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Full text of "Proceedings of the general meetings for scientific business of the Zoological Society of London"

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(Elected April 29, 1885.) 

Prorrssor W. H. Frower, LL.D., F.R.S., President. 

Wiit1am T. Branrorp, Esq., 

Masor-Gen. Henry Crerr, R.A., 

Henry E. Dresser, Esq. 

Cuartes Drummond, Esq., Trea- 

Sin JosrpH Fayrer, K.C.S8.I., 
F.R.S., Vice-President. 

F, DuCanr Gopman, Esq. 

Cou. J. A. Grant, C.B., F.R.S. 

Artuur Grore, Ese:, Vice-Presi- 

L. G. Ginrner, 

Dr. Epwarp Hamitron. 

E. W. H. Hotpsworza, Esq. 

Proressor Mtvarz, F.R.S., Vice- 

ProressoR ALFRED NeEwron, 
F.R.S., Vice-President. 

Henry Poxtocg, Esq. 

OsBert Satvin, Esq., F.B.S., 

W. Aysurorp Sanrorp, Esq. 

Pore Luriey Scrater, Esq., 
M.A.,Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary. 

Joseph Travers Surru, Esq. 

Sureron-Gen. L. C. Srewarr. 

THe Lorp Watstnenam, Vice- 


P. L. Sctaver, Esq., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary. 
Frank E. Bepparp, Esq., M.A., Prosector. 

Mr. A. D. Bartierr, Superintendent of the Gardens. 
Mr. F. H. Waternouse, Librarian. 

Mr. Joun Barrow, Accountant. 

Mr. W. J. Witx1aMms, Chief Clerk. 




With References to the several Articles contributed by each. 

Bartuett, A. D., A.L.S., Superintendent of the Society’s 

On a Female Chimpanzee now living in the Society’s 
Seerneas. (ECP MEA) tessa ts horn cseteues nee gecciee OF 

Bauer, Dr. F. H., C.M.Z.S. 

Letter from, containing remarks upon a Flying Lizard 
(Ptychozoon homalocephalum) ....... 00.0... se ve eeenes 718 

Bepparp, Frank E., M.A., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., F.Z.8., Pro- 
sector to the Society. 

On the Structural Characters and Classification of the 
AST cel gree vad aco meV Sasi aii or B-SE aoe sree scence LOO 

Om the: Heart of Apterqa esac essns.--s0l-2¢--ses. 188 

Notice of a Memoir on the Anatomy of the Sondaic 
Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) ...... 0020. 0.2 ee veee 541 

On the Specific Characters and Structure of certain New- 
Zealand Earthworms. (Plates LIT. & LIII.)............ 810 

Notes on the Visceral Anatomy of Birds.—No. 1. On the 
BERRA WRMERCUED pe aas a sins Woo «su opel temhian anys sia s. peel 

Preliminary Notice of the Isopoda collected during the 
Voyage of H.MLS. ‘ Challenger.’—Part II. Munnopside .. 

Bett, F. Jerrrey, M.A., Sec. R.M.S., F.Z.S., Professor of 
Comparative Anatomy in King’s College, London. 

Exhibition of some Models illustrating the paper of Rathke 
on the Development of the great Blood-vessels in Verte- 

Note ona Nematoid Worm (Gordius verrucosus) obtained 
by Mr. H. H. Johnston on Kilima-njaro......... 

Exhibition of examples of two Species of Phytophagous 
Coleoptera from Bombay .........0 sees seeeee vees ee 
Exhibition of a fine specimen of Alpheus megacheles, from 
Herm, ‘Channel Islands. :. 5 soc oss cw vcink 00 sie ssc mate 

Exhibition of a specimen of the Genus Balanoglossus, ob- 
tained by Mr. Spencer at Herm ............-e00+--e>- 

Bennett, Dr. Grorex, F.Z.S. 

Remarks upon the new Tree-Kangaroo (Dendrolagus 
lumholtzi) of Northern Queensland ............+-+-+ 

Berepscu, Comte H. v., C.M.Z.S., et Taczanowsk1, L., 

Troisiéme liste des Oiseaux recueillis par M. Stolzmann 
dans l’Ecuadeur. (Plates VII. & VIII.) .............. 

Bipputpg, Lieut.-Col. Joun, F.Z.8. 

On the Geographical Races of the Rocky-Mountain Big- 
HOT wees s ss TS fhe ine Renn: +50 Soa 

BuLanrorp, W. T., F.R.S., F.Z.S. 
Exhibition and description of a skull of an apparently new 
Species of Paradoxurus (Paradoxurus jerdont)......++.++- 
A Monograph of the Genus Paradoxurus, F. Cuv. 
(Plates XLIX. & L.) .. 









Exhibition (on behalf of Capt. C. S. Cumberland) of a 
head of a Wild Sheep from Ladak .............2-..00- 851 
Boetreer, Dr. O., Frankfort-on-the-Main. 
On five new Species of Shells of the Genus Buliminus from 
the Levant, collected by Vice-Admiral T. Spratt-......... 23 
Bovu.encer, G. A., F.Z.S. 

Description of a new Species of Frog from Asia Minor. 
aE hg ictacad sel niches ani. ola. 20 Gi inland ciatelahay Nei eae ee, Oe 

Remarks upon a rare South-American Lizard.......... 63 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of an Amphis- 
beenoid Lizard and Coral-Snake from Brazil ............ 327 

A Description of the German River-Frog (Rana esculenta, 
var. ridtpunda, Pallas). (Plate XL.) .2<..0.022-ne02-+s, 666 

Description of a new Frog of the Genus Megalophrys. 
RENIN ero fe ra hye os eae ce oo stake omeeess 2a O00 
Butter, Artuur G., F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c., Assistant Keeper 
of the Zoological Department, British Museum. 
An Account of two Collections of Lepidoptera recently 
received from Somali-land. (Plate XLVII.) ............ 756 
BurriKorer, J. 

Letter from, containing remarks upon the question as to 
the mode in which the so-called nests of Collocalia are 
ss Seialsinn sin mine Sete ascbclale eeeme SLD a al Eirde OULU 610 


CaLpweE Lt, J., C.M.Z.S. 
Letter from, containing notice of the discovery of a hitherto 
unknown deposit of Dodo bones ...........000 00 seen ee 719 
Ciaraz, GEORGES. 

Letter from, on the Rheas of South America ......... . 324 

Coutert, Rosert, C.M.Z.S. 

On Echidna acanthion from Northern Queensland. 
CBlate Ray 4, walt adds cates Ae, Se LY on a Rg 148 

CrowTHER, B. 

Remarks on living examples of the Duck-bill (Ornitho- 
rhynchus paradocus) which he was proposing to send to the 
Society’s Menagerie .. 2.1... 1. se sere cece cere ee rerees 483 

Day, Francis, F.LS., F.Z.S. 
On Races and Hybrids among the Salmonidee.—Part IV. 241 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of the Ven- 
dace (Coregonus vandesius), the diseased intestine of a Sea- 
Trout, and a portion of the sifting-apparatus of the Basking- 
Shark (Selache mawima) ..........-- rd. d ted QU 188s 

On a supposed Hybrid between the Dab (Pleuronectes 

limanda) and the Flounder (P. flesus). (Plate LXII.).... 929 
Dickson, Dr. E. B., C.M.ZS. 

Remarks upon two Newts (Molge vittata) transmitted to 

the SOG se eee eve Oe ween se cee as ohne ee 
Dozson, G. E., M.A., M.B., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 

Exhibition of, on behalf of M. Lataste, and remarks upon, 

two skulls of Orocidura aranea with anomalous dentition .. 324 
Dresser, H. E., F.Z.8. 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of the 
American Killdeer Plover (Aigialitis vocifera) and the Desert 
Wheatear (Savicola deserti) killed in Great Britain ...... 835 

Druce, Hersert, F.L.S., F.Z.S. 

Descriptions of new Species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, 

chiefly from South America. (Plates XXXII. & XXXIII.) 518 
Fisk, Rev. G. H. R., C.M.Z.S. 

Remarks upon a Snake (Pelamis bicolor) captured at the 

Sitranverte sloelsay ta. ce H.'s 2 2a k Ses Telewes eae be Oe 
Gapow, Hans, Ph.D., M.A., C.M.Z.S. 

On the Anatomical Differences in the three Species of 
PERC A PRS els ie Os OEE, ES 

Gopman, Freperick DuCang, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 

A List of the Lepidoptera collected by Mr. H. H. John- 
ston during his recent expedition to Kilima-njaro ........ 537 


GoruaM, Rev. H. S., F.Z.S. 

Revision of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of the Japanese 
Fauna: Subfamilies Cassidine and Hispine ............ 280 

GuI1LLemarp, F. H. H., M.A., M.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S., &e. 

Report on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage 

of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’—I. A Provisional List of the Birds 

inhabiting the Sulu Archipelago. (Plates XVII. & XVIII.) 247 
Report on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage 

of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’—Part II. Borneo and the Island 

of Cagayan Sula: (Plate XXV.). 5. ou, ca ew danse ce ge. 0 404 
Report on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage 

of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’-—Part III. On the Collection of 

Birds from the Island of Sumbawa. (Plate XXIX.) .... 501 
Report on the Collection of Birds obtained during the 

Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’— Part IV. Celebes...... 542 

Report on the Collection of Birds obtained during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’—Part V. The Molucca 
islands. (Plate: SX MTV. Yor ate a ve ka Bex aeidica se GOL 

Report on the Collection of Birds formed during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’—Part VI. New Guinea 
and the Papuan Islands. (Plate XXXIX.) ............ 615 

Remarks on Ovis #ivicOld 0. i> cjecn0-sss 0.00 ssecscctineeess 675 

Gtnrner, Aupert, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S., Keeper of 
the Zoological Department, British Museum. 

Note on a supposed Melanotic Variety of the Leopard, 
irom sonth Africa (Plate XVI;) ~«.a0¥s sceateocnecet 243 
Haast, Prof. Junius von, C.M.G., Ph.D., F.R.S., C.M.Z.S. 
Notice of a memoir on a new Species of Dinornis ...... 482 

Notice of a memoir on the remains of a gigantic extinct 
Bird (Megalapteryx hectori) allied to Apteryx .......... 541 


Hamitton, Epwarp, M.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 
Remarks upon the supposed existence of the Wild Cat 
(Felis catus) in Ireland. ... 2.0.00 e200 sees ee ee eees ooh ieil 
Harrravs, Dr. G., F.M.Z.S. 
On a new Species of Parrot of the Genus Psittacula. 
(Piste SOCK VIL). ittemncrs mie a 0 me eho ete = 

Howarrtn, Ossert H. 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of Coral of 
the<Genus’ Dendraphyllit yes. . sac cilia denon ods -ahas Tee 

Husrecar, Dr. A. A. W., C.M.Z.S., Professor of Zoology at 
the University of Utrecht. 

On a new Pennatulid from the Japanese Sea. (Plates 
i eS) sige: taltoe Sn ale ees bos Peal salen 3 Speer aOR 

Jacosy, Marrin. 

Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, 
obtained by Mr. George Lewis during his Second Journey, 
from February 1880 to September 1881.—Part I. (Plate 

Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, 
obtained by Mr. George Lewis during his Second Journey, 
from February 1880 to September 1881.—Part II. Halticine 
and Galerucine. (Plate XLVI... >. .o = sete eee 719 

Descriptions of some new Species and a new Genus of 
Phy tophagous Coleaptening torr wre rye np pecs e a) < a0 ogee ieee 

Jerrreys, J. Gwyn, LL.D., F.R.S., F.Z.S. 

On the Mollusca procured during the ‘ Lightning’ and 
‘ Porcupine’ Expeditions, 1868-70. (Part IX.) (Plates 
LVSVE atin Maen wine st gtivameUSs Biicaees 2. he 27 

Jounston, H. H., F.R.G.S., F.Z.8. 

General Observations on the Fauna of Kilima-njaro .... 214 


On the Collection of Birds made by Mr. H. H. Johnston 
in the Kilima-njaro district. By Captain G. E. SHetiey, 
F.Z.S. With Field-notes by Mr. H. H. Jouwnsron, 
IW ee tncrinh CO HVCR MEL s Oo REV Jean g aio egipe vieteieGe wipgticn’e 222 

Kirscu, T'a., Custos for Entomology at the Royal Zoological 
Museum of Dresden. 

On the Butterflies of Timorlaut. (Plate XIX.)........ 275 

Lankester, E. Ray, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Jodrell Professor 
of Zoology in University College, London, Fellow of 
Exeter College, Oxford. 

On the Heart described by Professor Owen in 1841 as that 
GE Anne Naot eee ee oe es ete Oe eee swale e Sas 239 

On the Right Cardiac Valve of the Specimens of Apteryx 
dissected by Sir Richard Owen in 1841 ................ AZ, 

Linpsay, Beatrice, Girton College, Cambridge. 

On the Avian Sternum. (Plates XLII—XLV.)........ 684 

LumspeENn, Major-General Sir Peter, K.C.B. 

Letter from, concerning some young Snow-Leopards which 
he was endeavouring to send to the Society’s Menagerie.... 610 

LypexKer, R., B.A., F.G.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 

Description of a Tooth of Mastodon latidens, Clift, from 
Borneo. [CE laker AP Welly reat rein itatigte = 05s o's oes ees 777 

Miers, E. J., F.LS., F.Z.S., Assistant in the Zoological 
Department, British (Natural History) Museum. 

Description of a new Variety of River-Crab, of the Genus 
Thelphusa, from Kilima-njaro ........ 00000. 237 

Mrvart, St. Georce, Ph.D., F.R.S., V.P.Z.S., M.R.1., &c. 

On the Anatomy, Classification, and Distribution of the 
(Archoidenen sata aces vee thes akays sR Bch tee erates 340 

INGTCNOUN I ObTreCIIat es Soke oo OOS eae oe cl dete ALL 

Notes onctnetPmmipedias!, 6). so sien Sdaee oes oro ps sine 484 

Murray, James A., Curator Kurrachee Municipal Museum. 

Description of a new Species of Mus from Sind. (Plate LI.) 809 

Nation, Professor W., C.M.Z.S. 
Notes’on-Peruvian ‘Birds: Ge0.v 2295 Se ee et & ok 277 

Newton, E. T., F.Z.S. 

On the Remains of a Gigantic Species of Bird from Lower- 
Hocene Beds near Groyden occ. oye casters eis pic lt 445 

Owen, Sir Ricuarp, K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., &e. 

On the Structure of the Heart in Ornithorhynchus and 
ACCT wate a baee ae Potato 5p sasha 0: sce egestas oar ieee 328 

PEeLsENEER, Pauvt, D.Sc. 

On the Coxal Glands of Mygale. (Plate II.) ........ 3 

Paruurps, E. Lort, F.Z.S. 
Remarks upon the habits of Heterocephalus .......... 611 
Notes on the Antelopes of Somali-Land .............. 930 

Scuater, Puinie Lutuey, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary to 
the Society. 

Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
December 1884, and description of a new Species of Cervulus 
(Plated aks nit ois danbriantsm— Meh. ta meee oe ae 1 

Remarks on the breeding of the Chinese Blue Magpie 
(Cyanopolius eyanus) in the Society’s Gardens in 1884.... 2 

Exhibition of a rare South-American Lizard (Heterodac- 
tylus imbricatus), presented to the Society by Mr. G. Lennon 
Hoan 22ers © 212 tae ae cetera ag ners See ee 

Exhibition of a Beetle of the family Buprestide, trans- 
mitted to the Society by Mr. B. F. Ffinch .............. 63 

Exhibition of Lepidopterous Insects bred in the Insect- 
house during the past season, and Report on the Insect-house 65 


Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in a0 
January 1885)... 36. ee ee. os a als Aa Note Se Cae lb tisl xe 168 
Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
February 1885 wos cc scee ce se eee v cnet er cee eeecaeees 245 
Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a curious Duck shot in 
PN SPLED Ge Siiatc/ eat cievela' stats Wit exw Slaps ni ins apa ntact ew 3 246 
Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
Mitel LESOe cet. evel Sele e tne eee eee eee re ote 322 
Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a pair of Pheasants from 
Northern Afghanistan, belonging to H.R.H. the Prince of 
Miales: (Plate Memek yr. eee ius Me ee gears hee mace es 322 
Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some eggs of Darwin’s 
BREEDS ore eee ate erect se bias rear ev Alata'n orm starecona a7 os 324 
Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
Apri tSoa.. ss... +s « . 421 
Remarks upon the Colies now or lately living in the 
Society’s Gardens ........0: cece seers eee teen renee 542 
Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
ye LSS ts a0 «fa titeh ap lacbalpys ste nee prety a sea os Soyo at 2 6- 609 
Description of a new Species of Icterus .....-.. 1.005 671 
Note on Lemur macaco, and the way in which it carries its 
Moun? 71-126. 5 Peay eso? fe Sleablcreee) ys 672 
Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
June, July, August, and September 1885 .............. 717 
Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a skull of an American 
Tapir .. 718 
Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
Oetober VSG. 5 wm no cet esin sea 2% TAA dar R Mgt 833 
Remarks upon a Newt (Molge vittata) and its distribution. 835 
Characters of an apparently new Species of Tanager of the 
GemrnOMHSatels. oe LW wink Sone x oh s'p aap whaler oad ease aes 849 
Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in 
NovembemlSS5 aiaee si: wind) vnoy vod mea d.ani given 851 
Exhibition of, and remarks upon, an African Hornbill and 
other birds belonging to Mr. H. Whitely .............. 851 


SEEBOHM, Henry, F.Z.S. 

Exhibition of a variety of the Red Grouse (Zetrao scoticus) 

phot near. Morecambe sBays,. <<» <5 + pasiideaae weds Bes Same ee 
Exhibition of specimens of a Cormorant from Japan, 

believed to be Phalacrocorax capillatus 1.1.1... cece eee 328 
Sarre, R. Bownter, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c., Department of 

Zoology, British Museum. 

Description of a new Species of Hornbill from the Island 

of Palawan:;. (Plate XXWE) 226 24. icte wopeie in Shit Asia 446 

SHELLEY, Captain G. E., F.Z.S., and Jounston, H. H., 
F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. 

On the Collection of Birds made by Mr. H. H. Johnston 
in the Kilima-njaro District ; with Field-notes by Mr. H. H. 
Johnston, F.R.G.S. (Plates XIII. & XIV.)............ 222 

Suuretpr, R. W., M.D., Captain Med. Dept. U.S. Army, 
M.A.0.U., Memb. Soc. Nat. E.U.S., Memb. Philoso- 
phical, Anthropological, and Biological Societies of 
Washington, &c. 

Contribution to the Comparative Osteology of the Trochi- 
lide, Caprimulgide, and Cypselide. (Plates LVIII.—LXI.) 886 

SipEsotHam, E. J., B.A., late Assistant Demonstrator of 
Anatomy, Cambridge. 

On the Myology of the Water-Opossum .............. 6 

Smiru, Epear A., F.Z.S. 

On a Collection of Shells (chiefly Land and Freshwater) 
from the Solomon Islands. (Plates XXXVI. & XXXVII.). 588 

Description d’un nouveau Rongeur du genre Celogenys .. 161 

Quelques remarques sur le Dimorphisme Sexuel...... .. 421 

Sutton, Joun Buanp, F.R.C.S., Lecturer on Comparative 
Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital, Medical College. 
On Hypertrophy, and its Value in Evolution .......... 432 
On the Development and Morphology of the Human 
Sphenoid Bone. (Plate XXXV.) ........ cece eeeere ee O77 

Swinuog, Lt.-Col. C., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 
On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. Part I. 

Rhopalocera., (Plate IX.) 2... 0.0. .eeneceeces iota sity Loe 
On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. Part II. 
Pcterpeera.,- (Pintes ek, & AXE.) c oo. sae ce ss sas 287, 

On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. Part III. 
Heterocera (continued). (Plates XXVII. & XXVIII.) .... 447 

On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. Part IV. 
Heterocera (continued). (Plates LVI. & LVII.) ........ 852 

Taczanowsk1, L., C.M.Z.S., and Berterscu, Comte H. v., 

Troisiéme liste des Oiseaux recueillis par M. Stolzmann 
dans l’Ecuadeur. (Plates VII. & VIII.)................ 67 

Exhibition of a specimen of the Wild Cat (Felis catus) 
obtained in Donegal ; and of a variety of the Black Grouse 
CLEERED LOLS) Fr oe althas< haar aie hie. a's oy messin een. are 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a pair of abnormal antlers 
GRUNER, Si EN AH, Sio sin Shy lee .o doin oes os aie doves, SAG 

Tuomas, OLDFIELD, F.Z.S. 

Report on the Mammals obtained and observed by Mr. 
H. H. Johnston on Mount Kilima-njaro. (Plate XII.).... 219 

Notes on the Characters of the different Races of Echidna. 
(Plates RTI & XMEV yy 5 pe eree cents ow winmiens cae ees 329 

Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a burrowing Rodent 
(Heterocephalus phillipsi) .... 01.000 cece cee eee cece eee 611 

Notes on the Rodent Genus Heterocephalus. (Plate LIV.) 845 

Page ; 
Tuomson, ARTHUR. 
Report on the Insect-house for 1884 .......+.... PAs 65 
Tuomson, Jonn Howtanp, C.M.Z.S. 
On a new Land-Shell from the New Hebrides ........ 26 

Letter from, containing information as to the locality of 
Helix (Hemitrochus) filicosta . 
Wartrrnouse, CHAR es O. 
On the Insects collected on Kilima-njaro by Mr. H. H. 
Johnston. (Plate XV)! We 2 GUE A tk 
Yersury, Major S. W., F.Z.S. 

Letter from, containing remarks upon the locality of 
Chameleo calearifer's 026. so soicn as ocqom asin os s+ haps hen ley Ce 


Plate Page 
LL, Cervulus crinifronsy! Qy2lin) jaeeaeee de Belk. oe oes 
L.. Coxal GlandseiMygale’..c00) Heal Ps. rae 3 
UY, .. Rand: macracnemign Do) iets. ASE POO, OLED 22 
ee Mollusca of the ‘ Lightning’ and ‘ Porcupine’ Expedi- 27 
VL tions 
VII. Fig. 1. Odontorhynchus branickii. Fig. 2. Synallaxis 
SURGULGTES URI tee etna ae tease at aisle Ce rdvea eine 0S 88 ee 
VOL.  Urothraupis stol2mannt 5, o..(o0.:2.50 chads seiilen ees 8 
Px New Indian Lepidoptera —.. dsAalsiagindaaa ooo cus aes 124 
NG FIGURE OCONTMOMs «08 sat Reh circ: © ek = 148 
XI. Phytophagous Coleoptera from Japan ..........-04. 190 
KU: © Colobus quereza caudatus.. 055. .2. hee ee ute daains 219 
RANT Pinaroction hypospata). . ds ans seine eae = siya bbe | 999 
XIV. Nectarinia johnstoni .. snoeeendEncacon ope 4e 
XV. Coleoptera from Kilima- state Beate Lak ones cares cdma 230 
XVI. Felis leopardus, melanotic variety ...........-.00505 243 
RVI lynguneus ramsayt) Vidsed Oily ths tay naa - tts 
XVIII. Fig. 1. Pericrocotus marchese. Fig. 2. Macros 247 
KCEELCUEL Es roars oxejny core) sis tehehsl oi si8) Se) ino. oF eh avalon oh evehey abs Taiets 
XIX. New Butterflies from Timorlaut .................. 275 
Bet INewsIndiaupliepidopperay reyes ete(- ref) =.siosie1¢ 0 ee) e101) 287 
eM EE RASIANUS DUINCIPILESS Gre ale wie eter taste eo sials iole sve shen 322 
NON MOM Stl Isto) Pichidnawese sta) cislensisie raises clei ayele on steloe 309 
MEXIV eS, Skullsrand teet of Behidna, \. .).)jce. ce viele asa vee ere 
XXV. Mimornis cagayanensis, SG ..0-...0.cee eee cevccsens 404 
MXVI. -Anthracoceros lempricri .... 00... 0csseetecccscces 446 
cat } New Indian Heterocerous Lepidoptera .............. 447 
DEXUIRG UTNE DOWELL orc) | lavas eie ls oars e106 clelalelelsiis slsinial nietae 501 
Poe Echinoptilum macintoshii ....6 6. sees eee ee enue 512 
XXXII. ¥ 1doptera ELeterOCeELra «oo edic sis cern te wees cave 
Xx Si New Lepidoptera Heterocera........ 518 

SKENEREV 8s las erstil ares eo acre vies ote e'e ow vinieielel ore a dedakal ab svatehab ovale «» OO] 


Plate Page 
XXXV. Skulls of Ostrich, Frog, Crocodile, and Chick ........ 577 
XXXVI. Land-shells from the Solomon Islands............0- 588 
XXXVIT. Freshwater shells from the Solomon Islands ........ 
XXXVIII. Fig. 1. Psittacula spengeli. Fig. 2. Psittacula Be, 613 
GUT CDR TTA GRE Bema C7 o35.0 000 TOC OF 
ONO ORME TUDTG. «5: «s sess oi.0 8 tA ae ee 615 
XL. Rana esculenta, var. ridibunda ........0+cceecceees 666 
EL. Traglpdyies calous.-s..\...:..shiewanenne mason cect eee 673 
ree Vian Sternwm:, ye ce gaa tele cere hee cmt esas 684 
XLVI. New Phytophagous Coleoptera .........0seeeee cues 79) 
XLVII. New Butterflies from Somali-land ...........+- sfasiees (00 
XLVIII. Mastodon latidens, 3rd left upper molar ............ 717 
XLIX. Paradowurus jerdoni .....0..2ceccseeceveee eee Os 730 
Lis Paradoxcurus gureis sis vc/~ 0 «tases ts oan eee 
TNE See ik Mn | RS a neOooo. ll) 
nay Structure of Acanthodrilus ..........e0eseceeeeeees 810 
LIV. Figs. 1-4, Heterocephalus philipsi. Fig. 5. mes 845 
CEpLGIUSIGLAL Es Samoans ser tcee cee cea sr eas 
LV. Megalophrys longipes ......... Hudncrnvo woods on Stl 
Ei New Indian Lepidoptera .............seeeevee eves 852 
ai Osteology of Trochilide .............. eae .. 886 

LXII. Supposed Hybrid between the Dab Sa desi if 
limanda) and the Flounder (P. flesus)............ 929 



IB Garel GY (CEMOITERCT LO MFOLO ls PaelplerciOto ns COleIOnIge occu foro Ue or Borate 2 
Myology of Water-Opossum ................4+ 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 
PRU UNOPS CERUUB RL. oct cota as Ops: chia ticucusnash> ayayete DebeNer RD fee. Tahoe 24 
IGOR AAGYOF EE (a gM hs. OEE Kouells wabie Sree Ne MATE) eots 27 
SILOGUSN AICHE. ele Mate iicpecs a) Ota s. sete) >. jocet nema he terete TLL aes G4 
Shon PM GhLANGACAE Rt Mise Ge ixnpayoiese caishnrieln) sfele inte Betas flee ae whats 154 
SulleOl Behe asacantAmonsD. aie arenshatorarchayd ¢ o ctersnele tut -folryes<ebvoinvoysrar 154 
Skull of Echidna acanthion, 2 (back View) . 0... se ses seeeee ences 155 
Skull of Echidna acanthion, 5 (back view)........0..-eeseeeeeee 155 
Skull of Celogenys taczanowskit (lower surface)... 0.0... eee reeves 163 
Lower jaw of Celogenys taczanowsktt ©... 606. cu eevee ceennenes 164 
Skull of Celogenys taczanowskii (upper surface)..........+00 eee 165 
SS y Rule O bee ONCOU RIG aa teohis abiiaey de) ietdiee 9 32 = otiejomuiri vines 171 
Syrinx of Centropus ateralbus 0). ...eeeneeccennesesnrtecssnaes 172 
Pterylosis of Cacomantis sepulchralis ....0ccceseegevecvnncceues 175 
(tery Osis: Of vay G. COU RG a a os. alsias Hale s/eleh sis oy c0 veh etahysiaes) oe 176, 177 
Pterylosis of Hudynamis orientalis ......ccesecccrcenesecenenes 182 
Pherylosis of Centropus celebensis oo. so ops s ne ois 6's; Belo b agalel bya) s 184 
Outline Map of the Sulu Archipelago ..........:seseeeneees ... 249 
Skull of Rhea americana (upper surface) ......... cscs eee eee 310 
Skull of Rhea macrorhyncha (upper surface) ... 0.66. e cece e eee 310 
Skull of Rhea darwint (upper surface). ........ cee e eee ee eee 310 
Skull of Rhea americana (side VIEW) + ...6..: 5.200. sneer eeeees 311 
Skull of Rhea macrorhyncha (side VieW) ..... 0.0 eee cence eee eee 811 
Slorllof Rhea. darwinzi(sid@ ViOw )) ine eco win sd cte os ae ns ois 6 dll 
Digestive Organs of Rhea americana and R. darwint...........4., 318 

Dorsal view of tongue, larynx, and syrinx of Rhea macrorhyncha 
FACG LAY 2nt7 17r15c1, 0 eRe, OOO cholate Ge. crore Oink ero a cumotetic ease 319 
Median view of the left foot of Rhea darwint......... 0.0. cece ee 320 
Head of Lepidosternon polysteqgum. 1... civ vee c eer eee eceennees 327 
The cloaca and left kidney of a Fowl ..................... ce eee 43% 

A series of figures to show the ancestry of the manus of the modern 
ISU SCT & Aa ths Gapiehah cae O KaEROR ADO ERO OREOIND Or Dicea aie OTe eRe 435 
The dental series Of) Wild BOMtes newness oe decree seine + olelniss « 437 


Head of Wart-Hog, Phacocharus GLNOPIOUB, 5h a exsist aed eae 437 
SMelliok BAbewrusa 45 ht ocisitee oc ace ee, 01 aches pe asi pa pelshek = saelelereta 437 
The hard parts of the caudal extremity of the TENG Whit iets -aicsy wile Oe » 438 
The rostrum of a Whale, Mesoplodon layardi..... 0.666 e cece eens 440 
A magnified vertical transverse section through the summit of the 
shatt of the tooth of the adult Mesoplodon layardi............ 441 
Heart of Common Fowl] (Gallus domesticus) 00.0.6. 6 0 cece eee ee 478 
Heart of Apteryx australis... ccc cece eee tener eee eenes 470) 
Heart of Ornithorhynchus 2.2... 20. cnc n cee e eens eee se eccnaee 480 
intestines Of diseased Glo mtwya ec ttenaieetlvenerteteretecetst tere attr eens dod 

Echinoptilum macintoshit, Transverse section of lower part of stem. 515 
Cavernularia liitkenti. Transverse section of lower part of rhachis . 515 
A diagram to represent the disposition of parts in the base of the 

primitive skull ¢45. 024+ Coss hoes ec ciestteds fees eseceneeas 578 
‘The posterior wall of the pharynx, showing the position of the Bursa 
PharyDgea -s2 620. Melee oe ee Risen o.eker fe aeaEriaEE 5380 
A series of figures to show the disposition of the various nuclei of 
the human sphenoid bone . 2... ... 6.60. fee eee ee eee eee ddl 
A series of diagrams to illustrate the metamorphoses of the palato- 
pteryyoid arch in Birds, Crocodiles, and in Man ............ 587 
ead sO helen gesCulenidnw er, Mire t ite cicte oie a ieicne cca) iotehe «an a acer eee 6638 
Feet of Runa ridibunda and R. esculenta... 1... cee eee eee 669 
Lemur macaco, femaie and young ..........- eee eee eee eee 672 
[EL Gn doh OuiS UDECOlE Renee tae a) at voters cle laiero sebeteyatcie=n ia) «ae te ere 676 
VG acot Ovex OM Fate rn esse he fiver eine ovoral= eee uote ae, ofthe) ee eons 677 
UNS, ENT SU anh oh fete nn Sip Giiginiore cicr 690, 704, 708, 710, 712, 713 
Half palate and dentition of Paradowurus niger... 0.6.0 e ee ee ee eee 793 
Half palate and dentition of Paradorurus hermaphroditus ........ 796 
Half palate and dentition of Paradoxurus RUUD PUNENSIS ono. ven oie 301 
Half palate and dentition of Paradoxvurus jerdont ..... 6.6. . eee 802 
Half palate and dentition of Paradowurus grayt....... 66.6 e eee es 804 
1S Urea leo AU Ore tG le Dame aon wadiicoanad = Aa ote appara e Se Oe x09 
Acanthodrilus nove zelandie. Anterior region of body from ventral 
BRITFACO | Src a aie Saran narre era ore fMe Re tetenereae one Domitece eich ie 815 
Acanthodrilus nove zelandie. A portion of the body viewed from 
NACESTI EMER ee el SS Ene Ste hn Join oaeRe CERO ee fc 823 
Acanthodrilus dissimilis. Dissection of genital region ............ 825 
Diagram of abdominal cavity, and certain viscera of Crocodilus acutus 840 
Abdominal cavity of Bucorvus abysstnteus .. 0... e eee nee 842 
Under view of the skull of Caprimulgus ewropeus . 0... eee ene 893 
View of the palate without the pterygoid bones of Nyctibius jamai- 
CETBER Dicks eae SCP DRA NS fs aaa cep riecele ce eee atin, oh acta sot 
Sirti. OF SECUEOTIAESe ere oe eateries aches ree Ra So eke rere alie a a eae 895 
Under view of the skull of Panyptila saxatilis... 0.0660 ee ccc ee 899 

Under view of the anterior portion of the skull of Cypselus apus.... 899 
Under view of the skull of Tachycincta thalassind..........6+.04. bug 











Plate Page 
I. Cervulus crinifrons, Bi... .cece cee ee eeereeeeeeeees 1 
I. Coxal Glands of Mygale .......seeveceeereereenees 3 
TI. Rana macrocnemis ....2c00.secureccseecvecrecses 22 
ee Mollusca of the ‘ Lightning’ and “ Porcupine’ Expedi- 
VII. Fig. 1. Odontorhynchus branickii. Fig. 2. Synallaxis 
SING“UIATIS 0 ou ve vee cnee vncecccesesecces cone 67 
VIII. Urothraupis stolzmanni ....+. 00s rere eer ree eens 
IX. New Indian Lepidoptera ........-ssseeereeeeerees 124 
X. Echidna acanthion ........ccc eee ee eee nneeeceee 148 
XI. Phytophagous Coleoptera from Japan ...+.-+++++++> 190 
XII. Colobus guereza caudatus...... see seer rerereeress 219 

XIII. Pinarochroa hypospodia 
XIV. Nectarinia johnston .. y Sitka CO DOLE CONOR IO rk 
XV. Coleoptera from Kilima-njaro.-.- 66. see ee ee cree eees 230 
XVI. Felis leopardus, melanotic variety ...+. +++ sere eeeees 243 
XVII. Iyngipicus ramsayi, 1 3,2 Q vsvseeeeeeeecrereees 
XVIII. Fig. 1. Pericrocotus marchese. Fig. 2. acronis 247 
XIX. New Butterflies from Timorlaut ...... eee eevee sees 275 

(Vaarate ns e7s.8) MusetelnT eleLe) @. 0 ism) Shere, sie) O25) 6/86 shia 

XX. : ; 28 
XXL New Indian Lepidoptera ...+..s+sseeeer eter re eres 7 
XXII. Phasianus principalis, S ws seeevseeevers FomoedDoe 322 
XXIII. Skulls of Echidna ......c ce ceecvcveececeve steers 399 
XXIV. Skulls and feet of Echidna ...... AOR aD ee COCA 
XXV. Mixornis cagayanensis, So ..ssssereree tree raveees 404 
XXVI. Anthracoceros lempricri sc. vere tence renee renes 446 
XXVII. : : 
AODECIAT ce ossicles 447 
XXVIIL }New Indian Heterocerous Lepidoptera 
XXIX. Turniax powelli .......sereceecceececcceccesce cers 501 
SEX! Hehinoptitum macintoshii ...+-.s0eeeceeee reson 512 
ay New Lepidoptera Heterocera ... +. .ssssererrererees 518 

XXXIV. Eos insularis...... csc ve ree nee e enc eee reece ner cnes 561 






Skulls of Ostrich, Frog, Crocodile, and Chick ........ 577 
Land-shells from the Solomon Islands.............- 588 
Freshwater shells from the Solomon Islands ........ 
Fig. 1. Psittacula spengeli. Fig. 2. Psittacula pies 613 
CHOTD G5 5k fh ats Ae oth Kate CRAM eee : 
Ratheularubraa cteaes cp ane hoe Mee EO one 615 
Rana esculenta, var. ridibunda .......cececcucceues 666 
Troglodytes cals “sisaisr ine ca lee « Soe eee waren 673 
Avian Stern sarc Gaiceisaiins Oecoaiotesieies wietame ates Sale 684 
New Phytophagous Coleoptera .........seseeeesues 719 
New Butterflies from Somali-land ............+ee00: 756 
Mastodon latidens, 3rd left upper molar ............ 777 
Par adowurus fendOnt sr: teloicts tin!ists Sloe tomae ds a Cfo 730 
Po@radonunus; GUT eUSs: \scusis.oo hte 2 02 tite aloes oe 
MiGs GLEAA OWE. sy.dpaysaieta,s, Ueles atl aheyertnk si ote, claire ook ote 809 
Structure of Acanthodrilus........c..ccceseerccceee 810 

Figs. 1-4. Heterocephalus phillipsi. Fig. 5. saath 845 
COPE MUGS IGUED OTE Te atatev ai elera olaselbleyelolerelaiehal-fortl'sie sikh 
Megalophnys TOngypes, s..\.1:.0js.csie\e 5 010:014,6, sivingeita se dake 850 

New Indian Lepidoptera ............:ceeeees alonatatete 852 

Osteology of Trochilids ..........0.00+00sseee0ss00 O86 

Supposed Hybrid between the Dab aaa 929 
limanda) and the Flounder (P. flesus)............ 



annart imp. 





January 20, 1835. 
Prof. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary read the following report on the additions made to 
the Society’s Menagerie during the month of December 1884 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of December was 68, of which 3 were by 
birth, 35 by presentation, 7 by purchase, 9 by exchange, and 14 
were received on deposit. The total number of departures during 
the same period, by death and removals, was 122. 

Amongst the additions during the month attention was called to :— 

1. A Muntjac, deposited by Mr. H. E. Dresser, F.Z.S., on 
December 20th, which appears to belong to a species distinct from 
any yet described, and which, with Mr. Dresser’s approval, I propose 
to call the Hairy-fronted Muntjac (Cervulus crinifrons). This 
animal is readily distinguishable from the Muntjacs hitherto known 
to us by the long hairs “which spring from the forehead and summit 
of the head, and “almost conceal the short horns, and by its much 
longer tail. The single male specimen received was transmitted to 
this country by A. Michie, Fsq., of Ningpo, China, and was doubt- 
less obtained in that part of China. 

It may be shortly described as follows :— 

CERVULUS CRINIFRONS, sp. nov. (Plate I.) 

Form of C. vaginalis, but rather larger in size and tail much longer. 
General colour dark brown, passing into blackish on the limbs and 
sides of rump. Head, ears, and elongated hairs of the bushy fore- 
head light brown, rather yellowish. Upper surface of tail black. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. I. 1 


Under surface of tail and buttocks pure white. “Belly and limbs dark, 
Height about 24 inches, length of tail about 9 inches. 
Hab. Vicinity of Ningpo, China (A. Michie). 

Head of Cervulus crinifrons. 

Obs. Readily known from all other species of Cervulus by its bushy 
forehead, which much resembles that of Hlaphodus michianus, and 
by its long tail. 

2. A young male Nubian Ibex (Capra nubiana), presented 
December 30th by Mrs. Laing, of Thornhill, Sunderland. This 
Ibex is accompanied by a Domestic Goat, with which it has bred 
and produced a male hybrid, which closely resembles its male 
parent. The species is new to the Society’s Collection. 

Mr. Sclater called attention to the breeding of a pair of the 
Chinese Blue Magpie (Cyanopolius cyanus) in the Society’s Gardens 
in 1884, and exhibited specimens of their eggs. Six eggs were laid 
in May in an open nest, made of sticks and lined with grass and 
wool, in the Western Aviary. The period of incubation was about 
18 days, and four young birds were hatched on June 11. The 
young birds remained about three weeks in the nest. They had black 
heads upon assuming their first plumage, but at first of a dull black. 
By the end of the year they were so like their parents that it was 
impossible to distinguish them. About a fortnight after the young 
birds left the nest a second clutch of eggs was laid, but came to 

The eggs were of a pale greenish stone-colour, freckled with two 

P.a.5. LOSGaeie ; 

J Smit lith . Hanhart imp). 



shades of pale reddish brown, and measured 1°] inch by 0°75. 
They were much darker than eggs of Cyanopolius cooki (from Mr. 
Seebohm’s collection), also exhibited, and more pyriform in shape 
and not quite so large. 

Prof. Bell exhibited some models illustrating the paper of Rathke 
on the development of the great blood-vessels in the Vertebrates, 
which he had lately obtained for the Anatomical Museum at King’s 
College from Herr Englert of Heidelberg. 

Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier, I°.Z.S., exhibited a specimen of a Cat, 
which he referred to the Wiid Cat (Felis catus), obtained in Donegal, 
and an example of a singular variety of the Black Grouse (T'e¢rao 

The following papers were read :— 

1. On the Coxal Glands of Mygale. By Paut PeLsenerr, 
D.Se. (Communicated by Prof. Lanxusrer, F.Z.S.) 

[Received November 20, 1884.] 
(Plate II.) 

Two years ago Prof. Ray Lankester described and figured the 
position of av organ which he observed in the Scorpions, and which 
he called the “coxal glanad”*. This gland, which, as he recognized, 
was not provided with an efferent duct, had been considered by New- 
port > and others as an appendage of the alimentary canal. 

Prof. Lankester announced at the same time that he had ascer- 
tained the existence of this organ in transverse sections of the 
cephalothorax of a large Mygale (Theraphosa) from South America ; 
and he identified these “‘ coxal glands”’ with the “ brick-red gland ” 
described by Packard in Limulus *, 

More recently* he has again remarked on the existence of this 
organ in transverse sections of Mygale (Cteniza) cementaria, Latr. 

But in no Araneid as yet has the form and position of the coxal 
gland been either described or figured from an anatomical point cf 
view ; and as far as Mygale in particular is concerned, none of the 
authors who have occupied themselves with the organization of the 
genus have mentioned any organ which can be considered to repre- 
sent this gland’. 

1 “The Coxal Gland of Scorpio,” Proceedings of the Royal Society, June 

2 Philosophical Transactions, 1843, pl. xv. fig. 39. 

3 “On the Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology of Limulus polyphemus,” 
Anniv. Mem. of the Boston Society of Nat. Hist 18380. 

+ “On the Skeleto-trophic Tissues and Coxal Glands of Limulus, Scorpio, and 
Mygale,” Quart. Journ. of Mier. Sci. 1884. 

° One can nevertheless recognize the presence of the coxal gland in a good 



During the month of October 1884 a large living Mygale (Thera- 
phosa), from South America, was placed by the Secretary of the 
Zoological Society of London at the disposal of Prof. Lankester, 
who had the kindness to entrust it to me in order that I might 
make out the position of the coxal gland. He gave me at the same 
time the series of transverse sections of the cephalothorax of Mygale 
cementaria, which he had made at an earlier date. 

Having carefully studied the latter, I drew those which passed 
through the coxal gland, whenever this presented any change of 
shape, size, or position. One of the sections in which the gland 
presents its greatest development is shown in Plate II. fig. 1. 

By the help of this series of drawings I was able to construct two 
diagrams, one of which showed the vertical projection (view from 
the side) of the gland, the other the horizontal projection (view 
from above). The latter is shown in Plate Li. fig. 2. 

In his recent paper’ Prof. Lankester expressed the expectation, 
after examining sections of a South-American Mygale, that the coxal 
gland was not a simple ovoid glandular body, as in Scorpio, but that 
it was furnished with lobes corresponding to the coxe of the 
cephalothoracic appendages, as in Limulus. The figure shows how 
well founded this anticipation was. 3 

Taking these two diagrams as my guide, I looked for the coxal 
gland of the large Mygale, which was still pretty fresh, as it had 
only lain for a few daysin 60 per-cent. aleohol, having been opened 
and washed with normal salt solution (? per cent.) after being 
killed, and I was able to dissect it out completely. 

The two glands, which are quite separate, are placed on each side 
of the cephalothorax, at the side of the entosternite (enthodére of 
Dugés), between the lower plate and the upward prolongations of ‘it, 
to which latter they are intimately related in position, size, and 
form *. 

Surrounded by the connective tissue with large brown cells, which 
is found scattered through the entire body of Mygale’, they extend 
as far as the edge of the lower plate of the entosternite, and have 
four lobes which correspond to the projections of this plate and at 
the same time to the four last appendages of the cephalothorax 
(ambulatory legs) *. 

The anterior and posterior lobes of the gland are the largest, and 
are parallel in direction to the long axis of the body. The second and 

section of Mygale juvanensis, Walk., given by Liénard, ‘Recherches sur la 
structure de Vappareil digestif des Mygales et des Néphiles,” fig. 2 A (Bull. 
Acad. Belg. 1878). The gland is shown under the upper part of the diverti- 
culum of the stomach, between its bend and the entosternite. 

L Loe. cit. p. 52. 

2 The relations between the entosternite and the coxal glands are the same in 
Limulus and Scorpio as in Mygale, as is easily seen from the works published 
on this subject. 

3 This tissue is analogous to that observed in Scorpio by Prof. Lankester 
(loc. cit. pl. xi. figs. 9-10), but the cells are larger, fewer in number, and 
more scattered. 

4 And not to the second, third, fourth, and fifth appendages, as in Limulus. 

1885. } GLANDS OF MYGALE. 5 

third lobes are shorter, thicker, and directed transversely; they 
extend slightly beyond the edges of the entosternite, and descend a 
little way into the coxe of the fourth and fifth appendages. 

In addition to these four coxal prolongations, the gland has again 
two internal projections near its middle third. These projections 
correspond to two slight excavations of the entosternite, between its 
lower plate and its upper prolongations. The latter pass above 
the gland between its coxal lobes, so that only the extremities of 
these can be seen between the prolongations of the entosternite. 

The annular stomach, which rests on the entosternite, sends its 
lateral diverticula between these superior prolongations. The four 
posterior diverticule of the stomach' pass above the lobes of the 
coxal gland, are then bent back, and pass between the muscles of 
the corresponding coxe, and extend below the cepalothoracic 
ganglion. ; 

The colour of the gland is uniform, a brownish yellow not unlike 
that of the stomach and its lateral diverticula. Its appearance is 
coarsely cellular, showing distinctly the groups of cells of which it is 
made up. 

I have nowhere seen any efferent duct, either passing to the 
exterior, or to any internal organ. The gland in Mygale, like that 
of the adult Limulus and Scorpio, is therefore a closed gland. 

The shape and position of the coxal gland, as I have observed 
them in this large South-American Mygale, do not represent an 
isolated fact or one peculiar to this species alone. The diagram 
Plate II. fig. 2 shows in fact that in Mygale ccementaria, and con- 
sequently in all the Tetrapneumones, the relations of the gland are 
almost completely identical’. 

When it is possible to study fresh specimens of Limulus, Scorpio, 
and Mygale, 1 think it would be useful to examine the contents 
of the gland from the chemical point of view. The result of such 
an examination would certainly help to determine the physiological 
function of this curious organ’. 


Fig. 1. Diagram of a transverse section of the cephalothorax of Mygale camen- 
taria, Latr. (9), passing through the coxe of the third pair of am- 
bulatory legs, and showing the relations of the right coxal gland (@) 
with the entosternite (7) and the digestive apparatus; d, lateral 

1 Tn addition to the four large pairs of lateral diverticula, there is also a 
small anterior pair, at the base of the first lateral pair. (See Plate II. fig. 4.) 

2 The slight difference which is to be observed in the diagram fig. 2, on the 
inner side of the gland at the base of the fifth pair of appendages, was probably 
caused by the fact that this point corresponds to a certain number of imperfect 
sections. I think that for the rest, the diagram is sufliciently exact : and if one 
were to examine the coxal gland of Mygale cwmentaria, 1 think it would be 
found that its shape is very near to that indicated by the diagrain. 

3 P.S.—March 20th, 1885. After the reading of this paper, I was able to 
cousult Blanchard’s “Organisation du régne animal.” In the fig. 2, pl. xvi. 
(Arachnides) of this work, one can recognize the coxal gland in the so-called 
“elande stomacale.” But the corresponding text, unfortunately, does not 
exist.—P. P. 

6 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE (Jan. 20, 

diverticula of the annular stomach; ¢, annular stomach; S, suctorial 
organ ; m, nerves of the fourth pair of ambulatory legs ; x, abdominal 

Fig. 2. Diagram of the left part of the cephalothorax of Mygale cementaria, 
Latr., to show the horizontal projection of the coxal gland; x63. 
a, The coxal gland. 1, Chelifere. 2, Chelx. 3-6, The four last 
pairs of cephalothoracic appendages. A. Abdomen. 

3. The same specimen asin fig. 4. To the left hand the upper prolon- 
gations (p) of the entosternite show only the coxal lobes (@) of the 

land; on the right, the same prolongations and the lateral diver- 
ticula (d) of the annular stomach hide all but very small parts (@) of 
the gland. S. Suctorial organ. 

4. The left coxal gland and the entosternite of Mygale, sp., from South 
America, in situ, dorsal view; X2}. The superior prolongations of 
the entosternite have been removed along the line 7, to show, on 
the right side, the coxal gland in its entirety, and on the right side the 
lower plate of the entosternite, which on the left is hidden by the 
gland. a, The coxal gland; 4, its coxal lobes; ¢, its internal projec- 
tions. ZH, The entosternite. 3-6, The cox of the ambulatory legs. 
A.B, Line showing the direction of the section in fig. 1. 

2. On the Myology of the Water-Opossum. By E. J. 
SipesorHaM, B.A., late Assistant Demonstrator of 
Anatomy, Cambridge. 

[Received November 20, 1884. | 

Through the great kindness of Professor Macalister I have had 
the opportunity of making a careful dissection of the muscular 
system of the Water-Opossum (Chironectes variegatus). 

The specimen, which was that of a young male, was a spirit one, 
and the muscles were in a very good state of preservation. 

When I received it the skin and abdominal viscera had been 
removed, some of the superficial muscles were considerably damaged, 
and most of the terminal phalanges had disappeared. 

It had the following dimensions :— 

Extreme length ........... FOOT RETA Pe ee sain oe nts ay 
Length of tail (measured from sacro-iliac synchondrosis).. 37°4 
Length of humerus). 210... dalexa mimncateity </ sreis'> = le “epee 
Reneth ei demur. 2. . hs Sat Sa eee Lat seed emitted Ute 
Length of tarsus (terminal phalanx having disappeared) ..  6°1 

Through the courtesy of Professor Flower I was enabled to 
measure the five specimens of this animal in the National Collection 
at South Kensington. 

The four stuffed specimens varied in length from 68°7 cm. to 
41°5 em., the tarsus varying from 6°7 cm. to 3°9 em. 

The skin of the remaining specimen measured 67°6 cm. in length, 
the femur 5:6 cm., the humerus 4°7 cm., and the tarsus 5*9 em. 

Muscles of Anterior Extremity. 

Rhomboideus.—Indivisible, arising from inner two thirds of 
occipital crest, from spines of cervical and first five dorsal vertebree. 


The anterior few fibres are inserted into base of spine, the rest by a 
broad muscular mass into base of scapula, being embraced in 
posterior half by serratus magnus. 

Acromio-trachelien (omo-atlantic).— Arises by a flat tendon from 
anterior arch of atlas, and by a small accessory slip from basioccipital. 
The greater part of the muscle is inserted into dorsal third of spine 
of scapula, whilst a thin slip, leaving muscle in its lower third, 
crosses insertion uf omohyoid, and is inserted into base of scapula in 
close connection with inner portion of serratus magnus. 

Cleido-oecipital.—Arises near middle of clavicle by muscular fibres, 
and is inserted into occipital crest internal to cleido-mastoid, its 
posterior fibres being continuous with trapezius for half an inch. 
Its anterior fibres are just united with cleido-mastoid at their 

Cleido-mastoid.—Overlain by sterno-mastoid except just at its 
origin. Arises from front of clavicle at its sternal end by fleshy 
fibres. It forms a broad, flat muscle, inserted by a rounded mass 
into occiput between sterno-mastoid and digastric, and by coarse 
fasciculi into occipital crest for its outer half. 

Sterno-mastoid.—Arises from front of manubrium sterni by 
tendinous and fleshy fibres, close to its fellow of opposite side. It 
forms a broad fleshy belly, inserted by a tendon into front of mastoid 
process just behind external auditory meatus. It is continuous just 
at its insertion with cleido-mastoid. 

Trapezius——This muscle was much damaged. It apparently 
arises from occipital protuberance, its anterior fibres being con- 
tinuous with posterior fibres of cleido-occipital, from spines of 
cervical and dorsal vertebrae. Its anterior and middle fibres are 
inserted into whole length of spine of scapula, whilst its posterior ones 
pass forwards to be inserted into the spine at its dorsal part. 

Latisstmus dorsi.—Arises from spinous processes of dorsal vertebrie, 
and from lumbar fascia which attaches it to lumbar vertebre and 
crest of illum. Inserted by narrow tendon into inner lip of bicipital 
groove of humerus. 

Dorsi epitrochiear.—A thin muscular slip arising from outer 
surface of latissimus dorsi by tendinous fibres, and inserted into 
fascia on inner side of arm which attaches it to olecranon. 

Serratus magnus.—Arises by thirteen digitations from posterior 
six cervical transverse processes, closely connected with insertion of 
sealenus, and from outer surface of first seven ribs. The anterior 
fibres are inserted into imer lip of base of scapula, whilst the 
posterior digitations curve round to outer lip of base, embracing 
insertion of rhomboideus. 

Subclavius.—Arises from cartilage of first rib and is inserted into 
posterior border of clavicle at its outer half, a few of its inner fibres 
being continuous with the following portion, which arises by 
muscular fibres from the posterior border of clavicle at its outer two 
thirds, and is inserted by thin tendinous fibres into anterior border 
of acromion. 

Pectoralis major.— Consists of two portions :—a, a large triangular 

8 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE (Jan. 20, 

mass arising from whole length of sternum and ensiform appendix. 
Fibres converge to a tendon—the posterior ones underlying the 
anterior ones—which is ultimately united with tendons of chondro- 
humeral and pectoralis quartus and -is inserted into outer lip of 
bicipital groove of humerus. Its anterior fibres are continuous fora 
short distance with clavicular portion of deltoid. 

B. Underlies preceding portion. It arises in close connection with 
it from middle of sternum opposite third, fourth, and fifth ribs. Its 
fibres converge to a flat narrow tendon, which is inserted into outer 
lip of bicipital groove on a level with upper portion of preceding 

Rectus sternalis.—Arises by three tendinous slips from junction 
of fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs with sternum. It is inserted into 
anterior surface of first rib at about its middle. 

Pectoralis quartus.—Arises from fascia lying between scapula and 
pectoralis major. It is inserted into outer lip of bicipital groove of 
humerus with chondro-humeral. 

Chondro-humeral.—A thin band arising in middle line from apo- 
neurosis covering externa! oblique. Inserted with pectoralis quartus. 

Supraspinatus.—Arises from supraspinous fossa, inserted into 
anterior part of neck of humerus, and shoulder capsule. 

Infraspinatus.—Arises from infraspinous fossa. Inserted just 
below preceding. 

Tercs minor.—Arises from ventral half of posterior border of 
scapule between infraspinatus and scapular head of triceps. Inserted 
just below infraspinatus. 

Teres major.—A thick fleshy muscle, arising from posterior 
superior angle of scapula. Inserted by a flattened tendon into inner 
lip of bicipital groove. 

Deltoid.-—Clavicular and scapular positions quite distinct, ex- 
cepting just at their insertions. 

Clavicular portion arises from anterior border of outer half of 
clavicle and from a small portion of acromion, Inserted into 
anterior surface of humerus at its upper third, being connected both 
at its origin and insertion with pectoralis major. 

Scapular portion arises from posterior surface of spine of scapula 
and upper portion of infraspinous fossa. Inserted just above clavi- 
cular portion. 

Ooraco-brachialis (brevis).—Arises from coracoid, and is inserted 
into inner part of neck of humerus. 

Subscapularis—Arises from subscapular fossa. Inserted into 
inner part of humerus, near to neck. 

Levator scapule.—aArises by a rounded tendon from anterior arch 
of atlas just internal to acromio-trachelien, and by a few fibres 
behind this. Its fibres, diverging, are inserted into ventral third of 
spine of scapula and acromion. 

Biceps.—Arises by a flat undivided tendon from coracoid and 
upper margin of glenoid. It consists of two bellies, which are 
distinct, but closely applied, the coraco-radial one being superficial. 
If the tendon is forcibly torn, the coraco-radial head is seen to arise 


from both coracoid and glenoid, the gleno-ulnar arising from glenoid 
alone. The former is inserted into radial tubercle; the latter is 
inserted with brachialis anticus into coracoid process of ulna. 

Triceps.—Arises by three heads. Long one arises from lower 
part of posterior border of scapula, by tendon in its lower two thirds, 
and in its upper third by muscular fibres, which pass obliquely on to 
outer aspect and are inserted into tendon. Inner and outer heads 
partly separated by musculo-spiral nerve, arising from inner and 
posterior aspects of humerus, and from intermuscular septum 
separating outer head from brachialis anticus. Fibres from outer 
head pass obliquely into long head at its lower third, and partly into 
outer side of olecranon. Most of fibres of inner head are inserted 
into anterior part of long head, a few being inserted into inner side 
of olecranon. Long head is iuserted into tip of olecranon. 

Anconeus internus.—Arises from back of internal condyle of 
humerus, and is inserted on inner side of tip of olecranon. Its upper 
fibres are continuous with inner head of triceps, being separated from 
it by ulnar nerve. Its lower fibres are separated from flexor carpi 
ulnaris by a fibrous septum. 

Anconeus externus.—Arises from back of external condyle of 
humerus. Inserted into outer side of olecranon and outer side of 
ulna for its upper fifth. Its upper fibres are continuous with outer 
head of triceps. 

Brachialis anticus.—Arises from outer side of humerus in its 
whole length. Inserted into ulna, just outside insertion of gleno- 
ulnar portion of biceps. 

Palmaris longus.—Arises by fleshy fibres from internal condyle 
of humerus and lower part of supracondyloid ridge. Inserted into 
flexor tendon in palm. Two portions of it are quite distinct from 
main mass—one, which arises from internal condyle, and whose 
tendon underlies principal tendon, is inserted into the lower part of 
it; the other leaves the inner side of the muscle and is inserted into 
the inner side of its tendon. 

Flexor carpi radialis—A thin muscle arising from internal 
condyle of humerus. Inserted into radial side of base of metacarpal 
of medius. 

Flexor carpi ulnaris.—Arises from internal condyle of humerus, 
from posterior surface of olecranon, and from bridge between the 
two, closely connected with anconeus internus. Its superficial fibres 
form a thin belly inserted by a very thin tendon into base of meta- 
carpal of minimus ; the remainder forms a strong tendon inserted 
into pisiform. 

Flexor digitorum profundus.—Consists of three parts all closely 

Condylar portion, superficial, arising from internal condyle of 
humerus, closely connected with flexor carpi ulnaris. 

Ulnar portion, the largest, arising from upper third of ulna and 
outer surface of olecranon. 

Radial portion arises from upper third of radius, internal to 
oblique line. 

10 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE [Jan. 20, 

Tendon grooved, tendon of palmaris longus first lying in it, and 
then inserted into it. Common tendon divides into five, which 
are inserted into bases of terminal phalanges of fingers. 

Lumbricales three in number :—l. Arising from second and 
third flexor tendons, inserted into outer side of medius. 2. Arising 
from third and fourth flexor tendons, inserted into outer side of 
annularis. 3. Arising from ulnar side of fourth tendon, inserted 
into outer side of minimus. 

Flexor digitorum sublimis.—Arises from lower third of flexor 
profundus as a small muscular belly. It gives cff three tendons, 
each of which splits opposite first inter-phalangeal joint, and allows 
tendon of deep flexor to pass through. ‘The split tendons then 
rejoin, and are inserted into upper third of second phalanges of 
index, medius, and annularis. 

Pronator radii teres.—Arises from internal condyle of humerus, 
and is inserted into outer border of radius at its middle third. 

Pronator quadratus consists of thin fibres extending between 
anterior surfaces of radius and ulna in their lower half. 

Supinator longus.—A well-developed muscle, arising from upper 
part of external supracondyloid ridge of humerus, anterior to 
extensor carpi radialis longior, with which it is closely united at ity 
origin. At its lower third it ends in a thin tendon, which, becoming 
closely applied to external lateral ligament, is inserted into dorsal 
and outer surfaces of wrist. 

Extensor carpi radialis longior.—Arises from external supra- 
condyloid ridge of humerus and external condyle, being united with 
following muscle for about an inch. Tendon inserted into outer 
side of metacarpal of index at its proximal third. 

Extensor carpi radialis brevior.—Arises in close connection with 
preceding muscle, inserted into outer side of metacarpal of medius 
at its proximal third. 

Extensor digitorum communis.—A somewhat small muscle, arising 
from external condyle of humerus in common with extensor minimi 
digiti. Tendon divides into three—one passing to dorsum of index, 
another dividing and passing to medius, whilst the third one divides, 
one division passing to annularis whilst the other passes to minimus. 

Extensor minimi digiti.—Thin, arising from external condyle of 
humerus with common extensor. Its tendon divides into two, which 
are inserted on ulnar sides of tendons from common extensor passing 
to annularis and minimus. 

Extensor carpi ulnaris.—Arises from outer condyle of humerus, 
inserted into inner side of wrist. 

Extensor secundi internodii pollicis.—Arises from inner side of 
olecranon, and inner side of upper fourth of posterior surface of 
ulna. Its tendon divides into two slips—one being inserted into base 
of first phalanx of thumb, the other into base of first phalanx of 
index, on radial side of common extensor. 

Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis—Arises from extensor surface 
of ulna in its upper half and from upper third of radius. Tendon 
inserted into base of metacarpal of thumb on its outer side. 


Supinator brevis.—Arises from external condyle of humerus. 
Its upper fibres pass in a sling-like maaner round head of radius, 
whilst its lower fibres pass obliquely downwards and inwards and 
are inserted into surface of radius external to its oblique line. 

Muscles of Hand. 

Dorsal group.—Abductor pollicis.— Arismg from annular liga- 
ment, trapezium, and scaphoid, slightly united at its origin with 
flexor brevis pollicis ; inserted into outer side of base of first phalanx 
of thumb. 

Abductor minimi digiti—Much larger than preceding, arising by 


Myology of Water-Opossum. 

R., rhomboideus; S.J£, serratus magnus; D., deltoid; Z.Ma., teres major; 
O.H., omo-hyoid; O.a., omo-atlantie; S.Sp., supra-spinatus; Z.s., infra- 
spinatus; 7’p., trapezius; 7. Mi., teres minor; 77., triceps; L.S., levator 
scapule ; Sd., subclavius; C.J, cleido-mastoid ; C.O., cleido-occipital ; 
C.B., coraco-brachialis ; Bi., biceps. 

two heads from annular ligament and pisiform. Inserted into base 
of first phalanx of minimus. 

First dorsal interosseous.—Arises from palmar surface of meta- 
carpal of thumb. Inserted into radial side of first phalanx of index. 

Second dorsal interosseous.—Arises from radial side of base of 
metacarpal of medius, and ulnar side of metacarpal of index in its 
whole length. Arched tendon, the larger end being inserted into 
radial side of base of first phalanx of medius, and the smaller end 
passing on to palmar surface of metacarpal of index. 

12 MR. £, J. SIDEBUTHAM ON THE (Jan. 20, 

Third dorsal interosseous.—Arises from radial side of metacarpal 
of medius in its proximal haif, and dorsal surface of metacarpal of 
annularis in its proximal third. Similar arched tendon, the larger 
and thicker portion passing to base of first phalanx of medius, 
whilst thinner portion passes on to palmar surface of metacarpal of 

Fourth dorsal interosseous.—Arises from dorsal surface of meta- 
carpal of annularis and radial side of metacarpal of minimus. 
Inserted into palmar surface of heads of metacarpals. 

Fig. 2. 

Myology of Water-Opossum. 

Ss., supraspinatus ; Js., infraspinatus; 7.Mi., teres minor; Da., deltoid, acro- 
mial part; De., deltoid, clavicular part; B.A., brachialis anticus; S.L., 
supinator longus; £.C.R., extensor carpi radialis longior et brevior ; 
E.C.D., extensor communis digitorum ; #.M.D., extensor minimi digiti; 
S.B., supinator brevis; #.C.U., extensor carpi ulnaris; 4./., anconeus 
externus; Zr., triceps; Sb., subscapularis; P.Ma., pectoralis major ; 
O.B., coraco-brachialis ; Z.!Ma., teres major; C.H., chondro-humeral ; 
P.Q., pectoralis quartus; Z.D., latissimus dorsi; Zr., triceps; P.L., 
palmaris longus; P.2.7., pronator radii teres; A./., anconeus internus ; 
E.C.U., extensor carpi ulnaris; F.D.P., flexor digitorum profundus. 

Palmar group.—F¥ive in number and have a common origin in 
palm. The first three pass to radial side of first phalanges of 
thumb, index, and medius, whilst the other two pass to the ulnar 
side of the remaining fingers. 

Intermediate group.—Each finger is provided with a short flexor, 
each of them consisting of two bellies more or less united and 
inserted at each side of their respective phalanx, with the exception 
of the flexor brevis medii, which is single and is inserted into tendon 
of third dorsal interosseous. 


Fig. 3. 
--ALE. EC.6-—> 
SB 7 =.0.M.P 7 

Myology of Water-Opossum, 

A.F.,anconeus externus ; /#..S./, P., extensor secundi internodii pollicis; £,O.M.P., 
extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis; S.B., supinator brevis; 4./, anconeus 
internus; /.C.U., flexor carpi ulnaris; £.4., brachialis anticus; Bi., 
biceps; S.B., supinator brevis; F.D.P., flexor digitorum profundus ; 
P.R.T., pronator radii teres; P.Q., pronator quadratus. 

Muscles of Posterior Extremity. 

Gluteus maximus.—A thin triangular muscle, arising chiefly by 
fascia from anterior superior spine of ilium, from transverse pro- 
cesses of sacral vertebrae, and from caudal vertebrze as far as third 
or fourth. Anterior and middle fibres converge to be inserted into 
outer aspect of root of great trochanter ; posterior fibres inserted into 
linea aspera for its upper two thirds. It is quite free posteriorly, 
but in front turns round gluteus medius and joins anterior border of 
gluteus minimus. 

Gluteus medius.—Thin posteriorly, but thick and partly divisible 
into three lamine anteriorly. Arises from dorsum ilii, anterior 
superior iliac spine, and sacral vertebrae, continuous anteriorly with 
gluteus maximus. Its superficial part is inserted into outer surface, 
its deep part into upper border of great trochanter. 

Gluteus minimus.—Thin, arising from border of ilium between 
iliacus and gluteus medius. Inserted into anterior border of great 
trochanter, being continuous both at its origin and insertion with 
gluteus maximus. 

Gluteus quartus.—Thin muscular fibres, closely applied to capsule 
of hip-joint, arising superficial to rectus tendon and closely connected 
with it. It is inserted just below inner part of neck of femur 
between psoas and vastus internus. 

Pyriformis.—Arises from side of sacrum half an inch behind sacro- 

14 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE [Jan. 20, 

iliac synchondrosis. It is inserted by a narrow tendon into summit 
of great trochanter. 

Obturator externus.—Arises from margin of obturator foramen 
and membrane; inserted by a flattened tendon into digital fossa 
with obturator internus. 

Obturator internus.—Arises from descending ramus of pubes and 
a small portion of ascending ramus of ischium. Tendon plays over 
small sciatic notch and is inserted into digital fossa with obturator 

Gemellus superior consists of two distinct parts. The first arises 
from ascending ramus of ischium in front of groove for tendon of 
obturator internus. The second portion lies behind this and is 
slightly overlapped by it. Both portions are inserted into tendon 
of obturator internus and into surface of bone just above it by 
tendinous fibres. 

Gemellus inferior.—Arises from ascending ramus of ischium 
under cover of gemellus inferior and obturator internus. Inserted 
into digital fossa below tendon of obturator internus, 

Biceps.—Coarsely fasciculated ; arises from tuberosity of ischium ; 
inserted into fascia on outer side of leg for its upper third. 

Semitendinosus.— Arises from ischial tnberosity partly under 
cover of biceps and closely connected with it. An inch below its 
origin it receives caudal portion, which is ribben-shaped and arises 
from transverse processes of second and third caudal vertebrae. At 
the junction of the two portions there is a tendinous intersection. 
It is inserted into inner surface of tibia under cover of gracilis, its 
lower part being closely connected with the insertion of that muscle. 
Its most superficial fibres are inserted into fascia on outer side of 
leg just below insertion of biceps. 

Semimembranosus.-—Arises from descending ramus of pubes and 
ascending ramus of ischium, extending between origins of gracilis 
and semitendinosus. It is imserted imto inner side of head and 
adjacent part of tibia for two fifths of an inch. 

Sartorius.—Arises from anterior superior spine of ilium and by a 
linear origin for a quarter of an inch below. It is inserted by 
tendon into expansion of triceps covering patella. 

Triceps extensor.—Rectus femoris arises from dorsal part of 
acetabulum by a strong rounded tendon and by tendinous fibres 
above and below. Vastus externus and internus form a large 
fleshy mass arising from inner, anterior, and outer surfaces of 
femur. The former joins rectus for about a quarter of an inch and 
is inserted into front of knee, whilst vastus internus is inserted into 
fascia on inner side of knee, 

Subcrureus.—A flat band arising from front of lower part of shaft 
of femur at its inner part. Inserted into inner surface of common 

Psoas magnus.—A small thin muscle arising from last lumbar 
vertebra and anterior part of sacrum. It joins with iliacus at level 
of middle of sacrum, and is inserted by thin tendinous fibres into 
femur just below lesser trochanter. 


Psoas parvus.—Very large, arising from sides of bodies of last 
three dorsal and first two lumbar vertebree by tendinous fibres, and 
fronts of next four vertebrae by fleshy fibres. It is inserted by a 
narrow tendon into ilio-pectineal line just outside marsupial bone. 

Tliacus.—Arises from iliac fossa. Inserted by muscular and 
tendinous fibres into lesser trochanter of femur and into surface of 
bone beneath it, its lower fibres being closely connected with tendon 
of psoas. 

Gracilis.—Arises from lower two thirds of pubic symphysis and 
from a small portion of its descending ramus. It is inserted into 
inner surface of tibia by strong fibres at its upper part, and by a 
fascia closely united to lower part of insertion of semitendinosus 
below this. 

Pectineus consists of two small flat slips united at their origin :-— 
1. Arises from outer angle of base of marsupial bone by a narrow 
tendon. 2. Arises from pubes between former slip and insertion 
of psoas parvus. They are inserted into upper half of linea aspera 
superficial to adductor brevis, a narrow space existing between 
their insertions. 

Adductor brevis.—Arises from a small portion of pubic symphysis, 
ascending ramus of pubes, and inner part of marsupial bone. It is 
inserted into middle lip of linea aspera for its upper half. 

Adductor magnus.—Extensive origin from’ lower part of pubic 
symphysis, rami of pubes and ischium, and ischial tuberosity under 
cover of gracilis, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. Its fibres 
converge and are inserted into triangular surface at lower third of 
linea aspera. The muscle has the appearance of being enfolded 
on itself, the fibres from the symphysis pubis and upper part of 
ramus forming a thin strap-like band which crosses the other fibres 

Adductor longus.—Arises from pubic symphysis between origins of 
adductors brevis and magnus. It is inserted into lower half of linea 
aspera and inner condyle. 

Quadratus femoris.—Arises from ischial tuberosity. Inserted 
tween greater and lesser trochanters of femur. 

Gastrocnemius internus.—Arises from posterior part of inner con- 
dyle of femur. Its tendon is grooved on its deep aspect and 
embraces tendon of gastrocnemius externus. It is inserted on 
outer side of posterior surface of os calcis. 

Gastrocnemius externus.—Much larger than preceding muscle. 
It arises from external condyle of femur, receiving a band of fibres 
which arises from the sesamoid bone, which articulates with the 
head of the fibula. It forms a thick belly, which is partially 
separable into two parts, and is inserted into os calcis on inner side 
of gastrocnemius internus. 

Plantaris.—Arises in close connection with gastrocnemius externus 
from sesamoid bone, passes under gastrocnemei, and is inserted 
into fascia on inner side of foot. 

Popliteus.—Arises by narrow tendon from external condyle of 
femur. Inserted iato posterior surface of tibia at its upper half. 

16 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE [Jan. 20, 

Tibialis posticus.—Arises from inner part of posterior surface of 
shaft of fibula in its upper fifth, passes behind inner malleolus, and 
is inserted into inner and under surfaces of astragalus. 

Flexor longus digitorum.—Arises from inner border of posterior 
surface of fibula at its upper third and from interosseous membrane. 
Tendon joins inner border of tendon of flexor longus pollicis, 

Flexor longus pollicis.—Arises from whole of inner and posterior 
surfaces of fibula. The muscle is easily separable into two parts, 
the deep portion joining the tendon of the superficial in its lower 
fifth. The tendon divides into five slips, one of which passes to 
each of the toes. The tendon to the hallux comes off from the 
superficial part, and some of its fibres are directly continuous with 
those of the flexor longus digitorum. Four lumbricales are present, 
arising from single tendons and passing to tibial side of corresponding 
toe. The outer one is larger than the others. 

Accessorius —Arises from a ridge at outer border of lower surface 
of os calcis. It passes inwards and slightly forwards, and is chiefly 
inserted into tendon of flexor longus pollicis, 

Tibialis anticus.—A large muscle, arising from upper two fifths 
of outer surface of shaft of tibia. It is inserted into inner side of 
internal cuneiform. 

Extensor longus digitorum—A small muscular belly, arising 
from inner side of ridge on anterior border of head of fibula. It 
divides into two tendons. Inner one again divides into three, which 
are inserted by two slips into bases of first phalanges of index, 
medius, and annularis. Outer tendon is similarly inserted into 
minimus. Tendon to annularis is connected by vincule to adjoining 

Extensor longus pollicis.—Arises from upper half of shaft of fibula 
on its anterior aspect; passes obliquely to inner side of foot, and is 
inserted at base of first phalanx of great toe. 

Peroneus longus arises by two heads:—]. From posterior part of 
head of fibuia and sesamoid bone. 2. From outer part of prominent 
ridge on anterior border of fibula, and septum between it and 
peroneus brevis. Peroneus quinti digiti lies between its two heads. 
Its tendon passes behind external malleolus into sole of foot, and is 
inserted into outer angle of metacarpal of great toe. 

Peroneus brevis.—Arises from anterior border of fibula just below 
prominent ridge and septa between it and peroneus longus and 
extensor longus digitorum. It is inserted into outer side of base of 
metacarpal of minimus. 

Peroneus quinti digiti.—Arises from external condyle of femur and 
external lateral ligament. Its long tendon passes behind external 
malleolus to be inserted into outer side of first phalanx of minimus. 

Peroneus quarti digiti.—Arises from upper third of anterior surface 
of fibula with exception of a small interval at top. 

Peroneus tertii digiti.—A very slender muscular belly, arising from 
outer side of fibula just below outer head of peroneus longus. Of 
the arrangement of these last two muscles [ am not certain. The 
former seemed in right foot to divide and to pass to outer sides of 


fourth and fifth toes, but in left foot I easily traced it to outer side 
of first phalanx of fourth toe. The latter muscle had an ex- 
ceedingly slender tendon, which I traced in the right foot to the 
outer side of the third toe, but in the left foot I could not trace 
it beyond the fascia of the ankle. All the peronei tendons pass 
behind the malleolus. 

Extensor brevis digitorum.—Arises from outer side of ankle and 
apex of fibula. It divides into two (?) tendons, which pass to inner 
toes and form a tendinous expansion at metacarpo-phalangeal joint 
with tendon of long extensor. 

Muscles of Foot. 

Dorsal Layer.—Abductor minimi digiti consists of two parts— 
one arising from under surface of os calcis, the other from annular 
ligament ; both are inserted into outer side of base of first phalanx 
of minimus. 

Abductor ossis metatarsi minimi digiti.—Arises from under sur- 

Myology of Water-Opossum. 

J, iliacus; S., sartorius; P.P., psoas parvus; P., pectineus; A.B., adductor 
brevis; 4.Z., adductor longus; G., gracilis; A.M, adductor magnus ; 
S.m., semimembranosus; S¢., semitendinosus; B., biceps; Q.F., quad- 
ratus femoris; O.£., obturator externus; Z.G., inferior gemellus; G.Me., 
gluteus medius; G.Mi., gluteus minimus; G.@., gluteus quartus; RP., 
rectus femoris; C., coccygeus; S.G., superior gemellus. 

face of os calcis external to above. Inserted into outer side of base 
of metatarsal of minimus internal to insertion of peroneus brevis. 

Abductor annularis.—Arises from base of metatarsal of minimus, 
cuboid, and sheath of peroneus longus; inserted into outer side of 
base of first phalanx of annularis. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. II. 2 

18 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE [Jan. 20, 

Abductor indicis, from outer side of base of metatarsal of great 
toe to inner side of first phalanx of index. 

Abductor pollicis—Large, arising from tuberosity of scaphoid ; 
inserted into inner side of first phalanx of pollex. 

Intermediate layer.—Each consists of two bellies, which are more 
or less connected and inserted into bases of first phalanges. 

Fig. 5. 

Myology of Water-Opossum. 

G.Me., gluteus medius; G.Mz., gluteus minimus; G.Q., gluteus quartus; @.Z., 
quadriceps extensor ; Sc., suberureus; Py., pyriformis; OL, obturator 
internus; Q./., quadratus femoris; P. & Z, psoas and iliacus; G.Mza., 
gluteus magnus; 4.B,, adductor brevis; P., pectineus; V.£., vastus 
externus; V.J., vastus internus; 4.., adductor longus; 4.MV., adductor 
magnus; G.., gastrocnemius internus; G.H#., gastrocnemius externus ; 
P.Qi.D., peroneus quinti digiti; Pop., popliteus. 

Flexor brevis minimi digiti.— Large, arising from base of meta- 
carpal of minimus. 

Flewor brevis annularis,—Arises from ridge on cuboid by a narrow 

Flexor medii.—Inner part is connected with flexor indicis. 

Fexor indicis.—Arises from cuneiform bones. 

Flexor pollicis.—Arises from scaphoid. 

Plantar Layer.—All arise from common tendon in sole. The 
muscles to pollex and minimus are large, the others being very 
small slips. The slips to pollex and index pass to outer side of 
phalanges. The slip to the minimus passes to the inner side ;_ whilst 
the annularis has two slips—one passing to the inner side, and the 
other dividing, the greater part passing to outer side, whilst a small 
portion goes to inner side. There is also a flexor brevis digitorum 
which arises from os calcis. 


Fig. 6. 

Myology of Water-Opossum. 

Q.E., quadriceps extensor; 7.A., tibialis anticus; £.L.D., extensor longus digi- 
torum; #.Z.P., extensor longus pollicis; P.Z., peroneus longus; P.B., 
peroneus brevis; P.7.D., peroneus tertii digiti,; P.@r.D., peroneus quarti 
digiti; G.E., gastrocnemius externus; P/., plantaris; 7.P., tibialis 
posticus ; /.L.P., flexor longus pollicis; Sm., semimembranosus ; Pop., 
popliteus; #.L.D., flexor longus digitorum; G., gracilis; S¢., semiten- 

Muscles of Head and Neck. 

Masseter.—Enormously developed. Can be easily separated into 
several strata. ‘The most superficial fibres arise from the strong 
masseteric fascia, and, passing inwards and backwards, are inserted 
into incurved portion of lower jaw. 

The next fibres, which also pass backwards, arise from lower 
border of zygoma, and are inserted into a ridge, extending from 
condyle of lower jaw along lower border of outer surface. The most 
internal part arises from lower border and inner surface of zygoma, 
and its fibres, passing downwards and slightly forwards for the 
most part (the most anterior fibres passing slightly backwards), are 
inserted into outer surface of ramus between oblique line and dental 
foramen. The most posterior fibres of the superficial portion of the 
muscle are inserted into a tendinous raphe behind the ramus, which 
receives the most posterior fibres of internal pterygoid on its inner 

Lemporal.— Consists of two easily separable lamine. Superficial 
portion, thin in its posterior two thirds, arises from posterior 
part of inner surface of zygoma inseparable from masseter, and 
from a small portion of upper border of zygoma at its posterior 

: oe 

20 MR. E. J. SIDEBOTHAM ON THE (Jan, 20, 

part. These fibres chiefly converge to the anterior inferior angle of 
the muscle and form a large fleshy mass, which is inserted into 
anterior border and outer surface of coronoid process, whilst the 
posterior few fibres are inserted into outer surface of coronoid. The 
much larger deep part is separated from it by tendinous fibres. It 
arises from the whole of the temporal fossa and posterior part of 
inner surface of zygoma. It is inserted into inner surface and upper 
border of coronoid. 

Internal pterygoid.—Arises from outer surface of pterygoid. 
Its fibres passing outwards, backwards, and slightly downwards, are 
inserted into border of incurved portion of lower jaw, its posterior 
fibres meeting those of masseter as described above. 

Huternal pterygoid. —A small roundish muscle, arising from 
pterygoid at upper and posterior part of internal pterygoid. Its fibres 
pass downwards and backwards, and are inserted into base of condyle 
of jaw. 

Sterno-hyoid.—Long, ribbon-shaped, arising from inner surface 
of second piece of sternum ; inserted into front of hyoid. 

Sterno-thyroid—Smaller than preceding and overlain by it. 
Arises with sterno-hyoid, and is united with it for a short distance. 
United above with its fellow, and inserted with it into front of 

Thyroid hyoid.—Passes from side of thyroid to great cornu of 

Omo-hyoid.—A long narrow band arising from vertebral border 
of scapula. Inserted into hyoid, just external to sterno-hyoid. No 
tendinous intersection could be seen. 

Mylo-hyoid.—F lat and thin, arising from posterior half of mylo- 
hyoid ridge of lower jaw. Inserted into median raphe, and its 
posterior fibres into tendinous expansion of posterior belly of digastric. 

Genio-hyoid.—Narrow origin by tendinous fibres from inner 
border of lower jaw close to symphysis. It lies close to its fellow, 
and is inserted into front of hyoid. It sends a small muscular 
fasciculus to genio-hyoglossus. 

Hyoglossus—A large muscle extending from side of hyoid 
under cover of genio-hyoid. Its fibres pass forwards and inwards to 
be inserted into side of tongue for its posterior two thirds. 

Genio-hyoglossus.—Arises from inner side of lower jaw close to 
middle line. Its fibres arch back to be inserted into posterior half 
of under surface of tongue and lower border of internal surface of 
hyoid, to which it is connected by tendinous fibres. 

Digastric.—Posterior belly arises by a rounded tendon from par- 
occipital process. It forms a rounded belly which flattens out, 
forming a tendinous expansion which meets its fellow in middle line. 
Anterior belly arises from superficial aspect of this expansion, and 
forming a flat muscle, is inserted into lower border of lower jaw at 
its middle. 

Paroccipito-hyoid.—-A narrow band of fibres passing from parocci- 
pital process, just internal to origin of posterior belly of digastric, to 
great cornu of hyoid. 


A thin sheet of muscular fibres passes from basioccipital to great 
cornu of hyoid and pharynx, and a deeper set pass to side of tongue, 
side of hyoid, and pharynx. 

Constrictor muscles form one sheet. 

Sealenus posticus.—Arises by muscular fibres from third rib, 
interdigitating with serratus magnus. It passes forwards to be in- 
serted by a small tendon into second cervical transverse process. It 
is closely connected with following muscle. 

Scalenus anticus.—Arises from upper surface of first rib aud is 
inserted by small tendons into second to sixth cervical transverse 

Trachelo-mastoid.—Arises from all cervical transverse processes ; 
inserted into mastoid just behind cleido-mastoid. Tendinous inter- 
section at its anterior fourth. 

Complexus.—Arises from transverse processes as low as fourth 
dorsal ; inserted into occiput. Tendinous intersection at its middle. 

Splenius.—Arises from spinous processes of all cervical and first 
two dorsal vertebrae. Inserted into occipital crest and mastoid 
process under cover of trapezius and cleido-occipital. Its posterior 
fibres are continuous with serratus posticus superior. 

Muscles of Trunk. 

External oblique.—Arises by fleshy digitations from outer surfaces 
of third to thirteenth rib.. Inserted into linea alba, tips and outer 
border of marsupial bone, and tendon, extending from anterior 
superior iliac spine to pubes just behind origin of pectineus. 

Internal oblique—Very thin ventrally, thicker dorsally. Arises 
from lumbar fascia and anterior part of iliac crest. Inserted into 
lower few ribs, becoming merged with lower interccstals, and into 
outer border of marsupial bone. ‘endinous intersections continue 
the lower two ribs in this muscle for a short distance. 

Transversalis.—Consists of very thin fibres. Separated from last 
muscle by intercostal nerves. 

Pyramidalis.—Completely overlies rectus abdominis. Arises from 
inner border of marsupial bone by muscular fibres, and by tendinous 
fibres from its tip. The posterior fibres pass transversely inwards 
to linea alba, the upper fibres obliquely forwards, and those from tip 
of marsupial bone directly forwards to blend with rectus. 

Rectus abdominis.—Arises from inner border of marsupial bone. 
Fibres pass directly forwards and are inserted into first rib close to 
sternum, and to sternum in first intercostal space. Only one inter- 
section was noticed situated at level of ensiform appendix. 

Serratus posticus superior.—Arises by fascia from all dorsal 
spinous processes excepting the last one. Inserted into third to 
twelfth nbs. Its anterior fibres are connected with splenius. 

Serratus posticus inferior.—Arises by tendinous fibres from 
eleventh to thirteenth dorsal vertebrae and from lumbar yertebree. 
behind this. Inserted into tenth to thirteenth ribs. Its fibres overlie 
serratus superior and are continuous behind with internal oblique. 


Triangularis sterni.—Extends from upper border of third piece 
of sternum to lower border of ensiform appendix, aud is inserted into 
second to fifth ribs and upper border of sixth. 

Coccygeus.— Arises from spine of ischium and surrounding portion 
of bone by tendinous fibres. It spreads out in a fan-like manner, 
and is inserted into transverse processes of 1-6 caudal vertebrae and 
into fascia behind this. 

Agitator caude.—Arises from posterior margin of outer surface of 
iliac crest, and from fascia overlying elevator caudze, which attaches 
it to the last few sacral vertebra. It is attached to transverse 
processes of first ten caudal vertebre. 

Extensor caude.—A thick fleshy mass arising as far forwards as 
first lumbar vertebra. It divides into numerous fleshy bellies which 
overlie one another, and whose tendons pass to caudal vertebrae at a 
very variable distance. 

Depressor caude.—A thick fleshy mass arising from front of 

sacrum and brim of pelvis, and from tendon of psoas parvus by a 
few fibres. 

3. Description of a new Species of Frog from Asia Minor. 
By G. A. Boutencer, F.Z.S. 

[Received November 21, 1884.] 
(Plate ITI.) 

A new species of Rana, belonging to the section Rane temporaria, 
was discovered at Brusa by Baron von Maltzan, and a male specimen 
obtained for the Natural-History Museum through Dr. Aug. Miiller 
of Frankfort. Its nearest ally is Rana temporaria (R. fusca terrestris 
of Rosel), from which it differs in the longer hind limbs, which equal 
those of R. agilis, the narrower interorbital space, the longer inner 
metatarsal tubercle, and also in a few points of minor importance. 
This Frog I propose to name 

Rana MACROCNEMIs, sp. n. (Plate III.) 

Head broader than long ; snout short, obtuse; loreal region not very 
oblique ; nostril equally distant from the eye and the end of the snout ; 
interorbital space flat, half the width of the upper eyelid ; tympanum 
two thirds the diameter of the eye; the distance separating the eye 
from the tympanum equals nearly half the diameter of the latter. 
First finger longer than second, with strong swelling (3 ) showing no 
trace of transverse division. Hind limb very long, the tibio-tarsal 
articulation reaching beyond the tip of the snout ; tibia as long as the 
fore limb; toes three fourths webbed, with extremely small sub- 
articular tubercles; inner metatarsal tubercle obtuse, elliptical, a 

P.Z.S. 1885. Pl. Il. 

P.Smat del et hth Mintern Bros . imp. 



little more than half as long as the inner toe; a very distinct outer 
metatarsal tubercle. Skin slightly warty ; glandular lateral fold not 
very prominent. Brown above, with blackish spots on the back and 
flanks; a canthal band, a large temporal spot, a streak bordering 
the upper lip, an elongate spot on the inner side of the humerus, 
a large VY -shaped mark between the eyes, a /\ -shaped mark on 
suprascapular region, and regular cross bars on the limbs, blackish ; 
lower surface whitish (in spirit), the sides of the throat dotted with 
blackish. Male with two internal vocal sacs. 

The vomerine teeth, in the unique specimen, are rather indistinct, 
but resemble those of R. temporaria. 

From snout to vent...........-.... 58 
Head et. en Oe ea 20 
Width ofiheadtaers So Nice he cee ee os 22 
Brot eye toriostr to. 7 sess oe we 
From nostril to end of snout 
Diameter of theeye. 7. 2c. ct eens 

Interorbital space . dew ied RB 
Diameter of the tympanum A 
From eye to tympanum 2 

Horevlimboaee = 2a. hee EATS AOS eh 
andre. oe a eae ais. hee 

Pina dilisabyanes eh MO, Lethe a 116 
PDI. EONS yak ee, <T ooh 36 
Hoot). 428400 oe ETE RWS 33 
Rirst-toe 32.26 oe i eon) S625 
Inner inettaraal faherels . 5 los rterene eaeeee orD 

4. On five new Species of Shells of the Genus Buliminus from 
the Levant, collected by Vice-Admiral T. Spratt. By 
Dr. O. BortrcEr. 

[Received December 4, 1884.] 

The shells now described were collected under the same cir- 
cumstances as those described by me in a former paper, published 
in the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ for 1883 (p. 324). 

1. Butrinus (Masrvs) untvs, n. sp. 

Char. Differt a Bul. pusio, Brod., t. majore, anfr. 6 nec 54 striatulis, 
striis ad suturam non impressis, apert. tuberculo angulari trans- 
verso distinctissimo instructa et columella distinctius plicato-torta. 

Alt. 13, diam. min. 73, maj. 8 mm. ; alt. apert. 63, lat. apert. 
53 mm. : 

Hab. Unia insulam. 

Obs. Simillimus Bul. (Mastus) pusio, Brod., insularum Syra, Tino 

24 DR. 0. BOFTTGER ON NEW [Jan. 20, 

et Syphanto, sed ob tuberculum angulare distinctum gregi speciali 
Bul. (Mastus) pupa, Brug., adjungendus, 

Fie, i. 

Buliminus unius. 

2. Buriiminus (ZEBRINA) C&SIUS, 0. sp. 

Statura Bul. dardani, P., sed multo minor, colore Bul. syriaci, P.— 
T. profunde rimata, clavato-turrita, tenuis, c@ruleo-alba, hic 
illic strigis punctisque griseis ornata, anfr. tribus superis corneo- 
luteis ; spira cornico-turrita, ad latera vir convexra; apex 
modice acutus. -Anfr. 7-8 perparum convexi, sepe paululum 
subimbricati, sutura impressa submarginata disjuncti, irre- 
gulariter striatuli, striis valde obliquis, ultimus sub medio 
Jere subangulatus, deorsum vix attenuatus, ad aperturam non 

Fig. 2. 

Buliminus cess. 

ascendens, 3 altitudinis @quans. Apert. ovata, intus dilute 
fuscula ; perist. acutum, vix eapansum, aut non aut viv. remote 
sublabiatum, marginibus valde approaimatis, callo tenuissimo 
junctis, deatro bene arcuato, columellari refleviusculo ; columella 
subtorta vel oblique subplicata. 

Alt. 15, diam. 53 mm. ; alt. apert. 54, lat. apert. 4 mm. (Spratt). 

Alt. 184, diam. 63 mm.; alt. apert. 63, lat. apert. 43 mm. 

(O. Goldfuss). 
Hab. ? Greeciam (T. Spratt); Smyrnam (O. Goldfuss). 
Obs. Species nostra, sepe pro Bul. syriaco, P., in collectionibus 


observanda, differt ab hoc spira exacte conico-turrita, perist. non 
expanso nec callose labiato. 

3. Butiminus (Masrus) MILENSIS, n. sp. 

Species e grege Bul. pusio, Brod., et pseudogastrum, Hesse, insule 
Syr@, nec non etuberculati, Frauenfld., insule Andri, sed his 
omnibus multo major, maxime cylindrata et minus distincte 
striata.—T. breviter sed profunde rimata, conico-oblonga, 
solidula, epidermide nitida, lutea, strigis obsoletis olivaceo-fuscis 
ornata induta ; spira convexo-conica; apex acutiusculus. Anfr. 
7 viv convexiusculi, sutura lineari, crenulata et fere submar- 
ginata disjuncti, obsolete striatuli, striis ad suturam paulo 
distinctioribus, ad basin hie illic spiraliter lineolati, u/timus 

altitudinis equans. Apert. parva, truncato-ovalis, superne 

et inferne angulata ; perist. albolabiatum, marginibus late dis- 
tantibus, callo distincto junctis, dextro longo, ad suturam bre- 
viter subsinuato, parum curvato, columellari brevi, subreflexo ; 
columella recta, planata. Tuberculum i age nullum. 
Alt, 183, diam. maj. 8, minor 74 mm.; alt. apert. fere 73, lat. 
apert. 53 mm. (Spratt). 
Hab. insulam Milo. 


Buliminus milensis. 

4. Butiminus (Ena) sToxKeEst, ni. sp. 

Char. Species maxime aff. Bul. caucasio, Pfr., sed spira exacte 
turrita nec convexo-turrita, colore pallidiore, obsolete strigata.— 
T. breviter rimata, turrita, solidula, nitidula, corneo-albida, hic 
alic obscurius luteo strigata ; spira exacte turrita ; apex obtusus, 
obscurius luteus. Anfr. 8 convexiusculi, medii fere plani, lente 
accrescentes, sutura impressa submarginata disjuncti, striatuli, 
superiores pro latitudine teste alti, ultimus major, basi tumidulus, 
2 altitudinis subequans. Apert. subrecta, acuminato-ovata, 
Saucibus fuscula ; perist. tenue, albolabiatum, marginibus sub- 
expansis, dextro ad suturam parum arcuato, columellari sub- 
reflexro; columella subconcava, superne sat distincte contorto- 

Alt. 173, diam. min. 532, maj. 7 mm. ; alt. apert. 6, lat. apert.4 mm. 

Bab. Amorgo insulam, 

Obs. Specimen unicum solum vidi mortuum. 


Fig. 4. 

Buliminus stokesi. 

5. Burtiminus (ENA) CARPATHIUS, 0. sp. 

Char. Differt a precedente t. fere perforato-rimata, oblongo- 
turrita, corneo-lutea, hie illic fusculo strigata, spira convexo- 
turrita, anfr. 7 distincte convexioribus, celerius accrescentibus, 

Fig. 5. 

Buliminus carpathius. 

sutura magis impressa disjunctis, ruguloso-striatis, striis multo 
distinctioribus, apert. magis obliqua, late acuminato-ovata, perist. 
simplici, acuto, non labiato, margine columellari prope rimam 
reflexo, perforationem semitegente. 
Alt. 14, diam. min. 43, maj. 54 mm.; alt. apert. 5, lat. apert. 
> mm. 
Hab. Karpatho insulam. 
Obs. Affinis etiam Bul. (Ene) subiili, Rssm., Cattaroensi, sed t. 
magis conico-turrita nee fusiformi-turrita et apert. nullomodo labiata. 

5. On a new Land-Shell from the New Hebrides. 
By Joun H. Tuomson, C.M.ZS8. 

[Received December 5, 1884.] 

A shell, of which I can find no published description, was sent me 
in a package of rare shells collected on the island of Vate, New 
Hebrides, by Edgar Leopold Layard, Esq., F.Z.8., H.B.M. Consul at 
Noumea, New Caledonia. Its appearance is at first strikingly similar 
to that of the North-American Hyalina arborea, Say, except as regards 

PLS: O82. Ele 


C.Bevjeau lith Hanhart imp 


P25 JSBoer ev 


a 8a 

C.Berjeau lith Hanhart imp 


P Ave 1680. FL Vi 

C Berjeau lith. Hanhart imp. 



the apparent absence of incremental striee, which are only observable 
with a lens. On the base this similarity is at once lost through 
the small, almost microscopical umbilicus and its convex form. 
The species belongs to the section Conudus of Fitzinger, and may 
be described as follows :— 

Hyalina layardi. 

Hyaxina (ConvuLUvs) LAYARDI, sp. n. 

Testa vix perforata, orbiculato-pyramidata, tenuis, superne sub- 
lente vix striatula, inferne distinctius striata, olevso-nitens, 
corneo-lutea, sutura impressa; anfractus 5, convexiusculi; ulti- 
mus rotundatus, antice non descendens, subtus convexus ; aper- 
tura verticalis; perist. simplex, marginibus callo tenui junctis, 
basali convexo, subexcavato columellari vir reflexiusculo. 

Diam. maj. 5, min. 43, axis 3 mm. 

Hab. Vate Island, New Hebrides. Coll. E. L. Layard and J. H. 


6. On the Mollusca procured during the ‘Lightning’ and 
‘Porcupine’ Expeditions, 1868-70. (Part IX.') By 
the late J. Gwyn Jerrreys, LL.D., F.R.S., F.Z.822 

[Received January 13, 1885.] 
(Plates TV V.,. VI.) 

GASTROPODA (continued). 
Family XIX. [anruininz. 

1. Ianruina exicvua, Bruguiére, Encyel. Méthod. pl. 456. f. 2, 
a, b; Reeve, Conch. Icon. Ianthina, pl. v. f. 21, a, 6: B.C. iv. 
p- 188. 

’ For Part I. see P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 893; for Part II. see P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 553; 
for Part IIT. see P. Z.8. 1881, p. 693; for Part IV. see P. Z.S. 1881, p. 922; 
for Part V. see P. Z. 8. 1852, p. 656; for Part VI. see P. Z.S. 1883, p. 87; for 
Part VII. see P. Z. 8.1884, p.111; and for Part VIII. see P, Z. S. 1884, p. 341. 

> (Dr, Jeffreys died suddenly on January 24, 1885, four days after the reading 
of bis paper at the Society’s Meeting. By the request of his family I have 
undertaken to see my much lamented friend’s manuscript through the press, 
but I would wish it to be understood that I do not therefore subscribe to the 
views and determinations given therein.—Epqar A, Smriri. | 


‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 3, 6, 13, 16, 17, 17a, 22, 24, 
25, 27, 28, 28a; Med. 55. 

Distribution. Almost everywhere throughout the Atlantic and 
Pacific, but especially in the southern parts of those oceans. All 
the species of this remarkable genus are “waifs and strays,” and 
have no local or fixed place of abode. Like the Heteropods and 
Pteropods, they inhabit the surface of the sea; and being entirely 
at the merey of the wind and waves, they are drifted ther and 
thither and are occasionally thrown ashore as far north as Caithness 
and Donegal on our own coasts, but not further northwards. 

I am not aware that any species of Janthina has been recorded as 
fossil. Did the Equatorial or any similar marine current exist in 
the Pliocene or previous periods ? 

The apex of the present and other species is styliform, and 
apparently rudimentary or adapted to the embryonic stage of the 
animal. I may-observe that although the food of the Lanthina 
is well known (see ‘ British Conchology,’ vol. iv. p. 182), M. Henri 
Drouet, in his treatise on the ‘ Mollusques marins des Iles Acores,’ 
seems to have considered it herbivorous, when he mentions having 
often seen it floating in a reversed position, “‘en attendant sans 
doute la rencontre de quelque plante.”” Tasli graphically described 
its occurrence on the shores of Brittany, ‘ot quelquefois elles 
dessinent un ruban du plus beau bleu de plusieurs kilométres de 
longueur.” With respect to the animal of Janthina, d’ Orbigny says, 
in his work on the Mollusca of the Canary Isles collected by Webb 
and Berthelot, ‘‘ Cette bouche est munie latéralement de tentacules 
coniques portant les yeux a leur base externe.” ‘The Messrs. Adams 
state as to all the members of this family, “Tentacles short and 
obtuse, with pointed eye-pedicels at their bases, but without any 
trace of eyes;”’ and they describe the Lanthinide as ‘‘ blind.” It 
is scarcely creditable that this simple question should not have been 
long ago determined and set at rest. 


1. rotundata (Leach, MS.), Dillw. Contrib. towards a History 
of Swansea (1840), p. 59: B. C. iv. p. 186, frontispiece and pl. iii. 
f. 1; v. p. 214, pl. Ixxvii. fl 

‘Porcupine’ Exp, 1869: St. 47. 1870: Atl. 16 (fragments). 

Distribution. British seas as well as the north-west of France, 
and Arcachon. Living specimens with the float attached were 
found by me more than half a century ago in Oxwich Bay near 
Swansea, by Miss Hockin at Hayle in Cornwall, and by the late 
Dr. Battersby in the west of Ireland. Shells of J. communis have 
also been found on our western coasts. Both of these species have 
several synonyms; but as one of the objects of the present work is 
to serve as a further Supplement to ‘ British Conchology,’ I will 

not repeat any of the synonyms which I have already given for our 
native Mollusca. 


Family XX. Naticip2. 

A. Operculum chitinous or horny. atica, Risso. 

1. Narica sorpipA, Phil. Moll. Sic. ii. p. 139, t. xxiv. f. 15: 
B.C. iv: p. 218; vs ps 215, pl. lxxviil. f. 3. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 1, Dingle B., 6, 7, 9, 11, 13-16, 
23, 45, 45a. 1870: Atl. 2,3, 3a, 9-11, 13, Setubal B., 24, off C. 
Sagres, 26-30, 36; Med. C. de Gata, 45, 50, off Jijeli, 55, Benzert 
Road, Rasel Amoush, off Rinaldo’s Chair, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. British coasts from Shetland to Devon, Denmark, 
Ostend? (Malzine), Bay of Biscay, N. Spain, 8.W. France, through- 
out the Mediterranean and Adriatic, and off Madeira; 7—488 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Red and Coralline Crags, St. Erth, Cornwall, 
Middle and South of Italy. Post-tertiary: Caithness, Lancashire, 
and Cheshire. 

Synonyms wumerous. Judging from De Blainville’s short de- 
scription of NV. fusca in the ‘ Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles,’ 
I suspect that it was a reddish-brown and uniformly coloured variety 
of N. millepunctata. The present species may have been WN. levida 
of Laskey, or possibly the problematical N. castanea of Lamarck, 
which has been assigned to so many French species. Deshayes 
considered Lamarck’s species to be a variety of his NV. monilifera, 
our NV. catena. On the whole it may be better to retain the well- 
known name of sordida, instead of wearying conchologists by a 
further and perplexed discussion as to the priority and appro- 
priateness of the several other names which have been bestowed by 
different writers on this rather common and extensively distributed 
species. The N. sordida of Swainson appears to have been WN, 
plumbea of Lamarck. 

2. Narica PALuipA, Broderip and Sowerby. 

N. pallida, Brod. & Sow. in Zool. Journ. vol. iv. (1828-29), p. 372. 

N. grenlandica, B. C. iv. p. 216; v. p. 215, pl. xxviii. f. 2. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1869; St. 14, 45, 58. 

_ Distribution. Arctic seas in both hemispheres, Iceland, Faroe L., 
Scandinavia, Great Britain southwards to the Dogger Bank, Labra- 
dor, Canada, and New England, N. Japan, ? Ostend (Malzine) ; 
2—1290 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene? and Post-tertiary: Red and Norwich Crags, 
Siberia (Schmidt), Iceland (Moérch), Norway and Sweden, British 
Isles, Labrador, Canada and New England ; 0—400 ft. 

Synonyms. NV. pusilla, Gould (not Say), N. livida, Bean, N. 
borealis and perhaps NV. suturalis, Gray, N. grenlandica (Beck), 
Moller, probably NV. beverlii, Leach, N. gouldii, Philippi, N. alba 
and WN. lactea (Lovén MS.), Philippi, aud NV. bulbosa, Reeve. I 
have given this long list of names to show the confusion and 
difficulty which is so apt to perplex students when trusting to 
certain works, Philippi has, in Kiister’s edition of the ‘ Conchylien 
Cabinet,’ mistaken, as well as Forbes and Hanley, the present 


species for N. pusilla of Say, which has a calcareous operculum. I 
was at one time inclined to doubt whether N. pallida of Broderip 
and Sowerby might not be N. is/andica: but I have now satisfied 
myself, by the further examination of numerous specimens from the 
North Atlantic and Pacific oceans, that NV. grenlandica is sufficiently 
represented by their description although short, which is as follows :— 

“‘Natica pallida. N. testa subglobosa, albida, tenui, apice 
breviter acuminato, eroso; anfractibus rotundatis, margine eleya- 
tiusculo, sutura distincté ; umbilico parvo ; long. 1,9, lat. 1 poll. 

Hab. in Oceano Arctico.” From Icy Cape. 

Specimens from the arctic seas are much larger than those from 

the Dogger Bank. 

3. Natica MACILENTA, Philippi. 

N. macilenta, Phil. Moll. Sic. ti. p. 140, t. xxiv. f. 14. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exn. 1870: Med. St. Algesiras B., Capo de Gata, 
50, 55, G. Bona, Benzert Road, Rasel Amoush, G. Tunis, Ad- 
venture Bank (and var. alba). 

Distribution. Throughout the Mediterranean and Adriatic, Mo- 
gador (McAndrew)! 

Fossil. Pliocene: Biot, Italy, and Rhodes. 

Probably VV. pulchella of Risso; but his deseriptions are very 
insufficient to identify any species. The present species comes near 
N. guillemini of Payraudeau, and may be a variety of it: the latter 
differs only in its less oval shape and being of a larger size. 
N. vizze of Philippi appears to be a variety of his N. macilenta. 
If all these species are the same Payraudeau’s name has priority 
over both of Philippi’s species, although it is posterior to that of 

4. Narica GLaucina, Linné. 

NV. glaucina, L. Fauna Suecica, ed. 2, p. 533, no. 2197. 

N. alderi, B. C. iv. p. 224; v. p. 215, pl. Ixxviii. f. 5. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 1, 2, 3, 12, 14, 17, 18, 23a@ (and 
var. lactea), L. Swilly, L. Foyle, 33, 35, off Lerwick. 1870: Atl. 
Vigo B., Tangier B.; Med. Algesiras B., Benzert Road. 

Distribution. Loffoden I. to the Mediterranean and Adriatic: 
2-310 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Red Crag, Tuscany, Calabria. Post-tertiary : 
Scandinavia, British Isles, and Messina. 

As amere act of justice to the illustrious Swede, I feel myself 
compelled to substitute for alderi the specific name glaucina, by 
which he originally and undoubtedly designated and so fully de- 
scribed this common European shell in his ‘ Fauna Suecica,’ and 
which he afterwards countersigned or sufficiently indicated in the 
twelfth edition of the ‘Systema Nature.’ When I was tempted to 
adopt the name given by Professor Forbes in honour of Mr. Alder 
(both of them my old and lost friends !), I was misled by the long 
and perplexing discussion of the Linnean species in Mr. Hanley’s 


work. Reeve followed Forbes and Hanley and older British authors 
in referring the present species to WN. nitida of Donovan (a West- 
Indian shell) ; but he described and figured under that name 
and as our species V. guillemini of Payraudeau. His errors of 
nomenclature are very bewildering. 

5. Natica rinrricata, Donovan. 

NV. intricata, Don. Brit. Shells, v. t. 167; Hidalgo, Moll. mar. 
Esp. lam. 20a. f. 8-10, 9 (opt.). 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Tangier B. 

Distribution. Portugal and Azores (McAndrew), throughout the 
Mediterranean and Adriatic ; 2-120 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Tuscany, Monte Mario, Calabria, Sicily, and 
(?) Rhodes. Post-tertiary : Militello, in tufo balsatico (Philippi). 

This is (partly) Nerita canrena of Linné, Natica marmorata, 
Risso, V. valenciennesi, Payraudeau. 

6. NaTica MONTACUTI, (montagui) Forbes. 

N. montagui, Forb. Mal. Mon. P-1o2) pled. daa, 4. 

N. montacuti, B. C. iv. p. 227; v. p- 215, pl. lxxviii. f. 6. 

‘Lightning’ Exp.: St. 5, 6, 7. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 13,,14,. 234, 25,.36, 41, 
47, 68, 70, 89, Little Minch. 1870: Atl. (var. minor), 3, 3a, 9, 
30; Med. C. de Gata, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. Iceland, Finmark to Guernsey, Belgium (Mailzine) ; 
5-570 fms. 

Fossil. Post-tertiary : Christiania and Bohusliin, Hebrides, Brid- 
lington, Calabria, Sicily, and Rhodes. ; 

7. Natrca norasruis', Jeffreys. (Plate 1V. figs. 1, 1 a.) 

Sue xx globosely fusiform (being pointed at the apex and base), 
thick, opaque, rather glossy : sculpture, none except irregular lines 
of growth: colour yellowish-white, with three equidistant bands 
on the body-whorl, composed of reddish-brown streaks, which are 
close-set and obliquely arranged ; one of these bands encircles the 
middle and is broader than the others, the upper one lies just 
below the suture, and the third or lowermost is placed below the 
periphery ; there is also a small blotch of the same colour above the 
umbilical pad : spire short, but prominent and pointed: whorls 5, 
convex, compressed at the top; the last occupies 7°y of the spire : 
suture slight, but distinct, not channelled : mouth semilunar, equal in 
length to + of the spire: outer lip thin, curved but not inflected at 
the top: ener lip narrowly spread on the upper part and thickened 
at the base: wméilicus contracted by a thick but small pad, so as to 
form a crescentic groove: operculum chitinous, ear-shaped, horn- 
colour, indistinctly striated in the line of growth, and having a small 
lateral spire of three whorls, defined by an overlapping and raised 
edge. L. 0:4, B. 0°35. 

1 Remarkable. 


‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. C. Sagres. A single but 
living specimen. 

This pretty species resembles in the coloured bands the well-known 
N. triseriata of Say; but the whorls are not so ventricose in the 
present species, the spire is more pointed, and the umbilicus differs 
in having a small semicircular pad covering more than half of it. 
The suture in the present species is not excavated as in VV. montacuti, 
and the spire is shorter and also more pointed. It differs from 
N. macilenta and its probable variety NW. rizze, in shape, consist- 
ence, colour, and umbilicus. 

Professor G. O. Sars has very kindly examined for me the 
odontophores of the present species and N. triseriata. He finds that 
the conchological differeuce of the two species is also well marked in 
the structure of their respective radule. ‘The middle plate is 
especially different. In N. notadilis the middle tooth is unusually 
small, and by no means equals the size of the lateral teeth. In 
N. triseriata the middle plate is rather large and has the middle 
tooth much larger and more prominent than the lateral teeth. The 
shape of the plate in each is also different. Moreover the jaws 
in WN. notabilis appear to be much coarser in structure, and the 
whole radula is also comparatively longer. In both species the 
inner uncinus exhibits the secondary tooth characteristic of the genus 
(or subgenus) Lunatia.” 

8. Natica suBpuicata’, Jeffreys. (Plate 1V. figs. 2, 2a.) 

SHELL globular or inclined to oval, rather thick, opaque, and 
glossy : sculpture, numerous but short and irregular, oblique, longi- 
tudinal puckers or wrinkles below the suture of the body-whorl, 
and the rest of the shell is slightly striated in the same direction: 
colour ivory-white: spire short, apex pointed: whorls 5, tumid; 
the last occupies 3 of the spire in length: suture deepish: mouth 
triaugularly oval, pointed above and rounded below, equal in length 
to 7 of the spire: outer lip gently curved and thick-edged: inner 
lip torming a narrow and nearly even glaze over the whole of the 
pillar : wmbilicus small, ending below ina broadish groove : operculum 
horny, yellowish. L. 0°4, B. 0°35. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: St. 1, 2, 3, 9, 13, 17a, C. Espichel, 22, 
26, 30. 

Distribution. Bay of Biscay (‘ Travailleur’ Exp.), off C. Verd I. 
(‘ Talisman’ Exp.) ; 370-1192 fms. 

Differs from other species now described or noticed in respect of 
the peculiar folds below the suture. 

9. Narica anGuLata’, Jeffreys. (Plate IV. fig. 3.) 

SHELL solid, with a flattened spire and a sharp angular keel on 
the periphery ; whorls 2—3 ; suture deep ; umbilicus small. L. 0-5, 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St.4. 1870: Atl. 30; Med. 55. 

All the specimens are very small; but I cannot identify them 

1 Plicated underneath the suture. 2 Angular, 


with the young of any other species known to me, and I have there- 
fore named and characterized this species provisionally. 

10. Narica GLososa’, Jeffreys. (Plate IV. figs. 4, 4 a.) 

Suet globular, thin and fragile, semitransparent, and glossy : 
sculpture, ouly some slight and close-set spiral strize which may be seen 
under a microscope: colour white with a faint tinge of yellowish- 
brown: spire short and pointed: whorls 4, tumid and compact ; 
the largest occupies 2 of the spire: suture rather deep: mouth oval, 
somewhat expanded, contracted and angular above, rounded below: 
outer lip nearly semicircular, thin-edged : inner lip narrow, flexuous, 
attached above to the pillar, and folded over the umbilicus, which 
consists of a narrow slit. L. 0-1, B. 0°075. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17a; Med. 55. 

Distribution. Marocco and C. Verd I. (‘ Talisman’ Exp.) ; 
1192-1980 fms. 

B. Umbilicus more or less covered by a callus. 
Neverita, Risso. 

11. Narica compacta’, Jeffreys. (Plate IV. figs. 5, 5a.) 

SHELL globular, thick, opaque, somewhat glossy: sculpture, a 
few microscopical spiral striz, which are chiefly perceptible on the 
base: colour light yellowish-brown: spire short, turreted; apex 
blunt: whorls 4, convex, rapidly enlarging, shouldered below the 
suture ; the last occupies # of the spire: suture wide, slightly 
channelled: mouth oval, equal in length to 2 of the spire: outer lip 
inflected above: znner lip thickened on the pillar and at the base, 
not forming a pad as in many of the other species: umbilicus con- 
cealed or closed by the inner lip. L. 0°35, B. 0°3. 

‘Lightning’ Exp.: St. 7. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 23,23 a,30. 1870: Atl. 16, 17, 17a. 

Differs from N. montacuti in having a turreted spire, and 
especiaily in the closed umbilicus. The very young are shaped like 
the adult, but the umbilicus is open and free in consequence of the 
inner lip not having been yet formed and spread over the pillar. 

12. Natica optusa ®, Jeffreys. (Plate IV. figs. 6, 6a.) 

SHELL oval, with an oblique outline, rather thick, opaque, and 
glossy in the living state: sculpture, slight and curved striz in the 
line of growth, which are stronger below the suture in each whorl: 
colour whitish: spire short, apex very blunt: whorls 4, somewhat 
compressed, but not flattened ; the last occupies J of the spire : suture 
slight and shallow: mouth oval, acutely angulated above: outer lip 
thick-edged: inner lip thickened in the only adult specimen, and 
completely covering the umbilicus, which is partly visible in a half- 
grown specimen. L. 0:3, B. 0°3. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17. 

* Globular. * Compact together. 3 Blunt. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. IIL. 3 


Two dead specimens, one larger than the other, and apparently 

Closely resembling in the shape and spire N. immaculata of Totten, 
a native of the eastern coasts of North America ; but in that species 
the umbilicus is open and exposed. Query as to the scientific value 
of this character, except in adult specimens ? 

13. Natica nana, Moller. 

N. nana, Moll. Ind. Moll. Gronl. p. 7. 

Lunatia nana, G. O. Sars, Moll. reg. arct. Norv. p. 159, t. 21. 
f. 16, a, b. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. The Minch. Two dead specimens. 

Distribution. Spitzbergen (Torell and ‘ Voringen’ Exp.), Vads0, 
(G. O. Sars), Greenland (Méller), New England (Verrill), G. St. 
Lawrence (Whiteaves), Aleutian I. (Dall) ; 10-430 fuss. 

Specimens from Spitzbergen and Greenland differ as to the relative 
height or prominence of the spire; but the inner lip and umbilical 
pad seem to offer constant characters. 

14. Natica JosEPHintA, Risso. 

Neverita josephinia, Risso, Eur. mér. p. 149. f. 43 (1826). 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. 50, 55, Benzert Road, Ad- 
venture Bank. 

Distribution. Cadiz (Paz, f. Hidalgo), and throughout the 
Mediterranean and Adriatic; 4—10 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene, Pliocene, and Post-tertiary: from Belgium to 
Sicily and the Morea, Rhodes and Cyprus. 

Natica olla of Marcel de Serres, 1829. 

The young of this, as well as of the next species, has its peculiar 
and characteristic inner lip or callus. 

C. Operculum calcareous. acca, Risso. 

15. Natica OPERCULATA ', Jeffreys. (Plate IV. figs. 7, 7 a.) 

SHeExt globular, thick, opaque, glossy : sculpture, merely lines of 
growth : colour white with a tinge of yellow: spire short; apex 
blunt and flattened: whorls 4—5, convex, the last occupies 2 of the 
spire: suture slight, but wide in consequence of the upper part of 
each whorl being compressed and shouldered: mouth oval: outer lip 
thick-edged, somewhat expanding, extending beyond the upper 
opening of the mouth, and angulated in that part, round below: 
inner lip completely lining the base, and forming in the middle a 
semicircular pad, which is separated and defined by a narrow furrow 
or groove: umbilicus rather concave unless where it is closed near 
the pillar by the pad. L. 0:3, B. 0°275. A fragment of one 
specimen indicates a somewhat larger size. 

' Covered with a lid. 


‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 24,27, 28, 28 a, 30; Med. Ad- 
venture Bank. 

Distribution. North Japan (St. John) ! 

This species may be known by the flattened apex and the remark- 
able semicircular pad on the umbilicus, which is proportionally 
much smaller than in N. josephinia. It is possible, however, that 
the present species may be a southern, and therefore a smaller, form 
or variety of N. afinis. The operculum in the Japanese specimens 
is calcareous. It is also possible that my N. spheroides from the 
‘Valorous’ Expedition (1750 fathoms) may be the young of the 
present species. 

16. Natica AFFinis, Gmelin. 

Nerita affinis, Gmel. ed. L. S. N. p. 3675 (ex Miill. Zool. Dan. 
Prodr. no. 2956). 

Natica affinis, B. C. iv. p. 229; v. p. 215, pl. cii. f. 3; G. O. 
Sars, Moll. reg. arct. Norv. p. 159, t. 21. f. 14a, 146. 

‘Lightning’ Exp. St. 5. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 39, 65, 89. 

Distribution. Circumpolar and arctic seas in the Atlantic and the 
Pacific, Iceland, Faroe Isles, between the Hebrides and Faroes, 
Norway, Labrador, Gulf of St. Lawrence, New England, Siberia, 
Sea of Okhotsk, Aleutian I. (Dall), North Japan (v. Schrenck and 
Lindholm) ; \-1255 fas. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Red Crag (S. V. Wood). Post-tertiary: 
Glacial beds in Greenland, Siberia, Iceland, Scandinavia, British 
Isles, Palermo (Dr. van Geuns), Russia, and N. America ; 0-1360 ft. 
The difference of level in Great Britain extends to 1840 ft., viz. 
from the Shetland sea-bed, 480 ft., to Moel Tryfaen, 1360 ft. 

Synonyms. N. clausa, Broderip and Sowerby ; N. septentrionalis 
(Beck), Méller; and as a variety, N. occlusa of S. V. Wood and 
N. russa of Stimpson. Prof. G. O. Sars considers N. afinis and 
N. clausa distinct species, chiefly because of a difference in size and 
in the radula. But in his figure of the larger form, which he names 
clausa (t. 21. f. 12 6), the umbilicus is shown as quite open and 
without any callosity. It has been said that even the good Homer 
occasionally becomes sleepy! The present species is not N. affinis 
of Von d. Busch. 

The animals or soft parts of the typical form and the variety 
occlusa or russa were described by me in my notices of the 
‘ Valorous’ Expedition. A specimen of the former is an inch and 
three tenths long, and nearly as broad. As to the greater size of 
Invertebrata from Arctic seas, Mr. Norman remarks, in his “ Notes 
on the Oceanic Copepoda from Nares’s Arctic Voyage : ”—‘ With 
respect to size, we find here, as in so many other instances among 
the Invertebrata, an extraordinary development of the Arctic speci- 
mens, which are at least siz times the size of those from the Irish 
coast, and measure five millimetres in length, exclusive of the an- 



17. NatTica FLAMMULATA, Requien. 

N. flammulata, Req. Cat. Coq. Corse (1848), p. 61. 

N. sagraiana, Hidalgo, Mol. mar. de Esp. lam. 264. f. 5-7 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. off C. Sagres, Tangier B. ; 
Med. Cartagena B., 50, 50 a, Benzert Road, Rasel Amoush, Adven- 
ture Bank. 

Distribution. Gulf of Gascony, Cadiz, throughout the Mediter- 
ranean, Cuba, Madeira and Canaries ; 20-120 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Calabria and Sicily. 

N. filosa, Philippi (1852), but not of Reeve, N. sagratana, 
d’Orbigny (1854), and perhaps Nacca fulminea of Risso, but not 
Nerita fulminea of Gmelin. 

The specific name ought strictly to be flammula or flammeola, in- 
stead of flammulata, which is not a Latin word. 

18. Natica MARMORATA, H. Adams. 

N. marmorata, H. Adams, in Proe. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 274, 
pl. xix. f. 8. 

N. prietoi, Hidalgo, Mol. mar. de Esp. lam. 20 a. f. 2, 3 (opt.). 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. Cartagena B. 

Distribution. Algiers (Weinkanff), Minorca ( Hidalgo), Palermo 
( Monterosato), Adventure Bank (‘ Shearwater’ Exp.) ; 16-120 fms. 
Canary I. (McAndrew) ; 30-120 fns. 

Not Nacca marmorata of Risso, which appears, from the deserip- 
tion, to be Natica imbricata. 

The sculpture of the Mediterranean shell is somewhat different 
from that in Mr. Adams’s description. Instead of being very 
finely and obliquely striated (or whatever may be meant by “ stri- 
atula’’), the surface is microscopically but irregularly reticulated. 
It differs from N. flammulata in the peculiar colouring of the shell, 
and the shape of the umbilical callus. The operculum is calcareous 
in a specimen which was kindly given me by my late friend Mr. 
McAndrew. I have already, in my work on British Conchology, 
endeavoured to give this excellent naturalist ample but fully-de- 
served credit for his long and persistent labours in exploring so many 
parts of the North Atlantic for the furtherance of our common 
science ; and I would avail myself of the present opportunity to 
renew my grateful testimony. But the field of submarine researches 
has been, since his death, so greatly extended with respect to depth, 
that the result of his numerous dredgings in comparatively shallow 
water, although they were most useful, will become of less importance 
in considering the difficult problem of geographical distribution. 
See, for instance, the important paper of Dr. Fischer in the ‘Comptes 
Rendus’ for 1883, on some of the results of the last French Ex- 
pedition, and the valuable communications of Professor Verrill to 
the Academy of Sciences at Cincinnati on the progress of the con- 
tinued operations of the United States for similar objects. 

This is N. prietoi of Hidalgo, ex typo. 


19. Narica DILLWYNI, (dillwynii) Payraudeau. 

N. dillwynii, Payr. Moll. Corse, p. 120, t. v. f. 27, 28. 

N. dillwyni, Hidalgo, Mol. mar. de Esp. lam. 20 c. f. 8, 9 (opt.). 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. G. Tunis (young). 

Distribution. Throughout the Mediterranean and Adriatic, Ja- 
maica (C. B. Adams, as N. provima, in coll. McAndrew): var. fusca, 
of a dark hue, Corsica (Susini) ; var. avellana, uut-brown, Algieis 
(Weinkauff, af. typ.) ; 20-120 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Calabria(Seguenza). Pliocene: Pezzo (Philipp?). 

N. avellana of Philippi is the nut-brown variety. 

20. Natica vitTatTa, Gmelin. 

Nerita vittata, Gm. ed. L. 8. N. p. 3674. 

Natica intricatoides, Hidalgo, Mol. mar. de Esp. lam. 20 B. f. 12, 
13, lam. 20 c. f. 10, 11 (opt.). 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. C. Espichel. 

Distribution. Marocco (Chemnitz), Algiers (W einkauff, Joly), 
Cadiz, Algesiras and Malaga (Hidalgo). 

I quite agree with Herr Weinkauff that this is Gmelin’s species, 
which was founded on the description and figures of Chemnitz, 
Conch. Cab. v. p. 271, t. 188. f. 1917, 1918. It is Natica tewtilis 
of Reeve, and JV. intricatoides of Hildago ex typo. 

Resembles N. intricata in shape ; but the present species is much 
larger and more globular, the colouring is darker, the whorls are 
more convex, and the suture is consequeutly deeper, the spire is more 
produced, and the umbilicus has a sharp ridge in the middle, and 
a single (instead of double) groove below the ridge. According to 
Reeve, Mr. Cuming’s specimen has a calcareous operculuin; no 
habitat was given for it, 


Nerita stercus muscarum, Gmel. ed. L. 8. N. (1788) p. 3673. 

Natica hebrea, Hidalgo, Mol. mar. de Esp. lam. 20. f. 5-8 (opt.). 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. C. de Gata, Benzert Road, 
Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. Quimper (de Kermovan, f. Collard des Cherres) °, 
throughout the European, African, and Asiatic coasts of the Medi- 
terranean, Adriatic, and Canaries ; 5-120 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Vienna Basin and the Continent of Europe. 
Pliocene: Coralline Crag (as N. multipunctata of S. Wood), Belgian 
Crag, South of France, Italy, and Algeria. Post-tertiary: Morea, 
Rhodes, Corinth, and Cyprus. 

Weinkauff has noted 14 synonyms. Martyn’s specific name 
hebrea is four years older than that of Gmelin; but, as Von 
Marteus and Weinkauff have pointed out, Martyn’s nomenclature is 
not in accordance with the Linnean system. Lamarck’s name 
millepunctata has been used by many conchologists, although it 
must be borne in mind that the only habitats which he gave (the 


Indian Ocean and the coast of Madagascar) are certainly not applic- 
able to this common Mediterranean species. Weinkauff regards the 
typical form (his millepunctata) and N. hebrea as different species. 
Karsten’s name punctata, which was adopted by Risso without 
acknowledgment, or through coincidence, is ten years subsequent 
to Gmelin’s. 

Family XXI. Neririp2. 

NERITINA viRipis, Linné. 

Nerita viridis, L. 8. N. p. 1254; Chemnitz, Conch.-Cab. ix. 
t. 124. f. 1089. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. Algesiras B. 

Distribution. Mediterranean from the south of France to the 
coast of Syria, Adriatic, Madeira, Canaries, West Indies, and 
Martinique; 3-120 fms. It is an inhabitant of shallow water. 

Fossil. Post-tertiary : Palermo (Philippi). 

Varies in the intensity of colour as well as in the markings. 

Family XXII. Sotaripz. 

Trochus pseudoperspectivus, Bre. Foss. Subap. ii. p. 359, t. v. 
f. 18. 

Solarium discus, Philippi, Moll. Sic. ii. p. 225, t. xxviii. f. 12 ; 
Conch.-Cab. (ed. Kiister), Solarium, p. 29, t. 4. f. 9. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. 50, 51, Benzert Road, Rasel 
Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. Bay of Biscay (‘Travailleur’ Exp.), throughout 
the Mediterranean, Alexandria (Lamarck, as S. perspectivum), 
Barbary (Ponsonby), Canary I. (McAndrew) ; 40-108 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Vienna Basin, Perpignan, and Calabria. Plio- 
cene: (?) Biot near Antibes, Italy, Sicily, and Algeria. Post- 
tertiary : Selsea, Morea. 

Owing to the variability of the shell, especially in the fossil state, 
the synonyms are rather numerous. I regard S. simplex of Bronn, 
S. lyellii of Michelotti, S. discus of Philippi, S. sulcatum of O. G. 
Costa (not of Lamarck), S. pulchellum of Tiberi (not of Michelotti), 
S. perspectiforme also of Tiberi, S. mediterraneum of Mouterosato, 
probably S. nuperrimum of Brugnone, and perhaps S. contextum of 
Seguenza, as varieties of the present species. The number of 
concentric ridges or strive, as well as the height of the spire, and 
consequent contraction of the umbilicus, differ in specimens from 
distant localities. 

The lowest part or deepest interior of the umbilicus, which 
represents the obverse of the spire, is flattened, and has the whorls 
reversed or sinistral. Monterosato has described the animal in the 
‘Journal de Conchyliologie’ for 1874. 



S. carocollatum, Lam. An. s. Vert. vii. p. 6. 

S. moniliferum (Broun), Monterosato, Notizie int. Sol. Med. f. 5, 
6, 7 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 6, 8, 9, 25-30; Med. CG. de 
Gata, 50, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. Both sides of the Mediterranean, and off the Azores 
(‘ Josephine’ Exp.): 40-600 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Vienna Basin, Marseilles, and St. Domingo 
(Hornes), Dax and Léognan (Basterot). Pliocene: (?) Biot, Northern 
and Central Italy, and Sicily. 

S. moniliferum, Bronn, S. affine, Cantraine (not of Sowerby), and 
S. alleryi, Seguenza. 

The same remarks as to the sculpture, spire, and umbilicus are 
applicable to this as well as to the last species. 

Operculum imbricate. Torinia, Gray. 

3. SOLARIUM sIcuLUM, Cantraine. 

S. siculum, Cantr. in Bull. Acad. Brux. ix. 2. p- 343 (1843). 

S. stramineum, Philippi, Conch.-Cab. ed. Kiister, p: 32, t.4. f.14. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 45a, 454 (two living specimens). 
1870; Atl. Setubal B., off C. Sagres; Med. 50, Benzert Road, 
Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. G. Gascony (De Folin), Vigo (McAndrew), Medi- 
terranean, coast of Barbary (Ponsonby), Madeira and Canaries 
(McAndrew) ; 8-90 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Calabria (Seguenza). Pliocene: (?) Biot, 
Central and Southern Italy. Post-tertiary : Rhodes ( Hornes). 

S. stramineum, Philippi (but apparently not of Lamarek, whose 
species was founded on the description and figures of Chemnitz for 
a Tranquebar shell); it is also §. fallaciosum of Tiberi. 

A specimen in Weinkauff’s collection, named “8. discus, Phil.,” 
is the young of the present species. 

4. SoLaRium arcuitTs, O. G. Costa. 

S. archite, O. G. Costa, Cat. test. viv. Taranto, in Atti Acc. Se. 
iii. p. 40 (1830) ; Fauna del Napoli, p- 5, t. i. f. la, A, B, C (1841). 

* Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. C. Sagres; Med. 50, Benzert 
Road, Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution, G. Gascony (De Folin) !, and throughout the Medi- 
terranean ; 30-120 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Bolognese (Foresti). 

S. sowerbyi of Hanley. 

The operculum is conical and prominent. 

HomALaxis zaAncL&vs, Philippi. 

Bifrontia ? zanclea, Ph. Moll. Sic. ii. p. 225, t. xxviii. f. 11. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 27, 28, 28a; Med. Rasel 
Amoush, Adventure Bank. 


Distribution. Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Palermo, Madeira 
(McAndrew), G. Mexico (Pourtalés), Jamaica (Barrett); 18-117 

Fossil. Miocene: Calabria (Seguenza). Pliocene: (?) Biot, 
Central Italy, and Sicily. 

Solarium aldrovandi of Foresti is a variety. 

Deshayes proposed this genus in 1830 under the name of Omalawis 
or Omalalaxis, and in 1832 as Bifrontia. The former name, slightly 
but necessarily altered in the spelling, must therefore be retained, 
although Bifrontia is equally appropriate. But I am not satisfied 
that the genus is distinct from Solarium. The shape of the shell, 
and especially of the peculiar operculum, closely resemble those of 
S. archite. The sculpture of the present species varies greatly “in 
respect of the sbort longitudinal strize, which in some specimens are 
strong and close-set, and in others are entirely wanting. The whorls 
are often wholly or partly disjoined or are occasionally united. 


A. supranitidus, 8S. Wood, Mon. Crag Moll. in Pal. Soc. Publ. 
1848, p. 137, t. xv. f. 5, a, b. 

Omalaxis supranitida, G. O. Sars, Moll. reg. arct. Norv. p. 214, 
t. 22. f. 20, a-c. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. 36, Tangier B. 

Distribution. Lofoten I. 200 fms. (G. O. Sars), New England 

Fossil. Pliocene: Coralline Crag. 

Both the ‘ Porcupine’ specimens are imperfect ; but they agree 
with Crag specimens in every respect (especially in being tricarinated) 
except in being spirally and rather strongly striated. A. tricarinatus 
of Searles Wood is certainly another variety, as he suspected. The 
spiral striz are wanting in Norwegian specimens, but are conspicuous 
in the umbilicus of Crag specimens. 

The operculum is not known; and it is therefore questionable 
whether the present species belongs to Adeorbis or to Homalazis. 
It shares some of the characters of both geuera. 


Helix subcarinata, Mont. Test. Brit. p. 438, t. 7. f. 9. 

A. subcarinatus, B. C. iv. p. 231, pl. iii, f. 5; v. p. 216, 
pl. lxxix. f. 1° 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 18, Lough Swilly. 

Distribution. British and Irish coasts, from Aberdeenshire to 
Guernsey, Atlantic coasts of France, Spain, and Portugal, through- 
out the Mediterranean and Adriatic, and Mogador ; low water to 
35 fms. The habitat is sublittoral. 

Fossil. Miocene: Bordeaux Basin and Transylvania. Pliocene : 
Coralline and Red Crag, Belgian Crag, Central and Southern Italy. 
Post-tertiary : Portrush and Selsea. 

Several obsolete synonyms. 

The animal and its habits were described by Mr. Duprey in 


the ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History’ for October 1876 
and March 1883. I have verified the description. 


A, fragilis, G. O. Sars, Moll. reg. arct. Norv. p. 213, t. 22. 
f. 19, a-e. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. 16, 27. 

Distribution. Loffoden I. and western coast of Norway; 60- 

190 fms. 

Somewhat resembling A. pulchralis of the Coralline Crag, but of 
a thinner texture, the spire more raised, the whorls more convex, 
the sculpture much slighter and irregular, and the umbilicus more 

PThis and the next species appear to be closely allied to Yossarus, 
the position of which genus has not been satisfactorily determined : 
it was placed with Solarium by Woodward, in the Littorina family. 
According to Troschel, the dentition of Fossarus agrees in some 
respects with that of Turritella. 

4. ADEORBIS DEPRESSUS, Seguenza. (Plate IV. figs. 8, 8 a.) 

Fossarus depressus, Seg. Bull. Real. Comit. Geol. Ital. 1874, 
fase. ii. p. 382. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 24, 30. 

Distribution. Algiers (Weinkauff, as Fossarus crossei of Kleiak)!, 
Strait of Messina (Seguenza and Granata)!, Palermo (Monterosato), 
Brindisi (Aradas)! ; 11-108 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Messina (Seguenza). 

This pretty little shell, examined under a microscope, is exquisitely 
sculptured by close-set longitudinal folds and intermediate spiral 
strize, or thread-like lines. Some specimens have the whorls more 
or less disunited in cornucopia fashion. It seems to connect Adeor- 
bis with Fossarus. 

According to the catalogue of Kleiak’s collection of Dalmatian 
shells his Natica crosseana is a synonym of Fossarus petitianus, 
Tiberi= Stomatia azonea, Brusina. 

Fossarvs RETICULATUS, S. Wood. (Plate IV. fig. 9.) 

Lacuna reticulata, S. Wood, Mon. Crag Moll. vol. i. p. 122, t. xii. 
f. 10, and t. xv. f. 12. 

Fossarus interjunctus, Jeffreys, MS. 

SueExt oblong, rather solid, semitransparent, lustreless : scu/pture, 
numerous, curved, and rather sharp longitudinal ribs which cover 
the last or body-whorl; these and their interstices are crossed by 
more numerous close-set and minute spiral strize, but not so as to 
cause cancellation ; the upper whorls are quite smooth: colour light 
yellowish brown : spire somewhat elongated or extended, and ending 
in a blunt point: whorls 4, rather convex, the last disproportionately 
large, the uppermost bulbous and intorted: suture deep: mouth 
oval: outer lip thick: inner lip attached to the pillar: wnbilicus 


none, except as regards a slight depression at the base. L. 0°06, 
B. 0°05. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 36. A single and not quite 
perfect specimen. 

It is not the young of any known species of Fossarus. 

Since the above description was written I have ascertained, by 
comparison of specimens, that this species is the Coralline-Crag 
fossil, described and figured by the late Mr. Searles Wood under the 
name of Lacuna reticulata—which must therefore replace the spe- 
cific name interjunctus, which I had imposed upon this form. 

A. Not umbilicate. 


S. formosa, Jeffr. in Proc. R. S. 1876, pp. 200, 201 (woodcuts) ; 
Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1877, p. 319; Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool. 
vol. xiv. p. 605. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 17a, off C. Espichel, 22. 

Distribution. ‘Valorous’ Exp., off Culebra I. and Bermudas 
(‘ Challenger’ Exp.), G. Mexico (Pourtalés), off Marocco and C. 
Verd I. (‘Talisman’ Exp.), New-England coast (Verrill) ; 325- 
2033 fms. 

Fossil. ?Miocene: Calabria (Seguenza). Pliocene: Sicily (Se- 
guenza), Bologna (Capellini)! 

Trochocochlea monocingulata, Seguenza, MS. 

The sinus or slit in the outer lip of this remarkable shell would 
seem to indicate some corresponding organization of the animal. 
Similar instances occur in the cases of Scissurella, Hmarginula, 
Siliquaria, Pleurotomaria, and the Pleurotoma family. Professor 
Verrill proposed to make Seguenzia the type of a distinct family ; 
but until the animal is completely known (and not merely through 
the operculum and odontophore), I think it would be better to 
defer guessing as to the position of this genus in any scheme of 

B. Umbilicate. 

2. SEGUENZIA ELEGANS’, Jeffreys. (Plate V. figs. 1, la.) 
S. elegans, Jeffr. in Proc. R. S. 1876, p. 200. 

SuEx1 globose, and forming a short cone, rather thin, semitrans- 
parent, somewhat nacreous and glossy: sculpture, sharp spiral 
ridges or keels, of which there are 4 or 5 on the body-whorl, 2 on 
the penultimate and next whorls, and 1 on each of the upper 
whorls; there are also occasional and nearly microscopic thread- 
like spiral striae between the ridges ; the interstices of the ridges, 
and sometimes the ridges themselves, are crossed by rows of minute 
and numerous strize in the opposite direction to the line of growth, 
some of these strie being curved, others oblique, straight, or alter- 
nately arranged ; in those specimens where the cross strie extend 

1 Elegant. 


over the spiral ridges, a nodose or tuberous appearance is caused by 
their intersection; the base is covered with delicate and close-set 
spiral strie ; apex smooth: colour pearly white: suture slight : 
spire short, turreted: whorls 5-6, convex ; the last occupies three 
fourths of the shell; the first or topmost whorl is bulbous and 
intorted : mouth large, polygonal, irregularly sinuated at its base : 
outer lip thin and prominent: fissure placed a little below the 
suture of the last whorl ; it is broad, deep, and ends in a curved 
indentation: inner lip none: pillar semicircular : umbilicus narrow, 
but distinct and deep-margined outside, and defined by a slight 
ridge or keel which terminates in a sharp and projecting point. 
L. 0°125, B. 0-1. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17, 17a. 

Distribution. Bay of Biscay (‘ Travailleur’ Exp.). 

Not S. eritima of Verrill, judging from the description and 

3. SEGUENZIA TRICARINATA’, Jeffreys. (Plate V. fig. 2.) 

Suez globose, very thin and fragile, transparent, and of a glassy 
lustre: sculpture, three spiral thread-like strize or keels on the body- 
whorl, viz. one encircling the periphery, another at a short distance 
below it, and a third at a somewhat greater distance above the peri- 
pheral stria; the penultimate whorl is marked with a similar stria, 
a little above the suture ; the next whorl is keeled at the top : colour 
whitish : suture deep: spire short and compressed: whorls 3-4, 
convex; the last is disproportionally large ; apex flattened : mouth 
roundish, angulated at the base: outer lip thin; fissure wide but 
shallow, forming an angular indentation: inner lip filmy: pillar 
gently curved and thickened: wmbilicus narrow and shallow, mar- 
gined outside by a slight but distinct semicircular stria or keel. 
L. 0°075, B. 0°075. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 17a. A single but character- 
istic specimen. 

Distribution. Off C. Verd. I. (‘Talisman’ Exp.) ; 1192 fms. 

4. SEGUENZIA CARINATA, Jeffreys. (Plate V. figs. 3, 3 a.) 

S. carinata, Jeffr. Proc. R. S. 1876, p. 201; Ann. & Mag. Nat. 
Hist. 1877, p. 320. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17a, off C. Espichel, 22. 

Distribution. North Atlantic (‘ Valorous’ Exp.), off Fayal, Azores 
(‘ Challenger’ Exp.), off Marocco, Sahara, C. Verd. L., and Azores 
(‘ Talisman’ Exp.) ; 681-2199 fms. 

This species has a labial slit as in the typical species S. formosa. 


Solarium reticulatum, Phil. Moll. Sic. ii. p. 149, t. xxv. f. 6. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 9, 16, 17, 17a. 

Distribution. Coast of Portugal (‘ Travailleur’ Exp.), off Ascen- 
sion I., and Culebra I. (‘ Challenger’ Exp.) ; 390-1791 fms. 

1 Haying three keels. 


Fossil. Pliocene: Lamato in Calabria (PAilippi). 
Trochus (Solariella) lusitanicus, Fischer. 
An elegant and exquisitely sculptured shell. 

6. SeGuenzra LAxA’, Jeffreys. (Plate V. figs. 4, 4 a.) 

SHELL imperfect, consisting of scarcely two whorls; these are 
cylindrical and scalariform, spirally and regularly striated: mouth 
nearly detached, squarish ; expanding on the inner or pillar side, 
and somewhat effuse or spread out at the base: umbilicus narrow 
and contracted, but deep. L. (apparently) 0°25, B. 0°2. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16. A fragmentary specimen, 
but peculiar and worth noticing. Whether it belongs to the present 
genus, or even to the same family, may be doubtful. However, a 
perfect specimen will be probably discovered in future deep-sea 

Family XXIII. XenopHorip&. 


Trochus crispus (Kénig), Bronn in Italiens Tertiir-Gebilde, 1831, 
p- 62. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. 40, 41, Rasel Amoush, 58. 

Distribution. G. Gascony (De Folin), Mediterranean (Deshayes), 
Sardinia and Bona (Ziberi), Tuscany (dppelius), W. Africa 
(v. Martens), C. Verd I. (‘ Gazelle’ Exp.), off Sahara (‘Talisman ’ 
Exp.) ; 47-486 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene; throughout Italy. ? Post-tertiary : Rhodes. 

X. mediterranea of Tiberi, and X. commutata of Fischer. I can- 
not distinguish the living from the fossil form by avy valid character. 
The only ground of such distinction would be that usually the 
umbilicus is more or less open in the former and more or less closed 
in the latter. But of two Tertiary specimens now before me from 
Castel d’ Arquato, for which I am indebted to the kindness of Count 
Angelo Manzoni, one has the umbilicus open and the other has it 
closed. Bronn says in his description of Trochus crispus, “ Umbilico 
subvariabili, primum aperto, serius subsemiclauso.” In consequence 
of having in the course of my continued labours for more than 
half a century examined so many thousand, indeed 1 might say so 
many ten thousand, specimens of shells from different parts of the 
North Atlantic, I may perhaps be more inclined to unite or “lump ” 
than subdivide or “split” species ; and if any explanation be ex- 
pected from me for not having adopted all the species proposed by 
continental conchologists, whose power of discrimination is fully 
equal, if not superior, to my own, I hope to be excused by them in 
that spirit which is the bond of all science. My old and much 
valued friend Dr. Tiberi is entitled to the credit of having dis- 
covered or confirmed the discovery of the present species as an 
inhabitant of the Mediterranean. 

Woodward strangely placed this genus with Solarium in the 
Littorina family, and he assigned to it Montfort’s ni me of Phorus ; 

1 Loose. 


but Fischer de Waldheim’s name of Xenophora has the priority of 
three years over that of Montfort. 

The apex of the shell forms a short but compact cone of several 
smooth whorls. 

Family XXIV. VeLuTinip#. 

1. Lamencarta perspicua, Linné. 

Helix perspicua, L. S. N. p. 1250. 

L. perspicua, B. C. iv. p. 235, pl. iit. f. 6; v. p. 235, pl. Ixxix. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 26; Med. Rasel Amoush, G. 

Distribution. Norway, Faroe I., Great Britain and Ireland, Brest 
(Daniel), Atlantic coasts of France and Spain (/idalgo), throughout 
the Mediterranean and Adriatic, Canaries (McAndrew), Labrador, 
Canada, United States ; 0-108 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Coralline Crag, Monte Mario, Calabria, and 

Bulla haliotoidea and Lamellaria tentaculata, Montagu, Marsenia 
producta and complanata, Leach, Sigaretus vitreus, O. G. Costa, and 
S. audouinii, Cantraine ex typo. 

2. LAMELLARIA TENUIS’, Jeffreys. (Plate V. figs. 5-5 6.) 

SHELL nearly circular in outline with a concave base, thin and 
fragile, semitransparent and glossy: sculpture, extremely delicate, 
close-set, and microscopic spiral striz ; these are sometimes wanting 
ou parts of the surface: colour clear white: spire small, laterally 
placed and depressed : whorls 23, rather convex; the last occupies 
five sixths of the shell; the first or apical whorl is sunken, in- 
complete, and twisted inwards: suture narrow, but deep: mouth 
nearly round and expanding: outer lip projecting above the 
periphery, and forming at the base a short and slightly reflected 
‘pillar: inner lip none: wmbilicus small, but distinct and deep. 
L. 071, B. 0°15. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16. Four specimens. 

It differs from Sigaretus excavatus of Searles Wood in shape, the 
spire, and the umbilicus, as described and figured in his Monograph 
on the Crag Mollusca. 

This delicate little shell appears to be internal and completely 
enclosed within the mantle of the animal, because of its fragility, the 
incompleteness of the nucleus, and its not having any trace of an 
epidermis, which is conspicuous in Sigaretus striatus or haliotoideus. 
But the distinction between Lamellaria and Sigaretus is not so well 
defined as could be wished. The chief difference consists in the 
presence or absence of an operculum. The sculpture of the present 
shell resembles that of certain species of Philine. 

1 Thin. 


Family XXV. CapuLip2. 

This would seem to be the natural position of the family. Mr. 
Jabez Hogg, in an excellent and beautifully illustrated paper oa the 
lingual membrane of Mollusca (Trans. Roy. Mier. Soc. xvi. n. s.), 
says as to Capulus hungaricus, ‘‘ Dentition is seen to be almost 
identical with Velutina.”’ 

CapuLus nuncaARICUS, Linné. 

Patella ungarica, L. 8S. N. p. 1259. 

C. hungaricus, B. C. iii. p. 269, pl. vi. f. 5; v- p. 201, pl. lix. 
f. 6, 6a. 

‘Lightning’ Exp., St. 2, 4. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 2, 45a, 456, 70. 1870: Atl. 9, 
10, 13, 16, 27, 28, 28a, 36; Med. Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. From arctic Norway to the Mediterranean, Aigean, 
and Adriatic, New England (Verrill) ; 0-458 fms. 

Fossil. All the Tertiary fossiliferous beds in Europe ; 0-1360 fr. 

There are many obsolete and useless synonyms, including so-called 
species of the fossil so-called genus Brocchia. See my ‘ Notes on 
Brocchi’s Collection of Subapennine Shells’ in the Quarterly Journal 
of the Geological Society for February 1884. The young has been 
called Capulus or Peleopsis militaris. 

This common shell attains to a considerable size. I have one 
from Algiers exceeding two inches in length; and I noticed a still 
larger specimen in Dr. Tiberi’s collection from the Bay of Naples. 
Owing to its quasi-parasitic habit it is very liable to distortion 
in various ways, being sometimes compressed laterally, expanded, 
obliquely formed, or angulated, as in Crag specimens of Searles Wood 
and Mr. Alfred Bell. 

1. Torexuia vestita, Jeffreys. 

T. vestita, B. C. iv. p. 244, pl. iv. f. 15 v. pl. Ixxix. f. 5. 

‘ Lightning’ Exp. St. 4. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 23, 30, 58. 

Distribution. Norway, from Lofoden I. southwards (Zovén and 
others), Shetland (Barlee), New England and G. Maine (Verrill) ; 
43-317 fms. 

Herr Friele informs me that the animal is of a pale flesh-colour, 
the head not very prominent and notched in front ; tentacles rather 
long and pointed ; eyes on small bulbs near the outer base of the 
tentacles; the foot longish and narrow, broader, truncated, and 
horizontally cloven in front. Professor G. O. Sars has lately 
dredged on the west coast of Norway a very large and living 
specimen, more than an inch long. 

The operculum is small, acutely triangular like that of Zrophon 
and Fusus, and is ridged transversely. 

The genus Choristes of the late Dr. Philip Carpenter, from the 


Post-tertiary formation near Montreal, is a synonym of Torellia. 
His C. elegans closely approaches the present species, and seems to 
differ chiefly in having a smooth epidermis. 

2. TorELLIA ? peLicata, Philippi. 

Cyclostoma? delicatum, Phil. Moll. Sic. ii. p. 222, t. xxviii. f. 3. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17 a, 24. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Messina and Calabria (Otto f. Philippi, and 

Through the kindness of my friend Professor Seguenza, I have 
compared a fossil specimen with the recent specimens from the 
‘ Porcupine’ Expedition ; and all of them exactly agree, as well as 
with the description and figures of Philippi. The sculpture is most 
delicate and exquisitely reticulated. My largest and most perfect of 
the ‘ Porcupine’ specimens is more abnormal than the rest (perhaps 
a variety), and resembles in shape Lacuna pallidula. I have 
therefore figured it as a variety of the present species in Plate V. 
figs. 6, 6a. 

* Although this shell certainly does not belong to Cyclostoma, as 
doubtfully given by Philippi, it wants some of the characters of 
Torellia, as defined by me in ‘ British Conehology,’ vol. iv. p. 244, 
viz. the velvety epidermis and tubercle on the pillar. In my 
correspondence with Prof. Seguenza some years ago, I had suggested 
the generic name T'rachyoma, which he adopted in his excellent 
treatise on the Tertiary formation of Reggio province in Calabria, 

I, Tricuorropis BOREALIS, Broderip and Sowerby. 

T. borealis, Br. and Sow. in Zool. Journ. iv. p. 375: B. C. iv. 
p. 245, pl. iv. f. 2; v. p. 216, pl. Ixxix. f. 6, 

‘ Lightning’ Exp. St. 4. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 68. 

Distribution. Arctic ocean in both hemispheres, Iceland, Faroe I., 
Norway, Shetland to the Dogger Bank and coasts of Ireland, N.E. 
and N.W. America; 2-175 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Coralline Crag, Sicily (Brugnone).  Post-ter- 
tiary: Norway and Sweden, Scotland, Ireland, North of England 
and Wales, Siberia, Labrador, and Canada; 0-1360 ft. It appears 
that the genus is not restricted to northern seas, Mr. Ball having 
described a species from the Havana coast, below the Tropic of 

Synonyms so numerous that it would be unnecessary to quote 
them. 7. inermis of Hinds was founded on a specimen which had 
lost its bristly epidermis. 

An imperfect specimen of a species, which Friele procured in the 
‘ Voringen’ Expedition on the arctic coast of Norway in 650 fathoms 
and named “ Trichotropis (Iphinée) inflata,” occurred at Station 23a 
of the ‘ Porcupine Expedition’ in 1869. 


2. TRICHOTROPIS FIMBRIATA’, Jeffreys. (Plate V. figs. 7, 7a.) 

Sue xt oblong, thin, semitransparent, nearly lustreless: sculpture, 
several rows or ridges of fine spiral striae, which are covered by short 
and close-set bristles of the epidermis ; there are from eight to ten 
of these rows on the body-whorl, two on the next, and one on each 
of the two succeeding whorls ; the interstices of these rows as well 
as the rest of the shell marked lengthwise by very slight and micro- 
scopic lines: colour yellowish-brown: spire elongated, bluntly 
crested at the top: whorls 4-5, convex, somewhat turreted, 
regularly increasing in growth ; the last equals one half of the spire 
when the mouth is placed downwards; the apical whorl is com- 
pressed and slightly intorted: suture deep: mouth triangularly oval, 
about two fifths the length of the spire: owfer lip curved, thin- 
edged, angular and inflected above, expanded at the base, but not 
notched : inner lip filmy: pillar almost straight: umbilicus none. 
L. 0:1, B. 0°075. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 16. A single specimen. 

3. TRICHOTROPIS DENSISTRIATA , Jeffreys. (Plate V. figs. 8, 8a.) 

SHELL oval, thin, semitransparent, and nearly lustreless: seulp- 
ture, numerous rows of exceedingly fine spiral strie, which are 
covered by minute and close-set prickles; there are from 20 to 24 
of these rows on the body-whorl, and from eight to ten on 
the penultimate whorl: colowr pale yellowish-brown: spire short, 
blunt at the top: whorls 3-4, rather tumid; the last equals two 
thirds of the shell with the mouth downwards, or placed in a prone 
position ; the apical whorl is irregular: suéwre well marked but not 
deep: mouth exactly oval, about half the length of the spire: outer 
lip rounded, thin, angulated above, notched below: inner lip 
thickened: pillar curved, abruptly terminating in a sharp point at 
the base, below which is formed the basal notch: umbilicus none. 
L. 0°085, B. 0-065. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 16, 23 a. A single specimen from 
each station. 

Distribution. C. Verd I. (‘ Talisman’ Exp.) ; 1192 fms. 

This minute species seems from the notched base to connect 
Trichotropis with Admete. 


Tritonium viridulum, Fabr. Fn. Gr. p. 402. 

Admete viridula, G. O. Sars, Moll. reg. arct. Norv. p. 215, t. 13. 
f. 1 a, b, 2. 

‘Lightning’ Exp.: St. 1, 3. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 61, 65. 1870: Atl. 1, 2. 

Distribution. Arctic seas in the Atlantic and Pacific, Iceland, 
Norway, C. Cod northwards, and North Japan; 2—1255 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: English and Belgian Crags, Icelaud.  Post- 

' Fringed. ? Closely striated. 


tertiary: Siberia, Norway, Bridlington, Lancashire, Cheshire, and 

Murex costellifer, J. Sowerby, Admete crispa, Moller, and 
Cancellaria buccinoides, Couthouy. 

Among the varieties are one having the spire produced or elongated, 
and another which is much larger. The columellar folds are much 
stronger and more conspicuous in specimens from Spitzbergen and 
North America, and from the fossil bed at Bridlington. Spire 
bulbous and intorted. The animal was described by me in the 
‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History’ for April 1877. 


Voluta mitreformis, Bre. Conch. foss. Subap. ii. p. 645, t. xv. 

C. pusilla, H. Ad. in P. Z.S. 1869, p. 274, pl. 19. f. 12. 
‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Alt. St. 16, 24, 25, 28, 30. 
Distribution. B. Biscay (‘ Trav.’ Exp. 1882), 249 fms.!, Canary I. 


Fossil. Pliocene: Coralline Crag, Denmark (Mérch), Biot, and 
throughout Italy. 

This appears to be a variety of Brocchi’s species, and may be a 
somewhat altered descendant. The chief difference between the 
recent and fossil shell seems to consist in the former having only a 
few spiral ridges, while the latter is closely striated in the same 
direction as well as indistinctly reticulated by numerous and slight 
longitudinal strize. 

Not C. pusilla of Sowerby’s ‘ Conchological Illustrations,’ 1841. 


C. minima, Reeve, Conch. Icon. (Cancellaria), pl. xvii. f. 77, a, b. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Alt. St. 28. Five specimens. 

Distribution, Gibraltar and Madeira (McAndrew). 

No habitat is given in Reeve’s work, Cuming’s collection being the 
only authority. 

Allied to C. subangulosa of S. Wood from the Coralline Crag, 
but differs in the want of angularity, as well as in the stronger and 
coarser sculpture, especially with respect to the longitudinal ribs ; the 
sculpture of the apex is also different, consisting in the recent species 
of very fine and microscopic spiral lines, and in the fossil shell of 
minute longitudinal striz. A variety of C. minima, which has the 
whorls angulated below the suture as in the fossil species, was 
dredged by McAndrew with the typical form off Madeira and the 
Canaries; this has the same sculpture as in the recent species ; and 
perhaps all these forms may represent one and the same species. In 
that case Searles Wood’s name subangulosa would have priority over 
that of Reeve. 

Voluta cancellata, L.S.N. p. 1191. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. IV. 4 


C. cancellata, De Blainville, Faune Frang. p. 142, pl. 4 B. f. 1; 
Hid. Mol. mar. de Esp. lam. ii. f. 3, 4 (opt.). 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. C. Sagres (fr.); Med. 50, 
Benzert Road, Rasel Amoush. 

Distribution. G. Gascony (De Folin), Atlantic coasts of Spain 
and Western Africa, Mediterranean and Adriatic ; 4-100 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Vienna and Bordeaux Basins, Northern and 
Central Italy. Pliocene: Denmark (Mérch), Biot, Italy, Algeria, 
and ©. Verd I. (2ochebrune). 

C. similis of Sowerby is scarcely a variety. 

The apex of the shell is trochiform and different from that of 
other species; it resembles in shape and sculpture the apex of 
Columbella halieeti. 

Family XXVII. Aporrwaip”. 

1. AporruAIs PES-PELECANI, Linné. 

Strombus pes-pelecani, L.S. N. p. 1207. 
A. pes-pelecani, B. C. iv. p. 250, pl. iv. f. 3; v. p. 216, pl. Ixxx. 

‘ Lightning’ Exp. St. 5. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 2, 13-15, 18, 35, the Minch, off 
Lerwick. 1870: Atl. 2, 10, 11, C. Sagres; Med. C. de Gata, 55, 
G. Bona, Benzert Road, G. Tunis. Specimens from Cape Sagres 
and the last three stations belong to a variety which I would name 
carinata, They are keeled in the middle of each whorl, the ribs 
are nodose, and the spire tapers to a fine point. This variety may 
be meridionalis of Basterot. 

Distribution. Throughout the North Atlantic from Iceland and 
Finmark to the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aigean ; 6-100 fms. 

Fossil. Every Miocene, Pliocene, and Post-tertiary or Quaternary 
bed in Europe, as well as the last in Rhodes and Cos, from the sea- 
level to 1360 feet aboveit. Var. carinata, Coralline Crag (S. Wood, 
as probably 4. serresianus). 


Rostellaria serresiana, Mich. in Bull. Soc. Linn. Bord. 1828, 
p- 120, f. 3, 4. 

Chenopus serresianus, Philippi, Moll. Sic. ii. p. 185, t. xxvii. f. 8. 

Var. A. macandree, B. C. iv. p. 253; v. p. 216, pl. Ixxx. f. 2. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 1, 3, 5, 6, 10,17, 18, 23a, 45a, 456, 
64, 65, 68, 70, Little Minch, off Lerwick. 1870: Atl. 3, 3a, 6, 
8-14, C. Sagres, 26-28a; Med. 50a, off Jijeli and Rinaldo’s 
Chair, Adventure Bank. Variable as to the number and position of 
the spikes. One monstrous ‘specimen has a spur which projects 
from behind the lower part of the pillar, besides a double spike at 
the base. Another specimen is somewhat scalariform. The variety 
macandre@ is smaller and more slender ; it occurs with the typical 
form in the Mediterranean. 


Distribution. Finmark, Lofoden I., West Norway, between the 
Faroes and Hebrides, Shetland, Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean, and 
Adriatic ; 40-913 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Belgian Crag (Van Beneden, as A. pes-carbonis), 
Calabria and Sicily (Philippi and others as Chenopus desciscens). 

I extract from my notes made in the ‘ Porcupine’ Expedition 
of 1862, the following description of the animal of the variety 
macandree :—Bopy cream-colour: snout cylindrical and extensible, 
pinkish, with a yellow streak half way down the middle in front ; 
the extremity is edged with a yellowish rim or border and is also of 
the same colour underneath : tentacles thread-like and very slender, 
marked with a narrow white line down the middle in front: eyes 
very small, sessile on the tentacles at their outer base: foot long 
and narrow, squarish in front and pointed behind. 

Having since the publication of my work on British Conchology 
dredged on the western coast of Ireland, as well as in the northern 
part of our seas, specimens of much larger size than those which I 
had described as A. macandree, even exceeding those of A. serre- 
stanus from the Mediterranean, I now feel myself obliged to give up 
my species and to consider it a variety. 

My suspicion that Chenopus desciscens of Philippi was a fossil 
representative or form of the present species, or rather of the variety 
macandree, has been verified by a comparison with recent specimens, 
which has been effected through the obliging transmission by Prof. 
Seguenza of fossil specimens of C. desciscens. I may here remark 
that Philippi, in his ‘Handbuch der Conchyliologie und Malaco- 
zoologie’ (published nine years after the last volume of his work on 
the Mollusca of the Two Sicilies), restored the far older generic name 
Aporrhais and substituted it for Chenopus. 

It is almost impossible to say whether Rostellaria pes-carbonis of 
Brongniart was intended for A. serresianus or for some other 
Pliocene species from the Vicentia district. His description and 
figure were necessarily incomplete, being avowedly founded on a 
fragmentary and very imperfect specimen. I have received from 
correspondents under the former name a very different species from 
A, serresianus. 

Family XXVIII. Ceritraupz. 

This family has been lately placed by the Marquis di Monterosato 
between Muricide and Pleurotomide, although no reason is given 
for this apparently strange allocation. While giving my old friend 
and correspondent full credit for his knowledge of Mediterranean 
shells, and for his industry which is evidenced by his last work, 
‘Nomenclatura generica e specifica di aleune Conchiglie Mediter- 
ranee,’ I cannot help regretting that he has not described the 
numerous so-called species to which he has from time to time given 
names only. These names cannot be recognized under the present 
or perhaps any system of classification, but must be treated as 
manuscript. With respect to his proposed multiplication of new 



genera and species on a very extensive scale, he is of course at 
perfect liberty to please himself; time, however, will show whether 
other conchologists will adopt them. And I would also observe 
that it is unusual, if not discourteous, to so positively and ex cathedrd 
contradict other writers—who have the same means and ability as 
himself for judging as to the authority of species previously published 
—without offering some reason for his dissent from their opinion. 

Genus Stritus’, Jeffreys. 

SueEx spit-shaped, reticulated; apex forming a twisted and 
abruptly semidetached peak ; basal groove short and recurved. 

The peculiarity of this genus consists in the apex, which is 
different from that of any other genus which I know. I consider 
this character important. 

Sritus rnsients, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 1-16.) 

SHELL obeliscoid, rather thick, opaque, but glossy: sculpture, 
numerous and somewhat curved longitudinal ribs, of which there are 
from 30 to 40 on the last whorl; these are crossed by 3 spiral strize 
on each whorl, so as to cause by their intersection minute tubercles 
on the striz; the periphery is encircled by a slight ridge ; the base 
is quite smooth and somewhat concave ; the ribs on the apical or top 
whorls are very few and flexuous: colour white: spire tapering, and 
abruptly terminating in a short, twisted, and upturned point : whorls 
10-12, flattened, and gradually enlarging; the last equals about one 
third of the shell: suture narrow, but well defined: mouth small, 
squarish, with a short recurved groove turning to the left, as in 
typical species of this family : outer lip thin, scalloped or indented 
by the spiral strize: inner lip inconspicuous: pillar flexuous. L. 
0°25, B. 0-075. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 29, 31-34. Several specimens. 


C. granosum, 8. Wood, Crag Moll. 1848, p. 73, pl. viti. f. Y. 

L. granosa, G. O. Sars, Moil. reg. aret. Norv. p. 190, t. 13. f. 6. 

‘Lightning’ Exp. St. 2. 

‘ Poreupine’ Exp. 1869: 23a, 65, 89, 90. 

Distribution. Norway from Finmark to Bergen, North Sea Exp. 
(Metzger) ; 30-300 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Red and Coralline Crags, Antwerp Crag (Brus- 
sels Museum, as C. sinistratum of Nyst, although the species 
described and figured by him is apparently different) ! 

Triforis macandree of H. Adams, Triforis nivea of M. Sars’s 
MS., and Leocochlis pomeranie of Dunker and Meizger. 

The spire in this singular genus, which was established by Dunker 
and Metzger, is reversed or sinistrorsal ; the basal groove is recurved 
and twisted ; and the apex is sculptured, as in typical species of 

1 Having the shape of a Roman style or instrument for writing on waxen 

2 Remarkable. 


Cerithium. It has no operculum. Professor G. O. Sars has kindly 
furnished me with the following remarks as to the odontopbore of 
L. granosa compared with that of C. tuberculatum :—“ In the former 
it is remarkably slender, and has all the plates (including the uncini) 
nearly uniform in shape and strongly curved, almost hooked, without 
distinctly marked secondary teeth; whereas in C. tuberculatum the 
odontophore (as in C. reticulatum) is comparatively short and broad, 
with the middle and lateral plates strongly denticulated at the edge, 
and the uncini rather slender. Moreover the jaws in the two forms 
are of a somewhat different shape.” I do not, however, attach 
much importance to the character of dentition alone, because it must 
depend on the nature of the food, and cannot be distinguishable in 
the fossil state. 

At first sight the Crag form would seem to be different from the 
recent or living form, because the former is cancellated or reticulated, 
while the latter has spiral striee only. But this difference disappears 
in the examination of a great many recent specimens, some of which 
have the longitudinal striz or ribs stronger and more developed than 
in other specimens : this partly accounts for the sculpture, and some 
allowance must be made for the rubbed or abraded condition of nearly 
all fossil (and especially Red Crag) shells. One of my recent speci- 
mens is uniformly reticulated. 


Strombus tuberculatus, L. 8. N. p. 1213; B.C. iv. p. 264. 

C. vulgatum, De Blainville, Fn. Frang. p. 153, pl. 6 A. f. 1, & 
p- 154, same plate, f.5; Philippi, Moll. Sic. i. p. 192, t. xi. f. 3, 4, 
5, 8, 9. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 26 (fragment); Med. Capo de 
Gata, 55. 

Distribution. Bergen and Manger on the western coast of Norway, 
in the stomachs of cod (M. Sars), Jersey (J. G. J. ; dead specimens), 
Herm (Dodd; also dead), Brest and adjacent coast (Daniel), Porni- 
chet in the Loire-inférieure (Cailliaud; living), Atlantic coast of 
Spain (Hidalgo), throughout the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Adriatic, 
Senegal (Adunson), Canaries (d’Orbigny and McAndrew), Madeira 
(McAndrew) ; 0-120 fms. Inhabits the littoral and laminarian 

Fossil. Miocene, Pliocene, and Post-tertiary: Vienna and Bordeaux 
Basins, Transylvania, Biot, Italy, Rhodes, Cos, Cyprus, Morea, 
Algeria, and C. Verd I. 

This abundant species is of course extremely variable in respect of 
the proportionate dimensions, size, and sculpture, and has received 
numerous synonyms. Weinkauff has noted eleven. 

Caruana says that the Maltese name is “‘ brancutlu,”’ and that it 
is used for food. 

2. CERITHIUM PROCERUM, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 2, 2a.) 
O. procerum, Jeffr. in Ann, & Mag. N. H. April 1877, p. 322. 
‘ Lightning’ Exp. St. 1. 


‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 23a. 1870: Atl. 22. 

Distribution. North Atlantic (‘Valorous’ Exp.), Spitzbergen 
(*Voringen’ Exp.), between the Faroes and Hebrides (‘Triton’ cruise) ; 
400-1450 fms. 

C. danielsseni, Friele. C. procerum of Kiener is, according to 
Deshayes, a variety of C. fasciatum of Bruguiére. 


C. metula, Lov. Ind. Moll. Scand. p. 23: B. C. iv. p. 256; v. 
p- 217, pl. Ixx. f. 3. 

‘Lightning’ Exp. St. 2, 5. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 23a,42, 47,61, 65. 1870: Atl. 1, 2, 
3, 6, 9, 16, 24-30. 

Distribution. Spitzbergen (‘ Voringen’ Exp.), Finmark to Chris- 
tianiafiord and North Sea, Shetland, between the Faroes and Hebrides 
(‘ Knight Errant’ and ‘ Triton’ cruises), Fair Isle (6ller, 7. Morch), 
Bay of Biscay (‘ Travailleur’ Exp.), Villafranca (Hanley); 20- 
650 fms. 

C. nitidum, Me Andrew and Forbes. 

The number of the spiral ridges varies from 2 to 3; and the 
arrangement of the ridges is not uniform, being more compact or 
remote in some specimens than in others. 

The type of G. O. Sars’s genus Lovenella. 

4. CERITHIUM GRACILE’, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 3, 3a.) 

SHext resembling C. metula in shape, but smaller and more slender, 
semitransparent, very glossy and of a prismatic lustre: sculpture, 
numerous curved longitudinal riblets, which are crossed by fine and 
thread-like spiral ridges ; of these last there are three on the last or 
body-whorl (viz. one below the periphery, the second or strongest 
encircling the periphery, and the third placed just below the suture) ; 
the ridges on each of the succeeding whorls are two in number, the 
larger being central, more prominent, and giving an angulated or 
keel-like appearance ; the base of the shell is quite smooth and 
somewhat concave ; the apex is also smooth ; the intercrossing of the 
longitudinal and spiral strize produces a few slight nodules in the 
middle of the shell, but not the tuberculated character of the last 
species : colour glossy white : spire tapering toa blunt point: whorls 
12, rather convex, gradually enlarging ; the last occupies one third 
of the spire with the mouth of the shell placed upwards ; the first 
or apical whorl is bulbous and obliquely twisted: swture defined 
more distinctly than in the other species: mouth irregularly rhombie, 
with a deep and wide groove at the base as in that species ; its length 
is about one fourth of the shell: outer lip thickish, indented or 
scalloped by the spiral ridges: inner lip filmy: pillar flexuous. 
L. 0°3, B. 0°075. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 3. A single but perfect and 
living specimen. 

‘ Slender. 


Distribution. Off Sahara, C. Verd I., and Azores (*‘ Talisman’ 
Exp.); 681-1261 fms. 

This elegant shell is closely allied to Cerithiella whiteavesiui of 
Verrill, from the coast of New England, and may be the same 

5, CeriTHIuM OBELISCcOIDES’, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 4, 4 a.) 

SHELL pyramidal, rather thin, semitransparent, and glossy: 
sculpture, more or less numerous fine and rounded longitudinal strize, 
which are crossed by a few spiral stria: of the latter there are 5 or 
6 on the last whorl, 4 or 5 on the penultimate, and 3 or 4 on the 
following three or four whorls; the second whorl is marked by close- 
set and more curved longitudinal strize ; the top whorl is quite smooth, 
as well as the base of the shell; the intersection of the two sets of 
striee gives a reticulated but not a decidedly nodulous appearance ; a 
considerable space below the suture in each whorl has the longitudinal 
striee only : colour milk-white: spire gradually tapering to a very 
blunt point : whorls 7-9, convex; the last is equal to two fifths of 
the spire in length ; the first whorl is bulbous, and in some specimens 
is larger and broader than the succeeding whorl : suture rather deep, 
defined by the lowest and thread-like of the spiral strize : mouth as 
in the other species of this section, but smaller and with a shorter 
groove: outer lip thin, scalloped: inner lip inconspicuous: pillar 
flexuous. L. 0°175, B. 0°05. Some imperfect specimens show that 
this species attains a comparatively much greater size. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 17, 17a. 

6. CeRITHIUM CYLINDRATUM,, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 5, 5a.) 

SHEL. rather cylindrical, thick, opaque, lustreless: sculpture, 
numerous straight longitudinal striz, which are crossed by fewer 
and finer spiral thread-like striz, so as to present a reticulated 
appearance and to make the points of intersection tuberous or sca- 
brous; the spiral striz are 4 on the last whorl, besides a basal line 
below the periphery, and 3 on each of the preceding whorls; the 
second, and sometimes also the third, whorl is marked with close-set 
and curved longitudinal striz ; the first whorl is quite smooth and 
glossy: colour pale yellowish-brown: spire gradually tapering to a 
blunt point : whorls 10-12, rounded but compressed ; the last equals 
about one third of the length of the shell; the first is bulbous and 
like that of the last species: suture narrow but distinct : mouth as 
in all the foregoing species: outer lip thickish and prickly : inner 
lip filmy: pillar flexuous. L, 0°2, B. 0:075. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 27-30, 36; Med. Benzert 
Road, Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

This has somewhat the aspect of Cerithiopsis tubercularis, but 
the apex and mouth are those of a typical Certthium. 

' Like an obelisk, 2 Cylindrical. 


Bittium', Leach. Basal notch shallow and not recurved ; 
apex regular. 

7. CeRITHIUM LAcTEUM, Philippi. 

C. lacteum, Phil. Moll. Sie. i. p. 195. 

C. algerianum, Sowerby, Thes. Conch. p. 129, f. 230, 231. 

‘ Poreupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. Tangier B.; Med. 50, Benzert 
Road, Rasel Amousb. 

Distribution. Cap Breton (De Folin)!, Mediterranean and Adriatic, 
Madeira (Watson) !; 29-108 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Calabria and Sicily (Philippi and Seguenza), 
Madeira (Mayer). Post-tertiary: Sicily (dradas and Brugnone). 

Judging from the description and figure given by De Blainville of 
his C. elegans in the ‘ Faune Frangaise,’ I cannot agree with Weinkauff 
in regarding it as the present species. 

8. CERITHIUM waTsonlI, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 6, 6a.) 

C. gemmatum, Watson in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), vol. xv. 
p- 113 (1880). 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. Vigo B., 13, 16, 17a, Setubal B., 
24, 26-34, 36. Abundant. 

Distribution. N. Spain (¢Travailleur’ Exp.), Setubal B. (‘Chal- 
lenger’ Exp.), Josephine Bank (‘ Josephine’ Exp.), off Marocco 
(‘ Talisman’ Exp.) ; 217-1029 fms. 

The animal is yellowish-white, with a faint tinge of brown in front : 
snout small: tentacles cylindrical, short: eyes seated on bulbous 
offsets of the tentacles, about one third from their bases : /vot thick : 
operculum yellowish, circular, and paucispiral, with imbricated edges. 

Sculpture variable, the longitudinal ribs sometimes disappearing 
on the last and next whorl, although the spiral ribs seem to be always 
present. Apex as in C. lacteum. 

Not C. gemmatum of Hinds, 1844, the type of Vertagus of Klein, 
or Lthinoclavis of Swainson, which is a subgenus of Cerithium accord- 
ing to Dr. Paul Fischer. I have therefore given the present species 
the name of my friend the Rev. Robert Boog Watson, who has so 

admirably worked out the new species of Univalves from the ‘ Chal- 
lenger’ Expedition. 


Strombiformis reticulatus, Da C. Brit. Conch. (1778) p. 117, 
pl. ¥il. tae 

C. reticulatum, B.C. iv. p. 258, pl. iv. f. 4; v. p. 217, pl. Ixxx. 
in ab 

‘ Poreupine’ Exp. 1869: St. Donegal B. (large specimens), 33. 
1870: Atl. Vigo B., 26, 30; Med. Algesiras B., 55, Benzert Road, 
G. Tunis, Adventure Bank. 

? This name appears for the first time in Gray’s ‘ List of Genera,’ on the tra- 
ditional or supposed authority of Dr. Leach. It does not occur in Scudder’s 
‘Nomenclator Zoologicus,’ 1882. 


Distribution. Lofoden I. to Gibraltar, throughout the Mediter- 
ranean, Black Sea, Adriatic, Marocco, Canaries, and Azores ; 0-140 
fms. Inhabits the littoral and laminarian zones. 

Fossil. Miocene, Pliocene, and Post-tertiary ; throughout 
Europe, Cos, Rhodes, Cyprus, and Madeira ; 0-200 ft. 

For this abundant and widely spread species Weinkauff has _par- 
ticularized 17 synonyms; but I must demur to the inclusion of 
C. angustissimum of Forbes, which, according to the type now before 
me, is a species of Cerithiopsis, and the same species which Delle 
Chiaje described and named as Cerithium metaza. The best known 
synonym is Murex scaber of Olivi, 1792. 

It seems to be replaced on the northern coasts of the United States 
by C. nigrum of Totten. The longitudinal ribs or strize are often 
varicose ; hence Nyst described and figured a variety of the preseat 
species as a Crag fossil under the name of C. variculosum. 


Turritella? pusilla, Jeffr. in Ann. & Mag. N. H. Febr. 1856, 
p- 42, f. 10, 11. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. C. Sagres, 26, Tangier B.; Med. 
50, Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. C. Breton (De Folin), Mediterranean and Black 
Sea; 12-120 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Vienna Basin (Hérnes). Pliocene: Monte 
Mario, Calabria, Sicily, and Rhodes. 

C. schwartz, Hérnes, 1856, and C. submammillatum, Rayneval, 
1864. Fischer says “non C. pusillum, Gould,” and that it is anterior 
to my name; but I described and figured the present species in 
1855-56, and Gould described bis species in 1862. 

The basal groove is so slight and shallow that I at first thought 
it might be a Turritella. Specimens are occasionally varicose. 


Family XXIX. Ceriruiopsipz. 

Trochus perversus, L. 8. N. p. 1231. 

Cerithium perversum, B. C. iv. p. 261; v. p. 217, pl. Ixxx. f. 5. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 26, 30, Tangier B.; Med. 
Algesiras B., 45, Benzert Road, Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. Christiansund and Bohuslian to Egypt, Black Sea, 
and Adriatic, Marocco, Madeira, Canaries, Azores, N. Pacific (Cooper, 
J. P. Carpenter); 0-205 fms. 

Fossil. Miocene: Mayence and Vienna Basins, Transylvania and 
Calabria. Pliocene: Red and Coralline Crags, S. France, Italy, 
Morea, Rhodes, Cyprus, and Madeira. Post-tertiary: Scandinavia 
and Ireland; 0-120 ft. 5 


T am now inclined to separate Triforis from Cerithium by reason of 
the differences in the apex or embryonic part of the shell and in the 
former having a short basal canal instead of a mere groove or notch. 
The spire of Triforis is finely pointed, in Cerithium it is blunt. In 
Triforis the apical whorls are much narrower in proportion, and are 
closely striated lengthwise. In 7riforis the canal is small and nearly 
if not quite closed, as in Murex; in Cerithium the groove or notch 
is comparatively large and quite open. According to Meyer and 
Mobius there is also a characteristic distinction between the animals 
and odontophores of the two genera. The snout or proboscis in 
Triforis and Cerithiopsisisretractile, whilein Cerithium itis contractile. 
The radula of 7. perversa contains about 26 transverse and short 
denticulated plates. Tvriforis appears to be congeneric with Cerithi- 
opsis, and to belong to the same family. When the shells of 
T. perversa and C. tubercularis are exhibited one before a mirror 
and the other not, it will be seen that almost the only differential 
character consists in the lower or basal portion of the mouth being 
more closed in the Triforis than in the Cerithiopsis. 

Seguenza and Monterosato regard 7. perversa and T’. adversa as 
distinct species because the former is larger than the latter. I cannot 
agree to their separation on those grounds, and I am not aware of 
any other difference. Size seldom if ever constitutes by itself a 
specific character. Professor Stossich kindly gave me a specimen 
which is more than an inch long besides the apical whorls, which had 
disappeared, and another specimen which, although quite perfect, was 
scarcely a line or the tenth part of an inch in length ; both specimens 
were from the Adriatic. Besides Murex adversus of Montagu there 
are many other synonyms. 

Cerithium nigrocinctum of C. B. Adams, from the North-Atlantic 
coasts of the United States, is closely allied to the present species, 
if it be not the same or one a variety of the other. 

2. Trirorts aspera’, Jeffreys. (Plate VI. figs. 7, 7a.) 

SHELL elongated, rather solid, nearly opaque and glossy: sculpture, 
rows or bands of small tubercles (18—20 on the last or bottom row), 
which arise from the mutual intererossing of longitudinal and spiral 
strie ; of these rows there are usually three on the last whorl above the 
periphery, and the same number on several of the succeeding whorls 
and afterwards two only ; each of the apical whorls (3 or 4) is closely 
striated lengthwise and encircled by two spiral lines; the periphery 
is defined by a rather strong ridge, a little below which is another 
ridge, besides a shorter and smailer one at the base; the tubercles 
which compose the lower two rows are larger and more prominent 
than those of the uppermost or third row: colour pale yellowish, 
with a faint tinge of brown ; apical whorls dark brown: spire taper- 
ing to a fine point ; apex pinched-in and narrower than the rest of 
the spire: whorls 21-22, compressed, gradually enlarging; the last 
equals only from + to 4 of the shell: suture slight, indicated by the 

1 Rough, 


uppermost spiral row: mouth rhomboidal; and all other characters 
similar to those of 7. perversa. L. 0°6, B. 0°15. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 16, 24, 27-30 ; Med. Adventure 

Distribution. Bay of Biscay (‘ Travailleur’ Exp. 1882), Sciacca, 
Sicily (Monterosato), G. Mexico (Pourtales); 125-731 fms. 

Distinguishable from 7. perversa by being more slender, and 
having more prominent tubercles so as to give the shell a rougher 
aspect. The base is also more square and as if truncated. 

A. Typical ; apex acuminated. 


Murex tubercularis, Mont. Test. Brit. p. 270. 

C. tubercularis, B. C. iv. p. 266, pl. iv. f. 5; v. p. 217, pl. Ixxxi. 

‘Lightning’ Exp. St. 5. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. 3a, 13, Vigo B.; Med. Adventure 
Bank (var. nana). 

Distribution. Christiansund (Lilljeborg)! to Alexandria(Ponsonby)!, 
W. Africa (‘Talisman’ Exp.) !, Madeira (Watson) !, Canaries (Me 
Andrew) !, Boston Harbour southwards (C. B. Addams and others)!, 
G. Florida (Dall), Queen Charlotte’s I. ( Whiteaves) ; 0-1039 fms. 

Hab. Littoral and laminarian zones. 

Fossil. Miocene: Vienna Basin, Calabria, and ?Rhodes. Pliocene: 
Red and Coralline Crags, Belgium, Biot, Italy, and Rhodes. Post- 
tertiary : Norway, Scotland, Ireland, and ? Rhodes. 

Cerithium pygmeum, Philippi, Cerithium henkeliusi (posthac 
henkelii), Nyst, Cerithiopsis acicula and C. minima, Brusina. Not 
Cerithiopsis tuberculata, P. Carpenter. 

I must still retain my opinion that C. clarkii, alias bilineata, or 
coppole, is merely a monstrous or irregular form of the present 
species. One of my specimens, which has only two rows of 
tubercles on the lower whorls, has three rows on two of the upper 
whorls. The lower rows seem to have become squeezed together 
and elongated. A small and slender variety is C. acieula of Brusina, 
=Cerithiolum dextrum, Watson, ex typis. I regard Cerithiopsis 
atalaya of Watson as another variety. 

Dr. Tiberi found large and small varieties of C. tubercularis 
living with Modiolaria marmorata in the tunic or outer coat of 
Ascidia mentula at Naples. Were the two mollusks commensal or 
quasi-parasitic, like species of Hulima and Stilifer? 

De Blainville in his ‘Faune Frangaise’ included not only this 
species but also Cerithium reticulatum and Triforis perversa in his 
Cerithium tuberculare. 

The apical or top whorls in fresh and perfect specimens, when 
examined under a microscope, are seen to be very finely and closely 
ribbed lengthwise. Occasionally specimens have four rows of 
tubercles on the lower whorls. 


2. CERITHIOPSIS DIADEMA (Watson), Monterosato. (Plate VI. 
figs. 8, 8 a.) 

C. diadema (Watson), Monterosato in Journ. de Conch. 1874, 
p- 273. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. 45, Benzert Road, Rasel 
Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution. Cap Breton (De Folin), G. Tunis ( ‘ Shearwater’ 
Exp.) !, Sicily (Stefanis and Monterosato)!, Madeira (Watson)!, 
Canaries (McAndrew) !, Azores (‘ Challenger’ Exp.) !; 22-500 fms. 

Fossil. Post-tertiary : Messina (Seguenza). 

C. fayalensis, Watson, in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) vol. xv. p. 125, 
1880. I had proposed to name it C. fibula’. 

This pretty little shell, which was partly described by Monterosato, 
differs from C. tubercularis in being cylindrical, more elongate, 
narrow, and slender ; its spire is finely tapering ; and some of the 
longitudinal ribs are set obliquely. The uppermost whorl forms 
a smooth bulb, and the next two whorls are closely and rather 
obliquely ribbed lengthwise and crossed by a delicate spiral line 
near the base of each of those whorls, so as to give the apex an 
angulated appearance. 

3. CeRITHIOPSIS HORRIDA’, Jefireys. (Plate VI. figs. 9, 9a.) 

SuHeEtu elongated, thick, opaque, aud somewhat glossy : sculpture, 
numerous and crowded strong tubercles or nodules, which cover the 
surface and give it a rugged aspect; there are 4 rows of tubercles 
on the last whorl, and 3 on each of the upper whorls, except the two 
uppermost ; the first or topmost is bulbous or globular and smooth, 
and the second is marked lengthwise with several short curved ribs ; 
the base is concave and encircled by a slight ridge: colour pale 
brownish-yellow: spire tapering and turreted ; apex blunt: whorls 
15-16, rather flattened or compressed ; the last equals about one 
fourth of the shell: swéwre narrowly channelled and distinct: mouth 
squarish, truncated at its base: outer lip thickened: caner lip 
forming a thick fold or deposit on the lower part of the pillar, which 
is nearly straight: cana/ very short and triangular. L. 0°35, B. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Med. St. Rasel Amoush. 

Distribution. Sicily (Monterosato), Smyrna (Jedndrew), Madeira 
(Watson) ; 16-49 fms. 


C. barleei, B. C. iv. p. 268; v. p. 217, pl. Ixxxi. f. 2. 

‘ Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: St. 9. 

Distribution. British and Irish coasts, Areachon (Lafont) !, Cap 
Breton (De Folin) !, Naples and Sicily (Tiberi and others) !; 
25-40 fms. 

1 Whether it is the species which Mr. Watson proposed to name diadema may 
be questionable; but it quite agrees with the notice of that species given by 

* Rough. 


B. Eumeta, Mirch. Apex blunt. 
5. CERITHIOPSIS METAX#, Delle Chiaje. 

Murex metaxa, D. Ch. Mem. iii. p. 222, t. xlix. f. 29-31. 

C. metaxa, B. C. iv. p. 217; v. p. 217, pl. Ixxxi. f. 4. 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. Vigo B., Tangier B.; Med. 50, 
Rasel Amoush, Adventure Bank. 

Distribution, Shetland to the Land’s End, Gulf of Gascony, 
Mediterranean and Adriatic, Madeira, and Canaries ; 7-913 fms. 

Fossil. Pliocene: Red and Coralline Crags, Biot, Pisa, Calabria, 
and Rhodes. 

To the list of synonyms given in ‘ British Conchology’ add 
Cerithium rugulosum, Sowerby, C. subcylindricum, Brusina, and 
C. benoitianum, Monterosato. 

The description and figure of Delle Chiaje are unmistakable. 
Professor Martens says that the specific name ought to be metare. 
He is right, and I have altered it accordingly. 

A specimen from the Bay of Naples, which was obligingly given 
me by the late General de Stefanis, is almost needle-shaped, being 
much more slender and narrow than usual; it has only three rows 
of tubercles on each whorl, the middle row being more prominent 
than the two others. The first or apical whorl is slightly twisted. 
Another specimen of the typical form is milk-white. 

6. CerirHropsis cosrunata, Moller. 

Turritella? costulata, M6ll. Ind. Moll. Greenl. p. 10. 

C. costulata, B. C. iv. p. 272; v. p. 217, pl. Ixxi. f. 5. 

‘ Lightning ’ Exp. St. 2, 5. 

* Porcupine’ Exp. 1869: 4, 23a, 25, Rockall Bank, 65, 89, The 

Distribution. Norway (McAndrew and others), Sweden (Ma/m), 
Shetland (J. G.J.), between the Hebrides and Faroes (‘ Triton’ 
Exp.), Iceland (Zorell), off C. Farewell (¢ Bulldog’ Exp.), Green- 
land (Moller), G. St. Lawrence (Whiteaves), B. Fundy (Verriil) ; 
82-1622 fms. 

Fossil. Post-tertiary (J. G. J. and Thorburn), Wick (Peach), Co. 
Antrim (Hyndman, Waller, and J. G. J.) ; 60 feet to 25 fathoms. 

Cerithium arcticum, Moreh, Cerithiopsis nivea, Jeffr., and 
Cerithium naiadis, Woodward. 


Cerithium trilineatum, Phil. Moll. Sic. i. p. 195, t. xi. f. 13 

‘Porcupine’ Exp. 1870: Atl. St. 30 (young). 

Distribution. Throughout the Mediterranean, and the north-eastern 
coasts of the United States of America; below low-water mark to 
20 fathoms. 

Fossil. Miocene: North-west Germany, Vienna Basin and North 
America (O/to Meyer). Pliocene: Red and Coralline Crags, Italy, 
Rhodes, and Madeira. 


Having myself seen this remarkable species dredged off Martha’s 
Vineyard on the New-England coast, and carefully compared it with 
the Mediterranean and fossil species, I cannot find the slightest 
difference between any of the specimens. It is the Cerithium 
terebrale of C. B. Adams, Bost. Journ. N. H. iii. pl. 3. f. 7 (1841). 
The occurrence of this European species not merely on the coasts of 
North America but also in the Miocene formation of both countries 
is remarkable. 

The last whorl has a basal ridge or keel, besides a thread-like line 
below it and encircling the pillar. The apex consists of two or three 
smooth and glossy whorls ending in a globular point. There is the 
same very short canal as in Cerithiopsis ; but the pillar is longer, 
more flexuous, and recurved at its base as in the typical species of 

I have a fragment of a Cerithiopsis or Cerithium from Station 16 
of the ‘ Porcupine’ Expedition of 1870, which is worthy of notice. 
Each whorl has curved longitudinal ribs, which are crossed by two 
thread-like spiral strie. It is figured in Plate VI. fig. 10 for future 
identification, and may be called bizonalis or bizonale. 


Families. Genera, No. of species. 
XIX. IANTHINIDA..... .. LANTHINA’, 6S S528 192 
XOX NAIC ID IAN. sordciteas de NAT IOCANS 5 21 
NOX NERD Agen. sce NERITINA .. 1 
ADEORBIS!: /:2 72>) 04 
BPossaRUsis «toe le 
SEGUENZIA ...... 6 
XXIII. XENOPHORIDH .... XenopHora...... 1 
XXIV. VELUTINIDA........ Lamenuarra 2 
DOV CAR UAT Ay eee Fee CxPUTSE eee eal 
XXVI. CANCELLARIIDA.... Toreriia.... 2 
XXVII. APORRHAIDA........ Aporrwais.. ... 2 
LococuLis...... 1 
CERITHIUM ...... 10 
XXIX. CERITHIOPSID® .... Triroris........ 2 
Total: 22:32 475 


Puate IV. 
Fig. 1, la. Natica notabilis, p. 31. Fig. 6, 6a. Natica obtusa, p. 33. 
2, 2a. subplicata, p. 32. 7, Ta. operculata, p 34. 
oe angulata, p. 32. 8, 8a. Adeorbis depressus, p. 41. 
4, 4a. globosa, p. 33. ‘9. Fossarus reticulatus, p. 41. 
5, 5a. compacta, p. 33. 


PuateE V. 
Fig. 1, la. Sequenzia elegans, p. 42. Fig. 5-54. Lamellaria tenuis, p. 45. 
2. ——. tricarinata, p. 43. 6, Ga. Torellia delicata, var., p.47. 
3, 3a. carinata, p. 43. 7, Ta. Trichotropis fimbriata, p48. 
4, 4a. —— lawa, p. 44. 8, 8a. densistriata, p. 48. 
Prats VI. 
Fig. 1-16. Stilus insignis, p. 52. , Big. 6, 6a. Cerithiwm watsoni, p. 56. 
2, 2a. Cerithium procerum, p. 58. | 7, 7a. Triforis aspera, p. 58. 
3, 3a. gracile, p. 54. | 8, 8a. Cerithiopsis diadema, p. 60. 
4, 4a, obeliscoides, p. 55. | 9, 9a. horrida, p. 60. 
5, 5a. cylindratum, p. 55. 10. ? bizonalis, p. 62. 

February 3, 1885. 
Prof. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary exhibited a specimen of a rare South-American 
Lizard (Heterodactylus imbricatus), presented to the Society by 
Mr. G. Lennon Hunt, of 16 Hanover Square, late H.B.M. Consul 
at Rio, which had been obtained in the Montequeira Mountains 
near Rio; and read the following observations on it which had been 
kindly communicated to him by Mr. G. A. Boulenger, F.Z.S., of the 
Zoological Department, British Museum :— 

“The handsome specimen obtained by Mr. Hunt belongs un- 
doubtedly to Spix’s Heterodactylus imbricatus. It is interesting, 
first as being larger than any specimen hitherto noticed, its length 
being 460 millim., in which the tail enters for 350 millim. Secondly, 
it possesses an elongate interparietal shield, which is in contact 
with the frontal anteriorly and with the first pair of occipitals 
posteriorly, a character which has been regarded as peculiar to the 
second species of the genus, H. lundiit, Reinh. & Litk. In the 
other specimens of H. iméricatus hitherto noticed, the interparietal 
is either altogether absent, or very short and enclosed between the 
parietals and the anterior occipitals. The specimen is a male, and 
shows on each side two preeanal pores, on the right leg four femoral 
pores, and five on the left. The coloration of the upper parts is very 
obscure, the light lateral band characteristic of the species being 
hardly traceable.” 

The Secretary exhibited the type-specimen of a beetle of the 
family Buprestidee remarkable for its large size, which had lately 
been described by Mr. Charles O. Waterhouse, of the British 
Museum (Ann. Mag. N. H. ser. 5, vol. xiv. p. 429), as Julodis 

The specimen in question had been transmitted to the Society by 
Mr. B. F. Ffinch, of the Persian-Gulf Telegraph Service, Karachi, 


C.M.Z.S., and had been obtained at Bir, a small place on the 
Mekran coast of Beloochistan. Mr. Ffinch stated that he was 

Julodis ffincht. 

endeavouring to procure more specimens, but that few of these 
insects had been met with in that locality. 

The Secretary read the following extracts from a letter addressed 
to him by Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S., dated Sydney, December 23, 
1884 :— 

“JT observe in the Scciety’s ‘ Proceedings’ (1884, p. 387), just 
received, a new Tree-Kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) described 
from Northern Queensland. This has confirmed what I had long 
suspected, that there was one to be found there. You may recollect 
that in the ‘Proceedings’ for 1873 (p. 518), I mentioned the supposed 
existence of a species of Tree-Kangaroo (Dendrolagus) in Northern 
Queensland, some such animal being apparently well known to the 
blacks of Cardwell, who report that it is a Kangaroo that climbs 
trees and leaves deep scratches on the bark. I heard of such an 
animal from many other sources when in Queensland, and made 


many endeavours to obtain it dead or alive, but was unsuccessful, sO 
I was glad to find that one had been at last obtained by the Norwegian 
naturalist. I may further remark that the size and deep scratches 
observed on the bark of the trees, gave rise to a report that a tiger- 
like animal was to be found in Northern Queensland ', as no one 
believed that Kangaroos could climb trees, being ignorant of the 
existence of arboreal Kangaroos in New Guinea. Besides, the 
scratches were totally different from those of the Opossum, which 
leaves marks as if made with a pin’s point, being very fine, and there 
is some doubt whether the Koala or Native Bear leaves any marks.” 

The Secretary laid upon the table a series of specimens of 
Lepidopterous insects, which had been bred in the Insect House 
during the past season, and read the following report upon the 
subject drawn up by Mr. A. Thomson :— 

The following species of Insects have been exhibited in the Insect 
House during the past season :— 

Silk-producing Bombyces. 

Attaeus atlas. Actias selene. 

cynthia. Antherea mylitha. 
Samia cecropia. Telea promethea. 
*—___ columbia. polyphemus. 
Diurnal Lepidoptera. 
Papilio machaon. Vanessa urtice. 
podalirius. polychlorus. 
Thais polyxena. cardui. 
Pieris daplicide. levana. 

Arge galathea. 
*Anoria hippia. 

* Melitea artemis. 
* Argynnis euphrosyne. 

Vanessa atalanta. paphia. 
antiopa. Limenitis sibylla. 
io. popult. 


Smerinthus ocellatus. 

Liparis monacha. 

popult. Bombyx quercus. 

tilie. Lasiocampa ilicifolia. 
Sphine ligustri. Eudromis versicoler. 
—— pinastri. Saturnia carpini. 

Deilephila euph orbie. 


* Of. P. Z. 8. 1871, p. 629; 1872, p. 355; 1873, p. 51 

Amphydasis betularia. 

Lupithecia pulchellata. 
* Exhibited for the first time. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. V. 



* Cherocampa nerit. Melanippe hastata. 
Zygena filipendule. Cidaria sagittata. 
Euchelia jacobee. Cilix spinula. 
Callimorpha dominula. Dicranura vinula. 
Chelonia caja. Thyatira balis. 
Liparis dispar. *Gonomita postica. 

Of the insects mentioned in the preceding list, I have the honour 
to exhibit specimens of all the silk-producing Bombyces reared 
during the past year. Of these I succeeded in rearing a second 
brood of Attacus cynthia and Samia cecropia; but I could not 
succeed in obtaining fertile ova from any of the other species, 
although I made every effort to do so. I fear that the little red 
ants, which infested the Insect House during the past year to an 
extraordinary degree, had something to do with this failure, as with 
every care that was taken to keep them out of the cases, a few 
managed to get in and worry the insects. 

Amongst these insects are three interesting varieties, two (male 
and female) of Samia cecropia, and one of Attacus ricini. The 
female of Samia cecropia emerged in 1882, and I put it on one side 
to see if any more would emerge, but none appeared at all like it till 
the past year, when a very fine male emerged. Compared with the 
ordinary type of S. cecropia the difference is rather striking. The 
specimen of Aétacus ricini is remarkable for the absence of the dark- 
coloured markings on the wings, and for the breadth of the rose- 
coloured band. 

Of Butterflies, the most interesting species exhibited was Aporia 
hippia from the Amoor, cocoons of which were received in exchange 
from the Gardens in Hamburg. 

I was able to exhibit for the first time during the past year the 
very beautiful Oleander Hawk-Moth (Cherocampa nerii), pupe of 
which were obtained from the continent. 

From South Africa I received some cocoons, sent by Mr. E. T. 
Wells, of Somerset East. These proved to be the cocoons of 
Gonomita postica ; and } exhibit a male and female insect, together 
with the cocoons from which they emerged. 

Mr. Seebohm exhibited an example of a curious pale-buff variety 
of the Red Grouse, Tetrao scoticus, which had been shot on the 16th 
of October, 1884, by Mr. Gray Grayrigge, on a moor near More- 
cambe Bay. It had been seen during three seasons on the moor. 

The following papers were read :— 

* Exhibited for the first time. 

J.Smit lith. Hanhart imp. 


PZ. 5: (6833Fy 1g 

= ic ae eee 
J. Smit lith mMnart imp. 



1. Troisiéme liste des Oiseaux recueillis par M. Stolzmann 
dans ’Ecuadeur. Par L. TaczaAnowsxi et Comte H. v. 

[Received January 9, 1885.] 
(Plates VII. & VIII.) 

Les oiseaux de cette collection ont été recueillis dans les localités 
suivantes :— 

*‘Mapoto (province Ambato, canton Pillaro’, paroisse Banos), 
hacienda située sur le versant oriental des Andes, couvert de foréts 
humides, sur la route entre Bafios et Canelos, cette dernicre localité 
visitée par M. Buckley. Mapoto est établi au bord du fleuve 
Pastaza, le plus important confluant équatorien de |’Amazone. 
Cette localité est élevée 4 7000 pieds au dessus du niveau de la mer, 
correspondant sous ce rapport & Cayandeled du versant occidental ; 
mais malgré cela sa faune doit étre plutoét comparée a celle de 

** Machay, hacienda située sur la méme route 4 une distance de 
trois lieues de Mapoto. Son élévation est 5000 pieds au dessus du 
niveau de la mer. Le caractére de la végétation est presque le méme 
que dans la localité précédente, et les faunes y sont trés semblables, 
quoique ou rencontre 4 Machay plusieurs espéces qu’on ne trouve 
pas 4 Mapoto, et vice versd. ; 

“ Banos, chef-lieu de la paroisse du méme nom (province Ambato, 
canton Pillaro), situé sur le versant N.E. du volean Tunguragua, & 
une hauteur de 6200 pieds au dessus du niveau de la mer. Les 
oiseaux cités de cette localité ont été recueillis un peu plus haut, 
dans le forét Runtun, entre 6500 et 7500 pieds, 

«San Rafael, hacienda sur le versant E. du volean Tunguragua, 
élevée & 9000 pieds, les excursions y étaient poussées jusqu’a la 
limite inférieure des neiges éternelles, c’est-a-dire jusqu’a une 
hauteur de 15,000 pieds. La forét s’y étend entre 9000 et 11,500 
pieds, au dessus de cette hauteur on entre dans la région de 
“ Paramo,” caractérisée par le manque de la végétation arborescente 
remplacée par les graminées, principalement par la Stipa ichu et 
par les arbustes de la Chuquiragua insignis. On a chassé aussi 
un peu au dessous de San Rafael jusqu’a la hauteur de 5000 pieds, ou 
les foréts primitives ont été détruites, et une végétation serrane y a 
pris place. 

“‘ Mayorazgo, d’ot proviennent les Steatornis, est une petite grote 
située dans un ravin presque inaccessible voisin de San Rafael. 
Elle est élevée 4 9000 pieds au dessus du niveau de la mer. 

“ Riobamba, ville, chef-lieu de la province Chimborazo, située 
dans une vaste plaine entre les deux crétes des Cordilléres, occiden- 
tale et orientale. Les eaux des environs de la ville appartiennent 

1 Tl faut distinguer Pillaro de Puellaro, bourg situé prés de Quito et visité 
par M. Fraser dans son voyage dans l'Hcuadeur, 


au systéme du fleuve Pastaza. Riobamba est done située sur le ver- 
sant oriental de la chaine des Audes. L’altitude de cette ville est 4 
peu prés la méme que celle de Quito (9000 pieds). La végétation, 
outre les champs cultivés, y est trés pauvre et se compose principale- 
ment des arbres du cerisier américain (Cerasus capuli), d’une espéce 
d’Agave et d’un Cactus 4 fleurs blanches, trés recherchées par la 
Lesbia amaryllis. 

“Les localités citées jusqu’ici sont situées sur le versant oriental 
des Andes. La comparaison de leurs faunes avec celles du versant 
occidental exploré par moi et Siemiradzki nous montre que Mapoto 
et Machay correspondent 4 Chimbo du versant occidental, Banos 
a Cayandeled, et San Rafael a Cechce et la Union. 

* Mapoto et Machay, quoique élevés beaucoup plus que Chimbo, 
présentent plusieurs espéces communes, ou trés voisines aux espéces 
de Chimbo, comme par exemple :— 

Chimbo (entre 800 et 3000 Mapoto et Machay (entre 4000 
pieds). et 5000 pieds). 

Cyphorhinus phzeocephalus. C. thoracicus dichrous. 

Geothlypis semiflava. 
Basileuterus semicervinus. 
Hylophilus minor. 
Calliste cyanopygia. 
Pyranga ardens. 
Chlorospingus canigularis. 

Chlorospingus flavigularis. 


Platyrhynchus albigularis. 
Todirostrum sclateri. 
Mionectes oleagineus. 
Leptopogon superciliaris. 
Tyranniscus cinereiceps. 
Myiozetetes cayennensis. 

Rhynchocyclus peruvianus, 

Myiobius erypterythrus. 
Contopus richardsoni. 
Tyrannus melancholicus. 
Cephalopterus penduliger. 
Xenops littoralis. 
Sittasomus amazonus. 
Margarornis brunnescens. 

Dysithamnus semicinereus. 
Myrmotherula menetriesii. 

Cercomacra tyrannina. 
Schistes personatus. 
Picumnus granadensis. 
Momotus microstephanus. 
Galbula melanogenia. 
Malacoptila panamensis. 
Rhamphastos ambiguus. 
Capito bourcieri. 

G. philadelphia. 
B. tristriatus. 

H. olivaceus. 

C. cceruleocephala. 
P. ardens. 

Ch. signatus. 
Ch, flavigularis, 
C. uropygialis. 
P. albigularis, 

T. cinereum, 

M. oleagineus. 
L, pecilotis. 

T. cinereiceps. 
M. similis. 

Rh. peruvianus, 
M, eryptoxanthus. 
C. richardsoni. 
T. melancholicus. 
C. ornatus. 

X, rutilus. 

8. amazonus. 

M. brunnescens. 
D. subplumbeus. 
M., menetriesii. 
C, approximans ? 
8. geoffroyi. 

P, lafresnayei. 
M. sp. ?? 

G, pastazae. 

M. fulvigularis. 
Bh. tocard. 

C. bourcieri. 

‘Nous n’avons choisi que les espéces trés caractéristiques pour 
Chimbo (800-3000 pieds), ne dépassant point cette derniére altitude. 

1 J’ai vu un exemplaire chez un chasseur de Machay, probablement MV. 


Ces exemples démontrent un fait trés remarquable, que les limites de 
la dispersion orographique sont beaucoup plus basses pour plusieurs 
espéces sur le versant occidental que sur le versant oriental, ce qui 
parait prouver que les mémes lignes isothermiques ne sont pas 
situées sur la méme hauteur des deux versants des Andes dans la 
méme latitude géographique. Quelques données du régne végétal 
viennent 4 confirmer notre supposition; par exemple, le bambou 
épineux (Guadua, sp.?) ne se trouve pas au dessus de Chimbo (800 
pieds), tandis qu’il est répandu & Machay et 4 Mapoto sur 4000- 
5000 pieds. D’un autre coté on rencontre 4 Chimbo une canne 
grimpante (Chusquea) propre sur le versant oriental 4 des hauteurs 
de 7000 a 9000 pieds, et ne se trouvant pas a Machay (5000 pieds). 

* Quoique exploration des environs de Baiios fut trés supertficielle, 
la présence de quelques espéces trés caractéristiques pour cette lo- 
ealité nous prouve qu elle correspond plus ou moins 4 Cayandeled du 
versant occidental, malgré qu’elles présentent une différence de 2200 
pieds dans leur élévation relative au dessus du niveau de la mer. Les 
formes suivantes si caractéristiques pour Cayandeled :—Diglossa 
albilateralis, Pecilotriccus rufigenis, Panoplites matthewsi, Bour- 
cieria Sulgidigula, Cynanthus cyanurus, Geotrygon bourcieri se 
trouvent aussi 4 Baiios, ou y sont remplacées par des us trés 
voisines, comme p. e. Pecilotriccus rufigenis par P. ruficeps, 
Bourcieria fulgidigula par B. torquata, Cynanthus cyanurus par 
C. mocoa. 

*‘ Chimborazo, montagne située sur la créte des Cordilléres, de 
maniére qu’une partie de ses eaux se rend vers le Pacific, formant la 
tiviére Chimbo, confluant du fleuve Guayas (Guayaquil), et l’autre 
vers Atlantique par la riviére San Luis, un des nombreux cours 
d’eaux formant le fleuve Pastaza. Les oiseaux provenant du Chim- 
borazo ont été chassés aux environs de Panza, petit tambo (auberge) 
visité autrefois par M. Fraser, qui estime son élévation 4 14,000 

** Les deux dernieres localites qui ont été précédemment visitées 
par Stolzmann et Siemiradzki sont :— 

** La Union ou Llagos, petit village composé de quelques cabanes 
sur la grande route d’Alausi 4 Cuenca. Les oiseaux y ont été 
chassés entre les limites de 8000 et 9000 pieds. Cette localité du 
versant occidental correspond par son élévation et par sa faune a 
San Rafael du versant oriental. Toute cette contrée est couverte de 
foréts humides. 

** Yaguachi, ville, élevée aprés la derniére révolution au rang du 
chef-lieu d’un nouveau canton Olenedo, formant une partie de la 
province Guayas (Guayaquil). Elle est située au bord de la riviére 
Yaguachi, confluant du fleave Guayas, 4 une distance de 6 lieues de 
Guayaquil. Son élévation est presque nulle, et le climat y est trés 
chaud. La végétation des environs de Yaguachi présente une 
remarquable transition entre les foréts humides des contreforts des 
Andes et la végétation relativement trés pauvre des environs de 
Guayaquil. Pendant les deux saisons de l’aunée, celle des pluies et 
celle de la sécheresse, on remarque une différence assez considérable 


dans la végétation ; elle est pauvre pendant la sécheresse, et se déve- 
loppe beaucoup plus lorsqu’il commence a pleuvoir. Ces changements 
climatériques et phytologiques entrainent une sorte de migrations des 
oiseaux de la edte équatorienne, et tandis qu’on y rencontre dans 
la saison séche plusieurs espéces caractéristiques pour Guayaquil, 
on y trouve dans l’époque des pluies plusieurs formes propres aux 
foréts humides des environs de Chimbo. Ainsi, p. e., j’y ai trouvé 
en décembre (fin de la saison séche) le Pyrocephalus rubineus, 
Myiodynastes bairdi, Coryphospingus cruentus, etc., en nombre assez 
considérable, tandis qu’ils manquaient complétement au mois de mai 
(fin de la saison pluvieuse), et au lieu d’eux j’ai trouvé les especes 
non vues auparavant:—Myiodynastes audax, Euphonia saturata, 
Hadrostomus homochrous, Pachyramphus spodiurus, Juliamyia feli- 
clana, ete.’’—Stolzmann. 

*1, Turpvus ALicra#, Baird. 

Une femelle prise &4 Machay en novembre. L’oiseau n’est pas 
adulte, présentant quelques stries blanches sur les grandes tectrices 
alaires, et d’un faite un peu moins fort que les oiseaux des Etats 
Unis et de Bogota (Musée Berlepsch) et du nord de Kamtschatka 
(Musée de Varsovie), avec lesquels il a été comparé, s’accordant en 
outre parfaitement avec tous ces exemplaires. 

2. Turpus swatnsont, Cab. 

Neuf exemplaires de Mapoto et Machay, recueillis depuis novem- 
bre jusqu’en janvier. 


Un oiseau sans indication de sexe recueilli 4 Machay le 14 
novembre. Iris brun foncé. 5° remige la plus longue, 4°=6°, 
2°=9°, longueur de la 1"° 30 millim. 

4. TuRDUs SERRANUS, Tsch. 

Une paire de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillie en décembre et 
janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Le mile, qui est jeune prenantsa livrée d’adulte, présente les dimen- 
sions moins fortes que celles des males du Pérou central ; l’aile pliée 
est longue de 120, tandis qu’elle est de 133 chez le péruvien, queue 
de 105 au lieu de 117 millim. La formule de Vaile est la méme. 
La femelle, qui est adulte et en plumage, a aussi les dimensions 
moins fortes que dans les péruviennes, aile longue de 118 au lieu de 
123-126, queue 105 au lieu de 110 millimétres. Dans la coloration 
elle est plus foneé en dessus que les péruviennes; en dessous et sur 
les tectrices inférieures de laile le roux est olivatre et non rougeatre 
propre aux oiseaux péruviens. 

*5, Turpus GiGas, Fras. 
Une femelle tuée en février 4 Banos. 



Une paire de San Rafael recueillie en mars 1881. Iris brun 


7. My1apestrs RALLorpEs (Laff. et d’Orb.). 

Male et deux femelles recueillis en février 4 Mapoto. Iris brun 


Male, femelle et un jeune male de Yaguachi recueillis en aoit. 

Tris brun foneé. 
Cette forme se distingue de la P. albiloris, Saly., par la strie sour- 

ciligre blanche ; c’est 4 cette forme qu’appartient aussi l’oiseau 
du Pérou septentrional. 


Trois femelles adultes et un jeune de Yaguachi, recueillis en mai 

Le jeune oiseau en premier plumage différe des adultes par lesommet 
de la téte noir unicolore bordé des deux cétés d’un sourcil ocreux 
clair, trés fin devant l’ceil et élargi en arriére ; toutes les taches 
dorsales, les bandes alaires et caudales ocreuses au lieu de blanchatres ; 
en dessous le blanchatre est sale 4 taches moins grandes et moins 
réguliéres. La machoire est d’un brun beaucoup plus foncé ; les 
pattes plus obscures. 


Trois males et une femelle de Machay, Mapoto et San Rafael, 
tués en décembre, en janvier et février. Iris gris bleuatre chez le 
male, brun chatain chez la femelle. 

*1]. CyPoRHINUS THORACICUS DICHROUs (Sel. et Salv.), P.Z.S. 
1879, p. 792, tab. xli. 

Deux males, trois femelles et quatre jeunes recueillis 4 Machay et 
Mapoto en novembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Forme trés voisine du C. thoracicus, Tsch., qui n’en est distinete que 
par des détails trés minutieux, comme couleur générale des parties 
suy érieures du corps plus foncée et disposée d’une manicre différente 
sur le derritre du sommet de la téte en descendant largement en 
travers de toute la longueur du cou, tandis que dans l’oiseau péruvien 
elle s’attenue graduellement sur la nuque et passe finement au cou ; 
le roux intense de la poitrine s’arréte plus haut, mais il descend en 
une nuance plus claire plus loin sur le milieu de abdomen ; les sous- 
caudales sont bordées largement de roux et traversées par une autre 
vaie paralléle & cette bordure, tandis que chez le C. thoracicus la 
bordure roussatre est peu prononcée et il n’y a point de trace d’une 


raie paralléle ; le devant du visage présente aussi une différence en 
ce que le roux commence immédiatement au menton et passe 
au dessous de l’ceil, les plumules foneées ne se trouvant que sur la 
bordure de la paupiére, tandis que chez l’oiseau péruvien le brunatre 
occupe le devant du menton, et l’ceil est entouré d’une bordure 
pareille assez large; le bee est plus bossu devant les narines. 

Les oiseaux jeunes se distinguent des adultes par une teinte 
brunatre sur les parties supérieures du corps, le roux de la gorge 
moin pur et moins uniforme, les souscaudales rousses en entier, la 
mandibule blanche en dessous. 

12, Hentcornina Leucorurys (Tsch.). 

Deux femelles de Machay, prises en décembre 1883, identiques a 
Poiseau de Chimbo, 4 poitrine paraissant étre d’un gris un peu 
plus clair. 

13. ODONTORHYNCHUS BRANICKH, sp. n. (Plate VII. fig. 1.) 

O. supra cinereo-ardesiacus, pileo plus aut minus rufescente 
induto, uropygio maculis nonnullis albis vario, tectricibus caude 
superioribus nigro transfasciatis ; lateribus capitis albo et nigro 
striatis ; subtus totus albus, tectricibus caude inferioribus fasciis 
transversalibus nigris ; alis dorso concoloribus, subalaribus albis 
JSusco maculatis ; margine interno remigum albo; cauda ar- 
desiaco - cinerea, fasciis transversalibus nigris ; rectricibus 
externis nigris, fasciis albis. 

3 ad. Tout le dessus du corps est d’un cendré ardoisé pur a 
sommet de la téte roussatre, presque ocreux sur le front, jusqu’au 
dela du niveau du devant des yeux et prenant un ton café sur le 
reste; des stries blanches nombreuses au cou postérieur, quelques 
taches blanches au milieu du croupion, tectrices supérieures de la 
queue rayées en travers de noir; cdtés de la téte blanes striés 
finement de noir; sourcils noirs striés de blane ; tout le dessous est 
blanc, coloré légérement d’isabelle sur la poitrine, des raies noires en 
travers des souscaudales. Ailes concolores au dos a tectrices in- 
férieures blanches maculées de gris foncé ; bord interne des remiges 
blane. Queue d’un cendré plus clair que celui du dos et des ailes, 
transversée de huit raies noires, dont Jes deux postérieures sont large- 
ment interrompues au milieu des rectrices ; en outre les rectrices sont 
terminées par une bordure noiratre entourée d’un liséré cendré trés 
fin ; les bandes noires sont prédominantes sur les rectrices externes, 
et les cendrées remplacées par des blanches, sur la rectrice suivante il 
y a une série de taches blanches le long du bord interne. Bee gris 
corné trés foneé, presque noir, plus clair sur les fourches de la man- 
dibule et sur les bords des deux machoires; pattes plombé foncé ; 
iris brun rougeatre. 

Qad. Semblable en tout au male précédent et n’en differe que par 
Yocreux moins clair et moins prolongé sur le front et le manque 
complet de stries blanches au cou postérieur. 

Jeune male semblable aux adultes et en differe principalement 
par la couleur du sommet de la téte 4 peine lavé de café de sorte que 


la nuance de cette partie est trés peu différente de celle du dos; 
également comme la femelle, il n’a point de stries blanches au cou 
postérieur ; les stries blanches des cdtés de la téte plus grosses, 
moins nombreuses, 2 bordures latérales moins foncées, les stries du 
sourcil sont sur un fond ardoise et non noir; souscaudales d’un 
blanc isabelle 4 raies transyersales noires, moins réguliéres et moins 
nettes. Iris gris foncé. 

3. Longueur totale 143, vol 196, aile 60, queue 54, bee 17°5, 
tarse 17, doigt médian 13, ongle 5, pouce 12, ongle 6°5 millim. 

@. Longueur totale 136, vol 188, aile 57, queue 50, bee 17, 
tarse 17, doigt médian 13, ongle 4, pouce 11, ongle 6 millim. 

L’oiseau typique du Musée de Vienne de 1’O. cinereus, Pelz., est 
jeune en premier plumage, mais malgré cela il est suffisant pour 
démontrer évidemment que notre oiseau de l’Ecuadeur appartient 
3 une espéce parfaitement distincte, quoique voisine, tant plus que 
parmi les oiseaux fournis par M. Stolzmann il y a un exemplaire jeune. 
La forme du bec présente une différence la plus frappante ; dans notre 
oiseau il est beaucoup plus long, moins élevé, moins comprimé, 
i aréte dorsale beaucoup moins courbée dans sa moitié terminale ; 
les pattes de notre oiseau sont beaucoup pius fortes, & doigts plus 
longs, la différence est la plus frappante dans le pouce, qui n’est que 
de 8 millim. dans l’espéce brésilienne ; les ailes sont plus longues de 
9-10 millim., 4 4° et 5° remiges les plus longues et égales, tandis 
que dans l’oiseau brésilien c’est la 3° et 7° qui sont égales et les plus 
longues. Dans la coloration il y a aussi plusieurs différences essen- 
tielles outre celle de la nuance des parties supérieures du corps, 
comme :—cotés de la téte striés d’une maniére plus ou moins pro- 
noncée, méme dans Voiseau jeune, les raies noires plus larges et 
moins nombreuses en travers de la queue (8 au lieu de i1). 

Deux miles, deux femelles et un jeune male de Machay et de 
Mapoto, recueillis en décembre et en janvier. 

Ce Troglodyte accompagne les bandes vagabondes dans les foréts 
de la contrée ; ses allures bizarres ont frappé l’attention de M. Stolz- 
mann, ear il a lhabitude de sautiller 4 grands bonds le long des 
grosses branches horizontales, également sur leur surface supérieure, 
comme sur linférieure ; et c’est cette manceuvre qui le faisait recon- 
naitre de loin daus une bande composée de différents autres oiseaux. 

Nous dédions ce curieux oiseau 4 la mémoire du Comte Con- 
stantin Branicki comme souvenir du dernier voyage de M. Stolzmann 
accompli sous ses auspices. 

14. TuryoTHoRus EVOPHRYs, Scl. 
Une femelle prise 4 La Union le 27 octobre. 


Cing femelles et trois jeunes pris 4 Bafos, San Rafael et El Mira- 
dor en janvier et février. 

Un exemplaire de Yaguachi. 



Male ad. et jeune de San Rafael et de Chimborazo, recueillis en 
"mars et en avril. 

18. Paruta pitTr1ayum! (Vieill.). 

Un male de Mapoto, une femelle de Machay. 

Le male a les deux raies blanches transalaires trés marquées, la 
femelle n’a qu’une faible raie postérieure et manque en entier |’anté- 
rieure. Ce male a le roussatre du cou antérieur aussi faible que 
dans les femelles de Chimbo et de Machay, tandis que les males de 
Chimbo et de Surupata (Ecuadeur occ.), ainsi que ceux du Pérou 
septentrional, ont cette nuance beaucoup plus forte. 


Neuf oiseaux en différents plumages, pris & Machay, Mapoto et 
Baiios depuis novembre jusqu’en janvier. 

*20. DENDR@CA CHRULEA (Wils.). 

Huit oiseaux pris § Machay et 4 Mapoto depuis novembre jusqu’ 
en février. 

*21. My1op1ocTes CANADENSIs (L.). 

Onze oiseaux pris 4 Machay et Mapoto depuis novembre jusqu’en 


Quatre males et une femelle de Mapoto recuillis en janvier. Iris 
brun foncé. 
Tous les males n’ont aucune trace de blanc sur les paupicres. 

#23, BASILEUTERUS CASTANEICEPS, Scl. et Salv., P. Z. 8. 1877, 
p. 521 (décrit de Jina, Ecuad.). 

Trois males et une femelle, pris 4 Machay et San Rafael en 
décembre et mars. Iris brun fonceé. 

Les oiseaux péruviens ont une teinte plus brunatre et moins olive 
en dessus, et ont le plus souvent moins de jaune sur les sous- 


Trois males, deux femelles et deux oiseaux sans indication de sexe, 
pris 4 Machay et A Mapoto en novembre, décembre et janvier. 
Tris brun foncé. 

Ces oiseaux ne se distinguent des péruviens que par le jaune plus 
distinct 4 la surface de la raie médiane du sommet de la téte. 


Deux oiseaux pris en février et en mars i San Rafael. Iris brun 



26. SeTOPHAGA VERTICALIS (Lafr. et Orb.). 

Cing exemplaires de Mapoto et de Machay, pris en novembre, 
décembre et janvier. 

27. SeropHAGA BAIRDI, Salv. 

Cing exemplaires de San Rafael et de Mapoto, pris en janvier et 

Le jeune oiseau en premier plumage n’a rien de roux sur la nuque, 
rien de jaune sur les lores et autour de l’ceil; le dessous est d’un 
jaunatre sale et pale avec une large bande pectorale roussatre. 

*28. SeTOPHAGA RUFICORONATA, Kaup ; Salv. Ibis, 1878, p. 316, 
tab. vii. f. 1. 

Deux miles de San Rafael pris en février et mars. Iris brun foncé. 



Un mile et trois femelles recueillis 4 Machay, 4 Mapoto et Baiios 
en novembre, décembre et février. 

*30. HyLoruinus onivaceus, Tsch. 

Un male pris 4 Mapoto en décembre. Iris ocreux. Identique 
aux oiseaux péruviens. 

Deux oiseaux de Yaguachi. 

32. DicLossa personata (Fras.). 
Trois males et une femelle recueillis A Banos en février 1884. 

*33. DiGLossa LAFRESNAYI (Boiss.). 

Un male et deux femelles recueillis en mars 1877 4 San Rafael. 
Iris brun foneé. 

*34. D1GLossa INDIGOTICA, Scl. 

Un mile ad., deux femelles et un jeune male recueillis 4 Mapoto 
en janvier et février 1884. —_ Iris jaune chez le male, d’un jaune sale 
chez la temelle et le jeune. 


Un mile adulte pris 4 Banos en février 1884. 


Trois males ad. et un jeune male de San Rafael, reeueillis en mars 
1884. Iris brun foncé. 


Un male de San Rafael du 28 février, 1884. 

*38. OREOMANES FRASER], Scl. P. Z. 8. 1860, p. 75. 

Une paire de Chimborazo, recueillie le 20 Avril, 1884. Iris brun 

Les deux sexes ne présentent entre elles aucune différence, 
excepté la taille, qui est moins forte dans la femelle ; Paile du male a 
88 millim., celle de la femelle 81, queue du male 65, celle de la 
femelle 60. 

National Mus. 1878 (Ecuador). 

Deux miles, trois femelles et un jeune recueillis 4 Machay en 
novembre et décembre. Iris rouge brunatre chez le male, brun 
rougeatre chez la femelle ; brun foncé chez le jeune. 

La femelle a le noir de la téte et du dos remplacé par Volive avec 
un demicollier nucal analogue 4 celui du male, mais d’un jaune 
obscur, une raie d’un jaune straminé a éclat vitreux le long du milieu 
du dos, croupion d’un jaune plus pur et plus brillant ; gorge d’un gris 
olivatre, bordée en dessous d’une raie jaune vive, prolongé sur les 
cdtés jusqu’’ compleéter le demicollier nucal dont le jaune est beau- 
conp plus obscur; le milieu méme du dessous du corps est blan- 
chatre, cdtés largement d’un olive jaunatre, passant méme au jaune 
sous certain jour. Ailes noiratres 4 tectrices et les remiges bordées 
de bleu verdatre ; les remiges tertiaires de la couleur du dos ; sous- 
axillaires blanc-jaunatres. Rectrices médianes olives, les autres 
noiratres bordées 4 l’extérieur de bleu verdatre. 

Une femelle plus jeune se distingue de la précédente par le collier 
nucal plus fin et moins prononcé, le croupion moins jaune, la raie 
dorsale peu marquée, la partie antérieure du collier moins large, et 
d’un jaune moins brillant, les flanes olivatres sans éclat jaune. 

Le jeune en premier plumage différe de la femelle par le collier 
nucal 4 peine indiqué par une ligne un peu plus claire que le fond des 
parties environnantes, par le manque complet de taches jaunatres le 
long du milieu du dos, Je jaune olivatre occupant le milieu du crou- 
pion moins largement et sans éclat vitreux ; en dessous il est beau- 
coup plus sale, 4 milieu du ventre jaunatre sale au lieu de blanchatre ; 
trés peu de jaunatre au cére antérieur; tectrices alaires olives au 
lieu de bleuatre. 

3. Longueur totale 138, vol 219, aile 68, queue 45, bee 15, 
tarse 16 millim. ; 

@. Longueur totale 138, vol 217, aile 67, queue 17, bee 15, 
tarse 16 millim. 


Deux males recueillis 4 Yaguachi en juin 1884. 

41. EvpHonta saTurata (Cab.). 
Quatre males et une femelle recueillis 4 Yaguachi en juin 1884, 



Un mile ad., un jeune mile et trois femelles recueillis 4 Machay 
en novemhre 1883 et en janvier 1884. 

43. EUPHONIA HYPOXANTHA, Berl. et Tacz. 
Un jeune male tué 4 Yaguachi en juin. 

*44, CHLOROCHRYSA BOURCIERI (Bp.), Rev. et Mag. Zool. 
1851, p. 129 (décrit de Banos). 

Nombreux exemplaires adultes et jeunes de Machay et de Mapoto, 
recueillis en novembre, décembre et janvier. Iris brun fonceé. 

Les oiseaux de  Ecuadeur et de la Nouvelle Grenade différent de 
la Ch. calliparea (Tsch.) du Pérou central par la couleur de l’abdo- 
men d’un bleu verdatre, tandis que Poiseau péruvien l’a d’un bleu 
saphiré intense. 

Le jeune male en premier plumage ressemble en tout 4 la femelle 
adulte, mais il n’a point de tache occipitale jaune. En commengant 
a changer le plumage les plumes noires apparaissent sur la gorge, 
les vert-bleudtres sur les flancs et au sommet de la téte; puis c’est 
le noir de la gorge et le plumage de la téte qui sont les premiers 4 se 
former, tandis que la coloration du dessous, les taches auriculaires 
et la grosse tache uropygiale sont encore 4 moitié incomplctes. 

*45. Diva vassori (Boiss.). 

Quatre males et une femelle pris 4 La Union en novembre 1883, et 
a San Rafael en mars 1881. 

*46. CALLISTE YENI (Lafr. et Orb.). 
Deux males pris 4 Machay en novembre et en décembre. 


Deux males pris & Machay et 4 Mapoto en novembre et en 


Six males, deux femelles et un jeune en premier plumage de 
Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis en novembre, décembre et janvier. 

Ces oiseaux se distinguent de ceux de l’espéce de Tschudi du 
Pérou central par le jaune en général plus pur et plus intense, fort 
orangé tirant presqu’au rougedtre sur le sommet de la téte; le 
marron de la gorge et du cou antérieur est beaucoup moins obscur, 
le jaune de la poitrine et de abdomen est plus pur 4 nuance marron 
beaucoup plus faible. 

Le jeune en premier plumage ressemble 4 l’adulte, mais il est mate 
sans trace de lustre, le jaune est sale et uniforme partout sans orangé 
sur la téte ni marron sur la gorge; il a des petites taches noires au 
milieu du cervix formant une grosse tache foncée ; le noir du tour 
du bec et de la tache auriculaire moins intense ; bordures des plumes 
dorsales d’un jaune sale, ainsi que celles des tectrices alaires. 


49. CALLIsTr GyRoLoipEs (Lafr. et d’Orb.). 
Une jeune femelle prise 4 Mapoto le 30 janvier. 

*50. CALLISTE TAYLORI, sp. n. Stolzm. MS. 

C. c@ruleo-seladinea, alis caudaque ngris plumis ceruleo limbatis ; 
abdomine medio crissoque albidis rufescente tinctis ; fronte, loris, 
circulo oculari fasciague cervicali et postnuchali nigris ; fascia 
nuchali latissima splendide sericeo-aurea ; area magna verticali 
fasciaque colli postici violaceo-ultramarinis ; subalaribus albis. 
Rostrum nigrum ; pedes plumbeo-olivacei ; iris fusco-brunnea. 

3. Le noir velouté occupe largement le front, les lores, le tour 
de l’ceil, le devant du menton et une bande postnucale; une large 
bande d’un beau bleu outremer tirant un peu au violatre occupe 
toute la largeur du vertex entre le noir frontal et celui de la raie 
cervicale ; une large bande d’un jaune doré fort soyeux couvre la 
partie postérieure du cervix et la nuque en se prolongeant des deux 
cétés sur les tectrices auriculaires supérieures pénétrant méme quel- 
quefois sur le bord postérieur de I’ceil ; les plumes du cou postérieur 
sont noires terminées par une tache bleu-violatre semblable a la 
couleur du vertex, qui sur le bas de cette partie paraissent former 
une bande continue; le dos est couvert de plumes noiratres au 
milieu et bordées largement de vert céladon ; croupion d’un beau 
bleu céladon uniforme, beaucoup plus clair et plus vif que celui des 
bordures dorsales; gorge, cou antérieur, joues, poitrine et les flancs 
de l’abdomen sont d’une couleur bleue semblable 4 celle du crou- 
pion ; milieu de l’abdomen, région anale et les souscaudales d’un ocreux 
pale, plus blanchatre sur le devant. Ailes et queue noires 4 toutes 
plumes bordées de bleu analogue au plumage général, ces bordures 
sont larges sur les petites tectrices en y formant une surface uniforme, 
tandis qu’elles sont fines sur les autres; les deux rectrices médianes 
enduites de bleudtre; sousalaires internes et les sousaxillaires 
blanches, les tectrices du pli de Vaile noiratres squamulées de blanc. 
Bec noir ; pattes d’un plombé olivatre ; iris brun foncé. 

. Semblable au male et n’en est distincte que par la bande 
nucale moins brillante et moins large ; la raie cervicale fine et moins 
nettement prononcée ; les bordures des plumes dorsales moins pures ; 
le bleu du croupion et du dessous moins intense et moins pur, sur- 
tout sur les flanes, ot il est fort mélangé avec du gris. 

Le jeune oiseau en premier plumage est d’un gris foncé olivatre en 
dessus, lavé de verdatre le Jong des cotés du sommet de la téte, au 
dos et surtout sur les scapulaires, le croupion et les couvertures supé- 
rieures de Ja queue, tandis que sur le milieu du cervix et de la nuque 
la nuance est brunatre; gorge, joues, poitrine et les flancs sont d’un 
gris pale; milieu de abdomen et les souscaudales semblables 4 
ceux de l’adulte, mais d’une nuance sale. Les bordures des plumes 
alaires et de la queue sont d’une couleur moins pure; tectrices 
alaires moyennes fuligineuses sans bordures bleues; sur les petites 
les bordures sont d’un vert bleuatre ne couvrant pas en entier le fond 
du milieu des plumes. 


do. Longueur de l’aile 78, queue 51, bec 14, tarse 18 mm. 

@. Longueur de Vaile 70, queue 49, bec 13, tarse 17 mm. 

Forme la plus voisine de la C. ruficerviv, Prev., et présentant la 
méme disposition des couleurs, surtout sur la téte, mais distincte 
parfaitement par une autre couleur beaucoup plus brillante de la 
bande nucale, et plus prolongée sur les cétés jusqu’aux tectrices 
auriculaires supérieures, par une autre couleur bleue de la bande ver- 
ticale, et les petites tectrices alaires (épaules) d’un bleu de ciel uni- 
forme, tandis que chez la C. ruficervix elles sont d’un bleu foncé 
au moins en partie. 

Trois males, ad., une femelle et un jeune en premier plumage pris 
& Machay en novembre et décembre. 

M. Stolzmann dédie cette belle Calliste & M. Antoine Taylor, 
comme hommage pour son dévouement qu’il a déployé en lui aidant 
4 collectionner pendant sa derniére expédition. Il accompagnait 
M. Fraser dans son expédition de Pallatanga et de Babahoyo, et 
ensuite il collectionnait pour M. Buckley. 


Cing males, deux femelles et quatre jeunes de Machay et de 
Mapoto, recueillis en décembre, en janvier et février. 

Ces oiseaux du versant oriental de la chaine équatorienne sont 
identiques aux oiseaux du Pérou septentrional, ayant la gorge d’un 
saphire violatre, et non & ceux du Pérou central et A ceux del’ Ecua- 
deur occidental. 

Le jeune oiseau en premier plumage est en dessus d’un gris fuli- 
gineux 4 plumes du sommet de la téte et du cou bordées finement 
de vert olive donnant cette teinte assez prononcée a ces parties; le 
croupion est d’une teinte olive jaunatre sale; la gorge est gris pale 
tirant légérement au verdatre ; le reste du dessous est d’un gris pale 
lavé légérement de roussatre au milieu du corps, et plus fortement 
sur les flancs du ventre, sur la région anale et les souscaudales ; le 
noir des ailes est moins intense, les bordures des remiges vertes, 
celles des tectrices fauves et celles des remiges tertiaires d’un fauve 
grisatre ; les rectrices noiratres sont bordées de verdatre peu pro- 

En commengant 4 changer le plumage c’est le croupion qui parait 
prendre le premier la couleur semblable A celle des adultes, les 
plumes bleues se montrent au cou et sur la téte, les noires au dos et 
sur Pabdomen. 


Deux femelles prises i Machay en novembre et décembre, sem- 
blables en tout aux oiseaux du Pérou septentrional et ne distinctes 
de Poiseau du Pérou central que par la teinte de la gorge moins 

*53. CALLIsTE CHRysotis, DuBus. 
Un mile, quatre femelles et un jeune recueillis & Machay en 


novembre. La femelle de cet oiseau est aussi brillante que le male et 
ne présente aucune différence dans la coloration. 

Le jeune oiseau en premier plumage a la méme disposition des cou- 
leurs que dans les adultes, mais il est beaucoup moins brillant, sur- 
tout sur le dessous du corps, ott le vert de la gorge et de la poitrine 
est faible, celui des flancs trés peu indiqué ; le doré beaucoup plus 
faible sur la bande auriculaire ; le noir est partout moins intense et 
moins pur, le roux du dessous moins foncé. Bec corné brunatre ; 
pattes carnées. 

Trois males et une femelle de Machay recueillis en novembre. 


Un male pris &@ San Rafael le 5 mars, 1884. Iris brun rou- 


Cing males et deux femelles pris 4 San Rafael en mars, sans au- 
cune trace de bordures rouges sur les souscaudales. 


Un mile et deux femelles de San Rafael pris en mars. Iris noir. 

Ces oiseaux sont intermédiaires entre la P. palpebrosa vraie de 
Bogota et d’ Antioquia et les oiseaux du Pérou septentrional (Cutervo), 
plus proches aux derniers. Ils ont les ctés de la téte lavés d’olive 
comme les oiseaux typiques, mais sur un fond plus foncé, tandis que 
le plumage du sommet de la téte et de toutes les parties supérieures 
du corps enduits de bleu, moins fortement que dans les P. lacrymosa. 
Ce sont les oiseaux appartenant 4 la subsp. cerulescens, Berl. MS. 


Une femelle de San Rafael prise en mars. Iris rouge brique. 

Oiseau identique & ceux de Bogota; les oiseaux du Pérou cen- 
tral sont d’une taille un peu moins forte, ils ont le bec moins long et 
plus comprimé a l’extrémité, 4 aréte dorsale plus courbe; dans la 
coloration ils ne présentent aucune différence. Cette femelle a les 
dimensions suivantes. Longueur de laile 135, queue 100, bec 
25 mm. 

Trois paires de San Rafael prises en mars. Iris brun foncé. 

*60. Compsocoma vicrorint (Lafr.) ? 

Deux males, deux femelles et un jeune de Machay recueillis en 
novembre et décembre. Iris brun fencé. 

Ces oiseaux sont intermédiaires entre la vraie C. victorini et la 
C. sumptuosa, le dos est d’un olive plus ohscur que dans la premiere et 
mélangé de noiratre dans sa partie supérieure. 


61. Dususia Tzn1aTaA (Boiss.). 
Un mile pris 4 San Rafael en février. 

Deux femelles de Yaguachi. 

*63. TANAGRA CasLesTIs, Spix. 
Une femelle de Mapoto, prise le 5 janvier. 

*64, Rampnocatus sacapa (L.). 
Deux males et une femelle de Machay et de Mapoto pris en 
novembre et en janvier. 

*65. PyRANGA RUBRA (L.). 
Un jeune male de Machay, tué le 6 décembre. Iris brun grisatre 

66. Pyranca astiva (Gm.). 

Quatre males, deux femelles et deux jeunes males de Machay et 
de Mapoto, recueillis depuis novembre jusqu’en février. Iris brun 
grisatre foncé. 

Deux miles et un oiseau sans indication de sexe, recueillis 4 Banos 
en février. Iris brun foncé. 

68. Pyranea ARpeENns (Tsch.). 
Un male pris 4 Mapoto le 17 janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Deux paires recueillies 4 Machay en novembre et décembre. _ Iris 
brun rougeatre. 


Un male et un oiseau sans indication de sexe recueillis 3 Machay 
en novembre et décembre. Iris brun foneé. 

Trois males et une femelle de San Rafael recueillis en février et en 
mars. Iris brun foncé. 

Une paire de San Rafael, recueillie en mars. Iris brun foncé. 


Six males ad., deux femelles et un jeune male recueillis 4 Machay 
en novembre et décembre et 4 Mapoto en janvier. 

Les deux males de Mapoto différent de ceux de Machay par le 
jaune de la gorge d’un orangé intense séparé au milieu de gris, 
tandis que tous les autres ont la plaque gulaire d’un jaune soufré 
(Machay est situé 4 1000 pieds au dessus de Mapoto). La couleur 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. VI. 6 


de la poitrine les distingue aussi; ceux de Mapoto l’ont cendré pur, 
tandis que dans les oiseaux de Machay elle est grise. Ily a aussi 
une différence dans la taille ; les oiseaux de Mapoto ont Vaile longue 
de 74-76 mm., tandis que ceux de Machay l’ont de 79-84 mm. 
Liris dans les oiseaux de Machay est gris cendré, celui des oiseaux 
de Mapoto brun noisette. 

Tous ces oiseaux se distinguent des oiseaux de Chimbo (pente 
occidentale) par le jaune de la plaque gulaire uniforme sur toute la 
surface, tandis quwil est plus ou moins interrompu au milieu par une 
nuance grisatre dans les oiseaux occidentaux. 

Le jeune oiseau de Mapoto se distingue des adultes par le jaune 
gulaire plus pile et subondulé de gris. 


Ch. canigulari affinis, sed crassitie majore, rostro breviore, stria 
lata et longa postoculari nivea supra oculum incipiente, tectrici- 
bus auricularibus nigricantibus, et gula abdomineque ad latera 
magis cinereo tinctis sane diversus. 

3g et 2 ad. D’un vert-olive jaunatre en dessus et sur les ailes 

semblable 4 celui de l’espéce citée, mais un peu plus obscur; le cen- 
dré de la téte un peu plus foneé avec une raie sourciliére postoculaire 
d’un blanc pur, assez large et souvent prolongé en avant jusqu’au 
milieu ou méme jusqu’au bord antérieur de ceil; les tectrices auri- 
culaires beaucoup plus foncés presque noiratres bordent aussi le 
bord inférieur des yeux ; la gorge est plus ou moins enduite de cendré ; 
sur les cotés de abdomen la couleur cendrée est plus fortement 
développée entre le vert des flancs et le blanc du milieu. Le reste 
est comme chez l’oiseau cité. Bec noir corné 4 mandibule grise plus 
foncé & Vextrémité et & la base; pattes grises; iris brun rougeatre. 

Le bec de cet oiseau est beaucoup plus long que celui de loiseau 

avec lequel nous le comparons, ce qui lui donne une autre forme 
lorsqu’on le voit d’en haut. 

3. Longueur totale 160, vol 235, aile 73-78, queue 58-62, bec 

15, tarse 20 mm. 
. Longueur totale 150, vol 215, aile 64-65, queue 51-52, bec 
15, tarse 19 mm. 

Cing miles et six femelles de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis 

depuis novembre jusqu’en janvier. 


Un mile paraissant étre jeune pris en février & Bafios. Iris brun 

Cet oiseau se distingue du Ch. melanotis de Bogota (Musée Ber- 
lepsch) par la couleur olive presque uniforme sur tout le dessus du 
corps depuis le front jusqu’aux suscaudales, et par le manque com- 
plet @une série de taches blanches formant une sorte de sourcil com- 
mencant des narines ; en dessous il a le roussatre de la gorge et du 
cou antérieur un peu plus intense, la couleur des flancs plus foncée. 
Du CA. berlepschi du Pérou central cet oiseau différe également par 
la couleur du dessus, par le manque de noir au menton et sur les 


cotés de la gorge, par le roux de la plaque jugulaire beaucoup moins 
intense, et le milieu de abdomen non ocreux. De lautre cdté il 
ressemble 4 ce dernier par le manque complet du sourcil blanc et 
les lores noires en entier. Le bee est comme celui de l’oiseau de 
Bogota, tandis que dans l’oiseau péruvien il est beaucoup plus court 
et plus fin. 

Longueur de Vaile 70, queue 65, bec 15 mm. 

UrorHRAuvpis, gen. n. 

Rostrum breve, compressum, culmine arcuato, tomiis maxille apice 
emarginatis ; pedes robusti; ale longiuscule, remige 4a longis- 
sima, 3a et 5a equalibus, quarta parum brevioribus ; cauda 
longiuscula, rectricibus latis subacuminatis, apice rotundata, 


Corpore supra, alis caudaque nigris; subtus schistaceo-grisea albo 
varia; gula latissima alba ; hypochondriis schistaceis immaculatis ; 
tectricibus alarum griseo marginatis ; remigibus primariis mar- 
gine tenuissimo albido ; subalaribus schistaceis, campterio albido 
vario. Lostrum fusco-corneum ; pedes fusco-brunnei ; iris fusco- 

3. Le noir terne occupe le sommet et les cdtés de la téte, le cou 
postérieur, le dos jusqu’aux tectrices caudales, les ailes et la queue ; 
la gorge est longuement et largement blanche subondulée de noir 
trés finement et d’une maniére peu distincte ; la poitrine blanche 
tachetée irréguliérement d’ardoisé ; abdomen ardoisé varié de grosses 
taches blanches irréguliéres sur le milieu, les flancs d’une couleur 
uniforme ; souscaudales ardoisées bordées de blanchatre; tibias de 
la couleur des flanes; les grandes et les moyennes tectrices alaires 
bordées largement de gris ; des bordures blanchatres trés fines sur 
les quatre premiéres remiges primaires ; sousalaires_schistacées ; pli 
de Vaile parsemé de petites taches blanchatres. Bee gris corné 
foncé, plus clair et tirant au carné 4 la base; pattes d’un brun 
grisatre obscur ; iris brun foncé. 

9. Semblable au male et ne s’en distingue que par une nuance 
olivatre sur les cétés du ventre, de la région anale, da croupion, et 
sur les bordures des tectrices alaires; les bordures des remiges 
primaires sont aussi d’un olive clair. Cette différence peut provenir 
d'une autre raison, car un des males présente aussi la méme particu- 
larité mais en degrés moins forts. 

Le jeune ne differe des adultes que par des bordures brunatres 
aux tectrices alaires, par une légére teinte brunatre sur les flanes 
du ventre, moins de blanc sur l’abdomen, le bee plus pale. 

3. Longueur totale 187, vol 253, aile 80, queue 80, bee 15-5, 
tarse 28 millim. 

. Longueur totale 180, vol 253, aile 71, bec 17, tarse 26 millim, 

La différence entre Vextrémité de la médiane 11 mm. chez le 
male, 15 chez la femelle. 

Deux males, deux femelles et un jeune recueillis 4 San Rafael en 




Trois males et deux femelles de San Rafael pris en mars. Iris 
brun rougeatre. 


Trois males, deux femelles et deux jeunes de San Rafael et de 
Baitos recueillis en février et mars. Iris brun rougeatre. 


Deux miles et une femelle de Machay et de Mapoto pris en 
novembre et janvier. 

Deux femelles de San Rafael et de Banos recueillis en février. 

81. SaLTarorR MAGNUS (Gm.). 
Un male de Yaguachi. 

82. PsirrosPIzA RIEFFERI (Boiss.). 

Un mile de Bafhos tué en février. Iris marron de la nuance 
semblable 4 celle des plumes environnantes. 


*83, PHEUCTICUS CRISSALIS, Scl. et Salv. P. Z.S. 1877, p. 19 
(décrit de Riobamba et Sical). 

Trois males, deux femelles et un jeune male de San Rafael, 
recueillis depuis février jusqu’en mai. Iris brun foncé. 


Un male et une femelle recueillis 4 Mapoto en janvier. Iris brun 


Un mile ad. de Yaguachi recueilli en mai. 

86. SperMopHiILA LucTUOSA, Lafr. 

Deux males, huit femelles et jeunes de Mapoto et Machay 
recueillis en décembre et janvier. 

Une femelle de Machay, prise le 5 décembre. 


Deux males, une femelle et deux jeunes males recueillis 4 Yaguachi 
en aout 1883 et en mai 1884. Iris brun foncé. 

Une paire de Yaguachi recueillie en aout. 

*90. SpODIORNIS JARDINE, Scl. P.Z.S. 1866, p. 322. 
Trois males recueillis 4 La Union en septembre. Iris brun foncé. 


91. ParyeiLus aLaupinus (Kittl.). 
Deux males de Chimborazo recueillis en avril. 

*92. PHRYGILUS UNICOLOR (Lafr. et d’Orb.). 

Quatre males ad., deux femelles et quatre jeunes de San Rafael et 
de Chimborazo recueillis en mars et en avril. Iris brun foneé. 

Un male pris entre Chimborazo et Riobamba le 21 avril, 1884. 
Tris brun foncé. 


Catamenia homochroa, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z.S. 1884, p. 293. 

Un male et deux femelles de San Rafael recueillis en mars. Ces 
oiseaux sont identiques 4 ceux de Cechce et du Pérou septentrional, 
et sont d’une taille moins forte que la C. inornata typique. 


Deux jeunes males de San Rafael recueillis en mars, et apparte- 
nant 4 lespéce du Pérou central, dont deux miles adultes ont été 
fournis par M. Jelski au Musée de Varsovie. Cette espéce a 
beaucoup d’affinités au genre Phrygilus. 


Male ad. et un jeune de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis en 
décembre et en janvier. 

Le jeune en premier plumage differe du péruvien dans le méme 
age par la couleur du ventre d’un jaune pale au lieu de blane, et par 
les taches foncées de la poitrine beaucoup plus grosses sur un fond 
beaucoup plus foncé. 

Un mile de Yaguachi. 

98. SycALIs LUTEOLA, Sparrm. 
Male et deux femelles recueillis entre Riobamba et Chimborazo. 


Une paire de Mapoto recueillie en février. 

Toutes les femelles péruviennes que j’ai vues avaient le dessous 
d’un jaune sérin plus ou moins fort, celle-ci a le dessous tout-i-fait 
semblable 4 la femelle du Ch. spinescens de Bogota; on voit cependant 
que notre femelle est jeune, probablement dans son deuxiéme 


*100. Ostrnops ALFREDI (Des Murs). 

Une'femelle prise 4 Mapoto le 17 janvier. Iris brun grisatre foncé, 
Cet oiseau ne parait pas étre adulte, ayant le bee nébulé de brunatre ; 


par le manque complet du jaune au front il ressemble aux oiseaux de 
Tambillo (Pérou septentrional), et n’en differe que par la nuance 
un peu plus roussatre. 

101. Casstcus vropyG1Auis, Lafr. 

Un male et deux femelles de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis en 
décembre et janvier. Iris bleu clair. 

Ces oiseaux s’appliquent parfaitement a la diagnose de M. Sclater, 
et ressemblent en tout & V’oiseau d’Antioquia du Musée Berlepsch. 
Quant 4 TPoisean de Chimbo, il est d’une taille moins forte; mais 
comme c’est une femelle unique, on ne peut pas dire rien de positif 
si cet oiseau présente une différence individuelle, ou si tous les oiséaux 
de la pente occidentale des Cordilléres sont d’une taille plus petite, 
comme cela a lieu dans beaucoup d’espéces remplagantes. 

La 9 de Machay a Vaile longue de 140, queue 112, bee 30 millim., 
tandis que la 2 de Chimbo a l’aile de 120, queue 92, bee 26 millim. 

Les dimensions prises par M. Stolzmann sur les oiseaux en chair 
sont, dans la femelle de Machay, longueur 286, vol 430 millim., tandis 
que dans la femelle de Chimbo ces dimensions sont représentées par 
256 et 380 millim. 

*102. Cassicus LEUCORHAMPHUs (Bp.). 
Deux femelles recueillies 4 San Rafael en mars. Iris bleu de ciel. 

103. Cassicus FLAVICRIssus, Scl. 
Deux femelles de Yaguachi. 

104. Casstcus prevosti (Less.), 
Jeune male de Bajfios, pris en février. Iris blanc sale. 

105. SruRNELLA BELLICOSA, De Filippi. 
Quatre males recueillis en mai 4 Riobamba. 


Male, femelle et jeune de Yaguachi, recueillis en mai. Iris brun 
trés foneé, 


Jeune de Yaguachi. 

108. CyanocitTa TuRCosA, Bp. 
Une paire de San Rafael, prise en février et en mars. 

*109. Cyanocorax 1ncas (Bodd.). 
Une femelle prise 4 Machay en novembre. 

*110. My1orHereTEs STRIATICOLLIS (Scl.). 

Deux males et une femelle de Machay et de San Rafael recueillis 
en novembre, décembre et mars. Iris brun foncé. 


Les oiseaux péruviens se distinguent des oiseaux typiques par 
le bee moins élargi et par les stries noires plus prolongées sur la 


Trois males, une femelle et deux jeunes de San Rafael recueillis en 
mars. Iris brun foneé. Les jeunes en premier plumage ressemblent 
aux adultes et ne s’en distinguent que par le blanc sale au front et 
passant plutét au cendré ; ja nuque colorée de brun roussatre; la 
poitrine brunatre pale, !e blane des bordures aux remiges secondaires 
teint d’ocreux. 

112. OcuTHopIeTA FUMIGATA (Boiss.). 

Femelle et jeune de La Union (8800 pieds) et de San Rafael 
recueillis en octobre et en mars. Iris brun grisdtre chez l’adulte 
et brun foncé chez le jeune. 

113. OcuTHa@ca FUMICOLOR, Scl. 
Un mile pris 4 San Rafael en mars. [ris brun foneé. 

114. OcuTaa@ca tessonyq, Sel. 
Trois males et deux femelles pris 4 Bafios en février. 

Une paire prise 4 San Rafael en mars. Ivis brun foncé. 


Deux paires recueillies 4 Machay et 4 San Rafael en novembre et 
en mars. Iris brun foncé. 

Ces oiseaux ont le dessus du corps et la gorge d’une couleur plus 
claire et plus schistacée (au lieu de noiratre) que dans un exemplaire 
d’Antioquia du Musée Berlepsch ; les ailes un peu plus longues, la 
queue plus courte. 

117. MrecocercuLus paciLocercts (Scl. et Salv.). 
Un mile de Baiios pris en février, 

118. SayorNis CINERACEA (Lafr.). 

Un male et deux femelles de San Rafael et de Mapoto pris en 
janvier et en mars. Iris brun foncé. 

119. FLuvicoLa ATRIPENNIS, Scl. 
Un mile de Yaguachi. 

*120. MuscisAxIcoLa ALPINA, Jard. 

Quatre males de Chimborazo et de San Rafael, pris en mars et 
avril. Iris brun foncé. 



Bec intermédiaire entre ceux de Myiobius et de Todirostrum, & 
cils basals forts et longs; narines rondes, ouvertes, placées dans un 
enfoncement latéral; tarse élevé 4 scutelles soudées parfaitement 
entre elles ; ailes 4 4° et. 5° remiges les plus longues et égales, 6° a 
peine plus courte ; queue médiocre a rectrices subétagées ; plumage 
soyeux et moux. 


P. supra olivaceus, plumis cervicis elongatis ; subtus dilutior, abdo- 
mine medio pailide sulphureo ; alis caudaque schistaceis, plumis 
olivaceo marginatis. 

3 et 9 ad. Parties supérieures du corps olives, les plumes cervi- 
cales longues et plates, assez larges et arrondies 4 l’extrémité, formant 
une huppe abondante que Voiseau doit redresser 4 volonté, ces plumes 
paraissent étre d’une nuance un peu différente dans certaines direc- 
tions de la lumiére tirant un peu a Vardoisé; cétés de la téte 
concolores au dos; milieu de abdomen jaune soufré pile, le reste 
du dessous d’un olive moins foneé que celui du dos; enduit de 
jaunatre sur la gorge; la femelle a les cotés du bas ventre et les 
souscaudales roussitres. Ailes et queue schistacées 4 plumes bordées 
d’olive, les bordures des remiges tirant un peu au roussatre ; sous- 
alaires olive jaunatre. Bec noir corné avec une bande plus pale en 
dessous de la mandibule ; pattes d’un gris jaunatre sale; iris brun 
rougedtre chez le male, brun foneé chez la femelle. 

Le jeune oiseau se distingue de l’adulte par la couleur du sommet 
de la téte plus obscure 4 plumes cervicales moins longues, une autre 
nuance de la poitrine et des flanes tirant un peu au roussatre ; les 
bordures des remiges olives ; les pattes d’un jaune pale; iris brun 

3 Longueur totale 133, vol 183, aile 58, queue 52, bec 15, tarse 
21 mill. 

 Longueur totale 120, vol 179, aile 51, queue 51, bec 15, tarse 
21 mill. 

Trois males, une femelle et un jeune recueillis 4 Machay et 
Mapoto en novembre, décembre et janvier. 

Ce genre est difficile 42 placer dans le systéme d’une maniére 
correcte, tant il présente des affinités aux différents groupes: par la 
forme du bec il parait avoir le plus de rapport avec les Platyrhyn- 
chine, par Yabondance et le développement des cils 4 la base du bee 
aux Myiodbéus, et par la hauteur du tarse, couvert d’une plaque presque 
soudée complétement il s’approche aux Piprides, auxquels selon 
M. Stolzmann il ressemble le plus par ses habitudes. 

Nous dédions cette espéce 4 M. A. von Pelzeln & Vienne. 

Un male pris A Machay en décembre. Iris brun foneé. 

123. ToprrRosTRUM SCLATERI, Cab. et Hein. 
Une femelle de Yaguachi prise en mai. 



Une femelle prise en janvier & Mapoto. Iris blanc légérement 

125, Pacitorriccus ruFricers (Kaup), P. Z.S. 1851, p. 52 
(décrit de “‘ Mexico’’). 

Une paire recueillie 4 Banos en février. Iris brun cerise. 

Ces oiseaux ressemblent en tout 4 ceux de Bogota (Collection 
Sclater) et 4 Voiseau de l’Antioquia (Musée Berlepsch): ils sont 
seulement un peu plus petits et ont le blanc de la gorge lavé d’isa- 
belle ; le bee un peu plus court. 

3S Longueur de laile 48, queue 39, bec 13, tarse 16 mill. 

@ Longueur de l’aile 45, queue 35, bec 14, tarse 16 mill. 

126. LopHotrriccus squAMiIcRIsTATus (Lafr.). 

Six exemplaires de Machay et de Mapoto, pris en novembre, 
janvier et feévrier. 


Deux femelles de San Rafael recueillies en mars. Iris brun fonceé. 

Ces oiseaux ont les ailes et la queue un peu plus longues que les 
oiseaux de Bogota, le noir du milieu du sommet de la téte et de la 
huppe plus intense et plus pur, la mandibule plus largement blanche 
ila base. Longueur de laile 58, queue 67, tandis que les oiseaux 
de Bogota ont l’aile longue de 52°5—56-5, la queue 61°5-65 mill. 

*128. Lepropocon paciotis, Scl. P. Z. 8. 1862, p. 111 
(décrit de Bogota). 

Trois males et quatre femelles de Machay, recueillis en décembre. 
Tris brun foncé. 


Deux miles recueillis i Machay et 4 Mapoto en novembre et en 
janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Ces oiseaux se distinguent des péruviens par le sommet de la téte 
beaucoup plus foncé, schistacé et non cendré, le bec plus large. 

Longueur de l’aile 71, queue 64, bec 18, tarse 15 mill. 

*130. Lerpropocon ERyTuRops, Scl. P. Z. S. 1862, p- 111 
(décrit de Bogota). 

Cinq males et quatre femelles de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis 
en novembre, décembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

L’espéce n’était connue que des environs de Bogota et d’ Antioquia. 

*131. PoGoNnorriccus OPHTHALMICUS, Tacz. 

Quatre males de Mapoto et de Machay, recueillis en novembre, 
décembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

*132. PoGonoTrRiccus GUALAQUIZ&, Scl. MS. (sp. inedit). 

Une femelle prise 4 Mapoto le 22 janvier. Iris brun foncé. 


Une femelle de Yaguachi. 


Un mile et un oiseau sans indication de sexe de Machay et de 
Mapoto pris en décembre et janvier. Iris brun fonceé. 

L’oiseau de Chimbo placé dans la liste de 1883 sous ce nom est 
différent, c’est le 7. leucogenys, Scl., déterminé par M. Sclater. 


Pogonotriccus plumbeiceps, Lawr. Ann. Lye. New York, ix. p. 267 
(décrit de Bogota). 

Deux males et deux oiseaux sans indication de sexe recueillis a 
Machay en novembre et décembre. Iris brun foncé. 


Une paire recueillie 4 Mapoto en janvier. 

137. MIoneEcTES sTRIATICOLLIs (Lafr. et d’Orb.). 

Sept males et deux femelles recueillis 4 Mapoto, Machay et Bafios 
en décembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

138. ORNITHION SCLATERI, Berl. et Tacz. 
Une femelle de Yaguachi. 


Dix exemplaires de Mapoto, de Palichtagua (7800 pieds) et de San 
Rafael recueillis en janvier et en février. Iris brun foncé. 

Ces oiseaux sont un peu plus jaunatres en dessous, 4 gorge plus 
pale que l’oiseau de l’occident. 

Une femelle de Yaguachi, 

*141, My1ozeTeres SIMILIs (Spix). 
Un mile de Mapoto pris le 8 janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

*142, RHyNCHOCYCLUS FULVIPECTUS, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 92. 

Cing males et deux femelles de Mapoto et de Machay recueillis 
en novembre, décembre, janvier et février. Tris gris foneé. 


Quatre males et deux femelles de Mapoto et de Machay recueillis 
en novembre, décembre et janvier. 

Ces oiseaux sont presque identiques 4 ceux de Huambo (Pérou 
sept.), ils ont le dos d’un olive plus foncé et le cendré de la téte plus 
obscur que les oiseaux de Chimbo ; la couleur jaune du dessous est 
presque Ja méme dans tous ces oiseaux. La forme du bee est 
variable; la femelle de Chimbo et la femelle de Lechugal lont le 


plus élargi, un des males de Mapoto I’a le plus atténué a l’extrémité, 
mais plus large que loiseau typique du Pérou central. Les uns 
ont la mandibule blanche jusqu’a l’extrémité, dans les autres |’extré- 
mité est plus ou moins foneée. Tous présentent des différences 
assez grandes dans les dimensions. L’oiseau typique a olive du 
dos aussi foncé que les oiseaux de Mapoto et de Machay, ceux de 
Huambo l’ont un peu plus vert, les oiseaux de Chimbo et de Lechugal 
le plus clair. 

*144. Conopias CINCHONETI (Tsch.). 

Une femelle prise 4 Machay en novembre. Iris brun foncé. 

Semblable 4 l’oiseau de Bogota (Musée Berlepsch) mais un peu 
plus petite et sans bordures internes d’un jaune citron sur les plumes 
du milieu du sommet de la téte. 


Une paire de Machay et de Mapoto recueillie en novembre et en 
janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Taille moins forte que chez les oiseaux péruviens (dans la longueur 
de Vaile la différence est de 10 mill.); le bee plus large et moins 
fortement comprimé a lextrémité. Dans la coloration il n’y a que 
la seule différence au sommet de la téte du male, dont les plumes 
latérales sont presque noires, tandis qu’elles sont d’un cendré schis- 
tacé chez le péeruvien. 

*146. MytopyNasTes auDAx (Gm.). 
Un male de Yaguachi 

Trois exemplaires de Yaguachi. 

*148. Myrosivus vittosvs, Scl. 

Un mile et deux femelles de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis en 
décembre et en janvier. Iris brun fonceé. 

*149, Myiosius po@nicurvs (Scl.). 

Cing males recueillis & Mapoto en janvier et février. Iris brun 

*150. Myroprus cinnamomevs (Lafr. et d’Orb.). 

Huit exemplaires de Mapoto, Machay, Baftos et San Rafael 
recueillis depuis novembre jusqu’en février. 

*151. Myioprus pHa@nicomirra, Stolzm. MS., sp. n. 

M. supra olivaceus, crista interna rubro-cinnamomea ; subtus pallide 
sulphureus, pectore hypochondriisque olivaceo indutis ; alis 
caudaque fusco-schistaceis, tectricibus alarum minoribus dorso 
concoloribus, mediis et majoribus e rufescente olivaceo late 
marginatis ; remigibus margine externo olivaceo, interno 
achraceo ; subalaribus pallide sulphureis. 

gad. Olive uniforme en dessus, & sommet de la téte concolore au 


dos, avec une large huppe interne cannelle rougedtre ; cotés de la 
téte d’un olive moins foneé que le dos avec un cercle d’un jaune pale 
fin autour de l’ceil; dessous du corps d’un jaune soufré pale a 
poitrine et les flancs de ’abdomen d’un olive pius pale que celui du 
dos ; les plumes jaunes de la gorge plus ou moins terminées d’olive. 
Ailes et queue d’un schistacé foncé a petites tectrices alaires de la 
couleur du dos, les grandes et les moyennes bordées largement d’olive 
pale tirant un peu au roussatre ; bordures externes des remiges olives 
trés fines sur les primaires, bordures internes ocreuses ; sousalaires 
de la couleur analogue 4 celle du ventre; bordures des rectrices 
olives. Bec noir 4 mandibule gris jaunatre; pattes grises; iris 
brun foncé. 

2 Semblable au mile, et n’en est distincte que par la huppe 
interne moins développée, qui dans les uns est de la couleur sem- 
blable & celle du male, dans les autres 4 peine indiquée par les 
bordures basales de quelques-unes des plumes du milieu de la téte 
colorées d’une faible nuance roussatre. 

3 Longueur totale 130, vol] 215, aile 67, queue 55, bec 16, tarse 
17 mill. 

2 Longueur totale 133, vol 205, aile 63, queue 52, bec 15:5, 
tarse 17 mill. 

Quatre males et cinq femelles recueillis 4 Mapoto en janvier et 

152. Myrosrus CRYPTERYTHRUS, Scl. 

Un mile de Yaguachi. 

Les oiseaux de Callacate au Pérou septentrional different de ceux 
de Yaguachi et de Tumbez par une légcre teinte jaunatre sur l’abdo- 
men, qui est blane pur dans les oiseaux occidentaux. 

*153. Myioprus cryproxanTuus, Scl. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 465 
(décrit de Gualaquiza et Zamora). 

Deux males et une femelle de Mapoto, recueillis en janvier. Iris 
brun foncé. 

Cette forme est parfaitement distincte du M. erypterythrus par la 
huppe interne d’un jaune citron chez le male, par la couleur de 
Yabdomen jaune pale au lieu de blanche, par les taches de la poitrine 
olivatres et beaucoup plus larges de sorte que les bordures jaunes 
sont trés peu développées ; la couleur du dessus plus olive et non 

Longueur de Vaile 57, queue 53, bec 16, tarse 16 mill. 

154. Contopus ARDESIACUS (Lafr.). 

Deux miles de Machay et de Mapoto recueillis en décembre et en 


Trois exemplaires de Machay et de Mapoto recueillis en décembre 
et janvier. Le bec de ces oiseaux est moins large et plus foneé en 
dessous que dans les oiseaux de Chimbo. 


*156. My1arcHUs CEPHALOTEsS, Tacz. 
Un male de Machay tué en décembre. Iris brun foncé. 

Deux oiseaux de Yaguachi. 

Une femelle tuée 4 Mapoto le 15 janvier. Iris brun fonce. 



Une femelle de Mapoto, prise le 5 février. Iris brun foncé, 
Semblable en tout 4 la femelle de Bogota et n’en différe que par le 
vert du dessus plus pur. 

*160. Mastus curysoprerus (Lafr.). 

Un mile de Mapoto du 5 février. Iris brun foneé. Un jeune 
male du 5 janvier. Identiques aux oiseaux de Bogota et non au 
M, coronulatus de Voccident. 

On male pris en mai 4 Yaguachi. 
Une femelle de Mapoto prise en janvier. 

Un jeune pris 4 Machay en décembre. 

*164. Haprosromus Homocurovs, Scl. 
Sept oiseaux pris 4 Yaguachi en mai. 

*165. AMPELIO ARCUATUs (Lafr.). 

Trois males et une femelle pris en mars & San Rafael. Iris 
gris blanchatre chez le male, gris chez la femelle. 

166. HeLiocHERA RuBRocRistATA (d’Orb. et Lafr.). 
Une paire de San Rafael prise en mars. 

*167. RuprcoLa PERUVIANA (Lath.). 

Onze exemplaires recueillis 4 Mapoto et & Machay en novembre, 
décembre et janvier. Iris du male est blanc jaunatre avec une fine 
bordure jaune autour de la pupille; chez la femelle il est blanc 
bleuatre sale; chez le jeune male prenant la livrée d’adulte l’iris est 
blanc jaunatre sale 4 pupille entourée d’un cercle jaune trés fin; chez 
le jeune il est blanc bleuatre. 

L’orangé du plumage général de ces oiseaux est beaucoup plus 


intense que dans les oiseaux péruviens. Le male différe aussi de ce 
dernier par les trois remiges tertiaires dont le cendré terminal occupe 
un espace beaucoup plus restreint, ne couvrant pas en entier le noir 
velouté basal de la remige suivante, ce qui fait que le cendré y est 
interrompu par trois bandes plus ou moins larges, tandis que dans les 
oiseaux péruviens toute la surface externe de ces trois remiges est 
d’un cendré parfaitement uniforme. Les oiseaux de Sarayacu et de 

la Nouvelle Grenade ressemblent 4 nos oiseaux de Mapoto et de 

Une femelle prise 4 Mapoto le 10 janvier. Iris blanc sale. 

Deux males et une femelle de Yaguachi. 

*170. UpucERTHIA EXCELSIOR (Scl.), P. Z.S. 1860, p. 77 (décrit 
de Chimborazo). 

Trois males et deux femelles recueillis 4 San Rafael et au Chim- 
borazo en mars et en avril. Iris brun foneé. 

*171. CINCLODES ALBIDIVENTRIS, Scl. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 77 (décrit 
de Chimborazo). 

Trois males et deux oiseaux sans indication de sexe de Chimborazo 
et de San Rafael recueillis en mars et en avril. Iris brun foncé. 

*172. LocHMIAS oBSCURATA, Cab.; Tacz. Ornith. du Pérou, ii. 
p- 113. 

Un mile pris 4 Machay le 13 décembre. Iris brun trés foneé. 

Ce male est d’une taille plus forte que la femelle typique et s’en 
distingue par les taches blanches plus grosses sur le milieu du ventre ; 
les flancs sont également largement immaculés ; les cotés du cou 
sont d’une nuance roux-olivatre plus claire qu’ailleurs ; les plumes 
de la région jugulaire bordées largement de noir. 

Longueur totale 172, vol 253, aile 73, queue 77, bec 26°5, tarse 
17 mm. 

*173. LepTASTHENURA ANDICOLA, Scl. P.Z. 8. 1866, p. 636, 
tab. xlix. f. 2 (décrit de Chimborazo). 

Trois males et une femelle recueillis au Chimborazo en février. Iris 
brun foneé. Les oiseaux du Pérou central ont Vaile plus longue de 
quelques millimétres. 


Une femelle de Yaguachi prise le 20 aout. Iris brun chatain. 


Deux femelles de Machay et de Baios prises en décembre et en 
février. Iris brun noisette. 



Un jeune mile de San Rafael, pris en mars. Iris brun foncé. 

Cet oiseau appartient 4 ce groupe 4 queue rigide, les barbes dés- 
unies, mais il ne présente rien de positif pour qu’on puisse reconnaitre 
Vespéce pour sur. Le manque de roux au menton et le gris des 
sourcils indiqueraient qu'il appartient & la forme de la Colombie, 
mais les plumules blanches se trouvant déji en grande partie autour 
de l’ceil et la faiblesse du bec le rapprochent de la forme péruvienne 
S. palpebralis (Cab.). Mais on peut aussi supposer que c’est une 
forme intermédiaire. Cet oiseau est beaucoup moins roux en dessus 
que les deux espéces citées, 4 couleur grise du dessous moins pur, 
lavé légérement de fauve sur le milieu du corps; menton blanchatre; 
queue d’un roux semblable & celui des deux formes ; barbes des 
rectrices semblables A celles du S. fuliginosa, et moins désunies que 
celles du 8. palpebralis. Bee noir corné 4 mandibule un peu plus 
claire 4 la base ; pattes grises. 

Longueur totale 198, vol 190, aile 56, queue 102, bec 17°5 mm. 

#177. SyYNALLAXIS CURTATA, Scl. P. Z.S. 1869, p. 636, tab. xlix. 
f. 2 (décrit de Bogota). 

Quatre males et un oiseau sans indication de sexe de Machay et de 
Mapoto, pris en novembre, janvier et février. Iris brun grisatre. 

Sur ces cing oiseaux il y a un A sommet de la téte tout roux depuis 
la naissance du bec comme dans la figure de M. Sclater, un autre 
Va aussi roux mais & couleur olive fort développée sur le derriére du 
front ; dans deux autres les plumes frontales sont plus ou moins 
bordées de roux; iln’y a donc un dont le front n’a rien de roux. 
Il y a done dans cette série toutes les transitions possibles. 


Six males, deux femelles et un oiseau sans indication de sexe, 
recueillis 4 Chimborazo et 4 San Rafael en mars et en avril. Iris 
brun foneé. Les oiseaux du Pérou central s’en distinguent par la 
coloration en général plus claire, l’ocreux de la gorge plus longuement 
et plus largement disposé et distinctement plus pale; les stries 
foncées du dessous moins grosses, ce qui produit que les blanches 
sont moins isolées; le milieu de l’abdomen plus largement d’un 
blane plus pur; les rectrices sont rousses en dessous, moins variées 

de foncé ; la coloration du dos a moins de noir et les stries plus 


Deux femelles et un jeune de Mapoto, recueillis en décembre, 
janvier et février. Iris terre de sienne. 

Le jeune oiseau différe des adultes par le sommet de la téte presque 
de la méme couleur que le dos, avec quelques stries fauves sur le devant 
du front ; par le fond du dessous lave de jaunatre, a stries de la poitrine 
plus grosses et plus ocreuses, moins nettement dessinées ; ils n’ont 
rien de roux sur la gorge et le bas des joues; plide Vaile ocreux 
comme les sousalaires. Iris gris. 


*180. SYNALLAXIS SINGULARIS, sp. nov. (Plate VII. fig. 2.) 

S. corpore supra, alis caudaque fusco-cinereis, fronte clare rufa, 
striga superciliari albida; subtus flavida fusco striata ; sub- 
caudalibus griseis flavido late marginatis ; subaleribus mar- 
gineque interno remigum albido-flavis. 

gad. Tout le dessus du corps d’un cendré ardoisé avee une 
nuance olivatre trés légére, front couvert de plumes d’un roux clair 
jusqu’au niveau du bord postérieur de lceil formant sur le devant 
une couleur uniforme, puis des stries de plus en plus fines bordées de 
Ja couleur du fond général: tout le dessous du corps est d’un 
jaunatre pale, strié de noiratre finement au cou, de stries de plus en 
plus grosses et graduellement moins foncées sur le reste en s’appro- 
chant de la queue ; souscaudales grises bordées largement de rous- 
sitre pile; une strie blanc-jaunatre occupe les lores et les sourcils 
prolongés jusqu’a la nuque ; cétés de la téte de la couleur de la gorge 
avec une raie foneée en arriére de l’ceil. Ailes de la couleur du dos, 
mais sans nuance olive, 4 remiges primaires bordées finement d’olive 
claire ; Jes remiges tertiaires, les secondaires et les grandes tectrices 
bordées finement de blanchatre 4 l’extrémité; sousalaires d’un 
blanc jaunatre; de Vaile plus jaundtre; bord interne des remiges 
blanchatre. Queue d’un cendré schistacé. Machoire gris corné 
foncé, mandibule carnée & extrémité foncée; pattes gris olives ; iris 
brun rougeatre. 

Longueur totale 131, vol 188, aile 60, queue 50, bee 16, tarse 16, 
distance entre l’extrémité de la rectrice externe et de la médiane 
13 mm. 

Queue médiocre 4 12 rectrices, larges, peu étagées, peu atténuces 
au bout qui est arrondi, et terminé en angle obtus dans les médianes. 

Un mile adulte de Mapoto, pris le 23 janvier. 

Deux paires recueillies en mars 4 San Rafael. Iris brun foncé. 

*182,. AUTOMOLUS STRIATICEPS, Scl. et Salv. 

Deux males et deux femelles de Machay et de Mapoto recueillis 
en novembre, décembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 
Identiques aux oiseaux de Bogota. 

*183. ANABAZENOPS MENTALIS, Stolzm. MS., sp. n. 

A. supra fusco-brunneus, pileo et collo postico nigris; uropgio 
tectricibusque caude superioribus obscure rufis ; capite et dorso 
flavo striatis; subtus olivaceo-brunneus flavo striatus, gula 
stramineo-flava ; alis dorso concoloribus immaculatis, subalaribus 
margineque interno remigum vivide ochraceis; cauda rubido 

set 2. Sommet de la téte et cou postérieur noirs, dos brun foncé, 

partie postérieure du croupion et les tectrices supérieures de la queue 
d’un roux ferrugineux foncé, des stries fines d’un jaune straminé 
sur tout le sommet de la téte, au dos et les scapulaires: les cotés de 
la téte couverts de plumes jaunes bordées de noir; en dessous la 


gorge est d’un beau straminé a éclat soyeux, le reste du dessous est 
d’un olive brunatre beaucoup plus clair que le dos strié de straminé, 
ces stries sont peu larges non atténuées mais souvent élargies 4 
Vextrémité ; souscaudales lavées de roussatre avec une ligne médiane 
claire. Ailes dela couleur du dos non maculées, 4 barbe interne des 
remiges d’un brun obscur ; sousalaires et bord interne des remiges 
dun roux ocreux vif. Queue d’un roux rougeatre. Bec corné 
noiratre 4 mandibule gris plombé foncé sur les cétés et A Pextrémité, 
grise pale en dessous; pattes grises ; iris brun foncé. 

La femelle ne se distingue du male que par les stries du corps plus 
larges, surtout celles du dessous. 

Le jeune en premier plumage différe des adultes par les stries du 
dessus plus larges et d’un roux ferrugineux, et une large bande sour- 
cili¢re de la méme couleur; en dessous il est d’un roux ferrugineux uni- 
forme au cou, le milieu de la poitrine et du haut de l’abdomen, plus 
pale et jaunatre sur la gorge 4 plumes bordées finement de noiratre, 
toutes ces plumes ainsi que celles de la poitrine ont la baguette blanch- 
tre se dessinant nettement sur le fond roux ; le reste de l’abdomen est 
d’un olive brunatre semblable 4 celui des adultes varié de stries 
jaunatres et rousses en partie moins réguliéres que celles des adultes ; 
sur les cétés de la téte il n’y a que les tectrices auriculaires qui sont 
comme dans l’adulte. Les ailes et la queue comme celles des 
adultes, mais avec une bordure roussitre 4 lextrémité des grandes 
tectrices secondaires, et une fine strie jaundtre sur le milieu des 
autres. En changeant le plumage ils prennent les couleurs des 

3. Longueur de laile 76, queue 81, bec 22, tarse 20 mm. 
OF 55 75 ell) A LE ey I pees 
Q. Longueur totale 202, vol 277 mm. 

Trois males, une femelle et trois jeunes recueillis 4 Machay en 
novembre et décembre. 


Deux miles et six femelles recueillis 4 Mapoto et 4 Machay en 
novembre et en janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Ces oiseaux ressemblent en tout 4 ceux du Pérou central, mais ils 
ont la couleur du dessous plus olive, et celle du dos plus olive et 
moins roussatre ; l’oiseau de Bogota (Coll. Berlepsch) est en dessous 
encore plus roussatre que les oiseaux péruviens, 4 gorge d’un ocreux 
plus intense, le dos est comme dans les péruviens, la queue est d’un 
roux plus vif et plus clair que celle des péruviens et équatoriens. 
La forme du bec est tout 4 fait semblable dans les oiseaux des deux 
derniéres localités, l’oiseau de Bogota I’a un peu différent en ce que 
Paréte est plus longuement droite, et plus brusquement arquée a 
Pextrémité ; ce dernier oiseau a l’aile un peu plus longue. 

185. Xenops rvuTILUvs, Licht. 

Denx males et une femelle de Machay pris en novembre et 
Proc. Zooxr. Soc.—1885, No. VII. 7 


décembre. Ces oiseaux paraissent appartenir A la forme décrite 
par MM. Cabanis et Heine sous le nom de X. heterurus, ayant le 
noir de la queue plus répandu qu’ordinairement. 

Un male tué a Baifios en février. 


Cinq miles et trois femelles pris 4 Machay et Mapoto en novembre, 
décembre et janvier. 


Un mile et deux femelles de Mapoto pris en janvier. Iris brun 

189. Sirrasomus AMAZONUS, Lafr. 
Un exemplaire de Mapoto pris en janvier. 


Quatre miles et quatre femelles de Machay, pris en novembre, 
décembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

Ces oiseaux ressemblent en tout aux oiseaux de la Nouvelle Grenade 
(Musée Berlepsch) et ne s’en distinguent que par lolive du dessous 
moins obscure et les bordures noires des plumes du cou antérieur 
descendant plus bas vers la poitrine. 

*191. PrcoLapTes LACRYMIGER (Des Murs). 

Un oiseau sans indication de sexe pris 4 San Rafael le 4 mars. 
Iris brun foncé. 

Cet oiseau a les stries du dessous également élargies et arrondies 
au bout comme dans les oiseaux typiques. _ II se distingue des oiseaux 
de Medellin et d’Antioquia par le fond du dos beaucoup plus olive 
et moins roux avec beaucoup de stries fauves fines manquant entiére- 
ment chez les oiseaux cités. Dans la forme péruvienne P. warszewicz?, 
Cab., ces stries sont plus fines et beaucoup moins prononcées. 

192. PrcoLapres souLEyeti (Des Murs). 
Trois exemplaires recueillis 4 Yaguachi en mai. 


Une femelle de San Rafael prise le 1 mars. 

Oiseau intermédiaire entre les péruviens et le X. promeropirhynchus 
(Less.) de la Nouvelle Grenade, mais plus voisin du premier sous 
beaucoup de rapports. Il a les deux raies brunatres bien prononcées 
le long de la gorge, le milieu de abdomen également fort tacheté 
sur toute son étendue jusqu’d la poitrine, ol il y a aussi quelques 
taches noires sur le milieu méme. Le bec est intermédiaire, presque 
aussi élevé comme dans les oiseaux péruviens mais pas aussi comprimé, 
il parait étre méme plus large que dans les six oiseaux de la Nouvelle 


Grenade (Musée de Varsovie et Musée Berlepsch) avec lesquels il a 
été comparé. La couleur du bec est aussi intermédiaire, plus foncée 
que celle du bee de loiseau péruvien mais non noire comme chez 
le P. promeropirhynchus. 

Un oiseau de Yaguachi. 


Zool. 1853, p. 339 (2). 

Un male ad. de Mapoto, recueilli le 15 janvier. Iris gris trés 

Cet oiseau s’applique bien 4 la diagnose de Lafresnaye, il y a 
cependant dans cette description quelques détails qui ne s’accordent 
pas, comme “‘remigibus atris vewillo interno tantummodo maculis 
triangularibus latioribus albis marginato,” et “rectricibus totis nigris 
acutissime limbo externo albo punctatis.’’ Qu doit donc supposer que 
les barbes externes des remiges et les internes des rectrices sont sans 
maculature blanche, ce que n’est pas le cas chez l’oiseau de Mapoto. 
Ilse distingue de l’espéce péruvienne que Taczanowski vient de décrire 
sous le nom de Zh. berlepschi (Ornithologie du Pérou, tome ii. 
p- 22) par toutes les taches du dos et des ailes petites et isolées, 
tandis que chez I’oiseau cité elles forment des lignes transversales 
onduleuses et continues; les lignes caudalestrés largement interrompues 
sur le milieu des rectrices ; le bec beancoup plus long. Le sommet 
de la téte et le dessous du corps est semblable dans ces deux formes. 

Du Th. tenuifasciatus, Lawr., du Pérou septentrional notre oiseau 
différe par le sommet de la téte non maculé, les taches au lieu de raies 
sur le dos, par les lignes caudales plus largement interrompues et le 
bee plus long. 

*196. DysiIrHaAMNUS SUBPLUMBEUS, Scl. et Saly. P. Z. S. 1880, 
p- 158 (décrit de Sarayacu, Ecuador or.). 

Un male, deux femelles et un jeune de Mapoto, recueillis en 
janvier. Iris gris foncé. 

*197. DysirHamNnus Levcostictus, Sel. P.Z.S. 1858, p. 66 
et 223 (descr. foem.'). 

Trois males et deux femelles de Machay recueillis en décembre et 
en janvier. 

3 ad. D’un schistacé trés foneé unicolore en dessus et sur la téte, 
@un schistacé plus clair en dessous, A gorge longuement noiratre ; 
les baguettes des plumes de la poitrine et de l’abdomen blanches en 
y formant des stries fines et trés longues nettement dessinées sur le 
fond foneé ; région anale et les souscaudales tirant au grisdtre, ces 
derniéres 4 baguettes blanchatres. Tectrices alaires noires terminées 
chacune par une petite macule blanche ; les plumes de l’aile batarde 

* Mr. Sclater n’ayait connu que la femelle de cette espéce, qui parait encore 
trés rare dans les collections. 


bordées 4 ’extérieur par une ligne blanche fine; une grosse tache 
humérale blanche ; remiges noiratres bordées 4 l’extérieur de cendré ; 
sousalaires d’un schistacé obscur, les grandes vari¢es de blanc. 
Queue d’un schistacé foncé. 

Le jeune mile prenant sa livrée d’adulte a le schistacé du dessus 
moins foneé que chez l’adulte; gorge d’un noiratre moins intense, 
parsemé de petites stries blanches au menton ; des pareilles stries 
sur les cdtés de la téte et au dessus de |’ceil ; la poitrine et ’abdomen 
sont d’un cendré un peu plus foncé que celui de la femelle a stries 
blanches beaucoup moins grosses que celles de cette derniére ; milieu 
du bas ventre gris blanchatre ; la grosse tache humérale blanche aussi 
développée comme chez le male adulte ; sur les nouvelles tectrices 
alaires les taches blanches plus petites et moins pures. Toutes les 
plumes de la robe précédente semblables a celles de la femelle, mais 
plus obscures et moins roussitres. 

3. Longueur totale 152, vol 243, aile 75, queue 50, bec 21, 
tarse 22 mm. 

2. Longueur totale 176, vol 217, aile 66, queue 45, bee 21, 
tarse 20 mm. 

Un mile tué a Yaguachi en aodt. Iris brun foncé. 

*199. CERCOMACRA APPROXIMANS, Pelz. Orn. Bras. pp. 85 et 
158 (2). 

Quatre miles, quatre femelles et un jeune male de Mapoto et de 
Machay, recueillis depuis novembre jusqu’en janvier. Iris brun 

Ils s’accordent avec la description de M. Pelzeln, mais ce que dit 
cet auteur que le bec de cet oiseau est plus court que celui de la C. 
tyrannina ne s'applique pas aux oiseaux de M. Stolzmann, qui l’ont 
presque plus long que chez Voiseau cité. Ils ne different du 
dernier que par les ailes plus longues, le cendré du dessus, surtout 
de la téte, plus clair, les bordures des susalaires plus iarges, et les 
plumes de la poitrine bordées de blanc. La femelle présente des 
differences plus considérables. 


H. axillari simillimus, sed differt pileo maris medio albo punctato, 

lateribus late immaculatis. 

Le mile de cet oiseau équatorien ressemble en tout au H. avillaris 
(Tsch.?) du Pérou septentrional et ne s’en distingue que par les 
macules blanches du sommet de la téte plus petites et disposées le 
long du milieu de cette partie, tandis que les cétés sont largement 
d’un noir immaculé ; le bee un peu plus long. Iris brun foneé. 

La femelle ne présente aucune différence de la péruvienne. 

1 Taczanowski ayant examiné le type du Thamnophilus axillaris, Tschudi 
(Fauna Peruan. Orn. p. 174), a constaté lidentité avee son Herpsilochmus 
puncticeps décrit dans les P. Z. 8. 1882, p. 30. 


3. Longueur totale 132, vol 174, aile 54, queue 46, bec 15, tarse 
16 mm. 

@. Longueur totale 170, vol 177, aile 51, queue 48, bec 16, tarse 
16 mm. 

Une paire de Machay et de Mapoto recueillie en novembre et en 

201. MyrmMorHEeRULA MENETRIESI (d’Orb. et Lafr.). 

Un mile et trois femelles recueillis 4 Machay et 4 Mapoto en 
novembre et en janvier. 

Ce male a les mémes dimensions que celui de Chimbo, mais il en 
différe par le noir de la gorge plus restreint et moins répandu sur la 
poitrine ; le cendré du dessus est plus clair. 

*202. ForRMICARIUS THORACICUS, Stolzm. MS., sp. n. 

F. supra fusco-olivaceo-brunneus ; capite toto cum gula nigris, 
pectore obscure rufo, abdomine ex olivaceo brunneo, subcaudalibus 
rufis ; alis nigricantibus, tectricibus superioribus pogonioque 
externo remigum dorso concoloribus, tectricibus alarum inferi- 
orihus ochraceo et nigro variis ; cauda nigricante. 

3 ad. Le noir occupe toute la téte avec la gorge ; le dos est d’un 
brun olive trés foucé a croupion et les tectrices supérieures de la 
queue colorés légérement de roux; cou antérieur et poitrine d’un 
roux rougeatre trés obscur ; abdomen d’un olive fuligineux beaucoup 
moins foncé que le dos; souscaudales d’un roux foneé. Ailes noi- 
ratres 4 tectrices supérieures et la barbe externe des remiges concolores 
au dos ; tectrices inférieures des ailes d’un ocreux vif avec deux larges 
bandes transversales noires; barbe interne des remiges roussatre a 
la base. Queue noirdtre. Bee noir corné; pattes gris brunatre 
foncé ; iris brun foncé. 

@. Semblable en tout au male et n’en distincte que par le roux 
de la poitrine moins obscur, prolongé le long du milieu de Pab- 
domen en une large bande d’un ocreux roussatre jusqu’aux sous- 

3. Longueur de laile 89, queue 59, bec 27, tarse 39 mm. 

2. Longueur totale 218, vol 310, aile 89, queue 60, bec 27, tarse 
38 mm. 

Une paire recueillie 4 Machay en décembre. 

Une paire recueillie & San Rafael en mars. 


Deux males et trois femelles recueillis &4 Machay et Mapoto en 
novembre, décembre et janvier. Iris brun trés foncé. 

Un male et deux femelles recueillis 4 San Rafael en mars. 


*206. ScyrALOPUS MAGELLANICUs (Lath.). 

Une paire de Banos et de San Rafael pris en février et mars. 

Iris brun foncé. 
Le male ressemble en tout A celui de Cutervo, il est seulement 
d’un noir un peu plus intense ; les dimensions sont les mémes. 

*207. ScyraLopus micRopreRus (Scl.), P.Z.S. 1858, p. 69 
(décrit de Rio Napo). 

Quatre oiseaux de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis en novembre, 
décembre et janvier. Iris brun foncé. 

La description de M. Sclater s’applique mieux 4 nos oiseaux que 
celle de Lafresnaye, ce dernier ne disant rien que le roux du croupion, 
du bas ventre et des souscaudales est rayé de noiratre ; nous préférons 
done de placer nos oiseaux sous le nom de M. Sclater, tant plus 
quils viennent d’une localité voisine. 


Une femelle adulte et un jeune de Machay tués le 27 décembre. 
Ces oiseaux ont le bec plus fortement courbé que dans les E. aquila 
de la Colombie. 

Le jeune en premier plumage 4 queue incomplétement développée 
a la gorge, le devant et les cotés du cou noirs, variés de stries fauves 
fines, ¢largies un peu a l’extrémité ; toutes les plumes du sommet 
de la téte et du dessus du corps frangées 4 l’extrémité de fauve 
roussatre, les tectrices caudales entourées largement de cette derniére 
couleur ; toutes les remiges terminées par un point blanc. 


Quatre males et deux femelles de Machay et de Mapoto, recueillis 
en novembre, décembre et janvier. 


Nombreux exemplaires des deux sexes et des jeunes pris sur le 
Chimborazo en avril. 


Deux miles et une femelle pris 4 Mapoto en janvier. 

212. PaANOPLITES MATHEWS! (Bourc.), 
Cinq oiseaux de Baios recueillis en février. 
213. Cu&TrocERCUS BOMBUS, Gould. 

Une femelle de Yaguachi. 


Un male et deux femelles pris en janvier 4 Mapoto. 
Les males péruviens se distinguent de celui de l’Ecuadeur par les 

1885. ] BIRDS FROM ECUADOR. 103 

rectrices externes un peu plus longues, a partie dénuée plus droite, de 
sorte que les palettes s’appliquent parfaitement entre elles lorsque la 
queue est plice, tandis que chez l’oiseau typique de I’Kcuadeur elles 
se croisent dans cette position ; la partie de cette rectrice dépassant 
la subexterne est beaucoup plus fine chez V’oiseau péruvien, la 
palette moins large. La rectrice subexterne est beaucoup plus 
longue chez l’oiseau péruvien, moins large, plus aigue et moins 
brillante sur la barbe externe. En outre on ne voit pas aucune 


215. LesBia AMARYLLIs (Bource. et Muls.). 

Trois males de Penipe entre Riobamba et Chimborazo pris en mars 
et avril. 

*216, Cynantuus mocoa (Del. et Bourc.). 

Cing males et une femelle de Banos et de Mapoto pris en janvier 
et février. 

Les males de l’Ecuadeur différent des péruviens par les rectrices 
distinctement moins larges et moins atténuées a l’extrémité ; par le 
vert de ces rectrices passant plus au bleu dans certaines directions 
de la lumiére: par le noir velouté de la partie basale des rectrices 
beaucoup moins enduit de bleu en générai et ne distinct que prés de 
la jonction des deux couleurs, de sorte que le noir presque pur est 
visible a l’extériear dans la queue pliée tandis que chez l’oiseau 
péruvien c’est le bleu qui le remplace. La couleur du dessous du 
corps est plus cuivreuse chez l’oiseau péruvien. La plaque frontale 
brillante parait étre plus large chez l’oiseau péruvien, tandis que le 
bronzé environnant est plus clair, ne passant pas en noir propre a 
Yoiseau de Kcuadeur. La prase gulaire est aussi plus large chez 
Voiseau péruvien et d’un bleu plus clair. 

*217. PreROPHANES TEMMINCKI (Boiss.). 
Cing exemplaires de San Rafael recueillis en mars. 

*218. MeraLLura PRIMOLINA, Boure. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1853, 
p- 295. (Laguano, Rio Napo coll. Osculati.) 

Quatre males et deux femelles de San Rafael, recueillis en mars. 

Dans les femelles les plumes verts dorées du cou antérieur et sur 
la gorge sont squamuleuses sur un fond fauve roussatre, c’est 4 dire 
elles renferment une grosse tache verte entourée de la base fauve et 
dune pareille bordure, ces taches vertes sont trés petites et isolées 
sur la gorge; les plumes de abdomen d’un vert bronzé lisse ont la 
base blanchatre et une bordure fauve grisdtre, qui est prédominant 
sur le milieu du ventre; tout le dos est d’un vert bronzé tirant plus 
ou moins au cuivreux presque uniforme depuis le front jusqu’aux 
derniéres souscaudales. La queue est d’un vert bronzé antique, 
passant dans une certaine direction au bleu violatre, 4 rectrices 
bordées finement de blanchatre 4 l’extrémité; l’externe terminée 
largement de gris, la suivante a une tache terminale de cette 
derniére couleur ; la page inférieure de la queue est d’un vert 


bronzé plus clair et plus brillant que la supérieure ; toutes les 
rectrices bordées dans toute leur longueur d’une ligne brun foncé. 
Les souscaudales sont d’un vert bronzé obscur bordées largement 
de roussatre. 

Tous les miles ne paraissent pas étre en plumage parfait. Un 
d’eux qui parait étre le plus adulte a le milieu du cou antérieur 
occupé par une tache oblongue paraissant étre plus foncée que le 
plumage environnant, composée de gouttes d’un vert foncé tirant au 
noir dans les autres directions de la lumiére, d’un vert étincellant 
dans les autres avec un éclat rouge cuivreux sur quelques-unes; ces 
taches sont bordées de roussatre. Toute la surface des parties 
inférieures du corps est d’un vert bronzé uniforme, a bordures des 
plumes grises trés peu distinctes sur le milieu du ventre ; sous- 
caudales A bordures roussitres plus foncées et moins prononcées que 
celles de la femelle. Queue comme celle de la femelle mais sans 
bordures & l’extrémité des rectrices. 

Les autres miles paraissant ¢tre moins adultes n’ont la tache 
jugulaire que représentée par quelques plumes noiratres qui ont 4 la 
base de cette couleur une ligne d’un doré cuivreux trés brillant. 
La gorge est couverte de gros points vert-bronzé sur un fond gris. 
Les plumes du ventre sont plus distinctement frangées de gris. 

Un autre male probablement le plus jeune de tous a toute la gorge 
couverte de plumes squamiformes vertes, d’une nuance beaucoup plus 
vive et différente de cette du dessous ; toutes les plumes de l’abdomen 
et du ventre sont plus largement frangées de gris roussatre que dans 
les autres ce qui indique que l’Age de l’oiseau est moins avancé. 

Tous les exemplaires ont la région anale duveteuse blanche. 

3. Longueur de l’aile 60, queue 40, bec depuis la commissure 
17:5, depuis les plumes frontales 13 mill. 

2. Longueur de l’aile 57, queue 37, bee depuis la commissure 
16, depuis les plumes frontales 13 mill. 


Vingt exemplaires de San Rafael et de Bajos, recueillis en février 
et mars. 


Quatre oiseaux de Mapoto et de Machay pris en décembre et en 

*221. Scuisres GEoFFROY! (Boure. et Muls.). 

Male adulte de Machay pris en décembre. 

L’oiseau péruvien se distingue de celui de l’Ecuadeur par le 
cuivreux du dos plus rouge; la nuque plus cuivreuse; le vert 
dessous non bleuatre mais bronzé ; la queue plus étagée, la différence 
entre l’extrémité des rectrices médianes et des externes étant de 
9 mill. tandis qu’elle n’est que de 5 chez l’oiseau de l’ Ecuadeur. 

222. PrerAsOPHORA ANAIS (Less.). 
Une paire prise en avril A Chimborazo et a Banos. 

1885. ] BIRDS FROM ECUADOR. 105 

Une paire de San Rafael recueillie en mars. 

*224, HeLiaNTHEA LuTetrIZ (Del. et Bourc.). 
Un male de Puela. 

225. HeviorrypHa vioxa (Gould). 

Quatre exemplaires pris 4 La Union et Yoyacsi (9109 pieds) 
en septembre et novembre. 


Neuf exemplaires pris & Bafos en février. Aucun des males n’a 
pas la queue aussi profondement fourchue que le male de la Nouvelle 
Grenade du Musée de Varsovie. 

*227. Bourcrerra ToRQvaTA (Boiss.). 
Un mile et deux femelles de Baiios, pris en février. 

*228. LampropyGIA COLUMBIANA, Elliot. 

Quatre exemplaires de Machay et de Mapoto pris en novembre et 
janvier. Identiques aux oiseaux typiques de la Nouvelle Grenade. 

Un male de Yaguachi. 

230. Er1ocNemis LucrIANt (Bourc.). 
Nombreux exemplaires recueillis 4 San Rafael en février et mars. 

*231. ERIOCNEMIS MOSQUERA (Boure. et Muls.). 

Un oiseau pris 4 San Rafael en mars. Oiseau non adulte & queue 
plus courte, moins fourchue ; les rectrices externes d’un acier noi- 
ratre au lieu de verdatre, les médianes d’un vert plus bleuatre. Les 
suscaudales d’un vert d’or au lieu d’or cuivreux ; l’éclat cuivreux 
de la gorge et de la poitrine beaucoup moins fort et moins répandu ; 
dos d’un vert plus obscur. 

Nombreux exemplaires des deux sexes recueillis 4 San Rafael en 
février et en mars. 

Un male de Yaguachi. 


Trois males de Mapoto recueillis en février. Iris presque noir. 

Un male de Mapoto pris le 15 janvier. Iris presque noir. 


Trois femelles de Mayorazgo. 


*237. PICUMNUS LAFRESNAYI, J. Verr.; Malh. Monogr. Pie. ii. 
p- 282, tab. exviii. f. 4 et 5. 

Un male et deux jeunes femelles de Mapoto recueillis en octobre et 
en janvier. 

L’espéce est décrite aussi de |’Ecuadeur ; notre male s’accorde 
parfaitement avec la figure citée, la description de Malherbe est 
réduite 4 une diagnose trés courte et insuffisante pour une 
détermination précise. Ces oiseaux different du P. buffoni de 
Cayenne, de Surinam et de la Guyane britannique, avec lesquels ils 
ont été comparés, par la coloration du dos qui est rayé en travers de 
brun et de jaunatre sans aucune trace de gouttes jaunatres propres 
a l’oiseau de la Guyane, par le sommet de la téte brun au lieu de 
noir et par le rouge frontal du male réduit 4 des points triangulaires 
trés petits ne s’étendant qu’a la ligne du milieu de l’ceil, tandis que 
chez l’oiseau de la Guyane les stries rouges {sont longues et grosses, 
dépassant considérablement le niveau du bord postérieur des yeux ; 
les raies foncées du dessous plus larges et moins nombreuses. Une 
femelle de Sarayacu (Coll. Berlepsch) parait appartenir 4 la méme 

Le jeune oiseau a les taches cephaliques oblongues et d’un blan- 
chatre sale, les raies claires dorsales et les bordures des tectrices 
alaires d’une nuance roussatre ; le jaundtre du dessous moins pur. 

3. Longueur totale 98, vol 178, aile 52, queue 27, bec 14, tarse 
10 mill. 


Une femelle de Yagnachi recueillie en aout. Iris brun grisatre 

Cette femelle parait étre en robe anormale tres pale, a stries du 
dessous 4 peine indiquées sur les cotés du corps. 


Un male de Mapoto tué en janvier. Iris cerise fonce. 

Trois males de San Rafael, recueillis en mars. 

241. CHLoRoNERPES FuMIGATUS (d’Orb. et Lafr.). 

Trois males de Machay et de Mapoto recueillis en décembre et en 


Un male et deux femelles de Yaguachi recueillis en septembre et 
en mai. 


Male et femelle de Yaguachi pris en mai. 

Un male de San Rafael pris en mars. 

245. Momorus MICROSTEPHANUS, Scl. 
Un oiseau de Yaguachi. 

246. CeryLe caBanisi (Tsch.). 
Une paire de Yaguachi. 


Cinq males et trois femelles pris & Machay, 4 Banos et 4 San 
Rafael depuis novembre jusqu’en mars. 


Un male de Machay pris en novembre. Longueur de l’aile 203, 
queue 180, bee 31 millimetres. 

*249. GALBULA PASTAZ, sp. 0. 

G. tombacee simillima, sed major, dorso viridi non cupreo, 
abdomine intense rufo non ochraceo, rectricibus lateralibus 
totis cinnamomeis. 
gad. Sommet de la téte vert changeant au bleu ; dessus du corps, 
ailes, poitrine et les quatre rectrices médianes d’un vert brillant 
prenant dans les autres directions de la lumiére un léger ton bronzé, 
dans les autres cuivreux ; les plumes du menton sout blanchatres 
a la base, terminées de vert obscur; le reste de la gorge et le cou 
antérieur d’un vert semblable a celui du dos et prenant les mémes 
éclats dans les différentes directions ; la poitrine, l’'abdomen et les 
souscaudales d’un roux cannelle obscur, passant graduellement en 
une nuance moins foncée en s’approchant de la queue. Remiges 
primaires noires, les autres 4 barbe externe et l’extrémité verte ; 
sousalaires d’un cannelle moins foncé que la poitrine et le ventre ; 
barbe interne des remiges secondaires bordée de roux ala base. Les 
six rectrices latérales rousses sans rien de vert sur leur barbe externe. 
Bec noir ; pattes grises; iris brun foncé. 

Les jeunes ne différent des adultes que par la gorge largement et 
longuement rousse, de sort qu’il ne reste qu’une bande verte peu 
large sur la région jugulaire ; le roux du dessous moins foncé. 

3 Longueur totale 250, vol 300, aile 88, queue 196, bee 45 mm. 
g >>. 267, »” 308, a3 91, »” 1 ne ey 59 o 


Cet oiseau différe de la G. tombacea de Monterico (Pérou central) 
par une taille plus forte, l’éclat doré et cuivreux moins fort, le vert 
du dessous profondement échancré au milieu de la poitrine, le 
roux du dessous moins obscur, point de bordures vertes sur les 
rectrices rousses. 

Les G. tombacea d’Yquitos (Coll. Berlepsch) sont aussi d’une 
taille plus petite; le male a le front brunatre terne au lieu de bleuatre 
et des bordures vertes sur les deux paires des rectrices externes. 

Huit oiseaux de Mapoto et de Machay recueillis en décembre 
et janvier. 

Deux males de Mapoto recueillis en janvier. Iris cerise. 

*251. Crororuaca ANI, L. 

Une femelle prise 8 Yaguachi le 11 mai. 

Cet oiseau est de la taille de la C. suletrostris, mais il a le bec de 
la C. ant A créte aussi élevée sans aucune trace de sillons latéraux. 

Longueur de laile 132, queue 164, tarse 33, bec 26, hauteur du 
bec 22 millim. 

Un adulte et un jeune de Yaguachi. 

253. PIaAyA CAYANA MESURA (Cab. et Hein.) ? 
Une femelle de Mapoto du 30 janvier. 

*254. Coccyzus LANDSBERGI, Bp. 

Un male tué 4 Yaguachi le 2 juin. Iris brun foncé; tour de 
Poeil gris; machoire noire; mandibule grise et noire dans le tiers 
terminal ; pattes cendrées. 

Deux males de Mapoto, recueillis en janvier. 

*256. ANDIGENA HyPpoGLaucus (Gould). 
Male et femelle de San Rafael recueillis en mars. Iris rouge 
*257. CapiTo BOURCIERI (Lafr.). 

Quatre males et trois femelles de Machay, recueillis en décembre 
et en janvier. Iris rouge cerise. 

PsITracip x. 
*258. ConuRUS SOUANCAI (Verr.). 
Un male et deux femelles de Mapoto, pris en janvier et février. 
Iris brun grisatre trés foncé. 

1885. ] BIRDS FROM ECUADOR. 109 

259. BrRoroGeRYs PYRRHOPTERA (Lath.). 
Une paire de Yaguachi. 

Un jeune de Canelos. Iris brun foncé. 

261. Pronus corautinus (Bp.). 

Deux males et une femelle de Mapoto recueillis en janvier. Ivis 
gris trés foncé. 

Les oiseaux de Chaguarpata sont d’une taille un peu moins forte, ont 
les bordures bleues des plumes cephaliques beaucoup moins larges, 
surtout celles des joues, qui manquent quelquefois ; le bleu moins 
répandu sur la région jugulaire, et la nuance plus olivatre sur le 
dessous du corps; le bleu moins largement disposé sur la barbe 
externe de la rectrice latérale, nul sur la suivante, tandis que la 
troisiéme a encore du bleu chez les oiseaux de Mapoto. 

S Longueur de l’aile 210, queue 96 millim. (oiseau de Mapoto). 
2 » 53 190, ,, 88 millim. (oiseau de Chaguar- 

262. Pronus SENILOIDES (Mass.). 
Deux oiseaux de San Rafael recueillis en mars. Iris brun foncé. 

Un oiseau de Canelos pris en janvier. 

Un oiseau vivant de Naranchito (versant occidental). 

*265. CHRYSOTIS, sp. ? 

Un oiseau de Naranchito. 

Cet oiseau présente une certaine affinité au C. viridigenalis, Cass. 
(coecineifrons, Souancé), mais il en différe par une large bande sour- 
ciliére rouge réunie avec le rouge du front et prolongée en arriére 
vers la nuque ; les joues jusqu’a la région auriculaire sont d’un jaune 
verdatre au lieu d’un vert frais, comme les tectrices auriculaires ; 
le milieu du sommet de la téte est couvert de plumes d’un lilas 
bleuatre varies d’une maniére irrégulicre de rougeatre; le bec est 
noir au lieu de jaunatre. 

Comme cet oiseau a été élevé en captivité, on ne peut pas répondre 
sil n’a pas subi quelque altération dans sa coloration; mais M. Stolz- 
mann a vu un autre, également en captivité, qui ¢tait tout-a-fait 
également coloré, 


266. GLAuCIDIUM FEROX (Vieill.). 

Une paire rousse de Yaguachi. 


Une paire de San Rafael tuée en mars. 
dad. D’un brun-chocolat trés foneé en dessus et les ailes 


presque uniformes partout, 4 sommet de la téte immaculé excepté 
quelques stries blanchatres fines au front et quelques beaucoup plus 
petites derriére les oreilles; une bande en chevron noiratre au cou 
postérieur, variée de taches fauves et blanchatres ; quelques taches 
roussdtres sur les scapulaires, et une rangée de taches plus grosses et 
plus pales le long du bord inférieur de l’aile ; cdtés de la téte bruns 
variés de blanchatre ; demicollier au col blane, coloré de roussatre 
sur la gorge, et bordé en dessous d’une raie brune; milieu méme de 
la poitrine blanc, cdtés largement d’un brun aussi foncé que celui du 
dos, parsemés de quelques taches fauves voisines du milieu et de 
stries trés petites sur les cétés; abdomen d’un isabelle blanchatre 
plus roussatre au voisinage de la poitrine, varié de grosses flamméches 
brunes ; souscaudales blanchatres traversées chacune par une ligne 
médiane brune. Remiges noiratres avec des taches blanc-roussatres 
au bord de la barbe externe, blanches et grosses sur l’interne. Queue 
noire avec six rangées de taches blanches sur les deux bords de toutes 
les rectrices; page inférieure beaucoup plus pale. Bec jaune pale ; 
iris jaune. 

Q Différe du male précédent par tout le sommet de la téte 
parsemé de macules fauves un peu plus grosses au front et diminuant 
graduellement en s’approchant de la nuque ; les taches plus blanches 
en partie sur les tectrices alaires, plus rousses sur la barbe externe 
des remiges ; les cétés de la téte variés plus fortement de fauve ; le 
collier jugulaire lavé de roussatre ; les taches roussatres plus grosses 
sur la poitrine, le fond de l’abdomen plus roussatre ; queue semblable 
a celle du male. 

3 Longueur totale 176, vol 370, aile 100, queue 66 millim. 
g eB] ” 190, LPs 390, ” 106, > 68 3? 

*268. CrccABA VIRGATA (Cass.). 
Un poussin tué 4 Machay en décembre. _ Iris noir bleuatre. 

*269. HarpYHALIAETUS CORONATUS (Vieill.). 
Une jeune femelle de Rio Topo, tuée le 31 janvier. Iris bran 
270. Bureo pENNSYLVANICUs (Wils.). 

Deux femelles de San Rafael tuées en mars. Iris blanchatre et 
brunatre dans sa partie inférieure. 

Une paire de Riobamba et de Chimborazo. Iris brun foncé. 

*272, COLUMBA RUFINA, Temm. 
Un male de Yaguachi tué en juin. 
Ce mile est d’une taille un peu plus petite que le male de Chirimoto 
(Pérou), et beaucoup plus forte que le male de Cayenne, la-différence 
est surtout grande dans Ja longueur de la queue. Dans la coloration 


notre oiseau présente la plus grande différence dans le sommet de la 
téte, qui est longuement rouge dans les deux oiseaux cités, tandis que 
chez loiseau de Yaguachi le front est longuement rosé et le vert 
bronzé brillant commence plutot; le cou postérieur est violet 
passant au bleu sans rien de vert propre aux oiseaux cités. La queue 
est la plus caractéristique, tandis qu’elle est ordinairement terminée 
par une large bande gris pale, bien tranchée de la couleur basale, elle est 
uniforme en dessus dans la longueur des rectrices, et la nuance pile 
nest distincte que sur la page inférieure sans étre aussi nettement 
Longueur de l’aile 190, queue 123 mm. (oiseau de |’ Ecuadeur). 
fe $3 LOW tel 5; keel oat; (oiseau du Pérou). 
- 3 182, ,, 102 ,,  (oiseau de Cayenne). 
En général cet oiseau varie beaucoup en dimensions et en colo- 
ration de la téte. Le Comte Berlepsch a trouvé sur 30 exemplaires 
de Panama une différence de la longueur de l’aile entre 181 et 193. 
mill., de la queue entre 120 et 133. 

Deux oiseaux de Chimborazo recueillis en avril. Iris brun foncé. 


Trois males et deux femelles recueillis 4 Riobamba le 1 mai. 
Tris rosé. 

275. CHAM#PELIA BUCKLEYI, Scl. et Saly. 

Six males et quatre femelles de Yaguachi recueillis en septembre 
et en mai. Iris brun rougeatre. 

276. PreristeRA CINEREA (Temm.). 
Deux miles et trois femelles de Yaguachi recueillis en mai. 

Un male pris en mars au dessus de San Rafael. 

278. Leproprina PaLuipA, Berl. et Tacz. 

Une paire de Yaguachi recueillie en mai. 

Le male ressemble beaucoup aux deux femelles de la LZ. verreauxi 
de Cutervo (Pérou), et ne s’en distingue que par I’éclat métallique 
beaucoup plus fort au cou; le rosé du dessous pile, mais beau- 
coup plus pur. Celui de Pedregal a le rosé du dessous beau- 

coup plus fort et beaucoup plus largement répandu jusqu’au milieu 
de l’abdomen. 


Six exemplaires de Machay, de Banos et de San Rafael recueillis 
en novembre, février et mars. Iris jaune. 

L’oiseau de Cutervo (Pérou) se distingue de tons ces oiseaux de 
PEcuadeur or. par le plombé du sommet de la téte beaucoup plus 

foncé et par léclat de la région interscapulaire vert et non bleu 


Un mile, quatre femelles et deux jeunes de San Rafael recueillis 
en février et en mars. Iris brun rougeatre. 
*281. CHAM#PETES TscHUDIT, Tacz. 
Une femelle de Runacocha prise le 2 janvier. Iris brun rougeatre, 

Un mile tué A Riobamba le 1 mai. Iris brun foncé. 

*283. Parra JACANA (L.). 

Un mile de Yaguachi. 


Deux males et une femelle recueillis 4 San Rafael en mars. Iris 
brun noisette. 

Une femeile de Chimborazo tuée le 23 avril. 

*286. PHatrHusA MAGNIROSTRIS (Licht.). 
Un male tué 4 Riobamba le 1 mai. Iris trés foncé. 


Trois femelles de San Rafael (9300 pieds). Iris brun grisatre tres 

Ces oiseaux se distinguent d’un male de Bogota par la nuance des 
parties supérieures du corps plus foncée, plus olive et non roussatre, 
& raies noires plus fortes; le roux du sommet de la téte plus 
obscur, plus fortement ondulé de noir; les joues beaucoup moins 
rousses; la région jugulaire et les flancs du corps plus foncés et 
plus fortement rayés de noir. 


Un mile tué en décembre & Machay. Iris brun grisatre trés 

Cet exemplaire se distingue de l’oiseau de Panama (Musée Ber- 
lepsch) par la coloration en général plus foncée, moins roussatre au 
dos, & vermiculation foncée beaucoup plus dense ; les macules sur les 
ailes et sur le croupion blanches au lieu de roussatres ; le bas ventre, 


les flanes et les tibias plus foncés 4 macules également blanches au 
lieu de fauves. La différence la plus frappante est dans les ailes, 
dont la barbe externe des remiges secondaires est brun noirAtre 
traversée de raies roussatres fines, et espace foncé entre ces raies 
trés peu varié, tandis que dans l’oiseau de Panama les raies rousses 
sont beaucoup plus larges, moins nettement dessinées et espace 
renfermé entre elles est de la couleur du fond général vermiculé de 
noiratre ; la page inférieure des remiges est plus foncée et moins 
rousse dans notre oiseau; sousalaires fortement rayées de brun 

Longueur de Vaile 205, bec 47, tarse 65, doigt méd. 75, ongle 10 
millim. (ois. de Machay). 

Longueur de Vaile 222, bec 44°5, tarse 65, doigt méd. 56, ongle 
11°5 millim (ois. de Panama). 

289. Cryprurus prteatus (Bodd.)? 

Crypturus, sp.? Berl. et. Tacz. P. Z. S, 1883, p. 577. 

Une femelle tuée en mai 4 Yaguachi. 

Cet oiseau et celui de Chimbo présentent une grande ressemblance 
aux C. pileatus non adultes de Panama et de Veragua; ils ont 
cependant les parties supérieures du corps beaucoup plus foncées, ce 
qui permet 4 supposer qu’ils appartiennent plutét & une forme 
voisine mais distincte. 


En 1876 M. Jelski a pris & Palmal, forét vierge humide sur le 
territoire de l’Ecuadeur, au voisinage du fleuve Tumbez, un oiseau 
voisin du Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus et du X. compressirostris, 
mais bien distinct par une taille moins forte et le bec plus robuste ; 
nous proposons donc 4 cette forme sud-ouest de ’Eeuadeur le nom 
et la diagnose suivantes :— 


X. promeropirhyncho simillimus, sed statura minore, rostro robus- 
tiore, albido, gula pure isabellino-albida, abdomine medio toto 
subcaudalibusque nigro crebre ut in X. compressirostri macu- 
latis, striis capitis et colli albidioribus, tectricibusque alarum 
albido striatis distinguendus. 

Ce Xiphocolapte différe des deux formes citées par une taille 
moins forte, le bee plus épais et moins comprimé dans sa partie 
terminale 4 aréte moins aigue, blanchatre ; les pattes d’un plombé 
blanchatre & ongles paraissant étre plus courts a cause de leur 
courbure beaucoup plus forte, et de leur hauteur plus considérable, 
blancs, n’ayant qu’une ligne noiratre au dos de lextrémité. Dans la 
coloration la gorge est d’un blanc isabelle parfaitement uniforme; la 
couleur du dos moins foneée que celle des deux formes citées ; le 
croupion aussi longuement roux que dans le X. promeropirhynchus, 
mais d’une nuance beaucoup plus claire et plus vive, tandis que chez 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. VIII. 8 


le X. compressirostris Je roux n’ est présent que sur la partie postérieure 
du croupion et d’une nuance foncée ; les stries de la téte et du cou 
plus pales que dans les deux autres formes sans aucune trace de 
bordures noires sur celles de la poitrine propres & la forme pé- 
ruvienne; le milieu de tout abdomen aussi fortement maculé de 
noiratre que dans cette dernitre; toutes les tectrices alaires striées 
finement de blanchAtre; le fond des sousalaires moins roussatre. 
Dimensions de ces trois formes :— 

&X, crassi- X. compressi-  X. promeropi- 

rostris. rostris. rhynchus. 

millim. millim. millim. 
Longueur de Vaile........ 135 150 175 
os de la queue .... 116 137 128 
- duthecieincnie sls 48°5 53 50 
Vy dutarse) 4...) 129 32 30 
hs du doigt médian. 24 29 28 
de longle’.... 3.11 12 12 
43 de l’ongle du pouce 12 ay 12 
Hauteur du bec... ..0.... 12 12 10 


Considérations générales sur la Faune ornithologique de 
PEquateur occidentale. Par Hans von Beriupscu. 

M. Stolzmann ayant fini ses explorations dans la république de 
l’Equateur il me parait utile de faire une revision des oiseaux qui 
habitent loccident de ce pays, région le mieux exploré par ce voya- 
geur instruit et infatigable. 

Les deux collections précédentes faites par M. Stolzmann et son 
compagnon M. Siemiradzki, dont nous avons parlé dans les P. Z. S. 
1883, pp. 536-577, et 1854, pp. 281-313, nous avaient fourni en 
tout 341 especes, tous recueillies dans la contrée située a l’ouest de 
la grande chaine des Andes, dans le voisinage de Guayaquil, Yaguachi 
et Chimbo (région de la céte), et dans des localités plus élevées 
jusqu’a une hauteur considérable, mais toujours de la pente occi- 

Cette derniére collection dont nous venons de parler pour la plu- 
part contient des espéces recueillies sur la pente orientale des Andes. 

Il y a cependant quelques espéces supplémentaires pour la faune 
de Poccident recueillies 4 Yaguachi, prés de Guayaquil. En outre il 
y a quelques espéces du mont Chimborazo, dont la faune sera aussi 
probablement a attribuer a celle de loccident. Ce seront :— 


1. Polioptila bilineata. 8. Crotophaga ani. 

2. Spodiornis jardinei. 9. Coccyzus landsbergi. 

3. Molothrus purpurascens. 10. Chrysotis ochrocephala. 
4, Lampropsar warszewiczi. Ue , Sp. ine. 

5. Hadrostomus homochrous. 12, Columba rufina. 

6. Myiodynastes audax. 13. Parra jacana. 

7. Cercomacra nigricans. 


Du Chimborazo. 

14, Oreomanes fraseri. 18. Cinclodes excelsior, 

15. Muscisaxicola alpina. 19. albidiventris. 

16. Synallaxis fammulata. 20. Oreotrochilus chimborazo. 
17. Leptasthenura andicola. 21. Gallinago jamesoni. 

Le total d’espéces recueillies par M. Stolamann dans l’occident 
montera done au nombre 362. 

Quant & nos listes précédentes il faut quelques rectifications :— 

Dans la premiére liste il faut changer le nom de Chlorostilbon mela- 
norhynchus en C. atala’ (Less. )- Quoique Toiseau de Chimbo ne 
parait pas tout-a-fait identique 4 4 Poiseau de Trinidad, il n’en pourrait 
pas étre distingué peut-étre que comme race locale. Le C. melano- 
rhynchus, Gld., de Quito est fort différent. 

‘© Mionectes striaticollis”? de la deuxiéme liste est M. olivaceus, 
Lawr. ! 

Il faut aussi changer le nom du “ Zyranniscus cinereiceps”’ de 
Chimbo. C’est le 7. leucogenys, Scl. 

La “‘ Catamenia homochroa’’ de Cechce (deuxiéme liste) n’est pas 
Yespéce de Mr. Sclater, mais une petite race de la C. inornata 
(Lafr.) : C. inornata minor, Berl. 

Dans la premiére liste on pourrait encore changer :— 

Parula pitiayumi en P. pitiayumi pacifica. 
Spermophila obscura en 8. pauper. 

Sayornis nigricans en S. cineracea. 

Synallazis fruticicola en S. elegantior fruticicola. 

Je suis a présent de Davis que le Turdus ignobilis maculirostris 
pourrait figurer comme une bonne espéce: 7’. maculirostris, Berl. 

La Vireosylvia chivi griseobarbata ne serait pas peut-étre différente 
de la vraie V. chivi. 

Jai encore quelques doutes sur le Tvroglodytes furvus albicans. 
Peut-étre que cette forme de Guayaquil sera distincte de l’oiseau de 
Chimbo, qui parait identique au vrai 7’. furvus (mieux musculus, 
Naum.) de la Guiane. 

Peut-Gtre qu'il y aura aussi deux espéces de Pheucticus du type 
chrysogaster (voyez P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 549, 1884, p. 292). Jene 
suis pas encore sur sur ce point. 

En outre M. Taczanowski et moi nous avons encore des doutes 
sur le ‘‘Crypturus, sp.’ de Chimbo et de Yaguachi et le “‘Chrysotis, 
sp.” de Naranchito. Ce seront probablement deux espéces nouvelles. 

Alors pour compléter nos listes il me parait nécessaire d’ajouter 
les espéces qui sont trouvées par Mr. Fraser et par d’autres voya- 
geurs dans les localités citées (ou dans leur voisinage) mais qui n’y 
sont pas retrouvées par M. Stolzmann. 

Il me parait utile d’exclure de cette liste les oiseaux de Quito, 
Nanegal, Pichincha et des autres localités de Poccident, mais plus 
septentrionales, parce que leur faune est un peu différente de celle 
_ @ouw viennent les collections de Stolazmann. Aussi on ne peut pas 

= 3 Sclater avait déja déterminé les oiseaux de Fraser comme Chl. atala.— 




étre stir si tous les oiseaux qu’on appelle généralement peaux de 
Quito étaient réellement recueillis dans le voisinage de cette ville, ou 
plutot dans les régions de la pente orientale}. 

. Cinnicerthia unibrunnea (Lloa). 
. Chlorospingus atripileus (Lloa). 
. Oreotrochilus pichincha (Pichin- 


. Helianthea lutetize (Lloa). 

. Nyctibius pectoralis. 

. Colaptes elegans (Lloa), 

. Milvago carunculatus (Pichincha). 

8. Strix “ punctatissima ” (Quito). 
9. Vanellus resplendens (“ Table- 
10. Querquedula cyanoptera (R. Ma- 
11. Penelope argyrotis, Bp. (Mindo, 
‘Wis Pichineha). e 

Oiseaux de Nanegal. (Coll. Fraser.) 

. Diglossa indigotica. 
. Buarremon castaneiceps. 
. Chlorospingus atripileus. 
. Calliste rufigularis. 


. Diva yassori. 

. Chlorochrysa pheenicotis. 
. Catamenia homochroa, 

. Synallaxis gularis. 

. Thamnistes zquatorialis. 
. Grallaria squamigera. 

. Tyrannulus nigricapillus. 

25. Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus. 
26. Myiobius villosus. 

27. Agriornis solitaria. 

28. Masius coronulatus. 

29. Macheeropterus deliciosus. 
30. Rupicola sanguinolenta. 
31. Thalurania verticeps. 

32. Urosticte benjamini. 

33. Heliangelus strophianus. 
34. Hemistephania rectirostris. 
35. Urochroa bougueri. 

36. Syrnium albogulare. 

37. Pholeoptynx cunicularia. 

Oiseaux de Quito. 

. Turdus leucops, TZacz. Quito 

(Mus. Brit.). 

. Cinnicerthia unirufa. Quito 

(Mus. Brit.). 

. Chlorophonia flavirostris, Sc/. 
. Calliste guttata, Cab. Mindos 


2. Iridornis _ porphyrocephala. 

Quito (James. ). 

. Buthraupis cucullata. Quito 

(James. ). 
chloronota. Quito (James.). 

. Compsocoma notabilis. Quito 


. Dubusia selysia. Quito (James.). 
. Chlorospingus semifuscus, Sel. § 


. Buarremon pallidinuchus. 


. Oreothraupis arremonops. Quito 

(James. ). 

. Cyanocitta pulchra, Lawr. 

2. Ochthoéca citrinifrons, 

. —— rufimarginata. 

. Thripadectes virgaticeps, Lawr. 

“ Quito.” 

. Margarornisguttata, Zawr, Quito. 
. ? Androdon sequatorialis. 

Grallaria gigantea, Lawr. 
Acropternis orthonyx. 

Eutoxeres aquila heterurus. 

60. ? Campylopterus lazulus. 
61. Eugenia imperatrix. 

| 62, Panoplites jardinei. 

63. ? Calliphlox mitchelli. 

64, Zodalia ortoni, Lawr. “ Quito. 
©. Pterophanes temmincki. 

66. Ramphomicron herrani. Quito.” 
67. Urosticte ruficrissa, Lawr. 

68. Patagona gigas. Quito (Fraser). 

| 69. ? Hriocnemis mosquera. 

70. —— smaragdinipectus. 
flee? godini. 

72. ?—— nigrivestis, 

73. —— derbyana. 

74, ? —— lugens. 

75. ? squamata. 

76. aureliz. 

77. ? Bucephala grayi. 
78. Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus, 

Gid. Quito. 

79. Stenopsis ruficervix. Quito 

80. Hapaloptila castanea (Verr.). 

81. ? Aulacorhamphus derbianus. 

82. Tetragonops rhamphastinus, 

83. Sarcorhamphus xquatorialis. 

84. Leucopternis albicollis. Quito 
(Mus. Norwich). 

85. Accipiter nigroplumbeus, Lawr. 
Quito val. (Orton). 

1 Oiseaux du Pichincha (qui manquent a nos listes). (Coll. Fraser.) 


De lautre coté je comprends dans la liste les espéces d’ Esmeraldas 
(de la cété du nord) parce qu’il me parait que la faune de cette loca- 
lité a beaucoup de rapport avec celle de Guayaquil et de Chimbo. 

Il y a dont & ajouter :-— 

1. Turdus gigas, Fras. Pallatanga (Fraser'). 
44 reevei, Lawr. Ile de Puna (Reeve, Lawr.). 
3. Myiadestes rallotdes (Laft. et d’Orb.). Pallatanga et Baba- 
hoyo (Fras.). 
4. Thryophilus superciliaris (Lawr.), (‘ albipectus, Cab.’’). 
Babahoyo (Fras.) ; Puna (Reeve). 
5. Dendreca “ aureola, Gld.”’ Esmeraldas (Fras.); Puna, Guaya- 
quil (Sundevall). 
6. Progne chalybea (Gml.) (‘ dominicensis’’). | Esmeraldas 
7. Buthraupis edwardi, Elliot. Esmeraldas. 
8. “ Tachyphonus delattrei, Lafr., 2.’ Pallatanga (Fras.). 
9. Hedymeles ludovicianus (L.). Esmeraldas (Fras.). 
10. Oryzoborus occidentalis, Scl. Babahoyo (Fras.). 
JSunereus, Scl. Babahoyo (Fras.). 
12. Coturniculus? Pallatanga (Fras.). 
13. Icterus grace-anne, Cass. Machala, prés de Guayaquil 
14. Cassidix oryzivora (Gml.). Pallatanga (Fras.). 
15. Cyanocorax mystacalis (Geoffr.). Guayaquil. 
16. Agriornis pollens, Sel (‘“ andicola’’). Panza, Chimborazo 


. Myiotheretes erythropygius, Scl. Panza, Chimborazo (Fras.). 

18. Phrygilus unicolor (Lafr. et D’Orb.). Panza, Chimborazo 

19. Copurus leuconotus, Lafr. Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

20. Muscigralla brevicauda, Lafr. et d’ Orb. Babahoyo (Fras.). 

21. Huscarthmus pyrrhops, Cab. Puna, 8. Lucas (Buekley). 

| Les espéces suivantes qui se trouvent dans les listes de Mr. Sclater sur les 
collections de Mr. L. Fraser me paraissent identiques 4 des espéces de nos listes, 

Turdus “ albiventris,” de Pallatanga et Babahoyo, =T. maculirostris ? 
Conirostrum *‘ albifrons,” Pallatanga, =C. atrocyaneum ? 
Todirostrum “ ruficeps,” Pallatanga, =Peeilotriccus rufigenis. 
Myiobius “ phenicurus,” Pallatanga, =WM. stellatus. 
* Spiza sp.” ?, Pallatanga, = Spodiornis jardinei ? 
Todirostrum “ cinerewm,” Babahoyo, =T. sclateri. 
Sittasomus “ erithacus,” Pallatanga, =. amazonus. 
Cercomacra “ maculosa,” Pallatanga et Babahoyo, = C. nigricans? 
Phaéthornis “ guyi,” Pallatanga, =P. yaruqui. 
Chloronerpes “ rubiginosus,” Babahoyo, =C. canipileus. 
Trogon “ collaris,” Pallatanga, =T. virginalis. 
Glaucidium “ ferrugineum” SAE ape oat 

“ infuscatum o =G. ferow? 
Penelope “ jacucaca,” Pallatanga, =P. ortoni? 
Leptoptila “ verreauxi,” Pallatanga, =L. pallida? 
— “ albifrons,” Babahoyo, =L, verreauxi? 

—H. v. B. 




. Hapalocercus fulviceps (Scl.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 
. Tyranniscus cinereiceps, Scl. Pallatanga, Babahoyo (Fras.). 
. Elainea pallatange, Sci. Pallatanga (Fras.). 

placens, Scl. (‘‘implacens”). Babahoyo, Esmeraldas 

. Myjiozetetes texensis, Giraud? (‘“ columbianus”). Esme- 

raldas (Fras.). 

Cnipodectes subbrunneus (Scl.). Babahoyo, Esmeraldas 

. Myiobius ‘ barbatus (Gml.)*.” Babahoyo, Esmeraldas 


. Tyrannus niveigularis, Scl. Babahoyo (/ras.). 

. Tityra personata, Jard. et Selby. Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

. Attila torridus, Scl. Babahoyo (Fras.) ; St. Rosa (Steere). 
. Ampelio cinctus (Tsch.). Pallatanga (Fras.). 

. Pipreola melanolema, Sel. Chillanes (I’ras.). 

. Synallaxis griseo-murina, Scl. §. Lucas (Villagomez). 

. Dendrornis triangularis, Lafr.’ Pallatanga (Fras.). 

. Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus (Less.). Pallatanga (Fras.). 
. Thamnophilus albonuchalis, Scl. Guayaquil (Kellett) ; Puna 

(Barclay et Reeve). 

. Formicivora speciosa, Salv. Puna (Villagomez). 
. Terenura callinota, Scl., 2. Pallatanga (Fras.). 

Formicarius analis (Lafr. et d’Orb.). Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

. Glaucis ruckeri (Boure.). Esmeraldas (fras.). 

. Phaéthornis moorei, Lawr. Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

. Petasophora delphine (Less.). Citado (Buckley). 

. Panoplites flavescens (Lodd.). Citado (Buckley). 

. Rhamphomicron stanleyi (Boure. et Muls.)*. Panza, Chim- 

borazo (Fras.). 

. Ohrysuronia humboldti (Boure. et Muls.). Miva, Esmeraldas. 
. Polyerata amabilis (Gould). Esmeraldas (fras.). 
. Dryocopus lineatus (L.) (‘ fuscipennis”). Babahoyo et 

Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

. Celeus loricatus, Reichb. (‘‘ undatus, L.’’). Babahoyo (Fras.). 
. Ceryle torquata (L.). Babahoyo (fras.). 
. Trogon melanurus (Sw.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

caligatus, Gould. Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Bucco dysoni, Scl. ( leucocrissus”’). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

subtectus, Scl. Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

. Monacha nigra (Mill.). Guayaquil (Wiener). 
. Crotophaga sulcirostris, Sw. Babahoyo et Esmeraldas 

(Fras.) ; Puna (Reeve). 
Capito squamatus, Salv. Santa Rita (Buckley). 

1 —WM. villosus, Sel. ? 
2 =D. erythropygia equatorialis, Berl.? 
3 Mr. Fraser a aussi trouvé 4 Pallatanga la Acestrura mulsanti, espéce qui 

n’ était 

pas observée dans les régions occidentales par Stolzmann. Mais je 

Vomets de cette liste parce qu'elle est déja mentionnée dans notre deuxiéme 
article d’Alausi (pente orientale).—H. y. B. 

1885. ] BIRDS FROM ECUADOR. 119 



Chrysotis viridigenalis, Cass. Guayaquil (Mus. Bremen etc.). 
Pionus menstruus (Linn.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

Pionopsitta pyrrhops, Salv. Santa Rita et S. Lucas (Buckley). 
Cathartes aura (L.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

atratus (Bartr.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

Polyborus cheriway (Jacq.). Puna (Barclay, Mus. Brit.) ; 
Bahahoyo (Fras., “‘ tharus”’ ). 

Herpetotheres cachinnans (Linn.). Babahoyo et Esmeraldas 

Ibycter americanus (Bodd.). Guayaquil (Barclay, in Mus. 

Geranospiza cerulescens (Vieill.). Babahoyo (Fras.); Puna 
(Barel., Mus. Brit.). 

Accipiter bicolor (Vieill.), (“pileatus’’). Pallatanga et 
Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

Antenor unicinctus (Temm.).  Pallatanga et Esmeraldas 
(Fras.) ; Puna (Reeve). 

- Asturina magnirostris (Gml.). Babahoyo et Pallatanga 

nitida (Lath.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Urubitinga zonura (Shaw). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

anthracina (Nitzsch). Puna ( Reeve). 

. Heterospizias meridionalis (Lath.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 
. Gampsonyx swainsoni (Vig.). Guayaquil (Barclay, in Mus. 


. Rostrhamus sociabilis (Vieill.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Leptodon cayanensis (Gml.). Babahoyo (Fras. ). 

. Cerchneis sparverius cinnamominus (Sw.). Pallatanga (Fras.). 
. Leucopternis occidentalis, Salv. (Puna?) 

. * Phalacrocorax, sp.’ Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Ardea egretta (Gml.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Tigrisoma brasiliense (L.)'. Pallatanga et Babahoyo (Fras.). 
. Nyeticorax violaceus (L.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Tantalus loculator, Linn, Babahoyo ( Fras.). 

. Columba speciosa, Gmel. Esmeraldas (Fras.). 

. Ortalida erythroptera, Scl. et Salv. Guayaquil (Mus. 

Paris) ; Babahoyo (Fras.). 

- Aramus scolopaceus (Gml.), Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Eurypyga helias, Pall. Pallatanga (Fras.). 

. Hoplopterus cayanus (Lath.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 
. Aigialites semipalmata (Bp.). Puna (Reeve). 

collaris (Vieill.). Babahoyo et Esmeraldas ( Fras.). 

. Himantopus nigricollis (Vieill.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Micropalama himantopus (Bp.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Gambetta flavipes (Gml.). Babahoyo (Fras.). 

. Limosa fedoa (L.). Sta. Rosa (Steere). 

5. Querquedula andium, Scl. et Salv. Paramo (Fras.). 

- Hulica ardesiaca (Tsch.) (‘‘ chilensis’’). Paramo (Fras.). 

' —T, salmoni, Scl. & Saly. ? 


97. Attagis chimborazensis, Scl. Chimborazo (Fras.). 
98. Rhynchops nigra, Linn. Babahoyo (Fras.). 
99. Orypturus, sp. (“voisin du parvirostris’”’). Babahoyo et 
Esmeraldas (Fras.). 
100. Mionectes striaticollis (Lafr. et d’Orb.). Pallatanga (Fras.). 
101. Synallazis tithys, Tacz. Rio Zurumilla (Felstin). 
102. Heliangelus micraster (Gould). S. Lucas, Prov. Losca 

En outre il faut ajouter quelques espéces trouvées par Stolzmann 
3 Palmal, au sud de la céte occidentale de I’ Equateur :— 

1. “ Pyranga azare.” 

2. * Thamnophilus cesius, Licht.” 

3. “ Heteropelma wallacei.” 

4. Ceryle inda (L.). 

5. Xiphocolaptes crassirostris de Palmal que nous venons de 

Tout cela fait un total de 468 espéces connues des régions occi- 
dentales visitées par Stolzmann. Si nous ajouterons encore les 85 
espéces de Pichincha, Nanegal et de Quito, dont je viens de donner 
la liste plus haut, nous aurions en tout 553 espéces de l’ Equateur 

C’est bien évident que nos listes des oiseaux de ces contrées sont 
encore trés incomplétes. Il y manquent encore presque tous les 
oiseaux marins, et je suis sur qu'une exploration attentive des envi- 
rons de Guayaquil etc. fournira aussi un bon nombre des petites 
espéces qui n’étaient pas encore connues comme habitants de ces 

Néanmoins le temps me parait venu pour dire quelque chose en 
regard des relations de la faune de cette contrée avec celle des 
régions voisines ’. 

Pour commencer, notre faune posséde beaucoup d’espéces qui lui 
paraissent propres ou qui ne sont pas encore trouvées ailleurs. De 
cette catégorie je compte 63 espéces, dont voici la liste :— 

Remplacés dans |’ Equateur 

oriental par : 
Turdus reevei. 

Cyphorinus phzeocephalus. C. thoracicus dichrous. 
Henicorhina hilaris. H. leucosticta. 
Microcerculus teeniatus. M. marginatus ? 
Thryophilus nigricapillus (aussi Nanegal). (en Antioquia TZ. schotti). 
Thryothorus euophrys (aussi Lloa). 

paucimaculatus. T. selateri? 

Cistothorus brunneiceps (aussi Pichincha). 

Geothlypis semiflaya. 

Basileuterus fraseri. 

Hylophilus minor. H. olivaceus. 

1 Je me borne toujours de parler sur les régions visitées par M. Stolzmann, 
et les comparaisons n’ont pas de rapport aux oiseaux des environs de Quito.— 
Hv. B. 

1885. ] BIRDS FROM ECUADOR. 121 

Calliste cyanopygia. 


Buthraupis edwardi. 
Chlorothraupis stolzmanni. 
Chlorospingus ochraceus. 
Buarremon inornatus. 

—— leucopterus (aussi Quito). 
Spermophila ophthalmica (aussi Quito). 

Obrysomitris siemiradzkii. 

? Ostinops atrocastaneus. 
Peecilotriccus rufigenis. 
Tyranniscus uropygialis. 
Elainea semipagana. 
Musciyora occidentalis. 
Myiobius stellatus. 
Empidochanes griseipectus. 
Pachyrhamphus spodiurus. 
Pipreola jucunda (aussi Nanegal). 
Cephalopterus penduliger. 
Synallaxis erythrops. 
Automolus assimilis. 
Thamnophilus unicolor, 
Formicivora consobrina. 

Phaéthornis yaruqui (aussi Nanegal, Quito). 

Thalurania hypochlora. 

Heliodoxa jamesoni (aussi Nanegal). 
Pheolzema zquatorialis. 

Schistes personatus. 

Diphlogzena hesperus, 

Bourcieria fulgidigula, ~ 

Steganura melananthera (aussi Nanegal). 
Cheetocercus bombus. 

Chrysuronia humboldti. 

Amazilia dumerili. 

Agyrtria viridiceps. 

Trogon virginalis. 

Andigena laminirostris (aussi Nanegal). 
Capito squamatus. i 
Chrysotis, sp. ine. 

Pionopsitta pyrrhops. 

Bubo nigrescens. 

Leucopternis occidentalis. 
Leptoptila pallida. 

Penelope ortoni. 

Odontophorus erythrops. 

Aramides wolfi. 

Crypturus transfasciatus. 

——,, 8p. nov, 

Remplacés dans l’Equateur 
oriental par : 

C. eceruleocephala. 
CO. chrysotis. 

C. melanotis ? 
B. brunneinuchus. 

S. ocellata ? 

O. alfredi. 
P. ruficeps. 

M. castelnaudi ? 
M. erythrurus. 

P. cinereus ? 
C. ornatus. 

S. fuliginosa (?). 
A. subulatus ? 
T. capitalis ? 

F. quixensis. 

P. guyi? 

P. rubinoides. 
8. geoffroyi. 
(D. iris?) 

B. torquata. 

(C. josephine ?) 
(A. milleri ?) 

T. collaris. 
(peut-étre par A. hypoglaucus ?) 

Quelques especes de lorient se trouvent dans l’occident dans une 

forme un peu modifiée, comme :— 

Troglodytes furvus albicans. 
Parula pitiayumi pacifica. 
Dacenis egregia sequatorialis. 
Chlorophanes spiza exsul. 



[Feb. 3, 

Tanagra palmarum violilayata. 
Spermophila gutturalis olivacea. 
Leptopogon superciliaris transandinus. 
Megarhynchus pitangua chrysogaster. 
Gouldia conyersi equatorialis. 

Amazilia riefferi jucunda. 

Cheetura sclateri occidentalis. 
Pharomacrus auriceps heliactin. 


La faune de la céte a le plus grand rapport avec celle des environs de 

Tumbez sur la céte du Pérou septentrional. 

En effet de 128 espéces 

trouvées par Messrs. Jelski et Stolazmann 4 Tumbez et St. Luzia, il 
y a 88 qui sont aussi connues des environs de Guayaquil ’. 

Il parait qu’il y a 38 espéces qui sont conjointement propres aux 
contrées de Guayaquil et de Tumbez, pas encore trouvées ailleurs :— 

Campylorhynchus balteatus. 
Thryophilus superciliaris. 
Cyclorhis virenticeps. 
Euphonia hypoxantha. 
Arremon abeillzi. 
Saltator flavidicollis. 
Gnathospiza raimondi. 
Coryphospingus cruentus. 
Icterus grace-annz. 
Cyanocorax mystacalis. 
Rhynchocyelus peruvianus eequatori- 
Furnarius cinnamomeus. 
Synallaxis stictothorax. 
— tithys. 
Picolaptes souleyeti. 
Xiphorhynchus thoracicus. 
Lampornis iridescens. 
Heliomaster albicrissa. 

Myrmia micrura. 
Fluvicola atripennis. 
Muscigralla brevicauda. 
Todirostrum sclateri. 
Phyllomyias tumbezana. 
Ornithion sclateri. 
Elainea subplacens. 
Myiodynastes atrifrons. 
Myiobius erypterythrus. 
Myiarchus pheocephalus. 
Tyrannus niveigularis. 
Hadrostomus homochrous. 
Contopus punensis. 
Picumuus sclateri. 
Conurus erythrogenys. 
Brotogerys pyrrhoptera. 
Psittacula ccelestis. 
Campephilus sclateri. 
Chamepelia buckleyi. 

Il y a des autres espéces trouvées 4 Guayaquil qui sont répandues 
vers la céte du Pérou jusqu’a Lima, comme :— 

? Dendreeca aureola. 

Mimus longicaudatus. 

Thamnophilus albinuchalis (jusqu’a 

Neorhynchus nasesus. 
Spermophila telasco. 
Euscarthmus fulviceps. 

Un bon nombre d’espéces se répandent de Guayaquil vers le nord 
a travers de la région la plus occidentale de la Colombie jusqu’a 
Panama ou plus au nord de I’ Am érique central, comme :— 

Turdus obsoletus. 

(Panama ; Costa Rica.) 

Embernagra striaticeps. (Panama; Costa Rica.) 

1 Les autres 40 espéces de Tumbez qui ne sont pas encore trouvées 4 Guaya- 
quil, pour la plupart sont des oiseaux d’une distribution étendue qui probable- 
ment seront aussi habitants del’Equateur. Cependant il y a quelques-unes qui 
jusqu’a présent ne sont pas encore trouvées ailleurs, comme Georhlypis sp., 
Camarhynchus cinereus, Hemophila stolzmanni, Ochthotca salvini, Elainea 
leucospodia, Rallus cypereti, Penelope albipennis. Peut-étre qu'ils sont propres 
ala région de Tumbez, peut-étre quils seront aussi constatés dans l'Equateur 
quand la faune de la céte sera mieux étudiée.—H, y. B, 


Atticora tibialis. (Antioquia, Panama.) 

Onipodectes subbrunneus. (Antioquia, Panama.) 
Platyrbynchus albigularis. (Veragua; Pérou du nord.) 
Cassicus flavicrissus. (Panama; Lechugal, Pérou.) 
prevosti. (Mexique; Tumbez, Pérou.) 

Icterus mesomelas. (Mexique; Pérou du nord.) 
Dendrornis erythropygia, subsp. (Jusqu’en Mexique.) 
Rhamphocenus rufiventris. (Guatemala, Antioquia.) 
Myrmeciza exsul. (Panama, Antioquia.) 
Hypocnemis nevioides. (Panama; Costa Rica.) 
Anabazenops subalaris. (Veragua, Costa Rica.) 
Glaucis ruckeri. (Panama; Costa Rica.) 

Heliothrix barroti. (Panama; Costa Rica.) 

Celeus loricatus. (Panama.) 

Galbula melanogenia. (Jusqu’en Mexique.) 

Trogon caligatus. (Jusqu’en Mexique.) 

Bucco subtectus. (Antioquia, Panama, Veragua.) 
Melanerpes pucherani. (Jusqu’en Mexique.) 
Pteroglossus erythropygius ? (Nicaragua !) 
Micrastur guerilla. (Jusqu’en Mexique.) 

Columba subyinacea. (Jusqu’en Costa Rica.) 

Quant aux régions plus élevées de notre faune, il y a quelques 
espéces conjointement propres a leur faune et a celle des Andes du 
Pérou du nord, comme: 

Aneretes parulus squatorialis. 
Picolaptes lacrymiger warszewiczi. 
Heliotrypha viola. 

Panoplites mathewsi. 

Lesbia gouldi gracilis. 

Lurocalis rufiventris. 
Hypoxanthus rivolii brevirostris. 
Elainea pallatange. 

Ampelio cinctus. Pérou central. 
Spodiornis jardinei. Pérou central. 
Heliangelus micraster. 

La comparaison avec la faune de |’Equateur orientale est difficile 
parce qu’on n’a pas encore publié des listes suffisantes des oiseaux 
de cette région. Messrs. Sclater et Salvin disent que Mr. Buckley 
y a recueilli 4 peu prés 800 espéces. I] est donc évident que cette 
derniére faune est beaucoup plus riche en espéces que celle de l’occi- 
dent. Bien dommage que jusqu’d présent une liste complete des 
collections de Mr. Buckley n’a pas encore paru; mais j’espére que 
nous la recevrons encore parce qu il y a des représentants de toutes 
les espéces de la collection Buckley contenues au musée Salvin- 

De ce que nous connaissons des oiseaux de l’orient il parait que de 
468 espéces des régions occidentales & peu prés 220 se trouvent 
aussi sur la pente orientale, ce sera 4 peu prés la moitié. Il y aura 
peu d’espéces qui sont conjointement propres i la faune de locci- 
dent et de l’orient, comme :— 

Conirostrum fraseri. | Geotryon bourcieri. 
Chlorospingus pheocephalus. | Nothoprocta curyirostris. 
Buarremon spodionotus. Tyranniscus cinereiceps. 

Pionus seniloides. ete 


Des 468 espéces de notre faune il y aura 4 peu pres 200 qui se 
trouvent dans les collections de Bogota (Nouvelle Grenade orientale). 

La faune d’Antioquia posscde aussi quelques espéces de notre 
région qui ne sont pas encore trouvées ailleurs, comme: Automolus 
holostictus et A. ignobilis. 

Du reste il faut remarquer que quelques espéces ne se trouveront 
dans les régions dont nous parlons que de passage en hiver. Ils 
nichent dans l’ Amérique du nord, dans les Etats Unis et quelques- 
unes plus au nord encore. Les voila :—- 

Turdus swainsoni. Rallus virginianus. 
Setophaga ruticilla. Porzana carolina. 
Pyranga estiva. ? Nycticorax violaceus. 
Hedymeles ludovicianus. Hoplopterus cayanus. 
Dendroéea blackburnie. ABgialites semipalmata. 
Empidonax acadicus. Gambetta flavipes. 
Contopus richardsoni. Micropalama himantopus. 
Coccyzus americanus. Tringoides macularius. 
Buteo pennsylvanicus. Limosa fedoa. 

2. On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. 
By Lieut.-Col. C. Swivnoz, F.L.S., F.Z.S.—Part I. 

[Received January 9, 1885.] 
(Plate IX.) 

The contents of this paper show the results of two years’ daily 
collections and observations made by me personally at Poona and 
Bombay in 1882-83, and also for a short time in 1877. At the 
latter place I kept a large number of breeding-cages and had a great 
many Moths; and Mr. Taplin did the same on my account at Poona, 
and collected very largely for me at that place during the time my 
duties kept me in Bombay. Out of the two years I remained ten 
months in Poona, and the remainder of the time in Bombay ; and 
during the whole period I had a trained native collector in my 
employment, who collected every day, and I have kept a careful 
record of the numbers of each description of Butterfly and Moth 
captured by him each day; I can therefore certify to the absolute 
correctness of the dates given, and whenever it is stated that any 
particular insect occurs from, say, May to December, it means that I 
actually got that insect in every month from May to December. 

Mr. Kennedy collected for me at Ahmednuggur, and Major 
Hughes and Mr. Skinner at Belgaum. I brought home over ten 
thousand duplicates, all of which have been set up and carefully 
compared ; and I have given types of every insect mentioned in this 
paper to the British Museum. 

Lord Walsingham has very kindly worked out the Tineina and 
Tortrices; and Mr. Butler and Mr. Moore have given me great 
assistance in examining the national collection and the magnificent 
private collection of the latter. 

EC Moore del et lith 

Mintern Bros. imp 




Pap. limniace, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 59. figs. D, E (1775). 
Common everywhere all the year round. 


Parantica melanoides, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1883, p- 247. 
Poona, November ; Mahableshwur, May ; Bombay. 


Pap. aglea, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 377. fig. E (1782). 

Poona, June, November, and December ; Belgaum; Maha- 
bleshwur ; Bombay. 

This insect is almost identical with P. grammica, Boisd., from 
Java, but is quite distinct from P. melanoides. In the former the 
lower subapical streak runs in close to the cell-streak in the fore 
wings, just below the centre of the first subcostal spot ; whereas in 
the latter species there is a wide division between the two streaks, 
the two subapical streaks have both their inner ends together, and 
are just below the innerside of the second subcostal spot ; there are 
also other distinct differences which are very constant in the many 
examples of both species in my collection. 

Pap. genutia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 206. figs. C, D (1779). 
Common everywhere all the year round. 


Pap. chrysippus, Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 471 (1758). 

Var. alcippoides, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 238, pl. 31. fig. 1. 

Common everywhere all the year round. Varieties with more or 
less white in the hind wings occur here and there; I have them cf 
all sorts and colours, from different parts of India; commencing 
with some taken in Bombay, in which the veins only are white, a 
Mhow example with merely a discal white patch, and Kurrachee 
examples in some of which the hind wing is nearly all white and 
some only part white ; and in none of these is the lower discal spot 
on the red area of the fore wings, which is one of the distinguishing 
marks of Moore’s type of LZ. alcippoides, whereas I have one true 
L. chrysippus female taken at Kurrachee with this spot clear and 
large. It is impossible to separate these white-marked insects from 
the true L. chrysippus, because a long series will show a regular 
gradation, from no white to all white in the hind wings; and this is 
also the case with the following species, which I believe to be a true 
species. It has also many varieties of white on the hind wings, and 


Mr. Butler has pointed out to me that Klug’s type of L. dorippus 
has white hind wings, a fact which appears to have been entirely 
overlooked ; but this does not entitle the all red L. dorippus to a 
new name, because Klug happens to have figured an inconstant 
variety instead of the normal form. 


Euplea dorippus, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 48. figs. 1-5 (1829). 

Poona, October and December; Khandalla, October ; Bombay, 


Pap. core, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 266. figs. E, F (1780). 

Euplea vermiculata, Butler, P. Z.S. 1866, p. 276. 

Common everywhere all the year round; the variety H. vermi- 
culata is very plentifully met with throughout the whole district, and 
there are so many intermediates, that it is impossible to separate the 
two forms. 


Euplea kollari, Felder, Reise Nov., Lep. ii. p. 325 (1867), 3. 

Poona, September; Bombay, August. 

Is not often met with, but I do not believe it is rare ; it so exactly 
resembles Z#. core in coloration that it is passed over as E. core. In 
September in Poona, and again in the following August in Bombay, 
I made my collector catch every 7. core he could find, and thus got 
a few E. kollari in each place ; it is quite distinct from P. sinhala 
of Ceylon. The female is very similar in all its markings to the 
male, and only differs in the absence of the whitish sextial patch in 
the cell of the hind wings, and in having the hinder margin of the 
fore wings straight. I have several examples taken with males 
from Calicut, where this species is quite common. 


Pap. leda, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 773 (1767). 
Common in all moist places from July to October. 


Pap. ismene, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 26. figs. A, B (1775). 

Common in all moist places all the year round ; very plentiful in 


Pap. perseus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 488 (1775). 
Poona, October and November ; Bombay, October. 
Not common. 



M. visala, Moore, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. i. p. 230 (1857). 
Poona, October. 

Taken in company with the above. 

13. YPTHIMA ALEMOLA, 0. sp. 

Poona, October to June. 

Very common. Allied to Y. asterope, Hiibner, and Y. mahratta, 

3 2. Upper side very similar to Y. asterope, which is an African 
insect. Underside much paler and of a different hue, greyish white, 
very plentifully covered with pale reddish-brown striz, more dense 
in the fore than in the hind wings; fore wings with a brown fascia 
from the costa round the ocellus back to the costa, diffuse and deep 
below the ocellus ; hind wings with three sinuous fasciee across the 
wing—first before the middle, second beyond the middle, third sub- 
marginal ; one or other of these fascize is very often obsolete. The 
strize are denser towards the base of the wing, leaving the outer half 
of the wing whitish ; two anal and one apical blind dot, in the place 
of the well-formed ocelli with yellow rings of Y. asterope ; one or 
other of these dots is often wanting, in some specimens all are 

I have examined over two hundred examples of this species. 

Expanse of wings 1,%;—1;4, inch. 

¥. hubneri, Kirby, Syn. Cat. D. L. p. 95 (1871). 

P. philomela, Hiibner (uec Linnzeus), Zur. Exot. Schmett. figs. 83, 
84 (1818). 

Mahableshwur, May. 

Pap. baldus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. App. p. 829. 
Bombay, November. 


Y. mahratta, Moore, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vol. iii. pt. 2, 
no. 1, p. 1 (1884). 

Bombay, October and November. 


Satyrus (Cyllo) neelgherriensis, Guérin in Delessert’s Voy. dans 
Inde, pt. 2, p. 74, pl. 21. figs. 1, la (1843). 
Belgaum, no date; Poona, November. 


Pap. viole, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p- 460 (1775). 
Poona, January to April; Bombay, September. 




C. mahratta, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1872, p. 556. 


A very rare insect in the Mahratta country, but quite common at 


Pap. phalanta, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. i. pl. 21. figs. 1, 2 (1773). 

Common everywhere. 

I took it at Poona in every month except July, August, and 
September, and in Bombay from July to December. 


Pap. niphe, Linn, Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 785 (1767). 

Bombay, 1877; I took several examples, but have not observed 
it since. 


Pap. cardui, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 276 (1761). 

Common everywhere from September to December. 


Pap. indica, Herbst, Nat. Schmett. vii. t. 180. figs. 1, 2 (1794). 

Bombay. I took several examples in 1877, but have not observed 
it since. 


Pap. lemonias, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 277 (1764). 

Commonly found in ditches all the year round. 


Pap. hierte, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 424 (1798). 
Commonly found in ditches all the year round. 


Pap. orythia, Linn. Mus. Ul. p. 278 (1764). 
Commonly found in ditches all the year round. 

Pap. asterie, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 769 (1767). 

Pap. almana, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 272 (1764). 

The latter is common everywhere all the year round; the former 
(I. asterie) is common in the latter half of the year. I am convinced 
that although the types of each are so different they are both one 
and the same insect, one being the normal and the other the dimor- 
phic form, though unfortunately I have not yet been able to produce 


both from the eggs of what I actually know to be one female. Mr. 
Aitken in Bombay produced both from the same group of larvee taken 
together ; and I have a long series of examples showing every stage 
of variety between the two. 

Pap. iphita, Cramer, Pap. Ex. iii. pl. 209. figs. C, D (1782). 

Poona, June ; Matheran, May ; Belgaum, September and October, 
in great plenty ; Bombay, October and November, common. 

30. KaLLima WARDI. 

Kallima wardi, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1879, part i. p. 14. 

Poona, August; Khandalla ghats, August. 

A very difficult insect to capture, as it keeps to the tops of the 
trees on the slopes of the hills. 


Pap. ariadne, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 778 (1767). 

Poona, September to February; Mahableshwur, May ; Bombay 
(no date). 


Pap. polinice, Cramer, Pap. Ex. iv. pl. 375. figs. G, H. 

Poona, September to December; Ahmednuggur, June to 


Hypanis simplex, Butler, P. Z.S. 1883, p. 146, pl. 24. f. 8. 
Poona, September to January. 

Pap. bolina, Linn, Mus. Ulr. p. 295 (1764). 
Common everywhere from July to January. 

35. HypoLimNas AVIA. 
Pap. avia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 111 (1793). 
Common everywhere all the year round. 

36. HypoLimNas MISIPPUS. 

Pap. misippus, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 264 (1764). 

Common everywhere throughout the year; very plentiful in the 
winter. The female commonly has the coloration and markings of 
Limnas dorippus. 


Neptis astola, Moore, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 560. 

Matheran, May ; Sattara, November; Poona and Bombay from 
September to December. Found in hilly districts. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. IX. 9 


Pap. leucothoé, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 292 (1764). 
Belgaum, Khandalla, December ; in hilly places. 

Adolias garuda, Moore, Cat. Lep. E. 1. C. vol. i. p. 186 (1857). 
Common everywhere from October to May. 


Pap. nais, Forst. Nov. Spee. Ins. ces (1771). 
Pap. thyelia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 142 (1793). 

Belgaum, Poona, April. 

Charaxes samatha, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1878, p- 831. 
Matheran, December. 


Pap. fabius, Fabr. Spec. Ins. ii. p. 12 (1781). 

Poona, February, April, November ; Belgaum; Bombay, 


L. lepita, Moore, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. vol. i. p. 240 (1857). 

L. myrrha, Godt. Enc. Méth. ix. p. 171 (1810). 

Abisara fraterna, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 532. 
Poona, September ; Khandalla, November; Bombay. 

46. DopoNa EUGENES. 
Dodona eugenes, Bates, Journ. Linn. Soe., Zool. ix. p. 371 (1867). 

Pap. beticus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. p. 789 (1766). 
Common everywhere, from October to June; there are three or 


four broods in succession ; the butterfly varies very much in size, 
and some of those taken in the winter are very diminutive. 


Hesperia elianus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 280 (1793). 

Poona, October, November, and March; Belgaum, September ; 
Bombay, October. 


Pap. alezis, Stoll. (nec Scop.), Suppl. Cram. pl. 38. figs. 3-3 C 

Poona, November to April ; Bombay, November and December. 


Pap. bochus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 391. figs. C, D (1782). 

Poona, November, January, and June; Bombay, October to 


Hesperia strabo, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 1. p. 287 (1793). 

Lye. kandarpa, Horsf. Cat. Lep. E. I. C. vol. i. p. 82 (1829). 

Poona, very plentiful all the dry season from October to June ; 
Bombay, observed in December only. 


Hesperia cnejus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. v. Suppl. p. 430 (1798). 
Poona, April to June; Bombay, August to December. 

Lyc. patala, Kollar, Hiig. Kaschm. iv. 2, p. 418 (1848). 
Poona, November to May. 


Catochrysops hapalina, Butler, P.Z.S. 1883, p. 148, pl. 24. 
figs. 2, 3. 

Poona, January to May. 

55. CATOCHRYSOPS THESEUS, n. sp. (Plate IX. fig. 8.) 

Bombay, October. 

3. Above like C. cnejus, below greyish white; fringe grey on 
fore wings, markings greyish brown, marginal line brown, sub- 
marginal aid discal macular lines arranged as in C. hapalina, but 
the markings broader, the spots running into each other forming 
two almost clear bands ; hind wing with a subcostal black spot near 
the base and another below it, a lunular streak at the end of the cell, 
two biack spots on an orange ground near the anal angle ; border 
greyish brown ; submarginal and discal whorl of markings as in C. 
enejus, but darker, broader, and running into each other, almost form- 
ing bands; the discal band commencing with a longitudinal sub- 



costal deep black streak ; all the markings in both wings surrounded 
by whitish. 
Expanse of wings 1,2; inch. 


Poona, December. 

. Upper side pale blue ; both wings with broad costal and outer 
black borders, deepest at the apex ; hind wings with five marginal 
largish black spots surrounded by yellowish commencing near the 
anal angle, one in each interspace, with whitish streaks above each 
spot: underside pale greyish, markings greyish brown surrounded 
by white, a streak at end of each cell, a whorl of discal square spots, 
a row of marginal and submarginal square spots, the submarginal 
spots having a white band internally ; a subbasal centre spot and 
three others below it in a line, and two black spots on orange ground 
near anal angle. 

Expanse of wings 152; inch. 

This is closely allied to C. pandava, and may probably be only a 
local form of that species. 

57. ZizeRA ossa, n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 11d, 122.) 

Poona, September to June ; Bombay, September to October. 

Pale bluish grey above ; costa and outer border of all the wings 
black ; the breadth of the outer border of the fore wings differs a little 
in the males, but is much wider in the females, is diffused inwardly, and 
often occupies nearly half the wing ; underside pale brownish grey, 
with the markings as in Zizera maha, Kollar, and Zizera diluta, 

Expanse of wings 1, inch. 

A very distinct and pretty little species ; in great plenty in Bombay 
during September. 

Lycena indica, Murray, Traus. Ent. Soe. 1874, p. 525. 
Poona, December to June ; Ahmednuggur, June. 


Polyommatus karsandra, Moore, P.Z.S8. 1865, p. 505, pl. 31. 
fig. 7 

Poona, September to April; Bombay, August ; Sattara, November ; 
Ahmednuggur, August to November. 

Lycena pygmea, Snellen, Tijd. voor Ent. xix. pl. 7. fig. 3 (1876). 
Bombay, November; Poona, January to March. 


Lycena ardates, Moore, P. Z.S8. 1874, p. 574, pl. 67. fig. 1. 

Poona, March, June, and November; Belgaum, September ; 
Ahmednuggur, June ; Bombay, July, September, and November. 


Papilio laius, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 319. figs. D, E (1782). 
Poona, October to June. 

Polyommatus varunana, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 772, pl. 41. fig. 6. 
Poona, May. 

64. TaLicaDA NYSEUs. 

Polyommatus nyseus, Guérin-Ménéville, in Delessert’s Souv. Voy. 
Inde, pt. ii. p. 78, pl. 22. figs. 1, la (1843). 

Poona, September to June; Belgaum, September and October. 

A very local insect. 

Cyaniris albidisca, Moore, P. Z.S. 1883, p. 524, pl. 68. fig. 7. 
Poona, January. 

66. Mreispa GuNGA, n. sp. (Plate IX. fig. 7.) 

Poona, March. 

Above black ; fore wings with a white patch in the centre, exteud- 
ing from below the cell to the binder margin ; hind wings with an 
apical and anal underneath spot showing through; otherwise un- 
marked ; fringe white. 

Underside milk-white ; wings with a streak at end of each cell ; 
a few marks on costa of fore wings, marginal lines, a row of submar- 
ginal marks, then another line and a row of discal streaks, and on 
hind wings a further middle row of streaks, all very thin and of a 
reddish-grey colour ; hind wing with a black subcostal spot, a spot 
on centre of anal margin, a spot between these spots, one near the 
apex and another near the anal angle. 

Expanse of wings 11; inch. 

Pap. rosimon, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. p. 71 (1787). 

Poona, January and February, March and May; Bombay, 
October to December. 

68. CasTaLius CHOTA, n. sp. 

Smaller than typical C. rosimon. Upper side with the marginal 
bands in both sexes narrow, and the discal spots smaller. On the 
underside of both wings the spots are also much smaller. 

Expanse 55, to 5% inch. 

Poona, February, May. 

69. Tarucus PLINIUs. 

Hesperia plinius, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. pt. 1, p. 284 (1793). 

Poona, September to June, very plentiful; Sattara, June and 
November ; Bombay, July, September, and December. 



Lycena nara, Kollar, Hiig. Kaschm. iv. 2, p. 421 (1848). 

Poona, October, December, January, April, and May; Bombay, 
July to December; Ahmednuggur, August and September. 


Hesperia theophrastus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. pt. 1, p. 281 (1793). 

Poona, September, November, and January ; Bombay, October. 


Pap. ubaldus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 390. figs. L, M (1782). 

Poona, November and January. 


Lycena zena, Moore, P. Z.S. 1865, p. 505, pl. 31. fig. 9. 

Poona, November to January and in Avgust; Ahmednuggur, 
June, August, and September. 


Aphneus elima, Moore, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. xx. 
p- 51 (1877). 

Poona, November to May. 


Aphneus tigrinus, Moore, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 1884, p. 10. 

Poona, October, December, May, and June. 


Pap. vulcanus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 519 (1775). 

Poona, May. 


Aphneus schistaceus, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, i. p. 106, pl. 41. figs. 
3, 3a, g 2 (1881). 
Sattara, September. 


A. ictis, Hewitson, Ill. D. L. p. 61, pl. 25. figs. 8, 9 (1865). 
Poona, November to April. 


D. perse, Hewitson, Ill. D. L. pl. 8. figs. 19, 20 (1863). 
Kandalla, December ; Bombay. 


Hesperia isocrates, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. pt. 1, p. 266 (1793). 
Poona, October to May; Khandalla, December ; Bombay, July 
to December. 


81. DruporRrx EPIJARBAS. 

Dipsas epijarbas, Moore, Catal. Lep. Mus. E.I.C. i. p. 32 

Bombay, October. 


Pap. melampus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 362. figs. G, H (1782). 

Poona, November, December, and April; Belgaum; Bombay, 
October and November. 

Hesperia longinus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 430 (1798). 
_ Poona, November and December ; Bombay, November. 

Tajuria jehana, Moore, P.Z. 8. 1883, p. 529, pl. 49. fig. 7. 
Poona, March and December ; Bombay, July and November. 

Pap. phedrus, Fabr. Spee. Ins. ii. p. 125 (1781). 
Poona, November ; Bombay, July, September, and October. 


Pap. xiphia, Fabr. Spee. Ins. ii. p. 43 (1781). 
Poona, October to June ; Matheran ; Bombay, October, November, 
and December. 


T. leta, Boisd. Sp. Gén. i. p. 174 (1836). 

Poona, October to June ; Ahmednuggur, September, October, and 
November; Bombay, July, October, November, and December. 

Ter. drona, Horsf. Cat. Lep. E. I. C. p. 137, pl. 1. fig. 13 (1829). 
Poona, November and December. 


Ter. venata, Moore, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. i. p. 65, pl. 2. fig. 2 

Poona, June and September ; Ahmednuggur, June and September ; 
Bombay, July to October. 


Ter. rubella, Wall. Trans. Ent. Soe. ser. 3, vol. iv. p. 323 (1867). 

Poona, October to April; Belgaum, September and October ; 
Sattara, October and November; Bombay in 1877. 

Pap. hecabe, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 249 (1764). 
Common everywhere, from November to May. 


Ler. hecabeoides, Mén. Cat. Mus. Petr., Lep. i. p. 85, pl. 2. fig. 2 

Common everywhere, from October to April. 


Ter. esiope, Mén. Cat. Mus. Petr., Lep. i. p. 85, pl. 2. fig. 8 

Common everywhere, from October to April. 

I took a male T. hecabeoides in coitu with a female of this species 
in September 1882. 

Ter. excavata, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 252. 
Poona, October and November ; Sattara, October. 

Ter, purreea, Moore, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 252. 
Poona, November and January. 

Terias irregularis, Moore, P. Z.S. 1882, p. 243. 
Poona, January. 

Lerias asphodelus, Butler, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 151, pl. 24. fig. 13. 
Poona, January, February, March, and April. 

Ter. narcissus, Butler, P. Z. S. 1883, p- 151. 
Poona, December. 


Papilio mesentina, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 270. figs. A, B 

Common everywhere. 


100. HupHiIna PHRYNE. 
Papilio phryne, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 473 (1775). 
Common everywhere. 

101. Hurwina ZEUXIPPE. 

Pap. zeuxippe, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 362. figs. E, F (1782). 

Poona, April to June; Belgaum. 

Underside in both sexes like a faded H. phryne. Upper side 
like a male H. phryne without its vein-markings ; both sexes much 
more like each other than is the case with H. phryne: the female 
has the black border-markings darker than in the male, a spot near 
the hinder margin, and a black band all round the cell in the 
fore wings ; on the hind wings a submarginal row of spots, and the 
markings of the veins showing faintly through the wing. 

102. Hupwina CASSIDA. 

Pap. danaus cassida, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 427, n. 595, 596 

Poona, October to April. 

Below, the hind wings in both sexes are of a dull chrome-yellow 
colour, generally quite unmarked, sometimes with the subcostal and 
medial nervures greenish grey. Above, both sexes are very similar 
and resemble the male of H. zeuxippe; but sometimes the hind 
wings of the males are quite immaculate, and the female has in the 
fore wing a diffused greyish band on the costa as far as the end of 
the cell, extending into and filling one third of the cell, going round 
the end of the cell and running partly up the third medial nervule, 
also a spot near the hinder margin, and on the hind wings a few 
faint submarginal spots, which, however, in many specimens are 
entirely absent. 

103. HupHINA PALLIDA, 0. sp. 

Poona, January and February ; Bombay, February. 

Allied to the former, but much smaller: ¢ 2 pure white above, 
base with grey irrorations, which run up the costa of the fore wings 
to the end of the cell, and form a faint band filling one third of the 
cell ; apical border as in the preceding species, but more attenuated 
downwards. Hind wings immaculate, the usual macular band being 
altogether absent in most specimens, and very faintly indicated by 
spots in one or two of the veins in a few specimens. 

Below, fore wing pure white, apex and the entire surface of hind 
wing pale yellowish fleshy-buff colour; fore wings with the veins 
round the cell grey, a streak extending partly up the third medial 
nervule, a blackish spot between the second and third medial nervules, 
another near the hinder angle, between the submedian nervure and 
first median nervule. Hind wings unmarked. 

The female only differs from the male in three extra marks on 
the upper surface of the fore wing, 7. e. a streak from the end of the 


cell in the third median nervule, the spot at the end of this streak 
on the interspace between this and the second median nervule being 
much larger and more round, and by a spot near the hinder angle 
corresponding to the spot on the underside. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 174—1;4; inch, 2 145-15. 

104. Aprras LIBYTHEA. 
Pap. libythea, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 471 (1775). 
Poona, October to April; Bombay, July to December. 

105. ApprAs ARES, 0. sp. 

Poona, November to March. 

Allied to A. libythea, but smaller and altogether paler, and very 
different in the female. 

3. Above and below of the same white spotless colour as A. liby- 
thea, with the same kind of greyish irrorations on the costa above, 
but differing at the apex and outer border of the fore wings in being 
marked with only a few greyish-brown atoms, instead of the 
inwardly-toothed black border of A. libythea. 

. Above white ; fore wing with the costa finely grey, a streak at 
the end of the cell, a deep costal band on the basal half, filling the 
upper third of the cell, an apical band, commencing from the first 
subcostal nervule, and gradually fining down the outer border of the 
hinder angle, iron-grey; hind wings immaculate. Below white, 
apex of fore wings and the entire suface of hind wings slightly 
suffused with chrome-yellow, darkest in the basal portion of the 
costa of the hind wings; both wings quite unmarked. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 27) inches, 2 1,%. 

106. Hiposcritia sHiva,n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 1 ¢, 22.) 

Parbutti Hill, Poona, December to April; very plentiful, but 
confined entirely to this hill. 

Allied to H. narendra, Moore, but much smaller. 

¢. Very much like a diminutive H. narendra above, but the hind 
wings are quite unmarked. Below, the fore wings have the black 
band limiting the apical patch much broader, and the hind wings 
are pale dirty bone-colour and quite unmarked. 

°. Has the apical patch like the female of narendra with the 
costa irrorated with the same colour, but without the broad costal 
band of that insect ; the hind wings have a black macular border. 
Below, it is very similar to the male, with the subapical band 
broader, and the hind wings irrorated with grey and a black dot at 
the end of the cell. 

Expanse of wings of H. shiva, 2745 inches. 

The female of H. narendra, which has never been described, has 
below a broad costal black band, a broad apical black patch with 
the apex suffused with chrome-yellow. Hind wings chrome-yellow,: 
deeply irrorated with dark greenish grey. 

Expanse of wings of H. narendra, 2y%y inches. 


1064. Devias EvCcHARIS. 

Pap. eucharis, Drury, Ul. Exot. Ent. ii. pl. 10. figs. 5, 6 (1773). 

Common everywhere all the year round. Larve feed on San- 
talum album, length 14 inch, colour greenish brown. Pupa pale 
yellow, spotted black, suspended by a thread round the body ; they 
are much troubled by the Ichneumon, and of fifteen pupz found on 
a gate-post at Poona, only one had escaped, the Ichneumon-larve 
being clearly visible through the skin of the pupa, there being from 
two to seven larve in each pupa. 


Nepheronia gaea, Felder, Reise Nov., Lep. ii. p. 150 (1865). 

Poona, November to April ; Bombay, October to November. 

I have two female examples taken at Poona in November, with 
yellow on the abdominal border of the hind wings, above as in 
females of NV. happia. 


Pap. hippia, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. p. 55 (1787). 

Bombay, October, November, and December. 

The male of this species has a much deeper black border to the 
hind wings than in the preceding species, and the female is alto- 
gether a darker insect, and has generally a good deal of chrome- 
yellow on the hind wings; at least this is the case with all the 
females of this species I have yet met with, whereas out of all the 
numerous examples of WV. gaea I have taken (much the commoner 
species in the Deccan), I have only seen two with any yellow on 
them at all. \ 

Pap. pyranthe, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 245 (1764). 
Common everywhere all the year round. 

110. CaTopstLia THISORELLA. 
Callidryas thisorella, Boisd. Sp. Gén. i. p. 609 (1836). 

Poona, November to June; Ahmednuggur, October to No- 

111. CaropsILia ILEA. 
Pap. ilea, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 426 (1798). 

Poona, November to June; Ahmednuggur, September and 

112. CaropsILiA PHILIPPINA. 
Pap. philippina, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 361. figs. C, D (1782). 

Poona, October to April; Ahmednuggur, November ; Bombay, 
March, July, and October. 



Pap. crocale, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 55. figs. C, D (1779). 

Poona, June and October; Ahmednuggur, June; Belgaum, 
September; Bombay, August to November. 

Larvee found feeding on Sumatran Acacia. Larval stage 20 

114, CarorsiLIA HEERA, B. sp. 

Belgaum, September; Poona, November and December. 

3¢. Above like a small C. crocale ; below also coloured like that 
species, but with a gilded dot at the end of the cell in all the wings, 
and sometimes with two gilded dots at the end of the cell on the 
hind wings. 

@. Above, coloured and marked like C. crocale; below in all 
respects like a pale female of C. catilla. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 2 2,5; inches. 

This looks like a diminutive hybrid between C. crocale and 
C. catilla; but I have a long series from the same localities, all 
showing the same constant characteristics, and have gone through 
them with all the specimens of the genus in the British Museum, 
and am of opinion it is a good species. ‘ 

115. CaTopstLiIA CAaTILLA. 

Pap. catilla, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 229. figs. D, E (1782). 

Common everywhere all the year round. Larvee found feeding 
on Sumatran Acacia, length 12 to 2 inches, in the hot weather, and 
from 22 to 3 inches in the rains; larval stage 18 to 22 days. 

116. Cotas FIELDII. 
Col. fieldii, Mén. Cat. Mus. Petr., Lep.i. p. 79, pl. 1. fig. 5 (1855). 
Bombay in 1877. I did not observe it in 1882 or 1883. 

117. HeBomota GLAUCIPPE. 

Pap. glaucippe, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 240 (1764). 

Khandalla Ghats, November and December. 

It appears to be purely a mountain insect in these parts, and was 
never observed in the plains above or below. 

118. Ix1As MERIDIONALIS, n. sp. (Plate IX. fig. 5 9.) 

Poona, June, October, and November; Ahmednuggur, October 
and November; Belgaum, September and October ; Bombay, July 
to December. 

Allied to J. marianne, Cramer, but altogether a brighter coloured 

dg. Above differs in the clearer white ground-colour of the 
wings, with the basal irrorations very thinly blue-grey, the inner 
black margin of the apical patch of the fore wings narrower, the 


black central knob squarer and cleaner cut, and the black band on 
hind wings narrower and not continued to the anal angle, but fining 
down and stopping before the first medial nervule, being produced 
to the angle in the shape of a bluish-grey shade which runs into the 
black border at the centre, giving the border an appearance of 
uniformity in depth throughout. Below, the coloration is very 
much brighter, more ochreous and altogether different; the apical 
orange patch is almost as large and as brilliant as it is above, and 
the discal series of spots on the hind wing are white, large, bordered 
with chocolate-brown, very much as in female I. marianne but 

Q. Differs from I. marianne of that sex above in having the 
inner border of the apical patch as in J. agnivena (Moore) and 
I. dapalpura (Butler), the broad streak from the costa terminating 
at the end of the cell. The border of the hind wings is narrow, 
exactly as in the male; and on the underside the markings are as in 
the male but larger, and the general coloration is very bright, 
brighter even than in J. agnivena, the fore wings being suffused 
with bright orange, and the hind wings with bright chrome-yellow. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 2, 2,3) inches. 

This species is no doubt the southern form of I. marianne (Cram.), 
but Cramer’s plate is so badly coloured, the difficulty is in deter- 
mining what Cramer’s type of I. marianne really is. I have 
brought home many hundreds of examples of these white Ixias, 
and have gone through them all, and through the B. M. collection, 
and through Mr. Moore’s splendid collection ; and with Mr. Butler’s 
assistance have come to the conclusion that Cramer’s type repre- 
sents the N.W. Indian form,,of which I have several specimens 
from Mirzapore, and other places in N.W. India. 

119. IxtAs AGNIVENA. 

Ixias agnivena, Moore, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. xx. 
p, 50 (1877). 
Poona, November to April. 

120. Ixtas cuMBALLA, n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 13g, 149.) 

Bombay, July and August. 

Allied to I. marianne (Cramer). 

3. Above like a large I. meridionalis. Below, fore wings, above 
the first median nervule and the outer surface of the hind wings, 
bright sulphur-yellow. Fore wings with the entire space below the 
cell pure white, apical orange patch hardly visible through the 
wing, the discal spots deep black instead of brown; the entire 
surface of both wings with hardly any of the usual striations. Hind 
wings with the usual discal spots large, deep chocolate-brown, with a 
slight indication of white visible in one or two specimens, but 
generally of a bright chocolate-brown without any white at all. 

2. Above with a great deal of black, the inner border of the 


apical patch of the fore wings being so deep as to make the patch 
occupy more than half the wings; hind wings also with a very deep 
black border. It may here be noted that in all species of Indian Lxias 
the depth of the border of the hind wings and the depth of the 
inner border of the apical patch of the fore wings varies more or less. 
Below, the markings are as in the male, but the brown patch 
near the hinder angle is very much larger, and the discal series of 
large spots in the hind wings show more or less white in them ; but 
the general coloration of the wings differs much from the males, 
the apical orange patch being almost as bright as it is above, and 
the general coloration of the wings is dull pale ochreous white 
covered with pale brown strize. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 9 23% inches. 

Taken on Cumballa Hill, Bombay, and I have an example also 
taken on a hill near Belgaum. 

121. Ixtas conaBa, n. sp. (Plate IX. fig. 6.) 

Bombay, 1876. 

Allied to I. pyrene (Linn.). 

3d. Above like I. dharmsale, Butler ; the black basal irrorations 
are denser, the inner border of apical patch on the fore wings is 
parrower, the marginal border of the hind wings is deeper and 
not macular. Below, the general coloration is the same, but there 
are no striations, except a few very faint ones near the base and 
at the apex of the fore wings; there is a brownish spot at the 
end of the cell on the fore wings, also a faint spot on the costal 
third near the apex, a few very faint discal spots across the space 
occupied by the apical patch above, and a spot in the centre of 
the costa of the hind wings ; otherwise both wings are clear lemon- 
yellow and quite unmarked. 

Expanse of wings, 25%) inches. 

122. Ixtas sHopa, n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 3g, 49.) 

Bombay, December and January. 

Allied to I. pyrene (Linn.), near I. maulmainensis (Moore), and 
I. dharmsale (Butler). 

¢. Above like the latter, inner border of apical patch on pri- 
maries very narrow; hind wings with the border almost absent, 
reduced to spots on costal and subcostal nervules, and minute dots 
in the remaining nervules. Below, apical third of fore wings and 
the entire surface of hind wings deep chrome-yellow ; remainder of 
fore wings pure primrose ; the costa and apex of fore wings and the 
entire surface of hind wings covered with brown striz; fore wings 
with a blind black spot at the end of the cell, and four, sometimes 
five, faint brown subapical spots ; hind wing with a brown dot at 
the end of the cell, a large chocolate-brown spot in the centre of 
the costa, and four discal spots of the same colour, all with white 
pupils, the third discal spot the largest. 

Q. Above pale primrose, with the markings somewhat as in 


I. dharmsale of the same sex, but the inner border of the apical 
patch is composed of a broad band from the costa to the lower end 
of the cell, and then is connected with end of the patch near the 
hinder angle by a faint line, the orange space of the apical patch 
being in some examples pure yellow, and in some with a faint 
orange tinge; hind wings with the outer border as in the male. 
Below, with the markings as in the male, but the discal spots across 
the space occupied by the apical patch above are much larger and 
blacker ; there are more of them, generally six, and the first three 
have white pupils; some of the specimens have a large blackish 
brown patch near the hinder angle, which is altogether absent in 
all the males; the discal spots in the hind wings are large, four in 
number, and are white on a suffused brown belt. Many of the 
females are pure albinos. 
Expanse of wings, ¢ 2), 2 2 inches. 

123. Ix1as DHARMSAL&. 

I. dharmsala, Butler, P. Z.S. 1880, p. 150, pl. xv. figs. 8, 9. 

Bombay, September to December. 

All the females captured are white. I have this species also from 

124. Ix1As KAUSALA. 

I. kausala, Moore, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. xx. p. 49 

Bombay, taken in 1877. 



Idmais fulvia, Wallace, Trans. Ent. Soe. ser. 3, vol. iv. p. 392, 
pl. 9. fig. 5 (1867). 

Poona, October. 

Pap. cyprea, Fabr. Mant. Ins. p. 22 (1787). 
Bombay, taken in 1877. 

T. kennedii, C. Swinhoe, P. Z.S. 1884, p. 440. 

Ahmednuggur, August, September, and October. Very plentiful, 
and apparently quite a local insect. 


Pap. danaé, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 476 (1775). 

Bombay, Poona, and Belgaum. 

I took it in Bombay in 1877, but did not succeed in getting it 
through my own collector during the past two years, and therefore 
no date is recorded; but I received examples from both Poona and 


Belgaum from friends in 1883. It is always a rare insect in the 


T. taplini, C. Swinhoe, P. Z.S. 1884, p. 440, pl. 40. figs. 8, 9. 

Bombay, in coll. B. M.; Poona, May. 

I took two examples in Bombay in 1877, a coloured drawing of 
one of which I still have; and Mr. Taplin sent me one captured last 
May, from Poona. 

T. pernotatus, Butler, P. Z.S. 1876, p. 159, pl. 7. fig. 1. 
Poona, October and November. 


Anthocharis etrida, Boisd. Sp. Gén. i. p. 576 (1836). 

Poona, November, January, February, and June; Ahmednuggur, 
November; Bombay, September. 


T. bimbura, Butler, P. Z.S. 1876, p. 161, pl. 7. figs. 3-4. 

Poona, October and January. 

Butler’s type came from Bimbur in Cashmir ; but the underside 
of the secondaries has such extraordinary markings, and is so different 
from anything else in the genus, there is no mistaking the insect. 

T. pseudevanthe, Butler, P.Z. 8. 1876, p. 164, pl. 7, fig. 16. 

Belgaum, September; Bombay, July and August, November 
and December. 

Pap. eucharis, Fabr. Syst. Nat. p. 472 (1775). 
Bombay, February ; very plentiful. 


Pieris titea, Godt. Ent. Méth. ix. p. 124 (1819). 

Bombay, December ; very plentiful. 

The above three are very closely allied to each other. They are 
probably seasonal varieties of each other, but with a very long series 
I have been able to separate them without leaving any inter- 

Pap. polymnestor, Cram. Pap. Exot. i. pl. 53. figs. A, B (1779). 

Matheran; Parbutti hill, Poona, November; would probably be 
found on the sides of most of the larger mountains in the district. 



Pap. erithonius, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 232. figs. A, B (1782). 

Common everywhere throughout the year. Larve feed on citron, 
lime, and orange. At Poona Mr. Taplin has reared them all the 
year round; both dark and pale yellow forms. Larval stage 14 
days ; pupal stage 14 days. 


Pap. dissimilis, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 301 (1764). 

Khandalla, December ; affects the hill-sides ; Bombay, taken in 

Pap. clytia, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 296 (1764). 
Bombay, taken in 1877. 

140. LarrtTias PAMMON. 

Pap. pammon, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 189 (1764). 

Pap. polytes, Linn. 

Common everywhere throughout the year ; the females of both 
P. hector and P. diphilus form. The larva and pupa are very 
similar in appearance to those of P. erithonius. The larvee feed on 
citron, lime, and orange. Larval stage 14 days; pupal stage 14 
days. ‘The pupa is sometimes bright green and sometimes chocolate- 
brown. Both kinds are equally common, and each produces both 


Pap. diphilus, Esper, Ausl. Schmett. pl. 40 B. fig. 1 (1785-98). 

Common everywhere from October till June. It varies much in 
size and markings ; some of the males taken in the cold weather at 
Ahmednuggur are very small, measuring less: than 3 inches in the 
expanse of their wings. 

Pap. hector, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 183 (1764). 

Poona, March and June; Belgaum, October; Bombay, July, 
September, and October. 

Pap. helenus, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 185 (1764). 


Pap. agamemnon, Linn. Mus. Ulr. p. 202 (1764). 

Poona, Belgaum, Ahmednuggur, October to June ; Bombay, all 
the year round. Larvee feed on Gnaltherea longifolia, colour dark 
green with yellowish shades ; more humpbacked than the larve of 
P. pammon, with sharp spines on the shoulders. Larval stage 
18 to 21 days; pupal stage the same. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. X. 10 



Matheran, November and December. 

Allied to D. teredon, Felder, and D. sarpedon, Linn. The green 
band across the middle of the wings is much broader in the centre, 
touching the discoidal cell at the first median nervule, and fiuing 
upwards and downwards quite suddenly ; the band on the fore wing 
being also composed of eight pieces instead of nine, as in the other 
two species, the first apical spot being absent. Hind wing with the 
tail produced as in D. teredon. 

Underside differs from both on the hind wing in the very narrow 
subbasal black latitudinal streak margining the green band, in the 
absence of the black suffusion in the costal aud subcostal interspaces, 
and in the black and red space at the end of the cell being very 
limited and pushed out by the green band, and in the general 
coloration of both wings being very much paler. These characteristics 
are identical in the four specimens in my collection. 

Expanse of wings 332; inches. In coll. C. Swinhoe. 

Pyrgus purendra, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. 1. p. 250. 
Bombay, August to December. 
147. PyRGuUS GALBA. 
Hesperia galba, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ili. 1, p. 352 (1793). 
Poona, January and March ; Bombay, August. 

Pap. coras, Cram. Pap. Exot. 1. pl. 31. fig. F (1775). 
Bombay, July to October. 


Astictopterus stellifer, Butler, Trans. Linn. Soc. 1879, p. 555. 
Poona, April; Bombay, November. 

150. Upasprs FOLUS. 

Pap. folus, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 354. fig. H (1782). 

Poona, Ahmednuggur, Bombay. 

I have received it at different times from all these places, but 
never succeeded in capturing one myself, and consequently no date 
is recorded. 


Hesperia leucocera, Kollar, Hugel’s Kasch. iv. 2, p. 454, pl. 18. 
fig. 3. 

Bombay, September. 


P. ambareesa, Moore, P. Z.8. 1865, p. 758. 

Mahableshwur, May. 


153, 'TeLicora AUGIAS. 
Pup. augias, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 794 (1767). 
Poona, September to June; very common. 


Hesperia bada, Moore, P. Z.8. 1878, p. 688. 

Poona, October, November, and December ; Belgaum, September ; 
Bombay, September. 


Hesperia bevani, Moore, P. Z.S, 1873, p. 688. 

Poona, October, November, and December ; Bombay, September, 

Hesperia narooa, Moore, P. Z.S8. 1878, p. 687, pl. 45. fig. 4. 
Poona, November and December. 

Hesperia agna, Mocre, P. Z.S. 1865, p. 791. 

Poona, September, October, and November; Belgau:n, September ; 
Bombay, September. i 


Hesperia mathias, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 433 (1798). 

Poona, October to May; Ahmednuggur, November; Bombay, 
July to December. 

159. SuasTus GREMIUS. 

Hesperia gremius, Fabr., Butler, Cat. Fabr. Lep. B. M. p. 271, 
Be 3. fie..7, 9. 

Hesperia divodasa, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. i. p. 255. 

Poona, February and May; Bombay, July to December. 

Isoteinon nilgiriana, Moore, P. Z.S8. 1883, p. 533. 
Matheran, May. 

161. IsorerNoN FLEXILIs, n. sp. (Plate IX. figs. 9, 10.) 

Poona, December. 

3 2. Upper side dark shining olive-brown ; cilia pure white ; fore 
wing with two small semidiaphanous spots, one at the upper end of 
cell and one above it ; three contiguous subapical spots, the top spot 
very minute and in the male sometimes absent ; another outer very 
minute dot, which also is often absent in the male; and three larger 
spots obliquely—two in the disk and one touching the submedian 
nervure ; hind wings unmarked. Underside paler, spots as above ; 



fore wings with a blackish longitudinal shade covering the lower half. 
of the wing; hind wings with an indistinct diffused discal fascia 
of same colour. 

Expanse of wings 153, inch. 


Pap. ewclamationis, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 530 (1775). 

Q Pap. ladon, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ili. pl. 284. fig. C (1782). 

Poona, April, May, and June; Belgaum, September; Mahab- 
leshwur, May ; Matheran, May ; Bombay, July, August, September. 


Pap. alexis, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 533 (1775). 

Poona, May, June, November, December; Bombay, July, August, 
and September. 


Pap. thyrsis, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 532 (1775). 

Bombay, August to December. Very common just before dark. 


Fig. 1. Hiposcritia shiva, $,u. sp., p. 138. 


2. pop 

3. Ivias jhoda, G,n. sp., p. 142. 


meridionalis, 2, n. sp., p. 140. 

colaba, G, un. sp., p. 141. 

. Megisha gunga, un. sp., p. 133. 

. Catochrysops theseus, G,u.sp., p. 131. 

. Isoteinon flexilis (upper side), n. sp., p. 147. 

ll. Zizera ossa, G, un. sp., p. 182. 

13. Ivias cewmbaila, 3, un. sp., p. 141. 
14, —— ek 

3. On Echidna acanthion from Northern Queensland. 
By Rosert Cotzerr, C.M.Z.S. 

[Received January 13, 1885.] 
(Plate X.) 

We have in the course of late years several times been informed 
that the genus Hehidna extends into Queensland. But although a 
considerable number of specimens have been obtained from that 
part of Australia, and several of them have found their way to 
Europe, still no satisfactory examination of their specific characters 
as compared with those of the other species has, so far as I know, 
ever been published. 

Thus in Dr. Bennett’s interesting paper on Ornithorhynchus and 
their burrows (Proce. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1877, p. 161) it is mentioned 
that the Hchidna is very numerous in the Gomarry scrubs, Merugaden ; 

rg at 


ti Sis Se 


and in a later article (1881, p. 737) a similar statement is made as 
regards the district of Toowoomba, not far from Brisbane (272° S. lat.) 
by Mr. George Bennett, his son. Moreover, Mr. Macleay says in an 
article in Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1884, vol. viii. p. 425, 
that he has had the Hehidna in confinement from the district of 
Brisbane. Thus it is evident that the Echidna is a well-known 
animal in that part of Queensland. 

In all these papers the said species is entered under the name of 
LE. hystrix, i. e. aculeata, and, moreover, as several of the specimens 
collected have been examined in London by Prof. Owen and others, 
there seems no reason to doubt that they really belong to this well- 
known South-Australian species. 

In June 1878, again, Capt. Armit mentions in the Journ. Linn. 
Soc. New South Wales, vol. xiv. p. 411, that North Queensland is 
also inhabited by the Echidna, which he found numerous at 
Georgetown, 200 miles west of Cardwell, and he states that it is met 
with at least up to 18°S. lat., and according to his opinion also 
will be found on the Leichhardt ranges and throughout the length 
and breadth of the Cape-York peninsuia. 

Capt. Armit gives us no definite information as to the species to 
which he refers the Echidna of the Cardwell district, nor does he 
furnish any description of it. But he sent to the Linnean Society in 
London a dried skull to which, according to Dr. Murie, the following 
label was attached :—‘“‘ Head of Tachyglossus (hystrix?), ?, killed 
near Georgetown in 18° S. lat. Nov. 1876.” 

This skull has been examined by Dr. Murie and described in the 
Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 413, where he concludes his researches 
with the following words :—“ In conclusion I would state that, from 
the data which have come under my observation, we cannot regard 
Capt. Armit’s animal found in Queensland as offering any distinction 
from the wide-spread Echidna hystriw.” 

As mentioned before, there seems to be no reason to doubt that 
the Echidna that occurs in the district of Brisbane really belongs to 
E. aculeata, which thus extends from the most southern part of 
Australia at least as far north as the 273° S. lat. in South Queens- 

On the other hand, it is highly improbable that Capt. Armit’s 
specimens from North Queensland could have been identical with the 
said species, although Dr. Murie has with the greatest accuracy 
compared the skull mentioned above with five skulls of the species 
from South Australia and Tasmania, without being able to find any 
specific distinction between them. It will be shown by the following 
that Dr. Murie has given at least one brief character (without 
attributing much importance to it, on account of the insufficient 
materials), which has, however, proved to be constant for the 
species :—‘‘The female Queensland skull .... is barely appre- 
ciably narrower across the cerebral area, but decidedly lower in the 
same region.” 

Amongst the interesting collection of mammals brought home 
to the Museum of the University of Christiania by Dr. Lumholtz 


from Central and North Queensland in the years 1881-84’, there 
were nine specimens of the North-Queensland Hehidna, all of them 
collected in the district west of Rockhampton, under 23° S. lat. 

I shall endeavour now to give some remarks on these specimens. 
In my opinion there can be no doubt of their being different from 
E. aculeata ; and as they also seem to differ from LF. lawesi, Rams., 
from New Guinea, described in March 1877 (Proc. Linn. Soc. New 
South Wales, vol. ii. p. 30), a species still only imperfectly known, 
but to which they are, at any rate, very nearly related, I have thought 
it best to give the North Queensland Echidna a special name ; 
and at the last meeting of the Scientific Society of Christiania 
(Dee. 14, 1884), I communicated its diagnosis and a brief description 
of it under the name of £. acanthion. 

EcuipNa ACANTHION, Coll. 1884. 

Tachyglossus, sp. inc., Armit, Journ. Linn. Soe. vol. xiv. (Zoology), 
p- 411 (Cardwell district), 1878. 

Echidna hystrix, Murie, Journ. Linn. Soc. vol. xiv. (Zoology), 
p- 413 (Cardwell district), 1878. 

Tachyglossus lawesi, Ltk. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1884, p. 150 
(unknown locality). 

Echidna acanthion, Collett, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Christ. 1884, no. 13, 
pp- 1-12 (Rockhampton district), 1884. 

Diagn. Snout of moderate length, or rather short, slightly bent 
upwards, and to the length of the skull as 1 to 2-27. 

The skull, which is to the total length as 1 to about 4, is broadest 
below, and more or less narrower towards the parietalia. The 
breadth is to the length of the skull as 1 to 2°5. 

The dorsal spines are powerful and closely set, of unequal size ; 
whitish yellow with black tips; some, which are longer than the 
others, form irregular rows along the back, the rest being shorter, 
with the black tip broader; they begin midway between eye and 
ear, and extend on the sides a little beyond the margin of the 
helly. Flattish bristles, intermingled with hairs, cover the front, the 
fore feet, and the belly. Breast and throat covered with hairs. The 
hairs on the back very short and scarce. 

The soft parts of the body brownish black, sometimes with a 
clearer tint on the fore limbs; in a young male the throat was 
yellowish brown. 

The second claw on the hind foot is very long, the third short and 
slender, being scarcely half the length of the second. 

Total length about 450 millim. 

Locality. Dr. Lumholtz informs me that he found this species 
fairly well distributed over the eastern part of Central Queensland. 
In the coast-range near Herbert river in North Queensland (18° § 
Jat.) it was also common; it occurs here in the ranges covered with 
dense scrubs. It is called “‘Gombian”’ by the natives, and is tracked 
by the tamed dingoes, and it is considered here, as everywhere else, 
a great delicacy by reason of its fatness. 

1 Vide Proe. Zool. Soc. 1884, p. 381 (and p. 406), 


E. acanthion is no doubt distributed over the whole of Central 
Queensland, at least in the eastern varts of that district, and in 
North Queensland as far up as to 18° S. lat.; but it also occurs, 
according to Capt. Armit’s supposition, over the whole of Cape 
York peninsula. 

Thus the remarkable genus Echidna extends from Tasmania 
(£. setosa, Cuv.), throughout the whole eastern part of Australia, 
from Victoria and New South Wales to South Queensland, occurring 
also in West Australia (4. aculeata, Shaw), and through Central and 
North Queensland up to Torres Strait (4. acanthion) ; furthermore 
it occurs in the south-eastern part of New Guinea (Z. lawesi, Rams.). 
Besides these, the northern parts of New Guinea is inhabited by a 
fifth species, the rather aberrant form Proechidna bruijni (Peters 
and Doria)’, £. acanthion is much nearer related to the E. lawesi 
from New Guinea, than it is to the South-Australian /. aculeata. 

Specimens examined. —The specimens collected by Dr. Lumholtz, 
and preserved in the University Museum of Christiania, are the 
following *:— 

Total length. 

1eebre\~ [7] ietiaaliete bee orate ithe 365 millim. 
rea bP: a Mae 425 ”,, 
Seed Spectres ieee Rectatels Dat Loves AAS anit 
Ady Wee expec. ait t. abi boisie. Ft ADO bys 
SAE had § ata wea atacset ri 
Ges Claticessiohatds ced ead vests VARY EEE 
1 sear oogh paras goat iste about 410, 
Bint O) Sig. deport test about 405 __,, 
O:A6lin.. daetad tide ate 448, 

No. 1 is a young male, caught at Gracemere near Rockhampton in 
July 1881. The others were caught at Coomooboolaroo, 80 miles W. 
of Rockhampton ; Nos. 2-8 in February 1884 ; No. 9, a female with 
fully developed mamme, in the beginning of March the same year. 

Sex. Of the nine specimens, three are males, five females; in one 
specimen (No. 4) of which the skeleton only is preserved, the sex 
cannot with certaity be decided, but it would seem to have been a 

I cannot detect any character by which the sexes can be distin- 
guished externally, with the exception of the sharp, but short spur 
on the inside of the hind heel of the male; this spur has already 
appeared in the young male (No. 1), the skeleton of which is far 
from being perfectly ossified. 

As to the skull it may be noted that the male (No. 5) has a 
proportionally shorter snout than the female (No. 9), but its skull is, 
on the other hand, broader and higher behind (cf. figs. 3 & 4, 

1 Tachyglossus bruijnii, Peters and Doria, 1876; Acanthoglossus brurjnii, 
P. Gervais, 1877 ; Proechidna bruijnii, Murie, 1878; and Bruijnia tridactyla, 
Dubois, 1872. 

* At present there are stuffed specimens of the following:—No, 1, No. 5, and 
No. 9; and mounted skeletons of No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3. 


p. 155). How far this fact is the rule, or whether it is attributable 
to the younger age of the male, can only be ascertained on the 
examination of more abundant materials. 

Size.—The largest specimens are a male and a female with a total 
length of 448 millim. each, and these appear to be full-grown. 
The second male (No. 5) is younger, with a total length of 415 
millim., and the skeleton showed that it was not yet full-grown. 
The third male (No. 1) was young. The females have a total length 
of 405 to about 440 millim. 

The greater number of the specimens have thus a length of more than 
16, but not quite 18 inches, which may perhaps be considered to be 
the normal size, as the generative organs of one of the females, which 
have been preserved, showed the specimen to be fully developed. 

It is, however, probable that H. acanthion attains a still larger 
size, as it can be seen by comparison of two skeletons of the same 
size of E. acanthion and EZ. aculeata (total length 425 mm.) that 
the last species is already in every respect fully ossified without a 
trace of the open sutures, while in £. acanthion, on the other hand, 
there are still some traces of these earlier stages. It may therefore 
be concluded, that perhaps the North-Queensland species attains 
still larger dimensions than 2. aculeata’. 

The Covering of the Skin.—The dorsal spines are long and powerful, 
closely placed, and perfectly hiding the scarce and short fur at their 
bases. A number of spines are stronger than the others, and are 
regularly distributed over the back, making it almost possible to 
arrange them here in three to four irregular series; they are also 
distinguishable from the others by the clearer colour of their exposed 
parts. These strong spines reach a length on the back of 43—- 
47 millim., on the tail sometimes of 55 millim.; their diameter is 
34 millim. 

The other spines, which are far the greatest in number, are shorter 
and finer, have a length of abont 22-30 millim., sometimes a little 
more, but are distinguishable by their darker colours. Their dia- 
meter rarely exceeds 2-24 millim. 

This spiny covering extends forward to beyond the ear, on the 
sides of the body as far as tothe margin of the belly; one or two 
spines may sometimes reach beyond the margin, but the rule is that 
the belly is only covered with hairs. 

The fur at the root of the spines is, as mentioned above, very 
scarce and short, and it is only a rare exception that the tips of one 
or two hairs are visible between the spines, as in the young male 
(No. 1). ‘The forehead and throat are covered with flattish bristles, 
mingled with a few normal hairs, which commence in front of the 
eye; these bristles gradually merge behind into short spines, which 
successively become stronger; still on the occiput and the uape 
they are somewhat shorter than those on the back. The legs 
are covered with similar flattish bristles, particularly on their outer 

1 Of this latter species there is preserved in the University Museum of 
Christiania a mounted specimen with a total length of about 470 to 480 millim, 


side, yet here mixed with normal hairs, At the hind margin of the 
ear is found a thick patch of blackish hairs, as in the other species. 
The belly is covered with hairs, longer or shorter, mixed with 
flattish bristles ; on the breast and lower side of the head there are, 
as a rule, no bristles, but hairs only. 

Colour.—The dorsal spines are pale yellowish with black tips ; this 
black tip is very short in the longer spines, but broader in the 
shorter ones, by which the longer get a clearer appearance than the 
rest. In some specimens (but not in all) one or two of these spines 
are entirely yellowish without black tips. In the shorter spines the 
pale colour at their bases is almost hidden by the black. Thus, 
contrary to Z. aculeata, where all spines are equally coloured (yellow- 
ish with short black tips), and almost of the same length, Z. acanthion 
at a distance appears to be blackish with irregular series of long and 
clearer-coloured spines. On the nape and the front the spines are 
sometimes entirely black, sometimes yellowish, or particoloured. 

One of the specimens (No. 9) differs a little from the rest, the 
longer spines here being almost black, like the shorter. This spe- 
cimen, a full-grown femalé, therefore appears to be blackish with 
a few yellowish spots. 

The colour of the belly is blackish brown, under the tail perfectly 
black ; in some specimens a paler line may be observed on the outer 
side of the legs. 

The young male (No. 1) is somewhat different from the rest, the 
breast and throat being reddish brown, which colour also extends 
itself along the inner side of the fore limbs, and can be traced also 
onthe hindlimbs. An irregular black band crosses the throat from 
the lower side of the ears. The belly is blackish brown, as in the 
other specimens, and mixed with one or two yellowish spines. 

Skeleton.—In the young male, with a total length of 365 millim., 
the skeleton is very far from being perfectly ossified. A large fonta- 
nelle is found on the upper part of the os temporale ; in many of the 
bones the different epiphyses are not yet grown together. There 
are open sutures between the occipitals, and between the coste 
cervicales aud their vertebrze ; the caput femoris is separate ; the sacral 
vertebree are all separate, as well as the bones of the pelvis. On 
the dorsal vertebrae the spinous processes are very cartilaginous ; 
the same is the case with the upper margin of the scapula, of the 
proc. olecranoides in the fibula, and at the ends of other bones, The 
0s coracoideum is separate. On the lower jaw the proc. coronoideus 
ext. is still not developed. 

In an apparently almost full-grown female, with a total length of 
425 millim., the sutures are still open around the os dasioccipitale, 
and the coste cervic. of the epistropheus can still be separated when 
slightly pressed, and the epiphyses both on the wna and radius and 
on the fibula and tibia may be easily parted’. 

1 As mentioned aboye, all these parts are perfectly ossified in a specimen of 
E. aculeata of the same size. 


In a male specimen, with a total length of 448 millim., the skeleton 
is perfectly ossified. 

The skull is very much like that of Z. aculeata, but may probably 
always be distinguished by its. narrower cerebral area and propor- 

Fig. 1. 

Skull of Echidna acanthion, §. No. 5. 

tionally short snout, although scarcely different in this respect from 
the South-Australian and Tasmanian species. The length of the 
skull in proportion to the total length of the skeleton is as 1 to 4 
(3°93 to 4°26). 

When the skull is seen from behind, the lateral profile, especially 
in the somewhat younger specimens, widens regularly downwards, 
the os squamosum having its greatest height below, and the upper 
part of os demporale ( perioticum) diminishes regulariy towards the 
parietalia. The greatest breadth, which is to the length as 1} to 2-5, 

Fig. 2. 

Skull of Echidna acanthion, 2. No. 9. 

is therefere in EB. acanthion situated at the bottom of the skull, 
quite near the glenoid fossa. 

In the perfectly full-grown specimens (male and female) the skull 
becomes less narrow upwards, but in all cases does not widen as in 


E. aculeata. In these specimens the erista sagittalis is also sharp 
and longer, whereas only a trace of it may be observed in the younger 

The snout is of moderate length or rather short. Tn the full-grown 
specimen its proportion to the length of the skull is as 1 to 23, as 
will be seen by the list below, and in several specimens it is but a 
little longer than the breadth of the skull’. 


| Total Length of | Length of Breadth of Preportion of 
|Sex.| length. | — skull. snout. | skull. ‘snout to the skull. 
millim. | millim. millim. millim. 
} 2.19 4295 | 108 51 | 43 211 

3. 1d 448 105 47 44 2°23 

| 420 103 46 43 2-23 

tess tot ai.” |” 9g 46 42 2.26 

Oe Ot2|0° 448.) | 180 A2 45 11 

fa? 2.) \(e)'4l0%) | > 411038 7 42 ) (e)i2.19 

8. 9... (ce) 405 101 46 40 (c) 2:19 | 

Oe 480 hadi Bey it dilly pc 44 «ors | 2-09 / 

In the full-grown specimens the snout is more or less distinctly 
turned upwards, the profile of the front being deeply concave over 
the orbits, and down along the nasalia, and the lower margin of the 
skull rises obliquely in front of the orbits. Thus the skull forms 
a distinct contrast to that of Proechidna bruijni from New Guinea; 

Figso: Fig. 4. 

Fig. 3. Skull of Echidna acanthion, 2 (back view). No. 9. 
Fig. 4. Skull of Echidna acanthion, § (back view). No. 5. 

probably the other Papuan species, 27. Jawesi, has a similar concave 
snout to L. acanthion. The palate is armed with about nine rows 

1 The snout is measured without the cutaneous covering, from the foramen 
lacrymale in the skeleton, or the foremost margin of the eye in the skin, 


of retroverted spines, the number of which varies in the different 
specimens; as a rule the hinder and middlemost rows, which are 
the longest, have 15 to 20 of these spines. They are very short and 

Terabe young male (No. 8) the skull is not yet full-grown; the 
snout is remarkably short, even shorter than the breadth of the skull '. 
The snout is not bent up, but perfectly straight, the profile of the 
frontals not being concave over the orbits; but a faint concavity 
can be traced beyond the middle of the nasalia. 

The snout is proportionally broad in this specimen; the breadth 
of the ossa nasalia on their frontal end measuring together 16 
millim. ; in the full-grown specimen the breadth is about 10-11 

Vertebre.—The number of vertebree was as follows :—cervical 
vertebree 7, dorsal vertebrae 16, lumbar vertebre 3, sacral vertebree 
3, caudal vertebre 13-14 (where the latter have been complete). 
In two specimens, a female with a total length of 425 millim.(No. 2), 
and a male with a total length of 448 millim. (No. 3), the last 
dorsal vertebra had no trace of ribs, and thus there were 15 dorsal 
and 4 lumbar vertebree. All the vertebree were more slender than 
in specimens of £. aculeata of the same size. 

The Limbs.—The exact measurements of the bones of fore and hind 
limbs are as follows :— 

No. 5, ¢. No. 4. No. 2, 2. No. 3,¢. | No.9, 9. 

Total length) Total length | Total length Total length | Total length 

415 millim. _ 420 millim. 425 millim. 448 millim. | 448 millim. 

millim. millim, millim. millim. millim. 
Humerus? 42 42 5 42 46 
Ulna 62 62 67 67 67 
Radius 48 48 50 52 53 
Femur 5+ 52 7 55 57 
Tibia 51 52 56 DD 57 
Fibula ... 57 59 62 62 60 

The ossa marsupialia have about the same length as the humerus. 

The claws are no doubt of precisely the same construction as in 
the Papuan £. lawesi. The second claw is very long, strong, and 
curved, with a length of 35-36 millim., or even 38 millim., whereas 
the third claw is much slenderer and is scarcely half the size of 
the second ; its length is 15-16 millim., and it is but a little longer 
than the fourth and fifth, which are the shortest. 

1 Length of the skeleton 365 millim. ; length of the skull 93 millim. ; of the 
snout 41 millim.; breadth of the skull 43 millim.; proportion of the snout to 
the skull 2-02. 

? Measured from the articulations. 


The Ovaries and Mamme.—In the paper of Mr. George Bennett 
previously alluded to (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1881, p. 737) it is stated 
that he found impregnated specimens of the South-Queensland 
species (Z. aculeata) on the 30th August and the 14th September, and 
that, according to his view, the young will be found in the uterus 
in the course of September or October in this part of Queensland 
(the Brisbane district), although he acknowledges that he does not 
‘think it can be fixed at any certain period, but must in some places 
begin earlier than in others.” 

The specimens from Central Queensland collected by Dr. Lum- 
holtz were caught in February or March (with exception of the 
young male, which was caught in July), and thus the generative 
organs may be presumed to have been ina dormant state. This, 
however, seems not to have been the case; and it is probable that 
E. acanthion produces its young at a different (earlier) season from 
the southern #. aculeata. » 

Dr. Lumholtz informs me that, according to the statements of 
both the white men and the natives, #. acanthion breeds in the 
winter time, as a rule in the month of May. One pair of ovaries 
and one pair of mammee were preserved and brought home by 
him. The first were taken from a full-grown specimen (No. 9) 
in the beginning of March, and are considerably developed, although 
not containing at the time mature eggs. The mammary glands, 
which were, as far as Dr. L. remembers, taken from the same spe- 
cimen, were on the other hand large and swollen and contained 
quantities of milk which profusely flowed out on a slight pressure. 

The two ovaries were of about the same size, the right, however, 
being a trifle smaller. Both were equally developed and showed on 
their upper surface a number of ovisacs which appeared as shining 
hemispheres in the stroma without being stretched in any pedicle. 
The number of these ovisacs was in the right ovary six, all of about 
the same size with a diameter of 33 millim., besides four to five 
smaller or very small. On the left there were 13 larger ovisacs, 
with a diameter of 4 millim., and two to three smaller ones. 

The two uteri were about equally developed on both sides, but 
here also the left wasa trifle larger. Both were at the time strongly 
contracted and empty; the diameter from the outer walls was 
7 millim. On the right uterus the peritoneum with tunica propria 
was straitened a little above the middle, so that the upper part 
appeared as a rather twisted enlargement (8 millim.). The inner 
layer of the uterine wall had a thickness of 33 millim. 

The length of the right wéerus was 24 millim., of the left 29 

The common vestibulum was very wide, and filled with crushed 
parts of insects. 

The vesica urinaria was very muscular. 

As mentioned above, the two mammary glands contained quantities 
of milk and appeared to have been in full action. They were oblong 
or kidney-formed and rather compressed; they were shaped as if 
folded together a little above the middle, and covered with a thin 


membranous tissue. One (the left?) was the larger, and had a 
length of about 57 millim., a breadth of 40 millim.; its greatest 
thickness (at the outlet of the lacteal ducts) was 22 millim. ‘The 
other was a little smaller. 

The ‘“‘mammary areola” was visible on the belly as a flattish 
spot. No trace of a pouch could with certainty be distinguished 
(in the single mounted female specimen). 

In the mounted full-grown male was visible on each side of the 
belly (where the mammary areola is found in the female) a small 
vortex of hairs, apparently an indication of the rudimentary mamme 
of the males of other mammals. 

Parasites —In two specimens I found half a dozeu individuals of 
an Ivodes, attached between the hairs at the root of the dorsal 
spines or in the ear-tuft. 

Comparison with E. aculeata.—Whilst EL. acanthion will be easily 
distinguishable from £. aculeata by its external characters, the 
skeletons of both species are more difficult to distinguish. Yet, 
compared with a skeleton of #. aculeata of the same size, that of 
E. acanthion will be seen to be decidedly slenderer. 

Thus when the skeleton No. 3, with a total length of 448 millim., 
is laid side by side with a skeleton of HZ. aculeata, the total length of 
which is 450 millim., all the vertebra from the head to the pelvis show 
themselves as perceptibly narrower and weaker ; whilst the breadth 
of the penultimate lumbar vertebra in Z. aculeata was 20 millim., 
the same vertebra in 2. acanthion was only 164 millim. broad. 

The processus spinosi of the first dorsal vertebra did not (yet) 
show any trace of being notched in F#. acanthion, whilst the notches 
were distinct in the other species. 

The humerus is weaker and narrower. The breadth between 
epicondylus medialis and lateralis (i. e. the greatest breadth on the 
ulnar side) is in £. aculeata 47 millim., in E. acanthion 41 millim. 
only ; the breadth between trochanter medialis and lateralis (i. e. 
the greatest breadth on the scapular side) is 31 millim. in Z. aculeata, 
and 27 millim. in £. acanthion. 

The scapula is shorter and is more straight. Its greatest length 
(to the articulation with humerus) in EZ. aculeata is "56 millim., in 
LE. acanthion 51 millim. ; in the latter species the margo superior 
is almost straight, but more bent outwards in EZ. aculeata. 

The vids are not narrower in LF. acanthion than in the other 
species ; but the pelvis is decidedly weaker. Whilst thus the length 
from the upper end of os ili to the hinder end of os ischii (@. e. the 
greatest length of the pelvis) in L. aculeata was 66 millim., the 
same distance in L. acanthion was 60 millim. only ; and whilst the 
greatest breadth (between the upper ends of ossa iii) in E. aculeata 
was 44 millim., the same in £. acanthion is 41 millim. Also the 
foramen obturatorium was the larger in L. aculeata, 

The femur is shorter; in Z. aculeata its length is 59 millim., 
in FE. acanthion 53 millim. Any difference in the length of the 


other bones of the limbs can scarcely be shown to exist, but all are 
perceptibly stronger in H. aculeata. 

As mentioned above, HZ. acanthion is furthermore distinguishable 
from F. aculeata (and setosa) by the claws of the hind foot, the 
third claw reaching hardly the half of the length of the second, 
whilst in the other species these claws are of nearly the same length. 
A corresponding difference in the strength of the respective phalanges 
may be observed. 

Finally, with regard to the skull it has been already stated that in 
most respects it agrees almost perfectly with that of ZF. aculeata. 
Certainly the length is a little greater in the latter species (116 millim.) 
than in L. acanthion (111 millim.); this, however, may perhaps 
not always be the case. € 

The shape of the skull, as seen from behind, appears to be to a 
certain degree varying in both species; but H. wcanthion seems 
constantly to have a narrower cerebral area than ZF. aculeata. As 
inentioned above, Dr. Murie has described in the Journ. of Linn. 
Soc. vol. xiv. (p. 413) a skull of the species, found by Capt. Armit 
at Cardwell, thus not far from the York peninsula. In his comparison 
of the skull with five skulls of Echidne from S. Australia and 
Tasmania, he states that it is “barely appreciably narrower across 
the cerebral area, but decidedly lower in the same region.” This 
feature is characteristic in all the examined skulls of £. acanthivn, 
and is still more perceptible in the younger-specimens than in the 

Thus the greatest breadth of the skull is below the foramen retro- 
temporale, whilst the part above gradually decreases upwards ; in 
the full-grown specimens (No. 3 and No. 9) this decrease is less 
marked, but the skull is never broader above the said foramen than 
below, as in H. aculeata. In the latter species the os temporale 
widens upwards (in the two skeletons preserved in the University 
Museum of Christiania), and the greatest breadth of the skull is 
therefore immediately above the foramen retro-temporale, not below it. 
Finally, the snout is straight in Z. aculeata (in the specimens before 
me), but in all specimens of Z. acanthion more or less bent upwards. 

Comparison with E. lawesii—In March 1877 Mr. E. P. Ramsay, 
in Proc. Linn. Soe. New South Wales (vol. ii. p. 30), described 
an Echidna under the name of Z'achyglossus lawest from a specimen 
just received from Port Moresby in New Guinea. 

The type specimen wasa skin of a male, which Ramsay considered 
to be full-grown ; its length from the snout to the tip of tail was 
13:4 inches, or about 336 millim. 

In Sept. 1878 Mr. Ramsay gave a short communication in the 
same Journal (vol. iii. p. 244) on three more specimens, also from 
the 8.E. coast of N. Guinea. The new specimens consisted also in 
the dried skins only, and the measurements given in the same place 
may therefore also be considered as but approximative. The largest 
specimen had a length of 16 inches from snout to root of tail, and 
when the length of the tail is added, the total length has been about 


425 millim. The other specimens were smaller, had a length to the 
root of tail of 12 and 12°5 inches, or, with the same calculation, a 
total length of 325 and 341 millim. 

It is evident from Mr. Ramsay’s short description and measure- 
ments, that H. acanthion is very nearly related to L. lawesi. The 
same armature of the back with powerful and closely-set_ spines, 
and a very scanty covering with hairs between the spines is found in 
both; and in both the claws on the hind feet show the same 
mutual proportions of length, by which they easily may be distin- 
guished from the South-Australian and Tasmanian species. 

Although Ramsay’s description of H. dawesi, on account of the 
limited materials, could not be very exhaustive, there still seem to 
exist differences, which entitle us to separate the Australian form 
from its neighbour on the other side of the Strait. 1 endeavour 
below to touch upon the points in which 4. acanthion seems to 
differ from £. lawesi, although such comparison can only advanta- 
geously be made with the specimens of HZ. Jawesi themselves, which 
I have not had an opportunity of seeing. 

Besides the short original description of the latter species, I have 
just received in a letter from my friend Dr. Vinciguerra a few remarks 
on a specimen in the Museo Civico, in Genoa, ‘received in exchange 
from Berlin, and examined by Dr. Gestro. 

The chief difference between them seems to exist in the length of 
the snout (and perhaps also that of the skull), which is perceptibly 
shorter in £. acanthion than in the other species. 

As to the skull, there is unfortunately no exact statement given 
of its length in Ramsay’s short description of Z. lawesi. Only in the 
type-specimen, the total length of which has been about 336 millim., 
the length of the skull is said to lave been four inches, or about 
103 millim. This undoubtedly is on the whole larger than in equally 
large specimens of FL. acanthion. 

This seems also evident from another of the measures given. In 
Ramsay’s type specimen of £. lawesi, the total length of which is 
about 336 millim., the distance from tip of snout to the ear is 
(skin stretched) 4°5 inches, or 113 millim. In the Genoa specimen, 
with a total length 377 millim., the same distance is 120 millim. In 
E. acanthion, on the other hand, the length of the skull is 93 millim. 
in the young male with a total length af 365 millim. ; and even in 
the largest specimen, the total length of which is 448 millim., the 
skull does not exceed 111 millim. 

The length of the snout is measured in all Ramsay’s four specimens 
of EZ. lawesi, and has been fourd to be as follows *:— 

Total length 326 millim. Length of snout 53 milllim. 

» » 336 a) eel > 63 2 39 
3) ”» 341 3 ”? ” 99 29 
bed » 430 2° » te] 61 39 

1 Calculated from the English measurements. 
2 « From tip of snout to the eye 2°5 inches.” 


The Genoa specimen measured, according to Dr. Gestro—total 
length 377 millim., length of snout 53 millim. 

As has been already stated (p. 155), even in the largest speci- 
mens of H. acanthion, with a total length of 440-448 millim., the 
length of the snout does not exceed 53 millim.; and it may there- 
fore be taken as granted that H. lawesi has the snout decidedly 
longer than E. acanthion. 

The description of the covering of the skin and the colour does 
not seem to show any definite difference. Certainly Mr. Ramsay 
says of E. lawesi, ‘Some of the long cylindrical spines are altogether 
white, some all black, some particoloured with white or black tips.” 

To this can be noted, that altogether white spines are very scarce 
or absent in all specimens of Z. acanthion, and that none of the 
particoloured spines have white tips but these are always black-tipped. 
Furthermore the hairs of the back as stated above are perfectly 
hidden between the spines in H. acanthion; while Mr. Ramsay 
savs of H. lawesi, ‘‘ A few black hairs are scattered through the spines 
and on the sides of the body,” and Dr. Gestro of the specimen in 
Genoa, “ Entre les épines il y a des poiles trés-visibles.”’ 

Thus the hair-covering between the spines seems to be less scanty 
in #. lawesi than iu Z. acanthion. 

Further, the length of the bare portion of the snout in Z. acanthion 
(in consequence of the shortness of the snout itself) is never two 
inches, as in the type specimen of H. Jawesi, but even in the largest 
specimens but a little more than one inch and a half. 

4. Description d’un nouveau Rongeur du genre Celogenys. 
Par Jean SrotzMann. 

[Received January 16, 1885.] 

Pendant mon dernier voyage dans la république de lEquadeur on 
m’a souvent parlé d’un quadrupéde, nommé par les indigénes “ Sacha- 
cut,” * tandis que le paca (Ceelogenys paca) y est connu sous le nom 
de ‘ Gualilla.” De la description, donnée par les habitants du pays, 
je supposais que l’animal en question pouvait appartenir au méme 
genre de Calogenys. Mais comme ce dernier habite les contrées 
trés chaudes et se tient toujours au voisinage des eaux, tandis que 
le “ Sacha-cui” est propre 4 une haute région, renfermée entre 
6000 et 10,000 pieds au dessus du niveau de la mer, fréquentant 
souvent les lieux trés éloignés des courants d’eau, je supposais qu’il 
s’agit d’un quadrupéde inconnu, et aprés m’en avoir procuré une 
paire d’individus adultes, j’ai reconnu que j’avais raison. Je donne 
done sa description, en lui proposant le nom du 

C. fusco-brunneus, subtus albicans, lateribus quaternis seriebus 

*“ Sacha” (indien)=lIa forét ; “ cwi” (indien)=eavia. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. XI. ll 

162 MR. J. STOLZMANN ON A NEW [Feb. 3, 

macularum albarum notatis : capite breviore quam in C. paca: 
setis postocularibus minus numerosis. 

Couleur générale des parties supérieures du corps et des cétés est 
d’un brun noiratre, avec quatres séries de taches blanches sur chacun 
des cétés, dont linférieure, commengant sur les cétés de la gorge, 
traverse toute la longueur du corps jusqu’au cété postérieur de la 
cuisse et est composée de quatorze taches, dont celles du venire sont 
presque réunies entre elles ; la deuxicme commence au dessus de la 
premitre tache de la série précédante et finit au dessus de son 
extrémité ; elle est composée de douze taches, dont les médianes sont 
fort rapprochées entre elles, sans se confondre enticrement; la 
troisiéme série, aussi longue que la précédante, est composée de dix 
taches, parfaitement séparées, commengant au cou; la quatri¢me, 
commengant A la moitié de la longueur du corps, est composée de 
cing taches moins prononcées que celles des séries précédantes 
et parcourt prés de la ligne dorsale. 

Tous les poils foncés sont unicolores, mais plus obscurs a 
Pextrémité qu’a la racine. Partout entre les poils foncés il y a un 
faible mélange de poils blancs. Les cétés de la téte sont converts de 
poils blanchatres, mélangés avec de noiratre; ces derniers sont 
prédominants sur Ja région sousoculaire ; les poils du menton sont 
bruns et rares; le reste du dessous du corps est couvert de poils 
isabelles blanchatres, avec un mélange de poils foncés sur le devant 
de la poitrine ; les pattes couvertes de poils de la couleur du dos, 
les poils du metatarse et des doigts des pattes postérieures tirant au 
roussatre, sur le cOté interne du bas des pattes antérieures se trouve 
une grande tache dénuée, parsemée de poils blancs, trés courts. 

Moustaches supérieures noires, les inférieures blanches: quel- 
ques-unes de ces derniéres dépassent l’oreille. Sur la région médiane 
entre l’ceil et l’oreille se trouve un groupe des soies assez longues. 
Cétés postérieurs des oreilles couverts de poils rares et peu longs: a 
son bord inférieur il y a une touffe abondante de poils longs. Ongles 
cornés, 4 bords blanchatres. Face antérieure des dents incisives d’un 
jaune orangé. Plante des pattes grise foncée. 

Iris brun trés foncé. 

La femelle ressemble au male et n’en differe que par la couleur 
générale plus foncée, la téte plus petite et moins large. 

Les dimensions des différentes parties du corps du male. 

PASTE RU rs wicca es Agnes tek in» 2, OrdaG 
Distance entre les narines et l’oeil.............. 0°057 
Distance entre l’ceil et Poreille ....-........... 0°042 
Lonmucir totale 2.5. baane> -- eyelet 'n a. Aicis Canais e EAE 
Longueur depuis les épaules 4 la queue ........ 0°370 
Hanteur an Sarre os negli. Goda we wees ow “ORRS 
iautenisauserguplon races. «> - ete c\s\-.9)s ne,ana! Os20D 
LOBQHCURIGPUA JAHIUCS eee cea cn atev ose nde em OU LOD 

Longueurida farses). jess Rew ses. Jee” 0038 



Doigt externe du bras ....... oteehs shale ter 01016 

pp A HOUBI Cy cidhe arqewn reeks sped ee wOOL2 

Doigt modiandu bras (29)\.t «xia dvaa alo we eteled<ie 0°045 

BAP OBENG sas sabioeads-claaeinene gaG 0-018 

Doigt médian du bras Gare pa ss-gadts ots vesbinvas. M2041 

pimi@BGle inns dog e+--waloewn- 0:017 

Doigt médian du bras (4™2)i.:¢ & calrstadg oc). opi pO OSE 

=! bag COAG, chee «cpu. Roesitd strobes ee tee 0:017 

Doigt interne du brass) solo vrestds at tenons au 0:005 

a BB Bel exi re oy .40' BH ies Qestes 0-005 

Avant BEGhpada ants <cmounned 26 YKHN eee 0:080 

PUREE AC EN BCL ccrat sai Baxi jute akc apes. Ada < eo Pin oie Meat eS 0°020 

Doigt la patte -..........-- wears aa he 0-016 

ae 3p Paaele P12. 2 WAPFRNia: 833. 2 OOLI 

Doigt médian de la patte (ame). bled ars ora ce es HOO 2U 

sv angle 5... 5 COR RIE ISR Oe 0°014 

Doigt médian de la patte ame). Patessuprenmisr. alah 0-024 

sp SOngle A .e4 al ease baiialty. ob 0-016 

Doigt médian de la patte eer Fo se Misi sila BERS Ho 0:021 

“5 joe WEES Ieee, o Suey ace epee th apes) OMS 

Doigt interne de [et DREGE. Shediac eee: wo DOOD 

” sy Wel, . Se aliio yds eeeiseeete ed.» O005 
Fig. 1. 

Skull of Celogenys taczanowskii (lower surface). 

164 MR. J. STOLZMANN ON A NEW [Feb. 3, 

Cette nouvelle forme différe du C. paca par la téte beaucoup plus 
courte, surtout dans sa partie anté-oculaire: par la couleur générale 
beaucoup plus foncée, brun noiratre au lieu de marron, et par la 
disposition de taches blanches, formant trois séries completes sur 
chacun des cétés, une dorsale incomplete et une inférieure en travers 
de la cuisse, tandis que chez le C. paca il n’y a que deux séries 
completes, la troisicme—supérieure—incomplete et celle de la cuisse. 
La limite entre la couleur foncée des cétés et le blanc de l’abdomen 
n’est pas aussi nettement tranchée, que chez le C. paca: la bande 
foneée, renfermée entre la derniére série des taches latérales et le 
blanc du ventre, et moins large et moins réguliére. Le poil est 
partout beaucoup plus long et beaucoup plus abondant. 

Les longueurs des poils de deux espéces. 

C. paca.  C. taczanowskit. 

métre. métre. 
Moustache la plus longue .......... 0°096 0°120 
Poil de la région inter-auriculaire .... 0°012 0-029 
Poil du milieu du dos...... eth Peas 0:013 0:035 
Poilidu.croupio: 0. 60 iV essa lee: ss 07020 0°034 
Poiltdes joudste ve. .biteeors 0°009 0:029 
Poil du bord inférieur de l’oreille .... 0°017 0:031 
Podideds quenens ic ges Sls Pee 0-009 0-019 

Lower jaw of Celogenys taczanowskit. 

La difference dans les détails ostéologiques est aussi trés importante. 


Le crane est relativement plus petit, mais plus large. La proportion 
entre la longueur et la largeur du crane est de 1°38, tandis que chez 
le C. paca elle est de 1:50. Les sillons sont presque nuls au front et 
beaucoup moins saillants sur’arcade zygomatique que chez le C. paca. 
Le trou infra-orbitaire plus grand et d’une forme ovale. La fosse 
dans la partie inférieure du trou infraorbitaire est récouverte, tandis 
que chez le paca elle présente un canal ouvert. L’orbite avec la cave 
temporale posscde une forme ovale, allongée du devant en arricre. 
L’apophyse lacrymale presque complétement atrophiée. La ligne 
des molaires est plus longue ; les deux rangées sont presque parallcles 
entre elles, tandis que chez le paca elles sont divergeantes en arricre. 

Skull of Cwlogenys taczanowskii (upper surface). 

La suture naso-frontale peu arquée et sans angles saillants, propres au 
C. paca. Les replis des molaires se distinguent par leurs coins 
aigus au lieu d’étre arrondis, comme chez le paca; ils sont done 
mieux marqués dans l’espéce nouvelle. Les incisives relativement 
plus longs, 4 la surface antérieure jaune-orangée, un peu plus foncée 
dans ceux de la machoire supérieure que dans Yinférieure ; ils sont 
jaunes-clairs chez le paca. La miachoire inférieure, quoique plus 
petite que chez le paca, est plus forte. Les crétes «t les proéminances 
y sont moins nombreuses et moins saillantes. Les molaires présentent 
les mémes caractéres que ceux de la machoire supérieure. 

166 MR. J.STOLZMANN ON A NEW [Feb. 3, 

Dimensions des différentes parties du erdne de deux espéces. 

C. taczanowskii. C. paca. 

metre. metre. 
Longueur ducriane ....-6++se esse eens 0-124 0°150 
Distance entre le bord antérieur de I’ os inter- 
maxillaire et le Foramen magnum. .... 0°117 0:140 
Distance entre le bord antérieur de l osinter- 
maxillaire et le bord postérieur du palais 0-076 0-090 
Distance entre le bord antérieur de l’os inter- 
maxillaire et le premier molaire ...... 0:052 0:065 
Largeur du palais entre les molaires anté- 
PICUES Aghsie wie Hsin VeRO Fe pelinaL: «eta 0°0085 0-010 
Largeur du palais entre les molaires posté- 
TICLE. «SPACER I Oe ere See 0-012 0-014 
Longueur des nasaux (prise sur la ligne 
meédiane)  ... + «< 2eieee mets se wate 0°045 0°052 
Longueur des frontaux (prise sur la ligne 
THEDIAHE)|y 5 ss\n/n, fermion ym tis eax Sh 0-044 0-062 
Longueur des pariétaux (prise sur la ligne 
ni¢diane)... sa se eke hee ™ oe iviaie’s oe = 0°033 0-040 
Largeur de museau devant le trou infra- 
orbitalre <, eee ieee tiet ein: Clie irieae aie = 0-030 0°030 
Largeur (la plus grande) du front ...... 0-048 0062 
Largeur du front entre les orbites ...... 0°035 0043 
Largeur (la plus grande) du crane ...... 0-090 0-100 
Largeur de la partie inférieure du craue 
(entre les trous auriculaires).-........ 0°048 0:050 
Largeur du Foramen magnum .........- 0-016 0-014 
Hauteur du Foramen magnum... -:....- 0-012 0:013 
Longueur du trou infra-orbitaire ........ 0°043 0-040 
Largeur du trou infra-orbitaire ........ 0-017 0-012 
Longueur de l’orbite + la cave temporale 0°040 0-042 
Distance entre le bord antérieur des inter- 
maxillaires et le bord antérieur de lorbite 0-066 0-080 
Largeur (la plus petite) de l’are, qui sépare 
le trou infra-orbitaire de Porbite ...... 0-005 0-010 
Longueur de la rangée des molaires (ma- 
ehoire Supenictre) . 5... ssemiouss ome oe 0:029 0-028 
Longueur des incisives (mach. supér.) .... 0°021 0-019 
Longueur de l’arcade zygomatique ...... 0-081 0-100 
Largeur de l’arcade zygomatique ........ 0°050 0-060 
Longueur de la machoire inférieure ...... 0-090 0-100 
Longueur de la rangée des molaires (mach. 
IMPERICHEC) «15 ne te eet iMe oh pe ss + 0°030 0-030 

Longueur des incisives (mach. inférieure) 0°030 0:038 


Dimensions des molaires du C. tuczanowskii. 

Miachoire supérieure. Macvhoire inférieure. 
jr { 0006 longueur. 1 1 9°006 longueur. 
0-005 largeur. 0-004 largeur. 
ome J 0°005 longueur. ome J 0°006 longueur. 
a 0-006 largeur. * 0-006 largeur. 
3me 0-008 longueur. gme J 0°007 longueur. 
0°007 largeur. a 0:007 largeur. 
4me 0:008 longueur. 4me 0-008 longueur. 
0-006 largeur. 0-007 largeur. 

Le male du C. taczanowskii, dont les mesures ont été données 
ci-dessus, parait étre compléetement adulte. Néanmoins son crane 
présente plusieurs caractéres du jeune du C. paca, comme par exemple 
le manque des sillons sur le front, le moindre développement des 
sillons sur l’arcade zygomatique et le manque des angles saillants 
dans la suture naso-frontale. Je suis donc conduit a croire, que c’est 
une forme plus primitive que le C. puca, P opinion qui se confirme 
aussi par la structure plus primitive des molaires chez lespéce 

Meurs et habitudes.—La forme, dont je me permets de présenter 
la description, habite les montagnes de |’Equadeur entre 6000 
et 10,000 pieds au dessus du niveau de la mer. Elle n’est pas trés 
rare dans les foréts des deux versants des Andes. A la maniére du 
paca, le “ Sacha-cui”’ creuse un terrier 4 deux sorties, ou il se 
refugie devant la persécution des ennemis. D’apres Popinion du 
chasseur, qui m’a fourni les deux exemplaires, qui se trouvent 
actuellement au Musée Zoologique de Varsovie, le couple habite le 
méme trou. La femelle, qui était prise au mois de Mars, était au 
point de mettre bas un petit. La viande du “ Sacha-cui,” qui possede 
un gotit exquis, est tres recherchée par les habitants du pays. 

Ou le chasse 4 aide des chiens, devant lesquels animal se 
refugie dans son terrier; on bouche alors une des sorties, on met 
du feu dans lautre et on tue & coups de baton animal, qui veut 
orcer la sortie. 

Je suis heureux de pouvoir dédier cette curieuse forme a2 mon 
ami, Mr. Ladislas Taczanowski, savant conservatenr du Musée Zoo- 
logique de Varsovie et promoteur de nos voyages dans |’ Amérique 

168 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

February 17, 1885. 
Osbert Salvin, Esq., F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary made the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during January 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of January was 81, of which 6 were by birth, 
41 by presentation, 22 by purchase, 1 by exchange, and 11] were 
received on deposit. The total number of departures during the 
same period, by death and removals, was 100. 

The most noticeable additions during the month were :— 

1, A female Black-and- Yellow Hawfinch (Mycerobas melanoxanthus) 
from Northern India, and an Andaman Starling (Sturnia andama- 
nensis) from the Andaman Islands, purchased January 10th. Both 
these species are new to the Society’s Collection. 

2. A young male European Moose (Alces machlis), presented by 
Evelyn Hubbard, Esq., January 22nd. Mr. Hubbard informs us 
that this animal was captured on the Ladoga, Russia, when evidently 
but just dropped, in June 1884. It has been placed in the Gardens 
in company with an American specimen of the Moose, purchased in 
April 1884, so that the two forms of this animal, sometimes supposed 
to be of different species, may now be seen side by side. 

3. A pair of Yaks (Poéphagus grunniens), purchased January 23rd. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. On the Structural Characters and Classification of the 
Cuckoos. By Frank E. Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.E., 
Prosector to the Society. 

[Received February 17, 1885.] 

The structure of the Cuckoos and their affinities to other birds 
have been discussed by several writers; but no one, so far as I am 
aware, has attempted to indicate the mutual resemblances and 
differences between the very numerous genera which compose the 
family, except as regards particular structures: thus Nitzsch * has 
pointed out the variations in the disposition of the feather-traets, and 
Garrod has classified the Family by the muscles of the thigh*. In 
the present paper it will be my endeavour to supply this deficiency so 
far as the material accessible enables me to do so, and to reeord those 
structures which vary in the different genera of Cuckoos, laying 

particular stress upon such as appear to bear upon the classification 
of the family. 

1 Pterylography, Eng. Hd. p. 91. 2 Coll. Papers, p. 220. 

1885. ] MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. 169 

The genera which I have studied myself are the following :— 

Cuculus. Eudynamis. 
Cacomantis. Pheenicophaes. 
Piaya. Crotophaga. 
Saurothera. Geococcyzx. 
Cocecyzus. Centropus. 
Diplopterus. Pyrrhocentor. 

T have also been able to incorporate some deductions from the 
MS. notes of my two predecessors upon Chrysococcyx and Coua. 

There remain therefore a considerable number of genera which I 
have not been able to examine ; such an omission will doubtless take 
away from the value of the scheme of classification proposed here ; 
but in any case the facts recorded will, I trust, remain as facts and be 
at least an assistance towards a proper classification even if they do 
not indicate its main outlines. 

Mr. Sharpe, in a paper on the Cuckoos of the Ethiopian Region ’, 
distinguishes two subfamilies—(1) Cuculine, including only Cuculus 
and Coccystes, and (2) Phenicophaine, including Phenicophaes,Coua, 
Centropus, &e. This division appears to me to be, so far as I have 
been able to follow it by a study of the anatomical characters of the 
several genera, a natural one. I have separated, as will be seen later, 
Pheenicophaes and Eudynamis from the other genera belonging to 
Mr. Sharpe’s subfamily Phcenicophainz into a distinct subfamily, 
for which I retain his name, including the other genera Centropus, 
Coua, &c. in a separate subfamily which may be termed Centropodine; 
nevertheless there is a far closer agreement between the Pheenico- 
phainze and Centropodinze than between either of these and the 
Cuculine. Mr. Sharpe further remarks that it is difficult to place 
the American genus Neomorphus away from Phenicophaes ; that it is 
impossible to separate the American from the Old-World Cuckoos 
I hope to be able to show in the present paper. 

The structures which I have chiefly made use of for classificatory 
purposes are, (1) the muscles of the thigh, (2) the syrinx, (3) the 
pterylosis ; the variations exhibited elsewhere do not appear to me 
to be of sufficient importance to serve as a standard of classifi- 

It may, however, be worth while to record briefly some of the 
differences that I have noticed in other structures besides the three 
which I propose to describe more or less in detail. 

The gall-bladder is stated by Owen * to be wanting in almost all 
the Cuculide. This statement is by no means correct ; indeed the 
gall-bladder appears to be very generally present and those cases 
where it is absent are the exceptions; it is present in Saurothera, 
Coecyzus, Pyrrhocentor, and Cuculus, but appears to be absent in 
Crotophaga, and occasionally in Centropus : Coua according to Milne- 

» P. Z.8. 1873, p. 578. ? Comp. Anat. vol. ii. p. 177. 


Edwards’ has a gall-bladder ; I have failed to find one in Hudynamis 

Seeing that the gall-bladder is occasionally absent and occasionally 
present in the same genus (Centropus), it does not appear to me to 
be advisable to make use of it as a systematic character. 

The variations exhibited in the tendons of the patagium are very 
inconspicuous ; the general disposition of the tendon of the tensor 
patagii brevis has been described by Garrod *; the only genus which 
at all departs from this is Geococcyz, in which the tendon of the ¢ensor 
patagii brevis sends off a short branch forwards attached to the 
extensor metacarpi radialis a little way in front of the attachment of 
the main part of the tendon. 

The number of rectrices is not, as Nitzsch has stated, constantly 
10; in Guira and Crotophaga this number is reduced to 8. ‘This 
is another reason in addition to those stated below for associating 
together these two genera, 

Muscles of the Thigh.—Mr. Garrod has proposed to divide the 
Cuculidie into two subfamilies according to whether they possess or 
lack the accessory femoro-caudal muscle ; the muscle-formula of one 
group, the Centropodine, is therefore A B X Y; that of the second 
subfamily, the Cuculine, A X Y ; adding to his list those species 
subsequently dissected by himself and also by Mr. Forbes and by 
myself, I find the following arrangement :— 

CrenTRopopIN#Z, ABX Y. Cucutins, A X Y. 
Centropus phasianus. Cuculus canorus. 
Geococcyx affinis. Coccyzus americanus. 
Geococcyx sp. Piaya cayana. 
Crotophaga ani. Cacomantis sepulchralis. 
Pyrrhocentor celebensis. Saurothera dominicensis. 
Rhinococcyx curvirostris. Saurothera vielloti. 
Guira pirigua. Diplopterus nevius. 
Pheenicophaes sp. 

Eudynamis taitensis. 
Eudynamis orientalis. 

Syring.—So far as I have had the opportunity of studying the 
structure of the syrinx in the Cuckoos, this organ appears to present 
two chief modifications :—(1) the ordinary tracheo-bronchial syrinx as 
in Cuculus ; (2) the bronchial syrinx, which has been long known as 
characteristic of Crotophaga, but which also distinguishes a number of 
other genera. Inthe following brief description of the syrinx in the 
several genera only the more essential points have been indicated. 

Cuculus canorus.—The syrinx is tracheo-bronchial ; the tracheal 
and first bronchial rings are largely ossified; the anterior tracheal 
rings are of uniform width throughout ; the posterior rings, as in 
Steatornis* and other birds, alternately overlap each other, and so 

1 Histoire Nat. de Madagascar, Texte i. 1° partie, p. 174. 
2 Loe. cit. p. 360. 3 Cf. Garrod, Coll. Papers, p. 184. 

1885. ] MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS, 171 

present the appearance of being wider on one side than on the other ; 
the first four bronchial semirings increase in length and in breadth 
progressively ; they are ossified and firmly united together ; to the 
last of these the single syringeal muscle of either side is attached ; 
there is a well-developed bony pessulus which does not fuse with the 
last tracheal ring anteriorly, but is inserted between its slightly diva- 
ricated extremities; the remaining bronchial semirings are carti- 

Piaya cayana.—The syrinx of this Cuckoo is tracheo-bronchial ; 
the last ring of the trachea (see fig. 1) is considerably more slender 
than the rest ; the two first bronchial semirings are of about the 
same diameter; the third bronchial semiring is of, compara- 

Fig. 1. 

Syrinx of Piaya cayana. 

tively speaking, enormous size, and to it are attached the intrinsic 
muscles of the syrinx, one on either side; the following ring is much 
narrower, but about the same lateral diameter; the rest rapidly 
diminish in size. P 

The syrinx of Saurothera dominicensis resembles in almost every 
particular that of Piaya cayana; the only difference worth remark- 
ing upon is that the third bronchial semiring, to which the intrinsic 
muscles of the syrinx are attached, is not so markedly larger than 
the other rings of the bronchi. 

Diplopterus nevius, again, shows no great differences in the struc- 
ture of its syrinx from Piaya and Saurothera; it more particularly 
resembles the latter in the comparatively small size of the third 
bronchial semiring. 

172 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

Eudynamis taitensis.—The syrinx is on the whole similar to that 
of Cuculus. The last tracheal ring and the first three bronchial 
semirings are completely ossified ; there is a strong bony pessulus 
present ; the syringeal muscles are attached to the third bronchial 
semiring ; the succeeding bronchial semirings are slight and carti- 
laginous ; from the first of these an oval thick ossified piece projects 
into the substance of the membrana tympaniformis. 

Phenicophaes, as far as could be made out from a single 
damaged syrinx, presents no important differences from Hudynamis. 

In Pyrrhocentor celebensis the syrinx is bronchial ; on the dorsal 
side the last tracheal rings are incomplete and pass gradually without 
any break into the bronchial semirings ; there is a slender pessulus 
attached to the last tracheal ring ventrally ; ventrally the tracheal 
rings are complete; the bronchial semirings increase gradually in 
breadth up to the 16th; the 16th and 17th rings are considerably 
stouter than the rest; the remaining rings of the bronchi are very 

Fig. 2. 

a. Front. b. Back. 

Syrinx of Centropus ateralbus. 

slight ; the inner ends of the bronchial semirings are connected by 
a continuous membrane, which is extremely narrow until about the 
13th ring, when it widens out and forms the membrana tympani- 
formis ; this region of the bronchus forms the vocal organ. 

There is a single pair of syringeal muscles which form a flat thin 
layer nearly completely covering the ventral surface of the bronchi 
and attached below to the 16th bronchial semiring. 

In Centropus ateralbus (fig. 2) the syrinx is much like that of 
Geococcyx and Pyrrhocentor, and, as might be expected, is more 
particularly similar to that of the last genus. The bronchial rings 

1885. ] MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. 173 

are incomplete internally and closed by membrane ; in the first 
fifteen rings the membranous area is very narrow, but it widens out 
at the 16th ring, where the voice-organ is situated ; the 16th and 
17th rings are considerably stouter and stronger than the rest, and 
to the former are attached the syringeal muscles; the extrinsic 
muscles of the syrinx are given off from the trachea just before its 

Centropus rufipennis has a perfectly similar syrinx. 

Geococcyx affinis—The syrinx of Geococcya is constructed on 
the same type as that of Pyrrhocentor, and indeed resembles it so 
closely that no special description is necessary ; the voice-organ is, 
however, a little nearer to the trachea, the intrinsic muscles being 
inserted upon the 13th bronchial semirings. 

Crotophaga ani is well known to possess a bronchial syrinx, which 
may be considered as more specialized than that of Geococeya and 
Pyrrhocentor, in that the membrana tympaniformis is limited to the 
posterior bronchial rings, commencing with about the 7th, and does not 
extend up to the point of bifureation of the bronchi; in this respect 
the syrinx of Crotophaga resembles that of Steatornis, which has 
been carefully described by Prof. Garrod’. 

Asin that bird, the bronchi arise from the trachea much as 
they do in the Mammalia; the first nine rings of each bronchus are 
entire ; the tenth and eleventh rings are considerably wider from side 
to side, and their extremities are connected by membrane which 
forms the inner neck of the bronchus ; the succeeding rings become 
gradually narrower and are similarly completed internally by mem- 
brane. In Steatornis the membrana tympaniformis is only of limited 
extent, the posterior rings of the bronchi being, like the anterior rings, 
complete; in Crotophaga this is not the case—all the bronchial rings, 
commencing with the seventh, are semirings; there isa single pair 
of slender intrinsic muscles attached one on each side to the tenth 
bronchial semiring. 

Guira.—The syrinx of Guira pirigua is a very remarkable one ; 
on a superficial view it appears to resemble very closely that of 
Cuculus, and to be tracheo-bronchial instead of bronchial, as would 
be expected from the close agreement in other structural characters 
of Guira with Crotophaga and Geococcyx; a closer examination, 
however, shows that the syrinx is really bronchial. 

The apparent resemblance to the tracheo-bronchial syrinx is caused 
by the fact that the voice-organ of Guira is situated at the upper 
end of each bronchus close to the trachea, instead of being as in 
Crotophaga nearer to the entrance of the bronchus into the lung; 
the first two or three rings of each bronchus are complete rings ; 
from the fourth onwards the rings only occupy the outer section of 
the bronchus and are completed internally by membrane ; the sixth 
semiring is closely attached to the preceding bronchial rings and 
upon it are inserted the syringeal muscles. There is another pecu- 
liarity in this syrinx in the presence of an additional pair of muscles 
lying on the dorsal surface and attached to the end of the trachea ; 

1 Coll. Papers, p. 188. 

174 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

the remaining bronchial semirings are not closely united, but sepa- 
rated by considerable membranous intervals. 

Impressed by the difficulty of detecting the true nature of the 
syrinx in Guira pirigua, I carefully reexamined Pheenicophaes and 
Eudynamis to prevent a possible error in the statement just made 
concerning the syrinx of these two genera, but I was unable to see 
that the syrinx was other than tracheo-bronchial as in Cuculus, 
Piaya, &e. 

Coua ruficeps.—The following description of the syrinx of this 
Cuckoo is compiled from sketches made by Prof. Garrod. It appears 
to resemble in all essentials the syrinx of Centropus, Pyrrhocentor, 
&e. ; the first seven bronchial semirings are more or less firmly united, 
and their inner extremities are separated by a narrow membranous 
interval ; the intrinsic muscles of the syrinx are attached to the 
seventh bronchial semiring ; the remaining semirings are not so 
complete as the anterior ones, and the extent of the membrane 
uniting their inner extremities is therefore wider and forms the 
membrana tympaniformis. 

Pterylosis.—The fact that the various genera of Cuckoos differ 
in the arrangement of the feather-tracts was first pointed out by 
Nitzsch. He distinguished three groups: in the first “the pectoral 
portion of the inferior tract is dilated, uniformly sparsely feathered, 
and extended over the whole breast ;” to this group belong Cuculus 
and Eudynamis. In the second group, ‘the pectoral portion of the 
inferior tract is not quite so broad but more densely feathered, and 
encloses posteriorly a narrow insular space ;” this group contained 
the genera Scythrops, Centropus, Crotophaga, Saurothera, &c. 
Finally, the Phcenicophainze are characterized thus :—‘ The dilated 
pectoral part of the inferior tract is narrow and of uniform breadth, 
and encloses no space.”” 

I do not find, however, that Nitzsch’s account applies altogether 
to the specimens that I have studied, though he is undoubtedly right 
in calling attention to the considerable differences that are found 
in the arrangement of the feather-tracts in this family. Before 
indicating what appear to me to be the classificatory results that may 
be obtained from a study of the pterylosis of the Cuculide, it will be 
best to describe the genera separately. 

Cuculus canorus.—Nitzsch’s description of the pterylosis of this 
Cuckoo appears to me to be for the most part correct ; I recapitulate 
it here for the purposes of an easier comparison with the other 

The feathering on the throat completely occupies the inter- 
mandibular space, the feathers are more closely placed anteriorly 
and become more sparsely distributed posteriorly. ‘The ventral tract 
is very soon separated into its two halves, in each of which the feathers 
are arranged in parallel lines inclined at an oblique angle to either 
axis of the neck. Over the sternum the pectoral tract is very wide, 
becoming gradually narrower posteriorly until it terminates in a 
single row of feathers some way in front of the anus. There is no 
indication of any division of the ventral tract such as is characteristic 


of the genera Centropus, Geocoecyx, &e.; but the three rows of 
feathers which form the posterior portion of the tract become 
separated from each other by intervals, as in Cacomantis, before 
reuniting in front of the cloaca. The spinal tract is narrow in the 
neck, and up to a little way beyond its bifurcation, between the 
shoulder-blades, is strongly feathered; the rest of the spinal tract 
encloses, as in other Cuckoos, a lanceolate space, and is continuous 
behind with a strong row of feathers running to the base of the oil- 

Cacomantis sepulchralis.—The pterylosis of this Cuckoo is not 

Fig. 3. 

Pterylosis of Cacomantis sepulchralis. 

widely different from that of Cuculus. The inferior tract divides into 
two about halfway down the neck ; the skin lying between the rami of 
the mandibles is free from feathers on either side of the middle line, 
which is occupied by the commencement of the feather-tract, but the 
space thus left bare is extremely narrow. On the pectoral region the 
feathering is strong, about four feathers wide over the whole of the 

176 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

sternum ; below the attachment of the humerus a stronger band is 
given off which runs as far as the axilla, and a few scattered feathers 
in front of this also connect the ventral tract with the wing ; just at 
the posterior margin of the sternum the feathers of the ventral tract 
become arranged in three rows, one deep, and the interspaces between 
the rows become wider and then-again narrow in front of the anus ; 
the ventral tract ceases to be distinguishable on either side at about 
the end of the pubes. 

The upper surface of the head is completely feathered ; the spinal 
tract does not seem to differ much in its disposition from other 

This description also applies to Cacomantis lanceolatus. 

Piaya cayana.—The interior tract (fig. 4) is divided from the point of 

Pterylosis of Piaya cayana. 

its origin at the base of the mandibular symphysis ; at the junction of 
the head with the neck it gives off a number of branches arranged 
parallel with each other joining the dorsal tract, as shown in the 


accompanying figure ; further down it is continuous with the 
humeral tract ; on the pectoral and abdominal regions the tract on 
either side is very narrow, only two or three feathers wide upon the 
hinder portion of the sternum, and terminating just in front of the 
cloacal aperture ; the widest section of the pectoral portion of the 
tract is close to the origin of the humerus, where it gives off a short 
branch to the under surface of the wing; beyond this branch the tract 
is about three feathers wide and narrows gradually, as already stated, 
to its termination just in front of the cloaca. 

Fig. 5, 

Pterylosis of Piaya cayana. 

Just on a level with the posterior margin of the sternum (as near 
as I could judge from a specimen that has been considerably 
damaged) the breadth of the ventral tract decreases from three to 
two feathers, and at this point the outer row of feathers diverges 
somewhat from the inner tract and thus forms a small rudiment of 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XII. 12 

178 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb2 17, 

the outer bifurcation of the ventral tract found in Geococcyx, &e. ; 
this outer bifurcation is only three feathers long in Piaya cayana’. 

The upper surface of the head is sparsely feathered; the spinal 
tract is first continuous round the sides of the neck with the paired 
ventral tract ; posteriorly it narrows, and at the level of the anterior 
end of the scapula bifurcates into two slender branches, each composed 
of only four feathers, arranged as shown in the drawing (fig. 5, 
p- 177); posteriorly there is a slight break between this portion of 
the dorsal tract and the rest, which is considerably wider and is 
continuous with the feathering on the upper surface of the thigh ; 
about opposite the attachment of the femur the spinal tract of both 
sides becomes fused and runs as a single tract closely feathered to the 
base of the oil-gland. On the ventral surface of the uropygium are 
two short tracts, one on either side, which unite behind the aperture 
of the cloaca; these are not continuous with the ventral tracts in 
front, but with the dorsal tract and the feathering over the thigh. 

It will be clear from this description of the pterylosis that 
Piaya cayana should be placed in the Cuculine division of the 
family, and the structure of its syrinx is in harmony with this 
arrangement. On referring to Nitszch, however, I find that Piaya 
cayana (under the name of Coccygius cayanus) is placed in the same 
group with Centropus, Crotophaga, &c. I cannot agree with this 
systematization at all. In only one individual of Peaya cayana, 
examined by myself, the inferior tract of either side showed a 
faint trace of a bifurcation posteriorly, and though the comparatively 
narrow inferior tract with its close feathering is rather different from 
that of Cuculus, it is clearly with that genus rather than with 
Geococcyx that Piaya cayana should be classified. 

Coccyzus americanus.—The ventral tract, as in Piaya cayana, is 
double from just after its point of origin at the mandibular symphysis; 
the two halves, however, reunite before the junction of the head with 
the neck, but very shortly after again become separate. The rest of 
the ventral tract is so like that of Piaya that there is no need to 
describe it ; I did not, however, find the rudimentary outer branch 
indicated in the figure of Piaya, but as this part of the skin was 
rather damaged, I cannot speak with certainty. The spinal tract is 
like that of Piaya, but the break between the anterior and posterior 
sections of the tract hardly exists. 

Saurothera dominicensis.—The inferior tract is double at its point 
of origin close to the mandibular symphysis, asin Piaya cayana; each 
tract is here extremely narrow, two to three feathers wide, and is 
separated from its fellow and from the edge of the mandible by 
narrow spaces devoid of feathers, each of which is almost exactly of 
the same width as the tract itself. 

At the junction of the head with the neck the inferior tract becomes 
single, and the feathers have the chevron-like arrangement already 
referred to in other genera; about halfway down the neck the 

? I only noticed this in one specimen; in others each pectoral tract was 
quite single. 

1885. ] MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS, 179 

inferior tract again divides, and each half is continued on either side 
of the sternal carina, narrowing gradually, until the termination, a 
little way in front of the cloaca; on either side a branch two 
feathers wide is given off to the humeral tract and another of the 
same width to the row of feathers which occupies the anterior portion 
of the patagium; the inferior tract of either side has no outer 
branch ; and the disposition of the whole tract is therefore similar to 
that of Cuculus and Piaya, more especially the latter. The spinal 
tract is narrow and very closely feathered upon the neck; it 
bifurcates into two narrow, also closely feathered tracts at the 
junction of the neck with the body; the rest of the spinal tract 
is separated by a distinct break from the anterior portion, and 
considerably wider, and at the same time less closely feathered upon 
the lumbar region, where it is continuous with the femoral tract ; 
on a level with the articulation of the femora the two halves of the 
spinal tract reunite and run as far back as the base of the oil-gland 
as a single closely-feathered tract. 

Diplopierus nevius—I have only been able to examine one 
example of this Cuckoo, but, so far as I could make out from that 
example, the pterylosis agrees fairly closely with that of the 
Cuculine forms, as it might be expected to do from the structure of 
the syrinx ; I do not, however, feel able to speak at all positively 
upon the subject. 

Geococcyx.—Of this genus I have been able to examine Geococeyx 
afinis, and another species not named; it does not present any 
differences from G. affinis. 

The ventral tract commences from the point of junction of the two 
rami of the lower jaw, and at first only occupies the extreme middle 
of the area of stem uniting the mandibles ; further back it becomes 
wider ; on the neck the feathers have the characteristic arrangement 
already referred to under the description of Centropus. The ventral 
tract, after giving off a single row of feathers to the hyposternum, 
divides as usual: the inner broader limb is two feathers wide, the 
outer is a single row of feathers ; they do not reunite posteriorly. 

The spinal tract increases in strength, but decreases in width, 
towards the junction of the neck with the trunk ; as in other species 
(e. g. Centropus) there is a complete, or an almost complete, break 
between the cervical portion of the spinal tract and its two posterior 
halves; furthermore the anterior portion of the tract does not 
bifurcate posteriorly, but ends abruptly between the shoulder-blades, 
being at this point two feathers wide. The spinal tract is not connected 
with the humeral tract, there is acompletely nude space between them. 
The two halves of the posterior section of the spinal tract are 
separated by a considerable break from the cervical section ; at first 
each is formed of a very few scattered feathers, but the feathering 
soon gets stronger; at about the level of the attachment of the 
femora the two halves of the spinal tract unite. 

The femoral tract is very distinct in this Cuckoo, more so than in 
any species which I have examined: instead of a diffuse feathering 
over the whole upper surface of the thigh, the feathers are mainly 


180 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

concentrated inte a stout band which traverses the upper part of the 
thigh in a direction nearly at right angles with its long axis. 

Pyrrhocentor celebensis.—In so far as I could make out from a 
considerably damaged specimen, the pterylosis of Pyrrhocentor 
celebensis is “ Centropine,”’ and hardly differs except in detail from 
Centropus (see fig. 7, p. 184) and Geococcyz. 

The spinal tract is strong on the neck, about five feathers wide ; 
at the commencement of the shoulder-blades (at the point of junction 
of the coracoid and scapula) the feathering seems to disappear 
altogether fora short space. As in the other genera of the family, the 
dorsal tract becomes double posteriorly, uniting at about the level of 
the articulation of the femora to form a single tract rather more 
closely feathered and running nearly as far as the base of the oil- 
gland. Behind the shoulder-blades each half of the spinal tract 
becomes of considerable width, though sparsely feathered, and is 
completely continuous with a uniform sparse feathering on the surface 
of the thigh. 

The two sides of the ventral tract only become separated near the 
junction of the neck with the body. 

The feathers of the neck portion of the ventral tract are, as in so 
many other species, arranged in parallel rows separated by con- 
siderable intervals ; the rows of one side are inclined to those on the 
other at an angle of about 60°, thus forming a series of “‘ chevrons ” 
very characteristic of these birds. The interspaces between the 
rami of the mandibles appear to be entirely occupied by rows of 
feathers ; for a very short distance the inferior tract of the neck is 
continuous with the superior tract. At the commencement of the 
thorax the ventral tract bifureates and gives off the humeral tract, 
which is at first three feathers, and subsequently two feathers, wide. 
On a level with the anterior margin of the sternum the ventral tract 
of either side bifurcates into an inner and outer limb; the latter is 
at first of some width, extending towards the axilla, and being 
continuous with a single row of feathers separated by wide intervals 
upon the hyposternum ; posteriorly it is only one feather wide and 
passes back parallel to the inner limb to its termination some way 
in front of the anus ; the inner limb of the ventral tract is regularly 
two feathers wide. 

Guira pirigua.—The ventral tract commences with a narrow row 
of feathers occupying the middle of the space between the two rami 
of the mandible, either side of this space being bare ; further back, 
however, the feathering fills the whole of the space between the 
mandibles. At a point some way below the articulation of the 
humerus with the shoulder-girdle, the pectoral tract of either side 
divides into two branches, and is here quite continuous with the 
humeral tract; the inner branch is two feathers wide at its com- 
mencement ; just before its termination in front of the cloaca, it 
becomes reduced to a single row of feathers. The outer branch is 
at first rather wider than the inner branch; from its commencement 
to the axilla it is two to three feathers wide ; at the axilla it emits a 


row of feathers to the wing; the posterior portion of the tract from 
this point onwards is composed of but a single row of closely-set 
feathers ; neither here nor in any other of the types examined by 
me could I see that the two branches of each pectoral tract become 
reunited, though Nitzsch describes and figures such an arrangement. 

The spinal tract is narrow and very closely and strongly feathered 
upon the neck ; it is separated by a considerable interval devoid of 
feathering from the humeral tract ; the latter is of a triangular form, 
wider anteriorly than posteriorly ; the spinal tract bifurcates between 
the scapulze, and for the rest of its extent is covered by weak scattered 
feathermg. As in other Cuckoos, the two halves of the spinal tract 
reunite some way in front of the oil-gland, and form a single tract 
more densely feathered. 

Crotophaga ani.—The disposition of the feather-tracts in this 
Cuckoo has been described by Nitzsch. 

The inferior tract commences at the mandibular symphysis aud 
passes back as a single tract to about the middle of the neck, where 
it bifurcates ; the skin of the throat lying between the rami of the 
mandibles is bare on either side of the median tract as in Geococcyx. 

The ventral tract is described by Nitzsch (J. e. p. 91) as dividing 
into two branches, which reunite at a level with the hinder margin 
of the sternum. In an example of Crotophaga ani examined by 
myself this was certainly not the case; the disposition of the two 
branches of this tract was precisely like what has already been de- 
scribed in Centropus. 

The head is continuously but sparsely feathered ; between the 
shoulders the spinal tract bifurcates, each branch being at first but one 
feather wide; at the commencement of the double portion of the 
spinal tract the feathers are very widely separated ; later on they get 
closer together, and this portion of the tract appears at first sight to 
be completely separated from the cervical portion. 

The pectoral tract of either side sends off a branch to the 
humeral tract, to the row of feathers which borders the patagial 
membrane in front and to the hypopteron; all these are separated 
by patches bare of feathers, or with merely one or two feathers scat- 
tered here and there. 

Ludynamis orientalis.—This bird does not appear to me to agree 
so closely with Cuculus in its pterylosis as has been stated by 
Nitzsch ; it differs in that each half of the ventral tract is bifid as 
in Geococcyz, &c. 

The ventral tract at its commencement entirely occupies the 
space between the two rami of the mandible; on the breast the 
tract is very wide, and is continuous along the tract that separates 
the wing from the leg with the spinal tract, the axilla itself being 
alone devoid of feathers; some way below the axilla the tract 
divides into two branches, of which the outer one is only a single 
row of feathers; these are at first very closely approximated, but 
gradually become somewhat more widely separated. The outer 
branch of the ventral tract ceases to be distinguishable some way in 
front of the pubes. ‘he inner branch is three feathers wide for 

182 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

nearly the whole of its extent ; posteriorly it is only two feathers 
wide and terminates in front of the cloaca, but further back than the 
point at which the outer branch terminates. 

The spinal tract is narrow on the neck but widens out con- 
siderably at the commencement of the trunk, where the feathering is 
less dense; at this point the spinal tract bifurcates to reunite a 
short way in front of the uropygium ; each half of the spinal tract 
is of considerable width, and there is no break between the anterior 

Fig. 6. 

Pterylosis of Ludynamis orientalis. 

and posterior section as is so commonly the case in other Cuckoos. 
Furthermore there is no such break between the spinal tract and 
the humeral tract as figured by Nitzsch in Cuculus canorus; the 
feathering is continuous from one to the other though sparse. 
Rhinococcyx (Phenicophaes) curvirostris.—This species is appa- 
rently synonymous with Phenicophaes viridirufus, of which the 
pterylosis is described by Nitzsch. I am unable, however, to verify 
his description with the specimen before me. The ventral tract is 
widest on the breast and becomes narrower posteriorly ; towards the 
posterior margin of the sternum each half divides again into two 

1885. ] MR. F, E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. 183 

branches ; just before the point of separation of these two branches, 
a row of feathers, at first wider, then narrowing to a single row, is 
given off to the hypopteron; the outer branch of the ventral tract 
is short and only consists of a single row of feathers; the inner 
branch is at first three feathers wide, then diminishes to two, and 
finally ends in a single row a little way in front of the cloaca. 

The spinal tract is, as usual, closely feathered and bifurcates 
between the shoulder-blades ; it is not counected by any feathering 
with the humeral tract, and is also separated by a more or less 
complete break from the remainder of the spinal tract. 

The latter at its commencement is somewhat narrow on either 
side, and is not in any way connected witb the ventral feathering ; 
posteriorly it widens out and is continuous with the femoral tract. 
The femoral tract consists of about six rows of feathers parallel with 
each other, and almost at right angles with the long axis of the 
limb, separated by considerable intervals; rather behind the point 
of articulation of the femora with the pelvis, the two halves of the 
spinal tract unite. 

It does not seem to me that Nitzsch has any grounds for separating, 
as he does, this genus of Cuckoos to form a separate group. Phani- 
cophaes is evidently closely allied to Geococcyx, Guira, &c., in its 

The arrangement of the feather-tracts in an example of a species 
of Centropus from Celebes (see fig. 7, p. 184) seems to me to be 
rather different from Nitzsch’s figure of C. philippensis’. 

The ventral tract is particularly closely and strongly feathered in 
the region of the throat, where the rows of feathers form a series of 
chevrons, quite in a similar fashion to that which I have already 
described in Cuculus; the feathering, moreover, entirely fills up 
the space between the two rami of the mandible. On a level 
with the attachment of the humerus is given off the humeral tract, 
which is also strongly and closely feathered; it is about three 
feathers wide, and at its commencement gives off a branch which 
runs along the anterior margin of the patagium ; the latter is not 
completely covered with feathers, which are distributed much as 
shown in the accompanying figure. Opposite the axilla the ventral 
tract of either side divides into two. The inner branch is at first 
two feathers wide, but just before its termination, a little way off 
the cloacal aperture, is reduced to a single row. The outer branch 
rapidly dwindles to a single row of feathers, and terminates some way 
in front of the inner branch, without, however, showing any signs of 
becoming fused with it. The ventral tract is therefore very different 
from that of Centropus philippensis as figured by Nitzsch (tab. 
et fig. cit.), where the two branches of either half of the tract are 
of equal breadth and reunite just in front of the cloaca. 

The feathering on the head is continuous but rather scanty on 
the upper surface of the head. The spinal tract is very closely and 
strongly feathered, and is of a pyramidal form, gradually diminishing 
in breadth from before backwards ; at about the level of the junction 

1 Toe cit. pl. iv. figs, 18, 14. 

184 MB. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

of the scapula and coracoid the spinal tract seems to disappear alto- 
gether or is at most connected by a few scattered feathers with the 
rest of the tract, which as in other species is double, the two halves 
uniting together opposite to the attachment of the femur; from 

Fig. 7. 

Pterylosis of Centropus celebensis. 

this pot to the termination of the tract at the base of the oil- 
gland the feathering is stronger. 

It will be seen from the descriptions given above, that two distinct 
types in the arrangement of the feather-tracts are recognizable :— 

A. The pectoral tract of either side is single, narrowing gradually 
towards its termination as a single row of feathers a short way in 
front of the cloaca. 

B. The pectoral tract of either side divides into two branches 
opposite the articulation of the humerus, which enclose no space 
but terminate separately, the inner branch further back than the 

Group A includes the geuera Cuculus, Cacomantis, Coccyzus, 
Piaya, and Saurothera, which differ from each other more or less in 

1885. | MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. 185 

detail, but agree in the main fact that the pectoral tract is single 
and not bifurcate. Cacomantis and Cuculus are in some respects 
different from the three other genera, as might indeed be expected 
from their different geographical range; they resemble each other in 
the peculiar arrangement of the ventral tract, which in its posterior 
portion at the end of the sternum is composed of three rows of 
feathers, of which the outer one, as shown in the accompanying 
drawing (fig. 3, p. 175), bends outward at soime distance from the 
inner rows but approaches them before its termination. The three 
American genera Piaya, Saurothera, and Coccyzus agree to differ 
from the Old-World representatives of this group, in that the ventral 
tract is double from the point of origin at the mandibular symphysis ; 
in Cuculus and Cacomantis the commencement of the ventral tract 
eecupies the whole, or nearly the whole, of the area lying between 
the two mandibular rami, and is single. 

Group B includes the genera Centropus, Pyrrhocentor, Geococcyx, 
Guira, Crotophoga, Phenicophaes (Rhinococcyx), and Ludynamis. 

Phenicophaes, although regarded by Nitzsch as differing in im- 
portant particulars from Centropus and Eudynamis, does not appear 
to me to display any such peculiarities in its pterylosis as would 
necessitate a further division of this group; it has been stated, how- 
ever, that both Phenicophaes and Eudynamis, although agreeing 
with the other genera of this group in their pterylosis, resemble 
Cuculus in possessing a tracheo-bronchial syrinx, and on this account 
should be placed apart. 

The remaining genera of this group may be arranged in two 
divisions :— 

(1) Crotophaga, Guira, and Geococcyx, where the ventral tract is 
narrow at its commencement, and only occupies the median portion 
of the intermandibular area. 

(2) Centropus and Pyrrhocentor, where the ventral tract at its 
commencement occupies the whole of the space between the rami of 
the mandibles. 

It will be observed that this arrangement conveniently separates 
the New-World from the Old-World genera, though the distinction 
is undoubtedly a very small one; perhaps the resemblance between 
Geoccocyx and Centropus in the matter of the syrinx should be 
made more account of, and these genera separated from Crotophaga 
and Guira. Recalling the structure of the syrinx in the several 
genera, it will be apparent that group A is also distinguishable from 
group B by means of the structure of this organ. In all the genera 
which I have associated together in the former of these two groups, 
the syrinx is tracheo-bronchial; in Group B, with the exception of 
the genera Eudynamis and Phenicophaes, the syrinx is bronchial, 
though by no means constructed on exactly the same type in the 
different genera; in Crotophaga and Guira the syrinx is purely 
bronchiai, inasmuch as the anterior rings of the bronchi are com- 
plete, and the membrana tympaniformis does not therefore extend 
up to the last tracheal ring ; and there can be no pessulus, and the 
tracheal rings therefore take no share in the formation of the voice- 

186 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE CUCKOOS. [Feb. 17, 

organ. In Geococcyx, Centropus, Pyrrhocentor, and Coua‘ the 
syrinx is somewhat intermediate between the bronchial and the 
tracheo-bronchial, but on the whole appears to me to present more 
resemblances to the former. 

The continuation of the membrana tympaniformis up to the bifur- 
cation of the bronchi, and the presence of a well-marked pessulus 
undoubtedly are points which characterize the tracheo-bronchial 
syrinx; on the other hand, the extreme narrowness of the membrana 
tympaniformis in the anterior half of each bronchus, and its sudden 
widening out at that bronchial semiring upon which the intrinsic 
muscles of the syrinx are attached, indicates that the syrinx of these 
genera is only separated by a very small interval from the bronchial 
syrinx of Crotophaga. 

A complete closure of the already very narrow interval separating 
the inner ends of the anterior bronchial semirings would bring 
about a syrinx entirely indistinguishable from that of Crotophaga ; in 
the ordinary tracheo-bronchial syrinx the membrana tympaniformis 
is widest anteriorly, and, if anything, diminishes posteriorly. 

Guira and Crotophaga further present an agreement with each 
other in having eight rectrices instead of the ten which characterize 
all the other genera of the family known to me’. 

The tracheo-bronchial syrinx of Hudynamis and Phenicophaes, 
combined with the Centropine characters exhibited in the pterylosis, 
appear to me to necessitate their separation both from the Cuculine 
and the Centropine forms. The muscle-formula of these two 
genera (see p. 170) is complete; and so far they agree with the 
Centropine and differ from the Cuculine genera ; they should perhaps 
form a third subfamily equivalent to either of the other two. 

The following table of classification will serve at least as an 
abstract of the facts contained in the present paper, and of the 
conclusions respecting the mutual affinities of the different genera, 
to be derived from a study of these facts. I do not of course 
pretend that as a system of classification it will be permanent ; but it 
may at any rate be an assistance towards a proper classification, 
which can only be drawn up when all the genera have been 
thoroughly studied. 

1T have not myself examined Cowa, but I possess sketches of its syrinx 
drawn by Mr. Garrod from specimens lent to him by M. A. Milne-Edwards. 
It is but fair to my predecessor to mention also, that several of the other 
syringes described in the present paper have been carefully drawn by him. 
The woodcuts which illustrate this paper are not, however, copied from Mr. 
Garrod’s sketches, which only came into my hands after the woodcuts had been 
already drawn by Mr. Smit. 

2 Mr. Sclater particularly associates these two genera in his ‘Catalogue of 
American Birds,’ p. 320. 


Family CUCULID. 

Subfamily I. Cuculine. Syrinx tracheo-bronchial ; pterylosis, 
ventral tract of both sides single. Muscle-formula 

a. Ventral tract single at its commencement. 

Genera Cuculus. 
Cacomantis. Old World. 
Coccystes (7). 

6. Ventral tract double at its commencement. 

Genera Saurothera. 
Diplopterus(?). New World 
Piaya. , 


Subfamily II. Phenicophaine. Syrinx tracheo-bronchial ; ptery- 
losis, ventral tract of both sides bifurcate. Muscle- 
formula ABXY+. : 

Genera Fud ynamis. Old World. 

Subfamily III. Centropodine. Syrinx bronchial; __pterylosis, 
ventral tract of both sides bifurcate; muscle-formula 


a, Ventral tract occupying whole of space between mandibles. 

Genera Pyrrhocentor. 
Centropus. Old World. 
Coua (?). 

6. Ventral tract only occupying median portion of space 
between mandibles. 

Genera Geococcyz. 
Crotophaga. » New World. 


2. On the Heart of Apteryz. By F. E. Bepparp, M.A., 
F.R.S.E., Prosector to the Society. 

{Received February 17, 1885.] 

The structure of the heart of Apteryx has been described some- 
what fully by Sir Richard Owen in his well-known memoir upon the 
anatomy of the Southern Apteryx ' ; this account is illustrated by two 
figures, one of which represents the heart in its entirety viewed from 
the right side, while the other is a view of the same region of the 
heart, with the wall of the right ventricle removed in order to 
display the structure of the right auriculo-ventricular valve. 

The description given of the right auriculo-ventricular valve is as 
follows :— 

«The principal deviation from the ornithic type of the structure 
of the heart is represented in the valve at the entry into the right 
ventricle (pl. lii. fig. 3). This is characterized in birds by its 
muscularity and its free semilunar margin. In the Apteryz it is 
relatively thinner and in some parts semitransparent and nearly 
membranous ; a process moreover extends from the middle of its free 
margin, which process is attached by two or three short chorde 
tendinee to the angle between the free and fixed parietes of the 
ventricle. We perceive in this mode of connection an approach in 
the present bird to the mammalian type of structure analogous to that 
which the Ornithorhynchus, among Mammalia, offers, in the structure 
of the same part, to the class of birds; for the right auriculo- 
ventricular valve in the Ornithorhynchus is partly fleshy and partly 

The figure which illustrates this description is entirely in harmony 
with it, but does not at all represent the structures observable in the 
hearts of Apteryx that I have myself studied. 

In a heart of Apteryx australis, which I found among the 
Prosector’s stores, the right-auriculo-ventricular valve is composed 
of two halves which unite together at a point nearly opposite the 
auriculo-ventricular aperture, and are connected there by a muscular 
flap to the dorsal (free) wall of the ventricle. The right half is the 
Jarger and arises chiefly from the free wall of the ventricle, partly, 
however, from the septum and from the point of union of the septum 
with the free wall; it is of uniform thickness and muscular through- 
out. The left half of the valve is considerably smaller; it arises 
from the inter-veutricular septum and from the septum between the 
ventricle and the auricle ; like the right valve, it is muscular through- 
out with the exception of a very minute membranous portion lying 
at the lower side of the valve; this portion of the auriculo-ventri- 
cular valve is not of uniform appearance like the left, but is formed 

1 Trans, Zool. Soe. vol. ii. p. 272. 


of a number of closely united fleshy columns. Just before the 
junction of the left half of the valve with the muscular flap already 
described two minute chorde tendinee connect it with the free wall 
of the ventricle between the attachments of the left half of the valve 
and the free muscular flap; the two are fused almost immediatel 
after their origin, and form a single excessively small fibrous band 
which is attached to a papillary muscle. 

I can find no trace of the chorde tendinee that Sir R. Owen figures 
arising from the lower margin of the valve and inserted towards the 
hinder end of the ventricular cavity ; the only structure at all similar 
is the slender fibrous band which I have described as connecting 
the valve with the free wall of the ventricle; this structure does not 
appear to me to be the same for reasons which I shall put forward 
in describing the heart of Apderyx oweni. With regard to the valve 
itself, it is not in my specimen “in some parts semitransparent and 
nearly membranous ;”’ the thickness of the valve, which, except for 
a small portion on the left half is entirely muscular, is by no means 
less than that of any other bird with which I have had the oppor- 
tunity of comparing it; the very slight development of membrane 
on the left half of the valve close to its origin is clearly a matter 
of no importance, since I have found this same feature to be more 
marked in Hupodotis and in other birds. In short, my heart of 
Apteryz, as well as a specimen in the possession of Prof. Lankester, 
which he kindly allowed me to inspect, and another preserved in the 
Oxford Museum, present no differences of any importance from 
the hearts of other birds. 

Of the heart of Apteryx oweni 1 have been able to examine two 
examples, in both ot which the right auriculo-ventricular valve has 
much the same structure. It only differs from that of A. australis 
in the presence of a stout muscular band arising from the septal wall 
of the ventricle and attached to its free wall close to the fleshy bridge 
which unites the free margin of the valve to the ventricular wall ; it 
gives off a short branch to the latter. This structure closely cor- 
responds to the ‘‘ moderator band ” described by Prof. Rolleston in 
the heart of the Cassowary ; the chorde-tendinee which I have de- 
scribed in the heart of A. australis probably represent the upper 
portion of the moderator band of A. oweni. 

I have examined a large series of hearts of birds with a view to 
discovering if there were any deviations from the normal type in the 
right auriculo-ventricular valve, but I can find none; the only diffe- 
rences at all are in the left-hand portion of the valve, which is more or 
less membranous, and in a specimen of Hupodotis australis appears 
to be entirely so. Gegenbaur, however, speaks of a rudimentary 
septal flap in Sarcorhamphus'’. 

? Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. ii. p. 380. 

190 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

3. Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, 
obtained by Mr. George Lewis during his Second 
Journey, from February 1880 to September 1881.— 
Part I. By Martin Jacosy. 

[Received February 2, 1885. ] 
(Plate XI.) 

Our knowledge of the Coleopterous fauna of Japan has during 
late years greatly increased, on account of many entomologists having 
visited this country, and the collections which they obtained having 
been well worked out by specialists. We have valuable monographs 
and descriptions by Mr. Bates, v. Harold, v. Kiesenwetter, Kraatz, 
Baly, and others ; yet, in spite of the considerable material already 
obtained, each new collection sent home from Japan seems to prove 
that many years must yet elapse before we can hope to be thoroughly 
acquainted with its Coleopterous fauna, since so many new species 
are continually discovered. 

Mr. Bates, in his paper on the Geodephagous Coleoptera obtained 
by Mr. Lewis during his second journey, has added no less than 
118 new species as well as many others not previously known from 
Japan. ‘To his remarks in regard to this journey as well as to the 
map accompanying his descriptions, and giving particulars as to 
Mr. Lewis’s route (Trans. Ent. Soc. 1883, ii.), I must here refer. 

The Phytophagous Coleoptera of this collection contain, besides 
those already obtained during Mr. Lewis’s first visit to Japan, and 
described by Mr. Baly, many new forms or species as well as a 
genus (Hemonia) not formerly recorded from Japan. Here, as in 
other groups, the relations of Japan to other countries seems to 
move in the same proportions; that is, we find identical genera 
and species which are known either from Siberia, India, and China 
or the Malayan regions, while a certain amount remains proper 
to Japan. 

The occurrence in the latter country of such genera as Chlamys 
and Lamprosoma, which are almost exclusively confined to South 
America (of Chlamys only 3 species have been described, from India 
and Malaya, of Lamprosoma a single one from Formosa), is certainly 
interesting ; amongst the Phytophaga, however, the greater pre- 
ponderance seems to be given to Siberian forms as far as we are able 
to judge at present. 

The present paper deals with those genera included to the end 
of the Chrysomelide, while the Halticinze and Galerucinee will form 
the subject of a second communication. 

Genus Hamonta, Latr. 
Hmonia JAPANA, 0. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 1.) 

Below black ; above testaceous ; head, antennee, anterior margin, 
and three longitudinal lines on the thorax black ; elytra with five 


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double rows of black punctures, their apex produced in a spine ; 
apex of the femora, tibiee, and tarsi spotted with black. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head deeply triangularly grooved between the eyes. Antenne 
half the length of the body, black; the second and third joints 
short, of equal length, fourth slightly longer, the two terminal joints 
slender and the longest. Thorax subquadrate, nearly as long as 
broad, the sides straight or slightly concave from before the middle to 
the base, anterior and posterior margins nearly straight, the space 
immediately behind the former thickened; surface impunctate, the 
anterior margin and three deeply impressed longitudinal grooves 
on the disk black; of these, the central one is straight and does 
not extend to the base, the lateral are oblique and extend to the 
posterior angles ; a few punctures are also seen in front of the base. 
Scutellum elongate, black, covered with fine silky pubescence. Elytra 
slightly depressed below the base, the intervals between the five 
black double rows of punctures raised, and as broad as the space 
between each two single rows; the apex of each elytron truncate 
and produced at the outer angle in along testaceous spine ;_ posterior 
first tarsal joint as long as the two following ones united; each joint 
as well as the extreme apex of the tibie and femora spotted with 
black ; the very long claw-joint also stained with piceous at its apex. 

Bukenji, April ; in a pond. 

The single specimen obtained by Mr. Lewis of this interesting 
little Hemonia will enter Lacordaire’s second division on account 
of the long first tarsal joint, and the short and equal second and 
third joints of the antennze. ‘The insect is well distinguished by the 
shining, not opaque thorax, and by the addition of the central black 
groove on the disk of the latter. By this last character it may be at 
once separated from H. equiseti, to which it seems otherwise closely 

Genus Donacra, Fabr. 

Elongate, depressed above, narrowed behind, of a metallic bronze 
colour ; below covered with silvery pubescence. Thorax square- 
shaped, covered with fine transverse strige; elytra obliquely de- 
pressed below the base, strongly punctate-striate, the interstices 
transversely wrinkled throughout; posterior femora with a short 

Length 3-44 lines. 

Head less shining, covered with fine pubescence, the space above 
the antenne raised in shape of two more or less distinct tubercles ; 
vertex without longitudinal groove. Antennz nearly as long as the 
body, the basal joint metallic, the rest black; the third and the 
two following joints of equal length, double as long as the second 
(in some specimens the fourth joint is slightly longer than the 
preceding). Thorax square-shaped, the sides constricted near the 
base, moderately thickened into a kind of callosity near the anterior 
angles, these latter with a short pointed tubercle, furnished with a 

192 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

single hair; surface closely, irregularly, and finely transversely 
wrinkled or rugose throughout; another similar tubercle like the 
anterior one, also furnished with a single seta, is placed at the posterior 
angles. Scutellum triangular, pubescent. Elytra distinctly narrowed 
behind, truncate at the apex, their surface flattened, with a generally 
distinct oblique depression from the shoulder to the suture, strongly 
punctate-striate to the apex; the interstices everywhere transversely 
wrinkled, but more strongly so towards the base. Legs slender, the 
posterior femora not quite extending to the apex of the elytra and 
furnished with a sbort acute tooth. 

The female is often much larger and especially broader, being 
sometimes of double the width of the male, and proportionally 
more robust; the elytra are also more strongly wrinkled as well as 
the thorax, and the antenne slightly shorter. 


Of this species many specimens were obtained living on a kind 
of water-lily, and although closely allied to several European and 
North-American forms, [ am unable to identify it with any of 
them. The nearest allied amongst the European Donacias seems 
to be D. aquatica, L. This species is, however, broader, less 
elongate and narrowed behind, the colour of the elytra is quite 
different, and their punctuation much finer and less deep; the 
basilar oblique depression is also much less distinct. The thirteen 
specimens before me of D. gracilipes show no variation whatever 
except in size, and the species may be principally known by the 
nearly square-shaped thorax, and its short, but acutely produced 
anterior and (to a less extent) posterior angles in connection with 
the oblique anterior elytral depression, and the slender third and 
fourth joints of the antenne. 

DoNnACIA CONSTRICTICOLLIS, sp. noy. (Plate XI. fig. 2.) 

Robust, convex, obscure cupreous or brownish neous ; antenne 
and legs ferruginous ; thorax much narrowed behind, shining and 
finely punctured ; elytra with a basilar depression, strongly punctate- 
striate ; the interstices transversely wrinkled; posterior femora with 
a broad tooth. 

Length 4-43 lines. 

Head closely pubescent, with a central impressed longitudinal line. 
Labrum and jaws fulvous. Third and fourth joints of the antennz 
equal; the three or four terminal ones fuscous or stained at their 
extremities only with that colour. ‘Thorax longer than broad, 
greatly narrowed near the base; the sides near the anterior angles 
strongly produced into a broad callus, below the latter less swollen ; 
surface covered with fine punctures, which are a little more closely 
placed and slightly confluent in the female near the anterior and 
posterior margin ; the latter with a shallow transverse groove; rest 
of the surface smooth and very shining. Apex of the elytra rounded. 
Femora robust, the posterior ones dilated into a broad triangular 
tooth. Abdomen tinged with rufous. 

Lake at Junsai. 


I can only compare this species with D. sulcicollis, from North 
America, to which if is certainly closely allied. The thorax is, 
however, much more narrowed behind than in that species and the 
anterior callosities are much more developed; another difference is 
to be found in the more elongate joints of the antenne and their 
comparative different length. D. discolor, Hoppe, may be at once 
distinguished from the present insect by the more opaque and con- 
fluently punctured thorax; the latter in D. constricticollis haying 
a highly polished appearance. 

Downacra sericea, L., var. stprrica? Solsky. 

The dozen specimens obtained at Nikko show scarcely any 
difference from our European form ; but may very well be referred to 
Solsky’s variety according to the description given by this author. 
In colour the specimens vary from reddish cupreous to green or 
veneous like the European D. sericea. Structural differences I can 
see none. 

DonactA SIMPLEX, Fab. 

Of this species Mr. Lewis obtained nine specimens at a pond at 
Hakodate. They also, like the preceding species, do not differ from 
the European form in any way whatever, and vary in size like it ; 
D. simplex has also been recorded from Siberia. 

Genus Synera, Eschsch. 

Of this species, of which I have the type for comparison, several 
specimens were obtained by Mr. Lewis which agree very nearly with 
the latter; but a number of others, partly from the same locality, 
seem at first sight certainly to represent a different species; and I 
have hesitated long before I came to a conclusive opinion in regard 
to their specific value. The very many intermediate forms, however, 
of which scarcely two are of the same size, sculpturing, and colour, 
which are before me, prove the insect to be an extremely variable 
one. On the same principle I am very much inclined to believe that 
those species described by LeConte from America, established 
principally on colour and more or less distinctly visible elytral costz, 
may eventually prove to belong to one species only. At all events, 
the specimens collected by Mr. Lewis defy a satisfactory separation : 
in some the thorax is much more elongate than is the case in 
S. adamsi, but intermediate stages are not wanting; in others two 
very distinct coste are visible, “these dwindling away again to the 
form with one distinct lateral costa only, as described by Baly. The 
thorax in all of them is like that of the type, angulate at the middle, 
the angle itself generally 3-dentate, in some specimens the in- 
termediate tooth being only distinct, the others obsolete. The 
following are the varieties with their localities :— 

Var. a. Head and thorax as well as the terminal joints of the 
antennz fuscous or black; elytra with a sutural and lateral broad 
longitudinal fuscous band. (Niohozan, Kiga, on birch.) 

Proc. Zooxu. Soc.—1885, No. XIII. 13 

- 194 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

Var. b. Elytra and antenne fulvous; the suture and a narrow 
lateral stripe fuscous ; the cost, with the exception of the fourth 
indistinct ; rest asin Var. a. (Nikko, Miya, Kiga.) 

Var. c. Larger, the elytra: more smoothly punctured, without any 
costee ; testaceous, thorax stained with fuscous. (Nikaido.) 

From the above localities specimens agreeing with the type in 
colour and structure were also obtained ; between this and the above 
varieties some more intermediate stages in colour and sculpture are 
present, and it will be seen that Mr. Baly drew his descriptions from 
unicolorous fulvous specimens ; the same author describes the thorax 
as transverse, with which some specimens (9 ) agree; in the males 
the thorax is, however, much longer although agreeing in every 
other respect; but I have no doubt that all belong to one species. 
The specimens vary in size from 2-4 lines. 

Genus Lema, Fabr. 
Lema apamst, Baly. 

A variety of this species, obtained at Yuyama, differs from the 
typical form in having the elytral spots joined in shape of a longi- 
tudinal broad band which occupies nearly the entire disk, leaving 
only the sutural and lateral margin fulvous; the tibize and tarsi are 
also entirely black ; in other respects there is no difference. I may 
further remark that the specimens contained in the collection of 
Mr. Lewis, as well as the variety described here, have the first joint 
of the antenne fulvous only, not the two first as mentioned by 
Mr. Baly. 

Lema piLecra, Baly. 

All the specimens before me, obtained at Ogura Lake and Kioto, 
have black legs, with the exception of the base of the tibize, which is 
fulvous ; in the type the legs are entirely of that colour; but I can 
find no other differences whatever. 

Genus Criocerts, Geoffr. 
CRIOCERIS LEWISI, n. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 3.) 

Oblong, parallel, subdepressed, black ; thorax fulvous, impunctate, 
three spots on the disk and one at each side black; elytra fulvous, 
deeply punctate-striate ; the interstices partially costate, the suture 
and a longitudinal band on each elytron black. 

Length 23 lines. 

Head deeply constricted behind the eyes, with a deep longitudinal 
groove between the eyes, the latter large and very prominent ; orbital 
grooves distinct, the space between it and the eyes thinly covered 
with yellow pubescence as well as the lower part of the face. Antennze 
more than half the length of the body, black ; the three or four lower 
joints shining, the rest covered with close pubescence, dilated; the 
second to the fourth joints gradually elongate. Thorax subquadrate, 
moderately constricted at the middle, without a basilar groove, fulvous; 
three elongate spots placed triangularly on the disk and a long narrow 


hand at the sides black ; surface impunctate, a few punctures only 
are placed near the sides. Scutellum black. Elytra much wider at 
the base than the thorax, subquadrate-oblong, the punctured strize 
arranged in the following way :—a double row placed close to the 
sutural margin, the following space broader than that occupied by 
the punctures and raised in a costa near the apex; the eight 
following rows of punctures regularly placed, but the first and the 
last three of these very deeply impressed ; the interspace in front of 
the last two rows costate ; the black sutural band extends to the first 
row of punctures, the discoidal band occupies the space between the 
third and eighth rows, both bands are connected with a small 
triangular black spot at the apex. Underside and legs are entirely 

Nikko. A single specimen. 


Below, the lower part of the head, a spot at the vertex, antenne, 
and legs black; thorax cylindrical, fulvous; elytra testaceous, 
distinctly punctate-striate. 

Length 23 lines. 

Head impunctate, black, sparingly covered with yellow pubescence; 
vertex fulvous, with an elongate blackish central spot. Antennze 
half the length of the body, black, the second joint extremely short. 
Thorax cylindrical, scarcely constricted at the middle, with a narrow 
transverse groove close to the basal margin; surface remotely and 
very finely punctured, fulvous, the sides below black. Scutellum 
black. Elytra convex, of paler colour than the thorax, regularly and 
rather strongly punctate-striate, the punctuation getting finer towards 
the apex; at the shoulder a small piceous spot is visible. Underside 
and legs black. 


Of this species only a single specimen is before me, which instructure 
is without doubt closely allied to C. 12-punctata and several others, 
in which the thorax is nearly cylindrical. The absence of any spots 
at the disk of the elytra and the general colour of the present species 
will help to distinguish it. 

Genus PepRILLIA, Westw. 

In all the specimens which were obtained at Nikko the black 
spot of the head and thorax as described by Mr. Baly is wanting, 
but in every other respect the insects agree. 


Black, pubescent ; elytra testaceous, closely punctured. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head strongly punctured in front of the eyes, the intermediate 
space and the vertex smooth and shining; eyes deeply notched; the 
space in front of the clypeus deeply foveolate. Antenne half the 


196 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17 

length of the body, black, the third and fourth joints equal, the 
rest shorter, somewhat trigonately shaped. Thorax scarcely broader 
than long, the sides before the middle produced in a rounded promi- 
nence ; another less strongly marked protuberance is placed close to 
the posterior margins at the sides; surface convex at the anterior 
portion, the latter divided by a short longitudinal groove; disk 
strongly but not very closely punctured and covered with rather long 
yellow pubescence. Elytra subdepressed anteriorly, nearly parallel, 
more strongly punctured than the thorax, and pubescent like the 
latter. Legs black, covered with yellow hairs ; posterior tibe curved. 

Wada toge (August); Fukushima (July). 

I am somewhat in doubt whether this species is not the normally 
coloured form of 7. bicolor, Kraatz, to which at all events it is very 
closely allied; the differences consist in the entirely black thorax 
and abdomen, and perhaps in the less closely rugose-punctate head 
of the present species. Kraatz drew his description from a single 
specimen, which had the posterior margin of the thorax yellow as 
well as the abdomen ; but as in the five specimens before me I cannot 
discover any trace of this colour, I must consider the species as 
specifically distinct. I may further add that the latter is not more 
robust or broader in shape than P. annulata, which is the case with 
P. bicolor according to the description, and that the legs in some 
specimens (probably immature) are obscure fulvous. 


Below, the posterior legs, and the antenne (the two basal joints 
excepted) black; above, the anterior legs, and the tarsi fulvous ; 
elytra and thorax closely punctured, finely pubescent. 

Var. Head and thorax black. 

Length 1? line. 

Head distinctly but remotely punctured, with a narrow longitu- 
dinal smooth central space ; that between the antennze with a deep 
transverse groove ; two lower joints. of the antennz fulvous, the 
rest black, fourth joint distinctly longer than the third, the following 
joints short and somewhat triangular-shaped. Thorax nearly as long 
as broad, the sides produced at or immediately before the middle in 
a distinct angle, behind which a short but deep transverse groove is 
placed, only visible from below ; entire surface covered with deep and 
rather closely placed punctures, sparingly pubescent. Elytra parallel 
and subcylindrical, punctured and pubescent: like the thorax, but of 
a rather lighter fulvous or testaceous colour ; the space behind the 
middle is very slightly depressed ; the four posterior legs piceous or 
black ; anterior ones and the tarsi fulvous. 

Nikko, June ; Chiuzenzi. 

Smaller and less robust than P. nigricollis, the thorax more 
coarsely and more distantly punctured, and the anterior legs as well 
as all the tarsi fulvous. A single specimen of the variety with black 
head and thorax is before me, but 1 cannot find any other characters 
sufficient to separate this form as another species. 


PEDRILLIA UNIFASCIATA, n. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 4.) 

Black, pubescent ; antennz and legs testaceous; a spot at the 
anterior femora, the apex of the tibiee, and the tarsi and the posterior 
femora black ; thorax closely punctured with three obscure fulvous 
bands ; elytra with the shoulders, a spot at the apex, and a transverse 
band near the latter fulvous. 

Length 13 line. 

Head deeply and very closely punctured, the sides of the neck, 
lower part of the face, and palpi testaceous ; the first two joints of 
the antenne stained with piceous above, the third and fourth joints 
of equal length. Thorax rather long, the sides strongly produced 
before the middle in a rounded protuberance, constricted immmedi- 
ately below the latter ; surface closely punctured like the head and 
covered with rather long fulvous hairs ; the sides, a longitudinal band 
near the Jatter, and a much more obscure vitta on the disk fulvous 
or testaceous. Scutellum thickly covered with silky yellow pubes- 
cence. Elytra convex and parallel, slightly depressed behind the 
middle, punctured like the thorax but the punctuation much more 
distantly placed ; an elongate fulvous spot surrounds the shoulder, a 
round spot is placed close to the apex at the sides, and a transverse 
band of irregular shape at a little distance from the apex ; the tibize 
and tarsi are also closely covered with fulvous hairs; a piceous spot 
is placed on the middle of the four anterior femora, the posterior 
ones, together with the apices of all the tibie and the tarsi, being 
entirely of that colour; the first two abdominal segments have a 
large fulvous spot at the sides, the rest are black. 

Nikko. A single specimen. 

Genus Oomorpuvus, Curtis. 


Ovate, convex, narrowed behind, below black, above brownish 
geneous ; thorax closely and finely punctured ; elytra more strongly, 
closely punctate-striate. 

Length 1 line. 

Head very finely punctured, transversely grooved between the 
eyes, the middle of the front sometimes with an obsolete longitu- 
dinal groove. Antenne black, the second joint larger and broader 
than the four following, the seventh transversely dilated, the eighth 
very short, the terminal three joints transverse, forming a club. 
Thorax narrowed in front, twice as broad as long, the sides but 
slightly rounded ; surface closely, evenly, and finely punctured. 
Elytra distinctly narrowed behind, more strongly punctured than the 
thorax, the punctuation arranged alternately in stronger and finer 
rows of punctures, distinct to the apex. Underside black ; the breast, 

domen, and legs more or less stained with brownish cupreous. 

Oyama, Jschiuchi. 

Smaller and more narrowed behind than our O. concolor, of a 
bronze not black colour, and the interstices between the larger rows 
of punctures less finely punctured, the larger rows also much more 

198 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

closely placed. Lamprosoma cupreatum, Baly, is of double the size 
and quite differently punctured, also less narrowed behind. Nearly 
a dozen specimens were obtained. 


Nearly all the specimens in this collection which I refer to Mr. 
Baly’s species are smaller, more attenuated behind, and varying in 
the degree of their punctuation and colour. In the absence of other 
characters I have refrained from describing them as new, and believe 
that they only represent a local variety. 

Genus Cuxamys, Knoch. 

CHLAMYS JAPONICA, nD. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 5.) 

Subquadrate-ovate, obscure piceous; head more or less fulvous ; 
thorax with a posterior elevation, closely punctured and covered with 
fulvous tubercles ; elytra strongly punctured, with a strongly raised 
oblique ridge from the middle of the base to the suture, and 
divided by other transverse irregular ridges ; legs obscure fulvous. 

Length 13-1? line. 

Head closely rugose-punctate, rather flattened, light or darker 
fulvous. Antenne of the same colour, the fifth and following joints 
transversely widened, third and fourth joints of equal length. Thorax 
with the middle portion gradually raised posteriorly in a moderate 
but distinct gibbosity, the apex of which is slightly longitudinally 
depressed, and the sides obliquely and rather deeply grooved or 
constricted ; the swollen portion of the thorax, as well as the more 
flattened sides, are covered with irregular flavous or fulvous tube- 
rosities, the interstices of which are closely punctured. Scutellum 
greatly transversely dilated posteriorly, the lateral angles acute and 
produced, and its posterior margin concave. Elytra slightly narrowed 
towards the apex, the sides rather strongly constricted at the middle ; 
surface covered with deeper and much larger punctuation than that 
of the thorax; when viewed sideways the following longitudinal 
ridges are seen :—a natrow one from the middle of the base runs in 
an oblique direction towards the suture near the apex; the anterior 
portion of this ridge is narrow and acute to the middle, where it is 
intersected by a transverse ridge which runs from the shoulder to 
the suture ; the portion of the ridge from the middle to the place 
where it touches the suture is broader and very strongly raised, 
which makes the space enclosed by it appear as being excavated ; 
near the apex three more strongly raised tubercles placed triangularly 
are seen; a short transverse ridge is further visible at the sides 
within the constricted space ; the suture itself is distinctly denticu- 
late through its entire length. Pygidium closely punctured, with 
three obsolete longitudinal coste. 

Kiga, Fukushima. 

The raised parts of the thorax and the elytra in this species are 
frequently of a flavous or fulvous colour, which sometimes is that of 
the entire head and thorax. The species is closely allied to C, 


spilota, Baly, but differs in its less elongate and more square shape 
and in the differently sculptured elytra; the latter show immediately 
below the middle, near the suture, an apparently deeply excavated 
space, caused partly by the strongly raised principal ridge, which 
limits this space laterally : the anterior portion of the elytra within 
the ridge only shows a few very small tubercles near the suture; in 
C. spilota there is a distinct tubercle in the corresponding portion ; 
the elevate ridges are but slightly raised and the excavated space 
below the middle is wanting. 

CuLaMys spILora, Baly. 

Of this species, a variety obtained at Miyanoshito is of nearly 
entirely fulvous colour, the thorax being transversely spotted with 
black. C. spilota may be separated from other allied forms princi- 
pally by the gibbous or posteriorly elevated shape of the thorax ; 
this elevation or bump is somewhat conically shaped and is not 
divided at the middle by a longitudinal channel, so frequently the 
case in other species, although the apew of the tuberosity is faintly 
sulcate. Another normally ccloured specimen of this species was 
obtained at Nakone. 

Genus CryprocePHALus, Geoffr. 

Black : clypeus, anterior and lateral margin of the thorax and two 
basal spots of the latter yellow; basal joints of antennze and the 
legs fulvous; thorax rugose-punctate at the sides; elytra strongly 
punctate-striate, black, the lateral margins narrowly flavous. 

Length 1 line. 

Head closely and distinctly punctured, black ; the clypeus, labrum, 
and part of the sides below the eyes flavous ; antenne black, the 
five basal joints fulvous, fourth joint slightly longer than the third. 
Thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight, pro- 
duced in a point at the posterior angles ; surface closely covered with 
distinct and somewhat elongate punctures, confluent and forming 
elongate and deep strigz at the sides, the anterior and lateral margins 
narrow, yellow, the former with a slight indentation at the middle, 
which intrudes into the black-coloured portion; at the base, imme- 
diately above the scutellum, two closely approached fulvous spots are 
placed. Scutellum elongate, raised behind. Elytra with regular 
rows of deep and not very closely approached punctures, which get 
less deep below the middle but are distinct to the apex, the latter 
of which is covered closely with other fine punctures ; interspaces at 
the sides below the shoulder here and there somewhat transversely 
wrinkled; humeral callus very prominent, the extreme base im- 
punctate ; the colour of the disk entirely black, the lateral margin 
narrowly flavous, this colour is slightly widened at a place near and 
below the middle. Pygidium black, margined with yellow. Legs 
entirely fulvous. 

Shimonosuwa (Suwa Lake). 

100 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

There is only a single specimen of this species before me, which 
seems to he closely allied to C. limbellus, Mannerh., or rather to its 
black variety, which is almost identical in its coloration; but the 
sculpture of the thorax in C. limbatipennis is quite distinct from the 
allied and other similarly coloured species, forming elongate confluent 
rugosities at the sides, which will prevent the insect being mistaken 
for any of the allied forms. 

CRYPTOCEPHALUS PARTITUS, n. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 8.) 

Cylindrical, convex ; black; base of antenne and the levs fulvous ; 
anterior and lateral margins of the thorax and two spots at the base 
yellow; surface finely strigose; elytra regularly punctate-striate, 
yellow, a sutural and discoidal longitudinal band black. 

Length 1 line. 

Head flat, yellow, the extreme base and a short longitudinal central 
band, connected with the latter, black ; antenne nearly as long as 
the body, the five lower joints fulvous, the rest black, third and 
fourth joints equal. Thorax rather transverse, the sides very little 
rounded ; surface entirely covered with very fine confluent longitudinal 
strigee, black ; the anterior and lateral margins (the former slightly 
widened at the middle), and two large, closely-approached transverse 
spots, placed at the middle of the base, yellow. Scutellum black. 
Elytra strongly and regularly punctate-striate, the interior of the 
spots black, the sutural band widened at the base and connected at 
its end with the broader discoidal band in some specimens, but in 
others isolated ; the latter commences at the shoulder, where it is 
rather narrow, and after widening slightly immediately below the 
base, continues straight towards the apex, where it is interrupted at 
some distance from the latter ; the same band extends generally in 
width from the fifth to the ninth row of punctures, the rest of the 
disk of the elytra and their apices being bright yellow. Legs robust, 
fulyous. Underside black. 

Wada toge. 

From all other nearly similarly coloured species (C. boehmi, lim- 
bellus, lateralis) the present may be at once distinguished by the 
sculpture of the thorax, the close strie of which give the latter a 
silky appearance, punctuation being altogether absent. In one of 
the specimens the yellow spots of the thorax are very small, and the 
two black elytral bands are almost connected anteriorly by an indi- 
stinct transverse piceous stain. 


6. Below black; apex of the abdomen, legs, and base of the 
antenne flavous; above testaceous; thorax distinctly punctured ; 
elytra strongly punctate-striate, each elytron with a longitudinal 
black band, abbreviated behind. 

@. Larger, entirely flavous or pale fulvous. 

Var. a. The elytral band very obsolete, sometimes entirely 

Var. b. Elytra black, the sutural and lateral margin flavous. 


Length 1-14 line. 

Head with amore or less distinct central longitudinal groove, flavous, 
rather sparingly impressed with deep irregular punctures ; antennz 
slender, the joints elongate, third and fourth of equal length, the 
five lower ones testaceous, the rest black. Thorax slightly narrowed 
in front, the sides nearly straight, the posterior angles produced 
backwards in an acute point ; posterior margin finely serrate, nar- 
rowly black ; rest of the surface fulvous, rather closely and distinctly 
punctate, the punctures at the sides of oblong shape, and more 
closely approached. Scutellum slightly raised behind, testaceous, 
margined with black. Hlytra cylindrical, each elytron with ten rows 
of deep punctures (the first very short), the fourth and fifth and the 
seventh and eighth rows united at their ends and abbreviated 
before the apex; the interstices at the sides slightly convex. Legs 
entirely fulvous. Underside black, the last abdominal segment 
testaceous ; prosternum very broad. 

Nowata, Matsuida, Fukin, road to Oyama, Wady toge. 

Several nearly similarly coloured species of Cryptocephalus have 
been described, of which C. bilineatus, Fabr., C. tessellatus, Germ., 
and C’, conveaus, Ulig., seem to be the most closely allied forms. 
There are, however, sufficient differences to be found in CO. nigro- 
fasciatus to look upon it as a distinct species, which may be sepa- 
rated from either of the above by the unspotted and distinctly 
punctured thorax, the punctures of which are distinctly elongate at 
the sides, and by the colour of the elytra, which have only the 
black band placed on the disk, the suture and lateral margin 
remaining of the ground-colour; this dark band is of very variable 
width, occupying in some specimens nearly the entire disk, while 
in others it is absent. These latter specimens resemble much in 
general appearance C. minutus and allied species, but may be at 
once distinguished by the distinctly punctured thorax. Fourteen 
specimens of CO. nigrofasciatus were obtained at the above-mentioned 

CRYPTOCEPHALUS DIFFORMIS, n. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 6.) 

Below piceous, above black; lateral margin of the thorax and 
elytra, as well as their apices, more or less flavous; thorax extremely 
closely punctured ; elytra more strongly semipunctate-striate ; legs 
yellow, the anterior tibize compressed and dilated. 

Length 13 line. 

Head finely and rather closely punctured, flattened ; clypeus and 
the labrum flavous. Antenne two thirds the length of the body, 
black, the four lower joints flavous or fulvous, third and fourth 
equal, the six terminal joints slightly flattened. Thorax transverse, 
greatly widened posteriorly, the sides with a rounded and flattened 
margin; surface extremely closely and rather finely punctured 
throughout, black, the extreme lateral, and sometimes also the 
anterior margin, flavous. Scutellum flat, broadly ovate. Elytra 
as broad as the thorax at the base, not widened behind, much more 
strongly, distantly, and rather regularly punctured, the punctures 

202 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

arranged in rather close rows, the interspaces somewhat transversely 
wrinkled. Legs robust and rather short, the anterior tibie much 
flattened and dilated, their inner margin broadly rounded. Abdomen 
more or less testaceous, rest of the underside piceous. 


The three specimens obtained by Mr. Lewis are all males, and 
scarcely differ from each other. In one the anterior margin of the 
thorax is very narrowly flavous, and two obscure small spots of the 
same colour are visible on the elytra immediately below the scutellum, 
indicating doubtless that the general colour of the upper surface is 
liable to variation, so that probably individuals may exist in which 
the yellow colour predominates, as is the case in the closely allied 
C. pint of Europe. This latter species has the same curious 
dilatation of the anterior tibice, but is, I think, a distinct, although 
closely allied, species. The thorax in the present insect is longer, 
less transverse, more widened behind, the surface still more closely 
and finely punctured, and the entire coloration quite different from 
C. pini, but the same in the three specimens before me except in 
regard to the slight variation mentioned above; the lateral margin 
Sanat and the apex of the elytra (broadly) are flavous in all of 

Var. siGNaTiceps, Baly. C. multiplex? Suffr. 

According to Dr. Kraatz these two forms must be looked upon 
as representing the same species. I believe, however, that the 
synonyms of this and several allied species are not at all clear and 
settled. Solsky, for example, makes no mention of the distinct 
white spot at the apex of the femora, visible in the type described by 
Mr. Baly before me, and in all the other Japanese specimens I have 
for comparison. Amongst these there is a variety (differing in no 
other way but that of colour) which agrees perfectly with one 
described by Suffrian as C. multiplex from India, which I am in- 
clined to look upon as identical with the present species, since I 
cannot find any characters by which it may be distinguished. Curi- 
ously enough Suffrian, in spite of the particular and lengthened 
descriptions of all his species, makes no mention of the sculpture of 
the thorax in C. multiplex. Besides these named species, there are 
several others, very closely allied, C. ¢ransversalis, Suffr., C. luridi- 
pennis, which may prove eventually to be but varieties of C. lio- 
thorax, which is evidently an extremely variable species. At all 
events, I have little doubt about the identity of C. multiplex and the 
present insect. Another apparently very closely allied species is C. 
tetrathyrus, Solsky, which agrees again very nearly with C. multi- 
plex and with some varieties obtained by Mr. Lewis, except that the 
anterior legs in Solsky’s species are described as testaceous. In the 
Japanese variety the elytra are black, with the exception of the 
lateral margin anteriorly, and connected with a rufous transverse 
band ; another similarly coloured round spot is placed at the apex ; 
all this and the rest agreeing with the description of C. multiplea, 



A single specimen before me [ am unable to separate from the 
normally coloured individuals of this species, which has been reported 
also from Siberia. 


The occurrence of this species in Japan extends still further its 
geographical distribution, it having been also recorded, like the pre- 
ceding species, from Siberia. Two specimens obtained at Jensai do 
not differ from the European form except in their rather larger 

CRYPTOCEPHALUS NOBILIS, Kraatz. (Plate XI. fig. 7.) 

The description of this species, given by the author in the 
‘Deutsche ent. Zeitschr.’ 1879, agrees perfectly with the ten speci- 
mens obtained by Mr. Lewis at Kiga, Suyama, and Subashiri. The 
insect is of a shining black colour, with two transversely shaped 
yellow spots at each elytron (one slightly before the middle, the 
other at the apex). The antenne in the male are exactly as long as 
the body, but shorter in the female, and the four or five lower 
joints are testaceous; the punctuation of the elytra is strong, and 
arranged in close but not very regular rows. The specimens which 
served Mr. Kraatz for his description were obtained from the Amur 

Genus Pacuysracays, Suffr. 
Pachybrachys donitzi?, Harold. 

A great many specimens of this apparently very variable species 
were obtained at ‘Tensai, Wada toge, Nikko, Kurigahara, on sallow. 
’ The specimens which served Mr. Baly for his type have the elytra 
almost spotless ; between this and almost black-coloured individuals 
there is every intermediate degree before me, the most frequent form 
being that in which the disk of the elytra is occupied by a longitu- 
diuai broad piceous or black band, leaving only the sutural and 
lateral margin of the testaceous ground-colour ; the thorax varies 
equally in colour, from a well-distinguished M-shaped mark to being 
almost black with two narrow yellow basal spots. I have no doubt 
that one of these named varieties is identical with P. dénitzi, Harold, 
as all other characters agree with the description of this author. 

Genus Lrprores, Baly. 
LEPROTES PULVERULENTUS, n. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 9.) 
Oblong, black, covered with white excrescences ; three basal joints 
of the antenne and the labrum fulvous. Head and thorax finely 

rugose-punctate ; elytra more strongly semipunctate-striate. 
Length 3-33 lines, 

204 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

Head with an obsolete median longitudinal groove, closely and 
finely rugose-punctate. Antennz two thirds the length of the body, 
slender and filiform, the second joint distinctly shorter than the 
first, the third more than twice as long as the preceding, basal 
joint stained with piceous above, the two or three following fulvous, 
the rest dark piceous or black. Thorax subcylindrical, scarcely 
broader than long, the lateral margin entirely absent ; surface sculp- 
tured like the head, obsoletely transversely depressed across the base. 
Elytra more strongly punctured, the punctuation arranged in very 
closely approached rows, the interspaces here and there obsoletely 
raised, surface covered with a thick layer of white powder, when 
rubbed shining black. Legs black, extreme apex of the tibize and 
the tarsi obscure fulvous. Femora armed with a smooth tooth. 

Oyama, Kiga, Oguma, Nikko. 

In size this species agrees with L. lewisi, Baly, and L. fulvus, Baly, 
but is quite distinct from either of them. The general colour is 
entirely black ; and the insect, when captured, is covered with a thick 
layer of white powdery matter which entirely hides the punctuation 
from view; when rubbed, the elytra, unlike L. Jewis?, are shining 
black and not covered with pubescence. In the latter species there 
is a finely but distinctly marked lateral margin to the thorax, which 
in the present insect is totally absent ; the punctuation of the head 
and thorax also is much more finely rugose, the antenne are pro- 
portionately longer and have the three or four lower joints fulvous. 

Genus Demotina, Baly. 

Narrowly oblong, obscure fulvo-piceous, closely covered with 
white pubescence; antenne and legs fulvous; head, the sides of 
the thorax and elytra, anda small spot at the middle of each elytron, 

Length 13 line. 

This species, although closely allied to D. modesta, Baly, is yet 
quite distinct. The antenne are less robust, the thorax is rather 
more transverse, the pubescence which covers the entire upper surface 
is not fuscous as in the allied species, but white, covering the entire 
head thickly, and forming a band at the lateral and anterior margin 
of the thorax as well as at the sides of the elytra, while a small spot 
of white hairs is placed near the middle of each elytron ; the punc- 
tuation of the latter as far as visible seems to be arranged in very 
closely approached rows. The intermediate tibiz are obsoletely 
notched at their apex ; claws bifid; femora with a minute tooth. 


A single specimen was obtained by Mr. Lewis during his first 
journey, a second one at the last visit to Japan. The species is 
closely allied to D. modesta, Baly ; but is of smaller and less robust 
size, and distinguished by the white pubescence in forms of stripes and 
spots on theelytra. D. decorata, Baly, is smaller still, of different 
coloration and with comparatively short antennze. 


Genus Nopostoma, Motsch. 
NoposTroMA JAPONICUM, sp. nov. 

Black ; head and four basal joints of the antennz fulvous ; head 
and thorax closely and strongly punctured; elytra with the base 
swollen, distinctly punctate-striate. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head entirely fulvons, closely and very strongly punctured, the 
middle impressed with a short longitudinal groove ; epistome broader 
than long, separated from the face by an irregular transverse groove. 
Terminal joints of the antenne slightly and gradually thiekened, the 
four lower joints fulvous, the rest black; second and third joints of nearly 
equallength. Thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides an gulate 
immediately below the middle ; surface closely covered with deep and 
round punctures, which at the middle of the disk are now and then 
confluent. Scutellum impunctate. Elytra with the base strongly 
swollen, deeply depressed below the latter and within the humeral 
callus, from which a short costa runs obliquely towards the lateral 
margin ; the punctuation is strong within the basilar depression, more 
finely impressed and very regular at the rest of the surface; the 
suture is accompanied by two rows of punctures, the latter near the 
other portion of the apex is very fine. Femora with a small tooth, 
the knees sometimes as well as the base of the tibiee dark fulvous. 


I cannot find amongst the many eastern forms contained in this 
genus a species of similar coloration, which is the same in the two 
specimens I have for examination. All the femora are armed with 
a small tooth, and the thorax is angulate directly below the middle 
and not close to the base, as is the case in many other species of 
Nodostoma. The claws are appendiculate as usual. The two speci- 
mens before me are evidently females. 

NopDOsTOMA RUFICOLLE, sp. nov. (Plate XI. fig. 10.) 

Underside, legs, terminal joints of the antennee, and elytra black; 
head and thorax rufous, strongly punctured ; elytra with the base 
swollen, punctate-striate. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head strongly rugose-punctate, the epistome Separated from the 
front only by some smooth raised longitudinal spaces. The four 
basal joints of the antennz fulvous, the rest black, fourth joint 
slightly longer than the third. Thorax narrowly transverse, the 
sides obsoletely angulate near the base, its surface rather convex, 
rufous like the head, remotely and strongly punctured. Elytra with 
a distinct depression within the shoulder and below the base, the 
latter strongly raised and with but few punctures, the latter more 
crowded and deeply impressed within the depression; rest of the 
surface more finely and remotely punctate-striate. Intermediate 
and posterior femora with a minute tooth. 

Nikko, Fukushima. 

The dozen specimens obtained at the above locality do not seem 

206 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

to vary except slightly in size. The species has the same coloration 
as N. davidi, Lefévre, from China, but differs in the strong punctua- 
tion of the thorax. In N. balyi, Har., the punctuation of the latter 
is much more closely placed, and the shape of the insect is quite 
different as well as its colour. 

NoposTOMA MODESTUM, sp. nov. 

Ovate, subquadrate, convex, entirely metallic dark blue; the 
second and third joints of the antenne fulvous; thorax finely and 
remotely punctured ; elytra depressed below the base, finely punc- 

Length 2 lines. 

Head irregularly but rather deeply punctured, especially anteriorly, 
the epistome not separated from the face. Antenne rather more 
than half the length of the body, the basal joint metallic blue above, 
the following two fulvous, the rest black, the second joint of curved 
shape, nearly as long as the third. Thorax not more than twice 
as broad as long, the sides with a distinct tooth near the middle ; 
surface with a rather deep transverse fovea at each side, distantly 
but deeply punctured, the punctures more deeply impressed at the 
sides than at the disk. Scutellum black, impunctate. Elytra with 
a deep transverse depression below the base and auother longitudinal 
one within the shoulders, finely and regularly punctate-striate at the 
inner disk, more strongly and closely near the sides; within the 
basal depression a few transverse wrinkles are visible. Underside 
and legs entirely dark blue; all the femora armed with a minute 
tooth. Tarsi black. 

Yuyama, Hitoyoschi. (12 specimens.) 

It is impossible to say whether one of Motschulsky’s short and 
insufficient descriptions is meant for the present species, which is 
of the same size as N. balyi, but differeutly sculptured and of a 
uniform violaceous blue colour. The small tooth at the sides of the 
thorax is placed nearer the middle than is often the case in other 
species of this genus. 

Genus CuorysSomMe.a, Linn. 

Ovate, very convex, widened behind, brownish eeneous ; thorax 
distantly punctured; elytra rather closely punctate-striate, the 
interstices smooth and impunctate. 

Length 2-24 lines. 

Head convex at the vertex, entirely impunctate ; epistome separated 
from the face by a deep arcuate groove. Antenne half the length 
of the body, rather robust, the first joint broadly dilated, the third 
joint not more than one half longer than the preceding, the rest 
gradually thickened, black, the basal joints tinged with eeneous. 
Thorax very convex, the sides rather strongly defiexed, the lateral 
margin but slightly rounded, angles not pointed but distinct ; sur- 
face very remotely punctured, the sides not thickened. Scutellum 


distinctly broader than long, impunctate. Elytra slightly wider at 
the base than the thorax, widened towards the middle and very 
convex, the apex more pointed, no humeral callus; their surface 
covered with closely approached rows of distinct punctures, the 
latter placed rather irregularly on the striae and near the suture 
slightly approached in pairs and distinct to the apex ; the sutural 
margin near the apex is accompanied by an impressed line. Pro- 
sternum broad, rugose-punctate. 


The shape of the thorax and elytra in this species resembles greatly 
that of the genus Cyrtonus, with which the present insect cannot be 
confounded on account of the presence of wings. OC. templetoni, 
Baly, is of somewhat similar shape, but differs in every other par- 
ticular. The plain and not thickened nor impressed sides of the 
thorax in C. cyrtonoides is another peculiarity of this species. 


Ovate, subparallel, moderately convex, black or dark blue, shining ; 
thorax extremely finely punctured, laterally with a longitudinal 
basal groove; elytra subgeminate, punctate-striate, the interstices 
very finely punctured. 

Length 3 lines. 

Head entirely impunctate, flattened. Antenne rather less than 
half the length of the body, the first six joints slender and shining, 
the rest gradually dilated and opaque, black. Thorax about twice 
as broad as long, slightly narrowed in front, the anterior angles acute 
and somewhat produced ; the disk with a few very minute punctures, 
only visible with a strong lens, the lateral margin bounded within 
anteriorly by a few stronger punctures, posteriorly by a short but 
deep longitudinal groove, not extending upwards to the middle. 
Scutellum broadly ovate. Elytra not widened behind, subquadrate, 
each elytron with ten distinct and regular rows of punctures, the 
first very short, the others arranged in pairs, the interstices also very 
finely punctured. 

Nikko, Yunoshiku, Urasa. 

It is not without some doubt that I describe this species as new, 
as several very closely allied forms occur in Northern Europe (C. 
ordinata, Gebl., C'. ambulans, Fald., C. geminata, Payk.); but the 
species from Japan seems to differ from all by the shining and almost 
impunctate disk of the thorax, on which fine punctures are only 
visible with a strong lens. The interstices between the double rows 
of punctures at the elytra are finely but distinctly punctured, the 
double rows themselves consist of strong and regular lines of punctures 
not very closely approached in pairs. 


A single specimen obtained at Hakodate I must refer to this 
species, although the colour of the upper surface, instead of the 
general dark blue peculiar to C. geminata, is here obscure eeneous 
with a slight violet tint. The thorax in the specimen before me is 

208 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [Feb. 17, 

very finely and closely punctured, except near the lateral margin, 
where stronger punctures are placed anteriorly, while a short but 
deep groove limits the posterior portion. The punctuation of the 
elytra consists of four stronger double rows of punctures; the inter- 
stices dre everywhere closely, irregularly, and finely punctured. The 
antenne are entirely black; the third joint is only one half longer 
than the preceding. 

It is possible that the Japanese specimen represents a closely allied 
but distinct form. 

CHRYSOMELA OBSCUROFASCIATA, sp. nov. (Plate XI. fig. 11.) 

Oblong, convex, subcylindrical, dark violaceous blue or green 
above, below fuscous violaceous; thorax closely punctured, the 
sides thickened, foveolate ; elytra closely and irregularly punctured, 
the interstices rugose, violaceous blue, the sides with a broad obscure 
purplish band. 

Length 5-63 lines. 

Head not very strongly punctured at the vertex and at the sides, 
the middle of the front nearly impunctate. Antenne slender, nearly 
half the length of the body, the six lower joints metallic blue, the 
rest black. Thorax transversely convex, the anterior margin slightly 
concave, posterior one broadly rounded, the sides slightly rounded 
in front, nearly straight at the base, the lateral margin much thickened 
through its entire length, deeply foveolate-punctate within, rest of 
the surface closely and more finely punctured. Scutellum impune- 
tate. Elytra very convex and subcylindrical, scarcely widened 
behind ; the entire disk covered with strongly impressed and closely 
placed punctures, which near the suture are generally divided by 
longitudinal smooth interspaces, the latter at the other parts of 
the surface being transversely rugose; below the shoulders is a 
slightly depressed space, where the punctuation is much coarser, 
but towards the apex it becomes very fine and close; a single row 
of deep punctures accompanies the extreme lateral margin; the space 
immediately in front of the latter is, however, generally smooth and 
impunctate. An obscure dark broad purplish band extends from 
the shoulder to the apex, narrowed at the latter place. Underside 
and legs more or less tinged with fulvous, otherwise violaceous blue. 
Prosternum deeply longitudinally sulcate. 


More than 30 specimens of this fine and large species, obtained 
at one locality only, are before me. The colour of the upper side varies 
from green to blue and dark violaceous, the purplish band being 
sometimes very obscure; the punctuation of the elytra varies also 
rather much, being in some specimens much more closely placed 
than in others, and in a single specimen the punctures are much 
deeper and larger, the inner disk near the suture being almost devoid 
of punctures ; in most instances, however, the punctuation is very 
close indeed and for the most part irregularly placed. The maxillary 
palpi have their apical joint broadly truncate and of very nearly the 
same length and width as the penultimate. 


This species evidently represents the subsection of the European 
genus Oreina in Japan, and is I think closely allied to C. speciosa, 
Fabr., or one of its numerous varieties, but is, I have no doubt, 
distinct from that or any other species of this most difficult group. 
According to Mr. Baly, C. speciosa has the deep thoracic lateral 
groove broadly interrupted at its middle; in the present insect this 
groove is very deep and extends upwards to more than two thirds 
the length of the thorax, being interrupted only close to the anterior 
margin. In this as well as in coloration all the 30 specimens 
before me agree ; but the punctuation, as already remarked, of the 
upper surface is extremely variable, but much more strongly and 
rugose than in any of the European species with which I am 


Broadly ovate, subquadrate, fulvous ; thorax sparingly punctured 
at the sides only; scutellum black; elytra strongly punctate- 
striate, the interstices finely punctured, fulvous; two elongate 
spots at the base and two behind the middle, sometimes connected, 

Length 3 lines. 

Head finely and distantly punctured. Antennze very short, not 
extending to the base of the thorax, entirely fulvous, the last five 
joints transversely dilated. ‘Thorax transversely convex, the sides 
nearly straight, the basal margin broadly rounded at the middle ; 
disk very distantly and finely punctured, the sides impressed with a 
few strong and more closely placed punctures. Scutellum black. 
Elytra convex, not broader at the base than the thorax, each elytron with 
ten rows of deep punctures, visible to the apex, the interstices finely 
but closely punctured ; each elytron with an elongate subtriangular 
spot at the shoulder, another more rounded one at the base near the 
scutellum, a third, generally elongate and of triangular shape, at the 
sides below the middle and connected with a fourth shorter spot 
near the suture, this latter spot sometimes isolated ; another very 
small sutural spot is placed at the apical angle. Underside and legs 
entirely fulvous, the abdominal segments strongly punctured. Tibi 
short, and broadly dilated at the outer side. 

Miyanoshita, Hiogo (also coll. Jacoby). 

This species is of a much more convex and robust shape than 
most of our European forms, from which and others it may be further 
distinguished by the nearly impunctate or sparingly punctured 
thorax, the entirely fulvous and short antenne, and the different 
shape of the elytral spots, the outer ones of which are very elongate, 
the inner ones of more rounded shape. The tibiz are also very 
short and more dilated than usual, and the broad base of the elytra 
gives the insect a general square-shaped appearance. A single 
specimen is contained in my own, two others in the eolleetion of Mr. 
Lewis. 4 

Proc. Zoo. Soc.— 1885, No. XIV. 14 



Taking into consideration the great variability of our European 
species of Gonioctena, the synonymy of which in regard to several 
described species is not at all cleared up at present, I have referred 
the specimens obtained at Nikko to the present species, although 
there are perhaps sufficient differences present to justify its separation. 
All the specimens before me are much smaller than those obtained 
at Hakodate and noticed and named by Mr. Baly in the Transactions 
of 1873; the elytral spots are obscure (although placed as in P. 
rufipes), in one instance confluent and occupying nearly the entire 
disk ; but the short antennze, punctuation of the elytra, and the 
entirely rufous legs agree with P. rufipes. As, however, all the six 
specimens are of half the size only of the last-named species, it is not 
improbable that they really represent another species. 


The description of one of the varieties with confluent spots, given 
by the author (Deutsche entom. Zeitschr. 1879), agrees so well with 
the three specimens contained in this collection that I must refer 
them to the present species. The antenne are slender and the 
joints are of the same comparative length ; but the entire head, thorax, 
underside, and legs are black, the disk of the thorax is very finely 
punctured, in some specimens almost impunctate, the sides are very 
strongly punctured (Dr. Kraatz says nothing about the sculpture 
of the thorax). The elytra have the interstices either very finely 
punctured or impunctate, and the posterior spots are in two specimens 
confluent, forming two irregular concave-shaped bands, the posterior 
of which includes a small fulyous spot near the apex (as given in the 
author’s description). The characteristic feature ef this species, in 
regard to the markings of the elytra, seems to be the large sutural 
spot common to both elytra which is placed below the middle and is 
either separated or connected with the lateral spots. J have no 
doubt that the Japan specimens are but slight varieties of Kraatz’s 
species, although an examination of the type alone can settle the 


This species seems to me extremely closely allied to P. viminalis 
or P. rubripes, with which it agrees entirely in the pattern of the 
elytra ; the latter are, however, closely and distinctly punctured at the 
interstices, much more so than in the allied species, which will help 
to distinguish P. nigroplagiata. The specimens contained in Mr. 
Lewis’s collection have all black undersides and legs as well as the 
five last joints of the antennze, of which Mr. Baly makes no mention. 
There is also a black transverse band placed at the base of the thorax, 
also unnoticed in Mr. Baly’s description. 

Genus Gastroxina, Baly. 
GASTROLINA JAPANA, n. sp. (Plate XI. fig. 12.) 
Oblong, subdepressed, greenish black ; thorax and legs fulvous, 


knees metallic green; thorax closely punctured at the sides; elytra 
metallic green, closely punctured, the lateral margin with a longi- 
tudinal costa. 

Var. Elytra obscure cupreous. 

Length 3 lines. 

Head greenish black, finely and closely punctured, depressed 
between the eyes ; antennee extending to the base of the thorax, 
the four lower joints fulvous, the rest black, third joint elongate 
and the longest. Thorax transverse, the sides nearly straight, the 
anterior angles broadly produced; surface with several irregular 
depressions ; the disk impunctate, the sides closely punctured. Scu- 
tellum black, triangular. Elytra strongly depressed along the suture, 
very closely and distinctly covered with larger and smaller punctures, 
now and then arranged in irregular lines ; parallel and close to the 
lateral margin runs a narrow ridge or costa nearly to the apex. 
Underside greenish black, the sides of the breast more or less marked 
with fulvous ; legs of the same colour, the knees and tarsi greenish 
or quite black. 

At once distinguished from the other two known species by the 
unicolorous fulvous thorax, legs, and base of the antenne. 


Fig. 1. Hemonia japana, p. 190. 

. Donacia constricticollis, p. 192. 

. Crioceris lewisi, p. 194. 

. Pedrillia unifasciata, p. 197. 

. Chiamys japonica, p. 198. 

. Cryptocephalus difformis, p. 201. 
nobilis, p. 203. 

partitus, p. 200. 

. Leprotes pulverulentus, p. 203. 

. Nodostoma ruficolle, p. 205. 

. Chrysomela obscurofasciata, p. 208. 
. Gastrolina japana, p. 210. 



March 3, 1885. 
Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

Dr. E. Hamilton laid on the table the specimen of the supposed 
Wild Cat (Felis catus) from Donegal, Ireland, exhibited by Mr. 
Tegetmeier at the last meeting, and made the following obser- 
vations :— 

It is recorded that at the meeting of the Society on Tuesday, 
January 28, Mr. Tegetmeier exhibited a specimen of the Wild Cat 
(Felis catus) trom County Donegal, Ireland. 

As up to the present time there is no authentic instance of the 


Wild Cat being indigenous to Ireland, I wrote to Mr. Tegetmeier 
for further information, and he has kindly allowed me to examine 
the skin. As far as can be judged by external marks, I have no 
hesitation in saying that this skin from Donegal is only another of 
tne many specimens which from time to time have been recorded as 
Wild Cats, but which are only the offspring of domestic Cats that 
have run wild and have bred in the woods and mountains of the 
district. It is a well-ascertained fact that the progeny of these Cats, 
after two generations, always assume the grey, brindled, or tabby 
fur; but the difference in the tail and feet in the wild species 
(Felis catus) is very distinct. 

Many of our early English naturalists who have written upon the 
subject have stated that the Wild Cat is to be found in Ireland. 
But neither Pennant nor Bewick gives Ireland as its habitat. Sir 
W. Jardine says:—‘ In Ireland it abounds in similar situations 
as in England and Scotland, that is in the mountainous districts,” 
but his only authority was information derived from his brother, 
an officer stationed with his regiment in the west of Ireland. Bell, 
in the edition of ‘British Quadrupeds,’ 1837, says ‘‘ some parts 
of Ireland.”’ This remark is repeated in the edition of 1864, with- 
out further comment, although at that date it had been well ascer- 
tained that the animal did not exist in Ireland. Mr. Thompson, 
in his ‘Natural History of Ireland,’ says :—‘'The Wild Cat 
(Felis catus) cannot with certainty be given as a native animal.” Mr. 
‘Thompson appears to have thoroughly investigated the matter ; 
and his opinion is of great importance. He says the lar gest Cat he ever 
saw, which weighed 10 lb. 9 oz., was shot in a wild ‘state at Shanes 
Castle; this specimen was Felis catus in everything but the form 
of the tail, which was not bushy at the end, and the fur, which was 
finer in texture. In the Larne Journal, Feb. 1839, it was reported 
that the Wild Cat was found in Tullamore Park, and also used to fre- 
quent the shores of Ballintrae; ‘but on questioning Mr. Creighton, 
Lord Roden’s game-keeper, he informed me that he had never 
seen this speciesin Ireland.’ He was able to compare this Cat with 
two Wild Cats which had been brought to him in the flesh by his 
relative Mr. Langtrey, which had been killed a few days previous 
in Aberdeenshire ; and he says it was as strong in every respect 
as that animal but of a lighter grey colour, and he says the animal 
appeared to be a genuine hybrid between Fels catus and the 
domestic Cat. 

Further investigations since Thompson’s time all tend to prove the 
non-existence of this species in the sister island. Sir Victor Brooke 
writes :—“ A well-authenticated instance of the occurrence of the 
true Wild Cat in Ireland has never been recorded. Several specimens 
ot Cats closely resembling in markings the Wild Cat have from 
time to time been produced as veritable examples, but upon inspee- 
tion by naturalists they have invariably proved to be descendants 
of tame wild, perhaps for several generations. ‘These 
beasts attain a great size, and very closely assimilate to the true 
Wild Cat in their form and coloration.” 


Mr. La Touche says:—‘I have just received your letter. Last 
Sunday I met one of my Galway cousins, and he told me that he 
remembered when he was a boy the County Grand Jury gave 
money for heads of Wild Cats, which were supposed to be most 
numerous and destructive, and that he well remembered his father’s 
keeper (his father was Sir John Burke, of Marble Hill, county 
Galway) often getting this money. I asked him if he ever saw the 
Cats, and he says he recollects being shown one or two, and they 
were Martens, always called Cats by Irish keepers.” 

Mr. Kennedy writes :— 

‘©T do not believe in the existence of the true Felis catus or Wild 
Cat as indigenous in Ireland, although Knox, Maxwell, and others 
state that they have seen them ; all I know is that Carte, our highest 
authority here (curator of the Dublin Society’s Museum), has been 
trying for years to get a specimen of it without success. The ex- 
amples alluded to are, I imagine, wild tame Cats such as you and I 
have seen prowling after birds and small vermin in the woods, which 
do much mischief in this way ; but they are smaller than the Wild 
Cat and have not the short bushy tail. Your friend will find in 
Thompson’s ‘ Natural History of Ireland’ all that can be said in 
favour of the Wild Cat existing in Ireland, but that is not conclusive.” 

Sir J. W. Wilde writes :— di 

“‘T have known a great number of Cats in my time—gentle, tame, 
spiteful, venomous, vicious, cruel, clean, dirty, honest, stealing, &c. ; 
but I never saw a Wild Cat, certainly not in the west of Treland ; 
all Cats I saw there were evidently tame ones that had got into 
the rocks and become wild.’’ tae 

In another letter he says :— 

** Mr. La Touche has asked me to communicate with you respecting 
the existence of the Wild Cat in Ireland. I never met with such an 
animal, although, both as a sportsman and somewhat of a naturalist, 
I have had ample opportunities for observation. There is no 
purely Irish name for Cat, for the word Catt, or, as it is pronounced, 
Catta,isa mere corruption of the English term. In the ‘Proceedings’ 
of the Royal Irish Academy for 1860 you will find a lengthened 
essay of mine upon the unmanufactured animal remains then 
belonging to that institution: it contains much curious information 
on the ancient animals of Ireland. That the Domestic Cat has 
occasionally strayed from home and gone wild is quite true; and 
instances of the kind occurred in my place in Connemara some years 
ago, where in a cave by the lake-side a Cat brought out her young, 
and, frightened by the dogs, would never come near the house 

“The only ancient reference which I can now lay hands on is that 
of the ancient Irish poem treated of in the tract already referred to, 
where it is said two Cats were procured from the cave of Ratticrohan 
in county Roscommon, but I see no reason for believing that they 
were originally wild. The word used in the original MSS. is 
Chait, but it is evidently a corruption of the English term.” 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.— 1885, No. XV. 15 

214 MR. H. H. JOHNSTON ON THE [ Mar. 3, 

It is very evident therefore that the Wild Cat does not exist 
in Ireland; had it been otherwise, undoubted examples would 
long since have been discovered, and any doubts finally set at rest. 
Such not being the case, we must exclude Ireland from the list 
of countries inhabited by Felis catus. 

Felis catus, so far as is known, inhabits the northern part of Great 
Britain, where it has become extremely rare, France, Germany, 
Poland, Switzerland, Hungary, the southern part of Russia, Spain, 
Dalmatia, Greece, and part of Turkey. It is not found in Ireland, 
Norway, Sweden, Italy, or North Russia, 

A letter was read from Mr. J. H. Thompson, of New Bedford, 
Mass., U.S.A., C.M.Z.S., stating that ‘* among some interesting land 
Mollusca collected by Mr. P. G. Thompson on the island of 
Eleuthera, or rather on a small ‘key’ adjacent to the north end of 
Eleuthera (Bahama Group, West Indies), were several specimens 
of Helix (Hemitrochus) filicosta, Pfr. (P. Z. 8. 1845, p. 73; Reeve, 
Icon. no. 1437), the locality of which had been previously unknown. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. General Observations on the Fauna of Kilima-njaro. 
By H. H. Jounston, F.Z.S. 

[Received March 38, 1885.] 

I have been asked to say a few words of a general character to 
precede the papers which will be read before you to-night on the 
subject of the collectious made by the Kilima-njaro Expedition. This 
undertaking, I need not remind you, was made at the joint expense 
of the British Association and the Royal Society. The Kilima-njaro 
Committee which was formed by these two Societies honoured me by 
choosing me as the leader of the Expedition, and placed £1000 at 
my disposal. This sum, while amply sufficient for equipping and 
supporting an ordinary African expedition during six months, did 
not allow of my taking any European collectors with me, as every 
individual who had any knowledge of natural-history collecting 
required his travelling expenses to be paid between London and 
Zanzibar, going and returning, and about £100 salary, with provision 
made for his widow and children in case of untimely demise. 

I did not leave Engiand, however, with an idea that the task of 
making the natural-history collections would solely devolve on 
myself. Collectors from India had been spoken of and their ex- 
penses were to be defrayed by the authorities of the Indian Botanical 
Gardens. On arriving at Zanzibar I found the disagreeable news 
awaiting me that none of these promised helpers could be sent owing 
to their great dislike to travelling in Africa. Consequently I had 
to depend on the chance aid of such natives of Zanzibar accom- 
panying my caravan as might evince any taste for natural-history. 


Sir John Kirk, indeed, procured for me.two men who had been with 
Dr. Fischer during his recent expedition, and who had an elementary 
knowledge of drying plants and skinning birds ; but these men, on 
account of their superior attainments, were so exacting and difficult 
to deal with, that when they deserted me soon after my arrival on 
the mountains, to go slave-trading, I did not miss them keenly. 
Nevertheless, after this the entire care of collecting fell upon me, 
added to the already existing and by no means perfunctory cares 
of superintending the expedition. I had not only to conduct long 
and wearisome palavers with native chiefs in a language which I had 
to laboriously acquire, I not only had to show the men how to 
build houses, where to construct roads and bridges, but I must 
also shoot and skin birds, gather and press plants, collect beetles, 
and catch butterflies. In a moist climate like that of Kilima-njaro 
the labour involved in making good botanical collections alone was 
very great, and in all this I had no help. My Zanzibar porters, 
although excellent, hardworking, faithful fellows, evinced no aptitude 
whatever for natural-history collecting. In spite of my repeated 
and painstaking instructions, they would bring me flowers without 
leaves and leaves without flowers. They preferred catching butter- 
flies with their fingers to using a net, and thought that an insect 
in fragments was quite as satisfactory as a whole specimen. In 
short I found that if any work was to be of use in collecting, it 
must proceed solely from my own efforts. IT merely mention this 
in order to explain to you the reason why I have not larger 
collections to lay before you to-night. 

I will now briefly note the general features of the Zoology of the 
region I have just visited, confining myself to remarks on such forms 
as came prominently under my notice. In doing this it will be 
perhaps more convenient to take the classes, families, and genera in 
their generally accepted order. 

To begin with our near kinsfolk, the Monkeys, I found these 
creatures much more abundantly present in East-Central Africa than 
during my journeys on the west coast. Although Western Africa is 
probably better provided with species of Quadrumana than any other 
division of the continent, the Monkeys are much scarcer in numbers 
and harder to see, possibly owing to the density of the forests. 

During eight months passed on the Congo I only saw Monkeys 
twice in a wild state, and that in one place only ; and throughout 
my entire stay of 16 months in West Africa I can only remember 
six occasions on which I actually beheld these animals in a state of 
nature. On the other hand, I had scarcely left the East coast to 
journey towards Kilima-njaro, than Monkeys showed themselves 
abundantly in the wilds. : 

The first to attract my attention were the Baboons, probably the 
species known as the Yellow Baboon. They were generally found 
on the outskirts of native plantations, where they almost subsisted on 
the maize and other food-stuffs stolen from the gardens of their more 
highly developed fellow Primates. In the inhabited region of Kilima- 
njaro, generally knownas thecountry of Chaga, Baboonswerestrangely 


216 MR. H. H. JOHNSTON ON THE (Mar. 3, 

abundant. They went generally in flocks of from fourteen to twenty, 
of all ages and both sexes. They were so little molested by the natives 
that they showed small fear of man, and instead of running away 
would often stop to look at me about 20 yards off, and the old males 
would show their teeth and grunt. I have frequently seen the 
natives driving them from the plantations as they might a troop of 
naughty boys, and the Baboons retreating with swollen cheek- 
pouches, often dragging after them a portion of the spoil. On one 
occasion, in the river-bed at the foot of Kilima-njaro, my Indian 
servant Virapan, ordinarily a very plucky boy, met a troop of 
Baboons, who, instead of fleeing up into the trees, came running 
towards him in a very menacing manner, and he was so frightened at 
their aspect that he took to his heels. The Baboons followed, and 
but that the boy forded the shallow stream and put the water be- 
tween him and his pursuers he might have had an awkward contest. 
I killed a Baboon once in Chaga, one of a troop who were rifling a 
maize plantation, and its companions, instead of running away, sur- 
rounded the corpse and snarled at me. As I had no more ammunition 
I went back to my settlement to fetch some of my followers, and 
upon the approach of several men the Baboons ran off. We 
picked up the dead one, and carried it back. It was a female, 
and apparently young and tender. Out of curiosity I had its 
flesh cooked the next day and ate it, hoping in this way to form 
some idea of the practice of cannibalism ; I can only say that the 
succulence and quality of this creature’s flesh were quite un- 
exceptionable. I have noticed this with every species I have as yet 
tasted of Old-World monkey. During my three months’ stay in 
Mandara’s country I ate the common Cercopithecus pyerythrus 
constantly, and found it made a very toothsome stew. The most 
remarkable monkey in all this region is probably the Colobus, 
which apparently offers a new variety or subspecies in the country 
round Kilima-njaro, remarkable for having an entirely white, heavily 
plumed tail. The common species, with a black tail tipped with 
white, I have shot in the forested plains nearer the coast. The 
Colobus Monkey is almost the only one that quite avoids the neigh- 
bourhood of man; the other genera frequent the neighbourhood 
of native plantations, and doubtless profit by the abundance of cul- 
tivated food. I never observed any Galago in this district nor do 
natives speak of one, although it is a genus well represented in 
other parts of East Africa. 

Bats are by no means common or often seen. I saw some Fruit- 
Bats once in the forest hanging to a sycamore-fig tree. No member 
of the groups of Insectivora came under my notice. 

The Carnivora in this country of big game are of course well 
represented. The Lion is very abundant and very bold; but the 
Leopard is more feared by the natives than his larger ally. 
While stopping in Mandara’s country two of that chief’s subjects 
were killed by Leopards, one of them close to the frequented 
village-green. The Leopard ascends the mountain up to about 
8000 feet, scarcely higher, I shot one of these creatures in the 


valley of a stream in broad daylight. I think it had been sleeping 
by the water and was suddenly aroused by my near approach and 
too dazed to run off immediately. I shot at a Lion once and 
missed him, and the king of beasts, after looking at me over his 
shoulder, magnanimously trotted off. 

The most common Dog is the Side-striped Jackal. There isa 
wild Dog found on Kilima-njaro which barks loudly. It is qnite 
nocturnal, and I have never been able to shoot it; but judging 
from its appearance in bright moonlight it is somewhat like the 
Abyssinian Dog. The natives know it by a different name than 
that applied to the Jackal. 

Hyeenas are very common, and both species, Striped and Spotted, 
are present; but the Striped Hyzena more affects the hills, while the 
Spotted kind inhabits the plains. The Spotted Hyzena is a much 
more predatory animal here than one generally imagines. Not only 
does it steal sheep and calves from the herds, but it even carries off 
children, and will often attack wounded and weakly men. I once 
sent a sick man back to the coast a short distance by himself, and 
he was severely bitten at night by the Hyznas. He succeeded, 
however, in beating them off, and recovered from his wounds. 

Civets and Genets are very common; so also are one or two 
species of Ichneumon. I noticed no kind of Weasel, Ratel, or 

The Orycteropus, or Ant-bear, is common on the plains, to judge 
by his many huge burrows; but I have never seen him, and only 
identify him from natives’ description. 

Among the Rodentia there were few that came under my notice. 
The Porcupine is fairly common; and there are divers small Mice. 
One of them I caught in a trap, and made some drawings of, which 
are here to-night. Unfortunately its skin, in common with that of a 
small black Rat infesting natives’ houses, was lost. 

I have brought home skins of a species of Tree-Hyrax which is 
found on Kilima-njaro between the altitudes of 7000 and 11,000 
feet. 1 also prepared its skull and skeleton; but these, along with 
some other skins of mammals, were accidentally left behind at 
Taveita when I started for the coast. I did, however, send word to 
those of my followers left behind to bring them back and hand them 
over to Sir Joh» Kirk to forward to England. The Hyrax is much 
sought after by the Wa-chaga for its warm, furry skin, which is 
made into cloaks. 

The Elephant inhabits Kilima-njaro up toa great height. I have 
seen two females and a young one at an altitude of 13,000 feet. 
The ivory of this part of Africa is considered superior to any other 
by the merchants of Zanzibar. Round the base of the mountains 
the Rhinoceros is very abundant; and in Lake Jipe Hippopotami 
are found. The Zebra (Zguus chapmanni) is found in incredible 
quantities in the plains round Kilima-njaro. In fact, the vast herds 
of varied game whieh pasture on the level country between the 
Snow Mountains and the coast remind one of the tales of Gordon 


Among the most noticeable Ruminants are the Buffalo (Bubalus 
caffer, to judge by its horns), the Giraffe (very abundant), the 
Eland, the Kudu, the Bush-buck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus), the Sable 
Antelope (Hippotragus niger), the Pallah, one or two Gazelles, Gnus, 
Hartebeests, Blessboks, and many small species of Neotragus and 

The Kudu penetrates up the mountain to a height of 14,000 feet, 
in company with the Buffalo, attracted possibly by the sweet peren- 
nial pasture. A Neotragus and Cephalophus are also found at high 
altitudes. I have nowhere seenthe Lesser Kudu, although a letter, 
which I have received this morning from a friend who has been 
shooting on the river Tana, a little to the north of Kilima-njaro, 
shows it to be abundant there. Wart-hogs are common, and pene- 
trate to a height of 8000 feet up the mountain. 

I will not trouble you with much respecting the birds of Kilima- 
njaro, as I have contributed some notes to Capt. Shelley’s able 
paper, written on the skins in my collection. I would, however, 
remark on the great abundance of the Ostrich in the district round 
Kilima-njaro. Curiously enough, it would seem, I know not why, 
that this Ostrich never produces fine plumes. The Arab traders 
find them worthless, at any rate, in the Zanzibar and Aden markets, 
while the feathers from Somali-land fetch good prices. During my 
residence at Taveita I kept many young Ostriches alive, and brought 
several to the coast ; but they all died during the journey. 

In the large rivers at the base of Kilima-njaro and in Lake 
Jipe Crocodiles are found. Large Lizards inhabit the forests. 
Smaller Lizards and Chameleons are very abundant. I have met 
with Chameleons up to a height of 13,000 feet ; and have also found 
a Frog at the same altitude. I forgot to mention that at this 
height, in an ice-cold stream, I captured the young of a Duck—of 
what species I do not know, as they were in the down. 

Fish are nowhere found in the rivers of Kilima-njaro, save in the 
river Lumi, which flows into Jipe. I have here to-night a drawing 
of the only kind seen. In Jipe I have caught a Stlurus, apparently 
the same as the “‘ Bagre” of the west coast. Freshwater Crabs are 
common in the mountain-streams. 

Throughout this region Butterflies were few and scarce, except at 
Taveita. Few kinds penetrated higher than 8000 or 9000 feet. 
Bees and Wasps were found up to 14,000 feet. 

In summarizing this very hasty review of the fauna of Kilima- 
njaro, I might remark that the animals were much more abundant in 
the plains than on the higher ground; and that the further we 
ascended towards the snowy summits, the scarcer were the signs of 
animated life. 





2. Report on the Mammals obtained and observed by Mr. 
H. H. Johnston on Mount Kilima-njaro. By Oxprienp 
Tuomas, F.Z.8., Natural-History Museum. 

[Received March 2, 1885.] 
(Plate XII.) 

The Mammalia collected by Mr. Johnston during his late expe- 
dition to Kilima-njaro nearly all belong to common and widely 
distributed species ; but his observations on the vertical distribution, 
comparative rarity, native names, &c., of the different mammals of 
the district are well worthy of being recorded. 

The following were the species observed by Mr. Johnston, the 
numbers of those of which specimens were not brought home 
being placed within brackets. 


a, 6. Moshi, on the south side of the mountain, 5000 feet, June 
to August. 

Very common in the cultivated gardens round the village, and in 
the forests lower down at Taveita. These Monkeys are exceedingly 
familiar and mischievous, coming into the gardens to steal fruit, &c., 
and are entirely without any fear of man. 

2, CoLOBUS GUEREZA CAUDATUS, subsp. nov. (Plate XII.) 

a. Useri, N.E. flank of mountain, 3000 feet, end of October. 

Very common all round the base of Kilima-njaro. 

The specimen brought, like two or three beautiful skins obtained 
by Mr. Thomson in the same neighbourhood, belongs to a peculiar 
race or variety apparently restricted to this region, and characterized 
by having the white brush of the tail very much larger and finer 
than is the case in the true Abyssinian C. guereza. In the latter 
animal the proximal 12 to 16 inches of the tail is short-haired and 
quite black, only the terminal 8 to 12 inches being white and tufted, 
and the white mantle hanging down from the body hides only about 
one third of the black part of the tail. In the Kilima-njaro race, 
however, only some 3 or 4 inches of the base of the tail are 
black, and the remainder (with the hairs about 20 or 21 inches) is 
developed into a magnificent white brush, of which individual hairs 
are from 7 to 9 inches in length. The hairs of the white 
body-mantle, moreover, entirely cover the black at the base of the 
tail, the white of the latter and of the mantle being quite continuous. 

In addition to this race, however, the true Guereza is also found 
in the neighbourhood of Kilima-njaro, as the mantle of the lowland 
Masai warrior, of whom a drawing is given in Mr. Johnston’s forth- 
coming work, is made of the skin of this animal, but this is, of 
course, a rather vague indication of the original locality of the 

220 MR. O. THOMAS ON [Mar. 3, 

specimen. Mr. Johnston tells me that the natives clearly distinguish 
the two races, and that the white-tailed form is, at least in the 
Kilima-njaro district, a more strictly mountain animal than the other. 

Taking now into consideration the extreme constancy of the 
markings of the Colodi, the very different appearance that the 
present animal has from the usual type, its restriction to a 
small district round Kilima-njaro, and the distinction by the natives 
of the two forms, I think it will be necessary to distinguish Mr. 
Johnston’s animal as a separate variety or subspecies, to which the 
name of C. guereza caudatus might be applied. 

[3.] Frexis tro, L. 

The Lion is abundant in the neighbourhood, but never ascends 
higher than about 3000 feet. 

4, Feuis parpus, L. 

a. Near foot of mountain, 3000 feet. 
The Leopard is very common up to about 7500 feet. 


a. Moshi, 5000 feet, October. 

b. Taveita, 2300 feet, August. 

Very common; occurs up to 7000 feet. A female specimen, 
caught by Mr. Johnston, gave birth to three young at about the end 
of October. 


a. Moshi, 5000 feet, August. 

Is not properly a mountain animal, but occurs round the village 
for the sake of the fowls and other prey which it can manage to 
steal there. 

Without the skull it is impossible to determine with certainty 
whether this is H. ichneumon, L., or H. caffer, Gm. ; but the skin 
has, on the whole, rather more the appearance of H. caffer, and it 
is therefore provisionally referred to the southern form. 


a. Moshi, 5000 feet, August. 
Very common round the village, to which it is attracted by the 

chance of stealing refuse, &c.; not otherwise found much above 
3000 feet. 

[8.] Canis, sp. 

Mr. Johnston several times saw and heard a species of Dog or 
Fox, which he was not able to obtain, but which looked rather like 
a large Fox, and emitted a distinct bark, similar to that of a domestic 
Dog. It is just possible that this was the rare Abyssinian Canis 
simensis, Ripp., no other animal appearing at all to agree with 
Mr. Johnston’s description. 



a. Moshi, 5000 feet, September 12. 
Found hanging to a tree in the daytime. 

10. Hyrax srucet, Gray (?). 

a, 6. g and 2, 10,000 feet, on the south side of the mountain, 
26th October. 

Native name in Bantu—K1-biru (plural Shi-biru), 

Fairly common in the mountain-forests, where they live eutirely 
in the trees, and not among the rocks. They do not descend below 
about 7000 feet and range up to 11,000 feet. These two specimens 
were brought alive to Mr. Johnston; but the female, after giving 
birth to three young, died almost at once, and the male, refusing to 
eat, also died in three or four days. 

The specimens agree exactly, so far as can be made out from 
skins only, with the type of Gray’s H. irrorata (Ann. Mag. N. H. 
1869, p. 242), a species, however, which Mr. Blanford (Geol. Zool. 
Abyss. p. 252, 1870) has shown to be probably not specifically 
separable from the same author’s H. brucei. Mr. Blanford obtained 
his Abyssinian Conies at elevations varying from 2000 to 8000 feet, 
and it was only to be expected that specimens inhabiting a locality 
so much further south as Kilima-njaro should have been found ranging 
as high as 11,000 feet above the sea. 

[11.] Exeruas arricanus, L. 

Mr. Johnston states that he himself saw and shot at Elephants 
at an altitude of no less than 13,000 feet. 

12. RaINocEROs BicoRnNts, L. 

a, 6, c. Horns; Taveita, 2300 feet, end of October. 

Very common on the elevated plains at the base of Kilima-njaro, 
but not ascending the mountain itself. Is not found in the true 
forest, but only in the bush. 

These horns were brought in to Mr. Johnston by the A-kamba 
people, who obtain them by killing the animals with poisoned 

13. Equus BURCHELLTI, Gray. 

a. Taveita, 2300 feet, 25th August. 

Very common, in herds of about 20, on the open plains round the 
mountain, never ascending above about 2400 feet. 

This specimen, like all those I have seen or heard of from localities 
on or north of the Zambesi, belongs to the so-called Eguus chap- 
mani, Layard *, in which the dark stripes extend on the limbs right 
down to the hoof. 

That this form, however, cannot be distinguished specifically from 
the true HZ. burchelli is sufficiently proved by the following sentence, 
extracted from Mr. T. E. Buckley’s useful paper on the distribution 

* P. ZS. 1865, p. 417. 

222 CAPT. G. E. SHELLEY ON [ Mar. 3, 

of South-African mammals * :—“‘ Out of five of these animals shot 
in one herd, there were individuals showing every variation of colour 
and marking, from the yellow and chocolate stripes to the pure 
black and white, the stripes in some ceasing above the hock, and in 
others being continued distinctly down to the hoof.’ On the whole, 
the somewhat ugly trinomial “‘ Zguus burchelli chapmani” seems to 
express fairly correctly the degree of distinctness to which this 
northern race has attained. 

I am told by Mr. Thomson also that throughout his travels in 
Eastern Equatorial Africa he has never seen any but this leg-striped 
race of Burchell’s Zebra. 

[14.] PHacocua@rvs, sp. 

Wart-hogs are found on Kilima-njaro up to an elevation of 8000 

[15.] Busauus carrer, Sparrm. (2). 

According to Mr. Johnston, Buffaloes occur commonly in the 
forests up to 14,000 feet. Whether these are B. caffer or B. equi- 
noctialis, Blyth (B. centralis, Gray), is doubtful, but a magnificent 
pair of horns brought by Mr. Thomson from the same region belong 
undoubtedly to B. caffer; and I therefore provisionally refer those 
seen by Mr. Johnston to the same species. 

[16.] SrREPsICEROS KUDU, Gray. 

Mr. Johnston states that the Kudu ranges up to no less than 
14,000 feet, at which height it is by no means rare. 

[17.] NrorraGus, sp. 

A dwarf Antelope, perhaps N. Airki, Giinth., occurs on Kilima-njaro 
up to an elevation of 14,000 feet. A sketch of it was brought 
home by Mr. Johnston, and will be published in his forthcoming 

3. On the Collection of Birds made by Mr. H. H. Johnston 
in the Kilima-njaro District. By Captain G. E. Suutiey, 
F.Z.S.; with Field-notes by Mr. H. H. Jounsron, 

[Received March 2, 1885.] 

(Plates XIII. & XIV.) 

The collection contains examples of fifty species, including the 
following six considered to be new to science :—Muscicapa johnstoni, 
Pinarochroa hypospodia, Pratincola avillaris, Nectarinia johnstoni, 
N. kilimensis, and Cinniris mediocris. The notes are by the 
collector, Mr. Johnston. 

1 P. ZS. 1876, p. 282. 


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1, NEopHRON MONACHUS (Temm.). 

Neophron monachus, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 19. 

Neophron pileatus, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p- 376. 

3, 5000 feet. 

Not observed higher up the mountain, as it frequents the more 
thickly inhabited parts; often in flocks associated with the Ground 
Hornbills and the White-necked Ravens. 

2. PoLyBOROIDEs TyPICcus, Smith. 

Polyboroides typicus, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 48. 

2, 5000 ft. 

Only met with in the neighbourhood of villages. Their feathers 

and those of the Kite are much prized by the natives for the orna- 
mentation of their capes. 

3. Bureo auGur, Riipp. 

Buteo augur, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 175; Fischer, 
Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 374. 

3, 4000 ft.; fg, 5000 ft.; 3g, 8000 ft. 

4. Burro pEsERTORUM (Daud.). 

Buteo desertorum, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit.-Mus. i. p. 179; Fischer, 

Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 374. 
3, 5000 ft. 


Asturinula monogrammica, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. i. p. 275; 
Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 374. 
3, 5000 ft. 


Barbatula leucotis, Marshalls, Monogr. Capitonide, p. 131, 
pl. 52. 

Megalema leucotis, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p- 371. 

3, 3000 ft.; 2, 6000 ft. 

It inhabits the dense forest, where its presence is often proclaimed 
by its harsh strident note, which it repeats at intervals, and being a 
bold bird is easily killed. The first pair were met with at Taveita, 
perched on the bough of a mimosa, and others were seen on the 
southern flank of the mountain up to 6000 feet. 


Halcyon orientalis, Sharpe, Monogr. Alcedinidz, p. 181, pl. 66 ; 
Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 361. 

3, 5000 ft. 

Feeds principally upon the small crabs which inhabit the moun- 

224 CAPT. G. E, SHELLEY ON [ Mar. 3; 

8. BucrRos crisTaTus, Riipp. 

Bycanistes cristatus, Elliot, Monogr. Bucerotide, pl. 26. 

Buceros cristatus, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p. 361. 

3, 4000 ft.; 2, 5000 ft.; 2, 6000 ft. 

Generally distributed over the mountain up to 6000 ft., especially 
near habitations. They show no fear of man, being generally pro- 
tected by the natives, who look upon them with superstitious awe, 
arising possibly from their being useful scavengers, as well as from 
their peculiar loud cry, which resembles at times that of the wailing 
of a woman in distress, at others that of the braying of an ass. In 
August and September they were breeding, and occasionally the 
head of the female might be seen peering out from a hole in a 
tree some 30 or 40 feet high, where she had been plastered in by 
her affectionate husband. By the chips lying about, it would 
appear that these holes are excavated by the birds to the required 
size. These birds are monogamous, and show great affection for each 
other, which is fortunate, as the female during incubation has 
entirely to rely on her mate for daily subsistence. 

Tockus melanoleucus, Elliot, Monogr. Bucerotide, pl. 49. 
3 2, 5000 ft. 

10. Eurysromus AFrer (Lath.). 

Eurystomus afer, Sharpe, Ibis, 1871, p. 274. 
Two ¢, 3000 ft. 

Often mobs birds of prey. 

11. Turacus HARTLAUBI (Fischer & Reichen.). 

Corythaix hartlaubi, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 
1884, p. 363. 

3 2, 10,000 ft. Bill red and green. Skin round the eyes 
scarlet. Sexes similar. 

It frequents the forest, and is most abundant at about 9000 feet. 
Its loud cry may be frequently heard, but it is difficult to see amongst 
the thick foliage, and still more difficult to approach, being very 

12. Coxrus LEvcotis, Riipp. 

Colius leucotis, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p- 363. 

3, 5000 ft.; 2 g, 6000 ft. 

Hapaloderma narina, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 
1884, p. 368, 

3, 3000 ft. 
This specimen agrees better with the Natal birds, with which we 


have compared it, than with the equatorial race, H. constantia, 

Only one specimen seen at Taveita, in the forest: it must be 
scarce, as the natives appear to have no name for it. 

14, AusEonAx MINIMA (Heugl.). 
Muscicapa minima, Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 435, pl. 18. f. 1. 
3, 4000 ft.; 3g, 6000 ft.; 3g, 7000 ft. 

15. MuscicaPa JOHNSTONI. 
Muscicapa johnstoni, Shelley, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 558. 

2, 6000 ft. 
Found on the southern slope of the mountain just above Moshi, 
on the borders of the cultivated district. 

16. Lanrus caupatus, Cab. 

Lanius caudatus, Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. p. 254; Fischer, 
Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 344. 

3, 3000 ft. In immature plumage. 

This species affects the desert and waterless districts at the foot 
of the mountain, where it perches upon the low shrubs, and pounces 
upon the grasshoppers, which are very abundant in these districts, 
and form its principal food. 

17. Lantus couuaris, Linn. 

Lanius collaris, Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. 1883, p. 255. 

Lanius humeralis, Fischer, Zeitsch. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p. 344, 

3, 4000 ft.; 6 2, 5000 ft.; J, 6000 ft.; 2 9, 7000 ft. 

One of the commonest birds on the mountain, and very bold. 

18. Dryoscopus sUBLACTEUs, Cass. 

Dryoscopus sublacteus, Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. viii. 1883, 
p- 140; Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 348. 

3, 3000 ft.; ¢, 5000 ft.; ¢, 8000 ft. 

19. Dryoscopus cuBxa (Shaw). 

Dryoscopus cubla, Gadow, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vili. p. 148; 
Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 345. 

3 2, 3000 ft.; g, 5000 ft.; g, not labelled. The female had 
the irides scarlet. 

Crateropus kirki, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p. 316. 
3, 5000 ft. 
Very common and bold. 

= ’ 
226 CAPT. G. E. SHELLEY ON [ Mar. 3, 

21. Pycnonortus LayarpI, Gurney. 

Pyenonotus layardi, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vi. 1881, p. 132 ; 
Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 341. 

2, 3000 ft.; 2 9, 5000 ft. 


Turdus cabanisi, Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. 1881, p. 229. 

3, 5000 ft.; 3g, 6000 ft. 

The most northern locality of this species, whence it ranges south- 
ward on the east coast to the Transvaal. 

Almost confined to inhabited districts. 


Kilima-njaro, 2, 14,000 ft. 

Close to P. sordida (Riipp.), which is the type of the genus Pina- 
rochroa; but the present bird is slightly larger, paler and less 
isabelline beneath, and has the white on the tail more limited, 
each feather having broad blackish-brown ends. 

Upper parts brown, slightly darker on the crown and quills ; tail— 
the four outer pairs of feathers white with broad blackish-brown ends ; 
this colour extends somewhat down their shafts, and covers about 
one third of the end-portion of the outer web of the exterior feather, 
and nearly the entire inner web of the third feather from the centre ; 
the centre two pairs entirely black. The wing-coverts and inner 
secondaries are broadly edged with sandy brown, and the remainder 
of the quills have almost obsolete similarly coloured edges. Sides 
of the head in front of the eye and the cheeks slightly washed with 
ashy brown. Underparts ashy buff, slightly darker on the lower 
throat and front and sides of the chest, and passing into rufous- 
shaded brown on the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts ; under 
surface of the wings dark brown with the coverts rufous-brown; the 
axillaries and inner margins of the quills ashy buff. Total length 
5*7 inches, culmen 0°55, wing 3, tail 2°2, tarsus 1°25. 

Found only at great altitudes, affecting the grassy and boulder 
regions, where they are to be seen in family parties of from three to 
five. Here they enliven the desert scenery by flitting before the 
traveller with a constantly repeated pleasing chirp, and perched upon 
the boulders flit their tails up and down after the manner of Chats. 


Pratincola azillaris, Shelley, P.Z.8. 1884, p. 556. 

3 2, 5000 ft.; 3d, 6000 ft.; 9, 7000 ft.; J, 8000 ft.; oS, 
10,000 ft. Breeds in September. 

Very abundant but not met with below 5000 ft. They are bold, 
and frequent the native villages in their lower range. 

25. Printa MysTacea, Rupp. 

Prinia mystacea, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 191. 

Drymeca tenella, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p- 312. 

3 2, 5000 ft. 


Cisticola subruficapilla, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. vii. p. 283. 
3, 5500 ft.; 9, 8000 ft. 


Nectarinia famosa, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 13, pl. 5. 

3 in partial moult, 29, 5000 ft.; 2, 6000 ft.; g in moult, 
7000 ft. 

Very abundant. 

28. NECTARINIA JOHNSTONI, sp. n. (Plate XIV.) 

3, Kilima-njaro, 11,000 ft. 

Very similar in size, form, and colour to N. famosa, but readily 
distinguished by the pectoral tufts being bright scarlet. 

Entire head, neck, back, least and median wing-coverts, and chest 
metallic green, with the bases of the feathers black; a small black 
patch from the gape to the eye. The head, neck, and back have a 
slight golden shade, not so strong as is generally the case in N. 
famosa, while the rump and upper tail-coverts have a bluish lustre ; 
remainder of the wings brownish black with a slight purple gloss ; 
the greater wing-coverts are partially edged with metallic green, 
shaded with bronzy-violet on a few of the outer feathers; the 
primary-coverts and the greater secondaries show, in certain lights, 
faint indications of similar metallic edges. “Tail purplish black, the 
feathers towards the centre being narrowly and partially edged with 
bluish green. Axillary tufts bright scarlet ; abdomen, thighs, and 
under surface of the wings blackish brown; under tail-coverts 
purplish black, with slight traces of metallic bluish-green margins 
to a few of the feathers. The under wing-coverts towards the bend 
of the wing are tipped with metallic green. Bill and legs black. 
Total length 10-6 inches, culmen 1°25, wing 3°3, tail 6°6, tarsus 0-7. 

Very abundant. Noi seen lower than 5000 or 6000 ft., but reaches 
higher up the mountain than any other bird with the exception of 
Corvultur albicollis and Pinarochroa hypospodia. Found very much 
round a curious teazle-like lobelia (Lobelia deckeni). Also at 
lower levels it affects the tall aloe flower-shoots. 


Nectarinia kilimensis, Shelley, P. Z.S. 1884, p. 555. 

Two ¢, 3000 ft.; ¢ 2, 4000 ft.; 4d, 5000 ft.; 2, 5600 ft. ; 
3, not labelled. 

Found mostly near base of mountain, very common. Rarely if 
ever seen above 5600 ft. 


Nectarinia reichenowi, Shelley, P. Z.S. 1884, p. 556, pl. 51. 

Drepanorhynchus reichenowi, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 
(Madaraz), 1884, p. 338. 

3, 4000 ft.; 2 9, 5000 ft. Never seen above 5000 ft. 

Abounds in the native plantations, being, in common with most 

228 CAPT. G. E. SHELLEY ON [Mar. 3, 

of the other Sun-birds, attracted there by the flowers of the sweet 
potato and of various beans and peas. 

31. Crinnyris arrinis, Riipp. 
Cinnyris affinis, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 239, pl. 74. fig. 2. 

d, 4000 ft.; 3g, 5000 ft.; ¢, not labelled. 
Very abundant at low levels. 


3, Kilima-njaro, 12,000 ft. 

Intermediate between C. chalybeus and C. chloropygius, but with 
the bill slightly more curved than in either. It resembles C. chaly- 
beus in the colouring of the metallic parts, having the blue terminal 
collar to the throat and blue upper tail-coverts; but differs from 
that species and resembles C. chloropygius in the colouring of the 
abdomen, thighs, under tail-coverts, and wings, which are darker and 
more olive than in C. chalydeus. 

Entire head, neck, back, least and median wing-coverts uniform 
metallic golden green ; upper tail-coverts steel-blue; remainder of 
the wings dark brown, with the margins of the feathers shaded with 
olive; the green of the throat terminates in a narrow steel-blue 
collar, followed by a broad scarlet collar; pectoral tufts yellow ; 
remainder of the underparts brownish olive, slightly washed with 
olive-yellow ; thighs dark brown ; bill andlegs black. Total length 
4°6 inches, culmen 0:7, wing 2°1, tail 2, tarsus 0°7. 

Fairly abundant. Only remarked in upper regions. 

33. CINNYRIS KIRKI, Shelley. 

Cinnyris kirki, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 273, pl. 85; Fischer, 
Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 339. z 

3 in moult, 3000 ft.; ¢ 2, 5000 ft.; 2, 7000 ft. 

34. Moraciiia Loneicauna, Riipp. 
Motacilla longicauda, Riipp. Neue Wirb. pl. 29. fig. 2. 
Two 6, 6000 ft. 

35. PoLiosp1za TRISTRIATA, Riipp. 
Poliospiza tristriata, Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 642. 
@, 8000 ft. Found in small flocks. 

Citrinella citrinelloides, Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. p. 644. 
2, 6000 ft.; 3, 7000 ft. 


Vidua principalis, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Maradaz), 1884, 
p- 325. 

Two ¢, 5000 ft. 


38. ? PENTHETRIA EQUEs, Hartl. 

Penthetria eques, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p. 326. 

g, 5000 ft.; 2, 7000 ft. ' 

These are immature specimens or in the brown winter plumage, 
and can therefore only be doubtfully referred to this species. 

39. HypHANTORNIs ocULARIUS (Smith). 

Hyphantornis ocularius, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 
1884, p. 331. 

3, 2300 ft.; ¢, 6000 ft. 

40. Sycosprotus REICHENOWI, Fischer. 

Sycobrotus reichenowi, Shelley, P. Z.S. 1884, p. 557. 

Hyphanturgus reichenowi, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 
1884, p. 331. 

23,32, 5000 ft.; g, 6000 ft. 

Breeds in colonies, especially affecting palm-trees. 

41. Orto.Lus notatus, Peters. 

Orivlus notatus, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iii. p. 196; Fischer, 
Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 334. 

3d, 2500 ft. Irides carmine. 

42. Amyprus morio (Linn.). 

3, 7000 ft. 

This is a full adult male, agreeing perfectly in its measurements 
with Natal specimens. 

Met with in small flocks of five or six. They utter a low pleasing 
ery or soft whistle and frequent small thickets. 

43. CoRvULTUR ALBICOLLIs (Lath.). 

Corvultur albicollis, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iil. p. 24. 

Archicorax albicollis, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 
1884, p. 336. 

3, 5000 ft. 
Inhabits the whole mountain up to the snow, and breeds in August 
in crevices in the most inaccessible rocks. 

44. Corvus scapuxatTus, Daud. 

Corvus scapulatus, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iil. 1877, p. 22; 
Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 337. 

2, 5000 ft. 

More a bird of the plains than the mountainous region, where 
its place is taken by Corrultur. 

Treron wakefieldi, Shelley, Ibis, 1883, p. 269. 
Two 3 2, 5000 ft.; 2, 6000 ft. 
Seen generally in pairs, eats the sycamore-figs. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XVI. 16 

230 MR. C. 0. WATERHOUSE ON [ Mar. 3, 


Palumbus arquatrix, Shelley, Ibis, 1883, p. 283. 

3, 10,000 ft. 

Bare skin round eyes, bill, and feet saffron-yellow. This specimen 
agrees perfectly with others from Natal. Only noticed at great 
attitudes from 8500 ft. to 10,300 ft. Seen in pairs in the dense 
forests, sometimes in company with T'uracus hartlaubi. 


Tympanistria tympanistria, Shelley, Ibis, 1883, p. 326. 

Peristera tympunistria, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 
1884, p. 278. 

2, 5000 ft. 


Francolinus (Scleroptera) schuetti, Cab. J. f. O. 1880, p. 351; 
1881, pl. 2. 

Froncolinus schuetti, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p- 382. 

3, 6000 ft. 

Frequents the rocks and was very abundant at 5000 ft. It was 
not met with in the plains. 

49. FRANCOLINUS ALTUMI, Fischer & Reichen. 

Francolinus altumi, Fischer & Reichen. J. f. O. 1884, p. 179, 
pl. 2; Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, p. 383. 

3, 6000 ft. 

This species frequents the plains more than the mountains. 

50. Isis HAGEDASH (Lath.). 

Ibis hagedasch, Fischer, Zeitschr. ges. Orn. (Madaraz), 1884, 
p- 386. 

©, 3000 ft. Irides scarlet. 
Shot in a marsh near Taveita out of a small flock of ten or twelve. 

4, On the Insects collected on Kilima-njaro by Mr. H. H. 
Johnston. By Cuas. O. WarEerRHovuseE. 
eceived February 3, 1885.] 
(Plate XV.) 


The series of Coleoptera collected by Mr. Johnston comprises 
examples of fifty-six species. Many of them belong to widely dis- 
tributed genera and are not of special interest. 

Of the nine species taken at an elevation of 10,000 to 14,000 
feet the following are worthy of note :—Two examples of Carabus 

P.Z.8 1885. Pe ae 


M.Horman-Fisher del et lith. 

Mintern Bros .imp. 



deckeni, Gerstaecker, which was described from a single female 
example found in this mountain. The species, however, proves to 
be a Calosoma, and not a Carabus, and is nearly allied to a species 
found in Abyssinia. 

There is a single specimen of one of the Trichiide, which I have 
provisionally placed in the genus Calometopus, although the clypeus 
not being emarginate it is possible that a new genus may have to be 
made for its reception. I havenamed the species Calometopus planatus. 
There are only two species of this genus known, C. senegalensis and 
C. nyasse. 

The third species to which I would call attention is one of the Hete- 
romera of the family Moluride. I have named it Melanolophus ater ; 
it appears to be most nearly allied to M. septemcostatus, described 
by Fairmaire in Revoil’s ‘ Faune et Flore des Pays Comalis,’ but which, 
if I have correctly determined it, occurs also in Abyssinia. 

Of the species found at lower elevations the majority, so faras I have 
identified them, are only known from South-east Africa (e. g., Melyris 
parvula, Gerst., Himatismus buprestoides, Gerst., Amiantus castano- 
pterus, Haag, Sepidium muscorum, Gerst., Anomalipus heraldicus, 
Gerst., Mylabris kersteni, Gerst., Epicauta dichrocera, Gerst., Rho- 
palizus sansibaricus, Gerst., Phrissoma giganteum, Guérin) ; others 
are found in most parts of Africa (e. g., Calosoma senegalense, Dej., 
Oryctes boas, Fabr.). 

Of the new species which I describe, Searabeus cribricollis has 
its nearest ally, so far as I know, in an Indian species S. sanctus, Fabr.; 
Amblysterna johnstoni is nearest to A. natalensis, Fabr. 


This interesting species was described by Dr. Gerstaecker (Wiegm. 
Arch. f. Naturg., 1867, p. 10; Von der Decken’s Reise in Ost- 
Africa, iii. p. 56, pl. iv. f. 2) from a single female example found 
by Dr. Kersten on Kilima-njaro at an elevation of 8000 feet. 

The two examples, male and female, found by Mr. Johnston differ 
from the female described by Dr. Gerstaecker in being rather 
smaller (only 13 millim. long), and, so far as one can judge from 
description, in having the elytra smoother with less impressed strie. 

Dr. Gerstaecker remarks on the fact of a species of Carabus being 
found in this locality, none ever having been found before in South 
Africa. ‘The species, however, is not a Carabus, but a Calosoma, as 
is indicated by the compressed third joint of the antenne ; a character 
which Dr. Gerstaecker overlooked when he stated that the separate 
joints of the antennz are formed as in Carabus pumilio. 

SCARABZUS CRIBRICOLLIs, n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 1.) 

Black, somewhat dull. Head closely and very strongly punctured, 
the punctures longitudinally confluent on the front of the clypeus, 
the anterior teeth of which are rather acute and moderately reflexed. 


232 MR. C. O. WATERHOUSE ON (Mar. 3, 

Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, moderately convex, with a 
transverse impression in the middle of the base. In the middle of 
the disk is a shining (but finely punctured) line, which does not 
extend much beyond the middle; all the rest of the surface is 
strongly punctured ; the punctures near the shining line are a little 
separated from each other, but at the sides and on the fore part 
they are crowded together and asperate; the sides are strongly 
rounded, finely serrate, and fringed with black hair. The elytra are 
a little narrower than the thorax, very slightly narrowed posteriorly, 
dull, but with the suture shining; the striz are fine, the interstices 
flat and finely coriaceous (except the sutural interstices and the 
scutellar region), with numerous dull shallow punctiform impres- 
sions placed very irregularly. Femora and tibie fringed with black 
hair. Sternum smooth and shining, with a well-marked broad 
impression between the intermediate legs. 

Length 22 millim. 

This species most nearly resembles the Indian Scarabeus sanctus, 
Fabr. The sides of the thorax are, however, more regularly rounded, 
much less sinuate before the posterior angles ; the shining discoidal 
line is broader, and there are no smooth spots on each side of this 
line. The elytra have the striz finer and neater, the interstices are 
flatter, coriaceous, with the punctiform impressions smaller and more 
separated from each other. 

ONTHOPHAGUS JOHNSTONI, n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 2.) 

Entirely black, except the apex of the antenne, which is rusty- 
yellow. Head as long as broad, obliquely narrowed in front of the 
middle, rounded at the apex, closely and coarsely rugose, except 
near the eyes. There is a slightly raised straight ridge between the 
eyes, and a second, longer one halfway between this and the front 
of the clypeus. The thorax is smooth, shining at the sides and in 
front, slightly dull above; the fore part is perpendicularly truncate ; 
the truncature bounded above by aslightly prominent ridge ; viewed 
from the front there are three shallow impressions: on each side 
there is a line of small tubercles bounding the discoidal area; the 
surface of the disk is moderately closely but extremely delicately 
punctured, and appears impunctate to the naked eye; the sides are 
more distinctly punctured : the base is oblique on each side, and is 
angularly produced in the middle, The elytra are convex, shining, not 
quite twice as wide as the length at the suture, rounded at the sides 
and apex, very delicately striated, the striz delicately punctured ; 
the interstices flat, sparingly punctured ; near the suture the punc- 
tures are extremely delicate but become more distinct towards the 
sides. The pygidium is rather sparingly but distinctly punctured. 
The sides of the sterna, the margins of the femora, and the posterior 
tibize are fringed with long black hair. 

Length 21-25 millim. 

I know of no species which much resembles this. Its most near 
ally is a species which I have seen named O. xoctis, Th., in Mr. 


Bates’s collection. The species has somewhat the general build of O. 
marsyas, Ol. ; the head is longer, the clypeus not sinuous at the sides ; 
the thorax rather flatter above, with a prominent, nearly straight 
ridge in front above the anterior perpendicular truncature; the 
anterior angles are as if truncated; the base is more angularly 
produced in the middle of the base; the elytra are scarcely narrowed 
at the base, &c. 

CaALOMETOPUS (?) PLANATUS, n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 3.) 

Nearly black ; the elytra dark testaceous, with the suture, mar- 
gins, and a lunate spot near the scutellum smoky black. Antennz 
and tibize reddish yellow, the margins of the abdominal segments 
pale yellow. Head very closely and rather strongly punctured ; the 
clypeus more finely punctured, a little broader than long, noé emar- 
ginate at the apex, but slightly arcuate, the angles obtuse ; all the 
margins reflexed. Thorax a very little broader than long, moderately 
convex, very strongly and rather closely punctured, parallel at the 
sides to considerably in front of the middle, where it is obliquely 
narrowed; the anterior angles nearly right-angles, very slightly 
prominent; the posterior angles obtusely rounded; the base gently 
arcuate and margined: on the disk there is a slight impression a 
little in front of the middle: the sides have the lateral ridge only 
behind the middle and at the anterior angle; the slightly swollen 
under flank is thus not separated from the upper surface of the 
thorax in front of the middle. Scutellum elongate, triangular, 
strongly punctured. Elytra twice as broad as the thorax, a little 
longer than broad; flat, with the sides nearly perpendicularly de- 
flexed ; dull, the suture and sublateral ridge shining: each elytron 
with six somewhat irregular dorsal lines of dark punctures; the 
apex closely rugulose. Pygidium closely vermiculate-strigose. Club 
of the antennze a little longer than all the previous joints taken 
together. Body beneath and the legs sparingly clothed with yellow 
hair, Anterior tibiz obtusely tridentate. The posterior tibiee with 
a triangular tooth a little below the middle; the edge above this 
tooth with four or five small teeth. Tarsi long and slender ; claws 
red, Abdomen shining, not very closely but strongly punctured ; 
ae basal segment yellow in the middle, margined with yellow at the 

Length 12 millim. 

A single example was met with. It is probable that this species 
may have to be separated from Calometopus on account of the 
form of the clypeus, which is not emarginate. Never having seen 
the type of the genus (C. senegalensis), I am unable at present to 
say in what other way it differs. 

AMBLYSTERNA JOHNSTONI, n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 4.) 
Size and general form of A. natalensis, Fabr. Golden green, 

234 MR. C. O. WATERHOUSE ON [ Mar. 3, 

shining, the underside and legs coppery, the sides of the abdomen 
violet. Thorax more convex than in A. natalensis, more closely and 
much more strongly punctured; the sides more regularly arcuate, 
with only a very small lateral impression ; the dorsal median channel 
well marked. Elytra very strongly and irregularly punctured, with 
small punctures interspersed; the punctures near the shoulders are 
somewhat transverse, and the interspaces being very narrow become 
transverse rugee. All the large punctures are finely punctured and 
filled with pale pubescence, which gives the elytra a speckled appear- 
ance. The lateral and apical costz are as in A. natalensis, but not 
so strongly marked, and there is no lateral stripe above the lateral 
costa. Antenne black, with the opaque portions smoky. Under- 
side of the body somewhat violet, the abdominal segments margined 
with green. Legs coppery. 
Length 25 millim. 

PsILOPTERA LETA,n. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 5.) 

Rather parallel, depressed, bluish green above, brassy green below. 
Head very rugose. Thorax nearly one third broader than long, a 
little broader across the middle than at the base, and then obliquely 
narrowed in front, with a shallow median impression and one on 
each side; the surface rather strongly but very irregularly punc- 
tured, coarsely rugulose-punctate at the sides; the irregular space 
on each side of the median impression sparingly punctured, shining 
coppery ; and a little more removed from the middle there is an 
irregular-shaped coppery spot a little in front of the middle. Scu- 
tellum black. Elytra nearly parallel for two thirds their length, 
then narrowed to the apex, not very convex, with lines of some- 
what strong punctures; the alternate interstices flat, the others in 
parts very slightly convex ; the flat interstices are strongly and not 
very closely punctured; the others have each about eight ovate 
finely punctured impressions; the raised parts smooth and slightly 
brassy. At the sides there is a submarginal, closely, and finely 
punctured impressed line, extending from under the shoulder to 
near the apex; in this stripe there is some very fine whitish pubes- 
cence, which is only visible in certain lights. Prosternum with a 
triangular projection on each side of the front margin. Abdomen 
irregularly and strongly punctured, and finely pubescent. 

Length 30 millim. 

MELANOLOPHUS ATER, nD. sp. (Plate XV. fig. 6.) 

Dull black. Head closely and strongly punctured, with a slight 
impression on the forehead. Antenne with the 3rd joint nearly as 
long as the 4th and 5th taken together; the 4th joint a little longer 
than broad, the following joints very similar; the 10th joint the 
same length as the 9th, but broader than long; the 11th as broad as 
the 10th, but short, truncate at the apex. Thorax as long as broad, 
or even a trifle longer, very convex (densely and strongly punctured, 


the intervals irregular, shining, rugee or granules), moderately nar- 
rowed at the base and apex; arcuate at the sides, with no lateral 
ridge; the front margin nearly straight, the anterior angles not 
prominent, the base slightly bowed. Elytra not quite twice as broad 
as the thorax, oblong-ovate, moderately convex ; each elytron with 
three zigzag shining coste (two dorsal, one lateral), the interstices 
plicate and rugulose; the suture not costiform. The sides of the 
elytra shining, the surface uneven and sparingly punctured, Pro- 
sternal process closely and rather strongly punctured; the meso- 
and metasterna less so. Abdomen dull, very finely punctured, the 
punctuation of the apical segment rather stronger. Legs rugose, 
not clothed with paler tomentum. 

Length 14-15 millim. 

The females are rather broader than the males, especially in the 
elytra, which are more oblong and somewhat flattened dorsally. 
The males have two very small shining spots on the disk of the 
thorax in front of the middle, and there is an indication of a fine 
median line. 

I have been in doubt whether to place this species in the genus 
Amiantus or the more recent genus Melanolophus, Fairm. (Faun. 
et Fl. d. Pays Comalis, 1882, p. 69). The general form is, how- 
ever, more that of Melanolophus, but the suture of the elytra is not 
costiform. The anterior angles of the thorax are not produced for- 
ward as in Amiantus. The antenne are rather shorter than in 
either of these genera. 


The other Insects collected by Mr. Johnston do not present any- 
thing remarkable. There is, however, a very fine specimen of 
Mantis (Jdolum diabolicum, Saussure), of which a male example in 
the British Museum is from the White Nile. 


Fig. 1. Scarabeus cribricollis, p. 231. 
2. Onthophagus johnstoni, p. 252. 
2a. Lateral view of thorax of ditto. 
3. Calometopus planatus, p. 233. 
3a. Front view of head of ditto. 
4. Amblysterna johnstoni, p. 233. 
5. Psiloptera leta, p. 234. 
6. Melanolophus ater, Q p. 234. 


5. Note on a Nematoid Worm (Gordius verrucosus) obtained 
by Mr. H. H. Johnston on Kilima-njaro. By F. Jer- 
FREY Betz, M.A., F.Z.S. 

[Received February 3, 1885.] 

The single specimen of Gordius which was obtained by Mr. 
Johnston belongs to a well-known and widely-distributed species, 
but yet presents points of interest such as are almost always absent 
from so-called new species. 

So far as my knowledge extends (and on this particular point it is in 
advance of that of Dr. Linstow, who, in his valuable ‘Compendium der 
Helminthologie,’ does not mention the parasite now under consider- 
ation), Gordius verrucosus is, in earlier life, parasitic on a species of the 
genus Mantis; and there is in the British Museum a specimen of 
** Mantis, sp.,” which, as Mr. Waterhouse has been good enough to 
point out to me, is really IZ. membranacea, accompanying a Gordius. 
The whole of the abdomen of this Orthopteron is completely emptied 
of its contents. A similarly excavated Mantis, the appearance of 
which had excited Mr. Waterhouse’s wonder, is to be found among 
the insects collected by Mr. Johnston between 3000 and 5000 feet. 

A specimen, belonging apparently to the same species, is to be 
found half in and half out of the abdomen of Hierodula bioculata, a 
Mantid collected on the west coast of Africa, and lately presented to 
the Trustees by Dr. Giinther, F.R.S. 

With regard to the geographical distribution of the species, it is to 
be noted that it is sufficiently wide to include South Africa and 
Ceylon ; while there are in the British Museum specimens named 
respectively by Dr. Baird, the author of the species, and by Dr. Orley, 
who in 1881 went carefully through the collection in the Museum ; 
these specimens are reported as coming from Vera Paz, Guatemala 
(presented by O. Salvin, Esq.), and the “ neighbourhood of Irazu, 
Costa Rica” (presented by Messrs. Godman and Salvin). The fact 
that the same parasite is to be found in hosts of different species is 
well known. ‘The present case, in which Mantis membranacea from 
Ceylon, Idoleum diabolicum from Kilima-njaro, and Hierodula biocu- 
lata from West Africa are infested by a common form, is almost exactly 
paralleled by the case of the Tenia described by Peters from a 
Rhinoceros from the Mozambique, and by Murie and Garrod in 
Rhinoceroses from India. 

As to the second point which has arisen, the presence of G. 
verrucosus in Central America, 1 note differences in the form of the 
integumentary papillz, which are sufficient to induce me to suggest 
that no stress should be at present laid on this point, though they 
are not enough, when taken in conjunction with my own want of 
experience in the degrees of possible variations, to lead me to put 
myself into more decided opposition to the views or determinations 
of such workers as Dr. Baird and Dr. Orley. 


6. Description of a new Variety of River-Crab, of the genus 
Thelphusa, from Kilima-njaro. By E.J. Mrers, F.L.S., 

[Received February 3, 1885.] 

The species of T’helphusa, or River-Crabs, are extremely numerous, 
and their discrimination is often very difficult, on account of the 
changes which the species undergo as they increase in age and size. 

In the collection brought by Mr. H. H. Johnston from Kilima- 
njaro are two specimens of this genus, which [ assign, though not 
without some hesitation, to the Thelphusa depressa, Krauss, de- 
scribed from types taken near Pietermaritzburg, Natal. They agree 
with the description and figure in their depressed carapace, which 
is considerably dilated at the branchial regions, in the non-develop- 
ment of the lateral epibranchial tooth, and in other essential 
characters; but differ in the more strongly defined cervical suture of 
the carapace, and the more strongly denticulated merus, and much 
less strongly arcuated dactylus of the chelipedes. As regards this 
latter character, I may observe that in a series of Thelphuse 
(perhaps 7’. difformis) in the Museum collection, the dactyli of the 
chelipes are in some males arcuated, and in others nearly straight. 

I append a detailed description of the specimens from Kilima- 
njaro, which I propose to designate 7. depressa, Krauss, var. 
johnstoni, but which may prove to belong to a distinct species. 


Cf. Thelphusa depressa, Krauss, Siidafrik. Crustaceen, p. 38, pl. 11. 
fig. 4 (1843). 

Carapace transverse, widest in its post-frontal region, depressed, 
with the dorsal surface nearly smooth, and divided into two nearly 
equal portions by the zigzag cervical suture, which extends trans- 
versely across the carapace to the postero-lateral margins; behind 
this a second transverse depression (not a suture) crosses the cara- 
pace behind the cardiac region. The postfrontal crest extends to 
the antero-lateral margins of the carapace, and is interrupted only 
by the meso-gastric suture, which bifurcates posteriorly (as usual 
in the genus) ; this crest is granulated near to the antero-lateral 
margins, which are defined by a distinctly granulated line; the 
lateral epibranchial teeth are not developed. On the hepatic and . 
branchial regions are several faintly indicated lines, which extend 
inward for a short distance over the dorsal surface of the carapace 
from the lateral margins. The front is about one third the width of 
the carapace, punctulated above, with its anterior margin sinuated, 
its antero-lateral angles obtuse and not prominent. The orbital 
margins are entire, and defined by a raised line, which is granulated 
except near to the front; the inferior orbital margin is regularly 
arcuate, not (as in 7. perlata) angulated near to the interior sub- 
ocular lobe, which is not at all prominent; the tooth, also, at the 
exterior orbital angle is very little developed; the parts of the 


carapace adjoining the antero-lateral angles of the buccal cavity are 
very distinctly granulated. The eye-peduncles are slender (for a 
species of this genus), and the eyes do not attain the exterior angle 
of the orbit. The exterior maxillipedes are formed as in T’. perlata, 
having the ischium and merus of the endognath distally truncated, 
the merus rounded at its antero-external angle, and scarcely emar- 
ginate at its antero-internal angle. The chelipedes in the adult 
male are unequal, the right the larger ; in both the merus is armed 
with a series of spinules on the anterior margin, and with a somewhat 
longer spine near the distal extremity ; the carpus with a spine 
followed by a smaller spinule on the inner margin; the palm is 
somewhat compressed and nearly smooth, rounded above; the 
dactyl and pollex are denticulated on the inner margins, and have 
between them, when closed, a rather narrow interspace ; the dactyl 
is slightly arcuated and as long as, or rather shorter than, the palm. 
The ambulatory legs are of moderate length, with the fourth to 
sixth jomts compressed, and with the superior margins acute; the 
margins of the penultimate joints near to the distal extremity and 
the dactyli are armed with small spinuliform teeth, which on the 
dactyli are disposed in four longitudinal series. ; 

Adult male. 

lines. millims. 
Length of carapace.......... 173 37 
Breadth of carapace about .... 254 54°5 
Length of a chelipede........ 44 93°5 

This form may be distinguished from other African species in 
which the postfrontal crest is distinctly developed, by the following 
characters :—From 7. perlata, M. Edw., which is found at the Cape 
and Port Natal, by the wider transverse carapace, which is more 
dilated at the branchial regions, and not dorsally granulated near 
the antero-lateral margins, and by the form of the orbit, whose 
inferior margin is regularly concave (not as in specimens referred to 
T. perlata in the Museum Collection), abruptly angulated near the 
interior subocular lobe. From 7’. inflata, M. Edw., by the less 
convex carapace, straight postfrontal crest, and the granulated 
line which borders the antero-lateral margins of the carapace. 
T. aubryi, M. E., T. africana, A. M. E., and T. emarginata, 
Kingsley, from the Gaboon, West Africa, and Port Natal, have an 
additional tooth between the exterior angle of the orbit and the 
postfrontal crest. In 2 goudoti, M. E., from Madagascar, the 
postfrontal crest is less developed, and the immobile finger of the 
chelipedes forms more or less of an angle with the inferior margin of 
the palm. Another species from Madagascar, 7. madagascariensis, 
A.M. E., which has not, I believe, been figured, is distinguished by 
the lesser development of the postfrontal crest and the straighter 
fingers of the chelipedes, which meet along their inner margins. 
In the West-African 7. bayoniana, T. anchiete, and 1. dubia, 
Brito Capello, the lateral epibranchial tooth is more developed. In 


T. limula, Hilgendorf, from Senegambia, the postfrontal crest is 
less distinctly developed near the lateral epibranchial teeth, behind 
which, in the males, are indications of two other teeth. 

7. On the Heart described by Professor Owen in 1841 as 
that of Apterye. By E. Ray Langesrer, M.A., LL.D., 
F.R.S., Jodrell Professor of Zoology in University 
College, London, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 

[Received February 19, 1885.] 

When busy some three years ago with the examination of the 
right cardiac valve of Ornithorhynchus and Echidna, I was naturally 
anxious to examine the similar valve of Apteryx, which had been 
stated by Sir Richard Owen to present a divergence from the 
character which it usually presents in Birds, and instead of being 
purely muscular as in all other Birds, to possess membranous areze 
and chorde tendinee. Sir Richard Owen gives the following 
account of this valve in his paper published in 1841, in the ‘ Trans- 
actions’ of this Society (vol. ii. p. 272) :— 

“The principal deviation from the ornithic type of the structure of 
the heart is presented in the valve at the entry into the right ven- 
tricle (pl. lii. g. fig. 3). This is characterized in birds by its 
muscularity and its free semilunar margin. In the Apteryex it is 
relatively thinner, and in some parts semitransparent and nearly 
membranous ; a process moreover extends from the middle of its 
free margin, which process is attached by two or three short chorde 
tendinee to the angle between the free and fixed parietes of the 
ventricle. We perceive in this mode of connection an approach in 
the present bird to the mammalian type of structure analogous to 
that which the Ornithorhynchus, among Mammalia, offers, in the 
structure of the same part, to the class of birds; for the right 
auricular ventricular valve in the Ornithorhynchus is partly fleshy 
and partly membranous. The dilatable or free parietes of the right 
ventricle were about ;),th of an inch in thickness, those of the left 
were ¢ th of an inch thick.” 

I was fortunately able to gratify my curiosity with regard to the 
heart of Apteryx by the dissection of a specimen preserved in spirit, 
which I owe to the courtesy of Mr. Cheeseman. 

I was not a little astonished to find that the right cardiac valve 
of my Apéfery« was totally different from that described by Owen, 
and so far from presenting any membrane or chorde tendinee, 
exhibited the normal structure of the right cardiac valve in birds; 
in fact was a purely muscular lobe. I put the matter by at that 
time, and was reminded of it a few weeks since by Mr. Beddard, 
who told me that he had obtained a precisely similar result to my 
own from the examination of a specimen of Apterya which had 
recently come into his possession. 

Mr. Beddard further told me that he had taken an opportunity 


of looking at Owen’s specimen of the heart of Apteryx, which is now 
in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, No. 923 B.b. and 
that it certainly differed altogether, as regards its right cardiac valve, 
from an ordinary bird’s heart, and from the Apteryx-heart dissected 
by him. Mr. Beddard remarked, as Owen had done himself, that 
the valve in this specimen in the College of Surgeons was very 
similar to the right cardiac valve of the Monotremata. 

It occurred to me that possibly Sir Richard Owen had made an 
unfortunate mistake at the time of dissecting his Apteryx, and that 
since he had at the same time specimens of Ornithorhynchus under 
examination, side by side with the Apéeryx, the heart of one of the 
latter might, by the inadvertency of some assistant or attendant, 
have been exchanged for the heart of the former. 

Accordingly on Feb. 18th I requested Prof. Charles Stewart to 
allow me to remove from its bottle, and closely examine the 
specimen 923 B. b., labelled “ Heart of Apteryz australis”’ (so placed 
and labelled, so far as I have been able to ascertain by inquiry, under 
the direction of Prof. Owen). 

The figure in the Society’s ‘Transactions’ does not represent 
the appearance of this heart, inasmuch as three musculi papillares 
are figured, and are described as “ chords tendinex,’’ whilst only 
two (the great anterior and the right) are obvious in the prepara- 
tion. That is, however, a matter of detail which Prof. Owen regarded 
as liable to variation, since he says that two or three chord tendinez 
are present, and in his paper on Apteryx he speaks of having dis- 
sected two specimens. 

On removing the heart from the bottle in Prof. Stewart’s 
presence, I was able to point out to him that the aortic arch of this 
supposed heart of Apteryax has a sinistral and not a devtral flexure. 
I also found that the auricles and the relatively small jugular sinus 
are identical with that of Ornithorhynchus, and unlike the auricles 
and large veinous sinus of any bird. I found, further, that the 
arrangement of muscle and membrane in the right cardiac valve is 
precisely (not only approximately) similar to that described by me 
in Ornithorhynchus, and figured in the ‘ Proceedings’ of the Society 
for 1882, pl. xl., and also in 1883, pl. iii. 

The shape of the whole heart, the shape of the right ventricular 
cavity, and the markings of its surface (rudimentary column 
carneze) are precisely of the same character as in the nine specimens 
of Ornithorhynchus-hearts examined by me. 

I have no kesitation in stating that the heart, specimen No. 923 
B.b., in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons, is not the 
heart of an Apteryx, but the heart of an Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. 

This being the case, the discrepancy between the observations 
made independently by Mr. Beddard and by me upon the structure 
of the right cardiac valve of Apteryx, when compared with the 
statements made forty years ago by Sir Richard Owen, is accounted 
for. Sir Richard Owen did not examine the heart of Apteryz, but 
by an accident occupied himself with the heart of an Ornithorhyn- 
chus which he mistook for the heart of that bird. 


8. On Races and Hybrids among the Salmonide.—Part IV. 
By Francis Day. 

[Received February 17, 1885.] 

In continuation of the series of papers upon “ Races and Hybrids 
among the Salmonidz,” which I have communicated to this Society, 
I propose to resume my account of the Howietoun experiments from 
November 1884 until the present time. This period has been most 
instructive, as comprising the period during which the ova of the 
hybrids have been incubating; it has also demonstrated that we 
must not be too confident, should the eggs of two-year-old fish fail to 
hatch, that such failure is not due to the immaturity of the parents. 

Respecting the hybrids between the Lochleven-Trout eggs and 
Salmon-smolt made December 24, 1881, those fish which have re- 
mained in the Octagon pond at Craigend' do not appear to have 
bred, neither have they much increased in size. On February 12 
one was taken with a fly: it measured 93 inches in length, was in 
fair condition, and on being opened proved to be a barren male. Its 
form was similar to what I have previously described these fish to be. 
There were seven large black spots on the opercles on the right side 
and eight on those of the left ; a row of red spots along the lateral 
line and a second series above it. Fins edged anteriorly with white, 
the dorsal with several irregular rows of black spots. A slight 
appearance of par-bands when in certain lights. Taken in conjunc- 
tion with the largest similarly bred hybrid two years older than this 
lot, which was found in November 1884 to be merely 164 inches 
long*, the supposition is raised that the breed may be a dwarfed 

The young hatched in 1884 from Lochleven-Trout eggs and 
young Salmon-par, which produced “ dropsies,” * are still in one of 
the large boxes at Howietoun. The water was too discoloured to 
allow of their being visible: a few were obtained by means of a 
landing-net ; but they do not appear to have much increased in size. 

The first experiment made with the eggs of a Grilse +, which had 
been reared from eggs hatched at the Howietoun fishery, was on 
November 7, 1884, when about 100 were obtained by Mr. Thomp- 
son from one of these fish that had jumped out of the pond, and 
which were milted from a Lochleven Trout. On January 3, 1885, 
18 hatched; and when I saw them on February 10 they were 
looking very well, and none of them appeared to be suffering from 
any deformities. Particular attention must be drawn in this place 
to the age of the Grilse, which had been hatched early in 1881 
from ova and milt obtained from the Teith in December 1880. 
The fact of these young fish being in their third winter season has 
probably much influence on the success of their hatching. 

Prior to discussing the results of incubation in the ova of the 

* Proc. Zool. Soc, 1884, p. 584. 2 L.c. p. 584. 
® T. ¢. p. 583. * L.c. p. 582, 


rising two-year-old hybrid fishes, a very important fact must not be 
overlooked. Last season, 1883-84, it was observed that, although 
young Salmon-par at just over two years of age could fertilize the 
ova of Trout, the alevins were dropsical, and only about 100 out of 
4000 survived. So the experiment was altered this season; and a 
young Lochleven Trout rising two years of age was employed to 
supply the eggs which were milted from an adult of her own race. 

November 13, 1884.—About 500 eggs were obtained from a 
rising two-year-old Lochleven Trout, their average size being 0°17 
of an inch in diameter (at 8 years old they are from 0°20 to 0°24 of 
an inch) ; these were impregnated from a male of average size and 
of the same race. The eggs were placed in box 1240; and it was 
observed that besides being small, they had a much thinner shell 
than had those of older fish. The eggs did very badly, and only 
about a dozen hatched. This experiment is of very great value, as 
tending to show that small eggs taken from young mothers have a 
deficiency of vitality ina similar manner to the milt of the young 

On December 9, 1884, about 400 ova were taken from a Howie- 
toun Grilse and milted from a Lochleven Trout. The diameter of 
the eggs was 0°22 inch; and they were placed in tray 108 6. Only 
about half the eggs appear to have been impregnated. 

December 13.—500 eggs were obtained from a dead Sea-Trout 
which had met its death from direct injury, a wound having ex- 
tended into the ovary, and possibly water had then obtained entrance. 
To these eggs the milt of a Salmon par, reared at Howietoun, was 
added ; and they were deposited in box 84¢. The size of the eggs 
was 0°18 inch in diameter. Probably none will hatch. 

December 13, 1884.—650 eggs were obtained from a Sea-Trout, 
and having been impregnated trom a Lochleven, they were placed 
in tray 846. The size of each egg was 0°18 inch in diameter. 

November 11, 1884.—About 12,000 eggs of the Lochleven Trout 
were milted from a Howietoun-reared smolt, and laid down in box 
No. 1. These eggs have done very well, only about 87 dead ones 
having been picked out ; they hatched on January 28, and the young 
look well. In this experiment neither parent was under the third 

November 14, 1884.—About 800 eggs of the Lochleven Trout 
were milted from three Howietoun-reared pars and smolts. These 
eggs were placed in box 96a. They hatched on February 5; the 
young are numerous, and appear to be very healthy. The remark 
on the age of the parents in the last experiment also may be applied 
to this. 

On November 12, 1884, 1350 eggs of a Lochleven Trout were 
milted from a hybrid Char and Trout’, this hybrid being 83 inches 
in length. The eggs were placed in box 92a; only about 12 eyed, 
and out of these 3 embryos came to their full size, but had not suf- 
ficient vitality to burst their shell, dying unhatched. As a rule, 
the eggs appeared not to have been impregnated. On measuring 

1 Proe. Zool, Soc. 1884, p. 586. 

duit Jaryury 




the eggs, I found that the majority averaged 0°24 inch in diameter. 
The cause of the failure in this instance may probably have been 
more due to the young age of the male (a rising two-year-old) than 
to its being a hybrid. Next winter, however, ought to set this 
question at rest. 

November 12, 1884.—A female rising two-year-old hybrid Char 
of the Struan’ race gave 146 eggs, out of which only six hatched on 
February 3, 1885. 

November 12, 1884.—4500 eggs of Lochleven Trout were milted 
from a hybrid rising two-year-old of the Struan race; they hatched 
on February 2, 1885. Among them are many deformities, a few 
dropsies ; while about half the ova hatched. 

Respecting the rising Struan two-year-old hybrids’, they have 
suffered from the winter more than any other form. Kept in plank- 
pond no. 4, as December set in they began to be languid ; and one 
or two having died, they were shifted into the old fario pond, no. 5, 
on Dec. 24, when 74 fish were transferred. The next day 15 died, 
and two on the 26th. Since then a few have succumbed; and one on 
Feb. 12. These fish seem, in their shallow pond, to have felt atmo- 
spheric changes very severely, requiring deeper water into which 
to descend, while it is very remarkable that the hybrid crosses 
between the American Char and the Lochleven Trout (9 leopards and 
146 zebras) were not so affected, although kept under precisely 
similar surroundings. 

In continuation of the table of measurements of the eggs* of 
Grilse, Lochleven Trout, American Char, and those of the Struan 
hybrids which I gave in my last paper, I have the following addi- 
tional ones to record :— 

Salmo salar, 16 \b. weight : diameter of each egg 0°24 ofan inch. 
+ »  Howietoun Grilse: ie An 0-20 to 0-22 of an inch. 
»  trutta, small: 5 3 0:175 to 0:18 of an inch, 
»  levenensis, 8 years old: Pr a few 0°20, 0°22, most 0-24 inch. 
2 a ‘ each egg 0°17 of an inch. 

: fontinalis, 3 : i 0-17 of an inch. 

a ne 0:14 to 0°16 of an inch. 

” ” 2 ” 
Hybrid Char, Struan race it Ah 0°15 of an inch. 

9. Note on a supposed Melanotie Variety of the Leopard, 
from South Africa. By Dr. A. Ginruer, F.Z.S. 

[Received March 3, 1885.] 
(Plate XVI.) 

A few days ago Mr. F. Bowker brought to me the flat skin of a 
“rare Leopard” which he had obtained at Grahamstown. The 
animal had been killed in a hilly district covered with dense scrub 
and situated at a distance of about forty miles from the town. On 
further inquiry I learned that a second specimen had been obtained in 

* Proe. Zool. Soc. 1824, p. 587. 2 L.¢. p. 586. 3 L.c. p. 588. 


the same district, and is at present preserved in the Museum of 
Grahamstown’; that the ordinary kind of Leopard is common in the 
locality, that the Cheetah is very scarce, and that the Lion has been 
entirely exterminated for a considerable period. 

The points in which the skin differs from the ordinary type are 
the following :— 

The ground-colour is tawny with a rich orange gloss about the 
shoulders. Of the rosettes only a few indications are preserved, 
namely on the haunches, where two are visible on the right side, 
whilst they form an irregular confluent pattern on the left. Remains 
of rosettes are also visible, one on each shoulder close to the verticelli 
of hairs which are usually developed in this place in the Leopard, 
Lion, &c. Two pairs of similar rudimentary rosettes succeed these 
at intervals of about 10 inches. The remainder of the rosettes are 
broken up into, or replaced by, innumerable small separate spots, 
which are most distinct in and behind the region of the shoulder, 
and on the outer sides of the legs. They are more diffuse on the 
flanks, where they mix with the ground-colour, producing a brownish 
tinge. Finally on the back, from the forehead to the sacral region, 
they are more or less confluent, so that the whole of the back 
appears to be of black colour, which is most intense above the lumbar 
region. A few black spots on the upper lip, a conspicuous black 
spot above each eye surrounded by a light yellowish ring, and a large 
black spot on the back of the ear are present as in Leopards with 
typical coloration. On the other hand, the tail differs in a remark- 
able manner, it being fulvous for its first two thirds, which colour 
gradually changes into pale grey ; the whole tail is sprinkled with 
numerous very small and clearly defined spots, the extreme tip being 
black. Chin, chest, belly, and inside of the legs white with large 
black spots as in the ordinary Leopard. Whiskers and claws white, 
hair between the foot-pads black. The hairs are of about the 
ordinary length, with a very thick underfur on the sides of the 

The measurements of the flat skin are as follows:—Head and 
body 4 feet 1 inch, tail 2 feet 6 inches; distance of central line of 
back from the fore toes 2 feet 6 inches. 

In endeavouring to throw some light on this extraordinary 
deviation from the ordinary type, we are almost entirely limited to 
the evidence to be gleaned from the specimen before us. The 
possibility of its being a hybrid between the Leopard and one of the 
other large feline animals of South Africa is to be considered. 
There is a very evident mixture of two patterns of coloration, viz. of 
that in which the ornamental colour appears in the form of rosettes, 
and that of simple black spots as in the Cheetah. Yet the whole 
build of the animal and the structure of the typically feline claws 
prevent us from assuming that the Cheetah might be one of the 
parents. It would be more within the bounds of possibility that our 
specimen is the offspring of a Leopard with a Lioness which had 

1 This is evidently the same specimen which was described by Mr. Trimen 
in Proc. Zool. Soc, 1883, p. 535. 


strayed so far southwards, the African Lion being frequently found 
with a very dark dorsal region and with the long hairs of a more or 
less intense black; also the bright tawny ground-colour of the 
shoulder in our specimen is very Lion-like. But it would be 
extremely hazardous to found an opinion on such slight grounds, the 
more so as we cannot find any trace of structural leonine characters. 

The hairs consist of a soft underfur of fine wool-hairs, mixed with 
stouter hairs; the latter cannot be distinguished microscopically 
from those of the ordinary Leopard; and both are almost identical 
with, perhaps a little more slender than, those of the Lion. 

It is a well-known fact that the Asiatic Leopard exhibits a 
decided tendency to melanism; and it is stated that the black 
Leopards are found chiefly in forest-districts of considerable elevation. 
So far the conditions under which melanism appears in the Asiatic 
Leopard seem to be similar to those under which our specimen was 
reared. On the other hand, the abnormal coloration affects the 
ornamental pattern of the Asiatic Leopard in a different fashion from 
that observable in our specimen. In the former the black colour is 
equally diffused over the whole body, the rosettes retaining their 
shape and number, and shining with a more intense black through 
the ground-colour. This is a very different pattern from that of 
our specimen. Nevertheless, considering all circumstances, I have 
no better opinion to offer than this, that the specimen is an instance 
of incipient melanism—the first appearance of the melanotic tendency 
which is so strongly developed in Asiatic individuals of this widely 
spread species. 

March 17, 1885. 
Prof. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during the month of February 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of February was 48, of which 20 were by 
presentation, 14 by purchase, 7 by birth, 2 were received in ex- 
change, and 5 on deposit. ‘The total number of departures during 
the same period, by death and removals, was 105. : 

The most noticeable additions during the month of February were 
as follows :— 

1. A Viverrine Phalanger (Phalangista viverrina) from Australia, 
purchased February 10th, being of a species new to the Society’s 

2. An Isabelline Lynx (felis isabellina), received in exchange 
from the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta, February 27th. This animal 
has been placed in company with the example of the same species 
presented in 1882 by Capt. Baldock (see P. Z.S. 1882, p. 720), 
with which it seems to agree in every respect. 

3. Two young examples of the American Brown Pelican (Pelecanus 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XVII. 17 


Juscus), purchased February 28th. The acquisition of these birds 
renders the Society’s series of Pelicans very nearly complete, as we 
now have specimens of seven species living in the Gardens, as will be 
seen by the subjoined list. 

List of Pelicans now living in the Gardens. 
4 White Pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus). 
a. Presented by E. T. Rogers, Esq., C.M.Z.S., Feb. 3, 1868. 
From Syria. 
b. Presented by A. C. Henderson, Esq., April 25, 1877. 
ec. Presented by J. Simonds, Esq., June 6, 1880. 
d. Presented by C. J. Bolau, Esq., June 2, 1852. 
1 Mitred Pelican (Pelecanus mitratus). 
a. Presented by Dr. Holub, Sept. 18, 1879. From S. Africa, 
1 Crested Pelican (Pelecanus crispus). 
a. Presented by Dr. Dagle, April 10, 1873. 
1 Red-backed Pelican (Pelecanus rufescens). 
a. Purchased, July 21, 1880. 
2 Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus fuscus). 
a, 6. Purchased, Feb. 28, 1885. 
1 Rough-billed Pelican (Pelecanus trachyrhynchus). 
a. Purchased, July 3, 1884. 
I Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus). 
a. Purchased, May 14, 1868. 

I may remark that most of these birds are now in fine breeding- 
plumage, and that the Rough-billed Pelican (to the shedding of the 
upstanding plate on the culmen of which I called attention on a 
former occasion) has now developed a new knob on its beak. 

I have also to call your attention to a fine example of a species of 
Bird-Spider which has been for some time in the Society’s Insect- 
House, and has within these few days been presented to the Society 
by Mr. H. R. P. Carter, of Madras. It was found in a teak-log, and 
is believed to have come from Burmah. Mr. O. P. Cambridge, 
who has examined the drawing of it (which I now exhibit), believes 
it to be referable to Mygale fasciata, Latr., Koch, ‘ Die Arachniden,’ 
Band ix. p. 41, Plate ceci. fig. 717. 

Mr. Sclater exhibited and made remarks on a curious Duck shot 
on Lord Bolton’s estate in Yorkshire in January 1885, which was 
apparently referable to the Common Scaup (Fuligula marila), but 
was remarkable for having the broad and clear white front of the 
female, and the black head of the ordinary male of this species. 

Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier exhibited and made remarks on a pair of 
abnormal antlers obtained in India, said to be those of the Sambur 
(Cervus aristotelis). 

1 See P. Z.S. 1884, p. 410. 




Smart ht : : 



Professor Bell exhibited examples of two species of Phytophagous 
Coleoptera (Aspidomorpha sancte-erucis and A, milaris) from 
Bombay, to illustrate the difference in coloration of. living and dead 

The following papers were read :-— 

1. Report on the Collections of Birds made during the 
Voyage of the Yacht Marchesa.—I. A Provisional List 
of the Birds inhabiting the Sulu Archipelago. By 
F. H. H. Guittemarp, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., &c. 

[Received February 13, 1885.] 
(Plates XVII. & XVIIT.) 

The Sulu Archipelago, a group of islands lying between the 
Philippines and the extreme north-east point of Borneo, has been, 
until quite lately, almost a terra incognita to naturalists. The diffi- 
culties of navigation, owing to the numerous reefs and shoals, the 
dangerous currents, and lastly, but by no means least, the possibili- 
ties of a rencontre with pirates, rendered a visit to the islands a some- 
what hazardous experiment in former times. Lately, however, the 
facilities for exploring them have much increased. One of the 
results of the formation of the new North Borneo Company has been 
the opening of steam communication between their territory and 
Sulu Island. Recent surveys have lessened the dangers of navigation, 
and, though pirates still exist, even in these latter days of civiliza- 
tion, they confine their operations chiefly to small and unarmed 

Ornithologically speaking, the island of Basilan has always been 
regarded as one of the Philippines. Lord Tweeddale incorporated it 
as such in his “ List of Birds known to inhabit the Philippine 
Archipelago ” (Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. part 2); while Mr. Sharpe, in a 
paper on the Birds of the Sulu Islands, followed his example by 
omitting all notice of Mr. Everett’s collection formed at Isabela de 
Basilan. But in many geographical publications it forms part of 
the Sulu Archipelago, and the line of separation between the latter 
and the Philippine Islands is drawn to the south-west of Mindanao. 
Such a line, however, has neither a political nor zoological raison 
détre. ‘The Sultan of Sulu has no authority in Basilan, and though 
the Spaniards had doubtless other than scientific reasons for inclu- 
ding Sulu in their charts as belonging to the Archipielago Filipino, 
I hope to show in this paper that they are so far borne out, in that 
the Ornis of the group appears to be almost purely Philippine. 

Mr. Sharpe, in the paper already alluded to (P.Z.S. 1879, 
part 2), gave a list of all the Sulu birds known at that date, chiefly 
from a small collection made by Mr. Burbidge on the island that 
has given its name to the Archipelago. To this I have been able to 



add considerably. On the 20th of April, 1883, I arrived at Sulu 
Island in Mr. Kettlewell’s yacht ‘ Marchesa,’ then on her way to 
New Guinea, and stayed there over a month, calling again at the 
group for a few days on our return journey. During these two 
visits our party colleeted over the whole of the western half of Sulu 
Island, and also visited Pangasinan, Lapac, Siassi, and Tawi-tawi, 
though, owing to our limited time on these latter islands, we were 
unable to obtain many specimens. Our total collection numbered 
over 200 individuals of 60 different species. 

The total number of species recorded by Mr. Sharpe from the 
Sulu group is 20. These I have had to reduce by four—Cuculus 
fucatus, Carpophaga pickeringi, Calenas nicobarica, and Gallus 
stramineicollis. The three first are given on the authority of Cassin, 
who records them as from ‘“‘ Mangsi, one of the Sooloo Islands.” 
This has naturally led Mr. Sharpe astray. Mangsi, though no 
doubt originally under the jurisdiction of the Sultans of Sulu, who 
used at one time to own a considerable portion of Borneo, is not one 
of the Sulu group at all, but is an island off the N. coast of Borneo, 
lying between Banguey and Balabac. It is 200 miles from the 
nearest island of the Sulu Archipelago, and its avifauna is doubtless 
directly derived from the adjacent mainland. Gallus stramineicollis 
is, I have no doubt, merely the result of the crossing of G. bankiva 
with the common fowl. All the natives from whom I inquired agreed 
that there is but one species of Jungle-fowl on the islands; and I have 
myself had abundant evidence of the freedom with which it inter- 
breeds with the domestic bird. There thus remain 16 species of 
presumed authenticity in Mr. Sharpe’s list ; and to these I have been 
able to add 49 others, bringing the full total up to 65 species. I 
do not pretend that this is by any means an exhaustive list, even of 
Sulu Island alone, still less of the other islands of the Archipelago, 
but, as will be seen, it is more than sufficient to show the main 
source from which the bird-life of that group is derived. 

If from the 65 species above mentioned we deduct those birds, 
for the most part of wide distribution, which are common alike 
to Borneo and the Philippines, we have 39 species left. Of these, 
two are new species described in the following pages, and three 
(Dicrurus pectoralis', Ptilopus formosus, and Artamides pollens) 
are from the Celebes group and the Ké Islands respectively. 
One, Carpophaga pickeringi, though obtained by Cassin from 
Mangsi, is new to Sulu. Of the rest, three are presumably Bornean, 
as against no Jess than 30 Philippine species unrecorded from the 
former country. 

The three Bornean birds—Scops rufescens, Iyngipicus ramsayi, 
and Gerygone jflaveola—demand a moment’s consideration. The 
Sulu habitat of the first-named species rests on a single individual 
which was believed to have been shot on Sulu Island by Mr. Bur- 
bidge. Mr. Sharpe informs me that the bird reached him unlabelled, 
and together with other birds shot by Mr. Burbidge in North 

' Dicrurus pectoralis has hitherto only been recorded by Wallace from the 
Sulla Islands, and by Bruijn from the Obi group. 




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Borneo. The only examples of Iyngipicus ramsayi that I am aware 
of are in Capt. Wardlaw Ramsay’s collection, and are believed to 
come from N.E. Borneo. In both these cases I would submit that 
the locality is not a matter of absolute certainty. With regard to 
Gerygone fiaveola it is worthy of remark that the Sulu examples of 
this species appear to be almost intermediate between Bornean birds 
and G. simplex of the Philippines. We have thus three species of 
doubtful Bornean origin, and no less than ten times that number of 
Philippine birds. Of the latter, the following is a list ; those marked 
with an asterisk being represented in Borneo by closely allied 

Table showing the Philippine Species occurring in the Sulu group 
but wanting in Borneo. 

Cacatua hematuropygia. 
Prioniturus discurus. 
Tanygnathus luzoniensis. 
Tanygnathus burbidgei. 

Diceum hypoleucum. 
xCinnyris jugularis. 

Cinnyris julie. 

Corone philippina. 

Loriculus bonapartei. 
*Pelargopsis gigantea. 
*Centrococcyx viridis. 
*Rhipidura nigritorquis. 
xCyornis philippensis. 

Oriolus frontalis. 
*Pycnorotus goiavier. 

xCalornis panayensis. 
Sarcops calvus. 

»xMunia jagori. 
Osmotreron axillaris. 
Ptilopus melanocephalus. 
Phabotreron brevirostris. 
Tanthenas griseigularis. 

*Cc: sychus mindanensis. Macropygia tenuirostris. 
Cisticola exilis. Turtur dussumieri. 
Parus elegans. Gallus bankiva. 
Zosterops everetti. Rallina euryzonoides. 

Such an immense proportion of Philippine forms is, however, 
only what would be expected after consulting the charts of the 
Archipelago. The Strait of Basilan shows soundings of from 
30-40 fathoms only, and from that island south-westwards to Tawi- 
tawi the depths are such that a ship could easily anchor at almost 
any point on the submarine bank counecting the group. West of 
Tawi-tawi, however, the level of the sea~-bottom completely changes, 
depths of 100 fathoms or more being obtained close in-shore, while 
in the fairway of the Strait (the Sibutu Passage) Captain Chimmo was 
unable to get bottom at 500 fathoms. The distance across the Strait 
is about eighteen miles, and the surveys hitherto made seem to show 
an equally precipitous slope of the eastern banks of Sibutu Island. 
We are at present without exact information as to the soundings 
between Sibutu and Borneo, one point of which, Tanjong Labian, is 
distant only twenty miles, but as many islets, reefs, and sand-cays 
are known to intervene, it is almost certain that they are not of any 
great depth. 

This Sibutu Passage thus seems to be the natural delimitation of 
the Philippine Archipelago, and though of the only two species 
obtained, or said to have been obtained, from Sibutu Island, Oviolus 
chinensis and Sarcops calvus, the latter at least is purely Philippine, 
I cannot help thinking that a more extended knowledge of its avi- 


fauna would probably show a preponderance of western rather than 
eastern species. 

In the following list I have given in full the Philippine localities, 
and also the occurrence in Borneo and Celebes, of each species, 
together with such notes on the habits of the birds as my limited 
residence on the islands permitted me to make. Where the extreme- 
length measurements of the different species are given, they are in 
all cases taken from the birds while in the flesh. The wing-mea- 
surements only are from the dry skin. 

1. Cacatrua HazMaATUROPYGrA (Miiller). 

Psittacus hematuropygius, L. S. Miiller, S. N. Suppl. p. 77, 
no. 51. 

Cacatua hematuropygia, Wald. Tr. Z.S. ix. p. 132; Sharpe, 
Tr. Linn. Soc. n.s. i. p. 312; id. P. Z.S. 1879, p. 313. 

Hab. Luzon, Guimaras, Negros (Meyer) ; Palawan (Steere) ; Zebu, 
Leyte, Nipa, Panaon, Mindanao (Zverett); Sulu Island (Burbidge, 
Guillemard) ; Lapac Island, Sulu Archipelago (Guéllemard). 

a. g. Lapac Island. 

b-g. 3. Sulu Island. 

h-k. 2. Sulu Island. 

ln. Sulu Island. 

None of the above birds appear to be immature, at least so far as 
regards plumage, neither does there seem to be any sexual difference. 
The feathers of the crest are all strongly tinged with lemon-yellow 
at the base, but the reddish-orange colour which, on the under tail- 
coverts, gives its specific name to the bird, is on the crest invariably 
confined to one solitary feather. In some skins the ear-coverts are 
strongly washed with orange-yellow. Length 32°5-33°0 centims. ; 
wing 21°2—21°8; no difference between g and @. Iris pinkish 
red; brown in the young bird. Bill bluish, Tarsus blue-grey. 

This bird is exceedingly common on the island of Sulu, where 
it seems generally to occur in small flocks of three or four indi- 
viduals. It is often to be seen in a state of captivity among the 
natives, and one individual was brought alive to Europe in the yacht 
* Marchesa,’ and presented to the Zoological Society by Mr. Kettle- 
well in 1884". The flesh of this species is good eating, and free 
from the bitterness so characteristic of many of the Parrots. 

2. Prronirurvus piscurus (Vieillot). 

Psittacus discurus, Vieillot, Gal. des Ois. i. p. 7, pl. 26. 

Prioniturus discurus, Wald. Tr. Z.S. ix. p. 132; Sharpe, Tr. 
Linn. Soc. n. s. i. p. 312; id. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 133 ; Tweedd. 
P. Z.S. 1877; 1878, p. 379. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer, Everett); Negros (Steere) ; Zebu (Everett); 
Panaon (Zverett) ; Mindanao (Cuming, Everett, Murray); Basilan 
(Steere) ; Sulu (Burbidge); Balabac (Steere) ; Guimaras (Meyer). 

It is probable that this species is not common in Sulu Island, for 
during a residence there of more thau six weeks I never obtained a 
single specimen, and only once saw it. 

1 Cf. Sclater, P.Z. 8. 1884, p. 251. 




Psittacus lucionensis, Brisson, Orn. p. 295, no. 41; Linn. S.N. 
i. p. 146, no. 31. 

Tanygnathus luzoniensis, Sharpe, Tr. Linu. Soc. 2ud series, 1876, 
Zoology, vol. i. p. 312; Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. il. p. 133. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer); Guimaras (Meyer); Negros (Layard, 
Steere, Everett); Zebu (Everett); Leyte (Everett); Mindanao 
(Steere, Everett); Malanipa (Murray); Sulu (Burbidge, Guille- 
mard); Palawan (Steere, Everett); Basilan (Steere). 

a, 6. 3. Sulu Island. 

c. 3. Lapac Island. 

d,e. 9. Sulu Island. 

Jf. 2. Lapac Island. 

The large size of the beak at once distinguishes the male bird, in 
which also the blue of the nape is more pronounced. In none of 
the individuals is there any blue on the forehead, cheeks, or uropy- 
gium. Iris yellowish red in male, “pearly” in female; bill 
scarlet; tarsus olive. Length 34:0-35°3 centims.; wing 19°0( 2 )- 
20°7 (3). 

These skins agree with those from the Philippines in the British 
Museum collection. 


Tanygnathus burbidgei, Sharpe, P. Z.S. 1879, p. 313. 

Hab. Sulu (Burbidge, Guillemard). 

a, 6. 6. Sulu Island. 

c,d. 9. Sulu Island. 

e. juv. 6. Sulu Island. Length 39-5 centims. 

J. juv. 29. Sulu Island. Length 39-0 centims. 

First described by Mr. Sharpe from specimens brought from Sulu 
Island by Mr. Burbidge. The series under consideration bears out 
the validity of the species, the adult birds having the head a bright 
yellowish green, the wing-coverts without blue, and a back a dark 
green, thus differing from 7. everetti of Mindanao. In the imma- 
ture male the head is somewhat darker, but, as far as regards plu- 
mage there is otherwise no difference from the mature bird. The 
sexes appear alike. Length 40°0-41°5 centims.; wing 21°8-22-7. 
Iris red ; bill vermilion, dirty white in the young bird ; tarsus dull 

In common with the preceding species, this Tanygnathus is toler- 
ably abundant all over the island of Sulu. 

5. LoriCULUS BONAPARTE], Souancé. 

Loriculus bonapartei, Souancé, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, 
p. 222. 

Loriculus hartiaubi, Tweed. P. Z.S. 1877, p. 819. 

Hab. Leyte, Bohol, Dinagat, Mindanao, and Basilan (Zvereté) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard). 

a-e. 6. Sulu Island. 


Iris brown ; tarsus brownish yellow. Length 16°5—16°6 centims. ; 
wing 9°4—9°6 centims. 

The five individuals of this species, all of which are males, are 
almost identical both in colouring and measurement. The forehead 
is bright orange-red, shading off into a rich orange on the nape. 
Back and scapulars green, more or less washed with golden yellow ; 
rump and upper tail-coverts light crimson, almost scarlet in some 
lights, and with a silky gloss. The rest of the body-surface is green, 
with the exception of a pectoral patch of the same colour as the 
rump, which commences just below the chin. None show any trace 
of blue on the head. 

This series, then, does not seem to differ appreciably from L. haré- 
laubi, described by Lord Tweeddale, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 819; and a 
comparison with the skins in the collection of the British Museum 
shows merely a slightly more scarlet shade in the red of the Sulu 
examples. But L. bonapartei of Souancé also appears identical in 
every way, and I have therefore adopted his title. In his descrip- 
tion the beak is said to be black. It is worthy of note that in the 
five Sulu examples under consideration the colour of the beak is 
different in nearly every case. In two birds it is noted as “red,” 
while in the remaining three it is ‘‘ brown black,” “ brownish,’’ and 
“very dark yellow.’ Yet no one bird appears more adult than 
another. It is curious that in all the Sulu birds the beaks in the 
dried skin are black. 

6. Havrasrur INTERMEDIUS, Gurney. 

Haliastur intermedius, Gurney, Ibis, 1865, p. 28; idem, 1866, 
p- 247. ? 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer) ; Guimaras (Meyer); Zebu, Leyte, Bohol, 
Negros, and Mindanao (Zverett) ; Malanipa (H.M.S. ‘Challenger ’); 
Sulu (Guillemard) ; Celebes, Borneo (Mottley). 

a. $. Sulu Island. 

An old male, the black shafts of the white feathers on the head 
much prolonged beyond the web of the feather. Iris light pearly 
yellow; beak pea-green, bluish at base; tarsus pale yellow; claws 
<p Length 45°0 centims.; wing 383. Common on Sulu 


Elanus hypoleucus, Gould, P. Z.S. 1859, p. 127; Walden, Tr. 
L. S. viii. p. 36; id. ibid. ix. p.142; Tweed. P. Z.S. 1877, p. 757; 
Sharpe, P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 314. 

Hab. Luzon (Jagor); Zebu (Everett) ; Mindanao and Basilan 
(Bverett) ; Sulu (Burbidge); N.W. Borneo (Treacher); Celebes 

8. Burasrur mpicus (Gmelin). 

Falco indicus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 264. 

Butastur indicus, Walden, Tr. Z.S. vol. ix. part ii. p. 143. 

Hab. Luzon and Guimaras (Meyer); Panay and Mindanao 


(Steere) ; Zebu, Bohol, and Palawan (Hverett) ; Sulu (Guillemard) ; 
Borneo (Mus. Lugd.) ; Celebes (Wallace). 

a. 2. Sulu Island. 

Bill yellow, dark at the tip; tarsus yellow. Length 43 centims. ; 
wing 32°5 centims. Shot December 25th. 

9. Circus MELANOLEUCUS, Forster. 

Circus melanoleucus, Wald. Tr. Z.S. vol. ix. part ii. p. 143. 

Hab. “ Philippines,”’ Luzon (Gurney) ; Sulu (Guillemard). 

a. juv. 6. Sulu Island. 

Iris and tarsus bright yellow, beak dark brown. Length 43°6 
centims.; wing 34 centims. Shot December 24th. A Harrier, 
most probably of this species, appeared to be not uncommon on 
Sulu Island. In the identification of the present example I have 
had the kind assistance of Mr. J. H. Gurney. 

10. Scors rurescens, Horsfield. 

Scops rufescens, Sharpe, Cat. B. iii. p. 102; id. P.Z.S. 1879, 
p. 314. 

Hab. Sulu (Burbidge); Borneo (Low, Diard). 

Mr. Sharpe, Joc. cit., says :—‘‘ This bird seems to me to differ 
slightly from Bornean and Malaccan examples in having a much 
darker face, the ear-coverts shaded with black: I do not, however, 
propose to found a new species on a single example, and must wait 
fur more specimens. The measurements of the Sulu bird are as 
follows :—Total length 7 inches, culmen 0°7, wing 4°8, tail 2°6, 
tarsus 0°85. It will be seen that they are a good deal inferior to 
those of the type of Scops maniis as given by me in the Catalogue.” 

It skould be noted that the Sulu habitat of this species cannot be 
regarded as an absolute certainty. Mr. Sharpe informs me that 
this specimen was not labelled, and that it reached him together 
with Mr. Burbidge’s North-Bornean birds. There is therefore a 
possibility of the skins having become mixed. 

11. Iynerpicus RAmsayt, Hargitt. (Plate XVII.) 

Tyngipicus ramsayi, Hargitt, Ibis, 1881, p. 598; zd. ibid. 1882, 
p- 49. 

Hab. Sulu (Guillemard) ; N.E. Borneo? 

a,b. g. Sulu Island. 

c-e. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris indian-red in the male, less bright and sometimes brown in 
the female; bill bluish brown ; feet dark bluish-black. Length 
15°4-15'8 centims. ; wing 8°5-8°9 centims. 

Mr. Hargitt, to whom I submitted the present series for examina- 
tion, identifies them with J. ramsayi, the types of which, now in 
Capt. Wardlaw Ramsay’s collection, are, I believe, the only examples 
known. They were said to have been obtained in N.E. Borneo ; 
but the authenticity of the locality does not seem to be absolutely 
beyond doubt. I did not meet the species during my stay in the 
North Borneo Co.’s territory, although I obtained J. auritus; and 


in the absence of any definite information, it is quite possible that 
Capt. Wardlaw Ramsay’s birds may have come from Sulu. 

The broad white postocular stripe, whitish rump, and unbarred 
back and tail, together with the yellow throat and broad scarlet 
occipital band, render the diagnosis of this species easy. 

12. EvrysTomMus oRIENTALIS (L.). 

Coracias orientalis, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 159, no. 4. 

Eurystomus orientalis, Wald. Tr. Z.S. vol. ix. part il. p. 152; 
Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. 2nd series, Zool. vol. i. 

Hab. Luzon, Cujo Island, and Guimaras (Weyer) ; Zebu, Panaon, 
Leyte, Dinagat, Basilan, and Palawan (Hverett) ; Negros (Layard, 
Steere) ; Mindanao (Steere) ; Sulu (Guillemard); Celebes (Torsten); 
Borneo (Wallace). 

a. od. Sulu. 

b-d. 2. Sulu. 

No sexual differences in plumage. These birds correspond with 
others from more western localities, and exhibit none of the paleness 
of colouring of the so-called Z. pacificus. Iris bright brown; bill 
and tarsus scarlet. Length 27°5-28 centims.; wing 17°7-18°7 

This species did not appear common in the Sulu Archipelago. 
They are active in their movements, taking short, restless flights, 
and are consequently somewhat difficult to obtain. In the middle 
of the month of May, I watched a pair constantly passing in and 
out of a hole in a lofty tree, in which they appeared to have young 


Alcedo bengulensis, Gm. 8. N.i. p. 450, no. 20 ; Sharpe, Monogr. 
Alcedinide, pl. 2; Walden, Tr. Z.S. vol. ix. part ii. p. 152. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer) ; Negros (Steere); Zebu, Leyte, and Bohol 
(Everett); Mindanao (Steere); Sulu (Guillemard); Borneo 
(Beccari, Mottley). 

a. 9. Maimbun, Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ; upper mandible black, lower red ; tarsus bright coral 
red. Length 16-7 centims.; wing 7°2 centims. 

This bird does not seem to have as yet been recorded from Celebes, 
though I have myself obtained it on that island. Mr. Wallace has 
found it as far eastward as Gilolo. 

14. Atcepo asiatica, Swains. 

Alcedo meningting, Horsf. Tr. L. Soc. xiii. p. 172. 

Alcedo asiatica, Swains. Zool. Ill, Ist ser. i. pl. 50; Sharpe, 
Monogr. Alcedinidz, p. 23, pl. 7. 

Hab. Sulu (Guillemard) ; Borneo (S. Miller) ; Celebes (Wallace). 

a. 2. Maimbun, Sulu Island. 

Iris light brown; bill coral red, except the ridge of the culmen, 
which is black; tarsus bright coral. Length 16°4 centims.; wing 
6°6 centims. Cheeks strongly marked with blue. 


This species has apparently not been recorded from the Philippines. 
To the south, its eastern limit appears to be Celebes. 


Pelargopsis gigantea, Wald. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, 
vol. xiii. Feb. 1874; id. P.Z.S. 1877, p. 541; id. ident. p. 822; 
id. ident. 1878, p. 108; td. ident. pp. 341, 943; id. ident. 1879, 
p- 69. 

Hab. Panay, Leyte, Dinagat, Mindanao, Basilan (Hverett) ; Lapac 
(Guillemard) ; Salok Island ‘‘ near Borneo” (Meyer). 

a,b. g. Lapac Island. 

Iris dull red; bill and tarsus scarlet. Length 39 centims. ; 
wing 15:5 centims.; bill from gape 9°8 and 10°8 centims.; from 
forehead 7°9-8°8 centims. 

These examples differ from Lord Walden’s type in having shorter 
wings and larger bills ; but a larger series will probably show that 
the present species is hardly separable from the Bornean bird. I 
am unable to localize Salok, whence the type came. It is apparently 
not marked either on the Spanish or English charts of the archipelago, 
neither is there any reference to it in Findlay’s ‘ Directory.’ It is 
to be regretted that more care is not taken in the definition of 

16. SavropaTis cHLoRIs (Bodd.). 

Halcyon chloris (Bodd.), Sharpe, Monogr. Alced. pl. 59; Wald. 
& Lay. Ibis, 1872, p. 101. 

Sauropatis chloris, Wald. Tr. Z.S. vol. ix. partii. p. 155; Salvad. 
Orn. Papuas. e Molucche, vol. i. p. 470. 

Hab. Luzon, Zebu, Guimaras (Meyer); Camiquin and Panay 
(H.M.S. ‘ Challenger’) ; Leyte, Bohol, Dinagat, Mindanao, and 
Basilan (Everett); Negros (L. C. Layard); Sulu (Guillemard) ; 
Cagayan Sulu (Guillemard); Celebes (Fraser); Borneo (Doria § 

a-c. &. Sulu Island. 

df. 2. Sulu Island. 

g. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ; bill black, proximal end of lower mandible white or 
pale bluish ; tarsus olive-brown. Length 24-25 centims.; wing 
10-11+2 centims. 

This widely distributed species is very abundant on the coast, 
but is rarely seen inland. 

17. MAacrorpreryx comatus (Temm.). 

Cypselus comatus,'Temm. PI. Color. pl. 268. 

Dendrochelidon comata, Salvad. Uce. di Borneo, p. 123. 

Macropteryx comatus, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 340; Wald. Tr. Z.S. 
vol, ix. part 1. p. 158. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer); Zebu, Mindanao (Lverett); Negros 
(Steere) ; Sulu (Guillemard) ; Borneo (Doria, Beccari, Mottley). 

a,b. g. Sulu Island. April and May. 


Iris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length 15°2-15°4 centims. ; 
wing 12°9 centims. ; thus approximating in measurement to Bornean 

The Philippine group appears to be the extreme eastern limit of 
this species. 

18. CenTROcoccyx viripis (Scop.). 

Cuculus viridis, Scop. Del. Fl. Faun. Insubr. ii. p. 89, no. 47 ; 
Wald. Tr. Z.S. viii. p. 58. 

Centrococcyx viridis, Wald. Tr. Z.S. vol. ix. part ii. p. 163. 

Hab. Luzon, Negros, Guimaras, Panay, Leyte, Bohol, Mindanao, 
and Zebu (Meyer) ; Sulu (Guillemard). 

a, Q@. Siassi Island. 

Iris brownish red; bill dark slate; tarsus black. Length 39-4 
centims. ; wing 16°3 centims. 

This bird is abundant in the open grassy lands throughout the 
island of Sulu, together with another species of Cuckoo which I was un- 
able to obtain. When flushed it occasionally perches on low bushes. 

19. Lanrus CEPHALOMELAS, Bp. 

Lanius cephaulomelas, Bp. Rey. et Mag. Zool. 1853, p. 436; Cat. 
Birds, vol. viii. p. 429. 

Lanius nasutus, Wald. Tr. Z.S8. ix. part ii. p. 162. 

Hab. Leyte (Everett); Zebu (Meyer); Panay (Sonnerat); Sulu 
(Guillemard) ; N. Borneo (Mus. Brit.). 

a-c. S. Sulu Island. 

d. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ; bill and tarsus brownish black. Length 23-5-24:1 
centims. ; wing 9°2—9:4 centims. 

This species seems to be the representative of Z. bentet in N.E. 
Borneo, Sulu, and the Philippines. It is characterized by the sharp 
line of demarcation between the black of the head and the grey of the 
scapular region, Above, the upper tail-coverts only are ferruginous. 
Scapulars dull grey, shading into white below. Under surface 
creamy white; abdomen and flanks ferruginous. Feathers of tail 
tipped with white, which becomes more or less eroded with age, the 
base dirty white or fawn colour, excepting in the two middle pairs, 
which are of a uniform brownish black. 

This Shrike was common on Sulu Island, specially affecting small 
bare isolated trees in the open grassy country. 


Leptopteryx leucorhynchos, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 144 
(1821); Wald. P. Z.S. 1866, p. 556. 

Artamus leucorhynchus, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 285 ; Cass. Un. 8, 
Expl. Exp. p. 440; Salvad. Ucc. di Borneo p. 140. 

Hab. Luzon (Finsch, Meyer); Guimaras (Meyer); Negros 
(Meyer, Everett); Bohol, Zebu, Basilan, and Leyte (Everett) ; 
Mindanao (Steere, Everett) ; Sulu (Burbidge, Guillemard) ; Borneo 
(Beecari); Celebes (Wallace). 


a-c. 6. Sulu Island. 

d-f. 9. Sulu Island. 

Bill leaden blue, almost lavender; iris brown; tarsus black. 
Length 19-0 centims.; wing 13°4-13-8 centims. Sexes alike in 

This is one of the commonest birds in the Sulu Islands. It 1s 
to be seen throughout the day hawking for insects ; its square tail 
and sharp-pointed, though short wings rendering it a noticeable 
object seen even at a great distance. Now and again it rests upon 
a dead bough, two or three individuals sitting huddled up close 
together. It keeps up an incessant twittering cry, and while in the 
air often wheels about for a considerable time without any movement 
of the wings. It is one of the last of the diurnal birds to betake 
itself to roost, and can still be seen hawking when the darkness has 
fairly set in. 

21. ARTAMIDES POLLENS (Salvadori). 

Graucalus pollens, Salvad. Aun. Mus. Civic. Genov. vi. p. 75; 
20. Eades. 18/8, Pp. 87; 

Artamides pollens, Sharpe, Cat. B. vol. iv. p. 13. 

Hab. Ké Bandan, Moluccas (Beccari); Lapac Island, Sulu 
Archipelago (Guillemard). 

a. Lapac Island. 

Tris slate-coloured ; bill and feet black. Length about 32°1 centims.; 
wing 18-0 centims. ; tail 16°0 centims. ; bill from gape 3-9 centims.; 
tarsus 2°5 centims. 

This example, when compared with one in the British Museum, is 
somewhat darker on the cheeks, ear-coverts, and lores, and appa- 
rently smaller in all its measurements. The differences, however, 
are hardly sufficient to lead me to separate it specifically from A. pollens 
from the Ké group, especially as 1 have but one individual. That 
this species should be found at such a great distance from the 
locality whence it was first recorded is very curious. A large series 
of any species of Graucalus is, however, seldom seen in collections ; 
they are somewhat rare birds and generally very shy, and it is not 
improbable that we may, before long, obtain this species from some 
of the intermediate localities. 

22. LatacEe pominica (Mill.). 

Turdus dominicus, L. 8. Miiller, Suppl. p. 145, no. 56, ex Pl. Enl. 
273, f. 2. 

Lalage dominica, Wald. Tr. Z.8. vol. ix. part ii. p. 178; Sharpe, 
Tr. Linn. Soc. 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. p. 324. 

Lalage terat, Cat. B. iv. p. 95. 

Hab. Zebu, Guimaras (Meyer); Panay, Mindanao (Steere) ; 
Basilan, Negros, Leyte, Bohol, and Luzon (Hvereét) ; Sulu (Guille- 
mard); Borneo (S. Miller). 

a,b. g. Sulu Island. 

ce. juv. 2. Sulu Island. 

The immature bird has the head and scapulars grey, the former 


streaked with black ; beneath, the breast and flanks are lightly barred 
with grey. 

Iris brown ; bill and tarsus black. Length 17°5-19-0 centims. ; 
wing 9°2-9-4 centims. These skins agree with those of Bornean 
origin. The representative L. lewcopygialis of Celebes differs only in 
having the back and rump pure white. This species appears to 
frequent the jungle only. 

23, PeRICROCOTUS MARCHES, sp.nov. (Plate XVIII. fig. 1.) 

3. Superne nitide niger ; dorso inferiore, vropygio et supra- 
caudalibus late aurantiaco-flavis : alis nigris, tectricum majorum 
apicibus, et secundariis basin versus, flavis, speculum alare 
magnum formantibus ; primartis intimis versus basin, et secunda- 
riis intimis versus apicem, pogonio exteriori flavo ornatis ; 
subalaribus flavis ; cauda nigra, rectricibus centralibus omnino 
nigris, reliquis ad basin nigris, sed flavo gradatim terminatis ; 
pileo, capitis lateribus, mento gulaque nigris ; corpore reliquo 
subtus lete aurantiaco-flavo ; iride brunnea; rostro et pedibus 

Long. tot. 0°168"—0°173" ; al. 0°076"-0°078™ ; caud. 0:086" ; 

rostr. 0'013™; tars. 0°014™. 

Aab. Insula “ Sulu”? dicta. 

a, 6. 3. Maimbun, Sulu Island, May 15th, 1883. 

But two examples of this beautiful new species were obtained, 
and no others were observed during the ‘ Marchesa’s’ visit to the 
Archipelago. They were shot at the edge of some thick jungle in 
the south of the island of Sulu. 

24. Cupra PECTORALIS (Wallace). 

Dicrurus pectoralis, Wall. P. Z.S. 1862, pp. 335, 342; Finsch, 
Neu-Guinea, p. 170. 

Chibia borneensis, Sharpe, P. Z.S. 1879, p. 246. 

Chibia pectoralis, Sharpe, Cat. B. iii. p. 240. 

Hab. Sulla Islands (Wallace); Obi group (Bruijn); Sulu 

a—c. 6. Maimbun, Sulu Island. 

d,e. 2. Maimbun and Parang, Sulu Island. 

J. (In moult), Sulu Island. 

Iris crimson lake ; in a, an apparently old male, it is reddish 
brown. Bill and tarsus black. Length circa 28-0 centims. ; wing 
14°8-15°6 centims. 

These individuals differ a good deal in the size, colouring, and 
distribution of the metallic spots on the head and throat, and these 
characteristics can therefore be no guide whatever to the identification 
of the species. The frontal tuft of silky plumes appears only to be 
acquired by old adults. Three of the present series, two of them 
being females and the third of undetermined sex, are entirely 
destitute of it. I have examined the type of Mr. Sharpe’s C. 
borneensis, described in P.Z.S. 1879, and do not regard it as 
specifically separable from the present bird. The frontal plumes 


are much developed, but not more so than might be the case in an 
old male of C. pectoralis. I understand that no label was affixed 
to the bird when received, and that some Sulu birds were forwarded 
to the Museum at the same time. It is therefore not unlikely that 
this bird is from that locality. 


Rhipidura nigritorquis, Vig. P. Z. 8S. 1831, p. 975; Sharpe, 
Tr. Linn. Soe. 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. p. 325. 

Leucocerca nigritorquis, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. ii. p. 182. 

Hab. Wuzon, Zebu (Meyer) ; Basilan (Lverett) ; Palawan, 
Mindanao (Séeere); Dinagat, Negros, Bohol (Cat. B. vol. iv.) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard) ; Siassi (Guillemard). 

a,o. 6. Sulu Island. 

ce. Sulu Island. 

d. Siassi Island. 

Iris brown ; bill and tarsus brownish black. Length circa 19°5 
centims. ; wing 8°2—8°4 centims. Sexes alike in plumage. 

Abundantly distributed throughout the island of Sulu, being 
found in the small isolated bits of jungle which are so common in 
the island. It is in constant motion, and is fond of displaying the 
tail-feathers in the characteristic manner of the genus, usually con- 
fining itself to low bushes and trees at no great distance from the 

26. CyorNIs PHILIPPENSIS, Sharpe. 

Cyornis banyumas (Horsf.), Walden, Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. part. ii, 
a 182: 
! Cyornis philippensis, Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc, 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. 
p. 325; Cat. B. vol. iv. p. 450. 

Hab. Panay (Steere); Zebu (Meyer); Luzon (Jagor); Sulu 

a. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill black; tarsus greyish. Length 14:9 centims. ; 
wing 7*2 centims. Lores buffish white. 

This bird has the white abdomen and under tail-coverts noticed 
by Mr. Sharpe in the Philippine birds of Dr. Steere’s collection. It 
is noticeable that a Cyornis with these characteristics has been 
described by Jerdon (Birds of India, i. p. 466). The true C. 
banyumas of Horsf. inhabits Palawan, Celebes, and Borneo. 

The present specimen was the only one met with during my 
residence in the Archipelago. 

27. Hyroruymis, Vigors. 

Hypothymis occipitalis, Vig. P. Z.S. 1831, p.97 ; Sharpe, Cat. B. 
vol. iv. p. 275. 

Hab. Basilan (Steere); Sulu (Guillemard); Borneo (Lvereit). 

a. 9. Sulu Island. 

b,c. guv. Q. Sulu Island. 


Iris brown; bill bluish black ; tarsus black. Length about 15-0 
centims. ; wing 6°6 centims. 

a is a female in nearly perfect plumage, but both the nape-spot 
and pectoral band are imperfect. In 4 there is no sign of either ; 
the head, throat, and breast are dull blue; the upper surface is pale 
grey, washed with blue. In c, a still younger example, the head 
alone is dull blue, the rest of the upper surface brown. 

If this species and H. azurea of Capt. Wardlaw Ramsay (Orn. 
Works Tweedd. Append. p. 656) are identical, as is probable, its 
habitat should be further extended to Luzon, Zebu, Negros, Gui- 
maras, Mindanao, and Palawan. 

28. Hirunpo sAvanica, Sparrm, 

Hirundo javanica, Sparrm. Mus. Carls. t. 100; Salvad. Ornit. 
Papuas. e Molucche, vol. 2, p. 3; id. Uce. di Born. p. 126. 

Hab. Zebu, Leyte, Bohol, Dinagat, Palawan (Hverett) ; Borneo 
(Mottley, Beccari); Celebes (Wallace); Sulu (Guillemard). 

a, 3. Sulu Island. 

6, 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length circa 12-0 centims. ; 
wing 10°5 centims. This species was common in Sulu at the end of 
April, frequenting the sea-shore, and perching on the native fishing- 
stakes, or on bare stumps of trees protruding from the water. 

29. OrtoLus CurINENsIs, Linn. 

Oriolus chinensis, Linn. 8. N.i. p. 160; Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. 
2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. p. 328; id. P. Z.S. 1879, p. 315. 

Broderipus acrorhynchus, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. ix. pt. ii. p. 185. 

Oriolus suluensis, Sharpe, Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 205. 

Oriolus frontalis, Wall. P. Z. 8S. 1862, p. 340, pl. xl. 

Broderipus palawanensis, Tweedd. P. Z.S. 1878, p. 616. 

Hab. Luzon and Guimaras (Meyer); Panay (Murray) ; Negros 
(Meyer, Steere, Everett); Zebu (Meyer, Murray, Everett) ; Basilan, 
Leyte, Panaon, Bohol, and Dinagat (Hverett) ; Mindanao (Steere, 
Murray, Everett); Sulu (Burbidge, Guillemard) ; Lapac (Guille- 
mard); Sibutu (Low); Balabac (Steere) ; Palawan (Lempriére). 

a-c, 3. Sulu Island. 

d, g. Lapac Island. 

ef, 2. Sulu Island. 

g, juv. fd. Sulu Island. 

Tris dull red; brown in the female; bill pink; legs greyish. 
Length 29-0-32°5 centims. ; wing 15:0-16°3 centims. The females 
are recognizable by their less bright colouring, and by the greenish 
tint of the back. There is but little difference in the size of the 
yellow frontal patch, except in the case of the bird from Lapae, in 
which it is rather small. In two of the aduit males the middle pair 
of rectrices are entirely black ; in the other two they are strongly 
tipped with yellow. The yellow apices of the secondaries appears 
an equally variable characteristic, occurring in some individuals but 
not in others. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XVIII. 18 


The immature male, g, is of auniform dull yellow, the back washed 
with greenish as in the female, rump bright yellow. The large 
ill-defined yellow frontal patch shades off posteriorly into a greenish 
black occipital and nuchal patch; lores greenish yellow; wing- 
feathers brown, some of the secondaries washed on the outer web 
with greenish yellow; two middle rectrices yellowish brown ; breast 
with a few black stripes. Bill pinkish yellow, iris dull crimson ; 
length 29°5 centims. ; wing 15:5 centims. 

A comparison of this series with the Philippine skins of O. ehinen- 
sisin the British Museum, does not show any apparent specific 
distinction, and Mr. Sharpe has regarded Mr. Low’s skins of O. 
suluensis as a subspecies of O. frontalis of Wallace. I have skins of 
an Oriole from Palawan which are not separable from either, and I 
am therefore led to regard the Philippine, Sulu, and Palawan birds 
as identical, from which it is difficult to separate the Sulla Oriole. 

30. PycNonorvus GOTAVIER (Scop.). 

Petit goiavier de Manille, Sonn. Voy. Nouv. Guin. p. 59, pl. 28. 
Trus goiavier, Walden, Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. part ii. p. 190. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer); Leyte, Negros, and Bohol (Hverett) ; 
Mindanao (Zverett, Murray); Basilan (Everett); Sulu (Guille- 

a-c, 6. Sulu Island. 

d, 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill and claws brownish black. Length circa 20°8 
centims. ; wing 7°4—8°8 centims. Is chiefly found in the thicker 
jungle, and sings well. 

Differs from P. analis (Horsf.) of Borneo, in having the auricular 
region brown (Salvadori). 

31. MacroNnus KETTLEWELLI, sp. nov. (Plate XVIII. fig. 2.) 

Brunneus ; dorsi plumis filiformibus, elongatis, versus basin nigri- 
cantibus ; rachide, et partibus plume rachidi adjacentibus, albidis ; 
alis fulvescenti-brunneis, exterius pallidioribus ; supracaudalibus 
caudaque pallide castaneis ; pileo dorso concolori, rachidibus 
plumarum albidis ; fronte nigricante, magis distincte striata ; 
superciliis, loris et regione parotica nigricantibus, albo lineatis ; 
genis et corpore toto subtus pallide cervinis; hypochondriis 
brunnescentibus ; gula summa et abdomine medio albicantibus ; 
gutture et corporis lateribus vix albido lineatis; subalaribus 
pectori concoloribus ; iride smaragdinea; rostro et pedibus 

Long. tot. circa 0140"; al. 0:063"; caud. 0:070"; rostr. 

0-015"; tars. 0°024™. 

Hab. Tnsula ‘ Sulu”’ dicta. 

a, 6. Lukatlapas, Sulu Island, May 18th, 1883. 

The only example obtained. It was shot close to or on the 
ground, in a patch of jungle near the centre of the island. The 
iris is a beautiful clear green, in shade not unlike that of the 
Bornean Cymbirhynchus. I have named this interesting new 


species after Mr. Kettlewell, whose adventurous voyages in the 
yacht Marchesa have done much to help the science of Ornitho- 

32. CopsycHUS MINDANENSIS (Gmelin). 

Le Merle de Mindanao, Montb. Hist. Nat. Ois. iii. p. 387. 

Copsychus mindanensis, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. part 2, p. 194. 

Hab. Zebu, Guimaras (Meyer); Luzon and Basilan (Hvereit) ; 
Negros (L. C. Layard); Mindanao (v. Martens); Sulu (Gucllemard); 
Borneo (?) (Salvadori). 

a, 6. 3. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length 20°5 centims. ; wing 
9-4—9°7 centims. Under wing-coverts entirely black. 


Gerygone flaveola, Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 157; Cat. B. vol. iv. 
p- 214, pl. v. fig. 2. 

Hab. Celebes (Meyer); Borneo (Schwaner, Mus. Lugd.); Sulu 

a, 6. Sulu Island. 

6, 2. Sulu Island. 

e. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ;_ bill and tarsus blackish. Length of wing 5-2 centims. 

A comparison with skins of G. flaveola from Celebes in the British 
Museum shows the present individuals to be considerably paler on 
the under surface, which is a washy straw-yellow in colour. The 
ear-coverts also are of the same colour as the head, without any 
shade whatever of yellow. These Sulu birds appear, therefore, to 
be intermediate in form between G, flaveola of Celebes (and Borneo ?) 
and G. simplex of Luzon, the latter bird being white beneath, 
washed with buff on the breast, and having the ear-coverts a 
uniform ashy brown. The present series approximate G. simpler 
in their admeasurements. 

34. CisticoLa Exixis (Vig. et Horsf.). 

Cisticola exilis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds, vol. vii. p. 269. 

Cisticola grayi, Tweedd. P. Z.S. 1877, p. 828. 

Cisticola semirufa, Wardlaw Ramsay, Orn. Works, Tweedd. p. 657 

Hab. Luzon; N. Mindanao (£verett) ; Sulu (Guillemard). 

a-c, 3. Sulu Island, April. 

d, 2. Sulu Island, April. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus flesh-colour. The head in all is more 
or less striped. Length about 9-0 centims.; wing 4°4 centims. 
This species was common in Sulu in the grassy opens, to which it 
appears entirely confined. 

In the correct identification of this as well as of several other 
species, I have had the kind assistance of Mr. Bowdler Sharpe. As 
far as I am aware, it has not been recorded either from Borneo or 



Celebes ; but the immense range of the species renders it probable 
that it may be found in both these countries. 

35. Bupyres viripis (Gmelin). 

Motacilla viridis (Gm.), v. Martens, J. f. O. 1866, p. 10. 

Budytes viridis, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. part 2, p. 196. 

Hab. Luzon (v. Martens); Bohol and Mindanao (Everett) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard) ; Borneo (Motétley, Beccari) ; Celebes (Meyer). 

a, 3. Jolo, Sulu Island. 

b, vir ad. 2. Sulu Island. 

ce, juv. 2. Jolo, Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill brownish black; tarsus bluish black. Length 
of adult male and female 17°5 centims. ; of immature female 17-0 
centims. ; wing 8°4 centims.; of immature female 7-5 centims. 
Shot from April 24th to May 10th, hunting for insects on cultivated 
ground near the Spanish settlement. The individual 4 is marked 
with green on the under surface, chiefly on the upper breast, but 
is otherwise like the male. The young female has the head ash- 
coloured, and the underparts are a pale yellow. 

36. Parus ELeGans, Lesson. 

Parus elegans, Less. Tr. p. 456; Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soe. vol. i. 
p- 338, 

Machlolophus elegans, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. part 2, p. 199. 

Hab. Zebu and Negros (Everett); Palawan and Guimaras 
(Steere) ; Sulu (Guillemard). 

a, 3. Sulu Island. 

6, 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length of wing 5-9 centims. 
In both skins the white spots on the wing are small. An increase 
in the size of these, and the assumption of the pale scapulars seems 
to be due to age. 

This species appears to be rare in Sulu, for the two individuals 
under consideration were the only ones seen. 


Zosterops everetti, Tweed. P. Z.S. 1877, pp. 762, 829 ; id. ibid. 
1878, pp. 111, 950; Sharpe, Cat. B. vol. ix. p. 163. 

Hab. Mindanao, Zebu, and Dinagat (Everett); Sulu (Guille- 

a, 6. 3. Sulu Island. 

e, 9. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ; upper mandible dark brown, lower whitish ; tarsus 
light brown. Length circa 11:0 centims., wing 53 (¢)-5'0 (2) 

A comparison with the individuals from the Philippines shows 
the Sulu bird to be of a brighter yellow, and destitute of any sub- 
ocular dusky mark. 


38. Diczum HyPoLeucuM, Sharpe. 

Diceum hypoleucum, Sharpe, ‘ Nature,’ Aug. 1876, p. 298; id. 
Tr. Linn. Soc. 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. p. 339; Tweedd. P. Z. 8. 1879, 
p- 72. 

Hab. Basilan (Steere); Sulu (Guillemard) ; Siassi (Guillemard). 

a, 6. &. Sulu Island. 

e. juv. d. Sulu Island. 

d. 2. Parang, Sulu Island. 

e. juv. 2. Siassi Island. 

Ff. juv. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris, in the adult, light reddish brown ; bill and tarsus black. 
Length about 9°5 centims., wing 5°4—5°6 centims. The adult birds 
of both sexes are deep black on the upper surface, with a faint tinge 
of bluish green, most marked on the wing. The middle line of the 
breast and abdomen is washed with pale buff. In the young birds 
the black of the upper surface is replaced by a dull olive-brown, and 
the outer webs of the secondaries are bordered with olive-green. 
This edging becomes narrower on the primaries, and is absent 
altogether from the first two or three. 

D. hypoleucum appears to be abundant in the Sulu Archipelago, 
and is almost always to be found in the cocoanut groves, hunting at 
the crown of the palms for insects, in company with Cinnyris 


Cinnyris jugularis, Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. 
p- 341; id. Cat. B. vol. ix. p. 86. 

Arachnecthra jugularis, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 200. 

Hab. Negros, Guimaras, Zebu (Meyer); Luzon, Leyte, Bohol, 
Dinagat, and Basilan (Hverett) ; Camiquin (H.M.S. ‘ Challenger’) ; 
Panay, Mindanao (Séeere) ; Sulu (Guillemard). 

a—m. 6. Sulu Island. 

n,o. 9. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length 11°3-11°7 centims. 
2 about 11°0 centims. Wing 5:4-5°7 centims.; in female about 
5°2 centims. 

In three or four of the above males there is a patch of metallic 
blue feathers at the upper and outer angle of the eye, forming a 
partial eyebrow, and in most skins some faint trace of this is to be 
seen. In several individuals also there are scattered metallic blue 
feathers in the frontal region. There is no tendency whatever to 
this metallic colouring on the head in any of a large series of C. 
JSrenata that I obtained from Celebes and the islands eastward to 
New Guinea. 

The present species is extremely abundant in Sulu Island. As 
far as I am aware, it has not been recorded from Palawan, where 
C. aurora probably replaces it. 


40. Crnnyris suLLE (Tweeddale). 

Nectarophila julia, Tweedd. P. Z. S. 1877, pp. 536, 547. 

Cinnyris julie, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 135, pl. 44; Cat. B. 
vol. ix. p. 64. 

Hab. Malanipa (H.M.S. ‘ Challenger’) ; Mindanao (Everett) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard). 

a-g. 3. Maimbun, Sulu Islands. 

Iris red-brown ; bill and tarsus black. Length 9:9-10°5 centims., 
wing 4°8—5-0 centims. 

This exquisite little Sun-bird seemed nowhere abundant on Sulu 
Island; but a pair or two were always to be found haunting some 
low flowering shrubs at the back of the little village of Maimbun, 
The present individuals agree exactly with the types brought home 
by the ‘ Challenger,’ at present in the British Museum. _ It is curious 
that Dr. Steere did not meet with this species in Mindanao or 
Basilan, from which latter island it has been recorded, though Mr. 
Everett obtained it at Zamboanga on the former. The ‘Challenger’ 
party found it “‘ quite numerous” in Malanipa. 


Anthreptes malaccensis, Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. 2nd ser. Zool. 
vol. i. p. 342; Cat. B. vol. ix. p. 122. 

Hab. Zebu (Everett); Negros (Steere); Mindanao (£verett) ; 
Basilan and Palawan (Lverett); Sulu (Guillemard) ; Celebes ( Wal- 
lace) ; Borneo (Wallace). 

a-j. 3. Sulu Island. 

k-o. 2. Sulu Island. 

Male. Iris brownish red ; bill black; tarsus olive-brown. Length 
about 13°7 centims., wing 6°9-7°1 centims. 

Female. Iris brown ; bill black ; tarsus light olive-brown. Length 
about 12°0 centims., wing 6°4—6°6 centims. 

I have followed Dr. Gadow’s arrangement in the ‘ Catalogue of 
Birds,’ and regarded the Bornean Anthothreptes as not specifically 
separable from that of the Philippines. The differences, though 
considerable so far as regard colouring, appear to be anything but 
constant, and the present series vary much both in size and colouring. 
Many Bornean skins show a like variation. The Sulu birds on the 
whole do not appear to differ much from the generality of those 
from Borneo. 

This Sun-bird was apparently abundant in all the islands of the 
Archipelago that we visited, and we also obtained it on the solitary 
volcanic island, Cagayan Suiu. 

42. CoRvuUS PHILIPPINUS, Bonaparte. 

Corvus philippinus, Wald. Tr. Z. S. ix. part 2, p. 201; Tweedd. 
P. Z. 8. 1877, pp. 548, 698, 763, 831; 1878, pp. 113, 287, 343, 

Corone philippina, Sharpe, Tr. Linn, Soc. 2nd ser. Zool. vol. i. 
p. 343. 


Hab. Luzon (Cuming, Meyer, Everett); Cujo (Meyer); Panay 
(Murray); Negros (Meyer, Steere, Everett); Bohol, Basilan, Zebu, 
Leyte, and Panaon (Hverett) ; Camiquin (Murray); Dinagat 
(Zverett) ; Mindanao (Murray, Everett); Sulu (Burbidge). 

Crows, most probably of this species, were common in Sulu 


Calornis panayensis, Wald. Tr. Z. S. ix. part 2, p. 205; Sharpe, 
Tr. Linn. Soe. n. s. Zool. vol. i. p. 343. 

Hab. Panay (Steere); Zebu, Luzon, Negros (Meyer); Leyte, 
Bohol, Mindanao, Basilan, and Palawan (Hverett); Sulu (Gutlle- 
mard) ; Siassi (Gui/lemard). 

a—-d. 3. Sulu Island. 

e, f. 2. Sulu Island. 

g. juv. 2. Sulu Island. 

A. Siassi Island. 

Iris brilliant orange-scarlet ; bill and tarsus black. Length about 
20°5 centims., wing 10°2-10°4 centims. 

Most abundant on Sulu, and other islands of the Archipelago. In 
April they were apparently breeding in holes in dead trees some 
distance from the ground. 

44, Sarcops catvus (Linneus). 

Sarcops calvus, Walden, Tr. Z. 8S. vol. ix. part 2, p. 205; 
Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. n. s. Zool. vol. i. p. 344. 

Sarcops lowii, Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soe. n. s. Zool. vol. i. p. 344. 

Hab. Luzon (Everett) ; Guimaras and Negros (Meyer); Zebu, 
Leyte, Dinagat, Mindanao, and Basilan (Everett); Sulu (Guille- 
mard) ; ? Sibutu (Low). 

a-h. 3. Sulu Island. 

i-k. 2. Sulu Island. 

7, m. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black ; bare space round the eye tinged 
with dull red. In some, the primaries and tail-feathers, and some- 
times the thighs, are tinged with ferruginous. This colouring seems 
generally to coexist with a nigrescent mantle, and is probably a 
sign of immaturity. Mr. Sharpe agrees with me that S. lowii can- 
not stand as a good species, the present series showing it to be a not 
fully adult S. calvus. 

Sibutu Island, whence this species is said to have been procured, 
lies close to the North Bornean coast, and is separated from Tawi- 
tawi, the westernmost island of the Sulu Archipelago, by the Sibutu 
Passage, in which soundings with no bottom at 500 fathoms have 
been obtained. Oriolus chinensis is also recorded by Mr. Low from 
the same island, but it is quite possible that the locality of these two 
apscise may not have been correctly given by this gentleman’s col- 



45. Munta sacort, Cabanis. 

Munia jagori, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt, 2, p. 207. 

Hab. Luzon, Zebu, Leyte, Bohol, Negros, and Mindanao (Everett) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard). 

a-d. 3. Sulu Island. 

e-g. 9. Sulu Island. 

Iris reddish brown ; bill ashy blue ; tarsus slate-coloured. 
Length 11-0 centims. (¢), 10°5 centims. (@), wing 5°0 centims. 
(do), 4°8 centims.( 2). The male is larger than the female, and of 
richer colouring, the head being very nearly black, and the brown 
of the body a deeper chestnut. The union of the abdominal dark 
line with the same colour of the throat does not appear to be of any 
value as a characteristic of sex. 

This little species was abundant in Sulu, collected in flocks of 
from ten to thirty individuals, and feeding in the grass. Their 
habits and note reminded me strongly of the African Estrelda 

46. OsMOTRERON VERNANS (Linneus). 

Osmotreron vernans, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 210; 
Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. n.'s. Zool. vol. i. p. 346; Salvad. Uceell. 
di Borneo, p. 286. 

Hab. Vuzon (Meyer) ; Panay (Steere) ; Zebu, Bohol, Mindanao, 
Basilan, and Palawan (Hverett); Sulu (Burbidge); Siassi (Guzlle- 
mard) ; Celebes (Wallace, §c.); Borneo (Wallaee, §c.). 

a. od. Sulu Island. 

6. 3S. Siassi Island, 

e-f. 9. Sulu Island. 

Male: iris dark pink ; bill slate-blue at tip ; feet coral. Female : 
iris pearly; bill as in male; tarsus pinkish red. Length about 
27:0 centims. ; wing 14°3—14°5 centims. 


Osmotreron axillaris, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 211; 
Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. n. s. Zool. vol. i. p. 346. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer); Zebu, Dinagat (Everett); Panay (Mur- 
ray); Negros and Guimaras (Meyer); Mindanao (Steere); Sulu 
(Burbidge, &c.). 

a. 3d. Sulu Island. 

6. 2. Sulu Island. 

Male: iris pearly green; bill red at base, bluish at tip ; feet pale 
slate; length 32°7 centims., wing 16°5 centims. Female: iris 
brilliant sea-green; feet light olive-green; length 29°5 centims., 
wing 16°1 centims. Culmen 2°1—2°2 centims. 

O. aromatica from Buru very closely resembles the present species, 
but Salvadori (Orn. della Papuasia e delle Molucche, vol. 3, p. 2) 
points out that the latter “ are larger, have the neck and breast of a 
less yellow-olive, the chestnut of the wing-coverts less in extent, 
and dark spots on the sides of the abdomen.” The examples under 
consideration fully bear this out with regard to the size. 


48. Pritopus MELANOCEPHALUS, Forster. 

Ptilopus melanocephalus, Wald. P. Z.S. 1878, p. 951 ; id. ident. 
1879, p. 73. 

Hab. Mindanao (Everett) ; Basilan (Everett) ; Sulu (Guillemard) ; 
Celebes (Guillemard). 

a,b. &. Sulu Island. 

Iris yellow; bill greenish; tarsus coral. Length 22-5 centims., 
wing 11°8 centims. These Sulu examples do not differ from Cele- 
bean skins (P. me/anospilus of Salvadori), excepting in having the 
yellow gular patch slightly paler and broader. 

49. Pritopus rormosts (G. R. Gray). 

Lamprotreron formosa, G. R. Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 360; 
Wallace, Ibis, 1865, p. 379 ; Walden, Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 82. 

Hab. Celebes (Wallace); Sulu (Guillemard). 

a. 3. Sulu Island. 

Iris sea-green ; bill green, reddish at base; tarsus greenish olive. 
Length 29°5 centims. ; wing 14°4 centims.. 

P. formosus of Gray can be at once recognized as distinct from 
the Moluccan and Papuan P. superbus, (1) by the strong violet 
tinge of the upper breast, which merges into the dark pectoral band, 
and, (2) by the violet of the head being conterminous with the ruddy 
orange of the cervix, there being no intervening greenish band. 
The present Sulu example shows both these distinctions, but appears 
to be of somewhat larger size, and is characterized by the absence of 
the mailiée appearance of the breast, due to the small number of 
feathers that are bifid. The following are the comparative admeasure- 
ments in centimetres :— 

Length. Wing. 

P. formosus, Celebes (Wallace) ...... 26°5 12°6 
Ne ais (Guillemard) .... 25°0 13°2 

ns Sulu (Guillemard) ...... 29°5 13°4 


Phabotreron brevirostris, Tweedd. P. Z.S. 1877, pp. 549, 832 ; 
id. ident. 1878, pp. 113, 344, 952 ; id. ident. 1879, p. 73. 

Hab. Leyte, Dinagat, Mindanao, and Basilan (Averett); Sulu 

a. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris, outer ring red, inner white ; bill brownish ; tarsus dull coral- 
ted. Length 23-0 centims., wing 11°6 centims., bill from forehead 
1°5 centims., tail 9°0 centims. 

This example agrees with Lord Tweeddale’s description of P. 
brevirostris, excepting that the back and upper tail-coverts are dull 
metallic olive. In the type (from Mindanao) the back is “ mixed 
amethystine and dull yellow-green; uropygium and upper tail- 
coverts dull yellow-green with scarcely any iridescence.”” The Sulu 
bird corresponds, however, in having the rufo-fulvous forehead, the 


albescent chin and throat, and the short bill, the characteristics 
which led Lord Tweeddale to separate it from the representative 
P. leucotis, which has been recorded from Luzon, Negros, and 

51. CaRPOopHAGA ZNEA (Linneus). 

Carpophaga enea, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 215; Sharpe, 
Tr. Linn. Soe. n.s. Zool. vol. i. p. 346; Salvad. Uce. di Born. 
p- 290. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer); Zebu, Leyte, Mindanao, Dinagat, and 
Basilan (Everett), Negros and Palawan (Steere); Sulu (Guille- 
mard); Borneo (Wallace). 

a. &. Sulu Island. 

6, ce. 2. Sulu Island, 

Iris crimson ; bill greyish green ; feet dullred. Length 42-0-43-0 
centims. ; wing 23°7—24°0 centims. 

Compared with examples of Wallace’s from the Timor group, the 
Sulu birds are seen to be brighter in the iridescence of the back and 
wings, the head is more vinaceous, there is a well-marked grey 
collar, and the under wing-coverts are pale dove-colour, not a 
darkish grey. 

C. @nea seemed abundant enough on Sulu Island, but, like 
M. bicolor, it was difficult to obtain, owing to the great height of the 
trees which it frequented. 


Carpophaga pickeringi, Cass. Pr. Philadelph. Acad. 1854, p. 228 ; 
id. U.S. Expl. Exp. p. 267, pl. xxvii. ; Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soe. n. s. 
i. p. 593; id. P. 7-8. 1879, p. 316, 

a. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris dull red ; space round eye red; bill bluish green; feet and 
tarsus dull purplish red. Length 42-0-44-0 centims. ; wing 22°8- 
25°5 centims. ; tarsus 3:2 centims. 

Head ash colour, more or less tinged with vinaceous ; forehead 
and chin white; throat and breast pale vinaceous; sides of body, 
abdomen, and thighs pale ash ; under tail-coverts somewhat darker, 
and more or less washed with dull fawn-colour towards the tips. 
Mantle pale clear ash ; back, outer surface of wings, and uropygium 
dull dark grey with faint pinkish and green iridescence, hoary in 
some lights. Tail above dull metallic green; below greyish, schis- 

Being unable satisfactorily to determine this species from Cassin’s 
very short description of C. pickeringi, I forwarded an example 
to Mr. Ridgway, who kindly compared it with the type in the 
Washington Museum. He writes:—“I believe them to be speci- 
fically identical. The slight differences which I am able to detect 
are as follows :— 

‘In the type of C. pickeringi the nape is much less purely grey, 


and the colour shades more gradually into the brownish slate-colour 
of the back; the head, neck, and lower parts are also more brownish ; 
but the difference, as well as that of the nape, is certainly due, to a 
great extent at least, to soiling of the plumage. The wings &c. are 
a little bit darker and more brownish than in your specimen, and 
there is a more decided metallic bronzy purplish gloss, somewhat 
mixed with green, over the wings, but hardly perceptible on the 
back. The measurements are as follows:—Wing 23-0—25°4 cen- 
tims.; culmen 2:1 centims.; tarsus 2°9 centims.” 

Before visiting the Sulu Archipelago I had found this species in 
abundance on the island of Cagayan Sulu, off the north coast of 
Borneo, and Cassin’s specimens were obtained from a small island 
near Balabac. Its area of distribution is thus somewhat curious, as 
it has never been recorded from Borneo. 

53. MyrisTIc1vora BICOLOR (Scopoli). 

Myristicivora bicolor, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 217; 
Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soe. n. s. Zool. vol. i. p. 347; Salvad. Orn. della 
Papuasia, vol. ii. p. 107. 

Hab. Negros (Meyer); Mindanao (Hverett); Balabac (Steere) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard) ; Celebes (Meyer); Borneo (Schwaner). 

a. 3. Sulu Island. 

6. 9. Sulu Island. 

Iris dark brown ; bill and feet black, Length of wing 21°6—22-4 
centims. These examples have no black upon the tibials or under 
tail-coverts. In the female the external webs of the first two or 
three primaries have a white patch at their base, but this is not 
regular on either side. The same bird has the two internal secon- 
daries wholly white. 

This species was extremely abundant in Sulu in the month of 
May, but it was most difficult to secure specimens, owing to the 

bird’s habit of invariably keeping to the summit of the highest 


Tanthenas griseigularis, Wald. & Lay. Ibis, 1872, p. 104, pl. 6; 
Wald. Tr. Z. S. ix. p. 218; Sharpe, P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 316. 

Hab. Luzon (Gevers) ; Guimaras (Meyer); Negros and Basilan 
(Everett) ; Sulu (Burbidge). 

Mr. Sharpe says, oc. cit., speaking of a single specimen of this 
bird brought from Sulu Island by Mr. Burbidge, ‘‘I refer this 
pigeon with some hesitation to J. griseigularis, of which I have 
never seen a specimen, and only know it from Mr, Keulemans’ 
figure in ‘The Ibis’ for 1872. On the other hand, it is very closely 
allied to I. albigularis of the Moluccas, but differs in the greyish 
shade of the white throat, which is also more restricted, and in the 
forehead being grey with only a slight mark of lilac.”’ 

55. Macropyeia renurrostris, G. R. Gray. 
Macropygia tenuirostris, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 218; 


Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soc. n. s. Zool. i. p. 347; id. P.Z.S. 1879, 
p- 317. 

Macropygia eurycerca?, Tweedd. P. Z.S. 1878, p. 288. 

Hab. Luzon (Meyer) ; Negros and Basilan (Steere); Mindanao 
(Everett); Sulu (Burbidge) ; Borneo? (Sharpe). 

Mr. Sharpe considers that this same species is found in Java and 
Lombok, where it is M. emiliana of Bonaparte ; and that it occurs 
even in Borneo. 

Two examples of this Pigeon were obtained in Sulu Island by 
Mr. Burbidge. 

56. TurTUR DUSSUMIERI, Temminck. 

Turtur dussumieri, Temm. Pl. Col. 188; Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. 
pt. 2, p. 218; Sharpe, Tr. Linn. Soe. n.s. Zool. vol. i. p. 347. 

Hab. Luzon and Negros (Meyer); Panay (Steere); Zebu, Leyte, 
Bohol, and Mindanao (Hverett); Sulu (Gudllemard) ; Siassi (Guille- 

a-c. 6. Sulu Island. 

d. ¢&. Siassi Island. 

e-g. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris bright yellow or reddish orange ; bill slate-coloured ; feet 
pinkish red. Length 29°5-30°5 centims. ; wing 15°3-16°2 centims. 
Sexes alike in plumage. 

Abundant throughout Sulu Island. 

57. GALLUS BANKIvA, Temminck. 

Gallus bankiva, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 223; Sharpe, 
Tr. Linn. Soe. n. s. Zool. vol. i. p. 348. 

Hab. Luzon and Guimaras (Meyer); Panay (Steere) ; Mindanao 
and Basilan (Everett); Sulu (Guillemard) ; Celebes (Wallace). 

a-c. 3d. Sulu Island. 

Iris ruddy ; wattles brilliant red; bill dark horn; feet bluish- 
black. Wing 23°0—24:0 centims. 

This jungle-cock, though very numerous on Sulu Island, is but 
rarely seen, owing to its haunting the thicker jungle and being very 
shy. The natives snare it in numbers by tying up a captive in 
well-known haunts of the species, and surrounding him with springes. 
The wild birds, attracted by his crow, come down to fight, and are 
quickly caught. In this manner it is only the cock bird that is ever 
secured. I have never seen the hen, though I have had as many as 
ten cocks tied up to the posts of the verandah. After a few days’ 
captivity they become even tamer than domestic fowls, and are 
freely crossed with the latter by the natives. The cocks have sickle- 
feathers of extraordinary length. 

Excalfactoria chinensis, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 224. 

Hab. Philippines (Jagor); Sulu (Guillemard) ; Borneo ae 
Celebes (? E. minima). 


a-c. ¢. Sulu Island. 

d. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris bright rosy red, in the female not nearly so bright. Bill 
slate-blue; tarsus chrome-yellow. Length 14:0-14°5 centims. ; 
wing 6-8-7-0 centims. 

This minute Quail was to be found in abundance all over Sulu 
Island in the month of May, lying in the long grass in twos and 
threes, rarely or never in bevies. The natives snared them, and 
brought them alive to us in numbers for sale. 


Gallicrex cinerea, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 229; id. P.Z.S. 
1878, p. 953. 

Gallicrex cristata (Lath.), Salvad. Uccelli di Borneo, p. 340. 

Hab. Luzon (Dussumier, Cuming); Mindanao (£verett) ; Sulu 
(Guillemard) ; Borneo (Motley). 

a. 6d. Sulu Island. 

Iris brown ; bill brown, pale beneath ; feet dark brown. 

60. EryTHRA PHENICURA (Forster). 

Erythra phenicura, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 229; éd. 
P. Z.S. 1877, p. 833, 1878, p. 953; Salvad. Uce. di Borneo, 
p- 340. 

Hab. Mindanao (Everett); Sulu (Guillemard); Celebes (Forster, 
Sc.) ; Borneo (Doria, Beccari, Sc.). 

a, 6. S. Sulu Island. 

c,d. 2. Sulu Island. 

Iris bright pinkish red ; bill pea-green, base of upper mandible 
scarlet ; tarsus dull yellow. 

This widely distributed Gallinule was common along the Meimbun 
river. Some examples have the forehead white; in others it is 
black, or with only one or two scattered white feathers. 

61. Hyporznipia striata (Linnzus). 

Hypotenidia striata, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 232; id. 
P. Z.S. 1877, pp. 768, 884 ; Salvad. Uccelli di Borneo, p. 336. 

Rallus striatus, Linn, 8. N. i. p. 262 (1766), ex Briss. 

Hab. Luzon (Gevers); Zebu, Leyte, and Mindanao (Everett) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard) ; Celebes (Wallace) ; Borneo (Mottley, §c.). 

a. d. Sulu Island. 

6. Q. Sulu Island. 

Iris orange; bill brown, with the proximal and inferior part 
bright red; tarsus leaden black. The female is a paler bird, and 
has the barring of the entire upper surface and wings much less 
marked. Beneath, the barring in the male extends much higher up 
than in the female. 


62. RaLLina EURYZONOIDES (Lafresnaye). 

Gallinula euryzonoides, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 368 ; Rallina 
euryzonoides, Tweedd. P.Z.S. 1877, p. 767; 1878, pp. 288, 345. 

Hab. Luzon? (Cuming); Negros, Leyte, and Zebu (Everett) ; 
Sulu (Guillemard). 

a. &. Sulu Island. 

Iris orange ; bill slate, base of lower mandible pea-green ; tarsus 

From the absence of any marked ruddy tinge on the back, and 
from the colouring of the feet and tarsi, I have referred this Sulu 
specimen to R. euryzonoides, though I have had no opportunity of 
comparing it with that species. The black and white barring of the 
abdomen is broader than in R. fasciata, the feet of which species are 
described by Doria as being of a lovely carmine. 

63. ARDETTA stnENsis (Gmelin). 

Ardetta sinensis, Wald. Tr. Z. S. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 237 ; Salvad. 
Orn. della Pap. p. 363. 

Hab. “ Philippines”’ (Schlegel, Leschenault, Mus. Lugd.); Sulu 
(Guillemard) ; Celebes (Meyer) ; Borneo (Schwaner). 

a. 3. Sulu Island. 

Iris yellow; bill yellowish, culmen black; feet bluish black, 
marked with green. 

64. DemieGReTTA sacra (Gmelin). 

Demiegretta sacra, Tweedd. P. Z.S. 1877, p. 551; Wald. Tr. 
Z.S8. viii. p. 100. 

Hab. Zebu (H.M.S. ‘ Challenger’); Sulu (Guillemard) ; Celebes 
(Von Rosenberg) ; Borneo (Mottley). 

a. 3d. Sulu Island. 

Iris yellow ; bill and tarsus lead-colour. This example has a few 
white feathers on the throat and chin. The species is fairly abun- 
dant in Sulu, but I have never seen them in the numbers in which 
they are found on the northern coasts of Celebes. In this latter 
country they frequent the sandy mouths of the rivers in small 
flocks, in which the white varieties are not unfrequently to be seen. 

65. Buroripes savanica (Horsfield). 

Butorides javanica, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 23735 ad. 
Tr. Z. 8. viii. p. 100. 

Hab. Luzon (Jagor); Negros (Steere) ; Zebu, Leyte, Dinagat, 
Mindanao, and Palawan (Everett); Sulu (Guillemard); Celebes 
(Forsten, Sc.) ; Borneo (Mottley). 

a, 6. &. Sulu Island. ‘ 

Iris orange-yellow ; bill black, base of lower mandible yellowish ; 
bare skin round eye greenish; feet and tarsus orange-yellow. 
Length 46:0 centims. ; wing 17:3 centims. Salvadori (Orn. della 
Pap.) gives the colour of the feet as ‘ flavo-virescentibus ;”’ in Mr. 
Everett’s Zebu bird (¢ ) they were ‘ dull dark chrome ;”’ in one 

P. 2.9. 1665. Pigs 


nival strip 


from Mindanao (sex not given) ‘‘ dull green ;” while in a 2 example 
from Dinagat they were “ bright chrome-yellow.” 

The Sulu birds, both of which are adult males, have the head very 
dark green. The wing-coverts are edged with fulvous. 

During my residence on Sulu Island I several times saw, but 
failed to obtain, a species of Hornbill with a white head and tail 
(2? Cranorrhinus leucocephalus), and I am inclined to believe that 
there are two species of the Bucerotide in Sulu. With regard to 
Pigeons, I could hear nothing of the existence of C. nicobarica, but I 
obtained a large Macropygia unknown to me, which I unfortunately 
lost before any notes could be taken of it. Owls were apparently not 
uncommon, as also a species of Cuprimulgus. Mr. Burbidge, in his 
notes on his collection from Sulu, speaks of the Fire-back Pheasant 
as being among the birds he “saw, but could not secure;” but I 
cannot help thinking that he must have been mistaken on this 

2. On the Butterflies of Timorlaut. By Tu. Kirscu, Custos 
for Entomology at the Royal Zoological Museum of 
Dresden. (Communicated by Dr. A. B. Meyer, 

[Received February 16, 1885.] 

(Plate X1X.) 

In the list of Butterflies from Timorlaut, published by Mr. Butler 
(Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 366), 21 species from that island group 
are enumerated. The collections of Mr. Riedel from Timorlaut, 
presented to the Royal Zoological Museum of Dresden, contain 
examples of four more species from there, two of which and a variety 
are undescribed. 

1. ORNITHOPTERA RIEDELI, nov.sp. (Plate XIX. fig.1g,29.) 

Ornithopterze darsio, Gray, valde affinis, sed distincte diversa 
forma et plaga alarum posteriarum. Annulo collari maculisque 
pectoralibus sanguinets sicut O. darsii; abdomine subtus segmentis 
postice flavo-atomatis. 

3. Ale antice supra holosericeo-nigre, margine interno latiore et 
externo breviore quam QO. darsii, subtus venis trans cellulam 
discoidalem griseo-limbatis. Ale postice margine exteriore 
minus sinuato, angulis apice vene mediane ejusdemque ramorum 
minus prominentibus, potius plane rotundatis; plaga magna 
discoidali aureo-flava, certo situ leviter opalescente, extus 10- 
dentata, intus basin versus oblique truncata, venis in maculas 
septem divisis, macula antica trapezoidali, illa cellule discoidalis 
subtriangulari, lateribus curvatis, ceteris quingue apice emargi- 

Q. Ale atro-fusce, holosericee, lunulis anguste alvo-ciliatis ; 


antice vena discocellulari late venisque secundarits usque ad 
ramum mediane secundum (hoc solum dimidia externa) angustius 
albo-limbatis, subtus ut supra; postice medio plaga aureo-flava, 
venis tribus in maculas quatuor extus profunde emarginatas, intus 
prima et quarta leviter, sinuatis, secunda et tertia (illa versus 
basin magis attenuata quam tertia) obtusis, extus juxta quartam 
macula parva albo-farinosa, serie intramarginali macularum 
triangularium, interdum geminato-confluentium, flava, magis 
minusve atomatis nigris crebre conspersa, apice cellule discoidalis 
macula flava minima (punctiformi) aut nulla ; subtus signaturis 
tisdem, sed serie externa a margine posteriore magis remota quam 
O. darsii et macula antica cellule costalis lineiformi. 
This is a very distinct species, allied to O. darsius, Gray, and 
O. criton, Feld., but differing in the above particulars. 
I have named this species in honour of Mr. Riedel, to whom the 
Dresden Museum is indebted for so many valuable additions. 

2. DIADEMA ALIMENA, L., var. SALVINI, 2. (Plate XIX. fig. 3.) 

Allied to D. alimena, var. velleda, Cr., from Amboina, and to D. 
forbesii, Butler, from Timorlaut. 

On the upper side the blue band, traversing both wings, very much 
resembling the typical form of D. alimena, but differing in the white 
markings being throughout larger, also the interstice between the ~ 
submarginal spots and the inner row of points much smaller. The 
differences become more remarkable on the underside, viz. fore 
wing: the two posterior spots, situated between the median branches, 
are surrounded by blue atoms, and the blue band, crossing the 
median nervules, is not continuous, but here and there rather 
evanescent ; hind wing: the dark interstice between the two white 
cross bands is much narrower, because the outer band nearly reaches 
the row of round bluish-white spots, at least at the anal half. 

Length of body 25, of fore wing 40 millim. 

3. ATHYMA GRACILIS, noy. sp. (Plate XIX. fig. 4.) 

Male. Upper side smoky black, markings creamy-white; fore wing 
with two oblong connected spots, oblique from costal margin near 
the apex, and with four, forming a cross band, which reach the 
middle of the posterior margin (the three first spots subequally, the 
fourth narrow and somewhat longer), finally with an ill-defined 
marginal and submarginal spotted line. 

Hind wing with broad white inner band, covering the middle third, 
and with a narrow outer band nearly evanescent. 

Underside dusky ferruginous; markings the same as above, but 
the fore wing with a discoidal streak, straight, small and long, inter- 
rupted near the apex; the hind wing at base of costa and mediana 
white, the marginal lines more defined and all white. 

Length of body 15, of fore wing 21 millim. 

Allied to 4. venilia, L., but more slender, the broad white inner 
band relatively much larger. 


4. Arracus atias, L. 16. 

The vitreous spot of the fore wing with a very obtuse angle towards 
the costa ; exterior angle acuminated, interior side convex, exterior 
side concave ; the vitreous accessory spot small, lineal, along the 
middle hardly transparent, not reaching the outer cross band. The 
vitreous spot of the hind wing forms nearly a regular triangle, the 
posterior margin of which is rather sinuated. 

There are now 25 species of Butterflies known from Timorlant, 
no doubt only a small part of those there existing. 

3. Notes on Peruvian Birds. By Prof. W. Natron, C.M.Z.S. 
[Received February 27, 1885.] 


Some twenty years ago an American engineer, engaged by the 
Peruvian Government to survey the Andean valleys and coasts of 
Peru for railway routes, showed me a letter from his friend the 
late Mr. John Cassin, requesting him to examine carefully the rocks 
and cliffs for a Swallow’s nest. He informed me that he had searched 
for it for two or three years without success. 

Many years after, when the subject of- Mr. Cassin’s letter had 
almost escaped my memory, being in the National Library of Lima, 
luoking over some books which had just arrived, I found the 
two volumes of Birds of the U. 8S. Exploring Expedition, and saw 
the description of the Swallows obtained by Peale, near Callao, in, 
I think, 1835, and named by him Hirundo rujficollis. With this 
information I recommenced my search for it. 

One would naturally suppose that if a Crag-Martin had been 
found in Western Peru, its breeding place would be found in one of 
the Andean valleys, where everything necessary for its economy 
abounds. Such at least was my impression ; and from this error I 
lost many years in searching for it in places which it rarely 
or perhaps never visits. 

At length, in 1877, tired and fatigued by a long ramble over the 
hot sandy hills of the neighbourhood of Lima, I came to some old 
ruins of a brick- or lime-works, so old that the ditches that had one 
supplied it with water had in many places disappeared ; it must have 
been abandoned for a quarter of a century at least. Here, while 
sitting down inside the old kiln, I observed a bit of earth adhering 
to the wall ; on removing it and blowing away carefully the loose 
particles of dust, I saw that it was composed of pellets, and that 
these pellets could not have been formed by any insect. I felt 
convinced that I had discovered the object of so many fatiguing 
journeys. Every rock, wall, and building near the ruins was carefully 
examined by me; and in the course of the day, about twelve miles 
from the city I fell in with a large colony of Cliff-Swallows. 

On the following day I returned with a man and a ladder. The 
house which this bird had selected for its breeding place was a 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XIX. 19 


little Gothic building used for a telegraph and railway station, so 
near the line that I observed that the nests were surrounded by the 
smoke of the engine. The man in charge of the station informed 
me that the building had been scarcely finished before it was taken 
possession of by the colony. In the neighbourhood there was a 
large sugar plantation with many buildings, of which the roofs and 
walls had been taken possession of by Atéicora cyanoleuca, but not 
a nest of the Cliff-Swallow could be seen onthem. On examining the 
nests, I found them in every stage of construction, from the first 
circular row of wet pellets to the perfect nest inhabited by a family 
of young birds nearly fledged. Ou the ontside (for the roofs inside 
had been taken possession of also) I counted 123 nests. The rafters 
under the eaves were covered by the nests in many places. The nests 
were placed one uponanother. The sill of one window had a row of 
nests upon it ; and I observed one or two nests affixed to the sides 
of the walls of the house. 

The nest is very large for so small a bird. The one I removed 
weighs two pounds; it stands 7 inches high, and is 6} inches wide 
at the base. The neck is about 23 inches long and 2 wide. 
The lining is very scanty, scarcely sufficient to cover the bottom of 
the nest, and is composed of a few bits of fine grasses with one or two 
feathers. The eggs which I found inthis nest, in which incubation 
had many days commenced, were three in number, white, thickly 
speckled with reddish-brown; they are ten twelfths of an inch long 
by seven broad. 

I never saw anything more beautiful than the appearance of a 
colony of these birds in their eurious-shaped nests, out of which 
project the heads of the owners at the slightest alarm. It is by no 
means a shy bird; while I was examining the nests they flew around 
me like bees, almost touching my face, uttering piteous cries. J felt 
sorry to see the distress of the parent birds whose nest I removed. 

Of the nest I brought away I made a drawing, and sent copies of 
it to almost every part of Peru, and in a short time I was in 
possession of many important facts respecting its range in Peru. 
Unfortunately about this time difficulties between Chili and Peru 
commenced, and soon after broke out the terrible war of the Pacific. 
Personal observations and postal inquiries became impossible. 
Since the departure of the Chilian army and the return of the 
Peruvian authorities, I have done all I could to add to my knowledge 
of its range and habits; but I regret to say with little success. The 
colony I first discovered was swept away; the bones of many of 
my friends are laid under the battle-field ; and the state of the country 
renders it unsafe to stray far from the city gates. 

According to my present knowledge of this species it seems to 
be confined to the cultivated lands in the river-districts of the narrow 
strips of arid country situated between the Pacific and the mouths 
of the Andean valleys, from the southern border of the great desert 
of Sechura to the desert of Ica, from about 7° to 13° S. latitude. 
It is remarkable that I have never been able to obtain any evidence 
that it builds its nest on a rock or cliff, or that it is seen inside the 


mouth of the Andean valleys. The nest is always found on human 
habitations. In the vicinity of Lina and within twelve miles of the 
walls there are at present fourteen colonies. 

I hope to give a fuller accouat of this interesting species soon. 


This robust little mountain Parrot, which seems to be peculiar to 
the higher parts of the Western valleys of Peru, is found in the 
valley of the Rimac wherever vegetation can be seen onthe mountain- 
sides. It associates in parties of from 5 to 50 individuals ; when 
disturbed flies to a short distance, and generally alights upon a bush 
of the greenish foliage. 

In its habits it resembles so much the common coast species 
(Brotogerys aurifrons) that I have always considered it, whenever I 
have seen it feeding in its habitat, to be of the same species. Mr. 
Dallas mistook it for B. aurifrons also, and sent me excuses for 
sending such a common bird. It is remarkable that two Parrots 
specifically and generically distinct should resemble each other so 
closely in colour, form, and habit, and inhabit, one the lower part of 
a valley, and the other the upper part of it. The tail of this species 
is very peculiar. My first impression, on seeing it, was that the two 
middle tail-feathers had been lost. The wing also seemed to be 
disproportionally long. These striking peculiarities are lost in the 
most carefully prepared skin; whilst dissecting it I observed that 
the skin (not as observed in any other Parrot) was quite green on 
both surfaces. Irides black ; bill yellowish green. 

Total length 6 58; inches, wing 4 ;4,. 

[Two skins of this species forwarded to me by Prof. Nation agree 
well with others in my collection from Paucartambo (Whitely) and 
Punamarea (Jelski). Cf. P. Z.S. 1874, p. 679.—P. L. S.] 


This beautiful Swift inhabits the western valleys of the Peruvian 
Andes from 6000 fcet to 13,000. Mr. Dallas found large flucks of 
this species flying over meadows at 8000 feet, in October 1883. 
In February 1884 it had disappeared from the place where it was 
found by Mr. Dallas, and was seen at 13,000 feet in the same 
valley. All the birds found near the Cordillera during warmer 
months of the year descend the valleys on the approach of winter. 

My present knowledge of this bird is very imperfect: I have traced 
it in the western valley of the Andes more than 300 miles to the 
south of Limaanda little more onthenorth. JI have also discovered 
that it is found on the other side of the Andes, and that it breeds at 
high altitudes under the eaves of houses. I have written to a German 
gentleman, under the rcof of whose house it is said to build its test, 
to send me an account of its habits; but I have received no answer 
yet. Baill black; irides black. 

Total length 558; inches; wing 5,%. 

[L have previously only seen examples of this fine Swift from as 
far north as Arequipa aud ‘Tinta in Peru (P. Z. 8. 1868, p. 569). 
Mr. Nation’s skin agrees with Whitely’s specimens —P. L. S.] - 


280 REV. H. S. GORHAM ON THE [ Mar. 17, 

4. Revision of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of the Japanese 
Fauna: Subfamilies Cassidine and Ilispine. By the 
Rey. H. S. Gornam, F.Z.S. 

[Received March 4, 1885,] 

In Mr. G. Lewis’s Catalogue of Coleoptera from the Japanese 
Archipelago, published in 1879, he has enumerated eleven species 
of Cassidine and three of Hispine; of the former, two must be 
considered synonyms, reducing the number of species then actually 
known to nine. Inthe present account of these groups, eighteen 
species of Cassidine are recorded and four of Hispine. It is not 
probable, Mr. Lewis thinks, that further investigation will very greatly 
increase the number ; a few of the species known to inhabit Siberia 
will probably be found in the northern parts of the islands. 

Compared with the European and Asiatic and with the North- 
American faunas, it appears to me that Japan has the proportion of 
species we might expect, or more in proportion if the area alone is 
considered ; and if we consider the genera hitherto observed, it is 
evident that there is more of the Eastern and Tropical element than 
of the North American. Europe possesses but one genus of Cassi- 
dine, viz. Cassida, while in Japan we have the distinctly Old-World 
tropical genus Aspidomorpha, with Coptocycle of Eastern type. 
When, however, the northern islands of Yezo and Saghalien have been 
as fully explored, it is probable that some species may be found to 
modify this view. 

The number of species here treated of is too small to admit of 
generalization to any extent ; but T see no reason to modify the view 
I have already expressed, when reviewing the Malacodermata of the 
same region (Trans. Ent. Soc. 1883, p. 393). The number of 
species which may have been derived is perhaps larger here than in 
some groups; but these forms are usually sufficiently different from 
their representatives in distant localities to show that long-continued 
isolation has resulted in some permanent modification of the species, 
and a few species appear to be really endemic. 




Aspidomorpha difformis, Boh. Mon. Cass. Supp. p. 277; Baly, 
Trans. Ent. Soc. 1874, p. 211; Kraatz, Deuts. ent. Zeits. xxiii. 
p- 270 (1879). 

Deloyala difformis, Mots. Etudes Ent. ix. (1860) p. 27. 

Hab. Manchuria; Eastern Siberia; Japan, in all the islands 
(G. Lewis); Nikko (Pryer). 


Late ac concinne ovata, antice et postice equaliter rotundata, dia- 


phana, dilute testacea, elytrorum disco ramulos antice ad humeros, 
postice ad margines, emittente, nigro-piceo, ad suturam testaceo 
trrorato, antennis articulis duobus apicalibus nigris. 

Long. 63-73 millim., lat. 6. 

Hab. Japan, Niigata, in the main island (G. Lewis). 

Compared with A. difformis, this species is smaller, more decidedly 
elliptical in form, and the elytra scarcely form a point; there is, 
indeed, a small tubercle in some specimens; their disk and its branches 
are very dark, but in two of four specimens before me they vary in 
being as light as in 4. difformis ; the rami, however, are much nar- 
rower. In A. difformis the elytra, being more developed, are very 
distinctly wider than the thorax; that is not so in the present 
species, nor do any of the specimens show a tendency to be oval, 
i. e. more acuminate towards the apex of the elytra than in front. 
Four specimens; all found at Niigata. 


Cassida rugoso-punctata, Mots. Bull. Mose. 1866, i. p. 1777; 
Kraatz, loc. cit. p. 273. 

Crassida erudita, Baly, loc. cit. p. 212°;-Lewis, Ann. & Mag. 
N. Hl. 1879, p. 465. 

Hab. Japan’, Yokohama’ (Pryer) ; Miyanoshita, Oyama, Hakone, 
localities in Central Japan (G. Lewis). 

Mr. Lewis has with reason united these species, Mr. Baly’s type 
of C. erudita being simply a discoloured specimen. Mr. Lewis met 
with about a dozen examples of C. rugoso-punctata; they vary in 
size from 7 to 83 millims. in length. The posterior angles of the 
thorax are, as Mr. Baly describes them, acute, rather than as 
Motschulsky says “rectis ;’ and this character alone, as well as the 
black femora, will easily separate it from European specimens of 
C. equestris ; but in three specimens of the latter species met with 
by Mr. Lewis in Japan the femora are black. 


Cassida viridis, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 152 (1761). 

Cassida equestris, Fabr. Mant. Ins. i. p. 62; Bohem. Cass. ii. 
p. 474. 

Hab. Northern Europe; Japan, Agematzu. 

Three specimens, which in every respect seem identical with the 
species known to us and on the continent of Europe as Cassida 
equestris, except that the femora are black, were found by Mr. Lewis 
at Agematzu, in the main island. 


Oblonga, parum ovata, supra sordide viridis, subtus nigra, pro- 
thorace transverso elytrorum latitudine, angulis posticis obtuse 
rotundatis, crebre rugose punctato ; elytris inequalibus, costu- 
latis, grosse irregulariter punctatis ; sutura pone scutellum gut- 

282 REV. H. S. GORHAM ON THE [Mar. 17, 

tisque quingue, duabus basalibus, duabus discoidalibus, et una 
longiori submarginali pone medium, nigris ; antennis nigris, arti- 
culis secundo ad quintum testaceis ; capite, corpore et pedibus 
nigris fortiter sat crebre punctatis ; abdominis lateribus haud 
distincte testaceis. 

Long. 7 millim. ¢ 2. 

Hab, Japan (G. Lewis). 

This new Cassida is not very nearly allied to any yet recorded 
from Japan or Siberia. It may easily be recognized by the elytra 
with one long smooth costa near the suture, which, commencing at 
the base, nearly reaches the apex; two other raised interstices, 
forming costules, start, one from inside, the other from the summit 
of the humeral callus; but these are shortened and confused with 
the rugose sculpture sooner than the sutural one. The thorax is 
longer proportionally than that of C. eqguestris, to which, in having 
its hind angles rounded, it may be compared; but these angles are 
more suddenly cut off, as it were truncated, and the whole surface is 
very much more coarsely punctured. In one of the two examples, 
in which the thorax is quite as wide as the elytra, there are two pale 
spots, which Mr. Lewis observed in life to be of a fine green-yellow ; 
this, I think, from its form and from the sixth segment of the 
abdomen being distinct, to be the male. The suture is a little 
raised and there is a deep sutural stria, between which and the first 
costa there is an obsolete interstice and stria. The two basal black 
marks are small spots, the external one elongate; the two discoidal 
ones are elongate dashes in line, but not united; the submarginal 
one is as long as these would be if united, and curved towards the 
apex. Legs very distinctly punctured. 

Two specimens ; found in Central Japan. 


Cassida nebulosa, Linn.; Boheman; Bally, loc. cit. p. 213; Kraatz, 
loc. cit. p. 270. 

Japan; Kawatchi (G. Lewis). 

Apparently rare in Japan. Mr. Lewis only met with one example 
in 1881 at Wadatoge. 


Cassida fusco-rufa, Mots. Bull. Mosc. 1866, i. p. 178; Kraatz, 
loc. cit. p. 268. 

Cassida consociata, Baly, loc. cit. p, 213. 

Japan, Central and South Japan (G. Lewis). 


Cassida vespertina, Bohem. Cass. Suppl. p. 357; Baly, loc. cit. 
p. 213. 

Japan (G. Lewis). 

Very rugose ; thorax marked with black at the angles and on the 
disk, very little shining; elytra rising to a point, with diverging 


rugee, which enclose six areolets around this point ; opaque ; a minute 
yellow mark very near the apex, and the sides widely yellow. 

Two more specimens, one agreeing in size with the specimen from 
Hiogo, the other a little smaller, were brought by Mr. Lewis from 
Kiga and Seba on the main island. 

This species is of the form and size of Coptocycla (Deloyala) 
clavata, with which it seems to me it ought to be placed; indeed, I 
should have thought it was evidently a Coptocycla. 


Cassida rugifera, Kraatz, loc. cit. p. 274. — 


Described from a single example, 5 millim. in length, and not 
compared with any other species. 

“ Subrotundata, leviter convexa, dilute rufo-ferruginea, nitidula, elytrorum disco 
obsolete piceo-maculato, irregulariter piceo-marginato, prothorace transverso, 
minus brevi, basi ante scutellum leviter producta, truncata, utringue leviter 
sinuata, lateribus fortius rotundatis, disco linea. fere semicirculari antemediana 
impresso, obsolete punctato, elytris thorace paullo latioribus fortius punctato- 
striatis, punctis subtransversis, hine inde rugis conjunctis, basi vie retusis 
sed ad scutellum oblique impressis, margine modice explanato obsolete punctato, 

rugisnonnullis (ad basin, medium et pone medium) discoidalibus magis elevatis. 
Long. 5 millim.” 

Coptocycla biramosa, Bohem. Cass. iii. p. 418", Kraatz. Joc. 
cit. p. 272°. 
Hiab. Pulo-Penang', Japan’. 
Common in the island of Kiushiu (G. Lewis). 

CoprocycLa LEWISII. 
Coptocycla lewisii, Baly, l.c. p. 214’. 

Japan, Hiogo’ in main island, Hakodate and Junsai in Yezo. 

A single specimen from each of the two latter localities are all 
that Mr. Lewis met with; they vary a little in the rugze, which are 
less raised in the Junsai specimen. 


Copcocycla crucifera, Kraatz, loc. cit. p. 271. 


Described from a single specimen, compared with the Chinese 
C. versicolor, and about the size of C. thats, viz. 5 millim. 

Apparently not met with by Mr. Lewis. 

“ Rotundata, convexiuscula, dilute flavo-testacea, nitida ; thorace subtriangulari, 
elytris haud multo angustiore, disco postice ante scutellum subcalloso-elevato, 
nitidissimo levi ferrugineo, basi utringue juxta scutellum leviter sinuata, 
elytris crebre profunde punctato-striatis (striis ad sutwram elevatis) basi leviter 
retusis, disci elevati lateribus basi, maculis nonnullis aliis parvis disci dispersis 
ferrugineis, pone scutellum ruga magna cruciform aliaque inequali obliqua 
submarginali pone medium, margine late explanato, flavescenti-hyalino, 
confertim reticulato, humeris modice productis, apice acutis,—Long. 5, 
lat. 4 millim.” 

284 REY. H. S. GORHAM ON THE [ Mar. 17, 

CoprrocycLa THAIS. 

Coptocycla thats, Bohem. Cass. Suppl. iv. p. 463; Baly, l.e. 
p. 214; Kraatz. l.c. p. 271. 

Hab. Northern China; Japan, many localities. 

Readily known by the pale rug on the summit of the elytra 
forming an xX. Kraatz speaks of it as ‘very like C. biramosa”;— 
I only see that it is like it in wanting a humeral dark ramus, it is 
much smaller, and all the dark markings are more nearly black. 
In one specimen the posterior ramus, which is usually so distinct on 
the margin of the elytra, is quite wanting. Mr. Lewis found this 
species commonly. 


C. thaidi affinis, sed minor, magis oblonga, sordide testacea, 
prothorace vitta mediana antice abbreviata, elytrorumque disco 
irrorato, fuscis, hoc ramulum postice emittente, parum nitidulis ; 
corpore cum cowis nigro; capite, antennis pedibusque flavis, 
abdominis apice utrinque pallido. 

Long. 5-54 millim. 

Japan, Nikko and Sannohe on main island, and at Sapporo in 

Yezo (G. Lewis). 

Head yellow, sometimes obscurely so, antennz clear yellow; 
their apex faintly clouded; terminal joint not more infuseate than 
those preceding it. Thorax bone-yellow, rather transparent, hence 
the head shows through, causing the appearance of a vitta, which 
does not attain the front margin; hind angles round, base straighter 
than in C. thais; disk thickly punctured and but little shining. 
Elytra longer than, and not nearly so convex as, in C. thais, punctured 
in striee, but with rugze here and there uniting two or more interstices, 
but the pale ruge forming so conspicuous an xX in C, thais are 
here wanting, and the whole insect is duller. The posterior ramus, 
though reaching the margin, is not very distinct from above, because 
the margin is little expanded, and the dark markings of the disk 
here widen outwards, as also they do in front, though there is no 
front ramus; underneath this posterior spot is quite clear black and 
the apex of the suture has a black spot. This species is, with the 
exception of C. spilota, the smallest yet detected in Japan. It is 
about the size of C. hebraica. C. crucifera appears to be of the 
same size, but the description does not accord with that of this 
species, and it appears to be a much more glabrous and smooth 
species. In C. sparsa the expanded margin of the elytra is covered 
with deep punctures, which are confluent and interspersed with 
rugee, especially near the edge of their raised disk. 

A series of about a dozen were secured by Mr. Lewis. 

CorprocycLaA SIGILLATA. 

Rotundata, breviter ovata, nitidissima, corpore sublus nigro-piceo, 
capite, antennis, pedibus, abdominis apice, maculisque nonnullis 
lateralibus testaceis ; prothorace diaphano, disco convexo, glabro, 


nigro-piceo, puncto ante scutellum sat profundo ; elytris inequa- 
libus, grosse ac remote rugulosis, inter rugas fortiter punctato- 
striatis, disco nigro-piceo ramos ad humeros late oblique emittente ; 
lateribus sat explanatis apiceque albido diaphanis, reticulatis. 
Long. 7, lat. 4 millim. 
Japan, Kiga and Oyama (4000 ft.) on main island (G. Lewis). 
Apparently not very like any species of Coptocycla recorded from 
Japan or Siberia, and at once to be known by its very shining 
surface and roughly rugulose elytra, which are, however, quite 
shining. ‘The profile of the elytra is rather evenly convex; they 
searcely form a point at their summit, the suture is elevated, and 
two rugze at this point soon diverge, but becoming united and 
confused witn other rugee, enclose several areolets. 
Five specimens are all I have seen. 


Coptocycla vesicularis, Thunb. Bohem. Cass. iii. p. 256; Kraatz. 
e.p. 27). 

“ Rotundata, convexa, flava, nitida ; prothorace levi, basi lineis 4 longitudinali- 
bus, nigris, mediis subapproximatis ; elytris mediocriter subseriatim punctatis, 
dorso plagamagna communi, nigra, maculis numerosis circiter 26, inequalibus, 
elevatis, flavis notata; margine sat late explanato, hyalino, confertim 
reticulato ; abdomine medio infuscato.—Long. 6, lat. 5 millim.” 

“Von Baly nicht als japanische Art aufgefiihrt, durch die Zeichnung des 
Halsschildes und der Flgd. leicht kenntlich, die ansehnlichste der bekannten 
japanischen Species.” 

The thorax has four black lines, the middle one approximate, the 
disk of the elytra black, with numerous (about 26) unequal, raised, 
yellow marks. Length 6 millim., breadth 5. 

I have not seen this species. 


Oblonga, parum rotundata, nitida, supra castaneo-rufa, marginibus 
flavis ; prothorace angulis externis rotundatis, basi tenuiter ; maculis 
tribus basalibus, una disci antica, scutello, sutura, elytrorumque 
maculis quinque nigris ; corpore subtus nigro, capite, prosterno 
et pectore rufis, antennis pedibusque pallide flavis. 

Long. 4? millim. 

Japan, Nowata, between Tokio and Nikko. 

Head red, antennee with joints seven to the end thicker than the 
basal ones. Legs short and stout, red, spotted with darker red, and 
coxz pitchy, abdomen and metasternum pitchy red but dark, 
punctured towards its apex, but the breast and prosternum almost 
smooth. Thorax above smooth and convex behind, but uneven, 
the exterior angle with raised margin, base bisinuate ; elytra bright 
red, but varying, in places being brick-red, in other parts yellow 
or chestuut-red ; suture black, but dilated into irregular spots about 
five in number. Three discvidal oblique spots, the middle one 


largest, the basal one connected with the base, and two marginal 
ones representing the usual rami, the front one of which is below 
the humeral angle, and the posterior one is rather in advance of the 
subapical discoidal spot. The series of punctures are nine in number, 
with a tenth row of large and irregular impressions in the fold where 
the margin commences to be expanded; the striz are somewhat 
geminate, and the large punctures are at unequal distances. 

A single individual of this very distinct species was brought home 
by Mr. Lewis, who met with it at Nowata. 


The Hispine seem very poorly represented in Japan by four 
species, one new species having been added by Mr. Lewis since his 
first expedition. 


A. Corpus subquadratum, humeris alte carinatis, antennis pedibusque 

Hispa subquadrata, Baly, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1874, p, 216. 
Hab. Japan, Hiogo, Nagasaki (G. Lewis). 


Hispa japonica, Baly, |. c. p. 215. 

Hab. Japan, Hiogo, Kawatchi(G. Lewis); also China (teste Baly). 
Not met with again by Mr. Lewis. 

B. Corpus oblongum, nigrum, antennis pedibusque concoloribus. 


Hispa merens, Baly, 1. c. p. 215. 
Hab. Japan, Nagasaki (G‘. Lewis); China (teste Baly). 

Hispa nigrocyanea, Mots. Schrenck, Reis. ii. p. 239°, t. ii. f. 26. 

Hab. Dauria’; Japan, Oyama (4000 ft.), Seba (G. Lewis). 
Identified by Mr. Lewis with Motschulsky’s description and 

P.Z.S. 1885. Pl, ae 

F ©. Moore del et hth- 


C. Moore del et hth 

P.Z.S. 1885 bso 

Mintern Bros. imp. 


5. On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan.— 
Hererocersa. Part Il. By Lt.-Col. C. Swivuosg, F.L.S., 

[Continued from p. 148.] 

[Received March 5, 1885.] 
(Plates XX. & XXI.) 

Sphinx hylas, Linn. Mant. i. p. 539. 
Poona, November, February, and March; Sattara, June; 
Belgaum; Bombay, July; var. S. cunninghami also occasionally 
taken in Bombay and Poona. 

Macroglossa gyrans, Walker, viii. p. 91. 
Poona, May; Bombay. 

Sphinx belis, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 94. f. C. 
Belgaum; Sattara, June; Bombay. 

Sphinx hespera, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. pp. 152-54. 

Poona, July, September, October, and November; Sattara, June 
and November; Bombay, October, November, and December. 


Deilephila vigil, Guérin-Ménéville, in Deles. Souv. Voy. dans 
Inde, pt. ii. p. 80, pl. 23. f. 1 (1843), 

Poona, February ; Bombay, September. 

Larvee feed on the lettuce-tree, pupal stage from 7 to 19 days. 
The larva spins no silk whatever, but buries itself under the fallen 
leaves at the foot of the tree when ready to turn chrysalis. 

Larva is light green, then light chocolate-brown ; some of the larve 
changed colour just before transformation, some quite early, when 
only an inch long: out of one lot of 7 that turned pupa, 27th, 29th, 
30th October, 2nd, 6th, 11th, and 12th November, they emerged 
13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 29th November, and Ist December. 


Sphinz livornica, Esper, Ausl. Schmett. ii. pp. 87, 196, pl. 8. f. 4 



Pergesa castanea, Moore, P.Z.S. 1872, p. 567. 
Sattara, June. 


Sphinx acteus, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. p. 93, pl. 248. f. A. 

Poona, January and February ; Belgaum ; Bombay. 

Feeds on different kinds of Caladium, also feeds on Sissus ; larval 
stage about two months; those found feeding on Caladium were 
light green, and those on Sissus were pink. 


Sphinx nerii, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 798 (1767). 

Poona, April and November; Bombay, August to November. 

These are much darker and brighter-coloured than those found in 
Sind ; the larvee in Sind were invariably found feeding on Oleander, 
but in Poona they were usually found feeding on 7'abernamontana 
and Coronaria; some hatched 2ud April cast their first skin the next 
day, the second skin on the 7th, turned chrysalis on the 12th, and 
emerged in their perfect state on the 25th and 26th idem. 

Sphinx nessus, Drury, Ill. Exot. Ins. ii. 46, pl. 27. f. 1. 

Belgaum. Bombay, September, October, and November, very 
plentiful. I have often found numbers lying on the ground under 
the electric light on Cumballa hill. 

Sphinx alecto, Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 357. 

Poona, February and September; Bombay, August, September, 
and October. 


Sphinx celerio, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 800 (1767). 

Poona, June to November ; Bombay. 

Has three or four broods, one after the other; the first lot of 
larvee in June, in the height of the monsoon rains, became pup in 
14 and 15 days, and only remained in that stage about ten days ; but 
the last lot, in September, are much slower in growth, and more 
delicate: they feed for a month, and the perfect insect does not 
emerge till the following June; larvee feed on Caladium. 

Sphinz thyelia, Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 360. 

Poona, June to November; Bombay, August to November. 
The above notes apply to the transformation of this species also. 


Cherocampa raffesii, Butler, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 556 (1876). 
Poona, November and December ; Bombay, September. 

Sphinx oldenlandie, Fabr. Spec. Ins. ii. p- 148 (1781). 
Poona, June; Belgaum ; Bombay. 


Sphinax clotho, Drury, Il. Exot. Ins. ii. p. 48, pl. 28. f. 1 (1773). 
Belgaum ; Bombay, August to October. 


Cherocampa gonograpta, Butler, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 249. 

Poona, March and July ; Belgaum ; Bombay, July, August, and 

I received one chrysalis from Poona on the 4th November, 1882, 
which had then turned only a day or two, and the perfect insect did 
not emerge till 4th April 1883. 


Cherocampa punctivenata, Butler, P. Z.S. 1875, p. 248. 
Bombay, July and August. 

Deilephila lucasii, Walker, viii. 141. 
Bombay, September, October, and November. 


Protoparce orientalis, Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. ix. p. 609 (1876). 

Poona, June, August, September, and October; Bombay, 
September and October. 

The larvee feed on Colie, length 33 inches, colour dark greenish- 
olive, with seven dark reddish-brown stripes, with small ocelli between 
the stripes, each ocellus with a black eye ; the skin has a leather-like 
appearance, with an absence of the beautiful shades of colour usual 
with the larvee of sphinges; the pupa is dark brown, with a looped 
proboscis like the pupa of Pergesa acteus. 

Larval stage 28 to 30 days, pupal stage 16 days. 

21. DitupiA vaTEs. 

Diludia vates, Butler, P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 13. 
Poona; Bombay, August, September, and October. 
The Poona specimens are very small. 

Expanse of wings 2;%, and 3 inches. 


Ambulyx turbata, Butler, P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 252. 



Sphinx dentata, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. 42, pl. 125. f. G. 

Poona, December ; Belgaum; Bombay, October and November. 

Larvee feed on Cordia angustifolia; when full-grown measured 
4} inches, colour green, with ochreous stripes ; one moth emerged in 
26 days, in July, and two of another brood in December took 63 days 
in the pupal stage. 


Acherontia morta, Hiibn. Verz. Schmett. p. 140, 1496. 

Poona, June and August ; Bombay, August and September. 


Acherontia styx, Westwood, Cab. Orient. Ent. 88, pl. 42. f. 3. 

Poona, September; Bombay, September and October. 

The larvee of both the above feed on potato, jasmine, Erythrina 
indica, Datura, and Colea ; the larvee, when disturbed, make the same 
peculiar clicking noise the moth does ; they average in length from 
4 to 53 inches; larval stage 28 days, pupal stage varies from | to 4 
months. They vary much incolour: those fed on potato were bright 
canary-yellow, with seven violet stripes, those fed on the other 
plants named were of the usual green colour with purple stripes 
bordered with yellow; but there was no visible difference in the 
moths as to sex, colour, or size, whether they came from the yellow 
caterpillars or from the green ones. 

Sphinx polymena, Linn. Syst. Nat. il. p. 806, 40. 
Bombay, September. 

Syntomis extensa, Walker, xxxv. 1863. 
Matheran, May. 

Syntomis cupreipennis, Butler, Journ. Linn. Sce. xii. p. 347. 
Poona, July and October. 

Zygena passalis, Fabr. Sp. Ins. 1. 159, 11, 
Poona, May, October, and November. . 


Syntomis montana, Butier, Journ. Linn. Soe. xii. p. 349. 
Poona, September and October. 

31. ERessa Musa, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 1.) 
Bombay, February. 
Allied to Eressa confinis, Walker. Smoky brown, a gold spot 


front on the thorax, a central row of gold spots on the abdomen, one 
on each segment ; fore wings with an interior hyaline band divided 
into four by the veins, first within the cell and gradually widening to 
the hinder margin, and an outer band of the same kind divided by 
the veins into five parts, commencing at the costa and terminating 
on the second median nervule, the subcostal spot much the smallest. 
Hind wings with a central hyaline patch, divided into five parts by 
the veins. Underside, wings, body, and legs smoky brown. 
Expanse of wings 1545 inch. 


Dysauxes indica, Moore, P. Z.S. 1879, p. 390. 
Bombay, July. 

DEBos, gen. nov. 

Male: fore wing elongated, narrow, costa slightly arched at the 
base, apex hardly acute, exterior margin slightly oblique, posterior 
margin slightly convex towards the base ; cell extending two thirds 
of the length; subcostals at equal distances apart, first branch 
emitted at nearly one fourth before end of cell, second forked at one 
half its length, fourth forked at three fifths ; discocellular bent; radials 
from the angles, a short slender discoidal veinlet emitted within the 
cell from the middle ; the middle median from angle close. io end of 
the cell, lower at one fifth before the end ; submedian straight. Hind 
wing rather long, narrow ; exterior margin very oblique, recurved, 
abdominal margin fringed, cell extending half the length; costal 
vein straight, forked at three fifths its length ; two subcostals on a 
foot-stalk one fourth beyond the cell; discocellular outwardly 
oblique, convex, radial from the middle, a slender discoidal veinlet 
emitted within the cell; two upper medians from end of the cell, 
lower at one third; submedian and internal vein straight. Body 
short, moderately stout; top of head laxly clothed; abdomen 
slightly tufted at the apex; palpi obliquely ascending, slender, 
cylindrical, laxly squamose, not reaching to level of the eyes, third 
jomt short, pointed; antennze recurved from the base, broadly 
pectinated on one side only, the branches also ciliated and broadest 
in the middle, minutely ciliated on the other side towards the base ; 
legs moderately stout, femora and tibiz laxly squamose, middle tibiae 
with two, and hind tibiz with four short spurs. 

33. Dros rratus, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 7.) 

3, above, head, fore part of thorax and antenne chrome-yellow, 
branches of antenne reddish, remainder of body and both wings 
pale purple-brown, quite unmarked. Underside, wings of same 
colour, with some blackish marks in the outer spaces near the apex 
of fore wings; palpi, body, and legs reddish. 

Expanse of wings 5° inch. 


34. EusemiA AFFLICTA. 
Eusemia afflicta, Butler, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1875, p. 118. 
Poona, June and September. 

Eusemia contracta, Butler, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1875, p. 117. 


Phalena venulia, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. 107, pl. 165. f. D. 
Poona, September. 


Gynantocera affinis, Guér. Voy. Delessert, Hist. Nat. p. 86, pl. 24. 

Phalena geometra lactilinea, Cram, Pap. Exot. ii. 47, pl. 128. 
f. E. 
39. LacIpDES FICUS. 

Noctua ficus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. pp. 27-62. 

Poona, February and August; Belgaum; Mahableshwur ; 
Bombay, August to November. 


Noctua alciphron, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. p. 58, pl. 133. f. E. 
Bombay, August to November. Very plentiful. 

Damalis strigivenata, Butler, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1875, p. 321. 
Poona ; Belgaum; Bombay, October and November. 


Hypsa sericea, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 3. 

Poona, November; Bombay. 

Larvee of all the above four species feed on Ficus religivsa and 
several other kinds of Ficus ; larvee change their skins twice #t 8 days’ 
interval from the date of hatching, length about 1? in. ; they very 
much resemble each other, but the larva of Z. ficus can be distin- 
guished by a yellow spot on the side, rather in rear of the centre ; 
they are regular night-feeders, hiding on the lower sides of the leaves 
in the body of the trees during the daytime; they make a cocoon 


in the crevices of the bark of the tree or in the crevices at the roots, 
using the bark and weaving it with the silk, not cementing it, and 
the moth invariably emerges just before sunset, so that they may be 
able to get on the wing by nightfall; they are never on the wing 
in daylight ; they are much sought after by lizards and by bats; 
the caterpillars are quite common at Poona on the Ficus religiosa. 
Out of thirty reared by Mr. Taplin every moth emerged between 
4.30 and 5 p.m. 


Phalena tinea entella, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. p. 27, pl. 208. f. D. 
Bombay, September, October, and November. Common. 


Digama hearseyana, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. 1.C. pt. ii. p. 298, 
pl. viia, 6, figs. 3, 3a. 

Poona, February ; Bombay. 

45. Brunia cHoTa, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 11.) 

Fore wings pale lilacine ochreous-brown ; hind wings paler and of 
a duller tint. Body, palpi, and legs pale lilacine ochreous-brown. 

Expanse 5, inch. 

Poona, October. 


Phalena noctua puella, Drury, Exot. Ius. ii. p. 3, pl. 2. f. 2. 
Bombay, October and November. 


‘Aimene taprobanis, Walker, ii. p. 542. 

Poona ; Belgaum ; Bombay, November. 


Aimene tenebrosa, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 34. 

Iycena rubricosa, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 30, pl. 3. f. 1. 
Bombay, August, October, and November. 

Nepita anila, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. part ii. p. 302. 
Poona, August; Bombay, July, August, and September. 

Setina semifascia, Walker, li. p. 521. 

50b. Rasexia Pascua, nu. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 6.) 

Poona, October ; Bombay, September. 
Pure white above, fore wings with some brown markings on the 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XX. 20 


costa, two largish brown patches also on the costa, one before the 
middle and the other on the middle ; an outward double sinuous line 
curving inwardly at its centre, a submarginal, and a marginal diffused 
incomplete brownish-grey band ; hind wings unmarked, fringe grey ; 
underside white, with some smoky grey coloration near the costa 
and apex of the fore wings. 

Expanse of wings ;, inch. 


Tinea pulchella, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 884, 349. 
Poona, October to January ; Bombay, October and November. 


Phalena lotrix, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. 20, pl. 109. f. E. 
Poona, July. 

Phalena syringa, Cram. Pap. Exot. i. 8, pl. 5. figs. C. D. 
Mahableshwur, May ; Belgaum. 

Deiopeia dulcis, Walker, ii. p. 569. 
Poona, November; Sattara, November; Belgaum; Bombay. 


Phalena noctua astrea, Drury, Ins. Exot. ii. p. 11, pl. 6. fig. 3. 
Phalena cribraria, 2, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 208. f. G. 

Poona, October ; Sattara, November ; Abmednugger, October and 
November ; Mahableshwur, May; Bombay, August to December. 
Very common. 


Argina cribraria, Clerck Scones, pl. 54. f. 4. 
Poona, September ; Bombay, October. 


Argina notata, Butler, Trans. Ent. Soe. pl. iv. p. 365 (1877). 
Belgaum; Bombay, August. 


Xanthestes guttata, Rambur, Faune de |’ Andalousie, ii. p. 229. 
Bombay, October. 


Rhodogastra fraterna, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 356. 
Poona, November ; Bombay, October and November. 



Spilarctia confusa, Butler, Ill. Typ. Lep. Het. B. M. pl. 85. 
f. 13. 

Bombay, September, October, and November. 


Euprepia quadriramosa, Kollar, in Hiigel’s Kaschmir, 468, 6. 
Sattara, November. 

62. SprLosoMA Mona, n. sp. (Plate XX. figs. 3d, 49.) 

Mahableshwur, May. 

3 2. Pale yellowish testaceous, hind wing lighter than the fore 
wing ; abdomen deep chrome-yellow, with a line of black spots down 
the centre, on each segment, beneath, wings and body paler yellowish 
testaceous ; coxee bright crimson above, tibize black above, both pale 
testaceous beneath ; tarsi deep black ; fore wings above with three 
rows of black dots placed in pairs, first row before the middle, which 
in the male is composed of only three dots and in the female of six ; 
second beyond the middle, third submarginal. 

Hind wing with the entire cell black in the female, black only at its 
end in the male, and with a discal and submarginal black macular 
band, the latter the deeper, and both bands deeper and more regular 
in the female than in the male; underside, all the wings with the 
cells black, the male having the black only at the end of the cell in 
the hind wing, and with two wavy, black, deep macular bands across 
both wings, the first medial, the second discal. 

Expanse of wings 1,5, inch. 


Noctua ricini, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 473 (1793). 

Poona, June, July, and August ; Sattara, September; Matheran, 
May ; Ahmednugger, November. 

Larvee feed on Ricinus communis ; they had long brownish hairs ; 
length 17 inch ; larval stage 24 days; pupal stage 21 days. 

64. ALOPE CLAVATUS, n. sp. 

Poona, October ; Mahableshwur, May ; Bombay, July, September, 
and October. 

3 2. Head, thorax, and fore wings brown ; fore wings crossed by 
several macular bands of a darker shade ; hind wings and abdomen 
yellow, the latter with black macular bands above and below and 
also in the sides ; hind wing with the costa and outer margin blackish 
brown, and with three macular bands of the same colour ; below, the 
wings are coloured and marked exactly as above ; antenne and legs 
blackish brown, the latter with the knees and tips yellow. 

Expanse of wings , ¢ 1,4 inch, 2 2,3; inch. 


Spilosoma transiens, Walker, iii. 675. 




Aloa khandalla, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. ii. p. 361, pl. ix a. 
i 13: 

Bombay, September. 


Aloa biguttata, Walker, iii. 707. 
Belgaum ; Bombay, August, September, and October. 


Phalena interrupta, Linn. Syst. Nat. 116. 
Ahmednugger; Bombay, August to November. 


Bombyx sanguinolenta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 1, 473, 206. 

Bombay, August to November, 

Larvee feed on Ricinus communis; they are very hairy and are 
13 inch in length ; the pupa closely resembles the pupa of Alope 


Areas moorei, Butler, Cist. Ent. ii. 23. 
Bombay, September. 

Spilosoma punctistriga, Walker, iii. 676. 
Bombay, August. 

Creatonotus emittens, Walker, iii. 638. 

Poona, August to October; Belgaum; Sattara, June; Bombay, 
August to November. 

73. ALOA FLORA, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 5.) 

Bombay, November. 

Q. Upper side, fore wing pale rosy testaceous, with a small 
black spot at the lower end of the cell and some black irrorations in 
the median nervure; hind wings pure white, unmarked ; under- 
side, fore wings very pale, basal two thirds of costa vermilion ; hind 
wings pure white ; thorax above same colour as fore wings, abdomen 
vermilion, with a row of black points between the segments down 
the centre ; body beneath and legs pale testaceous ; antenne black 
above, testaceous beneath. 

Expanse of wings 14 inch. 


Olene mendosa, Hiibner, Samml, exot. Schmett. iii. 19, 147, 
f, 293, 294. 

Poona, November. 

75. OLENE OLEARIA, 0. sp. (Plate XX. figs. 1439, 15 2.) 

Poona, July and December. 

3. Glossy olive-brown, whitish beneath ; antennse brown, deeply 
pectinated ; abdomen with a whitish raised spot above the anal tuft ; 
thorax orange in front. Fore wings with an embossed orange spot 
near the base; all the veins brown; with some pale longitudinal 
streaks in the interspaces, especially so near the apex, giving the 
whole wing the appearance of a mass of longitudinal streaks from 
base to outer border, with the disk of the wing the darkest part of it. 
Hind wings with some few faint streaks, but altogether paler than 
the fore wings. 

2. Pale testaceous, with a slight reddish-yellow tinge ; fore wings 
longitudinally streaked with brown throughout the centre of it; 
hind wings whitish, slightly streaked with brown in the centre. 
Underside paler, with a subapical longitudinal brown streak in the 
fore wings and the pale brown streaks in the hind wings showing 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 1,3; inch, 9 1,8; inch. 

76. OLENE FusiroRMis. (Plate XX. fig. 8 3.) 

2. Nioda fusiformis, Walker, v. p. 1070. 

Poona, September ; Bombay, November. 

6. Antenne deeply pectinated. Antenne, thorax, and fore 
wings brown ; abdomen testaceous ; head yellowish. Fore wings with 
the outer margin paler, an embossed yellowish spot at the base ; 
basal, median, and outer thin latitudinal lines black and indistinct, 
first nearly straight, second curved inwardly, third sinuous and 
toothed ; hind wings whitish. Underside whitish, darkest towards 
the centre of the fore wings. 

Expanse of wings 1,4; inch. 

At Poona Mr. Taplin took the larvee on Ziziphus jujuba ; Major 
Pitcher, Assistant Superintendent of Agriculture N. W. P., sent me 
some he found feeding on imported New Orleans cotton-plauts ; the 
Poona larva were 25 days feeding and became from 1 to 1} inch in 
length before turning; pupal stage 9 to 15 days. 

Euproctis marginalis, Walker, vii. p. 1731. 
Poona, September to April, very common. 


Euproctis decussata, Moore, Ann, & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1877, 
p. 437. 

Poona, February ; Bombay, September and December. 


Euproctis lunata, Walker, iv. p. 837, vii. p. 1731. 
Poona, September and November. 

80. EuprRoctTis VITELLINA. 
Liparis vitellina, Kollar, Kaschmir von Higel, pp. 471-4. 
Sattara, November. 

Euproctis postica, Walker, xxxii. p. 348. 
Poona, March; Bombay, September and October, very plentiful. 

Perina basalis, Walker, iv. p. 966. 

Poona, October; Belgaum; Bombay, September, October, and 

Larve feed on Ficus indicus and F. religiosa. The male has the 
outer two thirds of the fore wing hyaline, the base mouse-colour, 
hind wings mouse-colour with a large hyaline spot on the external 
angle. The larvee and pupe are very brilliantly coloured. The 
insect is very plentiful in Poona, where I reared a large number. 


Artaxa leithiana, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1874, p. 399, pl. 32. f. 9. 

Poona, July; Bombay, September, very plentiful. 

A variable insect: varies in coloration from deep yellow to nearly 
white, and the macular median band is sometimes regular from costa 
to hinder margin, and is sometimes only represented by one or two 


Artaxa varians, Walker, iv. p. 796. 

Poona; Bombay, September. 


Artaxa brevivitta, Moore, P. Z.S. 1879, p. 400, pl. 32. f. 10. 

Artaxa fraterna, Moore, Lep. of Ceylon, ii. p. 85. 
Poona ; Bombay, August to November. 

Somena scintillans, Walker, vii. p. 1754. 

Poona, October and November; Bombay, October, November, 
and December. 


88. AROA SAGRARA, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 13.4.) 


3. Chocolate-brown, paler, with a tinge of yellow beneath ; head 
above dark brown, palpi and cilia pale rosy brown above and beneath ; 
with the outer third of wings dark, caused by all the outer veins 
being darker than the general colour. 

Expanse of wings 1%; inch. 

89. AROA CLARA, n. sp. (Plate XX. figs. 9g, 109.) 

Bombay, September and October. 

Allied to Aroa pyrrhochroma, Walker. 6: chestnut red, outer 
half of fore wings and outer third of hind wings smoky black, as are 
also the deeply pectinated antennz ; fringe red; head, body, and 
legs chestnut-red ; below, the wings are the same as they are above. 
Q: antenne ciliated ; body thick, cylindrical, extending somewhat 
beyond the wings; wings very slightly clothed, semidiaphanous ; 
head, body, legs, and wings pale reddish ; quite unmarked. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 154, 2 14%; inch. 

90. La&LiA PALLIDA. 

Lalia pallida, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 358. 
Bombay, October. 


Cycnia testacea, Walker, iii. p. 683. 
Bombay, November. 

Lacida rotundata, Walker, iv. p. 802. 
Poona, July and October. 

93. GYNHPHORA XERAMPELINA, n. Sp. (Plate XXI. figs. 8 3, 

Poona, September and October. 

d pale reddish brown, clearer and redder beneath ; antennee deeply 
pectinated beneath. @ pale brown, with no reddish in the coloration, 
and with the abdomen thick and extending for one third beyond the 
wings. ¢ 2, fore wings with a diffuse lunular brown mark at the end 
of the cell, basal half of wing suffused with brown, outer neryules of 
the same colour, with a brown, suffused, inwardly curved, submarginal 
band, ending in a small brown patch in the interno-median inter- 
space; hind wings with a slightly darker shade towards the outer 
border. Underside with the discal area of all the wings slightly 
darker, otherwise unmarked. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 1,%,, 2 1,3, inch. 

Congeneric with and closely allied to the European Gynephora 


Enome ampla, Walker, iv. p. 883. 
Poona, October. 

Lymantria incerta, Walker, iv. p. 880. 
Sattara, June. 

96. ENoME pETERSA. (Plate XXI. figs. 3g, 49.) 

Lymantria detersa, Walker, xxxii. p. 365. 

Poona, October, very plentiful; Belgaum, September ; Sattara, 

As Mr. Butler stated (P.Z.S8. 1883, p. 156, n. 45) that the 
female of this species was unknown, I got Mr. Taplin, at Poona, to 
pay particular attention to the subject; and by digging and hunting 
for pupz at the foot and in the bark of the Acacia arabica, where 
the male moth is found in great abundance, we were successful at 
last; a fat pupa produced a fat black apterous grub-like moth, and 
round the breeding-cage Mr. Taplin that night caught over three 
hundred males all trying to get at this female. 

Subsequently he obtained an impregnated moth and tried to rear 
the larvee, but a sudden change in the weather killed them all. I 
was away from Poona at the time, and Mr. Taplin kept no drawings. 
The larvee feed on babool (Acacia arabica). 

I have the two pupa-cases of both the females in my collection. 

This insect is very plentiful above the Ghats, but I never observed 
it in Bombay. Walker’s type came from N. India, not from the 
Mauritius, as is stated in his work. 


3. Lymantria obsoleta, Walker, iv. p. 880. 

Poona, February and September; Matheran, May; Bombay, 

The female is very much larger than the male, expanse of wings 
being, d 145, 2 275 inch; the coloration and markings are similar. 
Walker’s type must, however, have been a faded specimen, because the 
abdomen in both sexes, when fresh, is of a deep pinkish red, and not 
of a slight rosy tinge as described by him; the basal portion of the 
hind wings is also rosy, and sometimes nearly the whole of the hind 
wing is of that colour. 

The larve feed on Ficus indicus ; they turn pupe at the foot of the 
tree, the pupze being always found suspended in a net like the pupe 
of Perina basalis. 

Lymantria fuliginosa, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 17. 
Bombay, August to December, very common. 

1885. ] OF BOMBAY AND THE DECCAN. . 301 

Stauropus albescens, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 404. 
Bombay, December. 

chthyura restitura, Walker, xxxii. p. 433. 

Poona, December. 
Much paler than the type; it varies, however, much in colour, 
I have both dark and very pale forms from Subathoo. 

Brada truncata, Walker, xv. p. 1666, 
Poona, December ; Bombay. 

102. ARSACIA FRONTIRUFA, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 12.) 

Bombay, November. 

3. Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax rufous ; eyes black; abdomen 
testaceous, with a longish anal tuft. Fore wing chocolate-brown, 
with the apex pale and the hinder margin broadly black, a whitish 
line bordered inwardly with brown from the centre of the hinder 
margin to the costa near the apex; costa reddish. Hind wing 
testaceous, basal portion palest. Underside: wings of a uniform 
smoky testaceous colour ; body and legs pale reddish white. 

Expanse of wings ;!; inch. 


Noctua emarginata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 2, p. 240. 
Poona, October; Bombay, July to November. 

Culasta indecisa, Moore, P. Z.S. 1881, p. 377. 
Sattara, November ; Bombay, July to December. 

Beara dichromella, Walker, xxxv. p. 1703. 
Bombay, September. 

106. Harpyra KANDYIA. 

Harpyia kandyia, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, ii. p- 108, pl. 120. 
figs. 1-la. 

Bombay, December. 


Antheua discalis, Walker, iii. p. 767. 

Kurjut (Khandala Ghats), June; Bombay, July, August, and 


108. CorMA ERNESTINA, n. sp. (Plate XX. fig. 2d.) 

Bombay, August and September. 

3 2. Antennze, head, thorax, and fore wings brownish grey, 
with a faint flesh-coloured tinge. A brownish streak along the 
subcostal nervure ; another along the medial nervure, and another 
along the hinder margin; hind wings and abdomen greyish white, 
cilia white ; underside paler, unmarked; the hind wings and body 
pure white. 

Expanse of wings 2 ;1;inches. 

109. PHAaLerRA BoBI, n. sp. (Plate XXI. fig. 6.) 

Bombay, September. 

Allied to Phalera raya, Moore, from Darjiling. Fore wing 
glistening greyish brown, marked very much as in P. raya, but there 
is a deep black band on the basal third of the hinder margin, and the 
outer double sinuous line from the apical patch blackens into adiffused 
patch on the hinder margin ; eyes and fore part of the head deep 
black, top of the head yellowish white ; antenne and thorax dark 
brown ; sides of the thorax white; abdomen yellowish, with brown 
bands on each segment ; hind wing above and both wings below soot- 

Expanse of wings 4,3, inches. 



Naprepa varians, Walker, vii. p. 1153. 

Poona, August ; Sattara, June ; Bombay, September to December. 

The male is yellowish fawn-colour ; Mr. Moore’s drawing in pl. xi. 
A. f. 6, vol. ii. Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C., fairly represents the markings 
of this sex; but the general coloration is too dark ; the female is 
pale mouse-colour with a slight reddish tint on the hind wings, the 
markings showing very faintly, often quite obsolete. 

111. Turacipes postica. (Plate XXI. figs. 1, 1@ larva, 29.) 

Thiacides postica, Walker, v. p. 1028. 

Bombay, September to November, common. 

Larva feed on Ricinus communis ; the larva covered the walls of my 
garden in October ; I put anumber into a breeding-cage ; two turned 
into pupe on the 24th idem, and the moths emerged on the 
20th December following ; all the other larvee hybernated at the end 
of October, and I took them on board ship in that state on the 6th 
of March following ; but the cold in the Red Sea killed them all. 


Gastroparcha velutina, Kollar, Kasch. von Hiigel, p. 473, 3. 
Poona, July. 


Natada basalis, Walker, v. p. 1110. 
Bombay, July. 


Phalena-noctua lepida, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. p. 50, pl. 130. 
f. E (1779). 
Bombay, October. 

Parasa cana, Walker, xxxii. p. 484. 
Poona, June, July, and October. 


Candyba punctata, Walker, vii. p. 1761. 
Belgorea subnotata, Walker, xxxii. p. 497. 


117. EupTEROTE GYRA, n. sp. 

Allied to #. mutans, Walker. 

3 of the same yellow colour, the internal bands are less toothed, 
and the outer double straight band, instead of being composed of two 
thin lines, is composed of one broad purple band and of a faint 
indication of a duplicate thin line. Underside is altogether different, 
having a suffused broad purple band on the costa of both wings, 
and a broad discal purple band across both wings in addition to the 
usual markings. 

Expanse of wings 4,2, inches. 

118. EvpreROTE UNDATA. 

Bombyx undatus, Blanchard, Jacq. Voy. dans I’Inde, Zool. Ins. 
p- 23, pl. 1. f. 8 (1844). 

Poona, July ; Belgaum; Khandala, April. 

Larvee feed on Dracena ferrea, Acalypha emarginata, and 
Graptophyllum hortensis ; they cast their skins every 8 or 9 days for 
the first 80 days, getting darker each time—larval stage 120 days ; 
they are night-feeders, are very hairy, and require very careful 
handling ; their hairs run into the skin and cause great irritation. 

119. EvupreRoTE DIABOLICA, n. sp. 


g dark brown, with the markings above and below as in the pale 
yellow HZ. mutans, Walker. 

Expanse of wings 4,5, inches, 



3 Tagora discrepans, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 360. 

Bombay, August to September. 

@ has the entire surface of both wings diffused with reddish, the 
space beyond the discal line being so dark as to form a deep 
marginal band; the antenne, head, thorax, abdomen above and 
below, and all the legs are dull yellowish red. 

Expanse of wings 4 inches. 

121. EurreROTE UNDANS. 

Dreata undans, Walker, iv. p. 905. 
Mahableshwur, May. 

Eupterote similis, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 369. 
Poona, June. 

123. EvupTeROTE MOLLIs. 

Eupterote mollis, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 367. 

Bombay, August to September. 

A very pretty local species. I have never met with it except in 
Bombay, where it is very plentiful ; I have seen the ground under 
the great electric light on the Malabar Hill covered with them at 

124. MessaTA TRANSLATA, n. sp. (Plate XXI. fig. 53.) 

Sattara, June. 

¢ reddish yellow, fore wings with four latitudinal straight bands 
across the wings, composed of brown raised atoms—inuer, central, 
outer, and submarginal; hind wings with only two bauds, central 
and outer ; underside paler and unmarked. 

Q dull red, fore wings with an outer band; hind wings with a 
central band and a faint indication of an outer band. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 2;% inches, 2 4;%; inches. 


3. Messata castanoptera, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, 
p. 372. 

Poona, September and October ; Belgaum, September. 

The female is of a deep pinkish-brown colour, fore wings with 
one postmedial line ; hind wings with one medial line and in some 
specimens a faint indication of postmedial line. It is a common insect 
in Poona. 

Expanse of wings 2;4, inches. 

Dreata citrinula, Walker, xxxii. p. 376. 



Nisaga simplex, Walker, iv. p. 885. 

Sattara, June. 

The female in this genus only differs from the male in having 
very slightly narrower fore wings, and antenne perhaps a little less 
deeply pectinated ; but the difference, if any, is very little. 


Nisaga modesta, Moore, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. 373. 
Bombay, August ; Sattara, June; Poona, April. 

Both the above appear in great quantities at a time. 


Q. Gastropacha vishnu, Lefebvre, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 207 

3. Amydona prasina, Walker, vi. p. 1417. 

Bombay, March and August. 


Lasiocampa vittata, Walker, vi. p. 1440. 
Poona, November. 


3. Bombyx ganesa, Lefebvre, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 211 (1827). 

2. Bombyx siva, 1. ec. p. 210. 

Poona, July, November, and December. 

Larvee feed on Acacia arabica, 3} inches in length, very hairy, with 
down quite close to the skin ; colour grey ; night-feeders, hide during 
the day in crevices in the bark of the tree; larval stage 50 to 56 
days; spins on the twig of some low bush near the foot of its food- 
tree or on a neighbouring wall, apparently never in the tree itself ; 
pupal stage 21 to 24 days. 

132. TRisuLA vaRreGaATA. (Plate XXI. fig. 7, pupa.) 

_ Trisula variegata, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. ii. p. 420, 
pl. xiia. f. 1. 

Poona, October ; Bombay, October to December. 

Two fully-grown larvee were reared by me on the castor-oil plant ; 
left off eating on the 4th October, 1883; one turned pupa on the 
25th of the following month, and the imago emerged on the 22nd 
December, 1883; the other caterpillar hybernated and lost all its hairs 
after spinning a delicate slight cocoon ; in this state I brought the 
insect home from Bombay, looking at it once a fortnight, for which pur- 
pose I cut off one end of the cocoon, and kept it covered with cotton ; 
and though rather shrivelled, it was quite lively, and in this state the 
larva remained until last September, when it turned into a healthy 


chrysalis, which is still alive in my possession ; it will thus be seen 
that this larva actually remained alive and healthy for eleven months 
without food, before becoming a chrysalis. 


3. Bombyx buddha, Lefebvre, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 209 (1827). 
Q. Bombyx brahma, I. c. p. 208. 

Bombay, July. 

134. EsrriGeENA NANDINA. 

Estigena nandina, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I.C. ii. p. 427. 
Bombay, November. 


Ephyra extrusata, Walker, xxii. p. 637. 
Poona, July and October ; Bombay, November. 


Actias selene, Macleay, Zool. Mise. ii. pl. 70. 


Phalena bombyx Attacus atlas, Linn. Syst. Nat. 808, 1. 
Belgaum, October. 


Antherea nebulosa, Hutton, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 1869, 
p- 16. 

Poona, September; Bombay, July to November. 


Antherea olivacea, Moore, Monograph Saturnide, MS 
Poona ; Sattara. 


Brachylia acronyctoides, Moore, P. Z.S. 1879, p. 411, pl. 34. 
fig. 4. 




Arbela tetraonis, Moore, P. Z.S. 1879, p. 411, pl. 34. fig. 3. 

Poona, May and July. 

Although Mr. Moore has described the male, he has figured a 
female ; the abdomen of the male is thin, not more than 1,4; in dia- 
meter, being about half the diameter of the female; it has a long 
anal tuft, more than half the length of the abdomen, and the length 

of the antennz of both sexes is proportionally equal, being more 
than half the length of the abdomen. 

Expanse of wings, g 1,4; inch, 9 2 inches, as represented in the 
Plate, which is an excellent representation of the female except for the 
short antenne. It is not an uncommon insect in Poona. 


Phassus salsettensis, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 412, pl. 34. fig. 5. 
Poona, July. 


PuaTtE XX. 
Fig. 1. Hressa musa, p. 290. Fig. 9. Aroa clara, 3, p. 299. 

2. Corma ernestina, 3, p. 302. 1 == 6) | 
3. Spilosoma mona, B, p. 295. ll. Brunia chota, p. 293. 
OP 12. Arsacia frontirufa, p. 3801. 
5. Aloa flora, p. 296. 13. Aroa sagrara, 3, p. 299. 
6. Reselia pascua, p. 293. 14. Olene olearia, 3, p. 297. 
7. Debos iratus, p. 291. 15. ie 
8. Olene fusiformis, 3, p. 297. 

Puate XXI. 

Fig. 1, la. Thiacides postica, larva and pupa, p. 302. 


2 inate detersa, 3; p. 800. 

es translata, 3, p. 304. 
Phalera bobi, p. 302. 

Trisula variegata, pupa, p. 805. 
Gynephora xerampelina, 3, p. 299. 




6. On the Anatomical Differences in the three Species of 
Rhea. By Hans Gavow, Ph.D., M.A. Cambridge. 

[Received March 17, 1885.] 

In the spring of 1883 the Museum of the University of Cam- 
bridge received from the Zoological Society of London two specimens 
of Rhea darwini and one of Rh. macrorhyncha, with the under- 
standing that I should compare examples of the three species of 
Rhea hitherto known with each other, and point out their anatomical 
differences, provided there were any. The comparison made in the 
following pages must, however, necessarily be incomplete, because 
some of the specimens were imperfect and were of different ages and 
sexes. The material at my disposal was the following :— 

One specimen of Rh. macrorhyncha, immature, with most of the 
viscera removed previously. 

One specimen of Rh. darwini, 3, not quite adult ; skeleton and 
viscera complete. 

One specimen of 2h. darwini, 2 ; skeleton complete, viscera 
partly removed previously. 

Rh. americana. Several skeletons and preparations of visceral parts 
in the collections of the Universities of Cambridge and Heidelberg, 
and in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 


Scrater, P. L. On the Rheas in the Society’s Menagerie, 
with Remarks on the known Species of Struthious Birds. 
P. Z. S. 1860, p. 207. 

——. On the Struthious Birds living in the Society’s Mena- 
gerie. Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 353, pls. 68—70 (1860). 
Bécx1ne, A. Monographie des Nandu oder Stdamericanischen 

Strausses (Rhea americana) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 1863, 
. 213. 
The same under the title of :—-De Rhea Americana: Dissertatio 
Zoologica. Bonne. 
Cunninenam, R. O. Notes on some Points in the Osteology of 
Rhea americana and Rhea darwini. P. Z. 8. 1871, p. 105, 
pls. vi. and vi. a. 
Mivart, St. GrorGe. On the Axial Skeleton of the Struthio- 
nide. Trans. Zool. Soc. x. p. 1 (1877). 
MosenTHAL, J. pre, and Hartine, J. E. Ostriches and Ostrich 
Farming. 8vo. London, 1877. 
Scrater, P. L. Note on &. macrorhyncha. P. Z.8. 1877, 
. 160. 
Ganon: H. Versuch einer vergleichenden Anatomie des Ver- 
dauungs-Systemes der Vogel. Jenaische Zeitschrift, xiii. 
pp- 92, 339 (1878). 


Forses, W. A. Eleven weeks in North-eastern Brazil. Ibis, 
1881, p. 312. 

—. Onthe Conformation of the Thoracic End of the Trachea 
in the “ Ratite”’ Birds. P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 778. 


Comparison of the skulls in foto (see pp. 310, 311) shows at a 
glance that the long-billed feature of 2h. macrorhyncha is less due to 
a larger or stronger bill than to the narrower, more slender shape of 
the whole skull. In order to explain this, the following measure- 
ments have been taken :— 

ad. The length of the mandible from the hindermost upper angle 
of the os angulare to the tip of the os dentale. 

oe. Direct distance between the middle of the occipital region (on 
the outer surface of the skull) to the anterior end of the ethmoidal 
region, at the point *. 

ep. Distance from * to the tip of the os premaxillare. 

jug. Greatest outer distance between the two jugal arches. 

oe. ep. ad. Jug. 
mm, mm. mm, mm. 
Rhea americana...... 89 91 162 75 
macrorhyncha . 76 76 140 55 
darwini, 2 .... 80 71 135 

This table shows that the distance ep (corresponding fairly with 
the length of the bill) in RA. macrorhyncha equa!s that of oe, whilst 
in Rh. americana it is rather longer, and in RA. darwini considerably 
shorter. The latter species has therefore the proportionately shortest, 
Rh. americana the longest “ bill.”’ However, the name of Rh. 
macrorhyncha is less unjustifiable if we consider the width between 
the two jugular arches at the point of their greatest distance, the 
latter being 75 millim. in Rh. americana, and only 55 millim. in RA. 
macrorhyncha ; whilst in proportion to the total length of the skull, 
it should measure 65, or in proportion to the distance ep 63, in- 
stead of 55 millim. Owing to this formation the skull of Rh. 
macrorhyncha has a much more slender appearance. 

According to Cunningham, the lachrymal bones constitute an 
important distinctive character between the Common and Darwin’s 
Rhea. In his specimen of the Common Rhea, the descending 
anterior orbital process of the lachrymal bones was deeply notched, 
whilst in RA. darwini this notch was converted into a large foramen 
by another bar of bone, for the reception of one of the orbito-nasal 
air-sacs. I found, however, this foramen besides in the two speci- 
mens of Rh. darwini, likewise in the adult Lh. americana, but a deep 
lateral notch (like that figured by Cunningham, P. Z.S. 1871, pl. vi. 
fig. 1) in Rh. macrorhyncha. The Cambridge specimens of Rh. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXI, 21 



Fig. 1. 

Skull of Rh. americana, 2 natural size. Upper surface. 

Fig. 2. 


Fig. 2. Skull of Rh. macrorhyncha, 2 natural size. Upper surface. 
Fig. 3. Skull of Rh. darwini, 3 natural size. Upper surface. 


americana possessing this foramen reduce its presence or absence to 
an unimportant individual variation. 
Regarding the vertebral column, the three species exhibit some 

Fig. 4. 

Skull of Rh. americana, 2 natural size. Side view. 

Skull of Rh. macrorhyncha, 2 natural size. Side view. 

Skull of Rh. darwini, 2 natural size. Side view. 

highly interesting differences, which would be of great impor- 
tance if we could be certain that they are not due to individual 


The differences are shown in the following tabular arrangement :— 
Serial eee 
number of | 22h. americana. DOGO, Rh. macrorhyncha. 
vertebrae. g. | é. 
Lay deree ee Last cervical or | Last cervical or transi- 
transitional rib .| tional rib, | [trans. rib. 
GR ones Ereemibicievy..c<..: reais aacsctedccnces | Last cervical or 
LW (BARE cs Ist sternal rib? ... THFCORIID! os =< cs ecncuene | Free rib. 
18 seco 2nd i" Ist sternal rib ...... | Free rib. 
LOieeears sid 5 2nd sternal rib ...... | Ist sternal. 
ZORR ae 4th . 3rd sternal rib ...... | 2nd sternal. 
PA eas Ist lumbar......... 1st Lumbat serene... | 3rd sternal. 
PARAS Si, PAIK Wig hs A: aap ee 4 2nd lumbar ......... 1st lumbar. 
QO Rega eee ord lumbar, anky- 8rd lumbar, anky- | 2nd lumbar. 
losed withilium. losed. 
DAN... 505 I Mees ents ee PN eee iret... | 3rd lumbar. 
oF sok. | Acetabular process, Acetabular processes ...| 1 
Sh: 6, he, ree. |; Aeotabulars 
pi eee aie : ee eee y 
30... | a) eerie bree connecting the ilium | No\daantreree 
Tae with the vertebral column. processes, 
BP espasy| 
Sone | Th Sere d : 
a ie | e two primitive sacral vertebree. 
30.0.0 ie Last connection with ilium. 
SI GERRED scl, ae RC oneemeoctics se Last connection with ilium. 

The postsacral region, beginning with the 37th or 38th vertebra 
respectively, shows in all the specimens the almost complete 
resorption of the vertebral column which is typical and so remarkable 
of the genus Rhea. In RA. americana and in Rh. darwini the 
first 14 cervical vertebrae possess, with the usual exception of the 
atlas and epistropheus, the typical avian cervical ribs, which anky- 
lose firmly with the dorsal and ventral lateral processes of their 
vertebree ; their distal sharply-pointed ends are directed parallel to 
the long axis of the vertebral column. The 15th vertebra carries a 
short (about 2-3 centim. long), thick and blunt, not moveable, rib. 
We will call this rib the zntermediate or transitional one, because it 
forms the transition from the cervical to the thoracic ribs, or it may 
also be called pseudo-cervical. Then follow 8 long ribs, of which in 
our two specimens of RA. darwini, in Dr. Cunningham’s Rh. darwini 
and Lh. americana, and in Prof. Mivart’s Rh. americana, the first 
two do not reach the sternum, wanting the sternal connecting 

* Cunningham says that in the two specimens of Rh. americana and Rh. 
darwint examined by him but three ribs (the third, fourth, and fifth) were con- 
nected with the sternum. ‘he same is the case with the specimen of Rh. 
americana in the Royal College of Surgeons examined by Prof. Mivart. The 
Heidelberg and the Cambridge specimens of Rh. americana possess four pairs 
of sternal ribs, each of whichis furnished with an uncinate process. ‘The number 
of sternal ribs is therefore subject to individual variation. About four or five 
of the neck-yertebree were wanting in Cunningham’s specimen of Ph, darwini. 


‘portion. These ribs are therefore anterior pseudo-thoracic. The 
last three ribs of the whole number of eight are in all Rheas likewise 
not connected with the sternum—true lumbar or posterior pseudo- 
thoracic ribs. The skeletons of the American Rhea in the Cam- 
bridge and Heidelberg Museums have each four pairs of true sternal 
ribs, each being furnished with an uncinate process. 

Rh. macrorhyncha varies from the other two species in having 15 
true cervical vertebrae, the 16th of the series bearing the transitional 
rib, whereupon follow two long pseudo-thoracic, then three true 
sternal, and lastly three lumbar ribs. The 23rd vertebra (in Rhea 
darwini and americana), but the 24th in Rh. macrorhynceha, is the 
first which is firmly ankylosed with the ilium and with the following 
vertebra. The same happens, however, to the next one in front in 
most old specimens. 

The acetabular connection of the ilium with the vertebral column 
is effected by the 26th and, chiefly, the 27th vertebra, but in RA. 
macrorhyncha by the 27th and 28th. 

The true primitive sacral vertebree, as determined by Gegenbaur 
for the avian pelvis, are in all specimens the 33rd and 34th. 

In the male specimen of Rh. darwini the 34th nerve received no 
connecting branch from the 33rd, the latter therefore belonging 
entirely to the ischiadic plexus, just like the 34th in RA. macro- 
rhyncha. At any rate the ischiadic plexus is in all the specimens of 
Rhea examined by myself composed of six postacetabular spinal nerves. 

Considering these facts, we conclude that the 34th vertebra is 
serially homologous in all the specimens as being the second primitive 
sacral vertebra, and it can in our comparison be looked upon as the 
starting point or zero, but that the whole ischiadic and crural 
plexuses of Rh. macrorhyncha are placed one metamere further tail- 
wards than the corresponding portions in Rk. darwint and Rh. 
americana. Moreover, since the portion from the transitional 
vertebra to the last rib-bearing vertebra is homodynamous in all the 
three species (although falling under the category of parhomology 
or imitatory homology of Fuerbringer), we conclude rightly that 
Rh. macrorhyncha possesses one true cervical vertebra more than 
the other two species. This excess in number is compensated by the 
shortening of the number of presacral pelvic vertebra from 6 to 5. 

The number of vertebree constituting the various regions is there- 
fore :— 

RR. macro- 
R. darwini. R. americana, rhyncha. 
Atlas to transitional vertebra .. 15 15 16 
Vertebree with long ribs ...... 8 8 8 
Preacetabular vertebree without 
MS ae Stn aa PL A 3 3 3 
Number of vertebree from ace- 
tabular to first primitive ver- 
tebra (the latter included) . 


33 33 33 


Makes 33 vertebrae between the occiput and the primitive inter- 
sacral nerve, which in all the three species is the 34th spinal nerve, 
no matter whether being at the same time the last ischiadic root, 
without connection with the pubic plexus as in RA. macrorhyncha, 
or beingin connection with the ischiadic plexus by a ramus communi- 
cating only and belonging chiefly to the pubic region, as in Rh. 
darwint 2. 

We have therefore to compare the series of the first 15 vertebrz 
of Rh. macrorhyncha with the first 14 vertebrae of the other two 
species. There can be no doubt now, that the greater number of 
neck-vertebre is not produced simply by a shortening of the first 
pseudo-thoracic rib, as it generally happens in apparently similar 
cases of variation in the number of ribs, but, on the contrary, that 
the whole of the thoracico-lumbar region has been affected by a tail- 
ward ‘shifting’ to the extent of one metamere ; and it is also abso- 
lutely certain that the serial differences between RA. americana and 
Rh. macrorhyncha have not been brought about by the inter- or 
ex-calation of a vertebra. 

In order to determine whether RA. macrorhyncha possesses a pro- 
portionately longer neck than the other species, we have to compare 

. the length of the neck to some distance which must stand in some 
reasonably conceivable correlation to the former. ‘The distance 
between the neck and the acetabular region appears to be rather 
advisable for this purpose. Again, one may fairly well suppose that 
in essentially terrestrial birds there might be a correlation between 
the length of the neck and the length of the hind limbs. However, 
the elevation of the trunk above the ground depends not only upon 
the length of the hind limbs, but also upon the angles formed by 
various segments of the limb to each other and to the pelvis. These 
considerations therefore leave the following results open to doubt. 
At any rate I have made the calculations, in which a certain limit 
of error in measuring the neck and limb must be allowed. 

R. macro- 
R. daerwini?. R. americana. rhyncha. 
centim, centim. centim. 
Length of neck from atlas to 
cephalic end of transitional 
(14th or 15th) vertebra.. — 52°7 57°0 47°5 
Length of femur + tibia + 
tarso-metatarsus........ 88°3 87°4 731 

If the neck of RA. darwini were of the same proportionate size as 
that of Rh. macrorhyncha, there ought to be 

52°7 : 88°3=47°5: 73°1 
but 92°7 X 731 =3852°37 
88°3 x 47°5=4194:25 


Since we want to know the proportion of the neck, we must leave 
the limbs unaltered, but shall have to increase the index for the neck 
of Rh. darwin in order to render the proportions of the equation 
correct. This would be the case if the neck of Rh. darwint were 
about 57:3 centim. long instead of 52°7. Consequently the neck 
of Rh. macrorhyncha is proportionately longer than that of Rh. 

Again, the corresponding figures for Rh. americana and Rh. 
macrorhyncha ave 4151 and 4191, sufficiently agreeing (considering 
errors of measurement) to show that the proportionate length of the 
necks of these two species is the same. Eh. americana compensates 
the shortness of its neck, caused by the smaller number of neck- 
vertebra, by the shortness of its hind limbs. 

As we come to the conclusion that RA. americana has the shortest 
hind limbs (p. 316) we can look upon these calculations as checking 
each other’s correctness. Whether compensation be effected also by a 
greater length of the single cervical vertebrae, it would be very 
difficult to find out. 

Lastly the corresponding figures for RA. americana and Rh. darwint 
are 5033 and 4606, again showing that we should have to increase 
the index for the neck of RA. darwini to about 57°5 in order to get 
a correct equation. This proves beyond doubt that Rh. darwint 
has the proportionately shortest neck of the three species, and the 
more so because it possesses the largest hind limbs. 

The length of the neck, expressed inper cent. of the whole vertebral 
column from the axis to the acetabular vertebra, is RA. darwint 
59, Rh. macrorhyncha 61°68, and Rh. americana 61°95. 

It was interesting to find out whether there existed a correlation 
between the limbs and the neck andtrunk. The following measure- 
ments show, first, that RA. americana and Rh. macrorhyncha agree 
almost absolutely with each other in the proportions of their limbs to 
the acetabular-atlas distance ; secondly, that there exists a correlation 
between the distances applied, unless we attribute to mere coincidence 
the fact that the same results are arrived at by different calculations. 

R. darwini, R. macrorhyncha, BR. americana. 

centim, centim. centim. 
Length of femur + tibia + 
metatarsus.............- 88°3 Tau 87:4 
Length from atlas to aceta- 
INA een re 88:7 77:0 92°0 

Gor %92—6 72572 
87°4 x 77=6729'8 


Measurements of the Limbs. 

Eonoth of R. ameri-| R.macro- | R. darwini | R. darwini 
8 cant. rhyncha. On Pict 
DERIITAGT UB, eae snacsct weas, oe 291 240 269 252 
Uinta; Weeks deenecocstscceee ate 216 166 188 174 
REMAIN recieves one voreretves 119 93 116 108 
2nd metacarpal ............ 86 77 78 73 
Whole wing ............... 626 499 573 534 
PRIN eee rie vatiericsaecenen 220 190 220 214 
TEA OYE Naga aes See sec eieeiooe 330 271 33) 308 
Tarso-metatarsus ......... 324 270 333 289 
PUA GO” wesateaeecettuat aires 103 94 116 123 
Whole hind limb ......... Sih 825 999 934 
Pelvis, preantitrochant.. 131 101 128 121 
Pelvis, postantitrochant. 185 120 179 149 
Pelvis, total length ...... 316 221 307 270 
Pelvis, from spina pubica 
to end of ischium ...... 264 204 258 232 
A. B. in R. ameri-| R. macro- | R. darwint| R. darwini 
=100. percent.of A.| cana. rhyncha. oe 3: 
Humerus. ihiast4 eee, os 74-4 69:1 69:8 69:0 
Humerus. Farida! Sconces 40:9 38'7 43:1 42°8 
Whole wing. ands geor ands. 19:0 18:8 20:2 20-2 
Whole hindlimb.| Whole wing...| 64-1 605 573 57-2 
Tarso-metatarsus| 3rd toe......... 31:8 B45 348 42-5 
Whole length of; 
pelvis. Femur ......... 69'6 85°9 71:9. 79°2 
Postantitroch. | Preeantitroch. 

length of pelvis.| pelvis ...... 708 84:1 715 81-2 

The conclusions which might be drawn from the above tables are 
few, and even these are not very reliable because of the different age 
of the specimens examined, as is apparent from the various discre- 
pancies between the two specimens of Rh. darwint. With regard to 
the hand, Rh. darwini possesses the longest, Rh. americana the 
shorter, Rh. macrorhyncha the shortest hand; and if we combine 
this result with the fact of RA. americana having the longest humerus 
in proportion to the other two species, we may fairly conclude that 
the wing is least rudimentary in Rh. darwini, in spite of its whole 
wing being surpassed in length by that of RA. americana by about 
50 millim. But of course we must bear in mind that the reduction 
begins at the distal end. 

Again, Rh. darwini possesses the longest, Rh. americana the 
shortest hind limb in proportion ; the weakness of the wings of the 
other species is therefore not compensated by a stronger develop- 
ment of the hinder extremities. 

Concerning the toes, Rh. macrorhyncha agrees with the female 
specimen of RA. darwini, both having longer toes than RA. americana, 
whilst the male specimen of Rh. darwin, although not quite adult, 


is remarkable for the still greater length of its toes. The propor- 
tional shortness of the toes of the Common Rhea has already been 
observed by Mr. Cunningham. Mr. Sclater’s original statement that 
the toes -are much shorter in his RA. macrorhyncha than in the 
Common Rhea cannot be confirmed. 

The proportions of the femur and tarso-metatarsus to each other 
permit of no safe conclusions, nor do the dimensions of the pelvis, 
owing to the considerable alterations undergone by these parts during 
the individual growth. 

The scapula of Rh. americana seems to be much longer than that 
of Rh. darwini, in comparison with the coracoid, although the 
latter bone in Darwin’s Rhea is absolutely stronger. This apparent 
shortness of the scapula, however, is partly produced by this bone 
being curved at a sharper angle in 2h. darwini. 


The examination of the muscles of two Rh. americana, two Rh. 
darwini, and one Rh. macrorhyncha did not yield many interesting 
variations except for that most variable of all the thigh-museles, to 
wit the famous m. ambiens. 

In the Common Rhea this muscle was typically developed, arising 
from the pubic spine, and its slender tendon passing the knee to 
form one of the heads of m. flexor perforatus. In Rh. macrorhyncha 
the muscle arose from the latero-dorsal aspect of the pubic spine 
and at the same time from the big crural vein, the muscular and 
aponeurotic fibres of the muscle having firmly got hold of the 
ventral aspect of this vein. The right and left side were alike ; the 
tendon of the muscle passed the knee in the typical way. 

Rhea darwini, 2 .—The m. ambiens of either side arose from the 
pubic spine as usual, but its tendon, before reaching the knee, became 
flattened out and attached itself with a broad fan-shaped and very 
thin aponeurosis to the patella, in a similar style as the median 
additional portion of the m. femoro-tibialis (m. vastus). 

Rh. darwini, 3, left thigh. The m. ambiens stopped at the knee 
as in Rh. darwini 2. 

Right thigh.— Muscle typically developed and passing the knee 
With a strong and independent tendon. 

This abnormal condition of the m. ambiens, which seems to be 
prevailing in Darwin’s Rhea, is the intermediate stage between a 
typically developed m. ambiens and such forms in which, as in 
Casuarius, this muscle has lost still more of its independence, and 
then only forms an additional head of the median part of the 
portio media m. femori-tibialis s. vastii—Without an elaborate 
examination and comparison of the formation of these muscles with 
their nerve-supply, we should with Garrod come to the conclusion 
that Casuarius did not possess an ambiens muscle. ‘The assumption 
of still further reduction of the distal portion of the m. ambiens 
explains what I have observed in some Passerine birds, e.g. in a 
specimen of Lanius bentet, in which the m. femoro-tibialis internus, 
besides being strongly developed, received in its proximal part a 


thin spindle-shaped semitendinous head from the pubic spine. 
This additional little slip is probably the last trace of the ambiens 
muscle, whch is now generally lost by the Passerine birds. 

The case above described is one way in which this muscle gets lost ; 
in other cases, e.g. Ciconia and Phenicopterus, the reduction does 
not begin by its tendon becoming attached to neighbouring tendons 
in the knee-region, but the whole muscle shows a diminution of its 
tendon and belly to a mere thread, till at last this also disappears, 
e.g. in Abdimia and Xenorhynchus. 

Digestive Organs. 

The digestive organs of Rhea darwini did not present any re- 
markable differences from those of Rh. americana, and a comparison 
of the relative dimensions was not advisable because of the different 
age of the specimens examined. 

The hepatic and pancreatic ducts, together with the shape of the 

Fig. 7. 

Fig. 7. Rh. americana. ‘The duodenal loop and pancreas, with the first and 
second pancreatic ducts (p, and p,), and showing the hepato- 
enteric duct (Xe), the cystico-enteric (ce), and the hepato-cystico- 
enteric duct (hee). 

Fig. 8. Rh, darwini, 2. The duodenal loop is represented too wide in this 

pancreas of Rhea darwinit 3, showed an arrangement somewhat 
different from that of the Rhea americana described by myself in 
the ‘ Jenaische Zeitschrift.’ See figures 7 & 8. 

Respiratory Organs. 

There are some differences in the shape of the posterior margin of 
the upper larynx, as will be seen in the following wooducts ;— 


The number of tracheal rings in RA. macrorhyncha is 185, in 
Eh. darwini 152 ; and the rings themselves are comparatively broader 
and thicker in the latter species, thus making up for their con- 
siderably smaller number, as the length of the whole trachea does 
not show any important differences in the two species. The syringeal 
muscle described by Forbes exists in all the specimens dissected by 
me ; however, in level of the 9-11th last tracheal rings, the upper 
end of the tracheo-bronchial muscle passes into the lower end of the 

Fig. 9. 

Rh. macrorhyncha. Rh. darwini. 
Dorsal view of tongue, larynx, and syrins. WN, branch of hypoglossal nerve. 

long m. cerato-trachealis, which runs down from the cerato-hyal 
along the side of the trachea. Both these muscles and the m. tracheo- 
sternalis are supplied by branches of the descending ramus of the 
hypoglossal nerve, thus leaving no doubt as to their common origin 
from muscles of the hyoid arches. 

In all other respects the syrinx of my specimens of Rhea darwini 
and R. macrorhyncha agrees with the description given by Forbes. 
The slight modifications concerning the partial fusion of the last 
tracheal rings are easily explained by differences of age and indi- 
vidual variation. The same, I am sorry to say, applies to the vas- 
cular and genital systems. 


Tegumentary System. 

Concerning the coloration of the plumage, RA. macrorhyncha is 
said to be distinguishable from /h. americana “‘by its generally 
browner colouring, and by the darker crown, which is nearly black ” 
(Forbes). Rh. darwini is characterized by its white-tipped feathers. 
How far these differences are subject to individual variation, and to 
age, is not yet satisfactorily known, owing to the scarcity of adult 
specimens of Rh. macrorhyncha. 

One decidedly good distinguishing character is given by the scales 
and the scutellation of the metatarsus. In Rh. darwini the distal 
half of the front side of the metatarsus is covered by broad transverse 
scutes, numbering about 20; whilst on the proximal half, the sides, 
and the hinder aspect of this portion of the foot the featherless inte- 

Fig. 11. 

Median view of the left foot of Rh. darwini, diagrammatic. The outer or 
fourth toe is not shown. 

gument is reticulated. The multangular reticulate little scutes are 
thickest and largest on the “ heel,” and are gradually decreasing in size 
towards the toes. The anterior dorsal surface of the toes is protected 
as follows :—The middle (3rd) toe is covered by 23 transverse broad 
scutes, which form the direct continuation of those of the metatarsus. 
The inner (2nd) toe possesses only about 9-10, the outer (4th) toe 
about 12 such scutes; these are biggest near the claws or nails, and 
gradually change into the reticulated structure which covers the 
first phalanx of the inner and outer toes. 

In Rh. americana and Rh. macrorhyncha the front of the meta- 
tarsus is covered with broad transverse scutes throughout its length, 
like the dorsal sides of the toes. RA. darwini represents in this respect, 
like Dromeus and Casuarius, a lower stage than either Struthio or 
the other Rheas, since for obvious reasons the formation of broad 
scutes began distally, at the toes, and worked its way proximally 

Geographical Distribution. 

The geographical distribution of the three species of Rhea known 
at present seems to be the following :— 
Rh. americana ranges from Bolivia and the Province of Mattogrosso 


(Villa Bella and Cuyabé) through Paraguay across the Parand into 
Uruguay. Its headquarters appear to be the pampas of Argentina, 
whence it extends southwards to the Rio Negro of Patagonia. 

Rh. darwini seems to be restricted to the eastern half of Patagonia 
and to South-eastern Argentina; about the Rio Negro of Patagonia 
both species occur together. 

Rh. macrorhyncha has been found in the Provinces of Pernambuco 
and Bahia. Its north-westward and westward range is probably 
limited not by the Amazons and its enormous tributaries, but by the 
broad thick belt of forest of the Amazonian subregion. Its occurrence 
in Guiana is therefore improbable. As Rh. americana does not seem 
to occur in the South-eastern provinces of Brazil, ‘probably the 
barrier between the two species is a continuously wooded country 
[and I should add the numerous low but rough mountain-ranges] 
between that district and the Sertées de Bahia” (Forbes). 


The chief differences between the three species are the following :— 

Rhea americana, Rh, macrorhyncha. Lh. darwini. 
Number of cervical 
vertebra ......... 15 16 15. 

eek B38 4.03.8 long long short. 

Fan ooce ds cwcscces shorter shortest longest. 

Hind limb ......... shorter longer. 

SROGH Er ne sesse cos scoae shortest longer longest. 

Le eee set ck catiec een longest bill shortest bill. 

UT Ee. Hees broad narrow broad, 

Metatarsus ......... with transverse scutes through its length. scutes on distal 
half only. 

Ambiens muscle ... typically developed apparently sub- 

ject to fre- 
quent modi- 

Piraphodlinin gait! ube: ess hiare cadet cc greatest number smallestnumber. 
General coloration 
OMPLUMARE ..0.5.. isosesaccss. eRiakm eben generally darker most of the fea- 
than Rh. ameri- thers with 
cana, especially white tips. 
on the head. 
EPADTIAG 4. cc-Secsscc Southern half of North-eastern South-eastern 
South America. Brazil. South Ame- 

This tabular arrangement shows that Darwin’s Rhea differs con- 
siderably from the other two species, whilst the latter offer apparently 
few important characters for separation. flowever, no matter if the 
number of the neck-vertebree of Rh. macrorhyncha (the best name 
for which would be that of the /ong-necked or slender-headed Rhea) 
be a constant character or not, the differences in the proportions of 
the skulls afford an anatomical character just as good as those 
which induce us to consider Rh. darwini a so-called good species, 
If we thus consider the three forms of Rhea as three equivalent 


species, their present geographical distribution becomes less puzzling ; 
otherwise we should expect @ priori that the eastern form would differ 
more from the two others than these do from each other. Moreover, 
since it rarely happens that two large species of a certain order or 
family of creatures inhabit the same tracts of country unless they do 
so through immigration, it is probable that the original home of 
Rh. americana was Central South America, and that it spread from 
there into regions occupied by Rh. darwint. 

April 21, 1885. 
Prof. Flower, LL.D., V.P.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during the month of March 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of March was 94, of which 3 were by 
birth, 35 by presentation, 35 by purchase, 4 were received on deposit, 
and 17 by exchange. The total number of departures during the 
same period, by death and removals, was 114. 

The most noticeable additions during the month of March were 
as follows :— 

1. A female Roan Kangaroo (Macropus erubescens)', being the 
third specimen of this Kangaroo acquired by the Society, and the 
first of the female sex. During the present month we have, 
singularly enough, acquired a second female specimen of the same 
animal, along with other Kangaroos, in exchange from the Zoological 
and Acclimatization Society of Victoria, Melbourne. 

2. Six Wattled Starlings (Dilophus carunculatus) from South 
Africa, purchased March 20th and 27th. These are the first 
examples we have received of this curious Starling, which is 
remarkable for the extreme development of the wattles in the adult 
male. We have specimens believed to be of both sexes, but all are 
in immature dress at present. 

3. Two Cape Colies (Colius capensis), purchased March 29th. 
These are the first examples of this Coly yet received; they have 
been placed in the Parrot House along with the specimens of two 
other species of the same genus recently acquired, viz. C. erythromelon 
and C. nigricollis. 

Mr. Sclater exhibited specimens of a pair of Pheasants from Bala 
Murghab, Northern Afghanistan, belonging to H.R.H. the Prince 
of Wales. Mr. Sclater was inclined to refer this bird to Ph. insignis, 
Elliot (P. Z.S. 1870, p. 404, and Mon. Ph. vol. ii. pl. 3), of which 
the true locality (unknown to Mr. Elliot) was thus established. 
Mr. Elliot’s skins were without heads, but Mr. Elliot had correctly 

1 Cf. P.Z.S. 1870, p. 216, pl. x., and p. 368; P. Z. 8, 1871, p. 240. 



7 Neulemans 




guessed that there was no white ring present. He had not, however, 
quite correctly restored the colours of the head, which more 
nearly resembles that of Ph. colchicus, as would be seen by the 
figure (Plate XXII.). Mr. Sclater read the following extracts from 
a letter addressed by Mr. Condie Stephen to Lt.-Gen. Sir Dighton 
Probyn (dated Bala Murghab, Jan. 9th, 1885) relating to these 

specimens :— 

“ During my visit to Sandringham last winter, I alluded in con- 
versation to the Pheasants which I had seen on my last journey in 
these regions, mentioning the richness of their plumage and their 
peculiarly white wings; and the Prince of Wales did me the 
honour of inquiring whether there was any possibility of conveying 
live specimens to England. 

“ Owing to the difficulties of communication and the great distance, 
I find it would be impossible to send any live ones home. But as 
the Prince of Wales was so good as to take an interest in the matter, 
I venture to send by messenger leaving for London to-morrow, 
preserved specimens of a cock and hen for submission to His 
Royal Highness. Dr. Aitchison, the naturalist accompanying the 
Afghan Frontier Commission, states that these Pheasants are sui 
generis, and that the colouring of the cock bird is peculiarly varied. 
They abound in the reeds fringing this river, rising in places in far 
larger numbers than I have seen at any battue in England. You 
can imagine what a quantity there must be from the fact that we 
killed more than 400 on our march of 30 miles up the river, 
mostly cocks. 

« P.S. (May 7th, 1855).—Since I exhibited the Pheasants above 
mentioned I have an opportunity, through Mr. Seebohm’s kindness, 
of comparing them with the fine series of speciinens of Asiatic 
Phasiani in his collection, and have been obliged to modify my 
conclusions as to the determination of this bird. Phasianus insignis 
of Elliot, according to Mr. J. Scully, who has himself met with this 
form in Kashgaria, is not really different from Phastanus shawi of 
the same country, to which, indeed, the present bird has many points 
of resemblance. 

« On comparing it, however, with one of Mr. Scully’s skins of 
Ph. shawi, obtained in Yarkand in March 1875, now in Mr. See- 
bohm’s collection, we find the upper surfaces of the two birds nearly 
alike, with the exception of the pronounced white wings of the 
present bird. On the under surface, however, the bird from Murg- 
hab is at once observed to differ in having the feathers of the sides 
of the belly broadly tipped with bright purplish black. These 
broad margins are also continued over the whole of the middle of 
the belly, where they assume a strong golden red colour, the centre 
of each feather having a more yellowish tinge. The black central 
patch of the belly seen in Ph. shaw? is also hardly apparent at all in 
the Murghab bird. 

“ Another ally of the Murghab Pheasant is the Ph. persicus of 
Severtzoff, shortly described in ‘The Ibis,’ 1875, p. 494. Of this 


scarce form Mr. Seebohm has lately obtained a fine adult male 
specimen killed at Hadschi-Nefes, on the Attrek. In some respects 
the Murghab bird comes nearer to Ph. persicus than to Ph. shawi, as 
it presents on the lower surface the purplish black termimal edgings 
to the side feathers, although these are not nearly so broad as in the 
Murghab bird. But PA. persicus differs from the Murghab species 
in having the lower back and outer edges of the rectrices of a fine 
shining coppery purple, quite different from the brownish red of the 
Murghab bird. Under these circumstances I do not think the 
latter can be referred exactly to any known species, and I therefore 
propose to characterize it shortly as 

‘** PHASIANUS PRINCIPALIS, sp. nov. (Plate XXII.) 

‘‘Capite et collo metallice viridibus: torque nullo: alis extus 
pro maxima parte pure albis: ventris medit plumis in centro 
flavescentibus, cuprescente rubro late circumdatis: ventris late- 
ralis plumis aurescenti-rubris purpurescenti-nigro late margi- 
natis: plaga ventris medii nigra nulla: long. tota circa 36, 
ale 10, caude 23, poll. angl. 

« Hab. In ripis fl. Murghab, Asiz centralis. 

«Obs. Species crassitie majore, albedine alarum, pectore purpures- 

centi-rubro et plaga nigra fere omnino carente insignissima.”’ 

Mr. G. E. Dobson, F.R.S., exhibited on behalf of M. Fernand 
Lataste, C.M.Z.S., two skulls of the Insectivorous Mammal 
Crocidura aranea obtained by M. Lataste from the castings of birds 
of prey. One of these skulls presented the interesting peculiarity of 
possessing a supernumerary premolar on both sides of the upper jaw, 
as in the species of the closely allied subgenus Pachyura, while the 
other bad asingle supernumerary tooth on the left side. M. Lataste 
wished to draw particular attention to the presence of these teeth as 
demonstrating the artificial character of the subgenera Pachyura 
and Crocidura. 

The Secretary exhibited an egg of Darwin’s Rhea, and two small 
examples of eggs of a Rhea, supposed by the sender to be those of 
Rh. macrorhyncha, and read the following letter addressed to him by 
M. Georges Claraz on this subject :— 

Avry-devant-Pont (Canton de Fribourg), 
Suisse, le 16 mars, 1885. 
Trés honoré Monsieur, 

Sous les auspices de Monsieur John Ball, quia eu l’obligeance 
de me communiquer votre adresse, je consigne & la poste a votre 
nom une petite boite contenant :— 

1. Ghuf de Rhea darwinii ; 

2. Gufs que je supposais étre du Rhea macrorhyncha. 

Pour ce qui concerne le Rhea darwinii, ses ceufs ont toujours, 
quand ils sont frais, une teinte légérement blendtre ou verdatre ; 
tandis que ceux du Rhea americana al état frais (ou extraits du 


ventre de l’animal) ont une teinte jaunatre. L’exposition 4 lair fait 
perdre cette teinte naturelle aux uns et aux autres; ils deviennent de 
plusen plus blancs. La texture de l’ceuf parait (al’ceil nu) présenter 
une différence entre l’une et l’autre espéce. Pour quant aux 
dimensions et 4 la forme la différence est guére sensible ; du reste 
elles sont un peu variables tant chez lune que chez l’autre espéce. 

L’époque de la ponte varie un peu selon la latitude. Dans 
YEntre Rios et 4 Buenos Ayres le Rhea americana commence a 
pondre en aoiit, et dés cette époque on voit sur le marché de Buenos 
Ayres des ceufs d’Autruche. Les premiers ceufs se rencontrent 
isolés ; plus tard alors le male cherche un lieu sans herbes, ot la 
terre est nue, pour y établir le nid, qui est sans art. C’est 1a que les 
femelles pondent. Dans le sud a Bahia Blanca et Patagones le 
Rhea americana commence & pondre en octobre, rarement aupara- 
vant. La ponte dure jusqu’en décembre ; on rencontre pendant ce 
mois encore des ceufs frais. 

Pour la Rhea americana Vincubation dure 30-31 jours; la 
température nécessaire est de 103° Fahr. Je tiens ces indications 
des établissements qui élévent des Autruches. 

Pour la Rhea americana la puberté entre dans la deuxiéme année, 
et elle pond dans la troisitme. La premiére ponte d’une femelle ne 
dépasse guére 25 a 30 ceufs ; elle en pond le double dans les années 

La Rhea darwint pond ala méme époque que la Rh. americana. 
J’ai rencontré des ceufs frais en octobre, novembre et décembre entre 
le Rio Negro et le Chubat. Elles pondent comme l’espéce précédente 
sur la terre. A lépoque de l’incubation, le male a la peau du bas 
du corps plus €paisse et 4 la poitrine cornée. On assure que le 
male qui couve gratte la terre avec le sternum tant chez l’espéce 
Rh. darwini que chez Vespéce Rh. americana. 

Le nombre d’ceufs contenu dans un nid est pour le Rh. darwini 
de 15 4 20 environ; c’est le méme chiffre pour le Rh. americana 
du moins dans le sud; dans le nord j’ai vu une fois un nid en 
contenant 32. Les deux espéces nourrissent les mémes_ parasites 
dans leurs intestins, des vers ressembiants aux Tenia, et en grand 
nombre. Dans le tissus sous-cutané elles ont surtout dans leur 
jeune age un assez grand nombre de Filaria. J’en avait envoyé 
autrefois des exemplaires au défunt M. Claparéde qui provenaient du 
Rh. darwini; jen ai remis des exemplaires du Rh. americana au 
Dr. Goll pour le Musée de Zurich, et & M. le Prof. Carl Vogt & 
Genéve. Autant que j’ai pu en juger les parasites de l’une et de 
Pautre espéce sont identiques. Mais ce qui m’a surpris ce fut 
d’apprendre dans un établissement de Merlo (situé 4 32 kilométres 
de Buenos Ayres) ot Yon éléve des Autruches africaines, et aussi 
quelques américaines, que les premiéres souffrent d’un ver intestinal 
ressemblant au ver solitaire et aussi de filaires. Toutefois je n’ai pas 
vu @’exemplaires. Mais je vis lors de ma visite de jeunes Autruches 
africaines maigres et malades auxquelles on administrait de la fleur 
de soufre mélée 4 du miel, et on m’a dit qu’elles avaient des filarias. 

Pour quant 4 la troisitme espéce Ith. macrorhyncha, je ne Vai 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXII. 22 


jamais vue. Monsieur Nouguer, le plus grand négociant de plumes 
d’Autruches 4 Buenos Ayres, m’a demandé si je connaissais une 
espéce qu'il croyait étre un croisement entre Rh. americana et 
Rh, darwini, car il avait, m’assurait-il, plus d’une fois regu des 
plumes qui n’appartenaient nia l’une ni a Pautre des espéces précitées, 
mais qui paraissaient de couleur intermédiaire. On lui a dit que ces 
Autruches avaient le corps trés-large. Le défunt Professeur Lorentz 
m’a dit que dans ses voyages on lui a plus d’une fois parlé d’une 
troisiéme espéce trés sauvage et farouche, habitant les terrains mon- 
tagneux, qui prend la fuite au moindre bruit et est difficile a atteindre. 
M Moreno m’a dit avoir vu dans le sud de la Patagonie, au pied de 
la Cordillére, une espéce plus petite, plus sauvage ; il en parle dans 
son ouvrage (‘ Viaje a la Patagonia austral,’ p. 399). Il dit que la 
grosseur ne serait que les ¥ du Rh. darwini. 

Les Indiens m’ont aussi parlé de cette troisitme espéce et m’ont dit 
que quand on a la bonne fortune de rencontrer un nid, ce qui est assez 
rare, on a soin de garder les ceufs “parce qwils portent bonheur.” 

Un des Indiens qui m’avait accompagné au Chubat m’avait promis 
de m’en procurer. II tint sa parole, et en 1875 il m’en donna une 
demi-douzaine et en gardait autant pour lui. Des Indiens Patagons 
les lui avaient apportés. Ils n’étaient pas frais et je craignis qu’en 
les ouvrant ils n’éclatent. C’est pour ce motif que du coté sur 
lequel ils reposaient la coquille est un peu attaquée et décomposée. 
J’en ai donné deux 4 M. Moreno, |’un s’est brisé; un autre est au 
musée de Genéve et je vous envoie les deux qui me restent. 

Le Rhea americana est une compagne fidéle du Cervus campestris, 
comme le Rhea darwint accompagne au contraire le Guanaco. On 
admet ordinairement le Rio Negro comme ligne de démarcation 
entre les deux espéces, et aussi entre le Guanaco et le Cervus cam- 
pestris. Cependant la nature est ici aussi capricieuse, et le fleuve 
ne représente pas une ligne rigoureuse. Le long de la cote Atlantique, 
jai vu a la ‘‘Salina del Eje” et méme a la baie de St. Blas des 
Rh. darwini mélées avec Rh. americana; et un chasseur m’a assuré 
avoir tué, une seule fois, il est vrai, un Rh. darwini prés de la mer 
au-dessous de l’embouchure du Colorado. Dans tous ces parages 
on voit fréquemment des troupes d’Autruches composées d’individus 
des deux espéces. 

Ausud de Rio Negro j’ai vu les derni¢res Rh. americana et des 
Cervus campestris sur les rives du ruisseau de Valcheta (situé 4 une 
vingtaine de lieues au sud du Rio Negro). 

En 1822, lors de la fondation du Tandil, le Guanaco vivait encore 
dans les montagnes du Tandil; mais il a disparu depuis longtemps. 
Il ne tardera pas 4 disparaitre de la chaine de la Ventana ot il vit 
encore bien qu’en petit nombre. Ce n’est qu’au sud de Bahia 
Blanca, vers Romero Chico, qu’on commence le rencontrer en plus 
grand nombre. 

Mais dans les terrains de transport de la vallée du Naposta, du 
Sauce Grande etc., dans les couches au-dessus de la couche blanche, 
on rencontre fréquemment des os de Guanaco; ce qui prouve que le 
Guanaco vivait en abondance dans ces parages lors du dépot de ces 

_ = _—_—_—_— 


alluvions. On m’a dit en avoir rencontré encore bien plus au nord, 
ce qui prouverait que le Guanaco est en train d’opérer sa retraite 
vers le Sud. 

Dans ces mémes alluvions on rencontre aussi des fragments d’ceufs 
d’Autruche ; Mr. Wolfensperger de Zurich, qui a eu l’obligeance 
d’examiner au microscope les fragments que je lui ai apportés et de 

: : : J se 
les comparer a des échantillons de Rh. americana et de Rh. darwini, 
nest pas parvenu A déterminer A quelle espéce ils appartenaient. 

ae eee : 
J’ai aussi trouvé dans ces alluvions des os d’Autruche et M. le Prof. 
Riitimeyer a Bale quia eu l’obligeance de les examiner m’a écrit que 
e’étaient des os du Rh. americana’. 

Tandis qu’on voit trés fréquemment le Rh. americana apprivoisé 
chez les habitants et que cette espece se domestique avec la plus 

Oh Le 4 ’ q : nN y . 
grande facilité, c’est tres rare de voir 4 Patagones des Rh. darwini. 
Des personnes qui en ont élevés m’ont dit qu’ils sont sujets 4 souffrir 

ced ae q : es ea a : 
d’une inflammation avec formation de pus avecarticulations dela jambe 
et qu’en captivité elles meurent plus facilement que les Rh. americana. 
me : ee eee 
Agréez, en attendant, l’assurance de ma considération distinguée. 

Mr. Sclater pointed out that the smaller eggs exhibited could not 
well be those of Rhea macrorhyncha, as that species (or subspecies) 
was merely a representative form of Rhea americana met with in the 
eampos of Northern Brazil’. In his opinion these smaller eggs 
were merely imperfectly developed eggs of either R. americana or 
R. darwini. 

Mr. Boulenger exhibited a specimen of a Brazilian Amphisbenoid, 
Lepidosternon polystegum, A. Dum., the anterior half of the body 
of which emerged from a hole in the side of a Coral-Snake, laps 

Head of Lepidosternon polystegum. 

lemniscatus, whilst the posterior part protruded from the mouth. 
The Lepidosternon had been swallowed head-foremost by the Snake, 
and had, apparently by means of its sharp-edged cutting snou’, 

* Toutefois, le 6 Avril M. le Prof. Riitimeyer m’écrit que n’ayant pas a sa 
disposition de squelette du Rk. darwini pour comparaison, il ne serait pas im- 
possible que les os envoyés appartiennent a cette espéce. 

2 Cf. Sclater, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 160, and Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p- 360. 



partly forced its way out of the body of its enemy, making its escape 
three inches from the mouth. 

The Amphisbeenoid was besides interesting for the anomalous 
scutellation of the upper surface of the head, the sutures between 
the ocular, supraocular, and one of the temporals on each side, 
which were normally distinct in L. polystegum, being obliterated, as 
was shown in the accompanying sketch (p. 327), ; the frontal shield 
was also remarkably small. 

Mr. Seebohm exhibited specimens of a Cormorant from Japan 
believed to be Phalacrocorax capillatus (Temm. et Schl.) and to be 
quite distinct from Ph. carbo. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. On the Structure of the Heart in Ornithorhynchus and 
Apteryx. By Sir Ricnarp Owen, K.C.B., F.R.S., 

F.Z.S., &e. 
[Received March 11, 1885.] 

The ‘Note’ communicated by Prof. Ray Lankester to the 
Scientific Meeting of the Zcological Society, March 3rd, refers to 
the description and figures of the heart of the Apteryx in the 
* Anatomy ”’ of that bird recorded in vol. ii. of the ‘ Transactions’ 
of the Society, 1836, pp. 271, 273; plate vi. figures la, 2, and 3. 
These were taken in the dissection of the trunk and viscera of a male 
bird transmitted from New Zealand, in spirit, and well preserved for 
anatomical investigation (op. ezé. p. 258). 

Figure 1, of pl. vi., shows the pericardium containing the 
heart, iz situ, showing the apex protruding through the diaphragm 
into the abdomen; figure 2, ib., shows the outer form and avian 
symmetrical disposition of the bifurcate ascending aorta; figure 3 
shows the internal structure of the right “ auricle and ventricle.’ The 
principal deviation from the ornithic type of ‘the heart’s structure 
is presented by the valve at the entry into the right ventricle,” 
whereon I remark :—‘‘ We perceive in this mode of connection an 
approach, in the present wingless bird, to the mammalian type of 
valve, analogous to that which the Ornithorhynchus offers, in the 
structure of the same part, to the class of birds ; tor the right auriculo- 
ventricular valve in the Ornithorhynchus is partly fleshy, partly 
membranous ”’ (op. ci¢. p. 273). 

I heard, with pleasure, the confirmation by Prof. Ray Lankester, 
in his earlier ‘ Paper’ (P. Z.S. 1882, p. 549), of the discovery 
recorded by me in ‘Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. il. p. 273. Before sending 
the account of it to press, I had the opportunity myself of con- 
firming it, by receiving a third specimen of Apteryx sent to me 
for dissection. In this well-preserved specimen I found the same 
approach to the monotrematous type of heart; it yielded confir- 
mation of the previous dissection of the bird, and the additional 
materials (tom. cit. p. 258), recorded-in Trans. Zool. Soe. vol. iii. 

in ie i ae ee 

duit q2eyuey wat armas "f 

WSOC id: SOS es cel 

PZ.8, 1885 Pye 

J.Samit lith. Hanharl imp, 


it » » TYPICA. 


p- 277, 1837, toward a complete monograph, ‘‘ Muscular System of 

If Prof. Ray Lankester should find time to refer to Trans. Zool. 
Soe. vol. ii. p. 271, which he deems to testify to the error he kindly 
proposes to rectify, he may find sufficient ground for the present Note. 

I beg to express my obligation for his endeavour to expose the 
strange blunder into which the Professor supposes me to have fallen. 

2. Notes on the Characters of the different Races of Echidna. 
By Oupriztp Tomas, F.Z.S., Natural History Museum. 
[Received March 10, 1885.] 

(Plates XXITI.,X XIV.) 

Through the kindness of Prof. Moseley, the Natural History 
Museum has obtained a female specimen, collected by the Rev. W. G. 
Lawes, of the New-Guinea Echidna described in 1877 by Mr. E. 
Pierson Ramsay of Sydney as L. lawesi; and, in the process of 
working out and making notes upon this interesting animal, I have 
obtained such a series of specimens of various sorts, that I find myself 
able to offer some notes on the characters of the different races of 
Echidna, and on their relations one to another. 

Of the large series of specimens examined I would especially draw 
attention to:—(1) A second individual of Zchidna lawesi, also 
collected by Mr. Lawes, and lent to me by the authorities of the 
Liverpool Museum, to whose Curator, Mr. T. J. Moore, I beg to 
offer my sincere thanks for the loan ; and (2) the typical specimens, 
belonging to the Christiania Museum, of the species described by 
Dr. Robert Collett in this year’s ‘ Proceedings’ as Echidna acanthion, 
which have been kindly lent to me by that gentleman. I must 
also offer my thanks to Dr. J. G. Garson, of the Royal College of 
Surgeons, Dr. Liitken and Dr. Winge, of the Copenhagen Museum, 
Dr. F. A. Jentink, of Leyden, and Prof. A. Dubois, of Brussels, 
either for the loan of specimens, or for measurements, drawings, and 
other particulars kindly forwarded me by letter. 

It was very early perceived, in fact by Sir Everard Home in 1802’, 
that the Tasmanian Lchidna was different in many respects, especially 
in the characters of its external covering, from that found on the 
mainland ; but authors have not agreed as to the value to be attached 
to the characters of the two forms, some considering them to be 
quite distinct species, while others have thought them to be only 
climatic races, and others again have treated them as one, without 
taking any note of the differences that are undoubtedly present 
between them. 

To estimate the value of these differences, to compare with the 
long-known southern and central forms the recently described 
E. lawesi and EF. acanthion, and to show what differences are due re- 
spectively to age, sex, geographical distribution, and climate, are the 
chief objects of the present paper. 

1 Phil. Trans. 1802, p. 348, pls. x. & xiii. 



[Apr. 21, 

To commence with, the following List of specimens examined is 
given, The specimens will afterwards be merely referred to by their 
distinguishing letters :— 

Var. lawesi :— 

a. Adult skin, ?. 
b. Ditto, 9. 

Var. aculeata:— 


Port Moresby. 

c-e. 6, 9, andyg. skins. 80 miles W. of Rock- 

f. Imm. ¢ (inal.). 
g. Ad. sk. d. 

h. Ad.  (inal.). 

im. Skins. 

n. Ad. sk. 
o. Ad. sk. 

Var. setosa:— 
py 3 (imal). 

7-v. Skins. 

w, vc. 2 $ (inal.). 
y. & (in al.). 

z. Ad. skin. 

a’. Ad., stuffed. 

b,c. Ad. & yg., stuffed. 

d'. Yg. sk. o. 
e’. Ad. 3, stuffed. 

Var. lawesi:— 

f', 9’. Skulls of a & 6, 

Var. aculeata :— 

k'-7'. Skulls of c—e. 
k'-m'. Ditto, f-h. 
n'-o’. Ditto, k-l. 
p'. Skull. 

qq: Ditto. 

Var. setosa :— 

r'—s'. Skulls of p & g. 

?'-w', Skulls ofv, w, d', &e’. 

a',y'. Skulls. 
z', Imm. sk. 

a”. Ad. skull. 
6", cl’. Ditto. 

q'. Skull of 7. 

hampton, Queens- 
Liverpool Range,New 
South Waies. 
Port Stevens, 
South Wales. 
No exact localities, 
probably New 
South Wales. 
York, West Australia. 
West Australia. 


feet eeeeeneseee 

No exact localities, 









Senta sewn eenees 

weet eee eeeee 

eee e eee eneeenee 

eee eeereceesens 

Tasman’s Peninsula, 


Rey. W.G. Lawes. 

Dr. @. Lumbholz. 

85. 3. 24. 11. 
1037, Liverpool 

Christiania Mus. 

(Co.-types of £. acanthion, Coll.) 

Sir D. Cooper. 
J. Gould, Esq. 

Dr. G. Bennett. 

J. Gilbert, Esq. 
— Austin, Esq. 

Dr. Miller. 


Capt. Mangles. 

J. Gould, Esq. 
Gen. Hardwicke. 
Mr. Maddox. 

Serene neneee 
Seen en ences 
ere eetaneee 

ee eeeenceene 

G. S. Baden- 
Powell, Esq. 
R. Gunn, Esq. 

66. 7. 3. 1. 
41. 1163. 

2. Sal 

64. 10. 1. 3-4. 
69. 5. 21. 1-2. 

112 2. 

41. 1162 & 4. 

112 a. 

238 c¢, Liverpool 

1017 9, d, & h. 
1017 e & f. 
1017 a. 

1017 ¢. 

1006 ¢ & d. 
1006 f, e, g, & 71, 
Liverpool Mus. 

1006 a & 6. 
3957, Coll. Surg. 

3955, Coll. Surg. 

3952 & 3958, Coll. 

1006 h. 

' Except where otherwise stated, these numbers refer to the registers in the 
Natural History Museum. 


Commencing with the external characters, the first thing to be 
noticed is the extraordinary difference between the Tasmanian and 
the northern races in the relative development of the spines and the 
hairson the back. The extremes are indeed much further apart than 
one would ever expect to occur within the limits of a single species, 
but these extremes grade into each other on the examination of a 
large series. 

In the true Z. aculeata of New South Wales we find that average 
specimens are covered with a thick coating of long stout spines, from 
35 to 60 millim. in length, with a very sparse and thin undergrowth 
of hair, visible only upon separating the spines, and quite hidden in 
the ordinary position of the animal. The head, belly, and legs are 
covered with a mixture, in about equal proportions, of flattened 
semi-spinous bristles, and of thin, more or less woolly, hairs. Passing 
northwards, we find that in Queensland specimens ( H. acanthion) the 
hairs of the back are still more reduced as compared to the spines, 
and that on the belly the flattened bristles tend entirely to supersede 
the hairs, a tendency carried out completely in #. /awesi, where, 
except in the neighbourhood of the pouch, the belly-hairs are 
entirely suppressed, and the head and underside are evenly though 
thinly covered with bristles only. On the other hand, probably 
owing to the moister climate of New Guinea, the hairs on the back 
somewhat reassert themselves at the expense of the spines, being in 
specimen @ decidedly more visible than in average aculeata, and in 
b nearly as prominent as in se¢osa, the spines in both being reduced 
to from 20 to 35 millim. in length. 

Going now southwards from New South Wales, we find that the 
hair, as compared on the back with the spines, and on the belly with 
the bristles, rapidly gains the upper hand, until in Tasmanian 
specimens the spines, especially along the middle of the back, are 
almost entirely hidden, and the bristles below suppressed, both upper 
and under sides being clothed with thick woolly hair, some 20 
millim. in length, a state of things obviously resulting from the 
moister and colder climate of Tasmania. There is also a good deal 
of variation in specimens from the same localities, probably owing to 
seasonal change; but as I have no dated specimens available, I am 
unable to speak definitely on this point. 

But as to the specific value of this hair-development, we soon find, 
on looking through a large series, that there are specimens which do 
not conform to the general rule as to locality; thus specimen f from 
South Queensland, the centre of the aculeata range, has its hairy 
covering developed almost precisely as in average Tasmanian indivi- 
duals. Again, the fact that the New-Guinea Echidna, coming from 
a moist though hot climate, should tend to resemble the Tasmanian 
race in the length of the hair and shortness of the spines on the back, 
is alone strongly confirmatory of my view that the greater or less 
development of the hairs is a character so directly climatic, and so 
easily affected in different localities by a greater or less degree of wet 
and cold, that it cannot be taken as indicating real specific distinction. 

The colour of the Echidna varies somewhat owing to the relative 


development of the hairs and spines and the comparative amounts of 
brown and white on the latter; but the only strictly geographical 
variation in colour that I can distinguish, is that southern specimens 
have a general tendency to have the crown of the heada lighter brown 
than the back, the converse being the case in northern ones. This 
is, however, by no means invariable. 

The next thing to be considered is the relative lengths of the hind 
claws, on which great stress has been laid by Dr. Liitken’, Dr. 
Collett?, and others, and indeed the differences in this respect are 
very remarkable, and might easily be taken to represent specific 
distinction. The extreme forms are represented by figs. C and D on 
Plate XXIV., and it will thus be seen that in one form (C) the third 
claw is nearly as long and as stout as the second, and about twice the 
size of the fourth; while in the other form (D) the third is scarcely 
bigger than the fourth, and not more than from one third to one half 
as large and as strong as the second. The following are the mea- 
surements of two extreme examples :— 

Second claw. Third claw. Percentage. 
millim., millim. 

Specimen s (Tasmania) ........ 44 39 89 
Th SPN Ree ay) Pe oe Pg 14 34 

This character runs for the most part parallel with geographical 
distribution, the southern forms having in a general way the long 
third claws, and the northern the short ones: thus 13 typically 
hairy specimens of var. setosa have percentages ranging from 70 to 
100; while the percentages of northern specimens are:—(e) 32, 
(9) 84, (a) 37, (6) 39, &e.; but, so far as regards specific distinction 
based on this character, we find that certain individual specimens 
entirely upset the general rule. Thus specimen /, very spmy and 
obviously from the north, has a third claw 28 millim. long, and 
bearing a percentage to the second of 80, the general size and pro- 
portions of claws being quite as in average 7. setosa. Specimen /f, also 
from Queensland, has a third claw 33 millim. long, and 79 per cent. 
of the second. The two northern races L. /awesi and EL. aculeata 
are absolutely indistinguishable from each other by this character. 

The reason for the greater length of the third claw in var. sedosa 
is not very evident ; but it may be that the heavier and richer soil of 
Tasmania requires a more powerful digging organ for its removal, and 
that by the increase of the length of the third claw this extra power 
is gained, for it is obvious that in the races with short third claws, 
the long second one does practically all the work, the third being 
almost functionless. But by the enlargement of the latter toa nearly 
equal length with the second, extra power is gained by both claws 
working side by side, and thus making a broader and stronger digging 

Passing now to the characters of the skull, more important and 
more interesting than any external characters can be, we must first 
study the influence that age and sex have upon its form and size, 

1p, Z. 8. 1884, p. 150. 2 P. ZS. 1885, p. 148. 


these being, in the absence of teeth, the only characters available for 

With regard to age the following are the measurements of two 
skulls; both of var. aculeata, and both from Central Queensland :— 

Greatest Greatest Index of Length of 

length’. breadth. breadth?. brain-case*. 
min. min. mm. 
?’. Adult....110°0 45°0 40-9 02:0 
j. Young .. 94:0 44°0 42°5 48-0 
ostr: Tati ita if 
Lape fos Bate on ea seeping 
mm. mm. ¢.cm. 
z. Adult.... 52°0 100 14°5 fe 
yj. Young .. 40-0 83 17-0 22 

Taking these two as examples, we see that young skulls have com- 
paratively large rounded brain-cases, short snouts, and broad inter- 
orbital spaces. In growing older the size of the brain is nearly 
unaffected, but the rostrum. lengthens and seems to become more 
distinctly bent upwards ; the sutures close, and the various fonta- 
nelles fill up, with the exception that the vacuities on the base of 
the skull, just in front of the condyles (the ‘ condyloid vacuities”’), 
when present, do not apparently close until extreme old age. Alto- 
gether, however, there is probably more difficulty in determining the 
age of specimens of this group than in any other mammals, chiefly 
ot course owing to the want of teeth; and it is only by a compa- 
rison of a considerable series that any satisfactory estimate of age 
can be made. 

With regard to the condyloid vacnities another element than age 
seems to enter into the question. Some specimens, although quite 
young, have no vacuities (e.g. specimen j’), while others fully adult, 
such as7’, s', u', &c., have large and open ones (see Plate XXIV. figs. 
E and F) ; and this seems to depend ina large measure on locality, as 
very nearly all the specimens of Z. sefosa that I have seen have open 
vacuities, while without exception the long-spined northern examples 
have closed ones. This cannot, however, be used as a specific 
character, as is shown by the fact that the skull z', from Tasman’s 
Peninsula, Tasmania (No. 3957, Coll. Surg.), although only half- 

? From the tip of the premaxille to the most posterior point of either 

* Length : breadth :: 100:— 

* From the centre of the lower edge of the foramen magnum (basion of an- 
thropologists) to a point on the palate level with the anterior edge of the 
Jachrymal foramen. This foramen is sometimes entirely closed up, but its 
position can always be easily made out. 

‘ From the same point on the palate to the tip of the premaxillx. 

° Length of brain-case : length of rostrum :: 100:— 

® Measured with No. 8 shot. 

The indices Nos. 2 and 5 are of the greatest service, as giving a far more exact 
idea of the proportions ef the skull than any mere measurements can do. The 
*‘ rostral index” is especially useful in the present group, as the relative length 
of the snout has such an important bearing upon the general form of the skull. 


grown, has yet no trace whatever of condyloid vacuities. To account 
for the general rule as to these vacuities, I would suggest that it is 
just possible that desert animals obtain a greater abundance of 
carbonate of lime and other bone-forming salts than those that live 
on a rich moist soil, and that the latter would therefore rather avoid 
using up bony matter in covering a place naturally so well protected 
by the surrounding flesh and bone as the base of the brain-case, 
while the former would have no reason to be sparing in the forma- 
tion of bone’. The exception to the rule would also be easily accounted 
for on this theory, as individuals would naturally occur in particular 
‘localities where the soil was either more or less sandy and impreg- 
nated with carbonate of lime than the general average of the country. 

Passing to the differences due to sex, we find that there is very 
little constant difference between male and female skulls. In a 
general way male skulls are broader and heavier, with higher and 
more inflated brain-cases, larger capacities, and shorter, broader, and 

heavier snouts. Male and female skulls 7’ and s’, being of the same 

variety, from the same locality, and apparently of exactly the same 
age, have been figured, Plate XXIV. figs. A and B, and show very 
fairly the differences attributable to sex. 

Eliminating now all characters due either to age or sex we come to 
the questicn as to those really distinctive of the different races ; and 
these appear to resolve themselves into two, namely, a marked decrease 
northwards in the breadth and capacity of the brain-case, and at 
the same time a slight increase in the relative length of the rostrum. 
These points are brought out in Plate XXIII. figs. A-D, where the 
gradual change in form and size from north to south isshown. The 
following Table, based on fully adult specimens only, gives, by means 
of averages and indices, further evidences of this general rule. 

A study of this Table at once shows the general relationship that 
the size and shape of the skulls bear to their localities, and at the 
same time shows that this relationship is not sufficiently constant to 
serve as the basis for specific distinction ; for while the average 
measurements and indices show distinct geographical variation, yet 
in several cases individual members of one group fall within the 
range of variation of the next; and therefore no definition can be 
framed to embrace all of one variety and to exclude all of another. 
It is true that the two specimens of var. Jawest have their breadth, 
index of breadth, and capacity markedly below, and their rostral 
index markedly above, any individuals of the other races ; but this is 
obviously owing to the want of more material, since there are only 
two specimens available for comparison, both of which are females ; 
and it must especially be remembered that the points of difference just 
noted in L. /awesi are the yery ones in which the sexes differ from each 

1 Mons. F. Lataste (Bull. Soc. Acclim. (3) x. p. 369, 1883) has shown that 
desert animals, such as Dipodillus simoni and Pachyuromys duprasi, are certain 
to die of rickets and other bone-diseases if, when in captivity, they are not 
supplied with abundance cof carbouate of lime; a fact which proves that such 
desert animals are accustomed to a more liberal supply than usual of this or 
some allied bone-forming salt. 



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other, and that a male dawest would probably be very much more like 
aculeata than are the two females examined. To show this the 
dimensions of a hypothetical male skull, based by simple rule of 
three on the relations to each other of specimens 7’ and s', the 
typical male and female skulls of seéosa already described and figured, 
have been placed below those of the female specimens of /awes? in the 
table, and these, which are probably not very far from what average 
male skulls would measure, show that no sharp dividing line can 
be drawn between the skull proportions of /awesi and aculeata. Still 
less can one be drawn between aculeata and setosa, as the various 
numbers intergrade completely. 

I regret that I am unable to retain, even as a variety, LZ. acanthion, 
Collett, the types of which have beenkindly lent to me by the describer. 
It seems to me to be what I might call a hyper-typical form of 
aculeata, not worthy of a separate name, but exceedingly interesting 
as supplying the much needed intermediate link between Z. aculeata 
and F#. lawesi. 

With regard to the interesting character of cranial capacity, the 
variation between the different races and individuals is extremely 
striking, such a range as from 17 to 37 being probably un- 
equalled among mammals; and even within the varieties we find 
such ranges as from 22 to 27 in aculeata, and from 27 to 37 in setosa. 
The even increase of capacity, however, from north to south is a fact 
of great interest, and gives an excellent example of the general law 
as to increase of size with increase of latitude, which is now one of the 
most fully recognized of the laws governing the variation of mammals. 

This law, however, as Mr. J. A. Allen has shown}, is reversed in 
the case of essentially tropical groups, their members then becoming 
smaller and smaller according as they live further and further away 
from what Mr. Allen calls their “ centre of distribution.” The fact 
therefore that Echidna conforms to the general rule is exceedingly 
interesting, and tends to prove that it is essentially a temperate and 
not a tropical genus, and that the New-Guinean EH. Jawesit must be 
looked upon as a more or less degenerate tropical offshoot of #. acu- 
leata. But, on the other hand, speaking of the whole family, its 
very largest member, the Proechidna bruijnit, occurs at the most 
northern and tropical situation of all, namely in north-western New 
Guinea; so that this is in direct contradiction to Mr. Allen’s further 
rule that the largest species of a family are those that have their 
habitat nearest to its ‘“‘centre of distribution.” We have therefore 
in the Lchidnide the apparent anomaly of two centres of highest 
development, the one, tropical, applying to the family as a whole, 
and causing P. bruinii to be its largest member, and the other, tempe- 
rate, applying to the individuals of the only widely spread species, 
and causing them to increase steadily in size from north to south. 

On the whole I think that the facts as to the relations to each 
oiher of distribution and size in this group tend to show that the 
genus Echidna has existed more or less in its present form for a 

1 Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv, ii. p. 310. 

very long time in Australia—long enough in fact to eliminate any 
specially tropic-loving tendencies it may have inherited from the 
ancestors common to it and to Proechidna. 

In this connection it should be just noted that the Pleistocene 
species Z. oweni, Krefft', from New South Wales, was at least one 
third larger than the largest existing species of the family. 

Comparing the skull-capacity of these Echidnas with the total 
weight of their bodies, we find that (after being in spirit some 

Specimen w, with a capacity of 33 c. cm., weighsabout 2000 grammes. 
” Ps ” 30 ” 2600 Py) 
” qs ” 27 29 2500 ” 

The capacity in cubic ceutimetres going into the weight in grammes 
respectively 60, 87, and 104 times; and thus comparing very favour- 
ably with the proportions in man, in whom, taking the average capacity 
as 1500 c. cm., and the average weight as 65,010 er., the former goes 
into the latter 43 times. This rough comparison is, however, affected 
in one direction by the general rule that smaller animals have higher 
capacities in proportion to their weight than larger ; and in the other 
by the increase of the weight of the specimens of Echidna by the 
spirit which had soaked into the flesh, and could not be dried out. 
The thick coat of spines also must add an appreciable amount to the 
weight of so small an animal. 

The cranial capacity of a fine Ornithorhynchus, with a skull 
113 mm. in length, I find to be 17 c. em., and therefore only equal 
to the very smallest of the Echidnas examined. 

To sum up the general conclusions arrived at, we find that certain 
well-known laws of climatic and geographical variation have caused 
the original HZchidna to show certain modifications at the extremities 
of its range as follows :— 

1. The inhabitants of a wet and Long thick hair of var. setosa. 
cold climate need a warm 

2. A moist and fertile soil is 
heavier to work thana dry 
and sandy one. 

3. A cold climate produces 
greater size, and, at thesame 

4, a reduction and shortening 
of extremities. 

[?5. On moist and heavy soils 
there is a less supply of 
carbonate of lime available 
for bone-making purposes 
than on sandy. | 

Greater digging power of var. 
setosa by increase of length of 
third hind claw. 

Greater size, especially marked 
by larger skull and brain- 
capacity of sefosa. 

Shorter snout of var. setosa. 

Greater tendency of var. setosa 
to have open vacuities on base 
of skull. 

+ Ann. Mag. N. H. (4)i. p. 113 (1868). Probably the same as JZ, ramsiyi, 
Owen, Phil. Trans. clsxy. p. 273, pl. xiv. (1884). 


These modifications are, so to speak, the characters of incipient 
species ; but in my opinion they have neither yet gone far enough, nor 
are yet sufficiently constant to necessitate our recognizing more than 
a single species of true Echidna, with three geographical varieties, 
of which the characters and synonymy are as follows. 

1. E. acuteata Lawes. (Plate XXIII. fig. A.) 

Tachyglossus lawesi, E. P. Ramsay, P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. 
p- 3l (1877), iii. p. 244 (1879); A. Dubois, Bull. Soc. Zool. vi. 
p. 268 (1881); Peters & Doria, Ann, Mus. Genov. xvi. p. 688 (1881). 

Hab. New Guinea (as yet only known from Port Moresby). 

Size small. Spines rather short, with the hairs partly visible 
between them ; crown of head, belly, and legs clothed almost entirely 
with flattened bristles. Third hind claw only from one third to 
one half the length of the second, and but little larger than the 

Skull small and very narrow (breadth about 41 mm.; index 
37 or 38), with a small low brain-case (capacity 17 or 18 cubic 
centimetres), and with a proportionally long slender snout (rostral 
index, 109-114). No condyloid vacuities. 

2. E. acuLeaTa TyPrca. (Plate XXIII. fig. B.) 

Myrmecophaga aculeatu, Shaw, Nat. Mise. iii. pl. 109 (1792). 
Ornithorhynchus hystriv, Home, Phil. Trans. 1802, p. 348, 
i Echidna aculeata, Waterhouse, N. H. Mamm. i. p. 41 (1846); 
Flower & Garson, Cat. Coll. Surg. ii. p. 751 (1884). 

E. hystrix, Cuv. Régn. Anim. i. p. 226 (1817); Gould, Mamm. 
Austr. i. pl. ii. 1852; Mivart, Tr. Linn. Soc. xxv. p. 379 (1866) ; 
Murie, J. Linn. Soe. xvi. p. 413 (1878) (et auctorum plurimorum). 

E. australiensis, Less. Man. Mamm. p. 318 (1827). 

E. longiaculeata, 'Tiedem. Zoologie, i. p. 592 (1808). 

E. acanthion, R. Collett, Forh. Vid. Selsk. No. 13; P. Z. 8. 1888, 
p. 150. 

Hab. The whole continent of Australia. 

Size medium. Spines very long, entirely hiding the hairs ; crown 
of the head, belly, and legs covered with a mixture of hairs and 
bristles. Third hind claw as in lawesi. 

Skull of medium size and proportions (breadth 43-49 mm., index 
40 to 42), with a medium-sized brain-case (capacity 22-27, 
and a long slender snout (rostral index generally from 93 to 103). 
Condyloid vacuities generally absent. 

3. E. acuueata setosa. (Plate XXIII. figs. C and D.) 

“«* Another species of Ornithorhynchus,’ Home, Phil. Trans. 1802, 
p- 357, pl. xiii. 
Echidna setosa, Cuv. Régn. Anim, i. p. 226 (1817); Waterh. 


N. H. Mamm. i. p. 47 (1846); Gould, Mamm. Austr. i. pl. iii. 

E. breviaculeata, Tiedem. Zoologie, i. p. 592. 

Hab, Tasmania. 

Size large. Spines short and stout, more or less hidden by the 
long fur, especially in the centre of the back. Crown of head, belly, 
and legs covered witn thick woolly fur, unmixed with bristles. Third 
hind claw very nearly as stout and long as the second. 

Skull large and broad (breadth 45-50 mm., index 41-45), large 
rounded brain-case (capacity 27 to 37, and a comparatively 
short, stout snout (rostral index generally from 90 to 100). Condy- 
loid vacuities generally present. 

It may be useful in this connection to give the synonymy of the 
three-toed Echidna, an animal which, although not yet ten years 
known, has become possessed of the following formidable array of 
names :— 


Tachyglossus bruijnit, Peters & Doria, Ann. Mus. Genov. ix. 
p- 183 (1876), xvi. p. 687 (1881). 

Acanthoglossus bruijnii, Gervais, C. R. p. 990 (1877); Journ. 
Zool. vi. p. 375; Ostéogr. Monotr. p. 41 (1877). 

Proechidna bruijnii, Gervais, Ostéogr.,.Monotr. p. 43 (1877 ; 
Murie, J. Linn. Soc. xvi. p. 417 (1878); Flower & Garson, Cat. 
Coll. Surg. ii. p. 753 (1884). 

Bruijnia tridactyla, A. Dubois, Bull. Soc. Zool. vi. p. 266, pls. ix. 
and x. (1882). 

Proechidna villosissima, A. Dubois, Bull. Mus. Belg. iii. p. 110, 
pl. iv. (1884), jue. 

For the sake of comparison, the measurements and indices of a 
skull of this species have been placed at the bottom of the table on 
p: 335. 

Puate XXIII. 
Upper view of skulls of Echidna to show geographical variation in size. 
Fig. A. Skull of Echidna aculeata lawesi, 9; g' of list. 
B. Skull of Echidna aculeata typica, 2; v of list. 
C. Skull of Echidna aculeata setosa, Q; s' of list. 
D. b" of list. 

” 9 ” 

Puate XXIV. 

Figs. A and B. Skulls of Echidna aculeata setosa, $ and 9; 7 and s' of list, 

showing sexual] diiference in form. 

C. Left hind foot of Echidna aculeata setosa. 

D. Left hind foot of Echidna aculeata lawesi. 

HK. Back part of base of skull of Kchidna aculeata setosa, showing open 
condyloid vacuities. 

F. Back part of base of skull of Echidna aculeata typica, showing 
yacuities closed. 


3. On the Anatomy, Classification, and Distribution of the 
Arctoidea. By St. Groner Mivarr. 

[Received April 15, 1885.] 

In 1882 I had the honour of laying before this Society some notes 
on the Classification and Distribution’, as also on the Anatomy, ? 
of the #luroidea. 

The homogeneous group of the Cynoidea has been pretty ex- 
haustively treated of in successive papers in the ‘ Proceedings’ of this 
Society by Mr. Waterhouse *, Mr. Turner *, Professor Flower’, and 
Professor Huxley °. 

It remains to offer some supplementary remarks upon the remain- 
ing and third Suborder of Fissiped Carnivora, that is the Arctoidea. 
It was my intention that my notes on this suborder should have 
followed quickly upon my papers above referred to, but the carrying 
out of that intention was unavoidably delayed by illness. 

The animals comprised under the designation Arctoidea were not 
regarded by Mr. Waterhouse as forming a single group in that paper 
of his, on the Crania of the Carnivora, which formed the starting-point 
of the subsequent papers on the classification of the Carnivora in 
the ‘ Proceedings’ of the Zoological Society. In that paper’ he 
divides the Carnivora into the six families Canidae, Viverride, Felide, 
Mustelida, Urside, and Phocide, and about the fourth and fifth of 
these (which make up the Arctoidea) he makes the following 
remarks :— 

“The Mustelida, like the Felide, have the muzzle short and 
obtuse ; the skull, however, is more elongated. They may be di- 
stinguished by there being one true molar on either side of each 
jaw; that in the upper jaw is well developed and generally trans- 
verse, but in some, such as the Badger, it is longer than broad ; in 
the Otters, Skunks, and American Badger (Tawxidea labradorica), the 
true molar is intermediate in form between that of the Common Bad- 
ger (Meles vulgaris) and the typical Mustelide. The false molars in 

the Weasels (Mustela) are typically aad but in some species they 

are reduced to . As in the Felide, the angle of the lower jaw, 

in the greater portion of the Mustelide, is on the same plane as the 
lower edge of the horizontal ramus; it other Carnivora it is raised. 
In this family there is a tendency in the glenoid cavity of the tem- 
poral bone to enclose the condyle of the lower jaw. ‘The condyle is 

1 See P. Z. S. 1882, p. 135. 

2 Le. p. 459. 

3 P, Z.8. 1839, pp. 135-187. 

4 ZL. c. 1848, pp. 82-87. 

5 P.Z. 8.1869, pp. 23-26, and also 35 & 37; figs. 11 & 12, p. 25. 

® “On the Cranial and Dental Characters of thé Canidx,” P.Z.S. 1880 
pp- 288-288. A very elaborate paper, illustrated by sixteen woodcuts. 

7 P.Z.8. 1839, p. 135. 


more truly cylindrical, and longer than in other Carnivora. In the 
Dogs there is no trace of the anterior descending process of the 
temporal bone, which in the Mustelas confines the condyle of the 
lower jaw; in other Carnivora there is always a slight trace of the 
process, but in none does it enclose the condyles, as in most of the 

“‘The genera contained in this family are Mustela, Zorilla, 
Galictis, Bell (which must not be confounded with the Galictis of 
Is. Geoffroy St. Hilaire, published in the ‘Comptes Rendus’ for 
October 1837, p. 581), Mellivora, Ursitaxus, Helictis, and Gulo, in 
which the true molar of the upper jaw is transverse; Lutra and 
Mephitis, in which the tooth approaches more or less to a square 
form; Taxidea, in which it is triangular ; and, lastly, Meles, Arctonyz, 
and Mydaus, in which the true molar is longer than broad. 

“In the Urside there are two well-developed true molars on 
either side of each jaw; the ‘carnassiére’' here has changed its 
functions, not being suited, as in other Carnivora, to cutting flesh. 
The palate is considerably elongated. In the Bears (Ursus and its 
subgenera) it is small, being robbed as it were of its nutriment by 
the true molars, which are very large. In the other Urside (Pro- 
cyon, Nasua, Cercoleptes, Arctictis *, and Ailurus), the ‘ carnassiére,” 
especially that of the upper jaw, and the true molars are nearly 
equal in size, and also nearly resemble each other in other re- 
spects. * 

‘In the true Bears the form of the lower jaw differs from that of 
any of the preceding Carnivora in having a projecting process on 
the underside of the ramus, and situated a little in advance of the 
angle of the jaw. The same character is also found in many Seals, 
which in several other respects appear to approach the Bears,” * 

Mr. Waterhouse’s two families Mustelide and Urside were united 
by the late Mr. H. N. Turner” into the single family Urside, which 
was equivalent to the group here designated Arctoidea, and which 
he divided into the four subordinate groups (1) Ursina, (2) Ailu- 
rina, (3) Procyonina, and (4) Mustelina. As to these groups, Mr. 
Turner has expressed the following views, and made the following 
observations :— 

«Tn the Ursina we find no trace of a pterygoid fossa, the outer 
pterygoid process being closely pressed against the inner one, or 
true pterygoid bone, and sending off a strong lamina of bone to 

1 The “ carnassiére” is the sactorial tooth, 7. e. the fourth upper premolar, 
against which the lower sectorial, or first lower true molar, bites. 

2 That Arcfictis is not an Arctoid but an luroid is now universally known 
and admitted, though De Blainville figures it amongst the members of his 
genus “ Subursus.” 

8 Mr. Waterhouse adds in a note: —“ From an examination of the external 
characters of Bassaris astuta, it appears to me that it belongs to this group,” 
z. e. to the Urside. 

4 J have thought it worth while to reprint this extract, as being of so old a 
date as to have a certain historical interest, and because many Fellows of the 
Society may not possess the ‘ Proceedings’ of so many years ago. 

5 P.Z.8. 1848, pp. 75-86. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXIII. 23 


enclose the alisphenoid canal, and, almost from its apex, a strong 
column of bone which runs backwards, extending behind the foramen 
ovale, which it quite converts into a canal. The auditory bulla, 
although, from the flat surface which it presents, it scarcely merits 
the name, yet may be perceived to show the same essential character 
as in the Weasels, which is, that it rises suddenly on the inner side 
at once to its greatest prominence, and is then flattened off towards 
the meatus, which is rather prolonged. The course of the internal 
carotid artery, as indicated by the canal excavated for it in the hone, 
is as follows: It enters by a true canalis caroticus excavated in the 
bone of the ear, commencing quite behind, in the same fissure in 
which open the foramen jugulare and the aperture, through which 
the nervous vagus issues from the skull, and, extending forwards na 
slightly arched direction, again emerges anteriorly, and, curving 
round, enters the cranium in a backward direction, through a round 
foramen between the sphenoid bone and that of the ear, close to the 
aperture from which the Eustachian tube would issue, and corre- 
sponding to the foramen lacerum anterius ; there is a distinct fora- 
men glencideum, although opening rather more inwardly than 
usual; the mastoid and paroccipital processes are both largely deve- 
loped, and, owing to the very slight projection of the auditory bulla, 
stand out very distinct and prominent; the foramen condyloideum 
anterius occupies an exposed situation; the foramen condyloideum 
posterius I have never seen in any skull but the human, and here 
it is said to be sometimes wanting. The characters presented by 
the lower jaw in the Bears are essentially those most usual, though 
not quite constant, among the Weasel group; the angular process 
is pushed up very near to the condyle, and much flattened beneath ; 
the form of the coronoid process is somewhat that of the true 
Weasels, but owing to the jaws being in the Bear more pushed 
forwards, relatively to the situation of the cranial cavity, than in the 
Weasels, this process is more pushed backwards to meet the temporal 
muscle. With regard to the little process projecting beneath and 
anterior to the angle of the jaw, it is a mere superaddition, which 
appears again in Cercoleptes, as also in Ofocyon and Nyctereutes, 
when it has the form of a large vertical lamella, projecting from the 
lower surface of the jaw; it is also seen like a second angular pro- 
cess in the Seal, so that I should not feel inclined to assign to it 
more than a generic value. 

“In the Mustelina the pterygoid appendages very seldom manifest 
any tendency to form a fossa, althcugh in many species the outer 
surface is rough and marked with ridges for muscular attachment ; 
from behind is continued most usually a ridge which runs backwards 
and outwards along the lower and posterior margin of the foramen 
ovale. This group is constantly marked by the entire absence of 
the alisphenoid canal. In the remaining characters this group pre- 
sents no essential difference from the Bears; the commencement of 
the canalis caroticus is usually near the middle of the inner side of 
the auditory bulle, and antericrly the vessel does not again quite 
reach the outside of the cranium, simply showing itself at the 


point where it doubles, through the cartilage covering the foramen 
lacerum anterius. 

“ The modifications of the bulla mostly depend on the size of the 
species, it being much more swollen in the smaller ones; the mastoid 
and paroccipital processes are also developed in relation to the dimen- 
sions of the species, or even the age of the individual; in the 
smallest species they have hardly any projection, while in the larger 
ones they show the same essential structure as iu the Bears, 

** Among the characters which I have pointed out in the base of 
the cranium, it will be seen that the only tangible distinction be- 
tween the Bears and the Weasels is the presence of the alisphenoid 
canal in the former, and its constant absence in the latter. Much 
as I have insisted upon the importance of this character as assisting 
to distinguish groups, I do not consider it sufficient alone to entitle 
the groups which it separates to the rank of families ; neither am I 
prepared to admit the difference of the teeth sufficient for that pur- 
pose, these being mere adaptive modifications. In the true Bears 
the number of true molars is on each side two above and three 
below. Inthe Weasels it is only one above and two below. In 
the Subursine group, to which I must add Bussaris, it is two above 
and ¢wo below; and among these it is only Adlurus ‘which possesses 
the alisphenoid canal,” 

He further expressed his views in a synopsis as follows :— 

“Fam. Ursip. 

“Auditory bulla rising suddenly on its inner side, and more or less 
flattened off towards the meatus. 

“‘Paroccipital process prominent, and neither flattened on the sur- 
face of the auditory bulla, nor laterally compressed. 

“Foramen condyloideum exposed. A considerable foramen gle- 

“No cecum. No Cowper's glands. 

*< Prostate gland not salient, being contained in the thickened walls 
of the urethra. 

‘Subfamily Ursrna (of general geographical distribution). 

‘A distinct alisphenoid canal. 
‘“‘Internal carotid artery reappearing externally, after passing 
through its canal, and doubling back to enter the cranium. 

“True molars on each side = Pf 
“Ursus (including the subgenera). 

“ Subfamily ArLurina (confined to India). 
“A distinct alisphenoid canal. 

“True molars on each side 5. 
“ Ailurus. 


“Subfamily Procyontna (confined to America). 
‘*No alisphenoid canal. 
“ True molars on each side 3. 

Procyon. Cercoleptes. 
Nasua. Bassaris. 

“Subfamily Musrexina (of general geographical distribution). 
‘No alisphenoid canal. 
“True molars on each side 5 

Arctonyz. Grisonia. 
Meles. Galera. 
Taxidea. Vison. 
Mydaus. Mustela. 
Mephitis. Martes. 
Gulo. — 
Helictis. Lutra.” 

The distinctions and observations of Mr. Turner have been further 
developed and perfected by Professor Flower in his elaborate paper 
on the Classification of the Carnivora’, wherein the principal cranial 
characters of nearly all the Arctoid genera are described, with figures 
of the skulls of Ursus, Putorius, Procyon, and Bassaris (figs. 1, 2, 
3, 3a, and 4), and their points of agreement are summed up as 
follows ? :—‘‘ They all agree in having the intestinal canal without 
a cecum, all other known Carnivora® possessing this appendage. 
Moreover they all agree together, and differ from all other Carnivora, 
in the structure of the generative organs of the male, facts of con- 
siderable value in determining affinities. They all havea large penis, 
with a very considerable bone, which is usually more or less curved, 
somewhat compressed, not grooved, dilated posteriorly, and often 
bifurcated, or rather bilobed, in front. They are all destitute of 
Cowper’s glands. All have the prostate rudimentary, or consisting 
only of a thickening of tie wall of the urethra and forming no di- 
stinct prominence. 

“Among all the diversity in the characters of the base of the 
cranium, especially in the form of the auditory bulla, the following 
points of general agreement are to be found :— 

(1) The cavity of the bulla is simple (compared with Felis). 
That is, although there are frequently trabeculz or partial septa 
passing mostly transversely across the lower part, and generally 
connected with the tympanic ring, there is no distinct and definite 
septum dividing it into a separate outer and inner chamber. In all 
cases, on looking into the external auditory meatus (in the dried 
skull when the membrana tympani is removed) the opposite wall of 

1 Pp. Z. 8. 1869, p. 4. 200 ..c.ipe 14. 
3 Subsequently Prof. Flower discovered that the cecum is absent in Nandinia. 

Tt may also be entirely absent in Arctictis. 


the bulla can be seen, or if a probe is passed into the meatus, no 
obstacle will prevent its touching the inner wall. Whatever the 
diversity of development of the bulla, it always has its greatest pro- 
minence near the middle of the inner border, and slopes away from 
that point, not only externally, but also forwards and backwards. 

“(2) The inferior lip of the external auditory meatus is always 
considerably prolonged. 

“‘(3) The paroccipital process is more or less triangular, and 
directed backwards, outwards, and downwards, standing quite aloof 
from the bulla. This relation depends chiefly on the want of deve- 
lopment of the posterior portion of the bulla, and is absent or obscure 
in Mustela alone. 

(4) The mastoid process is widely separated from the paroccipital, 
and generally very prominent. 

(5) The carotid foramen is always large, and placed usually near 
the middle, but sometimes more posteriorly, on the inner margin of 
the bulla. It is generally very conspicuous, but sometimes partially 
concealed by the projecting lip of the basioccipital. 

“<*(6) The condyloid foramen is distinct and exposed, and although 
sometimes partially overlapped posteriorly by a ridge of bone passing 
from the paroccipital to the condyle, it is never sunk into a common 
opening with the foramen lacerum posticum. 

*©(7) The glenoid foramen is always present, and generally very 
conspicuous. In Enhydris it is least so. 

(8) The alisphenoid canal is present in the true Bears and Atlurus, 
absent in all the others. Hence it cannot be used to characterize 
the entire group, though useful in aiding its subdivision. 

“‘The group thus defined is, I think, too extensive, and presents 
too great variation among its members, in dentition and external 
characters, to constitute a family, as proposed by Mr. Turner. I 
would rather regard it as a primary section of the fissipedal Carni- 
vora, to which the name of ArcrorpEA might be given. 

“I perfectly agree with Mr. Turner that it is further divisible 
into four chief sections, or families as I should call them—the 
Urside, Ailuride, Procyonide, and the Mustelide. 

“Of the Arctoidea, the true Bears are the most specialized or 
aberrant ; they form a very compact group, distinguished by their 
very characteristic dentition, and their completely plantigrade mode 
of progression. They have avery wide geographical range, On 
the other hand the Procyonide, though few in numbers and re- 
stricted to the warmer and temperate parts of the American conti- 
nent, are structurally less closely connected, at least if the singular 
Cercoleptes is truly a member of this group. Except for the in- 
creased number of the molar teeth, which is the only definite cha- 
racter by which they can be separated from the Mustelide, I see 
no reason for considering the Procyonid@ more nearly allied to the 
Urside than are the other families of the group, or for speaking of 
them as specially ‘ subursine.’ 

“Ailurus (an unfortunate name for an animal so essentially Arctoid) 
appears to me to be an isolated form. Its dentition, though re- 


markably modified in character, is numerically that of the Procyo- 
nide; but certain cranial peculiarities and its Asiatic habitat lead 
me to concur with Mr. Turner in placing it in a distinct group. 

“The Mustelide constitute a large, widely diffused, and somewhat 
disjointed group, but exceedingly difficult to reduce into natural 
subfamilies. The most aberrant or specialized are the Otters, which, 
ending with Enhydris, run parallel to the Bears towards the Pinni- 


In his article “ Mammalia”’ in the ‘ Encyclopedia Britannica,’ 

Professor Flower arranges the Arctoidea as follows :— 

Family MusteLip2&. 
I. Subfamily Lurrinz.... Lutra, Aonyx, Enhydra. 
II. Subfamily Meninaz .... Mephitis, Arctonyx,Mydaus, 
Meles, Taxidea, Mellivora, 
Helictis, Ictonyz. 
III. Subfamily Mustetinz.. Galictis, Mustela, Putorius, 

Family Procyonip2. Procyon, Bassaris, Bassaricyon, 
Nasua, Cercoleptes. 
Family AtLURIDE. Ailurus. 
Family Ursip&. Ailuropus, Ursus, Melursus. 

Before proceeding to express how far I completely concur in this 
arrangement, I will give my notes on the various genera, ending 
with what Professor Flower regards as the most aberrant type, and 
beginning with what is perhaps the most generalized form. 

In beginning the Arctoid group, then, I take the genus Procyon 
as my type and standard of comparison. 

The genus consists of two, if not three species, as correctly 
indicated by Dr. Sclater *. 

The oldest known form, that from North America, P. Jotor *, has 

1 See P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 421. 
2 Mapach quanhpeco‘li, Hernandez, De Quad. Noy. Hisp. Folio I. Cap. 1. 
Ursus cauda elongata, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. 1755, p. 35. 
El Amerikanstet, Diur, Konigl. Vetenskaps Akad. Handl. 1747, p. 277, 
tab. ix. 
Ursus lotor, Linneus, Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) i. 1758. p. 48 (ed. 12) i. 1766, 
p- 70; Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Anim. 1777, p. 165; Schreber. Saug. iii. 1778, 
p- 52!, pl. 143; Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. 1788, p. 103; Harlan, F. A. 1825, 
_ Procyon lotor, Storr, Prod. Meth, Anim. 1780; Desmarest, Mammalogie, 
1820, p. 168; Griffith’s Cuvier, y. 1827, p. 114; Fischer’s Synopsis, 1829, 
p- 147; Audubon and Bachman, vol. ii p. 47, pl. 1xi.; Wagner's Supple- 
ment, Abth. ii. 1841, p. 154; Isid. Geof. St.-Hilaire. Zool. Voy. Venus, 
. 125, pl. vi.; P. Gervais, Mammifeéres, vol. ii. (1855) p. 24; Allen, Bull. 
v. S. Geol. Survey, vol. ii. p. 325; Baird, Mamm. N. Amer. p. 207; Alston, 
Biologia, p. 69; Dr. Clinton Hart Merriam, Trans. of Linn. Soe. of N. 
York, Dec. 1882, vol. i. p. 71. 
P. hernandezii, Wager, Isis, 1831, p. 514; Baird, Mamm. N. Amer. p. 212, 


been incorrectly divided into species which have been named respec- 
tively (1) P. hernandezii, (2) P. hernandezii variety mewicana, and 
(3) P. psora. These names, however, appear to have been given to 
what are but a few of many varieties of this very variable species. 
It is the northern species, extending from Alaska southwards to 
Costa Rica, the more southern forms showing a marked increase in 
size and in intensity of colour. The other certain species, the syno- 
nymy of which was put right by Dr. Sclater’, is P. cancrivorus, 
a South-American form, ranging from Colombia and Guiana, but 
which also reaches as far north as Panama. The Raccoons, which 
are yet further south, and extend through Brazil down to Paraguay, 
form not improbably a third distinct species of Procyon, distinguished 
(as Dr. Sclater has remarked) from P. canerivorus by having darker 
feet, and so may be found to merit the designation P. nigripes which 
I would propose to bestow on it’. 

The latest description of the habits of the Raccoons is that given 
by Dr. Clinton Hart Merriam in his account, before referred to, of 
the fauna of the Adirondack region. He tells us that the Raccoons 
do not like the dense evergreen forests but more open woods; that 
they are the most strictly nocturnal of all Mammals except Bats 
and Flying Squirrels, and yet that they may sometimes be seen 
abroad on cloudy days. They like to play in shallow water, and 
overturn stones to search for crayfish. They gather mussels, and 
seek for fish which may be detained in shallow pools. They are 
good swimmers, but cannot dive in pursuit of prey. Though not 
arboreal, they are good climbers, making their homes in trees, but 
carrying on their business elsewhere ; they do uot pursue their prey 
to the tree-tops, as do the Martens, or gather nuts as do the 
Squirrels. They appear to make a fair defence, an ‘old Coon being 
a tough match for an average Dog;” they are very expert in 
breaking down the stalks of corn, and stripping the husks from the 
ear, using their fore paws as we do our hands. Though very sly, 
they are caught in traps. They are not swift runners, and if pursued 
take to a tree, when they may be readily killed. Though capable 
of being made pets of, they cannot be let loose with impunity, on 
account of their great curiosity, which leads them to find their way, 

and Report United States Mexican Boundary Survey, ii. Mammalia, p. 22 ; 
Frantzius, Arch. f. Naturg. xxxy. i. p. 291. 
P. nivea, Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist. i. p. 580. 
P. paora, Gray, ibid. x. (1842) p. 261. 
Raccoon, Pennant, Hist. Quad. 1781, no. 178. 
Raton, Buffon, Hist. Nat. viii. p. 327, pl. 43-46; F. Cuv. Mamm. i. 
Anatomy of :—Dr. H. Allen, Proc. Acad. N. 8. Philad. 1882, p.115; Dr. M. 
Watson, Proc. Roy. Soc. (1881), vol. 32. p. 272. 
1 See P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 421. 
2 Ursus cancrivorus, Cuvier, Tabl. El. d’H. N. des Animauxs, p. 118 (1798). 
Procyon cancrivorus, Wagner, Suppl. Abth. ii. p. 160. 
Raton Crabier, Buffon, Supplement vi. p. 236, pl. 32. 
The above are the synonyms of P. cancrivorus. Those of P. nigripes are :— 
Black-footed form, Sclater, P. Z.S. 1875, p. 421. 
P. cancrivorus, Prince Maximilian von Neuwied, Beitr. ii. p. 301, and 
Rengger, Paraguay, p. 113, and Wiegm. Archiv, iii. i. p. 371. 


if possible, into their master’s house, and there examive everything 
especially in a pantry, where everything will be tasted by them; they 
are very fond of sweetmeats and preserves ; they will remove covers 
from dishes and corks from bottles, and soon learn to unlatch doors, 
using their hands much as Monkeys do theirs. 

They hibernate early, becoming active again in February or 
March, in the Adirondack region, where they generally breed early 
in April, having from four to six young ata birth, which remain 
with the mother about a year. They commonly live and travel 
about in small companies; they do not return to the same nest 
every morning, often going in various directions for several days. 
They live well in confinement, and sometimes breed. 

Doubt has been thrown on the often asserted habit of the Raccoon 
of soaking his food in water. I have been careful, however, to 
ascertain from Mr. Bartlett that the animal really does so. 

Procyon differs from all Ailuroids in the length and mobility of 
the digits of the manus. Unlike all but Cynogale, Rhinogale, Cros- 
sarchus, and Suricata, there is no median groove to the nose and 
the upper lip is not medianly cleft. The soles are naked, from the 
wrist and the heels forwards. The claws are considerably curved 
and moderately sharp, but they are non-retractile. 

The muffle is naked and large, and projects a little forwards 
above the nostrils, which are each crescentic, with the convexity 
downwards, and extend to the hinder border of the naked muffle. 
The whiskers on each side have 5 or 6 bristles grouped together, and 
there are four sets of such groups. There is also a tuft over the eye, 
one behind the angle of the jaw, and one under the middle of the 

The ears are moderately large, subovate, and rounded above, and 
are covered with hair except around the meatus. 

The length from the nose to the root of the tail is about 22 inches, 
that of the tail (not counting the length of the hairs beyond the fleshy 
tip) is about 9 inches, and the length of each limb somewhat about 
Sinches. There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and from 16 to 20 
caudal vertebree. Taking the length of the spine’ at 100, the pro- 
portional length of the neck is 16°9, of the dorsal vertebree 41°9, 
of the lumbar region 28°7, of the sacrum 12:3, and of the tail 
78°9 ; that of the whole fore limb is 74-5, of the humerus 27°4, of the 
radius 28°7, of the metacarpus 7°6, of the third phalanx of the third 
digit manus 2°7 ; of the whole pelvic limb 91°7, of the femur 32°3, 
of the tibia 33-9, of the metatarsus 10-6, and of the third phalanx 
of the third digit 2°7. 

The relative length of the skull? is 28°2, of the palate 24:1, its 
breadth 6°5, the breadth of the zygomata 20-2, of the brain-case 12°8, 
and of the interorbital part behind the postorbital processes 6°8. 
The relative length of the lower dental series from the front of the 
canine to behind the last lower molar is 13°9. Taking the length 
of the skull from the basion to the front of the premaxilla at 100, 

1 From the front of the atlas to the hinder end of the sacrum. 
2 From the basion to the front of the premaxilla. 


that of ®:* is 7-7, of M 8-7, breadth of “:? 8-7, length of ? is 5-8, 
of 5, 10°6, and of yp 9°7. Comparing these proportions with those 
which exist in ASluroids and in the Dogs as exemplified by the 
Dingo, we find that the cervical region of the Raccoon, 16-9, is much 
less than that of the Dog, 26-2, a proportion only exceeded by 
Cynogale (26°6) and Viverricula (27°4) amongst the Viverride, and 
not equalled by any Feline form, though it is exceeded by the 
Hyenidz (27°9-32°9). The Raccoon’s neck is shorter that that of 
any Ailuroid, being most nearly approached by <4retictis, in which 
it is 18:8 compared with the spine at 100. 

Similarly the dorsal region of the Raccoon (41:9) exceeds that of 
most A‘luroids, the only relatively longer dorsal regions being those 
of Paradoxurus (43°8), Arctictis (44:8), Cynogale (43-1), Suricata 
(45°4), Galidictis (42°2), and Crocuta (45:6); while it may be as 
small in Genetta as 34:4; that of the Dingo is 46°1—the longest 
of all. 

The length of the lumbar region, which is relatively 28°7, is smaller 
than in any Cats (where it ranges from 32°5 to 37°4) and smaller than 
in any other Auiuroids except Viverricula 23:2, Arctictis 27°2, Cyno- 
gale 25:0, Crossarchus obscurus 26°3, Suricata 25°8, and Crocuta 
17:0, which is the smallest of all. In the Dingo it is 21:4. 

The sacrum (12°3) is of exceptional length, being twice that of 
the Dingo (6°0), while in the Cats it ranges from 7°8 to 5°5. The 
shortest Hluroid sacrum is that of Cynogale (5:1), and the longest 
that of Crossarchus obscurus, 10°9. 

The relative length of the pectoral limb, 74:5, greatly exceeds 
that of the Dingo (68-4). In the Cats it may range from 61 to 78. 
It exceeds that of every non-feline Mluroid, being most nearly 
approached by Proteles, where it is 74:0. 

The length of the pelvic limb, relatively 91-7, greatly exceeds that 
of the Dingo, 78°5, and is only exceeded by that of some Cats, where 
it is 93°8. In non-feline Mluroids it ranges from 55°6 (Viverra) 
to 79°9 (Suricata) and 80:1 (Galidictis). 

The relative length of the humerus, 27-4, is greater than that of 
the Dingo (23°8), and greater than that of any Aluroid except some 
Cats, where it may be 28°5. In Viverra it is but 16:3. 

Similarly the radius, 28°7, is greater than that of the Dingo 
(24°6), or of any Ailuroid, where it ranges from 27°4 (some Cats) 
down to 13°8 (Viverricula). 

The longest (third) metacarpal, 7:6, is shorter than that of the 
Dingo (9°2), orof most Cats, where it may be 10°9, or of the Hyzenide, 
where it may be (in Proteles) 12°5. On the other hand, it may be as 
short in the Viverride as 4°2, which is its relative length in 

The ungual phalanx, 2°7, is about the proportion of that of the 
Dingo, which is 2°5; that of the relatively longest Viverrine being 
4°5 (Suricata), and the shortest 13 (Viverra and G'enetta). 

The relative length of the skull from the basion to the premaxilla 
is 28-2, which exceeds that of the Dingo or any Dog or Cat and 


most Viverrines, being slightly exceeded by that of Genetta, Herpes- 
tes, Cynictis, Hemigalidia, and most of all by Cynogale, where it 
reaches 29°5. 

The palate is relatively 24:1, which is more than double the 
average of the Feline palate’s length, and much more than that of 
any Viverrine, the largest of which (Herpestes) is but 17°9. That 
of the Dingo is 13°8. 

The relative breadth of the palate is 6°5, which is less than that of 
the Dingo (7°0) or of any Cat, and is hardly more than half that of 
Crocuta, while in Suricata it is 10:0. It is a little wider than that 
of Viverra or Arctictis, while that of Hupleres is only 3°9. 

If we estimate the length from the basion’* to the anterior edge 
of the premaxilla at 100, the length of the palate is 85:4, which 
greatly exceeds that of any Ailuroid, where it ranges from 43-4 (some 
Cats) to 61 or 62 (some Herpestes, Crossarchus, and Bdeogale). In 
the Dingo it is 54°7. 

The breadth of the palate thus estimated is 23°3, while in the 
non-feline Hluroids it varies from 16°8 (Hupleres) and 18°4 (dre- 
tictis) to 49°3 (Crocuta). In the Cats it varies from 39-1 to 46:9, 
and in the Dingo it is 27-6, just what it is in Viverra. 

The greatest breadth of the zygomata is 71°8, which exceeds that 
of the non-feline £luroids except the Hyzenas, where it may be 83°4. 
In the Cats it may be 89°3._ In the Dingo it is 61°6. 

The greatest breadth of the brain-case is 45°6. In the Aluroids 
it ranges from 27 (Hyena brunnea) to 50°8 (Suricata) and 54:5 
(some Cats). In the Dingo it is 349. 

The narrowest iuterorbital or postorbital breadth is 24:2. In the 
fEluroids it may be only 15:6 (Viverricula) and 14-0 (Cynogale), or 
it may be 26°3 (Suricata) or 27°5 (Galidia). It is 22-0 in the 


The length, thus estimated, of the fourth upper premolar is 7°7, 
In the Aluroids it varies from 4°9 (Arctogale) to 16:4 (Crocuéa). 
In Viverra it is 11°1, and in the Dingo it is 10°3. 

The length of the first upper true molar is 8:7. In the Aluroids 
it varies from 1°3 (Crocuta) to 5°6 (Hemigalea). In Viverra it is 
5:2, and in the Dingo it is 6°9. 

The breadth of the same tooth is also 8°7, while in the #lnroids 
it ranges from 1*7 (Crocuta) to 10°5 (Suricata). In Viverra it is 
9:7, and in the Dingo it is 9-4. 

The relative length of the second upper true molar is 5°8. In the 
/Eluroids it may be only 1°2 as in Genetta, or it may reach 5-2 in 
Cynogale. In Viverra it is 2-9, and in the Dingo it is 3-1. 

The proportion borne by the pelvic limb (femur, tibia, and pes) to 
the entire pectoral limb taken at 100, is 123°1. In the non-feline 
/Eluroids it ranges from 94°4 (Crocuta) to 136-4 (Viverricula). In 
the Cats it may be 113:1 or 136-4 (the Eyra), the average being 
119°4. In Viverra it is 127-9, and in the Dingo it is 114°6. 

Compared with other Arctoids, Procyon has the relatively longest 

Je. front margin of foramen magnum. 


limbs, compared with the length of the spine. It has also the 
longest radius, tibia, metacarpals and metatarsals, and palate. 

In the skull the alisphenoid joins the parietal *, but the ascending 
process of the premaxilla does not attain the descending process of 
the frontal °. The palatine bone joins the orbito-sphenoid, and the 
postaxial process of the premaxilla is separated mostly, if not always, 
from the preaxially extending process of the frontal, by the junction 
of the nasal with the premaxilla. The malar joins, at least some- 
times *, the lachrynal bone, and forms part of the margin of the 
infraorbital foramen. The maxillary bone forms a floor to the 
orbit much as it does in Canis, and therefore to a less extent than in 
Felis. The palate extends back mnch beyond the last molars. The 
postorbital processes are very small; the subangular process of the 
mandible is rudimentary. The form of the dasés cranii has been 
described and figured by Professor Flower (P. Z.S. 1869, p. 9, 
fig. 3, p. 10). 

The scapula has a.remarkably large supra-spinatus fossa, and 
its metacromion is, as a rule, developed much as in the Civet. 
The humerus is perforated by a small supra-condyloid canal. 
The femur has the upper part of its posterior surface somewhat 
flattened. The ungual phalanges are somewhat intermediate in 
form between those of the Civet and those of the Dog. 

Molar formula = P. a M. ;. 

The teeth remind us rather of those of some of the Paradoxures 
than those of any other Ailuroids or Cynoids, but the non-sectorial 
character of the Paradoxurine teeth is here carried still further. 
The last, or fourth, upper premolar and the two upper molars have 
each three roots. The second and third upper premolars have each 
two roots. All the lower grinders except the first premolar have also 
each two roots. The fourth upper premolar is not at all sectorial 
in character. It has three external cusps (the middle one of which is 
much the largest) continuous with a small external cingulum, and 
two internal cusps placed opposite the interspaces of the three 
external cusps. ‘The first upper molar differs from that of every 
Ailuroid or Cynoid in that it is no broader anteriorly than it is 
posteriorly. It has fuur large cusps, whereof the two outer ones are of 
equal size and rather more distant from the external cingulum than in 
the fourth upper premolar. There is also a minute cusp developed 
from an internal cingulum, and situated inside the postero-internal 
cusp. The second upper molar has four cusps. Two of these are 
external, the anterior one of the two being the larger. Of the 

In this matter Procyon agrees with Felis, Viverra, Paradocurus, Arctictis, 
Cynogale, Herpestes, Suricata, Hyena, and Crocuta, as well as many forms 
ot Canis, though I find that sometimes in Canis the squamosal joins the frontal, 
as in the Wolf and Kit Fox. 

* Thave noticed this junction to occur in Hyena, except H. brunnea, Crocuta, 
Herpestes, Arctictis, sometimes in Felis, and most markedly so in Swricata, where 
the summit of either premaxilla ascends a little the inner side of the descending 

rocess of the frontal. In Viverra, Paradoxurus, Cynogale, and generally in 
elis, the premaxilla and frontals do not meet. 

* Cuvier, Legons d’Anat, Comp. vol. ii. 


internal the hinder one is very small. The fourth lower premolar 
has one principal cusp, with a minute one at its base in front, and 
two considerable-sized ones attached to it behind. These accessory 
cusps are larger than they are in the Dogs, and especially the one 
behind the principal cusp is more equal to the latter than it is in 
them. The first inferior true molar is not at all sectorial. It has 
two inner and two outer cusps and another (fifth) antero-internal 
cusp. The hindermost internal cusp may be subdivided into two 
smaller ones. Although this tooth is much like the corresponding 
one of the Civet, only the antero-external and the antero-internal 
cusps do not preponderate in height as in that animal. The two 
hinder cusps (one internal, the other external) correspond with the 
“heel” of the dog’s tooth, while the more anterior part corresponds 
to the whole of the crown of the corresponding tooth of Felis. This 
‘heel’ in Procyon forms nearly half the tooth, and rises nearly as 
high as does the more anterior portion. It is very like the same 
tooth as it may be seen in Paradoxurus. — + 

The second lower true molar is quinquecuspidate like the first, 
only the azygos cusp is placed behind, instead of in front of, the two 
pairs. It is an exaggeration of the same tooth as found in Para- 
doxurus, but is more equal in size to the tooth in front of it. 

The muscles have been described by Dr. Harrison Allen*. The 
tongue is medially grooved at its anterior half and provided with a 
lytta which is relatively a little longer than in the Cats. ‘The tongue 
is covered with small conical papilla, and fungiform papille are 
scattered amongst them. The flattened papille are moderately de- 
veloped. ‘There are ten, twelve, or fourteen rather small circumyal- 
late papillae in two rows forming an acute angle open forwards, 
with five, six, or seven in either row. 

The descending aorta, after giving off in front its inferior mesenteric 
artery, gives off, on either side, an external iliac artery, and a little 
beyond divides into two internal iliacs, from the bifurcation of which 
a small mid sacral artery continues on to the tail. The arch of 
the aorta gives off one great innominate artery, one left subclavian. 

The lungs are as usual in the Carnivora. The kidney hasa single 
mamilla. The intestine in one instance presented a singular and 
very exceptional and elongated dilatation between the small and 
large intestine. This was in no wise in the form of a cecum, but 
merely a dilatation of part of the course of the intestine. 

The liver has its right half, rather, or very much, the larger. The 
left central lobe is simple and rather, or very, small. The bladder 
appears on the diaphragmatic aspect, through a perforation or a 
notch. The caudate lobe is moderate, and the Spigelian small. 
That part of the right central lobe which is on the left side of the 
bladder, is deeply furrowed. It has the pair of simple anal glands 
usual in the Carnivora. 

The bone of the penis is very large ; and in one instance the vasa 
deferentia opened upon the dorsal aspect of the urethra. 

1 See Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1882, p. 115. 


The female generative organs and placentation have been described 
by Dr. M. Watson’. According to this observer, the placenta 
forms a complete ring, but at the widest part, opposite the back of 
the foetus, he found a spot similar to that figured by Daubenton? in 
the placenta of Martes domestica, and described by Bischoff 
in that of Lutra vulgaris*, Mustela foina, and Mustela martes‘, 
where the substance of the placenta was very defective. Pro- 
cyon agrees with Canis and differs from Felis, “in the absence 
of a continuous layer of decidua serotina from the uterine surface 
of the detached placenta.’ It differs from all Carnivora yet known 
in having the foetus provided with an extra article, or epitrichium ; 
a structure found in Cholepus hoffmanni, Bradypus, Myrmecophaga, 
Dicotyles, Sus, and Equus. It also agrees with Cholepus hoffmanni 
in the possession ° of certain peculiar placental vessels not hitherto 
found in any other animals. Dr. Watson finally records that it 
** differs from every other Carnivore, the foetus of which has been 
hitherto examined, in the non-possession of an umbilical vesicle.”’ 

The brain® shows a parietal gyrus which does not bifurcate 
posteriorly as it does in the Cynotdea. The Sylvian gyrus has its 
anterior limb much smaller than its posterior limb. The parietal 
gyrus is large, expanding anteriorly, becoming considerably contorted, 
and sometimes communicating, by a bridge of convolution, with the 
sagittal gyrus. The sagittal gyrus is very large, and becomes com- 
plicated anteriorly. In P. cancrivorus there are two or three bridging 
convolutions on each side, between the parietal and the sagittal gyri. 
The hippocampal gyrus continues upwards into the sagittal gyrus 
behind the cranial sulcus’, the calloso-marginal sulcus not being 
continued forwards into the latter. The crucial sulcus is very large 
and distinct, and sends forwards and inwards a small precrucial sulcus, 
thus defining, with its fellow of the opposite side, a conspicuous 
diamond-shaped patch of brain-substance, which has been called the 
** Ursine lozenge.” 

The genus Naswa comprises two species, N. narica® and N. 

1 See Proc. Royal Soc. 1881, vol. xxxii. p. 272. 

? Buffon, Hist. Nat. vol. vii. pl. xx. 

3 Sitzungsb. Akad. Wissensch. Miinchen, 11 Marz, 1865. 

4 Ibid. 19 Mai, 1865. 

5 See Prof. Turner’s paper, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. xxvii. p. 79. 

8 See a paper entitled ‘‘ Notes on the Cerebral Convolutions of the Carnivora,” 
in the Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. xix. (1885), p. 10. 

7 Asin the Felide. 

8 Nasua, Storr, Prod. Meth. Mamm. p. 35 (1780). 

Caoti, Lacépéde, Mém. de |’ Hist. Nat. iii. p. 492 (1801). 

Viverra narica, Linn, Syst. Nat. i. p. 64 (1766). 

Coati mundi, Brisson, Régne Anim. 1756, p. 262. 

Coati brun, Buffon, viii. 1760, p. 358, pl. 48. 

Nasua narica, Allen, Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, v. p. 162. 

Nasua leucorhynchus, Vschudi, Fauna Peru, p. 100 (1846) ; Frantzius, Arch, 

f. Naturg. xxxi. i. p. 292; Hensel, Abh. Akad. Berlin, 1872, p. 65. 

N. fusca, Tomes, P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 280. 

N. solituria, var. mexicana, Weinland, Zool, Garten, 1860, p. 191, pl. 1. 

W. naria, Alston, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Mammals, 1879, p. 74. 


rufa’, and is represented by one or other of them from Texas to 

It inhabits the mountain tracts of Costa Rica at a height of from 
6000 to 7000 feet above the sea. Belt* observed it pursuing large 
Iguanas, but they, when surprised asleep, usually dropped and 
escaped to another tree; yet the attempt would be continued again 
and again. He noticed it hunting in large bands, some individuals 
hunting over the ground and others in the trees, so that the prey 
had little chance of escape. In Guatemala it is one of the commonest 
mammals, ranging from the woods of the coast up to forests at a 
height of 9000 feet. The Coatis are very easily tamed, and are often 
seen in Spanish American houses, chained to one of the pillars of 
the corridor surrounding the courtyard. They are very variable in 
colour apart from differences of age and sex. 

The claws are of considerable size and much longer and stouter 
than those of Procyon. The digits also are much more united by 
skin, which extends down them as far as the penultimate joint of each. 

The nose is produce into a short proboscis, the end of which is 
naked, and has its upper margin much the most projecting. There is 
no median groove to either nose or lip, but there is a lateral notch 
in the margin of either nostril. The snout is surrounded by the 
usual nasal cartilages, much enlarged, and appearing to be more or 
less fused together. It has a longer, slender, median dorsal cartilage. 

The ears are very hairy within as well as without. There is a 
very small tragus and a small bifurcating antitragus. The vertical 
ridge, ascending from the tragus to the helix, flattens out above. 
The anthelix is prominent and sharply defined ; the prominence 
below it is much less so. 

The palmar and plantar surfaces are naked. Six mamme are 
described as existing. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, and 3 sacral vertebre as in 
Procyon, and from 19 to 23 caudal vertebre. The dimensions 
are given in the tables annexed to this paper, and also the proportions, 
of which there need here be mentioned only the fact that the 
relative length of the pelvic limb to the spine is greater than in any 

Quanhpecotl, Hernandez, De Quad. N. Hisp. Fol. 6, cap. 17. 

Pisoti of Spanish Americans. 

Nose and edge of upper lip white ; face and cheeks dark brown ; fur long and 
soft, the long hairs of dorsal surface tipped with rufous, fulvous, or whitish ; 
tail of same colour as back, or with half rings on lower surface of basal half. 

Range from Texas to Panama, perhaps to Colombia (Tschudi’s specimen said 
to be Brazilian was probably not so). 

1 Coati, Marcgrave, Hist. Nat. Brazil, 1648, p. 228; Azara, Hist. Nat. Para- 

guay, i. 1802, p. 293. 

Coati noirdtre, Buffon, viii. 1760, p. 358, pl. 47 

Coati & queue annelé, Brisson, Régne Anim. 1756, p. 263. 

Viverra nasua, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 1766, p. 64. 

Fur generally short and harsh; long hairs of dorsal surface usually black- 
tipped ; ears rather large and pointed; tail conspicuously annulated with 7-9 
broad fulyous or rufous rings alternating with black ones. 

Brazil; Paraguay. 

2 Naturalist in Nicaragua, p. 339. 


other Arctoid except Procyon, where it is still longer and where the 
radius is at its maximum of relative length in that group. The 
length of the skull compared with that of the spine is greater than 
in any other Arctoid except Melursus, while the relative breadth of 
the skull behind the postorbital processes is at its maximum. When 
compared with the total length of the skull, the palate of Naswa is 
lower than in any other Arctoid except Procyon, and the length of 
the pelvic limb, compared to that of the pectoral one, only attains 
the same proportion in Lutra. 

As to the skull, the form of the auditory bulla and parts adjacent 
has been described by Professor Flower *. The muzzle is longer, and 
more upturned towards the apex than in the skull of Procyon; the 
frontal region also is more convex and swollen; the mastoid process” 
is less prominent, the paroccipital process less prominent and more 
applied to the bulla. The bulla is more inflated, the carotid fora- 
men situated more forwards, and the condyloid foramen is smaller 
and less conspicuous. 

The palate is not only much prolonged behind the last molars, 
but remains very broad there. The maxilla forms, indeed, but a 
very small bony floor te the orbit. The mandible has no subangular 
process, and the angle is very small and Jess produced and pressed 
upwards than in Procyon. Sir Richard Owen remarks (Anat. of 
Vertebrates, vol. ii. p. 501) that in Nasua “the olfactory chamber, 
with the superior turbinals, extends above the whole rhinencephalic 
fossa, and forms in part the frontal elevation of the cranial contour.” 

The ulna is much broader and less slender than in Procyon, and 
the fibula is more divaricated from the tibia. The pollex and 
hallux are also rather longer in proportion to the longest digits. 

Molar formula = P. 7 M. A 

The first premolar, both above and below, has two roots. Com- 
pared with the teeth of Procyon, those of Nasua have the following 
characters :—The fourth upper premolar has the postero-inner and 
principal outer cusps less developed. In the first upper molar, the 
internal cingulum is obsolete. The second upper molar is tricuspid 
instead of quadricuspid, the postero-internal cusp being generally 

In the first lower true molar the antero-internal cusp may be 
wanting, and the postero-internal may be smaller than in Procyon. 
The second inferior molar may be without the fifth or median and 
hindmost cusp of the Raccoon. 

In the milk dentition, the first upper deciduous molar is a 
simple conical tooth. The second one is similar, save that it has a 
small posterior cusp. The third upper molar is unlike any other 

1 Loe. cit. p. 9. 

2 The mastoid process is almost, if not quite, as prominent in the #luroid 
Nandinia (see P. Z. 8. 1882, p. 170) asit is in Naswa. In Nandinia it is also 
as prominent as it is in Canis, Bassaris, Ailurus, Galictis, Ictonyx, or Helictis, 
and it is more prominent than it is in Mydaus, Mustela, or Putorius. On the 
contrary, it is notso prominent in Nandinia as it is in Procyon, Meles, Taxidea, 
Arctonyx, Gulo, Mephitis, Conepatus, Mellivora, Lutra, or Enhydra. 


tooth I have seen, approaching nearest to the first upper molar of 
Procyon, and the fourth upper deciduous molar of Cynogale. The 
tooth is broadest behind. It has one principal external cusp with 
an accessory one in front of it, and another behind it. There is 
also a strongly marked internal cingulum. The fourth deciduous 
upper molar is like the first upper true molar. The fourth lower 
deciduous molar is like the first lower true molar, but with a larger 
keel, so that its form is intermediate between that of the first and 
that of the second lower true molars. The submaxillary gland is 
small, but the parotid is exceedingly small. 

The tongue has a well-developed lytta. All the papillee are 
small except the flattened papille, which are a little larger than in 
Nandinia. The circumvallate papille are very small, in two rows 
forming an acute angle open forwards. 

The liver resembles that of Procyon, except that that part of the 
right central lobe which is on the left side of the gall-bladder is 
smaller and not furrowed, and that the caudate lobe is larger. 

The two anal glands are very peculiar. Each has four small 
pouches, which recede from its fundus, and are surrounded by 
glandular structure. 

The brain’ shows but a very indistinctly marked Ursine lozenge, 
and the calloso-warginal sulcus does not run on into the cranial 
sulcus. The sagittal gvrus is more complicated than in Procyon. 

Cercoleptes?.—The Kinkajou is found from Central Mexico down 
to the Rio Negro of Brazil. Messrs. Godman and Salvin remark that 
it is not rare in Guatemala, and ranges up to 4000 or 5000 feet. 
One, which was met with there, feeding on fruit in a tree overhanging 
the river, and which was wounded, fell into the river, the stream 
of which it swam in without difficulty. It is an animal easily tamed, 
living in captivity on oranges and bananas, which it greedily eats. 
It is not umcommonly found in holes of trees, where it lies concealed 
during the day, issuing forth at night in pursuit of small animals 
and birds. Its thick, somewhat woolly fur is much valued, and 
skins are brought to the market. Dampier in his ‘ Voyages’ (vol. ii. 
p- 59) observes :—‘‘ The skin is covered with short, fine, yellowish 
hair. The flesh of it is good, sweet, and wholesome meat. We 
commonly skin and roast it, and then we call it Pig, and I think it 
eats as well.” 

In this animal we again meet with the median nasal groove so 
generally present in Aluroids; the head is broad and round, with 
a short muzzle, the ears short and rounded. ‘The body is long with 
short limbs, very long and prehensile tail, and the claws very long 

1 See the paper on the Convolutions before referred to, p. 11, fig. 1. 

2 Viverra caudivolvulus, Pallas in Schreber’s Saugeth. iii. p. 458, pl. 1258. 

Kinkajou, Buffon, Supp. ii. p. 245, tab. 50, 51. 

Potos caudivolvulus, Desm. Mamm. p. 171. 

Cercoleptes caudivolvulus, Ilig. Prodr. p. 127 ; Schomburgk, Ann. Nat. Hist. 
1840, p. 29; Wagner, Supp. ii. p. 170; Owen, P. Z. 8. 1835, p. 119; 
Tomes, P. Z.8. 1861, p. 280; Biologia, p. 76; De Blainyille, Ostéographie, 
Subursus; Gervais, Mam. vol. ii. p. 23, 


and strong, sharp-pointed and much curved. The palmar and 
plantar surfaces are naked. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 26 caudal vertebre. 
The dorsal region is relatively shorter, and the lumbar and tail 
longer than in any other Arctoid. It has the relatively shortest 
first lower true molar. There are small rudimentary clavicles. 
The inner condyles of the humerus may or may not be perforated °. 

To the characters already pointed out by Professor Flower? may 
be added the conspicuousness of the stylo-mastoid foramen and the 
flattened, broadened-out condition of the basis cranii external to it. 
The palate is not prolonged as in Procyon and Nasua, behind the 
molars, a peculiar pointed process projecting backwards from its 
hinder edge behind each last molar. 

Strong postorbital processes project both from the frontals and 
the molars. The alisphenoid is widely separated from the parietal 
by the wide junction between the squamosal and the frontal. The 
palatine also joins the orbitosphenoid. There is a very large infra- 
orbital foramen. The palate is very slightly arched, with an antero- 
posterior convexity. The lachrymal foramen is placed very low in 
the orbit. 

The mandible differs greatly in shape from that of any other 
Carnivore, and much resembles that of the Lemuroid, Microrhynchus. 
The inferior margin of its horizontal ramus is concave ; the symphysis 
is very long, and the postero-inferior part of the mandible is greatly 
expanded, the angle projecting downwards as well as backwards. 
There is no subangular process. The coronoid process is much 
prolonged upwards, and may sometimes incline a little forwards 
rather than backwards. 

Comparing this most arboreal Arctoid with Arctictis, the most 
arboreal Atluroid, one is struck with the similarity which exists 
in the proportional length of the limbs, and in the presence of the 
chevron bones beneath the tail, of which there are here seven. 

The ultimate phalanges are more elongated and curved than 
in Procyon and Nasua ; but there are no large bony plates to sheath 
the bases of the claws as in the Cats, nor have the penultimate 
phalanges the feline lateral excavation. 

Molar formula =P. 3, M. 3. 

The molars are very simple in structure, with low flat crowns, 
though essentially like those of the two preceding genera. The 
fourth upper premolar and first upper molar are formed on the same 
type as those of Procyon, but the cusps are much less developed. 
The second lower molar is rather smaller in comparison with the 
first one than is the case in Nasua and Procyon. The other lower 
molars are formed on the same ty pe as those of the two last-mentioned 
genera, but are more flattened on the surface and less tuberculate. 

‘ Sir Richard Owen (in his Anat. of Vertebrates, vol. ii. p. 509) says :—“I 
mre seen the condyle notched in the right, and perforated in the left 

2 P. Z. 8. 1869, pp. 9, 10. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXIV. 24 


For an account of the myology of Cercoleptes, see J. Beswick 
Perrin, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 547. 

The tongue is long, narrow, and exceedingly extensible. The 
circumvallate papilla are as in Nasua. The fungiform papille 
are scattered over the surface generally. ‘There is a rounded patch 
of somewhat elongated conical papille in the middle of the dorsum. 
There are no marked flattened papilla. The lytta is very elon- 
gated and stout. ; 

The liver is very like that of Nasua, but the cystic notch is 

There are the two normal anal glands. 

The lungs present four lobes on the right side, and two on the 

The thyroid cartilage is, as in Canis, much deeper in front 
medianly than in #luroids. It is indeed deeper or narrower there 
than elsewhere, whereas in all the Ailuroids I have examined it is 
narrower in the middle than anywhere else. 

The external ear has no pouch. The conch is rather smooth. 
There is a tragus and an antitragus and a ridge-like supratragus 
(the front end of which is most prominent), with a vertical ridge in 
front of it, which ends superiorly within the anterior margin of the 

The brain is short and rounded. The Ursine lozenge is not 
strongly defined. The cranial and calloso-marginal sulci join ’. 

Ailurus *.—This, the first Old-World Arctoid we have to consider, 
is found in the South-eastern Himalayas amongst rocks and trees 
at an elevation of from 7000 to 12,000 feet. It feeds mainly on fruits 
and other vegetable matters. The Panda has a broad, short face, 
small eyes, large, erect, pointed ears, anda naked end to the muzzle. 
The limbs are stout, and the locomotion is plantigrade, although 
the palmar and plantar surfaces are almost entirely hairy. The 
claws are large but blunt. and not at all retractile. 

The vertebree are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 18 caudal. 
The length of the second inferior true molar, compared with that 
of the skull, is greater than in any other Arctoid. 

To the cranial characters already described by Professor Flower, 
the following notes may be added :—Though the muzzle is so short, 
yet it is upturned distad in a way which recalls the form of the 
skull of Nasua. The zygomata are more arched, both upwards and 
outwards, than in the hitherto described genera, but most resembling, 
of the three, the condition existing in Procyon. The infraorbital 
foramen is large. The palate is curiously arched, being strongly 

1 See P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 13. 

2 Ailurus fulgens, F. Cuy. Mamm. iii. 50 livr.; (Panda) Hardwicke, Linn. 
Trans. xy. p. 161, pl. 2; Wagner’s Supp. vol. ii. p. 177; Gervais, Mamm. 
il. p. 23; Brian Hodgson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. xvi. p. 1113 
(1847), where an account of the animal's habits is given; Gray, P. Z. 8, 
1864, p. 708 (with figures of skull and palate); P. Z.8. 1869, pp. 278, 
408-507, pl. xli.; Flower, P. Z. 8. 1870, p. 752 (anatomy, with wood- 
cuts); De Blainville, Ostéographie, Swbwrsus, pl. vii.; Bartlett, on Habits 
in Captivity, P. Z. 8. 1870, p. 769. 


convex autero-posteriorly. It is greatly narrowed behind the last 
molars, and hardly more relatively prolonged there than in Cerco- 
leptes. The sagittal ridge is rather strong. 

The mandible shows a coronoid process, which is loftier and 
arches more over backwards than that of any of the preceding 
genera. The inferior margin of the horizontal ramus is convex. 
There is no subangular process. The angle is very small, upturned, 
and little produced. 

The phalanges are very broad, and the ultimate ones have, like 
those of the Cats, large bony sheaths to shelter the bases of the 
claws. Nevertheless the penultimate phalanges are not laterally 

Molar formula = P. . M. e 

The incisors are singularly small. The premolars and molars 
are very interesting to compare with those of Procyon. They are 
formed on the same type as are the latter, but present a wonder- 
ful exaggeration of their characters, and are exceptionally broad and 
multicuspidate. The second upper premolar is a rather large tooth 
with minute cusps on either side of the base of its great outer cusp, 
and it has an internal cingulum. The third upper premolar has 
three outer cusps which are continuous with an external cingulum. 
There are two internal cusps, whereof the anterior is much the 
smaller, and another minute cusp is developed from the internal 
cingulum. ‘The fourth upper premolar has three outer cusps rather 
distinct from the external cingulum, two subequal internal cusps, 
and another good-sized cusp developed from the internal cingulum. 
The first upper true molar has two external and two internal prin- 
cipal cusps, a strong internal cingulum, and an external cingulum 
with two supplementary cusps and two vertical ridges. The supple- 
mentary cusps are placed one in front of and the other behind the 
antero-external principal cusp. The two vertical ridges descend and 
lose themselves upon the outer surface of the postero-external 
principal cusp. The second upper true molar has four main cusps 
with three external small ones developed from the external cingulum, 
and one internal cusp developed from the internal cingulum. The 
first lower premolar is minute and deciduous. The second is like a 
diminished fourth inferior premolar of Procyon, with the minute 
supplementary hinder cusps added to it. The third is still more 
like the fourth lower premolar of Procyon. The fourth is also like 
it, only that the first cusp is developed almost to an equality with 
the second, while the third and fourth cusps of the Procyon tooth are 
represented by a single cusp, which is also almost as large as the 
second cusp. There is also a median internal cusp. The first 
lower true molar is like the corresponding tooth of Procyon, but 
with the hindmost internal cusp represented by two small cusps, as 
it sometimes is in Procyon. The second lower true molar is like the 
first, except that the antero-internal cusp (7. e. the most anterior cusp 
of all) of the latter has disappeared, while an additional, median, large 
cusp appears at the hindermost part of the tooth. 



The anatomy of the animal having been so fully described by 
Professor Flower, it is sufficient here to remark shortly that the 
tongue is pointed, covered with rather small conical papille, small 
fungiform papille being generally scattered over the surface. The 
flattened papillee are inconspicuous, and the circumvallate papille 
are in two rows of about four each, forming an acute angle open 

The liver has much the same general form as that of Nasua, but 
the right and left halves are pretty equal, and the caudate lobe is 
still larger. 

The lungs have four right and two left lobes. 
ph, The heart is rounded, and the great vessels are given off as in the 


The thyoid cartilage is Mluroid and not Cynoid in shape. 

The os penis is much smaller than it is in Procyon and Nasua. 

The anal glands are a single pair as usual. 

The brain’ shows but a feebly marked Ursine lozenge. The 
hippocampal and sagittal gyri join behind the crucial sulcus. 

Ailuropus *.—This very singular genus, comprising only one very 
rare species, is the giant of that Arctoid group of which the Raccoon 
is the type, being but a little smaller than the Brown Bear of 
the Pyrenees. From muzzle to tail-root it measures 1°50 m., and it 
stands ‘66m. high. It feeds on bamboo-roots and other vegetal 
substances. It inhabits the most inaccessible mountains of Eastern 
Thibet, from which it descends only to commit depredations in the 
plains. It is very bulky, with a short aud exceedingly broad head, 
but the nose is small. 

The tail is so short as to be hardly visible. The feet are short and 
rounded, and, as in the Panda, the palmar and plantar surfaces are 
hairy, and the locomotion is not fully plantigrade. The fur is very 
thick, like that of a Bear. 

The skull is remarkable for its great sagittal crest, the shortness 
of the muzzle, and the enormous development of the zygomata, the 
extreme breadth between which is 89°3 compared with the length of 
the skull taken at a hundred. It is therefore greater than that of 
any other Carnivore, being most nearly approached by Ailurus, 
where it is 83°5, and Hyena brunnea, where it is 83:4, and the relative 
length of the second upper true molar also here attains its maximum. 
The breadth between the orbits behind the postorbital processes 
(which are almost obsolete in both the frontal and the malar) is less 
than in any of the terrestrial Carnivores, being only 14:8. That of 

' See 7. c. p. 12, and also P. Z. 8. 1870, pp. 755-757, figs. 1, 2, 3. where this 
brain has been described and figured by Professor Flower. 
2 Ursus melanoleucus, A. Dayid, Nouvelles Archiv. du Mus. t. v. Bulletin, 

aes melanoleucus, Alph. Milne-Edwards, Ann. des Se. Nat. sér. 5, 1870, 
t. xiii. art. no. 10. 

Ailuropus melanoleucus, A. Milne-Edwards, Nouvelles Archiy. du Mus. 1872, 
t. vii. Bulletin, p. 92, and ‘ Recherches pour servir a l’histoire Naturelle 
des Mammiféres’ (1868-1874), tome i. (text) p. 321, tome ii. (atlas) plates 


Cynogale is 14:0, while in Luétra the relative dimension may 
descend to 10°5. The snout is upturned towards its tip, and the 
interorbital surface is swollen and convex, thus recalling to mind 
the form of the skull of Atlurus. The infraorbital foramen is very 
low down and distant from the orbital margin, and the maxilla forms 
but a very small bony floor to the orbit. The palate does not 
_ project back quite so far as the posterior ends of the last upper 
molars. The mastoid process is very large and lamellar. The 
glenoid fossa is enormously broad. The condyloid foramina are 
very small. The bulla is moderately swollen, as in Ailurus, but very 
small relatively. There is a glenoid foramen, more or less hidden, 
but no alisphenoid canal. The mandible is very like that of dzlurus, 
with a very high coronoid process, a small angle pressed upwards, 
and no subangular process. 

Molar formula, P. > M. = 

The premolars are two-rooted, except the first upper premolar, 
which is very minute. The second has three lobes, whereof the 
median is very much the largest. The third has three external and 
three internal cusps, with a sixth very small accessory cusp between 
the antero-internal and the antero-external cusps. The fourth pre- 
molar has three external and three internal cusps, with a minute 
accessory cusp between the two internal cusps and an internal 
cingulum. The first upper true molar, which has a square grinding- 
surface, has two great external cusps, with a rudimentary tubercle 
in front of the more anterior of the two; also two large internal 
cusps and a very distinct internal cingulum. The second upper 
true molar is a most exceptionally formed tooth, having a grinding- 
surface covered with a great many minute prominences at its hinder 
part, with two distinct and large external tubercles, and at least one 
internal tubercle at its anterior part, the whole being bordered within 
by a very distinct internal cingulum. 

The three inferior premolars increase in size equally and pretty 
regularly from before backwards, and the crown of each has three 
tubercles, the median tubercle becoming less predominant as the 
accessory tubercle increases in size from the first to the third pre- 
molar, those of the third being nearly equal-sized. 

The first lower true molar is like the corresponding tooth of 
Ailurus, with slight superadded complications, with a large antero- 
internal cusp, and only a single undivided postero-internal cusp. 
The second molar is only quadricuspid, with no posterior tubercle 
or talon, because there is here a third molar. This last tooth is 
a large, flattened, rounded tooth, with an irregular surface. The 
brain bears a large ursine lozenge’. 

Bassaris*.—This is a small American Arctoid genus, of slender 
form, with somewhat digitigrade feet and slender muzzle, but which 

* See the paper on the conyolutions before referred to, p. 12. 

* There are two species—B. astuta from Ohio, Oregon, Texas, California, 
North Mexico, and Vera Oruz; and B. swimichrasti, from the mountains of Mexico, 
Central America, and Costa Rica. See Biol. Centr. Am. Mammalia, p. 71, pl. vii. ; 
Abh, Ak, Berlin, 1827, p. 119; (Wagler,) Isis, 1831, pp. 423 and 518; Water- 


is nevertheless allied to Procyon. Its two species range from the 
southern parts of the United States to Central America. The soles 
of the feet are hairy. 

There are 13 dorsal, 7 lumbar, 3 sacral, and more than 23 caudal 
vertebrae. In addition to the cranial characters pointed out by Prof. 
Flower’, which are very fully given, there is nothing which need 
here be noted beyond the relatively large size of the infra-orbital 
foramen and of the postorbital processes of the frontals. The palate 
hardly extends beyond the last molars, but the mesopterygoid fossa 
is very long. 

Molar formula= P. , M. _ 

The teeth are like those of Procyon, except that the fourth upper 
premolar narrows posteriorly. It has three external cusps (whereof 
the middle cusp is much the largest), and two internal cusps, the 
posterior one of which is much the smaller. Thus, but for the 
second internal cusp, it would be like the corresponding tooth of 
Paradoxurus. It is a really sectorial tooth. The first upper molar 
is like the same tooth of Procyon, except that it is relatively broader ; 

house, P. Z.S. 1839, p. 137, note ; Flower, P. Z. 8. 1869, pp. 31-34; Lichteastein’s 
Darst. neu. Saug. pl. 43; Charlesworth, P. Z. 8. 1841, p. 60; De Saussure, Rey. 
et Mag. de Zool. 1860, p. 7, pl. i.; Peters, Monats. Berlin, 1874, p. 704, pls. i. & 
ii.; Baird, Mammals of N. Amer. p. 147, and Zool. of Mexican Boundary, 
part ii, Mammals, p. 17, pl. 14. figs. 2 a-e; Allen, Bull. U. 8. Geol. Survey, 
vol. v. p. 386; Audubon, ii. p. 314, fig. 98; Paul Gervais, Voyage de la 
‘ Bonite’ (1841), and Mammiféres, vol. ii. p. 42; De Blainville, Ostéographie, 
Mustela ; Turner, P. Z.8. 1848, p. 81; Wagner, Sang. Suppl. vol. ii. p. 277. 

This animal, called Cacomistle, is said to have somewhat the look of a Fox 
and the ringed tail of the Raccoon, and a body much like the Vison’s. The fur 
soft, with long hairs interspersed. ars well developed, erect, and pointed, 
almost naked externally, but clothed with short hairs within. The posterior 
edge is split. The whiskers are long, eyes rather large, and tail bushy, de- 
pressed, ringed black and white. Feet with naked pads, but the rest of the 
under surface hairy. Claws short, but partially retractile. The animal is 
about the size of a Cat, being 174 inches from the nose to the root of the tail, 
with the tail 16 inches long, exclusive of the hairs at its tip. It is of a dull 
brownish yellow mixed with grey (with long black hairs interspersed) above 
and whitish beneath. The tips of the ears, a spot above and below the eye, and 
the upper lip are yellowish white. The tail has 7 or 8 brownish-black rings 
(which become wider antero-posteriorly), with a black tip. It is called the 
“ Cat-Squirrel”” by the Texans. It lives amongst rocks and trees. It is not 
rare, but is seldom seen, being nocturnal. It is easily tamed and even domes- 
ticated, and makes a mild and playful pet; it is useful for destroying mice 
and rats, but is a very destructive animal to poultry, and is naturally bold. 
The female specimen which was killed is said to have fought furiously with 
claws and teeth, and shown no disposition to fly. Four or five young adhered 
to her teats so firmly that it required considerable force to detach them ; though 
when they were removed the mother had been dead several hours, they showed 
no signs of discomfort. It prefers to inhabit woods traversed by watercourses. 
Tt feeds on small quadrupeds and birds, and makes its nest in the trunks of 
trees, in holes from 12 to 18 inches deep, which are the result of natural decay. 
It is said, however, always to remove the bark round the mouth of the hole it 
inhabits, and when no such marks are to be detected, it is asign that the animal 
has abandoned that dwelling. The tail is carried bent over the back, much in 
the fashion of a Squirrel. It has three or four young at a birth. 

1 Pp. Z.8. 1869, pp. 10 and 33, and fig. 3A. 


indeed it is relatively broader than in any Arctoid yet. here noticed. 
It has two external cusps and one internal cusp, and also an external 
and an internal cingulum, a small extra cusp being developed upon 
the latter. The second true molar is tricuspid, and also has its 
transverse diameter in excess. The lower teeth are like those of 
Procyon, ouly the first inferior molar has its middle external cusp 
more predominant in height, so giving that tooth a sectorial character. 

There is no cecum, and there is an os penis of considerable size. 

Bassaricyon *.—This genus is only known by a skull collected by 
Prof. Gabb at Costa Rica, described and figured by Mr. J. L. Allen 
in the Proc. Acad. Phil. as B. gabdi, and by a skin and skull of a 
second species from Ecuador, described and figured by Mr. Oldfield 
Thomas under the name of PB. alleni. The external appearance of 
the first species is quite unknown. That of the second species is, 
as Mr. Thomas has pointed out, extraordinarily like that of the 
Kinkajou’, so that, but for the skull, “no one could have believed 
that it was anything but a rather small specimen of that animal.” 
The tail, however, does not seem to be prehensile. There are two 
mammee placed far back in the abdomen. 

The skull is more like that of Procyon and Nasua than of Bas- 
saris. Its general profile is much like that of Procyon; but the 
orbits are very large, and the postorbital processes of the frontal 
more developed. ‘There are none from the malar. ‘The temporal 
ridges are widely separated. The palate is flat, extending much 
behind the last molars, where it is much narrowed; and the bony 
floor to the orbit (formed by the malar and maxilla) is very large, 
and the postorbital processes of the frontals are as long almost as 
those of Bassaris. 

Molar formula=P. b M. e 

The teeth are not sectorial, the molars beimg shorter and more 
nearly square than in either Nasua or Procyon, though in one 
species the second upper true molar is subtriangular as in Procyon. 

A cast of the inside of the skull shows that. the brain possesses 
an Ursine lozenge’. 

Meles*.—It would be superfluous to say anything here respecting 

See Biol. Centr. Am. p.70; also Allen, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1876, p. 21, pl. i.; 
and Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, v. p. 169; also Oldfield Thomas, P. Z. 8. 1880, p. 
397, pl. xxviii. 

? Mr. Thomas says:—“ The external resemblance of this species to Cerco- 
leptes certainly seems to be an instance of mimicry, which, so common amongst 
insects, is so rare among Mammalia. It is, however, very difficult to under- 
stand how being mistaken for Cercoleptes could in any way benefit Bassaricyon ; 
but when more of the habits are known, we may be able to guess at the true use 
of the likeness. Unfortunately no special notice was taken of the animal by 
the collector, Mr. Buckley, “as both he and the Indians thought it to be merely 
the common Kinkajou.” 

3 See the paper before referred to, p. 13. 

* See Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. p. 70; Schreber, iii. p. 516, pl. 142; Pallas, Zoo- 
graph. i. p. 70; Buffon, vii. p. 104, pls. 7-10; F. Cuv. Mamm., ii. 36 livr. ; 
Wagner, Suppl. ii. p. 180; P. Gervais, Mammiferes, ii. p. 101; Bell, Brit. Quad. 
p- 122; De Blainyille, Ostéographie, Subwrsus; Chatin, Ann. des Se. Nat. (5e 
série) vol. xix. (1874) p. 106, figs. 65, 66, & 67 (anal glands and caudal pouch). 


the external characters of this well-known genus’, comprising its 
three or four species, all exclusively Palzearctic. As to the skeleton, 
there are 14 or 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and about 18 caudal 

The dorsal region I have found to be longer relatively than that 
of any other Carnivore, being most nearly approached by that of 
Iectonyx and Conepatus. 

To the cranial characters already given by Prof. Flower’, it may 
be noted, in addition, that the development of the sagittal ridge 
very much approaches that of Ad/uropus. The infraorbital foramen 
is as large as in Atlurus. The postorbital processes are small as 
always hitherto, except in Bassaris and Bassaricyon. The palate 
extends as much behind the molars as in Procyon, but is narrower 
there than in Nasua. The pre-and postglenoid processes are so de- 
veloped as to hold the mandible in their grasp. The frontal sinuses 
produce a prominence on the cranium; and the ethmoid is much 
more voluminous than in the previously noted form, and is even 
more voluminous than in Canis, though not so prolonged. The 
premaxilla does not attain the frontal. 

The transverse processes of the lumbar vertebre are little deve- 
loped, much as in Atlurus; but there are very large hyperapophyses 
on the lamine of the cervical vertebree. The scapula is very nearly 
a right-angled parallelogram approaching a square. The ridges 
and condyles of the humerus are much produced, more so than in 
Nasua; and the metacarpals are stouter than in any form yet 

Molar formula= P. > M. - 

The first upper and lower premolar, however, are quite minute and 
often fall away. The molars differ from those of any Ailuroid, 
Cynoid, or Arctoid yet described in the great preponderance in size 
of the first upper molars over the fourth premolars, both above and 

The first two upper premolars are much like the same teeth in 
Procyon and Nasua. ‘The fourth is rather more sectorial than in 
those two genera, because there is only one internal prominence 
made of two very small internal cusps, with one developed from the 
internal cingulum as in the third upper premolar of Ailurus, only 
much less developed and distinct, so that they soon wear down into 
what is apparently the one prominence just spoken of. Of the 
three external cusps, the middle one greatly preponderates. This 
tooth has a superficial resemblance to the same tooth in Para- 
doxurus, Herpestes, and especially Bassaris. 

The first upper molar is different from any tooth of any other 
Carnivore, but most resembles the same tooth of At/uropus. It 
has two equal-sized external cusps in front, with two small external 
cusps behind. One large (especially long) internal cusp, obscurely 

1 T may be permitted to mention that I found the palmar surface naked ; 
but the back of the tarsus was hairy, and naked surface narrow backwards to 
an acute termination. 

2 P. Z. 8, 1869, p. 11. 


subdivided, with a very large and very distinct’ internal cingulum, 
which rises into an obscure cusp at its postero-internal angle. 

The second and third inferior premolars are like those of Procyon 
and Nasua. The fourth inferior premolar is a more simple tooth, 
not only than in any Arctoid yet noticed, but than in any Zluroid 
and Cynoid, except it be a form in which that tooth is merely rudi- 
mentary,as Proteles. The crown consists of a single cusp, with the 
most minute indications of rudimentary ones in front and behind, 
more so behind. The first lower true molar is like the same tooth 
of Procyon, with a semicircular addition to the talon, bearing three 
tubercles. It is larger relatively than even the corresponding tooth 
of Ailuropus. The second inferior molar, on the other hand, is a 
small rounded tooth with a rather large external and rather small 
internal cusp, with a talon which predominates externally, so as to 
form a sort of second external cusp. 

The tongue is rather long and narrow. There are four cireum- 
vallate papillee on either side diverging from a single, more posterior 

I could find no trace whatever of a lytta. 

The anal glands are normal, but, in addition, there is a very note- 
worthy bilobed gland, which discharges its secretion into a median 
pouch or sack, situated beneath the root of the tail, and lined with 
stiff hairs. This subcaudal pouch is no homologue, though it may 
be an analogue, of the perineal glands so often found in the Viver- 

The external ear is short and rounded and inconspicuous. 

The brain has the anterior limb of the Sylvian gyrus the narrower. 
The sagittal gyrus, on the contrary, expands very much forwards 
and is very contorted, and has certain superficial linear depressions 
on its more posterior part. The anterior part of the cerebrum is 
very largely developed, the crucial sulcus being placed very far back. 
There is a very small but very definite Ursine lozenge *. 

Arctonyx *.—This pig-like Badger genus comprises only one cer- 
tainly distinct species, which ranges from the north end of Hindostan 
and Assam and Northern China. It is remarkable for its long 
snout with a naked mobile termination, which is truncated and per- 
forated by two large terminal nostrils. It is also noteworthy for the 
combination of a soft under fur, with long bristly hairs inter- 
spersed amongst it. The ears are very short and round and flat. 
The eyes are small. It is carnivorous and nocturnal. 

There are 16 dorsal, 4 lumbar, 4 sacral, and 20 caudal vertebre. 
It has almost the relatively shortest lumbar region of any Carnivore, 
the only shorter being those of Mellivora and Crocuta. It has the 
relatively shortest metatarsus of any Carnivore, and the longest 
palate, compared with the length of the cranium, of any Carnivore, 
except Procyon. It has the narrowest brain-case, relatively, of any 

1 P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 14. 
2 See F. Cuvier, Mamm. iii. p. 51; P. Z. 8. 1865, p, 187; P. Z. 8S, 1869, 
p: 12; Wagner’s Suppl. ii. p. 186 ; Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 104, 


The lumbar vertebrze are found much as in Meles. The spinous 
process of the 13th dorsal vertebra is vertical '. The scapula is less 
quadrate than in Meles and more like that of Procyon. The fibula 
is strongly divaricated from the tibia. The proportional length of 
the ultimate phalanges is nearly the same as in Meles. 

The skull has the outline of the muzzle, when seen in profile, very 
like that of Nasua, and the lateral posterior portion of the palate 
shows a trace of the swelling present in the last-named genus. The 
bony palate is also very prolonged, extending back behind the molars 
to a line joining the two glenoid surfaces, as it does also in Procyon 
and Nasua. In addition to the various cranial characters given by 
Prof. Flower”, it may be noted that the sagittal ridge is large, the 
postorbital processes of the frontal very obscure, and those of the 
malar wanting. The infraorbital foramen is very large * indeed. The 
pre- and postglenoid processes are smaller and shorter than in Meles. 
The pterygoids descend much as they proceed backwards, are 
twisted, everted, and somewhat bullate. 

The basis cranii is more flattened than in any form yet here noted. 
The mastoid and paroccipital processes form together a continuous 
ridge on each side of the skull round the region of the bulla, from 
which the principal process is rather remote. The glenoid foramen 
is singularly posterior in position with respect to the glenoid surface. 
The zygomata do not arch much outwards. The angle of the man- 
dible is, as it were, more pushed up close to the condyle than in any 
form yet noticed, and projects so little as to be almost obsolete. 
There is no distinct subangular process, but only a roughened tract 
in the place of it. 

Molar formula=P. a M. 5 

The first premolar above and below is often rudimentary or absent. 
The form of the molars is much like that in Meles; but the pre- 
ponderance of the first upper molar over the sectorial is slightly less. 
The fourth upper premolar is very like that of Meles; but it has 
but. a single inner tubercle, and this is smaller than the corre- 
sponding part in the tooth of Meles. The first upper true molar 
is quite like what that of Meles would be if its anterior internal 
angle were obliquely cut off. The lower premolars and molars are 
like those of Meles, except that the second true molar is longer in 
proportion to its breadth. 

The canines are more trihedral than hitherto, and the upper 
incisors are arranged in a more prolonged curve, and the lower ones 
are more proclivous. 

The tongue has two or three circumvallate papillae on each side 
of the median line, and narrow as usual. Small papille are scattered 
everywhere, and coat the tongue, which offers no conspicuous cha- 

The anal glands are normal. 

1 Agalso in Meles. It is the 12th which is vertebral in Procyon and Cerco- 
leptes, and the 11th in Ad/wrus and Bassaris. 

2 P..Z..8. 1869, p. 12. 

8 Tt is at its maximum, amongst Carnivores, in this genus and Lwtra, 


Tawxidea’.—The American Badger, or Carcajou, is an inde- 
fatigable burrower. It eats Spermophiles, Arvicolas, birds’ eggs, 
and snails, also honeycomb, wax, and bees. The bones and 
wool of lambs have been found in its burrow. In the north it 
hibernates from November to April, but does not lose much flesh. 
It has three or four young at a birth. It is so strong an animal 
that two men have been unable to pull it out of its burrow by its 
hind legs. For further details as to its habits, see Coues, ‘ Fur- 
bearing Mammals,’ p. 285, and also Audubon and Bachman, vol. i. 

. 363. 

It is remarkable for the enormous claws of its fore paws. The 
muzzle is furry except at its extremity, which is naked, inclined 
downwards and backwards, with a median, vertical groove. The nos- 
trils are not visible laterally. The eye is small and high up. The 
ears are low, rounded, and very broad, with an exceptionally large 
external aperture protected by long hairs. The palmar and plantar 
surfaces bear naked pads. It varies much in colour. The short 
tail has beneath it a subcaudal pouch (as in Meles), with a bilobed 
prominence in front of it. A good account of the habits of the 
animal will be found in Coues’s ‘ Fur-bearing Mammals,’ p. 280. It 
ranges through western and central North America from N. lat, 58° 
into Mexico. 

There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 14 or more caudal 
vertebree. The ultimate phalanges of the digits of the manus are 
very much longer relatively than those of any other Carnivore, 
those even of Suricata being but little more than half the relative 
length of those of Taridea. The pelvic limb is but of the same 
length as the pectoral limb, a condition which only obtains besides 
in Mydaus amongst Carnivores. Only in Crocuta is the pectoral 
limb the longer. 

Hence, for the first time in our examination of Arctoids, we find 
the scapula with the postero-superior angle sharply produced. The 
metacarpals are still shorter relatively than in Meles. There are 
very large hyperapophyses on the laminee of the cervical vertebre. 

In addition to the cranial characters described by Prof. Flower’, 
we may note that the mastoid and paroccipital processes are much 
less prominent than in the form last described, the mastoid not 
descending below the inferior margin of the meatus auditorius ex- 
ternus®. The palate is a little less prolonged behind the last molars 
than in Meles, and much less so than in Arctonyx. The postglenoid 

1 See Baird, Mam. of N. A. 1857, pp. 202, 745, pl. 39. fig. 2, Gray, P. Z. 8. 
1865, p. 141; Stev. U.S. Geol. Survey Terr. 1870, 1871, p. 461; Allen, Pr. 
Boston §. Nat. H. xiii. 1870, p. 183, and Bull. U.S. Geol. and Geogr. Sury. 
Terr. vol. ii. no. 4, 1875, p. 330; Waterhouse, P. Z. 8. 1858, p. 154, and Trans. 
Z. 8. 1841, p. 343, pl. lix.; Buffon, Hist. Nat. Suppl. iii. p. 242, pl. 49; Coues, 
Fur-bearing Mammals, 1877, p. 261; Wagner’s Supp. ii. p. 182; F. Cuy. 
Mamm. iii. p. 45; Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 103; Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. (1788) 
p. 102. n.7; Shaw, Gen. Zool]. i. 1800; Fischer, Syn. 1829, p. 151; Lesson, 
Mam. 1827, p. 141. no. 372; Richardson, F. B. A. i. p. 37. no. 12, pl. ii.; 
Audubon and Bachman, Q. N. A. i. p. 360, pl. 47. 

2 P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 11. 

* Tt does not so descend in Ailurus and Bassaris. 


process is not so long as in Meles, and the zygomata are not so 
arched outwards; the skull has no such produced sagittal ridge, 
but is more flattened and much more broadened out posteriorly, 
like that of some aquatic forms. The muzzle is also shorter. The 
malar develops a distinct postorbital process, and that of the frontal 
is at least as marked. The infraorbital process is still very large. 
There is no subangular process. 

Molar formula, P. 2, M. : 

The upper incisors stand almost on a straight line, so slight is the 
curvature of their range. The first upper premolar seems to be 
always absent very early, and the first lower are generally so. The 
first upper molar, instead of greatly preponderating over the fourth 
upper premolar, is of about the same size. Compared with the 
teeth of Meles, the third upper premolar is larger, and the first 
molar smaller. The fourth upper premolar is, like that of Medes, 
more quadrate and developed, with the anterior and posterior ex- 
ternal cusps larger, the antero-internal cusp much more developed, 
but no internal cingulum. ‘The first true molar has its postero- 
external angle atrophied (compared with that of Meles), while it 
develops inwards somewhat posteriorly. It has the same essential 
pattern on its grinding surface, but the cusps are reduced so as to 
form as it were only a crumpled superficial irregularity, something 
like that of the third upper true molar of Ailuropus, with its 
postero-external angle obliquely cut away. There is really both a 
small external and a large internal cingulum, and also two minute 
external cusps (within the external cingulum), an internal cusp 
(enclosed by the internal cingulum), and the median prominence of 
Meles, here subdivided into two prominences, one in front of the 

In the lower jaw, the second and third premolars are as in Meles. 
The fourth is peculiar, and consists of three cusps, whereof the first 
and second are very light, and form a sectorial blade to fit against 
the front part of the fourth upper premolar. Behind these is a 
small, low cusp. The first molar is very like the corresponding 
tooth of the Civet, but the autero-external cusp is higher, and the 
talon larger, supporting five minute tubercles. The anterior 
sectorial part bites against the hinder part of the fourth upper pre- 
molar. ‘The second molar is small, rounded, and quadricuspidate. 

The bone of the penis is four inches long ; one end of it has the 
form of a club, the other is bent at right angles to the shaft of the 
boue, and is flattened and grooved. 

Mydaus*.—The Teledu, a small burrowing Badger, of Java and 
Sumatra, is found at an elevation of 7000 feet or more, and is but 
about one third of the size of the Common Badger. There is but 
one true species of the genus. It has an elongated movable snout, 

' See Horsfield, Zool. Research. n, 2; F. Cuvier, Mamm. ii. p. 27, and iii, 
p. 51; Desmarest, Mamm. p. 187; Raffles, Linn. Trans. xiii. p. 251; Gray, 
M. Zool, i. tab. 6 & 7; Wagner's Supp. ii. p. 184; Gervais, Mammiféres, ii. 
p. 105, 


obliquely truncated terminally, with inferior nostrils. There is not 
only a median nasal groove, but there is also a vertical groove on 
either side of it. Tail very short, but clothed with long hairs. 
Ears with quite a rudimentary pinna ; a small vertical fold behind 
the meatus. 

The palms and soles are naked. The claws are much longer on 
the manus than on the pes; the former are very long, but not quite 
so long relatively as in Tawidea. 

There are 14 or 15 dorsal, 6 or 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 12 caudal 
vertebra. As to the relative proportion of parts with body, the 
humerus is larger than in any other Carnivore, the next longest 
being that of Atdurus. The tail is shorter than that of Arctonyx. 
The skull is nearly relatively as long as that of Masua. As in 
Taxidea, the pectoral and pelvic limbs are of equal length. The 
transverse processes of the lumbar vertebre are very short. The 
12th dorsal vertebra has its spine vertical. The scapula has its 
postero-superior angle somewhat pronounced. The metacromion is 
very small, but a similarly directed process extends backwards from 
higher up the spine to the scapula, as if the metacromion process 
had slipped up. The humerus, however, has an olecranal as well 
as a condyloid perforation. Both the pollux and hallux are very 
well developed. 

In addition to the cranial characters already described by Prof. 
Flower’, it may be noted that the palate has laterally a certain 
swollen appearance, reminding us of Nasua. The mastoid is much 
swollen, but does not depend below the meatus auditorius externus. 
As in Arctonyx so here, the paroccipital process is remote from 
the bulla. As in Arctonya, again, the muzzle has a Nasua-like 
aspect when seen in profile. The supraorbital is relatively, as well 
as absolutely, smaller. Altogether the skull is Arctonyz-like, 
because, though the bulle are more bullate, yet they are but slightly 
bullate considering the small size of the animal. The zygomata 
are weaker relatively than in <Arctonyx, The meatus auditorius 
externus is very large relatively. As in Arctonyz, there is no malar 
postorbital process ; and the postorbital process from the frontal is 
still more blunt than it is in that genus. As in Arctonyx, the 
glenoid foramen is much posterior to the glenoid surface. 

The mandible has a larger and more oblique symphysis than 
in any form yet described. It is larger even than in Lupleres, 
and the two rami have anchylosed together. Moreover the sym- 
physis is not only long, but also broad and conspicuous. The angle 
is pushed up, as in Arctonyw, with a strongly everted margin run- 
ning down from it to the place of the subangular process, and seem- 
ing to represent a toughened tract which exists in Arctonys. 

Molar formula=P. 3, M. 3. 

The incisors are exceptionally broad relatively. The grinders are 
formed quite on the Arctonyx type, though their cusps are generally 
more acute, and the first upper true molar is relatively smaller and 

1 P, Z, 8, 1869, p. 12. 


less complex in that it has the internal cingulum reduced. The 
lower grinders are like those of Arctonyz. 

The anal glands are large and their secretion approximates in 
offensiveness to that of the Skunks. 

Mephitis’.—In this genus the muzzle is pointed, the nostrils lateral, 
the feet narrow, with the palmar surfaces naked, the plantar surfaces 
partially hairy, and a long and bushy tail. There are several, probably 
three, species, all either North or Central American (ranging from 
Hudson’s Bay and the Great Bear Lake to Guatemala) and extra- 
ordinarily variable not only in the markings of the long loose fur and in 
the degree of hairiness of the soles, but in the form of the cranium 
also. Yet the coloration is very consistent; black and white, the 
normal arrangement of which is—general colour black with white 
markings and for the most part more or less longitudinally disposed. 
The Skunks are terrestrial and more or less fossorial, with strong 
claws to the fore paws ; progression is semiplantigrade, and slow, and 
the general form of the body stout and rather low. There is no 
subcaudal pouch, but the anal glands are extraordinarily developed, 
invested by a muscular tunic, and their contents can be ejected a 
distance of fourteen feet, the tail being held erect and the anus 
everted. It does not ordinarily smell and may be eaten. The 
Skunk is more or less thoroughly nocturnal and is easily trapped. 
Its fur goes by the name of “ Alaska sable.’ It does not become 
rare in settled districts *, and is very prolific, bringing forth 8 or 10 
young. It is more gregarious than most creatures of the weasel 
kind (Mustelide), more than one family congregating in one burrow. 
It eats worms, insects, birds’ eggs, frogs, and mice, and sometimes 
rabbits, as also roots and berries ; it occasionally robs the poultry-yard, 
and is said to be fond of milk. It falls a prey to dogs and the Great 
Horned Owl. Its bite sometimes produces hydrophobia ; it can be 
readily semidomesticated like a ferret, and it is said sometimes to 
have had its anal glands successfully removed. 

The eye is small, nearer to the nose than to the ear; ears short 
and rounded. 

It has 16 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 2 sacral, and 21 caudal vertebrae. The 
third phalanx of the third digit of the manus is relatively longer 
than in any other Carnivore except Taxidea. The length of the 
palate compared with that of the skull is less than that of any other 
Arctoid except Putorius. 

1 Shaw, G. Zool. i. (1800) p. 390, pl. 94; Gmelin, Linn. xiii. 1, p. 88; 
Humboldt, Obs. de Zool. p. 350; Buffon, xiii. p. 287, pl. 39; and Suppl. vii. 
p- 233, pl. 57; F. Cuy. Mamm. ; Stev. U. 8. Geol. Sury. for 1870, 1871, p. 461 ; 
Parker, Am. Nat. v. 1871, p. 246; Coues, Bull. U. 8. Geol. & Geogr. Surv. 
Terr. 2nd series, no. 1 (1875), and Fur-bearing Animals, p. 187; Allen, Bull. 
U.S. Geol. Survey, vol. ii. no. 4. 1876, p. 332; Licht. Darstell. Saug. 1827-34, 
pl. 45, and Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1836-38, p. 280 ; Maximilian, Reise N. A. i. 
1839, p. 250; Arch. f. Naturg. 1861; Wagner, Supp. ii. p. 198; Aud. & Bach. 
Q. N. A. i. 1849, pl. 42; Richardson, Zool. Beechey’s Voy. 1839, p. 4; Wyman, 
Pr. Boston Soc. 1844, p. 110; Warren, Pr. Boston Soc. 1849, p. 175; Baird, 
N. Am. Mamm. p. 193; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 106; Biologia, p. 80. 

? Being so much protected by its secretion, which enables it to live without 
being able to run fast, climb trees, swim, or even burrow with great rapidity. 


The lumbar transverse processes are very small indeed, and the 
humerus has no intercondyloid canal. 

The more important cranial characters have been described by 
Prof. Flower’. It may here be noted in addition that the mastoid 
process does not descend below the meatus auditorius externus, but 
a ridge continues on from it to the paroccipital process and tends 
to form a wall around a depressed surface as in Arctonyx. There 
is a peculiar and marked bony canal which is posterior and internal 
to the conspicuous carotid foramen extending from within the latter 
backwards towards the foramen lacerum posterius. The palate does 
not extend back beyond, or hardly beyond, the last molars. The bulla 
develops an anteriorly extending pointed process, which approxi- 
mates to, but does not join, the pterygoid. The zygomata arch rather 
strongly outwards, but do not develop a postorbital process, and 
there is hardly any such process from the frontal. The muzzle is 
short and there is a sagittal ridge. The infraorbital foramen is rather 
or very small and may be double or triple; the palate hardly extends 
back beyond the last molars. The angle of the mandible is rather 
marked and is not pressed towards the condyle. 

Molar formula=P. 3, M. ie 

The fourth upper premolar is rather sectorial and much like that 
of the Civet and of Grisonia, but the internal and postero-external 
cusps are rather smaller than in the latter.~ The first true molar is 
large and nearly square, a little broader than long, on the type of 
that of Meles. The two cusps of the external cingulum blend with the 
two principal external cusps, and there are two internal cusps and an 
internal cingulum. The first inferior true molar has one anterior 
cusp, behind which are two cusps, one external, the other internal, of 
about equal size, followed by a talon with two or three cusps, but 
which does not form half of the tooth. The second inferior true 
molar has a rather triangular grinding surface, with three tubercles 
developed as it were on a ridge surrounding a central depression. 

Conepatus *.—This more southern form extends from the south- 
western United States and Texas through all Central and South 
America. It has no median groove on nose or upper lip. The 

feb Z.8. 1869, p. 141. 

* See Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. (1788) p. 88. no. 15; Shaw, Gen. Zool. (1800) 
p. 892; Humboldt, Rec. Obs. Zool. i. p. 350; Lesson, Mam. (1827) p. 151, 
n. 407 ; Fischer, Syn. (1829) p. 161; Licht. Abh. Ak. W. Berlin (1837), p. 270; 
Tschudi, F. Peruana (1844-6), p. 113; Baird, N. A. Mam. p. 192, and Report 
U.S. B.S. ii. Mam. p. 19; Tomes, P. Z. 8.1861, p. 280; Audubon and Bachman, 
Q. N. A. ii. (1851) p. 18, pl. 53; Bennett, P. Z. 8. 1833, p. 39; Gray, Cat. Carn. 
Brit. Mus. p. 134 ; Coues, Fur-bearing An. p. 249 ; Biologia, p. 84; De Saussure, 
Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1860, xii. p. 6; Frantzius, Arch. f. Natur. xxxv. 1], p. 289; 
Chatin, Ann. Se. Nat. 5° série, xix. (1874) p. 100, pl. 6. figs. 59-63, showing 
aspect of anus and extraordinarily large anal glands. Audubon remarks that 
this animal ‘‘is found in the brown, broomy, sedgy plains, as well as in the woods 
and cultivated districts of Texas and Mexico,” and that it “ eats grubs and insects, 
small beasts and birds’ eggs, and all it can.” It ‘dwells in burrows and the 
roots of trees, or in fallen trunks, or in cayities under rocks. It is easily 
caught going to its burrow and there remaining till worried out. It is noc- 
turnal and a destroyer of poultry.” 


external ears are very little developed. The snout is truncated, 
the nostrils opening forwards, not downwards. ‘The feet are broad, 
with wholly naked soles. The tail is shorter and more closely 
haired than in D/ephitis. It is very variable in colour. 

There are 16 dorsal, 4 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 18 caudal vertebre. 
The pelvic limb is longer compared with the spine than in any other 
Arctoid except Procyon and some Bears. The first lower true 
molar is longer compared with the length of the skull than in any 
other Arctoid. 

In the form of the skull and teeth Conepatus closely resembles 
Mephitis. The auditory bulla is rounded, apparently undivided 
internally, and most prominent towards the centre of the basis 
cranii. The foramen condyloideum is conspicuous, but is placed far 
forwards and close to the large foramen lacerum posterius. There is 
a conspicuous carotid foramen, just behind the middle of the inner 
margin of the bulla. The glenoid foramen is just above the audi- 
tory meatus, which inclines forwards. There 1s a rather marked 
paroccipital process, which is quite away from the bulla and promi- 
nent mastoid process, the latter depending quite to the level of the 
floor of the meatus, if not below it. No ridge quite connects the 
paroccipital and mastoid processes. The zygoma is delicate and weak, 
and bears no postorbital process, while that of the frontal is only 
a slight rounded prominence. The cranium is long and the muzzle 
short. Sagittal ridge present orabsent. There isa moderate single 
or supraorbital foramen or two small foramina. The posterior 
palatine foramina are placed in the front half of the palate. The 
palate is broad and flat, and extends decidedly, though not much, 
backwards behind the hinder molars. The angle of the mandible is 

marked aud is not pressed upwards. The canines are very small. 

Molar formula=P. ; M. 5: 

The third upper premolar is small and triangular. The fourth 
has a large middle and posterior outer cusp, and a very small anterior 
outer cusp and a large internal cusp. The functional surface of the 
tooth is triangular, broader behind than in front. The first upper 
molar is large and quadrate, with a surface formed on the type of 
that of the Badger. There appear to be four principal cusps, 
whereof the two posterior are the smaller. There are also one or 
two small cusps on the external cingulum, and there is a well-deve- 
loped ridge-like internal cingulum. It is larger compared with the 
fourth premolar than in Mephitis. The second inferior premolar is 
very small. The third and fourth have each one considerable median 
cusp with a small cusp on either side of it. The first inferior melar has 
a single front cusp, followed by two, one internal and one external. 
Behind them is a talon, which constitutes half the tooth or even 
more. The second inferior true molar is small and rounded. 

Mellivora’.—The genus Mellivora is the first genus of Arctoids 

1 See Shaw Zool. i. p. 470 (1800); Fischer, Syn. Mam. p. 151; Hardwick, 
Linn. Trans. ix. p. 115, pl. 9; Bennett, Zool. Gard. p. 13 ; De Blainville, 
Ostéologie, Mustela; Desm. Mam. p. 176; Schreber. Saug. p. 450, pl. 185 ; Sunde- 


which is common to Asia and Africa, one species being found in 
Western aud Southern Africa and another in India. Badger-like in 
figure, with stout body, short limbs, and plantigrade extremities, they 
have alsoa short tail, and external ears so small as to be rudimentary. 
The pinna has indeed no free edge, but an obtuse thick hinder 
margin, whence the transverse ridges proceed inwards. There is 
no distinct tragus or antitragus. There is a rather pointed muzzle. 

The palmar and plantar surfaces are naked. In their peculiar 
coloration (grey above, black below) they afford an instance of that 
tendency to longitudinal markings which appears again and again in 
Arctoid genera. 

There are 14 dorsal, 4 or 5 lumbar, 4 or 3 sacral, and 15 or 16 
caudal vertebre. Here the cervical region attains its greatest rela- 
tive length in any Arctoid, while the lumbar region is shorter than 
in any except Melursus; and the fore and hind limbs are more 
equal in length than in any others except Vaaidea and Mydaus. 

All the neural spines of the vertebree, from the 15th to the 4th 
sacral inclusive, are vertical. The lumbar transverse processes are 
very small. The humerus has a large olecranal perforation, but 
sometimes the internal condyloid canal is absent. Sir Richard 
Owen says that there is no medullary cavity in the tibia’. 

The cranial characters have been described by Professor Flower’? ; 
but it may be further noted that the paroccipital and mastoid pro- 
cesses do not make a continuous ridge or wall. The latter process 
hardly depends below the external meatus. The aspect of the 
skull is very like that of Meles, but the forehead is more rounded 
transversely, and the sagittal ridge is much smaller, though the 
zygomata are not so strongly arched and the infraorbital foramen is 
much smaller. 

The angle of the mandible is less conspicuous than in Meles, 
hardly more so than in dArefonya, The margin of the mandible 
below it is roughened and somewhat everted, so as to form a sort of 
slightly defined subangular process. The palate is less prolonged 
and its hinder part is bounded laterally by a very strong plate-like 
ridge, which continues on to the hamular processes of the pterygoids, 
which descend below the level of the palate in a very exceptional 
manner. There is no malar postorbital process, and that of the 
frontal is very blunt. 

Molar formula= P. g, M. i, 

The third upper premolar is like that of the Civet, except that 
the posterior cusp is more developed. The fourth premoiar has 
the external cusps (whereof the anterior is the larger) and a large 
internal cusp, as in the Civet, opposite the principal external one. 
The first upper molar is a short but wide tooth, considerably wider 

vall, Kong. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1841, p. 211; Sclater, P. Z. 8S. 1867, p- 98, pl. 8; 
Wagner, Supp. ii. p. 207; Sparrmann in K. Vetensk. Acad, Handl. (1777) 
p. 49, pl. 4; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 109. 

1 P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 12. 

® Anat. of Vertebrates, vol. ii. p. 509. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. XXV. 25 


within thau without. There are two minute external cusps, a con- 
siderably larger internal cusp, and an internal cingulum. 

The fourth inferior premolar is much like that of Hyena, but 
with two minute cusps in front of and two behind the large single 
median cusp. The first lower true molar is sectorial, a good deal 
like that of the Civets, but with no internal cusp and but a very 
small talon. 

The brain’ presents a long oblique Sylvian fissure and a Sylvian 
gyrus, the anterior limb of which is exceedingly uarrow. The 
sagittal gyrus expands very much anteriorly. There is an Ursine 
lozenge of a rather elongated shape. 

Helictis*.—This genus contains four species of small more or 
less arboreal Arctoids from Eastern Asia. The body is elongated 
and the limbs short, the tail being either short or of moderate 
length and bushy. The ears are small. The snout is elongated, 
obliquely truncated, and naked at the tip, which bears a distinct 
nasal groove, whieh extends down the upper lip. The palmar sur- 
faces are naked, but the plantar surfaces are clothed with hair on 
the hinder half; yet the habit is said to be plantigrade. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 18 caudal vertebre. 

The cranial characters other than those given by Professor Flower * 
are that the skull has a rather long muzzle, somewhat like that of 
Nasua. The occiput shows a marked cerebellar prominence. 
There are marked postorbital processes from the frontals, but hardly 
any {rom the malar bones. ‘The zygomata do not arch strongly 
outwards. The mastoid process does not descend quite to the level 
of the floor of the meatus auditorius externus. The palate extends 
back but little behind the last molars. There is a large infraorbital 
foramen. The angle of the mandible is formed as in Meles. 

Molar formula=P. a M. e 
The fourth upper premolar is quite like that of Tavidea*. The 
first upper true molar diverges from the form met with in the Badger 
group (i.e. Meles, Taxidea, Arctonyx, and Mydaus), and approaches 
that found in Procyon. It is like the first upper true molar of 
Procyon, with the postero-external and postero-internal cusps (espe- 
cially the latter) reduced in size and with an enlarged internal cingu- 
lum. There is also a distinct external cingulum, which tends to 
develop two small cusps just outside the two external principal 
cusps. The fourth lower premolar, has one principal cusp with a 
‘minute accessory cusp in front of it and two larger ones behind it. 
The first lower true molar has two external cusps, the hinder one of 
which slightly predominates. There is also a large internal cusp as 

1 See /. c. p. 14, figs. 2 and 3. 

2 See Is. Geoff. Voy. de Bélang. Zool. p. 129, pl. 5; Guérin, Mag. Zool. 1835, 
vol. 1. pl. 14; Horsfield, Zool. Research. ; Desm. Mamm. p. 537 ; Cuv. Rech. iv. 
p. 474; Temminck’s Monograph, i. p. xx; Hodgson, Journ. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, 
vy. p: 237, vi. 2, p. 560; Wagner, Supp. ii. p. 201 ; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 105; 
Gray, Pr. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 94, 1853, p. 191, 1865, p. 152 ; Cat. Carnivora Brit. 
Mus: p. 141; De Blainville, Ostéographie, Mustela. 

3 P, Z, 8. 1869, p. 12. 

4 See above, p. 278. 


well as also a well-developed talon, which may be minutely tricuspid. 
The second lower true molar is a small rounded tooth, the grinding sur- 
face of which presents a median depression surrounded by a low wall. 

The brain* (which has been described and figured by the late 
Professor Garrod) presents the peculiarity of the hippocampal gyrus 
rising to the surface on either side of the great longitudinal fissure, 
and so making its very distinct Ursine lozenge incomplete behind. 
The callous marginal and crucial sulci unite, as also do the parietal 
and sagittal gyri at the posterior upper angle of the cerebrum. 

Ictonyx*.—In colour and markings, as well as in the odour of the 
secretion of its anal glands, the one or two species which form this 
genus resemble the Skunks; so much so, that did they inhabit the 
same region, and were they devoid of an offensive secretion, they 
would certainly be said to mimic the Skunks. They differ greatly 
from the Skunks, however, in the form of the teeth, in which they 
approximate to the Weasels. 

The head is conical, with a pointed nose, marked at the tip with a 
median groove. The ears are rounded and hairy. The claws are 
long and pointed and not retractile. The hind foot is digitigrade, 
with the hinder part of the sole hairy. The tail is long and covered 
with long hair. The body is elongated, the lines short. 

There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 2 sacral, and 23 caudal vertebre. 
The dorsal region is almost the longest relatively, and the sacral 
region is the shortest of any Arctoid. The third phalanx of the 
third digit of the pes is also at its maximum of relative length, as is 
the breadth of the brain-case, the length of the lower molar series, 
and the length of the fourth upper premolar, the length of the spine 
being the standard of comparison. 

The cranium has the characters mentioned by Prof. Flower *, as 
also the following ones. The frontal postorbital processes are 
marked, but there are none from the malars. The zygomata do 
uot arch strongly outwards. The size of the infraorbital foramen is 
moderate. The palate extends back but little behind the last 
molars. The mastoid processes are rather prominent, but do not 
descend to the level of the floor of the meatus auditorius externus. 
The stylo-mastoid foramina are very conspicuous, and the opening 
of the external auditory meatus is very large. The angle of the 
mandible resembles in form that of Medes. 

Molar formula= P. 5 M. e 

The general form of the teeth is that which exists in Mustela *, 
but the first upper true molar is larger, and it is much wider than 
long and has five cusps. Two of these are the two external 
principal cusps, outside which is a single cusp developed from the 

' See J. c. p. 18 and P. Z. S. 1879, p. 307, figs. 1 and 2. 

* Or Zorilla. See Schreber, iii. p, 445, pl. 123; Buffon, xiii. p. 289, pl. 41; 
Lichtenst. Berlin Abh. 1838, p. 281, pl. 2; Gray, Lond. Mag.i. p.581; P.Z.8. 
1865, p. 151, Cat. of Carniy. Brit. Mus. p. 139 ; De Blainyille, Ostéogr. Mustela ; 
Wagner, Suppl. ii. pp. 199 and (Rhabdogale) 219 ; P. Gervais, Mamm, ii. p. 115. 

5 P.Z. 8. 1869, p. 18, Rhabdogale. 

* See below, p. 378 



external cingulum. Two other cusps are developed from the 
internal cingulum. The fourth lower premolar has one principal 
cusp, with a very small one in front of it and two large ones behind 
it. The first lower true molar has two external cusps in front; the 
hinder one predominates greatly. There is also an internal cusp 
(less developed than in Helictis), and a distinct talon with three 
small cusps. The second lower true molar has three small external 
cusps and one large internal cusp. 

The brain? has a long, oblique, Sylvian fissure ; the Sylvian gyrus 
is much narrower in front than behind. The parietal gyrus is 
simple. The sagittal gyrus is wide, especially towards its anterior end. 
There is a distinct but small Ursine lozenge and calloso-marginal 
and crucial sulci join. The parietal and sagittal gyri unite pos- 
teriorly, as they do in Helicizs. 

Galictis?,—The Tayra has the digits closely connected, the soles 
naked, and the gait almost plantigrade. The nose has a median 
groove. The ears are short and rounded. The pupils are round. 
The concha is small and flat, with a very shallow pouch, and then 
superimposed transverse ridges. The Tayra ranges from the Rio de 
la Plata northwards to Mexico. It is more or less gregarions, that 
is to say it has been observed in troops of from 15 to 20 individuals 
sometimes, at least in British Honduras. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 23 caudal vertebre. 
The neck is relatively long, longer than in almost all other Arctoids. 
The first and second lower true molars are at almost their minimum 
length amongst Arctoids, compared with the length of the skull. 

The scapula has a very distinct and well-developed metacromion. 
Both hallux and pollex are fairly developed. 

The skull has a sagittal ridge and its zygomata are rather strongly 
arched outwards, The bulla is like that of Medes, with its ridge 
more rounded, The glenoid foramen is large and opposite the 
middle of the postglenoid process. The paroccipital process is but 
little prominent and is applied to the back of the bulla. The 
mastoid process is rounded, so as to be little conspicuous. It does not 
depend below the meatus. The muzzle is short. There are frontal 
sinuses. The palate is wide and extends backwards beyond the last 
molars much as it does in M/eles. There is a small postorbital 
process developed from the malar and a pretty good one from the 
frontal. The infraorbital foramen is moderate. The meatus audi- 
torius externus is short and of moderate capacity. The angle of the 
mandible is pressed up very near to the condyle, and the margin 

1 L.c. p. 18. 

? See Seni Syst. Nat. (1766) i. p. 67; Schreb. iii. p. 493; Desm. Mamm. 
p. 175*; Rengger’s Paraguay, p- 119; Traill, Mem. of the Werner. Soe. iti. 
p- 440, pl. 23. Tayra, Buffon, Suppl. vii. p. 250, pl. 60; Azar. Ess. i. p. 197; 
Fr. Cuv. Mamm. iii.; Wagner, Suppl. ii. p. 214; Biologia, p. 79; Bell, Zool. 
Journ. ii. (1826) p. 552; Frantzius, Arch. f. Naturg. xxxv. 1, p. 287 ; Moore, 
P. Z. 8. 1859, p.51; P. Gervais, Mamm, ii. p. 110; Gray, P. Z. 8.1865, p. 121; 
De Blainville, Ostéog. Mustela; Cat. Carnivora Brit. Mus. p. 99; Tschudi, 
Fauna Peruana & Arch. 1844, p. 248 ; Hernandez, yol. vii. cap. 21, the Tapeytz- 


below it is much flattened and everted. The angle is, however, 
more conspicuous than in Arctonyx or Mydaus. 

Molar formula= P. 5, M. > 

The fourth upper premolar is formed like that of the Civet. 
The first upper true molar is very short but wide, more like that of 
Hyena than is the same tooth in any Arctoid yet here noticed. It 
is, however, relatively wider within than without inwards. There 
are two minute external tubercles and a yet smaller internal one, 
within which is a large internal cingulum. The three inferior 
premolars are much as in Meles. The first lower true molar is very 
sectorial, and not quite like any tooth as yet here described. It is 
a good deal like that of the Civet, with the talon reduced, or 
like the front half of the same tooth in Meles, with only a 
very small talon instead of the large one of the Badger. The 
most anterior cusp is narrower than the one behind it, and their 
adjacent margins form together an acute angle. The second true 
lower molar is a small rounded tooth. The liver is very like that of 
Nasua, but the part of the right central lobe which is on the left of 
the gall-bladder is large. 

The brain! is very complicated in its dorsal convolutions. The 
Sylvian fissure is long and oblique and the anterior limb of the 
Sylvian gyrus is very decidedly the narrower, There is a small 
Ursine lozenge. The crucial and calloso-marginal sulci do not join, 
a bridging convolution connecting the hippocampal and sagittal 
gyri behind the crucial sulcus. 

Grisonia®.—The Grison has a tail about half the length of its 
slender body. The nose is destitute of any median groove and the 
muzzle is rather acute. The eyes are short, broad, and rounded ; the 
legs are short. The soles are naked, and locomotion is semiplanti- 

It inhabits Tropical and South America. 

There are 16 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 21 cervical vertebree. 
It has the relatively shortest Arctoid radius except Zutra. Com- 
pared with the length of the head it has the broadest palate of any 

The only cranial differences from Galictis I observed were that 
the foramen glenoideum is very small, instead of large, and that 
the meatus auditorius externus is both long and very wide. 

The first cusp of the first lower molar is wide, and quite as wide 
as the second, and their adjacent edges form an obtuse angle. 

The liver is like that of Galictis, but the left central lobe is smaller, 
and the right central lobe is uniform in its diaphragmatic aspect. 

1 See /.c. pp. 15 & 16, figs. 4 & 5. 

* See Schreber, Saiug. p. 447, pl. 124; Thunberg, Mém. Acad. St. Pétersb. vi. 
p. 401, pl. 18; Traill, Mem. Wern. Soe. iii. p. 437, pl. 19; Desmarest, Mam. 
p- 175; Molina, Chile, iv. p. 258; Shaw, Gen. Zool. i. p. 483; Bell, Trans. 
Zool. Soe. ii. p. 204, pl. 37; Buffon, H. N. Supp. iii. p. 170, pl. 25; Martin, P. Z. 8. 
1833, p. 140; Gray, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 122, Cat. Carniv. B. Mus. p. 99; De 
Blainville, Ostéog. Mustela, Waterhouse, Zool. of ‘ Beagle,’ i. p. 21; Wagner, 
Supp. ii. p. 215; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 110; Azara, Ess. i. p. 190. 


The tongue has rather small but very marked pyriform papillz 
scattered all over its surface. The flattened papille are considerably 
elongated and rather conspicuous. The circumvallate papillee form 
a VY with three fine papillee in either limb and one at the apex. 

The brain! is very different from that of Galictis, in that its 
hippocampal gyrus is cut off from the sagittal gyrus by the junction 
of the calloso-marginal and crucial sulci. There is a more or less 
well-defined Ursine lozenge. 

Mustela*.—The Martens, or Stouter Weasels with normally four 
premolars on each side, both above and below, present us with the 
first Arctoid genus, but not species, common to the Old and New 
Worlds. Of the nine or ten species which appear to compose it, some 
are common to Europe and Asia, but none to the Palearctic and 
Nearctic, or to the Palearctic and Oriental regions, though the 
M. flavigula extends from Northern Hindostan to Java, Sumatra, 
and Borneo. No species is Neotropical. The American Pekan *, 
M. pennanti, is the giant of the genus, which may be 30 inches from 
snout to tail-root, with the tail 16 inches long. 

The body is long, the limbs short and digitigrade, the pectoral 
limb being about 54, and the pelvic limb 69, to the spine taken at 

The ears are low, broad, and hairy on both sides. There is a 
distinct pouch, a moderate tragus and antitragus, a small helix, a 
very prominent supratragus overhanging a fossa bounded beneath by 
a rather marked transverse ridge and surmounted by another fossa, 
bounded above by a rounded transverse ridge. The nose has a 
median vertical groove. 

The soles and palms are generally hairy. In some forms, as in 
the Sable, they are extremely furry, but sometimes in southern 
species the palms and soles are naked *. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and from 18-23 caudal 

The metatarsals are at their maximum of relative length amongst 
Arctoids, while the length of the skull may be at its minimum 
(14°5 to 100) as also the length and breadth of the palate, width of 
the zygomata, the brain-case, the breadth behind the orbits, the 
length of the first upper true molar and of the second lower true 
molar, all compared with the length of the spine from the atlas to 
the end of the sacrum. 

Here the neural spine of the eleventh dorsal vertebra inclines 
forwards. The scapula hasa large metacromion process. 

' See /. c. pp. 16 & 17, figs. 6 & 7. 
* Mustela, Linnzeus, Wagner, P. Gervais, and others; Martes, Gesner, Ray, 
Bell, Gray, Fitzinger, &c. For synonymy see Coues, ‘ Fur-bearing Animals,’ 
pp. 59, 62, 74, 77, 79, 81, 97, &e. 
* Pekan, Buffon, H. Nat. xiii. p. 304, pl. 42; Audubon & Bachman, Q. N. A. 
i. 807, pl. 41; the European and American Sables (M. zibellina and M. ameri- 
cana) belong to this genus; the Weasels, Ermines, Stoats, Ferrets, Polecats, 
Minks, and Vison, to Putorius. 

; * Tam indebted to Mr. Oldfield Thomas for calling my attention to this 


To the cranial characters mentioned by Prof. Flower’ may be 
added the small length of the muzzle compared with the great length 
of the cranium proper. The infraorbital foramen is rather large, the 
zvgomata delicate but well arched outwards, and the palate is 
prolonged backwards behind the last molars. 

The angle of the mandible, though much pressed upwards, is 
still distinctly distinguishable. 

Molar formula=P. 3, M. 5. 

The dentition is more sectorial than heretofore. The second 
upper and lower premolars are two-rooted. The fourth upper 
premolar has a very small hinder lobe, and no lobe in front of the 
principal lobe, so that the tooth is very like the corresponding one of 
Canis, especially as the ternal lobe is anterior in position, opposite 
the front part of the principal cusp. 

Of the lower teeth, the front premolar is like that of Galictis. 
The first molar like that of Mellivora, but larger and especially lower, 
while the second molar is a small rounded tooth. 

The brain * shows a distinct but small Ursine lozenge in front of 
a considerable crucial suleus which is placed rather far back. The 
sagittal gyrus is much the widest of the three circumsylvian gyri. 
The crucial and calloso-marginal sulci run one into the other. The 
Sylvian fissure is oblique and relatively long. 

Putorius *.—This very large genus of small-sized mammals is 
very wide spread, inhabiting as it does not only the Nearctie and 
Palearctic regions and the Indian Archipelago, but also Africa, 
north and south, and South America, including Brazil. There may 
be something like two dozen species. The body attains its maxi- 
mum of length and the limbs their minimum. Here for the first 
time we meet with species (P. vulgaris and P. erminea) common 
to the old and new worlds. The feet are more or less hairy beneath, 
especially the hinder part of tarsus. Habit digitigrade. The nose 
bears a median vertical groove. 

The Mink (P. vison) is aquatic in its habits. 

There may be from 13 to 16 dorsal and 5 or 6 lumbar, the dorsal 
and lumbar vertebre together varying from 19 to 21. 

The lumbar region is at its maximum of relative length amongst 
Arctoids, and the dorsal region almost at its minimum. The limbs 
are at their minimum length as compared with the spine, as are also 
the femur, tibia, and metacarpus. The length of the palate, and 
the breadth of the zygomata, compared with the length of the 
skull, are also at their minimum. 

The infraorbital foramen is larger relatively than in Mustela, and 
the mastoid and paroccipital processes are still more indistinct *. 

1 P.Z. 8. 1869, p. 39, Martes. Seiie put: 

8 This is Mustela of Aldrovandus, Ray, Klein, Schreber, Gmelin, Desmarest, 
Lesson, Fischer, Bell, Gray, and Ooues, see‘ Fur-bearing Animals,’ p. 102. It 
also includes the Gale, Gymnopus, Lutreola, Neogale, and Vison of Gray. It 
is the Putorius of Cuvier, Brandt, Gray, Richardson, Audubon and Bachman, 
Coues, P, Gervais, and others. 

* For other cranial characters see Flower, P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 13 & fig. 4. 


The angle of the mandible is hardly more marked than in 

Molar formula= P. = M. ie 

The cusps are somewhat sharper than in Mustela. The upper 
sectorial has its inner cusps less anteriorly placed and the lower sec- 
torial has its inner cusp more rudimentary. 

The brain’, though very little convoluted, as is the rule in the 
smallest mammals of each group, shows a distinct, though minute, 
Ursine lozenge. The crucial and calloso-marginal sulci run into 
one another. The sulcus separating the sagittal and parietal gyri 
is less produced posteriorly than in other Carnivora. ‘The Sylvian 
fissure is oblique and relatively long. 

Pecilogale—This small South-African genus, coloured like 
the Zorilla, has been founded by Mr. O. Thomas? on the Mustela 

albinucha of Gray*. Its molar formula: P. A M. 4 rarely e It 

has the smaller number in all the British Museum specimens 
examined by Mr. Thomas, but the second minute lower true molar 
is present in the specimens in the Paris Museum. The auditory 
bullze are perfectly flattened. 

Lyncodon*.—This and the last genus are the Arctoids with the 
smallest number of teeth and most feline dentition, whence the name 
of this genus. The animal comes from Patagonia. Mr. O. Thomas 
considers that it may merely be an aberrant southern form of 
Putorius brasiliensis. Its skull is quite like that of Putorius, but 
the bullz are unusually inflated. 

Molar formula=P. 5, M. ?:. 


Its external form has been unknown till recently. C. Vogt 
describes as follows skins from Patagonia preserved in the Museum of 
Geneva :—‘‘ L’animal est une vraie belette un peu plus grande que 
Vhermine. Le corpsa 30 cent. de long, la queue Y cent. La fourrure 
est rude, grossiére, formée de longs poils clairsemés d’un brun 
rouge clair avec des pointes blanchatres sur le dos, les flancs et la 
queue. Le dessus de la téte est d’un blanc jaunatre sale, et cette 
teinte se continue en arriére des deux cdtes par-dessus les oreilles 
en deux pinceaux-pointus, formés de poils trés longs couchés sur les 
cétés du cou. L’animal a lair de porter un baschlik a coins rejetés 
en arriére. La nuque et le dessus du cou sont, comme la gorge et 
les pattes, d’une teinte brune assez foneée. La queue porte des 
poils trés longs réunis au bout en pinceau. 

“La téte est courte, le museau tronqué, les oreilles trés petites, 
arrondies et larges, les pieds pentadactyles, 4 courtes griffes trés 

iis jay Ue 

2 Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (1883) p. 370, where see the woodcuts of skull and 

3 See Cat. Cuvier, B. Mus. p. 91; also P.Z.S. 1864, p. 69, pl. 10; and 
P.Z. 8. 1865, p. 114. 

4 See d’Orbigny, Amer. Merid. ; also P. Gervais, Mus. ii. p. 115; A. Doering, 
Zoologia, Buenos Ayres, 1881; O. Thomas, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (1883) 
p. 370; and Carl Vogt, Mammiféres (1884), p. 244, 


acérées. Les pieds antérieurs sont semi-digitigrades, les postérieurs 

Gulo’.—This Bear-like musteline form consists of but one 
species, which ranges over the extreme north of both continents— 
Siberia, Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, only to the extreme north of 
the United States towards the Atlantic but down possibly to 
Northern California in the Western region. It has very small ears, 
inconspicuous, and hairy on both sides, very small eyes, a naked 
muzzle with groove and very hairy palmar and plantar surfaces with 
small pads amongst the hairs. A short tail, about the length of the 
head, clothed with long hairs; the feet are large and the habit 

Its ferocity appears to have been exaggerated, and Audubon 
and Bachman speak of having seen one which was so gentle that 
the owner of the show, in which it was confined, took it out and 
opened its mouth “ to enable us,” they say, ‘‘ to examine its teeth, 
and it buried its head in our lap while we admired its long 
claws and felt its woolly feet.’ It had been taught to sit on 
its haunches and hold a pipe in its mouth. It was adverse to the 
light of the sun, and seemed attached to a Marmot in the same 
cage. The same authors say that it feeds principally on the carcases 
of beasts killed by accident, and destroys disabled quadrupeds, 
eating also Marmots, Mice, and other rodents. They deem the 
assertion that it attacks large healthy game incredible. But it is 
after all a formidable beast, and bold dogs would not enter its 
burrow a second time. Richardson saw one chasing a Hare which 
was being, at the same time, harassed by a Snowy Owl. The Glutton, 
however, was much too slow in its movements to catch it. Captain 
Ross says that in midwinter it climbed the snow-wall round his 
vessel and came on deck, where, undismayed by the presence of a 
dozen men, it seized a canister of meat, which it ate so ravenously 
that it allowed itself to be snared by a noose and strangled. 

There are 14 or 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 15 or 16 caudal 
vertebrae. The metacarpus is at its maximum relative length amongst 
Arctoids, and indeed amongst Carnivores if we except Cynoid and 
Hyenide., The inner condyle of the humerus is perforated °. 

1 Gulo, Gesner, Quad. Vivip. (1551) p. 623; Aldrovandus, Quad. Dig. (1645) 
p. 178. 

Mustela gulo, Linn. 8. N.i. (ed. 10, 1758) p. 45, no. 3; Erxl. Sys. Ann. (1777) 
p. 477, no. 15. 

Ursus gulo, Schreber, Saug. iii. (1778) p. 525, pl. 144, 144. 

Meles gulo, Pallas, Spice. Zool. xiv. (1782) p. 25, pl. 2. 

Gulo borealis, Wagn. Supp. ii. (1841) p. 246; Gray, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 120; 
Cat. Carniv. B. Mus. 93. 

Gulo arcticus, Desm. Mamm. i. (1820) p. 174; Less. Mamm. p. 142; Fischer, 
Syn. p. 154. 

Gulo luscus, Richardson, F. B. A. I. 1829, p. 41; Fisch. Syn. p. 154; 
Audubon & Bachman, Quad. N. A. I. p. 202, pl. 26; Baird, N. A. Mamm, 
p. 181; Sabine, ‘Supp. Parry’s lst Voyage,’ p. 184; Coues, Fur-bear. An. 
p. 34; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 108; Buffon, H. Nat, xiii. p. 278, & Supp. 
iii. 240, pl. 48; De Blainville, Ostéog. Mustela. 

? Owen, Anat. of Vertebrates, vol. ii. p. 509. 


The cranial characters have been, in the main, given by Prof. 
Flower’. Besides these it may be noted that the outline of the 
skull seen in profile has a rather striking resemblance to that of 
some of the larger Cats. The muzzle is very broad, more so relatively 
than in any Arctoid yet noted except Conepatus and Ailurus. 

It is prolonged backwards behind the last molars, though hardly 
more so than in WMellivora, and it has not so definite a lateral 
boundary as in the latter, though the pterygoids show a tendency to 
descend below the general level of the palate°*. The maxilla forms 
but a small floor to the orbit. The zygomata extend much 
outwards, owing to the breadth of the glenoid surfaces. The sagittal 
ridge is much as in Mellivora. The glenoid foramen is very large. 

A slight ridge connects the paroccipital and mastoid processes, 
and the latter, though conspicuous, does not depend below the 
meatus auditorius externus. The stylo-mastoid foramen is very 
conspicuous. The infra-orbital foramen is moderate or rather smali. 
The angle of the mandible is little conspicuous and is pressed 
upwards, though not so much so as in Aretonyx and Mydaus. 

Molar formula=P. 4 M. 5 

The dentition considerably resembles that of Mellivora, as to the 
form of teeth, not of course as to their number. 

The outermost upper incisor, however, is very large and canine- 
like. The fourth upper premolar is relatively larger than in 
Mellivora—especially its hindmost cusp ; the first upper molar is a 
little more equal in length externally and internally than is generally 
the case in the last-mentioned genus. The fourth lower premolar 
has only one hinder cusp and that smaller—thus resembling Gadlictis. 
The first lower true molar is larger than in Mellivora. There isa 
very small heel and no inner tubercle. There is a second true 
molar, which is a small, rounded tooth. The dentition is very 
sectorial, at once more sectorial and powerful than in any other 
Arctoid. It may therefore be interesting to compare its dentition 
with that of one or two other specially predacious carnivora. 

Gulo compared with Felis—has the incisors relatively larger. The 
third upper premolar is rather smaller with the main cusp less 
relatively produced, the fourth upper premolar, or upper sectorial, 
has its fore-cusp smaller, its hind cusp large and more equal in 
development to the mid-cusp, and the internal cusp larger. The 
first true molar is also much larger. 

In the lower jaw the third premolar is less trilobed than in Felis 
and its principal lobe is less developed. The sectorial, or first true 
molar, differs by having a large heel, and in having the two prin- 
cipal cusps less lofty. There is a second true molar. 

Gulo compared with Hyena and Felis—The incisors are not so 
large relatively as in Hyena, and the other ones are less pre- 
ponderating. In these respects Gu/o is more like Hyena than Felis. 
The third upper premolar is much smaller relatively. The hind 
cusp is less marked and little produced. The fourth premolar has 

1 P, Z. 8. 1869, p. 12. 2 See above, p. 373, 
P P 


its fore cusp much smaller, the Hyzena’s being larger relatively than 
in Felis. The relative proportions of the mid and hind cusps in 
Gulo are much as in Hyena. The internal cusp is not so big 
relatively as it is in Hyena, though it is more like that of Hyena 
than that of Felis. The first molar is a little larger than in Hyena, 
which is intermediate between Gulo and Felis as regards the develop- 
ment of this tooth. 

In the lower jaw the fourth premolar is less trilobed and the 
principal lobe is less developed. The sectorial has a large heel. 
There is a second true molar. 

Gulo compared with Cryptoprocta, Hyzena, and Felis.—In the 
upper jaw the third premolar of Cryptoprocta is intermediate in form 
between that of Fels and that of Gulo, but is more like that of the 
former. The same is the case as regards the upper sectorial, both as 
regards the three external cusps and theinnercusp. The first upper 
molar of Cryptoprocta is also intermediate in its development, but is 
much more Cat-like than Glutton-like. In the lower jaw the canine 
of Cryptoprocta is more like that of Felis than is the case with the 
canine of Hyena. The fourth premolar has a less trilobed crown 
in Gulo than in Cryptoprocta. The sectorial has a small heel, but 
not like that of Gulo, and the last genus alone of the three has a 
second true molar. 

Gulo compared with Canis.—In the upper jaw the third premolar 
is smaller, and has a smaller posterior cusp. The sectorial is very 
like that of Canis, but the hindmost cusp is rather thicker trans- 
versely. Gulo has a much smaller first true molar and no second one. 

In the lower jaw, the fourth premolar is less trilobed, or rather 
less quadricuspidate, this tooth of the Dog being much like that of 
the Hyzna. The sectorial of Gulo has a smaller heel and the mid 
cusp predominates less over the fore cusp. The second true molar 
1s much smaller and there is no third molar. 

The brain’ shows an elongated Ursine lozenge. The cerebrum 
is very wide posteriorly and its dorsal surface is much complicated, 
the anterior limb of the sagittal gyrus being greatly expanded and 
convoluted, while posteriorly it is medianly grooved. 

Tutra*.—The Otters, of which there are at least nine, pos- 
sibly a dozen species (of very uniform coloration), are found over 
all the geographical regions except the Australian. No species, 
however, appears to be common to the Old and New Worlds. It is 
therefore the most cosmopolitan genus of Arctoids we have yet met 
with. The external characters of the genus are familiar, but it may 
be noted that the muzzle has no central groove or only a trace of it at 

1 See l. c. p. 17. 

? Erxleben, Syst. n. 448; Schreb. Saiug. iii. p. 457, pl. 126a@; Desm. Mamm. 
p. 188; Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 129; Buffon, Hist. Nat. vii. p. 134, pl. 11-17; 
Wagner's Supp. ii. p. 249; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 116; Gray, P.Z.S. 
1865, p. 126; Cat. Carnivora B. Mus. p 100; De Blainville, Ostéog. Mustela ; 
Linn. 8S. N. i. p. 66 (Mustela lutra); Pallas, Zoogr. i. p. 76 (Viverra lutra). 
Under this genus are also included Gray’s genera Barangia, Lontra, Nutria, 

Latronectes, Hydrogale, Latax, Pteronura, See Cat. Carnivora of Brit. Mus. 
pp. 100-115. 


the lower margin of the nasal pad. The ears are small, rounded, 
and simple. The palinar and plantar surfaces may be naked or 
more or less hairy, according to the species. 

The tail may have (as in the exceptional form L. sendbachii*) a 
prominent ridge along either side of the tail, and the feet may 
approximate in form to those of Enhydra. 

There are 14 or 15 dorsal, 6 or 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and from 20 
to 26 caudal vertebrze. Both the humerus and radius are at their 
minimum of relative length in the whole of the Carnivora, as also is 
the relative breadth of the skull behind the orbits. 

The skull is so long that, though the palate is broad, its length 
compared with its breadth is greater than in any other Arctoid ; 
and the excess of the Jength of the pelvic limb over the pectoral is 
only exceeded by that of Enhydra amongst the whole of the Car- 

The hyperapophyses on the cervical vertebree are longer than in 
any form yet noticed. The are twelve quasi chevron bones to the 
tail. Each consists of a pair of diverging hypapophyses, which tend, 
irregularly, to send out mesiad processes below. Each pair depends 
from the preaxial end of its centrum, beginning at the fourth caudal 

The scapula develops a very strong metacromion process, while 
the acromion is very slender. The preaxial margin of the scapula 
is exceedingly convex. The humerus may or may not have a supra- 
condyloid canal. ‘The supinator ridge is very strongly marked. 
The ulna develops a distinct process from the middle of its shaft, 
which process abuts against the radius. The ultimate phalanges of 
the manus are exceedingly short. The femur has a very strong 
external trochanteric ridge extending down its shaft. The ultimate 
phalanges of the pes are of about the same length as those of the 

To the cranial characters given by Prof. Flower* may be added 
the following:—The skull is much flattened superiorly. The 
ascending process of the premaxilla does not, so far as I have seen, 
reach the frontal. The maxilla develops a rudimentary preorbital 
process*. Venous channels traverse the exoccipital, and open on 
the inner side of either occipital condyle*. The meatus auditorius 
externus is relatively small. The foramen condyloideum is con- 
spicuous. The mastoid process is concave beneath, and does not 
descend below the meatus auditorius externus. No ridge connects 
it with the paroccipital process. The palate is not greatly prolonged 
behind the last molars. The pterygoids descend below the level of 
the palate. The internasal septum does not extend back to the 
hinder margin of the palate. The zygomata, though slender, are 
rather strongly arched outwards. There are both malar and frontal 

1 This is the type of Gray’s genus Pleronura, See P.Z.S. 1865, p. 131, 
1868, p. 66, and Wiegmann’s Archiv, iv. p. 392 (1839), 

2 See P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 11. 

8 A rudiment of that which is found amongst the Pinnipedia. 

* Another approximation to the characters of the Pinnipedia, 


postorbital processes, though the latter may be very slightly marked 
or strongly so. The skull is extremely pinched in behind the orbits. 
There is a large sagittal and very large lambdoidal ridge. The 
skull is extremely broadened out behind, but the muzzle is very 
short. The postglenoid process is much developed, and tends to 
hold the mandible as in the Badger. The basioccipital is very thin, 
and defect of ossification may exist in it and in the exoccipitals. 
The rbinencephalic fossa is also shallower than heretofore’. The 
crista galli is large. The turbinals are very large and complex. The 
infraorbital foramen is enormously large. The angle of the man- 
dible is much as in Me/es but rather strongly everted, the ascending 
ramus being very concave externally. 

Molar formula=P. %, M. 5. 

The middle incisor of each ramus of the mandible is placed behind 
the other two. The upper sectorial and molar are much like those 
of Helictis*, save that the antero-internal cusp of the former is 
smaller. The lower molar teeth are also much like those of He- 
lictis, except that the second true molar is a little larger relatively. 

In the upper jaw the first premolar is minute; the second and 
third, each simple and conical, but greatly increasing in size, and 
with an external cingulum; the fourth has three external cusps, 
of which the median one greatly predominates, and an external cin- 
gulum. There is a very large internal cingulum embracing the 
postero-internal part of the tooth, which is two thirds the length 
of the external part. The upper molar has two external cusps and 
a small external cingulum, with one internal principal cusp, and a 
large internal cingulum, which may develop another internal cusp. 

In the lower jaw all the giinders have an external cingulum. 
The three premolars are pretty simple and conical, successively in- 
creasing in size backwards. ‘he sectorial has two external and one 
internal principal cusps, with a large talon developing small acces- 
sory cusps. ‘The second molar is small and rounded. 

The tongue has the papille which clothe it pretty uniform in 
size, except that the flattened papille are elongated and rather 
conspicuous. There are five circumvallate papille forming a Y, 
open forwards. 

Of the salivary glands the parotid is thin, and the submaxillary is 
larger than the parotid; it is, indeed, large and bilobed. 

The larynx has the thyroid cartilage rather sharply notched, 
medianly below. 

The lungs have the form usual in the Carnivora. 

The diaphragmatic aspect of the liver is very like that presented 
by Wasua, as also is that of its abdominal aspect, save that the Spige- 
lian lobe is subdivided aud the caudate large, and especially longer. 

The kidney differs greatly from that of all Arctoids yet described, 
and from that of all non-Arctoid Carnivores. Instead of being 
single, with one mamilla, it is lobulated, each of the many lobes 
being a little kidney in itself, with one mamilla. 

? Other Pinniped characters. ? See anted, p. 374. 


The brain! is, of course, wide behind, as is the skull which holds 
it; its dorsal surface is very complicated, but exhibits a rather 
faintly marked Ursine lozenge placed rather far back. The anterior 
limb of the Sylvian gyrus is very much narrower than its posterior 
limb. The Sylvian fissure is very long and extremely oblique. The 

crucial and calloso-marginal sulci appear to join. 

As similarity of habit often produces, or coexists with, similarity 
of structure, thus giving rise to independent resemblances which are 
no sign of genetic affinity, it may be interesting to compare the 
structure of the Arctoid aquatic Carnivore, Lutra, with that of the 
Aluroid aquatic Carnivore, Cynogale. In this instance similarity of 
habit has gone very little way in evolving similarity of structure, for, 
in addition to the divergences as to the form of the dasis eranii and 
as to other points which differentiate the Miluroids and Aretoids, 

the two former exhibit the following divergences :— 

The #luroid Otter, Cynogale. 

Neck more than a fourth the length 
of spine from atlas to end of sacrum. 

Pail little more than half such length 
of spine. 

Humerus and radius together more 
than one third such length. 

Pectoral limb to spine at 100 =55°d. 

Pelvic limb =68°4. 

Cranial length =29°5. 

Relative length of palate =16:0. 

Interorbital breadth =4:1. 

Therefore skull much pinched in be- 
hind orbits. 

Muzzle very long. 

Zygomata very strong. 

Cranium not very broad posteriorly. 

Lambdoidal ridge very large. 

Rather large infraorbital foramen. 

Nasals long and narrow. 

Premaxill slender. 

Cribriform plate rather narrow. 

Scapula quadrate. 

Humerus rounded anteriorly. 

Inner condyle moderate, and not per- 

An intercondyloid perforation. 

Radius with no median process to join 

Femur considerably larger than hu- 

Tibia of about the same length as the 

Anterior molars much elongated. 

First upper premolar large. 

First infericr true molar not sectorial. 

Second inferior true molar two thirds 
the length of the first. 

The Arctoid Otter, Lutra. 
Hardly more than a fifth. 

More than eight tenths. 
Hardly more than one quarter. 

= 39°5. 

= 50°9. 
WS :8, 

= it} 
Extremely so. 

Muzzle very short. 

Rather slender. 

Very broad posteriorly. 


Infraorbital foramen very large in- 

Nasals short and broad. 

Premaxillz very broad. 

Cribriform plate rather broad. 

Anterior margin very convex. 

Produced into a sharp eye anteriorly. 

Inner condyle very large and per- 

No intercondyloid perforation. 

Radius with a median process to join 

Very slightly so. 

Tibia decidedly larger than femora, 

Not so. 

Very small. 


Not half the length of the first. 

1 See l. c. p. 20, 


Aonyx'.—This small genus of the species from Nepal, Java, 
Sumatra, and South Africa, differs from Luéra in its rudimentary or 
even obsolete claws, and in having the feet only slightly webbed. 
The palmar and plantar surfaces are quite naked, or at most have 
but a few scattered hairs. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 20 caudal vertebree. 
The ultimate phalanges of the manus and pes are much shorter 
relatively than in any other Arctoid. The breadth of the brain-case, 
compared with the length of the skull, is at its maximum amongst 
Arctoids, as is the length of the first lower true molar. 

Caudal vertebrae with hypapophyses depending from the hinder 
end of the centrum of the first and of the second vertebrae and from 
the front end of the centrum of the third vertebra and of the suc- 
ceeding vertebra to the tenth. Three real chevron bones are placed 
beneath the intervals of the vertebrae, between the third and the 

The humerus has a condyloid canal. The radius develops no 
process from the ulna. The acromion is very slender. No special 
ectotrochanteric ridge to femur. Ultimate phalanges exceedingly 
minute ; those of pes slightly lower than those of manus. 

The skull resembles that of Lutra, save that it is less flattened, 
especially the bulle. The cranial ridges are generally smaller, as 
are the mastoid and paroccipital processes. The pterygoids tend 
less to depend. There are no defects of ossification in the exocci- 

Molar formula=P. + > 3M. > 

The true molars are more massive than in Lutra. The first 
upper molar is large relatively and more preponderating over the 
fourth premolar. 

Enhydra*.—This very peculiar genus, coniaining only a single 

1 Lesson, Mamm, p. 157; Fischer, Synop. p. 228; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. 
p- 118; Gray, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 129; id. Cat. Carniy. B. Mus. p. 109; Horsfield, 
Zool. Research, yii.; Raffles, Linn. Trans. xiii. p. 254; De Blainyille, Ostéogr. 

* Mustela lutris, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. (1758) p. 45, no. 1; Schreber, Saug. iii, 

(1777) p. 128; Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. (1788) no. 1. 

Mustela, De Blainyille, Ostéographie. 

Phoca lutris, Pallas, Zoog. Rosso-As. i. (1831) p. 100, no. 34. 

Lutra lutris, Gray, P. Z.S. 1865, p- 186, pl. vii. and Cat. Carniy. B. Mus. 
p. 118. 

Lutra marina, Steller, Nov. Ann. Petrop. ii. (1751) p. 367, tab. xvi.; Hrxle- 
ben, Syst. Nat. (1777) p. 445; Schreber, Saug. iii. (1778) p. 465, pl. exxviii, : 
Desm. Mamm, i, (1820) p. 189; Harlan, Faun. Amer. (1825) p. 72. 

Lutra stelleri, Lesson, Mamm. (1827) p. 156, no. 423. 

Enhydra marina, Fleming, Philos. Zool. ii. p- 187; Martin, P. Z. 8. (1836) 
p. 59; Aud. & Bachman, N. A. Quad. iii. p. 170, pl. exxxvii.; Baird, M, 
North Am. (1857) p. 189. 

Enhydris marina, Licht. Darstell. Saug. (1827) p. 34, pls. 49 and 50; Wag- 
ner’s Supp. ii. p. 268; P. Gervais, Mamm. ii, p- 119. 

Enhydris stelleri, Fischer, Syn. (1829) p. 229. 

Enhydris lutris, Coues, Fur-bear. Anim. p. 326. 

Lutra (Enhydra) marina, Richardson, F. B, Am. i. (1829) p. 59, no. 21 aad, 
Zool. Beechey’s V, (1839) p. 5. 


species, is confined to the coasts and islands of the North Pacific, 
descending south, on the American side, as far as Lower California. 
The ears are very small and very low down, but little above the line 
of the mouth. ‘The whiskers are few, short, and stout. The muzzle 
is naked at the end, and has a vertical groove traversing part of it. 
The fore feet are wonderfully small, with very ‘short digits, short, 
curved claws, and naked palms. The hind feet are very long, with 
very long digits webbed to their tips, and with hairy soles, and short, 
stout, curved claws. The tail is stout. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 4 sacral, and 21 caudal vertebree. 

As to the proportions of the skeleton, the cervical region is at its 
minimum length (compared with the spime) amongst Arctoids save 
Cercoleptes, also the length of the palate is at its minimum, as is the 
breadth of the skull behind the orbits. The length of the first 
upper molar, compared with that of the skull, is at its maximum 
amongst all Carnivores, as is also its breadth and to a yet greater 
degree. he length of the pelvic limb over that of the pectoral 
limb is greatly in excess of that found in any other Carnivore. 

The cervical vertebree have moderate hypapophyses. The thorax 
is very capacious. ‘The caudal region is short and without chevron 
bones. The acromion is short. ‘lhe humerus has a condyloid 
canal. The femur is very short. The digits of the feet are 
very unlike those of any other Arctoid. Those of the manus are 
indeed short and nearly equal in length; but those of the pes are 
very elongated, and are flattened like those of Seals. The fifth is the 
longest. The length of the metatarsals of the individual measured, 
and the other dimensions of which are given in the tables annexed, 
are as follows :—Of the first, 8” 8’; of the second, 11" 5'"; of the 
third, 13” 2’"; of the fourth, 14” 4’; and of the fifth, 15’. The 
fifth is the stoutest as well as the longest. 

As to the cranial characters, in addition to those given by Professor 
Flower?! it may be noted as follows:—The maxilla forms a very large 
floor to the orbit, and there are venous canals, imside the ex- 
occipitals, which open inside the condyles. There are, occasionally, 
defects of ossification in the exoccipitals. The occiput inclines 
forwards and upwards. ‘The basis cranii is very much broadened out 
and flattened. The postorbital processes are less marked than in Lutra 
and Aonyx. The nasal aperture is extremely large, and there is 
hardly any rhinencephalic depression, the wide, large cribriform 
plate lying flush with the general inner wall of the skull. The angle 
of the mandible is much as in Meles. The subangular margin is 
everted, but not so much so as in Lutra. 

Dental formula=I. S C. i P. 5 M. Se 

It differs from every other Carnivore except the extinct Husmilus * 

Sea Otter, Penn. Syst. Quad. (1771) p. 241; Cook’s Third Voyage (1784) 
ii. p. 295, pl. 48. 
_ Saricorienne, Buffon, Supp. vi. p. 287. 
1 P.Z.S. 1869, p. 11. 2 See ‘The Cat,’ p. 438, fig. 190. 


in having only four lower incisors. The molars all have their 
tubercles curiously rounded. ‘The fourth upper premolar has the 
antero-posterior length of its inner and outer sides more equal than 
heretofore, and has two central subequal cusps and two inner ones, 
whereof the auterior is very much indeed the larger. There is also 
an internal cingulum. The first upper true molar is shaped like 
that of Taxidea, only that it has a less predominantly broadened 
villus, and that all its tubercles are rowided ; it has a small external, 
and an exceedingly large internal, cingulum. It has also two external 
cusps, whereof the anterior is the larger, and three internal ones. 

The lower molars are similar to those of Lutra, only they are more 
broadened out and flattened and have more rounded tubercles. The 
first lower true molar has a small anterior cusp, then two large ones, 
one external and one internal, followed by a large talon. The second 
true molar is broader than long. 

In the milk-dentition the first upper deciduous molar is a very 
small, conical tooth. The second is more sectorial than is the third 
premolar, having no postero-internal tubercle or any internal 
cingulum. It has one anterior cusp, with a pair of cusps (one 
internal and the other external) behind it. The third deciduous 
molar is very like the fourth premolar, but it has a relatively bigger 
internal cingulum and a large postero-internal tubercle, and thus it 
so far approximates towards the form of the first upper true molar. 
The third deciduous inferior molar is more Otter-like than is the 
fourth lower premolar, but it has a larger (especially broader and 
above all posteriorly broader) talon, which forms rather more than 
half of the entire tooth. The three outer cusps, however, are 
blunter than in Luétra, though they are not so blunt as are the 
permanent molars of the adult animal. 

The brain* differs from that of Zuéra in having the crucial sulcus 
placed more forwards, and the Ursine lozenge larger and more con- 

Ursus *.—This well-known genus of about ten species ranges from 
the Arctic region southwards. For the main part confined to the 
Palearctic and Nearctic regions, it descends to Africa north of the 
Sahara, to Ceylon and the Indian Archipelago, and to Peru and 
Chili. The genus is, however, entirely unrepresented in the 
Australian and Ethiopian region, and has only one species (U. 

1 P. Z.S. 1869, p. 20. 

2 See Albertus Magnus, de Anim. lib. xxii. p. 183; Linn. S. N. 169; Pallas, 
Zoogr. Ross.-Asiat. i. p. 64; Gmelin, 8. N. i. p. 100; Fischer, Syn. Mam. p. 148; 
Horsfield, Linn. Trans. xy. p. 582; Temm. Fauna Japonica; Desm. Mamm. 
p. 165; Richardson, F. B. Amer. i. p. 14; Raffles, Linn. Trans. xiii. p. 254; 
Schreber, Saug. p.513; De Blainville, Ostéog. Ursus; Cuvier, Oss Fossiles, iv. ; 
P. Gervais, Mamm. ii. p. 10; Wagner, Supp. ii. p. 130; Buffon, Hist. Nat. viii. 
p. 248, pl. 31-33, xv. p. 128, Supp. iii. p. 200, pl. 34; Baird, Mam. N. Am.; 
Gray, P.Z. 8. 1864, p. 680; Cat. Carniy. Brit. Mus. p. 215; Sclater, P. Z. S. 
1862, p. 361, pl. 32; 1864, p. 374, 1867, p. 817; Swinhoe, P. Z.S. 1863, 
p- 880; Hempr. & Ehrenb. Symb. Physice, i. t. i. ; Radde, Mélanges Biologiques 
de St. Pétersb. iii. p. 677. The above genus Ursus includes the Thalassarctos, 
Myrmarctos, and Helarctos of Gray. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXVI. 26 


ornatus) in the Neotropical. No one species is common to the Old 
and New Worlds, with the exception of the White Bear (U. mari- 

The palmar and plantar surfaces are naked save in U. maritimus. 
The ears are erect, rounded, and of moderate size. The eyes are 
small; the nose may or may not have a median vertical groove, 
according to the species. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 6 sacral, and from 8 to 10 caudal 
vertebra. The number of the sacral vertebrze being thus double that 
of most other Arctoids, the relative length of the sacral region is 
at its relative as well asabsolute maximum, and indeed at its maximum 
amongst all Carnivora, while the tail is at its relative Arctoid minimum. 
The length of the limbs relatively is also at the maximum amongst 
Arctoids after Procyon. The femur is also at its relative maximum 
amongst all Carnivora. The length of the fourth upper premolar 
and the breadth of the first true molar are also at their minimum 
compared with the length of the spine. The scapula has an elongated 
posterior angle, the femur is relatively slender as well as elongated. 
The inner condyle of the humerus is not perforated save in Ursus 

The more significant cranial characters of Ursus have been 
excellently described and figured by Professor Flower®. In the 
skulls I have examined I have found the premaxille and frontals 
touch, excluding the nasals from the maxilla. The maxilla forms 
but an exceedingly small floor to the orbit, but it develops a rudi- 
mentary preorbital process. 

The lateral margins of the basioccipital are each produced into an 
antero-posteriorly elongated descending process. The paroccipital 
and mastoid processes are connected by a slight ridge. The mastoid 
process descends below the meatus auditoriusexternus. The sagittal 
and lambdoidal ridges are moderate. The infraorbital foramen is 
small. The zygomata are well arched out and develop a malar post- 
orbital process. There are marked postorbital processes to the 
frontals. The mandible is like that of Azlurus, the coronoid 
process not ascending much. The angle is long and slender, and 
extends backwards. There is a distinct subangular process. 

Molar formula= P. 4, M. a 

14248 3 
[Ps ars are small, one-rooted, and deciduous, P 


Ursus differs from all other Arctoids except Ai/uropus in having 
a third inferior true molar. A 

The grinding teeth are, as it were, those of Procyon developed 
through those of Ailurus in the direction of those of Ailuropus, but 
their modification is not carried so far as it is in the last-named 
genus. The fourth upper premolar (the sectorial) has only two 
external cusps and an internal cingulum, there being no internal cusp. 

The first upper molar has four cusps, whereof the two outer are 
much the stronger. 

fad hesmaak call 
‘243 are especia y 

} Owen’s Anat. of Vertebrates, vol. ii. p. 508. 2 P.Z. 8. 1869, p. 7. 


There is avery faintly marked external cingulum and a very strong 
internal one. The second true molar has four cusps. Of these the 
two outer are the stronger pair, while the inner pair are more pro- 
longed antero-posteriorly. There is a trace of an external cingulum. 
The internal cingulum is strongly developed. There is an elongated 
talon supporting irregular prominences somewhat like those found in 

The fourth lower premolar has one cusp, to which a small keel is 
annexed. The first molar is quinquecuspidate—one anterior, then 
two principal cusps (one within and the other without), followed by 
two cusps, side by side, on the heel. The second molar has four 
cusps (a pair external and a pair internal opposite each other), with 
one transverse ridge in front of the anterior pair, and another behind 
the posterior pair. The third lower molar is a rounded tooth, the 
erown of which has an irregular punctional surface very like that 
found on the molars of diluropus. 

The thyroid cartilage is very strongly notched below medianly. 

The tongue has a well-developed lytta', and is covered with small 
conical papillz, amongst which larger fungiform papille are scat- 
tered. There are five circumvallate papille, forming a V-shaped 
patch as usual. The papille are larger in front of this patch. 
Behind it are flattened papillee which have the form of large conical 
cones. The kidney is lobulated, each lobe being a small kidney in 
itself with one mamilla. 

The brain? is richly convoluted. The Sylvian fissure is exceed- 
ingly long and exceedingly oblique. The sagittal gyrus is especially 
complicated, expanding greatly in front, and tends to be divided 
into two longitudinally. The parietal gyrus is simple and single. 
The Sylvian gyrus has its anterior limb exceedingly slender. The 
Ursine lozenge here attains its maximum of size and distinctness. 
The calloso-marginal and crucial sulci are separated by a continua- 
tion of the hippocampal gyrus forwards and upwards into the sagittal 
gyrus behind the crucial suleus. 

Melursus *, — This curious Indian species has an elongated 
snout which resembles that of Mydaus. It is naked, and has 
no median groove whatever. It has very extensile lips, and very 
elongated and curved blunt claws. 

There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 11 caudal vertebra. 

The relative length of the skull is at its maximum amongst Carni- 

1 Cuvier, Legons d’Anat. Comp. tome iy. 1"¢ partie, p. 553. 

? See J. c. p. 19, fig. 8. 

3 Ursus labiatus, Desm. Mam. p. 166; Foster, Syn. Mam. p. 144; Hodgson, 
J. A. 8. B.i. p. 340, x. p. 910; P. Z. S. 1834, p. 9; Calcutta Journ. N.H. iv. 
p- 288; Wagner, Supp. ii. p. 148; P. Gervais, Mam. ii. p. 18. 

Ursus longirostris, Tiedemann, Abh. iiber das vermeintl. barenart. Faulthier, 
1820; Reichenbach, N. A. Nat. Cur. xiii. i. p. 323, pl. xv. 

Bradypus ursinus, Shaw, Zool. i. p. 159, pl. xlvii. 

Prochilus ursinus, Iliger, Prod. p. 109. 

Melursus labiatus, Meyer, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 699; Cat. Carniv. Brit. Mus. 
p. 237. 

Ursus labiatus, De Blainyille, Ostéog. 



vores. The postorbital processes of the frontal are smaller than in 
Ursus. The palate is very broad, and much more prolonged behind 
the molars than in Ursus’. The zygomata are short and extend 
straight backwards and outwards without being arched outwards. 
Instead of lateral processes to the basioccipital there are processes of 
the temporal bones. 

The teeth are relatively very small, and the first upper incisor is 
absent or soon falls away. 

In the milk-dentition, the second and third molars both above and 
below are very small and simple. The fourth upper one has two 
outer cusps and a large internal cusp, with a minute cusp in front of 
the first of the two outer ones. It is much more sectorial than is 
the fourth premolar, which replaces it. The fourth lower molar 
has three outer cusps; the most anterior is very small, the next very 
high, and the third rather small. There is a fourth minute cusp 
inside the middle outer cusp and a fifth inside the third outer cusp, 
and slightly smaller than is the third cusp. 

The tongue has a large lytta. Large fungiform papilla are scat- 
tered all over the tongue’s surface. The flattened papillee are rather 
small and inconspicuous. The circumvallate papille are remark- 
able: there are two series of very conspicuous and very close-set 
papillee, which together form a very obtuse angle. 

The liver is very like that of Nasua or Procyon, only the right 
central lobe is rather smaller compared with the right lateral lobe, 
and the left central is very small. 

The kidney is described in the Catalogue of the Royal College of 
Surgeons as having two mamille to each of its lobes. 

The brain has the same characters as has the brain of Ursus. 


With good reason has Professor Flower remarked upon the diffi- 
culty of subdividing the great Arctoid group ina satisfactory manner. 
The characters most available for this purpose are the dental cha- 
racters ; but these are eminently adaptive ones, and would, taken 
alone, serve but to mislead the inquirer, as we have seen with Pro- 
teles and Hyena, Arctictis, Cynogale, and Cryptoprocta, amongst 
the Aluroids. 

The Bears form a small and very natural section, characterized 
not only by their peculiar dentition, but also by their complex kid- 
neys and completely plantigrade feet. 

Similarly the Otters, with their conglomerate kidneys and peculiar 
cranial structure, also form a small, well-marked group. 

The Badger, with its caudal pouch and exceptional dentition, pre- 
sents another type round which a few genera may be grouped, while 
the Raccoon and Coati form another section, to which Bassaris and 
Bassaricyon may be added, while Cercoleptes can, I think, find no 
other allies better suited for its adhesion than are these. Thesame I 
believe to be the case with Adlurus, but Ailuropus presents us with 

_ 7 The palate in Ursus may be very little prolonged beyond the last molar, as 
in U. ornatus, no. 815 in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. 


a doubtful problem. It has the number of true molar teeth and the 
external form of the Bears, but it is less plantigrade. The con- 
dyloid foramina are minute instead of very large, and the basiocci- 
pital has the depressions separated by a crest, as in the Badgers, 
instead of being flat and wide, as in the Bears ; and the bulla, instead 
of being wide and flattened, is slightly swollen out, but very small, 
asin Adlurus. Then there is noalisphenoid canal; while the glenoid 
foramen, so conspicuous in the Bears, is hidden at the bottom of a 
large notch between the bulla and the zygoma. The general form 
of the mandible also is much more like that of Ai/urus than of Ursus. 
There is a fundamental resemblance also between the crowns of the 
teeth in Adlurus and Azluropus, in spite of their exaggerated cha- 
racter in the latter genus ; so that on the whole it appears to me 
that there is a more decided natural affinity between Adluropus and 
Aiturus than between Adluropus and Ursus. 

The Weasels and their allies seem to be specially predacious 
variations of the Badger type ; and I have no reason to urge (beyond 
the structure of the kidney) against the generally received view that 
the Otters are aquatic variations of the same type. 

There will thus be three families, Procyonipm, Musre.ip, 
and Ursin. ‘The first of these is plainly subdivisible into two sub- 
families—(1) Procyonine, and (2) Ailurine; while I agree with 
Professor Flower in dividing the MusreLip# into the three sub- 
families—(1) Meline, (2) Musteline, and (3) Lutrine. 

These subdivisions may be synoptically characterized as follows :— 



Kidneys simple. True molars 3 or 5, obtusely tuberculated. 

Dentition not sectorial. Alisphenoid canal present or absent. 
Hab. America or Asia. 

Subfamily 1. Procyoninaz. 
True molars > No alisphenoid canal. Molars not very com- 

plexly tuberculated. 
Hab. America. 

Procyon. Bassaris. Cercoleptes. 
Nasua. Bassaricyon. 

Subfamily 2, ArLuRINm. 
True molars ; with an alisphenoid canal, or ; without an ali- 
sphenoid canal. Molars very complexly tuberculate. 

Hab. Eastern Asia. 
Ailurus. Ailuropus. 


Kidneys mostly simple. True molars 1 or i Teeth tuberculate 

or sectorial. No alisphenoid canal. 
Hab. Old and New Worlds. 


Subfamily 1. Mreninz. 

Kidneys simple. Feet elongated. Toes straight. Claws non- 
retractile, blunt, those of manus generally elongated. Dentition 
sectorial or not so. Habits mostly terrestrial and fossorial. 

Meles. Mephitis. Mellivora. 
Arctonye. Conepatus. Felictis. 
Taxidea. Ictonyz. 

Subfamily 2. MusTevinz. 
Kidneys simple. Feet short, partially webbed. Claws short, 
curved, often semi-retractile. Dentition sectorial. M1 wide trans- 
versely. Habits terrestrial or arboreal. 

Galictis. Mustela. 
Grisonia. Putorius. 

Subfamily 3. Lurrinz. 

Kidneys conglomerate. Feet short and rounded (except hind 
feet of Enhydra). Toes webbed. Claws small, curved, blunt. 
Head broad. Molars large and quadrate. = long as well as 
wide. Habits aquatic. 

Iutra. Aonye. Enhydra. 


Kidneys conglomerate. True molars 5, longer than broad. Den- 

tition not sectorial. An alisphenoid canal. Feet completely plan- 

Ursus. Melursus. 


P. 4 sectorial RET aod nis fic cnsiinys FOP oe a was Saaein dc ae Bassaris. 
PP aa leprehonenlommctesescsecchsseccnccs.acaoemmeet-ncvensacace se Cercoleptes. 
Bed = SAN PLODORCIScn9.cdy- csc aee ee ae rsecae sees Nasua, 
not sectorial 4 Pai] not prehen- Postorbital _ pro- 
Bi) Ot. <.bpiesceyn ons cesses elongated. 
Body long ...... Bassaricyon. 

es proboscis 4 
Postorbital —_pro- 
cesses short. 

\ Body short ....... Procyon. 

= oe SPER cas Ailurus. 
M. : Saas cheket ee seneaenscasc se Ailuropus. 

M, 1 
—— very greatly 
wut hy 
Presiive BnOWustcs. ft eee eee exceeding -—~ in 
BIZO) [vaoaty seneek a Arctonyx. 

—  quadrate or 

very long as well | Not very greatly... Mydaus. 

as broad ......... | (iinds oeGnatas 
| J} p Ghonmousad 6. 242 84.525 30 Bele ee Taxidea. 
rr | (Pibrolssstess. da Mephitis. 
No piglike | (Palate to last 
{ snou eee | molar.) 
Claws of. manus | eo 3 ccetteeeteeee Conepatus. 
{not enormous .. 4 (Palateproduced 
beyond last 
P: F BP eo icasseeee Meles 
M.1 enormous, 
Pi bh hed oaeen edits snell ton Helictis. 
3} much broader than long ... ae M. : See e ese caces Mellivora. 
auth wild ad ih M. 5 eacehias same alba Ictonyx 
Tail long. Nose with 
; median groove ...... Galictis. 
Feet plantigrade ............ Tuilahostil Wetedin 
groove to nose ...... Grisonia. 
P: i M. 3 opuaraceas scam Mustela. 
12 2. M. 2 me atearis cok aes Putorius. 
2 1 1 < 
Feet digitigrade ............... 4 P.55 Me [org cere Pecilogale. 
(Bulla flattened.) 
1E 3 M. ; Authjpseentboa0e Lyncodon. 
| (Bulla yery conxex.) 
: arg lie ves Gulo. 
Feet large, plantigrade. P. 73 Me 5 ceeeeeeeeeeee Gulo 
iT. 5 Third phalanges not extremely short .......+.+++ LIutra. 
I, >. Third phalanges extremely short ...........:+++++ Aony. 
erm es steel eats oh Lai Dk schon copes Enhydra. 
oF veteeeceeeceessereessesseeseseteeeneneess 
Snout and claws not very much elongated ...........+++ Ursus, 

Snout and claws very much elongated ..........00:s+00 Melursus, 


Comparison of the Ancro1DEA with the other FisstpEDAL 

It would be superfluous to here again refer to the cranial or genital 
characters which differentiate the three suborders of the Carnivora. 
As to the dentition, the Arctoids alone of the existing forms present 
us in one genus with but four lower incisors, a condition also cha- 
racteristic of the extinct Mluroid Husmilus. They alone afford 
examples of upper true molars, which are broad and formed for 
crushing, and only in them do we find a fourth lower premolar, which 
is broad posteriorly. The dentition may nevertheless be extremely 
sectorial or more formed for crushing than in any other Carnivore ; 
but the teeth are never so rudimentary as in Proteles. Only in 
them (Grisonia) do we find as many as sixteen dorsal vertebree. 
They possess a brain which has a definite character in the almost 
constant presence of a dorsal patch limited incompletely by crucial 
and precrucial grooves, which have been called the ‘‘ Ursine 
lozenge.” While perineal glands are absent, we occasionally find a 
new glandular structure—a subcaudal gland, as in Meles and Tax- 

Less exclusively terrestrial than the Cynoids, they are never so 
arboreal as are some of the Aéluroids; but they present us with 
more fossorial genera, and with others perhaps more definitely modi- 
fied for aquatic life than is the Aluroid Cynogale. 

As to the coloration of this group, the Arctoids have frequently 
longitudinal markings, often of black and white, while they never 
show the spots or transverse bands which are found in many A’luroids. 

All the Arctoidea are pentadactyle. There is a great difference 
between the Arctoidea and the other Carnivora as regards the 
vertical median nose-groove. Very rarely absent in the Aluroids, it 
is, as we have seen, absent in a good many genera of Arctoids, and 
sometimes, as in Ursus, present or absent in different species of 
the same genus. Only in the Arctoids, but almost always in them, 
the crucial and precrucial sulci define an “ Ursine lozenge” on the 
surface of the cerebrum. 

Distribution of the AncrorpEA. 

This suborder extends all over the world except Australia, New 
Zealand, New Guinea and adjacent islands, Polynesia, Madagascar, 
the Antilles, and the Antarctic region. 

The Procyonide are exclusively New- World forms, the diluride 
are exclusively Asiatic. The Mustelide and Urside are cosmo- 
politan within the range of the suborder. The majority of the 
species and genera belong north of the equator. 

No genera except Ursus, Gulo, Mustela, Putortus, and Lutra 
are common to the Old and New Worlds, and no species are 
common to them save Gulo luscus, Putorius vulgaris, Putorius 
erminea, and Ursus maritimus. The genera common to Asia and 
Africa are Mustela, Putorius, Lutra, Ursus, Mellivora, and Aonyzx. 
The genera peculiar to Africa are Ictonya and Peeilogale. The 
genera peculiar to Asia are Adlurus, Ailuropus, Helictis, Arctonya, 


Mydaus, and Melursus. The genera peculiar to America are 
Procyon, Nasua, Cercoleptes, Bassaris, Bassaricyon, Taxidea, Me- 
phitis, Conepatus, Galictis, Grisonia, Lyncodon, and Enhydra. he 
genera peculiar to the Old World are those already enumerated as 
peculiar to Asia and to Africa respectively, with the addition of 
Mellivora, Aonyx, and Meles. There are thus eleven exclusively 
Old-World and twelve exclusively New-World genera. The Ethio- 
pian and Neotropical regions are poor in Arctoids, as is also the 
Indian Archipelago, 

Taste I. 
bl = 4 . 

3S = & S} 5 6 = Satlicceoe 

selsalsglegl|eelSelce| = | ee | 

ssl ss| ss /ssleslas[se| 4 la 

ee te ee eee te Ze qne 
Canis dingo ...... 13 | 7 | 38 | 19 | 165 | 290 | 15 | $8 | 323 
IETOCYOD . 20002000002 14 6 3 |16-20) 62 | 153 | 105 | 45 | 28:5 
PNHEUB sos ec et eer ees 14 6 3 |19-23) 65 | 155 | 10:0 35 | 33-0 
Cercoleptes ...... 14 6 3 26 50 | 445 | 12:9 44 | 42-5 
J 0) 14 6 3 18 §:2-| 186 | 12:2 40 | 455 
Bassaris ............ 13 7 3 23?) 56 | 105 80 21 i 
LUCLGS BS eee 15[14]) 5 3 18 87 | 258 | 10:8 37 | 19:2 
Arctonyx ......... 16 4 4 |15-20} 125 | 300 | 11-0 60 | 27:5 
MAxides: .......-. mei Glo 5 3 14?| 76 | 21-7 92 | 3:8 | 196 
Mydaus ............ 14[15]| 6[5]} 3 | 12 | 42 |111 | 68 | 20] 9-0? 
Mephitis............ 16 6 2 21 5:0 | 12°5 65 17 | 21-4 
Conepatus ......... 16 4 3 18 47 ASSN abel D5 20:7 
Mellivora .........) 14 |4 or 5/4 or 3|l5or16) 11-0 | 23-4 88 48 | 19:3 
felis) ............ 14 6 3 18 47 | 11:0 6:8 Tiesto [ale/e) 
EGHODYX 5 ....4.... 15 5 2 23 3°6 97 4-4 08 | 20°3 
Galictis’............ 14 6 3 23 O27 ASST 37 | 387-5 
IKONIA............ 16 5 3 21 68 | 17:0 70 2:0 | 175 
Mustela, .........0.. 14 6 3 |18-23] 5:8 | 12°8 9-0 2:0 ? 
Putorius............ 15-13} 5-6} 3 16 2:7 50 | 38 | O8 | 44 
rN eee 14-15| 5 3 15 | 12:0 | 276 | 13-0 4-1 | 25-5 
SIGE csas.ssccscse: 14-15| 6 [5] 3 |20-26| 125 | 28:1 | 161 38 | 49°5 
MMETIYXS csvnsscessoas 14 6 3 20 58 | 152 | 93 33 | 29:0 
Enhydra ......... 14 6 4 21 85 | 29:8 | 17-0 67 | 336 
Ursus horribilis...| 14 6 6 9 | 26:5 | 46:5 | 27-0 | 17-0 | 17-5 | 
Melursus ......... 15 5 5 11 | 17:0 | 36-0 | 16:5 | 105 | 20-8 

Length from front 

of atlas to hinder 
end of sacrum, 

Tas_e IT. 

Bug eos ass |S = S z 
seals | SS s8el sel es | 3s, 
giglag|a |g" 8/48/48 | ah 

4A 4 H = RI 
Batis oe 43-0 | 49-3 | 150 | 155 | 170] 168 | 58 
IPrOCYONG. scrote -ce 27-2 | 33°5 | 10:0} 105} 11:8 | 124] 28 
IN SSG eee ee ooo 22:5 | 29-0 9-0 82| 108 | 10-3 | 2:3 
Cercoleptes ...... 202) Adal oS: i (GAs. BO eS 29 
sAclarustssteces ee 29'7-\ 335 | 120 9:08 13-08) 5193-35 
Bassaris ............ 14°7 | 175 5:9 46 66 63 | 07 
Meles 5. sc2z2~2-5--203 26:1 | 30-5 9-7 87 | 11:5 97 | 28 
A®CtONY sc0<2 22-03 29°5 | 52:5 | 11:0 9:0, gl2-7.5) 10D 9) 3:3 
Paxided csiecied ved AL VDT 9-7 ale 10-0 82) 27 
Miydaus }..<.+..-s- 16°6 | 16-4 81 4:2 61 60 | 16 
Mephitis ......... 140 | 17-1 DD 45 61 60 | 1-4 
Conepatus ......... L7-O 220356 GiSial dal SOg Waal- 17 
Mellivora ......... 319 | 32°83 | 11:8 97 | 13:2) 10°38 |-3:0 
Helictis aise. eee 126 | 156 48 4-0 Ser 54 | 12 
Vichow yiewease. ne cee 10°7 | 12°8 40 3°2 4-4 44) 12 
Gabetis pe ve-t.- cs 24:3 | 28:3 9:5 74) 104 92) 21 
GTIBONIA aaecese ana. 13°9 | 16-4 55 38 6:0 54 | 1:7 
Mustela ............ 16:0 | 20°4 6-0 47 65 6:9 | 2-0 
PUtOriwusy wep. 0s oa 49 58 2:0 15 2-0 2:0 | 0:45 
Guill. .jcedakesincee 370 | 43:0} 13:0) 116] 145) 136 | 47 
Wautray. {Seems sesetes 23°9 | 308 9-6 63 | 100} 105 |] 31 
Monyx ‘iss seters 18:0 | 20-7 63 53 6-7 OM 253 
Enhydra .........- 232 | 38:0 | 10°0 74 | 102) 11:3) 2:3 
Ursus horribilis...| 81:5 | 92:0 | 32°5 | 27:0 | 400 | 27-0 | 7-5 
Melursus ......... 54-0 | 58:0 | 21°5 | 185 | 25:5 | 195 | 45 

[Manus of Ursus horribilis... 22-0] 

[Pes of Ursus horribilis ...... 250] 
[Manus of Melursus ......... 140] 
[Pes of Melursus .........+00++ 13-0] 

[Apr. 21, 


Length of 3rd meta- 

lanx of 3rd digit of 

Length of ultimate pha- 

Length of ultimate pha- 

lanx of 3rd digit of 


Taste III. 
oe cane) : at rors 
Ob les la) hae tocleupecd (2° ce 
r=) 3) jg as “4 = Beaton petra 
ee| a |8 |83./3 | 85/888 |/g88 
a Ps 5 cys cen lh ort Hea jwise |S ae 
efile (22) ocs)isiee lS la 43. 
ea) ¢ |2"| 88s )/38)85 | $85 | Poses a 
ea i owen 6 |o |4 4 
ae 159 | 87 | 44 | hinder | $8 | 54 | 35 8-45 
EFOCYOD ........5.-- 10°3 88 | 24 | hinder | 7-4 4-7 2-5 50 
PSB cain sa'cains ae 11:0 76 | 23 hinder 66 4:3 3:3 52 
Cercoleptes ...... (ia ose ce) hinder E7518") 13:7 16 24, 
| PADINTUS: |2.... 2.002. a7 55 | 2:5 | hinder | 81 4:3 2:5 55 
Ailuropus ......... 235 | 12-4 | 40 | hinder | 21:0 | 80 35 142 
Bassaris ............ (a 34 | 14 | hinder | 5:0 34 18 3-4 
Meles .........s000e. 122 | 7-0 20 { mate |}86 | 50 | 22 52 
ae 154 | 11-2 ar { fen \o2 47 | 33 6-4 
Jt Cre 12-2 6-7 | 21 | hinder | 7-7 5:0 2-9 51 
Mydaus ............ (al 42 | 15 | front? | 42 | 3-1 2:0 27 
Mephitis............ 63 | 26 | 1:3 | front3 | 44 | 26 18 2:7 
Conepatus ......... 66 29 | 15 | front3 | 48 34 2-1 2°9 
Mellivora ........ 120 | 57 | 25{| Mmtrlleo | 56] 26 46 
ifalictis) ...:........ 64 | 33 11 { aes \42 30 | 18 2-7 
SPAEATNYX! tt 2.20-<< 5:2 26 | 10 middle | 3°7 2°8 14 23 
Galictis ............ 10°4 56 | 19 | middle 6-8 4-4 2-1 40 
Grisonia........... 71 | 38) 17{| Rom thas | 34] 17 26 
Mustela saaeh=cnne=» 4:3 18 | 08 hinder 2°5 19 lL 155 
MUOrUIS- <........ 32 13 | 05 hinder | 1-7 1:5 08 1-2 
it a ae 13:2 74 | 30 hinder | 96 laet/ 40 6:0 
il 11:4 52 ele tron’ ey 87:7 49 1:2 4-4 
oi. ieee 80 | 38 | 13 | front 58 | 45 16 35 
Enhydra............ 11:0 BD Wee front 77 49 1:2 4-4 
Ursus arctos ...... 28:0 | 155 | 43 | hinder | 19°5 | 9:5 70 13-2 
— horribilis ...| 30:0 | 17:0 | 48 hinder | 20°5 98 72 14-4 
—— americanus .| 21°6 | 11:9 | 3:35 | hinder | 136 Zev 59 10-0 
—— thibetanus...| 28°0 | 15-0 | 4:0 | hinder | 19:0 | 10-5 73 12:0 
—  malayanus..| 205 | 108 | 40 hinder | 16:0 91 6:6 88 
—— ornatus...... 15°5 80 | 3:0 | hinder | 10:2 74 46 78 
—— maritimus...| 30°5 | 16-2 | 5:0 hinder | 19:0 9-9 6:2 12:8 
Melursus ......... 245 | 13-7 | 5-1 hinder | 16:2 85 6-1 10°3 

Tasie IV. 
B<i-Sa4 8 [say |e | eae eee ae 
fe/isleo[he|@ [2 | £e] as] bs 
ee) £2] esl) $3) a. || 22 2s] Fz 
23/28) 83/28) £0 ae EB\Z8/ 23 
= < = 4 > > 4 < < 
bianine eee i eo i ce oO os 
IPrOcyON.....--sa-e-- 8 ‘9 ‘9 6 65 65 | 11 10 
INGSUG...cccuseseeeee ‘70 75 8 65 a9) 5 8 8 
Cercoleptes ...... 3) 48 “49 4 3 2 BO “49 
PATIUENS) ; psec -Sece “tf 85 | 11 9)5) “65 | 1:12 | 1:10 ms 
Ailuropus ......... 2G 227 Cala Tale ae S2) Ngo 20 
Bassaris ............ “ff 6 “ff 3 5) 5) 8 "BD 
Bassaricyon ...... “4 D5 | °50 3 ct bc 52 | -50 
Moeles' ..:652cs+ dastes 15 5 5 1:7 6 
Arctonyx ......... 16 af ase “4 4 18 “75 
Wailea. sss .ccase 13 ial 1:0 “a lf ies ‘5 
Mydaus ............ 5 oe ee 4 4 8 ‘4 
Mephitis............ “60 | 65 | “65 “4 “4 9 3 
Conepatus ......... 4/ 83 "85 6 D 10 “4 
Mellivora ......... 1:3 6 11 10 8 13 a 
Helictis ............ “fi “4 6 “4 “25 oy) “20 
etony% css. esn=~ if ‘4 6 “4 BD CF 25 
Galictis\..3...0+<*> ff 3 Ff ar “rf 25 
Grisonia............ off 3 6 “4 8 2 
Mustela ..:....2.0.- 23; “15 *4 3 3 “45 ‘1 
ObOTIUB. recesses 3 13 3 sor As 3 ‘09 
Galllo® cec-teanesse-- 2:0 “tf 13 1:15 | 1:10 | 2:1 3) 
WiOtrdsece-aseveesees 10 8 10 6 1:8 5 
AONYX...00s+00nes0>- 10 7 1:0 55 | 50 | 1:2 4 
Enhydra ......... ii 13 18 eas 7 6 15 6 zS 
Ursus arctos ...... 13 2:0 sb 33 1-0 3S) 2-0 23 1-9 
horribilis .. | 16 2:0 15 37 Ay) 8 22 2-4 19 
americanus | i'l 17 13 2°5 3; 8 ilgy/ iti 1:2 
— thibetanus...]} 1-1 1:9 14 30 8 “9 2-0 2°0 16 
—— malayanus...| 1:2 15 13 1-9 8 9 1-7 ies 1:2 
ornatus ...... 11 15 12 2-1 8 9 17 aor 1-2 
— maritimus...} 1:4 18 1:3 24 1:2 1:2 2-0 19 13 
Melursus rea 17 10 17 ? ? 16 | 14 8 

9-6 9-¢ 9G 9-9 E46 8-1 L-& 891 | Goh} GL9 | 0-96 L&T 9:06 | OGF | GIG jr snsInTey 
= iad 0G G9 #9 0-86 L-8 0-66 L.16 | 984 | 9:69 | 6-FT ¢-F1 O:a. | 2:68) |) 39:6 | Stason snr 
4 9-1 LT 0-01 LS GST F-91 6-IT L-91 G19 PLE | 1-49 8-01 ¥-16 0-8F AIS) te ie =e vapAqugy 

8-0 ¢.0 6:8 89 8.06 6-61 L-91 L81 | 919] GEG | €-98 8-6 916 | GOP] GAT | “pes ADO 

&-1 FI FL L-¢ €-L1 G.9T ¥-0T 8-41 6-09 G66 | 8-18 6-9 9-96 FOF 9060 ee 

9:6 L-€ 6-6 G8 L-¥6 GGG $06 626 | BGL} G9 | 6-FP GL 666. | SSR | L1G | ea Ie 

saat | Pas a L8 9-6 G-9L GOT L-GI GOT LLP OFS | LE G9 8-08 9:07 61g | Suttojnd) 

OUT €-1 £6 1-9 6-86 6-16 8-GT GOG | 689 | O-+F¢ d L9 0S | GEP}| GS6L | Besa 

. 81 FG L-9 L-g F-91 GSI G-TT L-91 0-0¢ GGr | &-6¢ 0-9 6-16 8-1¢ L0G. |p, SORES 
z O-€ 8G 0-4 6-F FG GFE GLY L-G6 T-99 L9¢ | 8:08 9-8 6-46 GCF WIG: Ni ** STpOrTR yy 
=) &-F FG 1-6 ¥-9 L6G LG GL 9-16 1.69 BLE | L6OL| &-F L-&G PGE FG | oo" xAUOWT 
iS) FG GE PL 6-F GGG F-86 F-91 L61 L-F9 81G | GEL FL 6-16 GOP S:6Ly ees 2) SORTER 
55 LG 0-9 ¥9 G9 GGG GLE 6-06 GH | €89 |) F:99 | GOP 6-6 GSI | LSP] 666 |" * RLOALTTO TAL 
fe 6-6 Gg LL ¥-9 6-16 L08 1-06 9.46 F-8L L-F9 | L-8L 6 1-06 0-6G LLL | snyedouog) 
4 LG 9:9 0-2 Pg 6-86 L6G L-9T EG g-99 FFG | GES SHE) 6-96 9-8F BOL [oo siden 
Q FG $9 69 99 8-F6 6-46 FLT 9-86 0:89 8-89 é G8 G86 L-OF PLT | “ snepayy 
a L-& GL 6-2 6-9 6-61 9-86 9-81 6-GG 0-F9 0-79 | &-9F 6:8 LG ¥-1¢ 62S Sep rea 
= &G GE 8G G.g 9-L1 6-16 LST FSI | OG | G6F | GOF 0-0T PRL | FOG | OTB [oe 
iS) FG 9-E 1-9 LG L-61 F-63 LLL L6L | G69 | GEG | T-68 GL O:GG || O:EG2 |) SAN es ae ee 
5 vee aticishe Saint aes |) mts ‘ ASeee ||P ier 7 Sales seuesis aonce PecGee seu ae aianide ropeck Befec sel Wiecrsno vers qoolaesstg, 
a GG 9-G GL $9 0-46 1-46 6-LT L-& 1-99 T-9¢ é 0:8 G08 0-0F BIG ey SEES a 
Pl neasee youve oo stoccttals aM Mee cae ies r aries cata singhes'e Sewees vil Pavan Bem cored oscese eriaants asians tresses Teseeeeees gndoanp:y 
3 GG GG 9:8 Leh, 196 6-16 6.06 616 | 614 | 0-69 | 8S0T} $6 G86 | Ger] O6L |” Sra 
° LG LG 1-9 TG GGG L-46 €-LT 0-66 F:99 Bre | FEIT] 6IL 0-46 F-68 GET [tr seqydeqoo1e9 
S 9-6 GP F8 $9 0-66 F-08 T-86 9-46 | 918} S89 | 6:26 8-6 EOe | O96], SSle|>~ Sh Mae 
E LG LG 9-01 9-1 6-86 6-68 L:86 F-16 1-16 CHL | 0-82 €-61 1-86 6-1F Gols * woko0tg 
di &G GG 9-01 6-6 L-96 0-16 9-FZ 886 | G8L) P89 | $19 0-9 F-1o | TOR | COG = sc EraR 
A ‘sad *‘snURI -qusany | -pedaeo 5 
jo JST 0 4151 : ; s i “quit “qual , : ‘uorsea |*uotsed| “MoTder 
page jo rer ai jo Sh PMNSOL ghee BIRT aha STARE |, SURO RE. | HOSEA PS PRES band Pectenaaty TD | UNOS | Peqrany | pestoqq| [BOLAteD 
-vyd pag | -eqd pae BAG Ee 

—!JO YISuET ‘OOT se UoyL} Sutoq uMsoVS Jo pUO 07 SUTJB Jo FUOAY WOAZ TUMTOO yeurds on} ‘toezoyg Jo sjand yeuoyscodoag 



[Apr. 21, 





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‘TA Gav y 



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‘TA WTavV 


Proportion borne by the pelvic limb (femur, tibia, and pes) to 
the pectoral limb taken as 100. 

Canis dingo ...... 114°6 Mellivora :.. 2.5%. 102°8 
IProcyous.d 22. % «sj 123:1 elietis™.-. sates ot 123°7 
INSTT E ne eae ee 128°8 TROY eae or ece-aesees 119°6 
Cercoleptess. . 5. sc.» 119°3 MANET Bins oases ve 116°4 
(ANIUMIS gate. teen De eo 7 Grisoniag nce 3. 117°9 
ISASSATIS! Py; Piste ees 119-0 Mustela .......... 75 
Bassaricyon........ — Putoniusye seis eye ait 118°3 
Melos. 22S eet 116°8 Gulor tae Se 116:2 
FAT CLOUY EK yale a 110°1 MEE: Sears aes ee 128°8 
Rami leacic ars tne 100°0 Aonyacs sre trees 115:0 
Mydaus <25 .:.sen.:.: 100°0 Binkiy dra pce aay cts ant 163°7 
Mephitis .3-3>7bce 122°1 Ursus horribilis .... 112-8 
Cone patms jvc 122°3 Melursus.......... 107°4 

4. Report on the Collection of Birds made during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘Marchesa.’ Part II. Borneo 
and the Island of Cagayan Sulu. By F.H. H. Guiuz- 
MARD, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., &c. 

[Received April 9, 1885.] 
(Plate XXV.) 

Section I. BORNEO. 

The cruise of the ‘Marchesa’ in Borneo was confined to the 
Sarawak district and the territory of the North Borneo Company. 
Certain islands to the northward were also visited, the most inter- 
esting of which was Cagayan Sulu, a solitary volcanic island in 
the Sulu Sea, from which no specimens have hitherto been brought. 
Examples of altogether one hundred and fourteen species were 
obtained from the mainland of Borneo. All these have, with one 
exception, been previously recorded from that country, and as the 
chief interest in the collection lies in the fact of some of the localities 
_ being new, a list only of the species is here given. 


Spilornis bacha, Salvadori, Uccelli di Borneo, poy: 
Silam, Darvel Bay, N.E. Borneo. 


Silam, Darvel Bay. 

LoricuLus GALGuuus, Linn. 

Loriculus galgulus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 26. 
Three specimens from Silam. 

P.Z.8.1885 Pl KXV 

J. Smit lith Hanhart imp. 



CuHoToreEA curRysopsis, Goffin. 
Chotorea chrysopsis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 32. 
Two specimens, ¢ and 9, from Silam. 

Chotorea versicolor, Salvad. op. cit. p. 33. 
3, from Sarawak. Iris brown; bill and feet greenish-brown. 


Chotorea mystacophanus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 34. 
3, and juv. 3, from Sarawak. 

3, from Usukan Bay, N. Borneo. 

4 ¢ adult, from Silam. 

2. Silam. 

3 juv. Silam. 

Xantholema duvaucelii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 38. 
3, from Silam. 


Calorhamphus fuliginosus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 39. 

Two specimens from Silam, Darvel Bay. In both the chin and 
throat are red, and there is only a slight yellowish margin on the 
lowest feathers of the throat. The beak in both instances is pinkish 
white, but unfortunately the sex is not indicated. 

Iynerricus auritus, Eyton. 

Iyngipicus fusco-albidus, Salvad. op, cit. p. 42. 

3 and 2. Kimanis River, N. Borneo. 

XYLOLEPES vaALipUus, Reinw. 

Xylolepes validus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 43. 

Two specimens, from Sandakan and Silam, N. Borneo. 

CaLLoLopuHus PuNICcEvs, Horsf. 
Callolophus puniceus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 49. 
3. Silam. 

Callolophus mentalis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 49. 
3. Silam. 

3 juv. Sandakan. 

Tiga JAVANENSIS, Ljungh. 

Tiga javanensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 54. 

One specimen from Sarawak. 

MEIGLypTEs TrRistTIs, Horsf. 
Meiglyptes tristis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 56. 
3 and 9. Silam. 
3d and @. Sandakan. 
Proc. Zoo. Soc.—1885, No. XXVII. 27 



Meiglyptes tukki, Salvad. op. cit. p. 57. 

3. Kudat, W. Borneo. 

2 $. Sandakan. 

2. Sandakan. 

The iris of the Kudat bird is noted as dark brown. 

Sasia abnormis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 60. 

2. Silam. 

CoccysTEs coRoMANDUs, Linn. 
Coccystes coromandus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 67. 

Eudynamis malayana, Salvad. op. cit. p. 68. 
¢. Sandakan. 


Rhynortha chlorophea, Salvad. op. cit. p. 69. 

Silam, two specimens. 

Sandakan, one specimen. 

6. Sarawak. 

In the Sandakan and Silam specimens the sex is not given. In 
the male from Sarawak the head is fulvous and the tail black. 


Rhopodytes sumatranus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 73. 

Silam. Crissum greyish black. 


Rhamphococcyx erythrognathus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 74. 

Two specimens from Sandakan. 

Two specimens from Silam. 

All have the median rectrices tipped with chestnut. In two of 
the skins, one from each locality, the chin is ash-coloured. 


Centrococcyx eurycercus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 78. 

¢. Sandakan. 

Hydrocissa albirostris, Salvad. op. cit. p. 82. 
Silam, one specimen. The four external rectrices are entirely white. 

Merops sicotor, Bodd. 
Merops bicolor, Salvad. op. cit. ). 90. 

3. Kimanis River, N. Borneo. 
do. Abai, N. Borneo. 

Silam, one specimen. 

Tris dark brown. 


Nyctiornis amicra, Temm. 
Nyctiornis amicta, Salvad. op. cit. p. 91. 
Two specimens from Silam. 

3. Sandakan. 

Alcedo bengalensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 92. 

3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 
Silam, one specimen. 


Pelargopsis leucocephala, Salvad. op, cit. p. 95. 

3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

Pale ochraceous; the upper surface bright bluish-green. No 
regular cap, but slightly marked with brown on the head. Bill from 
gape 8°8 centims., wing 14°1 centims. Iris ruddy brown; bill coral, 
dark at tip ; tarsus brilliant coral-red. 

Cryx pILLwynt, Sharpe. 

Ceyx dillwyni, Salvad. op. cit. p. 99. 
Ceyx sharpei, id. ibid. p. 98. 

Silam, one specimen. 

HALcyon cOROMANDA, Lath. 

Callialeyon coromanda, Salvad. op. cit. p. 101. 

3. Silam. 

Juv. Silam. 

The young bird has the entire upper surface chestnut, faintly 
washed with violet. Beneath, the feathers of the breast and 
abdomen are delicately tipped with black. 

Haucyon concreta, Temm. 
Caridagrus concretus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 102. 
Juv. Silam. 


Calyptomena viridis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 106. 
2 6. Silam. 

6. Sandakan. 

EvuryLtamvs savanicus, Horsf. 

Eurylemus javanicus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 107. 
So. Silam. 

2 9. Silam. 

EvurYL&MUS ocHROMELAS, Raffl. 
Eurylemus ochromelas, Salvad. op. cit. p. 108. 
3. Silam. 
3 juv. Silam. 
@. Silam. 



Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 109. 

3. Sarawak. 

2 9. Sarawak. 

Sandakan, one specimen. 

Silam, one specimen. 

Appears very much more common on the Sarawak river than in 
any part of the N. Borneo district I have visited. Four out of the 
five individuals have more or less white on the inner webs. of the 
outer rectrices. 

Corydon sumatranus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 111. 
3. Sarawak River. Iris purple. 

Batrachostomus auritus, Tweed. P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 439. 
Silam, one specimen. 

Caprimulgus macrurus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 117. 
3. Kimanis River, N. Borneo. 

Coxiocauis Lincut, Horsf. & Moore. 
Collocalia linchii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 121. 
Sandakan, one specimen. 

MacropTeryx comatus, Temm. 
Dendrochelidon comata, Salvad. op. cit. p. 123. 
3. Sandakan. 

3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

Q. Sigaliud River. 

Shot 13th April. 


Stoporala thalassinoides, Salvad. op. cit. p. 132. 
Silam, one specimen. 

Hypotuymis occrpitauis, Vig. 
Hypothymis azurea, Salvad. op. cit. p. 133. 
3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

Leucocerca javanica, Salvad. op. cit. p. 135. 
@. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

Terpsiphone affinis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 137. 
2 S$. Silam. 


do. Sarawak. 

Juv. Silam. 

The three males are in full plumage. The young bird has the 
uropygium and tail-feathers bright chestnut. The two median 
rectrices are prolonged about an inch beyond the others, and still 
show the sheath at their base. 

Philentoma velatum, Salvad. op. cit. p. 139. 
3. Silam. 

Artamus leucorhynchus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 140. 
Silam, one specimen. 

Pericrocotus igneus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 144. 

3. Sarawak, 
o. Silam. 


Lalage terat, Salvad. op. cit. p. 145. 
3. Abai, N. Borneo. 
Juv. Sandakan. 


Volvocivora schierbrandii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 148. 
2. Silam. 


Irena cyanea, Salvad. op. cit. p. 151. 

2 36. Silam. 

3. Sandakan. 

©. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

The Chinese use the feathers of this bird in Canton to make a 
sort of blue enamel in articles of jewellery. 

Chaptia malayensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 153. 
Sigaliud River, one specimen. 

Dissemurus brachyphorus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 154. 
3. Banguey I., N. Borneo. 

Q. Banguey I. 

©. Sarawak. 

Silam, two specimens. 


Myiouestes opscurus, Horsf. 

Myiolestes obscurus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 156. 
3. Usukan Bay, N. Borneo. 

do. Benoni River, N. Borneo. 

@. Usukan Bay. 

Hyloterpe griseola, Salvad. op. cit. p. 157. 
do. Libarran I., N. Borneo. 

Sirra FrronTALIS, Horsf. 
Dendrophila frontalis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 161. 

3. Silam. 
©. Silam. 


Diceum trigonostigma, Salvad. op. cit. p. 166. 
3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

3. Kudat. 

3. Silam. 

? ArwopyGa stparasA, Raffi. 

Athopyga eupogon, Salvad. op. cit. p. 173. 

3.juv. Banguey I., N. Borneo. 

This bird has the colouring of the female, except that the chin and 
throat are washed with red. Wing 5 centims., culmen 1°5 centims., 
tarsus 1*2 centims. Iris reddish ; bill brown, except the basal half 
of lower mandible, which is yellow; feet and tarsus coral-red! 
Salvadori gives the colour of the feet as fuscous: in the Cat. Birds, 
vol. ix. it is stated to be dark brown. I should place little reliance 
on the label had it not been written by myself; it is borne out by the 
colour of the legs in the dried skin being a faded pinkish yellow. 
It is possible that the present example may be the immature bird of 
a new species. Banguey is separated from the N. point of Borneo 
by a shallow channel some eight miles in width. 

Nectarophila hasseltii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 177. 
3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 


Chalcostetha insignis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 177. 

3. Sarawak. 

3 2. Libarran I., N. Borneo. 

This species was very abundant on Libarran, an island lying two 
or three miles off the coast in Lubuk Bay ; but during a two months’ 
visit to the north of Borneo, I do not recollect ever having seen it 


Anthreptes malaccensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 178. 
3 ¢. Libarran I., N. Borneo. 

3. juv. Libarran I. 

©. Libarran. 

3. Usukan Bay, N. Borneo. 

2. Usukan Bay. 

Hypogramma nuchalis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 172. 
3. “ Borneo,” exact locality unknown. 

Chalcoparia singalensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 180. 
3. Bidi, Sarawak. 

3 ¢. Silam. 

Iris a dull dark pink. 

Arachnothera chrysogenys, Salvad. op. cit. p. 181. 
Silam, one specimen. 


Arachnothera eytonii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 182. 

é. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

2 . Sigaliud River. 

Q. Silam. 

There appears to be av immense difference in size between the 
sexes. Thus the measurements of the three present examples are 
as follows :— 

Wing. Bill from gape. Tail. Tarsus. 
ca tLe 11:2 4°5 6°5 22 
Bears tesa 9°3 4°] a7 271 
Rae oe pic. Ok 3°8 a3 2°] 

The male is more yellowish on the upper surface, and somewhat 
brighter beneath. The female (No. 2) has the wing-coverts and 
wings irregularly spotted with dull yellowish-white. These birds 
frequented the high trees in small flocks, searching the flowers for 


Arachnothera modesta, Salvad. op. cit. p- 183. 

3 (?). Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

This individual is of unusual size. Wing 9:0 centims., bill 
from forehead 3-9 centims. ; tarsus 1°8 centims. 


Arachnothera robusta, Salvad. op. cit. p- 184, 
2 2. Silam. 


Arachnothera longirostra, Salvad. op. cit. p. 186. 
d . Silam. 

Arachnothera crassirostris, Salvad. op. cit. p. 187. 
©. Silam. 

AAGITHINA virtntIs, Bp. 

Tora scapularis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 190. 

3. Cape Sapanmangio, N. Borneo. 

Wings and tail black ; no sign of black on the head. 

CuLoropsis ZOsTEROPS, Vig. 
Chloropsis sonneratii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 193. 
2. Silam. 

Phyllornis cyanopogon, Salvad. op. cit. p. 194. 
2 ¢. Silam. 

¢ . Sarawak. 

dg. Sandakan. 

Pycnonotus pLumosvs, Blyth. 
Pycnonotus plumosus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 198. 
3. Kudat, N. Borneo. 

Sandakan, one specimen. 

Txidia squamata, Salvad. op. cit. p. 200. 
Silam, one specimen. 


Brachypodius melanocephalus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 201. 

3g. Silam. 

The tail-feathers, and more especially the outer pair, are much 
more broadly tipped with yellow than is the case in the Malaccan 
birds with which I have been able to compare it. 

Hemrxus MALAcCcENSIs, Blyth. 

Hypsipetes malaccensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 202. 

Silam, two specimens. 

One of these is irregularly marked with buffish brown on the wing, 
chiefly on the greater wing-coverts and secondaries, but otherwise 
shows no signs of immaturity. 


Criniger gutturalis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 206. 

Silam, one specimen. 

This example is much larger than the measurements given in 


the Cat. of Birds. Culmen 2°4 centims., wing 11°5 centims., tail 10°1 
centims., tarsus 2'2 centims. 


Criniger pheocephalus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 207. 

Silam, two specimens. 

Pomatorhinus borneensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 210. 
Silam, two specimens. 

Sracuyris MAcuLaTA, Temm. 
Timelia maculata, Salvad. op. cit. p. 211. 
3. Silam. 

Timelia nigricollis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 212. 
Silam, two specimens. 

Mrxornis BIcoLor, Blyth. 

Cyanoderma erythropterum, Salvad. op. cit. p. 213. 

3. Sandakan. 

3. N. Borneo. 

Iris crimson-lake ; bill bluish-black ; skin of side of head and 
neck bright cobalt-blue. 

Mrxornis CAGAYANENSTS, Guillemard. 

2. Abai, N. Borneo? 

This individual agrees with those obtained on the island of Cagayan 
Sulu (vide infrd, p. 419). The present example is without any 
tinge of chestnut on the upper surface. The striping appears almost 
entirely confined to the throat. Wing 6°] centims., tail 6-0 centims. ; 
bill from gape 1°8 centims., tarsus 1°9 centims. 

It is just possible that this bird may have been wrongly labelled, 
and that its correct locality is the island of Cagayan Sulu. 


Drymocataphus capistratoides, Salvad. op. cit. p. 218. 

Silam, one specimen. 

Kenopta striata, Blyth. 
Kenopia striata, Salvad. op. cit. p. 223. 
Silam, one specimen. 

Malacopteron ferruginosum, Salvad. op. cits pe 228e 
Silam, one specimen. 

Pirra MUELLERI, Bp. 

Pitta miilleri, Salvad. op. cit. ps 240. 
3. Silam. 

2. Silam. 

2 juv. Silam. 


Both the young birds have the throat white, and the forehead 
washed with chestnut. The white on the shoulder appears to become 
cobalt by gradual assumption of that colour in the feather, and not 
by moult. 

Pitta saupi, Mill. & Schleg. 

Pitta baudii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 243. 

Three ad. (¢ ?%). Silam. 

Juv. (5 7). Silam. 

2 (2). Silam. 

In none of these is there any note of the sex. The three adult birds 
are alike, except that in one the black nuchal collar is edged 
posteriorly with shining dark blue, thus forming a second collar of 
that colour. In the young bird the chin and upper throat are whiter, 
and the rest of the under surface rufescent, darker on the breast, 
and with some dark-blue feathers in the median line and on the 
flanks. Above, the head and nape are light brown, and the 
uropygium dark grey. The feathers of the back and scapulars are 
umber-brown, with the base dark grey. A few red feathers of the 
new moult are seen appearing irregularly here and there, especially in 
the scapular region. 

The fifth example differs greatly from the others. On the upper 
surface the head is rufous, merging gradually on the back into 
the same shade of red as is seen in the adult male. Beneath, the 
throat is whitish, and the rest of the under surface a uniform buffish 
tint, the feathers black at the base. Bill brown; lores and sides of 
face fawn-colour. 

The above individual has no appearance of immaturity, and I 
believe it to be the female. No allusion to any sexual differences of 
plumage is, however, made by Schlegel (Mus. Pays-Bas), Salvadori 
(Uce. di Born.), or Elliot (Monog. Pittidee). 

Pirra SCHWANERI, Temm. 

Pitta schwaneri, Salvad. op. cit. p. 243. 

Two (¢ 2). Silam. 

Q (vel juv.). Silam. 

The last example differs from the others in having the under 
surface buff, not yellow, but barred with bluish-black as in the adult 
male. The blue abdomen is replaced by greyish feathers tinged with 
rufous, which have lavender reflections in certain lights. Sinciput 
and vertex brown, with three or four longitudinal black stripes ; 
supraocular stripe fawn-coloured in its anterior, yellow in its 
posterior half; subocular and auricular feathers black, tipped with 
fawn ; occiput black. The bird is apparently mature. 


Sandakan, one specimen. 

This example corresponds in every way with those obtained at Meim- 
bun during the visit of the ‘ Marchesa’ to Sulu Island. It is slightly 
paler than Celebes skins; the lores are brownish white, and the ex- 
ternal rectrices have no white on the outer web as in G. sulphurea. 



Orthotomus cineraceus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 248. 
3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 
2 g. Usukan Bay, N. Borneo. 


Kittacinela stricklandii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 253. 

3. Kudat, N. Borneo. 

@. Banguey I., N. Borneo. 

Silam, four specimens. 

Tris light brown. Length 23-0 centims. The example from 
Banguey is smaller, and has the lower part of the back immediately 
above the white rump washed with orange-chestnut. 

Copsycuus AMa@Nnus, Horsf. 

Copsychus ameenus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 255. 
3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 


Turdus pallens, Salvad. op. cit. p. 256. 
2. Silam. 


Henicurus frontalis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 258. 

Three ad. sk. Silam. 

Juv. Silam. 

I can detect no constant differences in plumage between these 
individuals and the examples of H. Jeschenaulti in the British 
Museum. The much larger size of the Javan bird is, however, very 
noticeable. The following are the measurements in centimetres of 
the present examples and those given in the Cat. B. 

Wing. Culmen. Tarsus. 
HI, leschenaulti (Java)......  10°9 2°4 3°0 
E (Borneo)...  9°3 2°0 2°7 

Silam, one specimen. 


Oriolus xanthonotus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 277. 

2¢. Silam. 

3 juv. Silam. 

3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

29. Silam. 

The young male much resembles the females, but has the head 
somewhat darker, while the wing-coverts have no chestnut edgings. 
The median rectrices are black tipped with yellow, not olive-yellow ; 
while, beneath, the chin and throat are dusky. 


Platysmurus aterrimus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 279. 
3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 

Silam, one specimen. 


Platylophus coronatus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 280. 
2? Silam. 

Juv. Silam. 

3. Sigaliud River, Sandakan. 


Treron vernans, Salvad. op. cit. p. 286. 

¢. Kimanis River, N. Borneo. 

The Punai appears to be extremely abundant at the western part 
of the North-Borneo Company’s possessions. 

Treron olax, Salvad. op. cit. p. 289. 
23. Silam. 


Carpophaga bicolor, Salvad. op. cit. p. 292. 

Silam, three specimens. 

These examples are all without black markings on the thighs and 
under tail-coverts, except a slight tipping of the latter in one case. 
Each has 14 rectrices, and the external pair are broadly tipped with 


Chalcophaps indica, Salvad. op. cit. p. 299. 

3. Kudat, N. Borneo. 

3. Banguey I., N. Borneo. 


Argusianus grayi, Salvad. op. cit. p. 305. 
3. Silam. 

¢. Sandakan. 

EvpLocomus NoBILIs, Sclat. 

Euplocomus nobilis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 306. 
3. Silam. 

23. Sandakan. 


Rollulus rouloul, Salvad. op. cit. p. 308. 
33. Silam. 

Excalfactoria chinensis, Salvad. op. cit. p. 311. 
@. Silam. 


Aigialites peronii, Salvad. op. cit. p. 315. 
3. Usukan Bay, N. Borneo, June 4th. 

Strepsilas interpres, Salvad. op. cit. p. 320. 
¢. Libarran I., N. Borneo, April 16th. 

Actodromas albescens, Salvad. op. cit. p. 323. 
Sandakan Bay, one specimen. 

Tringoides hypoleucus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 326. 
Sandakan Bay, one specimen. 

Totanus incanus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 329. 
2. Usukan Bay, N. Borneo, June 3rd. 

Numenius pheopus, Salvad. op. cit. p. 333. 
Silam, one specimen. 

Gallinago stenura, Salvad. op. cit. p. 334. 

SuLA piscaTor, Linn. 
Sula piscator, Salvad. op. cit. p. 368. 
Silam, one specimen. 

Section 1]. CAGAYAN SULU. 

The island of Cagayan Sulu, lying, as it does, in an isolated 
position in the Sulu Sea, is extremely interesting to the ornithologist. 
Placed midway between Palawan and the islands of the Sulu 
Archipelago, with which latter it should on no account be confounded, 
it lies somewhat nearer to the coast of Borneo, from which, however, 
it is distant over fifty miles. It is of purely volcanic origin, and 
Admiral Keppel, so long ago as 1853, made us acquainted with its 
curious crater-lakes. It is not, however, with its geological aspects 
that we have to deal, but with its avifauna, which, I believe, has, up 
to the present, remained completely unexplored. 

In April 1883 I visited the island in Mr. Kettlewell’s yacht 
‘Marchesa,’ remaining for about a week, and nearly ten months later 
we again touched there on our return voyage to Singapore. Although 
I collected diligently on both visits, the results were singularly 
meagre, and I do not recollect ever meeting with a locality so poor 
in bird-life. This, however, is probably owing to the island being, 
geologically speaking, of comparatively recent formation. The few 
species that were obtained are interesting as showing a mixed Philip- 
pine and Bornean ornis, with a decided preponderance of the latter. 


The entire collection obtained upon the island numbers but fifteen 
species. Setting aside seven of these as being of wide distribution, 
we have eight species remaining. Of these, two only are Philippe— 
Tanygnathus luzoniensis, and a Calornis, which, though not specifically 
separable from C. panayensis, is of markedly larger dimensions. 
Two—Chibia pectoralis and Carpophaga pickeringi—occur, so far as 
we know, neither in Borneo nor the Philippines, but are found in the 
Sulu Islands; three of the remaining four are purely Bornean ; and 
the last isa new species of Mizornis, probably peculiar to the island. 
It is interesting therefore to note that, while to the westward 
Cagayan Sulu is connected by shallow soundings with the great 
coral-reefs at the north of Borneo, to the east it is separated from 
the Sulu Archipelago by a comparatively deep sea. 


G, O.\8 « 

Iris yellow; bill scarlet; tarsus olive-green. The blue of the 
head is much brighter than in examples from Sulu Island, and is 
more extensive, occupying the vertex instead of being confined to 
the occipital region. A specimen from Lapac Island in the Sulu 
Archipelago is intermediate in this respect between the Sulu and 
Cagayan Sulu birds. The present examples have the under surface 
more strongly washed with golden yellow. The natives keep this 
species in captivity. 


TH pao 

Iris brown ; bill leaden black, base of lower mandible whitish ; 
feet brown. Abundant on the sea-shore and at the crater-lakes. 

3. EupyNAMIS MALAYANA, Cabanis. 
Cr Qe 

Iris in male crimson; bill pea-green; feet and tarsus olive- 
green. Length of male 41°0 centims. Agrees with Bornean skins. 


(7 hee ar 
Iris brown ; bill black ; tarsus lead-coloured. This species has 
been recorded from Palawan by Mr. Everett. 

5. LaLaGEe TERAT, Boddaert. 

@,, Gre 
Iris yellow; bill and feet black. Not distinguishable from 
Bornean or Philippine examples, but peculiar in having a yellow iris. 

6. CH1BiA PECTORALIS, Wallace. 

a-c. 6. 

de ve 

Iris ruddy brown in a, brown in the female d; in the others I 
have made no uote of the colour. Bill and tarsus black. A close 
comparison with skins from Sulu Island which, from the presence of 


the silky frontal tuft and other characteristics, must be referred to 
C. pectoralis, does not show any apparent specific differences, though 
it must. be allowed that the present examples have no trace of frontal 
plumes. On the other hand, several of the Sulu birds are equally 
devoid of it. 

7. Hrrunpo savanica, Sparrm. 

a. 2 (April 3rd). 

Flying about in numbers in the vicinity of the crater-lakes in the 
month of April. 

8. MixorNIS CAGAYANENSIs, sp. nov. (Plate XXV.) 

M. bornensi similis; sed fronte, superciliis et regione parotica 
cinereis, et dorso cinerascenti-olivaceo, haud castaneo, facile 

Sears ae 

b. Sex. incert. 

Iris pale yellow ; bill and feet lead-coloured ; length about 14°5 
centims. ; wing 6:4 centims. ; tail 6:0 centims. ; bill from gape 1°8 
centim. ; tarsus 2°0 centims. 

Above greyish olive ; the forehead greyish, with black shafts to 
the feathers, the occipital region with a tinge of chestnut ; feathers 
round the eye and in the parotic region ashy ; throat and chin pure 
white, broadly striped with black; breast ‘pale yellow, also broadly 
striped, shading off below into the yellowish olive-grey of the crissum 
and under tail-coverts; thighs with a slight reddish tint; under 
wing-coverts white; wings chestnut; tail brown, with traces of dark 

This species, which was common in low bushes in the more open 
situations in the island, is at once distinguishable from J. éornensis 
by the upper surface being of an ashy olive-brown instead of chest- 

nut. It has a loud note of alarm, is very restless in its movements, 
and apparently rarely flies far off the ground. 



Tris brown; bill and legs flesh-coloured. Is identical with 
O. borneoensis of Salvadori, which Mr. Sharpe (Cat. B. vol. vii. 
p- 226) considers to be the adult male of the present species. 


a,b. oS. 

ce. Juv. o. 

Iris brown, with no ruddy tinge. The under surface is inter- 
mediate between the bright yellow and chlorogaster varieties. Size 

somewhat large, the wing measuring 6°9-7:0 centims. ; tail about 
5°5 centims. 

11. CaLornis PANAYENSIS, Scopoli. 
a-d. 3. 

Iris brilliant red-orange; bill and tarsus black. Length 22:0- 


23°0 centims. These examples are not separable from Sulu skins 
excepting as regards size. The following measurements (in centims.) 
seem to show that the greater dimensions of the former are tolerably 
constant :— 

Wing. Tarsus, 

Casayan Sulton... .. 116 2'3 
= TOR tee eee 12 2:3 

pf rad 1) rata eee 2 10°5 22 

5 sees Nes} 2°2 

a Fe Wee 11°3 222, 
Sulu Uslands caterer er 10°2 2-1 
af oo (Sj oes ailenaeel tel 10°6 2°2 

ak Bs SORE. Fi 10°2 2°0 

> 29 3 TePlOw? 2°0 

5 AES 2 . 10:3 el 

Feem es OL ae 10°4 2°1 


a-e. oC. 


a dull red; bill bluish-green; feet and tarsus dull red. 
Length 42:0—44°5 centims. ; wing 22°8-25°1 centims. ; tail 16°0-17°5 
centims. ; culmen 2°0—2°1 centims. ; tarsus about 3:0 centims. Sexes 

These examples correspond with an individual of this species 
obtained in Sulu Island during the visit of the ‘ Marchesa’ to that 
Archipelago. There is but little individual variation in the series ; 
but in some the iridescent colour of the tail inclines rather to blue 
than green. This Pigeon was apparently abundant in the neighbour- 
hood of the crater-lakes. 


Fig (Ne 
Iris brown ; bill bluish-black ; feet bright orange-red. 


as OF 

Iris brown; bill brownish black; feet very dark olive. It is 
singular to observe how the habits of birds are adapted to cireum- 
stances. Both this and the preceding species perch on the 
mangroves, not on the trunks only, but in the branches. A small 
island near Tanjong Tavo-tavo, if indeed the word island can be 
applied to a collection of mangrove trees springing from the water, 
was the invariable resort of a large quantity of whimbrel, whose 
favourite perch seemed always to be upon the highest boughs. 


Iris chrome-yellow ; tarsus olive, with black patches on the 

anterior aspect ; feet with under surface bright yellow. 




THE scientific publications of the Zoological Society are of two 
kinds — “ Proceedings,” published in an octavo form, and 
“ Transactions,” in quarto. 

According to the present arrangements, the “ Proceedings” 
contain not only notices of all business transacted at the scien- 
tific meetings, but also all the papers read at such meetings 
and recommended to be published by the Committee of Pub- 
lication. From fifty to seventy coloured plates and engravings 
are attached to each annual volume of the “ Proceedings,” to 
illustrate the new or otherwise remarkable species of animals 
described in them. Amongst such illustrations, figures of the 
new or rare species acquired in a living state for the Society’s 
Gardens are often given. 

The “Proceedings” for each year are issued in four parts, on the 
first of the months of June, August, October, and April, the part 
published in April completing the volume for the preceding 
year. The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, 
and 3s. per part for that with uncoloured Plates. 

The “Transactions” contain such of the more important 
communications made to the scientific meetings of the Society 
as, on account of the nature of the plates required to illustrate 
them, are better adapted for publication in the quarto form. 

Fellows and Corresponding Members, upon payment of 
a Subscription of One Guinea before the day of the Anni- 
versary Meeting in each year, are entitled to receive all the 
Society’s Publications for the year. They are likewise entitled 
to purchase the Publications of the Society at 25 per cent. less 
than the price charged for them to the Public. A further re- 
duction of 25 per cent. is made upon purchases of Publications 
issued prior to 1861, if they exceed the value of five pounds, 

The following is a complete list of the publications of the 
Society already issued. They may be obtained at the Society’s 
Office (3 Hanover Square, W.), at Messrs. Longmans’, the 
Society’s publishers (Paternoster Row E.C.), or through any 
bookseller :— 

| August 1, 1885.] 



8vo. 2 vols. 
To Fellows. To the Public. 
Paré a) t8s0-3)., T-wol. Svo; 0.5 asses Price 4s. 6d. .. 65.7 
Pel ios eee Dee TS EO ee io 45.00, Salons 

8vo. 15 vols. and Index. (First Series.) 

Priceto Price to the Price to Price to the 
Fellows. Public. Fellows. Public. 
Part I. 1833. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6d. .. 6s. Part IX. 1841. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
5 II. 1834. “a 45) Gd. .’6s: X. 1842. Ap 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
» III. 1835. 5 4s. 6d. .. 6s. » Al. 1843. 5) 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
6 6UOLWe2SES36 ss 4s. 6d. .. 6s. » AIT. 1844. 4 4s. 6d... 6s. 
a V. 1837. Ae 4s. 6d. .. 6s. > XIII. 1845. ee 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
» VI. 1838. Be 4s. 6d. .. 6s. >, XIV. 1846. = 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
VA 1839) 5 4s. 6d. .. 6s. >» XV. 1847. 9 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
» VIII. 1840. Bs 4s. 6d. .. 6s.} | Index 1830-1847. 35 As: Gds.. 6s. 

8vo. 13 vols. and Index. (Second Series.) 

Letterpress ae With Plates Coloured. 
To Fellows. To the Public. To ners To the ae 
Sa 1d: Sa Os 
Part XVI. 1848.1 vol.8vo.4s.6d. .. 6s. .. Price l O 9 1ie7— 6+ 
»  X&VIT. 1849. 3 AgsGar fl 68h, tiie es alee, Ole 9 lias Gt 
» XVIII. 1850. Py BS GUe 96 sth n OS apencrs 4 Oe a ae EO 118 OF 
Ms XIX. 1851. - AG ROds pu’ 1084 Pie Beem Os lomey a 
a XX. 1852. FA Asien. OS See st CO slomeg | Gia! ESO 
3 XXI. 1853. 7” 4si6ah 208, NlGshO>,.. CLO OMISEO 1 4 OF 
» MXIT. 1854. ss 4s GdlliteneGstt 22 oer Ord 9i6 leé © 
» XXIII. 1855. 5 4s,6ds ana WOSHncce att Teo 118 OF 
» XXIV. 1856. a AsiO0d Sorte 1 OSt em, on OS Lie Fig 
»  XXV. 1857. 3 AsnGd- = «i (OSS. sa. en ao te 6 
» XXXVI. 1858. ee ASNGd 9 BGsVOO LF TALE 220 
» XXVII. 1859. By 4shGds Wes M6sSH?. 4855 DOL TMOEG 2°32 OF 
» XXVIII. 1860. a A Gds S25 S65 Sten: WelsG6 D4c2,(O 
Index 1848-1860. a 4s.6d. .. 6s. 

SOCIETY OF LONDON, 1848-60. 8vo. 6 vols. 

Plates Uncoloured. Plates Coloured. 
To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public. 
Lidia L448: Jak Lass ai EET ss, d. 
Mammalia ......se000- Tuvols pol) (2 aGuey, sllO) Ones VPricet 25.17, £3 ou oet0F 
AVES. bo ecte cchovene ssc AY DIS REO ata gone OMOUO tie ar  4e14." 6 6 6 OF 
Reptilia et Pisces ... 1 vol., 0 15 Ores ely JOR; er eee 110 OF 
Mollusea....-....0..00« IivoleenOlo2 9. leek Oe je lowe eG 110 OF 
Annulosa et Radiata 1 vol. 111 6..2 2 0. eee os PE) he 

* No perfect copies of these volumes remain in stock. t Out of print. 



Letterpress only. Plates only. Complete. 
To the To the To the 
To Fellows. Public. To Fellows. Public. To Fellows. Fublic. 
1861, cloth4s. 6d.....6s....... BOS AI dae AUG gy fact ois 33s. 9d... . .45s. 
W862; 5, 4exGd). ....08..25 .0. Se) Beene 2 anemic 33s. 9d.....45s. 
1863) -5; .4s.6d.....68......: BUSS IGS, aia eA SE pete ore 33s. 9d.....45s. 
1864, ,, 4s.6d.....6s......- SOS Dla are APSE alclaia one 33s. 9d.....45s. 
1865, ,, 4s. 6d....-68.....5: SUS deat <A Sede occurs 33s. 9d.....48s. 
1866, ,, 4s.6d.....6s....--- 30s. 9d.....41s. ...... 33s. 9d.....458. 

With Plates, uncoloured. With Plates, coloured. 
To Fellows. Tothe Public. To Fellows. To the Public. 

ESOP a eh. ced adhe Meee aers 9s. Od. .... 12s. .... 33s. 9d. ... . 45s. 
PSGBE che cake oe ees 9s. Od. .... 12s. 33s. 9d. .... 458 
LEGS SMa re oak whore Bers GenQde<s eal 2se sent SOS GOs pan 406 
NS OM shavers ciety on ayeals We Sends vl esc Ob rss eA DS: 
Index, 1861-1870.......- 4s. 6d. .... 6s. 

NG fMleer ts hy cata cua sainereles SuOds see. 12st, ase0ds 2.5.) 408 
RR a Sie, aves eveuais, oi evade’ OS Oda. Loses OOS: Os odes 405s 
[SY DUSRRRE, Seen aco QeOd ee pls Ons o dee oa 40st 
MS Amta es cea ete eae ears Gs" 0d) ae les. 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
1S SSwerigear, bats eer ieNeienoy crea SP Ys a a 2 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
PSG, Sere OS ees Os: 0ds.8 ee W254 36s. Od. .... 48s.t 
eg) | ea Nie onan Sear tac 9s. Od 12s. . 36s. Od. .... 488 
1S 7 Sa, bs erties scones ini 96: Od. inp 28s. 100, 008. Od...\7.,. 486 
1 FSC re Ree ea ere GeOdien mats 28a, gore S080. cop 208 
TSO MbeNE teas cavey rier. ene,s ake 9s.0d. .... 12s. .... 36s. Od. .... 488. 
Index, 1871-1880........ As. 6d) .... GS: 

USBilvencs hase wrewmeen s se D8 (Odsway.72 5 L2St eae tvOOS, OG. 0). «7. 488. 
USSD Lf apcctdketeels ho encpsreisre 95. Od:)..9. 4 128;.50.. 008. Od. s... 485, 
RUS See ea erate OsHODS peters MaSie crete 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
Are ete ape atetienseyttere 9s. Od. .... 12s. .... 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
1885, part 1 (Jan. & Rebs) es sdsiik Wassily... se 980.1, a0 12s: 
1885, ,, 2 (Mar. & Apr.). 2s. 3d..... 3s..... 9s. Od. .... 12s. 

(Bound in Cloth 3s. extra.) 

LONDON. 4to. 10 vols., with Index, and Ten Parts. 

To Fellows. Tothe Public. 

£8. d, a en 
Vol. I., containing 59 Plates (1833-35) Pricee3 13 6.. 418 O* 
Vol. IL, 33 [es (1835-41) , 4 0 0.,. 5 6 6* 
Vol. IIl., “f Gdn as 1847-49)", 3 8) 3 1: 4.11 OF 
Vol. IV., . iste 1851-62) , 6 20.. 8 2 6 
Vol. V., i Gin, 1862-66) , 5 4 3.. 619 O 
Vol. VI., a Oi (1866-69) ,, 11 5 0..15 0 0 
Vol. VII., = (me ee (1869-72) ,, 817 0..1116 0 
Vol.VIIL., ,, Pees (1872-74) , 9 8 3..1211 0 
Vol. IX., a 99 ,, (1875-77) ,,12 0 0..16 0 0 
Vol. X., a 94ees (18t-—79)" 3) 10" OF 3 1370 
Naislex Vlei Ne — MGs cieitistsaisietasueneie ake ia » , 0 7) 560.2. O00 
Vol. XI., part 1,containing 4 plates(Jan. 1880) ,, 012 0.. 016 0 
Voli Xd.) 55:23 8 7. \5-e( Asie 1880), 0.18 O25 a0 
Wole Xue. 36 3. 3s ST 5s, ASE ESS) og lL 2 6 ae OO 
Vol. XI 3, 4; aS Dose (CAPE MLeoL) i500) 1700 Ol sv OMLOmG 
Vol; Xs 3h 53 » 13 ,, (June 1881), ,018 6.. 1 4 0 
Vol; XI; 3, 6; i 6 ,, (Jan. 1882),, 012 0.. 016 O 
Vol. Xi., 55 7; 53 9 ,, (Oct. 1882),, 015 0.. 1 0 OU 
Vol Xe 308; a 11 ,, (Jan. 18835),, 012 0.. 016 O 
Vol. Xd; .;,, 9) 35 10 ,, (Oct.1883),, 012 0.. 016 O 
Vol. XI., ,, 10, Preise. (viay ooo), lt ~6:.." 22 0 

* No perfect copies of these vclumes remain in stock. 

t Out of print, but odd parts may be obtained. 

¢ Only uncoloured copies of these plates can now be supplied at 10s. 6d. each 


List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. 8yo. 1862. Price 1s. 6d. 

List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. (Second Edition.) 8vo. 1863. 
Price 1s. 6d. 

List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. (Third Edition.) 8vo. 1865. 
Price 1s. 6d. 

List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. (Fourth Edition.) 8vo. 1866. 
Price ls. 6d. 

Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8yo. 1872. 
Price 2s. 

Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.—Supplement, 
containing Additions received in 1872, 1873, and 1874. 8vo. 
1875. Price 1s. 

List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London, (Sixth Edition.) 8vo. 
1877. Price 3s. 6d. 

List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London. (Seventh Edition.) S8vo. 
1879. Price 3s. 6d. 

List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London.—First Supplement, 
containing Additions received in 1879. 8yvo. 1880. 

Price 1s. 6d. 

List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London. (Highth Edition.) 8vo. 
1883. Price 3s. 6d. 

These publications may be obtained at the Socrety’s Orrice (3 
Hanover Square, W.), at Messrs. Lonemans’ (Paternoster Row, 
E.C.), or through any bookseller, 

Price 6d., Sewed, 



Thirty-eighth Edition, corrected according to the present Arrange- 
ment of the Gardens, 

Published by 



May 5, 1885. 
Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., V.P.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during the month of April 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of April was 152, of which 33 were by 
presentation, 66 by purchase, 12 by birth, one by exchange, and 20 
were received on deposit. The total number of departures during 
the same period, by death and removals, was 117. 

The most noticeable additions during the month of April were as 
follows :— 

1. A pair of Rhinoceroses, apparently referable to the Sumatran 
species, Rhinoceros sumatrensis. These are young animals, perhaps 
about three quarters of their full size, and form an interesting 
acquisition as being the first pair of any species of this genus that 
have been together in the Society’s Menagerie. 

They were purchased of Mr. Cross of Liverpool on the 16th of 
April for the sum of £500. 

2. A female Tibetan Wild Ass or Kiang (Equus hemionus), depo- 
sited by Mr. W. Jamrach on the 7th of Apmil. This is the only 
example of this species of Wild Ass that we have had in the Gardens 
since the specimen presented by the late Major W. E. Hay in 1859". 

3. Two Gouldian Grass-Finches (Poéphila gouldie), one adult and 
one in young plumage, but both supposed to be of the male sex, 
presented by Mr. C. N. Rosenfeld on April 18th, and new to the 
Society’s collection. It is possible that the controversy respecting 
the coloration of the sexes of this species* may be settled upon the 
death of these specimens. 

The following papers were read :-— 

1. Quelques remarques sur le Dimorphisme Sexuel. 
Par Jean StorzMann *. 

[Received March 3, 1885.] 

La théorie du transformisme a occupé, dans ces derniers temps, une 
place des plus importantes dans la science, formant, pour ainsi dire, 
la base des sciences biologiques. I] y a cependant une école de 
naturalistes qui s’opposent encore a l’accepter, probablement sous 
Yinfluence des anciennes traditions. Néanmoins toute la nouvelle 
zénération des savants a accepté la théorie de Darwin avec un 
enthousiasme extraordinaire, la prenant pour point de départ pour 
toutes les questions de la philosophie naturelle. La majorité des 

1 See P. Z.8. 1859, p. 305, pl. lxxiii. 

2 See Gould’s ‘ Birds of Australia,’ vol. iii. plates 88 and 89, 
3 Communicated by M. L. Taczanowski, C.M.Z.8, 



savants de tous les pays civilisés admire la simplicité de sa théorie, et 
la conformité de ses lois avec les faits fournis par des observations 
scientifiques. Les ennemis de l’hypothése de la sélection naturelle 
cherchent vainement des faits et des arguments qui lui soient 
contraires ou défavorables. Au lieu de la combattre, on a fourni 
une quantité de faits qui la confirment. 

Il y a cependant un point faible dans la théorie de Darwin, qui a 
excité depuis son apparition une vive polémique au sein des 
Darwinistes mémes. Je veux parler de ’hypothése de la sélection 
sexuelle. L’émule méme de Darwin, Mr. Alfred Russell Wallace, se 
montrait contraire a influence active des femelles sur le choix de 
miles, et plusieurs autres Darwinistes ont réfuté cette hypothése, sans 
donner cependant une explication satisfaisante du dimorphisme sexuel. 
De cette maniére l’idée de la sélection sexuelle pouvait persister dans 
la science jusqu’a nos jours. 

Darwin, qui est si clair, si ferme dans ses arguments quand il parle 
de la sélection naturelle, a formulé sa théorie de la sélection sexuelle 
sur des bases trés peu solides. D’un cété il a pris les observations, 
faites par plusieurs personnes sous l’influence d’un parti pris; d’un 
autre cOté il s’est basé sur les lois d’hérédité, qui, selon sa propre 
expression, sont trés capricieuses, trés instables et surtout presque 
impénétrables pour nous. II est done trés facile de comprendre, que 
les partisans mémes du savant anglais ont recu lidée de la sélection 
sexuelle avec une certaine réserve et plusieurs l’ont complétement 

Je me permets de présenter ici aux lecteurs quelques remarques 
sur la sélection sexuelle, en tachant en méme temps d’expliquer le 
fait du dimorphisme sexuel au moyen d’un autre agent, conforme a 
plusieurs faits de la biologie et de ’embryologie des animaux. Je dois 
cependant prévenir le lecteur, que je prendrai tous mes exemples 
dans la classe des oiseaux que j’ai eu l’occasion d’étudier pendant 
les neuf années de mes voyages dans les Cordiliéres du Pérou et de 
?Equateur. Si mes remarques trouvent un bon accueil, d’autres 
spécialistes, plus compétents que moi, pourront les appliquer aux 
diverses classes du régne animal. 

L’étude des oiseaux nous montre qu’une grande partie d’espéces 
est dimorphe, c’est a dire, que les miles diffcrent des femelles soit 
par la coloration, soit par divers appendices, soit par la taille, les 
males étant les plus souvent plus forts que les femelles; enfin 
le dimorphisme sexuel se manifeste quelquefois par la faculté des 
males de produire une sorte de musique vocale ou instrumentale, 
dont les femelles ne sont pas dotées. Darwin explique les différences 
sexuelles au moyen du choix exereé par les femelles, celles-ci 
donnant toujours la préférence aux males les plus beaux et les 
plus attrayants. Il attribue de cette manicre aux femelles un 
gotit esthétique de la méme nature que celui de’homme. Pour 
expliquer une vive coloration chez les femelles des plusieurs 
espéces, Darwin la base sur les lois d’hérédité, et suppose que 
les couleurs voyantes ont été acquises premicrement par les 
males sous influence de la sélection sexuelle, et que ce n’est 


qu’aprés qu’elles ont été transmises aux femelles, totalement 
ou A un degré plus ou moins considérable. 

Darwin cherche dans les mémes lois d’hérédité la cause de 
la coloration des jeunes oiseaux, qui, dit-il, ressemblent ou bien 
aux deux parents, ou bien exclusivement a la femelle (dans les espéces 
dimorphes), ou, enfin, different par leur coloration de tous les deux. 
Darwin réunit toute la série des différences entre les adultes et les 
jeunes dans six cathégories, en les expliquant par la loi 
W’apparition des caractéres aux Ages correspondants. Si done les 
caractéres males ont été acquis dans le jeune Age, ils se montrent 
aussi de bonne heure chez les jeunes, dans lesquels cas le plus 
souvent ces caractéres avaient été transmis aux femelles complétement 
ou peu s’en faut. C’est pour cette raison que chez les espéces 
dont les miles et les femelles sont colorés vivement, comme, 
par exemple. chez les toucans et chez les perroquets, les jeunes 
posscdent déji dans leur premier plumage la vive coloration 
des parents. 

Au premier abord, il nous est difficile d’admettre chez les femelles 
des oiseaux la présence d’un gotit esthétique si fortement développé 
comme le signale Darwin. D’un autre coté, il y a une série de 
transitions entre les oiseaux richement colorés et ceux aux 
couleurs sombres, qu’il nous sera impossible de démarquer la 
limite ot finit Paction de la sélection naturelle et ot commence 
Vinfluence d’autres causes (de la sélection sexuelle, par exemple). La 
couleur jaune, par exemple, appartient sans nul doute aux couleurs 
vives. Or, je connais des espéces du genre américain Basileuterus 
(B. castaneiceps et B. coronatus), qui posstdent la distribution 
topographique’* trés capricieuse, prouvant que les deux espéces 
citées ne sont pas isolées l’une de l’autre, mais qu’au contraire elles 
peuvent communiquer entre elles. La premitre posséde une 
coloration sombre et le ventre blanc grisatre ; la deuxi¢me ressemble 
en tout A la premiére A l’exception du ventre, qui est d’un jaune 
citron, cette couleur étant propre aux males et aux femelles. Nous 
avons dit déji que la couleur jaune appartient 4 la cathégorie des 
couleurs vives; il faut done accepter, avec Darwin, qu'elle s’est 
développée premitrement chez les males sans influence de la 
sélection sexuelle et qu’aprés elle était transmise aux femelles en 
vertu des lois d’hérédité. Nous serons done forcés d’admettre, que 
les femelles du B. coronatus ont dévancé de beaucoup celles de 
Yautre espéce dans le développement du goiit sans cause apparente, 
parceque, comme je l’ai déja dit, les deux espéces peuvent commu- 
niguer entre elles. Nous pourrions donc nous attendre 4 ce que les 
femelles de l’espéce sombre, en voyant les males au ventre jaune, les 
choisissent, et que cette race se propageat trés vite; tandis, qu’en 

171 faut distinguer entre la distribution orographique et la distribution 
topographique. La premiére embrasse les cas de la dispersion dans le plan 
yertical; la deuxiéme—les cas oti nous comparons les formes habitants les 
deux versants d’une haute chaine des montagnes ou les deux cdtés d'une vallée 
profonde, située entre deux chaines des montagnes hautes (comme p. e. la 
vallée du Haut Marajion). 



réalité les deux races occupent des contrées souvent trés rapprochées 
sans se méler pourtant. 

Cette instabilité dans le développement du prétendu gotit chez les 
femelles des oiseaux se manifeste encore dans les exemples suivants, 
choisis parmi plusieurs autres: les deux espéces d’oiseaux- 
mouches, trés proches, appartenant au genre Schistes (S. geoffroyi 
et S. personatus), se trouvent Ja premicre sur le versant oriental et 
Ja deuxiéme sur le versant occidental des Cordilléres. La premiére 
espéce ne dépasse pas la hauteur de 5000’ au dessus du niveau de la 
mer; la deuxidme, celle de 3000'; elles sont done complétement 
isolées l'une de l'autre par la chaine des Andes, vu que cette chaine 
a au moins 8000’ de hauteur. En outre, la premiére posséde une 
distribution géographique trés vaste: elle habite la Colombie; moi 
je l’ai trouvé sur le versant oriental des Andes Equatoriennes, et M. 
Jelski l’a rencontré au Pérou central (12° lat. sud), ce qui représente 
au moins 20° géographiques dans la direction du meéridien. L’ 
espéce occidentale se trouve exclusivement sur le territoire Equatorien 
entre 2° lat. nord et 2° lat. sud. Les deux formes ressemblent 
beaucoup l’une aJ’autre et la principale différence entre elles est une 
plaque frontale, composée de plumes squamiformes brillantes, qui 
orne seulement V’espéce occidentale. Cette parure étant propre 
exclusivement aux males du S. personatus, nous devrions admettre, 
avec Darwin, qu’elle est développée sous l’influence de la sélection 
sexuelle, si tel est le cas. Comment se fait-il alors, que le gout des 
femelles de lespéce a plaque différe tellement de celuidu S. geoffroyi, 
quand chez ce dernier il reste le méme sur une étendue de 20° 
géographiques ? Les partisans de la sélection sexuelle répondront a 
cela probablement, qu'il faut chercher Ja cause de cette différence 
dans lisolement des deux espéces, cet isolement étant complet, 
comme je le crois moi-méme. Mais en examinant le cercle de la 
distribution du S. geoffroyi, qui embrasse, comme je l’avais dit plus 
haut, presque 20° géographiques, nous trouverons, que ce cercle est 
divisé presque en moitié par la profonde vallée du Maranon, située 

& peine 1200’ au dessus du niveau de la mer. Cette vallée joue le 
méme role que les hautes chaines des montagnes, c’est 4 dire, qu’elle 
divise deux faunes, différentes jusqu’é un certain degré, formant 
pour plusieurs espéces un obstacle infranchissable, entre autres pour 
le S. geoffroyi, qui ne descend pas plus bas de 4000! d’altitnde. Nous 
voyons donc, que les individus de cette espéce habitant les contrées 
situées au nord de Maraiion, sont isolés de ceux qui se trouvent au 
sud de ce flenve, et cependant les uns comme les autres ne possedent 
pas de parure frontale. Par quel hasard alors dans le premier cas 
Visolement a-t-il domné pour résultat Ja différence dans le ‘gotit des 
femelles, et dans Je deuxiéme, malgré un isolement tout aussi complet, 
ce gotit est-il resté le méme sur une étendue de plusieurs degrés 
géographiques? Les deux cas précédents nous prouvent, que 
Yisolement n’est pas une condition nécessaire pour différencier le 
prétendu gotit des femelles chez les oiseaux. Nous verrons aussi 
dans les cas suivants se confirmer notre assertion. 

Les oiseaux-mouches du genre Oreotrochilus habitent les hauteurs 

188 SEXUAL D R 1 425 

de |’ Equateur, du Pérou et de la Bolivie, se tenant a une altitude de 
14,000’ plus ou moins. La chaine des Cordilléres atteint ou dépasse 
cette hauteur dans plusieurs endroits isolés ; on peut done considérer 
les lieux habités par le Oretrochilus comme autant d’iles séparées 
les unes des autres par des distances plus ou moins grandes. Nous 
trouvons dans les Cordilléres de ’Equateur deux espéces, appartenant 
au genre Oreotrochilus, savoir O. pichinche et O. chimborazo. Les 
males des deux espéces possédent toute la téte d’un superbe bleu- 
violet, et Punique différence importante entre elles est une bande verte 
sur la gorge bleue du O. chimborazo. Les deux espéces sont trés 
connues des chasseurs Equatoriens, qui les poursuivent pour les 
collections et les vendent 4 Quito ou a Riobamba, en le nommant 
“el quinde! de Pichincha” et ‘el quinde de Chimborazo.” La 
différence entre les males des deux espéces en question doit étre 
attribuée, selon Darwin, A la sélection sexuelle, les femelles ne 
possédant aucune parure sur la téte. 

Selon Popinion de mon chasseur, qui faisait des collections sur 
toute l’étendue de la république de l’ Equateur, depuis Tulcan (tron- 
tiere Colombienne), jusqu’a Loja (frontiere Péruvienne), le O. 
pichinche habite les voleans Pichincha, Tunguragua, El Altar, 
Carahuayrazo et Asuay, tandis que l’autre espéce ne se trouve que 
sur le mont Chimborazo. Et cependant la distance entre Cara- 
huayrazo et Chimborazo est peut-étre six fois plus petite que celle 
qui sépare la Pichincha de Tunguragua ou celle entre- El Altar et 
Asuay. Nous rencontrons donc ici encore le méme fait inexplicable, 
que le gout des femelles est resté le méme malgré une distance de 
30 lieues & peu prés, qui sépare les montagnes Pichincha et Tungu- 
ragua, tandis quil a pris des différentes directions sur les monts 
Chimborazo et Carahuayrazo, qui sont séparés par une distance insi- 
gnifiante, ne dépassant peut-étre pas 5 lieues en direction rectiligne. 

La Calliste yeni est, sans aucun doute, un des oiseaux les plus riche- 
ment colorés. La téte est d’un vert clair, le dos noir veloutiné, le 
croupion écarlate, la gorge et les épaulettes violettes et les dessous du 
corps bleu de ciel—tous ces couleurs trés vives et trés belles. La 
femelle ressemble en tout au male, ce qui ferait présumer a Darwin, 
que cette riche coloration s’est développée au premier abord chez les 
males sous l’influence de la sélection sexuelle et aprés a été trans- 
mise aux femelles. L’oiseau en question posséde une distribution 
géographique tres vaste, étant connu au Brésil, au Peérou, en Bolivie 
et 4 /Equateur. Au Peérou il habite les plaimes du haut Amazone 
et atteint dans les Cordilléres une hauteur de 3000’. Dans la 
république de l’Equateur je l’ai trouvé dans la vallée du Pastaza a 
une hauteur de 5000’. Presque partout il est commun et bien 
connu des habitants. Et cependant malgré une dispersion si 
génerale, dans la vallée du fleuve Huambo (un des confluents de 
Huallaga) jai trouvé 4 une hauteur de 3700' une autre espéce 
(Calliste celicolor), différant de la C. yeni uniquement par le crou- 
pion, qui est dans sa partie inférieure d’un splendide jaune doré. 
Caliiste celicolor ne se trouve point ni dans |’ Equateur, ni dans le 

1 Quinde, nom indien, signifie “ oiseau-mouche.” 


Pérou centrale et la Bolivie. La dispersion de deux espéces prouve 
clairement qu’elles ne sont pas isolées lune de Vautre, les cercles 
de leur distribution n’étant pas séparés par une haute chaine des 
montagnes. Pourquoi donc le goiit chez les femelles de deux espéces 
s’est-il développé si différement, si chez la race Calliste yeni il per- 
siste sans changement sur une étendue si vaste? Nous avons vu, 
que cette derniére espéce atteint dans |’Equateur oriental une alti- 
tude de 5000’, tandis qu’au Pérou septentrional déja & une hauteur 
de 3700' (Huambo) elle est remplacée par une autre espéce. 

Quoique les exemples cités nous montrent une inconstance 
extraordinaire dans le développement des couleurs chez les espéces 
voisines dans les Cordilléres, inconstance qui ne peut étre expliquée par 
le principe de la sélection sexuelle, ces exemples ne peuvent cependant 
pas servir W’argaments incontestables pour combattre ce principe. Je 
suis loin de leur donner une telle importance. Mais ces exemples peu- 
vent servir de fondement pour la considération suivante : l’ inconstance 
de la coloration des oiseaux se montre non seulement chez les espéces 
aux couleurs voyantes, mais aussi chez les formes modestement 
colorées, et comme exemple je peux citer les deux espéces du genre 
Leptasthenura (L. andicola et L. pileata), dont la premiére habite le 
versant oriental et la deuxiéme le versant occidental des Cordilléres 
du Pérou. Ces deux formes possédent une coloration trés modeste, 
et cependant il y a des différences remarquables dans la distribution 
des stries sur la téte et ledos. Or, étant admis que les mémes 
effets ont été produits par les mémes causes, nous serons forcés 
d’admettre une des deux suppositions suivantes : toutes les couleurs 
chez les oiseaux se développent sous l’influence de la sélection 
sexuelle, et alors nous nous trouvons en présence de maintes diffi- 
cultés, comme par exemple dans le cas de couleurs sympathiques ; ou 
bien, si ce n’est pas le cas, nous devons chereher d’autres causes pour 
expliquer le dimorphisme sexuel, et alors nous sommes obligés 
de rejeter complétement la théorie de la sélection sexuelle. Jai 
tout lieu d’admettre cette derniére supposition. 

D’abord la théorie de la sélection sexuelle est incapable de nous 
expliquer pourquoi les poils des mammiféres sont privés de couleurs 
voyantes. Les mammiféres occupent un degré plus clevé dans 
l’échelle des animaux que les oiseaux; ils devraient done avoir le 
gout plus développé que ces derniers. Nous connaissons la pré- 
férence qu’ont les sauvages pour les couleurs vives: le tatouage en 
est une preuve saillante. Pourquoi done la sélection sexuelle n’a-t- 
elle pas développé sur leurs corps quelques ornements colorés ? 

Comparons les collections des oiseaux des Indes, des iles Moluques 
ou de l Amérique méridionale avec celles des oiseaux européens, et 
nous serons frappés par la pauvreté de la coloration de ces derniers, 
et, ce qui est encore plus intéressant, nous y trouverons a peine 
quelques-uns aux couleurs métalliques, qui sont de toutes les couleurs 
les plus splendides. Est-ce que tous les oiseaux d’Europe possedent 
le goat moins développé que les oiseaux des tropiques ? 

La théorie de la sélection sexuelle est incapable de nous donner 
une explication du fait que les oiseaux nocturnes sont sans exception 


colorés modestement, et pourtant Darwin admet la sélection sexuelle 
pour plusieurs engoulevents. La méme observation concerne les 
oiseaux qui se tiennent daus les fourrés épais, et qui forment, pour 
ainsi dire, une transition entre les formes diurnes et nocturnes. 

Enfin, comment expliquer l’absence des couleurs vives dans des 
groupes entiers des oiseaux, comme par exemple chez les Dendro- 
colaptidés et les Formicariidés, qui comptent plusieurs centaines 
despéces? Dans la famille Formicariidz le dimorphisme sexuel est 
trés développé, parceque, sous peu d’exception, dans toutes les espéces 
les males ditférent des femelies et cependant dans aucune d’entre 
elles nous ne trouvons un seul exemple de la coloration voyante. 

Il y a done des motifs sérieux pour abandonner la théorie de la 
sélection sexuelle. Guidé probablement par des considérations 
semblables, Mr. Wallace s’est déclaré contraire 4 cette théorie en 
voulant expliquer les différences sexuelles par la seule action de la 
sélection naturelle. Mr. Wallace prétend, que les couleurs chez les 
oiseaux se développent indépendamment de toute action directe des 
oiseaux mémes, et que dans les espéces dont les males sont beaux et 
les femelles possédent une coloration sombre, il faut attribuer cette 
derniére 4 Vaction de la sélection naturelle, agissant dans le but de 
la sécurité des femelies. Cette idée est juste jusqu’a un certain 
point ; elle est générale, pour étre appliquée dans tous les cas. Mr. 
Wallace constate le fait sans chercher les causes qui provoquent, 
pour ainsi dire, l’action de la sélection sexuelle. L’examen de ces 
causes nous démontrera que la sélection naturelle a produit, selou 
toute probabilité, non seulement les couleurs sombres des femelles, 
mais aussi les couleurs voyantes des males, leurs appendices 
extraordinaires, leurs armes offensives ete. etc. 

On ne peut pas douter, que les couleurs se développent souvent 
chez les viseaux indépendamment de toute action de la sélection 
naturelle, et alors comme les causes directes de la coloration il faut 
regarder a priori les agents physico-chimiques, comme la lumiére et 
la nourriture. Plusieurs faits nous conduisent & admettre l’action 
directe de ces agents sur la coloration des oiseaux—le fait, par 
exemple, que le Ibis rubra pris jeune et ¢ievé en captivité ne prend 
jamais la riche coloration de cette espéce. Malheureusement nos 
connaissances dans ces cas sont trop insuffisantes pour pouvoir 
établir quelques lois: nous devons attendre de la Zoologie expé- 
rimentale, qui n’existe pas encore, quelques jets de lumiére sur 
ce point obscur. Aujourd’hui nous pouvons seulement nous limiter 
a examen de causes indirectes, qui influencent la coloration chez les 
oiseaux, en nous expliquant le fait si fréquent du dimorphisme sexuel. 
Ici nous nous trouverons sur le méme terrain d’argumentation com- 
binée avec les faits positifs comme toute la théorie de la sélection 
naturelle ; et nous aurons recours aux niémes lois qui servaient a 
Darwin a l’établissement de son ingénieuse théorie. 

“Tl existe généralement plus de males que de femelles; aussi des 
veufs ou des jeunes célibataires, s’adressent-ils souvent, pour se faire 
une compagne, & des femelles déjai accouplées” *. Toutes les 

1 A. E. Brehm. ‘La vie des Animaux,’ trad. franc. de L, Gerbe: Paris, 
vol. iii. p. xxi. 


collections ornithologiques (naturellement si le sexe y a été constaté 
par les voyageurs mémes) confirment cette assertion du savant 
ornithologiste. Ainsi Castelnau, dans son mémoire présenté a 
PAcadémie le 6 Mars 1848, ne mentionne que 287 femelles sur 
3750 oiseaux recueillis pendant son voyage dans Amérique du 
Sud, c’est & dire =! de la collection entitre. Les collections faites 
par moi au Pérou et dans |’ Equateur présentent aussi la supériorité 
numérique de males, quoique celle-ci n’est pas si frappante comme 
chez Castelnau. Ainsi par exemple sur le chiffre général de 290 
oiseaux-mouches, recueillis par moi au Pérou, il y en avait 203 males 
sur 87 femelles, c’est 4 dire la proportion de3:1. Ilest & remarquer, 
que la supériorité numérique de males est généralement plus con- 
sidérable chez les espéces dimorphes que chez espéces monomorphes. 
Il parait qu’il faut chercher la cause de cette disproportion sexuelle 
dans Vinégalité des réles des deux sexes, la femelle possédant le role 
plus difficile que le male. C’est elle qui dans la majorité des 
espéces est foreée de batir son nid justement a /époque qui doit 
décider les naissances de males ou de femelles selon la nutrition plus 
ou moins complete des ovaires. Réellement MM. Morel de Vinde, 
Hofacker et Giron de Ruzareinger ont démontré, que l’ceuf mieux 
nourri se développe en femelle et dans le cas contraire en male. 
Il n’y a done rien d’étonnant qu'il nait en général plus de males 
que de femelles, puisque celles-ci, occupées de leurs besognes 
maternelles, sont forcées de consacrer beaucoup de temps 4 la con- 
struction du nid, ce qui ne leur permet pas assez de se nourrir. 

L’observation directe des males étant difficile, nous ne pouvons que 
supposer que les spermatozoides provenant des glandes sexuelles mieux 
nourries eugendrent plus de males, et dans le cas contraire plus de 
femelles. Ii est a ajouter, que les males dans la grande majorité des 
espéces sont plus forts que les femelles, ce qui nous prouve que 
les premiers sont en général mieux nourris que les dernicres, 
fait facile a expliquer par la difficulté du réle des femelles. 
Ainsi done toutes nos observations et les dates statistiques con- 
cernant le role des deux sexes, leur développement corporel et leur 
proportion numérique sont d’accord : le role pius difticile des femelles 
est la cause de leur nutrition plus faible, ce qui a son tour entraiue la 
supériorité numérique de naissances miles. 

D’autre part il nous sera facile de décider la question, lequel des deux 
sexes est plus important pour la conservation de l’espéce? Un male 
suffit généralement pour plusieurs femelles et son réle est limité 
dans la majorité de cas aux simples actes de la fécondation ; tandis que 
la femelle s’occupant d’élevage de la progéniture est sans doute 
bien plus importante pour la conservation de l’espece. La pré- 
pondérance numérique des femelles serait donc plus utile pour ceci. 
Le contraire ayant lieu dans la nature grace aux difficultés surgissant 
pour la femelle pendant l’époque de Vincubation, la sélection 
naturelle doit veiller pour le rétablissement d’équilibre sexuel en 
neutralisant la prépondérance de |’élément male. 

Si nous parvenons 4 démontrer, que cette prépondérance de 
élément male est nuisible pour l’espéce, il nous sera facile 4 com- 


prendre laction de la sélection naturelle, qui a pour but non le bien 
du sexe, mais celui de l’espéce. 

Les males célibataires sont tout-a-fait inutiles pour l’espéce, ne 
prenant aucune part & sa propagation; au contraire, ils lui sont 
nuisibles en occupant inutilement les places limités dans l économie 
dle la nature, ce qui rend évidemment plus difficile la nutrition 
nécessaire du sexe temelle pendant lépoque de réproduction ; il faut 
done considérer les males célibataires comme parasites de l’espéce. 
Prenons un exemple: supposons qu'une région donnée peut nourrir 
175 individus d’une certaine espece. Kn admettant dans ce chiffre 
la propordon numérique de males et de femelles de 4: 3, c’est a dire 
75 femelles sur 100 males; en supposant méme que lespéce est 
monogame, nous aurions un excés de 25 males, qui sans contribuer au 
bien de l’espéce consomme + de sa nourriture, c’est a dire, que s’ils 
n’existaient pas, chaque femelle aurait + de nourriture de plus pour 
son compte. Cette proportion croitra encore pour les espéces poly- 
games. Admettant, par exemple, que toutes les 5 femelles n’ont 
besoin que d’un seul male, nous obtiendrons dans le cas donné 
pour 75 femelles seulement 15 males necéssaires, c’est a dire que 85 
individus males inutiles consomment la moitié de la nourriture 
destinée au chiffre général de 175 individus pouvant exister sur 
espace donné. 

Les males célibataires rendent l’existence de lespeéce plus difficile 
non seulement en occupant inutilement Jes places limitées dans 
économie de la nature, mais ils lui nuisent encore directement, pour- 
suivant les femelies pendant lépoque d incubation, détruisant les 
ceufs, etc. etc. Un tel male, ne faisant cas de l’élevage de jeunes 
oiseaux, tache seulement de satisfaire ses besoins sexuels justement 
au moment ou les occupations de la femelle exigent une tranquillité 
compléte. Il arrive probablement aussi que les célibataires par- 
viennent quelquefois 4 leur but, ce qui doit nuire a la fécondité de 

Toutes les causes ci-dessus mentionnées nous conduisent a considérer 
la prépondérance numérique de males comme nuisible 4 la conservation 
de Vespeéce et les niales célibataires comme des parasites. La sélection 
naturelle veillant toujours pour le bien de lespéce et pour sa 
conservation, c’est le méme agent qui doit veiller pourle rétablissement 
d’équilibre sexuel constamment altéré. Il nous parait superflu 
@avoir recours 4 un agent aussi artificiel que la sélection sexuelle, 
en pouvant expliquer les divers faits du dimorphisme sexuel par la 
sélection naturelle méme. 

Prenons un exemple. Supposons que quelque circonstance force 
une certaine espéce de Gallinacés de nicher a terre. Ceci entraine 
nécessairement le besoin d’une grande fécondité des femelles, pour 
compenser les nombreuses pertes causées par des quadrupédes dé- 
truisant les ceufs. A mesure de l’augmentation du nombre des ceufs 
chez le méme oiseau, chacun d’eux n’est plus suffisamment nourri, la 
quantité de la nourriture restant la méme, ce qui entraine, nous 
Pavons déja dit, la prépondérance numérique de naissances miles. 
Nous veuons de démontrer, que la prépondérance numérique des 


males est nuisible pour l’espéce, done la sélection naturelle, pour 
rétablir l’équilibre sexuel altéré, donne la préférence a la progéniture 
de ceux parmi les males qui seront en état de chasser et de tenir a 
distance tous les célibataires. De cette maniére ont di apparaitre 
toutes les armes offensives des miles, comme les éperons sur les 
pattes ou sur les ailes. C'est ici qu’il faut chercher aussi la 

cause de la polygamie, principalement développée chez les espéces 
dimorphes ; parceque, si a cause de la grande fécondité de Gallinacés 
par exemple, il s’agit d’une meilleure nutrition des ovaires, les males, 
qui s’empareront de plusieurs femelles, en chassant leurs rivaux et 
en diminuant ainsi le nombre des individus sur l’espace donué, 
laisseront une progéniture plus nombreuse et plus forte, et qui 
plus est, en facilitant aux femelles la recherche de la nourriture, 
assureront augmentation de naissances femelles. La position des 
femeiles sera encore plus favorisée, si pendant les combats des males 
une part de males parasites périt. La nécessité des combats est done 
évidente et leur utilité se trouve en relation directe avec leur efticacité, 
c’est a dire, qu’elle est d’autant plus grande qu’un plus grand nombre 
@individus males y succombe. En considérant les combats amoureux 
comme ayant pour cause la sélection naturelle veillant pour la con- 
servation de lespéce, il nous sera facile d’expliquer la présence de la 
créte chez le coq. 

La eréte joue un role important dans les combats. I] est facile 4 
comprendre, que le coq, qui parvient 4 attraper son ennemi par la 
eréte, peut donner plus aisément le coup mortel d’éperon ; c’ést 
pourquoi on coupe toujours la eréte aux cogs de combat. En tout 
cas cet appendice est tr¢s incommode pour les combattants, puisqu’il 
est évident, que les autres chances étant égales, celui Weux, qui 
posséde la créte plus grande, doit suecomber ; nous pourrions done 
supposer avec raison, que cet organe devrait disparaitre si ce sont les 
males & ecréte plus petite qui gagnent les combats. Considérant 
pourtant la chose de notre point de vué, nous la verrons autrement. 
N’oublions pas avant tout, que l’efficacité des combats de miles 
décide la proportion numérique des naissances miles et femelles ; 
quelle est ainsi une des questions les plus importantes pour l’espéce. 

Nous venons de voir, que la ciéte facilite les combats, les faisant 
plus efficaces ; nous avons vu aussi, gue les combats sont utiles a 
Pespéce—ergo, la créte est utile a l’espéce. 

Sil faut considérer ’éperon comme hérédité du pére, la eréte a 
di étre transmise par la poule. La sélection naturelle favorisait 
celles parmi les poules qui pouvaient transmettre a leur progéniture 
une créte plus grande. La créte s’est done probablement développée 
dabord chez les femelles, afin de pouvoir étre transmise a leur pro- 
géniture male. Notre supposition est appuyée par le fait de la 
présence de la ciéte chez la poule, tandis que les autres caractéres 
males, comme par exemple la coloration splendide, les longues 
tectrices caudales et les éperons, lui manquent. 

En considérant la prépondérance numérique de males comme 
nuisible a Pespéce, nous parvenons a expliquer dans beaucoup de cas 
Papparition de caractéres scxuels secondaires. Les belles couleurs 


des miles ont probablement pour but, dans beaucoup de cas au 
moins, de les faire plus visibles pour les femelles, qui, ayant une 
cvloration sombre, peuvent échapper aisément aux persécutions de 
miles, surtout de célibataires nuisibles. On peut supposer aussi, 
que dans plusieurs cas les couleurs des males se sont développées 
afin d’attirer sur eux les yeux des oiseaux de proie, pour que ceux-ci, 
en détruisant une part deux, rétablissent ainsi inconsciemment 
Péquilibre sexuel. 

Nous comprendrons aussi facilement la présence de longues plumes 
chez les miles de nombreuses espéces, comme p. e. chez les oiseaux 
de paradis, chez les veuves (Vidua) et chez l’engoulevent africain 
(Cosmetornis). elles plumes ont provablement pour but de relantir 
le vol des males. J’ai constaté chez la Loddigesia mirabilis (oiseau- 
mouche péruvien), que le vieux male posséde l’aile de quelques mili- 
métres plus courte que le jeune male ou la femelle. Cet avorte- 
ment des rémiges provient assurément A cause de développement 
extraordinaire de rectrices externes chez le vieux mile de cet oiseau- 
mouche. Si done d’une part les rectrices allongées rendent le vol 
plus difficile et d’autre les ailes plus petites diminuent sa vélocité, le 
vol du mile doit étre plus lent que celui de la femelle, le poids du 
corps restant le méme. Le développement extraordiniare soit des 
rémiges soit des rectrices, en relantissant le vél des males, rend 
leur role plus difficile, en facilitant en méme temps celui des femelles. 
Nous pouvons prendre comme exemple le Cosmetornis, qui, comme 
tous les engoulevents, se nourrit d’insectes, qu’il attrape au vol. 
Chez cet oiseau quelques plumes des ailes se développent extraordi- 
nairement pendant lépoque de réproduction, en retardant visible- 
ment son vol. Il est done facile & remarquer, qu’alors le male, 
ayant les mouvements plus lourds, n’est pas en état de se procurer la 
méme quantité d’insectes qu’auparavant; ainsi done la femelle a 
plus de chances de trouver une nourriture plus abondante. 

Toutes les réunions des males, leurs danses bizarres, leur chant, enfin, 
ne servent pas probablement a séduire les femelles, mais pour 
distraire les males, ce qui rend plus faciles les besognes maternelles 
des femelles et au surplus les protége contre Vassiduité nuisible des 
ceélibataires. Darwin lui-méme constate le fait, qu’ordinairement 
pendant les réunions des males, quand ces derniers sont trop occupés 
par le combat ou la danse, la femelle s’échappe avec un d’eux pour 
copuler. Ainsi done dans ce cas c’est bien la sélection naturelle 
et non la sélection sexuelle, qui agit pour la conservation d’équilibre 

Quelquefois la sélection naturelle a doté les femelles d’armes 
pour leur donner la possibilité de combattre les males célibataires. 
C’est donc une autre forme des efforts de la sélection naturelle dans 
son travail pour le rétablissement d’équilibre sexuel. Nous pouvons 
done nous expliquer la présence des éperons chez le Crossoptilon 
auritum et chez le Phasianus wallichii, deux espcéces uniques dans 
tout le groupe des faisans, colorées modestement. Il y a quelques 
cas rares ott le développement masculin, pour ainsi dire, des femelles 
atteint un degré extraordinaire, et alors c’est le sexe feminin qui 


prévaut. Ce sont le cas de la polyandrie, comme par exemple dans 
le genre Turnix, dont les femeiles combattent pour la possession des 
males. Ici nous devons appliquer les remarques exposées plus haut 
aux femelles. 

Je suppose cependant avec Mr. Wallace, que dans plusieurs cas 
les couleurs ternes des femelles doivent étre expliquées par le besoin de 
les protéger contre les attaques des ennemis ; mais seulement il ne 
faut pas regarder comme leurs ennemis les oiseaux de proie et les 
quadrupédes, mais aussi les males célibataires de la méme espéce, et 
ce sont peut-étre les ennemis les plus redontables. 

Dans les cas ott le dimorphisme sexuel est faiblement développé 
et ne peut étre expliqué par la seule action de la sélection naturelle, 
nous devons recourir a la loi de correlation de croissance, qui veut 
que certains changements dans la constitution de l’oiseau peut amener 
les changements dans différentes parties de son corps. Nous avons 
répété déja plusieurs fois, que le role des femelies chez les oiseaux 
est beaucoup plus difficile que celui des males, et que daus plusieurs 
cas cette circonstance peut retarder son développement complet. On 
peut regarder la femelle dans ses formes extérieures comme un male 
non développé. Si donc nous prenons une espéce dont la femelle 
posséde une riche coloration du male, mais aux teintes un peu plus 
ternes, comme parexemple dans le genre Pharomacrus(un Trogonidé ), 
nous pouvons supposer que son développement est retardé (ou 
plutét paralysé) par les difficultés surgis pendant l’époque de répro- 
duction, c’est a dire par la présence d’ovaire, qui exige une nutrition 
plus grande que les glandes males. Cette supposition se confirme 
par le fait, que plusieurs femelles vieilles et malades, selon Darwin 
(et probablement qui ont perdu la fécondité), prennent les caractéres 
miles, puisque leur développement paralysé par les besognes maternelles 
atteint son plus haut degré depuis que la cause principale est 

2. On Hypertrophy, and its Value in Evolution. By Joun 
Bianp Surron, F.R.C.S., Lecturer on Comparative 
Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital Medical College. 

[Received March 23, 1885.] 

Every known vertebrate normaily possesses two kidneys, a right 
and a left one. In the case of the Fowl, the left kidney of which is 
represented in the drawing exhibited (fig. 1, p. 433), the right kidney 
had, from some cause or other, entirely disappeared, nothing but the 
ureter remaining to inform us of the previous existence of the asso- 
ciated kidney. 

Such a case as this is by no means rare; it has been repeatedly 
observed in man. I have myself observed it in five instances in the 
human subject, also in sheep, oxen, horses, and twice in birds. 
It is not my intention to enter into details as to the cause of the 
disappearance of this kidney; it has been satisfactorily explained 


long ago; the important fact for my purpose is—that in this, as in 
similar cases of single kidney, the size and weight of the persistent 
organ far exceeds the normal, and in the majority of instances is 

Fig. 1. 

The cloaca and left kidney of a Fowl. The right one had disappeared, leaving 
merely the ureter w, with a small collection of tissue at its summit to 
testify that a right kidney had existed; 0, the oviduct. The persistent 
kidney is twice the natural size. 

double the usual size. The kidney, in consequence of the loss of its 
fellow, has had to perform twice the amount of work usually re- 
quired of it, and has doubled its bulk as a result of this increased 


functional activity. The process by which this very desirable result 
has been attained is distinguished by the convenient term hyper- 
trophy. Waving illustrated what I understand by that term, let me 
now define it as ‘‘the enlargement of an organ beyond its usual 
limits as the result of increased function, or of some unusual condi- 
tion of the corresponding or correlated organ.” 

The majority of instances of hypertrophy, usually recognized as 
such, are the result of disease. In the example just considered, the 
enlargement of the persistent kidney is the direct outcome of atrophy 
of its fellow; but if a careful inquiry be instituted, many conditions, 
which at first sight appear to be the result of perpetuated hyper- 
trophy, in consequence of atrophy of neighbouring structures, will 
really admit another interpretation, viz. that the hypertrophy is in 
great measure responsible for the atrophy of those structures, and 
bears a definite relation to it. 

No better example offers itself whereby my meaning may be eluci- 
dated than the middle metacarpal of the Horse. 

The metacarpus of the Horse is composed of a greatly hyper- 
trophied third metacarpal bone, whilst applied to the posterior 
lateral edges of this large bone may be seen two rudimentary meta- 
carpals. Each of these bones represents a slender pyramid with its 
base upwards and the apex pointing directly downwards. Of the 
two bones the internal is thicker than the external, and often the 
longer of the two. The large bone represents the middle or third 
metacarpal, whilst its two slender companions correspond to the 
second and fourth metacarpals of the typical mammalian manns. 

Thanks to the labours of Riitimeyer and Marsh, we are new in 
possession of the palzeontelogical history of the ancestors of our 
modern Horse. ‘The facts on this point, so far as regards the 
manus, have been admirably summed up by Wiedersheim * as fol- 
lows :— 

The oldest known stem form of the Horse is Hohippus, which 
has been found in the Lower Eocene of North America. It possessed 
four well-developed fingers aud the rudiment of a fifth, the thumb. 
Next we find that the thumb has completely disappeared in Oro- 
hippus and Epthippus, the four remaining fingers persisting. These 
animals were about the size of a Fox, whilst in the Upper Eocene 
Mesohippus had attained the size of a Sheep. Here three fingers 
only were well formed ; a fourth merely existed as a rudiment, 
which in the next form, Miohippus, has become yet smaller. In 
the Pliocene representative, Protohippus, the last remnant of a 
fourth finger disappears and three only persist. This animal cor- 
responds to the European Hipparion, and was of the size of an Ass. 
Another Pliocene form, Pliohippus, had the second and fourth 
fingers extremely rudimentary, the development of the third being 
alone significant. Lastly, we come to the modern Horse, with its 
peculiarly specialized manus. 

The accompanying figures are intended to afford a graphic repre- 
sentation of the preceding facts (fig. 2, p. 435). 

1 Vergl. Anatomie, vol. i. p. 198. 


With such an array of evidence no one would venture to deny 
that the slender fourth and second metacarpals are rudimentary 
structures in the true sense and meaning of that term. ‘These bones 
are often a nuisance to the animal, as they are exceedingly liable to 
inflame and produce lameness; the disease is known to veterinarians 
as splent-bone, and often ends in osseous ankylosis between them 
and the main metacarpal, a condition of things detrimental to the 
Horse for working purposes. ; 

The history of this foot has been given, for it serves to illustrate a 
principle—hypertrophy of one structure leading to the atrophy of 
another; for in this case it seems the most probable view, that 
gradual increase in the size and functional importance of the third 
metacarpal bone has led to the abortion of the remaining bones, its 
original companions, by causing a diversion of the nutrient stream to 
its own advantage, but to the detriment of the lateral metacarpals. 


x 2 3 a! 5 6 

A series of figures to show the ancestry of the manus of the modern Horse. 
1. Orohippus (Eocene). 2. Mesohippus (Upper Eocene). 3. Miohip- 
pus (Miocene). 4. Protohippus (Upper Pliocene). 5. Pliohippus. 
6. Equus (after Wiedersheim). 

In no structure is this principle so admirably illustrated or so 
easily studied as in the teeth of mammals. ‘Take, for example, the 
curiously modified teeth of the Walrus; we shall find the enlarged 
and formidable incisors have for their companions some tiny func- 
tionless teeth of no use whatever to the animal: as a rule they 
quickly fall; even when they persist, there are scarcely any sockets 
provided for their reception. In this case it can hardly be denied 
that hypertrophy of the canines has led to atrophy of the remaining 

The Felidae supply us with similar examples. The large size to 
which the canines attain in this group leads to atrophy of the 
teeth immediately adjacent to them. This process seems, so far as 
the Felidee are concerned, to have reached its culminating point in 
the extinct Macherodus, or Sabre-toothed Tiger, in which the 
canines have attained considerable dimensions, whilst some of the 
premolars in the upper and lower jaws have disappeared. 

Let us now consider some other examples of hypertrophied teeth 
somewhat different from the last. The extraordinary canines of the 
male Babirusa have afforded plenty of scope to those imaginative 


minds, who never come across anything out of the common but 
they must rack their brains to find out some useful purpose for 
which they think the abnormal organ may be utilized, never con- 
sidering for one moment the absurdity of the explanation, 

As is well known these teeth, like those of Rodents, grow from 
persistent pulps: if from any cause their growth is unopposed, as 
by want of antagonism between any two teeth, they grow to extra- 
ordinary length. In the case of the Babirusa it may readily be 
conceived that, from some cause or other, ithe upper and lower 
canines failed to come into apposition either by malformation or in a 
manner presently to be explained, and as a consequence grew enor- 
mously ; the abnormality frequently recurring, the peculiarity became 
transmitted to the offspring, eventually becoming perpetuated to 
such a degree as to become a common feature in the anatomy of the 
males of this particular species. 

Considered by itself, this isolated example perhaps does not carry 
much weight, but the condition may be approached insidiously from 
other specimens of the Suid. The first stage may be observed in the 
Wild Boar (of which the dentition is represented in fig. 3, p. 437), 
where the form and direction of the canines are peculiar. The lower 
canine is slender when compared with the upper, is of some length, and 
plays against the front surface of the upper one, becoming pointed in 
consequence. The upper canine passes at first horizontally outwards 
with an inclination forwards. After clearing the outer lip, its apex 
becomes directed upwards and inwards, describing in its course a 
semicircle. A similar condition is seen in the Wart-hog, Phaco- 
cherus eliani; but the second stage is presented by Phacocherus 
ethiopicus, in which the canine attains considerable proportions, as 
may be seen on reference to fig. 4 (p. 437). 

In the third step we are confronted with Babirusa, whose ex- 
cessive canines I maintain are inherited pathological peculiarities 
resulting from want of apposition, probably brought about in the 
first instance as a result of malformation (see fig. 5, p. 437). 

It may, with reason, be asked, can an example be adduced of un- 
doubted transmission of a pathological condition to the offspring so as 
totaint an entire community ? An example offers itself in the so-called 
Tailless Trout of Islay. A careful and detailed account of this malfor- 
mation is given by Prof. Traquair in the ‘ Journal of Anatomy,’ 
vol. vi. p. 411. From this account it appears that the common 
Trout, Salmo fario, Linn., is frequently the subject of malforma- 
tions, of which sigmoid distortions of the vertebral column and 
deficient development of the snout and jaws is the most common. 
In the present case, however, it is the caudal fin which is affected 
of all the Trout inhabiting a certain small lake. The most salient 
peculiarity of these Lochnamaorachan Trout is that the rays of 
the caudal fin are abnormally shortened, coarse at the extremities, 
and deficient as to the amount of dichotomization and number of 
the transverse joints; besides which they also show a tendency to 
coalesce at their terminations. By the convergence downwards of 
the upper long rays and upwards of the lower ones, the fin assumes 


Fig. 3. 

The dental series of a Wild Boar, showing the singular curve of 
the upper canine. 

Fig. 4. 

Head of Wart-Hog, Phacocherus ethiopicus. §, showing a greater degree of 
curvature of the upper canine than that presented by the Wild Boar’s 


Skull of Batirusa, showing the most exaggerated stage of curved canines. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXIX. 29 


a rounded form instead of presenting the usual broad fan-shaped 
aspect. The abnormal condition of the extremities of the rays 
may affect other fins besides the caudal (fig. 6). 

The lake in question is about 1000 feet above the level of the sea. 

The hard parts of the caudal extremity of the Trout. The upper figure (a) shows 
the abnormal condition of the extremities of the rays in the so-called 
tailless Trout of Islay (Lochnamorachan Trout), after Traquair. The 
lower figure (4) shows the normal condition ; it is inserted for comparison. 

It is about an acre in extent, and so shallow that a man can wade 
through it: the bottom is of quartz rock. Several other lochs near 
contain Trout, but none are “ tailless.’’ So constant is this ab- 
normality in Trout taken from the lake in question that one keen 


fisher, with thirty years’ experience of this loch, has never taken any 
but docked ones. 

It seems to me that these fish clearly inherit their deformity, and 
that it is a perpetuated pathological condition. 

Returning to teeth, there can be little doubt that a similar process 
has been at work modifying the singularly aberrant tusks of the 
Narwhal, Monodon monoceros. Its huge size, the curious spiral 
twist, undoubtedly correlated with the peculiar unsymmetrical con- 
dition of the facial portion of the skull found in this Whale as well 
as among other members of the Physeteridz, tend to support the 
notion of a pathological cause underlying these monstrosities. 

In this singular creature the adult male usually possesses a tooth 
growing from the left maxillary bone, in close relation with the 
maxillo-premaxillary suture and therefore regarded as a canine, 
which often attains a length of eight, nine, or even ten feet, with a 
basal diameter of four inches. The corresponding tooth of the 
opposite side usually undergoes development up to a certain point, 
and attains a size of six inches, but the pulp-chamber usually under- 
goes calcification before it has had time to make its way out of the 
alveolus, so that it remains concealed throughout the lifetime of the 
animal. Occasionally, however, this right tusk undergoes develop - 
ment, and equals in size the left one. Mr. J. W. Clark communicated 
to this Society in 1871 the results of an inquiry into the matter 
of double-tusked Narwhals, and has given in that very interesting 
paper details of no less than eleven bidental skulls of this Whale in 
different European Museums’. This seems to afford evidence that 
normally the Narwhal should possess two teeth, but that from some 
cause or other the right one often remains suppressed in the alveolus ; 
and there is the significant fact, pointed out by Mr. Clark, that 
whenever a solitary tooth is present it is the left one, the right 
never being developed alone. The spiral twist in connection with these 
tusks always winds round them from right to left; if two tusks be 
developed, the twist of the spiral is in the same direction in both, 
as regards the skull right to left, whereas they appear unsymmetrical 
in respect to one another. There can be little doubt that this 
curious twist in the tusks is the effect of the same cause, what- 
ever it may be, that produces the remarkable distortion in the facial 
portion of the skull of these whales. Prof. Flower has described, 
in the Trans. Odont. Sec. 1879-80, some curious Elephants’ tusks 
contained in the Museum of the College of Surgeons. These tusks 
are spirally twisted, the twist possessing in some instances two or 
more turns: a deep groove extends from base to apex. In this 
instance it is clear that the malformation resulted from injury to the 
growing pulp when the tooth was in embryo. There is no just 
reason why the same line of argument should not be applied to the 
Narwhal tooth. The tusk has yet other interest for the pathologist. 
Professor Turner was fortunate enough to detect in the skull of a 
foetal Narwhal two rudimentary teeth, all traces of which are lost in 

1 See P. Z. 8. 1871, p. 42. 


the adult, thus clearly showing that this animal originally possessed 
at least four teeth. After carefully reviewing these facts the con- 
clusion forces itself upon me, that the modified dentition of this 
most singular animal has been attained by hypertrophy of its canine, 
leading to atrophy of its less used companions; but the original 
cause of the enlargement is as little known to us as is the cause of 
the asymmetry of its skull. There is probably no parallel to this 
in the animal kingdom—extreme hypertrophy, excessive atrophy, 
arrested growth, and malformation, exhibited in the dental armature 
of a single animal. 

Among remarkable teeth must be included those of Mesoplodon 
layardi. The illustration (fig. 7) represents the anterior part of the 
rostrum and lower jaw with the teeth of the extraordinary specimen 
of this Whale brought home by the ‘ Challenger’ Expedition. The 

Rig: 7. 

The rostrum of a Whale, Mesoplodon layardi, showing the singularly elongated 
and curved mandibular teeth. From the specimen obtained during the 
voyage of H.M.S. ‘Challenger.’ Figure taken from acast in the Museum 
of the Royal College of Surgeons. 

drawing was taken from a model of the specimen in the Museum of 
the Royal College of Surgeons, London. The specimen is thus de- 
scribed by Prof. Turner in his ‘ Report on the Bones of the Cetacea’ :— 

“When I received from Mr. Moseley the lower jaw of the adult 
Mesoplodon layardi, only the left tooth was in its socket ; the right 
had previously been extracted. The socket was situated at the 
junction of the symphysis with the body of the lower jaw, but more 
of the tooth wasimplanted in the body than in the symphysis. The 
length of the extracted tooth was 14 inches, 64 inches of which had 
been included in the alveolus, or surrounded by the gums. The 
breadth of the tooth where it emerged from the alveolus was 34 inches. 
Each tooth consisted of a denticle proper and a strap-shaped shaft. 
The shaft was laterally compressed, and as it emerged from the 
socket it curved obliquely backwards, upwards, and inwards, so 
that its inner concave surface had been in relation with the sides and 
dorsum of the beak. As the summit of each tooth passed to the 
opposite side of the middle line, the two teeth crossed each other on 

_—=_—.°  — 


the dorsum of the beak; and from the smooth appearance of the 
anterior border and inner surface of each shaft, it is evident that 
they must have rubbed against each other, or against the beak 
during the movements of the lower jaw in the act of opening the 

Besides this specimen, Prof. Turner also received the skull and 

Fig. 8. 


A magnified vertical transverse section through the summit of the shaft of the 
tooth of the adult Mesoplodon layardi. The tooth is made up of the 
following tissues, from above downwards: a. cement; 4, vaso-dentine ; 
c.a layer of more opaque modified vaso-dentine ; d, dentine ; ¢, modified 
vaso-dlentine of the centre of shaft. (After Turner.) 

parts of the skeleton of an immature Mesoplodon layardi, which en- 
abled him to determine the nature of the various parts of this strange 
tooth. Each tooth in this immature specimen was two inches from 


before backwards, and not quite an inch long, and consisted of a 
small triangular denticle which represented the crown of the tooth, 
and of a larger part, which for descriptive purposes may be called 
the fang. The free surface of the denticle was invested with white 
enamel ; subjacent to the enamel there was a well-defined mass of 
dentine which constituted the mass of the denticle. The exterior 
of the fang was coated with a thin layer of cementum, beneath 
which there was a thin layer of substance consisting of a granular 
matrix traversed by numerous canals, which were for the most 
part arranged perpendicularly to the surface of the fang, so as to 
extend from the dentine to the cementum. The pulp-cavity was 
lined throughout the greater part of its extent by a well-defined 
layer of this substance. The canals visible in this substance pro- 
bably contained blood-vessels ; in size they approximated to Haver- 
sian canals. This substance in all probability is vasu-dentine. 

Turning, now, to the structural details of an adult specimen of these 
aberrant teeth, as seen in section (see fig. 8, p. 441), it will become 
evident, as Prof. Turner has explained, that the peculiar form of this 
tooth is due to changes in the fang, resulting from an enormous over- 
growth of cementum and modified vaso-dentine, the former being pro- 
duced from the alveolo-dentar periosteum, the latter from the pulp. 

My reasons for regarding this singular tooth as a pathological 
peculiarity are these :— 

Ist. The elongated portion of the tooth really consists of the 
fang, and in many animals, even where the teeth do not grow from 
persistent pulps, there is a great tendency when the crowns are 
unopposed for the fangs to elongate (hypertrophy). This condition 
is often very conspicuous in old horses. 

2nd. The nutritive conditions of the tooth are exceedingly advan- 
tageous for its hypertrophy : not only is it well supplied from the 
pulp, but its layers of vaso-dentine place it in suitable relation with 
the alveolo-dentar periosteum. 

3rd. Judging from the condition of the crown of the tooth, even 
in adult Whales, it can be subjected to very little friction. Hence 
the structure, mode of nutrition, and lack of opposition, place this 
tooth in a very favourable condition to hypertrophy. 

Before dismissing teeth, it will be well to point out how simple a 
matter it is to show that hypertrophy, especially if it be excessive, 
must almost of necessity lead to dwarfing of the structures more or 
less associated with it; this is particularly well illustrated in the 
case of the teeth. In man any tooth differs in size but little from 
those immediately adjacent ; but if, as in the case of rodents, the 
incisors increase in size, out of all proportion to the neighbouring 
teeth, their augmentation in volume will lead to a “ diversion of the 
nutrient stream” in their favour, but certainly to the detriment of 
the teeth immediately succeeding them in the dental series; and, 
as a matter of fact, these victimized teeth become so deprived of 
the essential element-blood, that they remain of stunted size, or 
have, in some cases, entirely disappeared. It must also be borne in 
mind that as the incisors increased in size, the effective employment 


of the succeeding teeth (canines and premolars in rodents) became 
reduced to a minimum, so that diminished usage would also tend 
to lower the vascular supply: thus the two factors, diminished 
function and diversion of nutrient fluid, have brought about extreme 
atrophy and, in many cases, total disappearance of teeth. 

Numberless other instances might be quoted, indeed they must 
readily suggest themselves to any mind that carefully meditates on 
the matter. The cases of Mesoplodon and Monodon seem to me 
to be very extreme examples of this remarkable process, 

I propose now to consider some examples of hypertrophy as they 
affect the reproductive organs; and shall adduce evidence to show 
that this process is one of the probable causes of division into sexes. 
Many anatomists are of opinion that hermaphroditism is the primitive 
condition of the sexual organs. 

Hermaphrodites are found in every group of the animal king- 
dom, but, except in some of the lowest forms (such as Ctenophora 
and Chrysaora) among the Coelenterata, self-fertilization appears to be 
wholly exceptional, and in those forms in which it occurs the entire 
process is of very simple character. The rule in hermaphrodites 
appears to be this:—The male organs in one animal are used to 
impregnate the female organs of another, or vice versé. Even in the 
Cestoda, where there are arrangements favourable to self-impregna- 
tion, we have no positive evidence that it takes place. 

. From this arrangement it would easily come to pass that if one 
animal used the male portions of its reproductive organs more freely 
than the female parts, they would, as a result of increased function, 

In the first portion of this paper I emphasized the fact that any 
marked degree of hypertrophy in one organ nearly always leads to 
dwarfing of the correlated organ or sets of organs; hence in the 
example considered, the female portions of the hermaphrodite organs 
remain dwarfed or in statu quo. This peculiarity would in the 
natural course of events be transmitted to the offspring, until at last 
the differentiation attains such a high degree, that unless hyper- 
trophy of one set of organs occurs in each individual, propagation is 
impeded. Evidence on this point is afforded by the developmental 
history (ontogeny) of any mammal. Whilst the two sets of repro- 
ductive organs, male aud female, up to a certain point maintain the 
same degree of growth, it is impossible to determine the sex of the 
embryo, As soon as one set begin to enlarge at a greater rate than 
the other, the sex becomes pronounced. The remaining organs may 
eventually disappear or merely exist in such a rudimentary condition 
as to be discerned only by the most diligent search. 

Indeed this process has been observed to occur in a very complete 
manner in a single group, the Myzostomida. Dr. L. von Graff, in 
his “ Report on the Myzostomida” collected during the voyage of 
the ‘ Challenger,’ has noted the following interesting facts. Some 
species (Myzostoma tenuispinum, M. willemoesii, M. inflator, and M. 
murray?) are originally descended from androgynous forms in which 
the organs of one sex have become gradually aborted; for in Myzo- 


stoma cysticolum the female has rudiments of testes, but no male 
generative aperture. 

In those forms in which the individuals inhabiting one cyst are 
not different in appearance, the sexual organs have a different struc- 
ture; each individual is here androgynous, but differs from the free 
living androgynous species in that the testis is developed only on 
one side of the body, and there is but one generative aperture. In 
Myzostoma pentacrinus, however, there are small remnants of the 
other testis, but no second male aperture. ‘The testis also, as in the 
dicecious forms, is a small compact gland. Since the testes of the 
dwarf males are fully developed on both sides, we must not regard 
the hermaphrodite species M. pentacrini and M. deformatum as tran- 
sitional between the typical hermaphrodite forms and those that are 
dicecious, but the latter must be derived independently from living 

In M. cysticolum the male and female are found associated in a 
common cyst, and increasing in size with the growth of the cyst 
perforate the arm-joints of their host together. The growth of 
the cyst is, of course, caused by the presence of the parasite; the 
female deposits her eggs within the cyst, and the young em- 
bryos, after they have abandoned the cyst and lost their ciliated 
coat, associate together in pairs, and bore their way through the 
arm-joints. In both the sexual development begins with the 
appearance of testes ; but in the female the testes disappear entirely, 
or leave but a minute rudiment, when the ovaries make their appear- 
ance in addition *. 

Among the most striking examples of the peculiar value of hyper- 
trophy in this direction must be mentioned the curious malformed 
generative orgaus which occur in the cattle known as “ Free-martins.” 
Hunter was one of the first to carefully investigate the condition of 
the reproductive organs in these cases; and the valuable dissections 
he made, now in the Hunterian Museum, are striking monuments 
of his inquisitiveness in this matter. 

Stock-breeders hold the opinion that when a cow produces twins, 
one a male and the other a female, the latter is unproductive (im- 
perfect). This is very frequently true, but by no means always so, 
An imperfect calf under these conditions is known as a Free-martin 
or Martin-heifer. Careful comparison of the detailed descriptions 
of the dissections of these malformations, and similar cases in Sheep 
and Goats which have come under my observation, show most 
conclusively that in these cases we have to deal, not with any one 
malformation common to all examples of Free-martins, but rather 
with instances in which both sets of organs have attempted to attaina 
functional condition, with the result that both have failed to reach it. 
In some of.these cases the Wolffian ducts have advanced many stages 
towards making a fairly complete set of efferent ducts for the testicles, 
and the calf approaches somewhat to a bull-calf. In other 
instances the Miillerian ducts have made greatest progress, and a 

1 T am indebted to Mr. F. Beddard for drawing my attention to these inter- 
esting observations of Dr. von Graff. 


diminutive uterus can be made out, and in this case the caif most 
resembles a cow-calf. Between these two extremes there is every 
gradation and variation, Similar cases occur in fishes, reptiles, 
amphibians, birds, &e. Ihave seen many cases, and numberless 
instances have been recorded out of curiosity. 

These cases show most conclusively how impossible it is for both 
sets of reproductive organs to attain a functional condition in the 
same individual. Hypertrophy of one set must arise and establish 
pre-eminence over the other. 

The facts on which the argument rests, that hypertrophy is one 
of the causes of division of sexes, may be summarized as follows :— 

(1) In the lowest forms of animal life, hermaphroditism is the 
prevailing condition. 

(2) Cross-fertilization in hermaphrodites is the rule, and may, as 
in some of the Myzostomata, lead to a division into sexes within the 
limits of a single group. 

(3) Sporadic cases of hermaphroditism are far more common in 
the lowest forms of life. 

(4) If in mammals both sets of organs grow concurrently, the 
individual is sterile. 

(5) Both sets of organs grow equally to a definite period in em- 
bryonic life. 

(6) Reproduction in Vertebrata, so far-as is known, is impossible 
unless hypertrophy of one set of organs occur. 

In conclusion let me point out, that my object in writing this 
paper is to endeavour to substantiate the doctrine that pathological 
processes do not exist per se, but that in all cases they are to be 
regarded as physiological processes in excess. I trust the view 
has been clearly expressed so far as concerns the very important 
process, hypertrophy. 

Lastly, let me emphasize my meaning, that in many cases where 
organs or sets of organs have undergone hypertrophy to such a 
degree that pathologists would regard them as abnormal, these 
exceptional conditions have been inherited, and in this sense patho- 
logy may be assumed to have played a part among the ordinary 
processes of evolution in producing race peculiarities. 

3. On the Remains of a Gigantic Species of Bird from 
Lower-Eocene Beds near Croydon. By E. T. Newron. 


This paper describes certain bones of a large size obtained by Mr. 
H. M. Klaassen from the Lower-Eocene strata near Croydon, which 
are referable to a bird as large and heavy in build as‘the extinct 
Dinornis crassus of New Zealand. 

After a detailed account of each of the specimens, which include 
parts of three or four tibio-tarsi, and a femur, they are compared 

2 This paper will be published entire in the Society’s ‘ Transactions.’ 


with the corresponding bones of other Eocene birds, and referred to 
the genus Gastornis, but they are named specifically after their 
discoverer, Gastornis klaassent. The lower ends of these tibio-tarsi 
heing more perfect than in any of the examples of the genus which 
have been discovered on the continent, a more detailed comparison 
with other forms of birds is now possible, and confirms to a great 
extent the opinions which have been expressed by previous writers 
as to the affinities of these ancient birds. The tibio-tarsus of G. 
kiaasseni is unlike that of any known bird; that of Dinornis and 
the living Ratitee, although approaching it in size, are quite unlike 
it in form. It is among the Anserine birds that one finds tibio- 
tarsi with the greatest number of characters in common with these 
fossils; and if the form of the tibio-tarsus is any indication of the 
affinities of birds, then Gastornis would seem to find its nearest * 
living allies among the old group of the Palmipedes, and more 
especially in the Anserine division of that group. Notwithstanding 
this there is evidence which seems to point to Gastornis being one 
of the Ratitee. 

The paper concludes with a list of all the known British Eocene 
Birds, and a short description of the geological strata at Croydon 
from which these fossils were obtained. 

4. Description of a new Species of Hornbill from the Island of 
Palawan. By R. Bowpier Suarez, F.LS., F.Z.8., &e. 

[Received April 14, 1885.] 
(Plate XXVI.) 

Three specimens of a Hornbill obtained in Palawan by my friend 
Mr. Everard P. Lempricre appear to belong to an undescribed species 
of dnthracoceros. In Capt. Wardlaw Ramsay’s list of Philippine 
birds, no species of Hornbill has been recorded from Palawan; so 
that it is imteresting to find the family represented in the island, 
and still more so as the species turns out to belong to the Indo- 
Malayan genus Anthracoceros, thus affording another instance of the 
Malayan affinities of Palawan. 

The present species is easily diagnosed for its completely black 
wings and entirely white tail, so that the following brief description 
of it will suffice. 


S ad. omnino niger, via viridescens ; alis nigris ; cauda omnino 

alba. Long. tot. 26, ale 12, caude 10:0, tarsi 2°25. 

Hab. in insula Philippinensi ‘‘ Palawan”’ dicta. 

The bill is yellowish white with the base of the lower mandible 
black ; a bird with a smaller casque I take to be the adult female. 
The young has an admixture of brown in the plumage and lacks 
the pointed apical ridge to the casque. 


tulemans hith 



rT TH 



5 Ba | 


ri IX 



P.Z.S . 1885. PL. KXVIL: 

F.C Moore del et hth. Mintern Bros.1 


P. ZS 1889. Pl es 

F.C.Moore del et hth. 



5. On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan.— Part 
III. Hererocera (continued). By Lt.-Col. C. Swinnos, 
F.LS., F.Z.8. 

[Continued from p. 307.] 
[Received April 28, 1885.] 
(Plates XXVII., XXVIII.) 


Karana decorata, Moore, Desc. Lep. Col. Atkinson, ii. p. 107 
Poona, October ; Sattara, June. 

Leueania extranea, Guénée, Noct. i. 77, 104. 
Poona, November and December ; Bombay, February. 


Leucania loreyi, Duponchel, Hist. Nat. Lep. France, iv. 81, 
pk 105. f. 7. 

Poona, November ; Bombay, February. 

4, LEUCANIA POLEMUSA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 1.) 

Poona, September and October ; Bombay, July. 

Allied to L. decisissima, Walker, but of altogether a different 
colour. Pale greyish-fawn colour, shining. Abdomen very pale 
greyish. Fore wings with a brownish stripe, which extends from base 
to the outer margin, containing a small silvery streak turned up at 
the eud of the cell; numerous blackish longitudinal lines covering 
the whole wing, with the exception of a small space just below the 
cell. A discal row of black points, from near the apex to the hinder 
margin; absent in some specimens. Hind wings glistening white. 

Expanse of wings 1,2, to 1,4) inch. 


Leucania subsignata, Moore, P. Z.S. 1881, p. 336. 


Leucania inferens, Walker, ix. 105. 

Bombay, September and October. 


Axylia renalis, Moore, P. Z.S8. 1881, p. 341. 
Poona, July, September, and October. 


8. AXYLIA FURTIVA, 0. sp. 

Poona, October and December. 

Thorax and fore wings shining chocolate-brown, with a longitudinal 
fascia below the cell and many longitudinal streaks pale pinkish ; 
orbicular and reniform spots very prominent, pale pinkish, interlined 
with brown, the latter very large; outer border with black points. 
Hind wings smoky brown, paler towards the base, glistening ; fringe 
pinkish luteous ; abdomen whitish. 

Expanse of wings 5°, inch. 

Discorpia, gen. nov. 

Wingslong: fore wing narrow; costa almost straight, exterior margin 
obliquely convex ; posterior margin convex ; cell extending three fifths 
the length ; first and second subcostals from close to end of cell, third 
trifid ; radials from end of the discocellular; middle median from close 
to end of cell, lower at one fifth ; submedian slightly recurved. Hind 
wing long, narrow, exterior margin very obliquely eonvex ; cell half 
the length ; two subcostals from end of cell; upper costal ranning 
close to the costal for one third its length ; discocellular bent inward 
before the middle, lower end long and outwardly oblique; radial 
from close to its lower end; middle median from close to end of cell, 
lower at one third; body rather stout ; palpi minute, pilose ; antennze 
filiform ; legs rather stout, squamous. 

9. Discorp1A EVULSA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 2.) 

Poona, November. 

Antenne, palpi, head, and body pale grey. Fore wings pinkish 
grey, with grey irrorations which form dark shades on the basal half of 
the custa and of the hinder margin ; a grey band from the centre of the 
hinder margin to the costa, near the apex, outwardly dentated ; 
marginal line brown; fringe interlined—-white, brown, and white. 
Hind wings shining white. 

Expanse of wings 55; inch. 

Noctua armigera, Hiibner, Noct. pl. 79. f. 370. 
Bombay, August and September. 

11. HeLiorais RUBESCENS. 
Thalpophila rubescens, Walker, xv. 1681. 
Bombay, October. 

Noctua peltigera, Denis, Wien. Verz. 89. 2. 
Poona, April to June. 

13. HeLiorais JuNCEA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 4.) 
Thorax and fore wings of a dull red colour; front of thorax and 


head of a brighter red; reniform stigma large, white, encircled 
with black ; two black marks running in from the costa, one before 
and the other beyond the middle, like the commencement of latitu- 
dinal wavy lines ; a discal double wavy blackish line, aud an indistinct 
marginal blackish line; hind wings reddish grey, with a broad 
marginal uninterrupted blackish-brown band ; fringe reddish grey ; 
abdomen reddish grey. 
Expanse of wings 1,3, inch. 


Anthecia swinhoei, Butler, P. Z.S. 1883, p- 162. 
Poona, October to December. 


Pradatta decorata, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 365. 
Poona, October. 

Leucania bivittata, Walker, ix. 108. 
Bombay, September. 

Adisura leucanioides, Moore, P. Z. S. 1881, p- 368. 
Poona, September. 


Adisura marginalis, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 368. 

19. ApisuRa uncTA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 12.) 

Bombay, October. 

Allied to A. leucanioides. Fore wings yellowish, suffused all over 
with pink, leaving the ground colour showing through in one or two 
places ; some dark pink lines between the veins, in the disk ; fringe 
dark pink, edged with silvery white: hind wings pinkish grey, 
paler towards the base, shining ; friuge luteous. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 


Curubasa calamaria, Moore, P. Z. S. 1881, p- 367. 
Bombay, October. 

Chasmina cygnus, Walker, ix. 147. 
Bombay, September, 



Bombyx gloriose, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 205, 150. 

Poona, July; Bombay, July. 

Larva feed on Polianihus tuberosa: colour very dark velvety 
maroon, with cream-coloured spots; size 13 inch. They burrow 
and eat the roots of the plant as well as the leaves. Larval stage 24 
days; a moth emerged occasionally, from after a few days, right up 
to the March following ; larvee burrow into hard soil when turning 
and form small chambers. 

Neuria retina, Frivaldsky, Herr.-Schiff. Eur. Schmett. ii. p. 292, 
Noct. pl. 29. f. 145. 
Poona, July to September ; Bombay, July to November. 

Prodenia glaucistriga, Walker, ix. 197. 
Poona, June; Bombay, July and August. 


Prodenia infecta, Walker, ix. p. 196. 

Prodenia venustula, Walker, xxxil. p. 654. 

Poona, July, October, and November; Bombay, August to 

Noctua exigua, Hiibner, Samml. eur. Schmett. Noct. f. 362. 
Poona, September; Bombay, December. 


Poona, July. 

Antennz and palpi brown; head and body brown, marked with 
pale pinkish grey. Fore wings dark brown; costa with pinkish- 
grey spots; subbasal, antemedial, and postmedial lines deep black, 
lunular, the two former edged inwardly, and the last edged out- 
wardly, with pinkish grey; nearly the whole space between the 
postmedial line and the margin more or less of the same colour, 
forming a broad band deeply denticulated in its centre outwardly, 
with two teeth running into the dark-brown colour of the wing on 
the outer margin; marginal spots purplish grey; fringe brown, 
speckled with the same colour ; orbicular and reniform marks large, 
indicated by large rings of deep black, the latter slightly excavated 
outwardly ; hind wing whitish, with a deep costal and marginal 
suffused greyish border ; fringe pinkish grey, edged with white. 

Closely allied to A. latifasciata, Moore, P, Z. 8. 1881, p. 345. 

Expanse of wings 1%; inch. 



Apamea mucronata, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 345, pl. 38. f. 8. 
Poona, October. } 

Tlattia cephusalis, Walker, xvi. p. 209. 
Poona, September to November; Bombay, July to November. 

Hadena tenebrosa, Moore, P.Z.S. 1867, p. 59; id. 1881, p. 343. 


Miana denticulosa, Walker, xxxii. p. 676. 
Poona, September and October ; Bombay, July. 

Mamestra dolorosa, Walker, xxxii. p. 667. 
Sattara, Poona, November. 

Spodoptera cilium, Guénée, Noct. i. pp. 156, 249. 
Poona, September and December ; Bombay, December. 



Head, thorax, and fore wings grey, dotted with black atoms; eyes 
black ; first joint of palpi brown, last two joints white. Fore wings 
with three black spots on the costa, the first two being the 
commencement of a subbasal and antemedial outwardly waved 
interrupted black line, a postmedial brown interrupted waved line 
or band, then a straight row of deep black points, and the rest of the 
outer portion of the wing so thickly covered with brown atoms as to 
form three bands close together, making the outer third of the wing 
quite dark, marginal points black. Hind wings greyish white, 
darker towards the costa ; apex and outer border brownish. Abdomen 

Expanse of wings 1/5 inch. 


Caradrina insignata, Walker, x. p. 295. 

Poona, September. 


Celena serva, Walker, xv. p. 1689. 
Bombay, October. 

Peregea centralis, Waiker, xi. p. 734. 
Poona, September. 



Poona, July; Bombay, July. 

Allied to P. centralis, Walker. 

Reddish grey, shining; redder and darker on the basal half; 
basal, antemedial, postmedial, and submarginal slightly waved, single 
grey lines, indistinct ; reniform stigma whitish, distinct ; hind wings 
and abdomen grey. 

Expanse of wings ,%; inch. 

39. RHIZOGRAMMA UNILINEA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 7.) 


Fore wings slaty grey, with a black band running below the cell, 
curving slightly downwards in its centre, and extending from the 
base to the outer border; a dark grey diffused band on the hinder 
margin ; marginal line white, with black dots; fringe grey. Hind 
wings pure white, greyish towards the costa and outer border. Body 
slaty grey. 

Expanse of wings 15 inch. 

40. OzarBa ITWARRA, 0. Sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 14.) 

Poona, October. 

Fore wings blackish brown; costa with seven yellow spots; sub- 
basal and antemedial lines nearly straight, double, black, edged with 
whitish ; a postmedial double white line, edged with black on the 
inner side, sharply bent inwardly to the costa, over the large well- 
defined reniform stigma, which is composed of two white lines, the 
inner one edged with black ; the orbicular is indistinct, and is almost 
effaced by the antemedial double line; a submarginal single white 
line bent outwardly, just below its centre; a marginal line of deep 
black connected Junules, edged on both sides with white. Hind 
wings dark brown, unmarked ; fringe of both wings long, interlined 
brown, white, and brown. 
® inch. 

Expanse of wings 3°5 

41. OzarBa MALLARRBA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIL. fig. 3.) 

Poona, December. 

Fore wings pale reddish, covered with brown atoms; orbicular 
and reniform stigmas deep black, distinct, the former the larger; a 
centre] blackish shade, commencing from the orbicular and widening 
on the hinder margin ; inner line upright, slightly waved ; outer line 
zigzag, bent outwards, whitish ; submarginal line also whitish, nearly 
straight, marginal points black. Hind wings pale brown; fringe 
pinkish white and brown. 

Expanse of wings ;°; inch. 

zarba punctigera, Walker, xxxii. p. 685. 
Sattara, June ; Poona, September and October ; Bombay, October. 



Agrotis conspurcata, Walker, xxxii, p. 696. 
Poona, October. 


Phalena-Noctua segetis, Gml. ed. Syst. Nat. 1. v. 2539, 1018. 
Noctua segetum, Wien. Verz. lxxxi. p. 12, pl. i. figs. 3a, b. 
Poona, December. 

Phalena-Noctua suffusa, Gml. ed. Syst. Nat. i. v. 2541, 1028. 

Agrotis aristifera, Guénée, Noct. i. pp. 266, 426. 
Poona, December to March. 

47. AGROTIS VANA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 9.) 

Sattara, June; Poona, August and September. 

Pale yellowish fawn-colour ; antennz brown; palpi with the first 
and last joints brown, last joint white-tipped; eyes black ; thorax 
with a black band in front, and with a large square deep black patch 
in the centre of the prothorax. Fore wings with a deep black, much 
interrupted band from the base, gradually widening to the outer 
margin, which it would almost fully occupy except for the interup- 
tions by which it is divided into five parts ; the interruptions consist 
of whitish streaks, extending from along the median and subcostal 
veins, and another streak of the same colour, from the apex down- 
wards, joining the median-vein streak on the second median branch, 
near its root ; hinder margin with a small deep black mark near the 
base; marginal line white, inwardly edged with black; fringe 
brown. Hind wings white, slightly shaded towards the outer margin. 

Expanse of wings | to 1,%, inch. 


Phalena-Noctua c-nigrum, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 1193. 
Bombay, February. 


Graphiphora cognata, Moore, Desc. Lep. Col. Atkinson, ii. p. 119 
Poona, September and December. 

Ochropleura triangularis, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1867, p. 55. 
Sattara, November. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXX. 30 


Hadena indistans, Guéaée, Noct. ii. pp. 87, 736. 
Poona, October; Bombay, October. 

Hadena semifascia, Walker, xxxiii. p. 737. 
Sattara, November. 

Xanthodes innocens, Walker, xv. p. 1752. 
Bombay, February and October. 

Xanthodes stramen, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 210, 976 
Poona, July and September. 

Xanthodes transversa, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 211, 978. 
Poona, July; Bombay, August, September, and October. 


Xanthodes imparata, Walker, x. p. 467. 
Bombay, July. 

57. PrracoTa TERMINIGERA. 
Felinia terminigera, Walker, xv. 1850. 
Poona, July. 


Calophasia postica, Walker, xxxiii. p. 764. 
Poona, October. 


Calophasia upsilon, Walker, xxxiii. p. 763. 
Poona, October. 


Acontia basifera, Walker, xii. p. 793. 
Poona, October. 

Acontia costalis, Walker, xxxiii. p. 784. 
Poona, October. 

Acontia quadripartita, Walker, xxxiil. p. 786. 
Poona, October. 

[May Ds 



63. ACONTIA QUINTANA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 13.) 

Poona, October and November. 

Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax blackish brown ; abdomen white ; 
wings silvery white. Fore wings with blackish bands and lines—one 
basal, with thin black spots on the margin, followed by a sinuous line ; 
a broad median band, containing a deep black spot, margined with 
whitish, followed by two interrupted sinuous lines; an interrupted 
submarginal band; and a broken marginal band: hind wings un- 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 

Acontia scanda, Felder, Reise der Nov. pl. 108. f. 27. 
Bombay, September. 


Acontia crocata, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 218, 989. 

Poona, October ; Bombay, July, August, and September; very 
plentiful in Bombay in July. 

66. ACoONTIA FIRINA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 5.) 

Poona; Bombay, November. 

Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax reddish brown; abdomen 
whitish. Fore wings pinkish yellow, with black marks along the costa, 
and black dots, mostly arranged in squares of four dots to each, along 
the upper part of the wing above the median vein; hinder margin 
broadly brown, a brownish thin band from the centre of the hinder 
margin to the outer margin near the apex, a large square black spot 
in the centre of this band, a black line from the outer third of the 
hinder margin, running upwards towards the costa, across the band, 
joining three squares of black dots that come down from the costa ; 
the entire space between the band and the hinder angle suffused with 
brown; marginal points black ; fringe pinkish brown, black towards 
the hinder angle. Hind wings pale whitish testaceous, with a broad 
diffused, brownish, marginal border ; marginal line brown; fringe 
pale pinkish brown. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 


Acontia eacisa, Walker, MS. Brit. Mus. Coll. 

Poona, October. 

Antenne, head, thorax, abdomen, and fore wings brownish black ; 
palpi with the first joint reddish brown, second black, last joint very 
minute and pure white ; abdomen with a white band at the base. 
Fore wings with broad white antemedial and marginal bands, the 
former sometimes tinged with reddish, the latter marked with black 
at the apex, and in the centre two deep black incomplete sinuous 
medial lines and a white sinuous double outer line, clouded in some 
specimens, but always distinct on the costa; reniform mark repre- 
sented by two deep black spots ; first white band with a line of black 



spots running through it ; marginal points black, distinct. Hind 
wings grey ; fringe whitish. 
Expanse of wings 8; inch. 

68. ACONTIA OPELLA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 16.) 

Poona, October. 

Antenne brown ; head brown, with a white band on each side in 
front of the eyes; body brown. Fore wings with the basal third 
brown, margined with a whitish line, then a black band, followed by 
a white line and a brown line against each other, opening out and 
passing to the costa, one on each side of the reniform stigma, which 
is represented by a brown streak on a whitish-grey ground ; these 
marks are followed by a uniform grey band, a brown band which 
expands on the costa, a reddish-grey line, which also expands on 
the costa, filling up the apical space ; a thick blackish-brown band 
on the lower two thirds of the outer margin, margined inwardly with 
deep black ; a deep black marginal line ; fringe long, greyish-brown, 
with yellowish markings. Hind wings pale soot-colour, with four 
or five whitish spots at the apex. 

Expanse of wings 58; inch. 

69. ACONTIA PULLA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 15.) 

Poona, October and November. 

Body and fore wings pale reddish-brown ; fore wings with the 
central portion suffused with dark brown, across which are two 
sinuous lines, one antemedial, the other postmedial; costa and apex 
with brown marks; marginal line reddish ; marginal points brown ; 
fringe pale reddish. Hind wings soot-brown ; fringe pale reddish. 

Expanse of wings 5°, inch, 

70. MaRIMATHA PURA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 16.) 

Poona, October. 

Greyish milky-white; head and thorax with some deep black 
speckles, a reddish patch at apex of fore wing, otherwise quite un- 
marked ; fringe reddish. It is, however, a variable species. In 
one example there are no speckles on the head and thorax ; in another 
there are some deep black speckles in a cluster in the centre of the 
fore wing, and in another the general colour is slightly reddish. 

Expanse of wings ;®, inch. 


Poona, September and October. Very plentiful. 

Antenne, palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings brown; abdomen 
and hind wing whitish testaceous ; fore wing with orbicular and 
reniform marks whitish, rather indistinct ; basal, antemedial, post- 
medial, and submarginal whitish, very indistinct waved lines, often 
obsolete ; some brown flecks on the wing, here and there; fringe 
blackish ; hind wings unmarked ; underside whitish shining, un- 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 



Thalpocharis rivula, Moore, Desc. Lep. Col. Atkinson, ii. p. 140 


Poona, September and October. In great abundance during the 
latter month, 

Iron-grey ; fore wing with antemedial, postmedial, and submarginal 
double white lines, the second branching off in its double state, 
encircling the reniform stigma, and meeting again on the costa ; 
marginal line black: hind wing with a black marginal line, other- 
wise unmarked ; underside of a dark uniform iron-grey. 

This insect varies somewhat in its coloration, some of the specimens 
in my collection having a reddish tinge. 

Expanse of wings +5, inch. 

74. Hiccopa DOSAROIDEs. 
Hiccoda dosaroides, Moore, Dese. Lep. Coll. Atkinson, p. 135 
Poona, June. 

Callopistria recurvata, Moore, Desc. Lep. Col. Atkinson, ii. 
p- 144 (1882). 
Bombay, September and November. 

Penicillaria jocosatriz, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 304, 1112. 

Poona, September ; Bombay, July. 

Larve feed on Mangifera indica, found in groups of five or six on 
the underside of the leaf; length 17 inch ; colour watery green ; pupa 
like the pupa of Polytela gloriose, but rather smaller. 

Eutelia favillatriz, Walker, xv. p. 1778. 
Bombay, September. 

Penicillaria delatriz, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 304, 1112. 

Plusia verticillatu, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 344, 1168, 
Poona, October; Bombay, July to November. 


Noctua signata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ili. 2, pp. 81, 234. 
Poona, November. 

81. PLusta EXTRAHENS. 
Plusia extrahens, Walker, xii. p. 929. 
Poona, March; Bombay, July. 

Plusia obtusisigna, Walker, xii. p. 930. 
Poona, October. 

Plusia agramma, Guénée, Noct. iii. pp. 327, 1136. 
Bombay, September. 


Westermannia superba, Hiibner, Samml. exot. Schmett. ii. 
pp. 23, 162, figs. 323, 324. 

Poona, October ; Bombay, October. 

85. PLustoponTA CONDUCEUS. 
Deva conduceus, Walker, xii. p. 963. 

86. HyBL2A PUFRA. 

Phalena-Noctua puera, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. p. 10, pl. 103. 
figs. D, E. 

Poona, July and September ; Bombay, August and September. 

I have a variety taken at Poona in July with a broad grey fascia 
across the disk, joining a narrower grey fascia from the hinder 
margin near the base. 



Gonitis mesogona, Walker, xiii. p. 1002. 

Bombay, September. 

Gonitis involuta, Walker, xiii. p. 1003. 
Bombay, September to December. 

Gonitis metaxantha, Walker, xiii. p. 1005. 
Poona, May. 

Gonitis albitibia, Walker, xiii. p. 1001. 
Poona, December. 



3 Cosmophila xanthindyma, Boisd. Faun. Ent. Mad. Bourb. et 
Maur. Lep. p. 94, pl. 13. fig. 7 (1883). 

Q Cosmophila indica, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 396, 1256 (1852). 

Poona ; Bombay, October and November. 


92. ToxocaMPA MOOLLA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 10.) 

Poona, October. 

Palpi pinkish ; antennz, head, thorax, and fore wings pale pinkish 
brown ; abdomen grey; thorax covered with brown atoms, and with 
a deep black band in front. Fore wings covered with brown dots, 
thicker in some parts than in others, forming a short antemedial 
band, commencing from a deep black longitudinal streak near the 
hinder border ; a postmedial and a discal band, all very diffuse, but 
plainly visible ; on the outside of the discal band is a brown, double, 
nearly straight line, followed by a row of black spots of various sizes, 
those in the centre being much the smallest; marginal points black. 
Hind wings dark smoky grey, with a pale indistinct discal band. 

Expanse of wings 1,55 inch. 

Pandesma quenavadi, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 438, 1310. 
Bombay, July to November. 


Pandesma anysa, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 439, 1311. 
Cerbia fugitiva, Walker, xiv. p. 1365. 

Bombay, August to October. 


Polydesma boarmoides, Guénée, ii. pp. 441, 1314. 
Bombay, September; Poona, May and October. 

Alamis brevipalpis, Walker, xiii. p. 1051. 
Poona, June and July; Bombay, July. 

Bamra acronyctoides, Moore, Desc. Lep. Col. Atkinson, p. 160 
(1882). : 
Alamis albicincta, Guénée, Noct. iii. 4, 1322. 
Poona, October. 



Homoptera infligens, Walker, xiii. 1068. 
Bombay, December. 

Homoptera dispila, Walker, xxxiii. 890. 
Poona, December. 


Hulodes inangulata, Guénée, Noct. iii. 210, 1612, 
Remigia optativa, Walker, xiv. 1510. 

Remigia optatura, Walker, xv. 1848. 

Poona, June and July. 


Girpa fraterna, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, iii. p. 94 (18835). 
Poona, June and October. 


Remigia pertendens, Walker, xiv. 1512. 
Poona, October. 

Callyna jugaria, Walker, xv. 1809. 
Poona, July and October. 

Callyna sidera, Guénée, Noct. i. 113, 178. 
Poona, August. 


Selepa celtis, Moore, Cat. Lep. Mus. E. I. C. ii. 353, pl. ix. a. 
fig. 9. 
Poona, November ; Bombay. 

107. SELEPA VITEA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 17.) 

Bombay, October to December ; common. 

Antenne grey; palpi, head, and thorax rugose. Wings grey, 
marked with brown, in some examples with a pinkish tinge: fore 
wings with the basal half blackish brown, with the outer margin of 
the black portion edged with pale pinkish white, and with two black 
lines across the black part, both of them outwardly edged with 
whitish. The species is very variable. Some specimens have two 
broad whitish bands across the black half, and others two large 
whitish patches in it. The second line in the black part runs through 
the orbicular stigma, and the outer margin of the black part through 


the reniform, which is large and ear-shaped ; the outer half of the 
wing is clouded with grey, with a submarginal sinuous line. Hind 
wings grey, unmarked; fringe of both wings pinkish, interrupted 
with grey. 

Expanse of wings ,5,—1 inch. 

108. SrLEepa occutTa, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 11.) 

Poona, June. 

Pinkish grey ; head with a whitish line on each side above the 
eyes; thorax and fore wings marked with brown. Fore wings with 
the reniform stigma round, large, indistinct ; orbicular small like a 
dot, hardly visible ; the entire surface of the wing covered with brown 
streaks and marks, a large white subapical patch margined with 
brown ; marginal line black, with small blackish-brown streaks in 
the interspaces, a small black basal streak ; the hinder margin black 
at the base and towards the hinder angle, with a blackish streak 
(sometimes a patch) in the interno-median interspace. Hind wings 
smoky brown ; fringe of both wings pinkish. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 134; inch, 2 152; inch. 

109. Sym1ITHA sCEPTICA, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 6.) 

Bombay, July. 

Antennee, palpi, head, thorax, and fore-wings grey ; thorax with 
a dark line in front and a deep black central line down the upper 
half of it. Fore wings covered with dark irrorations, with a deep 
black short streak near the base; a subcostal black dot near the 
base, two or three black dots on the disk, some dark grey marks 
near the apex and near the hinder angle, some submarginal black 
dots and black marginal points ; abdomen and hind wings whitish : 
hind wings darker towards the costa and outer margin. 

Expanse of wings ,°, inch. 

Catephia linteola, Guénée, Noct. iii. 44, 1375. 
111. HyvrospiLa BOLINOIDES. 
Hypospila bolinoides, Guénée, Noct. iii. 358, 1832. 
Triphena nectens, Walker, xv. 1704. 
113. MosarA LATERALIS. 

Anophia lateralis, Walker, xxxiii. 917. 
Poona, December. 


Anophia olivescens, Guénée, Noct. iii. 48, 1379. 

Poona, October ; Bombay, October. 

A rather variable insect ; the white patch on the fore wings is 
sometimes large, sometimes small, and often absent, and when 
present its position varies in almost every specimen. 

Hypocala efforescens, Guénée, Noct. iii. 77, 1423. 



Phalena-Attacus crepuscularis, Linn. Syst. Nat, 2811, 13. 


Anisoneura salebrosa, Guénée, Noct. iii. 161, 1552. 


118. ParuLA MACROPS. 
Phalena-Noctua macrops, Linn. Syst. Nat. 225. 
Bombay, August to December. 


Q Phalena (Noctua) hieroglyphica, Drury, Ins. Exot. ii. 3, pl. 2. 
fig. 1. 

¢ Noctua Ulula, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 211, 19. 

Belgaum ; Poona, June, August, and October ; Bombay, August 
to November. Very common in Bombay. 


Noctua caprimulgus, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 210, 6. 
Khandalla, March. 


Sericia anops, Guénée, Noct. iil. 173, 1564. 
Khandalla, April; Belgaum. 


Entomogramma torsa, Guénée, Noct. iii. 204, 1605. 
Poona ; Bombay. 


Homea clathrum, Walker, xiv. 1334. 


Speiredonia retrahens, Walker, xiv. 1294. 


Speiredonia helicina, Hiibuer, Samml. ex. Schmett. fig. 437. 

Belgaum ; Sattara, June and November ; Poona, April, September, 
and October ; Bombay, August. 

126. Hyporyra VESPERTILIO. 

Noctua vespertilio, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. 136, 16. 

Poona, October. 


127. HuLopEs CARANEA. 

Phalena-Noctua caranea, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 140, pl. 269. 
figs. E, F. 

Sattara; Poona, July ; Bombay, July. 

Ophisma attacicola, Walker, xiv. 1383. 

Hamodes discistriga, Moore, P. Z.S. 1867, p. 78. 
Bombay, September. 



Phalena ancilla, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. 84, pl. 149. fig. F. 

Sattara, November; Poona, July; Bombay, September and 


Phalena-Noctua cajeta, Cram. Pap. Exot. i. 48, pl. 30. fig. A. 



Phalena-Noctua fullonica, Linn. Syst. Nat. 812, 16. 

Bombay, September and October. 


Phalena-Noctua hypermnestra, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 69, pl. 323. 
figs. A, B. 

Belgaum; Poona, November. 


Phalena-Noctua materna, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 840, 17. 

Sattara, November; Belgaum, September; Poona, August and 
October ; Bombay, July and August, October and November. 



Phalena-Noctua manlia, Cram, Pap. Exot. i. 144, pl. 92. fig. A- 
Khandalla, December ; Bombay, September. 

Ophiodes separans, Walker, xiv. 1357. 
Sattara, June; Poona, July ; Bombay, July. 


Ophiusa tumidilinea, Walker, xiv. 1433. 
Poona, July ; Bombay, July to November. 

Ophiodes triphanoides, Walker, xiv. 1358. 
Khandalla, December ; Bombay, January. 


Corycia magica, Hiibner, Samml. exot. Schmett. ii. 32, 268, 
f. 535, 536. 

Belgaum ; Poona, July and August ; Bombay, December. 
Larvee feed on Quisqualis indica. 

140. LAGoprreRA DOTATA. 

Noctua dotata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 2, 55, 153. 
Khandalla, December; Poona, July; Bombay, August. 


Phalena chlorea, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. 12, pl. 104. fig. C. 
Poona, June, September, and November. 


Phalena inara, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. 78, pl. 239. fig. E. 
Poona ; Bombay. 


Psimada quadripennis, Walker, xv. 1828. 
Bombay, October. 


Noctua mercatoria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 262, 175. 
Khandalla, December. 
Very common. 


Achaea combinans, Walker, xiv. 1392. 



Phalena-Noctua melicerte, Drury, Ins. i. 46, pl. 23. fig. 1. 

Belgaum; Poona, July, August, and November; Bombay, July 
to December. 

In great plenty in Bombay in July and August. Larvae feed on 
Ricinis communis, length 2} inches to 23 inches; colour varies much, 
some are deep purplish black, some reddish, some orange-tinted ; 
larval stage 21 to 24 days, pupal stage 18 to 21 days. I successfully 
reared some in Bombay on wild cucumber leaves, not having any 
castor-oil plants in my garden. 

Achea cyllota, Guénée, Noct. iti. 241, 1669. 
Bombay, October. 

Achea cyllaria, Guénée, Noct. ii. 249, 1670 
Bombay, October. 

149. ERCHEIA ZURA, 0. sp. 

3d. General colour pale pinkish grey ; collar brown on each side ; 
tegule whitish. Fore wings with the costal, apical, and outer parts 
suffused with brown, with some darker marks and with two black 
streaks near the apex; a deep black stripe extending from the base 
to the outer margin, at the termination of the second median branch ; 
the whole space below this stripe of a brownish colour; marginal 
line pale pinkish grey; fringe of the same colour, intercepted with 
brown and with black streaks opposite the veins ; a black dot in the 
cell. Hind wings blackish, paler towards the base, a white medial 
band, and a large white submarginal spot at one third from the anal 
angle ; fringe white, intermingled with brown near the centre of the 
margin. Abdomen grey. ; 

Underside white, with a medial and discal black band across both 

Expanse of wings 2 inches. 

150. ERcHEtIA zyGtA, n. sp. 


. General colour pinkish grey, sides of the collar brown, tegula 
with a thin brown line down its centre ; abdomen grey. Fore wings 
with the upper part of the wings suffused with blackish brown, 
the suffusion extending downwards to the centre of the interno- 
median area, outwards to a little beyond the cell, and expands 
upwards to the apex; a large black spot in the interno-median 
interspace ; two black streaks in the brown part near the apex, and 
two brown marks near the hinder angle. 

Hind wings black, paler towards the abdominal margin, with a 
slightly interrupted white medial band, a white submarginal spot ; 
abdominal margin white, and two white places on the margin, one 


under the spot and the other subapical ; the corresponding portion 
of the fringe is also pure white, the rest brown, with a pinkish-white 
marginal line to that portion of the wing. Underside white, with 
medial and discal black bands on both wings. 

Expanse of wings 2,% inches. 

This may be the female of the one preceding ; but they were 
taken more than a hundred miles apart from each other, and have 
many points of great difference. 

Ophisma letabilis, Guénée, Noct. iti. 241, 1657. 
Poona, July; Bombay, October. 

Ophisma maturata, Walker, xiv. 1382. 


Ophiusa cramerii, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, iii. p. 177 (1885). 

Phalena achatina, Cram. (nec Sulzer), Pap. Exot. iii. 171, 
pl. 288. fig. A. 

Sattara, September ; Khandalla, December ; Poona, September ; 
Bombay, July and November. 

154. OpHIUSA OLYMPIA, 0. Sp. 

Poona, October ; Bombay, July and August. 

Very common. 

Antenne and palpi grey, head and throat reddish olive-brown ; 
abdomen paler ; fore wings with the inner two thirds dark olive- 
brown, nearly black, with a medial white band, not so broad as in 
O. albovitta, Guénée, and much narrower in the male than in the 
female ; this band is thinly irrorated with red and black atoms; the 
outer margin of the black part is white and dentated in three places, 
this is followed by a pale olive-grey space which is margined by an 
acutely dentated whitish line commencing at the apex with two 
black marks and coming straight down to the hinder angle; the 
space between this line and the outer margin is pale grey ; marginal 
line brown, with black points. Hind wing black with an antemedial 
white band, and a grey space on the outer margin, cut straight from 
the black, from near the apex to the anal angle; marginal line 
black ; fringe of both wings interlined, purplish-white, grey, and 

Expanse of wings 1,8; inch. 


Ophiusa albivitta, Guénée, Noct. iii. 271, 1707. 

Bombay, June and August. 


Ophiusa conficiens, Walker, xiv. 1432 



Noctua stuposa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iil. 2, 42, 112. 
Bombay, October. 

158. OrnHrusa ARCUATA. 
Ophiusa arcuata, Moore, P. Z.8. 1877, p. 609. 

159. OpHIusA JOVIANA. 
Phalena-Noctua joviana, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 237, pl. 399. f. B. 
Poona, July ; Bombay. 

Phalena ammonia, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 98, pl. 250. f. D. 
Ahmednuggur, October; Bombay, September. 

Phalena mygdon, Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. 94, pl. 156. f. G. 
Bombay, October. 

Noctua stolida, Fabr. Sp. Ins. iii. 218, 54. 


Passipeda satellitia, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, iii. p. 184, pl. 171. f. 6 

Belgaum, September; Poona, October; Bombay, August to 

Very common. 


Phalena-Noctua hyppasia, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 99, pl. 250. 
f. EK. 

Sattara, June; Poona, April to July; Bombay, August to 
December. Very common. 


Trigonodes disjuncta, Moore, Desc. Lep. Col. Atkinson, ii. p. 171 
Bombay, August. 


Docela afinis, Butler, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. v. 
p. 225 (1880). 
Poona, October and November. 


Phalena-Noctua archesia, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 145, pl. 273. 
figs. F, G. 
Belgaum, September; Poona, August to October; Bombay, 
September to November. Very common. 

Noctua frugalis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. i. 2. 138. 

Poona, October, November, and March; Bombay, October, 
November, and December. 

169. Remicia quasira, n. sp. (Plate XXVII. fig. 8.) 


3. Wings narrower than is usual in the genus, outer border oblique; 
abdomen extending for more than one third beyond the hind wings ; 
antenne, head, and collar, greyish yellow, thorax and abdomen brown, 
fore wings reddish brown; a brown diffused streak at end of cell; costa 
dark brown, a broad brown submarginal band from the costa, near 
the apex, to the hinder margin, angled inwards in its upper part ; 
the portion of the wing between this band and the outer margin 
of a dark brownish grey; marginal points black; hind wings 
cinereous, with a broad blackish marginal band, with a yellowish 
streak on the margin near the anal angle; fringe of both wings, 
yellowish, interrupted with brown; underside, wings whitish, with a 
broad, marginal, blackish, band on both wings, a brown cell-streak 
on fore wings ; body pale yellowish white ; legs brown and yellow. 

Expanse of wings 1,°) inch. 

170. PoApHina SIMPLEX. 
Poaphila simplex, Walker, xv. 1840. 
Poona, July and December. 

Ophiusa rubricans, Boisd. Faune Lep. Mad. 106. 11, pl. 16. 
fig. 1. 
Poona, April, July, August, and November ; Bombay, September 
to December. 

Thermesia reticulata, Walker, xxxili. 1062 
Bombay, September and November. 

Selenis niviapex, Walker, xxxiil. 1069. 
Poona, November ; Bombay, October. 


Selenis semilux, Walker, xxxiii. 1069. 

Mestleta abrupta, Walker, xxxiii. 850. 

Durdara fenestrata, Moore, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 27, pl. 6. fig. 6. 
Bombay, October. 

177. DurpARA ZONULA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 12.) 


Brown, suffused with yellowish grey, and here and there with pink ; 
both wings crossed by innumerable dark-brown, very distinct strize ; 
fore wings with the costa yellowish, a patch of four semidiaphanous 
spots below the end of the cell, three in a row, and a large one below, 
with the upper part partly obscured by a yellowish coloration and 
a brown line, a diffused pinkish patch above these spots; below, 
the ground-colour of the wings is pale yellowish, with the brown 
striations standing out very distinctly. 

Expanse of wings 5; inch. 


Poona, September and October. Very plentiful. 

Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax pale reddish yellow; fore wings 
in some specimens pinkish grey, in some reddish yellow, irrorated 
with brown atoms, with antemedial, medial, and postmedial sinuous 
bands, pale reddish brown ; reniform represented by a brown dot on 
a pinkish ground; hind wings pale pinkish testaceous, with a medial 
pale brown line; fringe of both wings reddish, interrupted with 

This insect varies much in colour ; some are almost pure chrome- 
yellow, with the markings very faint, some of them invisible ; in 
others the markiugs are very distinct ; and the brown irrorations 
cover the outer part of the wing, giving the wing a brown colour, 
and altogether altering the appearance of the insect. 

Expanse of wings ;°; inch. 

Lacera capella, Guénée, Noct. iii. 337, 1802. 
Poona; Bombay, October. 

Amphigonia hepatizans, Guénée, Noct. ili. 338, 1805. 
Bombay, September. 

Proc. Zoo. Soc.—1885, No, XX XI. 31 


181. MareLua capuca, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 9, 2.) 

Poona, July. 

Female. Allied to M. participalis. Pale dull chrome-yellow ; 
fore part of the thorax slightly reddish ; fore wings with the orbicular 
and reniform marks white, semidiaphanous, thinly outlined with 
pale brown ; the former small, round; the latter larger, elongated and 
outwardly excavated ; lines, brownish, sinuous, an antemedial line on 
the fore wings, only a postmedial across both wings, also a medial 
less distinct slightly zigzag line across both wings, passing just in 
front of the reniform stigma on the fore wing, marginal line slightly 
waved ; underside paler, outer and medial lines well marked, inner 
line of fore wing absent. 

Expanse of wings 174; inch. 

182. DAaxaTA TANTILLA, 0. sp. 

Bombay, September. 

Above, antenn, palpi, head, thorax, and all the wings of a dark 
uniform brown; abdomen slightly paler, both wings crossed by two 
much sinuated blackish lines, commencing together about the centre 
of the hinder margin of the fore wings, gradually separating and 
terminating on the costa of the fore wings, one before and the other 
beyond the middle; fore wings with another line submarginal, 
sinuous, and faintly indicated, beyond which the border of the wing 
is of a paler colour ; costa with black and yellow spots; outer marginal 
lines of both wings black, minutely denticulated, fringe blackish 
brown, underside whitish. 

Expanse of wings ;* inch. 


Rhesena obliquifasciata, Moore, Dese. Lep. Coll. Atk. p. 183. 
184. EprspaRIS SIGNATA. 
Episparis signata, Walker, xxxiil. 1032. 
Poona; Bombay, November. 


Phalena-Noctua orosia, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 149, pl. 275. 
fig. D. 
” Dichromia orosialis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 18, 7. 
Poona, July. 

Dichromia pullata, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, iil. p. 221. 
Bombay, September. 



187. RuyNcHINA PERVULGARIS, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 5.) 

Poona, September and October; Bombay, October. Common. 

Antenne, palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings greyish white, 
marked with greyish brown; fore wings mostly greyish brown with 
a diffuse whitish streak at the base below the cell, an antemedial, a 
postmedial, and a submarginal, white sinuous line edged with 
brown ; the second line bent outwardly round the large white 
reniform stigma, many brown and black atoms here and there on 
the wing, orbicular, represented in some specimens by a black 
dot, in some it is obsolete; marginal portion of the wing whitish, 
marginal line black, slightly sinuous; fringe whitish interrupted 
with dark grey. Hind wings greyish brown, paler towards the base, 
fringe whitish, Abdomen whitish with grey bands. 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 

188. Hyprna LACERATALIS. 

Hypena laceratalis, Walker, xvi. 60. 

Poona, October; Bombay, July to December. A very common 
insect in Bombay. 

189. HypenA MOLPUSALIS. 
Hypena molpusalis, Walker, xix. 844. 
Bombay, October. 

190. Hyeena mimicatis, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 6.) 

Poona ; Bombay, August. 
Antennee, palpi, head, and thorax reddish ; abdomen paler ; fore 
wings reddish grey, thickly covered with brown atoms ; veins brown, . 
marginal points dark brown; marginal line pale pinkish. Hind 
wings greyish, sinuous ; marginal line pale pinkish; fringe of both 
wings interlined—grey, pale pinkish, and grey. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 

Hypena mandatalis, Walker, xvi. 58. 
Bombay, July. 

192. Hypena OBACERALIS. 
Hypena obaceralis, Walker, xvi. 53. 
Bombay, October and November. 

Hypena iconicalis, Walker, xvi. 61. 
Bombay, November. 

194. Hypena ossTuPIDALIs, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 7.) 

Poona, October. 

Allied to H.ignotalis, Walker. Of auniform dark greyish brown, 
Fore wings with four yellowish-white spots on the costa, near the 

apex; a black spot in the cell; antemedial, medial, and discal, 


partly dentated, sinuous, white lines, inwardly margined with brown ; 
marginal line whitish ; marginal points lunnlar, black, marked on the 
inside with whitish. Hind wings unmarked, marginal line brown. 
Under side—fore wings smoky grey, with the four costal subapical 
spots, and with alarger white subcostal spot, near the apex ; hinder 
margin pale grey: hind wings pale grey, with a brown spot at the 
end of the cell, and with medial and discal brownish thin bands. 
Expanse of wings 1,%, inch. 

195. Hypena SPECULALIS, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 8.) 

Bombay, October. 

Pale greyish red, dotted and striated with brownish ; orbicular 
represented by a minute white dot margined with brown ; a black 
spot on the hinder margin, near the angle; a whitish postmedial 
straight line, inwardly margined with grey, commencing on the 
inner side of the spot ; marginal points black : hind wings smoky 
grey, irrorated and striated like the fore wings, with black marginal 
points ; otherwise unmarked, 

Expanse of wings 1,2; inch. 

Closely allied to H. obaceralis, Walker. 

196. Hypena VECORDIALIs, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 10.) 


Reddish grey, covered with brown atoms, some brown marks on 
the costa; a postmedial, perfectly straight, double black line, some 
black dots on the space between this line and the outer margin; 
marginal points black: hind wing unmarked; marginal line brown; 
fringe of both interlined—grey, pinkish white, and grey. 

Expanse of wings 1,2; inch. 


197. PasrrA ANIGMATICA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 11.) 

Poona, December ; Bombay, September. 

Palpiand head reddish ; antennee, thorax, and fore wings brown ; 
abdomen testaceous ; thorax witha black band in front. Fore wings 
with black. sinuous lines—one subbasal incomplete, one antemedial 
upright, and a third, very much curved in the disk, and terminating 
on the hinder margin on the inner side of a deep black spot on the 
interno-median interspace, with a black dot on the outer side above 
it; in some examples there is another black dot on the inner side 
below it, and in some examples there is also a black spot on the 
hinder margin near the base. 

Hind wings testaceous, paler towards the base; marginal line 
brown; fringe of both wings reddish. The male has a reddish anal 

Expanse of wings 1,2; inch. 

198. Pasrra RussA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 13.) 4, 

Poona; Bombay, August, September, and October. 
Antenne, palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings pale yellowish fawn- 


colour ; abdomen whitish testaceous. Thorax with a black line in front. 
Fore wings with a black spear-shaped mark pointing inwards, on the 
interno-median interspace, with a black dot on the outside above it; 
these spots are wanting in some specimens ; four brown sinuous 
lines, the first antemedial, the second medial, almost meeting 
together on the hinder margin, the second line ibaa outwards, 
opposite the orbicular stigma, SER is represented by a brown dot ; 
third line postmedial, commencing somewhat nearer the second line 
on the costa, curves widely round the reniform spot, which is small 
and brown-coloured ; this line bends inwardly, with one long tooth, 
which nearly foathas the second line; there is alsoa submarginal 
straightish line, which in some specimens is diffused, and in some 
dotted ; marginal points black ; fringe yellow. 

Bind wings dirty whitish, unmarked, 

Expanse of wings 1,°; inch, 

199. PasiRA INSCITIA, 0. sp. 

Bombay, July and August. 

» General colour yellowish fawn-colour. Fore wings with four or 
five deep black spots, two representing the orbicular and reniform 
marks, one large one in the interno-median interspace, and one, 
sometimes two, in a straight line above it; all these spots are very 
prominent ; marginal line brown, slightly dentated. Hind wings 
with faint redial: discal, and submarginal pale brownish thin bands, 
marginal line brown, slightly dentated. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 

200. HERMINIA ORTHOSIANA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 15.) 

Pale reddish, covered with brown atoms. Fore wings with the 
reniform stigma represented by a brown dot on a white ground, 
lines brown, sinuous, upright, antemedial, medial, postmedial, and 
discal, rather close together, and edged with pale pinkish on the 
inner sides; marginal points black, with white lunules on the inner 
side. Hind wings reddish testaceous, with a brown mark at the end 
of the cell. 

Expanse of wings 1,45 inch. 

201. HerMinia VELIFERA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 17.) 

Poona, October. 

Pale pinkish white, powdered with black atoms and marked and 
streaked with black. The long palpi are nearly covered with black ; 
thorax with a black band in front, and a black mark in the centre ; 
fore wings covered with black and grey irrorations, thickly in the cell. 
at the end of which is a black sput ; a black streak below from the 
base, running nearly the whole length of the wing; a black streak 
on the hinder margin, and between these streaks are other black 
fainter streaks and lines; there are also some submarginal black 
streaks ; fringe brown. Hind wings pinkish grey, the colour formed 


by streaks and irrorations, paler in the centre and towards the 
abdominal margin ; fringe white. 
Expanse of wings | inch. 

202. Hiporpa RAPTATALIS. 

-Hipoepa raptatalis, Waiker, xvi. p. 164, 3. 


Female. Antenne, palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings brown, with 
a slight reddish tinge ; abdomen testaceous. Fore wings with a large 
white, distinct reniform spot ; lines brown, sinuous, basal, antemedial, 
postmedial, and discal; a medial brownish straight band, which 
touches the reniform on its inner side ; marginal points black. Hind 
wings pale brown, with two faint brown lines, medial and discal ; 
marginal line black ; fringe on both wings interlined—pinkish white, 
brown, pinkish white, and brown. 

Expanse of wings 5°; inch. 

Nodaria externalis. Guén. Delt. p. 64. 

Poona, November; Bombay, November and December. Very 
plentiful, Varies much in size. 

Catada captiosalis, Walker, xvi. 210. 
Poona; Bombay, October. 

Bocana pamphosalis, Walker, xix. 887. 
Poona, November and December. 

Aginna circumscripta, Walker, xxxii. 1023. 
Poona; Bombay, September, October, and November. 

Apphadana evulsalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1213. 
Bombay, October. 

208. APPHADANA RUSTICULA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 1.) 

Poona, October. 

Body and fore wings reddish brown. Head with white lines on 
each side over the eyes ; thorax with a brown mark in front. Fore 
wings with two brown spots at the base, three brown costal marks at 
the commencement of the brown lines ; lines brown, slightly waved, 
subbasal, medial, postmedial, and discal, two black marks in the disk, 
each touching both the postmedial and discal lines; marginal line 
brown, sinuous; marginal points black. Hind wings brownish 
testaceous, blackish towards the outer border, with a postmedial, 
and a faint indication of a discal line ; marginal line black ; marginal 
points black : fringe of both wings brown, edged with reddish white. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 


209. ApPHADANA RUBICUNDULA, nh. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 2.) 


Body brown. Fore wings pale pinkish white, with brown lines 
and bands, and brown atoms on the clear spaces; a basal and a sub- 
basal upright, sinuous line, the space from the base to the middle 
of these lines being suffused with brewn ; a medial diffuse band, with 
a dentated double line running up it, expanding in the centre, and 
meeting again on the costa, half the outer dentated line being in the 
pinkish-white coloured part of the wing; marginal third brown, 
with a black inner sinuous border; between this border and the 
medial dentated line is another pale, diffuse, interrupted band ; a dark 
brown zigzag submarginal line, within the brown margin; marginal 
line brown, sinuous; marginal points black, fringe brown. Hind 
wings testaceous, with faint brown medial, discal, and submarginal 
lines ; marginal line brown, sinuous; fringe reddish-brown. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 

210. APPHADANA FESTINA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 3.) 


Antenne, palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings brown, hind wings 
and abdomen paler. Fore wings with subbasal, medial, and post- 
medial sinuous lines, the last two nearly meeting on the hinder margin 
near the centre, the first and last line edged with whitish inwardly, 
the middle line edged with whitish outwardly: hind wings with a 
discal line and a submarginal shade, brownish ; marginal points of 
both wings black ; fringe yellowish : underside smoky grey crossed 
by several darker lines. This insect is very variable, some examples 
being much paler than others, and some quite reddish with black 
marks on the costa, the two outer lines composed of dots with two or 
three black spots. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 

211. APPHADANA NIGROFUSCA, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 4.) 

Poona, October. 

General colour of body and both wings slaty-brown; thorax with 
a brown band in front; abdomen with brown segmental bands. 
Fore wings with a black mark on the hinder margin, at the base a 
broad black median band, nearly straight on the inner side, sinuous 
and toothed, and expanded upwards on the outer side, edged out- 
wardly with whitish; two discal sinuous lines, each edged with 
whitish on the inner side, marginal points black. Hind wings with 
a faint medial, and a more distinct discal, blackish line, and a broad 
blackish marginal band ; marginal points black ; fringe of both wings 
brown, with pinkish edges. 

Expanse of wings 1+), inch. 

212. Spapix vEGETUs, n. sp. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 14.) 

Bombay, September and October. 
Antenne black; palpi, head, and thorax reddish brown. Fore 
wings with the basal third pale reddish brown, remainder of the wings 


blackish brown; lines black and sinuous, one basal, the next mar- 
gining the pale basal part, the third postmedial, inclining towards the 
second, on the hinder margin; the fourth discal, indistinct, from the 
hinder angle upright to the costal outer third ; the space between 
the two last lines rather paler than the rest of the black part. Hind 
wings testaceous. Both wings shining ; fringe on both wings pink- 
ish, interrupted with brown. 

Expanse of wings ;%) inch. 


Chusaris punctilinealis, Walker, xxxiv. 1175. 

Byturna cucullata, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, iii. p. 254 (1885). 
Poona, September and October ; Bombay, September and October. 

Prats XXVITI. 

. Leucania polemusa, n. sp., p. 447, 
. Discordia evulsa, n. sp., p. 448. 
zarba mallarba, n. sp., p- 452. 

. Heliothis juncea, n. sp., p. 448. 

. Acontia firina, n. sp., p. 455. 

. Symitha sceptica, n. sp., p. 461. 

. Rhizogramma unilinea, n. sp., p. 452. 
. Remigia quesita, n. sp., p. 468. 

. Agrotis vana, n. sp., p. 453. 

10. Toxoeampa moolla, n. sp., p. 459. 
11. Selepa occulta, un. sp., p. 461. 

12. Adisura wncta, n. sp., p. 449. 

15. Acontia quintana, n. sp., p- 455, 
14. Ozarba itwarra, n. sp., p. 452. 
15, Acontia pulla, n. sp., p. 456. 

16. opella, n. sp., p. 456. 

17. Selepa vitea, nu. sp., p. 460. 




Puate XXVIII. 

Fig. 1. Apphadana rusticula, n. sp., p. 474. 
— rubicundula, n. sp., p. 475. 

—— festina, n. sp, p. 475. 

nigrofusca, n. sp., p. 475. 

. Rhynchina pervulgaris, n. sp., p. 471. 

. AHypena mimicalis, n. sp., p. 471. 

obstupidalis, n. sp., p. 471. 

—— speculalis, n. sp., p. 472. . 

. Matella caduca, 2, n. sp, p. 470. 

10. Hypena vecordialis, n. sp., p. 472. 

11. Pasira enigmatica, un. sp., p. 472. 

12. Durdara zonula, n. sp., p. 469. 

13. Pasira russa, n, sp., p. 472. 

14. Spadix vegetus, n. sp., p. 475. 

15. Herminia orthosiana, n. sp., p. 473. 

16. Marimatha pura, n. sp., p. 456. 

17. Herminia velifera, n. sp., p. 472. 

SD DIS oh Oo WS 



6. Note ou Viverricula. By St. G. Mivarz, F.R.S. 
[Received April 29, 1885.] 

In 1882 I stated before this Society (see P. Z.S. 1882, p. 149) that 
Viverricula was distinguished from Viverra by having (amongst other 
_ characters) “a very small bald spot on the tibial side of the plantar 
pad.” I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Blanford, F.R.S., 
for calling my attention to the fact that this spot is really the 
homologue of the hallucal pad of Viverra, and | am therefore 
anxious to rectify the above-cited assertion. 

There is indeed a striking difference between the feet of Viverra 
and Viverricula, as the mvch greater remoteness of this small 
hallucal spot from the large plantar pad causes the bald spot to be 
much more conspicuous in the latter genus, but its distinctness 
consists in its being more obvious and is not a distinctness of 

7. On the Right Cardiac Valve of the Specimens of Apteryx 
dissected by Sir Richard Owen in 1841. By E. Ray 
Lanxestsr, M.A., F.R.S. 

[Received April 25, 1885.] 

In a former communication ' I showed that it was highly probable 
that the heart figured and described by Sir R. Owen in 1842, in 
the ‘Transactions’ of the Society, as the heart of an Apteryx was 
in reality the heart of an Ornithorhynchus. I based this opinion on 
the facts :—1. That the structure of the right cardiac valve as de- 
scribed and figured by Sir Richard more nearly resembled that of 
Ornithorhynchus than that of any other animal. 2. That in two 
hearts of Apteryx examined by Mr. Beddard and in one examined 
by myself, the structure of the right cardiac valve was precisely 
similar to that of an ordinary bird, and differed altogether from Sir 
Richard Owen’s description and figure. 3. That in the College of 
Surgeons Museum there was a heart of Ornithorhynchus with the 
right cardiac valve displayed much as in Sir Richard Owen’s figure 
of a supposed .4pteryv-heart, and that on this preparation was 
painted the name Apteryx australis. 4. That this heart—actually of 
Ornithorhynchus but labelled “Apteryx’’—was entered in the Catalogue 
as the heart of Apteryx australis, the entry having been made 
apparently at a date corresponding to the time when Sir Richard 
was Hunterian Curator. 

Sir Richard Owen has since communicated to the Society a note, 
in which he expresses himself as unable to accept the explanation 
which I have suggested of the fact that the right cardiac valve of 
Apteryx as described by him differs so completely from that struc- 
ture as seen by Mr. Beddard* and myself in other specimens. He 

1 P,Z.8. 1885, p. 239. 2 Of. P.Z.S. 1885, p. 188, 


states that he dissected at the period in question (more than forty 
years ago) three specimens of dpteryw; and if I understand him 

Heart of the Common Fowl (Gallus domesticus). 

The right ventricle is opened by a nearly horizontal cut which runs above (2. ¢. 
nearer the auriculo-ventricular ring than) the insertion of the muscular 
band (=musculus papillaris) into the free wall of the ventricle. The 
dotted line 2 indicates the course of a subsequently effected cut which 
set free the part of the ventricular wall into which the muscular band 
is inserted, and allowed the band to be reflected, as shown in fig. 2. 

The same heart as that drawn in fig. 1; the cut « having now been made, and 
the ventricular wall with the attached muscular band a reflected. 

aright, he is inclined to believe that no mistake occurred in connection 
with his drawings or preparations, and that the hearts of his three 


specimens did actually present the characters of structure in the 

right cardiac valve which he described and figured. 
Fortunately Sir Richard Owen’s specimens of Apterys are still in 

Fig. 3. 

Heart of Apteryx australis, Ow., with the right ventricle opened as in the 
Common Fowl’s heart drawn in fig. 1. 

The muscular band a has the same relations as in fig. 1, but is shorter and 
broader, owing to the contraction of the specimen in alcohol. The dotted 
line x indicates the course of the cut which was subsequently made and 
allowed the reflection of the ventricular wall, as shown in fig. 4. 


The same heart as that drawn in fig. 3. The cut along the dotted line « of 
fig. 3 has been effected, and the ventricular wall with the attachment of 

the muscular yalve reflected. 

existence, and have been exhumed by Dr. Garson from among the 
stores of the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Dr. 


Heart of Ornithorhynchus, 

The right ventricle opened so as to expose the right cardiac valye. There is no 
connection here of the great anterior muscular band (q) of the yalve 
with the free wall of the ventricle. It arises entirely from the septal 
wall. The distinction is not a fundamental one; the muscular band a 
in figs. 5 and 6 is to be identified with the muscular band a of the Birds’ 
hearts (figs. 1 to 4). Similarly the much shorter muscular band or fold 
cin the Birds’ hearts appears to be the same structure as the band 
marked ¢ in the present figure of the right cardiac yalve of Ornitho- 

Fig. 6. 

The same heart as that drawn in fig. 5, with the great anterior muscular band 
(a) cut through, so as to allow the valve to be reflected, for comparison 
with the similar yiews of the heart of the Fowl, fig. 2, and the heart of 
Apteryx, fig. 4. 

Letters in all the figures. 

a, The large anterior muscular band passing from the free margin of the valvular 
flap to the ventricular wall (this is the great anterior musculus papil- 
laris of Mammals). 6. The muscular flap of the Birds’ valve. c. The small 
left muscular band of attachment from the valve to the ventricular wall 
(lelt or “ conus” musculus papillaris of the Mammal). 


Garson has written me as follows in regard to these specimens, and 
has very kindly afforded me an opportunity of examining them. 
The result is conclusive, since I am now able to show what is the 
condition of the right cardiac valve in the actual specimens dissected 
by Sir Richard Owen, having previously shown what was the origin 
of the heart figured by him. 
Dr. Garson writes :— 
“Royal College of Surgeons of England, 
April 23, 1885. 
“ Dear Pror. LanKEstER, 
“I forward you a specimen of Apteryz partially dissected by 
Prof. Owen, in which the heart isin situ but opened into, and [ also 
send another specimen of Apteryx-heart taken from a bottle in 
which are preserved the viscera and other parts of an Apteryx 
dissected by Prof. Owen, and which he had treated with acid so as 
to soften the bones. The auricle of this second specimen is opened. 
We have a third specimen of Apteryx partly dissected, in which the 
heart is untouched, and so cannot have been used for the drawing 
showing the interior. 
“I do not think the illustration is taken from either of the specimens 
I send you; consequently if Sir Richard Owen says he had only 
three specimens of the bird, there is conclusive proof that the heart 
of some other animal has been figured for Apteryz. 
“T should be greatly obliged if you would kindly let us have back 
the specimens as soon as you have finished with them, 
Believe me, 
Yours very truly, 
J. G. Garson.” 

The specimens forwarded by Dr.Garson were examined by me in the 
presence of Assistant-Professor Bourne, of University College. Inthe 
first (that cm s¢¢u in a dissected Apteryx) the left ventricle had been 
horizontally cut, and an oblique cut had been effected in the extreme 
left region of the right ventricular wall. But this cut was not such 
as to render the right cardiac valve visible, still less would it have 
been possible to make, from this specimen, the figure published by 
Sir Richard in 1842. 

Similarly impossible was it for any information with regard to 
the right cardiac valve to have been derived from the second speci- 
men, since the wall of the ventricle was uncut. 

Since the third specimen of Apieryx-heart in the College of 
Surgeons store-collection is unopened in any way, we may accept Dr. 
Garson’s conclusion that the drawing published by Sir Richard 
Owen in 1842 was not made from any one of these specimens ; and 
since they are the three specimens of Apteryx which were at Sir 
Richard’s disposal, and seeing that according to his statement he had 
no other specimens of the Apteryx, the drawing in question cannot 
have been taken from an Apéeryz-heart. 

Lastly, I have had the interesting opportunity of seeing what 
actually is the condition of the right cardiac valve in two out of three 
of Sir Richard’s original specimens. The third specimen, which has 


never been opened, is still available in case of a final appeal. I 
would suggest that if there is any one still in doubt on the subject, 
any one who still thinks that the right cardiac valve of Apteryx 
differs from that of ordinary birds and is provided with chorde 
tendineze attached to membranous flaps, he should be asked to open 
Sir Richard Owen’s hitherto unpenetrated third specimen at a 
meeting of this Society. 

The first and the second specimens I have opened by an appro- 
priate incision in the right ventricular wall, in the presence of 
Professor Bourne, and had no difficulty in bringing the right cardiac 
valve in each heart into full view. It presented none of the peculiar 
féatures attributed by Sir Richard Owen to the right cardiac valve 
of these identical specimens which Sir Richard believes himself to 
have examined, but which neither he nor any one else had seen 
until I opened up the ventricular wall to-day (April 24th, 1885). 
The valve was entirely fleshy as in an ordinary bird (compare figs. 1, 
2, with figs. 3, 4). There were no radiating fibrous cords binding 
the mid-region of the valve to the ventricular wall, such as are 
shown in Sir Richard Owen’s drawing. There was no departure 
from the typical Avian right cardiac valve; no such departure has 
been seen in any specimen of the Apteryx-heart which has been 

It seems important that the actual condition of the right cardiac 
valve in Apterya should be represented pictorially, and I theretore 
give here two drawings of that structure taken from the specimen 
in my possession (figs. 3 & 4, p. 479), and also for comparison, two 
views of the right cardiac valve of the Common Fowl (figs. 1 & 2, 
p- 478), and of the Ornithorhynchus (figs. 5 & 6, p. 480) for com- 

May 19, 1885. 
F. Du Cane Godman, Esq., F.R.S., F.Z.S., in the Chair. 

A communication was read from Prof. J. von Haast, C.M.Z.S., 
containing a description of some fossil remains of a species of Dinornis 
remarkable for its small size, and apparently previously undescribed, 
which he proposed to cail Dinornis oweni. The remains in question, 
at present deposited in the Auckland Museum, had been obtained 
near Whangarei, New Zealand. Prof. von Haast added some remarks 
on Dinornis crassus, Owen. 

This paper will be printed entire in the Society’s ‘Transactions.’ 

The Secretary read the following extract from a letter addressed 
to him by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., dated Breakwater, 
Cape Town, January 27th, 1885 :— 

‘I wish to mention that a Snake was taken amongst the rocks ina 
pool of water and seaweed at the entrance to Table Bay, which, 
from the description given of it by those who found it, I have every 
reason to believe was a‘ Pelamis bicolor.’ It was found by the 


very intelligent children of Mr. John Saunders, Secretary to the 
Table Bay Harbour Board, and was seen by Mr. Saunders and 

‘Unfortunately it was not sent to me, but was killed, and thrown 
back into the sea. I think that I mentioned. in a former letter that 
a very fine specimen of this Snake, taken in False Bay near Muizen- 
burg and sent to me dead, is now in the South African Museum. 
Perhaps it is worthy of remark that this Snake, if I am correct as 
to its identity, having been found in Table Bay, had reached the 


A letter was read from Mr. B. Crowther, of Launceston, Tasmania, 
stating that he had in captivity some living examples of the Duck- 
bill (Ornithorhynchus paradozus), which he was proposing to send 
home as a present to the Society's Menagerie. Details were added 
as to the best mode of keeping and feeding these animals in 

Mr. Osbert H. Howarth exhibited and made remarks on a 
specimen of Coral of the genus Dendrophyllia, attached to a stone- 
ware bottle which had been dredged up in the Atlantic off Madeira 
at a depth of from 15-20 fathoms. The coral, when brought to the 
surface, was of a brilliant orange colour, and the tentacles of the 
animal were hanging from each branch. 

Mr. Howarth also exhibited and drew attention to the large 
number of shells found inside the bottle. 

Mr. F. Day exhibited a specimen of the Vendace (Coregonus 
vandesius), which, he observed, was one of three (received trom 
Mr. W. Kimsey Dover) that had been taken in Derwentwater and 
Bassenthwaite lakes, where Dr. Davy had recorded their occurrence 
in 1858, but whose statement has been generally overlooked. The 
Gwiniad (C..coregonoides) would seem to be restricted in the Lake 
district to Haweswater and the lake-system that joins the Eden. 

Mr. Day also exhibited the diseased intestine of a Sea-Trout, which 
fish had been taken with the fly by Mr. A. Caldwell in the Esk on 
May Ist. It was } lb. in weight and in excellent condition, but when 
landed its abdomen was observed to be ‘‘ swollen as if it had a stone 
inside.” On being opened, the commencement of the small intestine 
was seen to be as represented in the accompanying figure (p. 484). 
A slit 4 of an inch long existed along it, and the edges were everted, 
occasioning this spot to be like an open ditch with an orifice at the 
commencement, and its termination leading into the intestinal canal. 
Either opening was almost choked up by worms (Bothriocephalus), 
but it was found that the intestines below the seat of injury contained 
undigested food similar to what was in the stomach aboveit. There 
was no adhesion between the intestine and the abdominal walls ; 


which, however, must have acted so as to prevent the escape of food 
into the abdominal cavity. 

Mr. Day likewise exhibited a portion of the sifting-apparatus of 
the Basking Shark (Selache maxima) which had been captured off 
Dendmans on May 6th. These branchial combs or teeth had been 

Intestines of diseased Trout. 

fully described by Prof. Turner. The food taken from the Shark’s 
stomach was exhibited, and had the appearance of ‘‘ red stuff like 
bruised crabs, or the roe of the Sea-Urchin, as described by Low,” 
and in the pharynx were quantities of sessile-eyed crustaceans, 
mostly Amphipoda and Copepoda in a fresh condition, and evidently 
what the substance in the stomach originally consisted of, as was 
further proved by a microscopic examination. The specimen was a 
female over eleven feet long, and the longest tooth in its jaws was 
0-09 of an inch. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. Notes on the Pinnipedia. 
By Sr. Grorce Mivarr, V.P.Z.S. 

[Received April 16, 1885.] 

To the question whether or not the group of Pinnipeds should 
form a distinct order of Mammalia, modern science adds that con- 
cerning their genetic affinities. This latter inquiry suggests another 
question, namely, the question whether the group is genetically 


homogeneous, or whether it may have had more than one source. 
If the latter question can be settled, it then remains but to inquire 
from what source or sources the whole group was derived. 

That the group is subdivisible into three main subgroups has 
been long recognized. 

Mr. H. N. Turner, in his classical paper on the foramina of the 
Base of the Skull ’, gives to the group the value of a family, Phocide, 
which he subdivides and characterizes as follow ?:— 

Fam. PHocipz. 
Molars all similar in structure. 


A postorbital process. An alisphenoid canal; mastoid process 
strong and salient, standing aloof from the auditory bulla. 

Otaria. Arctocephalus. 

Subfam. TricHECHINA. 

No postorbital process. A distinct alisphenoid canal. Mastoid 
process strong and salient, its surface continuous with the auditory 


Subfam. Paocrina. 

No postorbital process. No alisphenoid canal. Mastoid process 
swollen and seeming to form part of the auditory bulla. 

Morunga. Lobodon. 
Cystophora. Leptonyce. 
Halicherus. Stenorhynchus. 
Ommatophoca. Phoca. 

Professor Flower, in his paper on the Classification of the Carni- 
vora’, says :—‘“With regard to the group of Seals, which I look upon 
as essentially belonging to the same ordinal division of the Mammalia 
as the animals hitherto treated of [7. e. the fissipedal Carnivora], 
the differences of the cranial characters of the three natural families 
into which they are divisible, the Otartide, Trichechide, and Phocide, 
are so well described by Mr. Turner that I need only refer to his paper 
for them. But I must add that I cannot agree with him when he says, 
‘I have not seen in the Seals anything which, in my opinion, warrants 
their approximation to any of the other families more than another,’ 
or in his placing them and the three divisions of the terrestrial Carni- 
vora as primary groups of equal value. The differences between 
the Seals and the terrestrial Carnivora both in teeth and limbs are 
much greater than any found between different members of the 
latter group. They should therefore constitute, in my opinion, a 

1 P. Z.8. 1848, p. 63. 2 L.c. p. 88. 3 See P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 34. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXXII. oe 


distinct suborder, the A®luroid, Cynoid, and Arctoid Carnivora 
being united to form the other suborder. I think moreover that 
there is not the slightest question that their cranial characters 
indicate most strongly their approximation to the Arctoid type, as 
has often been noticed before on other grounds (De Blainville says, 
‘Les Ours, dont les rapports avec les Phoques ont été sentis de tout 
temps et méme par Aristote,’ Ostéographie, tome ii. p. 49). Indeed 
their skulls seem to be simply a further modification of this type, 
showing resemblances to the true Bears on the one hand, and the 
Otters on the other.” 

Before stating my own general conclusions, I will proceed to give 
my notes upon the various genera of Pinnipeds. 

Phoca'.—This genus consists of half-a-dozen or a few more 
species, confined to the northern arctic and temperate regions of the 
Old and New Worlds, including the Aral and Caspian Seas and the 
coasts of Japan. P. vitulina is found in both hemispheres. They 
have the palms and soles hairy, five well-developed claws to each 
foot, those of the manus being the broader and more curved. The 
hind limbs are constantly extended backwards, and cannot be turned 
forwards. There is no external ear and no scrotum. The toes of 
the pes do not differ quietly in length, the first and fifth not greatly 
exceeding the others. There are 14 or 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 4 sacral, 
and from 11 to 15 caudal vertebree. 

The skull presents the following general characters :— 

The premaxiila is much separated from the frontal by a more or 
less wide junction of the nasal with the maxilla. The nasals are 
not generally, if at all, anchylosed together, and they join the 
premaxille. There is no lachrymal foramen. The infraorbital 
foramen is of moderate size, or rather large. There is no distinct 
foramen rotundum, one opening representing both it and the spheno- 
orbital fissure. Sometimes there are defects of ossification between 
the basisphenoid, alisphenoid, aud pterygoid. There are one or 
two large openings in the palatine, representing the spheno-palatine 
foramen, with defects of ossification above it between the frontal, 
maxilla, and palatine. There are also, generally, defects of ossi- 
fication in the basisphencid and basioccipital. The alisphenoid is 
joined by a long descending process of the parietal. There is no 
postorbital process from the frontal, and the zygomatic postorbital 
process is formed partly by the malar and partly by the squamosal. 
There is a large crista galli. The cerebellar fossa of the petrosal 
is very deep. The bulla is dense and undivided, traversed by a 
carotid canal the posterior aperture of which is on the hinder sur- 
face of the bulla. There is, in most cases, hardly any paroccipital 
process. The mastoid is prominent aud forms an outwardly directed 

1 Linn. Fn. Suee. ii. p. 2,4; Syst. Nat. 12, i. p. 56; Schreb. Saiug. vol. vii. 
p- 17; Buffon, Hist. Nat. xiii. p. 333, pl. 45, and Suppl. vi. pl. 46; Gray 
( Callocephalus, Pagomys, Pagophilus, Halicyon, and Phoca), Catalogue of Seals 
and Whales in Brit. Mus. pp. 20-382; J. J. Allen, North Amer. Pinnipeds, 
pp- 412, 557, &c.; De Blainville, Ostéog., Phoca; Cuvier, Ossem. Foss., Ailas, 
vol. ii. pl. 219. 


process, behind which the bone is rounded. The stylomastoid fora- 
men lies in a deep groove which divides the mastoid from the bulla. 
The meatus auditorius externus is produced outwards, but its lower 
lip inelines so much upwards posteriorly that the aperture is made 
to look more forwards than upwards, aud the outer end of the lip 
may be produced a little forwards in front of the aperture. There 
is a postglenoid foramen. The posterior palatine foramina are 
situated behind the middle of the palate. The pterygoid has a 
distinct hamular process. The basis cranii has a surface bent convex 
downwards between the occipital foramen and the presphenoid. 
Venous canals traverse the inside of the exoccipitals and open on the 
inner side of either occipital condyle. The mandible has a distinct 
subangular process, and the angle is pressed up very near the con- 
dyle. The symphysis may us long or short. 

Dentition :—I. Cr i P ra M. i=34. 

Molars, except the first, with two roots. Each upper molar has a 
principal cusp with one or two accessory cusps behind, and some- 
times one in front of it. The lower molars have each a principal 
cusp with one, sometimes two, accessory cusps in front of it, and 
generally two behind it. 

In P. vitulina the hinder margin of the palate is V-shaped, the 
apex being forwards. ‘The suture between the palatines and maxillie 
forms a straight transverse line. The teeth are rather large and 

In P. greenlandica the palate has a straight, transverse, hinder 
margin. ‘There is sometimes a distinct pterygoid fossa. The par- 
occipital process may form a marked, nipple-like projection. The 
teeth are more simple than in P. vitulina. 

In P. barbata the maxilla has a swollen outer surface; venous 
canals open inside the upper margin of the foramen magnum, and a 
curious ridge runs downwards and forwards across the squamosal and 
parallel with the hinder root of the zygoma. The meatus auditorius 
externus looks mainly upwards. The paroccipital process is rather 
prominent. The palate extends far back, and has an evenly concave 
hinder margin. The two parietals form a small wedge-shaped pro- 
cess which aidvances between the hinder margins of the two frontals. 

Halicherus *.—This genus contains but one species, H. gryphus, 
which inhabits the coasts of Scandinavia and the British Isles. Its 
palms and soles are hairy, and it has five well-developed claws on 
each foot, those of the manus being the broader and more curved. 
There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 4 sacral, and about 14 caudal 

Inthe skull thesame characters are found as those already attributed 
to Phoca, except that there is a more decided defect of ossification 
between the ali- and basisphenoids and the pterygoid. Moreover 
the palatine foramina are much behind the middle of the palate. 

1 Fabric. Skrivt. af Naturh. Selsk. i. p. 167, tab. 13. fig. 4; Nilsson, Vet. 
Akad. Handl. p. 377, tab. 34. figs. 1 & 2; Bell, Brit. Quad. p. 278; Gray, Cat. 
Brit. Mus. p. 33; Schreber, ee | Wagner, vii. p. 12; De Blainville, 

Ostéogr. Phoca ; Allen, North Amer, Pinn. p. 682. 


It is noteworthy that the mastoid process is not so large relatively 
in certain old individuals as in younger ones. The palate has a con- 
cave hinder margin. The anterior nares are very high. 

Dentition :—I. 3, C. j, P. 5, M. ;=34. 

Molars large, conical and simple, generally without accessory 
cusps. Their apices are slightly recurved, and the anterior and 
posterior edge of each is rather sharp. All have but a single root, 
save the true molars and the fourth upper premolar. It is only these 
three teeth which ever have accessory cusps. 

Stenorhynchus .—This genus consists of two species, confined to 
the Antarctic and Southern oceans. The hind feet are almost or 
quite clawless, and the first and fifth toes greatly exceed the others 
in length. There are 14 or 15 dorsal, 6 or 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, and 
12 or 14 caudal vertebree. 

The skull presents the characters already enumerated as occurring 
in Phoca, except that the premaxillee do not attain, or hardly attain, 
the nasals, which are more or less completely anchylosed together. 
There may be but very small defects of ossification in the occipital. 
The long descending process of the parietal hardly attains the ali- 
sphenoid. The cerebellar fossa of the petrosal is small. There isa 
moderate paroccipital process. The optic foramina may (they do 
in S. leptonyx) unite inwards to open into the cranial cavity by a 
single and median aperture. The hamular processes of the ptery- 
goids may be long, as in S. carcinophagus, or hardly any, as in S, 
leptonyx. The bulla may not be so prominent asin Pkoca. ‘The 
glenoid foramen is in the form of a small fissure, placed rather on 
the inner side of the postglenoid process. There is a large preorbital 
process on the maxilla, a structure which is only represented by a 
rudiment in Phoca and Halicherus, so fav as I have seen*. The 
palate is strongly notched behind medianly. There is no subangular 
process to the mandible, and the angle may be almost obsolete, 
though marked in S. carcinophagus, while the coronoid process is 
lower than in Phoca and Halicherus. 

Dentition :—I. 3, C. }, P. 4, M. 3. 

The molars (which are, except the first, two-rooted) may, as in 8. 
leptonyx, have three pointed cusps well separated, the middle being 
the largest and slightly recurved towards the apex, the apices of the 
other two being inclined towards the long cusp, or else, as in SN, 
carcinophagus, they may have subcompressed, much elongated crowns 
with a principal recurved cusp with a small one in front of it, and 
one, two, or three accessory cusps behind it, the principal cusp being 
somewhat bulbous at the apex. 

1 Gray, Voy. of Erebus & Terror, Mam. i. p. 2, pls. 1 & 2; Cat. Brit. Mus. 
p- 15; De Blainville, Ostéographie; Schreber, Fortg. Wagner, vii. pp. 36-38; 
Cuvier, Oss. Foss. Atlas, vol. ii. pl. 219. fig. 2. This is the Ogmorhinus of Peters, 
Monatsbr. K. P. Akad. Wissen. Berlin, J875, p. 393, note; Allen, N. Am. Pin- 
niped. p. 466. Itis also the Lobodon of Gray, Voy. of Erebus & Terror, and 
Catalog. Brit. Mus. p. 8, and of Allen, N. Amer. Pinnipeds. p. 466. 

2 A rudiment of this process is also found in Lutra and Ursus, but in no 
other land Carnivora, so far as I have observed. 


Leptonyx —A genus of one species inhabiting the Antarctic seas. 
Its hind feet have rudimentary claws, with the first and fifth toes 
much longer than the others. 

The skull generally resembles that of Phoca. The premaxille 
are widely separated from the frontals, but just attain the nasals, 
which are anchylosed together and prolonged backwards as a slender 
process between the two frontals. The infraorbital foramen is of 
moderate size. There are defects of ossification in the basi- and ex- 
occipitals and between the basioccipital and basisphenoid ; also 
between the frontal, maxilla, and palatine, and a very large single 
sphenopalatine foramen. The anterior nares are neither very wide nor 
extending far backwards. The alisphenoids and parietals have a 
rather wide junction. There is a very small true paroccipital pro- 
cess just behind the foramen lacerum posterius, but besides this a 
vertical ridge juts outwards near the margin of the exoccipital, where 
it joins the mastoid. The postglenoid foramen is minute, but the 
condyloid foramen is conspicuous. ‘The palatine foramina open 
about the antero-posterior middle of the palate. The pterygoid has 
an outwardly tending hamular process. The basis cranii is convex 
below as in Phoca. The maxilla develops no preorbital process. 
The posterior margin of the palate is concave. The mandible is 
slender, and has no subangular process, but the coronoid rises deci- 
dedly above the condyle. The symphysis is rather long. 

Dentition :—I. 3, C. i, P. {, M. j=32. 

The molars are small, each with a large conical cusp proceeding 
from a cingulum. There are no distinctly developed accessory cusps 
except in the last, or last two, lower molars, but there is a constant 
tendency to develop an accessory cusp in front of and behind the 
principal cusp. 

Ommatophoca*.—This genus contains one species, which inhabits 
the Antarctic Seas. Here the hind feet are devoid of claws, and the 
first and fifth toes are much longer than the others. The claws on 
the fore feet are quite rudimentary. 

In the skull we here find premaxille which do not attain the 
nasals, so that the maxille help to bound the anterior nares. The 
nasals are completely anchylosed together, and form a very long 
isosceles triangle, the long angle being wedged in between the 
frontals, while anteriorly the maxillz join the nasals. The orbits 
are immense, and give a very distinctive appearance to the skull, and 
the zygomata are strongly developed and much arched downwards, 
The infraorbital foramen is rather small. The condyloid foramen is 
conspicuous. The lower postorbital process is formed by both the 
malar and squamosal, as in all the genera hitherto noticed. In 

1 Phoca leopardina, Jameson Weddell, Voy. South Pole, i. pp. 22, 24, 134. 
Stenorhynchus Weddeili, Lesson, Mam. 1827, p. 200. 
Leptonyx Weddellii, Schreber, Fortg. Wagner, vii. p. 89; Gray, Cat. Brit. Mus, 
p. 11, Erebus & Terror, pl. 5. 
Leptonychotes Weddelli, Allen, N. Amer. Pinniped. p. 467. 
2 Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, Mamm.; Cat. Seals Brit. Mus. p. 13; 
Schreber’s Fortgesetzt Wagner, vii. p. 40; Allen, N. Amer. Pinnipeds, p. 467, 


addition to this, however, there is a faint trace of a frontal post- 
orbital process. The anterior nares do not extend far backwards. 
The palate is prolonged backwards behind the last molars, and its 
hinder margin is slightly concave. The palatine foramina open on 
its hinder half. There is hardly any true paroccipital process, but, 
as in the last-noticed genus, a vertical ridge near it projects back- 
wards and away from the bulla. The mastoid is prominent, and its 
prominence is continuous with that of the squamosal above the ex- 
ternal auditory meatus, immediately above which opening is a great 
antero-posteriorly extending bony swollen prominence. The meatus 
opens between the outwardly projecting mastoid and the postglenoid 
process, so that practically its lateral walls, but not its floor, are 
prolonged outwards. There is a chink-like postglenoid foramen. 
The basis cranii is always level, but slightly convex antero-posteriorly. 
The mandible has no subangular process, but in the place where it 
should be the bone is rounded. The coronoid is pointed, but small 
and low, hardly rising above the condyle. The maxilla develops a 
preorbital process. The symphysis is not prolonged. 

Dentition :—I. - Cet sp 2M t—32? 

Vv ri 1 

The molars are very small, and have pointed, recurved crowns, 
mostly with a marked posterior accessory cusp and sometimes with 
one in front also. 

Monachus ‘.—This genus, of one species from the Mediterranean 
and Black Seas and the Atlantic Ocean about Madeira and the 
Canary Isles, resembles the three preceding genera in having the 
nails of the hind feet rudimentary, and the first and fifth toes 
greatly longer than the others. The nails on the fore feet are also 
rudimentary in this genus. 

There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 2 sacral, and 11 caudal vertebrze. 

The skull in its main characters resembles that of Phoca. The 
crista galli and cerebellar fossa of the petrosal are rather larger. The 
condyloid foramen is distinct, and placed midway between the 
condyle and the foramen lacerum posterius. There is a distinct 
preorbital process on the front rim of the orbit and developed from 
the maxilla. The nasals are not anchylosed together, and the pre- 
maxillz ascend to meet them. The palate is concave behind, and its 
concave border is medianly notched. I have observed no defects of 
ossification in the basi- or exoccipitals, but (as in P. barbata) a 
venous channel traverses the supraoccipital opening by transverse 
apertures above the foramen magnum and inside its margin. There 
is a very large aperture on either side of the basis cranii bounded by 

1 Phoca monachus, Hermann, Beschift. d. Berlin. Gesell. natur. Freunde, iy. 
1779, p. 456, pl. 12, 13. 

Phoque a ventre blanc, Buffon, Hist. Nat. Supp. vi. pl. 44; Cuvier, Oss. 
Foss. Atlas, vol. ii. pl. 218. 

Monachus mediterraneus, Nilsson, Kong. Vet.-Akad. Handl. Stockholm 
(1857), p. 235. 

Leptonyx monachus, Schreber’s Fortg. Wagner, vii. p. 40. 

Monachus albiventer, Gray, Cat. Seals Brit. Mus. (1866) p. 17; Allen, N. 
Amer. Pinnipeds, p. 465. ' 


the pterygoid, palatine, presphenoid, and basisphenoid. There is a 
large paroccipital process and a considerable mastoid process. The 
meatus auditorius externus is prolonged well outwards, its lip is 
completed in front. The considerable palatine foramina are placed at 
about the antero-posterior middle of the palate. There is no angular 
process of the mandible near the condyle, but only a single process, 
which seems to correspond with the subangular process of those 
Seals which have both these processes. The coronoid process rises 
well above the mandibular condyle. 

Dentition :—I. ?, C. i, iE. > M. 7=32. 

The molars are two-rooted except the first, which, with the last, is 
smaller than the others. The incisors are notched transversely on 
the inner side of the crown. The canines are large. The molars 
have strong conical crowns with only slightly developed accessory 
cusps from a strong cingulum, the inner part of which is well 

All foregoing genera Monachus, Ommatophoca, Leptonyx, and 
Stenorhynchus agree together and differ from the genera Phoca and 
Halicherus in having only four upper incisors; nails of pes rudi- 
mentary or absent, and the first and fifth digits of that extremity 
greatly exceeding the others in length. The six genera then may 
be arranged in two groups thus respectively characterized and named 
Phocine and Stenorhynchine, as has been done by Professor Flower '. 

Cystophora*.—This genus of one species, of the North Atlantic 
and Arctic seas, is characterized by having the dorsal facial skin of the 
male capable of distension by the inflation of a sac which underlies 
it and is connected with the nostrils. The distended skin thus 
forms a sort of hood covering the dorsal part of the head. As in 
the Stenorhynchine, the first and tifth toes exceed the others. They 
also have prolonged cutaneous lobes. The nails are tolerably deve- 
loped inall the extremities. There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 sacral, 
and 14 caudal vertebree. 

In the skull the premaxille do not rise to the nasals. The latter 
are small and not anchylosed together. The orbits are very large. 
The anterior nares are very wide, especially towards their upper 
part. The maxilla develops a small preorbital process. There is a 
large crista galli, but a small cerebellar fossa to the petrosal. There 
is a moderate-sized suborbital foramen, and there may be a deep 
fossa beneath or external to it, as is sometimes the case in P. gren- 
landica. I lave observed no defects of ossification between the 
pterygoid, palatine, and adjacent bones. If there are any defects of 

1 See his paper on the Mammalia in the Encye. Brit. vol. xv. p. 443. 

2 Phoca cristata, Erxleben, Syst. Nat. p. 590; Fabric. Skrivt. af Naturh. 
Selsk. i. 2, p. 120, tab. 12. fig. 2; Desm. Mam. p. 241; Harlan, Fauna 
N.Y. p. 106. 

Phoca mitrata, Cuvier. Oss. Foss., Atlas. ii. pl. 219. fig. 3. 

Cystophora cristata, Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. 1837; Gray, Voy. Erebus 
and Terror, Mamm. p. 4, Cat. Seals Brit. Mus. (1866) p. 40; Schreber, 
Bovtepriet Wagner, vii. p. 48; Allen, N. Amer. Pinnipeds, pp. 462, 465, 

Phoque & Capuchon, Buffon, Hist. Nat. Supp. vi. p. 324. 


ossification in the basi- and exoccipitals they are very small. The 
palate is much prolonged behind the last’ molars, and its hinder 
margin is concave. The palatine foramina are situated in its hinder 
half. There are both a subangular and an angular process to the 
ascending ramus of the mandible, but both these processes are very 
small. The skull agrees generally with that of Phoca, in points 
not here mentioned, 

Dentition :—I. = OC: n iB > M. +=30. 

Only the last upper molar has generally two roots. The roots of 
the molars are long and swollen; their crowns are small and rather 
plaited than lobed. 

Macrorhinus*.—This genus contains two species; one ranging 
the South Pacific, Indian, and Antarctic Oceans, and the other in- 
habiting the coasts of Mexico and Southern California. Here the 
claws of the manus are small, and those of the pes are quite rudi- 
mentary or altogether absent. The nose of the male has a short, 
dilatable proboscis. The first and fifth toes exceed the others and 
have prolonged cutaneous lobes. 

There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 or 4 sacral, and 9-11 caudal 

The skull has rather small nasals, which are separate and are not 
attained by the premaxilla. The anterior nares are wide, especially 
dorsally, as in the last-described genus. The skull of this genus 
differs from all those of the genera yet noticed in that the posterior 
half of the petrosal and the condyloid foramina may look directly 
backwards. There is hardly any paroccipital process, and the 
mastoid process is only developed in old males. The palate may 
have a deeply concave hinder margin, or, being generally concave, 
may havea prominent process in its middle. The crista galli is large, 
but the cerebellar fossa of the petrosal is small. There are small venous 
channels in the supraoccipital which open on the dorsal margin of 
the foramen magnum. ‘There is a deep groove behind the post- 
glenoid process, in which is a small glenoid foramen. There is a 
moderate suborbital foramen, with no deep fossa beneath it. I have 
observed no defects of ossification in the occipital or between the 
palatine and pterygoid and the sphenoid. The foramen ovale is 
thrown outside the vertical wall formed by the pterygoid, which 
passes backwards to join the petrosal. 

There is a minute subangular process, pushed up very closely to 
the angular process, which itself is but little below the condyle. 

a afi ais 1 A Be 
Dentition :—I. 7 C. 2 et ? M. {= 30. 

1 Phoca leonina, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. (1765) p. 38. 
Phoca elephantina, Molina, Sagg. sul Stor. nat. del Chili (1782), p. 280. 
Phoca proboscidea, Péron, Voy. aux Terr. Austr. ii. (1817) p. 54, pl. xxxii. 
Cystophora proboscidea, Nilsson, Vet. Akad. Handl. (1887); Schreber’s 
Fortgesetzt Wagner, vil. p. 42. 
. Morunga elephantina, Gray, Cat. Seals Brit. Mus. (1866) p. 38. 
Macrorhinus leoninus, Allen, N. Amer. Pinnipeds, pp. 463, 466, 743. See also 
Flower, P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 145, an important memoir. 
Grand Phoque & museau ridé, Buffon, Supp. vi. p. 516. 


The canines are large, and the outer upper incisors rather so. 
The molars are small and simple in structure. 

These two genera last described form a third small group, Cysto- 
phorine, distinguished from the preceding by the dilatable skin of 
the facial region of the males, the simple or plaited molars, and by 
the presence of but two incisors in the lower jaw. 

The three subfamilies themselves agree in having backwardly 
extended hind limbs, hairy palms and soles, no external ear, no 
scrotum, well-developed canines in each jaw, five molars on either 
side of either jaw, no alisphenoid canal, no frontal postorbital process 
or only a small rudiment of such a structure, and a mastoid, which 
rarely shows itself very distinct and apart from the auditory bulla. 

Trichechus’.—The Walrus inhabits the northern parts of both 
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. As is well known, its hind feet 
are not constantly turned backwards (as in Phoca and its allies) but 
are turned forwards during progression on land, but there is still no 
external ear and no scrotum. The eyes are rather small. The 
manus has five very small nails, and its digits are of about equal 
length, as are also the digits of the feet, except that the fifth is some- 
what the longest. It and the first have flattened nails; those of the 
other digits are large, compressed, and pointed. Cutaneous lobes 
project beyond the nails of the first and fifth digits. 

There are 14 dorsal, 6 lumbar, 4 sacral, and about 18 caudal 

The humerus is much longer than the radius and but little shorter 
than the tibia, thus so far differing greatly from the skeletal struc- 
ture of Phoca. 

The general characters of the skull are so familiar to naturalists 
that it would be waste of time and space to give them here. It 
differs from that of Phoca in having no defects of ossification in the 
occipital or the vicinity of the pterygoid. The suborbital foramen 
is large. The zygomatic postorbital process, which is large, is 
formed exclusively by the malar. There is no frontal postorbital 
process. The anterior nares are small, heart-shaped, and very far 
forwards. They are entirely bounded by the premaxillz and nasals, 
which join, but the former are widely separated from the frontals, 
and the latter (nasals) are quadrate and separate. The palate is 
long and wide, and is concave both antero-posteriorly and trans- 
versely. It has a more or less concave hinder margin, and the 
pterygoid develops distinct depending hamular processes. There is 
an alisphenoid canal. 

The bulla is undivided and very little prominent. The meatus 
auditorius externus is not much preduced outwardly. There is no 
paroccipital process, but a very large and dense mastoid process, with 
1 Rosmarus, Gesner, Hist. An. Aquat. (1558) p. 249. 

Odobenus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. (1735) p. 59. 

Trichechus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. (1766) p. 49 ; De Blainville, Ostéog.: Cuv. Oss. 

Foss., Atlas, ii. pl. 219 bis; Schreber’s Fortgesetzt Wagner, vii. p. 77 ; Murie, 
Trans. Zool. Soc. vii. (1871) p. 411, pls. 51-55; Gray, Cat. Seals Brit. Mus, 

(1866) p. 35, and P. Z. 8. (1853) pp. 112-116; Allen, N. A. Pinnipeds, 
pp. 5-186, 


only a faint indication of the groove which so deeply divides it from 
the tympanic in Phoca. I could detect no glenoid foramen. The 
basis cranii is but little curved antero-pesteriorly, convex downwards. 
There is a large crista galli, but a small cerebellar process to the 
petrosal. The condyloid foramen is larger and nearer the condyle 
than in any of the genera hitherto noticed, and indeed than in any 
other Pinniped. The zygomata are small, projecting much out- 
wards at the glenoid surface, and thence sloping inwards and for- 

The mandible shows a faint trace of a suabangular process. The 
angle itself is placed very high up and is rather inflected. 

Young dentition :—I. 2) Cc Z Py 4 M. = 

Usual adult dentition: —I. = C. = 1E% = M. = 18. 

The enormous tusks and perfect simplicity and similarity of the 
other teeth, each with a flat grinding surface, have been again and 
again described. 

Otaria *.—According to Allen there are nine species of Otaries, 
which he arranges in six genera. Of these species the first and seventh 
come from the Galapagos and both coasts of South America; the 
second from the Auckland Islands; the third and sixth from both 
shores of the North Pacific ; the fourth from California; the fifth 
from the Australian Seas; the eighth from the Cape of Good Hope ; 
and the ninth from Australia, New Zealand, and the Antarctic 

The Otaries turn the hind limbs forwards, and have a small 
external ear and also a scrotum, as is well known. The palmar and 
plantar surfaces are naked. The eyes are large. The nails are 
small or rudimentary, except those of the three middle digits of the 

Zi There are 15 dorsal, 5 lumbar, 3 or 4 sacral, and 8—14 caudal 

The skull has the anterior nares more vertical and nearer the 
anterior end of the skull than in the Seals. Otherwise the skull 
resembles that of Phoca, except in the following points :—There is 
a well-developed frontal postorbital process, and the postorbital 
process of the zygoma is formed by the malar only. There are no 
defects of ossification in the basioccipital and hardly any in the ex- 
occipital ; but there may be in the basispheroid and in the place of 
the jugular and condyloid foramina. The petrotympanic is not 
bullate, but rugged and irregular, and the course of the carotid 
artery is plainly indicated along its inner border and is covered in 
beneath by a rather slight and imperfect ossification. The surface 

1 See Schreber, Fortg. Wagner, vil. p. 51; Péron, Voy. Terres Aust. ii. p. 4; 
Steller, Nov. Comm. Petrop. ii.; Nilsson, Vet.-Akad. Handl. (1887); Buffon, 
xiii. p. 53; Supp. vi. pp. 47, 48, 49; Cook’s Second Voy. ii. p. 203; Quoy et 
Gaimard, Voy. Astrolabe, Mamm., and Zool. Uranie; Forster, Voy. round the 
World, ii.; Gray, Erebus and Terror, Cat. Seals Brit. Mus. (1866) p. 44; 
Clark, P. Z. 8. 1878, p.'750, 1875, p. 650, 1878, p. 371, 1884, p. 189; Temminck, 
Fauna Japonica; Murie, Trans. Zool. Soe. vol. viii. p. 501; Gervais, Hist. Nat. 
Mamm. ii. p. 805; and especially Allen, N. Amer. Pinnipeds, p. 187. 


of the bu!la descends more and more mesiad, culminating in a ridge 
which is just external to this imperfect ossification. The lower lip 
of the meatus auditorius externus is not produced outwards; the 
mastoid process extends much further out and the meatus opens 
rather downwards. There is a very large paroccipital process, which 
is bent back and joins the very large mastoid process by a continuous 
undulating ridge, or wall, of bone. 

The stylo-mastoid foramen is large, and not, as in the Seals, 
situated in a narrow groove between the mastoid and tympanic. 
There is a small postglenoid foramen. The palatine foramina are 
placed in the anterior half of the palate. There are great defects 
of ossification in the region of the spheno-palatine foramen. The basis 
cranii is curved, convex downwards, antero-posteriorly as in Phoca, 
but it is sharper and not so rounded. The alisphenoid is joined bya 
pointed prolongation of the parietal. There are small pterygoid 
fossee and long hamular processes. There is an alisphenoid canal. 
There is a small or large preorbital process. A venous channel in 
the exoccipital opens inside the condyle. The condyloid foramen is 
larger than in the Seals. 

The hinder part of the palate may be very deeply concave. The 
optic foramen opens singly into the cranial cavity. The cerebellar 
fossa of the petrosal seems generally very small. The premaxilla 
may develop a median process above the incisors. Besides 
enormous sagittal and lambdoidal ridges, there may be processes 
developed from the side of the skull like parts of a ridge extending 
backwards and downwards from the hinder part of the frontal to the 
lambdoidal ridge. 

The mandible may have no subangular process or a small one, but 
there is a large “angle ” very near the condyle and inflected as much 
as in any marsupial. 

Dentition :—I. 3 C. = P a M. ast 2’ =34 or 36. 

The molars have mostly but one root and a crown, which 
would be conical but that it is more or less compressed, with a 
cingulum whence more or less of an anterior and posterior accessory 
cusp may be developed. The outer incisors are rather large and 
shaped like canines. The other incisors are each divided at the 
summit into two pretty equal cusps by a transverse groove. 

Otaria and Trichechus must be accepted as representing two 
groups of about the same value as that which includes the remaining 
genera. Thus we have the arrangement already put forward by 
Mr. Turner and Professor Flower, which may be shortly tabulated 
as follows :— 

Pinnipeds with external ears and an ali- 
sphenoid canal ....... Wii wetted He OTARIIDZ. 
Without external ears, but with an alisphe- 
OLGA C AMA ee Feit aes laisdig sce cote TRICHECHID A. 


With neither external ears nor alisphenoid 

einal [iss Hass Peseta ehsee PHOCIDA. 
Phocideé with incisors ; Ree, FE PTL CysTOPHORINE. 
PACRAMEL DOUCH. carries. pie += «oe sro Cystophora. 
PAMEROUOSCIS boc Secs clones oten cis y\ero Macrorhinus. 
Phocide with incisiors A Sane eystis uomectateks STENORHYNCHINE. 
Nasals not prolonged backwards .... Leptonyz. 

Nasals prolonged backwards. 
Orbits very large. Teeth very small Ommatophoca. 
Teeth much 
lobed.. .. Stenorhynchus. 

Orbits not very large) y+ en 
lobed.... Monachus. 
Phocide with incisors 3 , eRe PHOCINe. 
Anterior nares very high. Molars little 
Jobed2= 4... <2 Halicherus. 

Anterior nares not very high. Molars 

considerably lobed...... Phoca. 


It may possibly be useful to enumerate the following characters 
which I have examined in different genera of Pinnipeds. Some of 
these are different in different groups, as has in part been already 

(1) I have found no complete septum in the auditory bulla of any 

(2) The lip of the meatus auditorius externus projects greatly 
outwards in the Phoctd@; but it is not the median inferior 
part of the lip as in the Bears, but posteriorly as in the 
Otters. It is not prolonged outwards in the Otariide and 

(3) The paroccipital process is more or less triangular, and 
directed outwards, downwards, and backwards, except in 
Trichechus, where it forms but a small buttress against, and 
uniting with, the hinder side of the great mastoid. 

(4) The mastoid process may be considerably prominent (as in 
Otaria) or extremely so (as in Tvichechus), or may form part 
of a wide-spread rounded prominence (as in the Phocide). 
It may form a continuous bone wall with the paroccipital 
process (as in Otaria), or be separated from it (as in the 
Phocide), or blend with it (as in Trichechus). 

(5) The carotid foramen is always large and conspicuous, and is 
placed towards, or almost at the hinder end of, the buila, 
which the carotid canal traverses, towards or along its inner 
margin—its course being indicated externally in Otaria and 
Trichechus, but not at all in the Phocide. It is never con- 
cealed (as it is in the Bears) by a projecting lip of the basi- 

(6) The condyloid foramen is always distinct and exposed, and 


never overlapped by a ridge of bone running from the par- 
occipital process to the condyle, and never opens into, though 
it appears sometimes to coalesce with, the foramen lacerum 

(7) The glenoid foramen is always very small, and is sometimes 
not to be detected. 

(8) The alisphenoid canal may be present or absent, as already 
mentioned more than once. 

(9) The suborbital foramen is always rather large; but never as 
large relatively as in Lutra and Enhydra. It is largest in 

(10) The frontal postorbital process present in Otaria and Triche- 
chus is never more than a rudiment in the Phocide. 

(11) The zygomatic postorbital process is formed both by the 
malar and squamosal in the Phocide, mainly by the malar 
in Otaria, and entirely by it in Trichechus. 

(12) The alisphenoid and parietal always join by a narrow process 
of the latter bone. 

(13) The premaxille never ascend to join the frontals. 

(14) There is never a lachrymal foramen. 

(15) The basis cranii is nearly always bent, so as to be convex 

(16) The anterior nares are quite terminal in Trichechus, rather 
more distant from the end of the muzzle in O¢aria, and not 
at all terminal, but looking more or less exteriorly upwards 
as well as forwards, in the Phocide. 

(17) The opening represents both the foramen rotundum and the 
spheuno-orbital fissure. 

(18) The optic foramina open into the cranial cavity by a single 
aperture in O¢aria and in Stenorhynchus, but not in the 
Phocide generally, as in Trichechus. 

(19) The palate always extends backwards much behind the last 
molars, but is not commonly narrowed behind save in O¢aria. 
It is not at all so narrowed in Trichechus. 

(20) Defects of ossification commonly occur in the occipital in the 
Phocide, but not in Otaria and Trichechus. 

(21) A preorbital process exists in Otfaria and Trichechus ; some- 
times, but rarely, in the Phocide. 

(22) The angle of the mandible is inflected (as in Marsupials) in 
Otaria, but not in the other genera. 

It is now generally agreed to regard the Pinnipeds as derived 
from Ursine Arctoids; and there can be little doubt as to this origin 
as regards Ofaria. But it is not absolutely necessary that the whole 
Order of Pinnipeds should have had but a single origin. It is at 
least conceivable that the Otaries might have been derived from 
Bear-like animals, while the Phocide had another, possibly a Lutrine, 
origin. If this hypothesis were correct, the Pinnipeds would of 
course consist of two strains which have gradually grown to be more 
and more alike. I have no intention of maintaining the probable 


truth of the hypothesis; but, nevertheless, it may be well to 
enumerate the anatomical reasous which might be advanced in 
support of it :— 

(1) In the Phocide, as in Lutra, there is no alisphenoid canal, 
while in both Otaria and Ursus it is present. 

(2) In the Phocide and Lutra the paroccipital and mastoid pro- 
cesses are not united by a prominent ridge of bone, while in 
Otaria and Ursus they are so united. 

(3) In the Phocide and Lutra the mastoid process does not much 
depend ; in Otaria and Ursus it depends considerably. 

(4) The bulla of Lutra could be easily made to resemble that of 
Phoca by giving a rounded form to the mastoid; in both 
genera there is the same sort of groove between the mastoid 
and the tympanic. The bulla of Otaria, on the contrary, 
is exceedingly like that of Ursus, and in both those genera 
the sort of groove which exists between the mastoid and 
tympanic in Lutra and Phoca, is absent. 

(5) The angle of the mandible is very large in Ofaria and Ursus, 
while in Lutra and Phoca it is smaller. 

(6) The femur is very short in Lutra and Phoca; it is cen- 
siderably longer relatively in Otaria and Ursus. 

(7) In Lutra and Enhydra the floor of the orbit formed by the 
maxilla is very large, and it is also in Lepfonya, at least, 
amongst the Phocide, while in others of that family it is of 
moderate size. It is very small in Otaria and Trichechus, 
as it also is in Ursus. 

(8) There are noteworthy defects of ossification in the cranial 
walls in Lutra and the Phocide. There are no such defects 
in Ursus or Trichechus, while they are but of small extent in 

(9) The suborbital foramen is very large in Lutra and Phoca 
barbata and Trichechus. It is small in the Bears, and of 
moderate size in most Otaries. 

On the other side it may be urged that :— 

(1) The postorbital process is formed entirely by the malar in 
Otaria, Lutra, and Ursus, while it is formed in part also by 
the squamosal in the Phocida—as it may be in Canis. 

(2) There is a postorbital process to the frontal in Lutra and 

Jrsus as well as in Otaria, while it is entirely, or all but 
entirely, absent in the Phocide. 


The Pinnipeds are pretty equally divided between the Northern 
and Southern Hemispheres, there being about 14 northern and 11 
southern species. Of the 9 genera, 5 (namely Phoca, Halicherus, 
Monachus, Cystophora, and Trichechus) ave northern forms, while 
Stenorhynchus, Leptonyx, and Ommatophoca are all three exclu- 
sively southern. Macrorhinus is equally divided, one of its species 
being northern and the other southern; while Otaria has three 

northern and six southern species. In the Arctic and North Tem- 
perate zones we have all the species of Phoca; Monachus in the 
Mediterranean; Cystophora in the North Atlantic; and Phoea and 
two species of Otaries in the North Pacific. In the Indian Ocean 
we have one species of Macrorhinus. At the Cape of Good Hope 
we have an Otary. Two other Oraries are found about Australia 
and New Zealand. On the coast of Central America we have an 
Otary and Macrorhinus, while two other Otaries frequent the coasts 
of South America, and one inhabits the Aucklands. In the Southern 
and Antarctic Seas we have the two species of Stenorhynchus, with 
Leptonyx, Ommatophoca, a Macrorhinus, and an Otary. 

A few species range over both the New and Old Worlds, in the 
Arctic region, and the opposite coasts of the North Atlantic and 

Pacific Oceans. 

Phoca Steno- | Cysto- Otaria | Triche- 
3 rhynchus| phora : é 
vitulina. I © Bl Pere Jubata. chus. 
eptonyx.| cristata. 
Length of cervical region... 205 feo) 2th. 2 Bg 37-0 33-0 
ee dorsal region prea:|h Pata vis cnceenes she arses dee 85:0 95°5 
4g LUM PALE LOM «1b Bees ly aceanced xp eesasose 32:0 49:0 
. BACKOM Ges .cte. ne Ral beatctixvces hits rae cehe 17:0 22:0 
a5 caudal terion) <<.|) PLUS ais ali veswess: s[p-nenoees 24:5 30:0 
Length from atlas to end 
PqOh SacI (32. Sacer s sce <P LOD One| nteneemnl® acters 171-0 199°5 
Length of pectoral limb ...) 865 | ..... | see 70 70°5 
* pelvic limb ...... DG Cleat ck || eres 85-0 1045 
os humerus ......... WE ON Gl tercac-- ton lemeneaee 23:0 30°5 
” PAGIUS Seeeccs danse ITE 0 ORS A Re | ae ene 24-0 23°0 
55 FOMUT pee edscas LO: Qik |e cee 17-0 24-0 
Pr DUDIBLs. acioas rence: QU «ll mawcosen eateesess 28:0 345 
9 Srd-metacarpal-|—~3°T | <eveewn=-|—~rocene 8-0 70 
iz 3rd metatarsal... DS Ae Becca, Me eee 10:0 yy 
Z Jstimetacanpall<:| — 5:0) ||, ssc... |} beeee- 15:0 10:0 
= lst metatarsal... Ge le teseces. ||) geenees 12°5 12:0 
* 3rd phalanx o 
3rd digit (manus)......... Or Ut eB hecses 30 27 
Length of 3rd phalanx of 
longest digit (manus) ...[2°7 (Ist)] ...... |... 5-0 (2nd)| 5:8 (1st) 
Length of 5rd phalanx o 
ord digit (pes) ............ ARUN 1\[) CGedeoe a ||) Mereden 35 35 
Length of 3rd phalanx of 
longest digit (pes)......... ASORQUSU) IT raraecnas [lf teceece 5:0 (2nd)/3°3. (5th) 
Basion to premaxilla ...... 20:0 36:0 255 32-0 33:0 
Length of palate ............ 9-0 145 130 22:0 17:0 
Breadth of palate ............ 5:2 76 50 6:0 65 
Greatest breadth of zygo- 
BUBEA, Asseeesc exe stewionctous 12:8 19-4 21°5 22:5 22-7 
Greatest breadth of brain 
CHRE) Tec Qortccteadetnsestss se 9-6 13:0 125 10-2 165 
Narrowestinterorbitalspace] 1-4 37 40 4:4 72 
Length from canine to be- 
hind last lower molar ...| 5-6 116 49 10:3 78 
Daegeege ks. 0-8 16 08 Fe 1° gee 
Breadth of #0... Samm MS a ese 
US 0-7 16 07 gn eae 



[May 19, 

Proportions borne to the spine from the atlas to the end of the 

sacrum, taken at 100, of :— 

Phoca. | Otaria. | Trichechus. 

Gorvical Gremlon.s.ssctees-sesse-sser sense es 18°8 216 
Morsal eepion pease cs 0 coeoseoee tone ten esces 49°5 49-7 
Lire by tear 0) es tee ea een cee epeaore 2071 187 
Sacral TEQION....00...seeeeeeeeeeeecereeeeees 114 99 
@audal region ~ -....:-..:s.csscsrssesosncees 12:3 14:3 
Pectoral damp hs ck. ccacntteeeseies steesee 3bo°4 50°8 
Poalivie imib yc. Se. Svcees sterect = emceneerortoss 51:8 49-7 
ETTIMOENUS See» sos ones ees oo essene ss sos5se ses 10-0 13-4 
MRAGING 2. nascacds cslcree sue rabaccencsesterens 10:0 14:0 
WGI occ ee ate cas eceearact ceeateconeee ss 91 9-9 
CURSED Fesnctact oe co oet ener e cea eae cncncs nen eek 19-9 1 
ord metacarpal ........05--2-s0csscnenecces== | 

OTC MCCAPARSALLS. 50.2 cSccvedsoeewscdacestsn 

lpiemetacarpal ie, sevcsscecs=seeeers==ecee= = 

Ist metatarsal «.< 2 eestessesdincee-Semeesass- 

3rd phalanx of 3rd digit (manus) ...... 
3rd phalanx of longest digit (manus) . 
3rd phalanx of 3rd digit (pes) ......... 
3rd phalanx of longest digit (pes) ...... 

Basion to premaxilla 1 1 
Length of palate .......... 1 
Breadth) of palates... ......c.<:.0c.s-sss37- 
5 zygomata 1 1 
9 brain-case 

Length of lgwer dental series ............ 
Length Fp es aes 
Breadth of 
GGT) Ola onan ect rat cas «ae svree-0-n== 

interorbital space............ 

S HOE O Dope LON Dib mos 

DP Foor wry DwWwWW HATO ORS 


berentce caesecdedanercnssasrerenecs 0 0:3 
06 05 





Proportions borne to the skull from basion to premaxilla, being 
taken at 100, of :— 

Steno- | Cysto- Triche- 
re rhynchus. phora. Carta dias us. 
Length of palate ............ 45:0 40°2 50°9 68°7 515 
Breadth of palate ............ 26-0 Act | 117 18:7 19:6 
95 zygomata ...... 640 538 | 843 703 68°7 
mh brain-case ...... 43-0 361 49:0 318 50°0 
st interorbital 

SiN) Seer eee ae 70 10:2 16:8 13:7 21°8 

Length of lower dental 
SETICS ......sesesseeeeesseees| 23:0 32°2 19:2 3271 23°6 
Length of Bets Fee | 40 4-4 | 31 Wis | A Gaver 
Brondth Gh ese) 20 | 25 | 1M 1.) ee 
Length ef ae ee 35 | 44 | 27 Ce 

Hanhart imp 

Smit lith 


Proportions borne to the entire pectoral limb, taken at 100, of :— 

Phoca. | Otaria. | Trichechus. 

Pelvioimb o7crc.b<..--c61-50cescnessetereens 154-7 97 

i 1482 

omertis) :¢3232 <0! ssasesneees Pea apne cok 30:1 26:4 43-2 
HRACIUS Bis aee.< aceon cs ak esate fe aQessacwe’ 30:1 27°5 32°6 
Ord Mot acanpal(. st ce..escseeesan=-sctees¥ ac 10-1 9-1 99 
Biblst: metacarpal v7. <-.cc5s-..c0-scsssveseassee 13-7 17-2 141 
3rd phalanx of longest digit (manus) .| 83 o7 8:2 

Proportion to pelvic limb, taken at 100, of :— 

Phoca. | Otaria. | Trichechus. 

emus) 4 29 Reet. See ete ee, 17-7 20:0 229 
Dab ials Seinen tte oc eet eeveat ert 38:4 32:9 82°5 
ord: metatarsal! 4 2 Ate ee see: 9:0 Vis 111 
sty miotatarcal oes ltceecasdstears ss: 13:0 14:7 11-4 
3rd phalanx of longest digit (pes) ...... 7-0 58 371 

2. Report on the Collections of Birds made during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’—Part III. On the 
Collection of Birds from the Island of Sumbawa. By 
F. H. H. Guittemarp, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., &e. 

[Received April 28, 1885.] 
(Plate XXIX.) 

In the month of August, 1883, Mr. Kettlewell, in his yacht 
‘Marchesa,’ paid a short visit to the island of Sumbawa, with the 
intention of visiting the great Tambora volcano, and, if possible, of 
making the ascent. This, however, was found to be beset with so 
many difficulties as to be impracticable, and the yacht left after a stay 
of little over a week, having merely touched at two or three places 
on the north coast of the island. With such very restricted 
opportunities but little could be done, and I considered myself 
fortunate in obtaining a small collection comprising examples of 
some thirty-eight species. 

I am not aware of any account of the Sumbawan avifauna having 
been published in our own language, and Dr. Jentink informs me 
that he knows of none from the pen of any Dutch naturalist ; but, 
from the position of the island, and the researches of Mr. Wallace in 
Lombok and Flores, few novelties could be expected. The present 
collection, as far as it goes, bears out this expectation, for, with one 
or two exceptions, all the species are found on one or both of the 
last-named islands, and [ have but two new species torecord. One of 
these, a Turnix, somewhat resembles 7’. rufilatus of Wallace, but is 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXXIII. 33 


characterized by the abseuce of rufous on the under surface. The 
other, a Zosterops, coexists on the island with another of the same 
genus (Z. brunneicauda). 

1. Cacatua sutpHuREA, Vieillot. 

Cacatua sulphurea, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 5™° livr. p. 137 
(1864); id. ibid. 11™° livr. p. 66 (1874); Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. viii. 
pt. 2, 1872, p. 30. 

Plissolophus cristatus, Reichenow, Consp. Psittac. p. 29 (1882). 

Hab. Celebes (Forsten) ; Flores and Lombok (Wallace) ; 
Sumbawa (Guillemard, Reinwardt) ; Timor (S. Miller). 

a, 6. 3. Bima, Sumbawa. 

ce. 2. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris brown; bill black; feet and tarsus black. Length 35°1 
centims. ; wing 23:0 centims. The sulphur colour is irregularly 
distributed on the forehead, ear-coverts, cheeks, and throat. 

This species was met with in flocks on the Sumbawa river. 

2. Grorrroyus suKEsI, G. R. Gray. 

Geoffroyus jukesii, Wall. P. Z.S. 1863, p. 484; Reichenow, 
Consp. Psitt. p. 137 (1882.) 

Eclectus personatus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 11™° livr. p. 18 

Hab. Timor and Flores (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a-d. 3. Bima, Sumbawa. 

e, f. 2. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Tris lemon-yellow ; bill scarlet, yellowish at tip ; feet greyish olive. 
Length 24°8—25°5 centims. ; wing 16°2-16*7 centims. : bill of female 
brown ; other soft parts as in male; wing 14:8-15°3 centims. 

The under wing-coverts and subalars are bright cobalt in some, 
in others more greenish. I have retained Gray’s specific name, as 
the present examples seemed nearest to Flores individuals ; but they 
do not appear to me to be really separable from Timor and other 


Trichoglossus forsteni, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 5™° livr. p. 111 
(1864); id. ibid. 11™e livr. p. 46 (1874); Reichenow, Consp. 
Psittac. 1882, p. 93. 

Hab. Sumbawa (Forsten, Guillemard). 

a. &. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Bill red, yellow at tip; feet olive-green. Length of wing 
13:7 centims. 

4, HAiastuR INTERMEDIUs, Gurney. 

Haliastur intermedius, Gurney, Ibis, 1865, p. 28; id. 1866, 
p- 247; Wardlaw Ramsay, Orn. Works Tweedd. p. 655. 

Hab. Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes, 
Java, ‘Timor group ”’ (Salvad.) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a, Gunong Api I., Sumbawa. 


Iris light brown; bill slate, apex yellowish ; nasal sheath yellow ; 
tarsus yellow. Length 49:1 centims. ; wing 40°8 centims. 


Iyngipicus grandis, Hargitt, Ibis, 1882, p. 45. 

Hab. Flores and Lombok (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. 3. Bima. 

Iris reddish brown ; bill nearly black ; tarsus dirty black. Length 
13°2 centims.; wing 8°3 centims.; tail 5°0 centims.; bill 1°8 
centim.; tarsus 1°5 centim. 

6. Merrops pHiuipPinus, Linnzeus. 

Merops philippinus, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Merops, p. 2 (1863) ; 
Wald. Tr. Z. S. viii. 2, p. 42; id. ix. pt. 2, p. 149; Salvad. Uce. di 
Born. p. 89. 

Hab. India, Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, 
Celebes, Timor, Flores (Wallace); Lombok (Gray); Sumbawa 

a, 6. 6. Bima, Sumbawa. 

c. Sumbawa town. 

d. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris red; bill black; feet greyish black. Length 29-0-29-4 
centims. ; wing 12*5-13°0 centims. 

7. Merops ornatus, Latham. 

Merops ornatus, Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 162 ; Schleg. Mus. P.-B., 
Merops, p. 4 (1863); Salvad. Orn. della Pap. i. p. 401. 

Hab. From Celebes through the Moluccas and New Guinea 
to New Britain, Torres Straits (MacGillivray) ; Java (Finsch) ; 
Lombok ( Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Forsten) ; Flores (Wallace); Timor 

a. Sumbawa town. 

Iris dull red ; bill and feet black. Length 25°4 centims.; wing 
10°6 centims. 


Eurystomus orientalis, G. R. Gray, Hand-]. B. i. p. 76, sp. 906 ; 
Salvadori, Orn. della Pap. i. p. 508. 

Hab. From India through China to the Philippines ; Sumatra, 
Borneo, Java, and Celebes ; Gilolo (Bruijn) ; Lombok (Wallace) ; 
Sumbawa (Guillemard) ; Flores, Timor ( Wadllace). 

a. 3. Sumbawa town. 

6. 2. Sumbawa town. 

Tris dull pinkish red; bill scarlet, black at tip; feet dull coral-red. 
Length 29-0 centims. ; wing 19°0-19-4 centims. The female is a 
very dark bird, and neither example possesses the pallor of colouring 
that is characteristic of the more eastern race. 




Alcedo bengalensis, Salvad. Orn. della Pap. vol. i. p. 407 ; Sharpe, 
Monogr. Alced. pl. 2; G. R. Gr. Hand-l. i. p. 95, sp. 1152. 

Hab. From the Red Sea to China and Japan. Sumbawa 
(Guillemard) ; Flores (Wallace) ; Timor (S. Miller). 

a. 3. Sumbawa. 

Iris brown ; bill entirely black (5:0 centims.) ; feet orange-red. 

10. Savropatis cHLoRis (Boddaert). 

Sauropatis chloris, Salvad. Orn. della Pap. vol. i. p. 470; ad. 
Uce. di Born. p. 103. 

Halcyon chloris, Sharpe, Monogr. Alced. pl. 89. 

Hab. Generally distributed from the Red Sea to New Ireland. 
Java (Horsfield), Lombok, Flores, Solor, and Timor (Wallace) ; 
Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a, 6. Sumbawa. 

Iris brown ; bill black, base of lower mandible yellowish white ; 
tarsus black. 


Caprimulgus macrurus, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soe. xiii. p. 142 (1821) ; 
G. R. Gr. Hand-l.i. p. 57, sp. 633; Salvad. Orn. della Pap.i. p. 528. 

Hab. India, Malay peninsula, Philippines, Moluccas, New Guinea, 
New Britain, Sumatra, Java (Bernstein); Lombok and Timor 
(Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. 6. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris brown ; bill flesh-coloured, black at tip; feet dull flesh- 
coloured. Length of wing 18°8. 


Caprimulgus affinis, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 142 (1821) ; 
G. R. Gr. Hand-l. i. p. 57, sp. 635 ; Salvad. Ucc. di Born. p. 115. 

Hab. Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes, Java (Horsfield); Timor, 
Lombok (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a—c. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris brown ;_ bill brown, black at tip; feet brown. Length 22°0 
centims.; wing 15°6—16:2 centims. 

At the beginning of the month of August great numbers of Night- 
jars were to be found at dusk hawking over the dry padi fields in the 
neighbourhood of Bima. Some belonged to the preceding species, 
but the great majority, I believe, to the present. In no other part 
of the world hay. I seen birds of this genus in such abundance. 

13. CenTRococcyx AFrFinis (Horsfield). 

Centrococcyx affinis, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 180 (1821) ; 
Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. viii. pt. 2, p. 56. 

Hab. Celebes (Wallace); Java (Horsfield) ; Lombok, Flores, 
and Timor (Wallace) ; Sumbawa ( Guillemard). 

a. Labuan-penakan, Sumbawa. 


14. LANius BENTET, Horsfield. 

Lanius bentet, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 144 (1821) ; Gadow, 
Cat. Birds, viii. p. 266. 

Lanius schach (partim), Horsf. & Moore, Cat. B. M. E. I. Co. i. 
p. 163. 

Hab. Lombok, Timor, Java (Wallace) ; Sumatra (Bock) ; Sum- 
bawa (Guillemard). 

a, 6. Sumbawa town. 

b, ce. 9. Sumbawa town. 

d. Sumbawa. 

Tris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length 22:0-24:9 centims. ; 
wing 8°6—9°0 centims. 

These examples are interesting on account of the differing 
amount of distribution of the black on the head. Ina, an individual 
which has probably not reached maturity, the forehead alone is 
black, the vertex is slightly streaked with that colour, and the 
mantle is dusky. The abdomen is strongly tinged with rufous, 
not white as in the other skins. In @ the black is also confined to 
the forehead, the vertex, occiput, and mantle being clear grey, but 
on the cheeks the black does not pass beyond the ear-coverts, while 
ine and d the head is black as far as the occipital region, and the 
black passes over the ear-coverts on to the sides of the neck, The 
last three examples have the abdomen pure white, and the secondaries 
strongly edged with buftish white. 


Pachycephala fulvotincta, Wall. P. Z.S. 1863, pp. 486, 492; 
Gadow, Cat. B. vol. viii. p. 196. 

Hab. Flores (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. 2. Gunong Api Id., Sumbawa. 

Iris brown; bill black; tarsus bluish black. Length of wing 
81 centims. ; tail 6°5 centims. 

From a comparison with the type in the British Museum collec- 
tion, I have referred the present example to this species, though, 
owing to my not having been able to obtain the male bird, the 
diagnosis must be to a certain extent conjectural. 


Leptopteryx leucorhynchus, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 144 

Artamus leucorhynchus, Salvad. Ucc. di Borneo, p. 140; id. Orn. 
della Pap. ii. p. 167. 

f1ab. Andamans, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes, Moluccas, 
New Guinea, Torres Straits; Java (Horsfield); Lombok, Flores 
(Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard) ; Timor (Wallace). 

a. 2. Sumbawa. 

6. Sumbawa. 

Iris brown; bill leaden blue; tarsus greyish black. Length of 
wing 13°4-13°6 centims. 


Both individuals are probably in immature plumage ; there is uo 
sharply defined line between the white breast and the dark grey of 
the head and neck. 


Pratincola caprata, Bp. Consp. i. p. 305; G. R. Gr. Hand-l. i. 
p- 228, sp. 3282; Sharpe, Cat. B. vol. iv. p. 195. 

Hab. Persia, India, Burmah, Philippines, Celebes; Lombok, 
Flores, Timor (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. 6. Labuan Penakan, N. Sumbawa. 

6. 2. Gunong Api I., Sumbawa. 

Iris dark brown; bill and feet black in the male, dark brown in 
the female. Length of wing 7:0 and 69 centims. 

With the exception of the under tail-coverts and the tips of two 
or three feathers on the lower abdomen, the under surface of the 
male is entirely black. In the female both upper and under tail- 
coverts are rufescent white. 

18. Lavage Timortensis (S. Miiller). 

Lalage timoriensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 355; Salvad. Uce. di Born. 
p. 147; Sharpe, Cat. Birds, vol. iv. p. 94. 

Hab. Bali, Lombok (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard) ; Timor 
(Wallace); Borneo? (Finsch). 

a. Juv. 2. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris brown ; bill dark brown ; feet bluish black. Length of wing 
9°3 centims. 

19. Cuisra BIMAENSIs (Bonaparte). 

Chibia bimaensis, Sharpe, Cat. Birds, vol. iil. p. 237. 

Dicrurus bimaensis, Wall. P. Z. 8S. 1863, p. 494. 

Hab. Lombok and Flores (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. Sumbawa. 

6. 2. Bima, Sumbawa. 

c. 9. Labuan Penakan, Sumbawa. 

d. 3. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

Iris crimson ; bill and feet black. Wing 13°2—13°6 centims. Two 
specimens are marked with white on the abdomen, and have the 
under tail-coverts tipped with white. The hairy frontal tuft is only 
well marked in one example, a chin-tuft of like nature coexisting. 
Agree with Mr. Wallace’s Lombok specimens in the British 
Museum, but appear to be of somewhat smaller dimensions. 

20. Hyroruymis occipiratis, Vigors. 

Hypothymis occipitalis, Vig. P. Z.S. 1831, p. 97 ; Sharpe, Cat. 
B. vol. iv. p. 275. 

Hab. Andamans, Malacca, Sumatra, Borneo, Formosa; Lombok 
(Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard) ; Flores (Wallace). 

a, 6. 8. Sumbawa, 


c. od. Bima. 

d. Juv. 3. Bima. 

Iris marked ‘ yellow ”’ in one example ; in two others dark brown ; 
bill blue; tarsus blue. Length of wing 6°9-7°2 centims. 

Abdomen and crissum bluish grey. All the adults have the nape 
spot, but only one the pectoral band. The under wing-coverts are 
white. The young male has the upper surface grey, the wings 
brown, throat light grey, and abdomen dirty white. A few bright 
blue feathers are appearing on the head. 

21. OrtoLus BRODERIPI, Bonaparte. 

Oriolus broderipi, Wall. P.Z.S. 1863, p. 485; Sharpe, Cat. 
Birds, vol. iii. p. 201. 

Hab. Lombok, Flores (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a-c. 3. Sumbawa town. 

d. Juv. 3. Sumbawa town. 

Iris crimson, duller in the young bird; bill pink; feet bluish 
black. Length 28-4—29-0 centims., wing 15°4-16°3 centims. The 
young male is altogether paler, lacking the brilliant orange tint of 
the full adult. The secondaries are, however, quite as much marked 
with yellow as in the latter, but the yellow frontal patch is smaller. 
Several small flocks of this species were seen on the road from the 
coast up to the town of Sumbawa. 

22. Parus CINEREUS, Vieillot. 

Parus cinereus, Vieill. Tab. Ency. Méth. ii. p. 506 ; Gadow, Cat. 
Birds, viii. p. 16. 

Hab. India and Southern China (?); Java (Buzton); Flores, 
Lombok (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. 6. Bima, Sumbawa. 

6. $. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length 13°3 centims., wing 
64-6°7 centims. Mantle pure grey. Note exactly like our own 
P. major. 

Gunong Api Island lies close off Bima on the north coast of 
Sumbawa, and must not be confused with another island of the same 
name in the Banda Sea. 

23. CINNyRIS PECTORALIS (Horsfield). 

Cinnyris pectoralis, Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 408, no. 43; Shelley, 
Monogr. Nect. p. 165, p. 53; Gadow, Cat. Birds, ix. p. 88. 

Hab. Nicobar Islands (Wimberley); Malacca and Sumatra 
(Wallace); Java (Horsfield); Lombok and Flores (Wallace) ; 
Sumbawa (Guillemard) ; Borneo (Low). 

a, 6. 6. Sumbawa town. 

c, d. g. Bima, Sumbawa. 

e. 6. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

Iris reddish brown; bill black ; feet brownish black. Length 
10°8-11°3 centims. ; wing 5°2-54 centims. 



Zosterops brunneicauda, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xvi. 
p- 82; id. Orn. Pap. e delle Molucche, ii. p. 373 ; Gadow, Cat. B. 
vol. ix. p. 190. 

Hab. “Islands of Ceram Laut, Choor, and the Aru group;” 
Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. 6. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris brown; bill brown; feet slate-coloured; wing 5°6 centims. 

This individual is in no way separable from the British-Museum 
example of Z. brunneicauda. 


3. Z. brunneicaude paullo similis, sed colore aureo universo, ac 
pileo brunneo, precipue diversus. Superne aureo-viridis ; fronte 
lete aurea; annulo ophthalmico albo lato ; macula preoculart 
nigricante ; regione parotica brunnescente ; toto corpore subtus 
lete aureo ; iride brunnea. Long. tot. 0°110 m.; al. 0:056 m. ; 
caud. 0:046 m.; rostr. 0°011 m.; tars. 0°016 m. 

Hab. Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. &. Bima, Sumbawa. 

6. Bima, Sumbawa. 

The general golden yellow colour of this species distinguishes it 
from Z. brunneicauda, »s also does the brown of the vertex and 

occiput. In 6 (marked “9?”’) this latter characteristic is not so 

26. Sriemarors ocuLaris (Gould). 
Stigmatops ocularis, Salvad. Orn. della Pap. ii. p. 323. 

Hab. Lombok (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard); Timor 
(Wallace) ; New Guinea (Bonaparte) ; New Holland (Gould). 

a. 6. Bima, Sumbawa. 

b, c. ¢. Sumbawa town. 

d. Bima. 

e. Sumbawa town. 

Iris brown; bill black; feet and tarsus slate. Sexes alike. 
Length of wing 7°3-7°7 centims. 

Common round Bima, where they fed on the flowers of the 
Bombax and other trees. Their habits resemble those of the genus 

27. STIGMATOPS, sp. 

At Bima and Sumbawa two quite young birds of the genus 
Stigmatops were obtained that I hesitate to refer to any particular 
species. The head is olive ; the chin, cheeks, upper throat, and ear- 
coyerts are washed with yellow, as are also the abdomen and under 
tail-coverts; and the tail is more brightly tinged with greenish yellow 
than is the case in S. ocularis. Whether it is the young of the latter 
it is difficult to say, but it agrees closely with the description of the 
adult S, chloris of Salvadori. 



Tropidorhynchus timoriensis, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 160, sp. 2088 ; 
Bp. Consp. i. p. 390. 

Hab. Lombok (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guillemard); Flores and 
Timor (Wallace). 

a, 6. §. Sumbawa town. 

c. 9. Bima, Sumbawa. 

d. 2. Sumbawa town. 

e-h. Sumbawa town. 

Tris reddish brown; bill black; tarsus bluish ash; bare skin on 
head and neck dark brown. Length 30°5-31°8 centims.; wing 
14-0-14°8 centims. This species appears to vary considerably in 
the shade of colour of the under surface and the amount of striping 
on the neck. The individual ¢ is more or less immature ; the upper 
surface is interspersed with light brown feathers, the upper tail- 
coverts are buff, the edges of the outer webs of the secondaries are 
washed with dull greenish yellow, and there is hardly any striping 
on the neck. 

This species occurred, in small flocks of eight or ten individuals, 
in great numbers on the road up to the town of Sumbawa, keeping 
up a continuous noisy chatter. The note is very loud and harsh. 
They were afterwards found to be tolerably common at all the places 
visited on the island. 

29. CALORNIS MINOR (Miller). 

Calornis minor, Gray, Hand-l. ii. p. 26, sp. 6375; Bp. Consp. 
417; Wald. Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 80. 

Hab. Lombok, Flores, Timor (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a-—c. &. Bima, Sumbawa. 

d. Sumbawa. 

Iris orange-scarlet ; bill and feet black. Length of wing 9°5-10°2 


Amadina insularis, Wall. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 495. 

Hab. Timor and Flores (Wallace) ; Sumbawa ( Guillemard). 

a-c. 9. Bima, Sumbawa. 

Iris reddish brown; bill orange, bright red in the male; feet 
yellowish. Length of wing 5:0-5°3 centims. 


Osmotreron vernans, G. R. Gray, P. Z.S. 1860, p. 360; Wald. 
Tr. Z. 8. vol. ix. pt. 2, p. 210; Bp. Consp. ii. p. 12. 

Treron viridis, Wallace, Ibis, 1865, p. 374. 

Hab. Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Celebes, 
Java, Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. fo. Sumbawa. 

Iris “ pearly ”; bill slate-blue at tip, green at base ; tarsus pinkish 
red. Length of wing 14:4 centims. 


I am not aware that this species has ever been previously recorded 
as far eastward as Sumbawa. The example obtained does not diffe 
in any way from individuals obtained in the Sulu archipelago. 


Spilopelia tigrina, Salvadori, Uce. di Born. p. 296; id. Orn. 
della Pap. iii. p. 151. 

Turtur tigrina, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 391. 

Hab. Nicobars, Malay peninsula, Siam, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes, 
Moluccas; Java (Horsfield); Lombok (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Sem- 
melink) ; Flores (Wallace) ; Timor (Wallace), 

a, 6. &. Sumbawa town. 

¢. $. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

d. 2. Gunong Api Island. 

lris light yellow; bill dark slate; tarsus coral. Length of males 
34°9, females 30°3 centims. Wing, male 14°0-14°7 centims., female 
13°7 centims. 

Compared with Celebes and other individuals the present series 
presents no noticeable differences in plumage, but the yellow iris I 
have only met with in Sumbawa birds, which latter appear also to 
be of somewhat larger dimensions than Celebes and Moluccan 


Streptopelia bitorquata, Bp. Consp. ii. p. 65; G. R. Gray, 
Hand-l. ii. p. 239, sp. 9330 ; Salvad. Uce. di Borneo, p. 297; Wall. 
1865, p. 391. 

Hab. Sumatra, Java, Lombok (Wallace); Sumbawa (Guille- 
mard) ; Flores, Timor (Wallace). 

a—c. g. Sumbawa. 

Tris orange-yellow ; bill blackish; tarsus coral-red. Length 
30°0-34:0 centims. ; wing 15°3-15°5 centims. 

34. GeopeLia MAUGEI (Temminck). 

Geopelia maugei, Bp. Consp. ii. p. 94; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 394; 
Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, Columbe, p. 132 (1873). 

Hab. Moluccas, Ké Islands, Sumbawa (Forsten) ; Flores (Wal- 
lace) ; Timor (Bernstein) ; Wetter and Letti (Hoedt). 

a. 6. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

b-e. ¢. Sumbawa. 

J, g- Sumbawa. 

Tris pale yellow; bill leaden; tarsus ashy blue marked with violet. 
Length about 24-0 centims. ; wing 10°0—10-2 centims. 

Extremely common round the town of Sumbawa. 

35. CuaLcopuaps tnpica (Linneus). 

Chalcophaps indica, Salvad. Orn. della Pap. ili. p. 173. 

Hab. India, Nicobars, Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philip- 
pines, Formosa, Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea (?), Java (Hors- 
field); Lombok (Wallace) ; Sumbawa (Forstein) ; Flores (Wallace), 


a. 3. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

6. Gunong Api Island. 

These examples differ from Bornean, Celebean, and Moluccan 
birds chiefly in having a very broad white superciliary streak. 

36. TuRNIX POWELLI, sp. nov. (Plate XXIX.) 

T. rufilato affinis ; sed hypochondriis et subcaudalibus brunnescen- 
tibus, nigro transfasciatis, haud rufescentibus; et abdomine 
albo, diversus. 

Hab. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

a. 3. Gunong Api Island, Sumbawa. 

b. 2. Gunong Api Island. 

e (2). Gunong Api Island. 

Iris very light yellow; bill, upper mandible brownish, lower 
greenish yellow; tarsus yellowish green. Length 17-0 centims. ; 
wing 8°6—9°8; bill from gape 2°0 centims. 

This Quail, though somewhat resembling 7’. rufilatus of Celebes, 
is at once recognizable by the entire absence of rufous on the abdo- 
men and thighs. The cervix is darker, the barring on the breast 
more distinct, and extending much lower; and the black stripe on 
the throat of the male bird considerably more restricted. I have 
named this:species after my friend Lieut. R. ff. Powell, R.N., who 
accompanied the ‘Marchesa’ in her voyages to Kamtschatka and 
New Guinea. 


Erythra leucomelana, G. R. Gray, Hand-l. iii. p. 67, sp. 10509. 

Amaurornis leucomelena, Salvad. Orn. della Pap. iii. p. 278. 

Hab. Celebes (Von Rosenberg, Guillemard); Buru (Bruijn) ; 
Timor (S. Miller); Sumbawa (Guillemard). 

a. Sumbawa town. 

This individual, the label of which is without measurements and 
notice of colour of soft parts, has the forehead black. ‘The whole 
of the neck, breast, and abdomen is white, the dark grey being con- 
fined entirely to the sides of the body, and not passing towards the 
middle line of the abdomen as in FZ. pheenicura. 

38. ? ARDEOLA LEUCOPTERA (Boddaert). 

Ardeola leucoptera, Jerdon, B. Ind. iii. Davos 

? Ardeola speciosa, Horsf. Tr. Linn. Soe. xiii. p. 188. 

a. “* 9? Bima, Sumbawa. 

6. Juv. 3. Sumbawa. 

Iris, in adult, yellowish ; bill greenish black, base of lower man- 
dible greenish yellow ; feet and tarsus olive-green. 

I have had no opportunity of comparing these skins with Javan 
or Malaccan examples, and cannot therefore state to which species 
they should be referred. 


3. On a new Pennatulid from the Japanese Sea. By Dr. 
A. A. W. Husrecut, C.M.Z.8., Professor of Zoology 
at the University of Utrecht. 

[Received April 30, 1885.] 
(Plates XXX. & XXXI.) 

In the year 1874, Captain St. John, then in the Japanese sea, at 
34°11’ N., 136° 33’ E., captured at a depth of 71 fathoms two speci- 
mens of Pennatulids (see Plate XXX. figs. 1-3). They passed 
into the possession of Professor W. C. MacIntosh of St. Andrews, 
whose numerous duties and arduous researches in another field of 
Zoology (Report on the Annelids of the ‘Challenger,’ &c.) allowed 
him no leisure to make anything more than a superficial examination 
of the animals in question. When, in 1884, I had the pleasure of 
making a short stay at St. Andrews for the purpose of utilizing the 
numerous facilities offered by the Zoological Station which at the 
initiative of this distinguished biologist, has arisen at that interesting 
point of the Scottish coast he kindly showed me over his extremely 
rich collection of marine invertebrates, mostly in spirit and in 
excellent state of preservation. We came upon the bottle containing 
the Japanese specimens, and as I noticed certain distant points of 
resemblance with Solenogastres, in which I was at the moment 
particularly interested (presence of calcareous spicules in the 
integument, club-shaped form, faint longitudinal groove on the con- 
cave side, &c.), Prof. MacIntosh most courteously put both the 
specimens at my disposal for a more detailed anatomical examination. 

I was very glad to accept the proposal. This paper contains the 
result of my investigations, for which, as far as the internal structure 
is concerned, only one of the specimens (fig. 1) was sacrificed, the other 
one (figs. 2 & 3) having been returned to the owner intact. Moreover 
the series of sections which were made through the first specimen 
were all duly preserved, and are now at St. Andrews. 

An examination of the two specimens with low power very soon 
dispelled the possibility of any relationship to the Solenogastres, and 
showed the organism to be a colony, from which the shrivelled bodies 
of the polyps with their fringe of long tentacles might be seen to 
emerge. It was iu the thickened portion, the rhachis (7), that this was 
noticed ; the stem (s) is devoid of polyps and terminates in a rounded 
knob, which shows a faint swelling just before the lower extremity. 
Subterminally there was on the concave side a very short oblong 
furrow, at the bottom of which no opening whatever could be 

The colour of both specimens is of the light brownish-red which 
is reproduced in the figures ; and superficial examination revealed the 
existence not only in the stem, but along the whole rhachis, of deli- 
cate calcareous spicules, so densely accumulated as to make the 


Hanhart imp 

De Groot del. 



whole colony feel hard and rigid when handled. Whereas in the 
stem these calcareous needles—for such they proved to be on micro- 
scopic examination (see fig. 14)—are in no way raised above the 
common level (faint transverse wrinkles being, however, observable), 
their aspect on the rhachis is considerably different. Here they unite 
to form projecting polyp-cells, which have the aspect of shields or 
scales (figs. 4 & 5), but which merge into the proper surface of the 
thachis. These apparent scales are moreover provided with two pro- 
jecting points, well marked in the different figures, and also wholly 
consisting of the same needle-like spicules ; whereas they are arranged 
along the rhachis in what appeared to be faint spirals, ascending from 
the concave (ventral) side towards the convex (dorsal) one, and 
directed forwards, 7. e. towards the extremity of the scaleless stem. 
Figs. 6 and 7 show that there are no continuous spirals, but that 
along the median line of the convex surface the rows of large scales 
areinterrupted by a longitudinal band of very minute scales, answering, 
however, to the same type, but apparently without any projecting 
polyps, and which, after Kolliker, may well be called zooids 
(vide infra). At the top of the stem the polyp-cells have not yet 
acquired the definite and characteristic shape which is indicated in 
fig. 5. The few which may here be noticed have a more circular, 
nipple-like aspect ; those just below the top are intermediate between 
the lateral and the top ones. 

The characters above enumerated are sufficient to raise a strong 
suspicion that the colony in question is a Pennatulid. Longitudinal 
and transverse sections of stem and rhachis will enable us to test this 
supposition by means of the internal anatomy. 

The general impression from a transverse section through the 
rhachis is this, that the colony is much less massive and solid than the 
external appearance and the rigidity would lead us to suppose. We 
notice a spongy arrangement of large-sized spaces, separated by a 
system of thin septa and trabeculae (figs. 13 & 8), the arrangement 
of which we shall hereafter have occasion to examine in detail. "When 
touched with the forceps the material that builds up this internal 
framework is found to be stiff and brittle, and microscopic exami- 
nation shows that this part of the ecenenchyma is also laden with very 
numerous calcareous spines (fig. 14), similar in shape to those found 
in the exterior investment. These spines, though of uniform shape, 
are of different size. The organic ground-substance in which they 
are imbedded is moreover stiff and horny, and is dissolved in caustic 
potash. Together with the calcareous spicules, it gives to the 
internal framework its rigidity. 

In a section through the stem (fig. 12 and woodcut, p. 515, figs. 1 
& 2) the arrangement of these septa is seen to be more regular, the free 
spaces are very symmetrically arranged, and the outer wall is in 
comparison thicker than in the rhachis. 

Towards the inferior extremity of the stem there is only one 
transverse septum, dividing its inner space into a dorsal and a ventral 
half. This septum is seen in a longitudinal section (perpendicular 
to its plane) in fig. 9. It appears gradually to split into two parallel 


septa as we proceed towards the rhachis, a transverse connecting 
septum, however, keeping up a direct continuity, and being placed 
perpendicularly to the two parallel ones, and at the same time 
symmetrically. The internal space is consequently now divided into 
four spaces instead of two, two lateral spaces having made their 
appearance in addition to the dorsal and ventral (Plate XX XI. fig. 12, 
and woodcut, p. 515, fig. 2). When we examine the figures in K6l- 
liker’s monograph (‘ Anatomisch-systematische Beschreibung der Al- 
cyonarien, I. Pennatuliden,’ plate x. fig. 78 ; plate xiv. figs. 107-113; 
plate xxi. fig. 180; plate xxiii. fig. 212) of sections through the stems 
of different genera of Pennatulids, we find that there, too, a similar 
arrangement of the septa and the spaces obtains, and that towards 
the inferior extremity of the stem the spaces are also reduced to two. 
One remarkable difference to be noticed in our specimen is this, 
that whereas in the other Pennatulids an axis of more or less con- 
siderable size and massive consistency appears and is situated in the 
median vertical septum above alluded to (cf Kdlliker’s figs. 78, 
108, 110, 212), such an azis is entirely absent in Echinoptilum, uo 
trace of it being found either in the stem, the lower part of the rhachis, 
or its upper portion. The septum in which it is always developed 
is there, however, as was just noticed. 

We must now observe that in the rhachis the dorsal, ventral, and 
lateral spaces which we have been describing for the stem, and which 
are here so symmetrically placed, are none the less present through- 
out the whole of the rhachis, but are here reduced in size by the 
development of spaces exteriorly to them, in which the polyps will 
partly be lodged. Fig. 13 gives a satisfactory representation of this 
arrangement. It is a section in the lower third of the rhachis, and 
shows us the two parallel septa with the perpendicular one between 
them, situated in the axis of the rhachis, and at the same time the 
four spaces which they help to enclose, uninterruptedly continued 
from the stem into the rhachis, their bulk being, however, not incon- 
siderably reduced. 

At the top of the rhachis they disappear, transverse sections 
showing that they only reach so far as close to the top, but that at the 
very extremi+~ only the additional spaces ps belonging to the 
termi. ; ~-a8 are present; this would to a certain extent 
bring o.. another point of comparison between the septa here dis- 
cussed and those carrying the axis in other Pennatulids, the latter 
structure being known not to attain the topmost extremity of the poly- 
parium, but to stop short close to the top of the rhachis. The accom- 
panying woodcut (p. 515) exemplifies diagrammatically the arrange- 
ment of the primitive spaces in transverse sections of different regions 
of the polyparium. For comparison fig. 4 is copied from Kolliker. 

Returning now to the base of the stem, we note in longitudinal 
sections (fig. 9) that here the short median, ventral, and subterminal 
furrow, already mentioned above when reviewing the external 
characters of the specimen, is indeed a depression in the integument, 
and tliat at the bottom of this depression a flat expansion of the 
sclerenchyma separates the cavities of the hollow stem from the 



exterior. This expansion, which was characterized by its more 
brownish-vellow colour from the rest of the red polyparium, is now 
seen to owe this different coloration to the absence of spicules in this 
part ; the spicules are seen to diminish in size in the vicinity of the 
disk (fig. 9), several of them being yet imbedded in its circumference, 
but none in its central portion. The gradual passage of this 
sclerenchymatous tissue into the rest of the investment of the poly- 
parium is more clearly visible in the adjacent longitudinal section. 
It may be further gathered from the figures 10 & 11, the former 
figure at the same time serving to demonstrate both the directions in 
which the spiculee are placed in the wall of the stem, and the more 
or less complicated trabecular arrangement of the sclerenchyma, as it 
is found inside the outer spicule-bearing layer and surrounding the 
spaces in the stem. 

I have, finally, to mention numerous pores by which the walls of 

Figs. 1-3. Echinoptilum macintoshii. 1. Transverse section of lower part of 
stem. 2. Ditto of upper part of stem. 38. Ditto of rhachis. 

Fig. 4. Cavernularia liitkenii. transverse section of lower part of rhachis (after 
Kolliker, /. c. pl. 23); a, axis. 

the polyparium are perforated, and which in transverse sections are 
found to correspond to the small zooids. From this it follows, and 
the sections moreover entirely corroborate the conclusions, that these 
pores are more numerous on the dorsal surface (cf. fig. 6) than else- 
where. One of these pores is represented magnified and in transverse 
section in fig. 8. Remains of polyps could in my specimen not be 
detected in the cavities into which these pores lead; still from 
analogy I feel justified in calling the external small polv~-cells 
corresponding to these openings, zooids. After having the ‘our 
attention to the external and internal characters of the , .ypdium, 
we should have to examine the soft tissues, the polyps themselves, 
the reproductive apparatus, &c. Unfortunately the one specimen I 
felt justified in dissecting has hardly avything to teach us in that. 
respect. The remnants of the polyps extruding from their polyp- 
cells were well visible even with a hand-glass, upon superficial 
examination of the specimen, and even a number of long tentacles 
could be seen to belong to each of the polyps. They had, 
however, so flat and shrivelled an appearance that I was doubtful 
whether they would give any histological information when section- 
ized. My doubts were realized, and I have come to the conclusion 
that since 1874, when the polyparia were captured, they must have 
gone through a phase of desiccation, although when I received them 


they were in spirit. This would also explain how it was that 
internally all traces of cell-structure had vanished, that no staining 
methods were of any use, &c. Careful preparations of parts of the 
rhachis-wall spread out and looked at from the inside, showed that 
the polyparia indeed contained polyps (and that the zooids did not), 
moreover showed remnants of the mesenterial filaments, but how the 
internal soft parts were respectively related could not possibly be 
made out. 1 must leave this to a more fortunate student of 
specimens in the fresh state. 

There only remains for us to inquire whether the structure of the 
polyparium, as we have described and partly figured it, will enable us 
to decide about the degree of relationship which the new genus, pro- 
posed to be called Echinoptilum, has to the other genera and groups 
of Pennatulids. 

It is undoubtedly amongst the less specialized families of Seapens 
that we must look for its nearest allies; and -were it not for the 
incipient differentiation of a dorsal and ventral surface, and more 
especially for what sections teach us in this respect, we should feel 
inclined to arrange Echinoptilum in the very lowest section—the 
Veretillese, which, by the radial arrangement of the polyps round 
the rhachis, still more closely approach the Aleyonaria s. str. (Aleyo- 
nide &c.). For the reasons just recalled to mind we have, however, 
to arrange the new genus in Kolliker’s other large section, that of 
the Spicatze, which is characterized by a bilateral arrangement of the 
polyps on the rhachis. In this section the less differentiated families 
of the Kophobelemnonide and the Protoptilidze have several struc- 
tural peculiarities in common with Echinoptilum ; and the new genus 
of Protoptilidee, Gunneria, only very lately described by Danielssen 
and Koren’, more especially resembles Hechinoptilum in its very 
massive development of needle-like calcareous elements in the 
sarcosoma. Moreover the external appearance of the individual 

olyp-cells in Echinoptilum and the arrangement of the spicules in 
the wall of these is met with in other Protoptilide. 

The general aspect of Hehinoptilum, its shortness and club-shape, 
more especially resembles that of Kophobelemnon, the Protoptilide 
being long and slender, and their polyparia reminding one of the 
unbranched Gorgonidz. The calcareous needles also are very 
profusely represented in the investment of the Kophobelemnonidee, 
but are not found in the internal delicate framework of this family, 
whereas, on the contrary, in Hchinoptilum we find it thickly beset with 
them. Again, the individual polyp-cells of the Protoptilide have 
more resemblance to Eechinoptilum than those of Kophobelemnon, 
where they are much less marked and projecting. 

On the other hand, we must not lose sight of the fact that with 
another section of the Spicatee, viz. the Funiculineze, Hehinoptilum 
has also more than one point of comparison, more especially with 
Kolliker’s new genus Stachyptilum (‘ Challenger’ Reports, vol. i. 
Pennatulids, p. 12, pl. viii. figs. 24-26). The polyp-cells in Hehi- 

sn Norske Nordhays Expedition, xii. Zoology, Pennatulida: Christiania, 


noptilum are, however, less regularly arranged in distinct rows, the 
ventral surface is not in the same way wholly devoid of polyps &c. 
This is another reason for assigning a not unimportant intermediate 
position to the new genus. 

Echinoptilum will best be placed in Kédlliker’s section Spicatz, 
subsection Junciformes (/. c. ‘Challenger’ Reports), and in that sub- 
Section it must form a new family, that of the Echinoptilidz, charac- 
terized by the important fact of the total absence of anything 
resembling an axis, present in all other Pennatulide with the 
exception of certain species of the most primitive section, the 
Veretilleze. In the very divergent section of the Renillez also an 
axis is absent. 

The fact that certain species of Veretillum and of Cavernularia 
(another Veretillid) have an axis, whereas others of the same genus 
have not, is no argument to disqualify the new family ; as it must be 
borne in mind that this degree of variability is only exhibited by 
species of the most primitive section of the Pennatulids, in which the 
axis may well be said to make its first appearance, being insignificant 
and of variable dimensions in Veretillum cynomorium, Cavernularia 
glans, and Oavernularia liitheni. Its total absence in the Renilles 
also tends to prove that in the original stock from which the Penna- 
tulids have sprung an axis was absent. This section is characterized 
by Kolliker (7. c. ‘ Monographie der Alcyonarien,’ 1872, p. 263) as 
“very different from the other Pennatulids in its possession of a more 
simple internal structure,” and related to the lowest Veretillide. Itis 
thus the more remarkable to find an axis to be totally deficient in 
the new genus,which already so clearly shows points of agreement 
with those groups that are generally recognized as more highly deve- 
loped, and in which an axis is present—sometimes even very strong 
and massive—without a single exception. 

Puate XXX, 

Fig. 1. First specimen of Echinoptilum macintoshii, lateral view, enlarged about 
1} times: /, rhachis; s, stem. 

2 & 3. Second specimen of the same, seen from below (2) and in lateral 
perspective (3), enlarged 13 times: 7, rhachis; s, stem. 

In 1 the median ventral depression at the lower extremity of 
the stem is visible ; in figs. 2 and 3 the median ventral furrow on the 

4. Front view of a polyp-cell and its calcareous spicules, more considerably 

5. Lateral view of the same. The polyp represented as emerging from the 
cell is entirely imaginary, and only meant to indicate the position of 
the opening in the cell. 

6. Dorsal, and Fig. 7 ventral, view of the rhachis of specimen fig. 1, exactly 
reproducing the position of polyp-cells and zooids on these two sur- 
faces. ‘The ventral furrow on the lower part of the rhachis is plainly 
visible in fig. 7. 

8. Part of a transverse section, intended to show the perforation of the 
wall of the polyparium z, corresponding to a zooid. dJ, the longitu- 
dinal dorsal channel ; sp, spicules in the integument, 

Proc. Zoo. Soc.—1885, No. XXXIV. 34 



Fig. 9. Longitudinal median dorso-ventral section through the inferior extre- 
mity of the stem: ms, median septum, dividing the inner cavity into 
a dorsal and ventral channel. 

10. Section of the same series, but more lateral: sp, calcareous spicules. 

Vale rhe continuation of the terminal disk @ into the sclerenchyma s/ 
(fig. 9). 

12. ia section through the middle of the stem. Appearance of 
two additional lateral channels, //. 

13. The same through the lower portion of the rhachis: d/, dorsal, 21, 
ventral channel; p, polyp-cell with two internal supports; /, ventral 
furrow ; p.s, radially situated spaces. 

14. The red-coloured calcareous spicules. 

4. Descriptions of new Species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, 
chiefly from South America. By Herserr Drvce, 
F.LS., F.Z.8., &. 

[Received May 4, 1885.] 
(Plates XXXII. & XXXITI.) 

The following descriptions are all taken from specimens in my 
own collection. They mostly relate to species brought home by 
Mr. C. Buckley from Ecuador ; to these I have added descriptions 
of some recent acquisitions from various localities. 

Evsemia, Dalman. 

Primaries deep black with a metallic streak across the middle of 
the cell, and a second wider streak on the discocellulars ; the outer 
margin from the apex to the anal angle broadly banded with snow- 
white: secondaries glossy deep blue, in some lights shot with 
greenish reflections ; the outer margin broadly banded with white 
from the apex to the inner margin; the underside the same as 
above. Thorax and abdomen bluish black; collar white; head 
and antennz black ; palpi and under front of thorax bright orange. 

Expanse 33 inches. 

Hab. North Burmah. 

This grand insect belongs to the H. albomarginata group of 
Eusemia and comes nearest EZ. fimbriata, Boisd., from which it is 
at once distinguished by the broad snow-white margins to the 

AmestA, Westwood. 

Primaries uniform dark brown, with eight white spots beyond the 
cell, placed the same as in A. euplocoides, but without the blue 
spots on the costal margin and at the base as in that species; the 
extreme ends of the nerves on the outer margin marked by a few 

W Parkiss 



dusky white scales: secondaries uniform dark brown, with two blue 
spots in the middle of the cell, and just beyond the end of the cell 
three small white dots ; the tips of the nerves along the outer margin 
from the apex to near the middle dusky white. The underside the 
same as above, but the spots are more distinct. Head, thorax, and 
abdomen brownish black ; legs black ; antennze wanting. 

Expanse 4 inches. 

Hab. N. India, Darjeeling. 

This species is allied to 4. euplocoides and A. stelligera: from 
the former it is at once distinguished by the entire absence of the 
creamy white of the secondaries ; from the latter by wanting the 
marginal row of white spots to both wings and being without the blue 
marginal band. 

Syntomis, Ochs. 
SYNTOMIS GEON, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 2.) 

Primaries pale chrome-yellow ; the costal apex and outer margin 
bordered with black, on the inner edge very much dentated ; a black 
band at the end of the cell joining a small oval-shaped black spot 
about the middle: secondaries chrome-yellow, narrowly bordered 
with black on the outer margin. Front of head, collar, and tegula 
bright yellow; back of head and thorax-black ; abdomen yellow, 
banded with black; anus black ; antennze black, tipped with white ; 
legs black. 

Expanse |? inch. 

Hab. Philippine Islands, Mindanao (Semper). 

CuaripEa, Dalman. 
CHARIDEA MARIAMNE, sp.n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 3.) 

Primaries deep black, with the basal half brilliant morpho-blue, 
crossed from the middle of the costal margin to near the anal by a 
narrow bright orange band: secondaries brilliant blue, broadly 
margined with black at the apex; head, thorax, and abdomen 
bright metallic blue ; the underside of abdomen with a central white 
streak. Antenne, palpi, and legs black. 

Expanse 1} inch. 

Hab. Colombia, Bogota. 

This beautiful little species is quite unlike any known to me,-and 
it is one of the most brilliantly coloured insects belonging to this 

Mypropoxa, Butler. 

MypRopoxa SEMPERI, n. sp. (Plate XXXIU. fig. 1.) 

Primaries glossy greenish black, crossed from the costal to the 
inner margin by a bright metallic golden-yellow band, a row 
of metallic blue spots close to the base: secondaries glossy black, 
with an oval hyaline central spot between the costal and inner 
margin. Head, collar, and front of the thorax bright carmine ; thorax 

; 34* 


and abdomen black, the abdomen speckled with golden-yellow 
scales ; antenne and legs black ; wings below black, tipped and 
speckled with bright green. 

Expanse 1? inch. 

Hab. Philippine Islands, Luzon (Semper). 

This fine species is very distinct from any with which I am 
acquainted, its nearest ally being M. splendens, Butler, from 

Evcyane, Hiibner. 

EUCYANE CHILDON, sp.n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 4.) 

Primaries ( ¢ ) bluish black, much shot with dark blue from the 
base to about the middle; a wide orange-coloured band crossing 
the wing from the costal margin to the anal angle, but not quite 
reaching the inner margin: secondaries rich bluish black, almost 
black at the apex. Head and thorax black; abdomen above 
deep glossy blue, below dark chrome-yellow ; antenne black ; legs 
brownish black. Wings below the same as above, with a submarginal 
row of bluish-white spots, small in the male but distinct and well 
defined in the female : in all other respects the female is the same as 
the male, but slightly larger. 

Expanse, ¢ 12, Q 2 inches. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

.This handsome species reminds me of Agarista lethe, Felder. 
Mr. Buckley obtained a fine series of specimens of this insect. 

EUCYANE PHLEGON, sp.n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 5.) 

Primaries ( ¢ ) deep black, shot with dark blue, crossed beyond the 
middle by a bright carmine band; secondaries deep glossy blue- 
black. Head, thorax, and abdomen black, shot with dark blue ; 
underside the same as above. Antenne and legs black. The sexes 
are alike. 

Expanse ¢ 2, 9 2;/; inches. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This beautiful species is most nearly allied to 4. yucunda, Felder, 
from which it is at once distinguished by the absence of the red 
spot on the secondaries, and the much less bright blue colour of the 


Primaries brownish black, crossed by a carmine band; the 
uerves pale brown; secondaries very dark brown, almost black in 
some lights. Head, thorax, aud abdomen dark brown; antennz 
and legs black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

The primaries of this species are coloured almost the same as 
E. amica, Cr., but the entire absence of the red marginal band on 
the secondaries at once shows that it is a very distinct species. 



Primaries brownish black, glossed with dark blue near the base, 
and crosssed from about the middle of the costal margin to the anal 
angle by a bright’ carmine band edged on either side with a narrow 
row of pinkish-white scales ; the band is widest on the costal margin : 
secondaries brown, glossed with very dark blue; the outer margins 
broadly bordered with carmine. Head and front of thorax bright 
carmine; abdomen very dark glossy blue; antenne and legs 
brownish black. The wings below are the same as above. 

Expanse 32 inches. 

Hab. Colombia, Aguano (Simson) ; Ecuador, Sarayacu, Bolivia 

The first specimen I received of this grand insect was sent home 
by Mr. Simson, who obtained it and many other fine species at 
Aguano ; since that time I have received several specimens, taken in 
Ecuador aud Bolivia, by Mr. Buckley, who states that its flight is 
very swift. The example from Bolivia differs from ali the others : 
the band of the primaries is narrower, and the colour of that and the 
outer margins of the secondaries is pale pink instead of bright 
carmine, It is quite probable that it may belong to another species, 
but without more material I do not feel certain upon that point. 


Primaries dark brown, crossed from the middle of the costal 
margin to the anal angle by a narrow chrome-yellow band, widest at 
the costal margin: secondaries uniform dark brown. Underside the 
same as above except that both wings have a submarginal row of 
bluish-white spots. Head and thorax dark brown, spotted with white 
in front ; abdomen brown on the upper side, shot with dark glossy 
blue, the underside bright chrome-yellow ; legs dark brown ; antennze 
and palpi black. ; 

Expanse 27 inches. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This species closely resembles Agarista lethe, Felder, in colour. 

CoreEura, Walker. 

CoREURA SALMON], Sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 6.) 

Primaries dark brownish black, crossed beyond the middle from 
the costal margin to near the apex, but not quite reaching the inner 
margin, by a dark red band, in some lights glossed with blue: 
secondaries dark blue, with the nerves, outer and inner margins dark 
brown. Wings on the underside the same as above, except that the 
primaries are dark blue from the base to the red band. Head, thorax, 
and abdomen dark brown; antenne, palpi, and legs black. 

Expanse 1? inch. 

Hab. Colombia, Antioquia, Frontino (Salmon). 

This beautiful species is very distinct, but comes nearest Coreura 
euchromoides, Walker. 


Hyaturea, Hiibner. 


Primaries whitish hyaline, more so near the apex ; the costal, 
outer, and inner margins broadly bordered with black ; a band crossing 
the wing from the costal margin beyond the cell to the anal angle, 
and all the nerves black ; a narrow reddish-brown streak from the 
base on the costal margin to about the middle of the cell, and a 
reddish line from the middle of the inner margin reaching the apex, 
and then extending a little way along the outer margin : secondaries 
hyaline; the nerves all black; the outer margin bordered with 
black enclosing a narrow reddish line. Head and front of thorax 
black, with four white spots in front ; thorax black, with two large 
bluish-white spots at the base. Abdomen brownish black above, with 
two almost central, rather wide, bluish-white bands extending from 
the base to the anus, also one on each side; the underside dirty 
white. Antenne, palpi, and legs black. 

Expanse 2? inches. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This fine species is quite distinct from any other. 

HyaturGa? PUHITES, sp. n. 

Primaries semihyaline, thickly speckled with black scales, the 
costal, outer, and inner margins bordered with black, very broadly 
at the apex ; a black band crossing from the costal margin beyond the 
middle and extending to the outer margin just above the anal angle, 
enclosing a large oval white spot crossed by the black nerves: 
secondaries greyish hyaline, with the outer margin narrowly bordered 
with black, broadest at the anal angle; the nerves all black, with 
black scales on each side, the fringe white. Head and collar pale 
yellow ; thorax and abdomen brown, with a central bluish-white line, 
the underside of the abdomen dusky white; anus bright orange ; 
legs brown; antennee black; palpi bright yellow. 

Expanse 23 inches. 

Hab. Upper Amazons (Whitely). 

Puatok, Guérin. 

Primaries dark brown, crossed beyond the middle by two yellowish 
hyaline bands as in P. cruenta, a broad yellowish hyaline band 
extending from the base along the inner margin almost to the anal 
angle, and a submarginal row of white spots: secondaries yellowish 
hyaline, the costal and inner margin thickly speckled with chrome- 
yellow scales, the outer margin broadly bordered with dark brown 
and a submarginal row of small white dots. Underside the same as 
above, excepting that the costal margins of both wings are dark 
chrome-yellow at the base, and the submarginal row of white spots are 
larger. Head and thorax black, thickly speckled with small white 
spots; abdomen above pale brown, on the underside dusky white, a 
narrow yellow and black line on each side; legs brownish white ; 
antenne and palpi black. 


Expanse 22 inches. 

Hab. Ecuador (Buckley). 

This species is most nearly allied to P. cruenta and P. lorze, but 
it can at once be distinguished from either of them by the entire 
absence of the red spots on the primaries, besides which there are 
many other differences. 

Pericoptis, Hiibn. 


Primaries dark brown, slightly yellowish near the base; a pale 
yellow band crosses the wing from about the middle of the costal 
margin to the anal angle, and a submarginal row of minute white 
spots: secondaries with the basal half pale chrome-yellow, the outer 
half dark brownish black, crossed from the inner margin near the 
anal angle to the apex by a band of irregular orange-coloured spots 
and a submarginal row of white spots. Head and thorax black, spotted 
with yellow; abdomen above yellowish brown, with a central black 
line, on the underside yellow ; legs brown. 

Expanse 3 inches. 

Hab. Paraguay (Bates). 

This species is nearest to P. isse, from which it is at once distin- 
guished by having only one yellow band crossing the primaries 
instead of two as in that species, the band nearest the apex being 
entirely absent, and also by the submarginal row of white spots to 
both wings. 


This species is allied to P. pheba and P. ithrana; but from both 
it differs in being without the row of spots near the apex of the 
primaries, and in the almost entire absence of the submarginal row of 
spots, one only remaining in the middle of the wing close to the 
outer margin ; the yellow band at the end of the cell is smaller and 
paler-coloured, the base of the wing to near the middle is bright 
orange-red, extending in streaks almost to the yellow band at the 
end of the cell: the secondaries are dark brown, streaked with bright 
orange-red from the base to the outer margin. Head and thorax 
black, spotted with yellow dots ; abdomen reddish brown ; legs black. 

Expanse 37 inches. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This fine species very closely resembles Heliconius bartletti. Mr. 
Buckley obtained a fine series of this insect ; all the specimens are 
before me and do not show any variation. 

Jostores, Felder. 
JOSIOIDES SIBYLLZ, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 7.) 

Primaries and secondaries chrome-yellow, the apical third of the 
primaries brownish black, darkest on the inner margin where it joins 
on to the yellow; secondaries broadly bordered with black. Head, 


antennee, and palpi black ; thorax and abdomen dusky yellow; legs 
pale brown. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

A pretty little species, not nearly allied to any with which I am 

PrycHoGLengE, Felder. 
PryCHOGLENE SPLENDIDA, sp.n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 8.) 

Primaries very bright green shot with blue, almost metallic, the 
costal and outer margins narrowly bordered with black ; secondaries 
black, semihyaline. Head, thorax, and abdomen bright metallic 
green ; antenne black, tipped with white ; legs black shot with green. 

Expanse 12 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

One of the most beautiful species brought home by Mr. Buckley, 
to some extent reminding me of Inopsis catoxantha, Felder. I place 
this species in the genus Ptychoglene with considerable doubt., Hiibner. 

Primaries and secondaries uniform dark red, with the outer 
margins of both wings narrowly bordered with black. Head and 
thorax red; abdomen black ; antenne, palpi, and legs black ; the 
underside of the wings the same as above, but rather paler in colour. 

Expanse 1); inch. 

Hab. Bolivia (Buckley). 

This species is allied to EZ. sanguinea, Butler ; but it is a larger 
insect, darker in colour, without any red on the abdomen, which is 
quite black below instead of whity brown. 

EvuDULE TRITONIA, sp.n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 9.) 

Primaries and secondaries orange-yellow ; primaries thickly 
spotted with greenish-black dots, and a series of short streaks of the 
same colour along the outer margin, in some specimens more distinct 
than in others: secondaries with a marginal and submarginal row of 
minute greenish-black dots, a short black streak on the inner margin 
about the middle, and a black dot at the end of the cell. Head, 
thorax, abdomen, and antennee black, the abdomen banded with 
white ; the legs brownish black. 

Expanse 1 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

A very beautiful little species, quite distinct from any other with 
which I am acquainted. 

Brpara, Walker. 
BEPARA CHIGUINDA, sp. un. (Plate XXXII. fig. 10.) 
Primaries brownish black, crossed beyond the cell by a narrow 


yellow band dentated on the inner edge, a narrow streak extending 
from the base to near the end of the cell pale yellow: secondaries 
chrome-yellow, broadly bordered with brownish black. Head, 
thorax, and the upper side of the abdomen black, the sides yellow ; 
antennee black. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

I feel doubtful if this species should be placed in the genus 
Bepara ; in many points it is the same, in others it is not ; but only 
having a few specimens I am unable to decide this point with 
certainty. Mr. Buckley only met with this species on one occasion. 

Lyces, Walker. 
LYCES FORNAX, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 11.) 

Primaries deep black, crossed in the middle from the costal margin 
to the inner margin near the anal angle by a narrow chrome-yellow 
band ; secondaries bright chrome-yellow, with a narrow black outer 
margin, widest at the apex. Head, antenne, thorax, and abdomen 
black ; legs black ; underside the same as above. The female the 
same as the male, but slightly larger in size. 

Expanse, ¢ 1$ inch, 2 1? inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This species is allied to Lyces angulosa, Walker, from South-east 

Scea, Walker. 
ScEA FLUONIA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 12.) 

Primaries deep black ; a narrow curved, pale, yellow band crossing 
the wings from the base along the costal margin to about the middle, 
then crossing to near the anal angle ; secondaries deep black. Head, 
antenz, thorax, and abdomen black; legs black ; the underside of 
wings the same as above. 

Expanse 1} inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

This little species is very distinct from any that I am acquainted 
with. Mr. Buckley only obtained it at Chiguinda. 


Primaries slate-black, with the basal half orange, the nerves black ; 
secondaries black. Thorax, abdomen, legs, head, and antennz deep 
black ; the underside the same as above. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. Keuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

A very pretty little species, allied to S. auriflama, Hibner, from 
South-east Brazil. 

ScEA CLEONICA, sp.un. (Plate XXXII. fig. 13.) 

Primaries citron-yellow from the base to beyond the middle, the 
apex broadly banded with black, the nerves and inner margin black : 


secondaries uniform black. Head, thorax, and abdomen dull black. 
Antenne of the male deeply pectinated, of the female simple. 
Legs black. The underside the same as above, except that the legs 
are not black. 

Expanse, ¢ 14 inch, 9 12 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

This insect is allied to the preceding species, from which it is 
easily distinguished by the much paler colour of the primaries, 
larger size, and more robust appearance. 

ActraA, Walker. 

Primaries deep black, with an elongated oval yellow band beyond 
the middle between the costal and the anal angle, but not reaching the 
outer margin ; a narrow yellow streak extending from the base along 
the costal margin to about the middle; secondaries deep yellow, 
margined with black. Head, antennz, thorax, and abdomen black, 
the base and sides of the abdomen banded with yellow. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This little species is very distinct from all others with which I 
am acquainted. 

Darna, Walker. 
DaRNA UNIFASCIATA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 14.) 

Primaries slightly hyaline, slaty black, with a wide orange-coloured 
band crossing from the costal margin to near the inner margin, the 
inner end of the band being rounded ; the wing from the base to 
the red band is shot with pale grey: secondaries uniform hyaline 
black ; the underside the same as above. Head, thorax, and 
abdomen black shot with bluish grey ; antennze and legs black. 

Expanse 2 inches. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This insect is very distinct from any other with which I am 
acquainted. Mr. Buckley only met with this species at Intaj. 

DaRNA IMPERIALIS, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 15.) 

Primaries black, shot with bright blue from the base to the 
middle, where a narrow yellow band crosses from the costal margin 
to near the anal angle, but not reaching the outer or inner margin : 
secondaries bright blue, bordered with black. Head, palpi, and 
antennee black ; thorax and abdomen bright glassy blue above, on 
the underside brownish black. 

Expanse 1? inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

This beautiful species is allied to D. colorata, Walk., from which 
it is at once distinguished by the narrow yellow band on the 
primaries and also in several minor points. 


Darna TRIPUNCTATA, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 16.) 

Primaries brownish black, with three orange-coloured spots, the 
first small and near the base, the second at the end of the cell, the 
third below it close to the inner margin : secondaries bright orange, 
broadly bordered with brownish black from the apex to the anal 
angle, the base slightly brown, the underside the same as above. 
Head, thorax, and antennze black, tegule streaked with yellow; 
palpi, antenne, and legs black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

Hacnacora, Druce*. 

Primaries rich dark brown, crossed from the middle of the costal 
to the outer margin near the apex by a dark orange-red band ; 
secondaries dark purple-blue, broadly bordered with dark brown. 
Underside of the primaries the same as above, but the orange band 
rather paler in colour; secondaries brown, streaked between the 
nerves with bright blue. Head, thorax, and abdomen brownish 
black ; antennee black ; legs brown. 

Expanse 12 inch. 

Hiab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

A very beautiful insect, allied to a new species from Nicaragua. 


Primaries dull brown, crossed from the costal margin to the anal 
angle by a narrow orange-coloured band; secondaries uniform 
brown. Underside the same as above, except that the secondaries 
have several silver streaks near the inner margin. Head, antenne, 
thorax, and abdomen dark brown. 

Expanse 12 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

A small dull-coloured insect, quite distinct from the preceding 
and also the Central-American species. 

Jos1a, Hiibner. 

Primaries deep orange, narrowly bordered with black, resembling 
J. ligula but with the black borders much narrower: secondaries 
bright orange, with the costal margin and apex broadly bordered 
with black, and with a black A-shaped mark at the anal angle. 
Head, antenne, and thorax black; collar and tegule yellow; 
abdomen black, with the base and sides banded with orange-yellow ; 
legs black. 

Expanse 1 inch. 

Hab. Colombia, Manaure (Simons). 

This insect is allied to J. ligula, from which it differs greatly in 
the markings of the secondaries. 

* The description of this genus will shortly be published in the ‘ Biologia 
Centrali- Americana.’ 



Form of J. auriflua, Walk. Primaries deep orange-yellow, with 
the margins narrowly bordered with black; secondaries orange- 
yellow, with the costal, outer, and inner margins narrowly bordered 
with black. Head, thorax, and abdomen black; tegule yellow ; 
antennee black ; legs brownish black. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. East Peru ( Whitely). 

A pretty little species allied to J. auriflua, from which it is 
readily distinguished by the great difference in the secondaries. 

JostomorpHa, Felder. 

Primaries deep black, with a central narrow band of buff-yellow 
extending from the base to near the outer margin, where it is 
reduced to a point; secondaries pale buff-yellow, with the costal, 
apex, and hind margins narrowly bordered with black. ad, 
antenne, thorax, abdomen, and legs all black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This species is quite distinct from any with which I am ac- 

ForMIANA, gen. nov. 

Primaries long and broad, with the costal margin much arched 
near the apex, forming a wide hook, giving the appearance of a piece 
being cut out of the outer margin between the apex and the anal 
angle, discoidal cell rather long and broad; secondaries broad and 
elongated, much rounded-off at the apex. Abdomen extending 
about one third of its length beyond the wings; anus tufted with 
short greyish hairs. Thorax broad, clothed with short black hairs. 
Head small; palpi very small, not clothed with hairs. Antenne 
rather long and deeply pectinated ; legs slender and rather long. 

FoRMIANA MENADES, sp. n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 18.) 

Primaries deep black, with a large, almost triangular, spot beyond 
the middle, dentated on the outer margin, and a loug streak on the 
inner margin close to the base, citron-yellow: secondaries bright 
citron-yellow, with the margins narrowly bordered with black. The 
underside the same as above. The head, thorax, and upper side of 
the abdomen black; the sides yellow, with a narrow black band, 
on the underside white; a small yellow spot on each side of the 
thorax, close to the base of the wings; tegule black ; antennz 
black ; legs brownish black. 

Expanse 1? inch. 

Hab. Bolivia (Buckley). 

This very fine insect is quite unlike any known to me; it is 
perhaps best placed before the genus Flavinia, which in some 
respects it resembles. 



Fravinia, Walker. 

Form of F. postica. Primaries longer and slightly narrower, the 
citron-yellow band formed into a large round spot near the apex: 
secondaries citron-yellow, with the outer margins bordered with 
black from the apex to anal angle round to the base, thus differing 
from F. postica. Head, thorax, and upper side of abdomen black ; 
sides and underside pale yellow; collar bright yellow; antennz 
and legs black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Bolivia (Buckley). 

FLAVINIA ROXANA, sp. n. (Plate ROOK TT. fig. 19.) 

Form of F. eta, from which it differs in being bright red instead 
of yellow; the black band crossing the primaries is narrower and 
more oblique; the large spot near the apex is rounder. The 
head, thorax, and abdomen are all black, and not striped with 
yellow as in F. /eta; antennz black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. East Peru, valley of the Cosnipata ( Whitely). 

This species is very distinct from all the others in the genus, being 
at once distinguished by its bright red colour. 


Form of F. eta, from which it differs in wanting the black band 
across the primaries ; in the specimens before me it is only a black Y- 
shaped mark extending from the costal margin across the end of the 
cell ; in this species the black outer borders of the secondaries are only 
about half the width of those in F. leta. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. New Grenada. 

Two examples of this species are in the British-Museum collection 
from the same locality. 

Micropus, Hiibner. 

Micropus ELEGANS, sp.n. (Plate XXXII. fig. 20.) 

Primaries bright yellow, with the costal, apex, and outer margins 
bordered with black, the black border at the apex not being more 
than half the width it is in M. longalis: secondaries bright yellow, 
with the apex and outer margin narrowly bordered with black. 
Head, anternne, and front of thorax black ; thorax and abdomen 

yellow ; the anus and two last segments black ; the underside of the 
abdomen dusky white. 

Expanse 1? inch. 
Hab, Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 
This species is allied to MW. longalis, from which it is at once 

distinguished by its larger size and narrow black borders to the 


Mennis, Walker. 

MENNIS FIDENTIA, sp. u. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 1.) 

Primaries brick-red, with the apical third of the wing sooty black : 
secondaries brick-red, bordered with black from the apex to the anal 
angle; the underside the same as above. Head, thorax, and 
abdomen black ; antenne, palpi, and legs brownish black. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. Colombia, Antioquia (Salmon). 

A well-marked and very distinct little species, not nearly allied to 
any with which I am acquainted. 

MENNIS HERONA, sp. nu. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 2.) 

Primaries from the base to the middle dull red, from the middle 
to the outer margin semihyaline smoky black: secondaries dull 
red, broadly banded with black at the apex, the outer and inner 
margin narrowly streaked with black. Head, thorax, and abdomen 
brownish black ; the antenneze and legs black. The underside the 
same as above in all respects. 

Expanse 1 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

A pretty little insect allied to the preceding species, from which 
it is at once distinguished by its much more slender form and 
different position of the red markings. 

MENNIS FICULNEA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 3.) 

Primaries semihyaline, clouded with bright red from the base to 
beyond the middle, the apex and outer margin to the anal angle 
broadly bordered with semitransparent black ; from anal angle along 
the inner margin to near the base slightly clouded with greyish 
white: secondaries bright red, somewhat transparent, broadly 
bordered with black from the apex to the anal angle, where the 
border becomes quite narrow. Head, thorax, and abdomen greyish 
black ; antennee black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This species is very distinct, but comes nearest M. fidentia. 


Primaries shape and form of M. ficulnea, but smaller and the red 
colour of a much more orange shade, the outer half of the wings 
being dove-colour instead of black ; the secondaries differ in the 
same way as the primaries, the dove-coloured borders being wider 
than in ficulnea. Head and thorax black; tegule red; abdomen 
black, banded with dove-colour ; antennze and legs black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This species is easily distinguished from its allies by the dove- 
coloured margins of the wings. 


MENNIs HALIA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 4.) 

Primaries dull black, with a narrow streak from the base to the 
end of the cell, and one from the base along the inner margin to the 
anal angle, brick-red ; a band of four brick-red spots following the 
outer margin, the two first the largest, the third and fourth quite 
small: secondaries uniform brick-red, narrowly bordered with black 
from the apex to the anal angle. Head, thorax, and abdomen 
black ; antennz and legs black. 

Expanse 1 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

A beautiful little species, very distinct from any that I am 
acquainted with. 

MENNIs FICARIA, sp.n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 5.) 

Primaries black, thickly blotched with blood-red spots ; secondaries 
blood-red, narrowly bordered with black; underside the same as 
above. Head, thorax, and abdomen black ; tegule red; antennz 
and legs black. 

Expanse ? inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Chiguinda (Buckley). 

This beautiful little species varies very much; some of the speci- 
mens have the primaries quite black, but the series before me shows 
almost every intermediate between the specimens with the spotted 
primaries and those with black primaries. Taken separately I have 
little doubt that many entomologists would consider them as distinct 
species ; but with the series in my collection I have not the slightest 
doubt that they all belong to one very variable insect. 

Deyara, Walker. 

DEvARA BUBONA, sp.n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 6.) 

Primaries dull black, with a large white patch extending from the 
base to about the middle, rounded on the outer edge: secondaries 
uniform dull black. Underside of primaries black, with the basal half 
white, the costal margin and apex shaded with greyish brown; 
secondaries silver-grey clouded with brown, the nerves all black. 
Head, antennee, thorax, and abdomen black. 

Expanse, ¢1j inch, ? 14 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 


Primaries black, with a large central round white spot slightly 
nearest the inner margin; secondaries brownish black. Head, 
antennee, and thorax black ; abdomen brownish black above, on the 
underside dusky white. Underside of the wings dusky white, with 
the outer margins broadly bordered with greyish brown. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This species is allied to D. bubona, from which it is at once 
distinguished by the different position of the white patch on the 


Neto, Walker. 
NELO UXxISAMA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 7.) 

Primaries black, glossed with dark blue from the base to beyond 
the middle ; a large spot beyond the end of the cell bright red 
glossed with a blue shade: secondaries deep black. Underside of 
primaries pale brown, with the red spot as above; secondaries pale 
brown, with the nerves dark brown and a small red dot at the base. 
Head, antenne, thorax, and abdomen brownish black ; tegulz black, 
red at the base; legs black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Intaj (Buckley). 

This beautiful species is allied to N. discalis, Walk., from Bolivia. 


Primaries dark brown, with an elongated oval spot at the end of 
the cell, bright red, glossed on the inner edge with dark blue: secon- 
daries uniform dark brown. Underside uniform dark reddish brown, 
with the nerves all black, the red spot on the primaries larger and 
brighter in colour than on the upper side. Head, antenne, and 
thorax brownish black; abdomen brown; tegulz red at the base ; 
legs dark brown. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This species is quite distinct from any other known to me. 

NELO TOLOSA, sp. n. 

Primaries dull black, with a brilliant blue round patch beyond 
the cell, in the centre of which is a small orange-yellow dot ; secon- 
-daries very dark brown. Underside of both wings uniform glossy 
brown, with the nerves black. Head, thorax, abdomen, and legs 
black ; antenne and palpi black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This species is allied to N. xenopithia, from which it is at once 
distinguished by the spot of the primaries being bright blue instead 
of red. 

NEto Tomisa, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 8.) 

Primaries brilliant dark blue, with the costal and outer margins 
bordered with deep black, a very minute red spot at the end of the 
cell: secondaries uniform deep black. Underside of both wings 
silky brown, with a small red band beyond the cell on the primaries, 
and a minute red dot at the base of the secondaries. Head, 
antennee, thorax, abdomen, and legs brownish black ; tegulze black, 
with the base red. 

Expanse 1% inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This beautiful little species is quite distinct from any with which 
I am acquainted. 


NELO VELITERNA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 9.) 

Size and form of N. chrysomela. Primaries brownish black with 
a central orange-red patch, almost the same as in N. chrysomela ; 
secondaries uniform dark brown. Underside of primaries the same 
as above, but the red colour of the patch uot quite so bright ; secon- 
daries uniform glossy brown, with the nerves all black. Head, 
antenne, thorax, and abdomen black ; tegule reddish. 

Expanse 1 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador : Chiguinda, Intaj, Sarayacu (Buckley); Colombia : 
Fusagusuga, Pacho, Tolima (Chapman). 

This pretty little species is allied to N. chrysomela, but can at 
once be distinguished from that insect by its dark-brown secondaries, 
instead of bright orange as in that species. 

NELO SPLENDENS, sp. un. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 11.) 

Primaries dark brown, with a large round patch of orange-red in 
the middle, also the base and haif the costal margin narrowl 
streaked with red; on the underside bright orange-red, with the 
apex, outer and inner margins bordered with golden brown: secon- 
daries uniform dark brown; on the underside golden brown, with 
the nerves black. Head, antenne, and thorax black; abdomen 
black above, but lighter on the underside ; legs black. 

Expause 1? inch. 

Hab. Ecuador (Buckley). 

This fine species is most nearly allied to N. fustina, but very 

NELo FusTina, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 10.) 

Primaries dark brown, with a very narrow streak from the base 
halfway along the costal margin brick-red ; a narrow band near the 
apex, much rounded on the outer edge, dull brick-red ; secondaries 
uniform dark brown: underside the same as above, but lighter in 
colour, and all the nerves black. Head, antenne, thorax, and 
abdomen dark brown ; legs black. 

Expanse 1} inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This species can easily be distinguished from all its allies by its 
very dull colouring, and by the very different position of the red 
markings on the primaries. 

NELO PATERNA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 12.) 

Primaries dark blue-black, with a short orange-coloured band at 
the end of the cell, not reaching the costal or inner margin ; in some 
lights the orange-coloured band is glossed with pinkish blue. 
Underside sooty black, with the band longer and broader; secon- 
daries uniform dark blue-black ; on the underside brownish black, 
with all the nerves black. Head, thorax, abdomen, antennz, and 
legs dull black. 

Expanse 1? inch. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXXV. 35 


Hab. Ecuador, Sarayaeu (Buckley). 
This species comes nearest N. fustina, but it is black instead of 

NELO PHILODAMEA, sp. u. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 13.) 

Primaries deep blue-black, with a brilliant dark-blue patch beyond 
the middle; secondaries uniform deep black ; the underside sooty 
black, with all the nerves deep black. Head, antenne, thorax, and 
abdomen dull black. 

Expanse 1? inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (buckley). 

This very fine insect is allied to N. refulgens, Felder, from which 
it is at once distinguished by its greater size, and the entire absence 
of the white band across the primaries; the white band is replaced 
by a most brilliant blue patch. 

SanGana, Walker. 
SANGALA ANTIPHATES, sp. 0. (Plate XXXIII. figs. 14, 15.) 

Primaries and secondaries brilliant dark blue, with the costal and 
outer margins narrowly bordered with black. Underside of primaries 
uniform silky dove-colour. Secondaries dove-colour, with the nerves 
black; a band of four elongated white spots placed between the 
nerves, the first spot on the costal margin close to the anal angle. 
Head, antennz, thorax, and abdomen deep black ; the sides of the 
abdomen with narrow red lines. 

Expanse 12 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This fine species is allied to 8. beata, Walker, but on the under- 
side it is very distinct. 

Ersessa, Walker. 

Primaries brownish black, with a central longitudinal streak from 
the base to about the middle, bluish hyaline, beyond which an 
oblique white hyaline band, not extending to the costal margin: 
secondaries whitish hyaline, broadly bordered with black from the 
apex to the anal angle; the nerves black. Head, thorax, and abdo- 
men black ; antennz and legs brownish black. 

Expanse 1} inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This beautiful little species is quite distinct. 


Primaries bluish black ; the nerves bluish white from the base to 
about the middle; a transverse hyaline band across the middle of 
the cell extending to the anal angle, beyond and nearer the apex; 
an elongated white spot followed by two smaller spots close to the 
outer margin. Secondaries whitish hyaline shot with blue; the 
costal margin, apex, and outer margin broadly banded with bluish 


black, a small white hyaline spot close to the apex. Head, thorax, 
and antenne black ; abdomen brownish black shot with blue, with 
a narrow white line on either side ; the underside white ; legs dusky 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 



Primaries black, with the base shot with bright blue; from the 
base to beyond the middle, at the end of the cell and reaching 
almost to the anal angle, a large elongated whitish hyaline spot ; the 
apex narrowly bordered with white : secondaries whitish hyaline, 
broadly margined with black, shot with brilliant blue. Head, 
antennee, and legs black ; thorax and abdomen black, glossed with 
bright blue. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

This beautiful little species is very distinct from all others with 
which I am acquainted. 


Primaries dull black, with a central round white spot, and a white 
streak near the base on the inner margin: secondaries whitish 
hyaline, broadly bordered with black. Head and palpi bright orange- 
yellow ; thorax black ; abdomen and legs brownish black ; antennz 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. East Peru ( Whitely). 

A dull-coloured little species, but very distinct. 

Family EuscHEMID4&, 
PuH#ocuiana, Hiibn. 
PHHOCHLENA INARIA, Sp.n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 16.) 

Primaries deep black, with an elongated streak from the base 
near the inner margin to about the middle, and a small oval spot 
near the apex creamy white: secondaries creamy white, broadly 
bordered with black; the underside the same as above. Head 
black, with the front and sides yellowish white; thorax black, with 
a central yellow line ; tegulee white. Abdomen black above, with a 
central white line from the base almost reaching the anus, and a 
narrow deep yellow line on either side; on the underside creamy 
white. Antenne and legs black. 

Expanse 1 inch. 

Hab. Ecuador: Intaj, Sarayacu (Buckley). 

In form this species resembles P. solitucis, Butler. 




Primaries deep black, with all the nerves light ochraceous brown ; 
an oval spot at the end of the cell, and a triangular one between the 
median nerve and the inner margin, slightly nearer the base than the 
apex, creamy white: secondaries creamy white, with the margins 
broadly banded with black. Head, thorax, and abdomen black ; 
tegulee and sides of head bright orange ; a central streak, and the 
underside of the abdomen white ; antennz and legs black. 

Expanse 13 inch. 

Hab. East Peru (Whitely). 

PHOCHLENA AURANTICA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIII. fig. 17.) 

Primaries deep black, with all the nerves bright orange-yellow : 
secondaries creamy white, with the margins broadly banded with 
black. Head, thorax, and abdomen black; the abdomen with a 
central streak, and one on each side bright yellow; antennz and 
legs black. 

Expanse 17 inch. 

Hab. Bolivia (Buckley). 

This species is allied to the preceding, from which it is at once 
distinguished by the entire absence of the white spots on the 


Puate XXXII. 
Fig. 1. Mydrodowxa semperi, p. 519. | Fig. 11. Lyces fornaz, p. 525. 
2, Syntomis geon, p. 519. 12. Scea fluonia, p. 525. 
8. Charidea mariamne, p. 519. | 15. cleonica, p. 525. 
4, Eucyane childon, p. 520. 14.° Darna unifasciata, p. 526. 
5, —— phlegon, p. 520. be imperialis. p. 526. 
6. Coreura salmoni, p. 521. 16. tripunctata, p. 527. 
7. Josioides sibylle, p. 528. 17. Hagnagora buckleyi, p.-527. 
8. Ptychoglene splendida, p. 524. 18. Formiana menades, p. 528. 
9. Eudule tritonia, p. 524. 19. Flavinia roxana, p. 529. 
10, Bepara chiguinda, p. 524. 20. Micropus elegans, p. 529, 
Prats XXXTII. 
Fig. 1. Mennis fidentia, p. 530. Fig. 9. Nelo veliterna, p. 533. 
2. herona, p. 530. | 10. Justina, p. 533, 
3. ficulnea, p. 530, 11. —— splendens, p. 533. 
4, —— halia, p. 531. 12. paterna, p. 533. 
5 jicaria, p. 531. 18. philodamea, p. 534. 
6. Devara bubona, p. 531. 14,15. Sangala antiphates, p. 534, 
7. Nelo uxisama, p. 582. 16. Pheochlena inaria, p. 535. 
8. —— tomisa, p. 532. 17. aurantica, p. 536. 


5, A List of the Lepidoptera collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston 
during his recent expedition to Kilima-njaro. By 
F. D. Gopman, F.R.S., &c. 

{Received May 14, 1885.] 

Mr. Johnston’s collection of Lepidoptera contains 61 specimens, 
including examples of 27 species ; of the latter there are 21 species of 
Rhopalocera and 6 of Heterocera. Of theRhopalocera I have described 
three species as new, and a fourth, a Chrysophanus, of which only one 
specimen of a female is in the collection, remains unnamed, though 
it too is probably new. This small collection therefore contains 
nearly twenty per cent. of novelties, which must be considered a 
high proportion. 

But so small is the series that I do not think any comparison of 
the Lepidopterous fauna of this region with that of the rest of 
Africa can be entered upon with advantage. Suffice it to say that 
by far the majority of the species are widely distributed African 
ones; that there is a northern element, as shown in Colias edusa, 
and perhaps the Chrysophanus ; and that there is barely a trace of 
the Abyssinian fauna in the materials before me. But these 
suggestions may all be set aside whenever a really representative 
collection is made. Ofthe 27 species no less than 19 are represented 
by single specimens. 



Euplea dorippus, Klug, Symb. Phys., Insecta, t. 48. f. 1-5. 

Kilima-njaro, rocky, wooded, and cultivated country and grassy 
downs, at 4000-5000 feet, July. 

Four examples (2d, 22). 

None of these specimens have any white on the secondaries, and 
agree best with fig. 5 of Klug’s plate. D. dorippus is a common 
East-African species. 


Alis anticis rufis, apicibus et marginibus externis (introrsum valde 
sinuatis) nigro-fuscis ; posticis ad basin et marginibus externis 
late nigrescentibus, area discali albida venis fuscis divisa ; 
subtus anticis fere omnino rufis ad marginem externum canes- 
centibus, venis nigris et inter eas striolis fuscescentibus ; posticis 
ut supra, limbo externo canescente, venis et striolis inter eas diviso ; 
maculis quibusdam ad basin nigris ; palpis, femoribus interne, 
abdomine infra, et maculis costalibus, rufis ; capite et thorace 
maculis albis notatis. 

Kilima-njaro, clearing in forest at 5500 feet, September. 

A single male specimen of this apparently very distinct species. 

538 MR. F. D. GODMAN ON [May 19, 


Acrea insignis, Distant, P. Z. 8. 1880, p. 184, t. xix. f. 6. 
Acrea buxtoni, Hew. Ent. Month. Mag. xiv. p. 154. 
Kilima-njaro, wooded hills at 5000 feet, August. 

This insect was first described by Hewitson from examples procured 
by Buxton in the neighbourhood of Zanzibar, and was named by 
him after its discoverer. Mr. Distant pointed out that the name 
A. buwtoni had been already applied to another species by Mr. Butler, 
and hence renamed it as above. Our collection contains a good 
series of this insect, chiefly taken by Mr. Last at Manboia in 
Eastern Central Africa. These exhibit considerable variation in the 
amount of black at the base of the secondaries, for while some 
specimens have only four or five isolated spots, others have a large 
confluent patch occupying the basal third of these wings, and 
between these two extremes we have every intermediate form, all 
captured in the same locality and at the same time. 

Mr. Johnston procured but a single example, which has the 
confluent black patch and agrees in this respect with some of our 
own specimens from Manboia. 

4, ACRHZA BRZESIA, Sp. nov. 

Alis anticis semihyalinis ad basin rosaceo suffusis ; macula in cellula, 
altera ad finem ejus, quinque in serie fere recta ultra eam, una 
inter ramos medianos, duabus inter ramum medianum primum 
et venam submedianam nigris, margine externo fusco-nigro 
maculis lunulatis submarginalibus rufis; posticis rosaceis ad 
basin obscurioribus, margine externo nigro, area discali plus 
minusve maculata ; subtus anticis fere ut supra; posticis flavidis 
nigro distincte maculatis, ad basin et marginem internum rosaceo 
notatis ; margine externo nigro lunulas septem flavidas includente ; 
Sronte, palpis et pedibus fulvis ; abdomine subtus flavido, lateribus 
albo maculatis ; capite, prothorace et thorace albido distincte 

Kilima-njaro, in wooded country at 5000 feet, August. 

A single male specimen allied to A. oncea, differing in its 

diaphanous primaries and its more rosy secondaries. 


Acrea natalica, Boisd. Voy. Deleg. ii. p. 590; Hopff. in Pet. 
Reise, Zool. v. p. 371, t. 23. f. 12, 13. 

Kilima-njaro, grassy downs at 6000 feet, June. 

One example (9). 
Agrees best with specimens of this species, but the disk of the 
secondaries is whiter and the spots in general are larger. 


Papilio cardui, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 276. 
Kilima-njaro, in thin forest country at 7000 feet, July. 
One much worn male. 


Papilio clelia, Cram. Pap. Exot. t. 21. f. E, F. 

Kilima-njaro, rocky country at 4000 and 5000 feet, wooded country 
and grassy downs at 5000 feet, June to July. 


Papilio enone, Linn. Mus. Ulr. pp. 274, 275. 

Kilima-njaro, in recky, grassy, and wooded country, at 5000 feet, 
wooded country at 6000 feet, June and July. 

Six specimens, all males, of this widely ranging species. 

Precis sesamus, Trimen, ‘Trans. Ent. Soc. 1883, p. 347. 

Kilima-njaro, forest country at 7000 feet, July. 
One example ( ¢). 

10. LycaHNa Garka. 

Lycena gaika, Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd ser. i. p. 403. 

Kilima-njaro, grassy downs at 5000 feet, June. 

One male. 

The single specimen agrees with Trimen’s description and with 
our series of this species. It appears to us to be distinct from L. 
lysamon, with which Mr. Trimen united his Z. gaika in the ‘ Rhopa- 
locera Africee Australis.’ Both species occur in South Africa; but 
L. lysamon may always be distinguished by the presence of a black 
spot within the cell of the primaries. 

11. CurysopHaANvs, sp. ? 

Kilima-njaro, grassy downs at 5000 feet, June. 

A single female example of a true Chrysophanus, which we are 
unable to recognize and which we hesitate to describe without 
specimens of the other sex. 

12. TeR1as RAHEL ? 

Papilio rahel, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. p. 204 (apud Trimen). 

Kilima-njaro, wooded country at 5000 feet, August. 

A single female specimen, which we cannot undertake to determine 
with certainty without examples of the other sex. It may possibly 
be the female of T. candace, Feld., from Abyssinia. 


Papilio severina, Cram. Pap. Exot. t. 338. f. G, H. 

Kilima-njaro, wooded country at 5000 to 6000 feet, July and 
August. Tavieta, dense forest at 2300 feet, September. 

One male and three females. 

Papilio hellica, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 760. 

Kilima-njaro, wooded, rocky, and cultivated ground, grassy downs, 
at 4000 to 5500 feet, July and August. 


Thirteen males and one female. 

All the specimens have the primaries rather more pointed, with a 
slightly blacker apex, and the colouring of the underside is brighter 
than in the examples in our own collection. 


Eronia cleodora, Hiibn. Samml. exot. Schmett. ii. t. 130. 
Tavieta, in dense forest at 2300 feet. 


Colias pyrene, Swains. Zool. Il. i. t. 51. 
Kilima-njaro, in wooded country at 5000 feet. 
Two females only. 

Papilio florella, Fabr, Syst. Ent. p. 479. 

Kilima-njaro, in wooded country, at 6000 feet. 
A single female specimen. 

18. CoLiAs EDUSA. 
Papilio edusa, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. p. 23. 

Kilima-njaro, wooded and grassy country at 4000 and 5000 feet, 
Four males and one female. 


Teracolus auriginius, Butl. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. xii. 
p- 103. 

Kilima-njaro, in wooded and grassy country, 5000 and 6000 feet. 

Two examples agreeing with specimens in the British Museum 
thus named by Mr. Butler. 

Papilio demoleus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 753. 

Kilima-njaro, in wooded country at 5000 feet, August. 
A single specimen of this common African species. 

21. PAPILIO BRONTES, sp. nov. 

Alis nigris, fuscia lata communi, ad costam anticarum disjuncta, 
metallico-cerulea, macula parva ad anticarum apicem et posticis 
serie submarginali ejusdem coloris ; subtus fusco-nigris, anticis 
ad apicem et posticis omnino, brunnescentioribus, his venis et striis 
tribus in cellula longitudinalibus nigris, fascia communi sub- 
marginali a vena mediana anticarum ad angulum posticarum 
analem transeunte, venis nigris divisa, in anticis quoque inter 
venas bisecta lactescente-alba, margine posticarum interno 
maculis parvis duabus ejusdem coloris, posticis subcaudatis, 
vena mediana producta. 

Kilima-njaro, in forest country at 5000 feet, August. 


Allied to Papilio bromius, but the transverse band is of a deeper 
blue, both wings are less elongated, the secondaries are more acutely 
produced at the anal angle. Beneath, the light-coloured submarginal 
band is straighter on the secondaries and less broken up, moreover 
it is extended on the primaries as far as the median nervure beyond 
the cell; the apex of primaries and the secondaries are browner, and 
though the latter have three radiating streaks in the cell as in P. 
bromius, there are no intervenal streaks beyond it. 

A single male specimen is the only one Mr. Johnston obtained. 


Mr. Johnston’s collection contains six specimens of as many 
species of Heterocera, and for these Mr. Butler has kindly given us 
the following names. 


Kilima-njaro, forest at 3000 feet, September. 


Kilima-njaro, wooded country at 5000 feet, August. 
24. Hyprna, sp.? 

Kilima-njaro, wooded country at 5000 feet, July. 


Kilima-njaro, scrubby heath at 8000 feet, J uly. 

26. Proprenta? 

Kilima-njaro, wooded country at 5000 feet, September. 
27. AMYNA, sp. ? 

Kilima-njaro, wooded country at 5500 feet, August. 

June 2, 1885. 
Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

Mr. F. E. Beddard read an account of the anatomy of the 
Sondaic Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sonduicus), drawn up by Mr. F, 
Treves, F.R.C.S., F.Z.S., and himself from the specimen of that 
Rhinoceros lately living in the Society’s Menagerie. 

This paper will be published entire in the Society’s ‘ Transactions.’ 

A communication was read from Dr. Julius von Haast, F.RBS., 
C.M.Z.S., containing an account of the remains of a gigantic extinct 
bird allied to Apteryx recently discovered in New Zealand, on which 

it _was proposed to found a new genus and species, to be called 
Megalapteryx hectori. 

This memoir will be printed entire in the Society’s ‘ Transactions,’ 


Mr. Sclater remarked that the two Colies purchased on the 20th 
March last, and specially mentioned in his report for the month of 
March (see P. Z.S. 1885, p. 322) as Colius striatus, were, as he was 
assured by Capt. Shelley, who had lately been engaged on a study of 
this group, the Cape Coly (Colius capensis). 

The four species of this singular group of which the Society had 
living specimens were therefore :— 

1. Colius castanonotus, Verr. Chestnut-backed Coly. Angola, 

(See P. Z.S. 1876, p. 413, plate xxxv.) 
. Colius erythromelon. Red-cheeked Coly. South Africa. 
(See P. Z. S. 1884, p. 475, plate xlv.) 
3. Colius nigricollis. Black-necked Coly. West Africa. 
(See P.Z.S. 1884, p. 530, plate xlv. fig. 1.) 
4. Colius capensis. Cape Coly. South Africa. 
(Two, purchased 20 March, 1885.) 

Of these the two Cape Colies, together with one Red-cheeked 
Coly and one Black-necked Coly, were still alive in one large cage 
in the Parrot-house. 


The following papers were read :— 

1. Report on the Collection of Birds obtained during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’—Part IV. Celebes. 
By F. H. H. Guirttemarp, M.A., M.D., F.LS., &c. 

[Received May 20, 1885.] 

The cruise of the ‘ Marchesa’ having been for the most part con- 
fined to northern Celebean waters, no great novelties could be looked 
for among the 112 species collected there. The researches of 
Wallace, Meyer, Von Rosenberg, and others have made us thoroughly 
acquainted with the avifauna of this portion of the island, but the 
south-eastern peninsula as yet remains almost unknown ; and, when we 
bear in mind the differences of distribution which occur between the 
Macassar and Menado districts, it seems not improbable that a visit 
to that part and its neighbouring islands would be amply repaid. 

The ‘ Marchesa,’ after a short stay in Macassar, from which port 
a visit was made to the Maros district, sailed for Menado in North 
Celebes, and remained on this coast and in the Gorontalo Gulf for 
several weeks. No new species were obtained, but three—Astur 
trivirgatus, Alcedo bengalensis, and Halcyon pileata—have not 
hitherto been recorded from Celebes. The following is a list of the 
birds collected, together with such short notes as have been deemed 

1. TANYGNATHUS MUELLERI (S. Miiller and Schlegel). 

Tanygnathus milleri, Wald. Tr. Z. 8. vol. viii. pt. 2, p. 31. 
a. 6. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 


6. 3. Menado. 

c. 9. Menado. 

Bill scarlet ; tarsus olive-green. Length of wing 21°5 centims. 

I did not observe very many either of this or the following species 
in N. Celebes ; but I was led to the conclusion that they were distinct 
from the larger size of the present species in the flesh. In & the 
nterscapulars are lightly tipped with blue. 


Tanygnathus albirostris, Wall. P. Z.S. 1862, p- 336. 

a. d. Menado. 

b. 2. Menado. 

Bill creamy white ; feet brownish olive. Wing 20°3-20°7 centims. 
Head markedly green in both, with no golden shade. General sur- 
face characterized in like manner by absence of the yellow shade. 
Blue on the wing-coverts almost non-existent. 


Prioniturus platurus, Wald. op. cit. p. 32. 

a. 3. Menado. 

b-e. 2. Kema. 

J. 3. Wallace Bay, N. Celebes. 

Native name Kakatua birotti. 

In one female the wing-coverts are as in the adult male; in two 
others they are becoming grey, while in the fourth, although the tail 
is provided with a racket, the wing-coverts are of a uniform green. 
In one of the examples in which the wing-coverts are already 
changing there is no sign of a racket. Iris brown; bill lead-coloured ; 
feet greyish. Wing about 18:0 centims., length 32°8. 


Prioniturus flavicans, Wald. op. cit. p. 32. 

a. 3. Wallace Bay, N. Celebes. 

6. 2. Likoupang. 

Bill whitish slate ; tarsus slate. In a the median pair of rectrices 
are prolonged about half an inch beyond the rest, and the racket 
is being formed apparently by the gradual erosion of the webs along 
the shaft of the feather. 

5. Loricuuus stigmatus (Miiller & Schl.). 

Loriculus stigmatus, Wald. op. cit. p. 32. 

a, 6b. 3. Menado. 

c. 2. Menado. 

d,e. 29. Kema. 

Native name Tientis. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; legs pinkish. Length about 15°5 centims., 
wing length 9°4-9°7. Met with also near Tondano. 


6. Loricutus Ext1s, Schlegel. 

Loriculus ewxilis, Wald. op. cit. p. 32. 

a. d. Menado. 

b-d. 2. Menado. 

Iris brown ; bill dull red; tarsus yellow. Length 10°2 centims., 
wing 6°8. The female is without the red throat. 


Trichoglossus ornatus, Wald. op. cit. p. 32. 

a-c. 6. Menado. 

d, e. 2. Menado. 

f. Menado. 

g. 3. Gorontalo. 

h, i. Kema. 

Iris reddish yellow ; bill scarlet ; feet bluish green. Length 23 
centims., wing 12:3-12°8. Native name Pakiji. The example g is 
remarkable for having the wing and tail pale yellow, spotted and 
washed with green. It had been in captivity. In two others the 
interscapulars have a broad subterminal bar of yellow. This species 
is one of the commonest birds of the north of Celebes. 


Trichoglossus meyeri, Wald. op. cit. p. 32. 

a. 9. Menado. 

Native name Pakiji lelaro. 

9, SprLoRNis RUFIPECTUS, Gould. 

Spilornis rufipectus, Wald. op. cit. p. 35. 

a. &. Maros River, 8S. Celebes. 

6. Kema. 

Tris brilliant yellow ; bill black ; tarsus yellow. 

10. Astur Griseicers, Schlegel. 

Lophospiza griseiceps, Wald. op. cit. p. 33. 

a. 3d. Kema. 

b. Kema. 

I am without notes on the greater number of the Raptorial birds, 
the majority of the specimens having been shot by two of our native 
hunters during our absence. 

11. Asrur TRINOTATUS, Bp. 

Erythrospiza trinotata, Wald. op. cit. p. 33. 

a, 6. Kema. 

c. 6. Menado. 

d. 2. Menado. 

e. Juv. Menado. 

Native name Sikap abuabu. 

12. Asrur soLoEnsis (Horsf.). 

Tachyspiza soloensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 34. 

a. Kema. 


13. Asrur TRIVIRGATUS, Temminck. 

a. Juv. Likoupang, N. Celebes. 

Iris light brown ; bill black; tarsus yellow. This species has not 
before been recorded from Celebes. 

14, AccrPITER RHODOGASTER (Schlegel). 
Teraspiza rhodogaster, Wald. op. cit. p. 33. 

a. Juv. Menado. 
6. Kema. 

Limnaetus lanceolatus, Wald. op. cit. p. 34. 
a. Kema. 

16. Hatiarus LEUCOGASTER (Gm.). 
Cuncuma leucogaster, Wald. op. cit. p. 3d. 
a. 6. Limbe Island, N. Celebes. 

17. Butastur npicus (Gm.). 
Poliornis indicus, Wald. op. cit. p. 37. 
a, 6b. & juv. Menado. 

c. 2 juv. Menado. 

Native name Tegit. 

18. PERNIs CELEBENSIs, Walden. 

Pernis ptilorhyncha, Wald. op. cit. pp. 36, 111. 

a. 3 juv. Menado. 

Native name Kohéba. 

Mr. Gurney, to whom, for his kind help in the identification of 
many of the Raptorial birds, I am greatly indebted, says :—“ This 
specimen shows considerable remains of immature plumage, in which 
stage this species has not, so far as I know, been yet described. The 
present example differs from the adult bird in the following parti- 
culars: the cheeks are dark chocolate-brown instead of bluish grey ; 
there is much white about the jugulars and breast, probably indica- 
ting that in the nestling plumage these parts are entirely white ; 
the white interspaces between the dark bars on the abdomen and 
under tail-coverts are larger, and the dark bars smaller, than in the 
adult ; the under wing-coverts instead of being transversely barred 
with white and dark brown alternately, are all white, with the 
exception of slight and imperfect brown barring on the lowest row 
of feathers, and dark shaft-marks on these and on the feathers next 
the edge of the wing.” 

19. Scops MENADENSIS, Q. et G. 

Ephialtes menadensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 40. 

a. do. Menado. 

6, c. 2. Menado. 

d-f. Kema. 

None of the examples exhibit any distinct rufous colouring. 


20. Ninox PUNCTULATA. 
Ninox japonicus, Wald. op. ct. p. 40. 

a. N. Celebes. 
Tris brown. 

21. Strix ROSENBERGI, Schlegel. 
Strix rosenbergi, Wald. op. cit. p. 41. 
a. Kema. 

22. MuLLERIPICUsS FULVUs (Q. et G.). 

Mulleripicus fulvus, Wald. op. cit. p. 41. 

a, 6. &. Menado. 

e. ¢. Likoupang. 

d. 3. Kema. 

e,f. 29. Kema. 

g- @. Menado. 

h. 2. Likoupang. 

Native name Burong tukan. Iris light yellow; bill black ; feet 
greenish ‘grey. Length about 38°7 centims., wing 17°2—-18°4. 
Common in North Celebes. 

23. IyNGIpicus TEMMINCKII (Malherbe). 

Yungipicus temminckii, Wald. op. cit. p. 41. 

a, 6b. 3. Kema. 

c. 2. Tondano. 

Iris brown; bill greyish brown; tarsus dull olive. The female 
specimen exhibits a marked ruddy tinge on the interscapulars, edges 
of the primaries, and upper surface of the tail. 

24. Mrrops ornatus, Latham. 

Merops ornatus, Wald. op. cit. p. 42. 

a. 6. Menado. 

6. 9. Menado. 

Iris dull red; bill black ; feet greyish black. Length 25-0 cen- 
tims., wing 11°2-11°6. 

25. CoRACIAS TEMMINCKI (Vieillot). 

Coracias temminckii, Wald. op. cit. p. 43. 

a—d. 3. Menado. 

e. 3. Kema. 

J. Kema. 

Iris brown; bill black; tarsus dirty brownish black. Length 
about 35:0 centims., wing 19°2-19°5. Native name Tonkaka. 


Eurystomus orientalis, Wald. op. cit. p. 43. 

a. 3. Limbe Island, N. Celebes. 
6, c. Kema. 



a. 2. N. Celebes. 

6b. 2. Kema. 

Bill as in A. moluccensis, with the basal part of lower mandible 
orange in the female. Length 16°5 centims., wing 7, bill 4-4—4-9. 
This is, I believe, the first instance of this species being recorded 
from Celebes. 


Alcedo moluccensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 45. 

a. 3. Kema. 

b,c. 2. Kema. 

Iris brown; tarsus bright red; bill black in the male; the 
females have the base of the lower mandible orange. Length of 
female 17°7 centims., wing 7°4, bill 4:7—4:9. 

29. PeLaARGoPsis MELANORHYNCHA (Temminck). 

Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, Wald. op. cit. p. 45. 

a—c. Kema. 

d, e. 2. Limbe Island. 

J. 2. Pogoyama, Gulf of Gorontalo. 

Iris brown; bili black, red inside; feet reddish black, coral 
beneath. Length 37 centims., wing 152, bill from gape 9-9-4. 
In the not quite adult birds the delicate cream-coloured feathers of 
the upper part of the breast are tipped with brown. The head 
appears to get paler with age. 

30. Monacuatcyon monacuus (Temminck). 

Monachalcyon princeps, Wald. op. cit. p. 43. 

a, 6. 3d. Kema. 

e. Menado. 

d, e. 3. Menado. 

J. 2. Menado. 

g. Juv. 2. Menado. 

The hitherto presumed young bird has, I believe, been separated 
as a different species. Example 9 is certainly remarkably small, 
but those that I have seen all bear evidences of undoubted imma- 
turity. The native name is Rajah uvang. 

31. SauRopatis cuxorts (Bodd.), 

Sauropatis chloris, Wald. op. cit. p. 44. 

a. 3. Gorontalo. 

6. Juv. Tomohon, N. Celebes. 

c-e. 9. Menado. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; basal half of lower mandible white ; tarsus 
dirty greenish brown. 


32. Sauropatis sanctus (Vig. et Horsf.). 

Sauropatis sancta, Wald. op. cit. p. 44. 

a. 2. Menado. 

Iris brown; tarsus dull green; bill as in 8. chloris. The chin, 
throat, and centre of abdomen are pure white. Length 21:1 centims. 

33. Hatcyon coromanpDaA (Latham). 
Callialeyon rufa, Wald. op. cit. p. 44. 
a, Kema, 

34. Haucyon piteata, Bodd. 

a—c. Kema. 

The authenticity of the occurrence of this species in N. Celebes 
rests entirely with a native hunter whom we left in that district to 
collect. I have, however, no reason to doubt it, although personally 
I did not meet with the bird. Two of the specimens are not quite 
adult, the feathers on the upper part of the breast being edged with 
brownish black, giving a mailiée appearance. In Mr. Sharpe’s 
monograph no mention is made of the small patch of white feathers 
on the lower eyelid. 

35. Crrrura cyanotis (Temmiuck). 

Cittura cyanotis, Wald. op. cit. p. 44. 

a. 6. Maim Bay, near Likoupang, N. Celebes. 

b, c. 9. Menado. 

d—f. Kema. 

Iris brown ; bill coral ; tarsus dark red; feet bright red beneath. 
Native name Bulu bebek. 

The female birds have the white eyebrow, and appear to be 
C. sanguirensis of Mr. Sharpe. They are further characterized by 
having the stripe through the eye black washed with biue, not blue. 
The wing-coverts also are marked with buff, not being dark indigo 
as in the male. 

36. Crycopsis FALLAX (Schlegel). 

Ceycopsis fallax, Wald. op. eit. p. 45. 

a. Sex incert. Wallace Bay, N. Celebes. 

b. Kema. 

Iris brown ; bill in @ slate, lower mandible red; in @ brilliant 
coral; feet bright coral-red. Length 12-2 centims. 

The first example was shot on the lonely beach frequented by the 
Maleos, described by Wallace in his ‘ Malay Archipelago.’ 

Macropteryx wallacei, Wald. op. cit. p. 45. 
a. 3. Menado. 

6. 29. Menado. 

c-e. Juv. Menado. 

Sg. 3. Kema. 
h. Kema. 


Iris brown; bill black; feet blackish grey. Length 19-21 
centims., wing 18°2—18°5. The young birds have the under surface 
marked irregularly with buff feathers, which are white at the base 
and tipped with brownish black. The tertials are white, and the 
primaries and secondaries strongly tipped with that colour. Native 
name Pavas. 


Collocallia esculenta, Wald. op. cit. p. 46. 

a. 3. Maros River, S. Celebes. 

6. 2. Talisse Island; N. Celebes. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length 9°5 centims., wing 


Lyncornis macropterus, Wald. op. cit. p. 47. 

a,b. 3. Pogoyama River, Gulf of Gorontalo. 

¢. 2. Pogoyama River. 

d. 2. Menado. 

e. Kema. 

Iris brown; bill reddish brown ; feet clear brown. Length 30- 
31°5 centims., wing 23°5-25°5, Native name T’rio. 

This species seemed abundant in the north of Celebes, especially 
near Likoupang. 

40. CRANORRHINUS CAssIDIx (Temminck). 

Cranorrhinus cassidix, Wald. op. cit. p. 47. 

a. 3. Likoupang. 

b. 3. N. Celebes. 

Iris bright orange; feet black. Length of adult male about 
104 centims.; weight 5 lb. 3 oz. Bill orange-yellow; the basal 
plaques dull red anteriorly; casque dull red; bare throat cobalt- 
blue, “marked with two patches of black and one of dark blue.” 

Specimen a has two maxillary and three mandibular basal plaques. 
In 6 the third or anterior mandibular plate is incomplete. 

41. ScyrHROPS NOVZ-HOLLANDI&, Latham. 
Scythrops nove-hollandia, Wald. op. cit. p. 51. 

a. Kema. 
Culmen smooth and rounded; the maxilla with two grooves, both 
of which, however, are shallow and ill-developed. 

42. PuHa@nicopHAis CALORHYNCHUS (Temminck). 
Pheenicophaés calorhynchus, Wald. op. cit. p. 52. 

a. 2. Kema. 

6. Kema. 

c-e. ¢. Menado. 

f-h. 2. Menado. 

i. Menado. 

roc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. XXXVI. 36 


Iris reddish brown; bill white, black, yellow, and red from tip to 
base; lower mandible entirely red; tarsus black. Native name 
Burong bakeke. Length 51:0—53:0 centims. 


Eudynamis melanorhyncha, Wald. op. cit. p. 33. 

a—e. Kema. 

F-h. 3. Menado. 

i,k. 9. Menado. 

(All the above are in transition plumage.) 

l. 2. Menado. 

m—p. 3. Menado. 

q. &. Tomohon. 

r. 9 viv ad. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

(In the final stage of plumage.) 

This series exhibits admirably the various phases of plumage 
through which this species passes. In the first stage the whole of 
the upper surface, wings, and tail are bright chestnut, clearly barred 
with black; the head streaked longitudinally with that colour. 
Beneath, the chin and throat are chestnut streaked with black; the 
rest of the under surface fulvous, barred with black ; edge of wing 
white ; moustache white. 

Second stage.— Head and nape nearly black, with here and there 
a chestnut feather; upper surface more dusky black ; bars broader 
and inclining to coalesce ; primaries at tips brownish black. 

Third stage-—Upper surface much as in the last, but darker ; 
the chin and throat are brownish black. 

Fourth stage-——Upper surface almost entirely greenish black, but 
the rufous and black barring still visible in some of the tail-feathers ; 
under surface losing the barring and becoming dusky ; edge of wing 
and moustache marked with brown. 

Fifth stage—All trace of the chestnut and black barring has 
disappeared ; the tail is entirely greenish black ; breast and abdomen 
dusky brown, washed with fulvous. 

Stath stage——The greenish black of the upper surface is changing 
into bluish black ; abdomen still darker; white moustache nearly 

Seventh stage.—Entirely blue-black ; no moustache or white edge 
to wing ; bill longer. 

Iris in hepatie stage red or reddish brown; bill bluish black ; 
tarsus slate. In the full plumage the iris is bright red; bill and 
feet black. Length 38:2—43°5 centims., wing 18°2-20°0. Native 
name, in hepatic phase Ku Suri, in mature plumage Kouil. 

Cacomantis sepulchralis, Wald. op. cit. p. 116. 

a, 6. 3. Menado. 

c, d. 2. Menado. 

Iris “brown?”’; bill black. In the immature bird the base of 
the lower mandible is probably yellowish. Tarsus yellow. Native 


name Burong bantik. Length of wing 11°3 centims., tail about 

I hesitate whether to refer these specimens to CO. sepulchralis or 
to C. lanceolatus. Two are slightly immature; but in the others 
the chin, cheeks, throat, and forehead are ashy grey ; the head iron- 
grey ; upper surface bronze-green, shading off to brown on the 
primaries ; under surface bright rufous; middle pair of rectrices 
blue-black, the others brownish black ; all tipped with white. 


Cacomantis tymbonomus, Wald. op. cit. p. 54. 

a. Juv. 2. Menado. 

I refer this bird to C. tymbonomus with great doubt. The upper 
surface and wing are olive-brown ; rump greyish; head and cheeks 
brown, flecked with ferruginous ; entire under surface greyish white, 
strongly barred with brown ; tail with a subapical dark-brown band 
and white apex to each feather. This white tip is not as in the 
last species, prolonged up the shaft of the feather, but has the 
basal boundary straight. This individual has a larger beak, longer 
wings, and a shorter tail than the last species. Wing 12°7 centims., 
tail 11°6. 

Pyrrhocentor celebensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 55. 
a-c. 3. Menado. 

df. Kema. 

g. Likoupang, N. Celebes. 

h. Menado. 

47. Cenrrococcyx Arrinis (Horsfield). 

Centrococcyx afinis, Wald. op. cit. p. 56. 

a. &. Limbe Island, N. Celebes. 

6. &. Menado. 

c. 2. Menado. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet slate-coloured. Length 37°2 centims., 
wing 15°5-17°5. Native name Kuluket. 

48. Cucuxus canorus, Linn. 

Cuculus canorus, Wald. op. cit. p. 115. 

a. 9. Kema. 

6. Kema. 

Iris brownish yellow; bill—upper mandible dark bluish black, 
lower dull greenish yellow with black tip; tarsus yellow. 

Cannot be distinguished from European skins in plumage. Wing 
in a 19°0 centims., tail 17-0. Wing in 6 21°1 centims., tail 18-0. 

49. Or10LUS CELEBENSIS (Wald.). 
Broderipus coronatus, Wald. op. cit. p. 60. 
a-d. §. Menado. 
e-h. 2. Menado. 


i-l. Kema. 

m. 3. Kema. 

n. 2. Maros, S. Celebes. 

Iris red; bill pink; tarsus bluish black. Length about 2675 
centims., wing 13°4-14°0. Native name Burong koning. 

In two females from Menado the bill, though noted as pink, has 
dried black. These two birds have the coronal ring incomplete. 
The amount of black towards the apices of the two median rectrices 
I believe to bear no relation whatever to the age of the bird. It 
varies considerably ; but many of the Orioles show a tendency to 
variation in the disposition of the yellow and black. 

50. GrocICHLA ERYTHRONOTA, Sclater. 
Geocichla erythronota, Wald. op. cit. p. 61. 

a. d6. Menado. 

I have no note of the measurements or soft parts, the only speci- 
men I obtained being shot by my hunter at Menado during my 
absence. The native name is Moupu burik. 

51. TuRDINUS CELEBENSIs (Strickland). 
Trichostoma celebense, Wald. op. cit. p. 62. 
a. 2. Menado. 

Native name Terrek. 

52. PiTra CELEBENSIS, Forsten. 
Erythropitta celebensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 62. 

a. 6. Menado. 
Iris ruddy brown; bill brownish black; feet pinkish slate. 
Native name Mupu sava merah. 

53. Anruus GusTAvI, Swinhoe. 
Corydalla gustavi, Wald. op. cit. p. 117. 
a. Kema. 

54. BupyTEs viripis (Gm.). 
Budytes viridis, Wald. op. cit. p. 65. 

a. Kema. 

A specimen entirely ashy-grey on the upper surface ; rump olive- 
yellow; throat white; rest of under surface pale yellow; super- 
ciliary streak inconspicuous, yellowish white. No date. 

55. Hrrunpo savanica, Sparrm. 
Hirundo javanica, Wald. op. cit. p. 66: - 

a. 3. Menado, Sept. 6. 
Iris brown ; bill and feet black. Length 13°0 centims., wing 10°5. 

56. MyiALEesTEs HELIANTHEA (Wallace). 
Myialestes helianthea, Wald. op. cit. p. 66. 

a. d. Limbé Strait, N. Celebes. 
Iris brown ; bill yellowish brown ; tarsus flesh-coloured. 


57. HypoTHyMIs PUELLA, Wallace. 

Hypothymis puella, Wald. op. cit. p. 66. 
a, 6. Juv. 3. Menado. 

c. 9. Menado. 

d. 2. Limbé Straits. 

e, f. Kema. 

Iris brown ; bill bluish black ; feet blue. 

58. ARTAMUS MONACHUS, Temminck. 

Artamus monachus, Wald. op. cit. p. 67. 
a. 2. Near Menado. 


Artamus leucorhynchus, Wald. op. cit. p. 67. 

a. 6. Menado. 

6. 2. Menado. 

The Celebes birds resemble some I have from Sumbawa, in the 
grey of the throat being not so sharply defined as it is in Philippine 
and Bornean birds. The amount of white on the rump in the 
former also appears more restricted than in the latter. 

60. GRaucALUS LeUCcoPyGiIvs, Bp. 

Graucalus leucopygius, Wald. op. cit. p. 68. 

a,b. d. Menado. 

c. 2. Menado. 

d, e. 2. Gorontalo. 

Ff. Q. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus black. Length about 28 centims., 
wing 15°5. Native name Koukow inewahat. The female is paler 
than the male, is without the black lores, and has the white on the 
rump more extensively diffused. 

61. Epoxitsoma Morio (S. Miller). 

Volvocivora morio, Wald. op. cit. p. 69. 

a. 3. Kema. 

6. 2. Kema. 

c. Juv.? Kema. 

d,e. 3. Menado. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black. Length about 25 centims., wing 
12. Native name Toktok ruoit. 

I am inclined to think that the plumage of the young male is very 
nearly identical with that of the adult female. In e, which is 
marked “ sex. incert.” on the label, the under surface shows evident 
signs of turning grey, and in e, marked “ ¢, Menado,” the bird is 
evidently immature from the amount of ochraceous edging to the 



Lalage leucopygialis, Wald. op. cit. p. 69. 

a. 6. Menado. 

5b. 2. Menado. 

e. Kema. 

Tris brown ; bill and feet black. Length 18 centims., wing 9°5. 

63. CuipiA LEUCOPs (Wallace). 

Dicrurus leucops, Wald. op. cit. p. 70. 

a-e. 6. Menado. 

Ag. 2. Menado. 

h. 3. Tomohon. 

Iris white ; bill and feet black. Length about 30 centims., wing 
15-4-16'1. These examples differ a good deal in the size and 
colouring of the gular metallic spots, and I feel sure no reliance can 
be placed on this characteristic for help in diagnosis in this genus. 
One example, a male from Menado, exhibits a single long bristle 
springing from the forehead, as in C. pectoralis. In none of the 
others is there any sign of it. Native name Burong gunting. 


Anthreptes malaccensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 70. 

a-c. 6. Menado. 

d,é. 3: Gorontalo. 

f. Juv. 3. Maros River. 

Iris red-brown; bill and feet brownish black. Native name 
Burong Tjui. 

65. CInNyRIS FRENATA (S. Miller). 

Arachnecthra frenata, Wald. op. cit. p. 71. 

a. 3d. Kema. 

b,c. &. % Celebes.”’ 

d. 2. Gorontalo. 

e. 6. Menado. 

f. 3. Marchesa Bay, Gulf of Gorontalo. 

Tris brown ; bill and tarsus black. Native name Tjui honing. 

66. CinnyRIs GRAYI (Wallace). 

Nectarophila grayi, Wald. op. cit. p. 71. 
a-c. ¢. Kema. 

Aithopyga flavostriata, Wald. op. cit. p. 71. 
a. 6. Near Menado. 

Native name Tjuz merah. 

68. Diczum cELEBICUM, S. Miiller. 

Diceum celebicum, Wald. op. cit. p. 72. 
a. 6. Tomohon. 


6. 3. Tondano. 
c. Kema. 
Tris reddish ; bill and feet brownish black. 


Prionochilus aureolimbatus, Wald. op. cit. p. 72. 

a. 2. Tomohon. 

6. 2. Tondano. 

Tris brown ; bill and feet black. This species does not seem to 
be found except in the mountain district. 


Zosterops intermedia, Wald. op. cit. p. 72. 
a. 2. Maros River, S. Celebes. 

71. Munta moxucca (Linneeus). 

Munia molucca, Wald. op, cit. p. 73. 

a,b. 6. Kema. 

Iris brown; bill and legs bluish black. Length 11°7 centims., 
wing 5. In small flocks, feeding in the grass. 

72. Corone EncaA (Horsfield). 

Corvus enca, Wald. op. cit. p. 74. 

a, b. $. Menado. 

c. 2. Menado. 

Wing, length 26°5-28°5 centims.; culmen 5:0-5°5. By these 
measurements it would appear that the Celebean bird is smaller than 
those from Java, Sumatra, and Borneo (vide Cat. B. vol. ili. p. 43). 
Native name Woka-woka. 

73. Srreprocitra TorquaTA (Temminck ). 

Streptocitta torquata, Wald. op. cit. p. 76. 

a-e. Kema. 

J. &. Menado. 

g, h. 2. Menado. 

i, k. 3. Likoupang. 

l. $. Lotta (mountain district). 

m. 3. Maim Bay, N. Celebes. 

n, 0. 6. Gorontalo. 

Iris brown; bill and legs black. Native name Burong pandita : 
i. e. the parson bird, so called from the black plumage and white 


Basileornis celebensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 77. 

a. 3. Menado. 

b. Kema. 

Native name Rajah siék. This species is apparently far from 
common in the north of Celebes. 



Acridotheres cinereus, Wald. op. cit. 

a, b. &. Maros River, S. Celebes. 

Iris brownish orange ; bill red-orange; feet yellow. Length 26 

centims., wing 13. 
I have never observed this bird in North Celebes. 


Calornis neglecta, Wald. op. cit. p. 79. 

a. &. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

Iris brilliant orange-red; bill and tarsus black. Length 22°5 
centims., wing 10°7; bill—culmen 2°2, from nostril 1°5, from gape 
2-9; tail 9. Ofa uniform dull metallic green. 

Talisse Island is five or six miles off the extreme north point of 

77. ScissirostRUM DUBIUM (Latham). 
Scissirostrum dubium, Wald. op. cit. p. 81. 

a, b. 6. Menado. 

ce, d. 2. Menado. 

e-g. Menado. 

Ins reddish; bill bright orange; tarsus orange. Native name 
Siék. Extremely abundant in flocks of about twenty individuals in 
the fruit-gardens round Menado, uttering noisy cries, and fighting 
at the tops of the trees. 

Osmotreron griseicauda, Wald. op. cit. p. 82. 

a, 6. 3d. Kema. 
c. 9. Kema. 

79. Pritopus rormosvus, G. R. Gray. 

Lamprotreron formosa, Wald. op. cit. p. 82. 

a—d. 6. Menado. 

e-g. Juv. 5. Menado. 

h, i. 2. Menado. 

Iris yellow ; bill green; tarsus coral. Length 24:5 centims., wing 
13:2-13°6. Native name Wakiam pongot. 


Totreron melanocephala, Wald. op. cit. p. 83. 

a. 36. Menado. : 

6. 2. Menado. 

c. Juv. 3. Menado. 

d. g. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

S-h. 3. “Celebes.” 

i,k. Q. “ Celebes.” 

iris in male yellow ; bill olive-green ; tarsus coral. Length 22°5— 
23 centims. 


81. CarPpoPHAGA PAULINA, Temminck. 

Carpophaga paulina, Wald. op. cit. p. 83. 

a-f. 3. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

g. 2. Talisse. 

h. “ Celebes.”’ 

4,k. &. Menado. 

l. 2. Menado. 

m. 2. Pogoyama River, Gulf of Gorontalo. 

n. 3. Likoupang, N. Celebes. 

o. 2. Likoupang. 

Iris indian-red ; tarsus red ; bill in male bluish green, with a red 
patch at the base of the upper mandible. The female is without 
this. Weight about 19 oz. Length 37°5—42°1 centims., generally 
about 40; wing 21°5—-23. Native name Kum-hum. 

The bird was very common on Talisse Island, but there are no 
differences between skins from that locality and the mainland. There 
is no sexual difference, with the exception of the colouring of the 
beak already alluded to; but it is noticeable that some birds have a 
very marked reddish-copper gloss on the upper surface, while in 
others the strong green reflections are almost destitute of this 


Zonenas radiata, Wald. Tr. Z.S8. vol. viii. pt. 2, p. 84. 

a, 6. 6. Menado. 

ef. 2. Menado. 

g. Juv. 2. Menado. 

h. 3. Maros River. 

i. 6. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

k. 2. Kema. 

Iris, outer ring red, inner yellow ; bill brownish black ; tarsus dull 
red. Length 35°5—36°5 centims., wing 20-21°2. Nativename Zukura. 
Some examples tend to bright coppery reflections, others to shining 
green, without reference to sex. The young bird is without the 
blue-black nuchal band, but a few of the reddish-purple feathers are 
beginning to appear; the head is fulvous, washed with greyish 
green ; upper breast tawny ; bar on the tail narrow and ill-defined. 

83. MyristicIvora Luctuosa (Reinw.). 

Myristicivora luctuosa, Wald. op. cit. p. 84. 

a. 3. Maim Bay, N. Celebes. 

b,c. 2. Maim Bay. 

d. 2. Kema. 

Iris dark brown; bill bluish green, yellow at the tip; tarsus 
bluish green. Length about 43 centims., wing 23°3-24:4. 

All the specimens have 14 tail-feathers ; the external pair are 

white to the very apex, but have a narrow edging of black on the 
outer web. 


84. MyrisTIcIvoraA BICOLOR (Scopoli). 

a. 3. N. Celebes. 

Iris brown. Length 42-5 centims., wing 23°4. In a series ob- 
tained from Gilolo, the Weda Islands, and Sulu, the amount of 
terminal black on the external pair of rectrices differs considerably. 

85. MacropyGIA ALBICAPILLA, Temminck. 

Macropygia albicapilla, Wald. op. cit. p. 85. 

a. &. Menado. 

6. 9. Likoupang. 

c, d. Juv. 9. Menado. 

e. Juv. 2. Maros River. 

Sf. Juv. 3. Maros River. 

Tris in adult violet, with an outer ring of flesh-colour ; bill black ; 
tarsus coral. Length about 35°5 centims., wing 15:5—195°8. Native 
name Kuwon. Examples e and f correspond somewhat closely to 
the description of IM. macassariensis, but I am inclined to regard 
them as the young of M. albicapilla. 

Turacena ménadensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 85. 

a—c. Kema. 
d. 6. Menado. 
e. 9. Menado. 

Native name Kapala putih, anglice white head. 


Turtur tigrina, Wald. op. cit. p. 85. 

a. 3. Menado. 

b-d. 2. Menado. 

e. 2. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

Iris brown ; bill brown-black ; tarsus pinkish. These examples 
do not differ from birds from Sumbawa, except that in the latter the 
iris is pale yellow. Native name Torkuku. 

88. CHaLcopHaps INDICA (Linn.). 

Ohalcophaps indica, Wald. op. cit. p. 86. 

a—c. Kema. 

These examples differ in the amount of white on the forehead. 
Thus in one it extends to behind the vertex, while in another it 
merely forms two supraorbital lines running backwards from the 
base of the upper mandible. 

89. CaLa@NAs NIcoBARICA (Linn.). 
a. @. Amoerang Islands. 
Iris dull red; bill black; tarsus dark coral. This bird was 

bought alive at Menado, and was said to have been caught on the 
Amoerang Islands, to the west of Menado, 


90. Mecaropius GILBERTI, G. R. Gray. 
Megapodius gilberti, Wald. op. cit. p. 87. 
a. N. Celebes. 

Megacephalon maleo, Wald. op. cit. p. 87. 

a-h. 3. Wallace Bay, N. Celebes. 

i-m. 2. Wallace Bay, N. Celebes. 

n. Near Menado. 

Iris brown ;. bill pea-green, darker at base; culmen red; casque 
black ; bare throat dark brown ; feet and tarsus grey, claws yellow. 
Length 57:5-60 centims., the female being slightly the smaller. 
The weight of six different males only varied 2 oz.—from 3 lb. 6 oz. 
to 3lb. 80z. Two females weighed 3 lb. 50z. and 3 lb. 702. 
respectively ; but two others (one of which had an egg ready for 
immediate extrusion, and another of which I have no record) weighed 
3lb. 14 0z. The male generally has a somewhat larger casque, and 
is a little brighter. 

These birds were very abundant at the beginning of September on 
the lonely beach mentioned by Mr. Wallace in his ‘Malay Archi- 
pelago.” The members of our party shot no less than 42 in two 
days. They are to be seen working in pairs or small flocks, never 
singly, and the digging continued all day, from sunrise to sunset. I 
am inclined to think that they may lay as many as twenty eggs in 
the season, as in some of the females I dissected there were about 
that number of ova, ranging from the size of a large pea upwards. 
There is a great difference in size between the egg just ready for 
extrusion and the next; the latter being not larger than a shilling. 
Two eggs I have measure respectively 10°2x6°2 and 10°4x6°3 

Charadrius fulvus, Wald. op. cit. p. 88. 
a. Gorontalo, September 25th. 


a. Kema. 

A specimen in summer plumage. Lord Walden does not include 
this species in his list of Celebes birds, but it has been recorded from 
that island by Meyer. 

Himantopus leucocephalus, Wald. op. cit. p. 91. 
a-c. So. Limbotto Lake. 

d. 2. Limbotto. 

Iris yellow; bill black; legs bright red. Length 37°5 centims. 
Shot at the end of September. 


95. PorrHyrio Inpicus, Horsf. 

Porphyrio indicus, Wald. op. cit. p. 92. 

a. 3. Limbotto Lake. 

Iris pinkish red ; frontal plate brilliant red, bill darker ; legs and 
feet pink, brown at the joints. 


Hydralector gallinaceus, Wald. op. cit. p. 92. 

a. 3. Limbotto Lake. 

Iris yellowish brown; bill black at tip, dirty yellowish at base ; 
comb reddish yellow; feet and’ tarsus olive-slate. Length 20-2 
centims. ; wing 11°8 centims. Shot at end of September. 

Gallinula frontata, Wald. op. cit. p. 93. 

a. 3. Limbotto Lake. 
Iris reddish ; frontal shield orange-red; bill darker red, yellow at 
tip; tarsus red, olive-green at the joints. 

98. EryTHRA PHa@NICURA (Forsten). 

Erythra phenicura, Wald. op. cit. p. 94. 

a, 6b. 6. Menado. 

c. 2. Menado. 

d. Kema. 

These birds resemble an example of EZ. leucomelena from Sumbawa 
in having the forehead black, or very nearly so. Three have black . 
feathers on the cheeks. The length of an adult male is 29°4 centims. 
Native name Sarem wokwok. 

99. HypormNIDIA CELEBENSIS (Q. et G.). 
Hypotenidia celebensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 95. 
a, 6. 3. Menado. 

c. 9. Menado. 

d. 9. Kema. 

Native name Werries. 

100. Hypor#NIDIA PHILIPPENsIS (Linn.). 
Hypotenidia philippensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 95. 
a. 6. Menado. 

5. 9. Menado. 

Native name Werries imbene. 

Numenius pheopus, Wald. op. cit. p. 96. 

a, 6. Kema. 

e. 2. Talisse Island, N. Celebes. 

Actitis hypoleucos, Wald. op. cit. p. 96. 

a. Kema, no date. 




103. ToraNus GLAREOLA (Linn.). 
Actititis glareola, Wald. op. cit. p. 97. 
a. Kema, no date. 

104. Toranus catipRis (Linn.). 
Totanus calidris, Wald. op. cit. p. 97. 
a. Kema, no date. 


Ardeola speciosa, Wald. op. cit. p. 98. 

a. 6. Limbotto Lake. 

In full plumage. Iris yellow; bill yellowish green, black at tip 
and with base of culmen reddish brown ; tarsus and feet greenish 

Ardetta sinensis, Wald. op. cit. p. 99. 

a. 3. Limbotto Lake. 
b. Kema. 

Demiegretta sacra, Wald. op. cit. p. 100. 
a. Kema. 

b. 2. Maim Bay, N. Celebes. 
This species was extremely abundant at the mouths of streams in 
N. Celebes, and white varieties appeared not uncommon. 

108. BuroripeEs savanica (Horsf.). 
Butorides javanica, Wald. op. cit. p. 100. 
a, & (full plumage). Kema. 

b,c. So juv. Kema. 

d. 3. Menado. 

e. 2. Menado. 

2. Report on the Collection of Birds obtained during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘Marchesa.’—Part V. The Molucca 
Islands. By F. H. H. Guittemarp, M.A., M.D., 
F.L.S., &c. 

[Received May 27, 1885.] 
(Plate XXXIV.) 

The ‘Marchesa,’ after leaving the Gulf of Gorontalo in Celebes, 
proceeded to the Moluccas, and remained some time at Ternate, 
whence a visit was paid to the neighbouring island of Halmaheira, 
better known to the English as Gilolo. Proceeding southwards 
again, the large island of Batchian was touched at with the view of 


procuring coal, and a considerable number of birds were obtained, 
including examples of Semioptera wallacet. From here a visit of a 
few days was paid to the little-known and uninhabited Obi group. 
Owing, however, to the thoroughness of Bernstein’s work in this 
locality, no new species were obtained. Before leaving for the Papuan 
islands the ‘ Marchesa’ visited the Weeda group, a new locality 
hitherto unexplored by naturalists, lying to the eastward of the 
southern peninsula of Halmaheira. Here the only novelty procured 
by the party in the Moluccas was met with, an Hos closely allied 
to HE. riciniata. 

A total of sixty-nine species was collected in the Moluccas, a list 
of which is here given. The arrangement adopted in Salvadori’s 
‘Ornitologia della Papuasia e delle Molucche’ has been followed 


Cuncuma leucogaster, Salvad. Ornitologia della Papuasia e delle 
Molucche, vol. i. p. 7. 

a. 6. Obi Major. 

Iris marbled, yellowish ; bill bluish horn ; feet grey. 

Somewhat common in the Moluccas, frequenting the sea-shore. 


Haliastur intermedius, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 19. 
a. Obi Major. 


Tinnunculus moluccensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 37. 

a. @. Batchian. 

Iris brown ; bill slate ; nasal sheath and feet yellow, claws black. 
Length 35°8 centims., wing 22°9. 

4, Cacatua ALBA (Miill.). 

Cacatua alba, Salvadori, op. cit. vol. i. p. 99. 

a. &. Batchian village, Batchian. 

b. 2. Batchiax village. 

c. d. Bisa I., Obi group. 

Iris of the Batchian birds blue ; of the Obi example red. Bill 
and legs black. Length of wing 27-:0—28°0 centims. In all the 
above individuals the bare space round the eye was yellowish. This 
species has the same habits as the representative C. triton of the 
Papuan islands, screaming noisily at sunset round the tops of the 
highest trees. CC. alba has not previously been recorded from the 
Obi group, where it appears to be somewhat scarce. 

Tanygnathus megalorhynchus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 129. 

a. &. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 
Iris whitish yellow ; bill scarlet ; tarsus dull olive-green. Length 
42 centims. ; wing 24 centims. 


6. Georrroyus CyANICcOLLIs (S. Miill.). 

Geoffroyus cyanicollis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 191. 

a—-c. d. Batchian. 

d-g. 2. Batchian. 

h, i. 3, juv. Batchian. 

k,l. §. Sidangoli, Halmaheira. 

m-o. 2. Sidangoli. 

Iris pale yellow; bill black, maxilla of ¢ red; feet dull olive- 
green. Length 28°2-29-5 centims. ; wing 17°0—-18°2 centims. The 
Halmaheira birds have the head much brighter than those from 
Batchian, and in the female the collar is of a lighter blue, as are also 
the under wing-coverts. In the series of over fifty examples in 
Salvadori’s collection only one, and that a female, is from Batchian. 
It appears to me, however, that a larger series might prove the birds 
from the latter locality to be separable. It is worthy of remark 
that in the individuals A, i the feathers of the back and uropygium 
are red-brown, as is the case in G. obiensis. Neither bird is, 
however, in quite mature plumage. 


Geoffroyus obiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 193. 

a. $. Obi Major. 

b,c. 2. Obi Major. 

Iris yellow; bill black, maxilla in ¢ red ; feet olive-grey. Size 
rather smaller than G. eyanicollis. 

The red-brown rump has been given as the distinguishing 
characteristic of this species, but, as already noticed, it was also 
present in two examples of G. eyanicollis trom Batchian. Salvadori 
does not mention, however, what seems to be a marked feature of 
distinction between the two species. In the male of G. odiensis the 
blue of the head does not pass backward much beyond the vertex ; 
it ends abruptly, and the occiput is bluish-green. In like manner 
in the female the bluish-brown is confined to the vertex, and the dark 
mask thus extends to a very short distance only behind the eye. 

8. Ectectus roratus (P. L. S. Miill.). 

Eclectus roratus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 206. 

a-d. 3. Batchian. (Length 40°7-41°0 centims. ; wing 27:0- 
27°3 centims.) 

e-k. 9. Batchian. (Length 38°2-43°0 centims. ; wing 24°5- 

6°1 ceutims.) 

l,m. Q. Ternate. 

Iris yellow in both sexes in the Batchian birds. Bill of female 
black ; bill of male rosy red, yellowish at the tip ; mandible black ; 
tarsus black or dirty brown. 

These birds, though caught and kept in confinement in considerable 

numbers, appear rarely to get tame, and I have never heard them 


9. Lorrus pomice.ta (Linn.). 

Lorius domicella, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 236. 

a-—c. d. Obtained alive at Amboina. 

d. 2. Obtained alive at Amboina. 

One of these birds exhibits the well-known tendency of many of 
the Parrot tribe to turn yellow in confinement. The wings, under 
wing-coverts, scapulars, back, and uropygium are more or less 
marked with that colour, and the yellow pectoral band is also more 
conspicuous than usual. 

10. Lorius FLAVO-PALLIATUS, Salvad. 

Lorius flavo-palliatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 243. 

a, 6. g. Batchian. 

c. 2. Batchian. 

d. Batchian. 

ef. d. Obi Latu. 

g- &. Obi Major. 

h. 2. Obi Major. 

Iris of the Batchian birds yellow or orange; of the Obi birds 
yellowish brown. Bill orange ; feet greyish black. 

With the exception of the different colour of the iris, there is no 
noticeable difference between the birds from the Obi group and from 

11. Eos ricrnrata (Bechst.). 

Eos riciniata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 259. 

a,b. d. Ternate. 

cf. 2. Ternate. 

g- o.juv. Ternate. (Bill brownish red.) 

A. 2, juv. Ternate. (Bill brownish red.) 

i-l. 6. Batchian. 

m-q. 2. Batchian. 

r. 6. Obi Major. 

Iris yellow ; bill dull red, yellow at tip; tarsus dull grey. The 
example marked r was the only one obtained from the Obi group, 
and differs considerably from all the others in having the head, 
throat, and breast entirely red. There is no violet nuchal collar, a 
few feathers only on the nape being tipped with that colour. 
Immediately below the auricular region on each side is a small patch 
of dull violet. The total length was 25:0 ceutims.; wing 13:8 
centims. ; which measurements agree with those of the rest of the 
series (length 23°0-25'5 centims. ; wing 13°6-14°3 centims.). With 
regard to the variation of this species, Salvadori informs us that ‘ in 
the Leyden Museum an adult Obi bird, another from Dammar, and 
a third from Moor” (island to the S. of Halmaheira) “ are note- 
worthy in having an occipital violet spot separated by a red space 
from the violet collar; others from Dammar (No. 31) and Moor 
(No. 33) are exactly like ordinary individuals from Halmaheira and 


12. Eos 1nsuxaris, sp. nov. (Plate XXXIV.) 

E. riciniatwe similis, sed major, letior, ac iride rubra ; macula 
violaced occipitis cum fascia cervicali ejusdem coloris haud con- 
Sluente, sed torque rubro separata. 

a. 3d. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. (Length 27:2; wing 

152 centims.) 

b. d. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. (Length 26°5 ; wing 
13°8 centims.) 

c. d. Weeda Islands. S.E. Halmaheira. (Length 27:2; wing 
14:6 centims.) 

d. 6. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. (Length 27:3; wing 
14-4 centims.) 

e. 2. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. (Length 27:2; wing 
14°6 centims.) 

Iris red; bill orange, yellow at the tip ; feet black. 

This species much resembles L. riciniata, but differs in the follow- 
ing particulars. The occipital violet patch is very small, and is 
separated from the nuchal collar by a broad band of red. Both the 
nuchal and pre-pectoral violet collars are small, and the violet of the 
abdomen does not pass upwards on to the breast, thus leaving a 
broad red pectoral band. The iris is red, thus differing from 2. 
riciniata, in which it is yellow ; and lastly, the latter species is of 
markedly smaller size, as will be seen on a comparison of the 

The individuals of the present series are alike, except that in one 
the occipital spot is partially connected with the nuchal collar. The 
bird, however, is apparently moulting. 

The Weeda Islands are a coral group hitherto unvisited by any 
naturalist, lying to the east of the extreme south point of Halma- 
heira or Gilolo. They are not to be confounded with the village of 
Weeda on the mainland of Halmaheira, 

13. CoripHiILus PLACENs (Temm.). 

Coriphilus placens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 303. 

a. &. Sidangoli, Halmaheira. 

6. 2. Sidangoli. 

Iris yellow; bill and feet bright red. Male, length 18:8, wing 
9-4 centims. ; female, length 19-2, wing 9-2 centims. 

14. Cucuuus canoroipes, S. Mill. 

Cuculus canoroides, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 828. 

a. do. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

6. 2. Weeda Islands. 

Iris brown, greyish in the female; bill black, lower mandible 
green at base; feet bright yellow. Length of male 32°8 centims., 
wing 19°5; of female 29°5 centims., wing 18:8. Shot October 16th. 

Both examples are in imperfect plumage, with the feathers of the 
upper surface greyish brown margined with white. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XX XVII. 37 


15. NesoceNnToR GouiAtsH (Forsten). 

Nesocentor goliath, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 382. 

a. &. Batchian. 

Iris red; bare circumocular skin blue; bill, feet, and tarsus black. 
Contrary to what might be expected, this species does not appear to 
have the habits of the Ground Cuckoos, as it frequents the forest, and 
perches frequently on high trees. 

16. RuyripoceRos PLicaTus (Penn.). 

Rhytidoceros plicatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. 1. p. 392. 

a. 3. Batchian. 

Iris orange-yellow ; bill light yellow; reddish at base ; bare skin 
of throat and round eye pale blue; tarsus black. Length 86:0 

An example fully adult in plumage, but probably not an old bird, 
as the bill is but little jagged at the edges, and the maxilla is 
furnished with two plaques only, which are very large. The inter- 
vening sulcus is hardly existent in the median line. 

17. Meroprs ornatus, Lath. 
Merops ornatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 401. 
a,b. go. ‘Ternate. 

c-e. 2. Ternate. 
Shot in the beginning of October. 

18. Atcepo Moxuccensis, Blyth. 

Alcedo ispidoides, Salvad. op. cit. vol. 1. p. 408. 

a. S. Batchian. 

6. 9. Batchian. 

c. 6. Obi Major (legs flesh-coloured). 

Iris brown; bill black, the female with the base of the lower 
mandible orange; tarsus coral-red. 

The Obi bird is extremely small, as may be seen from the follow- 
ing measurements :— 

Length Wing Bill 
©”. Batchign .¢ «26. 18-5 73 51 
do. Obi Major...... 14°5 71 4:5 

The under surface is very dark rufous, especially on the breast, 
where the tips of the feathers are tinged with blue. From the 
appearance of the bill, which was whitish at the tip, and from the 
colour of the legs, it is probable that the bird is immature, but the 
colours of the upper surface are very bright. 

19. ALcyonE pusitLA (Temm.). 

Alcyone pusilla, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 414. 

a. & juv. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 
Iris brown ; bill black ; legs dull flesh-colour, not brown as in the 
adult. Length 11°8 centims., wing 5:0, bill from gape 3:1. 


The head of this bird is black, barred with light blue, and the 
upper surface generally is very dull blue. It was shot on the sea- 
shore while engaged in hunting for small crustacea, &c. 

Examples ant the N. Weleine region seem brighter than those 
from the Moluccas and Northern New ae 

20. Creyx Lepipa, Temm. 

Ceyzx lepida, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 417. 

a. d. Ternate. 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus bright scarlet. Length 16°3 centims. 

Wallace speaks of this beautiful species as being abundant in the 
Moluccas, but I do not think that I met with it half a dozen times 
during my visit. 

Tanysiptera margarita, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 430. 

a. Batchian. 
Crown of head much maillée in appearance. Spatulee small, the 
blue of the shaft of the feather partially invading them. 


Tanysiptera obiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i: p. 433. 

a-h. §. “Obi group. i 

fo.) )*Obr group.’ 

k-m. &. Obi Major. 

n. d juv. Obi Major. 

o-g. 2. Obi Major. 

r. &d. Bisa Isand, Obi group. 

s. 9. Bisa Island. 

Head brilliant ultramarine, uniform, but on the nape inclining to 
cobalt. Cheeks, ear-coverts, sides and back of neck, and upper part 
of back and scapulars deep indigo. Lesser wing-coverts bright 
ultramarine; quills brownish black, the inner webs white at the 
base ; lower portion of back and tail-coverts pure white, the latter 
in some examples tipped with dark blue; rectrices white, margined 
with blue on the outer web; the median pair very long, dark ultra- 
marine, often marked irregularly with white on the inner webs ; 
spatulz white, sometimes slightly bordered on the outer web with 
blue. Entire under surface creamy white. ill scarlet ; iris brown ; 
feet yellowish green. Length in full plumage about 40:0 centims. 
or even longer; middle rectrices 19°0—23-0 centims.; wing 10°9- 
11-4 centims. ; bill from gape 5°0 centims. 

The immature bird has the entire under surface rufous, each 
feather being black at the base and edges, giving a scaly appearance. 
The upper tail-coverts are tawny white, deeply bordered with black. 
The wing-coverts are bordered with rufous. The tail-feathers are 
bluish black above, greyish black below ; the median pair, projecting 
about an inch beyond the others, are entirely bluish black including 

the spatula, which has only a small central patch of white. 


23. TANysIPTERA DEA (Linn.). 
Tanysiptera dea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 436. 
a. Amboina. 

24. Hatcyon props, Temm. 

Cyanalcyon diops, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 462, 

a-d. 3. Ternate. 

e-g. 2. Ternate. 

h,i. &. Batchian. 

k,l. Q. Batchian. 

m. ¢ juv. Batchian. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length about 21 centims., 
wing 88-9, bill from gape 4°9-9°3. 

This species was apparently very abundant in Ternate. 


Sauropatis saurophaga, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 468. 

a,b. 2. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

c. Weeda Islands. 

Iris brown; bill as in S. chloris, with the base of the lower man- 
dible white ; feet brownish black, Length 26—28-1 centims., wing 
11°5-13-2, bill from gape 7:1. 

The bluish or greenish shade observable in this species is 
apparently in no way connected with the sex or locality. Salvadori 
has shown that the title of S. aldicilla should be confined to the 
representative species of the Marianne and Pelew archipelagos. 

26. Sauropatis cHLoris (Bodd.). 

Sauropatis chloris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 470. 

a-c. 6. Batchian. 

d. 2. Bisa Island, Obi group. 

Tris dark brown ; bill black, whitish at base of lower mandible ; 
feet dirty olive-brown. 

27. Sauropatis sancta (Vig. et Horsf.). 

Sauropatis sancta, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 476. 

a. Sd. Ternate. 

b. 2. Batchian. 

c. d. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

Iris brown; bill as in S. chloris; feet dull green. Length 20-9- 
21-1 centims. Example 6 is probably not fully adult, being very 
white beneath, with the feathers of the breast finely tipped with 

28. EurysToMuUsS ORIENTALIS (Linn.). 

Eurystomus orientalis, Salvad. op. cit. yol. i. p. 508. 

a,b. &. Ternate. 

c. 2. Batchian. 

Two of the above have the pallor of the more eastern race, which 


is by Salvadori and others regarded as a distinct species under the 
name £. pacificus. The third, a male from Ternate, is darker, and 
of the occidental type. An examination of a series of skins from 
Malacca eastwards to New Guinea shows such a gradual shading of 
the western into the eastern form, that they appear to me to be 
hardly separable. Schlegel only admits one species; and Salvadori, 
though considering Z. pacificus to be distinct, says, “The differences 
are not very conspicuous, and are evident only when a great number 
of individuals of the two species are examined.’ The size of the 
bill appears to vary considerably. 

29. Eurysromus AzuRegus, G. R. Gr. 

Eurystomus azureus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 512. 

a. dS. Batchian. 

Iris red-brown (?) ; bill bright coral; feet red. Length about 
35:0 centims., wing 20-4, tail 12-5, bill from gape 4:5, culmen 4°4, 
width 3:1, tarsus 1°7. 

An example of this beautiful bird was shot near the village of 
Batchian in the month of December. It was regarded by the natives 
as very rare. 

30. Macropreryx MYSTACEA (Less.). 
Macropteryx mystacea, Salvad. op. cié. vol. i. p. 537. 
a. ¢o. Batchian. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length 32°5 centims., wing 
2°2, tail 19:0. Shot October 9th. 

31. Hirunpo cutruratis, Scop. 
Hirundo gutturalis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 1. 
a. 6. Batchian, October 10th. 


Monarcha inornatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 14. 

a. o. Ternate. 

Iris brown ; bill light horny slate, lighter at edges and tip; feet 
dark slate. Length 17-4 centims., wing 85. 


Monarcha chalybeocephalus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 30. 

Piezorhynchus alecto, Cat. B. vol. iv. p. 415. 

a,b. d. Ternate. 

ce. ¢. Batchian. 

d,e. 2. Ternate. 

ied. (?). Termate. 

Iris brown ; billand feet black. Length 17-1—-17°5 centims., wing 
8°5-8'8. I am not aware if the young male has the same plu- 
mage as the female, but example f, which is marked ¢, and is 
evidently immature, only differs from the females in having the 
metallic colour of the head passing on to the interscapulars. 



Sauloprocta melaleuca, Salvad. op. cié. vol. ii. p. 48. 

Rhipidura tricolor, Cat. B. vol. iv. p. 339. 

a. do. Ternate. 

6. 9. Batchian. 

c. Batchian? 

Iris brown; bill and legs black. Length of Ternate gd, 24°3 
centims.; of Batchian 9, 21°5; wing 10°3-10°8. 


Rhipidura obiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 59. 

a. 3. Bisa I., Obi group. 

b. dg. Obi Major. 

Iris brown; bill and legs black. Length 18 centims., wing 8°8— 
9-0, tail 8°8—9°2. 

Salvadori, who describes only from the single type of the species, 
gives “‘rectricibus duabus (2) extimis ad apicem late albis.” The 
external pair alone are tipped with white, and the outer web of the 
feather is of that colour in its apical half. 

This species is easily distinguishable by the broad white edging of 
the tertiaries. 


Graucalus magnirostris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 129. 

a. 6. Batchian. 

Iris dark brown; bill and feet black. Length 34°3 centims., wing 
17°5. The limit of the black of the head is not abrupily defined, 
but shades off gradually both above and below into the grey of the 
back and breast. 


Edoliisoma obiense, Salvad. op. cif. vol. ii. p. 151. 

a. 3 juv.? Bisa I., Obi group. 

Iris brown; bill blackish brown; feet greenish black. Length 
22°8 centims., wing 11°2, tail 10-0, tarsus 2°1, bill from gape 3-0. 

Smaller in all its measurements than C. melas. 

38. LaLacE AuREA (Temm.). 

Lalage curea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 163. 

a-c. 6. Ternate. 
d. 2. Ternate. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black. Length 18°5—-18°8 centims,, wing 
9:8. Abundant in Ternate. 

Dicruropsis atrocerulea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ti. p. 176. 

a-f. 3d. Batchian. 
g- 2. Penambuan, Batcbian. 
Iris crimson or orange-red; bill and feet black. Length 34:0- 


35-0 centims., wing 16:8-17:4, tail 16°0-17:0, bill from gape 

This species is most abundant in Batchian, but does not seem ever 
to have been recorded from Ternate. 

40. Dicruropsts, sp. ? 

a. 2. Bisa I, Obi group. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length 31:8 centims., wing 160, 
tail 14:5, bill from gape 375. 

I am unable to refer this bird with certainty to any species, but 
am unwilling to add yet another species to the already somewhat 
overburdened genus on the strength of a single example. It is quite 
distinct from D. atrocerulea, not only in the broader pectoral spots 
but in its small size, and more especially in the possession of 
metallic hackles at the sides of the neck. The only species of this 
genus as yet recorded from the Obi group is D. pectoralis of 
Wallace. In the latter, however, the pectoral spots are very much 
larger and more conspicuous, and are greener in shade, while the 
neck-hackles are also longer and larger. The head of the Obi bird 
is without silky filaments, but this is the case in many examples of 
D. pectoralis. It is worthy of remark that the iris was noted by 
myself as brown. 


Colluricincla megarhyncha, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 211. 

a. 2. Batchian. 

This bird occurs in Mr. Kettlewell’s collection. As, however, 
neither this genus nor Rhectes has been recorded from the Moluccas, 
some doubt must exist as to the accuracy of the locality. It does 
not differ in any way from specimens obtained from the island of 

Pachycephala mentalis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 216. 
a. d. Ternate. 

6. 2. Batchian. 
Iris brown ; bill black; feet brown. 


Pachycephala obiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 219. 

a. o. Bisa Island, Obi group. 

b. 9. Obi Major. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; feet in male pinkish grey, in female light 
brown. Length 19:0 centims. ; wing 9°2—-9°5. 

The female differs from that of P. mentalis in bemg smaller and 
having the throat light fulvous-brown, not greyish white. In P. 
mentalis the upper breast is brownish and the lower breast and 
abdomen dull olive-yellow, while in the present species the whole 
breast and abdomen are dull orange-yellow. 


44, Crnnyris auricerps (G. R. Gr.). 

Hermotimia aurieeps, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 260. 

a-d. S. Ternate. 

e. 6. Batchian. 

fig. 3. Bisa Island, Obi group. 

The birds from Bisa Island are characterized by the bright copper- 
coloured bronze reflections on the head. 


Cyrtostomus frenatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 265. 
a. d- Ternate. 

b,c. g. Batchian. 

d. 2. Batchian. 

Tris dark brown ; bill and feet black. 

46. MELiToGRaIs GILOLENSIs (Temm.). 

Melitograis gilolensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 349. 

a,b. g. Batchian. 

c,d. 9. Batchian. 

Iris brownish red ; bill and feet black. Length 22°5 centims. ; 
wing 10°2—-11°2. 

Feeds on flowering trees in cultivated clearings in the forest. 


Criniger chloris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 376. 

a—-e. d. Batchian. 

F-h. 2. Batchian. 

Iris red brown; bill bluish green, edges lighter ; feet slate-colour. 
Length 21-0 centims. ; wing 9°4—10°3. 

48. Prrra MAxIMA, Forsten. 

Pitta maxima, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 378. 

a,b. g. Halmaheira. 

e. 2. Dodinga Bay, Halmaheira. 
Obtained from Mr. Bruijn of Ternate. 

49. PrrrA RUFIVENTRIS (Heine). 
Pitta rufiventris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 401. 

a. 2. Batchian. 

Iris bluish ; bill black ; feet olive. The bill is more slender in 
this species than in the other Erythropittas; there is no black throat, 
and very little trace of a dark line below the blue of the breast. 
The arrangement of the white spot on the wing in the present 
individual is the same as in some examples of P. mackloti; the 
inner web of the third primary, both webs of the fourth, and the 
outer web of the fifth only are white. 

50. ANTHUS GUSTAVI, Swinhoe. 
Corydalla gustavi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 432. 
a. 2. Batchian, October 10th. 


51. EryTHRuRA TRICHROA (Kittl.). 

Erythrura trichroa, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 442. 

a,6. d. Ternate. 

Bill black ; tarsus clear brown. This species, according to 
Wallace, is found in Ternate at a height of 2000 feet. It does not 
apparently confine itself to the mountains, as the present examples 
were obtained at a considerably lower altitude. 

Calornis metallica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 447. 

a. 6. Ternate. 
Tris red; bill and feet black. 

53. CALORNIs oBscuRA (Forsten). 

Calornis obscura, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii, p. 454. 

a-d. 6. Batchian. 

e-g. 2. Batchian. 

h. Batchian. 

Iris orange-red ; bill and tarsus black. The iris in the females 
and in one of the males is noted as brown. Length 23°5-24°0 
centims. ; wing 9°5-10°3. 

This species was found to be very numerous in Batchian. 

54. Corvus vatiptssimvs, Schleg. 

Corvus validissimus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 487. 

a. So. Batchian. 

Iris very dark brown; bill and feet black. Wing 34:0 centims. ; 
culmen 8°0. 

55. Lycocorax oBtensis, Bernst. 

Lycocoraz obiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 495. 

a,b. d. Obi Major. 

c-e. 2. Obi Major. 

Head and upper surface obscurely shining greenish black ; entire 
under surface the same but somewhat duller, especially on the 
abdomen. ‘Tail black above, brownish black beneath, with obsolete 
bars. Inner remiges very dark brown; primaries buffish brown ; 
shafts of feathers brown above, white beneath; inner web of some 
of the primaries white at the base. Iris crimson; bill, legs, and 
feet black. Length 44 centims., wing 19°8—21, tail 15°5-17, 
culmen 5°2—5°5, tarsus 4°4—4°7. 

Salvadori relies on the absence of white on the inner webs of the 
primaries as a point of diagnosis from LZ. morotensis, which is not 
borne out by the present series, in all of which, with one exception, 
it is present. This bird, a female, is much less bright than the 
others ; the wings are a lighter brown, and the primaries buff. The 
iris in this example was brown, not crimson. 


56. Semroprera WALuace! (G. R. Gr.). 

Semioptera wallacei, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 572. 

a-i. ¢. Batchian. 

k. 3 vive ad. Batchian. 

Lo. S$ juv. Batchian. 

pq 2. Batchian. 

Iris brown ;_ bill horn-colour ; tarsus yellowish orange. Length 
29°7-30 centims., wing 15°2-15°8 (2 14-9-15°4), bill from gape 

The young males in the first stage of plumage appear not to differ 
in any way from the females. The assumption of the adult dress 
appears to take place by a gradual change in the colouring of the 
feather, not by moult. Thus, in one individual there is a small 
patch of green on the lower part of the neck, the subalar tufts 
forming the points of the metallic shield have just appeared, and 
two or three feathers on either side of the breast are shaded with 
metallic green. The standards are fully formed, but the nasal tufts 
are tinged with rufous. The appearance of the alar standards seems 
to be an early step in the progress towards full plumage. In ex- 
ample A the whole of the sides of the neck and breast is a mass of bare 
feather-cases, from which are springing the bright green pectoral 
tufts; the front of the breast has finished moulting. The standards, 
though nearly of full length, are still encased in their sheaths at the 
base ; they are very broad (1°4 centim.) and greyish, not ruddy 
white as in the other birds. The nasal tufts have no shade of 
rufous. This is undoubtedly an old bird, and it may therefore be 
assumed that the ruddy tinge of the nasal plumes in some individuals 
is a sign of immaturity. 

From the number of specimens that our hunters brought us, it is 
evident that this species must be tolerably abundant in the neigh- 
bourhood of the village of Batchian, although I never had the good 
fortune to see it alive. The natives told us that it was very local, 
frequenting certain parts of the forest only. This is certainly the 
case with some others of the Paradiseidee. I cannot help thinking 
that a further exploration of the large uninhabited island of Obi 
would add either this or some closely allied species to its avifauna. 
Its geological characteristics appear to be the same as those of 
Batchian. ‘There are no volcanic rocks, but conglomerate and sand- 
stone abound, and coal is said to exist, though a visit we made, in 
company with the Resident of Ternate, in search of it was unsuc- 

57. PriLopus suPERBUs (Temm. ). 

Ptilopus superbus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iil. p. 6. 

a-c. d6. Ternate. 

d,e. 2. Ternate. 

Iris yellow; bill slate, yellow at tip; feet red. Length 23:3 
centims., wing 12°6—13°1. 


58. Pritopus prAstinorruovs, G. R. Gr. 
Ptilopus prasinorrhous, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 41. 
a. d. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

Iris orange ; bill chrome-yellow; feet dull red. This is the most 
western point from which this species has hitherto been recorded. 

59. Pritopus monacuus (Reinw.). 
Ptilopus monachus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 20. 

a,b. d. Sidangoli, Halmaheira. 
Iris orange ; bill slate; feet red. Length 18°5 centims., wing 10. 

60. Prrtopus 1onoGAsTER (Reinw.). 

Ptilopus ionogaster, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 54. . 

a. 2. Sidangoli, Halmaheira. 

Iris yellow; bill slate; tarsus dull red. Length 24 centims., 
wing 12-4, 


Carpophaga myristicivora, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 74. 

a-k. 3. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

Lo. 9. Weeda Islands. 

p-r. Weeda Islands. 

Iris dull crimson; bill black ; feet coral red. Length from 45- 
48 centims., wing 23°4—25°5. 

These Pigeons were very numerous on the Weeda Islands, but we 
found them so nowhere else. Shot in the middle of November, the 
cere was in no case large, and in this, as well as in other respects, 
there seemed to be no difference between the sexes. 

Carpophaga basilica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iil. p. 96. 

a, 6. Batchian. 

Iris reddish ; bill black; feet coral-red. Length 42 centims. 

The actual apex of the tail in these two examples is not grey, but 
dusky shaded with green. The upper surface, when the bird is 
held away from the light, is metallic copper-red, not ‘‘ golden green 
with bronze reflections ”’ as in Salvadori’s description. 

63. Myrisricivora BICOLOR (Scop.). 

Myristicivora bicolor, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 107. 

a. ¢. Sidangoli, Halmaheira. 

b,c. d. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

df. 2. Weeda Islands. 

Iris very dark brown; bill greenish horn, yellow at tip; feet 
bluish black. ‘The Gilolo bird is marked with black on the tibials ; 
it is characterized by having some of the secondaries pure white, 
and by the wings and tail being greyish black rather than black. 
With regard to the Weeda Islands examples, it is noticeable that the 
amount of terminal black in the external pair of rectrices differs 


according to the individual, The total length varied from 39-41 
centims., wing 22°5—23°5 ; but one extraordinarily small female from 
the Weeda Islands only measured 32°8 centims., wing 21°7. It was, 
however, apparently adult. 


Reinwardtenas reinwardtit, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 125. 

a,b. 3. Batchian. 

ce. do. Obi Latu. 

Iris, inner ring yellow, outer red ; circumocular bare skin red; 
bill red at base, tip brown; tarsus coral-red. 


Macropygia batchianensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 136. 

a, 6. d. Ternate. 

ce. 2. Ternate. 

In a the forehead is fulvous, passing into pinkish ash-colour on 
the vertex, and thence into the bright metallic colour of the cervix. 
The whole of the breast is vinacecus pink, each feather crossed by a | 
narrow, well-marked, subapical blue-black bar. Example 4 differs 
in having nearly the whole head fulvous ; there is less of the metallic 
colouring on the cervix, and the barring on the breast is very slight. 
The general colour of the female is light ruddy chestnut ; the fore- 
head strongly marked with black. The cervix and scapulars are 
barred with pale rufous and black, forming a patch at the back of 
the neck. 

66. Cata@:nAs NicoBarica (Linn.). 

Calenas nicobarica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 209. 

a. 2. Bisa Island, Obi group. 

Iris greyish pink; bill black; tarsus dark coral-red ; soles of feet 
yellowish. Length 37°5 centims., wing 25°5. 

With bright copper-coloured reflections on the upper surface ; the 
forehead fuscous, well defined posteriorly. 

Megapodius freycineti, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iil. p. 230. 
a. do. Batchian. 


Tringa albescens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 315. 

a-c. d. Weeda Islands, S.E. Halmaheira. 

Iris brown ; biJl and feet black. Length 15-3 centims., wing 10- 
10:2. Shot October 16. 


Numenius variegatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 332. 
a. Sd. Obi Major, October 10. 

P.Z.S. 1885. Pl. XXXV. 

Crocodile. Fig.4. as ‘Bg. 1 

J.Smuit Iith . Hanhart 




3. On the Development and Morphology of the Human 
Sphenoid Bone. By J. Brann Sorron, F.R.C.S., 
Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at the Middlesex 
Hospital Medical School. 

[Received May 25, 1885.] 
(Plate XXXV.) 

It has been truly remarked that the mode of ossification of the 
sphenoid bone is one of the most difficult questions in osteogenesis. 
We may go further and say that the morphological relations of 
the precursors of the sphenoid bone, the trabecule cranii, present 
even greater difficulties. For some years past I have been, with the 
kind assistance of my pupils, gradually accumulating material 
for a thorough investigation of this interesting and important region 
of the skull. ‘The result of the inquiry I propose to embody in this 

In order that the various constituent nuclei of the complex 
human sphenoid bone may be correctly comprehended, it is essential 
that the early stages of the human chondro-cranium be briefly 

The embryological history of the cranial skeleton clearly shows 
that a uniform plan of construction underlies the skull in all 
Craniata ; and that it may be divided into a basi-cranial region, 
formed by two cartilaginous plates enclosing the notochord, known 
as the parachordals, which later on fuse and form a continuous plat- 
form known as the basilar plate. The anterior limit is marked off 
by the pituitary body. This basilar plate or notochordal region of 
the skull-base forms a floor for the hind and mid brain. The second 
portion is composed of a pair of bars, the trabeculee, embracing 
posteriorly the termination of the notochord, then separating to 
enclose a space, which is afterwards occupied by the pituitary body, 
they again come into contact, in most cases coalesce, and extend 
forward into the nasal region. This section of the primordial skull 
may be conveniently termed the basi-facial region, the trabeculze 
forming a support for the fore brain (see fig. 1, p. 578). 

The third element in the skull consists of the sense-capsules, 
auditory and olfactory; the optic capsules as a rule remain 

Lastly, the appendicular elements claim consideration; they 
comprise the palato-pterygoid, meckelian, and hyoid cartilages, and 
the remaining branchial bars. 

The portion which more immediately concerns us in this paper 
is the trabecular region. 

It is now admitted unreservedly by those anatomists who have 
dealt with the morphology of the skull from the vantage point 
afforded by embryology, that the basi-cranial region—the portion 


extending from the margin of the foramen magnum to the summit of 
the dorsum sellee—is composed of the same elements as the vertebral 
column, but differs from it in that it has not passed through 
any stage of vertebration', the notochordal portion with the para- 
chordals representing the centrum, with the laminze which meet 
dorsally in man and mammals, over the developing brain in the 
occipital segment only. 

Anteriorly the representatives of the laminz take on a very 
different disposition. During development the skull, whose long 
axis was originally a direct continuation of, and in the same plane as, 
the vertebral column, becomes at an early period bent, or, as it is 
usually described, flexed downwards. One of the important results 
of this flexion is the dissociation of the anterior portion of the lateral 

Fie t, 


A diagram to represent the disposition of parts in the base of the primitive skull. 

N.C, Notochord ; Pa, parachordals; P.C, periotic capsules; 7, trabecul ; 
C.T, ethmo-vyomerine region. 

neural walls from the parts immediately adjacent. Eventually 
these dismembered portions of the neural walls coalesce around the 
down-bent brain and are recognized as the trabeculz cranii. This 
admirable explanation was first promulgated by Goette (Entwicklung- 
geschichte der Unke, page 629); and this view has certainly much 
more to recommend it than the notion that the trabeculz are to be 
regarded as a pair of branchial arches. 

1 Vide Huxley, ‘The Cranio-facial Apparatus of Petromyzon,” Journal 
Anatomy and Physiology, vol. x. p. 418. 


After the trabeculae have coalesced, growth occurs in them in 
three directions :— 

1. Laterally, to form the side walls of the skull anterior to the 
periotic capsules. 

2. Mesially, to fill up the floor of the pituitary fossa. 

3. Forwards, to form the ethmo-vomerine and _fronto-nasal 

Although the trabecula at a very early period form a floor to the 
pituitary fossa, yet this fossa is never completely shut off from the 
pharynx in the chondro-cranium; a small opening persists for a 
very long time, the censideration of which leads to some very inter- 
esting conclusions, and which renders necessary the study of the 
early stages of the formation of the mouth and pharynx. It has 
been very satisfactorily proved that the buccal mucous membrane 
is derived from the epiblast; the process by which this derivation 
occurs is usually described as a tucking-in of the epiblast ; but 
in reality it is a necessary outcome of the primary cranial flexure. 
Passing between the open arms of the trabecule is a narrow 
tubular portion of the anterior primary encephalic vesicle, known as 
the infundibulum ; this diverticulum from the primitive brain comes 
into contact with the buccal epiblast ; the meeting point of the two 
structures is represented by the pituitary body. This disposition of 
the parts has long been known. 

Whilst engaged working over the development of this complex 
region, I found that even at the mid period of intra-uterine life of 
the human embryo a narrow cavity may be detected passing from the 
pharynx through the basisphenoid, so as to come into close relation 
with the infundibulum. 

The point of communication with the pharynx is in the middle 
line in contact with the basisphenoid, the spot being indicated at 
birth by a recess in the mucous membrane known as the bursa pha- 
ryngea (see fig. 2, p. 580). After birth the canal suffers obliteration ; 
but a band of fibrous tissue, passing from the pituitary body to the 
pharynx, represents the original position of the canal. When the 
bone is macerated the fibrous tissue disappears, leaving a hole in the 
basisphenoid, termed by Landzert the canalis cranio-pharyngeus 
(Petersburger med. Zeitschrift, Bd. xiv.). This cranio-pharyngeal 
canal may be detected in the floor of the sella turcica in very many 
mammals at birth. 

Up to the present time I have been unable to assure myself that the 
lower end of the infundibulum ever opens into the pharynx, but 
there is every probability that such is the case. However, the exist- 
ence of this diverticulum of the first encephalic vesicle raises an 
exceedingly interesting question. It will be remembered that the 
central canal of the spinal cord at its caudal end is brought into 
relation in the early embryo of very many of the Vertebrata with 
the hind gut, by a narrow and, in most cases, very temporary passage 
known as the neurenteric canal, which passes around the caudal end 
of the notochord, but afterwards becomes obliterated. 

Turning now to the cephalic end of the notochord, we find the 


central canal of the encephalic vesicles turning round the most 
anterior end of the notochord in the form of an infundibulum, to 
form a continuity with the buccal epiblast and come in yery close 
relationship at first with the extreme end of the foregut ; the place 
where these highly interesting occurrences take place being for a 
long time represented by the cranio-pharyngeal canal. The inquiry 
needed to make the demonstration complete is, to determine 

The posterior wall of the pharynx, showing the position of the Bursa pharyngea, 
B.P, From a foetus at the fifth month. 

positively whether the infundibulum is always a cul-de-sac, or at 
some period communicates with the cavity of the future pharynx. 

It is a very remarkable fact that the pituitary fossa and the space 
between the bladder and the rectum are common situations for 
those curious tumours known as teratomata; it will be interesting 
to ascertain the relation of the curious neurenteric passages to these 
morbid growths. 

The ossification of the sphenoid must now be considered. 

The ale arise from single nuclei in the cartilage forming the 
lateral walls of the skull immediately anterior to the periotic cartilage, 
commencing about the eighth week of intra-uterine life. They are 
the first centres of this important bone to make an appearance. 

A little later two circular spots may be detected in the cartilage 
forming the floor of the pituitary fossa. They first become visible 
on the under surface of the bone, and are not affected when the peri- 
chondrium is removed : these are the paired basisphenoidal nuclei. 

They are very quickly followed by two earthy spots in the 
lingulze, lying between the alz and basisphenoidal nuclei, as shown 
in fig. 3 A, which represents the disposition of these six nuclei, three 
on either side, viz. basi-, lingulee-, and alisphenoid centres. 

The two for the basisphenoid become quickly confluent from below 
upwards, and the lingulee soon fuse with them and form a porous 
mass. The alz grow rapidly, but remain separated from the lingulee 
by a thin layer of cartilage until the first year after birth. 

These six centres constitute with the internal pterygoid plate, 
which will be considered further on, the posterior portion of the 
sphenoid bone. 


_ The details of the ossification of the presphenoid, or that portion 
in relation with the optic nerves, may be summarized as follows :— 

A series of figures to show the disposition of the various nuclei of the human 

sphenoid bone. 

The upper figure shows the relation of the centres to the cartilage; the 
latter in all cases is represented by dots. 

In the middle figure the basisphenoidal nuclei haye coalesced, the orbito- 
sphenoids haye joined the presphenoids, and the internal pterygoids 
have joined the alisphenoids. 

Tn the lowest figure the sphenoid bone is represented as at the eighth 
month of feetal life. 

A.S, Alisphenoid; B.S, basisphenoid; LZ, lingule; F, pterygoids; O.S, orbito- 
sphenoids; P.S, presphenoid; O.F, optic foramen; /’./, foramen rotun- 
dum; £0, foramen ovale; C, cranio-pharyngeal canal. 

The dorsum sellz at this date is cartilaginous, and therefore it is not repre- 
sented in the figures. The foramen ovale, until some time after birth, is only 

a notch in the alisphenoid. 

Ossific matter is deposited immediately external to the optic foramen, 
and extends rapidly outwards to form the orbitosphenoid. This 
occurs about the commencement of the third month. a" 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. XXXVIII. 38 


Later a nucleus makes its appearance on the inner side of each 
optic foramen, on the deep aspect of the perichondrium: these are 
the presphenoidal centres. They attain some considerable size before 
involving the cartilage, and can during the first month of their 
existence be removed without in-any way disturbing the subjacent 
cartilage. The orbitosphenoid quickly sends down two spurs around 
the optic nerve, which fuse with the presphenoid. The presphenoids 
in their turn send a thin shell of bone across the dorsal aspect of the 
cartilage to fuse with each other ; a small circular spot of cartilage 
long remains to indicate the point around which they united. It is 
long before these presphenoidal nuclei fuse below ; a large piece of 
cartilage, belonging to the ethmo-vomerine plate, separates them, 
even for some months after birth. Long before this occurs the 
presphenoids, bearing their allies the orbito-sphenoids, have fused 
with the basisphenoids; the line of fusion being represented in 
afterlife by the ridge known as the olivary process. 

Before dismissing the orbito-sphenoid, it is necessary to draw 
attention to one circumstance connected with it, of some interest. 
The lateral extension of the trabeculee to form the side-wall of the 
chrondro-cranium is in the later stages replaced almost entirely by 
the alisphenoids. 

If the region of the side-wall of the skull known as the anterior 
lateral fontanelle in the foetus (in the adult it is called the pterion) 
be examined between the fourth and seventh months of intra-uterine 
life, it will be easily noted that the cartilaginous orbito-sphenoid 
extends into this fontanelle, so that for a considerable period it helps 
to form the side-wall of the skull. In man the permanent orbito- 
sphenoid never extends so far outwards as its cartilaginous forerunner, 
leaving the space to be filled in by the epipteric bone. The details 
of the ossification of this region I have considered elsewhere’. 

There remains little to add concerning the later development of 
the orbito-sphenoid, except to note that eventually the orbito- 
sphenoids of opposite sides send a thin lamella across that portion 
of the presphenoid which is anterior to the optic groove, thus 
excluding it from the cranial cavity. 

The portions of the sphenoid previously considered are strictly 
cranial, but it receives an additional element from one of the 
appendages of the skull, viz. the palato-pterygoid bar. 

In a paper published in the Proceedings of this Society for 
1884, ‘ On the Parasphenoid”’ &c., facts were adduced to show that 
the anterior portion of the palato-pterygoid cartilage in man became 
ossified to form the internal pterygoid plate; the nucleus for this bone 
may be detected as early as the commencement of the third month 
of intra-uterine life. The length of time it may remain as a separate 
ossicle varies within wide limits. I have seen it distinct from 
the sphenoid as late as the fifth month; but asa rule it will be found 
united with the under surface of the alisphenoid at the commencement 
of the fourth, so that it joins the alisphenoid before that bone 

«On the Relation of the Orbito-sphenoid to the Pterion,” Journal of 
Anatomy and Physiology, vol. xviii. p. 219. 


fuses with the corresponding lingula, with which element the internal 
pterygoid also has after birth an osseous union; the space left 
between this triple union of ala, lingula, and pterygoid being 
occupied by the vidian or great superficial petrosal nerve, a nervous 
cord of no small morphological significance, as I have previously 
shown. The external pterygoid plate is simply an apophysis from 
the under surface of the alisphenoid, becoming conspicuous about 
the third month of intra-uterine life. As a matter of convenience and 
ready reference, the dates of appearance of the individual centres and 
their fusion with one another are here given in a collected form. 

At the eighth week the following centres appear quickly one after 
the other, in the following order :— 

1. Alisphenoids. 

2. Basisphenoids. 

3. Lingulee sphenoidales. 
4. Internal pterygoids, 

During the third month the ossific points fuse in the following 
order :— 

1. Basisphenoidal nuclei coalesce, and the 
2. Lingulee join the basisphenoid. 

At the third month the following centres appear :— 

1. Orbito-sphenoid. 
2. Presphenoids. 

At the fourth month the orbito-sphenoids fuse with the presphe- 
noids and the internal pterygoids join the alisphenoids. At the 
seventh month the presphenoid and postsphenoid coalesce. At the 
eighth month the presphenoids fuse together. 

During the first year after birth the alisphenoids bearing the in- 
ternal pterygoids coalesce with the lingule, and the so-called 
sphenoidal tubinals develop. The strip of cartilage which is pro- 
longed from orbito-sphenoid to the anterior lateral fontanelle (the 
pterion) now disappears. 

We must now deal with the morphology of the various centres of 
the sphenoid. 

In the determination of the regions of the skulls in different types 
we are greatly assisted by the disposition of the cranial nerves, 
which in the majority of cases serve as fairly reliable guides. 

The optic nerves always embrace the presphenoid, whilst the third 
division of the fifth cranial nerve usually quits the skull between 
the most anterior part of the periotic capsule and the alisphenoid, 
whilst the auditory nerve stands in very definite relationship with 
the various constituent nuclei of the periotic capsule, in those forms 
in which this cartilage undergoes ossification, so that as a rule we 
have no difficulty in distinguishing between the regions. When deal- 
ing with the individual ossific nuclei the case is very different, it 
being absolutely necessary to watch every stage of the development to 
avoid falling into the numerous pitfalls which abound on every side. 

The presphenoid nuclei do not offer very much that is important, 



but the basisphenoid and its associated nuclei are in no small degree 

Mr. Parker, in his very valuable paper, “ On the Skull of the Com- 
mon Fowl” (Phil. Trans. 1869), introduces us to two very remark- 
able bones which he names the basitemporals. J will describe them 
in Mr. Parker’s own words :—“ The subcranial region, which in the 
Frog is ossified by the basitemporal wings of the parasphenoid, is 
here supplied with a pair of distinct and large basitemporal bones 
which extend from near the median line, beneath the cochlea and 
so far outwards as to constitute a floor for the tympanic cavity ; their 
anterior limit is near the fore margin of the alisphenoid cartilage. 
These ossifications arise in a thick weft of fibrous tissue in the hinder 
part of the palate ; the matrix is abundant in the middle line, extend- 
ing forwards to the bone next to be described. The Eustachian 
tubes run forwards and inwards above the anterior edge of these bones, 
and meet in the middle line beneath the pituitary fossa”’. The 
Fowl’s basitemporals are shown on Plate XXXV. fig. 1. 

It is needful to explain what is here meant by the basitemporal 
wings of the parasphenoid. 

Underlying the Frog’s skull (as shown in Plate XXXV. fig. 2) isa 
dagger-shaped bone termed by Prof. Huxley the parasphenoid, but it 
is simply the representative of the vomer of the mammalian skull: the 
lateral portions marked L in the figure are what Mr. Parker refers 
to as the basitemporal portions. The morphological value which 
the latter writer places upon the bird’s basitemporal is so singular 
that it is needful again to quote his own description, contained in a 
footnote in the “ Fowl” paper :—“ From a careful comparison of 
these parts in the lower Mammalia with those of man, I feel satisfied 
that the bony lingule im that class answer to the basitemporal 
rudiments of the parasphenoid”’ (p. 770). This comparison was 
first suggested to Mr. Parker by Prof. Huxley, who states in a foot- 
note in one of his admirable ‘ Lectures’ that “ Mr. Parker agrees 
with my suggestion that the basitemporals of the Sauropsida are the 
homologues of the lingule sphenoidales of Man”? (p. 220). 

My intention is now to proceed to show beyond all doubt that the 
“suggestion” and the “‘ agreement”’ are out of harmony with the 
facts of the case and opposed to the usual methods of morphological 

The lingule of the Mammalian sphenoid have no relationship 
whatever with the basitemporals of birds. 

The proof is as follows :—The basitemporals, and no one doubts 
the facts, arise in membrane. It is a well-establisheil truth that a 
bone preformed in cartilage cannot be homologous with one simply 
of membranous origin. The basitemporals are membrane-bones ; 
the lingule are preceded by cartilage. On this ground alone the 
evidence of identity fails. On Plate XXXV. fig. 3, is represented the 
base of the skull of a young Ostrich (Struthio camelus) : two distinct 
osseous nuclei are seen lying on either side of the basisphenoid, 
between it and the alisphenoid ; they are developed in cartilage, thus 
in mode of ossification as in their relations they correspond to the 

* Morphology of the Skull, p. 231. 


lingule of mammals. Jn the same specimen the basitemporal bones 
are present. ‘The skull of this Ostrich is sufficient in itself to prove 
that the cenclusions of Mr. Parker regarding the identity of the basi- 
temporals of birds and the mammalian lingulz sphenoidales are based 
on erroneous premises. 

It now behoves me, seeing that I challenge these views, to identify 
the lingulee, and explain the apparently anomalous condition of the 

I shall address myself to the lingule first. In the skull of certain 
fish there is a centre known as the sphenotic, which occupies the 
antero-external region of the periotic capsule, but the cartilage in 
which it arises is always of a composite character, being due to the 
confluence of proper cranial cartilage with that of the periotic 
cartilage. This centre is present in the Fowl in the very spot 
where the lingule ought to be represented. 

In the chondro-eranium of Man, the cochlear region of the 
periotic capsule comes into union with the lingulze of the sphenoid, 
and the remains of the uniting cartilage are familiar to students of 
human anatomy as the cartilage filling up the foramen lacerum 
medium. If the cartilaginous lingule of the bird and man are 
homologous, and on that score there can be no doubt, then the ossific 
nuclei which transform them into bone should certainly be considered 
homologous also. On these grounds my contention is, that the 
nuclei called sphenotic in the Fowl and Ostrich are the true 
morphological representatives of the human lingule. It is now 
necessary to find out to what ossifications in the mammalian skull 
the basitemporals of the bird really correspond. 

Turn from the Bird for a brief space, and inspect the hard palate 
ofa Crocodile. From before backwards we find the following bones :—- 
premaxilla, prepalatine portion of the maxilla, palate, and a bone 
usually marked pterygoid ; passing from the outer edge of this bone 
to the maxilla is a bony bar known to anatomists as the os transver- 
sum, the general relations of which can be readily seen by reference 
to Plate XXXV. fig. 4 

The anatomical relations of the bone marked pterygoid are impor- 
tant in the following particulars: they surround the posterior nares, 
it being due to their intervention that the nasal passages are pro- 
longed posteriorly to sucha marked extent in the Crocodile. Above, 
they have the Eustachian passages, and externally they support the 
os transversum. This latter bone ought to be really regarded as the 
pterygoid. In Man’s skull, and it is most probably true of other 
mammals, the internal pterygoid arises as an ossification of the distal 
end of the palato-pterygoid cartilage. The bone in the Crocodile’s 
hard palate marked pterygoid arises as a membrane-bone, and during 
its growth the outer end invades to a slight extent the middle portion 
of the palato-pterygoid cartilage, and thus cuts off the distal end of 
the chondral rod, which becomes the os transversum, really the in- 
ternal pterygoid. 

Even at the risk of being tedious I must make myself clear on this 
point. In Man a rod of hyaline cartilage stretches from, and is con- 
tinuous with, the malleus at the eighth week of intra-uterine life ; it 


passes towards the anterior limit of the fronto-nasal plate. Later the 
rod becomes segmented as follows :—the distal end becomes internal 
pterygoid plate, the middle portion persists as the cartilaginous 
piece of the Eustachian tube, and the proximal portion degenerates 
into ligament. The details of the metamorphosis of this bar will be 
found in my paper on the “‘ Parasphenoids” &c. (Proc. Zool. Soc. 
November 1884). 

In the Crocodile the corresponding bar of cartilage is continuous 
posteriorly with the huge quadrate, its middle portion is considerably 
infringed by the so-called pterygoids, whilst its distal end is conti- 
nuous with the os transversum. 

If the bones forming the posterior limit of the hard palate in 
Crocodiles are not to be regarded as pterygoids, to what do they 
correspond? They are the homologues of the avian basitemporals. 
As is the case with the so-called pterygoids of the Crocodile, the 
bird’s basitemporals are preformed in membrane, they underlie the 
basisphenoid, and the Eustachian tubes lie above them ; but the bird 
in its aerial mode of life needs not a long tubular nasal passage, 
indeed its hard palate may be considered defective, and each basi- 
temporal, instead of sending a process of bone to curve around the 
posterior nares, merely persist as a flat plate of bone which even- 
tually becomes welded to the skull-base. 

In birds the pterygoids take a different direction from that of the 
Crocodile’s os transversum: in the former case they converge ante- 
riorly, and in some avian skulls actually come into contact at the spot 
where they join the palatines, whilst posteriorly they abut upon the 
quadrate bone ; this last fact is sufficient to prevent any misinterpre- 
tation as to their nature. In the Crocodile the anterior ends of the 
pterygoids are carried outwards, until they rest on the maxillee, and 
the postpalatine bones (the so-called pterygoids), being wedged in- 
between them, separate the pterygoids from the quadrate to such 
an extent as to disguise their real nature and make them appear as 
additional ossifications. 

According to this view the pterygoid of Birds, the os transversum 
of Crocodiles, the transpalatine of the Snake, and the internal 
pterygoid of Mammals, including Man, arise in connection with the 
distal end of the palato-quadrate cartilage, and must therefore be 
regarded as homologous bones. 

The so-called pterygoids of Snakes and of Crocodiles and the basi- 
temporals of Birds agree in their mode of development and relation- 
ship to the main morphological landmarks of the skull; they must 
therefore be regarded as homologous ossifications, and as a matter of 
convenience it is proposed to name them postpalatines. Whether 
these ossifications are represented in the mammalian skull by the so- 
called sphenoidal tubinals, or by certain accessory ossicles which are 
developed in connection with the hinder end of the vomer in some 
types (marsupials, hedgehog, &c.), ornot represented at all, is a matter 
of very little importance. It would of course be very interesting to 
be able to determine whether the bones which prolong the hard 
palate in some of the Edentates, Myrmecophaga tor example, arise 
in the same manner as the bird’s basitemporals. My conviction, so far 


as I have been able to look into the question, is that they do, but 
until my material is more abundant the yuestion, with me, remains 
sub judice. 

Fig. 4 is an attempt to represent in a graphic manner the meta- 
morphosis of the palato-pterygoid bar in a Bird, in a Crocodile, 
and in Man, so as to explain how it comes about that in a Bird the 

A series of diagrams to illustrate the metamorphoses of the palato-pterygoid 
arch in Birds, Crocodiles, and in Man. 

P=pterygoid; C=cartilage; Q@=the quadrate. In Man the malleus is the 
equivalent of the quadrate, and is represented thus: Q=M. J.C, 
Meckel’s cartilage ; P.G. processus gracilis. 

The upper row of figures represent the cartilaginous bars, arranged in order 
from left to right—Bird, Crocodile, and Man. The lower row represent the 
adult condition. 

. true pterygoids rest on the quadrate, but in the Crocodile and in Man 
the true pterygoids are separated by a piece of cartilage. 

Lastly, in a preceding paper I endeavoured to dispose of the blade 
of the famous parasphenoid. On the present occasion I try to show 
that the view which would regard these basitemporals (postpalatines) 
as the homologues of the lateral portions of the Frog’s parasphenoid 
is against the weight of evidence. The investigation supports my 
view previously expressed, that the parasphenoid of the amphibian 
skull is represented in the highest mammals by the vomer, and by that 
bone alone. 


Fig. 1. View of the base of the skull of a Chick at end of second week. PP, 
Postpalatine (basi-temporals of Parker). 

2. Under view of the skull of a Frog, to show the general appearance and 
relation of the so-called parasphenoid, P. The lateral portions are 
marked L. 

3. The sella turcica of a young Ostrich, Struthio camelus, to show the 
lingule, J. 4.8, Alisphenoid; B.S, basisphenoid; /.17, foramen 

4. The hard palate of a Crocodile, to show the so-called pterygoid bones. 
P.P, The author’s postpalatines; P.N, posterior nares; HL, opening 
of Eustachian tube. 

(Figs. 1, 2, and 4 after Parker.) 

588 MR. E, A. SMITH ON SHELLS [ June 2, 

4. On a Collection of Shells (chiefly Land and Freshwater) 
from the Solomon Islands. By Epaar A. Smrru. 

[Received May 26, 1885.] 
(Plates XXXVI. & XXXVII.) 

The specimens forming this collection were obtained by Mr. H. B. 
Guppy, Surgeon on board H.M.S. ¢ Lark,’ which visited the Solomon 
Islands in 1882 for hydrographical purposes. .Special value attaches 
to the collection, as in every instance the particular island where 
each individual specimen was collected has been noted by Mr. 
Guppy, to whom much praise is due for his great care in this respect, 
and also for the admirable manner in which the shells themselves 
have been preserved. A large number of Helicida have already been 
recorded from these islands, but in many instances the precise island 
has not been mentioned. It is important to know this, for as far as 
our present knowledge extends some species appear to be restricted 
to special islands, whilst others are known to exist on several. The 
series of Melania and Neritina are particularly interesting, as the 
freshwater forms from these islands have been comparatively over- 
looked. The genera Ampullaria, Paludina, Limnea, Physa, Planorbis, 
and Ancylus are as yet unrecorded from this group, and the only 
member of the family Unionide which is known to exist there is 
that (Unio guppy?) described further on in this paper. 

Of Neritina only six species have been noticed, namely :—1. N. 
macgillivrayi, Reeve; 2. N. porcata, Gould; 3. N. igi he Chemnitz ; ; 
4, NV. christovalensis, Becre ; 5. N. adumbrata, Reeve ; and perhaps 
6. NV. cuprina, Récluz. Of these numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 were also 
collected by Mr. Guppy, in addition to which he obtained eleven . 
other species. These are:—7. N. cornea, Linné; 8. NV. subsulcata, 
Sowerby ; 9. N. pulligera, Linné; 10. VN. petiti, Récluz; 11. N. 
ollvacea, Le Guillou; 12. WV. asperulata, Récluz; 13. N. variegata, 
Lesson; 14. N. turtoni, Récluz; 15. N. brevispina, Lamarck ; 16. 
NV. squarrosa, Récluz; 17. N. sanguisuga, Reeve. 

Some of these species range not only through most of the islands 
of the Solomon group, but have a considerably wider distribution. 
This wide dispersal of these freshwater Nerites may be due to the 
fact that their egg-capsules are calcareous and apparently able to 
resist salt-water. These, if attached to floating timber, might be 
carried considerable distances. It is less likely that the perfect live 
shells would be transported in this way, for according to some 
experiments made by Mr. Guppy, it appears that they cannot stand 
submersion in salt-water for any length of time. One individual 
(NV. cornea) survived after a submersion of 12 hours, but when a 
dozen were placed in the water and kept there five days not one 
survived, although the water was changed from time to time. 

1. Hexnicarion PLANOSPIRA, Pfeiffer. 
Hab. Ugi and Santa Anna (Guppy). 
This, the only species of Helicarion as yet recorded from the 

PP’ Z.S. 1885. Pl. XXXVL 

Mintern Bros. imp. 

RMantern del et hth 


Mintern Bros.imp 

R.Mintern del et hth 


Solomon Islands, has also been collected further north than Ugi, on 
San Christoval and Guadaleanar, by Macgillivray. 

2. Hexrx(Nantna) nitipisstma. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 1, 10.) 

Shell thin, transparent, very glossy, depressed, narrowly perforate, 
pale brownish horn-colour above, whitish towards the umbilicus, 
sculptured with very faint lines of growth. Whorls 4-5, slightly 
convex, impressed and marginate above at the suture; last whorl 
large, rounded at the periphery. Aperture obliquely lunate ; peri- 
stome simple, thin, slightly thickened and reflexed partly over the 
perforation. Spire low, but very little raised above the last whorl, 
obtuse at the apex. Greatest diameter 14 millim., smallest 12; 
height 9. 

Hab. Treasury Island, Bougainville Straits. 

Nanina casca of Gould, irom the Fiji Islands, is very like this 
species, but has more slowly increasing whorls: the last is propor- 
tionally smaller than in H. (Nanina) nitidissima. 

Two specimens from Guadaleanar Island, collected by J. Macgil- 
livray during the voyage of H.M.S. * Herald,’ and presented by him 
to the British Museum, may be considered as referable to a variety 
of this species, having the spire somewhat more elevated and the 
body-whorl a little more globose. 

3. Hexirx (Nanina) sotipruscuta. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 2, 
2 6.) 

Shell very narrowly perforate, depressed, somewhat solid, dark 
chestnut-brown and a little glossy above, more shining and paler 
beneath, becoming almost white at the umbilical region ; whorls 63, 
convex, separated by a deepish suture, and, with the exception of two 
or three at the apex which are smooth, sculptured with strong, close- 
set, arcuate, and oblique strize on the upper surface, crossed with a 
few more or less distinct spiral lines. Body-whorl rounded at the 
periphery, or sometimes with the faintest indication of an angle, 
convex, and only exhibiting fine lines of growth below. Aperture 
obliquely semi-lunate ; peristome simple, but, owing to the solidity 
of the shell, seeming slightly thickened, especially on the very oblique 
columellar margin, which is shortly reflexed above over the perfora- 
tion. Spire depressed-conoid, having the least convex outlines and 
an obtuse apex. Greatest diameter 18 millim., smallest 163, height 
12; aperture 8 long, 43 wide. 

Hab. Santa Anna Telarc living generally on the trunks of 
cocoa-nut palms”’ (Guppy). 

This species is well distinguished by its comparative solidity and 
strong sculpture on the upper surface. 

4. Hexrx (Corasta) TRIcoLOR, Pfeiffer. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 
3, 3b.) 

This species was described originally from specimens collected at 
the island of San Christoval; it was obtained at Ugi or Gulf 

590 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

Island by Brenchley during the eruise of the ‘ Curagoa,’ and Mr. 
Guppy found it at San Christoval, Ugi, and Santa Anna, all of these 
localities being at the southern end of the group. As the species 
has not been recorded from any of the other islands, it is possible 
its distribution may be confined to San Christoval and the small 
islands in the immediate vicinity. The variety 3 of Pfeiffer (Monog. 
Helic. vol. iv. p. 193) was obtained by Mr. Guppy at Santa Anna; 
one of the specimens, which evidently is adult, being more conical 
above and only 25 millim. across at its greatest diameter, whilst the 
normal form from San Christoval attains at times an extreme width 
of 35 millim. Specimens of the typical form, of the same large size, 
but lacking the red markings on the sutural band and at the keeled 
periphery, were collected at San Christoval by J. Macgillivray, 
Esq., during the voyage of H.MLS. ‘ Herald.’ 

A specimen obtained on the north coast of the same island by Mr. 
Guppy is worthy of special mention, and may be termed var. picta, 
on account of the undulating reddish-brown stripes which ornament 
both the upper and lower surfaces. 

A similar example was also collected by Dr. A. Corrie and- 
presented to the Museum. The markings on these two shells are 
very striking and distinctly visible within the aperture. 

5. Hexrx (Corasta) aNADYomENE, A. Adams & Angas. 

Hab. Ugi I. 

The single specimen obtained by Mr. Guppy is a rather more 
adult shell than the type, which was presented to the British Museum 
by Mr. Angas. It has somewhat more strongly marked lines of 
growth, is of a rather thicker substance, and has the peristome more 
thickened and more broadly reflexed. Guadalcanar Island, where 
this species was first discovered, is a little to the west or north-west 
of Ugi or Gulf Island. 

6. Hexrx (Greorrocuus) ACMELLA, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Faro Island and Florida Island. 

Of this species only one variety has previously been mentioned, 
which is of an almost uniform greenish-yellow tint. A specimen 
‘* from the coral-limestone region ’’ of Florida Island has the body- 
whorl of a salmon-tint and the three topmost volutions bright red. 
The peristome is white, as in the normal form. 

It seems to me doubtful whether this species is really specifically 
distinct from H. meta, Pfr.; for even in the small series in the 
Museum the gradual transition from one form to another can almost 
be demonstrated. The greater convexity of the whorls, the broader 
body-whorl, and consequently the sharper spire, mainly distinguish 
this species. It was originally said to have come from the Admiralty 
Islands, the inaccuracy of which locality has since been pointed out 
by Brazier (Journ. de Conch. 1880, p. 302), who obtained specimens 
from Bougainville and Ysabel Islands, showing that this species has 
a rather extended range in this group of islands. 


7. Hexix (Georrocuus) GAMELIA, Angas. 

Hab. Shortland and Treasury Islands in the straits between Bou- 

gainville and Choiseul Islands (Guppy) ; Stephen and Ysabel Islands 

8. Hextrx (GrorrocHus) HARGREAVESI, Angas. 

Hab. Faro Island, also between Bougainville and Choiseul 
Islands. Found in the higher parts of the island up to the summit, 
1900 feet above the sea. 

This and the preceding species are very closely related, the colour 
and disposition of the bands being almost thesame. H. hargreavesi 
may, however, be recognized by its more elevated conical form, the 
much broader band on the base of the body-whorl, the blackish- 
brown peristome, the dark-coloured callosity overspreading the 
umbilical region, and the peculiar oblique columellar margin, which is 
thickened and almost subtruncate anteriorly where it falls within 
the outer edge of the lip, which is fused above with the spreading 
umbilical callus. In H. gamelia the last whorl does not descend in 
front, whereas in the present species it takes a rather sudden 
and considerable turn downwards. 

9. Heiix (GroTrRocHUS) MENDANA, Angas. 

Hab. Shortland Island, Bougainville Straits. 

In the Proe. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 889, Angas gave Ysabel Island 
as the lccality of this species, but he subsequently presented two 
specimens to the British Museum from Bougainville Island. 

10. Heirx (Georrocuvus) MOTACILLA, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Simbo Island, south of Choiseul Island. 

Eddystone Island, where this species was originally discovered, also 
belongs to the Solomon, and not to the Admiralty group as stated by 
Pfeiffer. The specimens brought home by Mr. Guppy belong to 
the variety ornamented with four spiral bands upon the body-whorl, 
two above and two below the middle, of which the two nearest the 

somewhat carinate periphery appear to be invariably of a darker tint 
than the rest. 

11. Hexrx (Georrocuus) curpyr. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 4.) 

Shell elevately conical, thin, pale yellow, ornamented with con- 
spicuous nearly black or black-brown spiral bands, one above and 
one below the sutures of the upper whorls, and three upon the last, 
one sutural, the second peripheral, and the third basal. Volutions 
6, rather slowly enlarging, a little convex, sculptured with fine 
oblique striz of growth, not glossy. Three first whorls livid pur- 
plish, the last rather sharply angled at the middle, not descending 
in front, having the basal band broad around the almost concealed 
perforation, and obsolete within the aperture. The latter is oblique, 
somewhat narrowed and pouting in front, banded within with three 
almost black and two white bands, the central one of the former 
being squarely truncate at the end, only the lower corner of it 

592 MR. E, A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

touching the margin of the lip, which is pale, oblique, receding, 
a little expanded and reflexed in front and at the columellar margin, 
the upper end of which is spread over and nearly conceals the small 
umbilicus. Height 224 millim., greatest diameter 19, smallest 15, 

Hab. Faro Island, Bougainville Straits ; ‘in the higher parts of 
the island up to the summit, 1900 feet above the sea.”’ 

This species is remarkable for the striking contrast of its colour- 
bands and the angular character of the last whorl. 

12. Henix (GeorrocHus) DAMPIERI, Angas, var. (Plate 
XXXVI. fig. 5.) 

Shell imperforate, subglobose, conoid, light brown or fawn- 
colour, here and there minutely dotted with dark-grey specks, with 
a broad white band around the middle of the penultimate whorl 
and two upon the last, one above and the other below the middle, 
also a narrow white line revolving up the spire beneath the suture, 
and a dark brown zone surrounding the pale or yellowish umbi- 
lical region. Whorls 5, a little convex above, somewhat glossy, 
obliquely and very finely striated by the lines of growth, the last 
more or less concentrically striated beneath, shortly descending at 
the aperture, which is white within. Lip a little thickened, edged 
with reddish brown, only slightly expanded on the right side, more 
dilated below, produced into a thin transparent callosity over the 
umbilical region, united above to the upper extremity of the peri- 
stome. Columellar margin oblique, white or partly tinged with 
reddish brown, thickened and terminating below within the edge of 
the lip. Height 19 millim., greatest diam. 22, smallest 19. 

Hab. Choiseul Bay, Bougainville Straits (Guppy); Louisiade 
Archipelago (Angas). 

The specimens fiom the Solomon Islands are smaller than the 
type with which, through the kindness of Mr. G. F. Angas, I have 
compared them. They also have the peristome brown, and the 
basal band is darker. 

13, Hexrx (GEorRocuts) EROS, Angas. 

Hab. Shortland Island, Bougainville Straits (Guppy). 

This species also occurs at Ysabel and Stephen Islands according 
to Brazier and Angas, being very abundant on trees at Ysabel. It 
varies considerably in colour, and has not always a rose-tinted peri- 
stome, whilst the apex of the spire is in some specimens purple-brown 
instead of rose. ‘Lhe single shell obtained by Mr. Guppy is dark 
purple-brown, with a white zone at the suture, which is sparsely 
marked with dark dots. It has a white band at the periphery, and 
a broad zone of the same colour around the umbilicus; the lip is 

14. Hexrx (Grotrrocuus) cierys, Récluz. (Plate XXXVI. 
fies. 6, 6 6.) 

This species, with which may be united H. helicinoides of Hom- 
bron and Jacquinot, is subject to considerable variation in size, colour, 


and form, apparently resulting from difference of habitat. The 
typical form occurs in San Christoval and Ugi, and also in Guadal- 
canar and New Georgia, but in a somewhat dwarfed condition. An 
entirely white variety with a pellucid zone on the upper surface, 
occupying the position of the brown band in the type, was collected 
by Macgillivray on San Christoval. Mr. Guppy obtained several 
forms of this species at Choiseul Bay, Shortland, Treasury, Simbo, 
Rua Sura, and Santa Anna Islands. 

The specimens from the last locality (var. meridionalis, fig. 6 6) are 
smaller than the type, pale brown above, with a white thread-like 
line at the suture, and the acutely keeled periphery, paler beneath, 
especially towards the centre, and have the aperture particularly 
acuminate at the termination of the keel. These specimens, which 
were found by Mr. Guppy living “on young cocoa-nut palms 
growing on low ground bordering the sea,” recall to mind H. eva 
from the New Hebrides, which, however, has a narrower body- 
whorl, usually a coloured lip, and is generally of a more solid 

The specimens from Simbo (var. simboana, fig. 6 a) are uniformly 
pale horn-colour, rather sharply carinate at the middle, and have the 
peristome white, considerably thickened and almost notched at the 
upper end of the columella, and the body-whorl is more contracted 
than in the typical form. ‘The examples from Choiseul Bay, Short- 
land and Treasury Islands (var. septentrionalis, fig. 6) are all alike, of 
smaller dimensions than the normal form, thin, pale brownish horn- 
colour, with rather more convex whorls than usual, the carina at the 
periphery being acute and thread-like as in the variety simboana. 

Whether these several varieties should take specific rank is 
questionable, for, although there is considerable difference between 
the extreme forms, even in the series of nearly one hundred speci- 
mens under examination, the gradual transition from one form to 
another is observable. 

15. Hewrx (VipeNnA) MERZIANA, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Ugi Island. 

Neither of the two specimens from this locality is typical, nor 
are they both alike. One is about the usual size, but less sharply 
carinate, of a paler colour above and variegated with less of the 
opaque streaks. ‘The second specimen is more abnormal, especially 
in form, and rather like P. meleagris, Pir., except that it is keeled. 
The two species already mentioned, also H. deiopeia, Angas, and H. 
sebacea, Pfr. (=H. cerealis, Cox, afterwards changed to H. thorpei- 
ana by Brazier), are all very closely related, H. sebacea (stated by 
Pfeiffer to be from the Admiralty Islands) evidently being but a 
pale variety of H. meleagris. 

The typical form inhabits San Christoval and New Georgia, 
H. meleagris and H. deiopeia are found at Guadaleanar, and the 
special locality of H. sebacea is unknown, “the Admiralty Islands ” 
given by Pfeiffer probably being one of the many false habitats 
emanating from Cuming’s collection. Having the actual types of 

594 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

both H. sebacea and H. cerealis under examination, I have no hesi- 
tation in pronouncing them identical, 

16. Hexix (VipENA) SANCTHZ ANNZ. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 7, 
7 6.) 

Shell depressed-conoid, deeply umbilicated, very acutely keeled 
at the periphery, light brown, sometimes with a few radiating pale 
streaks on the upper surface, sculptured with oblique lines of growth. 
Whorls 5, rather slowly increasing, slightly convex, depressed and 
margined above the suture, last not descending, compressed above 
and below the keel, a little convex towards the umbilicus, which is 
moderately large. Aperture transverse, flesh-tinted within. Peri- 
stome simple, a little thickened along the basal margin, with the ex- 
tremities united by a thin callus. Height 7 millim.; greatest 
diameter 17, smallest 15. 

Hab. Santa Anna. “ Living generally on the trunks of cocoa- 
nut palms”’ (G'uppy). 

This species is very like H. latimarginata, Smith, from the Fiji 
Islands and Contrariétés Island, Solomon group; but is a trifle 
larger, more widely umbilicated, has a less convex spire, and a 
broader body-whorl. The pale streaks on the upper surface are 
like those in H. merziana, Pir., but they do not occur in all ex- 

17. Hexrx (Raytipa) VILLANDREI, Gassies. 

Hab. Ugi Island (Guppy); San Christoval (Macgillivray, Angas, 
and Brazier). 

18. Hetrx (CAaMa#NA) HOMBRONI, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Shortland and Faro Islands (Guppy); Ysabel Island 
(Brenchley in Brit. Mus.); Solomon Islands (Hombron and Jac- 

‘Admiralty Islands,” the locality originally assigned to this species, 
is evidently incorrect. 

19. Hexrx'(Cuioritis) Eustoma, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Ugi and Faro Islands (Guppy); New Georgia (Macgil- 

With this species should be united H. erinaceus of Pfeiffer, for 
having carefully compared the types of both forms, I do not find 
any difference, and therefore conclude that H. eustoma is another 
instance of a species wrongly assigned to the Admiralty Islands. 

20. Buiimus (PLacosryLus) CLERYI, Petit. 

Hab. “The Koofeh district on the north coast of San Christoval’’ 
(Guppy). as. 

This remarkable species varies considerably in form, some speci- 
mens being much constricted round the middle of the body-whorl 
and much more slender than others, which show no trace of irregu- 
larity of outline. The type figured by Petit has a length of 100 


millim., and is 35 wide, the aperture being 60 in length. As an 
instance of extreme variation, I give the dimensions of one of the 
specimens collected by Mr. Guppy: length 104, breadth 29!; 
aperture only 50 long. 

The sculpture of this species does not appear to have been hitherto 
properly described. In well-preserved specimens the first four 
whorls are sculptured very much like a fine thimble. A cessation 
in growth or some important change then takes place, which is 
marked on the shell by an oblique indentation, from which point the 
sculpture alters, consisting of coarsish lines of growth and irregular 
spiral striz. The peristome varies in colour, being either white or 
almost golden, but generally of a reddish-flesh tint. The columella- 
twist is also variable, in some specimens being much thicker and 
more contorted than in others. 

21. Butimus (Puacostytus) rounaAk1, Hlombron and Jac- 

Hab. Faro Island, Bougainville Straits. 

This species has not been recorded from so northern a locality, 
and in fact has only been previously obtained at Ysabel Island. 
The name of this species has (perhaps rightly) been changed by M. 
Crosse to B. hombroni. 

22. Butimus (PLAcosTYLUs) MILTOCHEILUS, Reeve. 

Hab. Ugi or Gulf Island, the south-east part of San Christoval 
and Santa Anna. 

The last island is a new locality for this species, the distribution 
of which has been given by Brazier in the ‘ Proceedings of the 
Zoological Society,’ 1869, p. 162. He says that it varies much in 
size and colour. An interesting variety with a white lip was ob- 
tained by Mr. Guppy both at San Christoval and Santa Anna. 
Like B. cleryi this species has the upper whorls finely punctate, 
and suddenly alters the character of the sculpture after two and a 
half volutions have been formed. In adult shells this peculiar pitting 
on the apical whorls is generally more or less obliterated. 

23. PARTULA, sp. 

A small species of this genus was collected by Mr. Guppy in 
Treasury Island and at Choiseul Bay, which appears to be very like 
P. cinerea, Albers. The same species was also obtained at Gulf 
Island by Mr. Brenchley, and at Guadalcanar by J. Macgillivray, 
both of whom presented specimens to the British Museum. Albers 
describes the whorls of his species as ‘‘ planiusculi,” whereas in all 
the examples under examination they are rather convex, but with 
this slight exception they correspond very closely with his diagnosis. 

24. SucCINEA SIMPLEX, Pfeiffer, var. 

Hab. “From marshy districts where Taro is cultivated, Treasury 
and Shortland Islands” (Guppy). 
These specimens are of a darker tint than those described by 

596 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

Pfeiffer, have the spire a trifle shorter, and the body-whorl the 
least more ventricose. In all the apex is reddish, and the lines of 
growth rather coarse. 

25. CycLosroma (ADELOSTOMA) TRISTE, Tapparone Canefri, 
var. ? 

Hab. Faro and Shortland Islands and Choiseul Bay in Bougain- 
ville Straits and Santa Anna Island (Guppy); Guadaleanar (Mae- 
gillivray, in Brit. Mas.). 

Dr. Tapparone Canefri has kindly compared specimens from these 
islands with his C. triste, and is of opinion that they may be con- 
sidered a variety of it; and observes that the New-Guinean form is a 
little smaller, its spire a little more slender, its surface more glossy, 
the colour redder, and the apex of the spire darker. 

The shells under examination are clothed with a very thin epi- 
dermis when in a fresh condition, exhibiting numerous very fine 
spiral thread-like lines, which entirely disappear in worn shells and 
can easily be rubbed off with a brush. For several species having 
a similar epidermis and an incomplete peristome, Dr. Tapparone 
Canetri has proposed the subgenus Adelostoma. ‘The little shell 
Cyclostoma infans from Wild Island, Admiralty group, described 
from the ‘ Challenger’ Collection (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1834, p. 226, 
pl. xxiii. fig. 8) belongs to the same section. 

26. LrepropoMa JACQUINOTI, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Rua Sura Island, off the north coast of Guadalcanar. 

This species does not appear to have been frequently met with by 
collectors, and is chiefly known (as Cyclostoma pellucida) by Rous- 
seau’s description in the ‘Voyage au Pole Sud,’ and the diagnosis 
by Pfeiffer taken from the figure in the Atlas to that work. The 
three specimens collected by Mr. Guppy are uniformly semipellucid 
white, with the exception of the apex, which is pale reddish. The 
whorls are five in number, considerably convex, rapidly enlarge, and 
are sculptured throughout with very fine concentric striz besides 
the more prominent spiral lire, which are most distinct upon the 
body-whorl above the prominent carina at the periphery. The peri- 
stome is moderately and equally expanded all round except at the 
short interruption at the body-whorl and just under the umbilicus, 
where it is conspicuously emarginate. ‘The operculum is thin, pale 
dirty yellowish, consists of about eight volutions which are separated 
by a raised revolving sutural line and sculptured with rather coarse 
cross-lines of growth. 

The largest of the three specimens from Rua Sara is 15 millims, 
high, 17 at its greatest diameter and 123 at its smallest. 

L. immaculatum, Chemnitz, is very like this species in some 
respects, but differs a little in form, having a taller and more conical 
spire, less rounded whorls, a more shallow suture, &e. 

27. LEeProroMA VITREUM, Lesson. 
Alab. Santa Anna, Simbo, and Shortland Islands. 


This species, originally described from New Guinea and sub- 
sequently met with at several other localities, has not, I believe, been 
previously recorded from the Solomon Islands. The only three 
specimens obtained by Mr. Guppy are entirely white,’ and two ot 
them have an indication of an angle or keel at the periphery, the 
other, from Santa Anna, being regularly rounded at the middle. 

28. OMPHALOTROPIS NEBULOSA, Pease. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 8.) 

Hab. Ugi Island, “ found living on trees which clothe a low tract 
of land skirting the beach” (Guppy); San Christoval and Guadal- 
eanar Islands (Macgillivray, in Brit. Mus.); Solomon Islands 

The shells which I associate with this species were considered 
by Pfeiffer the O. bulimoides of Hombron and Jacquinot. That 
species, however, was collected at Hogoleu, one of the Caroline 
Islands, situated about a thousand miles to the north-west of San 
Christoval, and does not appear to have a carinated umbilicus judging 
from the figure in the ‘ Voyage au Pole Sud’ and from Rousseau’s 
description in the text. It also has much more convex whorls and 
a longer aperture. 

The colouring of this species varies considerably. The majority 
of specimens which I have examined are dirty whitish or yellowish, 
varied with more or less interrupted spiral_brown bands, of which 
there are four on the body-whorl, two above and two below the 
middle. Other examples are of a nearly uniform brown colour 
with a pale line at the periphery, and, again, others are longitudinally 
streaked. The operculum is thin, horny, concave externally, and 
consists of three to three and a half rapidly enlarging whorls, the 
nucleus being well towards the centre. O. fragilis, Pease, is very 
like this species, but has a slight keel or angle at the periphery, 
stronger spiral strize, and a less effuse base to the aperture. 

29. PupINA SOLOMONENSIs. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 9, 9 a.) 

Sheil small and very like P. difficilis, Semper, and P. keraudreni, 
Vignard. Itis of a reddish tint, especially the body-whorl ; consists 
of 54 whorls, which are the least convex and exhibit a pellucid line, 
frequently brown, immediately beneath the suture. Last whorl very 
obliquely descending behind, narrowed below, and flattened some- 
what above the aperture. Columella thickened with callus, white, 
parted off from the whorl above by an oblique circumscribing red 
line, truncated rather low down. Outer lip slightly thickened and 
effuse, and a little paler than the rest of the whorl, produced some- 
what at its junction with the body-whorl, which in consequence has 
the appearance of rising suddenly after an oblique descent. Length 7 
millims., diam. 33, aperture 2 long and wide. 

Hab. Shortland Island, Bougainville Straits, in the decayed trunks 
of fallen trees (Guppy); Treasury Island (presented to the British 
Museum by J. Brazier, Esq.). 

This is a larger species than P. difficilis, Semper, or P. keraudreni, 
Vignard, which appear to be very much alike. ‘The slit in the 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XXXIX. 39 

598 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS {June 2, 

columella is a trifle lower down, the columella itself is pale and 
marked off from the rest of the whorl by a red curved line, and the 
aperture is less produced or pouting along the lower margin. 

30. Hareravesia potita, H. Adams, var. 

Hab. Faro Island, Bougainville Straits; ‘in the higher parts of 
the island up to the summit, 1900 feet above the sea”’ (Guppy). 

It is not stated by Adams (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1870, p. 795) 
from which island of the Solomon group the types were obtained. 
In all probability they were not from Faro, as the specimen from this 
locality varies somewhat in form, having a more conical spire, less 
convex whorls, and the aperture less produced laterally. Should 
these differences prove constant in a large series of specimens, I 
should be inclined to consider this form specifically distinct. 
Hyalopsis tumida, Pease (Amer. Journ. Conch. vil. p. 27), 1s the same 
as the present species. 

31. Hexicina moquiniAna, Récluz. 

Hab. “ The island of Ugi, living in a region of coral-limestone at 
an elevation varying between 300 and 400 feet above the sea” 
(Guppy). San Christoval and Guadalcanar Islands (Macgillivray, 
in Brit. Mus.). 

This species appears to vary in size, colour, the coarseness of the 
spiral strie, in the acuteness of the central keel, and in the greater 
or less development of the dentiform projection at the base of the 
columella. I have no hesitation in pronouncing H. spinifera to 
be a very slight variation, and indeed H. egregia might almost be 
regarded in the same light. 

32. HeLIcinA EGREGIA, Pfeiffer. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 10, 10a.) 

Hab. “ From the coral-limestoue region of the east island of the 
Florida group, on leaves” (Guppy). 

The unique type of this species was collected by Macgillivray on 
the island of Guadalcanar, which is situated just to the south of 
Florida Island. The operculum is thin, and coloured precisely like 
that of H. moguiniana, Récluz, and its variety H. spinifera, Pfeiffer, 
all three being of a dark sanguineous red with the exception of the 
columellar margin, which is whitish. This species is not keeled at 
the middle like the two above-named forms, and is more finely 
striated, and consequently has a smoother surface. 

The three specimens collected by Mr. Guppy are all differently 
coloured. One is exactly like the type (see fig. 272 in Sowerby’s 
Monograph, Thesaur. Conch. vol. iii., and Conch. Icon. vol, xix. 
fig. 159) ; another lacks the broad zone on the upper surface ; and the 
third is uniformly light purplish-red, the peristome and aperture 
being of a more decided red tint. 

33. Hexnicina MoDESTA, Pfeiffer. 

Hab. Choiseul Bay, Shortland Island, and an islet in Treasury 

Harbour, Bougainville Straits (Guppy); Guadalcanar Island (Mac- 
gillivray, in British Museum). 


The specimens described by Pfeiffer were said to have come from 
Tanna, one of the New Hebrides islands ; but this certainly requires 
confirmation, as so many of the localities in Cuming’s collection are 
erroneous. ‘The figures in Sowerby’s Monographs are all enlarged, 
those in the ‘Thesaurus’ being fairly accurate as regards form, but 
those in the ‘ Conchologia Iconica’ are altogether unlike the species. 
The operculum of this little shell is white, concave in the middle, 
and is broadly thickened along the outer margin. 

34. Henicina soLomonensis. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 11, 11 4.) 

Shell small, globose-conical, reddish or yellowish, pale at the 
apex. Whorls 4—4, the least convex above, sculptured with lines of 
growth and fine spiral strie both on the upper and lower surfaces, 
very faintly margined above at the suture; last whorl rounded at 
the periphery, obsoletely angled near the junction of the outer lip 
and the least descending in front, so that the faint angulation is 
visible for a short distance above the sutural line. Aperture some- 
what semicircular and oblique, small ; peristome slightly expanded ; 
umbilical callosity yellowish or pellucid whitish, defined towards the 
the base of the columellar margin. Greatest width 4 millim., smallest 
4; height 34. 

Hab. Faro, Shortland, and Treasury Islands. 

The specimens from the last of the above islands were obtained 
“at a height of 900 feet above the sea.” 

This little species is of about the same size and form as H. multi- 
color, Gould, but is distinguished by the spiral sculpture. The 
operculum is greyish, becoming rather darker at the middle. 

35. Pyruia sCARABZUS, Linné. 

Haé. Santa Anna Island, “ living ona sandy swampy soil raised a 
few feet above the sea” (Guppy). 

Of the five adult specimens from the above locality, which are of 
medium size (about 30 millims. long) and normally mottled and 
blotched, three are umbilicated and one imperforate. The variation 
in this respect has already been referred te in my account 6f the 
Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the ‘Challenger’ Expedition 
(Proc. Zool. Soc. 1884, pp. 261 and 268). P. insularis of Hombron 
and Jacquinot I regard as the same as this species. 

Three specimens of the variety named P. albovaricosa by Pfeiffer 
were also collected by Mr. Guppy “on the low tract skirting the 
coast on the south-east side of San Christoval.” Two of these 
specimens are coloured precisely like the types, which were said to 
have come from the island of Celebes, but the third is very remarkable, 
being totally white. 

Three young specimens of the normal form, from Santa Anna 
Island, are clothed with a very thin epidermis which is produced 
into numerous parallel thin hair-like threads in the direction of the 
line of growth. At this early stage the shells are imperforate, and 
the columella has in consequence a somewhat different appearance. 


600 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

36. Mezampus rasciatus, Deshayes. 

Hab. Rua Sura Island, off the north coast of Guadalcanar, found 
in crevices of a log on the shore (Guppy) ; Ysabel Island (Brenchley 
in Brit. Mus.). j 

This species apparently differs as much in size as colour, and is 
very widely distributed, there being in the British Museum specimens 
from the Keeling Islands, Louisiade Archipelago, New Hebrides, and 
Fiji. The largest specimens are generally whitish with transverse 
brownish bands, and the smallest are frequently of an almost uniform 
black-brown, or light olive-brown or dirty yellow, with only the 
faintest indications of transverse zones. 


Hab. From a stream in Ugi Island. 

The two specimens from this locality differ in form and the 
number of spines upon the angle of the whorls. One has a much 
longer body-whorl, and has seventeen spines, the other only eleven. 
The columella is orange, and the epidermis towards the lip villose, as 
in the variety called M. cybele, Gould. 

38. Meant scaBRa, Miiller. 

Hab. Ugi Island. 

I see no sufficient reasons for separating the few specimens 
obtained by Mr. Guppy from this variable and widely distributed 
species, with which several forms held distinct by Brot in his 
Monograph should, I think, be united. I have compared them 
with Indian examples, with which they agree very closely. 

39. MEuAntaA SALAMONISs, Brot. 

Hab. Ugi Island. 

The single specimen from this locality differs in colour from the 
type figured by Brot, being uniformly olive, except the upper 
spirally striated whorls, which, beiug more or less destitute of the 
epidermis, are paler, and exhibit a series of small red spots or short 
flames below the suture. 

40. Mrvania FuLGURANS, Hinds. 

Hab. Ugi Island. 

This species has not, I think, been recorded from the Solomon 
Islands, although it has probably been known for some time to in- 
habit that group, for Mr. Brazier of Sydney presented, in 1879, four 
specimens from that locality to the British Museum. These and 
several obtained by Mr. Guppy show that the species is rather 
variable in painting. None have the zigzag lines of the typical 
form, but are chiefly ornamented with spiral series of reddish dots 
or short lines, sometimes falling into longitudinal rows, and the 
whorls below the suture are often blotched with a darker colour. 

Mr. Guppy’s largest specimen (7 whorls remaining) is 40 millim. 
long. . 


41. Meant FASTIGIELLA, Reeve. (Plate XXXVII. fig. 1.) 

Hab. “Imbedded in a dark calcareous loam exposed in the bank 
of a large stream at Sulagina on the north coast of San Christoval.’ 

The specimens found by Mr. Guppy are not quite so slender as 
the type figured by Reeve, but agree with it exactly in all other 
respects. An important feature not referred to by Reeve is the 
presence of fine transverse lire upon the body-whorl below the spined 
keel. The fine costz and spiral striee on the uppermost volutions 
are very constant in all specimens ; and therefore I think it most pro- 
bable that Brot’s shell (Monogr. Melania, in Conch.-Cab. pl. 38. 
f, 2a) does not belong to this species. 

Mr. Guppy was unable to discover any living specimens; those 
which were obtained being, however, well preserved and even retain- 
ing a certain amount of the epidermis, which is of a “yellowish 
brown ” colour as described by Reeve, and not of the sombre tint 
depicted in his figure. 

42. MeLanta, sp. (Plate XX XVII. fig. 2.) 

Hab. Found “imbedded in a dark calcareous loam exposed in the 
bank of a large stream at Sulagina on the north coast of San 
Christoval” (Guppy). 

Only one dead specimen was obtained of this species. It is 
ovately fusiform, consists of about 8 or 9 whorls, is longitudinally 
plicate, the folds being produced into short spines just beneath a 
depression a little below the suture. The plicee are crossed by 
about three spirally striated grooves, and the body-whorl is strongly 
transversely ridged and grooved below the middle ; the furrows also, 
as in the upper whorl, being finely striated in the same direction. 
Length 26 millim., width 93. 

43. MELANIA veRRUCOSA, Hinds. 

Hab. The same as Mel. fastigiella. 

The three shells obtained I am unable to separate from this Species, 
which was described originally from specimens from New Ireland, 
a little to the north of the Solomon group. M. damonis of Brot 
appears to be very closely allied to this species, if not the same. 
As stated by the latter author, some specimens are more slender than 
others, as shown by the following measurements of two specimens 
with an equal number of whorls: length 20 millim., diameter Tesh 
length 22 millim., diameter 63. 

44. MevaniA suBGRADATA. (Plate XXXVII. figs. 3, 3 a.) 

Shell elongate, turreted, rather solid, covered with an (olive?) 
epidermis, and marked with fine longitudinal oblique red lines which 
extend from suture to suture. Whorls probably about 10, flat or 
even a little concave at the sides, shouldered above, usually with a 
spiral shallow groove and a few strize near the shoulder, and marked 
with fine incremental striz. Suture deep, slightly oblique. Last 
whorl long, finely transversely striated, most distinctly at the base. 

602 MR. E, A. SMITH ON SHELLS {June 2, 

Aperture elongate-pyriform, acute above, effuse at the base. Outer 
lip thin, sharp, arcuate, and prominent at the middle. Columellar 
margin rather thickly covered with callus, united above to the outer 
lip. Length of two specimens, consisting of five whorls, 30 and 25 
millim. ; diameter 11 and 104; aperture 14 and 12 long, 6 and 5 

Hab. ‘‘Imbedded in a dark calcareous loam exposed in the banks 
of a large stream at Sulagina, north coast of San Christoval’ 

This species has a good deal the form of M. queenslandica, Smith, 
but has a more turreted spire, colour-markings, and more distinct 
spiral sculpture. 

45. Meant vciensis. (Plate XXXVII. fig. 4.) 

Shell subulate, acuminate, beneath the epidermis (which is wanting 
in the specimens at hand), of a dirty pale livid or purplish tint. 
Whorls probably about 14 in number; the eleven remaining are a 
little convex, rather slowly enlarging, and sculptured with close-set 
obliquish fine riblets which are crossed by crowded spiral striz. 
Last whorl large, with the riblets rather obsolete below the middle, 
and very close together, much more numerous than those upon the 
upper whorls. Aperture obliquely pear-shaped. Length 25 millim., 
diameter 8; aperture 83 long, 43 wide. 

Hab. From a stream in Ugi. 

Of this species only three dead specimens were obtained. They 
were all completely covered with a hard thickish coating of lime, so 
that no part of the sculpture was visible. This earthy covering was 
easily chipped off, and the ornamentation was revealed in most perfect 
condition. It is remarkable that the fine close riblets exist not only 
on the upper whorls but continue to the last, and are cut across by 
the spiral striee, producing an almost granular aspect. 

46. MELANIA SANCTZ ANNE. (Plate XXXVII. figs. 5, 5a.) 

Shell small, acuminately pyramidal, somewhat eroded towards the 
apex, covered with a yellowish-olive epidermis, and sometimes marked 
with a few indistinct reddish irregular spots and lines near the middle 
of the body-whorl. Whorls 5-6 remaining, flattish at the sides, 
divided by a slightly oblique distinct suture, all with the exception 
of the last one or two more or less distinctly longitudinally finely 
plicate ; the plicee are more conspicuous in some specimens than in 
others, being at times entirely eroded. The other sculpture consists 
of fine lines of growth and a few rather distant spiral striee, which 
cut across the incremental lines and produce a puckered appearance. 
Aperture elongate, pyriform, pale bluish within. Length of 
specimen consisting of six whorls 13 millim., diameter 5; aperture 
5 long and 23 wide. 

Hab. ‘‘ From a stream in the interior of Santa Anna” (Guppy). 

This is a small species, somewhat like M. boninensis of Lea in 
form, but differently sculptured. 


47. Meant Gupryi. (Plate XX XVII. figs. 6, 6a.) 

Shell slenderly acuminate, covered with an olive-brown epidermis. 
Whorls about 14, divided by a very oblique deepish suture, concave 
above the middle and somewhat convex below it, and then contracted ; 
ornamented with a few spiral series of nodules (about five on the 
upper whorls) and rather indistinct, very oblique and flexuous, 
longitudinal ridges, upon which the nodules rest, also exhibiting very 
sloping and flexuous lines of growth ; the most conspicuous rows 
of granules are near the middle of the whorls. Aperture pyriform. 
Outer lip thin, remarkably sinuated above towards the suture and 
arcuately prominent below. Columellar margin oblique, straightish, 
covered with a callus, curving into the broad basal sinus. Length 
31 millim., diameter 7; aperture 9 long, 4 wide. 

Hab. “From the stomach and intestines of a fish living in the 
freshwater lake of Wailava in the island of Santa Anna’ (Guppy). 

This is a very remarkable and distinct species, with a very drawn- 
out spire, peculiar granuled sculpture, and a deeply sinuated labrum. 
1 have much pleasure in naming it after Mr. Guppy. 

48. CERITHIDEA CORNEA, A. Adams (var.). 

Hab. From Mangrove swamps, Choiseul Bay (Guppy); Andai, 
New Guinea (Zupparone Canefri) ; Borneo (Adams). 

The specimens from the Solomon Islands vary slightly from the 
Bornean shells in Cuming’s collection. The ribs are somewhat 
farther apart, the body-whorl is rather more distinctly carinate at 
the periphery, the aperture a trifle larger, the lip being more expanded 
and more produced to the left over the channel at the base of the 
columella. The whorls, too, are somewhat higher, for in specimens 
of the same length I find about a whorl more in the specimens from 
the Solomon Islands than in the original types. 

49. NeriTa MARMORATA, Hombron and Jacquinot. 

Hab. Found “living just above high-water mark on the surface 
of the coral-limestone coast, San Christoval” (Guppy); Solomon 
Islands (Hombron and Jacquinot). 

This species was described by Reeve (Conchol. Iconica, vol. ix. 
sp. 47) under the name J. oleagina, a year after the publication of 
the Zoology of the ‘ Voyage au Pole Sud’ by Rousseau. Reeve’s 
figure gives a better idea of the mottled colouring than that in 
Hombron and Jacquinot’s Atlas, pl. 16. f. 15-17. Their figure of 
the operculum does not appear to be quite correct in outline, judging 
from those obtained by Mr. Guppy, none of which have the emar- 
gination on the columellar side in front. 

The apical whorls in all examples are of a lemon-yellow colour, and 
the columellar margin between the teeth is generally suffused with 
the same tint. Nerita marmorata, Reeve, which is found in the 
Gulf of Suez, may in future be called MW. crassilabrum. 

50. Nerirrna cornea, Linné. (Plate XXXVII. figs. 7, 7 0.) 
Hab. Found living on the stems of tree-ferns, betel-nut palms, 

604 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

&c., ina marshy district in the interior of the Shortland Islands, 
Bougainville Straits ; also from a stream in Choiseul Bay, and from 
the vicinity of Star Harbour on the south-east coast of San 
Christoval, found living on the trunks of trees 300 feet above the sea 
and about 150 feet above an adjacent stream. 

The majority of the specimens from the above localities are very 
like Reeve’s figure (Conch. Icon. f. 7a). One specimen, however, 
from a stream in Choiseul Bay, is worthy of special notice on 
account of its extraordinary size. It is as large as the shell figured 
by Gould (Wilkes’s Explor. Exped. pl. xi. fig. 155) from Fiji, and, 
like it, has the edge of the columeila furnished with about a dozen 
small denticles, agreeing in this respect with N. subsuleata. The 
portion of the specimen which equals an average-sized example is: 
quite normally painted; but the rest or aftergrowth is mostly of a 
sombre olive-brown, with only very faint indications of the spiral 
mottled black zones. The operculum is quite similar to that of other 
specimens, but much thickened with flesh-red callus on the inner 

The distribution of this species has already been given by Von 
Martens in his monograph of the genus. In addition to the localities 
there enumerated, I may mention that in the British Museum there 
are specimens from Amboyna and the Admiralty Islands collected by 
the Challenger Expedition; and others from Guadaleanar, San 
Christoval, and Ysabel Islands of the Solomon group, presented by 
J. Macgillivray, Esq., and J. Brenchley, Esq. 

51. NeriTINA suBsuLcata, Sowerby. 

Hab. Streams in Treasury and Faro Islands, and at Choiseul 
Bay ; also found living in numbers on the stems of tree-ferns, betel- 
nut palms &c., in a marshy district in the interior of the Shortland 
Islands ; also from a stream in the vicinity of Star Harbour on the 
south-east. coast of San Christoval ; from a stream in the middle of 
the island of San Christoval 3-4 miles from the coast ; from the 
sides of a freshwater stream, found at an elevation of 500 feet above 
the sea at Cape Keibeck, San Christoval, and finally from a stream 
in Ugi Islands. 

Mr. Guppy informs me that this is the most widely distributed 
species of the genus which occurs in the Solomon group, and that 
when first picked off the rock it ejects a watery fluid possessing a 
powerful musky odour. 

Some of the specimens are considerably eroded, and the erosion is 
always greatest in non-caleareous districts, where the carbonic-acid 
gas of the rain is not previously expended as a dissolving agent of 
limestone rocks. 

Although this species very closely approaches N. cornea, it may, 
I think, be held distinct on account of its difference in coloration, 
the crenulated and straighter margin of the columella, and the 
slightly finer sculpture on the outer surface of the operculum, 
especially towards the outer curved margin. 


52, NeriTina pusia, Chemnitz. 

Hab. From a stream, Shortland Islands. 

The single specimen from this locality is of a dark olive tint, 
marked with slender zigzag black lines very closely packed together 
except upon the last half of the body-whorl, which is destitute of the 
black lineation but is quite distinctly spirally ridged, the ridges 
being about as fine as in N. subsulcata. 


Hab. A stream in Choiseul Bay, and found living on the sides of 
a deep ravine worn by a stream in a soft calcareous rock, Ugi Island. 

N. cuvieriana of Reeve (Conch. Icon. sp. 87), which may not be 
the form described by Récluz under that name, is certainly the 
same as this species. The specimen figured in the ‘ Conchologia 
Iconica’ (figs. 57 a, 6), is not half the size of some of the shells 
collected by Mr. Guppy. The figures are not good, and do not 
convey the shape correctly. The aperture narrows in front, and the 
columella is less sharply sinuated in the middle, and finely crenulated 
along the edge. As in some other species, the colour is rather 
variable, some examples appearing at a distance uniformly dark 
olive, but on closer inspection, especially on the upper whorls, 
exhibit spotted markings. Others are distinctly motiled and spotted 
all over, whilst others again are transversely banded. The red stain 
on the collumella is present in most specimens, but is only feebly 
indicated in some of the smallest. The operculum is white or of a 
flesh tint on the outer surface, and generally has a livid stain at the 
nucleus. It is rather smooth, exhibiting fine lines of growth and a 
few feeble longitudinal strie. ‘The inner surface is of a darker flesh 
tint, and has a slightly elevated pale obsolete ridge curving from 
the nuclear end to the middle of the columellar or straight side. The 
outer curved margin is also a little thickened within. The erect 
process is rather slender. The largest specimen has an extreme 
length of 34 millimetres. 


Hab. Choiseul Bay and Ugi Island (Guppy); Guadalcanar 
Island (Macgillivray) ; and San Christoval ( Brenchley). 

Of the two specimens from Ugi one is peculiar in having only a 
slight trace of the orange-red colour of the aperture. In addition 
to the localities cited by Martens in his monograph of this genus 
(Conch.-Cab. ed. 2, p. 51), I might mention Queensland, Australia, 
on the authority of Tenison-Woods, and of a specimen in the British 
Museum presented by Mr. Wickham. 

55. Nerittna petitt, Récluz. 

Hab. Treasury and Faro Islands. 

This species also occurs at the Fiji Islands, where it was collected 
by Macgillivray. Its further distribution has been given by Martens 
in the Conchylien-Cabinet. His surmise that N. californica of 

606 MR. E. A. SMITH ON SHELLS [June 2, 

Reeve is the same species is confirmed by an examination of the 
type in the British Museum. 

The specimens collected by Mr. Guppy are of a light olive-brown 
colour, and exhibit a fine reticulation and spotting with black from 
the violet apex to the middle of the last whorl. 

56. NerIvTIna oLIvaAceA, Le Guillou. 

Hab. Streams in Treasury Island, and in a stream at Sulagina, 
San Christoval. 

The specimens from the above locality differ from those collected 
by Cuming at the Philippine Islands in being rather smaller and 
in having the collumelar callus of a reddish tint except along the 
toothed edge, which is white. Some of the specimens exhibit a 
considerable amount of fine spotting and reticulating lines. 

With this species I would unite N. solium, Récluz ; and perhaps 
the four following species, N. bicolor, Récluz, N. subpunctata, 
Récluz, N. interrupta, Récluz, and N. souleyetana, are merely 
varieties of the same species. 


Hab. Streams in Faro Island (Guppy) ; streams in Guadalcanar 
Island (Macgillivray, in Brit. Mus.) ; and Ngau, Fiji group (Brit. 

the Fijian specimens are considerably larger than the type 
figured by Reeve, having an extreme diameter of 42 millims. All 
the specimens of this species which I have seen have the apex con- 
siderably eroded. The specimens obtained by Mr. Guppy are of 
small size, and may be adult shells, although having a maximum 
diameter of only 16 millims. 


Hab. Ugi Island, “ living on the sides of a deep ravine worn by 
a stream in a soft caleareous rock’ (Guppy). 

This species has not been previously recorded from these islands. 
The specimens are smaller than those obtained by Mr. Cuming at 
the island of Luzon, but may not be adult; the columella is of a 
uniform pale ochre tint. The operculum is almost precisely the 
game as that of N. sanguinea which I have described, but has a 
broader corneous border. 

59. NeriTINA porcaTa, Gould. 

Hab. In streams, Faro Island (Guppy); San Christoval, Solomon 
group, Fiji and Navigators Islands (Brit. Mus.). 

Neritina sanguinea, Sowerby, is very like this species in many 
respects, but is smoother, being without the distinct ridges so 
characteristic of N. porcata, 


Hab. Faro, Simbo, San Christoval, and Ugi Islands, and Choiseul 


None of the specimens from the above localities are large, but 
are very variable in the style of their coloration, some from Ugi 
being precisely like N. pulchra of Sowerby, wrongly said to have 
been found at Panama. The operculum in all, however, is of the 
same slaty-black colour, with the pale spot at the nuclear end. The 
majority have the red stain on the columella more or less intense, 
but a few have the columella uniformly bluish-white. 

61. Neritina TurRTONI, Récluz. 

Hab. From a stream, Shortland Island, and found “ imbedded in 
a dark calcareous loam exposed in the banks of a large stream at 
Sulagina on the north coast of San Christoval ” (Guppy); Guadal- 
canar Island, in streams (Macgillivray, in Brit. Mus.). 

The specimens from the Solomon Islands appear to be marked 
very much alike; they are all coloured with oblique, fine, more or 
less undulating or zigzag black and yellow lines, of which the latter 
are invariably the finest and indeed hair-like. 

The largest specimens are those from Guadalcanar, measuring 
twenty-five millims. from the apex to lower margin of the aperture, 
The dead specimens from San Christoval retain the external polish 
and markings, although probably somewhat altered in tint ; the black 
lines being of a dark slate-colour and the yellow lines white or lilac. 
The apertures and columella have lost all colour and are of a white 
chalky texture. In these specimens the columellar surface seems to 
be rather more convex than usual; but still I have no doubt they 
belong to this species. 


Hab. From streams in Shortland, Treasury, and Usgi Islands. 

The shells from the first and last of these localities closely resemble 
figures 24 a, 6 (NV. subyranosa) in Reeve’s monograph of this genus 
in the ‘Conchologia Iconica.’ Two specimens, however, are rather 
different, being smoother and very closely and finely lineated with 
black as in WV. penicillata, Gould, which I regard. as a variety of 
this species. The specimens from Treasury Island have the same 
kind of sculpture, but are entirely destitute of spines. 

63. NerITINA squaRrRosa, Récluz. 

Hab. From streams in Treasury Island. 

This species has not been previously recorded from the Solomon 
Islands. The only specimen obtained is grey, faintly zoned with a 
darker tint, has many of the triangular warts whitish, and the 
collumella yellowish ; it is 27 millims. in diameter. 


Hab, Faro Island. 

This species may be the NV. macrocephala of Le Guillon, as suggested 
by Martens, but it does not correspond in all respects with the 
original description in the ‘Revue Zoologique’ for 1841. The Solomon- 
Island specimens are only half the length of the specimen figured by 


Reeve, and some of them exhibit indistinct spotting and reticulation 
when held up between the light and the eye. The surface of the 
brown-black epidermis is without gloss, and under the lens appears 
finely rugose or subgranular. The operculum is rather narrow, with 
a projection on each side in front of nearly the same length, with a 
deep rounded sinus between, and the horny portion covers about half 
the surface. 

The figure of the operculum of N. cumingiana, given by Martens 
(Conch.-Cab. ed. 2, pl. 4. fig. 4), somewhat resembles it. 

N. magnifica, Reeve, and N. scarabeus of the same author, are 
the same species, but I doubt whether WV. sanguisuga also belongs to 
it. The sculpture of the former is not quite the same, and the 
surface more glossy. 


Hab. Faro, Treasury, and Ugi Islands, from streams (Guppy) ; 
Guadalcanar (J. Maegillivray) ; and San Christoval (Brenchley). 

Both the varieties described by Martens (Conch.-Cab. ed. 2, p. 31, 
pl. 6. figs. 5-14), and also figured by Reeve (Conch. Cab. figs. 5, 5a), 
oceur in the Solomon Islands, the black-striped variety being 
apparently of less frequent occurrence than the more finely reticu- 
lated form. 

66. Unio cupryr. (Plate XXXVII. figs. 8-8 4.) 

Shell elongate, very inequilateral, usually a little longer than twice 
the height, compressed, covered with a blackish-brown epidermis, 
exhibiting strong lines of growth and very faint radiating substriation, 
and marked with fine wrinklings at the eroded beaks, which are 
small and placed quite near the anterior extremity. Dorsal margin 
behind the umbones almost straight or the least excurved for some 
distance, then at an obtuse angle becoming oblique before rounding 
into the extremity, which is a little more sharply curved than the 
anterior end. Ventral outline either faintly excurved, straight, or the 
least concave. Interior bluish-white, most iridescent at the hinder 
extremity, generally stained in parts with olive-brown. Cardinal 
tooth of the right valve moderately large, four- or five-lobed at the 
top, situated just in front of the umbo. Between it and the outer 
margin is a short ridge, the space between the tooth and the ridge 
receiving the single, smaller, roughened and striated tooth of the left 
valve. Lateral tooth of the right valve long, obliquely truncate 
behind, fitting in between two teeth in the opposite valve. Anterior 
adductor sear deep, posterior superficial, squarish in front. Pedal 
scar in both valves under the cardinal tooth very deep. Ligament 
elongate, prominent. 

Length 80 mm. ; height 38 ; diameter 21. 

SO: tanks Pa 5S ra 18. 

Hab. From streams in Shortland Island. 

This species recalls to mind some of the forms from Australia and 
New Zealand. Its principal features are the elongate compressed 
form, dark brown colour, wrinkled apices, and coarse incremental 


lines. It is the only species as yet recorded from the Solomon 

Prats XXXVI. 

Fig. 1, _ a, 1b. Helix (Nanina) nitidissima, p. 589. 
2,2 2a, 26. ) solidiuscula, p. 589. 
3, ee 3b. —— (Corasia) tricolor, var., p. 589. 
—— (Geotrochus) guppyi, p. 591. 
— ( ) dampreri, var., p. 592. 
—( ) eleryi, var. septentr ionalis, p. 592. 
—— (——) , var. simboana, p. 592. 
— , var. meridionalis, p. 592. 
—— (Videna) sancte anne, p. 594. 
" Omphalotropis nebulosa, p. 597. 
Pupina solomonensis, p. 597. 
10, 10 a.  Helicina egregia, p. 598. 
11, 11a,116. —— solomonensis, p. 599, 

Puate XXXVII. 

Melania fastigiella, p. 601. 
, 8p., p. 601, 
’ subgradata, p . 601. 
ujiensis, p. 602. 
sancte anne, p. 602. 
guppyi, p. 603. 
. Neritina cornea, var., p. 603. 

Unio guppy?, exterior of left valve, p. 608. 
a ——,, exterior of right valve, p. 608. 
b. —-——, hinge-margin of left valve, p. 608. 

DO DWAA AH one ¢ 

© a8 


“Iqo 9 

© 0 MIG 

June 16, 1885. 
Prof. Flower, LL.D., V.P.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during the month of May 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of May was 164, of which 67 were by 
presentation, 52 by purchase, 19 by birth, 7 by exchange, and 19 
were received on deposit. The total number of departures during 
the same period, by death and removals, was 117. 

The most noticeable additions during the month of May were as 
follows :— 

Four Pucheran’s Guinea-fowls (Vwmida pucherani) from Eastern 
Africa, presented by Commander C. E. Gissing, R.N., H.B.M. 
Vice-Consul at Zanzibar. This fine species has not lately been 
represented in the Society’s series. 

Examples of two species of Wild Cats of the genus Felis, pre- 
sented by Frank Swettenham, Esq., acting British Resident of Perak, 
Malay Peninsula. Two of the Cats appear to be young examples of 
Felis javanensis ; the third is a fine example of the rare Felis mar- 
morata, remarkable for its long tail. 


The following extracts were read from a letter addressed to the 
Secretary by Mr. J. Biittikofer, dated Leyden Museum, May 30, 
1885 :— 

“On reading the interesting account of a visit to the birds’-nest 
caves near Elopura (British North Borneo) by Mr. Pryer, contained 
in the last part of the ‘ Procedings,’ Dr. Jentink, the Director of our 
Museum, called my attention to a paper from the hand of the late 
Dr. Bernstein, our celebrated traveller in the Malay Archipelago, 
published in the ‘ Journal fiir Ornithologie’ as early as 1859. You 
would oblige me very much by taking notice of this paper in the 
next number of the ‘ Proceedings,’ as that may serve to correct any 
impression which might otherwise be entertained that the account 
of Mr. Pryer, with the adjoined report on the edible birds’ nests by 
Mr. J. R. Green, is the first satisfactory solution of the question 
which has been offered. In order to show how thoroughly and 
successfully Dr. Bernstein has studied the question ix Joco, allow 
me to quote some of the most interesting parts of his exhaustive 

Mr. Biittikofer then quoted passages from the article alluded to 
in the ‘ Journal fiir Ornithologie’ for 1859, pp. 112-115 ; following 
from which it appeared that Dr. Bernstein had proved most con- 
clusively from his own observations that the so-called edible nests of 
Collocalia ave formed from the spittle of these birds, the salivary 
glands of which are abnormally developed during the breeding- 
season for this purpose. 

The following extract was read from a letter addressed to the 
Secretary by Major-General Sir Peter Lumsden, K.C.B. :— 

‘‘The young Snow Leopards of which you inquire were captured 
on the 17th of November, 1884, on the southern slopes of the 
mountains which in Persia separate the valley of Zroabad from that 
of Torbut-i-Jani, crossed here by a road known as the ‘ Istoi pass,’ 
and not very far from where the range is penetrated by the Heri- 
Rud river, separating Persia from Affghanistan. A native hunter 
had shot a ‘ mish’ (or wild sheep) and had left it in order to go after 
another, then in sight, which having also secured, he returned to 
secure the first one, but on reaching it found a Leopardess greedily 
devouring it. He shot her, and on going up to the body found no 
less than five young kittens, perhaps ten days or a fortnight old, 
very active and savage; he with difficulty managed to secure two of 
them, which he brought back to camp. They were taken care of by 
a native, and carried along with us, fed on milk, meat, &e., to Kazan, 
from whence they were despatched on a mule to the British Agent in 
Herat, with instructions to send them on the first opportunity to 
Mr. Barnes, the Government Political Agent, Quettah, who was to 
arrange for their despatch to the Society’s Gardens. 

“ Nawab Mirza Hassim Ali Khan, my personal assistant, took them 
over from the native huntsman who captured them, looked after 


their keep, and arranged everything for their despatch &c. These 
kittens within a very few days became quite tame.” 

Mr. Oldfield Thomas exhibited a specimen ofa burrowing Rodent 
apparently allied to the rare Heterocephalus glaber, Riippell, which 
had been recently presented to the Natural History Museum, and 
read the following letter from the donor :-~ 

Junior Carlton Club, 
Pall Mall, 8.W., 
June 15, 1885. 

Dear Sir,— 

In looking at my journal I find the following notes under 
the date January 29, 1885 :— 

Gerlogobie, Ogardain, Central Somali-land.—* To-day the natives 
brought into camp a curious little creature, a sort of Mole, length 
43 inches, skin bare, with a few stiff hairs. Tail like that of a 
Hippo. Its toes armed with bristles, and its teeth like those of a 
Walrus. On being placed on the ground it commenced to dig 
furiously, using its teeth to loosen the earth with ; its eyes were tiny, 
aud its ears simply holes in the sides of its head.” 

This little creature, called ‘‘ Farumfer” by the Somali, throws up 
in places groups of miniature craters, which exactly represent vol- 
canoes in active eruption; when the little beasts were at work I used 
frequently to watch them, and found that the loose earth from their 
excavations was brought to the bottom of the crater, and sent with 
great force into the air in a succession of rapid jerks, but they them- 
selves never ventured forth from the shelter of their burrows. I 
caught several by suddenly plunging a sharp-pointed instrument into 
the volcano, but never succeeded in making good skins of them. 

Yours very truly, 
E. Lort Puruurrs, F.Z.S. 

Mr. Thomas remarked that no specimen of H. glaber had 
apparently been recorded since Riippell’s original example described 
just 40 years ago’; and that it was therefore a matter of great 
interest to determine whether that author’s description of its charac- 
ters and habits held good on the examination of further specimens, 
since it had been sometimes supposed that the original type was 
either immature or diseased, and on that account more or less 
hairless. This second specimen now proved that Riippell was 
quite correct in his deseription, and that the normal state of the 
animal was as figured by him. It appeared, however, that the 
nearest affinities of Heterocephalus are not with Spalax and 
Rhizomys, as had been supposed by Mr. Alston?, who had only 
Riippell’s figures to go upon, but with Bathyergus and Georychus, 
to the latter of which it was very closely allied, differing chiefly 
in its want of hair, much longer tail, and in its not possessing 
any premolar teeth. 

? Mus. Senck. iii. p. 99, pl. vii. (animal), x. (skull), 1845. 
? P.Z.8. 1876, p. 86. 


Mr. Thomas hoped to be able to give a fuller description, with 
figures, of this interesting specimen at a future meeting of the © 

Mr. W. T. Blanford exhibited the skull of a Paradoxurus, which 
he believed to be an undescribed form, and made the following 
remarks :— 

The skull now exhibited was sent to me together with askin, from 
which unfortunately nearly all the hair had been removed by moths, 
by the Rev. S. Fairbank, of Ahmednagar in the Bombay Presidency, 
about two years ago. He had received the specimen from Mr. F. 
Levinge, who procured it in his own garden at Kodaikanal, on the 
Palni (or Pulney) hills in the Madura district, Madras Presidency. 
The natives of the hills called the animal “ Kart-nai,’’ or dog of 
the woods ; and Mr. Fairbank suggested that it might be Paradow- 
urus zeylonensis, Pall. (P. zeylanicus, Kelaart), a species hitherto 
not known to occur elsewhere than in Ceylon. On comparison, 
however, the skull was found to differ not only from that of P. 
zeylonensis, but from all known species of Paradoxurus, in the 
excessive length of the anterior palatine foramina, which are more 
than 0°4 inch long (10 millimetres), and extend back as far as a line 
drawn through the posterior edges of the anterior upper premolars. 
In all other Paradoxuri the foramina are only half as long as in the 
skull from the Palni Hills, and do not extend back further than a 
line drawn through the hinder edge of the canines. 

On searching amongst specimens in the British Museum, Mr. 
Oldfield Thomas (to whom I am indebted for much assistance in 
working out this and other questions connected with Indian zoology) 
called my attention to a flat skin presented some years since by Mr. 
F. Day, C.1.E., and different from that of any known Paradoxurus. 
This skin agrees with the description given by Mr. Fairbank, and 
with the remains of that sent by him; and although the exact 
locality whence it was procured is uncertain, Mr. Day tells me he is 

1 During the passage of these remarks through the press, I have had, through 
the kindness of the Directors of the Senckenberg Museum, the opportunity of 
examining the original type of H. glaber described by Riippell. I find that 
Mr. Phillips’s specimen, while referable to the genus Heterocephalus, represents 
a distinct and very much smaller species, which I would propose to call 

'H. phillipsi, after its discoverer. It may be readily distinguished by the fol- 
lowing comparative measurements :— 

Skull :— From Lambda to Basal Greatest Palate 
tip of nasals. length, breadth. length. 
millims. millims. millims. millims. 
EL. LUNE. oc ccteg eaten as 21°5 (c) 23:2 18:3 156 
EL, phillipst .........008 161 17:5 13°6 91 
Hind foot :— 
TLS QUO aaccniascesuee 21:2 
HL, phillipst ........000 166 

The type of H. phillipsi is a fully adult female. ; 
July 30, 1885. OME: 

J.Smit lith 






satisfied that it was obtained originally on one of the higher hill- 
ranges of Southern India. 

I was at first uncertain whether, after all, this apparently new 
Paradozurus might not be the P. zeylanicus, var. fuscus of Kelaart 
(Prod. Faun. Zey]. p. 39 ; P. montanus, Kelaart apud Blyth, J. A.S. B. 
xx. pp. 161-184); but one of the typical specimens of this form 
in the British Museum proves to be a slightly browner variety of 
P. zeylonensis. I have very little doubt that the large tree-cat 
mentioned by Surgeon-Major Bidie in the Government ‘ Manual of 
the Nilagiri District,’ p. 152, as having been obtained on the Animali 
hills and at Kotagiri on the Nilgiris, is the species to which 
attention is now called. If so this form has a considerable range in 
the southera portions of the Syhadri, or Western Ghats. 

I hope before long to be able to lay before the Society a general 
note on the species of Paradozurus, but meantime I propose to name 
the form here described after one of the best naturalists of Southern 
India, and to define it thus :— 


General structure apparently similar to that of the common P. 
hermaphroditus (= P.musanga, P. typus, P. bondar, &c.), except 
that the fur is uniform in length without longer black-tipped hairs 
on the body. Skull with anterior palatine foramina extending back 
as far as the anterior pair of premolars. 

Colour of fur deep rich brown on head, shoulders, and limbs ; 

back and sides the same but grizzled. Tail brown, with along white 
tip. Hairs and underfur of the body brown, except a long 
subterminal grey ring on the longer hairs of the back and sides. 
Vibrissee dark brown. 
. Dimensions approximately the same as in P. zeylonensis (head and 
body about 20 inches), or rather larger. The skull measures 4°45 
inches in length from behind the occipital condyles to the anterior 
border of the premaxillaries. 

Hab. The higher ranges near the west coast of Southern India. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. On a new Species of Parrot of the Genus Psittacula. 
By Dr. G. Harriavs, F.M.Z.S. 

[Received May 26, 1885.] 
(Plate XXXVIII.) 

In a small collection of birds’ skins from Baranquilla, presented 
of late to the Bremen Museum, I found a single specimen of a typical 
Psittacula, apparently quite adult and very probably a male. After 
having compared this little bird with the Psittacule of our collection— 
(1) Ps. passerina, from 8.E. Brazil, (2) Ps. cyanochlora, Natt., from 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XL. 40 


North Brazil, not to be confounded with Ps. passerina, (3) Ps. 
cyanopyga, from the island of Tres Marias, (4) Ps. celestis, and (5) 
Ps. conspicillata,—and after having searched most assiduously, but 
without success, for a description in the systematical works, I think 
that I am justified in describing my Psittacula as of a new species. 
May I be allowed to name it after my friend Dr. W. Spengel, a 
well-known zoologist and the able Director of the Bremen Museum. 

PsITTACULA SPENGELI, sp. nov. (Plate XX XVIII. fig. 1.) 

Minor: rostro pro mole magno et valde robusto; lete et dilute 
psittacino-viridis : pileo letius et purius tincto; gastreo 
nonnihil in flavidum vergente; tergo infimo, uropygio et 
supracaudalibus dilute azureis; subalaribus prope marginem 
internum ale ex azureo-malachitaceis, dein intense cobaltino- 
cyaneis : tectricibus remigum sec. ord. uropygio concoloribus ; 
alula spuria nigro-cerulescente ; scapularibus dorso concoloribus ; 
rectricum pure et dilute viridium pogoniis internis subvirescenti- 
flavis, mediis totis viridibus ; subcaudalibus nitide et dilutissime 
viridibus ; rostro pallido ; pedibus incarnatis. Long. tot. circa 
107 millim.; ale 81 millim.; caud. 30 millim. 

The colour of the upper parts is a light parrot-green, finer and 
purer on the crown and the sides of the head ; underparts somewhat 
lighter with a faint yellowish shade ; rump and upper tail-coverts 
of a fine light turquoise-blue (the same as in Ps. cyanopyga) ; greater 
Wing-coverts of the same colour; primaries black on the inner and 
green on the outer webs ; under wing-coverts near the margin of the 
wing of the same light turquoise-blue, but nearer the body of a fine 
blue; tail-feathers light green, the inner webs of the lateral rectrices 
yellow, with an indistinct greenish shade; under tail-coverts of a 
very light yellowish-green ; beak very large, whitish; feet flesh- 

Psittacula spengeli resembles P. cyanopyga in the turquoise- 
colour of the rump ; but differs from it in its smaller size, in the much 
larger beak, in the cobalt-blue spot on the inner wing-coverts, and 
in the yellow inner webs of the rectrices. In Psittacula cyanochlora, 
Natt. (passerina, 3 jr., Finsch), the inner wing-coverts are very 
much like those of Ps. spengeli; but the colour of the rump is, as in 
the former species, a brilliant emerald-green, and the inner webs of 
the rectrices are not yellow but green with yellowish margins. 
Psittacula cyanochlora is altogether a larger bird with a much 
smaller beak. The cobalt-blue colour of some of the tectrices of 
the primaries, so apparent in Ps. cyanochlora, is entirely wanting in 
Ps. spengeli. 

So far as I know, Psittacula spengeli is the only member of 
this lovely little group in which the colour of the inner wing-coverts 
repeats that of Ps. passerina &c., and the colour of the rump that of 
Ps. cyanopyga. 

I take this opportunity of sending for exhibition a typical specimen 
of Ps. eyanochlora, Natt. MS., which, as already observed, has been 




considered by Dr. Finsch as the young male of Ps. passerina, but 
which I believe to be a distinct species. It may be described as 
follows :— 


3. Supra psittacino-viridis, nonnihil obscurius adumbrata ; capitis 
lateribus et gastreo toto dilutius et subflavescenti-viridibus ; 
tergo, uropygio et supracaudalibus pulchre smaragdino-viri- 
dibus ; rectricibus viridibus, pogoniis internis marginem versus 
flavicantibus ; alarum tectricibus minoribus dorso concoloribus 
majoribus (remig. sec. ord.) cyanescentibus, in malachitaceum ver- 
gentibus, nonnullis subelongatis et angustatis, cobaltino-ceruleis ; 
subalaribus pulchre et extense cobaltinis ; margine interno alari 
e malachitaceo viridi ; rostro toto pallido ; pedibus incarnatis : 
crassitie Ps. passerine. 

Hab. Rio Brancho (Natterer). 

There is a young male Ps. passerina in the Bremen Collection which . 
resembles Ps. cyanochlora in most respects. But there are some 
differences, and amongst them there is one which I consider to be 
rather important. In this “ young male” of Caracas the cobalt-blue 
spot on the subalares is very small and has evidently not yet reached 
its full extension. In cyanochlora you will observe that the cobalt- 
blue of the subalares has the greatest possible extension, just as in 
the old male of passerina. Now this is very curious, and very much 
in favour of my opinion. 

The colour of the ¢ectric. major. is very similar in the Caracas bird 
and in Ps. eyanochiora, but it is brighter in the latter. The curious 
one or two narrow elongated dark-blue feathers are to be found in 
both birds. 

The emerald-green colour of the rump is also the same in both 
birds, it being only a little brighter in Ps. eyanochlora. 

The green colour of the upper parts is much lighter and purer in 
the Caracas bird, and the sides of the head and the whole under- 
parts are of a different green, finer, more emerald, and less 

ellowish than in Ps. cyanochlora. 

2. Report on the Collection of Birds formed during the 
Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.”—Part VI. New 
Guinea and the Papuan Islands. By F. H. H. 
GurittEMArD, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., &c. 

[Received June 2, 1885.] 
(Plate XX XIX.) 

The ‘ Marchesa,’ on leaving the Moluccas, proceeded to the islands 
lying off the north-west coast of New Guinea. Batanta and 
Waigiou were first visited ; and from the former, in the neighbourhood 
of a fine bay discovered at the east end (which was roughly surveyed, 



and named after the yacht), several specimens of Wilson’s Bird of 
Paradise were obtained. In Waigiou, during the month of October, 
we found many females and immature males of Paradisea rubra, 
but the male in full plumage seemed very rare. Our search for the 
lovely Rhipidornis gulielmi IIL. was quite unsuccessful, and though 
I inquired of many natives concerning it, none of them had any 
knowledge of it. Leaving some hunters both in this island and 
Salwatti, we proceded to Dorei Bay, where three Dutch missionaries 
are stationed ; the only white men in the whole of Dutch New Guinea. 
These gentlemen were of great help to us, and it was through their 
assistance that we were able to obtain so large a collection of birds 
from the slopes of the Arfak mountains ; a region that we ourselves 
were unfortunately unable to visit in person, owing to our restricted 
time and the fact that our flour and other provisions had already 
come to anend. After visiting Jobi, an island that proved, ornitho- 
logically speaking, very unproductive for us, save in specimens of 
_ Paradisea minor, we returned to Dorei Bay. After a short stay for 
arranging our Arfak specimens and various other purposes, we 
proceeded on our return journey ; and on arriving at Samatee in the 
island of Salwatti, we were pleased to find that our hunters had 
succeeded in obtaining for us a living specimen of the exquisite 
Twelve-wired Bird of Paradise (Seleucides nigricans). The island, 
however, not proving very rich in bird-life, we decided to go south- 
ward to Mysol, and found our way with some little difficulty through 
a network of small islands and shoals to Efbee, a little village on the 
south coast. Here we left five of our hunters with directions to 
proceed if possible to the west part of that island, and, after making 
a short survey of the harbour, we sailed for Amboina in order to re- 
provision the ship. 

The Aru islands were the next localities visited by the ‘ Marchesa,’ 
but the result was singularly unsuccessful. The season was unhealthy, 
and the ship’s company suffered considerably from fever and scurvy. 
We accordingly returned to Mysol, picked up the hunters we had 
left upon the island, and, merely touching for a day or two at Batchian 
en route, we anchored once more in the roadstead of Ternate. 

The collection thus obtained was a very large one, and numbered 
examples of close on two hundred and thirty species, of which two 
hundred and thirteen are noticed in the following pages. The col- 
lection of the Birds of Paradise was an exceedingly rich one, consisting 
of Porotia sexpennis, Lophorhina superba, Paradigalla caruneulata, 
Astrapia nigra, Epimachus speciosus, Drepanornis albertisi and D. 
bruijni, Ptiloris magnifica, Seleucides alba, Semioptera wallacei, Para- 
diseee minor, apoda, and rubra, Diphyllodes speciosa, chrysoptera, and 
wilsoni, Cicinnurus regius, and Xanthomelus aureus. The series of 
many of the above were very large, and the whole formed what is 
without doubt the finest collection that has hitherto been brought 
from New Guinea and itsislands. But the thoroughness of the work 
of previous explorers, such as Wallace, Beccari, Von Rosenberg, and 
D’ Albertis, is shown from the fact that among the many hundred 
skins obtained by the ‘ Marchesa’s’ party, not one single new species 


occurs, although fresh localities have been assigned to many. The 
expedition likewise failed in solving the problem of the nesting of 
the Paradiseide in spite of every inquiry having been made, 
and large rewards offered for the eggs of any of the species. 
Among many living birds brought back by the ‘ Marchesa,’ and 
presented by Mr. C. T. Kettlewell to the Society, were three fine 
examples of Paradisea minor, which have now been in the Gardens 
for nearly a year and are still in good health. The Seleucides 
unfortunately died on the voyage home. 

The present paper concludes the series on the birds collected 
during the ‘Marchesa’s’ voyage. It is to be regretted that, in 
the present days of ocean yachting, more yacht-owners do not 
follow Mr. Kettlewell’s example, and strive by private enterprise to 
add somewhat to our knowledge of those countries that have been 
left so long unexplored. 

1, HALiasTUR GIRRENERA (Vieill.). 
Haliastur girrenera, Salvad. op. cit. vol. 1. p. 15. 
a. Jr. Waigiou. 

2. Baza REINWARDTI (Miill. et Schleg.). 

Baza reinwardtii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 26. 

a. 6. Dobbo, Aru. 

6. Aru. 

c. Waigiou. 

Iris yellow; tarsus and feet yellow; bill dark slate. Length 
(example «) 40 centims. ; wing 29 centims. 

Salvadori does not mention the occurrence of this species in 


3. Asrur LeEucosoma (Sharpe). 

Leucospizias leucosomus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 42. 

a. 9. Arfak (Bruijn). 

The feet and tarsi are yellow in the dried skin, and are doubtless 
so in the living bird. 

4. AstuR POLIOCEPHALUS (G. R. Gr.). 
Urospizias poliocephalus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ie p. 45. 

a. 6. Wammar, Aru. : 
Iris brown ; bill black ; skin round eye and at base of bill orange ; 
feet orange, claws black. Length 37°8 centims. ; wing 21*2 centims. 

5. AstuR ToRQUATUS (Cuv.). 
Urospizias torquatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 60. 

a. 2. Batanta. j ; 
Batanta is a new locality for this species, but Wallace obtained it 

in Waigiou. 


6. AsTUR MELANOCHLAMys (Salvad.). 

Urospizias melanochlamys, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 63. 

a. 3. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Mr. Gurney, who has kindly assisted me in the identification of 
many of the birds of prey collected during the voyage of the 
‘Marchesa,’ writes :—‘‘'This specimen agrees with the description 
given in Salvadori’s Orn. della Pap. with the following exceptions :— 
The under wing-coverts are whole-coloured dark maroon like the 
breast, except the lowest row, which are pale tawn. Also no spots 
are visible either on remiges or rectrices, and the bill is only partially 
black, the lower mandible and the sides of the upper, next the gape, 
being horn-yellow.” 

7. CacATUA TRITON (Temm.). 

Cacatua triton, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 94. 

a. ¢. Salwatti. 

6. 2. Mysol. 

ce. Arfak. 

Iris brown; bill and legs black. Length 48°6-49°5 centims. ; 
wing 28°5—30 centims. 

The Arfak bird is considerably larger than the other birds. The 
crest is very full and long, not pointed, and not recurved. From 
the base of the bill to the end of the crest is 17°0 centims., as 
against 130 and 13°) centims. of the other examples. The bill also 
is much larger. 

8. MicroGLOssUS ATERRIMUS (Gm.). 

Microglossus aterrimus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 107. 

a. 6. Salwatti. 

b. 3. Dorei (via ad.). 

c. 2. Waigiou. 

d. Jr. Momos, Waigiou. 

Iris dark brown; bare skin red; bill and legs black. In the 
young bird the maxilla is dark brown, whitish at tip ; the mandible 
stone-colour, white at the tip; the feathers of the abdomen finely 
barred with light yellow, and the tail-feathers much pointed. 

This species gets extremely tame in confinement, appears torpid, 
and is very deliberate in its movements. 


Nasiterna bruijni, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 115. 

a, 6. 6. Arfak. 
e. 9. Arfak. 
Obtained from Mr. Bruijn of Ternate. 

10. NasITERNA PYGMHA (Q. et G.). 
Nasiterna pygmea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 117. 

a. &. Mysol. 
b. 2. Mysol. 


Iris, bill, and feet brown ; length 9:4—10°0 centims, (Salvadori 
gives 7°8 centims. !); wing 5*7—-5:9 centims. 


Tanygnathus megalorhynchus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 129. 

a, 6. 3. Momos, Waigiou. 

c, d. 2. Momos. 

e. ¢. Samatee, Salwatti. 

Iris whitish yellow; bill scarlet; tarsus dull olive. Length 
38°0-42'3 centims. Salvadori gives 43-46 centims. as the total- 
length measurements ; these have possibly been taken from the dried 
skin. The Salwatti bird is bluish on the head, not green. 


Aprosmictus dorsalis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 140. 

a. 3. Batanta. 

6. 2. Andai. 

ec 2.Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

d. 9.Samatee, Salwatti. 

e. New Guinea. 

Iris orange; bill black, red at base of maxilla; tarsus dirty 
yellow, sometimes olive-green or brownish. 

One of the females only has the interscapulars green. 

13. PsrrracELLA BREHMI (Rosenb.). 

Psittacella brehmti, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 145. 

a. 6. Arfak. 

6. 2. Arfak. 

Obtained by the hunters in the neighbourhood of Hatam. 
The bill of the male is much larger than that of the female. 

14. CycLopsirracus occIDENTALIS, Salvad. 

Cyclopsittacus occidentalis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 152. 

a, b. 3. Samatee, Salwatti. 

Iris brown ; bare space round eye blackish; bill black ; tarsus 
dark greenish. Length 23°0 centims. ; wing 11°3 and 11:6 centims. 

Very like C. blythi from Mysol, but quite distinct in having the 
azure subocular spots, and differing from C. desmaresti in wanting 
the blue nuchal patch. 

15. CycLorsitTacus BLyTuI, Wall. 

Cyclopsittacus blythi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 154. 

a-d. 3. Mysol. 

e-g. 2. Mysol. 

Iris brown ; bill black; tarsus dull olive. Length 22°8-25 
centims. ; wing 11°3-11°7 centims. 

This series shows C. blythi to be a perfectly good species. The 
individuals vary a good deal in colour, some having the underparts 
much brighter than others. Thus in one they are almost grass- 


green, while in another, a female, there is a broad pectoral band of 
orange, and the breast and abdomen are tinged with that colour. 
In two males and a female, all of which have a general green rather 
than orange colouring, a feather or two beneath the eye, corre- 
sponding to the position of the subocular spot in C. ocecipitalis, are 
slightly tipped with greenish blue. 

16. CycLopsIrrAcus DIOPHTHALMUS (Hombr. et Jacq.). 

Cyclopsittacus diophthalmus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 158. 

a-d. 3. Mysol. 

e-h. 2. Mysol. 

Iris brown; bill black; feet dull olive. Length 14°5-15°4 
centims. ; wing 8°3-8°9 centims. 

Besides the absence of the red on the cheeks, the female differs 
from the male in the red not shading into golden yellow on the 
vertex as in the latter. 

17. CycLopsirracus ARUENSIS (Schleg.). 

Cyclopsittacus aruensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 161. 

a, b. 3. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris dark brown ; tarsus olive-green; bill dark slate. Length 
15°8, 16°2 centims. ; wing 8°6, 8°4 centims. 


Geoffroyus pucherani, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 184. 

a. 3. Batanta. 

6. 2. Batanta. 

c. d. Waigiou. 

d, e. 3. Mysol. 

Iris greyish yellow; bill, maxilla of ¢ red, white at the tip, 
mandible dark slate, both slate-colour in the 9 ; tarsus olive-green. 
Length 27:5-28°0 centims. ; wing 15:0-17:0 centims. 


Geoffroyus jobiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 187. 

a. &. Ansus, Jobi. 

6. 2. Ansus. 

Iris yellow ; bill, in male maxilla red, mandible black ; in the 
female both black; feet olive-grey. Length 27:2; wing 16°6 

The red of the back is brighter than in G@. pucherani; the under 
wing-coverts are light cobalt, not azure, and in the female the head 
is of a clearer brown. 

20. EcLectus recroratis (P. L.S. Mill.). 
Eclectus pectoralis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 196. 
a-c. 3. Waigiou. 

d,e. 9. Waigiou. 


fj. &. Batanta. 

g. 3+ Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris red in the male, yellow or orange in the female. Maxilla of 
male rosy red, manciblel black ; bill of female entirely black ; feet 
dull olive-green. Length of birds from N.W. islands, 38°7-41°4 
centims. ; wing 24*8—27:0 centims. The Aru bird is larger (44:4 
and 28:0 centims.) ; but does not otherwise differ. A Waigiou male 
is partially albino, having the 1st, 4th, and 7th primaries of the left 
side, and the Ist, 3rd, and 7th of the right snowy white. 

21. DAsypTILuS PESQUETI (Less.). 

Dasyptilus pesqueti, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 216. 

a. Arfak. 

6, c. Dorei. 

All in similar plumage, except that in one the inner primaries 
are not tipped with red. These birds were obtained by the hunters ; 
I never saw the species except one specimen in confinement, in the 
house of Mr. van Bruijn Morris, the Resident of Ternate. It was 
fed almost entirely upon bananas. 

22. Lorrius tory (Linn.). 

Lorius lory, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 223. 

a-c. 6. Waigiou. 

d-f. 2. Waigiou. 

g. Waigiou? 

h, i. 3. Andai. 

k. 3. Mysol. 

1. Salwatti. 

Iris light yellow in the adult, yellowish brown in immature birds. 
Bill bright orange-red ; tarsus black. The individual marked 
«© Waigiou?”’ has the throat and breast red, and the blue of the nape 
does not join that of the under surface. It thus corresponds to 
Salvadori’s L. erythrothorax, but is evidently only a variety of ZL. 
lory. One of the examples from Andai is immature, and has the 
greater series of under wing-coverts yellow, with black tips, and the 
middle and lesser striped red and blue. The two median rectrices 
are green subterminally, and there are some scarlet feathers intermixed 
with the blue of the mantle. The only example obtained from 
Salwatti is characterized by the large extent of blue occupying the 

This species was found to be extremely abundant in Waigiou. 

23. Eos wauuacet, Finsch. 

Eos wallacei, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 255. 

a. 2. Napriboi, Waigiou. 

Iris “ brick colour ;” bill orange ; tarsus greyish. Length 29-0 
centims., wing 15:0 centims. A much brighter species than the 
Moluccan representative, H. riciniata, the red being more intense. 


24. Eos ruseata, Blyth. 

Eos fuscata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 263. 

a. o. Andai. 

Iris, inner ring orange, outer white; bill orange; tarsus black ; 
pectoral bands and abdomen red. Another individual, obtained 
alive from Jobi, was also of the red variety. 


Chalcopsittacus ater, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 269. 

a, 6. g. Samatee, Salwatti. 

c, d. 9. Samatee. 

e-h. 3. Efbe, Mysol. 

i, ke. 2. Mifbe: 

Iris, inner ring yellow, outer red; bill and feet black. Length 
36-39 centims.; wing 18°5-19°8. These measurements are con- 
siderably in excess of those given by Salvadori (long. 33 centims., 
wing 17-18 centims.). 

In this series the Mysol birds can at once be distinguished from 
those of Salwatti by the brighter blue of the back and uropygium, 
and by the tendency to red coloration in various parts of the body. 
Thus, in all the examples e-/ the tibials are more or less red, in 
some very brightly so. There is no trace of this in any of the birds 
from Salwatti. All the Mysol birds have the feathers of the fore- 
head washed with red, all have the carpal margin more or less 
marked with that colour, one of them very strongly so, and in four 
individuals the greater series of under wing-coverts are similarly 
characterized, while some of the primaries have a patch of reddish 
yellow on the inner web. While in Mysol I twice saw a bird in a 
flock of others, which had the front part of the head bright red, 
apparently much as in C. scintillatus. 

This species was abundant in Mysol, in flocks of from 10 to 20 
individuals. One that lived in confinement on board the ‘ Marchesa’ 
for some months became excessively tame. 

Chalcopsittacus scintillatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 274. 
a, 6. &. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris yellow; bill and tarsus black. 


Trichoglossus cyanogrammus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 279. 

a-e. d. Mysol. 

f-i. 2. Mysol. 

k. 9. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

l,m. o. Salwatti. 

n. 6. Batanta. 

o. 2. Batanta. 

p. 2. Andai. 

Iris orange-red ; bill reddish orange ; feet brownish olive. Length 
25°5-29°0 centims. ; wing 13°0-14°7 centims, 



Trichoglossus nigrigularis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 292. 

a-g. 6. Dobbo, Aru. 

h. 2. Dobbo. 

Iris orange ; bill bright orange-red ; feet greyish black. Length 
27:0-31°7 centims. ; wing 14°8-15°5 centims. 

The last of the series has the breast yellowish orange, and the 
feathers tipped with green, not dark blue. There is a large amount 
of variation among the individuals, the abdomen being green in 
some, in others bluish black. In one, the nuchal collar is yellow- 
orange, much marked with red, instead of greenish yellow, as it is 

T, nigrigularis, a common bird at Dobbo especially, differs from 
T. cyanogrammus in the greater length of tail and wing. 

Trichoglossus rosenbergi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 298. 


Iris yellow; bill scarlet; tarsus dull olive-green. Length 23°5 
centims., wing 12:4, tail 7°5, tarsus 1:6. 

This bird was obtained from a native of Dorei Bay, and was kept 
in captivity for some time. It agrees in almost every particular with 
Salvadori’s description, but is smaller. It is also much smaller than 
the example of 7. rosenbergi in the British Museum. The only 
noticeable difference in the plumage is that the inner web of the first 
primary is yellow washed with red, the next is more red, and so on 
till the fourth, which is entirely red. The entirely blue head, the 
broad yellow nuchal collar, the narrow brownish-red collar above it, 
and, lastly, the red inner webs of the primaries, serve at once to 
distinguish this species from 7. cyanogrammus. 

30. NropsIrracus MUSCHENBROEKI (Rosenb.). 

Neopsittacus muschenbroekii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 300. 

a, 6. Arfak. 

c, d. Vix ad, Arfak. 

e, f. Jr. Arfak. 

g. Jr. Arfak (Bruin). 

h. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Examples ¢ and dare nearly adult, but the tips of the greater 
series of under wing-coverts are dull greenish brown. Examples e 
and f have but a slight amount of red on the breast, but in A this 
colour commences at the chin. 

Coriphilus wilhelmine, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 302. 
a. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

32. CorIPHILUS PLACENS (Temm.). 
Coriphilus placens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 303. 
a, 6. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 


6, c. 2. Chabrol Bay. 

d. Juv. d. Mysol. 

e. 6. Arfak. 

Iris red or yellow ; bill and feet bright red. Length 17*7-18°5 
centims. ; wing 8°6—-9-0 centims. 

The Arfak bird has no yellow on the first three primaries, in the 
others the first two only are without the yellow patch ; the head is 
more distinctly yellow. The species has, I believe, not been pre- 
viously obtained from this district. 

Oreopsittacus arfaki, Salvad. op. eit. vol. i. p. 315. 

a. &. Arfak. 
6. 2. Arfak. 


Charmosynopsis pulchella, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 317. 

a-c. 6. Arfak. 

d. 3 viv ad. Arfak. 

e. 2 viv ad. Arfak. 

Ff: Fr..6~ Arfak. 

The thighs are slightly streaked with yellow in all. The young 
bird has the plumage of the adult, except that the breast is greenish 
and unstriped with yellow. It is also peculiar in having the inner 
webs of the flight feathers (beginning with the third) yellow towards 
the base. This seems to be a not uncommon characteristic of im- 
maturity in other allied genera. 


Charmosyna papuensis, Salvad. op. cit, vol. i. p. 320. 

a-c. 6. Arfak. 

d-g. Q. Arfak. 

h-k. Viv ad. Arfak. 

l. Jr. Arfak. 

In all the last four examples, the inner webs of some of the 
primaries at the base are yellow. The individual 7 has the under 
surface barred, and the tail short. 

The long tail-feathers of this species appear to be naturally wavy 
from their first appearance. 


Charmosyna josephine, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 325. 
a. 6. Arfak (Bruijn). 

37. CucuLus cANoRoIDEs, S. Miill. 

Cuculus canoroides, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 328. 
a. 3. Momos, Waigiou, Nov. 12. 

6. 2. Momos, Oct. 25. 

ce, d. Jr. Waigiou, Nov. 12 and 15, 

e. 2. Wammar, Aru, Dec. 


Iris yellow, brown in the young bird; bill black, greenish or yel- 
lowish at base of lower mandible; tarsus chrome-yellow. Length 
of example 4, 33°4 centims. ; wing 20°5 centims. 

None of the above are in perfect plumage. 

38. CuRrysococcyx MEYERI (Salvad.). 

Lamprococcyx meyerii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 346. 

Geno, Artak. 

Bill black; feet ash-coloured. Wing 9:4 centims. This indi- 
vidual has the whole sinciput chestnut, which was found to be the 
case in the only six females examined by Salvadori, though the 
colour was more restricted in some cases than in others. It is 
therefore not improbable that it is a constant sexual peculiarity. 

39. ? EupyNAMIS RUFIVENTER (Less.). 

Eudynamis rufiventer, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 368. 

a. 6 ad. Traitors Islands (N. of Jobi I.). 

b. f$ (2). Traitors Islands. 

ec. o (?). Traitors Islands. 

d. 2. Waigiou. 

The above birds were all obtained from Mr. Bruijn of Ternate, and 
are unaccompanied by notes on the colour of the soft parts. The first, 
a, isa male in full plumage ; 8, also marked ¢, has the head, neck, and 
iuterscapulars shining bluish green, the rest~of the back and wings 
spotted with white, the tail barred with rufous-white. The chin and 
throat are black, the upper breast rufescent, and the whole of the 
rest of the under surface white, barred with black. Example, from 
the same locality, differs from the last in having the upper surface 
spotted indiscriminately with white and rufous, and the whole 
under surface rufous barred with black. The last individual, d, from 
Waigiou, has the upper surface spotted with rufous ; the under 
parts rufous barred with black. The diagnostic points given by 

“foemina supra albo-maculata; gastreoalbido .. H. cyanocephala.” 
“¢fcemina supra rufo-maculata; gastreeo rufescente. E. rufiventer.” 

are thus inapplicable. 


Nesocentor menebiki, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 377. 

a. 3. Mysol. 

6. 3. Samatee, Salwatti. 

ce. 2. Dorei. 

Iris red, in the Dorei bird yellow, with an outer ring of brown; 
bill yellowish, dark at the base; feet dark horn-colour. Length 
65°5-66-4 centims., wing 20-23. 

41. Ruytrpoceros puiicatus (Penn.). 

Rhytidoceros plicatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 392. 
a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. 

b. 2. Momos. 


Iris of male orange, of female yellow; bill pale yellowish white, 
reddish at base; tarsus black. Length of male 90°5 centims., of 
female 78°5. 

Both old birds, with the edges of the bill much notched. The 
male has six maxillary plaques; the female only four. 


Alcyone lessoni, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 410. 

a. 9. Batanta. 

Iris brown; bill black; feet bright red-orange. Length 14-0 
centims., wing 7°S. 

A small specimen as compared with Salvadori’s measurements, in 
which the length is given as 16°5-17°5 centims. 


Alcyone pusilla, Salvad. op. cit. vol.i. p. 414. 

a. do. Waigiou. 

6. Batanta. 

Iris brown; bill black ; feet clear brown. Length of Batanta 
example 13 centims. 

Salvadori does not mention Batanta asa locality for this bird. 

44. Cryx souiraria, Temm. 

Ceyx solitaria, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 420. 

a,b. &. Salwatti. 

e, d. 2. Salwatti. 

e. 2. Waigiou. 

Tris brown ; bill black ; tarsus orange. Length 135-14 centims. ; 
wing 5:4 centims. 

This species has never previously been recorded from Waigiou. 


Tanysiptera galatea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 438. 

a-c. 3. Batanta. 

d,e. &. Andai. 

fig. 2. Andai. 

h,i. 3. Waigiou. 

k,l. 2. Waigiou. 

Iris brown; bill brilliant coral-red ; feet yellowish green. 
Common ; but difficult to obtain in good plumage. 

46. HaLcyon NIGROCYANEA, Wall. 

Halcyon nigrocyanea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 457. 

Halcyon quadricolor, Oustal. Le Nat. 1880, p. 323; Sharpe, 
Birds of N. G. part 13. 

a, 6. 3. Ansus, Jobi (Bruijn). 

ce. 6. Ansus (Bruijn). 

The series is interesting as proving the identity of H. nigrocyanea, 


and H. quadricolor of Oustalet. Exawmple a is a typical individual 
of the former ; ¢ has the chestnut abdomen, and corresponds to the 
description and figure of the latter. It is noteworthy that in all 
other respects it agrees perfectly with a, though the colouring is 
somewhat brighter. The third, 6, resemblesa, but the blue abdomen 
shows a few scattered chestnut feathers, which are sufficient to make 
the identity of the two species evident. The skin is labelled ¢, 
which is most probably correct; and it would therefore seem most 
likely that H. quadricolor is a young stage of the male of H. nigro- 
cyanea. It should be mentioned, however, that example ec shows 
no sign of immaturity, and it is therefore quite possible that it may 
be a variety. 


Sauropatis saurophaga, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 468. 

a-c. 3. Mysol. 

d. Jr. 3. Mysol. 

e. 29. Mysol. 

St. &. Waigiou. 

g- 2. Dorei. 

Tris brown ; bill as in 8. chloris ; feet brownish black. Length 
28-29°8 centims. ; wing 11:8—12°8 centiims. 

Individuals are of bluish or greenish shade, without reference to 
locality or sex. Example d has the beak and tail short, the breast 
delicately barred with brownish black, the wing barred with white. 
This species haunts the mangroves on the shores of most of the 
Papuan islands in abundance. 

48. Savropatis sancra (Vig. et Horsf.). 

Sauropatis sancta, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 476. 

a. 9. Waigiou. 

6. 2. Batanta. 

Iris brown; bill as in S. chloris; tarsus grey. Length 21 

49. SyMA TOROTORO, Less. 

Syma torotoro, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 482. 

a,b. 3. Salwatti. 

c. dg. Waigiou. 

d. 9. Waigiou. 

e. Jr. 2. Waigiou. 

Iris brown; bill and feet bright yellow. Length 21-+5-22-4 
centims. ; wing 8-2 centims. 

The immature female has a shading of brownish black on the 
vertex and a regular black collar. Bill and tail shorter ; the former 
dusky yellow ; otherwise resembles adult. 

S. torotoro seems somewhat rare. It is found in the forest, not 
on the coast, and appears to feed entirely on insects. 



Sauromarptis gaudichaudi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 487. 

a-h. 3. Waigiou. 

i-n. 9. Waigiou. 

o-r. 9. Batanta. 

s. Jr. S. Batanta. 

t-x. 3. Mysol. 

y, z 2. Mysol. 

a, o'. 9. Aru. 

cl. 2. Salwatti. 

Iris brown ; bill greenish yellow ; tarsus pale olive-green. Length 
31+7-34 centims. ; wing 13°5-14°5 centims. 

In spite of Salvadori’s opinion to the contrary, I cannot help 
regarding the blue-tailed bird as the male, and the chestnut tail as, 
in adult individuals, an invariable mark of the female sex. Salvadori 
holds that the females also assume the blue tails, but only in extreme 
adult life ; and, secondly, that the male has at first a chestnut tail, 
but assumes the blue tail at an early stage. 

The present series does not bear this first assertion out. Without 
a single exception ail the adult examples with chestnut tails are 
marked @ ; all those with blue tails ¢. Among the former are 
some which are undoubtedly old birds, with the maxilla worn and 
notched at the edge, but the tails show no sign of turning blue. 
Again, in Salvadori’s series of 98 individuals, of those labelled as 2, 
with the tail blue, two only have Beccari’s initial appended ; the 
rest are birds obtained from Bruijn. Conversely, of those labelled 

S$ with a chestnut tail, all are from Bruijn with the exception of 
two, which are of Beccari’s collecting. I do not for a moment wish 
to imply that Mr. Bruijn’s collectors are more unreliable than 
natives usually are, but I can only say that of my own hunters there 
was but one on whom I could depend for the accurate determination 
of sex. 

The females have not the same deep glossy black back as the 
males, and the scapulars are in no case edged with blue. Example 
s is a young bird, with a very short beak and tail; the collar, eye- 
streak, loral spot, and sides of throat are fulvous ; the blue on the 
wings is much paler; the tail beneath is red as in the female, but 
on the upper surface the basal half is strongly tinged with blue. It 
is a male. The bill is greenish black; basal half of mandible 

51. Mr“ipoRA MACRORHINA (Less.). 

Melidora macrorhina, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 500. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

b. Jr. 3. Waigiou. 

c. 2. Waigiou. 

d. Jr. 2. Dorei. 

Iris brown; bill—maxilla very dark brown, mandible greenish 
yellow; feet greenish brown. Length of adult 33°7 centims. ; of 
immature birds 27°0 and 29-5 ceutims. ; wing 11°5 centims. 


The immature examples have the whole under surface fulvous, 
becoming albescent onthe abdomen. On the breast and throat each 
feather is edged with brownish black. Feathers of forehead and 
vertex tipped with dull green, surrounded by a dull cobalt line, with 
an ill-marked rufous collar posteriorly. The ochraceous edging of 
the feathers of the back and wings is devoid of any green tinge. 

52. EURYSTOMUS ORIENTALIS, Linn. (var. pacificus). 
Eurystomus pacificus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 503. 
Eurystomus orientalis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 508. 
a. 3. Jobi. 

6. Q. Jobi. 

ec. ¢. Batanta. 

d. Andai. 


Eurystomus crassirostris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. ps 510. 

a. 9. Efbe, Mysol. 

Bill orange-red, tip black ; tarsus and feet dull red. Length 33 
centims., wing 20°2; tail 11:5; bill from gape 4°3, breadth 2:9; 
tarsus 1°9. 

Easily distinguishable from Z. orientalis by its brighter colouring 
and larger size. 


Podargus papuensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 513. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

6. 2. Waigiou. 

ce. 9. Arfak. 

Iris red-brown; bill and feet greyish brown. Length 56-57 
centims. ; wing 29'4—29°8 centims. 

The male is much whiter beneath, and without the ruddy tinge 
which is apparent on the scapulars of the female. 

55. PopaRGUS OCELLATUS, Q. et G. 

Podargus ocellatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 517. 

a. d. Waigiou. 

6. 2. Mysol. 

ce. 2. Ansus, Jobi. 

d(¢). Arfak. 

e. 9. Arfak. 

J. Pullus. Andai. 

Iris brown ; bill brownish ; feet flesh-coloured. Length 32°5- 
33°8 centims.; wing 18-19 centims. 

The nestling is a little ball of white fluff; the feathers of the 
upper surface faintly barred with brown, and with the centre of the 
apical portion of each feather brownish black. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XLI. 41 



gotheles albertisii, Salvad. op. eit. vol. i. p. 524. 

a. 9. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Salvadori considers it possible that this species may be identical 
with 4. wallacei. Compared, however, with a female of the latter 
species, the present example is seen to differ by the much greater 
delicacy of the feet, tarsus, and beak. The maxilla has a finer and 
sharper hook, and the nostrils are smaller, and considerably more 
covered by the frontal plumes than is the case in #. wallacet. The 
tarsus also is longer, and the toe shorter than in the latter. 


Aigotheles wallacei, Salvad. op. cit, vol. 1. p. 526. 

a. 9. Arfak. 

Obtained from Mr. Bruijn of Ternate. It corresponds with the 
description of 4. wallacei given by Salvadori, except that a tolerably 
distinct line of rufous extends down the centre of the under surface 
from the chin to the abdomen. 

58. Macrorreryx MysTACcEA (Less.). 

Macropteryx mystacea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. 1. p. 537. 

a. 9. Batanta. 

6. 2. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

Iris brown; bill black ; feet greyish black. Length 31°0-33°2 
centims.; wing 22°5-23°5 centims. 

Tolerably abundant on the sea-coast of all the islands of the N.W. 
part of New Guinea. 


Collocallia esculenta, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 540. 

a. 3. Efbe, Mysol. 

6. 9. Efbe. 

Tris brown; bill black ; feet clear brown, claws black. Length 
9°6 centims. ; wing 10 centims. 

60. PELTOPs BLAINVILLE! (Less. et Garn.). 

Peltops blainvillei, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 8. 

a,b. ¢. Momos, Waigiou. 

c. 6. Mysol. 

d. 9. Andai. 

e. Arfak. 

Tris red, surrounded by a faint ring of lavender; bill and feet 
black. Length 18°5 centims. (Andai) to 20°5 centims. (Mysol). 
Wing 9°8-10°2 centims. 

The Andai and Arfak examples differ in having the white dorsal 
spot much larger than in the others. In the Arfak bird some of 
the white feathers of this region are marked with red. 


61. MoNARCHA FRATER, Sclat. 

Monarcha frater, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 17. 
a. Arfak. 

62. Monarcua GUTTULATUS (Garn.). 

Monarcha guttulatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 22. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

b. (Locality unknown.) 

c. Jr. Waigiou. 

Iris dark brown; bill slate-blue, light at the edges; feet ashy. 
Length about 17 centims., wing 8. 

In 4 the forehead and throat are ashy, while the breast is washed 
with pale rufous. It is probably an immature male. Example ec 
has the whole under surface white, the breast washed with rufous, 
and a few feathers on the chin greyish. Cheeks and lores buffish 
white ; wings brown ; external rectrices tipped with white. 


Monarcha chalybeocephalus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 30. 

a,b. 3. Waigiou. 

e. d. Waigiou. 

d. S. Mysol. 

Iris ruddy ; bill slate-coloured ; tarsus greyish black. Length 
18 centims., wing 86-92. The species does not seem to have been 
recorded before from Mysol. 


Monarcha melanonotus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 38. 

a, 6. 3. Mysol. 

ce. 2. Mysol. 

d. 3. N. coast of Papua, long. 139° (Bruijn). 

Iris brown; bill blue-black ; feet bluish black. Length 14°5- 
15°8 centims., wing 7'4-7°6. In the male obtained from Mr. 
Bruijn the yellow of the uropygium is of less extent than in the 

65. ARsEs BATANT, Sharpe. 

Arses batante, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 42. 

a-c. 6. Batanta. 

d-g. 9. Batanta. 

h. 2. Waigiou (Bruijn). 

Iris brown; bill and tarsus dark cobalt-blue. Length 18°5 
-19°3 centims.; wing 8°5-8°6, male 9:0. The eyelid is bright 
cobalt-blue, not yellow as Mr. Sharpe has described it. The Waigiou 
bird is marked ¢, but is no doubt a female, unless the young male 
in the first stage has the plumage of the female: In this example 
the fulvous of the breast ends abruptly, not shading off into the 
white of the abdomen, as is the case in the others. ° 



66. ArsEs rnsuLaRis (Meyer). 

Arses insularis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 47. 

a. &. Jobi (Bruijn). 


Sauloprocta melaleuca, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 48. 

Rhipidura tricolor, Sharpe, Cat. B. vol. iv. p. 339. 

a. 3d. Momos, Waigiou. 

b. 2. Momos, Waigiou. 

c. 9. Samatee, Salwatti. 

d. Dorei. 

e. 9. Batanta. 

Jf. &. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length 21°5-23:0 centims., 
wing 10°1-10°6. 

68. RurprpuRA SETOSA (Q. et G.). 

Rhipidura setosa, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 61. 

a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. 

b. 2. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

c. Momos. 

Iris brown; tarsus dark grey; bill black. Length 17°0-17°7 
centims., wing 8°0—-9°5. 

69. Muscicapa GriseostictTa (Swinh.). 

Muscicapa griseosticta, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 80. 

a. 2. Momos, Waigiou, Oct. 20. 

6. Efbe, Mysol, Dec. 8. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black. Length 13-3 centims., wing 8°6. 
The above localities are both new for this species. 

Monachella saxicolina, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 83. 

a. 6. Arfak. 
6. Arfak. 

71. Pa@citopryaAs HYPOLEUCA (G. R. Gr.). 

Pecilodryas hypoleuca, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 86. 

a. &. Salwatti. 

6. Waigiou. 

Iris brown; bill black; tarsus brown. In both individuals the 
black patches of the sides of the breast nearly, if not actually, meet 
in the middle line. Salwatti is a new locality for this species. 

Micreca flavovirescens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 92. 
a. &. Ansus, Jobi. 

Tris brown ; maxilla black, mandible flesh-colour ; feet and tarsus 
flesh-colour. Length 15°8 centims., wing 7°8. 



Macherorhynchus albifrons, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 109. 

a. 6. Arfak. 

Like M. nigripectus, this species has the long loose feathers of the 
back strongly tipped with yellow. 


Macherorhynchus nigripectus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 109. 
a, 6. 3. Arfak. 

75. MaLurvus ALBoscAPULATUS, Meyer. 
Malurus alboscapulatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 119. 
a. do. Arfak. 


Graucalus ceruleogriseus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 122. 

a. 2. Mansinam. 

&. 2. Dorei. 

ce. 2. Arfak. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black. Length about 34-0 centims., 
wing 16°0-16°6. The Mansinam example differs from the others 
in having the apices of all the flight-feathers edged with white. All 
the tail-feathers are also strongly tipped with white, the outer pair 
for half an inch or more. In the Arfak bird there are no white tips 
to the wing-feathers, and only a faint trace of that colour at the 
apices of the two external rectrices, and the under wing-coverts are a 
deeper isabelline. All three examples are darker on the under 
surface than are those in the British Museum from the Aru Islands. 

77. GRAUCALUS BOYER! (G. R. Gr.). 

Graucalus boyeri, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 124. 

a. 9. Mysol. 

Iris dark brown; bill and feet black. Length 24°5 centims., 
wing 12°8. 

Lores white, nasal plumes buffish ; no black on chin, the first two 
or three feathers of which are pale buff. The external pair of rec- 
trices are faintly tipped with grey. 


Graucalus magnirostris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 129. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

Iris dark brown; bill and feet black. Wing 17°2 centims., tail 
16:0, bill 3°2, tarsus 2°7. This species has hitherto been considered 
as peculiar to the Halmaheira group, but a comparison of the present 
example with individuals from that island and Batchian shows that 
they are identical, 


Graucalus melanops, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 130. 

a (2). Mysol. 

6. 9. Efbe, Mysol. 

Iris brown; bill black; feet brownish black. Length 32°3 
centims., wing 19:0. 

Chin, throat, and forehead irregularly marked with grey and 
black in both examples. In a the breast and upper part of the 
abdomen are grey, with obsolete bars. In} the upper breast only is 
grey, with faint barring; the white of the under surface being more 
extended than in a. G. melanops has not previously been recorded 
from any of the islands of N.W. New Guinea, although it was 
obtained by Wallace as far north as Amboina. _A comparison of the 
present specimens with others from the Aru Islands shows no dif- 
ferences of importance. 


Graucalus papuensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 132. 

a, b. 3. Mysol. 

ce. 9. Mysol. 

d. 3. Salwatti. 

e. 29? Jobi (Bruin). 

Iris brown ; bill black; tarsus brownish black. Length 28-6- 
30°2 centims., wing 14°5-15°3. ; 

If the label of the bird obtained from Mr. Bruijn be correct, Jobi 
is apparently new as a locality for this species. It does not differ 
from the others. The sex is given as 2, but no doubt erroneously, 
as the forehead and lores are jet-black. 

81. Epoxitsoma mExAN (S. Miill.). 

Edoliisoma melas, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 143. 

a. 9. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

b. 2. Ansus, Jobi. 

Iris brown ; bill black; tarsus dark slate. Length 24:0-24°6 
centims., wing 12°0. The example from Waigiou, a new locality for 
this species, is darker than the Jobi bird. 

82. Epoiisoma MONTANUM (Meyer). 

Edoliisoma montanum, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 147. 
a. 3. Arfak (Bruijn). 

83. Epoxisoma scuisticeps (G. R. Gr.). 

Edoliisoma schisticeps, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 148. 

a. 2. Mysol. 

Length 21°5 centims., wing 10°7._ The dull smoky grey of the 

head ill defined posteriorly, and shading into the dark cinnamon of 
the cervical region. 



Edoliisoma incertum, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 152. 

a. 9. Jobi (Bruijn). 

With no black on the chin, and with the median rectrices with a 
very small spot of that colour. 

85. LaLaGEe AaTROVIRENS (G. R. Gr.). 

Lalage atrovirens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 159. 

a. 2 (?). Arfak (Bruijn). 

This is probably a young male, not a female, the upper surface 
being shining greenish-blue. The species has hitherto only been 
recorded from Mysol, Salwatti, and the adjacent coast. 


_Artamus leucogaster, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 167. 

a. 3. Waigiou, Nov. 11. 

Iris dark brown; bill greyish blue; feet slate-colour. But rarely 
seen in the Papuan islands during the cruise of the ‘ Marchesa.’ 

87. ARTAMUS MAxIMUs, Meyer. 

Artamus maximus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 172. 

a-d. Arfak. 

e. 6. Artfak (Bruijn), January. 

a—d without label, obtained by the hunters in the neighbourhood 
of Hattam. 

88. Curpia CARBONARIA (S. Miill.). 

Dicruropsis carbonaria, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 177. 

a,b. 3. Dorei. 

e. go. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

d, e. Momos, Waigiou. 

f. Efbe, Mysol. 

g. 2. Batanta. 

Iris crimson ; bill and feet black. Length 31°0-32°7 centims. ; 
wing 15°2-16°5 centims. The Batanta example is much smaller 
than the others, and is of a deeper blue-black on the breast and back. 
The spots are brighter, and there is a tendency to the development 
of a side neck-hackle. 

89. Cracticus casstcus (Bodd.). 

Cracticus cassicus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 184. 

a. &. Dorei. 

6. Arfak. 

c. 6. Waigiou. 

d. Samatee, Salwatti. 

e. 9. E. Batanta. 

Ff. 2. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris dark brown, except in the Batanta bird, in which it was 
orange ; bill slate-blue, dark at the tip ; tarsusblack. Length 33*4— 


36:9 centims. (Batanta); wing 16°5-17°0 centims. 4 is an individual 
in imperfect plumage ; the whole of the upper surface, with the 
exception of the uropygial region, black; the under surface dusky. 
It was brought down by the hunters from the Arfak, but I have no 
record as to its exact locality. 

90. Cracticus quoyt (Less.). 

Cracticus quoyi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 190. 

a. 3. Salwatti. 

6. 2. Salwatti. 

c, d. 3. Mysol. 

e. 9. Mysol. 

J. 3. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

g- 2. Dobbo, Aru. 

Tris brown ; bill slate-blue, apical half black; tarsus and feet 
brownish black. Length 35°4-38:1 centims.; wing 17-0-18°8 
centims. As in C. cassicus, the size of the bill is subject to great 
variation. ; 


Rhectes uropygialis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 193. 

a,b. 3. Mysol. 

c,d. 2. Mysol. 

e. od. Salwatti. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length 26:0-28-°8 centims. ; 
wing 12:0—12°6 centims. The females have the head a duller black 
than the males, and the forehead and lores are dull brown. The 
cinnamon of the back and under surface is paler. 

92. RuEcTEs ARUENSIS, Sharpe. 

Rhectes aruensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 194. 

a. Jr.? Wanumbai, Aru. 

Chin and throat fuscous; wings and tail brownish black ; 
uropygium and upper tail-coverts brown. Under surface fulvous. 

93. RuEcTes picnrovs, Bp. 
Rhectes dichrous, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 195. 
a. 3. N. coast of Papua, long. 139° E. (Bruijn). 

94. Ruecres cerviniventris, G. R. Gr. 

Rhectes cerviniventris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 200. 

a. Arfak (?) (Bruijn). 

6. Locality unknown. 

Example a agrees with those in the British Museum. It is 
labelled ‘ Arfak,’’ but most probably erroneously. 6 is without 
label, and differs considerably from the other, though it is possible 
that these differences are only sexual. There is an entire absence 
of the hoary appearance of the head and upper part of the back 
noticeable in the other skin; the wings have no tinge of rufous; 


the chin and throat are darker, with an ill-marked narrow rufous 
band below ; the rest of the under surface is buff. 

95. RuecTes soprensis, Meyer. 

Rhectes jobiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii, p. 201. 

a. &. Ansus, Jobi. . 

b. 2. “ Mount Arfak” (?) (Bruijn). 

Iris brown; bill light fleshy horn; feet greyish brown. Length 
27°6 centims. ; wing 12°0 centims. 

The second example is probably another instance of erroneous 
locality. It does not differ in any way from the Ansus bird. 


Rhectes ferrugineus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 203. 

a. 9. Andai. 

Tris chocolate-brown; bill black ; feet slate-colour. Length 
29-0 centims. ; wing 14*2 centims. 

The loose feathers of the lower part of the back are strongly 
tipped with fulvous. 


Rhectes leucorhynchus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 206. 

a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. 

6. 2. Momos. 

c. Pullus. Waigiou. 

Iris pale yellow; bill pale yellowish; feet light grey. Length 
30°5 centims., wing 13°5-14°5. The male has the ear-coverts more 
rufous than the female. The young bird resembles the adult, but 
is browner. 


Colluricincla megarhyncha, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 211. 

a. 3. Batanta. 

b,c. 2. Batanta. 

d. Batanta. 

Iris brown ; bill dull purplish grey ; feet greyish. Length 19-1- 
20°5 centims., wing 9°0—9°5. 


Colluricincla affinis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 213. 

a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. 

6. ¢. Waigiou. 

Iris grey-brown ; bill horn-colour ; feet brownish black. Length 
18°5 centims., wing 9°1—9°3. 

A smaller species than the preceding, and without the rufous on 
the under surface. 

100. PacHycEPHALA soror, Sclat. 
Pachycephala soror, Salvad. op. cit. vol, ii. p. 222. 
a. 2. Arfak, 


101. PacHycEPHALA SCHLEGELI, Rosenb. 

Pachycephala schlegelit, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 223. 
a-d. 3. Arfak. 
e. 9. Artak. 

Pachycephala (°) rufinucha, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 225. 
a. Arfak. 

Pachycephalopsis hattamensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 236. 
a. Arfak. 

Pachycare flavogrisea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 238. 

a. &. Arfak (Bruijn), 
6. Arfak. 


Climacteris placens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 241. 

a(@). Arfak. 

This example has the reddish cheeks which by Salvadori are said 
to be the characteristic of the female. 

106. SrrreLtia papurENsis (Schleg.). 

Sittella papuensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 242. 

a( 6). Arfak. 

Bill in the dried skin yellow, black at apex ; feet lemon-yellow. 
Wing 8°3 centims. 

Entire head, chin, aud throat white, eyelid bright yellow. Breast 
and abdomen fuscous, with well-marked dark strize. Upper surface 
like the under, but less striated. Wings brown, the secondaries and 
tertiaries paler towards the tip. Lesser wing-coverts blackish, with 
a faint blue gloss; under wing-coverts the same, but with some of 
the greater series white at the tip. Upper tail-coverts white ; under 
tail-coverts barred black and white, each feather being of four 
colours—ashy, fawn-colour, black, and white, from base to apex. 
Tail black; the three or four outer rectrices tipped with white. 

This specimen is without the obsolete white spots on the breast, 
abdomen, and upper surface described by Salvadori, neither is there 
any trace of white marking on the inner web of the third, fourth, 
and fifth primaries *. 


Hermotimia jobiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 246. 
a. 6. Ansus, Jobi. 

6. Q. Ansus. 

1 In the above description Salvadori writes ‘‘ rectricibus ¢ertia, guarta et 
quinta”’ &e., but it is evident from the context that emdgibus should be read. 


Tris brown ; bill and feet black. Length 10°9 centims. ; wing 6°1, 
of female 5:1. 

The male bird has a few greenish-yellow feathers on the breast, 
abdomen, and mantle. 

108. Crnnyris Aspasia, Less. 

Hermotimia aspasia, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 247. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

b. 2. Waigiou. 

c. go. “New Guinea.”’ 

d. g. Mysol. 

?e. 2. Aru. 

Iris dark brown; bill and feet black. Length of Mysol male 
11°7 centims., wing 6:1. 

The Aru bird may perhaps be the female of C. chlorocephaia. 

109. CrnnyRis FRENATUs (S. Miill.). 

Cyrtostomus frenatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 265. 

a. &. Waigiou. 

6. 2. Waigiou. 

c,d. &. Mysol. 

e-h. 2. Mysol. 

i, k. 3. Dorei. 

l. 3. Jobi. 

m. &. Aru. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length 10°7-12°2 centims. 
The Jobi bird, which from the narrow yellow moustachial streak is 
evidently not quite adult, is considerably lighter in colour on the 
head, neck, and upper surface than the others. 

110. Dicaum PEecTorRALE, Mill. et Schleg. 

Diceum pectorale, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 273. 

a. 3. Napriboi, Waigiou. 

6. go. Andai. 

ce. 6. Arfak. 

Iris brown; bill brownish black; feet dark greyish brown. 
Length 9-0—9°5 centims., wing 5:2. 

111. PrisroRHAMPHUS VERSTERI, Finsch. 

Pristorhamphus versteri, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ti. p. 286. 

a, 6. do. Arfak. 

ce. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

The female corresponds with Salvadori’s description of the female 
of P. versteri, but has no trace of white on the tail-feathers ! 

112. OrrocHarRis ARFAKI (Meyer). 

Oreocharis arfaki, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 289. 

a,6(¢). Arfak. 

In one example there is no trace of white in the middle of the 
breast and abdomen, these parts being much more strongly tinged 


with vinous brown than in the other specimen. The yellow apical 
spot on the external web of the wing-feathers is not confined to the 
three last tertiaries, but is found also on all the secondaries. 

113. Myzometa nicRiTA, G. R. Gr. 

Myzomela nigrita, Salvad. op, cit. vol. ii. p. 291. 

a. 3. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris brown; bill and feet black. Length about 11°5 centims., 
wing 5°7. 

114. Myzomea RosENBERGI, Schleg. 

Myzomela rosenbergii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 294. 

a. 3. Arfak (Bruyn). 

6. 2 (2). Arfak (Bruijn). 

ce. dr. 3 (2). Arfak (Bruijn). 

d. Jr. 2 (2). Arfak (Bruijn). 

This series, if the sex be in each case rightly given, would confirm 
Meyer’s assertion that the adult male and female are alike in 
plumage. Examples a and do not differ except that the latter is 
less bright in colouring; ¢ resembles Salvadori’s description of an 
adult female, and d that of the young bird, the latter being without 
the red uropygium. It is, however, most probable that the sex has 
been wrongly determined by Mr. Bruijn’s hunters in at least two 
out of the four individuals. 

115. MyzomELA ADOLPHIN&, Salvad. 

Myzomela adolphine, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 299. 
a. 3. Arfak. 


Myzomela erythrocephala, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 500. 

a, b. 2. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; tarsus brown. Length 10°8-11:0 centims., 
wing 5°0-5:2. 

117. Myzometa EQuEs (Less.). 
Myzomela eques, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 301. 
a. 3. Mysol. 

Bill black ; tarsus blackish brown. Length 16:2 centims. (Salva- 
dori gives 11*5-14:0 centims.!); wing 6°9. 

118. Myzome.a ogscura, Gould. 
Myzomela obscura, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 303. 

a. 3d. Wammar, Aru. 

Iris brown ; bill black; tarsus grey. Length 15:1 centims., wing 

With no trace of vinaceous on the head, 


119. GuycrpHiLa MopEsTA, G. R. Gr. 

Glyciphila modesta, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 307. 

a. 2. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris brown; bill and feet clear brown. Length 11°5 centims., 
wing 6°5. 


Melilestes megarhynchus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 313. 

a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. . 

Iris red; bill black ; feet lead-colour. Length 25:0 centims., 
wing 9°9. 


Melilestes nove guinea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 315. 

a. Waigiou. 
Iris brown ; bill and tarsus black. 

122. MELIPOTES GyMNopPsS, Sclat. 

Melipotes gymnops, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 317. 
a, 6. Arfak. 


Melidectes torquatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 319. 

a. od. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Anterior part of the cheeks rufous. Below the black pre-pectoral 
collar is another of light fawn colour. 


Melirrophetes leucostephes, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 320. 

a. Arfak. 

Apparently not adult, the feathers of the back with ochraceous 
margins ; caruncle small. 

125. Pritotis ANALOGA, Rehb. 

Ptilotis analoga, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 327. 

a. 6. Momos, Waigiou. (Length 17:2 centims., wing 7°9.) 

6. 2. Momos. (Length 18°5 centims., wing 8°8.) 

Ins brown; bill brownish black; tarsus grey. Example a is 
considerably smaller than 6; the auricular tufts are shorter and 
whitish, and the feathers of the side of the uropygium are not tipped 
with white as in 8. 

126. PritotTis sonororpes, G. R. Gr. 

Piilotis sonoroides, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 335. 

a. 3. Mysol. 

b. 2. Mysol. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; feet grey. Length 26-0 centims., wing 


127. Pritotis CINEREA, Sclat. 
Ptilotis cinerea, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 338. 

a. Arfak. 
Under wing-coverts ashy, posteriorly rufous. 

128. Pritotis curysortis, Less. 

Xanthotis chrysotis, Salvad. - cit. vol. ii. p. 346. 

a. 3. Salwatti. 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black. Length 23:0 centims., wing 10°5. 

This species is not found in Waigiou and Batanta, [i it is 
replaced by P. fusciventris. Dr. Gadow (Cat. B. vol. ix. p. 238), 
although admitting the latter as a subspecies, has placed the 
example under P. chrysotis, and erroneously given Waigiou as a 

129. PriLoTis FUSCIVENTRIS (Salvad.). 

Ptilotis fusciventris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 348. 

a,b. S$. Waigiou. 

ce. 2. Momos, Waigiou. 

Tris brown; bill black ; feet bluish grey. . Length 23-7 centims., 
wing 10°5— 10° 9. 

Differs from the preceding species in being greener on the upper 
surface, and without the rufous on the breast and sides of the body. 

Euthyrhynchus griseigula, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 341. 
Euthyrhynchus flavigula, id. ibid. p. 341. 

a. 6. Andai. 

Iris gamboge-yellow ; bill horn-colour, lower mandible yellowish ; 
feet bluish slate. Length 19°8 centims., wing 9:4. 

Above uniform olive, vertex and occiput dark brown; beneath 
dull rufescent, faintly washed with olive-yellow. Inner web of 
remiges whitish, not rufescent. 

In the absence of any specimen with which to compare the present 
example, I am uncertain to what species it should be referred. £. 
flavigula comes from the same locality as #. griseigula, is “‘ very like 
E. griseigula, but smaller, and with the rufescent underparts slightly 
washed with olive.’ Possibly the two species are not really separable. 
Salvadori’s measurements (17°5 and 16°0 centims.) are probably given 
from the dried skin. 


Tropidorhynchus nove guinee, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 357. 

a. d6. Wokan, Aru. 

6. g. Dobbo, Aru. 

ec. 2 juv. Dobbo. 

d. $6. Waigiou. 

e. 6. Batanta. 

Iris brown; in the Waigiou example red. Bill and feet black. 
Length 35-37 centims. The young bird is without frontal tubercle, 


and in addition to the olive tinge on the wing, and the white and 
yellowish-white edged feathers of the back and side of the throat 
mentioned by Salvadori, there is a very conspicuous white nuchal 
collar. The feathers of the head and throat are not lanceolate as in 
the adult, and the chin is brownish black. The feathers of the 
rump are rusty brown. 

132. ZosTEROPS NOV& GUINEA, Salvad. 
Zosterops nove guinee, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p- 367. 
a. 3. Arfak (Bruijn). 

133. Pirra Novz Guinex, Miill. et Schleg. 

Pitta nove guinee, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 380. 

a, 6. 3. Andai. 

e, d, 3. Mysol. 

e. 3. Salwatti. 

J. 2. Salwatti. 

g- 3. Dorei. 

h. 2. Batanta. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; feet pinkish brown. Length 17°0-19-4 
centims., wing 10°1-10°7. 

The white patch on the primaries is extremely irregular: in some 
cases it is to be found on one side and not on the other. 

This species never seemed very abundant, and, like others of the 
Same genus, examples were most difficult to shoot owing to their 

134. Prrra mackuoti, Temm. 

Pitta mackloti, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p- 395. 

a. 3. Salwatti. 

b. 2. Salwatti. 

cd. Waigiou. 

d. 2. Waigiou. 

e, f. 2. Batanta. 

g- 3. N. New Guinea, long. 139° E. (Bruijn). 

h. 3. Andai. 

i-m. 3. Mysol. 

n. Jr. 3. Mysol. 

0, p. 2. Mysol. 

Iris brown ; bill black ; tarsus pinkish slate. Length 18°0-21-5 
centims., wing 10-0-10-9. Salwatti birds largest. No constant 
differences between island and island. 

135. PomaToruinus tsrportl, Less. 

Pomatorhinus isidori, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p- 409. 

a,b. g. Andai. 

c. 2. Efbe, Mysol. 

Iris yellow-brown ; bill yellow, base of upper mandible horn ; 

tarsus blackish. Length 25:$-26-7 centims., of female 23-0 ; wing 


136. EvprrTres CEZRULESCENS, Temm. 
Hupetes cerulescens, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 412. 
a. 3. Andai. 


Calobates melanope, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 431. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

6. 2. Waigiou. 

c. Momos, Waigiou. 

Iris brown; bill brown; tarsus yellowish brown. Length 18°7- 
18°8 centims., wing 8:0-8°2. 

This species has not previously been obtained from Waigiou, 
though it was met with by Meyer on the Arfak range. The present 
examples were shot from the 22nd—29th October, on the south side 
of the island of Waigiou. 

138. CALoRNIs METALLICA (Temm.). 

Calornis metallica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 447. 

a-d. 3. Mysol. (Length 22-0—25°4 centims.) 

e, f. 2. Mysol. (Length 22-2-23-1 centims.) 

g. Efbe, Mysol. (Length 25°4 centims.) 

h. 3. Samatee, Salwatti. (Length 24-2 centims.) 

i, k. 3. Dobbo, Aru. (Length 25°3-26+2 centims.) 

1. 2. Wammar, Aru. (Length 26:2 centims.) 

m. 3 jr. Wammar, Aru. (Length 23:6 centims.). 

Iris bright orange-red; bill and feet black. Length 22°0-26-2 
centims.; the dimensions of the Aru bird the largest, though this 
seems chiefly dependent on the greater length of the tail; wing 10°8 
-11°3. The Mysol are more brilliant than the Aru birds. The 
young bird from the latter locality has the upper surface as in the 
adult ; the whole under surface is white, with a few metallic feathers 
on the breast; the feathers of the throat with black shafts. 


Calornis cantoroides, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 456. 

a. 3. Mysol. 

b-d. 9. Mysol. 

e, f. 3. Samatee, Salwatti. 

g. 2. Samatee. 

Tris bright orange-red, with an outer ring of yellow; bill and feet 
black. Length 21:0-23°7 centims., wing 9°7-10°5. 

140. MeLanoryrruus ANalts (Less.). 
Melanopyrrhus anais, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 461. 

a. 3. Salwatti. 
Iris yellow; bill and tarsus pale yellow. Length about 25:0 

centims., wing 13°9. 


141. MeLanopyrR4US ORIENTALIS (Schleg.). 

Melanopyrrhus orientalis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 463. 

a. Arfak (Bruijn). 

This species, as far as I am aware, has not as yet been recorded 
from the Arfak Mountains, but it is possible that the locality may 
be erroneous, as has apparently been the case in several instances of 
birds collected by Mr. Bruijn’s hunters. The present example has 
a broad occipital black bar. 

142. Mino pumontI, Less. 

Mino dumonti, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 466. 

a-d. 3. Waigiou. 

e. 2. Waigiou. 

f. 2. Batanta. 

g, h. 3. Dorei Bay. 

i. 2. Dorei Bay. 

kets Ge Aru: 

Iris pale yellow ; bill and tarsus orange; papillee round eye orange. 
Length 27°5-29°0 centims., wing 14°2-15°2 (of the Batanta bird 
13°8 centims.). The development of the papille varies considerably. 
In one male from Waigiou they are very large, and the intervening 
space on the vertex is only 0°4 centims. in breadth. . This is the first 
recorded instance of the occurrence of this species in Batanta. The 
example does not differ from the rest of the series except in having 
the yellow of the abdomen more extended in area. 

143. Mimera striatus (Q. et G.). 

Mimeta striata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 473. 

a. 9. Batanta. 

Iris dull red; bill red-brown; feet dull grey. Length 30:2 
centims., wing 14°3. 

144. Corvus orrv, Mill. 

Corvus orru, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 483. 

a. 3. Momos, Waigiou. (Iris pearly grey.) 

6. 2. Neosmapi I., Dorei Bay. (Iris sky-blue.) 

ce. 2. Mysol. 

d. 2. Samatee, Salwatti. (Iris brown.) 

Colour of iris variable, all the above examples being apparently 
adult. Bill and tarsus black. Length 46°4-49°1 centims., wing 

145. GymNnocorax SENEX (Less.). 

Gymnocorax senex, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 490. 

a. Q. Jobi (Bruyn). 

Both Beccari and D’Albertis describe this species as being very 
common, which is certainly contrary to my experience as far as 
regards N.W. New Guinea. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. XLII. 42 


146. Manucop1a CHALYBEATA, Penn. 

Manucodia chalybeata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 498. 

a. 3. Mysol. 

Iris red ; bill and feet black. Length 39:0 centims., wing 19°0, 
tail 16-5, bill from gape 4°8. 

Salvadori separates M. chalybeata from M. atra by the wavy 
feathers of the upper back and by the black velvety band at the 
apex of each feather of that part and the under surface, which charac- 
teristics he states to be constant at all ages. The feathers of the 
anterior part of the neck are, he considers, broader and more golden, 
and the measurements somewhat smaller. 

The present example is evidently an old male, and is in splendid 
plumage. It corresponds to Salvadori’s description of MV. chalybeata 
in every way, and I have accordingly placed it under this designation, 
as 1 have only twenty-four individuals of this and the allied species, 
as against a series of nearly five times that number catalogued in the 
‘Ornitologia della Papuasia.’ At the same time I am strongly 
inclined to regard the two species as identical. The black velvety 
bands on the feathers of the breast and back are, I think, a charac- 
teristic of not much value, since Salvadori himself describes them as 
‘in very old individuals extending on to the uropygium,”’ thereby 
admitting that age can produce them in feathers in which they were 
not previously apparent. With regard to dimensions, the present 
example slightly exceeded the average of twenty M. atra, and the 
beak was considerably larger, so that size as a diagnostic point is of 
no value. With regard to the plumage of M. atra no constancy is 
apparent ; all colours between oily green and deep violet or purple 
being observable, while in some the wrinkled plumes of the breast 
are beginning to appear. 

It seems improbable that there should be two such closely allied, 
yet distinct species coexisting in the same districts; and I should 
therefore be inclined to consider M. chalybeata as an older stage of 
M. atra. 

147. MaNnucopIiA JOBIENSIS, Salvad. 

Manucodia jobiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 502. 

a. 6. Near Ansus, Jobi; November 11th. 

Iris red ; bill and feet black. Length 33:5 centims., wing 17°5, 
tail 15°0, bill from gape 3°8, tarsus 3°4. 

The above measurements are considerably less than those given by 

This Manucode, which is easily recognizable as a distinct species, 
was apparently uncommon in Jobi. 

148. Manucopia AtrRA (Less.). 

Manucodia atra, Salvad. op. cit. vol. i. p. 504. 
a. 6. Mysol. 

b,c. 2. Mysol. 

d-m. 3. Waigiou. 


p-t. 2. Waigiou. 

u. 2. Dorei. 

v. Patr. incert. 

Iris brilliant red, dull orange in the female; bill and feet 
black. Length 33-0—42:1 centims., the female always smaller than 
the male ; wing 17°0-18°7, tail 16°0—18°5, bill from gape 3°6-4°6. 

This species was very abundant in Waigiou. 

149. Parotia sexprnnis (Bodd.). 

Parotia sexpennis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 515. 

af. 3. Arfak. 

g. Juv. 3. Arfak. 

h-k. 2. Arfak. 

l-y. $. Arfak (Bruijn). 

2-6'. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

c,d’. Jr. 3. Artak (Bruijn). 

Iris blue, with a narrow external ring of yellow; bill and feet 
black. Wing 16:0 centims. Arfak name Kurangan. 

The young males much resemble the females, but the latter seem 
to be somewhat smaller and to have shorter wings, while the inner 
webs of the primaries are bordered with rufous-brown, which does 
not appear to be the case with the immature males; the light 
eyebrow seems also more distinct. But it must be admitted that the 
sexes in the above series may very possibly have been wrongly 

In the male bird the patch of metallic silver on the head forms 
when at rest a triangle with the apex forward, but in some skins 
these feathers are seen standing erect, or even depressed over the 
nostrils. Immediately above is a small osseous tuberosity, which 
doubtless gives origin to some muscular fibres whose other ends are 
attached to the bases of the above-mentioned plumes, which can be 
erected at will. This tuberosity appears, as might be expected, not 
so well marked in the female. 

150. LopHORHINA SUPERBA (Penn.). 

Lophorhina superba, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p, 524. 

a. 3. Arfak. 

b. Vix ad. 3. Arfak. 

c. Arfak. 

d—w. 3. Arfak (Bruijn). 

wz. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Iris brown ; bill and feet black, Arfak name Miet—a phonetic 
rendering of its cry. 

Example 2 is nearly in full plumage ; but the metallic green of the 
head and pectoral shield (the feathers of which latter are incomplete 
at the sides) is peculiar in being glossed with violet. This violet 
tinge is apparently a common if not invariable characteristic of 




Paradigalla carunculata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 530. 

a. 6. Arfak. 

b,c. ¢. Arfak (Bruijn). 

d-g. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Iris red; bill and feet black. M. Laglaize informed me that the 
colour of the upper caruncle is orange, of the middle bright leaf- 
green, of the lower red. 

The females only differ in their smaller size, in the caruncles and 
nasal tufts being smaller, and in the absence of the brilliant 
metallic purple reflections of the upper surface. 

152. AsTRAPIA NIGRA (Gm.). 

Astrapia nigra, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 535. 

a, 6. 3. Arfak (Bruijn). 

cf. Q. Arfak (Bruijn). 

g, h. &. Arfak. 

i. 2. Arfak. 

Iris bright red; bill and feet black. Tail 58-62 centims., wing 
18°3-18°7. In the female the tail measures from 30-35 centims., 
the wing 16°3-17°8. Native name Aroma. 

The natives say that they do not think that this bird is really 
much less abundant than the Epimachus, although so few skins are 
ever obtained. They are found in the same district as the latter 
bird, and, like it, frequent the tops of the high trees, but are very 
silent ; whereas the loud cry of the Great Bird of Paradise at once 
calls attention to its presence, and causes it to fall a tolerably easy 
prey to the hunter. 

The shafts of the tail-and wing-feathers in this species project 
beyond the web of the feather, as is the case in Paradigalla and 

153. Eprmacuus speciosus (Bodd.). 

Epimachus speciosus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 541. 

a-o. 6. Arfak. 

p-v. 2. Arfak. 

w-y. 6. Arfak (Bruijn). 

z. Vix ad. 6. Arfak (Bruijn). 

a. Jr. &. Arfak (Bruijn). 

b,c’. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Iris yellow, brown in the young bird ; billand feet black. Length 
very variable, according to the development of the tail, which in 
15 adult males measured from 69 to 84 centims.; wing in male 
19°0-20°5, in female 15°7-17:7. Native name in the Arfak 

Example z has the plumage of the adult bird, except that the side 
plumes and tail-feathers are just bursting through the feather-cases ; 
there is no trace of brown in the plumage; and it is therefore an old 


bird, as in the first acquirement of the adult dress the change is 
effected by means of the gradual assumption of the metallic colours 
in pre-existing feathers, not by moult. 

The hunters found this bird not uncommon in the Arfak, and 
informed me that it perched on the summit of the trees, and revealed 
its presence by its loud, harsh cry. 


Drepanornis albertisii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 549. 

a-c. 3. Arfak (Bruijn). 

d. 3. Arfak. 

e,f. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Iris, according to the hunters, brown; bill black. Length of 
wing 15:0-15°4 ; female 14°7—-14°8 centims. 

The female, though much resembling the male on the upper 
surface, is of a darker brown in the interscapular region. The small 
wattle-like expansion of the rictus is less marked. 


Drepanornis bruijnii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 553. 

a. Jr. 3.? N. New Guinea, long. 139° E. (Bruijn). 

b. 2. Long. 139° E. (Bruijn). 

While in Ternate Mr. Bruijn showed me the above skins of two 
birds of the genus Drepanornis obtained by his hunters on the north 
coast of New Guinea a litile to the eastward of the mouths of the 
Amberbaki River. One was marked 9, the other ¢; but both were 
destitute of any brilliant colouring whatsoever. The species, though 
not unlike D. albertist, was recognizable as distinct at a glance, and 
was evidently not a local variation or representative form of that 
bird. The greater thickness of the bill, and its colour (buffish horn, 
not black), the bareness of the base of the maxilla and the nostrils, 
the large postocular bare patch, the dark-brown head, the brown 
(not rufous) upper tail-coverts, the dark moustache, the complete 
and regular barring of the whole of the under surface, including the 
under tail-coverts—all these easily distinguish it. Each feather on 
the under surface is barred with from three to five dark brown bars, 
the last of which is always subterminal. The dimensions seem to be 
nearly the same as those of D. albertisi. Length about 38:0 centims., 
wing 14°5-15:0, bill from gape (chord) 6°7-7-1. 

Mr. Bruijn informed me that his hunters had obtained seven or 
eight examples of this species, but that, though of different sexes, 
they were all of the same sober colouring. Judging from the habits 
of others of the Paradiseide, notably in the case of P. rubra, where 
the immature males and females appear to live in districts quite 
apart from the adult male at certain seasons of the year, and froin 
the fact that in this group of birds the males are all of brilliant 
colouring, we can safely predict that the adult male of this species 
has yet to be discovered, and that it will probably show a develop- 
ment of subalar plumes closely resembling that of D, albertisi, 



Craspedophora magnifica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 554. 

a-d. 3. Near Andai. 

e, f. Locality unknown. 

g. 2. Locality unknown. 

Iris lemon-yellow with a shade of green, as in P. minor ; bill and 
feet black. Wing 17-3-18°3 centims. Native name Isap. 

The female much resembles that of Seleucides nigricans; the 
general tone of the breast is dirty white, instead of dull yellowish, 
and the primaries are all chestnut instead of having the inner webs 
black ; but otherwise there is but little difference. While at 
Samatee, the Rajah of Salwatti informed me that this species 
existed on the island, but it was neither obtained nor seen by 
ourselves or our hunters. 


Seleucides nigricans, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 561. 

a. 6. Samatee, Salwatti. 

b. Jr. 3. Samatee. 

c-g. Jr. 3. Salwatti. 

h. 3. Locality unknown. 

i. 2. Locality unknown. 

Iris holly-berry red, of female orange; bill black ; inside of 
mouth and throat grass-green; legs and feet the colour of pink 
coral. In the young bird the feet are flesh-coloured. Length 
34'8-37°6 centims. (Salvadori gives 25:0!) ; wing 16°5-17°2. 

During our visit to Salwatti we were fortunate enough to acquire 
a living specimen of this exquisite species. The way they are caught 
appears almost incredible. The native searches in the forest until, 
by the droppings, he has discovered the usual roosting-place of 
the species. He conceals himself beneath the tree to discover the 
exact branch chosen by the bird, and then climbing up at night, 
quietly places acloth over it! The species being exceedingly fond of 
the fruit of the Pandanus the roosting-places are easily recognized by 
the dejecta, but in three weeks our hunters only secured one 
bird. This was a male in full plumage (a), which afterwards became 
very tame and lived for many weeks on board the ‘ Marchesa,’ 
though we were unfortunate enough to lose him before our arrival 
in England. I find the following notes in my diary :—‘‘ The 
Seleucides alba is now wonderfully tame, and will eat out of one’s 
hand. He feeds on the fruit of the Pandanus, on Papaw (Carica 
papaya) when it can be obtained, on cockroaches, and occasionally 
on banana. He is fond of resting motionless with the head sunk 
low on the chest. The top of the head is very flat and low, so that 
the upper margin of the eyes protrudes above it. He remains more 
or less quiet during the day, but in the morning and evening is more 
restless, moving from perch to perch with a peculiar bounding hop. 
In feeding he is most wonderfully neaé. With his long sharp bill 
he catches a cockroach with lightning rapidity, taking it across the 


body. He then gives it a sudden snap with the beak, throws it up 
in the air, catches it lengthwise, and it is out of sight in an instant. 
In this operation he displays to advantage the lovely colouring of 
the inside of the mouth and throat. The only note he has as yet 
uttered in confinement is a single unmelodious croak.” 

From the above series and from some native-prepared skins in my 
possession, the change to adult plumage seems to be thus acquired. 
The head first assumes its black plumes, with darkening of the 
feathers, from within outwards, on the neck ; the shield appearing 
gradually meanwhile. The neck now gets darker, and the wing- 
feathers begin to be tinged with violet, apparently commencing with 
the secondaries. As yet the lower breast and abdomen have 
remained unchanged, except that on the flanks the feathers are more 
plumose. In the next stage theupper parts, head, neck, and breast are 
complete, the wings tolerably so, while the tail is tinged with violet. 
The subalar plumes have appeared, but are short, of a dull buff, and 
barred with brown, though the wires are almost as long as in the 
adult, but are black with pale tips. The breast is still almost 
unchanged, except that it is somewhat yellower. The final change 
that appears to take place is the assumption of the yellow on the 
breast and plumes, and the deep violet-black tail. 

The native name for this bird in Salwatti and the Rajah ampat 
generally is ‘ Palengo.” 


Paradisea minor, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 577. 

a-z. 6. Near Ansus, Jobi. 

a—p'. Jr. 3. Near Ansus. 

q'. Sew. incert. Near Ansus. 

nb", 3. Dorei Bay. 

e'—e." Jr. Mysol. 

Iris lemon-yellow, with a tinge of green. This green shade is 
sufficiently well marked during life, but fades immediately after 
death, when the iris appears yellow. Feet and tarsus bluish slate ; 
bill almost lavender. Length of adult Jobi males, without the central 
tail-feathers, 36-7—41-2 centims. ; wing 19°2-20°9. 

The above birds, which are only a part of the whole series 
collected during the voyage of the ‘ Marchesa,’ demonstrate well the 
gradual change from immature to adult plumage. 

The young birds in first plumage exactly resemble the females, 
but in a short time the purity of the white on the under surface and 
a marked increase in size render apparent the difference in sex. The 
yellow of the scapulars becomes more marked, and the green of the 
throat and yellow of the head begin to appear simultaneously. This 
green is assumed by the gradual tipping of each feather with that 
colour (in the adult the apex only of each feather is green), while 
on the head the brown feathers gradually become yellow from 
beneath. The plumage of the head and throat having become 
complete, the two median rectrices begin to elongate, and the lower 
part of the throat becomes tinged with chestnut. At a further stage 


the mantle has become more yellow, the chestnut on the throat and 
breast has extended, and median rectrices, which are still slightly 
webbed at the tip, protrude some six inches beyond the other 
feathers. At a still further advanced stage the yellow mantle is 
complete, the entire breast is chestnut, and the abdomen is becoming 
so, the wire-like tail-feathers have reached their extreme length, and 
nothing is therefore wanting to complete the full plumage except the 
chestnut abdomen and the long subalar plumes, of which latter 
there is as yet no trace. 

I am rather inclined to the belief that the bird remains for some 
time in this half-perfect plumage. We were fortunate enough in 
our expedition to New Guinea to obtain no less than four living 
examples of this species, three of which are at the present moment 
in the Gardens of this Society. When first obtained, in the month 
of December, they were in the dress I have just described, and 
remained thus for some two or three months. The yellow feathers 
of the head then fell off in two of the four, the birds becoming quite 
bald in patches, leaving nothing but the black skin showing. At 
the same time the subalar tufts began to appear. New feathers 
rapidly appeared on the head; they were almost white at first, but 
soon assumed the yellow shade. The subalar tufts grew quickly, 
and were tolerably long within three weeks of their first appearance. 

The food given to the birds while on board consisted of boiled 
rice, banana, papaw fruit, cockroaches, and chopped egg. 

We obtained P. minor from the mainland of New Guinea, from 
Mysol, and from Jobi. When in Salwatti [ made many inquiries 
for it, but we did not obtain it, and I was assured that it did not 
exist on the island. Its abundance in Jobi was wonderful. In 
the neighbourhood of Ansus, at an altitude of about 1000 feet or 
less, we obtained no less than fifty-one examples in five days. 
The known segregation of the older males at certain (or all?) 
periods of the year partly explains the great preponderance of that 
sex in the present series. [mmature males are also very common, 
but it is difficult to get females, and there is no doubt a considerable 
actual preponderance in numbers in favour of the male sex. 

159. Parapisea apopa, Linn. 
Paradisea apoda, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii, p. 594. 

a-s. 3. (Native skins.) Aru. 

é. 9. Wanumbai, Aru. 

During our stay in the Aru Islands, we were only able to procure 
a solitary individual of this species. At the end of the month of 
December, we were informed by natives and others that the males 
were not in plumage, and would not assume the adult dress until 
April. Mr. Wallace’s experience also bears this out, and the males 
in full plumage in Salvadori’s collection were shot during the months 
of April, May, and June only. It is curious therefore to note that 
the closely allied P. minor appears to remain in plumage the whole 
year round. 

It seems that P. apoda is decreasing in numbers in the Arus, or at 


any rate in the northern islands, where they have been collected for 
export for more than a hundred years. Inthe southern islands they 
may possibly exist in undiminished numbers ; but the prices have 
risen of late years, and while Wallace, in 1857, paid as little as six- 
pence for the native-prepared skins, they cannot now be obtained at 
Dobbo under two dollars. 

The largest market in the East for the skins of the burong mati, or 
Paradise birds, is at Macassar. Here the commoner sorts are brought 
in great numbers, made up in parcels of twenty skins, known in the 
trade as koddies. These are all native-prepared skins, for the most 
part devoid of legs, and useless to the naturalist, besides being 
generally much moth-eaten. Practically, only six species come into 
the market :—‘‘ males” (P. apoda), “females”? (P. minor), ‘red 
birds” (P. rubra), “ many-wires”’ (S. alba), “ green birds”? (D. 
speciosa), and “king birds” (C. regius); and the trade prices for 
skins of medium quality per soddy are as follows :— 

P.apoda........ 90-100 gulden. 
GES MUO as ak hes 70=—90' 355 
Po rubra nea. .. 80-110 os 
Se MB) oS bo nates 1LO=130\ eg 
D. speciosa ...... 50-70  ,, 
(Cha RATES sees boc 30- 40 _,, 

The gulden may be reckoned at one shilling and eightpence. 

The trade in Macassar is carried on chiefly by a few Dutch mer- 
chants, and by various Chinamen, who likewise deal in gum-dammar, 
pearls, pearl-shell, and other productions of the eastern islands. The 
greater portion of the skins are sent to Paris, although London ab- 
sorbs a considerable quantity. But few of them, however, find their 
way to Holland. 

160. ParapisEA RUBRA, Lacép. 

Uranornis rubra, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 623. 

a-g. 3. Waigiou. 

h-m. Vix ad. 3. Waigiou. 

n—s. Jr. 6. Waigiou. 

t-i'. 9. Waigiou. 

k'-n'. 9. Batanta. 

o'. Jr. 3. Batanta. 

Iris ruddy brown; bill greenish yellow; feet greenish brown. 
Length 34°0-36°0 centims., wing 15°5-18°4. Female smaller, 
length 30°0-34-0 centims., wing about 16-0. 

As in the case of most of the Paradiseidee, the young males are 
not to be distinguished from the females as far as regards plumage, 
though the latter are somewhat inferior in size. The first change 
appears to be the assumption of the metallic green of the head, 
simultaneously with a slight darkening of the chestnut on the upper 
breast, and a brightening of the yellow on the neck and wing-coverts. 
The two median rectrices then commence to elongate, and after a 


time the web of the feather becomes eroded. It still remains webbed 
at the base, however, and generally carries a spatula for some time. 
Indeed, this spatula may sometimes be seen in the full, or nearly 
full, plumaged bird. In the process of elongation the shaft becomes 
thin and widened, though still remaining of a brown colour; and 
although Salvadori doubts whether the curious quill-like plumes of 
the full plumage are assumed without moult, an individual of the 
present series shows that this is the case, and that the result is 
produced by the gradual incurving of the already flattened shaft. 
The last stage is in the appearance of the red subalar plumes, from 
which the bird derives its specific name. 

I have noticed that the females and quite young males seem alike 
to have the two median rectrices somewhat narrow and rather 
shorter than the others, and that the prolongation of these is not 
invariably a change of the earliest period. 

The Batanta birds appear to have the yellow less bright. There 
is less of it on the back, and it merges into the black of the forehead 
without the distinct line over the vertex as in the others. 


Diphyllodes magnifica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 634. 

a-c. 3. Salwatti? (Bruijn). 

d. 3. Salwatti. 

Iris brown ; bill greyish blue; feet bright blue. Length about 
22°0 centims., wing 11°3. This bird is known to the hunters of the 
Rajah Ampat as Bila rotan, Malay for ‘‘ cut rattan”—from the ap- 
pearance of the yellow mantle, which is certainly not unlike a sloping 
section of a large rattan. 

I cannot help regarding this species as decidedly rare, for in spite 
of the large collections we obtained in Mysol, Salwatti, and the 
Arfak, not one single example of this species was shot either by 
ourselves or our own hunters. 


Diphyllodes chrysoptera, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 641. 

a. d. Ansus, Jobi (Bruijn). 

b. 9. Ansus (Bruijn). 

Mr. Laglaize informed me that the iris of the male is yellowish. 
The bill and feet are as in D. magnifica. 

We were unable to obtain this species during our visit to Jobi, 
and it seems to be far from common on that island. I have seen 
skins intermediate between this and the last species from the eastern 
side of Geelvink Bay; and I feel certain that a series from this 
locality and Jobi would show that the two so-called species are in 
reality not separable. 

163. DipHyLLopEs witsont (Cass.). 

Schlegelia respublica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 642. 

a-d. 3. Marchesa Bay, Batanta. 
e-g. 9. Marchesa Bay. 


h-k. Jr. 2. Marchesa Bay. 

l. Jr. g. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

m. do. Waigiou. 

Iris brown, of female greyish brown; bill black, tip of upper 
mandible brownish ; feet and legs bright blue, darker in the female. 
Inside of mouth bright greenish yellow in both sexes. Length, ex- 
clusive of long rectrices, 18°5—20°0 centims., wing 9°4—9°8. Shot in 
October and November. Malay name Kapala kruis (Cross-head). 

The bare occipital patch is of the brightest imaginable blue during 
life ; the figure in Gould’s ‘ Birds of New Guinea’ gives no notion of 
the extreme brilliancy of the colouring of this part. In the female 
and young male it is not quite so bright. It begins to fade almost 
immediately after death, is quite dull in four or five hours, and by 
next day the skin is as black as in a long-shot specimen. The 
curved tail-feathers also seem to lose their colour, contrary to what 
is usually the case in plumes of metallic colouring. Before fading 
they are of a bright steely purple. 

The immature male differs in no way from the female. Of the 
change of plumage to the adult dress, I can, however, give no infor- 
mation. he species occurred to us most commonly at the east end 
of Batanta, but it was far from abundant. It frequented hills of 
about 1000 feet in height, at a distance of about half a mile from 
the sea. 

164. CicinNURUS REGIUS (Linn.). 

Cicinnurus regius, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 646. 

a, 6. 3. Arfak. 

c-f. d. Andai. 

g-l. Jr. 3. “New Guinea.” 

m—-o. ¢&. Salwatti. 

p. 2. Salwatti. 

gq. Jr. &. Salwatti. 

r-r'. 6. Mysol. 

s'-g". Jr. 3. Mysol. 

h'-l". 2. Mysol. 

m''—q'. 3. Jobi. 

rt". Jr. &. Sobi. 

u”. 2. Jobi. 

vb". Mysol. 

Iris brown; bill yellowish horn-colour, becoming quite yellow 
in the dried skin, in the female and young male brownish ; legs 
and feet bright blue, somewhat duller in the female ; inside of mouth 
bright yellowish green. Total length, not including median rectrices, 
17°0-19°4 centim., of females and young males 19:0-2i:0, the 
larger measurements depending on the greater length of the tail in 
the latter. Wing 9°8-10°4 centims. Native name among the hunters 
of the Rajah Ampat, Kepin-hepin. 

In the large series obtained on the ‘ Marchesa’s’ cruise, of which 
the above are a portion only, the various changes in the plumage 


from youth to adult age are well exemplified. The young male is at 
first not to be distinguished from the female, but after a time the 
first signs of the full plumage become evident in the case of the 
former, either by the appearance of a few scattered red feathers on 
the head and neck, or by the gradual reddening of the external surface 
of the wings. At the same time the median rectrices begin to 
elongate. At first brown, they soon acquire a red tinge, and, when 
an inch or two longer than the others, become eroded on the inner 
web, and somewhat curved, so that the feather is sickle-shaped. 
This curvature becomes more pronounced, ultimately assuming the 
shape of the perfect feather, though the colour of the web still 
remains brown. The shaft then becomes completely denuded of 
feather, and the terminal disk acquires the brilliant metallic green 
colouring of the perfect plume. 

This development has gone on contemporaneously with the change 
in the general plumage. The whole of the back and upper surface 
having become more or less red in patches, the colour being assumed 
gradually by each feather, and not by moult, each feather becoming 
at first yellowish, then red,—a change is seen in the under surface, the 
feathers of the abdomen turning gradually white, while simulta- 
neously signs of the metallic green pectoral band appear. Simul- 
taneously also, the subalar plumes commence to grow, a process 
which in the genus Paradisea is the final stage towards the com- 
pletion of the full plumage. They are at first ruddy, barred with 
greyisu brown, while the tips, which are destined later to become 
metallic green, are buff. The final change consists in the assump- 
tion of the colour in the tips. : 

[t is impossible to examine a large series of C. regius, such as the 
above, without noticing certain differences with regard to locality, 
which, though slight, appear to be tolerably constant. Taking 
the Mysol examples, which seem to be possessed of no marked cha- 
racteristics, as a standard, the birds from Aru, Jobi, and the Arfak 
region present the most noteworthy peculiarities. They may be 
shortly summarized as follows :— 

Aru. Birds large; very yellow on the head; supraocular spot 
large; tails long; disks small. Tendency to a bronze tint 
on the metallic green. 

Jobi. Beak shorter, the apex projecting but a short distance 
beyond the nasal tufts. Supraocular spot small. Violet 
tinge of throat strongly marked. 

Arfak. Birds small. Tail very short; disks large. 

A female from Jobi island is characterized by being of a dark 
mouse-brown on the back and head. 

Although we never obtained C. regius in Batanta, IT on one 
oceasion doubtfully, and on another certainly, saw it at the south- 
east end of that island. But for this, I should have had great doubts 
of its existence in that locality. 



Xanthomelus aureus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 658. 

a, b. Jr. 3. Near Dorei (?). 

The above two skins, the sex of which is not indicated, were 
obtained from a Malay in Dorei, iu which locality they were supposed 
to have been shot. The upper surface is brown, slightly olivescent, 
darker on the head, the mantle streaked with yellow, owing to the 
shaft of each feather being of that colour. Throat and sides of the 
head pale brown; upper breast barred with brown, producing an 
imbricated appearance ; rest of under surface bright yellow. Under 
wing-coverts and inner webs of primaries yellow, the former marked 
with brown. Shafts of wing- and tail-feathers yellow beneath. Bill 
and feet brownish black in the dried skin. The specimens are, no 
doubt, immature males. 

We were unable ourselves to obtain examples of this species in Sal- 
watti, but at Samatee on that island we procured three flat skins of 
adult males from a native. Their origin was, however, uncertain, 
and it is more than possible that they were brought from Sorong 
on the mainland. 

The Arfak name for X. aureus is Kumeda. 

166. ALUuRa@pDUs BUCCOIDES (Temm.). 

Abluredus buccoides, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 675. 

a. Dorei. 

b. 3. N. New Guinea, long. 139° E. (Bruijn). 

c. 6. Ansus, Jobi. 

d. 9. Batanta. 

e. 2. Salwatti. 

Iris red-brown ; bill and feet slate-coloured. Length 25:5 centims., 
wing 13°3-14°5 centims. Jobi is a new locality for this species, but 
the present example differs but little from the others, except in its 
somewhat larger size. Examples a and d have the apices of the 
outer tail-feathers slightly tipped with white. 

167. Pritopus suPeRBus (Temm.). 

Ptilopus superbus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 6. 

a, 6b. d. Mysol. 

Iris yellow ; bill slate, yellowat tip; feetred. Length 23-3-24:0 
centims., wing 13°0. 

Both skins are characterized by the great breadth of the purple 
pectoral band. 

168. PriLopus PULCHELLUs (Temm.). 

Ptilopus pulchellus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 13. 

a-d. 3. Waigiou. 

e. 9. Waigiou. 

f. &. Mysol. 

Iris dark yellow ; bill yellow, green in the female e, tarsus dark 
red. Length 19°5-20°4 centims., wing 10°1-10°8. Sexes alike. 


169. Pritopus GEMINUs, Salvad. 

Ptilopus geminus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 19. 

a. 3. Jobi (Bruijn). 

Salvadori’s description, ‘‘ macula abdominis medii transversa pallide 
violacea, croceo circumdata,” is perhaps not strictly accurate. The 
small violet patch is bounded below and on the sides only by the 
saffron of the abdomen. 

170. Pritopus HUMERALIs, Wall. 

Ptilopus humeralis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 23. 

a. 3. Waigiou. 

Bill greenish, yellow at apex ; tarsus dull red. The existence of 
this species in Waigiou has not been previously recorded. 

171. Pritopus wALuacet, G. R. Gr. 
Ptilopus wallacei, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iil. p. 30. 

a. 6. Dobbo, Aru. 

6. g. Locality unknown. 

Iris dirty yellow; bill greenish yellow ; tarsus red. Length 25°5 
centims., wing 14°5-15°5. 

172. Prinopus oRNATUS, Rosenb. 

Ptilopus ornatus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 32. 

a. 6. Andai. 
Iris orange ; bill yellow; feet reddish purple. The under tail- 
coverts are white rather than pale yellow as in Salvadori’s description. 

173. Primorus pRASINORRHOUS, G. R. Gr. 

Ptilopus prasinorrhous, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 41. 

a-d. 3. Traitors Islands, N. of Jobi (Bruijn). 

e. Q. Traitors Islands (Brun). 

These examples do not differ from others obtained from more 
western localities. 

174. Pritopus BELuUS, Sclat. 

Ptilopus bellus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 45. 

a. 6. Andai. 

b-d. 9. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Iris yellow ; bill yellow; feet dark red. In two of the females 
the secondaries towards the apex are strongly edged on the outer 
web with bright yellow. 

From the occurrence of this bird at Andai it is evident that the 
species is not, as has previously been supposed, confined to the 
mountainous districts. 

175. Pritopus sPeciosus, Rosenb. 
Ptilopus speciosus, Salvad. op. cit. vol, ili. p. 47. 

u, 6. g. Traitors Islands (Bruijn). 
c. Q. Traitors Islands (Bruijn). 


The little group to the 8.E. of Biak, known as the Pade Aido, 
or Traitors Islands, appear, as far as I could judge from a small col- 
lection obtained by Mr. Bruijn’s hunters, to belong, ornithologically 
speaking, to the Mysory division of the Geelvink-Bay islands. 

176. PriLopus PECTORALIS (Wagl.). 

Ptilopus pectoralis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 60. 

a. 3. Mysol. 

b. 2. Waigiou. 

c. 9. Locality unknown. 

Iris dark yellow ; bill yellow; feet dark red. Length 20°5-22°5 
centims., wing 11-0. 

The female of this species much resembles that of P. prasinorrhous, 
but is distinguished by its smaller size and its shining green wings ; 
and also by the under tail-coverts being white tipped with yellow, 
the inner web green, while in P. prasinorrhous the tail-coverts are 
dark green edged with yellow. 


Megaloprepia puella, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 66. 

a-d. 3. Waigiou. 

e, f- 2. Waigiou. 

g, h. 3. Batanta. 

i. 2. Batanta. 

k. 3. Mysol. 

l,m. 2. Mysol. 

n, 0. 2. Salwatti. 

lnis bright red, orange, or yellow, irrespective of locality ; bill red 
at base, tip yellow; tarsus green, or yellowish green. Length 
variable, 31°8-36 centims., wing 15°8-17°1. Sexes alike. But 
little variation is apparent in the plumage of the above examples. 


Carpophaga myristicivora, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iil. p. 74. 

a. 6. Waigiou (Nov. 11th). 

6. Batanta. 

Iris indian red, brown in a; bill and cere black ; feet red. 
Length 45-46 centims., wing 27°5. Cere not large. 

Salvadori doubts the accuracy of the locality in two of Bruijn’s 
examples said to have been obtained from Halmaheira. It is, how- 
ever, not improbably correct, as we obtained this species in numbers 
on the Weda Islands, which lie at the S.E. extremity of Gilolo. 

179. CaRPOPHAGA ZOEH (Less.). 

Carpophaga zoee, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 94. 

a. 6. Wammar, Aru. 

Iris white ; bill greenish slate ; tarsus dull pinkish red. Length 
43-2 centims., wing 22. 



Carpophaga rufigaster, Q. et G. 

Carpophaga rufiventris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 98. 

a-d. $. Waigiou. 

e. 9. Salwatti. 

J. &. Mysol. 

g. 2. Andai. 

h. 2. Batanta. 

7. Locality unknown. 

Iris red ; bill dark brown or black; feet dull red; bare space 
round eye red. Length 36°8-38°0 centims., wing 18°5-19°2. 

The prolonged upper tail-coverts of one of the Waigiou birds are 
very dark, almost greenish black. The Andai bird is characterized 
by the brilliant cupreous-red iridescence of the back. 


Carpophaga chalconota, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 100. 

a-d. Arfak. 

Four birds, sex unknown, brought down by the Arfak hunters. 
Wing 19°5-21-0 centims. 

C. rufiventris much resembles this species, but may be distinguished 
by its vinaceous head, by the bright rufous of the upper breast, 
and by the purple-brown (not dark blue) tail. The beak also is 
smaller in the former. 


Carpophaga miillerit, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 101. 

a. Dobbo, Aru (Dee. 4th). 

Iris brown; bill dark slate; tarsus dark vinous red. Length 
45°5 centims., wing 23°7, bill from gape 3°8. 

This was the only occasion on which we met with this fine 
Pigeon, which does not seem common in the Arus. 

183. CaRPOPHAGA PINON (Q. et G.). 
Carpophaga pinon, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 103. 
a-d. 3. Waigiou. 

e. 2. Waigiou. 

t,g. &. Batanta. 

h. Q. Batanta. 

i,k. 6. Mysol. 

1. 29. Mysol. 
m,n. 3. Dobbo, Aru. 
o. 2. Dobbo. 

Iris, outer ring dull, inner bright red. In others this double 
ring is absent, the iris being dull indian red, sometimes purple. 
Bill greyish horn-colour, bluish at the apex. Bare space surround- 
ing the eye bright red. Feet red. 


This species appears to vary very much in size. The average 
length is from about 47 to 48 centims., but a Mysol example only 
measures 40-0 centims. The Waigiou birds seem largest. 

C. pinon is an abundant bird in the Papuan Islands mentioned 
above, and is often to be found in small flocks of four or five indi- 
viduals. In several examples of the present series the web of the 
feather is worn off in the white bar which crosses the tail, thus pro- 
ducing a singular fenestrated appearance. 

184. Myrisricrvora spILorruoA, G. R. Gr. 

Myristicivora spilorrhoa, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p- 111. 

a. &. Dobbo, Aru. 

Iris almost black; bill slate, yellow at apex. Feet slate-blue. 
Length 44:0 centims., wing 24°6. 

Under tail-coverts and tibials with a subterminal black spot ; 
external rectrices with a very narrow apical black band. It is 
worthy of note that, whether ‘ the assertions of Bonaparte, Cassin, 
and Lord Walden are founded on individuals with two tail-feathers 
accidentally wanting,” or not, the present example has only 12 


Gymnophaps albertisit, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 118. 

a-c. Arfak (Bruijn). 

d. 3? Jobi. 

Iris in the Jobi bird blood-red ; bill and cirecumocular space 
brilliant red. 

This example, d, differs in having the chin and gular region grey 
rather than chestnut ; the latter colour being confined to the 
auricular region. The breast is slightly spotted with grey, which 
is not the case in the other skins. The species has not, as far as I 
am aware, been hitherto recorded from Jobi. 


Reinwardtenas reinwardtii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 124, 

a-c. d. Waigiou. 

d. Jr. 3. Waigiou. 

e. Jr. 2. Waigiou. 

f. 3. Waigiou. 

g. Q. Batanta. 

h. Batanta. 

Iris, inner ring yellow, outer red; bill red at base, apex brown or 
slate-coloured. Feet and bare space round eye red, Length very 
variable ; wing 23°0—24°2 centims. 

In d the head is brown, with a few scattered white feathers. There 
are splashes of brown on the upper breast and back, and the bill 
and feet have not. yet assumed the red colour of the adult. Example 
e is also immature, and has ruddy feathers on the breast and neck. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—'885, No. XLIII. 43 


187. MAcropyGIA NIGRIROSTRIS, Salvad. 

Macropygia nigrirostris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 149. 

a. Locality unknown. 

With faint barring on the back and interscapulars, and over the 
whole of the outer surface of the wing. 

188. PHLOG@NAS RUFIGULA (Puch. et Jacq.). 

Phlogenas rufigula, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 161. 

a. o? Salwatti. 

6. Arfak. 

Iris pink ; bill brown ; feet purple-madder. Length 23°5 centims., 
wing 12°5-13°2. 

The Arfak bird differs in having the grey supraocular stripe 
much more marked, and the rufous of the vertex merging gradually 
into the brownish occiput. In the Salwatti bird there is a sharp 
boundary line here, and the occipital region is much darker. 
Beneath, in the latter example, the crissum and tibials are isabelline. 

189. HenicopHars ALBIFRONS, G. R. Gr. 

Henicophaps albifrons, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 183. 

a. g. Waigiou. 

Iris black ; bill slate ; feet coral. 

With the white forehead edged round faintly with pale fulvous, 
more marked posteriorly. 

190. Eurrycon terrestris (G. R. Gr.). 

Eutrygon terrestris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 186. 

a. 9. Andai. 

Iris red ; bill with the base dark slate-colour, the apex whitish ; 
feet pink. Length 37:5 centims., wing 18-0. 

191. OrrpipHArs NoBILIs, Gould. 

Otidiphaps nobilis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 188. 

a. Dorei (?). 

6, c. Arfak. 

Example a was obtained from a native in Dorei Bay, and was 
believed to have been shot in the vicinity. While in Waigiou I was 
informed by the natives that a bird, apparently of this species, 
inhabited the island, which is not improbable, as. Von Rosenberg 
has met with it in Batanta. The hunters of the Rajah Ampat 
know this species by the name of Rajah Maleo! 

192. Goura coronata (Linn.). 

Goura coronata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 191. 
a, 6. 3. Waigiou. 

c. 9. Waigiou. 

d. 3. Mysol. 

l= oe 


e. do. Dorei. 

F- Q« Dorei: 

Iris red; tarsus dull red, irregularly marked with white; feet 
brighter ; bill bluish. 

The above are only a portion of the large series of skins obtained 
during the voyage of the ‘ Marchesa.’ The abundance of the species 
is wonderful, especially in Waigiou, and the fact that at one time 
we had twenty-five living birds on board shows the facility with 
which they are trapped by the natives. 

193. Goura vicTrort# (Fraser). 

Goura victorie, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 205. 

a. 2. Near Ansus, Jobi. 

6. Juv. Near Ansus. 

Iris red ; feet dull red ; bill bluish, lighter at apex. 

The young bird only differs in its much smaller size (48°1 centims.), 
in the absence of the chestnut tips to the greater wing-coverts, and 
in the lesser amount of white on the crest. 

We obtained only three of these birds while in Jobi, from which 
it is probable that the species is not very abundant. 

194. CaL@Nas NicoBarica (Linn.). 

Calenas nicobarica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iti. p. 209. 

a-e. 3. Waigiou. 

d. 3 juv. Waigiou. 

e. 2. Waigiou. 

Sf. &. Salwatti. 

Iris dull red, or reddish brown; bill and cere black; feet dull 
reddish, yellowish beneath. Length about 38-0 centims., wing 24°0— 

195. MEGAPODIUS DUPERREYI, Less. et Garn. 

Megapodius duperreyi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 219. 

a. Dorei. 
Iris brown ; bill brown ; tarsus reddish orange. 

196. MrGAropius FREYCINETI, Q. et G. 

Megapodius freycineti, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ill. p. 230. 

a, 6. 6. Waigiou. 

c. 2. Waigiou. 

d. 2. Momos, Waigiou. 

Iris brown, or dark indian red; bill brown, lighter at the apex ; 
tarsus and feet dark brown or black, claws black. Length 35:3- 
39°8 centims., wing 22°0-22°7. 

An apparently abundant species in Waigiou. 


Talegallus jobiensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 243. 

a. &. Jobi (Bruijn). 

In the dried skin the beak is brown. 



198. TaLteGatuus cuviert, Less. 

Talegallus euvieri, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 245. 

a. 3g. Salwatti. 

b. Juv. Salwatti. 

c. 9. Dorei Bay. 

Iris yellowish red; bill orange-red; feet orange; bare skin of 
throat reddish brown. Example e has a small collar of brown 
feathers on the nape. The young bird differs in being much 
smaller, and of a duller black. 

199. RaLiicuLa RUBRA, Schleg. (Plate XX XIX.) 

Rallicula rubra, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 270. 

a. do. Arfak (Bruijn). 

Under wing-coverts and whole of the under surface of the wing, 
barred with white. 

Orthorhamphus magnirostris, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 290. 
a. 3. Mysol. 

Iris yellowish; bill black; tarsus olive-green. Length 520 
centims., wing 28:0. 

Charadrius fulvus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 294. 
a. 9. Momos, Waigiou (Oct. 25th). 

In changing plumage ; breast and abdomen yellowish, interspersed 
with black feathers. 


Aigialitis geoffroyi, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 298. 
a. Momos, Waigiou (Oct. 27th). 

In winter plumage, and with no grey pectoral band. 

LEgialitis mongolica, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 299. 
a. 3. Batanta (Oct. 22nd). 

In winter plumage. 

204. Trinca acuminata (Horsf.). 

Tringa acuminata, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 313. 

a. 3. Momos, Waigiou (Oct. 26th). 

Iris brown; bill brown; feet and tarsus olive. Length £2°0 
centims., wing 14°0. Plumage changing. 


Tringoides hypoleucus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. il. p. 318. 
a. do. Waigiou. 

b. 9. Mysol. 

Iris dark brown; bill brown; tarsus dull olive. Length 20-0 
centims. Obtained in November. 


206. Toranus rncanus (Gm.). 

Totanus incanus, Salvad. op, cit, vol. iii. p. 320. 

a. dg. Waigiou (Nov. 11th). 

b. 2. Waigiou (Oct. 29th). 

In a there are only slight traces of barring on the breast. 

207. ToTaNUS GLAREOLA (Linn.). 

Totanus glareola, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 323. 

a. 5. Momos, Waigiou (Oct. 24th). 

This species has not hitherto been recorded from the Papuan 

208. ScoLopax ROSENBERGI, Schleg. 

Scolopax rosenbergii, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ii. p. 335. 

a. 2. Arfak (Bruijn). 

This individual corresponds with Saivadori’s description of S. 

rosenbergi, but I have had no opportunity of comparing it with 
skins of that species. 

209. DemieGReETTA sacra (Gm.). 
Demiegretta sacra, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 345. 
a. 3. Samatee, Salwatti. 


Ardetta sinensis, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 363. 

a. 2. Andai. 

Iris chrome-yellow ; bill yellowish horn; culmen brown ; ‘tarsus 
and feet light green, soles of feet yellow. Length 37-0 centims., 
wing 14-0. 

211. Nycricorax CALEDONTICUs (Gm.), 

Nycticorax caledonicus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. ili. p. 372. 

a. 3. Salwatti. 

212. TaporNna RADJAH (Garn.). 

Ladorna radjah, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 391. 

a, 2. Waigiou (January). 

6. 2. Ansus, Jobi (November). 

Iris white; bill and tarsus yellowish white; claws blackish. 
Length 49-7 centims., wing 24°7-28-0. 

Jobi is apparently a new locality for this species, 

213. MicrocarBo MELANOLEUCUs (Vieill.). 

Microcarbu melanoleucus, Salvad. op. cit. vol. iii. p. 410. 

a. g. Mysol. 

b. 2. Chabrol Bay, Waigiou. 

Iris brown ; bill yellow, reddish at base; culmen black. Length 
59°5-61°0 centims. 

Example a has some of the wing-coverts white. 

666 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [June 16, 

3. A Description of the German River-Frog (Rana esculenta, 
var. ridibunda, Pallas). By G. A. Bourenenr, F.Z.S. 

[Received June 4, 1885. ] 
(Plate XL.) 

When I received a year ago a large number of Rana esculenta 
from Berlin, I was so struck by the differences they presented that 
I had no hesitation in regarding them as of two distinct races or 
subspecies, and I bestowed upon the one which was new to me, and 
to which attention had previously been called by Prof. Pfliiger ’, the 
name of R. fortis. As I had not then sufficient material to establish 
a comparison with all the forms which had already been named by 
various authors, this seemed to me the best course, my object being 
to draw immediate attention to the remarkable fact of two distinct 
closely allied forms occurring in the same locality, reserving for a 
future occasion an investigation into the chaotic synonymy. I have 
since constantly been amassing material; and I think I may flatter 
myself on having now before me the finest and largest series of 
specimens of I. esculenta with accurate localities which has ever 
been brought together. Unfortunately, the more specimens I 
examine, the more difficult the subject appears; and I should not 
think of attempting at present a general revision of the races of this 
widely distributed species. It is evident that under the name Rana 
esculenta a number of forms are thrown together, the extremes 
of which are as distinct as many we are accustomed to regard 
as valid species; but as they are linked together by numerous 
insensible gradations, it is best to regard them as subspecies. 

The great number of specimens, both alive and in spirits, which have 
lately passed through my hands, have more and more strengthened 
my belief in the constancy of the characters upon which I have based 
the distinction of R. fortis and R. esculenta ; but they have also 
convinced me that the name R. fortis should be cancelled in favour 
of the name R. ridibunda, Pallas. 

My object at present being merely to give a detailed account of 
the recently discovered German Frog, I will leave aside all further 
material in order to avoid confusion, and all that is said of R. escu- 
lenta for comparison applies only to German specimens. The 
following description is based on the examination of about 130 
specimens of R. ridibunda, of which six are from Prague, the rest 
from Berlin. 


Rana ridibunda, Pallas, Reise, i. p. 458 (1771). 
Rana cachinnans, Pallas, Zoogr. Ross.-As. iii. p: 7, pl. i. fi 
(1831); Eichwald, Faun. Casp.-Cauc. p. 126, pl. xxx. (1841 

* Arch, f. Physiol. xxix, 1882, p. 67. 


- dunt - soug useqzurpy] UIT 3 [ep ywag g 


Swick SORTS S.o Ze ob 

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1885.] GERMAN RIVER-FROG. 667 

Rana esculenta, var., Pfliiger, Arch. f. Phys. xxix. p. 67 (1882), 
and xxxii. p. 522 (1883). 

Rana fortis, Boulenger, The Zoologist, xlii. p. 220 (1884). 

Diagnosis.—A large, strongly built form, with long hind limbs, 
the tibia proportionately longer than in the typical form ; inner 
metatarsal tubercle relatively small, elliptical, feebly prominent, not 
compressed, measuring 2 to 43 millim. in specimens in which the 
inner toe measures 9 to 15 millim. Olive, bronzy olive, or dull 
green above, with blackish-olive spots; usually a pale green vertebral 
band ; no yellow on any part of the body; hinder side of thighs 
olive, or greenish white marbled with dark olive. Vocal sacs grey. 

millim, millim. oes... .a0 te ..cee 99S 104 
Reucthval beads abot. 2622 leds ote. dea OO 32 
Width of head ...... see MR Rare pe ee oars 36 
Diameter of the eye ..... 8 8 
arerorbital Spates. fc cs Stus eye eis ks + = 3 3 
From the eye to the nostril............ 6 7 
From the eye to the tip of the snout .... 13 15 
Diameter of the tympanum ............ 6 7 
Horedlunbeae te te la werner n ao eee on, AO 49 
lind slimi beeen Chee ik cues Sicie ose crsiaceom tae LOO 160 
big ake. Sr REE Sta neaee. ieee 42 50 
Foot (from outer metatarsal tubercle).... 44 51 
Inner toe (from inner metatarsal tubercle). 12 15 
Inner metatarsal tubercle.............. 4. 4°5 

Description The snout is normally broadly rounded, its length 
measuring half its width (from a transverse line passing on the 
anterior border of the orbits); in the extremes it measures two 
fifths or three fifths its width, as seen in the accompanying figures 
(Fig. 1, p. 668, where a and c represent the two extreme forms, fig. 4 
the normal). The canthi rostrales are obtuse, and the loreal regions 
very oblique. The nostril is nearly equidistant from the eye and the 
end of the snout. The interorbital space is very narrow, measuring 
less than half the width of the upper eyelid, and usually more 
or less distinctly grooved longitudinally. The diameter of the 
tympanum equals half, or nearly half, that of the orbit. 

The hind limb being stretched forwards, the tibio-tarsal articulation 
reaches the eye or halfway between the latter and the end of the 
snout; there is no considerable difference in respect to the sexes. 
The legs or tibize being folded against the thighs and maintained at 
right angles to the vertebral column, their extremities overlap; to 
ascertain this character with precision, it is necessary not to force 
the tibial extremities together, but to allow due space for the fleshy 
parts. In the typical R. esculenta, the extremities of the tibia 
either abut or are separated by a short interspace. This of course 

668 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON THE [June 16, 

implies a greater length of the tibia proportionally to the femur in 
R. ridibunda. The foot is fully webbed ; its length, from the outer 
metatarsal tubercle to the end of the fourth toe, equals half the 
distance from the vent to the nostrils or the tip ef the snout, ora 
little more. ‘The subarticular tubercles of the toes as well as of the 
fingers are rather small and feebly prominent. The inner metatarsal 
tubercle is elliptical, blunt, much less prominent than in the typical 

Heads of Rana esculenta. 

R. esculenta; it is also smaller compared with the inner toe, its 
length seldom equalling, and never exceeding, its distance from the 
subarticular tubercle of that toe. In the typical form the meta- 
tarsal tubercle is always more prominent, more or less strongly 
compressed, frequently crescentic in shape; its length at least equals, 
and usually considerably exceeds, its distance from the subarticular 
tubercle. However, the length of the metatarsal tubercle is, like all 
characters, subject to a certain amount of variation; the smaller 
variety of the typical R. esculenta, which occurs along the Rhine, 
has usually the tubercle larger than in the larger variety of the same 
form as occurring in Berlin and elsewhere, and to which Rdésel’s 
kana viridis belongs. It is a fact that a graduated series may be 
formed from the 2. ridibunda with very small tubercle to the 
R. esculenta with very large tubercle, and such a series is represented 
in the accompanying figures (Fig. 2, p. 669). 

The skin of the back and hind limbs is more or less warty, seldom 

1885. | GERMAN RIVER-FROG. 669 

nearly smooth. The glandular lateral fold is moderately prominent 
and constantly broad, as broad as or even broader than the upper 
eyelid. The coloration is far less variable than in the typical 
R. esculenta. In the normal condition the ground colour of the 
upper parts is olive or bronzy-olive, with the vertebral band, the 
fore limbs, and the sides of the head and body pale green or pale 
olive. But, of course, through the play of the chromatophores, the 
same individual may pass successively from a very light to a very 
dark hue, according to its being placed in very dry or very moist 
surroundings. In specimens long kept in the water, the colour 
turns to a very dark bronze-olive, almost blackish, in which case the 

Bigs 2) 

a, b, R. ridibunda, Berlin; ¢c. R. esculenta, Berlin; d. R. esculenta, 
Basle; ¢. R, esculenta, Disseldorf, 

normally darker markings may assume a brighter greenish tint ; but 
if these markings are examined with a magnifying glass, they are 
seen to be black beautifully powdered with gold. The vertebral 
band varies considerably in width, and may be absent altogether. 
The glandular lateral folds are usually not conspicuously lighter- 
coloured, though sometimes metallic bronzy. The spots on the back 
and flanks are more or less numerous, and the hind limbs are trans- 
versely banded, but these markings are of a blackish-olive or bronzy- 
brown, and never of an intense black as is frequently the case in 
R. esculenta. The dorsal spots sometimes form pretty regular 
longitudinal series, but are never confluent into longitudinal bands. 
A dark canthal and supratemporal streak is usually present, and the 
latter portion sometimes expands into a regular temporal spot. The 
edge of the upper lip is either spotless or with a series of blackish 
spots which very seldom unite to torm a labial streak. The cross 
bands on the legs may be very irregular orabsent. The hinder side 
of the thighs, 7. e. that part which is concealed by the legs when the 
animal is at rest, are whitish or pale greenish marbled with dark 
olive or bronzy, or of the latter colour with or without small light 


spots ; never is any trace of yellow to be detected on that region 
nor at the axil and groin, a character which well distinguishes this 
form from the true R. esculenta. The lower surfaces are white, 
with greyish spots or marblings in specimens kept dry ; after long 
sojourn in water, these parts are abundantly spotted or largely 
marbled with black. The abundance and intensity of these spots is 
irrespective of sex, a remark which, contrary to the statement of 
many authors, applies also to &. esculenta, The iris is black, veined 
with gold, the latter pigment being in far lesser abundance than in 
R. esculenta. The vocal sacs, which do not differ in size or position 
from those of the typical form, are strongly pigmented with black, 
pale grey when swollen out. 

The examination of the skeleton has failed to reveal any constant 
peculiarities supplementing the external characters. 

Biological.—Not having had the privilege of observing this 
Frog in its haunts, I cannot do better than reproduce Prof. Pfliiger’s 
remarks, which comprise all that is known at present on its habits :— 

** My friend Prof. Zuntz had the kindness, on my application, to 
make inquiries from the fisherman Noack in Coepenik, who for years 
has been collecting the large R. esculenta for physiological laboratories 
in this and foreign countries. The large ‘species,’ as it is called by 
Noack, lives chiefly in the lakes of the Upper Spree and in lake-like 
expansions of its affluents. It is not fouud in marshes. The 
smaller ‘species’ occurs in great numbers in a small river near 
Coepenik. The two ‘species’ are seldom found together in the same 
place. Noack regards the large R. esculenta as a distinct ‘species’ 
because it is not only larger, darker, and not of so bright a green, 
but because its habitus is more elongate. Noack asserts that the 
larger kind spawns about a fortnight earlier than the smaller one. 
The spawning-time begins normally in the middle of May, but 
occurred this year (1882) several weeks in advance. It is so far 
certain that this year the small R. esculenta spawned in the milder 
climate of Bonn in the beginning of June, and the large BR. esculenta 
in the colder climate of Berlin in tne beginning of May. There 
was certainly not a single breeding couple of the latter to be found 
in Berlin in the beginning of June, as I found out to my regret”’ *, 

‘“‘For clearness’ sake I propose to designate as ‘Seefrosch’ the 
large variety, which dves not live in marshes but in the running 
water of the lake-like expansions of the Spree. As it is so well 
distinguished from the smaller race by its earlier spawning-time, its 
habitus, its skin, and its peculiar abode, that no specialist will 
confound it, it is very remarkable that the crossing-essays proved in 
every respect successful, thus affording so far no justification for 
making a new species”. The author then relates his successful 
experiments of fecundation between the “ Seefrosch,” the eggs of 
which were ready to be laid on the 17th of May, 1883, and the 
smaller race from Bonn, the spawning of which commenced only on 
the 29th of the same month; and he concludes :— 

‘“«The artificial fecundation therefore affords no support to the 

1 Arch, f. Physiol. xxix. p. 67. ? L. ¢. xxxii. p. 522, 

1885. | MR. P. L. SCLATER ON A-NEW ICTERUS. 671 

specific separation of the ‘ Seefrosch,’ and the small race of the green 
aquatic frog, or the blue and green varieties of the same, and the 
importance of the above result is increased by the fact that the 
spawning-seasons of the crossed races do not coincide.” 

The difference in the spawning-season is the important factor 
which permits the existence in the same locality of two forms so 
closely allied and yet so distinct, as no doubt occasions for inter- 
breeding must be extremely rare. Analogous instances are known 
in Botany, as my friend Prof. Errera kindly informs me, and the 
name ‘ Asyngamie’ has been coined for them*. It is indeed a fact 
that a fortnight’s interval in the breeding-time of the two races must 
constitute a very effectual obstacle. As far as my experience goes, 
the females get rid of their eggs within a very few days. Having 
received this spring, through the kindness of Dr. F. Miller, about 
25 specimens of R. esculenta from Basle, all the females laid 
their eggs in the nights of May 29-30 and 30-31, save one which 
spawned two days later. When, on the 27th of May, 1884, I 
received from Noack 85 specimens of R. ridibunda and 41 of R. eseu- 
lenta, I found that all the females of the former kind had done 
spawning, and the males gave no signs of breeding dispositions ; 
whereas all the R. esculenta 1 opened were full of ova, and out of 
the few males I possessed, two actually seized hold of females of 
their kind. But I did not obtain any spawn. 

4, Description of a new Species of Icterus. By P. L. Scuarer, 
M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Society. 

[Received June 11, 1885.] 

While engaged in the determination of the specimens of Icteridze 
in the British Museum of Natural History, I have found amongst 
them a single skin of a typical Icterus, formerly in Mr. Gould’s 
collection, which appears to belong to an unrecognized species. I 
propose to name it after the well-known collector so long resident 
on the Upper Amazons, by whom it was originally procured. 


Flavissimus, aurantiaco tinctus: loris et capitis lateribus, cum 
gutture toto usque ad medium pectus, interscapulio angusto, alis 
et cauda nigerrimis: alis macula in secondariis alba ornatis : 
subalaribus flavis: rostro et pedibus nigris. Long. tota 80, 
ale 3°75, caude 3°7. 

Hab. Amazonia Superior ; Chamicuros (Hauawell). 

Mus. Brit. 

Obs. Species macula alari alba I. grace-anne proxima, sed cauda 

tota nigra sane diversa. 

1 Of. A. Kerner, Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Bedetuung der Asyngamie 

fiir die Entstehung neuer Arten: Innsbruck, 1874. This paper is unfortunately 
only known to me through the abstract in the Botan. Jahresber. for 1874, 
. 903. 


672 MR. P. L. SCLATER. ON LEMUR MACACO. [June 16, 

5. Note on Lemur macaco, and the way in which it carries 
its Younp., By P.-L. Scuater, MA. Ph.D. FBS. 
Secretary to the Society. 

[Received June 12, 1885.] 

It is now well known that the White-whiskered Lemur (Lemur 
leucomystax, P. Z.S. 1880, p. 451; P. Z. 8S. 1862, p. 347, pl. xli.) 
is the female of the Black Lemur (Lemur macaco). For the last 
few years we have had pairs of this species living together in the 
Society’s Gardens. The female ofa pair of Black Lemurs purchased 
of Mr. A. H. Jamrach on the Ist August, 1882 (sp. uo. 116 of 

Lemur macaco temale and young. 



Cat. of Animals 1883, p. 41), produced a young one on the 
23rd March, 1884. It was a female, and of a brown colour like the 
mother. This specimen is now adult in the Society’s collection, and 
has been placed in company with another male. 

The same old female produced a second young one of the male 
sex on the 3rd April, 1885, which was black when born like the 
male parent. 

Of the old female and this second young one, I now exhibit a 
sketch by Mr. Kenlemans showing the curious way in which the 
young Lemur is carried by the mother. As will be observed, it lies 
nearly transversely across the belly of its mother, and passing its long 
tail round her back and so on to its own neck, uses it as a prehensile 
organ to hold on by. 

On referring to Schlegel and Pollen’s ‘ Fauna of Madagascar’ it will 
be seen that they have figured the White-whiskered Lemur (plate i.) 
with its black young one and recognized the distinction in colour of 
the sexes throughout all ages. But so far as we can tell from 
observations made on these animals in captivity, the position which 
they have assigned to the young Lemur on the back of its mother 
is erroneous. 

6. On a Female Chimpanzee now living in the Society’s 
Gardens. By A. D. Barriurr, Superintendent of the 
Society’s Gardens. 

[Received June 15, 1885.] 
(Plate XLI.) 

Having paid considerable attention to the Anthropoid Apes, and 
from the opportunities I have had of seeing a very large number of 
living and dead specimens, not.only in England but at the different 
Zoological Gardens, Menageries, and Museums, I have arrived at 
the conclusion that my acquaintance with them is sufficient to 
enable me to offer a few remarks upon an example now living 
in the Society’s Gardens. This animal was purchased in Liverpool, 
Oct. 24, 1883, together with an adult male of the well-known 
Chimpanzee. When received she was quite immature, not having 
shed any of her sucking-teeth. At that time, however, she exhibited 
many well-marked characters, differing much from the well-known 
Common Chimpanzee; and as she advances towards the adult 
condition these differences are becoming more fully developed, and 
thus render a description of them less difficult. 

In the first place I may remark the colour of the face, hands, and 
feet in the Chimpanzee are white or pale flesh-colour ; the same parts of 
the animal under consideration are black or brownish black. Another 
well-marked difference is to be observed in the hair upon the head 
and face. In the Chimpanzee the hair on the top of the head, and 
passing down from the centre (where it divides) to the sides of the 


face or cheeks, is tolerably long and full, forming what may be con- 
sidered rather bushy whiskers ; whereas the figure before you (Plate 
XLI.) clearly shows the front, top, and sides of the head and face to be 
nearly naked, having only a few short hairs on the head, quite 
destitute of any signs of the parting so very conspicuous in the 
Chimpanzee. Another striking difference may be noticed in the size 
and form of the head and ears. Out of the number of Chimpanzees 
I have seen and examined, both old and young, none have possessed 
the large fiat ears so conspicuous in this individual. The form of the 
head, the expression of the face, the expanded nostrils, the thicker 
lips, especially the lower lip, together with the more elevated skull, 
cannot fail to distinguish this animal from the Chimpanzee. There 
are other external characters that I pass over, as they require to be 
described anatomically. Again the habits of this animal differ 
entirely from those of the well-known or Common Chimpanzee. She 
has always shown a disposition to live upon animal food. Soon after 
her arrival, I found she would kill and eat small birds, seizing them by 
the neck, she would bite off the head and eat the bird—skin, feathers, 
and all; for some months she killed and ate a small pigeon every 
night. After a time we supplied her with cooked mutton and beetf- 
tea; upon this food she has done well. I have never found any 
ordinary Chimpanzee that would eat any kind of flesh. 

Another singular habit was the producing pellets or “ quids,”’ 
resembling the castings thrown up by Raptorial birds; I have here 
a few of them, taken from her mouth. ‘They are composed of feathers 
and other indigestible substances, that had been taken with her 
food. Moreover she is an expert rat-catcher, and has caught and 
killed many rats that had entered her cage during the night. Her 
intelligence is far above that of the ordinary Chimpanzee. With but 
little trouble she can be taught to do many things that require the 
exercise of considerable thought and understanding: she recognizes 
those who have made her acquaintance, and pays marked attention 
to men of colour, by uttering a loud ery of bon, bun, bun. She is 
never tired of romping and playing, and is generally in a good temper. 

1 have no doubt but that M. du Chaillu obtained specimens of this 
animal; for I perfectly recollect seeing in his possession some 
damaged skins the heads of which were quite bald, that is destitute 
of hair; but his statements were so vague that it was impossible to 
say to what species he attached the different uames he used. I am 
therefore, I think, justified in regarding the animal in question as 
distinct from the well-known or Common Chimpanzee ; and as the 
term Z'roglodytes calvus implies a bald-headed animal it appears to 
me that the animal under consideration is fully entitled to its 

Since writing the above I have examined the specimens in the 
British Museum obtained from M. du Chaillu, and, notwithstanding 
the shrivelled condition of the face and ears, I am perfectly satisfied 
of the identity of this specimen with the animal under consideration. 

Another consideration is, however, forced upon me, with reference 
to this subject, and, to give an illustration, [ may ask you for a 


moment to call to mind a fable of the Monkey who had seen the 
world. Now, supposing the Monkey to have been a collector of 
animals, and in Europe to have obtained some white people with red 
or fair hair, and upon bis arrival in Africa to have met with the Negroes 
black as jet, with flat noses, thick lips, and black woolly heads, I think 
he would have been justified in regarding them as a very well-marked 
and distinct species. We are, however, in a position better able to 
understand that time, climate, food, and other circumstances may so 
change the condition and appearance that the original type may 
be said to have disappeared altogether. I venture to say this 
change is now taking place, however slowly it may be. It is noticeable 
in America, and doubtless in a few generations (without fresh arrivals 
of Europeans) the descendants of Europeans are gradually developing 
the peculiarities of the original natives of that eountry. 

In conclusion I feel it is necessary to offer a few words in defence 
of naming animals that are nearly allied and calling them by 
new names, in order to constitute them as species. This practice 
has of late received a check ; and it appears to me a very reason- 
able and proper mode of treating the subject to consider a large 
number of the animals that exhibit a few trifling differences to be 
only local varieties of the same species. At the same time we inust 
bear in mind that in order to do this we should seek for intermediate 
forms or individuals that may be regarded as uniting two extremely 
different creatures. In the present instance I have failed to find 
any animal showing this tendency to be intermediate between this 
animal and the well-known Chimpanzee. 

7. Remarks on Ovis nivicola. By F. H. H. Guiiiemarp, 
M.A., M.D., F.LS.; F.Z.8., &e. 

[Received June 16, 1885. ] 

The few notes I have on the habits and structural peculiarities of 
the Kamschatkan Wild Sheep, Ovis nivicola, Eschscholtz, a series 
of the skulls of which I have the honour of exhibiting, may possibly 
be of interest. 

In the beginning of August 1882, Mr. Kettlewell’s yacht 
‘Marchesa’ arrived in Petropaulovsky, and shortly afterwards a 
small party, of which I was a member, started on an expedition 
through the centre of the peninsula, and, striking the great 
Kamschatka River near its source, descended it a distance of 450 
miles to the sea. Our land journey led us through more or less 
mountainous country, and we had hoped to obtain information 
concerning Big-horn at Gunol, a little settlement of cross-bred 
Siberians and Kamschatdales, in the centre of the southern part of 
the peninsula. Near this place is a small range of low mountains, 
bare and rocky, about three or four thousand feet in height, the 
summits only of which were covered with snow. We were informed 


that there were a few Sheep here, but that it was very difficult to get 
them except in winter. As our time was limited, our chances of 
obtaining them were not considered promising enough to stop. 
Narcheeki also, in the Bolcheresk valley, was mentioned to us as 
another locality, a fact we were ourselves able to verify, as the 
natives had killed a young male only a few days previous to our 

On reaching the neighbourhood of the magnificent volcanoes 
which guard the lower part of the Great Kamschatka River, I again 
made inquiries as to the existence of Ovis nivicola on their slopes, 
but was told that there were none. 1 cannot vouch, however, for 
the truth of the statement, as the natives live in superstitious awe 
of the mountains, and have never ascended them to any height. We 
had thus traversed the country without obtaining a single specimen ; 
and we should have returned empty-handed had it not been for a 
Russian sable hunter accompanying our expedition, who informed us 

Fig. 1. 

Head of Ovis nivicola, 

that he had seen and shot several on the sea-cliffs of the east coast, 
some fifty miles E.N.E. of Petropaulovsky. On our return voyage 
from Behring Island we accordingly shaped our course for this spot ; 
and on nearing the land we could distinctly make out small herds of 
the animals of which we were in search on the slopes of the cliffs, 
which here rose to a height of five or six hundred feet. Finding a 
good anchorage we at once arranged to stay, and in two days we 
brought to bag no less than thirteen individuals, all of which were 
full-grown males. 

The general colour of the Kamschatkan Wild Sheep is a brownish 
grey, and the hair of those obtained by us at the end of the month of 
September was very long and thick. The head and neck are more 
distinctly grey than the rest of the body. Forehead with an ill- 
marked darker patch ; upper and under lip greyish white. Anterior 
aspect of the limbs dark glossy brown ; a line running down posterior 
aspect white. ail short, dark brown; centre of belly and rump 

UTV OC: ceccccvccecncseses 

BUIMDIES Oye wo cccscsscs se ce 
Horns from tip to tip ...J21 |25 |172|21 |263|26 |223 | 212 | 252 


white; this colour does not surround the tail. The ears are 
remarkably short. 

Sir Victor and Mr. Basil Brooke, in their article on Asiatic Sheep 
(P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 509), remark on the resemblance of the horns of 
this species to those of O. montana, with which latter it has indeed, 
by some naturalists, been regarded asidentical. But, as will be seen 
by the annexed illustrations, the uniformly smaller size of the head, 
the shortness and great breadth of the skull in its anterior aspect, 
the slight development of the preorbital fossee, and the protuberance 

Fig. 2. 

Head of Ovis montana. 

of the orbit itself serve to distinguish markedly the Kamschatkan 
Sheep from that of America. 

The horns are less rugose than those of O. montana. The frontal 
surface is convex ; the orbital surface at first concave, then flat, thus 
causing the fronto-orbital edge to be very sharp. The nuchal 
surface is convex and afterwards flattened ; and the two remaining 
edges are rounded. 

The following are the measurements obtained from a series of 
nine skulls :— 

Ovis nivicola. Ovis montana. 

in.| in. | in.| in.| in. | in. | Mise) Ate» | Ins in. in. 

Length of skull............ 103} 103) 9%) 102] 10%) 93] 103} 102] ... 11 134 
Breadth between orbits | 53| 53) 4%] 53] 53] 52] 52] 5] ... 43 6 


Length of horns one tt 35 343 pps 321 352 38 | 822 263 $5 

eee nem | 132|142|13 |14 |14 | 132 | 133] 1922 |132 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XLIV. 44 


Measurements in the flesh of the thirteen individuals obtained 

were also taken, and are as follows :— 

Supposed age (yrs.).... 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 5] 5 

In. | mM. | WM. | In, | Nn. | IM. | Ins (|n |)Ense ana: 

Extreme length........./ 653/| 63 | 62 | 64 | 64 | 66 ...| 66 | 65 | 66 | 66 67 | 
Gréatest girth... 53 | 53 | 56 | 54 | 55 |... |.../568/ ... | 54 | 53 | 54 | 
Height at shoulder ...| 38 | 39 | 38 /392| 87 | ... |... 40 | 41 | 40 | 37 | 403 | 

The above measurements are in English inches. 

The animals seemed to confine themselves to the precipitous slopes 
of the sea-cliffs, and were in small herds of from three to nine indi- 
viduals, all of which apparently were males between the ages of three 
and six years. As in the case of other Wild Sheep, the females and 
young males doubtless keep apart ; but we were not fortunate enough 
to diseover their habitat, neither could we obtain any information 
about them from the natives. 

I regret to say that the two skeletons we prepared were lost during 
a typhoon encountered by the ‘ Marchesa’ in the China seas on her 
return voyage. 

8. On the Geographical Races of the Rocky-Mountain 
Bighorn. By Lieut.-Col. Joun Brpputen, F.Z.8. 

[Received June 16, 1885.] 

In the ‘ Proceedings of the United-States National Museum’ for 
last year, Mr. Nelson has given the name of Ovis montana dalli 
to the Wild Sheep of Alaska, which he describes as a new geogra- 
phical race of the Bighorn of the Rocky Mountains. Mr. Nelson 
relates that he saw two individuals in a wild state, and many hundreds 
of skins of the species, while he was in Alaska. He states that it 
inhabits suitable localities all over Alaska and in British North 
America. Few details of description are given in the paper, but a 
fuller account is promised in a general list of Alaskan Mammals now 
in course of preparation. Beyoud stating that it is of a uniform 
dirty-white colour, so that the posterior disk is indistinguishable, and 
that its horns are smaller, Mr. Nelson points out no differences 
between specimens of the Alaskan species or variety and specimens 
from the United States. 

Having devoted some time to studying the Wild Sheep both of 
Asia and America, I had noticed the fact that there are two 
distinct types to be distinguished among the North-American Wild 
Sheep before I had seen Mr. Nelson’s paper; but I will not at 
present go so far as to say that they constitute two distinct species. 


The Wild Sheep are so puzzling a group, and slight variations in 
colour and horn are so common among individuals from the same 
locality, that it is difficult sometimes to define different species. 
Specimens from the extreme north of the Rocky Mountains differ, 
however, so greatly from those procured in the United States, as to 
deserve future specific distinction, unless specimens from inter- 
mediate localities can be found to connect the two. 

All naturalists who have studied the Ovine group are aware of the 
confusion that has been caused in discriminating species, partly 
through want of accuracy in noting the exact localities whence speci- 
mens have been procured, and partly by the impossibility of collecting 
together for comparison a sufficient number of specimens. It was 
Mr. Seebohm, I think, who once classified naturalists as ‘“lumpers” 
and “splitters.” The Wild Sheep have suffered severely from both 
classes. Buffon and Pennant mention the Wild Sheep of Corsica, 
Sardinia, Tartary, Siberia, Kamtschatka, and California as varieties 
of the Mouflon. Schreber, under the specific name of Agoceros 
argali, lamps up together the North-American, Siberian, and Thibetan 
Wild Sheep. Even so late as 1871, Blyth, writing to the ‘ Field’ 
under the name of ‘ Zoophilus,” failed to distinguish between the 
Rocky-Mountain species and the Kamtschatkan species, O. nivicola. 
In the way of splitting, the Rocky-Mountain Bighorn, of which only 
one species has been recognized, had no less than five specific names 
given to it between 1803 and 1830. 

That there may be substantial grounds for separating the northern 
Bighorn from the southern species is shown by the difficulties that 
have been experienced by the British-Museum authorities in naming 
the North-American specimens now in their possession. 

Among the stuffed specimens exposed to public inspection are two 
from North America: the one from the Yellowstone River is labelled 
canadensis, which is the correct specific name of the Rocky-Mountain 
Sheep, supposing only one species to exist ; and the other, from Liard’s 
River, is labelled nivicola or the Alaskan Wild Sheep, though the 
true O, nivicola is not found in America. In a corner of the same 
case is a specimen of O. nivicola from Kamtschatka without any name 
on its label. There is also stowed away in one of the basement rooms 
a stuffed specimen in bad preservation, labelled canadensis. This 
is the specimen described and figured by Richardson in the ‘ Fauna 
Boreali-Americana,’ and is identified by Mr. Nelson as belonging to 
the new variety which he has named after Mr. Dall. It is of the 
same type or race as the specimen from Liard’s River, but is in its 
summer coat, whilst Dr. Rae’s specimen is in its spring or winter 
coat. Comparison of these specimens will show how those from 
Alaska and British North America came to be classed as O. nivicola. 

In a paper published in the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ for 1875 by 
Sir V. Brooke and his brother on the large Wild Sheep of Asia, it 
was pointed out that O. nivicola differs from the Bighorn in the 
shortness of its face and its great proportionate breadth across the 
orbits. There is another equally noticeable point of distinction in 

the colour of the hind quarters. 


Both types of the North-American Sheep have a large dirty- 
white posterior disk, which is very conspicuous except in the old males 
in summer, when the whole of the body becomes nearly white; they 
have also a dorsal stripe, which is more or less conspicuous. In O. 
nivicola there is no disk showing above the tail ', though the posteriors 
are white and the dorsal stripe is wanting. There are other charac- 
teristics in which O. nivicola differs from the southern race of the 
Bighorn, but which it shares with the northern race. In all three 
the horn is smoother, less wrinkled, and more goat-like in character 
than in other known species of true Wild Sheep ; but both O. nivicola 
and the northern race of the Bighorn have the horns less massive, 
and in both the points turn out abruptly, so that the tips are sharp 
and seldom broken, and point outwards ; while the southern race of 
Bighorn has the horns massive at the base, the tips blunt, generally 
broken, and pointing forwards. 

The ears in O. nivicola are very smal! and rounded, giving the idea 
that they have been cut, and are thickly furred to the edges. In 
the northern race of Bighorn the ears are also small and thickly 
furred, but have blunt points instead of being rounded. In the 
southern race of Bighorn the ears are broad, pointed, and deer- 
like, moderately éouted with hair, and are, if anything, rather larger 
than in any of the known species of Asiatic Argali, measuring in 
the dried skin fully an inch longer than those of the northern race. 
Another point of ‘distinction between the two races of Bighorn is 
in the size of the skull, the southern race having a skull averaging 
from an inch to an inch and a half longer, and from half an inch to one 
inch broader than the northern race. There are also considerable 
apparent differences in colour between the two races of Bighorn; but 
I have not been able to examine a sufficient number of specimens to 
be sure how fer these differences are constant. I have failed to find 
any specimens of the southern race with the dark winter coat like 
the specimen from Liard’s River, nor can I find any mention of their 
ever assuming it. There appear to be also slight differences in the 
distribution of the colour on the legs. The northern race also has 
the hair between the ears at the back of the horns growing into a 
long curly tuft, which also happens in O, nivicola, but not in the 
southern race of Bighorn. 

The subjoined table contains some comparative measurements of 
specimens of the heads of the two races of the Bighorn. 

1 This is clearly shown in Eschscholtz’s figure of O. nivicola (Zool, Atlas). 


Bianorn. Bicuorn, 
Southern Race. Northern Race. 
Sa Ba: 
oq | 2 
HSE |Ss...-|2 3S 
2:9 |BASS/9 3 85; 
Stuffed heads Saez ts geo fsgas 
lalled in mA S BSR S/S Se 
| Wyoming, about | Og 5 [2S Me 
44° 30'N. lat, | Foe eee EAS 
ee SS es Soe 
aos |SBA S83. 63s 
“2,3 \2 2 7 a 
as 4 — Sars 
Length of horn, measured in. in. in. in. heeanre 
round fronto-nuchalecurye 40°65 33°25 38°25 322 32°71 
Circumference at base ...... 16 16 16°25 11:8 13 
| | 
Length of face from supra-| 
occipital edge to end of'| 
preemaxillaries ............ 12 12 les 105 | 106 
Breadth over orbits ......... 8 eo) 7°25 i a 
Apparent age...............00 ll yrs.| ll yrs] 8 yrs. | Syrs. |7or8 yrs. 


The American Bighorns have a wide range. They are found 
along the whole course of the Rocky Mountains, both on their 
eastern and western slopes, as far south as Sonora and New Mexico, 
about lat. 31° (Schott), and extending to the furthest northern point 
of suitable ground to lat. 68° (Audubon). They are also found in 
_ the lesser mountain-chains extending from British Columbia to Cali- 
fornia along the eastern Pacific Coast (Baird), and in Alaska (Dall). 
It will not therefore be strange if more than one species should be 
proved to exist. Further evidence is needed to show where the 
northern race or species has its southernmost limit, and to which the 
original specific name canadensis was applied. Specimens from 
the Yellowstone River have somewhat less massive horns than those 
from Wyoming and Colorado, but in other respects belong to the 
southern race. Baird also figures the horns of a specimen from 
California, on the 35th parallel of latitude, which measure only 
thirteen inches in circumference at the base, and apparently 
approximate in character to those of the northern race. 

As some confusion exists as to the names already applied to the 
Bighorn, it may be useful to give an account of the most important 
references toit. ‘The earliest notice is to be found in the account of 
California by Father Picolo, one of the first Catholic missionaries 
who visited that country in 1697 (Abridg. Phil. Trans. London,- 
vol. v. p. 459). He describes it as a sort of Deer. “It isas large 
as a calf of one or two years old; its head is much like that of a 
Stag ; its horns, which are very large, like those of a Ram; its tail 


and hair are speckled and shorter than a Stag’s, but its hoof is large, 
round, and cleft as an Ox’s. Their flesh is very tender and de- 
licious.”’ It is also mentioned by other Spanish writers on California 
of that period. The species then appears to have been lost sight of 
by naturalists of the 18th century. The only one to allude to it was 
Pennant, who, as I have already mentioned, calls it a variety of 
Mouflon. In November 1800, an adventurous Scotchman, named 
MacGillivray, exploring in the Rocky Mountains along the Bow 
River, killed several in lat. 50°. He had apparently never heard of 
the animal before, and found little difficulty in shooting them. In 
1803 MacGillivray’s account was published, with a woodcut, by Dr. 
Mitchill, in the ‘New York Medical Repository.’ A specimen 
procured by MacGillivray was given at the same time to the New- 
York Museum. In the same year a description, transcribed from the 
New-York account, was published in Paris by E. Geoffroy. de St.- 
Hilaire, with a woodcut from a drawing of the New-York specimen. 
The cut is almost identical with the one published in New York, but 
is larger. No name beyond that of Bélier de montaigne is assigned 
to it by Geoffroy. 

In or about 1804 an account of the species was published in vol. 
xy. of Shaw’s ‘ Naturalist’s Miscellany,’ with a figure and the name 
of Ovis canadensis. The figure is coloured, but with this exception 
and the addition of a background it is scarcely to be distinguished from 
a reversed copy of Geoffroy’s figure. Shaw, however, mentions that 
a specimen is in the British Museum, and makes no allusion to 
MacGillivray, so that it would appear that he was ignorant of the 
New-York publication. The exact date of Shaw’s publication 
cannot be verified. There are twenty-four volumes in the series, 
the first of which was published in 1790, and the last in 1813, but 
the intermediate volumes are not dated. It is fair to suppose that 
one volume was published every year, and that the fifteenth was 
published in 1804. In 1817 Cuvier mentions it as “ probably a 
kind of Argali that had crossed on the ice from Asia,’ under the 
name of Ovis montana, and refers to a figure by Schreber. Schreber’s 
work was not published till 1836, but some of the plates were 
issued earlier. ‘The work contains two figures of O. montana, one 
of them being a coloured copy of Richardson’s figure in the ‘ Fauna 
Boreali-Americana,’ which was published after Cuvier’s work ; it is 
therefore evidently the former figure, which is only a reproduction 
of Geoffroy’s, to which Cuvier refers. It is impossible to say by 
whom the specific name of montana was first conferred on this Sheep. 
It is assigned by different writers to Geoffroy, Cuvier, and Desmarest ; 
but the name appears to have been used by Schreber before either 
of the two latter, and is assigned by him to Geoffroy. From other 
references it would appear that the name has been erroneously 
assigned to Geoffroy, and was probably first employed by Schreber 
for Geoffroy’s figure, the date of Schreber’s republication of which 
is unknown, Geoffroy’s name being turned into Latin. In 1818, 
Desmarest, referring to MacGillivray’s account, gave the specific name 
cervina to the Bighorn. But in his ‘Mammalogie,’ published two 


years later, he suppressed the name and returned to that of montuna, 
which he also ascribes to Geoffroy, whose figure he again reproduces. 
In 1827 Hamilton Smith gave the name of pygargus to the Rocky- 
Mountain Sheep. The accompanying figure is certainly of the 
southern or heavy-horned species, but he gives no information about 
the animal. In 1829 Douglas gave the name of californianus to 
the Wild Sheep that inhabits ‘“‘the subalpine region of Mount’s 
Wood, St. Helens, and Vancouver, but is more numerous in the 
mountainous districts in the interior of California.”’” He gives very 
exact measurements, one of which assigns a length of eighteen inches 
to the tail; but as he states that he never saw one alive, but founded 
his species on one good skin seen ‘‘ about the great falls of the 
Columbia River,’ and as no species of Wild Sheep yet identified is 
known to have a tail approaching to this length, the name cannot 
stand. In the work on the Natural History of Central America now 
in course of publication by Messrs. Godman and Salvin, Mr. Alston 
has restored Desmarest’s name of cervina, on the ground that the 
name of montana, which he assigns to Cuvier, was applied to the 
Rocky-Mountain Goat before Cuvier wrote. There appears no 
reason why the same specific name should not be used in both 
genera ; but as Shaw’s name of canadensis was published long before 
Cuvier wrote, and before there is any proof of the name montana 
having been used by Geoffroy or by Schreber, it must have priority. 

The local name of Taye, which is sometimes given to museum 
specimens, is taken from MacGillivray’s original account, and is ap- 
parently a misprint for Tajé, which, according to Schott, in the U.S. 
Mexican Boundary Report, is the name used for the Bighorn by 
an Indian tribe in California. There appear to be no good reason 
for retaining so purely locala name. ‘‘ My-attic”’ and ‘‘ Ema-ki-ca- 
now” are also mentioned by MacGillivray as Indian names for the 

The most important references to the Bighorn are as follows :— 

1803. Mountain Ram of North America, Mitchill, New York 
Repository, p. 237 (fig.). 

1803. Bélier de Montaigne, E. Geoffroy de St.-Hilaire, Annales 
du Musée d’ Histoire Naturelle, tom. ii. p. 360 (fig.). 

1804. Ovis canadensis, Shaw, Naturalist’s Miscellany, vol. xv. 
S17. O. montana, Cuvier, Regne Animal, tom. i. p. 267. 

1818. O. cervina, Desmarest, Nouveau Dictionnaire d’ Histoire 
Naturelle, vol. xxi. p. 553. 

1820. O. montana, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 487 (fig.). 

1827. O. pygargus, Hamilton Smith, Cuvier’s Animal King- 
dom (fig.). 

1829. O. californianus, Douglas, Zoological Journal, vol. iv. p. 

1829. O. montana, Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Americana (fig.). 

1836. Der Amerikanische Argali, Schreber, Die Siugthiere, vol. v. 
p- 1367 (2 figs.). 


1840. O. montana, Blyth, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 77. 

1840. O. californiana, Blyth, ibid. 

1851. O. montana, Audubon and Bachman (fig.). 

1854. O. montana, Richardson, Voyage of H.M.S. ‘ Herald’ 
(osteological fig.). 

1857. O. montana, Baird, Mammals N. America, Survey Reports, 
p- 673 (fig. of horn). 

1859. O. montana, Schott, U. 8. Mexican Boundary Report, 
part il. p. 52. 

1871. O. canadensis, Blyth ( “ Zoophilus”), The Field, May 13 
cuit O. cervina, Alston, Biologia Centr.-Am., Mammal. p. 111. 

1884. O. montana dalli, Nelson, Proceedings of U.S. National 
Museum, vol. vil. p. 13. 

9. On the Avian Sternum. 
By Bearrice Linpsay, Girton College, Cambridge *. 

[Received June 16, 1885.] 
(Plates XLII.-XLV.) 


The most typical and simple form of the sternum is that found 
in Reptiles, where this bone, although associated with a shoulder- 
girdle of maximum complexity, and strengthened by the apposition 
of an interclavicle in the median line, is itself undoubtedly of 
homogeneous origin, that is to say derived solely from the fusion of 
ribs. In Birds and Mammals the sternum has been supposed by 
some authorities to be, on the contrary, a composite structure, 
containing a supplementary median element more or less distantly 
derived trom membrane-bone, and homologous with the free T-shaped 
interclavicle of Reptiles. Much has been done to increase the 
plausibility of that theory by a vague use of the terms “‘interclavicle”’ 
and “episternum.””? These names, when first introduced, expressed 
nothing but a certain anatomical position of the parts to which they 
were applied ; but now that the aforenamed reptilian structure is 
held by nearly all anatomists to be a membrane-bone, the names 
given to it inevitably tend to suggest a meaning restricted to 
particular homologies. But, unfortunately, many authors still apply 
the said names indiscriminately to any anterior median ossification, 
or paired ossification approaching the median line, without regard 
to its origin, whether known or unknown; and thus they uninten- 
tionally create factitious evidence for the above-named theory, by 
the continual implication of homologies which have never been 
satisfactorily proved. Instances in point are afforded by certain 

1 Communicated by Dr. H. Gadow, 0.M.Z.S. 

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occasional centres of ossification in the human sternum, and by the 
median apophysis of the avian furcula. 

So far as regards the sternum of the higher Mammalia, the 
balance of recent evidence is certainly not in favour of the theory 
under consideration. The costal origin of the manubrium sterni is 
asserted by Ruge on the ground of embryological evidence ; while 
the complexity of its centres of ossification, so fully discussed by 
Prof. Albrecht in his recent paper on the human sternum, points 
to an origin from the fusion of many serial members, rather than 
from the differentiation of an interclavicle—a process, it may be 
added, which could have had no raison d’étre in a bone placed under 
conditions involving comparatively little mechanical strain. With 
regard to the avian sternum, on the contrary, no recent evidence has 
been offered in opposition to the theory maintained by Gdotte and 
Hoffmann, which asserts the presence of an interclavicular element 
united with the costal sternum, and forming the crista sterni or keel’. 
This theory will be examined from a critical point of view in the 
following communication, the object of which is to discuss the origin 
of the avian sternum and its various parts. 

The communication consists of three sections, arranged in the 
following order :— 

Part I. (i.) Statement of the chief views held as to the nature of 
the Avian Sternum, and of the nomenclature of its parts 
adopted by the best authorities, where this offers any special 
peculiarity ; (ii.) Comments on certain of the above views. 

Parr II. Details of the embryonic development of the sternum 
and adjacent parts in five types of bird (with Plates). 

Part IiI. Summary of the conclusions apparently suggested by 
the latter, in connection with previously recorded facts. 

1 Tt should be added at the outset that no conclusion can be gained from 
the consideration of other types than birds; for while on the one hand we may 
refer to the keel of the sternum in Bats, which is admittedly the outgrowth of 
the sternum itself, belonging both to the presternum and mesosternum, yet on 
the other hand we must admit the existence in Hatteria of a keel formed by 
coalescence of the interclavicle with the sternum, and affording attachment to 
the pectoral muscles (see “‘ Contributions to the Anatomy of Hatééeria, or Rhyn- 
chocephalus of Owen,” by A. Giinther, M.A., Ph.D.: Phil. Trans. 1867, p. 595). 

(June 16, 



“MOISUO}XO TOTo}80d-or19}UB We (IL) pue 
‘TetoqLT B svYy (I) JV} SuIoq MoT} UooMjoq TOTNOUTYSTp oY] ,,“quaUIEST, aeOLARTO 
-O.19}8 ,, §,9}}0 topun pepnput oxe (Ir) puw (rt) “quouresry mynaranpjo-oon.109 xO 
‘eurarey petted worvadns powagn) (I) pure {gueTAVSI] “mynormjo-ousags 10 unypauL 

Joouywar (tL) S queues, Jo vurouey woelajsod wnrpau ywowwaa (1)—: oureu *poyoryye ore 
‘peysinsuystp ore syuomesiy jo moysks pres oy Jo syaed aay —‘aungnpowawogr Aoyy You 03 sossadoad oy} YIM Aayyoso9 ‘oporavyo pue 
“‘SOATOSTIIT]} SJUOUIVST] Ol} UL SUOTZVOYTSSO TeIISOTOT}ed PeuomwLoo0 pur ‘syuotUVSIT ‘ploovdoo ‘TUNU.IE}s UddAjoq S}UETESIT Jo weysks oT} 
980} 0} JUOUIYOUWe pPLogpe ATJUENDa.!; YOM sossavoad oyy Jo JeyI ITA aatyj0804 Aq (ayvuiep pur eyqey y0q) sparq ut pozuesoadoa 
‘peqitosep suomi] Jo woysds oy} JO y[Npr ou ur uoTtsod [rormoywuy—sowaprag SI O[OTAVTIAOAUL OY LUT — "(FORT MEP) MIA SONILUVET "F 


‘yuepuedeput Ap,007.10cL 
ey} Jo quemdozposop oy) oTMpA ‘UTSTIO UE [eysOO st TAMU 
“UOTPVSTISOAUT TwOLsOTOAAGuIa Jo sy{Nsey—sowapany -1948 ogy‘ sod4y [Te Url yey—(EegT oyep) MATA SAMMY “e 

‘SpA, JO TUlo}s VqSTAO 
uoytod oppprem ou yy — (FEST wp) MATA SSNUVO “4H 'O °G 

‘4SIXO OMOTB OSOY} TOLLISO OT} UL pur ‘sTeutojsosom oy} eave ATQUONboay 
SOM sM900 YOM satjyMED OT, “wnwwasnzam ayy Suiynqrjsuoad ‘sppueagsmgauw 
OM} pure wnulapsnjau JO MOL AOWoysod oy} pu ‘ wnewdapzsosaw O44 Suryngys 
ONL “wnusajsoud oyy SuynyHSMOod ‘spywlajsoud OMY pUe wrudaysoud Werpaut %— 



“MINULO}G OT} JO Wortsodu09 oy} 0} prvsot TTA 
soUEpIAs ploye 07 posoddns wosq eavy sv yueUIeSIT s}t pur o[p.«ts-coppnoys oy} Jo sjaed YONs 07 pAvdor JIM poppe oav sprejeqy 

"WANUALY NVIAW a7 07 punbat yzUn slague yy 
snowna fig pajdopn ainjojauamox, pun ‘paonppy spony ‘A 1TH SAIAOTHY, AHL AO LNAWALVLG UVTAGVY, (*1)—] Weg 



(Cokaquae AT1vo oY} Ut ‘SqIt TOL1oz te 
ITA uoLouU0 earyrutid v sey puB ‘noajsoineyq oy Aq payisso st ‘WorIppY 
Axepuooes & OL] SYOOT FI NPV oy} Ur Ysnoyye ‘ssonoad sry oaorpM “Yoryo OG} Ut 
jo uonaod peprasep v Apduus st sseooad siyy yvyy eULsuMMI T “GUESqe ST FT O10 AA 
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“TUMM18}8 94} JO SOATRY [RISO oatyTUntAd oy Jo oaTJe}UEserdet ayy PUL ‘sTBtLLa}s 
“Oso [RAO] SAOLUTUIIOFL /T JO JWo[ambs oy} snxy st woeysoane[q ey, —a7oA7) 
‘ssan01d gousagsrydre appprth ayp 
IO WNULAISOZUT OY} POUITE} Woo OsTe sey PUB ‘[90q eT} 0} Aorteysod sory ysey 
ou, ‘proydy appyy pur ‘proydix oynypausiagur ‘proydry jyusagug oy) power 
ore JULSLOY PY} UI Uoos sv MINUAEYS OY} Jo Sessedoad AoIto}sod yeordAy oxy, 
‘g[SUIS LO ported oye ‘speUIMIEYA, ULeIAe0 UL PUNOF st woapsoouT eyY pus 
‘nunnbr pur orjagg [eaayey-tor.toys0d 19 Jo UOTVwoYTSsO TeTyCed oy} YITM 
spuodsoat0o woagsopapy OT} ‘Soptydoyy ur pated punog st woagsounayq OUY STI 
<oryyruto AaTOS Sa.1}TI9d 9Ie WoIJsoID.LO) PUR ‘woazsoLy ‘woazsoydorT ay} ese} JO 
“rN, UT tOaysoydory oy} Jo apis Youe wo quesoad 
‘yoajsonnso) OY} pur {VoOoVUIT[RH PUL SMOAL) UT MWOd}soANoT_ Ot} PUtqoq SurysTxe 
Spoaed ‘woazsopapy OY} “ZIA “HOWBOYTSSO JO soajTOO .oY}O BIv O.LOT} “woaZsou/) 
ered oy} pure ‘woagsoydoT puw ‘woagsounarq ‘woajsoong yeorddy ou} sapisog 
‘Joy OT TILA Surpuodsaatoo ‘woagsoydoT oy} poylvo eajueo e Lq 
popisso st ysv] oy, ‘o[surs Apjueaedde st ‘paared ATTwor YSnoyy “yor “orsaus 
oy} pur ‘paarnd ‘uoLdet apneparmwazur OU} ‘poared ‘Moise.t 77.1090) OT} “ZILA “OTSS90 
*(-B a ‘snydopoyoug) 808vo oxed UT SUISIxe ‘woazsouy oy Aq paryy oY} pwe ‘woazso 
-majg porred & kq puoses orp} “(xp ‘vaysy UL SUIYSIX9) wor7s0o47 OY} PaT[wo e1}H9d 
peared v fq poyisso st ysuy ong, ‘7oudagsrydry pus ‘ousapsosayy “Jpwlajsorq OMY 
ay} ao} ‘uno oy} jo sosuys oyvy pue sumAoy y[Mpe Jo uosiredwmog—<aouapiag 

-Isso Juv}10dmi pue oyugep jo Arepunog ey} syceut 
vorjisod aor} opin ‘worjdaosqe Jo sseooid @ 04 oNp ST 
soyojoU 10 spauxqzuoy Lq TANUL0}8 OY} FO WOISTATp Ot} FETT} 
pure foyep uvray-ord uv} coyyeBl WLIAY JO ornyvoy B 8B 
popavder oq Avut ,, Woaysoydoz,, ot} ssopot{jtoAou Jey 
£sqaed sq JO onTBA [vorsopoydtour oyy JO Woryeyord.atoqut 
eyojduoo Auv Azrysnf you seop wnuteys oy} JO oSpe| 
-mouy guosoad «mo yeqy—'(g9gT yep) AGIA saAV “CG 

[June 16, 



"sad { [waoaos 
JO spuiq Stmok ur qyuouresiy avmorarpo-ourys oy} JO pur ‘sokaquia pvraies ut *[o97 OY} Jo eaNyuur or} Burpavsoa 
[29°F SNOULSLI}AVd ot]} JO aANZLU OY} 07 se sUOIyVSYsaAUL JO s}[asey—~aowsprag ‘S9}}0H st omIts oF T—(GIST OUP) MATA SNNVIKAGOTT *G 

SNODOPOMOT OsTR st JUAUUETI] + Joey oO} 4uy} ‘oyyany 

‘uoreqnout skep g Jo syorqo Jo vpnoangy or} Jo yard £ QNYONAYS AB[NOTAVO.L9}UT OY JO Javed PeadoyUt We SUTLOF 
skep ¢ 0} F Jo syPryO WO suoTVsyseaut worsopoLaqua Jo s}nsey—aowapray Samequesay) sv oues oy — (J JST vp) MATA sauLoy *§ 

“}E 0} payor 
SqI< Jo Joquinu qpeus ApoaTyrTer ayy Aq poyeorput Sureq 
SIq} ‘Tyste, to1teysod st JO WOTNUIMIp v pasaTpns svIy 
spllg JO winude}s oy} ‘sepiqydey Jo wnuAeys oY} TTA 
pevduroo se yey} pue {sjaueyuoyz zo souetanooo a4} &q 
paurroF ote sossod0ad atortaysod an] yeyy £yuesqe ATToA 
St Wnuta}stdo olf} ofl ,,{s[VUUABUT [eLIee ,, UE puNoF 
yey} WIM Surpuodseacoo ATTeorsoporsdqd ‘umutoys oy} JO 
ssao0ad ¥ st [aay O49 Jeqg.— (FFF ‘EPP ‘cEP dd “ysuey 
STPA "Pe pug ‘yeuy ‘dwop jo syuawargy “LAST oye.) (1) 
*peuopuRge spavatojje SUM ‘SaTpPAvaSat $0930 JO WOT} 
-owoy jueutare we Lq poqzustuayddns st spargq Fo wmu.0}s 
1&4s09 oy} 4eq.,—'(GERT BC) (1) : SMOIA SAINVANGOTH "fy 

‘eITeUMUUIL, Jo ssovoad proqdrx or} 
JO MOISTATP OY} WIM ofqureduioo ote pue ‘uoILOyISso 
qoojtodumt Jo eouenbasmoo ul pautofy oar WinTe3s ot} 

‘Oye Jorg Jo ywyy jo sossav0rd xortajsod oy} Jey} pur ‘eporavjatoyUr ot} 
st paydope ornjyepouamtou oT} JO 4sea ONT, ‘sassaa0ud pngsoo oy} peT[eo axe ‘sqrt jo yuepuedepur aymb st yaay oT} yea} ! sxewoooygsrdQ 
0} quemYyoR\e spxtoye YoryM uorsat oy} Jo yaed Surpnjour ‘wunute}s otf} JO pur svpyy UL SapOTAR[D pUB prodBA0d ayy JO MOLUN eY4 
So[SUB TLAIzVT TOMe}UL oy} oft “wWreprapoodhy oy paT[Vo St ,, 9[OLARpo10}ULr,, jo uostivdmoo Aq paysadans st Jooy oy} Yj} VOruN oaet 
eq} JO ssoooid uvrpaut ~euoIse00 Oy, “gl LOF pouMLe[O ST YYAOLD}NO sour 8} JO dajovaeyo Atepuooes ogy e]IqA ‘uOrjrppe Aap 
P2[[vo St WinU1o}s oy} Jo sseo0Ad UVIpoMt LOTLO}WE TeLOIsYIN0 AT, —'adpnpawUaUoAT qnq ‘vnomy oyy Jo yard uerpout ayy Aq pojtesaada.c 

“UOLJROFISsO JO JUSUeDTIOTA LOD SI OpOTAvpotoyur oy} yeyg— (SF ‘OFZ “dd ‘speunuy 
oy} tajJv ‘dunos oy} Jo sesuqys ojxy puv surtof ype jo uostuvduog—aowaprage poyeiqowoA jo mojzvuy, ‘TLST ep) MAIA sAMIXATT “9 

*(panurjuod) LNAWALVLY YVTOSV 


The foregoing summary of theory with regard to the Avian 
Sternum would be incomplete without reference to the recent 
researches on the Mammalian Sternum which have been already 
mentioned, namely those of Ruge, which established the costal origin 
of the aiphisternum of man; and those of Albrecht, which have 
lately added more force to Ruge’s conclusions as to the costal origin 
of the manubrium sterni. The result in the former case precludes 
us from admitting that the posterior processes of the avian sternum 
are, as suggested by Huxley, homologous with the xiphisternum of 
man’; and in both it greatly weakens the argument for the inter- 
clavicular homology of the keel, while at the same time it points out 
a line of research with regard to the anterior region of the avian 
sternum, which has been followed during the investigation hereafter 

(ii.) Certain of the theories named call for some comment. 
Firstly, with regard to that of L’ Herminier, it is obvious that at the 
date of his researches the phylogenetic value of anatomical features 
was but little understood ; we are therefore not bound to accept 
L’ Herminier’s own estimation of the equal value of his three typical 
rows of ossific centres with the confidence which at first sight might 
seem due to his numerous facts and clear description of them. 
Nevertheless his record of the respective dates at which the various 
centres appear affords a valuable clue to the order of development 
of the respective parts, the details of which will be discussed here- 

Secondly, with regard to Harting’s theory, several objections 
present themselves at first sight. Were the system of ligaments, 
with the bony processes which afford them attachment, to be 
regarded as an “‘episternum,”’ it would afford a unique case of a 
bone undergoing degradation at the centre, yet ossifying at odd 
points in its original periphery. Again, there is no reason to place 
any especial emphasis on the occurrence of the ossifications indicated, 
since all ligaments tend to present occasional ossifications. Further, 
the fact that the ligament system of the Ostrich is claimed as an 
episternal apparatus in which the clavicles have not been differen- 
tiated, amounts to a reductio ad absurdum of the theory ; for these 
ligaments, exceedingly thin in the adult, are scarcely possible to 
find in the embryo, in which, on Harting’s hypothesis, we should 
expect to find them better developed. 

It appears, then, that the evidence for the interclavicular homology 
of the keel must rest on the embryological researches vf Gétte and 
Hoffmann. For this reason, further evidence upon the disputed 
point of the keel has been sought in a series of embryos of five types. 
All points of interest observed in these embryos are described in the 
ensuing section, Part II. It is to be noticed, however, that some 
difficulty occurs in comparing the results obtained with those of the 

? It is possible, however, that they may be comparable to that of the Jerboa 
or the Kangaroos, in which animals this process is probably a secondary 
addition to the costal sternum, or even to the xipbisternum of the Frog, which 
also is an appendage to a costal sternum, if Ruge’s view of the latter be correct, 


above-named observers, owing to some discrepancies in their state- 
ments as to the age of embryos. Gdtte describes the establishment 
of coracoid, clavicle, and sternum in chick embryos of the age of 
4-5 days, and yet considers that his embryos were slightly older than 

Fig. I. 

A. Sternum of?adult Guillemot (Uria troi/e). B. Sternum of Ostrich embryo, 
consisting, before fusion of the lateral halves, of costal sternum only. 
GC. Sternum of Chick embryo, consisting, before fusion, of both costal 
sternum and metasternum. 

c.s, costal sternum, extending from the attachment of the coracoid to that of 
the last sternal rib; m.s, metasternwm, extending posteriorly from the 
last sternal rib1; mf, median furcular apophysis ; #.a, median anterior 
sternal apophysis; @./.p, anterior lateral process of the sternum; p./.p, 
posterior lateral process of the sternum. 

Rathke’s. These descriptions do not correspond with the usually 
received opinion that the histological differentiation of the mesoblast 
takes place during the fifth day of incubation in the chick *; still less 

1 This region does not exactly correspond with L’Herminiers metasternum, 
for that bears some of the posterior ribs, and therefore includes part of the 
costal sternum. 

It corresponds, however, with the region occupied by Parker’s Lophosteon 
+ Metosteon + Urosteon, in other words its extent is not only posterior 
but also median. In short,the term metasternum is used here to express rather 
its development in time than its position in place. 

2 «Blements of Embryology,’ Foster and Balfour, 2nd ed. p. 270. 


do those of Hoffmann, who describes the connection of sternum and 
clavicle taking place “‘ durch an Knorpelzellen reiches Bindegewebe,” 
in sections of Carbo cormoranus ‘‘ von zwei ‘Tage alten Embryonen.” 
Gitte’s sections of 4—5 days’ chicks probably correspond with those 
called chicks of 6 days’ incubation in the Cambridge Morphological 
Laboratory. In these, however, I fail to detect the darker tissue 
which he describes as connecting sternum and clavicle. They corre- 
spond with the earliest stages which I have dissected, figured in 
Plate XLV. figs. 9, 10, 12, 14. 

The nomenclature used throughout this paper is explained by 
Fig. I. p. 690. 

Part II. Deraits or Empryonic DEVELOPMENT IN rive TypEs, 
namely (i.) the African Ostrich (Struthio camelus), (ii.) the 
Guillemot (Uria troile), (iii.) the Gull (Larus), (iv.) the Chick, 
and (v.) the Gannet (Sula alba). 

These embryos were not examined in sections, but were dissected; 
and this for two reasons: first, comparison of stages is easier if one 
method of preparation is employed throughout; and the younger 
specimens can be dissected, whereas the older ones, with which it is 
safest to begin, cannot be made into sections; secondly, sections are 
useless in studying the development of muscles, which is of necessity 
intimately connected with that of bones, and may therefore give some 
clue to their history. A chick in which the pericardial cavity is not 
yet closed can be dissected with perfect accuracy under a strong lens: 
indeed dissections can be made at a stage so early that they are 
useless, since the microscope shows little difference between various 
cells, and there is no means of checking the results of dissection by 
the histological character of different parts; this is a consequence of 
the fact that the first change the differentiating cells undergo is a 
change in their firmness and closeness. Plate XLIV. figs. 3-5 
correspond with the stage called “early 6th day ” in the Cambridge 
Morphological Laboratory, sections of which show comparatively little 
differentiation in the cells of the future shoulder-girdle. 

(i.) Tue Osrricu. 

(7 individuals, embryos respectively of 27, 25, 21, 15, 10, 7, 
and 4 days’ incubation.) 

The adult Ostrich still presents certain Reptilian features: to wit, (a) 
the presence of two claws on the Ist and 2nd digits of the wing, while 
other birds that possess such claws, for example Rhea and the Swan, 
have only one, and most birds have none; (4) the broad coracoid, 
consisting of two parts separated by aforamen. These facts appeared 
to render it possible @ priori that in the embryo traces of the Reptilian 
interclavicle also might be present, either free or, as suggested by 
Gotte’s theory, in the form of a rudimentary keel ; for the absence 
of the interclavicle is not implied in the loss of clavicles, as may be 
seen from its existence in the Crocodile; but, on investigation, 


no trace was found either of interclavicle, clavicle, or keel. 
Too much stress cannot be laid on the absence of the latter, since 
the character of the fore limb as a true although degraded wing has 
frequently led, from a point of view exactly opposite to that of Gitte, 
to the suggestion (founded on no other evidence than the analogy 
indicated) that the sternum of the Ratitz has lost a formerly 
existing keel: this statement must now be directly negatived. ‘The 
absence of a keel might indeed be inferred, by all who do not share 
Gotte’s view as to its origin, from the smallness of the pectoral 
muscles, the earlier stages of which afford no ground for supposing 
that they have assumed their present condition by degradation from 
a carinate type. 

It is unfortunate that no observations have been made on the 
early embryos of Ehea or Caswarius, or above all on those of 
Dromeus, whose rudimentary clavicles and single sternal plate mark 
a type singularly different from the other Ratitee. The Ostrich 
embryos, however, presented numerous points of interest, given below. 

1. In the 4 days’ embryo, scapula and coracoid are not united ; 
this points to the conclusion that their subsequent union is a 
secondary rather than an ancestral reptilian condition. Furthermore, 
the coracoid and precoracoid are separate. Gotte and Hoffmann 
both came to the conclusion that the distinction between the two 
parts arose by the establishment of a foramen in a cartilage 
originally uniform; the 4 days’ embryo shows, however, that the 
division between them is of different origin. The precoracoid thus 
exhibits its maximum development in the earliest stage; in the adult 
it sometimes shows a tendency to atrophy (cf. Plate XLII. fig. 9 ; 
Bronn figures a similar specimen). In the absence of further evidence 
this fact would have gone far to justify a belief that the precoracoid 
was wanting in the shoulder-girdle of other birds, but, as will be 
seen hereafter, there are reasons for a contrary opinion. 

2. The rectus abdominis muscle is in the 7 days’ embryo 
attached to the unfused sternal halves, passing up between them in 
the median line, about to the level of the third sternal rib, where 
they meet one another; the muscle is broad, and its lateral portions 
exhibit two thick bands which are attached to the sternal halves. 
In the adult the median portion is attached to the borders of the 
cartilaginous metasternum, which is apparently developed for its 
support, while the lateral portions become very thin. 

3. In the 4 days’ embryo are seen eight thick transverse muscular 
bands, overlying as many ribs, i.e. all except the two anterior free 
ribs: in the case of the two posterior ribs, these muscles are longer 
than the ribs; and in the case of the posterior sternal ribs, they do 
not follow the sharp curve which these make towards the sternum, 
but pass nearly straight towards the median line, so that they only 
overlie the ribs during part of their course. Towards the spine 
they become lost in undifferentiated muscular tissue. These 
muscles are on no account to be confounded with the muscle-plates 
as apparent in a four days’ chick; bands similar to them appear ina 
sic days’ chick: their position also, as stated, corresponds with that 


of he ribs, i. e. is not, like that of the musele-plates, intravertebral. 
Ths supercostal position it will be seen, however, from com- 
parison with other types, is only a secondary arrangement occurring 
during part of their course, in consequence of the curvature of the ribs. 
They represent, in fact, traces of the intercostales externi of ribs in 
their primitive arrangement, before they acquired their present 
modifications in connection with the sternum. 

4. Although the sternum as a whole is greatly lengthened in the 
course of its development, owing to the appearance of the metasternum, 
yet its costal portion loses one posterior attached rib ; there are six 
sternal ribs in the embryo, fivein the adult. Further, a seventh rib, 
although never attached to the sternum, shortens considerably in 
the course of development, which implies that it was once a sternal 
rib. The position of the primitive intercostales externi of the two 
unattached posterior ribs in the four days’ embryo, being, as they 
are, longer than the ribs they accompany, leaves little doubt that both 
originally entered into the formation of the primitive costal bands. 

5. The series of embryos shows the gradual addition of the 
anterior lateral process to the costal sternum. 

6. The 7 days’ embryo shows an anterior part which may pro- 
bably be compared to the manubrium sterni of mammals. Its 
extent in front of the first sternal rib, at a stage when none of the 
parts known to be of secondary origin have as yet been added to 
the costal sternum, taken in connection with the existence of two 
anterior spinal ribs of which the second is very long, seems sufficient 
to prove its costal origin. Further, St. George Mivart * records the 
appearance in the Ostrich of a rudimentary sternal rib, the first of 
six, which was not attached to the corresponding spinal rib (the 3rd) ; 
from the number and position of the spinal ribs he describes, namely 
ten, whereof the two posterior are not attached to the sternum, it 
appears that this rudiment corresponds with the first sternal mb, 
fully attaclied to the corresponding spinal portion, of the seven 
embryos here described. This affords a further reason for supposing 
that the process of atrophy extended in the above-named specimen 
to the third spinal rib has taken place already in the case of the 
first and second. 

7. Comparison of the 15 days’ embryo with preceding stages 
shows the addition of the metasternum to the costal sternum. 
Although this region, seen in all subsequent stages of the embryo, 
is in perfect continuity with the cartilage of the original costal 
sternum, yet in the adult (as appears in Plate XLII. fig. 9) only a 
small part of it is ever ossified. In Rhea still less of it is ossified, 
so that the halves of the sternum remain united by cartilage only. 
Apparently: these do not, however, correspond exactly with the 
primitive halves ; for a fontanel, nearly closed by thinner bone, marks, 
im some specimens, a boundary corresponding in position with the 
notch that separates off the posterior lateral process of the Ostrich 
(of. fig. IV. f, p. 710). 

1 « Axial Skeleton of the Ostrich (Struthio camelus),’ by St. George Mivart, 
F.R.S.: Lrans. Zool. Soc. x. p. 1. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.— 1885, No. XLV. 45 


8. The differentiation of the lateral processes of the metasternum, 
which also are not ossified even in the adult, is traced by their 
connection with the muscles. They are prolongations, established 
between the ages of seven and ten days in the embryo, of the ends 
of the primitive halves of the costal sternum, to which the lateral 
parts of the rectus are attached. In later stages this lateral part of 
the rectus becomes very thin, and the processes are found to afford 
attachment in addition to part of the obliquus externus, as is usually 
the case with the posterior lateral processes of the sternum in the 
Carinatze. Coincidently with this change of their muscular relations, 
the ends of the processes develop between the 15th and 21st days 
a double outgrowth, resembling the end of the xiphoid process in 
the Chick, and apparently due in both types to the somewhat lateral 
direction of the strain exercised by the obliquus externus. The 
attachment of this muscle becomes rather obscure in late stages, 
because in the adult its major part is, as stated by Bronn, aponeurotic ; 
I find that it may, however, be still traced to the process in a bird 
newly hatched. 

It appears, then, that in the Ostrich at any rate the posterior 
lateral processes consist of the ends of the primitive costal bands, 
preserved and prolonged for the attachment of the lateral part of the 
rectus, and subsequently modified to afford attachment to the 
obliquus externus. Their change of use is due to the reduction that 
takes place, during the establishment of the Avian type, of the 
rectus, which muscle finds its maximum development in Reptiles. 
The primitive costal origin of these processes finds a parallel among 
the Carinate in the case of the Gannet: it is interesting, too, to 
compare them with the costal processes of the sternum in Iguana, 
formed by the fusion of the sternal portions of posterior ribs. 

These processes, as existing in the adult, may be considered a part 
of the metasternum, since the primitive part bears but a small 
proportion to the later additions. 

Qi.) Tae GuiLLemot. 
(13 specimens, from about 17 days’ to 6 days’ incubation.) 

This type exhibits two marked peculiarities: (a) the great 
development of the keel and median fureular apophysis; (0) the 
elongated condition of the sternum, which in the adult ossifies seven 
ribs and is very narrow. ‘Lhe former character, since the bird has 
small wings and flies but little, must be attributed to the necessity for 
strengthening the fore limbs in swimming; the second seems to be 
correlated with the general elongation and narrowing of the trunk 
established in connection with the habit of diving. The embryos 
dissected exhibited the following points which call for remark :— 

1. The union of the clavicles takes place very early ; in a 6-7 days’ 
embryo, when the sternal halves are nof yet united, they are already 
closed, and the median furcular apophysis is mapped out in cartilage 
continuous with the clavicles. ‘the embryos examined were hence 
unsuitable for inquiry into the origin of the latter structure, but they 


gave ample opportunity for investigating the formation of the keel, 
which attains a maximum development in this bird, and ought there- 
fore to afford a clear interpretation of its origin. Now the keel, ac- 
cording to Gdtte’s theory, is formed by the posterior growth of the 
clavicles in the median line; this growth ought, then, to be traced 
in stages subsequent to the one described, in which the clavicles are 
already united, but in which the median line posterior to them is occu- 
pied solely by muscular tissue, underlying the thinnest possible tract 
of skin. Such, however, is not the case; the median part of the 
furcula never exhibits any further posterior growth than in the six 
days’ embryo, where it has the same relative extent as in the adult. 
The sterno-clavicular ligament, too, which in the course of the 
process of growth supposed should be formed before the more 
posterior keel, is entirely absent in the 6 days’ embryo, but appears 
in an embryo of about 8-9 days, where the keel is fully formed ; 
moreover, far from exhibiting the retrogression with advancing age 
necessary ex hypothesi, since it is supposed to have taken place in 
the course of phylogenetic development, this ligament is very fine at 
first, and augments in strength as it approaches the adult stage. 
Stages were not obtained which showed the gradual development o 
the keel as in the Chick. 

In consequence of the early closure of the clavicles, which, as stated 
above, takes place before the sternal halves are fused, the rectus is 
attached, at this stage, to the clavicle, a coudition to be contrasted 
with that which occurs in the Chick (v. infra). 

2. The rectus, in stages considerably later, presents a remarkable 
complexity. In the embryo of some 12-16 days it is divided into 
three parts, described below :— 

A. Outer sheet, very thin and continuous with the posterior part 
of the pectoralis major. This condition of the muscles named was 
observed in several of the Carinate types examined, while in the case 
of the Chick something similar occurs at a much earlier stage ; the 
outer part of the rectus’ described becomes gradually atrophied until 
the pectoralis major acquires its usual independent character. The 
above facts suggest that the pectoral muscles have been phylogeneti- 
cally differentiated from the thoracic region of the rectus, their estab- 
lishment taking place in connection with that of the sternum, which 
breaks up the uniformity of the latter muscle, primitively continuous 
from pubis to jaw. This conclusion is to some extent borne out by the 
condition observed in certain reptiles, where the distinction between the 
pars abdominalis pectoralis and the rectus lateralis has been at- 
tended with some difficulty *. Moreover, there exists in the Penguins 

1 This part of the muscle thins away posteriorly, and cannot be traced to the 
pubis ; but we are not therefore entitled to deny it the character of rectus; for 
ef. the condition in some Reptiles (Monitor and Lacerta), where in the subcu- 
taneous part of the muscle some of its fibres become attached to scales. Vide 
account of the Abdominal Muscles of Reptiles, by H. Gadow, Ph.D. 

° For a full discussion of these muscles in Reptiles, see the same paper; 
which states that in Pfyodactylus the pars abdominalis pectoralis reaches as far 
as the third inscription of the rectus ventralis; but that in Monitor, Lacerta, 
and Cnemidophorus it is often found coalesced with the rectus lateralis. 



(Spheniscidee), partly overlying the pectoralis medius, a muscle 
described by Watson and named by him the Dermo-humeralis, which 
takes its rise from the head of the humerus, and forms in the 
abdominal region a thin band of longitudinal fibres lying near the 
median line: this is, in other words, a ventral part of the rectus 
continuous with a lateral part differentiated from the pectoralis. In 
these birds also the rectus is complex, consisting of two sheets 
(Watson cpud Bronn). 

B. Middle sheet, most massive of the three, and attached to the 
posterior-lateral borders of the sternum, which apparently corre- 
sponds with the rectus of other birds. 

C. Thin inner sheet, which has the transversus attached to its 
edges. This takes attachment after passing inside the sternum for 
nearly one third the whole length of the latter. In the later stages 
its attachment travels backwards towards the end of the sternum, till 
in the embryo of 17 days it is completely united with the main body 
of the rectus, while the transversus has acquired its usual position 
with regard to the latter. This late ontogenetic change in the rectus 
seems to represent the posterior translation of the attachment of the 
rectus, during the late phylogenetic development of the long meta- 
sternum characteristic of this type, which apparently splits the muscle 
in two, and carries the upper part backwards as it grows. 

3. In the earliest stage of the Guillemot, as in the Ostrich, there 
are seen transverse bands of muscle; these are afterwards lost, 
and fused into a uniform supercostal sheet continuous with the 
obliquus externus. This supercostal sheet eventually, in the latest 
stages examined, acquires attachment to individual ribs, while at the 
same time the obliquus externus acquires an attachment to the ribs 
and lateral borders of the sternum; the phylogenetic meaning of 
these changes is obvious. 

4. There are indications of a slight posterior shortening of the 
costal sternum. There are 7 sternal ribs in the adult, but in the early 
embryo 9; of these the 7th, 8th, and 9th have no uncinate processes. 
Fig. I. (p. 690) shows an adult specimen in which the 9th rib is 
not only free at its sternal end, but atrophied also towards the 
dorsal region of its spinal parts. This mode of atrophy at both ends, 
which leaves a rudiment of the middle part of the rib, occurs again 
in the Chick. In the Ostrich, as has been seen, atrophy begins at or 
near the sternal end, and travels uniformly towards the spinal region. 
Neither in the Chick nor in the Ostrich do we find that marked 
division between spinal and sternal portions of the rib which in the 
case of the rudimentary 9th rib of the Guillemot divides it into two 

The allied species, U. drunnichii, may be compared with this ; 
the adult has also 7 sternal ribs, and 2 posterior ribs without uncinate 
processes, which do not reach the sternum. 

There is also some indication of anterior shortening of the sternum, 
for one of the early embryos shows the attachment of arib, which in 
the adult (cf Plate XLIV. fig. 9) falls short of the sternum. 

5. The metasternum is remarkable for the great reduction of the 


lateral processes, and for a crescent-shaped ridge at the end. The 
former character is easily understood if we regard these processes as 
homologous with those of the Ratite, and consider the metasternum 
to have received special elongation at a late date. Plate XLIV. 
fig. 9 shows a condition which supports this view; the median part 
of the metasternum is here not longer than the process, while in 
the adult it is considerably longer ; ‘also the process is coutinued 
anteriorly into a ridge forming part of the undoubtedly costal 
sternum, which may be distinguished from the thinner cartilage of 
the metasternum adjoining it towards the median line. 

The crescent-shaped ridge marks the pesterior insertion of the 
pectoralis minor, which thus lies as it were in a depression of the 
sternum ; this muscle is remarkable for its strength and its great 
elongation, taken in comparison with those of the pectoralis major. 

(iii.) Tue Gui. 
(11 specimens, from about 16 days’ to 5 days’ embryos.) 

1. In several individuals of about 14 days there was traced a thin 
ventral portion of the rectus continuous with the pectoralis major. 

2. Two specimens of about 11 or 12 days exhibited traces, con- 
sisting in greater thickness and greater strength of the fibres in the 
regions indicated, of a division of the rectus into three bands, a 
median, and two lateral attached to the posterior-lateral processes. In 
the adult the lateral part of the rectus is, on the contrary, very thin. 
The embryonic condition recalls that of the Ostrich ; possibly the 
width of the sternum, which is somewhat broad for its length, may 
be associated with the early lateral thickness of the rectus. 

3. The intercostales externi exhibit in the later stages the changes 
already described in the Guillemot; the supercostal sheet at the 
stage in which it is continuous sends a thin continuation under the 
pectoralis major, which passes over the sternum and is attached to it 
near the borders of the pectoralis minor. 

A 5 days’ embryo affords the clue to the intercostal nature of 
the primitive transverse bands seen in the previous types; bands 
precisely similar are seen alternating with and attached to the ribs, 
not overlying them as in the former cases ; while part of their dorsal 
extent is already fused to form the continuous supercostal sheet 
referred to above. The connecting link between the supercostal and 
intercostal state of these bands is seen in the Chick, where the bands 
overlie the ribs, but where they are found on dissection to alternate 
with them in the cervical region. 

4. The metasternum has two pairs of processes: of these the 
outer is identified as homologous with the posterior-lateral process in 
the Guillemot and Ostrich by the fact that its outer border affords the 
sternal attachment of the obliquus externus. The inner one is there- 
fore of later origin; perhaps it owes its existence to the peculiarity 
of the posterior end of the pectoralis major, of which the lateral part 
is unusually strong and longer than the median, and is attached to 


the edges of both processes. The second process is already indicated 
in the earliest embryos examined, so that it is clearly formed by 
addition, not by absorption. Plate XLIII. fig. 19, by the presence 
of the additional filling absent in the earlier embryos, shows an indi- 
cation that the increased size of the pectoral muscles in birds that 
fly-well demands increased breadth of their sternal attachments, and 
thus leads to the fillmg up of the sternum, so that the processes are 
obscured by their own growth, and finally become confluent. 

5. In some, but not all, of the older specimens there was found a 
7th sternal rib. 

6. The condition of the anterior-lateral part of the sternum, which 
gives attachment to ribs anteriorly to the base of the coracoid, is to 
be contrasted on the one hand with the anterior-lateral process of the 
Ostrich, formed as a secondary addition to the rounded outline of 
the costal sternum, and on the other hand with that of the Chick, in 
which an apparent process of the costal sternum is first formed through 
the loss of two anterior ribs primitively attached and afterwards 
augmented by a secondary growth. 

An old five days’ embryo, the earliest examined, calls for a special 
description. The coracoid (cf. Plate XLIII. fig. 8) exhibits a 
remarkable resemblance to that of the Ostrich; the median depres- 
sion, however, does not amount to a foramen, and it is filled by a 
separate mass of tissue, attached to the coracoid itself by embryonic 
muscular tissue. This specimen, which is quite normal and alike on 
both sides, seems to compel the conclusion that the coracoid of the 
adult Gull represents a fusion of the true coracoid with the precora- 
coid, in which the foramen which remains open in the case of the 
Ostrich is filled up by further ossification—a conclusion sufficiently 
startling, notwithstanding that so great an authority as Parker has 
already combated the assumption that the elements of the shoulder- 
girdle are the same in all birds. The scapula, as will be observed in 
the Chick at a similar age, is quite free from the coracoid. 

This embryo presents a median mass of tissue, corresponding with 
the position of the top of the keel. The interpretation of this as an 
interclavicle is forbidden by the position of the clavicles, which are, 
as seen in the diagram, very small, far from the median line, and not 
even directed towards it; further, this centre, separated from the 
pericardial cavity only by the thinnest connective tissue, occupies a 
less superficial position than the clavicles, which overlie a thick 
stratum of embryonic muscle. It will be seen, on the other hand, that 
this centre arises in closest connection with the already approximated 
sternal halves. Comparison with a certain occasional median 
cartilage in the Chick will show that too much importance must not 
be attributed to this centre in the Gull; the former is also median, 
but its posterior position shows that it cannot be an interclavicle. 
It must therefore be a formation of recent date, and its occasional 
appearance shows that the keel has a tendency, not yet established, 
to differentiate itself from the rest of the sternum: this tendency is 
expressed, in a much lower degree, by the existence of a separate 
centre of ossification for the keel in the Gull and Chick, as in many 


other birds. There is every reason to expect that this tendency will 
occasionally be expressed (as apparently it is in the present instance) 
by the thick anterior part of the keel, as well as by the posterior 

(iv.) THe Cuick. 

(37 embryos, from 16 days’ to early 5 days’; of which 
all but 7 were under the age of 12 days.) 

]. Continuity of the inner part of the pectoralis with outer fibres 
of the rectus was observed in Chicks of 7 days. At this age the 
part indicated cannot be strictly identified, but it seems to occupy 
the position of the pectoralis minor of the adult. 

2. At the age of 6 days the condition of the rectus is peculiar. 
Its anterior part (the equivalent of the sterno-hyoid and genio-hyoid, 
of which only a few fibres have as yet been caught up by the hyoid 
bones) passes between the open clavicles to end in a wedge-shaped 
piece between the sternal halves, at a stage when the approximation 
of the latter has already cut the continuity of the primitive rectus 

This state of the rectus and that described in the Guillemot warn 
us that embryonic conditions, when not comparable to those of any 
known adult form, cannot always be supposed to have a phylogenetic 
value. We ean scarcely imagine that there ever existed a type in 
which, as in the Guillemot embryo, the rectus was attached to the 
clavicles, while the halves of a highly developed sternum, provided 
with processes, failed to meet in the middle line; or in which, as 
in the embryo chick, the presternal part of the rectus passed through 
open clavicles, while the sternum was closed. 

3. The primitive bands of the intercostales externi are seen from the 
end of the fifth to the end of the sixth day. Their supercostal position 
seems to be due to the curvature of the ribs, each of these having 
passed forward under the intercostal muscle of the next; for in the 
cervical region, where several, usually three, are present anterior to 
the coracoid, complete dissection shows tbat they are, as in the case 
of the Gull, alternate with the rudimentary ribs of this part, although 
in the sternal region they are supercostal as in the Ostrich and 
Guillemot. The reason why no such alteration can be traced in the 
sternal region seems to be that the proximal ends of the bands thin 
gradually away in the region where the intercostales externi of the 
adult find their dorsal limit; in the neck region, on the contrary, 
they can at first be traced up to the spinal column, although at a 
later stage their spinal ends disappear. No bands were seen in the 
cervical region of the types previously described. 

These bands on dissection are found to consist, at the end of the 
6th day, of strong fibres at an angle with the direction of the band ; 
distally these fibres form a blunt mass, so that the band has a round 
end, abruptly marked off from the thin undifferentiated muscle in 
which the bands lie. 

The reasons for concluding that these bands represent (a) the 


intercostales externi and (4) a primitive arrangement are the fol- 
lowing :— 

(a) (1). Their correspondence in number with the ribs, and inter- 
costal position in the case of the Gull and Chick. 
(2). Their subsequent fusion into a supercostal sheet, dif- 
ferentiated finally into the intercostales externi. 
(6) (1). Their curvature, slight as compared with that of the ribs. 
(2). Their extent beyond corresponding ribs, in the case of 
the cervical ribs of the Chick, and posterior ribs of the 
Chick and Ostrich. 

It is to be hoped that further research may elucidate the origin 
and exact relations of these bands; the inquiry must be attended 
with some difficulty, however, since the mesoblast has but recently 
acquired histological differentiation when they present the appearances 

4. The evidences of the shortening of the sternum are the fol- 
lowing :—the adult condition presenting five ribs with uncinate pro- 
cesses and two long unattached ribs without them, one anterior and 
one posterior. 

(a) Anterior shortening. 

(i.) Chicks of 7 days showed in a number of cases the elongation 
of 1-3 ribs anterior to the first of those named above; none of these 
reach the sternum. 

(ii.) Chicks early on the 6th day invariably showed two at least of 
these ribs fully attached to the sternum; they are very small and 
close together. 

iii.) The anterior muscle-bands, previously described, which 
atrophy from their spinal ends onwards, suggest that their corre- 
sponding ribs have passed into the sternum and disappeared by a 
process of atrophy like that already noticed in the Ostrich. This view 
is supported by the condition of a 5 days’ Chick, which shows four 
of the muscular rudiments named overlying four minute masses of 
cartilage near the median line; this specimen is in many respects 
abnormal, but certainly these rudiments suggest the former existence 
of a pre-sternum. 

(6) Posterior shorteniug. 

In about one out of every four Chicks from 6 to 8 days incubated, 
there is a rudiment of a posterior 8th rib, atrophied at both ends as 
in the Guillemot; in earlier stages this rib is seen, but not so fre- 
quently, attached to the spinal end, or even at both ends. Before 
this rudiment disappears it approaches very close to the next rib, 
apparently because the intercostal muscle uniting them does not grow 
so fast as those elsewhere, and in one case the rudiment is seen 
attached to the next rib, forming a process (cf. Fig. III. diagr. a, 
p. 708). The 7th rib itself is often attached to the sternum up to 
the end of the 9th day. 

The condition of the ribs in the ancestor of the Fowl], thus shown, 
may be compared with that of allied forms, the Waterhen and the 


Rail. The posterior shortening is evidently of much more recent 
date than that just described at the anterior end. 

5. There appeared indications of the compound character of the 
sternum. Several 5 days’ Chicks, in which the pericardial cavity was 
not quite closed, exhibited, as already mentioned, thickenings alter- 
nate with the sternal ends of the ribs. Sowewhat later 5 days’ Chicks 
showed (in that anterior part which by the end of the 5th day gives 
attachment to the coracoid) irregular thicker masses incompletely 

If these traces of structure in the sternum appear somewhat slight 
to have any value assigned to them, it must be remembered that 
early on the 5th day aggregation of tissue is almost the only sign of 
differentiation of the mesoblast. Such aggregation is frequently seen 
better in dissections than in sections. 

6. The posterior processes of the sternum are mapped out very 
early. In the Chick a newer process is added on the lateral aspect 
of the posterior-lateral process, whereas in the Gull one is added to- 
wards its median aspect. This process, the external xiphoid, appears 
in a 5 days’ Chick as a minute outgrowth from the posterior-lateral 
process; its development may be traced by comparison of the 

Plate XLV. fig. 10 shows a 6 days’ Chick with a sternum quite 
abnormal, in which two other processes appear. Possibly they may 
be formed as rudiments of the 7th and 8th ribs previously attached 
to the sternum ; but the whole structure of this specimen is abnormal, 
especialiy in the following respects—(1) The position of the primitive 
intercostal bands, of which four lie ventral to the metasternum and 
nearly meet over it in the median line; (2) the condition of its 
coracoid aspect; and (3) the four rudiments in the neck, already 

Finally, there remain to be discussed, 7, the formation of the keel, 
and 8, the evidences for or against the existence of an interclavicle. 

7. In three Chicks out of the thirty younger specimens, there 
was found a separate cartilaginous centre for the keel. The ages of 
these three were 7 days. ‘Two of the three centres are figured, 
to show that their posterior position precludes their being interpreted 
as interclavicles; the third was precisely similar; the clavicles at 
this stage are still open. 

With these exceptions the keel was found to appear with the fusion 
of the halves of the sternum ; these approach late on the 6th day 
and fuse gradually from the 9th till the beginning of the 10th 
day; as the fusion passes backwards, so does the keel. It is at 
first low, but afterwards acquires its full height. These facts, taken 
in connection with that long ago established by L’Herminier, that 
ossification of the keel commences at its base (where the keel is not, 
as in the Duck and Heron he states it to be, ossified by fusion of 
paired centres in the sternum), point to the conclusion that the keel 
is a structure formed by the fused edges of the halves of the sternum. 
Its centre of ossification is, according to the same authority, the last 
to appear in the sternum of the Chick. Gdtte’s account of the 


formation of the Chick’s keel is, however, as follows :—Stage 1: at an 
age when both sternum and clavicles are cartilaginous, they are 
united by a tissue, which at the age of 5 days is comparatively thin 
and dim, but between 4 and 5 days is dark. Stage 2: subsequently, 
but still prior to the closure of the sternal halves, this tissue looks 
like a projection continuous with the sternum. Stage 3: the cartila- 
ginous borders of the episternal region of the clavicles meet to form 
the keel: at what date this takes place he does not make clear, but it 
must be either during, or prior to, the latest stage he describes, viz. 
the 8 days’ Chick, in which he considers the median broadening 
of the tract of commencing ossification in the furcula to represent 
the ossifying interclavicle. 

Now in the specimen examined the said dim and thin tissue be- 
tween the clavicles and sternum was never observed to present such 
an appearance as that described in Stage 2; but it was differentiated, 
immediately on the complete differentiation of the mesoblast, into 
muscular fibres, forming a tract that gradually narrowed as the cla- 
vicles closed. During the closure of the sternum it becomes reduced 
to a thin string; and all muscular fibres having now disappeared 
from it, it assumes its character as the sterno-clavicular ligament of 
the adult. No indication was observed tending to show that its 
origin differed from that of other ligaments contemporaneously 
established, such as those of the wing ; nor was there seen any stage 
in which the cartilaginous borders of the so-called episternal region 
of the furcula approached the keel; they were always separated 
from it by this tract, first consisting of embryonic muscular fibres, 
and afterwards of thin ligament. 

8. So much with regard to the development of the keel; if we 
accept the view that it is an apophysis of the sternum, established 
for the attachment of the pectoral muscles, we have none the less, 
however, to examine the evidence as to the existence of an inter- 
clavicle. That the furcula presents a median prolongation, is 
undeniable; but the following statements on two points will show 
reasons for supposing it to be an outgrowth derived from the cla- 
vicles only at a late date. 

(1) Date of the formation of the so-called Interclavicle.—It is 
somewhat diflicult to ascertain the exact age of Chicks later than 
the 5th day of incubation, because the changes they undergo are 
comparatively slight ; but we may recall the fact that the two anterior 
ribs lose their attachment to the sternum about the end of the 6th 
day, while the occasional free rudiment of a rib eighth from the first 
long one of the adult is never seen later than the 8th day. In other 
words, the ribs at any rate have established their generic characters 
at this date, which renders it probable that the broadening ossifica- 
tion of the median region of the clavicles, described by Gotte as 
established during the 8th day, isan outgrowth of the Avian furcula 
rather than a pre-Avian interclavicle—a view which is expressed by 
giving to it (as has been done throughout this paper) the name of 
median furcular apophysis rather than of interelavicle. 

(2) Position of parts in the Shoulder-girdle of the 5 days’ Chick.— 



It is always stated that the coracoid and scapula of the Chick 
arise as a single plate, but the various specimens examined did not 
bear out this description. The shoulder-girdle of the 5 days’ chick, 
in which the pericardial cavity is not quite closed, is shown in figs. 
4 and 5, Plate XLIV. It consists of three pieces, whereof the middle 
one is partly attached to that nearest the median line. According 
to Gotte, who maintains the usual view that the scapula and coracoid 
form a single plate, and who further describes the episternal pro- 
jection of a 5 days’ Chick as clearly distinguishable from the clavicle 
itself, these three pieces would be interpreted as coraco-scapular 
plate, clavicle, and interclavicle; but this interpretation, rendered 
doubtful by the early separation of scapula and coracoid, already 
noticed in the Ostrich and the Gull, is rendered impossible by com- 
parison of subsequent stages. Plate XLIV. figs. 3, 4, 5, and 6, 
show how the median piece gradually elongates, without growing 
thicker, and forms the clavicle, while the intermediate and the dorsal 
piece fuse to form the coraco-scapular mass usually described, which 
was found to exist early on the 6th day (fig. 6). The late date 
of its appearance suggests that this fusion may represent rather a 
Struthionic than a pre-Avian condition. 

The interpretation as clavicle of the median piece which is partially 
attached to the intermediate one, agrees with the description of 
Rathke, who says that at an early stage the coracoid and clavicle are 
united dorsally but not ventrally ; nor is it inconsistent with that of 
Gotte himself, who says the end of the coracoid passes under the 
clavicle, which is the same thing in other words. Now the median 
piece, though posteriorly free, is united anteriorly to the coracoid ; 
and this anterior union is dorsal, for the two pieces appear separated 
by a crack when seen from the surface (cf. figs. 3 and 4), yet on 
dissection they are found united below. 

At first sight the relative positions of the two pieces present a 
difficulty in the interpretation just given, viz., that they are placed 
end to end, not parallel as in the adult, so that the clavicle is 
separated from the scapula by the whole length of the coracoid. 
The same difficulty, however, attends Gotte’s account of the relation 
of the two parts; since, although he traced the end of the coracoid 
under the outer end of the clavicle, he expressly states that he failed 
to trace it far towards the median part of the clavicle ; in other words, 
he also found the two placed, at this stage, end to end. 

Again, a second difficulty lies in the fact that the intermediate 
piece of the shoulder-girdle is triangular, which the coracoid is not. 
During the 5th day, however, it loses this triangular shape, and is no 
longer found to be, as at first, a flat mass, comparatively thin. This 
change suggests that possibly the anterior apex of the triangle is 
equivalent to the precoracoid of the 5 days’ Gull (which also forms 
a mass lying between the clavicle and scapula), and that the clavicle 
is gradually carried up towards the dorsal end, by the atrophy of 
that part, with which it is in close connection. This theory is best 
explained by the following series of diagrams. Reference to the 
Plates will show that, although themselves diagrammatic, these figures 


correspond exactly with those drawn from actual specimens in dif- 
ferent stages (see Plate XLIV.). 

It is to be clearly understood that the broadening median end of 
the clavicle, which Gétte describes in its condition during the 8th 
day of incubation, and interprets as an interclavicle, has nothing to 
do with the broad median end of the triangular clavicle figured below. 
The clavicle becomes uniformly thin throughout its length toward 
the close of the 6th day, as shown in diagram 3, fig. II. 

Fig. II. 



1, 2, 3, show changes in the shoulder-girdle of the Chick, late on the 5th day of 
incubation ; 4, shows its condition during the 6th day; and 5, its con- 
dition late on the 6th day, when the coracoid bone has acquired its 
sternal attachment and the coracoid and scapula have almost separated. 

The view above suggested with regard to the presence of a rudi- 
mentary precoracoid in the Chick at a early stage, is borne out by 
comparison of the condition of the internal part of the coracoid in 
various types. 

Beginning with the Ratitze, we see that where the precoracoid 
is apparently lost, there seems to be a rudiment of it remaining in 
the form of a process of the coracoid, situated in Dromeus (Plate 
XLIV. figs. 15 and 16) just beneath the clavicle. In Casuarius it 
seems possible that the area of bone extending internally to the 
foramen or incisura coracoidea’ is also comparable with the precora- 
coid, since in Struthio the said foramen is situated near the internal 
margin of the bone; but whether this precoracoid area is not rather 
a new growth of the coracoid than the homologue of the Struthionic 
precoracoid, is very uncertain. The peculiar marginal foramen seen 
in Plate XLIV. fig. 7 is seen partly developed, occasionally, in the 
Ostrich, where the precoracoid is present—a fact which supports the 

1 This gives a passage to one of the nervi brachiales inferiores; this nerve 
supplies the m. supracoracoideus (called pectoralis minor elsewhere throughout 
this paper). 


former view rather than the latter. Even in Casuarius it is only 
occasional (cf. fig. 8). 

The same uncertainty must exist with regard to the precoracoid of 
Diomedea (fig. 1, Plate XLIV.); although there can be little doubt, 
from comparison with the early stages of the various embryos 
figured, that we must agree with Sabatier in regarding this region as 
the Avian precoracoid, rather than the precoracoid of Parker, which 
Sabatier calls an epiphysis (cor. ep., fig. 1). 

Under these circumstances it would be hazardous, notwithstanding 
the Struthionic aspect of the coracoid in the Gull, to put forth with 
any certainty a view that the pre-Avian kind of precoracoid is to be 
identified with the region suggested as precoracoid in the Chick ; 
but at the same tine the development of this marginal region in the 
types figured renders it extremely likely that the region already 
described in the shoulder-girdle of the late five days’ Chick is 
equivalent to a precoracoid of some kind, though possibly of a 
secondary character, developed in the more immediate ancestors of 
the Gallinaceze. 

(v.) THe GANNET. 

(9 specimens, from the bird just hatched to a stage comparable 

with a 5 days’ Chick.) 

The sternum of the adult Gannet, it may be observed, since it 
possesses a furcula continuous with the keel, and behind it a 
median paired apophysis for the support of ligaments, exhibits at 
once the interclavicle of Goétte in front, and the interclavicle of 
Harting at a more dorsal level. 

In this bird, if in any, we might expect to trace a genetic con- 
nection between clavicle and keel, since in the adult these parts are 
fused. Such, however, is not the case. 

The embryo is particularly easy to examine, because it is so large 
that the earliest aggregations in the mesoblast can be clearly traced. 
The following were the stages observed, recorded, for the sake of 
convenience, in inverse order, youngest first. 

lst Stage, corresponding with a five days’ Chick.—There are 8 
ribs, which end freely, and no trace of sternum. The three parts of 
the shoulder-girdle are separate and almost parallel, overlying a 
remarkably thick mass of tissue representing the pectoral muscle. 

2nd Stage, corresponding with a later five days’ Chick.—The 
steruum is indicated by thick opaque aggregations in a layer of 
mesoblast, shown in fig. 14, Plate XLV. A large mass indicates the 
sternum, a sinaller one the keel, while three smaller masses, which 
in the next stage have disappeared, may probably be compared with 
the three anterior muscle-bands previously described in the Chick. 
The end of the clavicle, which is of course superficial, lying next to 
the skin, is completely shut off from the deeper layer, in which lie the 
differentiating sternum and keel, by the whole thickness of the 
pectoral muscle, a depth nearly half the length of the clavicle 

3rd Stage, corresponding with a six days’ Chick.—This shows 


the sternum fully formed, lying in a position corresponding with 
that of the masses just described, and fused with the rib. The keel 
exists as a broad and thick longitudinal ridge, divided from the body 
of the sternum by a deep groove on the dorsal side. The coracoid 
has now acquired attachment to the sternum ; the clavicle is still 
shut off from the sternum by the pectoral muscle. The scapula 
does not join the coracoid to form a coraco-scapular plate, either at 
this or any other stage. A rudiment is apparent of the ligament 
joining the top of the coracoid with the top of the keel ; and a very 
strong rudimentary ligament, reduced in later stages, unites the top 
of the scapula with the top of the keel. The anterior-lateral pro- 
cess is very thin and trilobed, which perhaps indicates an origin from 
three anterior ribs belonging to the three anterior muscle-bands 
indicated in the last stage. ‘There are 7 sternal ribs. 

The outline of the fore limb at this stage indicates a division into 
three digits; it is shown in Plate XLIII. fig. 4 a, for comparison 
with the fore limb of the 7 days’ Ostrich. 

Ath Stage, corresponding with a Chick of about 12 days’ incu- 
bation.—The lateral halves of the sternum are closed, the keel is 
fully formed, and the pectoral muscle has acquired the adult struc- 
ture, namely, of three interconnected sheets. ‘The clavicle is united 
to the keel, but dorsally a thin crack still indicates their junction 
(fig. 16, Plate XLV.). The anterior-lateral process of the last stage 
has been atrophied; this fact may be compared with that of the 
loss of the two anterior ribs at a subsequent stage. On the right 
side is seen the peculiar insertion of the coracoid characteristic of the 

The posterior-lateral process of the metasternum has been added. 
No posterior reduction of the ribs is to be traced. In fact the 
posterior part of the sternum seems to retain what we may suppose 
to be a primitive type, as will be seen on comparison of the succes- 
sive stages (figs. 15, 17, 18, Plate XLV.) with those of the Ostrich 
(figs. 3, 4, and 5, Plate XLII.). We may contrast these with the 
condition of the metasternum of the Chick, doubtless a form highly 
specialized in this respect as in many others ; init, as we have scen, 
the processes of the metasternum are established from the first. 

5th Stage, corresponding to a 14 days’ Chick.—This shows the 
addition of the median process of the metasternum. The double 
apophysis of the median and anterior region is not added till a later 
stage. In the Chick, the median anterior apophysis is added be- 
tween the end of the 9th and the beginning of the 14th day of 


in connection with facts previously known. 

1. Conclusion drawn from the existence in the embryo of anterior 
ribs atrophied in the adult, of which some are seen attached to the 
sternum, and of muscle-bands apparently representing the intercostales 


externi of these ribs':—that the sternum of birds has undergone an 
anterior shortening, consequent on that posterior translation of the 
shoulder-girdle which is at once expressed by the lengthening of the 
neck and the shortening of the trunk in the Avian as compared with 
the Reptilian type ; owing to this change of place, the front part of 
the sternum has been severed from the ribs that formed it, so that 
these are now atrophied, and only traced in the embryo. 

It can scarcely be doubted that the manubrium sterni of mammals 
owes its origin to ribs lost in a similar shortening of the trunk, by 
which the seven constant vertebree of the mammalian type established 
their cervical character, ribs which are still present in the Mono- 
tremes. The part of the Avian sternum called by Huxley the 
*‘manubrium” or “rostrum” has, however, nothing in common 
with the manubrium sterni of mammals ; it isa secondary outgrowth 
formed for the attachment of the sterno-clavicular ligaments. The 
anterior portion of the sternum of the Ostrich, however, is truly a 
kind of manubrium ; it projects anteriorly between the attachments 
of the coracoids, and, as is seen in the diagram (Plate XLII. fig. 3), 
it projects far in front of the first sternal rib. 

2. Conclusion from the atrophy observed to take place of one or 
two posterior ribs, and the addition of the median and posterior 
part seen to take place in the embryo of the Ostrich:—that the 
posterior shortening of the sternum suggested by Gegenbaur is but 
slight, varying in different types; and that it is far more than com- 
pensated by the addition of the long metasternum. 

3. Conclusion from the development observed, in connection with 
changes in the muscles :— 

That the posterior lateral processes, though primitively represent- 
ing the ends of the costal bands, are elongated and modified in 
various types according to the exigencies of mechanical strain. For 
this reason they are never found in connection with posterior ribs 
that suffer atrophy, as might at first sight have been expected from 
comparison of the costal processes of the sternum of Iguana. 

The great variation in form of the processes leads us to look 
for some modifying cause that varies in the types to which they 
belong. Now since the posterior border of the sternum affords 
attachment to two opposite sets of muscles, (a) the pectoral, (0) the 
abdominal, the resultant of their forces must be to some extent 
expressed in its shape, for in general the outline of a bone tends to 
express the direction and strength of the mechanical forces acting on il. 
In other words, we should expect to find the posterior border of the 
sternum varying with the habits of the bird, whether it is a good flyer, 
and uses its pectoral muscles most, or is accustomed to run or hop, 
and thus makes a greater proportional use of its abdominal muscles. 
This is exactly what takes place: in birds of great power of flight 
the processes become long, broad, and finally confluent, so that a long 

! Tt is understood that the m. longus lateralis cervicis (Gadow, Bronn, 
Vogel, p. 117), z.¢, m. longus colli externus of Watson, seen in the Spheniscidee 
(op. cit. p. 61), is a continuation and serial homologue of the mm. intertrans- 
versarli and intercostales externi, 


sternum, plain in outline, is produced ; in birds that hop and run 
more than they fly, long, thin processes are seen for the attachment 
of certain abdominal muscles, but the rest of the sternum is not filled 
up, so that we have a very short sternum with complicated processes. 
In proof of this, contrast the sternum of the Gull, in which the two 
pairs of lateral processes, which afford attachment to the end of the 

Fig. IIL. 

1, 2, 3, posterior outline of the sternum in Procellaria gigantea, Diomedea exu- 
lans, and Crax alberti; the shaded part is very thin, and the presence of 
a similar thin margin on the flattened ribs of the last-named conclusively 
shows that this margin results from a process of addition. 4, sternum 
of Didunculus, 5, of Hesperornis (cast), showing posterior lateral process ; 
the last shows, like Caswarius, Rhea, and fig. 9, Plate XLII., an incom- 
plete fusion, probably due to the same causes that have operated in 
widening the sternum during the establishment of the Avian type. (All 
C.C., reduced.) 

a, b,c, sterna of 8 and 9 days’ Chicks: a, shows abnormal persistence on the 
right side of rudimentary 8th rib attached to the 7th; 6 and ¢, dorsal 
and ventral aspects of sternum, showing incomplete keel and absence of 
median furcular apophysis, 

large pectoralis major, are scarcely seen to project from the sternum, 
with the sternum of the Fowl or Tinamus, in which the long 
processes afford attachment merely to a few thin fibres of that 
muscle. Sterna of the Common Duck show much variation, with a 
tendency to fill up the sternum. The sternum of the Gull (cf. 
Plate XLIII. figs. 9 and 10) shows how the process of filling up 
takes place. In all the specimens examined except the one figured, 
the two processes were distinct, even in the earliest stages examined ; 


this one case shows the sternum on the way to become filled 
up. For other cases of apparent filling-up see diagrams |, 2, and 3, 
fig. III. 

4, Conclusion from the late date of its appearance and from 
the usual absence of any anterior median rudiment, pre-existing 
before the closure of the sternal halves :—that the keel is an out- 
growth of the sternum of comparatively late phylogenetic date, and 
created for and by the attachment of the pectoral muscles. 

5. Conclusion drawn from their late appearance in the embryo, 
later than the commencement of the keel :—that the median furcular 
apophysis, and the occasional median auterior sternal apophysis, are 
similarly structures of a late date, and entirely without connection 
with any ancestral interclavicle. 

6. Conclusion from the comparison of embryo, of 4 days’ incuba- 
tion in the Ostrich, and 5 in the Gull and Chick, and from the com- 
parison of the precoracoid in adult forms :—that the complex relations 
of the parts of the shoulder-girdle are not to be interpreted as 
indicating the existence of an interclavicle, but are rather due, in 
some types at least, to the existence of a rudimentary precoracoid. 

7. Conclusion drawn from comparison of Chick and Gull :—that 
the anterior lateral process of the sternum is not always of the same 
nature, being certainly an outgrowth of the costal sternum in the 
Ratitze, while in other types it is apparently the rudiment of a former 
anterior extent of the costal sternum. 

The progress of ossification in the sternum, as observed by 
L’ Herminier, bears out the above conclusions. The ‘‘ mesosternals ” 
are the part earliest ossified, these centres occupying the Jdateral 
region ; while the middle part (Parker’s Lophosteon), which we have 
seen added to the costal sternum, as the median part of the 
mesosternum, in the case of the Ostrich, ossifies at a later date. It 
is to be remarked that in the Ostrich one pair of ossifications alone 
exists, the ‘‘ mesosternals,”’ above interpreted as the primitive costal 
part of the sternum ; these centres are quite lateral in position. In 
the Goose, the lateral position of the ossific centres is still more 
remarkable ; they are in fact quite marginal, occupying the region 
which Huxley calls the ‘ costal process. ® “These facts confirm “the 
above theory, that the median part of the sternum is of later forma- 
tion than the primitive costal bands. 

In connection with the subject of ossification, it is necessary to 
deprecate the undue importance sometimes attributed to the 
existence of a special centre of ossification for the keel. Little 
phylogenetic value can be attributed to the existence of separate 
centres, except in the case of a bone which is in course of retrogres- 
sion ; in a bone like the Avian sternum, of still increasing importance, 
new centres tend to appear, representing not phylogenetic facts, but 
the positions of greatest strain and greatest strength in the bone at 
present. Among many familiar instances of the distinction that 
must be made in the two cases, are, on the one hand, the separate 
ossicles of the hyoid apparatus in the higher Mammalia, or the 
nucleus of the coracoid process in Man, and, on the other hand, the 

Proc. Zoou, Soc.—1885, No. XLYI. 46 


separate nuclei for the trochanters of the femur, or the epiphyses of 
long bones. 

It will be seen that the above conclusions lead us to a much more 
complete and detailed idea of the nature of the parts of the sternum 
than at first sight it appeared possible to attain. If the attempt to 
form a complete theory of the origin of the sternum appears a rash 
undertaking, in the face of the opinion expressed by Prof. Parker, 
that our anatomical knowledge of the parts is as yet insufficient for 
teleclogical interpretation, it must be remembered that the study of 
five types has afforded a variety of new and interesting facts, and we 
may at least expect that wider investigation will shortly afford a true 

Left figure, theoretical diagram of the Ostrich sternum ; right figure, of Rhea ; 
middle figure, of Chick. 

The costal sternum is left white; ac, pe, indicate its anterior and posterior 
parts, produced by ribs atrophied in the adult; the metasternum is 
shaded vertically, also the anterior-lateral process. Additions of later 
ee date are shaded horizontally. In the Ostrich and Rhea, 

, indicates the limit of the ossification in the adult; 0, the dotted 
spaces, are the centres of ossification in the young; f, is a fontanel, 
scarcely closed by thin bone in some specimens. 

solution of the problems under consideration, even if in the present 
instance the effort to attain it is unsuccessful. 

The theoretical construction of the sternum thus adopted will be 
hest explained by reference to the above diagrammatic representation 
of the sternum in Fig. IV., and to the following tabular classification 
of the parts of the Avian sternum. 

That the boundaries of ossification have not always a phylogenetic 
significance is clearly shown in the Ostrich. Comparison of the 
embryos (Plate XLII.) shows that the primary costal halves of the 
sternum become united by cartilage developed in the median line, yet 
the line of ossification is as indicated in the diagram. 


Tabular Classification of parts oy the Sternum 

A. Part common to Sauropsida and Mammalia :— 
Costal sternum, arising in two bands; connected with sternal 
ribs in the adult, but often losing its connection with ribs 
which took part in its early formation. 

B. Part common to Ratite and Carinate, but seen to be wanting 
in early embryos of the former, never of the latter; it is thus 
seen in process of formation in the former, as indicated by its partly 
cartilaginous condition in the adult :—Metasternum. 

C. Part apparently common to both Ratitz and Carinatee, but really 
of different origin :— 
Anierior lateral process; seen added to the costal sternum in 
the Ostrich, formed by atrophy of anterior ribs in the Chick 
and Gannet. 

D. Part absent in Ratitze, but common to all Carinate :-— 
Keel; the median ventral outgrowth of B. 

KE. Part common to some Ratite (Ostrich, and indicated in Rhea) and 
the majority of the Carinate :— 
Posterior lateral process. 

F. Parts variant in families and genera of Carinatee :— 
Accessory processes of Metasternum. 
Ztostrum or anterior median sternal apophysis. 
Xiphoid ends of posterior processes. 

Variations of the Posterior Lateral Process. 

The posterior lateral process of the sternum, if the value above 
assigned to it be correct, ought to be found a constant feature of the 
sternum of birds. Comparison of types shows that this is the case: 
the birds that have a sternum without processes are few, the most 
familiar instances being the Crane and the Goose. It must not, 
however, be supposed that whenever we find a posterior lateral 
process, this represents the primitive process as seen in the Ratite ; 
tor example, we find in the Spheniscide, &c. (cf. figures given by 
Watson, ‘Challenger’ Report on the Spheniscidz, and by Forbes, 
Report on the Tubinares), variations in the shape of the posterior 
processes which suggest that they have been formed by completion 
of the growth of the sternum. In such cases, however, the primitive 
process must form a part of the new one. 

A secondary process exists in a large number of birds; and the 
study of development has already shown that such an accessory process 
may be added either on the external side of the primitive postero- 
lateral process, as in the Chick, or on the inner side, as in the Gull. 
In the Pheasants, as well as in the Gallinacee, it is doubtless formed 
as in the Chick: in many other birds, for example in the Bustards, 
Curlews, Plovers, &c., its exact origin is at present unknown. 

It is worthy of remark that the accessory process, when present at 
all, is not conspicuous in birds of archaic types, while the large 


posterior-lateral process is well marked ; witness the sternum in the 
Hesper ornis, Dinornis, Dodo, Apteryx, Solitaire, and Didunculus 
(cf. fig. V.). Other noteworthy instances of a single posterior- 
lateral process, probably of primitive type, are given In Tinamus, 
Herodias, Spheniscus, Aptenodytes, and in most families of the 
Passeres, in which latter the shape of the process shows a tendency 
towards the filling up of the sternum. 


Archaic types, with posterior-lateral processes. 

1, Sternum of Didus ineptus; 2, of Dinornis crassus, from N. Otago, New Zea- 
land ; 3, of Dinornis, from Hector Range, New Zealand ; 4, of Pezophaps 
solitaria; 5, of Apteryax oweni; 6, of A. mantelli. (All C.C., reduced.) 

r, is a fontanel imperfectly closed. 

Finally, it is to be remarked, if the reference to a mechanical 
theory of the origin of the posterior processes seems to require 
apology, that the very existence of the sternum may perhaps be 
explained by a mechanical theory. The ends of the ribs fuse, as 
Rathke showed, into a continuous band. Now it is not improbable 
that this is primarily due to the establishment of lungs. The differ- 
ence between the capacity of the thorax in inspiration and expira- 
tion necessitates that the extra length of each rib shall be packed 
in a loop during the latter position (cf. fig. VI., 2). Now in the 
embryo, the thorax being in the position of rest, these loops lie close 
together. Thus it is easy to see how the original fusion of rib-ends 
may have taken place. 


Further, the union of the two halves of the sternum is rendered 
imperative by the strain involved in the moving of the fore limbs, 
which calls for strength in the median line. 

Fig. VI. 
Sent a ‘c wu i 
See oN Y 
SF |G 
4 2 
4 5 
F Pe 
NA Nn » 
jré |zne sh ey | dS 
Fy jr 

L. Ribs in the position of inspiration. 

2. Ribs at the end of expiration, packed into loops. 

3. The primitive costal band; mm, median line. 

4. Theoretical diagram of the posterior border of the sternum, as influenced by 
no muscle but the rectus; 7.l., 7.m., strain of the rectus medianus and 
rectus lateralis, producing lateral and median processes. This corre- 
sponds with the condition in the Ostrich of 15 days’ incubation. 

. Lateral process modified by the lateral strain of 0.e , the obliquus externus, 
passing from the sternum to the side of the abdominal region. R, re- 
sultant of its strain and that of the rectus lateralis, acting at the outer 
point of the process. This diagram corresponds with the older Ostrich 

In the Ostrich, owing to the extreme smallness of the pectoral muscles, the 

mechanical relations of the posterior border of the sternum are simple compared 
with those existing in other birds. 


The researches described in the above paper were undertaken at 
the instance of Dr. Gadow, whom I have to thank, not only for 
constant help and criticism throughout my work, but also for nearly 
the whole of the material used. I must likewise record my thanks 
to Mr. Sedgwick for the use of sections of the Chick belonging to 
the Morphological Laboratory, Cambridge; and to Miss Clarke 
(lately Demonstrator of Biology at Newnham College, Cambridge) for 
part of the material used and for kindness in literary help. 


1. L’Heeminter. Recherches sur la Marche de Vossification 
dans le Sternum des Oiseaux, pour faire suite aux travaux de 


Noe 2) 






MM. Cuvier et G. de St.-Hilaire; présentées 4 l Académie 
des Sciences, 1830. (Abstract in ‘ Les Annales des Sciences 

. ©. G. Carus. Lehrbuch der Zootomie (pp. 158, 179). 
Leipzig, 1834. 

. C. Gecensaur. (For first view.) Grundziige der vergl. 
Anat. 1859. 

. Hartine. L’Appareil Episternal des Oiseaux. Utrecht, 

. C. Gecensaur. (For second view.) Untersuchungen zur 

vergl. Anat. der Wirbelthiere: 2 Heft, Schultergiirtel der 
Wirbelthiere. Leipzig, 1865. 
Grundriss der vergl. Anat. 1877. 

. W. K. Parker. A Monograph on the Structure and Develop- 

ment of the Shoulder-Girdle and Sternum in the Vertebrata. 
Ray Soc. 1868. 

. T. H. Huxtey. Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated 

Animals. London, 1871. 

. Newron and Parker. Encycl. Brit., article “ Birds.” 
. A. Gorrr. Beitrage z. vergleich. Morphol. d. Skeletsystems 

d. Wirbelthiere. Brustbein und Schultergurtel. Archiv fiir mikr. 
Anat. vol. xiv. 1877. 

C. K. Horrmann. Beitrige z. vergleich. Anat. d. Wirbel- 
thiere. Niederlandische Archiv f. Zool. vol. v. 1879. 

A. SaBatrerR. (For theory of Avian precoracoid.) Com- 
paraison des ceintures et des membres antérieurs et postérieurs 
d. la Série d. Vertébrés. Montpelier, 1880. 

G. Ruger. (For hcemologies of Mammalian interclavicle 
so-called.) Untersuch. iiber Entwick. am Brustbeine d. Menschen. 
Morphol. Jahrbuch, vol. vi. 1880. ; 

F. M. Batrour. Comparative Embryology. Vol. ii. ch. 
P. Ausrecut. (For homologies of so-called interclavicle of 
Mammalia.) Sur les Eléments Morphologiques du Manubrium 
du Sternum chez les Mammiféres. Bruxelles, 1884. 


letters O.C. here and in the woodcuts indicate that the specimen figured is 

in the Collection at the University Museum of Zoology, &c., Cambridge. 






Coracoid. a.l.p, Anterior-lateral process. 

Precoracoid. p.l.p. Posterior-lateral process. 

Scapula. rm, Median band of the rectus abdo- 

Equivalent of the mammalian minis muscle. 

manubrium sterni. r.l. Lateral band of the rectus abdo- 

Metasternum. minis muscle, attached to p.d.p. 

Head of humerus, y. Line of undifferentiated muscle, 
bordering on the yolk-sac, and 
curved to make room for it. 


Prats XLII. Diagrams of Srruruto. 

Fig. 1. Left half of shoulder-girdle of 4 days’ embryo: ¢., p.c., and sc. are separate ; 

h. has been somewhat displaced towards the left of the body in dissection. 

2. Primitive muscular bands of 4 days’ embryo, 8 in number. The dotted 

lines mark the position of the corresponding ribs as ascertained by dis- 

section. Of the six sternal ribs of a later stage, the two anterior only 

are united, confirming Rathke’s statement as to the anterio- posterior 
coalescence of the primitive costal bands. 

Sterna (of natural size, excepting figs. 3 and 9). 

8. Of 7 days’ embryo, seen from inside. m. is clearly shown, ¢. being not 
yet attached, also the primitive condition of p.l.p. aud the division of 
the rectus into two parts (7.m. broken, and r./. attached to p.l.p.), united 
by thinner and less differentiated muscular tissue. There are 6 sternal 
ribs, and the two following are still long. 

4, Of 10 days' embryo: ¢, is attached, p.Lp. elongated. 

5. Of 15 days’ embryo, The halves of the sternum are united > m.s. and 
a.l.p. have been added, and the two posterior ribs shortened. 

6. Of 21 days embryo. The xiphoid end has been added to plp.; alp. is 
fully elongated; 7. is the thin ligament uniting the coracoids and sternum. 

7. Of 25 days’ embryo. The 6th sternal rib has lost its sternal attachment ; 
but 7 @ shows not only the 6th but also the next rib still long on the 
right side ; /, ligament. 

8. Of 27 days’ embryo. The 6th sternal rib having greatly shortened, the 
adult condition is now attained, mapped out in cartilage. 

9. Of adult Ostrich: p.c. shows its occasional condition of atrophy ; m. is 
incompletely closed, a condition normal in Casuarius and Rhea, but not 
in Struthio. The cartilaginous m.s. and p.l.p. have been lost in 
maceration. (Reduced.) C.C. 

Puate XLIII. 
Fig. 1. Rhea: sternum of young bird, with unfused halves, xd. OC. 

2. hea: sternum of adult bird, with halves partly fused, x}. (In very 
old birds the halves are almost completely fused.) ©.C. 

3. Struthio: 4 days’ embryo (x1); showing length of tail and smallness 
of fore limb compared with chick of same age. 

4, Struthio: 7 days’ embryo (x1); showing division of fore limb into three 
digits. 4a. Fore limb of Gannet at same stage ( X23). 

5. Struthio: 10 days’ embryo (1); back view. 

6. Struthio: 10 days’ embryo (x1); side view. } 

Showing appearance of feather-tracts, five in number, viz. those of 
the dorsal surface, those of the ventral surface, of the thigh, the wing, 
and the head and neck. 

7. Struthio: 15 days’ embryo (x1); showing spread of the feather-tracts 
and establishment of the scales on the foot. 

8. Larus: 5 days’ embryo (x5): left shoulder-girdle (ventral side), 
showing struthionic character of coracoid ; cl.=clay. ; p-c.=precor, ; 
y=supplementary tissue of the coracoid; «= separate centre for 
median furcular apophysis. 

9,10. Larus: 15 days’ embryo ; posterior border of sternum (x1), showing 
processes. In 10 the two processes are united, a condition never seen 
in any younger stage. 

11. Larus: 12 days’ embryo, showing six sternal ribs and three bands in 
the rectus muscle, a struthionic condition, to be noted in connection 
with the struthionic character of the precoracoid. 

Prats XLIV. 
Fig. 1. Coracoid of Diomedea exulans. Showing p.c.=precoracoid of Sabatier ; 
cor.ep. epiphysis of the coracoid (Parker's precoracoid); p.p.c.=posterior 
process of the coracoid; a. paired anterior apophysis of the sternum, 




Fig. 2. Shoulder-girdle of late 5 days’ chick, showing relations of ¢e/.=clavicle 

and cor.=coracoid. ‘The coracoid has a flattened shape; the scapula 
is removed. 

3. The same, 77 situ. 

4 5. Shoulder-girdle of two 5 days’ chicks (right and left). Showing clavicle 
adjoined t> coracoid, scapula quite free; ventral surface. Hrratwn: 
R. and L. are reversed in the diags., and sc. is put for e/. in fig. 5. 

6. Six days’ chick, showing (1) absence of interclavicle, (2) fused coraco- 
seapular plate, removed from position of dotted line, (3) elongated 
clavicle ; also (4) rectus attached to clavicle (cf. fig. 9). 

7, 8. Right coracoid of Casuarius, showing the foramen or incisura cora- 
coidea, which in Struthio lies near the inner margin of the coracoid. 
The area internal to it is probably a precoracoid (not identical with that 
of Struthio) ; cf. fig. 1, also woodcut diagram of shoulder-girdle of 
Chick. C.C. 

9. Uria troile: 7 days’ embryo, showing clavicles closed before the sternum 
and giving attachment to rectus muscle, 7. 

10. Uria troile: about 15 days’: 71, external rectus continuous with pecto- 
ralis major ; 72, main sheet of rectus; 73, internal thin sheet of rectus; 
s=supracoracoideus (or pect. minor). 

11. The same, showing attachment of 73 on the dorsal side of the sternum. 

12. The same, showing attachment of 73 nearer the margin, at a later stage. 

13,14. The same, ribs of 7 days’ embryo; 13 shows wm’, traces of the 
primitive intercostales externi, dissected out. 

15. Dromeus, showing relations of clay., precor., and f, for. cor., in young 

bird.  C:C. 
16. Coracoid of adult bird: f, foramen; g, posterior border of coracoid. 

Piatt XLY. 

Fig. 1. Chick, 6-7 days’ incubation, showing rectus (7.) continuous with supra- 

coracoideus (p. min.); X24. 

2. Embryonic sternal ribs of late 6 days’ chick, eleven in number, the early 
form of the posterior processes is also shown. 

3. Late 6days’ chick, showing’, primitive bands of the intercostales externi, 
and wedge-shaped upper part severed from rectus band by growth of 
sternum—removed from X. Parts of the rectus=r. and 7.l.; x4. 

4, 5. Occasional separate centre, /, for keel in 7 days’ chick. 

6. The wedge-shaped rectus band, together with (m’) three anterior muscle- 
bands (primitive intercostales externi), of late 6 days’ chick. 

7. The same at a rather later stage (very early 7 days’ chick); x4. 

8. Last trace of the three anterior muscle-bands, in 7 days’ chick; x4. 

9. Normal sternum of 6 days’ chick, showing commencemeut of external 
process, and (¢) thin region towards median line: éf. fig. 8. 

10. Abnormal sternum of 6 days’ chick, showing a process of the sternum 
anterior to the coracoid, four rudiments apparently of anterior ribs, 
and the muscle-bands belonging to each, turned over. 

11. Five days’ chick, showing (x) lateral bands of muscle attached to lower 
jaw; upon the complete closure of the pericardial cavity these unite to 
form the median band seen in figs. 3, 6, and 7. 

12. Sternum of 5 days’ chick (broken by needle), showing masses of dif- 
ferentiating mesoblast alternate with the ribs, possibly indicating a 
complex series of costal centres in the sternum comparable with what 
Albrecht calls ‘‘ hemisternebrals ” in mammals; and four anterior ribs 
attached to the vertebral column, the posterior ones free. 

13. Gannet, Stage 1. r=rectus muscle. 

14. Gannet, Stage 2. c.s., mass of sternum, showing depression for attach- 

‘ ment of coracoid; 4=keel; m'=three rudimentary muscle-bands ; 
hy.=thick folds of hypoblast of the throat, which afterwards form the 
thyroid glands. 

15. Gannet, Stage 3; dorsal aspect. A=keel; J and /'=ligaments. 

16, 17. Gannet, Stage 4. L, ligament. 

18. Posterior margin of sternum of bird just hatched (x 1). 


November 3, 1885. 
Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary read the following reports on the additions made 
to the Society’s Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, 
and September, 1885:— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of June was 172, of which 78 were by birth, 
59 by presentation, 9 by purchase, 21 by exchange, and 5 were re- 
ceived on deposit. The total number of departures during the same 
period by death and removals was 103. 

The following are of special interest :— 

1. A Spurred Chameleon (Chameleon calcarifer), presented by 
Major J. W. Yerbury, R.A. Major Yerbury writes from Aden 
(April 8th, 1885) that this fine Chameleon was caught a few miles 
from Aden. He had previously sent an example of this Chameleon 
to the British Museum, so that Mr. Boulenger has been able to 
determine its specific name. The typical example described by 
Dr. Peters (‘ Reise nach Mossambique,’ Zool. vol. iii. Amph. p. 22, 
Taf. iv. @) is said to have been obtained in Madagascar; but it can 
hardly be believed that a Chameleon of the same species can occur 
in two such different localities. 

2. A fine series of Australian Reptiles, received in exchange from 
the Zoological Society of New South Wales on June 11th, and 
containing examples of two species of Lizards and six species of 
Snakes ; of the latter, three species (viz. Dicmenia psammophis, 
Hoplocephalus curtus, and Dendrophis punctulatus) are new to the 

3. A female of the Pleasant Antelope (Tragelaphus gratus) from 
the Gaboon, purchased June 18th. This scarce Antelope, remark- 
able for its elongated hoofs, whereby it approaches 7’. spekei, has 
lately been figured and described in the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ 
(P.Z.S. 1880, p. 253, pl. xliv.; 1883, p. 34, pl. viii.) from 
examples living in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. The present 
example is the first of this species received by the Society. 

4. Twelve Cascaduras (Callichthys littoralis) from Trinidad, 
presented by Mr. J. Franks Chittenden, of Port of Spain, C.M.Z.S., 
and received June 23rd. Mr. Chittenden writes that in Trinidad 
these fishes are considered one of the delicacies of the table, and 
have a constant place in the market. 

The registered additions to the Society’s Menagerie during the 
month of July were 106 in number ; of these 66 were acquired by 
presentation, 3 by purchase, 29 by birth, and 8 were received on 
deposit. The total number of departures during the same period 
by death and removals was 91. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XLVII. : 47 


The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of August was 121; of these 65 were 
acquired by presentation, 2 by purchase, 27 by birth, 13 were 
received on deposit, and 3 in exchange. Eleven young Pheasants, 
received during the month, were bred from eggs laid in the Society’s 
Gardens, and sent into the country to be hatched. The total 
number of departures during the same period by death and removals 
was 98. 

The collection of Javan animals, presented by Dr. F. H. Bauer, 
of Buitenzorg, Java, C.M.Z.S., is important, as containing examples 
of an Owl (Budo orientalis) and of three Reptiles and a Batrachian, 
all new to the Society’s series. 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of September was 141; of these 77 were 
acquired by presentation, 15 by purchase, 42 were bred in the Gardens, 
aud 7 were received on deposit. The total number of departures 
during the same period by death and removals was 89. 

Mr. Sclater placed on the table the skull of the Tapir received by 
the Society, May 25th, 1878, and described and figured by him 
(P.Z.S. 1878, p. 632, plate xxxix.) as Tapirus roulini. The 
animal had died on the 2nd June, 1884. It was of the male sex, 
and had bred with the female Tapirus americanus received Jan. 16th, 
1873. Now, however, that the skull could be examined, it was 
evident that the supposed Tapirus roulint was not of that species, 
but merely a dark variety of Yapirus americanus. After such 
evidence of variation, Mr. Selater had come to the conclusion that 
the Tapir from Venezuela, presented by Fritz Zurcher, Esq., August 

3th, 1881 (see P.Z.S. 1882, p. 391, plate xxiii.), which he had 
referred with some doubt to Tapirus dowii, was also, probably, merely 
a form of the variable species Tapirus americanus. 

In future editions of the ‘ List of Vertebrate Animals,’ Mr. Sclater 
proposed to refer all these individuals to Tapirus americanus, and 
much regretted that the difficulty of determining living animals with 
correctness had led him into these serious errors. 

The following extract was read froma letter addressed to the 
Secretary by Dr. F. H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S., dated Buitenzorg, July 
16th, 1885 :— = 

“ T have tried to get some more specimens of the Péychozoon homa- 
locephalum’*, but am sorry to say I have not succeeded. Last 
November I obtained one, but in the cold season it was impossible 
to despatch it. 

“It appeared to be a female, for only a few days after its capture 
it laid two eggs in the box in which it was kept. After several 
months the eggs were still im statu quo, and I believed them to be 

1 See P.Z.8. 1872, p. 589. 

P45 1865 Pl Xiy ee 

iV ee 

W Purkiss lth. Hanhart imp. 



unimpregnated, till at last, in the middle of May, from one of them 
issued a living young one, and two days afterwards another from 
the other egg in the same manner. 

*T believe such a long period of incubation very extraordinary and 
noteworthy. I answer for the authenticity of this fact. Both 
young ones died soon, probably for want of suitable food. I put 
them in spirit, along with the mother, who died much emaciated, 
about the same time. If you think them interesting, I shall 
be happy to send them. Perhaps nowhere do they possess so young 
specimens of this species. The characteristic plaits of the skin 
along the body and tail are already clearly discernible.” 

The following extract was read from a letter addressed to the 
Secretary by Mr. J. Caldwell, C.M.Z.S., dated ‘‘ Museum, Port 
Louis, September 3rd, 1885.” 

“T have only a few minutes before the mail leaves, to inform you 
that the day before yesterday one of my collectors found a hitherto 
unknown deposit of Dodo bones. I shall be off in a few days to 
examine it. There is no doubt about the few specimens he brought 
me, as the upper mandible is precisely the same as that figured in 
Strickland’s Monograph, plate viii., but a trifle larger. I save 
given orders not to have any of the remains disturbed till I reach 
the spot myself, so that there may be no mixing up of the remains 
of separate birds, if we should be fortunate enough to find anything 
like an entire specimen. The locality is in the south-west of the 
island in a small cavern.” 

Prof Bell exhibited a particularly fine specimen of the Decapod 
crustacean Alpheus megacheles, received from Mr. Spencer, who 
had collected it at Herm, Channel Islands, and made some remarks on 
it, and on the presence of Spherechinus granulosus at that island. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan 
obtained by Mr. George Lewis during his Second 
Journey, from February 1880 to September 1881.— 
Part II. Halticine and Galerucine. By Martin 

[Received July 22, 1885.] 

(Plate XLVL) 

The present paper deals with the species of Halticine and Galeru- 
cine obtained by Mr. George Lewis during his second journey in Japan. 
As was to be expected, the collection contains a greater number of 

1 Continued from p. 211. 



720 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

new forms amongst these families than of those genera which are 
included to the end of the true Chrysomeline, and further researches 
will no doubt greatly increase their number. A certain number of 
species which are present only in single specimens seemed to me to 
be so closely allied to certain European forms, especially to species 
of the genus Longitarsus, which contains already a great many very 
difficult species, that their description would have only increased the 
difficulty of determination, and I have thought it best to abstain 
from describing them till more material was at hand. I have added 
a list of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan (to the end of the 
Galerucidz) as far as at present known, so many additions having 
lately been made, that a clearer idea may be gathered of their 
number. There is, however, little doubt that this list will be in 
future greatly extended, and that especially still more species will be 
found which are inhabitants of Japan and the northern parts of 
Asia on one side, and the Malayan region on the other. 

Genus Manrtura, Stephens. 

Black below ; the basal joints of the antenne, tibiee, and tarsi 
ferruginous ; above dark blue; thorax strongly punctured ; elytra 
deeply punctate-striate, the interstices flat. 

Length 1 line. 

Head remotely but deeply punctured ; antenne extending beyond 
the base of the thorax, the first four joints fulvous, the basal one 
stained with bluish-black above, the terminal joints entirely of that 
colour. Thorax twice as broad as long, the sides straight at the 
base, rounded towards the apex, rather strongly deflexed ; a distinctly 
impressed longitudinal groove extends upwards from the sides of 
the base to nearly the middle; disk covered with deep and strong 
punctures, more closely at the sides than at the middle. Elytra 
rather convex, subcylindrical, regularly and deeply punctate-striate. 


Allied to M. obustata, Gyll., but the head and thorax much more 
strongly punctured, which gives a more rugose appearance to these 
parts ; the punctures of the elytra are also more closely approached 
and of a more rounded shape. As these characters are the same in 

all the specimens before me, I thought it best to separate them 

MantTurRA FULVIPES, Sp. nov. 

Black below ; the four basal joints of the antenne, and the legs 
fulvous ; above blackish-blue; thorax coarsely punctured; elytra 
strongly punctate-striate. 

Length 1 line. 

Head deeply and rather closely punctured; terminal joints of 
the antenne thickened, pitchy black; four lower joints fulvous. 
Thorax transverse, very convex, the sides strongly rounded and 
dilated; surface closely foveolate-punctate at the sides, more remotely 


punctured at the disk, the latter with a more or less distinct central 
longitudinal smooth space, the sides at the base impressed with a 
short but deep fovea. Scutellum extremely small. Elytra convex, 
subcylindrical, the punctuation strong and regularly striate, the 
interspaces not raised. Legs entirely fulvous. 


The smal] and convex shape of this species, in connection with 
the strong and close punctuation of the thorax and the entirely 
fulvous legs, will assist in separating it from its allies. The sides of 
the thorax are also much more rounded and dilated than in any 
species with which I am acquainted. 

Genus CreprpoperA, Chevr. 

Oblong, fulvous ; terminal joints of the antenne, apices of the 
femora, tibiee, and tarsi black. Thorax impunctate. LElytra 
extremely finely punctate-striate. 

Length 2—23 lines. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles broad, divided anteriorly 
only, contiguous posteriorly ; carina acutely raised; labrum and 
palpi obscure piceous. Antenne half the length of the body, the 
four lower joints fulvous, the rest black, third and fourth joints 
equal in length, one half longer than the second. Thorax not more 
than one half broader than long, the sides very slightly rounded, 
the angles distinct but not produced, the anterior ones slightly 
oblique, the basilar sulcation broad and moderately deep, but 
bounded at the sides by a deep longitudinal groove, the upper end 
of which extends slightly beyond the sulcation; surface entirely 
impunctate. Elytra slightly broader at the base than the thorax, 
very minutely and rather irregularly punctate-striate, the punctured 
rows rather distantly placed and often consisting of double punc- 
tures, the apex scarcely visibly punctured. Legs and tarsi black, 
the base of the femora fulvous. 

The exact locality of this species, which belongs to the group 
including C’. transversa, C. impressa, &c., is not given. It may be 
that OC. lewisi is identical with C. obscuritarsis, Motsch., or at all 
events closely allied, but the colour of the antenne and legs is 
different. The punctuation of the elytra is rather variable, con- 
sisting in more or less closely approached extremely fine rows of 
punctures, which here and there are united in pairs but for the most 
part single and irregularly placed. The species may be recognized 
principally by the colour of the antennz, which have the four first 
joints fulvous only, the rest being black, the latter colour being that 
also of the tibize and tarsi. 


Oblong-ovate, narrowed behind, entirely pale fulvous; thorax 
impunctate, the sides straight ; elytra finely punctate-striate. 
Length 1 line. 

722 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles rather obsolete ; antennze 
more than half the length of the body, entirely fulvous, the second 
and third joints short and equal, the following joints not much 
longer. Thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides straight, 
the anterior angles oblique, surface rather convex, the basilar groove 
deep and bounded at the sides by an equally deep longitudinal 
groove ; within the former a transverse row of punctures is placed ; 
the rest of the disk is impunctate. Scutellum very smal]. Elytra 
narrowed and pointed at their apices, finely and regularly punctate- 
striate, the punctuation nearly absent at the apices. Legs and 
underside fulvous. 


Much smaller than C. Jewis?; the sides of the thorax straight, the 
punctuation more regular, and the antenne and legs entirely fulvous. 
From C. ferruginea, Scop., the species is distinguished by the im- 
punctate thorax, the finer punctuation of the elytra, and the smaller 


Ovate, very convex, dark fulvous ; antennz and legs light fulvous; 
thorax impunctate ; elytra very finely punctate-striate, the inter- 
stices flat. 

Length 13 line. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles very obsolete, the space 
between the antennz with a rather deep groove; antenne entirely 
light fulvous, more than half the length of the body, the third joint 
one half longer than the second. Thorax transverse, the sides 
rounded at the middle, somewhat narrowed at the base; the basilar 
groove straight, deep, and bounded at the sides by a still deeper 
longitudinal groove; surface entirely impunctate, with the exception 
of a few punctures within the basilar sulcation. Elytra very convex, 
the punctuation fine and here and there irregular on account of 
some extra punctures, the strize more obsolete but yet visible to the 
apex, the latter of somewhat lighter colour than the rest of the 
surface ; the first joint of the posterior tarsi longer than the two 
following joints together. 

Oiwake. A single specimen. 

This species may be compared with C. ewoleta, Fabr., and 
CO. interpunctata, Motsch., from both of which it differs sufficiently 
to merit a specific name ; the interstices are here flat, not convex as 
in C. exoleta, in which the head and thorax are also finely punctured. 
The impunctate thorax and darker colour in general separate the 
present species from that of Motschulsky; the larger size and 
rounded sides of the thorax from C. recticollis. 


Oblong, narrowed behind, fulvous ; head and thorax impunctate; 
elytra finely and regularly punctate-striate. 

Length 1 line. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles obsolete but visible, nearly 


contiguous; antennze more than half the length of the body, 
entirely fulvous, the second and third joints short and equal, fourth 
slightly longer ; thorax not much more than one half broader than 
long, the sides narrowed at the base, rounded at the middle, the 
anterior angles oblique, the basilar sulcation deep and well limited 
laterally by a longitudinal groove, surface impunctate. Elytra 
strongly narrowed behind, the punctured strie very regular and fine, 
still less strongly marked at the apex ; the first joint of the posterior 
tarsi as long as the two following joints together. 

Nikko. A single specimen. 

Narrower, less convex, and of lighter colour than C. levicollis, 
the thorax longer and less transverse, the striz at the elytra much 
more regular and composed of single punctures only. The shape of 
this species is very pointed posteriorly, and the sides of the thorax 
are concave near the base, both characters which will assist in the 
recognition of the present insect. 


Black or piceous; thorax strongly punctured within the basilar 
groove ; elytra distinctly punctate-striate. 

Length | 2-2 lines. 

Head impunctate, deeply grooved between the eyes; frontal 
tubercles elongate, strongly raised, fulvous or piceous; palpi dark 
fulvous; antennz two thirds the length of the body, black, the apices 
of the basal joints stained with fulvous, third and fourth joints of equal 
length. Thorax subquadrate, slightly broader than long, the sides 
rounded before the middle, constricted near the base, the latter with 
a deeply impressed transverse groove, limited at the sides by a perpen- 
dicular sulcus; surface rather convex, the disk impunctate, the lateral 
margin accompanied by a deep row of punctures which extend also 
across and within the basilar groove. Elytra with distinct and regular 
rows of punctures, which are a little less deeply impressed near the 
apices, the latter being of a somewhat paler colour than the rest of 
the surface. Legs covered with yellowish pubescence. 


The rather large size and entirely black or piceous colour will 
assist in distinguishing this species. The transverse groove of the 
thorax extends nearly to the sides, is strongly punctured, and not so 
well bounded laterally by a perpendicular groove as is the case in 
most of the species in this genus. The frontal tubercles also are 
very strongly developed, and sometimes of an obscure fulvous colour. 


Fulvous; antenne, tibie, and tarsi black; thorax impunctate ; 
elytra finely subgeminate punctate-striate, fulvous, each elytron with 
an obscure fuscous spot near the apex. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head finely transversely strigose at the vertex, impunctate, the 
frontal tubercles strongly raised, elongate, and bounded behind by a 


724 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

deep transverse groove. Antenne as long as the body, black, the 
first joint somewhat angulate near the apex, the second short, third 
and fourth joints of equal length. Thorax about one half broader 
than long, the sides rounded before the middle and narrowed towards 
the apex ; basilar sulcation deep, straight, and bounded at the sides 
by a perpendicular groove; rest of the surface entirely impunctate. 
Elytra slightly wider at the base than the thorax, parallel, slightly 
narrowed towards the apex, the shoulders limited within by a 
longitudinal depression, the punctured strize fine and regular, the 
interstices with a few very minute punctures ; at the sides near the 
apex an oblong obscure fuscous spot is placed; femora fulvous ; 
tibize and tarsi black. : 

Subashiri. A single specimen. 

The punctures of the elytra are very distantly placed, and form 
about four double rows, which become more obsolete at the sides and 
the apex. 


The Japanese specimens before me do not differ in any way from 
the European form; the species has not hitherto been recorded 
from Japan. 

Genus Liprus, Motsch. 


Black, tibize and lower joints of the antenne testaceous. Thorax 
rugose-punctate. Elytra punctate-striate, the interstices obsoletely 

Length 1? line. 

Head impunetate, black, shining, the space between the eyes 
slightly depressed, the frontal tubercles very small. Antenne very 
nearly as long as the body, the six lower joints pale fulvous, the 
rest black, the second and the two following joints slightly increasing 
in length. Thorax square-shaped, with a distinct transverse groove 
parallel and at some distance from the posterior margin, surface 
finely rugose throughout. Elytra deeply depressed below the base, 
regularly and distinctly punctate-striate, the interstices when viewed 
sideways costate and sparingly covered with white pubescence. 
Legs testaceous, the femora piceous ; posterior tibize slightly curved. 

Oyana. Four specimens. 

Chapuis, in his ‘ Genera des Coléoptéres,’ has made no mention 
of the genus Liprus, which was probably unknown to him. I must 
refer here to my remarks about the genus in the ‘ Annals of the 
Genoa Museum,’ vol. ii. 1885, p. 71. The open coxal cavities 
would place Liprus near Diphaulaca and Lactica, from both of which 
it differs, however, in most other structural characters, notably in the 
perpendicular sides of the elytra, a peculiarity unknown amongst 
numerous other genera of Halticine. I am not quite certain 
whether the species described here is not the L. punctato-striatus 
of Motschulsky, from which, according to the description, it differs 


in the colour of the antennz and legs, and also in the rugosely- 
punctured thorax. The colour of the latter and that of the head 
separates the species from L. hirtus, Baly. 

LiIpRUS SUTURALIS, sp. nov. 

Pale fulvous ; thorax distinctly punctured ; elytra deeply punctate- 
striate, the interstices costate, fulvous ; the sutural margin abbreviated 
near the apex, black, the costs with yellowish rather long and stiff 

Length 1 line. 

Fukushima. A single specimen. 

Rather smaller than the smallest specimens of ZL. hirtus and L. 
nigritus, with which the present species cannot be confounded on 
account of the strongly raised elytral costee and their narrow black 
sutural margin. The antenne also are shorter, and the thorax 
seems less transverse and more elongate. It may be, however, that 
L. suturalis is only a small and differently coloured variety of L. 

Liprvs MINUTUS, sp. nov. 

Pale testaceous, finely pubescent ; thorax rugose-punctate ; elytra 
punctate-striate, the interstices costate, testaceous, a spot behind the 
middle of each elytron piceous. 

Length # line. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles obsolete. Antenne 
closely approached, testaceous, two thirds the length of the body ; 
the second joint as thick as the first, but less than half its length, 
the two following joints scarcely longer but much thinner, the rest 
gradually but slightly thickened. Thorax subquadrate, one half 
broader than long, the sides perfectly straight or a little concave 
near the base; the basilar sulcation rather obsolete and sinuate, 
extending to the sides, the surface rugose-punctate. Elytra rather 
convex, costate throughout, the interstices deeply punctate-striate, 
furnished with single erect testaceous hairs; behind the middle a 
transversely shaped or rounded piceous spot is placed. Posterior 
femora short, not extending to the apices of the elytra, their tibize 
with a spine; the first jot of the posterior tarsi as long as the two 
following joints together. 

Nagasaki or neighbourhood. 

Although the shape of this species, of which Mr. Lewis obtained 
two specimens, differs from L. hirtus in being less elongate, that of 
the thorax and its groove as well as the state of the coxal cavities 
agrees with the genus ; the costate and pubescent elytra, as well as 
the deflexed sides of the latter, are other characters which the species 
has in common with Liprus. 

I may remark here that the species of Liprus lately described by 
myself in the * Annals of the Genoa Museum’ from Sumatra, although 
agreeing in most respects with the genus, differs from the other 
species of the present genus in the shape of the thorax, which is 
that of a species of Lema. 

726 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

Genus Hatrtica, Geoff, 

Metallic blue or green, subopaque ; antenne, tibiz, and tarsi 
black; thorax and elytra scarcely visibly punctured, the latter 
with a very strongly developed costa from the shoulder to nearly the 

Q. Elytra without lateral costa. 

Length 2—23 lines. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles strongly raised; carina 
very short. Antenne nearly as long as the body, the basal joints 
generally tinged with metallic blue, the rest black, second joint 
distinctly shorter than the third, this latter shorter than the following 
joint. Thorax not more than one half broader than long, rather 
convex, the basal groove deep and slightly sinuate, not extending 
upwards at the sides, the space in front and behind the groove 
extremely finely punctured, only visible under a strong lens. Elytra 
a little more distinctly punctured, the sutural margin slightly raised 
immediately below the base to a short extent ; the lateral costa 
yery strongly raised, commencing from the shoulder, but abbreviated 
at a little distance from the apex, the latter slightly hollowed out, 

Sapporo, on sallow. 

This species bears a great resemblance to H. californica, Mannerh., 
but is distinguished by the elytral costa not curving round to the 
suture, and the rather opaque or but little shinimg and very finely 
punctured elytra. The female does not differ in any way but by 
the absence of the costa. The latter in the male is more strongly 
developed than in any other species with which I am acquainted, 


Piceous ; basal joints of the antenne and the legs more or less 
fulvous; thorax distinctly, elytra more closely and strongly pune- 

Length 13 line. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles elongate, bounded behind 
by a transverse groove ; carina very short and indistinet ; labrum 
obscure flavous. Antenne rather robust, thickened at the terminal 
joints, the third and fourth joints not longer, but thinner than the 
second, the five terminal joints fuscous, the others flavous. Thorax 
transversely subquadrate, the sides very nearly straight, the surface 
impressed near the base with a shallow transverse groove which 
extends to the sides, the disk distinctly but not very closely pune- 
tured. Elytra a little widened towards the apices, much more 
strongly and closely punctured than the thorax, the interstices here 
and there slightly wrinkled. Legs either entirely fulvous or stained 
with piceous. 


This species is a little larger than H. picipes, Baly, also from 
Japan, and may be at once separated by the distinctly punctured 
thorax and elytra, which in the other species are scarcely visibly 


punctate ; the piceous or nearly black colour of the upper surface 
will help to distinguish the species from the many blue-coloured 
allied forms. 

HALTICA LEWIS], sp. nov. 

Entirely fulvous or testaceous; thorax transversely subquadrate, 
closely punctured ; elytra closely subrugose-punctate. 

Length 13 line. 

Head impunctate, shining, the frontal tubercles distinctly raised 
out short. Antennze half the length of the body, rather robust, 
entirely fulvous, the second joint thickened, scarcely shorter than the 
third, this and the following joints of nearly equal length. Thorax 
twice as broad as long, subquadrate, the sides straight, the anterior 
angles acute but not produced, the base with an obsolete transverse 
sinuate groove which has a deeper depression or fovea at the middle 
of the basal margin ; surface not very closely but distinctly punctured, 
the punctures more deeply impressed within the basilar groove. 
Elytra closely and much more strongly punctured than the thorax, the 
interstices slightly rugose ; first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as 
the two following together. 

Kashiwagi, Chiuzenji. 

The four specimens before me do not differ in any way ; in all, the 
groove of the thorax is plainly visible, although not strongly defined 
in outline. 

Genus Loneirarsus, Latr. 

Fulvous, shining ; head finely transversely rugose ; thorax trans- 
verse, distinctly punctured ; elytra not more strongly punctured, 
narrowed behind ; antenne as long as the body. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head with a few deep punctures and a fovea near the inner 
margin of the eyes; the frontal tubercles not raised, but limited 
behind by an oblique groove; carina broad, not strongly raised. 
Antennze as long as the body, entirely fulvous, the apex of the 
terminal joint fuscous, the third about one half longer than the 
second jomt. Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, the 
sides rather strongly deflexed, lateral margin a little rounded at the 
middle and slightly converging outwards, the anterior angles broadly 
oblique, forming a tooth at alittle distance before the middle, surface 
rather convex, closely and finely punctured. Elytra widened towards 
the middle, strongly narrowed at the apex, the shoulders rounded ; 
the disk not more strongly but a little more distantly punctured. 
Metatarsus of the posterior legs one half the length of the tibiz. 


L. nitidus resembles in size our L. verbasci, but is of a narrower, 
posteriorly more pointed shape, and the punctuation of the thorax is 
more distinct, and that of the elytra more remotely placed; the third 
joint of the antennze is also proportionately longer than in the Euro- 
pean species. 

728 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 


Ovate, convex, black; legs (the apices of the posterior femora 
excepted) pale fulvous ; thorax very finely punctured ; elytra black, 
the apices fulvous, distinctly semipunctate-striate. 

Length 1 line. 

Head impunctate; eyes large; the frontal tubercles entirely 
absent. Antenne nearly as long as the body, black, the three or 
four basal joints fulvous, third and fourth joints equal in length, 
slightly longer than the second. Thorax transversely subquadrate, 
the sides nearly straight, not converging, the anterior angles 
obliquely thickened ; surface very minutely and not very closely 
punctured, the interspaces extremely finely granulate when seen 
under a strong lens. Elytra narrowed at the apices, slightly widened 
at the middle in the female, their surface much more strongly 
punctured than that of the thorax, and arranged in close and rather 
regular rows, black, the apex more or less broadly fulvous. Meta- 
tarsus of the posterior tibie half their length, the apex of the 
posterior femora more or less piceous, the rest and the other legs 


Smaller and less robust than the European JZ. apicalis, the 
antennz shorter and not so thick, the thorax more finely punctured 
and less transverse, and the punctuation of the elytra more regularly 


Ovate, narrow behind, pale testaceous ; antenne, their basal joints 
excepted, the sutural margin of the elytra, and the posterior femora 
piceous ; thorax extremely fineiy, elytra more distinctly punctured. 

Length 13-1 # line. 

Head extremely finely transversely wrinkled when seen under a 
strong lens, with a rather deep impression near the inner margin of 
the eyes; the frontal tubercles indistinct ; carina strongly raised. 
Antenne nearly as long as the body, piceous or black, the three or 
four basal joints obscure testaceous, third joint longer than the 
second, but distinctly shorter than the fourth. Thorax transverse, 
rather more than twice as broad as long, the sides straight, not 
converging, the anterior angles oblique, surface very finely punctured 
when seen under a strong lens, rather convex. Llvtra widened 
towards the middle, narrowed at the apex, closely and a little more 
distinctly punctured than the thorax, the interstices not wrinkled, 
the suture narrowly piceous through its entire length, but this 
colour slightly widened below the middle; posterior femora and 
the last joints of the tarsi piceous. 


Nine specimens of this species were obtained: it is no doubt 
allied to several European forms and to one or two others de- 
scribed by Motschulsky, the descriptions given by this author 
being too superficial to identify with certainty his species. L. 
orientalis may be known by its comparative large size, the trans- 


versely wrinkled or finely rugose head, in connection with the black 
suture of the elytra, which in shape agrees with L. atricilla, Gyll., 
but this species is smaller and has a blackish head. 


Obscure dark fulvous ; antenne as long as the body; thorax 
subquadrate, impunctate ; elytra finely semipunctate-striate. 

Length 3 line. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles very narrow and trans- 
verse. Antennee flavous, the second and third joints short and 
equal. Thorax very nearly square-shaped, the sides straight, the 
anterior angles scarcely oblique, surface entirely impunctate. Elytra 
nearly parallel, but little narrowed behind, finely and rather regularly 
punctured. Legs flavous, the posterior femora darker, the meta- 
tarsus rather longer than half the tibize. 


Amongst the small species of the present genus L. quadraticollis 
is somewhat closely allied to J. pusid/us, but may be distinguished 
by the square-shaped and impunctate thorax. The elytra are larger 
at the base than the latter, and their shoulders are slightly 

LoneiTarsus tycor!, Foudr. 

The only difference I am able to find in the Japanese specimens 
from those of Europe is the slightly larger size of the former ; all 
other characters agree so closely that I see no reason to consider 
the two specimens obtained at Japan (Tisac ?) as specifically distinct. 


A single specimen resembling this species extremely closely was 
obtained ; the elytra are rather more strongly punctured than in the 
European form. 

Genus AputuHona, Chevr. 

Breast and abdomen piceous or black; head and thorax pale 
fulvous, nearly impunctate ; elytra testaceous, very finely semiregu- 
larly punctate; legs testaceous, apices of the posterior femora 

Length 2 line. 

Head impunctate, dark fulvous, the frontal tubercles in shape of 
narrow transverse ridges. Antennze rather short, flavous or testa- 
ceous, the four or five terminal joints fuscous. Thorax transverse, 
of equal width, twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight, 
surface scarcely or microscopically finely punctured. Scutellum 
piceous. Elytra slightly narrowed behind, finely but distinctly 
punctured, the punctuation arranged in close, rather regular lines 
which almost entirely disappear at the apex; the first joint of the 
posterior tarsi as long as the two following joints together. 

730 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 


This small species bears a great resemblance to several European 
forms, notably A. flaviceps and A. lutescens, from which several 
finely expressed, but constant differences seem to separate it. The 
head and thorax is always darker than in the named allied species, 
the punctuation of the thorax is scarcely visible, its sides straighter, 
the punctuation of the elytra is more distinct and absent near the 
apex ; the reverse is the case in A. flaviceps, which is also of a 
much paler colour. Typical specimens of A. flaviceps and A. 
lutescens named by Allard are before me, but I cannot identify the 
present insect with either of them. 


Below black, above dark metallic green; antenne, the anterior 
legs and posterior tibiee pale fulvous ; thorax scarcely visibly, elytra 
more strongly punctured. 

Length | line. 

Head impunctate ; the frontal tubercles quite obsolete. Antenne 
nearly as long as the body, entirely fulvous or flavous, the second 
and third joints equal. Thorax about one half broader than long, 
subquadrate, the sides very slightly rounded near the apex, surface 
extremely finely punctured when seen under a strong lens. Elytra 
convex, nearly parallel in the male, more widened behind im the 
female, the shoulders distinct but not prominent; surface closely and 
much more distinctly punctured than the thorax ; posterior femora 
piceous, the others and the legs fulvous or flavous. 

Distinguished from other European species of similar colour of 
the elytra by the fulvous antenne and fine punctuation of the 
thorax, from 4. atratula by the much greater length of the former, 
and by the same character from 4. pygmea, Baly. The present 
insect seems also closely allied to .A. dacertosa, Rosenh., but differs 
again in the entirely fulvous antennee and the almost impunctate 


The five specimens obtained at Nikko and Kurigahara I must 
refer to the above species, although they differ in the entirely 
fulvous colour of the elytra, which in some specimens, however, have 
the suture narrowly black (in the type the elytra are entirely of 
that colour); there are no structural differences whatever to be 
found in the variety, and I have no doubt about their identity with 
Mr. Baly’s species. 


Mr. Baly described this species from a single specimen, which I 
have now before me. ‘The description gives the colour of the insect 
as black, but I find the upper side of a decided greenish tint. The 
elytra are more distinctly punctured than the thorax, and the 
punctuation is arranged in very close semiregular lines. The speci- 
mens obtained this time by Mr. Lewis at Nikko, Kobe, and 


Nagasaki I cannot well separate from A. pygmea, although their 
shape is a little more slender and elongate, and the punctuation of 
the elytra rather more regularly arranged ; other differences I cannot 
find. Numerous specimens were obtained this time, which are all 
of a metallic dark greenish colour like the type; the thorax has an 
obsolete depression at the sides more or less distinctly visible, and its 
punctuation seems also to be rather variable. 

Genus Puytiorreta, Foudr. 

Black ; antennz and legs flavous; posterior femora sometimes 
darker ; thorax and elytra closely and distinctly punctured. 

Length 1-13 line. 

Head with a few fine punctures at the vertex; the frontal 
tubercles distinctly raised, transversely oblique, bounded behind by 
a deep groove. Carina very short and broad; labrum more or less 
testaceous. Antenne more than half the length of the body, 
entirely flavous, the third joint one half longer than the second, but 
shorter than the fourth. ‘Thorax one half broader than long, the 
sides distinctly rounded as well as the posterior margin, the anterior 
one straight, the angles not produced ; surface closely and distinctly 
punctured in some specimens, in others to a less extent. Elytra 
very moderately convex, punctured like the thorax, but the punc- 
tuation arranged in very close longitudinal rows; the pygidium 
slightly protruding beyond the apices of the elytra. Legs entirely 
flavous, the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the two 
following together. 

Kobe, Kumamoto, Yuyama. 

Smaller than P. funesta, Baly, and distinguished by the flavous 
legs and antenne and the stronger punctuation. The posterior 
femora are but slightly thickened and much less than is usual in 
this genus, although sufficiently distinct for the recoguition of the 
species as belonging to the present famiiy. In some specimens the 
frontal tubercles are more or less flavous. The general colour of 
the upper surface of the insect is black and shining; the elytral 

epipleurze are rather broad and continued below the middle. 

Genus CuzrocneMa, Steph. 

Ovate, obscure eeneous, base of the antenne and the tibic 
flavous; head finely granulate; thorax closely punctured; elytra 

strongly punctate-striate, the interstices impunctate, costate at the 

Length 1 line. 

Head very finely granulate, impunctate or with a few punctures 
between the eyes; no frontal tubercles; carina broad and short. 
Antenne about half the length of the body, the first four joints 
fulvous, terminal joints and the upper side of the first fuscous or 
black. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, the sides straight, 

732 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [ Nov. 3, 

surface closely and finely punctured, the interstices somewhat 
wrinkled. Elytra strongly and regularly punctate-striate, the 
interstices impunctate and slightly convex, costate at the sides and 
apex. Legs fulvous, the tibie with a darker more or less distinct 
mark, the posterior femora dark neous. 


C. chalceola is evidently closely allied to C. granulifrons, Baly, 
of which I have the type for comparison, but in that species the 
thorax is more finely punctured as well as the elytra; the antenne 
are nearly entirely fulvous as well as the tibix, and the shape of 
the insect is rather narrower and less robust. It may be, however, 
that the present insect is but a local form of Baly’s species. 


Ovate, convex, neous; antenne and legs fulvous ; head rugose- 
punctate; thorax closely and strongly punctured ; elytra deeply 
punctate-striate, the interstices minutely punctured. 

Length 1 line. 

Head extremely finely granulate, strongly and very closely 
punctured throughout, the punctures sometimes confluent. Antenne 
not extending further than the base of the elytra, fulvous, the apices 
of all the terminal joints stained with fuscous ; the second, third, and 
fourth joints of nearly equal length. Thorax transverse, slightly 
widened at the middle, the sides slightly rounded ; surface closely 
covered with round punctures, which are more strongly impressed at 
the sides than at the disk, the latter with a more or less distinct 
central, smooth, longitudinal space. Elytra a little widened towards 
the middle, very strongly and regularly punctate-striate ; the inter- 
stices minutely punctured when seen under a strong lens, costate at 
the sides. Legs pale fulvous, the posterior femora stained with 
greenish ceneous. 

Hakodate, the sandhills, Fukushima, Niigata. ; 

Closely allied to C. ingenua, Baly, from China, but more robust 
and of larger size, the head more strongly and closely punctured, 
and the elytral interstices minutely punctate; in C. ingenua the 
latter are impunctate. 


Dark zeneous; antenne, anterior legs, and posterior tibize fulvous ; 
head and thorax closely punctured ; elytra deeply punctate-striate, 
the interstices sparingly punctured. 

Length 13 line. 

Head closely rugose-punctate, the frontal tubercles and the carina 
entirely absent, lower part of face covered with some yellowish 
pubescence ; palpi fulvous ; antennz of the same colour, scarcely 
half the length of the body, the second joint as thick as, but one half 
shorter than, the first, the following three as long as, but much thinner 
than, the second joint, the terminal five short and of equal length. 
Thorax nearly three times as broad as long, the sides very slightly 
rounded, surface finely but very closely punctured, the punctures 


at the sides nearly confluent. Elytra convex, narrowed at the apices, 
deeply and regularly punctured, the interstices slightly costate at the 
sides and sparingly impressed with fine punctures ; posterior femora 
zeneous, the tibize and the other legs fulvous. 

Hakodate. A single specimen. 

The comparatively large size of this insect, the rugosely punctured 
head without any raised tubercles, and the fulvous legs and antenne 
separate it from its many congeners. 


Below blackish zeneous ; antennze black, the basal joint fulvous ; 
head cupreous, granulose-punctate ; thorax and elytra violaceous 
blue, the former strongly punctured, the latter deeply punctate- 

Var. Head and thorax eeneous, elytra light blue. 

Length 13 line. 

Head obscure cupreous, finely granulose and very closely punc- 
tured ; no frontal tubercles. Antenne half the length of the body, 
the two lower joints fulvous, the rest black, third and fourth joints 
equal. Thorax twice as broad as long, widened at the middle, the 
sides straight, surface as closely but more strongly punctured than 
the head, the punctures semiconfluent at the sides. Elytra widened 
towards the middle, narrowed at the apices, very strongly and regularly 
punctate-striate, the interstices slightly convex at the sides ; femora 
greenish eeneous; tibiee fulvous, the anterior ones stained with 
greenish eeneous. 

Oguma. Three specimens. 

The colour of the head and that of the thorax and elytra separates 
this species from any of its congeners. In the variety, which is of 
smaller size, the entire thorax is of the same metallic neous colour 
as the head, and the elytra are bright blue, but structural differences 
I am not able to see. 

Genus Hypuasis, Harold. 

HyYPuaAsIs INCONSTANS, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 1.) 

Fulvous or piceous ; the seven last joints of the antennz black ; 
thorax finely and remotely, elytra more distinctly and very closely 

Length 2-1 line. 

Head with fine longitudinal striz at the vertex when seen under 
a strong lens, obsoletely depressed between the eyes; frontal 
tubercles strongly raised, rather elongate; penultimate joint of the 
palpi thickened, the terminal one acute. Antenne about half the 
length of the body, the four or five lower joints fulvous, the rest 
black, second joint much thicker than the third, but not longer. 
Thorax transverse, widened at the middle, the sides straight, oblique 
at the anterior angles, the disk covered with fine but not closely 
arranged punctures. Elytra with a narrow lateral margin, very 
closely punctured, the space near the suture slightly wrinkled, 
piceous or fulvous ; the thorax of a more reddish fulvous. Metatarsus 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XLVIII. 48 

734 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

of the posterior tibiee as long as the two following joints together, 
claw-joint distinctly swollen. 

Yuyama, Hitoyoshi. 

‘There are three specimens of an entirely fulvous colour, and three 
in which the thorax only is of this shade. The species is closely 
allied to H. beavani, Baly, from India; but in the latter the elytra 
are of a metallic blue or green colour, and the head shows no traces 
of strigz. 

Genus ArGopus, Fisher. 

Black ; lower part of head fulvous; thorax narrowed in front, 
closely punctured ; elytra irregularly and closely punctate. 
' Length 2 lines. 

Head impunctate at the vertex; frontal tubercles divided and 
bounded behind by a moderately deep transverse groove; lower part 
of face rugosely punctured, fulvous. Antenne more than half the 
length of the body, black, the apices of the first three joints fulvous, 
second and third joints equal, one half shorter than the fourth. 
Thorax narrowed in front, the sides but little rounded, surface 
rather closely and irregularly punctured, the basal margin impressed 
at each side with a row of deeper punctures. Scutellum fulvous. 
Elytra not more strongly punctured than the thorax, the punctuation 
irregular and only here and there arranged in strie, the punctuation 
absent at the anterior portion near the lateral margin, the latter 
impressed with a deep row of punctures. Underside and legs black, 
the anterior coxe and the apex of the abdomen fulvous. 


I am somewhat doubtful whether the single specimen before me 
represents really a new or a variety of one or other species of 
Argopus, perhaps A. nigritarsis. The thorax of that species is, 
however, more transverse and less narrowed in front, and the 
general shape of the insect more rounded ; the black colour of the 
present species is unique amongst its allies. 


Ovate, convex, pale fulvous; antenne (the three basal joints 
excepted) and legs black; thorax very finely punctured; elytra 
strongly subgeminate punctate-striate. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles flattened and broad. 
Antenne half the length of the body, black; the three basal joints 
fulvous, second and third joints short and equal. Thorax at least 
three times as broad as long, the sides rather rounded, the anterior 
angles oblique; surface rather closely covered with fine and larger 
punctures, a row of the latter accompanying the posterior margin. 
Elytra strongly punctate-striate, the punctures arranged in irregular 
and rather remotely placed double lines, the space near the lateral 
margins impunctate. Underside fulvous. Legs black. 



I must separate this species, of which only a single specimen is 
before me, from all others described, on account of the strong and 
distantly placed double lines of punctures at the elytra, in connection 
with the black legs and antennee. 

Genus SPHZRODERMA, Stephens. 
SPHZRODERMA Fuscicornis, Baly. 

Var. a. Antenne entirely fulvous. 

Var. 6. Elytra black, antenne either fulvous or the terminal joints 
fuscous ; underside and the posterior or ail femora black. 

In comparing the var. 6 with Mr. Baly’s type, I can come to no 
other conclusion than to consider the species a very variable one 
as regards colour and also size. Many specimens of the normal 
colouring were obtained by Mr. Lewis during his first journey to 
Japan, and are again contained in the present collection taken in 
company with those in which the elytra are black. In other 
respects I can find no differences, and although the possibility is not 
excluded that the two forms are not identical, I prefer at present to 
consider them as such. In all, the thorax and the elytra are finely 
and closely punctured, that of the elytra very irregularly arranged in 
rows. There is a single specimen before me in which the elytra 
have a distinct fulvous tint as well as a darker one, thus proving that 
either one or the other colour may predominate. 

Obtained at Kashiwagi, Tsumago, Fukushima. 


Piceous or black below ; head, basal joints of the antenue, thorax, 
and legs, the posterior femora excepted, fulvous; elytra black, 
finely geminate punctate-striate. 

Var. Antenne entirely fulvous. 

Length 1 line. 

It will only be necessary to point out the differences between this 
species and those closely allied and described by Mr. Baly, of which 
S. apicalis seems to be the nearest allied. In this species, however, 
the posterior margin of the thorax is always partly black, and the 
apices of the elytra fulvous, but the more important difference is to be 
found in the less transverse and more strongly punctured thorax of 
S. balyi, and in the different punctuation of the elytra, in which 
the punctured rows are wider apart and arranged near the suture 
in irregular double lines; near the sides the rows of punctures are 
single and much more distantly placed than in S. apicalis. There 
are two specimens before me, in one of which the antennze, which do 
not differ from those in the allied species, are fulvous, this colour 
being restricted in the other specimen to the four first joints. 


Black ; four basal joints of the antennee and the tibie fulvous ; 
thorax finely and closely punctured; elytra more strongly semi- 
regularly punctate-striate. 

Length 1-13 line. 


736 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

Vertex impunctate, the frontal tubercles narrowly and transversely 
shaped. Labrum and palpi fulvous. Antennze two thirds the length 
of the body, the third and fourth joints equal and smaller and 
thinner than the second, the four or sometimes the five basal joints 
and the apex of the terminal one fulvous, the others black. Thorax 
twice as broad as long, the posterior margin distinctly sinuate at 
each side near the middle; surface closely and finely punctured, 
leaving a narrow middle line smooth; anterior angles narrowly 
fulvous. Elytra strongly convex, narrowed near the apices, the 
shoulders not prominent, the punctuation more distinct than that of 
the thorax, and arranged in close and rather irregular rows, a 
broader space in front of the lateral margin impunctate. Posterior 
femora black, the others and the tibie and tarsi fulvous, the third 
joint of the latter much broader than the second. 

Oyama, Kiga, Nikko. 

Separated from S. japana, Baly, and 8S. separata by the entirely 
black, not blue, colour of the upper side, by the fulvous angles of the 
thorax, and the more closely and finely punctured elytra, as well as 
by the colour of the labrum and palpi. 


Ovate ; black, apices of the elytra and the abdomen flavous ; 
thorax very finely punctured; elytra regularly and distinctly 

Var. The sides of the elytra fulvous. 

Length 13-1 line. 

Head entirely impunctate, the frontal tubercles very obsolete. 
Antenne stout, more than half the length of the body, the first 
three joints fulvous, the basal ones stained with black above, the 
rest entirely of that colour, the second and third joints equal in length. 
Thorax transverse, the sides rounded and narrowly margined, the 
anterior angles thickened and oblique, the posterior margin strongly 
sinuate near the scutellum; surface covered with very small and 
some larger punctures, the latter not very closely and irregularly 
placed. Elytra wider at the base than the thorax, the shoulders 
prominent and impuncetate, the disk rather strongly punctate-striate, 
the strize near the suture more closely placed and more irregular 
than the others ; the apices of the elytra flavous, this colour narrowed 
and extending upwards a little at the lateral margin. Legs black. 
Abdomen flavous. 

Yuyama, Kashiwagi. 


Entirely fulvous ; head impunctate ; thorax scarcely visibly, elytra 
distinctly and remotely punctured. 

Length 13 line. 

Head impunctate, the frontal tubercles transverse, the carina 
flattened and short. Antenne more than half the length of the 
body, fulvous, the second and third joints short and of equal length, 
the following gradually thickened, Thorax transverse, widened at 


the middle, the sides very slightly rounded, posterior margin sinuate 
at each side, its median lobe broadly rounded, surface extremely 
finely punctured, only visible under a very strong lens; a row of 
punctures is also placed along the posterior margin. Elytra convex, 
rather strongly punctured, the punctuation arranged in rather distant 
rows, which at the disk approach in pairs; between the last row 
and the lateral margin is a broad impunctate space ; prosternum 
narrowly elongate; posterior thighs with an obsolete longitudinal 

Nikko. A single specimen. 

Closely allied to S. fuscicornis, Baly, but separated by the entirely 
fulvous antennee, the much more finely punctured thorax, and the 
much stronger and more distant punctuation of the elytra. 


Oblong-ovate; fulvous, apical joints of the antenne and the 
tibiz piceous ; thorax black, margined with fulvous, finely punc- 
tured ; elytra regularly punctate-striate. 

Length 13 line. 

Head impunctate, obscure dark fulvous; the frontal tubercles 
obsolete but limited laterally by a distinct groove; labrum piceous, 
margined with testaceous, the maxillary palpi entirely of the latter 
colour. Antennze half the length of the body, the first four joints 
fulvous, the rest black, third and fourth joints short and equal, the 
second rather longer and thickened. Thorax widened at the middle, 
the lateral margin slightly rounded, the sides narrowly margined, 
the anterior angles oblique, the posterior margin distinctly sinuate 
at each side near the scutellum ; surface extremely finely but not very 
closely punctured, black, the sides and the anterior margin narrowly 
fulvous. Elytra slightly wider than the thorax, the shoulders some- 
what thickened and prominent, finely, regularly, and rather remotely 
punctate-striate, fulvous, the punctures surrounded by a small 
piceous ring. ‘The posterior femora and the apices of all the tibie 
piceous, the rest and the underside fulvous, the sides of the breast 
also more or less piceous. 

Yuyama, Konosé (2 specimens). 

The colour of the thorax, in connection with the regularly punctate- 
striate elytra, separates this species principally from its allies. 


In comparing the three specimens obtained by Mr. Lewis at 
Jensai with the type of S. japana, I have no doubt as to their 
identity with this species, although the colour is different, proving 
the species, which was described from a single specimen, to be 
variable in this respect. The specimens before me from Jensai are 
fulvous, with the exception of the elytra, which are piceous, the 
sutural and lateral margin remaining only narrowly fulvous; the 
legs and antenne are entirely of this colour. In shape, sculpture, 
and every other character there is no difference to be found. 

738 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

Genus Arcoristes, Motsch. 

Rotundate, convex, entirely black above; basal joints of the 
antennze, the knees and the tarsi fulvous ; thorax closely punctured ; 
elytra punctate-striate, the interstices finely punctured, 

Length 1 line. 

Head with a few punctures near the inner margin of the eyes. 
Antennee half the length of the body, the third joint very small, 
the first three fulvous below, the others black, apex of the terminal 
joint also fulvous. Thorax transverse, widened at the middle, the 
basal margin sinuate at each side, the sides straight, surface very 
finely and closely punctured. Elytra wider than the thorax, slightly 
narrowed towards the apices, the latter rounded ; surface punctate- 
striate, the striz rather distantly placed, and the punctures larger 
and more distinct than those between the rows, which are closely 
placed ; tarsi flavous. : 


This species cannot be considered a variety of A. biplagiatus, 
Motsch., on account of the quite different elytral punctuation, which 
is arranged in distant rows with the interstices more finely punctured. 
Motschulsky has described or mentioned a species (4. flavitarsis) 
which seems very closely allied to the present insect in colour; but 
as Motschulsky describes the antenne as testaceous and the legs as 
brownish, and says nothing at all about the punctuation of the upper 
surface, it is impossible to come to a definite conclusion as to the 
possible identity of this species and A. unicolor. 

The author of the genus Argopistes has made no mention as to 
the state of the coxal cavities nor the shape of the prosternum and 
other parts so essential in the classification of the Halticide. In 
A. biplagiatus the prosternum is of an elongate and at the same 
time rather broad shape, longitudinally channelled and leaving the 
coxal cavities open. ‘The mesosternum, as in Argopus, is extremely 
short and scarcely visible ; the first abdominal segment is furnished 
with a longitudinal ridge at each side. The posterior femora are 
very strongly developed, almost subhemispherical, their tibiz short, 
robust, and distinctly widened near the apex, the latter produced in 
an acute point and furnished at the sides with a distinct spine; the 
first joint of the posterior tarsi is as long as or longer than half the 


Piceous below; antennee, tibiz, and tarsi testaceous; above 
fulvous, closely punctured ; elytra with four spots before, five behind 
-the middle, and two small spots at the apices, placed transversely, 
- black. 
Length 14 line. 
Head with a few punctures and a deep transverse groove between 
the eyes; clypeus in shape of a triangular strongly raised ridge, 
Autennze half the length of the body, third and fourth joints equal, 


the rest gradually increasing in size, fulvous. Thorax narrow, 
transverse, the posterior margin strongly rounded, the sides straight, 
slightly thickened in front of the margin, the surface very closely 
and finely punctured. Elytra rounded, punctured like the thorax, 
the inner margin of their epipleuree placed far inwards ; each elytron 
with a small black spot at the shoulder, another near the scutellum, 
three others, of which the third is sutural and common to both 
elytron, placed behind the anterior ones near the middle, and a small 
spot at the apex ; the apices of the femora, tibiz, and tarsi fulvous, the 
rest of the underside piceous. Prosternum elongate, rather broad; 
coxal cavities open. 


In one of the specimens the elytral spots are very obscure and of 
a dark fulvous colour, but their position is the same as in the other. 

Genus Psyiuiopes, Latr. 

Piceous below; antennz and tibize fulvous ; above dark blue; 
head and thorax closely punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, 
the interstices finely punctured and slightly rugose. 

Length | line. 

Head distinctly punctured (when seen under a strong lens). 
Antenne entirely fulvous, the second and third joints of equal length. 
Thorax rather convex, about twice as broad ‘as long, the surface 
closely and more strongly punctured than the head, with an indi- 
stinct central raised line. Elytra rather broad and convex, and 
strongly punctate-striate, the interstices finely punctured, and 
slightly rugose at the sides. Legs piceous; the knees, tarsi, and 
the posterior tibize fulvous. 

Hakodate. A single specimen. 

From the other three known Japanese species the present one is 
separated by its shorter, broader, and more convex shape, especially 
in regard to the thorax, the punctuation of which is much stronger 
than in the allied species ; further, by the entirely fulvous antennee 
in connection with the slightly wrinkled interstices of the elytra, 
which is principally to be seen at the sides when the insect is held 
in a certain light. In P. angusticéllis, Baly, the elytral punctuation 
is much finer. 


Piceous ; above dark blue; antenne black, the two basal joints 
testaceous ; thorax extremely finely punctured ; elytra very deeply 
punctate-striate, the interstices costate at the sides, finely punctured 
and wrinkled. 

Length 1 line. 

Otsu. A single specimen. 

The head in this species is impunctate; the antenne, with the 
exception of the two first joints, entirely black; the thorax is 

740 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

scarcely visibly punctured and granulate. The elytra are very 
deeply punctate-striate, and the strie are more closely placed than 
in the other Japanese species ; the interstices are convex at the sides, 
and obsoletely transversely wrinkled ; the legs are entirely piceous. 
P. difficilis, Baly, which has also convex elytral interstices, is much 
larger, and of a bright metallic blue, the thorax is distinctly punc- 
tured, and the elytral strie are more finely impressed and more 
distantly placed. 


Oblong, black below ; antennze, the anterior legs, and the posterior 
tibize flavous; above dark metallic green; vertex impunctate ; 
thorax closely punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate, the inter- 
stices finely punctured. 

Length 1 line. 

Head extremely finely granulate, impunctate, with a narrow but 
deep oblique groove at each side above the antennze, the space 
between the latter broad and slightly raised. Antenne entirely 
flavous, the second joint slightly longer than the third. Thorax 
twice as broad as long, the sides nearly straight, surface extremely 
finely granulate, closely and finely punctured. Elytra narrowed at 
the apices, strongly and regularly punctate-striate, the interstices 
with a single row of fine punctures, somewhat raised near the apex. 


Rather smaller than P. angusticollis, Baly ; the head and thorax 
differently punctured and granulate, and the elytra more strongly 
punctate-striate, with the interstices not impunctate as in that species, 
but with a single row of punctures; another different structural 
character is the oblique groove at each side above the antennz. 

Genus ENNEAMERA, Har. 


Black ; antennze fuscous ; elytra dark greenish blue, closely punc- 
tured; four anterior legs, base of the posterior femora, abdomen, 
and the tibiee and tarsi fulvous or testaceous. 

Length 13-14 line. 

Head with a few very fine punctures, the frontal tubercles limited 
behind by a deep transverse groove. Labrum piceous. Antenne 
obscure fuscous or fulvous, the third joint distinctly longer than the 
second. Thorax more than twice as broad as long, black, extremely 
finely punctured, the anterior angles obscure fulvous. Scutellum 
black. Elytra convex, scarcely widened below the middle, their 
surface very finely and closely punctured. 

Jensai, Fukushima, Nikko, Nara. 

Easily distinguished from FE. cyanea, Baly, and EL. fulviventris, 
Baly, by the black, not blue, thorax, and the colour of the anterior 
legs and all the tibiee, as well as by the obscure fulvous antenne. 
Nine specimens were obtained. 


Genus Manostia, Jacoby. 

ManoBiA LEWISI, sp. nov. 

Subquadrate-ovate, piceous; above fulvous; thorax finely and 
remotely punctured ; elytra regularly and strongly punctate-striate, 
the base swollen. 

Length ? line. 

Head impuncetate, obliquely grooved above the insertion of the 
antennze ; the latter more than half the length of the body, fulvous ; 
the second joint as thick as the first, but one half shorter, the two 
following of the same length, but much thinner, the four or five ter- 
minal joints thickened. Thorax scarcely twice as broad as long, the 
sides straight and converging from the base to the apex, the anterior 
angles slightly oblique and not produced ; surface impressed with 
fine and remotely-placed punctures, transversely grooved near the 
base, the groove slightly sinuate and extending to thesides. Elytra 
subquadrate, the base distinctly raised, the punctured striz very 
distinct and extending to the apex, the interstices near the lateral 
margin slightly costate. Legs entirely fulvous, the first joint of the 
posterior tarsi as long as the two following together ; claws appendi- 
culate ; anterior coxal cavities open. 


This genus was established by myself on some small-sized Halti- 
cine from the Malayan Archipelago, and described in the ‘ Annals 
of the Genoa Museum.’ The present species is smaller than any of 
its allies, and differs in the general coloration as well as in the 
punctuation of the elytra, which is more distant in regard to the 

Genus ApHtHonorpgs, Jacoby. 


The species upon which I was obliged to establish this genus has 
been recently described by myself in the ‘Annals of the Genoa 
Museum ;’ the specimens which served for the description were 
obtained at Java by Signor O. Beccari. The differences between 
these and the specimens collected by Mr. Lewis at Jchiuchi and 
Nagasaki are so slight that I prefer to look upon them as variation 
rather than specific. These differences consist in the lighter- 
coloured antennz and legs in the Japanese insects, and in the rather 
more transversely shaped thorax ; other marks of distinction I am 
not able to see, and it is very probable that I am right in considering 
the two forms as specifically identical, the more so as there are 
several instances of similar identity of species in other families 
amongst the Coleoptera of Japan and the Malayan islands. 

The present genus, which has quite the appearance of a small species 
of Aphthona, is at once distinguished by the long and acute spine 
attached to the posterior femora, which is longer than the corre- 
sponding tibia, by the regularly punctate-striate elytra, and the 
broader prosternum. 

742 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

Genus PHytuosrortica, Redt. 

PHYLLOBROTICA NIGRITA, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 3.) 

Black ; abdomen testaceous ; thorax impunctate ; elytra with two 
longitudinal costee, very finely punctured, shining. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head impunctate, deeply grooved between the antenne, the 
frontal tubercles strongly raised as well as the carina, the latter 
joined to the clypeus. Palpi robust, the penultimate joint strongly 
incrassate. Antenne half the length of the body, the third joint 
longer than the second, but shorter than the fourth. Thorax sub- 
quadrate, broader than long, the sides straight at the base, and 
narrowed, converging to the apex ; surface with two deep depressions, 
black, shining, impunctate. Elytra broader than the thorax, the 
shoulders prominent and bounded within by a rather deep longitu- 
dinal depression, the base distinctly raised, the disk very minutely 
punctured ; a narrow longitudinal ridge, abbreviated near the apex, is 
situated at the middle of the disk ; another extends from the shoulder 
nearly to the apex. Underside and legs black, the latter slender ; 
tibiee unarmed, the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the two 
following joints united ; claws appendiculate. Abdomen testaceous ; 

anterior coxal cavities open ; elytral epipleuree extremely narrow. 

Genus Lurerus, Geoffr. 

LUPERUS HIRSUTUS, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 4.) 

Entirely black, covered with very fine yellowish pubescence ; 
antennee longer than the body in the male; thorax finely rugose ; 
elytra minutely punctured. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head very finely rugose-punctate, the frontal tubercles rather di- 
stinetly raised. Antenne about one half longer than the body in the 
male, shorter in the female, black ; the underside of the first three 
joiuts sometimes testaceous, fourth joint slightly longer than the 
third. Thorax subquadrate, one half broader than long, the anterior 
angles slightly thickened and produced in a short shining black 
tooth; the surface rather depressed, finely rugose-punctate and 
covered with very short pubescence. Elytra a little widened towards 
the apices, pubescent like the thorax, the punctuation extremely 
close and fine. The metatarsus of the posterior legs longer than the 
following joints together. 

Nikko, Yuyama, Kiga, Hitoyoshi. 

The short silky pubescence of this species, which covers the 
entire upper surface, but allows the punctuation to be well seen, 
will distinguish the insect at first sight. 

LupeRvs LONGICORNIS, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 5.) 

Black ; antennze much longer than the body, above dark metallic 
blue; thorax finely and remotely, elytra closely and strongly 

Length 12-2 lines. 


$. Head impunctate, deeply grooved between the antenne. Eyes 
large and prominent. Antennz black or fuscous, twice as long as 
the body, the second joint short, the third more than three times as 
long, the rest more elongate and slender. Thorax subquadrate, one 
half broader than long, all the angles produced in a tooth, the sides 
straight ; surface somewhat depressed at the disk, remotely punctured 
at the sides and near the basal margin, the middle of the disk almost 
impunctate. Scutellum smooth, impunctate, black. Elytra parallel, 
rather convex, much more strongly punctured than the thorax, and 
the punctuation arranged in very close irregular rows, the interstices 
slightly wrinkled at the sides. Legs blackish, the apices of the 
tibize and the tarsi sometimes obscure testaceous. 

2. Eyes much smaller and less prominent, the third joint of the 
antennze only one half longer than the second. 

Nikko, Kobe, Yuyama. 

Genus Lureropss, Motsch. 

Two specimens from Obaru I must refer to this species, with the 
description of which they agree very nearly. In one of the Japanese 
specimens the first jomt of the antennz is fulvous, and the sides of 
the head are marked with black; all the rest agrees with Mots- 
chulsky’s description. In the other, which is of much smaller size, 
the head and the abdomen are entirely black, and the apices of the 
femora are more or less testaceous. 

In the absence of more specimens for comparison, I cannot say 
whether the Japanese insects may represent another Species or 
varieties of Motschulsky’s type. 

Genus GALERUCELLA, Crotch. 

Narrowly elongate, parallel; black; lower part of the face and 
the thorax testaceous, the latter with three spots; elytra rugosely 
punctured, finely pubescent, testaceous, the sutural and lateral 
margin narrowly black ; legs testaceous. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head rugose-punctate, black ; the frontal tubercles and the lower 
part testaceous. Labrum black. Antenne half the length of the 
body, black, the two basal joints testaceous below, the third joint 
very slightly longer than the fourth. ‘Thorax twice as broad as 
long, the sides distinctly angulate at the middle, the posterior angles 
-acute and strongly obliquely shaped; surface with an obsolete de- 
pression at the sides, rather strongly rugose-punctate, testaceous; a 
round black spot is placed at each side and a more square-shaped 
one at the middle. Scutellum black, finely punctured. Elytra 
testaceous, the disk slightly darker, the sutural and lateral margins 
narrowly edged with black ; the surface very closely punctured, the 

744 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

interstices transversely wrinkled and sparingly covered with short 
yellowish hairs. Legs testaceous, the tarsi somewhat darker. 

Principally distinguished by the three-spotted thorax, in connection 
with the narrow black sutural and lateral margins of the elytra, which 
colour separates the species from G. nymphea, L., to which it seems 
closely allied ; but in the latter the margins of the elytra are paler 
than the disk, and show no trace of darker colour. 


Elongate, parallel, subcylindrical ; black; elytra fulvous, pubescent ; 
head and thorax very finely punctured, the posterior margin of the 
latter obscure fulvous ; elytra extremely finely and closely punctured. 

Length 34 lines. 

Head broadly depressed at the middle, finely and closely rugose- 
punctate, labrum margined with testaceous. Antenne halfthe length | 
of the body, the second and third joints of equal length, and shorter 
than the other joints, their apices more or less testaceous. Thorax 
more than three times as broad as long, the sides slightly rounded 
at the middle, nearly straight at the base, the posterior angles 
oblique ; the surface with three deep longitudinal depressions, the 
central one of a more triangular shape; middle of the disk very 
finely, the sides more strongly punctured, rather shining ; black, the 
posterior margins obscurely edged with fulvous. Scutellum broad, 
its apex broadly rounded, black, pubescent. Elytra reddish fulvous, 
extremely closely and finely punctured, and covered with yellowish 
hairs. Underside and legs black ; the first joint of the posterior 
tarsi slightly longer than the second. 

Yagohara. A single specimen. 

Principally distinguished by the black head and thorax, and the 
fulvous elytra, in connection with its rather larger size. 

GALERUCELLA VIRIDIPENNIs, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 9.) 

Elongate, parallel; black ; head and thorax finely rugose-punctate ; 
elytra metallic green, finely rugose and pubescent. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head rugosely punctured, the frontal tubercles divided by a deep 
groove. Antenne black, nearly as long as the body, the third 
joint double as long as the second, but much shorter than the fourth, 
the following joints gradually decreasing in length. Thorax twice 
as broad as long, the sides slightly rounded, the anterior and 
posterior margin straight; the disk with a transverse deep depression 
at each side, which is but slightly interrupted at the middle, rather 
finely and irregularly punctured and sparingly covered with yel- 
lowish hairs. Scutellum black. Elytra bright metallic green, very 
finely and closely rugose, sparingly pubescent. Tibize unarmed. 
Claws bifid. Anterior coxal cavities closed. 

Kurigahara, Wada toge. 

Of this handsome species a good many specimens were obtained ; 
the bright green elytra, and black head and thorax will at once assist 
in its recognition. 


GALERUCELLA SEMIFULVA, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 11.) 

Ovate-oblong, convex; head, antenne, breast, and legs black ; 
thorax fulvous, the disk black ; elytra closely punctured and finely 
pubescent, rufous or fulvous ; abdomen testaceous. 

Length 23 lines. 

Head closely rugose-punctate, black, the lower part of the face 
testaceous ; the frontal tubercles but slightly raised, but separated by 
a narrow groove. Antenne rather more than half the length of the 
body, black, the underside of the lower joints more or less testaceous, 
the third joint distinctly longer than the second or the fourth. 
Thorax narrowly transverse, three times as broad as long, the sides 
distinctly rounded at the middle, the angles tuberculiform, the 
anterior ones furnished with a single seta; the surface rather deeply 
depressed at the sides, closely rugose-punctate, the middle of the 
disk with a more or less broad longitudinal black band. Scutellum 
broad, black, rugose-punctate, and covered with yellow pubescence. 
Elytra convex, more finely punctured than the thorax, rufous or 
fulvous, covered with fine yellow hairs. The first joint of the pos- 
terior tarsi a little longer than the second; claws bifid. 


The description of Mr. Baly of this species, the type of which I 

have before me, requires some additional remarks :—The antennze 
have the first three or four joints testaceous below (not piceous as the 
description says); the thorax is rugose, punctate at the sides only, 
where they are deeply depressed; the middle portion of the disk 
consists of a longitudinal raised, smooth and shining space, which is 
sometimes of a darker tint than the rest of the surface (in no speci- 
men do I find a black broad band as given by the author). The 
elytra show occasionally an obscure fuscous lateral narrow band from 
the shoulder to below the middle, which is, however, generally 
absent ; their punctuation is often more coarse than that of the 
thorax, but varies in depth. 


Ovate, convex; pale fulvous; base of the head, antennz, tibiae, 
and tarsi black; above darker fulvous, finely pubescent, closely 
punctured ; thorax with a central blackish band; breast piceous. 

Length 1? line. 

Head rugose-punctate, black, pubescent, lower part of face fulvous; 
labrum and palpi piceous. Antennz black, the three basal joints 
testaceous below, the third and fourth joints equal. Thorax trans- 
verse, the sides strongly rounded and produced at the middle, the 
angles acute but scarcely produced; surface with a longitudinal 
central groove and a deeper depression at each side, closely rugose- 
punctate, fulvous, the central depression piceous. Scutellum black, 
punctured and pubescent. Elytra rather convex, and nearly parallel, 
punctured like the thorax, and thinly covered with yellow hairs. 

746 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [ Nov. 3, 

Femora and abdomen fulvous. Tibie, tarsi, and the breast piceous 
or black. 


This species has the same shape as G. semifulva, but is smaller, of 
paler colour ; the antennee are shorter and have the third and fourth 
joints equal (in the other species the third joint is distinctly longer) ; 
the punctuation of the elytra also is much stronger, and the legs are 
of different colour. 


Elongate, convex; black; lower part of face, thorax, the base of 
the femora, and abdomen testaceous; thorax with three fuscous 
spots; elytra fuscous, finely pubescent and punctured, the lateral 
margin obseure testaceous. 

Length 4 lines. ; 

Head finely rugose-punctate, black, with a fine central groove, the 
lower part of the face testaceous. Antenne half the length of the 
body, the second and third joints equal, the fourth distinctly longer, 
closely pubescent. Thorax narrowly transverse, about three times 
as broad as long, the sides but moderately rounded, the angles obtuse; 
surface rather deeply depressed along the anterior margin, and with 
three rather deeper fovese at the base, the middle one of which is of 
triangular shape; the interior of these foves is stained with black. 
Scutellum black, covered with long pubescence. Elytra obscure 
fuscous, slightly tinged with green, their extreme base and the 
lateral margin narrowly testaceous; surface extremely closely and 
finely punctured, thinly but closely covered with yellowish pubescence. 
Femora fulvous at their base ; the knees, tibie, tarsi, and the sides of 
the breast black. Abdomen fulvous. 

Awomori. A single specimen. 

This species approaches in size G. annulicornis, Baly, but the 
structure of the antenne in the latter is quite different, the thorax 
is also of other shape, and the elytra have a broad flattened margin 
which is wanting in the present species. 

Genus GAuLeruca, Geoffr. 

fig. 7.) 

Oblong, narrowly parallel ; black, above rufous ; thorax strongly 
punctured with some deep fovee ; elytra deeply punctate-striate, 
the interstices costate throughout. 

Length 2-3 lines. 

Head with a few fine and remotely placed punctures; the frontal 
tubercles black, very strongly raised and limited behind by a deep 
groove; palpi black. Antenne rather more than two thirds the 
length of the body, black ; the second joint short, third and fourth of 
equal length. Thorax about one half broader than long, subquadrate, 
the sides very little rounded, the angles not produced ; the disk with 
three deep longitudinal foveze and another transverse suleation at the 
base (these foveze are sometimes interrupted in such a way as to 
form three impressions parallel with the anterior and three parallel 


with the posterior margin); the interstices swollen or irregularly 
raised, covered, as well as the interior of the impressions, with deep 
punctures. Scutellum piceous or fulvous, its apex broadly rounded. 
Elytra not widened behind, rufous or sanguineous, like the head and 
thorax; each elytron with eight strongly raised and closely approached 
costz, the space between the first costa and the suture of double 
the width between tbe others, the interstices very deeply and 
regularly impressed with round punctures. Underside and legs 
black, finely covered with sparing yellow pubescence; the femora and 
knees sometimes obscure fulvous; anterior coxal cavities closed ; 
claws appendiculate. 

Kiga, Konose, Jchiuchi, Suyama on lillies, 

From any of the similarly coloured European species, A. mu/ti- 
costata is at once to be separated by the eight closely approached 
coste, which leave a broader space only between the first and the 
sutural margin. 

Genus GALERuctpA, Motsch. 
GALERUCIDA LewIsI, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 6.) 

Black ; thorax foveolate-punctate ; elytra closely and very deeply 
semipunctate-striate ; a spot at the shoulder, a transverse narrow 
sinuate band behind the middle, and a round spot near the apex 

Length 3 lines, 

Head impunctate ; antenne more than two thirds the length of 
the body, the second and third joints very short and equal. Thorax 
transverse, sides nearly straight, slightly widened in front, the 
anterior angles produced in shape of a small tubercle, surface irregu- 
larly covered with deep foveolate punctures. Scutellum impunctate. 
Elytra very deeply and rather closely punctured, the punctures 
arranged in semiregular rows and sometimes confluent; the small 
yellow spot placed at the shoulder smooth and raised, the transverse 
band below the middle sinuate and not extending to the suture, the 
apical spot round and small. 


This species, of which many specimens were obtained by Mr. 
Lewis, cannot be mistaken for a variety of G. bifasciata or G. 
consociata, Baly, on account of the quite different punctuation of 
the elytra, the interstices of which are impunctate and smooth, the 
punctures themselves being arranged in single rows. 

Genus Spoenorara, Clark. 

Black ; thorax strongly and remotely punctured ; elytra metallic 
blue, strongly subgeminate punctate-striate, the interstices finely 
punctured. ( 

Length 2 lines. 

Noheyi. A single specimen. 

The only two species with which the present one can be compared 
are S. fulgida and S. magica, Harold. Both are, however, of double 

7418 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

the size and differ in the coloration of the head and thorax, which 
is black in S. intermedia. The antenne in the latter are not thick- 
ened as in S. fulgida, in which character it seems to agree with the 
species described by Von Harold; this author gives, however, the 
punctuation of the elytra as more strong than in S. fulgida, while 
in the present species it is of about the same strength, but the striz are 
more distantly placed, geminate anteriorly only, and the interstices 
are finely punctured. In the absence of other specimens all doubt 
as to the specific value of S. intermedia is not excluded. 


Black ; thorax and elytra fulvous, the former strongly punctured, 
the latter subgeminate punctate-striate, the interstices closely and 
more finely punctured. 

Length 3 lines. ; 

Head black or piceous, with a deep triangular groove between the 
eyes, the vertex with a few fine punctures, Antenne black, two 
thirds the length of the body, second and third joints short, the 
following somewhat flattened and widened, the three lower joints 
shining, the rest opaque, pubescent. Thorax more than twice as 
broad as long, the sides rounded, the anterior angles obliquely shaped, 
the posterior margin oblique at the sides, straight at the middle ; the 
disk with a deep transverse depression at each side, the latter strongly 
and irregularly punctured. Elytra convex, parallel, fulvous like the 
thorax, the space near the suture deeply punctate-striate, the punc- 
tures slightly approached in double rows, the sides as deeply but 
irregularly punctured, the interstices everywhere finely punctured, 
those at the sides slightly transversely wrinkled. Underside and 
legs black. 

Yuyama. Four specimens. 

This species has all the structural characters of the genus pointed 
out by Mr. Baly and Herr von Harold. 

Genus Monoueprta, Erichs. 

Mono.LepTa CYANEA, Sp. nov. 

Black below, above dark blue; second and third joints of the 
antennze testaceous ; thorax scarcely visibly, elytra finely punctured. 

Length 13 line. 

Head impunctate, with a deep fovea at the middle above the 
antennee ; the latter two thirds the length of the body, black ; the 
second and third joints testaceous, the latter one half longer than 
the preceding joint. Thorax one half broader than long, subquad- 
rate, rather convex, the sides rounded before the middle, straight 
near the base, surface extremely finely punctured. Elytra extremely 
closely and much more distinctly punctured. Underside and legs 

Nikko, Yuyama, Miyanoshita, Suyama, Subashiri. 

Of the same coloration as WZ. flaviventris in regard to the upper 
surface, but smaller, the abdomen entirely black, and the antennze of 
different colour. 



Black below ; head, three lower joints of the antenne, thorax, 
and legs fulvous ; elytra greenish, closely punctured. 

Length 13 line. 

Head with a few fine punctures, only visible under a strong lens, 
deeply transversely grooved between the eyes, the frontal tubercles 
narrowly transverse and strongly raised; antennze black, the basal 
joints fulvous, second and third joints short and equal. Thorax 
transverse, fulvous like the head, distinctly but not very closely 
punctured ; the disk with an obsolete transverse depression (acci- 
dental?). Elytra not more strongly but more closely punctured 
than the thorax, the punctuations here and there arranged in lines 
and distinct to the apices, the latter broadly rounded, not covering the 
pygidium ; legs fulvous; tarsi obscure fuscous ; the metatarsus of 
the posterior legs longer than the three following joints ; pos- 
terior tibize with a distinct spine; anterior coxal cavities closed. 

Kashiwagi. A single specimen. 

Monocerpta picuroa, Harold, var. (?) APICIPENNIS. 

Black ; head, thorax, and the apex of the elytra flavous ; upper 
surface very finely punctured. 

Length 13-2 lines. 

Head impunctate, transversely grooved between the antenne, the 
latter as long as the body, black, the three basal joints testaceous, 

_ the second and third very short and subequal. Thorax nearly twice 
as broad as long, subquadrate, the sides and the posterior margin 
slightly rounded, the surface impunctate, flavous or fulvous. Elytra 
convex, slightly widened towards the middle, black, extremely finely 
punctured, their apices in shape of a triangular spot, the point of 
which extends upwards at the suture, flavous. Underside and legs 
black, the anterior tibize in some specimens and the knees of all the 
legs more or less testaceous. 

Sapporo. Obtained in more than 20 specimens. 

Amongst all the specimens before me, there are two only which 
answer to the description given by Von Harold of A. dichroa, which 
may be but the variety of the normally coloured individuals with 
fulvous apices of the elytra, of which I have given the above de- 
scription. Whichever form is looked upon as the variety, there is 
little doubt about the identity of the present insect with that of Von 

Genus AENIDEA, Baly. 

In this genus several insects have been placed which certainly do 
not belong to it. In A. daeta, Baly, which must be looked upon as 
the type, the anterior coxal cavites are closed ; in A. armata, Baly, 
and A. abduminalis, Baly, both from Japan, the same cavities are 
open and the last joint of the maxillary palpi is not incrassate. The 
last-named species ought to find its place in Phyllobrotica, with 
which it has the absent elytral epipleuree in common as well as all 
other characters, as the examination of the type in Mr. Lewis’s col- 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. XLIX. 49 

750 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Nov. 3, 

lection has proved to me. That A. armata ought to be placed in 

another genus has already been mentioned somewhere by Herr von 

AENIDEA TIBIALIs, sp. nov. (Plate XLVI. fig. 8.) 

Fulvous ; antennre fuscous ; elytra black, shining, impunctate. 

Length 2-3 lines. 

Head impunctate, deeply grooved between the antenne ; the 
frontal tubercles strongly developed ; carina short and broad; the 
penultimate joint of the maxillary palpi incrassate. Antennze nearly 
as long as the body, slender, the second joint very short, the others 
rather strongly curved in the male but straight in the female, fuscous 
or obscure fulvous, their edges covered with rather long pubescence. 
Thorax transversely subquadrate, the sides straight and narrowed at 
the base, slightly rounded in front ; surface with a transverse fovea 
at each side, impunctate, fulvous. Scutellum piceous or fulvous. 
Elytra wider at the base than the thorax, parallel, shining, impunctate. 
Underside and legs fulvous or flavous, the posterior tibize of the male 
furnished with a short appendage at the apex; the metatarsus as 
long as the three following joints together. Anterior coxal cavities 

Nara, Kobe, Maiyasan, Nikko. 

The joints of the antennz in the male show a curious curvature, 
and the extreme base of the lower ones is colourless so as to appear 
almost unconnected with each preceding joint. The thorn-like 
appendage at the posterior tibia in the same sex is another peculi- 
arity of this species, which in coloration partly resembles 4. abdomi- 
nalis, Baly. When viewed under a very strong lens, the elytra are 
seen to be finely granulate with some more distinct punctures. This 
insect has the typical incrassate terminal joint of the palpi. 

Genus ArtrHrotus, Motsch. 

The structural characters of this genus have never to my know- 
ledge been properly pointed out. Chapuis, in his ‘ Génera des 
Coléopt.,’ placed the genus amongst those whose place was doubtful, 
and gave no particulars respecting it. An examination of the two 
species described by Mr. Baly from Japan proves Arthrotus to be 
nearly allied to Antipha, Baly. (If it was identical with the last- 
named genus the author of the latter would not have placed the 
Japanese species in Motschulsky’s genus.) The only difference I 
can find, however, between the two genera seems to be the more 
narrowly transverse thorax of Arthrotus, the anterior angles of which 
are acute and produced slightly outwards. The anterior coxal 
cavities are closed, the tibize unarmed, the first joint of the posterior 
tarsi is nearly as long as the three following together, the claws are 
appendiculate, and the second and third joints of the antennz subequal 
(in the type, A. niger, Motsch., they are described as equal and very 
short). Anyhow Arthrotus would find its place in Chapuis’s twenty- 
second group. 


CLEROTILIA, n. gen. 

Body elongate. Palpi filiform; eyes entire. Antenne slender, 
longer than the body, the first joint club-shaped, the second short, 
the third and following double the length and nearly equal. Thorax 
transversely subquadrate without depression. Elytra finely semi- 
punctate-striate, impubescent. Tibize unarmed; metatarsus of the 
hind legs nearly as long as the three following joints together ; claws 
bifid; anterior coxal cavities closed. Elytral epipleurze continued 
to the apex. ; 

The bifid claws of this insect compel me to propose the present 
genus for its reception, which will enter the twenty-sixth group of 
Chapuis’s arangement, the Platywanthine, on account of the unarmed 
tibie and closed anterior coxal cavities. The frontal tubercles are 
very strongly raised, and the antennee have the apices of their joints 


Pale fulvous ; antenne piceous; head and thorax impunctate ; 
elytra very finely punctured, metallic green or blue, the lateral 
margin very narrowly flavous. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head not longer than broad, impunctate ; the frontal tubercles 
trigonate, strongly raised, divided by a narrow groove and bounded 
behind by another deep depression. Antennee distinctly longer than 
the body, piceous, shining, the first joint long, swollen towards the 
apex, second joint half the length of the third. Thorax one half 
broader than long, subquadrate, the sides narrowed at the base, the 
angles slightly tuberculate ; surface rather convex, without depression, 
impunctate, pale fulvous like the head. Scutellum of the same 
colour. Elytra finely alutaceous or granulate when seen under a 
strong lens, their surface closely and fiiely punctured, the punctuation 
arranged in indistinct rows ; green or blue, the extreme lateral margin 
fulvous ; epipleuree broad, extending to the apex ; legs entirely 
fulvous ; claws bifid, the inner division shorter. 

Tsumago, Nara. 


NoposToMA VARICOLOR, sp. nov. 

Ovate, piceous ; antennz and legs fulvous ; bead, thorax, and the 
lateral margin of the elytra metallic green, the disk of the latter 
fulvous, punctate-striate. 

Length 13 line. 

Head finely and remotely punctured, the epistome not separated 
from the face; eyes large; labrum and palpi fulvous. Antenne 
half the length of the body, fulvous, second and third joints equal, 
the former thickened, the latter thinner than the following joints. 
Thorax transverse, nearly three times as broad as long, the sides 
very strongly rounded, but scarcely angulate behind the middle, 
strongly narrowedin front; surface metallic green, much nibressronely 


752 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [ Nov. 3, 

punctured than the head but not very closely. Scutellum obscure 
fulvous. Elytra strongly punctate-striate anteriorly, with a depression 
below the base, the shoulders prominent, the interstices rather convex 
at the sides and with a single row of very fine punctures; the disk 
of the elytra (in shape of a longitudinal band) fulvous, the sutural 
and lateral margin dark greenish-piceous, extreme lateral margin 
metallic green, accompanied by a single row of deep punctures. 
The four posterior tibiee emarginate at their apices; claws appendi- 


This species cannot be considered one of the many varieties of 
N. eéneipenne, Motsch., on account of the totally different punctua- 
tion of the thorax and the elytra; but I am greatly inclined to 
believe that N. varicolor is equally variable in regard to its coloration. 


I am much inclined to believe that this species is but one of the 
varieties of NV. flavo-pustulatum, Baly, although the latter is generally 
smaller, and has the thorax less deeply and strongly punctured. I[ 
find, however, both species placed on the same card and bearing the 
one name JN. consimiie in the author’s handwriting. 

NoposToMA JAPONICUM, Jacoby. 

A further examination of this species proves to me that the insect 
described by myself under the above name is but a black variety of 
N. balyi, Har., with which it agrees in everything but the colour of 
the elytra, the head and sometimes the anterior thoracic margin 
alone remaining of the general fulvous colour. 


The species published by myself under this name is identical with 
Lypesthes ater, Motsch., of which I have compared a specimen in 
Mr. Baly’s collection (now in the British Museum); Motschulsky 
was not aware of the powdery white excrescence which coyers the 
elytra of this species in its natural state; the name of “ater” applies 
therefore only to rubbed specimens, and misled me in describing the 

I append a complete list of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, 
with references to those species mentioned in this and my former 


Hewmonta, Latr. Lema, Fadbr. 
japana, Jacoby., p. 190. concinnipennis, Baly. 

Donacta, Fabr. diversa, Baly. 
zraria, Baly. lewisii, Baly. 
simplex, Fabr. coronata, Baly. 
gracilipes, Jac., p. 191. honorata, Baly. 
constricticollis, Jac., p. 192. fortunei, Baly. 
sericea, L. puncticollis, Curtis. 
var. sibirica, Solsky ? dilecta, Baly. 

Synera, Lacord. flavipes, Swffr. 

adamsi, Baly. downesii, Baly. 


adamsii, Baly. 
delicatula, Baly. 
10-punctata, Ged. 
rugata, Baly. 
parvicollis, Ba/y. 
subpolita, Motsch. 
lateritia, Baly. 
14-punctata, Ged. 
lewisi, Jac., p. 194. 
orientalis, Juc., p. 195. 
Temunaspis, Lac. 
japonicus, Baly. 
Peprinu, Westw. 
annulata, Baly. 
nigricollis, Jac., p. 195. 
varipes, Jac., p. 196. 
unifasciata, Jac., p. 197. 
Criyrura, Fabr. 
japonica, Baly. 
leviuscula, Ratzcb. 
chrysomeloides, Lae, 
cyanea, Fabr. 
nicrocyanea, Motsch, 
aurita, Fabr. 
Cuitotoma, Lac. 
geniculata, Motsch. 
Corrocrernana, Lac. 
pallens, Fabr. 
orientalis, Baly. 
Oomorrnus, Curtis. 
japanus, Jac., p. 197. 
Lamprosoma, Kiriy. 
cupreatum, Baly. 
nigro-ceruleum, Daly, 
Cuuamys, Knoch. 
lewisii, Baly. 
interjecta, aly. 
spilota, Baly. 
japonica, Jac., p. 198. 
Ca@nosius, Suffr. 
sulcicollis, Baly. 
piceus, Baly. 
Diorycrus, Suffr. 
lewisii, Baly. 
Cryprocepnatus, Geoffr. 
3-fasciatus, Fabr. 
tetradecaspilotus, Baly. 
perelegans, Baly. 
limbatipennis, J/ac., p. 199. 
partitus, Jac., p. 200. 
nigrofasciatus, Jac., p. 200. 
difformis, Jac., p. 201. 
regalis, Gebl. 
pilosus, Baly. 
instabilis, Baly. 
liothorax, Solsky. 
var, signaticeps, Baly. 
multiplex ?, Suffr. 
japanus, Baly. 


mannerheimi, Geb, 
fortunatus, Baly. 
approximatus, Baly. 
scitulus, Baly. 
permedestus, Baly. 
amatus, Baly. 
discretus, Baly. 
amiculus, Baly. 
6-punctatus ?, Linn. 
fuleratus, Germ. 
nobilis, Kraatz. 

Pacuysracnys, Suffr. 
eruditus, Baly. 
donitzi, Harold. 

Xantuonta, Baly. 
placida, Baly. 

Lyrxstuss, Baly. 
ater, Motsch. 
pulverulentus, Jac., p. 203. 

Lrprorss, Baly. 
lewisi, Baly. 

Devorina, Baly. 
fasciculata, Baly. 
fasciata, Baly. 
decorata, Baly. 
modesta, Baly. 
bipunctata, Jac., p. 204. 

Bromivs, Chevr. 
japanus, Motsch. 

Acrorutnium, Marsh. 
gaschkevitchi, Motsch. 

Curysocnus, Red?. 
chinensis, Baly. 

Scetoponta, Westw. 
lewisi, Baly. 

Parra, Leconte. 
variabilis, Baly. 
robusta, Baly. 

Nopostoma, Motsch. 
xneipenne, Morsch. 
fulvipes, Motsch. 
atripes, Motsch. 
rufotestaceum, Motsch. 
balyi, Har. 

var. japonicum, Jac., p. 205. 

ruficolle, Jac., p. 205. 
modestum, Jac., p. 206. 
hirticolle, Ba/y. 
consimile, Baly. 
flayo-pustulatum, Baly. 
pallidulum, Ba/y. 
varicolor, Jae., p. 751. 
Nopina, Motsch. 
chalcosoma, Baly. 
Coxasrosoma, Laporte. 
eyaneum, Motsch. 
Timarcna, Lazr. 
tenebricosa, Fabr. 
Curysomena, L. 
japana, Baly. 
cyrtonoides, Jac., p. 206. 



nikkoensis, Jac., p. 207. 
geminata ?, Payk. 
guttata, Gebl. 
musiva, Gebl. 
subenea, Motsch. 
consimilis, Baly. 
aurichaleea, Mannerh. 
angusticollis ?, Motsch. 
violaceicollis, Motsch. 
stilt, Baly. 
quadranguluta, Motsch. 
obscurofasciata, Jac., p. 208. 
Gasrrouina, Baly, 
thoracica, Baly. 
japana, Jac., p. 210. 
Mexasoma, Steph. 
enea, L. 
japonica, Har. 
populi, Z. 
20-punctata, Scop. 
Puayropxcta, Kirby. 
rufipes, Gy/l. 
rubripennis, Baly. 
nigroplagiata, Baly. 
robusta, Jac., p. 209. 
gracilicornis ?, Kraarz. 
PuaciopEra, Redz. 
distincta, Baly. 
armoracie, ZL. 
Puxpvon, Latr. 
brassice, Baly. 
incertum, Baly. 
Gastropuysa, Redz. 
atrocyanea, Motsch. 
(pronyents, Latr. 
vibex, Hrichs. 
Japonicus, Baly. 
Psrupopzra, Baly, 
xanthospila, Baly. 
Haurica, Geoffr. 
cerulescens, Baly. 
viridicyanea, Baly. 
picipes, Baly. 
angustata, Baly. 
flavicornis, Baly. 
latericosta, Jac., p. 726. 
lewisi, Jac. , p. ‘727. 
obscura, Jac., p. 726. 
ScatriopErA, Har. 
fulvipennis, Baly. 
CreripopErRA, Chevr. 
obscuritarsis, Morsch. 
parvula, Baly. 
lewisi, Jac., p. 721. 
recticollis, Jac., p. 721. 
levicollis, Juc., p. 722. 
acuminata, Jach-p. 722. 
japonica, Jac., p. 723. 
bimaculata, Jac., p. 725. 
chloris, Youdr. 
Hermxornaea, Foudr, 
adamsii, Baly. 


Srpxtun, Baly. 
plagioderoides, Motsch. 
flavipennis, Baly. 

Hypuasis, Har. 
inconstans, Jac., p. 733. 

Liprus, Motsch. 
punctato-striatus, Motsch. 
hirtus, Baly. 
suturalis, Jac., p. 725. 
nigritus, Jac., p. 724. 
minutus, Jac., p. 725. 

Mantoura, Steph. 
rustica, J. 
fulvipes, Jac., p. 720. 
japonica, Jac., p. 720. 

Puytiotreta, Foudr, 
sinuata, Red?. 
funesta, Baly. 
tenebrosa, Jac., p. 731. 

Aputuona, Foudr. 
sordida, Baly. 
strigosa, Baly. 
pygmea, Baly. 
collaris, Baly. 
pryeri, Baly. 
seiiviridis, Jac., p. 730. 
foudrasi, Jac., p. 729. 

Lonaitarsus, Latr. 
adamsi, Baly. 
lewisi, Baly. 
bimaculata, Baly. 
amicula, Baly. 
inconspicua, Baly. 
nitida, Jac., p. 727. 
quadraticollis, Juc., P. 729, 
orientalis, Jac., p. 728. 
hemorrhoidalis, Jac., p. 728. 
lycopi ?, Foudr. 
parvula ?, Add. 

Arcorpistes, Motsch. 
biplagiatus, Mofsch. 
coccinelloides, Baly. 
unicolor, J/ac., p. 738. 
L1-maculata, Jac., p. 788. 

Argorus, Fisher. 
clypeatus, Baly. 
balyi, Har. 
orientalis, Baly 
nigritarsis, Fish. 
punctipennis, Mo¢sch. 
clarki, Jac., p. 734. 
nigripennis, Jac., p. 734. 

SpHzroperma, Steph, 
fuscicornis, Baly. 
seriata, Baly. 
tarsata, Baly. 
japana, Baly. 
separata, Baly. 
placida, Har. 
apicalis, Baly. 
nigricollis, Jac., p. 737. 
unicolor, -Jae., p. 736. 

[Nov. 3, 


abdominalis, Jac., p. 736. 
atra, Jac., p. 735. 
balyi, Jac., p. 735, 
Arreropepa, Red?. 
nigropicea, Baly. 
Cuztocnema, Steph. 
granulosa, Baly. 
chalceola, Jac., p. 731. 
japonica, Jac., p. 732. 
fulvipes, Jac., p. 732. 
aurifrons, Jac., p. 733. 
coneinnicollis, Baly. 
eylindrica, Baly. 
Psytutoprs, Latr. 
angusticollis, Baly. 
punctifrons, Baly. 
difficilis, Baly. 
intermedia, Jac., p. 739. 
subrugosa, Jac., p. 739. 
Japonica, Jac., p. 740. 
Enneamera, Har. 
cyanea, Baly. 
fulva, Baly. 
tibialis, Jac., p. 740. 
Manos, -Jac. 
lewisi, Jac., p. 741. 
becearii, Jac., p. 741. 
Ores, Weber. 
japonicum, Baly (Hornst.). 
ApimontA, Laich. 
extensa, Mofsch. 
caprea, Linn. 
multicostata, Jac., p. 746. 
tibialis, Baly. 
punctato-striata, Motsch. 
maculicollis, Motsch. 
vittaticollis, Baly. 
sagittarie, Gull. 
distincta, Baly. 
annulicornis, Baly. 
modesta, Jac., p. 745. 
viridipennis, Jac., p. 744. 
seminigra, Jac., p. 744. 
nigromarginata, -Jac., p. 743, 
fuscipennis, Jac., p. 746. 
semifulva, Jac., p. ‘745. 
AgnipEs, Baly, 
armata, Baly (gen. dub.). 


abdominalis, Baly (Phyllobrotica). 
tibialis, Jac., p. 750, 
ornata, Baly. 
basalis, Badly. 
nigripes, Baly. 
Cyzorane, Baly. 
elegans, Baly. 
Arrurotus, Motsch. 
niger, Motsch. 
variabilis, Baly. 
cyaneus, Baly. 
Gaterucipa, Morsch. 
bifasciata, Motsch. 
consociata, Baly. 
lewisi, Jac., p. 747. 
eburata, Har. 
Spnenorara, Clark. 
intermedia, Jac., p. 747. 
melanocephala, Jac., p. 748. 
AuLAcopnora, Chevr. 
femoralis, Motsch. 
nigripennis, Motsch, 
angulicollis, Motsch. 
4-plagiata, Baly. 
Lurrropes, Motsch. 
4-guttatus, Motsch. 
discrepans, Baly. 
pallidulus, Baly. 
nigripennis, Motsch. 
Drasrorica, Chevr, 
rufotestacea, Mofsch. (gen. dub.). 
Acexastica, Redt. 
nigriceps, Motsch. 
cerulea, Baly. 
Lurerrus, Geoffr. 
moorii, Baly. 
impressicollis, Motsch. 
hirsutus, Jac., p. 742. 
longicornis, Jac., p. 742. 
Monouepta, Erichs. 
flaviventris, Motsch. 
nigro-bilineata, Motsch, 
dichroa, Har. 
var, apicipennis, Jac. 
eyanea, Jac., p. 748. 
fulvicollis, Jac., p. 749. 
Puryxuosrotica, Redzé. 
nigrita, Jac., p. 742. 
CirroriLis, Jac. 
flavomarginata, Jac., p. 751. 


Fig. 1. 
2. Aphthonoides beccarii, p. 741. 
3. Phyllobrotica nigrita, p. 742. 
4. Luperus hirsutus, p. 742. | 

5. longicornis, p. 742. 

6. Galerucida lewisi, p. 747. 

7. Galeruca multicostata, p. 746. | 

Hyphasis inconstans, p. 755. 

Fig. 8. Aenidia tibialis, p. 750. 

9. Galerucella viridipennis,p. 744, 
10. —— nigromarginata, p. 743 
Bik semifulva, p. 745. 

12. Clerotilia flavomarginata, p. 

756 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [ Nov. 3, 

2. An Account of two Collections of Lepidoptera recently 
received from Somali-land. By Arraur G. Burtzr, 
F.L.S., F.Z:8., &c. 

[Received August 5, 1885.] 
(Plate XLVIT.) 

At the meeting held on the 4th November, 1884, I had the 
pleasure of bringing before the Society an account of a collection 
sent to the British Museum by Major J. W. Yerbury from Aden’. 

Along with his Aden collection Major Yerbury forwarded to 
me a small but interesting series collected by him in the spring of 
1884 on the Somali coast. 

During the present year a second much larger series, collected by 
Messrs. J. G. Thrupp, Lort-Phillips, and James during an expedition 
southwards into the interior of Somali from Berbera, was presented 
by them to the Museum. These Lepidoptera, as I am assured by 
Mr. Lort-Phillips, were principally obtained upon a plateau com- 
mencing at about forty miles from the coast and extending due south 
for about 200 miles, the time of collecting being about four months. 

Since the two collections together contain examples of 55 species, 
some idea of the geographical relationships of the fauna can be gained 
from them; the annexed table shows that the relationship to Aden 
is very strongly marked, no less than twenty-one species being iden- 
tical and three nearly allied to Aden forms; next in order comes 
Abyssinia, twelve species identical and nine allied ; thirdly, Kilima- 
njaro, ten, and probably eleven, species identical and three allied; 
lastly, Natal, nine or ten species identical and fourteen allied. 

Omitting from the fifty-five species seven forms not known to 
exist elsewhere and to which allied types are not yet recorded (so far 
as I have been able to discover), nearly half the known Butterflies 
and Moths of Somali are Aden species, a quarter Abyssinian, a 
fifth Kilimanjarian, and a fifth Natal. The allied or representative 
types I consider of less importance, especially in the case of so well- 
worked a locality as Natal when compared with localities so little 
known as Kilima-njaro or even Abyssinia, from both of which not a 
few types closely related to those of Somali may confidently be 
expected to come. On the other hand, if the nineteen new species 
in these collections be omitted from our calculations, nearly four 
sevenths of the remainder are identical with species found in Aden. 
I think, therefore, it may fairly be concluded that the Lepidopterous 
fauna is essentially Arabian in character; but, since the species of 
Arabia have a much closer affinity to those of Africa than Asia, it 
seems reasonable to conclude that they have for the most part 
immigrated from the African coast and originated in Egypt, Nubia, 
Abyssinia, and Somali-land. 

1 See P.Z.S. 1884, p. 478. 


Mintern Bros. 

M. Horman-Fisher lith 





Table showing the relationship of the Lepidoptera of Somali to 
those of Aden, Abyssinia, Kilima-njaro, and Natal. 
When the species is identical an asterisk * is used, but if a closely 
allied species replaces it a dagger + is substituted. 

Aden. | Abyssinia. | Kilima-njaro.| Natal. 

Limnas dorippus ......... x 
—— klugii............... a * * 
Ypthima asterope ......... * t 
Neoceenyra duplex ...... 
(Precis LMMNOTIA J.0cececss0s| seseae * * 
Junonia crebrene ......... * * * * 
Hypanis ilithyia_......... * * 
Castanea ........+6. * OER | eevee 
Hamanumida dedalus ...|—...... * * 
PACKEANC DUNG teatersalccresl| assess ||) oes en' * 
pAlCrisea DVEESIO see see soeienee|| cides 
Acrea mirabilis ......... 
Polyommatus beticus ... * * * * 
Catochrysops asopus ...... * 
MUBIGUNIAL wseces «cocnees 
=——="MUMMORE: ccccsscecssepot| | eesece 
—— MOIR Wieaaseeanosaeee 
AZANUS ZENA ...050e0s0c0n0; * t 
PEAOUBIA eos fono tet ley uctaaets Kip vege sl) ay areca x” 
Tarucus pulcher_ ......... * 
BYNES) Wantacee seca | abelatce'ss * 
theophrastus...... * 
Castalius lactinatus ......] —...... t 
Hyreus lingeus ............ 
Spundasis sOmMalina s.c-ss||  eewsee, 9 |, sasnes 
Chloroselas esmeralda ... 
Hypolycena umbrosa ... | 
Tolaus glaucus ............ 
Merias ZOO feces <ctees-eceus 
Teracolus dynamene ...... hg |b ee Cres etl en! coatics t 
—— ocellatug. ............ t il 
chrysonome .........| © ...... 
protomedia ......... * * 
heliocaustus ......... t 
PO HULAT TIA is sac Paste |) Marain ne t 
eupompe ............ * ‘fi 
dedecora ............ 
—— complexivus .........)  ...... S2eE Ae al Pd RR ii 
—— thruppii ........... t 
JBIMIESII) enadess cee ees 
—— phillipsii ............ 
——-nouna ......... eee * 
Catopsilia hyblea ...... * 

+ * 


eeceee SS baecane 

BICULONAME adeccaveres 
Belenois lordaca ......... 
Synehlocdistontay’..t..08.-) | .<2.<esuee| pasos t 
Herpzenia melanarge 

Nepheronia arabica ...,.. ae) ees, ae +. t 
Hesperia anchises ......... * 

Wy clopidesicholesye.s.c-s-22| la seem oso twen| fees. it 
Caxterocephaluscallicles.| 2.5.5 i) sevecs « | ceenes t 
Thanaos djxlele ......... Eee SR Moe cscs * * 
Eusemia thruppii ......... i 

Saturnia oubie ............ 

Seve “ ‘aswapte *? | 

= ee ee ee ee ee 

758 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 3, 


1. Limnas DORIPPUS. F 

3 2. Euplea dorippus, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 48. figs. 1-4. 

3. “Inland from Berbera, April or May 1884.”—Yerbury. 

If my views of the relationship of this species to L. chrysippus 
and allies is correct, it will probably be found that typical L. dorippus 
does not range inland to any very great distance from the Somali 
coast, but that its place is occupied by its Indo-African repre- 
sentative. So far the two series before me fulfil my expectations ; 
that received from Major Yerbury containing one male of each form, 
whereas that collected by Mr. Thrupp contains three pairs of the 
Indo-African form (for which I propose the name of Z. klugit) and 
none of Z. dorippus. Mr. EK. Lort-Phillips assures me, however, 
that three of the specimens were obtained within eighty miles inland 
from Berbera. 

2. Limnas KLUGII. 

3. Euplea dorippus, var., Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 48. fig. 5. 

3. “2nd April, 1884.”-—Yerbury. 

3 2. Inland, south of Berbera.— Thrupp. 

This is clearly the prevalent Zimnas in Somali-land ; LZ. chrysippus 
and L. alcippus having, apparently, entirely disappeared, and L. dorip- 
pus being scarce and in all probability confined to the eastern coast. 
It therefore has been necessary to give a name to this form, since 
to speak of it as Z. dorippus is not in accordance with actual fact. 


Hipparchia asterope, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 29. figs. 11-14 

Four specimens, three of them a good deal worn, showing that 
they had been long on the wing. 

NEOC@NYRA, gen. nov. 

Aspect of Pseudonympha ; neuration of Ypthima, excepting that 
only the costal vein is swollen at the base; palpi and antenne of 
Ceenyra, from which, however, it is at once distinguished by the 
form of the discoidal cell of primaries, which does not project in front 
as in Canyra, so that (as in Ypthima) the second subcostal branch 
is emitted at a considerable distance beyond the cell: it also differs 
in having no trace of the large oval blackish brand which occurs on 
the inner border of the primaries in the male of Cenyra. 


Upper surface smoky greyish-brown, body darker than the wings, 
the idpule slightly rufous in front in the male, wholly rufous in the 
female : primaries of both sexes with a large pyriform rufous patch ' 
covering the anterior part of the disk and enclosing a subapical 

1 This patch is partly greyish in front in the male, but its outline is still 
clearly visible. 


bipupillated orange-zoned ocellus, oval with bluish pupils in the 
male, rounded with white pupils in the female; a slender blackish 
submarginal line: secondaries with two unipupillated, rufous-zoned, 
black, rounded ocelli on the median interspaces ; female with a larger, 
but less widely zoned, indistinct ocellus on the first subcostal inter- 
space and a small ocellus near the anal angle ; submarginal line as 
in the primaries. Below, the primaries in the male areas above, but 
in the female the rufous patch is outlined with darker rufous and 
within this line, towards apex, it becomes grey; there is also a spot 
at the end of the cell and an oblique line in the cell of the same 
colour, and the submarginal line is rufous; the secondaries in both 
sexes are rufous at base of costa, those of the male have five ocelli, 
black, unipupillated, with rufous-edged fulvous irides; one of these 
is subapical, two on the median interspaces, and two, smaller, on the 
interno-median interspace ; in the female there are four ocelli, there 
being only one on the interno-median interspace ; there are, however, 
two red dots or rudimentary ocelli between the first and second true 
ocelli; the entire base of the secondaries is rufous, and there are two 
irregularly angulated parallel rufous lines which do not exist in the 
male, also a dot in the cell and an oblique dash at its extremity ; the 
male has two blackish submarginal lines and the female two red ones ; 
pectus of female red at the sides. Expanse of wings, ¢ 33 mm., 
2 38 mm. 
One pair only.—Zhrupp. 


Vanessa limnoria, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 48. figs. 6, 7 (1845).. 

Vanessa naib, Guérin, in Lefebvre’s Voy. Abyss. vi. pl. 11. fig. 2 

One female, somewhat shattered.—Thrupp. 

Junonia crebrene, Dunning, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1870, p. 524 (1870). 
Three females. — Thrupp. 

7. HypaNts ILITHYIA. 

Papilio ilithyia, Drury, Tl. Exot. Ent. ii. pl. 17. figs. 1, 2 

3 2 .—Thrupp. 

8. HyPANis CASTANEA, sp. n. 

3. Coloration above of H. ilithyia and allies, but the oblique 
black patch at the end of the cell of primaries widely separated from 
the oblique band which starts from inner margin and continnous 
with the submarginal band instead ; the latter band also narrower ; 
the subapical costal patch cuneiform, veins and margins very 
slenderly black ; secondaries without the central series of black spots, 
and with the discal band of only half the width, leaving the sub- 
marginal spots large and almost quadrate : primaries below differing 
much as above ; secondaries with the basal, preemedian, and discal 

760 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 3, 

bands dull reddish clay-brown ; the last-mentioned band, however, 
with its outer two fifths dull chocolate, edged on both sides with 
black and with no trace of white spots; the white intermediate 
bands and the spots beyond the discal band cream-coloured instead 
of pure white; marginal border dull ochrequs crossed by black 
veins; marginal black-edged stripe dull sordid whitish, its inner edge 
not undulated. Expanse of wings 52 millim. 

One male, taken on the 29th December.—Thrupp. 

This is probably the H. anvatara of Lefebvre (Voy. Abyss., Zool. 
vi. p. 380), but not of Boisduval. 

A pair of this species, from Aden, has recently been sent to us 
by Major Yerbury, in which the discal black band on the secondaries 
is slightly broader than in the Somali male, and the discal band 
below has its outer half dull chocolate-coloured ; but in every other 
respect they correspond with it. The species comes nearest to 
H. cora, Feisth., but is larger, brighter in colouring above, has 
narrower black bands, and much wider submarginal spots on the 
secondaries: on the under surface it is more clearly coloured 
throughout, the external area of primaries is not red-brown, and the 
bands on the secondaries are decidedly paler, including the marginal 
stripe, which in #. cora is dull brown; the central white band is 
also more angular. 


Papilio dedalus, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 482, n. 174 (1775). 

More than eighty miles S. of Berbera.—Thrupp. 

One broken example, of the variety with clay-coloured under 
surface, upon which the white spots are extremely ill-defined. Every 
intergrade between this, the true H. dedalus, and the H. meleagris 
of Cramer, exists in Abyssinia, and probably in all localities where 
the species occurs: any attempt to separate the two extremes, as 
some Lepidopterists have attempted to do, into two species, will 
probably be futile. 

10. AcCR#&A CHILO. 

Acrea chilo, Godman, P. Z. 8. 1880, p. 184, pl. xix. figs. 4, 5. 
Dura, December 23rd.—Lort- Phillips. 

Two male examples were obtained. 


Acrea bresia, Godman, P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 538, n. 4. 

One male, two females.—Lort-Phillips. 

I cannot see sufficient grounds for separating this from the Kilima- 
njaro species, the only differences being that the outer margins of 
the wings are a little less arched and the spots beyond the cell of 
primaries rather less oblique ; characters which would probably prove 
to be inconstant if one possessed a good series. 

12. ACRHZA MIRABILIS, n. sp. (Plate XLVII. fig. 1.) 
Wings above bright tawny with rose-coloured shot (probably 


rose-red in life) ; extremities of the veins black: primaries with a 
black spot at the end of cell in the male; the female has a black 
>-shaped marking in the cell and a black dash at the end; both 
sexes have an oblique subapical oval white patch on a black ground: 
secondaries, owing to their transparency, showing a band just before 
the middle ; in the females, however, part of the black outer edge 
of this band actually exists on the upper surface ; this sex also shows 
a small spot in the cell and a larger spot divided by the upper 
discocellular veinlet; outer border rather narrowly black, with a 
paler central stripe: head and thorax tawny, the latter sprinkled 
with whitish scales; abdomen of male white banded with sulphur 
yellow, of the female tawny, banded with black and edged with 
yellow. Primaries below soft tawny, the male with two black discoidal 
spots, the female with only the terminal black dash of the upper 
surface; an oblique oval subapical white patch edged internally 
with black ; beyond it and towards the outer margin throughout the 
veins are black broadly bordered with ash-grey and separated 
towards the apex solely by short black internervular dashes ; secon- 
daries white; basal area spotted with rose-colour ; a black subbasal 
transverse dash from the costal margin to the cell and two or three 
black subbasal spots; an ash-grey subangulated central band, 
spotted with tawny and rose-red, margined on both sides with black 
and enclosing a black spot; veins upon external area black; the 
latter in the male has no decided inner edge, but is of a pale buff 
tint, shading into white towards outer margin ; in the female, on the 
other hand, it is sharply defined by a black line and is of a silver- 
grey tint ; in both sexes this area encloses a series of internervular 
pyramidal orange dashes and is bounded externally by two black 
lines. Body of male below white, palpi and legs in front buff, sides 
of pectus spotted with rose-red ; body of female below entirely 
different, the pectus being white, spotted with golden buff similar to 
the colour of the palpi and front of legs, and the venter golden 
yellow with two central longitudinal black lines. Expanse of wings, 
S 37-43 millim., 2 47 millim. 

Three males. Bunder Maria, 27th April, 1884.—Yerbury. 

One female. More than 80 miles 8. of Berbera.—Thrupp. 

This marvellously distinct and pretty little species belongs to the 
group to which the name Telchinia has been given, but the banding 
of the under surface is quite unique. 



Papilio beticus, Linneus, Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 789, n. 226 (1767). 

3 2 .—Thrupp. 


Lycena asopus, Hopffer, Ber. Verh. Ak. Berl. 1855, p. 642; 
Peters’ Reise n. Mossamb., Zool. v. p. 410, pl. 26. figs. 13-15 

One male, var.—Thrupp. 

762 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [ Nov. 3, 

15. CATOCHRYSOPS NAIDINA, sp. n. (Plate XLVII. fig. 2.) 

Wings above pale silvery azure, the primaries slighted tinted at 
the base with green and the secondaries with cobalt ; extremities of 
veins, outer margins, and base of fringes grey-brown; tips of fringes 
white ; primaries with a well-defined brown crescent at extremity of 
discoidal cell; secondaries with a small blue-speckled black spot 
ahove the tail and faint indications of other submarginal spots; body 
much as usual; under surface of wings silver-grey ; markings ar- 
ranged nearly as in C. conguensis of Mabille (Grand. Hist. Mad., 
Lep. pl. 28. fig. 8*), but with the discocellular lunule and series of 
discal spots of the primaries black, the three spots of the subbasal 
series of secondaries and the first and last of the discal series also 
black, the other spots of the discal series more elongated and with 
two orange-zoned black spots, with metallic silvery-blue streak, 
instead of one only towards anal angle ; this species also has a well- 
defined tail. Expanse of wings 31 millim. 

One male.—Thrupp. 

Although I have compared this with M. Mabille’s figure, on 
account of the similarity in the pattern of the under surface, I am much 
mistaken if Z. conguensis is anything but the ordinary male of Z. 
asopus, of which M. Mabiile only figures the female. 

16. CaroCHRYSOPS FUMOSA, Sp. 1. 

Above smoky-brown, slightly sprinkled with blue scales at base ; 
fringe black at base but white externally ; secondaries with three in- 
distinct golden-ochreous spots, the central one brightest aud enclo- 
sing a black spot edged with lilac scales, near the anal angle; body 
brown with cupreous reflections; wings below stone-grey, marked 
much as in C. asopus, but the discal series of primaries consisting of 
only five spots and arranged in an arc; secondaries with the five 
spots nearest to the base black, as in the preceding species ; no tail 
appears to have existed at any time. Expanse of wings 38 millim. 

Two males.-—Thrupp. 

We have a Natal species allied to this, but I have not hitherto been 
successful in identifying it. 


36. Bronze-brown, rather dark, the wings with the interno-basal 
area broadly lilac ; secondaries with a small black spot just in front 
of the tail, edged externally with pure white, a second short white 

1 T cannot mention this book without expressing regret that the beautiful 
plates should have been entrusted to a Lepidopterist so unskilled as to be unable 
to tell the sexes of specimens before him; so that on the same plate (pl. 28) I 
see the males of two distinct species figured as sexes of ‘ Nymphalis” antam- 
boulow ; on plate 88 a female Catopsilia (C. rufosparsa) is figured as a male, and 
(on the same plate) the males of two species, so much alike that nobody could 
question their being nearly allied, are placed one in Hronia, the other in Calli- 
dryas. I will say no more here, beyond the fact that a number of Aden species 
are wrongly introduced, some of them renamed, and the male of one of them 
figured along with a Madagascar female belonging to another subgroup of the 


line at the extremity of interno-median area; a blackish marginal 
line ; fringe partly whitish. Wings below pale stone-grey, with mark- 
ings below nearly as in C. pandava of India, the primaries having a 
white-edged brown spot at the end of the cell; a discal band simi- 
larly coloured, oblique from costa to second median branch, then a 
little receding and divided below the second median into two sections ; 
the usual ocelloid marginal spots composed of alternate white and 
brown lunules and spots; secondaries crossed near the base by 
three white-edged black spots, that on costa largest; a white-edged 
brown discocellular lunule ; an arched and somewhat sinuous discal 
series of white-edged spots, the first on costa black, the others 
slightly separated from it brown, the series almost interrupted below 
the second median branch ; the usual marginal ocelloid spots bounded 
internally by bread white crescents, the two nearest to the anal angle 
black: body below white. Expanse of wings 25 millim. 

One male. Bunder Maria, 27th April, 1884.—VYerdury. 

I have been unable to find any described species at all closely 
allied to this; the nearest species, though wholly differing on the 
upper surface, is C. pandava, but even on the under surface, though 
agreeing in general pattern, the outline of the markings does not 
correspond in detail; the anal ocelli also are simply represented by 
black spots, upon each of which, with the help of a lens, I dis- 
covered a single silver scale. ‘The venter in the type is tinted with 
gamboge-yellow, but I believe that it is stained; if natural, this 
would be a most unusual colour for any genus of the group allied 
to Lycena. 

Lycena zena, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 505, pl. 31. fig. 9. 
One male.—TZArupp. 


Polyommatus jesous, Lefebvre, Voy. Abyss. vi. p. 383, pl. 11. 
figs. 3, 4 (1847). 

3d 2. December 23rd.—Thrupp. 


Lycena pulchra, Murray, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1874, p. 524, pl. 10. 
figs. 7, 8. 

3 Q. December 23rd.—Thrupp. 


Lycena sybaris, Hopffer, Ber. Verh. Ak. Berl. 1855, p. 642, 
n. 19; Peters’ Reise n. Mossamb., Zool. v. p. 408, pl. 26. figs. 6-8 

One male. Duderi, 26th April, 1884.—Yeréury. 

The single example obtained differs very slightly from Hopffer’s 
figure, and is apparently referable to the above species. 

764 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 3, 


Hesperia theophrastus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 281, n. 32 
(1793). } 

Lycena theophrastus, Lucas, Expl. Alg., Zool. iii. pl. 1. fig. 6 

3S 2. December 23rd.—Thrupp. 

23. CASTALIUS LACTINATUS, sp.n. (Plate XLVII. fig. 3.) 

Allied to C. eretosus of Abyssinia. Milk-white ; basal markings 
above as in (. carana and C. cretosus ; external border similar to 
that of C. cretosus, but with larger subapical white spots, with a 
marginal series of small white spots and shining white-tipped fringe : 
secondaries with a discal series of six small blackish spots close to 
the external border, the first two confluent and separated by an in- 
terval from the others; external borders bounded internally by a 
black-brown stripe almost parallel to outer margin and emitting 
spurs along the veins to the outer margin; between the veins a sub- 
marginal series of differently formed black spots, that above the tail 
being large ; marginal line black ; tail black, tipped with white: wader 
surface milk-white, all the markings slender and sharply defined ; 
otherwise formed as in C. calice, excepting that the whole of the 
submarginal spots on the primaries, the first and fourth on the secon- 
daries, and the short band across the end of the cell of these wings 
are wholly absent. Expanse of wings 27 millim. 

One female. —Thrupp. 

Papilio lingeus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 379, F, G (1782). 
3 2 .—Thrupp. 

25. SPINDASIS SOMALINA, sp.n. (Plate XLVII. fig. 5.) 

Allied to S. ella from Natal, but considerably larger; the upper sur- 
face with much more brilliant ultramarine-blue shot, and with the spots 
on the primaries smaller and partly white in the male and pure white 
in the female instead of ochreous; secondaries more elongated : 
primaries below snow-white excepting the basal discoidal patch, 
which is pale buff and encloses two bright metallic plumbageous 
spots ; bands arranged as in S; el/a excepting that there is a conti- 
nuous submarginal band (whereas in S. ed/a there are only two short 
sections, one at costa and one in the middle); all the bands clay- 
coloured and enclosing series of plumbageous dashes; external 
border pale buff, excepting towards the external angle, where it be. 
comes gradually white, intersected by a black line and edged exter- 
nally with black ; fringe grey-brown: secondaries pale buff with the 
exception of central part of the costal half, which is pure white ; 
markings nearly as in NS, ed/a, but the subbasal spots more elongated 
and therefore contiguous, and the bands broader ; all these markings 
clay-coloured, with central bright plumbageous or silvery streaks ; 
external border pale buff, varied with cream-colour and intersected 


by a black line ; marginal line and fringe as in primaries ; anal angle 
creamy white, spotted with black and silver; a large black spot at 
the angle ; tails golden-orange at base, otherwise black with terminal 
white fringe. Thorax above slaty-grey, collar brown, head white, 
abdomen clay-brown banded with white. Below, pectus white, legs 
yellowish ; venter white, with a central interrupted clay-brown streak. 
Expanse of wings, ¢ 29 millim., 2 32-35 millim. 

3 2. Less than 80 miles 8. of Berbera.—Thrupp. 

2. Bunder Maria, 27th April, 1884.—Yerbury. 

CHLOROSELAS, gen. nov. 

Allied to Spindasis; of the same form. Primaries with a black 
patch of thickened scales at the end of the cell and at base of second 
and third median branches ; costal vein extending to second third 
of costal margin; subcostal with only three branches, the first 
emitted at some distance before the end of the cell, the second and 
third emitted together from a long footstalk, and terminating upon 
the costa just before the apex; upper radial emitted from the anterior 
angle of the cell, lower radial from the centre of the discocellulars, 
which are transverse ; second and third median branches emitted near 
together; secondaries apparently with only one tail ; neuration as in 
Spindasis: palpi broader, more curved, and with shorter terminal 
joint than in Spindasis; antenne more slender and with more 
abruptly formed club ; anterior legs more slender. Type, C. esme- 

26. CHLOROSELAS ESMERALDA, sp. un. (Plate XLVII. fig. 4.) 

Primaries above with the basi-internal half, excepting the costal 
border, brilliant flashing emerald-green, changing in certain positions 
to purple and in others to greyish flesh-colour, the basal half of costa 
constantly of the latter colour, apical half smoky-brown; a black 
patch at the end of the cell: secondaries brilliant green, with the 
costal border rather broadly smoky-brown, abdominal border pale 
bronze-brown ; anal lobe golden-orange, spotted on each side with 
black and silver. Body above blue-black ; head whitish, palpi white, 
antennze annulated with white, club tipped with orange, abdomen 
banded with whitish. Wings below pale sandy testaceous, the wings 
spotted all over with embossed silver and black: primaries with 
whitish internal area; a silver spot near the base of the costal bor- 
der, about six silver spots in the cell, an irregular transverse series 
of six beyond the cell, two confused discal series of silver and black 
spots; a submarginal series of partly black-edged silver spots and a 
nearly marginal series of black dots; fringe white: secondaries with 
four or five silver spots at the base ; a series of four across the basal 
third followed by slender black dashes, then a forked discal series of 
silver spots intermixed with six black spots; submarginal series and 
dots as on primaries; orange, black, and silver lobe as above : body 
below white. Expanse of wings 21-22 millim. 

Bunder Maria, 30th April, 1884.—Yerbury. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. L. 50 

766 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 3, 

Major Yerbury obtained three male specimens of this lovely little 

27. HypoLyczNA UMBROSA, sp.n. (Plate XLVII. fig. 6.) 

Nearest to H. ceculus; primaries above smoky grey-brown, with 
a large patch of lavender occupying the basi-internal half; secon- 
daries lavender, costal border and a patch at apex smoky grey-brown ; 
submarginal blackish spots and metallic green anal spots as in the 
female of H. ceculus. Under surface white clouded with pearl-grey : 
primaries with an orange brownish transverse dash at the end of the 
cell; a narrow bent dark grey band shot with bright cupreous be- 
yond the cell from costa almost to the submedian vein ; a submar- 
ginal dark grey stripe tapering from submedian vein almost to the 
costa, and trisinuate at its anterior extremity ; fringe white, spotted 
with dark grey: secondaries with a bisinuate subbasal grey band 
brilliantly shot with cupreous orange, a darker oblique dash at the 
end of the cell, and a zigzag stripe from costa to abdominal margin 
beyond the cell; a submarginal dark grey stripe tapering from costa 
to abdominal margin, where it unites with a marginal line which ex- 
tends almost from the base along this margin; a rounded black spot 
near the extremity of the first median interspace, and a second upon 
a metallic green streak at anal angle; a slender black marginal line 
extending into the tails ; fringe white. Expanse of wings 32 millim. 

One specimen only was obtained.—Thrupp. 

28. IoLAUS GLAUCUS, Sp. n. 

Nearest to J. belli: primaries above blackish with a large interno- 
basal patch of bright violet, occupying about half the wing; secon- 
daries blackish grey, slightly paler towards the abdominal border, 
which is almost entirely white ; centre of wing densely irrorated with 
bright violet; a submarginal series of spots, black internally but 
lilacine whitish externally ; a black anal spot bordered internally 
with bright metallic emerald-green and yellow, and probably a 
similar spot between the tails*; fringe white; a velvety-black patch 
of thickened scales at base of subcostal branches: wings below 
chalky-white, with two strongly marked jet-black stripes (the inner 
one interrupted by the veins on the primaries), and the margin black; 
the stripes formed as in J. belli; the black, green, and yellow anal 
spot larger than above ; a little marginal dash of the same colours 
above the lobe. Expanse of wings 31 millim. 

Duderi, 26th April, 1884.—Yerdury. 

From any less interesting locality I should hesitate to make a type 
of a specimen with the secondaries damaged; it is, however, a very 
distinct species, and there can be little doubt as to the pattern upon 
the missing parts. 

1 The secondaries unfortunately have a piece broken out of them on both 
sides, but some metallic green scales are visible at the edge of the broken part 
on one side, showing that, at any rate, a green spot, if not a black one, exists. 



Terias zoe, Hopffer, Ber. Verh. Ak. Berl. 1855, p. 640, n. 5; 
Peters’ Reise n. Mossamb., Zool. v, p. 369, pl. 23. figs. 10, 11 

One male.—Thrupp. 


Pontia dynamene, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 6. figs. 15, 16 (1829). 

Var.? Teracolus carnifer, Butler, P. Z.S. 1876, p. 138, n. 42, 
pl. vil. figs. 8, 9. 

One male of each form.—Thrupp. 

M. Mabille has recently figured as the female of this species 
(which I am satisfied is not found in Madagascar) that sex of 
Staudinger’s recently named Madagascar species 7. castalis, placed 
by the latter author in the obsolete genus Idmais. Dr. Staudinger 
is frequently at fault in his generic identifications, though most often 
his error consists in associating genera utterly different in structure, 
and whose chief resemblance is one of external facies (as is the case 
with Amynthia clorinde, described and figured in Dr. Staudinger’s 
very pretty book as a Gonepterya), whereas the three groups Idmais. 
Callosune, and Teracolus, which, from insufficient material, Dr, 
Staudinger believes to be distinct genera, do not exhibit a single 
structural distinction, and, not only that, our collection of these 
butterflies, which is beyond all question by far the most perfect in the 
world, shows an almost complete transition, through numbers of 
nearly allied local forms, from the most Colias-like Idmais-form to 
the extremest type of Callosune-form almost resembling a Leptidia. 
It is easy to figure selected species and to say that they are members 
of different genera ; it is just as easy to assert without evidence that 
intermediate forms have been described from single specimens and 
therefore may be ignored; but facts remain as they were,—genera 
founded on good structural characters will alone stand. 


3. Exactly intermediate between 7. protractus and T. phisadia: 
primaries only differing from the latter in the straight inner edge to 
the blue-grey basal area, which agrees with that of 7’. protractus, 
and in the distinctly white-pupilled black spot at the end of the cell; 
secondaries like 7’. protractus, excepting that the abdominal half from 
the base to the border is white as in 7. phisadia: on the under sur- 
face the wings are almost exactly as in the latter species. Expanse 
of wings 39 millim. 

One male.— Thrupp. 

This is one of the most interesting species in the collection, since 
it is exactly intermediate between the salmon-coloured 7. protractus 
and the salmon and white 7. phisadia. I have long been looking 
out for this intergrade, as I was satisfied that it must exist; I have 
also no doubt that a species intermediate between 7’. phisadia and 


768 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON (Nov. 3, 

T. vestalis will ere long be discovered. 1’. phisadia (from Aden 
evidently) has been redescribed and figured by M. Mabille under the 
name of Idmais philamene; the form is that figured by Klug as 
Pontia arne. 


Pontia chrysonome, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 7. figs. 9-11 (1829). 

3 2. Bunder Maria, 27th-30th April, 1884.—Yerbury. 

6 Q. 2nd January.—Thrupp. 

The species appears to be tolerably common in Somali-land ; it is 
quite constant in coloration and markings; as may be seen from 
Klug’s figures, the males only have the base of the wings bluish and 


Pontia protomedia, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 8. figs. 13, 14 (1829). 

3 2. Dura, December 23rd.—Zhrupp. 

As usual, this species has not come in good condition ; no speci- 
men hitherto sent to the Museum has been quite perfect. 1’. proto- 
media is another of the Aden species introduced into the fauna of 
Madagascar by M. Mabille ; it is evident that some collection made 
at Aden has been forwarded to him as from Madagascar. The Lepi- 
doptera of Arabia are peculiar ; they do not, in all probability, range 
further southwards than Somali, and even there they are frequently 
replaced by allied but distinct species; that they should turn up 
again, in no respect modified, in Madagascar, is quite out of the 

34, TERACOLUS HELIOCAUSTUS, sp. n. (Plate XLVII. figs. 8, 9.) 

Exactly intermediate between the variety 7’. miriam of T. pleione 
and 7’. acaste, in size, pattern, and colouring. The male has the 
apical border of 7. miriam, but the orange area is confined by the 
discoidal cell on the anterior half of the wing, and on the posterior 
half only differs from that on the primaries of 7. acaste S in ex- 
tending to the base; the secondaries have the orange costal area of 
T'.. acaste, but at the base it fills the discoidal cell and suffuses the 
interno-median area almost as much as in 7. miriam; the black dis- 
cocellular spot on the primaries is formed as in 7. acaste: the under 
surface shows the orange basal area of 7’. miriam, but the ochraceous 
apical area of primaries and entire surface of secondaries of 7. acaste. 
The female exhibits the pattern of 7’. cae/estis rather than of 7’. acaste ; 
but the marginal spots are larger than in either ; the costal and in- 
ternal borders of primaries towards the base are dark greyish ; the 
discoidal cell and the whole interno-median area, as far as the discal 
series of spots, are orange, which colour therefore does not extend 
quite so far outwards as in the male: on the under surface the pat- 
tern is the same as in Z’. acaste 2, but the basi-internal half of the 
primaries is orange, the apical border ochraceous, and the secondaries 
yellow with diffused ochraceous external border and orange basi- 


costal margin. Expanse of wings, ¢ 36-41 millim., 2 35-44 

6 2. Bunder Maria, 30th April, 1884.—Yerbury. 

36 2. Less than 80 miles S. of Berbera —Thrupp. 

I have fully expected to receive a species linking 7. miriam to the 
T. halimede group for some years past ; when we receive the male of 
T’.. coliagenes, I have no doubt it will prove to belong to the latter 
group, perhaps tending to link it to 7’. abyssinicus, T. eris, and 
T. maimuna. 

T. miriam of Aden has been refigured, as from Madagascar, by 
M. Mabille under the new synonym of Anthocharis eucheria. 
Anthocharis is an obsolete name for the European genus Luchloe, 
which differs from Teracolus in neuration in having five subcostal 
branches instead of four to the primaries, and in the position of the 
upper radial, which is emitted from the inferior edge of the subcostal 
vein beyond the cell; these are points which prove Huchloe to be- 
long to a different section of the subfamily from that to which 
Teracolus belongs. 

The two forms of T. pleione, which scarcely differ and certainly 
interbreed, have now been described four and figured three times. 

35. TERACOLUS PRECLARUS, n. sp. (Plate XLVII. fig. 7.) 

Allied to 7. amina, the male on the upper surface only differing 
in the greater width of the blackish border and the absence of mar- 
ginal spots, the female differing also in its yellower colour (the base 
of the primaries and whole of secondaries up to the border being 
yellow); the blackish apical half of primaries irrorated with carmine, 
crossed by seven spots of this colour and with six marginal carmine 
dots: under surface entirely distinct from 7’. amina, the primaries 
with the basal three fifths of the discoidal cell cadmium-yellow, 
shading into lemon-yellow towards the costa and vermilion towards 
its outer extremity; female also with a broad submedian streak of 
vermilion, a round black spot at the end of the cell; a central white 
belt enclosing the black spot, beyond which the whole disk, with the 
exception of a triangular apical patch, is bright rose-red and crossed 
by an angular series of black spots ; apical patch yellow and quad- 
rifid internally, dark ochraceous flesh-coloured externally: secon- 
daries lemon-yellow, with the basi-abdominal area in the male 
yellowish flesh-coloured, and in the female bright gamboge-yellow ; 
the external area ochraceous flesh-coloured, bounded internally by 
an angular lilacine brownish macular band enclosing a series of bright 
yellow crescents: body below whitish. Expanse of wings, ¢ 43 
millim., 2 48 millim. 

One pair, the male taken by Mr. Thrupp and the female by Mr. 
Lort-Phillips, who captured it with his fingers whilst it was hovering 
about the flowers of a Mimosa or similar shrub. 

This is one of the most distinct, beautiful, and at the same 
time interesting species yet discovered. I have long been looking 
for evidence that 7. amina and T. celimene are intermediate (as 
they appear to be) between the two groups to which the names 

770 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON (Nov. 3, 

Idmais and Callosune were formerly given. TT. amina has much of 
the pattern of 7. vesta and its allies on the under surface, but both 
sexes correspond more nearly with the 7’. tone group on the upper 
surface ; 7’. pholoé, from Lake N’Gami, is evidently a female allied 
to T. amina, but having two series of magenta spots across the black 
area of the primaries ; it may even be a dimorphic form of the female 
of 7’. celimene from Abyssinia, which is described as having two 
series of yellowish-white spots across this area: all these have the 
“ Tdmais”’ type of marking on the under surface. On the other hand, 
the species from Somali, though on the upper surface much like 
T. amina and (evidently) T. pholoé, differs in having the under sur- 
face coloured more nearly as in 7’. zoe of Madagascar, a species 
intermediate in character between the 7’. halimede and T’. ione groups, 
and thus links the so-called genera Idmais and Callosune at another 
point, proving that even in their pattern they are completely linked 
and interlocked beyond the possibility of separation. 


Pontia eupompe, Klug, Symb. Phys. pl. 6. figs. 11-14 (1829). 

Two male specimens.— Thrupp. 

The males are chiefly distinguishable from the following by the 
magenta-shot colour upon the crimson apical patch, the usually much 
broader blackish inner border to this patch, and the more distinct 
markings on the under surface. 


Anthopsyche dedecora, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. ii. p. 184, 
n. 177 (1865). 

g. Duderi, 26th April; Bunder Maria, 27th April.—Yerbury. 

36 @. Somali, 23rd December.—Thrupp. 

Some examples have no series of discal spots across the secondaries 
on the under surface, whereas others are nearly as strongly marked 
as in 7’. eupompe. This appears to be an inconstant character in the 
present species, as one out of three males from Duderi has these 
markings obliterated, a second has them half across the wing, and 
the third has a complete series and much resembles males of 7’. 
dulcis; the tint of the under surface also varies as in 7’. subroseus. 


3. Upper surface almost exactly as in the male of 7. omphaloides, 
differing in the orange instead of vermilion apical patch, and in the 
diffuse character of the posterior extremity of the black border. On 
the under surface it corresponds more nearly with the male of 7. 
theogone, the apical area of primaries being precisely similar except- 
ing that perhaps the red patch is a little more diffused ; the secon- 
daries are however decidedly paler, of a clear pink colour with a 
broad grey costal border extending from the base to the brown costal 
spot ; the discal brown stripe is well defined but the spot at the end 
of the cell extremely minute. Expanse of wings 45 millim. 

One male, January 2nd.—Thrupp. 


This is an intergrade which I had not expected to see, combining 
the colouring on both surfaces of T. loandicus with the pattern of 
T. omphaloides. 

39. TERACOLUS THRUPPI, sp. n. (Plate XLVII. fig. 10.) 

¢. Allied to 7. daira and T. yerburii, but the primaries in their 
markings more like 7’. suffusus of Angola. Milk-white, costal border 
slightly greyish, the margin narrowly black; apical third to first 
median branch occupied by a black-brown triangular patch enclosing 
a lunate orange patch composed of six more or less elongated spots 
divided only by the black veins; outer margin towards external 
angle narrowly dusky ; a broad blackish internal band from base to 
external third, and widest in the middle; secondaries with the basi- 
costal third (excepting upon the abdominal area) blackish ; external 
border from submedian vein to apex broadly blackish, interrupted on 
the median and submedian interspaces by squamose white marginal 
spots; body black, tegule with whitish and greyish fringe. Pri- 
maries below white, discoidal area sulphur-yellow, irrorated in front 
with grey ; a large and almost semicircular subapical orange pateh, 
its inner border slightly sordid, bounded outwardly by a broad 
greenish external border which terminates on the first median inter- 
space; internal band broader than above, grey, becoming blackish 
at the outer extremity: secondaries white, the basicostal third 
pearl-grey suffused with pale sulphur-yellow, which gives it a 
greenish tint ; basal half of costal margin deep orange ; a dusky 
oblique costal dash terminating the basicostal area ; a small fusi- 
form orange spot dotted with black at the end of the cell; external 
border pale yellowish, bounded internally by an unequal diffused 
olive-brownish band: body below white. Expanse of wings 36 millim. 

¢. Primaries narrower, more rounded, the subapical patch re- 
placed by a very oblique orange band composed of four elliptical 
sections separated only by the veins, and bounded internally by a 
narrow line of black, so that the apical area is decidedly smaller and 
its inner edge has a more defined angle than in the male ; fringe 
white instead of black ; internal blackish band of nearly equal width 
throughout: secondaries much shorter, with six unequal black 
marginal spots, the second and third large and followed by a grey 
submarginal band, so as to enclose four reniform pale yellowish spots 
between the black marginal spots: under surface yellower, the olive 
ereenish apical area of primaries replaced by pale sulphur-yellow 
sparsely irrorated with grey, the orange band narrower, clearer in 
colour and more oblique, the secondaries sulphur-tinted throughout, 
with the basal area irrorated with grey, the discocellular spot better 
defined, and the submarginal band grey instead of olive-brownish. 
Expanse of wings 31 millim. 

One male, two females, January 2nd.—Thrupp. 


Q. Allied to 7’. phlegetonia, T. minans, T. interruptus, and T. friga; 
but at once distinguished by its smaller size, the absence of a black 

772 MR.A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 3, 

discocellular dot on the primaries, the position of the nebulous grey 
discal band on the secondaries, which is much further from the 
outer margin, and the paler and more delicate colouring on both 
surfaces. Its general aspect is that of Z. friga (P. Z. S. 1876, pl. vi. 
fig. 5, 2); but, in addition to the absence of the discocellular dot, 
the wings are whiter, the oblique subapical band is narrower, more 
oblique than in the figure, bounded throughout with orange, the 
outer border is more acutely dentated and terminates in a small 
black spot; the internal streak extends from the base, is grey 
throughout ; the spot on the disk of secondaries is continued as a 
streak tapering to the submedian vein, and the marginal border is 
replaced by six blackish spots: on the under surface it is quite 
different, being similar to, but much paler than, the female of 
T. cione. Expanse of wings 28-33 millim. 

Two females.—Thrupp. 

There is not the least doubt that many Lepidopterists who did 
not possess abundant material would have put down 7. jamesi as 
the female of 7’. thruppii, overlooking the differences between the 
sexes of that species, and regarding them all as males; yet there can 
be no question that it belongs to a different subgroup, the males of 
which invariably have a transverse blackish discal spot or dash upon 
the orange apical area, as in 7. friga, S$ (see figure in P. Z.S. 
1876); whereas the females of the T.-daira group nearly resemble 
the males, both having the orange apical patch bounded internally 
by a black line, stripe, or baad. 

41. TERACOLUS PHILLIPSI, sp. nu. (Plate XLVII. fig. 11.) 

Nearly allied to 7’. evarne. The male differing in its pure white 
colour, smaller and less brilliant orange apical patch, with much 
narrower sulphur-yellow edging, the very narrow black margin to 
the primaries, absence of marginal spots in the secondaries; pri- 
maries below white instead of sulphur-yellow, the apical patch 
sulphur-yellow, with pale pink inner edging instead of creamy 
ochraceous, and with three well-defined subapical brown dots in an 
oblique series : secondaries creamy white, shorter than in 7. evarne, 
with only the costa slightly yellowish. The female differs above in 
its whiter colouring, much better-defined black markings, the sub- 
apical spots forming a continuous irregular stripe, the much smaller 
orange apical area, and the entirely different coloration of the under 
surface, which closely resembles that of J. eucharis 2. Expanse 
of wings, ¢ 42 millim., 2 40 millim. 

One male and three females.—Thrupp. 

Var. a. Smaller; the orange apical area of male narrower, with 
concave rather than convex inner edge, the black border reduced to 
a few apical marginal dots; under surface of primaries with the 
subapical dots reduced to two, and orange instead of brown; the 
female altogether paler, with smaller black markings, the subapical 
spots separate as in 7. evarne Q, the apical area only irrorated 
with orange, so that it appears to be flesh-coloured; the under 
surface altogether whiter (but occasionally with pinkish secondaries), 


with less strongly-defined markings. Expanse of wings, ¢ 92 
37 millim. 

One male and three females.— Thrupp. 

Two males. Duderi, 26th April, 1884.— Yerbury. 

Var. 6. Still smaller, the male with apical patch as in the type, 
but more broadly bordered internally with sulphur-yellow ; black 
marginal edging only indistinctly seen with the help of a lens; 
under surface of primaries as in var, a, of secondaries pale pink 
with base of costa orange: the female with the apical patch much 
paler than in var. a, the marginal spots wanting, the discal spots 
ill-defined ; the markings of the secondaries oksolete, the markings 
of the under surface faintly indicated in olivaceous, instead of deep 
brown, the secondaries pink-tinted. Expanse of wings, ¢ 9 
35 millim. 

One male, two females, 2nd January.~- Thrupp. 

The three forms which I here associate under one specific name 
are doubtless representatives of the three supposed species taken 
by Col. Swinhoe in Bombay, viz. 7. pseudevanthe, T. titea, and 
T. eucharis ; whether they are distinct or not can be decided only 
upon the spot by careful successive experiments in breeding. There- 
fore, whilst I refrain from asserting that the Indian types are mere 
varietal forms, I equally refrain from separating as species the three 
gradational types found in Somali until more is known concerning 
them. The male of the form taken by Major Yerbury (var. a) 
somewhat resembles Klug’s figure of 7. liagore 3; his supposed 
female is a male of a distinct species allied to 7’. glycera. 


Anthocharis nouna, Lucas, Expl. Algér., Zool. iii. p. 350, n. 14, 
pl. 1. fig. 2 (1849). 

One male. Bunder Maria, 27th April, 1884. 

This is evidently a wide-ranging species. Major Yerbury obtained 
only one example on the Somali coast ; it agrees in all respects with 

males from Aden, excepting that the orange subapical dash on the 
under surface of the primaries is a little less red in tint. 


2. Callidryas hyblea, Boisduval, Sp. Gén. Lép. p. 612, n. 11 

3 Q. Catopsilia hyblea, Butler, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 487. 

gd ¢. More than eighty miles south of Berbera.—Lort-Phillips. 

Three males and one female obtained. 


2. Catopsilia aleurona, Butler, Ann, & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, 
syol. xviii. p. 489 (1876); o, P.Z.S. 1884, p. 487. 
d 2. Less than eighty miles south of Berbera.—Lort-Phillips. 
These two species of Catopsilia were taken with the fingers whilst 
settling near water ; of the latter species only a single rather worn 
pair was obtained. 

774 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [Nov. 3, 

Pieris lordaca, Walker, Entom. v. p. 48. 

Three males, two females. 2nd January.—Thrupp. 
Only one male was taken less than eighty miles south of Berbera. 

46. SYNCHLOE DisToRTA, sp. n. (Plate XLVII. fig. 12.) 

Q. Pale sulphur-yellow ; all the nervures above greyish, owing 
probably to the semitransparency of the wings, which allows the 
pattern of the under surface to be seen; costal margin of primaries 
blackish ; a cuneiform and somewhat curved black patch at the end 
of the cell, uniting on the third median branch with the apical 
border, which is formed as in 8. hellica, and encloses similar oval 
spots of the ground-colour ; the black spot below the first median 
branch of S. hellica is here only indicated by a minute blackish dot, 
and the secondaries show no more of the dentate-sinuate submarginal 
line than in the male of that species. Below, the wings are decidedly 
yellower than above; all the veins are grey-brown irrorated with 
yellow, which gives them an olive tint: primaries with the patch at 
the end of the cell formed as above, confluent, with a greyish basi- 
costal border, not black as above, but greyish sprinkled with yellow 
atoms ; two paler but similarly coloured patches, representing the 
inner portion of the apical border, but placed further from the 
margin than in S. hellica ; submedian dot rather larger than above: 
secondaries with the veins more broadly bordered than on the pri- 
maries, and connected by a submarginal dentate-sinuate yellow- 
sprinkled grey stripe. Expanse of wings 33 millim. 

One female. More than eighty miles south of Berbera.—Thrupp. 

Only one female was obtained, which, from its small size and 
narrow wings, I at first imagined to be only a starved specimen of 
some well-known species. Upon comparing it, however, with S, 
hellica and allies, it is clearly seen to be perfectly distinct, the dark 
veins of the primaries being peculiar to it. The specimen is in all 
probability somewhat starved, which would account for its small 
size and narrow wings; but the other characters would be amply 
sufficient to distinguish it specifically. 


3. Nearest to H. tritogenia: smaller, wings blacker, pale markings 
of a uniform cream-colour ; oblique patch at end of cell less irregular, 
subapical spots larger; central submarginal spot smaller; dot at 
extremity of first median interspace obsolete; oblique band from 
internal margin much narrower, more or less divided above the first 
median branch; black band from abdominal margin of secondaries 
differently shaped, widest instead of narrowest at this margin, its 
inner edge forming a slight regular arch to the subcostal vein ; outer 
border broader; apical area of primaries and whole of secondaries 
below tinted with pink, the markings bronze-brown (not yellowish 
brown); the pale bands being narrower, and the darker ones con- 
sequently broader than in H. tritogenia. Expanse of wings 
44 millim. 


Three male specimens. More than eighty miles south of Berbera. 


Eronia buquetii, var. arabica, Hopffer in Peters’ Reise nach 
Mossambique, Zool. v. p. 363, var. (3 (1862). 

Nepheronia arabica, Butler, P. Z.S. 1884, p. 492, n. 37. 

One female. More than eighty miles southwards of Berbera.— 



Ismene anchises, Gerstaecker in Van der Decken’s Reisen in Ost- 
Africa, lil. p. 374, n. 29, pl. xv. figs. 6, 6 @ (1873). 

One pair, 23rd December.—TZhrupp. 


Cyclopides cheles, Hewitson, Descr. Hesp. p. 42, n. 5 (1868). 
One male.—Thrupp.. 
Allied to OC. mene of Cramer. 


Cyclopides callicles, Hewitson, Descr. Hesp. p. 42, n. 6 (1868). 
Two males.—Thrupp. 

Nearest to C. macomo. 

The two preceding species were originally described from speci- 

mens received from Damara-land. We have C. callicles also from 


Pterygospidea djelele, Wallengren, Lep. Rhop. Caffr. p. 54 

One damaged specimen.-—Thrupp. 

53. EusEMIA THRUPPI, sp. n. 

2. Allied to H. superba’, but the spots on the thorax and at 
base of primaries yellow, the latter extending to basal fourth, where 
they form a sinuous series ; the first pair of larger spots differing in 
that the anterior spot is of only about a third the size of that in 
E. superba, and the lower spot is cuneiform and rests on the inner 
margin ; the other spots on the wing differ but little: secondaries 
with the apical two thirds orange-ochreous, changing below the cell 
to rose-red ; external border about half the width of that of Z. 
superba, and without the white apical spot of that species; abdomen 
shining fulvous, becoming redder towards the base, not banded with 
black as in all the allied species. Expanse of wings 80 millim. 

One female. More than eighty miles south of Berbera.—Thrupp. 

* In the Museum from Natal, Zulu Land, and Nyanza. 



Bombyx oubie, Guérin, Voy. in Abyss. pl. 12. figs. 1, 2. 

Saturnia zaddachii, Dewitz, Mitth. d. Minch. Ver. 1879, Taf. ii. 
fig. 6. 

Four females, all more or less damaged.—Thrupp. 

From the figures of this species I had always supposed it to be 
allied to Antherea tyrrea (which, however, is hardly a typical 
Antherea). In coloration it corresponds with A. delina, and in 
pattern, excepting for its pale nervures, with A. hersilia. After 
careful examination of all its structural characters, however, it 
appears not to differ from typical Saturnia ; the antenne, with their 
alternate unequal serration, the short palpi, short proboscis, legs, 
and nervures, including the apical furcation of the subcostal branches, 
all correspond with those of the female S. pavonia-maor, and yet 
the pattern is distinctly that of the African representatives of 

I can find no reason for separating S. zaddachii from S. oubie ; 
as Herr Dewitz does not mention the figure by M. Guérin, it was 
most probably overlooked by him ; at the same time I should greatly 
prefer to use the later and less barbarous name if it were possible. 

One of the specimens obtained by Mr. Thrupp shows a curious 
modification of wing-structure, the upper radial of the left-hand 
primary being united by a cross-vein to the last subcostal branch. 


Noctua peltigera, Denis & Schiffermiiller, Wien. Verz. p. 89, n. 2. 
One example, marked simply “ Somali coast.”-—Yerbury. 


Fig. 1. Acrea mirabilis, 2, p. 760. 
2. Catochrysops naidina, p. 762. 
8. Castalius lactinatus, p. 764. 
4. Chloroselas esmeralda, p. 765. 
5. Spindasis somalina, 2, p. 764. 
6. Hypolycena umbrosa, p. 766. 
7. Teracolus preciarus, 3° 769. 
8, 9. heliocaustus, 3, & p. 768. 
10. —— thruppi, 3, p. 771. 
ile phillipsi, 2, p. 772. 
12. Synchloe distorta, p. 774. 


i H 

af by y 

ay ae ral 


From: nat on Stone by J.Erxleben nhart imp. 


3P4 left upper molar 



3. Description of a Tooth of Mastodon latidens, Clift, from 
Borneo. By R. Lypexker, B.A., &c. 

[Received August 18, 1885.] 
(Plate XLVIITI.) 

The specimen forming the subject of the present notice was 
forwarded from Borneo to the Secretary of this Society by Mr. A. H. 
Everett, C.M.Z.S., who stated that it was found during the early 
part of the present year by a Kadayan in the jungie in the. vicinity 
of Bruni, on the north-west coast of Borneo. Owing to the country 
being in a disturbed state Mr. Everett could not visit the locality to 
make further inquiries ; but there seems no doubt that the history 
of the specimen is a true one. 

The specimen is the crown of the last left upper true molar of a 
tetralophodont J/astodon, and agrees so closely with Indian teeth 
of the Siwalik Mastodon latidens, Clift *, that it may be safely 
referred to that species, although it indicates a very small individual. 
In mineralogical condition the specimen agrees very closely with 
many Burmese specimens of the teeth of the same species, although its 
colour is rather darker than is usually the case. The crown carries 
five low transverse ridges, and a well-marked hind talon (¢a) ; each 
ridge extends straight across the crown, and the intervening valleys 
are quite open and uninterrupted by accessory tubercles ; there is a 
very small quantity of cement at the base of the hinder valleys. Each 
ridge is divided into an inner and an outer moiety by a longitudinal 
cleft, which is placed nearest to the outer border of the tooth. 
The first two ridges are partially worn, and show dentine islets ; 
the third is very slightly worn, but its enamel is not perforated ; 
while the fourth and fifth, together with the talon, are untouched ; 
the third and fourth ridges show that there are four cusps on the 
inner and two on the outer side of the longitudinal cleft. The inner 
moieties of the first and second ridges present dentine islets with a 
very imperfect trefoil shape ; and when more worn the islets of the 
inner and outer moieties would unite and form transverse bands. 
On the anterior aspect there is a disk caused by the pressure of an 
adjacent molar, but the posterior aspect exhibits no such disk; these 
features, together with the characteristic shape of the crown and 
the number of ridges, show that the tooth is the last of the true 
molar series. 

Compared with the large series of Indian and Burmese teeth of 
Mastodon latidens figured by the present writer in the ‘ Palzeontologia 
Indica’ (Mem. Geol. Surv. India*), the present specimen agrees 
precisely in all general characters. The only other species to which 
it presents any resemblance is the Indian M. perimensis, of which 
characteristic teeth are figured in the same work’; but it is 

1 Trans. Geol. Soe. ser. 2, vol. ii. pt. 8, p. 871 (1828). 
? Ser. 10, vol. i. pls. xxxvii.—xxxix (1880). 
3 Vol. i. pls. x1., xlii., and vol. iii. pl. xvi. 

778 MR. R. LYDEKKER ON A [Nov. 3, 

readily distinguished by the lower ridges, open valleys, less distinct 
dentine trefoils, and much smaller quantity of cement. Compared 
with the large unworn third right upper true molar of M. latidens 
from the Punjab, figured in plate xxxix. of the first volume of the 
work cited’, it will be seen that the Borneo specimen agrees in the 
number of ridges (although the hind talon is considerably smaller), 
but is of greatly inferior size, the dimensions of the two specimens 
being as follows, in inches :— 
Punjab. _— Borneo. 
Extreme length .............. 8°6 6°3 
Width of first ridge ........'.. 4:2 2°95 

In plate xxxi. figs. 3, 3a, of Falconer and Cautley’s ‘ Fauna Antiqua 
Sivalensis’ there is figured on a reduced scale part of the right maxilla 
of an example of M. latidens from Burma (of which there is a cast 
in the British Museum) exhibiting two molars, which in the description 
of the plate * are provisionally regarded as the last milk- and the first 
true molar. This determination was accepted by the writer (who 
had not then seen the specimen) in the ‘ Paleontologia Indica,’ ° 
although it was remarked that the form of the second tooth (which 
carries five ridges and a talon) must, on this view, be abnormal. 
A comparison of that specimen with the Borneo tooth shows that 
the second tooth in the former must be likewise the last true molar ; 
and as its dimensions are 5°6 x 2°9 inches, it indicates an individual 
agreeing very closely in size with the one to which the Borneo tooth 
belonged. This Burmese specimen is also figured by Clift in the 
Trans. Geol. Soe. ser. 2, vol. ii. pl. xxxvii. fig. 1, and is one of the 
types. There is a very similar tooth in the British Museum (no. 
37253) from Perim Island. 

The descriptive part of this paper may therefore be concluded 
by observing that the specimen under consideration indicates the 
occurrence of MM. latidens in Borneo ; and also that a small race of 
the species existed both there and in Burma. The smaller race was 
apparently of rare occurrence in the latter country; and it will be 
extremely interesting if future finds should show that the island 
form always belonged to this race. 

Coming now to distributional considerations, it may be observed 
that Mastodon latidens occurs in Perim Island in the Gulf of 
Cambay *, and thence may be traced ° through Sind, the Punjab, and 
the Western Himalaya to Burma; from which point the present 
specimen extends its range to Borneo. The present writer has 
already shown ° that some of the species of Indian Siwalik stegodont 

1 Owing to an inadvertence of the artist the specimen is viewed from the 
outer instead of from the inner side. 

2 «Falconer’s Palzontological Memoirs,’ vol. i. p. 463 (1868). 

3 Op. cit. vol. i. pp. 2381-232. 

* Specimens in Brit. Mus. 

5 «Paleontologia Indica,’ op. cit. vol. i. pp. 228, 229. 

® Ibid. vol. i. pp. 256 e¢ seg., 268 e¢ seg.; vol. ii. p. 289 (in this passage 
Elephas bombifrons is erroneously given for E. insignis) ; and Rec. Geol. Surv. 
Ind. vol. xvi. pp. 158-161 (1883). 


Elephants ranged into China; and Dr. E. Naumann‘ has indicated 
the occurrence of several of these species in Japan; while more 
recently Herr K. Martin has described and figured * some 
fragments of molars of a stegodont Elephant from Java, which he 
thinks may probably belong either to LHlephas insignis or L. 
bombifrons*®. At a still later date teeth of Siwalik species of 
Elephas and Mastodon have been described by Dr. E. Koken * from 
Western China. 

It thus seems that the Pliocene proboscidean fauna of India 
extended into the extreme east of Asia, where, from its association 
with Elephas namadicus and E. primigenius °, it probably) persisted 
into the Pleistocene. As much interest will attach to the discovery 
of other remains of the Order from these regions, the attention of 
travellers and collectors may be particularly directed to their 
acquisition. ' 

It may be added that Mastodon latidens is an interesting form, 
since it is one that apparently passes insensibly into other species. 
Thus the normal number of ridges in the “ intermediate ’’ molars is 
four, but a fifth is occasionally present °, in which case there is but 
one step to the simplest of the stegodont Elephants, viz. Hlephas 
clifti, in which there are six ridges. In the opposite direction, by 
a slightly increased development of accessory columns and the 
heightening of the ridges, an approach is made to the tetralophodont 
M. perimensis, and although typical teeth of the two species are very 
distinct, yet there are specimens in the British Museum of which it 
is very difficult to say to which species they belong. The tetra- 
lophodont WZ. perimensis appears again to show indications of passing 
into M. pandionis", in which the intermediate molars have but 
three ridges. Not only is there, therefore, no real distinction be- 
tween Mastodon and Elephas, but it is more than doubtful whether 
individual species of the two can be always differentiated. 


The third left upper true molar of a dwarf race of Mastodon latidens, in 
an early stage of wear, from near Bruni, Borneo. The specimen is drawn of 
the natural size, as viewed from the grinding-surface (fig. 1) and from the 
outer side (fig. 2); ta, hind talon. 

1 «Palwontographica,’ vol. xxviii. art i, (1881). See also ‘ Paleontologia 
Indiea,’ op. cz. vol. ii. pp. 65-66. 

2 « Beitrige z. Geol. Ost-Asiens und Australiens,’ in Sammlungen d. Geol. 
Reich. Mus. in Leiden, no. 10 (1884). 

3 Herr Martin mentions a previous notice by Junghun in 1857 of similar 
remains discovered by himself in the mountains of Pati=Ajam, near Japara, in 

4 Palwontologische Abhandlungen, vol. iii. pt. 2 (1885). 

° Vide Naumann, op, cit. 

8 Vide Pal. Ind. ser. 10, vol. i. pl. xxxvili. 

7 Ibid. vol. iii. p. 153. 

780 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE (Nov. 3, 

4. A Monograph of the Genus Paradovurus, F. Cuv. 
By W. T. Buanrorp, F.R.S. 

[Received August 19, 1885.] 
(Plates XLIX. & L.) 

I have recently had occasion to prepare, for a forthcoming work 
on Indian Mammalia, an account of the species of Paradoxurus 
inhabiting India, Burma, and Ceylon. In the course of my work 
I have found it necessary to examine in detail the literature relating 
to the different forms, and I have come to conclusions differing 
somewhat from those hitherto published on the subject. It may 
perhaps be of use to those who have occasion to deal with species 
belonging to the genus, which are by no means easy to determine, 
if I state the results of my inquiries and extend them to all the 
species belonging to this generic type. 

My work has been principally based on the collection of skins 
and skulls in the British-Museum collection, in examining which I 
have received much assistance from Mr. Oldfield Thomas, who had 
already arranged the specimens to a considerable extent, and to 
whom I am indebted for much information and for many suggestions. 

The latest attempt at an arrangement and definition of the 
species belonging to the genus and its allies was made, so far as I 
can ascertain, by the late Dr. J. E. Gray in his revision of the 
genera and species of Viverrine animals. This appeared in the Pro- 
ceedings of the Society for 1864, and was republished, with a few addi- 
tional notes and references, in the ‘Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachy- 
dermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum’ (1869). 
In the classification there adopted, nine species of Paradocurus are 
admitted, besides three of Paguma, one of Arctogale, and one of 
Nandinia. In addition to these eight more “species of this group 
requiring further examination” are enumerated, and at least three 
other nominal species are mentioned. So far as I am aware only 
one species’, P. musschenbroeki, from Celebes, has been described 
since Dr. Gray’s Catalogue appeared ; but in that Catalogue some 
names previously given are omitted”, amongst which are P. nubie, 
F. Cuv., P. rubidus, Blyth, and P. tytleri, Tytler. As will be seen 
in the sequel, my own conclusions as to the species of the genus 
differ widely from Dr. Gray’s, whose Catalogue contains numerous 
mistakes of various kinds*. 

1 Except of course P. jerdoni, above, p. 613. 

2 A few names that have, so far as I can find, never been published are added 
in the synonymy. There may have been a reason, though its nature is not clear, 
for the insertion of these technically unborn terms, but there is no scientific 
purpose to be served by repeating them. 

3 T will point out two, which are characteristic, and occur in the synonymy 
of one species, Paguma grayi, P.Z.8. 1864, p. 541, and Cat. Carn. &e. Mamm. 
B. M. 1869, p. 73. The first is the quotation of “ Paradoxurus bondar, Temminck, 
Mon. ii. p. 332, t. 55. f. 1-4 (skull, not syn.),” as asynonym of Paguma grayi. 
The late quoted, 55, is a mistake for 65, and figures 1-4 for figures 4-6, as is 


Before proceeding to the synonymy of the species, a few words 
on the history of the genus may be useful. 

That no notice of so extremely common and widely distributed 
an Oriental type as Paradoxurus should be found amongst the earlier 
zoological writers of the 17th and 18th centuries would be very 
remarkable. It is probable that some of the descriptions given by 
Sonnerat and others’ were founded upon species of this genus. 
The first account, however, that has hitherto been recognized as 

evident from the fact that in Gray’s ‘ List of the Specimens of Mammalia in the 
Collection of the British Museum,’ published in 1843, the quotation runs pl. 65. 
f. 4-6, and these are the figures called P. bondar by Temminck. Gray evi- 
dently accuses Temminck in 1843, again in 1864, and once more in 1869, of 
having figured the skull of P. grayi by mistake for that of P. bondar. Now 
the two skulls differ much in form, and I can only say that Gray is entirely in 
error, and that Temminck appears to me quite right. It is true that on the 
same plate 65 of Temminck’s monograph figures 1-3 represent the skull of 
P. larvatus, which is extremely similar to that of P. grayz; but these figures 
1-3 were quoted by Gray in all the works mentioned under Paguma larvata, 
with the addition in P. Z.8. 1864, p. 540, of t. 55. f. 1-3, which, although copied 
without alteration in the subsequent B.M. Catalogue of 1869, is, of course, an 
absurd mistake, as plate 55 in Temminck’s monograph contains figures of bats. 
The description in Temminck’s work at p. 832 is also that of P. bondar 
(=P. niger), and not of P. grayi. The mistake on Gray’s part is the more 
noteworthy, because in P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 527 (and in the B.M. Catalogue of 
1869), he states that some of Temminck’s figures of skulls are wrongly deter- 
mined, and this figure of P. bondar is, so far as I can see, the only case quoted. 

The second instance is the quotation, also under Paguma grayi, of “ Ambly- 
odon doré, Jourdan, Ann. Sci. Nat. viii. 276 (1837).” On the next page Gray 
writes thus :—‘‘ The only character that M. Jourdan gives for Amblyodon is the 
following,” and a quotation in French of some length follows from the ‘ Annales 
des Sciences Naturelles.’ It is probable that Gray’s knowledge of French did 
not enable him to thoroughly understand the passage, or he must have 
suspected a mistake, the fact being that the paper in the ‘Annales des Se. 
Nat.’ is not by M. Jourdan at all, but is a review of M. Jourdan’s paper by 
De Blainyille, and extracted from the ‘Comptes Rendus.’ Had Gray turned 
‘to Jourdan’s original description in the ‘Comptes Rendus,’ y. p. 442, he would 
haye found a description at least as good as any of his own, and would pro- 
bably not have referred the species to P. grayi. Judging from the description, 
De Blainville was perfectly right in identifying it, in his ‘ Ostéographie,’ 
with P. lewcomystax. 

My reason for quoting these two mistakes is that in each case a charge is 
brought against another naturalist upon evidence furnished by Dr. Gray’s own 
blunders. To correct. Dr. Gray’s mistakes in detail would be a Herculean 
labour, but unfortunately they are constantly leading others astray. Thus, 
in P. Z. 8. 1868, p. 525, the genus Crocufa is said to be distinguished by 
having “the hinder legs short.” In the 1869 Catalogue, p. 212, Hyena is 
further characterized as having ‘‘legs subequal.” Evidently the characters 
have been transposed, for the hind legs are much shorter in Hyena than in 
Crocuta; but in a recent article on the Viverride and their allies, wherein Gray’s 
separation of the genera Crocuta and Hyenais noticed, one of the distinguish- 
ing characters of the former genus is said to be that the hind limbs are shorter 
than the fore limbs. 

1 Schreber and Gmelin, under Viverra zeylonensis (V. zeylanica), refer to 
Martes philippensis, Camelli, Phil, Trans. xxv. p. 2204, and Gray also refers 
to this species under Paradoxurus zeylanicus. Camelli merely mentioned a 
species of Marten, of which he gave an imperfect description, amongst the 
Mammalia inhabiting the Philippine Islands, The so-called Marten may, how- 
ever, have been a Paradoxurus. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LI. 51 

782 MR, W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

applying to a form of Paradozxurus is one by Buffon, who, in the 
Supplement to his ‘ Histoire Naturelle,’ described an animal that 
he called ‘‘ La Genette de France,”’ and evidently believed to be a 
French species of Genet. As was, however, shown by F. Cuvier’, 
the animal described and figured, which was from an unknown 
locality, and had been purchased in London, was probably an Indian 
Paradoxurus; but even in this case the identification is somewhat 
doubtful, for there were, according to Buffon, traces of annulations 
on the tail. 

The next notices are in Schreber’s ‘ Saugethiere,’ where deserip- 
tions by Pallas are given of animals named by the latter naturalist 
Viverra hermaphrodita and V, zeylonensis. The following is a 
translation of the description in German of V. hermaphrodita, 
Schreb. Siiugeth. iii. p. 426 :— 

“The muzzle as far as and above the eyes is black, so are also 
the long bristles of the beard (Barte, which would include the 
vibrisse) and above the eyes, the ears, the throat throughout its 
whole breadth, and the feet. In front of the ears the black has a 
light grey margin. A white spot exists under the eye, and 
another amongst the vibrisse, almost as in the Genet. The 
hair is long, grey near the skin, black at the tip, consequently the 
fur assumes a mixed, but more of a black colour. Over the back 
run three quite black stripes. The belly is lighter. The tail is 
longer than the body, black at the end. The nails are yellow. 

‘Over the penis there extends a longish naked spot as far as the 
anus. Where this spot begins, the soft white skin makes a double 
fold with a raised division lying between. This has occasioned the 
animal to be exhibited to ignorant people as a hermaphrodite.” 

The description leaves no reasonable doubts that the animal was 
a Paradoxurus. he size is said to have been between that of a 
Civet Cat and that of a Genet. 

The description agrees well with the common Paradoxurus of the 
Malay countries, now generally known as P, musanga. The 
presence of the stripes on the back shows that the animal was in all 
probability not the Indian form (P. niger, v. typus). The Malay 
species has usually a broad white or whitish band across the forehead, 
instead of merely a “light grey margin” ; but this is an extremely 
variable character. The specimen, it is true, was said to be from 
Barbary, but no North-African mammal corresponds to the descrip- 

The Viverra zeylonensis of Pallas” has also been identified by 
Gray and others with a species of Paradoxurus found in Ceylon, 
but in this case the identification is very much more doubtful. The 
Ceylon species is of a uniform dull rufous or ferruginous colour 
throughout, whilst in Pallas’s description the coloration was said to 
be grey above, overspread with brown, below paler, blackish on the 
hinder parts of the back and on the tail; and there is nothing by 
which the animal can be satisfactorily determined. The vibrissze 

1 Hist. Nat. Mamm., notes to pl. 186, La Martre des Palmiers ou Pougouné. 

2 Schreb. Saugeth. iii, p. 451. 



are said to have been whitish, which precludes the idea of the 
specimen having belonged to the common P. niger ; and although it 
was probably a Paradoxurus that was described, this is far from 
certain, the presence of a groove beneath the penis being the only 
indication of generic affinities. Nothing is said of a naked area 
around the genitals nor of the characters of the feet, It is true that 
it is difficult to tell what other animal from Ceylon could have been 
described by Pallas, but a hundred years ago localities were by no 
means trustworthy, as is shown in the case of V. hermaphrodita. 

The Musk or Musky Weasel of Pennant’s ‘History of Quadrupeds’ 
(3rd edition, vol. ii. p. 72, published in 1793) has been referred to 
a species of Paradorurus by Gray’, and probably with justice. 
The description was taken from the drawing of a Bengal animal in 
the possession of Sir Elijah Impey. 

Beyond copies and translations of Pallas’s descriptions in the 
compilations of Zimmermann, Gmelin, Boddaert, and Shaw, I can find 
nothing further published on the subject until 1820°. In that year 
Desmarest’s ‘ Mammalogie’ appeared, with descriptions of Viverra 
prehensilis, p. 208, and V, bondar, p. 210, founded by De Blainville 
on figures in the library of the East-India Company, London. The 
drawings are fortunately still in existence and are easily recognized ; 
they are amongst a series made for Dr. Buchanan Hamilton by 
native artists, and have written on them the names Ichneumon 
prehensilis and Ichneumon bondar, which were apparently given by 
Buchanan Hamilton himself. Moreover the Bengali names are 
written on each drawing in the ordinary cursive Bengali character ; 
and as this character is peculiar to Bengal, it serves to show where 
the drawings were made, and probably that the animals represented 
were well known in the country, though but little value can be 
attached to this evidence. I am indebted to Mr. Long for decipher- 
ing the names. The drawing of Ichneumon bondur, the Bengali 
names assigned to which are bhdém and bhondar, represents the 
common Indian Paradowurus unmistakably. This is important, as 
will be seen presently, because Jerdon has classed P. bondar as 
distinct. The figure of IJchneuwmon prehensilis, of which the 
Bengali name is given as Bdghddnkh, represents, I believe, the 
striped race or species, which I refer to P. hermaphroditus, common 
in Lower Bengal and at the foot of the Himalayas. The Para- 
doxurus prehensilis, figured in the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ for 1877, 
pl. Ixxi., is, however, I think, a different form, Arctogale leucotis. 

1 PZ. 8. 1832, p. 65. 

2 Dr. Gray, in his ‘Catalogue of the Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and - 
Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum,’ p. 77, footnote, states that M. de 
Blainville saw the drawings collected by Buchanan Hamilton, at the India 
House, in 1816, and published a paper in the Bull. Soc. Philom, for that year, 
with descriptions of Viverra prehensilis and other species. There is no such 
paper by De Blainville in the ‘Bulletin de la Société Philomathique’ for 
1816, nor can I find any reference to any such paper amongst the Royal 
Society’s list of De Blainyille’s contributions to the periodical named and to other 
journals, whilst Desmarest makes no reference to a previous publication of the 



784 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

It may be here remarked that De Blainville’s name Viverra pre- 
hensilis cannot be applied to any species of Paradoxurus, because 
there is a much earlier use of the same term Viverra prehensilis by 
Kerr in 1792 (An. King. p. 169) for the Kinkajou (Cercoleptes 

A third species in Desmarest’s ‘Mammalogie’ is Viverra nigra, 
p. 208, founded upon skins sent by M. Leschenault de Latour 
from Pondicherry under the French name of La Marte des palmiers 
or palm-marten. Although the description was supposed by Otto 
to be that of Arctictis binturong, there can be, I think, no question 
but that the skin described by Desmarest was that of the common 
Indian Paradoxurus. 

The generic name Paradoxurus was proposed in the succeeding 
year, 1821, by F. Cuvier in the ‘ Histoire Naturelle des Mammiféres ’ 
for an animal living in the Menagerie at Paris, and sent by M. 
Lechenault' from Pondicherry as La Martre des palmiers, clearly 
the same species as that, a skin of which in the previous year had 
formed the type of Desmarest’s Viverra nigra. Cuvier proposed a 
new specific title, Paradoxurus typus, for his animal ; and as the name 
was accompanied by a coloured figure, which, although far from a 
good representation, is fairly recognizable, this name has been more 
generally used than any of the-earlier specific titles. The generic name 
was founded on the circumstance of the animal carrying its long tail 
in a coil, a peculiarity that appears to be very common in caged 
specimens belonging to this genus, but which has never, so far as I 
can learn, been observed in the wild state. That the coiling is due 
to a diseased condition is evident from the circumstance that many 
animals thus affected are unable to uncoil their tails. 

In the ‘Mémoires du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle,’ vol. ix. 
p- 41 (1822), F. Cuvier added two additional species, P. albifrons 
and P. aureus. The former, from a drawing by Duvaucel of an 
animal in the Menagerie at Barrackpoor Park, near Calcutta, was 
not a Paradoxurus at all, but Arctictis binturong; the latter was 
taken from a young animal, preserved in spirit, of unknown origin. 
As it was coloured of a golden tawny (fauve doré) throughout, the 
only species to which it can be referred is the Ceylonese animal 
subsequently called P. zeylanicus by Gray. 

Long subsequently, in 1839, F. Cuvier, the younger, figured and 
described in one of the numbers of the ‘ Histoire Naturelle des 
Mammiferes’ a specimen said to have been brought from Nubia by a 
Mr. Burton, under the name of Paradorurus nubie. The figure 
may have been taken from a typical variety of P. hermaphroditus. 

Viverra musanga was described by Raffles in 1822, and subse- 
quently referred to Paradoxurus in Horsfield’s ‘ Zoological Researches 
in Java.’ Another species, P. /eucopus, was added by Ogilby, in the 
‘Zoological Journal’ of 1828, vol. iv. p. 304. Gulo larvatus, 
described originally by Hamilton Smith, was made the type of a 
new genus, Paguma, by Gray, in the Society’s ‘ Proceedings,’ Part 1 

1 Doubtless the same as is mentioned by Desmarest, though his name is 
spelt with a slight difference 


(1831), and referred by him to Paradowurus in the next volume of 
the same work. 

In the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ for 1832, pp. 65-68, Dr. Gray 
gave a list’ of the known species of Paradoxurus, and proposed as 
new P. pennantii, P. dubius, P. pallasii, P. crossii, P. hamil- 
tonii, P. trivirgatus, and P. finlaysonii, besides enumerating P. 
typus, P. bondar, P. prehensilis, P. musanga, P. hermaphroditus, P. 
leucopus, P. larvatus, and P. binotatus previously described. He 
was also inclined to refer to the genus Viverra malaccensis of 
Gmelin (which, however, is a Viverricula) and Paradoxurus aureus 
of F. Cuvier. 

In Gray and Hardwicke’s ‘Illustrations of Indian Zoology,’ 
P. crossii, P. pallasii, P. prehensilis, P. hamiltonii, P. larvatus, P. 
bondar, and P. pennantii are figured. he figures are not good, and 
some of them are very inferior, P. prehensilis, P. bondar, and P. 
pennantii being founded on drawings alone, as was also P. finlaysoni2. 

In 1837 Gray described six more supposed species of the genus— 
P. quinquelineatus, P. leucomystax, P. musangoides, P. derbyanus, 
P. zebra, and P. jourdanii—in Charlesworth’s ‘ Magazine of Natural 
History,’ vol. i. Another name, P. nigrifrons, was added by the same 
author in the ‘ List of the Specimens of Mammalia in the Collection 
of the British Museum,’ published in 1843. 

Otto, in the ‘ Nova Acta Academic Leop.-Car.’ for 1835, gave 
an excellent description and good figures of an animal which he 
recognized as the Viverra hermaphrodita of Pallas, but which he 
did not identify with Cuvier’s genus Paradowurus. He gave an 
account with illustrations of the genital glands, and proposed a 
new generic name Platyschista and the specific term pallasit. 

In the same year Paradoxurus grayi was described by Bennett 
in the Proceedings of this Society. In 1536 Hodgson added three 
more names, P. hirsutus, P. nipalensis, and P.lanigerus (subsequently 
corrected to daniger), in the ‘ Asiatic Researches,’ vol. xix. 

In 1837 Jourdan in the ‘Comptes Rendus’ proposed two new 
genera under the names of Hemigalus (Hemigale is preferable) and 
Ambliodon ( Amblyodon). No Latin specific names were given; the 
animals were called Hemigale zébré and Ambliodon doré. An essay by 
De Blainville on these two forms appeared in the ‘ Comptes Rendus,’ 
and was copied into the Ann. Sci. Nat. 2me sér. viii. p. 270, and in 
the table at the end he united Ambliodon and Paradoxurus, whilst 
leaving Hemigale as a distinct section ; both being considered sub- 
genera or sections of Viverra. Ina subsequent page of the same 
volume of the ‘Comptes Rendus,’ Mr. Jourdan briefly described a 
species of Paradoxurus from the Philippines, under the name of P. 
philippinensis. This paper was reviewed by F. Cuvier in the ‘ Annales 
des Sciences Naturelles.’ 

About 1839 there appeared a monograph of the genus by Tem- 
‘minck, in the ‘ Monographies de Mammalogie,’ vol. 11. Temminck 
admitted seven species, viz. P. typus, P. musanga, P. leucomystax, 

1 This paper was reprinted in the ‘ Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,’ 
vol. ii. p. 377, 

786 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

P. larvatus, P. bondar, P. trivirgatus, and P. binotatus, and classed 
as doubtful P. leucopus, P. philippensis, and P. prehensilis, This 
monograph is by far the best attempt at reducing to order a very 
difficult and complicated genus that has appeared. Gray speaks of it 
(P. Z.S. 1864, pp. 527, 534) in severe terms; and there are un- 
doubtedly some mistakes, several of which appear due to informa- 
tion given by Mr. Ogilby having been incorrect or misunderstood. 
I can only say that Temminck’s work appears to me superior in every 
respect to Dr. Gray’s, and that out of the species admitted by the 
former I find only one, P. bondar, that does not appear a fairly 
distinct form. Temmiuck considers P. pallasii, P. crossii, P. dubius, 
and P. hermaphroditus of Gray identical with P. musanga, P. 
pennantii the same as P. bondar, and P. hamiltonii identical 
with P. dinotata. In all this I agree; but the union of P. grayi 
and P. laniger with P. larvatus, which Temminck gives on the 
authority of Ogilby, is not admissible so far as the present evidence 
goes, although P. grayi and P. larvatus appear closely allied. P. 
laniger seems totally distinct’. 

Temminck also looked upon the Ambdliodon doré and the Para- 
doxurus philippinensis of Jourdan as the same. This was, I think, a 

In De Blainville’s ‘Ostéographie,’ under Viverra, an account of 
the osteology of Paradozxurus typus (P. niger) is given; and in the 
Atlas two skulls belonging to the restricted genus are figured—one 
called P. hermaphroditus in the text and P. typus in the Atlas 
(probably that of P. niger); the other called P. auratus and appa- 
rently that of Jourdan’s Ambliodon doré, which in the text is 
recognized as identical with P. leucomystax. 

Wagner’s Supplement to Schreber’s Siiugethiere, vol. ii., pub- 
lished in 1841, contains descriptions of the following species con- 
sidered distinct :—P. leucopus, P. grayi, P. nipalensis, P. typus, 
P. musanga, P. trivirgatus, P. leucomystax, P. hirsutus, P. felinus, 
P. larvatus, P. laniger, P. annulatus, and P. hamiltoni. Besides 
these, P. crossi, P. prehensilis, P. quinquelineatus, P. jourdanii, P. 
derbyanus, P. zebra, and P. philippensis are enumerated as imper- 
fectly known. P. annulatus is a supposed new species, founded 
on a young individual with a ringed tail (probably a variety of 
Nandinia binotata) in the Munich Museum, and P. felinus is pro- 
posed as a preferable name for P. hermaphroditus. Wagner’s ar- 
rangement of the species appears on the whole inferior to Temminck’s. 

In Schinz’s ‘Synopsis Mammalium,’ vol. i., published in 1844, 
P. typus, P. musanga, P. leucomystax, P. larvatus, P. bondar, P. 
trivirgatus, P. binotatus, P. annulatus, P. leucopus, P. philippensis, 
and P. nipalensis are included in the genus; and in the Supplement 
to the second volume P. guinguelineatus, P. musangoides, and P. 
nubie are added. 

A few other species have been described in various works. Amongst 

? J found some peculiarly coloured specimens of P. grayi in the British- 

Museum collection labelled P. laniger. It is possible that Ogilby may haye 
seen these, and have thus been induced to confound the two species. 


these were P. ogilbyi, locality unknown, in 1849 by Fraser, in his 
‘Zoologia Typica’; P. setosus, from Ceram, by Hombron and Jac- 
quinot, in the ‘ Voyage au Pole Sud’; P. erassiceps, by Pucheran 
in 1855; P. montanus, Kelaart, by Blyth, in 1851; P. rubidus, by 
Blyth, in 1858; and P. strictus and P. quadriscriptus, by Hodgson, 
in 1855. 

In Horsfield’s ‘ Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the 
East-India Company,’ published in 1851, the following species were 
enumerated :—Paradoxurus typus, P. musanga, P. prehensilis, P. 
trivirgatus, P. pallasii, P. finluysonii, P. leucotis, Paguma grayi, 
and P. bondar. Of these P. Jeucotis, Blyth, was new. 

Temminck, in his ‘ Esquisses Zoologiques sur la Céte de Guinée,’ 
which appeared in 1853, gave a fresh list of the species comprised 
in this genus. In this list two additional names were added to those 
previously enumerated as valid in his monograph; these were P. 
ogilbyi and P. stigmaticus, the latter described from Borneo in the . 
‘ Esquisses.’ 

Giebel’s ‘ Siiugethiere ’ (1859) contained accounts of nine specific 
forms: P. leucopus, P. larvatus, P. philippensis, P. leucomystac, P. 
bondar, P. typus, P. musanga, P. trivirgatus, and P. binotatus. 
Some caustic remarks, not more severe than the occasion demanded, 
were added upon the mere nominal species invented by Dr. Gray 
and others. 

In Gray’s Monographs of 1864 (P. Z. S.) and 1869 (Cat. Carn. &e. 
Mamm. B.M.) two additional names are introduced: P. fasciatus 
instead of P. musanga, founded, but erroneously, as shown by Alston’, 
on Desmarest’s Viverra fasciata, and P. macrodus. P. fuscus of 
Kelaart is also mentioned under P. zeylanicus, but no such specific 
name was used by Kelaart, who only called the form P. zeylanicus 
var. fuscus. Some other MS. names are enumerated as synonyms ; 
the only one of any importance is P. leucocephalus, Gray, ‘ Voy. 
Samarang,’ quoted under P. /eucomystax. I cannot find any notice 
of the species in the work named. 

Blyth’s ‘ Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum Asiatic 
Society’ (Calcutta, 1863), contained the following names, with 
synonymy, of species represented in the collection:—P. musanga 
(inclusive of P. typus), P. zeylanicus, P. trivirgatus, P. leucotis, P. 
laniger (?), P. leucomystax, P. grayi, and P. rubidus. In Jerdon’s 
‘Mammals of India’ (1867), the only species described are P. 
musanga, P. grayi, and P. bondar, but Cingalese, Assamese, and 
Burmese forms are omitted. From Burma Blyth, in the List of 
Mammals publisbed in 1875, records P. grayi, P. musanga, P. tri- 
virgatus, and P. leucotis. 'The ouly species included in Mr. Swinhoe’s 
list of the mammals of Southern China (P. Z. S. 1870, p. 630) is 
P. larvatus. 

Adding to the above list the few names recently given, we have 
thus a grand total of no less than forty-nine specific terms given by 
1 P,Z.8. 1879, p. 666. 

788 MR, W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

various writers to forms that are, or have been, recognized as belong- 
ing to the genus Paradovurus. Of these no less than sixteen have 
been invented by Dr. J. E. Gray, and five by Mr. B. H. Hodgson. 
A considerable proportion of the nominal species have been made 
upon drawings (some of them very bad, to judge by the copies pub- 
lished) and immature specimens, and it is not always possible to 
identify such names satisfactorily. 

A few of the names enumerated, however, are no longer included 
in the genus Paradoxurus. Besides such instances as P. albifrons, 
of F. Cuvier, a synonym of Aretictis binturong, several species for- 
merly included in Paradourus are now separated by most naturalists. 
To Hemigale (variously spelt Hemigalus aud Hemigalea) belong P. 
derbianus, Gray, and P. zebra, Gray, both of which names appear 
to have been given to the same species, now known by an older 
specific name, H. hardwichii, also bestowed by Dr. Gray. Similarly, 
P. binotatus and P. hamiltonii, two more of Dr. Gray’s names, are 
now recognized as identical, and are distinguished as Nandinia, the 
African representative of the Oriental Paradoruri. A third generic 
type, Arctogale, has, like the preceding, been admitted by Flower' 
and Mivart*; and although it is more nearly allied than the other 
two genera just mentioned to true Paradoxurus, the much smaller 
teeth, the very narrow and peculiarly formed mesopterygoid fossa, 
and, apparently, the absence of any conspicuous naked space corre- 
sponding to the genital glandular area®, show an amount of distinc- 
tion that may perhaps be accepted as generic. It is true that as 
regards the teeth and the characters of the mesopterygoid fossa, a 
decided approach to Arctogale is made by the group of Paradoxuri 
distinguished by Gray as Paguma*, and by Jourdan as Amblyodon ; 
but the difference from typical Paradorurus is much smaller. I do 
not think the matter of much importance; and as the genus Para- 
doxurus, when the nominal species are weeded out, is not so large as 
to require division, and as all the species are similar in external 
appearance and habits, it appears to me better to retain this generic 
group to the extent generally admitted by the naturalists of the 
present day. 

The genus Aretogale was proposed in MS. by Peters, and adopted 
and published by Gray®. The type is said to be Paradoxurus tri- 
virgatus ; but after examining the type of that species, which is in 
the Leyden Museum, I am disposed to believe that two forms have 
been confounded under that name. Unfortunately I omitted, when 
on a visit to Berlin recently, to examine Peters’s type; but the 
specimens described as A. trivirgata by Gray in the ‘ Proceedings’ 
of the Society for 1864, and again in the ‘ Catalogue of Carnivorous 

} « Eneyclopedia Britannica,’ vol. xv., Art. Mammalia, p. 436. 

2 P.Z.S8. 1882, pp. 163, 169. 

° This was noticed by Dr. Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 543. 

4 Proposed P. Z.S8. 1831, p. 95, for P. larvata. The description related 
chiefly to the dentition. Subsequently, P. Z.S. 1832, p. 65, Dr. Gray stated 
that this genus was first established on an animal that had not completely 

shed its milk-teeth, although its true molars were partly developed. 
® P.Z. 8. 1864, p. 542. 


&e. Mammalia,’ published in 1869, appear to me to belong to 
Paradowxurus stigmaticus of Temminck ; and this I am inclined to 
agree with Dr. Jentink’ in considering distinct from the original 
Viverra trivirgata of Reinwardt, and consequently from Dr. Gray’s 
Paradoxurus trivirgatus* founded on Reinwardt’s specimen. The 
skulls of the two* differ considerably, that of P. stigmaticus being 
much longer in proportion, with the palate further produced back- 
wards, and much narrower behind the postorbital processes. Some 
other differences have been pointed out by Dr. Jentink. 

But amongst the skins in the British Museum is the type of 
Paradocurus leucotis, Blyth, originally described by Horsfield*, and 
subsequently by Blyth’, whose descriptions agree perfectly well. 
This skin appears to me to be a pale variety of Temminck’s P. stig- 
maticus, and, if so, Blyth’s name, which has priority by two years, 
must be retained for the species. 

The skull and mandible figured by Dr. Mivart (P. Z. 8. 1882, 
p- 165, fig. 9) are those of Arctogale leucotis®. The following is 
the principal synonymy of the two forms referred to Arctogale :— 


Viverra trivirgata, Reinw. MS. 

Paradoxurus trivirgatus, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1832, p.68; Temm. Mon. 
Mam. ii. p. 333, pl. 63. f. 1; Miller, Zoogd. Ind. Arch.- p. 55; 
Wagner, Schreb. Saugeth. ii. p. 346, partim; Schinz, Syn. Mamm.i. 
p- 385, partim ; Horsfield, Cat. Mam. Mus. E. I. Co. p. 64, partim ; 
Giebel, Saugeth. p. 801, partim; Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. vii. 
p. 35. 

Length of skull from occipital condyles to alveolar margin of pre- 
maxillary bones 3°8 inches, palate length 2-1, breadth at junction 
of upper sectorials with first true molars 1, breadth of brain-case 
behind postorbital proce-ses 0°75. 

Hab. Java only. 


Paradoxurus leucotis, Blyth, Horsfield, Cat. Mus. E. I. Co. p. 66 
(1851); id. J. A.S. B. xxvii. p. 274; id. Cat. Mamm. Mus. A. S. 
p- 48; id. Cat. Mam. Birds Burma, p. 26; Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, 
p- 544; id. Cat. Carn. &. Mamm. B. M. 1869, p. 76. 

Paradoxurus stigmaticus, Temm. Esquisses Zool. p. 121 (1853) ; 

1 Notes Leyd. Mus. vii. p. 35. 2 P. Z.S. 1832, p. 68. 

3 Tt should, however, be stated that in neither of the actual type specimens 
is the skull preserved. 

* Cat. Mamm. Mus. E. I. Co. p. 66. ° J. A.S. B. xxvii. p. 274. 

® The woodcut of Arctogale, P.Z.S. 1882, p. 164, f. 8, is not a good repre- 
sentation of the animal. ‘The feet are much too heavy, the head too large, and 
the coloration at all events not typical. A far better figure will be found in 
the coloured plate, P.Z.S. 1877, p. 681, pl. lxxi., entitled Paradoxurus prehen- 
silis. This appears to me to represent P. /ewcotis of Blyth, the light-coloured 
variety of A. stigmatica. The skin and skull of the animal there figured are 
now, I believe, in the British Museum, where I haye examined them. 

790 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [ Nov. 3, 

Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 543; id. Cat. Carn. &e. Mam. B. M. 1869, 
p- 76; Jentink, Notes Leyd. Mus. vii. p. 35. 

Paguma trivirgata, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 55; 
Cantor, J. A. 8. B. xv. p. 201 (nee Viverra trivirgata, Reinw.). 

Paradoxurus trivirgatus, Horsf. Cat. Mam. Mus. E. I. Co. p. 64, 
partim; Blyth, Cat. Mam. Mus. A. 8. p. 47; id. Cat. Mam. Birds 
Burma, p. 26 (nee P. trivirgatus, Gray, 1832). 

Arctogale trivirgata, Gray, P. Z.S. 1864, p. 543; id. Cat. Carn. 
&c. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 75; Mivart, P. Z. 8. 1882, p. 163, figs. 
8 and 9. 

Paradoxurus prehensilis, Sclater, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 681, pl. Ixxi. 
(nec Viverra prehensilis, Blainv.). 

Length of skull 4°15 inches, zygomatic breadth 2-4, palate, length 
2°3, breadth 1, breadth of brain-case behind postorbital processes 0)°5. 

Hab. The Malay peninsula and Burma, as far north as Arakan; 
Sumatra, and Borneo. 

There is in the British-Museum collection a Bornean skull that 
appears to differ sufficiently from those of both A, trivirgata and 
A. leucotis to render the existence of a third species probable. 

After deducting the specific names above mentioned and restrict- 
ing the genus, there remain, so far as I am aware, forty specific 
names to be assigned to the different distinguishable forms recog- 
nizable as pertaining to Paradoxurus. ‘These forms appear to me to 
be eleven in number, but as there are several described types I have 
not been able to compare, I may have to correct this estimate. 
I have, however, been able to examine the majority of the types 
named by Dr. Gray, and all of Mr. Hodgson’s. 

Of these eleven specific forms two are very imperfectly known— 
one, P. laniger, being founded upon a skin only, the other, P. ma- 
crodus, upon a skull alone; but both these appear perfectly distinct 
from all others. Of the remaining nine, three, viz. P. darvatus, P. 
grayi, and P. leucomystax, form a very natural group, the genus 
Paguma of Gray’, distinguished by the characters of the skull, the 
most important of which is the much greater production of the bony 
palate. The teeth, too, are somewhat smaller, the brain-case much 
less constricted behind the postorbital processes, and the frontal 
region more rounded. 

P. musschenbroeki differs greatly from all other species in its 
annulated tail. The skull is intermediate in form between the last- 
mentioned little group (Paguma) and typical Paradoxuri, but rather 
nearer to the former. The shape of the palate is peculiar. 

The remaining five species are very closely allied, and P. macrodus, 
so far as cranial characters go, is connected with them. Three of 
these forms, P. niger, P. hermaphroditus, and P. philippensis, are so 
nearly related, and have such distinctly intermediate links, that it 
is a question whether they should be considered species or geogra- 
phical races. The other two are well distinguished by external or 

1 In his latest writings at least ; formerly he included other species. 


cranial characters. The following is a key to the species here 
admitted * :— 

A. Tne tail considerably more than half the length of 
the head and body together (usually three quarters 
or more) ; teeth of moderate size. 
a. Tail not ringed. 
a. The bony palate extends less than } inch behind 
the posterior molars. Vibriss2 in general 
a'. Colour fulyous, ashy, or black. 
a'. Back unstriped, no pale band across fore- 
head; inner or proximal side of upper 
sectorial concave .......... ave cgaccenhienoteemn 1. P. niger. 
bo". Back generally striped, a pale band across 
forehead; inner side of upper sectorial 
Shred platy. -cssnpeace« ssneadisy-couespeeaseds os eaese 2. P. hermaphroditus. 
b’. Colour dark brown. 
a. Fur glossy with black tips. Anterior 
palatine foramina only extending back as 
far AS CANINES, ca). cetmaseeaee toe nes< ee artes 3. P. philippinensis. 
6". Fur grizzled, not glossy, with brown tips. 
Anterior palatine foramina extending to 
opposite anterior premolars ............++ 5. P. jerdoni. 
e'. Colour dull rusty red throughout ............ 6. P. aureus, 
b. The bony palate extends morethan } inch behind 
the posterior molars. Vibrisse, in part at 
least, conspicuously white. 
Colour grey or fulvous, head markings 
indistinct. Skull 43 to4$incheslong ... 7. P. grayi. 
&'. Colour generally greyish brown ; head-mark- 
ings black and white, distinct; a broad 
white band down the forehead and nose. 
Skull about 4 inches long ...............2..... 8. P. larvatus. 
e'. Colour brown or rufous; head-markings 
generally distinct, brown and whitish; a 
broad pale band across forehead, or whole 
face whitish. Skull about 5 inches long... 9. P. lewcomystax. 
B. Tail ringed. 
a. Colour above brownish red, with white hairs 
MEMETIOEKEH Goeeboee. ss <ksoedncatentevesesseceseueres 10. P. musschenbroeki. 
B. Teeth very large. 
a. Only skull known ; upper sectorial 0'42inchlong 4. P. macrodus. 
©. Tail about half the length of the head and body. 
(SLigr ill es a(0) cl S.a1y, 2 vppiesaan + ACAD aReea eer ECE Cop CERAOEEE ll. P. laniger. 


Of the species belonging to allied genera, Hemigale hardwichii has 
broad transverse coloured bands on the back. Nandinia binotata 
may be recognized by its back and sides being spotted with large 
dark spots, by a pale spot on each side of the withers, and a sub- 
annulate tail; Arctcgale trivirgata and A. leucotis by having three 

1 This key will, in most cases, serve to identify specimens of Paradoxurus, 
but, I fear, not always by means of the external characters. I have, since this 
paper was in type seen three specimens of P. hermaphroditus, obtained by Dr. 
J. Anderson in the Mergui Archipelago, Tenasserim. One of these is uniformly 
dark brown, almost black, and resembles in colour some forms of Arctogale 
leucotis, having none of the markings of P. hermaphroditus. The other two 
are dark brown, with the vibrissze in part white, and are externally only distin- 

uishable by size from P. lewcomystax. The skull, however, in each case is un- 
mistakably that of P. hermaphroditus. 

792 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

dark stripes on the back (these are in a very few cases wanting), and 
by the black or ashy colour of the head unbroken, except sometimes 
in the latter by a small white spot on the forehead or a narrow 
white streak down the nose. ‘The small teeth and apparently the 
absence of a naked space around the preanal glands are also charac- 
teristic of the latter genus. 


Musk or Musky Weasel, Pennant, Hist. Quad. ed. 3, il. p. 72(1793). 

Viverra nigra, Desm. Mam. p. 208 (1820). 

V. bondar, de Blainv., Desm. ib. p. 210. 

Martre des palmiers ou pougouné (Paradoxurus typus), F Cuv. 
Hist. Nat. Mam. pl. 186 (1821) ; Desm. Mam. Supp. p. 540. 

Paradozxurus leucopus, Ogilby, Zool. Journ. iv. p. 304 (1828) ; 
Gray, P. Z.S. 1832, p. 67; Temm. Mon. Mam. ii. p. 338; Wagner, 
Schreb. Siugeth. Suppl. ii. p. 339; Schinz, Syn. Mam. 1. p. 386 ; 
Giebel, Siugeth. p. 798. 

P. typus, Fischer, Syn. Mam. p. 158 (1829); Sykes, P.Z.S. 
1831, p. 102; Gray, P. Z. S. 1832, p.65; List Sp. Mam. B. M. 
1843, p. 56; Temm. Mon. Mam. ii. p. 315; Elhot, Madr. Jour. 
Lit. Sci. x. p. 103 (1839); Wagner, Schreb. Saugeth. Supp. ii. 
p. 342 (1841); Schinz, Syn. Mamm. i. p. 381; Horsfield, Cat. 
Mam. Mus. E. I. C. p. 60 (1851); De Blainv. Ostéographie, Viverra, 
p- 17, Atlas, pl. vii.; Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Zeyl. p. 38 (1852) ; 
Giebel, Saiugeth. p. 800 (1859). 

? P. pennantii, Gray, P. Z.S8. 1832, p. 64; Ilustr. Ind. Zool. ii. 
pl. 13. 

P. bondar, Gray, P.Z.S. 1832, p. 66; Hlustr. Ind. Zool. i. 
pl. 12; List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 56; Cat. Hodgson’s Coll. 
B. M. p. 10 (1846) ; id. ibid. ed. 2, p. 5 (1863); P. Z.S. 1864, 
p- 531; Cat. Carn. &. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 63; Temm. Mon. 
Mam. ii. p. 332, pl. 65. f. 4, 5,6; Schinz, Syn. Mam. i. p. 384; 
Giebel, Siugeth. p. 799; Jerdon, Mam. Ind. p. 128. 

Platyschista pallasii, Otto, Nov. Act. Leop.-Car. xvii. p. 1089, 
pls. Ixxii., Ixxii. (1835). 

Paradoxurus hirsutus, Hodgs. As. Res. xix. p. 72 (1836); 
J.A.S.B. x. p. 909; Cale. Journ. N. H. iv. p. 287; Wagner, 
Schreb. Siugeth. Supp. i. p. 348. 

Paguma bondar, Horsf. Cat. Mam. Mus. E. I. C. p. 68 (1851). 

Viverra (Paradox.) hermaphrodita, De Blainv. Ostéographie, 
Viverra, p. 96 (nec Pallas). 

P. hermaphroditus, Gray, P.Z.8. 1864, p. 532; Cat. Carn. &c. 
Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 65 (nee Viverra hermaphrodita, Pallas). 

P. musanga, Blyth, Cat. Mam. Mus. A. S. p. 46, partem ; 
Jerdon, Mam. Ind. p. 125, partim, nec V. musanga, Rafiles. 

Tail nearly or quite as long as the head and body. Fur coarse 
and often long, some piles, especially on the back, long and ragged ; 
underfur short or wanting. 

In the skull the bony palate extends but little (not more usually 
than about one eighth of an inch) behind a line drawn through the 


hinder edge of the posterior molars. Muzzlegenerally produced and 
narrow, but varying in length. Upper sectorial tooth narrow, the 
inner lobe small and at the distal extremity of the tooth, so that the 
greatest breadth, at right angles to the outer margin, is at that 
extremity. This breadth is about two thirds the length of the tooth 
measured along the outer margin. The inner margin of the tooth 
between the inner and hinder lobe distinctly concave. 

Colour blackish grey to brownish grey. The fur in general long, 
and with long ragged coarse black tips, but these are naturally much 
more developed in the cold season. Underfur, when present, ashy 

Fig. 1. 

NN | 

Half palate and dentition of P. niger. (Specimen no. Brit, Mus, 

or brownish ; the longer hairs, beyond the underfur, pale grey with 
long black tips. Asarule there are no stripes on the back, but 
indistinct dark bands and rows of spots are sometimes found, especially 
in young specimens. Feet and the greater part of the legs, with the 
terminal portion of the tail, frequently one half or more, quite black. 
The tip of the tail in some individuals is white. The head-markings 
are variable, the face is generally black or blackish, with a distinct 
white or grey spot below each eye ; another, generally to be detected, 
on each side of the nose, amongst the vibrissze, and very often 
another above the eye. There is not, however, in this form, as 
usually in the next, a distinct whitish band across the forehead. 
Vibrissze black ; occasionally, but rarely, a few of the lower are whitish 
or white towards the base. 

Dimensions. ead and body of a male 223 inches long, tail 192 ; 
of a female 17,4) and 18 (Hiliot). Hodgson gives similar measure- 
ments, except that in the female the head and body measured 20, 
tail 174. The skull is about 4} to 43 inches long. 

Distribution. This form of Paradoxurus is peculiar to the 

794 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

peninsula of India and Ceylon. It ranges through all those parts 
of India that are well wooded, and is found equa!ly about human 
habitations and in wild forest. 

The question of nomenclature and the distinction between this and 
the next species will be discussed under the latter. 

Synonymy. The origin of the names Viverra nigra, V. bondar, and 
Paradoxurus typus has already been mentioned. P. leucopus of 
Ogilby has been classed as distinct by several writers ; and by Gray 
(P. Z.S. 1864, p. 542) it is said to be probably a variety of P. grayi. 
The vibrissee are, however, described as black, whilst in P. grayi 
they are always white. The species was of peculiar coloration, with 
a band round the loins, the feet, and the tip of the tail pure white. 
But pied or piebald specimens are not of infrequent occurrence in 
the present species: they are mentioned by Blyth, Jerdon, and 
Tickell, and as the remainder of Ogilby’s description, and especially 
the presence of long coarse hairs tipped with black on the head, neck, 
shoulders, rump, and tail, agree with P. niger, there can be no 
hesitation in classing P. lewcopus as a partially albino individual of 
that species. 

P. pennantii was named from a drawing in General Hardwicke’s 
collection, said to have been taken from an animal found in the 
Upper Provinces of Bengal, where P. niger is the only species found. 

The figure of Platyschista pallasit resembles P. niger in color- 
ation and in the want of any distinet pale frontal band. The back 
was said to be banded, but the banding represented in the figure is 
very ill-marked and indefinite. 

The identity of Hodgson’s P. hirsutus with P. bondar has been 
generally accepted. ‘The only difference between the northern race 
(P. bondar v. hirsutus) and the southern (P. niger v. typus= 
hermaphroditus apud Gray), so far as I can see, is that the latter is 
more ashy and blacker, the former browner in colour. The reason 
why Blyth and Jerdon, to whose opinions I should attach great 
weight, have classed P. dondar as distinct whilst uniting P. niger 
and P. hermaphroditus, was, I believe, that neither of these naturalists 
had ever seen any of the specimens called P. bondar or P. hirsutus 
by Gray, Hodgson, and others. Jerdon’s description of P. bondar 
is evidently copied from Hodgson’s account of P. hirsutus. 


? La Genette de France, Buff. Hist. Nat. Supp. iii. p. 237, pl. 47 

Viverra hermaphrodita, Pall. Schreb. Siiugeth. iii. p. 426 (1778); 
Zimm. Geol. Gesch. ii. p. 285; Bodd. Elench. An. p. 82; Gmel. 
Syst. Nat. i. p. 90; Shaw, Gen. Zool. i. pt. 2, p. 400. 

V. prehensilis, Blainv., Desm. Mam. p. 298(1820) ; nee V. pre- 
hensilis, Kerr, An. King. p. 169 (1792). 

V. musanga, Raftles, Trans. Linn. Soe. xiii. p. 252 (1820); Desm. 
Mam. Suppl. p. 539. 

V. musanga, var. javanica, Horsfield, Zool. Res. Java, pl. (1824). 
cua ae typus, (3. sumatranus, Fischer, Syn. Mam. p. 159 



Paradowurus prehensilis, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1832, p- 66; Ill. Ind. 
Zool. ii. pl. 9; Bennett, P. Z.S! 1834, p- 33; Temm. Mon. Mam. 
ii. p. 340; Wagner, Schieb. Siiugeth. ii. p. 354; Horsf. Cat. Mam. 
Mug: BTC, p. 63; Gray, P. Z.S. 1864, p. 545; Cat. Carn. &c. 
Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 77. 

P. musanga, Gray, P.Z. 8. 1832, p. 66; List Sp. Mam. B. M. 
1843, p. 56; Cantor, J. A. S. B. xv. p- 201; Temm. Mon. Mam. 
iy fe a7, pl. 64, f. 1-3 ; Miiller, Zoogd. Ind. Arch. p- 54; Wagner, 
Schreb. Siugeth. Supp. ii. p. 344; Schinz. Syn. Mam. i. p. 382 
(1844); Horsf. Cat. Mam. Mus. E.I. C. p. 62 (1851); Giebel, 
Siiugeth. p. 800; Blyth, Cat. Mam. Mus. A. 8. p. 46, partim; Cat. 
Man. Birds Burma, p. 26; Jerdon, Mam. Ind. p. 125, partim. 

P. dubius, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1832, p. 66; List Sp. Mam. B. M. 
1843, p. 56; PZ. S. 1864; p- 537; Cat. Carn. &c. Mam. B. M. 
1869, p. 69. 

Paradocurus hermaphroditus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1832, p- 67; 1858, 

P. pallasii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1822, p- 67; Illustrations Ind. Zool. 
ii. pl. 8; List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p.95; P. Z.S. 1861, p.136; 
Horsf. Cat. Mam. Mus. E. I. C. p. 65 (1851). 

P. crossii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1832, p- 67; Lllust. Ind. Zool. ii. pl. 7; 
Wagner, Schreb. Siiugeth. Supp. ii. p. 354; P.Z.S. 1864, p. 533, 
with figure of skull; Cat. Carn. &. Mam. 1869, p. 66. 

P. finlaysonii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1832, p. 68, 1864, p. 545; Horsf. 
Cat. Mam. Mus. E. I. C. p. 65 (1851). 

P. quinquelineatus, Gray, Charlesworth’s Mag. Nat. Hist. i. 
p- 579(1837); Wagner, Schreb. Siugeth. Supp. ii. p. 355; Schinz, 
Syn. Mam. ii. Supp. p. 40; P.Z.S. 1864, p- 337; Cat. Carn. &e. 
Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 69. 

P. musungoides, Gray, ibidem, Schinz, ib. 

?P. nubie, F. Cuv. fil. Hist. Nat. des Mam. pl. 187 (1839) ; 
Schinz, Supp. p. 41. 

Paradoxurus felinus, Wagner, Schreb. Siiugeth. Supp. ii. p. 349 

Paguma crossii, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 18.13, p. 54. 

Paradoxurus nigrifrons, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 53 
(nomen nudum); P. Z.S. 1864, p. 535; Cat. Carn. &. Mam. 
B. M. 1869, p. 68. 

P. setosus, Hombr. & Jacq. Voy. au Péle Sud, Zool. iii, po 25, 
Atlas, pl. 6. 

P. strictus, Hodgs. Ann. Mag. N. H. ser. 2, xvi. p- 105.3, P: ZS; 
1856, p. 396, pl. xlvii.; Gray, P. Z.S. 1864, p- 544; Cat. Carn. 
&c. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 76. 

P. quadriscriptus, Hodgs. Ann. Mag. N. H. ser. 2, xvi. p. 106 ; 
P. Z.S. 1856, p. 396, pl. xlviii.; Gray, P.Z.S. 1853, p- 191; 
1864, p. 544; Cat. Hodgson’s Coll. B. M. 2nd ed. 1863, p.5; 
Cat. Carn. &c. Mam. B. M. p. 76. 

? P. crassiceps, Pucheran, Rev. et Mag. Zool. vii. p. 393 (1855). 

P. fasciatus, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 556; Cat. Carn. &e. Mam. 
B. M. 1869, p. 68, nee Viverra fusciata, Desm. 

Tail more than three quarters the length of the head and body, 

796 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

sometimes quite as long or a little longer. Fur of moderate length 
in general, not so long and ragged as in P. niger. 

In the skull the bony palate not produced behind. Muzzle 
decidedly shorter than it usually is in P. niger, and zygomatic 
arches as a rule stronger. Upper sectorial and molars larger, the 
former with a much larger internal lobe, and with the inner margin 
(from the inner to the hinder lobe) nearly or quite straight. 

Fig. 2. 

Half palate and dentition of P. hermaphroditus. (Spec. no. B.M, 

Colour brownish grey, occasionally ashy. Underfur, when present, 
brownish, the longer hairs light brown or grey, with occasionally 
tack tips, but these are not as a rule greatly developed, though 
some Bornean specimens have long sooty-brown terminations. 
The back is generally more or less distinctly striped with black 
longitudinally, the number of stripes varying, and the lateral bands 
being often replaced by rows of spots. The feet, the greater part of 
the legs, and the terminal portion of the tail black, the tip of the 
latter occasionally white. Usually there is a distinct. broad whitish 
or grey band across the forehead and in front of the ears, and this 
band is not divided by longitudinal black streaks, though occasionally 
there is one in the middle, and others running upwards from the eyes. 
The muzzle in front of and including the eyes, the top of the head, 
ears, and sides of neck are dark brown or sooty black, but generally 
a whitish spot can be detected below the eye, and this sometimes is 
joimed to the frontal band. The markings are very variable, and 
occasionally either the dorsal stripes, or the pale frontal band, or 
both are scarcely perceptible '. Vibrissze black, the lowest occasionally 
white near the base. 

1 A remarkable variety from Mergui entirely destitute of markings is noticed 
in a note to p. 791. 


Dimensions. Nearly the same as those of P. xiger. Cantor says 
in the largest specimen he measured the head and body together 
were 24 inches long. In another the head and body 203, tail 163. 
In a Tenasserim specimen measured by Tickell the head and body 
measured 203 inches, tail 202. Horsfield gives 22 and 18. All 
the above measurements were, I believe, made on fresh specimens. 

Distribution. P. hermaphroditus ranges throughout the countries 
east of the Bay of Bengal—Burma, Siam, Malay peninsula, &e. It 
is found also in Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and some of the smaller 
Indo-Malay islands, extending to Ceram and even the Ké Islands 
(P. Z. 8. 1858, p. 113), but perhaps introduced. In Lower Bengal 
and at the foot of the Himalayas, in Nepal and Sikhim, some of the 
Paradoxuri appear to belong to this species, or to be intermediate 
between it and P. niger. 

Before proceeding to discuss the synonymy it is necessary to deal 
with the differences between this and the last species. Although 
the two have been classed apart by a great majority of naturalists, 
by all in fact except Blyth and Jerdon, it is, I think, quite as much 
a question of convenience as of facts whether the Indian and Malay 
types of the common Paradovurus should be considered species or 
subspecies, that is geographical races. Both are variable, but the 
vast majority of specimens are readily distinguished by some or all 
of the tollowing characters :— 

1. The back is usually striped in P. hermaphroditus, unstriped in 
P. niger. 

2. There is generally a distinct grey or whitish transverse frontal 
band in P. hermaphroditus, not in P. niger. 

3. The fur in P. niger is usually longer, more ragged, and pro- 
vided on the upper parts with long black tips, which are wanting 
in P. hermaphroditus ; in the latter the fur is generally of more 
even length. 

4. ‘The inner lobe of the upper sectorial tooth is much larger in 
P. hermaphroditus, so that the breadth of the tooth at right 
angles to the outer margin is about ,°, the length of that 
margin, whilst in P. niger the proportion is 75‘. The inner 
lobe is, as a rule, not quite at the distal extremity of the tooth 
in the former, and the inner margin from the inner lobe to the 
hinder extremity is straight ; in P. niger the inner lobe is quite 
at the distal extremity, and the inner margin concave. 

5. The muzzle is shorter in P. hermaphroditus than in P. niger. 

There is, however, variation in all these characters—not one can 
be said to be constant. So far as I have seen, the shape of the 
upper sectorial is on the whole the best character, but even here I can 
find, in the large collection of skulls in the British Museum, a com- 
plete or nearly complete passage from one form to the other. But 
I believe the difficulty chiefly arises from the circumstance that 
whereas the animals inhabiting the peninsula of India (from the 
Himalayas to Cape Comorin) and Ceylon differ but little from each 

' Mean of two measurements of P. hermaphroditus and four of P. niger. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—-1885, No. LII. 52 

798 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

other, and have in common the characters above noted as charac- 
teristic of P. niger ; and whilst Burmese, Siamese, and Malay indi- 
viduals have, with few exceptions, the coloration and dentition of 
P, hermaphroditus (P. musanga), intermediate varieties are found in 
Bengal and the countries about the head of the Bay of Bengal. 
Similarly the variety found in Borneo, and which is represented by 
several skins in the British Museum, may very possibly be a hybrid 
or an intermediate forin between P. hermaphroditus and P. philip- 
pensis. Under these circumstances it is, I think, a mere matter of 
convenience whether the two forms are to be distinguished, as I have 
done, as P. niger and P. hermaphroditus, whether they are to be 
called two geographical races or subspecies, or whether, according to 
the system now in favour with some naturalists, they are to receive 
trinomial designations, e.g. P. hermaphroditus niger and P. herma- 
phroditus musanga’. 

Synonymy. The first question here is the propriety of giving to 
this species or race the name hermaphroditus rather than to the 
Indian form, to which the name has been assigned by Gray and 

The reasons for using the name hermaphroditus for the present 
species are two in number. (1) Viverra hermaphrodita was de- 
scribed as having three black stripes on the back. The presence of 
distinct longitudinal bands is the rule in the Malay form, whilst it 
is exceptional in the Indian. The light grey margin in front of the 
ears, too, noticed in Pallas’s description, agrees better with the grey 
frontal band of the Eastern type. (2) We may regard hermaphro- 
ditus as a name applicable to either form, and therefore as including 
both. In this case, by the Linnzean rule for genera, the name is 
retained for that portion of the original species which remains after 
a defined section has been separated. The first section thus separated 
from P. hermaphroditus received the specific name of niger, and 
consisted of the Indian form, so hermaphroditus should be confined 
to the Malayan type. Another circumstance in favour of applying 
Pallas’s name to the latter is the greater probability of a specimen 
in a German collection of the last century having been derived from 
Java or one of the Malay islands. 

Several of the synonyms given above may possibly belong to 
P. niger, or to some of the intermediate varieties. ‘The rule adopted 
has been to class all distinctly striped forms and all with a well- 
marked frontal band under P. hermaphroditus. 

The figure representing the type of Viverra prehensilis is di- 
stinetly striped, and is therefore referred here. Tie tail-tip is white. 
About VY. musanga, the Sumatran form described by Raffles, there 
can be no question. P. dubius was founded on the skin of a Javanese 
animal, not half grown, because it did not agree with the young of 
P.musanga. Both, however, were described (Gray, P. Z. 8S. 1532, 

1 Personally I think this plan has but little to recommend it, and that it 
must lead to confusion, because it makes no distinction between geographical 
races and ordinary varieties, to say nothing of mutations or what may be termed 
geological varieties, although all these forms of variation are perfectly distinct 


p- 66) as ash-coloured (one pale ash, the other flavescenti-cinereus), 
with three dark dorsal bands and spots on the sides; and it is not 
clear what the supposed specific distinctions were. The type is in 
the British Museum, and presents no peculiarity. 

P. pallasii was founded on a skin now in the British Museum, 
and showing the whitish frontal band distinctly, but in other cha- 
racters approximating to P. niger, there being no stripes on the 
back, where the fur has long black tips. There is no skull, so the 
characters of the teeth cannot be examined. ‘The figure in Gray 
and Hardwicke's Illustrations, if taken from this specimen, is very 
incorrectly coloured, the markings being much exaggerated. The 
circumstance that Gray (P.Z.S. 1861, p. 136) identified two 
Cambodian skins with P. pallasii is in favour of the name being 
considered a synonym of P. hermaphroditus. 

The type of P. crossii was a specimen kept in confinement; the 
characters of the fur are consequently not to be depended upon; the 
upper sectorial tooth in the skuil figured’ is broader than it 
usually is even in P. hermaphroditus, and quite unlike that of 
P. niger. 

P. finlaysonii was founded on “a rough sketch brought by Mr. 
Finlayson trom Siam”! From the description the animal represented 
was probably a typical example of P. hermaphroditus. 

“* P. quinquelineatus and P. musangoides, Gray, are perhaps only 
varieties of the young animal of this species (P. fasciatus =mu- 
sanga).”* Except that I should substitute a stronger term than 
*perhaps,’’ I have for once the satisfaction of concurring in Dr. 
Gray’s opinion. Nothing is known of the types of these supposed 

Of P. nubie I hope to obtain further information. There is 
nothing in the figure or description to show that the animal differs 
from P. hermaphroditus; but the locality was given as Nubia ap- 
parently on trustworthy evidence, the animal having been brought 
alive to Paris by a Mr. Burton of Bordeaux. Wagner’s name P. 
felinus was, as already remarked, merely substituted for hermaphro- 

Of Gray’s Paradoxurus nigrifrons, the description of which only 
appeared in 1864, its author admits that the skull is very much like 
that of P. crossii*,and on the next page that “ the nature and colour 
of the fur” are very similar in both; but P. nigrifrons “is rather 
darker in every part, and the crown and cheeks are reddish black, 
being in P. crossii grey or whitish.’ Both specimens, it should be 
remembered, had been kept in confinement. 

Hombron and Jacquinot described P. setosus from a young speci- 
men obtained at the island of Ceram. The skull is figured, and 
shows the milk-teeth. There is nothing in the description or figure 
to justify the separation of the form. 

The type of P. strictus, Hodgson, is a skin with short fur; the 
dorsal stripes and rows of spots are unusually distinct and numerous. 

1 P.Z.8. 1864, p. 535. 2 P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 537. 
3 P.Z. 8, 1864, p. 534, 

800 MR. W..T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

Probably the animal had just shed its winter coat, and the hair may 
have been worn. There is only a fragment of the skull left. P. 
quadriscriptus of Hodgson is a well-striped form with long hair, 
having doubtless been killed in the cold season. There is no skull 
at all in this case. Both may be safely referred to P. hermaphro- 

P. crassiceps of Pucheran is said to have been remarkable for the 
size of its head (no dimensions, however, are given) and the great 
development of the silvery-white mark on the forehead. The descrip- 
tion is not sufficient for satisfactory determination. P. fasciatus 
has been already disposed of. 


? Martis species, Camelli, Phil. Trans. xxiv. p. 2204 (1706). 

Paradoxurus philippinensis, Jourdan, Comptes Rendus, v. p. 523 

( P. zeylanicus, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 55. 

P. philippensis, F. Cuv. An. Se. Nat. sér. 2, viii. p. 372 (1837); 
Temm. Mon. Mam. ii. p, 339; Wagner, Schreb. Siugeth. Supp. ii. 
p. 355; Schinz, Syn. Mam. i. p. 387; Giebel, Saugeth. p. 799 ; 
Gray, P.Z.S. 1864, p. 537; Cat. Carn. &c. Mam. B. M. 1869, 
p- 70. 

Structure very similar to that of P. niger and P. hermaphroditus, 
but size rather smaller. Fur closer and softer, less ragged and more 
even in length, and the hairs having a peculiar gloss. Underfur 
thicker and more woolly. The upper sectorial has a very large 
inner lobe nearly in the middle of the tooth, the length of the outer 
margin being very little more than the breadth of the tooth at right 
angles to that margin. 

Colour dusky brown above, brownish grey below, either no 
markings on the back or indistinct rows of spots. The underfur is 
dark grey or blackish; the longer hairs are light brown with black 
tips. Head mostly black or blackish brown, feet and tail the same. 
The pale band across the forehead and spots under the eye occur as 
in P. hermaphroditus, but less distinct. 

Dimensions. No trustworthy measurements are available; the 
head and body appear to be about 18 inches long. Skull about 4:1. 

Distribution. The Philippine Islands. There are in the British- 
Museum collection two skins from Borneo, apparently belonging to 
this form, and, as already remarked, all Bornean specimens look 
somewhat intermediate between P. hermaphroditus and P. philip- 

If P. niger and P. hermaphroditus are classed as races of one 
species, P. philippinensis must, I think, be added as a third race ; the 
differences are about the same ia each case. 

Synonymy. Martes philippensis, Camelli, is quoted by Schreber 
as a possible synonym of Pallas’s Viverra zeylonensis, and the same 
reference has been quoted by Gmelin, Gray, and others. Camelli, 
who was probably a missionary, gave a Latin list, which was printed 
in the ‘ Philosophical Transactions,’ of the quadrupeds inhabiting 


the Philippine Islands, and in this list included a species of Marten. 
He used no such name as Martes philippensis, but his supposed 
Marten may have been the present Paradowurus. 

Half palate and dentition of P. philippinensis, (Spec. nu. B.M. 

Jourdan’s description is very poor, but there is no reason to sup- 
pose that the species described by him was different. Temminck’s 
description was taken from the Philippine specimens in the British 
Museum by Mr. Ogilby ; but Temminck was mistaken in supposing 
that the Ambliodon doré of Jourdan was the same species. 


Paradozxurus macrodus, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 538; Cat. Carn. 
&c. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 70. 

This species is only known by a skull preserved in the British- 
Museum collection. ‘This skull was received from the Zoological 
Society many years ago, when the Society’s museum became a part 
of the National Collection. Nothing is known of the locality or 
history of the specimen, and the skin has not been preserved. 

The general form of the skull, which has been figured in the 
Society’s ‘Proceedings’ and in the British-Museum Catalogue, differs 
in no respect from that of P. hermaphroditus, but the teeth are very 
much larger, the sectorial in-both upper and lower jaw and the first 
true molar in the upper and fourth premolar in the lower especially. 
It is true that there is a gradual increase in size in these teeth from 
Indian or Ceylonese examples of P. niger to Bornean skulls of P. 
hermaphroditus, but the difference between the latter and P. macrodus 
is greater than that between the teeth of Ceylonese or Indian and 
of Bornean skulls. 

802 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

5. ParapoxuRvs JERDONI. (Plate XLIX.) 

Paradoxurus jerdoni, W. Blanf. above, p. 613. 

For description see the reference. 

This species is distinguished by its uniform rich dark brown 
colour, slightly grizzled, owing to a subterminal grey ring on the 
hairs, which are of equal length, not ragged. The tip of the tail 

|/" ne | 

Half palate and dentition of P. jerdoni, from type. 

is white in the only two specimens examined. Dimensions appa- 
rently similar to these of P. niger. Skull nearly 44 inches long. The 
dentition is very like that of P. aureus. The anterior palatine 
foramina are much longer than in any other species, and extend 
back to a line drawn through the hinder edges of the anterior 

6. Parapoxurus Aureus. (Plate L.) 

Paradozurus avreus, F. Cuv. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. ix. p. 48, pl. iv. 
(1822); Desm. Mamm. Supp. p. 540; Gray, P. Z.S. 1832, p. 68. 

Paradowurus zeylanicus, Kelaart, Prod. Faun. Zeyl. p. 39 (1852) ; 
Blyth, J. A. 8S. B. xx. pp. 161, 184; Cat. Mam. Mus. A.S. p. 47; 
Gray, P. Z.S. 1864, p. 531; Cat. Carn. &e. Mam, B. M. 1869, p. 64 
(nec Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 55; nee Viverra zeylonen- 
sis, Pallas, Schreb. Saugeth. iii. p. 451; nee V. zeylanica, Gmel.). 

P. montanus, Kelaart, apud Blyth, J. A. S. B. xx. pp. 161, 184; 
Kel. Prod, Faun. Zeyl. p. 40. 

Tail about four fifths the length of the head and body. Fur 
moderately soft and thick, of uniform length, with but little woolly 

Skull similar to that of P. hermaphroditus, and with the palate 


not prolonged behind. Inner lobe of upper sectorial well developed. 
The anterior upper true molar broader inside than in the common 
species, being nearly rectangular. 

Colour uniform dull rusty red or dull chestnut (as Blyth remarks, 
very like that of the Common European Weasel), passing, however, 
in some specimens (P. montanus or P. zeylanicus, var. fuscus, Ke- 
laart) into a browner tint. The fur and underfur of nearly the same 
colour throughout; no black tips to the fur. Faint longitudinal 
dorsal streaks may be detected on many specimens. A white sub- 
terminal band on the tail has been observed. Vibrissze whitish in 
dried skins, probably the same colour as the other hairs originally. 

Dimensions. A fully grown female, according to Kelaart, measured, 
head and body 19 inches, tail 15°5, height 8. Skull 4°15 inches long. 

Distribution. The island of Ceylon, apparently throughout, the 
darker variety being from a considerable elevation. 

This species may at once be distinguished by its colour. The 
dentition differs considerably from that of P. niger, the only other 
kind found in Ceylon, and proves that the present is not a rufous 
variety of that species. 

Synonymy. It has already been shown that this Paradoxurus 
cannot be identified with Viverra zeylonensis, the colour being very 
different. Gray’s original P. zeylanicus was P. philippinensis, and 
Kelaart appears to have been the first to apply the term P. zey- 
lanicus to the present kind. Although F. Cuvier’s name aureus 
was given to a very young specimen, there is no other species known 
to which the description ‘couleur d'un beau fauve doré uniformé- 
ment répandu sur lout son corps’’ can apply. 


Paradoxurus grayi, Bennett, P. Z.S. 1835, p. 118; Wagner, 
Schreb. Siugeth. Suppl. i. p. 340(1841) ; Horsfield, P. Z. S. 1856, 
p. 396; Blyth, Cat. Mam. Mus. A. S. p. 48; Cat. Mam. Birds 
Burma, p. 26 ; Jerdon, Mammals of India, p. 128; ? Ball, Stray 
Feathers, ii. p. 369. 

P. nipalensis, Hodgson, As. Res. xix. p. 76 (1836); J. A. S. B. 
x. p. 909, xi. p. 279; Calc. Jour. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 287; Wagner, 
Schreb. Saiugeth. Supp. ii. p. 841; Schinz, Syn. Mam. i. p. 387. 

Paguma grayii, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 54; Cat. 
Hodgs. Coll. B. M. 1846, p.9; 2nd ed. 1863, p. 5; Horsf. Cat. 
Mam. Mus. E. 1.C. p. 66; Gray, P. Z.S. 1864, p. 541; Cat. 
Carn. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 73. 

Paradoxurus tytlerii, Tytler, J. A. S. B. xxxiil. p. 188 (1864). 

Larger than P. hermaphroditus. Tail about the same length as 
the head and body. Fur varying in length but uniform, not ragged ; 
woolly underfur frequently well developed. 

In the skull the constriction behind the postorbital process is less 
than in the preceding species, and the forehead between the orbits 
more rounded. The bony palate runs back above the posterior nares 
for 0-4 to 0°5 inch behind a line drawn through the hinder edge of 
the posterior molars, and is deeply concave at the end. Teeth smaller 

804 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [Nov. 3, 

than in the preceding species ; the inner lobe of the upper sectorial 
small, and the anterior upper true molar nearly triangular 
Colour grey throughout, without markings on the body, the lower 

Half palate and dentition of P. grayi. (Spec. no, B.M. 151 0.) 

parts paler and whitish. Underfur brownish grey or dusky, paler 
towards the base, longer hairs whitish grey towards the end, the tips 
on the upper parts black. Frequently, though not always, the 
terminal half of the tail is dusky or blackish; feet usually brown. 
Head, including ears and chin, brown or blackish, with the exception 
of the forehead, a broad band beneath each ear, a narrower line down 
the nose, and a blotch or spot below each eye, where white hairs 
are conspicuously intermixed, but there is some variation in their 
proportion and distribution, and the markings are not distinct. 
Vibrissze mostly white, some of the uppermost black. 

Some specimens in the British Museum have a yellowish or 
brownish tinge, especially on the rump, thighs, and base of the tail. 

Dimensions. Head and body 24 to 25 inches, tail with hair at 
the end about the same; weight 9 to 10 lb. (Hodgson). Skull 4°6 
inches long. 

Distribution. The Himalayas as far west as Simla; Assam, 
Arakan, and the Andaman Islands. Ball records it from Chutia 
Nagpur in South-west Bengal; and McMaster in his Notes on Jerdon, 
p- 37, suggests its occurrence in the Northern Circars, in the extreme 
north-east corner of the Madras Presidency; but both these obser- 
vations require confirmation. 

1585. ] GENUS PARADOXURUS. _. 805 

Synonymy. The types of both P. grayi and P. nipalensis are in 
the British Museum, and so is a specimen (skin and skull) of P. 
tytieri, which belonged, I believe, to one of Colonel Tytler’s original 
specimens. ‘The skull is rather smaller in size, but otherwise undi- 
stinguishable. The fur is thin, from the animal having been kept in 

The synonymy of P. grayi in Gray’s Monograph (P. Z.S. 1864, 
p. 541)is I think erroneous. Neither P. dondar, Temm., P. leucopus, 
Ogilby, Amblyodon doré, Jourdan, nor to the best of my belief 
Paradoxurus auratus, De Blainville, belongs to this species. 


Gulo lurvatus, Temi. ; Ham. Smith, Griffith’s Cuv. An. King. ii. 
p- 281, with plate (1827). 

Viverra larvata, Gray, Spic. Zool. p. 9 (1830). 

Paguma larvata, Gray, P. Z 8S. 1831, p. 95; List Sp. Mam. B.M. 
1843, p. 54; P.Z.S. 1864, p. 539; Cat. Carn. &c. Mam. B. M. 
1869, p. 72; Swinhoe, P. Z. 8S. 1862, p. 354, 1870, p. 630, 1872, 

; Paradoxurus larvatus, Gray, P. Z.S. 1832, p. 67; Ilust. Ind. 
Zool. vol. ii. pl. 11 (1834); Temm. Mon. Mam. ii. p. 329, pl. 63. 
f. 1-3; Wagner, Schreb. Siiugeth. Supp. ii. p. 351 (1841) ; Schinz, 
Syn. Mam. 1. p. 384 (1844); Giebel, Siiugeth. p. 798. 

Smaller than P. grayi, but otherwise very similar. 

Colour light brownish grey, the terminal portions of the tail 
and limbs, parts of the head, the neck and the back between the 
shoulders black or blackish, a broad white stripe down the middle 
of the forehead and nose, a white spot below the eye and another 
behind it, the two sometimes connected, all sharply defined against 
the remainder of the face, which is black. 

Dimensions. No trustworthy measurements of body and tail 
available. Skull about 4 inches long. 

Distribution. Southern China: Kwangtung and Fokien pro- 
vinces, Hangchow, and Formosa. 


Paradozurus leucomystax, Gray, P. Z.S. 1836, p. 88; Charles- 
worth’s Mag. Nat. Hist. i. p. 579 (1837); Temm. Mon. Mam. ii. 
p. 325, pl. 64. f. 4, 5,6; Miiller, Zoogd. Ind. Arch. p. 55; Waguer, 
Schreb. Séugeth. Supp. il. p. 347; Schinz, Syn. Mam. i. p. 383; 
Giebel, Siugeth. p. 799 ; Blyth, Cat. Mam. Mus. A. S. p.48 (1863). 

P. jourdanii, Gray, Charlesworth’s Mag. Nat. Hist. i. p. 579 
(1837); Wagner, Schreb. Siugeth. Supp. ii. p. 355. 

Ambliodon doré, Jourdan, Comptes Rend. v. pp. 442, 446 (1837) ; 
De Blainv. ibid. p. 593; An. Sci. Nat. sér. 2, viii. p. 276. 

Paguma leucomystax, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 55 ; 
Cantor, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 200 (1846); Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 540; 
Cat. Carn. &c. Mam. B. M. 1869, p. 73. 

Paradocxurus ogilbyi, Fraser, Zool. Typ. pl. 10 (1849). 

P. auratus, De Blainy. Ostéographie, Viverra, pp. 21, 96, pl. vii. 

806 MR. W. T. BLANFORD ON THE [ Nov. 3, 

P. rubidus, Blyth, J.A.S. B. xxvii. p. 275 (1858); id. Cat. 
Mam. A. S. p. 48. 

This is the largest species of the genus except P. musschenbroehi. 
Tail about three quarters the length of the head and body. 

Colour in general rufescent brown, paler below ; underfur greyish 
yellow at the base, the longer hairs bright rufous, and the tips dusky 
or black. 

The terminal portion of the tail is black, the feet dark brown, 
hind neck and back between the shoulders blackish. The forehead 
and a broad band passing in front of each ear whitish, and some- 
times the whole face (P. ogilbyi), but generally the muzzle as far as 
the eyes is brown. Some skins are much more red than others. 
Vibrissze white, a few of the shorter above black. 

Dimensions. The only trustworthy measurement I can find is by 
Cantor, who gives head and body 27 inches, tail 20. Skull about 
5 inches long. 

Distribution. The Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, and pro- 
bably some of the other Malay Islands, but not Java. 

Synonymy. The Amblyodon doré of Jourdan was identified with 
this species by De Blainville, and the description of the coloration 
agrees with this species and not with P. grayi. If, as stated by 
Gray, his P. jourdanii was probably founded on the same specimen, 
that name also falls into the synonymy. ‘There is nothing in the 
description antagonistic to this view. P. ogilbyi of Fraser was 
identified with this species by Gray, and, I believe, correctly. P. 
auratus was merely the Latin equivalent of M. Jourdan’s Ambliodon 
doré. Iastly, the description of P. rubidus, Blyth, presents no dif- 
ferences from P. leucomystax, and must, I think, be that of a redder 
variety than usual. 


Paradozurus musschenbroeki, Schlegel, Notes on the Leyden 
Museum, i. p. 43; Jentink, ib. v. p. 178. 

Tail about three quarters the length of the head and body. Fur 
soft and short. 

Skull resembling that of P. hermaphroditus rather more than that 
of P. grayi or P. leucomystar above, but with the bony palate pro- 
duced as in the latter for some distance (0°35 inch in the specimen 
examined) behind a line drawn through the hinder edges of the last 
molars. ‘The mesopterygoid fossa is narrow, the posterior opening 
of the alisphenoid canal further back than in other species, and close 
to the orifice of the foramen laceram medium. ‘The skuli examined 
is imperfect behind and the bullz wanting. ‘Teeth large, the molars 
rounded, inner lobe of upper sectorial very large ; fourth lower pre- 
molar with a high principal cusp. 

But the most remarkable peculiarity of the skull and dentition is 
that the rows of upper premolars and molars, instead of diverging 
greatly behind, as in all other Paradoxuri, are nearly parallel, the 
hinder part of the palate being proportionately much narrower than 
in other species of the genus. The distance between the anterior 


premolars is 0°68 inch, between the last molars 0°77. In other 
species the latter measurement exceeds the former by at least one 

Colour above rufous-brown, or rather light brownish chestnut, 
with numerous white hairs intermixed. Fur brown throughout, 
scarcely paler in colour at the base. The lower parts fulvous to 
white, breast rufescent. Hinder part of back paler than the 
shoulders, and marked with two slightly darker longitudinal bands, 
one on each side of the back, and by a few indistinct spots. Tail 
with alternating rings of darker brown and pale brown, not very 
strongly marked and becoming indistinct on the lower side, where 
the colour is paler, and also towards the tip, which is dark. No 
distinct head-markings. The cheeks below the eye and a spot above 
the eye pale, area in front of each eye darker, forehead and ears the 
same colour as the nape and hind neck. Vibrissee partly white, 
partly brown. 

Dimensions. Head and body of a large male 880 millim. (35 
inches), tail 630 millim, (25 ins.) (Jentink, probably from a skin). 
Skull 5°75 inches long. 

Distribution. Celebes. 

11. Parapoxurus (?) LANIGER. 

Paradoxurus laniger, Hodgson, As. Res. xix. p. 79 (1836); J. A. 
S. B. x. p. 909, xi. p. 279; Cale. Journ. N. H. iv. p. 287 ; Wagner, 
Schreb. Siingeth. Supp. ii. p. 352; Gray, P. Z.S. 1864, p. 542; Cat. 
Carn. &e. Mam. B. M. p. 74. 

Paguma?® laniger, Gray, List Sp. Mam. B. M. 1843, p. 55; Cat. 
Hodgs. Coll. B. M. p..9; 2nd ed. p. 5. 

Tail only about half the length of the head and body, thick at the 
root and tapering gradually to the extremity. Toe-pads surrounded 
by hair, soles in all other respects as in other species of Paradovurus. 
Claws short; a naked preanal area. Fur very woolly and close. 
No skull known. 

Colour pale rufescent brown throughout the head (so far as 
preserved), body, and tail, the fur grey at the base, light brown 
towards the tips. No black-tipped hairs anywhere. 

The only specimen known, a skin in bad condition, was obtained 
by Mr. Hodgson in Nepal, and was supposed to have been brought 
from Tibet. In J. A.S. B. xi. p. 279, Hodgson says that he received 
it from Tingri. 

In the absence of any skull it is impossible to feel sure that this 
species belongs to Paradorurus. There can be no question how- 
ever, I think, that it is quite distinct from all other known species 
of that genus. The specimens doubtfully referred to it by Blyth 
(J. A.S. B. xxvii. p. 274, and Cat. Mam. Mus. A. S. p. 48) pro- 
bably belong to P. grayi, like some skins similarly labelled in the 
British Museum. 

The following measurements, with the exception of those of P. 
jerdoni, are taken from skulls in the British-Museum collection, 

[Nov. 3, 

‘ABP ONY ys.y pue eTLoyoas toddn Jo uorjounl ySnorry umvap oury VY , 
‘qsU] Ol[} 0} sopsur 4ystt ye Yyproagr ‘solaeyrxenetd yo 
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-ond [eyIG10}80d puryaq osvo-uretq Jo Tpvaaq ysorpuug ‘sSomurpxemord Jo tapcoq to1teyue 04 efApuod yeqdiovo wo. 




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(‘Ajuo ayeurxordde are szaxovaq ur syySuary) 



‘duit qaeyuey “URL Wurg'¢ 

DT Ide S3els.4.d 


5. Description of a new Species of Mus from Sind. By 
James A. Murray, Curator Kurrachee Municipal 
Museum. (Communicated by Mr. W. T. Blanford.) 

[Received August 26, 1885.] 

(Plate LI.) 

Mus GLEADOWI, sp. nov. 

General colour above fulvous-brown, the hairs being dusky for 
about three fourths their length, then yellowish or fulvescent, and 
tipped with dark brown. No pure black hairs on the back. Entire 
under surface, sides of the belly, feet, chin, aud throat, all round the 
snout, and the sides of the face white, except a dark brown streak 
under the eye. A rufescent circle round the eye. ‘Tail ringed, 
slightly longer than the head and body, and covered with short hairs, 
dark brown dorsally, and white on the sides and below. Ears dusky 
all round the edge for ahout one half of their length, and covered 

Hind foot of Mus gleadowi, enlarged 1. 

inside and out with short white hairs; laid furward they reach the 
front edge of the eye. Lower series of whiskers entirely white ; 
upper series black at the base, and tipped more or less broadly with 

Length.—Head and body of a pregnant female 3°25 inches, tail 
3°37 ; of an adult male, head and body 3:25 inches, tail 3:1. 

Mammee three pairs, two inguinal, one pectoral. Foot-pads five 
on each fore foot, four on each hind foot. 

This species lives in the foot of salt-wort bushes in the 
Clifton Plain, Kurrachee. It is quite nocturnal, leaving its burrows 
abeut 7 p.m., and running all over the plain. 

Note by W. T. Buanrorp.—The description above printed has 
been sent to me by Mr. Murray, together with two adults, one of 
each sex, and one young individual of Mus gleadowi in spirit. In 
both of the adults I find that the tail is now slightly shorter than 
the head and body ; and I observe that although in the male the 
coloration of the head is as described above, in the female the 
sides of the head, including a narrow band above each eye, are pale 
fulvous, and there is no distinct dark brown streak below the eye. 
The following are the dimensions in spirit, measured as are those of 

810 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

Indian Rats and Mice given by Mr. Oldfield Thomas, P. Z. 8. 1881, 
p. 525 :— 

ey Q. 
inches. inches. 
Head nnd body OPO oc.. 3 oe 3°5 
Pailifrom aniugs jy. Vile fades 2-9 3 
Hind f00t ss). 22 Sos ete 0°72 0°7 
Fore arm and hand,........... 0°88 0°87 
Far-conch, length (outside) .... 0°58 0°63 
Muzzle to auditory meatus...... — 1 

Both skulls are much broken; that of the male has been extracted, 
and measures an inch in length from the occiput to the anterior 
termination of the premaxillaries, 0°15 across the frontals where 
narrowest between the orbits; the length of the row of upper molars 
is 0°2, of the lower molars 0°17. The skull closely approaches in 
form to that of Mus meétada, except that it is more convex above. 
The dentition of the two species appears to me quite similar except 
in size. 

Mus gleadowi is indeed in many respects a miniature of Mus 
mettada. It has the same form of hind foot, with the hinder foot- 
pads wanting, though the deficiency appears carried further in the new 
species, judging by the specimens sent, in which only four pads are 
present, than it usually is in M. mettada, in which five is the usual 
number, though but four are often found. The small number of 
pads on the hind feet distinguish these two forms from all other 
Indian species of Mus, which have six, all well developed. 

From M. metteda the present species is distinguished by its much 
smaller size, and especially by its very small feet and tarsi—the 
latter being much longer in proportion to their diameter than in 
M. mettada—by the colour being very much lighter, sandy brown 
with a slight greyish tinge above, and pure white below, and by 
having only six mammee instead of eight. The eyes, too, appear 
proportionally much larger in M7. gleadowi. 

6. On the Specific Characters and Structure of certain New- 
Zealand Earthworms. By Frank E. Bepparp, M.A., 
F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., Prosector to the Society. 

{Received October 1, 1885. ] 
(Plates LIT. & LIII.) 

J have lately received through the kindness of Prof. T. J. Parker, 
of Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand, a number of excellently 
preserved Earthworms collected in the neighbourhood of that town. 
The specimens proved to belong to three distinct species, all apparently 
referable to Perrier’s genus Acanthodrilus. I have been able to study 

rh PZ tooo. i 

F.E.B&AS.Barnes del 



PA. 10008 bao 

Hanhart imp. 




these specimens in some detail, and venture to offer to the Society 
an account of their structure which will, I hope, help to fill up a 
gap in our knowledge of the anatomy of Earthworms; at present, 
beyond a few short descriptions of some six species of this genus, the 
anatomy of Acanthodrilus is entirely unknown. I have endeavoured 
in the present communication to treat of the structure of this genus 
in as thorough a fashion as possible, and have taken as my models the 
excellent memoirs of M. Perrier on Urocheta' and Pontodrilus*. The 
anatomy of all three species will be dealt with together, and will form 
the second part of this paper ; the first part contains some remarks 
upon the genus and a brief description of three new species. 

Part I. 

The genus Acanthodrilus was instituted by M. Perrier in his 
‘Recherches pour servir a l’histoire des Lombriciens terrestres.’ 
It belongs to his group ‘‘ Postclitelliens,” inasmuch as the male 
generative openings are situated Jehind the clitellum. The structural 
characters which serve to distinguish this genus from others are: —The 
presence of four male generative openings, each of which is furnished 
with a bundle of long, peculiarly modified penial setze, enclosed in a 
special muscular sac, the ends projecting through the apertures: 
there is furthermore a prostate gland in connection with each of 
these apertures ; the vasa deferentia remain distinct from each other, 
and pass down the body from their anterior funnel-shaped internal 
apertures to their external apertures as four distinct tubes. The 
setee are disposed in pairs as in Lumbricus. 

M. Perrier described three species—A. obtusus and A. ungulatus 
from New Caledonia, and A. verticillatus from Madagascar. A 
fourth species of this genus was collected in Kerguelen during 
the ‘Transit-of-Venus Expedition, and described by Prof. Lankester * 
under the name of A. keryuelenensis. More recently Dr. Horst has 
recorded the structural characters of two large species from Liberia, 
which he has named respectively A. biiitikofert and A. schlegelii’. 
Finally, I have myself described a seventh species from the Cape 
of Good Hope, under the name of A. capensis®. I shall take the 
opportunity presently of making some remarks upon the structural 
characters of these in connection with the new species to be recorded 
in the present paper. 

Little or nothing is known about the New-Zealand Earthworms ; 
end, so far as I am aware, there is no anatomical description of 
any one of the species, some seven in number, which have been 
recorded by Baird and Hutton’ from this locality. 

Captain Hutton, C.M.Z.S., has briefly described four species of 

1 Arch. d. Zool. Exp. t. iii. 

Arch. d. Zool. Exp. t. ix. 

Phil. Trans, extra vol. 1879. 

Nouv. Arch. d. Muséum, t. viii. 

Notes from Leyden Museum, vol. vi. 
Proe. Roy. Phys. Soc. 1884-85, p. 369. 
Proc, Linn. Soe. vol. xi. p. 96. 

IAaAaans - bw 

812 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

Lumbricus and three species of Megascolex in a paper published in 
the ‘Transactions of the New-Zealand Institute’ ’; but as that 
author has merely referred to external characters, it is impossible to 
speak with certainty as to the identity or non-identity of the species 
which I propose to describe in the present paper with any of his. 
The practical impossibility of distinguishing species of Earthworms 
from each other by external characters only is so well known to 
those who have occupied themselves with the anatomy of the 
group, that I need scarcely insist upon it here. When, however, 
the relations of external characters to internal structure are known, 
something may be said about the systematic position of an Earth- 
worm from its external characters, though, speaking generally, it 
would be unsafe to assign it to any particular genus without 
dissection. As far as we know at present, the genus Acanthodrilus 
can be so distinguished; the four male generative apertures on 
or in the neighbourhood of the sixteenth and eighteenth segments, 
each with the penial setee protruding, are distinctive of Acantho- 

After reading carefully Hutton’s description of his four species of 
New-Zealand Lumbrici, I am inclined to think that three at least 
do not fall within the genus Lumbricus as at present defined and 
understood ; these are DL. uliginosus, L. campestris, and L. éevis. In 
all the clitellum occupies from five to six segments situated in the 
anterior region of the body between segments 10 and 25; the “ male 
genital apertures” are stated to be on the 9th segment (L. campestris), 
the 9th and 10th (L. uliginosus), or upon the 10th to the 15th 
(ZL. levis). The “vulvee” are upon the last two segments of the 
clitellum. It is possible that ZL. levis is the type of an altogether 
new genus, but the other two species appear to me to belong to the 
genus Acanthodrilus. What Captain Hutton, following Hoffmeister, 
terms “vulvz”’ are, I should imagine, the male genital apertures, 
while his ‘ male genital apertures” may be the orifices of the sperma- 
thecee. If my suppositions are right as to the meaning of the terms 
used in Hutton’s descriptions, there is every probability that L. cam- 
pestris and L. uliginosus are representatives of the genus Acantho- 
drilus, more particularly since this genus undoubtedly does occur in 
New Zealand, as will appear from my own descriptions. On the 
other hand, the fourth species of Lumbricus (L. annulatus) described 
by Captain Hutton does really seem to belong to the genus Lumbricus, 
as far as one can judge from its very incomplete definition. To the 
three species described in the present paper I give new names, 
because they appear, so far as I can make out, to differ specifically 
from those described by Captain Hutton ; they may prove, however, 
to be identical ; a comparison of types can alone settle the question. 

The three species which I am now about to describe clearly differ 
from each other sufficiently to warrant their separation as distinct 
species. I have regarded them all as belonging to Perrier’s genus 
Acanthodrilus, because they possess four male generative apertures 
each furnished with a prostate gland. The only other genus known 

1 Vol. xi. p. 817; see also vol. ix. p. 350. 


in which there are four male generative apertures is Moniligaster, 
but in this genus the position of the orifices is different, and the 
anatomy of the worm is in other respects quite different from that 
of Acanthodrilus. 


Sete disposed as in Lumbricus in four series of pairs. Clitellum 
occupies 8 segments (12-19 inclusive); it is saddle-shaped, having a 
ventral area upon which there is no glandular development; on 
segments 16 and 18, corresponding to ventral row of sete, are male 
genital apertures through whieh penial sete protrude. The apertures 
of the copulatory pouches are between the 6th and 7th and between 
the 7th and 8th segments. The apertures of the oviducts are 
paired, and upon the 14th segment. 

The apertures of the nephridia alternate in position from segment 
to segment, sometimes they are in front of the dorsal, sometimes of 
the ventral pair of setee. The nephridia are furnished with a long 
muscular duct and a minute diverticulum, or have a large diverti- 
culum and no muscular duct; the former are the dorsal series, the 
latter the ventral. The dorsal vessel is formed of two trunks 
anteriorly, which unite where they perforate the intersegmental 
septa. The intestine is unprovided with ceca or glands of any 
description. The testes are two pairs of racemose glands in seg- 
ments 11 and 12; the vasa-deferentia funnels open in segments 10 
and 11 ; the external apertures of the vasa deferentia are accompanied 
by a bundle of penial sete and long coiled tubular prostatic gland ; 
the ovaries are in segment 13 ; the oviducts perforate the mesentery, 
dividing this from segment 14. There are two pairs of sperma- 
thecze in segments 7 and 8; each is a round sac with a short duct, 
round which are clustered a group of aceessory diverticula. 


This species is very closely allied to the last, and only differs, so 
far as I have been able to make out, in two points. The dorsal vessel is 
a single tube, and the copulatory pouches are furnished with only a 
single pair of large diverticula, one on either side. 


This species differs considerably from the two last. Like A. 
nove zelandia, it attains to a length of from 10 to 12 inches and 3 an 
inch in diameter. ‘The sets are disposed in eight equidistant rows 
of a single seta each. The clitellum occupies the same segments as 
in the last species, and the male genital apertures have the same 
position and correspond to the outermost of the two ventral sete ; 
there are no special penial setee. The apertures of the spermathecse 
are between 7 and 8 and between 8 and 9; they correspond in 
position to the outermost of the two ventral sete. 

The spermathece appear to be simple spherical pouches without 
any diverticula. The nephridia are small and delicate ; each segment 
is furnished with 8 nephridial pores corresponding to the 8 sete ; 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LIII, 53 

814 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

in the anterior part of the body there are a larger number of pores, 
forming a continuous ring round the body and between the sete. 

The dorsal blood-vessel is formed of two tubes which remain 
distinct throughout the body. The pharynx is provided with a 
large gland consisting of metamorphosed nephridia ; this opens into 
the buccal cavity by a long duct. The intestine has no cxca or 

The above descriptions contain the main specific characters of 
these species. I shall now proceed to review their external and 
structural characters in greater detail, comparing them with each 
other, with other species of the genus, and with other genera. 

Part II. 

§ Integument. 

Under this head will be discussed the external characters of the 
genus Acanthodrilus, as well as the structure of the integument. 

Clitellum.—In the specific definition it has been already stated 
that the clitellum occupies in all the three species under consider- 
ation eight segments, from the 12th to the 19th inclusive. In 
other species the extent of this modified region of the integument 
appears to be different. In A. wngulatus it only occupies four 
segments, from the 14th to the 17th; A. biittikoferi, on the other 
hand, has aclitellum which is only one segment short of A. multiporus 
&e., reaching as it does from the 13th to the 19th segment. 

M. Perrier, as is well known, has divided Earthworm into three 
great groups, characterized by the different relations borne by the male 
generative apertures to the clitellum: in the Preclitellians the male 
generative pores are placed in front of the clitellum, in the Intra- 
clitellians within it, and inthe Postcelitellians behind it. Now, in all 
the three species of Acanthodrilvs described in the present paper, as 
well as in one species (A. sch/egelii) described by Dr. Horst, the male 
generative apertures are placed within the clitellum; M. Perrier’s 
location of the genus Acanthodrilus within the group of Post- 
clitellians depends upon the examination of a single species referred 
to above, viz. A, ungulatus. As M. Perrier’s classification in this 
instance at least separates species so closely allied as A. ungulatus 
and A. schlegelii, cr any of the species defined in the present paper, 
it is evidently based upon characters which are not of final im- 

We are at present acquainted with so very few Earthworms, 
comparatively speaking, that the time has hardly arrived for a 
systematic arrangement of the whole group. It seems to me, 
however, that if any primary division is possible at all, it should be 
between the Preclitellian group onthe one hand and the Intra- and 
Postclitellian on the other. The two latter have a good many charac- 
tersin common which are not shared by Lumbricus ; as instances may 
be mentioned the general presence of prostates, the position of the 
gizzard, strung on to the cesophagus, instead of being placed at its 
posterior extremity, the position of the testes and spermathecze in 


different segments, the communication of the transverse hearts with 
the supra-intestinal vessel, &c. 

The clitellum in Acanthodrilus, as in many other Earthworms, is 
saddle-shaped ; the only other form of clitellum met with is in 

Acanthadrilus nove zelandie.—Anterior region of body from ventral surface. 
el. clitellum, g, male generative apertures; c.p. apertures of copulatory 
pouches ; 9, female generative aperture, with long penial sete. Inside 
of the generative apertures is a line which marks the boundary of 
glandular region of clitellum ; this is not continued on to 12th and 19th 
segmenis, which are only partially occupied by the extension of the 

such forms as Pericheta, where the clitellum completely encircles the 
whole body. The peculiar form of the clitellum appears, however, 
in this genus to bear some relation to the development of the male 

generative orifices; it ceases to exist where these structures are 

816 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

placed ; in A. ungulatus, where the generative organs are placed 
behind the clitellum, the latter is developed all round the body as in 

Sete.—In A. nove zelandie and A. dissimilis the sete are 
disposed in four series of pairs, which is the typical arrangement of 
this genus; in 4. multiporus, as well as in Lankester’s A. kerguele- 
nensis, the two setee of each pair become widely separated from each 
other, so that there are eight longitudinal and nearly equidistant 
rows of a single seta each. An intermediate condition is offered by 
A, schlegelii and A. capensis, where the setze are at first paired but 
subsequently come to lie further apart. 

I have not been able to detect any characteristic differences in the 
shape of the sete in the three species. In A. multiporus, and 
apparently in this species only, the sete are furnished with a pair of 
remarkable glands which do not seem to have been described in any 
other Earthworm. I have figured these in a paper upon the 
nephridia of this species, which will shortly be published in the 
* Annales des Sciences Naturelles.’ These glands are more or less 
pear-shaped, and terminate in a duct which approaches and possibly 
pours its secretion into the seta-sac; the relations of these glands to the 
seta reminded one very forcibly of the sebaceous glands of the hair- 
follicle to the hair. A considerable space is left in the longitudinal 
muscle-coat round each seta, which is partly occupied by a delicate 
network of connective tissue, and is traversed by the special muscles 
which serve to move the seta. In this network the glands referred 
to lie one rather in front of, and one rather behind the seta; they 
are composed of rounded cells each with a very distinct nucleus ; 
they are not concerned, or at least they are not directly concerned, in 
the production of new setze. The young sete appear first in the sub- 
stance of large peculiar cells placed below the sete, as has been 
described by Perrier and Vejdovsky, which have no relation what- 
ever to these glands ; it is possible that they produce some poisonous 
secretion, which secures to the worm protection from its foes; they 
may correspond. 

The structure of the integument presents no special peculiarities : 
the epidermis consists of the ordinary columnar cells, among which are 
dispersed larger oval glandular cells ; these latter are absent round 
the various apertures (sete, nephridia, copulatory pouches, &c.) 
which pierce the integument. Between the epidermis-cells at their 
bases is a quantity of granular matter which has the appearance of 
pigment. The ultimate ramifications of the vascular system do not 
penetrate within the epidermic layer, except in the region of the 
elitellum ; and I mention this fact because in certain Earthworms the 
epidermis is vascular. In Megascolex' and in Perionyx’ at any rate 
there are intra-epithelial capillaries. The study of species of Perionyx 
from Manilla, which I owe to the kindness of my friend Mr. H. E. 
Barwell, and which may or may not be identical with the species 
referred to above, enables me to confirm this statement. 

1 Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. xxx. pt. 2. 
2 Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. 1885-84, p. 89. 


§ Alimentary Canal. 

The alimentary tract of Acanthodrilus, as of other Earthworms, 
consists of a straight tube passing from the ventrally placed mouth 
at the anterior extremity to the terminal anus ; it is specialized into 
several distinct regions. 

The buccal cavity passes almost immediately into a large wide 
pharynx, which is attached to the body-wall by a mass of muscular 
bundles of various thickness ; in the pharyngeal region the mesen- 
teries, which posteriorly limit the segments, are no longer recog- 
nizable, but have become metamorphosed into this mass of muscles. 

In A. dissimilis, and probably also in A. nove zelandia, a 
quantity of glandular tissue lies on the dorsal surface of the 
pharynx between the muscular fibres, which, no doubt, represents 
a salivary gland such as that which Perrier has described in 
Pontodrilus. Ihave been unable, however, to make out the ducts 
of these glands. 

In A, multiporus there are also salivary glands, which I am 
inclined to think are morphologically different from those of 
A, dissimilis. At the sides of the pharynx in segment 4 (Plate LIII. 
fig. 4, gl) area pair of large arborescent glandular masses ; the tubules 
which compose the gland of either side unite to form a slender duct (d), 
which is accompanied by a blood-vessel giving off capillaries which 
ramify over its walls. I traced the duct as far forward as the cireum- 
cesophageal commissure ; at this point it passed under the commissure 
to open out the buccal cavity by avery conspicuous orifice (see fig. 5, 0). 
The three anterior segments of the body occupied by this pair of 
glands and their ducts have no nephridia; and as the structure of these 
glands resembles exactly that of the nephridia, there is little doubt 
that they are the slightly modified representatives of the nephridia 
of these segments ; the most anterior nephridia were in the fourth 
segment, 2. e. the third in front of that which contains the most an- 
terior pair of copulatory pouches. Each gland consists of a multitude 
of cecal (?) tubes accompanied by an abundant supply of capillaries. 
Distally, the gland-tubules consist of rows of perforated cell quite 
similar to those of the distal section of the nephridia in Lumbricus 
&c. ; this portion of the tubule forms a complicated coil. Where the 
tubules unite together the character of the epithelium changes, and 
the duct comes to be surrounded by a row of cells instead of being 
contained within the substance of the cell. As the glands open 
into the buccal cavity, they may be termed salivary glands; they 
appear to correspond to the ‘“‘glande 4 mucosité” described by 
Perrier in the genus Urocheta’: there are two of these glands 
situated in the anterior region of the body, each opening by its own 
duct on to the exterior in the third segment. Like the salivary 
glands of Acanthodrilus, the mucous. glands of Urocheta have 
precisely the same structure as the nephridia; and the fact that the 
latter are wanting in those segments of the body which contain the 
glauds and their ducts is an additional argument for supposing, as 

* Arch. de Zool. Exp. t. iii. p. 489, pl. xvi. figs. 35, 37, 43. 

818 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

Perrier suggests, that they are the homologues of the nephridia 
belonging to these segments. Similar glands are stated by Perrier 
to occur in Pericheta, but in this genus it was not possible to 
observe the external aperture of the glands. Seeing that the buccal 
cavity is morphologically external, it is not surprising to find that 
the same glands may in some cases open directly on to the 
exterior, and in other cases indirectly by means of the buccal cavity. 
Similar glands are also found in-many of the Limicola; Vejdov sky 
in his ‘ Monographie der Enchytreeiden’? records their presence in 
several species of Enchytraeus, Anacheta, and other genera, compar- 
ing them with the “glandes 4 mucosité” of Urocheta. 

Following upon the pharynx is the narrow cesophagus, which 
presently widens out in the eighth and ninth segments to form the 
gizzard, an organ that is found in all Earthworms except in Ponto- 
drilus. The structure of the gizzard is in no way remarkable: it is 
surrounded by a very thick circular muscular coat, outside which is 
a delicate layer of longitudinal fibres; a few radiating muscles pass 
through the circular layer ; it is lined by a tall columnar epithelium 
which secretes a very thick cuticle. The position of the gizzard, 
placed as it is along the course of the cesophagus, is the same that 
has been found to occur in all Intra- and Postclitellian Earthworms ; 
in Zumbricus alone the gizzard marks the posterior termination of 
the cesophagus. 

Behind the gizzard the cesophagus is rather wider than it is in 
front, and becomes extremely vascular ; even in the spirit-preserved 
specimens which I have dissected, this region of the cesophagus is 
conspicuous from the abundant presence of blood-vessels, which form 
two systems :—(1) a superficial plexus, (2) an internal blood -lacuna 
which surrounds the gut, lying just within the lining epithelium. 

In relation to the cesophagus are developed certain peculiar glands, 
which appear to correspond to the ‘‘calciferous glands” of Lum- 

In the common Earthworm (Lumbricus) the hinder region of 
the cesophagus is furnished with three pairs of lateral diverticula, 
which have been long known as the calciferous glands, or glands 
of Morren ; of these the anterior pair are the larger. The struc- 
ture of these glands has been described by Claparéde*; in the region 
where they are found the cesophagus is extremely vascular, and 
consists of a number of radiately arranged glands or follicles 
divided by septa of connective tissue enclosing a blood-space. The 
calciferous gland itself is merely a diverticulum of the cesophagus, 
and is made up of exactly the same structures, only the follicles are 
deeper. Claparéde states that he has never observed the formation 
of the calcareous particles secreted by these glands within the gland- 
substance. . 

In the genus Urocheta, Perrier’ has described three pairs of 
similar glands, which are of very much larger size than in Luméricus, 
but appear to present a more or less similar structure. 

1 Loc. cit. p. 29. 2 Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xix. 1869, p. 602. 
* Arch. d. Zool. Exp. t. iv. 


There are certain glandular structures present in all three species 
of Acanthodrilus, which appear to represent these three calciferous 
glands of Lumbricus and Urocheta. 

In A. nove zelandie and in A. dissimilis, in the thirteenth seg- 
ment the cesophagus undergoes a remarkaole alteration in its 
character ; it apparently widens considerably (Pl. LII. fig. 2, g/), and 
this saccular dilatation, when cut open, presents an appearance some- 
what like that of a ruminant’s stomach ; a number of leaf-like folds 
project into the lumen of the tube. In the following segment the 
cesophagus is again somewhat dilated (fig. 2, gi’) before it returns 
to its original calibre ; a series of transverse sections (PI. LIT. fig. 1) 
shows that these supposed dilatations to the cesophagus are distinct 
glands, which are separated from its walls anteriorly and _poste- 
riorly ; in the middle their lumen is directly continuous with the 
lumen of the cesophagus without the intervention of a duct. The 
glands of either side are quite separate from each other; on the 
dorsal side of the cesophagus the two glands of each pair nearly come 
into contact, being separated only by a very narrow space, in which 
the dorsal vessel and the short mesentery connecting it with the gut 
lie. Ventrally the glands of each pair are widely separate. 

The posterior pair of glands differ from the anterior in being tri- 
lobate. Each is divided by horizontal furrows, coinciding with the 
long axis of the body, into three separate lobes. The anterior pair 
of glands are unilobate, and considerably smaller than the posterior 
pair; otherwise their structure is the same. The accompanying 
drawing (Pl. LIT. tig. 1) will give a correct notion of the appearance 
of the posterior pair of glands under a low power. 

In Acanthodrilus multiporus there are apparently only a single 
pair of calciferous glands present (Pl. LII. fig. 3, g/), the specialization 
of which has gone a step further; instead of being little more than 
mere dilatations of the cesophagus, the calciferous glands of this 
species are quite separate from the cesophagus, communicating with 
it only by a short narrow duct. The structure of these glands 
appears to be identical in all three species. 

They. consist of numerous lamellz concentrically arranged, reaching 
from the walls of the gland to its opening into the cesophagus; these 
lamellee are, however, of different lengths, as will be apparent from 
the drawing (Plate LII. fig1). In Lumbricus Claparéde figures the 
lamellee of equal lengths. The lamelle consist of a core of con- 
nective tissue, in which is a large blood-lacuna, and on either side a 
row of cells which secrete the calcareous corpuscles, and with which 
they are filled, as also is the lumen of the gland. Claparéde did not 
succeed in observing the calcareous corpuscles in course of forma- 
tion, although he found the lumen of the gland and the cesophagus 
fall of them. 

The structure of the calciferous glands of Urocheta, judging from 
M. Perrier’s description and figures, appears to be different ; instead 
of a series of lamellee, there appear to be a quantity of closely- 
packed czecal tubes. 

The folded structure of the calciferous glands of dceanthodrilus 

820 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [ Nov. 3, 

is simply an exaggeration of the structure of the cesophagus, which 
is traversed by numerous longitudinal folds. 

The cesophagus passes gradually into the in¢estine, which is distin- 
guished by its greater calibre, and extends to the anus without 
any variation in its character. The intestinal epithelium is ciliated, 
and the ciliation is continued forwards into the cesophagus as far as 
the calciferous glands; in front of the calciferous glands the 
cesophagus does not appear to be ciliated. 

The intestine is unprovided with ceca or with glands of any 

The typhlosole has a characteristic form, and serves to distinguish 
A. multiporus on the one hand from A. nove zelandie, and A. dis- 
similis on the other. In the two latter species the typhlosole, on a 
superficial inspection of the intestine, appeared to be absent; in 
transverse sections it may be seen to be present, though extremely 
rudimentary. On the upper side of the intestine, just below the 
dorsal blood-vessel, the muscular coat is prolonged downwards for a 
short distance into the lumen of the gut, = the lining epithelium 
covers the projection, which only measures 7) of the lumen of the 
intestine ; in certain regions the typhlosole was a little more com- 
plicated, being bifurcate at its extremity, indicating an approach to 
the structure of the typhlosole of 4. multiporus. 

In this species, on the dorsal side of the intestine, and projecting 
into its lumen, is a very conspicnous typhlosole. The typhlosole 
is well developed throughout the greater part of the intestine, but 
gradually decreases, and finally disappears in the hindermost region 
of the gut. In the largest example of this species, measuring 
about 11 inches in length, the region of the intestine devoid of 
typhlosole was rather more than one inch in length. The typhlosole 
projects into the lumen of the intestine in the middle of the body, 
where it is well developed, for a space of about half of its diameter ; 
more exact measurements show that the extreme length of the 
typhlosole is to the circumference of the intestine as 6: 30. In 
transverse sections it may be seen that the typhlosole is not a 
single fold ; it consists in fact of three folds, two lateral and one 
median, which unite together to form a single fold attached to the 
wall of the gut. The lateral folds are subequal, and considerably 
deeper than the median fold; their vertical diameter is from two to 
three times that of the median fold. The typhlosole arises from 
the dorsal wall of the gut at a point exactly between the two dorsal 
vessels. Its structure is exhibited in Plate LIII. fig. 1. It is an 
outgrowth of the epithelial wall of the intestine, surrounding a blood- 
sinus. The cells are tall and columnar, and resemble in every par- 
ticular the lining epithelium of the intestine. Between the cells 
which form the opposite walls of each of the three folds is a con- 
tinuous blood-sinus, which widens out at the cecal extremity of 
both the median and the lateral folds, and also above the point of 
junction of the three folds, where it forms a wide reservoir, cup- 
shaped in transverse section. I did not succeed in tracing the blood- 
sinuses of the typhlosole into connection with any similar blood- 


sinus in the walls of the intestine itself; but I have little doubt, from 
the analogy of Acanthodrilus nove zelandia, that such a sinus exists. 
A delicate layer of transverse muscles, continued into the typhlosole 
from the intestinal walls, enclosed the blood-plexus. 

§ Vascular System. 

Concerning the vascular system of Acanthodrilus I have but few 
remarks to offer; to study the circulation thoroughly it is requisite 
to have living specimens. 

In a short paper in the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Physical 
Society ’’ I have referred to the double condition of the dorsal vessel 
in two of these species, so that I need do no more than briefly reca- 
pitulate the main points of that paper, which are as follows :—In 
the genera Megascolex and Microcheta the anterior section of the 
dorsal vessel is formed of two separate tubes, which become united 
at the points where they traverse the mesenteries. In Acanthodrilus 
nove zelandié the separation of the dorsal vessels into two distinct 
tubes has gone a step further (Pl. LIII. fig. 6): the whole of the 
vessel except the anterior extremity lying upen the pharynx is divided 
into two separate tubes which only unite at each mesentery. In 
A, dissimilis, which agrees so closely in external as well as in 
anatomical characters with A. nove zelandie, the dorsal vessel is a 
single tube, and appears to be always so. It is not possible, how- 
ever, to use this retention of an embryonic character in A. nove 
zelandie, which is analogous to the partial retention of the left 
aortic arch in the Raptores among birds, to distinguish the species 
absolutely from A. dissimilis, for in one example of the former 
species the dorsal vessel was single. 

In A. multiporus the primitive double condition of the dorsal 
vessel is more complete still. In this species the dorsal vessel is 
composed of two tubes which run from end to end of the body and 
are not fused at the mesenteries. 

The dorsal vessel is connected with the ventral (supra-nervian) by 
a number of transverse trunks, the last pair of which are situated in 
the thirteenth segment. The last four pairs arise both from the 
dorsal and supra-intestinal trunks, as Perrier has recorded in Ponfo- 
drilus and other genera. 

The supra-intestinal trunk lies on the surface of the alimentary 
canal, and is concerned with the supply of the intestinal blood-plexus. 
In one specimen of A. nove zelandie this vessel was double; 
beneath the cesophagus is another longitudinal blood-vessel, which I 
did not observe in the intestinal region. 

The supra-nervian trunk is connected with the median ventral 
line of the intestine by a mesentery ; and in the cesophageal region 
the dorsal vessel, which here lies some way above the alimentary 
tract, is connected with it, as elsewhere, by a similar mesentery, or 
two, one for each dorsal yessel where it is double. 

In the thirteenth to about the nineteenth segment is a lateral 
vessel on either side ; it appears to arise from a transverse heart. 

1 1884-85, p. 424. 

822 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

§ Nephridia. 

Hardly anything is known about the nephridia in the genus dAcan- 
thodrilus. Perrier does not refer to their presence in his description 
either of the genus! or of the three species examined by him. A 
statement that the apertures of these glands are placed above the 
ventral pair of sete * implies, however, their existence. Dr. Horst * 
failed to find any nephridia at all in A. schlegelii; and in 4. biittiko- 
ferii they appear to be represented solely by a tufted organ in the 
anterior part of the body, attached to the pharynx, which is probably 
identical with the “salivary” gland of A. mu/tiporus, to which I 
have already referred. ‘They are present in A. hergwelenensis and in 
A. capensis. 

In all the three species described in the present communication 
nephridia are found; in A. multiporus I have already * described 
the structure and distribution of the nephridia. This species is appa- 
rently unique among Earthworms in possessing a single nephridium 
to each of the eight setze, the duct of which opens in close proximity 
to the seta by a single orifice in the posterior part of the body ; in 
the anterior part of the body the duct of each nephridium branches 
and opens by a multitude of orifices. 

A, nove zelandie and A. dissimilis, the nephridia are remarkable 
in that they alternate in position from segment to segment of the 
body. It is a general rule among Earthworms, possessing only a 
single pair of nepbridia in each segment of the body, that the 
position of the external apertures of these is constant. In Lumbricus 
the nephridia are related to the ventral pair of sete, near to which 
they open, and the same is the case with Hudrilus and several other 
genera. Perrier discovered that in other genera (e. g. Rhinodrilus) 
the nephridia bore a similar relation to the dorsal pair of setae or to 
one of these setze, if the two had become separated, as is so often the 
case. These facts led M. Perrier to support Prof. Lankester’s 
hypothesis of the typical presence of two series of nephridia in 
Earthworms corresponding to the two series of pairs of setz. 

The characters of the genus Plutellus appeared to be entirely 
confirmatory of this hypothesis. In this Earthworm the sete are 
disposed in eight longitudinal rows of a single seta each, and the 
external orifices of the nephridia alternate in position from segment 
to segment, sometimes being situated near to one of the two dorsal 
sete, sometimes near to one of the ventral setae. I have elsewhere 
pointed out that these facts really indicate the partial persistence of 
four series of nephridia® corresponding to the four rows of sete, 
and entered to some extent into the questions raised by Prof. 
Lankester’s hypothesis, so that I need not recall the matter. 

In A. nove zelandie and dissimilis, where, as has already been 

1 Nouv. Arch. &e. p. 85. 

2 Loe. cit. p. 162, 

3 Notes from Leyden Museum, vol. vi. pp. 105, 107. 

4 Proc. Roy. Soc. no. 238, 1885, p. 459. See also a forthcoming paper in 
Ann. Sci. Nat. 

° Proc. Roy. Soe. loc. cit. 


mentioned, the setee are in four series of pairs, the nephridia 
similarly alternate in position from segment to segment (woodcut, 
fig. 2). There does not, however, appear to be any regularity in this 
alternation: sometimes the nephridia of five or six consecutive segments 
open by the same series of setae on both sides of the body. In other 
segments there is an asymmetry of the nephridia of the two sides of the 
body : for example, the left-hand gland may open by the dorsal, while 
the right-hand gland opens by the ventral pair of sete ; occasionally 

Acanthodrilus nove zelandie.—A portion of the body viewed from the side. 

m, nephridial pores; s, setze of ventral pair. 

there is a regular alternation coupled with absolute symmetry in the 
position of the nephridial pores. Moreover, no two individuals of 
either species that I examined were exactly alike in these respects ; 
and it was impossible to distinguish one species from the other by 
the position of the nepbridial pores ; occasionally the nephridia, one 
or both, were found to coincide at the same series of sete as the 
male and female genital ducts, but in no case did I observe a 
similar coincidence of nephridium and spermatheca. 

Another point of interest in connection with the nephridia of these 
two species has not been recorded by Perrier in Plutellus: the two 
series of nephridia, dorsal and ventral, show otherindications besides the 
varying position of their apertures of being the vestiges of two com- 
plete series; in every instance it was found possible to distinguish 
the nephridia of each series by morphological differences. In all the 
nephridia the muscular portion which forms the distal extremity of 

824 MR. F, E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

the gland, and which may be regarded as its duct, is hypertrophied 
compared to what it is in Lumbricus. In the dorsal series of 
nephridia this muscular duct is extremely long, and before perfora- 
ting the body-wall it gives off a minute cecum which extends 
beyond (dorsal to) the external orifice ; in the most anterior seg- 
ments of the body this diverticulum is not present (Plate LII. fig. 4). 
In the ventral series of nephridia the terminal muscular duct is very 
short, but it is connected with, and opens into, a large sac-like 
diverticulum (Plate LII. fig. 5) about equal in length to the muscular 
duct of the dorsal nephridia, and which lies, not beyond the sete, 
but on the same side of them as the nephridium itself. 

The differences above indicated are absolutely distinctive of the 
two series of nephridia: wherever these organs opened by the 
ventral pair of setee they were found to have a large diverticulum 
developed at the expense of the terminal duct, which is in conse- 
quence short ; wherever they opened by the dorsal pair of set, the 
muscular duct was long, the ceecum short, projecting on to the further 
side of the sete. 

§ Generative Apparatus. 

The male generative apparatus of A. nove zelandi@ as well as the 
other two species consists of two pairs of testes, two pairs of vasa 
deferentia, with which are connected a prostatic gland and a number 
of peculiarly modified sete. The position of the several glands 
and their ducts are shown in the accompanying drawing (fig. 3, 
p- 825). 

The ¢estes are situated in segments 11 and 12, and have the form of 
racemose glands composed of a number of spherical acini. When the 
body is opened the testes are seen to extend above the dorsal vessel 
but are not united together; the testis of each side is free from its 
fellow ; they are attached by a stalk to the anterior mesentery of 
the segment which they occupy ; in the tenth and eleventh segments 
are the funnels of the vasa deferentia ; the pair of funnels of each 
segment are close together on either side of the median line and just 
above the nerve-cord; the margins of the funnel are extremely 
folded and complicated, which renders their detection a matter of 
great ease; it is rather curious to find that the anterior pair of 
funnels are situated in the segment in front of that which contains 
the anterior pair of testes, but a similar condition has been recorded 
in other Earthworms. It must be noted that the funnels of the 
vasa deferentia are entirely independent of the testes; they project 
freely into the interior of their respective segments, and there 
is no possibility of regarding the testes as an expanded portion 
of the true funnel of the vasa deferentia. The testes therefore in 
this Earthworm are the real sexual glands and are not the homo- 
logues of the so-called “ testes” of Lumbricus, which are merely the 
dilated ends of the vas-deferens funnels. As is well known, the real 
testes of the common Earthworm are four minute bodies, which 
discharge their contents into the sac-like termination of the vasa 
deferentia, and seem to disappear when the animal is mature; it is 


these bodies that are homologous with what T have described as the 
testes of Acanthodrilus. The structure of the male generative 
organs in Lumbricus appear therefore to be exceptional, since it is 
almost the general rule among Earthworms for the testes to be large 

Vig. 3. 

‘ Hine hil ih 

Acanthodrilus dissimilis—Dissection of genital region. 
¢.p, Copulatory pouch; a, testes; f, funnels of vasa deferentia; v.d, vas de- 
ferens; ov, ovary ; 0.d, oviduct; ”, opening of nephridia; 7, 2’, peculiar 
glands homologous (?) with ovaries; p, prostate; sc, sac containing penial 

sete. A portion of the cesophagus, and the testes of left side have been 

glands, not in the least comparable in size to the ovaries. The fact 
that the true testes of Lumbricus are approximately of the same size 
as the ovaries, might lead any one to doubt on @ priori grounds of 
the correctness of my description ; but the racemose character of 
the testes in Acanthodrilus, which I have found more marked in 

826 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

Megascolex, and which undoubtedly occurs in other Earthworms, 
coupled with their absolute independence of the vas-deferens funnels, 
is, 1 think, sufficient to show that my determination is correct. 

The vasa deferentia, instead of uniting to form a single tube, as 
appears to be the case in the majority of Earthworms, remain 
obviously distinct from each other for the whole of their course ; 
they pass down close to the ventral pair of setae, but to the outside 
of them, and in certain regions, at any rate, are not very firmly fixed 
to the body-wall; their walls are supplied with abundant blood- 
capillaries. On referring to Perrier’s description of the anatomy of 
Acanthodrilus, 1 find that he figures the vasa deferentia in d. 
ungulatus ) as being composed of two widely separated tubes. 

The prostate glands are two pairs, each connected with one of 
the four male genital apertures ; each consists of a thick-walled 
glandular tube variously coiled upon itself, and terminating in a 
narrow muscular duct which hasa nacreous glitter. In A. multiporus 
(Pl. LILI. fig. 2) the mesenteries in the neighbourhood of the pro- 
states are arranged in a somewhat radiating fashion as bands of 
nacreous-looking fibres, which are attached at one extremity to the 
ventral body-wall, close to the apertures of the prostate; they 
petbaps serve as special ‘‘cremaster” muscles. With each of the 
male generative apertures is connected a thin-walled muscular sac 
containing a number of long penial setee, hooked at their extremity, 
but not ornamented in the way that is often found in Acanthodrilus. 
There is therefore nothing remarkable in the male generative 
system of this species, except in the fact that the apertures are situ- 
ated within the clitellum instead of behind it; it is, with the 
exception of this relation of its aperture to the clitellum, precisely 
similar to the male generative system of other Acanthodrili, even to 
the numbers of the segments on which the vasa deferentia open. If 
systematists are unwilling to include this species within the genus 
Acanthodrilus, it cannot, at any rate, be placed far from it, certainly 
not in a distinct group. 

In describing the external characters of these worms, it should 
have been mentioned that the male apertures are situated upon the 
summits of conspicuous papillz ; transverse sections through this 
region of the body-wall show that the papille are the result of the 
more elongated form of the epidermic cell surrounding the apertures 
of the generative ducts ; the cells which cover the papillee are from 
three to four times the length of the cells that are found elsewhere, 
but are similar to them in their structural characters. In A. dissi- 
milis the duct of the prostate gland comes into close relation with 
the genital sete; the latter are of course homologous with the 
ordinary locomotor set, and simply replace them upon the genital 

Each of the two genital sete corresponding to each genital 
aperture is contained in a separate sac, which is lined by a continua- 
tion of the epidermis, and communicates with the exterior by a 
separate orifice. There are of course numerous accessory seta, which 

' Loe, cit. pl. ii. fig. 18. 


are equivalent to the ‘‘ soies de remplacement ” of the locomotor sete ; 
these, however, are contained within the body-cavity and do not 
protrude on to the exterior, It is important to notice that the 
genital setx, although different in appearance from the ordinary 
locomotor sete, do not differ in their disposition ; and, moreover, the 
aperture of the conjoined vas deferens and prostate duct has a relation 
to the setz precisely similar to that which has already been referred 
to in the case of the nephridial aperture and the locomotor sete 
(see p. 822). The apertures of the vasa deferentia, like those of the 
nephridia, correspond in position to the outermost sete of the pair. 

§ Female Generative Organs. 

In Acanthodrilus nove zelandie and A. dissimilis the ovaries are 
to be found in the 13th segment, ¢. e. next to that which contains the 
posterior pair of testes ; they are attached to the anterior mesentery 
of this segment close to the middle line. The ovaries are of a very 
peculiar form ; instead of being round, or, rather, pear-shaped as in 
Lumbricus, they present the appearance of a flattened circular disk, 
much folded and plicated ; their resemblance indeed to a vas- 
deferens funnel is so striking, that I mistook them at first for such 
a structure, until a microscopical examination revealed their true 
nature. I find a figure by M. Perrier of the ovary of Pericheta 
houlleti‘, which shows a great resemblance to the ovaries of this 
Acanthodrilus. It is interesting to note the different positions 
which the ovaries may ocenpy in Earthworms: in Lumbricus they 
are situated on the anterior wall of the segment in which they are 
found, and, as in Acanthodrilus, this is the 13th segment of the 
body ; in Pericheta and Microcheta the ovaries are found in the 
same segment of the body, but upon the posterior mesentery; in 
Acanthodrilus multiporus I have to record the position of the ovaries 
in the same segment, but attached to the anterior margin of the 
oviduct-funnel and apparently to the ventral body-wall, between the 
two mesenteries which enclose the segment. 

In Acanthodrilus dissimilis, also in A. nove zelandia, the oviducts 
open separately in front of the ventral pair of sete of each side; a 
series of transverse sections through this region show that the 
apertures bear a particular relation te the outermost of these two 
sete. There is nothing remarkable in the structure of the oviduets. 
The oviducts of A. multiporus open by the innermost of the two 
ventral sete, so that the position is slightly different. In all 
three species there are a series of peculiar glands, two pairs situated 
in the 11th and 12th segments. The position of these structures 
in A. dissimilis and A. nove zelandie is shown in the drawing (wood- 
cut, fig. 3) which illustrates the generative region of 4. dissimilis. 
The general appearance of these glands is not unlike that of the 
ovaries ; they are somewhat rosette-shaped, being formed of a much 
plicated disk, attached by a narrow pedicle to the anterior mesentery, 
and depending freely into the interior of the segment; the general 

' Nouy. Arch, &e. loc. cit. pl. iii. fig. 60, 

828 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

shape of these glands may be understood from the same drawing. 
From transverse sections through the body, it could be seen tbat 
these glands are closely adjacent to the termiaal portion of the 
vasa deferentia (Plate LII. fig. 9) just before they perforate the 

These glands possibly correspond to a pair of somewhat similar 
glands described and figured by Perrier in Pontodrilus*; they are 
also possibly to be compared to two glandular masses which I have 
described myself in Megascolex'. 

The position of these glands exactly corresponds to that of the 
ovaries, attached as they are to the anterior mesentery of their 
segment close to the middle ventral line; their structure exactly 
resembles that of the ovaries in those regions where the fully formed 
ova are not found. A more positive proof that these glands are the 
morphological equivalents of ovaria is the fact that in one example 
of A. dissimilis, that I have studied, by means of transverse sections, 
the posterior right-hand gland contained abundant ova, which 
resembled in every detail the ova produced by the true ovaries which 
lie in the succeeding segment. Beyond this single fact, which may 
be an abnormality, but, like other abnormalities, serves as clue to a 
morphological comparison, I have no evidence to offer as to the 
function of these structures. 

The fact that there are frequently more than a single pair of testes 
in Earthworms—there are two pairs for example in the present 
species—renders it more probable still that the comparison which 
I have instituted is a correct one. The multiplication of ovaries, as 
well as of testes, naturally recalls the condition met with In herma- 
phrodite Polychzta. These species of deanthodrilus appear, in fact, 
to have preserved more completely than any other Earthworms, 
the anatomy of which is known, the primitive condition of the gene- 
rative organs. 

There is no Oligochztous Annelid in which more than a single 
pair of ovaries are known with certainty to occur; Luclipidrilus, 
according to Eisen“, possesses three pairs of ovaries ; and in Cheto- 
gaster limnei, Lankester*® has described two pairs which are not 
mature at the same time. Vejdovsky*, however, states that he has 
never succeeded in finding the second pair in Ch. limnei, and is 
of opinion that Eisen has mistaken other organs for the additional 
pairs of ovaries in Euclipidrilus. 

The above suggestion as to the homologies of these anterior 
glands is also borne out by their relations in the third of the three 
species, viz. A. multiporus. It has already been mentioned that the 
ovaries of this Acanthodrilus, instead of being attached to the anterior 
wall of the 13th segment, are attached to its posterior wall in close 
connection with the oviduct. There isa similar change in position of 
the glandular bodies, which come to lie beneath the funnels of the 

Loe. cit. pl. xiv. fig. 9, pl. xvii. fig. 87, and loc. eit. p. 504. 

Roy. Soc. of Sciences, Upsala, 1881. 

Quart. Journ. Mier. Sci. vol. ix. new ser. 1869. 

System und Morphologie der Oligochxten, Prag, 1884, p. 145. 



vasa deferentia, and are consequently not obvious on a dissection of 
the worm, since they are largely concealed by the funnels and are 
only evident on raising the latter. In transverse sections (Plate LII. 
fig. 9) they are very conspicuous, and although attached by a pedicle 
to the sides of the funnel, their tissue is unmistakably different from 
the elongated ciliated celis which compose the latter, and is absolutely 
similar to that of the homologous glands in the other species; the 
change in the position of the glands naturally moves them a segment 
further forward than in 4. dissimilis, and there is consequently a 
segment lying between the ovaries and the posterior pair of glands. 

Copulatory Pouches.—Copulatory pouches (spermathece) are 
present in all three species, and have a characteristic form which 
serves to discriminate the species. In all there are two pairs which 
are situated in the 7th and 8th segments, and open on to the 
exterior in the furrow which separates each of the segments from 
the preceding one, in front of the ventral pair of sete; in 4. multi- 
porus the apertures of the copulatory pouches are related to the 
outermost of the two ventral sete. The copulatory pouches are 
large eval sacs, communicating with the exterior by a short, thick- 
walled duct. In A. multiporus the pouches appeared to be without 
diverticula ; in A. dissimilis each of the copulatory pouches (Plate 
LILI. fig. 9) is furnished with a pair of long diverticula opening into 
the duct of the pouch, one on either side. The disposition of the 
diverticula varied in different specimens: in one specimen the diver- 
ticula were contained in the same segment as the pouch, with the 
exception of one of the two diverticula of the posterior left-hand 
pouch, which passed through the mesentery and projected into the 
8th segment; in another example both diverticula of the two anterior 
and one of the posterior pouches, in the segments anterior to those 
in which the pouches themselves were situated. In A. nove 
zelandie the terminal portion of the duct of the copulatory pouch 
is beset with a great number of small diverticula arranged in the 
form of a rosette (Plate LIII. figs. 3 and 8) ; as in A. dissimilis, the 
diverticula sometimes seem to lie in the same segment as the copu- 
latory pouch itself, sometimes in the segment in front. 

In Acanthodrilus dissimilis the structure of the copulatory pouches 
and of their diverticula undergo certain changes during the life of 
the animal, which are evidently connected with the process of 

In individuals, which I take to be not completely mature, the 
copulatory pouck has the structure illustrated in Plate LII. fig. 8; 
within the muscular layers, which are thin and abundantly vascular, 
is a layer of tall, columnar, nucleated cells ; on a superficial view 
these cells present the appearance indicated in fig. 7 of the same 
Plate; they are extremely narrow and somewhat hexagonal in 
contour; the epithelial lining of the copulatory pouch is thrown 
into folds which are often very regular in their arrangement 
(Plate LITT. fig. 7), but only consist of a single layer of cells. 

In another individual the structure of the epithelium of the 
copulatory pouch is somewhat more eomplicated: a small portion 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LIV. 54 

830 MR. F. E, BEDDARD ON [Nov. 3, 

of this epithelium is displayed in Plate LIT. fig. 6. The columnar 
cells are still present and of the same general appearance, but between 
them are a number of large, oval, granular cells (a), which are con- 
siderably shorter and do not reach the surface ; towards the external 
aperture of the pouch the granular cells disappear, and the epithe- 
lium gradually passes into the outer epidermis without any distinct 

These changes in the structure of the copulatory pouch are 
accompanied by changes in the structure of its diverticula. Before 
describing these, I should mention that the copulatory pouches were 
invariably empty of spermatozoa; in no case did I find the least 
traces of spermatozoa in the copulatory pouch itself; on the other 
hand, the diverticula were as invariably full of spermatozoa com- 
pacted together in a way that will now be described. 

In the first-mentioned individual, in which the copulatory pouches 
present the more simple structure, the accessory pouches are also 
comparatively simple in their structure. The epithelium consists of 
tall columnar nucleated cells, quite similar to those which form the 
inner lining of the copulatory pouch ; the epithelial layer is thrown 
into folds, and in the distal portion of the chamber these folds meet 
and divide the cavity into a number of smaller cavities ; of the copu- 
latory pouch itself, on the other hand, the cavity is never thus sub- 
divided. Here and there the epithelial cells are replaced by largish 
oval spaces, apparently filled with a fluid substance, and which are 
probably due to the degeneration of cells; in many of these were 
imbedded packets of spermatozoa arranged in longitudinal bundles 
and closely cemented together. 

In the more mature individual the structure of the diverticula 
was almost completely lost: it appeared to form a completely solid 
mass, without any trace of a lumen or only just the faintest trace 
near to its external aperture. ‘The interior of the pouch consists of 
masses of granular matter of various sizes and shapes (see Plate LIII. 
figs. 10 and 11), in which were imbedded bundles of spermatozoa ; 
trabeculze of a tissue, which may represent the degenerated epithe- 
lium, form a complete network, and separate off from each other 
the granular masses containing the spermatozoa. 

This condition is obviously brought about by a still further activity 
of the epithelium of the diverticula, of which there were indications 
in the first stage. 

It appears to me therefore that in this species the copulatory 
pouch itself has little or no share in the phenomena of reproduction ; 
the spermatozoa, perhaps cemented together in bundles by the secre- 
tion of the prostate glands, are transferred direct to the diverticula 
of the copulatory pouches, where they undergo further change, 
which perhaps results in the formation of a spermatophore; I have 
not, however, succeeded in finding any spermatophores. 

The main fact to which I wish to call attention, is that the diver- 
ticula of the copulatory pouch, and not the pouch itself, have the 
chief share in the process of fecundation. 

In A. nove zelandie I am not able to give any details of the 


structure of the diverticula, which, as already mentioned, are 
extremely small, or to compare their structure with that of the main 
pouch; but I am able to state, as a fact, that the spermatozoa were 
contained within the diverticula and not in the pouch. 

The foregoing considerations appear to me to indicate that the 
diverticula of the copulatory pouches are not merely ‘ diverticula,” 
serving to increase the storage room, but perform some definite 
function in relation to the spermatozoa, which function is not shared 
in by the copulatory pouch itself; the very general prevalence of 
diverticula to the copulatory pouch among Earthworms is an addi- 
tional piece of evidence that these structures have some importance 
per se. In some species of Pericheta these supplementary pouches 
attain to an extraordinary degree of complication, and are quite 
divorced from the main copulatory pouch, opening on to the exterior 
by separate orifices. In Microcheta the copulatory pouch itself has 
apparently disappeared’, and ouly the supplementary pouches 
remain. Microcheta is therefore at one end of the series, and Lum- 
bricus, where there are no diverticula at all, at the other. 

I have searched the literature of the subject in order to find out 
how far the statement that I have just made with regard to the 
copulatory pouches are in harmony with the observations of other 
writers. Perrier mentions that in Urocheta he never found sperma- 
tozoa in the copulatory pouches ; but the observation is not of much 
value, as Perrier himself points out, since the examples of the worm 
were, without exception, in a condition of incomplete maturity. I 
can find no other positive statement except in Huxley’s ‘ Anatomy 
of Invertebrated Animals,’ where it is mentioned that the pouches 
are filled with spermatozoa when copulation takes place. It is 
possible that this does actually take place even in Acanthodrilus 
dissimilis, and that the speimatozoa are rapidly got rid of, and 
transferred to the diverticula, where they are compacted into masses, 
This is at any rate in accordance with the facts which I have been 
able to describe. Dr. Horst® mentions that in Pericheta sumatrana 
the diverticula of the copulatory pouches contained ‘an orange- 
coloured substance which, highly magnified, appeared to be a mass 

. . of spermatozoa.” 

In briefly running over the specific characters of the third species 
treated of in the present paper, viz. A. mudtiporus, I mentioned that 
the copulatory pouches appeared to be like those of Lumbricus, 
simple spherical sacs without diverticula. This statement requires 
some correction ; on making a series of transverse sections through 
the copulatory pouch and the body-wall in its immediate neigh- 
bourhood, I detected a number of minute diverticula opening into 
the duct of the copulatory pouch just before its external aperture, 
and imbedded in the muscular Jayers of the body-wall. The diver- 
ticula, as in the other instances, contained abundant spermatozoa, 
which were entirely absent from the interior of the copulatory pouch 
itself; the latter contained a granular mass which appeared to be the 

1 Proc. Roy. Soe. no, 288, 1885, p. 462. 
2 Notes from Leyden Musenm, yol. y. p. 190, 



result of a coagulation by the hardening reagent of a fluid or semi- 
fluid substance ; in this were imbedded a vast number of spherical 
concretions. The presence of these latter evidently suggests that the 
copulatory pouch itself may act as an excretory organ; and in view 
of the supposed homologies between the copulatory pouch and the 
nephridia, this fact is of some importance. 

I carefully searched for concretions in the copulatory pouches of 
the other species, but did not succeed in finding any. 

Vejdovsky, in his recently published ‘System und Morphologie 
der Oligochzeten,’ has figured crystals and one concretionary body in 
the copulatory pouch of Stylaria‘, but Iam unacquainted with any 
other facts comparable to those which have just been stated. 


Prats LIT. 
Fig. 1. Transverse section through cesophageal region of Acanthodrilus dis- 
similis. cs, Gisophagus; g/l, calciferous glands; d.v, dorsal vessel ; 
v.v, ventral vessel ; 7, nerve-cord. 

2. GEsophagus and calciferous glands (g/, gl') of A. déssimilis. 
3. Cisophagus and calciferous glands (gl) of A. multiporus. 
4. Dorsal nephridium of A. nove zelandie. 
5. Ventral nephridium of 4. nove zelandie. 
6. Epithelium of copulatory pouch of A. dissimilis. a, Glandular cells. 
7. Superficial view of same epithelium. 
8. Epithelium of copulatory pouch of immature individual of same species. 
9. Glandular body (g/) attached to vas deferens (v.d.) of A. disstmilis. 
Puate LITII. 
Fig. 1. Typhlosole (transverse section) of A. multiporus. 


2. Prostates (pr) and modified mesenteries (m) of A. multiporus. 

3. Copulatory pouches (c.p) and diverticula (¢.p') of A. nove zelandie. 
n, nephridia. 

4. Anterior end of body of 4. multiporus. c, “ Brain;” d.v, dorsal vessel ; 
n, nerve-cord; g/, salivary gland ; d, its duct; ph, pharynx. 

5. Opening of ducts of salivary glands (0) within buccal cavity. 

6. Portion of intestine, and paired dorsal vessql of A. nove zelandie. 

7. Transyerse section of copulatory pouch of A. disstmilis. 

8. Copulatory pouch of A. nove zelandie. 



. Copulatory pouch of A. dissimilis. 
10. Portion of diverticulum of copulatory pouch of A. déssimilis in trans- 
verse section, slightly magnified to show the bundles of spermatozoa 
(gp) imbedded in granular substance. 
11. Transverse section of diverticulum of same species, less magnified. The 
bundles of spermatozoa which have taken up the staining fluid more 
than the surrounding tissue, are indicated as black masses. 

1 Pl. iv. fig. 11. 


November 17, 1885. 
Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary made the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during October 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of October was 131, of which 102 were by 
presentation, 11 by purchase, 1 by birth, 3 were received in ex- 
change, and 14 on deposit. The total number of departures during 
the same period, by death and removals, was 84. 

Amongst these special attention may be called to :— 

1. A collection of North-American Reptiles, presented by 
F. J. Thompson, Esq., amongst which are examples of the Alleghany 
Snake, Coluber alleghaniensis, new to the Society’s Collection. 

2. Two collections of Reptiles from the Cape Colony, presented 
by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., amongst which is an example 
of a species of Elaps (Zlaps hygie) from Uitenhage, Cape Colony, 
new to the Collection. 

3. An example of the Black-eyebrowed Albatross (Diomedea 
melanophrys), obtained in False Bay, Cape Colony, and presented 
to the Society by W. Ayshford Sanford, Esq., F.Z.S. 

Along with the Reptiles Mr. Fisk has sent us for the Insect 
House two curious Millipedes, believed to be referable to Spiro- 
streptus annulipes, which I have now the pleasure of exhibiting to 
the Meeting. 

In reference to the question as to the correct locality of Chameleo 
calcarifer (supra, p. 717), the following extract was read from a 
letter addressed to the Secretary by Major S. W. Yerbury, 
dated July 12, 1885 :— 

“In answer to your question about the Chameleon, there is no 
doubt of its locality, as I caught it myself, and I fancy that it is not 
uncommon in the neighbourhood of Aden. At any rate I met with 
it myself three times in three different places. On reference to my 
note-book I find the dates, localities, &c. to be as under :— 

‘**No. 1. Shaik Othman, Ist September, 1883. A large light green 
Chameleon with yellow-brown markings, 15 inches long, caught ona 
lime-bush in the garden of Hassan Ali’s bungalow. After death the 
colour turned to dull grey. An Arab carpenter at work in the 
bungalow, who could talk a little Hindustani, told me that this Chame- 
leon was to be found at the tanks in Aden, and that it was common 
in the jungle round ; he had an extraordinary story about its climbing 
up the legs of the cows and goats and sucking their udders. 

“No.2. East branch Toban river, beyond Isfian, 29th December, 
1884, I caught a large green Chameleon on a bush with pink 

“No. 3. Huswah, 15 March, 1885, I got a big Chameleon on a 
Salsola bush. 


“No. 1 was lost; No. 2 J put in spirits and sent with some 
other things to the British Museum, somewhere about the 
25th March last. No. 31 kept alive for some time and eventually 
sent to the Society. I used to feed it on cockroaches by putting 
an old butterfly-net over the cage, and turning in five or six cock- 
roaches at a time. I noticed both that it used to make some 
shocking bad shots at the animals and also (perhaps from confinement) 
that the viscid matter at the end of the tongue seemed unable at 
times to hold the insect. I think all three specimens were of about 
the same size and colour when caught. No. 3 was generally of a 
dark dull grey while in captivity, but got happier when I gave him 
a Parrot’s_cage and some branching stems, and hung him up ina 
creeper; he then sometimes assumed the green and reddish-brown 
markings. They had all most villanous tempers, spitting and hissing 
in an awful manner, and looked ferocious and alarming. I caught 
No. 3 by giving him the stick of my-butterfly-net to hold in his feet, 
and then catching him by the finger and thumb of the other hand ; 
he had the comb over one eye and part of the crest broken, but 
that was done before I caught him. No. 2 bit my finger, and his 
hard bony jaws crushed the flesh considerably, and tore the skin 
away when pulling him off, as he would not let go. I do not think 
I can tell you anything more about the habits &ec. of this Lizard ; 
but I hope these notes, such as they are, may be useful. 

“J caught an example of another species of Chameleon once at Aden, 
I think March 30, 1884; it was about four inches long, ofa dull 
purple-red colour. I took this also at Huswah on Dipteryyium 
glaucum, and sent it in spirit to the British Museum, though not in 
the same bottle as the big one.” 

Mr. Sclater exhibited two Newts transmitted to the Society by 
Dr. E. B. Dickson of Constantinople, Corresponding Member, by 
whom they had been obtained from Brussa. Dr. Dickson gave the 
subjoined descriptions of the colours of the specimens when alive. 

“These Salamanders when alive were covered all over with green 
spots and had four stripes along the underparts of their bodies. 
The upper and third stripe were narrow, and of a dusky-green hue ; 
between them there was a broader stripe of a silvery-white colour 
and underneath them all a broader-band of an orange colour, 
which constituted also the colour of the:under surface of the belly, 
Eyes round : iris golden, tinged with dusky. The tail large, of a 
lanceolate form and dotted with dark spots; the upper ones of a 
lighter shade than the lower ones. These spots are separated into 
two horizontal rows by an extension of the silvery band which exists 
on the body of the animal. A high crest extends from the muzzle, 
in front of the eyes, to the root of the tail, and contains sixteen upright 
rays of a greenish hue, ending in points. The intervals between the 
rays, are dotted with spots. * Semender’ is the Turkish name for 
these Salamanders.”’ 

Mr. Boulenger had:kindly determined these specimens to be 
Molge vittata (Cat. Batr. Grad. 2nd ed. 1882, p. 13). 


Mr. Sclater remarked that this species was of interest to naturalists 
as having been formerly supposed, through an error of the late 
Dr. J. E. Gray, to occur in Great Britain, and accordingly retained 
in the British fauna until M. Lataste (Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, 
1877, p. 359) had shown the mistake. ‘The present specimens 
confirmed the locality assigned to the species by M. Lataste, and, 
besides this, Mr. Boulenger had informed Mr. Sclater that the 
British Museum had recently received a specimen of this Newt 
from Trebizond, and that it had been found by Kessler near Poti 
in Transcaucasia, and at Resht in Persia. 

Mr. H. E. Dresser exhibited a specimen of the American Killdeer 
Plover (Aigialitis vocifera), shot by Mr. F. Jenkinson at Tresco, 
Scilly, on the 14th January last, this being the second record of its 
oceurrence in Great Britain’. Mr. Jenkinson had given him the 
following particulars of its capture, viz. :—“On Sunday, 11th January, 
1885, I was walking home by the Long Pool on Tresco, and in- 
stinctively stopped to look at a favourite bit of mud and rushes at the 
west end. While I was looking, a bird flitted a few yards and settled 
on the grass between me and the mud ; and as it did so it uttered a 
gentle half note which I felt sure belonged to no bird that I had 
seen before. 

«Tt was tame enough, and remained about for three days, its return 
to that particular spot apparently coinciding each day with the rise 
of the tide. On Monday I missed it, sitting at 25 yards after a long 
crawl. I half hoped that the keeper, who is a better shot than I 
am, would go after it, so I did not disturb it much. On Tuesday I 
put it up unexpectedly within a yard or two of me from behind a 
wall where I was waiting. The chestnut tail-coverts were very 
distinct as it flew away, uttering cries veritably “ vociferous,” but 
very plaintive and musical. 1 did not fire at it on that occasion. 
Next day I began by shooting a Ring Dotterel by mistake; I could 
not see the other anywhere ; the day wore on, and I had to leave 
next morning. It was getting quite late when, walking up to the 
other end of the pool, I saw, beyond a raised causeway which crosses 
the pool there, a bird running on the wet ground. I fired instantly 
and the bird just uttered one characteristic cry, which assured me 
that it was the one of which I was in search, and lay there dead, 

«©The name Killdeer Plover at once occurred to me; and next day 
I found a small book on American birds, and on reading the de- 
scription of that species I found that it agreed with my specimen. 
The bird was a female in good plump condition, and quite the 
reverse of an exhausted straggler.” 

Mr. Dresser stated that the specimen, the occurrence of which had 
been already recorded in the ‘ Zoologist,’ 1885, p. 113, had been 
handed to him by Mr, Jenkinson with a request that he would 
exhibit it, so that there should be no doubt as to its being referable 
to Aigialitis rocifera. 

Mr. Dresser was also indebted to Mr. W. Eagle Clarke, for the 

1 For a preyious record see Ibis, 1862, p. 275. 

836 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE [Nov. 17, 

opportunity of exhibiting a specimen of Savicola deserti, the second 
recorded British-killed example, which had been shot between the 
village of Easington and the hamlet of Kilusca near to Spurn Head, 
on the 17th of October this year. It was at once sent to Mr. Clarke, 
but it was tailless and so much shot that it was impossible to deter- 
mine the sex by dissection. Mr. Clarke mentioned, in order to show 
that at the time the bird was shot there was a considerable immi- 
gration to our shores, that a few Woodcocks, numbers of Goldcrests, 
Robins, Wrens, and Thrushes, and a few Owls had arrived at Spurn 
Head on the previous night or in the early morning of the same day. 

Mr. Dresser had no hesitation in referring this specimen to Sax?- 
cola deserti in spite of the lack of the tail, which was a distinguishing 
character, and it was evidently a female, as would be seen by com- 
parison with carefully sexed specimens of the Desert Chat also on 
the table. 

Prof. Bell exhibited a specimen of Balanoglossus collected by 
Mr. Spencer at Herm. This was stated to be the first recorded 
example of this Hemichordate from any part of the British seas. 

The following papers were read :— 

1. Notes on the Visceral Anatomy of Birds. No. 1.—On the 
so-called Omentum. By Frank E, Bepparp, M.A., 
F.R.S.E., Prosector to the Society. 

[ Received October 1, 1885. | 

All naturalists are by this time pretty well agreed upon the close 
affinities which birds present in their organization to reptiles ; and 
while it is the general view that of all existing reptiles, Crocodiles 
are those which most nearly approach birds, it is almost equally an 
accepted view that of all existing birds the Struthiones present by 
far the greatest number of analogies to reptiles in their anatomical 
structure. There are undoubtedly facts in the anatomy of the 
Struthionidee which appear to favour such a view; but an increased 
knowledge of the structure of other orders of birds has tended to 
show, firstly that many of the peculiarities of the Ostrich-tribe in 
which they are supposed to approach reptiles, are in reality correlated 
with the loss of flight and the consequent change in the relation of 
the different parts of the shoulder-girdle and so forth, or are not 
peculiarities at all, but crop up in other orders of birds. Secondly, 
reptilian characters not found in the Struthiones are found in other 
orders of birds, as in the palate of the Woodpeckers (Saurognathee), 
which Prof. Parker considers to present some close points of resem- 
blance to that of reptiles. 

Before contributing some few additions to our information on the 
visceral anatomy of birds, which appear to me to still further break 


down the barriers between the Ratitee and the Carinate in the first of 
these two directions, I may briefly review our knowledge upon the 

In his classical paper upon the ‘ Classification of Birds’? Prof. 
Huxley defined the Ratite, and pointed out the differences which 
separate them from the Carinatee. Although that paper was only 
published in the year 1867, it is interesting to note how the progress 
of research has broken down so many of the barriers which at that 
time were supposed to separate the Ratitee from the Carinatee. 

The peculiarities of the skull I need uot refer to, since they are 
repeated in the Tinamous, which in so many other respects resemble 
the Gallinaceous birds, and therefore forman annectent group between 
the Ostrich-tribe and the other Carinate. 

The shoulder-girdle has been held to be characteristic and to form 
a well-marked distinction between the Ratitz and the Carinate ; but 
anatomists are now agreed that the sternum, at least, is not so charac- 
teristic as it was at one time believed to be. In the first place the 
presence of a “keel” is invariably associated with the power of 
flight, or, to speak more accurately, with a great development of the 
pectoral muscles; thus we finda keel on the sternum of the Bat, 
Mole, and Pterodactyles, while it is absent in Strigops, the flightless 
parrot of New Zealand, and in Cnemiornis*. 

Moreover, Prof. Jeffery Parker, in a paper upon the Osteology of 
the New Zealand Rails*, has given reasons for believing that the 
angle between the scapula and the coracoid becomes less and less as 
the power of flight is diminished, so that this supposed peculiarity in 
the shoulder-girdle of the Struthiones is merely correlated with the 
loss of the power of flight. 

It is commonly stated that the Struthiones possess no lower 
larynx, and this assertion is repeated from text-book to text-book 
in spite of the fact that my predecessor, the late Mr. W. A. Forbes, 
has conclusively shown* that certain of the Struthiones, if’ not the 
whole group, possess a syrinx which is essentially comparable to the 
syrinx of the Carinate, and, in the case of Lthea, is absolutely indistin- 
guishable from a Carinate syrinx. 

Certain of the statements of Sir Richard Owen respecting the 
anatomy of Apteryx have been since controyerted. Prof. Huxley 
has shown that the respiratory organs of this bird, though certainly 
differing in detail, present no essential modifications from the respl- 
ratory organs of other birds; there is no structure unrepresented 
in other birds present ; the supposed “ diaphragm” is in reality not 
comparable to the diaphragm of the mammalia; and even if it were, 
it has its exact homologue in the Carinate. Prof. Lankester ® and 
I° have shown that the heart of Apterya is precisely like that of 
any other bird. 

The presence of two nails upon the hand of S¢ruthio, to which 
Prof. Huxley has called attention, is no doubt, so far, an archaic 

1 P. Z. 8. 1867, p. 415. * Collected Papers, p. 232. 

* See P.Z. 'S. 1873, p. 763. 5 P. ZS. 1888, p. 415. 

* Trans. N.-Z. Inst. vol. xiv. p. 245. * P. ZS. 1885, pp. 188, 477. 

838 MR. F, E. BEDDARD ON THE [Nov. 17, 

character recalling the claw on the hand of drcheopteryx; but 
the same thing exists among the Carinate. Prof. Parker, in his 
‘Davis’ Lecture delivered at the Society’s Gardens on June 18th 
of the present year, remarked that the Swan is similarly furnished 
with two claws. Prof. Parker has also mentioned the fact that 
Chauna is provided with a claw upon the first and second digits 
of the hand*. Moreover, Rhea has only one. There is one 
structure, however, which does not seem to be repeated in other 
birds ; the barbs of the feathers in the Ratite are disconnected and 
not united by barbules. It seems, however, to be within the bounds 
of possibility that this is an acquired character, and due more to 
degeneration than to the retention of an embryonic structure. In 
flying birds the barbs of the feathers are united, and the whole feather 
thus offers a greater resistance to the air, and contributes to sustain- 
ing the bird in the air—it acts in fact like a parachute; in running 
birds such a structure would be useless ; hence it disappears and the 
condition characteristic of the Ostriches is arrived at. 

Without pretending to have exhausted the subject, I may point out 
that the foregoing recapitulation of some recently acquired results, 
all tend to show that the Struthiones are not so isolated a class of 
birds as was at one time thought, and that in fact there are hardly 
any, if, indeed, any characters that absolutely distinguish the Stru- 
thiones from other existing birds. 

In an interesting paper on the “ Respiratory Organs of Apteryx”’ 
to which reference has already been made, Prof. Huxley draws 
attention to certain points of resemblance between Crocodiles and 
birds. “As in birds, the liver lies between the stomach and the 
pericardium, and has a peculiar peritoneal investment shut off from 
the great sac of the abdomen; and, as in the Ostrich, the whole 
circumference of the stomach is united by fibrous tissue with the 
parietes,” &c. This passage attracted my attention, and Ihave endea- 
voured to investigate the stomach, liver, and intestines of other birds 
with a view of ascertaining whether the Ostrich is really more like 
the Crocodile than is any other bird in the disposition of its viscera. 
The result has been to show that the Ostrich, and for the matter of 
that such of the other Struthiones as I have had the opportunity 
of studying, are not peculiar in the disposition of their abdominal 
viscera. In the course of my studies I have come across other facts 
in the disposition of the viscera, which appear to me worth recording 
and which I include in the present paper because they throw some 
light upon the same series of facts. 

Prof. W. N. Parker, in a note upon the ‘‘ Respiratory Organs of 
Rhea’ has incidentally pointed out that in this bird, as in the Ostrich, 
the abdominal viscera are separated and enclosed in three compart- 
ments of the peritoneum ; the right lobe of the liver is shut off from 
the left lobe, and from the rest of the viscera, into a chamber by itself ; 
a left chamber includes the left lobe of the liver and the gizzard; 
while the intestines lie in a third chamber situated above as well as 
behind these two anterior ones. 

1 P. Z. 8. 1863, p. 515. 


The dissection of two specimens of thea americana which have 
died during the course of the present year, enables me to confirm the 
above-mentioned statements. In this bird, however, and in the 
Ostrich, the two cavities which contain respectively the right liver- 
lobe and the left liver-lobe, together with the gizzard, are floored by 
a tough membrane, which, behind the gizzard, becomes superficial, 
and covers over the coils of the intestine ; this membrane is attached 
laterally to the body-wall and to the “oblique” septa which fourm 
the inner boundaries of the posterior intermediate air-sacs. 

In the Emu (Dromeus) there is a close similarity to the con- 
dition met with in Struthio and Rhea. 

On opening the bird by a median incision through the abdominal 
parietes, and reflecting the two cut halves of the “musculature, the 
disposition of the viscera was seen to be practically identical with 
that of the other Struthiones. A tough membrane covers over the 
posterior section of the abdominal cavity ; just behind the gizzard 
this membrane is firmly attached to the oblique septum ; posteriorly 
it appears to be also attached to the oblique septum, but the two 
structures are in reality separable, and the horizontal membrane of 
the abdomen is continued upwards to the middle line of the body, 
where it is attached firmly in the neighbourhood of the spinal column. 

The right lobe of the liver, as in S¢ruthio and Rhea, is enclosed in 
a separate pocket of peritoneum, and the left lobe appears to be con- 
tained within another cavity common to itself and to the gizzard ; 
a more minute examination, however, has convinced me that the 
gizzard is in reality enclosed in a distinct compartment, and is firmly 
attached to the parietes, as Prof. Huxley has stated of the gizzard 
of the Ostrich. Whether this is also the case with Rhea, I am 
unable to state. Mr. Parker has said nothing of the attachment of 
the gizzard to the parietes, and my own notes ’ upon the subject are 
unfortunately not sufficiently explicit. There is, as Prof. Huxley 
has shown, a close correspondence in many of these points with the 
structure of the Crocodile. 

In the Crocodile (Crocodilus acutus) (see fig. 1, p. 840) the viscera 
have the same relative position; the two lobesof the liver lie anteriorly, 
the gizzard is situated on the left side of the body behind the left 
lobe of the liver, while the intestines occupy the rest of the abdominal 
cavity. On opening the body-cavity the intestines are not visible ; 
they are in fact covered and concealed by a horizontal septum which 
runs from side to side of the body, this septum loosely covers the 
intestinal cells, it is not attached to them anywhere, but arises from 
the abdominal parietes ; anteriorly this membrane is firmly attached 
to the gizzard, and in fact divides into two layers which enclose aud 
completely shut off that viscus from the rest of the abdominal cavity. 
The two lobes of the liver are likewise separated from each other 
and from the gizzard and the rest of the abdominal cavity by septa 
of fibrous tissue. ‘The arrangement of the abdominal viscera in the 
Crocodile is therefore practically the same as that which I have 
just described in Dromeus; in both animals the intestiual coils are 
loosely covered by a horizontal membrane, and in both the two lobes 

840 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE [Nov. 17, 

of the liver and the gizzard are enclosed in separate compartments 
distinct from each other, and from that which contains the intestines. 


Diagram of abdominal cavity, and certain viscera of Crocodilus acutus. 

H, Heart; R.L, L.L, liver-lobes; Sz, Stomach enclosed in a septum of fibrous 
tissue which passes across the abdominal cavity and covers over the 
intestines; on the surface of the septum run the anterior abdominal 

veins (V, V); S, sternum. 

The similarity in the disposition of the viscera in birds and rep- 
tiles which has been just exemplified by a comparison between the 



Crocodile and the Struthiones is not, however, confined to these 
members of the latter order. Other birds present an identical series 
of structures. I will now proceed to review these in detail. 

The most complete resemblance to the Struthiones is to be found, 
so far as my dissections enable me to say, in the Cranes; and from a 
classificatory point of view these resemblances appear to me to have 
some significance. 

I have dissected two species of Cranes, Grus communis and G. 
monachus, and the following description applies equally well to both. 

The gizzard and the left lobe of the liver are enclosed in a separate 
compartment of peritoneum ; the right lobe of the liver is in another 
compartment, separate from the left lobe by the vertical septum or 
umbilical ligament, which runs back for some way, and is in close 
contact with the right-hand margin of the gizzard. The intestines 
are covered by a horizontal membrane, which is attached anteriorly 
to the gizzard, and in fact clasps it round its whole circumference, 
so that the upper half of the gizzard projects into the abdominal 
cavity containing the intestinal coils; the gizzard, at least its upper 
surface, appears to be surrounded by a layer of peritoneum reflected 
from the horizontal septum. The disposition of the viscera and the 
various septa is therefore identical with that of Rhea aud Dromeus, 
and almost identical with that of the Crocodile. 

In an interesting paper on the anatomy of the Flamingo‘, Mr. 
Weldon has referred to the presence of an exactly similar hori- 
zontal septum, which he terms ‘‘ pseudepiplodn,” in this bird and in 
many Storks ; he describes it in the following words :—‘‘ On slitting 
open the abdominal wall of a Stork in the middle ventral line, the 
only viscera exposed are the two lobes of the liver and the ventral 
portion of the gizzard. All the rest are hidden by a thick horizontal 
septum of connective tissue, stretching across the whole body-cavity 
from the pericardium to the cloaca.”’ It is evident from this quota- 
tion that the disposition of the viscera in the Stork is closely similar 
to what has just been described in the Crane, and only differs in 
that the lobes of the liver are not enclosed in special compartments 
of their own. They are stated to be visible on opening the body- 
cavity, while in the Cranes and Struthious birds the lobes of the 
liver are not so visible, but require a further dissection of the walls 
of the compartments which contain them. I have dissected another 
form of Storks, Addimia sphenorhyncha, in addition to many of 
those mentioned by Mr. Weldon, and find that the conditions are 

The Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) is a Stork, in so far as the 
above-mentioned characters are concerned ; I believe that the general 
consensus of opinion is to regard this bird as closely allied to the 
Storks, and the foregoing considerations confirm this view. 

In Bucorvus abyssinicus (fig. 2, p. 842) the septa are in the main 
similar to, but present certain variations from, the types which have 
been already described. On opening the body-wall the gizzard was 

1 P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 639. 

842 MR. F. E. BEDDARD ON THE [Nov. 17, 

Abdominal cavity of Bucorvus abyssinicus. 

g, Gizzard; a, band of muscular fibre, connecting it with oblique septum, 
6, umbilical vein; Z, liver (left lobe) seen through a fibrous partition 
which separates the cavity containing it from the abdominal cavity. 


seen to be suspended in the middle of a horizontal septum passing 
from side to side of the body ; the structure of this septum, however, 
differs in different regions ; on the left-hand side of the body (a) it 
forms a flat layer of unstriated muscular fibres connecting the gizzard 
with the oblique septum of that side of the body ; posteriorly and 
on the right side the membrane is thin and delicate, and is con- 
tinuous in front with a kind of membranous diaphragm (@) which 
shuts off the lobes of liver from the rest of the abdominal cavity : 
this membrane bears a blood-vessel (4) which evidently corresponds 
to the umbilical vein, and passes between the lobes of the liver along 
a median partition or umbilical ligament which separates them from 
each other. 

In other Hornbills (e.g. Aceros nipalensis) I have not found a close 
similarity to Bucorvus, and there are certain other features in the 
anatomy of this genus which tend to remove it from other Hornbills * 
there is a well- Se umbilical ligament attached to the peel 
dividing the two lobes of the liver, and passing back as far as the 
end of the gizzard, but there is apparently no horizontal septum. 

The body- cavity of Larus mavimus is separated into right and 
left halves by an umbilical ligament continuous from end to end, 
and a horizontal septum covers up all the abdominal viscera save the 
liver, and the gizzard, which projects through it. 

Phalacrocorax carbo has an identical arrangement. 

In the Penguin (Spheniscus demersus) the stomach lies rather 
nearer to the middle line than in birds generally ; indeed there are 
but few exceptions to the rule that the stcmach lies on the left side 
of the abdominal cavity, as in the Crocodile, Tortoise, &c. Close to 
the stomach on the right-hand side is the elongated gall-bladder °, 
which on account of its length recalls that of the Toucans*; both 
viscera are suspended in a tough horizontal septum, which has the 
same relations as in the other birds already described. As in 
Bucorvus the lobes of the liver are shut off by a membrane from 
the abdominal cavity, each being, of course, in addition separated 
from the other by a partition, and thus enclosed in a cavity which 
is floored by a continuation of the horizontal septum. 

The horizontal septum is also present in Plectopterus gambensis, and 
in Bernicla brenta. A vertical septum immediately underlies the 
sterna and median line of abdominal walls, and divides lobes cf liver ; 
it starts from the pericardium in front, and is attached to middle line 
of sternum of abdominal wall as far back as the cloaca. This vertical 
septum is readily separable into two distinct superposed membranes, 
of which the left is attached close to the ventral median line of gizzard, 
while the right, which bears a conspicuous blood-vessel, is attached 
to the horizontal septum, which, as in the Stork &c., traverses the 
abdominal cavity, loosely covering the intestines and the posterior 
region of the gizzard ; anferiorly the horizontal septum is closely 

1 Garrod, Collected Papers, p. 316. 
Figured by Watson, Report on the Spheniscidze, Zool. Chall. Exp, v. xviii. 
pl. xvi. fig. 9, pp. 169, 195. 
3 See Forbes, Collected Papers, p. 323 


adherent to the walls of the gizzard; the horizont. septum is conti- 
nuous at the sides with the oblique septum ; it bears a second blood- 
vessel, which enters the left lobe of the liver, and is fully as large 
as the vessel on the right side of the body. It appears to me to be 
permissible to compare these two abdominal veins with the two that 
are found in the Crocodile figured in the drawing (fig. 1, p. 840). 

In no other birds that I have dissected have I been able to find more 
than a single “umbilical ’’ or anterior abdominal vein which passes 
along the falciform ligament to the liver. The lobes of the liver are 
contained in two separate cavities floored by the horizontal septum, but 
which are not cut off from the abdomen posteriorly by a membranous 
band, as they are for example in Bucoryus. Each lobe of the liver is 
firmly attached to the vertical septum, and by a special membranous 
band to the oblique septum. The gizzard does not appear to be 
enclosed in aspecial sac as in other birds; the horizontal septum covers 
it above (ventrally), but dorsally there appeared to be no trace of any 
covering of fibrous tissue, the gizzard projecting freely into the cavity 
which contains the intestines. In other birds this horizontal septum 
is not developed or not developed to so conspicuous an extent as in 
the types already referred to. It is absent, for instance, in the 
Strigida, judging, at least, from examples of three species belonging 
to this family which I have had the opportunity of dissecting. 

In Pulsatrix torquata, Syrnium aluco and Strix flammea there is 
no trace of the horizontal septum, except that in all, the gizzard is 
enclosed in a special sac of peritoneum, and is firmly attached to the 
parietes, as mentioned by Owen in his ‘ Comparative Anatomy ’* 

In Carpophaga e@nea there is no horizontal septum, nor in 
Phasianus ellioli (young). Rhynchotus rufescens agrees with the last- 
mentioned types in having no horizontal septum; the gizzard, 
however, is firmly attached to the left oblique septum, and is enclosed 
in a delicate but unmistakable peritoneal sac, as in Phasianus. It is 
interesting to note that in these structural features the Tinamou is 
totally unlike the Struthious birds. 

In a subsequent paper I hope to be able to extend these observa- 
tions to a larger series of birds. I do not wish to deduce any 
classificatory results from the facts contained in the present paper, 
which may perhaps be done later ; the main result has been to show 
that the Ostrich tribe are not more ‘‘ Crocodilian”’ in the characters 
of their abdominal viscera than many other birds. They agree, in 
fact, very closely with the Cranes and Storks and other birds. In 
addition to the points of resemblance between Crocodiles and birds 
indicated by Prof. Huxley, the large ‘‘ omentum”’ which covers the 
intestinal coils in the Reptile evidently corresponds with the omen- 
tum (pseudepiploén, Weldon) of the Struthiones, Grallatores, &c. 

1 Vol. ii. p. 163. 

P ZS. 1885, PI.LIV. 


2. Notes on the Rodent Genus Heterocephalus. By OLpFIELD 
Tuomas, F.Z.8., Natural History Museum. 

[Received October 30, 1885.] 
(Plate LIV.) 

On the 16th of June last I had the pleasure of exhibiting to the 
Society a specimen obtained on the 29th of January last by Mr. E. Lort 
Phillips, F.Z.S., at Gerlogobie, Ogardain, Central Somali-land, which 
I doubtfully referred to Heterocephalus glaber, Riipp., a species 
discovered by Martin Bretzka in Shoa, Abyssinia, more than forty 
years ago, and still, so far as I can ascertain, only represented by 
the original type described by Dr. Riippell. 

By the kindness of the Directors of the Senckenberg Museum in 
Frankfort I have been allowed to have this original type for 
examination, and I am thus enabled to give the following notes on 
the characters and differences of the two species which a comparison 
of these two specimens proves the genus to consist of. 

The second species has been already named and briefly defined in 
a footnote to the Report in our ‘ Proceedings’ of the exhibition of the 
specimen’; and it was with much pleasure that I connected with 
this very interesting animal the name of its discoverer, to whom we 
are indebted for many additions to our knowledge of the mammals 
and other animals of Central Somali-land. 

The type of Heterocephalus glaber consists of a dried and mounted 
skin, with a separate skull, while that of H. phillipsi is an adult 
female preserved in spirit; and I am therefore able to give a some- 
what fuller and more exact description of its charaeters than Ruppell 
had any opportunity of doing. 

Heterocephalus phillipsi is a peculiar-looking little creature, about 
the size of a Common Mouse, but looking almost more like a tiny 
hairless puppy on account of its nearly naked skin, small eyes, and 
peculiar physiognomy (see Plate LIV. fig. 1). 

The head is small and flattened from above downwards, The 
mouth has the structure characteristic of Georychus and other 
burrowing Rodents, the external skin passing right across the mouth- 
opening inside the incisors. The lips and sides of the muzzle are 
fairly well clothed with bristly hairs, which form well-marked 
whiskers, and there are four or five hairs on each side springing from 
a wart on the side of the face. The eyes are well-defined open slits, 
with thickened fleshy lids covering the minute eyeballs, which are 
barely half a millimetre in diameter. The ears are simple round 
holes, not covered in any way, and unprovided with any trace of an 
ear-conch. The skin all over the head and body is of a wrinkled 
warty nature; but this is perhaps partly due to the action of the 
spirit on the naked skin, as the dried specimen of H. glaber shows 
it much less markedly. The head and body, although apparently 

1P, Z. 8, 1885, p. 612. 
Proc. Zoo. Soc.—1885, No.LV. 55 

846 MR. 0. THOMAS ON THE [Nov. 17, 

naked, are seen on closer inspection to be furnished all over with fine 
scattered hairs, which give no general appearance of a hairy covering, 
being so fine and so nearly the colour of the skin as to be almost 

The tail is rather more than half the length of the body without 
the head, tapers rapidly from its broad and flattened base to its tip, 
and is thinly covered with fine bristly hairs similar in character to 
those on the muzzle. 

The feet of Heterocephalus (Plate LIV. fig. 3) are by far its most 
highly specialized parts, as might, indeed, be expected in so purely 
burrowing an animal. The anterior pair are large and strong, and 
the toes are much longer in proportion to the palm than is the case 
in Georychus. On the proximal half of the palm there are two 
unusually large and well-developed pads, the rest of the palm being 
quite smooth ; in Georychus the pads are quite rudimentary. The 
pollex, though short, is fully developed and is provided with a 
minute pointed claw; the fingers are broad and flattened and are 
provided with similar small conical claws. The third toe is the 
longest, the second and fourth are about equal, and the fifth, without 
its claw, reaches to about the middle of the first phalanx of the 
fourth, and the pollex to the level of the base of the second. 

The hind feet, like the fore, have rather long toes in proportion to 
their length of sole, and in the same way the foot-pads on the sole are 
restricted to its posterior half, there being only three pads, two near 
the heel and the third at the base of the fifth toe (Plate LIV. fig. 3). 
The toes have much the same proportions as those on the fore feet, 
except that the hallux is relatively longer than the pollex, and the 
second toe is slightly longer than the fourth. 

The most noticeable character of the feet, however, and one quite 
unique among burrowing Rodents, is the presence of fringes of fine 
bristles round their edges. These bristles are not unlike those on 
the hind feet of the Water-Shrew (Crossopus fodiens), except that 
they are longer, further apart, and far finer. ‘They grow all round 
the edge of each toe, and pass backwards along the sides of the feet 
to the wrists and ankles, although there is a gap in the series where 
one would suppose that they would be most wanted, viz. along the 
outer side of the fifth hind toe, where they are quite absent and have 
perhaps been worn off. The value of these cilia, by which the 
spread of the foot is largely increased without any increase in 
cumbrousness, to an animal which passes its life burrowing in a light 
sandy soil, is sufficiently obvious to need no comment. 

I am unfortunately unable to make out the number of the mamme, 
as, owing no doubt to our specimen having been captured out of the 
breeding-season, they are so small as to be only in one or two 
instances distinguishable from the minute warts with which the 
animal’s naked skin is covered. 

The small intestine measures about 115 mm., the short rounded 
czecum about 12 mm., and the combined colon and rectum about 67 
mm., 58 per cent. of the small intestines. 

The palate-ridges (Plate LIV. fig. 2) consist apparently of about 


four pairs of small, rounded elevations; but they are so vaguely 
defined that their exact number is not easily determinable. 

The skull of H. phillipsi (Plate LIV. fig. 4) is smooth and rounded, 
short in proportion to its size, with a broad flat brain-case and a 
very broad interorbital region. Compared to that of H. glader its 
most striking characteristic is its very much smaller size, as is 
shown on the Plate (figs. 4 and 5), where the two skulls are drawn 
on the same scale. This difference in size is so marked that it is 
obvious at the first glance that the owners of these two skulls could 
not possibly belong to the same species, notwithstanding their extreme 
resemblance to each other externally. 

In their general proportions also the two skulls differ noticeably, 
the facial portion of that of H. phillipsi being much shorter, in fact 
only about three quarters of the length of the brain-case, while in 
H. glaber the lengths of the face and brain-case are about equal. 

The nasals of H. phillipsi are short and somewhat squarely trun- 
cated behind, and are surpassed posteriorly by the ascending 
processes of the premaxille, while in H. glaber they are more 
pointed behind, and are about equal in length to the premaxillary 

The anterior part of the zygomata, opposite the postorbital 
processes, is much more bowed out in H. phiilipsi than in H. glaber. 

On the underside of the skull the only difference appreciable is 
that the palatine foramina, minute in both, are still smaller in 
A. phillipsi than in H. glaber. 

Passing to the teeth, we find a very remarkable distinction between 
the two animals. In H. glaber there are three round and simple 
molars in each jaw; but in H. phillipsi there are only two, both 
above and below, the tooth absent being apparently the first. In 
any other family this difference would be of generic importance ;_ but 
in the present group analogous differences occur even in the same 
species, as for example in Heliophobius argenteo-cinereus, Peters, 
which, as its describer has recorded, sometimes has two and 
sometimes three premolars. And, again, Georychus capensis, Pall., 
has sometimes one and sometimes no premolar. For the present 
therefore too much stress must not be laid upon the difference 
between the only two specimens of Heterocephalus as yet examined, 
nor can H. phillipsi, in which there are only two molars, be said to 
be as highly specialized in this respect as Hydromys, otherwise the 
only Rodent with as few molars in each jaw. H. phillipsi has, in 
fact, no doubt, as a rule, the same number of molars as H. glaber, 
even if both do not sometimes have either one or two premolars 
developed in addition in front of the molars. 

The teeth themselves are rounded and very simple, having each 
but one single external fold of enamel, which seems to disappear as 
time advances, as the specimen of H. phillipsi, apparently the more 
aged of the two, shows scarcely a trace even of this fold. The 
lower molars, at least of H. phillipsi, have each one external and one 
internal fold, and from Riippell’s description those of H. glaber are 

1 Reise n. Mossamb., Saug. p. 142, 1852, 


similar ; but the lower jaw of the type of that species has unfortunately 
been lost. 

The incisors, as in the allied genera, project nearly horizontally 
forward ; and their anterior faces are somewhat flattened and bevelled 
on their interior halves, so that, as they wear down, the resulting edge 
of the two incisors combined is more or less W-shaped, but with 
the outer arms of the W very much shorter than the inner. 

Externally I can find no specific differences whatever, except in 
the greater size of the hind feet of H. glaber. It must, however, 
be remembered that in such a genus as Heterocephalus, in which 
there are neither ear-conchs, to vary in shape and size, nor hairs, 
to vary in colour and length, and where there is enly one possible 
manner of life, there is very little room for the ordinary forms of 
specific variation as found in other genera of mammals. 

The measurements of the type specimens of the two species are as 
follows :— 

AL. phillipsi Z, glaber 
(Q in spirit). (stuffed), 
mm, mm, 
Head and ae ae 80 (ec) 95 
Dailies eras : 35 39 
Hind foot ...... 16°6 OND 
Forearm and hand 21:0 —_ 
Head 23... ee 21°5 —_— 
Muzzle toear .. 15:2 (ce) 20°0 
Muzzle toeye .. 70 _ 
Hye to ear sv... 2% 70 — 
Skulls :— 
Hi, phillipsi, H., glaber, 
Occiput to tip of nasals..... .... 16-1 21°5 
Occiput to tip of incisors ........ 19°4 26°4 
Basal denethictitat =.) se haere 16:0 21°5 
Greatestibreadthigoss. in. fare oe 13°6 18°3 
Brain-case, length ............4- 9:2 11:0 
Brain-case, breadth ......:..... 9°4 12:0 
Nasals, length ... A CL Re te 5:1 7'8 
Nasals,vbreadth wife. ele oo ow 4:4 
Interorbital breadth ...... eee 5 6°0 
Back of incisors to m? . es D7, 8:0 
Palatine foramina ...........0.% 11 Des 
Palatine foramina to posterior nares. 4:0 6°1 
Basi-craniallaxish seewcen ee tole 6'1 — 
Palate, length ary a Sete 9°1 13°6 
Palate, brash outside m° BHD ee 4°3 5:0 
Palate, breadth inside m?........ 15 22 
Palate, least breadth inside molars . 132 ees 
Incisors, breadth .............. 258 2°9 
Incisorkj Tenetlmy au. @etek< a Use 3°9 54 

1 From basion 

1885. ] MR. P. L, SCLATER ON A NEW TANAGER. 849 

Finally, as to the systematic position of Heterocephalus. It has 
been placed by Riippell, Brandt, Alston, and others close to Rhizomys 
among the Spalacinz ; but my examination of these two specimens 
proves unquestionably that it is a member of the other half of the 
family, namely the Bathyergine, and that it is really very closely 
allied to Georychus, of which it may, in fact, be considered a sort of 
degraded representative, specialized for an entirely subterranean life. 
For such a life its hairless mole-shaped body, nearly suppressed 
eyes, and bristle-clad feet admirably adapt it, while, on the other 
hand, its deficiency both of protective covering and power of sight 
would be fatal to it were it to venture above ground, where it would 
be exposed to the fierce rays of an African sun, and to the attacks 
of the host of enemies which by its underground life it is enabled to 
escape. These deductions from the structural characters of Hetero- 
cephalus are fully borne out by the interesting notes on its habits 
contributed to the Society by Mr. Lort Phillips (supra, p. 611). 


. Heterocephalus phillipsi ; female, natural size. 

. Palate-ridges. 

. Fore and hind feet, showing sole-pads and fringing bristles. Twice 
natural size, 

. Skull. Twice natural size. 

. Skull of H. glaber. Twice natural size. 


of wdhr 

3. Characters of an apparently new Species of Tanager of 
the Genus Calliste. By P. L. Scuater, M.A., Ph.D., 
F.R.S., Secretary to the Society. 

[Received October 4, 1885.] 

In the series of skins acquired by the British Museum from the 
Gould Collection is a single specimen of what, after careful exami- 
nation, I cannot avoid referring to a new species of Calliste. This I 
propose to dedicate to the great ornithologist to whom the type 
formerly belonged, as 


Supra lucide viridis, interscapulio nigro variegato ; fronte et loris 
nigris; pileo antico et regione oculari nitide ceruleis ; alis 
caudaque nigris lucido viridi marginatis ; tectricibus alarum 
minoribus aurescente tinctis: subtus clare viridis, in ventris 
lateribus ca@rulescente lavata; mento nigro; macula magna 
gulam mediam occupante cerulescenti-nigra ; ventre imo medio 
et crisso pallide fulvis; subalaribus albis; rostro nigro; 
pedibus pallide brunneis. Long. tota 4°8, ale 2°7, caude 2-0. 

Hab. Brasilia Merid. Or. 

Obs. Species C. thoracice affinis, et colore corporis superioris fere 

850 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON A.NEW FROG. [Nov. 17, 

similis, sed plaga gutturali ceerulescenti-nigra primo visu distin- 

The single skin that I have as yet seen of this species is obviously 
of Brazilian manufacture. It is strange that the species has so long 
remained undiscovered. 

4. Description of a new Frog of the Genus Megalophrys. 
By G. A. Boutenerr, F.Z.S. 

[Received November 3, 1885.] 
(Plate LV.) 


Tongue pyriform, indistinctly nicked posteriorly. Vomerine teeth 
in two small groups just behind the line of the posterior borders of 
the choane. Head broader than long, much depressed; snout 
very short, obliquely truncate, concave above and on the sides, with 
strong canthus rostralis ; nostril equally distant from the eye and 
the middle of the rostral extremity ; interorbital space concave, a 
little broader than the upper eyelid; tympanum distinct, oval, its 
distance from the eye exceeds its greatest diameter. Fore limb 
long and slender ; first finger extending beyond second. Hind limb 
very long, the extremity of the femur reaching the shoulder and the 
tibio-tarsal articulation far beyond the end of the snout; toes 
slender, with a slight rudiment of web, swollen at the tips; no sub- 
articular nor metatarsal tubercles. Skin smooth above, with small 
warts on the flanks, and two pairs of delicate oblique folds, converging 
posteriorly, on the scapular region; a fold from the eye to the 
shoulder, passing above the tympanum; upper eyelid with a small 
horn-like tubercle on its outer edge; lower surfaces smooth. Olive- 
brown above, sides of head speckled with blackish, and with oblique 
yellowish vertical bars; digits edged with yellowish and with 
yellowish cross bars; hinder side of thighs, upper half reddish 
brown, lower blackish brown, the two colours sharply separated ; 
lower surfaces pale reddish brown, largely marbled and spotted with 
dark brown. From snout to vent 60 millim. 

A single specimen, apparently a female, from the mountains of 
Perak, Straits of Malacca, at a height of 3300 feet ; presented to the 
Natural History Museum by L. Wray, Esq., Curator of the Perak 
Museum. This species must be very rare, as the specimen described 
is the only one obtained by Mr. Wray during a residence of about 
three years on the hills. 

a. Upper view of Megalophrys longipes, size of life. 
bd. Lateral view of head. 
c. Lower view of head and pectoral region. 
d, Open mouth. 

P. 220. JOG o) Plage 

P. Smit del et bth. Mintern Bros. imp. 



December 1, 1885. 
Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. 

The Secretary made the following report on the additions to the 
Society’s Menagerie during November 1885 :— 

The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- 
gerie during the month of November was 105, of which 60 were by 
presentation, 18 by purchase, 4 by birth, 5 were received in exchange, 
and 18 re¢eived on deposit. The total number of departures during 
the same period, by death and removals, was 131. 

The most noticeable additions during the month were :— 

1. A pair of Pale Fennec Foxes (Canis pallidus), presented by 
Capt. J. S. Talbot, Ist Shropshire Light Infantry, November 24th. 

Mrs. Talbot informs me that these animals were dug out of a hole 
by Capt. Talbot, while on the march from Suakim to Handoub, 
when quite small, and were for some weeks fed by hand. 

The species was described and figured in 1826 (Riipp. Zool. Atlas, 
tab. xi. p. 33), but appears to be little known, and is new to the 
collection. The living examples seem to agree with the stuffed 
specimen in the British Museum. 

2. Twelve examples of the Spectacled Salamander (Salamandrina 
perspicillata) from Italy, presented by Prof. H. H. Giglioli, C.M.Z.S., 
Noy. 28. New to the collection. 

Mr. Sclater laid on the table several Birds which had been sent to 
him for exhibition by Mr. H. Whitely of Woolwich, and called special 
attention to a Hornbill, the casque of which coincided nearly with 
that described by Mr. G. R. Gray in 1871 as Buceros casuarinus 
(Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. viii. p. 437, pl. xvii. ; see also 
Elliot’s Mon. Bucerotide, pl. xxxiv.). 

Upon this specimen being taken to the British Museum in 
order to be compared with the type, Mr. Sharpe had pointed 
out to Mr. Sclater that it was certainly only the young stage of 
Bycanistes cylindricus. It would seem, therefore, that the sup- 
posed Buceros casuarinus had been founded upon the casque of a 
young specimen of B, eylindricus, of which the feathers at the back 
of the head had been removed. 

Mr. W. T. Blanford exhibited on behalf of Capt. C. S. Cumber- 
land the head of a Wild Sheep from Ladak, which he considered to 
belong to a hybrid between Ovis hodgsoni and O. vignei. 

The following papers were read :— 


1. Onthe Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. Part IV.’ 
Hererocera (continued). By Lieut.-Col. C. Swinnosz, 
F.LS., F.Z.S. 

[Received August 19, 1885.] 
(Plates LVI., LVII.) 

Hyperythra phantasma, Butler, P.Z. 8. 1881, p. 615. 
Poona, October. 

Hyperythra limbolaria, Guénée, Phal.i. 101, 153, pl. 3. figs. 3, 4. 

Poona, October, November, and December; Bombay, October, 
November, and December. 

Chizala decipiens, Walker, xx. 263. 
Belgaum, September; Poona, July, October, and November. 

Scardamia metallaria, Guénée, Phal. i. 89, 134. 
Poona, December ; Bombay, October. 

Phalena clelia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. p. 172, pl. 283. figs. B, C. 

Gen. nov. CHILKASA. 

Male. Fore wing rather long, triangular, costa much arched 
towards the end, apex very acute, falcate, exterior margin very 
oblique and convex in the middle, posterior margin convex towards 
the end ; first subcostal emitted at fully one half before the end of 
the cell, second at one sixth, trifid, fifth from end of the cell and 
slightly touching third near its base; discocellular concave, radials 
from close to upper and lower end; middle median from angle close 
to end of the cell, lower at nearly two fifths; submedian much 
curved downward from the base. Hind wing very short, exterior 
margin oblique and convex, anal angle obtusely pointed ; cell one 
third the length ; two subcostals from the end of cell; discocellular 
concave, radial from lower end; two upper medians from end of the 
cell, lower at nearly one third ; submedian and internal vein recurved. 
Body stout; thorax laxly clothed; palpi ascending, recurved, 

1 Continued from page 476. 

P.Z.S +1885. Pl. ivi 

» oe 

» 9 fe 

F.C. Moore dal. et yee Mantern Bros amp. 

B,Z..S. 1885+ PL. Le 


6 Mintern Bros imp. 

F. C.Moore del. et lth. F 


rounded at the top, pointed in front, compactly squamous, joints 
indistinct ; antenne biciliated in front, and the sbaft rough-scaled, 
with long lashes above; legs rather stout ; tibie densely clothed 
with long fine silky hairs; spurs long, unequal. 

6. CHILKASA FALCATA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 2.) 

Bombay, September. 

Antenne, body, and wings fawn-colour; palpi black. Wings 
thinly irrorated with brown atoms, a black dot at the end of the 
cell of the fore wings, a double brown discal, nearly straight line 
across both wings, the space beyond dark maroon-brown, darker in 
the fore than in the hind wings; marginal line yellow ; fringe brown. 
Underside pale fawn-colour, with medial and discal straight brownish 
lines across both wings. 

Expanse of wings 2,); inches. 

Hypochroma dispensata, Walker, xxi. 435. 
Poona, September; Bombay, August, September, and October. 

Hypochroma perfectaria, Walker, xxi. 434. 
Poona, May. 

Hypochroma crenaria, Guénée, Phal. i. 278, 441. 

Boarmia infizaria, Walker, xxi. 379. 

11. BoarmiA GLEBA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 3.) 

Poona, May. 

Allied to Boarmia ferrolavata, Walker. Male. Reddish brown, 
irrorated with blackish brown ; antennz blackish, with its branches 
grey; anal tuft pale pinkish; wings with dentated black lines; 
fore wings with an inner incomplete line, a medial line, which is 
slightly bent and deeply dentated in the fore wings, and is almost 
straight and even in the hind wings; discal and submarginal den- 
tated lines, very distinct in the hind wings, the former almost joining 
the middle line in the abdominal margin ; both these lines are obso- 
lete, or only very faintly indicated on the fore wings; marginal line 
brown, sinuous. 

Expanse of wings 2,2; inches. 

Boarmia gelidaria, Walker, xxvi. 1537. 
Poona, September ; Bombay, November. 


Boarmia contectaria, Walker, xxvi. 1537. 
Poona, November. 


Boarmia cornaria, Guénée, Phal. i. 254, 390. 

Poona, September, October, November, and February ; Bombay, 


Petelia medardaria, Herr.-Sch. Exot. Schm. pl. 94. f. 534. 

Bargosa chacoraca, Walker, xxi. 481. 

Bargosa chandubija, Walker, xxi. 480. 

Bargosa distracta, Walker, xxi. 481. 

Belgaum, September; Poona, October, November, and December ; 
Bombay, October and November. 

Bargosa fasciata, Moore, P. Z.S. 1867, p. 634, pl. 32. f. 8. 
Poona, September ; Bombay, October. 

Pachydia vewillaria, Guénée, Phal. ii. 138, 1147. 
Poona, December. 


Agathia hilarata, Guénée, Phal. i. 381, 612. 
Poona, October and Novernber. 

Timandra diatomaria, Walker, xxvi. 1616. 

Poona, November to February. 
Very variable in colour, ranges from pale reddish to dark green. 

Nemoria frequens, Butler, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 616. 
Poona, October and November. 

Nemoria parvulata, Walker, xxvi. 1559. 
Poona, October. 

Geometra dissita, Walker, xxii. 519. 
Poona, August ; Bombay, July. 


Geometra dissessa, Walker, xxii. 521. 
Poona, November. 

Geometra parvulata, Walker, xxvi. 1555. 
Poona, October ; Bombay. 

Geometra indecretata, Walker, xxvi. 1555. 
Bombay, March and November. 

26. GEOMETRA APERTA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 7.) 


Pale ochreous; wings mostly very pale, nearly white; costal 
border reddish ochreous ; ‘basal and apical portions of fore wings 
suffused with the same coloration ; the large veins distinct; wings 
otherwise unmarked. Body pure white, unmarked. 

Expanse of wings ;®; inch. 

27. Iopis QUANTULA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 6.) 


Male. Antenne, head, and thorax sandy white ; abdomen silvery 
white ; antenne broadly bipectinated to the tips. Wings pale sea- 
green ; a minute black dot at the end of the cell in the fore wings ; 
the entire margin of both wings all round with a slight flesh- 
coloured tinge; some minute reddish points on the margin. Under- 
side whitish, shining, unmarked. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 

This may probably be the male of Iodis vivilacea of Walker. 

28. IopiIs VIVILACEA. 
Todis vivilacea, Walker, xxii. 544. 
Bombay, November. 

29. CoMIBENA GLAREOSA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 8.) 


Pale sandy-buff colour, except the antenne, which are silvery 
white ; apex of fore wings with a small diffuse space of grass-green ; 
the entire surface of both wings sparsely covered with very fine 
brown atoms, a minute brown dot at the end of the cell of the fore 
wings, and a duplex brown spot at the end of the cell in the hind 
wings ; marginal points brown, large and very distinct. 

Expanse of wings | inch. 

30. THALERA OBNUPTA, un. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 9.) 


Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax fleshy buff; abdomen silvery 
white ; wings dull sea-green, a broad diffuse band on the costa of 
the fore wings, and the whole basal portion of both wings dirty 
chrome-yellow ; antemedial and discal white lines across both wings, 


nearly straight, slightly bent outwardly on the hind wings ; fringe 
whitish. Underside silvery white, unmarked. 
Expanse of wings {4 inch. 


Anisodes obliviaria, Walker, xxii. 643. 

Acidalia cleoraria, Walker, xxiii. 792. 

Sattara, February and June; Poona, February, March, April, and 
October ; Bombay, July and October. 

Epione invexata, Walker, xxvi. 1497. 
Belgaum, September; Poona, August. 

34. EpayRa QuiETA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 1.) 

Poona, October ; Bombay, December. 

Dull chrome-yellow, covered with greyish striations, a brown spot 
with a white centre at the end of the cell in all the wings ; an ante- 
medial thin, brownish-grey band on the fore wings, nearly upright ; 
a waved discal broad band of the same colour across both wings, 
attenuated towards the costa on the fore wings. Underside of the 
same colour as on the upper side, but the striations are much thicker 
and darker ; the spots at the end of the cells are similar, the ante- 
medial band on the fore wings is absent; but the discal band on 
both wings is more uniform and darker-coloured. 

Expanse of wings 1%, inch. 


Bombay, November and December. 

Bone-colour, irrorated with sandy grey; palpi reddish brown, 
white beneath; head black; front white; collar and abdomen 
whitish. Wings with the apical border of the fore wings slightly 

luteous ; marginal points of both wings black, a few indistinct brown 
dots in the disk. 

Expanse of wings 1,/; inch. 

36. EpHyra FLurIpARIA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 10.) 

Poona, December; Bombay, July and September. 

Yellowish grey, finely irrorated with deep black atoms; costa of 
fore wings grey; a black dot on a more or less blackish diffuse 
rounded spot, at the end of each cell; a faint blackish fascia across 
both wings, passing over these spots; three dentated lines close 
together, across both wings, on the marginal border, the first acutely 
dentated; on some specimens these lines are very faint, and on others 
very black and distinct ; marginal points black. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 



Acidalia addictaria, Walker, xxii. 749. 
Poona, December. 

Acidalia ligataria, Walker, xxii. 748. 
Bombay, October. 

Acidalia patularia, Walker, xxxv. 1633. 
Poona, December. 

Acidalia remotata, Walker, xxii. 748. 
Poona, September and December ; Bombay, September. 

Acidalia absconditaria, Walker, xxiii. 757. 
Poona, October, November, and December ; Bombay. 

42, Ip#@A WALKERI. 

Idea walkeri, Butler, P. Z.S. 1883,-p. 170. 

Acidalia extimaria, Walker, xxiii. 794. 

Poona, September ; Bombay, October and November. 

Acidalia adeptaria, Walker, xxii. 753. 

Acidalia actuaria, Walker, xxii. 752. 
Bombay, October. 

Acidalia defamataria, Walker, xxii. 752. 
Poona, September and October; Bombay, September. 

46. Ip#a rpeaRtA, 0. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 15.) 

Poona, October and December ; Bombay. 

Allied to Idea humeraria, Walker : pale yellowish grey, shining, 
sparsely irrorated with grey ; a brown dot at the end of the cell in 
the fore wings, a wavy grey central fascia across both wings; a discal 
brown line also across both wings, which in the fore wings is sinuous 
and in the hind wings dentated, and is marked outwardly with 
blackish patches in the centre and on the hinder margin in the fore 
wings, and in some specimens with a faint blackish fascia on the 
hind wings; some greyish submarginal marks; marginal points 
deep black. 

Expanse of wings 58; inch. 


47. IpHA GRANDICULARIA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 11.) 

Poona, October. 

Whitish, irrorated with grey atoms ; costa grey, a black dot sur- 
rounded by a grey ring at the end of the cell in all the wings; 
medial and discal, sinuous, hardly dentated lines, across both wings ; 
an inner line of the same kind also on the fore wings, the space 
between the discal line and the outer margin on both wings suffused 
more or less with grey, with two brownish patches on the fore wings, 
one a little above the centre of the discal line, and the other on the 
hinder margin, both patches on the outer side of the line ; marginal 
points black; fringe tinged with chrome-yellow. Underside white, 
with the cell dots, the medial line, and outer markings showing 
through the wing. 

Expanse of wings 1+), inch. 

48. Ipza cHoTariA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 14.) 

Poona, November and December ; Bombay. 

Yellowish testaceous, a black dot at the end of each cell, another 
black dot on the costa of the fore wings near the apex, a faint discal 
line from this dot downwards, across both wings ; two suffused brown 
patches outside this line, on the fore wings—one in the hinder 
margin, the other just above it and touching it; another patch of 
the same description on the abdominal border of the hind wings; in 
some specimens this patch runs into the discal line like an indistinct 

Expanse of wings 3%,—;5 inch. 

49. ZANCLOPTERYX INFELIX, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 13.) 

Poona, October and November. 

Antenne grey, with silvery-white bands; palpi black, with the 
last joint silvery white; eyes black ; wings semihyaline. Body and 
wings pure silvery white; costa, outer margin, and a very faint 
submarginal shade on the fore wings, greyish: otherwise the wings 
are quite unmarked. 

Expanse of wings 38; inch. 

50. Hyria GRATARIA. 
Hyria grataria, Walker, xxii. 663. 
Poona, October. 

51. Hyria voturaria, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 14.) 


Ochreous-red, irrorated with grey. Head and underside of the 
antennee pure white; a black dot at the end of each cell; lines grey, 
indistinct: on the fore wings, antemedial, bent inwards, towards the 
costa; medial and discal upright, both of them extending also across 
the hind wings, where they bend outwardly in the centre ; marginal 
border brownish, dentated ; some submarginal pale marks on both 
wings; fringe pale reddish yellow, interrupted with reddish at the 


end of each marginal tooth. Underside pale reddish grey, with a 
darker medial and submarginal shade ; marginal border whitish. 
Expanse of wings 5°; inch. 

52. ASTHENA URBICA, 0. sp. 

Bombay, July. 

Ochreous, densely irrorated with red; lines red. Fore wings with 
an antemedial nearly upright line, bent inwards near the costa; a 
postmedial mark on the costa, like the commencement of another 
line ; a submarginal line, which is dentated sharply, outwardly, and 
touches the outer margin at one third below the apex, and gradually 
inclines outwardly, terminating at the hinder angle. Hind wings 
with an antemedial and a submarginal line, which also has one tooth 
touching the outer margin below the apex; fringe yellow, inter- 
rupted with brown. 

Underside pale chrome-yellow, with all the lines well defined and 
dark brown, the postmedial line of the fore wings being complete 
and distinct. 

Expanse of wings 745 inch. 

53. ASTHENA TRISTICULA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 17.) 


Pale yellowish, testaceous, irrorated with grey. Head dark brown ; 
thorax and abdomen brown. A blackish dot at the end of the cell in 
each wing ; costa grey ; a medial and a discal grey band across each 
wing, with two patches of the same colour on the fore wings, con- 
necting the discal band with the outer border, at one third below the 
apex and one third above the hinder angle. Hind wing with a 
similar diffuse greyish space on the margin, near the anal angle. 
Underside much paler than the upper side, with the bands and 
markings showing through. 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 

54. ASTHENA QUERULA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 16.) 

Poona, March. 

Reddish ochreous, irrorated with small greyish-brown square 
spots or patches ; a black dot at the end of each cell ; four irregular, 
incomplete, sinuous, pale greyish-brown bands, across all the wings, 
with marginal and submarginal irregular lines, or thin bands, com- 
posed of small square spots of the same colour; fringe a little paler 
than the wing. 

Underside pale yellowish grey; markings brown; a dot at the 
end of each cell; both the wings with a medial complete line, a 
discal, and a submarginal line of dots, and a marginal band. 

Expanse of wings 5%; inch. 


Somatina anthophilata, Guénée, Phal. ii. 11, 907, pl. 18. fig. 2. 
Poona, October. 



Prionia violacearia, Guénée, Phal. i. 144, 231. 

Hemerophila vidhisara, Walker, xxi. 319. 
Bombay, October. 


Poona, October. 

Pale yellow, covered with reddish striz; antenne and palpi 
reddish brown. Head pale yellow; thorax with a diffuse, reddish- 
brown band in front. Wings with a blackish streak at the end of 
each cell ; an antemedial, nearly straight, red line on the fore wings. 
Both wings with a red, discal, slightly waved line, and a red marginal 

Underside paler; marks as above, except that the inner line on 
the fore wings is absent. 

Expanse of wings 15% inch. 

59. Micronia CAUDATA. 
Phalena caudata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 2, 63, 124. 
Belgaum, October. 
60. Micronia ACULEATA. 

Micronia aculeata, Guénée, Phal. ii. 26, 928, pl. 13. fig. 8. 
Poona, July and October. 


: Phalena eleonora, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. p. 172, pl. 288. figs. BE. 
anos July to October. In great plenty. 
Azelina metagonaria, Walker, xxvi. p. 1518. 
Macaria pervolgata, Walker, xxiii. p. 930. 
Poona, October. 

Macaria vasudeva, Walker, xxii. p. 933. 
Bombay, December. 


Macaria myaudaria, Walker, xxvi. p. 1649. 
Matheran, May. 

66. Macaria ZEBRINA. 
Tephrina zebrina, Butler, P. Z. 8. 1883, p. 171. 
Poona, September to February (very plentiful) ; Bombay. 

Macaria strenuataria, Walker, xxvi. p. 1647. 
Poona, October. 

68. Macartia LITHINA. 
Tephrina lithina, Butler, P, Z. S. 1883, p. 171. 
Poona, October. 

Tephrina granitalis, Butler, P. Z. S. 1883, p- 171. 
Poona, September to December. 

70. Macarta BoartA, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 12, ¢.) 

Poona, October. 

Allied to WM. indotata, Walker. 

Greyish white irrorated with chocolate-brown; thorax with the 
collar yellow ; abdomen whitish ; wings with the irrorations densely 
packed in places, forming in the fore wings a dark interrupted line 
along the costa; an inner and a median line, the former bent out- 
wardly, nearly meeting the median line at its centre, and in some 
specimens forming a diffuse brown patch there ; the median line runs 
also across the hind wings, as does also an outer waved line, with 
the space between these two lines whitish in both wings; outside 
the outer line, and touching it, is a diffuse brown band, with 
a black spot in its centre, which is more or less obsolete in some 
specimens and very prominent in others; marginal points brown, 

Expanse of wings 1 inch, 

71. Macaria BOLINA, n. sp. 

Poona, October, November, and December ; Bombay, November. 

Near M. falsaria, Walker. 

Pale bone-coloured, distinctly irrorated with brown and grey atoms, 
a small brown spot at the end of each cell, and black marginal 
points to all the wings ; costal border grey ; male witha central and 
a discal thin band, reddish grey, across both wings ; with a minutely 
sinuated darker line running through the latter; female without the 
central band and with the outer band slightly broader, and with the 
space outside this band of a darker and redder tinge. I have one 
male example which also shows this marginal reddish tinge ; but the 
males are generally without it. 

Expanse of wings 1,3; inch. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LVI. 56 



Poona, October and November. 

Allied to M. falsaria. 

Bone-colour, irrorated and striated with reddish grey ; top of the 
head white; thorax with a brown line in front ; a brown dot at the 
end of each cell; costa of fore wings reddish grey, a broad, nearly 
straight discal band of the same colour across both wings, with the 
space between this band and the outer margin densely irrorated ; 
marginal points black. Underside whitisb, with the dots and band 
showing through. 

Expanse of wings {)—;%; inch. 


Phalena-Geometra sacraria, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2. 863, 220. 
Poona, October. 


Rhyparia transectaria, Walker, xxiv. 1112. 


Zerene fasciaria, Guérin, Voy. Deless. Hist. Nat. p. 96, pl. 26. 
f. 5. 


76. HyBeRNIA HIBERNARIA, D. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 4.) 

Bombay, December. 

Pale purplish grey, densely irrorated with soot-brown; antennz 
black, with the branches grey. Wings with a black spot at the end 
of each cell; the markings, such as they are, are mostly formed by 
the denseness of the irrorations, making the costa and outer third of 
the fore wings dark brownish and showing traces of a medial line on 
the hind wings; the costa is also brown; there is an indication of 
an antemedial and of a medial line, and the marginal band attenuated 
towards the anal angle is fairly well defined. The underside is the 
same as the upper side, with the marginal band of the hind wings 
almost as broad as on the fore wings. 

Expanse of wings 1,4; inch. 

77. LycauGEs ALBATUs, n. sp. (Plate LVI. fig. 5.) 

Poona, October. 

White, suffused here and there with very pale pinkish grey, irro- 
rated with grey and black atoms; antenne white, with pale grey 
branches ; top of the head pure white ; thorax with a black line in 
front. Both wings with the marginal points black, and with a black 
spot or mark at the hinder and anal angles ; fore wings with two 


very faint discal lines. Underside white, with a very faint discal 

Expanse of wings 5%; inch. 

78. EUPITHECIA TESTACEA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 15.) 

Poona, October. 

Pale greyish testaceous, irrorated with brown atoms; fore wings 
with inner, medial, and outer black lines rounded towards the costa 
and bent inwards on to the costal margin ; two black spots on the inner 
line, one on the hinder margin and the other subcostal; costal line 
blackish, two other very faintly indicated lines between the postme- 
dial line and the margin. Hind wings with a black spot on the end 
of the cell; antemedial, postmedial, and outer indistinct lines corre- 
sponding to those on the fore wings, but more sinuous, a blackish 
suffusion in the centre of the antemedial line ; fringe pale yellowish 
with brown spots on the tips. 

s sae ee es 
Expanse of wings -6,—,, inch. 

79. EuUpPITHECIA CONSCENSA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 8.) 

Poona, November and December. 

Pinkish grey, irrorated withblack atoms, top of the head pure 
white : wings with a black dot at the end of each cell ; three dentated, 
incomplete, blackish lines, the first commencing near the base, the 
second in the middle, and the third on the outer two thirds of the 
hinder margin ; the first two meet in the centre of the costa, the 
second one curving inwardly round the black dot, the third ends 
on the outer two thirds of the costa ; there is also a brownish apical 
streak or mark. Hind wings with three hardly dentated lines, the 
first two corresponding to the second and third of the fore wings; 
the last submarginal. Both wings with the marginal points black ; 
fringe pale pinkish with brown spots. 

Expanse of wings =; inch. 

80. EvpIrHEciA BILINEA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 7.) 

Poona, October. Very plentiful. 

Allied to £. immixtaria. 

Pale pinkish grey, irrorated with brown atoms; top of the head 
white ; wings with a black spot at the end of each cell; fore wings 
with two distinct brown, slightly sinuous lines, one antemedial, 
stopping short of the costa, the other postmedial, complete, bent 
inwards near the costa; marginal and submarginal Jines brownish, 

indistinct. Hind wings same as fore wings, except that the ante- 
medial line is wanting. 

Expanse of wings 5; inch. 

81. Erosta THECLATA. 
Erosia theclata, Guénée, Phal. ii. 36. 
Erosia adjutaria, Walker, xxiii. 849. 
Poona, July. 




Orudiza protheclaria, Walker, xxiii. 858. 
Poona, August. 
Phalena-Bombyx palmyra, Stoll, Suppl. Cram. Pap. Exot. v. 
p- 159, pl. 36. fig. 1. 
Matheran, December. 


Hazis malayanus, Guérin, Voy. Delessert, Hist. Nat. p. 89, pl. 23. 
fig. 2. 

Khandalla, December : Matheran, December. 

Both the above fly by day as well as by night. The forests on 
the Matheran mountains, 2000 feet elevation, in December 1877 
were full of both kinds ; they were in wonderful numbers all over 
the forests, flying through the trees, keeping generally to the upper 
parts; for the ten days I remained there the numbers did not appa- 
rently at all diminish. 

Pyralis lucillalis, Walker, xvii. 268. 
Poona, November and December. 

Pyralis gerontesalis, Walker, xix. 890. 
Poona, May; Bombay. 


Endotricha suffusalis, Walker, xvii. 390. 
Poona, June. 


Pyralis tenebrosalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1235. 
Poona, December. 


Poona, May and October. 

Antenne, palpi, head, and abdomen reddish testaceous; thorax 
and fore wings dark red; reniform spot brown; a discal, sinuous, 
reddish-brown line, and the space between this line and the outer 
border paler than the rest of the wing: hind wings whitish testa- 
ceous ; both wings with the marginal border reddish brown, with 
brown marginal points ; fringe pale pinkish luteous, interrupted with 
reddish brown. 

Underside pale reddish testaceous, with the costa of both wings 


reddish ; base of both wings suffused with deep red, with the discal 
line and reniform mark of the fore wings distinctly visible. 
Expanse of wings 1,4, inch. 

90. PyRaLis ROBOREALIs, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 1.) 

Bombay, September. 

Dark rufous-brown ; stout palpi and head pale rufous ; abdomen 
dark brownish black, with paler segmental stripes ; wings irrorated 
with black ; fore wings rufous-brown, shining, with a black reniform 
mark, a black sinuous interior line, inwardly edged with pale pinkish 
testaceous, and an outward black sinuous line, outwardly edged with 
pale pinkish testaceous. Hind wings blackish brown, with an outer, 
pale sinuous line, corresponding to the outer line on the fore wings; 
fringe of both wings pinkish, edged with brown. Underside paler, 
with the markings showing through. 

Expanse of wings 1-1, inch. 

91. Pyrais quisquaxis, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 11.) 

Poona, October. 

Antenne, palpi, and head pale pinkish testaceous, marked with 
brown; thorax rufous-brown; abdomen testaceous: fore wings 
shining, pinkish grey, irrorated with blackish brown, the irrorations 
packed into a diffuse shade near the base; a broad black band occupies 
the centre of the wing, broadly on the costa, bends inwards on its 
outer side, and narrows downwards on to the hinder margin. Hind 
wings whitish testaceous, with a central, incomplete, pale brownish 
line ; marginal points of both wings black. Underside pale pinkish 
testaceous, with the black marginal points very distinct ; a brown 
longitudinal central streak on the fore wings, from the base, joining a 
postmedial incomplete band, which meets it from the costa; hind 
wings with an interior brown spot, and with an incomplete, central, 
pale brown suffused line or band. 

Expanse of wings 9, inch. 

92. PyRALIs ZIZANIALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 12.) 

Bombay, July and September. 

Pinkish-white, suffused with brown ; antennz and palpi brown ; 
head, thorax, and abdomen pinkish white, the abdomen with brown 
segmental bands; fore wings pinkish white, suffused with brown ; 
costal line brown, reniform, with a brown ringlet ; a thin interior, and 
similar submarginal brown band, inclining outwardly, with their 
upper portions curved inwardly to the costa. Hind wings white, 
grey towards the outer border. Both wings with the marginal 
points brown ; fringe interlined brown, white, and brown. 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 

93. PyRALIs XYLINALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVIL. fig. 17.) 

Poona, October. 
Palpi brown; antenne brown above, whitish beneath; head 
rufous; thorax and abdomen blackish ; fore wings deep black, 


shining ; a pure white mark on the costa at one third from the apex, 
a pinkish-white spot on its inner side, a pure white spot on the inner 
side of, and below, this spot ; a pinkish-white straight line, inclining 
outwards from the hinder margin at one third from the base, and 
terminating at one third from the costa ; also a discal, complete, 
sinuous, very indistinct, pale line. Hind wings testaceous, blackish 
towards the outer border. Both wings with the marginal line black; 
fringe interlined, in four parts—whitish, black, whitish, and black. 

Expanse of wings 3% inch. 


Sattara, June. 

Pinkish grey, irrorated with testaceous atoms: fore wings with 
interior and exterior sinuous, black, thick lines, upright, both 
curving outwardly in their centres, the outer line more so than the 
inner, and thickening on the costa. Hind wings whitish towards 
the base, unmarked; marginal points brownish ; fringe pale pinkish 
white. Underside pale pinkish testaceous, shining, unmarked. 

Expanse of wings ;°5 inch. 

95. ARRADE MASSALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 10.) 

Palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings brown, spotted and marked 

with pale pinkish yellow; fore wings with the reniform pinkish 
yellow, lined with a black ring ; three black lines, the first subbasal, 
zigzag, outwardly margined with white, the second antemedial, den- 
tated inwardly near the hinder margin and lined with white on each 
side, the third postmedial, slightly sinuous, bent outwards outside 
the reniform spot, and is outwardly lined with white; a black 
sinuous line between the two last-mentioned lines; a whitish incom- 
plete submarginal line ; some black discal streaks and black marginal 
lunules ; marginal line pale pinkish yellow; fringe brown. Hind 
wings pale pinkish testaceous ; marginal line brown; fringe pale 
pinkish yellow interrupted with brown. 

Expanse of wings 5%; inch. 


Poona, October and November. 

3 pinkish grey; @ yellowish testaceous; abdomen with brown 
segmental bands; fore wings brownish towards the costal portion ; 
reniform spot brown, in some specimens large and distinct, in others 
very small and hardly visible; interior and exterior outwardly 
oblique, thin, brown bands, the latter inclining towards and near the 
apex, both of them turning slightly inwards on to the costa; in one 
example of a male in my collection the outer band is black, rather 
broad, and has a pure white outward margin. Hind wing with a 
discal line corresponding to the outer band of the fore wings. Both 
wings with brown marginal points and with an interlined fringe, white, 
brown, and white. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 3%) inch, 2 1 inch. 


Botys stultalis, Walker, xviii. 669. 

Poona, November and December ; Bombay, November and De- 

Asopia abruptalis, Walker, xvii. 371. 
Poona, December ; Bombay, November. 

Phalena-Pyralis fascialis, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. 236, pl. 398. f. O. 
Sattara, June; Poona, Feb., Aug., and Oct.; Bombay, July to 
A very common insect ; flies by day. 

100. CoPprTroBAsis OPISALIS. 
Desmia opisalis, Walker, xvii. 346. 
Poona, September to December ; Bombay, October and November. 

101. CoproBaAsiIs LUNALIS. 
Botys lunaliz, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 352, 417. 
Bombay, October and November. 

102. CoproBasIs ZNEALIS, n. sp. 

Poona, July; Bombay, July and August. 

Allied to C. opisalis, Walker. 

Pale bronzy black, head and thorax with silvery-grey speckles, 
abdomen with whitish segmental bands; a white interior sinuous 
band, which commences on the abdominal margin of the hind wings, 
near the anal angle, is disjointed at one third from the costa, then 
expands on to the costa in a large white spot, and is lined internally 
on this wing with blackish; it continues unbroken up the fore 
wing, stops short of the costa, and is lined externally on this wing 
with blackish, and this blackish line touches the costa, and this is 
followed on the fore wing by a white subcostal spot close to it ; there 
is a white, sinuous, medial band, which commences one third from 
the abdominal margin, and close to the other band, stops short of 
the costa, then is continued up the fore wing (with one break), stops 
short of the costa, is margined inwardly throughout with blackish, 
except the last disjointed piece near the costa of the fore wings, 
which is margined with blackish on each side, and above this there 
is a minute subcostal white dot ; there is another white discal band 
on the fore wings only, which commences short of the hinder mar- 
gin, expands towards and stops short of the costa, and is margined 
inwardly with blackish. Underside same colour as upper side, with 
the bands less distinct, and the inner band almost obsolete on the 
fore wings. 

Expanse of wings ;8,—1 inch. 


Endotricha rhodophilalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1311. 
Bombay, November. 

Aidiodes inscitalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1297. 
Poona, November. 

Atdiodes effertalis, Walker, xvii. 348. 

Asopia latimarginalis, Walker, xvii. 370. 
Bombay, October. 

Asopia torridalis, Lederer, Wien. Ent. Mon. vii. 342, 457, pl. 6. 
fig. 15. 

Bombay, September. 

This insect does not belong to this genus, it does not properly fit 
into any known genus ; it appears in great quantities in Bombay in 


Leucinodes orbonalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 223, 187. 
Poona, November and March ; Bombay. 


Perinephela ostentalis, Geyer, Zutr. Samml. Exot, Schmett. x. 
417, figs. 833, 644. 

Bombay, September. 

The southern form is uniformly smaller than those taken in the 
north of India; but though so much smaller as to make it look at 
first sight like another species, it proves on examination to be (ex- 
cept in its size) identically the same. 

Botys dilucidalis, Boisd., Guér. Regn. Anim. Icon. Ins. pl. 90. f. 7. 

Cataclysta halialis, Walker, xvii. 447. 
Poona, December. 


Paraponyx affinialis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 278, 259. 
Poona, October. 


Hydrocampa tenera, Butler, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 167. 
Poona, November. 

Hydrocampa depunctalis, Guéneé, Delt. et Pyral. 274, 265. 
Bombay, November. 

115. HypROcAMPA SCITALIS, 0. sp. 

Bombay, September to November. Very common. 

Pure silvery white ; thorax with four or five chocolate-brown spots ; 
head with a similarly coloured mark down its centre ; abdomen with 
black segmental bands. Wings with all the markings chocolate-brown 
and very distinct ; fore wings with orbicular and reniform ringlets, 
a subbasal incomplete double line, an antemedial line across both 
wings, terminating on the costa, inside and close to the orbicular ; a 
discal line on the fore wings, commencing on the costa, at one third 
from the apex, straight across on to the outer margin near the hinder 
angle; it then curves inwardly, touching the bottom of the reniform 
ringlet (which is large, and extends from this line nearly to the 
costa), bends down and touches the hinder margin, at one third from 
the angle, then curves inwardly again, keeping close to the margin, 
and joins the antemedial line on the margin; on the hind wing 
there is also a similar discal line, which commences from the costa, 
at one third from the apex, straight down to the outer margin, above 
the anal angle, then curves upwards and inwards, and joins the 
antemedial line, a little below its centre ; there is also a marginal line 
on both wings. Underside dull white, with the markings indistinct. 

A very beautiful little insect. 

Expanse of wings ;4;—-;% inch. 

116. IsoprERYX ENIXALIS, 0. Sp. 


Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax greyish brown ; thorax spotted 
with white in front, and marked with white on each side; abdomen 
with a duplex brown stripe across each segment. Wings pure white 
marked with brown, the fore wings so thickly marked as to make 
them appear brown, with the base whitish, with two antemedial white 
bands, with reniform and orbicular brown spots, surrounded with 
white, a medial patch of whitish, and brown lines, confused together 
and impossible to describe, and a marginal white band. Hind wings 
white, with an inner incomplete brown diffused band, followed by a 
white line and a thin brown line, all so to speak making one band ; 
an outer thin black line, followed by a white line, then a broad in- 
complete brown band, these three also making one broad discal 
band, the white space between the two bands with a brownish mark 
in the centre. Both wings with marginal spots, and a white fringe. 
Underside white, diffused with brownish in the centre of the fore 

Expanse of wings ;/; inch. 


Zebronia perspicualis, Walker, xxxiv. 1347. 
Poona, July, September, October, and December. 
Zebronia abdicalis, Walker, xvii. 480. 

Zebronia salomealis, Walker, xvii. 476. 
Botys multilinealis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 337, 380. 

Poona, September and October ; Bombay, October and November. 
The larvee feed on the cotton-plant. 


Botys amyntusalis, Walker, xvii. 662. 

Zebronia aurolinealis, Walker, xvii. 478. 


Phalena-Noctua neptis, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 128, pl. 264. f. E. 
Nansinoé neptalis, Hiibner, Verz. Schm. 363, 3466. 

Bombay, September, October, and November. 


Phalena-Pyralis tyres, Cram. Pap. Exot. iii. 124, pl. 263. f. C. 
Pygospila tyresalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 312, 340. 

Poona, July and October ; Bombay, July, August, and November. 


Pygospila costiferalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 313, 341. 
Poona, July and October ; Bombay, October. 

Very plentiful in Bombay in October. 


Ludioptis indica, Saunders, Zool. ix. 3070. 

Poona, August and October ; Bombay, August to November. 
Very common. 
126. Maruca AQuaTILIs. 

Hydrocampa aquatilis, Boisd., Guér. Icon. Régn. Anim. Ins. 
pl. 90. f. 9. 

Poona, September, October, and December. 


127. NoorpDA BLITEALIS. 

Noorda blitealis, Walker, xix. 979. 

Poona, November; Bombay, July and August, October to 

Only one taken in Poona ; very common in Bombay. 


Botys submarginalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1414. 

Bombay, December. 
The only example taken is rather worn, and isa little smaller than 

the type. The submarginal pale line on the fore wings is not ob- 
servable ; but in all other respects it is identical. 

Margarodes conchylalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 303, 317. 
Poona, October and November ; Bombay, September. 

Margaronia phryneusalis, Walker, xviii. 531. 



Margaronia pomonalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 309, 334. 
Poona, October; Bombay, September. 


Margaronia maliferalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1363. 

Bombay, October. 


Margarodes vertumnalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 309, 333. 

Belgaum; Poona, August ; Bombay, August to November. Very 


Botys celsalis, Walker, xviii. 654. 

Poona, July. 


Margaronia brizoalis, Walker, xix. 976. 

Poona, October ; Bombay, November. 


Glyphodes parvalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1355. 


Glyphodes actorionalis, Walker, xvii. 498. 
Bombay, October. 


Glyphodes diurnalis, Guénée, Delt. et-Pyral. 294, 300. 
Bombay, August and September. 

Glyphodes univocalis, Walker, xvii. 499. 

Botys luciferalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1412. 


Pinacia fulvidorsalis, Geyer, Zutr. Samml. Exot. Schm. 15. 322. 
figs. 643, 644. 

Belgaum, September. 

Tlurgia defamatalis, Walker, xviii. 544. 
Bombay, November. 

“ BoTIpID#&.” 
Phalangiodes negatalis, Walker, xvii. 468. 
Bombay, July. 

Rehimena dichromalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1492. 


Astura semifascialis, Walker, xxxiv. 1381. 

Poona, November. 

The type is labelled ‘“‘ Moreton Bay.” This beautiful little insect 
is so distinctly marked, there can be no mistake as to its identity. 

Astura punctiferalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 320, 347. 
Bombay, October. 


Bombay, August. 

Bright chrome-yellow, thorax with a black spot on each side, fore 
legs with black bands; wings with the spots and markings purplish 
brown ; fore wings with a spot on the costa, near the base, a reni- 
form spot, and an antemedial band; hind wing with a subcostal 
spot near the base. Both wings with a discal curved band, and a 
broad marginal band. 

Underside dull pale chrome-yellow, marked same as the upper 


side, except that the spot on the costa of the fore wings and the 
inner band are absent. 

Expanse of wings 154; inch 

148. BoryoDLEs ASIALIs. 

Botyodles asialis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 321, 348. 

Bombay, July to November. 
Very common. I have also a variety from Belgaum, which is pure 
chrome-yellow, without any markings. 

149. Borys PLAGIATALIS. 
Botys plagiatalis, Walker, xviii. p. 673. 
Poona, November. 

150. Borys auREA. 

Botys aurea, Butler, Ill. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. 76, pl. 59. f. 11 

Poona, November; Bombay. 

151. Borys INCOLORALIS. 

Botys incoloralis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 332, 569. 

Poona, September and November; Bombay, September and 

152. Borys 1I0LEALIS. 
Botys iolealis, Walker, xviii. 666. 
Bombay, November. 

153. Borys THYASALIS. 
Botys thyasalis, Walker, xviil. 734. 
Bombay, October. 

154. Borys ABSTRUSALIS. 

Botys abstrusalis, Walker, xviii. 663. 

Poona, July, September, and October ; Bombay, July and Sep- 

155. Borys TROPICALIS. 
Botys tropicalis, Walker, xviii. 670. 

156. Borys PHARISALIs. 

Botys pharisalis, Walker, xviii. 726. 

Poona, September and October. 

The type is marked Moreton Bay; it is a common insect in 

157. Borys sUBLITURALIS. 
Botys sublituralis, Walker, xxxiv. 1452. 
Bombay, October. 


158. Borys ABLACTALIS. 
Botys ablactalis, Walker, xviii. 660. 

Poona, November. 
The only specimen of this fine species taken by me at Poona has 
a distinctly greenish tinge. 

159. Borys 
Botys idyalis, Walker, xix. 996. 
Bombay, November. 

160. Borys EpasTALis, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 13.) 


Allied to B. albifimbrialis, Walker, from Java. 

Ochraceous ferruginous, stout, whitish, and shining beneath ; palpi 
and body white beneath, abdomen extending for one third beyond 
the wings; wings opaque, moderately broad; fore wings with three 
denticulated brown lines, first antemedial complete and nearly 
straight, second medial upright and stopping short of the costa, 
third discal much bent outwardly from the costa, and stops at two 
thirds of the breadth of the wing ; hind wings with two faint lines, 
corresponding to the first and second lines of the fore wings, the 
first line almost invisible, except by a mark near the costa, the second 
more distinct, and very much bent outwardly; all the lines tinged 
with pale reddish outwardly, marginal line pale reddish; fringe 
brown, tipped with white. 

Expanse of wings 1 inch. 


Botys catalaunalis, Duponchel, Lep. de France, viii. p. 330, 
pl. 232, f. 8. 
Botys venosalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1401. 

Poona, September, October, and November ; Bombay, September 
and October. 


Spilodes rhodocryptalis, Walker, xxxiv. 1474. 

Poona, December. 

The type is marked Moreton Bay ; it is a common insect in many 
parts of India. 

Scopula damastesalis, Walker, xix. 1013. 
Poona, October, November, and December. 

164. ScopuLA EXIMIALIS. 

Scopula eximialis, Walker, xxxiv. 1471. 
Bombay, October. 


165. Scopua Forauis, n. sp. (Plate LVIL. fig. 9.) 

Poona, October. 

Pinkish cinereous, body pinkish brown, abdominal segments 
whitish ; wings irrorated with pinkish brown, and with all the mark- 
ings of that colour. Fore wings with a reniform streak, with two 
subcostal spots, one near the centre, and the other on its inner side, 
a mark at the centre of the hinder margin, like the commencement 
of a band, a discal, outwardly bent, thick line, terminating with a 
large spot on the costa; marginal portion of the wing dark, marginal 
points blackish. Hind wings brown, fringe of both wings yellowish. 
Underside very pale pinkish, with a brownish medial band across 
both wings. 

Expanse of wings ,%, inch. 

166. Desa mitvinatis, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 2.) 

Poona, November; Bombay. 

Rufous brown. Fore wings darker brown towards the outer and 
hinder margins ; reniform mark black ; two deep black bands, the 
first, at one third from the base, narrow, rounded outwardly, and 
stops at one third from the hinder margin, the other discal, broad, 
straight, halfway downwards from the costa, then is much bent in- 
wardly and stops short of the hinder margin; marginal line brown ; 
fringe white, with the upper half diffused with brown. Hind wings 
brown, with a central curved line mostly composed of black dots; 
fringe white. Underside pale silvery cinereous, with a medial curved 
line of brown dots running through both wings. 

Expanse of wings 1,4; inch. 

167. GopaRA CoMALIs. 
Pionea comalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral, 368-453. 
Sattara, February. 

Botys pectinicornalis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 326-351. 
Poona, November ; Bombay. 

Lepyrodes geometralis, Guénée, Delt. et Pyral. 278, 271. 
Poona, October ; Bombay. 

Cataelysta elutalis, Walker, xvii. 448. 
Poona, October ; Bombay, November. 

171. MicRosca sTRIATALIS, n. sp. 

Bombay, December. - 

Pale pinkish white, suffused with reddish fawn-colour ; palpi with 
white tips; palpi, antenne, head, and thorax fawn-colour ; thorax 
darkest in front; abdomen pale fawn-colour, with some silvery 


markings on the basal half. Fore wings with the costa dark reddish 
fawn-colour ; both wings suffused with fawn-colour, and covered with 
striations of the same colour, some of which are more or less con- 
nected and form eleven or twelve striated lines across both the wings ; 
reniform whitish in some specimens, with a brown ring in others, 
merely indicated by a black point, sometimes obsolete ; marginal 
points brown ; fringe reddish. Underside with the striations formed 
into regular lines, crossing the wings, and darker than they are 
above. It israther a variable insect. I have one with the striations 
above on the centre of the hind wing blackish, making the wing look 
as if it had a central indistinct band. 
Expanse of wings =°,—;%; inch. 

Pyralis hybridalis, Hiibner, Pyral. 29, 20, pl. 17, f. 114. 
Poona, October, November, and December. 

Very common; a common variety at Poona is reddish-coloured, 
with only very faint tracings of the usual wing-markings. 

173. DosaRA C@LATALIS. 
Dosara celatalis, Walker, xix. 829. 
Poona, February and November. 

174. ScopaRIA ICTERICALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 16.) 

Poona, November and December. 

Yellowish white, irrorated with grey. Fore wings with the irrora- 
tions mostly in streaks, with two outwardly curved lines, one ante- 
medial, the other discal, an indication of another line between these 
two in some specimens; marginal border with the irrorations _ 
thickened into a band, with the inner side dentated. Hind wings 
testaceous, basal portion whitish, marginal points black; fringe 
interlined white and grey. 

Expanse of wings 7% inch. 


fig. 5.) 

Poona, October. 

Antenne and palpi greyish yellow; thorax grey, with.a brown 
band in front ; abdomen whitish. Fore wings greyish yellow, irro- 
rated with grey, with the irrorations intensified into pale streaks on 
the costa, in the centre and on the hinder margin, also some grey 
streaks on the veins, on the marginal border. Hind wings pure 
white, unmarked. 

Expanse of wings 1,2; inch. 

Lamoria planalis, Walker, xxvii. 88. 
Poona, December ; Bombay, November. 



My large collection of Phycide must stand over until M. Ragonot 
publishes his monograph on this genus; nearly all the types from 
private collections in England appear to be now in his possession in 

177. Homa@osoMA GRATELLA. 
Homeosoma gratella, Walker, xvii. 26. 
Poona, October and November ; Bombay. 

178. Hom@osoMa DERASELLA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 19.) 

Poona, September; Bombay, October. 

Reddish cinereous, irrorated with grey ; palpi and head marked 
with white. Fore wings with the costa greyish, with two incom- 
plete blackish bands, inwardly oblique, one antemedial, the other 
medial, both stopping short at one third from the costa, two incom- 
plete, very indistinct, reddish discal lines, absent in some specimens, 
Hind wings whitish grey towards the outer margin ; fringe inter- 
lined white and grey. 

Expanse of wings 38, inch. 

179. NEPHOPTERYX LENTALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 18.) 


Antenne, palpi, head, and thorax dark pinkish grey, marked with 
brown ; abdomen pale grey, with blackish segmental bands. Fore 
wings white, with a slight tinge of pinkish, irrorated with pinkish 
brown atoms, a grey basal band with a black mark in it, a medial 
grey band broad on the hinder margin, and narrowing to the costa, 
with the upper half black, a black apical diffuse streak and a white 
line near the outer margin, crossing the apical streak and running 
through a diffuse blackish band; marginal points black ; fringe 
grey. Hind wings whitish ; marginal line grey ; fringe interlined 
white and grey. 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 


Poona, November. 

Antenne, palpi, head, thorax, and fore wings yellowish brown; 
abdomen grey; hind wings whitish. Fore wings with the costa 
grey, with a broad, diffuse, subcostal grey band, which occupies 
nearly the upper half of the wing and expands on the outer margin, 
having a large spot of the ground-colour of the wings in its centre ; 
hinder margin also suffused with grey. Hind wings whitish, un- 
marked. Underside whitish testaceous, shining, unmarked. 

Expanse of wings 58, inch. 

181. NEPHOPTERYX CREPERALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 20.) 

Poona, October. 
Greyish brown, irrorated with black atoms ; abdomen (especially 
in the female) with whitish segmental lines. Fore wings with the 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LVII. 57 


costa brownish, and with two brown bands, one antemedial, nearly 
straight, the other postmedial, and oblique, ending on the costa 
near the apex; marginal points black ; fringe interlined in five parts 
white and brown. Hind wings paler than the fore wings, with a 
faint postmedial line. Underside testaceous, with a postmedial line 
through both wings. 

Expanse of wings, d1, 9 1,2; inch. 

Homcosoma?? lincusalis, Walker, xxvii. 26. 
Poona, June. 

Chilo cervinellus, Moore, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 581, pl. 34. f. 7. 
Sattara, June; Matheran, May. 

Chilo gratiosellus, Walker, xxx. 967. 
Poona, November ; Bombay, October. 

Chilo interruptellus, Moore, P. Z.8. 1872, p. 581, pl. 34. fig. 5. 
Poona, June. 

Crambus aurifusellus, Walker, xxxv. p. 1756. 
Poona, October. 


Schenobius bisignatus, Zeller, MS. (Coll. B.M.). 

Poona, October. 

Pale yellowish cream-colour, shining, with a slight suffusion of 
pinkish. Fore wings with costa and apex pinkish; costa blackish 
near the base, a black spot at the end of the cell and another above 
the hinder margin, a little inside of its centre. Hind wings white. 
Underside same as upper side but duller. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 355, 2 74-48 inch. 


Catagela admotella, Walker, xxvii. 192. 
Poona, December. 

CHARLTONA, gen. nov. 

Male and female. Fore wings long, narrow, exterior margin 
obliquely convex, posterior margin convex towards the base; cell 
extending two thirds the length; first subcostal emitted at three 
fifths before end of the cell, second and third close to end, third 
bifid ; discocellular slender, inwardly oblique, slightly bent near each 


end, radials from the angles ; middle median at one eighth before 
end of cell, lower at three fifths; submedian straight. Hind wings 
long, exterior margin very oblique, convex, abdominal margin short ; 
cell extending half the length; subcostal curved upward from end 
of cell, and slightly touching the costal; discocellular slender, bent 
outward in middle, lower end longest and very oblique, radial from 
middle of upper end, two upper medians from acute end of cell, 
second from near the end, first or lower at nearly one half before the 
end ; submedian and internal vein wide apart. Body long, slender, 
abdomen slightly tufted at tip; labial palpi porrect, compressed at 
the sides, lanceolate, laxly squamose beneath, extending half their 
length beyond the eyes; maxillary palpi tufted in front; proboscis 
slender ; antenne in male stoutly bipectinated, the branches minutely 
ciliated ; antennz in female setose ; legs moderately slender, middle 
and hind spurs slender. 

189. CHARLTONA KALA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 4, 5.) 

Sattara, June. 

Male and female. Wings glossy. Fore wings fuliginous black. 
Hind wings pale brownish cinereous. Thorax, head, palpi, and fore 
legs fuligincus black; abdomen, middle and hind legs brownish 
cinereous, anal tuft fuliginous brown; antenne ochreous in male, 
black in female. 

Expanse of wings, 61745, 91,5, inch. 

Eromene bella, Hiibner, Tin. f. 69. 
Poona, November. 

Surattha invectalis, Walker, xxvii. p. 76. 
Sattara, June; Poona, June. 


Poona, October and November; Bombay, September and No- 
vember. In great quantities at Poona. 

Allied to C. desistalis, Walker. Pinkish white, irrorated with 
grey and black atoms. Fore wings with the irrorations (which are 
always darker and denser in the male than in the female) making 
the costal portion dark, and forming two irregular, diffuse, very 
oblique bands across the wing, one before the middle and the other 
beyond it, and running up to the apex; there is sometimes also a - 
black dot at the end of the cell. Hind wings pure white. Under- 
side pure white, with some diffuse grey colour in the interior of the 
fore wings of the male ; pure white and unmarked in the female. 

Expanse of wings, ¢ 3-1 inch, 2 152,-1,°5 inch. 

Chilo chrysographella, Kollar, Hiigel’s Kaschmir. p. 494 (1848). 

Poona, September and October. 


194. JARTHEZA OBSTITELLA, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 3, 2 .) 

Poona, June. 

Allied to the preceding. Yellowish fawn-colour ; antennz black, 
two black stripes on each tegula; abdomen and hind wings pure 
white. Fore wings with the costa black, a straight whitish silvery 
uniform stripe in the centre of the wing, from the base to one third 
from the outer margin; a black stripe adjoining and below this, 
and extending in a fine point to the outer margin, and with a break 
in it about the end of the white stripe ; there are also some blackish 
diffuse stripes above the white stripe, and some more on the outer 
portion of the wing; a sinuous interrupted, duplex, black band rear 
the outer margin, a row of black, submarginal spots, and a black 
marginal line, which goes round the angle and extends a short way 
in the hinder margin. 

Underside white, with the interior of the fore wings suffused with 
pale brownish. 

Expanse of wings 154; inch. 

195. MErastIa CANDIDULALIS, n. sp. (Plate LVII. fig. 6.) 

Poona, September. 

Allied to M. lactealis, Felder, pl. 137. fig. 38. Pure white ; 
fore wings with a black spot in the centre; base of costa also 
black ; some very fine grey irrorations here and there in the 
wing, also a few very minute black specks; an antemedial line, 
composed of three pale orange spots, a discal incomplete, very faint 
orange-coloured line, commencing with two faint orange spots near 
the hinder margin, a submarginal line of faint orange-coloured spots 
more or less joined together. Hind wings unmarked. 

Underside unmarked, with the interior of the fore wings suffused 
with brownish. 

Expanse of wings ;®, inch. 


Earias chromotaria, Walker, xxvii. p. 204. 
Bombay, November. 


Earias frondosana, Walker, xxvii. p. 204. 

A yellow variety, with the green medial stripe on the fore wings 
absent. Is common at Poona in October, November, and December. 
Larvee feed on cotton-pods. 

Earias simillima, Walker, xxxv. p. 1775. 

Poona, October and December, 
One specimen of this pretty little insect taken in October 1882, 
and one in December 1883. 


Earias tristrigosa, Butler, P. Z.S. 1881, p. 614. 

This paper concludes my list of the Lepidoptera of Bombay and 
the Deccan. Asalready stated, I am indebted to Lord Walsingham 
for working out the specimens of Tortricide and Tineina. 

Subfam. TortTRiciDz. 
Cacacia, Hb. 

200. CacascIA MICACEANA. 

Caceecia micaceana, Walker, xxviii. p. 314. 

Poona, November. 

One female from Poona, very similar in appearance to Cucccia 
podana, Sc., but differing from that species in possessing a strong 
tuft of stout closely-set scales on the costal margin of the hind 

I have in my own collection three males and four females collected 
by the Rev. J. H. Hocking at Dharmsala in the Punjab. The males 
also greatly resemble the European C. podana, and are, indeed, less 
distinguishable from that species than the females, as they lack the 
structural characters above referred to, differing only in their rather 
smaller size and less brightly coloured hind wings. The type in the 
British Museum is a female, which is more conspicuously marked on 
the fore wings, but has the characteristic tuft on the hind wings 
strongly developed. Mr. Hocking, to whom I am also indebted 
for a specimen of the larva, informs me that it lives between the 
leaves of Quercus alba. 



Dichelia retractana, Walker, xxviii. p. 322. 

Bombay, October. 

A single male is in the collection of Mr. F. Moore, from Ceylon, 
and a female in Colonel Swinhoe’s collection, from Bombay. I have 
also a single male from the Rev. J. H. Hocking, taken at Dharmsala. 
Walker’s specimen in the British Museum is from Australia, and is 
undistinguishable from the Ceylonese and Indian examples. 

Puycopes, Gn. 
Phycodes hirudinicornis, Guénée, Noct. ii. pp. 389, 1249. 
Tegna hyblaella, Walker, xxxv. 1810. 
I have also received the species, with its larva, from the Rev. J. H. 

Hocking from Dharmsala. According to the evidence afforded by 
the structure, appearance, and habits of the larva, which has been 


lately figured by Mr. Moore in his ‘Lepidoptera of Ceylon,’ 
Guénée (‘ Histoire Naturelle des Insectes,’ vi. 389) rightly indicates 
its affinities by the words “Tortrix voisine des Endopisa.’ I am 
indebted to Mr. Moore for the suggestion that Guénée’s species is the 
same as Tegna hybleella, Walker, which is undoubtedly the case. 
Mr. Hocking states that the larva feeds on various leaves, partially 
rolling and connecting them with silk. The pupa, which has the 
segments strongly serrated, is enclosed in an irregular-shaped cocoon ; 
and when the perfect insect is developed, the empty pupa-case is 
found protruding from the cocoon after the manner of the typical 
Tortricide. (This species has been wrongly placed in the Noctuide 
and in the Choreutidee by different authors.) 

DicurorampnHa, Guén. 

Tortrix subsequana, Haworth, Stephens; Wood, f. 1021. 

Poona, October. 

Ten specimens, all in poor condition, from Poona, some of which 
are undistinguishable from D. subsequana, Haworth, but probably 
belonging to more than one distinct species. In a genus in which 
many species present such minute differences of colour and markings, 
it would only add to the difficulty of study to attempt to describe 
any but the very best specimens. 


Alavona barbarella, Walker, xxviii. 515. 

Poona, May and June. 

Nine males and one female, labelled “ Alavona cossinella, Walk.,”’ 
but agreeing better with the type of A. barbarella. It is doubtful 
whether the two species are really distinct, some of the larger and 
more clearly marked males approaching very closely to certain vari- 
eties of A. cossinella. The markings, however, are for the most part 
less clearly defined, the central shade being projected upwards towards 
the apex of the fore wings rather than towards the anal angle. The 
fore wings appear to be somewhat narrower, and the difference is 
also noticeable in the females. 


Alavona cossusella, Walker, xxxv. 1816. 

Poona, May, June, and July. 

Ten males from Poona, labelled ‘‘ Alavona intermediella, Walk.,” 
and ten males, three females, Poona and Mhow, labelled “ Alavona 
cossusella, Walk.,” appear to me to belong, without exception, to the 
latter species. 


206. TINEA SACERDOs, 0. sp. 

Bombay, July. 

Head, palpi, and antennze pale ochreous, the latter nearly as long 


as the fore wings. Thorax dull purplish fuscous, with a tuft of 
bright yellow ochreous scales posteriorly. Fore wings dull purplish 
fuscous, cilia the same. Hind wings shining bright purple, the costal 
margin thickly scaled, pale ochreous, fringes bronzy brown ; a fringe 
of bronzy-brown scales along the basal half of the first vein. Ab- 
domen bright yellowish ochreous. Legs and anal tuft pale ochreous. 
Underside of all the wings shining purple. 

Expanse 33 millim. 

A single specimen in Col. Swinhoe’s collection, also from Bombay, 
appears to be allied to the large horn-feeding African species 
known as Tinea vastella, Zeller. 

Hapsirera, Zeller. 
Drosica? deviella, Walker, xxviii. 520. 
Poona, October and November. In great plenty. 

Strongly resembles Hapsifera luridella, Zeller, but is lighter in 
colour and has paler hind wings. 


Crrostoma, Latr. 

208. CeROSTOMA RUGOSELLA, Stainton. 

Poona, October and December ; Bombay, September. 

Three specimens from Bombay and Poona agree with Mr. Stain- 
ton’s description, but I am yet doubtful whether they are rightly 
identified as belonging to this species, of which I have not seen 
the type. 

Note.—This species may possibly constitute the type of a 
new genus, which would also include Morophaga’? barbarata of 

Hyponomeuta, Zeller. 


Hyponomeuta malinellus, Zeller, Isis, 1844, p. 220. 

Poona, December. 

A single specimen from Poona is  robably the same species 
noticed by Christoph under this name (Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. x. 
p- 51) as occurring in North Persia. The markings are disposed 
exactly as in European specimens, but the unusually dark colour, 
much darker than any variety I have before seen, is very remark- 

Corinea niviguttella, Walker, p. 542. 


Fam. Cry pTOLECHIAD2, Meyrich. 

DeEprEssarRiA ? 
211. DepREssARIA SWINHOEI, Butler, P. Z.S. 1883, p. 174. 

Poona, October. 

There are five specimens in the collection: they have not the 
depressed bodies of the genus Depressaria, from which the neuration 
of the hind wings also serves to separate them. The junction of 
veins 6 and 7 of the hind wings would place them, according to 
Mr. Meyrich’s system of classification, in the Cryptolechiade : but 
the name of this family should perhaps be altered, for I find on 
examining the type of Zeller’s Cryptolechia straminella from South 
Africa, which is the original type of the genus, veins 6 and 7 of the 
hind wings are not even closely approximated at the base, but run 
nearly parallel as in Depressariade and (cophoridee. 

Binsitta, Walker. 
Binsitta niviferana, Walker, xxix. 832. 
Bombay, October. One female. 


Bombay ; Poona, April. Reared from Cawnpore cotton. 

Palpi long, recurved, the second joint smoothly sealed, not tufted, 
pale ochreous, dull umber-brown externally over two thirds of the 
length of the second joint. 

Head, antennee, thorax, and fore wings dark umber-brown, with 
two inconspicuous darker spots, the first above and before the 
middle ; the second equidistant from the costal and dorsal margins, 
at the end of the cell. Abdomen and hind wings pale cinereous (fore 
and hind wings rather shining) ; legs pale cinereous. 

Expanse, ¢ 15 millim., 9 18 millim. 



Head, palpi, and antennze cinereous. Fore wings fawn-coloured 
at the base and along the dorsal margins, slightly mottled towards 
the apex with the darker shading; a large diffuse fuscous costal 
blotch stretches from the basal third of the wing nearly to the apex, 
and contains a few raised fuscous scales, especially towards its inner 
margin, it is interrupted on the costa beyond the middle by an 
elongate narrow cinereous space. Hind wings are purplish iridescent 
along their central space, where the scales are very thin, but brownish 
around the margins, which are more thickly covered ; fringes dull 
cinereous. Legs and abdomen pale cinereous. 

Expanse 15 millim. 

This species is closely allied to Chelaria conscriptella, Hiibn., 


and is the first of this genus described from India. It is repre- 
sented by a single specimen in Colonel Swinhoe’s collection from 

AcrpTiLiA, Hiibner. 

Pterophorus oxydactylus, Walker, xxx. 944. 

Poona, September and December. Common. 

Undistinguishable from Pterophorus oxydactylus, Walker, from 
Ceylon. Under Walker’s name P. congrualis from India are two 
distinct species. The second specimen is at least very closely allied to 
P. oxydactylus, apparently differing only in the markings of the upper 
side of the abdomen, but the first and third specimens have dark 
spots in the cilia of the dorsal margin of the fore wings and probably 
belong to the genus Mimescoptilus. Col. Swinhoe’s specimens have 
white marks on the legs as in P. owydactylus. 

216. AcipPTiLIA ATOMOSA, 0. sp. 


Head, thorax, palpi, and antenne dull fawn-colour, the latter with 
a slender dark fuscous streak along their upper side towards the 

Fore wings dull fawn-colour, sprinkled with dark fuscous scales 
except along the costal portion of the wing. The anterior lobe has 
three dark fuscous spots on its costal margin at the base of the 
fringes, the first at about one third of its length from the base of the 
cleft ; the other two closely approximate to each other about half 
way between the first and the apex of the wing. The fringes are 
very slightly paler than the wings, and are thickly speckled with dark 
fuscous dots beneath the apical portion of the anterior lobe and on 
both sides of the apex of the posterior lobe. In the fringes on the 
dorsal margin about the middle is a group of dark fuscous spots. 

Hind wings pale fawn-brown, cleft to more than half their length, 
between the first and second lobes. On the dorsal margin of the 
third lobe is a row of dark fuscous dots along the middle of the 
fringes. Abdomen dull fawn-colour, with scarcely paler inconspicuous 
bands at the junction of the segments. Legs dull fawn-colour, with 
paler spurs ; along the underside of each spur runs a dark fuscous 
line, and on the two anterior pairs of legs these lines are continued 
along the whole length of the legs themselves. 

Expanse 20 millim. 


Puats LVI. 

. Ephyra quieta, p. 856. 

P Chitkon tiene p. 853. 

. Boarmia gleba, p. 853. 

. Hyhernia hibernaria, p. 862. 
. Lycauges albatus, p. 862. 

. Lodis quantula, p. 855. 

. Geometra aperta, p. 855. 


TID CUR Gobo e 



. Comibena glareosa, p. 855. 
. Thalera obnupta, p. 855. 

. Lphyra fluidaria, p. 856. 

. Idea grandicularia, p. 858. 
. Macaria boaria, 3, p. 861. 
. Lanclopteryx infelix, p. 858. 
. Hyria volutaria, p. 858. 

15. Idea idearia, p. 857. 

. Asthena querula, p. 859. 
. — tristicula, p. 859. 

Pratt LVII. 

. 1. Pyralis roborealis, p. 865. 

. Deba milvinalis, p. 875. 
. Lartheza obstitella, 2 , p. 880. 
. Charltona kala, 3, p. 879. 

. Metasia candidulalis, p. 880. 
. Lupithecia bilinea, p. 863. 

5. Melissoblaptes depressellus, p. 876. 

: conscensa, p. 863. 
. Scopula fotalis, p. 875. 

10. Arrade massalis, p. 866. 

. Pyralis quisqualis, p. 865. 
zizanialis, p. 865. 

13, Botys epastalis, p. 874. 
14. Idea chotaria, p. 858. 
15. Eupithecia testacea, p. 863. 
16. Scoparia ictericalis, p. 876. 

. Pyralis xylinalis, p. 865. 

18. Nephopteryx lentalis, p. 877. 
19. Homeosoma derasella, p. 877. 
20. Nephopteryx creperalis, p. 877. 

2. Contribution to the Comparative Osteology of the 

Trochilide, Caprimulgide, and Cypselide. By R. W. 
Suuretpt, M.D., Captain Med. Dept. U.S. Army., 
M.A.O.U., Memb. Soc. Nat. E.U.S., Memb. Philoso- 
phical, Anthropological, and Biological Societies of 
Washington, &c. 

[Received September 16, 1885.] 

(Plates LVIII.—LXL.) 

As our knowledge of the structure of birds widens, it becomes 
more and more evident to taxonomists that ornithology nowhere 
presents a more unnatural order than the Picarie. Of late years 
authors candidly confess that the families arranged under this head 
constitute merely a provisional grouping, though at the same time 
the classification as it now stands must be retained until such light 
as morphology brings to bear is sufficiently strong to disperse this 
artificial assemblage and relegate its members to their several and 
normal positions in the system. 

So far as our American avifauna is concerned, it has always 

PrZis. 1885. Pl hye 

RWSbufldt . dal J. Smit hth, 


RW.Shufaldt oel J.Sanit lith Hanhart imp. 


RW.Shuteldt del . Soils hth 


Vea Secs kee 


PZ... 1660, Pl. ie 

J Smit lith. Hanhart imp. 



seemed to me, as it no doubt has to others, that the grouping 
together of the Humming-birds, Goatsuckers, and Swifts, is an 
evident confession of weakness on our part, besides being on the face 
of it a very decided violence done to natural taxonomy and the science 
of ornithology. As I look over the material before me, the discussion 
of which will make up the body of the present paper, the fact is 
strongly impressed upon my mind that the result of the study will 
prove to be more of a contribution to the differences to be found 
among the skeletons of the Macrochires, than it will afford sufficient 
data to place any of the forms in question in their proper places in 
the system ; though I hope it may, in the end, prove to be a step in 
that direction also. 

I am confident that this latter will not be satisfactorily accom- 
plished in the case of the Picarian birds until we not only have 
a pretty thorough knowledge and understanding of their structure 
in its entirety, but an equally complete comprehension of the mor- 
phology of a number of the groups that are known to approach them 
in one particular or another. 

To review the characters presented in the Trochilidine skeleton— 
for many of the important ones are already known to us—T'rochilus 
alexandri affords a very good type. I have at hand a perfect 
skeleton of this Humming-bird, collected and prepared by myself for 
the purpose. 

Of the Skuil of Trochilus (Plate LVIII. figs. 1, 2, 3).—Viewing 
this part of the skeleton from above, we find that the superior 
mandible has a length of something less than two thirds of the 
medio-longitudinal axis (fig. 1). It is nearly flat in its anterior 
moiety, being much compressed from above downwards, narrow, 
rounded at the apex, and of nearly equal width throughout, and 
slightly decurved, for this part of its extent. The posterior half of 
the superior mandible is broad at the base, and gradually tapers 
forwards to merge into the portion just described; sutured traces 
among the bones here have all been completely absorbed; the ex- 
ternal narial apertures are very capacious, though an attempt on the 
part of the nasal processes of the premaxillary to diminish their size 
is evidently made. This effort is to be detected in the horizontal 
osseous outgrowth on either side from these parts, which if it had 
been more extensive and produced, as it is in some birds, would have 
succeeded in creating narial openings, as in the majority of the class. 
As it is, however, in this Humming-bird a knife-blade may be carried 
from the foot of the nasal on the upper side of the maxillary and 
dentary process of the premaxillary, in contact with them to near 
the tip of the latter, without coming in contact with the bone above, 
if the knife be properly inclined at a right angle (figs. 1, 2, 3a). 
This is well seen in some Limicoline birds, as in Numenius longirostris, 
though in them the osseous outgrowth @ referred to, is not developed }. 

? See author’s osteology of NW. longirostris, &c., in the Journal of Anatomy 
and Physiology for Oct. 1884, plate iy. fig. 3, and his meaning will be clear, 
Here, however, the bones simply rest against each other, though they would 
allow the passage of a knife-blade from 7 to &. 


The lacrymo-frontal region is very broad transversely in Trochilus, 
and presents a deep and well-defined triangular depression in the 
median line, with its apex directed to the front. Posterior to this 
the vault of the cranium mounds up, smooth and semiglobular. A 
median furrow marks this part of the skull, which divides behind, to 
have its branches pass on either side of the supraoccipital prominence 
forming its lateral boundaries. In life these creases lodge the re- 
curved and delicate extremities of the hyoidean apparatus. 

The superior orbital peripheries are somewhat tilted upwards in 
this skull, for their posterior moieties (fig. 1). 

In the side view, as shown in fig. 2, the peculiar conformation of 
the superior mandible is still better seen. This aspect also affords 
us a good opportunity to see the position of the vomer Vo, and its 
relation to the surrounding bones. 

A nasal is a delicate and quite straight bar of bone, which descends 
at an angle of about 45° to meet the usual elements below and 
merge into them. Above, it forms the rounded posterior margin of 
the narial opening, thus constituting the holorhinal type of structure 
as described by Mr.’ Garrod ’. 

The antorbital plate, or the ‘‘ pars plana,”’ is an enormously enlarged 
mass of bone, which has indistinguishably incorporated with it the 

This extraordinary development may be seen in all of the views 
of the skull of Trochilus which illustrate this paper, and its form 
easily studied. Anteriorly, it is convex from above downwards, 
being correspondingly concave in a similar direction posteriorly. 
Above, it rises toa greater height than the margin of the orbit, 
while below it rests upon the maxillary and jugal bar. Its lateral 
extension is nearly equal to that of the brain-case behind. Now 
although this gives to the anterior wall of the deeply excavated 
orbit a nearly unbroken surface, being pierced alone by a minute 
foramen for the passage of the olfactory nerve, it is more than can 
be said for its posterior surface, which latter is almost completely 
deficient in an osseous partition separating the orbital cavity from the 
brain-case. This deficiency is so far extended forwards as to include 
the hinder portion of the interorbital septum. It will be seen by 
referring to fig. 2 that this latter is of very limited extent, as the 
lower notch there shown denotes the point where the optic nerve 
issues from the cranium. With the exception of a minute span of 
bone behind, the groove that lodges the olfactory nerve on its 
passage through the orbit is an open one, and leads directly to the 
foramen in the pars plana, already described. 

The guadrate of this Hummer is an exceedingly curiously formed 
bone, while its method of articulation is equally unique among birds, 
so far as I am aware, being extended, when im situ, nearly in the 
horizontal position between its mastoidal and quadrato-jugal 

Its mandibular foot presents for examination two transverse and 
very narrow facets, a similar number being awarded to its mastoidal 

1 P.Z. 8. 1873, pp. 33-38. 


end. Quite a prominent peg-like process is developed to receive 
the excavated end of the corresponding pterygoid. The “ orbital 
process ” is much reduced and inconspicuous, and the entire bone is 
thoroughly pneumatic. 

Many points of uncommon interest present themselves for our 
examination upon the under view of the skull of Zrochilus. They 
are all clearly shown in my drawing of these parts (Plate LVIII. 
fig. 3). Anteriorly, we observe, underlying the lateral margins of the 
premaxillary, its slender and free dentary processes, each fusing 
behind with a similarly delicate rod of bone sent forward on the part 
of either maxillary (Pm). 

We find that this last-named element developes a broad maxillo- 
palatine process, which latter portion is carried far forward as a free 
lamella of bone with pointed apex, while the maxillary proper becomes 
continuous with the dentary rod of the premaxillary in the method 
already described. 

A wide interval separates, in the median space, the mazillo-pala- 
tines (Mzp), within which the vomer (Vo) is plainly to be seen. 
This last bone is deeply cleft behind, where it rides the very large 
rostrum, while anteriorly it is produced as the finest imaginable 
spiculi-form prolongation’. The posterior vomerine limbs are above 
the palatines, each one extending backwards nearly to the pterygoidal 
articulation on either side. Adopting the admirable nomenclature 
for the different parts of the palatine bone proposed by Prof. Huxley, 
we find that the body of the bone, being flat and horizontal, lacks 
the prominent interval and external Jamine found in many birds, its 
outer margin being produced forwards as a very narrow strip of 
bone to underlap the maxillo-palatine of the same side, and indistin- 
guishably fused with it, at a point about opposite the anterior apex 
of the vomer. The inner palatine margin, for its anterior moiety, is 
produced forwards as a free apophysis shutting out from our sight, 
upon this aspect of the skull, the corresponding vomerine limb. 
This latter is applied to the ‘ aseending process,” the inner margin 
of which is that part of the palatine bone which rests against the 
sphenoidal rostrum. The “ postero-external angle” is, in Trochilus, 
reduced to nil, as already hinted ; the outer margin of the palatine is, 
from head to anterior ending, nearly a straight line. 

A considerable interval exists between the palatines in the middle 
space, and, indeed, these bones do not come in contact with each 
other anywhere throughout their extent. 

Posteriorly, the palatine head articulates with the pterygoid ina little 
pit that occupies the summit of a well-marked elevation developed on 
the part of the rostrum beneath the point of meeting of these elements. 

* Professor Husley states, injhis “Classification of Birds” (P. Z. 8. April 11th, 
1867), that ‘‘ Trochilus has the true Passerine yvomer, with its broad and trun- 
cated anterior, and deeply cleft posterior end. I have not yet been able to 
obtain a perfectly satisfactory view of the structure and arrangement of the 
palatine bones in the Humming-birds.” I must believe from the statement 
made in the latter half of the quoted paragraph that the skull in Prof. Huxley’s 

hands was ‘an imperfect one, and that the delicate vomer I haye described above 
was broken off, leaying only the broad base referred to by him. 


A pterygoid is a delicate and nearly straight rod of bone, articu- 
lating with the palatine in the manner just described, and with the 
corresponding quadrate by means of a cup-and-ball joint, the latter 
element developing the convexity for the purpose. 

The rostrum is transversely very broad behind, where it is likewise 
longitudinally excavated. As it is produced forwards, however, it 
ascends, becoming gradually narrower, convex from side to side, to 
finally abut against the under aspect of the cranio-facial region, 
where we find that its anterior margin has at last attained a sharp 
edge. It is unnecessary to add, that this latter portion of the 
rostrum is made up of the ethmoidal bone, the two imperceptibly 
merging into each other in the Humming-birds. 

Some of the characters thus far described, as they are found to 
exist at the under side of the skull of Trochilus, are curiously 
suggestive of the struthious type of structure, more especially the 
exposed and broad rostrum behind, and the method of finishing off 
of the maxillaries and maxillo-palatines in front. TT. alexandri has 
the basi-temporal region of its skull very deep, and wide from side 
to side. It is pierced at about the usual sites by foramina for nerves 
and vessels to find their exit from, and others to enter the cranial 
casket. The plane of the foramen magnum is nearly coincident 
with that of the basis cranii; and this aperture is very large compara- 
tively, and of a broad elliptical outline. On the other hand, the 
condyle is notably minute in its dimensions, and of a hemispheroidal 

The mandible of the Alexander Humming-bird is seen upon lateral 
view in Plate LVIII. fig. 2. It will be observed that it is quite 
as delicately fashioned as the remaining half of the beak above. Its 
hinder fourth is bent downwards, and a well-marked ramal vacuity 
exists. Viewed upon its superior aspect, this bone has a very acute 
V-shaped outline, with rather a long symphysis, which latter is 
excavated in the longitudinal direction above. Lither articular end 
presents a very shallow facet on its upper side; behind, its angle is 
truncated, while the in-turned processes of the ramal limbs at this 
extremity are well developed and point directly towards each other, 
being perpendicular to the median plane. This bone is largely 

The elements of the hyobranchial apparatus are absolutely fila- 
mentous in character, the greatly lengthened thyro-hyals curving 
well up behind the occiput, after the style of some Woodpeckers. 
The first basi-branchial is very long and straight, while the second 
one is reduced to a mere rudiment ; both are independent bones and 
the heads of the ceratobranchials articulated at the sides, where they 
meet each other. 

a ceratohyals and glossohyal do not ossify in this Humming- 

Having examined the skeleton of Trochilus thus far, I will now 
briefly present the characters of the same part as they are found in 
the two remaining groups, taking up the Goatsuckers first. After 
that, it is my intention to discuss the balance of the axial skeleton 


for each type, and conclude the descriptive part of the paper with 
a comparison of the bones of the limbs. Finally, analytical tables 
will be presented contrasting the essential osteological characters of 
the several forms that have been examined. 

Of the Skull in certain Caprimulgine Birds (Plate LIX. figs. 
1-4).—It is hardly necessary tor me to say that the skull of any 
Nightjar is as different from that part of the skeleton in Trochilus 
as this structure can well be in any two existing types of birds. 
Indeed, so great are the differences, and extended to so many of the 
parts, that I do not feel called upon to institute a comparison between 
the two—as this can better be done by the reader for himself from 
the figures in the Plates—but simply present here a description of 
the more important of these characters, comparing them, so far as 
my material will permit, with forms more or less nearly related, as 
well as with the corresponding characters as they occur in several 
species of the group. 

To this end my material affords a full series of skeletons of the 
several representatives of the genus Chordediles and some excellent 
skeletons of Phalenoptilus nuttalli. 

Regarding the skull of OC. ¢ewensis from a lateral view (fig. 1), 
we are struck with the peculiarly arched culmen formed by the 
median portion of the premaxillary, which is simply a delicate, 
laterally compressed rod connecting the mid point of the basal 
region with the apex of the beak. Such a condition is approached also 
by many Swifts; and in Nuttall’s Whippoorwill the valley which 
is found on either side of this arch harbours the peculiar tubular 
nostril of that bird. 

The superior mandible, as a whole, is somewhat decurved, with 
cultrate margins. 

A lacrymal isa large and freely articulated bone; above, its upper 
surface contributes no little amount to the general frontal area. 

In this latter region its inner margin is convex and closely applied 
throughout its extent to the opposed concave edge of the combined 
frontal and nasal elements. Mesially and on the anterior wall of the 
orbit, the lacrymal rests upon the upper border of the pars plana, 
while on its outer aspect it presents a longitudinal and shallow 
groove. Its lower part is foot-like in form, directed backwards, and 
is in contact with the maxillary bar. 

The form and method of articulation of the lacrymal in P. nuttalh 
is essentially the same as in the last species; but its descending limb 
has its foot portion T-shaped, and the anterior or heel-process is 
lodged in the broader part of the maxillary bone. 

The orbital cavity in the Caprimulgide is particularly notable for 
the completeness of its bony walls. It is large among the Whippoor- 
wills, but very strikingly so in the Night-hawks. 

So far as I have examined the interorbital septum, it is very thick 
from side to side, though composed of a delicate diploic tissue, which 
is continuous in structure with that found about the brain-case and 

in the ethmoidal region, it all being overlain by a firm compact 


A perfectly circular and small foramen rotundum opens separately 
into each orbit, and the other nerves have independent orifices. 

In C. tewensis the hinder part of the palatine with the broad 
pterygoid form quite a complete orbital floor (figs. 1 and 4), the 
Whippoorwills not being quite so fortunate in this particular. 

The pars plana is always large and generally of a quadrilateral 
form, its outer margin being concave outwards. It constitutes a 
very efficient wall between the orbital and nasal cavities. 

The track of the olfactory nerve is an open groove for its entire 
length, this branch passing directly over the free margin of the 
pars plana, close to the ethmoid, in the recess between the nasal and 
frontal bones. 

I find the postero-superior periphery of the margin of the orbit 
to be sharp and raised in the Texas Nightjar, which is not the case 
in the Whippoorwills, where it is somewhat rounded and never 
tilted above the general frontal superficies. 

Throughout the group we always see a slender and fragile quadrato- 
jugal bar. In Chordediles it curves gently upwards to meet the 
maxillary portion, the articulation between the jugal and maxillary 
in these birds being a very feeble one, and always coming away early 
during maceration. This latter does not apply to the Whippoorwills, 
in which forms we find the quadrato-jugal portion of the bar nearly 
horizontal, while the maxillary descends to meet the anterior end, 
the two uniting firmly at a rounded angle at this point, with the 
convexity directed outwards (fig. A, p. 893). 

C. texensis possesses a peculiarly formed os quadratum, it being 
very much compressed in the antero-posterior direction, slightly 
twisted upon itself, and a completely aborted orbital process. The 
mastoidal head develops two facets, which are barely separated from 
each other ; the outer is long, is placed transversely, and is reduced 
almost to knife-edge proportions; the inner is triangular, being 
directed upwards, backwards, and inwards. 

The mandibular facets are also two in number. They have an 
oblique position on the foot of the bone, with the hinder end of the 
inner one outermost, a deep, oblique valley separating the two. 

Viewing the skull of Chordediles from above (Plate LIX. fig. 3), 
we have another good opportunity to see the peculiar form of the 
premaxilla (Pmz). We also note that this Goatsucker has the 
holorhinal type of structure, the nasal being quite broad. In 
Phalenoptilus, however, these latter bones are different, being slender 
rods of bone, and considerably longer than they are in the Texas 

Throughout the group, we are enabled to see, upon this aspect of 
the skull, the upper and anterior surface of the maxillo-palatines 
(Pmzx) through the open space between the maxillary and pre- 

In Chordediles the frontal region of the skull is somewhat de- 
pressed, while the cranial vault is quite dome-like in contour, 
Here, again, a marked difference is presented by the Whippoorwills, 
where the convexity is general, not nearly so decided, and in them 


too a strong, median, longitudinal groove traverses this part of the 

Whippoorwills have a far more compressed skull, in the vertical 
direction, than the Night-hawks ; and there is a great deal about this 
part of the skeleton in them that reminds one of the skull of some 
of the Owls. 

Turning to the under side of the skull of Chordediles (as shown 
in Plate LIX. fig. 4) we find the well-developed maaillo-palatines 
(Mzxp) in contact with each other for their entire lengths in the 
median line. In very old Night-hawks this close union finally 
results in anchylosis, thus producing a perfect direct desmognathous 
condition of type of palatal structure in these birds. The broad 

ie \. J 

Under view of the Skull of Caprimulgus ewropeus ( X 2) (after Huxley). 

Pmx, premaxillary ; Mexp, maxillo-palatine ; Vo, vomer; Pl, palatine ; 
Pt, pterygoid. 

and long vomer (Vo), with its median carination beneath, merges 
with the palatines posteriorly, while in front its free tip just rests 
in a notch found at the middle point of the apposed maxillo- 
palatines behind. 
Nuttall’s Whippoorwill exhibits a very different condition of these 
parts from this; in it we find the maxillo-palatines are well 
separated from each other in the median line, and fail to come in 
contact with the vomer above them. ‘This latter bone is even 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LVIII. 58 


broader than in the Texan Nightjar, being rounded in front, but 
otherwise agreeing very well with that bird. 

In fact in all essential details, so far as the osseous structures at 
the base of the skull are concerned Phalenoptilus agrees with the 
sane parts as shown by Professor Huxley in his figure of Capri- 
mulgus europeus, in his memoir upon the Classification of Birds 
(P. Z. S. 1867), and I have reproduced that figure here in order to 
show their arrangement (fig. A, p. 893). 

To recall also this eminent biologist’s observations upon the skull 
of the European Goatsucker, the following passages are quoted from 
the memoir in question ; he says, “ The skull of Caprimulgus, though 

View of the palate without the pterygoid bones of Nyctibius yamaicensis. 
Seen from below (after Huxley). Letters as in former figures. 

it retains the general features of the Passerine cranium, departs 
from the typical Passeriue structure still further than the Swifts, 
the body of the palatines having become exceedingly broad and 
flattened out, while the vomer is longer and narrower than in the 
Swifts or the typical Passerine birds. The expanded inner end of 
the slender and characteristically Passerine maxillo-palatines are 
quite distinct from the vomer and from one another. 

“<Caprimulgus further presents a remarkable contrast to the 
Swifts and all the true Passeres in having well-developed _basi- 
pterygoid processes. These are absent in Agotheles nove-hollandia, 
the palate of which is intermediate between that of the Goat- 
suckers and that of the Swifts. 

Nyctibius closely resembles Caprimulgus, even to possessing the 
very peculiar division of each ramus of the mandible into two 
portions—the one of which is movable upon the other—pointed out 
in the latter genus by Nitzsch. But the slender anterior processes 
of the palatines are closely approximated in the middle line, instead 
of remaining widely separated, as in Caprimulgus aud Trochilus ; 
and the maxillo-palatines are closely adherent to them and to the 
vomer, though a true anchylosis does not appear to have taken 
place” (fig. B). 


Thus we see that the American genus Chordediles approaches 
Nyctibius in this particular. 

Returning to the basal view, again, of the former bird (fig. 4, 
Plate LIX.), we find that the palatines are very broad, flat, and 
smooth, lying mostly in the horizontal plane. Their postero- 
external angles are rounded, while their ascending processes are 
just sufficiently pronounced te afford a low crest behind to unite with 
the vomer. Anteriorly, their narrow and ribbon-like extremities can 
be traced to the apex of the superior mandible (fig. 4). 

The pterygoids are much flattened from above downwards, 
while their anterior ends are somewhat dilated. Beneath this 
latter portion we find each articulating with the basisphenoidal facet. 
Quite an interval separates the points where they articulate with 
the palatines, and the joints are very close ones, the palatines 
themselves being anchylosed together at their heads. 

The case is different in Nuttall’s Whippoorwill, where an 
appreciable interval separates the palatine heads, and these really 
articulate with the rostrum, the vomer being found immediately 
beyond this minute point of separation of the palatines. In this 
bird, too, these last-named bones are not nearly so much spread out 
as they are in the Night-hawks, and their postero-external angles are 
quite pointed. 

In speaking of the skull of Steatornis, the lamented Garred says, 

a Fig. C. b 

Skull of Steatornis. 
a, base ; 6, superior surface. 

“In the skulls the lacrymal bones are not developed as they are 

in the Strigide and Caprimulgide. The palate . strongly 


desmoguathous, the Faleonidee, and much more so than in the 
Strigidee, which are almost schizognathous. The palatine bones also 
meet across the middle line for 3 of an inch, in a manner which is’ 
quite peculiar, and can be best understood by a reference to the 
drawing, each bone being apparently folded on itself behind the 
point of junction with its fellow, and articulating with the basi- 
sphenoidal rostrum, as well as anchylosing with the vomer by its 
inflected and upward-turned margin; each developes a very short 
slender anteriorly directed process close to the vomer, which 
projects forwards on each side of it near its middle. 

“The vomer itself is a quarter of an inch long, slender and quite 
blended with the palatines ; its anterior pointed extremity advances 
as far forwards as the posterior border of the median palatine 
symphysis mentioned above. 

“ The posterior external angles of the palatines, so large in Capri- 
mulgus and Podargus, are not developed. The basipterygoid facets 
are large. In the eye the sclerotic ossifications are not considerable, 
as in the Owls, being not ai all unusually developed '. 

Among the American Nightjars the basitemporal area of the 
skull is both broad and deep. A lip of bone usually shields the 
double entrance to the Eustachian tubes, while the lower margins of 
the auricular rims are produced well downwards. 

The condyle is small and of a hemispherical form ; the plane in 
which the periphery of the foramen magnum lies makes an angle 
with the plane of the basis cranii of about forty-five degrees. A 
rounded notch is found in the medio-superior margin of the foramen 
in Chordediles, which is not seen in the Whippoorwill. The 
supraoccipital prominence is barely pronounced ; it may be pierced 
by a foramen in the middle line in some specimens of the Texas 

Huxley and Nitzsch have both called attention to the peculiar 
conformation of the mandible in the Caprimulgide. This structure 
is well to be seen in all of our American forms of the group, and is 
shown in the drawing (Plate LIX. figs. 1,2). The ligamentous union 
between the dentary and paddle-shaped ramal portions is very slight, 
and during the ordinary process of maceration of the skeleton of a 
Nightjar this is one of the first points to give way—the jaw coming 
apart in three pieces. 

The limbs of the hyotdean apparatus flare out in a fashion to 
correspond with the general form of a Goatsucker’s mouth. 

In Chordediles the basibranchials are in one piece, they being in 
two in Nuttall’s Nightjar. Both birds have the extremely slender 

? A. H. Garrod, “On some points in the Anatomy of Steatornis” (P. Z.8. 
1873, pp. 526-33), speaking of the sclerotal plates of the eye, says, “I find that 
they are quite small in the Caprimulgide, although the circle they form is 
comparatively a large one. In the Humming-birds they are about in proportion 
with the size of the birds. Some of the Swifts, however, present rather an 
unusual condition of these plates, the posterior ones being much the deepest, 
which depth gradually diminishes, as we pass either way round to the opposite 
side of the circlet, the middle anterior one being the narrowest plate of any ; 
this feature is quite noticeable in some of the Swallows.” 


hypohyals quite long, their cartilaginous ends curling well up 
behind the skull. Minute cerato-hyals may ossify in Chordediles ; 
but I have not observed them to do so in P. nutéalli. 

This anterior portion of the apparatus has the arrow-head form 
seen among the class generally where that part is short, and the 
glossohyal is not produced far forwards. 

Of the Cypseline Skull.—Upon a lateral view of the skull of 
Panyptila saxatilis the external narial aperture is seen to be very 
large and elliptical in outline. The maxillary process of the nasal 
descends in a straight line to join the maxillary below, which latter 
bone, like the premaxillary, is very delicately constructed. I have 
failed to find a free lachrymal in the Swifts, and if it does occur it is 
very rudimentary. It is just possible that it may be incorporated 
with the pars plana, as it is in the Swallows and some other 
passerine birds. 

Owing to the narrowness of the mid-frontal region, the orbital 
cavity, though very capacious, is not relatively so deep as in 
Chordediles, but has the same general aspect it presents in the 
Swallows. The interorbital septum usually contains one or two 
extensive vacuities in it, and the greater part of the tract for the 
olfactory nerve and its cranial exit is deficient in bony support. 

The pars plana is of a quadrate outline, very large and, I believe, 
in all true Cypseline birds, of a tuberous conformation, as it here is 
in the Rock-Swift. 

Panyptila has a quadrate-bone in many respects like Chordediles ; 
the orbital process, however, is very much better developed, though 
not quite so well as it is in the Swallows, where it wears more the 
character of the Passeres. The two facets upon the mandibular foot 
of the boue are almost exactly as we find them in the Night-hawks, 
while the antero-posterior compression of the body is equally well 
marked. Two narrow facets are found upon the summit of its 
mastoidal head. 

The quadrato-jugal rod is slender and retains a uniform calibre 
to the maxillo-jugal junction, when it becomes laterally compressed 
before arriving at the expanded portion. 

Seen from above, the general contour of the skull of the Rock- 
Swift closely resembles that of a Swallow ; in the former, however, 
we find the median portion of the premaxilla constructed upon the 
same plan as I described it for the Goatsuckers, being reduced to a 
thread-like rod of bone between the insertion of the nasals behind, 
and where it merges into the mandibular tip in front. 

This gradually expands after it passes the former point to make 
rather a broad insertion as it abuts against the cranio-facial region, 
leaving, as it does so, a conspicuous triangular vacuity on either hand, 
between it and the nasals. 

The cranio-facial region is somewhat concaved, while the inter- 
orbital space, upon this aspect of the skull, is narrow, in both of 
which particulars the Swifts agree with the Hirundinide. 

The vault of the cranium is smooth and uniformly convex, being 
barely marked in the median line by a longitudinal crease. All of 


the essential characters of the basal aspect of the skull as found in 
the typical Swifts are present in Panyptila, and they perfectly agree 
in most important points with the same characters as described by 
Professor Huxley for Cypse/us apus (figs. D and E). 

The vomer (Vo) is long and narrow, being deeply cleft behind 
where it straddles the rostrum of the sphenoid. Either limit is 
carried back as far as the palatine head of the corresponding side, 
with which it firmly articulates, as well as with the initial portion 
of its ascending process. Anteriorly, the vomer dilates into a 
horizontal, triangular extremity, the line of the base being in front, 
its angles just resting, one on either side, on the upper edges of the 
broad maxillo-palatines, while the apex merges into the cleft portion 
which extends backwards. 

A mawillo-palatine (Mxp) has the form of a spherical triangle, 
is notably well developed, but does not meet its feliow in the median 
line, the interval being spanned by the vomer, as just described. 

The palatines (Pl) are principally in two horizontal planes, and 
either one has a very characteristic form in the Swifts, which is 
nearly approached by the Swallows. Its inner margin is deeply 
cleft, giving rise to an anteriorly directed process that is quite 
striking in the Cypselide, though it amounts to nothing more than 
an exaggeration of a similar condition found in the Passeres. 

The narrow palatine body merges anteriorly into the premaxillary, 
and as it passes forwards to do so, underlaps the great tuberous 
antorbital ; while further on, it shuts out of sight from this view the 
connection between the vomer and the maxillo-palatine. 

Another exaggeration of a Passerine character of the palatine, seen 
in the Swifts, is the form assumed by the postero-external angle of 
the bone. Itisin them produced into a well-marked oblong process 
directed backwards and outwards (see figs. D, E, and F). 

In the Passerine birds generally the palatines have but one point 
where they come in contact, and this is at their heads under the ros- 
trum, where they articulate with the pterygoids. This applies also 
to the Swallows, while in Panyptila, and presumably in other Swifts, 
these bones fail to meet even here, being separated by quite an 
appreciable interval (fig. D). We have already seen that they are 
very widely separated in Trochilus at this point. 

A pterygoid (fig. D, pt) is a very long, slender, and straight rod of 
bone, having the same essential characters and making the same stvle 
of articulations with quadrate and palatine, as in the typical Passerine 

In most particulars of any importance, so far as the basis eranii, 
the rostrum, ethmoid, and all other parts of the skull of Panyptila 
are concerned, they make no great departures from the generalized 
Passerine skull, and they are by no means very different from such 
characters as they are found in Hirundo. Indeed, so far as this part 
of the skeleton goes, my studies of the osteology of American Cyp- 
selide and Hirundinide fully confirm Professor Huxley’s investiga- 
tions in that direction, who long ago pointed out the close relation- 
ship of these two groups of birds (P.Z.S. 1867, p. 452). 


Fig. D. Under view of the skull of Panyptila saratilis (x2). (Drawn by the 

author from a specimen in his own cabinet.) ~ 

Fig. E. Under view of the anterior portion of the skull of Cypselus apus (x 2). 
(after Huxley). 

Fig. F. Under view of the skull of Zachycineta thalassina (2). (Drawn 
by the author.) 

Pmx, premaxillary ; Mrp, maxillo-palatine ; Vo, vomer ; Na, nasal; Pi, 
palatine ; P¢, pterygoid. In figure E the anterior excavated end of the vomer has 
a crescentic shape, its angles terminating in free horns above the palatine bones 
by which they are concealed in the fignre. The * directs attention to the 
inferior portions of the antorbvitals. They have a very peculiar form in C, apus. 

as shown in fig. E, 


In Zachycineta thalassinu, as a representative of the Swallows 
(fig. F), we find the broad vomer (Vo) doubly notched in front, 
whereas in a skull of Oroscoptes montanus, as a typical Passerine, 
there is but one such notch; otherwise in its relations, as well as the 
hair-like maxillo-palatines with their backward-turned bulbous ends 
touching each other in the median line, these several elements are 
essentially similar. 

Moreover, we can easily see the evident middle place the palatines 
of this violet-green Swallow hold, both as to their form and arrange- 
ment, between the Swifts and more typical Passeres. 

Such a serial resemblance in gradation is again beautifully exem- 
plified in the mandiéles of these birds. In Panyptila both the angular 
processes and the ramal cavities are missing; they are both fairly 
well developed in the Swallow, while in most true Passeres they are 
a decided feature. 

Of course there is but little or no resemblance between the man- 
dible of a Swift and of a Humming-bird. 

What I have said about the mandib/es of these several forms applies 
with equal truth to the Ayotdean apparatuses; in all, the first and 
second basibranchials are in one piece, and the elements of the glosso- 
hyal portion remain in cartilage throughout life. 

Of the remainder of the Axial Skeleton in Trochilus.—One cannot 
well study the spinal column of Alexander’s Humming-bird without 
the aid of a strong lens; the writer was obliged to bring to his assist- 
ance a microscope armed with a 2-inch objective. By the help of 
this instrument I count 13 vertebre in the cervical region before we 
come to that one which bears the leading pair of free ribs. In the 
middle of the series these develop very long postzygapophyses, and 
the finest imaginable parial parapophyses. 

The neural spines are nearly entirely suppressed throughout the 
series, while the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth contribute to 
form the carotid canal. After these a strong median hypapophysis 
is found on each segment. 

The articulation of the centra are heteroccelous. Freely suspended 
ribs are found upon the 14th and 15th vertebre, the last pair having 
epipleural appendages, 

The 16th vertebra has a fuily developed pair of ribs, which are 
the first to connect with the sternum by costal ribs. This vertebra 
is characterized by a low neural spine and single long median hyp- 

The 17th vertebra also possesses perfect ribs, and in it the hypapo- 
physis is not so prominent, and the neural crest is still inconspicuous. 

Strange to say, the 18th and 19th vertebree, with complete ribs 
reaching the sternum by hemapophyses, are thoroughly anchylosed 
with the pelvic sacrum, having their neural spines and hypapophyses 
merged into each other as common superior and inferior crista 
respectively. The former soon subsides upon the dorsal aspect of 
the sacrum, while the latter is met by a transverse crest developed 
by the 21st vertebra, beyond which it subsides over the body of the 
23rd vertebra. This arrangement forms a crucial raised crest on 


this aspect of the pelvis, which strikes one upon the first glance at 
the bone. Two more ribs follow the pair borne by the 19th vertebra ; 
the first of these meet the last pair of costal ribs below, while above, 
their tubercula and capitula have been so far absorbed that these ribs 
look as if they were anchylosed to the outer margin of the ilium on 
either side. The last pair of ribs neither meet the sternum below 
nor the pelvis above, but are attached to the pair just described. 
These ribs differ from the preceding ones in not developing epipleural 
appendages. This arrangement, it will be seen, gives 8 pairs of ribs; 
the first two pairs do not reach the sternum; the next 5 pairs do, 
meeting 5 pairs of costal ribs ; finally the last pair are in every sense 
floating ribs. 

Through the 27th vertebra, the following segments are appro- 
priated by the sacrum; then come 5 free caudals, making 32 vertebrae 
in the spinal column of this Humming-bird, the whole being finished 
off by a comparatively large pygostyle, probably composed of several 

The pygostyle is terminated in a peg-like point, and is not flat- 
tened and quadrilateral as in the Swifts and many Passeres. 

Trochilus has a short and broad pelvis, being much compressed 
from above downwards. Viewed from above, we find that the open 
‘«jleo-neural grooves”’ are over the 18th and 19th vertebra, the two 
described above as anchylosing with the fore part of the sacrum. 
This arrangement is rare among existing birds—unique so far as I can 
recall at the present writing. The anterior and in-turned extremities 
of the ilia are rounded points, meeting the outer sacral margins 
just opposite the posterior endings of the ilio-neural grooves. The 
parial foramina among the diapophyses of the urosacral vertebrae are 
quite large. 

Professor Owen found them small in a specimen of Zrochilus pella. 

Upon a lateral view we observe that the narrow ilium is much 
concaved immediately anterior to the cotyloid cavity ; its outer margin 
forming a part of the long gentle curve completed by the postpubis, 
which latter projects far behind where it is turned upwards. No 
propubis is developed. 

The acetabulum, ischiac, and obturator foramina present nothing 
of marked interest; they have all an average size and are in due pro- 
portion with the surrounding parts. 

The obturator foramen is thoroughly closed in by the ischium, 
after which this bone arches over an obturator space, to meet the 
postpubis again in a little foot-like process. 

In many birds a notch on the hinder border of the pelvis denotes 
the landmark between iliurn and ischium in this situation. No such 
feature exists in Z’rochilus, this Humming-bird having in the posterior 
portion of its pelvis much to remind us of similar parts of the skeleton 
in the Passeres. 

The sternum (figs. 3 and 6, Piate LX.).—So far as its general form 
and characteristics go, the sternum in the Hummers has long been 
known to us, and this information has been principally derived from 

1 «Anat. and Phys. of Vert.’ vol. ii. p. 32. Lond. 1866. 


studies of the structure of.the present genus. In 7. alexandri 
we find that the bone has a round anterior margin with complete 
abortion of the manubrial process. Just within this line, the sternum 
is much thickened, mounting up above in the median line into 
quite a prominent py ramidal elevation. On either side of this a 
circumscribed pit is found, while mesially, and directly behind it, isa 
single pneumatic foramen. For the rest, the dorsal aspect of the 
bone is smooth and generally concaved. 

The costal processes are conspicuous, being directed forwards and 
outwards, and either costal border behind them supports five articu- 
lations for the costal ribs. 

Plate LX. fig. 6 shows the wonderful depth of the sternal keel in 
this unrivalled little prince of volants. In front it is fortified by a 
thickened rib of bone, as in most carinate birds, while its convex 
inferior margin is finished off with a rim, which appreciably projects 
beyond it all along its sides. 

The posterior sternal margin is entire, being convex outwards and 
approximately a portion of an are of a circle with a radius of 6 
millimetres (2°4 mms. in the fig., it being x 4). 

Much stress has been laid upon this fact in comparing the Trochi- 
lide with the Swifts; but a comparison of the figures will at once 
show how essentially different these bones are. 

Turning now to the shoulder-girdle of Trochilus alexandri, we are 
confronted with an exceedingly interesting structure and one which 
markedly departs from these elements in ordinary birds. Of the 
three bones the most striking difference is seen in the coracoid (Plate 
LX. fig. 5). This element has a straight shaft with a very slightly 
dilated sternal end, the whole being much compressed in the antero- 
posterior direction. Just above its middle it is pierced by an ellip- 
tical foramen with its long axis corresponding with the long axis of 
the shaft ; immediately above this, agai, we find a similar foramen 
that represents the tendinal canal in other birds, but here completely 
surrounded by bone. The glenoid cavity is comparatively large and 
projecting, while the summit of the bene, when the arch is in situ, 
points towards the median plane. 

Professor Owen’s figure of 7. pella referred to above shows very 
well indeed the position of the furcula, when articulated as in life, 
in the Hummers. Its seemingly high position is largely due, how- 
ever, to the great depth of the carina in these birds. 

As for the bone itself, we find it assuming a form at the very limit 
of the U-shaped variety. 

Its limbs are almost filamentous in character, and the hypo- 
cleidium of rudimentary development only. 

Its headsare compressed from side to side, but very slightly enlarged, 
and are quite sharply crooked downwards and backwards to have 
their apices meet the scapule. They rest against the coracoids on 
the mesial side of the bridge that closes in the tendinal canal alluded 
to above. 

A scapula contributes but a very small share of the articular surface 
to the glenoid cavity—less than a fourth, I should judge. 


The bone is notably compressed in the vertical direction from head 
to apex, the former being unusually flattened for a representative of 
this class. 

Rather more than the hinder third of the blade is bent abruptly 
in such a manner as to have the angle occur on the inner margin, 
with its aperture, quite an open one, to the outer side. From this 
point to the sharp apex, the blade gradually tapers away. 

When this pectoral arch is articulated the axis of the shaft of the 
coracoid is approximately in a plane which is parallel to the plane of 
the dorsal surface of the sternal body. 

Of the remainder of the Avial Skeleton in certain Caprimulgine 
Birds.—Nuttall’s Whippoorwill and Chordediles each have eleven 
vertebrz in their cervical region before we come to a segment sup- 
porting a free pair of ribs. Each agrees, again, in having this first 
pair of ribs rather long and without epipleural appendages. In the 
Whippoorwill the next pair of ribs also have free extremities and 
well-developed processes anchylosed to them, while in the Night- 
jar, these latter also being present, we find that the ends of the ribs 
articulate with sternal ribs. These are of unusual type in a specimen 
before me, being high up on the costal processes, exceedingly small, 
indeed far smaller than I ever saw them in a bird of the same size, 
and the one on the left side being anchylosed to the sternum. Pos- 
terior to this pair of ribs both of these forms agree again, and that 
in having four more pairs each. 

Of these, the first three fulfil all the requirements of true dorsal 
ribs as we find them among birds generally. The last pair spring 
from the sacrum, although their hemapophyses also reach the 
costal borders of the sternum. They do not have epipleural append- 
ages upon them. 

It will be seen that this arrangement gives the Goatsuckers 16 
movable vertebrze in the column before arriving at the first one 
appropriated by the pelvis. 

Then, as well as I can manage to count in the adult specimens, 
either of these birds has ten more segments in the pelvic sacrum. 
Chordediles differs from the Whippoorwills, however, in having six 
caudal vertebrze and a pygostyle, whereas the latter have but five 
and the terminal piece. In either genus the pygostyle has a long, 
sharp, and straight superior border, and a thickened posterior one, 
especially below where a triangular flattened area makes its appear- 
ance, and the bone is not nearly so deep in the antero-posterior 

With the exception of the tuberous apophysis of the axis, the 
vertebrze in these birds are notable for the entire absence of the 
neural spines until we find them developed in the dorsal series. 
On the other hand, after passing the four or five vertebree in the mid- 
cervical region that are marked by the open carotid canal, the hyp- 
apophyses are quite a prominent feature, and it is only in the last 
two segments before the pelvis that these latter are absent. 

The lateral canals commence in the third vertebrae and extend 
through the cervical series as usual. 


The transverse processes of the tail-vertebree in Chordediles are 
very long, and though the neural spines are not lofty, the last four 
segments have prominent bifid hypapophyses, which are not nearly 
so conspicuous in the Whippoorwill. 

Notwithstanding the fact that the pelvis has the same general 
characters alike in these two genera, there are at the same time a 
number of striking minor differences which render it impossible to 
mistake their identity. 

In both forms the bone is notably spread out and flattened in the 
vertical direction ; this is perhaps best marked in the Nightjars, 
where, too, we find the ilio-neural grooves shallow and wide, and 
the anterior or preacetabular portion of the ilium long and narrow, 
being concaved for its entire length. The parial foramina on the 
hinder moiety of the dorsal aspect are large, regularly decreasing in 
size as we pass forwards. Upon this view the tops of the anti- 
trochanters form a prominent lateral feature of the pelvis. 

Regarding the bone upon side view in C. ferensis, we observe 
that the outer marginal line of the ilium is directly continuous with 
the postpubis behind, the propubis being entirely absent. 

The postpubic element is extremely slender, and in direct contact 
with the inferior margin of the ischium for its entire length, pro- 
jecting but a short distance beyond it behind. 

The obturator foramen is relatively very small, and, indeed, 
neither the acetabulum nor the ischiac foramen is of great size 

P. nuttalli has a proportionately deeper and narrower pelvis than 
the one just described for a Night-hawk, with its ridges and lines 
more pronounced, giving the bone a more angular aspect. 

The ilia in front have their anterior ends drawn out into points, 
and turned in nearly to touch the quite prominent crista formed by | 
the common neural spines of the sacral vertebre. This feature 
is characteristic of the pelvis in the Whippoorwill, and at once 
distinguishes it from the pelvis in the other genus. 

Plate LXI. fig. 2 shows very well the general form of the sternum 
and the shoulder-girdle in the Caprimulgide, and their mutual re- 
lation when articulated in situ, the specimen being from C. tevensis. 

It will be seen that the sternum is broadly 1-notched at its poste- 
rior border; that it is without a manubrium, and has a concave 
anterior, and convex inferior border to its handsome keel, the angle 
at the meeting cf the two being rounded off. 

The costal processes are well pronounced (still more so in P. nué- 
talli), and the sternal body is decidedly concave on its dorsal aspect, 
usually showing a median pneumatic foramen in front. 

A coracoid has a subcylindrical shaft of considerable length, 
terminated above in a tuberous summit, and a well-dilated sternal 
extremity with upturned external process. These bones, when articu- 
lated, do not meet in the median line. The jfwrcula assumes the 
U-shaped pattern of the bone, with but a fairly-well developed 
hypocleidium. Its limbs are transversely compressed, and the ter- 
minal head not much dilated. These latter rest, when tn sétu, 


against the coracoids, their apices extending backwards to touch 
either scapula. In Nuttall’s Whippoorwill an outer ledge is deve- 
loped on either clavicular head to abut against the corresponding 
coracoid in front, a feature which is still better displayed on the 
part of the Cypselide (Plate LX. fig. 2, z). 

A scapula in the Night-hawk has the typical blade-like portion, 
which is more inclined to be truncated in Phaleonoptilus. Both 
birds have its head broad transversely, and somewhat flattened from 
above downwards. When articulated it rests upon rather a meagre 
scapular process of the coracoid, with its inner angle extended for- 
wards to meet the clavicle, as already defined above. 

The elements of the pectoral arch seem to be non-pneumatic bones 
throughout the Caprimulgide. 

Of the remainder of the Cypseline Axial Skeleton—We find in 
the cervical region of the column of Pinyptila saxatilis twelve 
vertebrae before meeting that one in which the pleurapophyses have 
become liberated as ribs. These latter are here of the most rudi- 
mentary character; for in a specimen before me, on one side the rib 
is merely represented by a minute rod of bone suspended from 
beneath the transverse process, while on the opposite side the head 
of the bone is found, and the whole is rather more advanced. The 
atlas is more than usually delicately constructed, while the axis is 
very narrow in the antero-posterior direetion. 

A shallow carotid canal seems to be confined to the fourth and 
fifth vertebrae, the usual process taking its place after that. All 
these vertebrze, as a rule, are notably short, with well-developed pre- 
and post-zygapophyses. 

Beneath, the parapophyses are as long as the centra, and are 
placed rather close together on each vertebra. 

The articulations are of the heteroccelous type, and the lateral 
eanals are very short. One very interesting feature is seen in this 
part of the spinal column of the White-throated Rock-Swift, and 
that is the ossification of the interspinous ligaments among the 
ultimate segments. The neural spines of the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, 
and thirteenth vertebree are low and inconspicuous, and the fine 
thread-like ligament that joins these processes has become thoroughly 
ossified, the minute osseous rods thus formed articulating, at either 
end, with the neural spines of the vertebrz in question. These 
vertebrae, in Panyptila, are essentially very different from the corre- 
sponding bones in Trochilus. 

The fourteenth vertebra possesses a pair of free ribs, which may 
or may not have uniform appendages near their lower extremities ; 
and this segment has likewise many of the characteristics of the 
dorsal series that follow. 

Below it develops a tricornuate hypapophysis, this process being 
markedly prominent on all the succeeding vertebrae, occurring also 
upon the first two in the sacrum, an unusual thing. The presence 
of this formidable series of hypapophyses is accounted for by the 
same law that demands their presence in Co/ymbus, the sole differ- 
ence being that, while the latter, by the aid of his strong wings, passes 


with the greatest velocity beneath the water, the Swift in its flight 
paddles the air with an equal rapidity of wing, both birds requiring 
powerful longi colli (and consequent firm and extensive supports for 
them), these muscles being the ones brought into action in seizing 
their prey during the height of this volant motion. 

The fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth 
vertebree are true dorsals, having perfect ribs connecting them with 
the sternum; and they have low neural spines which interlock with 
each other at their ends, these vertebre all being freely movable 
upon one another. 

Nothing of special importance characterizes these ribs ; all have 
strong epipleural appendages anchylosed to them, save the last pair, 
in which they are absent. Two pairs of feeble ribs also spring from 
beneath the sacrum, the hinder pair being very rudimentary in some 

From the twentieth to the twenty-ninth vertebre, all inclusive, 
are firmly anchylosed together to form the pelvic sacrum. To their 
outer common diapophysial margins, the ilia make thorough con- 
nection, the sutural traces being nearly absorbed. A few small 
foramina are found upon the dorsal aspect among the fairly defined 
transverse processes. 

Six vertebrze and a large pygostyle make up the skeleton of the 
tail. The last but one of these has wide-spreading diapophyses, the 
others being less prominent in this particular. 

Adding all these together, we find that the spinal column of 
Panyptila contains, besides its pygostyle, thirty-five vertebrae, three 
more than we found in the spinal column of V’rochilus, which contains 
but thirty-two. 

The violet-green Swallow has thirty-five vertebrae in its column, 
and presumably others of the family have the same. Moreover, the 
essential characteristics as seen in the ribs, pelvis, and other parts of 
the axial skeleton also agree. 

In the short and wide pelvis of Panyptila we find upon superior 
view open ilio-neural grooves, a small preacetabular area, with the 
concave surface of the bone, on either side, facing upwards, forwards, 
and outwards. The postacetabular portions of “the ilia are each of 
a quadrilateral outline, and their superficies uniformly convex. 

A side view of the pelvis presents a large, elliptical, ischiae fora- 
men, a small cotyloid ring, and considerable traces of an obturator 
space, the foot-lke process of the ischium meeting the postpubis 
behind the last. 

This pattern of the bone is pretty much the same as we find it in 
the Swallows (Hirundo, Tachycineta, Petrochelidon, Cotile), the 
principal differences being, that in the latter group the parial fora- 
mina among the sacral transverse processes are always notably large, 
and the posterior ilio-ischiac margins are notched (barely perceptible 
in P. savatilis); both of these characters, especially the last, are 
well-known Passerine ones. 

The form assumed by the sternum in Panyptila is shown in 
figures 1 and 4 of Plate LX. Here, upon the ventral aspect we see 


the prominent, triangular, costal processes, with their borders behind 
them, each of the latter supporting five articular facets. From the 
last of these the sternal body becomes progressively wider to termi- 
nate in acute postero-external angles formed by the intersection of 
the unnotched, slightly convex, xiphoidal border. 

So thin are the walls of the body of this sternum that we frequently 
find large vacuities existing in it that tend to be symmetrical in 
character for either side of the carina. 

This attenuily of the sternal body does not apply, however, to its 
margins, the two lateral, as well as the hinder one, being charac- 
terized by a thickened deposit of bone. 

Upon a lateral view we are enabled to see that the sternum of this 
Swift develops quite a prominent manubrium, which stands between 
the coracoidal facets. These latter are of an oblong form, with their 
long axes parallel to the plane of the keel. The keel is thickened 
in front, and concave forwards. 

Its angle is rounded off, and the line of its lower margin nearly 
straight ; it may, too, show deficiencies in its substance similar to 
those in the body. 

This keel to the sternum of the Swift is not so deep in comparison 
with the remainder of the bone as we often find it among the 
Passeres, and in this particular it is not to be mentioned with the 
extraordinary carinal development in Trochilus (Plate LX. fig. 6). 

A glance at Plate LX. fig. 2, is sufficient to convince us that 
Panyptila has a shoulder-girdle differimg in many important respects 
from the Humming-birds, as well as the typified arch of the Passeres. 
Its furcula is broadly U-shaped, with scarcely any hypocleidium- 
developed below. The apices of the heads reach back to the 
scapulze, and they also possess the outer lateral abutments (fig. 2 2) 
for the heads of the coracoids, much as we found them in Nuttall’s 

As for coracoid and scapula, the former has a prominent head 
directed forwards and upwards, a shaft shorter than in the Swallows ; 
but otherwise both this bone and the latter differ in no leading 
details from the same elements as found in these birds. And at the 
same time it is hardly necessary to add, after what has gone before, 
that it, as a whole, differs fundamentally and in essential details froin 
the girdle in Trochilus. 

Swallows, as we know, have both sternum and pectoral arch 
agreeing with the Passerine type. This family also has the os 
humero-scapulare developed, a fact which intimates that the affinity 
between these two groups is still the closer. 

Of the Pectoral and Pelvic Limbs in the Humming-birds, Night- 
jars, and Swifts (Plate LXI. figs. 1, 3, and 4).—So far as I have 
examined them, the Caprimulgine birds have their pectoral limbs 
constituted as in the ordinary representatives of the class. The 
humerus, in proportionate length with the bones of the antibrachium 
(fig. 1), has quite a straight subeylindrical shaft, a rounded and 
rather short radial crest, a pneumatic fossa and foramen, arched over 
in the usual manner by the ulnar crest, and finally a distal extremity 


presenting all the characters of this part common to the avian 
brachium. As will be seen from the figure, the ulna and radius 
present nothing peculiar. The free bones in the carpus are two in 
number, as is the rule for birds. The metacarpus offers us nothing 
worthy of special note, as may be seen from the drawing. The pollex- 
phalanx is composed of but one joint, the index- digit of two; and 
the usual small one in the next finger. The expanded portion of 
the proximal phalanx of the index cheese two perforations ; these run 
into one large one in Nuttail’s Whippoorwill—a rare condition. 

This last-named bird has the skeleton of its arm, with the excep- 
tion of this one detail, agreeing in all essential respects with tne 
bones just described. Pneumaticity does not extend beyond the 
humerus in true Caprimulgide. 

Turning our attention to the Humming-birds, we find that the 
humerus in Trochilus is a most extraordinary structure, departing, as 
it does, both in form and proportions, from that bone as it occurs 
in most birds, The humeral head for the glenoid cavity has much 
the same contour as elsewhere in the class; but the radial crest is 
represented by a strong and gracefully curved hook curling over in 
the direction of the shaft. Another prominent process points for- 
wards and outwards, which has its base just beyond the distal por- 
tion of the periphery of the pneumatic foramen. Eccentricities of 
form are none the less evident in the shaft of this unique bone. 
This is of a quadrilateral outline, broadly oblong, and somewhat 
curiously twisted. 

The trochlez of the distal end are very prominent, while opposite 
them on the anconal aspect, is found, holding a mid position, a deep 
and rounded excavation. In life this harbours a large sesamoid ; 
and another, about one third its size, is at the elbow (Plate LXL. 
figs. 3s, s'). 

The radius and ulna are but little longer than the humerus; the 
former is much bowed, giving rise to a large “‘interosseous space”’ 
when these bones are duly articulated. The ulna is nearly straight, 
having a stout, subeylindrical shaft; and notwithstanding the presence 
of the sesamoid in the olecranon fossa of the humerus, the process 
of this name is well developed upon it. 

Two small sesamoids are found about the carpal joint (s”, s”’), 
while its true elements, the ulmare and radiale, are manifestly dif- 
ferent from these segments in ordinary birds, the former in being 
almost devoid of the characteristic apophyses, and the latter in being 
less angular. 

This Humming-bird has a metacarpus notably longer than the 
bones of its antibrachinm. Its index and midshalt are quite straight 
(7, m'), the latter being produced further distally, and supporting a 
considerable facet for its unusually long finger-joint m” (compare with 
figure 4). The pollex-digit has but one joint (p), two being awarded 
to the index, the proximal one of the latter having its blade portion 
very much expanded and a mid process (/) at its lower margin—an 
uncommon site for it. 

Comparing these points in the skeleton of the arm of 7. alexandri, 


with the similar points in the corresponding limb of Panyptila saxa- 
tilis as shown in figure 4, we find that scarcely one of them exactly 
agrees with the other. Indeed, the differences are very striking and 
important, and far greater than commonly occur among birds 

To commence with, the humerus in the Swift, though short, is of 
entirely a different form. Its radial crest curves towards the humeral 
head ; the ulnar crest is powerfully developed, though the fossa it 
arches over contains no pneumatic opening, the bone not enjoying 
this property as does the humerus in Trochilus. Again, the apo- 
physis at the base of this fossa is not found in the Swift as it was 
in the Humming-bird, though in the former a distinctive tubercle 
occurs beyond the base of the radial crest, which is absent in the 

The olecranon fossa is even deeper and better defined than in 
Trochilus, though I have failed to find any of the sesamoids present 
in the limit of that little bird ; and among these the large one which 
corresponds to the one marked sin figure 3. Panyptila has the 
oblique and ulnar tubercles of this distal humeral extremity also 
markedly protuberant. 

Radius and ulna are here both very straight, and differ from the 
Humming-bird in being appreciably longer than the bone of the 

Ulnare and radiale segments of the carpus deviate but slightly 
from the general contour of these bonelets in Passeres, and still less 
from them as found in some Swallows. 

Metacarpus is comparatively large and heavy, its form being well 
shown in fig. 4. It will likewise be observed that the digital formula 
agrees with the Trochilide, as it does with Passerine types; the 
individual bones, however, have forms peculiar to themselves. These 
can be best appreciated by a study of them in the Plate, and far 
better than can be conveyed in any written description. 

Huxley, in alluding to the relative lengths of the bones of the 
pectoral limb in the Trochilide and Cypselide, says that the “two 
families have a length of the manus and a brevity of the humerus 
which is peculiar to themselves, being only approached by the 
Swallows, and in a less degree by the Caprimulgide. 

“In both Caprimulgus and Algotheles the manus is slightly 
longer than the ulna, and the latter considerably exceeds the humerus 
in length.” * 

My studies of the skeletons of American forms of these several 
families fully bear out the results of the investigations of this eminent 
biologist upon this point. 

Owing to the fact that the structure of the foot and certain parts 
of the pelvic limb can be studied from external inspection with 
results far more satisfactory than can be hoped for, from the very 
nature of things, from an equal amount of attention paid to the wing 
of a bird, it stands to reason that, as a rule, these parts, so far as 

* “Qn the Classification of Birds,” P.Z.S. 1867, p. 469. 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LIX. 59 


their composition goes, are more generally known, and the characters 
they present have been enlisted by ornithologists from time imme- 
morial to serve the purposes of classification. 

Thanks to this being the case, references to the member in the 
present instance can be made much briefer than in the case with the 
pectoral limb, and still fully meet our purpose. 

In Whippoorwills and Night-hawks the bones of this extremity 
are always non-pneumatic, and, with the exception of rather a short 
tarso-metatarsus, harmoniously proportioned as to lengths and calibre. 

Chordediles possesses nearly a straight shaft to its femur, which 
is smooth, and quite cylindrical. The trochanterian ridge does not 
rise above the articular summit of the bone, and of the condyles at 
its distal extremity the external one is the lower. 

A patella seems to be wanting in these birds, its place being filled 
by a bit of cartilage in the tendon. 

The shaft of ¢2b¢o-tarsus is likewise straight and subcylindrical ; 
the chief point of interest in this bone, Ne is the complete 
suppression of the ectocnemial ridge, while the procnemial one seems 
to have moved to a more central position on the shaft. 

A not very strong fibula fails to anchylose with this latter below, 
and makes unusually weak connections with it above. 

Tarso-metatarsus has a subcubical hypotarsus, apparently un- 
pierced by the flexor tendons; otherwise this segment presents 
nothing worthy of special record. A well-developed accessory meta- 
tarsal is attached in the usual way, rather high on the shaft, by liga- 
ment. The formula for the podal digits, ‘being Vers peste 18S well 
known and requires no particular mention. 

In the delicate pelvic limb of Trochilus we also find a non-pneu- 
matic femur with straight and cylindrical shaft, and with the charac- 
ters of the extremities much asin the Goatsuckers. Humming-birds, 
however, have a large, free patel/a developed, of the most usual form. 

In them the fibula remains independent of the main leg-bone, but 
is notably short and puny. 

Tibio-tarsus has nearly a straight shaft, and carries the peculiarity 
seen in Chordediles one point further, in having both the cnemial 
ridges so feebly pronounced as hardly to be noticed, unless specially 
searched for, when only faintest traces of the procnemial ridge 
become evident. The usual osseous bridge confines the extensor 
tendons at the distal end of this bone. 

The hypotarsus of the tarso-metatarsus is both pierced and 
grooved for the transmission of the flexor tendons, and the free 
accessory metatarsal is suspended high upon its shaft. 

In number and arrangement the joints of the digits of pes agree 
with the formula of the typical Passerine foot, and are here most 
noted for the unusual lengths of the ungual phalanges when com- 
pared with the basal and remaining joints. 

While the pelvic limb in the Swallows seems to be constructed 
after the true Passerine type, in the Swifts it makes a marked de- 
parture from this, presenting at the same time a number of points of 
no little interest. 


Returning to our White-throated Rock-Swift, I find that the 
proximal end of its femur is so broad in its transverse diameter as to 
obliterate the neck, making the head of this bone more than usually 
sessile with the shaft. 

The trochanterian ridge does not rear above the plane of the 
summit ; in fact, the top of the bone is entirely level. Its shaft is 
cylindrical only at its middle, from which point it gradually enlarges 
in the direction of the extremities. 

The intercondyloid fossa is shallower than is commonly the case, 
and the prominences themselves not so sharply defined as they often 
are in other birds. 

This Swift does not possess a patella, as we found to be the case 
in Trochilus. 

So poorly developed is the jiéula that in the specimens before 
me I fail to find an instance where it is produced beyond the fibular 
ridge on the side of the shaft of the tibio-tarsus. Above this, how- 
ever, its condition is somewhat better, and it meets the femur in the 
usual notch of the outer condyle. 

Tibio-tarsus differs very considerably from this bone as it occurs 
in the vast majority of the class. The outline of its proximal ex- 
tremity is nearly square, and the undulating articular surface it 
encloses gradually slopes from the inner to the fibular side. There 
is no trace whatever of the pro- and ectocnemial ridges on the ante- 
rior aspect, where they occur in most birds. 

The shaft is straight though slightly compressed in the antero- 
posterior direction. As we approach its distal end, it becomes curi- 
ously twisted, giving the condyles a peculiar cant not easy to de- 
scribe. The inner condyle is fully as prominent behind as it is in 
front (rare), while the intercondyloid notch is of equal depth all the 
way round. The bony bridge for the extensor tendons is present 
and situated low down, while on the inner and anterior border, 
higher up on the shaft than common, is seen a strong tubercle for 
ligamentous attachment, a ligament which we know fulfils a similar 

The tarso-metatarsus is comparatively short, and it, too, is 
quaintly fashioned. Its hypo-tarsus is perforated by one large and 
open groove, which absorbs its entire central portion, to the very 
base of this process, being continued down the shaft behind as a 
shallow excavation. Anteriorly, the sbaft is longitudinally and still 
more decidedly grooved, being pierced above by a foramen that 
passes directly through the bone. The usual foramen occurs at the 
distal extremity for the passage of the artery. 

The anterior faces of the three trochlez are about in the same 
plane in front, while posteriorly they develop prominent processes 
for the attachment of strong ligaments, which confine the plantar 
tendons as they pass to the toes. 

Of these three trochlear projections the innermost one is the 
lowest, the middle one rather higher, and the outermost one the 
highest of all. 

This Swift forms no exception to the well-known rule which 



applies to the Cypseline foot, the joints of the podal phalanges 
being arranged upon the plan of 2, 3, 3, 3, for the first, second, 
third, and fourth toes respectively. 

Analytical Synopsis of Skeletal Characters 
of certain Picarin. 

Of TrocHILUS ALEXANDRI:—1. Osseous mandibles tenuous, 
more than twice as long as remainder of skull. Antorbital very 
large, and indistinguishably blended with lacrymal. Great deficiency 
of bone in interorbital septum and anterior wall of brain-case. Den- 
tary process of premaxillary and the maxillary form a free rod be- 
neath the lateral margin of premaxillary, on either side, fast only 
at its extremities. 

Mavillo-palatines flat, horizontal lamina, widely separated in the 
median line. Vomer deeply cleft behind, with long, free, spicula- 
form anterior extremity. Palatines are widely separated m the 
median line, most so behind. Outer margins for their entire length 
nearly a straight line. Long and slender anteriorly, where each one 
merges into the corresponding maxillary to be produced far for- 
wards in a pointed lamelliform free extremity. Rostrum very broad. 
Pterygoids straight and subcylindrical rods. Quadrate with pecu- 
liarities of form and articulation. Angle of the mandible truncated. 

Hinder elements of the Ayoidean apparatus curl up behind the 
skull in life. 

2. Spinal column contains 32 vertebree and a pygostyle ; last two 
dorsals anchylosed to pelvic sacrum. Sternwm long, gradually 
widening as we approach xiphioidal extremity, which latter has an 
entire and rounded border. Manubrium absent. Carina of great 
depth. In the shoulder-girdle, the coracoid is peculiar in having 
the tendinal canal closed with bone, and a large perforation in the 
shaft below it. Sternal extremity not dilated. Hypocleidium of 
very broad U-shaped furculum rudimentary. Blade of scapula 
bent at an obtuse angle outwards in the same plane that its principal 
surface is in. 

3. Humerus short and broad, of very peculiar form, but slightly 
shorter than ulna. Radius much arched. Metacarpus considerably 
longer than ulna; the phalanges of manus wonderfully long and 
peculiarly developed. Four sesamoids in this limb, two in the 
carpus, and two at the elbow. 

Large free patella in pelvic limb. _Pro- and ectocnemial processes 
of tibio-tarsus are rudimentary. Hypotarsus of metatarsus both 
pierced and grooved for tendons. Hallux incumbent ; joints of pes 
normal (2, 3, 4, 5). 

Of the Genus CHoRDEDILES :—1. Osseous mandibles broad and 
short. Lacrymals large and free. Walls of orbit entire, with ex- 
ception to the regular foraminal openings. Mazillo-palatines are in 
front of the vomer, in contact for their entire lengths in the median 
line, where they may anchylose. (Two exceptions to this known to 
me, namely, the genera Caprimulgus (Huxley) and Phalenoptilus.) 


Vomer has its rather pointed anterior end resting between 1axillo- 
palatines in this genus; broadly rounded and free in Phalenoptilus ; 
truncated in Caprimulgus (Huxley). Palatines broad, and with 
rounded postero-external angles, anchylosed together at their heads 
(separated in P. nuttalli). Basipterygoid processes present. Man- 
dible has the ramal portions in slender pieces from the slender den- 
tary part. Basibranchials of hyoidean apparatus co-ossify in this 
genus, but are in two pieces in P. nuttalli. 

2. Sternum broadly l-notched; carina deep; no manubrium. 

3. Bones of pectoral limb harmoniously proportioned, and present 
no special peculiarities. The radius and ulna are considerably 
longer than humerus. Patella absent in pelvic limb. Hypotarsus 
of metatarsus impierced for tendons. Formula for podal digits 
2, 3, 4, 4. 

Of PANYPTILA SAXATILIS :—Characters of, 1, the skull essen- 
tially agreeing with those given by Huxley for Cypselus apus, and 
presented in detail above. 

2. The spinal column contains 35 vertebree and a_pygostyle. 
Xiphioidal border of sternum entire and rounded ; carina moderately 
deep only. A manubrium of no small size is developed. Coracoids 
and scapulee in the shoulder-girdle something like the Swallows, but 
furculum has the abutments on the outer sides of the clavicular heads 
for the coracoids. 

3. Shaft of Aumerus short, radial crest curled towards the humeral 
head. Non-pneumatic. Ulna and radius both straight, the former 
considerably longer than the humerus. (Sesamoids absent in the 
arm?) Carpo-metacarpus large and longer than the antibrachium. 
Digits normal and differing in form entirely from Z7rochilus. 

Skeleton of pelvic limb characteristic. Lower end of ¢ibio-tarsus 
peculiarly twisted. Pro- and ectocnemial ridges not developed 
(negative character). No patella. Fibula does not extend below 
the articular ridge of the other leg-bone (this is also the case in 
some Parrots, Conurus). Hypotarsus of tarso-metatarsus containing 
one deep groove. Formula for digits of pes, 2, 3, 3, 3, as in all 
the Cypselide. 


Huxley’s investigations of this group in 1867, led him to believe 
that “the Caprimulgidze come near Trogon, and more remotely 
approach Podargus and the Owls.” Six years afterwards Garrod 
threw not a little light upon this question by his careful dissections 
of Steatornis, although this talented anatomist still left that bird’s 
position in the system a matter of doubt. 

My own studies of the skeletons of these forms, including Surnia 
funerea and many other Owls, strongly incline me to the opinion 
that one group should be made to contain all the typical Caprimul- 
gine forms, as well as Nyctibius, Steatornis, and, no doubt, others, 
as Podargus and Psalurus, the skeletons of which I have not yet 

Such a group, or an order, might be well termed the Caprimutet ; 


and, as we know, it is pretty well represented in nearly all parts of 
the world. Structurally, on the one hand, their relationship to the 
Owls is very close, through Podargus and Steatornis. Opportunity 
has not been afforded me to pick up the other end of the thread, 
but I am very confident that their affinity with the Swifts is anything 
but a near one. 

With the exception of a few minor points in their organization, the 
Swifts are essentially modified Swallows, and, as the family Cypse- 
lidze, they belong, in the order Passeres, next to that group. The 
fact, that in common with Humming-birds, so far as we know the 
structure of these latter, they have a short humerus and an entire, 
unnotched xiphoidal extremity to the sternum, is no more reason 
that the two groups should be classed together, than Zalpa and 
Ornithorhynchus should be for like resemblances. Such similarities 
are due to physiological adaptation of structure, referable in the 
present instance to the pecular flight of these birds, and the conse- 
quent requirements of the muscles involved in it. Moreover, our 
investigations above have shown really how very different these 
parts are when they come to be carefully compared. So far as the 
skeleton goes, and it is usually supported by associated parts, the 
entire summation of the truly fundamental characters of the genus 
Trochilus are at great variance with the corresponding ones in the 
skeleton of Cypselus, and militate against the propriety of retaining 
such forms closely associated together i in the same group. 

The anatomy of the Humming-birds is not as yet sufficiently well 
known for us to exactly define their position in the system; but if we 
may be permitted to judge from the skeleton of Trochilus, there is no 
reasonable doubt that the extraordinary characters it presents fully 
entitle these birds to a group by themselves, as an order TROCHILI. 
Morphologically (and morphology is really the only guide, when 
properly interpreted, that we possess, to natural taxonomy) such a 
group, I think it will be found, can be fully as well characterized as 
the Psittaci are, and rested upon fully as firm a foundation, and 
equally as well circumscribed. It would contain upwards of 500 
species, which is very considerably larger thun the order containing 
the Parrots. 

At the present time I am not prepared to say much about the 
affinities of this group, as I should first like to examine a number of 
Old-World forms before advancing an opinion. 

No little significance, however, ettaches to the facts brought to 
light through the dissections of the Trogonide by the late and 
lamented Forbes (P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 836), showing the construction 
of the palate in these birds. It will be seen from the figure this 
author presents of PAaromacrus mocinno in the work referred to, 
that the mawillo-palatines in this Trogon are well separated in the 
median line, that the vomer is long, free, and slender, and that the 
palatines nowhere come in contact with each other, and are far 
apart behind. All this agrees with Trochilus, and I only regret that 
I have not at hand a few skeletons of different Trogons to further 
compare these birds with the Humming-birds. 


Fig. 1. 

Fig. 1. 

. Left pectoral limb of Panyptila sawatilis, x 2 


[All the figures in the Plates were drawn by the author 
from the specimens. | 

Prate LVIII. 
Skull of Zrochilus alexundri, superior aspect, with mandible removed, 
x 4. Pm, premaxillary ; a, an ossification from the same; 7ucp, 

maxillo-palatine ; Na, nasal; Z, lacrymal. 
Right lateral view of Trochilus alexandri, X 4, same specimen ; 
gq, quadrate; Vo, vomer; pp, pars plana; and other letters as in 

5 Under view of the skull of Trochilus alexandri, x 4, same specimen, 

mandible removed. P*, pterygoid; P/, palatine; and other letters 
as before. 
PuatEe LIX. 
Right lateral view of the skull of Chordediles acutipennis texensis, X 2; 
letters as in Plate LVIII, 

. Inferior view of mandible of the same specimen as in fig. 1. Life- 


. Superior aspect of the skull of Chordediles acutipennis texensis, X 2; 

same specimen as before; mandible removed. Letters have the 
same meaning. 

. Inferior view of the skull of Chordediles acutipennis texensis, X 2; 

same specimen as in fig. 1; mandible removed ;, basisphenoid. 
Other letters as before. 

Puare LX. 
Pectoral aspect of sternum of Panyptila saxatilis, X 2. 

- Shoulder-girdle of Panyptila saxatilis, same sperimen, X 2; cl, cla- 

vicle; z, the ledge it develops on the outer side of its head for the 
coracoid ; ¢, coracuid; s, scapula; 2’ and cl', same as z and el, but 
the bone they refer to is a front view of the Surcula, shown in side 

view at cl. 

- Pectoral aspect of sternum of Trochilus alexandri, x 4. 
. Right lateral view of the sternum of Panyptila saxatilis, x 2, same 

specimen as shown in fig. 1. 

. Anterior aspect of right coracoid of Trochilus alexandri, X 4; same 

specimen as in Plate I. Compare this bone with the Swift’s coracoid 
shown in fig. 2. 

. Right lateral view of sternum of Trochilus alexandri, x 4; same speci- 

men as in Plate I. Compare this sternum with the very differently 
formed one from a Swift in fig. 4, 

Priate LXI. 

Left pectoral limb of Chordediles acutipennis texensis, life size, palmar 
aspect ; same specimen as shown in Plate II. h, humerus ; #, ulna; 
r, radius; re, radiale; we, ulnare; p, pollex; 2’, index metacarpal ; 
a? and! 4'"", its phalanges; m', middle metacarpal; ", its digital 

Shoulder-girdle and sternum, from the same specimen as in fig. 1, left 
three-quartering view ; life-size. The several bones in situ. 

- Left pectoral limb of Trochilus aleaandri, x 4; from the same speci- 

men asin Plate LVIII. Letters have the same significance as those 
in fig. 1, with s, s', s", and s'", sesamoids; J, pivneee of index phalanx. 

; from the same speci- 
men used in former figures ; both these limbs are, with the exception 
of radius and ulna, seen upon anconal aspect, the excepted bones 
being rotated nearly to the radial view. Letters have the same sig- 
nificance as those in figs. 1 & 3. 


3. Preliminary Notice of the Isopoda collected during the 
Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Challenger.’—Part II.!| Munnop- 
side. By Franx E. Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., 
Prosector to the Society *. 

[Received November 19, 1885.] 
The family of the Munnopside, originally founded by Prof. M. 

Sars on a single species, Munnopsis typica, is now known to in- 
clude a large number of species, which have been referred by Prof. 
G. O. Sars to four distinct genera, viz.: Munnopsis, Desmosoma, 
Ilyarachna, and Eurycope ; the majority of these Isopoda have been 
dredged off the coast of Norway by G. O. Sars; Munnopsis typica 
and Lurycope gigantea have been described as occurring in the 
Arctic region, and two species Munnopsis typica and Eurycope 
robusta have been recorded by Harger from the E. coast of N. 
America. Beyond a few scattered observations in papers communi- 
cated to the Royal Society of London (Proc. Roy. Soc. 1874) by 
the late Dr. v. Willemoes Suhm, nothing is known of the forms 
which inhabit the southern hemisphere. The specimens dredged 
by the ‘ Challenger’ nearly all come from the antarctic area ; they 
are referable to fourteen distinct species, including one new genus. 
I have named them as follows :— 

1, Eurycope sarsii. 8. Eurycope intermedia. 

2. Lurycope nove-zealandie. 9. Ilyarachna, sp. 

3. Eurycope atlantica. 10. Munnopsis latifrons. 

4. Eurycope fragilis. 11 Munnopsis australis. 

5. Eurycope pellucida. 12, Munnopsis gracilis. 

6. Eurycope abyssicola. 13. Acanthocope spinicouda. 
7. Eurycope spinosa. 14. Acanthocope acutispina. 

All these species are, with the exception of Ilyarachna, inhabitants 
of deep water. 

Munnopsis, Sars. 

Three out of the fourteen Munuopsids obtained by the ‘Chal- 
lenger’ appear to me to be referable to the genus Munnopsis ; in 
one instance (M. gracilis) there can be, I should imagine, but little 
doubt of the correctness of this identification. Both the remaining 
species diverge somewhat in structure from Munnopsis typica; the 
differences are, however, perhaps not greater than those which 
separate different species of other genera (e. g. Desmosoma), and I 
prefer, therefore, for the present at least, to retain both species 
within the genus Munnopsis without pledging myself definitely. 

1. MuNNopsis GRACILIS, n. sp. 

A single specimen of this species was dredged off the North 
Island of New Zealand in 1100 fathoms of water. 

The single specimen is a male and measures 12 millim. in length. 

1 See P. Z. 8. 1884, p. 330. 
? Published by permission of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. 


As in M. typica the anterior part of the body, consisting of the 
head and of the first four segments of the thorax, is wider than the 
posterior region of the thorax and the abdomen ; the first segment 
of the thorax is the smallest, the second is the largest and projects 
considerably dorsally above the general surface of the body; the 
two next segments are a trifle smaller and subequal. The fifth 
segment is triangular in shape, very narrow anteriorly, and wider 
posteriorly ; it is longer than either of the succeeding segments, 
which are very short ; the seventh is almost fused with the abdo- 
minal segment; the latter is long, with a narrow median raised 
area; it terminates in two minute posterior tubercles, outside of 
which are the uropoda. The surface of the body is smooth and 
devoid of spines. 

The mandibles have uo palp. 

Station 168, 1100 fathoms. 


A single example, female, measuring 15 millim. in length, from 
N. Pacific, off Japan. 

The head is long in proportion to the other segments ; it is as 
long as the first three taken together; the first four segments of 
the thorax appear on a dorsal view to be subequal; the lateral 
regions, however, increase progressively in length from before back- 
wards ; the segments are excavated above. ‘The three posterior seg- 
ments of the body do not differ widely in transverse diameter from 
the anterior segments as they do in M. typica; their shape is more 
like that of Hurycope ; the first of these segments is decidedly the 
shortest in the dorsal region, laterally they are all subequal in antero- 
posterior diameter. The abdomen is rather damaged, it appears to 
be oval in form, and rounded off at its free extremity ; laterally, 
and in front of the articulation of the long styliform uropoda is 
a spiny process directed backwards; the antenne are of great length, 
measuring 87 millim.; the flagellum is very much shorter than the 
last joint of the peduncle, measuring only 5 millim. The mandible 
has a palp. 

The first pair of thoracic appendages form a very distinct pre- 
hensile band ; the last three pairs of appendages are natatory and 
like those of M. typica. 

Station 232, 345 fathoms. 


The third and last species which I refer to this genus is repre- 
sented by a single individual, dredged between Prince Edward’s 
Island and the Crozets. It measures 8 millim. in length. 

The body has the typical form of the genus. The first segment 
of the thorax is very short, the second five or six times as long, and 
subequal with the two next. ‘The width of the body is greatest at 
the second segment. The remaining segments of the thorax (5-7) 
are extremely narrow ; the first of those segments is very much the 
longest, perhaps three times as long as either of the following. 


The abdomen is long and narrow, about as long as the last three 
segments of the thorax ; it terminates in a short conical process. 
The antenne are very long, measuring about 36 millim. ; the fla- 
gellum is about as long as the peduncle, and is not distinctly jointed. 
The mandibles are conical in form, with only a single tooth-like 
process ; they have no palp. 
The uropoda are short and uniramose, biarticulate. 
Station 147, 1600 fathoms. 

Eurycoprr, Sars. 

Of the eight species described in the following pages, four have 
been assigned to the genus Eurycope, chiefly as a matter of conve- 
nience. £. nove-zealandia, E. fragilis, E. atlantica, and LE. inter- 
media are, 1 am convinced, rightly assigned to this genus; of the 
other species, HZ. sarsii and L. spinosa are probably rightly placed, 
while with regard to #. pellucida and E. abyssicola 1 do not feel 
capable of pronouncing a decided opinion ; they may be the repre- 
sentatives of a new genus altogether, but the specimens are so im- 
perfect that I do not feel justified at the present moment in remoy- 
ing them from Lurycope, especially since there are no strong reasons 
to be deduced from the organization of the species, which are 
decidedly against such a view of their affinities. 


Of this species a large number of individuals were dredged off 
the N. island of New Zealand. The largest examples measure up 
to 12 millim. in length. 

The head is smooth and narrower than the first segment of the 
thorax ; the four first thoracic segments are excavated dorsally and 
increase gradually in lateral diameter up to the fourth, which is the 
widest ; the antero-posterior diameter of the first segment is con- 
siderably longer than the three succeeding segments, which are 
subequal. In the median dorsal line of segments 2-4 (inclusive) is 
an upright spiny process directed somewhat forwards. The lateral 
margins of segments 3 and 4 are prolonged intoa forwardly directed 
spine ; two similar spines are found upon the epimera of these and 
of the preceding segments. The three posterior segments of the 
thorax are directed backwards; they are closely adpressed and con- 
vex dorsally ; on either side of the median dorsal line of each 
segment is a pair of blunt tubercles which in other species (2. fragilis 
and £. atlantica) are prolonged into spines; the lateral margins of 
these segments are directed forwards as spiny processes. The abdo- 
minal segment is roughly triangular in form, terminating in an 
obtusely pointed extremity ; just in front of the articulation of the 
uropoda is a short lateral process on either side; the antero-lateral 
margins are prolonged into short, flattened, spiny processes corre- 
sponding with those upon the thoracie segments. 

The antennz are rather more than twice the length of the body. 
The uropoda are biramose and very minute; the inner branch 
shorter and more slender than the outer branch. : 

Station 168, 1100 fathoms. 


2. EURYCOPE SARSI, 0. sp. 

This is one of the largest species of the genus, and was dredged 
at two stations between Prince Edward’s Island and the Crozets. 

The length of the largest individual is 24 millim. 

The head is about equal in size to any of the anterior segments of 
the thorax. The first four segments of the thorax are of about the 
same antero-posterior diameter, the fourth being, if anything, rather 
narrower than the rest ; the lateral diameters of these segments pro- 
gressively increase, so that the fourth is the widest. The upper 
surface of these segments, as of the body generally, is utterly devoid 
of spines or tubercles which are often found in this genus ; the first 
four thoracic segments are concave dorsally, the rest convex; the 
lateral margins of the terga, as well as of the epimera in the anterior 
segments of the body, are prolonged into a short forwardly directed 
spine. Of the posterior thoracic segments the lateral margins are 
prolonged into a flattened spine; this is also the case with the 
antero-lateral margins of the abdominal segment. The abdominal 
segment is bent down at its extremity ; as in Z. nove-zealandie and 
other species the surface is divided into two lateral and a median con- 
vex area by shallow furrows ; there are no lateral processes as in other 
species, nor is the extremity prolonged but is abruptly truncated. 

The antenne and thoracic appendages were all lost. 

The mandibles are furnished with a three-jointed palp, the last 
joint set transversely and somewhat clawed ; the mandible terminates 
in a number of stiff tooth-like processes, below there isa tuft of 
slender hairs; the molar process is long and beset with fine bairs. 

The uropoda are minute and biramose. 

Station 146, 1375 fathoms ; Station 147, 1600 fathoms. 


This small species is represented by a single individual, 9 millim. 
in length. The anterior margin of the head is prolonged into a 
short rostrum, which is bifid at its tip. The first four segments of 
the thorax are subequal in length, they are excavated above; in the 
dorsal median line of all these segments is a short spine ; the lateral 
margins of these segments with the possible exception of the fourth, 
are not prolonged into spines; but the epimera are so prolonged. 
The three posterior segments of the thorax have each a pair of 
short spines, one on either side of the dorsal median line. The 
shape of the abdominal segment readily serves to distinguish this 
species from any of its allies; as in FZ. fragilis the abdominal seg- 
ment is notched on either side and front; beyond the notch is a 
short transverse process which overlies the uropoda; the terminal 
extremity is smooth and rounded off, and not prolonged into a spine. 

Station 252, 2740 fathoms. 

4. EuRycorr ATLANTICA, 0. sp. 

This species is represented by a single specimen dredged in the 
North Atlantic. 

The specimen measured 10 millim. 


The species is very closely allied to Lurycope fragilis. The head 
is long, equalling the two first segments at the thorax taken 
together ; it has a pair of hooked spines, one on either side of the 
mcdian line. Of the first four segments of the thorax, the first is 
rather shorter than the rest, which are subequal; the three last of 
these segments are furnished with a longish median spine; the 
lateral margins of these segments, as in so many other species, are 
prolonged into a forwardly directed spine. 

The three posterior segments of the thorax have the form charac- 
teristic of the genus ; the two first of these segments have a pair of 
median dorsal $pines, which appear to be wanting on the third. 

The abdominal segment is somewhat oval in form, and terminates 
behind in an obtusely pointed extremity ; in front of the articulation 
of the uropoda are a pair of lateral spines which are curved forwards 
in a crescent shape; in front of these, and near to the antero-lateral 
margin, are another pair of spines. On the dorsal surface are also 
a pair of spines, situated one behind the other. 

Station 76, 900 fathoms. 


At Station 147 a fragment of an Isopod was obtained, which I 
refer doubtfully to the above species ; it consists of the last three 
segments of the thorax and the first half of the abdomen; all these 
thoracic segments have a pair of median spines, and there are two 
dorsal spines upon the abdomen ; the size of the fragment indicates 
a specimen of about 20—25 millim. in length. 

Station 147, 1600 fathoms. 


This species has a greater horizontal and vertical distribution 
than any of those obtained by the ‘ Challenger.’ A large specimen, 
measuring 30 millim., was dredged in the Antarctic Ocean south of 
Kerguelen ; another specimen, smaller, between Prince Edward’s 
Island and the Crozets; and a third between Kerguelen and Aus- 
tralia; finally, a number of small individuals were dredged off the 
coast of Japan in the North Pacific. 

This species is nearly allied te H. atlantica, but differs from it in 
the following points :—there are no spines developed upon the head, 
which is smooth and convex as in the majority of species. The 
abdomen differs very much in shape in the two species; in the 
present species it is wide and more triangular in form; the anterior 
lateral spies are nearer to its articulation with the last segment of 
the thorax; there is only one spine upon the dorsal surface of 
the abdomen, situated near to the proximal extremity. 

Station 152, 1260 fathoms; Station 147, 1600 fathoms; Sta- 
tion 158, 1800 fathoms; Station 237, 1875 fathoms. 

The present species is quite the largest of the family Munnopsidee. 
he single specimen (a male), from near New Guinea, measures 
45 millim. in extreme length. 


A remarkable peculiarity of this species is that the integument, 
instead of being firm and calcified as in Crustaceans generally, is 
delicate and transparent. The head is large and convex dorsally ; 
the first segment of the thcrax is very short; the second and third 
are subequal, and slightly longer than the first; the fourth segment 
is as long as the second and third taken together. All these seg- 
ments are concave dorsally ; they are furnished with short epimera. 
The segments themselves occupy a very small region of the body 
compared to other species; the length of the four segments taken 
together is only 5 mililim., while that of the next three is 18 millim. 

The three posterior segments of the thorax are approximately of 
equal size; their shape is not unlike that of other species of the 

The abdominal segment is large, but it is so collapsed that it is 
impossible to give an accurate description. It appears to resemble 
very closely that of #. sarsii; the posterior extremity is much 
bent down, so that on a lateral view the abdominal segment is semi- 
circular in outline, the anus being directed downwards and even a 
trifle forwards. 

The body of this species is entirely devoid of any spines. 

All the thoracic appendages, as well as the antennze, have been 
broken off short. 

The mandibles are stout and powerfal, and appear to be without 
a palp. 

Station 218, 1070 fathoms. 


This species, like the last, is remarkable for the extreme delicacy 
and transparency of the integument ; this character is almost more 
conspicuous in #. abyssicola than in EZ. pellucids. 

The single specimen, which was dredged in the N. Atlantic, 
measures 40 millim. It presents a good many resemblances to 
LZ. pellucida. 

The head is convex dorsally ; the first four segments of the thorax 
are very short, and together measure no more than the fifth segment 
alone ; they increase progressively in length. Of the three posterior 
segments of the body the middle one appears to be rather the largest, 
while the first and third are subequal. The abdominal segment is so 
damaged, that it is impossible to give any idea of its size and shape. 

The mandibles have no palp. 

The thoracic appendages of the first and sixth pairs have been 
preserved. The first pair appears to resemble the same appendages 
of other species of Hurycope ; the sixth pair are modified into folia- 
ceous swimmerets ; but in these appendages only of the antepenul- 
timate the flattened and dilated joint has been preserved; it is of 
comparatively enormous size. 

Station 68, 2175 fathoms. 

Another very remarkable form is the present species, which is 


unfortunately only represented by a fragment, dredged near the 
Antarctic ice-barrier from a depth of 1950 fathoms. 

The head and the first four segments of the thorax (all that is 
left of the specimen) are subequal in length; each of the four tho- 
racic segments is furnished with a long slender spine in the dorsal 
median line ; the last three segments have in addition a pair of more 
laterally placed spines, which are absent from the first segment of 
the thorax but present upon the head, and situated a little way 
behind the articulation of the antenne. On the epimera were also 
two or three long spines. The ventral side of the body is compara- 
tively smooth ; each of the segments, however, has a minute median 
spine nothing to compare with those on the dorsal surface, which 
equal or exceed in length the diameter of the body. 

Station 157, 1950 fathoms. 

ACANTHOCOPE, nov. gen. 

Two individuals, apparently representing as many species of a 
Munnopsid from the southern hemisphere, I regard as the type of 
a new genus. 

The characters of the genus may be stated in the following 
words :— 

General form of the body oval; no marked difference in breadth 
between the anterior and posterior regions of the thorax. Anterior 
segments of the thorax increase progressively in length ; the pos- 
terior segments of thorax subequal ; epimera of all the thoracic seg- 
ments from the second onwards enormously elongated into curved 
sickle-shaped spines. The abdominal segment is oval, with a long 
terminal spine nearly twice its own length and two pairs of lateral 
spines, one more anterior, the second overlying the articulation of 
the uropoda ; from the inferior surface of the abdominal segment, 
beneath the articulation of the latter, arises another pair of long 
spines. Antenne with the two basal joints short, and furnished 
with one or two long lateral spines. Mandibles divided into several 
tooth-like processes ; molar process stout and powerful, with a blunt 
edge suitable for crushing; palp small and three-jointed. First 
two pairs or first pair only of legs shorter and more slender than the 
rest, the two or three following pairs subequal and not greatly elon- 
gated. Posterior theracic appendages natatory. Uropoda long, 
styliform, 3- or 5-jointed. 


A single male specimen was dredged between Kerguelen and Aus- 
tralia at a depth of 1800 fathoms. 

It measures about 7 millim. in length, inclusive of the telson 

The general form of the body is oval; the first four segments of 
the thorax are short, gradually increasing in length up to the fourth ; 
the three posterior segments are together twice as long as the four 
anterior ; all the thoracic segments, with the exception of the first, 
are furnished with long spiniform epimera; on the first four thoracie 


segments is a single median spine, one on either side of the median 
line on each of the three succeeding segments. The abdomen is 
oval in shape, with an immensely elongated telson spine twice the 
length of the abdomen itself. On either side are a pair of lateral 
spines, the posterior being placed dorsal to the articulation of the 
uropoda; from the ventral surface of the caudal shield behind the 
uropoda arises another spine, which is shorter in this species than in 
the next to be described. ‘The uropoda are 5-jointed. 
Station 158, 1800 fathoms. 


A single specimen, apparently a female, of this species was dredged 
off the west coast of Patagonia. 

The specimen measures 5 millim. in length. 

It has the same general form as the last species; but the three 
posterior thoracic segments, instead of being together double the 
preceding thoracic segments, are ouly equal in length to the second, 
third, and fourth of these segments. The upper surface of the body 
in this species has not the median spines described in Dolichurus 
spinicauda, The epimeral spines are of comparatively much greater 
length than in the last-deseribed species, and they, as well as the 
general body-surface, are closely beset with short spines; these 
structures are also present in d. spinieauda, but apparently not to 
so large an extent. 

The abdomen has the same general form as in the last species ; 
but the terminal spine of the telson is much shorter, being only 
about equal in length to the abdomen. 

The two first appendages of the thorax are shorter as well as 
more slender than the succeeding. 

The uropoda are 3-jointed. 

Station 302, 1450 fathoms. 

Geographical and Bathymetrical Distribution. 

Although the Munnopsidze dredged by the ‘ Challenger’ were in 
nearly every cases from very deep water, the genera of this family do 
range into shallow water considerably above the 300-fathom line, 
which is supposed with reason to represent approximately the 
boundary line between the abyssal and shallow waters. Nearly all 
the species described by Sars are from comparatively shallow water, 
though several descend into water of 300 to 500 fathoms in depth, 
e.g. Eurycope gigantea, 525 fathoms. In the southern hemisphere 
only one species has been found to inhabit shallow water. A Mun- 
nopsid was obtained on the shores of Kerguelen, which are so 
productive in other Isopoda, notably in the genus Serolis; this is a 
species of the genus I/yarachna which I have not at present deter- 
mined with certainty. 

_ The majority of the deep-sea species were obtained in the vicinity 
of land, for example, near to New Zealand and to the coast of South 
America. IJ» many instances stations situated at vast distances from 
any land (such as Stations 157 and 158 between Australia and 

Kerguelen in the southern hemisphere, and Station 252 in the 
middle of the North Pacific) yielded examples of the family. ‘The 
distribution of this family over the floor of the ocean appears to be 
much wider than that of any other family of the Isopoda. While 
the genera Serolis, Arcturus, and others, of which the ‘ Challenger’ 
obtained specimens from the deep sea, were almost invariably 
obtained in the immediate vicinity of land, this was by no means 
invariably the case with the Munnopside. 

The frequent occurrence of more than a single species at the same 
station appears to show that this family is largely represented in 
the abyssal fauna. At Station 146, for example, three distinct 
species were obtained, viz. Eurycope sarsii, E. fragilis, and Mun- 
nopsis australis. 

The wide range of certain species is of importance. Eurycope 
Jragilis ranges from Borneo in the north to near Kerguelen, and 
close to the antarctic ice-barrier in the south. Acanthocope spini- 
cauda from Station 158 is represented off the west coast of Pata- 
gonia by Acanthocope acutispina, which only differs slightly from it. 
The greatest depth which any Munnopsid is known to inhabit is 
2175 fathoms; asingle specimen of Zurycope abyssicola was dredged 
from this depth at Station 68 in the Atlantic. 

In my Report on the genus Serolis I pointed out that in Serolis 
Bromleyana and S. antarctica, which have a comparatively wide 
range, the individuals from the more southern localities are con- 
siderably larger than those that inhabit the more northern latitudes. 
This is strikingly shown in the case of Eurycope fragilis. The 
more southern forms of this species are considerably larger than 
the northern forms. 

Nearly all the species of Munnopside described by Sars and 
others are of comparatively puny dimensions, the largest being 
Eurycope gigantea, which attains the length of 33 millim. In 
striking contrast are many of the specimens obtained from deep 
water both in the northern and southern hemispheres by the ‘ Chal- 
lenger ;’ as instances, may be mentioned Hurycope pellucida, which 
measures nearly 2 inches in length, and Z. fragilis, which measures 

2 inch. In this group, as in so many others which are repre- 
sented both in deep and shallow water, the deep-sea species attain to 
the largest size. 

Several of the new species described in the present paper are 
remarkable. Hurycope spinosa is unique by reason of the great 
development of spines upon the dorsal surface of the body; this 
character has not been met with in other Munnopsidz, which have 
at most a covering of slender hairs, or a few spines, as in Eurycope 
atlantica. ‘The development of spines upon the body is a character 
met with in other deep-sea Crustacea, though its meaning is not clear. 

Another very remarkable species is the one which I have named 
Eurycope pellucida. As its name implies, it is transparent, the 
itegument being thin and but little calcified ; the condition of the 
specimen might naturally suggest that it had just changed its skin, 
if a well-developed colony of Hydroids upon some of the segments 


did not show this supposition to be erroneous. The extreme deli- 
cacy and fragility of the specimen has unfortunately resulted in the 
loss of nearly all the appendages, and the specimen is broken in half. 
It is not merely, however, the thinness and absence of calcification 
in the integument that makes this species so brittle; the muscles, 
both of the appendages and of the segments themselves, are so little 
developed that it is almost impossible to detect their presence with 
the unaided eye. This is the only family of Isopods in which I 
have observed a similar feeble development of the musculature, which 
is well known to be characteristic of many deep-sea fishes. Hury- 
cope fragilis approaches E. pellucida in the transparency of the 
integument, and in the third species, 7. abyssicola these peculiarities 
are even more developed; the specimen, however, is so collapsed 
and damaged that it is impossible to say much about it. 

4. Descriptions of some new Species and a new Genus of 
Phytophagous Coleoptera. By Marrin Jacosy. 

[Received November 27, 1885.] 


Below piceous; above pale green. Head and the disk of the 
thorax piceous, closely punctured ; elytra closely geminate, punc- 
tate-striate, a sutural stripe widened at the middle, piceous. 

Length 42 lines. 

Head finely and closely punctured; labrum fulvous; antenne 
black, the three lower joints testaceous below, the apex of the ter- 
minal joint fulvous. ‘Thorax very finely and rather closely punc- 
tured, the sides slightly rounded in front, nearly straight at the 
base, the angles acute but scarcely produced: a large piceous patch, 
widened at the base, occupies the middle of the disk. Scutellum 
piceous. lytra rather finely punctate-striate; the punctures 
arranged in slightly irregular double rows, with the exception of the 
last row, near the lateral margins, which consist of single punctures 
only ; the sutural longitudinal piceous stripe is distinctly widened at 
the middle, and gradually narrows towards the apices; the meso- 
sternal process short and straight. 

Hab, Amazons, St. Paulo d’Olivenga. (Coll. Oberthiir and my 

This species may easily be mistaken for a variety of D. trivittata, 
Baly, in which the lateral elytral stripe is wanting; but the double 
rows of punctures of the elytra show it to be distinct. In D. ¢rivit- 
tata, as well as in D. citrinella, Kirsch, the elytra have single rows 
of punctures; the same is the case in D. vespertina, Baly, another 
closely allied species. 

Black. Head, thorax, and antenna dark piceous, the four last 

joints of the latter fulvous ; elytra pale green, finely punctate-striate, 
Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LX. 60 

926 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW [ Dee. 1, 

the lateral and sutural margin, a spot at the shoulder, another below 
the base, and three placed transversely below the middle, dark brown. 

Length 7 lines. 

Head closely and finely punctured, the anterior margin of the 
labrum fulvous ; antennze extending to the base of the thorax, the 
seven lower joints piceous and shining, the four terminal ones and 
the sides of the two preceding fulvous, the apical joints slightly 
longer than broad. Thorax nearly three times as bread as long, 
the sides nearly straight at the base, rounded towards the apex, the 
anterior angles acute; surface punctured like the head, but the 
punctures more remotely placed. Scutellum impunctate, piceous. 
Elytra closely and finely punctured, the punctuation arranged in 
irregular double and treble lines, and surrounded by a ring of darker 
green than that of the ground-colour, the sutural and lateral mar- 
gins narrowly piceous, this colour widened below the base at the 
suture into a triangular-shaped broad spot; a similarly coloured 
small spot is placed at the sides and close to the latter, another one 
at the shoulder, and three placed transversely below the middle at 
the disk of each elytron; mesosternal process short and stout. 

Hab. Amazons, St. Paulo d’Olivenga. (Coll. Oberthiir and my 

In the pattern of the elytra D. gratiosa resembles D. imperialis, 
Stil, and D. hybrida, Jac., but differs entirely in its coloration and 
the fulvous apical joints of the antenne. 


Below greenish black; above metallic blue. Thorax dilated at 
the sides, wider than tlie elytra, remotely punctured ; elytra closely 
and semiregularly punctate-striate. 

Length 8 lines. 

Head finely and rather closely punctured, metallic green or blue ; 
the anterior margin of the labrum and the jaws covered with long 
yellowish hairs; antenne not extending much further than the 
base of the elytra, the first six joints metallic blue, the rest black. 
Thorax wider than the elytra, the sides very greatly rounded and 
widened towards the base, the posterior margin produced towards 
the middle; surface covered with larger and smaller punctures, 
irregularly and not very closly placed, the dilated sides entirely 
impunctate, the lateral margin accompanied by a single row of deep 
punctures. Scutellum about as broad as long, impunctate. Elytra 
very convex and parallel, narrower at the base than the thorax, the 
disk rather closely punctate-striate, the punctures, however, not very 
regularly placed and greatly diminishing in size towards the apices ; 
the interstices impunctate, here and there aciculate; the breast 
black ; the abdomen and legs metallic green; the mesosternal 
process rather short, but slightly curved and ending in a slightly 
thickened point. 

Hab. Amazons, St. Paulo d’Olivenca. (Coll. R. Oberthiir and 

Allied to D. dilaticollis and D. euchalca, Stil; but distinguished 
by the extremely rounded, not angulate, sides of the thorax, and by 


the much stronger punctuation of the elytra, which is plainly visible 
with the naked eye. 

Doryruora PICTIPENNIS, Sp. nov. 

Black. Thorax with strongly rounded sides, the latter closely 
punctured ; elytra testaceous, irregularly and closely covered with 
numerous small black spots. 

Length 83 lines. 

Head extremely finely punctured, the lower edge of the epistome 
and the anterior margin of the labrum sometimes testaceous ; 
autennee scarcely extending beyond the base of the thorax, black, 
the apices of the first two joints sometimes testaceous, the third 
joint very long and slender, the five lower joints shining, the rest 
opaque, pubescent, and longer than broad. Thorax very transverse, 
about three times as broad as long, the sides strongly rounded, the 
angles acutely produced, the anterior ones toothed ; surface deeply 
and rather closely punctured at the sides, the middle of the disk 
nearly impunctate. Scutellum triangular; the apex acute, impunc- 
tate. Elytra covered with very numerous smal! punctures, each of 
which is surrounded by a black ring; at the basal margin there are 
some larger greenish zeneous spots ; the extreme lateral and sutural 
margin is also black, as well as the elytral epipleuree ; mesosternal 
process stout and straight. 

Hab. Amazons, St. Paulo d’Olivenca. (Coll. Oberthiir and my 

This species will find its place near D. glomerata, Stil, D. pluviata, 
Baly, and several others somewhat similarly marked ; the absence of 
any transverse or longitudinal elytral bands will distinguish it. 


Flavous or fulvous ; the sides of the breast, the disk of the thorax, 
and two transverse bands of the elytra, as well as a large triangular 
spot at the apices of the latter, black. 

Length 3-33 lines. 

Head with a few fine punctures and a distinct longitudinal central 
groove ; antennee short, entirely fulvous, the terminal joints slightly 
thickened. Thorax more than three tlmes as broad as long, the 
sides straight at the base, rcunded towards the apex; surface very 
finely and rather remotely punctured, the middle of the disk black, 
the sides fulvous. Scutellum fulvous. Elytra regularly and finely 
punctate-striate, the punctures distinct to the apex, fulvous; a 
narrow transverse band at the base extending to either margin, a 
much broader band at the middle, abbreviated at either margin, and 
a broad triangular spot near the apex of each elytron, black ; elytral 
epipleuree, the underside (with the exception of the sides of the 
breast) and the legs fulvous. 

Hab. Amazons, St. Paulo d’Olivenga. (Coll. Oberthiir and my 
own ) 

The elytra, if the black colour is taken for that of the ground, 
have the margins and two narrow transverse bands (one before, the 

other below, the middle) fulvous. 


Licy.uuvs, gen. nov. (HALTICIN®). 

Body ovate; eyes entire; antenne filiform, the second joint 
short. Thorax transverse, narrow, the posterior angles tubereu- 
liform, oblique ; surface transversely depressed at the middle of the 
disk. Scutellum large, the apex rounded. Elytra with a deep 
depression below the base, irregularly punctured, their epipleure 
disappearing below the shoulders. Posterior femora strongly in- 
crassate, their tibize simple and unarmed, the first joint of the pos- 
terior tarsi as long as the three following joints together. Claws 
appendiculate. Prosternum invisible between the cox; meso- 
sternum narrowly transverse. Anterior coxal cavities open. 

The unarmed apices of all the tibiee, the transversely impressed 
thorax, and the absence of the elytral epipleurze below the middle, 
in connection with the deeply depressed space of the elytra below 
the base, form a number of characters which distinguish Licy/lus 
from any other genus amongst the numerous family of Halticine. 
A single species from Australia is known to me. 


Piceous. Basal joints of the antennz, the thorax, anterior legs, 
and posterior tibiz testaceous ; elytra metallic green, two large spots 
at the base, and a semicircular mark below the middle of each 
elytron bright reddish cupreous. 

Length 2 lines. 

Head piceous, with a few fine punctures; the frontal tubercles 
strongly raised, bounded behind by a rather deep groove; the carina 
very indistinct ; lower part of face testaceous. Antenne more than 
half the length of the body, obscure fuscous, the four or five lower 
joints testaceous, the third joint more than twice as long as the 
second and longer than the fourth. Thorax three times as broad as 
long, the sides rounded at the middle, the angles, especially the 
posterior ones, produced in a tubercle, obliquely shaped behind the 
latter ; surface impunctate, with a rather deep transverse groove 
across the disk, not extending to the sides. Scutellum broad, black. 
Elytra widened below the middle, transversely depressed below the 
base, the latter raised; surface closely and finely punctured, the 
punctures more strongly impressed anteriorly than behind the 
middle, metallic green; an elongate spot placed at the shoulders, 
which are prominent, a round spot near the scutellum, and a large 
semicircular ring, occupying nearly the entire latter half of each 
elytron, brilliant reddish cupreous; posterior femora piceous, the 
rest of the legs testaceous. 

Hab, Australia. (Two specimens are contained in my collection.) 


Fulvous; the sides of the breast black; elytra distinctly pune- 
tured, their anterior half and a triangular spot near the apices black. 

Length 3 lines. 

Head impunctate, transversely grooved behind the frontal tuber- 
cles ; antennze rather short and stout, fulvous, the third joint 
slightly longer than the second; sides of the thorax subangulate 

wart amp. 


P. Smit dith. 

euronectes hmanda.) 





(P.Flesus |) 






before the middle, the surface impressed with a transverse groove, 
interrupted at the middle, finely punctured within the groove, the 
rest of the surface impunctate. Scutellum fulvous. Elytra closely 
and finely but distinctly punctured, the entire anterior portion to 
slightly below the middle black, but this colour not quite extending 
to the shoulders, which remain of the fulvous ground-colour ; a 
triangular black spot is placed close to the apex of each. elytron. 
Underside and legs fulvous ; the sides of the breast very narrowly 
marked with black. 

fab. Agoué (Benin). (Coll. Oberthiir and my own.) 

This species, although evidently closely allied to D. aperta, Harold, 
seems to differ sufficiently to justify its separation. The elytra in 
D. oberthuri, besides being closely punctured, of which Von Harold 
makes no mention, are devoid of any basal elevation; their black 
anterior portion will separate the species from D. aperta and several 
other allied forms in which the elytral bands are narrow. 


Fulvous ; terminal joints of the antennz and the tarsi black ; 
elytra closely punctured, metallic green. 

Length 23 lines. 

Head impunctate, with the usual transverse groove between the 
eyes; antennze with the four first joints fulvous, the rest black, 
third and following joints equal. Thorax about twice as broad as 
long, the sides very slightly rounded in front, the disk with a deep 
transverse groove, not interrupted at the middle. Scutellum ful- 
vous. Elytra without any basilar elevation, closely and distinctly 
punctnred, entirely metallic green. Underside and legs fulvous ; 
tarsi black ; claws appendiculate ; anterior coxal cavities open. 

Hab. Atrica, Quanauga Strom (Major v. Mechow). (Coll. Ober- 
thiir and my own.) 

5. On a supposed Hybrid between the Dab (Pleuronectes 
limanda) and the Flounder (P. flesus). By F. Day, 

[Received November 27, 1885.] 
(Plate LXIi.) 

On November 20th my attention was arrested at a fishmonger’s 
shop in Cheltenham by a curious-looking pleuronectoid fish with the 
following characters and dimensions:— 

Df Etat, dat. Mato i. -<, 60. Colt WT, 1.6o 

Raative denetictiiniady t)sa so ss 15 inches 
Lengthvofsheadisss-aneiat cence 2:9) Tess 
Length of caudal fin ........ D4) ns 
Hemht of body) x S520 okp..0i PrAly ve 

Kyes on right side, diameter 0°6 in. ; 0-2 apart; 0:5 from end of 
nout. The lower jaw slightly in advance of the upper; the maxilla 

930 MR. E. L. PHILLIPS ON THE [ Dec. I, 

as long as the eye. The greatest depth of the body is between the 
lateral line and the base of the anal fin, where it is 3°4 inches. 
Teeth. Conical, with rounded summits, in two rows on the blind 
side in the upper jaw, and one on the coloured ; smaller and fewer 
in the mandible. Gill-rakers removed. Fins, dorsal fin commences 
above the middle of the upper eye, its 32nd ray as high as any ; it 
and a few beyond are each 1°5 of an inch in length and half as long 
as the head. A spine before the base of the anal fin; caudal fin 
similar to that of the Flounder. Free portion of the tail two thirds 
as long as high. Sca/es indistinctly ctenoid on the coloured side, 
cycloid on the blind side ; they are extended over the cheeks and on 
the ridge between the eyes; there is also a row of them along each 
dorsal and anal ray. No osseous tubercles along the bases of dorsal 
or anal rays. Lateral-line with a strong curve anteriorly over the 
base of the pectoral fin, 1:6 inches in length and 0°7 of an inch high. 
Colour of a dark brown without spots, and white on the lower surface ; 
the first portion of the dorsal fin whitish, also a narrow white edging 
along its first half, caudal also with a narrow white outer edge. 

The number of rays, the ctenoid scales which are continued along 
the vertical rays, and the strong curve at the commencement of the 
lateral line point out to one of the parents of this fish being the Dab 
(Pleuronectes limanda), while the other must be a Flounder or a Plaice. 
The size of the fish, the absence of ossicles along the bases of the 
vertical fin-rays, and the number composing the anal fin at first led 
me to suppose the other parent might be a Plaice; but the dentition 
and the square-cut tail, as well as absence of spots, induces me to 
conclude that it must have been a Flounder. It came from Brixham. 

While alluding to this specimen, I would suggest that Pleuronectes 
pseudoflesus of Gottsche, Wiegm. Arch. 1835, pt. ii. p. 143, may 
probably be a hybrid Flounder. 

The drawing (Pl. LXII.) represeuts the specimen at five elevenths 
of the natural size. 

6. Notes on the Antelopes of Somali-Land. 
By E. Lorr Puartries, F.Z.S. 

[Received December 1, 1885.] 

At the meeting of this Society on the 18th of November last year! 
Mr. Sclater read an excellent paper contaiming an account of some flat 
skins of Somali Antelopes and other Mammals which had been sent 
to him by Mr. C. Hagenbeck, the well-known dealer of Hamburg. 
Having recently visited Somali-land, along with my friends Messrs. 
James, Aylmer, and Thrupp, and obtained specimens of several species 
of Antelopes, I think it may interest the members of the Society if I 
exhibit the heads of the specimens that we have procured, and read 
a few notes on the country, of which very little seems to be known. 

We left Berbereh on the 22nd of December, 1884, and travelled 

1 See P.Z. 8. 1884, p. 538. 


nearly due south for about 300 miles, returning to our starting- 
point on the 16th of the following April. For the first eight miles 
after leaving the coast we crossed a flat sandy plain, thinly covered 
with dwarf Mimosas, and then ascended a plateau or tableland of 
about 3000 feet above the sea-level. 

This plateau extends to the south for about 280 miles, and there 
ends as abruptly as on the north, the descent on both sides being very 
rapid. At the south margin of the plateau runs the Webbe-Shebeyli 
or Haynes River, through an immense plain. The banks of this river 
are extensively cultivated by the natives, who grow corn, beans, and 
water-melons. ‘lo avy one wishing to know more of the country I 
would recommend a reference to Mr. F. L. James’s account of this 
journey read before the Royal Geographical Society on the 29th of 
June of the present year (see Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. 1885, p. 625). 

The following Antelopes were met with during our expedition. 
Mr. Sclater has determined the species for me. 

1. SrREPSICEROS IMBERBIS. (Lesser Koodoo). 

This beautiful little Koodoo is found on the northern slopes of the 
plateau. It does not seem to differ much in its habits from the 
larger Koodoo: it is fond of thick covert, and I do not think it 
likely that it would be found very far from water. I exhibit a fine 
head of a male. 

2. Srrepsiceros kuDU. (Greater Koodoo.) 

We did not meet with this species till we reached the southern 
slopes of the plateau, where it was said by the natives to be fairly 
plentiful. One example only was procured, a vety fine male. 

3. Oryx Brisa. (Beisa Antelope.) 

This animal is highly prized by the Somali, as from its hide, which 
is very tough, are made their beautiful little shields, and its long 
pointed horns are used for loosening the earth during the tedious 
process of sinking wells. 

During the rainy season the natives hunt these Antelopes on 
horseback, and they are easily ridden down, as they are then fat and 
heavy and their feet sink deep into the wet earth. In the dry season, 
owing, I suppose, to being hunted so much, it is extremely hard to 
approach them, and when once disturbed they gallop a long way 
without stopping. The head on the table is that of a female shot 
on the plateau. 

4, GAZELLA WALLERI. (Waller's Gazelle.) 

I have here to-night heads of both male and female of this species. 
The female is without horns. When seen from a distance this 
Antelope might easily be mistaken for a Giraffe, on account of its 
long thin neck. It was found to be fairly plentiful throughout our 

5. GazeLua spekit. (Speke’s Gazelle.) 
These Gazelles are very plentiful on the low plain near Berbereh, 


where they may be seen in herds varying from three to ten in 
number. I did not notice any on the plateau. 

6. GazeLua, (flabby-nosed Gazelle’.) 

This Gazelle was shot on the plateau towards the beginning of 
April. It is remarkable for having a quantity of loose skin on the 
nose. The Gazelles on the plateau seemed to me to differ greatly 
from those on the plain by the coast, as the black mark along the 
side was entirely wanting; they also looked much lighter in colour, 
in fact almost white. 

I shot a female apparently of this species, but did not notice the 
extraordinary development of the skin of the nose as presented by 
the male. 

7. GAZELLA S@MMERRINGI. (Semmerring’s Gazelle.) 

This Antelope we thought to be of a new species, as it seemed 
larger than the Scemmerring’s Gazelles that we met with in the Bogos 
country in our former expedition; the horns certainly are much 
larger. It is extremely plentiful on the plateau, some of the herds 
numbering one hundred at least. Where these Antelopes drank, if 
they drank at all, is a mystery to me, as the only water obtainable 
on the plateau during the dry season is from wells about forty feet 

8. Cosus, sp. inc.” (Water-buck.) 

We did not meet with this Antelope till we reached the banks of 
Webbe Shebeyli, where it was fairly plentiful among the thick 
jungle near the river. Its hide is much prized by the natives for 
making ropes, but the flesh they refuse to touch. 

9. NrorraGus, sp. inc.’ (Dwarf Antelope.) 

These little animals were very abundant on the plateau. On 
being disturbed they bound off with great jumps, uttering a shrill 
ery. Their flesh tasted strongly of musk, but for want of other 
meats we had continually to eat it. JT often got two or three at a 
time, with an ordinary charge of shot. 

10. AuceLaruus, sp. ine. (Hartebeest.) 

In the first week in April near the northern boundary of the 
plateau I shot a young male Hartebeest. I unfortunately lost the 
skull. It was the only time we ever saw any of this species. 

* [This Gazelle, I think, belongs probably to a new species, but requires further 
examination.—P. L. §.] 

* [No specimens were brought home of this Antelope, which was probably 
either C. mitpsiprymnus or an allied species.—P. L. S. 

3 [This is a close ally of Neotragus saltianus, but perhaps different.—P. L. 8.] 







. 1 Siamese Gibbon (Hylobates pileatus). Purchased. 

1 Brown Hyena (Hyena brunnea). Presented by R. W. 
Murray, Esq. 

. 7 Angulated Tortoises (Chersina angulata). Presented by the 

Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, O.M.Z.S8. 

2 Hoary Snakes (Coronella cana). Presented by the Rey. G. 
H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

1 Many-spotted Snake (Coronella multimaculata). Presented by 
the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

1 Robben-Island Snake (Coronella phocarum). Presented by 
the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

- 1 Raven (Corvus corav). Presented by the Rey. W. G. Lewis. 
. 1Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Presented by Capt. H. 

EK. Robbins. 

. 1 Pig-tailed Monkey (Macacus nemestrinus),3. Presented by 

J. Chureh-Dixon, Esq. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus eynomolgus),2. Presented by J. 
Church-Dixon, Esq. 

1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina), 2. Presented by 
J. Church-Dixon, Esq. 

1 Tuberculated Iguana (Iguana tuberculata). Purchased. 

1 Lacertine Snake (Celopeltis lacertina). “Presented by R. F, 
Sibbald, Esq. 

. 1 Rose-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua molluccensis). Deposited. 
- 1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina). Born in the 



1 Mouflon (Ovis musimon), 3. Presented by H.R.H. The Duke 
of Edinburgh, K.G. 

1 Black-and-Yellow Hawfinch (Mycerobas melanoxanthus), 9 . 
Purchased. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 168. 

1 Andaman Starling (Stwrnia endamanensis), Purchased. See 
P.Z. 8. 1885, p. 168. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.— 1885, No. LXI. 61 

Jan. 10, 


Feb. 2. 


4 Starred Tortoises (Testudo stellata): Purchased. See P.Z.S. 
1885, p. 168, 

1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina). Presented by B.C. 
Parr, Esq. 

il Teraghctailed Kangaroo (Petrogale penicillata), $. Deposited. 

1 Red-handed Tamarin (Ihdas rufimanus). Deposited. 

1 Nilotic Crocodile (Crocodilus vulgaris), Presented by H. E. 
Cree, Esq. 

2 Striated Tanagers (T'anagra striata). Purchased. 

2 Siskins (Chrysonutiis spinus). Purchased. ; 

1 Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). Presented by Mr. G. Skege. 

1 Golden-crowned Conure (Conurus aureus). Deposited. 

1 Virginian Fox (Urocyon virginianus). Received in Ex- 

1 Golden Eagle (Aguila chrysactus). Presented by Col. E. D. 

7 Bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla). Presented by Mr. T. 
EH. Gunn. 

2 Chaftinches (Fringilla celebs), Presented by Mr. T. E. Gunn. 

1 Tree-Sparrow (Passer montanus). Presented by Mr. T. E. 

1 Black-headed Bunting (Zmberiza melanocephala). Presented 
by Mr. T. E. Gunn. 

. 6 Dunlins (Zringa alpina). Purchased. 
2. 1 Moose (Alces machlis),3. Presented by Evelyn Hubbard, 

Esq. See P.Z. 8. 1885, p. 168. 

. 2 Yaks (Poephagus grunniens),$ 2. Purchased. See P.Z.8. 

1885, p. 168. 

1 Goshawk (Astur palumbarius). Presented by W. H. St. 
Quintin, Esq. 

1 Pink-footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus). Presented by 
Major H. W. Feilden, C.M.Z.8, 

. | Malayan Tapir (Zapirus indicus), 3. Deposited. 

2 Calandra Larks (Melanocorypha calandra). Purchased. 

, 2 White Storks (Ciconia alba). Deposited. 

5 Striped Snakes (Z'ropidonotus sirtalis). Born in the Mena- 

. 2 Long-eared Owls (Asio otus), Presented by George E. Crisp, 

1 Tawny Owl (Syrniwm aluco). Presented by George E. Crisp, 

2 Magpies (Pica rustica). Deposited. 

1Sambur Deer (Cervus aristotelis), §. Presented by the 
Officers 1st Batt. Essex Regiment. 

1 Malbrouck Monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus),3. Presented 
by Mrs. East. 

1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus),?. Presented by 
F. W. Robinson, Esq. 

1 Royal Python (Python regius). Presented by A. H. Berthoud, 


1 Long-eared Owl (Asto otus). Presented by R. Farren, Esq. 

2 Kagus (Rhinochetus jubatus). Purchased. 

1 Black Hornbill (Sphagolobus atratus),3. Received in Ex- 

2 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 

Feb. 10. 




Mar. 2. 


1 Viverrine Phalanger (Phalangista viverrina),?. Purchased. 
See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 246. 

2 Stanley Parrakeets (Platycercus icterotis), jy. Purchased, 
See P. Z.S. 1885, p, 245, 

1 Common Boa (Boa constrictor). Presented by Mr. Allen. 

2 Hooded Crows (Corvus cornix). Presented by Miss Muriel 
Agnes Brassey. 

2 Laughing Kingfishers (Dacelo gigantea), Presented by Miss 
Marie Adelaide Brassey. 

1 Sharp-nosed Crocodile (Crocodilus acutus), Presented by C. 
G. aaa Esq., M.R.C.S. 

1 Globose Curassow (Craw globicera),$. Purchased. 

2 Malayan Squirrels (Scirus nigro-vittatus). Purchased. 

1 Four-horned Antelope (Tetraceros quadricornis), 2. Pur- 

1 Golden-winged Woodpecker (Colaptes auratus). Purchased. 

1 Pine-Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator). Purchased. 

1 Brazilian Teal (Querquedula brasihensis),?. Purchased. 

1 caval (Felis serval),3. Presented by T. J. Alldridge, Esq., 

1 African Civet Cat (Viverra civetta), §. Presented by T. J. 
Alldridge, Esq., F.Z.S. 

2 Pileated Jays (Cyanocorax pileatus). Presented by Theo. 
Walsh, Esq. 

. 4 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons), Born in the 

1 Roseate Cockatoo (Cacatua roseicapilla). Deposited. 

. 1 Common Badger (Meles taxus), 2. Presented by Cuthbert 

Johnson, Esq. 

. 2Common Foxes (Canis vulpes), 2 g. Presented by Lady 

Brassey, F.Z.8. 

. 1 Alexandrine Parakeet (Paleornis alexandrim),2. Presented 

by Mr. W. Hay. 

. | Hybrid Nubian fhex (between ¢ Capra nubiana and 9 Capra 

hircus),2. Born in the Menagerie. 
1 Short-tailed Wallaby (Halmaturus brachyurus). Deposited. 

. LSlow-worm (Angus fragilis). Presented by R. Gunter, 


. 1 Isabelline Lynx (Felis isabellina), 3. Received in Exchange. 

See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 245, 

. 2 Brown Pelicans (Pelecanus fuscus). Purchased. See P.Z.S. 

1885, p. 246, 

2 Wood-Hares (Lepus sylvaticus), Presented by F. J. Thomp- 
son, Esq. 

2 Spotted Ichneumons (Herpestes nepalensis). Presented by 
Mr. R. Wilkins. 

1 Common Magpie (Pica rustica), Presented by Mr. H. Clare, 

83 Coal-Tits (Parus ater). Purchased. 

4, 1 Dwarf Common Ass (Equus asinus),3. Presented by J. 

Cc Oo 

Skelding, Esq. 
1 Alexandrine Parrakeet (Paleornis alexandri),3. Presented 
by Mis. Abbott. 

. 1 Roan Kangaroo (Macropus erubescens),9. Purchased. See 

P.Z.S. 1885, p. 322. 

. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus),$. Presented by Mrs. M, 

Strachan Cruegie, 










1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Presented by 
Mrs. M. Strachan Carnegie. 

2 Common Gulls (Larus canus). Presented by F. J. Mosely, 
Esq., F.Z.S. 

2 Black-headed Gulls (Larus ridibundus). Presented by F. J. 
Mosely, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Palm-Squirrel (Sciwus palmarum). Presented by Lieut. A. 
H. Oliver, R.N. 

1 Red-eared Monkey ( Cercopithecus erythrotis),3. Purchased. 

1 Pluto Monkey (Cercopithecus pluto),2. Purchased. 

1 White-thighed Colobus (Colobus vellerosus), 3. Purchased. 

1 Blood-stained Cockatoo ( Cacatua sanguinea). Purchased. 

1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus), 2. Presented by Mrs. 

1 Barn-Owl (Striz flammea). Presented by Mr. W. P. Clark. 

1 Hairy-nosed Wombat (Phascolomys latifrons),2. Purchased. 

. 1 Redwing (Turdus iliacus). Purchased. 

1 Cil-Bunting (Emberiza cirlus). Purchased. 

4 Bramblings (Fringilla montifringilla). Purchased. 

4 Reed-Buntings (Hmberiza scheniclus). Purchased. 

1 Indian Crocodile (Crocodilus palustris). Presented by Mr. 
John Murphy. 

3. 3 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 


1 Grey Ichneumon (Herpestes griseus). Presented by J. G. 
Baxter, Esq. 

1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina). Presented by J. 
G. Baxter, Esq. 

1 Algerian Tortoise (Testudo mauritanica). Deposited. 

1 Common Boa (Boa constrictor). Presented by Mr. Allen. 

1 Red-billed Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), Pre- 
sented by Wm. Boutcher, Esq. 

8. 1 Malbrouck Monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus). Presented by 

My. W. E. Clift. 
1 Stein-bok Antelope (Nanotragus tragulus),2. Purchased. 

. 1 Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus lalandiz). Presented by W. 

Ockey, Esq. 
1 Pine-Marten (Mustela martes). Presented by Frank Sharp, 

20. 4 Wattled Starlings (Dilophus carunculatus),2 6,29. Pur- 

chased. See P. Z. S. 1885, p. 322. 
2 Brazilian Tanagers (Ramphoceelus brasilius),2 g. Purchased. 
2 Superb Tanagers ( Calliste fastuosa). Purchased. 
2 White-throated Seed-eaters ( Crithagra albogularis), § 9. Pur- 
2 Cape Colies (Colius capensis). Purchased. See P.Z.S. 1885, 

1 Narrow-barred Finch (Mania nisoria). Presented by Mr. J. 

2 St.-Helena Seed-eaters (Crithagra butyracea), § Q. Presented 
by Mr. J. Abrahams. 

1 Grey-necked Serin Finch (Serinus canicollis),$. Presented 
by Mr. J. Abrahams. 

1 Brown Canary Finch (Serinus tottus). Presented by Mr. J. 

2 Yellowish Finches (Sycalis luteola). Presented by Mr. J. 

Mar, 21. 


April 1. 



2 Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus), 2 @. Deposited. 
1 Russ’s Weaver-bird ( Quelea russi), 3. Presented by Mr, J. 
1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 
Miss Payne Hamilton. 
hk pe pared Owl (Asto otus), Presented by Scott B. Wilson, 

1 Common Kestrel (Tinnunculus dlaudarius). Presented by 
Scott B. Wilson, Esq. 

1 Common Buzzard (Buteo vulgaris). Presented by Scott B. 
Wilson, Esq. 

» 1 Common Otter (Lutra vulgaris). Purchased. 

1 Raven (Corvus corniz). Presented by J. Bradley, jun., Esq. 

. 1 Raven (Corvus cornix). Presented by G. Sloper, Esq. 
. 2 Wattled Starlings (Dilophus carunculatus), $ 2. Purchased. 

See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 322. 

. 1 Blau-bok ( Cephalophus pygmeus), §. Presented by A, Best, 


» 1 Common Lizard (Lacerta vivipara). Presented by Stanley 8S. 

Flower, Esq. 

. 8 Silky Bower-birds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus). Received in 


2 Common Wombats (Phascolomys wombat). Received in Ex- 

2 Red Kangaroos (Macropus rufus), 3 2. Received in Ex- 

2 Great Kangaroos (Macropus giganteus), Q. Received in 

1 Roan Kangaroo (Macropus erubescens), 2. Received in Ex- 
change. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 322. 

2 Bennett's Wallabys (Halmaturus benetti). Received in Ex- 

2 Sumatran Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros sumatrensis), $2. Pur- 
chased. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 421, 

1 Bar-tailed Pheasant (Phasianus reevesi), . Purchased. 

1 Silver Pheasant (Euplocamus nycthemerus), 2. Purchased. 

1 Rufous-tailed Pheasant (Luplocamus erythrophthalmus), °, 

2 Peacock Pheasants (Polyplectron chinguis),2 2. Purchased. 

1 Cocoi Heron (Ardea cocot). Purchased. 

- 1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus rhesus), 3. Presented by Mr. F. J. 

1 Bonnet Monke (Macacus radiatus). Born in the Menagerie, 
1 Black Lemur le macaco). Born in the Menagerie. 
1 Common Seal (Phoca vitulina), Presented by the National 
Fish-Culture Association. 

. 1 Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). De- 


. 1 Tibetan Wild Ass or Kiang (Equus hemionus), 2. Deposited. 

See P.Z. S. 1885, p. 421 

1 Common Otter (Lutra vulgaris), Presented by Sackville 
Phelps, Esq. 

1 Common Otter (Zutra vulgaris). Deposited. 

1 Mandarin Duck (42x galericulata), 3. Purchased. 

1 White-fronted Lemur (Lemur albifrons). Born in the Me- 


April 8. 












2 Common Guinea-fowls (Nwmida meleagris). Deposited. 

1 Galeated Curassow (Pawvis galeata), §. Presented by G. A. 
Crawley, Esq. 

1 Wheatear (Savicola enanthe), 2. Purchased. 

1 Pig-tailed Monkey (Macacus nemestrinus), 2. Presented by 
Mrs. Urquhart. 

1 Carrion-Crow (Corvus corone). Presented by A. Browning 
Priestly, Esq. 

1 Chilian Sea-Eagle (Geranoaetus melanoleucus). Presented by 
Richard J. Jones, Esq. 

1 Smooth Snake (Coronella levis), Presented by W. H. B. 
Pain, Esq. 

1 Chinese Mynah (Aeridotheres cristatellus). Presented by 
George Rowles, Esq. 

1 Gigantic Salamander (Megalobatrachus giganteus). Deposited. 

2 Bull Frogs (Rana catesbiana), Purchased. 

1 Dark Green Snake (Zamenis atrovirens). Purchased. 

6 Agile Frogs (Rana agilis). Purchased. 

4 Sonnerat’s Jungle-fowls (Gallus sonnerati), 23,292. De- 

10 Common Squirrels (Sciwrus vulgaris). Purchased. 

1 Toco Toucan (Ramphastus toco). Deposited. 

2 Guira Cuckoos (Guira piririgua). Purchased. 

1 Brazilian Caracara (Polyborus brasiliensis). Purchased. 

1 Campbell’s Monkey (Cercopithecus campbelli), 2. Presented 
by Miss Lyster. 

1 Emu (Dromeus nove-hollandie). Presented by Capt. J. E. 
Erskine, R.N. 

1 Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Q. Purchased. 

4 Mandarin Ducks (4¢x galericulata),2 3,22. Purchased. 

2 Summer Ducks (42 sponsa), 6 2. Purchased. 

1 Swinhoe’s Pheasant (Luplocamus swinhoii), §. Purchased. 

3 Black Swans (Cygnus atratus). Hatched in the Gardens. 

2 Macacque Monkeys (Macacus cynomolgus), § and 9. Pre- 
sented by A. J. M‘Cowans, Esq. 

2 Turtle-Doves (Turtur communis). Presented by Miss Rein- 

1 Common Badger (Meles taxus). Deposited. 

2 Gouldian Grass-Finches (Poéphila gouldie), 23. - Presented 
by Chas. N. Rosenfeld, Esq. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 421. 

1 Common Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), Purchased. 

4 Pintails (Dajila acuta), 2 $,2 92. Deposited. 

4 Summer Ducks (Aix sponsa), 23,29. Deposited. 

2 Spotted-billed Ducks (Anas pacilorhyncha), § 2. Deposited. 

1 ae (Suricata tetradactyla). Presented by Miss F. M. 


2 Common Badgers (Meles taxus). Presented by Lord Wil- 
loughby de Broke. 

1 Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Presented by Miss 

1 Red-tailed Amazon ( Chrysotis erythrura). Purchased. 

il Mes Amazon (Chrysotis farinosa). Presented by W. Hodder, 


3 aiaia Geese (Bernicla magellanica), 3 §. Purchased. 

3 Wigeon (Mareca penclope). Purchased. 

1 Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus), Presented by Miss 

Apr. 28. 




May 2. 


2 Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Presented by Chas. 
Ridley, Esq. 

1 Cereopsis Goose (Cereopsis nove-hollandie). Presented by 
F, L. Frodsham, Esq. 

1 Black Swan (Cygnus atratus). Presented by F. L. Frodsham, 

1 ¥liop Baboon (Cynocephalus babouin). Presented by Mrs, 

1 Common Squirrel (Sceiwrus vulgaris). Purchased. 

5 Coypus (Myopotamus coypus). Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes), Presented by J. Harrison, 


i Goran Lizard (Lacerta vivipara). Presented by Masters 
W. B. and A. 8. Cotton. 

1 Glaucous Gull (Larus glaucus). Presented by G. Edson, Esq. 

1 Common Viper (Vipera berus). Presented by W. H. B. Pain, 


12 Shovtonosed Sea-horses (Hippocampus antiquorum). Pur- 

1 Lesser White-nosed Monkey (Cercopithecus petaurista), 2. 
Presented by James 8. Jameson, Esq. 

1 Long-fronted Gerbille (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 

1 Common Rhea (Rhea americana), 2. Received in Exchange. 

1 Yak (Poéphagus grunniens), $. Born in the Menagerie. 

3 Wigeons (Mareca penelope), 3 9. Purchased. 

3 Pintails (Dajila acuta), 3 9. Purchased. 

2 Shovellers (Spatula clypeata),2 9. Purchased. 

3 Gargauey Teal ( Querquedula circia), 3 9. Purchased. 

5 Common Teal ( Querquedula crecca), 3 3,2 9. Purchased. 

4 Common Lizards (Lacerta vivipara). Presented by H. Hanauer, 

. 1 Indian Mynah (Acridotheres ginginianus). Purchased. 

2 Chinese Jay-Thrushes (Garrulax chinensis). Purchased. 

1 Sun-Bittern (Lwrypyga helias), Purchased. 

4 White-backed Pigeons (Columba leuconota). Purchased. 

2 Greek Partridges (Caccabis saxatilis). Purchased. 

1 Double-banded Sand-Grouse (Pferocles bicinctus), Purchased. 

1 Talapoin Monkey (Cercopithecus talapoin), 6. Purchased. 

1 Humboldt’s Lagothrix (Lagothriz humboldtt), §. Purchased. 

1 Negro Tamarin (Midas ursulus). Purchased. 

1 Black Hill Squirrel (Sezw-ws macrurus). Purchased. 

1 Viscacha (Lagostomus trichodactylus). Purchased. 

1 Scorpion Mud-Terrapin ( Cinosternon scorpioides). Purchased. 

1 Mantchurian Crossoptilon (Crossoptilon mantchurium), 6. 
Received in Exchange. 

1 Hybrid Ruddy Sheldrake (between Tadorna casarca and 
Chenalopex egyptiaca). Presented by Mons. J, M. Cornely, 


1 Hybrid Pochard (between Fuligula ferina and Ax sponsa), 

Presented by Mons. J. M. Cornely, C.M.Z.8. 

. 2 Martinican Doves (Zenaida martincana). Presented by Mrs, 


2 Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum), Presented by J. G. 
Witte, Esq. 

1 Gadwall (Chawlelasmus streperus), §. Purchased. 








1 Rosy-billed Duck (Metopiana peposaca), Q. Purchased. 

1 Grey Ichneumon (Herpestes griseus), 2. Presented by Mrs. 

9 Spotted Salamanders (Salamandra maculosa). Purchased. 

. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), 9. Presented by 

Mrs, Wall. 

1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus rhesus), g. Presented by Miss 
Margaret Ellis. 

1 Getulian Ground-Squirrel (Xerus getulus). Presented by W. 
Cook, Esq. 

. 1 Dorsal Squirrel (Sciwrus hypopyrrhus). Purchased. 

1 Gayal (Bibos frontalis), §. Born in the Menagerie. 

2 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 

4 Red-faced Weaver-birds (Foudia erythrops). Presented by 
Mrs. Herman Kuhne. 

1 Grenadier Weaver-bird (Euplectes oryx). Presented by Mrs. 
Herman Kuhne. 

1 Dark Green Snake (Zamenis atrovirens). Purchased. 

1 Dominican Kestrel (Tinnunculus dominicensis), Presented by 
Dr. A. P. Boon, F.R.CS. 

1 White-eyed Mock-Thrush (Cichiherminia densirostris). Pre- 
sented by Dr. A. P. Boon, F.R.C,S. 

1 Green Bittern (Butorides virescens). Presented by Dr. A. P. 
Boon, F.R.C.S. 

3 Martinican Doves (Zenaida martinicana). Presented by Dr. 
A. P. Boon, F.R.C:S. 

2 Moustache Ground-Doves (Geotrygon mystacea). Presented 
by Dr, A. P. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Tuberculated Iguana (Iguana tuberculata). Presented by Dr. 
A. P. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum). Presented by Master 
C. A. Greeven. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Presented by 
Mr. James Fleming. 

1 Common Squirrel (Sciwus vulgaris). Presented by Mrs. G. 
A. Smith. 

2 Harvest-Mice (Mus minutus). Presented by G. W. Oldfield, 


3 Oommen Vipers (Vipera berus). Presented by W. H. B. Pain, 

2 Deractaaat Cocks of the Rocks (Rupicola crocea),2 3. Pre- 
sented by T, C. Edwards-Moss, Esq. 

2 Mute Swans (Cygnus olor),2 3. Presented by J. W. Gibson, 

ik Gammon Badger (Meles tarus). Presented by C. Ethelston 
Parke, Esq. 

1 African Wild Ass (Equus teniopus?), $. Presented by F. 
D. Lambert, jun., Esq. 

4 White-faced Tree-Ducks (Dendrocygna viduata). Purchased. 

1 White Gannet (Sula piscator). Purchased. 

1 Australian Cassowary (Casuarius australis). Presented by T. 
H. Bowyer-Bower, Esq., F.Z.8. 

1 White-bellied Beaver-Rat (Hydromys leucogaster). Received 
in Exchange. 

2 Stump-tailed Lizards ( Trachydosaurus rugosus). Received in 

May 18, 








1 Great Cyclodus (Cyclodus gigas). Received in Exchange. 

1 Diamond Snake (Morelia spilotes). Received in Exchange. 

1 White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliuétus leucogaster). Deposited. 

4 Pucheran’s Guinea-fowls (Nwmida pucherani). Presented by 
Comm. C. E, Gissing, R.N. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 609. 

1 Kestrel (Tinnunenlus alaudarius), Presented by A. Marriott, 


4 Upland Geese (Bernicla magellanica), Bred in the Mena- 

3 Red-crested Pochards (Fuligula rujina). Bred in the Mena- 

7 Striped Snakes ( 7ropidonotus sirtalis), Presented by Mrs. A. 
H. Jamrach. 

» 1 Collared Fruit-Bat (Cynonycteris collaris). Born in the Mena- 


. | Common Viper (Vipera berus). Presented by F. W. Elliott, 

1 Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus). Presented by Dr. L. 

2 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 

1 Hog-Deer (Cervus poreinus), §. Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Slender-billed Cockatoo (Licmetis tenuirostris). Presented by 
Mrs. E. H. Watson. 

1 Darwin’s Rhea (Rhea darwint). Received in Exchange. 

2 Tuatera Lizards (Sphenodon punctatus). Presented by Prof. 
T, J. Parker. 

1 Smooth Snake (Coronella levis). Presented by W. H. B. Pain, 

1 Common Viper (Vipera berus). Presented by W. H. B. Pain, 


1 Slender billed Cockatoo (Licmetis tenwirostris). Deposited. 

1 Osprey (Pandion haliaétus). Purchased. 

13 Tuatera Lizards (Sphenodon punctatus). Deposited. 

2 Javan Cats (Felis javanensis). Presented by Frank Swetten- 
ham, Esq. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 609. 

1 Marbled Cat (Felis marmorata). Presented by Frank Swet- 
tenham, Esq. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 609. 

2 Four-horned Antelopes (Zetraceros quadricornis). Born in 
the Menagerie. 

2 Prairie-Marmots (Arctomys ludovicianus). Born in the Mena- 

1 Wiegmann’s Amphisbeena( Trogonophis wieymanni). Presented 
by — Leech, Esq. 

1 Burrhel Wild Sheep (Ovis burrhel). Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Herring-Gull (Larus argentatus), Bred in the Menagerie. 

20 Spotted Salamanders (Salamandra maculosa). Born in the 

30 Pleurodele Newts (Molge walti), Bred in the Menagerie. 

. 2 Common Hedgehogs (Zrinaceus ewropeus). Presented by Mr. 

T. E. Gunn. 
1 Common Viper (Vipera berus). Presented by Mr. T. E. 
1 Sharp-nosed Crocodile (Crocodilus acutus). Deposited. 
1 Spurred Chameleon (Chameleon calcarifer), Presented by 
ajor J. W. Yerbury, R.A. See P. Z.S8. 1885, p. 717. 



June 3, 1 White-tailed Eagle (Haliaétus albicilla). Presented by H 




Tennent-Tennent, Esq. 

1 Ruddy Ground- Squirrel (Xerus rutilus), Presented by Mrs. 

1 Hybrid Deer (between Cervus luehdorfi, §, and Cervus cana- 
densis, 2), 6. Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Variegated Sheldrake (Tadorna variegata). Bred in the Me- 

1 Egyptian Monitor (Varanus niloticus), Presented by H. 

y, Esq. 
. 1 Squirrel-Monkey (Chrysothrix sciurea), Presented by T. C. 

Edwards-Moss, Esq. 

1 Common Badger (Meles tawus). Presented by H.G. The Duke 
of Devonshire, K.G., F.Z.8. 

1 Common Badger (Meles taxus). Presented by T. W. Proger, 


i AG Deer (Cervus axis), 9. Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Manx Shearwater (Puffinus anglorum). Presented by W. 
Graham, Esq., F.Z.8. 

1 Puffin ha atercula arctica). Presented by W. Graham, Esq., 

2 Ee, (Anguis fragilis). Presented by F. J. Guy, 

. 1 Collared Fruit-Bat (Cynonycteris collaris). Born in the Me- 

nagerie, ; 

2 Triangular-Spotted Pigeons (Columba guinea). Bred in the 

1 Chattering Lory (Lorius garrulus). Presented by H. D. Astley, 
Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 African Lepidosiren (Protopterus sarees Presented by 
Cornelius Alfred Malony, Esq., C.M.G 

1 Red-crested Cardinal (Paroaria cucullata). Presented by 
Miss Hyrzan. 

ie Witieeeated Capuchin Monkey (Cebus albifrons), g. Pre- 

sented by E. Luxmore Marshall, = 

1 Virginian Deer (Carzacus virgianus), 3 . Born in the nen 

2 Larger Tree-Ducks (Dendrocygna major). Received in Ex- 

1 Martinique Gallinule (Lonornis mar tinicus). Presented by 
Mr. G. 8S. Webb. 

2 Grey-breasted Parrakeets (Bolborhynchus monachus).  Pre- 
sented by Miss Buist. 

1 Barn-Owl (Strix flammea). Presented by Mr. Wm. Ostle. 

3 Pigmy Hoes (Porcula salvania). Born in the Menagerie. 

2 Gould’s Monitors (Vare anus gould). Received mm Exchange. 
See P.Z.5S. 1885, p. 717. 

2 Great Cyclodus ( Cyclodus gigas). Received in Exchange. 
See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 717. 

2 Carpet-Snakes (Morelia variegata). Received in Exchange. 
See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 717. 

3 Diamond-Snakes (Morelia spilotes). Received in Exchange. 
See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 717. 

4 Schlegel’s Sand-Snakes (Diemenia peomenionhia)- Received in 
Exchange. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 7 

2 Purplish Death-Adders ee. porph yriaca). Received 
in Exchange. See P. Z.8. 1885, p. 717. 


June 11. 1 Short Death-Adder (Hoplocephalus curtus). Received in Ex- 
change. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 717. 
1 Punctulated Tree-Snake (Dendrophis punctulatus). Received 
in Exchange. See P. Z.8. 1885, p. 717. 
12. 1 Japanese Deer (Cervus sika). Born in the Menagerie. 
1 Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries, var.), g. Deposited. 
1 Red-and-Blue Macaw (dra macao). Presented by J. W. 
Beswick Purchas, Esq. 
13, 1 Yellow Conure (Conurus solstitialis). Presented by Albert 
H. Nicholson, Esq. 
1 Aisculapian Snake (Coluber esculapii). Presented by Miss 
Lenox Conyngham. 
14. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 
Mr. A. R, Brown. 
15. 1 Barbary Ape (Macacus inuus), g. Presented by Mrs, 
3 Canadian Beavers (Castor canadensis). Born in the Mena- 
16, 1 Azara’s Fox (Canis azare), g. Purchased. 
1 Japanese Deer (Cervus sika), g. Born in the Menagerie. 
2 Partridges (Perdix cinerea), Presented by Mr. H. J. Snel- 
6 Cinta Chameleons (Chameleon vulgaris). Purchased. 
17. 1 Barbary Ape (Macacus inuus), 3. Presented by Mrs. D. Fox 
18. 2 Bandicoot Rats (Mus bandicota, white var.). Presented by 
Col. C. 8. Sturt, C.M.Z.S. 
1 Hybrid Common Genet (hetween Genetta vulgaris and Genetta 
pardina). Born in the Menagerie. 
7 Australian Wild Ducks (Anas superciliosa), Bred in the 
1 Chiloe Wigeon (Mareca chiloensis). Bred in the Menagerie. 
1 Pleasant Antelope (Tragelaphus gratus), 2. Purchased. 
19. 1 American Robin (Z'urdus migratorius). Presented by Mr. H. 


. 2 Brown Bears (Ursus arctos). Presented by Walter Holds- 

worth, Esq. 
2 Common Marmosets (Hapale jacchus). Presented by Col. 
Howell Davis. 

. 2 Eyed Lizards (Lacerta ocellata). Presented by Mons. J. M. 

Cornely, C.M.Z.S. 

. 1 Barbary Ape (Macacus inuus), 3. Presented by Capt. A. B. 


2 Tuatera Lizards (Sphenodon punctatus). Presented by W. L. 
Buller, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 

12 Cascaduras (Callichthys littoralis). Presented by J. F. Chit- 
tenden, Esq., M.R.C.S., C.M.Z.S, 

4. 1 Malbrouck Monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus), 3. Deposited. 
. 2 Common Badgers (Meles tarus), Presented by Col. E. M. M, 


1 Thar (Capra jemlaica), $. Born in the Menagerie. - 

1 Red Brocket (Cariacus rufus), $. Presented by H. E. Weaver, 

1 Red-vented Parrot (Pionus menstruus). Purchased. 

» 1 Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Presented by G. Lyon Leith, 

- 1 Molucca Deer (Cervus moluccensis), Born in the Menagerie, 


June 27. 

July 1. 




1 Vinous-throated Fruit-Pigeon (Carpophaga rufigula). From 
the Solomon Islands. Presented by T. H. Bowyer-Bower, 
jun., Esq. 

1 Pacific Fruit-Pigeon (Carpophaga pacifica). From the Solo- 
mon Islands. Presented by T. H. Bowyer-Bower, jun., Esq. 

. 1 Red-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara chloroptera). Purchased. 

1 Grand Eclectus (Eelectus roratus). Deposited. 

1 Mule Deer (Cariacus macrotis), 3. Born in the Menagerie. 

. 1 Collared Peccary (Dicotyles tajaguw). Presented by R. For- 

rester Daly, Esq. 
1 Common Peafowl (Pavo cristatus), ¢. Presented by Mrs. 

. 1 Great Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), 2. Deposited. 

1 Striated Coly (Colius striatus). Purchased. 

2 Black-bellied Sand-Grouse (Pterocles arenarius),2 9. Pre- 
sented by W. H. R. Dickson, Esq. 

2 Bonham’s Partridges (Ammoperdix bonhami), 2 g. Pre- 
sented by W. E. R. Dickson, Esq. 

1 Lion (Fels leo), 2. Deposited. 

1 Siamese Blue Pie (Uroctssa magnirostris). Presented by C, 
Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Hunting-Crow (Cissa venatoria). Presented by C. Clifton, 
Esq., F.Z.8. 

2 Rooks (Corvus frugilegus). Presented by C. A. Marriott, Esq. 

1 Undulated Grass-Parrakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus). Pre- 
sented by Miss Wainewright. 

. 1 Mesopotamian Fallow Deer (Dama mesopotamica), 3. Born 

in the Menagerie, 

. 1 American Badger (Taxidea americana), 2. Presented by 

F. J. Thompson, Esq. 

1 Axis Deer (Cervus axis), 6. Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Mule Deer (Cervus macrotis), §. Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Greater Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus), Presented by 
J. Pratt, Esq., F.Z.S. 

. 1 Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus lalandit), 3. Presented by 

G. C. Barnes, Esq. 

1 Common Fox (Canis vulpes), 2. Presented by C. Heseltine, 

7 Mandarin Ducks (4@x galericulata). Bred in the Gardens. 

4 Chilian Pintails (Dajfila spinicauda). Bred in the Gardens. 

2 Crowned Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma coronatum). Presented 
by Master Chas. E. Napier. 

1 Nonpareil Finch (Cyanospiza ciris), 3. Deposited. 

. 3 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 

Menagerie. - 

1 Rufous Rat-Kangaroo (Hypsiprymnus rufescens). Presented 
by Miss Laidlaw. 

1 Red-throated Amazon (Chrysotis collaria). Presented by 
Mrs. 8S. Waite. 

1 Cinereous Vulture ( Vulte monachus). Deposited. 

3 Rufous-vented Guans (Penelope cristata). Presented by G. H. 
Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 

1 Leopard Tortoise (Testudo pardalis). Presented by Mrs. 
Henrietta Hodges. 

1 Grey Parrot Pstttacus erithacus). Presented by T. A. Rogers, 


July 14. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus), ¢. Presented by Mrs. 






1 Duyker Bok (Cephalophus mergens), $. Bom in the 

1 Blue-fronted Amazon (Chrysotis estiva). Presented by the 
Lady Kensington. 

2 King Vultures (Gypagus papa). Purchased. 

z-bred American Bison 92 (between Bison americanus g and 

a female bred between Bison americanus and hybrid Bos 
frontalis and Bos indicus). Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Mitred Guinea-fowl (Nuwmida mitrata). Presented by Mr. 
T. Le Sueur, 

3 Razorbills (Alca torda). Presented by the Rey. E. Weldon. 

8 Puflins (Fratercula arctica). Presented by the Rey. E. 

3 Angulated Tortoises (Chesrina angulata). Presented by the 
Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

1 Areolated Tortoise (Homopus areolatus), Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.8. 

1 Blackish Sternothere (Sternotherus subniger). Presented by 
the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

1 Erxleben’s Monkey (Cercopithecus erxlebent). Presented by 
Miss Peers, 

1 Axis Deer (Cervus axis), Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Long-eared Owl (Asto otus). Presented by F. Allen, Esq. 

. 1 Leadbeater’s Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri). Presented by 

H. Grant, Esq. 

- 1 Common Crowned Pigeon (Goura coronata). Bred in the 


2. 2 Great Eagle: Owls (Bubo maximus). Presented by E. G. 

Carpenter, Esq. 

. 1 Indian Shama (Copsychus macrurus). Deposited. 

1 Common Peafowl (Pavo cristatus), Q. Presented by Miss 

. 2 Squirrel-like Phalangers (Belideus sciureus). Born in the 


5. 1 Axis Deer (Cervus avis), 2. Born in the Gardens. 
. 2 Turtle-Doves (Turtur communis). Presented by Mr. J. Hare. 

2 Snow-Birds (Junco hyemalis). “Bred in the Gardens. 

1 Northern Mocking-bird (Mimus polyglottus). Bred in the 

4 Martinican Doves (Zenaida martinicana). From St. Kitts, 
W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Moustache Ground-Dove (Geotrygon mystacea). From St. 
Kitts, W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S, 

4 Dominican Kestrels (Tinnunculus dominicensis). From St. 
Kitts, W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Green Bittern (Butorides virescens). From St. Kitts, W.I, 
Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Indian Python (Python molurus), 2. Presented by Warrington 
Laing, Esq. 

1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus). Presented by J. S. 
Stevens, Esq. 

1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina). Born in the 

1 Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaétos). Presented by Chas. J. 
Wertheimer, Esq. 


July 29. 








2 Larger Hill-Mynahs (Gracula intermedia). Presented by 
Thompson Hudson, Esq. 

4 Proteus (Proteus anguinus). Presented by John M. Cook, Esq. 

1 Red-headed Cardinal (Paroaria larvata). Deposited. 

1 Yellow Hangnest (Cassicus persicus). Deposited. 

. 1 Golden-crowned Conure ( Conurus aureus). Deposited. 
. 2 Madagascar Porphyrios (Porphyrio madagascariensis). Pre- 

sented by E. North Newenham, Esq. 

. 1 Cockateel (Calopsitta nove-hollandie), 3. Presented by J. 

Ward, Esq. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 
8. G. Coles, Esq. r 

1 Ring-tailed Coati (Nasua rufa). Deposited. 

1 Purple-crowned Fruit-Pigeon (Ptilopus porphyraceus). 

1Common Viper (Vipera berus). Presented by Mr. C. 

. 1 Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). De- 

4 Wild Ducks (Anas boseas), Bred in the Gardens. 

. 1 Persian Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), ¢. From St. Kitts, 

W.I. Presented by John Stanley Carter, Esq. 

. 4 Martinican Doves (Zenaida martinicana). From St. Kitts, 

W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.CS. 

1 Moustache Ground-Dove (Geotrygon mystacea). From St. 
Kitts, W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

5 Dominican Kestrels (Zinnunculus dominicensis). From St. 
Kitts, W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Violaceous Night-Heron (Nycticoraa violaceus). From St. 
Kitts, W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

2 Virginian Colins (Ortyz virginianus), 2 g. From St. Kitts, 
W.I. Presented by Dr. A. Boon, F.R.C.S. 

1 Coquerel’s Lemur (Chetrogaleus coquereli). Born in the 

1 Common Camel (Camelus dromedarius), §. Presented by 
Major Frank Graves (20th Hussars). 

1 Elliot’s Pheasant (Phastanus ellioti). Hatched from eggs laid 
in the Society’s Gardens. 

1 Reeves’s Pheasant (Phasianus reevest). Hatched from eggs 
laid in the Saciety’s Gardens. 

4 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons). Born in the 

1 Spotted-tailed Dasyure (Dasyurus maculatus), 3. Received 
in Exchange. 

2 Yellow-footed Rock-Kangaroos (Petrogale wanthopus), 3°. 
Received in Exchange. 

1 Shag (Phalacrocorax graculus), Presented by Capt. F. H. 

1 Common Stoat (Mustela ermina). Presented by Mr. H. 

1 Common Chameleon (Chameleon vulgaris). Deposited. 

1 Common Badger (Meles tarus). Deposited. 

1 Common Paradoxure (Paradoxurus typus). Presented by Dr. 
F. H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

2 Javan Cats (Felis javanensis). Presented by Dr. F. H. Bauer, 
C.M.Z.S. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

Aug. 15. 










1 Bay-wood Owl (Phodilus badius). Presented by Dr. F. H. 
Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

1 Oriental Eagle Owl (Bubo orientalis). Presented by Dr. F. 
H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 718. 

2 Guttural Lizards (Calotes gutturosus), Presented by Dr. F. 
H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

2 Mutilated Geckos (Gehyra mutilata). Presented by Dr. F. 
H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P.Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

1 Grass-green Tree-Snake (Dryophis prasina). Presented by 
Dr. F. H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

3 Spotted Tree-Frogs (Rhacophorus maculatus). Presented by 
Dr. F. H. Bauer, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 718. 

1 $-bred Mesopotamian Fallow Deer Q (bred between hybrid 
Dama mesopotamica, + Dama vulgaris 9 and a male Dama 
mesopotamica). Born in the Menagerie. 

1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus rhesus), ¢. Presented by Mr. E. 

1 Bosman’s Potto (Perodicticus potto), § Presented by C. R. 
Williams, Esq. 

2 Field Gerbilles (Gerbillus campestris). Presented by Surg.- 
Major J. A. Shaw. 

2 White-faced Tree-Ducks (Dendrocygna viduata). Presented 
by Cecil Dudley, Esq. 

1 White-necked Crow (Corvus scapulatus). Deposited. 

1 Barred-shouldered Dove (Geopelia humeralis). Born in the 


1 Coquerel’s Lemur (Chetrogaleus coquereli). Born in the Mena- 

1 Collared Fruit-Bat (Cynonycteris collaris), Born in the Mena- 

3 Young Green Turtle (Chelone viridis), Presented by M. C. 
Angel, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus), 9. Presented by J. C. 
O'Halloran, Esq. 

2 Narrow-barred Finches (Munia nisoria), Presented by Horace 
Sanders, Esq. 

1 Indian Silver-bill (Almia malabarica). Presented by Horace 
Sanders, Esq. 

1 Amaduvade Finch (Estrelda amandava). Presented by Horace 
Sanders, Esq. 

1 Short-toed Eagle (Ctrcaetus gallicus). Presented by Mrs. 
Henry Sotheran. 

. 1 Mona Monkey (Cercopithecus mona), g. Presented by Mrs. 


9 Gold Pheasants (Thawmalea picta). Hatched from eggs laid 
in the Society’s Gardens. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Presented by H, 
J. Thimbleby, Esq. ¥ 

1 Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus), Presented by Mr. 

1 Common Chameleon (Chameleon vulgaris), Presented by 
Master Cecil Guy Dart. 

1 Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum), Presented by Miss 

1 Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), Presented by Mr. R, B. Spal- 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Deposited, 




Sept. 1. 


Come OO) oN OT 


2 Java Sparrows (Padda oryzivora). Presented by Miss Cole- 

2 Golden-crowned Conures (Conwrus aureus). Presented by 
Cuthbert D. Middleton, Esq. 

1 Siamese Blue Pie (Urocissa magnirostris), Presented by C. 
Clifton, Esq., F.Z.8. 

1 Robben-Island Snake ( Cera phocarum). Presented by 
the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, O.M.Z.S, 

1 American Black Snake (Dohiber constrictor). Deposited. 

1 King Snake (Coluber getulus). Deposited. 

1 Smooth-headed Capuchin (Cebus monachus), $. Deposited. 

1 Squirrel Monkey (Chrysothrix sciurus), 3. Depositer. 

14 Striped Snakes (Tropidonotus sirtalis). Born in the Mena- 

. 1 Binturong A ania binturong), d. Presented by T. H. 

Haynes, Esq. 
1 Great Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), §. Presented by A. 
Mellwraith, Esq., F.Z.S. 

. 2. Axolotls (Sir edon ‘mewicanus). Purchased. 
. 1 Purple-faced Monkey (Semnopithecus leucoprymnus).  Pre- 

sented by Ernest Greathead, Esq. 
1 Poé Honey-eater (Prosthemadera nove-zealandie). Presented 
by Chas. Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S. 

i Glutton (Glo luscus). Deposited. 
2 Snow-birds (Junco hyemalis). Bred in the Gardens. 
1 Northern Mocking-bird (Mimus polyglottus). Bred in the 
30 Striped Snakes (Tropidonotus sirtalis). Born in the Mena- 
5 Oe Vipers (Vipera berus). Born in the Menagerie. 

. L Weeper Capuchin (Cebus capucinus), 3. Presented by Mrs. 

A, Sinclair. 

2 Long-fronted Gerbilles (Gerbillus longifrons), Born in the 

1 White-backed Piping-Crow (Gymnorhina leuconota). Pre- 
sented by Miss F. A. Charsley. 

ol ae ee Coati (Nasua rar), do. Presented by Master 

J. C. Robinson. 
1 Yellow-footed Rock- -Kangaroo (Petrogale xanthopus), 9. 
Presented by C. W. Holden, Esq. 

. 1 Levaillant’s Cynictis (Cynictis penicillata), 9. Presented by 

John Constable, Esq. 
1 Suricate (Suricata tetradactyla), 9. Presented by John Con- 
stable, Esq. 

. 4 Black Water-Voles (Arvicola amphibius, var.). Presented by 

W. Arkwright, Esq., F.Z.S 

- 1 Bank-Vole (Arvicola pratensis). Presented by E. Rosling, 
. | Smooth Snake (Coronella levis). Presented by the Rey. O. 

P. Cambridge, C.M.Z.S. 

. 1 Barbary Ape (Macacus inuus). Presented by Miss Bed~ 


2 Douglass’s Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma douglassi), From 
New Mexico. Presented by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt. 

1 Undulated Grass-Parrakeet (Melopsittacus wndulatus), Pre- 
sented by Madlle. de Nujac. 

Sept. 10. 









1 Common Hedgehog (Hrinaceus europeus). Presented by 
Master C. Hanrott. 

2 Common Chameleons (Chameleon vulgaris), Presented by 
F, Bland, Esq. 

1 Common Polecat (Mustella putorius). Presented by W. 
Buckley, Esq. 

1 Redstart (Ruticilla phenicurus). Purchased. 

1 Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus), 2. Presented by J. G. 
Wylie, Esq. 

1 Robben-Island Snake (Coronella phocarum), Presented by 
the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.8. 

1 Beisa Antelope (Oryx besa), 9. Born in the Menagerie. 

1 gree Heron (Ardea cinerea). Presented by Capt. F. H. 


7 Blue-bearded Jays (Cyanocorax cyanopogon). Purchased. 

1 Nightjar (Caprimulgus europeus). Presented by Cuthbert 
Johnson, Esq. 

2 Tawny Owls (Syrnium aluco). Presented by H. Lee, Esq. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 
A. Cornet, Esq. 

1 Bonelli’s Eagle (Wisaétus fasciatus). Presented by Capt. W. 
R. Taylor. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), §. Presented by 
Mrs. Paterson. 

1 Leopard (Felis pardus). Born in the Menagerie. 

2 West-Indian Agoutis (Dasyprocta cristata), From Trinidad, 
Presented by F. J. Guy, Esq. 

7 Crab-eating Opossums (Didelphys cancrivora). From Trinidad. 
Presented by F. J. Guy, Esq. 

2 Rough Terrapins (Clemmys punctularia). From Trinidad. 
Presented by F. J. Guy, Esq. 

2 Brazilian Tortoises ( Testudo tabulata). From Trinidad. Pre- 
sented by F. J. Guy, Esq. 

2 Teguexin Lizards (Teius teguexin). From Trinidad. Pre- 
sented by F. J. Guy, Esq. 

2 Tuberculated Iguanas (Iguana tuberculata). Presented by F. 
J. Guy, Esq. 

9 Giant Toads (Bufo agua). Presented by F. J. Guy, Esq. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), Q. Presented by 
Miss Lucy McArthur. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). Presented by F. 
Debenham, Esq. 

2 Three-striped Squirrels (Sciwrus tristriatus). Presented by A. 
Bellamy, Esq. 

1 Guinea Baboon (Cynocephalus sphinx), 9. Deposited. 

1 Humboldt’s Lagothrix (Lagothrix humboldti). Presented by 
F. J. Hammond, Esq. 

1 Garnett’s Galago (Galago garnetti). Purchased. 

1 Harnessed Antelope (Zragelaphus scriptus), 9. Purchased. 

1 Elate Hornbill (Ceratogymna elata). Purchased. 

1 Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). Purchased. 

1 Lacertine Snake (Celopeltis lacertina). Purchased. 

1 Puff-Adder ( Vipera arietans). Purchased. 

2 Aldrovand’s Skink (Plestiodon auratus). Purchased. 

1 Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis). Presented by G. V. Colliver, 

1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus). Deposited. 

Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1885, No. LXII. 62 



Sept.25, 2 Ailian’s Wart-Hogs (Phacocherus africanus),2 3. Deposited. 





1 Great Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), 6. Presented by C. 
Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Roan Kangaroo (Macropus erubescens), 9. Presented by C. 
Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Rufous Rat-Kangaroo (Hypsiprymnus rufescens). Presented 
by C. Czarnikow, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus), 2. Deposited. 

1 Common Crossbill (Loaia curvirostra), Presented by H. 8. 
Eyre, Esq. 

1 Toque Monkey (Macacus pileatus), . Presented by Mr. 8. 

1 Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). De- 

1 Ring-necked Parrakeet (Paleornis torquata), §. Presented by 
Mrs. Douglas. 

6 Indian Fruit-Bats (Pteropus medius), Presented by Mr. Wm. 

1 Common Barn-Owl (Stria flammea). Presented by Miss 
Linda Raven. 

1 Loggerhead Turtle (Zhalassochelys caouana). Presented by 
A. D. Fraser, Esq. 

2 Canadian Skunks (Mephitis mephitica). Presented by Dr. C. 
Hart Merriam, C.M.Z.S. 

. 1 Great Bird of Paradise (Paradisea apoda),3. Deposited. 

1 Booted Eagle (Misaetus pennatus). Presented by Mr. T. C.C. 

1 Gigantic Salamander (Megalobatrachus maximus).  De- 

. 1 Common Badger (Meles taxus). Presented by the Lord 

Egerton of Tatton, F.Z.S., 

2 Common Guinea-fowl (Numida meleagris). Presented by C. 
H. Hopwood, Esq., Q.C., M.P. 

1 Common Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). Deposited. 

4 Hog-nosed Snakes (Heterodon platyrhinos). Presented by F. 
J. Thompson, Esq. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 833. 

2 Alleghany Snakes ( Coluber alleghaniensis). Presented by F. 
J. Thompson, Esq. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 833. 

1 American Black Snake (Coluber constrictor). Presented by F. 
J. Thompson, Esq.- See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 838. 

1 Say’s Snake (Coronella sayi). Presented by F. J. Thompson, 
Esq. See P. ZS. 1885, p. 833. 

. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus),3. Presented by 

8. T. H. D. Potter, Esq., F.R.G.S. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 9. Presented by - 
8. T. H. D. Potter, Esq., F.R.G.S. 

1 Emu (Dromeus nove-zealandie). Deposited. 

. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus), §. Presented by L. C. 

Phillips, Esq. 
2 West-Indian Rails (Aramides cayennensis). Presented by 
J. C. Fraser, Esq. 

. 1 Ring-tailed Coati (Wasua rufa),3. Presented by Lieut. W. 

F, Tunnard, R.N. 

. 1 Leyaillant’s Amazon (Chrysotis levaillanti). Deposited. 

1 Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ava ararauna). Received in Ex- 








8 Summer Ducks (zx sponsa),4 3,4 2. Purchased. 
1 Puma (Felis concolor), g. Presented by Mons. Rodolfo 


1 Bennett’s Wallaby (Halmaturus bennettii), 2. Born in the 

3 Robben-Island Snakes (Coronella phocarum). Presented by 
the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 833. 

1 Aurora Snake (Lamprophis aurora). Presented by the Rey. 
G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 833. 

1 Hoary Snake (Coronella cana). Presented by the Rev. G. H. 
R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 833. 

1 Hygian Snake (Hlaps hygie). Presented by the Rey. G. H. 
R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S8. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 833. 

7 Geometric Tortoises (Testudo geometrica). Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 833. 

1 Reddish Pentonyx (Pelomedusa subrufa). Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. ZS. 1885, p. 833. 

. 1 Black Wallaby (Halmaturus ualabatus), §. Presented by R. 

E. Wootton Isaacson, Esq. 
1 Rose-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis). Deposited. 

1 Silver Pheasant (Zuplocamus nycthemerus). Presented by 
Mrs, Janin. 

. 1 Black Stork (Ciconia nigra). Presented by Alex. Wulff, Esq. 
. 1 Javan Cat (Felis javanensis). Presented by Capt. T. H. 


» 1 Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus), Presented by the Lady 


1 Mexican Souslik (Spermophilus mexicanus), 3. Presented by 
Dr. Stuart. 

1 Common Hare (Lepus europeus). Presented by F. J. All- 
press, Esq. 

. 1 Purple-faced Monkey (Semnopithecus leucoprymnus),2. Pre- 

sented by Major Norris. 
1 Ariel Toucan (Rhamphastos ariel). Purchased. 

. 1 Herring-Gull (Larus argentatus), Presented by J. G. Taylor, 

. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Deposited. 
. | Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus). * Presented by Miss 


1 Black-eared Marmoset (Hapale penicillata). Presented by 
Miss Knowles. 

1 Hoolock Gibbon (Hylobates hoolock). Received in Exchange. 

1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus rhesus), 2. Presented by J. H. 
Fielding, Esq. 

1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), 2. Deposited. 

1 Kankajou (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus), ¢. Presented by J. 
Carder, Esq. 

1 Sly Silurus (Stlwrus glanis). Presented by the Marquis of 
Bath, F.Z.S. 

4 Common Squirrels (Seiwrus vulgaris), 23,22. Presented by 
Thos, Weddle, Esq. 

1 Tennent’s Squirrel (Sciwrus tennenti), Presented by Miss 
Maude Bovyill. 

2 Vulpine Squirrels (Secw'ws vulpinus), ¢ 2. Presented by Capt. 
EK, E. Vaiill. 

1 Red Lory (Los rubra). Deposited. 

1 Canada Goose (Bernicla canadensis), 9? . Received in Exchange, 







. 1 Coypu (Myopotamus coypus), Presented by Mrs. A, Ap- 
2 Hobbentisiand Snakes (Coronella phocarum). Presented by 
the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 
1Sly Silurus (Stlurus glanis). Presented by the Marquis of 
Bath, F.Z.8. 

. 1 Alexandrine Parrakeet (Palezornis alexandri). Deposited. 

1 Velvet Monkey (Cercopithecus lalandii),3. Presented by 
Geo. Crisp, Esq. 

1 Malbrouck Monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus),g. Presented 
by Miss Ethel O’Donoghue. 

6 Common Dormice (Muscardinus avellanarius). Presented by 
Thos. Weddle, Esq. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 
Mr. C. Canfor. 

1 Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Pre- 
sented by J. R. Wiinsch, Esq. 

1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). Presented by Capt. Morgan. 

1 Mexican Deer (Cartacus mevicanus),3. Presented by G. B. 
H. Marton, Esq. 

2 Spotted-tailed Dasyures (Dasywrus maculatus), § Q. Pre- 
sented by Sir W. C. F. Robinson, K.C.M.G. 

3 Short-headed Phalangers (Belideus breviceps),23,19. Pre- 
sented by Sir W. C. F. Robinson, K.C.M.G. 

1 Alexandrine Parrakeet (Paleornis alevandri), 2. Presented 
by Mrs. Chas. Williams. 

3 Grey-breasted Parrakeets (Bolborhynchus monachus). De- 


1 HlackeereViewared Albatross (Diomedea melanophrys). From 
the Cape Colony. Presented by W. Ayshford Sanford, Esq., 
F.Z.S. See P. Z.8. 1885, p. 833. 

1 Vulturine Eagle (Aguila verrauxi). From the Cape Colony. 
Presented by W. Ayskford Sanford, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Sharp-headed Lizard (Lacerta oxycephala). From the Cape 
Colony. Presented by W. Ayshford Sanford, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Black-crested Eagle (Lophoaetus occipitalis). From the Cape 
Colony. Presented by Lady Robinson. 

1 Rufescent Snake (Leptodeira rufescens). Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z.8. 1885, p. 833. 

2 Hoary Snakes (Coronella cana). Presented by the Rey. G. 
H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 833. 

1 Keeled Euprepes (Huprepes carinatus). Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 833, 

5 Rough-scaled Zonures (Zonwrus cordylus). Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. S. 1885, p. 833, 

2 Millipedes (Spirostreptus annulipes?). Presented by the 
Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z.S. 1885, p. 833. 

8 Lesser Redpolls (Linota rufescens). Presented by Mr. T. E. 

1Common Kestrel (Tinnunculus alaudarius). Presented by 
My. T. E. Gunn. 

1 Pale-headed Broadtail (Platycercus pallidiceps). Deposited. 

Z Lesser Vasa Parrots (Coracopsis nigra). Purchased. 

. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Deposited. 

1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus sinicus),2. Deposited. 

Noy. 2. 1 Squirrel Monkey (Chrysothrix sciurea),2. Deposited, 

Nov. 3. 


1 Ruffed Lemur (Lemur varius), $. Purchased. 

1 Brazilian Tree-Poreupine (Sphingurus prehensilis), Pur- 

1 Naked-throated Bell-bird (Chasmorhynchus nudicollis), Pur- 

1 Common Raven (Corvus corax). Deposited. 

1 Greater Sulphur-crested: Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Pre- 
sented by é. A, O. Marsham, Esq. 

4, 1 Tawny Owl (Syrniwm aluco). Presented by Mr. J. Hillier. 






1 Capercailzie (Tetrao urogallus),3. Deposited. 

. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Deposited. 

2 Blue-winged Teal ( Querquedula cyanoptera), ¢ 9. Purchased. 
5 Golden-bellied Beaver Rats (Hydromys chrysogaster). Re- 
ceived in Exchange. 

. 1 Gannet (Sula bassama). Presented by H. Archer, Esq. 
. 1 Malbrouck Monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus),3. Presented 

by Montague ©. Clark, Esq. 
5 Lesser Snow-Geese (Chen albatus). Purchased. 

. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callithecus), 2. Presented by 

Miss Hodgson. 

2 Mule Deer (Cariacus macrotis), 2 9. Deposited. 

2 European Tree-Frogs (Hyla arborea). Presented by Mrs, A. 

. 2 Barbary Wild Sheep (Ovis tragelaphus), § 9. Purchased. 
- 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 

Mrs. Berens. 

] Ring-necked Parrakeet (Paleornis torquatus), 9. Presented 
by Mrs. Morgan. 

1 Arabian Gazelle (Gazella arabica), 2. Presented by John 
Patton, Esq. 

1 Sambur Deer (Cervus aristotelis), 9. Born in the Menagerie. 

2 Short-headed Phalangers (Belideus breviceps),2 9. Presented 
by P. S. Abraham, Esq., F.R.C.S.L. 

4 Spotted-billed Ducks (Anas pecilorhyncha),2 ,29. Pur- 

2 Indian Cobras (Nata tripudians). Presented by W. G. Bur- 
rows, Esq. 

1 Triton Cockatoo (Cacatua triton). Deposited. 

2 Catfish (Amiurus catus). Presented by the National Fish- 
Culture Association. 

2 Emus (Dromeus nove-hollandie). Presented by the Lord 

1 Emu (Dromeus nove-hollandie). Presented by A. Garrett 
Smith, Esq. 

1 Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, 
Esq., C.M.Z.S. 

1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus rhesus), 9. Presented by Mrs. 

1 Gener Rabbit (Lepus cuniculus). Presented by Miss H, 

2 Siskins (Chrysomitris spinus). Presented by Mr. T. E. Gunn, 

4 papel (Fringilla montifringilla), Presented by Mr. T. 
E, Gunn. 

1 Tree-Sparrow (Passer montanus). Presented by Mr. T. E. 

1 Reed-Bunting (Emberiza scheniclus). Presented by Mr. T. 
EK. Gunn. 



Noy. 19. 2 Black-eared Marmosets (Hapale penicillata). Presented by 






Miss L. M. Graham. 

1 Tawny Owl (Syrnium aluco). Presented by Mr. Phillips. 

1 Cuyier’s Podargus (Podargus cuvieri). Presented by Crom- 
well Collins, Esq. 

1 Robben-Island Snake (Coronella phocarum). Presented by 
the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

1 Hoary Snake (Coronella cana). Presented by the Rev. G. H. 
R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 

2 Moose (Alces machlis), ¢ 2. Deposited. 

1 Leyaillant’s Cynictis (Cynictis levaillanti), §. Presented by 
Mr. W. Hope. 

1 Common Toad (Bufo vulgaris), Presented by Mr. A. D. 

3 Lions (Felis leo). Born in the Menagerie. 

2 Pale Fennec Foxes (Canis pallidus). Presented by Capt. J. 
S. Talbot, Ist Shrop. Lt. Inf. See P. Z. S. 1885, p. 851. 

1 Cerastes Viper (Vipera cerastes). Presented by Lieut.-Col. 
G. D. Smith. 

1 Yellow-footed Rock-Kangaroo (Petrogale xanthopus),2. Pre- 
sented by G. T. Wills, Esq. 

1 ea Eagle (Aquila audax), Presented by G. T. 

Vills, Esq. 

1 Indian Kite (Milvus govinda). Presented by Mrs. E. C. 

1 Stein-bok Antelope (Neotragus tragulus), 2. Purchased. 

2 Cape Crowned Cranes (Balearica chrysopelargus). Presented 
by Sir Henry E. Bulwer, G.C.M.G. 

. 1 Cape Buffalo (Bubalus caffer), 3. Presented by J. Gorton, 


1 erate: Yellow Macaw (Ara chloroptera). Deposited. 

1 Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna). Deposited. 

1 Goshawk (Astur palumbarius). Presented by W. H. St. 
Quintin, Esq. 

2 Aldroyandi’s Skinks (Plestidon auratus). Purchased. 

4 Gold Pheasants (Thawmalea picta), 2 3,22. Deposited. 

2 Ring-tailed Lemurs (Lemur catta),2g. Purchased. 

12 Spectacled Salamanders (Salamandrina perspicillata). Pre- 
sented by Prof. H. H. Giglioli, C.M.Z.S. See P.Z.S. 1885, 
p. 851. 

. 1 Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus ceruleus). Received in Ex- 


- 100 Golden Carp (Carassius auratus). Presented by Messrs. 

Paul & Co. 

- 1 Sly Silurus (Stdurus glanis, jr.). Presented by Alban Doran, 

Ksq., F.R.C.S. 

1 Thunder-fish (Misgurnus fossilis), Presented by Alban Doran, 
Esq., F.R.C.S8. 

1 Barbel (Barbus vulgaris, jr.). Presented by Alban Doran, 
Ksq., F.R.C.S. 

1 Ground-Loach (Cobitis tenia). Presented by Alban Doran, 
Esq., F.R.C.S. 

1 River-Bullhead (Cottus gobio). Presented by Alban Doran, 
Esq., F.R.C.S. 

1 Wolf (Canis lupus?). Presented by Baron Ferdinand de 
Rothschild, M.P., F.Z.8, 

Dec. 8. 






1 Cheetah (Cynelurus jubatus), . From Persia. Presented 

by the Nawab Mirza Hassim Ali Khan. See P.Z.S. 1886, 

2 Rhesus Monkeys (Macacus rhesus), 2 9. Presented by H.R.H. 
The Prince of Wales, K.G. 

2 Grey-breasted Parrakeets (Bolborhynchus monachus). Pre- 
sented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G. 

1 West-Indian Agouti (Dasyprocta cristata). Presented by 
H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor of Wales. 

1 West-Indian Agouti (Dasyprocta cristata). Presented by 
H.R.H. George Frederick of Wales. 

2 Tigers (Felis tris), 6 Q. Presented by the Nawab Salar 
Jungh Bahadur. 

1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), g. Presented by 
Mr. Jan Smidt. 

. 1 Pig-tailed Monkey (Macacus nemestrinus). Presented by Miss 

dthel Rodger. 

2. 1 Tiger (Felis tigris), 9. Deposited. See P.Z.S. 1886, p. 2. 

4 Persian Gazelles ( Gazella subgutturosa?),23,22. Deposited. 
See P.Z.S, 1886, p. 2. 
1 Red-crested Cardinal (Pararia cucullata). Deposited. 

. 1 Zebu (Bos indicus), §. Born in the Menagerie. 
. 1 Kestrel (Zinnunculus alaudarius). Presented by Mr. T. E. 


. 1 Slender-built Cockatoo (Licmetis tenwirostris). Presented by 

Mrs. Strutt Cavell. 

3 Wild Ducks (Anas boseas), 1¢,2Q. Presented by C. T. 
M‘Niven, Esq. 

1 Lapwing (Vanellus cristatus). Purchased. 

. 1 Black-backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas). Presented by J. 

Robson, Esq. 

. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), g. Presented by 

the Rey. Spencer Fellows. 

. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by 

Mrs. A. Murray. 

1 Sing-Sing Antelope (Cobus sing-sing), d. Received in Ex- 

1 American Robin (Turdus migratorius). Presented by Mx. A. 

2 Hybrid Ruddy Sheldrakes (between Tadorna rutila and 
Chenalopex egyptiaca). Presented by Sir Joseph Fayrer, 
K.C.S.L, F-Z.8. 

1 Siamese Blue Pie (Urocissa magnirostris). Presented by 
Charles Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Chinese Jay Thrush (Garrulax chinensis). Presented by 
Charles Clifton, Esq., F.Z.8. 

1 Brazilian Hangnest (Icterus jamaicai). Presented by Charles 
Clifton, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 Indian Shama (Copsychus macrurus). Deposited. 

1 White-backed Piping Crow (Gymnorhina leuconota). De- 

1 Leopard (Felis pardus), 3. Deposited. 

1 Alexandrine Parrakeet (Palzornis alevandri). Presented by 
C. Kerry Nicholls, Esq., F.Z.S. 

1 ae (Scops giu). Presented by J. H. Leech, Esgq., 

Dec. 30. 



1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Presented by 
Mr. T. W. Hall. 

1 Sooty Mangabey (Cercocebus fuliginosus), 9. Presented by 

T. Risley Griffith, Esq. 

1 Virginian Opossum (Didelphys virginianus). Purchased. 

1 Common Badger (Meles taxus). Presented by Charles E. 
Russell, Esq. 

1 Collared Fruit-Bat ( Cynonycteris collaris). Born in the Me- 

5 Maugé’s Dasyures (Dasywrus maugei). Received in Exchange. 

1 Larger Hill-Mynah (Gracula intermedia). Presented by Miss 
G. Lampard. 


fraterna, 130. 
fascinaria, 862. 

acutispina, 916, 928, 
spinicauda, 916, 922, 

923, 924. 
biittikofert, 811, 814, 
capensis, 811, 816, 822. 
dissimilis, 813, 816, 
817, 819, 820, 821, 

822, 825, 826, 827, 

828, 829, 832. 

kerguelensis, 811, 816, 
multiporus, 813, 814, 

816, ee 819, 820, 
821, 822, 826, 827, 
828, 829, 831, 832. 
nove zelandie, 813, 

815, 816, 817, 819, 
820, 821, 822, 823, 

824, 827, 829, 830, 

obtusus, 811. 
schlegelit, 811, 814, 

816, 822. 
ungulatus, 811, 814, 

816, 826. 

verticillatus, 811. 

bruijniz, 151, 339. 

affinis, 467. 

bicolor, 119. 

nigroplumbeus, 116. 

pileatus, 119. 


rhodogaster, 545. 
nipalensis, 848. 
mulsanti, 118. 
combinans, 464. 
cyllaria, 465. 
cyllota, 465. 
melicerte, 465. 
mercatoria, 464. 
atropos, 541. 
morta, 290. 
styx, 290. 
absconditaria, 857. 
acturia, 857. 
addictaria, 857. 
adeptaria, 857. 
defamataria, 857. 
extimaria, 857. 
ligataria, 857, 
patularia, 857. 
remotata, 857. 
atomosa, 885. 
oxydactyla, 885. 
basifera, 454. 
costalis, 454. 
crocata, 455. 
excisa, 455. 
Jirina, 455, 476. 
opella, 456, 476. 
pulla, 456, 476. 

quadripartita, 454. 
quintana, 455, 476. 

scanda, 455. 

bresia, 538, '757, 

burtoni, 538. 
chilo, 757, ‘760. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. LXIII. 

insignis, 538. 
Johnstoni, 537. 
mirabilis, 757, 760, 

natalica, 538, 

oncea, 538. 

cinereus, 556. 

orthonyx, 116. 

gaschkevitchi, 753. 

minuta, 526. 

selene, 65, 306. 

glareola, 561. 

hypoleucos, 560. 

albescens, 417, 

melanogenys maculata, 

depressus, 41. 
Sragilis, 41. 
pulchralis, 41. 
subcarinatus, 40. 
supranitidus, 40. 
tricarinatus, 40. 

caprea, 755. 
extensa, 755, 
multicostata, "747, '755. 

leucanwides, 449. 
marginalis, 449. 
uncta, 449, 476. 

crispa, 49. 
viridula, 48. 

garuda, 130, 




effertalis, 868. 

inscitalis, 868. 

collaris, 119. 

geoffroyi, 559, 664. 

mongolica, 664. 

perronti, 417. 

semipalmata, 119, 124. 

vocifera, 839. 

viridis, 412. 

venulia, 292. 

argali, 679. 

nove-hollandie, 894. 

buccoides, 657. 

taprobanis, 293. 

tenebrosa, 293. 

abdominalis, '749, '750, 
armata, 749, ‘750, 
basalis, ‘755. 
leta, 749. 

nigripes, 755. 
ornata, "755. 
tibialis, '750, '755. 
eupogon, 410. 
flavostriata, 554. 
siparaja, 410, 
lethe, 520, 521. 
hilarata, 854. 
ostentalis, 868. 
cerulea, "755. 
nigriceps, 755. 
circumseripta, 474. 
andicola, 117. 
pollens, 117. 
solitaria, 116. 
Stine: 453. 
conspurcata, 453. 
segetum, 453. 
suffusa, 453. 
vana, 453, 476. 
milleri, 121. 
viridiceps, 121. 


melanoleucus, 360. 
Sulgens, 358. 
albicincta, 459. 
brevipalpis, 459. 
infligens, 460 
barbarella, 882. 
cossusella, 882. 
intermediella, 882. 
asiatica, 255. 
bengalensis, 255, 407, 
504, 542, 547. 
ispidoides, 566. 
meningting, 5d. 
moluccensis, 547, 566. 

machlis, 168. 

lessoni, 626. 

pusilla, 566, 626. 

biguttata, 296. 

emittens, 296. 

flora, 296, 307. 

khandalla, 296. 

moorei, 296. 

punetistriga, 296. 

sanguinolenta, 296. 

clavatus, 295. 

ricimi, 295, 296. 

minima, 225. 

insularis, 509. 

leucomelena, 511. 

dumerilli, 105, 126. 

riefferijucunda, 122 

Johnstoni, 231, 233,235. 

natalensis, 231, 233, 

turbata, 289. 
euplocoides, 518, 519. 
hyala, 518 
stelligera, 519. 
castanopterus, 231. 
arcuatus, 93. 
cinctus, 118, 128. 

hepatizans, 469. 
betularia, 65. 
coras, 146. 
prasina, 305. 
Amy drus 

clorinde, 767. 

mentalis, 96. 

subalaris, 123. 

agilis, 89. 

parulus equatorialis, 

hypoglaucus, 108, 

laminirostris, 121. 
equatorialis, 116. 
obliviaria, 856. 
salebrosa, 462. 
heraldicus, 231. 
lateralis, 461. 
olivescens, 462. 
wnicinctus, 119. 
discalis, 301. 
belina, 776. 
hersilia, 776. 
mylitha, 65. 
nebulosa, 306. 
olivacea, 306. 
tyrrea, 776. 
etrida, 144. 
eucheria, 769. 
nound, 773. 
swinhoei, 449, 
dedecorus, 770. 
celebensis, 554. 
hypogrammica, 411. 
malaccensis, 266, 411, 
phenicotis, 411, 

lemprieri, 446. 
malaccensis, 266, 411, 

bogotensis, 74. 
gustavi, 415, 552, 

latifasciata, 450. 
mucronata, 451. 
viriata, 450. 
cava, 303. 
elima, 134. 
ictis, 134. 
schistaceus, 134. 
tigrinus, 134. 
vulcanus, 134. 
atratula, 730. 
collaris, 754. 
flaviceps, 730, 
foudrasi, 729, 754. 
lacertosa, 730. 
lutescens, 730. 
pryert, 730, 754. 
pygmed, 730, 731, 754. 
semiviridis, 730, 754. 
sordida, 754. 
strigosa, 754. 
beccarii, 741, 755. 
hippia, 65, 66. 
carinata, 50. 
macandree, 50, 51. 
meridionalis, 50. 
pes-carbonis, 51. 
spes-pelecant, 50. 
serresianus, 50, 51. 
evulsalis, 474. 
festina, 475, 476. 
nigrofusca, 475, 476. 
rubicundula, 475, 476. 
rusticula, 474, 476. 
ares, 138. 
libythea, 138. 
dorsalis, 619. 
nigropicea, 755. 
australis, 188, 189, 
240, 477, 479. 
mantelli, 712. 


ie 189, 712. 
JSrenata, 554. 
Jugularis, 265. 
chrysogenys, 411. 
crassirostris, 412. 
eytonit, 411. 
flaviventris, 411. 
longirostris, 412. 
modesta, 411, 
robusta, 411. 
wolfi, 121. 
scolopaceus, 119. 
tetraonis, 307. 
albicollis, 229. 
binturong, 784, 788. 

leucotis, 783, 789, 790, 

trivirgata, 788, 789, 
790, 791. 
egretta, 119. 
leucoptera, 511, 561. 
speciosa, 511, 561. 
sinensis, 574, 561, 

mooret, 296. 
materna, 463. 
galathea, 65. 
astrea, 294. 
—, var. cribraria, 294. 
—, var. guttata, 294. 
—, var. notata, 294. 
dulcis, 294. 
cribraria, 294. 
notata, 294. 
syringa, 294, 
caprimulgus, 462. 
hicoroglyphica, 462. 
Argopistes _ 
biplagiatus, 738, 754. 
coccinelloides, 754. 
flavitarsis, '738. 
undecimmaculata, 738, 
unicolor, 738, 754. 


balyi, 754. 
clarki, 734, 754. 
elypeatus, TDA. 
mgripennis, 734, 754. 
nigritarsis, 784, 754. 
orientalis, 754. 
punetipennis, 754, 
grayi, 416. 
euphrosyne, 65. 
niphe, 128. 
paphia, 65. 
extrusata, 306, 

clara, 299, 307. 
pyrrhochroma, 299. 
sagrara, 299, 307. 
messalis, 866, 886. 
abeillei, 122. 
frontirufa, 301, 307. 
pollens, 248, 258. 
leucogaster, 635. 
409, 553, 505. 
maximus, 635. 
monachus, 553. . 
brevivitta, 298. 
fraterna, 298. 
leithiana, 298. 
scintillans, 298. 
varians, 298. 
eyaneus, 755. 
niger, 750, 755. 
variabilis, 755. 
mentula, 59. 
abruptus, 867. 
latimarginalis, 868. 
torridalis, 868. 
difformis, 280, 281. 
elliptica, 280. 
milaris, 247. 
sancte-crucis, 247. 
querula, 859, 886. 
tristicula, 859, 886. 
urbica, 859. 
stellifer, 146, 



nigra, 616, 648. 

griseiceps, 544. 
leucosoma, 617. 
melanochlamys, 618. 
poliocephalus, 617. 
soloensis, 544. 
torquatus, 617. 
trinotatus, 544. 

trivirgatus, 542, 545. 

festivalis, 872. 
punctiferalis, 872. 
semifascialis, 872. 
Asturina _ 
nirostris, 119. 
nitda, 119. 
monogrammica, 223. 
phalanta, 128. 
Faeitl: 276. 
leucothoé, 130. 
venilia, 276. 
atlas, 65, 277, 306. 
eynthia, 65, 66. 
ricini, 65, 66. 
chimborazensis, 112, 
niveiguttella, 883. 
cyanoleuca, 278. 
tibialis, 123. 
torridus, 118. 
nectens, 461. 
angulicollis, 755. 
femoralis, 755. 
nigripennis, 755, 
4-plagiata, 755. 
derbianus, 116. 
assimilis, 121. 
holostictus, 124. 
ignobilis, 124. 
striaticeps, 96. 
subulatus, 121. 
furtiva, 448, 
renalis, 447, 
Jessus, 'T57, 763. 
ubaldus, 134. 


| Azanus 

zena, 134, '757, 763. 

clelia, 852. 
metagonaria, 860. 


exclamationis, 148. 

acronyctoides, 459. 

leucotis, 223. 

chacoraca, 854. 

chandubija, 854. 

distracta, 854. 

Jfasciata, 854. 

rubricosa, 293. 

celebensis, 555. 

castaneiceps, 74, 423. 

coronatus, 423. 

fraseri, 120. 

nigricristatus, 74. 

semicervinus, 68. 

tristriatus, 68, 74. 

melampus, 135. 

alleni, 363. 

gabbi, 363. 

astuta, 341, 361. 

sumichrasti, 361. 

auritus, 408. 

reinwardti, 617. 

dichromella, 301. 

lordaca, 757, 774. 

mesentina, 136. 

subnotata, 303. 

chiguiuda, 524, 536. 

brenta, 843. 

zanclea, 39, 

niviferana, 884. 

puella, 293. 
contectaria, 854. 

cornaria, 854. 
ferrolavata, 853. 
gelidaria, 853. 
gleba, 853, 885. 
infixaria, 853. 

pamphosalis, 474. 

brahma, 306. 
buddha, 306. 
ganesa, 305. 
gloriose, 450. 
oubie, 776. 
quercus, 65. 
sanguinolenta, 296. 
siva, 305. 
undatus, 303. 

asialis, 873. 


ablactalis, 874. 
abstrusalis, 873. 
albifimbrialis, 874. 
amyntusalis, 870. 
aurea, 8738. 
catalaunalis, 874. 
celsalis, 871. 
dilucidalis, 868. 
epastalis, 874, 886. 
idyalis, 874. 
incoloralis, 873. 
iolealis, 873. 
luciferalis, 872. 
lunalis, 867. 
multilinealis, 870. 
pectinicornalis, 875. 
pharisalis, 873. 
plagiatalis, 873. 
stultalis, 867. 
sublituralis, 873. 
submarginalis, 871. 
thyasalis, 873. 
tropicalis, 873, 
venosalis, 874. 

fulgidigula, 69, 121. 
torquata, 69, 105, 


acronyctoides, 306. 

melanocephalus, 412. 

truncata, 301. 

ursinus, 391. 

acrorhynchus, 261. 
coronatus, 551. 
palawanensis, 261. 

Japanus, 753. 

aurifrons, 279. 
jugularis, 109, 

pyrrhoptera, 109, 122. 

tridactyla, 151, 339. 
chota, 298, 307. 
assimilis, 84. 
brunneinuchus, 84, 
castaneiceps, 116. 
imornatus, 121. 
leucopterus, 121. 
pallidinuchus, 116. 
schistaceus, 116. 
spodionotus, 128. 
equinoctialis, 222, 
caffer, 218, 222. 
centralis, 222. 


nigrescens, 121. 

dysont, 118. 

leucocrissus, 118. 

subtectus, 118, 128. 

casuarinus, 851. 

eristatus, 224, 

melanoleucus, 224. 

abyssinicus, 841, 842. 

viridis, 264, 552. 

cesius, 24, 

cleryi, 595. 

hombroni, 595, 

unius, 24. 

(Ena) carpathius, 26. 

(-—) stokesi, 25, 26. 

(—) subtilis, 26. 

(Mastus) milensis, 25, 

(—) pupa, 24. 
(—) wnius, 23. 
(Zebrina) cesius, 24, 
(Placostylus) clery?, 

founaki, 595. 

miltocheilus, 596, 

halistoidea, 45. 

indicus, 253, 545. 

augur, 228. 


desertorum, 228, 
pennsylvanicus, 110, 

chloronota, 80, 116. 
cucullata, 80, 116. 
edwardi, 117, 121. 

javanica, 274, 561. 

ceristatus, 224. 
cylindricus, 851. 

cucullata, 4°76. 


alba, 562. 

hematuropygia, 250, 

sulphurea, 502. 

triton, 562, 618. 

micaceana, 881. 

lanceolatus, 176, 551. 

sepulchralis, 170, 175, 

550, 551. 

tymbonomus, 551. 

melanocephala, 109. 

coromanda, 407. 

rufa, 548. 

Jlorella, 540. 

hyblea, 773. 

pyrene, 540, 

thisorella, 139. 

dominula, 66. 

mitchelli, 116. 

chrysotis, 79, 121. 

celicolor, 425. 

ceruleocephala, 68, 79, 


eyanopygia, 68, 121, 
gouldi, 849. 
guttata, 116. 
gyroloides, 78. 
icterocephala, 116. 
lunigera, 121. 
melanotis, 79. 
pulchra equatorialis, 

punctata, 77. 
ruficervix, 79. 
rufigularis, 116. 
taylori, 78. 


venusta, 80. 
vitriolina, 116. 
yemi, 77, 425, 426, 
mentalis, 405. 
puniceus, 405, 
recurvata, 457. 
Jugaria, 460. 
sidera, 460. 
melanope, 644. 
nicobarica, 248, 275, 
558, 576, 663. 
nyasse, 231. 
planatus, 231, 288, 

senegalensis, 231, 233. 
postica, 454. 
upsilon, 454, 
Suliginosus, 405. 
cantoroides, 644. 
metallica, 573, 644. 
minor, 509. 
neglecta, 556. 
obscura, 573. 
panayensis, 250, 267, 
418, 419. 
senegalense, 231. 
viridis, 407, 
perseus, 126. 
visala, 127. 
cinereus, 122, 
melas, 570. 
obiensis, 570. 
hematogaster, 106. 
sclaterz, 122. 
lazulus, 116. 
balteatus, 71, 122. 
buccinoides, 49. 
cancellata, 49, 50. 
minima, 49. 
mitreformis, 49, 
pusilla, 49. 
similis, 50, 


subangulosa, 49. 
viridula, 48. 

punctata, 303. 

dingo, 397. 
lateralis, 220. 
pallidus, 851. 

‘ simensis, 220, 

bourcierz, 68, 108. 
squamatus, 118, 


nubiana, 2. 

affinis, 504. 
europeus, 893, 894. 
macrurus, 408, 504. 

(ie 90. 

hungaricus, 46. 

deckeni, 230, 231. 
pumilio, 231. 

bremusa, 451. 
insignata, 451. 

cormoranus, 691. 

pallidinuchus, 84. 
schistaceus, 84. 

concretus, 407. 

ened, 270, 844. 
basilica, 575. 
bicolor, 416. 
chalconota, 660. 
muelleri, 660, 
miilleri, 660. 

myristicivora, 575, 659. 

paulina, 557. 

pickeringi, 248, 270, 

418, 420. 
pinon, 660, 661. 
radiata, 557. 
rufigaster, 660. 
rufiventris, 660. 
zoee@, 659. 
callicles, 757, 775. 
macomo, 775. 
flavicrissus, 86, 123. 
leucorhamphus, 86. 
prevosti, 86, 128. 
uropygialis, 68, 86. 


consociata, 282. 
equestris, 281, 282. 
usco-rufa, 282. 
nebulosa, 282. 
nigro-guttata, 281. 
rugifera, 283. 
rugoso-punctata, 281, 
vespertina, 282. 
viridis, 281. 
oxyzivora, 117. 
calice, 764. 
carana, 764, 
chota, 133. 
cretosus, 764. 
lactinatus, 757, '764, 

rosimon, 138. 

dilucidalis, 868, 

elutalis, 875. 

halialis, 868. 

captiosalis, 474. 

analoides, 85. 

homochroa, 85, 115, 


imornata, 85, 115. 

inornata minor, 115. 

linteola, 461. 

atratus, 119. 

aura, 119. 

asopus, 757, 761, 762. 

enejus, 131. : 

conguensis, 762. 

fumosa, "757, 762. 

hapalina, 131. 

lois, 757, 762. 

naidina, 757, 762, 776. 

nicola, 132. 
pandava, 132, 763. 
patala, 131 
strabo, 131. 
theseus, 131, 148. 
alewrona, "757, "773. 
catilla, 140. 
crocale, 140. 
heera, 140. 
hyblea, 757, 773. 
tlea, 139. 
philippina, 139. 
pyranthe, 139. 
rufosparsa, 762. 
thisorella, 139. 

glans, 517. 
littkenii, 515, 517. 

serva, 451, 

loricatus, 118, 128. 
undatus, 118. 

affinis, 504, 551. 
eurycercus, 406, 418. 
viridis, 250, 257. 

ateralbus, 172. 
celebensis, 184. 
phasianus, 170. 
philippensis, 183. 
rufipennis, 173. 

ornatus, 69, 94, 

penduliger, 68, 121. 

hylas, 287. 

capule, 68. 

fugitiva, 459, 

cinnamomina, 110. 
sparverius cinnamomi- 

nus, 119. 


caudivolvulus, 356, 

approximans, 68, 100. 
maculosa, 117. 
nigricans, 100, 114, 


tyrannina, 68, 100. 
pyerythrus, 216, 219. 
cornea, 603. 
whiteavesii, 55. 
deatrum, 59. 
acicula, 59. 
atalaya, 59. 
barleii, 60. 
bilineata, 59. 
bizonalis, 62, 63. 
clarkii, 59. 
coppole, 59. 
costulata, 61. 
diadema, 60, 68. 
Sayalensis, 60. 
fibula, 60. 

INDEX. 963 

Cerithiopsis Ceycopsis Oharmosyna 
horrida, 60, 63. fallax, 548. papuensis, 624. 
metaxe, 61. Ceyx Charmosynopsis 
minima, 59. dillwyni, 407. pulchella, 624. 
nivea, 61. lepida, 567. Oharnidas 
trilineata, 61. sharpet, 407. rotundata, 299. 
tubercularis, 55, 59, 60. solitaria, 626. testacea, 299. 
tuberculata, 59. Cherocampa Charus 

Cerithium nerit, 66. helenus, 145. 
algerianwm, 56. Ohzetocercus Ohasmina 
angustissimum, 57. bombus, 102, 121. cyanus, 449. 
arcticum, 61, Chzetocnema Chelaria 
benoitianum, 61. aurifrons, 733, 755. conscriptella, 884. 
cylindratum, 55, 63. chaleeola, 731, 732, indica, 884. 
danielsseni, 54. 755. e Chelonia 
elegans, 56. concinnicollis, 755. caja, 66. 
fasciatum, 54. cylindrica, 755. Chenopus 
gemmatum, 56. drlenas 732, 755. desciscens, 51. 
gracile, 54, 65. granulifrons, 732, 755. serresianus, 50. 
granosum, 52. ingenua, 732. Chibia 
henkeliusti, 59. Japonica, 732, 755. bimaensis, 506. 
lacteum, 56. Chetogaster borneensis, 259. 
metaxa, 57. limnei, 828. carbonaria, 635. 
metula, 5A, Cheetura leucops, 554. 
naiadis, 61. brunneitorques, 105. pectoralis, 554, 259, 
nigrocinctum, 58. sclateri occidentalis, 418. 
nigrum, 57. 122. Chilades 
nitidum, 54. Chalcoparia laius, 133. 
obeliscoides, 55, 63. singalensis, 411. varunana, 138. 
perversum, 57. Chalcophaps Chilasa 
procerum, 53, 54, 63. indica, 416, 510, 558. elytia, 145. 
pusillum, 57. Chalcopsittacus dissimilis, 145. 
pygmeum, 59. ater, 622. Chilkasa 
reticulatum, 58, 56, scintillatus, 622. faleata, 853, 885. 

59. Chalcosia Chilo 
rugulosum, 61. affinis, 292. aurifusellus, 878. 
schwartzt, 57. Chalcostetha cervinellus, 878. 
sinistratum, 52. insignis, 410, chrysographella, 879. 
subcylindricum, 61. Chamzleo gratiosellus, 878. 
submammillatum, 57. calcarifer, 838. interruptellus, 878. 
terebrale, 62. Chamepelia lincusalis, 878. 
trilineatum, 61. buckleyi, 111, 122. Chilotoma 
tubercularis, 58, 59. passerina, 111. geniculata, '753. 
tuberculatum, 53. Chamezpetes Chironectes 
variculosumn, 57. tschudii, 112. variegatus, 6. 
vulgatum, 53. Chapra Chizala 
watsoni, 56, 63. agna, 147. decipiens, 852. 

Cerostoma mathias, 147. Chlamys 
rugosella, 883. Chaptia interjecta, 753. 

Ceryulus malayensis, 409. japonica, 198, 211, 
erinifrons, 1, 2. Charadrius (a3. 
vaginalis, 1. fulvus, 559, 664. lewisti, 753. 

Cervus Charaxes spilota, 199, '753. 
aristotelis, 246. fabius, 130. Chlorochrysa 
campestris, 326. samatha, 130. bourciert, 77. 

Ceryle Charidea calliparea, 77. 
cabanist, 107. mariamne, 519, 536. phenicotis, 116. 
inda, 120. Charltona Chloronerpes 
torquata, 118. kala, 879, 886. callonotus, 106. 

Cethosia Charmosyna canipileus, 117. 

mahratta, 128, josephine, 624. fumigatus, 106. 


matherbet, 106. 
rubiginosus, 117. 

spiza exsul, 121, 

Alavirostris, 116. 

Aavicapilla, 98. 

eyanopogon, 412. 
sonneratit, 412, 
zosterops, 412. 

esmeralda, 757, 765, 


atripileus, 81, 116. 
berlepschi, 82. 
canigularis, 68. 
Alavigularis, 68, 81. 
melanotis, 82, 121. 
ochraceus, 121. 
oleagineus, 81. 
pheocephalus, 123. 
semifuscus, 116. 
signatus, 68, 82. 
superciliarts nigrifrons, 


atala, 115. 
melanorhynchus, 115, 

stolzmanni, 121. 
alecto, 288. 
celerio, 288. 
clotho, 289. 
gonograpta, 289. 
lucasii, 289. 
nessus, 288, 
oldenlandie, 289. 
punctivenata, 289. 
rafflesii, 289, 
thyelia, 288. 
hoffmanni, 353. 
acutipennis texensis, 

texensis, 891, 892, 904, 

elegans, 47. 
chrysopsis, 405. 
mystacophanes, 405. 
versicolor, 405. 
chinensis, 750. 


meyert, 625, 
ambulans, 207. 
angusticollis, 754. 
aurichalcea, ‘754. 
consimilis, 754. 
cyrtonoides, 206, 207, 

geminata, 207, '754. 

guttata, 'T54. 
Japana, 753. 
musiva, 754. 
nikkoensis, 207, 754. 
obscurofasciata, 208, 
211, 754. 
ordinata, 207. 
quadranguluta, 754. 
speciosa, 209. 
stali, 754. 
subenea, 754. 
templetoni, 207. 
violaceicollis, 754. 
capitalis, 85, 
siemiradskii, 121. 
spinescens, 85, 

190; > 0145115; 


coccineifrons, 109. 

ochrocephala, 109, 

viridigenalis, 109, 

hwmboldti, 118, 121. 
Josephine, 121. 

insignis, 67. 

punctilinealis, 476. 

virgata, 110. 


regius, 616, 653, 655, 


sagittata, 66. 

spinula, 66. 

albidiventris, 94, 115. 

excelsior, 115. 

leuconctus, 71. 

wnibrunnea, 71, 116. 
unirufa, 116. 

affinis, 228. 
aspasi@, 639. 
auriceps, 572. 
aurora, 265. 
chalybeus, 228, 
chlorocephala, 639. 
chloropygius, 228. 
Frenata, 265, 554. 
Srenatus, 572, 639. 
grayt, 554. 
hasselti, 410. 
Jobiensis, 638. 
Jugularis, 250, 


Julie, 250, 266. 

kirki, 228, 

mediocris, 222, 228. 

pectoralis, 507. 

melanoleucus, 254, 

exilis, 250, 263. 

rayi, 263. 

Coma 263. 

subruficapilla, 227. 

brunneiceps, 120. 

citrinelloides, 228. 

stricklandi, 415. 

eyanotis, 548. 

sanguirensis, 548, 

hypotialis, 866. 

flavomarginata, 751, 



placens, 638. 

ly thra 

Japonica, 753. 

leviuscula, 753. 

elegans, 755. 

subbrummeus, 118, 


sp., 932. 

ellipsiprymnus, 932. 

cayanus, 178. 

coromandus, 406, 

americanus, 124, 170, 


landsbergi, 108, 114. 

paca, 161, 164, 165, 
166, 167. 
taczanowskii, 161, 163, 
164, 165, 166, 167. 
piceus, 753. 
suleicollis, 758. 
elegans, 116. 
eyanewm, 753. 
edusa, 537, 540. 
Jieldii, 140. 
pyrene, 540. 
capensis, 322, 542. 
castanonotus, 542. 
erythromelon, 542. 
leucotis, 224. 
nigricollis, 542, 
striatus, 542. 
esculenta, 549. 
linchii, 408. 
affinis, 637. 
megarhyncha, 571, 

guerezd, 219. 

guereza caudatus, 219, 

alleghaniensis, 833. 
rufina, 110, 114. 
speciosa, 119. 
subvinacea, 123. 
halieeti, 50. 
glareosa, 855, 886. 
notabilis, 116. 
sumptuosa, 80. 
victorini, 80. 
albifrons, 117. 
atrocyanewm, 117. 

fraserit, 76, 115, 
sitticolor, 'T5. 
cinchoneti, 91. 

ardesiacus, 92. 

punensis, 122. 

richardsoni, 68, 92, 


erythrogenys, 122. 
sowancet, 08. 

amenus, 415. 

mindanensis, 250, 268. 

encalis, 867. 
lunalis, 867. 
opisalis, 867. 

orientalis, 753. 
pallens, 753. 

biramosa, 283, 284. 
crucifera, 283, 284. 
hebraica, 284. 
lewisiz, 283. 
sigillata, 284. 
sparsa, 284. 
spilota, 284, 285. 
thais, 288, 284. 
versicolor, 283. 
vesicularis, 285. 
(Deloyala) clavata, 


leuconotus, 117. 

orientalis, 255. 
temminchti, 546. 


coregonoides, 483. 

vandesius, 483. 

euchromoides, 521. 

salmon, 521, 586. 

niviguttella, 883. 

placens, 565, 623. 

wilhelmine, 623. 

ernestina, 802, 307. 

| Corone 

enea, DDD. 

philippina, 250, 266. 

albicollis, 227, 229. 

enca, 555. 

orru, 645. 

philippinus, 266. 

scapulatus, 229. 

validissimus, 573. 

magica, 464. 

gustavi, 552, 572. 

sumatranus, 408. 

Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1885, No. LXIV. 


cruentus, 70, 84, 
hartlaubi, 224, 
indica, 459. 
xanthindyma, 459. 
peruanus, 85. 
ruficeps, 174. 
cassicus, 635, 636. 
quoyt, 636. 
entella, 293. 
aurifusellus, 878. 
desistalis, 879. 
partellus, 879. 
cassidizx, 549. 
leucocephalus, 275. 
magnifica, 650. 
erudita, 281. 
core, 126. 
kirki, 225. 
alberti, ‘708. 
emittens, 296. 
interruptus, 296. 
acuminata, 722, 754. 
bimaculata, 728, 754. 
chloris, 724, 754. 
exoleta, 722 
Serruginea, 722. 
impressa, 721. 
interpunctata, 722, 
Japonica, 723, 754. 
levicollis, 722, 723, 

lewisi, 721, 722, 754. 
obscuritarsis, "721, 

parvula, 'T54. 
recticollis, "721, 722, 

transversa, 721. 

verticalis, 81. 

chloris, 572. 

gutturalis, 412. 

pheocephalus, 413. 



12-punctata, 195. 
lateritia, 753. 
lewisi, 194, 211, 753. 
orientalis, 195, '753. 
parvicollis, 753. 
14-punctata, 753. 
rugata, 753. 
subpolita, 753. 
arenea, 324. 
acutus, 839, 840. 
auritum, 481. 
fodiens, 846. 
ani, 108, 114, 170, 
173, 181. 
sulcirostris, 108, 118. 
amatus, 758. 
amiculus, ‘753. 
approximatus, 753. 
bilineatus, 201, 
boehmi, 200. 
convexrus, 201. 
difformis, 201, 211, 
discretus, 758. 
fortunatus, 753. 
fulcratus, 203, 753. 
instabilis, '753. 
Japanus, 753. 
lateralis, 200. 
limbatipennis, 199, 
200, 753. 
limbellus, 200. 
liothorax, 202, 753. 
luridipennis, 202. 
mannerheimi, 753. 
minutus, 201. 
multiplex, 202, 758. 
nigrofasciatus, 200, 
201, 753. 
nobilis, 203, 211, 
partitus, 200, 211, 
perelegans, 753. 
permodestus, 753. 
pilosus, 753. 
pint, 202. 
regalis, 753. 
seitulus, 753. 
secpunctatus, 208, 
signaticeps, 202, 753. 
tessellatus, 201. 

tetradecaspilotus, 758. 


raved, 202. 
transversalis, 202. 
8-fasciata, 758. 

straminella, 884. 

sp., 120, 121. 
parvirostris, 120. 
pileatus, 113. 
transfasciatus, 121. 

canoroides, 565, 624. 
canorus, 170, 174, 182, 

Ffucatus, 248. 
viridis, 257. 

indecisa, 301. 

leucogaster, 545, 


calamaria, 449. 

diops, 568. 

pulchra, 116. 
turcosa, 86. 

erythropterum, 413. 

albidisea, 133. 

incas, 86. 
mystacalis, 117, 122. 

cook, 3. 
cyanus, 2. 

callicles, 775. 
cheles, 757, 775. 
mene, 775. 

aruensis, 620. 
blythi, 619. 
desmaresti, 619. 
diophthalmus, 620. 
occidentalis, 619. 
occtpitalis, 620. 

virenticeps, 122. 

delicatum, 47. 
infans, 596. 
pellucida, 596. 
triste, 596. 
(Adelostoma) ‘rise, 



testacea, 299. 

conchylalis, 871. 
submarginalis, 871. 
macrorhynchus, 408. 
cyanurus, 69. 
mocoa, 69, 103. 
banywnas, 260. 
philippensis, 250, 260. 
pheocephalus, 68, 120. 
thoracicus, 71. 
thoracicus dichrous, 68, 
71, 120. 
andicola, 279. 
apus, 898, 899, 913. 
comatus, 256. 
frenatus, 572, 639. 
cristata, 491, 499. 
proboscidea, 492. 

egregia equatorialis, 
pulcherrima aureinu- 
cha, 76. 
alciphron, 292, 
sericea, 292. 
strigivenata, 292. 
dorippus, 537. 
nerit, 288. 
colorata, 526. 
imperialis, 526, 536. 
tripunctata, 527, 536. 
unifasciata, 526, 5386. 
pesqueti, 621. 
tantilla, 470. 
milvinalis, 875, 886. 
eratus, 291, 307. 
euphorbie, 65, 
livornica, 65, 287. 
lucasti, 289. 
vigil, 287. 
dulcis, 294. 
pulchelia, 294. 

pulchella, var. lotrix, 
sarpedon, 146. 
teredon, 146. 
thermodusa, 146. 
sucharis, 139. 
difformis, 280. 
sacra, 274, 420, 561, 
bipunctata, 204, 753. 
decorata, 204, 753. 
fasciata, 753. 
fasciculata, 753. 
modesta, 204, 758. 
comata, 256, 408. 
aureola, 117, 122. 
blackburnie, 74, 
cerulea, 74. 
' Dendrolagus 
lumholtzi, 64. 
frontalis, 410. 
erythropygia, 128. 
erythropygia equatori- 
alis, 118. 
triangularis, 98, 118. 
swinhoei, 884. 
opisalis, 867. 
epijarbas, 135. 
discicollis, 927. 
conducens, 458. 
bubona, 531, 536. 
phyleis, 531. 
rufotestacea, 755, 
aperta, 929. 
oberthuri, 928, 929. 
viridipennis, 929. 
alimena, 276. 
—, var. salvini, 276. 
—, var, velleda, 276. 
geometralis, 875. 


celebicwm, 554. 
hypoleucum, 250, 265. 
pectorale, 639. 
trigonostigma, 410. 
retractana, 881. 
orosialis, 470. 
pullata, 470. 
subsequana, 882. 
vinula, 66. 
sp., 571. 
atrocerulea, 570, 571. 
carbonaria, 635. 
pectoralis, 571. 
bimaensis, 506. 
leucops, 554. 
pectoralis, 248, 259, 
ineptus, 712. 
hearseyana, 293. 
albilateralis, 69, 75. 
indigotica, 75, 116. 
lafresnayi, 75. 
personata, 75. 
carunculatus, 322. 
vates, 289. 
crassus, 445, 482, 
owent, 482. 
exulans, 708, 715. 
melanophrys, 833. 
lewisii, 753. 
hesperus, 121. 
iris, 121. 
chrysoptera, 616, 654. 
magnifica, 654. 
speciosa, 616, 653. 
wilsoni, 616, 654. 
nevius, 108, 170, 171, 
simoni, 334. 
epijarbas, 135. 


glaucum, 884, 
evulsa, 448, 4'76. 
brachyphorus, 409. 
vassori, 77, 116. 
affinis, 467. 
ensiferus schliephacket, 
eugenes, 130. 
eraria, 752. 
aquatica, 192. 
198, 211, 752. 
discolor, 198. 
gracilipes, 191, 192. 
sericea, 193, 752. 
—, var. sibirica, 193, 
simplex, 193, 752. 
sulcicollis, 198. 
citrinella, 925. 
dilaticollis, 926. 
euchalea, 926. 
glomerata, 927. 
gratiosa, 925, 926. 
hybrida, 926 
imperialis, 926. 
oberthuri, 926. 
pictipennis, 927. 
pluviata, 927. 
pretextata, 925. 
trivittata, 925. 
vespertina, 925. 
celatalis, 876. 
citrinula, 304. 
nudans, 304. 
reichenowt, 227. 
albertisi, 616, 649. 
bruijni, 616, 649. 
deviella, 883. 
capistratoides, 413. 
tenella, 226. 
iorip ni 118. 
lineatus, 118. 



bla, 295, 
sublacteus, 225. 
selysia, 116. 
teniata, 81. 
fenestrata, 469. 
zonula, 469, 476. 
indica, 291. 
leucostictus, 99. 
semicinereus, 68. 
subplumbeus, 68, 99. 
negatalis, 872. 

chromotaria, 880. 
frondosana, 880. 
simillima, 880. 
tristrigosa, 881. 


catalaunalis, 874. 

acanthion, 148, 150, 

151, 152, 153, 154, 
155) 1b yy los elog, 
160, 161, 329, 330, 
331, 336, 338. 
aculeata, 149, 151, 152, 
1538, 155, 156, 157, 
158, 159, 331, 332, 
336, 338. 
— lawesi, 338, 339. 
— setosa, 338, 339. 
— typica, 338, 339. 
australiensis, 338. 
breviaculeata, 339. 
hystrix, 149, 150, 358. 
lawest, 151, 155, 156, 
159, 160, 161, 329, 
331, 332, 336. 
longiaculeata, 338. 
oweni, 337. 
ramsayt, 337. 
setosa, 151, 382, 333, 
macintoshii, 515, 517. 
pectoralis, 620. 
personatus, 502, 
roratus, 563. 
incertum, 635. 
melan, 634. 
montanum, 634. 
moro, 558. 
obiense, 570, 


schisticeps, 634. 
griseigularis, 90. 
wmplacens, 118. 
leucospodia, 122. 
pallatange, 118, 
placens, 118. 
semipagana, 90, 121. 
subplacens, 122. 
hypoleucus, 253. 
michianus, 2. 
hygie, 833. 
lemniscatus, 327. 
africanus, 221. 
bombifrons, 778, 779. 
clifti, 779. 
insignis, 778, 779. 
namadicus, 779. 
primigenius, 779. 
striaticeps, 85, 122. 
griseipectus, 121. 
acadicus, 124. 
rhodophilalis, 868. 
suffusalis, 864. 
lutris, 387. 
marina, 387. 
stelleri, 387. 
cyanea, 740, 755. 
fulva, 755. 
fulviventris, 740. 
tibialis, 740, '755. 
ampla, 300. 
detersa, 300, 307. 
incerta, 300. 
torsa, 462. 
fuscata, 622. 
insularis, 565. 
riciniata, 562, 564, 565, 
wallacei, 621. 
menadensis, 545, 
cleoraria, 856. 
extrusata, 306. 
flvidaria, 856, 886. 

Sarita 856. 
quieta, 856, 885. 
subdolaria, 856. 
dichrocera, 231. 
speciosus, 616, 648. 
signata, 470. 
burchelli, 221. 
burchelli chapmani, 
hemionus, 421. 
calydon, 534. 
capena, 534. 
eyllaria, 465. 
eyllota, 465, 
zura, 465. 
zygia, 465, 
confinis, 290. 
musa, 290, 307. 
ariadne, 129, 
aurelie, 116. 
derbyana, 116. 
godini, 116. 
luciana, 105. 
lugens, 116. 
mosquera, 105, 116. 
nigrivestis, 116. 
smaragdinipectus, 105, 
squamata, 116. 
bella, 879. 
buquetii, var. arabica, 
cleodora, 540. 
adjutaria, 863. 
theclata, 863. 
leucomelena, 560. 
leucomelana, 511. 
phenicura, 278, 511, 
bicolor, 413. 
celebensis, 552. 
trinotata, 544, 



trichroa, 578. 

nandina, 306. 

astrild, 268, 

grayt, 116. 

Jjacobee, 66. 

polymena, 290. 

defamatalis, 872. 

amica, 520. 

chesalon, 520. 

childon, 520, 536. 

chislon, 521. 

Jucunda, 520. 

phlegon, 520, 586. 

simsoni, 521. 

indica, 870. 

versicolor, 65, 

sanguinea, 524. 

sicelides, 524. 

tritonia, 524, 536. 

eyanocephala, 625. 

malayana, 406, 418. 

melanorhyncha, 550. 

orientalis, 170, 181, 


rufiventer, 625. 

taitensis, 170, 172. 

imperatrix, 116. 

Palnonsidie, 872. 

cerulescens, 644. 

hypoxantha, 77, 122. 

saturata, 70, 76, 

aanthogastra, 77. 

bilinea, 863, 886. 

conscensa, 863, 886. 

immixtaria, 863. 

pulchellata, 65. 

testacea, 863, 886. 

semifascia, 454. 

nobilis, 416. 

core, 126. 


dorippus, 126, 537, 

kollari, 126. 

vermiculata, 126. 

australis, 189. 

quadriramosa, 295. 

| Euproctis 

decussata, 297. 
lunata, 298. 
marginalis, 297, 
postica, 298. 
vitellina, 298. 

| Eupterote 

diabolica, 303. 

diserepans, 304. 

gyra, 303. 

mollis, 304. 

mutans, 303. 

similis, 304. 

undans, 304, 

undata, 303. 


sp., 920. 

abyssicola, 916, 918, 
921, 924, 925. 

atlantica, 916, 918, 
919, 920, 924. 

fragilis, 916, 918, 920, 
924, 925. 

gigantea, 916, 923, 924. 

intermedia, 916, 918, 

nove-zealandie, 916, 
918, 919. 
pellucida, 916, 918, 

920, 921, 924, 925. 

robusta, 916. 

sarsii, 916, 918, 919, 
921, 924. 

spinosa, 916, 918, 921, 

_ Eurylemus 

Javanicus, 407. 
ochromelas, 407. 

| Eurypyga 

helias, 119. 

afer, 224. 

azureus, 569. 

orientalis, 255, 508, 

546, 568. 

pacificus, 255, 569. 

Sulviceps, 122. 

pyrrhops, 117. 

malayana, 864. 

palmyra, 864. 


afflicta, 292. 
albomarginata, 518. 
contracta, 292. 
Jimbriata, 518. 
opheltes, 518, 
superba, 775. 
thruppii, 'T57, 775. 
favillatrix, 457. 
garuda, 130. 
flavigula, 642. 
griseiqularis, 642, 
aquila, 102. 
aquila heterurus, 102, 

terrestris, 662. 
chinensis, 272, 416. 
minima, 272. 


indicus, 253. 

terminigera, 454. 

catus, 8, 211, 212, 213. 

tsabellina, 245. 

javanensis, 609. 

leo, 220. 

pardus, 220. 

marmorata, 609. 

cyrena, 529, 

leta, 529. 

ops, 529, 

postica, 529, 

roxana, 529, 586. 

atripennis, 87, 122. 

menades, 528, 536. 

analis, 118, 

thoracicus, 101. 

consobrina, 121. 

quixensis, 121. 

speciosa, 118, 121. 

crosset, 41. 

depressus, 41, 62. 

interjunctus, 41. 

petitianus, 41. 

reticulatus, 41, 62. 

altumi, 230. 


schuetti, 230. 
(Scleroptera) schuetti, 


ardesiaca, 119. 

marila, 246. 

cinnamomeus, 94, 122. 

melanogenia, 68, 123. 
pastazae, 68, 107. 
tombacea, 108. 
(Adimonia) multicos- 
tata, '746, 755. 
annulicornis, '746, 755. 
distincta, 755. 
Suscipennis, 746, '755. 
maculicollis, 755. 
modesta, '745, 755. 
nigromarginata, 743, 
nymphea, 744. 
punctato-striata, 755. 
sagittarie, 755. 
semifulva, 745, '746, 

seminigra, 744, 755. 

tibialis, 755. 

viridipennis, "744, '755. 

vittaticollis, 745, "755. 

bifasciata, 747, '755. 

consociata, 747, 755. 

eburata, ‘755. 

lewisi, 747, 755. 

cinerea, 273. 

cristata, 273. 

Jjamesoni, 112, 115. 

stenura, 417. 

euryzonoides, 274. 

Srontata, 560, 

bankiva, 248, 250, 272. 

domesticus, 478. 

stramineicollis, 248. 

flavipes, 119, 124. 

swainsoni, 119. 

thyrsis, 148. 

klaasseni, 446. 


Japona, 210, 211, 754. 
thoracica, 754. 
vishnu, 305. 
velutina, 302. 
atrocyanea, 754, 
admotella, 878. 
sp., 932. 
semmerringi, 932. 
spekii, 931. 
walleri, 931. 
umbripennis, 884. 
tigrina, 220. 
erythronota, 552. 

sp., 170. 
affinis, 170, 178, 179. 
cyanicollis, 568. 
jobiensis, 620. 
Jukesi, 502. 
obiensis, 563. 
pucherani, 620. 
aperta, 855, 885. 
dissessa, 855. 
dissita, 854. 
indecretata, 855. 
parvulata, 855. 
mauger, 510. 

/ Georhynchus 

capensis, 847. 

philadelphia, 68, 74. 

semiflava, 68, 120. 


bourcieri, 69, 111, 123. 

cerulescens, 119. 

flaveola, 248, 250, 263, 

simplex, 250, 263. 
gemma, 469. 

ed 460. 
inangulata, 460, 
pertendens, 460. 
ferox, 109, 117. 
Serrugineum, 117. 

infuscatum, 117. 
jardinei, 109. 

ruckeri, 118, 128. 

modesta, 641. 

actorionalis, 871. 
diurnalis, 872. 
luciferalis, 872. 
parvalis, 871. 
univocalis, 872. 

cuneatus castlenaudi,98, 

raimondi, 122. 

comalis, 875. 

albitibia, 458. 
involuta, 458. 
mesogona, 458. 
metaxantha, 458. 

postica, 66. 

verrucosus, 236, 

conversi equatorialis, 

coronata, 662. 
victoria, 663. 

gigantea, 116. 
hypoleuca, 101. 
rujficapilla, 101. 
rufula, 101. 
squamigera, 116. 

ammonia, 467. 
mygdon, 467. 
stolida, 467. 

e-nigrum, 453. 
cognata, 453. 

boyeri, 683. 
ceruleogriseus, 633. 
leucopygius, 558. 
magnirostris, 570, 633. 
melanops, 634. 
papuensis, 634. 
pollens, 258. 

communis, 841. 
monachus, 841. 


pirigua, 170, 178, 174, 

arcticus, 381. 
borealis, 381. 
larvatus, 784, 805. 
Juscus, 381, 396. 
senex, 645. 
albertisi, 661. 
Gynzphora - 
selenitica, 299. 
xerampelina, 299, 307. 
aurita, 753. 
chrysomeloides, 753. 
cyanea, 753. 
nicrocyaned, 753. 
affinis, 292. 

indistans, 454. 
semifascia, 454. 
tenebrosa, 451. 


114, 122. 

equiseti, 191. 
Jopana, 190, 


70, 93, 


stolzmanni, 122. 
buckleyt, 527, 536. 
lex, ew 
hore 256, 504, 
conereta, 407. 
coromanda, 407, 548. 
diops, 568. 
nigrocyaned, 626, 627. 
orientalis, 223. 
pileata, 542, 548. 
quadricolor, 626, 627. 
leucogaster, 545. 
girrenera, 617. 
intermedius, 253, 502, 
angustata, T54. 
cerulescens, 754. 
californica, 726. 
flavicornis, 754. 
latericosta, 754. 
lewisi, 727, 754. 
obscura, 726, 754, 
icipes, 726, 754. 
Tatyana 754. 


dedalus, 757, 760. 
meleagris, 760. 

attacicola, 463. 
discistriga, 463. 

Sulviceps, 118. 

constantia, 225. 
narina, 224. 

castanea, 116. 

deviella, 883. 
luridella, 883. 

polita, 598. 

coronatus, 110. 

kandyia, 301. 

malayanus, 864, 

glaucippe, 140. 


ludovicianus, 84, 117, 

micraster, 120, 123. 
strophianus, 116. 

lutetie, 105, 116. 

planospira, 588. 

egregia, 598, 609. 
modesta, 598. 
moguiniana, 598. 
multicelor, 599. 
solomonensis, 599, 609. 
spinifera, 598. 

bartletti, 523. 
rubrocristata, 93. 
Jamesoni, 121. 

albicrissa, 105, 122. 

| Heliophobius 

argenteo-cinereus, 847. 
armigera, 448. 
Juncea, 448, 476. 
peltigera, ‘448, 757, 

rubescens, 448. 
barroti, 123. 


parzudakii, 105. 
viola, 105, 128. 

cerealis, 593. 
deiopeia, 593. 
erinaceus, 594, 
eustomia, 594. 
gamelia, 591. 
hargreavesi, 591. 
helicinoides, 592. 
latimarginata, 594, 
meleagris, 593. 
merziana, 594. 
meta, 590. 
perspicua, 45. 
sebacea, 593. 
subcarinata, 40, 
thorpeiana, 593. 
(Camzena) hombroni, 

(Chloritis) ewstoma, 

(Corasia) anadyomene, 


—) tricolor, 589, 609. 
(Geotrochus) acmella, 

(—) eleryi, 592. 

(—-) eleryt, var. meri- 
dionalis, 609. 
(—) eleryi, var. 

tentrionalis, 609 
(—) cleryi, var. 
boana, 609. 
(—) dampieri, 592, 609, 
(—) eros, 592. 
(—) gamelia, 591. 
(—) guppyi, 591, 609, 
(—) hargreavesi, 591. 
(—) mendana, 591. 
(—) motaeilla, 591. 
(Hemitrochus) ili- 
costa, 214. 
(Nanina) zitidissima, 



(— a olidiuscula, 589, 
cyte villandrei, 

(Videa) merziana, 593. 
(—) sancte anne, 594, 

vidhisara, 860. 

| Hemigale 

hardwickii, 791. 

rectirostris, 102, 116. 

malaccensis, 412, 


albifrons, 662. 
hilaris, 120. 
leucophrys, 72. 
leucosticta, 120. 
Srontalis, 415. 
leschenaultii, 415. 
adamsii, 754. 
orthosiana, 473, 476. 
velifera, 473, 476. 
aspasia, 639. 
auriceps, 572. 
Jobiensis, 638. 
melanarge, 757, 774. 
tritogenia, 774. 
caffer, 220. 
ichneumon, 220. 
cachinnans, 119. 
axillaris equatorialis, 
puncticeps, 100. 
elianus, 151. 
agna, 147. 
anchises, 757, 775. 
bada, 147. 
bevani, 147. 
enejus, 131. 
divodasa, 147. 
galba, 146. 
gremius, 147. 
isocrates, 134. 
leucocera, 146. 
longinus, 135. 
mathias, 147. 
narooa, 147. 
plinius, 133. 
strabo, 181. 


glaber, 611, 612, 845, 
| Hyalina 

847, 848, 849. 
phillipsi, 612, 845, 847, 
848, 849. 
imbricatus, 63. 
lundii, 63. 
wallacei, 120. 
meridionalis, 119. 


dosaroides, 457. 
bioculata, 236. 
leucocephalus, 559. 
nigricollis, 119. 
buprestoides, 231. 
raptatalis, 474. 
narenda, 138. 
spiva, 158, 148. 
asterope, 758. 

| Hippotragus 

niger, 218. 

gutturalis, 569. 

javanica, 261, 419, 


ruficollis, 277. 

Japonica, 286. 

merens, 286. 

nigrocyanea, 286. 

subquadrata, 286. 

clathrum, 462. 

zancleus, 39. 

deraselia, 877, 886. 

gratella, 877. 

lincusalis, 878. 

dispila, 460. 

infligens, 460. 

cayanus, 119, 124. 

caranea, 463. 

inangulata, 460. 

cassida, 137. 

pallida, 137. 

phryne, 137. 

zeuxippe, 137. 

brunnea, 350, 351, 360. 

arborea, 26. 

(Conulus) layardi, 27. 

tumida, 598. 

caralis, 522. 

puhites, 522. 

hibernaria, 862, 885. 

puerd, 458, 
gallinaceus, 560. 
denticulosa, 451. 
aquatilis, 870. 
depunctalis, 869. 
scitalis, 869. 
tenera, 869. 
albirostris, 406. 
minor, 68, 120. 
olivaceus, 68, 75, 120. 
griseola, 410, 
fascialis, 867. 
anvatara, 760. 
castanea, 757, 759. 
cora, 760. 
ilithyia, 757, 759. 
polinice, 129. 
simplex, 129. 
tconicalis, 471. 
ignotalis, 471. 
laceratalis, 471. 
mandatalis, 471. 
mimicalis, 471, 476. 
molpusalis, 471. 
obaceralis, 471, 472. 
obstupidalis, 471, 476. 
speculalis, 472, 476. 
vecordialis, 472, 476. 
limbolaria, 852. 
phantasma, 852. 
ocularius, 229, 
reichenowt, 229, 
beavani, 734, 
inconstans, 733, 754, 
sp., O41. 
efflorescens, 462. 
crenaria, 853. 
dispensata, 853. 
perfectaria, 853. 
nevioides, 123. 
nuchalis, 411. 

avia, 129. 
bolina, 129. 
misippus, 129. 
cerulus, 766. 
umbrosa, 757, 766, 
matinellus, 883. 
vespertilio, 463. 
bolinoides, 461. 
celebensis, 560. 
philippensis, 560. 
striata, 273. 
Tee: 261, 408. 
oecipitalis, 260, 408, 

puella, 553. 
rivolit brevirostris, 107, 


sericea, 292. 
Hy psipetes 
malaccensis, 412. 

brucei, 221. 

trrorata, 221. 

lingens, 757, 764. 

grataria, 858. 

volutaria, 858, 886, 

communis, 28. 
extgua, 27. 
rotundata, 28. 
albiqularis, 271. 
griseigularis, 250, 
hagedash, 2830, 
rubra, 427. 
americanus, 119, 
bondar, 788. 
prehensilis, 783. 
restitura, 801. 
grace-anne, 117, 122, 


hauxwelli, 671. 
mesomelas, 128, 

Idea , , 
absconditaria, 857. 
actuaria, 857. 
addictaria, 857. 
adeptaria, 857. 
chotaria, 858, 886. 
difamataria, 857. 
grandicularia, 858, 


humeraria, 857. 
idearia, 857, 886. 
ligataria, 857. 
patularia, 857. 
remotata, 857. 
walkeri, 857. 

fulvia, 148. 
philamene, 768. 

diabolicum, 236. 
cephusalis, 451. 
polymnestor, 144, 
defamatalis, 872. 
sp., 916. 
catoxantha, 524, 

quantula, 855, 885. 

vivilacea, 855. 

belli, 766. 

glaucus, 757, 766. 

scapularis, 412. 

melanocephala, 556. 

eriniger, 409. 

cyanea, 409, 

dubusia, 80. 

porphyrocephala, 116. 

anchises, 775. 
enixalis, 869. 
flexilis, 147, 148, 
nilgiriana, 147. 
agnivena, 141. 
colaba, 142, 148, 
cumballa, 141, 148. 
dapalpura, 141, 

Proc. Zoor. Soc.—1885, No. LXV. 


dharmsale, 142, 143. 
Jhoda, 142, 148, 
kausala, 148. 
marianne, 140, 141. 
maulmainensis, 142. 
meridionalis, 140, 141, 


pyrene, 142, 

squamata, 412. 

gotavier, 262. 

auritus, 254, 405, 
Susco-albidus, 405. 
grandis, 503. 
ramsayi, 248, 250, 


temminckii, 546, 


bochus, 131. 

chryso-graphella, 879. 

obstitella, 880, 886. 

auriflua, 528. 

glycera, 527. 

ligula, 527. 

oribia, 528. 

sthylle, 523, 526. 

striata, 528. 

feliciana, 70. 

ffinchii, 63, 64. 

@none, 539. 

almana, 128. 

asterie, 128. 

clelia, 539. 

crebrene, 'T57, 759. 

hierte, 128. 

lemonias, 128. 

orythia, 128. 


wardi, 129. 

decorata, 447. 

striata, 4138. 

stricklandii, 415. 

pamphosalis, 474, 



capella, 469. 

rotundata, 299 

jicus, 292. 

pallidula, 47. 

reticulata, 41, 42. 

pallida, 299. 

granosa, 52, 53. 

promerania, 52. 

pammon, 145. 

tata, 464. 

magica, 464, 

atrovirens, 6395. 

aurea, 570. 

culminata, 409. 

dominica, 258. 

leucopygialis, 259, 


terat, 409, 418. 

timoriensis, 506. 

perspicua, 45. 

tentaculata, 45. 

tenuis, 45, 63. 

planalis, 876. 

elianus, 131. 

alexis, 131. 

iridescens, 122. 

meyerii, 620. 

warszewiczt, 86, 114. 

columbiana, 105. 

cupreatum, 198, 753. 
nigro-ceruleum, 753. 

formosa, 269, 556. 
bentet, 257, 505. 
caudatus, 225. 
cephalomelas, 257. 
collaris, 225. 
humeralis, 225, 
nasutus, 257. 
schach, 505. 
Leite: 450. 
infecta, 450 


maximus, 848, 
ilicifolia, 65. 
vittata, 305. 
buddha, 306. 
adamsi, 194, 723. 
concinnipennis, 752. 
coronata, 752. 
10-punctata, 753. 
delicatula, 753. 
dilecta, 194, 752. 
diversa, 752. 
downesti, 752 
flavipes, 752. 
fortune?, 752. 
honorata, 'T52. 
lewisti, 752. 
puncticollis, 752. 
leucomystax, 672. 
macaco, 672. 
vittata, 305. 
polysteguin, 327, 328. 
Fal vus, 204, 
lewisi, 204, 753. 

pulverulentus, 203, 211, 

782, 753. 

andicola, 94, 115, 426. 

pileata, 426. 

cayanensis, 119. 

weddelii, 489. 

monachus, 490. 

weddellii, 489. 

erythrops, 89. 

pecilotis, 68, 89. 

superciliaris, 68, 89. 

— transandinus, 122. 

ammaculatum, 596. 

Jacquinoti, 596. 

vitreum, 596. 

leucorhynchus, 257, 

albifrons, 117. 

pallida, 111, 117, 121. 

verreauxi, 111, 117. 
geometralis, 875. 

amaryllis, 68, 103. 
gouldi gracilis, 123. 
neelgherriensis, 127. 
bivittata, 449. 
decisissima, 447. 
extranea, 447, 
infereus, 447. 
loreyi, 447. 
polemusa, 447, 476. 
subsignata, 447. 
orbonalis, 868. 


javanica, 408. 

nigritorquis, 260. 

albicollis, 116. 

occidentalis, 119, 



leucosomus, 617. 

lepita, 180. 

myrrha, 130. 

splendidus, 928. 

populi, 65. 

sibylla, 65, 

lanceolatus, 545. 

alcippoides, 125. 

alcippus, 758, 

chrysippus, 125, 758. 

dorippus, 126, 129, 

757, 758. 

klugii, 757, 758. 

fedoa, 119, 124. 

polyphemus, 3. 

dispar, 66. 
monacha, 67, 
vitellina, 298. 
hirtus, 725, 754. 
minutus, 725, 754. 
nigritus, 724, 725, 
punctato-striatus, 724, 
suturalis, 725, 754. 
obscurata, 94, 
mirabilis, 431. 

adamst, 754. 
amicula, 754. 
apicalis, 728. 
atricilla, 729. 
bimaculata, 754. 
hemorrhoidalis, ‘728, 
inconspicua, 754. 
lewist, 754. 
lycopi, 729, T54. 
nitida, 727, 754. 
orientalis, 728, 754. 
parvula, 729, 754. 
pusillus, 729. 
quadraticollis, 729, T54. 
verbasci, 727. 
superba, 616. 
griseiceps, 544. 
sguamicristatus, 89. 
bonapartet, 250, 252, 
exilis, 544. 
galgulus, 404. 
hartlaubi, 252, 253. 
stigmatus, 543. 
domicella, 564. 
erythrothorax, 621. 
flavo-palliatus, 564. 
lory, 621. 
annulatus, 812. 
campestris, 812. 
levis, 812. 
aliginosus, 812. 
nana, b4. 
discrepans, 'T55. 
pallidulus, 755, 
4-guttatus, 755. 
impressicollis, 755. 
moorit, 755. 
rufiventris, 123. 
lutris, 387. 
marina, 387. 
sendbachii, 384. 
stelleri, 387. 
vulgaris, 353. 
(Enhydra) marina, 
ardates, 132. 


asopus, 761, 762. 
conguensis, 762. 
gaika, 539. 
indica, 182. 
lysamon, 539. 
nara, 134. 
pulchra, 763. 
pygmed, 182. 
rubricosa, 293. 
sybaris, 763. 
theophrastus, 764. 
zena, 134, 763. 
albatus, 862, 885. 
angulosa, 525. 
fornaz, 525, 536. 
morotensis, 573. 
obiensis, 573. 
detersa, 300. 
fuliginosa, 300. 
incerta, 300. 
obsoleta, 300. 
macropterus, 549. 
ater, 752, 753. 

pulverulentus, 753. 

boaria, 861, 886. 
bolina, 861. 
eleonora, 860. 

falsaria, 861, 862. 

granitalis, 861. 
indotata, 861. 
infrictaria, 862. 
lithina, 861. 
metagonoria, 860. 
myaudaria, 861. 
pervolgata, 860. 
strenuataria, 861. 
vasudeva, 860. 
zebrina, 861. 
deliciosus, 116. 
albifrons, 633. 
nigripectus, 639. 
elegans, 264. 
belis, 287. 
gyrans, 287. 
kettlewelli, 262. 

comatus, 266, 408. 


mystacea, 569. 
wallacei, 548. 

erubescens, 322. 

albicapilla, 558. 
batchianensis, 576. 
emiliana, 272. 
eurycerca, 272. 
macassariensis, 558. 
nigrirosiris, 662. 
tenuirostris, 250, 


leoninus, 492. 

ferruginosum, 413. 

fulvigularis, 68, 108. 
panamensis, 68. 

alboscapulatus, 633. 

dolorosa, 451. 

lewisi, 741, '755. 

membranacea, 236. 

Sulvipes, 720, 754. 
Japonica, 720, 754. 
obustata, 720. 
rustica, 754. 

atra, 646. 
chalybeata, 646. 
Jobiensis, 646. 

conchylalis, 871. 
vertumnalis, 871. 

brizoalis, 871. 
celsalis, 871. 
maliferalis, 871. 
phryneusalis, 871. 
pomonalis, 871. 
vertumnalis, 871. 

brunnescens, 68, 98. 
guttata, 116. 
perlata, 98. 

pura, 456, 476. 

complanata, 45. 
producta, 45. 

domestica, 353. 
philippensis, 781, 800, 



aquatilis, 870. 
chrysopterus, 93. 
coronulatus, 93, 116. 
latidens, 777, 778, 
pandionis, 779. 
perimensis, 777, 779. 
caduca, 470, 476. 
participalis, 470. 
pecilocercus, 87. 
polygonalis, 541. 
maleo, 559. 
leucotis, 223. 
hectori, 541. 
longipes, 850. 
puella, 659. 
duperrey?, 663. 
gilberti, 559. 
Sreycineti, 576, 668. 
pitanqua chrysogaster, 
91, 122. 
gunga, 133, 148. 
tristris, 405. 
tukki, 406. 
fasciatus, 600. 
pucherani, 107, 123. 
sp., 601, 609. 
amarula, 600. 
boninensis, 602. 
crassilabrum, 603. 
cybele, 600. 
damonis, 601. 
fastigiella, 601, 609. 
Sulgurans, 600. 
guppyi, 603, 609. 
queenslandica, 602. 
salamonis, 600. 
sancte-anne, 602, 
scabra, 600. 
subgradata, 601, 609. 
ugiensis, 602, 609. 
verrucosa, 601. 



hastata, 66. 

ismene, 126. 

leda, 126. 

ater, 231, 234, 235. 

septemcostatus, 251. 

anais, 644. 

orientalis, 645. 

ened, T54. 

Japonica, 754. 

populi, 754, 

20-punctata, 754. 

gulo, 881. 

vulgaris, 340. 

torquatus, 641. 

macrorhina, 628. 

megarhynchus, 641. 

nove guinee, 641. 

gymnops, 641, 

leucostephes, 641. 

depressellus, 876, 



artemis, 65. 

gilolensis, 572. 

labiatus, 391. 

parvula, 281. 

diphilus, 145. 

hector, 145. 

jicaria, 531, 536. 

jiculnea, 530, 536. 

Jidentia, 530, 536. 

hagno, 530. 

halia, 531, 536. 

herona, 530, 536. 

bicolor, 406. 

ornatus, 503, 546, 


philippinus, 503. 

layardi, 440, 441, 

castanoptera, 304. 

translata, 304, 307. 

abrupta, 469. 
primolina, 103. 
tyrianthina quitensis, 
candidulalis, 880, 886. 
melanoptera, 111. 
denticulosa, 451. 
guerilla, 123. 
melanoleucus, 665. 
marginatus, 120. 
teniatus, 120. 
flavovirescens, 632. 
aterrimus, 618. 
latifrons, 404. 
aculeata, 860. 
caudata, 860. 
himantopus, 119, 124. 
eleguns, 529, 536. 
longatis, 529. 
melanocephalus, 412 
striatalis, 875. 
carunculatus, 116. 
striata, 645. 
longicaudatus, 122, 
dumonti, 645. 
oleagineus, 68. 
olivaceus, 115. 
striaticollis, 90. 115, 
bicolor, 413. 
bornensis, 419. 
caguyanensis, 413, 
marmorata, 59. 
vittata, 834. 
purpurascens, 86, 

brasiliensis, 68. 
microstephanus, 68, 
nigra, 118. 
monachus, 547. 
princeps, 547. 
mulleriana, 632. 
saxicolina, 632. 
albiventer, 490. 
mediterraneus, 490. 

chalybeocephalus, 569. 

tnornatus, 569. 

monoceros, 439, 

cyanea, 748, 755. 

dichroa, 749, 755. 

—, var. apicipennis, 

749, 755. 

flaviventris, 748, 755. 

fulvicollis, 749, 755. 

nigro-bilineata, 755, 

barbarata, 883. 

elephantina, 492. 

lateralis, 461. 

longicauda, 228. 

viridis, 264. 

fulvus, 546. 

Jagori, 250, 268. 

molucca, 55d. 

australis, 916, 917, 


gracilis, 916. 

latifrons, 916, 917. 

typica, 916, 917. 

adversus, 58. 

costellifer, 49. 

metaza, 61. 

scaber, 57. 

tubercularis, 59. 

gleadowi, 809, 810. 

mettada, 810. 

griseosticta, 632. 

gohnstont, 222, 225. 

minima, 225, 



brevicauda, 117, 122. 

alpina, 87, 115. 

castelnaudi, 121. 

occidentalis, 121. 

albinucha, 380. 

americana, 378. 

flavigula, 378. 

JSoina, 353. 

gulo, 381. 

lutra, 383. 

lutris, 387. 

martes, 353. 

pennanti, 378. 

zibellina, 378. 

melanoxanthus, 168. 

semperi, 519, 536. 

splendens, 520. 

cementaria, 4, 5, 6. 

fasciata, 246. 

Javanensis, 4. 

(Cteniza) camentaria, 


ralloides, 71, 117. 

helianthea, 552. 

cephalotes, 93. 

pheocephalus, 93, 122. 

barbatus, 118. 

cinnamomeus, 91. 

crypterythrus, 68, 92, 


eryptoxanthus, 68, 
erythrurus, 121. 
phenicomitra, 91. 
phenicurus, 91, 117. 
stellatus, 117, 121. 
villosus, 91, 116, 118. 
canadensis, 74. 
atrifrons, 122. 
audax, 70, 91, 114. 
bairdi, 70. 
chrysocephalus minor, 
obscurus, 410. 

erythropygius, 87, 117. 

striaticolhs, 86. 


cayennensis, 68. 
columbianus, 118. 
similis, 68, 90. 
texensis, 118. 

kersteni, 231 

bicolor, 271, 416, 558, 

luctuosa, 557. 
spilorrhoa, 661. 

exsul, 123. 

aculeata, 338. 

micrura, 122. 

menetriesiz, 68, 


adolphine, 640. 
eques, 640. 
erythrocephala, 640. 
nigrita, 640, 
obscura, 640. 
rosenbergi, 640. 

cysticolum, 444. 
deformatum, 444. 
inflator, 443. 
murrayi, 443. 
pentacrinus, 444. 
tenuispinum, 443. 
willemoesti, 443. 

ardates, 132. 
Sulminea, 36. 
marmorata, 36. 
binotata, 786, 
neptalis, 870. 
ae 302. 
bruijni, 618. 
pygmed, 618. 
fusca, 353. 
leucorhynchus, 353. 
narica, 353. 
rufa, 358. 
basalis, 8038. 
velutina, 302. 


affinis, 35. 
alba, 29. 
alderi, 30. 
angulata, 32, 62. 
beverlii, 29. 
bulbosa, 29. 
castanea, 29. 
catena, 29. 
clausa, 35. 
compacta, 33, 62. 
crosseana, 41. 
dillwynii, 37. 
filosa, 36. 
flammula, 36. 
flammulata, 36. 
fusca, 29. 
glaucina, 30. 
globosa, 32, 62. 
gouldii, 29. 
grenlandica, 29, 30. 
guillemini, 30, 31. 
hebrea, 37, 38. 
imbricata, 36. 
immaculata, 34. 
intricata, 31, 37. 
intricatoides, 37. 
islandica, 30. 
josephinia, 34, 35. 
lactea, 29. 
levida, 29. 
livida, 29. 
macilenta, 30, 32. 
marmorata, 31, 36. 
millepunctata, 29, 38. 
monilifera, 29. 
montacuti, 31, 32, 33. 
montagui, 31. 
multipunctata, 37. 
nana, 34. 
nitida, 31. 
notabilis, 31, 82, 62. 
obtusa, 33, 62. 
occlusa, 39. 
operculata, 34, 62. 
pallida, 29, 30. 
plumbea, 27. 
prictoi, 36. 
proxima, 37. 
—, var. avellana, 37. 
—, var. fusca, 37. 
pulchella, 30. 
pusilla, 29, 30. 
rizze, 30, 32. 
russa, 35. 
sagraiana, 36. 
septentrionalis, 39. 
sordida, 29. 
spheroides, 35. 
stercus-muscarum, 37. 
subplicata, 32, 62. 



suturalis, 29, 
textilis, 37. 
triseriata, 32. 
valenciennesi, 31. 
vittata, 37. 
suborbicularis, 608. 
famosa, 227. 
Johnstoni, 222, 227. 

kilimensis, 222, 227, 

reichenowi, 227, 
grayi, 554. 
hasselti, 410, 
julia, 266. 
chrysomela, 533. 
discalis, 532. 

Justina, 533, 534, 

paterna, 533, 536. 
philodamea, 534, 

refulgens, 534. 

splendens, 533, 536. 

tolosa, 532. 

tomisa, 532, 536. 

ucisama, 532, 536. 

veliterna, 533, 536. 

xenopithia, 532. 

Frequens, 854. 

parvulata, 854. 

duplex, 757, '758. 

monachus, 223. 

pileatus, 223, 

muschenbroeki, 623. 

nasesus, 122. 

sp., 932. 

kirki, 222. 

saltianus, 932. 

hespera, 287. 

arabica, 757, 775. 

gaea, 139. 

hippia, 139. 

creperalis, 877, 886. 

laxalis, 877. 

lentalis, 877, 886. 

anila, 293. 

semifascia, 293. 

astola, 129. 
affinis, 35. 
canrena, 31, 
Sulminea, 36. 
marmorata, 603. 
oleagina, 603. 
stercus-muscarum, 37. 
viridis, 38. 
vittata, 37. 
adumbrata, 588, 605. 
asperulata, 588, 606. 
bicolor, 606. 
brevispina, 588, 607. 
californica, 605. 
christovalensis, 588. 
cornea, 588, 608, 604, 
cumingiana, 608. 
cuprina, 588. 
cuvieriana, 605. 
dulia, 588, 605. 
interrupta, 606. 
macgillivrayi, 588, 
macrocephala, 607. 
magnifica, 608. 
olivacea, 588, 606. 
penicillata, 607, 
petiti, 588, 605. 
porcata, 588, 606. 
pulchra, 607. 
pulligera, 588, 
sanguinea, 606. 
sanguisuga, 588, 607, 

scarabeus, 608. 

solium, 606. 

souleyetana, 606. 

squarrosa, 588. 

subgranosa, 607. 

subpunctata, 606. 

subsuleata, 588, 604, 

turtont, 588, 607. 
variegata, 588, 

viridis, 38. 

goliath, 566. 

menebiki, 625. 

retina, 450. 

Josephinia, 34. 

japonicus, 546. 

punetulata, 546, 

Susiformis, 297. 
modesta, 305. 
simplex, 305. 
aleiphren, 292. 
armigera, 448. 
caprimulgus, 462, 
dotata, 464. 
emarginata, 301. 
exigua, 450. 
Jicus, 292. 
Srugalis, 468. 
mercatoria, 464. 
peltigera, 448, 776. 
ricini, 295. 
segetum, 453. 
signata, 458. 
stolida, 467. 
stuposa, 467. 
ulula, 462. 
vespertilio, 463. 
externalis, 474. 
chalcosoma, 758. 
eneipenne, "752, 753. 
atripes, 75. 
balyi, 206, 752, 758. 
consimile, ‘752, '753. 
davidi, 206. 
flavo-punctulatum, 752, 
Sulvipes, 753. 
hirticolle, 753. 
japonicum, 205, 752, 
modestum, 206, 783. 
pallidulum, 753. 
ruficolle, 205, 
rufotestaceum, 753. 
varicolor, 751, 752, 
blitealis, 871. 
bonapartei, 112. 
Julius, 112. 
curvirostris, 123, 
longirostris, 887. 
pheopus, 417, £60. 
wropygialis, 417, 560, 
variegatus, 576. 
pucherani, 609. 



lactilinea, 292, 
Jumaicensis, 894, 
pectoralis, 116. 
caledonicus, 665. 
violaceus, 119, 124. 
amicta, 407. 
crepuscularis, 462. 
antamboulou, 762. 

triangularis, 453. 
Sumigata, 87. 
cinnamomeiventris, 87. 
citrinifrons, 116, 
fumicolor, 87. 
lessoni, 87. 
rufimarginata, 87, 
salvini, 122. 
erythrops, 121. 
branickii, 72. 
cinereus, 73. 
Japonicus, 754, 
vibex, 754. 
japonicum, 755, 
Susiformis, 297, 807. 
mendosa, 297. 
olearia, 297, 307. 
supranitida, 40, 
bulimoides, 597. 
fragilis, 597. 
nebulosa, 597, 609. 
Johnstoni, 252, 235. 
marsugas, 233. 
noctis, 232. 
concolor, 197. 
Japanus, 197, 753. 
erithonius, 145. 
separans, 464. 
triphenoides, 464, 
tumidilinea, 464. 


attacicola, 463. 
letabilis, 466. 
maturata, 466. 
albivitta, 466. 
arcuata, 467. 
conficiens, 466. 
crameri, 466. 
Joviana, 467. 
olympia, 466. 
rubricans, 468. 
stuposa, 467. 
tumidilinea, 464. 
emarginata, 801. 
arfaki, 639. 
fraseri, 76. 
arfaki, 624. 
arremonops, 116. 
chimborazo, 102, 115, 
pichincha, 116, 425. 
broderipi, 507. 
celebensis, 551. 
chinensis, 250, 
262, 267. 
frontalis, 250, 
notatus, 229. 
suluensis, 261, 
eclateri, 90, 122. 
criton, 276. 
darsius, 275, 
riedeli, 275. 
hystrix, 338. 
montanus, 900. 
erythroptera, 119. 
magnirostris, 664. 
berneoensis, 419. 
cineraceus, 415, 
protheclaria, 864, 




boas, 231. 
beisa, 931. 
funereus, 117. 
occidentalis, 1¥7. 
aromatica, 268. 
axillaris, 250, 268. 
griseicauda, 556. 
olax, 416. 
vernans, 268, 416, 409. 
alfredi, 85, 121. 
atrocastaneus, 121. 
Jubata, 499. 
ancilla, 463. 
cajeta, 463. 
fullonica, 463. 
nobilis, 662. 
californianus, 683, 684. 
canadensis, 679, 681, 
682, 6383, 684. 
cervina, 682, 683, 684. 
hodgsoni, 851. 
montana, 677, 682, 683, 
— dalli, 678, 684. 
nivicola, 675, 676, 679, 
pygargus, 689. 
vignet, 851. 
itwarra, 452, 476. 
mallarba, 452, 476. 
punctigera, 452. 

donitzi, 2038, 753. 
erudita, 208, 753. 

flavogrisea, 638. 

fulvotincta, 505. 
griseola, 410. 
mentalis, 571. 
obiensis, 571. 
rufinucha, 638. 
schicgeli, 638. 
soror, 637. 

hattamensis, 638. 

vexillaria, 854. 


_ pectinicornalis, 875. 


albogriseus, 93. 
cinereus, 121. 
spodiurus, 70, 98, 

versicolor, 93. 

duprasi, 334. 

kollari, 126, 
sinhala, 126. 

bondar, 792. 
crossti, 799. 
grayi, 780, 781, 787, 

laniger, 807. 
larvata, 805. 
leucomystax, 805. 
trivirgata, 790. 

arquatrix, 230. 

vigil, 287. 

anysa, 459. 
quenavadi, 459. 

dispila, 460. 

jlavescens, 118. 
jardinei, 116. 
matthewsi, 69, 102, 



saxatilis, 897, 899, 905, 
906, 909, 913, 915. 

enone, 539. 
agamemnon, 145, 
aglea, 125. 
alexis, 134, 148. 
almana, 128. 
ariadne, 129. 
asterie, 128. 
augias, 147. 
avia, 129. 
beticus, 130, 761. 
baldus, 127. 
bochus, 131. 
bolina, 129. 
bromius, 541. 
brontes, 540. 
cardut, 128, 538. 
catilla, 140. 
chrysippus, 125, 
clelia, 539. 
elytia, 145. 
coras, 146. 
core, 126. 
crocale, 140. 

cyprea, 143. 
dedalus, 760. 
danaé, 148. 
danaus cassida, 187. 
demoleus, 540. 
dephilus, 145. 
dissimilis, 145. 
edusa, 540. 
erithonius, 145. 
eucharis, 139, 144. 
exclamationis, 148, 
fabius, 130. 
florella, 540. 
folus, 146. 
genutia, 125. 
glaucippe, 140. 
hecabe, 136. 
hector, 145. 
helenus, 145. 
hellica, 539. 
hierte, 128. 
hippia, 139. 
tlea, 139. 
ilithyia, 759. 
indica, 128. 
iphita, 129. 
zsmene, 126. 
ladon, 148. 
laius, 133. 
leda, 126. 
lemonias, 128. 
leucothoé, 130. 
libythea, 138. 
limniace, 125, 
lingens, 764. 
machaon, 65. 
melampus, 135, 
mesentina, 186. 
misippus, 129, 
nats, 130. 
niphe, 128. 
orythia, 128. 
pammon, 145. 
perseus, 126, 
phedrus, 135. 
phalanta, 128. 
philippina, 139. 
phryne, 137. 
podalirius, 6. 
polonice, 129. 
polymnestor, 144, 
polytes, 145. 
pyranthe, 139. 
rahel, 589. 
rosimon, 133. 
severina, 539. 
thyelia, 130. 
thyrsis, 148. 
ubaldus, 134. 
viole, 127. 

vulcanus, 184. 
aiphia, 135. 
zeuxippe, 137. 

carunculata, 616, 



apoda, 616, 652, 

minor, 616, 617, 650, 
651, 652, 653. 
rubra, 616, 649, 
albifrons, 784, 788. 
annulatus, 786. 
auratus, 805, 806. 
aureus, 784, 785, 791, 
802, 808. 
785, 786, 

787, 788. 
bondar, 613, 780, 781, 

785, 786, 787, 792, 

794, 805. 

—, var. hirsutus, 794. 

crassiceps, 787, 795, 

crossti, 785, 786, 795, 

derbyanus, 785, 786, 

dubius, ‘785, 786, 795, 

fasciatus, 787, 795, 
799, 800. 

felinus, 786, 795, 799. 

finlaysonii, 785, 787, 
195; 799: 

fuscus, 787. 

grayt, 781, 785, 
790, 791, 794, 
804, 805, 806, 

hamilton, 785, 786, 

783, 784, 785, 
790, 791, 792, 
795, 796, (97, 7 
799, 800, 801, 
803, 806, 808. 

hirsutus, 785, 786, 792, 
94, 808 

794, 808. 

jerdoni, 613, 780, 802, 
807, 808. 

jourdamii, 785, 786, 
791, 805, 806. 

laniger, 785, '786, 787, 
790, 791, 807. 

lanigerus, 785. 


larvata, 781, 785, 786, 
787, 788, 790, 791, 
805, 808. 
leucocephalus, 787. 
leucomystax, ‘781, 7 
786, 787, 790, 7 
805, 806, 808. 
leucopus, 784, 785, 786, 
787, 792, 794, 805. 
leucotis, 787, 788, 789. 
macrodus, 787, 790, 
791, 801, 808. 
montanus, 613, 787, 
musanga, 613, 782, 
785, 786, 787, 792, 
795, 798. 
musangoides, 785, 786, 
795, 799. 
musschenbroeki, 780, 
790, 791, 806, 808. 
niger, 781, 782, 783, 
786, 790, 791, 792, 
793, 794, 796, 797, 
798, 799, 800, 801, 
802, 803, 808: 
nigrifrons, 785, 799, 
nipalensis, 785, 786, 
803, 805. 
ogilbyi, 787, 805, 806. 
pallasii, 785, 786, 787, 
795, 799. 
pennantii, 785, 786, 
792, 794. 
philippensis, 786, 787, 
790, 798, 800, 808. 

philippinensis, 785, 
786, 791, 800, 801, 
prehensilis, 786, 787, 
789, 790, 795. 
795, 800. 
rubidus, 80, 787, 
setosus, 787, 795, 799. 
strictus, 787, 795, 799. 
trivirgatus, 785, 786, 
typus, 613, 784, 785, 
786, 787, 792, 794. 
zebra, 785, 786, 788. 
zeylanicus, 612, 781, 



786, 795, 799. 
stigmaticus, 787, 788. 

787, 788, 789, 790. 
tytleri, 780, 803, 


784, 787, 802, 803. 

Proc. Zooz. Soc.—1885, No. LX VI. 


zeylamicus, var. fuscus, 
613, 787, 803. 
zeylonensis, 612, 613, 
aglea, 125, 
grammica, 125, 
- melanoides, 125, 
affniaiis, 868. 
cana, 303. 
lepida, 303. 
alexis, 148. 
robusta, 753. 
variabilis, 758. 
bada, 147. 
bevani, 147. 
narooa, 147. 
sexpennis, 616, 647. 
jacana, 112, 114. 
cinerea, 595. 
pitiayumi, '74, 115. 
— pacificea, 115, 121. 
cinereus, 507. 
elegans, 250, 264. 
enigmatica, 472, 476. 
inscitia, 473. 
russa, 472, 476. 
Passipeda ’ 
satellitia, 467. 
gigas, 116. 
ungarica, 46. 
macrops, 462. 
annulata, 195, 

bicolor, 196. 
nigricollis, 195, 196, 

unifasciata, 197, 211, 


varipes, 196, 753. 
bicolor, 482. 
gigantea, 250, 256. 
leucocephala, 407. 
melanorhyncha, 547, 


conspicillatus, 246. 
crispus, 246, 
Fuscus, 245, 246. 
mitratus, 246, 
onocrotalus, 246. 
rufescens, 246. 
trachyrhynchus, 246. 

militaris, 46. 

albipennis, 122. 
argyrotis, 116. 
Jjacucaca, 117. 
montagnit, 112. 
ortont, 117, 121. 

delatria, 457. 
Jocosatrix, 457. 

eques, 229. 

centralis, 451, 452. 
serva, 451. 
supplex, 452. 

acteus, 288, 289. 
castanea, 288. 

houlleti, 827. 

irene, 628. 
ithrana, 523. 
pheba, 523. 
phyleis, 528. 

igneus, 409. 
marchese, 259. 

basalis, 298, 300. 

ostentalis, 868. 

cinerea, 111. 
mondetoura, 111. 
tympanistria, 230. 

celebensis, 545. 
ptilorhyncha, 545. 

anais, 104, 
delphine, 118. 

fasciata, 854. 
medardaria, 854. 

ruficollis, 277. 

solitaria, 712. 


brevirostris, 250, 269. 


leucotis, 270. 

eliani, 486. 

ethiopicus, 436, 437. 

brassice, 754. 
incertum, 754. 
aurantica, 536. 
cingulina, 536. 
inaria, 535, 536. 
solitucis, 535. 
equatorialis, 121. 
rubinoides, 121. 
myt, 117, 121. 
ahr 118. 
syrmatophorus, 102. 
yoruqui, 117, 121. 
magnirostris, 112. 
indica, 870. 
vidhisara, 860. 
sp., 119. 
capillatus, 328. 
carbo, 328, 848. 
achatina, 466. 
ammonia, 467. 
ancilla, 463. 
bombyx, 306. 
caudata, 860. 
chlorea, 464. 
clelia, 852. 
cribraria, 294. 
eleonora, 860. 
inara, 464. 
interrupta, 296. 
lotrix, 294. 
mygdon, 467. 
syringa, 294. 
crepuscularis, 462. 


palnyra, 864. 
lactilinea, 292. 
sacraria, 862. 
archesia, 468. 
astrea, 294, 
caeta, 463. 
caranea, 463. 
e-nigrum, 453. 
fullonica, 463. 
hieroglyphica, 462. 

hyppasia, 467. 
Joviana, 467. 
lepida, 303. 
macrops, 462. 
materna, 463. 
maulia, 464. 
melicerte, 46d. 
neptis, 870. 
orosia, 470. 
puella, 293. 
puera, 458. 
segetis, 453. 
suffusa, 453. 
fascialis, 867. 
tyres, 870. 
entella, 293. 

nuttalli, 891, 897, 904, 



neptalis, 870, 872. 

viverrina, 245. 

bobi, 302, 307. 

raya, 302. 

venulia, 292. 

cruenta, 522, 528. 

lorze, 528. 

pyste, 522. 

auriceps heliactin, 107, 

mocinno, 914. 
colchicus, 323. 
ellioti, 844. 
insignis, 322, 323. 
persicus, 328, 
principalis, 324. 
shawi, 323, 324. 
wallichii, 431. 
salsettensis, 307. 
chrysogaster, 115. 
crissalis, 84. 
timoriensis, 509. 
velatum, 409. 
striaticollis, 97. 

transiens, 295. 
rujigula, 662. 
barbata, 487, 490. 
cristata, 491. 
elephantina, 492. 

grenlandica, 487, 491. 

leonina, 492. 
leopardina, 489. 
lutris, 387. 
mitrata, 491. 
monachus, 490, 
proboscidea, 492, 
vitulina, 486, 487, 

sp-, 170. 
calorhynchus, 549. 
viridirufus, 182. 
cunicularia, 116. 
giganteum, 231. 
alaudinus, 85. 
unicolor, 85, 117. 
hirudinicornis, 881. 
migrita, 742, 755. 
tumbezana, 122. 
. eyanopogon, 412. 
Junesta, 731, 754. 
sinuata, 754. 
tenebrosa, 731, 754. 
gracilicornis, 210, 754. 
a Ea etn 210, 

robusta, 209, 754. 

rubripennis, 754. 

rubripes, 210. 

rufipes, 210, 754. 

viminalis, 210. 

Seo 170, 171, 176, 


— mesura, 108. 

lacrymiger, 98. 

— warszewiczi, 123. 

souleyeti, 98, 122. 

warszewiczi, 98. 

buffoni, 106. 

granadensis, 68, 106. 


lafresnayi, 68, 106. 
sclateri, 122. 
| Pieris 
duplicide, 65. 
hellica, 589. 
lordaca, 774. 
severina, 539. 
titea, 144. 
alecto, 569. 
Sulvidorsalis, 872. 
ispmnapoda, 222, 226, 

iondaaa 226, 

comalis, 875. 

pyrrhops, 119, 121. 

corallinus, 109. 

menstruus, 119. 

seniloides, 109, 123. 

Jucunda, 121. 

melanolema, 118. 

terminigera, 454. 

baudii, 414. 

celebensis, 552. 

mackloti, 572, 643. 

maxima, 572. 

muelleri, 413. 

milleri, 413. 

nove guinee, 643, 

rufiventris, 572, 

schwaneri, 414. 

armoracie, 'T54. 

distincta, Ti+. 

leucorodia, 841. 

coronatus, 416. 

Bi 68, 88, 



aterrimus, 416, 
gambensis, 843. 
ambareesa, 146. 
leucocera, 146. 
Jlesus, 929. 

792, 794. 


| Pleuronectes 
limanda, 929, 930. 
|  pseudoflesus, 930. 
cristatus, 502. 
agramma, 458. 
extrahens, 458. 
obtusisigna, 458. 
signata, 458. 
verticillata, 457. 
conducens, 458. 
simplex, 468. 
hypoleuca, 632. 
cerulescens, 80. 
lacrymosa, 80. 
lunulata atricrissa, 80. 
palpebrosa, 80. 
ruficeps, 69, 89, 121. 
rufigenis, 69, 117, 

grunniens, 168. 
gouldie, 421. 
ophthalmicus, 89. 
plumbeiceps, 90. 
gualaquize, 89. 
albiloris, 71. 
bilineata, '71, 114. 
indicus, 545, 
tristriata, 228. 
typicus, 223. 
cheriway, 119. 
boarmoides, 459. 
brevipalpis, 459. 
amabilis, 118. 
beticus, 130, 
jesous, 763. 
karsandra, 132. 
nyseus, 133. 
varunana, 133. 
dentatus, 290, 
gloriosa, 450, 457, 

cc ¢ 


borneensis, 413. 
isidorii, 643. 

arne, 768. 
dynamene, 767. 
protomedia, 768. 
aiphia, 135. 

indicus, 560, 

marginalis, 297. 

carolina, 124. 

manlia, 464, 

caudivolvulus, 356. 

bivittata, 449. 
decorata, 449, 

axillaris, 222, 226. 
caprata, 506. 

iphita, 129, 
limnoria, 757, 759. 
sesamus, 539. 

mystacea, 226. 

violacearia, 860. 

discurus, 250, 251. 
flavicans, 543. 
platurus, 543. 

aureolimbatus, 555. 

versteri, 639. 

gigantea, 708. 

ursinus, 891. 

caerulea occidentalis, 


cancrivorus, 347, 353. 
hernandeziz, 346, 347. 
—, var. mexicana, 347. 
lotor, 346. 
nigripes, 347. 
nivea, 347. 
paora, 347. 
psora, 347. 

glaucistriga, 450. 
infecta, 450. 
retina, 450. 
venustula, 450. 


bruijnii, 151, 155, 335, 
336, 339. 
villosissima, 339. 
chalybea, 117. 
dominicensis, 117. 
veprecola, 456. 
orientalis, 289. 
caresa, 535. 
cassandra, 585. 
boissonneauti, 96. 
wanthospila, ‘754. 
pelzelni, 88. 
leta, 234, 235. 
quadripennis, 464. 
brehmi, 619. 
andicola, 279. 
ceélestis, 122, 614. 
conspicillata, 614. 
cyanochlora, 613, 614, 
615. : 
cyanopyga, 614. 
eas 613, 614, 
spengeli, 614. 
discurus, 251. 
hematuropygius, 251. 
lucionensis, 252. 


riefferi, 8A. 
angusticollis, 739, '740, 

difficilis, 740, 755. 
intermedia, 739, 755. 
japonica, 740, 755. 
punctifrons, 755. 
subrugosa, 739, 755. 
erythropygius, 123. 
temmincki, 103, 116. 
congrualis, 885, 
oaxyactylus, 885, 
djelele, 775. 
bellus, 658. 


formosus, 248, 269, 
geminus, 658. 
humeralis, 658. 
ionogaster, 575. 
melanocephalus, 250, 
269, 556. 
monachus, 575. 
ornatus, 658. 
pectoralis, 659. 
prasinorrhous, 575, 
658, 659. 
pulchellus, 657. 
speciosus, 658. 
superbus, 269, 574, 
wallacei, 658. 
magnifica, 616. 
analoga, 641. 
chrysotis, 642. 
cinerea, 642. 
fusciventris, 642. 
sonoroides, 641. 
torquata, 844. 
difficilis, 597. 
keraudreni, 597. 
solomonensis, 597, 


| Putorius 

brasiliensis, 380. 
erminea, 379, 
vison, 379. 
analis, 262. 
layardi, 226. 
plumosus, 412. 
simplex, 412. 
ye ed feral, 870. 
tyresalis, 870. 
gerontesalis, 864. 
hybridalis, 876. 
luciilalis, 864. 
quisqualis, 865, 886. 
recisalis, 866. 
roborealis, 865, 886. 
rubicundalis, 864, 




suffusalis, 864. 

tenebrosalis, 864, 

aylinalis, 865, 886. 

zizanialis, 865, 886. 

cardut, 128, 588. 

indica, 128. 

estiva, 81, 124. 

ardens, 68, 81. 

azare, 120. 

rubra, 81. 

rubriceps, 81. 

abruptalis, 867. 

stultalis, 867. 

galba, 146. 

purendra, 146. 

rubineus, 70. 

celebensis, 170, 172, 

180, 551. 


albovaricosa, 599. 

insularis, 599. 

scarabeus, 599. 

andium, 119. 
eyanoptera, 116. 

biguttata, 296. 
khandalla, 296. 

rubra, 664. 

euryzonoides, 250, 
JSasciata, 274. 

rouloul, 416. 

cypereti, 122. 
striatus, 273. 
virginianus, 112, 124. 

Jacapa, 81. 

herrani, 116. 
stanleyi, 118. 

itis, 22. 
Aiaanahe 666. 
esculenta, 666, 667, 
668, 669, 670, 671. 
—, var. ridibunda, 666. 
fortis, 666, 667. 


fusca terrestris, 22. 
macrocnemis, 22. 
ridibunda, 666, 668, 
669, 671. 
temporaria, 22, 23. 
viridis, 668. 
dichromalis, 872. 
reinwardti, 576, 661. 
archesia, 468. 
frugalis, 468. 
optativa, 460. 
optatura, 460. 
pertendens, 460. 
quesita, 468, 476. 
obliquifasciata, 470. 
ambiguus, 68. 
tocard, 68, 108. 
rufiventris, 123. 

americana, 308, 309, 
310, 311, 312, 313, 
314, 321, 324, 325, 
326, 327, 839. 
darwini, 308, 309, 310, 
811, 312, 313, 314, 
320, 321, 324, 325, 
326, 327. 
macrorhyncha, 308, 
309, 310, 311, 312, 
313, 314, 321, 324, 
825, 327. 
aruensis, 636. 
cerviniventris, 636. 
dichrous, 636. 
ferrugineus, 637. 
Jobiensis, 637. 
leucorhynchus, 637. 
uropygialis, 636. 
bicornis, 221. 
sondaicus, 541. 
sumatrensis, 421. 
curvirostris, 170. 
(Pheenicophaes) cwrvi- 
rostris, 182. 
chlorophea, 406. 
gulielmi iii., 616. 


javanica, 408. 

obiensis, 570. 
setosa, 632. 
tricolor, 570, 632. 

unilinea, 452, 476. 

fraterna, 294. 

sansibaricus, 281. 

sumatranus, 406. 

pervulgaris, 471, 



fisineas, 90, 116. 
peruvianus, 68. 

— equatorialis, 90, ° 

nigra, 120. 

rufescens, 844, 

transectata, 862. 

hypermnestra, 463. 

plicatus, 566. 

pascua, 293, 307. 

pes-carbonis, 51. 
serresiana, 50. 

sociabilis, 119. 

webberi, 412. 

peruviana, 93. 
sanguinolenta, 116. 

perspicillata, 857. 
genutia, 125. 
perspicualis, 870. 
fario, 436. 
fontinalis, 243. 
levenensis, 243. 
salar, 243. 
trutta, 243. 
Jlavidicollis, 122. 
magnus, 84 



ceropia, 65, 66. 

columbia, 65. 

inscitalis, 868. 

antiphates, 584, 


beata, 584. 

purendra, 146. 

calvus, 250, 267. 

lowii, 267. 
, @quatorialis, 116. 

abnormis, 406. 

tenebrosa, 451. 

carpini, 65. 

oubie, 757, 776. 

pavonia-major, 776, 

zaddachii, 776. 

(Cyllo) neelgherriensis, 


citrinula, 304. 
melaleuca, 570. 
gaudichaudi, 628. 
albicilla, 568. 
chloris, 256, 418, 504, 
547, 548, 568, 627. 
sancta, 548, 568, 
saurophaga, 568, 627. 
dominicensis, 170, 171, 
vielloti, 170. 
deserti, 836. 
cineracea, 87, 115. 
nigricans, 115, 
Sulvipennis, 754. 
cribricollis, 231, 235. 
sanctus, 231, 282. 
metallaria, 852. 
auriflama, 525. 
cleonica, 525, 536. 
fluonia, 525, 536. 
orilochia, 525. 


lewisi, 753. 
geoffroyi, 68, 104, 121, 

personatus, 68, 121, 


respublica, 654. 

bisignathus, 878. 

dubium, 556. 

rosenbergi, 665. 

ictericalis, 876, 886. 

mantis, 254, 

menadensis, 545. 

rufescens, 248, 254. 

damastesalis, 874. 

eximialis, 874. 

fotalis, 875, 886. 

magellanicus, 102. 

micropterus, 102. 

nove-hollandie, 549. 

flavipennis, 754. 

plagioderoides, 754. 

carinata, 43, 63. 

elegans, 42, 63. 

eritima, 43. 

formosa, 42, 43. 

laxa, 44, 63. 

reticulata, 43. 

tricarinata, 48, 63. 

maxima, 484, 

niviapex, 468. 

semilux, 469. 

celtis, 460. 

occulta, 461, 476. 

vitea, 460, 476. 

alba, 616, 650, 
nigricans, 616, 650 

wallacei, 562, 574, 
muscorwm, 231. 
anops, 462. 

antarctica, 924. 
inara, 464. 
inferens, 447. 
semifascia, 293. 
bairdi, 75. 
ruficoronata, 75. 
ruticilla, 124. 
verticalis, 75. 
audouinti, 45. 
excavatus, 45. 
halistoideus, 45. 
striatus, 45, 
vitreus, 45. 
frontalis, 410. 
amazonus, 68, 98, 
erithacus, 117. 
papuensis, 638. 
ocellatus, 65. 
populi, 65. 
tilie, 65. 
affine, 39. 
aldrovandi, 40. 
alleryi, 39. 
archite, 39, 40. 
carocollatum, 39. 
contextum, 38. 
discus, 38, 39. 
fallaciosum, 39. 
lyelliz, 38. 
mediterraneum, 38. 
moniliferum, 39. 
nuperrimum, 38. 
perspecti forme, 38. 
perspectivum, 38. 

pulchellum, 38. 
reticulatwn, 43. 
siculum, 39. 
simplex, 38. 
sowerbyi, 39. 
stramineum, 39. 
sulcatum, 38. 
anthophilata, 859. 
scintillans, 298. 
reticulata, 468, 

superba, 647. 

vegetus, 475, 476. 
helicina, 463. 
retrahens, 463. 
gutturalis olivacea, 
luctuosa, 84. 
obsewra, 115. 
ocellata, 84, 121. 
ophthalmica, 84, 121. 
pauper, 115, 121. 
telasco, 122. 
abdominalis, 736, 755. 
apicalis, '735, 754. 
atra, 735, 755. 
balyi, '735, 755. 
JSuscicornis, 737, 754. 
japana, 736, 737, 

nigricollis, 737, 754. 

placida, 754 

separata, 736, 754. 

seriata, 754. 

tarsata, ‘754, 

wnicolor, '736, 754. 

demersus, 843. 

Sulgida, '747, '748. 

intermedia, "747, 748, 

magica, 747. 
melanocephala, "748, 


chlorea, 464. 

acteus, 289. 

alecto, 288. 

belis, 287. 

celerio, 288. 

clotho, 289. 

cumninghami, 287. 

dentata, 290. 

hespera, 287. 

hylas, 287. 

ligustri, 65. 

livornica, 287. 

nerii, 288. 

nessus, 288. 

oldenlandie, 289. 

pinastri, 65. 

polymena, 290. 

thyelia, 288. 

confusa, 295, 


. quadriramosa, 295. 
. rhodocryptalis, 874. 
tigrina, 510, 558. 
bacha, 404. 
pallidus, 404. 
rufipectus, 544. 
mona, 295, 807. 
punetistriga, 296. 
transiens, 295. 
ella, '764. 
somalina, 757, 764, 

helicina, 463. 
amulipes, 833. 
jurdinei, 84, 114, 117, 

cilium, 451. 
maculata, 413. 
nigricollis, 413. 
albescens, 301. 
caripensis peruvianus, 


uvidula, 860. 

melananthera, 121. 

solstitialis, 102. 

wropygialis, 75. 

elutalis, 875. 

ruficervia, 105, 



hybridalis, 876. 

carcinophagus, 488. 

leptonyx, 488, 499. 

weddelli, 489. 

sacraria, 541, 862. 

ae 508. 

chloris, 508. 

ocularis, 508. 

insignis, 52, 63. 



azonea, 41. 

thalassinoides, 408. 

imberbis, 931. 

kudu, 222, 931. 

interpres, 417, 420. 

torquata, 555. 

bitorquata, 510. 

Alammea, 844. 

punctatissima, 116. 

rosenbergi, 546. 

reticulatus, 56. 

pes-pelecani, 50, 

tuberculatus, 53. 

camelus, 587, 698. 

bellicosa, 86. 

andamanensis, 168. 

gremius, 147. 

' Suecinea 

simplex, 595. 

piscator, 417. 

nigripennis, 743, 755. 

irsutus, 742, 755. 
longicornis, 742, 


invectalis, 879. 

luteola, 85. 

reichenowi, 229. 

toratoro, 627. 

sceptica, 461, 476. 

nais, 130. 

curtata, 95. 

elegantior fruticola, 

erythrops, 121. 
flammulata, 95, 115. 
JFrontalis, 94. 
Sruticicola, 115. 
Suliginosa, 95, 121. 


grisco-murina, 118, 
gularis, 116. 
palpebralis, 95. 
pudica, 94. 
singularis, 96. 
stictothorax, 122. 
striaticollis, 95. 
tithys, 120, 122. 
distorta, 757, ‘7A, 
hellica, 774. 

ab ae 193, 752. 
cupreipennis, 290. 
eaxtensa, 290. 
geon, 519, 536. 
montana, 290. 
passalis, 290. 
albogulare, 116. 
aluco, 844. 

thalassina, 899. 
sp., 150. 
bruijnii, 151, 
hystrix, 149. 
lawesi, 150, 338. 
delattrei, 117. 
soloensis, 544. 
radjah, 665. 
discrepans, 304. 
Jjehana, 135. 
longinus, 185. 
cuvieri, 664. 
Jobiensis, 668. 
nyseus, 133. 
cana, 81. 
celestis, 81. 
palmarum violilavata, 
loculator, 119. 
albirostris, 543. 
burbidgei, 250, 252. 
everetti, 252. 


luzoniensis, 250, 252, 
megalorhynchus, 562, 

muelleri, 542. 

dea, 568. 

galatea, 626. 

margarethe, 567. 

margarite, 567. 

obiensis, 567. 

postica, 454. 

ganesa, 305. 

delatrix, 457 

nara, 134. 

plinius, 133. 

pulcher, 757, 763. 

sybaris, 757, 763. 

theophrastus, 134, 757, 



labradorica, 340. 

hyblaella, 881, 882. 

viole, 127. 

polyphemus, 65. 

promethea, 65. 

augias, 147. 

japonicus, 753. 

granitalis, 861. 

lithina, 861. 

zebrina, 861. 

abyssinicus, '769. 

acaste, 768. 

amina, 769, 770. 

auriginius, 540. 

bimbura, 144. 

carnifer, 767. 

castalis, 767. 

celimene, 769, 770. 

chrysonome, ‘757, 768. 

celestis, 768. 

coliagenes, 769. 

complexivus, 757, 770. 

cypreda, 143. 

daira, 771, ‘772. 

danaé, 148. 

dedecorus, 757, 770. 

dulcis, 770. 

dynamene, 757, 767. 


evone, 772. 

eris, 769. 

etrida, 144. 

eucharis, 144, 772, 

eupompe, 757, 770. 

evarne, 772. 

Sriga, 771, T72. 

fulvia, 143. 

glycera, 773. 

halimede, 769, 770. 

heliocaustus, 757, 768, 

interruptus, 771. 

one, 770. 

jamesi, 757, 771, 772. 

kennedii, 148. 

liagore, 773. 

loandicus, 771. 

maimuna, 769. 

minans, 771. 

miriam, 768, 769. 

nouna, 757, 778. 

ocellatus, 757, 767. 

omphaloides, 770, 

pernotatus, 144. 

phillipsii, 757, 772, 

phisadia, 767, 768. 

phlegetonia, 771. 

pholoé, 770. 

pleione, 768, 769. 

preclarus, 757, 769, 

protomedia, 757, 

protractus, 767. 

pseudevanthe, 144, 

subroseus, 770. 

suffusus, 771. 

taplini, 144. 

tetea, 773. 

theogone, 770. 

thruppit, ee el; 

titea, 144. 
vestalis, 768. 
yerburit, T71. 
rhodogaster, 545. 
callinota, 118, 
@siope, 136. 
asphodelus, 136. 
candace, 539. 
drona, 135. 
excavata, 136. 

hecabe, 136. 
hecaheoides, 136. 
trregularis, 136. 
leta, 135. 
nareissus, 136, 
purreea, 136. 
rahal, 539. 
rubella, 136. 
venata, 135. 
zoe, 757, 767. 
affinis, 408. 
rhamphastinus, 116. 
scoticus, 66. 
tetrix, 3. 
polyxena, 65. 
ahrupta, 855, 886. 
rivula, 457. 
uberosa, 457. 
rubescens, 448. 
hypochiora, 121. 
verticeps, 116. 
equatorialis, 116, 

albinuchalis, 118, 122. 

axillaris, 100. 
berlepschi, 99. 
cesius, 120. 
capitalis, 121. 
tenuipunctatus, 99. 
unicolor, 121. 

djelele, 757, 775. 

africana, 238. 
unchiete, 238. 
aubryi, 288. 
bayoniana, 238. 
depressa, 237. 
—, var. johnstoni, 
difformis, 237. 
dubia, 238. 
emarginata, 238. 
goudoti, 238. 
influta, 238. 
limula, 239. 
perlata, 237, 238. 
reticulata, 468. 


postica, 302, 307. 
virgaticeps, 116. 

alhipectus, 117. 

nigricapillus, 120, 

schotti, 120. 

superciliaris, 117, 



euophrys, 73, 120. 

pauctmaculatus, 120. 

sclaterz, 120. 

batis, 66. 

javanensis, 405, 

brasiliense, 119. 

salmoni, 119. 

diatomaria, 854. 

tenebricosa, 753. 

maculata, 413. 

nigricollis, 413. 

pulchella, 294, 

sacerdos, 882. 

vastella, 883. 

moluccensis, 562. 

limniace, 125. 

personata, 118. 

melanoleucus, 224. 

cinereum, 68, 89, 117. 

ruficeps, 117. 

sclateri, 68, 88, 117, 122. 

delicata, 47, 63. 

vestita, 46, 

subsequana, 882. 

calidris, 561, 

glareola, 561, 665. 

incanus, 417, 665. 

moolla, 459, 476. 

vishnu, 305. 

sylvaticus, 218. 

| Treron 

olax, 416, 

Proc. Zoon. Soc.—1885, No. LX VII. 


vernans, 416, 
viridis, 509. 
“wakefieldi, 229. 
cyanogrammus, 622, 
forsteni, 502. 
meyeri, SAA, 
nigrigularis, 623. 
ornatus, 544, 
rosenbergi, 628. 
celehense, 552. 
borealis, 47. 
densistriata, 48, 63. 
Jimbriata, 48, 63. 
inermis, 47° 
(Iphince) inflata, 47. 
adversa, 58. 
aspera, 58, 63. 
macandree, 52. 
nivea, 52, 
perversa, 57, 58, 59. 
disjuncta, 467. 
varians, 302. 
acuminata, 664. 
albescens, 417, 576. 
hypoleucus, 417, 420, 
560, 664. 
macularius, 124. 
hyppasia, 467. 
nectens, 461. 
variegata, B05, 307. 
viridulum, 48. 
alexandri, 887, 890, 
902, 908, 912, 915. 
pella, 901, 902. 
monocingulata, 42. 
crispus, 44. 
perversus, 57. 
pseudoperspectivus, 38. 
(Solariella) /usitanicus, 
calvus, 674, 
Survus, 73, 115. 
— albicans, 115, 121, 
musculus, 115. 



a 73. 

caligatus, 118, 123. 
collaris, 117, 121. 
melanurus, 118. 
personatus propinguus, 


virginalis, 117, 121. 

nove guinee, 642. 

timoriensis, 509. 

menadensis, 558. 

hartlaubi, 224, 230. 

celebensis, 552. 

albiventris, 117. 

alicie, 70. 

cabanisi, 226. 

dominicus, 258. 

euryzonus, 70. 

gigas, 70, 117. 

tgnobilis maculirostris, 

leucops, 116. 
maculirostris, 115, 117, | 

obsoletus, 122. 
pallens, 415, 
reevet, 117, 120. 
serranus, 70. ; 
swainsoni, 70, 124. 
powelli, 511. 
rufilatus, 501, 511. 
costulata, 61. 
pusilla, 57. 
dussumieri, 250, 272. 
tigrina, 510, 558. 
tympanistria, 230. | 
chrysops, 90. 
cinereiceps, 68,90, 115, | 
118, 123. | 
leucogenys, 90, 115. | 
plumbeiceps, 90. | 
wropygialis, 121. | 
Tyrannulus | 

nigricapillus, 116. 

melancholicus, 68, 93. 

niveigularis, 118, 122. 

folus, 146. | 

| Urubitinga 

| Vidua 


guppyt, 588, 608, 609. 
excelsior, 9A. 
rubra, 653. 
troile, 690, 716. 
bougueri, 116. 
melunochlamys, 618. 
poliocephalus, 617. 
torguatus, 617. 
benjamini, 116. 
rujicrissa, 116. 
stolzmanni, 83. 
americanus, 399, 403. 
arctos, 599. 
cancrivorus, 347. 
cauda elongata, 346. 
gulo, 381. 
horribilis, 397, 398, 
labiatus, 391. 
longirostris, 391. 
lotor, 346. 
malayanus, 399, 403. 
maritimus, 390, 3896, 
melanoleucus, 360. 
ornatus, 390, 392, 399, 
thibetanus, 399, 403. 

anthracina, 119. 
zonura, 119. 

| Vanellus 

resplendens, 116. 

| Vanessa 

antiopa, 65. 
Giese 65. 
cardui, 65. 
io, 65. 
levana, 65. 
limnoria, 759. 
naib, 759. 
polychlorus, 65. 
urtice, 65. 
cynomorium, 517. 
nanus, 221. 

principalis, 228. 
isocrates, 134. 

perse, 134. 
chivi, 115. 
-— griseobarbata, 115. 
josephe, 75. 
bondar, 783, 792, 794. 
caudivolvulus, 356. 
Sfasciata, 787, 795. 
hermaphrodita, 782, 
783, 785, 792, ‘794, 
larvata, 805. 
lutra, 383. 
malaceensis, 785. 
musanga, 784, 
794, 798. 
—, var. javanica, 794. 
narica, 353. 
nasua, 354. 
nigra, 784, 792, 794. 
prehensilis, 783, 784, 
790, 794, 798. 


trivirgata, 788, 789, 
zeylanica, 781, 800, 

zeylonensis, 781, 782, 
800, 802, 803. 
(Paradoxurus) herma- 
phrodita, 792. 
jacarina splendens, 84. 
cancellata, 49. 
mitreformis, 49. 
morio, 553, 
schierbrandii, 409. 

_ Westermannia 

superba, 458. 

guttata, 294. 

| Xanthodes 

imparata, 454. 
innocens, 454. 
stramen, 454. 
transversa, 454. 
duvaucellii, 405. 
aureus, 616, 657. 
placida, 758. 
chrysotis, 642. 

commutata, 44. 
crispa, 44. 

mediterranea, 44. 

heterurus, 98. 
littoralis, 68. 
rutilus, 68, 97. 


compressirostris, 98, 

113, 114. 

crassirostris, 113, 114, 


promeropirhynchus, 98, | 
99, 113, 114, 118. 

thoracicus, 99. 

thoracicus, 122. 

validus, 405. 

alemola, 127. 


| Ypthima 

asterope, 127, 
baldus, 127. 
hucbneri, 127. 
makratia, 127. 
philomela, 127. 
grandis, 503. 
temminckii, 546. 


infelix, 858, 886. 

ahdicalis, 870. 

amyntusalis, 870. 
aurolinealis, 870. 
perspicualis, 870. 

salomealis, 870. 

| Zerene 

fasciaria, 862. 

agamemnon, 145. 


diluta, 132. 
indica, 182. 
karsandra, 182. 
maha, 132. 
ossa, 132, 148. 
pygmed, 182. 
ortont, 116. 
radiata, 557. 
everetti, 250, 264. 
intermedia, 555. 
nove guinee, 643. 
sumbavensis, 508. 
Jilipendule, 66. 
passalis, 290, 

Printed by Taytor and Francts, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. 



A aa ar hes | 
, f pice 4 




Tue scientific publications of the Zoological Society are of two 
kinds — “ Proceedings,” published in an octavo form, and 
“Transactions,” in quarto. 

According to the present arrangements, the “ Proceedings” 
contain not only notices of all business transacted at the scien- 
tific meetings, but also all the papers read at such meetings 
and recommended to be published by the Committee of Pub- 
lication. From fifty to seventy coloured plates and engravings 
are attached to each annual volume of the “ Proceedings,” to 
illustrate the new or otherwise remarkable species of animals 
described in them. Amongst such illustrations, figures of the 
new or rare species acquired in a living state for the Society’s 
Gardens are often given. 

The “Proceedings” for each year are issued in four parts, on the 
first of the months of June, August, October, and April, the part 
published in April completing the volume for the preceding 
year. The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, 
and 3s. per part for that with uncoloured Plates. 

The “Transactions” contain such of the more important 
communications made to the scientific meetings of the Society 
as, on account of the nature of the plates required to illustrate 
them, are better adapted for publication in the quarto form. 

Fellows and Corresponding Members, upon payment of 
a Subscription of One Guinea before the day of the Anni- 
versary Meeting in each year, are entitled to receive all the 
Society’s Publications for the year. They are likewise entitled 
to purchase the Publications of the Society at 25 per cent. less 
than the price charged for them to the Public. A further re- 
duction of 25 per cent. is made upon purchases of Publications 
issued prior to 1861, if they exceed the value of five pounds. 

The following is a complete list of the publications of the 
Society already issued. They may be obtained at the Society’s 
Office (3 Hanover Square, W.), at Messrs. Longmans’, the 
Society’s publishers (Paternoster Row E.C.), or through any 
bookseller :— 

[April 1, 1886.] 


4to. 11 vols. and One Part. 

To Fellows. To the Public. 

£ s. d. £s. d. 
Vol. I., containing 59 Plates (1833-35) Price 313 6.... 418 O* 
Vole i; FF fille ap, (1885-41) , 4 0 0.. 5 6 6* 
Vol. IIL., Odie. Hes e OL RO moo ate 411 O* 
Vol. IV., 5 78) bss 1851-62) , 620. 8 2 6 
Vol. V., im 672 33; (1862-66 3p. HO. s4 3) ee OMUOIO 
Vol. VI., 5. Ol |; (1866-69 3) M5 Ons ee pO 
VoWil 5; oss (1869-72) 5, 817 0 2).. Dia6s0 
Vol Vill; 55 8253 (1872-74) 33) 9 Sina 1211 0 
Vol. IX., a 99 ee (1875-77) , 12 00. 16 0 0 
Vol. X., A 945%, (1877-79) , 10 0 3, 13 7 O 
Index ViOlss LeoNGn ss cite tere co vteeunr npareieiscect oe OL 1) Ose nate ORO 
Vol. XI., part 1, containing 4 Plates(Jan.1880) ,, 012 0., 016 0 
Volxa) a. 22! a 1 33) (Ang. 1880) OMS 0m 1 4 0 
Viol SEXG ay sere: es Ses char ISS) iis alle 2aGen 110 0 
Voll oxi 5,244 = Suess (AprslSel ys. 510) 37,556). 010 0 
WYO io Bay aA 13) 335, (June d88))— sy OF 1SeiGe 1 4 0 
Viol xi ee G3 * Cree (an. 382) eee O12 One 016 O 
Volexs Sy 75 5 OF, (Octl882)) ae, SOMsa0r 1 0 0 
Vol. XI, ,, 8, 3 Nie ti@ans IS8s)iree sOnl Oye 016 O 
Viole XT, sn: . TO es (Oct S1883) ea sODI2n On. 016 0 
Vol xd ee: es U2 een (NaS 85) ees ele oe 2 Dean () 
Vol xe a 14°35" (Novs1885)) =, 6 1, 1G sate 
Vol. XIL, ,, 1, 33 6153. (Bebs 1886) 93.) 099 O° a ORt2e0 


8vo. 2 vols. 
To Fellows. To the Public. 
Part I, 1830-31. 1 vol. 8vo. ............ Price 4s. 6d. .. 6s.+ 
ay LS) olS322 sinlet Obie ROW tes 3 48:60), BGs: 

8vo. 15 vols. and Index. (First Series.) 

Priceto Price to the Price to Price to the 
Fellows. Public, Fellows. Public. 
Part I. 1833. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6d. .. 6s. Part IX. 1841. 1 vol. 8vo. 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
> II. 1834, 3 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 6 X. 1842. 6 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
» TUL (S85. = Sicse Ae led 2. 568. ilrrX le 1BAB. «hug State eA eGR! 
» LV. 18386 3 4s. 6d. .. 6s. » AII. 1844. a 4s. 6d... 6s. 
"0 Veeisore a 4s. 6d. .. 6s. » XIII. 1845. 55 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
» VI. 1838. i 4s. 6d... 6s. » XAIV. 1846. a 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 
= AYN 1es}9)s 55 4s. 6d. .. 6s. >» XV. 1847. x 4s. 6d... 6s. 
yy, VIII. 1840. * 4s. 6d. .. 6s.¢ | Index 1830-1847. y 4s. 6d. .. 6s. 

* No perfect copies of these volumes remain in stock. t Out of print. 


8vo. 13 vols. and Index. (Second Series.) 

Letterpress only. With Plates Coloured. 

To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public, 

£s. d. eS Cy Gh 
Part XVI. 1848.1 vol.8yo,4s.6d. .. 6s. .. Priceel O 9 .. 1 7 64 
»  AVII. 1849. SS 435.605) 7. Gs. Sele OM 9 Tor 
» XVIII. 1850. my 4s.6d.. .... 6s. ee ae 118 OF 
3 XIX. 1851. ~ 4s) Gd) «4.5. Gs 50 KORTE eet OF 
x XX. 1852. aA 43\,Ga 2... | Gs) teen TOMStE 9 1 1 OF 
5 XXI. 1853. or 4s) Gail \.. 6st =) .0F18%.'0 Oe 
eX UI, W854: Pe 4s 6ds) ... ~ 65: ie OWL) £6 1 6 0 
> XXIII. 1855. -e 4s: '6dil 2. (6s: per Aly teenth 118 O+ 
» XXIV. 1856. As 4s. 6d. 6s Phew lle XN) Ot een 67 
BS GPXOXCV. S57, as 4s. 6d. 6s ea OS Le Z6 
» XXXVI. 1858. a 4s. 6d. 6s Se eG PAO) 
Bp OVAL, 1859. os 4s)\6d. 2. 108. et oa DOO 
>> XXVIII. 1860. x Asn Oden aaa) V.0Se ia we Lelio 2 2570 

Index 1848-1860. Rs As 6d;) 2-04 OS: 

SOCIETY OF LONDON, 1848-60. 8vo. 6 vols. 

Plates Uncoloured. Plates Coloured. 
To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public, 
POR he ae sod! Eee Pea 
Mammalia ............ Ie volsn le Javon el clOP Om -aierices 2) b/no 3 3 OF 
AVON UNarvenwcturcass des ORO oe On ee Ome Om Omen. ea) 4145 6 6 6 OF 
Reptilia et Pisces ... 1 vol, 015 9..1 1 O* onl 2ee'6 110 OF 
Mollusca...........00 Lavols., (O25: 9 le 0% Bae lh eee 110 OF 
Annulosa et Radiata 1 vol, 111 6..2 2 0 eee bua ets 3 3 OF 


Letterpress only. Plates only. Complete. 
To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public, 
1861, cloth4s. 6d. .... 6s. ...... DOS I Were. AUS {en sates BBM Gran Clits 
SGP 4S Oden. 5. OSS een. a oa BUTE S pepe CLE oct 2 BOS Od. ee 4OSe 
WS65."). 3) 48h, 2806s es bss SUS Iden ALS ie eee BOS. 90. oo AOS 
PSO4e eas Gd. aan Os ree «6 SOS IMs ase AUS atest: BBB page CHE 
USGpsee 4sjGds 256) OSs). 0. 5's SRE Goes CNIGGY Boge me Bhat 4 gagcc ohn 
WSG6Gie s848.60e 0c GS) vas ss SOSSIOS cc 418s cee te 338. 90.0. i ADR 
With Plates, uncoloured. With Plates, coloured, 
To Fellows To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public. 

TSO ccte vitett ns tae nates Osh Odseeki >. ROSS A iistcen 33s. 9d. .... 45s. 
USGS sarc inertia tt teats Pe SOG a 3s L2Siie ahaa ters Das, Id. fn tOs. 
Secreta, akecs sete aia ace carer cieiclee DSN Oder se, + LOSties aol ee 33s. 9d. .... 45s 
NS AO as conve: cc atramne ¢ayereraien See Ose cask LOS: . toravoises 338. 9d... 458 
Index, 1861-1870 .......... ASE Odes ave LOS. 
SY | SRR icierurrniadia coctese Dende ee ss LOR ok vices 338. 9d. siecle (408 
NS Qe Aas laoreet ae en Oar cyte Dge Nivel) ais/ahe 33s. 9d. .... 458.§ 
SS foie acu. kaha aie he, aval okopateeeede SR Oot ne taree LS ae, Palace ol bes 33s. 9d. .... 45s.§ 
STAs) ite slots telsval ovcre lovey gevererereme Ci WGh nooo le Seeoodoos 36s. Od, .... 485.§ 
MS 7 ieweietetels.e oct «ofets oraststeente Goprh sone HIER, Soondoen 36s. Od. .... 48s.§ 
RB / Giovarstonsusterers aievaie: ss) ateerets TESS Gono WES oagepoce 36s. Od. .... 48s.§ 

* No perfect copies of these volumes remain in stock. 
t Out of print. 

{ Only uncoloured copies of these plates can now be supplied at 10s, 6d. each volume. 
§ Out of print, but odd parts may be obtained. 




With Plates, uncoloured. With Plates, coloured. 
To Fellows. To the Public. To Fellows. To the Public. 
1877 WA vaca cuts, Meio en OStO MMe OS. 4 aie aes 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
WOZS bisa c oukes othe ee anther 980d) Soa. Zee a aa 36s. Od. .... 48s 
STO Eero Bee fe eee Des OG ek” Dae ee te 36s. Od. .... 488 
S80 fF ig ese: . Bactee DsiOdiee a L2SY Ris Sees 36s. Od. .... 485.7 
Index, 1871-1880 .......... 4s. 6d. .... 65 
SRAM ay: a nuanced sfhvcienees Os) Ode se. UZ Bhs Sato a 36s. Od. .... 48s 
MSC 28. ale bs Bie eres 98 Ode ccc L260 ee emiere 36s. Od. .... 48s 
TESS Farr. Mente « Oasabos, tu 95. Oe tc LRT? ct ets ieee 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
SEA Biased s Geet sisce ayette 9s) Ode Paar UAT Wiican 36s. Od. .... 48s. 
1885, part 1 (Jan. & Feb.) .. 2s.3d. .... 38. ... 000, 98:.0d2 \.04 ee: 
1885, 25.2 (Mari: & fApr ot... 25s dds en ON tenis ees 9s. Od. .... 2s. 
TSS85i2 255, ce lay ode), 250 Odi cane Oe) ste ols & 9s. Od. .... 12s. 
T8855 ey (4 GNov- tcl Decayir., 25. adie -wiee Mae atl sles 95:0: f.. .eY U28. 

(Bound in Cloth 33. extra.) 
t Out of print, but odd parts may be obtained. 


List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. 8vo. 1862. Price 1s. 6d. 
List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. (Second Edition.) 8vo. 1863. 
Price 1s. 6d. 
List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. (Third Edition.) 8yvo. 1865. 
Price 1s. 6d. 
List of Vertebrated Animals Living in the Gardens of the Zoological 
Society of London. (Fourth Kdition.) 8vo. 1866. 
Price 1s. 6d. 
Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. 8yo. 1872. 
Price 2s. 
Revised List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the 
Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.—Supplement, 
containing Additions received in 1872, 1873, and 1874. 8vo. 
1875. Price 1s. 
List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London. (Sixth Edition.) 8vo. 
1877. Price 3s. 6d. 
List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London. (Seventh Edition.) 8vyo. 
1879. Price 3s. 6d. 
List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London.—First Supplement, con- 
taining Additions received in1879. 8yvo. 1880. Price 1s. 6d. 
List of the Vertebrated Animals now or lately Living in the Gardens 
of the Zoological Society of London. (Highth Edition.) 8vo. 
1883. Price 3s. 6d. 

These publications may be obtained at the Socrery’s Orrice (3 
Hanover Square, W.), at Messrs. Lonamans’ (Paternoster Row, 
E.C.), or through any bookseller. 







1885. — 



: Fs aes 3 UARY 



[Price Twelve Shillings.] 



PART I.—1885. 

January 20, 1885. 

The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in December 1884. 
(GUE) Mgasanarn bobd coco bacn ei vetaintetetce eis ib alan s o:Sieiacia) sis,«lo,Sojateheiea enna 
Mr. Sclater. 

Remarks on the Breeding of the Chinese Blue Magpie ( Cyanopolius cyanus) in 
the Society's Gardens in 1884 

Prof. Bell. Exhibition of some Models illustrating the paper of Rathke on the Development 
of the great Blood-vessels in Vertebrates....... siafoleisislalvielslel ¢ otdtb/< eprint lta aeet amet 

Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier, F.Z.8. Exhibition of a specimen of the Wild Cat (Felis catus) 
obtained in Donegal ; and of a variety of the Black Grouse (Tetrao tetriv)....« 

1. On the Coxal Glands of Mygale. By Paunt Prusenezr. (Communicated by Prof. 
Layxester, F.Z.8.) (Plate IT.).......... ila (olay Save STAs citi crsleratenstaycnalin vie ate eee. 


. On the Myology of the Water-Opossum. By E. J. iam B.A., late Assistant 
Demonstrator of Anatomy, Cambridge...... solve es 

5. Description of a new etc of Frog from Asia Minor. 

By G. A. Boutenesr, F.Z.S. 
(Plate III.) . 

. On five new Species of Shells of the Genus Buliminus from the Levant, collected by Vice- 
Admiral T. Spratt. By Dr. O: BORTTGER, . 2000025. 000. DAO SO Os: ncahewwistd 


- On a new Land-Shell from the New Hebrides. By Joun H. Tuomson, C.M.ZS......... 

. On the Mollusca procured during the ‘ Lightning’ and ‘ Porcupine’ Expeditions, 1868-70. 
(Part IX.) By the late J. Gwyn Jerrreys, LL.D., F.R.S., F.Z.8S. (Plates IV., V., VI.) 

February 3, 1885. 

The Secretary. Exhibition of a rare South-American Lizard (Heterodactylus imbricatus), 
presented to the Society by Mr. G. Lennon Hunt .. 

eee eee seer eeee ee ay 




Contents continued on page 3 of wrapper. 


Contents (continued). 

The i ta Exhibition of a Beetle of the sae Buprestid, transmitted to the Society 

SRP ET HP GNCH ala gsicis ocsictis ts ciesicccs ccacccvcceccccesuuecones ce we veces Oe 
Dr. George Bennett, F.Z.S. Remarks upon the new Tree-Kangaroo (Dendrolagus lwmholtzi) 
of Northern Queensland .......-... speniasiars way fere,<1 0. Sivic.eccie ce cisteiein crs efaiare\ate\srenays 64 
The Secretary. Exhibition of Lepidopterous Insects bred in the Insect-house during the 
past season....-...- selenite Sauron mralaias ial Rio cteia ai wjethic'wiete, SIM avons, cies cremate cite 65 
Mr. Seebohm. Exhibition of a Variety of the Red Grouse (Tetrao scoticus) shot near More- 
TAINBOGIBY. oh. '<'eye's) assis aatelnedes ee en eee aie giussrath's <\stehate satus 66 
1 Troisiéme liste des Oiseaux recueillis par M. Stolzmann dans l’Heuadeur. Par L, Tacza- 
sot nowsgI et Comte H. v. Berterscu. (Plates VII. & VIII.) . Seertps ities «2.x ies 67 
a On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. By Lieut.-Ool. C. Swinnoz, F.L.S., 
a ; F.Z.S. Part I.—Ruoratocera. (Plate IX.)...;... Retttes 40. tind)scincins oaiieeiets «'s.. Lat 

3. On Echidna acanthion from Northern Queensland. By Rosurr Court, O.M.ZS. 
(Plate K.) ee... e esses seseeeeeee cane eeeeeess Beieiate's -\- » oases St Aci BEE 148 

4. Description d'un nouveau Rongeur du genre Celogenys, Par JEAN prone aes a 

February 17, 1885. 
The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in January 1885...... 168 

1. On the Structural Characters and Classification of the Cuckoos, By Frank 9. 
Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.E., Prosector to the Society..00.....ssccesscvecessecscees 168 

2. On the Heart of Apteryx. By F. E. Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.E., Prosector to the Society . 188 

3. Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, obtained by Mr. George Lewis 
ae during his Second Journey, from February 1880 to September 1881. Part I1—By 

Martin Jacopy. (Plate XI.) ........ oni Bimininielc sje\e as, 0 0 0 cig tia» Mila a‘axo anlar 190 
4 | . March 3, 1885. aie Wie 
Dr. E. Hamilton, Remarks upon the supposed existence of the Wild Cat (Felis catus) in 
Treland setae e ee eeeseeeeaeeresencae anne Ce ee 211 

Bag 2 se am 



ait i 
i ae ice tee is branickii 
va. re yne Pee Wer er ee et Oy ure ste, 

2. Synallaxis singularis ......-+++..e+s+ +e ress ee eeee 67 
Ti ake see ee * 

IX. New Indian Lepidoptera ....+.0-.seeeeeeeeseeeeeneees ene IDE. 
X. Echidna acanthion bast hte png cas es eee 148 

Phytophagous Coleoptera from Japan ........+-eeeeseeeeeee = 








AUGUST ist, 1885. 



[Price Dole Sings] RE 


PART II.—1885. 

March 3, 1885. 
- Page 
Mr. J. H. Thompson, C.M.Z.S. Letter from, containing information as to the locality of 

Flelan \(Hempitrochus) fUcosta «0% ooo on ivloiaivie ss oe\eniaisisislciols al'o ie es isje 3 siete ele eae se enays 214 - 

1. General Observations on the Fauna of Kilima-njaro. By H. H. Jounsron, F.Z.S....... 214 

2. Report on the Mammals obtained and observed by Mr. H. H. Johnston on Mount Kilima- 
njaro. By Oxprienp THomas, F.Z.S., Natural History Museum. (Plate XII.) .... 219 


3. On the Collection of Birds made by Mr. H. H. Johnston in the Kilima-njaro District. 
By Captain G. E. Suextey, F.Z.8.; with Field-notes by Mr. H. H. Jounsron, F.R.G-S. 
(Plates NTT FAR LV sist ie tretelovelsls eistaetcheyaieiatal ave lore ia'a '\e)e'e\nia ats aiell el seer each pM tea! 222 

4. On the Insects collected on Kilima-njaro by Mr. H. H. Johnston, By Cuarrzs O. Water- 
nousE. (Plate XV.) <......04.. 000 Sepia) sls| aero eia'e' o s\a\ abate Ahn eislale e/a" (a) n/eleieie eae eaeee 230 


. Note on a Nematoid Worm (Gordius verrucosus) obtained by Mr. H. H. Johnston on 
Kilima-njaro. By F. Jurreny Brin, M.A., W.Z.8. 2... 00... ce cee ne eens tece reese 236 

6. Description of a new Variety of River-Crab, of the genus Thelphusa, from Kilima-njaro. 
By E. J. Mirrs, F.L.S., F.Z 


. On the Heart described by Professor Owen in 1841 as that of Apteryx. By HE. Ray Lan- 
xesTeR, M.A., L1.D., F.R.S., Jodrell Professor of Zoology in University College, 
‘London, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford 239 

ee i a acy 

8. On Races and Hybrids among the Salmonidse.—Part IV. By Francis Day 

9. Note on a supposed Melanotie Variety of the Leopard, from South Africa. By Dr. A. 
Gintumr, 1.Z.8. (Plate XVI.) 

March 17, 1885. 
The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in February 1885 .... 245 
Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a curious Duck shot in Yorkshire 

Mr. W. B. Tegetmeier. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a pair of abnormal antlers 
obtained in India 

ee ee ary 

Contents continued on page 3 of wrapper. 

Contents (continued). 


Professor Bell. Exhibition of examples of two species of Phytophagous Ccleoptera from 
SATE RYMarahs, Sec alafortn fonalat stn safe,d ciate sis alvic, sais 8) c/o aie Sai Sond aie sao colette 247 

1. Report on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Marchesa.’— 
I. A Provisional List of the Birds inhabiting the Sulu Archipelago. By F. H. H. 
Guittemarp, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., &e. (Plates XVII. & XVIII.)............ . 247 

2. On the Butterflies of Timorlaut. By Tu. Kirscn, Custos for Entomology at the Royal 
Zoological Museum of Dresden. (Communicated by Dr. A, B. Mryer, O.M.Z.S.) 

Serre) rae ncn heres ee ANG fa SOG red Soe Soe cca OR ND 
3. Notes on Peruvian Birds. By Prof. W. Nation, O.M.Z.8. ......0.eceeccceseccccecs QUT 
4. Revision of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of the Japanese Fauna: Subfamilies Cassidine 

and Hispine. By the Rev. H. S. Gorwam, F.Z.8. .... 0.0.0... .cceseeeecceceeens 280 

5. On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan.—Part II. Heterocera. By Lt.-Col. C. 
Spring, HAUS. WAS (( Plated OX. ds MOM) neck Se eas. bs cn nes edas oweveda ct 287 

6. On the Anatomical Differences in the three Species of Rhea. By Hans Ganow, Ph.D., 

M.A. Cambridge 
April 21, 1885. 

The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in March 1885........ 322 

Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a pair of Pheasants from Northern 
'  Aighanistan, belonging to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. (Plate XXII.)............ 322 

Mr. G. E. Dobson. Exhibition of, on behalf of M. Lataste, and remarks upon, two skulls of 
Crocidura aranea with anomalous dentition ~.......... 200 cc cece cc cceccccseces 324 

The Secretary. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some eggs of Darwin’s Rhea..........-- 324 
M. G. Claraz. Letter from, on the Rheas of South America 

Mr. Boulenger. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of an Amphisbxnoid Lizard 
AnasCpral- Snake trom Brazil este amici se olow sa ek tice site jen ie fo ale tae las Sanaa EOP 

Mr. Seebochm. Exhibition of specimens of a Cormorant from Japan, believed to be Phala- 
SONA CODA PUS totals pease oh tatei sate syaeats eben Masisie & siarels s etoceyciaie ele ets ciel co 328 

1. On the Structure of the Heart in Ornithorhynchus and Apteryx. By Sir Ricuarp Owen, 
Ee Gres LYE, Re Ong iota atatarels, ott baetel toy aval fice) es ole pe dicia a Sisters ome afent ae 328 


. Notes on the Characters of the different Races of Erhidna. By Otprietp Tuomas, F.Z.S., 
Natural History Museum. (Plates XXTIT., XXIV.) .......00... cc ccer ce ceee cece BLD 

3. On the Anatomy, Classification, and Distribution of the Arctoidea. By Sr. Grorcr ~ 
MV y ARBs ahl teva eye ee Ma lele ale Rate Re Io ah elisialctalete joes sle/oa et stale: Set ae Nie 340 

4. Report on the Collection of Birds made during the Voyage of the Yacht ‘Marchesa.’ 
; Part I1.—Borneo and the Island of Cagayan Sulu. By F. H. H. Gurutemarn, M.A., 
NICE Lis, (Ges (CPIALGEOR Wi) a wvyettg stores aca Wotno iain ori tbe tateia Sm wave a aetna 404 


Plate Page 
XII. Colobus guereza caudatus .........-..+- rbalp's Wiha aaa ene 219 
XIN.» Pinarachroa hypospodia: +) 7.015. .siiedeads esos een 299 
LY.) Necthrinin, johnatortiy -\. ct aejciew, Rotts aac tes nes rene “ 
XY.) Coleoptera from Kilima-njaro .......... et hatieschstajel sic 230 
XV... Felis leopardus, vars melanot. 0:5. (4. eis 2» ove vcs cee 243 
ANAT -lynpipiouswamissys, A Osh Oia ns oie sn sorustele vice os makes eee 
XVI = Fig.l. Pericrocotis\marrieee pants o.<c-\te a to aoe ote le 247 
Fig: 2. Macronus kettlowelli/jrs. .2/5- <--> -.2 ss oe eeietee 
XIX. New Butterflies from Timorlaut .............0eeeeeceevees 275 
oan \ New Indian Lepidoptera ............. 2 ote Baw eke eee 287 
XXAL. *Phadiawusgrinetpale op 5 c-<2sasy gos hseiee aoe Benoa 322 
US DLE: Skulls of Hichidna ty $..7/ 5. selrw sas entne soe ee os eter 329 
XXIEV.- Skulls and'teet of Hchidria’.~ 7 2220... 9 es sale as nee 
XV: “Mixornisicapayanensine (3) (yee male cielo tent -isto = se epee ete tee , 404 

According to present arrangements the ' Proceedings’ are issued in four parts, 
as follows :— 

Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June Ist. 
March and April, on August Ist. 

III. es y ». May and June, on October Ist. 
TVic x aye » November and December, on April Ist. 

The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3s. per part for 
that with uncoloured Plates. 








MAY anv JUNE. 

OCTOBER 1st, 1885. 



[Price Twelve Shillings.] 



PART II.—1885. 

May 5, 1885, 

The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in April 1885 ....-... 42] 
1. Quelques remarques sur le Dimorphisme Sexuel. Par JzAn SronzMann ..... BAe se 421 

2. On Hypertrophy, and its Value in EHyolution. By Joun Buanp Svrron, F.R.C.Ss, 
Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital Medical College 

aa 4 
3. On the Remains of a Gigantic Species of Bird from Lower-Eocene Beds near Croydon. 
By E. T. Newron........... Pete eee e eee cette ree treet ene t ee eens 
4, Description of a new Species of Hornbill from the Island of Palawan. By R. Bowpurr 
Swarrr, FLL.S8., F:Z.8/, &o.. (Plate XXXVI.) occ cee ee we nslt. imine oveeesimalels 
5. On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Decedn.—Part II. Heterocera (continued). By 
Lt.-Col. OC, Swinnor, F.L.S., F.Z.S. (Plates XXVIII. & XXVIIL)............0+0. 447 
6. Note on Viverricula. By St. G. Mivart, F.R.S. 2.2... cece cece cect eee cc ce cererecs 477 
7. On the Right Cardiac Valve of the Specimens of Apterya dissected by Sir Richard Owen 
in 1841. By BE. Ray Lanwester, M.A., FLRS. 12.26... 212s cece ee cece cece cece ee 477 
May 19, 1885. 
Prof. J. von Haast, C.M.Z.S. Notice of a memoir on a new species of Dinornis .......... | 482 © 
Rey. G. H.R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. Remarks upon a Snake (Pelamis bicolor) captured at the 
enirance to able: Bay cess sp ca ceisler ots wpeiolersleiaielsiels|sinta'=le/ ems eleyniaLeletataalehalet yaaa «- 482 
Mr. B. Crowther. Remarks on living examples of the Duck-bill (Ornithorhynchus paradoxus) 
which he was proposing to send to the Society’s Menagerie .......-..+-+...++0++. 
Mr. Osbert H. Howarth. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of Coral of the genus 
Pondirop hil: <x sini tora a aleceiaterafe sass oie cle al efere ea Mine clei: siete rela’ 9 eels Meta) Nace ae 463 
Mr. F. Day. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of the Vendace (Coregonus 
vandesius.), the diseased intestine of a Sea-Trout, and a portion of the sifting-apparatus 
of the Basking Shark (Selache maxtma) 2... .ccccvccescncencntececenctetsccee 483 

1. Notes on the Pinnipedia. By Sr. Guorce Mrvart, V.P.ZS. ..éeeccescccceeeceseeece 484 

. Report on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of the Yacht ‘ Maychesa.’— 
Part III. On the Collection of Birds from the Island of Sumbawa. By F. H. H. 
GuittemarD, M.A,, M.D., FL.S8., &e. (Plate XXTX.) 

5. Ou » new Pennatulid from the Japanese Sea. By Dr. A. A. W. Husexcut, C.M.ZS., 
Professor of Zoology at the University of Utrecht. (Plates XXX, & XXXTI.) ...... 512 

Contents continued on page 3 of wrapper. 

ConTENTs (continued). 

4. Descriptions of new Species of Lepidoptera Heterocera, chiefly from South America. By 
Hersert Drvuce, PLS ., E.Z.8., &e. (Plates XXXII. & XXXII F) ro iapera aeeetapanerayeleneis 518 

5. A List of the Lepidoptera collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston during his recent Sp aimee 
to Kilima-njaro. By F. D. Gopman, F.R.S., &e. 

June 2, 1885. 

Mr. F. BE. Beddard. Notice of a memoir on the anatomy of the Sondaic Rhinoceros 

i Sete ee ee me ae . 

PMR RICOP OB EEOMACRCUS) aval ehallete Iaaetera sje \cheaiecis  Wieia\ai~ ay «is vigio's- <heuste/e: #10 acca: «aint eis 541 
Dr. Julius von Haast, F.R.S., C.M.Z.S. Notice of a memoir on the remains of a gigantic 

extinct bird (Megalapteryx RECLORT AMIGO EO PADLCL YX jx) 2's, a\e\sieba'c’e.s1 x’ laiepe ssf) dlolvia alee 541 
Mr. Sclater. Remarks upon the Colies now or lately living in the Society’s Gardens ..... - 542 
1. Report on the Collection of Birds obtained during the Voyage of the ee ances. — 

Part IV. Celebes. By F. H. H. Gurntemarn, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., = ia aie) ates teen Cee 

2. Report on the Collection of Birds obtained during the Voyage of the tag Ss Marchesa? os 

Part V. The Molucca Islands. By F. H. H. Guinuemarp, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., &e. 
(EIRLe OS NOE V2) ite eater are artnet meena leceaiadysh ee. gate Sts welds ete oe oe eres 561 

3. On the Development and Morphology of the Humon Sphenoid Bone. By J. Buanp 
Surron, F.R.C.8., Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy at the Middlesex Hospital 

Medical School. (Plate SRDUMEV id) Hater ot Ratemal pavatlaeinsieetcte ies ols ye, c-escivafers sWeehoke omits 577 
4. Ona Collection of Shells (chiefly Land and Freshwater) from the Solomon Islands. By 
HOGAR A. Sane.) (Plates XM VIS RMR VU as eiie care e ee dascetenerdslcmones 588 
June 16, 1885. 
The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in May 1885 ........ 609 

Mr. J. Biittikofer. Letter from, containing remarks upon the question as to the mode in 
which the so-called edible nests of Collocalia are formed 

Brielar ois ustate.e. ctarclelai otaicin sets 610 
Major-General Sir Peter Lumsden, K.C.B. Letter from, concerning some young Snow- 
Leopards which he was endeavouring to send to the Society's Menagerie .......... 610 
Mr. Oldfield Thomas, Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a burrowing Rodent (Heterocephalus 
IPUMUULDEE)\)x «ale eh eoa''s a'a'n\ -fo2ms, 01 iafa\is ofsy'staie/e Cfets(@\mdayapaisfe/ e/a awipta 'atalelala aie "o)0,e 6! sie Wicvertte, ales 611 
Mr: E. Lort Phillips, F.Z.S. Remarks upon the habits of Heterocephalus .........+..-00+ 611 
Mr. W. T. Blanford. Exhibition and description of a abot of an apparently new species of 
PATAAOXURUS) (LOT AAODUnUS JOLAOML): \a)a,ciicereienelaiece « ool sieln(s's isis, 0's via sie praiais nie che! Sie's 12 

1, On a new Species of Parrot of the Genus Psittacula. By Dr. G. Hartiavs, F.M.Z.S. 
NUlplca PUN V TELS J 25), 5 tein oeigiar scnnialatchsiatele fe wi atelaiei gers BOA HOLIC EOD tic) ric Soe OSE 613 

2. Report on the Collection of Birds formed during the Voyage of the Yacht ‘Marchesa.’— 
Part VI. New Guinea and the Papuan Islands. By F. H. H. Guitiemarp, M.A., 

Ure Hi Paiies CeCe (CP LALCs SK KD CNS cole) « wicls eves sie\alniclelare’ ale thelsacketeieus sy aeicie(a ste 3) Aetete 615 
3. A Description of the German River-Frog (Tana esculenta, var. ridibunda, Pallas). By 
Cay Ae BOULENGER, B.2.8.« (Plate Xi; et. 0. Saves c'csaelgelsnicnele ois «oe snelslelecie smevis 666 
_ 4, Description of a new Species of Jcterus. By P. L. Scuarer, M.A., Ph.D., F.RB.S., ; 
SSH Le ba yA UO IU MEMS OCIOL Ye tel yeis'.i./ato aicle'e elalelatcia, oe d.ais/aia'\sia aieje'elagisiansiele sise.s aintsepiersie 671 
5. Note on Lemur macaco, and the way in which it carries its Young. By P. L. Sciater, 
; MCAS, eb; DH, Bis. wecrebary, to the Society cs... c's... sic» sin alaalviealeercia 672 
6. On a Female Chimpanzee now living in the Society’s Gardens. By A. D. Barriert, 
Superintendent of the Society’s Gardens. (Plate XLI.) .................. Sets 673 

7. Remarks on Ovis nivicola. By F. H. H. Guitirmarn, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., .Z.S8., &e. .. 675 

8. On the Geographical Races of the Rosky- -Mountain Bighorn: By Lt.-Col. Joun 
Bippunrs, ¥.Z.8........- Nelstaetsl slal'ealeleis seine ere tsar heahd are a a/al ete Farah shorten shes afeunee: take 678 

9. On the Avian Sternum. By Bearrice Linpsay, Girton College, Cambridge. (Plates 
POUT HICK ip) te ets coin gies os wickets)» a\s'"s 5 ha OER SE tAr th Retolaiecamaisteiaers cade ee. 684 


Plate Page 
XXVI. Anthracoceros lemprieri......--..++.- ele goteejueras eo ine mpieeeee 
ree ANS } New Indian Heterocerous Lepidoptera ...+-..+++-s+++++» 447 

KOEN, | Teirnix powell? ,cteisie.ein.c/s/eyejerersus salen atnibix e)= el siolelolete eee» OOL 

XXXL } Echinoptilum MACINGOSHIL +20. eecc seve ccceresecesceseren OLA 

ae | New Lepidoptera Heterocera ...... oe Cuidha ae atn pale om tates 518 

KER OGT Vie los Ins wIATIG) | eye:e a:cichaveicis crpiole'n'e'vhe stern vistolsiopiepeiey® Se be ke -- 561 

. XXXY. Skulls of Ostrich, Frog, Crocodile, and Chick ..... Aas shantig 577 

XXXVI. Land-shells from the Solomon Islands ..............++] 588 

XXXVII. Freshwater shells from the Solomon Islands ..... wie gine J 
XXXVI. Fig. 1. Psittacula spengeli ...++-+e eee essen eee eee } 613 
Fig. 2. Psittacula cyanochlora . ..........sceeceereues 

XXXIX. Rallicula rubra ..........5..... ESAS stn Sar Seats 615 

XL. Rana esculenta, var. ridibunda ......0..ceccsesccccccsnce 666 

XLI. Troglodytes calvus ...........0+% sintele: ee ac jani acid areress oie 673 

aa Avian Sternum ........00.-+: Aeistiore load hited hots ee aed -- 684 


According to present arrangements the ‘ Proceedings’ are issued in four parts, 
as follows :— 

Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June Ist. 

Ii. a ‘it » March and April, on August Ist. 
wis > », May and June, on October ‘1st. 
TV », November and December, on April Ist. 

The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3s. per part for 
that with uncoloured Plates. ? 














; Gi (Price Twelve Shillings.) [Price Twelve Shillings. ] Be ne ee 


PART IV.—1885. 

November 3, 1885. 

The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in June, July, August, 
and September (885: vera. «hie ee aeeis er cle o. 717 


Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a Skull of an American Tapir ......--.... 718 

Dr. F. H. Bauer, O.M.Z.8. Letter from, containing remarks upon a Flying Lizard (Ptycho- 
zoon homaloceplalute) toi sca a's; <n iateveie'e.c nisisiee) evs sjsje stele) Sete Cie oes = Aiea ee 718 

Mr. J. Caldwell, C.M.Z.S. Letter from, containing notice of the discovery of a hitherto 
unknown deposit of Dodo bones 


Proteets ee Exhibition of a fine specimen of Alpheus megacheles, from Herm, Channel 
IRS Ws ESS ce, Ot eR ECO ice : 

1. Descriptions of the Phytophagous Coleoptera of Japan, obtained by Mr. George Lewis 
during his Second Journey, from February 1880 to September 1881.—Part Il. Halti- 
cing and Galerucine. By Martin Jacopy. (Plate XLVI.) ............-+.000+- 719 


. An account of two Collections of Lepidoptera recently received from Somali-land. By 
Arrnur G. Burusr, F.LS., F.Z.8., &e. (Plate XLVIL.) ....0... cece see eee eeeee 756 

3. Description of a Tooth of Mastodon latidens, Clift, from Borneo. By R. LyprxxKer, 
B-A;, Ge: . (Plate Ki WLLL) Seite ei itpictels cial istarsitve ois oracle L cette tient ae CHE 

4. A Monograph of the Genus Paradoxurus, FP. Cuy. By W. T. Buanrorp, F.R.S. (Plates 
MOLT OL.) iekiene. woe remenee > ii 


. Description of a new Species of Mus from Sind. By James A. Murray, Curator Kurrachee 
Municipal Museum. (Communicated by Mr. W. T. Blanford.) (Plate LI.) ...... 809 

6. On the Specific Characters and Structure of certain New Zealand Earthworms. By Frank 
E, Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.8., Prosector to the Society. (Plates LII. & LIII.). 810 

November 17, 1885. 
The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in October 1885 ..... . 833 

Major S. W. Yerbury. Letter from, containing remarks upon the locality of Chameleo 

Contents continued on page 3 of wrapper. 

* — ContTents (continued). 
Dr. E. B. Dickson, O.M.Z.S. Remarks upon two Newts (Molge vitéata) transmitted to the 
Bacintyersce= dw c= sf aaecisieaciesis JES RORWIERES CAOn BORD hhc CAO OOnEeDanpaiercosce 834 

Mr. Sclater. Remarks upon a Newt (Molge vittata), and its distribution ................ 835 

Mr. H. E. Dresser. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of the American Killdeer 

Plover (Agialitis vocifera) and the Desert Wheatear (Saxicola deserti) killed in 
Great Britain 

Professor Bell. Exhibition of a specimen of the Genus Balanoglossus, obtained by Mr. 
PATE PLL GUE: Cres o'a-e, cshs deem EMEM IAS aato\e «.vr2' o's s/s b/a,eiety'o\e s.aTalniaielm op) sales ols eae 
1. Notes on the Visceral Anatomy of Birds. No.1. On the so-called Omentum. By Frank 
EK. Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.H., Prosector to the Society ........... see ee eee ee eeee 
2. Notes on the Rodent Genus Heterocephalus. By Outpriztp Tuomas, F.Z.S., Natural 
SERIE repey- VL Ursee tnd ea (UE eas OHM ere cla o-ata/s/cfejelcie o/6,s.c e\cis ee. wlele ws sieved vies a vie'e sla sletn 
3: Characters of an apparently new Species of Tanager of the Genus Calliste. By P. L. 
Scrarer, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., Secretary to the Society ............+.+- BiWievaieca racals 849 

4. Description of a new Frog of the Genus Megalophrys. By G. A. Bovuencer, F.Z.8. 
een a Wes) tea ret ee TCP pelea a) 22a) =e 'o\/c)a-oi= wia'e/eielaiatelcie\s\s)s o's" Plea lviaraisiassie's\s 850 

December 1, 1885. 
The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society’s Menagerie in November 1885... 851 

Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, an African Hornbill and other birds be- 
MPa ee Hopi den NV DIREL Yiaie w\oletare atetave: atic a's aja. eieist claltere soln a's’ eierese s aa)cce/ele evelalelor eve « 851 

Mr. W. T. Blanford. Exhibition (on behalf of Capt. C. S. Cumberland) of a head of a 
Wild Sheep from Ladak............2.0c0ee. AGE Orc 2 Sci iRaNBEn aetbr DeIStic 851 

1. On the Lepidoptera of Bombay and the Deccan. Part IV. Heterocera (continued). 
By Lieut.-Col. C. Swinnor, F.L.S., F.Z.8. (Plates LVL, LVII.) ............+.- 852 

2. Contribution to the Comparative Osteology of the Trochilide, Caprimulgide, and 
. Cypselide. By R. W. Suuretpt, M.D., Captain Med. Dept. U.S. Army, M.A.O.U. 
Memb. Soc. Nat. E.U.S., Memb. Philosophical, Anthropological, and Biological Societies 

BiMae han Loree. (bates PV EDD —1EXUs)icc's's sins icon eels ois veiwiaes enissisjpine saree ee 886 

3. Preliminary Notice of the Isopoda collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘ Challenger.’ 

Part Il. Munnopside. By Frank BE. Bepparp, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., Prosector 
MONO NGODIOLY: s\n %,5 cece eh clots Sees = teat eateiete iotehnh ata cy alors ei nial siisva's ol evaialaesave wine) otage - 916 

4. Descriptions of some new Species and a new Genus of Phytophagous Coleoptera. By 
WEAR TIN SVAGUAY sc oot etateccics sacs reewnteleaae a APB cis 9 dra: ale eiapherals piel aetaraiene 925 

5. On a supposed Hybrid between the Dab (Pleuronectes limanda) and the Flounder 

(Po fests) By BiDAry, 2.8, (Plate!DX TE) masse ieee cn eaes ie sesine cient ss we 929 
6. Notes on the Antelopes of Somali-Land. By E. Lort Paruuirs, F.Z.S. ............6. 930 
Appendix : List of Additions to the Society’s Menagerie during the Year 1885.........++- 933 

_ Title-page, Lists of Contributors and their Articles, of Plates, and of Woodcuts in Volume. 

& pe 



Plate . Page 
XLVI. New Phytophagous Coleoptera ..... Sat anes sine Maina a Sap es 719 
XLVII. New Butterflies from Somali-land ....-.06.2..ceeeeeeeeee 756 
XLVIII. Mastodon latidens, 3rd left upper molar .--.....-..+.-. REY Hilt 
XLIX. Paradoxurus jerdoni ......-..+-.--+..+ GUI epee cides } 780 

[e- ParadOxurun Aureus .- c's. + se cies cca oes Cease were is teteae nie eeete 
LI. Mus gleadowl .... 2.00. .2- cece cet e ec seen cers entteenr cece 809 

LIL, } Structure of Acanthodrilus ..-.....eseceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees B10 

LIV. Figs. 1-4. Heterocephalus phillipsi ...-..--+-..e00. +++ i 84 

Fig. 5. Heterocephalus glaber ......-....----s++e. eee iJ . 

LV. Megalophrys longipes ........-+..-cecee ee ceeteecceecees 850 

nt New Indian Lepidoptera ........-- 0. cere e ree ceee ee ce cues 852 

VIX: | Osteology of Trochilidae .-.-....-0.teeececesereeeceeen 886 

LXII. Supposed Hybrid between the Dab (Pleuronectes limanda) and } 

ae Flounder (P., flesus)" 3.00 20). aiin's nap oo Belew em elsiee 929 


According to present arrangements the * Proceedings’ are issued in four parts, 

as follows :— 

Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June Ist. 

Il. 2 5 ;, March and April, on August Ist. 
II. ay Pe », May and June, on October Ist. 
TV. a: «= 5, November and December, on April lat. 

The price is 12s. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3s. per ‘part for 
that with uncoloured Plates. 


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