam 

§558/1. Menta rotuNprrotia (L.) Huds. 1H.31, Louth; a large 
clump by the roadside on Coole Bog, near Ardee, 1955, A. L. K. King 
(1956, Imsh Nats. J., 12, 71). es 


§558/10. MerntTHA X GENTILIS L. 43, Radnor.; by the Wye nearly 
under the railway bridge, by Llyswen, near Boughrood, R. A. GRAHAM 
and R. M. Hariry. *60, W. Lancs.; ditches, Coldcotes, 1953, G. W. 
GaARLICK. 71, Man; marshy ground, Ballabilpherie, R. H. Tyrer, det. 
R. A. GrawamM, comm. D. E. ALLEN. 

508/12. MENTHA X smITHIANA R. Graham. 42, Brecon.; stream 
near Llwyn-filly, south-west of Llanigan, near Three Cocks, R. A. 
GRAHAM and R. M. HaRtLeEy. 

§559/1. Lycopus EuROPAEUS L. *108, W. Sutherland; marshy 
ground near boathouse, Loch Hope, 1955, M. McCaLttum WEBSTER. 

560/1. OrnicaNnum vuLGaRE L. 47, Montg.; wooded crags of Craig 
Rhiwarth, Llangynog, A. M. Srtrruiine. 

§577/4.  Sracuys xX AMBIGUA Sm. *60, W. Lancs.; 60, W. Lancs.; 
Bank Houses, Cockersands, 1955; NRoeburndale Plantation, Caton, 
1955; in the lane from Old Wennington to Moss House, Wennington, 

§581/1. Lamium atBum L. *106, E. Ross; Cromarty, B.S.B.I. Firip 
MEETING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

1581/2. Lamrom macuLtatum L. 456, Notts.; hedgebank, Remp- 
stone, 1954, R. C. L. Howrrt. 

§581/5. LamMium MoLUccELLIFoLIUM Fr. *107, E. Sutherland; gar- 
den weed, Holmsdale, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§583/1. Batuora nigra L. 95, Elgin; by roadside between Foch- 
abers and Spey Bay, 1952, M. McCattum WesstER. Remove from 
brackets in C.F. 

§588/9. Piantaco MEDIA L. *96b, Nairn; grass in Kirk garden, 
1950, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

1596/6. AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUs L. 11, S. Hants.; plentiful in’ 
a field of sugar beet, Wickham, F. M. Day. 36, Hereford.; sewage 
works, Hereford, Mrs. L. WuitEHEAD, comm. F. M. Day. 

§606/2. ATRIPLEX LITTORALIS L. 34, W. Glos.; on tidal mud, Avon- 
mouth, 1953, C. W. Bannister (1955, Proc. Cotteswold Nats. F.C., 31, 
259). *95, Elgin; Findhorn estuary, 1950, M. McCartum WEBSTER. 
*106, I. Ross; Cromarty, B.S.B.I. Fienp Meeting, conf. J. E. 
LousLEy, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§606/3. ArripLEx patorta L. *94, Banff.; rough ground at Buckie 
and Findochty, M. McCattum Wesster. But see Top. Bot. Supp., 1. 


§606/17. HaLimionE portTuLAcorpEs (L.) Aellen. *73, Kirkcudbr.; 
bank of ditch, salt-marsh, Southwick Merse, H. Mitnze-RepHeEap. . 

§615/2. PoLyconum convoLtvunus L. *112, Zetland; oat-field, 
Tingwall, 1955; garden weed, Easterhoull, Scalloway, 1955, W. Scorr. 

1615/20(2). Potyconum camMpanuLATum Hook. f. 95, Elgin; by river 
Lossie near Elgin: 96, Hasterness; roadside between Culloden and Croy, 
1950, M. McCattum WessTeR, det. A. MELDERIS. 

$615/32. PoLtyeonum cuspipatum Sieb. & Zucc. 112, Zetland; waste 
ground, Lerwick, 1955, W. Scorr. 

§618/9. RumMEx coneLoMERatTUS Murr. *101, Kintyre; bank of 
burn by Aros Moss near Machinhanish Airport, M. H. CUNNINGHAM, 
det. J. KH. Loustey. 

625/1. HippoPHAE RHAMNOIDES L. 45, Pembs.; on dunes near 
Tenby it has in the last ten years extended rapidly to form dense almost 
impenetrable masses cf scrub. This spread which appears to be purely 
vegetative has dominated all other vegetation including marram grass, 
L. J. Watson (1955, Country Life, 118, 1191). +94, Banff.; planted 
near Cullen, 1927: +95, Elgin; planted at Kinloss, 1980; M. McCatitum 

§626/1. Viscum atpum L. 31, Hunts.; eight lime trees heavily 
infected, Kimbolton Castle grounds, 1955 (1956, Ann. Rep. Kimbolton 
School N.H.S., 1955, 7). 

628/11. Eupryorsia cypartssias L. +22, Berks.; established on a 
bank at Moor Hall, Cookham, 1950-56, IF. Amprose, conf. J. G. Dony. 

§628/14. Eupnorsta peptus LL. *106, E. Ross; weed in garden of 
Ord Arms, Muir-of-Ord, 1955, M. McCattum Wesster.—But see Top. 
Bot. Supp., 1: Fortrose, B.S.B.I. Firrtp Mrrtine, comm. U. K. DUNCAN. 

633/1x4. Utmus GLABRA X PLoTII. 31, Hunts.; Tollbar Spinney, 
Stibbington, J. L. Girpert, conf. R. MELvitte. 

633/21. ULbMus CARPINIFOLIA X GLABRA. 56, Notts.; roadside, East 
Stoke, 1953, R. C. L. Howirt, det. R. MELVILLE. 

§633/8. ULmvs cortraNa Melville. *31, Hunts.; Hemingford Grey, 

§633/8x4. Urnmus corirana X pLotit., 56, Notts.; Sutton Bonning- 
ton, 1955, R. C. L. Howr1rr, det. R. MELVILLE. 

§644/1.  Carrinus BetuLus I, *60, W. Lanes.; Wash Dub Wood, 
Docker, G. W. GaRtick. 


§645/1. Coryius aveniana L. *112, Zeiland; on sea-cliffs, by a 
stream, near Caifirth, Mainland, W. Scorr. Undoubiedly naiive, both 
from habitat and accompanying species, which include Rosa canina and 
Sorbus aucuparia, D. H. N. Spence. 

§650/3.. Sat ares L. _*106, E. Ross; near Dingwall, B.S.B.I. 
Frrtp Meerine, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

600/8b. Sar capresa subsp. sERicea (Anderss.) Flod. 90, Angus; 
in one or two places by the river, near the head of the glen, Glen Doll, 
R. A. Granam and R. M. Haerey, det. R. D.. Merxie. 

§650/14. Samm srsuscuna L. *87, W. Perth.: Ben Ledi, B.S.B.I. 
Fretp Mrerixe, comm. J. Dickson, U. K. Duncan and J. Geanr Rocer. 

§651/1. Poputus canescens (Alt.) Sm. *1106, E. Ross; Dingwall, 
1945, U. K. Duncan, conf. J. E. Lousiey. 

§7651/8. Poputcs arma L. *106, E. Ross; Garve, B.S.B.1. Fimnp 
Meetine, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

7656/2. Enopza caLiieicnomes (Rich.) Casp. 6, N. Som.; m 
quantity in the canal ai the aqueduct, Limpley Stoke, J. P. M. Brenan. 
17, Surrey; pool near river Thames, Old Deer Park, Richmond, B. 

7656(3)/1. LacsarostPHon major (Ridl.) Moss. 18, S. Essex; pond, 
Whipps Cross, J. B. Prarr. 

§667/1. CeupHananTHera pnvsea (L.) Rich. *24, Bucks.: see separate 
paper on p. 234. 

§667/3. CEPHALANTHERS LonerFoLis (L.) Fritsch. 246, Cards.: eight 
flowering stems ai Eglwysiach, Mrs. J. M. Cross and W. M. Condry 
(1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 312). 

668/1.  Epreactts patustrais (L.) Craniz. GO, W. Lanes.; damp 
sand, Sunderland Poini, 1955, G. W. GaBiicx. 

§668/3(6).  Epreacris pHytiantues G. E. Sm. *16, W. Keni; Eyns 
ford, per K. E. Buzt, conf. D. P. Yotxe, comm. F. Ross. 

§668/4. Epractis purpurata Sm. *26, W. Saffolk; Litile Cornard, 
| 1912, B. T. Lownz (6. Kew); sill there 1956, D. P. Youne. 

: 668/5. Epreacris atrorusens (Hofim.) Schult. 66, Durham; Corn- 
) forth; Shadferith, J. W. Heslop Harrison (1956, Vase. (Subst.), 41, 24). 

2 §676/2. Inis rorrmissma L. *51, Flint; apparenily wild on steep 
ta slope below crags, Nant-y-Firith, near Wrexham, A. M. Sriguie. 


694/1. CoNVALLARIA MasaLIs L. 30, (Hunts.); Woodbury Woods, 
near Hverton, c. 1905, C. G. Trssutr and H. N. Drxon: still there, 
C. I’. Tespurr. 40, Salop; native on limestone at Blodwell Rocks, near 
Oswestry: 49, Caerns.; limestone ‘pavement’ near Pabo, Llandudno, 
A. M. Sarruine. 

§702/6. Altium uRsinum L. *95, Elgin; by burn, Burgie; by flush 
leading into river Spey south of Fochabers, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§702/8. ALtrum caRinatum L. *60, W. Lancs.; hedge, Ellel Hall 
Road, Galgate, 1948, G. W. Gartick. 

§707/1. ORNITHOGALUM PYRENAICUM L. {31, Hunts.; by the side 
of a ditch, Hail Weston, 1952, EK. Milne-Redhead and J. G. Dony (1954, 
Ann. Rep. Hunts. Fauna & Flora Soc., 1953, 22). 

§709/1. FRritinuarRIa MELFAGRIS L. *+71, Man; meadow, Sulby, 
planted, per M. QuaytE, comm. D. E. ALLen. 

713/1. CoLconicum auTUMNALE L. 42, Brecon; damp meadow near 
Llwyn-filly, south-west of Llanigan, near Three Cocks, R. A. Granam 
and R. M. Hartey. 

718/6. Juncus Bauticus Willd. 96b, Nairn; banks of Findhorn 
river at Drynachan Lodge, M. McCattum WEeEssTeER. 

718/8. JuNcus suBNopULosUs Schrank. 60, W. Lancs.; damp 
sand, Sunderland Point, G. W. Garuick. 

718/14. Juncus compressus Jacq. 32, Northants.; margin of 
flooded brick-pit, Cosgrove, D. E. ALLEN. 

§718/16. Junous tenuis Willd. *t23, Oxon.; bank of river Thames, 
near Bampton, N. M. PrircHarp and E. F. Warsure. +60, W. Lancs. ; 
bank of Preston-endal Canal, Torrisholme, 1955: +64, Mid-W. Yorks; 
footpath from Bentham to Ingleton, 1951, G. W. Gartick, *+t106, E. 
Ross; a few plants on playing field of R.N. camp near Brahan Castle, 
B.S.B.1I. Firrtp Meeting, comm. M.McCattum Webster. 

[722/2. SpaARGANIUM ERECTUM L. 33, E. Glos.; Berkeley Canal, 
1913, C. Bartiey: distributed through B.E.C. as S. ramosum, ‘deep 
water form’ (cf. Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 1913, 500-501 (1914). The speci- 
men in Hb, Mus. Brit. is Sagittaria sagitttifolia L. (submerged form), 
det. D. H. Darsy, comm. E. B. BANGERTER. | 

722/4,  SPARGANTUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Michx. 101, Kintyre; Loch-an- 
Arramh, Knapdale, M. H. CunnineHam. 

722/5. Spar@antum miIntmum Wallr. 101, Kintyre; Loch-an- 
Arramh, Knapdale, M. H. CunnincHam, 


§724/1. Acorus catamus L. *7106, E. Ross; Brahan Woods, near 
Conon Bridge, B.S.B.1. Fretp Meetine, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

4726/1. Catia patustRis L. 16, W. Kent; woodland bog, Pembury, 
C. A. Stace, comm. E. B. BAancerrter. 

§729/2.  Atiswa LANCEOoLATUM With. *16, W. Kent; East Peckham, 
F. Rose. 

730/1. BatpELtia RANUNCULOIDES (L.) Parl. 64, Mid-W.. Yorks.; 
ditch and side of pend, Newby Moor, 1955, G. W. Gartick. 

731/11. Loronrom natans (L.) Raf. 40, Salop; boggy margins 
of pools at Brown Moss, near Whitchurch, A. M. Streiine. 

745/3. EtzocHaRIs MuULtTIcAuLis (Sm.) Sm. 56, Notts.; Church 
Warsop, 1953, R. C. L. Howitt, det. S. M. Watters. 

§746/2. Scrrpus maritraus L. 1795, Elgin; common on Findhorn 
estuary, M. McCartum WesstTeR.—But see Burgess, Flora, 33. 

746/3. Scrrpus tacustris L. 112, Zetland; Tirsa and Trolla 
waters, near Strom Loch; Sae Water, near Loch of Voe, 1955; Flossy 
Loch, two miles south-east of Scalloway, W. Scott. 

746/13. Scrrpus Fiurtans L. 96b, Nairn; Loch Allan and lochans 
in vicinity, M. McCattum Wesster. 108, W. Sutherland; ditch beside 
the peat road, near Loch a Mhi Runaich, Stoer, R. A. Granam and 
R. M. Hartey. 

§747/1. ErtopHoRUM LatTiFoLiIum Hoppe. *111, Orkney; marshy 
banks of stream, Black Pows, Burn of Ore, North Walls, Hoy, with 
Carex limosa, J. Srxcuaie. 

§750/1. Ciaproum mariscus (L.) Pohl. 108, W. Sutherland; valley 
fen below road between Kylestrome and Scourie, G. Hartmay. fH.€, . 
Waterford; a large colony north of Ardmore, 1954, D. A. Webb and 
W. A. Watts (1956, Irish Nats. J., 12, 111). H.39, Antrim; a small 
colony on the slopes of Binnageen, 33 miles south-west of Carnicugh, 
1955, J. Heslop-Harrison (1956, Irish Nats. J., 12, 72)—Remove from 
brackets in C.F. 

§753/4. Carex vesitcanta L. *47, Montg.; roadside ditch, Criggion, 
near Breidden Hill, Welshpool, A. M. Srretme. 96b, Nairn; Loch 
Flemington, M. McCatitum WEBSTER. 

753/13. CaRExX LaEvieata Sm. - 60, W. Lancs.; Potts Wood. and 
Cragg Wood, Littledale, 1955, G. W. GaruicK. 



753/22. CaREx sERoTINA Mérat, 96, Easterness; loch near Milton, 
Drumnadrochit, B.S.B.I. Firtp Merrtine, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§753/28. CAREX EXTENSA Gooden, £85, Fife; dune slacks on Tents 
Muir, 1955, A. A. Stack and A. M. Sririine. But see Top. Bot. 

763/34. CaREX PALLESCENS L. 31, Hunts.; Monk’s Wood, 1955, J. 
L. GitBerr, 

753/38. Carex Limosa L. 46, Cards.; in small quantity, loosely 
rooted, in very wet peat in one spot in Tregaron Bog, Mrs. H. R. H. 
Vaughan (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 313). *94, Banff.; bog at Black- 
pots near Banff, 1947: 95, Elgin; bog on Dava Moor, 1953, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER. 

§753/45. Oarex evata All. *106, E. Ross; near Loch Glass, B.S.B.I. 
Firtp Meertine, conf. E. NELMES, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§753/58. Carex curta Gooden. *112, Zetland; abundant in marshy 
fields near Norwick, Isle of Unst, W. Scorr and W. Patmer, conf. E. 

§753/61. Carex parrarr EF. W. Schultz. *73, Kirkcudbr.; rough 
grassland, near Meikle Richorn, H. Mitne-REpHEaD. 

753/65. Carex DIANDRA Schrank. 109, Caithness; bog near Acha- 
vanich, M. McCaLtuum WEBSTER. 

§753/72. Carex paucirLora Lightf. *69b, Lake Lanes.; bog south- 
east of Three Shire House, Wrynose Pass, alt. c. 1,250 ft., KR. 

§758/3. Spartina TowNsENDII H. & J. Groves. *60, W. Lanes.; salt- 
marshes, Sunderland and Bolton-le-Sands, 1955, G. W. GaRuick. 

§770/3. ALopEcURUS MyosUROIDES Huds. *71, Man; cornfield near 
Kiondroghad, Andreas, W. H. Harpaxrr, comm. D. E. ALLEN. 95, 
Elgin; distillery yards, Rothes and Carron, M. McCatitum WEBSTER. 

770/6.  ALopEcuRUS AEQUALIS Sobol. 24, Bucks.; sheltered pond 
sides, Dropmore to Burnham, F. Amprose, det. J. G. Dony. 

780/3f. AGROSTIS GIGANTEA var. RAMOSA (Gray) Philipson. 31, 
Hunts.; abundant in dykes, Hod Fen, Yoxley, J. L. Grrsert, det. C. 
KX. HussBarp. 

783/1.  Canamacrostis EpIGEJOs (L.) Roth. 60, W. Lanes.; lane 
from Nether Kellet to Kellet Seeds, G. W. GaRLicr. 


§785/1. APERA SPICA-VENTI (L.) Beauv. 22, Berks.; abundant in 
wheat field, two miles south of Bracknell, F. Amprosz, det. J. G. Dony. 
*194, Banff.; several plants near Dufftown railway station, M. 
McCatitum WEBSTER. 

789/1. ATRA CARYOPHYLIEA L. 112, Zetland; common on rocks 
at the west side of the head of Burra Firth, Unst, R. C. Patmer and 
W. Scort. 

793/1.  TRIsETUM FLAVESCENS (L.) Beauv. *94, Banff.; rough 
ground, Macduff: *109, Caithness; roadside verge near Dunbeath, M. 
McCattum WeEsBsTER. *112, Zetland; about eight plants along road- 
side at Haroldswick, Unst, W. Scort. 

809/1. Korterta cracizis Pers. 31, Hunts.; on a garden lawn, 
Stibbington, J. L. GIvBerrt. 

§818/1. Metica nutans L. {50, Denb.; rocks at World’s End, 
Llangollen, also at Rhaeder-y-Bedd, five miles south of Llansannon, A. 
M. Strrtinc. Remove from brackets in C.F. 

§822/1. Briza mepia L. *112, Zetland; west side of Tingwall 
Loch, W. Scorr. 

§+824/1. Poa cuarxtr Vill. *94, Banff.; policies of Cairnfield House, 
Clochan, M. McCarrum Wesster. *98, Argyll; by the bridge below 
Falls of Cruachan, G. Hatuipay. 

§824/3. Poa suBcAERULEA Sm. *18, S. Essex; marsh at Berwick 
Pond, near Rainham, K. L. Anviy, det. A. Metperis. 82, Hadding- 
ton; sandy shore, Gosford Bay, 1954, C. W. Murrurap. 101, Kintyre: 
sandy pasture by Waterfcot, Carradale, E. Kintyre, M. H. CuUnnNING- 
HAM, det. C. E. Hupsarp. 

§824/5. Poa panustris L. *72, Dumfries.; in shallow water with 
organic substrate, with Glyceria maxima, Castle Loch, Lochmaben, H. . 

§825/3b. GuLYCERIA DECLINATA Bréb. 64, Mid-W. Yorks.; ditch, 
Bentham, 1955, G. W. Garuick. *73, Kirkcudbr.; cattle-trampled 
stream flowing down hill pasture, Collochan, H. Mitne-REDHEAD. 

826/1. Carapopium Rierpum (I..).C. E. Hubbard. 47, Montg.; 
limestone scree, Llanymynech Hill, near Oswestry, A. M. StTrriine. 

826/3. FEsTUcA ARUNDINACEA Schreb. 112, Zetland; roadside, 
Haroldswick, Unst, R. C. Patmer and W. Scott, det. W. O. Howarrta. 


826/3x2. FESTUCA ARUNDINACEA X GIGANTEA. 31, Hunts.; rough 
ride, Old Weston, 1955, T. Patston and J. L. = det. Grr 

826/3x829/1. FrEstucA ARUNDINACEA X LOLIUM PERENNE. Beal: 
Som.; with both parents on a grassy verge of the towpath by the river 
Avon near Clifton Bridge station, C. I. and N. Y. Sandwith, conf. C. K. 
Hubbard (1956, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 106). 

§826/10(2). Festuca vivipara (L.) Sm. {66, Durham; rock ledges on 
Falcon Clints, J. W. Heslop-Harrison (1956, Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 24). 

826/11. Festuca tonerroria Thuill. 6, N. Som.; sand-dunes, 
Burnham, 1952, I. W. Evans, det. C. E. Hubbard (1956, Proc. Bristol 
Nats. Soc., 29, 106). 

826/18. Vuipra Myuros (L.) C. C. Gmel. *106, E. Ross; railway 
siding, Muir-of-Ord, B.S.B.I. Fretp Merettne, conf. A. MELDERIS, comm. 
U. K. Dunean. 

$826(2)/1. Narpurus maritimus (L.) Fiori. 55, (Rutland); Clips- 
ham Quarry, widespread over a large area of quarry floor, on exposed 
oolite, E. K. Horwoop, det. T. G. Turttn. 

§827/3. Bromus stertnis L. *108, W. Sutherland; by the Tral- 
ligyll, near the hotel, Inchnadamph, G. Hatripay. 

827/13. Bromus uNIotoipEs Kunth. 17, Surrey; rubbish-tip, Earls- 
wood, 1954, B. M. C. Morean, det. B. Wetcu (correction of error in 
P06, Bas Bo. 2. a5): 

+827/13(2). Bromus cartnatus Hook. & Arn. 37, [Warw.]; bank of 
river Rea by Cannon Hili Park, Birmingham, 1955, D. E. Aten, conf. 

§827/19(2). Bromus tEeprpus Holmb. t32, Northants.; grassland, 
Upton, north of Upton Church, 1954, J. L. Girpert, conf. C. E. Heus- 
BARD.—But see Dony, Fl. Beds., 441. 36, Hereford.; Colwall: 37, 
Worcs.; Shadybank Common, F. M. Day, det. C. E. Hupsparp. *72, 
Dumfries. ; roadside, Meikledale, R. C. L. Howrrt, conf. S. M. Watters. 
*106, E. Ross; near Lochluichart station, B.S.B.I. Fretp MEEtINne, 
conf. A. MgLipreris, comm. U. K. Duncan. *112, Zetland; pasture at 
south end of Loch Asta, 1935, R. C. Patmer, det. C. E. Husparp: 
abundant in hay-fields near Scalloway and at Norwick, Unst., W. Scorr. 

§827/19(3). Bromus tHomintrt Hardouin. 36, Hereford.; Colwall, 
IF. M. Day. 148, Mer.; Morfa Harlech; Dyffryn golf links; Fairbourne; 
sand-dunes, Barmouth, P. M. Benoit (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 313). 
152, Anglesey; Holyhead area, A. D. Q. Agnew; Newborough Warren, 
P. M. Benoit (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 314). 


Cromarty, B.S.B.I. Frrup MerertiIne, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§833/3. PaRAapHOLIS IncuRVA (L.) C. EK. Hubbard. The record for 
Gibraltar Point Nature Reserve in Proc. B.S.B.I., 2, 43, should read 
54, N. Lincs. and not 53, S. Lincs. 

§835/2. HorpEum MuriInuM L. *94, Banff.; along coast from Cullen 
to Portgordon, 1952: *96, Easterness; rough ground, Ardesier, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER. 

§836/1. Erymus arrenartus L. *1t55, Leics.; disused sandpit, 
Roundhill, Thurmaston, 1953, B. M. G. Jones. *106, E. Ross; Fortrose, 
B.S.B.I. Frrtp Meretine, conf. A. MreLprerts, comm. E. B. BANGERTER. 

§844/4. Equisrtum pRATENSE Ehrh. *95, Elgin; banks of river 
Findhorn, Darnaway, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§844/7. EquisetTuM HYEMALE L. 90, Angus; Glen Doll, among the 
heather by Jock’s Path below Craig Rennet, R. A. Gransam and R. M. 
Hariry. 95, Elgin; woods at Darnaway, R. Ricuter. 96b, Nairn; 
two stations near Loch Loy: 106, E. Ross; plentiful by roadside near 
Munlochy: *109, Caithness; a few plants by river about a mile from 
Dunbeath, M. McCattum WEssTER. 

844/9. EquismetTum vARIEGATUM Schleich. ex Weber & Mohr. 60, 
W. Lancs.; damp sand, Sunderland Point, 1955, G. W. Garrick. 

§845/1. CryprocRaAmMMa crispa (L.) R.Br. ex Hook. *101, Kintyre; 
Cruach-a-Phubuill, Knapdale, alt. c. 1,500 ft., A. G. KennretH, comm. 
M. H. CunnineHam, det. EK. C. WaALuace. 

851/2. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES L. 24, Bucks; old wall, Stoke 
Hammond, T. G. and M. Cottett, J. E. Loustry and D. H. Kent. 

§851/3. ASPLENIUM viIRIDE Huds. *101, Kintyre; Cnuc-na-Seam- - 
raig, Knapdale, alt. c. 600 ft., A. G. KENNETH, comm. M. H. CunnNING- 
HAM, det. I. C. ‘WALLACE, 

§856/1c. DRyoprERIS BoRRERI Newm. 60, W. Lancs.; Wash Dub 
Wood, Docke: *90, Angus; Rossie Moor near Brechin, 1955: *91, 
Kineard.; near Ricecarton House, Stonehaven, U. K. Duncan, conf. 
A. H. G. Atston. *96, Easterness; near Milton, Drumnadrochit: *106, 
E. Ross; near Lochluichart station, B.S.B.I. Freup Meerine, conf. 
A. H. G. Atston, comm. U. K. Dunoan. 

857/4. CystopTERIs FRAGILIS (L.) Bernh. 112, Zetland; on rocks 
in a burn at Catfirth, Nesting, W. Scorr. 


859/1. CETERACH OFFICINARUM DC. 24, Bucks.; old wall, Stoke 
Hammond, T. G. and M. Cortetrr, J: E. Loustey and D. H. Kent. 

863/2. HyMENOPHYLLUM witsontr Hook. 64, Mid-W. Yorks.; 
among mosses, Boxenghyli Gorge, Ingleton, G. W. Garrick. 108, W. 
Sutherland; shaded rock near the road bridge at the head of Loch 
Nedd, east of Drumbeg, R. A. Granam and R. M. Hartey. 

864/1. OsmMUNDA REGALIS L. 14, E. Sussex; by a stream near 
Chelwood Gate, Ashdown Forest, R. A. Bonrracrk and E. C. WAtLtace. 
56, Notts.; Finningley, not recorded from Notts. for over 50 years, 
R. C. L. Howirr. *95, Elgin; damp slack, Culbin Sands, one small 
plant, E. C. Wattace. 108, W. Sutherland; east side of Loch an 
Aigeil, Stoer, R. A. Gramam and R. M. Hartey. 

§866/1. OpHroGLossuUM VULGATUM subsp. PoLyPHyLLUM (A. Braun) 
EK. F. Warb. {52, Anglesey; in short turf on sandy soil, Newborough 
Warren and Llanddwyn, R. H. Roberts (1956, Nature in Wales, 2, 

§867/1. PrivuLaRIA GLopuLirERA L. 40, Salop; pond borders and 
boggy ground, Brown Moss, near Whitchurch, A. M. Strrime. *96b, 
Nairn; Loch of the Ord, Lethen, 1926, Dr. J. B. Smrpson—still persist- 
ing, though scarce, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

869/1. Isorres tAacustris L. 95, Elgin; Lochindorb, 1953, M. 
McCatitum WEBSTER. 

CHAROPHYTA, all det. by G. O. ALLEN 

§872/5. NiIrELLA TRANSLUCENS Ag. ‘*101, Kintyre; Loch Arail, 
Knapdale, A. G. KmnnetH, comm. M. H. CunnINGHAM. 

873/2. ToLYPELLA PROLIFERA Leonh., 28, W. Norfolk: Welney 
Washes, E. L. Swann. 


§873/4. ToLyPELLA Nipirica Leonh. *20, 
Broad, G. H. Rocker, 

FE. Suffolk; Easton 
876/2. CHARA CANESCENS Lois. 25, E. Suffolk; Easton Broad, G. 
H. Rooke. 

876/10e. CHARA BALTICA var. rRIGIDA Groves & Bull.-Webst. 27; 
I. Norfolk; Hickling Broad, G. H. Rocker. 

876/12c. CHARA ASPERA var. LAcustris H. & J. Groves. 109, 
Caithness: Loch Watten, M. McCatrium WeEssTER. 


Compiled by Dovuctas H. Kent 

Thanks are due to E. B. Bangerter and A. E. Wade for their 


7/1. CatrHa patustris L. Johnson, A. T., 1955, Caltha palustris, 
Gard. Chron., 137, 174-175. 

7/1. CatrHa patustris L. Stevens, A. B. P., 1956, The structure 
and development of the hydathodes of Caltha palustris, New Phyt., 55, 

21. Papaver. Acheson, R. M., Harper, J. L. & McNaughton, I. H., 
1956, Distribution of anthocyanin pigments in poppies, Nature, 178, 

21/2. PapAvER RHOEAS L. Allen, H. G., 1956, Variations in the 
common poppy (Papaver rhoeas), J. Northants. N.H.S. & F.C., 33, 
82-84. Deals with some observations on the variation in flower colour, 
number of stigmatic rays, hair clothing and leaf colour made during 
a field meeting of the Botanical Section of the Society.—[A.E.W. ] 

21/2. PAPAVER RHOEAS L. Koopmans, A., 1956, A trisomic Papaver 
rhoeas, Genetica, 28, 35-41. 

39. CARDAMINE. Lévkist, B., 1956, The Cardamine pratensis com- 
plex—outlines of its cytogenetics and taxonomy, Symb. Bot. Upsal., 
14 (2), 1-181. 

45. Cocunkarta. Lawalrée, A., 1956, Cochlearia pyrenaica DC. en 
Belgique, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 94. 

54. Brasstca. Hakannson, A., 1956, Seed development of Brassica 
oleracea and B. rapa after certain reciprocal pollinations, Hereditas, 
42, 373-395. 

54/18(2)b. BRASSICA INTEGRIFOLIA var. CARINATA (A. Braun) O. E. 
Schulz. Vaughan, J. G., 1956, Seed-coat structure of Ethiopian ‘rape’, 
Nature, 178, 1188-1189. Brassica integrifolia var. carinata imported . 
into Europe for oil extraction is cultivated in Ethiopia and adjacent 
N. African territories and has been included in the B. juncea complex. 
Details are given of its seed-coat structure.—[D.H.K.] 

64/3. THLASPI ALPESTRE L. Riley, R., 1956, The influence of the 
breeding system on the genecology of Thlaspi alpestre L., New Phyt., 
55, 319-330. 

88/11. Viota PaLustRis L. Evans, L. T., 1956, Chasmogamous 
flowering in Viola palustris L., Nature, 178, 1301. 

96/1. Srenz maritima With. Turrill, W. B., 1956, Silene mari- 
tima With. subsp. islandica D. & A. Léve, Hook. Icon. Pl., 36, t. 3549, 
1-5. Taxonomic studies on British and Icelandic material of Silene 
maritima cultivated at Kew.—[D.H.K.] - 


96/1. SizeneE mariTIMA With. Turrill, W. B., 1956, Silene mari- 
tima With. subsp. thorei (Dufour) Rouy & Fouc., Hook. Icon. Pl., 36, 
t. 3550, 1-2. Silene maritima subsp. thorei is known from sandy shores 
in south-west France, facing the Bay of Biscay and from the Spanish 
Biscayan coast. Material collected by the author from cliffs near 
Kimmeridge, Dorset in 1924 can scarcely be distinguished from speci- 
mens of subsp. thorei except that the leaves, on an average, are nar- 
rower relative to their length.—[D.H.K.] 

100. Crrastium. MHultén, E., 1955, Cerastium glabratum Hartm., 
species restituendo, Arch. Soc. Zool. Bot. Fenn. ‘Vanamo’, 9, supple- 
ment, 62-69. 

100. Crrastium. Hultén, E., 1956, The Cerastium alpinum com- 
plex: a case of world-wide introgressive hybridization, Svensk Bot. 
Tidsk., 50, 412-495. Taxonomic studies have shown that the Cerastium 
alpinum group forms a chain of species connected not only by hybrids 
but also by hybrid swarms, dominating the Cerastium flora primarily 
in Spitzbergen, Greenland and the Arctic American Archipelago, 
but also in Scandinavia and Iceland. 

Within the area of C. alpinum subsp. lanatum, and also somewhat 
outside it, hybrid swarms with @. arcticum, C. glabratum, C. beerin- 
gianum and C. regelit as the other components occur where the areas of 
two or more of these species overlap. New species about to come into 
being through a recombination of the genes of these species are develop- 
ing in different places. 

The small areas to which the plants must have been restricted in 
Spitzbergen and Greenland during the glacial period account for the 
almost complete hybridisation that has taken place between the Ceras- 
tiwm species present there. 

Through C. beermngianum the chain stretches to Alaska, eastern 
Asia and Japan, where C. beeringianum, C. aleuticum and C. fischer- 
anum form a series. In eastern America C. beeringianum subsp. terrae- 
novae can be suspected to be a recombination type uniting the properties 
of C. beeringianum, C. arcticum and C. alpinum subsp. lanatum and 
formed through isolation in a small area, and introgressive hybridisa- 
tion during the glacial period. 

C. jenisejense seems to be transgressing into OC. beeringianum (var. 
grandiflorum in Alaska) and into C. regelit (Novaya Zemlya). It is 
intermediate between C. regeliti and C. beeringianwm and may be ex- 
pected to have formed during or just after the glacial period as a 
recombination type of this hybrid. In the very limited area where it 
overlaps the distribution of C. alpinum and @C. glabratum, traces of 
hybrids with these species have been observed. 

In Scandinavia the bicentric area of C. arcticum and C. glabratum 
indicates that they survived at least the last glaciation, and that the 
hybridisation so clearly demonstrated in the ample material examined 
has taken place since the last glaciation. It is moreover, by no means 
so extensive as that in Spitzbergen and Greenland. 


The peculiar amphi-atlantic area of the three species C. alpinum, 
C. arcticum and C. regelii makes it probable that they have at least 
the latter part of their history more or less in common. To enable us 
to form any opinion about that history a wealth of facts must be 
assembled and compiled, taxonomic, phyteogeographical and cyto- 
genetical, covering not only these species, but many others besides. We 
are far from being able to assess this history today with any reasonable 
degree of certainty.—[ Author’s summary p.p.] 

This account of the C. alpinum complex is illustrated by many 
distribution maps and photographs. Full synonymy of the various 
taxa is given and a number of new varieties are described. Several 
analytical keys are given and those referring to C. alpinum and C. 
arcticum are given below. 

C. alpinum L. 

A. Plant low growing, few flowered, leaves rounded, pedicels with dense fine 
Pattee VAS CM MO MMDCSCONECE 2502. ...cccccesobce.caneeareceonsadeveceeealeece subsp. squalidum 
A. Plant taller, leaves elongated or lanceolate, pedicels lanate or + viscid: 
B. Tips of the basal shoots with a brush of lanate with entangled hairs: 
C. Pubescence of leaves long, entangled, lanate: 

D. Lanate hairs fine, soft, no hairs with broad base in the margin of 

LCM AV COME ace ARE eet Nee ace cee Sot cous cnet saws neva sadacs hu dhuhe es subsp. lanatum 
D. Lanate hairs coarser, hairs with broad base occur in the margin of 
gH MNT ANIC Same nae sea ote Sees ica isas Han eae woe ae aur deme or sa sachioeetees cs var. robustum 

C. Pubescence of leaves shorter, more strigose, leaves short and narrow . 
var. sitrigosum 

B. Pubescence of the leaves evenly distributed ..................... subsp. alpinum 

C. arcticum Lange 

A. Leaves almost glabrous or slightly hirsute on the surface, ciliated at the 
margin from short 3-few-celled hairs, thicker at the base but lacking 
LECRMGR, . UIE a) [6 STG, Sl lk ahs in ee ee oe ee ee var. arcticum 

A. Alpinum hairs present: 

B. Only traces of alpinum hairs present on the leaves and on the stems ...... 
var. alpinopilosum 
B. Leaves strongly pubescent from + lanate hairs usually coarser than 

alpinum hairs, often ciliated from hairs broader at the base: 

C. Plant low-growing, densely tufted: 

D. Yellowish-green, pubescence whitish or light coloured, calyx lobes 
obtuse with broad scarous margins, usually only one long-pedicelled . 
MOE TEE VCLODC Oiee iea tie sceecem seine sous aciemanee stares mecodescneawcesncce’ var. vestitum 
D. Dark-green, pubescence sordid, calyx lobes dark coloured, + acute, 
inflorescence branched with thick branches .................. var. sordidum 

The C. alpinum complex in Scotland is treated in detail and the 
author cites exsiccata that he has seen. OC. alpinum subsp. lanatum 
(Lam.) Aschers. & Graebn. occurs locally but is apparently absent from 
the Hebrides and from the Shetlands. C. arcticum var. arcticum, and 
var. alpinopilosum Hultén var. nov. occur on the higher mountains and 
the hybrid C. alpinum x arcticum is common. On the island of Unst, 
where neither CU. alpinum or ©. arcticum is present, the endemic ser- 
pentine-type C. edmondstonii (Edmondst.) Murb. & Ostenf. is abundant, 
and the author suggests that it would be of interest if its variation 


could be investigated in order to ascertain its taxonomic status.— 
ED) Ef Kes] 

101/2. STELLARIA NEMORUM L. Andreas, C. H., 1956, Notes on 
Stellaria nemorum L., Acta Bot. Neerl., 5, 145-156. Studies on the 
morphology, geography, ecology and nomenclature of Stellaria nemorum 
and its subsp. glochidisperma in the Netherlands.—{ D.H.K. ] 

105/5. SpPERGULARIA RUBRA (LL.) J. & C. Presl. Webb, D. A., 1956, 
Spergularia rubra in Connemara, /rish Nats. J., 12, 111. 

11/1. Evarine nypropriper L. Gréntved, J., 1956, Elatine hydro- 
piper i Danmark, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 96-98. 

112. Hypericum. Merxmiiller, H. & Vollrath, H.,, 1956, Ein 
amerikanisches Hypericum als Neubiirger in Europa, Ber. Bayer. Bot. 
Ges., 31, 130-1381. Hypericum maius (A. Gray) Britton, a N. American 
species, has been found naturalised in Bavaria. It is new to Europe. 

Attention is also drawn to the recent discovery of the related . 

H. canadense in France.—[ D.H.K.] 

*112. Hyprrtcum. Webb, D. A., 1957. Hypericum canadense L., 
a new American plant in western Ireland, Jrish Nats. J., 12, 113-116. 

125/4. Linum vusitatisstimum L. Pandey, K. K., 1956, Studies in 
autotetraploids of linseed (Linum usitatissimum hL.), J. Growth rate, 
Hereditas, 42, 120-128. 

132. Oxazris. Shinners, L. H., 1956, Yellow-flowered Oxalis (Oxali- 
daceae) of eastern Texas and Louisiana, Field & Lab., 24, 39-40. 
Describes and keys the yellow-flowered species of Oxalis found in Texas 
and Louisiana. A new variety of QO. dillenit Jacq.—var. radicans, is 
described; it has yellow petals with inconspicuous red-orange basal 
markings.—[ D.H.K.] 

1383/4. ImpaTIENS GLANDULIFERA Royle. Huxley, A. J., 1956, A 
balsam from the Himalayas, Country Life, 120. 1186. A short note on 
Impatiens glandulifera and its history in Britain.—[D.H.K.] 

153. Mepicaco. Négre, R., 1956, Les luzernes du Maroc, Trav. 
Inst. Scient. Chérifien: Série Bot.: No. 5,i-xxi & 1-119. The species 
of Medicago and their subspecific taxa known in Morocco are described 
and keyed. Many illustrations and photographs of fruits, flowers and 
leaves are also given. Many of the species found in Britain, are included 
in the account.—[D.H.K.] 

153. Mrptcoaco. Shinners, L. H., 1956, Medicago polymorpha var. 
vulgaris, Rhodora, 58, 310. Medicago polymorpha var. ciliaris L. renders 
illegitimate M. denticulata var. ciliaris Sér. The commonest N. 
American bur-clover, M. hispida Gaertn., must become M. polymorpha 
var, vulgaris (Benth.) comb. nov. based on M, denticulata var. vulgaris 
Benth.; under this goes f. apiculata (Willd.) comb. nov. based on M. 
apiculata Willd., and f. fuberculata (Godr.) comb. nov. based on M. 
polycarpa var, tubercuwlata Godr.—[D.H.K.] 

160. Lorus. Larsen, K., 1956, Cytotaxonomical studies in Lotus, 
3. Some new chromosome numbers, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 49-56. 

*See Plant Notes.—FEd. 



185. Rusus. Beyerinck, W., 1956, Rubi Neerlandici, Verh. Kon. 
Ned. Akad. Wetenschapp., 51, 1-156. A taxonomic revision of the 
brambles of the Netherlands with notes on their ecology and distribu- 


190. ALCHEMILLA. Sougnez, N. & Lawalrée, A., 1956, Alchemilla 
gracilis Opiz en Belgique, Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux., 26, 247-252. The dis- 
covery of a species of the Alchemilla vulgaris aggregate, A. gracilis Opiz, 
in Belgium is reported. Details of the associated plants (festuceto- 
Cynosuretum cristati) are given. The Belgian material is described and 
the distribution (central and northern Europe and Siberia) outlined. 
The stem and petioles are covered with obliquely spreading hairs and 
the pedicels are densely hairy or glabrous.—[H.B.B.] 

220/1. CHAMAENERION ANGUSTIFOLIUM (L.) Scop. MHeslop-Harrison, 
J. W., 1956, The rosebay willow-herb, Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 25. While 
the aggressive rapidly spreading garden form of Chamaenerion angusti- 
foliwm may be transplanted with ease, attempts to transplant the native 
form from Durham and the epee have failed.—[D.H.K. | 

220/3. Epritopium HiRsutuM L. Bartels, F., 1956, Abnorme epider 
misausbildung bei einer Plfecedabandenuie von ropes evoerital hirsutum 
als Beitrag zum Determinationsproblem, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 69, 

239. Erynetum. Hamel, J.-L., 1955, Etude caryologique de quelques 
Eryngium, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 488-502. A cytological study of 
several species of Hryngiwm, including HL. maritimum and E. campestre. 

245. Bupteurum. Larrival, M.-Th., 1954, Etude des plantules de 
Bupleurum rotundifolium L., B. fruticosum L., B. ranunculoides L., 
Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 89, 8-18. 

253/1. Srum Latirotium L. Webb, D. A., 1956, Sium latifolium 
on the Boyne and Cladium mariscus in Co. Waterford, Irish Nats. J., 
#2, 111, 

284/1. Herprra netix L. Jensen, H. N., 1956, Om Hedera helix i 
Danmark, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 108. 

296. Gatium. Ehrendorfer, F., 1956, Struktur Verbreitung und 
Geschichte der Sippen von Lepto-Galium in Bayern, Ber, Bayer. Bot. : 
Ges., 31, 5-12. 

3383/4. InuLa conyzA DC. Temperley, G. W., 1956, Inula conyza 
DC., Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 30. It is suggested that Inula conyza in Co. 
Durham is a survival from ballast introductions many years ago.— 

339/38. AMBROSA ARTEMISIIFOLIA L. Moss, EK. H., 1956, Ragweed in 
south eastern Alberta, Canad. J. Bot., 34, 763-767. Ambrosia artemisi- 
folia var. elatior is established in depressions and on borders of natural 
prairie and cultivated land in two regions of south eastern Alberta. It 
is thought that the species was introduced to the Canadian plains 
though the possibility that it is indigenous there cannot be dismissed .— 


3803/2. BIDENS TRIPARTITA L. Rollin, P., 1956, Action de la tem- 
pérature et de la Jumiére sur la germination des akenes de Bidens 
tripartitus L. (Composées) Rev. Gén. Bot., 63, 461-475. Experiments 
under various conditions of light and darkness show that alternating 
temperatures are necessary for the germination of achenes of Bidens 
tripartita.—[ E.B.B. ] 

378. ARTEMISIA. lLawalrée, A., 1956, L’ Artemisia tournefortiana 
Reichb. an Portugal, Agron. Lusit., 18, 92. Artemisia tournefortiana 
Reichb., a native of eastern Europe, has been found as an adventive in 
Portugal. Known also from France, Holland and Belgium, it has in 
the past been confused with A. biennis Willd. The characters of the 
two species are differentiated.—[D.H.K. ] 

396/8. CrrRsIUM ARVENSE (L.) Scop. Bakker, D. & Diender, D., 
1956, De akkerdistel, De Levende Natwur, 59, 121-127. 

405/13. CrnTauREA scaBIosA L. Frdst, S., 1956, The cytological 
behaviour of accessory chromosomes in Centaurea scabiosa, Hereditas, 
42, 415-431. 

419. Hieractum. De Retz, B., 1956, La Genre Hieracium subgen. 
Pilosella dans la Flore Frangaise, Bull. Soc. Franc. Ech. Pl. Vasce., 7, 
Supplement, 1-25. 

419. Hipractum. Oskarrson, I., 1954, Studies on Hieracium demis- 
sum (Stromf.) Dahlst., Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 48, 45-64. Hieracitum 
demissum is endemic to Iceland but is closely related to some species 
found in the Shetlands. It is suggested that it has descended from 
them during the time of Iceland’s colonisation.—[D.H.K. } 

419. Hipractum. Reiter, M., 1954, Die MHieracien (Habichts- 
kraduter) des Landes Salzburg. pp. 1-20. Salzburg. 

422/2. LronrtopoN auTtuMNALIS L. Blake, S. F., 1955, Leontodon 
autumnalis in Alaska and Washington, Leafl. West. Bot., 7, 285-286. 

423. TARAXACUM. Van Soest, J. L., 1956, Les Taraxacum de 
Belgique, I. (Introduction et sections Erythrosperma, Palustria et 
Spectabilia), Bull. Jard. Bot. Bruz., 26, 211-235. Describes and keys 
the microspecies of Taraxacum in Belgium.—[D.H.K.] 

425. Lacruca. Lindquist, K., 1956, Reflexed and erect involucre in 
Lactuca, Hereditas, 42, 436-442. 

446/4. Ertcoa crntarts L. Runge, F., 1956, Erica ciliaris L. een 
nieuwe plantesoort voor Nederland, De Levende Natuur, 59, 155-156. 
Erica ciliaris has been found in the Netherlands.—[{D.H.K.] 

460. Primuta. Valentine, D. H., 1956, Studies in British Primulas. 
5. The inheritance of seed compatibility, New Phyt., 55, 305-318. 

466/1. Guaux maritima L. Boivin, B., 1956, Notulae taxonomicae, 
2: Glaux maritima Linné, Bull. Soc. Roy. Belg., 88, 10-11. In N. 
America Glaux maritima L. is divided into two subspecies: (a) subsp. 
maritima, which includes var. maritima, and var. angustifolia var. nov., 
the latter differing in its erect (rarely prostrate) habit, narrowly- — 
lanceolate leaves and corolla-lobes often slightly shorter than the tube; 
(b) subsp. obtusifolia (Fern.) Boivin, which includes var. obfusifolia and 


var. macrophylla var. nov., the latter differing mainly in its white (or 
almost white) corolla and usually larger size.—[E.B.B. | 

467. Anagatiis. Taylor, P., 1956, The genus Anagallis in Tropical 
and South Africa, Kew Bull., 1985, 321-350. Anagallis arvensis subsp. 
arvensis is reported from both Tropical and South Africa where it is a 
weed of cultivation introduced from Europe. The author shows that 

the genus Centunculus is not taxonomically sound and places C. mini- 
mus as Anagallis minima (L.) BE. H. L. Krause.—[D.H.K. | 


A77/1. Buacxstonia. Robyns, A., 1956, Le genre Blackstonia en 
Belgique, au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et aux Pays-Bas, Bull. Jard. 
Bot. Bruz., 26, 353-368. Although only Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) 
Huds. is found in Belgium, a second species, B. serotina (Koch) G. Beck 
occurs in Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In this detailed study of 
the two species, distribution, ecology, uses, common names are given in 
addition to taxonomic data. A photo and distribution map of B. per- 
foliata in Belgium illustrate the work and a diagram of the flowers of 
both species help to distinguish them. Under B. perfoliata the var. 
intermedia (Ten.) Domin is reduced to f. intermedia (Ten.) A. Robyns 
comb. nov. on the grounds that a single quantitative character, acute- 
ness of corolla-lobe, does not warrant varietal rank, and f. debilis Domin 
is considered merely a local ecological form. 

B. serotina belongs to the submediterranean element spreading to 
central Kurope with its northern limits in the Netherlands and the 
valley of the upper Rhine; it therefore shows a somewhat discontinuous 
distribution the cause for which being unknown to the author. The key 
to separate the two species is given as: 

Stem leaves triangular to oval-triangular, connate the entire width of their 
base; sepals linear to linear-lanceolate, free to very slightly connate at base 
and usually 2/3 to 3/4 length of corolla, 1 sub 38-nerved; corolla-lobes obtuse 
fOmsUbAGMILe sat apex: Style Sligithy Wiha coe .c se. eeecesees ececeedeccnese perfoliata 

Stem leaves oval to elliptic, connate the entire width of their contracted 
base; sepals linear-lanceolate, slightly connate at the base in a short tube, 

+ = corolla, usually 3-nerved; corolla-lobes acute-subacute at apex; style 
DCIS MiventOr sate, Male TGS Wem Oh oo. oct ac diate oaseateh vatascseee oe acaseeatos serotina 
—19),18.18. | 

5615/2. CuscuTaA EUROPAEA L. Gaertner, EK. H., 1956, Dormancy in 
the seed of Cuscuta europaea, Hcology, 37, 389. 

517. Soranum. Heiser, C. B., Junr., 1955, The Solanum nigrum 
complex in Costa Rica, Ceiba, 4, 293-299. 

5384. ANTIRRHINUM. Dayton, T. O., 1956, The inheritance of flower 
colour pigments. JI. The genus Antirrhinum, J. Gen., 54, 249-260. 

543. Veronica. Lehmann, E., 1956, Wie kann die Erbanlage von 
Hinfluss auf die Verbreitung von Unkrautern sein?, Umschau, 24, 756- 
: 758. 

546. OpontitEs. Marklund, G., 1955, Die Gattung Odontites in 
Finnland, Acta Soc. Flora Fauna Fenn., 72 (16), 1-18. 


550/12. ORoBANCHE PURPUREA Jacq. Bocher, T. W., 1956, Orobanche 
purpurea, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 106-107. 

561. Tuymus. Pigott, C. D., 1956, A taxonomie revision and 
ecological study of British Thymus, Abstr. Diss. Univ. Camb., 1953-54, 

566. Satvia. Delestaing, N., 1954, Contribution a ]’étude cyto- 
logique du genre Salvia, Rev. Cytol. Biol. Veg., 15, 195-224. 

566. Satvia. Werth, E., 1956, Zur Kenntnis des Androeceums der 
Gattung Salvia und seiner stammesgeschichtlichen Wandlung, Ber. 
Deutsch, Bot. Ges., 69, 381-386. 

587/1. Asvuea REpTANS L. Pfirsch, E., 1956, Sur les stolons d’ Ajuga 
reptans L.: cas de stoloniflorie et de multistolonie, Bull. Soc. Bot. 
France, 103, 233-235. Certain anomalies in the development of Ajuga 
reptans have been given taxonomic value. The conclusions here are 
that ‘‘stoloniflorie’’, the flowering on stolons, is not a racial character; 
that ‘‘multistolonie’’, excessive development of stolons, needs further 

588. Prantaco. Hylander, N., 1955, Ett obeaktat svensk fynd av 
en nordamerikansk vallfréinkomling, Plantago rugelii Dene., Acta Soe. 
Flora Fauna Fenn., 72 (9), 1-6. A specimen in the herbarium of Upp- 
sala University originally labelled Plantago major f. americana and 
collected among cultivated American clovers in southern Sweden in 
1883 has been found to be the N. American P. rugelii Decne. It appears 
to represent the only known discovery of this species in Europe, which 
is surprising since the plant was listed as one of the most characteristic 
impurities of American red clover seed during the period at the end 
of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century when the seed was im- 
ported on a large scale. The author considers that it is most probable 
that P. rugelit has occurred + casually in other European countries but 
has been overlooked owing to its similarity to P. major.—[D.H.K.} 

595. ScLERANTHUS. Pedersen, A., 1956, Scleranthus polycarpos, 
Bakke-knavel i Danmark, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 99-103. 

615. PoLyGonuM. Lawalrée, A., 1956, Note sur quelques taxa 
cultivés, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 94. The plant usually assigned 
to Polygonum baldschuanicum Regel in Belgium is in fact P. aubertit — 
L. Henry, which has fairly lax panicles of white (or nearly white) flowers 
less than 6mm. in diameter, and fruits infrequently; whereas P. 
baldschuanicum has more dense panicles of pink flowers 6 mm, or more 
in diameter and fruits freely.—[1.B.B.] 

615. Poryconum. Live, A. & D., 1956, Chromosomes and taxonomy 
of eastern North American Polygonum, Canad. J. Bot., 34, 501-521. 
Cytological and taxonomical studies on Polygonum, mainly section 
Aviculare. P. rurivagum Jord. has 2n=20 (Canadian material), P. 
heterophyllum subsp. heterophyllum has 2n=60 (Canadian, Swedish and 
Icelandic material), P. aviculare L. sens. str. (retained as the correct 
name for P. aequale Lindm.) has 2n=40, and the subsp. catcatum 
(Lindm.) Thell., which is partly identical with P. aviculare var 


depressum Meisn., has 2n=40; it hybridises easily with subsp. aviculare. 
Keys are given to the identification of the various taxa.—[D.H.K.] 

618. Rumex. Lambinon, J., 1956, Note sur quelques Rumex 
hybrides de la flore Belge, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 29-32. New 
stations are recorded in Belgium for the hybrids R. x pratensis (RK. 
crispus Xx obtusifolius) and R.xdufftu var. blocku (Zapalow.) Lambinon 
comb. nov. (Rf. sanguineus var. viridis x obtusifolius). In addition four 
new hybrids are recorded for Belgium: R. x dufftu Hausskn. (R. san- 
guineus X obtusifolius), R. x abortivus Ruhmer (R. conglomeratus x 
obtusifolius), R.xwirtgenu G. Beck (Rf. conglomeratus x palustris) and 
R. X limosus Thuill. (R. conglomeratus x maritimus). Descriptions, 
and illustrations of the perianth-segments, are given for these four.— 

626/1. Viscum atpum L. Cove, D. J., 1956, The distribution of 
mistletoe (interim report), Starfish, 9, 20-32. A preliminary account 
of a national survey of mistletoe hosts. Of 831 infestations noted, 345 
were on apple (Malus sylvestris agg.), 222 on hawthorn (Crataegus 
monogyna and C. oxyacanthoides), 133 on Ulmus spp. and 76 on Tilia 
spp. Details are given of the other hosts.—[D.H.K.] 

626/1. Viscum atpum L. Cove, D. J., 1956, Distribution of the 
mistletoe, Countryside, 17, 503-506. 

632/2b. MercuRIALIS ANNUA var. AMBIGUA (L.) Duby. Thomas, R. G., 
1956, Effects of temperature and lengths of day on the sex expression 
of monoecious and dioecious angiosperms, Nature, 178, 552-553. Gives 
details of experiments on Mercurialis annua var. ambigua.—[D.H.K. | 

633/2. Ut~mus caRprnirotia Gleditsch. Melville, R., 1956, An early 
specimen of Ulmus carpinifolia Gleditsch, Kew Bull., 1956, 179-181. 

636/1. Ficus cartca L. Condit, I. J. & Enderud, J., 1956, A 
bibliography of the fig, Hilgardia, 25, 1-663. 

643/1. Atnus eLuTINosA (L.) Gaertn.  Pommer, E.-H., 1956, 
Beitrage zur Anatomie und Biologie der Wurzel-Knéllchen von Alnus 
glutinosa Gaertn., Flora, 143, 603-634. 

650. Saurx. Lawalrée, A., 1956, Note sur quelques taxa cultivés, 
Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 94-95. Salix babylonica L. is not planted 
in Belgium and the weeping-willows attributed to it are usually S. x. 
chrysocoma Dode, a hybrid between S. babylonica and S. vitellina. The 
area of cultivation of S. babylonica is not further north than the eumedi- 
terranean region.—[ EK.B.B. |] 

650. Satix. Sugaya, S., 1956, Terminal bud formation in Salix, 
Scr. Rep. Téhuka Univ. Biol., 22, 5-11. 

650. Sarr. Sugaya, S., 1956, Further notes on the terminal bud 
formation in Salix, Sci. Rep. Téhuka Univ. Biol., 22, 45-48. 

6597/1. VALLISNERIA SPIRALIS L. Gastagne, E., 1956, Le Vallisneria 
spiralis L. en Belgique, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 33. A short note 
on the progress of Vailisneria spiralis through France since 1787, and 
its recent arrival in Belgium. It appears to be established in the 
Meuse.—[E.B.B. ] mite 


659-> OrcHIDACEAE. Rochette, P., 1955, Observations sur quelques 
Orchidées du Dauphiné, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 102, 534-540. Records 
of several rare or little known orchids (mostly British species) in the 
Dauphiné. Orchis ustulata var. grandiflora f. incisa, O. ustulata f. 
longiloba and Platanthera x hybrida f. litardierei are three new forms 
described and illustrated. Some abnormal flower-structures are de- 
scribed and some interesting morphological details given.—[E.B.B.] 

668/5. EprpacTIS ATRORUBENS (Huffm.) Schult. Heslop-Harrison, 
J. W., 1956, The orchid, Epipactis atrorubens in Co. Durham, Vase. 
(Subst.), 41, 31. 

669/9(3). ORCHIS TRAUNSTEINERI Sauter. Holmen, K. & Kaad, P., 
1956, Uber Dactylorchis traunsteineri auf der Insel Las6, Bot. Tidssi-., 
53, 35-48. 

669(3)/1. HimMANtToGLossUM HIRcINUM (L.) Spreng. Déliot, M., 
1955, Etude structurale du chromosome somatique chez le ‘‘Loroglossum 
hircinum”’ (L.) Richard, Le Botaniste, 39, 315-337. The technique used 
to prepare somatic chromosomes of Himantoglossum hircinum for study 
is described. A plate of microphotographs showing stages in division 
is the basis of the study, which concerns the relationship between 
structure and chemical nature of the chromosome.—[E.B.B. } 

676. Iris. Randolph, L. F. & Rechinger, K. H., 1954, Die geo- 
graphische Verbreitung einiger europaischer und mediterraner Iris- 
Arten, Ver. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 94, 82-96. 

676/1. Iris psEupAcorus L. Jessen, K., 1955, Is Iris pseudacorus 
thalassochorous?, Acta Soc. Flora Fauna Fenn., 12 (12), 1-7. Iris 
pseudacorus has been discovered on the island of Vorse, Jutland, where 
hitherto it was unknown. It is believed that the seeds were sea-borne 
from the mainland. Experiments with J. pseudacorus seeds have shown 
that they will germinate after being kept for up to 31 days in sea 
water.—[D.H.K. ] 

694/1. ConvaLLaRia MajaLtIs L. Denaeyer-de-Smet, S., 1956, La 
teneur en glucoside des feuilles de Muguet (Convallaria majalis L.) au 
cours de leur développement, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 13-16. 

702. Axtium. Helm, J. H., 1956, Die za Wiirz-und Speisezwecken 
kultivierten Arten der Gattung Allium L., Die Kulturpflanze, 4, 130- 
180. Many species and subspecific taxa of Allium cultivated as vege- 
tables are keyed and described, these include Allium scoredeprasum, 
A. ampeloprasum, A. porrum, A. sativum, A. schoenoprasum, 
A. cepa, A. fistulosum and A. rosea. The author agrees with the view 
that A. bubingtoniti is best placed as a variety of A. scorodeprasum.— 

706. Expymion. Turrill, W. B., 1956, ‘‘Polyploidy in bluebells’’, 
Nature, 178, 706. 

706. Enpymion, Wilson, J. ¥., 1956, Polyploidy in bluebells (Endy- 
mion nonscriptus and FE, hispanicus), Nature, 178, 195-196. 

706/2. Scrmta autumnaris L. Vazart, M. B., 1956, A propos du 
gametophyte du Scilla autumnalis L., Rev. Gen. Bot., 63, 281-291. 


7719/6. Luzuia campzstris (L.) DC. Castro, D. & Noronha-Wagner, 
M., 1956, Nota sobre autopoliploidia induzida em Luzula campestris 
DGS VAgton, Busit.; AS, 123-126. 

732. SAGITTARIA. Stauffer, H., 1954, Sagittaria latifolia Willd. in 
der Schweiz, Ber. Schweiz Bot. Ges., 64, 135-138. The N. American 
Sagittaria latifolia Willd., long naturalised in Switzerland and adjacent 
countries, is extending its range while the native SN. sagittifolia L. is 
decreasing. The distinguishing characters of the two species are sum- 
marised and compared.—[D.H.K.] 

73/7. PoTamMoceton. Webster, D. H., 1956, Notes on the distribu- 
tion of Potamogeton species and hybrids in Nova Scotia, Proc. Nova 
Scotian Inst. Sci., 24, 16-24. Includes a number of species also found 
in Britain.—[ D.H.K.] 

73/7/11. PoTaAMoGETON X NITENS Weber. Weibel, R., 1956, Une 
nouvelle station du Potamogeton nitens Weber dans le Dauphiné, Trav. 
Soc. Bot. Geneve, 3, 16-19. Hitherto known only from eight Depart- 
ments of France this hybrid pondweed has been found in the Isere in 
the Lac de Paladru. One parent, P. perfoliatus, was found but not 
the other, P. gramineus. A description, based on the specimens, is 

745, Exrocnaris. Rainha, B. V., 1956, Uma Eleocharis nova para 
a flora Portuguesa, Agron. Lusit., 18, 85-86. Eleocharis flavescens 
(Poir.) Urban has been discovered in Portugal as an adventive. <A 
key is given to the Portuguese species of Hleocharis.—[ D.H.K. ] 

750/1. Ciapium mariscus (l.) Pohl.—See 253/1. Stum LaTIFoLIUM 

751/1. KopreEsta stmMpiiciuscuta (Wahlenb.) Mackenzie. Duman, 
M. G., 1956, Three new North American varieties of Kobresia, Bull. 
Torr, Bot. Club., 83, 192-195. The North American form of Kobresia 
simpliciuscula is described as var. americana var. nov. It differs from 
the form found in Europe and Greenland by its shorter achenes and 
its long, scale-like stalked rachillae.—[D.H.K. | 

753. Carex. Davies, E. W., 1956, The ecology and distribution of 
Carex flava and its allies in the British Isles, Bot. Not., 109, 50-74. 

753. Carex. Davies, E. W., 1956, Cytology, evolution and origin 
of the aneuploid series in the genus Carex, Hereditas, 42, 349-365. 

754—> GRAMINEAE. Paunero, E., 1955, Las Aveneas espanolas, I[., 
An. Jard, Bot. Madrid, 13, 149-229. Describes and figures a number 
of Spanish grasses including some found in Britain.—[D.H.K.] 

754—~ GRAMINEAE. Sharma, A. K. & Deepesh, N. De, 1956, Cyto- 
logy of some of the millets, Caryologia, 8, 294-308. Studies on Indian 
millets, including Setaria italica 2n = 18, S. verticillata 2n = 18 and 
S. glauca 2n = 36.—[D.H.K.] 

754— GRAMINEAE. Stebbins, G. L., 1956, Taxonomy and the evolu- 
tion of genera, with special reference to the family Gramineae, 
Evolution, 10, 235-245. The morphological characteristics are reviewed 
of two groups of grasses in which a large number of supposed inter- 


generic hybrids have been obtained, namely the genera Festuca and 
Lolium, and the tribe Hordeeae. This study leads to the conclusion that 
the supposed genera can be recognized only on the basis of certain 
conspicuous characteristics of the inflorescence, and if all of the mor- 
phological differences are considered together, or if emphasis is placed 
upon the perianth (lodicules) and mature fruit or caryopsis, the species 
concerned differ from each other no more than do different species 
belonging to the same genus elsewhere in the family. In other genera 
(Glyceria, Lepturus) morphological and cytological evidence indicates 
that these should be split. This type of evidence leads to the conclusion 
that the differentiation of genera comes about by means of processes 
which are a continuation of those operating in the origin of species, 
but with greater emphasis on the extinction of intermediate popula- 
tions.—[ Author’s summary. | 

758. Spartina. Mobberley, D. G., 1956, Taxonomy and distribu- 
tion of the genus Spartina, Iowa State Coll. J. Sci., 30, 471-574. The 
known species and hybrids of Spartina are keyed and described. De- 
tailed accounts and synonymy are given for each species.—{ D.H.K. | 

765. PuHataris. Ambastha, H. N. S., 1956, Cytological investiga- 
tions in Phalaris, Genetica, 28, 64-98. 

765. PuHararts. Blake, S. T., 1956, A synthetic new species of 
Phalaris (Gramineae), Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 67, 27-28. A highly 
fertile allopolyploid of the cross Phalaris minor x tuberosa has been 
obtained. It has well marked morphological characters and is a promis- 
ing pasture grass. It is described and figured as P. daviesii.—[D.H.K. } 

765. PuHaptarts. Vose, P. B., 1956, Dormancy of seeds of Phalaris 
arundinacea and Phalaris tuberosa, Nature, 178, 1006-1007. 

777/3. PHLEUM PHLEOIDES (L.) Karst. Bosemark, N. O., 1956, 
Cytogenetics of accessory chromosomes in Phleum phleoides, Hereditas, 
42, 447-466. 

780. AgGrostis. Jones, K., 1956, Species differentiation in Agrostis, 
2. The significance of chromosome pairing in the tetraploid hybrids 
of Agrostis canina subsp. montana Hartm., A. tenuis Sibth. and A. 
stolonifera L., J. Gen., 54, 377-393. 

780. Agrostis. Jones, K., 1956, Species differentiation in Agrostis. 
3. Agrostis gigantea Roth and its hybrids with A. tenuis Sibth. and 
A. stolonifera L., J. Gen., 54, 394-399. 

780/6. Agrostis CANINA L. Jones, K., 1956, Species differentiation 
in Agrostis, 1. Cytological relationships in Agrostis canina, J. Gen., 
54, 370-376. Cytological studies on Agrostis canina subsp. canina (2n= 
14), A. canina subsp. montana (2n=28) and the hybrids between them. 

794. Avena. Holt, I. V., 1955, Cytohistological responses of 
varieties of Avena to 2, 4-D, Iowa State Coll. J. Sci., 29, 581-629. 

794. AVENA,. Thurston, J. M., 1956, Weed studies: wild oats, 
Rep. Rothamsted Exper. Station, 1955, 73-74. Gives details of further 
experimental studies on Avena fatua and A. ludoviciana.—[D.H.K.] 


794/1. Avena Fatua L. Griffiths, D. J. & Johnston, T. D., 1956, 
Origin of the common wild oat, Avena fatua L., Nature, 178, 99-100. 

794/6. AVENA sTRIGOSA Schreb. Werneck, H. L., 1954, Die For- 
menkreise des Sandhafers (Avena strigosa Schreb.) in Oberésterreich. 

819/1. DacryLtis cromerRata L. Kalton, R. R., Leffel, R. C., Was- 
som, C. H. & Weiss, M. G., 1955, Evaluation of combining ability in 
Dactylis glomerata L. 1. Clonal and outcross progeny performance, 
Iowa State Coll. J. Sct., 29, 631-658. 

826. Festuca. Soo, R., 1955, Festuca studien, Acta Bot. Hung., 
2, 187-221. The species of Festuca found in eastern and south-eastern 
Europe are described and keyed.—[D.H.K. ] 

826/4. KFESTUCA PRATENSIS Huds. Reusch, J. D. H., 1956, Influence 
of gamma, irradiation on the breeding affinities of Lolium perenne and 
Festuca pratensis, Nature, 178, 929-930. 

826/7. Frstuca ruspRA L. Litardiére, R. de & Becherer, A., 1956, 
A propos du Festuca rubra lL. ‘‘var. caespitosa Hack.’’, Candollea, 15, 

827. Bromus, Hulbert, L. C., 1955, Ecclogical studies of Bromus 
tectorum and other annual brome grasses, Hcol. Monogr., 25, 181-213. 

827. Bromus. Schulz-Schaeffer, J., 1956, Cytologische Unter- 
suchungen in der Gattung Bromus L., Z. Pflanzen., 35, 297-320. 

827. Bromus. Wendelbo, P., 1956, Anthropochore Bromus-arter i 
Norge, Blyttia, 14, 1-3. Of the 20 species of Bromus found in Norway 
only B. ramosus, B. benekenw and possibly B. hordeaceus var. thominit 
are indigenous. B. japonicus has been much confused with B. arvensis, 
while B. racemosus, B. macrostachys and B. carinatus, all new to Nor- 
way, are found in one locality each. B. madritensis is very rare. 

B. sterilis has mostly been found on discharged ballast and is now 
very rare. B. inermis, found only twice in Norway before 1900, has been 
sown on railway embankments and is spreading rapidly in many parts 
of the country. B. hordeacews var. thominii is discussed and doubt 
is thrown upon the probability of Scandinavian and British material 
seen being identical with B. thomini Hardouin described from France. 

829/1. LoLium PERENNE LL.—See 826/4. Frstuca PRATENSIS Huds. 

830. AGROPYRON. Hansen, A., 1956, Agropyron litorale (Host.) 
Dum. und ihre Hybride mit A. junceum (l..) Beauv. als Ballastpflanzen - 
in der Flora Polens, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 25, 325-330. 

830/1(2). AGROPYRON LITORALE Dumort. Hansen, A., 1955, Ely- 
trigia (Agropyron) litoralis (Dum.) Hyl. und ihr Vorkommen an der 
deutschen Nordseekiiste, Mitt. Arb. Flor. Schleswig-Holst. und Ham- 
burg, 5, 60-66. 

841/1. Pinus sytvesrris L. Hustich, I., 1956, Notes on the growth 
of Scotch pine in Utsjoki in northernmost Finland, Acta Bot. Fenn., 
56, 1-18. 

841/1. Pinus sytvestris L. Karl, J., 1956, Zur Rassenfrage der 
Waldfshre (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Stidbayern, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 
31, 54-57. 


843/2. Progra apres (L.) Karst. Parker, J., 1953, Photosynthesis 
of Picea excelsa in winter, Hcoloyy, 34, 605-609. 

845— Finices. Durin, L., 1955, Filicariae du Département du 
Nord répartition et écologie, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., 16, 481-492. 

845— Frrices. Manton, I., 1955, Pteridology, in A Century of 
Progress in the Natural Sciences (California Acad. Sci.), 301-321. 

847/1. Preripiom aquitinum (L.) Kuhn. Watt, A. S., 1956, Con- 
tributions to the ecology of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum), 7. Bracken 
and litter. 1. The origin of ring, New Phyt., 55, 369-381. 

850/1. PHYLLITIS SCOLOPENDRIUM (L.) Newm. Miagdefrau, K.., 
1956, Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newm. in interglazialen und pest- 
glazialen Kalktuffen, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 31, 128-129. 

851. AspPLENIUM. Meyer, D. E., 1956, Uber die Entfaltungsbe- 
wegungen der Wedel bei Asplenium, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 69, 199- 

854. PonysticHuM. Elliot, E. A., 1956, The British Polystichums, 
Brit. Fern Gaz., 8, 159-168. 

854/1. PotysticHumM SETIFERUM (Forsk.) Woynar. Anon., 1956, 
Habitats of Polystichum angulare (setiferum) and some remarks on its 
variation, Brit. Fern Gaz., 8, 168-171. 

856. Dryopteris. Crane, F. W., 1956, Spore studies in Dryop- 
teris, Amer. Fern. J., 46, 127-130. 

857. CystorteRis. Nordhagen, R., 1955, Ett bidrag till differen- 
sialdiagnosen mellom Cystopteris sudetica Al. Br. & Milde og C. mon- 
tana (Lam.) Bernh., Acta Soc. Flora Fauna Fenn., 72 (7), 1-8. 

861. Woopsia. Pichi-Sermolli, R. E. G., 1956, Il genere Woodsia 
R.Br. in Italia, Webbia, 12, 179-216. The distribution of Woodsia 
vensis, W. alpina and TW. pulchella in Ttaly is discussed.—[D.H.K.} 

864/1. OsmuNDA REGALIS L. Perry, G., 1956, Hardy ferns, 1. 
Osmunda regalis, the royal fern, J. Roy. Hort. Soc., 81, 22-26. 

865. Botrycntum. Tornroth, H., 1955, Iakttagelser dver trenne 
Botrychium-arter, Acta Soc. Flora Fauna Fenn., 72 (21), 1-4. 

865/3. BorrycHIUM MATRICARIIFoLIUM A. Braun ex Koch. Lawalrée, 
A., 1956, Note sur Botrychium matricariifolium (Retz.) A. Braun, Bull. 
Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 92-94. Known from one locality in Holland. 
The records for this species in Belgium, based on material in Herb. A. 
Hardy in the national herbarium must be discounted. It should be 
looked for, however, in Belgium on dry sunny heaths and in clearings. 
Reference is made to Whitwell’s record in J. Bot., 1898, indicating its 
occurrence in Ayrshire.—[ E.B.B.] 

869. Isorrrs. Chevassut, G@. & Quézel, P., 1956, Contribution & 
étude des groupements végétaux de mares tempéraires & Isoetes velata 
et dépressions humides & Isoetes hystrix en Afrique du Nord, Bull. Soe. 
Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord, 47, 59-73. The plants associated with these two 
species of Zsoetes, in temporary pools in the case of J. velata and in 
damp depressions and ruts in the case of J. hystrix are tabulated and 
the lists analysed. Many British species occur, particularly Myosotis 


sicula in the first association and Radiola linoides in the second. The 
authors suggest that a study of these North African (particularly 
Algerian) Isoetetalia will help in the sociological study of French Mediter- 
ranean groups.—[E.B.B. ] 

869. Isorrres. Van der Veer, J., 1956, Biesvarens in Nederland, 
De Levende Natuur, 59, 221-224. 


6, N. Som. & 34, W. Guos. Sandwith, C. I. & N. Y., 1956, Bristol 
botany in 1955, Proc. Bristol Nats. Soc., 29, 101-108. 

14, E. Sussrx. Ticehurst, F. N., 1955, Notes on the local fauna and 
flora for 1954, Hastings & EH. Sussex Nat., 8, 155-156. 

17, Surrey. Kent, D. H., 1956, Surrey Canal wild flowers, P.D.A. 
Monthly, 374, 343-344. A short note on the more interesting plants seen 
on a visit to stretches of the Surrey Canal at Camberwell and Peckham. 
—[D.H.K. | 

18, S. Essex. Ward, B. T., 1956, Notes on the plants observed 
during a visit to the gas works, Hssex Nat., 29, 337-340. Gives a full 
lst of the plants seen on visits to Bromley-by-Bow gas works.— 

18, S. Esspx. Ward, R., 1956, Notes on the natural history of a 
gas works, Essex Nat., 29, 336-337. Gives details of some of the plants 
seen at Bromley-by-Bow gas works.—[D.H.K. | 

20, Herts. Boardman, R. W., 1954, The cryptogams of a derelict 
cucumber-house at Bishops Stortford College, Starfish, 7, 20-24. An 
account of the ferns and other cryptogams found in a derelict cucumber- 
house at Bishops Stortford. Details of transplant experiments are also 
given.—[ D.H.K. ] 

21, Mippx. Murray, D., 1956, The flora of Chiswick, 1956, 6 pp. 
Privately printed. 

22, Berxs., 23, Oxon. & 24, Bucks. Hyde, M. B., 1956, Botanical 
records, Middle Thames Nat., 8, 20-24. 

31, Hunts. Gilbert, J. L., 1955, Flora, Hunts. Fauna & Flora 
Soc. Rep., 8, 10-16. Gives further new records for Hunts.—[D.H.K.] 

31, Hunts. Poore, M. HK. D., 1956, The principles of vegetational 
classification and the ecology of Woodwalton Fen, Abstr. Diss. Univ. 
Camb., 1953-54, 27-28. 

32, NortHants. Gilbert, J. L., 1956, Botanical records, 1955, 
J. Northants. N.H.S. & F.C., 33, 110-111. 

32, NortHants. James, H. G., et al., 1956, Ecology of Harlestone 
Lake, J. Northants. N.H.S. & F.C., 33, 85-92. Includes a list of flower- 
ing plants seen.—[A.E.W. ] 

39, Starrs. Edees, E. §., 1956, Botany, Trans. N. Staffs. F.C., 89, 

40, Satop. Lloyd, E. R., 1956, Recorder’s report on botany, 1947-50, 
Trans. Caradoc & Severn Valley F.C., 13, 50-51. 


41, Guam. Phillips, O., 1956, Gower, (The Regional Books Series). 
R. Hale. London. Price 18/-. Flora, pp. 146-164. Includes a sys- 
tematic list of all but the very common plants of the Gower peninsula. 
Details are given of the present frequency of the more uncommon 
species.—[D.H.K. ] 

45, Pems., 46, Carp., 47, Monte., 48, Mer., 49, Cazrn. & 52, ANGLE- 
SEY. Benoit, P. M., 1956, Field notes: botanical, Nature in Wales, 2, 
311-314 & 353-356. Includes a few new vice-county records and many 
other interesting records from Wales.—[D.H.K. ] 

49, CaERN. Hardy, E., 1955, Among the Welsh alpines, Gard. 
Chron., 138, 14-15. A short account of the alpine flora of Snowdonia.— 

59, S. Lanes. Kidd, L. N., 1956, Notes on some alien plants of the 
Oldham area, The Nat., 1956, 132. The plants discussed are Galinsoga 
spp., Phalaris canariensis, Polygonum sachalinense and P. cuspidatum. 
—[A.E.W. ] 

59, S. Lanos. London, M. E., 1956, Further notes on the flora of a 
plot of waste ground at Blundellsands, Proc. Liverpool Nats. F.C., 1955, 

60, W. Lancs. Butler, P. M., 1956, The influence of the Coniston 
Limestone on the fauna and flora: a preliminary investigation, The 
Nat., 1956, 97-106. 

61, S.E. Yorxs. Crackles, F. E., 1956, Report on the flowering 
plants observed on a Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union excursion to the 
Thixendale district, The Nat., 1956, 151-152. 

62, N.E. Yorks. Sayer, M. M., 1956, Report on the flowering plants 
observed on a Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union excursion to the Newton- 
dale district, The Nat., 1956, 150. 

63, S.W. Yorks. Pigott, C. D., 1956, Vegetation, in Linton, D. L. 
(Kd.), Sheffield and its region: a scientific and historical survey (British 
Association), 79-89. 

63, S.W. Yorxs. Shaddick, C., 1956, Report on the flowering plants 
recorded during a Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union excursion to Went- 
bridge in 1956, The Nat., 1956, 144-146. 

63, S.W. Yorrxs. Thompson, E., 1956, Changes in the Dewsbury 
flora, The Nat., 1956, 133-1384. The author comments on the changes 
which have taken place in the flora of the neighbourhood since the 
publication of P. F. Lee’s ‘‘Flora of Dewsbury’’ in 1877.—[D.H.K.] 

64, Mip-W. Yorks. Walker, D. & Rob, C. M., 1956, Report on the 
flowering plants recorded during a Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union excur- 
sion to Grantley Hall district, The Nat., 1956, 142-143. 

65, N.W. Yorks. Sledge, W. A., 1956, Report on the flowering 
plants recorded during a Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union excursion to 
Whitcliffe Wood, The Nat., 1956, 146-147. 

66, Durnam & 67, Nortnums., 8. Heslop-Harrison, J. W., 1956, 

Records: flowering plants, Vasc. (Subst.), 41, 23-24 & 32. Includes a 
few new vice-county records.—[D.H.K.] 




69b, N. Lancs. Stell, F. D., 1956, Changes of scenery at Sunderland 
Point, New Biologian, 5, 6-8. An account of the arrival and spread of 
Spartina townsendii at Sunderland Point.—[D.H.K. ] 

103, Mip Exsupzs, 104, N. Esupes & 110, OurER Hesripes. Clark, 
W. A., 1956, Plant distribution in the Western Isles, Proc. Linn. Soc., 
167, 96-103. 

103, Mip Exsupzs, 104, N. Esuprs & 110, OutrER Hesripes. Heslop- 
Harrison, J. W., 1956, On field studies of the distribution of the plants 
and animals of the Scottish Western Isles, Proc. Linn. Soc., 167, 103- 

105, W. Ross. Morgan, D., 1956, Observations on the flora around 
Reiff, Rhu, Rhu More and Wester Ross, Proc. Univ. Durham Phil. Soc., 
12, 136-140. 

H.9, Cuarg. Finnis, V., 1956, The flora of Galway Bay, Co. Clare, 
Gard. Chron., 139, 688. 

S., Jersey. Attenborough, T. W., 1954-56, Report of botanical 
section, 1953, Soc. Jers. Bull. Ann., 16, 125; for 1954, op. cit., 16, 250; 
for 1955, op. cit., 16, 355. 


Coutraux, M., 1956, Contribution a l’étude de la végétation et de la 
flore du district Lorrain, 5. A propos de |’écologie de quelques espéces, 
Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 47-48. Short ecological notes on Frangula 
alnus, Setaria viridis, Sorbus aucuparia and Teucrivm scorodonia in 
Lorraine.—[ H.B.B.] 

Fox, M. W., 1956, The synecology of an aquatic plant community, 
Starfish, 9, 17-19. 

FRoHNE, W. C., 1956, The provendering réle of the larger aquatic 
plants, Ecology, 37, 387-388. 

Hamitton, K. C. & BucuuHoitz, K. P., 1955, Effects of rhizomes of 
quack grass (Agropyron repens) and shading on the seedling develop- 
ment of weed species, Ecology, 36, 304-308. 

LAMBINON, J., 1956, Apercu sur les groupements végétaux du district 
maritime belge entre La Panne et Coxyde, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 
88, 107-127. The district is studied ecologically under the categories - 
of dunes, damp hollows and dry hollows. The succession of associations 
for each is worked out. Ruderal associations, showing the influence of 
man, and areas of decalcified soil are important factors.—[E.B.B. | 

Lemte, G. & Carsirner, R., 1956, La végétation et les sols des 
voleans de la chaine des Puys, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 103, 7-27. <A 
number of associations observed in this mountain chain in the Auvergne 
are specifically listed and the interrelationship between vegetation, 
topography and soil discussed. Amongst species playing dominant parts 
are Brachypodium pinnatum, Dianthus monspessulanus, Calamagrostis 
arundinacea, Genista pilosa, Calluna vulgaris and Vaccinium myrtillus. 
Soil analysis tables are given and diagrams illustrate the paper.— 


McMirran, C., 1956, The status of plant ecology and plant geo- 
graphy, Ecology, 37, 600-602. 

Preuton, J., 1953, Ecological life cycle of seed plants, Ecology, 34, 

ScuRrFIELD, G., 1956, Note on experimental ecology and the uses of a 
biological Flora, Vegetatio, 7, 3-8. 

Tamm, C. O., 1956, Composition of vegetation in grazed and mown 
sections of former hay-meadow, Oikos, 7, 144-157. Studies on the vege= 
tation of former hay-meadows in Sweden.—[{D.H.K. ] 

Weser, C., 1956, Etude d’un Xerobrometum erecti de la région de 
Chancy (Geneve), Trav. Soc. Bot. Geneve, 3, 22-27. Lists of over 60 
species (most occur in Britain) observed since 1945 in a dry meadow 
characterised by Bromus erectus are discussed from the phytosociological 
point of view. This type of habitat is rare in the area and 50% of the 
species have been lost.—{E.B.B. ] 


Daunueren, K. V. O., 1956, Peter Collinson om vegetativa mutationer 
samtett brev fran Linné med anledning Harav, Svensk Bot. Tidsk., 
50, 298-307. The author gives details of correspondence between Peter 
Collinson and Linnaeus in 1766 on the subject of vegetative mutation. 
—[D.H.K. j 

FussE.t, G. E., 1955, A great lady botanist, Gard. Chron., 138, 192. — 
A short account of Jane Loudon, née Webb (1807-58).—[ D.H.K. } 

Gitmour, J. S. L., 1956, The University Botanic Garden, Cam- 
bridge, J. Roy. Hort. Soc., 80, 205-214. 

HaprFietp, M., 1955, Mrs. Loudon: a postscript, Gard. Chron., 
138, 222-223. 

JEFFERS, R. H., 1955, Mrs. Jane Loudon, Gard. Chron., 138, 265. 

ScurFIELD, G. & Meptey, IT. E., 1956, An historical account of the 
vegetation in the Shefheld district: the parish of Eeclesfield in 1637, 
T. Hunter Arch. Soc., 7, 180-187. 

Spracur, T. A., 1956, Botany 200 years ago, Proc, Cotteswold 
N.F'.C., 32, 36-42. An account of the life and work of Linnaeus.— 
PE he bd 

Warp, B. T., 1956, Some Essex Naturalists, Essex Nat., 29, 396-326. 
Includes details of a number of Essex botanists, including William 
Coys, John Goodyer, Samuel Dale, Richard Warner, Edward Forster, 
Thomas Furley Forster, Benjamin Meggott Forster and Henry Double- 
day.—[D.H.K. ] 

topwin, H., 1956, Quaternary history and the British flora, Adv. 
Sct., 18, 118-124. 
Le Crerce, 8., 1956, Evidence of vascular plants in the Cambrian, 
Bvolution, 10, 109-114. 


Lemée, G., 1956, Sur l’évolution de la végétation dans le massif 
du Cantal au tardiglaciaire et au postglaciaire, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 
103, 83-94. An account of the development of the flora of this volcanic 
massif in the Auvergne as revealed by pollen analysis of several bogs. 
The paper is illustrated by pollen diagrams.—[D.H.K.] 

Macperrav, K., 1956, Phyllitis scolopendrium (lL.) Newm. in inter- 
glazialen und postglazialen Kalktuffen, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 31, 128- 

Van Campo, M. & Exnat, H., 1956, Etude comparative des pollens 
de quelques Chénes: application a une tourbiere normande, Bull. Soc. 
Bot. France, 103, 254-260. An analytical study of the pollen of species 
of oak (including Quercus ilex, 0. pedunculata, Q. pubescens and YQ. 
sessiliflora), found in peat bog in N. France. Micro-photegraphs of the 
pollen grains illustrate the work.—[E.B.B.] 

Waker, D., 1956, Studies of the Inter-Glacial and Post-Glacial 
history of British vegetation, Abstr. Diss. Univ. Camb., 1953-54, 31-32. 


Barraeuia, E., 1956, The concept of pseudopolyploidy, Oaryologia, 
8, 214-220. 

BrecHERER, A., 1956, Contributions a la flore du canton de Genéve 
(observations faites en 1954 et 1955), Trav. Soc. Bot. Genéve, 3, 33-38. 
A list with some distributional notes of some 70 species supplementary 
to previously published papers by EK. Thommen on the Geneva flora.— 


Bennett, J. H., 1956, Population genetics and natural selection, 
Genetica, 28, 297-307. 

Bocuer, T. W., 1954, Oceanic and continental vegetational com- 
plexes in south-west Greenland, Medd. Om Gron., 148, 1-336. 

Bovucuarp, J., 1956, Sur quelques plantes intéressantes de la Haute- 
Sadne, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Doubs, 58, 147-150. Short notes on dis- 
tribution and variation of a number of species including Vaccinium 
uliginosum, Oenanthe silaifolia and Potamogeton pusillus var. major. 

BREISTROFFER, M., 1955, Les limites septentrionales de la _ flore 
méditerranéenne dans la Dréme et |’Ardéche (continued), Bull. Soc. 
Bot. France, Mém., 1955, 8-34. The distribution of a number of 
Mediterranean species (of Compositae) reaching their northern limit 
in these two S.E. Departments of France is given. The species include 
some either adventive or naturalised in the British Isles.—[ E.B.B. | 

Burnuam, C. R., 1956, Chromosomal interchanges in plants, Bot. 
iiew., 922, 4192552. 

Constance, L., 1955, The systematics of the angiosperms, in A 

Century of Progress in the Natural Sciences (California Acad. Sci.), 


Coquitiat, M., 1956, Flore du pavé de Lyon, Bull. Soc. Linn. Iyon, 
7, 185-199. A list of 164 species occurring on the pavements of the city 
of Lyon is given. The frequency, coverage, method of dispersal, etc. 
for each is given. Under the heading of dissemination they are divided 
into Anemochores (wind dispersed), Zoochores (dispersed by animals), 
Autochores (dispersed by own mechanism), Barochores (seeds falling by 
own weight) and Anthropochores (dispersed directly or indirectly by 
man). Wind dispersal is the greatest factor by far. The species are 
also discussed ecologically under the main association of plants of trod- 
den places, and systematically under the headings of Cryptogams, 
cultivated plants, adventives and woody plants. Matricaria matri- 
cartoides, Galinsoga ciliata and Polygonum cuspidatum are noted as 
becoming well naturalised. The effects of sweeping, scattering of salt, 
washing down by shopkeepers, oil and exhaust fumes from cars and 
atmospheric pollution from factories, etc. are taken into account.— 


Crace, J. B., 1955, Nature conservation and ecology, Sci. News, 37, 

D’ ALLEIzETTE, C. & Oxivier, L., 1956, La session extraordinaire de 
la Société botanique de France en Auvergne, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 
103, 36-83. Lists of the more interesting species are given with notes 
of ecological, distributional and systematic importance: (a great many 
of the species noted occur in the British Isles).—[E.B.B.] 

Dartineton, C. D., 1955, The chromosome as a_ physico-chemical 
entity, Nature, 176, 1139-1144. 

Dematsy, P., 1956, Notes floristiques sur la vallée du Piéton, Bull. 
Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 39-45. Some 150 species are listed for this 
valley, mainly an agricultural area with an occasional wood or marsh. 
Electrification of the railway and widening of the canal have destroyed 
stations for Orchis incarnata, Sazxifraga granulata and Menyanthes 
trifoliata.—[ E.B.B. | 

Duront, D., 1955, Contribution a la flore du nord-ouest de l’ Espagne, 
2, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 90, 429-440. Details of the distribu- 
tion of a number of species (many of which occur in Britain) little or 
hitherto unknown in the provinces of Vizcaya and Santander are given. 

Farert, K., 1956, Recent trends in palynology, Bot. Rev., 22, 639- 

IFrortn, R., 1955, The systematics of the Gymnosperms, in A Cen— 
tury of Progress in the Natural Sciences (California Acad. Sci.), 323-403. 

Goop, R. d’O., 1955, Plant geography, in A Century of Progress in 
the Natural Sciences (California Acad. Sci.), 747-765. 

Guintrr, P., 1956, Arbres et foréts du Massif central (notes botani- 
que et forestiéres), Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 103, 95, 114. Notes on forests 
of the central massif of the Auvergne with particular reference to Pinus 
sylvestris and Picea abies. The account is illustrated by photographs 
of habitats.—[E.B.B. ] 


Harris, T. M., 1956, The mystery of flowering plants, Listener, 
1956, 514-516. 

Hurtin, E., 1955, The isolation of the Scandinavian mountain flora, 
Acta Soc. Flora Fauna Fenn., 72 (8), 1-22. 

Karz, M. & SuHorz, V. C., 1955, Air pollution damage to vegetation, 
J. Air Pollution Control Assocn., 5 (3), 1-8. 

Knapp, R., 1956, Untersuchungen tiber die Wirkungen tiglicher 
Temperaturschwankungen auf Wachstum, Bliitentwicklung und Ferti- 
litat, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 69, 399-412. 

Krees, K., 1956, Phanologisch-pflanzensoziologische Untersuchungen 
in einem HKichen-Hainbuchenwald in Neckargebiet, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 
Ges., 69, 361-374. 

Larsen, K., 1956, Chromosome studies in some Mediterranean and 
‘south European flowering plants, Bot. Not., 109, 293-307. Chromosome 
counts on species mainly from southern Italy include a number of plants 
also found in Britain.—[D.H.K. ] 

Lawaurée, A., 1956, Phanérogames adventices ou naturalisés en 
Belgique, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 25-28. Notes on some alien 
species occurring in Belgium, including Boreava orientalis, Calystegiu 
sylvestris, Linaria supina, Nesha paniculata, Sazxifraga gewm and 
Trachystemon orientalis.—[ H.B.B. | 

LAawAtRree, A., 1956, Notes sur diverses plantes vasculaires indigénes 
en Belgique, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg., 88, 49-58. Accounts on some 
interesting vascular plants native to Belgium: Dryopteris tavelic, 
Agrostis gigantea, A. pusilla, Brachypodium rupestre, Milium scabrum, 
Sesleria varia, Epipactis purpurata, Salix hippophaefolia, S. hippo- 
phaefolia x triandra, Ribes vulgare and Callitriche platycarpa. Two 
distribution maps and one photograph illustrate the paper.—[ Author’s 
summary. | 

LenMann, E., 1956, Pflanzenforschung. Orion Bticher 91. Murnau. 
A short account of the history of plant systematics with special refer- 
ence to Germany.—[D.H.K.] 

Love, A., 1955, Biosystematic remarks on vicarlism, Acta Soc. Flora 
Fauna Fenn., 72 (15), 1-14. 

Mayer, A. M., 1953, Germination, Sci. News, 29, 84-90. 

Mayer, A. M., 1955, Plant movements, Sci. News, 36, 85-94. 

Miuier, P., 1955, Verbreitungsbiologie der Bliitenpflanzen, Verdff. 
Geobot. Inst. Riibel Ziirich, 30, 1-152. 

OrFrner, J. & Le Broun, P., 1956, Une siecle de floristique a travers 
les Alpes francaises, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 103, 298-375. A survey 
of the work done on, and the changes in the vegetation of, the French 
Alps during the past century. An extensive bibliography is added.— 

Perrine, F., 1956, Botanical Society of the British Isles Distribu- 
tion Maps Scheme, Starjish, 9, 6-11. 

Rovteav, EK., 1956, A check list of the vascular plants of the pro- 
vince of Newfoundland, Contrib. Inst. Bot. Univ. Montreal, 69, 41-106. 


ScHwaBE, W. W., 1956, Effects of natural and artificial light in 
Arctic latitudes on long- and short-day plants as revealed by growth 
analysis, Ann. Bot., 20, 588-622. 

Sinva, A. R. P., pa, et al., 1956, Plantas novas e novas areas para a 
flora de Portugal, 3, Agron. Lusit., 18, 10-48. Plants new to the Portu- 
guese fiora include Mimulus moschatus, Salpichroa origanifolia and 
Koeleria vallesiana.—[D.H.K.] 

SyBENGA, J., 1956, The significance of colchicine from Colchicum 
autumnale L. for the induction of polyploidy in nature, Genetica, 28, 
217-223. No plants with abnormally high chromosome number were 
found among 308 plants studied from within old colonies of Colchicum 
autumnale.—[ Author’s summary. | 

Titi, O., 1956, Uber die Frostharte von Pflanzen sommergriiner 
Laubwalder, Flora, 143, 499-542. 

Van OoststrRoom, S. J. & RetcHcet, T. J., 1956, Nieuwe plantesoor- 
ten en vormen in Nederland gevonded in 1955, De Levende Natuur, 59. 

Warpiaw, C. W., 1956, The floral meristem as a reaction system, 
Nature, 178, 1386. 

Warpitaw, C. W., 1956, Generalization on the apical meristem, 
Nature, 178, 1427-1429. 

Weser, C., 1956, La florule de la décharge municipale de Geneve, 
Trav. Soc. Bot. Genéve, 3, 28-82. Periodical visits over ten years to 
one of Geneva’s municipal rubbish-tips have resulted in an extensive 
list of species found, divided into four categories: escapes from culti- 
vation; bird-seed; ruderal or adventive; native to the district. Over 
200 species are noted.—[E.B.B. | 

Went, F. W., 1956, The role of environment in plant growth, Amer. 
Scientist, 1956, 378-398. 



An Exhibition Meeting was held in the Lecture Hall of the British 
Museum (Natural History), London, S.W.7, by kind permission of the 
Trustees, on Saturday, November 24, 1956, from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. 
Over 350 members and guests attended, and exhibits were arranged by 
39 individuals and institutions. An account of these is given below, 
based on notes supplied by the exhibitors. For further details see 
Nature, 179, 351-353 (1957). 


Maps were exhibited showing, in hundreds, the numbers of records 
received so far for each square of the National Grid. They indicated 
that the concentration in the London area is not now so obvious, many 
records from Scotland, Ireland and Wales having been received during 
the summer. Gaps still existed but the arrangement of the Field 
Meetings for 1957 was in some way designed to fill these. 

As an example of productions from the Scheme maps. were 
displayed showing the distribution of Liparis loeselu, Himantoglossum 
hircinum, Orchis ustulata and Spiranthes spiralis.—S. M. Watters & 


Herbarium specimens of the following plants were exhibited— 
Saxifraga cernua—Ben Nevis Range, coll. E. A. Blake; Koenigia 
islandica—Ardmeanach Peninsula, Mull, coll. R. W. M. Corner; Melam- 
pyrum arvense—Melrose, coll. R. W. M. Corner; Carex buxbawmu— 
parish of Urquhart and Glenmoriston, Easterness, coll. J. G. Roger and 
R. E. C. Ferreira; Galinsoga ciliata—Goldenacre, Edinburgh, coll. P. S. 

These specimens have now been deposited in the herbarium of the 
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.—TuHr CoMMITTEE FoR THE SCOTTISH ~ 


This exhibit illustrated the visit made by a party of Junior members 
to the Austrian Tyrol in August 1956. 

Photographs of the party and views of the area visited were shown 
by P. V. Chatfield, S. Cockerill, Miss A. Carreck, Miss P. Brookes, 
Miss N. Coward and Miss E. Sadler, while coloured slides of many of 
the plants found were exhibited in a display cabinet by P. G. Sheasby. 

Paintings and sketches of the plants were provided by M. Edmunds 
and Miss S. Syanaga, and pressed specimens by C. J. Cadbury, D. I. 
Gilbert, M. F. Johnstone and A. W. Westrup. 


A full log of the meeting and a list of all the plants recorded were 
compiled and shown by C. J. Cadbury. The full page account of the 
meeting which was published in The Times Educational Supplement of 
October 12, 1956, and a map showing the district visited and the routes 
taken completed the exhibit.—TuHEr Junior AcTIVITIES COMMITTEE. 

G. C. Druce’s Discovery oF INTROGRESSION 

In Dr. G. C. Druce’s Flora of Berkshire (1897) the following passage 
occurs on p. 370, commenting on the fact that Linaria vulgaris, pre- 
viously a fairly constant species, had assumed greater variability in 
the Oxford district following the introduction of L. repens :— 

“The question arises whether the variability of L. vulgaris (and 
other species) may have been caused by the pollination by a second 
species in one of its ancestors, so that the stability of the species has 
been disturbed? This may have taken place, not necessarily in the 
generation immediately preceding, but in a more remote ancestor, so 
that the hybrid influence had been gradually neutralized by successive 
pollination with a similar species. A hybrid is almost always handi- 
capped by the more numerous individuals of one or the other parent, 
so that the chances are immensely against the pollination by a similar 
hybrid form. Hence in fertile hybrids the influence of one or other of 
the parents is gradually eradicated. My point is that after the traces of 
cross-pollination have disappeared, it does not follow that an equally 
stable species remains as that which existed before the cross-pollination 
took place. I think it will be found that the plant is more distinctly 
liable to variation, not necessarily in the direction of its remote ancestor, 
but in other ways. To remote hybridization I think must be attributed 
the extreme variability exhibited by certain genera, such as Rubus, 
Rosa, Salix, Epilobium, ete.; these genera, as we know, being especially 
prone to hybridization.”’ 

This is as clear a statement of the phenomenon now known as intro- 
gressive hybridization (or introgression) as one could wish for. It 
antedates by no less than thirty years the Masters Lecture to the 
Royal Horticultural Society given by the Danish botanist C. H. Osten- 
feld, hitherto accepted (e.g. by Heiser, Bot. Rev., 1949, 15, 645) as the 
earliest statement clearly foreshadowing the studies of introgression 
that subsequently developed in the 1930's. 

It would appear that Dr. Druce never pursued this line of thought 
further, at least in print. It may possibly have been at least partially 
responsible for his ever-increasing interest in the infra-specifie varia- 
tion of British plants.—D. E. ALLEN. 


Drawings of fertile segments and photographs illustrating the habit 
of several forms of Salicornia found in south-east England were shown. 
Emphasis was placed on the value of the shape of the fertile segments 

in deciding whether an individual is a diploid or tetraploid. 



It was suggested that habit and inflorescence were the more 
important characters in the tetraploid species, while segment shape was 
more important in the diploid species. Salicorma prostrata and 
S. gracillima appear to be respectively prostrate and unbranched forms 
of other diploid species.—P. W. Batt. 


Herbarium specimens and photographs of Veronica filiformis were 
displayed together with a map showing the known distribution of the 
species as an established escape in Britain. Fruits of V. filiformis were 
also exhibited together with fruits of V. persica for comparison.—E. B. 
BancEeRTER & D. H. KENT. 

A Hysripisation Experiment IN STELLARIA 

Living material of an artificial hybrid, Stellaria media (L.) Vill. x 
S. neglecta Weihe, produced in the summer of 1956, was exhibited 
together with herbarium sheets of the hybrid and its parents. ‘The 
hybrid is morphologically similar to S. neglecta; it differs from both 
parents in having (3-) 8-10 stamens and in being highly male- and totally 

female-sterile.—P. M. BrEnotrt. 


Plants are generally preserved by drying, since they rapidly decay 
when they are stored without being dried. This decay is caused partly 
by fungi and partly by chemical destruction from the plant’s own 
enzyme system. Since gamma rays are known to kill fungi and inacti- 
vate enzymes, an attempt was made to sterilise freshly picked plants 
with gamma radiation. The plants exhibited were sealed in transparent 
packets, subjected to doses of from one-half to ten million reps, and 
stored for six months. 

Moulds which covered the specimens which had not been irradiated 
were not seen on those which had received a million reps or more. All 
the specimens changed colour on storage, showing that enzymes were 
not inactivated by the doses used. The immediate effect of large 
amounts of radiation is that the plants are partly dehydrated. It is 
unlikely that this method of preserving plants will be used except for 
a few special purposes.—H. J. M. Bowen. 


This exhibit was prepared to enable examples of interesting and 
newly recorded plants to be seen, some of which were described in ‘‘Plant 
Notes’’, and in papers in the Proceedings and Watsonia. The following 
herbarium specimens were shown:—Geranium robertianuwm subsp. 
robertianum, subsp. maritimum (Bab.) H. G. Bak. and subsp. celticwm 

| Ostenf., Phacelia viscida (Benth. ex Lindl.) Torr., Verbena elegans 
| Kunth, Polygonum campanulatum Hook. f., Lathyrus heterophyllus 
| var. unijugus Kocht, Festuca rubra var. arenaria x Vulpia membran- 

| *See separate paper on p. 197. 
| tSee also Plant Notes.—Ed. 


acea*, Bromus benekenu (Lange) Trimen and Sarracenia purpurea i. 
—BritisH Mustum (Naturau History). 


The Botanical Department’s historic collection of letters forms the 
basis of its autograph collection, from which the following items were 
exhibited: —Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820), one of the 20 volumes of 
transcripts and a volume of original letters. Robert Brown (1773-1858) 
and Jonas Dryander (1748-1810), collections of letters. From the mis- 
cellaneous collection:—George Bentham (1800-1884), William Borrer 
(1781-1862), John Thomas Irvine Boswell (1822-1888), William Curtis 
(1746-1799), Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), Sir William Jackson 
Hooker (1785-1865), John Ray (1627-1705), Sir James Edward Smith 
(1759-1828) and Hewett Cottrell Watson (1804-1881).—BritisH Museum 
(NatuRAL History). 


About sixty ‘‘alpine’’ and ‘‘arctic-alpine’’ species were found by the 
Cambridge Ecological Expedition to Macedonia in 1956, during an 
investigation in the north Albanian Alps, where these cross into Jugo- 
slavia. These mountains lie only about seventy miles north of a line 
through the Balkans, south of which there is a very marked drop-off 
in the number of ‘‘alpine’’ species present. Photographs of the moun- 
tains and plant communities taken by N. A. Robinson were shown. 

Herbarium specimens of nine species were exhibited accompanied 
by maps showing their distribution in the Balkans. These species 
were:—Ozytropis campestris, Dryas octopetala, Alchemilla monticola, 
Empetrum hermaphroditum, Moneses uniflora, Antennaria dioica, 
Gnaphalium. supinum, Homogyne alpina and Carex ornithopoda var. 
castanea.—A. J. CARPENTER, P. J. Gruss & G. A. GUYMER. 

Dr. Diutentus Takes A Hotrpay—Mrs. H. N. Croxte. 


A few examples of plant remains (e.g. leaves, fruits, ete.) found in 
a Late-Glacial deposit in southern Scotland were shown. The site, 

Whitrig Bog, Berwickshire, lies near the Tweed, at an altitude of about 
400 ft. 

Some of the species represented, such as Papaver sect. Scapiflora, 

are now no longer growing in the British Isles: others like Betula nana © 

and Salix herbacea have a much more restricted distribution today— 
occurring only on the higher mountains, or in the extreme north. 

Maps showing the present distribution of Betula nana, Salix reti- 
culata, S. herbacea, Polygonum viviparum and Ozyria digyna were 
exhibited with an indication of the known occurrences during Late- 
Glacial, Full-Glacial and Interglacial times. Three of these maps were 

*See also Plant Notes.—Ed. 



prepared in conjunction with the B.S.B.I. Maps Scheme and the Sub- | 
department of Quaternary Research, Cambridge.—Miss A. P. CoNnoLuy. 


Specimens of Cicendia filiformis (L.) Delarb. were exhibited from 
the south-western part of the Lleyn Peninsula, Caernarvonshire, dis- 
covered during August 1956. 

This is the first time that Cicendia has been recorded from North 
Wales although it has been known from Pembrokeshire near St. David’s 
Head for some years. Apart from this the species is almost entirely 
restricted to the extreme south and south-west coast of England and 
the south-west of Ireland. 

A map prepared by the B.S.B.I. Maps Scheme was shown illustrating 
recent and older records. 

The plants were growing in some abundance in and around a group 
of rocky pools on an otherwise rather barren heath within a mile of the 
sea. Some plants were half-submerged scattered in a dense sward of 
Deschampsia setacea (Huds.) Hack. and JIittorella uniflora (L.) 
Aschers. Others were fringing the damp pool margins amongst Radiola 
linoides Roth, Anagallis minima (L.) EK. H. L. Krause (Centunculus 
minimus L.) and a species of Riccia.—Miss A. P. Conotty & Miss P. M. 

Various MetrHops or BoTaAnicaL ILLUSTRATION 

This exhibit was prepared to show, without bias, the merits and dis- 
advantages of black and white photography and of certain methods of 
drawing and painting in botanical illustration. 

The value of photography as an aid in routine work and in the 
recording of plant forms which are lost or much modified in drying was 
demonstrated by photographs of Salicornia and Impatiens (by D. H. 
Dalby). These showed also how photographs can provide impartial 
evidence where the faithfulness of drawings might be doubted. 

The greatest weakness of photography, that of lack of selectivity, 
was remedied by the drawings and paintings of Armeria, Geraniwm and 
Impatiens (by G. W. Dalby), which showed how the essential character 
of a plant’s growth habit can be recorded quickly in a field sketch, and’ 
how a finished illustration (in colour or black and white) can be pro- 
duced from an annotated study. The great value of black and white 
drawings as a basis for reproduction by modern methods was also 
stressed.—D. H. Datspy & Miss G. W. Datsy. 


Herbarium specimens of Rumex sanguineus and R. conglomeratus 

-were exhibited with specimens of wild and cultivated intermediate forms 

between the two species. A report, and experimental results accom- 
panied them, designed to show the difficulty of classifying these fertile 
intermediates under the present system, either as species, or as hybrids. 

—P. J. FIELD. 


CEPHALANTHERA RUBRA 1 Bucks. (V.c. 24)* 

Specimens and photographs of Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. 
from a Chiltern beech wood were exhibited.—R. S. R. Firter. 


Photographs of this rare orchid from one of its Gloucestershire 
localities in 1956 were shown.—G. W. T. H. FLemine. 


On June 24th, 1955, a visit was paid to the basic pit beside the 
crossroads west of South Cerney, near Cirencester, v.c. 33. In this 
pit there is some spongy marsh and a pond full of accumulating refuse, 
and there grow here several species of Carex and some hybrids. A con- 
siderable collection was made, mainly of Carex lepidocarpa hybrids. 
Among these specimens we found the sedge exhibited, which seems to 
be Carex grahami Boott. Since this putative species is apparently a 
Scottish endemic, confined to one or two spots in the Highlands, we were 
much surprised. 

It was at first thought that an error as to the source of the specimen 
had inadvertently crept in, but after deep research into every conceiv- 
able possibility the unpalatable fact emerged that the locality was as 
genuine as was our surprise: the sedge could only have been collected 
in this pit, indeed one of us seems to remember picking it—the frag- 
mentary nature of the specimen being due to its growing almost out 
of reach, and a well-balanced and daring grab being necessary to obtain 
a piece without total immersion in the water and refuse. 

It must be accepted that the locality is right. But is our plant 
Carex grahami? Some who know the species well agree, while others 
have suggested that it is a hybrid sedge outwardly very like the Scots 
plant, and in fact so alike that distinction becomes difficult. It should 
be noted that Carex hostiana and C. vesicaria both grow in the pit. We 
finders prefer to make no comment, beyond stating that we both know 
C. grahami in Glen Clova whence we also exhibited a gathering for 

An attempt to refind it this year was as fruitless as the Carex species 
seen on the unavoidably late date when the pit was revisited. We shall 
try again.—R. A. Granam & R. M. Hartey. 


Five specimens of Mentha xX mazximilianea, a hybrid of M. aquatica 
x rotundifolia, collected by Dr. J. K. Morton, were shown. 

These five presumed hybrids have little outwardly in common, and 
that there is no readily recognisable similarity as occurs in—for example 
—the hybrids of M. aquatica with M. spicata (=M. x piperita), and 
yet each individually suggests its origin as M. aquatica x rotundifolia, 
either in leaf shape, or in inflorescence form, or in other characters. 

*See separate paper on p. 234. 


The calyx, which by analogy with other mints provides the best 
feature for critical distinction, shows characters intermediate between 
those of the two putative parents, for instance the overall length of that 
of M. aquatica averages c. 4:0 mm.; while that of M. rotundifolia 
averages 1-95 mm.; and that of 3/. x maximilianea appears to be c. 3:3 
mm. In addition two specimens, kindly lent by the Curator of the 
Cambridge University herbarium, were found to bear a few branched 
hairs, which occur profusely in M. rotundifolia but not in M. aquatica. 

One presumed hybrid has an inflorescence outwardly indistinguish- 
able from that of M. aquatica, but the calyx is too short for this latter, 
and the leaves immediately suggest a hybrid of this mint with M. rotun- 
difolia. The chromosome number (obtained by Dr. Morton) is 108, 
suggesting a back-cross of a fertile amphidiploid hybrid of M. x mazi- 
milianea with the M. aquatica parent :— 

[ (aquatica 96 + rotundifolia 24 = 60) x 2 = 120] + aquatica 96 = 108 
2 2 
These five occurrences are the only ones that have so far come to 

light as reasonably certain examples of this hybrid in Britain.—R. A. 
GrauamM & R. M. Harey. 

THe Distrisution oF HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES 1n tHe Britisu 

A map giving known localities for the Sea-buckthorn (Hippophae 
rhamnoides lL.) was shown based on both native and introduced records 
given in literature, field records, and herbarium material so far 
examined. It was indicated that this shrub is now recorded from 76 
vice-counties as against 39 given in Druce’s Comital Flora of the British 
Isles (1932). The exhibit was further illustrated by herbarium sheets, 
photographs, and living material in fruit.—E. W. Groves. 


The range of environmental variation was illustrated with plants 
from sheltered mountain cliffs and exposed habitats, whilst the genetic 
variation was demonstrated with fresh material grown under uniform ° 
conditions. It was shown that environmental changes are capable of 
obscuring in the field the small genetic differences between the popula- 
tions. The Lizard plants are the most distinct, but the features referred 
to in the Floras and the basis of the statement that the plants belong to 
subsp. gerardi, are practically all environmental. Wide variation also 
exists in seed size and morphology, but all British plants examined 
have a diploid chromosome number of 24.—G. Hatuipay. 


This taxon was compared with the sexual Antennaria dioica and 
the apomict A. alpina. In its morphology and geographical distribution 
it is much closer to the former. A scree habitat on Rhum was illus- 


trated where it grew together with the typical A. dioica. It may well 
interbreed with this, but while it is a most distinct plant, until its 
breeding behaviour and chromosome number are discovered it is advis- 
able to retain varietal status and not elevate it to specific rank as 
did D. Don.—G. Hatiipay. 


Specimens of Galinsoga ciliata found growing on the pavement of 
a busy Birmingham street were exhibited. This appears to be the first 
record for this species in v.c. 38.—W. H. HARDAKER. 


The distribution, habitat and frequency of plant species in Warwick- 
shire are being surveyed by a method of area recording described below. 
The exhibits showed stages in the method used and gaye some interim 
data and maps. 

The county is divided into units of one square kilometre, identical 
with the smallest subdivision on 1” maps showing of the National Grid. 
These ‘‘basic squares’’, of which there are some 2,500 in Warwickshire, 
are being surveyed by a team of botanists from the Botanical Section 
of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society and the 
Botany Department of the University. 

The method is roughly as follows: each collector takes one or more 
basic squares and is registered for these on a ‘‘Master map’’. Several 
visits at different times of the year are made to each square being sur- 
veyed, and a complete list of all species found is made together with 
habitats and frequencies. The habitats are conveniently grouped into 
eight major categories, each with subdivisions. 

Two maps of 1 km. squares and the plant lists obtained from them 
were shown. A Collector’s Card for use in the field is also available. 

When the squares are completed the lists are sent to the Recorders 
and the records are copied on to species cards. The species cards are 
arranged so that the records for 1 km. squares are written in the same 
spatial relationship and on the same scale as the 1”ordnance survey 
map. Each card represents a 10 km. or major square and the whole 
of the cards can be laid out so that they themselves form a map. 

The maps shown in the rest of the exhibit were preliminary attempts 
at recording the distribution of a number of species. A distinctive 
symbol is used for each habitat category. In some cases an attempt 
has been made to compare the distribution of calcicolous and calcifugious 
plants with the known geological structure of the county. A geological 
map showing the position of the chief lime-bearing strata was shown. 

Finally, a series of habitat analyses has been made to show both 
the habitat range and preferences of the species mapped. These analyses 
show that although many species overlap in habitat range considerably, 
their preferences do not necessarily coincide.—J. G. Hawkes & R. C._ 



Species within the genus Dactylorchis show a remarkable amount 
of variation in floral characteristics, sufficient to have given rise to 
classificatory difficulties. The exhibit illustrated the different sorts of 
variation, geographical in PD. fuchsi and ecological in D. incarnata. 
In addition to intraspecific variation, hybridisation takes place fre- 
quently in nature to produce hybrid swarms. Of particular interest 
are the hybrids which arise between species of different chromosome 
number, since they may be expected to be more or less sterile. Some, 
however, show a degree of fertility, and produce embryos with the same 
chromosome number as one of the hybrid parents. It seems probable 
that these arise without any fertilisation, directly from an egg cell with 
the parental chromosome number. 

The variation in some dactylorchid species was illustrated by 
mounted floral parts, wall maps, photographs and some microscope pre- 
parations of dactylorchid cytology.—Professor & Mrs. J. HEstop- 

A PrRoposep FLoRA oF EUROPE 

A committee of British and Irish botanists has been formed to study 
the possibilities of writing a ‘‘Flora of Europe’’. Progress in the 
planning of the proposed Flora has been so satisfactory that it was 
decided to stage an exhibit explaining the nature of the Flora and the 
general aims of the Editorial Committee. 

The exhibit comprised a map of Europe outlining the area it is 
proposed to cover; a list of standard Floras for all the countries or 
territories involved; a catalogue of works pertaining to the flora of 
Europe in the library of the Botany School, Cambridge, running to 
several hundred titles; a selection of current European Floras showing 
diverse criteria; a short paper pointing out some of the major dis- 
crepancies between British and European taxonomy and the need for a 
less insular attitude in taxonomic studies in this country; a leaflet 
explaining the aims of the Committee; a proof of some sample pages 
of the Flora which have been prepared; and a guide for the use of 
collaborators.—V. Hrywoop & S. M. WALTERS. 


Some ProsiemMs in THE ACUTAE Section or CAREX 
(a) CAREX JUNCELLA (FR.) Tu. Fr. anp CAREX NIGRA (L.) Retcu. 
C. juncella is a very caespitose plant with no stolons and a root 
stock with very short nodes. The basal sheaths and leaf bases are 
shiny and of a characteristic red-brown colour. The whole plant shows 
a characteristic habit, growing in tussocks up to 50-60 cm. high, resemb- 
ling C. elata All. The subcespitose form of C. nigra is a growth form 
characteristic of fens with standing water and reducing conditions. The 
tussocks are often 60-80 cm. high but consist of elongated, upright 


rootstocks, and ‘‘pioneer’’ rhizomes (stolons) are always present. The 
ecological preferences of C. juncella are quite different from those of 
the subcespitose form of C0. nigra in showing profuse tussock growth at 
the edges of streams and in such habitats as receive good water cir- 
culation. The fruit characters of C. juncella show the same variation 
seen in forms of Carex nigra and the colour variants, e.g. var. melaena 
with black fruit, namely, shape ranging from ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 
size 3:0-2:0 mm. xX 1:8-1-1 mm. The female glumes are equally variable 
in size and in relation of size to that of utricle. There is very little 
that keeps C. juncella distinct as a species from Carex nigra. Many 
records of C. goodenowiw var. juncea (Fr.) Kiikenth., especially in 
Middle Europe, refer to the subcespitose form. All tussocky forms 
of C. nigra should be Jooked at closely; as yet C. juncella has been 
recorded fcr the British Isles. 

Distribution maps of the two species in Europe and the British Isles 
were exhibited, showing that there is considerable overlap especially 
in the Midlands and north of England. The table below gives some 
main points of difference between the species and it is hoped that record 
material, especially for the Distribution Maps Scheme will be looked at 
more closely. I would be very pleased to see any material of this group. 



1. Rootstock 
Basal sheaths shiny orange Sheaths grey brown and _ not 
brown, acute; gradation in shiny; no or very few intermedi- 
shape and size to relatively ate sheaths, numerous leaves at 
few leaves on fertile shoot. base of culm. 

2. Culm 
Culm difficult to break: very Culm brittle and snaps on bend- 
rough especially under inflor- ing: smooth under inflorescence. 
escence. Triquetrous. Trigonous. 

3. Leaves 
Margins of leaves revolute. Margins often involute. 

4. Floral characters. 
Female glume acute-triangu- Female glume more ovate and 
lar often inrolled at apex. obtuse. 

N.B.—The apex may be inrolled 
(cuspidate) to give the appear- 
ance of being acute. 
Utricole 2-5-3-0 mm. long, apex Utricle 2-0-2°5 mm. long, apex 
acute to beak. rounded to short beak. 

A. C. JERmMy. 




A number of photographic slides in three-dimensional colour were 
shown. The subjects were normal and close-up views of British plants. 

—L. C. & S. T. Jermyn. 


Photographs of specimens of Cardaminopsis petraea were exhibited 
to demonstrate the variation between widely separated populations, 
between ecologically distinct populations, and within a population. 
Attention was drawn to such characters as habit, size, hairiness and 
leaf shape, and reference made to the developmental and seasonal varia- 
tion in the size and shape of the leaves. An annotated distribution map 
showed the range of this montane species in the British Isles.—B. M. G. 


20 plates of coloured drawings of British willows, rushes, sedges and 
grasses were shown.—Rev. W. Kesre Martin. 


A special search made on 5th May 1956 by Miss U. Duncan, J. Grant 
Roger and D. McClintock succeeded in refinding near Rait, Perthshire, 
Aremonia agrimonoides (L.) DC. Subsequently during the year it was 
seen at, or from, three further wild localities and one other, all in 
EK. Scotland. It was grown by Philip Miller in 1739, but has not been 
regarded as a garden plant for many a long year. A list of records 
traced, and a map marking them were exhibited as well as herbarium 
and living specimens, and living specimens of Agrimonia eupatoria L., 
Geum urbanum L. and G. macrophyllum Willd. with which it has been 
confused.—D. McCrintocx. 


This aquarists’ throw-out, first detected in Britain in 1944 and since 
seen in three other places, was found in five fresh ones in 1956, two 
in Essex, two in Jersey and one in Alderney. Specimens were shown and . 
a map of its localities so far. Water gardeners know this plant as 
‘“‘Elodea crispa’’, and specimens were also laid out of the four other 
related species now in Britain—F. canadensis Michx., the spreading E. 
callitrichoides (Rich.) Planch., EF. nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, in which 
Mr. J. E. Dandy has recently recognised our ‘‘Hydrilla’’, and Egeria 
densa Planch. (Hlodea densa (Planch.) Casp.).—D. McCutnrock. 

An American Spectres Possisty Native In EvRoPE 

Hypericum canadense l., a member of the American group of 
plants, native in W. Europe, was collected in July 1954 by Prof. D. A. 
Webb on the western shores of L. Mask in Connemara. In August 1956 
it was visited again by him and D. McClintock independently and 


named in September. Living Irish plants, fresh seeds, Irish and Ameri- 
can dried specimens, and photos of it and one of its habitats were shown, 
together with a mapping card of 168 plants growing near by.— 
D. McCrintTocx. 

Specimens were exhibited of Wonerma cylindrica, a Mediterranean 

grass, found in some quantity on a rubbish-tip at Earlswood, Surrey.— 
Miss B. M. C. Morean, 

BrittisH Poppies 

Herbarium sheets showing characteristics of five British species of 
Papaver were exhibited, together with notes on the habitats, distribu- 
tion, taxonomy and breeding behaviour of the plants. P. rhoeas, P. 
dubium and IP. argemone occur as weeds of cultivated land while P. 
hybridum and IP. lecoqii are restricted to road verges, old building sites 
_ and waste places. 

These five species are usually differentiated on characters of the 
capsule, but this character does not give a satisfactory separation of 
P. dubium and LP. lecogit. <A list of characters which can be used to 
distinguish these two species was included. 

Hybrids are rare in the field, though some seed set was obtained in 
a number of experimental cases of inter-specific crossing. P. dubium x 
lecoqu and its reciprocal cross gave good seed set in every case 
attempted, which is significant in view of the close morphological re- 
lationship of the parents. None of the species appears to be self-fertile. 

These poppies represent a group of closely related species in which 
the outbreeding mechanism is well developed, which commonly co-exist 
but which nevertheless remain distinct owing to strong genetic barriers. 
—I. H. McNaveuron. 


Specimens were shown of the hybrid Carex pseudocyperus xX rostrata 
found by the exhibitors growing at Cranberry Rough on the former 
site of Hockham Mere, W. Norfolk, v.c. 28, in 1955. 

No achenes had developed on the hybrid itself but one sheet showed 
a specimen from another plant that appeared to be intermediate be- 
tween the hybrid and C. rostrata in which a few achenes had developed, 
probably owing to its being nearer one of the fertile parents. An 
accompanying photograph showed the hybrid with its parents. For 
a full account see Proceedings B.S.B.I., 2, 1-3 (1956).—C. P. Peton & 
EK. L. Swann, 


The statistical results of work in progress on this species were sum- 
marised, and shown in graphical form. These demonstrated that there 
are marked discontinuities in the pattern of variation in Gentianella 


septentrionalis, which are closely correlated with differences in 
geographical distribution. In addition, it was shown that the range 
of G. septentrionalis sensu lato, hitherto believed to be restricted to 
vice-counties 105-112, must be extended to cover a large area in Mid- 

Specimens were exhibited of the various morphological groups, and 
included the type specimens of both Gentiana amarella var. ealycina 
Druce and of Gentiana amarella subsp. septentrionalis Druce. Both 
these names are now referable to Gentianella septentrionalis (Druce) 
EK. F. Warburg.—N. M. PritcHarp. 


Herbarium specimens of the following Kentish plants were 
exhibited :—EHpipactis phyllanthes, Sagittaria sagittifolia, Alisma 
lanceolatum, Potamogeton alpinus, Sparganium minimum and Artemisia 
verlotorum.—F. Rose. 


Herbarium specimens were shown to illustrate :— 

(1) Plants which are in most cases local, or rare, in Britain as a 
whole, but especially characteristic of eastern Kent, and which appeared 
characteristic of, and sometimes common in, corresponding habitats in 
the Pas de Calais. 

(2) Plants of Britain which are absent in Kent, but were seen in 
the Pas de Calais (their British distributions proved to be either East 
Anglian, northern or western; several were dune species). 

(3) Plants absent as natives in Britain, but observed in the Pas de 
Calais. These include species from three habitats :—(a) Scrub on chalk: 
Alnus incana, Euphorbia dulcis, Senecio spathulaefolius, Seselt mon- 
tanum (only seen in Somme). (b) Dunes: Veronica teucrium, Muscari 
comosum, Carex trinervis. (c) Arable fields on chalk: Adonis aestivalis, 
Legousia speculum-veneris.—KF. Rose. 

AN InterEst1Inc DACTY LIS From tHe Lake DISTRICT 

A herbarium specimen was exhibited of a Dactylis collected from . 
calcareous rock ledges in shade at about 500-550 ft. in an ash-wych elm 
wood near the Yews in Borrowdale, v.c. 70. Mr. C. E. Hubbard has 
examined it and reports that it appears to resemble var. pendula 
Dumort. (1827), but this plant is without description by its original 
author. It matches specimens gathered by Mr. Hubbard in damp wood- 
land between Patterdale and Brothers Water, v.c. 69 in 1939. It may 
be a diploid. I have a plant under cultivation which it is hoped to have 
cytologically examined.—F. Rose. 


Herbarium specimens were exhibited of some of the species which 
have been delimited by Jordan and Lindman within the Polygonum 


aviculare complex. Plants were included under the names of P. hetero- 
phyllum Jindm., P. aequale Lindm., P. calcatum Lindm. and P. ruri- 
vagum Jord. ex Bor. Other anomalous forms which were thought to 
resemble P. littorale Link were included from maritime habits such as 
salt marshes and sand-dunes.—B. T. STy es. 


A collection of photographs in colour of plants seen in Buckingham- 
shire in the course of the B.S.B.I. Whitsun Field Meeting were shown, 
together with herbarium specimens and photographs of a number of rare 
or. uncommon plants from Jersey.—Mrs. K. LE SvuEUR. 

Variation IN POA ANNUA 

Poa annua shows a considerable amount of genotypic variation, as 
well as the phenotypic variation to be expected from the great range of 
habitats it occupies. 

Specimens illustrating variation in habit, duration, amount of 
anthocyanin and hairiness of the lemma were exhibited. A fuller 
account of this variation will appear in Watsonia.—T. G. Turin. 


Live specimens of Equisetum hyemale from y.c. 95 and v.c. 96b, were 
shown with herbarium sheets as follows:—Carer norvegica, J.awers 
range, v.c. 88; Lamiwm maculatum, v.c. 95; Gagea lutea, v.c. 95; Poa 
chaizii, v.c. 95; Festuca altissima, v.c. 95; Bromus inermis, v.c. 95; 
Equisetum pratense, v.c. 95; Carex buxbauwmti, v.c. 96; Alopecurus 
aequalis, v.c. 96, new to Scotland; Poa flexuosa, v.c. 96; Poa nemoralis, 
an interesting form from Hobkirk, v.c. 109; Equisetum hyemale, v.c. 
109.—Miss M. McCattum WEeEssTER. 



The report and the audited accounts printed below cover the period 
from Ist January to 3lst December 1956. Comparative figures for 1955 
are given in brackets. 

MEMBERSHIP, During the year 200 (136) new members joined the 
Society and we lost 42 (60) by reason of death, resignation and the 
operation of Rule 6 (e). We lost by death Mr. H. N. Ridley, an 
Honorary Member, shortly after his hundredth birthday. We report 
also with regret the death of a member, Miss H. 8S. A. Dent, J.P., 
president since 1948 of the Wild Flower Society. The net increase 
in membership was 158 (76) and the total membership at the end of 
the year was 1,190 (7,032). 

FINANCE. Notwithstanding the very large increase in membership, 
the receipts from subscriptions, £1,119, show only a rise of £105 com- 
pared with £1,014 received in 1955. There appears to be a certain 
reluctance among some of the older members to pay promptly and it 
is to be hoped that this may be remedied in 1957. Costs of sending out 
reminders are very high and members could save much of this by re- 
mitting subscriptions and arrears (if any) as quickly as possible to the 
Honorary Assistant Treasurer. 

For the first time in three years the cost of printing Watsonia and 
Proceedings has not exceeded the receipts from subscriptions but this 
is brought about by a reduction in the number of pages in the Proceed- 
ings from 298 in 1955 to 196 in the present year. 

Sales of pericdicals and publications show a marked decline from 
£452 to £285. This is partly accounted for by a drop in the sales of 
the 1954 Conference Report and the Flora of Buckinghamshire. The 
forecast made in the 1955 Report of a substantial loss on the 1954 Con- 
ference Report materialised as sales to date amount to £178 while the 
cost of publication was £429. 

Although the balance of £1,070 (£1,000) in the Publications Fund 
appears very satisfactory it must be borne in mind that this account 
-of slowly accumulating funds will soon be charged with heavy commit- 
ments. Not only the 1956 Conference Report but also the Index of 
British Herbaria, the Flora of Scilly, and the new British Plant List 
will be charged to this fund. The last work will be published jointly 
with the British Museum (Natural History) with the assistance of a 
donation from the Hanbury Trust and it is anticipated that it will 
enjoy a large circulation among amateur and professional botanists 

In order to gain increased interest the sum of £500 was transferred 
from the Post Office Savings Bank to 4% Defence Bonds. Our total 
assets at the end of the year are £1,650 (£1,536). 

There would appear to be no immediate cause for concern over the 
financial status of the Society but economic conditions may alter very 


quickly and the position must be watched closely. Should the final 
results of the recent drive to gain still more members be disappoint- 
ing, the raising of the rate of subscription may well be unavoidable. 


This committee has been active and, in addition to its routine worl 
of revising the panels of referees, has produced a new plan for decen- 
tralising the Society’s work. A drive for new members among persons 
who have assisted with the Distribution Maps Scheme has been so far 
satisfactory. The Rules and Prospectus of the Society which had been 
two publications have now been reprinted and combined into one. 

MEETINGS COMMITTEE. Secretary: Dr. H. J. M. Bowen. 

A further decline has been shown in the attendances at field meet- 
ings but the work done during the meetings has been as useful as ever. 
The advertised programme was carried out with a total attendance of 
105 (151) made up as follows: Buckingham 25, Exmoor 14, West Cum- 
berland 12, Swansea 35 with the addition of some local botanists, 
Llandrindod Wells 12, Guildford 7. By contrast a field meeting to 
Hitchin on the day following the spring conference attracted over 
80 members and guests. 

The spring conference, the subject of which was ‘‘Progress in the 
Study of the British Flora’, was attended by 161 compared with an 
attendance of 234 at the previous conference. We are grateful to the 
trustees of Bedford College and the head of the Department of Botany 
for the use of premises for the conference. 

A very successful joint conference with the British Ecological 
Society was held at Southampton in September. Papers were read 
at the session for which the Society was responsible by Mr. M. J. 
Cole, Dr. D. P. Young, Mrs. J. P. Newbould, Dr. M. J. Borrill, Mr. 
N. M. Pritchard and Dr. C. T. Prime. Members were the guests of 
Professor J. E. G. Raymont and Professor W. T. Williams at a joint 
soirée. To these and Dr. J. M. Lambert, who was responsible for its 
organisation, we are grateful for the success of a new venture which 
attracted an attendance of 65. A field meeting to the New Forest, 
which was divided into three parties to pursue varied interests, was 
attended by 75. 

The Annual Exhibition Meeting was held on 24th November in the 
Lecture Hall of the British Museum (Natural History) by kind per- 
mission of the trustees and was attended by 350 (800) members and 
guests. A showing of slides taken during the junior meeting at Ober- 

gurgl (Austria) was much appreciated. There were 46 (47) exhibits. — 

The meeting was followed by a conversazione at Crosby Hall, Chelsea, 
at which there was an attendance of 87 (62). 

Seven field meetings and a regional meeting at Birmingham have - 

been arranged for 1957. 



PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE. Secretary: Mr. P. J. Wanstall. 

During the year two parts of Watsonia, totalling 92 pages and com- 
pleting Volume 3, and two parts of Proceedings, totalling 196 pages, 
have been issued. 

The report of the 1956 conference, Progress in the Study of the 
British Flora, is now in proof stage and should be published soon. 
The List of British Vascular Plants is now being printed. This is being 
published jointly with the British Museum (Natural History) and will 
be eagerly awaited by members. Estimates are being sought for the 
Index of British Herbaria which it is hoped may soon be published. 

Specimens of the Society’s publications were exhibited at the 
Moscow Exhibition of British and American publications in October 
and at the Leipzig Fair in September. 

We are again grateful to Mr. E. B. Bangerter for handling so 
efficiently the orders for our publications and to the trustees of the 
British Museum (Natural History) for facilities for their storage. We 
also wish to thank Professor Pearsall for the use of the library of the 
Department of Botany of University College for meetings of the 

CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. Secretary: Mr. J. E. Lousley. 

The Committee has met three times during the year, twice jointly 
with representatives of the Nature Conservancy. Collaboration has 
continued closely with the Nature Conservancy and nine members have 
provided reports on twelve areas for which information was required; 
but on account of inaccessibility and other reasons, it has proved diffi- 
cult to obtain reports on the remaining areas on the Conservancy’s 

During the year new threats have arisen to the classic areas in 
Upper Teesdale from proposals by the Tees Valley Water Board for 
the construction of new reservoirs, Plans made public in March for 
reservoirs at Cauldron Snout and Cow Green involved the inundation 
of areas of no great interest but the reservoirs were dangerously close 
to Widdy Bank Fell. Fortunately these plans proved impracticable and 
a fresh site near Dine Holm Scar and Cronkley Farm is being sur- . 
veyed. We are following closely the new proposals. Other areas con- 
sidered during the year included Berry Head, Devon; Farlington 
Marshes, Hants.; Hatfield Forest, Essex; Roydon Common, Norfolk; 
Knocking Hoe, Beds.; and a station for Hierochloe odorata in Ren- 
frew. We have drawn the attention of the Nature Conservancy to the 
importance of safeguarding an area of raised bog in Cumberland, and 
the probable site of the original strain of Spartina townsendu at 
Hythe, Hants. The difficult problem of conserving interesting 
stretches of canal has been given careful consideration, and sugges- 
tions from members of suitable lengths of canal would be welcome. 
Numerous other threats have been VSeuiea during the year and ap- 
propriate action taken. 


MAPS COMMITTEE. Secretary: Professor A. R. Clapham. 

Progress made with the Distribution Maps Scheme during its thirc 
year is the subject of a separate report made by the Director. The 
accounts which are kept separately from the Society’s accounts ars 
similarly shown elsewhere. 


Six field meetings intended mainly for fifth and sixth form pupil: 
of grammar schools were held in England during the year. The tota 
attendance was 259 (232) made up as follows: Chipstead Valley 61 
West Wittering 33, Kenfig Burrows 38, Epping Forest 51, Miller’: 
Dale 60, Runnymede 76. A visit to the South London Botanical Insti 
tute was attended by 56 young persons. Fresh ground in the history 
of the Society was broken with a residential meeting abroad at Ober 
gurgl in the Austrian Tyrol. With an attendance of 29 this was : 
great success and we are indebted to Professor and Frau Gams fo! 
their most helpful assistance. A programme arranged for 1957 in 
cludes field meetings, a residential meeting in Ireland and a visit t 
the Linnean Society. Progress continues with compilation of a pane 
of lecturers and the exploration of means of preparation of a cinema 
tograph film. 


During the first full year of its existence the committee arrange: 
two exhibition meetings and held five field meetings. The latter hat 
a totnl attendance of 87 made up as follows: Dalmellington 3, Peeble 
9, Cromarty 7, Hawick 8, Ben Ledi (intended for juniors) 60. Report 
of these meetings will appear in Proceedings, Vol. 2, Part 4. 

An exhibition meeting held in the spring at the Royal Academy 
Inverness, by kind permission of the Director of Education and th 
Rector, was attended by 180. Ten exhibits were shown and after th 
meeting Mr. J. Grant Roger showed some colour transparencies o 
some Scottish high-altitude plants. Another meeting held in th 
autumn in the Department of Botany of Glasgow University, by kin 
permission of the Regius Professor of Botany and of the Universit 
Court, was attended by about 80 and 15 exhibits were shown. After th 
meeting Miss E. P. Beattie gave a lecture on the Maps Scheme and Mr 
B. W. Ribbons showed some colour transparencies mainly of plants o 
the Scottish coast. 

During the year Mr. D. M. Henderson was appointed by the Botani 
eal Society of Edinburgh in the place of Mr. B. L. Burtt as one of it 
representatives on the committee. The committee is grateful for al 
the assistance of the members and officers of the two sponsoring socie 
ties and other friends for their continued helpful co-operation. 

Grorer Taytor, President. 
By Order of the Council, J. G. Dony, General Secretary. 
6th February 1957. 




To Balance from 1955 £34 10 6 £50 By Transfer to Journal Fund £250 0 0 
» subscriptions received 1119 3 6 jo0  ,, Transfers to Proceedings 
; Receipts from Advertise- Fund ai aS 2 4005 (0)..0 
ments 8) sale) 40 ,, Transfers to Meetings 
;, income-tax Recovered 4611 8 Committee Fund ae 1050720 
;» Interest on Post Office — ,, Grant to Maps Scheme ... 50220580 
Savings Account 3 Soil 28 ,, Notional Interest to Pub- 
PeinGeress. on 45 Defence lications Fund 25550) 20 
Bonds ane Se : 1419 8 11  ,, Hire of Rooms for Council 
,» ~sales of Reports and and Committee Meetings 10 16 6 
Reprints : — i>. Cheque Book:. bs 010 0 
16 ,, Duplicating Minutes of 
Meetings ae 14°10" 2 
24 ,, Officers’ Expenses .. 115) 183 ali! 
1 ,, Fire Insurance 1 1266 
4 ,, Advertising Expenses — 
3) ae -Lelephones ches Sea A Oe ae: 
17 ,, Committee Secretaries’ 
Expenses cee oe 20)eSaet 
159ee Gee Generales PrimibigiTs and 
Stationery 49 16 5 
— ,, Printing Notices of “Meet. 
ings : HEN aie M0) 
— ,, Foreign Exhibition Ex. 
penses ae Ba n. 3a © 
— ,, Recruiting Drive Ex- 
penses = aS 26 12 11 
2, Affiliation Fee (CO eEBIOl= 5: 
ogical Council — 
» Postages and Petty Ex- 
penses : 
Hon. General 
Secretary aoe sik) | al 
Hon. Treasurer ii 2 6 
Hon. Assistant 
Secretary sao tl Ss alal 
Hon. Assistant 
Treasurer ee On O50 
Parcelling Pub- 
lications at 
Nat. History 
Museum nH OOO 
64 —- ———— 70 11. «6 
357) pee Balance 17419 9 
£1257 17 10 | £1205 £1257 17 10 
To Balance from 1955 ... £193 18 9| £374 By Printing Watsonia and 
30 ,, Transfers from General postages :— 
Fund Es 250 0 0 Vol. ITI, part 5 £22417 0 
408 ,, Sales of Watsonia ... 127 13 2 Vol. III, part 6 
(part payment) 220 0 0 
———— £44417 0 
194 ,, Balance O15) VA GGL 
Lode s 11 £568 eayAliali abl 





1955 | 1955 
£46 To Balance from 1955 ... .. £12115 4] £695 By Printing Proceedings and 
750 ,, Transfers from General postages thereon :— 
HG ee . re. ~400°70:-0 Vol. If; partet £25510" 3 
OA tae ALeES OL Proceedings a Apnea S| Vol. II, part 2 206 8 10 
— ——— £454 
122 ,, Balance Ba ot ee 8s 
£817 £553 17 11 | £817 £553 
1955 | 1955 
£1132 To Balance from 1955 ... ... £1000 711, £350 By Printing 1954 Conference 
25) ,,. dmterest dor  ssyear >on Report ... a LARS. 10 -0 
initial -balance at 24% Part paid ... 350 0 0 
(per General Fund) a 23) 105750 ——————._ £7 
3. ,, Sales of 1948 Conference — ,, Expenses’ editing Con- 
Report... ie ats ao? 10; oo ference Report “fe ae 7 
9 ,, Sales of 1950 Conference 12 Non-recurring items 
Report ... By ie i 10 4 2 1000 ,, Balance ie aan << 
22 ,, Sales of 1952 Conference 
RCVOTL ore Soe Pe 2116 2 
112 ,, Sales of 1954 Conference 
Report ... 66 405°) 
68 ,, sales of Flora of Bucking- 
hamshire aie £7 ee ie | 
14 ,, Sales of Comital Flora te a3 0s 
4 ,, Sales of Flora of North- 
amptonshire ~e ace 17 6) 
£1392 £1150 13 2| et £1392 £115 
: | 
1005 1055 
£40 To Transfer from General £36 By Balance from 1955 ... = a 
Fund , mt . £10 0 0 — ,, Loss on 1956 Conference ... 
17 Field Meetings Fees ii. 144 1 6 — ,, Half-expenses, Southamp- 
| Balance Aa bis a le ton Meeting ... aes 
12 Expenses, Exhibition and 
Conversazione ‘i 1 
10 Secretarial Expenses =i 1 
£58 £7 2 8 £58 £2 
—o —_ — / —_—— 

£145 125 0d and £39 11s Od. respectively. 

234 General Fund ... Ree os ete 19) “9 
194 Journal Fund pat ee teal 2 Onl east al! 

‘Examined and found correct, 
17th January 1957. 

922 Proceedings Fund bes hae 88 18 10 
900 Publications Fund ........ 107016 3 
46 Life Members’ Fund _... con) WB) iO) 
‘40 Benevolent Fund ... Aa eP 39 11 0 
'— Cheques issued but not pre- 

sented for payment me 3 UB 
536 £1650 0 0 




BALANCE-SHEET as at_ 31st December 1956. 

500. National Savings Certifi- 
cates, at cost 

Meetings Committee’s Fund 
Debit Balance mak 

Deposit at Post Office Savings 
Bank ie 

4% Defence Bonds 

Cash at Bank 


whe Balances on Life Members’ and Benevolent Funds remain unchanged for the year at 

£400 0 0 
Sy) al So) 
702 8 10 

000 0 0 
4410 0 

£1650 0 0 

(Signed) J. H. G. PETERKEN, Hon. Auditor. 
E. L. SWANN, Hon. Treasurer. 




Reasonable progress has been made throughout the year. The 
Cambridge office has been kept busy—hectically busy at times—and 
the response of volunteer recorders (there are now about 3,000 names 
on our books) has far exceeded expectations. Many of the new volun- 
teers offered as a result of an article on the Scheme in the Observer, 
to which the response was unexpectedly large. Following this, B.B.C. 
publicity was obtained on ‘‘Radio News-reel’’, the ‘“‘Countryside in 
August’’ and the ‘‘Naturalists’ Notebook’’. 

The Scottish office has been transferred from the Edinburgh office 
of the Nature Conservancy to the private address of the Scottish 
officer, Miss E. P. Beattie, who succeeded Mrs. M. E. D. Poore in 
February 1956. The response of Scottish field botanists in general 
and the work of the Scottish Flora Committee have been most grati- 
fying, and considerably more progress has been made, particularly 
with remote areas, than was expected. In Ireland, too, the numbers 
of squares adequately recorded, both from the Dublin and the Belfast 
offices, is quite encouraging. The following data gives some indica- 
tion of progress: 

Species recorded 
>250 >150 >50 <50 
No. of 10 km. squares in: 

England and Wales 841 314 237 266 
Scotland 214 195 238 335 
Ireland 108 204 207 331 

The specially planned recording field meetings in 1956 did excellent 
work, in particular those in Radnor (34 squares covered) and Bucks. 
(25 squares covered). 

There are approximately 330,000 records in the system and about 
the same quantity at the Regional card stage. About 125 species have 
been completed from herbaria and literature. The speed of incor- 
poration of records has given rise to anxiety and the possibility of 
employing a second (part-time) operator has been discussed, but no 
action has yet proved necessary. 

During the year negotiations on the future of the Scheme, the 
machinery and the ecard index have proceeded with the Nature Con- 
servancy. These have not yet been completed, but much thought has 
been given to possible long-term development. 

Negotiations are in progress with the Cambridge University Press 
for printing the maps, and the technical problems involved are being 
solved. Some general decisions on format, use of symbols, legends, 
etce., for the final Atlas has been taken by the Committee, to serve 
as a basis for negotiation with the printers. 





Examined and found correct, 


Progress in recording in Great Britain makes it possible to 
envisage near-completion of the main field recording there in 1957— 
although petrol rationing may cause severe and unexpected restric- 
tions Ireland could then receive a special recording ‘drive’ in 1958. 

The size and quality of the contributions made by amateur and 
professional botanists to the Scheme continue to be one of its most 
impressive features. Our thanks are due to all contributors, and also 
to referees and specialists who have given freely of their time and 
experience. I should like to add a special word of thanks to Mr. 
Perring, Miss Matthews and Mrs. Fincham for their unstinting ser- 
vice in what have been at times almost overwhelming situations, 



To Balance from 1955 Bee as DOM RO By Furniture and Office 
, Grant from Nuffield Foun- Equipment :— 
dation 2150 0 0 Cambridge ... £23 5 6 
5, (GHesonr  aeesan\ Nature Con- Dublin ... Li ORO) 0 
servancy sp sco 18) O10) Edinburgh OY Aan) 
» Grant from B.S.B.I. BS 50)-0)-30 £189 bee ere 
,, Interest on 34% Defence 771 ,, Mechanisation Equip- 
Bonds ... : one WA lz 3 ment fae : -. 1035 
» Repayment on 34%, De- 50 ,, Postages and ‘Telephones 102 
fencce BONdS 22) 0...) >." 900 0.0 228 ,, Printing and Stationery 230 
, Interest on 443% Defence Ap ents eRaLesiy and Room 
Bonds ... . dy US) TL Hire Ake te By 28 
», interest on Deposit Ac- 2092 ,, Salaries and Wages (9 
count... ei aby (9) months only) Ae Sat he 603 
Sales Of Record Cards, ete. LOjy ,, Travelling Expenses : 
,, Cheques issued but not Stalfa.) ee ,, s£106. 479 
presented for payment ... Bs, & © Others ae 62 110 
141 168 
ih eae NISRA Ce ie 8) 
1 Clerical Assistance 100 
— ,, Heating and Lighting 82 
— ,, Repairs and Improve- 
ments ’ 281 
8-0 Other Expenses ee 14 
— -. Imvestment in 439% © De- 
fence Bonds ... 500 
yom 4, Balance: 
Current Ac- 
count nod ase) als). 
Deposit Ac- 
COUMt: .. 800 0 0 

Sep c Co) £4102 £5337 

17th January 1957. a E. L. SWANN, Hon. Treasurer. 

‘Siened) J. H. G. PETERKEN, Hon. Auditor. 



During the first full year of its existence the Committee arranged 
two Exhibition Meetings, one in the spring and one in the autumn, and 
a number of field meetings (chiefly to help the Distribution Maps 
Scheme) during the summer. 

The Field Meetings were held at Dalmellington (26th-27th May), led 
by Mr. R. Mackechnie and attended by two others; Peebles (15th-17th 
June), led by Mr. P. S. Green and attended by eight others; Cromarty 
(30th June-7th July), led by Miss U. K. Duncan, who deputised for Mr. 
Burtt, and attended by six others; and Hawick (7th-9th September), 
led by Mr. J. Grant Roger and attended by seven others. A one-day 
Junior Meeting, led by Mr. Ribbons, attended by about 60, was held 
at Ben Ledi, Perthshire, on Saturday, 16th June. Reports of these 
meetings will appear in the Proceedings of the B.S.B.I., Vol. 2, part 4. 

The Spring Exhibition Meeting took place in the Royal Academy, 
Inverness (by kind permission of the Director of Education and the 
Rector), on Friday, 9th March 1956, and about 130 people were present. 
The visitors were welcomed by the Rector, Mr. D. J. Macdonald and, 
later in the evening, Mr. Roger shewed colour transparencies of divers 
high altitude Scottish plants. Among the exhibits were the following: 
Sheets of Batrachian Ranunculi spp. (Miss U. K. Duncan); sheets of rare 
plants from Inverness-shire from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; 
the two Watercresses, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum and R. micro- 
phylla and their hybrid (P. S. Green); plants from Switzerland hay- 
ing Scottish associations (R. Mackechnie); photographs and charts 
demonstrating the morphological responses to grazing in Erica cinerea 
and Calluna vulgaris (C. H. Gimingham); Map of hydrosere at Loch of 
Park near Banchory, Aberdeenshire (C. H. Gimingham and E. T. 
Robertson); British Dandelions (A. J. C. Grierson); British species of 
Pinguicula, original plates drawn by Miss Stella Ross-Craig for her 
series Drawings of British Plants (B. L. Burtt); grasses, sedges and 
rushes, mostly from Moray but including the cross Festuca rubra 
x Vulpia membranacea from Southport (M. McCallum Webster); and 
an exhibit provided by Mrs. Poore on the Distribution Maps Scheme. 
Grateful thanks are due to Mrs. Caldwell and Mr. Wright who made 
most of the local arrangements. Two useful results of the meeting were 
that local people agreed to help in recording for the Maps Scheme and 
that a series of evening classes in botany began in Inverness. 

The Autumn Exhibition Meeting was held in the Department of 
Botany of the University of Glasgow (by kind permission of the Regius 
Professor of Botany and of the University Court) on Saturday, 10th 
November 1956, when about 80 people were present. The following 


exhibits were shewn: Specimens of Saxifraga cernua, S. rivularis, and 
S. cespitosa from the Herbarium were displayed to illustrate the finding 
in 1956 of these three species growing together on limestone rock above 
3000 feet in the Ben Nevis range. SS. cernua has been seen on two 
mountains and on one of them 90-100 plants were counted, 55 producing 
bulbils (KE. A. Blake); plants from Switzerland having Seottish associa- 
tions (R. Mackechnie); Alchemilla vulgaris in Britain (Miss M. E. 
Bradshaw): 14 of the 35 new county records made at the Cromarty field 
“meeting (Miss U. K. Duncan); Aremonia agrimonoides in Scotland 
(D. McClintock and P. S. Green); the genus Galinsoga in Scotland (P. 
S. Green); Hierochloe odorata, specimens from three Scottish localities 
(Glasgow University Herbarium) together with colour transparencies of 
the species in its Renfrewshire station (B. W. Ribbons); plants from the 
Kincardineshire coast (Miss I. K. Munro and Miss A. R. Hutchison); 
alpine species from north west Scotland (J. H. Dickson); Scottish sea- 
weeds, to show the subspecies of Fucus inflatus and the dichotomous 
species of Codium (Dr. E. Conway); new records from Scotland received 
at the Royal Botanic Garden during 1956: Koenigia islandica in Mull 
at the north end of Maol Mheadhonach on the Ardmeanoch Peninsula, 
and Melampyrum arvense from Melrose (R. W. M. Corner), Spartina 
townsendii from Kirkcudbrightshire (J. B. Primrose), and Carex 
buxbaumii from East Inverness-shire (J. G. Roger); the progress in the 
Distribution Maps Scheme in Scotland (Miss EK. A. Beattie). 

After tea Miss Beattie, the Scottish Regional Officer, spoke about 
the Maps Scheme and then Mr. Ribbons showed colour transparencies 
of Phyllodoce coerulea and of plants of the Scottish coast which were 
commented upon by himself and Mr Mackechnie. 

The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Burtt, presided at both the 
Spring and Autumn Exhibition Meetings. 

The membership of the committee remained unchanged until October 
when the Botanical Society of Edinburgh appointed Mr. D. M. 
Henderson to replace Mr. Burtt as representative of its Council. 

The Committee is very grateful for all the assistance given by 
members and friends and also to the officers of the two sponsoring 
societies for their continued helpful co-operation.—B. W. Rissons.. 



The Annual General Meeting was held at the Botany School, Downing 
Street, Cambridge, on Saturday, April 13th, 1957, at 12 noon. 

Mr. J. EK. Lousley (Vice-President) was in the chair and 66 members 
were present. 

Mr. Lousley said that the B.S.B.I. is far from being a predominantly 
London society, for, in the last hundred years, the Society had a London 
address for only twenty-eight of them, the others having included 
Thirsk, Manchester and Oxford. But recently Council had agreed to 
hold the Annual General Meeting outside London periodically from time 
to time, and this was the first occasion. Cambridge seemed particularly 
appropriate because of the magnificent support that the Society receives 
from Cambridge botanists and the close association of the Society with 
the University, and also in order that members might see the Maps 
Scheme in action, and we were very grateful for all the arrangements 
that had been made for this meeting and week-end. 

The Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, as printed in 
Proceedings B.S.B.I., Vol. II, Pt. 1, page 92, were adopted. 

Counciu’s Report.—The Report of the Council for the year 1956 
had been printed and circulated. The Chairman congratulated the 
General Secretary on an excellent report and mentioned that a special 
feature was the wonderful progress made by the Maps Scheme and the 
number of new members which the Maps Scheme had introduced. On 
Finance, it was regretted that so few members pay by seven-year 
covenant, by which the Society benefits (by income-tax rebate) to the 
extent of 15/7 for every guinea subscription received. On Conservation, 
the Society’s attitude of opposition to the construction of a reservoir 
anywhere in Upper Teesdale was stressed, as it is not one rare plant 
that is threatened, but a whole area of unique and unparalleled interest. 
In connection with Field Meetings, Miss M. Bradshaw hoped that it 
would again be possible to organise inexpensive weeks for under- 
graduates and young graduates, similar to that held in the Lake District 
in 1958. Mr. Lousley said that Council was much gratified that the 
Committee for the Study of the Scottish Flora had done such good work 
in its first year, and had excellent plans for the second. The adoption 
of the Report was proposed by Mr. R. A. Graham, seconded by Mr. E. 
Milne-Redhead and carried. 

ELECTION oF PrEstpENT.—Dr. Taylor retired after two years’ service 
and was not willing to stand for re-election owing to heavy pressure of 
work and other engagements. The Chairman expressed the Society's 
thanks to Dr. Taylor who had, as President, been a great help to the 
Society and opened avenues of approach to other organisations. Council 


had nominated Prof. T. G. Tutin, who had been Vice-President from 
1952 to 1956 and active in the Society’s organisation and work. His 
election as President was carried with acclamation and he then took 
the Chair. 

Erection oF Two Vicr-PRESIDENTS.—Council had nominated Mr. 
G. M. Ash and Prof. D. A. Webb, and their election was carried 

Epitor, AND Honorary MEETINGS SrcRETARY.—Council had nominated 
Dr. J. G. Dony, Mr. E. L. Swann, Dr. E. F. Warburg and Dr. H. J. M. 
Bowen respectively, and they were re-elected unanimously and with 

ELection oF MEMBERS oF CouNcIL.—There were four vacancies 
occasioned by the retirement, under Rule 3 (e), of Prof. J. H. Burnett, 
Mr. R. A. Graham, Mr. D. E. Allen and Mrs. A. N. Gibby. The 
President expressed appreciation of their services. Four members, 
Mr. A. W. Westrup, Dr. S. W. Walters, Mr. E. Milne-Redhead and 
Miss L. W. Frost had been nominated under Rule 3 (f) and were elected. 
The order of seniority for retirement, as decided by lots drawn by the 
Chairman, is in the sequence given. 

ELECTION OF AN Honorary Memser.—Council had nominated Prof. 
H. Gams, of the University of Innsbruck, in recognition of his great 
assistance during the visit of junior members to the Austrian Tyrol in 
1956, and he was elected unanimously. 

Mr. Bangerter proposed that a letter expressing the Society’s thanks 
be sent to Dr. Taylor, and the President proposed that the Society’s 
thanks be conveyed in a letter to Prof. G. EK. Briggs for placing the 
facilities of his Department at our disposal during this meeting. It was 
agreed to ask the General Secretary to send these letters and, there 
being no other business, the President thanked members for uses 
attendance and declared the Meeting closed at 12.50 p.m. 

J.G. D. 
B. W. 



During 1955, 200 new members joined the Society, this being 64 
more than in 1955, and 58 more than in 1954. Of the new members 129 
were Ordinary members, 27 Subscriber members, 39 Junior members and 
5 Family members. Losses were 42, this being 18 less than in 1955, and 
17 more than in 1954. Of these, 33 members resigned, 1 ceased to be a 
member under Rule 6 (e), and we regret having to record the deaths 
of the following 8 members:—Miss H. S. Dent, Mrs. J. W. Haines, 
K. Knott, B. T. Lowne, H. N. Ridley (Honorary member), Lady Roche, 
Professor Sir W. Wright Smith and I. H. Welsh. 

New Ordinary members are: —W. L. Abbott, L. G. Adams, A. D. Q. 
Agnew, Miss S. B. Andrews, Dr. T. H. Angel, Mrs. F. M. Ball, Mrs. 
M. R. Banks, Miss G. M: Barrett, T._H. C. Bartrop, Mrs. K. M. 
Blades, Miss P. Bland, Miss I. Blewett, H. W. Boon, Mrs. J. Branch, 
F. E. Branson, K. M. Brown, Miss J. Buchanan, D. J. Budge, Miss 
B. A. Burrough, K. S. Cansdale, A. J. Carpenter, Miss S. Carter, Miss 
K. Chalklin, J. H. Chandler, M. C. Clark, S. P. Clark, Mrs. M. C. 
Clayton, B. EK. Costelloe, H. F. Cox, Mrs. H. Creighton, Mrs. H. E. 
‘rockett, Mrs. G. Crompton, Mrs. J. I. Crosfield, F. David, Miss H. M. 
Davidson, T. E. Dennis, B. F. T. Ducker, Mrs. A. Dunn, Mrs. B. 
Everard, C. Farmer (rejoined), Miss A. Finlay, Mrs. M. A. Fixsen, 
Rev. A. F. Fountain, Dr. B. W. Fox, J. Freer, Mrs. S. G. Gillett, D. R. 
Glassford, Rev. G. G. Graham, T. E. C. Graty, Miss M. Gregory, E. C. 
M. Haes, G. Halliday, Miss A. K. Harding, Dr. J. Harper, M. J. 
Harvey, Mrs. W. G. Haythornthwaite, D. C. Hillyard, S. Holmdahl, 
C. A. Howe, Miss H. Inglis, Dr. H. Jones, B. E. Juniper, R. F. O. 
Kemp, J. H. Kern, Miss E. L. Kimber, Mrs. N. B. Landells, Dr. J. H. 
Lennard, J. Lewis, Mrs. M. Little, A. J. Luker, Mrs A. K. McCosh, 
Mrs. G. Mackie, Miss V. J. MacNair, L. Magee, Miss A. L. Marchant, 
G. A. Matthews (rejoined), R. F. May, F. W. C. Merritt, G. R. Miller, 
D. A. C. Mills, A. T. Milne, H. E. R. Mugridge (rejoined), D. Murray, 
Rev. D. P. Murray, I. G. Nicholson, J. Kennedy O’Byrne, S. Perring, 
D. Philcox, G@. Platten, J. FE. Pollard, T. F. Preece, Miss E. A. Pringle, 
Miss M. N. Read, Miss M. Roberts, F. A. Robinson, Dr. J. Roche, 
Commander R. G. B. Roe, A. W. Round, D. Royle, Commander D. G. 
Satow, Professor I. Segelberg, F. Sharpe, S. Skillen, A. J. E. Smith, 
EK. R. Smith, Mrs. M. Smith, R. Soper, Miss I. Spalding, E. W. R. 
Stollery, R. Sutton, Mrs. C. Swain, Lady Taylor, Dr. E. F. Thomas, 
J. F. Thomas, P. J. O. Trist, Mrs. M. Trost, T. Trought, A. H. Vaughan, 
Brigadier F. E. W. Venning, C. H. Warren, R. L. Wastie, Miss G. 
White, Miss J. M. Whyte, Mrs. V. M. Wilkinson, H. M. Wilks, Miss 
J. D. Williamson, Mrs. E. Wilson, V. Wolfe and Mrs. D. V. G. Woods. 


New Junior members are:—Miss M. E. Beaumont, D. J. Belcher, 
I. H. Berwick, C. J. Bond, J. G. Bull, D. Burnett, P. V. Chatfield, 
J. B. Clark, Miss S. M. Cole, Miss N. Coward, G. E. Croot, Miss M. 
Crozier, D. J. Davies, R. Drane, D. St. J. Ecclestone, M. Edmunds, 
_R. HE. Emms, J. N. Gibbs, T. F. Hering, M. J. Hudson, Miss G. M. 
Hughes, J. R. Jack, Junr., T. J. Jennings, M. F. Johnstone, Miss S. A. 
Legg, J. W. Longworth, J. C. Luck, Miss F. Melville, M. S. Moon, 
Miss S. Newton, Miss V. Nicholls, P. Phelp, M. J. Richardson, M. D. 
Ross, Miss E. M. Sadler, P. D. Sayer, P. G. Sheasby, P. Bevington 
Smith and P. T. Warren. 

New Subscriber members are:—Association Internationale de Phyto- 
sociologie, Beckenham Grammar School for Girls, B.E.N.A. Torridge & 
District Branch, Blackheath High School, Botanical Society of Japan, 
Honnold Library, Insituto Botanico, Florence, Instituto de Botanica 
Darwinion, Kingsbury County Grammar School, Kungl. Vetanskaps 
Akadamiens Bibliotek, Lord Wandsworth College Natural History 
Society, Mercer’s School (rejoined), Miguel Raggio, Missouri Botanical 
Garden, Queen Mary College Library, Rosemead School, Royal Society 
of Canada, Société de chimie biologique, Southern Methodist University, 
Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, University College of S. Wales & 
Monmouthshire, University College of Wales Welsh Plant Breeding 
Station, University of Bristol Library, University of Washington 
Library, Ursuline High School and Wallington County Grammar School 
for Boys. 

New Family members are: —Mrs. W. J. Goddard, Mrs. R. Sutton, 
Miss M. Wilks, Mrs. H. M. Wilks and Mrs. P. A. Wille. 

D. H. Kent. 
January 1957. 



Trees, Woods and Man. H. L. Enum. Pp. xv + 272 with 24 photo- 
graphs in black and white and 24 in colour and two text figures. 
New Naturalist Series, Vol. 32. London, 1956: Collins; Price 
30 /-. 

‘I have sought to review the position of trees and forests in the life 
and landscape of Britain from the standpoint of the enquiring layman. 
... We shall have to range outside the woods into the fields in order to 
consider why, today, so little of our Jand is under woodland... Only 
after such processes (i.e. past farming practices, manorial systems, etc.) 
have been reviewed will it be realised why our scant stock of woodlands 
includes so few that can be called both natural and mature.’ Such is 
the task which Mr. Edlin has set himself, and which has led him to 
sketch not one, but a whole series of fields. 

The first few chapters form a somewhat awkward prologue on the 
life of trees—their growth, flowering and fruiting, the influence on them 
of climate and of soil, and the methods of planting and tending woods. 
Then come the chapters to which many will turn with greatest expecta- 
tion—for they should surely form the main core of a book with the aims 
which its author has set out—on the natural woodlands in Britain, and 
on the history of our woodlands, leading up to two chapters on forestry 
in Britain at the present day, in which the economic factors that deter- 
mine our country’s forest policy and the organization and work of the 
Forestry Commission form the central theme. Finally part three (84 
pages), bearing little relation to what has gone before, consists of 
‘studies of particular trees’. 

The range of subject matter is so great that the treatment must in- 
evitably be very superficial, and this superficiality has led the author 
to make many unsatisfactory statements which he would doubtless not 
have made in a more thorough treatment. 

Space permits only a few examples of these ambiguities and half- 
truths. Edward Hoppus is mentioned in a list of names on p. 118 from 
which it would be inferred that he was an important forester; in fact 
he was Surveyor to the Corporation of London Assurance, and his famous 
tables and his bizarre method of calculating cubic contents were for the 
use of builders, glaziers, ete., with stone and glass, as well as for timber. 
On p. 107 a ‘purlieu’ is described as ‘private land adjoining a Royal 
forest’. A purlieu was much more than this; it was land which not only 
adjoined a Royal Forest, but which had once been part of the forest, 
and over which the Forest Officials still exercised limited jurisdiction. 
The definition of a Chase on the same page is not that which is usually 
given. A statement on p. 8&7 to the effect that ‘the needs of the Navy 


were met, at most times, from the few sadly diminished Royal Forests 
on to 1805’ is misleading; the Royal Forests supplied only a small part 
of the needs of the Navy, and these needs were met only by a continually 
increasing use of timbers other than oak; Albion (Forests and Sea Power, 
1926) says that the Royal Forests rarely supplied as much as a tenth 
of the oak used by the Navy. On p. 198 it is explained that the Tudor 
law whereby a coppice which was subject to grazing rights was to be 
enclosed for seven years after cutting meant that in practice such a 
coppice remained continually enclosed, since seven years was the cus- 
tomary rotation for hazel coppice. It is true that six or seven years 
has been given by some modern authorities as a suitable rotation for 
hazel coppices, but I have never heard of an example myself of hazel 
worked on so short a rotation, and I know of no evidence that it was 
ever customary; on the contrary there is abundant documentary evidence 
to show that throughout the 18th century hazel rotations of 10-15 years 
were employed, and the ‘seven year enclosure’ rule is specifically men- 
tioned by Pitt in 1813, in ‘A general view of the Agriculture of the 
County of Northampton’ as permitting much damage to the coppices 
during their open periods. 

There are several ambiguities concerning the status of some of our 
trees. On p. 69 sweet chestnut seems to be included along with black 
and white poplars, as ‘native’, while on p. 196 it is ‘almost certainly 
introduced’. Populus nigra is described on p. 206 as ‘native’, while 
P. alba and P. canescens are ‘possibly native’; surely the evidence sug- 
gesting that P. canescens is indigenous is at least as good, if not better, 
than that applying to P. nigra. Tilia platyphyllos, it is implied, is only 
‘possibly native in Wales’; there is no mention of its abundance as an 
undoubted native in the Gloucester and Monmouth parts of the Wye 
valley, nor of the fact that its pollen has now been recognised in neo- 
lithic deposits in Kent. To say that 7’. cordata ‘can still be found 
growing wild in a few scattered localities in England and Wales’ scarcely 
gives a true picture of its abundance in many localities in the midland 
and western counties. On p. 206 the phrase ‘trees of suitable strains, 
known as clones’ is liable to give a wrong idea of the meaning of ‘clone’ ; 
if the word is not to be defined properly, why introduce it at all? On 
page 7, the ‘three contenders for the title of ‘‘tallest tree in Britain’’ 
are all Douglas firs’; on p. 241 a silver fir ‘is claimed to be the biggest 
tree standing in Britain’. What is the meaning of the sentence describ- 
ing the flowers of ash (p. 10): ‘on the same tree, at one time or another, 
one may find purely male, or purely female flowers, or flowers embody- 
ing both sexes?’ Hornbeam seedlings are scarcely shade-bearing ‘like 
those of beech’ (p. 192); they are much less shade-bearing, a difference 
which has to be taken into account in the natural regeneration of beech 
in those parts of Europe where the two trees grow together, since too 
heavy an opening of the canopy favours regeneration of hornbeam at 
the expense of beech. 

Thus statements which are liable to give rise to misconceptions per- 
vade many parts of the book. Probably the author is soundest when he 


is explaining and justifying the Nation’s Forest Policy and the work 
of the Forestry Commission, and foresters will be grateful to him for 
these valuable propaganda. ‘They will also be pleased to see the names 
and work of people such as Sir William Schlich and Sir John Stirling 
Maxwell, and of organizations such as the Indian Forest Service and 
the various forest societies brought to the notice of the public. There 
are many miscellaneous iragments of useful information, and the author 
is at his best in the occasional passage where he is communicating his 
own experience or ideas. The present book overlaps to a considerable 
extent what Mr. Edlin has already written in his other popular books, 
especially ‘Woodland Crafts in Britain’ and ‘British Woodland Trees’. 
The various sections of a book of such scope are inevitably rather dis- 
connected, and contain much slightly ornamented narration of not 
particularly significant fact. Time and time again I found myself 
wishing that Mr. Edlin would say just a little more about some point 
which he merely mentions, and feeling that he under-rates the intel- 
ligence of his readers, or at least of the class of reader on whose shelves 
I myself see volumes of the ‘New Naturalist’ Series. 

Any assessment of the merits of this book must be based on a con- 
sideration of its effect on the readers for whom it is intended. Quite 
clearly members of the B.S.B.I. should not turn to it for authoritative 
information on any aspect of the biology or history of our trees or 
woodlands. Quite clearly, also, if the editors publish such books they 
should not continue to state on the flyleaf that they maintain ‘a high 
standard of accuracy’. Mr. Edlin’s book looks attractive and reads 
easily, and it will doubtless find many purchasers who will be pleased 
with it. The real question is, do there exist readers whose general 
knowledge is so shght that they need to be told that an oak grows from 
an acorn, that it forms a resting bud each autumn, or that double and 
crimson varieties of hawthorn are grown in gardens, (yet apparently 
will know what ecologists, mycologists, sporophores, Algae and epiphytes 
are), and whose interest will yet be stimulated by such information? 
It seems to me that much more genuine interest in natural history 
would be aroused by a fuller discussion of few subjects, stressing the 
biology of our most important species, and bringing out much more 
vividly the way in which their behaviour and treatment have interacted 
to produce present conditions. Would not a layman’s interest be 
stimulated by learning the reasons for doubting whether chestnut is 
native? Would he not be interested by knowing about lammas shoots 
and their effect on the growth of oak, thus helping him to notice details 
which he can readily see as he goes about the country? Is it necessary, 
or desirable for the purposes of popular exposition, to include sections 
on the growth of trees and on wood structure which are so full of shady 
statements as those on the first five pages of this book, which obviously 
expect that the reader shall give them no thought? 

Personally 1 believe that there is no reason why being ‘popular’ 
should necessitate being either inaccurate or superficial, and that a 


scientist, in explaining his work to laymen, should show how he arrives 
at his conclusions, when the process is not too abstruse and technical 
to be comprehensible to the lay mind. The evidence is often more 
important and better established than the conclusions, and the fascina- 
tion of science lies to a considerable extent in its detective work. These 
are questions for the editors just as much as the author, and they must 
certainly bear some responsibility for what seem to me to be serious 
defects, many of which could have been easily remedied.—E. W. Jonss. 



CireRRI, R. & Gtacomini, V. Nomenclautor Florae Italicae, seu 
Plantae Vasculares in Italia sponte nascentes, advenae, aut saepius 
cultae; Pars 1: Gymnospermae & Monocotyledones, 1950; Pars 2: 
Dicotyledones, fasciculus 1, 1954, Ticini. The arrangement of families 
and genera is based on the Engler-Diels system. Under each genus 
native and alien species appear first, followed by cultivated plants, 
and then hybrids. The two parts published already extend to 362 
pages and it is clear that the finished list will be a very long one. 
There are many new names and new combinations. These occur 
especially in the rank of subspecies and for hybrids, of which very large 
numbers are included. 

Ross-Craie, S. Drawings of British Plants. Part IX. Rosaceae 
(2). G. Bell & Sons Ltd. London, 1956. Price 8/6. A continuation 
of the well known series, covering genera from Alchemilla to Crataegus. 

ScuEry, R. W. Plants for Man. George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 
London, 1954. Price 70/-. This account of the economic uses of plants 
will be useful to English botanists interested in aliens as it provides 
explanations of the occurrence of some of the species found at docks 
and on rubbish-tips. The subject matter and illustrations have been 
selected for American rather than English readers. 



In the various Oxford English Dictionaries the earliest mention of 
the botanist’s vasculum is given as 1844. This is evidently derived from 
the New English Dictionary, vol. 10, pt. ii (1928), where the 1844 reter- 
ence proves to be Proc. Berwickshire Nat. Club, 2, 82: ‘‘The botanists 
having stored each their vasculum with specimens of the Rubi, the party 
again united’’. Surely there must be earlier references than this? 
There is an illustration of a vasculum in the second edition of Encyclo- 
paedia Metropolitana: Botany, by Professor J. H. Balfour (1851), the 
model figured being exactly like the standard type used by botanists 
to-day. It is described as a japanned tin box, convex on both sides, the 
size used depending on the wish of the collector. Was the vasculum 
invented by botanists for its special purpose, or was it merely a modifica- 
tion of some similar receptacle used in another field? Did the more 
cylindrical type of vasculum used by Continental botanists have an 
independent origin ?—D. EK, ALLEN. 




Hiipa SopHiA ANNESLEY Dent (1903-56) was born on October 5, 1903, 
the younger daughter of R. W. Dent and Mrs. E. V. Dent, O.B.E., 
and died on September 19, 1956, at the age of 52. 

Although she had helped with the running of the Wild Flower 
Society for many years, she did not take over its Presidency (with 
which goes the work of Secretary and Editor) until her mother, who 
had founded the W.I'.S. before 1892, died in 1948. The W.F.S. and 
its 700-800 members owe a great debt to the Dents, in whom all loyalties 
centre and who devotedly and personally organise and run the Society. 
Hilda Dent, a typical country woman of the best sort, was a real lover 
of the countryside and of Westmorland and her Lyvennet valley in 
particular, and her knowledge of wild flowers was considerable. She 
loved, as she once wrote ‘‘the beautiful things of life—the leisure, the 
friendship, the beauty and the peace’’. She was keen on the preservation 
of wild flowers and encouraged the W.F.S. in it. Her kindly modest un- 
hurried judgment and her quiet sense of humour and of authority 
enabled the W.F'.S. to include both advanced botanists and the veriest 
beginners of all ages to the great benefit of all. It is a tribute to her 
qualities that it has never been more flourishing than now. 

Miss Dent’s services to the ‘‘Nursery of British Botanists’’, which is 
what Dr. G. C. Druce dubbed the W.IF.S., were however only one of 
her public-spirited activities—as letters in The Times after her death 
also showed. She was greatly interested in the Girl Guides for many 
years and was Captain and then Commissioner. She was a Folk 
Dancing enthusiast; she took an active part in the Women’s Institutes 
and in all local church and school affairs and ran the Home Farm at 
the family house of Flass. When in 1942 she was appointed a magis- 
trate for Westmorland she accepted the additional duty as a privilege 
and devoted her well-balanced and human sympathy to these responsi- 

The Wild Flower Society is fortunate that her sister, Mrs. C. M. R. 
Schwerdt, at once stepped into her shoes to maintain the family tradi- 
tion with all its arduous duties. I am grateful to her for helping me 
with details of this notice. 

D. McCuintock. 

Grore KtKentHaL (1864-1955). The long and fruitful life of Georg 
Kikenthal came to an end in October 1955. He was in his 92nd year. 
I knew him only through his botanical writings except for a brief visit 
he paid to Kew in the nineteen-thirties. 

Kiikenthal’s botanical work was almost confined to the Cyperaceae 
and he was the greatest authority on the sedges whom we have seen. 


His publications on this difficult group of plants, monographs, revisions 
and smaller works, the most important of which are listed below, number 
over 120. This was a prolific output but he never appeared to sacrifice 
accuracy for speed. His writings bore the hall-mark of quality.. Even 
when one criticised his conclusions one admired the careful and detailed 
manner in which his work was presented. 

His first really serious publication was the monograph of the Curiceae, 
which formed one of the stoutest volumes of Das Pflanzenreich. This 
appeared in 1909, the year following the skeletal and posthumous 
publication of his rival cyperologist, C. B. Clarke, ‘‘New Genera and 
Species of Cyperaceae’’ (Kew Bull. Add. Ser., 8). 

This descriptive account of Carex and its allies, embracing all the 
species then known, has never been superseded, and all later revisions 
of Carex have been on a regional basis. In my official work at Kew it 
has been my constant companion for over a quarter of a century. 
Although Krechetovich, the Russian cyperologist, myself, and perhaps 
others have differed from Kiikenthal in his ideas on classification and 
phylogeny as expressed in his monograph of the Curiceae, this scarcely 
affects the intrinsic value of his work or detracts from its use in guiding 
one about among the Carices of the world. 

The criticisms of Kiikenthal’s views on the classification of the 
Cariceae have been directed mainly against his patently artificial 
group, Subgenus Primocarex, where the sole qualification for inclusion 
was the possession of a single terminal spike, but also in a less degree 
against his general phylogenetic view that small and few-spiked species 
represent primitive types and the large and multispiked ones the most 
advanced. It should be added here that Kiikenthal later reversed this 
view, as witness a letter to me in 1952, and as may be seen in the arrange- 
ment of the species in his second contribution to the series of mono- 
graphs in Engler’s Pflanzenreich, a monograph of the tribe Cypereae. 

Two years before his work on the Cariceae appeared, Kiikenthal 
settled in Coburg, where he resided until his death about 45 years later. 
During this long time, while scientific papers flowed from his pen, he 
apparently had no more than sporadic connection with a good herbarium 
and library, though he seems to have had a considerable private collec- 
tion of plants, which was destroyed in the second world war. 

In 1913, under the auspices of the St. Petersburg Botanic Garden, 
Kiikenthal went with Professor Bornmiiller on a journey of exploration 
to central Asia. The following year found him in Corsica where he was 
interned until 1917. After his return home he was elected General 
Superintendent of the Dukedom of Coburg. ‘‘Retiring from this post 
in 1928’’, says his daughter Martha, ‘‘he devoted himself to his beloved 
botany, and continued in this work until his death’’. 

His monograph of the Cypereae, mentioned above, appeared in 1935- 
36. Therein he ‘lumps’ the whole tribe into a single genus, Cyperus, 
constructed from the following, recognised as distinct genera by C. B. 
Clarke, but only as subgenera by Kiikenthal: Hucyperus, Juncellus, 
Pycreus, Mariscus, Kyllinga, and Torulinitum. Though this may be 


regarded by some of us as a retrograde step, it is otherwise with his 
arrangement of species, the large plants with loosely and copiously 
panicled spikes being placed first with a gradual descent to the small 
species with capitate spikes. 

Kikenthal’s third published work in order of importance appeared 
between 1938 and 1952, the earlier parts in Fedde’s Repertorium [1988- 
1944] and the later ones in Hngler’s Botanische Jahrbiicher [1949-1952 ]. 
It bears the general title of ‘‘Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der 
Rhynchosporoideae”’ and consists of descriptive accounts of the twenty- 
two genera comprising the subgenus. At the completion of this work the 
author had reached the age of ninety! 

His final interest was in the lichens, of which he made a collection 
in his last years, but he was not able to complete an account of them. 

I cannot do better than end this notice with a tribute from 
Kiikenthal’s daughter Martha. ‘‘His energy was wonderful and his 
many-sided knowledge was a joy and inspiration to those about him. 
In him we lost an inexpressibly great man’’. 


1899: Die Carexvegetation des aussertropischen Stdamerica, Engl. Bot. Jahrb., 
97, 485-563. 

1900: Species generis Uncinia Pers. in America meridionali extratropica 
sponte nascentes, Bot. Centralbl., $2, 1-10. 

1909: Cyperaceae—Caricoideae, Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, 38 Heft, 824 pages, 
and 128 figures. 

1911: Conspectus Cyperacearum Insularum Philippinensium, Philipp. Journ. 
Sci., 6, 57-64. 

1921: Die Cyperaceen der Uleschen Amazonas—Expedition, Engl. Bot. Jahrb., 
56, Beibl. 125, 13-25. 

1921: Cyperaceae, in Wissensch. Ergebn. d. Schwedish. Rhodesia—Kongo Ex- 
pedition, Bund 1, Erganzungsh., 1-10. 

1924: Beitrage zur Cyperaceen—Flora von Mikronesien, Engl. Bot. Jahrb., 59, 

1924: Beitrage zur Cyperaceen—Flora von Papuasien, l.c., 41-60. 

1925: Cyperaceae, in Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora des Kenia, Mt. Aberdare 
und Mt. Elgon, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berl., 9, Nr. 55, 299-316. 

1926: Cyperaceae novae vel criticae imprimis antillanae, Fedde, Repert., 23, 

1929: Cyperaceae sinenses a Dr. H. Smith collectae, Medd. Goteborg Bot. 
Trddg., 5, 33-49 and 107-114. 

1934: Beitrage zur Flora von Stid-Rhodesia, II. Cyperaceae, Medd. Lunds Bot. 
Mus., 16, 64-83. 

1935-36: Cyperaceae—Scirpoideae—Cypereae, Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, 101 
Heft, 671 pages with 65 figures. 

1937-38: Cyperaceae, in Peter, Flora von Deutsch-Ostafrika, Fedde, Repert. 
Beih., 40, 5 Lief., 381-416 et 129-136 cum. tab. 79-81 et 6. Lief., 417-540 et 

19388: Neue Beitraige zur Cyperaceen—Flora von Neu-Guinea, Engl. Bot. 
Jahro., 69, 255-265. 

1938-52: Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Rhynchosporoideae, 1. Schoenus 
—i7. Tricostularia, Fedde Repert., 44-53. 18. Rhynchospora—22. Trachy- 
stylis, Engl. Bot. Jahrb., 74-75. 



BenjJAMIN THompson LowneE (1878-1956) was born at Finchley, Lon- 
don, in 1878, and he died at Worthing in March 1956. By profession 
he was an electrical engineer, and the family business into which he 
went were pioneers in electric clock systems. The firm also developed 
the Lowne Air Meter, a device for testing the air flow in coal mines. 
It is said that there is now no coal mine without one of these meters. 

From his earliest years he was interested in wild plants, and during 
his life he formed a very large and well-indexed herbarium of plants 
from north London, north-west Kent, and Sussex. This herbarium 
is now at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 

His special study and interest was the raising of British plants from 
seed, and he conducted an extensive correspondence with several Uni- 
versities on the exchange of seeds. He had a flair for the successful 
growing of ‘‘difficult’? plants from seed, and conducted for many years 
the South Eastern Union of Scientific Societies seed exchange. 

In his garden in Worthing, he grew more than 400 species of British 
wild plants including all the Umbelliferae and Euphorbiaceae. In com- 
mon with many of his generation, he had been brought up on Bentham 
& Hooker, and was disinclined to accept many of the so-called ‘critical’ 
species and sub-species. He was, however, delighted with the Clapham, 
Tutin & Warburg Flora and was rapidly adjusting himself to the new 
names and to the more modern ideas described in it. 

He contributed largely to Col. Wolley-Dod’s Flora of Sussex pub- 
lished in 1937, and he possessed an extensive knowledge of Sussex 
botany. He was also a very capable general naturalist with a good 
knowledge of birds, insects, and spiders; and particularly of land snails 
of which he possessed a specimen of every British species usually col- 
lected by himself. 

In the field he was a delightful companion with wide interests, and 
the writer is grateful for the opportunity of ten years of field botany 
with him. During this time, almost all his pre-war Sussex records 
were checked and listed, and many important additions were made 
to our knowledge of Sussex plants. 

His many friends will miss his lively presence at botanical meetings 
and sympathy is extended to his widow who was the indefatigable com- 
panion of his excursions. 

He had been a member of the Society since 1947. 


Henry Nicworas Ripiey (1855-1956).—H. N. Ridley died at his 
home at Kew on October 24, 1956, and by his death the Society has 
been deprived of one of its most famous members. Known throughout 
the world for his part in the establishment of the rubber industry in 
Malaya, and renowned amongst botanists for his work on the taxonomy 
of tropical plants, he also made a considerable contribution to know- 
ledge of the British flora. With such great achievements in other fields 
it is perhaps not surprising that few botanists now associate him with 
work done in this country. 


Ridley was the son of the Reverend Oliver Matthew Ridley and 
Louisa Pole (Stuart) and was born on December 10, 1855, at West 
Harling, Norfelk. At school at Haileybury he was interested mainly 
in birds and insects. He graduated at Exeter College, Oxford, where 
he read Natural Science, and was awarded the Burdett-Coutts Geo- 
logical Scholarship. Until the age of 25 his interests were mainly zoo- 
logical, but he was unable to obtain a post in this branch of science, 
and in June 1880 took up an appointment as Assistant in the Depart- 
ment of Botany of the British Museum. His appointment began 
in the month during which the present building of the Natural History 
Museum was handed over to the Trustees and the great labour of re- 
moving the collections from Bloomsbury commenced. Ridley’s duties 
included charge of the collections of Monocotyledons and he was soon 
describing new species from the Tropics. He resigned in 1888, and 
arrived in Singapore in November of that year to take up an appoint- 
ment as the first scientific director of gardens and forests, Straits 
Settlements. For the next 23 years he devoted his life to the investiga- 
tion of the plants and animals of Malaya, a pioneer work which led to 
his #lora of the Malay Peninsula. His wide-spread activities included 
tapping experiments on a plantation of trees of Hevea brasiliensis, 
which had been grown at Singapore from seedlings sent out from Kew 
by Sir Joseph Hooker in 1877. The results of these investigations, and 
Ridley’s advocacy with characteristic enthusiasm of the commercial pos- 
sibilities of growing Para rubber, are said to have been largely re- 
sponsible for making feasible the development of modern Malaya. It 
was for this that the popular press dubbed him ‘‘Mr. Rubber’’. 

He returned to England in 1912 on retirement, but continued to 
work for some 30 years in the Herbarium at Kew and elsewhere— 
descriptions of new species were published by Ridley as late as in his 
ninety-first year. In 1930 appeared his Dispersal of Plants throughout 
the World, a magnificent volume of 744 pages, involving a vast amount 
of research into literature, and including personal observations he had 
made over a period of half a century. His wide knowledge of plants in 
many parts of the world, coupled with a life-long interest in animals, 
his keen powers of observation and characteristic intensity of purpose, 
were qualifications which enabled him to produce a work which no 
other botanist of his time could have equalled. Seven years later he 
married Lily Doran. On December 10, 1955, he celebrated his one 
hundredth birthday, receiving many messages of good wishes, including 
one from the Queen. Mr. David Marshall, Chief Minister of the Singa- 
pore Government, called on him with other Ministers to make a pre- 
sentation on behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, and 
in Malaya his birthday was marked by floodlighting of the botanical 
gardens, an exhibition and a banquet. 

Ridley’s work on the British flora falls into two periods—from 1880 
until 1887 when he was on the staff of the British Museum, and after 
1912. His first botanical paper appeared in 1880, when he wrote on 


the vernal flowering of Colchicum uutumnale at Bishopstone, near 
Hereford. In the following year he described Carex pilultfera var. 
leesit from shaded rocks at Plumpton in Yorkshire, and published a 
long list of records of Radnorshire plants. In 1882, with W. Fawcett 
(who was also an assistant in the Department of Botany, Natural 
History Museum, and later worked on the flora of Jamaica), he pub- 
lished additions to the flora of Dorset.. In 1884, Ridley wrote an 
account of plants he found in Kerry the previous year, and also 
a note on specimens sent from Shetland. The same year he published an 
account of observations on a rare beetle he found at Killarney biting 
the corollas of Hrica cinerea in order to extract the honey, and a list of 
additions to Topographical Botany from counties on the borders of 

But 1885 was his best year for British plants. He started with an 
excellent illustrated account of Juncus tenuis, following this with a 
note on peloria in Habenaria bifolia, and another on a fragment of 
wood of Castanea sativa found in a brick-earth pit between Erith and 
Crayford, Kent, which he suggested as evidence that the species is 
native in Britain. He then wrote up Schoenus ferrugineus which had 
been found in Scotland by J. Brebner, and brought Carex salina var. 
kattegatensis (now known as C. recta Boott) to the notice of British 
botanists from specimens sent by J. Grant from Caithness. He concluded 
the year with a note on British Rubi he had gathered. In 1886 he 
recorded Habenaria albida from Brecon, where it had been gathered 
by his father. 

On his return to England his time was very fully occupied with 
work on his Flora of the Malay Peninsula, of which publication com- 
menced in 1922, but his interest in British plants soon returned. His 
publications included interesting accounts of the occurrences of 
Plantago cynops and Dorycnium gracile near Meopham, Kent (1920, 
1934), and Tetragonolobus maritimus from the Berkshire downs (1924), 
Cyperus longus from Holmwood Common, Surrey (1935), Umbilicus 
pendulinus as an epiphyte in south Devon (1928), notes on dispersal 
including British observations (1934), bracken sporelings in London 
(1939), and a lengthy paper on Arwm neglectum which he raised to the 
status of a species (1938). All papers mentioned in this and the last 
two paragraphs appeared in the Journal of Botany for the years 

Many of his personal observations on British plants are recorded 
in the pages of The Dispersal of Plants throughout the World, sand- 
wiched between those on tropical species and records by other botanists. 
For this reason it is not easy to appreciate how numerous they are, 
but they range from Scotland to Guernsey though, as might be expected, 
many were made near Kew, and especially on the banks of the Thames. 
Ridley complained that his publishers put a limit on the size of his book, 
and a good deal of his information had to be left out. He continued 
to accumulate notes on this subject after publication and as recently 


as 1947 he wrote to me about observations he had made on the dispersal 
of seeds through horses used in Kew Gardens. 

The volume of work carried out by Ridley was an amazing achieve- 
ment even when full allowance is made for the exceptionally long period 
during which he was able to carry it out. His first paper was pub- 
lished in Haileybury School Natural History Society Report in 1872; 
his last, so far as I have been able to trace, in the Journal of Botany 
issued in April, 1944. He issaid to have published more than 500 papers, 
articles and books, totalling some 10,000 printed pages and including 
giving names to ‘‘a few thousand” plants. As a botanist he is to be 
valued as a pioneer, as one of a group of Victorian botanists describing 
with all haste the new species being found in such large numbers as new 
territories were opened up, devoted to their work and producing descrip- 
tive accounts available as the basis of more leisurely revisions later on. 

Ridley was elected to the Royal Society in 1907 and made a Com- 
panion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George in 1911. He was 
elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society in 1881, and awarded the Lin- 
nean Medal in 1950. He joined our Society in 1915, and was elected 
an Honorary Member in 1955. He was the only centenarian who has 
ever appeared in our membership list and it is perhaps difficult to 
appreciate fully the length of time covered by such a life. When Ridley 
was born the Crimean War was ending and the Indian Mutiny did not 
break out until eighteen months later. The Botanical Society of London 
was still in existence, and he was nearly two before its exchange 
activities were transferred to Thirsk. To a botanist perhaps the best 
way to appreciate the progress which has been made in Ridley’s life- 
time is to reflect on a set of the now defunct Journal of Botany, of 
which the first volume appeared when he was 8, and the last number 
when he was 89. A lifetime lasting for 19 years longer than the Journal 
of Botany witnessed the change from concentration on alpha taxonomy 
to the wider studies of today. It is an honour to have known a man 
who had seen so much botanical history in the making. 

I am indebted to the notices which appeared in the issue of The 
Times for October 25, 1956, and Nature, 178, 1092, 1956, for some of the 
facts included in this appreciation. A list of Ridley’s publications to 
1935 is given in The Gardens Bulletin (Straits Settlements), volume 9, 
and several excellent accounts of his work in Malaya were written in 
honour of his hundredth birthday (e.g. Nature, 176, 1092, 1955).—J. EK. 





Dr. Herrad von Lamprecht, Botanisches Institut der Universitat, 
Diisternbrooker Weg 17, Kiel, Germany, is working on the cyto- 
taxonomy of Anemone nemorosa and would be grateful for rhizomes of 
the species from British localities. Not more than four rhizomes are 
required from any one locality. 


Mr. B. M. G. Jones, Dept. of Botany, University College, Leicester, 
is working on taxonomic problems in Cardaminopsis and Arabis and 
would very much appreciate live material or seed, herbarium material 
or details of localities where the varicus species grow. European 
material would also be welcome. 


Mr. A. Pettet, Dept. of Botany, The University of Southampton, 
is working on Viola lutea, V. tricolor, V. arvensis and V. nana and 
would be grateful for seed and living material (the latter only in the 
case of the perennial forms) of these species. Details of the locality 
(with grid reference, if possible) and a brief note of the habitat should 
be sent with any material. Where two or more species grow together 
and there is a suspicion of hybridization, a note to this effect would be 


Mr. B. T. Styles, University Dept. of Botany, South Parks Road, 
Oxford, is working on the above section of the genus Polygonum in the 
British Isles. He would be very grateful for both material of, and 
information on, P. aviculare L. (P. heterophyllum Lindm.), P. aequale 
Lindm., P. rurivagum Jord. ex Bor., P. caleatum Lindm. and the sea- 
forms P. raiti Bab., P. maritimum L. and P. littorale Link. Fruiting 
material would be especially appreciated. 

The Nature Conservancy have now acquired and declared the follow- 
ing Nature Reserves in England and Wales:—Moor House, Westmor- 
land*; Kingley Vale, Sussex; Cavenham Heath, Suffolk; Yarner Wood, 
Devon; Ham Street Woods, Kent; Holme Fen, Hunts.; Monks’ Wood, 
Hunts; Blean Woods, Kent; Woodwalton Fen, Hunts.; Swanscombe 


Skull Site, Kentt; Scolt Head, Norfolk; Orfordness-Havergate, Suf- 
folk* ; Old Winchester Hill, Hants.; Bridgwater Bay, Somerset”® ; Castor 
Hanglands, Soke of Peterborough*; Arne Peninsula, Dorset; Blelham 
Bog, Lanes.; Cwm Idwal, Caerns.; Hartland Moor, Dorset; Axmouth- 
Lyme Regis Undercliffs, Devon*; Cader Idris, Merionethshire; Cors 
Tregaron, Cardiganshire; Newborough Warren and Ynys Llanddwyn, 
Anglesey* ; Tring Reservoirs, Bucks. and Herts.*; Hales Wood, Essex; 
Coed Rheidol, Cardiganshire*; Cothill, Berks.; Fyfield Down, Wilts.* ; 
Lullington Heath, Sussex*; Morden Bog, Dorset; North Fen, Lancs. ; 
Roudsea Wood, Lancs.; Westleton Heath, Suffolk*; Winterton Dunes, 
Norfolk* ; Wubunbury Moss, Cheshire; High Halstow, Kent*; and the 
following in Scotland:—Beinn Eighe, Ross and Cromarty; Morton 
Lochs, Fife; Tentsmuir Point, Fife; Cairngorms, Inverness-shire and 
Aberdeenshire; Gleann Dromhan, Isle of Arran*; Noss, Shetlandt ; 
Hermaness, Shetlandt ; Isle of May, Fifet; North Rona and Sula Sgeir; 
Rassal Ashwood, Ross-shiret ; Silverflowe, Kircudbrightshire and Inch- 
nadamph, Sutherland*. Permits to collect are required for all Reserves. 
Permits to visit the whole Reserve are required for those above shown 
in italic type; permits to visit part of the Reserve (in some cases the 
whole reserve except along Rights of Way) are required for those above 
which are followed by an asterisk. Where Reserves in the above list 
are marked with a dagger intending visitors are requested to contact 
the Warden who will give them any necessary facilities and advices. 
The names and addresses of the Wardens can be obtained from the 
current Annual Report of the Nature Conservancy. 

A small pamphlet, Visiting Nature Reserves, setting out the con- 
siderations which govern the Nature Conservancy’s policy in permit- 
ting visits, may be obtained from the Conservancy’s headquarters at 
19 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.1, or from their Scottish headquar- 
ters at 12 Hope Terrace, Edinburgh 9. 

Applications for permits may be sent to the London headquarters 
for the English and Welsh Reserves, or to the Scottish headquarters 
for those in Scotland, or to the Regional Offices of the Conservancy 

eoncerned. Visitors who wish their permits to include the right to 
collect and take-away specimens should say so in making application 
and should specify what it is they wish to collect. 


The Air Ministry have established a range at Newborough Warren 
but, following representations made at a Public Local Inquiry by this 
Society and others, have agreed to make advance notices of firing 
practices available to research workers and students. These notices 
will be sent to our Local Secretary, Prof. P. W. Richards, Coed Menai, 
Upper Bangor, Caernarvonshire, and members wishing to visit the 
Warren are advised to make arrangements with him well in advance 
of the time of their visits. 



Members are urged to report to Mr. J. E. Lousley, 7 Penistone 
Road, London, S.W.16, any threats to the British flora. The Council 
has appointed a Conservation Committee to deal with such matters 
and every effort will be made ‘‘to promote in every way possible the 
conservation of the British flora’. 


The Society is collecting information about the effect on native 
vegetation of toxic chemicals used for spraying crops. The increasing 
use of weed-killing chemicals on arable land implies a threat to neigh- 
bouring uncultivated land or woods since the spray .can be carried a 
considerable distance under suitable conditions. Members who observe 
damage from this cause are asked to send full details to Mr. J. E. 
Lousley, 7 Penistone Road, London, 8.W.16. 


A card index of autecological and/or cytogenetic-taxonomic 
researches that are being carried out on British flowering plants is 
maintained by the Association. Copies of the index may be consulted 
at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, or at the Royal Botanie Garden, 
Edinburgh. Its purpose is to obviate overlapping between different 
workers. Members taking up research of this nature are asked to 
send particulars either to Mr. R. D. Meikle, Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Kew, Richmond, Surrey, or to Mr. B. L. Burtt, Royal Botanic 
Garden, Edinburgh 4. 


Members are reminded that, through the kindness of the Council 
of the Linnean Society of London, they have the privilege of consult- 
ing the Library of the Linnean Society at Burlington House, Picca- 
dilly, London, W.1. 

A limited number of relevant advertisements will be accepted for 
the Society’s publications as space permits. Enquiries should be 
addressed to Mr. D. H. Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13. 


Papers are invited both from members of the Society and others. 
They should have a bearing on the taxonomy, distribution or biology 
of British vascular plants or Charophytes. Papers should be typed, 
but clearly written MSS. can be accepted. They should be double- 
spaced and written or typed on one side of the paper only. The form 
adopted in Proceedings should be used for citations and references, 


e.g. WALTERS, S. M., 1956, Selinum ecarvifolia (L.) L. in Britain, Proc. 
B.S.B.1., 2, 119-122. Full references should be put at the end. TI[llus- 
trations, which may take the form of line drawings or photographs, 
will be considered for publication. Twenty-five separates of each 
paper are given free to the author, and further copies may be obtained 
on payment; requests for extra copies should be made when proofs 
are returned. Papers should be sent to the Editor, 75 Adelaide Road, 
London, W.13. 


Annual subscriptions should be sent to Mr. P. M. Newey, 974 
Malden Road, New Malden, Surrey, and not to Mr. E. L. Swann. 


(up to and including Ist May 1957) 

Members are asked to advise the Hon. Assistant Secretary, D. H. 
Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, of any corrections to this list. 

When the year of attaining membership appears in italics the records 
show that the member has resigned and rejoined during the period. 

Institutions are listed geographically, but it should be noted that 
many Institutions who do not appear in the list purchase the Society’s 
publications through the Trade. 










F = Family Member 

J = Junior Member 

L = Ordinary Member who has paid Life Composition 
S = Subscriber Member 


Tue Princess Royat, Countess oF HaArewoop, Harewood 
House, Leeds, Yorkshire. 


Aellen, Dr. Paul, Mittlere Strasse 139, Basle, Switzerland. 

Andreas, Dr. Ch. H., Botanisch Laboratorium, Grote Roze- 
straat 31, Groningen, Netherlands. 

Baker, Rt. Hon. H. T., P.C., Crabwood, Sparsholt, Win- 
chester, Hants. 

Bocher, Prof. T. W., Fortunvej 90, Charlottenlund, Denmark. 

Campbell, Miss M. S., F.L.S., Casa Rossa, Menton-Garavan, 
A.-M., France. 

Chapple, J. F. G., F.L.S., The Brackens, Nicholas Way, 
Northwood, Middlesex. 

Drabble, Mrs. E., Tregudda, Ayr, St. Ives, Cornwall. 

Gams, Prof. Helmuth, Botanisches Institut der Universitat, 
Sternwartestrasse 15, Innsbruck, Austria. 

Hylander, Dr. N., Botaniska Museet, Uppsala 1, Sweden. 
Jovet, Dr. P., Laboratoire de Phanérogamie, Muséum National 
d’Histoire Naturelle, 57 Rue Cuvier, Paris 5,’ France. 
Lawalrée, Dr. A., 3 Avenue van Elderen, Bruxelles, Belgium. 

Lid, J., Botanisk Museum, Oslo 45, Norway. 

Lousley, J. E., 7 Penistone Road, London, S.W.16. 

Price, W. R., B.A., F.L.S., 64 Elsworthy Road, London, 

Rechinger, Dr. K. H., Burgring 7, Wien 1, Austria. 


1920 Swanton, E. W., O.B.E., A.L.S., ‘Littleton’, 3 Derwent 
Avenue, Whitton, Twickenham, Middlesex. 

1910 Turril, W. B., O.B.E., D.Sc., F.L.S., The Herbarium, Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

1937 Vermeulen, Dr. P., Wodanstraat 14, Amsterdam-Zuid, Nether- 

1955 Vilmorin, R. de, Etablissements Vilmorin-Andrieux, Herbier 
Vilmorin, Verrieres-le-Buisson, Seine et Oise, France. 


1956 Abbott, W. L., 71 Whitmore Road, Taunton, Somerset. 

1929 Abell, Miss L., Thorndale, Andoversford, Cheltenham, Glos. 

1954 S Aberystwyth, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth 
Library, Aberystwyth, Cards. 

1956 S Aberystwyth, University College of Wales, Welsh Plant Breed- 
ing Station, Plas Gogerddan, near Abersytwyth. 

1928 Ackerley, Miss M. E., 107 West View, Clitheroe, Lancs. 

1914 L Adair, G. S., M.A., F.R.S., Low Temperature Station, Down- 
ing Street, Cambridge. 

1951 Adams, F. W., Dept. of Botany, Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh, 4. 

1920 Adams, Rev. J. H., M.A., Llandulph Rectory, Saltash, Corn- 

1956 Adams, Laurence G., 36 Britain Street, Dunstable, Beds. 

1928 Adams, L. T., 100 Burman Road, Shirley, Birmingham, 

1912 Adamson, Prof. R. S., M.A., 55 Beaufort Mansions, London, 

1956 Agnew, A. D. Q., Botany Dent., Queen’s College, Dundee. 

1957 Alder, L. P., 64 Rugby Road, Brighton 6, Sussex, 

1949 Allen, D. E., 7 Princes Square, London, W.2. 

1944 Allen, G. O., St. Oswalds, Enton Green, Godalming, Surrey. 

1955 J Allott, Miss Margaret C., ‘‘Newtonmore’’, 69 Downs Hill, 
Beckenham, Kent. 

1934 Alston, A. H. G., M.A., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, British 
Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, 

L954 Alvin, K. L., Ph.D., 20 Highfield Road, Hornchurch, Essex. 

1951 Ambrose, F., Glendora, Cookham Rise, Maidenhead, Berks. 

1953 Amshoff, Dr. G. J. H., Utrechtseweg 194, Oesterbeek, Nether- 

1955 S Amsterdam, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Weten- 
schappen, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

1951 S Amsterdam Universiteits-Bibliotheek, Singel 421, Amsterdam, 

1955 Anderson, Derek J., 111 Horsa Road, Erith, Kent. 


Andrews, C. E. A., B.Sc., A.R.1.B.A., F.L.S., 114 Oxford Road, 
Moseley, Birmingham, 18. 

Andrews, Miss Janet, B.Sc., Hillcrest, Southfield Road, 
Burley in Wharfedale, Yorks. 

Andrews, Miss Marjorie, B.Sc., College of Housecraft, Ilkley, 

Andrews, Miss Sylvia Boyd, M.A., B.Sce., Wimbledon High 
School (G.P.D.S.T.), Mansel Road, London, S.W.19. 

Angel, A., 72 St. Donatt’s Road, London, S.1.14. 

Angel, Dr. T. H., 47 Shrewsbury Lane, London, §.E.18. 

Appleyard, Mis. J., 49 Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton, Devon. 

J Archer, Miss B. M., 39 Wenvoe Avenue, Bexley Heath, Kent. 

Ash, G. M., F.L.S., Alding, Grayswood, Haslemere, Surrey. 

Ashton, Mrs. Mary R., Kingsbury, Dunstable, Beds. 

Association of School Natural History Societies. See Harrow 
Weald. | 

Atkinson, Robert, Rocky Lane, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. 

Attenborough, Miss 8. J., Linnets, Goathurst Common, Ide Hill, 

Bailey, A. G., 1 Wiison Street, St. Augustine, Trinidad, British 
West Indies. 

Baker, Prof. H G., Botany Dept., University College of Ghana, 
Achimota, Ghana, W. Africa. 

‘Baldry, A. F., lla Parkside Way, N. Harrow, Middlesex. 

Balfour, A. P., A.H.R.H.S., F.L.S., ‘‘Cranford’’, Peppard Com- 
mon, Oxon. 

Balfour, Mrs. E. J., B.Sc., Newton Hall, Windygates, Fife. 

Ball, Mrs. F. M., 9 Chambercombe Park Terrace, Ilfracombe, N. 

_ Devon. 

Ball, P. W., B.Sc., Dept. of Botany, The University, 

Ballard, J. O., 46 Ebury Street, London, S.W.1. 

Balme, Miss O. E., M.Sc., Cherry Trees, Rotherfield Greys, 
Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. 

Bangerter, EK. B., 51 Springfield Avenue, London, N.10. 

S Bangor, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Caernarvon. 

Banks, Mrs. M. R., Connaught Hall, Swaythling, Southampton. 

Bannister, C. W., Northway Cottage, Ashchurch, near Tew- 
kesbury, Glos. 

Bannister, H. E., The Red Cottage, Little Heath Lane, Pot- 
ten End, Berkhampstead, Herts. 

Baring, Hon. Mrs. G., Empshott Grange, Liss, Hants. 

Barker, Rev. P. R., Woolpit Rectory, Bury St. Edmunds, 

Barling, D. M., Ammonite Cottage, Stroud Road, Cirencester, 











TD Cy 


Barnes, Mrs. Egbert, Hungerdown, Seagry, Chippenham, 

Barnes, Miss Ruth M., Castle Museum, Norwich, Norfolk. 

Barnsdale, Miss Marguerite E., 6 Orchard Drive, London, 

Barnsley Naturalist & Scientific Society (Secretary: R. S. 
Atkinson, F.R.A.S.), c/o 46 White Hill Avenue, Barns- 
ley, Yorks. 

Baron, W. M. M., Rosehill, Nelson, Lancs. 

Barrett, Miss Gladys M., 20 Mill Road, Dinas Powis, Glam. 

Barrow, L. V. G., Black Buoy Cottage, Wivenhoe, Essex. 

Barrow Naturalists’ Field Club (Secretary: G. Wilson), 91 
Yarlside Road, Barrow in Furness, Lancs. 

Bartle, Miss Joan E., B.Sc., Withybush, Manley Road, Ben 
Rhydding, Ukley, Yorks. 

Barton, Miss F. M., 19 Park Street, Bath, Somerset. 

Barton, Mrs. M., c/o The British Council, 65 Davies Street, 
London, W.C.1. 

Bartrop, T. H. C., Oak Tree Cottage, Margaretting, Ingate- 
stone, Essex. 

Basden, KE. B., 7 Leyden Park, Bonnyrigg, Midlothian. 

Baylis, Miss D., Westwick, Barnhorn Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, 

Beattie, Miss E. P., 47 McDonald Road, Edinburgh, 7. 

Beaumont, Miss M. Eileen, 9 Ladderedge, Leek, Staffs. 

Beaver, R. A., 9 The College, Keele, Staffs. 

Beckenham Grammar School for Girls, Lennard Road, Becken- 
ham, Kent. 

Beetham, J. T. H., 50 Henley Road, Southsea, Hants. 

Belcher, D. J., 77 Chaffinch Road, Beckenham, Kent. 

Bemrose, G. J. V., City Museum & Art Gallery, Hanley, Stoke- 
on-Trent, Staffs. 

Bendix, M., The Guards Club, 16 Charles Street, Berkeley 
Square, London, W.1. 

Benl, Dr. Gerhard, Botanische Staatssamlung, Menzinger- 
strasse 67, Munich, Germany. 

Bennett, Mrs. D. L., 4538 Wellington Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. 

Benoit, P. M., Penearreg, Barmouth, Merioneth. 

Benson-Evans, Miss K., M.Se., F.L.S., Somerset Lodge, 
Merthyr-Mawr Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan. 

Berens, Mrs. Anne, Heath Hill, Ewshott, Farnham, Surrey. 

Bergen Universitets Biblioteket, Bergen, Norway. 

Bergin, James, 20 Laffey Avenue, Crossacres, Wythenshawe, 

Berwick, I. H., Oban, George Road, Milford-on-Sea, Hants. 

Best, F. C., Vivod, Llangollen, Denbigh. 

Bexon, Miss D., M.Se., F.L.S., The University, Nottingham. 






Bideford, B.E.N.A. Torridge & District Branch (Miss B. M. 
Holroyd), 2 Northam Road, Bideford, Devon. 

Biggar, Miss E. I., Corbieton, Castle-Douglas, Kirkcudbright. 

Bingley, F. J., M.A., Flatford Mill Field Centre, East Bere- 
holt, near Colchester, Essex. 

Birkett, Mrs. Joyce, 72 Camborne Avenue, London, W.13. 

1954 S Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery (Keeper, Dept. of 















Natural History), Birmingham, 3. 

S Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1-18 


Paradise Street, Birmingham, 
Birmingham Public Libraries, (The City Librarian), Birming- 
han, 1. 

S Birmingham, University of, The Librarian, Edgbaston, 

Birmingham, 15. 

Bitton, E. Q., Church Farm, Runhall, Norwich. 

Blackburn, Miss K. B., D.Sc., Botany Dept., King’s College, 
Newcastle upon Tyne, 1. 

S Blackheath High School (Miss 8. M. Wheatley, Headmistress), 

Wemyss Road, London, S.E.3. 
Blades, Mrs. K. M., B.Sc., 26 Hicks Lane, Girton, Cambs. 
Blaikley, Miss N. M., M.Se., Flat 3, 5 South Parade, Southsea, 
Bland, Mrs. Penelope, 124 High Street, Langley, Bucks. 
Blewett, Miss Irene, 45 Montague Road, Richmond, Surrey. 
Bloomer, H. H., Longdown, Sunnydale Road, Swanage, Dorset. 
Bogor, Bibliotheca Bogoriensis, (Mrs. C. M. den Herder van 
Veen, Librarian), Djalan Raya 20, Bogor, Java, Indonesia. 
Bolitho, Mrs. A., All Saints House, Axminster, Devon. 

J Bond, C. J., Simonsbeech, Abbotswood, Evesham, Worcs. 

Bond, Dr. T. E. T., Horticultural Science Laboratories, Bracken 
Mill, Leigh Woods, Bristol, 8. 
Boniface, Ronald A., 5 Grosvenor Road, London, W.4. 
Boon,. H. W., ‘‘Meadowside’’, Church Path, Bridgwater, 
Booth, Mrs. A., 18 Besom Lane, Millbrook, Stalybridge, 

Booth, Miss E. M., Lucy’s Wood, Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford, 
Trish Republic. 

Bor, N. L., C.I.E., M.A., D.Se., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 
Richmond, Surrey. 

Borrill, M., Ph.D., Welsh Plant Breeding Station, Plas 
Gogerddan, nr. Aberystwyth, Cards. 

Bowden, B.N., B.Sc., c/o University Dept. of Botany, South 
Parks Road, Oxford. 

Bowen, H. J. M., D.Phil., Pomander House, Harwell, Berks. 

Bowman, R. P., 22 Kennedy Road, Maybush, Southampton, 







Boyd, R. A., Dept. of Botany, University of New England, 
Armidale, New South Wales, Australia. 

Bradbury, J. F., A.L.S., 12 London Road, Pulborough, Sussex. 

Bradnock, W. T., 182 Raeburn Averne, Eastham, Wirral, 

Bradshaw, A. D., B.A., Dept. of Agricultural Botany, Memo- 
rial Buildings, Bangor, Caernarvon. 

Bradshaw, Miss E., 156 Appley Lane, Appley Bridge, Wigan, 

Bradshaw, Miss M. E., B.Sc., West Croft, Tibthorpe, Driffield, 
K. Yorks. 

Braid, Prof. K. W., O.B.E., M.A., B.Sc., Lochview, Skene, 

Branch, Mrs. J., 23 Exbury Road, London, S.E.6. 

Branson, Frederick E., 10 St. Mary’s Avenue, Harrogate, Yorks. 

Brassington, Ivor W., ‘‘Rovidine’’, 13 Oaks Drive, Cannock, 

Brenan, J. P. M., M.A., c/o The Herbarium, Royal Botanic 
Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Brett, D. W., 48 Penrhyn Avenue, London, E.17. 

Brett, Miss O. E., Ph.D., B.Sc., 8 The Grove, North Cray, 
Sidcup, Kent. 

Briggs. Mrs. P. A., 5 Redway Drive, Twickenham, Middlesex. 

Brightman, F. H., 2 Red Oak Close, Orpington, Kent. 

Brighton Public Library, Church Street, Brighton, 1, Sussex. 

Bristol Central Library (City Librarian), College Green, Bristol. 

S Bristol, University of, Library, The University, Bristol 8. 



Britten, H., 21 Tollers Lane, Old Coulsdon, Surrey. 

Brno, Masaryk University, 68 Kounicova, Brno, Czechoslovakia. 

Broad, P. D., 59 Woodlark Road, Cambridge. 

Brokenshire, F. A., 2 Rock Avenue, Barnstaple, Devon. 

Brooke, Miss W. M. A., F..S., Greenglade, Malvern Road (Hill 
Brow), Liss, Hants. 

Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, 1000 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn 
26, Diev., (Ossian 

Brown, A. C., Bryn Croft, Grange Road, Bowdon, Cheshire. 

Brown, G. C., 16 Lion Walk, Colchester, Essex. 

Brown, G@. M., B.Se., A.R.C.S., 176 Wricklemarsh Road, Lon- 
don, S.F.3. 

Brown, John, 16 Stafford Road, Sheffield, 2. 

Brown, K. M., ‘Keven’, Tytherington, Falfield, Glos. 

Brown, Miss M. I., Gatehouse, Ditchingham, Bungay, Suffolk. 

Bruce, J. M., A.M.C.T., Gwydyr Forester Training School, 
Capel Curig, Bettws-y-Coed, Caernarvon. 

Brunker, J. P., 28 Grosvenor Place, Rathgar, Dublin, Irish 







S Brussels, Jardin Botanique de |’Etat, 286 Rue Royale, Brus- 
sels, Belgium. 
Bruxner, C. J., Pippins, Newick, Lewes, Sussex. 
Buchanan, Miss Janet, 29 Milton Road West, Portchbello, Mid- 

F Buckle, Mrs. G. E., Bank House, 105 Rowlands Road, Worth- 

ing, Sussex. 

Buckle, Oliver, Bank House, 105 Rowlands Road, Worthing, 

Buckle, Miss W. F., 74 Sheepcot Lane, Watford, Herts. 

Budge, D. J., M.P.S., ‘‘Richmore”’, Trumps Mill Lane, Virginia 
Water, Surrey. 

Bull, Mrs H., Upper House, West Burton, Pulborough, Sussex. 

J Bull, John G., 39 Sherwood Street, Mansfield, Notts. 

Bull, K. E., 18 The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. 

Bullock, R. C., B.Se., 3 Sunny Hill Villas, Bruton, Somerset. 

Bunker, H. E., 15 Roseway, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston, Lanes. 

Buntin, Thomas F., Robinson Place, Great Langdale, nr. Amble- 

J Bunting, Miss B. Anne, ‘‘Periplaneta’’, & Silver Street, Thorne, 

via Doncaster, Yorks. 

Bunting, William, ‘‘Periplaneta’’, 8 Silver Street, Thorne, via 
Doncaster, Yorks. 

J Burdon, D., 51 Burnham Avenue, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middle- 


Burford, Miss P. H., B.A., 36 Stourcliffe Avenue, Southbourne, 
Bournemouth, Hants. 

Burges, Prof. N. A., Hartley Botanical Laboratories, The Univer- 
sity, Liverpool, 3. 

Burges, R. C. L., M.A., M.B.,.B.C., F.L.S.,. 10 -Pritchatts 
Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 15. 
J Burnett, David, 97 Rowlands Avenue, Hatch End, Middlesex. | 
Burnett, Sir D. H., M.B.E., Tandridge Hall, near Oxted, Surrey. 
Burnett, Prof. J. H., Dept. of Botany, The University, St. 
Andrews, Scotland. 

Burrough, Miss B. A., 28 Heath Road, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. 

Burrows, E. A., ‘‘Penhow’’, 9 Richmond Road, Basingstoke, 

Burrows, Dr. Elsie M., Hartley Botanical Laboratories, The 
University, Liverpool, 3. 

Burton, C. W., Maybank, Monkwood, Ropley, Alresford, 

Burtt, B.L., B.Se., Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 4. 

Bury, E. P., Ellfield, Wotton-under-Edge, Glos. 

Butcher, R. W., B.Se., Ph.D., F.L.S., Cotherstone Cottage, 
Hillside Road, Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex. 


1954 Butler, Miss G. M., Holme Dene, Upper Batley, Batley, 

1947 Butler, Miss K. J., 18 Morgan Road, Reading, Berks. 

1936 I Cadbury, Miss Dorothy A., 73 Wellington Road, Edgbaston, 
Birmingham, 15. 

1950 J Cadbury, C. J., Beaconwood, Rednal, Birmingham. 

1952 Caddy, Dr. D., 16 Cypress Avenue, Crews Hill, Enfield, 

1953 Cadell, Mrs. C. M. A., c/o Westminster Bank, Barnstaple, N. 

1950 Cadman, J. R., 1 Park View, Barony, Nantwich, Cheshire. 

1947 Calder, M. G., B.Sc., Ph.D., Botany Dept., The University, 
Manchester, 20. 

1950 S California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Fran- 
cisco, California, U.S.A. 
California, The Honnold Library, Periodicals Dept., Claremont, 
California, U.S.A. 
1955 S California, University of, The Serials Dept., General Library, 
Berkeley 4, California, U.S.A. 
1950 Callen, Dr. E. O., Faculty of Agriculture, McGill University, 
Montreal, Canada. 
Cambridge, Gray Herbarium, Harvard University, Cam- 
bridge, Mass., U.S.A. 
Cambridge, National Institution of Agricultural Botany, 
Huntingdon Road, Cambridge. 
1931 S Cambridge, University of, Botany School, Downing Street, 
1953 Campbell, Dr. Bruce, Hordley, Woodstock, Oxon. 
1951 Cannon, J. F. M., B.Sc., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, British 
Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, 
1951 EF Cannon, Mrs. M. J., B.Sc., 54 Westfield Avenue, Sanderstead, 
L956 Cansdale, Kenneth Scott, ‘‘Eboracum’’, 19 Greenbank Road, 
Hoole, Chester. 
1954 S Canterbury and District Birdwatchers’ Association, Botanical 
Section (Hon. Sec., Mrs. E. Brickenden), 23 The Crescent, 
Chartham, near Canterbury, Kent. 
1917 S Cardiff, National Museum of Wales, Dept. of Botany (Keeper, 
H. A. Hyde, M.A., F.L.S), Cardiff. 
1956 S Cardiff, The Librarian, University College of South Wales and 
Monmouthshire, Cathays Park, Cardiff. 
1947 Carey, Miss R., Peakland P.N.E.U. School, Buxton, Derby. 
1946 S Carlisle Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, 






1954 S Carmarthen, The West Wales Field Society, c/o Mrs. H. R. H. 











Vaughan, M.B.E., Nantymwyn, Rhandirmwyn, Llandovery, 

Carpenter, A. J., Alandale, Filby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. 

Carr, John W., B.A., Windy Corner, Vicarage Hill, South 
Benfleet, Essex. 

Carrothers, E. N., 21 Linenhall Street, Belfast, Northern 

Carter, J. E., ‘‘Long Close’’ 
Zouche, Leics. 

Carter, Miss Susan, 16 Elmsdown Place, Hailsham, Sussex. 

Castell, C. P., B.Sc., 52 Graham Road, London, S.W.19. 

Cave, B. V., 161 Grangehill Road, London, S.E.9. 

Chadwick, N. L., M.Se., 6 Paul’s Dene Road, Salisbury, Wilts. 

Chalklin, Miss Kathleen, Dept. of Botany, University Science 
Laboratories, South Road, Durham. | 

Chamberlain, Miss Y. M., B.Sc., Dept. of Botany, British 
Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 

Chambers, V. H., Ph.D., A.R.C.S., 47 Westbourne Road, 
Luton, Beds. 

Chambré, Mrs. C. B. M., Hawthorn Hill, Killeavy, Newry, 
Northern Ireland. 

Chandler, J. H., 43 Roman Bank, Stamford, Lincs. 

Chandler, M. R., 18 Hamlyn Avenue, Anlaby High Road, 
Hull, Yorks. 

Chandler, S. E., O0.B.E., D.Sc., F.L.S., 59 Anerley Park, Lon- 
don, &.K.20. 

Chapman, Hon. Mrs. D. B., Dingley Hill, Bradfield, Berks. 

Chase, Capt. C. D., Campbell College, Belfast, N.1, Northern 

Chater, A. O., Windover, Aberystwyth. 

Prior Park Road, Ashby-de-la- 


J Chatfield, P. V., 8 Burton Villas, Hove 4, Sussex. 
S Cheltenham, North Gloucestershire Naturalists’ Society (R. J. M. 


Skarratt, F.Z.S.), 265 Prestbury Read, Cheltenham, Glos. 

Chicago Natural History Museum (The Director), Roosevelt 
Road and Field Drive, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 

Chidell, J. W. P., 93 Worcester Road, Cheam, Surrey. 

Child, Miss H., 42 Lowndes Street, London, S.W.1. 

Christmas, M. J., 72 Northumberland Road, New Barnet, 

Churchman, Miss Nancy, Melton Lodge, Woodbridge, Suffolk. 

Churchman, Miss Violet, Melton Lodge, Woodbridge, Suffolk. 

Cincinnati, Lloyd Library and Museum, (Mrs. Corinne M. 
Simons, Librarian), 309 West Court Street, Cincinnati, 
Ohio, U.S.A. 

Clapham, Prof. A. R., M.A., Ph.D., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, 
The University, Sheffield, 10. 

J Clark, J, B., 28 Thornsett Road, Sheffield, 7. 













Clark, M. C., 1 Bittell Lane, Barnt Green, near Birmingham. 

Clark, Miss S. A., 333 Long Lane, Bexley Heath, Kent. 

Clark, S. P., St Nicholas, The Yeld, Bakewell, Derbyshire. 

Clark, William A., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, 
King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1. 

Clarke, J. W., Crowlands, Burwell, Cambridge. 

Clay, Bernard, 183 Crawley Green Road, Luton, Beds. 

Clayton. Mrs. M. C., 70 Cambridge Road, Middlesborough, Yorks. 

Clayton, Mrs. M. H., 8 The Boltons, London, S.W.10. 

Clements, G., 25 Polstead Road, Oxford. 

Clokie, Mrs. Hermia N., B.A., B.Litt., 33 Chalfont Road, 

Cobbett, Lt.-Col. W. O., Danny, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. 

Cocke, M. H., 21 Hornyold Road, Malvern Link, Worcs. 

Cockshull, K. E., 156 Aylesford Avenue, Beckenham, Kent. 

Codrington, Lt.-Col. J., 22 Eaton Mews South, London, S.W.1. 

Cole, M. J., 5 Cranwich Avenue, London, N.21. 

Cole, Miss Susan M., ‘‘Cherill’’, 265 Chislehurst Road, Petts 
Wood, Kent. 

Colhoun, John, M.Agr., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.1.C.. c/o The Librarian, 
The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

Collett, G. W., 174 Sheldon Road, Chippenham, Wilts. 

Collett, T. G., 6 Kent Avenue, London, W.13. 

Collins, Brian I., B.Sc., 5 Tranmere Road, Whitton, Hounslow, 

Colthurst, Mrs. M. L., Stonecrop, Wembdon Hill, Bridgwater, 

Colyer, J. M., 47 Lucknow Drive, Mapperley Park, Nottingham. 

Conder, P. J., 5 Bedales, Scaynes Hill, near Haywards Heath, 

Conolly, Miss Ann P., Dept. of Botany, The University, 

Cooke, R. B., Kilbryde, Corbridge, Northumberland. 

Coombe, David E., Ph.D., The Botany School, Dewning Street, 

Copenhagen, Botanisk Centralbibliotek, Gothersgade 130, 
Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Copithorne, Dr. R. E. C., Keri, Oulton Road, Lowestoft, 

Cordiner, Miss E. G., Trevelyan Cottage, Rosudgeon, Penz- 
ance, Cornwall. 

Corke, H. T., M.A., 27 Warriston Crescent, Edinburgh, 4. 

Corner, J. H., 26 The Common, London, W.5. 

Cory, Miss A. M., Fullerton Manor, Andover, Hants. 

Cory, Mrs. C. M., The Grange, St. Brides-super-Ely, near 
Cardiff, Glamorgan. 

Costelloe, Brian E., 7 Havelock Terrace, Jarrow, Co. Durham. 

Cotton, Mrs. N. E., 77 Arnold Road, Shirley, near Birmingham. 



Coulthard, C. E., 51 Henry Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. 

Coutts, John B., 80 Fonthill Road, Aberdeen. 

Coward, Miss Nancy, 57 Southcote Lane, Reading, Berks. 

Cowling, D. W. M., B.Sc., Grassland Research Station, Hurley, 
Maidenhead. Berks. 

Cowling, Mrs. M., B.Se., Grassland Research Station, Hurley, 
Maidenhead, Berks. 

Cox, Sir Christopher, K.C.M.G., c/o Colonial Office, 15 Vic- 
toria Street, London, S.W.1. 

Cox, Harry F., 2 Peverel Close, Cambridge. 

Coxhead, G. W., 5 Rochester Avenue, Bromley, Kent. 

Crabbe, J. A., Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural His- 
tory), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 

Crackles, Miss F. E., B.Sc., 1483 Holmgarth Drive, Bellfield 
Avenue, Hull, Yorks. 

Cranbrook, Dowager Countess of, Snape Priory, Saxmundhai, 

Craster, W. S., Craster South Farm, Alnwick, Northumberland. 

Creed, Dr. R. S., M.A., New College, Oxford. 

Oreighton, Mrs. Hugh, Orchard House, Stanford-in-the-Vale, 
Faringdon, Berks. 

Crichton-Stuart, Lady Colum, c/o Coutts & Co., 440 Strand, 
London, W.C.2. 

Cridland, A. A., 9 Eldon Square, London Road, Reading, Berks. 

Crockett, Mrs. H. E., Hapstead Green Cottage, Ardingly, Hay- 
wards Heath, Sussex. 

Crompton, Mrs. Gigi, Thriplow Farm, Thriplow, Cambs. 

Croot, G. E., Emorsgate Farm, Terrington St. Clement, Kings 
Lynn, Norfolk. 

Crosfield, Mrs. J. I., B.Sc., 27 Jermyn Road, Kings Lynn, 

Cross. D. W., 124 Hampton Road West, Hanworth, Middlesex. 

Cross, Hon. Marjorie, Ash House, Millom, Cumberland. 

Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society, 2 Lansdowne 
Road, Croydon, Surrey. 7 

Crozier, Miss Margaret, Kingsford, 239 London Road, Waterloo- 
ville, Hants. 

Crundwell, A. C., B.A., Dept. of Botany, The University, 
Glasgow, W.2. 

Cruttwell, Rev. N. EK. G., Dogurla, via Samarai, British New 

Culshaw, Rev. J. C., Hartley, Fonthill Road, Bath, Somerset. 

Cumming, Richard, 2 Windsor Street, Hillside, Edinburgh, 7. 

Cunnell, G. J., 56 The Warren, Heston, Hounslow, Middlesex. 

Cunningham, Miss M. H., M.A., Seabank, Campbeltown, Argyll. 

Curnow, P. W., D.F.M., B.Sc., F.G.S., Askerinsh House, Loch- 
laindale, South Uist, Inverness-shire. 

Currie, Andrew, Redcroft House, Redford Road, Edinburgh, 13. 


Dalby, D. H., B.Se., Ph.D., 108 Gordon Road, Camberley, 

Dalby, Mrs Diana, 7 Lincoln House, Basil Street, London, 

F Dalby, Miss G. W., 108 Gordon Road, Camberley, Surrey. 
S Dallas, The Herbarium, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, 

Texas, U.S.A. 
Dandy, J. E., M.A., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, British Museum 
(Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 
Darlington and Teesdale Naturalists’ Field Club (T. N. Seal- 
ing, Secretary), 17 West Auckland Road, Darlington. 
David, Frederick, Loch Garry Cottage, Dunalaston, by Pit- 
lochry, Perthshire. 

David, R. W., c/o Cambridge University Press, 200 Euston 
Road, London, N.W.1. 

Davidson, D., B.Sc., University Dept. of Botany, South Parks 
Road, Oxford. 

Davidson, Miss H. M., B.Se., F.R.G.S., 31 Fordbridge Road, 
Ashford, MiddJesex. 

Davie, J. H., B.Se., Ph.D., Clifton College, Bristol, 8. 

Davies, Miss Elizabeth W., Ph.D., George’s Plot, Abbots Leigh. 

Davies, H. B., 3 West Road, Prestwich, near Manchester. 

Davies, H. J., Elidir, College Street, Ammanford, Carmarthen. 

Davies, Mrs. H. R., 112 Coleherne Court, London, S.W.d. 

Davies, David J., “‘Southroyd’’, Hamilton Road, Whitefield, 
near Manchester. 

Davies, Mrs. M. IL., Little Stoke Farm, Patchway, near 

Davies, Miss Una E., B.Sc., S.R.N., Oakland Cottage, High 
Street, Mountain Ash, Glamorgan. 

Davis, Owen, 16 Park Road, Sheerness, Kent. 

Davis, Dr. P. H., University Dept. of Botany, Roya) Botanic 
Garden, Edinburgh, 4. 

Day, Miss E., 82 Strand Street, Sandwich, Kent. 

Day, Francis M., c/o Lloyd’s Bank Ltd., Malvern, Worcs. 

Day, Miss Gwendoline H., Harrold, Beds. 

Deakin, R. H., Harvey Road, Canford Magna, Wimborne, 

Dennis, T. E., 17 Cyprus Road, Attleborough, Norfolk. 

Dent, G., Speedwell, Wych Cross, Forest Row, Sussex. 

Dewey, Miss 0. R., 14 Tootswood Road, Bromley, Kent. 

Dick, M. W., 5 Fairway, London, S.W.20. 

Dickson, James H., 3 Rhynie Drive, Ibrox, Glasgow, S.W.1. 

Diemer, Miss D., Arnewood, 178 Melton Road, West Bridg- 
ford, Nottingham. 

Diver, Capt. C., C.B., C.B.E., F.L.S., Rushmere Cottage, 
Frensham, Farnham, Surrey. 




Dodd, A. J., 9 Fullands Avenue, Taunton, Somerset. 

Dodge, J. D., 26 Aberdeen Park, London, N.5, 

Dony, J. G., Ph.D., 41 Somerset Avenue, Luton, Beds. 

Downer, C. S.. Oxford Villa, 33 London Road, Cheltenham, Glos. 

Drane. Robert, 2 Council House, Matching Tye, Harlow, Essex. 

Drummond, R. B., B.Sc., Botany & Plant Pathology Branch, 
P.O. Box 8100, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia. 

Dublin, National Museum of Eire (The Director), Kildare Street, 
Dublin, Irish Republic. 

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin, Irish 

Ducker, B. F. T., 17 Church Lane, Sprowston, Norwich. 

Duncan, Miss Ursula K., M.A., F.L.S., Parkhill, Arbroath, 

Dunn, Mrs. Avrii, Gartcharron, Ardtern by Lochgilphead, Argyll. 

Dupree, T. W. J. D., Stancliffe Hall, Darley Dale, Near Matlock, 

Durham Colleges, Science Library, South Road, Durham. 

Dyce, J. W., Hilltop, 46 Sedley Rise, Loughton, Essex. 

Eagles, T. R., 32 Abbey Road, Enfield, Middlesex. 

Kast Ham Grammar School for Boys’ Natural History Society, 
Sussex Road, London, E.6. 

Kastwood, Mrs. J. F., 5 Sloane Court, London, S.W.3. 

Eaton, Miss Lilian H., B.Se., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Morden Cliff, 
107 Morden Hill, London, S.E.13. 

Keclestone, D. St. J., 50 Rowden Road, Beckenham, Kent. 

Kdees, E. S., M.A., 23 Dartmouth Avenue, Westlands, New- 
castle, Staffs. 

Edinburgh, Nature ‘Conservancy, 12 Hope Terrace, Kdin- 
burgh, 9. 

Edmunds, Malcolm, Thrushes Bush, near Harlow, Essex. 

Kdwards, R., 33 Cherry Tree Walk, Beckenham, Kent. 

Eggeling, Dr. W. J., Brackness House, Anstruther, Fife. 

Elder, Mrs. F., 27 Mitchell Drive, Rutherglen, Glasgow. 

Eliot, Lady Alethea, The Vicarage, Cockermouth, Cumberland. 

Elliot, Rev. E. A., South Stoke Vicarage, near Reading, Berks. 

Elliott, Ronald J., M.C., B.Se., Ph.D., Merlewood Research 
Station, Grange-over-Sands, Lancs. 

Ellis, A. E., M.A., F.L.S., Epsom College, Epsom, Surrey. 

Kilis, H. A.. F..S., Wheatfen, Surlingham, Norwich. 

Ellis, Edgar W., Gedham, Ossett, Yorks. 

Kmms, R. E., The Red House, Brockdish, Diss, Norfolk. 

Kntrican, Miss Mary C., 3 North Grove, London, N.6. 

Erith, Dr. A. G., 70 Highmoor Road, Caversham, Reading, 

Evans, Miss Elizabeth M., B.Sc., Ph.D., Merlewood Research 
Station, Grange-over-Sands, Lancs. 





Evans, Ivor W., Hafod House, 46 Horfield Road, St. Michaels, 
Bristol, 2. 

Everard, Mrs. Barbara, Thatched Cottage, Nutbourne, nea: 
Chichester, Sussex. 

Iixell, A. W., M.A., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, British Museum 
(Natural History), Cromwell Read, London, S. W.7. 

‘ Exeter, Roborough Library, University of Exeter, Prince of 

Wales Road, Exeter, Devon. 
Kyre, Mrs. R. S. K., Allen’s Farm, Five Ashes, near Mayfield, 

Farenden, Mrs. J., 83 Harewood Road, Isleworth, Middlesex. 

Farenden, W. E., 83 Harewood Road, Isleworth, Middlesex. 

Farmer, Dr. A. J., M.B.,, Ch.B., c/¢ Rev. bi) Farmer, The 
Manse, Chatton, near Wooler, Northumberland. 

Farmer, C., 16 Woodberry Way, London, E.4. 

Farnol, Mrs. E., Rook’s Farm, Bishopswood, Chard, Somerset. 

Farquharson, Mrs. J., The Manor, Homington, Salisbury, 

Farquharson, Miss M. M., Minto House, Hawick, Roxburgh. 

Fawkes, F. S. E., Haresfield, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks, Kent. 

Ferreira, Robert E. C., Dept. of Botany, The University, 

Fiddian, William I. H , Mitchell House, Cottenham, Cambridge. 

Field, John A., B.A., The Mere House, Seething, Norwich. 

Fielding, J. L., The Gables, Lower Road, Little Hallingbury, 
Bishops Stortford, Herts. 

Fincher, Frederick, Randan Wood, Woodcote, Bromgrove, 

Finlay, Miss Ann, Donhead, near Shaftesbury, Derset. 

Fishenden, Dr. Margaret, 26 Ingelow House, Hoiland Street, 
London, W.8. 

Fisher, Dr. H. J. W., 25 Broomy Hill, Hereford. 

Fitter, R. S. R., Drifts, Chinnor Hill, Oxford. 

Fitzgerald, Mrs. V. H., 24 Castellain Road, London, W.9. 

Wixsen, Mrs. M. A., D.Se., West Ridge, Harepath, Seaton, 

Fleming, Dr. G. W. T.H., M.R.C.S., LiB:CiP., B.LS., Barn- 
wood House, Gloucester. 

Florence, Insituto Botanico (Prof. Dr. R. E. G. Pichi-Sermolli, 
The Editor, Raccolta di Seritti Botanici, Webbia), Via 
Lamarmora 4, Florence, Italy. 

Konge, Miss Deborah, Stuchbury Manor Farm, Sulgrave, Ban- 
bury, Oxon. 

Foottit, A. C., Scredington Vicarage, Sleaford, Lines. 

Foreman, Miss Janet I. D., 1 Fairfield Road, New Romney, Kent, 

Forrest, J. T., Little Udston, Hamilton, Lanark. 

Fountain, Rev. A. F., Dale Vicarage, Haverfordwest, Pembs. 


Fox, Dr. Brian W., 195 Lovers Lane, Atherton, near Manchester. 

Frankland, J. N., ‘‘St. Leonards’’, Station Road, Giggleswick, 
Settle, Yorks. 

Franks, Miss H., 262 South Norwood Hill, London, S.H.25. 

Freer, John, ‘‘Glenside’’, Gwmavon Road, Abersychan, Mon. 

French, Miss E. H., B.Sc., St. Christopher’s School, Bath, 

Frost, L. C., M.A., Botany School, Downing Street, Cambridge. 

Frost, Miss L. Winifred, B.Sc., ‘Rawdon’, Oak Road, New 
Milton, Hants. 

Frowde, Miss Dora M., Elmsleigh, Colerne, Chippenham, Wilts. 

Fulton, James, M.A., 10 Kirkwood Place, Girvan, Ayrshire. 

Furneaux, P. J. S., ‘‘Southenay’’, Sellindge, near Ashford, 

Gahan, P. B., 20 Riverside Road, Sidcup, Kent. 

Galt, R. W. C., West African Institute for Oil Palm Research, 
Sub-station, Njala, via Mano, Sierra Leone. 

Gardiner, J. C., F.C.A., 61 Coleherne Court, London, S.W.5. 

Garlick, G. W., 147 Melrose Avenue, Yate, near Bristol. 

Garnett, Miss G. A., 27 Drayton Court, Drayton Gardens, Lon- 
don, S.W.10. 

Garnett, Rev. P. M., 8 High Market Place, Kirbymoorside, 

Garratt, Mrs. B. E. M., High Chimneys, Battle, Sussex. 

Garside, Miss H. D., 18 Elm Gardens, Welwyn Garden City, 

Gaunt, Alfred, Bryn Gwilym, Llangollen, Denbigh. 

Gay, Mrs. J., School House, Hartpury, Gloucester. 

Gay, P. A., School House, Hartpury, Gloucester. 

Geneve Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique, (Directeur, Prof. 
C. Baehni), rue de Lausanne 192, Geneva, Switzerland. 

German, Mrs. P., Newlands, The Plantation, Durrington, 
Worthing, Sussex. 

Gibbons, Miss E. J., The Halli, Holton le Moor, Lincoln. 

Gibbs, John N., “‘Sea Roads’’, Cliff Parade, Penarth, Glam. 

Gibby, Mrs. A. N., B.Sc., A.R.I.C., F.L.S., Prebend’s Gate, 
Quarry Heads Lane, Durham. 

Gibson, Mrs G. C., The Old Rectory, Clapham, Worthing, 

Gilbert, John L., 157 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey. 

Gilbert, O. L., West Cheynes, Corbridge, Northumberland. 

Gilbert-Carter, Dr. H., M.A., M.B., Ch.B., Thatches, Hol- 
combe, Dawlish, Devon. 
Gill, Mrs. M. M., 7 Victoria Avenue, Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. 

Gillett, J. B., M.A., F.L.S., 40 Pensford Avenue, Richmond, 


Gillett, Mrs. S. G., Meadowbrook, Stockbridge, Hents. 
Gillies, J. B., M.P.S., 20 West Town Park, Bristol, 4. 
Gilmour, J. S. L., M.A., F.L.S., Cory Lodge, Hills Road, Cam- 
Gilmour, Mrs. S., 62 Avenue Road, Torquay, Devon. 
Gimingham, Dr. C. H., Dept. of Botany, University of Aber- 
deen, Old Aberdeen. 
S Glasnevin Botanic Gardens (The Keeper), Dublin, Irish 
Glassford, D. R., 6 Francis Grove, Leeds, 2. 
Glendinning, D. R., West African Cacoa Research Institute, 
Tafo, Ghana, W. Africa. 
Goddard, W. J., ‘‘Fairfields’’, Manor Lane, Ollerton, Knutsford, 
F Goddard, Mrs. W. J., ‘‘Fairfields’’, Manor Lane, Ollerton, 
Knutsford, Cheshire. 

Godward, Dr. M.B.E., 8 Deyncourt Gardens, Upminster, Essex. 
Goodhart, Mrs. M. S., West Thorpe, Lymington, Hants. 
Goodman, Miss ©. M., 2 Victoria Road, Harborne, Birming- 
ham, 17: 
Goodway, K. M., Dept. of Biology, University College of North 
Staffordshire, Keele, Staffs. 
L Gordon, Seton, C.B.E., Upper Duntuilm, Portree, Isle of Skye. 
Gordon, Miss V., 23 Alder Grove, Waterloo, Liverpool, 22. 
S Goteborgs Botaniska Tradgard, Goteborg, Sweden. 
Gough, F. C. G., Gorse Cliff, Nevin, Pwllheli, Caernarvon. 
Gough, Mrs. H., Rossbeg, Rosscahill, Galway, Irish Republic. 
Gough, J. W., M.A., 43 Sandfield Road, Headington, Oxford. 
Gourlay, W. Balfour, M.C., M.A., F.L.S., 7 Millington Road, 
Graddon, W. D., Rathgar, Park Lane, Congleton, Cheshire. 
Graham, Rev. G. G., The Vicarage, Wheatley Hill, Co. Durham. 
Graham, R. A., F.L.S., Mint House, Woodside Road, Northwood. 
Graham, Commander R. D., Stawell House, Bridgwater, Somer- 
S Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, Merlewood Research 
Station, Grange-over-Sands, Lanes. 
Grant, Cosmo S., ‘‘Yitsn’’, Rayleigh Road, Thundersley, Essex. 
Graty, T. E. C., Tutor’s House, West Hayes, Romsey Road, 
Winchester, Hants. 
Graveson, A. W., Tintagel, Stoke Road, Beaminster, Dorset. 
Gray, Henry, Yewtree Cottage, West Malling, Maidstone, Kent. 
S Graz, Institut fiir Systematische Botanik und Botanischer 
Garten der Universitit, Holteigasse 6, Graz, Austria, 
Green, H. E., Wood Hey, Ness, Neston Wirral, Cheshire. 
Green, P. S., Royal Botanie Garden, Edinburgh, 4. 
Greenfield, P., 18 Stuart Road, Warlingham, Surrey. 


Gregory, Miss Mary, 19 Yarnells Hill, Botley, Oxford. 
Greig-Smith, P., Dept. of Botany, University College of North 
Wales, Bangor, Caernarvon. 

S Grenoble, Institut de Botanique, Faculté des Sciences, G Place 

Bir-Hakeim, Grenoble, Isére, France. 
Grierson, Miss Mary A., Palmers Lodge, Elstree, Herts. 
Grifiths, Miss M. E., c/o Forest Herbarium, Imperial Forestry 
Institute, Oxford. 
Grigg, H. C., B.Se., A.R.C.Sce., 73 Elgin Crescent, London, W.11. 
Groningen,’ The Librarian, Botanical Laboratory, State 
University, Groningen, Netherlands. 
Grose, J. D., Downs Edge, Liddington, near Swindon, Wilts. 
Groves, Eric W., 143 Carshalton Park Road, Carshalton, Surrey. 
Grubb, Peter J., 11 Elmhurst Drive, Hornchurch, Essex. 

Guildford, British Empire Naturalists’ Association (G. A. 
Hebditch, M.B.O.U.), 92 Rydes Hill Road, Guildford, 

Guile, D. P. M., M.Sc., A.L.S., 51 Coity Road, Bridgend, 

Gurney, Mrs. A. H., Walsingham Abbey, Norfolk. 
Gurney, Miss C., Turleigh Mill, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts. 
Gurney, John, Walsingham Abbey, Norfolk. 

Hadfield, Mrs. Nancy K., Bulls Grove, Putley, near Ledbury, 

Hadlow, Miss M., B.Sc., 414A Crystal Palace Park Road, London, 

Haes, H. C. M., c/o 34 Harden Lane, Wilsden, Bradford, Yorks. 

S Hague, The, The Association Internationale de Phytosociologie, 


e/o Dr. W. Junk, Publishers, 13 Van Stolkweg, Den Haag, 

Haines, Mrs. KE. M., Appleslade, Linwood, Ringwood, Hants. 

Haines, Miss G. M., Appleslade, Linwood, Ringwood, Hants. 

Haines, R. N. G., 167 High Street, Bloxwich, Walsall, Staffs. 

Hainsworth, Miss Marguerite D., B.Sc., Winterdorf, 10 Trafa'- 
gar Road, Birkdale, Lancs. 

Haldane, Mrs. James, 6 Garscube Terrace, Kdinburgh, 12. 

Halifax: Scientific Society (Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. Shaw), 4 Royd 
Terrace, Saville Place, Halifax, Yorks. 

Hall, F. T., 2 Hartington Terrace, West Road, Buxton, Derby. 

Hall, P. C., 26 Luddesdon Road, Erith, Kent. 

Hall, Mrs. P. C., 26 Luddesdon Road, Erith, Kent. 

Hall, R. H., 11 Wroxham Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham. 

Halliday, Geoffrey, Chellow Dene, High Ridge, New Milton, 

Hambler, D. J., B.Sc., 146 Lancelot Avenue, Strood, Kent. 

Hamilton, Miss M. N., B.Sec., 7 Beechwood Avenue, Londonderry, 
Northern Ireland. 



1955 S Hampton, The Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hanworth Road, 














Hampton, Middlesex. 
Handford, Derek D., 5 Rifts Avenue, Saltburn-by-Sea, Yorks. — 

Hanson, F. D., 39 Malvern Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, 

Hanson, M. K., 145 Staveley Road, Leicester. 

Harberd, D. J., Scottish Plant Breeding Station, Pentland- 
field, Roslin, Midlothian. 

Hardaker, W. H., 451 City Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 17. 

Harding, Miss A. K., B.Sc., 23 Fairfield, Christchurch, Hants. 

Harding, W. F. W., B.Se., “Terwen’, Wilhelmma Avenue, 
Coulsdon, Surrey. 

Hardinge of Penshurst, The Hon. Lady, Oakfield, Penshurst, 

Hardy, R. E., ‘‘Duncliffe’’, West Stour, Gillingham, Dorset. 

Hare, Dr. C. Leighton, Dept. of Botany, The University, 
Liverpool, 3. 

Hariey, J. L., M.A., D.Phil., University Dept. of Botany, South 
Parks Road, Oxford. 

Harley, R., The Old House, Church Lane, Great Missenden, 

Harper, Dr. James, M.B.E., Mountainhall, Dumfries. 

Harris, Miss Anne §., Easton, Winchester. 

Harris, Miss E. Jean, Southside, 24 The Park, Hull, E. York. 

Harrison, Sir Guy, Beenleigh Manor, Harbertonford, S. Devon. 

Harrow Weald, Association of School Natural History Societies 
(Field Studies Secretary, Miss J. Dawson), 79 Bishop Ken 
Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. 

Hart, Miss I. R. G., 25 Enys Road, Eastbourne, Sussex. 

Hart, Miss W., Brockes Flat, Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey. 

Harvey, D. R., 27 Knoll Rise, Orpington, Kent. 

Harvey, F/O J. W., Ludbrook Cottage, Upper Raby Road, 
Neston, Wirral, Cheshire. 

Harvey, Michael J., 32 Carisbrooke Road, Doncaster, Yorks. 

Haslemere Natural History Society, Hon. Secretary, Hasle- 
mere Educational Museum, Haslemere, Surrey. 

Hatton, George, 98 Camberwell New Road, London, S.E.5. 

Hatton, G. G., Elmeroft, Tiptree Road, Great Braxted, near 
Witham, Essex. 

Hawkes, Dr. J. G., Dept. of Botany, The University, Edgbas- 
ton, Birmingham, 15. 

Hawkins, J. H., M.Se., Arncliffe Cottage, Arnside, near Carn- 
forth, Westmorland. 

Haynes, Fred. N., Dept. of Botany, The University, Sheffield, 

Haythornthwaite, Mrs. W. G., 9 Aspin Avenue, Knaresborough, 

1947 | 



Healy, A. J., Botany Division, P.O. Box 2015, Christchurch, 
New Zealand. 

Heath, Rev. D. M., Little Compton Vicarage, Moreton-in-Marsh, 

S Helsinki, The Librarian, Sccietatis pre Fauna et Flora Fennica, 

Helsinki, Finland. 

Hemsley, J. H., B.Sc., The Nature Conservancy, Furzebrook 
Research Station, Wareham, Dorset. 

Henderson, D. M., Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 4. 

J Hendra, D. W., 19 Church Street, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon. 

Hensler, Major E., B.Se., Gilead Balm, 12 Knighton Close, 
Woodford Green, Essex. 

Hepburn, Ian, M.A., B.Sc., 18 South Road, Oundle, Peter- 

Hepper, F. N., B.Sce., A.L.S., c/o The Herbarium, Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Hepworth, N. M., ‘“‘Caldene’’, 49 Station Road, Thirsk, Yorks. 
Herefordshire Botanical Society (Hon. Secretary, Dr. B. G. 
Levy), Old Rectory Cottage, Hampton Bishop, Hereford. 

Hering, T. F., 25 Belsize Road, London, N.W.3. | 

Herniman, R. H., 47 Regent’s Park Road, London, N.W.1. 

Herrick, A. C., 8 Craddock’s Avenue, Ashtead, Surrey. 

Hertford, John Innes’ Horticultural Institution (The 
Librarian), Bayfordbury, Hertford. 

Heslop-Harrison, Prof. J., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dept. of Botany, 
The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern 

Heslop-Harrison, Prof. J. W., D.Se., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Dept. 
of Agriculture, King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1. 

Hewetson, C. H., 27 Crestway, London, S.W.15. 

Heywood, V. H., Ph.D., B.Sc., F.L.S., The Hartley Botani- 
cal Laboratories, The University, Liverpool, 3. 

Hill, Miss Rosemary A., 24 Westland Drive, Hayes, Bromley, 

Hill, S. Ashton, ‘‘Denewood’’, Westminster Road, Branksome 
Park, Bournemouth, Hants. 

Hillyard, D. C., 7 Villa Road, Luton, Beds. 

Hilton, Mrs. J. C., East Dyke, Higher Clovelly, Bideford, 

Hind, Geoffrey, 73 Tudor Avenue, Bolton, Lancs. 

Hinde, J. D., Sunny Cottage, Brigham, Cockermouth, Cum- 

Hinson, D. J., 22 Leaside Avenue, London, N.10. 

Hinton, Miss M. B., B.A., 56 The Goffs, Eastbourne, Sussex. 

Hoare, Eustace B., 58 South Street, London, W.1. 

Hockaday, Mrs. M. C., 84 Headstone Lane, Harrow, 

Holbek, Miss O., 42 Gardens Walk, Cambridge. 




Holder, F. W., 17 Balmoral Drive, Southport, Lancs. 

Holland, Sir J. S., Bt., M.A., c/o Central Mining and Invest- 
ment Corporation Ltd., 1 London Wall Buildings, Lon- 
don, E.C.2. 

Hollick, Miss K. M., The Old House, Ashbourne, Derby. 

Holmdahl, S., Sventorpsliden 5, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Holme, H. C., 23 Marlborough Place, London, N.W.8. 

Hope-Simpson, J. F., M.A., D.Phil., Dept. of Botany, The 
University, Bristol, 8. 

Hcpkins, B., Botany Dept., University College, Ibadan, 

Horsman, John, 7 Foxwood Walk, Roundhay, Leeds, 8, Yorks. 

Horwood, E. K., 48 Upperton Road, Leicester. 

Howard, Miss E. M., Springhill Cottage, Petworth Road, 
Haslemere, Surrey. 

Howe, C. A., 48 Longsight, Harwood, near Bolton, Lancs. 

Howell, William, 13 Balgowan Road, Beckenham, Kent. 

Howitt, R. C. L., Farndon, Newark, Nottingham. 

Howitt, Mrs. R. C. L., Farndon, Newark, Nottingham. 

Hubbard, C. E., O.B.E., F.L.S., c/o The Herbarium, Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Hudson, M. J., 203 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, East- 
leigh, Hants. 

Hudson, Miss Margaret A., 77 Lyndon Road, Olton, Birming- 
ham, 27: 

Hughes, Miss Gillian M., 23 Cherry Garden Lane, Folkestone, 

Hughes, Dr. Marguerite, M.B., Ch.B., Hartwell Cottage, 
Bisley, Stroud, Glos. 

Hughes, Dr. R. E., The Nature Conservancy, c/o School of 
Agriculture, University College of North Wales, Memorial 
Buildings, Bangor, Caernarvon. 

Hull, University College of, (Prof. R. d’O. Good, M.A., Repre- 
sentative), The Librarian, Hull. 

Hulme, Mrs. Barbara A., 133 Northfield Road, Kings Norton, 
Birmingham, 30. 

Hulme, D. C., 1 Melton Avenue, Littleover, Derby. 

Hunt, Peter F., 19 Victoria Road, Frome, Somerset. 

Hunter, Mrs. M. S., Glen Grant, Rothes, Moray. 

Hurley, Grassland Research Station, Hurley, near Maidenhead. 

Hurst, Miss Barbara, Rusper Nunnery, Horsham, Sussex. 

Hurst, Mrs. C. C., Broomhurst, Worthing Road, Horsham, 

Hutchison, Miss A. R., 9 Athole Gardens, Glasgow, W.2. 

Hyde, Mrs. L. T., The Croft, Green Road, Kendal, Westmor- 

Hyde, Miss M. B., M.Se., 26 Salt Hill Drive, Slough, Bucks, 

1956 § Ilford, Ursuline High School, Tlford, Essex. 









Inglis, Miss Hazel, 21 Woodstock Road, Croydon, Surrey. 

Isaac, Miss M., 30 Pond Place, London, S.W.3. 
Isherwood, Miss E. M. C., 26 White Post Hill, Redhill, Surrey. 

Jack, J. R., Junr., 9 Bailie Terrace, Portobello, Midlothian. 

Jackson, Major J. P. A., B.A., Greenways, 24 Burnt Hill 
Road, Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey. 

Jackson, P. R. Gidlow, 12 Maori Road, Guildford, Surrey. 

Jacobs, V., State School 1426, Maude, via Bannockburn, Vic- 
toria, Australia. 

James, L., 19 Bushey Road, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middlesex. 

Jameson, J. H., M.A., 25 Radnor Road, Handsworth, Birming- 
ham, 20). 

Jaques, Miss M., Egmont, St. James’ Lane, Winchester, 

Jarrett, Miss F. M., M.A., Ph.D., Arnold Arboretum, 22 
Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, 38, Mass., U.S.A. 

J Jeffray, Duncan J., 179 Wainbody Avenue, Coventry. 
J Jennings, T. J., 227 Eastfield Road, Peterborough, Northants. 
Jermy, A. Clive, B.Sc., A.L.S., Dept. of Botany, The University, 

Jermyn, S. T., 98 Western Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. 
Johnston, Miss F. K., 21 Mount Crescent, Tupsley, Hereford. 

J Johnstone, Michael F., ‘‘Woodpeckers’’, Crowthorne Road, 

Bracknell, Berks. 

Jones, Dr. D. G., 57 Junction Road, Norton, Stockton-on- 
Tees, Co. Durham. 

Jones, Mrs. D. M., 24 Douglas Road, Harpenden, Herts. 

Jones, Derek M., ‘‘Meo-Voto’’, Hill Road, Porchester, Hants. 

Jones, EK. W., M.A., Ph.D., Imperial Forestry Institute, 

Jones, Herbert, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dept. of Botany, University 
College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Cards. 

Jones, Inigo, 30 Norris Green Road, West Derby, Liverpool, 12. 

Jones, Miss M. M., St. Michael’s, Herne Road, Surbiton, 

Jones, Miss Vera E., Mowbray, Wern Road, Skewen, Neath, 

Juniper, B. E., B.A., University Dept. of Botany, South 
Parks Road, Oxford. 

Kear, Brian S., 31 Parkend Road, Bream, near Lydney, Glos. 
Keeler, F., 33 Fleetwood Avenue, Herne Bay, Kent. 

Kellett, Dr. E. G., 1 Parkfields, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. 
Kemp, R. F. O., 17 Craven Road, Reading, Berks. 

Kennedy, Miss M. E., 62 Lordship Road, London, N.16. 




Kennedy-O’ Byrne, J., 15 Parklands Court, Hounslow West, 

Kent, Douglas H., 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13. 
Kern, J. H., Fred. van Eedenlaan 41, Leiden, Netherlands. 

Kertland, Miss M. P. H., M.Sc., 9 Knockdene Park North, 
Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

Kew, Herbarium and Library, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 
Richmond, Surrey. 

Kidd, L. N., F.R.E.S., 46 Eton Avenue, Coppice, Oldham, 
Lancs. ; 

Kilby, Dr. B. A., Dept. of Biochemistry, 9 Hyde Terrace, 
Leeds, 2. 

Killick, H. J., 42 Maze Green Road, Bishops Stortford, Herts. 

Kimber, Miss E. L., B.Sc., 34 Lancaster Avenue, London, 

Kind, S. S., Home Office Forensic Science Laboratory, 
Maddon Lodge, Rutland Drive, Harrogate, Yorks. 

King, Mrs. E. L., Lindholme, The Park, Cheltenham, Glos. 

Kingsbury County Grammar School, Princes Avenue, London, 

Kirby, Mrs. G. E., Sankey House, Brook, near Ashford, Kent. 

Kneller, Miss B. A., 3 Werks Cottages, Nutfield, Redhill, Surrey. 

Lacey, William S., B.Se., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.G.S., Dept. of 
Botany, University College of North Wales, Bangor, 

Laidlaw, Miss R. G. B., c/o Dr. E. F. Laidlaw, Moniaive, St. 
Lawrence, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. 

Lamb, Miss Jennifer, The Grange, Castle Eden, Co. Durham. 

Lambert, Dr. J. M., B.Sc., Dept. of Botany, The University, 

Landells, Mrs. Norah B., 18 Balmoral Road, Worcester Park, 

Langley, Miss Norah E., South View, Kirkby Stephen, West- 

Langridge, C., 1 St. Joseph’s Cottages, Upper Froyle, Alton, 

Larsen, L., 22 Maes Cadnant, Caernarvon. 

Latham, J., The Beeches, Brambletye Park Road, Redhill, 

Lavender, J. H., B.Sc., A.R.C.S., Heather Lodge, Burley 
Road, Bransgore, Christchurch, Hants. 

Lawfield, W. N., 345 South Lane, New Malden, Surrey. 

Lawrence, Prof. G@. H. M., Bailey Hortorium, Cornell Tniv-r- 
sity, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A. 

Lawrence, Ian, 60 Cambridge Road, Linthorpe, Middles- 
borough, Yorks. 
















Laycock, T. R., B.Sc., 3 Bent Street, Longsight, Man- 
chester, 12. 

Leadbitter, Sir Eric, K.C.V.0O., Oak Lodge, Bayhall Road, 
Tunbridge Wells, Kent. 

Leather, Miss V. M., M.B.E., Vine Cottage, Ewshott, near 
Farnham, Surrey. 

Lee, John R., 96 Finlay Drive, Dennistoun, Glasgow, H.1. 

Lee, W. H., 78 Barton Road, Kettering, Northants. 

Leeds Central Library, The City Librarian, Central Library, 
Leeds, 1. 

Legg, Miss S. A., 8B Western Parade, Woodhatch, Reigate, 

Leicester Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester. 

Le Mare, Derek V., 18 Astoria Mansions, Streatham High 
Road, London, S.W.16. 

Lemmon, R. A., 5 Tinwell Road, Stamford, Lincs. 

Lennard, Dr. Joseph H., 11 Shotley Gardens, Gateshead, 9, 
Co. Durham. 

Le Sueur, Mrs. F., Four Winds, Mont Gras d’Eau, St. Brelade, 
Jersey, Channel Islands. 

Le Sueur, Mrs. K. H., 23 Rosary Gardens, London, S.W.7. 

Lewis, John, 23 The Avenue, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Lewis, J. S., Leckford Abbas, Stockbridge, Hants. 

Lewis, R., ‘‘Nant-y-glyn’’, Henryd Road, Gyffin, Conway, 

Libbey, R. P., 148 Gaywood Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. 

Tiger, Dr. J., 52 Rue de la République, Rouen, France. 

Lincolnshire Naturalists’ Union, (Hon. Secretary, F. T. Baker), 
City and County Museum, Lincoln. 

Lindquist, Prof. Bertil, Botanic Garden, Gothenburg, Sweden. 

Little, Miss K. D., 19 The Avenue, Hitchin, Herts. 

Little, Mrs. Marjorie, 6 Kelsie Way, Hainault, Ilford, Essex. 

littleboy, Miss S. M., Fairings, Ridgeway Close, Oxshott, 
Leatherhead, Surrey. 

Littlehampton, Rosemead School (Mrs. N. Willitts), Little- 
hampton, Sussex. | 

_ Liverpool Botanical Society (Hon. Secretary, Inigo Jones), 

30 Norris Green Road, West Derby, Liverpool, 12. 
Liverpool, The Library, The University, Liverpool, 3. 
Livesey, Miss A., 28 Main Road, Pinhoe, Exeter, Devon. 
Lloyd, V. E., M.C., M.B.B.S. (Lond.), 19 Highlands Heath, 

Portsmouth Road, London, S.W.15. 

London, Birkbeck College Library (University of MWLondon), 

Malet Street, London, W.C.1. 

London, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, 

London, S.W.7. 



London, Convent of the Sacred Heart High School, Hammer- 
smith Road, London, W.6. 

London, Forestry Commission, 25 Savile Row, London, W.1. 

London, Linnean Society of, Burlington House, Piccadilly, 
London, W.1. 

London, The Headmaster, Mercers’ School, Holborn, London, 

London Natural History Society, Botanical Section, (Hon. 
Secretary, F. E. Wrighton), 60 Evelyn Avenue, Ruislip, 

London, Nature Conservancy, 19 Belgrave Square, london, 

London, The Librarian, Queen Mary College, Mile End Road, 
London, E.1. 

London, Royal MHorticultural Society, Vincent Sgnare, 
London, S.W.1. 

London, Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London, S.W.7. 

London, South London Botanical Institute, 323 Norwood Road, 
London, S.E.24. 

Long, Miss D. A. C., Little Madekin, Denton, near Canter- 
bury, Kent. 

Longfield, Miss C. E., The Park House, Cloyne, Co. Cork, Irish 

Long Sutton, The Natural History Society, Lord Wandsworth 
College (F. D. Goodcliffe, Master-in-charge), Long Sutton, 
Basingstoke, Hants. 

Longworth, J. W., 577 Brunshaw Road, Burnley, Lanes. 

Louis-Arsene, Frére. Maison Principale des Fréres, Ploérmel, 
Morbihan, France. 

Love, Dr. A., Institut Botanique de ]’Université de Montréal, 
4101 est Rue Sherbrooke, Montreal 36, P.Q., Canada. 

Lovis, J. D., 20 Holly Lane West, Banstead, Surrey. 

Luck, John C., 105 Balcombe Road, Horley, Surrey. 

Ludwig, Dr. Wolfgang, Kustos, Botanisches Institut der 
Universitat Marburg a.d. Lahn, Pilgrimstein 4, Germany. 

Luker, A. J., The Grammar School, Steyning, Sussex 

Lund, University Library, Lund, Sweden. 

Lyon, Dr. A. G., Braco Lodge, Rubislaw Den North, Aberdeen. 

McClintock, D., M.A., Bracken Hill, Platt, Sevenoaks, Kent. 

McCosh, Mrs. A. K., Culter Allers, Biggar, Lanarkshire. 

McCosh, Miss Anna M., Culter Allers, Biggar, Lanarkshire. 

McCurdy, Dr. J. M., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 144 Old Road, 
Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, Lancs. 

MacDonald, J., Woodcombe, Madeira Road, West Byfleet, 

MacDonald, Dr. J. A., D.Sec., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., .Dept. of 
Botany, The University, St Andrews, Fife. 









MacDonald, Miss Mary M., B.Sc., 23 Glencairn Crescent, 
Edinburgh, 12. 

McFarlane, M., 151 St. John’s Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. 

Mackechnie, R., B.Sce., A.L.S., 9 Skirving Street. Shawlands, 
Glasgow, S.1. 

Mackie, Mrs. G., 11 Ashmore Avenue, Cheadle Heath, Stock- 
port, Cheshire. 

Mackintosh, W., c/o 3 Craven Hill, London, W.2. 

MacLachlainn, Miss Sine, B.Sc., Dept. of Botany, University 
College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Cardigan. 

Macleay, K. N. G., B.Sc., Ph.D., Botany Dept., Gordon 
Memorial College, Khartoum, Sudan. 

Macleod, Dr. Anna M., Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. 

Macnair, Miss V. Janet, Lower Garth, Welshpool. 

McNally, P. H., 23 Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth, Cardigan. 

MeNeill, John, B.Se., 111 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, 3. 

MacRae, Miss D. G., Conchra Ardelue, Kyle-of-Lochalsh, 

McVean, D. N., Ph.D., 27 Huntley Avenue, Giffnock, Glasgow. 

Magee, L., 2 Lodore Place, Bolten, Bradford, 2, Yorks. 

Maidstone Corporation Museum, Dept. of Natural History, St. 
Faith Street, Maidstone, Kent. 

Male, Miss E. M., B. A., 45 Vista Drive, Ilford. Essex. 

Malham Tarn Field Centre (EK. J. Douglas, Assistant Warden), 
near Settle, Yorks. 

Mallinson, Mrs. M. B., 7 Mitten Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, 

Manchester Grammar School, Biological Dept., MRusholme, 
Manchester, 13. 

Manchester Museum, The University, Manchester, 13. 

Manton, Prof. Irene, Dept. of Botany, The University, Leeds. 

Marchant, Miss A. L., 24 Knighton Drive, Leicester. 

Marks, C. E., Islington Cemetery, London, N.2. 

Marlborough, The Wedgwood Herbarium, Marlborough College, 
Marlborough, Wilts. 

Marriott, Miss Mildred M., 63 Chalfont Road, Oxford. 

Marsden-Jones, E., F.L.S., Close Cottage, Littleton Panell, 
Devizes, Wilts. 

Marshall, H. S., F.L.S., ¢/o The Herbarium, Royal Botanic 
Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Martin, Rev. W. Keble, M.A., F.L.S., Broadymead, Gidleigh, 
Chagford, Newton Abbot, Devon. 

Marwood, W. F. C., F.C.A., 2 Norfolk Street, Strand, London, 

Masefield, Wm. Roy, 38 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex. 

Mason, Mrs. M. E., Treloyhan Lodge, St. Ives, Cornwall. 

1952 S Massachusetts, Arnold Arboretum (The Librarian), Jamaica 

Plain 30, Mass., U.S.A. 






Matson, Miss Betty N., Elm Tree Cottage, St. Mary’s Road, 
Benfleet, Essex. 

Matthews, G. A., Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural 
History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 

Matthews; Prof: J. R.,, C.B.H.5 >MCAC, Webese et She: 
Botany Dept., The University, Old Aberdeen. 

Maxwell, Miss S., 40 Beal Way, Gosforth, Newcastle on Tyne. 

May, R. F., Gwavas, Ferryside, Carms. 

Maycock, R., 17 Osborne Street, Bletchley, Bucks. 

Mayo, H. T., M.A., F.G.S., Woodhouse, West Loch Tarbert, 

F Mayo, Mrs. H. T., Woodhouse, West Loch Tarbert, Argyll. 




Meadows, P. H., F.R.Econ.S., Crag Neich, Five Crosses, Coed- 
poeth, Wrexham, Denbigh. 

Meerut, Botany Dept., Meerut College, Meerut, India. 

Meikle, Robert D., c/o The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Melderis, Dr. A., Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural 
History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7. 

Melville, Miss Fenella, 9 Stanley Road, Teddington, Middlesex. 

Melville, R., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S., c/o The Herbarium, Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Merritt, F. W. C., Tawsmead, 19 Eastleigh Road, Devizes, 

Merton, F., c/o Dept. of Agriculture, Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Messenger, K. G., Sunnyside, South View, Uppingham, 

Meyer, H., 5 Souberie Avenue, Letchworth, Herts. 

Meynell, Miss D., 1 Maids of Honour Row, Richmond Green. 
Richmond, Surrey. 

Michigan, University of, (General Library), Ann Arbor, 
Michigan, U.S.A. 

Miles, Beverley, Lyndale, Merthyr-Mawr Road, Bridgend. 

Miles, D. F. S., M.P.S., 303 Selsdon Road, South Croydon, 

Miller, G. R., 181 Union Street, Aberdeen. 

Mills, David A. C., Breidden, 42 Roman Road, Shrewsbury. 

Mills, J. N., M.D., 4 Lancaster Road, Didsbury, Man- 
chester, 20. 

Mills, Dr. W. H., F.R.S., 23 Storey’s Way, Cambridge. 

Milne, A. T., 17 MeIntosh Road, Romford, Essex. 

Milne, Dr. James, 2 Hillview Road, Corstorphine, Edin- 
burgh, 12. 

Milne, James Fairweather, M.A., M.B., Ch.B., Rocksley House, 
Boddam, Peterhead, Aberdeen. 

Milne-Redhead, E., M.A., F.L.S., 7 Ashley Gardens, Petersham, 
Richmond, Surrey. 


Milne-Redhead, Dr. H., Mainsriddle, Dumfries. 

Milsum, J. N., O.B.E.. F.L.S., Grays, Tilford, Farnham, 

Milward, Miss M. E., The King’s School, Canterbury. 

Minns, F. C., 42 Heaton Road, Manchester, 20. 

Minor, R., 2 Wocdside Avenue, Preston Park, Brighton, 6, 

Missen, Mrs. C. EH., B.Se., 2 The Ridge, Twickenham, 

Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. 

Mitcham County School for Girls (The Headmistress), Cranmer 
Road, Mitcham, Surrey. 

Mitchell, M. R. S., Rookwood, Cuckfield, Sussex. 

Moon, John McKkK., 24 Brookvale Avenue, Belfast, Northern 

S Moon, Michael S., “‘Shenley’’, 31 Birling Road, Tunbridge 

Wells, Kent. 

Moor, J., Nichol Farm, Teynham, Sittingbourne, Kent. 

Moore, David M., Dept. of Botany, Durham Colleges in the 
University of Durham, Science Laboratories, South Road, 

Morgan, Miss Beryl M. C.. B.A., Fairfield, Old Road, Buck- 
land, Betchworth, Surrey. 

Morgan, Miss Patricia, 105 Plymouth Road, Penarth, 

Morgans, M. W., 65 Lower Redland Road, Bristol, 6. 

Morgenroth, Mrs. W. J., 17 Bryanstone Close, Rydes Hill, Guild- 
ford, Surrey. 

Morris, Morris, ‘‘Afallon’’, 39 Rhuddlan Avenue, Llandudno, 

Morrison, N. R., The Manor House, Withington, Glos. 

Mortis, Mrs. R. H., Mutton Close, Morgans Road, Hertford. 

Morton, J. K., Ph.D., The Manse, The Avenue, Birtley, Co. 

Moyse, John, Dale Fort, Haverfordwest, Pembs. 

Moyse, Mrs. O. R., Veronica Lodge, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly. 

Mugridge, H. E. R., 80 St. Michaels Road, Aldershot. 

Muirhead, Miss C. W., Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, 4. 

Munro-Smith, Dr. D., 220 Badminton Road, Downend, Bristol. 

Murgatroyd, F., Hollins, Longley, Triangle, Halifax, Yorks. 

Murphy, Miss R. J., B.Sc., A.I.M.L.T., Shang-ri-la, Reska- 
dinnick, Camborne, Cornwall. 

Murray, Dion, 6 Airedale Avenue, London, W.4. 

Murray, Rev. D. P., The Lodge, Stoke Golding, near 
Nuneaton, Leics. 

Nannfeldt, Dr. J. A., Uppsala Universitets for Systematisk 
Botanik, Uppsala, Sweden. 














Nelmes, E., c/o The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 
Richmond, Su:rey. 

Nelson, George A., M.Sc., Ph.D., M.P.S., F.L.S., 37 The Cres- 
cent, Adel, Leeds, 16. 

Newbould, Mrs. P. J., Botany Dept., University College, 
Gower Street, London, W.C.1. 

Newcastle upon Tyne, King’s College, (The Library), Newcastle 
upon Tyne, 1. 

Newey, P. M., 97a Malden Road, New Malden, Surrey. 

Newton, Miss Sarah, Thames Bank, Chiswick Mall, London, 

New York, Albert R. Mann Library, Acquisitions Division, 
Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. 

New York Botanical Gardens, (J. W. Robbins, Director), 
Bronx Park, New York, U.S.A. 

Nicholls, Miss V., 6 Albert Road, West Bridgford, Notting- 

Nicholson, Miss I. G., 16 Coombe Road, Saltash, Cornwall. 

Nind, Mrs. R. W. H., 37 Cowbit Road, Spalding, Lines. 

Noble, Miss E. R., White House, Saham Toney, Thetford, 

Norman, Miss G. J., 112 Woodstock Road, Oxford. 

Norman, P. R., Branksome, 11 Linden Way, Shepperton, 

North, Miss Dorothy E., Swallow’s Nest, Melling, Carnforth. 

Northamptonshire Natural History Society, (Hon. Secretary, 
Bot. Section, H. G. Allen, B.Sc.), Ivydale, Wootton, 

Norton, Miss M., Nobles, Upper Easebourne, Midhurst, Sussex. 

Nottingham Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall, Notting- 

O’Connor, Miss W. M. T., B.Se., Royal Holloway College, 
Englefield Green, Surrey. 

O’Donovan, J. E., Union Hall, Skibbereen, Co. Cork, Irish 

Ogilvie, William B., Dunnichen, 8 Tayside Street, Carnoustie, 

Oldaker, Mrs. M. J., B.Se., F.L.S., Culmstock Vicarage, 
Culmstock, near Cullompton, Devon. 

Oldfield, Mrs. J., Doddington Place, Sittingbourne, Kent. 

Oldham, Central Public Library, (J. Simpson, Director), Wer- 
neth Park Study Centre, Frederick Street, Oldham, Lancs. 

O’Reilly, Dr. Helen, Botany Dept., University College, Upper 
Merrion Street, Dublin, Irish Republic. 

1926 S Oslo, Universitetets Botaniske Museum, Trondhjemsvegen 23 

Oslo, 45, Norway. 





Oswald, P. H., The Rectory, Angmering, Sussex. 

Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, Victoria Memorial 
Museum Building, Ottawa, Canada. 

Ottawa, The Secretary, Royal Society of Canada, National 
Research Council Building, Sussex Street, Ottawa, 

Ounsted, John, M.A., Leighton Park School, Reading, Berks. 

Oxford, University of, Dept. of Botany, (The Librarian), South 
Parks Road, Oxford. 

Oxford, University of, Dept. of Forestry, (The Librarian), 

Packer, John G., B.Sc., Dept. of: Botany, The University, 

Padmore, Miss P. A., B.A., Sunny Hill, Thurcaston, Leics. 

Paget, Lady, Moine Na Vey, Ballater, Aberdeen. 

Palmer, R. C., ‘‘Braeside’’, Paddockhall Road, Haywards 
Heath, Sussex. 

Palmer, Miss Ursula M., ‘‘Braeside’, Paddockhall Road, 
Haywards Heath, Sussex. 

Palmer, W. E., M.A., M.Sc., Tyndale, Yeovil. Somerset. 

Palmer, Hon. W. J. L., Headbourne Worthy Grange, Win- 
chester, Hants. 

Pankhurst, J. S. R., Roxana, Toftwood, Dereham, Norfolk. 

Paris, Bibliotheque de la Faculté de Pharmacie, 4 Avenue de 
V Observatoire, Paris 6, France. 

S Paris, Société de Chimie biologique, 4 Avenue de Observatoire, 

Paris 6, France. 

Park, K. J. F., Rydal Cottage, Station Road, Allendale, 

Parker, C., 14 Second Avenue, Edendale, P.O. Edendale, 
Johannesburg, S. Africa. 

Parker, H., 21 Park Way, Southwick, Sussex. 

Parker, R. E., B.Se., The Queen’s University of Belfast, Bel- 
fast, Northern Ireland. 

Parkin, J., M.A., F.L.S., Blaithwaite, Wigton, Cumberland. 

Parsons, Miss M., Mousehole, Forest Row, Sussex. 

Partridge, Mrs. Frances, Ham Spray House, Marlborough, 
Wilts. } 

Patton, Dr. Donald, M.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S.E., 15 Jordan- 
hill Drive, Glasgow, W.3. 

Paul, Mrs. Vera N., The Mount, Peppard Common, Oxon. 

Pavia, Botanical Institute, The University, P.O. Box 165, 
Pavia, Italy. 

Paxman, G. J., Genetics Dept., The University, Edgbaston, 
Birmingham, 15. 

Payne, R. M., 8 Hill Top, Loughton, Essex. 











Pearce, Miss J. V., B.Sc., Cranborne Chase School, Crichel, 
Wimborne, Dorset. 

Penfold, Frank P., ‘‘Lowesden’’ 

Peppercorn, Mrs. A. T., Bendrose Grange Cottage, Amersham 
Common, Bucks. 

Burpham, Arundel, Sussex. 


Percival, Miss Mary, Dept. of Botany, University College, 
Newport Road, Cardiff. 

Perring, Dr. F. H., 180 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge. 

Perring, Stanley, B.Sc., M.Inst.Biol., The Grammar School, 
Halesowen, Worcs. 

Perrins, Mrs. D., Davenham, Malvern, Worcs. 

Perry, B. J., 7 Church Street, Exmouth, Devon. 

Petch, C. P., M.A., M.D., 10 Abinger Avenue, Cheam, Surrey. 

Peterken, J. H. G., F.L.S., 73 Forest Drive East, London, 
Pettet, Antony, 11 Wilton Road, Deal, Kent. 

J Phelp, Paul J., 89 Baddow Hall Crescent, Great Baddow, Chelms- 



ford, Essex. 

Phileox, David, F.L.S., 119 Havelock Road, Brighton, 6, 

Phillips, D. H., M.Sc., M.Inst.Biol., States Experimental 
Station, Howard Davis Farm, Trinity, Jersey, Channel 

_Phillips, E. Masson, Bank Cottage, Bank Lane, Totnes, S. Devon. 


Phillips, L. G., 11 Sunny Bank, London, S.E.25. 

Phillips, M. T. T., 22 Jenkins Park, Fort Augustus, Inver- 

Phipps, James B., Branch of Botany and Plant Pathology, P.O. 
Box 8100, Causeway, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. 

Pigott, Dr. C. D., Clevedon, Harestone Hill, Caterham, 

Pilcher, Miss E. V., 65 Chester Road, Northwood, Middlesex. 

Pitman, P. B., 3 Beverley Gardens, Ensbury Park, Bourne- 
mouth, Hants. 

Pittman, Mrs. D. M., B.Se., 4 Luxfield Road, London, S.E.9. 

Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum, 4400 Forbes Street, Pittsburgh, 
LS; (Pai Asse. 

Plant, Kenneth G., Evesham Road, Stow-on-the-Wold, Glos. 

Platten, G., ‘‘Rotherfield’’, Fernhill Lane, New Milton, 

Pollard, J. E., 67 Mackie Avenue, Hassocks, Sussex. 

Polunin, Prof. Nicholas, M.S. (Yale), M.A., D.Phil., D.Sc. 
(Oxon.), Head of Department of Botany, College of Arts 
and Sciences, Baghdad, Iraq. 

Polunin, O. V., M.A., Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey. 

SNe wed we 


Poore, M. HE. D., Carn Raineach, Coshieville, Aberfeldy, Perth- 

Pope, C. N., 254 Hythe Road, Ashford, Kent. 

Porter, D. L. H., 4 Harley House, Marylebone Road, London, 

Pownall, Rev. G. C., 23 North Street, Ashford, Kent. 

Prance, I. T., ‘‘Woodend”’, Toddington, near Winchcombe, 

Preece, T. F., Ladymas Lodge, Hadnall, near. Shrewsbury, 

Price, John W., The Moor Farm, Eardiston, Tenbury Wells, 

Prime, Dr. C. T., M.A., F.L.S., 147 Upper Selsdon Road, Croy- 
don, Surrey. 

Pringle, Miss E. A., B.A., Botany School, Downing Street, 

Pritchard, N. M., University Dept. of Botany, South Parks 
Road, Oxford. 

Proctor, M. C. F., Dept. of Botany, Hatherley Laboratories, 
University of Exeter, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter, 

Ramsbottom, J., O.B.E., M.A., D.Sc., P.P.L.S., 34 Ennerdale 
Road, Richmond, Surrey. 

Ramsden, W., 147 Barlow Moor Road, West Didsbury, Man- 
chester, 20. 

Ratter, J. A., 93 Greenhill Road, Liverpool, 18. 

Raven, Rev. Canon C. E., D.D., D.Sc., F.B.A., F.L.S., 10 
Madingley Road, Cambridge. 

Raven, John E., M.A., King’s College, Cambridge. 

Read, Miss M. N., 30 Louth Road, Horncastle, Lincs. 

Readett, R. C., 60 Danford Lane, Solihull, Birmingham. 

Redfern, Dr. A. N., 209 Eastgate, Louth, Lincs. 

Rees, John, B.A., M.Sc., Y Faerdref, 404 Cyncoed Road, 

Reid, D. A., The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 
Richmond, Surrey. 

Reykjavik Natturugripasafnid, P.O. Box 532, Reykjavik, 

Rhodes, G. C., B.Se., 4 Bowthorpe Road, Wisbech, Cambs. 

Ribbons, B. W., B.Sc., A.L.S., Dept. of Botany, The University, 
Glasgow, W.2. 

Rice, C. H., B.Se., Ph.D., 35 Hill Top, Loughton, Essex. 

Richards, Mrs. H. M., Tynllidiart, Dolgelley, Merioneth. 

Richards, Prof. P. W., M.A., Sc.D., Coed Menai, Upper 
Bangor, Caernarvon. 

Richardson, F.D.8., M.A., 33 Ridgeway Road, Redhill, Surrey. 








Richardson, M. J. 
Albans, Herts. 

Ritchie, J. C., Dept. of Botany, University of Manitoba, 
Winnipeg, Canada. 

Rob, Miss C. M., F.L.S., Catton Hall, Thirsk, Yorks. 
Roberts, Miss Margaret F., B.A., ‘‘Mansfield’’, 15 Southwood 
Avenue, London, N.6. 

Roberts, R. H., ‘‘Quinton’’, Belmont Road, Bangor, Caernar- 

Roberts, T. V., 27 The Grove, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, 3. 

Robertson, A. G., B.Sc., 2 Westfield Park, Redland, Bristol, 6. 

Robinson, C. A., 14 Vyvyan Terrace, Clifton, Bristol, 8. 

Robinson, F. A., Waldrons, Tewin Wood, Welwyn, Herts. 

Robson, A. W., Perth Road, Dunning, Perthshire. 

Robson, N. K. B., 70 Rubislaw Den North, Aberdeen. 

Roche, Dr. James, ‘‘Kingswood’’, St. Andrew’s Avenue, 
Morley, Yorks. 

Roe, Commander R. G. B., R.N., 56 Bloomfield Avenue, Bath, 

Roger, J. G., B.Sc., The Nature Conservancy, 12 Hope Terrace. 
Edinburgh, 9. 

Rogers, Miss C. M., The Tower, Alderney, Channel Islands. 

Rook, A. J., M.A., M.D., M.R.C.P., 3 Grange Road, Cam- 

Rorison, I. H., University Dept. of Botany, South Parks Road, 

Rose, Mrs. Eric, Leweston Manor, Sherborne, Dorset. 

Rose, Francis, B.Sc., Ph.D., The Forge House, East Malling, 
Maidstone, Kent. 

36 Harpenden Lane, Redbourn, St. 


J Ross, M. D., 17 Molescroft, London, S.E.9. 


Rosser, Miss E. M., Ph.D., The Herbarium, Manchester 
Museum, The University, Manchester. 13. 

Rossiter, J., B.Sc., ‘‘Craigmore’’, Percy Terrace, Neville’s 
Cross, Durham City. 

Round, A. W., 10 Princes House, North Street, Brighton, 1, 

Rowlands, Dr. S. P., 44 Beckett Road, Doncaster, Yorks. 

Rowntree, H., 43 Westbourne Grove, Scarborough, Yorks. 

Royle, D., 16 Garden Close, Harbledown, Kent. 

Rugby School Natural History Society (Botanical Section), 
N.H.S. Museum, Lawrence Sheriff Street, Rugby, 

Russell, Mrs. B. H. S., Manor Cottage, Jackson’s Lane, 
Billericay, Essex. 

Russell-Smith, Dame Enid, 4 Stanhope Terrace, London, W.2. 

Ryland, J. S., .182 Manor Road North, Thames Ditton, Surrey. 

Ryves, T. B., 46 Hamilton Road, Oxford. 



Sadler, Miss Elizabeth M., ‘‘Ridgewood”’’ 
~ Allestree, Derby. 

Sagar, Geoffrey R., Dept. of Agriculture, Parks Road, 

Salisbury, Sir Edward J., C.B.E., D.Sc., Sec.R.S., F.L.S., 
Croindene, Strandway, Felpham, Bognor, Sussex. 

Sandell, R. E., Hillside, Potterne Road, Devizes, Wilts. 

Sandwith, Mrs. Cecil, F.L.S., 26 Canynge Square, Clifton, 
Bristol, 8. 

Sandwith, N.Y., M.A., F.L.S., c/o The Herbarium, Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Sanecki, Mrs. Kay N., Hawthorn Cottage, Blind Lane, 
Bourne End, Bucks. 

544 Duffield Road, 


S San Isidro, The Director, The Instituto de Botanica Darwinion, 


San Isidro, F.N.G.B.M., Argentina. 

San Miguel de Tucuman, The Librarian, Fundacion Miguel 
Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, San Miguel de 
Tucuman, Argentina. 

Sargent, H. B., 8 Bay View Terrace, Porthleven, Helston, 

Satow, Commander D. G., R.N., 2 Royal Crescent, Bath. 

Saunders, Mrs. N., Orchard Cottage, Gretton, near Winch- 
combe, Glos. 

Savidge, J. P., Millwood, Spital, Wirral, Cheshire. 

Sayer, M. M., 10 The Gardens, Heath Road, Halifax, Yorks. 

Sayer, P. D., 7 Bramley Way, West arctan Kent. 

Sayres, Mrs. Richard, The Stud House, pore: Blandford, 

Scase, R. P., R.H.S. Gardens, Wisley, Ripley, Woking, Surrey. 

Schelwald, Miss Clara, 140 New Church Road, Hove, Sussex. 

Schofield, D., 33 Bilton Lane, Harrogate, Yorks. 

Schofield, Tom, ‘‘Whinfield Nurseries’, The Marsh, East 
Bierley, near Bradford, Yorks. 

Scholey, Miss M. A. R. S., Flat 29, 20 Stuart Crescent, Lon- 
don, N.22. 

schwerdt, Mrs. V. V. C., ‘‘Broadview’’, Claremont Lane, Esher, 

Scott, E., D.M., Suomi, Westwell, Ashford, Kent. 

Scott, Gkonne A. M., Snob Cottage, Pincleantarn, Kineardine- 

Scott, Walter, Easterhoull, Scalloway, Shetland Isles. 

Scott, William A., 63 High Street, Lanark. ; 

Seeley, Robert, Wye College, Wye, near Ashford, Kent. 

Segelberg, Professor Ivar, Stenungsundgatan 20, Goteborg 
O, Sweden. 

Sell, P. D., Fen Road, Bassingbourn, Cambs. 

Severn, Lady, Winterbrook Lodge, Wallingford, Berks. 









Seward, Mrs. O. G., Ashrof, 93 Sussex Road, Petersfield, 

Shaddick, Miss Christine, B.A., Craigens, Dawcross, Harro- 
gate, Yorks. . 

Shakeshaft, J. HE. M., B.Sc., 26 Moon Street, Wolverton, Bucks 

Sharpe, Frank, J.P., F.C.A., 26 Arlington Road, Derby. 

Shaw, Rev. C. E., The Vicarage, Wingates, Westhoughton, 
Bolton, Lancs. 

Shaw, G. A., 33 Temple Rhydding Drive, Baildon, Shipley, 

Shaw, H. K. Airy, B.A., 13 Honor Oak Road, London, S.E.23. 

Shaw, Miss M. S., B.Se., Woodlea, Marsh Platt, Honley, 
Huddersfield, Yorks. 

Sheasby, P. G., 41 Longcrofte Road, Edgware, Middlesex. 

Shepherd, Miss Cynthia R., Woodfield, Priory Close, Chisle- 
hurst Road, Chislehurst, Kent. 

Shirras, Miss A. J. M., 5 Craiglockhart Park, Edinburgh. 

Short, G. R. A., 36 Parkside Drive, Edgware, Middlesex. 

Side, Mrs. A. G., 107 London Road, Stone, Dartford, Kent. 

Side, K. C., 107 London Road, Stone, Dartford, Kent. 

Sidwell, R. W., ‘‘Paris’’, Ashton-under-Hill, Evesham, Worcs. 

Simmonds, Mrs. A. M., 45 Highgrove Street, Reading, Berks. 

Simpson, Andrew V., 11 Coniston Close, Barnehurst, Bexley, 

Simpson, F. W., 40 Ruskin Road, Ipswich, Suffolk. 

Simpson, N. Douglas, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.M.S., Maesbury, 3 
Cavendish Road, Bournemouth, Hants. 

Sinker, C. A., Malham Tarn House, near Settle, Yorks. 

Skillen, Stanley, M.Sc., 29 Ormonde Park, Finaghy, Belfast, 
Northern Ireland. 

Skimming, Mrs. A., Taplow House, Taplow, Bucks. 

Skinner, T. G., 112 Gurney Court Road, St. Albans, Herts. 

Slack, A., B.Se., 195 Wilton Street, Glasgow, N.W. 

Sladen, W. J. L., M.B.E., M.D., D.Phil., 44 Grove Way, 
Ksher, Surrey. 

Slater, F., 3 Whitewall Wood, Walmersley, near Bury, Lancs. 

Sledge, W. A., Ph.D., B.Se., 9 St. Chad’s Drive, Headingley, 
Leeds, 6. 

Small, Mrs. L. M. P., 18 Woodfield Crescent, London, W.5. 

Smith, Anthony J. E., 38 Great Thrift, Petts Wood, Kent. 

Smith, D. C. 

Smith, FE. R., Wheat Close, Cutterbach Lane, Kington, Here- 

Smith, G. L., 18 Casterton Road, Stamford, Lines. 

Smith, H. W. 8., 67 Furness Road, London, N.W.10. 

Smith, Mrs. Joyee E., The Coach House, Albany Crescent. 
Claygate, Surrey. 


Smith, Kenneth, 3 Caledonian Avenue, Layton, Blackpool, 

Smith, Mrs. Mary, ‘“‘Pyewipes’’, Willoughby, Alford, Lincs. 

Smith, P. Bevington, Harborough Hall, Messing, Colchester, 

Smith, Miss P. M., Osmotherley, Bromsgrove, Worcs. 

Smith, R.L., 24 Grand Avenue, Ely, Cardiff. 

Smithson, Miss E., M.Sc., Ph.D., 56a Coniston Road, Lon- 
don, N.10. 

Somers, W. H., ‘‘Fairlie’, Pipers Lane, Heswall, Wirral, 

Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, (Botan- 
ical Section), (A. D. Hallam, Representative), Taunton 
Castle, Taunton, Somerset. 

Soper, R., B.Sc., 34 Park Street, Horsham, Sussex. 

Souster, J. E. S., 193 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey. 

Southall, A. W., Cliffords Mesne, Newent, Glos. 

Southall, P. S. L., Greenlanes, Henley-in-Arden, Warwick. 

Southampton, University College of, Library, Southampton. 

Southport Botanic Gardens Museum (The Curator), Southport, 

Southwell, Mrs. M., 85 Kingsway, Mildenhall, Suffolk. 

Southwell, Stanley S., 86 King George’s Avenue, Millbrook, 

Southwick, Miss Elizabeth W., 74 Nathans Road, North 
Wembley, Middlesex. 

Sowerby, Brian, B.Sc., 24 Windsor Grove, Morecambe, Lanes. 

Sowter, F. A., F.5.8., ‘‘Greenholme’’, Stoughton Lane, Stough- 
ton, Leics. 

Spalding, Miss Jone, 44 Stephen Court, Talbot Square. 
London, W.2. 

Sparrow, Col. C. EK. H., New Barn, North Hinksey, Oxford. 

Spence, D. H. N., B-Sc., Dept. of Botany, The University, 
Glasgow, W.2. 

Sprague, T. A., D.Sc., F.L.S., 4 Ashford Road, Cheltenham, 

Spratt, Miss A. V., M.Sc., 156 Gleneagle Road, London, 

Spreadbury, W. H., 35 Acacia Road, New Malden, Surrey. 

Spurgin, Miss C. J., Rodneys, Blockley, Moreton-in-Marsh, 

Stafford, Dr. Patricia C., 5 Windlesham Gardens, Shoreham- 
on-Sea, Sussex. 

Stalker, Miss N. M., 12 Alexandra Road, Penrith, Cumber- 

Starr, Miss E. L. G., Willinghurst, Shamley Green, Guild- 
ford, Surrey. 


Stearn, L. F., ‘‘Hazelbank’’, Solesbridge Lane, Chorley 
Wood, Herts. 

Stearn, W. T., 217 Mortlake Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Stelfox, A. W., 21 Tullybrannigan Road, Neweastle, Co. 
Down, Northern Ireland. 

Stephen, J. David, 31 Montrose Avenue, Luton, Beds. 

Stephenson, Mrs. E. K., Old Vicarage, Fakenham, near 
Ipswich, Suffolk. 

Stern, Sir EF. C., 0.B.E., M.C., ¥.4.8: 
by-Sea, Sussex. 

Steuart, Mrs. G. M., Down, Whimple, Exeter, Devon. 

Stevens, Miss A. B. P., M.Sc., F.L.S., Science Department, 
Brooklands Technical College, Weybridge, Surrey. 

Stevens, J. E., The Groom’s Cottage, Our Lady’s Convent, 
Chesterton Lane, Cirencester, Glos. 

Stevenson, Miss A. D., Windmill Cottage, Sandhurst, Hawk- 
hurst, Kent. 

Stevenson, Miss E. H., 28 Foxcombe Road, Weston, Bath, 

Stirling, Allan, M., 17 Austen Road, Glasgow, W.3. 

Stockholm, The Director, Bergianska Tradgarden, Stockholm 
50, Sweden. 

Stockholm, The lLibrarian, Kungl. Vetenskapsakadamiens 
Bibliotek, Stockholm 50, Sweden. 

Stollery, Ernest W. R., 41 Fairfield Road, Inverness. 

Strachan, P. W., 71 The Mall, London, N.14. 

Streeter, David, 193 London Road, East Grinstead, Sussex. 

Sturdy, Miss B. M., Branksome, Mennays Road, Penzance, 

Styles, Brian T., Court’s Close, Chedworth, Cheltenham, 

Summerhayes, V. S., B.Se., c/o The Herbarium, Royal 
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Summers, P. G., Kingswood School, Bath, Somerset. 

Sumner, Miss A., 9 Queen’s Road, Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire. 

Sutton, Mrs. Rosemary, 50 Stubby Lane, Wednesfield, Staffs. 

Sutton, Roy, 50 Stubby Lane, Wednesfield, Staffs. 

Swain, Mrs. C., 11 St. James Road, Harpenden, Herts. 

Swain, Miss C. A., 253 Crescent Drive, Petts Wood, Kent. 

Swaine, Miss A. K., Pisang Cottage, Nailsea, Bristol. 

Swales, G. J., 32 Deakin Leas, Tonbridge, Kent. 

Swann, Eric L., 282 Wootton Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. 

Swansea, University College of, Singleton Park, Swansea, 

Swinscow, T. D. V., M.B., B.S., F.L.S., London Road, Kneb- 
worth, Herts. 

Swinton, Mrs. A. E., Swinton House, Duns, Berwick. 

Highdown, Goring- 



Sworder, R. Ian, Little Dudswell, Northehurch, Berkham- 
stead, Herts. 

Sworder, Miss R. M., Aut Dinas, Overton Road, Cheltenham, 

Sylvester-Bradley, P. C., Morgan Place, 1101 Missouri Street, 
Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A. 

Tallantire, Miss A. C., B.Sc., P.O. Box 262, Kampala, Uganda. 

Tanner, Mrs. M. E., The Ivy House, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury. 

Taylor, F. J., M.Se., Monkham’s Hall, Waltham Abbey, Essex. 

Taylor, G., D.Se., 49 The Green, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Taylor, Lady, Mount Ebford, Topsham, Devon. 

Taylor, Peter, c/o The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Kew, Richmond, Surrey. 

Taylor, Mrs. S. K., St. Matthew’s Vicarage, Oxhey, Watford, 

Teacher, Mrs. N., Spider’s Bay, Clonbur, Co. Galway, Irish 

Tetley, Miss M. I., High Garth, Heathwaite, Windermere, 

Texas Research Foundation, The Librarian, Box 43, Renner, 
Texas, U.S.A. 

Theobald, W. L., School House, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxford- 

Thomas, A. S., D.Sce., Goodings Cottage, Woodland St. Mary, 
Newbury, Berks. 

Thomas, Charles, Arden, 48 Manor Road North, Edgbaston, 
Birmingham, 16. 

Thomas, Miss E. Mary, Petit Bellarnia, 31 La Tour de Peilz, 
Vevey, Switzerland. 

Thomas, Dr. Elsbeth F., The Vicarage, Caio, Llanwrda, Carms. 

Thomas, J. F., Reigate House, Laugharne, Carms. 

Thorold, C. <A., Woburn Experimental Station, Husborne 
Crawley, Bletchley, Bucks. 

Thorpe, John, 77 Mount Pleasant, Woodley, Stockport. 

Wisdall, 591255, Set. J. H., c/o R.A.F.,° Records Office, 

Titchen, Tony, ‘‘Ravenhurst’’, 47 Shipley Road, Westbury-on- 
Trym, Bristol. 

S Tokyo, The Secretary, Botanical Society of Japan, clo 

Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, Hongo, Tokyo, 

Torry, Ralph, 17 Gretton Road, Fairfield, Buxton, Derby. 

Townsend, C. C., A.L.S., A.M.Inst.Gas E., 3 Kelvin Close, Cam- 

Travis, W. G., 9 Barton Road, Liverpool, 9. 

iriste (eeaede O-. OBeH ehwAC. MRO AvCr, 26°, Jupiter Read, 
Ipswich, Suffolk, 















Troms6 Museum Biblioteket, Tromsé, Norway. 

Trost, Mrs. Monica, The Pingle, Quorn, Leics. 

Trought, Trevor, M.A., F.R.E.S., Brookland, Tysoe, Warwick- 

Tunbridge Wells Municipal Museum, 12 Mount Ephraim, Tun- 
bridge Wells, Kent. 

Turner, Miss M. A., Belford House, Kennford, near Exeter. 

Turney, Robert F., The Retreat, Chorley Wood, Herts. 

Tutin, Miss J. E., 45 St. Barnabas Road, Cambridge. 

Tutin, Prof. T. G., M.A., The University, Leicester. 

Twist, A. F., Green Tye, Much Hadham, Herts. 

Uppsala, Kungl. JLantbrukshégskolan Biblioteket, Uppsala, 7, 

S Uppsala, Universitets Biblioteket, Uppsala, Sweden. 


Uppsala, Vaixtbiologiska Institutionen, Villavigen 14, Uppsala, 
8, Sweden. 

Uren, Miss E. M., B.Sc., 7 Welbeck Avenue, Southampton, 

Utrecht Botanical Muséum and Herbarium, State University of 
Utrecht, Lange Nieuwstraat 106, Utrecht, Netherlands. 

Valentine, Prof. D. H., M.A., Ph.D:, F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, 
University Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham. 

Vaughan, A. H., 8 Woodcroft, London, N.21. 

Vaughan, Mrs. H. R. H., M.B.E., Nantymwyn; RBhan- 
dirmwyn, Llandovery, Carmarthen. 

Vaughan, John Griffith, M.Sc., Ph.D., A.L.S., 6 Mattison 
Road, London, N.4. 

Venning, Brigadier F. E. W., C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Pine- 
wood, Butts Ash, Hythe, Southampton. 

Ventura, Richard, J., 6 Macaulay Buildings, Widcombe Hill, 
Bath, Somerset. 

Verschoyle, Mrs. W., Beech Cottage, Killiney, Co. Dublin, 
Irish Republic. 

Vesian, Miss D. E. de, B.Se., 3 Lansdown Terrace, Malvern 
Road, Cheltenham, Glos. 

5 Victoria, The Public Library of, Melbourne, Australia, c/o 

Truslove & Hanson, 153 Oxford Street, London, W.1. 
Vienna, Der Generalsekretar, Zoologisch-Botanisch Gesell- 
schaft in Wien, Vienna 1, Burgring 7, Austria. 
Vincente Lopez, Miguel Raggio, Editor, ‘“‘Phyton’’, Gaspar 
Campos 841, Vincente Lopez (Bs. As.), F.N.G.B.M., 
Vivian, Miss C., 37 Wilton Crescent, London, S.W.1. 

=f on 



Wace, N. M., The Orchard, Harting, Petersfield, Hants. 

Wade, A. E., F.L.S., Dept. of Botany, National Museum of 
Wales, Cardiff. 

Waldy, Hon. Mrs. H. P., Chadlington, Oxford. 

Walker, Donald, Botany School, Downing Street, Cambridge. 

Walker, Mrs. R. J. B., 38 Walton Street, London, S.W.3. 

Walker, R. K., Fir Hill, Droxford, Southampton, Hants. 

Walker, Dr. S., Hartley Botanical Laboratories, The University, 
Liverpool, 3. 

Wallace, E. C., 2 Strathearn Road, Sutton, Surrey. 

Wallace, T. J., B.Sc., Goodmans, Membury, Axminster, Devon. 

Wallington, County Grammar School for Boys (W. T. Hut- 
chins, Headmaster), Croydon Road, Wallington, Surrey. 

Walters, Dr. S. M., Botany School, Downing Street, Cam- 

Wanstall, P. J., Dytchleys, Coxtie Green, Brentwood, Hssex. 

Warburg, HE. F., M.A., Ph.D., F.L.S., South Hayes, Yarnell’s 
Hill, Oxford. 

Warburg, Mrs. P., South Hayes, Yarnell’s Hill, Oxford. 

Ward, B. T., 24 Long Deacon Road, London, E.4. 

Warren, C. Henry, Timbers, Finchingfield, Essex. 

J Warren, P. T., 23 Rockhampton Road, S. Croydon, Surrey. 





Warren, W. E., Selborne, Horsell Rise, Horsell, Woking, 

Warren, Mrs. W. E., Selborne, Horsell Rise, Horsell, Woking, 

Warwick, Miss P. Jane, 28 Weoley Hill, Selly Oak, Birming- 
ham, 29. 

Washington, Smithsonian Institution (The Librarian), Wash- 
ington, 25, D.C., U.S.A. 

Washington, Library of State College of, Pullman, Washing- 
ton, D.C., U.S.A. 

S Washington, University of, Library, Acquisitions Division, 


Seattle 5, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 

Washington, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (The Librarian), 
Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 

NWiasitie,) ie aly Wauonden Cottage, Quatermile Road, 
@haalming! Surrey. 

Waterfield, R., 7 Buckeridge Road, Teignmouth, Devon. 

Watson, Dr. EH. Vernon, 15 Ikley Road, Caversham Heights, 
Reading, Berks. 

Watson, H. G., 2 Greendykes Road, Dundee, Angus. 

Watt, A. S., Ph.D., Botany School, Downing Street, Cam- 

Watt, Dr. George, Rosevale, Langholm, Dumfriesshire. 

Watt, Mrs. W. Boyd, M.B.O.U., F.Z.S., San Simeon, 52 Wim- 
borne Road, Bournemouth, Hanis. 

Watts, W. A., Dept. of Botany, University College, Hull. 









Webb, Prof. D:-—A., M.A.,°2bh_D: ¥.L.8., Trmity Colleze; 
Dublin, Irish Republic. 

Webb, Miss Patricia C., B.Sc., 1 Dyneley Road, London, S.E.12. 

Webster, Miss M. McCallum, Quay Cottage, Findhorn, Forres. 

Weimarck, Prof. H., Institute of Systematic Botany, Lund, 

Welch, Mrs. B., B.Sc., 203 Lichfield Court, Richmond, Surrey. 

Wells, Mrs. E. M., 4 Chellow Terrace, Chellow Dene, Bradford, 

Welsby, Brian, B.Sc., 87 Ellesmere Road, Lower Walton, near 
Warrington, Lancs. 

West, C., O.B.E., D.Sc., M.A., F.L.S., 56 Teapot Lane, Ayles- 
ford, Kent. 

Westrup, A. W., B.Sc., 47 The Dale, Widley, Portsmouth, Hants. 

Wethered, Miss D. M., Wocdside, Walton St. Mary, Cievedon, 

Whelan, Miss E. M., 6 Coombe Road, Saltash, Cornwall. 

Whellan, Lt. J. A., Entomological Branch, R.E.M.E., P.O. 
Box 8100, Causeway, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. 

Whicker, Mrs. G., Flat B, Woodlane House, Woodlane, 
Falmouth, Cornwall. 

White, F., B.Sc., 9 Longwall Street, Oxford. 

White, Miss Gwendolen, 12 Ranelagh Road, Winchester, 

White, P. H. F., M.A., F.L.S., Science Schools, Harrow 
School, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Middlesex. , 

Whitehead, Dr. F. H., University Dept. of Botany, South 
Parks Road, Oxford. 

Whitehead, Mrs. L. E., Rydal Mount, 37 Bodenham Roaa, 

Whiting, Miss M. M., Rosemary Cottage, Blythburgh, Hales- 
worth, Suffolk. 

Whitton, B. A., 91 The Quadrant, London, S.W.20. 

Whyte, Miss Jean M., University College, Keele, N. Staffs. 

Wicking, Charles E., 140 Railton Road, London, §$.E.24. 

Wiggins, E. D., Gulpher Hall, Felixstowe, Suffolk. 

Wilkinson, J. S., 26 Golders Rise, London, N.W.4. 

Wilkinson, Mrs. V. M., 6 Trefusis House. Exmouth, Devon. 

Wilks, H. M., 1 Medina Avenue, Joy Lane, Seasalter, Whit- 
stable, Kent. 

‘ Wilks, Mrs. H. M., 1 Medina Avenue, Joy Lane, Seasalter, 

Whitstable, Kent. 

Wilks, Miss Mary, 1 Medina Avenue, Joy Lane, Seasalter, 
Whitstable, Kent. 

Willé, J. E., M.A., B.Sc., 77 Gurney Court Road, St. Albans, 

Willé, Mrs. P. A., 77 Gurney Court Road, St. Albans, Herts. 

i ae 











Williams, D. N., Orchard House, Dunster, near Minehead, 

Williams, I. A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., West Hall, Kew, Richmond, 

Williams, John, M.A., 14 Derwent Road, Lancaster. 

Williams, J. Trevor, 18 Dawson Road, Long Lane, Cheadle, 

Williams, L. H., B.Sc., 31 Armour Road, Tilehurst, Reading, 

Williams, Mrs. M. M., Orchard House, Dunster, near Mine- 

head, Somerset. 
Williams, Dr. W. B., 59 Station Road, Portslade, Sussex. 

J Williams, W. D.. 77 Lawrence Road; Wavertree, Liverpool, 15. 

Williams, Dr. W. T., Botany Dept., University College, South- 
ampton, Hants. 

Williamson, Miss Joan D., The Knoll, Lake Side, near Ulver- 
ton, Lancs. 

Williamson, M. H., Fairfield, Pullens Lane, Oxford. 

Wilson, Albert K., 9 The Avenue, Anlaby, near Hull, Yorks. 

Wilson, Miss B. A., Whitestacks, Bisham Road, Marlow, Bucks. 

Wilson, Donald, B.Sc., Research Station, Long Ashton, 

Wilson, Mrs. Klizabeth, Roughets Weald, Sevenoaks, Kent. 

Wise, Dr. David, Mount Pleasant, The Grove, Rowlands Gill, 
Co. Durham. 

Wise, R. D., The Rookery, Ashford-in-the-Water, Derby. 

Wolfe, Victor, 26 Redesdale Road, Mount Merrion, Co. 
Dublin, Irish Republic. 

S Wolverhampton, South Staffordshire Naturalists’ Society, 

(Secretary, Miss K. B. Walker), 97 Allen Road, Wolver- 
Wood, Miss A. F., Waysmeet, Cores End, Bourne End, Bucks. 
Wood, C. A., ‘‘Glynmead’’, Perrymead, Bath, Somerset. 

J Wood, Hubert, A.M.I.E.T., c/o L. J. Williams Marketing Co., 

68 Marine Square, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. 

Wood, P. J., White Roding, Burghclere, Newbury, Berks. 

Wood, R. E., 27 Kingsdown Park, Whitstable, Kent. 

Woodell, S. R. J., B.Sc., 198 Holland Park Avenue, London, 

Woodhead, J. E., B.Sce., F.1.C., Ph.C., 325 Kennington Road, 
London, S.E.11. 

Woods, Mrs. D. V. G., Western Ting Tong, Budleigh Salter- 
ton, Devon. 

Woolman, J. F., F.L.S., Cardah, Olton Road, Shirley, Bir- 

Wray, E. V., Selwood, Humberstone, Grimsby, Lincs. 

1927 L Wright, Dr. F. R. Elliston, Braunton, Barnstaple, Devon. 









J Wright, R. S., Pageites, Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey. 

Wylie, Miss A. P., Dept. of Botany, The University, Man- 
chester, 13. 

Yeo, P. F., University Botanic Garden, Cambridge. 3 

Yeoman, Miss Ruth, The Green, Brompton, Northallerton, 

Young, Rev. Canon Andrew, LL.D., The Vicarage, Stonegate, 
Wadhurst, Sussex. 

Young,. Miss B. M:,. D.Sc.- (Hort), NED The Giles; 
Rickmansworth, Herts. 

Young, Donald P., B.Sc., Ph.D., A.R.LC.; Green Woods, 3 
Essendon Road, Sanderstead, Surrey. 

Young, Miss Gertrude A., 5 Woodlands Terrace, Glasgow, C.3. 

Younger, Mrs. H. J., Baro, Haddington. 


Honorary Members ... ae oa ee es 19 
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A Magazine of Natural History 

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The Editor, Department of Botany, Queen’s University, Belfast 

(Clapham, Tutin & Warburg). Over 500 plants illustrated. 
26/3 post free. 

New Edition (price not yet fixed). 

In Stock: ‘‘Witp FLOWERS IN THE GARDEN’’ (Ingwersen), 
First Cheap Edition. 6/9 post free. 

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1 R JUL1957 

Continued from inside front cover 

COMMITTEES FOR, 1957-1958. 

Development and Rules Meetings 
D. E. Allen (Hon. Sec.) D. E. Allen 
A. H. G. Alston EK. B. Bangerter 
Dr. H. J. M. Bowen Dr. H. J. M. Bowen (Hon. Sec.) 
Miss M. S. Campbell Mrs. A. N. Gibby 
J. S. L. Gilmour PC Hall 
R. A. Graham Dr. F. Perring. 
DoH. Kent Dr. E. M. Rosser 
R. D. Meikle Mrs. B. H. S. Russell 
E. Milne-Redhead Mrs. B. Welch 
O. V. Polunin 
Dr. E. F. Warburg 
Publications Conservation 
J. P. M. Brenan Captain C. Diver 
J. E. Dandy ROA Gish 
R. A. Graham Oe Poets 
D. H. Kent HN. Hepper 
J. EK. Lousley J. E. Lousley (Hon. Sec.) 
H. K. Airy Shaw E. Milne-Redhead 
R. M. Payne Dr. C. D. Pigott 

N. Y. Sandwith 

EC Wallace V. S. Summerhayes 

Dr. S. M. Walters Dr. S. M. Walters 
P. J. Wanstall (Hon. Sec.) P. J. Wanstall 
Dr. E. F. Warburg Mrs. B. Welch 
Maps | Dr. D. P. Young 
Prof. A. R. Clapham 
(Hon. Sec.) 
Dr. H. Godwin Junior Activities 
= 2 Gas iy Eaton 
R. D. ees — M. E. Bradshaw 
E. Milne-Redhead Miss H. Franks 
Dr. C. D. Pigott Miss L. W. Frost 
W. T. Stearn Miss B. M. C. Morgan 
Prof. T. G. Tutin T. Ounsicd 
EK. C. Wallace : 
Dr. S. M. Walters OY: eae 
Dr. E. F. Warburg Dr. C. T. Prime 
Prof. D. A. Webb A. W. Westrup (Hon. Sec.) 


Miss M. S. Campbell *Professor J. R. Matthews 
*Miss U. K. Duncan +B. W. Ribbons (Hon. Sec.) 
*D. M. Henderson ; +J. Grant Roger 

R. Mackechnie *Dr. G. Taylor 

*Appointed by the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 
+Appointed by the Botanical Society of the British Isles 



Published Twice Yearly 

Price 15} per part 

Obtainable from Mr E. B. BANGERTER 

c/o Department of Botany, British Museum, 
(Natural History ), London, S.W.7 


Edited by J. E. LOUSLEY 

The purpose of this volume is to make available to a wider public 

the papers read at the very successful Conference arranged by the 

Botanical Society of the British Isles in 1956. The contributors 

include Dr. J. G. Dony, K. Jones, J. E. Lousley, Canon C. E. 

Raven, Prof. P. W. Richards, Dr. F. Rose, Prof. D. H. Valentine, 
Dr. 8. M. Walters and Dr. F. H. Whitehead. 

Demy 8vo., 128 pages, with 4 half-tone plates and 15 maps and figures in 
the text. Bound in buckram. 



Mr. E. B. Bancerrer, c/o Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural 
History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7 


Editor: D, H. KENT (ofa 
Vol. 2 NOVEMBER 1957 Pt. 2 
West NorFrotkK Wittows. By E. L. Swann _... ee she fo Ok 
ALISMA GRAMINEUM IN Britain. By J. E. Lousley ae ... 346 

County DurHam. By J. A. Richardson ... ay .. 354 

A New Hasirat FOR OSMUNDA REGALIS. By P. Jane Warwick... 362 


PLANT RECORDS aS See a sich mae ae woe OOF 
FIELD Mretines, 1955 ie was a Re Se .. 401 
FieLtp Meetines, 1956 Panes ie he a roe! 405 
REVIEWS oe a es re Be ne ier ... 424 
Books RECEIVED ae ae ae Be Bee a fluc AZo 
OBITUARY oe i ree i ee a oe wee AQT 
-PERSONALIA AND Notices TO MEMBERS _... ae os w. » 429 

0/0 DEPARTMENT OF Botany, British Mustum (Natura HisTory), 

Lonpon, S.W.7 



Patroness: H.R.H. THe Princess Royar 

Applications for Membership should be addressed to the Hen. Assistant 
Secretary: D. H. KENT, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13, from whom 
copies of the Sccieity’s Prospectus may be obtained 

APRIL 127, 1957 

President: Prof. T. G. Tutin 

Vice-Presidents: J. E. Lousley, N. Y. Sandwith, G. M. Ash, 
Prof. D. A. Webb 

Honorary General Secretary : Dr. J. G. Dony 

Honorary Treasurer : E. L. Swann 

Honorary Editor : Dr. E. F. Warburg 

Honorary Meetings Secretary : Dr. H. J. M. Bowen 

(in order of seniority for purposes of Rule 3 (e)) 

Elected April 1954 Elected April 1956 

O. Buckle J. E. Dandy 

Prof. H. G. Baker P. C. Hall 

D. McClintock J. Grant Roger 

Dr. E. M. Rosser Miss C. M. Rob 
Elected April 1955 Elected April 1957 

Dr. F. Rose A. W. Westrup 

C. E. Hubbard Dr. S. M. Walters 

P. J. Wanstall E. Milne-Redhead 

J. E. Raven Miss L. W. Frost 

Honorary Assistant Secretaries D. H. Kent and Mrs. B. Welch 
Honorary Assistant Treasurer : PP. M. Newey 
Honorary Field Secretary P. C. Hall 


Association of School Natural History Societies : A. W. Westrup 
Biological Council : Dr. E. F. Warburg 
Field Studies Council : J. E. Lousley 

Continued on tnstde of back cover 

ie ~~ 



By Eric L. Swann 

“Willows should be particularly studied at three different 
seasons: the flowering time, the early part of summer, when 
the young shoots, with their stipulas and expanding foliage, are 
to be observed; and finally when the leaves are come to their 
full size. No botanist, therefore, can be competent to form an 
opinion about them, unless he resides among the wild ones, for 
several seasons, or continually observes them in a garden. No 
hasty traveller over a country, no collector of dried specimens, or 
compiler of descriptions, can judge of their characters, or 
essential differences”’. 

So wrote Sir James Edward Smith in The English Flora (1828), 
vol. IV, page 165, in his introduction to the genus Salix. He was 
a Norfolk man and his work has many references to stations in 
the west of the county where his friend Crowe had an estate. 
Although Crowe’s willow-garden was at Lakenham in East 
Norfolk this paper will only deal with those species recorded for 
West Norfolk and will make some attempt to give a picture of 
the present-day willow population. Unfortunately Smith did not 
believe in hybrids and stated his opinion in no uncertain terms: 

“Full 30 years have I laboured at this task, 10 of them under the 
instructive auspices of my late friend, Mr. Crowe, in whose garden 
every willow that could be got was cultivated. . . The plants 
were almost daily visited and watched by their possessor, whom 
no character or variation escaped; seedlings innumerable, spring- 
ing up all over the ground, were never destroyed till their species 
were determined, and the immutability of each verified by our 
joint inspection. This was thé more material, to set aside the 
gratuitous suppositions of the mixture of species, or the production 
of new, or hybrid ones, of which, no more than of any change in 
established species, I have never met with an instance” (l.c., 

Such an observation is difficult to reconcile in these days when 
every neglected and water-logged gravel pit becomes quickly 
filled with a multitude of hybrids with usually S. viminalis, S. 
alba or S. cinerea among the parents. 

The banning of imported willows at the time of the Napoleonic 
wars resulted in serious attention being given to their cultivation 
in this country. Here, Norfolk was able to provide ideal conditions 
with its slow-moving streams and fertile soil, and Smith had 
ideal opportunities for his studies. He himself described no 


fewer than twenty-eight out of a total of sixty-four species and 
Norfolk provided nearly half this total. Salicologists following 
Smith were very unwilling to differ from one who had devoted 
so much time to their study and his influence extended over 
many years. Even to-day, when due allowance is made for the 
ease with which willows hybridise, Smith’s treatment in Sowerby’s 
English Botany remains one of the best in English works. As 
Fraser (1926) stated, “In many cases to-day, Smith’s species 
remain where he left them at the beginning of the nineteenth 
century except that the x denotes that they are hybrids and not 
true species’. 

The present-day status of many of the willows, especially the 
trees, is very difficult to assess. Natural stations are so much 
confused by plants introduced, both intentionally and 
unintentionally, in the vicinity of water and in hedgerows, that 
discrimination is well-nigh impossible in such species as S. alba, 
S. fragilis, S. triandra, S. purpurea and S. viminalis. Owing to 
adventitious roots, any stick put in to mark riverside operations, 
such as weed-cutting, sites of rat-holes, and eel-traps, very quickly 
grows into a bush or tree. 


SALIX PENTANDRA L. Bay Willow. Not a native with us. 
Until 1950 five female bushes grew in old fen scrub east of 
Blackborough Priory, near Middleton; Cockley Cley (2. S. Edees). 

S. ALBA L. White Willow. Both native and planted. Com- 
mon throughout the vice-county in suitable habitats. 

Var. CAERULEA (Sm.) Sm. Cricket-bat Willow. Pyramidal in 
habit and surpassing S. alba in height. Frequently planted by 
faster-moving streams as at Westacre; West Bilney; and Ryston. 
Although Smith was not aware of the uses to be made of this 
plant in the world of sport he had some pertinent observations 
on this variety: “ much more valuable for cultivation (than 
S. alba) ... its qualities are of the highest importance. The 
superior value of the wood and bark, the rapid growth, as well as 
handsome aspect, of the tree, its silvery-blue colour, its easy 

propagation and culture .. . all render it so superior to our 
Sommon White Willow .. .” (l.c., 232). 

Var. ELYENSIS Burtt Davy. First described in 1938 from trees 
found on the Ryston estate. Differs from S. alba in its relatively 
longer catkins and slightly drooping branchlets, and from var. 
caerulea in its one-year old coppice shoots being greenish in spring 
and winter instead of mahogany-coloured. 


Var. VITELLINA (L.) Stokes. Golden Willow. Frequently 
planted for both use and ornament. Field-study has shown that 
this is not a form brought about by cutting-over or lopping. 
Admittedly when S. alba is lopped many of the new stems are 
yellow or even reddish but they do not have the varnished or 
shining appearance of this variety which is distinguishable from 
half a mile away. The catkin scales are long and narrow; keel- 
shaped, and shaggy. The ovaries are not abortive and are about 
as long as the scales. Found at Bawsey; North Wootton; and 

S. FRaGILIS L. agg. Crack Willow. Both native and intro- 
duced. Study of the literature has revealed much confusion over 
the “fragilis” group. The specific epithet must have added to the 
perplexity for the brittleness is certainly neither a_ specific 
distinction nor indeed exclusive to this group. Linnaeus (1763) 
described his tree as “SALIx (fragilis) foliis serratis glabris ovato- 
lanceolatis, petiolis dentata glandulosis”’. ‘This is vague and does 
not discriminate with certainty from some allied species. R. D. 
Meikle informs me (in litt.) “Received some specimens of S. 
fragilis from Uppsala, probably derived from the tree which 
Linnaeus had in mind . . . These Swedish specimens are identical 
with the S. fragilis described by Smith in English Botany, edition 
1, and illustrated by Sowerby . . . they are distinct from S. 
russelliiana, S. decipiens (called S. fragilis by Floderus) and S. 
basfordiana”’ (see later). 

There are thus four distinct entities all named “S. fragilis” at 
various times by British botanists, and all four are to be found 
in West Norfolk. 

S. FRAGILIS L., sec. Smith, Eng. Bot. (S. alba x fragilis forma 
monstrosa sec. Floderus). Crack Willow. Native and frequent. 
The branches spread at a wide angle (up to 90°) and frequently 
cross each other, a character easily seen in winter and early 
spring, and contrasting with the straighter and less angular 
insertion of the branches of S. russelliana. Leaves lanceolate, 
acuminate, asymmetrical, regularly serrate throughout. Catkins 
long, arcuate, and with very shaggy scales. 

Var. LATIFOLIA Anderss. Introduced. Bears leaves uniformly 
and constantly wider than S. fragilis. Roadside near Roydon 
Common and “near Islington church, Tilney All Saints” (R. C. L. 
Howitt in litt.). 

S. RUSSELLIANA Sm. Bedford Willow. Occasional. Introduced. 
Only female trees seen. Catkins longer and straighter than S. 
fragilis, lacking the very shaggy scales, and with leaves frequently 
coarsely biserrate. Coalyard Creek, Wolferton; Reffley Marshes, 


S. DECIPIENS Hoffm. White Welsh, or Varnished Willow. 
Always planted. Smith gives this tree as “cultivated in several 
osier-grounds of Norfoik” but it appears to have died out as a 
result of being of little value economically. Recently planted at 
Larch Wood, Beechamwell. A small tree with mature twigs 
ochre-yellow and fresh twigs stained with crimson. Leaves are 
wide, ovate-lanceolate, and quite glabrous from their first unfold- 
ing. The male catkins are slender, few in number, and less than 
one inch long. 

S. BASFORDIANA Scaling ex Salter. The following description 
is taken from Salter (1882), “Under the name S. basfordiana, the 
well-known Willow nurseryman, Mr. Scaling, has for many years 
distributed a very beautiful Willow which deserves general 
cultivation. Under the name S. sanguinea, Mr. Scaling also sells 
another Willow having the closest resemblance to the first. The 
one is male and the other female; and I am satisfied they are 
the two sexes of the same species. I have not succeeded in 
finding any scientific description of this Willow, and I propose 
to describe it now under the appellation given to the male 
plant, S. basfordiana. 

When I first received this Willow from Mr. Scaling in 1871, 
he informed me that he had found it some years before growing 
in the Forest of Ardennes in the north of France, from whence he 
subsequently obtained cuttings. 

Salix basfordiana belongs to the section of the Willows called 
“Fragiles’”’, which, by the way, very little deserves the appella- 
tion: it is especially imapplicable to the species now under 
consideration. It grows of considerable height in a_ broad 
pyramidal shape: the foliage is bright, abundant, and handsome. 
But the most striking beauty of the tree is the bark, which is 
briluant orange passing to red in the terminal twigs, with a 
shining, polished surface. The colour is very remarkable, and 
altogether surpasses that of our Golden Osier, S. vitellina. The 
bark of the female plant is rather darker than in the male, 
especially on the small terminal branches . . . Salix basfordiana 
has considerable resemblances to three of our native Fragiles. 
The foliage and glossy smoothness of the bark—though not its 
colour—resemble S. decipiens: the female catkins and ovaries are 
very like those of S. russelliana, while the male catkins resemble 
S. fragilis. 

The early catkins and the foliage appear together, usually 
about the third or fourth week of April. The leaves are 
lanceolate, pointed, slightly serrated, and very glabrous. When 
the growth is very vigorous large stipules are produced; but they 
are often entirely wanting. The young twigs and the developing 
leaves are frequently stained with crimson, as in S. decipiens. 

Salix basfordiana Scaling ex Salter 
Reffley Marshes, Gaywood, W. Norfolk 


Salix calodendron Wimm. 

Wolferton Marsh, W. Nortolk 


Female catkins cylindrical, about 12” long. Ovaries adpressed 
to the axis, as in S. russelliana. Scales smooth, very slightly 
ciliated at the edge, or not at all, about two-thirds the length of 
the ovary. Germen nearly sessile, lanceolate, smooth, closely 
resembling S. russelliana. Style longer than the bifid stigma. 

Male catkins cylindrical, often reaching 23” in length. Scale 
slightly ciliated, about half the length of the stamens. The male 
catkins are handsome, abundant, pale yellow, with an agreeable 
perfume, and are much frequented by bees. 

The provisional name, “basfordiana”’, has been given to the 
Willow, after the parish, Basford, Notts., in which Mr. Scaling 
resides, and where he cultivates an enormous collection of species 
and varieties of Salices with great success”. 

Salter’s observation on the colouration does not apply to west 
Norfolk trees for whereas S. vitellina can be picked out from 
half a mile away this does not hold for S. basfordiana. Salter 
was writing about trees growing at Basingstoke on clay soil lying 
immediately on the chalk, but the soil in the West Norfolk 
stations is sand and gravel. It is suggested that this will account 
for the lack of colouration compared with the Hampshire 

S. TRIANDRA L. Long-leaved Triandrous Willow. Native. 
Common in carrs and by streamsides. Flowers occasionally a 
second time in the summer. 

S. HOFFMANNIANA Sm. Short-leaved Triandrous Willow. “A 
shrub of more humble growth” (Borrer im litt. to Smith). “Several 
varieties, if not distinct species, are comprehended under the name 
of S. triandra. Of these I venture to separate one as S. 
hoffmannana ... The leaves vary from 14 to 24 inches in length, 
are in no respect linear (their sides being nowhere parallel), but 
either truly ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, with a very taper point” 
(ie) 168). 

A shrub corresponding to this has been seen at Cranberry 
Wood, East Winch, which at one time formed part of Crowe’s 

S. AMYGDALINA Sm. SBroad-leaved Triandrous Willow, or 
Almond-leaved Willow. Crowe found this at Badley Moor, 
Dereham, but it has not been refound. 

Forms of S. triandra are puzzling and it is felt not only that 
more than one species has been included under this name but 
also that the 18th and 19th century botanists may have had some 
justification in subdividing the species. 

are frequent components of willow-carrs and the hybrid is occa- 
sionally seen as at Reffley Marshes, Gaywood. Walpole St. Peter 
(Rh. C. L. Howitt in litt.). 


S. PURPUREA L. Bitter Purple Willow. Native. Frequent. 
Bawsey; Wolferton; Newton-by-Castleacre; East Winch; 
Thompson Water; Pentney; Santon. 

S. PURPUREA X VIMINALIS (8S. x RUBRA Huds.). Green-leaved 
Oster. Native. Occasionally found with parents. Litcham; 
abundant at Bawsey. In some cases of presumed hybridity 
confirmation has been made by examination of suitably stained 
pollen grains. In the present plant the grains were irregular in 
sizes ranging from 27 to 19 with many abortive. 

“S. LAMBERTIANA”’ Sm., and “S. HELIX” L. Both these species 
were recorded for Norfolk by Smith but they appear to be names 
for those forms of the hybrid approaching the parental leaf- 
forms; “S. lambertiana”’ where S. purpurea is dominant, and “S. 
helix” where 8. viminalis is more evident. 

S. FORBIANA Sm. Fine Basket Osier. Described by Smith from 
the plant sent by the Rev. Joseph Forby to Crowe from Fincham. 
R. D. Meikle (in litt.) refers this plant to the ternary hybrid S. 
cinerea x purpurea x viminalis. In his description Smith notes 
the resemblance of the fertile catkins to “S. helix’ but remarks 
on the widely-differing leaves “approaching to a truly lanceolate 
form” (evidence of S. viminalis) and the “original plant . . . was 
found now and then, to bear a solitary stamen” (further 
evidence of hybridity). Search has failed to find it “in several 
osier-grounds near Lynn’, and it only appears in the north of 
the vice-county at Holkham in an old osier-carr on the estate of 
the Earl of Leicester. 

S. ACUTIFOLIA Willd. (S. pruinosa Wendl.). Violet Willow. 
Alien. Introduced by roadside on Leziate Heath from a 
neighbouring garden. The very early flowering catkins prove all 
too attractive to passers-by and the three small trees suffer 
considerable damage. The description of this handsome species 
by Fraser (1926) is characteristic of trees left to grow naturally 
“The long slender twigs bend or droop downwards with the 
weight of their own foliage. The leaves are always very narrow, 
linear-lanceolate, attenuate to a slender point, and regularly 
glandular-serrate or glandular-crenate. The bark in winter is 
blackish-violet and in summer is densely pruinose, almost white”. 

S. VIMINALIS L. Common Osier. Introduced. Grown com- 
mercially on a fairly large scale for its long, straight, flexible, and 
tough branches. The female trees outnumber the males as they 
are more vigorous in growth and therefore more satisfactory from 
the grower’s point of view. Possibly less variable than any other 
species but forms with deeply bifid stigmas (var. intricata Leefe) 
are frequently seen. 



S. CALODENDRON Wimm. (S. acuminata sensu Sm.). Black 
Willow; Long-leaved Sallow. Introduced and rare. Variously re- 
garded as a species or as the hybrid S. caprea x viminalis. All the 
West Norfolk trees are female with very large leaves on the sterile 
branches (some measuring 14 ecm. x 5 cm.). Both in flower with 
the arcuate, densely silky greyish catkins, and in leaf the species 
has a remarkably distinct appearance. Material has _ been 
distributed through the B.S.B.I. Exchange. The plate numbered 
16 in Camus (1904) shows the characters of the Norfolk plants. 
It grows on H.M. The Queen’s estate at Wolferton and also 
surrounds a few cottage-gardens at Holme-next-the-Sea. For a 
full account of this interesting species see Meikle (1952). 

S. CAPREA L. Goat Willow. Native. Frequent. It would 
appear that it is more frequently met with under neutral or 
alkaline soil conditions, both wet and dry. Frequent in some 
of the woodlands overlying chalky boulder clay of mid-Norfolk 
and in some of the small calcareous valley-fens typical of the 

S. CAPREA X VIMINALIS (S. x SERICANS Tausch) is far less 
common than S. cinerea x viminalis as the two parents are not 
often seen together. Where this does occur, as at West Bilney, 
on a calcareous fen, the hybrid nature of the scattered bushes is 
very evident. Flowering is erratic and occurs over a long period; 
much of the pollen is abortive; there is a considerable range in 
leaf-shape; and many capsules fail to ripen. 

S. CINEREA L. (S. aquatica Sm.). Water Sallow; Common 
Sallow. Smith’s specific epithet, the habitat and frequency he 
noted, are all as apposite to-day as when he wrote 129 years ago. 
It is without doubt our most widespread species and is “extremely 
common in wet hedgerows, woods, swamps, and the banks of 
ponds or rivers”. 

probably the most common hybrid and the name “smithiana”’ 
applied to it by British salicologists for a great many years was 
given by Willdenow to commemorate our great salicologist. 

S. ATROCINEREA Brot. So far as West Norfolk is concerned we 
do not appear to have any sallows that can justifiably be called 
S. atrocinerea. The only hard-and-fast character separating this 
from S. cinerea is the rusty hairs; all other differences are purely 
relative. As S. cinerea is so abundant the variation is considerable 
and it may well be that we have here an island race or 
ecogeographical divergence. Buchanan White (1890) suggested 
that there might well be an insular form of S. cinerea in Britain 
and the differences between it and the continental plant would 


become greater by separation. He was not familiar with 
S. atrocinerea as he saw but one plant, although he noticed a 
difference in the male catkin compared with the British plants of 
S. cinerea. A. & E. G. Camus (1905) state that S. atrocinerea has 
male catkins with their stamens joined together for some distance 
but none of our plants has this character. Among the synonyms 
they give appears S. rubra x cinerea and in such a case connate 
stamens would be understandable. Linton (1913) considered the 
two were conspecific but Fraser (1932) forthrightly stated “S. 
cinerea is not British”. Since Brotero described his plant from 
Portuguese material it would appear that it is a member of the 
Oceanic West European Element and although we can claim some 
30% of this element in West Norfolk it is difficult to look upon 
this species as part of the indigenous willow population. 

S. auRnirA L. Round-eared Sallow. Native. Common. Here 
again Smith’s observations are confirmed by recent field-study. 
“There are some graduations between the common appearance 
of this Salix and its ultimate very small-leaved variety ‘B’. 

We meet with a small-leaved form in very wet places. A 
monoecious form (forma pseudohermaphrodita Gagn.) grows on 
East Winch Common. 

S. AURITA X CAPREA (S. x CAPREOLA A. Kerner ex Anderss.). A 
very uncommon plant as the flowering times of the parents are 
not identical. Possibly one plant of this grows on Roydon 

rare plant as the parents rarely grow together. Recorded from 
Roydon Common. 

S. AURITA X REPENS (8. x AMBIGUA Ehrh.). The parents often 
grow together on heaths, but we have only one undisputed plant 
of the hybrid—on Roydon Common. On the Continent this 
hybrid is frequent but it may well be that the difficulty of detect- 
ing hybrids here is bound up with the extremely aberrant forms 
of the “repens” group. 

S. NIGRICANS Sm. Dark-broad-leaved Willow. Smith records 
this from “Wrongay” Fen. Wormegay Fen is not more than two 
miles from Cranberry Fen (on Crowe’s estate) but to-day is but 
a small fraction of its former size. It is difficult to think that 
this Scottish and northern species occurred naturally in Norfolk. 
We know that Crowe cultivated willows on a large scale “more 
especially all that could be obtained from any part of Britain, 
by that unrivalled collector, Mr. Dickson” and it seems probable 
that this species was one sent from the north. 


S. PHYLICIFOLIA L. (S. croweana Sm.).° SBroad-leaved 
Monadelphous Willow. “Discovered by Mr. Crowe, at Cranberry 
Fen, in the parish of East Winch, and in other parts of Norfolk”. 
Extensive search has been made for this plant, again a strictly 
northern species, but without success. 

S. REPENS L. agg. Creeping Willow. Abundant on heaths and 
in fens. The “repens” forms are bewildering in their variation 
and appear to defy any satisfactory classification. Many answer 
well to the description of Smith’s S. adscendens while others 
may be referred to his S. argentea. Very rarely a truly creeping 
form may be seen, as on wet heath at Grimston Warren, and 
there is an interesting erect form on the peat overlying glacial 
eravel at East Winch Common. As defined by Floderus S. repens 
has glabrous ovaries and pedicels, a medium to rather a long 
style, and two stigmas. Plants with glabrous ovaries are 
uncommon and the majority have very hairy indumentum. 

It would be interesting to attempt a rehabilitation of some of 
Smith’s described forms and particularly to find that curious 
plant S. foetida and its var. parvifolia on which he writes that 
“They are both distinguishable from every other Willow, known 
to me, by a most nauseous scent, like that of some fresh-water 
fish . . . This odour becomes powerfully offensive, when fresh 
specimens have been confined for two or three days in a tin box”! 

For the time being we name all our plants of this group, 
S. arenaria x repens, teste Floderus. 

I should like to record my indebtedness to Mr. R. D. Meikle 
for his help in reading the manuscript and especially for his 
assistance with the “Fragiles” group. 


CAMUS, A. & E. G., 1904, Atlas de la Monographie des Saules de France. Paris. 

, 1905, Classification et Monographie des Saules d’Europe, 2. Paris. 

DAVYX, J. BURTT, 1938, A new variety of. Salix alba L., J. Bot., 76, 141-143. 

FRASER, J., 1926, Explanations of the Salix list in the London Catalogue, Rep. 
Bot. Soc. & E.C., 7, 983-990. 

, 1932, Revised nomenclature of Salix, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., 10, 367-371. 

LINNAEUS, C., 1763, Species Plantarum. Ed. 2. Uppsala. 

LINTON, E. F., 1913, The British Willows, supplement J. Bot., 51. 

METKLE, R. D., 1952, Salix calodendron Wimm. in Britain, Watsonia, 9, 243-248. 

SALTER, J., 1882, Salix Basfordiana, Gard. Chron., 17, 298. 

SMITH, J. E., 1828, The English Flora, vol. 4, Lond. 

SMITH, J. E. & SOWERBY, J., 1790-1814, English Botany, 36 vols. Lond. 

WHITE, F. BUCHANAN, 1890, A revision of the British Willows, J. Linn. Soc.. 

27, 333-457. 


By J. E. LousLey 

The discovery by Miss E. J. Gibbons of Alisma gramineum 
Lejeune in Lincolnshire in 1955 has implications of greater 
importance than the mere addition of a second station for a 
species already known from England. The plant in the new 
locality is the deep water submerged form growing in streams 
and the antithesis of the form previously known from shallow 
water on the margin of an artificial lake in Worcestershire. Its 
discovery greatly widens our knowledge of the ecological condi- 
tions under which the species can thrive in Britain and establishes 
its status as a native beyond reasonable doubt. 

The species of Alisma, like many other aquatics, are extremely 
plastic, and the characters derived from the flowers and fruits 
offer the most reliable means of identification. A. gramineum is 
readily distinguished from other species occurring in western 
Europe by the spirally coiled style and the shape of the achene, 
which is broadest near the apex (Pilate 6). The vegetative 
characters vary extremely widely with differences in water- 
level, and while the typical species as it occurs in Lincoln- 
shire, with flowers, fruit and narrow (3-5 mm.), elongated (60-70 
em.) leaves all submerged, can hardly be taken for any other 
species, the plants growing in shallow water or on mud may be 
confused with A. lanceolatum With., or even A. plantago-aquatica 
L. It was not until Samuelsson published his full revision of the 
genus in 1932 that this plastic species was properly understood : 
prior to this descriptions and citation of synonyms were generally 
unreliable. The distribution of the species as worked out by 
Samuelsson, with subsequent additions, is known to extend from 
central Asia through Europe to Holland, Belgium, eastern France 
and England, with outliers in Tangier (?) and Egypt. In addition 
there are two areas in North America where plants accepted as 
conspecific occur, and the subsp. wahlenbergii Holmberg ex 
Samuelsson (1922) ranges over limited areas in Sweden and 
Finland (fig. 1). 

Alisma gramineum Lejeune falls into two subspecies : —(a) 
subsp. gramineum with thick-walled achenes 2mm. or more in 
length and (b) subsp. wahlenbergii with thin-walled achenes 1-5-2 
mm. in length, and with other differences. The known range of 
the latter round the Gulf of Bothnia and northern side of the 
Gulf of Finland suggests that it is very unlikely to be found in 
Britain, and only subsp. graminewm (subsp. arcuatum (Michalet) 
Hyland. (1941, 1945, 1953)) will be further considered here. This 


Alisma gramineum—a, ovary; b, stamen; ¢, achene. Alisma plantago- 
aquatica—d, ovary; e, stamen; f, achene. Alisma_ lanceolatum—gq, 


ovary; fh, stamen; 7, achene. 
From Schotsman, Ned Kruid. Archief., 56, 202, 1949. 


occurs in two extreme forms which, following Tournay and 
Lawalrée (1949) may be distinguished as. follows: — 

(a) forma gramineum Tournay & Lawalrée (1949) (A. 
gramineum Lejeune (1811); A. gramunfolium Ehrhardt 
(app. Steudel, 1821); A. graminea C. C. Gmelin (1826); 
A. loeselui Gorski (1830)). Plant submerged with all parts 
elongated; flowering stem 20-60 cm. long; leaves ribbon- 
like, 40-60 cm. long and 0-4-1-4 cm. wide but dilated at 
the base, nerves all parallel. 

(b) forma arcuatum (Michalet sensu stricto) Tournay & 
Lawalrée (1949) (A. arcuatum Michalet (1854)). Plant 
not submerged; flowering stem 10-25 cm. tall; leaves 
with slender petiole 1-6-5 em. long, with clearly distinct 
oblong-lanceolate limb 2-5:5cm. long by 0-4-1 cm. 
broad, with 5-7 subparallel nerves joined by distinct 
transverse nerves to form a grid. 

Seg or gua gee 

Fig. 1. Alisma graminewm—British localities of subsp. graminewm in 

relation to its distribution in Europe and part of North Africa (enclosed 

in continuous black line), and to the distribution of subsp. wahlenbergiu 
(dotted line). 


Further synonomy is given by Holmberg (1922), Samuelsson 
(1932) and Tournay and Lawalrée (1949). Glick (1905), who 
illustrates plants similar to those from Lincolnshire and Worces- 
tershire, has shown beyond doubt that these forms have no 
taxonomic significance. The names employed by Tournay and 
Lawalrée are used here for convenience in drawing attention to 
the extreme variations. It should be pointed out that the name 
Alisma is to be treated as neuter retaining its Greek gender, and 
that Lejeune’s name antedates C. C. Gmelin’s which has been 
used in British literature. 


Alisma gramineum was first brought to general notice as an 
English plant when Dr. R. C. L. Burges distributed specimens 
from Westwood Park Pool near Droitwich through our Exchange 
Section in 1948 (Lousley, 1950). In all probability it was the 
plant found by the Worcestershire Naturalists’ Club on their visits 
to the Pool in 1920 and 1930 ard reported later as follows: — 
“Alisma lanceolatum (the narrow-leaved water plantain) is here 
the dominant species and flourishes almost to the exclusion of 
the common form” (Anon., 1924 & 1932). In the appendix to 
the Botany of Worcestershire the record is repeated (Rea, 1925), 
and subsequently Rea recorded Alisma plantago-aquatica var. 
granunifolium Wahl. (which is A. gramineum) from the same 
place (Rea, 1932, & Anon., 1935). Dr. Burges has specimens of 
A. gramineum which he collected there in August 1939, but of 
which the significance was not appreciated until nearly ten years 
later. It seems that the species has been at Westwood since at 
least 1920, the quantity varying considerably from year to year 
with the water-level and temperature, and although it has not 
recently been observed in the abundance in which it was first 
found, it does not necessarily follow that it is decreasing. 

Westwood Park Pool is in a large private park formerly 
belonging to Lord Doverdale. It is almost certainly artificial: 
round the edge are scattered groups of introduced shrubs and 
trees, ornamental water fowl have been kept, and no doubt 
migrating birds frequent the pond. The habitat is therefore one 
in which it is very difficult to assess the likelihood of its intro- 
duction by human agency or natural means. 

At Westwood, A. gramineum grows mainly in shallow water 
at the edge of the Pool. On a visit on September 18, 1949, at a 
time when the water-level was very low, the plant was most 
abundant in a few inches of water associated with Eleocharis 
palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. (abundant), Polygonum amphi- 
bium L., Iris pseudacorus L., Eleocharis acicularis (L..) Roem. & 
Schult. and Elatine hydropiper L. It extended into a zone of 


deeper water with Polygonum amphibium L. and Potamogeton 
natans L., and on to exposed mud with Lycopus europaeus L., 
Juncus effusus L., Mentha aquatica L., and Carex acutiformis 
Khrh. Dr. Burges tells me that other species sometimes associated 
with it include Limosella aquatica L., Rumex maritimus L., and 
a prostrate form of Chenopodium rubrum L. The pH of mud 
round the roots was 6-4 (Johnson’s test papers). 

At this station the plants are 7-25 cm. tall with the flowering 
heads standing well above the surface of the water, and only the 
lower parts submerged. The leaves are linear, often only 2 cm. 
wide but sometimes expanded at the top into a blade about 
2°5cm. long and 5-6mm. wide. The Westwood plant is forma 
arcuatum of 'Tournay and Lawalrée, though the petioles are often 
longer than the measurements given in their description. 
Dr. Burges tells me that he has found plants just coming into 
flower as early as July 1 but they are at their best in late July 
and early August. Schotsman (1950) states that in Holland the 
flowers of A. gramineum open between about 6 and 7.15 a.m., and 
this may well be true also of the Westwood plants since it is 
rarely possible to find petals during the afternoon. The fruits 
ripen in mid-September when stems of the fruiting heads become 
arcuate and often become buried in the mud. 


Alisma gramineum was discovered in the river Glen at Surfleet 
by Miss E. J. Gibbons on September 3, 1955, in the course of a 
field meeting organised by the Lincolnshire Naturalists’ Union, 
and she immediately sent me a specimen for confirmation 
(Gibbons & Lousley, 1956). Five days later I joined Miss Gibbons 
and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. Howitt at Surfleet and, after examin- 
ation of the locality where the plant had been found first (where 
we were joined for a short time by Mr. D. McClintock), we traced 
its distribution in the river Glen downstream to the bridge where 
the stream becomes tidal, and upstream to above Surfleet village, 
—a, distance of over two miles. It was also seen in the Blue Gowt 
Drain for a short distance above its junction with the Glen. These 
localities are marked “A” and “B” on figure 2. Subsequently 
Miss 8. R. Amner, then living at Spalding, found it in two places 
in Vernatt’s Drain (“C’), and in Clink’s Drain (“D”). It will 
be apparent from the map that this distribution cannot be 
explained by water-carriage from a single recent introduction, 
though it could have been so spread by water-fowl. The area 
has been reclaimed from the sea within historic times, but, 
subject to this, the evidence suggests that A. gramineum has been 
here for a long period, and may safely be accepted as native. 
The submerged plant is extremely difficult to see except in bright 
sunlight and it may well have been overlooked in similar habitats 





ig. 2. Alisma gramineum. Distribution in S. Lincolnshire as observed 

in 1955. A-A. river Glen. B, Blue Gowt Drain. C-C, Vernatt’s Drain. 
D, Clink’s Drain. 


In the river Glen at Surfleet it grows in about 2-4 ft. of water 
(the river here has a soft muddy bottom), and, with rare 
exceptions, the plants flower and set fruit well below the surface 
of the water. They are associated with the following species : — 

Abundant—Potamogeton perfoliatus L. 

Frequent—Ranunculus circinatus Sibth., Calliiriche stagnalis 
Scop., Potamogeton pectinatus L., P. pusillus L., P. 
friesi Rupr., Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. 

Local—Groenlandia densa (L.) Fourr., Potamogeton crispus I. 

Occasional—Sagittaria sagittifolia L., Hippuris vulgaris J.., 
Zannichellia palustris L. 
Rare—Sparganium sp., Elodea canadensis Michx. 

A. gramineum in this locality agrees closely with Tournay and 
Lawalrée’s description of forma gramineum with its tall elongated 
flowering stem, and ribbon-like leaves up to 60cm. in length. It 
is the Alisma granunifolium Ehrh. forma angustissimum Aschers. 
& Graebn. (1897) which Gliick (1905) has shown to be a state 
dependent on the water level. In some of the other Surfleet 
localities I understand that it grows in shallower water and the 
flowers sometimes rise above the surface. 

We now have in this country the two.extreme forms of 
A. gramineum, one completely submerged and the other 


Young (1936, p. 144) gives Alisma plantago-aquatica var. 
graminifolium Wahl. for Fife, v.c. 85, from “(1) Lindores Loch, 
and (6) Lochgelly Loch (G.W.)”. West (1910) refers three times 
(pp. 81, 160, 161) to a submerged form of Alisma plantago- 
aquatica in Loch Gelly, and describes it as having “delicate 
linear-lanceolate leaves floating on the surface, and _ linear 
submerged ones”. There are numerous sheets in his herbarium 
at the Sir John Cass College, London, with printed labels “Scottish 
Lake Survey (Pullar Trust)” relating to the work which was the 
subject of his paper, but they do not include plants from Loch 
Gelly or elsewhere answering to the above description. This 
could refer to A. gramineum but in the absence of specimens, or 
confirmation by rediscovery; the evidence is insufficient. Young’s 
record for Lindores Loch was his own. This locality was also 
discussed by West (1910, p. 148) who mentions Alisma plantago- 
aquatica without comment. From its continental distribution 
one would not expect A. graminewm to occur as far north as 
Scotland and it seems likely that in applying the name to West’s 
Loch Gelly plant, and to his own from Lindores Loch, Young 
was in error. 


Attention must also be drawn to R. S. Adamson’s suggestion 
of A. arcuatum Michx. for a plant he gathered at Tring, Herts. 
(Adamson, 1921). I have only seen inadequate specimens (Herb. 
Cantab.) but it seems that these are A. lanceolatum. 

A. gramineum is therefore reliably recorded from Britain only 
from Westwood Pool in Worcestershire and Surfleet in Lincoln- 
shire. It seems virtually certain that the fruits of allied species 
of Alisma are distributed by ducks—either by passing through 
their intestines or by adhering to their feathers (Ridley, 1939, 
pp. 490, 545). There is therefore likely to be constant introduc- 
tion of the fruits of A. gramineum into this country from abroad, 
and dispersal of fruits from the localities in England already 
known. The discovery of the Surfleet localities has drawn 
attention to a habitat of a type which was previously unsuspected 
here for this species and where it is easily overlooked. Careful 
search in similar habitats elsewhere, and especially on the east 
coast, is likely to be rewarded with additional records. 

In conclusion I would like to express my thanks to Dr. R. C. 
L. Burges and Miss E. J. Gibbons for the great help they have 
given me in connection with the Worcestershire and Lincolnshire 
localities respectively, and to Dr. H. D. Schotsman for lending 
the original drawings for reproduction in Plate 6. 


ADAMSON, R. S., 1921, Rep. Bot. Soc. & E.C., G, 251. 

ANON., 1920, Trans. Worcestershire Nat. Club, 7, 275. 

, 1932, Trans. Worcestershire Nat. Club, 8, 347. 

, 1935, Trans. Worcestershire Nat. Club, 9, 104. 

ASCHERSON, P. & GRAEBNER, P., 1897, Syn. Mitteleur. Fl., 1, 384. 

GIBBONS, E. J. & LOUSLEY, J. E., 1956, Proc. Bot. Soc. Br. Isles, 2, 75. 

GLUCK, H., 1905, Biologische & morphologische Untersuchungen tiber Wasser- und 
Sumpfgewachse.—!/. Die Lebensgeschichte der europdischen Alismaceen. 

——, 1906, Alismaceae, in Kirchner, O., Loew, E. & Schroéter, C., Lebensgeschichte 

der Bliitenpflanzen Mitteleuropas, 1, 639-648. Stuttgart. 

——, 1906, Systematische Gliederung der europdischen Alismaceen, Allgem. Bot. 
Zeitschr., 1906, 23-26, 40-42. 

——, 1923, Systematische Zusammenstellung der Standortsformen yon Wasser- 
und Sumpfgewachsen; 1. Beihefte zum Bot. Centralbl., 39/2, 299-300. 

——-, 1936, Pteridophyten und Phanerogamen, in Pascher, A., Die Stisswasser- 
flora Mitteleuropas, 93-96. 

GMELIN, C. C., 1826, Fl. Bad. Alsat., 4, 256. 

GORSKI, 1830, in EICHWALD, E., Nat. Skizze Lith., 1927. Wilma. 

HOLMBERG, O. R., 1922, Skand. Fl., 1, 110. 

HYLANDER, N., 1941, Férteckning dver Skandinaviens Vadxter—/. Kdrlvdzter, 8. 

, 1945, Nomenklatorische und Systematische Studien tiber Nordische 

Gefisspflanzen : Uppsala Universitets Arsskr., 1945 :7, 69. 

——., 1958, Nordisk Kdrlvdatflora, 118-119. 

LEJEUNE, A. L. S., 1811, Fl. des Environs de Spa, 1, 175. 

LOUSLEY, J. E., 1950, B.S.B.I. Year Book, 1950, 96. 

MICHALET, E., 1854, Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr., 1, 312. 

REA, CARLETON, 1925, Trans. Worcs. Nat. Club, 8, Supplement, 73. 

——, 1932, Trans. Worcs. Nat. Club, 8, Supplement, 1388. 


RIDLEY, H. N., 1930. The Dispersal of Plants Throughout the World. 

SAMUELSSON, G., 1922, Er ny Alisma-Art, Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 16, H.1. 

, 1932, Die Arten der Gattung Alisma L., Arkiv for Botanik, 24A :7, 1-46. 

, 1933, Alisma, in Diels, L. & Samuelsson, G., Die Pflanzenareale, 3:8, map 


SCHOTSMAN, H. D., 1949, Korte mededeling betreffende het geslacht Alisma in 
Nederland, Ned. Kruid. Archief., 56, 199-203. 

STEUDEL, E., 1821, Nomencl. Bot., 1, 26. 

TOURNAY, R. & LAWALREE, A., 1949, Les Alisma de la Flore Belge, Bull. Soc. 
Roy. Bot. Belg., 81, 47-49. aN 

WEST, GEORGE, 1910, A Further Contribution to a Comparative Study of the 
dominant Phanerogamic and Higher Cryptogamic Flora of Aquatic Habit 
in Scottish Lakes, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., $0, 65-181. 

YOUNG, WILLIAM, 1936, A List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns recorded from 
Fife and Kinross (v.c. 85), Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 32, 144. 



King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne 


Changes, qualitative and quantitative, are always taking 
place in the general composition of a flora. At the present time 
considerable attention is being paid to modifications of the British 
flora that either appear to have occurred recently, or are still 
going on (cf. Lousley, 1953). Some reasons for these changes are, 
that during the past sixty years large areas of this country have 
undergone great alteration by the bringing of marginal lands 
into cultivation, by tree planting, by quarrying and coal mining, 
and in numerous other ways. The results of these disturbances 
have been two-fold, because, (a) certain habitats have been 
completely changed (e.g. by drainage) and the characteristic 
vegetation exterminated, (b) the formation of new types of 
habitats has facilitated the creation of many large thriving 
colonies of plants formerly very restricted in numbers. 

County Durham, particularly the eastern half of the county, 
has not escaped these alterations to the countryside; indeed, in 
some districts the changes are as drastic as any to be found else- 
where in Britain. A new plant habitat is produced when clay, 
used in brickmaking, is extracted from the glacial deposits cover- 
ing a large part of Durham. In the course of investigations into 
factors controlling the spread of plants from the surrounding 
countryside into the claypits at Birtley, some attention was given 
to the rapid local build-up of colonies of the dactylorchids 
Dactylorchis fuchsii, D. purpurella and their hybrids. 


To appreciate fully the direction of migration and the extent 
of the influx of these orchids into the claypits it is essential to 
consider their past history in the Birtley area. 

The earliest local record for the occurrence of the orchid now 
known as D. purpurella was made in 1896, when it was found 
growing on the sides of the railway cutting at Vigo (see fig. 1). 
It was stated that about 50 plants grew here. In parenthesis it is 
interesting to note that this plant was then locally called ‘wild 
gladiolus’. To the north of Birtley a few scattered plants were 
found in 1909, along the Leybournhold Gill (LG in fig. 1) just 
before it passes under the main-line railway. Later, in 1928, a 
large colony grew in the meadow between the quarry (Q) and the 

—————————————— i ee 





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Longbank (LB). In the two latter localities, D. purpurella had 
died out by 1930, and it has not appeared there since. Similarly, 
the station for the plant at the south end of Birtley Marshes (BM), 
first recorded in 1925, continued to exist for a few years, but, 
when the marsh was drained and the stream canalised early in 
1930, the plant vanished. 

Thus, between 1930 and 1940 it appears that the only local 
station for the species was at Vigo, i.e. about one mile to the east 
of the open ground in the clay-fields at Birtley Grange (G) and 
Leafield (L). The yearly average number of plants seen over 
the past three years at Vigo has been twelve; this represents 
about a quarter of the number said to exist sixty years ago. 

At the beginning of the present century Dactylorchis fuchsii 
was found in groups of a few dozen plants at several points in 
the damp ground of the Team Valley below the Forge (see fig. 1). 
It is just possible that these colonies persist today in much 
reduced numbers, although careful searching has so far failed 
to bring them to light. However, a single plant was found in 
1940 in a new locality about a mile lower down the Valley from 
the former colonies. In 1903, between twenty and thirty plants 
were discovered by the Brooms Burn, north of Urpeth, where 
they grew for about ten years and then gradually died out. 
Similarly a colony of about twenty plants was first recorded north 
of the quarry (Q) in 1903 and these also had died out by 1925. A 
most careful search in these places in recent years has failed to 
reveal a single specimen of this orchid. 

Thus, it appears that in the past 50 to 60 years plants of both 
D. purpurella and D. fuchsii have existed in small numbers in 
places around Birtley. It is certain that by 1940 D. purpurella 
had died out, or had been exterminated, in all its former known 
localities except on the railway bankside at Vigo. The disappear- 
ance of D. fuchsii is equally certain, and in 1940 its only known 
locality was in the Team Valley, a mile and a half to the west of 
the Birtley brickyards. The evidence strongly favours the view 
that in 1940 these orchids, far from increasing their range and 
numbers, were just managing to hold their own in the Birtley 


Between 1940 and 1942 these attractive plants appeared for 
the first time in the Grange claypit (G) (see fig. 1). They excited 
keen interest, more especially when later what was clearly a hybrid 
was also found. Between 1942 and 1949 the orchids had spread 
to the St. Bede (B), Team Valley (U), and Leafield (L) claypits, 
and to several suitable places elsewhere. 

The clay workings at the Grange brickyard are in the form 
of a shallow oval basin with a uniform depth of about forty feet 



and a diameter of about two hundred yards. The clay was 
worked down to the present level in two “cuts” each one removing 
a twenty foot layer of clay from the whole area. The second of 
these cuts was started from the south in 1936 and finished at the 
north end of the basin in 1942. In that year a few plants of 
D. purpurella were seen for the first time on the lower slopes 
at the south end, i.e. on ground first laid bare six years pre- 
viously. No orchids were found on the upper slopes which carried 
an almost closed community in which Agrostis tenuis, Arrhen- 
atherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Equisetum arvense, Festuca 
ovina and Lotus corniculatus were prominent members; neither 
were any found on the practically bare clay on the bottom of 
the pit, nor in the dense hawthorn scrub formed over the very 
old workings at the west side of the basin. 

The absence of the orchids from the upper slopes, which in 
1936 carried an open plant community (mainly Agrostis tenuis, 
Holcus lanatus and Tussilago farfara), suggests that until about 
1940 they were not extending their range with anything like the 
vigour they showed later. In view of the conclusions that have 
been made about the pattern of the invasion by the two species 
(see below) it would seem that by the time the orchid invasion 
had gathered impetus in 1942 the upper slopes were too densely 
populated with tall grasses such as Dactylis glomerata and 
Arrhenatherum elatius to provide a suitable habitat. In contrast, 
the lower slopes carried the very open-type community mentioned 
above, so that there was no competition factor controlling the 
establishment of orchids. By 1945 there were numerous plants 
of D. purpurella on the slopes and a few had started invading 
the bottom of the claypit at tne south end: 

D. fuchstii began to invade the brickyard in similar manner, 
and by 1948 hundreds of both species and their hybrids were 
erowing all over the bottom of the pit, extending to within 50 
yards of the last area to be worked out at the north end. This 
area of clay, uncovered in 1942, was carefully examined in 1949, 
when the average number of flowering orchid plants in a ten-yard 
square was found to be 27; this total was comprised of almost 
equal numbers of the two parents with a few hybrids (see Table 1). 
As time went on the taller growing, more vigorous hybrids were 
found to survive and increase in number amongst the vegetation 
more readily than the lower growing D. purpurella. This thin- 
ning out process so far as D. purpurella was concerned was 
noticed in all the other clay pits examined. Amongst the hybrids 
many forms were to be seen, ranging from almost pure D. pur- 
purella plants through distinct intermediate plants to specimens 
of almost pure D. fuchsw. In 1953 there was no doubt that the 
hybrid was very rapidly gaining ground, as the average counts 
in a ten-yard square shows (see Table 1). 


Number of plants 
Species 1949 1951 1953 1954 
Dactylorchis fuchsu ¥.. Psy 11 20 28 30 
D. purpurella 2 A Bs 12 14 10 8 
D. fuchsu x purpurella ... ye 4 SE, 2S, S88 

It is interesting to note that at the present time in the closed 
scrub communities along the west side, and along the upper slopes 
of the south, east and north sides, only a few orchids are to be 
found, even at what might well be the peak of the invasion 
pressure. It appears that generally no orchid plants, not even 
the hybrids, establish themselves in tall-growing vegetation in 

A similar successful colonisation of recently bared clay also 
occurred at the St. Bede’s brickyard (B) (see fig. 1). This work- 
ing runs north and south, is about seven hundred yards long, 
and has a fairly uniform width of about two hundred yards. The 
clay was taken off, starting from the north end, and by 1928 the 
working face was at about mid-point of the yard. 

The portion of ground cleared in 1930 has not been disturbed 
in any way since, so that when the first orchids were discovered 
erowing on it in 1942 it had been open to plant invasion for 
twelve years. It then carried the typical open community 
described above, and it would appear from our present knowledge 
of the conditions necessary for the germination and establishment 
of Dactylorchis purpurella and D. fuchsii (see below) that in 1942 
the habitat was most suitable. No plants were found on the 
younger ground to the south or in the more mature grassland and 
scrub farther north. Thus, the distnbution of the earliest invad- 
ing plants followed the same pattern as the one described for the 
Grange claypit. On the ‘1930 ground’ the orchid population, 
comprising D. purpurella, D. fuchsii and every conceivable inter- 
mediate form, increased rapidly in numbers between 1942, when 
the parent plants were first discovered there, and 1952. At the 
present time although the ground still carries hundreds of orchids 
per ten-yard square there are signs that the numbers are no 
longer increasing; in fact as taller-growing grasses such as 
Arrhenatherum elatius and Dactylis glomerata spread into the 
area from adjacent ground to the north, the dominance of the 
orchids might be expected to decline. In view of the well-known 
characteristic of British orchids of fluctuating in abundance from 
year to year, a discussion of the results of fixed quadrat counts 
would be out of place for at least another three years. The fact 
that only a few seattered plants of the hybrid have ever been 
found growing on ground where there was a complete cover of 

le ted 8 as i a hl i a 


vegetation (in 1942) shows the difficulty orchids have in moving 
to closed communities on clay soils, and hints that as time passes 
they may be gradually eliminated from habitats in which they 
were pioneers. 

In 1939 the St. Bede’s claypit reached its present southern 
limit, except for a block of clay 60 yards wide x 10 yards deep x 
6 yards high. Work was stopped in December 1939 when the 
kilns and drying sheds were required for the manufacture of war 
materials, and the clay-field lay undisturbed from then until 
October 1946. Pumping of water, however, took place at intervals 
to prevent severe flooding. During the seven years, 1939-46, the 
characteristic early colonising vegetation (see p. 357) moved in 
on both the bottom and sides of the claypit from the north right 
down to the last working face at the south end. 

In 1946, just before this last block of clay was taken out, the 
orchid population in the yard as a whole was as follows: on the 
‘1930 ground’ 400 yards to the north there were hundreds of all 
three plants; towards the south end the numbers fell off pro- 
gressively until one reached the working face where only a few 
scattered plants occurred. 

In June 1951, 1.e. five years after this last block of clay was 
removed, the slopes carried an average of six orchids to a ten- 
yard square and in the bottom there was only an occasional 
plant. The ratio on the slopes was three plants of the hybrid 
D. fuchsu x purpurella to two plants of D. purpurella to 1 plant 
of D. fuchsu. Altogether there were 29 orchids in the portion 
stripped in October 1946. Fixed quadrats were laid down here, 
but unfortunately those on the bottom were wiped out when the 
present method of working the clay was being tested. However, 
those on the slopes have been regularly observed and gave the 
counts listed in Table 2. 


Average number of plants 
per ten-yard square quadrat 

Species 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 
Dactylorchis fuchsiu ie i il 15 19 33 
D. purpurella We Zi 2 4 5 5 8 
D. fuchsi x purpurella ... 3 20 43 64 106 

Precisely the same general pattern of build-up of the orchid 
population has occurred in the other two neighbouring clay-fields, 
the Leafield (L) and the Union (U) (see fig. 1), so that the tenta- 
tive conclusions now drawn are based on observations made 
simultaneously at four similar areas all within one mile of each 



It appears that shortly before 1942, for reasons not clear at 
present, the dactylorchids, D. purpurella and D. fuchsu burst out 
from their stations a mile to the east, and a mile and a half to the 
west respectively, of the Birtley claypits. This occurrence is all 
the more remarkable because it is certain that the same habitat 
conditions, existing in the years just before 1942, had existed 
in some parts of all these clayholes almost continuously from 
1920 onwards. One could have expected the appearance of the 
orchids earlier, but the fact remains that the first plants appeared 
in 1942. The possibility that these rare and striking plants could 
have been overlooked must not be entirely discarded, although, 
for several reasons, this contingency is thought to be most 

The second important fact arising out of this study concerned 
the condition of the substratum on which the orchids were first 
able to grow from wind-borne seeds into flowering plants. This 
event took place, either on gentle slopes, or on well-drained sites 
at the bottom of the claypits where the ground was about 10 
years old and the plant cover was between 45% and 55%. Briefly, 
it appears that young orchid seedlings would enjoy at least three 
advantages here. (a) There would be some protection from the 
effect of the sun’s radiation, (b) the soil texture would be more 
open, and hence warmer in spring than raw clay, and (c) the 
presence of organic matter in the soil and the resultant bacterial 
or fungal activity could have resulted in a supply of suitable 
carbohydrates to the young seedlings. In any case, the magni- 
ficent sight of thousands of orchids crowding the ground in June 
and July emphasises the suitability of the habitat. 

When a visit is made to the claypits during the short period 
in which the earlier-flowering D. purpurella and the later-flower- 
ing D. fuchsii are in full bloom together, the existence of an 
extensive array of different hybrid forms is immediately apparent. 
These hybrids vary from plants scarcely distinguishable from one 
parent, through a long series of intermediates, to those closely 
resembling the other parent. It appears that the orehid popula- 
tions in the Birtley claypits are in fact hybrid swarms, built up 
as a result of F, plants back-crossing with the parents. ‘This 
view is strengthened by the knowledge that the F, plants produce 
healthy capsules from which seeds are dispersed in the normal 

It can be strongly argued that the important result of 
hybridisation of the two species is to prolong the life of the 
population in the claypits. The hybrids are taller and more 
vigorous than the parents, and they can thus compete more 
successfully with the grasses and the hawthorn scrub. It is 
particularly noticeable that as the tall grasses invade the ‘1930 

ae a eee mS es Ap detiett es 8 eager) Pee OP ee 


ground’ (see above) the parent species, D. purpurella and D. 
fuchsu are the first to disappear, while the hybrid continues to 
flourish. Again, when orchid plants are found at scattered points 
in the hawthorn scrub, having arrived there long after the com- 
munity was closed, they always prove to be the hybrids and 
never one of the parent species. 

It is interesting to speculate upon the reason for the ease with 
which the hybrids can exploit recently exposed ground (as 
distinct from that favoured by the parent). This could be 
explained on the basis of the process of introgressive hybridisation 
throwing up a very large number of segregates. Since each will 
have particular physiological requirements at least some of them 
could find tolerable habitats at points on newly turned up clay. 
As Anderson (1949) has argued, for Iris species, the success of 
these orchid populations may be due to hybridisation between 
closely related species, followed by the habitat selecting from 
large numbers of plants which embrace a wide range of ecological 

Clearly, the value of any account that deals with changes in 
the vegetation of a given area depends on accurate and detailed 
observations over a long period. I am extremely grateful to 
Professor J. W. Heslop-Harrison, F.R.S., who has worked in the 
Birtley area for more than fifty years, for allowing me to use his 
field notebooks as an aid to this investigation. My thanks are 
also due to Messrs. W. Blythe and R. Harris who helped me to 
date the clay workings. 


ANDERSON, E., 1949, Introgressive Hybridization. New York. 
LOUSLEY, J. E., (Editor), 1953, The Changing Flora of Britain. London. 



(Botany Department, University of Birmingham) 

During a visit to Lancashire in November 1956 when obser- 
vations were made on a number of coal-shale tips, Osmunda 
regalis L. was found on one such area near Wigan. 

Information from the literature shows that although this 
species was once widespread in Lancashire, it has now become 
almost extinct there as a natural species. More recent accounts 
of its localities include a report in 1933 by Green (1933) for 
Simonswood Moss, and by Wheldon and Wilson (1907) for Ash- 
field. Lacey (1954) reported that although this species was 
looked for in the Chorley district, it had not been found. This 
report would seem to cover the tip in question and reference is 
made to the vegetation of tips. 

- This new locality for Osmunda regalis L. seems also to be a 
new habitat. Clapham, Tutin and Warburg (1952), in common 
with other authors, describe the usual habitat as fens, bogs, and 
wet heaths and woods on peaty soil, but in this case, the plant 
was found high up on a north-facing slope on the shale. The fact 
that a number of plants bearing fertile as well as sterile fronds 
were present, suggests that the fern was well established. 

The surrounding vegetation as far as could be ascertained 
in November, consisted of Pteridium aquilinum, Deschampsia 
flexuosa and Hieracitum spp. The tipping on the site ceased 
in 1933, and compared with other tips of the same age the 
colonisation is advanced. There is, however, slightly more 
vegetation on the area surrounding the Osmwnda, and investiga- 
tion of this part of the tip showed it to be undergoing slow 
combustion, the soil being warm just below the surface. Some 
preliminary chemical and physical investigations were made on 
spoil samples from the burnt and unburnt areas to see if the 
burning of the spoil material made a more suitable habitat for 
the Osmunda. A rough determination of particle size showed 
that the ratio of particles over 0-5 mm. in diameter to those 
smaller than this figure was 19:1 in the unburnt and 15:5 in 
the burnt spoil. 

The water-holding capacity was determined according to Piper 
(1942), which is an adaptation of a method described by Keen and 
Raczkowski (1921). The only difference in the determination 
carried out on the spoil was that only the fraction which passed 
through the 2-mm. sieve was used, since many of the larger 


particles exceeded the size of the box. The value for the unburnt 
spoil of 69-023 per cent is exceeded by that for the burnt spoil 
by over twenty per cent, the latter having a water-holding 
capacity of 92:83 per cent of the oven-dry spoil. 

The pH was determined by the glass-electrode method. The 
total exchangeable bases were determined by two methods. The 
first was described by Russel (1950) using the ammonium-acetate 
leachate, and the second was described by Brown (1943), and 
uses the pH correlation with base exchange of a normal acetic 
acid solution. The phosphate was determined in a Morgan’s 
extract using the method of Wolf (1944). Potassium and calcium 
were determined in an acetic-acid extract on the flame photometer. 
The values obtained from these determinations were low for both 
samples although they were slightly higher for the burnt sample. 

The results appear in the following table : — 

Ratio Total Total 
Particles; exchange-  exchange- | 
above able able | 
Sample 5mm. bases bases pH Phosphate | Potassium Calcium 
particles | m.e./100g.| m.e./100g. pP.p.m. | ppm. | p.p.m. 
below (Russel) (Brown) | 
=. = — _ = > -- | — | -~ — —-— 
Unburnt| 19/1 Be) |) 25 hate 700. ee gore 8 415°" | 925 
Burnt 15/5 Rae) | 3-6 4-08 | 30 165 | 600 

These results indicate a change in the shale on burning to give 
a more favourable habitat for plant life in general. The increase 
in water-holding capacity, total exchangeable bases and individual 
cations is probably due to the oxidation of the coal in the tip to 
give humic acids. Their colloidal properties would increase the 
values of the two former measurements, and their acidic nature 
would set free the cations. Phosphate is known to be low in 
shales and coal (Nagelschmidt, 1943), and the slight increase in 
the burnt sample is not particularly significant. 

Peat, the common habitat for Osmunda regalis, is charac- 
terised by a high base-exchange capacity (Lyon and Buckman, 
1937). The oxidation of coal particles, however, cannot be 
paralleled to the formation of peat though the end products have 
some similar properties. It is suggested, therefore, that the burnt 
coal-waste cannot be compared to peat and it is likely that the 
occurrence of Osmunda regalis on the tip is due to lack of com- 
petition. It is probable that it has established itself on burnt 
material rather than on unburnt, because of the slightly higher 
nutrient status and water-holding capacity of the former. 



The writer thanks Dr. W. J. Rees who supervised this work, 
Dr. G. J. Lawson for advice on matters relating to coal, the 
Lancashire County Council Planning Department, who facilitated 
her visit to Lancashire, and the Nature Conservancy for financial 


BROWN, I. C., 1943, Soil Science, 56, 353. London. 

CLAPHAM, A. R.; TUTIN, T. G. & WARBURG, E. F., 1952, Flora of the British 
Isles. Cambridge. 

GREEN, C. T., 1933, The Flora of the Liverpool District. Arbroath. 

KEEN, B. A. & RACZKOWSKI, H., 1921, J. Agric. Sc., 11, 441-449. 

LACEY, W. S., 1954, Notes on the flora of the Chorley District of South Lan- 
cashire, N.W. Nat. (N.S.), 2, 526-558. 

LYON, T. L. & BUCKMAN, H. 0O., 1937, The Nature and Property of Soits. New 

NAGELSCHMIDT, G., 1943, Med. Research Council Rep., 244. 

PIPER, C. S., 1942, Soil and Plant Analysis. Adelaide. 

RUSSEL, D. A., 1950, A Laboratory Manual for Soil Fertility Students. Towa. 

WHELDON, J. A. & WILSON, A., 1907, The Flora of West Lancashire. 

WOLF, B., 1944, Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed., 16, 121. 

Sa note om nane Brckwake on 
card - calalorve , Barter K Bound Cotlchous — 

forvecl Me ge Ze) Breck nee Se 
; Le 
Castcode wi if ISTING ,19TH sy Y HQRTUS SICCUS 365 

‘ale le Cae 

By Dovueuas H. Kent 

During the autumn of 1956 the Reference Librarian at 
Willesden Central Library, London, N.W.10, drew my attention 
to an old Hortus Siccus in the possession of the library. The 
collection was contained in 4 volumes, 18” x 1343” in size, bound 
in green leather, and consisted of several thousand plants of 
which ¢.200 were localised. The compiler of the collection is, as 
yet, unidentified, but the specimens are dated between 1820 and 
1836. In addition, there were, loosely inserted, a few foolscap 
sheets bearing specimens all dated 1787, and all unlocalised. 

The collection was undoubtedly made in the Sawbridgeworth 
area of Hertfordshire, and about 36 plants are localised from 
there, while about 12 specimens bear localities from adjacent areas 
in Essex. Some of the former are apparently first records for 
the county, predating those given in Pryor’s Flora of Hertford- 
shire; a list of these is given below. 

Contributors to the collection are Miss Praed, Trevethow, 
Cornwall (Cornish plants, 1828-29), Major Harding, Ilfracombe 

x (Devon plants, 1836), Charlotte Brickwade (Essex plants, 1830- 
33), Thomas Rivers (Herts plants, [828-29), Rowland Gardiner 
Alston (Herts plants), Emma Maria Alston (Cochlearia officinalis 
from Cumberland) and Daniel Sweeting French (Cambridge and 
Norfolk plants, 1828). Many specimens are also contributed by 
eeeeeanea une imitials “HB”, “J.B. Junr.” and “S.M also 
occur. ‘These individuals have yet to be identified, though it 
seems probable that “H.B.”, “J.B.”, and “J.B. Junr.” were 

3¢ members of the Brickwade family. There are also about 36 
plants, gathered in 1836, from the Harrogate area of Yorkshire. 

The Hortus Siccus was presented to the Willesden Libraries 
some years ago by a Mr. W. J. Fordham, whose father purchased 
it from a bookseller c.1914. By kind permission of Mr. J. T. 

) Gillett, Borough Librarian of Willesden, the collection has now 
| been transferred to the British Museum ‘(Natural History). 


SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE (L.) Scop. Hedge next to the Town 
| Field, Sawbridgeworth, 1828. 
| Matva moscuata L. Near Hyde Hall, Hunsdon Mill, 1827, “s.8.” 
M. necitecta Wallr. Gathered in Redrick Lane (Pishobury), 
1828, “s.M.” 



GERANIUM DISSECTUM L. Saye’s Coppice, 1828. 

G. MOLLE L. Shrubbery, Pishobury, 1828. 

AGRIMONIA EUPATORIA L. Redrick Lane (Pishobury), 1827. 

SORBUS AUCUPARIA L. From the gate leading to Rowney Farm 
(Pishobury), 1829, “R.G.A.” 

OENANTHE AQUATICA (L.) Poir. From the water at Pishobury, 

CIRSIUM ACAULON (L.) Scop. Downs, Pishobury, 1827. 

SILYBUM MARIANUM (L.) Gaertn. Hertford, 1828, “3.3.” 

CAMPANULA GLOMERATA L. Field next to Rowney Wood 
(Pishobury), 1829. 

CUSCUTA EPILINUM Weihe. Upon flax in Mr. Brickwell’s field, 

KUPHORBIA PLATYPHYLLOS L. Near Avis’s House, Allen’s Green, 


Compiled by E. C. WaALLAce 

Records are for the year 1956 when no date is given. 
The following signs are used :— 

§ before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the paragraph con- 
tains information necessitating a correction to an annotated 
copy of the Comital Flora. 

t before the B.P.L. number: to indicate that the plant is not a 
native species in the British Isles. 

+ before the record: to indicate a species which, though native in 

some parts of the British Isles, is not so in the locality recorded. 

before the record: to indicate a new vice-county record, not pub- 
lished previously to this issue of the Proceedings, 

before the record: to indicate a record additional to an anno- 

tated copy of Comital Flora, but published elsewhere prior to the 

issue of the Proceedings in which it appears. 

[ ] enclosing a record: to indicate doubt as to the validity of the 

record, either of identification or locality. 


It will be useful if, in future, National Grid Co-ordinates, made as 
accurate as is thought advisable, are added to all records. 

§2/2(2). THALIcTRUM MINUS subsp. ARENARIUM (Butcher) Clapham. 
*95, Elgin; sand dunes, Findhorn, 1950, becoming rare; sand dunes, 
Lossiemouth, near Covesea Lighthouse, M. McCatitum WEBSTER. 

A/1.  Aponis annua L. 12, N. Hants.; VI (1) plentiful on the 
border of a cornfield near Whitchurch, M. EpmMunps and J. OuNSTED. 

§6/20. RaNnuNcULUS FLUITANS Lam. *43, Radnor; in river Dulas 
at Llanfihangel-Helygen, V. GoRDon. 

§6/22. RANUNCULUS TRICHOPHYLLUS Chaix. *43, Radnor; wet floor 
of quarry by roadside, Llanbadarn-Fynydd, R. Lewis, F. H. PERRING 
and B. M. Sturpy. 

§6/24. RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS subsp. aquaTinis. *95, Elgin; pool by 
sea, Lossiemouth Golf Course: 109, Caithness; pool by northern edge 
of Killiminster Moss, M. McCattum WesstTER, both det. R. W. BuTcHER 
as R. aquatilis subsp. heterophyllus var. submersus. 

§6/25. RaAaNUNCULUS AQUATILIS subsp. PELTATUS: (Schrank) Syme. 
*96b, Nairn; pool by road in Dallaschyle Wood, Cawdor, Loch Flem- 
ington, M. McCattum Wesster, det. R. W. BurcHeErR. 



ham. *95, Elgin; burn at Darnaway Castle: H.14, Leix; river at . 
Riverstown, M. McCartum Wesster, both det. R. W. Burcuer as I. ; 

§11/1. Agui~EcIaA vuteaRis |. *+106, KE. Ross; Brahan Woods, 
near Conon Bridge, B.S.B.I. Fizrtp MEETING, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

414/12). Aconirum NaPELLUS L. agg. 95, Elgin; Greshop Wood, 
Forres, garden escape, 1950, M. McCartum WEBSTER 

19/1c. NYMPHAEA OCCIDENTALIS (Ostenf.) Moss. 101, Kintyre; 
Loch-an-Arramh, Stronachullin, Knapdale, A. G. Kennet, det. E. C. 

§21/4. Papaver LEcoqir Lamotte. *+43, Radnor; railway line, 
Pen-y-Bont, R. C. L. Howitt. 

131/3. Corypatis cava (L.) Schweigg. & Koerte. 90, Angus; a 
patch in Scone Wood, U. K. Duncan, J. Grant Rocer and D. 

§32/8. FuMARIA MARITINIID Clavaud. t4, N. Devon; market garden, 
South Tawton, O. Greig (1956, Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assocn., 88, 227). 

§35/1(2).. RorippA MICROPHYLLA (Boenn.) Hyland. *95, Elgin; 
common in most parishes in Moray: *109, Caithness; Loch Watten, 
M. McCattum WesstTerR, det. A. MELDERIS. 

§35/2.  Rorrepa syLvestrRis (L.) Bess. *109, Caithness; Buckies 
Farm, Halkirk, M. McCattum Wesster, conf. A. MELDERIS 

36/5. BARBAREA INTERMEDIA Bor. 73, Kirkcudbr.; roadside N. of 
New Abbey towards Carsthorn, D. MceCrixrock. H.39, Antrim; Quin’s 
Farm, Three Islands, J. McK. Moon and D. MecCuintock. 

37/1. ARABIS HIRSUTA (L.) Scop. *96, Easterness; shingle of river 
Ness, Inverness, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

+37/9.  Arasis RosEA DC. 95, Elgin; appeared in policies of Black- 
hills House near Elgin, M. McCartum Wesster, det. A. MreLpreris and 

§39/2. CaRDAMINE AMARA L. *95, Elgin; banks of Mosset Burn, 
Forres, 1950, M. McCattum WepBsTER. 

§44/1.  Eropnitna verna (L.) Chevall. *96, Easterness; Kingussie ; 
Drumnadrochit, M. MeCatuum WeEpstTeER. 

§¢45/1. ARMORACIA RUSTICANA Gaertn., Mey. & Scherb. *95, Elgin; 
waste ground, Forres, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 


7449/3. SISYMBRIUM ALTISsIMuM L. 83, Edinb.; abundant on rub- 
bish-tip, Lasswade, 19538, HK. B. Baspmrn, det. at Royat Bot. Garp., 
EprnsureH. 88, Mid Perth; rough ground, Perth Harbour: 96, Easter- 
ness; rough ground, The Longman, Inverness, M. McCattum WEBSTER, 
conf. A, MELDERIS. 

749/4. SISYMBRIUM ORIENTALE L. 94, Banff.; allotment at Aber- 
lour: 95, Elgin; rough ground, Rothes; station yard at Blacksboat 
and Forres: 96, Easterness; rough ground near docks: 96b, Nairn; 
rough ground near harbour, Nairn, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§50/1. ERySIMUM CHEIRANTHOIDES L. *43, Radnor; plentiful in 
oat field near Carmel, V. Gorpon. 

§+54/2. Brassica napus L. *43, Radnor; waste ground, Frank’s 
Bridge, R. C. L. Howirr. 

§54/18. Brassica nieRA (L.) Koch. *195, Elgin; rubbish-tip, Forres, 
M. McCatitum WesstEerR, det. A. MELDERIS. 

¥54/16. Brassica suncEA (L.) Coss. 95, Elgin; distillery yard, 
Rothes, M. McCattum WesstTeER, det. A. MELDERIS. 

§60/2. Coronopus squamMatus (Forsk.) Aschers. {95, Elgin; farm- 
yard at Cullerne House, Findhorn, 1953, M. McCattum WessterR. But 
see Top. Bot. 

+70/1. NeEstia panicuLata (L.) Desv. 95, Elgin; goods yard, Forres 
station, M. McCattum WEBSTER, 

+76/2. RapIsTRUM ORIENTALE (L.) Crantz. 45, Pembs.; railway 
siding, Fishguard Harbour, one plant: H.31, Louth; several plants 
in a disused yard, Drogheda, D. McCuinrock. 

Schulz. 95, Elgin; Carron Distillery, M McCattum Wenster, det. 

¥82/2. CHORISPORA TENELLA (Pall.) DC. 26, W. Suffolk; waste 
ground near Lakenheath, 1953, D. Duprer, det. A. MELDERIS. 

§85/2. Resepa tuTeaA L. *43, Radnor; disturbed roadside near 
Clyro, V. Gorpon. 

92/2. DianTHUS DELTOIDES L. 17, Surrey; heathy turf, Folly 
Hill, N. of Ewhurst, D. McCrintock. ; 

§96/4. MELaANpRIUM NocTIFLoRUM (L.) Fr. *95, Elgin; rough 
ground, Carron Distillery and railway station, M. McCattum Wes- 
sTER, det. A. MELDERIS. 


§102/6. ARENARIA LEPTOCLADOS (Reichb.) Guss. 64, Mid W. Yorks.; 
railway track between Ripley Valley and Nidd Bridge stations, F. E. 
Branson, det. and comm. F. W. Apams. *101, Kintyre; banks of 
burn, Aros Moss, near Machrihanish Airport, M. H. Cunnineuam, det. 

¥102/14. ARENARIA BALEARICA L. 838, Hdinb.; Kevock, near Lass- 
wade, J. F. Baspren, det. Dr. H. R. Furtrcuer. 95, Elgin; wall by 
entrance gates to Newton House, Alves, M. McCaLttum WEssTER. 

103/2. Saerna suBuLaTA (Sw.) C. Presl. *109, Caithness; railway 
line at Autnabreac, M. McCattum WessteErR, conf. A. MELDERIs. 

§7108/1. Monztra srprrica (L.) Howell. *44, Carms.; bank of Afon 
Bran, Llanfair-ar-y-Bryn, F. H. Perrine, I. M. VaucuHan and J. WILLE. 
83, Edinb.; Kevock, near Lasswade; Roslin; Heriot, E. B. and J. F. 

§+108/2. Monria perroutaTa (Willd.) Howell. 83, Edinb.; Morton- 
hall, Liberton, E. B. BaspEN. {95, Elgin; a common weed in Moray, 
M. McCattum WessteR. But see Burgess, Flora, 95. 

§112/18. Hypericum x pDEsETANGSII Lamotte. *43, Radnor; near 
river Wye, Boughrood, J. F. and P. C. Hat. 

§116/1. LavateRa aRBoREA L. *195, Elgin; plentiful on sea wall 
of Findhorn village prior to storms of 1953—now rare, M. McCatium 

§117/1. Matva moscuata L. *96, Easterness; rough ground, 
Ardesier, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§¢117/9.  Maznva parvirtora L. *95, Elgin; rough ground, Carron 
Distillery, M. McCattum WessteErR, det. A. MELDERIs. 

§+127/6. GERANIUM ENDRESSII Gay. *95, Elgin; edge of main road 
near Lossie Bridge, Elgin, M. McCatuum WEBSTER. 

$127/12. Geranium pusittumM L. *43, Radnor; by the railway line, 
Llangunllo, J. F. and P. C. Hatt and F. H. Peragie: old quarry, 
Llandrindod Wells, V. Gorpvon. 

1127/16. Grranrum MACRORRHIzUM L. 106, E. Ross; near Evanton, 
garden escape, B.S.B.I. Firup Meertine, det. J. E. Lousiry, comm: 
U. K. Duwnoan. P 

§+133/3.  Inmparrens pARViIFLORA DC, Coombe, D. E. (J. Ecol., 44, 
701-713, 1956) gives British distribution as V.-ce. 1, 6-9, 11, 18, 14, 
16-34, 37-41, 48, 50, 52-59, 61, 638, 64, 67-70, 72, 73, 77, 82, 83, 90, 91, 95. 
"43, Radnor; by river Wye near Clyro, C, GoopMan, 


§138/1. Franeunta atnus Mill. *43, Radnor; near Llanbadarn, 
Miss D. E. bE VESIAN, 

+142/3. AcER PLATANOIDES L. 83, Edinb.; many trees along Heriot 
Water valley, E. B. Baspren, det. Dr. H. R. FLetrcHer. 

176/7. Victa BitHynica (L.) L. +24, Bucks.; waste ground, Burn- 
ham Beeches, A. F. Woop, conf. R. A. GRAHAM. 

§¢178/1. Latuyrus tatirotius L. *43, Radnor; waste. ground, 
Frank’s Bridge, R. C. L. Howitt. 

178/25b. LatHYRUS MONTANUS Var. TENUIFOLIUS Garcke. 83, Edinb.; 
on open slopes on hills, Heriot, E. B. Baspren, det. Dr. H. R. FLEercHer. 

7179/2.  Guycrn—E max (L.) Merr. 16, W. Kent; by B.O.C.M. 
ogee: 64, S.H. Yorks:; B.Q:C Ms Olympia’: sidings, D. 

184/12. Firieenputa vuiearts Moench. 14, E. Sussex; Buxshall’s 
Hills, Lindfield, not on chalk, 1955, R. C. Paumer. 

7185/156. Rusus specraBiiis Pursh, 83, Edinb.; Dreghorn Park, near 
Colinton, 1949, EK. B. Baspen, det. W. C. R. Watson: Heriot, in great 
quantity, E. B. Baspen, det. at Royat Bot. Garp., EDINBURGH. 

§186/1. Dryas octoreTata L. $94, Banff; very locally on the eastern 
Cairngorms within Banffshire, on moist granitic rocks at elevations 
between 3,000 and 3,200 ft., J. Grant Roger (1957, Trans. & Proc. Bot. 
Soc. Edinb., 37, 132). 

7189/11. Porentizna NorvectIca L. *95, Elgin; station yard, Knock- 
ando, M. McCattum Wesster, det. A. MELDERIS. 

190/1. ALcoHEMILLA VEsTITA (Buser) Raunk. 101, Kintyre; grassy 
seashore verge near Peninver, E. Kintyre, M. H. Cunninguam, det. 

§190(2)/2. ApHANES mIcROCARPA (Boiss. & Reut.) Rothm. *46, 
Cards.; two miles EK. of Tregaron, F. H. Perrine, det. S. M. WALTERS. 

7192/1. AcAENA ANSERINIFOLIA (J. R. & G. Forst.) Druce. 13, W. 
Sussex; pathside in woods, South Lodge, Lower Beeding, R. C. PALMER. 
96, Easterness; forming a well-established patch, 50-60 sq. yds. in extent, 
below Pteridium and Rubus near Dochgarroch, on forest road above 
Loch Ness, N. M. PrircHarp and J. G. NEWBOULD. 

193/1.  Porerium saNneuisorBa L. +95, Elgin; well established on 
railway embankment between Spyne and Lossiemouth, 1952, R. Ricurer, 
comm. M. McCattum WEBSTER. 


195/13x5. Sorpus aRIA X AauUcUPARIA. 94, Banff; with both parents 
in a small wood §. of Cairnfield House, Clochan, M. McCatrtum WeEs- 
STER, det. E. F. Warsure. 

199/17. SaxirRaca GRANCLATA L. 90, Angus; a few plants in Scone 
Wood, U. K. Duncan, J. Grant Rocer and D. McCtiitocx. 

$202/1. Totmirs MeNziesII (Pursh) Torr. & Gray. 83, Edinb.; an 
established patch by side of Heriot Water, E. B. Baspren, det. Dr. H. R. 

210/1. Umsiticus ruprEstRis (Salisb.) Dandy. 17, Surrey; wail 
at Folly Hill, N. of Ewhurst, D. McCrriytocx. 

§1211/7.  Sepum aLtpum L. *94, Banff; bank near buildings, Banfi: 
*95, Elgin; rubbish-tip, Findhorn: *96, Easterness; bank near cottages, 
Croy, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

[213/3. Drosera INTERMEDIA Hayne. 69, Westm.; deliberately 
planted on Potter Fell, N. of Kendal, teste Mrs. E. Hype. | 

§217/4. CaLLirRicHE PLarycarpa Kiitz. 13, S. Devon; Gidleigh- 
Throwleigh, in Forder Brook, at 800-900 ft., O. Greig and W. Keble 
Martin: Moretonhampstead, in Wray Brook, O. Greig, both det. A. R. 
Clapham (1956, Rep. & Proc. Devon. Assocn., 88, 227-228). *47, Montg.; 
Caersus, 1955, E. Mitne-Repueap, 

§220/3. Epinopium nirsutum L. {95, Elgin; runnel to sea between 
Spey Bay and Portgordon; by railway bridge over river Spey between 
Garmouth and Spey Bay, M. McCattum WesstER. But see Burgess, 
Flora, 12. *106, E. Ross; near Muir-of-Ord, B.S.B.1]. Firtp MEETING, 
comm. U. K. Duncan, 

220/5x10. Epitopitum ADNATUM X MONTANUM, 24, Bucks.; garden 
shrubbery, Bourne End, 1954, A. F. Woop, conf. G. M. Asa. 

§220/8. Eprimosprum rosEuM Schreb. *94, Banff; foot of wall, Mac- 
duff, M. McCattum Wesster, conf. G. M. Asn. 

2920/9. EprnopruM LANCEOLATUM Seb. & Mauri. 24, Bucks.; road- 
side bank, Bourne End, A. F. Woop, conf. G. M. Asa. 

220/104. EprmospruM MONTANUM X PARVIFLORUM, 24, Bucks.; gar- 
den shrubbery, Bourne End, A. F. Woop, conf. G. M. Asx. 

§289/2. Krynerum maritrimum L. *106, E. Ross; near Rosemarkie, 
B.S.B.1. Frerp MretTiInc, comm. U. K. Duncan. 

§253/2.  Brruta eErectA (Huds.) Coville. 349, Caerns.; Traeth 
Mawr meadows near the Glas Lyn estuary, A. Conotnty. Remove ? from 


§257/1. Myrruis oporata (L.) Scop. *107, E. Sutherland ; several 
clumps by road S. of Helmsdale, M. McCarium WEBSTER. 

§ +258 /1. CHAEROPHYLLUM AUREUM L. *21, Middx.; naturalised and 
abundant in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, J. C. Coprineron, 
D. H. Kent, J. E. Lovstry and D. McCurntock. 

§276/3. Pastrnaca sativa L. *f48, Mer.; Merioneth end of Y Cob 
Causeway, Glas Lyn estuary: +49, Caerns.; Portmadoc gasworks; Y 
Cob Causeway, on railway track, A. Conotity. *+95, Elgin; yard at 
Rothes distillery, M. McCattum WessTER, conf. A. MELDERIs. 

4276/5. PrvucEDANUM osTRUTHIUM (L.) Koch. 94, Banff; about the 
crofts of Birkenbush and Blairmain, S. of Aberlour: 109, Caithness ; 
roadside at Inver, near Dunbeath, M. McCattum WesstTER. 

4277/1. HkRACLEUM MANTEGAZZIANUM Somm. & Levier. 983, Nhs = 
Aberd.; well established for over 30 years on banks of river Deveron, 
near Turriff: 94, Banff; banks of river Deveron, near Banff, M. 

4287/1. SampBucus racemosa L. 83, Edinb.; Heriot, abundant, EK. 
B. Baspen, det. Dr. H. R. FLETCHER. 

287/2e. SAMBUCUS NIGRA var. viRIpIs Ait. 83, Edinb.; quite com- 
mon around Lasswade and Kevock, and in Dalkeith Park, 1953, E. B. 
BaspEN, det. Dr. J. M. Cowan. 

§291/5. LonicEra xyLosteum L. *+106, E. Ross; Brahan Woods, 
near Conon Bridge, 1956, B.S.B.I. Frrenrp Merrtine, comm. U. K. 
Duneoan, conf. J. E. Loustey. 

§304/4. VALERIANELLA CARINATA Lois. *49, Caerns.; weed in Aber- 
dunant Hall garden, Prenteg, near Portmadoc, A. CoNOoLLy, 

§320/2. ErigErRon acer L. *43, Radnor; old quarry, Dolyhir, D. 
Bayuts, D. E. pz VeEstan and F. H. PERRING. 

4320/16. ErigzrRon Mucronatus DC. 22, Berks.; on river wall, 
Abingdon, J. KE. Loustry and D. McCriintock. H.22, Meath; walls, 
Kilsheelan, D. McCrrintock. 

1333/1. InuLa HELENIUM L. 45, Pembs.; Rose Park Farm, about 
5 miles N. of Tenby, D. McCrintock. 101, Kintyre; established by 
Bellochroy Burn, W. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. EK. C. Wattace. 

1353/6. BipENS FRoNDOSA L. 35, Mon.; on wharf, and in Kings- 
way, Newport, 1954, D. McCuintocx. 61, S.E. Yorks.; Olympia Sid- 
ings, Selby, D. McCurintock, conf. J. E. Loustey. 


§7354/2. Gatrnsoca comisAta (Raf.) Blake. *13, W. Sussex; Craw- 
ley, 1955: 14, E. Sussex; Lindfield, 1953, R. C. Parmer. 16, W. Kent; 
garden weed, Elmstead Woods, Miss A. Mitts; Sevenoaks, Mrs. Buax- 
LAND, comm. D. McCirmtocx. 23, Oxon.; Henley on Thames, Miss 
MacavLey, comm. D. McCuintock. *24, Bucks.; rubbish-tip, Burnham 
Beeches, A. F. Woop, conf. R. A. Granam. {31, Hunts.; garden weed, 
Offord Darcy, L. W. Angell (1956, Ann. Rep. Hunts. Fauna & Flora 
Soc., 9, 16). +63, S.W. Yorks.; Templenewsam, common, R. S. R. 
Fitter (1957, The Nat., 1957, 28). 

§368/3. ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS L. *94, Banff; field at Clochan: 95, 
Elgin; Blacksboat, Forres and Asliesk: 96, Easterness; roadside verge, 
Ardesier: 96b, Nairn; field near Gollanfield, M. McCattum WeEssTER, 
conf. A. MELDERIS. 

§368/4. ANTHEMIS coTuLA L. *95, Elgin; yard at Carron distil- 
lery, M. McCattum WepssteER, det. A. MELDERIs. 

§379(2)/1. Homoeyne aLprna (L.) Cass. *110, Outer Hebrides; South 
Uist, D. H. N. Srence, eé al, conf. E. C. Watwace. 

383/10e. SENECIO VULGARIS var. RADIATUS Koch. 4, N. Devon; car 
park at Bideford: 41, Glam.; Barry Docks: H.39, Antrim; Carrick- 
fergus; Whiteabbey, D. McCuintocx. 

+383/26. SrNEcIo smitHiII DC. 93, N. Aberd.; two small colonies 
by burn 3 mile E. of Ardmiddle School, M. McCartum Wesster, conf. 
A. Metperis. 112, Zetland; established by loch at Gruna Sound, West 
Burra, R. C. PaLMeEr. 

+385/2. CaLENDULA aARVENSIS L. S.; Guernsey; thick on a rubbish- 
tip, S. of Fort Doyle; in a field (of Iris xiphioides) S. of Mont Cochoa, 
Mrs. F. te Survur and D. McCrintooxr. 

§396/1b. CrrstuM ERIOPHORUM subsp. BRITANNICUM Petrak. *+43, 
Radnor; old quarry, Dolyhir, D. Bayris, D. E. pr Vestan and F,. H. 

§396/3. CrrstuM HETEROPHYLLUM (L.) Hill. *101, Kintyre; fairly 
widespread on high ground N.E. of Loch Arail watershed by Acha- 
hoish Road, Knapdale, A. G. Kennetnu, det. M. H. CUNNINGHAM. 

§409/1. CrcHortum iINntysus L. +95, Elgin; fields about Forres, 
M. McCattum WesstER. Remove from brackets in C.F. 

§+416/10. Creprs VESICARTA subsp. TARAXACTFOLIA (Thuill.) Thell. 
*94, Banff; rough ground by river Deveron, Banff: *96, Easterness: 
rough ground on The Longman, Inverness, M. McCatitcum WEBSTER. 


419. Hreractum det. by P. D. Setn and C. West except where 
otherwise stated. 

419/71(2). HieRactum saxorum (F. J. Hanb.) Sell & West. 95, 
Elgin; shingle of river Findhorn, N. of Greshop, Forres: 109, Caith- 
ness; 1 mile W. of Dunbeath on limestone outcrop by river, 
M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

419/99(2). HikRACIUM GLEVENSE (Pugsl.) Sell & West. 6, N. Som.; 
side of towpath below Leigh Woods, 1954, B. Miles (1956, Proc. Bristol 
Nats. Soc., 29, 108). 

419/132. Hipractum cAESIoMURORUM Lindeb. 95, Elgin; banks of 
Findhorn river at Logie, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

419/220. Hipracitum LAToBRIGORUM (Zahn) Roffey. 94, Banff; near 
Bridge of Aron: 95, Elgin; railway embankment, Knockando, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER. 

419/223. Hipracium suspcrocatum (KE. F. Linton) Roffey. 6b, 
Nairn; railway bank, Auldearn, M. McCaLttum WEBSTER. 

419/255. HizRACIUM COLLINIFORME (Naeg. & Peter) Roffey. *96, 
Nairn; Holme Rose, Croy, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§+419/257. HipracIum BRUNNEOCROCEUM Pugsl. *95, Elgin; fixed 
dunes, Culbin State Forest, 1950; railway embankment, Cromdale, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER. 

§t435/4. ‘CAMPANULA RAPUNCULOIDES L. *43, Radnor; yard of Down- 
ton Farm, J. F. and P. C. Hatt. 

7435/9. CAMPANULA MEDIUM L. 17, Surrey; road bank, Farnham 
by-pass: 24, Bucks.; railway bank N. of High Wycombe, D. 

§441/1. ARcoTOSTAPHYLOS vuva-uRSI (L.) Spreng. *101, Kintyre; 
by Stronachallin burn, } mile down from Loch-an-Arramh, Knapdale, 
A. G. Kennetu, det. E. C. WaALLAcE. 

4463/3. Lysrmacuia puncoTaTA L. *42, Brecon; woodland by Lake 
Hotel, Llangammarch Wells, R. C. L. Howirr. *94, Banff; ditch by 
roadside 14 miles N. of Grange station, M. McCattum WesstER, det. 

1463/8. Lystmacuta citiata L. *48, Radnor; Tyn-yr-ynn, R. C. L. 

465/1. TRIENTALIS EUROPAEA L. 64, Mid W. Yorks; on large 
humus-covered rock, Sormires Wood, Bampsthwaite, F. EH. Branson. 


§467/1. ANAGALLIS TENELLA (L.) L. *43, Radnor; around the lake, 
Pen-y-bont village, R. C. L. Howitt; banks of Nant Gwynllyn, N.W. 
of Rhayader, V. Gorpon. 

473/2. Vinca minor L. +83, Edinb.; by Maiden’s Bridge, Dal- 
keith, 1950, E. B. Baspen. 

478/4. CENTAURIUM PULCHELLUM (Sw.) Druce. 52, Anglesey; near 
the shore at Penmon Point, R. H. Roserrts. 

§486/1. PoLEMONIUM CAERULEUM L. {195, Elgin; roadside 1 mile 
N. of Rothes, 1952, M. Hunter, comm. M. McCattum WesstTEeR. But 
see Burgess, Flora, 21. 

§491/1. CyYNOGLOSSUM OFFICINALE L. *43, Radnor; old quarry, 
Dolyhir, D. Bayztis, D. E. pE VEstan and F. H. PErrine. 

§506/1. Myosotis scorpiorpEs L. *95, Elgin; Mosset burn, Forres: 
*107, KE. Sutherland; flush by sea, Helmsdale, M. McCattum WesstTER. 

§517/2. So~tanum nigrum L. *96, Easterness; garden weed, Inver- 
ness, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

1520/2. Lycrtum HALIMiIrotium Mill. 46, Cards.; Aber Arth, J. F. 
and P= .C.. Hats. 

§532/7. CHAENORHINUM MINUS (L.) Lange. *94, Banff.; railway 
line, Grange station: *95, Elgin; railway line between Elgin and Moss- 
towie: *96b, Nairn; railway line, Auldearn, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§532/25. WKiokxta ELATINE (L.) Dum. *43, Radnor; cornfield, Bough- 
foods wJi.y Ff sand iPerC. ian 

§+537/2. Mimunus moscuatus Dougl. ex Lindl. *98, N. Aberd.; 
burn near Ardmiddle, Turriff: *94, Banff.; ditch near Clochan, M. 
MecCaLttum WEBSTER. 

543/8. VERONICA ANAGALLIS-AQuaTicA L. 883, Edinb.; stream at 
Mortonhall, Liberton, 1953, E. B. Baspen, det. at Royan Bor. Garp., 

§545/18. KurpHrasta conrusa Pugsl. *48, Radnor; Afon Claerwen 
valley, R. Lewis; Llanbadarn-Fynydd, F. H. Prrrrime, both det. P. 
I’. Yro. 

§545/19. FEupHRASIA ROSTKOVIANA Hayne. *43, Radnor; Nant 
Brithgwm, W. of Phrygaregg Rest; Bachell Brook, Llananno; near 
Bettws Cottage, Bettws Disserth, R. Lewis. Glynllyn valley, near 

Rhayader, V. Gorpvon, 


§545/19(4). Huprrasia anerica Pugsl. *438, Radnor; Abbey Cwmhir, 
D. E. pe Vrsian. Cwm Ifon; Hundred House Common, F. H. PER- 
rinc. Near Dolbedirne, Newchurch, C. Goopman. All det. P. F. Yeo. 

§548/7. RHINANTHUS ROREALIS (Sterneck) Druce. *105, W. Ross; 
alpine ledges at 1,800 ft., Kintail, M. McCattum Wesster, det. EK. IF. 

§549/2. MrnampyrRuM ARVENSE L. “*62, N.E. Yorks.; neglected 
orchard, Common Farm, Wilberfoss, one plant, M. E. THompson and 
C. M. Ros. 

550/7. OROBANCHE HEDERAE Duby. 52, Anglesey; parasitic on 
ivy on low cliffs, Ynys Llanddwyn, R. H. Roserts. 

550/10. OroBaNcHE MINOR Sm. 64, Mid W. Yorks; clover field 
between Boston Spa and Tadcaster, F. E. Branson, conf. C. M. Ros. 

[7551/2. LarHRAEA CLANDESTINA L. 82, Haddington; by side of 
Birns Water near junction with Tyne Water, Spilmersford, near Pen- 
caitland—destroyed by the 1948 floods, EK. B. Baspmn, det. A.. J. 
WILMorTT. | 

§7558/4. Mernrua spicata L. *43, Radnor; waste ground, Frank’s 
Bridge, R. C. L. Howirr. *94, Banff; lane leading to Aultmore, S. 
of Clochan, M. McCattum WesstErR, det. R. A. GRAHAM. 

5098/6. MeEntrHa x pIPERITA L. 83, Edinb.; S. of Parsonspool 
Bridge, Bonnyrigg, 1955, E. B. Basprn, det. R. A. GraHam. 

¥558/15. MErnTHA REQUIENII Benth. 13, W. Sussex; naturalised by 
paths in woods near Newell’s School, Lower Beeding, 1955, R. C. 

§7565/1. Merissa orrictnatis L. *43, Radnor; by river Wye, below 
the Vicarage, Boughrood, J. F. and P. C. Hatr. 

5677/4. Sracnys x amBicgua Sm. 45, Pembs.; bank near Fish- 
guard Harbour, D. McCrintocr, conf. S. M. Watters. 

600/13. CHENoPpopIUM GLAUcUM L. 13, W. Sussex & 14, E. Sussex; 
Crawley, in both 14, E. Sussex; shingle spit, Rye Harbour, 
1955, R. C. Paumer, det. J. P. M. Brenan. 

1600/36. CHENopopiuM capitatum (L.) Aschers. 31, Hunts.; in a 
field, dressed some years ago with ‘‘shoddy’’, Offord Darcy, L. W. 
ANGELL, det. J. P. M. Brenan, comm. J. L. Greer. 

§615/15. Potyeonum arquate Lindm. *95, Elgin; farmyard, Cul- 
herne House, Findhorn, M. McCattum Wesster, det. J. E. Lousiey. 


1615/20(2). Potyconum camMpaNuLatum Hook. f. 95, Elgin; banks 
of river Lossie, Eigin: §6, Easterness; roadside between Croy and 
Culloden, 1953, M. McCattum Wesster, det. at Kew. 

7615/31. PoLtyeonum poLysTacHyuM Wall. ex Meisn. 94, Banff.; 
roadside opposite cottages near Aberlour, M. McCattum WesstTER, det. 
A. Menperis. 101, Kintyre; established along roadside near Kielonan, 
EK. Kintyre, M. H. Cunnincuam, det. at Roy. Bor. Garp., Eprnsurca. 

+615/32. PoLtyeonum cusPIDATUM Sieb. & JZuce. 95, Elgin; 
naturalised by Muckle burn, Forres, and in many other places, M. 
McCattum WEBSTER, det. A. MELDERIS, 

1615/33. PotyGoNUM SACHALINENSE F. Schmidt. *43, Radnor; 
waste ground, Pen-y-bont village, R. C. L. Howitt. 

§617(2)/1. Kornicia 1stanpicaA L. 1103, Mid Ebudes; N. end of 
Maol Mheadhonach on the Ardmeanach peninsula, R. W. M. Corner 
(1957, Trans. & Proc, Bot. Soc..Edinb., 37, 129). 

618/16(2). Rumex TENUIFoLIUS (Wallr.) Love. 95, Elgin; St. 
John’s Meads, Darnaway, 1953, B.S.B.I. Fretp Meetrne, conf. J. E. 
LousLeyY, comm. U. K. Duncan. Plentiful on shingle of Findhorn 
river N. of Greshop Wood; sandy fields, Kosehaugh Farm, Alves: *97, 
Westerness; between Dalwhinnie and Ben Alder Lodge, M. McCatitum 

§625/1. HippopHAE RHAMNOIDES L. 82, Haddington; Aberlady;: 
Bilsdean Creek, Dunglass, E. B. Baspren. *+94, Banff.; planted near 
Cullen: *+95, Elgin; planted at Seapark, Kinloss; several bushes on 
railway embankment near Lossiemouth, M McCattum WEBSTER. 

§+628/2. EurHorsta putcis L. *95, Elgin; banks of burn, Altyre: 
*96, Easterness; banks of river Ness, Inverness, M. McCattum WeEs- 
sTER, det. A. Mriprris. 96b, Nairn; 1 mile S. of Nairn, on Cambridge 
Road, J. B. Stupson, comm. M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§+628/9. EupHorBIA virGATA Waldst. & Kit. S.; *Jersey: in 
grass EK. of Pulente, D. McCrrntocr. 

§628/16. EuprnorsraA tatHyrus L. *+95, Elgin; appears annually 
as a garden weed at Greshop House, Forres; one plant on waste ground 
at Garmouth station, M. McCartum WesstTeEr. 

§650/1. Satrx PENTANDRA L. *109, Caithness; lane leading to Tod- 
holes near Halkirk, M. McCartum Wesster, det. R. D. Merxre. 

§650/4. Satrx TRIANDRA IL. t95, Elgin; banks of river Lossie, 
Bishopsmill, M. McCarirum Wesster, det. R. D. Mergte. But see 
Burgess, Flora, 28. 


§650/5x6. SaLIx PURPUREA X VIMINALIS. *94, Banff; Gollachy burn 
near Portgordon, M. McCattum Wesster, det. R. D. MEIKLE. 

650/912. Satrx aurita X NigRicans. 93, N. Aberd.; banks of 
river Deveron, Huntly, M. McCattum Wesster, det. R. D. MEIKLE. 

§650/19. Saurx retTicuLatTa L. £108, W. Sutherland; on certain 
crags between 1,400 ft. and 1,700 ft. on Ben Hope, R. E. C. Ferreira 
(1957, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 37, 132). 

§653/2. CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM IL. £46, Cards.; Maes Llyn 
pool, Tregaron Bog, A. O. Chater (1957, Nature in Wales, 3, 438). 

§+656/1. ExopEa canapEensis Michx. {95, Elgin; Sanquhar loch, 
Forres, 1950, M. McCattum WEBSTER. But see Burgess, Flora, 29. 
*96b, Nairn; Loch Flemington, 1955, M. McCatuum WEBSTER. 

§+656(3)/1. LaGARosIPHON Major (Ridl.) Moss. S.; *Jersey; plentiful 
in the quarry pond in Portelet Holiday Camp, Mrs, F. Ln 
Suzur and D. McCuintock. Plentiful in a quarry pond at Mont Madd, 
Mrs. F. Le Sueur. 

§674(3)/1. CorLoeLossuM viRIpE (L.) Hartm. *47, Montg.; meadow 
above stream, Dylife, 1954, A. O. CHaTER. 

676/2. Iris ForTipissima L. 49, Caerns.; near Menai Straits, 
between the two bridges, R. H. Roserts. 

[t680/1. SrisyrRINcHIUM BERMUDIANA L. 69, Westm.; deliberately 
sown in various localities on the limestone hills to the W. of Kendal, 
teste Mrs. E. Hype. | 

1684/3. Narcissus xX BIFLORUS Curt. S.; Jersey; a few plants 
K. of La Pulente, D. McCrintock. 

§691/2. Potyconatum MULTIFLORUM (L.) All. *f93, N. Aberd.; a 
few plants by roadside two miles E. of Craigston Castle, far from 
habitation, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§+702/8. Axttum carinatum L. *95, Elgin; plentiful by roadside 
at Broom of Moy, and by banks of the Muckle Burn, 1948: *96b, Nairn; 
by banks of river Nairn, S. of Nairn, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§702/11. Azritium scHoENoPRASUM L. *195, Elgin; shingle of river 
Spey at Kingston, Miss G. Hatnes, comm. M. McCatium WEBSTER. 

1702/19. Attium PARADOxUM (Bieb.) G. Don. 81, Berwick; open 
wood above Coldstream Bridge, D. McCuinrocx. 

§7708/2. Littum pyReNaicum Gouan. *48, Radnor; waste ground, 
Frank’s Bridge, R. C. L. Howrrt. 


§719/8. Luzvuxa spicata (L.) DC. *95, Elgin; shingle of river Spey, 
Kingston, 1948, M. McCattum WesstTer. 

§1723/1. Arum iraticum Mill. 144, Carms.; near Laugharne, J. F. 
Thomas, conf. A. E. Wade (1957, Nature in Wales, 3, 399). 

§737/28. PoTaAMoGETON PECTINATUS L. *43, Radnor; pond by Hind- 
well Farm, Walton, J F. and P. C. Hat. 

§739/1. ZANNICHELLIA PALUSTRIS L. *43, Radnor; pond by Hind- 
well Farm, Walton, J. F. and P. C. Hat. 

§748/2. RuyncHospora ALBA (L.) Vahl. *43, Radnor; streamside 
Nant-y-Blymbren, near Penygarrog Reservoir, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. L. 
Howitt and V. Gorpon. 

753/19x21B. CaREX HOSTIANA X LEPIDOCARPA subsp. scorica. 109, 
Caithness; in flushes N.E. side of Loch Calder, Thurso, with both 
parents, M. McCattum WesstTer, det. E. W. Davies. 

§753/43. CaREx BUXBAUMII Wahlenb. {97, Westerness; marshy 
moorland at about 800 ft. within the parish of Urquhart and Glen- 
moriston, 1954, Dr. D. S. Kettle, comm. J. Grant Roger (1957, Trans. & 
Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 37, 132). 

§753/47. Carex aquatinis Wahlenb. *95, Elgin; abundant on both 
banks of river Spey from Kingussie to Fochabers, M. McCattum WEs- 

§753/61. Carex patRAEI F. W. Schultz. *87, W. Perth; Blairlogie, 
A. A. Siack. 

758/3.  SpaARTINA TOWNSENDII H. & J. Groves. 48, Mer.; Glas Lyn 
estuary below Y Cob causeway, A. Conotiy and J. G. PACKER. 

§780/2(2). AGROoSsTIS GIGANTEA Roth. *95, Elgin; Greshop Wood, 
M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

§791/3. DrscHAMPSIA SETACEA (Huds.) Hack. *49. Caerns.; wet 
hollow, heath near Nevin, south-west Lleyn, A. Conotty and P. M. 
Smitn, det. A. MELDERIS. 

§794/3. HeLiIcTtoTRICHON PRATENSE (L.) Pilg. 131, Hunts.; Wood- 
walton Fen, M. FE. D. Poore (1956, J. Ecol., 44, 465). 

§809/3. Kornerta «@racitis Pers. *95, Elgin; sandy ground, 
Greshop Wood, Forres, 1953, B.S.B.I. Frenp Merettne, comm. M. 
McCatitum WEeEnsstTeER. 


§824/2(2). Poa aneustirouia L. t31, Hunts.; grassland by road- 
side, near Alconbury Weston, 1938, C. E. Hubbard (Hb. Kew) (1956, 
Ann. Rep. Hunts. Fauna & Flora Soc., 9, 18). 

§+824/5. Poa patustris L. 22, Berks.; river wall, Abingdon, J. H. 
Loustey and D. McCuintock. *35, Mon.; wharfside, Newport, 1954, 
D. McCuintock. 

§824/10. Poa compressa L. {95, Elgin; dry bank at Knockando 
railway station, M. McCattum WesstTeER, conf. A. MELDERIS. But see 
Burgess, Flora, 37. 

§895/2x3. GLYCERIA X PEDICELLATA Townsend. {48, Mer.; a large 
patch, and a smaller one, in a marshy place by the shore at Talybont, 
1955, P. M. Benoit, det. M. Borrill (1957, Nature in Wales, 3, 399). 

§826/4. Festuca pRATENSIS Huds. *95, Elgin; field at St. John’s 
Mead, Darnaway; Carron distillery, M. McCattum Wesster, det. A. 

§+826/6. FESTUCA HETEROPHYLLA Lam. *13, W. Sussex; edge of 
woods near Job’s Castle, Lower Beeding, R. C. Paumer, det. C. KH. 

826/7x829/1. FrstucaA RUBRA xX LoLIUM PERENNE. 70, Cumber- 
land; meadow in front of Chapel Field House, Borrowdale, near Kes- 
wick, Miss G. A. Hayss, det. A. MELpERIS, comm. E. B. BANGERTER. 

§826/18. Vunera myuros (L.) C. C. Gmel. t46, Cards.; railway 
sidings, Aberystwyth, A. O. Chater (1957, Nature in Wales, 3, 488). 

§826(3)/1. Cataropium rigipum (L.) C. E. Hubbard. *43, Radnor ; 
old quarry, Dolyhir, D. Baytis, D. E. pr Vesi1an and F. H. Perrine. 

1827/13(2). Bromus cartnatus Hook. & Arn. 88, Mid Perth; path 
leading to river Tay, Kinnoull, M. McCattum Wesster, det. A. 

§827/19(2). Bromus LEPIDUS Holmb. *43, Radnor; E. of Abbey 
Cwmhir, D. E. pr Vestan. *109, Caithness; roadside at Inver, near 
Dunbeath; rough ground, Loch Watten, M. McCattum WessteER, conf. 

§828/2. BracHypopDIUM PINNATUM (L.) Beauv. 14, E. Sussex; 
Buxhall’s Hill, Lindfield, away from chalk, R. C. Parmer. *1106, E. 
Ross; Cromarty, B.S.B.I. Frerp Mretine, comm. U. K. Dunoan. 

§7829/2. Lotium temuLentum L. {95, Elgin; rubbish-tips, Forres 
and Elgin, M. McCattum Wesster, conf. A. MELDERIS. But see 
Burgess, Flora, 38. 


§830/2. AGROpYRON PUNGENS (Pers.) Roem. & Schult. *48, Mer.; 
Glas Lyn estuary below Y Cob causeway, A. Conotuiy and J. G. Packer. 

§835/1. HorprEum sEcALINUM Schreb. *42, Brecon; Pentre-Bach, 
J. F. and P C. Hatt. 

§851/5B. ASPLENIUM ADIANTUM-NIGRUM subsp. oNopTERIS (L.) Heufl. 
*47, Montg.; rocky place, c. 400 ft., Breidden Hill, 1955, E. K. Hor- 
woop, det. E. W. Davirs. This subspecies has previously been recorded 
from south and west Ireland, and is not certainly known from England. 
This Welsh locality is an interesting northward extension of its range, 
iG. Wore 

§856/1(2). DRYopTERIS BORRERI Newm. *95, Elgin; Loch Romach, 
1955, M. McCattum WEBSTER. 

856/8. THELYPTERIS PALUSTRIS Schott. 52, Anglesey; Cors Goch, 
near Berllech, W. S. Lacky, comm. Nat. Mus. WALEs. 

864/1. OsmunDA rEGALIS L. 49, Caerns.; Cors Geirch, near 
Rhydyclafog, Lleyn Peninsula, 1955, W. S. Lacey, comm. Nar. Mus. 
Wates. 52, Anglesey; Cors Goch, 1954, W. S. Lacey, comm. Nat. Mvs. 

§872/3. NITELLA FLEXILIS Ag. *96b, Nairn; loch at Achaureat, 
S. of Cawdor, J. B. Stmpson, det. G. O. ALLEN, comm. M. McCarivum 


Compiled by Douvetas H. Kent 

Thanks are due to E. B. Bangerter and A. E. Wade for their 


1— Ranuncunaceak. Larsen, K., 1956, Ranunculaceernes udbredelse 
i Danmark, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 197-252. The distribution of the Ranun- 
culaceae in Denmark is discussed, and illustrated by maps.—[D.H.K. | 

6/2. Ranuncoutus Repens L. Harper, J. L., 1957, Ranunculus 
repens L. (Biological Flora), J. Hcol., 45, 314-325. 

6/3. Ranunoutus acris L. Harper, J. L.,,1957, Ranunculus acris 
L. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 45, 289-314. 

6/5. Ranuncutus sutsosus L. Harper, J. L., 1957, Ranunculus 
bulbosus L. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 45, 325-342. 

13/4. DeteHinium asacts L. Dawson, G. W. P., 1955, The inherit- 
ance of variegated flower colour in Delphinium ajacis, Heredity, 9, 

19. NupHar & 20. Nympuaza. Heslop-Harrison, Y., 1955, British 
water lilies, New Biology, 18, 111-120. 

33> CRUCIFERAE. Chadefaud, M., 1956, La fleur et les pieces 
florales des Cruciferes d’aprés quelques structures tératologiques, Bull. 
Soc. Bot. France, 103, 454-460. 

34/1. CHEIRANTHUS CHEIRI L. Bateman, A. J., 1956, Cryptic self- 
incompatibility in the wallflower: Cheiranthus cheiri, Heredity, 19, 

A49(3)/1. ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA (L.) Heynh. Robbelen, G., 1957, 
Uber Heterophyllie bei Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., Ber. Deutsch. 
Bot. Ges., 70, 39-44. 

87. HELIANTHEMUM. Proctor, M. C. F., 1956, Helianthemum 
(Biological Flora), J. Hcol., 44, 675-692. 


89. Potyeata.—See 295—> RuBIACEAE. 

92. DiantHus. Carolin, R. C., 1957, Cytological and hybridization 
studies in the genus Dianthus, New Phyt., 56, 81-98. 

92/6. DIANTHUS CARTHUSIANORUM L. Schloemer, A., 1955, Die 
Karthauser-Nelke, Natur und Volk, 85, 245-246. 

94. GypsopHILA. Lawrence, G. H. M., 19538, Keys to cultivated 
plants. 1. The cultivated species of Gypsophila, Batleya, 1, 16-18. 

96. SiENE. Hungerbtihler, R., 1957, Researches on Silene maritima 
and S. vulgaris, 34. The anatomy of stems and leaves of the bladder 
campions, Kew Bull., 1956, 559-573. 


96/10. SiteNE nutans L. MHepper, F. N., 1956, Silene nutans IL. 
(Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 44, 693-700. 

98. LycHnis. Lawrence, G. H. M., 1953, Keys to cultivated plants. 
2. The cultivated species of Lychnis, Baileya, 1, 105-111 & 114. 

98(2). MerLanprium.—See 98. LycuHNIs. 

98(2)/2. MELANDRIUM pioIcuMm (L.) Coss. & Germ. Heslop-Harrison, 
J. W., 1957, Variation in flower colour in the red campion (Melandrium 
rubrum), Vasc. (Subst.), 42, 13-14. 

98(3). Viscarta.—See 98. Lycunis. 

100/9. CrRASTIUM ATROVIRENS Bab. Whitehead, F. H., 1956, Pre- 
liminary investigation of factors determining growth form of Cerastium 
tetrandrum Curt., J. Hcol., 44, 334-340. 

124 Lrnackar.—See 295—> RUBIACEAE. 

132— Oxaris.—See 295— RvBIACEAE. 

133. JTweatiens. Maurizio, A., 1956, Pollenanalytische Beobach- 
tungen, 13. Impatiens-Honig, Ber. Schweiz Bot. Ges., 66, 118-124. 

133. InmpatieENs.—See 295—> RUBIACEAE. 

133/3. ImpaTIENS PARVIFLORA DC. Coombe, D. E., 1956, Impatiens 
parviflora DC. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 44, 701-713. 

153. Mepicaco. Lesins, K., 1957, Cytogenetic study on a tetra- 
ploid plant at the diploid chromosome level, Canad. J. Bot., 35, 181-196. 
Studies on Medicago sativa and M., falcata.—[D.H.K. } 

153/3. Merpicago sativa L. Fyfe, J. L., 1957, Relational incom- 
patibility in diploid and tetraploid lucerne, Nature, 179, 591-592. 

154. Mertitotus. Isely, D., 1954, Keys to sweet clovers (Melilotus), 
Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 61, 119-131. The author gives keys to the identi- 
fication of the species of Melilotus. The taxonomy and nomenclature of 
the various taxa have not been investigated.—{ D.H.K. ] 

155. Trirotium. Hendrych, R., 1956, Nékteré vysledky revise 
ceskoslovenskych jetelu, Preslia, 28, 403-412. A revision of the Czech 
species of Trifolium.—[D.H.K. ] 

155/16. TrirottuM REPENS L. Van Den Bergh, J. P. & De Vries, 
D. M., 1955, Een bijdrage tot de oecologie van witte klaver (Trifolium 
repens L.) in oud grasland, Verslag. Centr. Inst. Landbouw. Onderz., 
1954, 49-55. Studies on the ecology of Trifolium repens in old permanent 
grassland in the Netherlands.—[D.H.K.] 

183. Prunus. Heil, H., 1956, Die Steppenkirsche, Natur und Volk, 
86, 251-255. 

185. Rupus. Hylander, H., 1955, Rubus plicatus: Dess formkrets 
och niarstaende arter, Bot. Not., 108, 341-380. 

189. Porrentrtna. Rhodes, H. L. J., 1954, The cultivated shrubby 
Potentillas, Baitleya, 2, 89-96. 

190. AtenemintaA. De Langhe, J. E. & Reichling, L., 1955, Les 
especes d’Alchemilla du groupe vulgaris en Belgique et au Grand-Duché 
de Luxembourg, Bull. Soc. Nat. Luxemb., 59, 133-148. An introductory 
review of the history of the study of the Alchemilla vulgaris aggregate 
shows it to have been somewhat neglected in Belgium and Luxembourg. 


Such work as has now been accomplished reveals the presence of four 
segregate species: —A. hybrida L., A. filicaulis Buser, A. xanthochlora 
Rothm. and A. glabra Neygenf. These are described in detail and a 
key, based primarily on pubescence and leaf-form, is given. Distribu- 
tion, illustrated by maps, is also detailed.—[E.B.B. | 

190. AtoHEMILLA. Turesson, G., 1956, Variation in the apomictic 
microspecies of Alchemilla vulgaris, 2. Progeny tests in agamotypes 
with regards to morphological characters, Bot. Not., 109, 400-404. 

199/10. SaxirRaca HYPNoIDES L. Ferreira, R. E. C. & Roger, J. G., 
1957, Saxifraga hypnoides L. on the coast of Banffshire, Trans. & Proc. 
Bot. Soc. Edinb., 37, 133-136. An ecological account of Saaifraga 
hypnoides, including lists of associated species.—[|D.H.K. ] 

200/1. Parnassia PaLustTRIS L. Banach-Pogan, E., 1956, Karyo- 
logical studies in Parnassia palustris, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 25, 675-679. 

203/1. CHRYSOSPLENIUM ALTERNIFOLIUM L. Schloemer, A., 1955, 
Wechsblattriges Milzkraut, Natur und Volk, 85, 90. 

223. OENOTHERA. Renner, O., 1956, Europaéische Wildarten von 
Oenothera, 3, Planta, 47, 219-254. Further cyto-genetical studies on 
Oenothera in Europe. Two new taxa are described—O. biennis var. 
angustifolia and O. nuda.—[D.H.K. ] 

259/1. ScANDIX PECTEN-VENERIS L. Eberle, G., 1956, Der Venus 
Kamm, Natur und Volk, 86, 219-222. 

277. HeractEum. Sandina, I. B., 1957, On the importance of fruit 
characters for taxonomy of the genus Heracleum, Bot. Zhurn., 42, 535- 
555 (in Russian). 

285/1. THELYCRANIA SANGUINEA (L.) Fourr. Koch, F., 1954, Eine 
bemerkenswerte Abart des Gemeinen Hartriegels, Mitt. Deutsch. Dendr. 
Ges., 58, 172. A number of plants of Thelycrania sanguinea with a 
dwarf habit, and with white, instead of whitish, flowers were found on 
the west slope of the Wieter (Germany). A description is given but 
no varietal name.—[D.H.K. | 

295 RupsiaceaE. Pedersen, A., 1956, Rubiaceernes, Polygala- 
ceernes, Linaceernes, Oxalidaceernes og Balsaminaceernes udbredelse i 
Danmark, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 139-196. The distribution of the Rubi- 
aceae, Polygalaceae, Linaceae, Oxalidaceae and Balsaminaceae in Den- 
mark is discussed and illustrated by maps.—[D.H.K.] 

379(2)/1. Homogynr atprna (L.) Cass. Urbariska, K., 1956, Studies 
in the biology of reproduction and embryology of Homogyne alpina 
(L.) Cass., Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 25, 733-751. 

383/5. SENECIO JACOBAEA L. Fryer, J. D. & Chancellor, B. A., 
1956, Ragwort and its control, Agriculture, 63, 65-69. 

383/5. SENEcIO JAcoBAEA L. Harper, J. L. & Wood, W. A., 1957, 
Senecio jacobaea L. (Biological Flora), J. Ecol., 45, 617-637. 

383/7. SENECIO squaLipus L. Kent, D. H., 1957, Senecio squalidus 
L. in the British Isles, 3. Hast Anglia, Trans. Norf. & Norw. Nats. 
Soc., 18, 30-31. Senecio squalidus was deliberately introduced at 


Gorleston, Bury and Norwich in the 19th century, and it is from these 
centres, rather than via the railway from Oxford, that the plant has 
spread in East Anglia. The known distribution of the species in the 
area is outlined.—[D.H.K.] 

383/7. SENECIO squaLipus L. Lousley, J. E., 1956, Senecio squali- 
dus L. et Viola nana (DC.) Corb. dans le Pas-de-Calais, Monde des 
Plantes, 319, 19. Senecio squalidus has been discovered in the Pas- 
de-Calais. It is well established about dock installations and waste 
ground and although new to France had probably been introduced 
across the Channel from Britain. Viola kitaibeliana (V. nana) is also 
reported from the Pas-de-Calais many miles west of previously known 
localities.—[ D.H.K.] 

395. Carpuus. Gorecka, A., 1956, Badania cytologiczne nad trzema 
gatunkami rodzaju Carduus L., Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 25, 719-731. 
Chromosome studies on Carduus acanthoides L. (2n=22), C. crispus L. 
(2n=16) and C. nutans L. (22=16) in Poland.—[D.H.K. | 

395. Carpuus. Kazubowska, T., 1955, Badania nad liezbam i chro- 
mosomow dwéoch tatrzanskich gatunkow rodzaju Carduus L., Acta Soe. 
Bot. Pol., 24, 189-196. 

405. CrenTAauREA. Arenes, J., 1957, Les Centaurées de la sous-sec- 
tion Jacea: systématique, chorologie et phylogénie, Bull. Jard. Bot. 
Brux., 27, 143-157. The systematic history of the subsection Jacea of 
the genus Centaurea is traced and seven species recognised—C. jacea, 
C, amara, C. pratensis, C. nigrescens, C. nigra, C. derventana and C. 
cassia. Detailed distribution of each species is given followed by the 
phylogenetic history of the group from its earliest Mediterranean ele- 
ments.. Taxa given as occurring in the British Isles are:—C. jaceg 
subsp. jucea var. jacea, subsp. ruscinionensis (Boiss.) J. Ar. var. rusct- 
nionensis, subsp. pectinatisquama J. Ar., C. amara subsp. decipiens 
(Thuill.) J. Ar. var. decipiens, subsp. serotina (Bor.) J. Ar., C. nigra 
subsp. nemoralis (Jord.) J. Ar. var. nemoralis, subsp. debeauxti (Gren 
& Godr.) Gugl.—[E.B.B.] 

419. Hrmractum. Malmio, B., 1956, Tietoju Uudenkaupungin 
seudun Hieracium-lajeista, Arch. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. ‘Vanamo’, 11, 
33-48. Studies on Finnish Hieracia, including descriptions of a num- 
ber of new species.—[ D.H.K.] 

419/1. Hirractum prtosetta L. Duquénois, P., Greib, E. & Haag, 
M., 1956, Dévelopement et activité de 1’ Hieracium pilosella L. au cours 
de sa vegetation, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 103, 426-429. The vegetative 
development of Hieracium ptlosella through the seasons is Pere in 
relation to its antibiotic properties.—[E.B.B.] 

421/3. Hypocnorris GLaBra L. Shinners, L. H., 1956, Hypochaeris 
glabra (Compositae) in Arkansas and Louisiana, South West Nat. 
(Texas), 1, 49-68. 

440/1, Arsurus uNEvo L. Hagerup, O., 1957, Wind autogamy in 
Arbutus, Bull. Soc, Bot. Brux., 27, 41-47. 


455(2)/1. DiapENsia Lapponica L. Roger, J. G., 1957, Diapensia 
lapponica L. in Scotland, Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 37, 133. 
The flowers of Diapensia lapponica appear usually between mid-May 
and mid-June in Scotland, not in June and July as stated in an earlier 

460/3. PrRimurta veRIs L. Hamilton, M. N., 1957, Primula veris 
L. in Co. Londonderry, Jrish Nats. J., 12, 172. 

A71/1. FrRaxinus Excersiorn L. Ferenczy, L., 1956, Antibacterial 
substance in seeds of Fraxinus excelsior L., Acta Univ. Szeged., 2, 

471/1. Fraxinus excetsion L. Szalai, J. & Varga, M. B., 1956, 
Die Wechselwirkung von Struktur und Standort, im Spiegel des Aufbas 
der Jahrringe, bei der Esche: Studien tiber Fraxinus excelsior L., 2, 
Acta Univ. Szeged., 2, 77-96. Die Gestaltung der Mengenverhialtnisse 
der Gewebeelemente im Holzkorper der Esch an den verschiedenen 
Fundorten: Studien tiber Fraxinus excelsior L., 3, op. cit., 2, 97-102. 

521/1. ATROPA BELLA-DONNA L. Eberle, G., 1955, Die Tollkirsche, 
Natur und Volk, 85, 297-305. 

932. Lrvarta. De Wolf, G. P., Junr., 1956, Notes on cultivated 
Scrophulariaceae. 3. Linaria, Baileya, 4, 102-114. 

534. ANTIRRHINUM. De Wolf, G. P., Junr., 1956, Notes on culti- 
vated Scrophulariaceae, 2. Antirrhinum and Asarina, Baileya, 4, 55-68. 

548. Veronica. De Wolf, G. P., Junr., 1956, Notes on cultivated 
Scrophulariaceae, 4. Veronica, Baileya, 4, 148-159. 

548. RuryantHus. Tschermak-Woess, E., 1957, Uber das regel- 
massige Auftreten von ‘‘Riesenchromosomen”? in Chalazahaustorium 
von Rhinanthus, Chromosoma, 8, 523-544, 

550. OroBancHeE. Lotschert, W., 1954, Sommerwurz und Kolbent- 
rager, Natur wnd Volk, 84, 270-274. 

558. Mentua. De Wolf, G. P., 1954, Notes on cultivated Labiates, 
2. Mentha, Baileya, 2, 3-11. 

560. Oricanum. De Wolf, G. P., 1954, Notes on cultivated Labi- 
ates, 3. Origanum and relatives, Baileya, 2, 57-66. 

562. SaturEsA. De Wolf, G. P., 1954, Notes on cultivated Labiates, 
4. Satureja and some related genera, Baileya, 2, 143-150. Includes 
Acinos, Calamintha and Clinopodium.—[D.H.K.] 

562(2). Actnos.—See 562. SaTUREJA. 

562(3). CaLAMINTHA.—See 562. SAaTUREJA. 

563. CLINoPpopIUM.—See 562. SaTUREIJA. 

569. Nepera. De Wolf, G. P., 1955, Notes on cultivated Labiates, 
6. Nepeta, Baileya, 3, 99-107. 

588/2. Prantaco mnpicaA L. Corillion, R., 1956, Plantago ramosa 
(Gilib.) Asch. (=P. arenaria W. & K.) sur la céte nord de la Bretagne, 
Bull. Lab. Marit. Dinard, 42, 87. Plantago indica is new for north 
Brittany and should be looked for on fixed dunes in other areas.— 



596. AmaARANTHUS. Sauer, J., 1957, Recent migration and evolu- 
tion of the dioecious Amaranths, Hvolution, 11, 11-31. 

606/18. Harimione pepuncuxata (L.) Aellen. Dupontreue, G., 1957, 
Note sur Obione pedunculata Mogq., Bull. Soc. Innn. Lyon, 26, 15-16. 
The southern limit of the northern species Halimione pedunculata in 
France is the Department of the Somme, whence, however, it seemed 
to have disappeared. It was recently rediscovered in a new station, 
on the north border of the Department. It is suggested that the 
rarity of this and other boreo-arctic species (e.g. Lathyrus maritimus 
and Senecio palustris) is due to climatic warming-up which drives them 
further north.—[E.B.B. | 
_ 615/14. Polygonum avicuLarE L. agg. Chrtek, J., 1956, Promén- 
livost druhu Polygonum aviculare L. v CSR, Preslia, 28, 362-368. 

616. Fagorpyrum. Giacomini, V., 1955, Notizie sulla variabilita 
in coltura del grano saraceno (Fagopyrum sagittatum Gilib.), Atti Ist. 

Bot. Univ. Pavia, 13, 277-298. — Includes a key to the identification 
of species of Fagopyrum. Photographs of fruits are also given.— 

616/1. Fagorpyrum EscuLENtTUM Moench. Giacomini, V, 1955, 

Notizie storiche sulla introduzione in Europa del grano saraceno 
(Fagopyrum sagittatum Guilib.), Atti Ist. Bot. Univ. Pavia, 13, 254-276. 

631/1, Buxus sremprerRvirENS L. Eberle, G., 1956, Buchsbaum, 
Natur und Volk, 86, 7-13. 

632/1. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS L. Boatman, D. J., 1956, Mercurialis 
perennis L. in Ireland, J. Heol., 44, 587-596. 

632/2. MercurrtaLis ANNUAL. Yampolsky, C., 1957, Further experi- 
ments with male and female grafts of Mercurialis annua, Bull. Torr. Bot. 
Club, 84, 1-8. 

633. Utmus. Richens, R. H., 1956, Elms, New Biology, 20, 8-29. 

6438/1. Atnus eLuTINosa (L.) Gaertn. McVean, D. N., 1956, 
Ecology of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., 5. Notes on some British Alder 
populations, J. Heol., 44, 321-330. 6. Post-glacial history, op. cit., 44, 

646. Quercus. Duplessis, L., 1956, La ‘‘migration’’ du ‘‘chéne’’ 
pubescent’’ sur le Basses Terrasses de la Seine prés de Paris, Bull. Fed. 
Franc, Soc. Sei. Nat., 4, 74-81. A discussion on the status of Quercus 
lanuginosa in relation to @. robur and Q. petraea as evidenced by its 
spread in various localities on the Seine. Ecological, edaphic, climatic 
and genetic aspects are considered.—| E.B.B.] 

646/3. Qurerous cerris L. Eberle, G., 1955, Von der Zerreiche, 
Natur und Volk, 85, 109-115. 

649/1. Fagus sytvatioa L. Edlin, H. L., 1957, Beech as a native 
of the Lake District, Quart. J. For., 51, 167. 

650. Sartx. Grapengiesser, S., 1955, Anteekningar till de skandin- 
aviska Salix-artenas systematik och nomenclatur, Bot. Not., 108. 

656/1. Enopra cANADENSIS Michx. Dale, H. M., 1957, Develop- 
mental studies of Elodea canadensis Michx. 1. Morphological develop- 


ment of the shoot apex, Canad. J. Bot., 35, 13-24. 2. Experimental 
studies on morphological effects of darkness, op. cit., 35, 51-64. 

659/1. Hammarsya paLuposa (L.) Kuntze. Corillion, R., 1956, Sur 
deux localitiés nouvelles de Malaxis paludosa Sw. (Orchidacées) en 
Bretagne, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 103, 484-485. Two new localities in 
Brittany for this orchid indicate its much more extensive occurrence 
and range before bog drainage and land clearance.—[E.B.B.] 

665/1. GoopYERA REPENS (L.) R.Br. Simon, E., 1956, Sur la 
présence du Goodyera repens 4 Seuilly (Indre-et-Loire), Bull. Soc. Bot. 
France, 103, 486-487. No satisfactory explanation can be given for the 
appearance of this species under possibly introduced pines some distance 
from other known stations.—[E.B.B.] 

669. Dactytorcuis. Heslop-Harrison, J., 1957, On the hybridiza- 
tion of the common spotted orchid, Dactylorchis fuchsii (Druce) Vermln., 
with the marsh orchids, D. praetermissa (Druce) Vermln. and D. pur- 
purella (T. & T. A. Steph.) Vermln., Proc. Linn. Soc., 167, 176-185. 

669. Orcuts. Richardson, J. A., 1956, The réle of soil fungus in the 
spread of orchid species in clay pits, Proc. Univ. Durham Phil. Soc., 
12, 183-189. 

675/1. Cyprrpepium caLcrotus L. Arzt, T., 1954, Frauenschuh und 
Spinae, Natur und Volk, 84, 421-425. 

676. Iris. Benbow, M. & McClintock, D., 1957, Irises that grow 
wild in Britain, Country Infe, 121, 972-973. Although only Iris pseuda- 
corus and I. foetidissima are native to Britain a number of other species 
are naturalised. These include J. spuria, long known from Lincoln and 
Dorset, I. versicolor, reported from Ullswater, near Halifax, Loch Tay 
and Epping Forest, and Hermodactylus tuberosus long established in 
south-west England. J. xiphiwm survives in field verges in the extreme 
south west and in the Channel Islands, and [. stbirica and I. germanica 
occur as casuals. There are old records of J. pumila, I. susiana and 
I. xiphoides, but these are unsatisfactory and require confirmation.— 

677/1. HeRMopaActyLus TUBEROSUs (L.) Mill.—See 676. Irts. 

678. Crocus. Lawrence, G. H. M., 1954, Keys to cultivated plants, 
4. The spring-flowering crocuses, Baileya, 3, 127-137. 

685. GaLantHus. Stern, Sir F. C., 1956, Snowdrops and Snow- 
flakes, pp. vi + 128. Lond. Studies on the genera Galanthus and 

686. Lrucosum.—See 685. GALANTHUS. 

689—> Litacesar. Mookerjea, A., 1956, A cytological study cf 
several members of the Liliaceae, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. 
‘Vanamo’, 29 (3), 1-44. 

702. Azritrum. Moore, H. E., Junr., 1954-55, The cultivated Alliums, 
Baileya, 2, 103-122 & 3, 137-149 & 156-167. 

709/1. Frirmtaria MELEAGRIS L. Warren, C. H., 1957, In search 
of the fritillary, Country Life, 121, 697. An account of a search for 
Fritillaria meleagris in Suffolk.—[D.H.K.] 


723/2. Arum macutatum L. Lamb, A., 1957, An investigation of 
the efficiency of the pollination mechanism in Lords-and-Ladies (Arum 
maculatum), Mag. Blundell’s School Sci. Soc., 11, 33-37. 

734/1. Buromus umpettatus L. Dress, W. J., 1956, The flowering 
rush, Baileya, 4, 134-136. 

737. PotamMocrton. Clason, E. W., 1957, Onze grote fonteinkruiden, 
Natura, 54, 47-52. 

737. PotTaMoGETon. Ziegenspeck, H., 1956, Phylogenie und Physio- 
logie der Potamogetonaceae im Lichte moderner Methoden uniter beson- 
derer Beriicksichtigung von Formen aus Uruguay, Rev. Sudamer. Bot., 
10, 197-212. Includes a number of species also found in Britain.— 

746/6. Scrrpus AMERICANUS Pers. Westhoff, V. & Bruijns, M. F. 
M., 1956, De groeiplaats van Scirpus americanus Pers. op het Groene 
Strand bij West-Terschelling, Acta Bot. Neerl., 5, 344-354. Scirpus 
americanus, a rare species in western Europe, seems to have a local 
optimum on the edge of ponds in salt marshes, where fresh water is 
running out of the dunes. Its ecology was studied in 1953 in a station 
situated on the ‘‘Green Beach’’ of the West Frisian island of Terschel- 
ling, Netherlands. The station was almost entirely destroyed in 1955 
by measures taken to protect the coast against attacks from the sea.— 
[Authors’ summary p.p. | 

753/71. Carex rupEstris All. Jasiewicz, A. & Zarzycki, K., 1956, 
Carex rupestris Bell. ex All. i Aconitum tauricum ssp. nanum (Baumg.) 
Gay. dwie now dla Flory Polskie] rosliny z Bieszezadéw Zachodnich, 
Fragm. Flor. Geobot., 2, 24-27. 

758. Spartina. Caldwell, P.-A., 1957, The spatial development of 
Spartina colonies growing without competition, Ann. Bot., 21, 203-214. 

758/3. SPARTINA TOWNSENDII H. & J. Groves. Chater, E. H. & 
Jones, H., 1957, Some observations on Spartina townsendii H. & J. 
Groves in the Dovey Estuary, J. Ecol., 45, 157-167. 

794. Avena. Thurston, J. M., 1957, Wild oats, Rep. Rothamsted: 
Exper. Station, 1956, 80-81. Further studies on Avena fatua and A. 
ludoviciana.—[D.H.K. ] 

797/1. Cynopon pactyton (L.) Pers. Ferenczy, L., 1956, Unter- 
suchungen iiber die Keimungerverhalt-nisse und Stimulation des Hund- 
s-zahns (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) Beriicksichtigung der Bergrasungs- 
Frage, Acta Univ. Szeged., 2, 15-22. 

802/1. PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS Trin. Gorham, E. & Pearsall, W. H., 
1956, Shoot production in Phragmites in relation to habitat, J. Ecol., 
44, 206-214. 

819/1. Dactytis cromerata L. Borrill, M., 1957, A morphologically 
distinct ecotype of Dactylis glomerata, Nature, 179, 544-545. Studies 
on Dactylis glomerata subsp. hispanica (Roth) Nym. from the Mediter- 
ranean region have revealed the existence of two distinct epidermal 
types, one of which may be an independent subspecies.—[D.H.K.] 

819/1. Dacrytis GLtomeRata L. Zodda, G., 1955, Anomolie in 
Dactylis glomerata L., Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 62, 568-569. 


824/11. Poa atpina L. Schwarzenbach, F. H., 1956, Die Beeinflus- 
sung der Viviparie bei einer grénlandischen Rasse von Poa alpina L. 
durch den jahreszzeitlichen Licht- und Temperaturwechsel, Ber. Schweiz 
Bot. Ges., 66, 204-223. 

830. AcRopyron. Hair, J. B., 1956, Subsexual reproduction in 
Agropyron, Heredity, 10, 129-160. 

830/2. AGRopYRON REPENS (L.) Beauv. Grigson, G., 1957, A weed 
of many names, Country Life, 121, 826-827. 

842/1. Larix pEctipuA Mill. Zelawski, W., 1957, Dalsze badanie 
reakcji fotoperiodycznej siewek modrzewia (Larix europaea DC.), Acta 
Soc. Bot. Pol., 26, 79-103. Further studies on the photoperiodic re- 
action in seedlings of Larix decidua.—[D.H.K.] 

843/1. Picea apres (L.) Karst. Klastersky, I., 1956, Jésté o 
deflexnich supinach na siskéch smrku (Picea excelsa Link.), Preslia, 
28, 400-402. 

844/6. EquisetuM paLusTRE L. Sonneveld, F., 1953, Overzicht van 
de oecologie en de bestrijding van de moeraspaardestaart, Verslag. 
Centr. Inst. Landbouw. Onderz., 1952, 29-35. Studies on the ecology 
and control of Hquisetum palustre in the Netherlands.—[D.H.K.] 

844/7. Equisrtum HYEMALE L. Stelfox, A. W., 1957, The station 
for Equisetum hyemale on Thomas Mountain, Newcastle, Co. Down, 
Irish Nats. J., 12, 172. 

845—> PreRtpopHyta. Pichi-Sermolli, R. E. G., 1957, Names and 
types of Fern genera, 2. Angiopteridaceae, Marattiaceae, Danaeaceae, 
Kaulfussiaceae, Matoniaceae, Parkeriaceae, Adiantaceae, Webbia, 12, 

847/1. Preripium aquitinum (L.) Kuhn. Conway, E., 1957, Spore 
production in bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn), J. Ecol., 45, 

847/1. PreRipIum saquitinum (L.) Kuhn. Wilkie, D., 1956, Incom- 
patibility in bracken, Heredity, 10, 247-256. 

849/1. Bircunum sprcant (L.) Roth. Cerovsky, J., 1956, Ecologické 
pozamky o kapradiné Blechnum spicant (L.) Roth v Ceskoslovensku, 
Preshia, 28, 337-356. 

851. AsprentumM. Meyer, D. E., 1957, Zur Zytologie der Asplenien 
Mittel-europas, (i-xv), Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 70, 57-66. Cytological 
studies on Asplenium, mainly from Germany, Austria and. Switzerland. 
A new hybrid xAsplenoceterach badense (Asplentum ruta-muraria x 
Ceterach officinarum) is described.—[D.H.K. ] 

856/4. Dryopreris DiLATATA (Hoffm.) A. Gray. Wardlaw, C. W., 
1957, Experimental and analytical studies of pteridophytes, 35. The 
effect of direct applications of various substances to the shoot apex of 
Dryopteris austriaca (D. aristata), Ann. Bot., 81, 85-120. 

857. CystopTERIS. Wagner, W. H. Junr. & Hagenah, D. J., 1956, 
Observations on some bulblet-producing populations of the Cystopteris 
fragilis complex, Amer. Fern. J., 46, 137-146. 



864/1. OsmunpDA REGALIS L. Barreau, R., 1956, Contribution 4 
Pétude cytologique d’Osmunda regalis, Le Botaniste, 40, 133-193. 


3, 8. Devon. Little, C., 1957, Water lilies and the figs of the Grand 
Wooten Canal, Mag. Blundell’ s School Sct. Soc., 11, 23-28. 

3-4, Devon. Martin, W. Keble, 1956, 48th capone on the botany of 
Devon, Rep. & Trans. Devon. Assocn., 88, 225-232. Contains a few new 
vice-county records.—[D.H.K. ] 

15-16, Kent. Rose, F., 1955, The new Flora of Kent, S.E. Nat., 60 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18 & 19, Essex, 20, Herts, 21, Mippx. & 
24, Bucks. Kent, D. H. & Lousley, J. E., 1957, A Hand List of the 
plants of the London Area, part 7, supplement to Lond. Nat., 36. This 
is the final part of the work dealing with plants found within a 20 mile 
radius of St. Paul’s Cathedral, and covers families from Gramineae to 
Characeae. A Supplement giving records additional to the parts pub- 
lished earlier and an index to genera are also provided.—[ D.H.K. } 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18 & 19, Essex, 20, Herts & 21, Mippx. 
Lousley, J. E., 1957, Botanical records for 1956, Lond. Nat., 36, 10-15. 

16, W. Kent, 17, Surrey, 18 & 19, Essex, 20, Herts & 21, Mrppx. 
Rose, F., 1957, Vegetation history and environmental factors in the 
London area, Lond. Nat., 36, 28-39. A short account of the plant ecology 
of the London area, in particular the present vegetation and the factors 
affecting it, these include climate, soil, drainage and atmospheric 
pollution.—[D.H.K. ] 

30, Beprorp. Dony, J. G., 1955, Flowering plants, Beds. Nat., 10 
17. Gives a few notes of the more interesting plants found in 1955.— 

31, Hunts. Gilbert, J. L., 1957, Flora, 1956, Ann. Rep. Hunts. 
Fauna & Flora League, 9, 13-18. Gives a few new vice-county records. 

31, Hunts. Poore, M. E. D., 1956, The ecology of Woodwalton Fen, 
J. Ecol., 44, 455-492. 

32, NortHants. Hepburn, I., 1956, Limestone grassland in North- 
amptonshire, in The first fifty years: a history of the Kettering and 
District Naturalists’ Society and Field Club, 70-74. 

32, Norruants. Launden, M., 1956, Botanical report, in The first 
fifty years: a history of the Kettering and District Naturalists’ Society 
and Field Club, 85-86. 

34, W. Guos., 35, Mon. & 36, Herrrorp. Jones, E. W. & Brown, 
J. M. B., 1956, Plant life and vegetation, in Dean Forest and Wye 
Valley. National Forest Park Guide, 62-73. 

36, Hrererorp. Kendrick, F. M., 1956, Botany, 1955, Trans. Wool- 
hope N.F.C., 35, 72-74. Gives the more interesting records made during 
1955. Hypericum x desetangstt from Dinmore is new to the county and 
Rubus phoenicolasius is recorded as an escape in Dog Hill Wood, Led- 
bury.—[A.E.W. ] 


36, Hererorp. Kendrick, F. M., 1957, Botany, 1956, Trans. Wool- 
hope N.F.C., 35, 187-190. Report of field meetings held in 1956 and 
lists of new county records and new stational records made during the 
year. The new county records are of adventives.—[A.E.W. ] 

36, Hererorp. Kendrick, F. M., 1957, Further additions to the 
Flora of Herefordshire, Trans. Woolhope N.F.C., 35, 193-206. Apart 
from miscellaneous records the last list of additions to the Flora of 
Herefordshire appeared in the Transactions of the Woolhope Club in 
1918.—[A.E.W. ] 

AA, Carm., 45, Pems., 46, Carp., 48, Mer., 49, Carrn. & 52, 
ANGLESEY. Benoit, P. M., 1957, Field notes: botanical, Nature in 
Wales, 3, 397-400. Includes notes on Asplenium septentrionale, Juncus 
acutus and Spiranthes spiralis together with a number of other interest- 
ing records.—[D.H.K. ] 

45, PEMB. Gillham, M. E., 1956, Ecology of the Pembrokeshire 
islands, 5. Manuring by the colonial seabirds and mammals, with a 
note on seed distribution by gulls, J. Hcol., 44, 429-454. 

53-54, Lincs. Gibbons, EK. J., 1956, Botany, Trans. Lincs. Nats. 
Union, 14, 35-38. 

56, Notts, 57, Dersy. & 63, S.W. York. Brierley, J. K., 1956, 
Some preliminary observations on the ecology of pit heaps, J. Ecol., 44, 
383-390. Studies on the colonisation and plant succession on pit heaps 
in the coalfield areas of Notts., Derbys. and S. Yorks.—[D.H.K.] 

59, S. Lancs. Slater, F., 1957, Some alien plants of the Bury, 
Lancashire, area, The Nat., 1957, 4. The commonest alien plants of 
the Bury area are Montia sibirica, Matricaria matricarioides and 
Polygonum cuspidatum. Impatiens glandulifera is abundant along the 
banks of the rivers Roch and Irwell. Other species mentioned are 
Impatiens parviflora, Mimulus guttatus, Hieracium brunneocroceum, 
Juncus tenuis and Sisyrinchium angustifolium.—[D.H.K. ] 

61-65, York. Rob, C. M., 1957, Yorks. Nats. Union: 95th Ann. 
Rep.: Botany, The Nat., 1957, 26-29. Gives a number of interesting 
records for the Yorkshire vice-counties.—[D.H.K.] 

63, S.W. York. Grant, D. R. & Schofield, T., 1957, Alien plants 
growing in the Bradford district during 1956, The Nat., 1957, 72. 

65, N.W. Yor«., 66, DurHam & 69, WrstmMortAND. Pigott, C. D., 
1956, The vegetation of Upper Teesdale in the north Pennines, J. Ecol., 
44, 545-586. é 

66, DurHam. Heslop-Harrison, J. W., 1957, Records: flowering 
plants, Vasc. (Subst.), 42, 8. 

66, DurHam. Richardson, J. A., 1957, Notes from the Brooms, 
Birtley, Vasc. (Subst.), 42, 6. 

66, DurHam. Walker, D. A., 1956, Submaritime Festucetum rubrae 
on the Magnesian Limestone in County Durham, Proc. Univ. Durham 
Phil. Soc., 12, 170-174. 

71, Man.—See IRELAND. 

ScottanD. Corner, R. W. M., Blake, E. A., Ferreira, R. E. C. & 
Roger, J. G., 1957, Notes on the Scottish flora, Trans. & Proc. Bot. 


Soc. Edinb., 37, 129-136. Includes notes on Koenigia islandica, found 
in 1956 on the north end of Maol Mheadhonach, Ardmeanach peninsula, 
Saxifraga cernua, S. rivularis and S. cespitosa on the Ben Nevis range, 
plant distribution and communities on Foinne Bheinn, Sutherland, 
Salix reticulata in W. Sutherland, Dryas octopetala in Banff, Carex 
buxbaumu in E. Inverness and Sazifraga hypnoides on the coast cf 
Banff.—[D.H.K. ] 

103, Mip Esupes. Vose, P. B., Powell, H. G. & Spence, J. B., 1957, 
The Machair Grazings of Tiree, Inner Hebrides, Trans. & Proc. Bot. 
Soc. Edinb., 37, 89-110. 

104, N. Espupres. Davis, P. H., 1957, Additions to the flora of Eigg 
(v.c. 104), Trans. & Proc. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 37, 111-113. 

110, OureER HesripEs. Heslop-Harrison, J. W., 1956, Botanizing in 
the Outer Hebrides in 1955 and 1956, Proc. Univ. Durham Phil. Soc., 
12, 141-148. 

IRELAND. Allen, D. E., 1957, Ireland and the Isle of Man: a floristic 
comparison, Irish Nats. J., 12, 126-129. 

H.16, W. Gatway. Woodell, S. R. J., 1957, The island flora of a 
Connemara lake, Irish Nats. J., 12, 126-129. 

H.21, Dusiix. O'Reilly, H. & Pantin, G., 1957, Some observations 
on the salt-marsh formation in Co. Dublin, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 58, 
Sect. B, 89-128. 

H.38, Down. Gunning, B. E. S. & Pate, J. S., 1957, Notes on the 
County Down flora, Jrish Nats. J., 12, 162-164. 


BoprocKozy, G., 1956, Untersuchungen iiber die synékologischen 
Verhaltnisse der Sandbodenwilder in der Umgebung von Szeged, Acta 
Univ. Szeged, 2, 3-12. 

Coritiion, R., 1956, Végétation des halipédes et étages de végétation 
littorale armoricaine (Cote de Bretagne-Nord), Bull. Lab. Marit. Dinard, 
42, 50-55. The maritime vegetation of the north Breton coast is analysed 
and discussed, the associations of the various zones being illustrated by 
a table.—[E.B.B.] 

Frepskizp, B., 1954, Ecological and floristic studies on dry sand 
slopes in western Sealand, Oikos, 5, 205-235. 

HEINEMANN, P., 1956, Les landes & Calluna du district Picardo- 
Brabancon de Belgique, Vegetatio, 7, 99-147. The study of about 70 
sites in the heather moors of this district of mid-Belgium shows two 
main associations, Calluneto-Sieglingietum and Calluneto-Genistetum, 
each with several variants, which are tabulated and analysed. The 
former has a damp subassociation of Dactylorchis maculata and a more 
typical sandy dry one. The latter, typically dry and floristically poor, 
has also a rare damper subassociation. The ecology of the groups is 
briefly sketched, the soil being established as a podsol; the alliance 
Ulicion to which these Calluneta belong is a secondary formation arising 
from forest degeneration.—[E.B.B.] 


Kress, K., 1956, Phdnologisch-plantensoziologische Untersuchungen 
in einen Kichen-Hainbuchen-Wald im Neckargebiet, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. 
Ges., 69, 361-374. 

Lami, R., 1956, Sur la flore terrestre de l’ Ilot du Grand-Chevreuil en 
1955, Bull. Lab. Marit. Dinard, 42, 88-89. Short note on the flora of a 
coastal island showing how vegetation, particularly Legwminosae and 
Gramineae, largely destroyed by deliberately introduced rabbits which, 
however, did not eat Senecio cineraria or Huphorbia portlandica, rapidly 
and spontaneously returns to normal when the rabbits are destroyed 
(not by myxomatosis in this case).—[E.B.B. ] 

Mann, H. H., 1957, Weed herbage of slightly acid arable soils as 
affected by manuring, J. Ecol., 45, 149-156. 

OrsHan, G. & Zonary, D., 1955, Vegetation of the littoral salt 
marshes of Israel, Bull. Res. Council Israel, 4, 363-369. 

Ovineton, J. D., 1956, Studies of the development of woodland con- 
ditions under different trees, 5. The mineral composition of the ground 
flora, J. Hcol., 44, 597-604. 

Ovineton, J. D. & Prarsatt, W. H., 1956, Production ecology, 2. 
Estimates of average production by trees, Oikos, 7, 202-205. 

PEARSALL, W. H. & Gornam, E., 1956, Production ecology, 1. Stand- 
ing crops of natural vegetation, Oikos, 7, 193-201. 

Prrtovu, E. C., 1957, The effect of quadrat size on the estimation of 
the parameters of Neyman and Thomas’s distributions, J. Hcol., 45, 

Rattet, L., 1956, Trois jours d’herborisation dans d’ile d’Oléron, 
Bull. Fed. Franc. Soc. Sci. Nat., 5, 109-120. An ecological sketch «f 
the vegetation of the island of Oléron on the west coast of France. 
Observations are made on a number of species of the Atlantic and 
Mediterranean elements and an account of the vegetation of dunes 
includes associations in which British species play a part.—[E.B.B.] 

Ritrer-Stupnicka, H., 1956, Beitrag zur Okologie der Serpentinflora 
in Bosnien, Vegetatio, 7, 89-98. 

SuiInneRS, L. H., 1956, Wind as a factor in floral ecology and mor- 
phology, South West Nat. (Texas), 1, 88-89. 

Simpson, M. J. A., 1957, Seedling studies in Fescue-tussock grass- 
land, 2. Performance in four sites, N.Z. J. Sci. & Techn., A., Agric. 
Research Sect., 38, 512-526. 

Stmpson, M. J. A. & Moors, L. B., 1955, Seedling studies in Fescue- 
tussock grassland, N.Z. J. Sci. & Techn., A., Agric. Research Sect., 
37, 93-99. : 

Sonnema, M. & Moor, H., 1954, Over het verband tussen zuurgraad 
en onkruidbegroeiing op zandground, Verslag. Centr. Inst. Landbouw. 
Onderz., 1953, 29-85. Studies on the relationship between pH values 
and the weed flora of sandy soils in the Netherlands.—[D.H.K. | 

Hemoine, F., 1957, Carolus Linnaeus, Nature, 179, 1155-1156. 
James, W. O., 1957, Linnaeus (1707-78), Endeavour, 16, 107-112. 


LEHMANN, E., 1957, Botaniker von heute, Orion, 1957, 155-157. 
McCormick, J., 1956, Botanical bibliographies: classification, form, 
arrangement and use, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 83, 377-381. 


Baeuni, C., 1956, La citation des variétés-types, CVandollea, 15, 

Becuerer, A., 1956, Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Farn- und 
Blitenpflanzen der Schweiz, Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges., 66, 224-236. 

Kontuniemi, T., 1955, Lysimachia oder Naumburgia ?, Arch. Suc. 
Zool.-Bot. Fenn. ‘Vanamo’, 9, suppl., 134-135. 

Morton, C. V., 1957, The misuse of the term taxon, Rhodora, 59, 

Verpcourt, B., 1956, Splitting of genera, Nature, 178, 1414. 


Duiean, S. L., 1957, The vegetational history of English interglacial 
deposits, Abstr. Diss. Univ. Camb., 1954-55, 16-17. 

Durno, S., 1957, Pollen analysis of peat deposits in Scotland, Scot. 
Geogr. Mag., 72, 177-187. 

Jusr, T., 1957, Fifty years of Palaeobotany, 1906-1956, Amer. J. Bot., 
44, 93-99. 

West, R. G., 1957, The pleistocene vegetation and geology of East 
Anglia, Abstr. Diss. Univ. Camb, 1954-55, 25-26. 


AronoFF, S., 1957, Photosynthesis, Bot. Rev., 23, 65-107. 

Baxksay, L., 1956, Cytotaxonomical studies on the flora of Hungary, 
Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Nat. Hung., 7, 321-334. Includes notes on Poly- 
gala amara, n=14; Cicuta virosa, 2n=22; Apium repens, 2n=22; 
Bupleurum falcatum, 2n=16; Knautia arvensis, 2n=20; Phyteuma 
tenerum, n=12; Centaurea scabiosa, 2n=20 and Scilla autumnalis, 
2n=42.—[D.H.K. ] 

Brecuerer, A., 1956, Fortschritte in der Systematik und Floristik 
der Schweizerflora (Gefisspflanzen) in den Jahren 1954 und 1955, Ber. 
Schweiz. Bot. Ges., 66, 164-193. 

Bupp, A. C. & Best, K. F., 1956, A suggested system of leaf-shape 
classification, Weeds, 4, 398-399. 

Chosutr, R., 1956, Troisiéme contribution a l’étude de la flore 
valaisanne, Bull. Murith., 73, 92-98. New stations are given for a num- 
ber of vascular plants in this area of the Swiss flora (included are a 
number of species found in the British Isles).—[E.B.B.] 

Constanck, L., 1957, Plant taxonomy in an age of experiment, Amer. 
J. Bot., 44, 88-92. 

CoreLann, H. F., 1957, Forecast of a system of the dicotyledons, 
Madroio, 14, 1-9. 


Cronquist, A., 1957, Outline of a new system of families and orders 
of dicotyledons, Bull. Soc. Bot. Brux., 27, 13-40. 

Kpwarpson, J. R., 1956, Cytoplasmic male-sterility, Bot. Rev., 22, 

Kiest1, O. J., 1957, Induced polyploidy, Amer. J. Bot., 44, 272-279. 

Faulkner, J., 1957, Hybrid flowers of the countryside, Country Life, 
121, 96-97. A popular account, illustrated by photographs, of some of 
the more common hybrids met in the field. These include Primula 
verts X vulgaris, Festuca pratensis x Lolium perenne, Dactylorchis 
fuchsu x pratermissa, Geum rivale x urbanum and Viola hirta x 
odorata.—[ D.H.K. } 

FERNANDES, R., 1956, Notas sobre a flora de Portugal, 6, Bol. Soc. 
Brot., 31, 122-139. Notes on Portuguese plants, including Azolla 
fiiculoides, Carex punctata, Epipactis helleborine, Caltha palustris, 
Hornungia petraea, Tillaea aquatica, Astragalus glycyphyllos, Vicia 
tenutfolia, Callitriche hamulata, C. pedunculata, C. truncata, Caucalis 
lappula, Anagallis minima, Lamvum hybridum, Scutellaria galericulata 
and Leontodon leyssert.—[ D.H.K. ] 

Fourcroy, M., 1956, Quelques fantaisies de la flore parisienne, Bull. 
Soc. Bot. France, 103, 624-626. Notes on the appearance of several 

species over three years on an area following demolition operations in 
Paris.—[ E.B.B. ] 

Grant, V., 1956, The influence of breeding habit on the outcome of 
natural hybridization in plants, Amer. Nat., 90, 319-322. 

Harrorn, S.. 1956, Synzoisk frespredning hos norske fugler, Blyttia, 
14, 104-121. Studies in synzoic seed dispersal by birds in Norway. It is 
concluded that tits contribute greatly to the spread and distribution of 
Galeopsis tetrahit, G. bifida and Juniperus commiunis.—[D.H.K. ] 

Hansen, A., 1957, Noter om Danske planter, Bot. Tidssk., 53, 318- 
325. Short notes on the following spp. in Denmark :—Cuscuta australis, 
U. campestris, Hirschfeldia incona, Hordeum jubatum, Juncus tenuis, 
Innaria repens, Spiranthes spiralis and Veronica filiformis.—[D.H.K. | 

Haruanpn, S. C., 1955, Plant breeding: present position and future 
perspective. The third Bateson Lecture, delivered at the John Innes 
Horticultural Institute on Friday, 15th July, 1955. pp. 1-15. 
Cambridge. - , 

Hestorp-Harrison, J., 1957, The experimental modification of sex 
expression in flowering plants, Biol. Rev., 32, 38-90. 

Hestop-Harrison, J., 1957, The sexuality of flowers, New Biology, 
23, 9-28. 

Hupson, J. P., 1957, Plants and their water supplies, Hndeavour, 
16, 84-89. 

Leprix, EK. E., 1957, A new system for classification of flower types, 
Taxon, 6, 64-67. 

Lewis, H., 1957, Genetics and Cytology in relation to taxonomy, 
Taxon, 6, 42-46. 


Lounamasa, J., 1956, Trace elements in plants growing wild on 
different rocks in Finland, Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. ‘Vanamo’, 
29, (4), 1-196. 

LousLey, J. E., 1957, The British flora during 1956, Nature, 179, 
361-353. An account of the B.S.B.J. Autumn Exhibition meeting held 
in London in 1956.—[ D.H.K. ] 

Lovn, A. & D., 1956, Cytotaxonomical conspectus of the Icelandic 
flora, Acta Hort. Gotoburg., 20, 66-290. The chromosome numbers of 
all the species and races of spermatophyta in Iceland are reported from 
indigenous material. Of the 540 species known from the island 387 are 
regarded as native. 

Detailed taxonomic and cytological accounts are given for a number 
of species including Poa alpina, P. angustifolia, P. pratensis, P. sub- 
cuerulea, Festuca vivipara, F. rubra, Juncus balticus, J. alpinus, J. 
triglumis, J. squarrosus, Cerastium alpinum, Caltha minor, Sieglingia 
decumbens, Betula pubescens, Veronica alpina, Puccinellia maritima, 
Valeriana, Cakile edentula, Roegneria doniana and Lathyrus pratensis. 

Seslerta varia var. calcarea is redescribed as S. deyliana Love and 
Live, nom. nov. The recent uniting of Callitriche hamulata and C. 
pedunculata is not supported by cytological observations, since the 
former has 2n=38 and 40, while the latter has 2n=20.—[ D.H.K.} 

McCuinrock, D., 1957, Extinct in Britain?, The Countryman, 54, 
40-46. 18 apparent losses to the British flora are discussed :—Holosteum 
umbellutum, known in East Angha in the 19th century, and in Surrey, 
where it. was last seen about 25 years ago; Cuscuta epilinwm—last seen 
in 1930; Urtica pilulifera; Euphorbia pilosa, long known near Bath, 
but disappeared prior to the Second World War; Pinguicula alpina; 
Scirpus hudsonianus; Schoenus ferrugineus—destroyed by the raising 
of the level of Loch Tummel for the hydro-electric scheme in 1952 
(clamps were replanted elsewhere but have apparently died); Lathyrus 
niger; Delphinium ajacis; Roemeria hybrida; Orobanche ramosa; 
Halimione pedunculata; Phleum paniculatum; Najas graminea—gone 
from the hot water effluent at Manchester; Asplentwm fontanum; Tillaea 
aquatica; Senecio paludosus and S. congestus.—[D.H.K.] 

Murrkir, R. D., 1957, ‘‘What is the subspecies?’’, Taxon, 6, 102-105. 
A short account of a meeting held by the Systematics Association in 
London on March 8, 1956, to discuss the subspecies problem.—[ D.H.K.] 

Monacutno, J., 1957, Adventive plants in New York, Rhodora, 59, 
17-20. Adventive species found in New York include Cynosurus 
echinatus, Festuca gigantea, Anthriscus sylvestris and Aphanes micro- 
carpa.—[ D.H.K.] 

Rutisnauser, A., 1956, Cytogenetik des Endosperms, Ber. Schweiz. 
Bot. Ges., 66, 318-3386. 

Sattspury, Sir E. J., 1956, Natural selection and plant invasion, 8S. 
Afr. J. Sci., 49, 115-119. 

Sanson-Carettr, J., 1956, Les influences météorologiques et la 
floraison des plantes, Bull. Fed. France. Soc. Sci. Nat., 5, 105-108. The 


effect of the very cold spell in France in Feb.-April 1956 on the flowering 
time of seven species, Galanthus, Tussilago, Mahonia, Syringa, Con- 
vallaria, Geranium robertianum and Papaver rhoeas, is analysed and 
discussed.—[ E.B.B.] 

SHarma, A. K., 1956, Fixation of plant chromosomes, Bot. Rev., 22, 

SKALINSK1, M., Banacu-Pogan, E., et al., 1957, Further studies in 
chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms, Acta Soc. Bot. Pol., 26, 
215-245. Studies on Polish plants include Colchicum autumnale 2n=88, 
Alum ursinum 2n=14, Itlum martagon 2n=24, Maianthemum 
bifolum 2n=36, Paris quadrifolia 2n=20, Iris pseudacorus 2n=24, 
Juncus trifidus 2n=30, Luzula nemorosa 2n=12, Anthoxanthum 
odoratum 2n=10 & 20, Calamagrostis epigejos 2n=56, Ammophila 
arenaria 2n=28, A. baltica 2n=42, Deschampsia flexuosa 2n=28, Poa 
trivialis 2n=14, P. bulbosa 2n=89, P. alpina var. vivipara 2n=26 & 33, 
P. pratensis 2n=74, c. 78 & c. 80, P. nemoralis 2n=28, Nardus stricta 
2n=26, Cypripedium calceolus 2n=20, Orchis militaris 2n=42, O. moro 
n=18, O. mascula 2n=42, O. latifolia (O. mayalis) 2n=80, O. maculata 
2n=40, Coeloglossum viride 2n=42, Gymnadenia conopsea 2n=40, 
Leucorchis albida 2n=42, Platanthera bifolia 2n=42, P. chlorantha 
2n=42, Epipactis latifolia 2n=38, KE. atrorubens 2n=40, Cephalanthera 
damasonium 2n=36, Listera ovata 2n=34 and Neottia nidus-avis 2n=36. 
ee AK | 

SwEENEY, J. R., 1956, Responses of vegetation to fire; a study of 
the herbaceous vegetation following chaparral fires, Umv. Calif. Publ., 
Bot., 28, 143-250. This detailed study of ten burnt areas in Lake 
County, California, where fires are frequent, includes both field and 
laboratory investigations. Considerable attention is given to plant 
succession and the effect of heat penetration on soil. Tables, graphs, 
species lists and photographs illustrate the work. General conclusions 
are that plant seedlings on burnt areas are from viable seeds in the soil 
before the fires; soil acts as an insulator against heat penetration; 
marked population changes during first second and third years are due 
to differences in germination behaviour of different species; plants 
characteristically appearing possess genetically predetermined toler- 
ances; frequent occurrence of fires is essential to persistance of certain 
herbaceous species. A complete list of species occurring on the burnt areas 
is given, and includes a number growing in the British Isles, the more 
common of which are Bromus mollis, Aira caryophyllea, Avena fatua, 
Montia perfoliata, Cerastiwm arvense, C. glomeratum, Sisymbrium 
altissimum, Draba verna, Sanguisorba officinalis, Erodium cicutarium, 
Anagallis arvensis, Mimulus guttatus, Galium aparine, Filago gallica 
and Senecio vulgaris.—[E.B.B.] 

Tacutapzsan, A. L., 1957, Pochodzenie okrytonasiennych, Acta Sor 
Bot. Pol., 26, 1-15. Studies on the origin of angiosperms.—[D.H.K.] 

Tamm, C. O., 1956, Further observations on the survival and flower- 
ing of some perennial herbs, Oikos, 7, 273-292. 


Toutron, J.-B., 1957, Quelques plantes vasculaires de la Bresse de 
l Ain riveraine de la Saone, Bull. Soc. Iinn. Lyon, 26, 9-15. A list of 
the vascular plants growing in this riverside area of the Sadne, which 
consists mainly of agricultural meadows. The floristic element to which 
each species belongs is noted and the total analysed ; continental species 
dominate but some Mediterranean species have migrated from the south 
via the Rhone corridor. Some American aliens are also recorded.— 
[E.B.B. ] 

TurRILL, W. B., 1957, The subjective element in plant taxonomy, 
Bull. Soc. Bot. Brux., 27, 1-12. 

Van OoststrRoom, S. J., & Reicneett, T. J., 1956, Nieuwe vondsten 
van zeldzame planten in Nederland in 1955, De Levende Natuur, 59, 

Witson, J. W., 1957, Arctic plant growth, Adv. Sci., 13, 383-388. 

Woop, R. D., 1957, Hand-sorted punched cards in taxonomic re- 
search, Brittonia, 9, 65-69. 



Leader: B. W. Rrssons 

Coach parties from Glasgow and from Falkirk met at South Flanders 
Farm for this Junior Field Meeting, which was attended by pupils from 
seven Secondary Schools and a number of other individuals to a total of 
about sixty. Mr. Ribbons was assisted by Prof. K. W. Braid, Dr. D. 
Patton and Mr. R. Mackechnie. Prof. Braid outlined the history of 
the area, explaining how the Peat Moss had followed the ancient felling 
of the oak forest, and how later clearances in the eighteenth century 
had produced the fertile acres of the Carse of Stirling. The area of 
peat had now dwindled to a few square miles. Mr. Ribbons described 
the botany of the Moss and indicated the plants and plant communities 
to be looked for. As few of those present knew the common moorland 
and bog plants the day was devoted to studying them. 

The part of the Moss visited is a large raised bog on carse clays near 
the port of Monteith. Calluna vulgaris, Eriophorum vaginatum and 
Scirpus cespitosus are abundant, and in many parts, especially among 
birch scrub, Polytrichum commune is dominant. Andromeda polifolia 
and Vaccinium oxycoccos are plentiful and Drosera rotundifolia, 
Narthecium osstifragum and Myrica gale are locally common. Other 
mosses included Sphagnum rubellum, S. papillosum and S. cuspidatum. 

The Leader wishes to thank his helpers for the part they played 
in making the meeting a success.—B. W. RIBBONS. 

JUNE 11th to 18th, 1955. DUNFANAGHY, CO. DONEGAL 
Leader: Miss P. H. KEertianp 

On Saturday, June llth, 23 members and friends gathered at 
Arnold’s Hotel, Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal. Dunfanaghy, lying near 
the shore of a narrow inlet of Sheep Haven, is screened on the north 
side by the Ards quartzite peak of Horn Head, rising to 835 ft., and 
southwards, first by low foothills, which towards the south-west rise in 
successive peaks, of which Muckish and Errigal (2468 ft.), the highest 
mountain in Donegal, are prominent and further south by the Derry- 
veagh Mountains, the main band of Donegal granite, which correspond- 
ing with the Scots Dalradian, stretch from north-east, separating the 
area we were to visit from the main mass of South Donegal. 

Those of us who had arrived early went out to explore the shore and 
the eastern dunes. Almost immediately we were rewarded by the dis- 
covery of a fine group of orchids in full bloom, including Dactylorchis 


purpurella and D. incarnata subsp. coccinea (coll. E. M. Rosser, det. 
V.S. Summerhayes) and a cream-coloured form of Ranunculus bulbosus. 
The Dunfanaghy area was explored further during the week, as time 
allowed, other interesting records made being:—UCardanune pratensis 
(fl. pleno), Montia fontana subsp. variabilis, Trifoluwm dubium yar. 
pygmaeum, Aphanes microcaurpa, EHuphrasia confusa f. albida and 
Dactylorchis fuchsu subsp. hebridensts (all coll. and det. N. D. Simpson). 
Veronica catenata and Polypodium vulgare (tetraploid form) were also 
seen. By the evening all had arrived and were greeted by the leader 
and our host; the leader then outlined a provisional programme which, 
despite unfavourable weather, was carried out in its entirety. 

After a free morning on Sunday we set off after lunch for the lake 
and dunes to the west of Dunfanaghy; the lake, formerly brackish, is 
now fresh water enclosed by blown sand. While some recorded species 
with industry, others noted with interest a hedge of Fuchsia magellanica 
by the roadside, and primroses, not two or three, but clusters, flowering 
very belatedly owing to the cold winter. The dunes themselves pro- 
duced no surprising records, being poor in species, In comparison with 
our west coast dunes. We did however note many familiar plants, in- 
cluding HKuphorbia portlandica, Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii, Erodium 
cicutarium, Anagallis tenella, Sedum acre, Selaginella selaginoides, 
Glaux maritima and Botrychium lunaria, 

On Monday we travelled by coach to the foot of Muckish, there 
splitting into groups and so covering a wide area during the ascent. On 
the way we passed a quartzite quarry producing sand for glass manu- 
facture. At the base of the mountain a small clump of Claditwm mariscus 
was discovered by Mr. Stelfox, and nearby, at the roadside, a patch of 
Hpilobium pedunculare was seen. While we ascended the lower slopes 
the small, white flowers of Sazxifraga stellaris, the wet, glossy-green 
leaves of S. spathularis and the golden sheen of Chrysosplentum 
oppositifolium first caught the eye, by a mountain stream, drenching. 
as 1t fell, dark green patches of the leafy liverwort Jubula hutchinsiae, 
tucked beneath overhanging rock ledges with purple-red patches of 
Plewrozia purpurea. Above Lough Naboll, at a height of about 900 ft. 
Mr. Simpson found Asplentum marinwm, and at about 1200 ft. on the 
north-east terrace Miss Duncan made a notable rediscovery, that of 
Saussurea alpina, confirming an old record. Over the wide, flat top, 
lay a low scrub of Salix herbacea, with Carex bigelowitt, Nardus stricta, 
Armeria maritima and Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, and boulder-strewn 
ground with Hymenophyllum wilsont growing in well-protected hollows, 
As we descended a cloud bank wreathed the summit. Near the foot, a 
lake yielded Littorella uniflora and, nearby, Pinguicula lusitanica was 

On Tuesday, a day of driving rain, the coach took us far to the 
south-west, to The Rosses, a curious lake-studded area remarkable, 
geologically, for the ring formation of older granite rocks (Granodiorite) 
which surrounds newer granites of varying types. 

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Pausing at Lough Ibby fragments of Naias flexilis were obtained with 
a grapple; Potamogeton perfoliatus and P. gramineus (coll. HK. M. 
Rosser, det. J. KE. Dandy and G. Taylor) were also gathered, and nearby 
Orchis mascula and Dactylorchis maculata subsp. ericetorum were seen. 
The coach then continued to Lough Mullaghderg, stopping between 
dunes and lough. Near the lake shore here, just above sea-level, grew 
Juniperus communis and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. On the dunes were 
seen Arabis hirsuta and two interesting eyebrights, Huphrasia occiden- 
talis var. calvescens (coll. and det. U. K. Duncan, conf. E. F. Warburg) 
and H. brevipila x nemorosa (coll. U. K. Duncan, det. E. F. Warburg). 
Other species noted were Saxifraga tridactylites and Valerianella locusta 
at Kincasslagh Head (coll. N. D. Simpson), Dactylorchis maculata 
subsp. ericetorum, ranging in colour from white to mauve, and with 
leaves spotted and unspotted, D. purpurella (coll. E. M. Rosser, det. 
V.S. Summerhayes) and Platanthera bifolia (coll. E. M. Rosser, conf. 
V.S. Summerhayes). 

On the following day the weather improved as we left for Dunlewy 
and the Poisoned Glen. This Glen lies at the edge of the main band of 
Donegal granite, stretching from Glen in the north-east to Ardara and 
Trawenagh in the west. In a peaty bog by the side of Lough Dunlewy 
the leader showed Hrica mackaiana and the hybrid E. x praegeri (EH. 
mackaiana x tetralix), and at the head of the lough, near the foot of 
Krrigal, Sisyrinchium bermudiana in flower was an interesting sight. 
After lunch most of the party left for the Poisoned Glen, two members 
remaining to climb Errigal where, on the rock-strewn summit, Vac- 
clnium vitis-idaea was seen, just below the ridge. Hopes of confirming 
the old record of Chamaenerion angustifolitwm were not realised though 
the view from the summit of the moraine-blocked lakes of Dunlewy and 
Nacung and the Poisoned Glen rewarded the climb. Rain and mist 
rolling downwards hastened the descent over the sliding scree of the 
northern slope between two walls of solid rock, in one of which a natural 
‘window’ afforded a glimpse of the lower bulk of Muckish and of Lough 
Altan, but Sedum rosea and Saxifraga stellaris were observed on the 
way and Arctostaphylos wva-ursi near the foot. 

Meanwhile, the main party in the Poisoned Glen searched for 
Trichomanes speciosum, finally seen by Mr. Simpson and Dr. Williams 
in an inaccessible crevice; so it was re-discovered after more than fifty 
years. During the day Hymenophyllum wilsonit was also seen, as were 
the three spp. of Drosera, Leucorchis albida, Festuca vivipara and 
Osmunda regalis. 

In sunshine on Thursday morning the coach set off for the Fanad 
Peninsula, east of Dunfanaghy, stopping first at Lough Fern to see 
Trollius europaeus, rare in Ireland. Near Milford, at the head of the 
long, narrow sea-inlet of Mulroy Bay, Miss Parkes gave a brief talk 
on the interesting sea-weed flora of the bay. A further stop was made 
at Lough Magheradrumman, where Potamogeton filiformis (coll. Miss 
Isherwood, det. J. E. Dandy and G. Taylor) and Tolypella glomerata 

404 FIELD MEETINGS, 19955 

(coll. Miss Muirhead and Mr. Simpson) were seen. By Lough Kinney, 
Miss Duncan collected Equisetum x litorale (det. A. H. G. Alston) and 
in the nearby lough were seen-Myriophyllum alternifiorum var. amert- 
canum (coll. and det. N. D. Simpson), a new record for the lough, and 
Potamogeton crispus (coll. E. M. Rosser, det. J. E. Dandy and G. 
Taylor). In the surrounding area Veronica filiformis, Sparganium 
erectum subsp. neglectum and Rosa pimpinellifolia were seen; other in- 
teresting discoveries were a plant of Myrica gale bearing both male and 
female catkins, by the leader, and Petasites albus found by a stream on 
the coast by Miss Duncan. Near Lough Kindrum were seen pink- 
flowered forms of Veronica officinalis, Hieracium caledonicum (coll. N. 
D. Simpson, det. P. D. Sell and C. West) and Rosa canina var. globu- 
laris (coll. Miss Isherwood, det. R. Melville). 

A short journey on the following day took us to Ards, where the 
plantations were visited by permission of the Irish Forestry Commission. 
A walk through these dark coniferous plantations, with Lobularia 
pulmonaria on tree stumps, produced Neottia nidus-avis, Orobanche 
alba (coll. Miss Muirhead) and QO. minor var. compositarum. We also 
saw Pernettya mucronata and Leycesteria formosa, together with very 
fine Epilobium pedunculare. Reaching the shore we found Arctosta- 
phylos uva-ursi among the rocks just above high tide level, with 
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum and, nearby Jistera ovata (coll. E. M. 
Rosser, conf. V. S. Summerhayes). Other Ards records of interest were 
Luzula multiflora var. pallescens (coll. U. K. Duncan, det. N. D. Simp- 
son), Dryopteris aemula, and Cirsium x forsteri, found by Mr. Stelfox 
on the headland, 3 to 4 miles from Ards House. 

Leaving Ards we returned via Lackagh Bridge, where Miss Duncan 
found Aphanes microcarpa (conf. S. M. Walters), to Dunfanaghy. There 
Miss Kertland was thanked for her inspiring leadership, which for many 
of us had provided a happy introduction to Ireland, and Mr. Arnold 
for his kindness during our stay. 

At this point I should like to add my own special thanks to Miss 
Kertland and all the collectors and referees who have provided data for 
this report.—E. M. Rosser. 




Applheations for this Junior Meeting exceeded actual attendances. 
Messrs. Lousley and Woodhead and Mrs. Welch showed us the library, 
herbarium and other facilities of the Institute. Coloured photographs 
of flowers, lent by Messrs. Miles and Andrews, were shown. Total 
attendances were 56 members and visitors from 12 schools.—A. W. 

Leader: Miss B. M. C. Morecan 

In this Junior Field Meeting a large party of 68 was led by Miss 
Morgan with the assistance of Dr. Prime, Mrs. Welch and Miss Franks. 
Most of those present were from schools affiliated to the Society, 8 
schools being present including a coach-load from the Ursuline High 
School, Ilford. The early date and the lateness of the season limited 
the number of plants seen in flower. Several species of violets, includ- 
ing a good display of Viola hirta, were most noteworthy.—A. W. 

MAY 19th to 21st, 1956. BUCKINGHAM 

The meeting was intended to study the distribution of the British 
Flora in N.E. Oxfordshire, N. Buckinghamshire and S. Northampton- 
shire but initially, for the leader, it seemed to be a study of the dis- 
tribution of British botanists. Buckingham is a small and quiet town 
and was quite unable, at Whitsuntide, to accommodate all the 24 
people who wished to join the meeting. Not only were we divided 
-between three hotels in the town but some stayed in Tring and another 
at Brackley. Yet a third group slept in their own beds in London or 
in Oxford and travelled to the centre daily. But a ‘Maps’ meeting, 
can swallow such apparent inconveniences and turn them to advantage. 
We were amply supplied with vehicles and having made up our teams 
of three on the Friday night in the lounge of the ‘Swan and Castle’, 
squares were allotted convenient to the overnight roost. Only good 
weather was needed for all to run sweetly, and this we received in 
abundance—three fine hot days. Thus within the short span available 
we covered 23 squares, all at well over the 200 species mark. 

*Field Meetings arranged by the Committee for the Scottish Flora are 
indicated by f. 


It was perhaps early in the year to expect a very great number of 
species to be recorded but in fact about 550 were seen by one party 
or another. The failure to note one or two arable weeds like Anagallis 
arvensis, Kickaxia elatine, Kickxia spuria, and Stachys arvensis would 
probably not have occurred a couple of months later, and though some 
of the earlier orchids such as Orchis mascula, Orchis morio, and Platan- 
thera chlorantha were in flower neither Anacamptis nor Gymnadenia 
was seen. 

The geology of the area gives rise to nothing which is particularly 
exciting and in certain parts, notably the Aylesbury Plain, produces 
territory which is downright dull. Nevertheless, we found ourselves, 
as indeed is always the case, at the limit of range of particular species. 
Umbilicus rupestris is probably extinct or introduced east of Northamp- 
ton but was found in the Bugbrocke area S.W. of the town during the 
week-end. It was the same Northamptonshire square which produced 
Equisetum sylvaticum, a species either extremely rare or extinct in 
the neighbouring shires of Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford and Hunting- 
don. Pteridophytes in general were interesting. 

Ophioglossum was vulgar in the extreme and Ceterach was noticed 
with surprising frequency and even, by the Hon. Gen. Sec., at speed. 
Polypodium too was seen in three separate localities, yet it is very 
rare now in Bedfordshire and almost extinct in Cambridgeshire. 

Railway enthusiasts were rewarded with miles of disused track and 
Cerastium semidecandrum and C. atrovirens had obligingly responded 
to this ersatz environment. 

Perhaps the most satisfying find of the meeting was Carex vulpina 
in a new Oxfordshire station, even though it was discovered by the 
home team: the most bizarre was certainly Ribes alpinum near Brack- 
ley to which a ‘G’ was hastily added; the most beautiful to me were 
the sheets of Saxifraga granulata in a sandy meadow by a lazy mean- 
dering stream—thick as daisies and twice as lovely. The lasting 
memory however is of the square in Buckingham at the day’s end, 
studded with hot and cheerful hotanists, clambering in and out of cars, 
clutching vacua and vascula in one hand, map and card in the other, 
and outbidding each other for the day’s total across the sunlight.— 
F. H. Prrrine. 

tMAY 26th and 27th, 1956. DALMELLINGTON 

Leader: R. MAcKrCHNIE 

This meeting, held during the last week-end in May, was attended 
by Miss Biggar, Castle Douglas, and Miss North, Carnforth. 

On Saturday morning we visited Bogton Loch, examining the vege- 
tation on its south-eastern shore, and later moving along the River 
Doon to Bogton Plantation, which is in part deciduous. It soon became 
apparent that in a late spring such as this had been, the end of May 
was rather early for a mapping visit to this upland area. Neverthe- 
less, 120 records were made, including the following :— 


Trollius europaeus, Nuphar lutea, Viola lutea, Salix phylicifolia, 
Menyanthes trifoliata, Carex caryophyllea, C. aquatilis and Helicto- 
trichon pubescens. 

In the afternoon we moved on to the southern end of Ness Glen, 
and walked through this attractive ravine by which the River Doon 
leaves Loch Doon. Despite flood damage, the valley provided 108 
species, the most noteworthy being :— 

Hymenophyllum wilsonu, Aspleniwm adiantum-nigrum, A. viride, 
Thelypteris phegopteris, T. dryopteris, Ranunculus auricomus, Rubus 
saratilis, -Geum x intermedium, Aphanes microcarpa, Sazxifraga 
hypnoides, S. wmbrosa, Agropyron caninum and Melica uniflora. 

Saturday’s recording had all been done within one 10 km. square, 
so on Sunday we thought it advisable to visit areas to the east and 
south. In the morning we marked our cards on Glenmuck Craig and 
by Loch Muck—both in the south-west corner of a square which is 
almost entirely moorland. 83 species were recorded, the following 
among them :— 

Selaginella selaginoides, Thelypteris dryopteris, Subularia aquatica, 
Polygala vulgaris, Saxifraga hypnoides, Veronica scutellata, Lobelia 
dortmanna, Orchis mascula and Carex dioica. 

Later in the day we drove south to Loch Doon Castle—removed from 
its island site in the loch and now re-erected on the western shore. 
This large moorland loch has little in the way of shore vegetation, and 
the most interesting of the 70 species we saw were in the neighbour- 
hood of the Castle itself. These were :— 

Phyllitis scolopendrium, Thelypteris oreopteris, Ranunculus lenor- 
mandi, Aphanes microcarpa, Myrica gale, Salix viminalis and 
Antennaria dioica. 

The thanks of the Committee are due to Miss Biggar and Miss North 
for their help; the latter in particular, in addition to making the long 
journey north from Carnforth, placed her car at the party’s disposal 
during the meeting. We should also like to record our indebted- 
ness to Mr. A. T. Bulkeley Gavin, of Craigengillan Estate, for readily- 
given permission to explore his property.—R. MAcKECHNIE. 


This Junior Field Meeting was attended by a party of 30 from 7 
schools. They visited the saltmarsh and dunes under the guidance of 
Messrs. Buckle and Westrup with the assistance of Mr. Ounsted. There 
was a good display of sea-side plants including various sand-binding 
grasses such as Elymus arenarius. Drift-line plants including Atriplex 
laciniata, and saltmarsh plants, notably Inula crithmoides, Spartina 
townsendii and Suaeda maritima were seen. Also notable were the 
arable weeds Myosurus minimus, Ranunculus sardous and R. parvi- 
florus, all within a few yards of the sea.—A. W. WESTRUP. 


Leader: A. E. Wave 

A party of 38 from 13 Grammar Schools attended this Junior Field 
Meeting which was held in collaboration with the Junior Section of 
the Cardiff Naturalists’ Society. Interesting plants seen included 
Dactylorchis incarnata, Viola tricolor subsp. curtisii, Littorella wuni- 
flora, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Juncus acutus and Botrychium lunaria.— 

tTJUNE 15th to 17th, 1956. PEEBLES 
Leader: P. S. GREEN 

This week-end field meeting was arranged primarily to help with 
the recording of plants for the Distribution Maps Scheme in the rela- 
tively little botanised Peebles district. It was attended by eight 
people, of whom only five attended for the full week-end. These five 
assembled in the evening of Friday, 15th June, and rough plans for 
the days’ excursions were discussed and explained together with the 
use of the cards used in the mapping scheme. 

On Saturday morning the party proceeded to the grounds of Port- 
more House near Eddleston where recording was commenced in wood- 
land and roadside habitats. Amongst other plants a very good hybrid 
swarm between Geum rivale and G. urbanum was observed with both 
parents and a full range of intermediates. A rather fine tree of Acer 
campestre was seen by the side of a field, a portion of which was ex- 
tremely marshy and supported a good assemblage of carices:—Carez 
curta, C. disticha, C. echinata, C. flacca, C. nigra, C. ovalis and C. 
rostrata being found together with Montia fontana _ subsp. 
fontana. In the afternoon a visit was made to Portmore Loch 
which is used as a reservoir, and where the water surface was parti- 
cularly low due to the prolonged drought. Considerable quantities of 
Iittorella uniflora and Alopecurus geniculatus were found in flower, 
growing on the gravelly side of the loch, with occasional cushions of 
Montia fontana subsp. fontana and Stellaria alsine, those by flushes 
being particularly large and luxuriant. The latter species appeared 
to occur in two forms, one more or less straggling and the other in 
small rounded compact cushions. Heavy cold rain brought the after- 
noon’s field work to an end and the party returned to Peebles for tea 
and to dry out. After tea a short, but profitable, visit was made to 
an area by the Leithen Water to the north of Innerleithen. Here in 
the marshy pools and flood banks, and by the roadside, the following 
interesting species were recorded:—Atra caryophyllea, A. praecox, 
Aphanes arvensis sens. str., A. microcarpa, Arenaria leptoclados, Carex 
demissa, C. ovalis, C. pulicaris, Epilobium pedunculare, Juncus kochii, 
Linum catharticum, Sedum villosum and Teesdalia nudicaulis. 

Whilst waiting for two members to join the party for the day on 
Sunday, a visit was made to the banks of the River Tweed near Inner- 


leithen. The following were among the species observed :—Cardamine 
amara, Montia sibirica (Claytonia alsinoides), Cochlearia officinalis and 
Mimulus gutiatus. The party then visited The Glen, halting on the way 
to examine an area of dry heath where Aphanes arvensis sens. str. and 
Helianthemum chamaecistus were recorded, the latter growing rather 
unexpectedly mixed with Calluna vulgaris, Erica cinerea and Teucrium 
scorodonia. Loch Eddy, at the head of The Glen, was then visited 
and after lunch the party followed the course of a hill burn running 
from the moorland and through a larch plantation. In the plantation 
were several fine stands of ferns, in particular Dryopteris dilatata, D. 
borrert and Thelypteris dryopteris, whilst Corydalis claviculata was re- 
found where it was last recorded in 1858. Large groups of Mimulus 
luteus growing by the burn outside the plantation made a fine show 
and exhibited considerable variation in the extent of the red blotch- 
ing on the corolla. Some meadows, a large pond and a small wood 
were then examined near the entrance to The Glen estate after which 
the party dispersed without returning to Peebles in order that those 
who had come from some distance could return home that day. 

The week-end field meeting proved a most enjoyable one and 
although the party was so small and the general impression of .the 
flora, despite the variety of habitats visited, was one of relative poverty 
in species representation, almost 600 records were made for the map 
scheme during the two days.—P. S. GREEN. 

JUNE 16th and 17th, 1956. EXMOOR 

The disappointing attendance (only 8 members) at Minehead made 
it impracticable to carry out the plan to cover six 10 kilometre grid 
squares for the Distribution Maps Scheme. The party was divided into 
two instead of three groups, and records were made in four squares, 
two of which were well covered with about 400 species in each. The 
leaders were able to do further work on all six squares later in the 

The area provides a great variety of habitat, with an altitude range 
from sea level to 1700 feet on Dunkery Beacon. The rocks of the high- 
land zone are Devonian grits and slates, while those of the lowland 
zone include Triassic sandstones, conglomerates and marls, Rhaetic 
and Lower Lias clays and limestones, as well as superficial deposits 
derived from the older rocks. The poor soil on the grits supports 
heather moor, bog and dry oakwood, while the slate country is mainly 
hill pasture with some arable and State forests. The Mesozoic rocks 
give rise to soils which are, locally, highly calcareous. Pasture and 
woods occupy the heavier soils, and there is a fair proportion of arable 
on the lighter ones. The maritime habitats include cliffs, shingle, 
salt-marsh, fixed dunes, grassland and scrub. 

The district having been well worked in the past, notably by Mr. 
N. G. Hadden, who assisted the leaders on this occasion, the only vice- 
comital records appear to be Bromus lepidus and three garden escapes: 


Cotoneaster simonsii, Leycesteria formosa (abundantly naturalised 
near West Porlock) and Polygonum polystachyum (established near a 
hill farmhouse). 

Among other interesting species noted were :— 

Corydalis claviculata, Empetrum nigrum, Geum rivale with 
G. x intermedium, Lycopodium clavatum. Meconopsis cam- 
brica, Melittis melissophyllum, Sibthorpia europaea. 


Inland—Alchemilla vestita, Berberis glaucocarpa (well established, but 
erroneously recorded as B. aristata in Herb. Druce), Geranium 
versicolor, Inula helenium, Lathyrus nissolia, Melissa officinalis, 
Platanthera chlorantha, Vicia sylvatica. 

Maritime—Alopecurus bulbosus, Anthemis nobilis, Artemisia absin- 
thium, Catabrosa aquatica, Elymus arenarius, Hippophae 
rhamnoides, Hypochoeris glabra, Lavatera arborea, Moenchia 
erecta, Parapholis strigosa, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Senecio 
cineraria, Silene conica, Trifolium scabrum, T. striatum, 
Triglochin maritima, Trigonella ornithopodioides, Zannichellia 
palustris.—A. D. & O. M. Hatiam. 

tJUNE 30th to JULY 7th, 1956. CROMARTY 
Leader: Miss U. K. Duncan 

The party was a small one, only six members attending. On Sun- 
day, July Ist, they were joined by Miss A. Cameron, a local botanist 
from Fortrose, and proceeded to Lochluichart and the valley of the 
Black Water near Garve, where the record-cards for the 10-km. squares 
28/36 and 28/46 were completed as far as possible in the short time 
at their disposal. The day was overcast with frequent showers and 
members were glad to take the opportunity of tea at Garve Hotel 
after six hours of mapping. No notable finds were made, and experi- 
ence was to show that the mountain squares were botanically poor in 
comparison with the coast ones. It was regretted that members did 
not have time to see Betula nana which grows on the south side of 

The following day, Monday, July 2nd, was that arranged for the 
joint meeting with the Inverness botanists, and our party proceeded 
to the meeting place (the lochs above Milton near Drumnadrochit) to 
find only two people from Inverness could join us. These explained 
that the day chosen, an Inverness holiday, had proved unfortunate 
because most people had made other plans for this day long before- 
hand. The eight botanists present split up into two parties to work 
the 10-km. squares 28/43 and 28/53. The party proceeding to Loch 
nam Faoileag, Lochan an Torre Buidhe, ete., paid particular atten- 
tion to an outcrop of carboniferous limestone in the vicinity. The 



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most interesting finds were a quantity of Carex lasiocarpa and C. sero- 
tina, and members admired a small form of Nymphaea alba which was 
just coming into flower. The other party contributed Carex laevigata 
from the woods to the south of the area, as their most notable find. 
Eventually the members attending had tea at a restaurant in Beauly 
on their way home. 

On Tuesday, July 3rd, the party drove to Fortrose, where they 
were joined by Miss A. Cameron, whose knowledge of the Black Isle 
was to be invaluable to us on this occasion. A start was made to 
squares 28/65, 28/75 and 28/76. Corallorhiza trifida was visited at 
Munlochy, and Oxytropis hallerit high up on the cliffs near Cromarty. 
The flora of the Black Isle was found to be so varied and interesting 
that it was unanimously agreed to return there on Friday, the day 
for which no arrangements had previously been made. 

The next day, Wednesday, July 4th, members (joined by three local 
botanists) went first to Evanton, where a walk up the river Skiack 
gave data for squares 28/56 and 28/66. Here everyone was interested 
in a species of Geraniwm (not yet identified) which had escaped from 
a cottage garden. This was the day on which Mrs. Munro Ferguson 
had invited all nine of us to lunch, and members much appreciated the 
large meal she provided and the walk through her garden afterwards. 
A species of Omphalodes was found to have taken root by the road- 
side near by, where it was beginning to spread. Having been given 
permission to drive up to Loch Glass, four car-loads proceeded in this 
direction (we had been joined by some friends of Mrs. Munro Fergu- 
son) until the state of the road obliged us to continue the rest of the 
way on foot. Here we continued our work on square 28/56. The shore 
of Loch Glass itself proved uninteresting, but members of the party 
were delighted to find a colony of Listera cordata in a wood by the 
river Glass. Up till now the weather had been broken, with frequent 
showers which kept the grass wet, but on Thursday, July 5th, it broke 
down entirely and it was found to be impossible to carry out the pro- 
gramme for the day, which had consisted of an exploration of the 
upper part of Strathconon. A profitable day was, however, spent in 
the comparative shelter of the woods in the lower part of the glen, and 
visits were made to the Falls of Rogie, Loch Achilty (where Lobelia 
dortmanna was seen) and the woods of Brahan, ending with tea at 
Brahan with Mrs. Stewart Mackenzie, who had very kindly invited 
four of us. Brahan woods were especially interesting botanically, and 
Acorus calamus, Doronicum pardalianches and a shrub believed to be 
LTonicera xylosteum had become well established. Also worthy of 
note was the abundant Carex vesicaria in boggy parts of the wood. 
On this day we had Miss McCallum Webster as one of our party and 
her experience in mapping was a great help to us. Our squares were 
28/45 and 28/55. Friday, July 6th, in contrast to the previous day, 
was warm and sunny, and our return visit to the Black Isle was a 
pleasant one. Our party was augmented by Miss A. Cameron and a 
friend who served as our guides in a long walk by the cliffs at Rose- 


markie where Sazifraga hypnoides was seen at sea level and many 
plants were added to square 28/75. Meanwhile two of the party had 
proceeded to Munlochy and the region of North Kessock for additions 
to squares 28/65 and 28/64. Unfortunately, they missed Sazifraga 
hirsuta which is naturalised in woods in that area, and also Goodyera 
repens which grows in the pine-woods, but were able to report an in- 
crease in plants of Artemisia absinthium along the coast. 

Members met at the W.R.I. hut in Muir of Ord each evening 
during the week, when they compared record-cards and specimens. 

A number of plants were collected during the meeting, including 
some belonging to critical genera (Alchemilla, Euphrasia, etc.), and it 
is hoped that when these have been checked up further records may be 
added to the lists for East Ross.—U. K. Duncan. 

JULY 7th to 9th, 1956. WEST CUMBERLAND 

Leader: Dr. D. RATCLIFFE 

This was a ‘Mapping Meeting’. On Friday evening a party of niue 
met at the Tullie House Museum, Carlisle, by the kindness of Mr. E. 
Blezard, the Curator, who had put out the Flora of Cumberland (1898), 
C.T.W., etc., for our use, and showed us the Herbarium in the next 
room. Unfortunately Dr. Ratcliffe could not be present until later, 
but he had sent a list of under-botanised areas and places where old 
records needed checking. 

On Saturday morning four cars set out independently and one party 
visited limestone pavement at Blindcrake Clints, where Coeloglossum 
viride and Gymnadenia conopsea were seen. Dr. Ratcliffe and another 
party were in the same 10 km. square (35/13) working Ward Hall 
Common and Tallentire Hill, also on limestone but largely rough 
pasture showing few calcicoles. The day’s total for this square was 
293. The old records of Primula farinosa and Actaea spicata were 
not confirmed, but Plantago maritima was seen on an inland roadside 
near Moota Hill. Meanwhile another party was in square 35/02 list- 
ing 171 on limestone crags and grassy moorland. In the afternoon 
all the parties visited the coast at various points in 35/03 and a total 
of 170 was recorded, including Rhynchosinapis monensis and Crambe 
maritima, but no Mertensia. 

On Sunday three cars set off for Ennerdale Water and though the 
clouds were low among the hills, the rain was not heavy. One party 
listed at the west end of the lake and found Rumez alpinus, another 
along the northern shore and the third in the swamp at the east end 
where Utricularia intermedia and Vaccinium oxycoccos were seen, and 
in the wood along the south shore where Hymenophyllum wilsoniit 
abounded on the block scree, but no calcareous outcrop was discovered. 
Ceterach was noted on a roadside wail near Mockerkin Tarn (35/02). 
Later, Dr. Ratcliffe’s party visited fems, woods and the sea shore at 
Beckermet and Braystones in 35/00 and listed 173 for that square, 


On Monday the cars had to begin their journey home, leaving two 
members who visited the coast by bus. The amount of country sampled 
seemed lamentably small, mainly owing to lack of time, as the squares 
worked were a long way from Carlisle. However, each party recorded 
some plants not seen by either of the others.—B. WELcH. 

JULY 138th, 1956. EPPING FOREST. 
Leader: Miss H. FRAnKs 

For this Junior Field Meeting, Miss Franks, greatly assisted by 
Mrs. Boardman, led a party of 51 from 7 schools to compare the varied 
types of woodland in the forest. Apart from a large variety of wood- 
land plants the most notable species found were the pond plants Ranun- 

culus lingua and Hottonia palustris —A. W. WEsSTRUP. 

Leader: Miss L. W. Frost 

This Junior Field Meeting was led by Miss Frost, assisted by Mrs. 
West and Messrs. Minns and Westrup. 50 students from 12 schools 
ranging from Newcastle-under-Lyme to Doncaster attended. Magni- 
ficent displays of Geranium sanguineum and Silene nutans marked the 
slope below the cliffs, while Aquilegia vulgaris, Thalictrum minus, 
Arenaria verna and Alchemilla vestita were perhaps the most notable 
plants on the hillside to the south. A fine show of Hieraciwm spp. and 
Gymnadenia conopsea was seen in the quarry and Botrychium lunaria 
was noted as we descended to the station.—A. W. WESTRUP. 

JULY 17th, 1956. RUNNYMEDE 
Leader: A. W. WeEstRuP 

Dr. Prime and Mrs. Welch assisted Mr. Westrup in leading a party 
of 76 from 11-schools in this Junior Field Meeting. Unfortunately 
the meadows had been cut for hay, but most of the characteristic plants 
were still to be found round the hedges. Apart from various grasses 
such meadow species as Silawm silaus, Succisa pratensis, Tragopogon 
pratensis subsp. minor and Alliwm vineale (with good bulbils and flowers) 
were seen, while the hedgerow gave a display of masses of Cuscuta euro- 
paea on hops and nettles. Pond flowers, in very good show, included 
Oenanthe aquatica, O. fistulosa, Sium latifolium, Stellaria palustris, 
Butomus umbellatus, Alisma lanceolatum, A. plantago-aquatica, Sagit- 
taria sagittifoia and Mimulus guttatus.—A. W. WESTRUP. 


JULY 20th to 23rd, 1956. SOUTH WALES 

Leaders: Gorpvon T. GoopMAN and JoHN HaywaRp 

The meeting was arranged in order to give members an opportunity 
to visit some of the well-known sand dunes of South Wales. It was 
also hoped to make a series of plant-lists for the Distribution Maps 
Scheme in order to bring existing records up to date. 

On Friday evening, July 20th, thirty-five members and _ several 
guests gathered at the Assembly Room of the University College of 
Swansea and were welcomed by Professor H. E. Street. The Council- 
of the College very kindly provided coffee and biscuits. During the 
evening several members showed interest in the Maps Scheme exhibit— 
‘‘ Some Maps and their Meaning,’’ and there were a number of offers 
to help make species-lists for the grid-squares of the areas to be visited. 
The leaders briefly outlined the programme for the next three days and 
copies of maps of the various dune systems, together with brief floristic 
notes, were distributed. 


This is a small sandy peninsula about a mile long, jutting out north- 
wards into the Burry Estuary, with its westerly flank exposed to the 
prevailing winds off the Bristol Channel and its easterly side bordered 
by a salt marsh. Permission to visit the Burrows had been very kindly 
given by Capt. N. S. Kinnersley, and the party left Swansea by motor 
coach at 10 a.m. 

Skirting the western edge of the salt-marsh, the party stopped to 
look at Althaea officinalis which is spreading along the upper reaches 
of small creeks. The first large sandy slack to be reached was sur- 
rounded by well-developed hillocks of Salix repens, and here Bromus 
ferronit, Carex flacca, C. serotina, Juncus acutus, Marrubium vulgare, 
Viola tricolor subsp. curtisti and Vulpia membranacea were seen grow- 
ing between patches of Sagina nodosa and Anagallis tenella. Moving 
on to a larger, grassy slack, the party spread out to look at the various 
features of interest before lunch. Dactylorchis fuchsii and D. incarnata 
subsp. coccinea had finished flowering, but carpets of Epipactis palus- 
tris in full bloom gave the floor of the slack a whitish appearance. 
The genus Juncus was well represented, J. acutus, J. articulatus, J. 
bufonius, J. effusus, J. inflerus, J. maritimus and J. subnodulosus 
being present. Moerckia flotowiana and Petalophyllum ralfsti were 
plentiful, growing with Aneura spp. near the clumps of rushes. The 
dunes surrounding the slack were colonised by Ligustrum vulgare, 
Clematis vitalba and Oenothera ammophila. 

A small dune hollow, with a curiously mixed vegetation of Alisma 
plantago-aquatica, Anagallis arvensis, Cerastium atrovirens, Scirpus 
maritimus and Typha latifolia, was crossed in cutting eastwards across 
the peninsula to a pathway bordering the salt-marsh. A number of 
marsh and dune species grew at this spot, including Gentianella amar- 


ella, Geranium sanguineum, Scirpus cernuus, S, setaceus, and Losa 
pimpinellifolia, and a few plants of Ivparis loeselit var. ovata were 
discovered. Some of the more energetic members went across to the 
seaward edge of the marsh to see various edaphic habitats of Spartina 
townsendu, whilst others walked westwards through the dunes to look 
at the young pines planted in the sand. On the way back to the coach, 
the well-marked strand zone and foredunes along the western edge of 
the Point were examined and the party returned via Cwm Ivy Tor 
(Limestone cliff) where Anacamptis pyramidalis, Silene gallica and 
Thalictrum minws were seen. 

In the evening, the record collectors met at the laboratories of the 

Botany Department to check material. Tea was provided by the 
Department. A total of 388 species was recorded from the day’s 


Access to the Burrows was readily given by the Ministry of Supply 
who spared no effort to be of help at all times in making arrangements 
for the visit. At Pendine the coach party met members and friends 
who had travelled by private car, and examined the western edge of a 
large pool about half a mile long, set in the centre of the Burrows; 
after lunch, they moved eastwards along the southern shore of the pocl. 
A very varied and luxuriant flora of hygrophilous and aquatic species 
was seen, including Carex distans, UC. extensa, C. hirta, C. otrubae, C. 
paivicea, LHleocharis palustris, Hippuris vulgaris, Myriophyllum 
spicatum, Oenanthe lachenalu, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Ranunculus 
baudotu, Scirpus tabernaemontam, S. lacustris and Rumex hydrola- 
pathum. In some places Scutellaria galericulata and Lysimachia 
nummularia, in great luxuriance, formed what was almost a sward. 
The easternmost fringe of the pool was surrounded by a dense, severely 
wind-cut Alder scrub which gradually thinned out into low sandy hil- 
locks where Hrigeron acer, HL. canadensis, Filago germanica and Malva 
sylvestris were found. 

‘ontinuing eastwards along the seaward side of the burrows, the 
party examined a mixed salt-marsh community. Limonum binervosum 
and Ranunculus scelcratus were common on or near the marsh whilst 
Triglochin maritima and T. palustris grew close together in many 
places. On its seaward side, the marsh was largely composed of un- 
usual, low sandy hummocks of FPuccinellia maritima which were 
coalescing as they gathered blown sand. VParapholis strigosa was also 
abundant. Shortage cf time prevented the party from examining in 
detail a very large, sheltered dune slack, and the Botrychium lunaria 
which grew in it was not seen on this occasion. In the evening, 
records and material were checked and sorted and the western grid 
square at Laugharne was allocated 272 species, but shortage of time 
had prevented more than 113 records being collected in the eastern 


Monpay, Juty 23rd, Kenrig Burrows 

Several members and friends—from the Botany Department, Uni- 
versity College of Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff; National 
Museum of Wales; and the Swansea Scientific and Field Naturalists’ 
Society—joined the group on its last day. 

The party spent most of the morning investigating the flora around 
Kenfig Pool where Baldellia vranunculoides, Littorella uniflora, Lotus 
uliginosus, Oenanthe fistulosa, Ophioglossum vulgatum and Trifolium 
fragiferum were seen in abundance. Westwards, towards the sea, the 
abundance of Liparis loeselu var. ovata in most slacks was very strik- 
ing. After lunch, exploration of the large slacks yielded Epipactis 
palustris var. ochroleuca growing in patches and readily distinguish- 
able from the surrounding carpet of E. palustris. A few plants of 
Hpipactis helleborine and, in another spot, EH. phyllanthes, were seen 
on dry sandhills. Two large hummocks were covered with a luxuriant 
growth of Anaphalis margaritacea. After some search, fairly large 
quantities of Monotropa hypophegea were discovered growing on erod- 
ing Salix repens hummocks. Moerckia flotowiana and Petalophyllum 
ralfsi were again common, together with Riccia spp. and Preissia 
quadrata. . 

Near the site of the ancient borough of Kenfig (now inundated by 
sand) a very fine stand of Gymnadenia conopsea was seen. Passing a 
small Willow-Alder thicket alongside the Afon Kenfig, where Stachys 
palustris was recorded, the party spent some time examining the banks 
of the stream and the aquatic flora.  Callitriche platycarpa and C. 
obtusangula were found. The day’s records yielded 217 species from 
the western and 153 species from the eastern grid squares. 

Dr. Young thanked the leaders on behalf of the Society. Special 
thanks are due to Mr. R. W. David, Miss E. J. Gibbons and Dr. D. P. 
Young for help in checking specimens during the evening sessions in 
the laboratories.—Gorpon T. GoopMAN, 

AUGUST 4th to 11th, 1956. LLANDRINDOD WELLS 

Leader: F. PErRIne 

The party met, eighteen strong, at the Mostyn Hotel, Llandrindod 
Wells, on Friday evening, the 3rd August, 1956. Though numbers 
dropped to fourteen after the week-end, we were able to send groups 
into thirty 10-kilometre squares during the week and many useful 
records were made for the Distribution Maps Scheme. Besides this we 
concentrated our efforts on Radnorshire (v.c. 43) and were able to make 
33 new records for the county; we also made 5 new records for the 
adjacent counties of Brecon, Carmarthen and Cardigan. Some other 
records made were N.C.Rs. but neither specimens nor exact localities 
are available so they will not be published. However, because of the 
possibility that the species do occur, a list is given at the end of this 


report with the 10-kilometre grid reference as a guide to those who may 
have time to search in the future. 

The topography of the area is sufficiently variable to provide an 
interesting range of habitats. Llandrindod Wells is a red brick spa 
which rises from a flat upland plain through which the River Ithan flows 
to join the Wye at Newbridge-on-Wye. On all sides the hills rise to a 
height of about 1,500 feet though reaching over 2,000 feet in the 
Radnor Forest to the east. Westwards lies a remarkable upland plateau 
dissected only by the lovely Elan Valley and many small streams. It 
is notable for its extreme loneliness; several hundred square miles of 
green sheepwalks unbroken by houses, trees or prominent hills, except 
on rare occasions, and almost completely without passable roads. Thus, 
to reach Tregaron, under 25 miles away in a direct line, meant a two 
hour drive either via Llandovery or the Devil’s Bridge. Some of the 
cars covered 600 miles during the week. South and east runs the Wye 
Valley: the Wye flows rapidly between tree-decked banks — always 
picturesque, spanned by some fascinating and fearsome bridges. 

The geology was more exciting in theory than in practice. Little 
could be hoped for from the Ordovian and Silurian slates but a number 
of Dolerite intrusions occur in the immediate neighbourhood .of 
Llandrindod Wells; none however appeared to be very base-rich except 
of course for Stanner Rocks. Some silurian limestone occured near 
Stanner—at Dolyhir, a mile or two to the west of the locus classicus, 
and this did produce a number of calcicolous species undiscovered else- 
where. However, the absence from the total list of species recorded of 
Anthyllis vulneraria, Blackstonia perfoliata, Centaurea _ scabiosa, 
Kuonymus europaeus, Helictotrichon spp., Koeleria gracilis, Pastinaca 
sativa, Plantago media and Scabiosa columbaria, emphasises the 
generally acidic character of the terrain. 

The plan of activity followed that now familiar to those who attend 
‘Map Meetings’. We had an average of five or six cars out each day 
—each with a different square to patrol and three pairs of eyes for 
spotting. However, to break up the week, we took time off to visit 
some localities of particular interest—en masse. The first such joint 
excursion was to Boughrood to look for Potentilla rupestris and Allium 
schoenoprasum on the rocky banks of the Wye. Though some doubt has 
been cast on the status of the former at this locality it must be stated 
that we found a flourishing colony on what appears to be a permanently 
open habitat from which it seems just as likely to have spread onto the 
adjacent railway line as vice versa. This species was also the object of 
special search on ‘rocks of the Llandeilo series’ from which it was 
reported by Ley many years ago. The search was fruitless, though the 
discovery of Dianthus deltoides set the heart thumping. The area is 
full of possible places and further searching is justified. 

A second excursion was made to Stanner. Nearly all the specialities 
were rediscovered though the Scleranthus perennis colony was seen in 
very small quantity. It is to be hoped that no collections are made in 
that spot for years to come. 


Lastly a small party joined Mrs. Vaughan for a magnificent walk 
through the ‘Kite country’ in north east Carmarthen. Here relict 
sessile oak woods of great magnificence and upland grasslands decked 
with Vicia orobus, Trollius europaeus, Genista tinctoria and Viola lutea 

From the week in general it is difficult to select outstanding finds 
without mentioning each of the 38 new county records. Some species 
were remarkably abundant, the lovely large-flowered Eyebright Euph- 
rasia rostkoviana for example, and Circaea intermedia in many woods; 
Veronica agrestis was more frequent than V. persica, and the majority 
of the Watercress was the hybrid Nasturtium officinale x microphyllum : 
N. microphyllum was not recorded and N. officinale only in the extreme 
east around Stanner and Boughrood. 

It was not only in the critical genera that new records occurred and 
many must emphasise that the area has been underworked in the past. 
The following native species have probably been growing at their pre- 
sent localities for centuries: Frangula alnus, Anagallis tenella, Hordeum 
secalinum, Ranunculus fluitans, Rhynchospora alba, Cynoglossum 
officinale, Catapodium rigidum, Erigeron acer, Cirsium eriophorum, 
There were of course other species which are known to be spreading and 
which may have reached the area only recently: under this heading we 
may include Veronica filiformis ( 42 and 43) Impatiens parviflora 
(v.c. 43) and Montia sibtrica (Claytonia alsinoides) (v.c. 44). 

Outside the realms of N.C.Rs. there were also excitements—both 
presences and absences. The discovery of Liliwm martagon in a damp 
wood near Llangwyrfon, and Pilularia globulifera covering the bottom 
of a pond near Boughrood, come high on the list. Some of the absentees 
have already been mentioned, but other notable omissions include 
Ballota nigra, Galium mollugo, Glyceria maxima, Myrica gale, Ononis 
repens, O. spinosa, Parietaria diffusa, Picris echioides, Silaum silaus, 
Sison amomum, Solanum nigrum, Thalictrum flavum, Typha angusti- 
folia, Verbena officinalis and Veronica anagallis-aquatica agg. 

I would like to record my thanks, on behalf of the Maps Scheme, to 
all those who took part and worked so hard during the week. The 
weather was not at its kindest and with less strong determination such 
a fine total of new records could not have been attained. In particular 
I wish to acknowledge the help which it has been to me in writing this 
report to have had the comments of Mr. A. E, Wade, who scrutinised 
our records with such care, and the detailed notes of those who col- 
lected specimens and exact localities for so many interesting plants. 

v.c. 42. Brecon—Phlewm nodosum (22/88). 
v.c. 43. Radnor—Bromus thominii (32/17), Lamium hybridwm (32/26). 
Melilotus alba (82/05), Ranunculus ‘‘sphaerospermus ’ 
(32/15), Salix triandra (32/07), Symphytum x 
uplandicum (32/26), Viola reichenbachiana (32/04). 
v.c. 46. Cardigan—Bromus lepidus (22/76). 

= ing wer mer 4 am, * 




AUGUST 7th to 20th, 1956. OBERGURGL, AUSTRIA 

Joint Leaders: JOHN OUNSTED and Dr. C. T. PRIME 

The Junior Residential Meeting for 1956 took place at Obergurg], 
Austria, 29 members being present. Apparently this is the first time 
that an official Field Meeting of the Society, whose purpose is the study 
of the British Flora, has actually taken place outside Britain. The 
choice of a site so far away nevertheless proved itself justified. About 
500 species were seen and about a third of these are on the British 
List. It was particularly helpful for students to be able to see and 
collect a large number of plants too rare in this country to be shown 
to such large gatherings, and too scattered to be found at all in such 
a short time. All those listed below were in sufficient abundance for 
us to come across them without specific directions. In addition to 
this it was possible to study many interesting ecological problems, in- 
eluding, in this glaciated region, many relevant to the history of our 
own Flora but no longer to be seen in Britain, such as succession on 
young glacial moraines. Again, it was valuable to members to be able 
to study species closely related to well-known British plants, but recog- 
nised as specifically distinct, such as Tragopogon orientalis, Taraxacum 
alpinum, Scleranthus polycarpos, Galium anisophyllum, Prunella gran- 
diflora, Campanula scheuchzert and Cerastium strictum. 

The party was comfortably accommodated at the Bundessportheim 
und Alpine Forschungsstelle of Innsbruck University. This inexpen- 
sive and comfortable Field Research Station lying 6,000 ft. above sea 
level at Obergurgl in the Tirol provides the amenities of lbrary, 
laboratory, lecture room and bedrooms for staff as well as the normal 
hostel type accommodation. Surrounding mountains rise above 10,000 
ft., with perpetual snow fields above the upper limits of vegetation. 
We had readily obtained permission to hold our own course there inde- 
pendent of the official courses appearing in the University’s annual 
programme. It is appropriate to say, however, at this point, that we 
had one stroke of exceptional good fortune which guaranteed the suc- 
cess of the Meeting. There happened to be also staying at the Heim 
Dr. Helmuth Gams, Professor of Botany at the University of Inns- 
bruck, a man of immense erudition who knows the Tirolean mountains 
as if they were his own back garden. With the greatest kindness he 
joined us on most of our expeditions, suggesting the best spots to 
visit, helping us with the identification of non-British species, draw- 
ing our attention to matters of interest in every field of natural his- 
tory and folk lore, and generally enriching our minds from the rare 
treasury of his own. Our gratitude to him and to Frau Gams, who 
also accompanied us on our outings, cannot be too strongly expressed. 

We were lucky again in that Obergurg] must have been one of the 
few places to enjoy a fortnight of continuously perfect weather in the 
August of 1956. We were thus enabled to make full day excursions 
whenever we chose and we did in fact do so almost every day. Our 


botanical searches were conducted at three different levels with quite 
different results: around and above the village itself at 6,000 to 10,000 
ft.; in the pine woods lower down the valley near Sélden at 3,000 ft., 
to which we made a day excursion by bus; and at Oetztal where the 
valley joins the Inn valley at about 1,500 ft., where we simply had an 
hour’s botanising while waiting for the train. We had about nine 
day excursions on foot from the village and in them covered all the 
main valleys and their branches, and the more accessible cols and 
summits of the district as well as going up to three different glaciers. 
At this height the higher meadows had not yet been mown, so we were 
able to study a full range of the alpine flora proper, and we found 
we were by no means too late in the season provided we went sufficientiy 
high. The pinewoods at Sdlden were characterised by a more northern 
type of flora with Limnaea borealis and Moneses uniflora. To our 
surprise in the lowest region visited, round the station, the first plants 
we found were Breckland species such as Medicago falcata and Descu- 
raima sophia. We later learned, however, that this is officially recog- 
nised and described as the Steppic element in the Austrian flora, 
characterising a region where there is a dry climate, as the high 
mountains on the south and west protect it from rain. 

Among interesting ecological studies we were able to make with the 
help of Professor Gams and of his assistants were observations on the 
effect of grazing by different species of animals and on the effect of 
wind exposure and snow cover, as well as upon the more obvious effects 
of the nature of the sub-soil. It seemed curious that the effect of this 
last appeared not to be in these Alps always the same as we should 
have expected in Britain. Arctous alpinus, for example, appeared in 
a calcareous valley and Silene vulgaris was a curiously conspicuous 
feature of the Vaccinietum. 

All members of the group considered that the expedition had been 
most successful in its aim to enhance their knowledge of the British 
flora by studying the flora of an alpine region. The facilities provided 
by the Bundessportheim were admirable for the purposes of a junior 
meeting, the scenery was beautiful, and quite apart from the botany 
there were good opportunities for friendly contact with people of other 
nations, and for a certain amount of sight-seeing, including a day in 
Innsbruck on the way home. 

As well as repeating their thanks to Professor Gams, the joint 
leaders would like to thank Miss H. Franks for looking after the 
ladies of the party, Mr. A. W. Westrup who, as Secretary of the Junior 
Membership Committee, undertook the whole burden of organising the 
administration of the meeting, including travel, bookings, etcetera, 
and Mr. J. Beetham for much help on the mountaineering side and 
for the excellent photographs which he took. Some of these photo- 
graphs illustrated a full-page article which was published in The Times 
Kducational Supplement of October 12th, 1956. 


6,000-10,000 ft. 

Sibbaldia procumbens, Saxifraga aizoides, S. stellaris, Peucedanum 
ostruthium, Silene nutans, Veronica fruticans, Gentiana nivalis, G. 
verna, Salix herbacea, Lycopodium alpinum, Phleum alpinum, Homo- 
gyne alpina, Melampyrum sylvaticum, Bartsia alpina, Polygonum 
viviparum, Rumex arifolius, R. alpinus, Juniperus communis subsp. 
nana, Cerastium alpinum, C. cérastoides, Loiseleuria procumvens, 
Potentilla crantzui, Hrigeron borealis, Ribes spicatum, — Stellaria 
nemorum, Leucorchis albida, Ajuga pyramidalis, Botrychium lunaria, 
Juncus alpinoarticulatus, J. trifidus, J, filiformis, Carex lepidocarpa, 
Dactylorchis incarnata, Cardamine amara, Epilobium alsinifolium, 
Polygonatum verticillatum, Cryptogramma crispa, Polystichum lonch- 
itis, Athyrium alpestre, Luzula spicata, Pinguicula alpina, Lycopodium 
selago, Convallaria majalis, Dryas octopetala, Astragalus alpinus, 
Arabis alpina, Oxytropis hallert, O. campestris, Minuartia verna, Poa 
laxa, P. alpina, Carex capillaris, Selaginella selaginoides, Maianthe- 
mum bifolium, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Gnaphalium norvegicum, 
Lloydia serotina and Draba aizoides 

ce. 3,000 ft. 
Pyrola minor, Asplenium septentrionale, Sedum album, S. dasy- 
phyllum, Moneses uniflora, Orthilia secunda, Iannaea borealis, Cicer- 
bita alpina and Listera cordata. 

Cul o00M it: 
Setaria viridis, Medicago falcata, Nepeta cataria, Pimpinella major 
and Descuriania sophia.—J. OUNSTED. 

Leader: P. F. YEo. 

A party of thirteen met at 11 a.m. at Guildford Station for this 
meeting intended for the study of Huphrasia. Unfortunately, Mr. 
Buckle, who earlier had kindly helped to survey the ground to be 
visited, was unable to be present. 

The first spot to be visited was Farley Heath, five miles South-east 
of Guildford. This is an extensive heath, mostly bracken-dominated, 
with grassy paths. A small but numerous colony of Euphrasia anglica 
was seen here. This species is the only one in southern England with a 
dense covering of long glandular hairs on the leaves and calyx, and 
therefore its recognition presents no difficulty in that area. The other 
characters of the species were pointed out, as also were those normally 
common to all British species, such as the crisped deflexed hairs of the 
stem and the purple lines and yellow spots on the corolla. At this 


locality the plants tended to have wiry purplish stems and narrow 
leaf- and calyx-teeth, suggestive of introgression from another species, 
though no other species was seen. More convincing evidence of this 
process, which takes place from tetraploid into diploid species, was 
mentioned. Attention was drawn to the short-grass habitat which is 
favoured by EH. anglica, and to which it is adapted by its very short 
lower internodes; if the main stem is damaged by grazing few axillary 
buds will be lost. H. anglica starts flowering early and this was seen 
to be the case from the number of fruiting nodes below the flowers 
cpen at the time. This particular colony also demonstrated another 
feature of Euphrasia biology, namely the gregariousness of the plants; 
here they covered only a few square yards, in which they were quite 
dense, and outside which they abruptly disappeared; being annuals 
growing in a more or less closed community, the plants apparently 
require to grow with a high density in order to survive from year to 
year. Small isolated colonies are normally dense; larger populations 
may produce zones of scattered individuals. Members had several 
questions on the biology of the species, and in answer to these the 
life cycle was described, and what is known of the breeding system was 
outlined. The party then moved on to Winterfold Heath, two miles 
to the south. Here the late-flowering E. nemorosa was seen in rather 
long grass on a disused ride in felled woodland, again on acid soil. 
The population was much larger than that at Farley Heath and did 
not give the impression of being a precarious relic on the verge of 
extinction. The variation in appearance due to different degrees of 
luxuriance, which is in turn much affected by the hosts to which the 
plant is attached, was pointed out. At this locality there was a rather 
rich flora which prompted the question, ‘‘I wonder who is doing this 
square P’’ 

After lunch we proceeded to Friday Street, where, on a piece of 
rough grassland, there was an abundant population of FE. nemorosa and 
a very minute (and again dense) one of FE. anglica. The former had 
larger flowers and coarser, sharper, leaf teeth than at Winterfold 
Heath, and the latter had curiously untypical ovate leaves which were 
possibly the result of introgression from E. nemorosa. As the ground 
is now planted with conifers the EF. anglica, at least, will probably dis- 
appear in due course. 

Finally, the Juniper Bottom area of Box Hill was visited. Here, 
on the chalk slope, the large-flowered, small-leaved FE. pseudokerneri 
was seen. This is the latest species to start flowering. By following 
a path round the foot of the chalk hill, where the chalk appears to 
give way to clay, 2. anglica, the less calcicole species, was seen grow- 
ing with FH. pseudokerneri, which is confined to chalk and oolitice grass- 
land. E. anglica here appears to be more typical than at the other 
two places visited. In the valley east of Juniper Top there is a field 
where FE. anglica and E. nemorosa were seen growing together. It 
was hoped that a little further on hybrids between E. nemorosa and 


E. pseudokerneri would ve found, but at this point a thunderstorm drove 
us to shelter, and when it abated the meeting dispersed, after passing 
a fine population of Epipactis helleborine in the woods.—P. F. Yeo. 

+SEPTEMBER 7th to 9th, 1956. HAWICK 

Leader: J. Grant ROGER 

Hight of us took part in the field work—Mr. and Mrs. Howitt, Mrs. 
Mallinson, Miss Biggar, Miss Read, Mrs. Littlewood, Miss Beattie 
and myself. We marked cards in eight squares in the region about 
Hawick but mainly south of the town as far as Hermitage in Liddis- 
dale. To the north-east we went as far as Jedburgh. We spent the 
whole of Saturday in the field and most of Sunday—Miss Beattie and 
J returning to Edinburgh in the evening. I consider that a good deal 
of useful work was done and that it was useful for us to meet in an 
area where there has not been much botanical activity in the past.— 



Flora van Nederland. By S. J. Van Ooststroom. Pp. 890, with 1038 
black-and-white drawings in the text. P. Noordhoff N.V 
Groningen, 1956. Price 11-50 fl. 


This is the 14th edition of H. Heukel’s ‘Flora van Neder- 
land’’, first issued as a serial publication between 1908 and 1911, 
the work having now been completely revised and brought up to date 
by Dr. S. J. Van Ooststroom. In the introductory chapters the plant- 
geography of the various districts of the Netherlands is briefly outlined 
by Prof. Ir. J. L. Van Soest, and the mere important plant associa- 
tions of the country are given under the classification described by 
Westhoff, Dijk, Passchier and Sissingh in 1946. A comprehensive glos- 
sary of the terms used in the Flora is included, and this is followed 
by artificial keys to the identification of families and genera. Also 
included is a key, by Dr. B. K. Boom, for the identification of genera 
of trees and shrubs by leaf characters. 

The Flora is arranged, with modifications, in the familiar method 
of European floras, commencing with the Pteridophyta and continuing 
through the Gymnospermae to the Angiospermae. Full and careful 
descriptions are given, not only of the native and adventive species, 
varieties and hybrids known to occur in the Netherlands, but also of 
the many cultivated plants grown in Dutch gardens and parks. The 
more important taxa are well illustrated by excellent detailed black- 
and-white drawings. Status, habitat preference and flowering period 
is given for each species, and a very useful feature is that numerous 
relevant references to Dutch botanical literature are included. Arti- 
ficial keys to genera are also given under each family. 

Most of the scientific names used will be familiar to British 
botanists but there are a few changes due to reasons of nomenclature, 
and a number of other changes which can be attributed to revised views 
on taxonomy. In the first class Sedum boloniense Lois. replaces S. 
serangulare auct., non L. ? and Senecio tubicaulis Mansf. replaces S. 
palustris L. In the latter class Stellaria neglecta, S. pallida, Sagina 
ciliata, Arenaria leptoclados, Trifolium hybridum, Lotus tenuts, Vicia 
angustifolia, Rhinanthus stenophyllus and Luzula multiflora are re- 
duced to subspecific rank. At the same time, a number of genera, 
including Cardaria, Descurainia, Chamaenerion, Chamaepericlymenum, 
Ramischia, Moneses, Chaenorhinum and Gentianella are not kept up. 
These changes, however, are entirely a matter of personal opinion, pos- 
sibly based on the author’s study of the flora of western Europe. 

Towards the end of the book is an index to the principal authors 
of scientific plant names, including short biographical data. 


Dr. Van Ooststroom is to be congratuiated on producing a descrip- 
tive Flora of such a high standard of accuracy, and the publishers are 
to be commended for the excellent production and tasteful binding of 
the work. It forms a most useful addition to the knowledge of the 
flora of the European mainland and should be in the hands of all 
botanists interested in the flora of western Europe.—D. H. Kenr. 

Gronlands Flora. By Tyce W. Bocurr, Kserp Horman and Knup 
JAKOBSEN. Pp. 313, with 54 text figures and two coloured plates 
by Ingeborg Frederiksen, and a folding map. PP. Haase and 
Sens, Kobenhavn. Price 28 Danish kroner (approximately 30/-). 

This excellent, well-illustrated and beautifully printed flora is 
obviously indispensable for anyone visiting Greenland. It fits easily 
into the pocket and has clear keys and concise descriptions admirably 
adapted for field use; in addition it gives a good idea of habitat and 
distribution both within Greenland and in the northern hemisphere 
in general. 

Most British botanists will, I imagine, be surprised to find that the 
Greenland flora totals something like 500 native species of flowering 
plants and pteridophytes, nearly half of which are found in Britain. 
This book will therefore be of value to those who are interested in the 
distribution and variation of British plants, even if they are unlikely 
to visit Greenland themselves. 

The text is in Danish but there is an ‘English Guide’ and the equi- 
valents of many important terms and abbreviations are given in Eng- 
lish and Eskimo; there is also an illustrated glossary, so it is not diffi- 
cult for the botanist with little or no knowledge of Danish to use the 
book. The 54 text figures include clear drawings of the whole or 
diagnostic parts of 320 species.—T. G. Turi, 



ALLEN, D. E. The Flora of the Rugby District. Pp. 48 with a map. 
Rugby School Natural History Society. Rugby, 1957. Obtainable from 
George Over Ltd., Market Place, Rugby. Price 3/6. A full and up-to- 
date list, with localities, of the 986 species and subspecies of flowering 
plants and ferns recorded within a ten-mile radius of Rugby Market 

The work is based on a survey of the local flora made by members 
of the Rugby School Natural History Society in 1946-50, and includes 
all known records for the district back to the seventeenth century. The 
area covered extends as far as Coventry, Southam and Daventry, and 
takes in parts of Leicestershire and Northamptonshire as well as a 
large part of Warwickshire. 

Bootuam ScHoot Naturat History Crus. Two Country Parishes: 
The History, Archaeology and Natural History of Overton and Skelton. 
Pp. 106. York, 1956. This excellent survey by the members of the 
Bootham School Natural History Club includes a systematic list of the 
flowering plants and ferns found in the area. Ecological accounts of 
Overton Wood, North Field Wood and other selected areas are also 

SANDBERGS BoKHANDEL. A Catalogue of the Works of Linnaeus: 
issued in commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the birthday cf 
Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778. Pp. 1-179 with 21 figures in the text. 
Sandbergs Bokhandel Catalogue No. 12. Stockholm, 1957. Price 5 Cr. 
An extensive catalogue of the works of Linnaeus (and a number of 
publications immediately relating thereto), comprising all of his major 
works and most of his minor writings. The catalogue consists largely 
of the hbrary of Axel Liljedahl (1875-1956) and contains many biblio- 
graphical notes and references for those who are interested in biblio- 
graphical and scientific data arising from the works of Linnaeus. 

‘ie ss Se eT 

teri ms 




ProrEessor Sir Wititiam Wricut Smit, F.R.S. (1875-1956), who 
died on 15th December, 1956, was, from 1922 until the time of his 
death, Queen’s Botanist in Scotland, Regius Keeper of the Royal 
Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and Regius Professor of Botany in the 
University of Edinburgh. 

He was born at Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, on 2nd February 1875, 
and was a pupil in Dumfries Academy, from which he went, as First 
Bursar, to Edinburgh University. He graduated M.A. in 1896 and, 
having also completed a course at the Training College of Teachers, 
he worked as a school teacher in Edinburgh until 1902. In that year 
he became Assistant to Professor Isaac Bayley Balfour in the Botany 
Department of Edinburgh University, this auspicious appointment 
being the result of his marked interest and knowledge in botany which 
he had developed for some years and which had strongly impressed 
Professor Balfour. For five years he acquired much experience as a 
University teacher under the stimulating leadership of the Professor, 
who was at that time already internationally renowned as a botanist 
and horticulturist. 

From 1907 to 1910 a very valuable period was spent in India as 
Curator of the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, 
and, as Acting Director of the Botanical Survey of India, he carried 
out very energetic botanical explorations of the eastern Himalayas, 
particularly in Sikkim. These years of great activity in India, and 
on its frontiers, were followed by a return to the Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh, as Deputy Keeper under his former chief, Sir Isaac Bayley 
Balfour, with whom he continued to work from 1911 to 1922. Then 
Sir Isaac retired and William Wright Smith succeeded him as Regius 
Keeper and Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh. 

Before and after succeeding Bayley Balfour he published steadily 
accounts of new genera and of species (over 550 in all) from collections 
made on the Himalayas and mountains of western China, particularly 
from the great wealth of material sent to Edinburgh by George Forrest 
and others. His numerous systematic papers appeared in Records of 
the Botanical Survey of India, Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh, Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh and 
other periodicals. Although many different genera from recently 
explored regions were dealt with at the Royal Botanic Garden, Hdin- 
burgh, particular attention came to be given to Rhododendron and 
Primula, and Wright Smith’s attention was devoted most closely to 
the latter as exhibited by his own descriptions of new Primulas, his 
work on the Sections of the genus with George Forrest, and, above all, 

his many, more recent, papers written in partnership with H. R. 


His wide interests in systematic botany were shown in his Hooker 
Lecture to the Linnean Society, of which he was a Fellow, on ‘‘Some 
Aspects of the Bearing of Cytology in Taxonomy” (Proc. Linn. Soc. 
Lond., 1932-33), and in his Masters Lectures to the Royal Horticultural 
Society on ‘‘Problems in Classification of Plants’? (J. Roy. Hort. Soc., 
1936). Although the great bulk of his writings concerned non-British 
plants he maintained his interest in the British flora, especially our 
mountain species, always sharing in the general enthusiasm over impor- 
tant new discoveries such as the finding of Diapensia lapponica, in west 
Inverness-shire, in 1951. He was a Fellow, and frequently an office- 
bearer, of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh from 1902, a member of 
the Botanical Society end Exchange Club of the British Isles from 1919, 
and a member of the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves. 

During his long life of service to botany and horticulture as teacher, 
explorer, writer and administrator, Wiliam Wright Smith received 
many honours and distinctions. In addition to his knighthood, con- 
ferred in 1932, and his election to the Royal Society in 1945, he was 
D. es Se. of the University of Toulouse, LL.D. of the University of 
Aberdeen, and an Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts 
and Sciences. From 1944-49 he was President of the Royal Society of 
Edinburgh, and in 1942 received from that Society its MacDougall- 
Brisbane Prize. The Royal Horticultural Society presented to him its 
Victoria Medal of Honour in 1925 and then, in 1930, its Veitch Memo- 
rial Medal. 

Sir William was a great personality, combining forthrightness, 
kindness and humour with an abiding interest in the welfare of all 
those with whom he became closely associated. His excellent, often 
astonishing, memory was a sure aid to his natural courtesy in recalling 
incidents in the careers of his students, colleagues, and friends gener- 
ally. Delighting in the open country and hills, since his early years 
in Dumfriesshire, he was remarkably active in outdoor exercises and 
games, especially lawn-tennis, which he enjoyed until very late in life. 

He is survived by Lady Smith and their three daughters. 





Miss M. A. Turner, Belford House, Kennford, near Exeter, Devon, 
is studying Romulea columnae and is anxious to see herbarium material, 
particularly from Cornwall. 

For details of the Nature Reserves declared by the Nature Con- 
servancy and procedure for obtaining permits to visit them see Pro- 
ceedings B.S.B.1I., 2, 3382 (1957). 


The Air Ministry have established a range at Newborough Warren 
but, following representations made at a Public Local Inquiry by this 
Society and others, have agreed to make advance notices of firing 
practices available to research workers and students. These notices 
will be sent to our Local Secretary, Prof. P. W. Richards, Coed Menai, 
Upper Bangor, Caernarvonshire, and members wishing to visit the 
Warren are advised to make arrangements with him well in advance 
of the time of their visits. 


The Ninth International Botanical Congress will be held in Montreal, 
Canada, from August 19 to 29, 1959, at McGill University and the 
University of Montreal. The programme will include papers and 
symposia related to all branches of pure and appled botany. A first 
circular giving information on programme, accommodation, excursions, 
and other detail will be available early in 1958. This circular and 
subsequent circulars including application forms will be sent only to 
those who write to the Secretary-General asking to be placed on the 
Congress mailing list: Dr. C. Frankton, Secretary-General, IX Inter- 
national Botanical Congress, Science Service Building, Ottawa, Ontario, 

Members are urged to report to Mr. J. E. Lousley, 7 Penistone 
Road, London, S.W.16, any threats to the British flora. The Council 
has appointed a Conservation Committee to deal with such matters 
and every effort will be made ‘‘to promote in every way possible the 
conservation of the British flora’’. 



The Society is collecting information about the effect on native 
vegetation of toxic chemicals used for spraying crops. The increasing 
use of weed-killing chemicals on arable land implies a threat to neigh- 
bouring uncultivated land or woods since the spray can be carried a 
considerable distance under suitable conditions. Members who observe 
damage from this cause are asked to send full details to Mr. J. E. 
Lousley, 7 Penistone Road, London, S.W.16. 


A card index of autecological and/or cytogenetic-taxonomic 
researches that are being carried out on British flowering plants is 
maintained by the Association. Copies of the index may be consulted 
at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, or at the Royal Botanic Garden, 
Edinburgh. Its purpose is to obviate overlapping between different 
workers. Members taking up research of this nature are asked to 
send particulars either to Mr. R. D. Meikle, Royal Botanie Gardens, 
Kew, Richmond, Surrey, or to Mr. B. L. Burtt, Royal Botanic 
Garden, Edinburgh, 4. 


Members are reminded that, through the kindness of the Council 
of the Linnean Society of London, they have the privilege of consult- 
ing the Library of the Linnean Society at Burlington House, Picca- 
dilly, London, W.1. 


A limited number of relevant advertisements will be accepted for 
the Society’s publications as space permits. Enquiries should be 
addressed to Mr. D. H. Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13. 


Instructions to Exhibitors 


are invited both from Members of the Society and others. They 
should be of general interest concerning the British Flora. Papers should 
be typed. They shouid be double-spaced and typed on one side of the 
paper only. The form adopted in this part should be used for citations 
and references. Full references shouid be put at the end, except where 
Special reasons exist (e.g., the citation of place of publication of a plant 
name) or in very short papers. Illustrations, which may take the form 
of iine drawings or photographs, will be considered for publication. 
Twenty-five separates of each paper are given free to the author, and 
further copies may be obtained on payment; requests for extra copies 
should be made when proofs are returned. Papers should be sent to the 
Editor, Mr. D. H. Kent, 75 Adelaide Road, London, W.13. 


Instructions are given in the Year Book, 1953, 71-73. Records may 
be sent either to the Editor or Mr. E. C. Wallace, 2 Strathearn Road, 
Sutton, Surrey. 


Instructions are given in the Year Book, 1953, 73. Notes should be 
sent to the Editor. 


These should include date of birth and death, summary of life so far 
as events have a bearing on botanical work, whereabouts of herbarium 
and any manuscripts, and chief botanical publications. Offers to write 
Obituary notices may be sent to the Editor. 


A Magazine of Natural History 

Published every quarter by the I.N.J. Committee. 

Epitep py Miss M. P. H. KERTLAND, M.Sc., with the assistance of 
Sectional Hditors. 

Annual Subscription, 10/- post free. Single Parts, 3/6. 

All communications to be addressed to: — 

The Editor, Department of Botany, Queen’s University, Belfast 

4 : 
f ’ 
vA 5 
| Fs te 
. i 


The more important mentions of plants in original papers, Plant Notes and 
Abstracts are included. Plant Records are not included. 

Abstracts from Literature, 45, 151, 269, 383 

Acaena anserinifolia, 153 

ACcinos, 387 

Aesculus hippocastanum, 48 

Agropyron, 391; junceum xX litorale; litorale, 281; repens, 60, 391 

Agrostis; canina subsp. canina; subsp. montana; gigantea, 280; stolonifera, 57, 
280; tenuis, 280 

Ajuga reptans, 276 

Alchemilla, 273, 384, 385 

Alisma gramineum, 75; subsp. arcuatum; subsp. gramineum; tanceolatum; 
plantago-aquatica, 346 

Allen, D. E., 240, 324 

Allium, 278, 389; babingtonii; scorodoprasum, 278 

Alnus glutinosa, 55, 156, 277, 388 

Alopecurus alpinus, 65 

Amaranthus, 388 

Ambrosia artemisiifolia, 273; coronopifolia;, elalior; trifida, 51 

Anagallis arvensis, 54, 155, 275; minima, 275 

Annual General Meeting, 1956, 92; 1957, 316 

Anonymous: The Military Orchid in Suffolk, 4 

Antennaria dioica; var. hyperborea, 297 

Antirrhinum, 275, 387 

Arabidopsis thaliana, 47, 152, 383 

Arbutus unedo, 386 

Arctium, 52 

Aremonia agrimonoid2s, 301 

Arenaria balearica, 75; leptoclados; norvegica, 48 

Aristolochiaceae, 155 

Armeria maritima var. elongata, 75 

Artemisia biennis, 274; campestris, 52: tournefortiana, 274 

Arum maculatum, 390 

Asplenium, 282, 391; xbreynti, 60; ruta-muraria Xx Ceterach officinarum, 391; 
septentrionale; irichomanes, 60 

x Asplenoceterach badense, 391 

Assistant Secretary’s Report, 1955, 94; 1956, 318 

Atriplex, 155 

Atropa bella-donna, 337 

Avena, 57; fatuda, 280, 281, 390; ludovicianad, 280, 390; sativa, 157; strigosa, 281 

Baker, H. G., 132, 134, 241 

Bangerter, E. B., 136: & Kent, D. H.: Veronica filiformis Sm. in the British 
Isles, 197 

Berkshire and Oxfordshire, Notes on the flora of (2), 105 

Betula, 156 

Bidens tripartita, 274; vulgata, 240 

Blackstonia perfoliata; var. intermedia; f. debilis; serotina, 275 

Blechnum spicant, 391 

Bocher, T. W., Holman, K. & Jakobsen, K.: Groénlands Flora (review), 425 

Books received, 97, 324, 426 

Botanical Society of London, 102 

Botrychium; matricariifolium, 282 

Brachypodium sylvaticum, 58 

Brassica, 47, 152, 269; integrifolia var. carinata, 269 

Brenan, J. P. M.: Notes on the flora of Oxfordshire and Berkshire (2), 105 

Bromus, 281; asper; erectus, 58; inermis, 158; tectorum; thominii, 281 

Buckinghamshire, Cephalanthera rubra in, 234 

Buckle, O., 328 

Bupleurum, 273 

Butomus umbellatus, 390 

Buxus sempervirens, 388 


Cakile edentula; maritima, 46 

Calamintha, 387 

Callitriche, 50, 153; cophocarpa, 153; hamulata, 398: inlermedia, 50, 51; oblus- 
angula, 50, 79; palustris, 20, 135: pedunculata, 398; platycarpa, 20, 79; 
polymorpha, 20, 153; stagnalis, 20, 50, 79 

Calluna vulgaris, 53 

Caltha palustris, 269 

Calystegia dahurica, 22, 80, 241; pellita, 22; sepium; sylvestris, 22, 80, 241 

Cambridgeshire, 133 

Cannon, J. F. M. & M.: The stability of the epiphytic flora of pollarded 
willows, 226 ’ 

Capsella bursa-pastoris, 47 

Cardamine, 152, 269; pratensis, 46, 269 

Cardaminopsis petraea, 301 

Carduus, 386; acanthoides; acanthoides X nutans; nulans, 154 

Carex, 157, 279, 296; acuta; aquatilis, 300; flacca, 157; flava, 279; juncella, 299; 
nemorosa, 57; nigra, 299: pseudocynerus xX rostrata, 1, 302; rupestris, 39v; 
x schmidtiana, 1, 302; subvulpina; vulpina, 57. 

Cellulose tape, the menace of, 132 

Centaurea, 52, 386; amara subsp. decipiens; subsp. serotina; jacea subsp. jaced: 
var. jacea; subsp. pectinatisquama; subsp. ruscinionensis; var. Truscinion- 
ensis; nigra subsp. debeauxii: nemoralis; var. nemoralis, 386; scabiosa, 274 

Centunculus minimus, 275 

Cephalanthera rubra, 234, 296 

Cerastium, 47, 270; alpinum; subsp. lanatum, 270: (key to subspecies & vars.), 271; 
arcticum, 47; (key to vars.); arvense var. ophiticola, 48: atrovirens, 384; 
glabratum, 270; holosteoides; pumilum, tetrandrum, 47 

Ceterach officinarum, 391 

Chamaenerion angustifolium, 273 

Chamaepericlymenum suecicum, 154 

Chara baltica; fragifera, 61 

Characeae, 159 

Cheiranthus cheiri, 383 

Chelidonium majus; var. lacinialtum; var. pleniflorum; var. tenuifolium; 
f. multifidum, 151 

Chenopodium; album; album xX bushianum; carinalum; cristaltum; xX pelgrimsi- 
anum; pumilio, 55 

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, 385 

Chrysosplenium alternifolium, 385 

Cicendia filiformis in N. Wales, 295 

Cirsium arvense, 52, 274 

Cladium mariscus, 157, 279 

Clifford, H. T.: Seed dispersal on footwear, 129 

Clinopodium, 387 

Cochlearia anglica; anglica xX officinalis; danica; danica xX officinalis; danica xX 
anglica; groenlandica; micaced; officinalis; officinalis X anglica, 46; pyren- 
adica, 152, 269. 

Colchicum, 157 

Committee for the study of the Scottish flora, Report of the, 1955, 96; 1956, 314 
Compositae, 51 

Coniferae, 158 

Convallaria majalis, 278 

‘Convolvulus sepium var. americanus’, 22 
Corydalis, 45 

Council, Report of the, 1955, 82; 1956, 305 
Crataegus, 50 

Crocus, 389 

Cruciferae, 46, 151, 383 

Cuscuta europaea, 275 

Cyclamen, 154 

Cymbalaria muralis, 123 

Cyunodon dactylon, 390 

INDEX TO voL. 2 3 

Cypripedium calceolus, 389 
Cystopteris, 282, 391; fragilis, 159, 391 

Dactylis glomerata, 281, 303; subsp. hispanica, 390 

Dactylorchis (see also under Orchis), 299, 389: fuchsii, 354, et seq., 389; fuchsii x 
praetermissa, 389; fuchsii x purpurella, 358, et seq., 389; purpurella, 354, 
et seq. 

Danthonia, 158; calycina, 76 

x Danthosieglingia breviaristata, 76 

Daphne mezereum, 101 

Datura stramonium, 54 

Daucus, 51 

Davy, Johanna Charlotte (obit.), 190 

Delphinium. ajacis, 383 

Dent, Hilda Sophia Annesley (obit.), 325 

Derelict land, flora of, 160 

Dianthus; carthusianorum, 383 

Diapensia lapponica, 387 

Dichonadra repens, 21 

Distribution Maps Scheme: Survey of 1955 recording and suggestions for 
recording in 1956, 11; Second Annual Report to 31st December 1955, 90; Third 
Annual Report to 31st December 1956, 312 

Drosera anglica, 50 

Dryopteris, 78, 282; dilatata, 61, 78, 391; filix-mas f. petiolata, 60; filix-mas x 
Thelypteris oreopteris, 61 

Durham, The development of Orchid populations in claynpits in, 354 

Edlin, H. L.: Trees, Woods and Man (review), 320 
Elatine hydropiper, 272 

Eleocharis, 279 

Elodea canadensis, 56, 388 

Endymion, 278 

Epilobium hirsutum, 273 

Epipactis atrorubens, 278; helleborine; phyllanthes, 56 
Epiphytic flora of pollarded willows, 226 
Epipogium aphyllum, 156 

Equisetum, 60; hyemale; palustre, 391 

Erica ciliaris, 274; mackaiana, 53 

Erigeron annuus; strigosus, 154 

Eriophorum gracile, 23 

Erodium, 152: cicutarium, 48 

Eryngium, 273 

Euphrasia, 80 f 

Exhibition Meeting, 1955, 72; 1956, 291 

Fagopyrum, esculentum, 388 

Fagus sylvatica, 56, 156, 388 

Fair Isle, Notes on the flora of, 219 

Festuca, 58, 158, 281; arundinacea; arundinacea x pratensis, 58; arundinacea x 
rubra, 59: capillata, 58, 59: gigantea, 59; heterophylla, 58; heterophylla x 
ruobra, 59; membranacea, 2438; ovind, 58, 59; ovina X rubra; (ovina X rubra) x 
rubra; (ovina X rubra) X ovina, 59: pratensis, 58, 158, 281: pratensis x 
rubra, 59; rubra, 58, 59, 281; rubra xX arundinacea; rubra x capillata; 
rubra X heterophylla; rubra X ovina; rubra X pratensis; rubra x Lolium 
perenne; rubra x (Lolium rigidum x perenne), 59; rubra var. arenaria x 
Vulpia membranacea, 243. 

Ficus carica, 277 

Field Meetings, 1954, 171: 1955, 176, 401: 1956, 405: Buckingham, 1956, 405; Cassio- 
bury Park and Whippendell Wood, 1955, 176; Chipstead Valley, 1956, 405; 
Cromarty, 1956, 410; Dalmellington, 1956, 406; Day Meeting to study Salix, 
1955; 184: Derbyshire Limestone, 1954, 173; Dover, 1955, 176; Dunfanaghy, 1955, 
401; Durham, 1955, 181; Epping Forest, 1954, 171; 1956, 413; Exmoor, 1956, 409; 


Flanders Moss, 1955, 401; Flatford Mill Field Centre, 1955, 182; Galloway, 
1955, 178; Guildford, 1956, 421; Hawick, 1956, 423; Hayling Island, 1955, 185; 
Kenfig Burrows, 1956, 408; Llandrindod Wells, 1956, 416; Millersdale, 1956, 
413; Obergurgl, Austria, 1956, 419; Peebles, 1956, 408; Runnymede, 1956, 413; 
South London Botanical Institute, 1956, 405; South Wales, 1956, 414; West 
Cumberland, 1956, 442; West Suffolk, 1955, 84; West Wittering, 1956, 407; 
Wiltshire Chalk, 1954, 171. 

Fire, responses of vegetation to, 399 

Fitter, R. S. R.: Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Richard in Buckinghamshire, 234 

Foeniculum vulgare, 154 

Fraxinus excelsior, 387 

Fritillaria meleagris, 389 

Galanthus, 389 

Galeopsis angustifolia var. arenaria, 111 

Galium, 154, 273; boreale, 51 

Garlick, G. W., 20 

Gentianella, 77; septentrionalis, 302 

Geranium purpureum; subsp. forsteri, 19, 134 

Glamorgan, Some account of the botanical exploration of, 160 

Glaux maritima, 76, 274; subsp. maritima var. maritima; var. angustifolia; 
subsp. obtusifolia var. obtusifolia; var. macrophylla, 274 

Glyceria fiuitans, 58; grandis; maxima, 158 

Good, R., The East Riding of Yorkshire and its flora, 67 

Goodyera repens, 389 

Graham, R. A., 191, 243 

Gramineae, 57, 157, 279 

Greenwood, A. D., Lycopodium in a Welsh valley, 68 

Gymnadenia conopsea, 64; x Orchis ericelorum; XOrchis purpurella, 56 

Gypsophila, 383 

Halimione pedunculata, 388 

Hammarbya paludosa, 389 

Hedera helix, 51, 154, 273 

Helianthemum, 383 

Hepper, F. N., 132 

Heracleum, 385 

Hermodactylus tuberosus, 389 

Hertfordshire, 19th century Hortus Siccus frem, 365 

Hieracium, 79, 274, 386; demissum, 274; pilosella, 386; spraguei, 80 

Hierochloe odorata, 24 

Himantoglossum hircinum, 278 

Hind, G.: Unusual adventives on alkali-waste in S. Lancashire, 126 

Hippophae rhamnoides, 194, 297 

Holcus mollis, 157 

Homogyne alpina, 385 

Hydrocotyle vulgaris, 51 

Hypericum canadense, 48, 238, 272, 301; maculatum; subsp. maculatum; subsp. 
obtusiusculum, 237; majus, 272 

Hypochoeris glabra, 386 

Impatiens, 384; glandulifera, 48, 152, 272; parviflora, 384 
Introgression, G. C. Druce’s discovery of, 292 

Inula conyza, 273 

Tris, 278, 389; pseudacorus, 278 

Irish Herbaria, 18, 132 

Tsoetes, 282, 288 

Jansen, Piet (obit.), 98 

Jones, E. W., 320 . 

Juncus articulatus; effusus, 57; tenwis var. anthelalus, 23 
Juniperus communts, 60 

INDEX TO von. 2 5 

Kent, D. H., 23, 197, 236, 238: Senecio squalidus L. in the British Isles—i, Early 
records (to 1877), 115: 134, 137, 424: An interesting 19th century Hortus 
Siccus, 365 

Kertland, M. P. H., 193 

Kobresia simpliciuscula, 279 

Koeleria cristata; gerardi: gracilis; macrantha: pectinata; phleoides; pubescens; 
pyramidata; tuberosa, 158 

Kukenthal, Georg (obit.), 325 

Lactuca, 274 

Lagarosiphon major, 301 

Lagurus ovatus, 25 

Lamium, 54 

Lancashire, unusual adventives on alkali-waste in, 126 

Lariz decidua, 391 : 

Lathraea, 155 

Lathyrus heterophyllus var. unijugus; latifolius: sylvestris, 238 

Leontodon autumnalis, 274; var. salinus, 240 

Leucojum, 389 

Liliaceae, 389 

Linaceae, 384 

Linaria, 387; vulgaris, 54 

Linum usitatissimum, 272 

Lolium loliaceum, 59: perenne, 58, 59, 158, 281; xFestuca rubra: (perenne X 
Festuca rubra) X rubra ; (perenne x Festuca rubra) x Lolium perenne; 
rigidum; temulentum xX Festuca rubra, 59 

London, Botanical Society of, 102 

Lotus, 49, 153, 160, 272; corniculatus: var. alpinus; tenuis; uliginosus, 49 

Lousley, J. E., 19, 101, 102, 328: Alisma gramineum in Britain, 346 

Lowne, Benjamin Thompson (obit.), 328 

Luzula, 57, 157; campestris, 279 

Lychnis, 384 

Lycopodium alpinum, 68 

Lysimachia nummularia, 20 

McClintock, D., 325 

— & Fitter, R. S. R.: Collins’ Pocket Guide to Wild Flowers, including Trees, 
Shrubs, Ferns, Grasses and Sedges (review), 187 

Manton, I., The present state of cytology in relation to systematics in the 
Pteridophyta, 67 

Matricaria maritima, 154 

Medicago, 152; apiculata, 152, 272: f. tuberculata, 272; denticulata; var. ciliaris 
272; falcata, 384; hispida, 272; polymorpha var. ciliaris, 152, 272; f. apiculata 
152; var. tuberculata; vulgaris, 272 

Meikle, R. D., 136 

Melandrium, 47, 152, 384 

Melderis, A., 238, 243 

Melilotus, 384 . 

Members and Subscribers, List of, supplement to part 3, pp. 1-42 

Mentha, 387; xmazximilianea, 296; pulegium, 136; rotundifolia, 155 

Mercurialis annua; var. ambigua, 277, 388; perennis, 388 

Merionethshire, some account of botanical exploration in, 160 

Minuartia fasciculata, 76; verna, 297 

Montia, 48 

Myrica gale, 55 

Myriophyllum spicatum, 50, 153 

Narcissus obvallaris, 56, 64; PREOETLE CBE. 56 
Nardurus maritimus, 72 

Nelmes, E., 325 

Nepeta, 387 

Norfolk Willows, 337 

Northern Regional Meeting, 1955, 67 


Nuphar, 45, 383 
Nymphaea, 383; alba, 45 

Obituaries: Davy, Lady, 190: Dent, Hilda Sophia Annesley, 325; Jansen, Piet. 
98; Kukenthal, Georg, 325; Lowne, Benjamin Thompson, 328; Ridley, Henry 
Nicholas, 328; Small, Professor James, 192: Smith, Sir William Wright, 
427; Tansley, Sir Arthur George, 99 

Odontites, 275; verna, 155 

Oenothera, 385; biennis, 51: var. angustifolia: nuda, 385; strigosa, 51 

Ophrys, 156 

Orchidaceae, 278 

Orchis, 56, 389; ericetorum x fuchsii; ericetorum x purpurella; fuchsiit xX purpur- 
ella, 56; incarnata, 56, 156; maculata, 56: militaris, 4; traunsteineri, 156, 278 

Origanum, 387 

Orobanche, 155, 387; picridis, 243; purpurea, 276: reticulata, 243 

Osmunda regalis, 282, 362, 392 

Ounsted, J., 136, 187 

Oxalis, 272, 384; corniculata, 48: dillenii, 272; stricta, 48 

Oxfordshire and Berkshire, Notes on the flora of (2), 105 

Oxycoccus, 53 

Papaver, 269, 302; rhoeas, 269 

Papaveraceae, 151 

Parnassia palustris, 385 

Perring, F. H.: Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. in Britain, 1955, 6: 11, 19, <4, 
25, 133,135 

Personalia and Notices to Members, 101, 194, 332, 429 

Petch, C. P. & Swann, E. L.: A hybrid sedge from West Norfolk, 1 

Phacelia viscida, 110 

Phalaris, 280 

Phleum commutatum, 157; phleoides, 280; pratense, 57, 157 

Phragmites communis, 390 

Phyllitis scolopendrium, 282 

Picea, 159; abies, 282, 391 

Pigott, C. D., The tendency to oversimplify the factors controlling a plant's 
distribution, 67 

Pinus sylvestris, 60, 281 

Plantago coronopus, 54; eriophora, 155; indica, 387; lanceolata var. lanuginosa, 
155; major f. americana, 276; maritima, 54; media, 55; rugelii, 276 

Plant Notes, 19, 134, 236 

Plant Records, 26, 138, 245, 367 

Poa, 57; alpina, 58, 391: annua, 58, 504. 

Polemonium caeruleum, 76 

Polygala, 388 

Polygonaceae, 156 

Polygonum, 55, 155, 276, 303; aequale, 276; amplexicaule, 55; a@ubertii, 276; 
aviculare, 276, 388; baldscNuanicum, 65, 276; campanulatum, 55, 137; 
cognatum; cuspidatum, 55; heterophyllum 276; pensylvanicum var. laeviga- 
tum: polystachyum; pulchellum, 55; rurivagum, 276; sachalinense, 55 

Polystichum,; setiferum, 282 

Potamogeton, 279, 390; xnitens, 279 

Potentilla, 384; tabernaemontani, 50 

Primula, 53, 274; farinosa, 54, 74; scotica, 53, 54; veris, 58, 387; vulgaris, 53 
Pritchard, N. M.: Notes on the flora of Fair Isle, 219 

Prunus, 384 

Pteridium aquilinum, 60, 282, 3914 

Pteridophyta, 60, 282, 391 

Pulsatilla vulgaris, 45, 184, 236 

Quercus, 55, 156, 388; borealis, 55; cerris, 388; coccinea, 56; Lanuginosa; petraea; 
robur, 388 

INDEX -TO VOL. 2 (i 

Ranunculaceae, 383 

Ranunculus, 45, 78: acris, 78, 383; auricomus, 45, 151; baudotii: xaquatilis subsp 
radians, 45; bulbosus, 45, 78, 383: ficaria var. aurantiacus, 236; repens, 383 

Raphanus, 152 

Rhamnacede, 152 

Rhinanthus, 387 

Richardson, J. A.: The Development of Orchid populations in claypits in 
County Durham, 354 

Ridley, Henry Nicholas, a centenarian, 104; (obit.), 328 

Rob, C. M., 190 

Rockall, Plant life on, 73 

Roger, J. Grant, 427 

Rorippa, 46; microphylla: nasturtium-aquaticum, 46, 151 

Rosa, 50 

OSCR 24 

Rubiaceae, 385 

Rubus, 50, 273, 384; arcticus, 50: id@eus, 50, 153: plicatus, 50: pubescens, 384 

Rumex, 155, 277; conglomeratus: sanguineus, 295 

Russell, J., 21 

Sagittaria, 57: latifolia; sagittifolia, 279 

Salicornia, 55 

Salix, 56, 226, 277, 337, 388: acuminata, 543; acutifolid, 342; adscendens, 345: alba, 
338; xX fragilis f. monstrosa, 112, 339: x triandra, 112: var. caerulea, 388; var 
chermesind, 112; var. elyensis, 338; var. vitellind, 339; xalopecuroides, 112: 
xambigua, 344; aquatica, 343; arenaria x repens; argentea, 345; atrocinerea, 
343; aurita: xcapred; xrepens; Xvimindlis; f. pseudohermaphrodita, 344, 
babylonica, 277; basfordiana, 340; caprea; xviminalis, 343; xcapreola, 344; 
xX chrysocoma, 277; cinerea; xvimindlis, 343: croweand, 345; decipiens, 340; 
“foetida’; var. “parvifolia”, 345; forbiana, 342: fragilis; var. latifolia, 339; 
x fruticosda, 344; ‘helix’, 342: hoffmanniana, 341; lambertiana, 342; nigricans, 
344; pentandra, 338; phylicifolia, 345: pruinosa, 342; rubra x cinered, 344; 
russelliand, 339; xsericans; xXsmithiand, 343; triandra, 341; xundulata, 112; 
viminalis; var. intricata, 342. 

Salpichroa origanifolia, 136 

Salvia, 276 

Sandwith, N. Y., 136 

Sarothamnus scoparius; subsp. prostratus, 49 

Satureja, 387 

Savidge, J. P., 20 

Saxifraga cespitosa; granulata; hirculus, 153; hypnoides, 153, 385; oppositifolia; 
rosacea, 153 

Saxifragaceae, 50 

Scandix pecten-veneris, 385 

Scheuchzeria palustris, 57 

Scilla autumnalis, 278 

Scirpus americanus, 390 

Scleranthus, 55, 276; annuus; perennis, polycarpos, 55 

Scotland, Notes on: the introduction and distribution of Cymbalaria muralis 
Gaertn., Mey. & Scherb. in, 123 

Seed dispersal on footwear, 129 

Selinum carvifolia, 119 

Senecio jacobaea, 52, 385; squalidus, 115, 385, 386 

Sesleria deyliana; varia var. calcarea, 398 

Sibthorpia, 54 

Sieglingia decumbens, 76 

Silene maritima, 269, 270, 383; nutans, 384; vulgaris, 383; subsp. macrocarpa: 
subsp. thorei, 236 

Sisymbrium irio, 46 

Sium latifolium, 278 

Small, Professor James (obit.), 192 

Smith. Sir William Wright (obit.), 427 

8 s INDEX TO VOL. 2 

Smyrnium perfoliatum, 51 

Solanum, 275 

Sorbus, 50 

Spartina, 280, 390; townsendii, 57, G4, 72, 280, 390 
Spergularia rubra, 272 

Spiranthes spiralis, 6 

Spoil heaps, colonisation of by plants, 160 
Stellaria, media x neglecta, 293: nemorum: subsp. glochidisperma, 272 
Subularia aquatica, 152 

Succisa pratensis, 51 

Suffolk, The military orchid in, 4 

Swann, E. L., 1: West Norfolk Willows, 337 

Tansley, Sir Arthur George (obit.), 99 

Taraxacum, 52, 154, 274 

Taxus baccata; f. adpressa, 2 

Temperature ranges and distribution of some British vascular plants, 162 

Thelycrania sanguinea, 385 

Thelypteris phegopteris, 61 

Thlaspi alpestre, 269 

Thymus, 54, 155, 276; drucei; pulegioides; serpyllum, 54 

Torilis japonica, 154 

Tragopogon; porrifolius, 52 

Trichomanes speciosum, 244 

Trientalis europaed, 21 

Trifolium, 49, 384; pratense, 152; repens, 49, 152, 384; striclum, 19; sublerraneum, 

Tussilago farfara, 52 

Putin, T..'G.,. 995, 425 

Typha angustifolia, 157 

Ulex europaeus; gallii; minor, 48 
Ulmus, 388; carpinifolia, 277; procera, 155 

Vaccinium, 52, 53; xintermedium, 52, 53; myrtillus, 52, 53, 154; vilis-idaea, 52, 53 
Valeriana; officinalis, 51 

Vallisneria spiralis, 277 

Van Ooststroom, 8S. J., Flora van Nederland (review), 424 
Vasculum, origin of the, 324 

Verbena elegans, 110 

Vermeulen, P., 98 

Veronica, 155, 275, 387; filiformis, 54, 155, 197, 293; persica, 197 
Vicia cracca, 49; hybrida; lutea, 135 

Viola kitaibeliana, 383; palustris, 269 

Viscaria, 384 

Viscum album, 277 

Vulpia membranacea X Festuca rubra var. arenaria, 243 

Walters, S. M.: Selinum carvifolia (L.) L. in Britain, 119 

—— & Perring, F. H.: B.S.B.I. Distribution Maps Scheme: Survey of 1955 
recording, and suggestions for recording in 1956, 11 

Warwick, P. Jane: A new habitat for Osmunda regalis L., 362 

Watt, Hugh Boyd: Notes on the introduction and distribution of Cymbalaria 
muralis Gaertn., Mey. & Scherb. in Scotland, 123 

Webb, D. A.: Irish Herbaria, 18: 22 

Western Regional Meeting, 1955, 69 

Wisbech Museum, An MS. in, 133 

Woodsta, 282: alpina, 61 

Wool adventive flora of Britain, 101 

Young, D. P., 240 

Continued from inside front cover 

COMMITTEES FOR 1957-1958. 

Development and Rules 
D. EK. Allen (Hon. Sec.) 
A. H. G. Alston 
Dr. H. J. M. Bowen 
Miss M. S. Campbell 
J. S. L. Gilmour 
R. A. Graham 
D. H. Kent 
R. D. Meikle 
EK. Milne-Redhead 
O. V. Polunin 
Dr. E. F. Warburg 

J. P. M. Brenan 
J. EK. Dandy 
R. A. Graham 
D. H. Kent 
J. K. Lousley 
H. K. Airy Shaw 
R. M. Payne 
N. Y. Sandwith 
E. C. Wallace 
Dr. S. M. Walters 
P. J. Wanstall (Hon. Sec.) 
Dr. E. F. Warburg 


Prof. A. R. Clapham 
(Hon. Sec.) 

Dr. H. Godwin 

R. A. Graham 

J. EK. Lousley 

R. D. Meikle 

EK. Milne-Redhead 

Dr. C. D. Pigott 

W. T. Stearn 

Prof. T. G. Tutin 

EK. C. Wallace 

Dr. S. M. Walters 

Dr. KE. F. Warburg 

Prof. D. A. Webb 


D. E. Allen 

EK. B. Bangerter 

Dr. H. J. M. Bowen (Hon. Sec.) 
Mrs. A. N. Gibby 

~ Bo.G, Halk 

Dr. F. Perring. 

Dr. E. M. Rosser 
Mrs. B. H. S. Russell 
Mrs. B. Welch 


Captain C. Diver 

R. A. Graham 

F. N. Hepper 

J. E. Lousley (Hon. Sec.) 
E. Milne-Redhead 

Dr. C. D. Pigott 

VY. S. Summerhayes 

Dr. S. M. Walters 

P. J. Wanstall 
Mrs. B. Welch 
Dr. D. P. Young 

Junior Activities 

D. EK. Allen 

Miss M. E. Bradshaw 

Miss H. Franks 

Miss L. W. Frost 

Miss B. M. C. Morgan 

J. Ounsted | 
O. V. Polunin 

Dr. C.-T. Prime 

Miss E. Sadler 

A. W. Westrup (Hon. Sec.) 


Miss M. S. Campbell 
*Miss U. K. Duncan 
*D. M. Henderson 

R. Mackechnie 

*Professor J. R. Matthews 
+B. W. Ribbons (Hon. Sec.) 
tJ. Grant Roger 

tDr. G. Taylor 

*Appointed by the Botanical Society of Edinburgh 
+Appointed by the Botanical Society of the British Isles 




Published Twice Yearly 

Price 15}: per part 

Obtainable from Mr E. B. BANGERTER 

c/o Department of Botany, British Museum, 
(Natural History ), London, S.W.7 


Edited by J. E. LOUSLEY 

The purpose of this volume is to make available to a wider public 

the papers read at the very successful Conference arranged by the 

Botanical Society of the British Isles in 1956. The contributors 

include Dr. J. G. Dony, K. Jones, J. E. Lousley, Canon C. E. 

Raven, Prof. P. W. Richards, Dr. F. Rose, Prof. D. H. Valentine, 
Dr. S. M. Walters and Dr. F. H. Whitehead. 

Demy 8vo., 128 pages, with 4 half-tone plates and 15 maps and figures in 
the text. Bound in buckram. 



Mr. E. B. Bancerter, c/o Dept. of Botany, British Museum (Natural 
History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W.7 

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