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VOL, I. 


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VOL. I. 
ConrrisuTions to the History of Pyroxylic vias and the derived 
Combinations. By Robert J. Kane, M.D. - » » pagel 
On the Laws of Reflexion from Metals. By el Mac Cullagh, 
Eo Ne 2 
On the Affinity of he, Hiberno-Calte, oH Phonican Languages 
By Sir William Betham. . . . 8, 63 
On the Propagation of Light in unerystalized Media. By the 
Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M. . - . 10, 25 
On the Composition of Thebaine. By Robert r mune M. De eg 2 

On the Seals of Ireland, (Phocide.) By Robert Ball, Esq. . . 17 
On Modern and Ancient Ring Money. By Sir William Betham. 20 

On the Annals of Kilronan, or Book of i O’ 5 ered ae the 
Rev. James H. Todd, AM. . . 22 

On the probable Nature of the Light fraeiestieea be the Hibcibit 
and by Gold Leaf. By James Mac Cullagh, Esq., A.M. . «© 27 

On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion and “gecgeet oa By James 

Mac Cullagh, Esq., ALM... . iver dct Tanenpee: 
Notice of the Occurrence of Anatifa Vitrea of Lamar on the se 
Coast. By Captain Portlock, R.E. . . = - 30 

On Eblanine, a Substance ange Ds Mr. ena By Wiliam 
. 33 

Gregory, M.D 
On the Cabiric Micievies aif Phieniian “Antiquities By Sir 
William Betham. hes 34, 63 
On an Irish MS. called the Book of Mae Fini By Geonge 
Petrie, Esq. ~ ‘ 
Notice Seeneotne the ene Bovcak of tlie ith January, 1807. 
By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M. . . 38 
Notice of an Irish MS. of the Four aes of the seventh Centary. 
By the Rev. James H. Todd, A . 
On the Combinations aa from Preset Spirit By! Robert 

J. Kane, M.D. : 42, 58 


On the Specific Heats of the Aeriform Fluids. By James 
Apjohn, M.D. «. . . . . page 44 

On the alleged Discovery of. a MS. Tr aeaen of tie Hide of 
the Pheenicians, by Philo Biblius. By the Baronde Donop. . 47 

On some remarkable Salts, obtained by the Action of Ferrocyanide 
of Potassium on the Sulphovinates and Ace By 
William Gregory, M.D. .. . Pree) 

On a new Variety of Alumn. By Tae a, M. D. Heese Beco 
On some peculiar Habits of Otus Bear wy ates. By Gores Port- 

locksBRAB vee oes 52 
On some general Properties of the ae Sections. By janes 

Booth, Esq. ..- . - 53 
On Fluorine. By Geor ee J. Kaos, Bs. ; ae ae Rev. Tice 

Knox. . . 54 

On an ee etree e, oe ne in certain eae Rocks in 
the County of Galway. By Robert Mallet, Esq. . . . - . 56 

On Dumasine. By Robert J. Kane, M.D. . . . . 58 
On the Chronology of Egypt. By James Mac Cullagh, Esq, 2p cr M. 66 
On the Antiquities of Tara Hill. By George Petrie, Esq. 68, 71, 75 
On the relative Magnetic Intensity in pee ee nee and 

Edinburgh. By A. D. Bache, Esq. . . 71 
Notice respecting the ee or Boomerang By Joseph s. 
Moore, Esq. . - + - 73 
Investigations respecting Equations of the Fifth Degree. By Sit 
William R. Hamilton, A.M. 76 
On the Possibility of transplanting the Cotes, with’ the View of 
relieving Blindness. By Samuel L. Bigger, Esq. . - .- 81 
On the Composition of certain essential Oils. By Roheek I. 
Kane, M.D. .. . 83 

On Atmospheric Electri icity. iB Edward s. Clarks, ath + elee86 
On a new Gaseous Compound of Carbon and pai By Ed- 

mund Davy, Esq. -... .- aside) RCS 
On the Properties of Surfaces of fhe: Second Gu By James 
Mac Cullagh, Esq., ALM. .. . Nie: Been es) 
On a New Rain-guage. By the Rev. ae ioe) 2s sapeeRees OO 
On the Nature, Age, and Origin of the Sanserit WAENgy and 
Language. By the Rev. Charles W.Wall,D.D. . . . 97 
Inaugural Address of the President. . . . ae 107- 
Memoir of the late President. Px fhe Rey. Joseph H. Singer, 
D.D., Secretary... . 121 

On the Eugubian Teepeipein By Sir William Pe dcan! bie SUR 

On the Antiquity of the aie or asengaid ah, Samuel Fer- 
guson, Esq. .....-... - . 180, 133 


Account of a Charter granted to the ets of ee By the 

Rey. James H. Todd, B.D. . . 7 ee pope 
Extract from a Letter from M. D’ Abbadie to ‘lip Rev ok - 

On the Diurnal March of ‘he i di Néedle, on tie 31st of 
August and 13th of evar 1837. By the Rev. Humphrey 
Lloyd, A.M... . as Pe. MB VRE eR Re 

Notice ofa remarkable Collection of sigs Circles, Cairns, &ce., in 
the Townland of Carrowmore. By George Petrie, Esq. . 

On the Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland. BY the 
Very Rev. the Dean of St. Patrick’s. 

On the Ancient Spat ee of Gaul and the British Islands “By 
William West, M.D. . 

On the Motion of the Boomerang. By Mr. ‘Carrol arid ee. HL 
Lloyd. ; : 

On the Amount of Rain j in ie Months of August September, - 
October. By the Rev. Thomas Knox. 

On some Snow Crystals observed on the 14th of January, 1838. 
By W. Thompson and Robert Patterson, Esqrs. 

On the annual Decrease of the we in Dublin. BY itis Rev. 
Humphrey Lloyd, A.M. - : 

Account ofa Cromlech near Bote ae iagned ina Tite fin Dr. 
Hibbert Ware to Sir William Betham. 

On the Sulphates and Nitrates of gee By Ronee J. 
Kane, M.D. . . 

On the ae of a new * Voltaic i adbination: By Thanks 
Andrews, M.D. . 

On a new Optical enc By j ames ee Cullagh, Esq. 5 nN M. 

On the Years and Cycles of the ancient Bergan, rl the Rev. 
Edward Hincks, D.D. . . - 160, 

On a new Compound, SE of wane ire of aes ale 
and the Essential Oil of Cinnamon. By James Apjohn, M.D. 

On the Declination Instrument employed in the Magnetical Obser- 
vatory of Dublin. By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd. 

On an a in the ae rere By E. 8. Clarke, 
Esq. . : 

On the poe of Ammonia Compousi By Robert J. 
Kane, M.D 

On ancient Trish ates a? Bells. By Gea ss Petr’ ie, pee 

On the Irish Hare. By William Thompson, Esq. shies 

On an hitherto unobserved Force of Elevation and aa 
By Robert Mallet, Esq. : 

‘Remarks on the ‘“ seine cate By Bhd Fer gu 
son, Esq. 

On the Ammoniacal ad pie Basic Oe iaae of tite e Copper ie 
Silver Families. By Robert J. Kane, M.D. . 








Report of the Committee of Antiquities, relative to an ancient Tomb 
discovered in the Phenix Park. . . . « ee ea page 

On the Action of Arseniuretted Hydrogen on Sulphate of Copper, 
and on the Manganese Alumn aaeet by Dr. pole By 
Robert Kane, M.D. - . aHReK KS 

On Etruscan Hand Mirrors. By Sir William Bashan 

On the ancient Tomb recently discovered in the Tumulus in the 
Phenix Park. By Sir William Betham. .. . : 

On the Fifth Eugubian Table. By Sir William Betham. 
Remarks on the “Antiquitates Americane.” By George Downes, Esq. 
On the Specific Heats of the Gases. By James Apjohn, M.D. 

On the ruined Abbeys in the Province of Connaught By the Rev. 
Cesar Otway. 

On the Cross and Praia Ni 3 Con By Sir. William Pode 
Address of the President. me tad sg 


On the Theory of the Ethers. By Robert J. Kane, M.D. 

On the Laws of Crystalline Reflexion. By M. Neumann of Roniger 
berg, with Remarks by James Mac Cullagh, LL.D. 

Extract of a Letter from Professor Rafn of Copenhagen to George 
Downes, Esq. .. - abet 

On the Cydippe Pomiformis, a Notice of a Bolina, ‘owe on ‘he 
Trish Coast. By Robert Patterson, Esq. 

On the Longitude of the eee ee By ‘the ‘2 
Thomas R. Robinson, D.D. . iy 

On the Structure of ae Verse. By the rome William Benes, 

spare cs on vthe Dynamics of Light. By Sir William R. Hamilton, 
TASS Se Hee 245, 

Ona ae and Map of the County of Mey. By William Bald, 
Esq., C.E.  . 

Notice of a Taraalue near Rush, County of Dublin. By Lieut 
nant Newenham, R.N.. . 

Notice of a singular A ppetenes of the oa biaceved on ‘the 
16th December, 1838. By Sir William R. Hamilton, A.M. . 

On the Remains of Oxen found in the oe of Ireland. a Robert 
Ball, Esq. - 

On a Substance eoneewaded with White Precipiat By Robert J. 
Kane, M.D... . 

Notice of the Aurora of ihe iat Tiel: 1686. ‘By the Rev. i. 
Lloyd, Thomas Bergin, Esq., and James Apjohn, M.D. 254, 258, 
Extracts of Letters from Professor Rafn to George Downes, Esq. . 

On the Models of Achil and Clare Islands, and of the S. W. Dis- 
trict of Mayo, &c. By William Bald, LOE ay oie 








On the best relative Position of Three Magnets, in a Magnetical 
Observatory. By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M. . . page 264 

On the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the Electric Force 
traversing Media, which do not wnderg Electrolyzation. By 
George James Knox, Esq. . . . 2) Ceulits Manges ole t4o 

Letter from M. D’ Abbadie to the Rev. Beiter Lloyd. ... . 2(2 
On two Gold Torques found at Tara. By Bisa Petrie, Esq. . 274 

Address of the President. . . : . 276 
On the eee of the Water of the Dead ae “By James 3s Apjohn, 
BE Deh, 3 et tit (5 tag 287 

On the Purple Dye of Fae By William R. Wylde, Esq. . . 293 
On a Sepulchral Urn and Stone Coffin found in the Parish of Kil- 

bride. By the Rev. Robert Walsh, LL.D. . . 296 
On a Compound of Fluorine and Carbon. By George J. Knox 
fo MA eee ee TE oe re 299 

On the Property of the Light emitted by ee Coke to 
blacken Photogenic Paper. By Robert Mallet, Esq... . . 300 

Account for the Year ending the 3lst of March, 1839. . . . 302 
Description of a Peruvian Mummy. By William R. Wylde, Esq. 305, 312 

On a Manuscript Translation of Part of ew ea fineid. By 
Joseph Lentaigne, Esq. . . BS 309 

On Phosphorescence. By Sir Here Manele Bart. ere neue! = aces ai ohg: 

On the original Language of the Pheenicians. BY William 
O’Brien, Esq. . . 322 

Account of the Cross of pole anid by Profane Mac Cullagh. 326 
On the Action of Air and Water onIron. By Robert Mallet, Esq. 329 
Account of the Magnetical Ohsenyatory of Dublin. By the Rev. 

Humphrey Lloyd, eVien alors eee oe eet eh 
On the Insulation of Fluorine, and on a Compound of Fluorine and 
Selenium. By George J. Knox, Esq. . . . - . » 335 

On the Employment of Rockets to determine the Difference of 
Longitudes of Armagh and Dublin. By the Rey. Thomas R. 
Robinson, D.D. . . ee 338 

‘Researches respecting Vibration, pies Gh. he Theory of 
Light. By Sir William R. Hamilton, AMM. .... . . 341 

Address of the President. .. . : : 350 
List of Subscribers for the Purchase of Gold discs erik at Tara 354 

Ou the Bolina Hibernica. By Robert Patterson, Esq. . . . 357 
Notice of a Waterspout observed at Ruling, By the ae 
Charles Dickinson, D.D. . . . 358 
On 2 Loligo, found on the Shore of Dublin ee By) Fea ‘ Bal, 
Esq. . . 362 

On Rsnaghact Electricity. es E, s. Clarke, Te ak 364, 378 


On the Irish Coins of Edward IV. By Aquilla Smith, M.D. page 367 

Remarks on the Oxidating Power of Glass for Metals. By yee 
J. Knox, Esq. 369 

Notice of a Gaseous Coaneund of Fiuetine “and Cyanogen By 

George J. Knox, Esq. . . . : 371 
On the Dynamical Theory of Gacealine Retain ae Refraction. 
By James Mac Cullagh, LL.D. . . . . . . . 374 

Notice respecting Meteor-paper. By the Rey. amie Tiga A.M. 379 
On Porcelain Seals found in Treland. By J. Huband Smith, Esq. . 380 
On ancient Irish Seals. By George Petrie, Esq. . . . 382 
On the Optical Laws of Quartz. By James Mac Cullagh, LL. D. . 385 

An Inquiry into the Period of the first Use of the Zero. By 
James O. Halliwell, Esq. . . - . . 386, 417 

On the Querns used by the Irish. By J. “Huband inant Esq. . . 390 

On the Magnetizing Power of the more refrangible Solar Bee *y 
George J. Knox, Esq. and the Rev. Thomas Knox. . . . 393 

Report of Council for the past Year. . . . 2 ang OOO 
On a new Air Thermometer. By Wrigly Cee ee a) eee 405 

On an essential Oil obtained during the Rectification of wae 
By James Apjohn, M.D... ; 407 

Account for the Year ending 31st ‘of Marchi, 1840, Pale gitar yh. eee I 

Remarks on the Indications of the Barometer. ah the rece 
of Dublins 5 se : 414 

On the Boetian veer Notation. ey ie O. Halliwell, fag 415 
On the Animal Remains and Antiquities found at Duns 

By William R. Wylde, Esq... . . . . . 420 
Remarks on  Aristotle’s es of Aine: By Kedadaa 
Osborne, M.D. . .. . 427 

Notice of an African Gold Ring. By the ner: Jj ames s Todd, B. D. 430 

On the Value of the Numerical Coefficient in the Formula for 
the Force of Aqueous Vapour in the Atmosphere.* By James 

Apjohn, M.D., and the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M. . . 433 
On a Menisarint called the Book of Lismore. By the Rev. sane i 
H. Todd, B.D. . ; . « 449, 458 

Notes on the Aurora of the oth AGA 1840. ay J ae Ball, Esq.. 451 

Notice of Meteor Paper found in Gloucestershire. By the Rev. 
Thomas R. Robinson, D.D. . . . ; 454 

On the comparative Amount of Rain at Tooaeaes cinty of Tip- 
perary, and at Monks’ Eleigh, Suffolk. eh the Rey. Thomas 
Knox, and Rey. Henry B. Knox. . . 455 

Aecount of Observations of Magnetic Deluna Wada ie Prd 
fessors Bache and Lloyd, with the View of determining Differences 
of Longitude. By the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A. Me. 3c. yee 

* The third of the tables of the elastic force of vapour, referred to in this 
communication, pp. 443, 444, has been erroneously attributed to Mr. Lubbock. 


On the Eee Power of the Gases. a Thomas Andrews, 
M.D. page 465 

On a new ibe Os fies Kilbricken Mine, County of Clare. By 

James Apjohn, M. iPMAR Mah 469 
On a Principle for pode an ever- -basning awe ‘By George 

J. Knox, Hsq.. . © . 473 
On Fluctuating Functions. By Sir William R, Hamilton, LL. D. . 475 
On an Ancient Irish Bell. By George Petrie, Esq. . . . . . 477 

OBJECTS EXHIBITED,—pp. 7, 8, 19, 25, 32, 212, 235, 271, 276, 292, 293, 
294, 393, 457. 

ResoLutions,—pp. 13, 60, 93, 101, 104, 135, 150, 161, 167, 244, 261, 
271, 292, 294, 326, 339, 426. 

ELEcTIons oF CounciL,—pp. 42, 142, 285, 402. 

Exection oF Memsers,—pp. l, 8, 19, 33, 51, 61, 71, 73, 88, 105, 132, 
151, 169, 193, 223, 237, 247, 262, 293, 305, 317, 325, 357, 385, 390, 
405, 427, 451. 

Donations,—pp. 7, 14, 19, 30, 36, 41, 47, 60, 70, 72, 80, 88, 91, 102, 
105, 106, 131, 133, 144, 150, 161, 168, 175, 190, 205, 221, 225, 235, 237, 
245, 250, 262, 263, 271, 293, 295, 311, °325, 354, 359, 362, 387, 389, 395, 
403, 412, 450, 457, 458, 477. 

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1836—1837. No. 1. 

October 24, 1836. 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost, T. C.D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Rev. Edward Marks, Frederick Darley, Esq. » Rev. John 
A. Bolster, and Rev. James S. Reid, D.D., were elected 
Members of the Academy. 

A paper was read, entitled “ Contributions to the History 
of Pyroxylic Spirit, and the derived Combinations.” By 
Robert J. Kane, M.D. M.R.I.A., Professor of Natural 
Philosophy in the Royal Dublin Society. 

In this paper Professor Kane stated that he had re- 
peated the analysis of pyroxylic spirit and of methylic ether, 
and found the composition given by Dumas for these bodies 
to be perfectly correct. He likewise re-examined the py- 
roxylic spirit, described and analysed by Liebig, having been 
presented with a specimen of the original spirit for that pur- 
pose by Professor Liebig. The result of his experiments is, 
that the pyroxylic spirit of Liebig is quite distinct from that 
of Dumas; and that both of these chemists were right in 
the analyses which they published. 

By treating the pyroxylic spirit of Dumas (methylic alco- 
hol) with peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, there is 
obtained a light colourless liquor boiling at 103° Fahrenheit. 



It is composed of c,H,,0,. It may be considered as tritoxide 

of ethyl AE.o. or as corresponding in the methylene series 
to the acetal in the alcoholic, being a tribasic formome- 
thylic ether; thus, 

3Xc,H,O=C,H,,0, three atoms methylic ether. 

C,H, 0, one atom formic acid. 

- Oo— 
C,H, 0; 2=C) Ho; 

the density of its vapour is 2,45. 

The pyroxylic spirit of Liebig, c,u,,0,, is considered by 
Professor Kane to be not a deutoxide of ethyl, but a tri- 
basic ether, containing the methylene aldehyd. Thus, 

3 XC,H,O=C,H,,0, three atoms methylic ether. 

c,H, 0 methylic aldehydene. 

C,H, 0, 2—C, Hy, 0, 

The analysis of the heavy oily liquor obtained by the ac- 
tion of chlorine on methylic alcohol, as pointed out by Du- 
mas, is given by Professor Kane as leading to the formula 

c,cl,u,0,. The products of its decomposition by ,bases will 

form part of a subsequent paper. 
An oil which accompanies pyroxylic spirit gave for its 
composition C,,H,, 0. isomeric with the resinain of Fremy. 
Professor Kane has found pyroxylic spirit to form a 
compound with chloride of calcium crystallizing in plates, 
(hexagonal,) consisting of one atom of chloride of calcium 
with two of the pyroxylic spirit. 

A paper was also read, “‘ On the laws of Reflexion from 
Metals.” By James Mac Cullagh, M.R.I. A., Professor of 
Mathematics in the University of Dublin. 

The author observes that the theory of the action of me- 
tals upon light is among the desiderata of physical optics, 
whatever information we possess upon this subject being 


derived from the experiments of Sir David Brewster. But, 
in the absence of a real theory, it is important that we 
should be able to represent the phenomena by means of em- 
pirical formule ; and, accordingly, the author has endea- 
voured to obtain such formule by a method analogous to 
that which Fresnel employed in the case of total reflexion 
at the surface of a rarer medium, and which, as is well 
known, depends on a peculiar interpretation of the sign 

—1. For the case of metallic reflexion, the author as- 
sumes that the velocity of propagation in the metal, or the 
reciprocal of the refractive index, is of the form 
m(cos x + V7 —1sin x)3 

without attaching to this form any physical signification, 
but using it rather as a means of introducing two constants 
(for there must be two constants, m and x, for each metal) 
into Fresnel’s formulee for ordinary reflexion, which contain 
only one constant, namely, the refractive index. 

Then if ¢ be the angle of incidence on the metal, and 2’ the 
angle of refraction, we have 

sind’ = m(cosy + ¥ —Isin x) sinz, (1) 

and therefore we may put 

cosi/= m' (cos x’— ¥ — Isiny’) cosi, (2) 

if m!* cos ‘t= 1—2m cos2y sin + m'‘sin “2, (3) 
2ein Qy sin 2s 

and tan2y/= (4) 

1—m?cos 2x sin" 
Now, first, if the incident light be polarized in the plane 
of reflexion, and if the preceding values of sin7’, cos 2’, be 
substituted in Fresnel’s expression 
sin (¢—2’) 
sin (¢-+7’)’ 
for the amplitude of the reflected vibration, the result may 
be reduced to the form tl 
a(coso— y¥ —I1 sino), (5) 


if we put 
tanyp =o (6) 
tand=tan2psin(x +x) (7) 
ge 1—sin 2) cos(x +x’) (8) 

—~ T+sin 2Wcos(x +x’) 

Then according to the interpretation, before alluded to, 
of / —1, the angle 8 will denote the change of phase, or 
the retardation of the reflected light; and a will be the 
amplitude of the reflected vibration, that of the incident vi- 
bration being unity. The values of m’,y’, for any angle of 
incidence, are found by formule (3), (4), the quantities m, y, 
being given for each metal. The angle y’ is very small, and 
may in general be neglected. 

Secondly, when the incident light is polarized perpendi- 
cularly to the plane of reflexion, the expression 

tan (¢—7?’) 
tan (2 +4’) 
treated in the same manner, will become 
a’ (cos8’—~ ¥ — 1sind’), (9) 
if we make 
tanW’=mm’, (10) 
tand’ =tan2y’'sin(x— x’), (11) 
na 1—sin2y’ oN (12) 

and here, as before, 0’ will be the retardation of the reflected 
light, and a’ the amplitude of its vibration. 

The number Maa may be called the modulus, and the 

angle yx the characteristic of the metal. The modulus is 
something less than the tangent of the angle which Sir David 
Brewster has called the maximum polarizing angle. After 
two reflexions at this angle a ray originally polarized in a 


plane inclined 45° to that of reflexion will again be plane 
polarized in a plane inclined at a certain angle ¢ (which is 
17° for steel) to the plane of reflexion; and we must have 

ial SS (13) 
Also, at the maximum polarizing angle we must have 

o’—d= 90°. (14) 
And these two conditions will enable us to determine the 
constants m and x for any metal, when we know its maximum 
polarizing angle and the value of ¢; both of which have been 
found for a great number of metals by Sir David Brewster. 
The following table is computed for steel, taking m = 33, 
y= 54¢, 


0°) 27°] 27° | .526 | .526 | .526 
30 | 25] 31 575 | .475 | .525 
45} 19} 38 638 | 407 | .522 
60} 13] 54 129 | 208; .5 8 
75 | 7 {| 98° | 850] .240 | .545 
85 | 24 152 nT AGlap tho 
+1 aie a al il i 

The most remarkable thing in this table is the last 
column, which gives the intensity of the light reflected when 
common light is incident. The intensity decreases very 
slowly up to a large angle of incidence, (less than 75°,) and 
then increases up to 90°, where there is total reflexion. This 
singular fact, that the intensity decreases with the obliquity 
of incidence, was discovered by Mr. Potter, whose experi- 
ments extend as far as an incidence of 70°. Whether the 
subsequent increase which appears from the table indicates a 
real phenomenon, or arises from an error in the empirical for-_ . 
mulz, cannot be determined without more experiments. It 
should be observed, however, that in these very oblique inci- 
dences Fresnel’s formulz for transparent media do not repre- 
sent the actual phenomena for such media, a great quantity 


of the light being stopped, when the formule give a reflexion 
very nearly total. 

The value of 8’—6, or the difference of phase, increases 
from 0° to 180°. Whena plane-polarized ray is twice reflected 
from a metal, it will still be plane-polarized if the sum of the 
values of &—8 for the two angles of incidence be equal 
to 180°. 

It appears from the formule that when the character- 
istic y is very small, the value of 8’ will continue very small 
up to the neighbourhood of the polarizing angle. It will 
pass through 90°, when mm’=1 ; after which the change will 
be very rapid, and the value of 8” will soon rise to nearly 180°. 
This is exactly the phenomenon which Mr. Airy observed 
in the diamond. 

Another set of phenomena to which the author has ap- 
plied his formule are those of the coloured rings formed be- 
tween a glass lens and a metallic reflector; and he has thus 
been enabled to account for the singular appearances de- 
scribed by M. Arago in the Memoires d Arcueil, tom. 3, 
particularly the succession of changes which are observed 
when common light is incident, the intrusion of a new ring, 
&c. But there is one curious appearance which he does not 
find described by any former author. Itis this. Through 
the last twenty or thirty degrees of incidence the first dark 
ring, surrounding the central spot which is comparatively 
bright, remains constantly of the same magnitude; although 
the other rings, like Newton's rings formed between two gJass 
lenses, dilate greatly with the obliquity of incidence. This 
appearance was observed at the same time by Professor 
Lloyd. The explanation is easy. It depends simply on this 
circumstance, (which is evident from the table,) that the angle 
180°—6é’, at these oblique incidences, is nearly proportional 
to Cos 2. 

As to the index of refraction in metals, the author con- 

jectures that it is equal to 


Rev. Robert Gage exhibited specimens of Coal and 
Iron stone, recently found in Rathlin Island, on the North 
coast of Ireland. 


Archeologia ; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to An- 
tiquity, vol. xxvi. Presented by the President and Council 
of the Society of Antiquarians of London. 

Copy of the Ordnance Survey of the County of Louth, 
in 27 sheets, presented by Lieut. Colonel Colby, R. E. 

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon- 
don, for the years 1834, Part 2; 1835, Parts 1 and 2; and 
1836, Part 1. Presented by the Society. 

List of the Fellows of the Royal Society. By the same. 

Memoir of the Fresh-water Limestone of Burdiehouse, in 
the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. By Samuel Hibbert, M. D., 
F.R.S.E. Also, Analysis of Coprolites, and other Organic 
Remains, imbedded in the Limestone of Burdiehouse. By 
Arthur Connell, Esq., F. R.S.E. Presented by Doctor 

History of the Extinct Volcanos of the Basin of Neuweid, 
on the lower Rhine. By Samuel Hibbert, M.D., F.R.S. E. 
Presented by the Author. 

Memoir on the Theory of Partial Functions. By John 
Walsh. Presented by the Author. 

An Essay on the Origin and Nature of Tuberculous and 
Cancerous Diseases. By Richard Carmichael, M.D.,M.R.LA. 
Presented by the Author. 

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 
Vol. v. Part 2. (New Series.) Presented by the Society. 

Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Vol. 
iii. Part 3. (Second Series.) Presented by the Society. 



November 30. (Stated Meeting.) 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost, T.C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

William E. Bolton, Esq. and Thomas F. Bergin, Esq. 
were elected Members of the Academy. 

Sir William Betham exhibited to the Academy a specimen 
of the ancient brazen ring money, found in the county of 
Monaghan,* and also a piece of cast iron, found with many 
others, in boxes, on board a vessel wrecked on the coast of 
Cork last summer. This vessel was bound to Africa, where 
it is stated the pieces in question pass for money. ‘They 
are so similar in shape and size to the ancient specimens, 
that there can be no reasonable doubt of the identity of 
their uses; and thus the theory advanced in the paper re- 
ferred to is strongly confirmed. 

Sir William Betham also read an extract of a letter from 
a friend, in which it was stated, that gold rings, exactly” 
formed like those found in the Irish bogs,—that is, of gold 
wire turned into the form of rings, but not united at the 
ends;—pass current at this moment as money in Nubia and 

The Dean of St. Patrick’s exhibited two bronze spe- 
cimens of the first mentioned articles found in Italy, one of 
which was encrusted with crystals of carbonate of lime. 

The following papers were read : 

1. On the Affinity of the Hiberno-Celtic and Phe- 
nician Languages.” By Sir William Betham, M.R.I. A., 
Secretary of Foreign Correspondence. 

In this paper the author undertakes to prove that the 
names of the divinities, heroes, and nymphs of the Greeks 
and Romans, are significant in the Hiberno-Celtic language ; 

* See paper read 23rd May and 27th June, page 12. 


that many of the ancient names of countries, seas, and places 
are also significant; and that the same thing is true of the 
names of the Etruscans and Pelasgi, as well as of the words of 
both these people which have come down to us in the Greek 
and Roman writers. From this he infers that the Pelasgi, the 
Etruscans, and the Celts were all colonies of the Phoenician 
people, and all spoke the language now called Gaelic or 
Hiberno-Celtic. He instanced the remarkable fact men- 
tioned by Suetonius in his Life of Augustus Cesar, (c. 97,) 
where, giving an account of the death of Augustus, and the 
omens which preceded it, he says: 

‘* Sub idem tempus ictu fulminis ex inscriptione statuze 
ejus prima nonninis litera effluxit. Responsum est centum solos 
dies posthac victurum, quem numerum C litera notaret; fu- 
turumque ut inter deos referretur, quod ASSAR, id est 
reliqua pars e Casaris nomine, Etrusca lingua Deus voca- 

Moy ay is one of the Irish names for God, and not only is 
the word itself to be found in the Irish dictionaries and 
MSS. but it is compounded of two Irish words meaning the 
eternal ruler, or ruler of ages: 007, ages—ayp, ruler. 

The author gave many examples of the significance of the 
names of the Greek and Roman divinities, and also of the 
ancient names of countries, in the Hiberno-Celtic language ; 
among them the following : 

Aurora—the golden hour, or sunrise. 

Bacchus—the lame drunkard. 

Diana—the goddess. 

Gorgones—the frightful women. 

Haruspex—judging from a pang or throe. 

fris—the sun and the shower. 

Neptune—the king of the waves. 

The names of the Nereides denote the flitting aerial 
nymphs; the nymph of the sea weed; the silent nymph; 
the spark of the wave; the nymph of the deep water, the 

~ 10 

rock, the estuary, the storm, &c. &c. The word nymph 
also means the holy one, or one set apart. 

Pluto—the miner, or one who lives in a cave. 

Sesostris—the name applied to Rameses the Great by the 
Greeks,—implies the fortunate, scientific, and powerful 

Silenus—the staggering drunkard. 

Venus—the woman of the community; the courtesan. 

Of the names of countries :— 

Abyssinia—the country of rain. 

Ethiopia—the country of springs or wells. 

Assyria—the old country of power. 

Egypt—the cultivated valley. 

The Euxine—the little sea. 

The Adriatic—the sea of enchantment, &c. &c. &c. 

The author affirmed that examples of this kind were so 
numerous and so striking, that it was impossible to ascribe 
them to accidental coincidence; and he inferred from all, that 
these names were given by the Pheenicians, and that the 
Hiberno-Celtic was the language spoken by that people. 

2. “On the Propagation of Light in Uncrystallized 
Media.” By the Rev. H. Lloyd, F.R.S., M. R.I.A., Pro- 
fessor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin. 

The objects of the author have been—1. to simplify and 
to develop that part of M. Cauchy’s theory, which relates 
to the propagation of light in an ethereal medium of uni- 
form density; 2. to extend the same theory to the case 
of the ether enclosed in uncrystallized substances, taking 
into account the action of the material molecules. 

_ Some of the simplifications adopted in the first part of 
these inquiries suggest themselves naturally. Thus the axes 
of symmetry of the medium are taken as the axes of coordi- 
nates, and the direction of propagation is assumed to coin- 
cide with one of these axes. By these suppositions the 


differential equations of motion are reduced to a very simple 
form; and it is manifest that the assumptions themselves 
involve no real limitation of the problem. The well known 
expressions for the component displacements are deduced 
by the integration of these equations. The following is that 
in the direction of the axis of a: 

E=acos(ut—kz+a) ; 
in which 
7 being the period of vibration, and X the length of the wave. 

These quantities are connected by a relation given by the 
method of integration. 


The preceding formula, however, is not the most general 
form of the expression for the displacement. It is found 
that in certain cases the integral becomes 

E=ae—™ cos (ut—gz+a). 

From this expression it follows that the amplitude of the 
displacement, and therefore the intensity of the light, de- 
creases in geometrical progression, as the distance in- 
creases in arithmetical progression ; and as the constant / is 
in general a function of w, or of the colour, the differently 
coloured rays will be differently absorbed. The complete 
value of & being the sum of a series of terms similar to the 
preceding, it is manifest that we have here a satisfactory ac- 
count of the apparently irregular distribution of light in the 
absorbed spectrum. To explain the absolute deficiency of 
the light at certain points, it is only necessary to admit that 
the function / varies in certain cases rapidly with moderate 
changes in w, and becomes very great for certain definite 
values of that quantity. ' 

The preceding integral has been already obtained by 
M. Cauchy, in a valuable memoir recently printed in litho- 
graph. The method employed by the author seems, how- 



ever, to be fundamentally different from that of M. Cauchy ; 
and in fact he was led to this form of the integral by other 
considerations before he was aware that he had been pre- 
ceded in the deduction. 

The remainder of the present communication is taken up 
with the discussion of the relation between the coefficients 
wand *&, which expresses the law of dispersion. Following 
M. Cauchy,* the author has transformed this relation by 
converting the triple sums into triple integrals; and he has 
found that, by applying this transformation at an earlier 
stage of the investigation, the resulting relation is deduced 
with great simplicity. 

The relation between uz and &, for the vibrations in the 
plane of the wave, has already yielded to M. Cauchy the 
probable result, that the molecules of the ether repel one 
another according to the inverse fourth power of the distance. 
When this law of force is substituted in the corresponding 
relation for the zormal vibration, the author finds that the 
finite ; so that the normal disturbance is propagated énstan- 
taneously, and gives rise to no wave. Thus the hypothesis 
of transversal vibrations seems to be established on theore- 
tical grounds. 

The author finally gives reasons for concluding that the 
theory, in its present form, is insufficient to explain the phe~ 
nomena of light in bodies ; and that it becomes necessary in 
this case to take into account the action of the material 
molecules. This extension of the theory will be given in 
a future communication. 

resulting value of —, or of the velocity of propagation, is in- 

3. “On the Composition of Thebaine.” By Robert J. 
Kane, M. D., M.R.I.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy 
in the Royal Dublin Society. 

* Nouveaux Exercices de Mathematiques. Livraison 7™°. 


The author gave an account of the analysis of the vege- 
table alcaloid thebaine (paramorphine) which had been dis- 
covered in opium, and of which the analysis by Pelletier and 
Couerbe gave discordant results. With a specimen which 
had been prepared by Apothecary Merck of Darmstadt, 
Dr. Kane obtained the formula C,, N, H,, O,, (Berzelian 
atoms,) and giving the per cent. composition: 

25 Carbon <= 74,57.= 1910,925 
2 Azote = 6,89 — 177,056 
28 Hydrogen= 6,83 — 174,714 
3 Oxygen = 11,71 — 300,000 

100,00 2562,675 

Owing to the circumstance of the salts of this base with the 
mineral acids being uncrystallizable, the atomic weight ob- 
tained by analysis could not be synthetically confirmed. 

Professor Kane read likewise an extract of a letter from 
Professor Liebig, of Giessen, communicating some new re- 
sults of chemical analysis. 

It was resolved, on the recommendation of council, that 
the bye-laws relating to the meetings of the Academy and 
Council (Chap. IV. Sects. 2 and 6), be altered, and the fol- 
lowing substituted :— 

(2.) “That a General Meeting of the Academy shall 
likewise be held on the second Monday of November and 
December, and on the second and fourth Mondays of Ja- 
nuary, February, April, May, and June, at 8, p.m. At 
these Meetings, such communications as shall have been 
approved of by the Committees during the preceding part of 
the month, shall be read.” 

(6.) “That the Stated Meetings of the Council shall be 
held on the first and third Monday of every month, from 
November to June, inclusive ; with power to adjourn, from 
time to time, at all times of the year. Five to be a quorum.” 


It was further resolved, on the recommendation of 
Council, that the “ Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy,” 
be printed every month during its sittings, for the use of its 

** The Proceedings” to be under the management of the 
Council, and to contain— = 

F Abstracts of the larger papers read to the Academy. 

. Minor communications, not intended for the Trans- 
bia printed more at length. 

3. Notices of the election of Members, of presents re- 
ceived, and of all other matters of general interest transacted 
at the Meetings of the Academy. 


A copy of the Ordnance Survey of the County of Done- 
gal, in 112 sheets. Presented by Lieut. Colonel Colby. 

Flora Batava, No. 107. By H.C. Van Hall. - Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

Estatutos da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. 
Presented by the Society. 

Der erste Unterricht des Taubstummen. Von M. C. G. 
Reich. Presented by Henry Holmes Joy, Esq. 

Bliche auf die Taubstummenbildung. Von M. C. G. 
Reich. Presented by the same. 

Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of 
Cambridge, for the year 1835. By George Biddell Airy, 
Esq., Astronomer Royal. Presented by the Author. 

Stax lectures on the Wave-theory of Light. By the Rev. 
H. Lloyd, F.R.S.,&c. Presented by the Author. 

Reports of the Committee of the Franklin Institute on the 
Explosions of Steam Boilers: in two parts. Presented by 
the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania. 

Report of the Managers of the Franklin Institute, in re- 
lation to Weights and Measures. Presented by the same. 


Observations to determine the Magnetic Dip at Baltimore, 
Philadelphia, New York, West Point, Providence, Spring- 
field, and Albany.’ By A.D. Bache, Professor of Natural 
Philosophy and Chemistry, and Edward H. Courtenay, Pro- 
fessor of Mathematics, in the University of Pennsylvania. 
Presented by the former. 

On the relative horizontal Intensities of terrestrial Mag- 
netism at several Places in the United States. By the same. 

Analysis of some of the Coals of Pennsylvania. By H. D. 
Rogers, F. G.S. London, and Professor Bache, &c. Pre- 
sented by the latter. 

Notes and Diagrams, illustrative of the Directions of the 
Forces acting at and near the Surface of the Earth, in diffe- 
rent Parts of the Brunswick Tornado of June 19th, 1835. 
By A.D. Bache, Professor of Natural Philosophy and Che- 
mistry in the University of Pennsylvania. 

The same author presented also the following papers to 
the Academy: 

Remarks on a Method, proposed by Doctor Thomson, for 
determining the Proportions of Potassa and Sodain a mixture 
of the two Alkalies. 

Note relating to the hardening of Lime under Water, by 
the Action of Carbonate of Potassa, &c. 

On the comparative Corrosion of Iron, Copper, Zinc, §c. 
by a saturated Solution of common Salt. 

Memoir on the Elastic Force of the Vapour of Mercury at 
different Temperatures. By M.Avogadro. (Translated by 
Prof. Bache.) 

An Essay on Chemical Nomenclature. By J. J. Berzelius. 
(Translated from the French, with Notes, by Prof. Bache.) 

EMistorical Notes. 

Note of the Effect upon the Magnetic Needle of the Aurora 
Borealis, visible at Philadelphia on the 17th of May, 1833. 

Diagrams for illustrating a Register of the Direction of 
the Wind. 


Experimental Illustrations of the radiating and absorbing 
Powers of Surfaces for Heat, &c. 

Replies to a Circular in relation to the Occurrence of an 
unusual Meteoric Display on the 13th of November, 1834. 

Notice of Experiments on Electricity developed by Mag- 

Experiments on the Efficacy of Perkins’s Steam Boilers, 
or Circulators. 

On the alleged Influence of Colour on the Radiation of 
non-luminous Heat. 

Safety Apparatus for Steam Boilers. 

Observations on the Disturbance in the Direction of the 
horizontal Needle during the Aurora of July 10th, 1833. 

Report of Experiments on the Navigation of the Chesa- 
peake and Delaware Canal by Steam. 



1836—1837. | No. 2. 

December 12. 

RICHARD GRIFFITH, Esgq., ‘in the Chair. 

A paper was read “On the Seals of Ireland, (Phocide.)” 
By Robert Ball, Esq., M.R. 1. A. 

The author stated the circumstances by which he was 
led to discover that the seal of most frequent occurrence on 
the Irish coast was not defined as a British species, together 
with the subsequent identification of that animal, by Profes- 
sor Nilsson, as the Halichzrus Griseus of his Scandinavian 
Fauna, (Phoca Gryphus of Fabricius,) found in the Baltic 
and North Sea. He asserted, however, that the habits of 
the Halichzrus of this country differed so much from those 
ascribed to it in the Baltic, that it appeared to him not un- 
likely, on comparison, to prove a distinct species. He showed ’ 
that the colour of the animal kere varied so much from sex, 
age, season, &c. that it could not be considered of any value 
as a character of species in the present state of our know- 
ledge of the subject. He alluded to the very small size of 
the brain compared with that of the genus Phoca, and stated 
that the intellectual powers bore the same proportion. Mr. 
Ball then proceeded to show that the simple form of the 
teeth of Halicherus (approaching closely to those of some 
species of Delphinus) furnished sufficient grounds for sepa- 
rating it from the genus Phoca ; and observed, that the Hali- 



cherus may always be distinguished from other seals, by 
its straight profile, fierce aspect, and greater proportionate 
length. He mentioned the fact of his having discovered that 
the specimen in the British Museum, solong known as Dono- 
van’s Phoca Barbata, (and the long-bodied seal of Parsons,) is 
formed of the skin of a Halichzrus improperly stuffed; and 
he noticed the mistakes to which this has given origin. 

Mr. Ball next gave instances of the occurrence in this 
country of the Phoca Vitulina, (P. vartegata Nils.) which he 
considered identical with the seal stated by Sir E. Home 
(Phil. Trans. 1822) to have been killed in the Orkneys, 
though it appears from the cranium figured as if a few teeth 
of the P. Groenlandica were inserted into the upper jaw. 
The author related some anecdotes of the interesting and 
beautiful specimen now in the Zoological Gardens; con- 
trasted the species in structure and habits with the Haliche- 
rus; and expressed his dissent from the statement put for- 
ward in Mr. Bell’s British Quadrupeds, on the authority of 
Professor Nilsson, that the oblique position of the molar teeth 
in P. Vitulina was a specific character of unerring value. He 
has shown, in fact, that the obliquity in question arose from 
the insufficient development of the jaws in early life, which 
contracted the space for the teeth; and that it disappeared 
long before the skull reached its maximum size, and par- 
tially occurred in the young Halicherus. 

Mr. Ball then alluded to the seal taken in the Severn, 
which Professor Nilsson pronounced to be his Phoca Annel- 
lata; but which has since been stated, with the Professor’s 
concurrence, to be the P. Groenlandica. He expressed 
his to the justness of this conclusion, observing 
that the Groenlandica was a large species, while the Severn 
seal was certainly a small one. He further showed that the 
form of the inter-maxillary bones, where they joined the 
nasal, was quite sufficient to distinguish it from the specimen 
figured by Sir E. Home, in the paper before referred to; and 


he expressed his belief that the species was still to be de- 

The author concluded by stating his belief in the ex- 
istence of a fourth seal (probably P. Barbata) on the 
southern coasts of Ireland, which he had occasionally seen, 
but never had opportunity of closely inspecting ; and finally 
exhibited a number of sketches illustrative of his paper, 
showing generic and specific distinctions of external forms, 
skulls, teeth, czeca, and of the great sinuses of the hepatic 

Professor Kane laid before the Academy, specimens of the 
salts of a new acid, called by him “ Xanthomethilic Acid.” 

The same gentleman stated some conclusions to which 
he had recently arrived, from the examination of pyroacetic 
spirit, which he considered to be a new alcohol. 


Discours sur quelques Progrés des Sciences Mathematiques 
en France, depuis 1830. Par le Baron Charles Dupin, 
President de Académie. Presented by the Author. 

Researches on Heat. (Second Series.) By James D. 
Forbes, Esq. F.R.SS.L.& E., F.G.S. Presented by the 

January 9, 1837. 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D. D., Provost, T.C.D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Matthew Barrington. Esq., Arthur E. Gayer, Esq., Sir 
John Kingston James, Bart., Francis Barker, M.D., Wil- 
liam Gregory M. D., F.R.S.E., Edward A. Clarke, Esq., 
Charles Lambert, Esq., and Thomas Williams, Esq., were 
elected Members of the Academy. 

c 2 


The Secretary read a letter from the Secretary of the 
Royal Academy of Madrid, returning thanks for a copy of 

the Transactions. 

Sir William Betham read a letter from the Baron de 
Donop, of Saxe Meiningen, on the subject of the alleged 
discovery of the MS. Translation of Sanconiathon’s His- 
tory of the Pheenicians, by Philo Biblius.* 

Sir William Betham read a letter from Sir John Tobin 
of Liverpool, respecting the cast-iron ring money, found on 
board the wreck of a vessel, and exhibited at the meeting of 
the Academy in November :—the following is an extract. 

“On the subject of the schooner, Magnificent, which 
was lost somewhere near Cork, some time since:—she was 
bound to the river Bonney, or New Calabar, which is not 
far from the kingdom of Benin. The trade to these rivers 
for palm oil and ivory, is cotton goods, gunpowder, muskets, 
and a great variety of other articles ;—and among them ma- 
nillas, both of iron and a mixed metal of copper and brass, 
which is the money that the people of Eboe and Brass Coun- 
try, and all the nations in that neighbourhood, go to market 
with. On Wednesday next I will send you a manilla of 
each kind.” 

Sir John Tobin states the price of the copper manillas to 
be £105 per ton, and that of the cast iron £22 ; the former 
passes, therefore, for about five of the latter. They so per- 
fectly resemble the Irish antique, as to be scarcely distin- 
guishable except by the difference of the material. 

Sir William Betham also read a letter from Captain Ed- 
ward Jones to Samuel Hibbert, M.D., which the latter 
gentleman transmitted to him, with the sketches there al- 
luded to. 

* An extract from this letter will be given in the next number of the Proceedings. 



‘The annexed two sketches are taken from a cast of the 
species of money now at the present day passing current 
among the Africans. It so strongly resembles what we saw 
in Ireland, that I thought you might be interested in a copy 
of it. Mr. Dyson, who was for some years a surgeon on 
board an African merchantman, brought it with him; and 
the first opportunity, I shall make inquiries respecting this ~ 
and other coin used among the natives. I am told that in 
the country they are made of solid gold, as in Ireland.” 

Sir William Betham also read an extract from a letter 
from Mr. Bonomi to T. C. Croker, Esq. 

‘You ask me for a note on the ring money of Africa; 
here it is. So little has the interior of the country changed 
in that particular since the days of the Pharaohs, that 
to this day, among the inhabitants of Sennaar, pieces of 
gold in the form of a ring pass current as money. The 
rings have a cut in them for the convenience of keeping them 
together ; the gold being so pure you easily bend them, and 
unite them in the manner ofachain. This money is weighed 
as in the days of Joseph.” 

These gold rings are so similar in shape to the ancient 
rings found in Ireland, that the sketch of one accurately 
represents the other. 

It is a remarkable fact that the name manzlla, which 
these brass and iron articles still bear in Africa, signifies 
money in the Celto-Pheenician Irish. Main is ‘ value,’ ‘ worth,’ 
and aillech is ‘ cattle,’ ‘ household stuff,’ or ‘ any kind of pro- 
perty.’ So that in this respect the derivation is similar to 
that of pecunia from pecus. The manillas were, no doubt, 
introduced into Africa by the same people that brought 
them to Ireland; and as the Negro nations have changed 
but little, if at all, they still pass as money by their old Phe- 
nician name. 


The Rev. James H. Todd, A. M., M.R.1. A., Fellow of 
Trinity College, gave an account of a discovery made by 
Mr. John O'Donovan, of a valuable though imperfect copy, 
in MS., of the Annals of Kilronan, or Book of the O’Duige- 
nans, a work that had hitherto been supposed to be lost. 

This MS. was discovered by Mr. O'Donovan while en- 
gaged in preparing a catalogue of the Irish MSS. preserved 
in the University Library. 

The volume is in quarto and, in its original state, con- 
sisted entirely of parchment. It is now imperfect both at 
the beginning and at the end, and has also some interme- 
diate chasms. The first and earliest portion appears to have 
been transcribed by one Philip Badley, who states himself 
to have been engaged in the task in the year 1580; but two 
or three other hands, evidently of the same period, may be 
observed throughout the volume, as if two or more scribes 
had been simultaneously engaged in its transcription. 

The Chronicle in its present state begins with the year 
1014 and ends with 1571. The principal chasms are be- 
tween the years 1138 and 1170, and also between the years 
1316 and 1462. In the former of these chasms, several 
leaves of paper have been inserted which are entirely blank. 
The latter has also been filled with paper, on which some 
very brief entries have been made relating to the years be- 
tween 1412 and 1462. Many of these entries, however, re- 
cord merely the date, with the lunar and solar cycles, indic- 
tion, and Julian period corresponding. ‘Two copies of this 
paper portion of the volume are preserved, one of them of a 
date perhaps a century later than the other. The older ap- 
pears to have been written in the sixteenth, or early in the 
seventeenth, century. 

Throughout the book several marginal notes occur, 
which are for the most part summaries of the text, both 
in Irish and English. The greater part of the English 
notes are in the hand-writing of Roderick O'Flaherty, the 


celebrated author of Ogygia. ‘This fact was ascertained 
by comparing these entries with the known autograph of 
O'Flaherty. The volume, therefore, was formerly in the 
possession of that eminent antiquary. 

The book is lettered on the back 7?gernachi continuator ; 
and has hence been erroneously supposed to be the con- 
tinuation of Tigernach’s Annals, drawn up by Augustin Mac 
Raith, (Magrath), called by Colgan and others Mac Raidinus, 
a canon of the Augustinian monastery of All Saints in Lough 
Righ, in the River Shannon, who died A. D. 1405. And as 
this chronicle extends to the year 1571, Mr. O’Reilly sup- 
posed it to include a continuation of Magrath’s work.* This 
error, which the slightest inspection of its contents refutes, 
was afterwards pointed out by Mr. O’Reilly himself ;+ and the 
comparison of the book with a complete copy of the continua- 
tion of Tigernach in the University Library, sets the question 
entirely at rest. 

Mr. O'Reilly having satisfied himself that this chronicle 
was not what it had hitherto been taken for, declares him- 
self unable to say what it should be called; but Mr. O’Dono- 
van has now proved it to be the ANNaALs or KILRONAN, or 
Boox or THE O’DuicENnans, mentioned by the Four Masters 
as one of the original sources from which they derived the 
materials of their celebrated work. 

Mr. Todd then stated that extracts from what is called 
the Book of Kilronan, in the hand-writing of Charles O’Conor 
of Belanagare, are preserved in the Stowe Library; and that 
a quotation from these extracts given by Dr. O’Conor in his 
catalogue of the Stowe MSS., was not to be found in the 
Dublin MS. of the Kilronan Annals. This fact appeared 
at first sight to create a formidable difficulty in the way of 

* Transactions of the Hiberno-Celtic Society, in ann. 1405, p. exiii. 
f See Mr. Mason’s Catalogue of the Irish MSS. in Trinity College. 


Mr. O’Donovan’s opinion. The consideration of it, however, 
led Mr. Todd to conjecture, that the Book of Kilronan, from 
which Charles O’Conor made the extracts in question, could 
not be the Annals of Kilronan, which were in the hands of 
the Four Masters. Mr. O’Conor describes it as the book of 
the church of Kilronan, and from the extracts he has made 
from it, it appears to have begun at least with the times of St. 
Patrick, whereas the Annals of Kilronan, as described by the 
Four Masters, began with the year 900, and are expressly 
called by them the Book of the O’Duigenans. The one, there- 
fore, was a church book, or chronicle kept by the ecclesiastics 
connected with the church of Kilronan, whereas the other was 
the family chronicle of the Mac Dermots, compiled by their 
family bards, the O’Duigenans, of Kilronan. This conclu- 
sion is interesting, as acquainting us with the fact, that the 
Book of the Church of Kilronan existed so lately as the year 
1728, when O’Conor made the extract from it, which is now 
in the Stowe Library, and that it may perhaps exist to this 
day unknown, or under some other name. 

The discovery of the Book of the O’Duigenans, or An- 
nals of Kilronan, will be of great importance, if ever the 
liberality of government, or the contributions of individuals, 
should supply the means of printing the ancient historical 
records of this country. 'Toacomplete edition ofthe Annals 
of the Four Masters, it is essential that as many as possible 
of the original documents from which they drew their ma- 
terials should be in our hands. And this discovery supplies 
us with one of these documents, whose existence was hitherto 
unknown to Irish antiquarians. Of the ancient annalists, 
whose works formed the basis of the Annals of the Four 
Masters, there are now not more than two or three that are 
not to be found in the Library of the Academy, or in that of 

Trinity College. 


_ Mr. Petrie exhibited a MS. of the four Gospels, in Latin, 
of which he had given an account in a paper read some time 
since before the Academy. This manuscript is said to have 
been that given by St. Patrick to the first Bishop of Clogher. 
It is enclosed in a brazen case, of very curious workmanship, 
on which the circumstances connected with the gift are re- 
presented in highly raised figures. 

Professor Lloyd communicated to the Academy the con- 
tinuation of his investigations “ On the Propagation of Light 
in uncrystallized Media.” 

In the first part of this paper, read on a former evening, 
the author had expressed his conviction that the problem of 
wave-propagation in bodies was incompletely solved, unless 
the action of the material molecules be taken into account. 
This he has attempted to do in the present continuation, 
confining himself to the comparatively simple case in which 
the molecules of the ether and of the body are uniformly 

The differential equations of motion inferred from these 
considerations contain, each, the displacements of the mole- 
cules of the ether and of the body,—with coefficients depending 
on the masses and distances of the molecules, the law of force 
to which they are subjected, and the length of the wave. 
By a particular method of elimination, these pairs of simul- 
taneous equations may be reduced each to a single one, of 
the simple form which occurs in the case of a single vibrating 
‘medium, the new coefficient being connected with those of 
the original equations by an equation of the second degree. 
The expression for the displacement, then, is of the same 
form as in the case of a single vibrating medium; but 
the relation between the coefficients of the time and of the 
distance, and consequently the velocity of propagation, will 
be very different. 


The quadratic equation above alluded to expresses the 
relation of these coefficients, or, in other words, the relation 
between the period of vibration and the length of the wave. 
When the action of the molecules of the ether and of the 
body, inter se, and on one another, is governed by the same 
law, this equation is resolvable into simple factors, one of 
which only seems to belong to the problem, the other giving 
an expression for the velocity of propagation independent of 
the length of the wave. The author accordingly proceeds 
to develop the former of these formule, converting the triple 
sums which it contains into triple integrals, according to the 
method of M. Cauchy. 

Among the consequences deducible from this development 
is the following:—In the expanded expression for the velocity 
of propagation, each term consists of two parts, one of which 
is due to the action of the ether, and the other to that of the 
body. Itis not improbable that there may be bodies for 
which the first or principal term is nearly nothing, the two 
parts of which it is composed being of opposite signs, and 
nearly equal. In this case the principal part of the expres- 
sion for the velccity will be that derived from the second 
term; and, if that term be taken as an approximate value, it 
will follow that the refractive index of the substance must be 
in the sub-duplicate ratio of the length of the wave, nearly. 
Now, it is remarkable that this law of dispersion, so unlike 
anything observed in transparent media, agrees pretty closely 
with the results obtained by Sir David Brewster in some of 
the metals. In all these bodies the refractive index (inferred 
from the angle of maximum polarization) increases with the 
length of the wave. Its values for the red, mean, and blue 
ray, in silver, are 3.866, 3.271, 2.824; the ratios of the 
second and third to the first being .85 and .73. According 
to the law above given, these ratios should be .88 and .79. 


Professor Mac Cullagh made a verbal communication on 
the probable nature of the light transmitted by the diamond 
and by gold leaf. He conceives that as there is a change 
of phase caused by reflexion from these bodies, so there is 
also a change of phase produced by refraction; the change 
being different according as the incident light is polarized in 
the plane of incidence, or in the perpendicular plane. Con- 
sequently, if the incident ray be polarized in any interme- 
diate plane, the refracted ray should be elliptically polarized ; 
and on examining the light transmitted by gold leaf, this 
was found to be the case. Of course the same thing is true 
of the light which enters the other metals, and which is sub- 
sequently absorbed. ‘The same remark explains the appear- 
ance of double refraction in specimens of the diamond which 
give only a single image ; and it is likely that other precious 
stones will be found to possess similar properties. Mr. 
Mac Cullagh has obtained a general formula for the difference 
of phase between the two component portions of the refract- 
ed light—one polarized in the plane of incidence, and the 
other perpendicular to it. He finds from this formula, that 
the difference of phase, which is nothing at a perpendicu- 
lar incidence, increases until it becomes equal to the charac- 
teristic at an incidence of 90°; and when the light emerges 
into air, the difference of phase is doubled. The formula 
has not yet been submitted to the test of experiment. 

Mr. Mac Cullagh then read a paper “on the Laws of 
Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction.” 

In this paper the solution of the following problem is 
given for the first time :— 

Supposing aray of light, polarized in a given plane, to fall 
on a doubly refracting crystal, it is required to find the plane 
of polarization of the reflected ray, and the proportion be- 
tween the amplitudes of vibration in the incident, the reflect- 
ed, and the two refracted rays. 


The constructions to which the author has been led by 
his theory are extremely simple, and may be explained most 
easily by referring to a paper which he has already pub- 
lished in the Transactions of the Academy, vol. xvii. pp. 251, 
252. To avoid circumlocution, he uses the term transversal, 
to denote a right line parallel to the plane of polarization, of 
a ray, and perpendicular to the direction of the ray itself. 
When the transversal is spoken of as a finite magnitude, its 
length is understood to be proportional to the amplitude 
of the vibrations in the polarized ray. Let o (as in the 
place just referred to) be the point of incidence on the crys- 
tal, and or, o1’, the directions of the two refracted rays, the 
points T, T’, being on the wave-surface. Corresponding to 
the points T and 1’ on the wave-surface, there are two other 
points, Pp and M, on a second surface which is reciprocal to the 
wave-surface. The points Pp and m are derived from the 
points T and 1’ by an easy rule which is given in the place 
before cited. Now if we wish to find in what direction the 
incident ray must be polarized in order that the ray or’ may 
disappear, let us draw, through the point o, a plane a 
perpendicular to the plane orp, and parallel to the right 
line TP, which joins the corresponding points, T, P. This 
plane a will intersect the planes of the incident and re- 
flected waves in two right lines, which will be the transversals 
of those waves; so that if the incident ray or wave be pola- 
rized parallel to the first intersection, the reflected ray will 
be polarized parallel to the second intersection, and there 
will be only a single refracted ray or. <A right line 
drawn through the point o, perpendicular to the plane 
oTP, will lie in the plane a, and will be the transversal of the 
refracted ray oT; and if, measuring from the point o, the 
lengths of the three transversals represent the amplitudes of 
the respective vibrations, the transversal of the refracted ray 
or will be the diagonal of the parallelogram, whose sides are 
the transversals of the incident and reflected rays. The prob- 


lem is, therefore, completely solved in this case; and it is 
obvious, that a construction precisely similar will apply to the 
other case, in which or’ is the only refracted ray. The plane 
B, which, in this second case, answers to the plane a in the 
first case, is perpendicular to the plane or’, and parallel 
to the right line T’m. 

If the incident ray be polarized in a direction interme- 
diate between the two transversal directions which give only 
a single refracted ray, the incident vibration may be resolved 
into two vibrations parallel to those two transversals. The 
reflected vibrations arising from each of the component 
incident vibrations are to be found by the foregoing rules, 
and then to be compounded. 

When the intersection of the planes a and B is perpendi- 
cular to the direction of the reflected ray, this ray is polar- 
ized parallel to that intersection, whatever be the plane of 
polarization of the incident ray. The angle of incidence at 
which this takes place is the polarizing angle. 

When the refracted ray of or or’ is a normal to the wave- 
surface, the plane a or B is the plane of polarization of the 
ray. For example, if or be the ordinary ray in a uniaxal 
crystal, the plane a contains the ray of and the axis of the 

The hypotheses from which Mr. Mac Cullagh has obtained 
the foregoing laws, are these :-— 

1. The density of the ether is the same in all media. 

2. The vibrations are parallel to the plane of polarization. 

3. The vis viva is preserved. 

4. The vibrations are preserved: that is, the resultant of 
the incident and reflected vibrations is the same as the resul- 
tant of the refracted vibrations. 

The author finds that his theory represents very accu- 
rately the experiments of Sir David Brewster and M. Seebeck, 
on the light reflected in air from a surface of Iceland spar. 



A Description of the Shetland Islands, comprising an 
Account of their Geology, Scenery, Antiquities, and Supersti- 
tions. By Samuel Hibbert, M.D., F.R.S.E., &c. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

Memoir on the Tings of Orkney and Shetland. By the 
same Author. 

Observations on the Theories which have beeen proposed 
to explain the Vitrified Forts of Scotland. By the same 

Flora Batava, No. 108. By H.C. Van Hall. Presented 
by the Author. 

The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Know- 
ledge, for the Year 1837. Presented by the American Phi- 
losophical Society. 

January 23. 
RICHARD GRIFFITH, Esq. in the Chair. 

Captain Portlock read a notice of the occurrence of | 
Anatifa Vitrea,* of Lamarck, in several localities on the 
Irish coast. He commenced by enforcing the great impor- 
tance of recording as quickly as possible the first discovery in 
a new locality of any species of the animal or vegetable king- 
dom, as tending to perfect the Fauna or Flora of the district 
in which it is found; and pointed out the value of such local 
Faunz and Flore in estimating the relations and mutual de- 
pendencies of co-existing animals and plants, and affording 
a basis of comparison by which future observers may be 
enabled to test the probability of new organic beings occa- 

* Lepas fascicularis, of Ellis, Montague, and other authors ; Lepas dilata, of 


sionally appearing on the surface of the present earth, in 
the same manner as they appear to have occurred at very 
distinct epochs in the more ancient world. 

Captain Portlock then cited the various authors who 
have mentioned this species of the pedunculated division of 
Lamarck’s class, Cirrhipeda, beginning with its first disco- 
verer, Ellis, who figured and briefly described it in his 
Natural History of Zoophytes, published in 1786. It is 
there stated to have been obtained in St. George’s Channel. 
It was afterwards found on the western coast of England 
by Mr. Brier and Mr. Montague, but is still considered 
there (as stated by Turton in his Conchological Dictionary) 
very rare. The Rev. Dr. Fleming communicated to the 
Wernerian Society, between 1811 and 1814, his discovery 
of the species in considerable abundance on the coast of the 
Zetland Islands. Lamarck formed his species, vitrea, from 
a specimen obtained on the shore of Noirmantier, an island 
off the coast of Poitou, apparently the first noticed in France. 
He had, however, seen a specimen of the Lepas Fascicularis, 
sent him by Mr. Leach, and states his opinion that it is only 
a variety of vitrea. A cluster of this species of cirrhipedz 
having been sent to Captain Portlock by one of the Ordnance 
Survey Collectors, from the north coast of Antrim in the 
autumn of the last year, he was induced to make further 
inquiry as to its previously known existence in Ireland, and 
having mentioned the circumstance to Mr. R. Ball, was in- 
formed by him of four cases of its occurrence which he had 
recorded, viz. on the coast of Youghal in 1819; coast of 
Clare, 1823; coast of Clare, 1828; coast of Antrim, 1834. 
These localities, therefore, taken with his own, consti- 
tute a very wide range, and show that this species, still 
considered as very rare on the coast of England, and appa- 
rently equally so in France, has been traced round the 
western shore from the north to the south of Ireland. Spe- 
cimens of Anatifa Levis, Lamarck, (Lepas Anatifera, Linn.,) 


accompanied those of vitrea. This is a common species all 
round the Irish coast. Captain Portlock mentioned that 
Mr. Ball had either in possession, or a record of, the follow- 
ing species of cirrhipede, as Irish : 

Anatifa Sulcata, (Lepas Sulcata, Mont.,) Youghall ; found 
also by Mr. O’Kelly, near Kenmare. 

Anatifa Striata, Lamarck, (Lepas Anserifera, Linn.,) 
Dublin Bay. 

Pollicipes Scalpellum, Lamarck, (Lepas Scalpellum, 
Mont.,) found by Mr. W. H. Harvey in Dublin Bay. 

Cineras Vittata, Leach, Lamarck, (Lepas Membranacea, 
Turton,) attached to a plank cast on shore near Malahide. 

Otion Cuvieri, Leach, Lamarck, (Lepas Aurita, Linn..,) 
attached with a Cineras to a Balanus. The whole constitut- 
ing a very large proportion of the pedunculated cirrhipedes, 
at present known in Great Britain. 


Professor Lloyd exhibited to the Academy some modi- 
fications which have been recently made in the construction 
of the Magneto-electric Machine. 




1837. No. 3. 

February 13. 

Rev. F. SADLEIR, D.D., F.T.C.D., Vice-President, 
in the Chair. 

Rev. Thomas Knox, George J. Knox, Esq., and Andrew 
S. Hart, Esq., F.T.C.D., were elected members of the 


Doctor Gregory read a paper, entitled, ‘‘ Examination 
of Eblanine, a substance discovered by Mr. Scanlan, and 
exhibited by him at the Meeting of the British Association.” 
By Professor Apjohn and Dr. Gregory. 

Eblanine is contained in pyroxilic spirit. It is yellow, 
crystalline, fusible at 318°, volatile in a current of air at 300°, 
not subliming in a close tube unchanged. It is insoluble in 
water and alkalies, soluble with a strong yellow colour in’ 
alcohol, ether, and concentrated acetic acid. Strong sul- 
phuric acid strikes with it a deep bluish purple colour, soon 
passing to brownish black. Strong muriatic acid dissolves 
it sparingly with a very fine and intense purplish red colour, 
which also slowly passes into brownish black. Nitric acid 
dissolves it, and from the solution water separates a yellow 
solid, which, at a certain temperature, is decomposed sud- 
denly with a very feeble explosion. Chlorine converts it 
into a dark resinous matter. 



Eblanine is anhydrous, and contains no nitrogen. 

The mean of 4 analyses gave as the composition in 100 
parts, W 

Carbpnj1 7 if.) 86) 7a 
Hydrogen,. . . 5:609 
Oxygen, . . . 19.116 
The composition, calculated according to the formula 
C,, H, 0,, would give 
Carbon,... TRKie ao. 9 
Hydrogen, °. 57) 30) 
Oxygen) iiyaey 18:91 
But as we have as yet no means of ascertaining the atomic 
weight of eblanine, this result must be viewed merely as an 

Eblanine cannot be confounded with any known sub- 
stance, and must rank as a curious addition to the list of 
compounds produced in the destructive distillation of wood ; 
to which must also be added, aldehyd, a substance lately 
discovered by Liebig, but first pointed out as existing in 
pyroxilic spirit, by Mr. Scanlan, who obtained it before the 
discovery of Liebig was known in Dublin. 

Sir William Betham read the first of a series of papers 
‘On the Cabiric Mysteries and Phoenician Antiquities.” 

In this paper the author stated his conviction that the 
Cabiri were a secret society or brotherhood, who concealed 
their acquirements in science and the arts from all but the 
initiated ; that this society originated with the Phcenicians, 
and was for a very long period confined to that people and 
their colonies; that the arts of navigation, mining, &c., the 
science of astronomy, and indeed all other branches of know- 
ledge with which they were acquainted, were enveloped by 
them in mystic fables and allegories, to conceal them from 
the vulgar; and that from these was derived the whole sys- 
tem of mythological theology of the Greeks and ‘Romans. 


The word Cabiri, in Celto-Phcenician, literally means the 
confederacy or brotherhood of science. Cabar is a confede- 
racy or secret society, 7, of science. The four degrees or 
steps of initiation into this order, were named Axieros, Ax- 
tochersa, Axiochersus, and Camillus, or Casmillos. ‘These 
were made deities by the Greeks, the Phcenicians themselves 
encouraging or perhaps propagating an error, the explana- 
tion of which was part of the secrets of the confederacy. 
The confederacy itself originated at a very early period of 
Pheenician history, and seems to. have partaken of the es- 
sence of the policy by which that people aimed to keep the 
world in ignorance, and to carry on in secret their extensive 
operations in commerce, navigation, and mining; the se- 
crets of these arts being enveloped in terrible mysteries, 
which deterred the ignorant and unenlightened from inter- 
ference. By these means they succeeded in securing to 
themselves for ages the exclusive sovereignty of the seas, 
the entire commerce, and the greater part of the wealth of 
the world. 

The discovery of the identity of the Celtic and Pheenician 
tongues has led to the exposition of the true meaning of the 
names and nature of these imaginary Cabiric deities, which 
the author explained as follows :— 

Axieros.—The first step.— The initiation by the shedding 
of blood. 

Axiochersa.—The second degree.— The communication 
to the ear of the more important secret of silence. 

Axiochersus.—The third degree.— The communication to 
the ear of the silent secrecy of experience. 

Camillus, or Casmillos—The fourth degree.— The per- 
fection of all knowledge. 

Vulcan is said to have been the father or founder of the 
Cabiri. This name in Celtic signifies the profound metallur- 
gist, smith, or worker in metals ; Fol Gaun, or Bal Gaun, the 
lord smith. It is also worthy of remark, that in Sanconia- 



thon’s account of the descent or pedigree from the first man, 
Vulcan stands contemporary with Tubal Cain of the Scrip- 
tures, who was the “instructor of every artificer in brass 
and iron;” and this last name is of the same signification in 
the Celto-Phcenician, i.e. the celebrated lord smith, or me- 

The author concluded by observing, that such members 
of the Academy as were Freemasons must be struck by ana- 
logies which he could not more clearly explain. 


A copy of the Ordnance Survey of the County of Cavan, 
in 46 sheets. Presented by Lieut. Colonel Colby. 

Asiatic Researches, Vol. 20, Part I. Presented by Mr. 
Princep. : 

Anglorum Feria, Englandes Holydayes, §c. Presented 
by W. H. Fitch, Esq. 

Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Vol. 1. 
Presented by the Council of the Institution of Civil En- 

Letters on the Conduct of Charles Purton Cooper, Esq., 
Secretary to the Commission of Public Records, and on the 
General Management of the Commission. By Mr. Henry 
Cole. Presented by C. P. Cooper, Esq. 

Letters from Eminent Historical Writers, relating to the 
Publications of the Board of Commissioners on the Public 
Records. Presented by the same. 

Observations, Letters, and Opinions of the Commissioners, 
on the Constitution and Duties of the Record Commission. 
Presented by the same. 


February 27. 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D. D., Provost, T.C.D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Mr. Petrie read a paper, being an account of a valuable 
Irish MS. belonging to the Earl of Roden, (of which a 
transcript has been recently made for the Academy, under 
the direction of Mr. Petrie, by Mr. Eugene Curry,) with 
a biographical notice of its author. 

This MS., which is of great celebrity among Irish scho- 
lars and historians, was compiled between the years 1650 
and 1664, by Duald Mac Firbis, from various ancient 
historical works many of which are now lost, and contains 
the most complete historical account of the several tribes 
who made settlements in Ireland and Scotland, with ge- 
nealogies of all the principal families descended from them. 
Its compiler was the last of the hereditary antiquaries of 
Lecan Mac Firbis, in the county of Sligo, by whom the ce- 
lebrated MS. called the Book of Lecan, now in the Library 
of the Academy, was compiled in the fourteenth and fifteenth 
centuries; and it is a valuable supplement to the genealogical 
portion of that great work, the pedigrees being, in most 
instances, continued down to the time of the writer. It also 
contains a vast quantity of matter not to be found in any 
other works, as historical and topographical poems, &c., but 
particularly an account of the Danish and Anglo-Norman 
families, which is of inestimable value. 

The MS. is a small thick quarto on paper, containing 
about 1000 pages, and is wholly in the hand-writing of 
Mac Firbis, with the exception of a small portion in the 
hand-writing of Michael O’Clery, the chief of the celebrated 
annalists popularly called the Four Masters. The transcript 
made for the Academy agrees in every respect with the ori- 
ginal, with which it has been compared most carefully by 


Mr. O'Donovan. It is, however, more perfect; as many 
chasms caused by stains and other injuries have been sup- 
plied from abstracts of the work made by the compiler him- 
self, and many corrections and much additional matter found 
in those abstracts have been inserted. The Academy’s 
transcript may therefore be considered the only perfect copy 
of the work now existing. 

Professor Lloyd read a note on the Aurora Borealis of 
the 18th inst., of which the following is an extract :— 

“‘ At a quarter past ten o'clock, on the night of the 18th 
inst., my attention was called to a remarkable ruddy ap- 
pearance in the eastern part of the sky, which, at first view, 
- seemed to arise from the reflexion of a fire. Ona more at- 
tentive examination, however, it was soon evident that the 
appearance was purely meteoric. It was, in fact, an auroral 
phenomenon, though of a very peculiar kind. 

“Tt was bright moonlight, and Mars had just appeared 
after his occultation by the moon. The sky was entirely 
without clouds ; but the northern, eastern, and western seg- 
ments were covered with a curtain of diffused Aurora, re- 
sembling a luminous vapour. This curtain was lifted from 
the horizon on the east and west, and exhibited a deep 
blue sky. But the distinguishing appearance was, that 
large masses of this light, especially towards the east and 
north-east, were of a blood-red colour, which presented a 
vivid contrast to the blue of the sky beneath. A large 
patch of this red light, about 40° from the horizon to the 
eastward, was the most remarkable. It continued distinctly 
visible for upwards of half an hour; and its motion was so 
rapid that in this time it had advanced from about due east 
to a point nearly south-east. 

There was a mass of white streamers to the north, which 
reached nearly to the zenith, and pointed somewhere be- 
tween the magnetic and due north. At half past ten o’clock, 

a ey 


a brilliant and well defined stream of light of the blood-red 
colour appeared a little to the south of west, and seemed to 
be a disjointed portion of the eastern red mass. A few minutes 
after its appearance, a large mass of white auroral light be- 
gan to rise rapidly from the northern horizon; at the same 
time the northern streamers became much more vivid, and 
took a fan-like appearance, converging to a point not far from 
the zenith. There was no appearance, however, of Corona. 
Shortly after, (about 10%. 40’), a portion of the light of these 
streamers, about midway between a Ursz and Polaris, as- 
sumed the unusual blood-red tint, and continued of this 
colour for several minutes. 

** Before 11 o'clock all the peculiar appearances had 
nearly gone; and there remained nothing but the faint lu- 
minous clouds, with light streamers to the N.N.W. These 
streamers were still playing at 12 o’clock, and extended 
from the zenith to within about 30° of horizon. 

“The thermometer stood at 38° fahr., and the barometer 
at 29.786 inches. The wind was dry and piercing.”* 

* The following note, by Mr. Bergin, supplies the account of the early part of 
the phenomenon :— 

“On alighting at the Dunleary station at 7 o’clock, (from the Railway,) we 
observed a magnificently coloured crimson Aurora as a broad mass to the westward; 
and our first impression for a moment was, that it was the light from one of the en- 
gine furnaces reflected from a cloud of steam. It extended from near the horizon 
towards the zenith, with frequent flashes or streamers within itself. From the main 
mass, round by the north, and onward to the east, the whole sky had a crimson or 
carmine tint; and were it not for the brilliant moon (near the full) I do believe 
the splendour would have equalled any I have ever heard of. * * * * The Aurora 
assumed the general appearance of an arch; the first observed mass to the westward 
being one leg which faded away toward the zenith, where there was a steady cir- 
cular patch of great brilliancy of colour, and from thence, separated by a small in- 
terval, was a faint limb descending to the eastern horizon. * * * * These appear- 
ances continued with scarcely any change till near 8 o’clock. About 9 o’clock the 
general appearances were much the same, save that the eastern limb of the arch 
was not visible, and the western much more intensely coloured, and like a steady 
column. * * * * Throughout, its limits had been well defined ; and it was perfectly 

transparent, stars of the third, and perhaps the fourth magnitude being seen 
through it.” 



Professor Lloyd read a note on a new electrical phe- 

The Rev. J. H. Todd, F.T.C.D., gave a short account 
of a MS. of the four Gospels, of the seventh century and in 
Irish characters, which is preserved in the Library of his 
Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth. The 
volume is a small quarto, in the minute hand called Caroline, 
common to all Europe in the reign of Charlemagne, but now 
used only in Ireland, and known as the Ivish character. The 
present volume appears to have belonged to Maelbrigid 
Mac Dornan, or Mac Tornan, who was Archbishop of Ar- 
magh in the ninth century, and died A. D. 925. By him it 
was probably sent as a present to Athelstan, King of the 
Anglo-Saxons, who presented it to the city of Canterbury. 
These facts are inferred from the following inscription in 
Anglo-Saxon characters, (and in a hand of the ninth or be- 
ginning of the tenth century,) which occurs on a blank page 
immediately following the genealogy in the first chapter of 
St. Matthew. 



The former part of this inscription Mr. Todd professed 
himself unable to translate to his own satisfaction. Textus, 
in the Latinity of the middle ages, is a term frequently em- 
ployed to denote the Four Gospels; but dogmatizare, in 
the same dialect, is generally used in a bad sense, to assert 
--erroneous or heretical opinions, a signification which it can- 
not well bear here: triguadrus, when used as an adjective, 


is equivalent to tripartitus, trisected, and its use as a sub- 
stantive is rare. 

The mention of Maelbrigid Mac Dornan, in connexion 
with the present volume, might be relied upon as sufficient 
evidence of its Irish origin; but there is proof of this fact 
still more conclusive. In the lower margin of the page, 
which contains the account of our Lord being compelled to 
bear his cross, (from ver. 24 to 32 inclusive, of the 27th chap- 
ter of St. Matthew,) there is the following note in the Irish 
language, and in the hand-writing of the original scribe: 

mon aryapyra F COJMDIA 
| njme Jj calman 

The second word is probably a contraction for ayranan ya, 
or as it would now be spelt, eayonojn ya; the whole there- 
fore, in modern orthography and without contractions, is to 
be read as follows: 

Mont eayonoyyt 7a Foyt CojMoJa nJME azuy calman. 

Great dishonour this to the God of heaven and earth. 

The discovery of this MS., and the satisfactory proof 

which these facts afford of its Irish origin, are important, as 
adding another to the many instances with which we are al- 
ready acquainted, of the employment of Irish scribes in the 
transcription of the Scriptures during the sixth and seventh 
centuries. Itis now well ascertained that almost all the sacred 
books so highly venerated by the Anglo-Saxon Church, and 
left by her early bishops as heirlooms to their respective 
sees, were obtained from Ireland, or written by Irish scribes, 


The Mining Review, and Journal of Geology, Mineralogy, 
and Metallurgy. Conducted by Henry English, Esq., 
F.G.S., &c. No. IX. (New Series.) Presented by the 



March 16. (Stated Meeting.) 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost T. C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

This being the day of the annual election, the following 
Officers and Members of Council were chosen for the en- 
suing year: 

President—Rev. Bartholomew Lloyd, D. D. 

Lreasurer—Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D. 

Secretary—Rev. Joseph Henderson Singer, D. D. 

Secretary to Council—Rev. Richard Mac Donnell, D. D. 

Secretary of Foreign Correspondence—Sir Wm. Betham. 

Librarian—Rey. William Hamilton Drummond, D. D. 

Committee of Science. 

Rev. Franc Sadleir, D. D., Rev. Richard Mac Donnell, 
D. D., Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, 
James Apjohn, M.D., James Mac Cullagh, Esq., Captain 
Portlock, R. E. 

Committee of Polite Literature. 

The Archbishop of Dublin, Rev. Joseph Henderson 
Singer, D.D., Andrew Carmichael, Esq., Samuel Litton, 
M.D., Rev. William Hamilton Drummond, D.D., Rev. 
Charles Richard Elrington, D. D., William West, M. D. 

Committee of Antiquities. 

Rey. James Henthorn Todd, Thomas Herbert Orpen, 
M. D., Hugh Ferguson, M. D., Sir William Betham, George 
Petrie, Esq., Rev. Caesar Otway, Dean of St. Patrick’s. 

Professor Kane read a paper, entitled “‘ Researches on 
the Combinations derived from Pyroacetic Spirit.” 

In order to understand the relation between the following 
bodies and pyroacetic spirit, the atomic weight of the latter 


must be considered as representing four volumes of vapour, 
and its formula written c,u,0,. It has been found to give 
a series generally analogous to that of ordinary alcohol, and 
Professor Kane proposes for it the name Mesitic Alcohol. 

By means of sulphuric acid there is obtained a fluid 
colourless, of an alliaceous odour, boiling at 276. F. and having 
the composition c,H,, to which is given the name Mesity- 

By acting on mesitic alcohol with perchloride of phos- 
phorus there is generated phospho-mesitylic acid, and a 
compound fluid heavier than water, which has the formula 
c, H, cZ; and, by the decomposition of the latter by means of 
potash, a body c,u,0. ‘These may be considered either as 
containing Mesitylene, or a hypothetic radical Mesityl, 

C,H, +0. Oxide of Mesityl. | c,H,-+-Ho. Hydrate of Mesity- 

c,H,-+cl. Chloride of Mesi- ; c,H,-++-Hcl. Muriate of Mesi- 
tyl. tylene. 

By the action of phosphorus and iodine on mesitic alcohol, 
there is produced an iodide of mesityl, having the formula 
C, H, I. 

Oxide of Mesityl unites with sulphuric acid in two pro- 
portions, forming the sulphate and the bisulphate of mesityl; 
both of these are acid, and unite with bases forming well 
characterized salts. 

The salts of the former are called sulphomesitylates, and 
of the latter persulphomesitylates; and a very anomalous 
character in these salts is, that the quantity of the inorganic 
base is such as could neutralize the whole of the sulphuric 
acid which they contain. ‘Thus the sulpho-mesitylate of 
lime has the formula 

so, +C, H,0 +Cca0-+ HO; 


and the persulphomesitylate of lime 
2so0, +c, H, 0-+2ca 0+ HO. 

When an excess of phosphorus is used in the process 
for making iodide of mesityl, there is obtained in the retort 
a white matter in silky crystals, which dissolves in water, is 
very acid, and forms well characterized salts, which, when 
heated, take fire and burn with a well marked flame of phos- 
phorus. This acid is termed hypophosphomesitylous acid ; 
and the formula of the hypophosphomesitylate of baryta is 


In the decomposition of mesitic alcohol by perchloride 
of phosphorus there is obtained an acid which gives a soda 
salt crystallizing in rhombs which contain water of crystal- 
lization. ‘Their formula is 

P, 0, +Nao+c,H,0+6nHo0. 

Professor Kane stated that he had obtained also thé aldehyd 
of the mesityl series, as well as bodies procured by the action 
of chlorine and iodine on mesitylene, and the acids which 
are generated by the oxidation of mesitic alcohol, the history 
of which bodies shall form the subject of another paper. 

The empyreumatic oil, which is produced in small quan- 
tity when mesitic alcohol is prepared by distilling acetate of 
lime, has been submitted to analysis by Professor Kane, and 
its composition found to be c,, 4,0. It therefore belongs to 
the family of which oil of turpentine is the base, and is po- 
lymeric with camphor, and the pinic, sylvic, and copaivic 

Dr. Apjohn read a paper “‘ On the Specific Heats of the 
Aeriform Fluids.” 

The first part of this communication was an analysis of, 
and some critical remarks upon, the labours of those who 

* In this abstract the atomic weights are taken, Hydrogen = 1. Oxygen=8. 
Carbon = 6, 13. 


had preceded the author in the same investigation, parti- 
cularly those of Dulong. Dr. Apjohn’s own method was 
then detailed. In a paper read by him before the Academy 

in April, 1835, the equation* f” = f’ — aud x? was proved 

to include the solution of the dew-point aay But the 
factor a in this expression, which is obviously equal (when 
the a or gas is dry, or in other words, when f”=0) to 
me 28 
48d °° 
gas which is supposed to be the subject of experiment. 
Hence if f’ and d be determined for the various aeriform 
fluids by observation, their relative capacities for caloric 
‘can be compared. Such is the principle of the method. 
Two distinct series of experiments were then detailed, 
from the second of which, as comprehending those which he 
conceives to be most accurate, the author has deduced the 
following table of specific heats : 

= is the specific heat under a given volume of the 

Specific Heats of equal Volumes. 

Atmospheric Air,. . . . . 1.000 
INieee; iis 28s stuns, GOS 
Oxygen, (by aldutselo ae pene s 
BIY@TORERg crres. 4s, dines -pyer ee 
GasboutevAcibesd «. «. 02... BI9S 
Carbonic Oxide ~.. . >. . ~~» ~.996 
Witrous Oxide, 0... td's. 1.199. 

Dr. Apjohn conceives himself justified in drawing from 
his researches the following conclusions : 

1°. All gases have not under equal volumes the same 
specific heat. 

2°, This law is not even true of the simple gases. 

*d=t —t’ the difference of the temperatures shown by a wet and dry ther- 

mometer, and f" is the elastic force of vapour at temperature t’. 


3°. There does not appear to be any simple relation be- 
tween the specific heats of the gases, and their specific gra- 
vities or atomic weights. 

A paper was then read “ On some remarkable Salts, ob- 
tained by the action of Ferrocyanide of Potassium cn Sulpho- 
vinates and Sulphomethylates.”* By William Gregory, M. D., 
F.R.S. E., &c. 

The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer’s 
Account reported as follows : 

** Kxamined the above Account,t with the vouchers pro- 
duced, and found it to be correct ; and we find that there is 
a balance in bank of £284 6s. 5d., and in the Treasurer’s 
hands £110 16s. 1d., making a total balance of £395 Qs. 6d. 

** (Signed,) 
** Franc SADLEIR, 

“C. R. Exrineton. 
** Feb. 20th, 1837.” 

*‘ The Treasurer reports that there are the following por- 
tions of Stock in the Bank of Ireland to the credit of the 
Academy : 

* £1500 in the 3 per Cent. Consols. 

** £1500 in the 33 per Cent. Government Stock, being the 
Cunningham Fund. 

** (Signed,) 

“ Feb. 20th, 1837.” 

* An abstract of this paper will be given in the next number of the Proceedings. 
+ Entered in the Treasurer’s Book. 



Observations on the Evidence taken before the Committee 
of the House of Commons, on the Record Commission in 1836, 
and the Report so far as it refers to the Irish Records. By 
Sir William Betham, Ulster King of Arms, &c. &c. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

An Oration on the Important Advantages derivable from 
Philosophical Instruction. By Henry W. Dewhurst, Esq. 
Presented by the Author. 

A Practical Treatise on the Management and Diseases of 
Children. By Richard T. Evanson, M.D. Presented by 
the Author. 

The following is the extract from the letter of the Baron 
de Donop to Sir William Betham, referred to in the last 
number of the Proceedings: 

* Qur literati in Germany have been of late much 
excited and interested by the alleged discovery of the MS. 
Translation of the History of the Phenicians, by Philo 
Biblius, now printing at Bremen. It is generally considered 
a modern fabrication ; but at the same time it is not easy 
to say by whom. Time will, at no very distant period, de- 
cide the question, as upwards of 100 pages of the Greek 
text have been already printed. 

“For myself, I am inclined to think it genuine. A close 
and careful examination of a portion which has appeared at 
Hanover, has convinced me that no fabricator could have 
formed that work, unless he had been profoundly acquainted 
with the writings of Vallancey, O’Connor, your own works, 
and those of all others who have asserted the identity of 
the Phoenician Punic language with that of Ireland; for it is 
that tongue which is recognized in all the names, almost 

without exception, which in the mouth of Sanconiathon 
ought to be Pheenician. 


“The most surprizing fact of all is, that in the Chronicles 
of O’Connor,* which is a book almost unknown in Germany, 
are to be found accordances not to be mistaken. For in- 
stance, what the Chronicles call aot-magh, Sanconiathon calls 
Ma thai. O’Connor says 00)-maz, a flat country, or region 
of plains, and Mathai-Bal is the first king of the Syrian 
Pheenician plains of Sidon, according to Sanconiathon. His 
name, therefore, is nothing more than Magd-ai-Bal—and, as 
in the Chronicles, this aoi-mag is the Sidonian Hamath of the 
ancients—the same Mathai-Bal of Sanconiathon, who caused 
to be constructed the fortress of Hamath on the plains, to 
defend himself against the neighbouring mountaineers. 

“* Maol, in the Chronicles, is the name of one of the kings 
of the Gael. The same name appears on the famous Lybian 
stone of Tucca. Sanconiathon places Be-maol at the head of 
the kings of Sidon, and his descendants are called O-Christo- 
bi-mal, which is evidently nothing more than ceapt-o- 

«Between 1020 and 1008, B. C., the Chronicles mention 
Jac-yam, king of Phoenicia, a conqueror, jealous of the dig- 
nity of his empire, to whom all the natives of Spain were 
tributary. At the same period, according to Sanconiathon, 
‘there reigned a king of Pheenicia of the same name, Joram— 
the Hiram of Solomon—and that Joram was not only master 
of the west, but extended his rule to the Isle of Ceylon. 

*‘The most interesting portion of all Sanconiathon, is 
the Pheenician periplous, in which is set forth an enumera- 
tion of the Phoenician colonies, extending to the Canary 
Islands, with their sea and land forces, made by order of 


* The Chronicles mentioned by Baron de Donop are the Chronicles by 
Mr. Roger O’Connor, which are nothing more than a paraphrastic version of the 

Milesian story. 




1837. No. 4. 

March 16. 
(Continued from last Number.) 

“On some remarkable Salts, obtained by the action of 
Ferrocyanide of Potassium on Sulphovinates and Sulpho- 
methylates.” By William Gregory, M.D., F.R.S. E., &c. 

When ferrocyanide of potassium is added to sulphovi- 
nate of lime, a precipitate appears, which, when heated, 
gives off hydrocyanic ether. This salt (called a) contains 
iron, calcium, potassium, cyanogen, and the base of ether. 

The mother liquid is found to contain a salt B, very so- 
luble in water and alcohol, which, also, on being heated, 
yields hydrocyanic ether. The ingredients of B are sulphu- 
ric acid, potash, ether, and cyanogen. 

In order to avoid the confusion which might result from 
the use ofa salt of lime, (as Mosander has shown that ferrocy- 
anide of potassium produces in the salts of lime, generally, 
a precipitate consisting of iron, calcium, potassium, and 
cyanogen,) the author next tried sulphovinate of potash. 
By the action of ferrocyanide of potassium on this salt he 
got a salt c, corresponding to a, but different; and another 
salt D, identical with B. 

When sulphomethylate of lime was employed, two salts 
Eand ¥F were obtained, exactly analogous to a and B: and 
by employing sulphomethylate of potash he got G, corres- 
' ponding to £, and 4, identical with Fr. 



As it seemed likely that the study of any one of these 
reactions would explain all the rest, the author began with 
the analysis of cg and u, of which he had a larger supply 
than of the others. 

G is lemon yellow, transparent, soluble in water, insoluble 
in alcohol, crystallizing in square tables much resembling 
those of ferrocyanide of potassium. By exposure to a heat 
of 212°, it loses 13.5 per cent. water of crystallization, and 
becomes opaque. More strongly heated it is decomposed, 
giving off hydrocyanate of methylene, = c, H, cy or Me cy. 
The analysis corresponds with the formula 4 x cy, 3 Fe cy, 
M cy, 8 Aq. 

H is white, very soluble in water and alcohol, crystallizing 
in square shining tables. It closely resembles sulphome- 
thylate of potash, but differs from it in being anhydrous, in 
containing cyanogen, and in yielding hydrocyanate of me- 
thylene when decomposed by heat. Its analysis agrees with 
the formula 6s 0,,3k 0, M0, Mcy. 

If 3 equivalents of ferrocyanide of potassium be supposed 
to act on 3 of sulphomethylate of potash there is the follow- 
ing equation: 

3 equiv. Ferrocyanide 3 equiv. Sulpkomethylate 
6 K cy, 3 Fe cy + 6s0,8kK0,8mMo0= 
1 equiv. @ 1 equiv. H 
= 4kcy,3Fecy,Mcy + 6s0,, 3K0, MO, MCy 

+2ko. 2.e. 2 equiv. potash. In conformity with this ex- 
planation, the liquid in which 4 crystallizes is alkaline. 

If this explanation be admitted, it will of course apply, 
mutatis mutandis, to the salts a B,cp, EF. ‘The author, 
however, is not yet satisfied that the salts which he analyzed 
may not have been mixtures, perhaps in definite proportions. 
No doubt can be entertained that new salts have been 
formed, but the close resemblance between their properties 
and those of the salts which yield them, renders the task of 
purifying and analyzing them one of great difficulty. 

(To be continued.) 

April 10. 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost T. C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Rev. Charles William Wall, D.D., F..T.C.D., Robert 
William Smith, M. D., and William Armstrong, Esq., were 
elected Members of the Academy, 

A paper was read “On a new variety of Alumn,” by 
James Apjohn, M. D., M.R.1.A., Professor of Chemistry 
in the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland. 

This paper commenced with a brief description of the 
physical characters and chemical properties of the mineral 
in question, which was found about 600 miles to the north 
of the Cape of Good Hope, near Algoa Bay, where it occurs 
in strata whose aggregate thickness is about twenty feet. 
The specimen described is composed of transparent threads 
or fibres, exhibiting a beautiful silky lustre, and in appear- 
ance closely resembling satin-spar or the finer forms of ami- 
anthus. In taste, solubility in water, and other properties, it 
corresponded with ordinary alumn. It was also easily shown 
to contain sulphuric acid and alumina, but in addition it 
contained a base which, though precipitated like alumina 
by potash, was not redissolved by an excess of the alkali. 
This, upon examination, turned out to be protoxide of man- 
ganese. There was no alkali, but about one per cent. of 
sulphate of magnesia. 

In the first attempt at effecting the analysis of the mine- 
ral it was found that alumen and protoxide of manganese 
could not be separated perfectly by potash, as some of the 
oxide was taken up by the alkali, while a considerable quan- 
tity of alumen was left behind with the oxide. The author 
explained a method of overcoming this difficulty, the parti- 
culars of which are given in detail in the paper. The fol- 



lowing are the results—the numbers in column (2) being the 
quotients got by dividing those in column (1) by the oe 
tive atomic weights: 
i) e@-. @) 
Sulphuric Acid, . . . 32.79 .817 4.000 
Alumina, .. . . . 10.65 .414 2.026 
Oxide of Manganese, . 7.33 .205 1.003 
Sulphate of Magnesia, . 1.08 
Water of Crystallization, 48.15 5.350 26.315 


The numbers in column (3) being almost exactly the in- 
tegers, 4,2, 1, and 26, show that the substance analyzed is a 
true alumn, having, as respects its acid and bases, the same 

(3so,, Ad, 0, -+S0,, Mno + 26HO) 
with all the known species of that genus, and the same 
number of atoms of water with soda alumn. It differs from 
all those previously known in containing no alkali, this being 
replaced by protoxide of manganese. As an additional pe- 
culiarity Dr. A. observed that it did not appear susceptible 
of assuming the octohedral form. 

The paper concluded with some remarks upon the pro- 
bable existence of an alumn containing no metal but manga- 
nese, and upon certain difficulties in the doctrines of isomor- 
phism, suggested by some of the varieties of this class of salts.. 

Captain Portlock brought under the notice of the Aca- 
demy some peculiar habits of the Otus Brachyotos, or short- 
eared owl, lately observed by Captain Neely, whilst collect- 
ing for the Ordnance Survey of Ireland. 

This species of the sub-genus otus being migratory, is 
much rarer than the otus vulgaris, or long-eared owl, and it 
differs from it in many striking respects, such as the small 
size of the elongated feathers, commonly called ears, which 


in this species can only be discerned when the bird is living, 
and in its tendency to diurnal habits. But in the instance 
now recorded it exhibits other peculiarities of habit which 
afford a still more remarkable line of distinction. The point 
of Magilligan, forming the Derry side of the opening of 
Lough Foyle to the sea, is studded at its extremity with nu- 
merous sand hillocks, in which the rabbits burrow and the 
sheldrakes lay their eggs, as in other similar localities. But 
kere a new occupant for the burrows of the rabbits appears in 
the otus brachyotos. These birds are regular in their au- 
tumnal appearance, and are seen to sit at the openings of the 
burrow-holes, and to run into them when disturbed. 

Captain Portlock having directed further attention to the 
fact, and pointed out the necessity of guarding against any 
source of fallacy, the truth of the first statement was fully 
established, more than one having been shot on emerging 
from the holes, and another actually caught in a trap at the 
mouth of a hole when endeavouring to make his escape. This 
interesting fact naturally recalls to recollection the stria cuni- 
cularicis of America, described by Say; and Captain Port- 
lock pointed out the great value of characteristic traits of 
- habit in elucidating classification, and suggested the peculiar 
importance of those described in his paper, in affording a 
link of resemblance between the stria cunicularicis and the 
otus brachyotos, and thereby facilitating the determination 
of the true place, in natural classification, of the former, 
hitherto considered doubtful. 

The Secretary communicated the substance of a paper 
** On the Conic Sections,” by James Booth, Esq. 

The methods hitherto adopted in deducing the central 
and focal properties of the conic sections, from arbitrary 
definitions having appeared to the author defective in geo- 
metrical elegance, he has endeavoured in this paper to derive 


them from new definitions, of which the following may be 
considered the principal : 

1. If two spheres be inscribed in a right cone touching 
the plane of a conic section, the points of contact are called 

2. The radical plane of these two “focal spheres” inter- 
sects the major axis in a point called the centre. 

The property from which the definition of a focus here 
given is derived, although known for several years, has not 
been hitherto applied further than to show that this point is 
identical with the focus as usually defined. 

By the help of the above definitions, and of the simplest 
elementary principles, the central and focal properties already 
known have been deduced, generally in one or two steps, 
and several new theorems have been likewise discovered in 
the development of the method. 

A paper ‘‘ On Fluorine,” by G. J. Knox, Esq., and the 
Rev. Thomas Knox, was read by Dr. Apjohn. 

The authors, having taken a summary view of all the re- 
searches on fluorine up to the date of the commencement of 
their experiments in April, 1836, proceeded to describe the 
vessels of fluor spar which they used in their first experi- 
ments, and exhibited those which were latterly. found best 
adapted for examining the gas. ‘These vessels were of fluor 
spar lapped with iron wire for the purpose of equalizing the 
temperature, so as to prevent the vessels from splitting on 
a sudden application of heat. In place of a flat cover for 
the vessels, fluor spar receivers were used, the cavities of 
which were filled with ground stoppers of the same material. 
On moving the receivers over the mouth of the vessel the 
stoppers fall in, and their places are occupied by the 
gaseous contents of the vessel. On the top of each of the 
vessels is placed a flat slab of fluor spar, which answers the 
purpose-of a table, upon which the receivers of the gases 


can be moved. On the slab are four small depressions, in 
which are placed the substances upon which the action of 
the gas is to be observed, and over which the receivers, 
when filled with the gas, can be slid. In opposite sides 
of these receivers are drilled holes, into which are fitted, 
air tight, clear crystals of fluor spar, through which the 
colour of any gas in the receiver may be distinctly observed. 
The yessels are supported on a stand over a lamp. 

On heating pure fluoride of mercury in these vessels with 
dry chlorine they obtained a colourless gas, (as seen through 
the fluor,) having a heavy smell not pungent or irritating, and 
thereby easily distinguished from chlorine or hydrofluoric 
acid. When exposed to the air, it does not fume, as 
would be the case were the slightest trace of hydrofluoric 
acid present. The inside of the vessel is found coated with 
crystals of corrosive sublimate. The gas does not extinguish 

ignited phosphorus or red hot iron wire, and consequently 
is (as Sir H. Davy conjectured) a supporter of combustion. 
It detonates with hydrogen, forming hydrofluoric acid. 
Placed over water, the solution (if such) has all the proper- 
ties of hydrofluoric acid, i. e. acts on glass, reddens litmus, 
and gives precipitates with lime and barytes. Placed over dry 
litmus and Brazil wood paper, the former is reddened, and 
the latter turned yellow; in no instance are they bleached. 
When a receiver of the gas is placed over wet glass, the glass 
is strongly acted upon; when the glass is carefully dried, 
the action is not so strong as before. When a small piece 
of dry glass is placed in a perforation in the interior of the 
receiver, the glass is acted upon, but not more so than when 
fluoride of mercury alone is in the vessel, from which they 
conclude that fluorine does not act on perfectly dry glass. 

To ascertain the action of the gas cn metals they found 
it necessary to try the separate effects of hydrofluoric acid, 
sublimed fluoride of mercury, and bichloride of mercury, in 
order to distinguish the action of fluorine from that due 


to the vapour of these substances. For this purpose bis- 
muth and palladium at a moderate heat, and gold at a high 
temperature, afforded distinguishing tests. 'To determine 
the relative attraction of fluorine for those metals upon 
which it does not act except at high temperatures, they used 
as positive poles of a battery of sixty pair of plates, mois- 
tened fluoride of lead, palladium, platinum, gold, and rho- 
dium. The palladium and platinum were always acted 
upon, the gold occasionally, and the rhodium never; from 
which they suppose that fluorine might be obtained in an 
insulated state, by electrolyzing fluoride of lead in a tube of 
fluor spar, using rhodium as the positive pole. 

They were unable to repeat M. Baudrimont’s experi- 
ments in glass or fluor spar vessels. Supposing that the gas 
he obtained was an oxide of fluorine, they heated in a dry 
glass tube iodic acid and fluoride of mercury; supposing 
that since iodine decomposes fluoride of mercury, the oxygen 
and fluorine, being set free from their combinations with op- 
positely electrical bodies (iodine and mercury), would be in 
the most favourable condition for combining. On the appli- 
cation of a moderate heat a pale yellow vapour rose in the 
tube, which did not act on the glass, and bleached litmus. 

Mr. Mallet read a paper “‘ On an hitherto unobserved 
Structure discovered in certain Trap Rocks in the County of 

The town of Galway is built upon a part of an immense 
trap dyke, which extends under the sea and to a consider- 
able distance up Lough Corrib. Large excavations for a 
dock are now making in this rock at Galway, and afford 
a convenient opportunity of examining its structure. It 
separates the limestone on the east (which it tilts wp) from 
the sienite of Cunnemara on the west, (which it overlies or 
mingles with.) 

57 a 

Many of both adjacent rocks are found in an altered 
state imbedded in the trap; which, with the filtering of the 
limestone, prove the deposition a true dyke. 

The mass of the rock consists of greenstone, sp. gravity 
2.87, of a dark green, but frequently veined and mixed with 
many other minerals. 

In the centre of the exposed portion of the dyke rises a 
large vein of nearly white hornstone, presenting very inte- 
resting characters. It contains no imbedded minerals, and 
is homogeneous in structure, but with a lamellar or pseudo- 
crystalline arrangement. Its planes are vertical, and at its 
Junction with the trap it is moulded to it, but not adherent, 
and appears to have been formed from rocks at a greater 
depth than the trap, and ejected through it. The minerals 
found imbedded in this trap rock are various; specimens 
have been obtained of mica, chlorite, felspar, albite, olivine, 
augite, amphibole, epidote, apatite, adularia, chalcedony, sul- 
phate oflime, probably anhydrite, baryto-calcite, arragonite, 
calcareous spar, fluor spar, galena, iron pyrites, sometimes 
magnetic. Epidote is found also on Mutton Island. 

The general mass of this trap rock possesses a hidden 
nodular structure, only developable by blasting. The no- 
dules consist of precisely the same material as their matrix, 
and having the same cohesion, they cannot be detached 
by the hammer. 

The nodules are from eighteen inches in diameter to the 
size ofa nut; they are sometimes found pressed together in 
masses with flat sides, like bubbles. Crystals occurring at 
the surface of a nodule do not pass into the matrix, but are 
truncated thereby. In some cases the nodular structure is 
gradually obliterated, and the usual homogeneous one re- 
places it. 

This nodular formation is essentially different from any 
hitherto described,—as the orbicular granite of Corsica and 
South of France, the. onion stone of the causeway, &c., 


in which the nodule and the matrix are of different materials. 
The present structure would appear to have been produced 
by the ejection of the trap in a fluid state under the sea; 
masses of which, cooling in their passage, fell again into the 
liquid bed, and being enveloped, were heated nearly to the 
temperature of the mass, and so adhered without losing 
their outline. Where several fell together, and were exposed 
to subsequent pressure, they would present the flattened 
appearance before described; and when more deeply en- 
veloped, and thus subjected to a higher temperature, the 
nodular structure would again vanish by their complete 

It is even conceivable that the most capriciously varied 
parts of this and other trap rocks may owe their origin 
to the soldering together of nodules of heterogeneous matter, 
projected from different depths, or at different times, or 
subjected to successive coolings and heatings. 

Professor Kane read a paper entitled ‘“‘ Researches on 
the Compounds derived from Pyroacetic Spirit.” (Second 

When dry chlorine gas is passed into pure mesitylene, 
C,H, muriatic acid is given off, and a compound body, 
solid, in white prismatic crystals, is formed, giving on analysis 
the formula c,u,cl. A yellow substance obtained by the 
action of iodine on nascent mesitylene, but in too small 
a quantity for analysis, is considered to be c, H, I. 

When mesitylene is treated with nitric acid, copious red 
fumes are given off, and a very heavy thick fluid obtained, 
which gives on analysis the formula c,u,0,.. This fluid ab- 
sorbs ammonia, and forms therewith a compound soluble in 
water, and giving with most metallic solutions insoluble pre- 

If pure mesitic alcohol be heated with nitric acid; there is 

— — 


a very violent reaction, and an explosive decomposition, if 
distillation be attempted ; but by diluting with water a heavy 
fluid is produced, which gives, on analysis, unsatisfactory re- 
sults, owing, in the first place, to its decomposing with an ex- 
plosion when heated, and, secondly, to its being always mixed 
with some of the substance last described: the results ob- 
tained indicate, however, as very probable the formula c,H, NO,. 

To connect the above results, Professor Kane proposes 
to assume as radical the body c,H,;, to which he gives the 
name of pteleyl. Then 
C,H, =c,H, +H. Hydruret of pteleyl or mesitylene. 
C,H,cl =c,H, -+cl. Chloride of pteleyl. 

C,H, =c,H, +1. Iodide of pteleyl. 

C,H,0, =C,H,o+Ho. Hydrated oxide of pteleyl, the al- 
dehyd of the mesitic series. 

C, H, NO,= C,H, o-+no,. Hyponitrate of pteleyl. 

The compound heavy liquid produced by the action of 
chlorine on mesitic alcohol, was found to differ but little 
from the description given by Liebig. Its formula, as given 
by Dr. Kane’s analysis, is c,H, 0, c/,; and by the action of 
bases it yields a metallic chloride, and a salt of a new acid 
named by Professor Kane Pteleic Acid. 'This has not yet 
been analyzed, but theory indicates for its composition the 
formula c, H, 0,. 

By the action of permanganate of potash on mesitic al- 
cohol, there is generated a neutral salt of potash containing 
an acid, to which is given the nameof the Perpteleic, whose 
salts generally decompose themselves with facility into car- 
bonates, and a salt of another acid to which the name of the 
Acetonic Acid has been applied. 'The constitution of these 
last three acids remains yet to be fixed by other experiments, 
the author confining himself in the present paper to the 
suggestion of that view of their composition, which, in the 
absence of positive analyses, seems to him most likely to be 


Professor Kane exhibited to the Academy a balance 
made by a German artist, having some peculiarities of con- 
struction and adjustment. 

It was resolved, “ that the Council be authorized, if they 
deem it expedient, to purchase Mr. Underwood’s collection 
of Irish antiquities.” 


Flora Batava, Nos. 105, 106. By H. C. Van Hall. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. By 
J. Seaton Reid, D.D. Vol. 1. Presented by the Author. 

Le Primer Report des Cases et Matters en Ley resolus 
et adiudges en Ley Courts del Roy en Ireland. Presented 
by the same. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. 13, 
Part Il. Presented by the Society. 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vols. 8 and 9. 
Presented by the Society. 

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon- 
don, 1836, Part II. Presented by the Society. 

List of the Fellows of the Royal Society, 80th November, 
1836. Presented by the same. 

Address delivered at the Anniversary Meeting of the 
Royal Society, on Wednesday, November 30th, 1836, by 
His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c. &c. &e. 
the President. Presented by the same. 

Supplement to the Account of the Rev. John Flamstead, 
First Astronomer Royal. By Francis Baily, Esq., F. R.S., 
&c. &c. &c. Presented by the Author. 

General Charte dir Geographischen Verbreitung und 
des Ganges der Cholera, 1816—1837. By Emel Isensee. 
Presented by the Author. 


' Neues System zur Ubersicht der inneren Krankheiten des 
Menschen. By the same. 
Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 
6, Part I. Presented by the Society. 

A Catalogue of the Collection of British Quadrupeds and 
Birds, in the Museum of the Cambridge Philosophical So- 
ciety. Presented by the Society. 

Discussion of the Magnetical Observations made by Cap- 
tam Back, R.N., during his late Arctic Expedition. By 
Samuel Hunter Christie, M. A., F.R.S., &c.. Presented by 
the Author. 

April 24. 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost T.C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Charles Graves, Esq., F.T.C.D., and Thomas Wise, 
Esq., M. P., were elected members of the Academy. 

A paper was read by Professor Kane ‘“ On Dumasine, a 
new Fluid Substance isomeric with Camphor.” 

This fluid is obtained in very small quantity in the dis- 
tillation of acetate of lime for preparing mesitic alcohol. It 
boils at 248°, is colourless, and of a powerful resinous smell. 

Its composition by analysis is c,,H, 0. Thus: 

Experiments. Theory. 
Carbon, = 78,82 — 79,30 
Hydrogen, = 10,46 — 10,35 100,00 
Oxygen, = 10,72 — 10,35 

The specific gravity of the vapour of this liquid was 
found to be 5,204, air being 1. The theoretical density 
from the formula above given, is 5,315, and one atom forms 

two volumes of vapour. It has, therefore, the same density 
as camphor, and like it may be considered as consisting of 

1 volume of vapour of oil of turpentine, = 4,7643 
3 volume of vapour of oxygen, = 0,5518 

1 volume of vapour of dumasine, = 5,3156 

Professor Kane read some passages of a letter from 
M. Dumas, of which the following is an extract: 

«* * * * ‘The researches, of which you have given me 
an account,* promise the happiest results for science, I 
cannot too much encourage you to complete them; you will 
see by the journals that [ have communicated your letter to 
the Academy of Sciences, where it met with the most honour- 
able reception. Allow me to add, that M. Peligot and my- 
self had obtained the carbo-hydrogen, c, H,, as well by sul- 
phuric acid as by anhydrous phosphoric acid. We had 
found, that potassium gave the product c,4,0, which you 
have obtained in another manner, but we were stopped by 
the composition of the sulpho-mesitylate of baryta, of which 
you have given the explanation. These researches have 
been made some time, but other matters caused us to neglect 
them, and I do not now regret it, since they are in such 
good hands. * * * *” 

«<% * = * T announced yesterday to the Academy the 
existence of the carbo-vinate of potash, which is 

KO Co, + C,H,0 + CO,. 

I also obtained, conjointly with M. Peligot, the carbo-methy- 
late of baryta, which is 

Ba. oco, + C,H, 0 + Co’. 

In these bodies the acid changes very readily into carbonic 

* On pyroacetic spirit. See Proceedings, pp. 42 and 58. 


acid and alcohol, or pyroxylic spirit ; and it is remarkable, 
that to form them it is sufficient to pass carbonic acid into a 
solution of baryta in spirit of wood, or of potash in ordinary 
alcohol. Ido not doubt but that similar bodies can be ob- 
tained with pyroacetic spirit, but I shall leave to you the 
pleasure of isolating them. * * * *” 

«© * * * * T shall communicate next Monday to the 
Academy, some observations which may interest you more 
than any other person;* I mean on compounds very analo- 
gous to double chlorides, and which I have obtained by 
means of urea and the alcaline chlorides. Such bodies ap- 

pear to me decisive on the theory of the amides. * * * *” 

Sir William Betham read a paper ‘“ On the Affinity of 
the Pheenician and Celtic Languages, and on the Cabiri and 
their Mysteries.” 

According to Sanconiathon, men in the third generation 
from Protogonus began to worship the sun under the name of 
Baal Samen. The Irish, and all the other Celtz, worshipped 
the sun under the very same title of beal ramajn, the Lord 
of Heaven; and the estuary of the Mersey is named stu- 
arium Belasamena by Ptolemy. 

It is probable, as asserted by many writers, that the 
patriarch Noah was deified under the names Deucalion, 
Ogyges, Saturn, Janus, &c. &c., for all these names are, in 
the Celto-Phcenician, appositely significant of the attributes 
of the supreme God: Deucalion signifies the circle of life, 
or the sun’s course; Ogyges, the supreme wisdom ; Saturn, 
the Lord; and Janus, the ruler of ages. 

Sydyk, the 11th from Protogonus, according to Sanco- 
niathon, is supposed to have been the patriarch Shem. He 
is said to-have been the father of the seven Cabiri.. These 

* For Dr. Kane’s researches on the double chlorides and amides of mercury, 
see Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. xvii. p. 423. 


children were probably the seven sciences personified and 
deified. Thus Uranus was astronomy ; Neptune, navigation ; 
Pluto, mining ; Jupiter Arotrius, (Ceres or Cybele,) agricul- 
ture; Mercury, commerce or trade; Vulcan, mechanics or 
metallurgy ; Apollo, music and the fine arts; to which was 
added /sculapius, the inventor of medicine. It is remark- 
able that Chrysor, or Vulcan, stands in the same generation 
from Protogonus as Tubal Cain does from Adam. 

The Cabiri were the inventors of navigation, and their 
connexion with mining led to the supposition that they were 
infernal deities. Phornutus has preserved a curious list of 
the titles of Pluto, which he vainly attempted to resolve in 
his own language, but which have all reference to mining 
and metals in the Phcenician. 

The Pelasgi are said by Herodotus to have occupied 
Samothrace, and to have established the Cabiric mysteries, 
which they afterwards, under the name of Tyrrheni, carried 
into Italy. Accordingly we find the whole of Etruria re- 
plete with names of Pelasgic or Pheenician origin, thus: 

Tyrsenus—The old land—tjp reanaojr. 

Tarchon—The head land—cjp cean, or Cantyre. 

Attis—Rebuke, repulse—atayr. 

Telephus—The land of death, or malaria—collam-ajye. 

Auga—A bottom or flat valley. 

Perusia—The city on the gentle slope of a river—bjon 
way ja. 

Ciris—The swift stream—cjpb ujy-ze. 

Ttaly—The corn country—je-callam. 

Argessa—The country of skilful tillage—ap zaora. 

Ausonia—The noble old country—aoyr on ja. 

Tyrsenia—The land of old age—cjn peanaoyy. 

The island of Crete was one of the chief seats of the 
Cabiri, where they bore the names of Curetes, Idzi Dactyli, 
and Telchines. Nonnus says they were the sons of Neptune; 
and Diodorus that they were allied to the ocean; that they 


first inhabited Rhodes, and were the children of the sea; that 
Neptune was committed to their care when an infant; and 
that they brought him up. In other words, the Phcenician 
Cabiri, or Mariners, cultivated the science of navigation. 

Minos, the king of Crete, became enamoured of Brito- 
martis, or Dictynna, and demanded seven youths and seven 
virgins annually, from the Athenians, io be devoured by the 
Minotaur ;—in plain language to work in the mines. The name 
of Minos may be from mjanac a miner, or mjon just, aoy 
sage. ‘The Minotaur was from mjana, mines, cojp, pursuit, 
search. ‘The devouring by the monster is thus appositely 
explained. Britomartis signifies Judgments of life, bpreaca 
marc aojy. Dictynna—Hot, fierce fires, dajz cejna. 

The Greeks invented the story of Britomartis hiding 
herself in fishermen’s nets, in order to account, by a word of 
a similar sound in their own language, for the name Dictynna. 
This lady is said to have been born in Pheenicia, i.e. the 
smelting ore by the blast or bellows was invented there; and 
Minos was anxious to avail himself of this invention to 
change his ore into metal, which satisfactorily accounts for 
this fable. 

This personage was also called Laphria, for Minos is 
said to have employed her to pronounce his judgments. This 
is Labpiad, speech-making, giving sentence. This fact also ac- 
counts for the name of Britomartis, the judgments of life. 

The initiated of the Cabiri were enjoined to the strictest 
secrecy respecting the names of the great Gods. ‘The reason 
of this is now obvious. Had they been known, the sources 
of the wealth of the Pheenicians would have been revealed. 

Sir William Betham then added a short notice of a 
Hindoo Legend, from a paper in the Asiatic Researches, by 
Captain Wilford, showing that the Cabiric mysteries existed 
in India, under the names Cubera or Cuvera, Asyoruca, 

_ Asyotcersa, Asyotchrista, Cashmala and Carmala; and that 
these deities or genii superintended mining and metals. 


Professor Mac Cullagh read a paper ‘‘ On the Chronology 
of Egypt.” 

In this paper the author endeavours to ascertain the 
names of the Egyptian sovereigns who were contemporary 
with Moses. For this purpose he finds it necessary to de- 
termine the interval between two celebrated epochs—the 
reign of Menes and the Exodus of the Israelites. He con- 
ceives that the former epoch is fixed by the “ old chronicle” 
at the distance of 443 years from the beginning of a cynic 
(or canicular) cycle ; and he thinks it strange, that this sim- 
ple meaning should not have occurred to chronologists, who 
have universally supposed the ‘‘ cynic cycle” of the old chro- 
nicle to be a series of demi-god kings who derived that ap- 
pellation from the dog-headed Anubis. The canicular 
cycle is a well-known period of 1460 years, which the Egyp- 
tians seem to have used for computing time, as we sometimes 
use the Julian period. Cne of these cycles commenced in 
the year 2782, before the Christian era; and if we reckon 
443 years in advance, we shall have the year B. C. 2339, for 
the commencement of the reign of Menes. This date agrees 
well with the computation of Josephus, who says that the 
interval from Menes to Solomon was upwards of 1300 years. 
Again, we are told by Clemens of Alexandria, that the 
Exodus of the Israelites took place 345 years before the be- 
ginning of a canicular cycle. This is evidently the cycle 
which commenced B.C. 1322; and hence we have B.C. 
1667 for the date of the Exodus. The interval between 
Menes and the Exodus was, therefore, about 670 years. 

If, now, we take the catalogue of Eratosthenes, which 
commences with Menes, we shall find, at the distance of 
670 years from Menes, a king named Achescus Ocaras, who 
reigned only one year; preceded bya king named Apappus, 
who reigned a hundred years, and succeeded by queen Ni- 
tocris who reigned six years. Mr. Mac Cullagh thinks, that 
Apappus is the king in whose reign Moses was born; that 
Ocaras is he who pursued the Israelites to the Red Sea ; 


and that Nitocris is the famous queen mentioned by Hero- 
dotus. It may be objected, that Eratosthenes gives us the 
succession of Theban kings, whereas the Pharaohs of the 
Mosaic history reigned in Lower Egypt; but it is remark- 
able, that the three sovereigns mentioned above are found 
in Manetho’s dynasties among those who reigned at Mem- 
phis; and it is singular, that these are the only sovereigns 
(except Menes and his immediate successor) in which the 
dynasties of Manetho and the catalogue of Eratosthenes 
agree. All the other names are different. Of course, the 
predecessors of Apappus, at ‘Thebes and at Memphis, were 
different; and, thus, we can easily understand how there 
arose up at Memphis “anew king who knew not Joseph.” 
It would appear, in fact, that Apappus was of a Theban 
family, and that he succeeded, for some reason or another, 
to the throne of Lower Egypt. He was only six years old 
(as we learn from Manetho) when he came to the throne; 
and it is natural to suppose, that his chief advisers, as he 
grew up, were the courtiers who accompanied the young 
king from his own country to Memphis, and who knew no- 
thing of Joseph, and cared nothing for his people. Accord- 
ingly, when Apappus arrived at manhood, he issued an or- 
der, that every male child of the Hebrews should be de- 
stroyed, lest they should grow too numerous for the Egyp- 
tians; and, under these circumstances, Moses was born in 
the twenty-first year of his reign, and was saved by the king’s 
young daughter, a girl about ten years’ old. About the 
sixtieth year of Apappus, Moses was obliged to fly to the 
land of Midian, for having killed an Egyptian; and when, 
at length, the king of Egypt died—“after many days,” as it 
is in the original—Moses returned in the beginning of the 
reign of Ocaras, before whom were performed those signs 
and wonders which prepared the way for the departure 
of the Israelites. On the night of the Passover, the king 
lost his first-born, perhaps his only son; and this may be 


the reason that he was succeeded by his sister Nitocris. The 
short reign of Ocaras (a single year) might be explained by 
supposing that he was drowned in the Red Sea; but as there 
is nothing in the sacred narrative which obliges us to admit 
that the king perished in this manner, we may adopt the 
account of Herodotus, that he was murdered by his subjects. 
We may imagine that some of his nobles remained with 
Pharaoh on the shore; and that when they saw the sea re- 
turn and swallow up all that had gone in after the Israelites, 
they murdered the king, whose obstinacy had brought such 
calamities on his people, and then placed his sister Nitocris 
on the throne. As Nitocris was the daughter of Apappus, 
there is nothing to prevent us from supposing that the queen, 
now ninety years old, was the princess who had saved the 
infant Moses. Weary of her life, she lived only to avenge 
her brother. For this purpose, says Herodotus, she con- 
structed a large subterranean chamber, to which, when it 
was finished, she invited the principal agents in her brother’s 
death ; and there, by the waters of the Nile admitted through 
a secret canal, they were drowned in the midst of the ban- 

quet. The queen then threw herself into a room filled with 
ashes, where she perished. 

Mr. Petrie, by permission of Colonel Colby, read the first 
part of a paper “On the Antiquities of Tara Hill,” being 
a portion of the memoir written to illustrate the Ordnance 
Map of Meath, now on the eve of publication. 

The author first gives a detail of the mode of investiga- 
tion adopted. An accurate survey and ground plan of the 
locality was first procured. Translations were then made by 
Mr. O’Donovan of such ancient Irish MSS. as could be 
found relating to the subject of inquiry; the different copies, 
where such existed, having been carefully compared so as to 
obtain the greatest possible accuracy in the text. Those of 
chief value, two poems and a prose tract, are compositions 


of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth centuries, and are con- 
tained in the ancient Irish topographical work called the 
Dinseanchus, copies of which are preserved in the books of 
Lecan and Ballymote, in the possession of the Academy, as 
also in MSS. in the College Library, and in the library of 
the Duke of Buckingham at Stowe. Of the poems, one is 
the composition of Cinaeth O’Hartigan, who was chief his- 
torian of the northern half of Ireland, and according to the 
annals of Tighernach, died in 975. The other is the work of 
Cuan O’Lochain, who, according to the same authority, was 
killed in 1024, having been for the two previous years, chief 
poet and lawgiver of Ireland, after the dismemberment of 
the monarchy in the person of Maelseachlin the Second. 
The prose tract is not of equal antiquity with either of these 
pieces, but is more copious in its descriptive details, and is 
of a date at least prior to the twelfth century. The writer ap- 
pears to have personally examined the monuments remaining 
in his time, and often describes their state of preservation 
with remarkable exactness. 

From a comparison of the accounts given in these docu- 
ments with the monuments ascertained by the survey to be 
still in existence, not only all the remaining vestiges have 
been identified with sufficient certainty to warrant the inser- 
tion of their respective names on the map, but the localities 
also of several other monuments of less importance, but 
which are now wholly effaced, have been so far determined 
as to furnish full materials for the construction of a ground 
plan, exhibiting a restoration of the whole. 

The number of these monuments, and the great extent of 
ground which they cover, will be at once evident from an in- 
spection of the map; and, as a striking instance of the his- 
toric interest possessed by them, it may be shortly stated, 
that the strongest evidence has been adduced, from MSS. 
~ much more ancient than any hitherto cited on the subject, to 
show that a remarkable obeliscal pillar-stone, which now 


serves as a head-stone to the grave of the rebels who fell here 
in 1798, is the so celebrated Lia Fail, or coronation stone of 
the Irish kings, which has been generally supposed to have 
been carried into Scotland by the Dalriadic Colony in 503, 
and thence to have been taken by Edward the First into 
England, where a stone alleged to be the same is, it is well 
known, still shown under the coronation chair in West- 
minster Abbey. 

This paper proves, in a very striking manner, the value 
and importance of the great national work to which it be- 
longs; as, previously to the Survey, no accurate plan or de- 
scription of the remarkable ruins of this remotely ancient seat 
of the Irish monarchs had ever been attempted, nor any cri- 
tical examination instituted with a view to the elucidation 
of those Irish MS. records which bear upon the subject. 


Essai Historique sur la Vie et la Doctrine d’ Ammonius 
Saccas, chef d'une des plus célébres Ecoles Philosophiques 
d@ Alexandrie. Par L. J. Dehant. Presented by the Royal 
Academy of Brussels. 

Memoire sur les propriétes et l Analyse de la Phloridzine. 
Par L. de Koninck. Presented by the Royal Academy of 

Bulletin de ? Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-letires 
de Bruxelles, for the year 1836. (Nos. 1 to 12.) Presented by 
the same. 

Annuaire de Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
lettres de Bruxelles. (Troisiéme Année.) Presented by the 

Sur la Latitude de UObservatoire de Bruxelles, par 
A. Quetelet. Presented by the Author. 




1837. No. 5. 

May 8. 
Rev. F. SADLEIR, D. D., F. T. C. D., Vice-President, 
in the Chair. 

Rev. Thomas M‘Neece, F. T. C. D., was elected member of 
the Academy. 

Mr. Petrie read the continuation of his paper ‘‘ Onthe 
Antiquities of Tara Hill.” 

Professor Lloyd read the following extract ofa letter from 
Mr. Bache, President of Girard College, Philadelphia, re- 
lating to a comparison of the Magnetic Intensity in Philadel- 
phia, Dublin, and Edinburgh : 

“ T availed myself of an opportunity afforded by Professor 
Forbes, to observe the horizontal magnetic intensity at Edin- 
burgh, in a locality as far from the disturbing action of the 
trap rocks, on the north of the town, as was convenient. The 
place (Canaan Park) adjoins that in which Mr. Dunlop’s ob- 
servations were made. After correcting for rate of chrono- 
meter and temperature of needle, &c. I get for Edinburgh 
(Dublin being unity) 0.9592. The dip, as determined by ob- 
servation of Professor Forbes, (and given in a recent paper on 
the diminution of magnetic intensity at different heights,) is 
71° 47’. I applied a small correction for the diminished 



magnetic force of the needles, as deduced from observations 
of the previous year; this may not be precise, and may 
slightly change the number. The two needles gave respec- 
tively : 
Bar. Cylinder. . Diff. 
.9576 . 9607 0031 
“Taking your result for Dublin and London, and Captain 
Sabine’s for London and Paris, I deduce for the ratio of 
Edinburgh and Paris, (the latter being unity) 0.8406,—which 
is nearly identical with the direct comparison made by Pro- 
fessor Forbes. It disagrees very materially with the result 
of Captain Hall, by whom Edinburgh and London were first 
compared ; but as the locality of his observations was shown 
by Mr. Dunlop to have rendered them inaccurate, they can- 
not be said to make against these determinations. I have 
not yet had an opportunity to see how far Mr. Dunlop’s 
correction would make the three sets coincide. 
“* My determinations give: 

Philadelphia, . . . 1.0000 

Dublin, (Fe | * S300 

Edinburgh,. . . . 0.7957 
But, of course, the correction for the loss of magnetism 
by the needle, if not exact, would affect these results more 
than that for the two last named places.” 


Flora Batava, No. 109. By H. C. Van Hall. Presented 
by the Author. 

A Copy of the Ordnance Survey of the County of Meath, 
in 55 sheets. Presented by Lieutenant-Colonel Colby. 

On the Arenarius of Archimedes. By Stephen Peter 
Rigaud, M.A., Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Oxford. 
Presented by the Author. 

Mean Heights of the Barometer and Thermometer, with the 
Fall of Rain, at the Observatory, Oxford, during each month 
of the years 1828 to 1836. Presented by the same. 



May 22. 

Rey. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost, T. C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Rey. James Horner, D. D., was elected member of the 

Professor Mac Cullagh read a letter from Joseph S. 
Moore, Esq. on the Australian instrument called Ailee or 
boomerang, so remarkable for the course that it takes when 
thrown in the air. It is a flat piece of wood of a hyperbolic 
form, about 23 inches broad, perfectly plane on one side, 
and slightly convex on the other. A right line joining its 
extremities is about two feet long, and the middle of this 
right line is distant about a foot from the middle of the in- 
strument or the vertex of the hyperbola. When properly 
thrown, it makes a circuit, returns, passes close to the per- 
son who threw it, and even goes behind him, and then at- 
tempts to return again before it falls to the ground. It is 
curious that such a missile should have been invented by 
savages, for, as far as we know, it is found only among the 
natives of New Holland. It is said to be called ké/ee on the 
western, and boomerang on the eastern coast of that country. 
Some of these kilees had been sent to Mr. Moore from the 
Swan River, and though he was unsuccessful in throwing 
them, he succeeded with others which he caused to be made 
of the same general form, but much more curved than the 
originals. ‘The dimensions given above are those which he 
found most convenient. The following is an extract from 
Mr. Moore’s letter : 

« The natives throw them with the convex edge against 
the air; their movement is then from left to right. But the 
way in which I have succeeded was by taking the missile by 


one end, with the concave edge inward, and the plane side 
undermost, the plane making an angle of about forty degrees 
with the horizon; throwing as if to strike the ground at the 
distance of about thirty yards, and giving it, on leaving the 
hand, a rapid rotatory as well as progressive motion. In- 
stead of striking the ground at which it was aimed, its plane 
becomes horizontal at the distance of twenty-five yards, and 
so continues for about fifteen yards, when it commences 
rising in the air, and moving towards the left ; its plane then 
becomes inclined, and continues at an angle of from thirty to 
forty degrees, whilst it describes apparently a segment of a 
circle to the left. Having, at the distance of sixty or seventy 
yards, attained an altitude of from forty to sixty feet, the pro- 
jectile returns, descending to the point from which it was 
projected, when its plane becoming once more horizontal, it 
skims along within a few feet of the ground, and passes close 
by the right hand of the person who threw it. On passing, 
its plane becomes elevated once more, it rises a second time, 
and performs another smaller curve, (fifteen or twenty yards 
behind the projector,) in like manner as the first, with this 
singular exception, that the second curve is described from 
left to right, contrary to the course of its rotation and of the 
first curve, which is invariably from right to left.” 

In bringing the instrument under the notice of the Aca- 
demy, Mr. MacCullagh wished to draw attention to the 
theory of its motion. When a body of any form whatsoever 
is projected in vacuo, we know that its centre of gravity 
must describe a parabola in a vertical plane, while the body 
spins about an axis passing through that centre. In the pre- 
sent case, therefore, itis clear that the continued swerving from 
the vertical plane must be ascribed to the action of the air. 
But to compute accurately the mutual action of the air, and 
of a body endued, at the same time, with a progressive and 
a rotatory motion, is a problem far beyond the present powers 
of science. The problem can only be solved approximately ; 


and, however we may simplify it, the calculations are likely 
to be very troublesome. Even the suppositicn of a resist- 
ance proportional to the square of the velocity (which is 
usually considered as an approximation in questions of this 
sort), would lead to complicated results. It may be ob- 
served, that the motion of the filce is rudely imitated in 
the familiar experiment with a card, cut into the form of 
a crescent, and sent off by a fillip, so as to spin in its own 

Mr. Petrie read the concluding portion of his paper ‘‘ On 
the Antiquities of Tara Hill.” 

In this, as well as in the preceding part, the author has 
endeavoured to ascertain from historic evidences, not only 
the period to which each of the monuments now remaining 
should be referred, but also the date of those of which no 
vestiges exist, but whose features and localities are described, 
in ancient documents. In this investigation, the author 
brought forward a great number of ancient Irish authorities 
not hitherto used or translated, of which one of the most 
curious and interesting is a description of the banqueting 
hall or house of assembly, written by Cinaeth O’Hartigan, 
a celebrated poet of the tenth century. From all these docu- 
ments it appears, that, with the exception of the original 
Tuatha Dedanann cahir, and coronation stone, all the monu- 
ments now or formerly existing on Tara Hill may be classed 
under two distinct eras, both within the limit of authentic Irish 
history. The first and less important class comprises the monu- 
ments belonging to the age of the hero Cuchullin, who died in 
the early part of the first century ; and of these there are no 
remains. The second—to which nearly all the existing monu- 
ments belong—extends to the time of the monarch Cormac 
Mac Art, in the third century. There are only two or three 
monuments of later date. From these facts, the author con- 
cludes, that, before the latter period, Tara had attained to 


no distinguished celebrity as a regal city; and hence its 
omission from the map of Ptolemy, who wrote in the century 

Another fact, derived both from historic evidences and 
existing remains, is, that, with the exception of the cahir 
erected by the Tuatha Dedananns, all the works appear to 
have been of earth and wood; though forts and houses of 
uncemented stones are found in other districts of equally 
ancient or even earlier date. From the uniform character 
which pervades these remains, the author concludes that 
they are the monuments’ of one people; and he thinks that 
the fact above mentioned may help to elucidate the origin 
of that Scotic race, which ruled in Ireland at the period of 

their construction. 

Sir William Hamilton laid before the Academy an ac- 
count of some investigations, in which he had recently been 
engaged, respecting Equations of the Fifth Degree. They 
related chiefly to three points: first, the argument of Abel 
against the possibility of generally and algebraically resolving 
such equations; second, the researches of Mr. Jerrard; and 
third, the conceivable reduction, in a new way, of the original 
problem to a more simple form. 

1. The argument of Abel consisted .of two principal 
parts; one independent of the degree of the equation, and 
the other dependent on that degree. The general principle 
was first laid down, by him, that whatever may be the degree 
n of any general algebraic equation, if it be possible to ex- 
press a root of that equation, in terms of the coefficients, by 
any finite combination of rational functions, and of radicals 
with prime exponents, then every radical in such an. expres- 
sion, when reduced to its most simple form, must be equal 
to a rational (though not a symmetric) function of the roots 
of the original equation; and must, when considered as ‘such 
a function, have exactly as many values, arising from the 


permutation of those n roots among themselves, as it has 
values, when considered as a radical, arising from the intro- 
duction of factors which are roots of unity. And in pro- 
ceeding to apply this general principle to equations of the 
fifth degree, the same illustrious mathematician employed 
certain properties of functions of five variables, which may 
be condensed into the two following theorems: that, if a 
rational function of five independent variables have a prime 
power symmetric, without being symmetric itself, it must be 
the square root of the product of the ten squares of diffe- 
rences of the five variables, or at least that square root mul- 
tiplied by some symmetric function; and that, if a rational 
function of the same variables have, itself, more than two 
values, its square, its cube, and its fifth power have, each, 
more than two values also. Sir W. H. conceived that the 
reflections into which he had been led, were adapted to re- 
move some obscurities and doubts which might remain upon 
the mind of a reader of Abel’s argument; he hoped also 
that he- had thrown light upon this argument in a new way, 
by employing its premisses to deduce, d priori, the known 
solutions of quadratic, cubic; and biquadratic equations, 
and to show that no new solutions of such equations, with 
radicals essentially different from those at present used, re- 
main to be discovered : but whether or no he had himself 
been useful in this way, he considered Abel’s result as esta- 
blished : namely, that it is impossible to express a root of 
the general equation of the fifth degree, in terms of the co- 
efficients of that equation, by any finite combination of radi- 
cals and rational functions. 

2. What appeared to him the fallacy in Mr. Jerrard’s very 
ingenious attempt to accomplish this impossible object, had 
been already laid before the British Association at Bristol, 
and was to appear in the forthcoming volume of the reports of 
that. Association. Meanwhile, Sir William Hamilton was 
anxious to state to the Academy his full conviction, founded 


both on theoretical reasoning and on actual experiment, that 
Mr. Jerrard’s method was adequate to achieve an almost 
equally curious and unexpected transformation, namely, the 
reduction of the general equation of the fifth degree, with 
five coefficients, real or imaginary, to a trinomial form; and 
therefore ultimately to that very simple state, in which the 
sum of an unknown number, (real or imaginary), and of its 
own fifth power, is equalled to a known (real or imaginary) 
number. In this manner, the general dependence of the 
modulus and amplitude of a root of the general equation of 
the fifth degree, on the five moduli and five amplitudes of 
the five coefficients of that equation, is reduced to the de- 
pendence of the modulus and amplitude of a new (teal or 
imaginary) number on the one modulus and one amplitude 
of the sum of that number and its own fifth power; a reduc- 
tion which Sir William Hamilton regards as very remarkable 
in theory, and as not unimportant in practice, since it reduces 
the solution of any proposed numerical equation of the fifth 
degree, even with imaginary coefficients, to the employment, 
without tentation, of the known logarithmic tables, and of 
two new tables of double entry, which he has kad the curio- 
sity to construct and to apply. 

3. It appears possible enough, that this transformation, 
deduced from Mr. Jerrard’s principles, conducts to the 
simplest of all forms under which the general equation of 
the fifth degree can be put; yet, Sir William Hamilton 
thinks, that algebraists ought not absolutely to despair of 
discovering some new transformation, which shall conduct 
to a method of solution more analogous to the known ways 
of resolving equations of lower degrees, though not, like 
them, dependent entirely upon radicals. He inquires in what 
sense it is true, that the general equation of the fifth degree 
would be resolved, if, contrary to the theory of Abel, it 
were possible to discover, as Mr. Jerrard and others have 
sought to do, a reduction of that general equation to the 


binomial form, or to the extraction ofa fifth root of an ex- 
pression in general imaginary! And he conceives, that the 
propriety of considering such extraction as an admitted in- 
strument of calculation in elementary algebra, is ultimately 
founded on this: that the two real equations, 
2 —10a%y?+5ay' =a, 
into which the imaginary equation 
(e+ v —1y)* —a+Vv—1b 
resolves itself, may be transformed into two others which are 
of the forms 
57—10 7 nas 

ea ae 

p°’ =f, and Up 

so that each of these two new equations expresses one given 
real number as a known rational function of one sought real 
number. But, notwithstanding the interest which attaches 
to these two particular forms of rational functions, and ge- 
nerally to the analogous forms which present themselves in 
separating the real and imaginary parts of a radical of the 
n degree; Sir William Hamilton does not conceive that 
they both possess so eminent a prerogative of simplicity as to 
entitle the inverses of them alone to be admitted among the 
instruments of elementary algebra, to the exclusion of the 
inverses of all other real and rational functions of single real 
variables. And he thinks, that since Mr. Jerrard has suc- 
ceeded in reducing the general equation of the fifth degree, 
with five imaginary coefficients, to the trinomial form above 
described, which resolves itself into the two real equations 

2— 10a y?+5zry'+r=4, 
5a*y—102? y>+y?+y=), 
it ought now to be the object of those who interest them- 

selves in the improvement of this part of algebra, to inquire, 


whether the dependence of the two real numbers « and y, in 
these two last equations, on the two real numbers a and 3}, 
cannot be expressed by the help of the real inverses of some 
new real and rational or even transcendental functions of 
single real variables; or, (to express the same thing in a 
practical, or in a geometrical form,) to inquire whether the 
two sought real numbers cannot be calculated by a finite 
number of tables of single entry, or constructed by the help 
of a finite number of curves: although the argument of Abel 
excludes all hope that this can be accomplished, if we con- 
fine ourselves to those particular forms of rational functions 
which are connected with the extraction of radicals. 


Voices from the Time of the Reformation of the Danish 
Church. (In Danish.) Presented by the Literary Society of 
the Diocese of Funen. 7 

Observations on some of the Strata between the Chalk and 
Oxford Oolite, in the South-East of England. By William 
Henry Fitton, M.D., F.R.S., &c. Presented by the Author. 




1837. No. 6. 

June 12. 

Rey. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost, T. C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

A PAPER was read, entitled, ‘An Inquiry into the Pos- 
sibility of transplanting the Cornea, with the view of reliev- 
ing Blindness occasioned by Diseases of that Structure.” 
By Samuel Lenox Bigger, Esq. 

The author stated that his expectation of succeeding in 
this operation had been first raised by the partial success 
attending an attempt which he had made, while a prisoner 
with a nomadic tribe of Arabs,—the subject of the operation 
being a gazelle. Having been thus led to inquire what had 
been done elsewhere to relieve or cure the opaque state of 
the cornea, Mr. Bigger found that the idea of performing the 
operation of transplantation had been entertained in Ger- 
many alone; that experiments had been made in that 
country, by Moesner, Reisinger, Schon, Drolshagen, Dief- 
fenbach, and Thomé, with various results ; but that Wutzer 
was the only person whose belief in the possibility of the 
operation led him to attempt it on the human subject,—an 
attempt in which he was unsuccessful, owing to the resist- 
ance of his patient. 

The author then described the plan of operation which 



he had found most successful, and which had been hitherto 
untried. The results of several experiments performed ac- 
cording to this plan were then read. In a series of eighteen 
experiments, the iris was injured in ten; the crystalline lens 
escaped in eleven; union took place between the implanted 
portion and the adjacent parts in seventeen, in the space of 
forty-eight hours; in twelve, adhesion of the iris took place 
to some part of the cicatrix; sixteen were restored to imper- 
fect vision ; and in one, slough of the lambeau, and consequent 
destruction of the eye, occurred, the portion of cornea to be 
inserted having been detained half an hour before it was 
attached, in order to try how long it would retain vitality 
sufficient to enable it again to take on a vital action. 

The author made several experiments with iodine, nitrate 
of silver, &c., and found that they were incapable of pro- 
ducing any effect on the milky state of the cornea, although 
they appeared to diminish the extent of the cicatrix ; cor- 
rosive sublimate (in the proportion of from half a grain to 
three grains to the ounce of water) was the only medicinal 
substance tried which had the power of restoring absolute 
clearness to the implanted portion. 

The anthor then mentioned the various means he had 
employed to produce absorption of the cicatrix, with their 
results ; explained his view of the cases in which this opera- 
tion might be attempted; and concluded by entreating 
those surgeons, who possessed hospitals, not to be too hasty 
in rejecting an operation, which, from the experiments de- 
tailed, and the living subjects exhibited, was. now proved 
to be at least possible. 

Mr. Bigger then made an oral communication on a series 
of experiments in which he was at present engaged, con- 
nected with the operations detailed in his paper.- The 
object of these experiments was the removal of small spots 
of opaque lymph, where they existed in the centre of the 
cornea. ‘The method employed consisted in passing a liga- 


ture through the opaque spot with a curved needle, which 
serves to fix the eye. Another needle is then passed at 
right angles to the former, and armed with a very fine liga- 
ture, which is allowed to remain loose. The first liga- 
ture being then strained; an incision is made equal in 
length to the nebulous portion; then raising it by the ligature, 
the whole opaque portion may be removed with a sharp 
curved scissors, and by drawing the ligature of reserve, the 
two fresh incised surfaces brought together. 

Professor Kane read a paper “ on the Composition of 
certain essential Oils.” 

The first object of the author, in commencing the exami- 
nation of this subject, was to collect facts towards an ap- 
proximate solution of the problem, “‘ whether there can be 
found any law connecting the composition of the secretions of 
plants of the same genus or natural family.” The three 
alcaloids of the genus cinchona, giving the formule 


appear to furnish a glaring instance of the existence of such 
a law; but the want of connexion in the composition of the 
constituents of opium might be advanced in opposition, 
although not quite a parallel case. The family of the 
coniferze appear well characterized by the presence of the 
hydrocarbon c,4, and its oxides; but the same composition 
is found prevailing among the aurantiz, as in oil of lemons, 
—the myrti, as in the neutral oil of cloves,—and the lauri, 
as in common camphor ; whilst other members of the same 
family, as oil of cinnamon, have formule altogether dif- 

The members of the family of the labiate are characte- 
rized by yielding remarkably aromatic oils by distillation ; 
and as many of these oils, from their use in medicine, are 



easily procured in commerce, Professor Kane considered 
that the determination of the composition of the products of 
certain members of a botanical group, whose natural con- 
nexion is among the best marked, might tend to throw some 
light upon the question at issue. He, therefore, examined 
the oils of the origanum vulgare, lavandula spica, mentha 
piperita, mentha puleghium, and mentha sativa. Great diffi- 
culty was found in obtaining the specimens so absolutely 
pure as to fit them for analysis, as all such oils contain small 
quantities of solid matters, (camphors of the essential oils, 
stearoptens,) which render impure the later products of the 

Repeated analyses of the oil of the mentha puleghium, 
gave for its composition the same formula as for oil of tur- 
pentine, or oil of lemons, that is c,u,, or per cent. 

Theory. Experiment. 
Carbon = 88,45 — 88,56 
Hydrogen = 11,55 — 11,87 

Its boiling point is about 314° F., the same as that of tur- 

The oil of mentha sativa, boiling at 320° F., gave, by 
several accordant analyses, the formula, 

Cz,H,,0 or 7{c,H,}-+0, and per cent. 
Theory. Experiment. 
Carbon = 85,67 — 83,66 
Hydrogen = 11,15 — 11,38 
Oxygen = 3,18 — 2,96 
The oil of the origanum vulgare, boiling at 324° F., gave 
as the result of five analyses, which varied very little from 

one another, the formula, 

C5) H,,0 or 10{c,u,}+-0, and per cent. 


Theory. Experiment. 

Carbon = 86,48 — 86,33 
Hydrogen = 11,27 — 11,44 
Oxygen = 2,25 —_ 2,23 

These three oils, therefore, have the same hydrogen and 
carbon, and differ only in the two latter having absorbed 
small, but perfectly definite quantities of oxygen. 
Oil of the lavendula spica, boiling at 365° F., gave as 
result, the formula cj, 4,,0, or per cent. 
Theory. Experiment. 

Carbon = 80,35 — 79,45 

Hydrogen = 10,90 — 11,30 

Oxygen = 8,75 — 9,25 

The oil of peppermint had been analyzed by Blanchet 

and Sell, who obtained results, giving the formula c,,4,,0, 
which has been found above for oil of lavender. As their 
analyses were only two in number, and are given in the 
Journal de Pharmacie without any explanatory detail, Pro- 
fessor Kane thought it not superfluous to add to the above 
experiments a confirmation of their results. On purifying oil 
of peppermint of commerce, (having selected the foreign oil 
that it might be more probably what they had examined,) 
Professor Kane found that the more it was rectified and the 
earlier condensed the specimens analyzed were, the more 
the boiling point approached to 314°, and the composi- 
tion to the formula c,u, The difference between this 
result and that of Blanchet and Sell is too great to be ex- 
plained by an error in the analyses of chemists whose other 
labours have shown such accuracy in quantitative research : 
Professor Kane accordingly thinks it not improbable, that 
there are two oils of peppermint of different compositions, 
and he is now occupied in seeking amongst the commercial 
samples for that with which the other chemists had been 


Since the paper of which the preceding is an abstract 
was read, Professor Kane has examined the English oil of 
peppermint, which, when pure, has a density of 0,899, and 
boils at 865°. Its composition is 

C,,H,,0, or 5{c,H,}-+-H,0, and per cent. 

Experiment. Theory. 
Carbon = 80,14 — 80,15 
Hydrogen= 11,76 — nase 100. 
Oxygen = 8,10 — 8,37 

This formula differs from Blanchet’s in the hydrogen, which 
Blanchet’s formula makes 10,9. 

Oil of rosemary has been likewise examined, its density 
is 0,85, and it boils at 832°. It gave the formula, 

Cy, Hj, 0,=9{c,H,} +H,0, and per cent. 

Experiment. Theory. 
Carbon = 83,49 — 83,73 
Hydrogen= 11,66 — 11,5] 100,00. 
Oxygen = 4,85 — 4,86 

The foreign oil of peppermint Professor Kane considers 
to be a mixture of nearly equal parts of genuine oil and of | 
oil of turpentine; and hence the results obtained in its ana- 
lysis as detailed above. 

A paper ‘‘on Atmospheric Electricity” was then read 
by Edward S. Clarke, Esq. 

The author having lately erected, at his residence near 
Palmerston, an apparatus adapted to observations on this 
subject, he exhibited to the Academy a drawing of the in- 
strument. He stated, that in bringing the subject under 
the notice of the Academy, he had two objects in view,— 
the first, to compare the results of his experiments with 
those previously obtained by other observers; and the se- 
cond, to induce others to erect similar instruments, feeling 


assured that contemporaneous ecbservations would throw 
much light upon the subject. 

The more important results obtained by Mr. Clarke dur- 
ing the past two months are : 

lst: That atmospheric electricity in serene weather is 
invariably positive. 

2nd. That it is more intense during fogs, especially if 
they occur during frosty weather. 

ord. That in cloudy weather, (without rain,) the aerial 
electricity diminishes in intensity. 

4th. That during heavy rain, hail, snow, or sleet, (and 
particularly at their commencement,) the atmospheric elec- 
tricity is very intense. This electricity is, at first, invariably 
negative, but sometimes changes its state frequently during 
the storm. 

5th. That the periods of its diurnal changes of intensity 
vary considerably, the intensity being at a maximum (during 
the past two months) each day some time between 73, A. M., 
and 103, a.m. ; becoming almost evanescent at noon; and as- 
cending progressively for a few hours previous to sun-set. 
It acquires its nocturnal maximum some time between 9 and 
12, p. M.; when it again declines gradually until some hours 
after sun-rise. 

6th. That the nocturnal electricity, with or without dew, 
is stronger than the diurnal. 

The foregoing observations are for the most part con- 
firmed by those of Cavallo. But, the sixth observation does 
not agree with those of Canton, Abbé Mazeas, M. De 
Saussure, and Mr. Cross; the two former observers not 
having observed any electricity at night, and the two latter 
finding it weaker than by day. M. De Saussure conceived 
the electricity of the evening to be strong in consequence of 
the dew acting as a conductor,. whilst the author has ob- 
served it very strong when there was no dew. M. De Saus- 
sure has likewise stated the maximum of diurnal electricity 


to occur some hours after noon, it being also strong at noon; 
whilst Mr. Clarke usually found it almost evanescent at that 
period. These differences, the author conceives, may arise 
from difference of climate, or imperfect insulation of the 

Mr. Clarke believes the electric intensity exhibited by 
the various clouds to be in the following order: 

The nimbus, the cumulo-stratus, the cumulus, the stratus, 
the cirro-stratus, the cirro-cumulus, and the cirrus. 

Asiatic Researches, Vol. XIX. Part 1. Presented by 
the Asiatic Society. 

The London Medical and Surgical Journal, for Apvril, 
1837. Presented by the Editor. 

June 26. 

- Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost, T. C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Matthew O’Conor, Esq., was elected member of the 

Professor Liebig, of Giessen, was elected honorary 
member of the Academy. 

A paper was read, “on a new Gaseous Compound of 
Carbon and Hydrogen.” By Edmund Davy, Esq., F.R.S. 
&c., Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Dublin Society. 

This compound was procured by the action of water on 
a black substance obtained by exposing a mixture of cream 
of tartar and charcoal powder to a strong heat in an iron 
bottle. The gas is highly inflammable, and when kindled 
in contact with air, it burns with a bright white flame, ap- 
parently denser and of greater splendour than even olefiant 


gas. It forms with oxygen a powerfully explosive mixture, 
when the volume of the latter is to that of the former, as 
three or four to one. The new gas explodes spontaneously 
when brought in contact with chlorine gas; and this effect 
is accompanied with the production of flame, and the copious 
deposition of carbon: and is quite independent of the action 
of light, or the sun’s rays, as it readily takes place in the 
dark. Under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, 
water absorbs about its own bulk of the gas, which is again 
liberated by heat, apparently unaltered. 

According to Professor Davy’s experiments, the new gas 
consists of a volume of hydrogen gas and two volumes of 
the vapour of carbon condensed into one volume; and it 
requires for its complete combustion two and a half volumes 
of oxygen gas. Its specific gravity is 0.917, that of common 
air being 1.000. 100 cubic inches of it weigh 28.4378 grains. 

The equivalent of the new gas appears to be 13.24, and 
the formula by which it is expressed is 2c+H, or c?-+-H. 
The name proposed for it is bicarburet of hydrogen, which 
simply expresses its chemical constitution. 

A paper by Professor Mac Cullagh, ‘ on the Properties 
of Surfaces of the second Order,” was read. 

Among various other matters, this paper contains a new 
class of properties which are analogous to the focal proper- 
ties of the conic sections. The author has found that sur- 
faces of the second order may be generated by means of a 
given point as focus, a given right line as directrix, and a 
given plane. In general, every such surface is the locus of 
a point, whose distance from the focus bears a given ratio to 
its distance from the directrix, the latter distance being 
measured parallel to the given plane. This mode of gene- 
ration, however, excludes surfaces of revolution about the 
major axis, as the corresponding generation of the conic 
sections excludes the circle. When the given ratio is not 


one of equality, the surface has circular sections parallel to 
the given plane; when it is a ratio of equality, we get the 
hyperbolic paraboloid. All other things remaining the same, 
the focus and directrix may be changed without changing 
the surface described. If we confine ourselves to the cen- 
tral surfaces, the locus of the foci fora’ given surface will be 
an ellipse, which may be called the focal ellipse, each focus 
having a corresponding directrix perpendicular to the plane 
of this ellipse. 

If the focal ellipse be made the base of a cone, whose 
vertex is at any point v on the surface, the normal at this 
point will be one of the principal axes of the cone. But, 
as three surfaces, confocal to each other, and therefore 
having the same focal ellipse, may be described through a 
given point, if we suppose two other such surfaces to pass 
through the point v, the normals to these surfaces will be 
the other two principal axes of the cone. And if a system 
of surfaces, confocal to these three, be circumscribed by 
cones having a common vertex at v, the principal axes of 
all these cones will be the same as those of the cone which 
has the focal ellipse for its bases Indeed, the focal ellipse 
(which lies in the plane of the greatest and the middle axes 
of the ellipsoids) may, in the confocal system, be considered 
as the limit between the ellipsoids and the hyperboloids of 
one sheet. There is also, in the plane of the greatest and 
least axes of the ellipsoids, a focal hyperbola which is the 
limit between the confocal hyperboloids of one and of two 
sheets ; and of course, the cone which has this hyperbola 
for its base, and v for its vertex, has the same principal 
axes as the cones already mentioned. Right lines which 
pass, at the same time, through the focal ellipse and the 
focal hyperbola, possess remarkable properties. 

The foregomg are the leading propositions in Mr. 
Mac Cullagh’s paper. There are besides many particular 
theorems which could not be noticed within the compass of 
an abstract. 


Mr. Graves, Fellow of Trinity College, mentioned the fol- 
lowing theorem of his own, relative to confocal surfaces :— 

“If there be two confocal surfaces of the second order, 
one of which is circumscribed by. a cone whose plane of 
contact touches the other surface in a certain point, the 
normal at this point will pass through the vertex of the cone.” 

A new rain-gauge was exhibited to the Academy, con- 
trived by the Rev. Thomas Knox. 

The object of this instrument is to register the amount 
of rain that falls when the wind is in different points. Its 
construction is very simple. The water,—instead of descend- 
ing from the reservoir directly into the tube of registry,— 
passes through a lateral tube into an annular-shaped vessel, 
divided into eight compartments, each..of which terminates 
below in a graduated glass tube. It is obvious, then, that 
if the eight tubes be set to correspond with the cardinal and 
intermediate points, and that the reservoir be made to re- 
volve on a vertical axis by means of a vane, the direction of 
which corresponds with that of the lateral tube, the object 
proposed will be attained. Mr. Knox has preferred to make 
the reservoir fixed, and the system of tubes moveable; but 
the result is obviously the same. 

The Academy then proceeded to consider the amend- 
ments of the by-laws, proposed by the Council; and, after 
some discussion, it was resolved that there be an adjourned 
meeting at two o’clock, on Friday the 30th of June, for the 
further consideration of the subject. 


A Copy of the Ordnance Survey of the County of Lei- 
trim, in 40 sheets. Lieutenant-Colonel Colby. 

Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of Eng- 
land, Vols. VI. and VII. Presented by the Commissioners 
of the Public Records. 


The ancient Kalendars and Indentaries of the Treasury 
of his Majesty's Exchequer, 3 Vols. Presented by the same. 

Excerpta é Rotulis Fintum in Turri Londinensi asservatis, 
Henrico Tertio Rege, A. D. 1216—1272. Cura Caroli Ro- 
berts. Vol. I. A. D. 1246—1272. Presented by the same. 

A Brief Description of the Etruscan and Greek Antiqui- 
ties, now exhibited at No. 121, Pall Mall. Presented by 
Sir William Betham. 

An Address to Astronomical Observers, relative to the Im- 
provement and Extension of the Astronomical Society's Cata- 
logue of 2881 principal Stars. Presented by Francis Baily, 

On the Atmospheric Tides and Meteorology of Dukhun. 
By Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Sykes, F.R.S., &c. &c. 
Presented by the Author. 

The same Author presented also the following papers to 
the Academy : 

On the Geology of a portion of Dukhun, East Indies. 

On the Quails and Hemipodii of India. 

On the Increase of Wealth and Expenditure in the various 
Classes of Society in the United Kingdom, as indicated by 
the Returns made to the Tax-office, Exports and Imports, 
Savings Banks, §c. §c. 

Description of the Wild Dog of the Western Chats. 

Some Account of the Kolisurra Silk-worm of the Deccan. 

Remarks on the Identity of the Personal Ornaments sculp- 
tured on some Figures in the Buddha Cave Temples at Carli, 
with those worn by the Brinjaris. 

Land Tenures of Dukhun, Parts 1 and 2. 

A Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds observed in 
Dukhun, East Indies. 

Abstract of the Statistics of Dukhun, (Deccan,) 1827-28. 

Description of a new Species of Indian Ants. 

Remarks on the Origin of the popular Belief in the Upas, 
or Poison Tree of Java. 

June 30, (Adjourned Meeting.) 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D.D., Provost, T.C.D., President, 
in the Chair. 

The Academy resumed the consideration of the Amend- 
ments in the By-laws, proposed by the Council. 

The following laws and amendments were agreed to at 
this and at the preceding meeting. 

Chap. II. for section 3, substitute the following: 

“‘ No balloting for members shall take place except on the 
second Monday in the month. The names of the candi- 
dates, with the names of the proposer and seconders, shall 
be read out by the Secretaries immediately previous to the 

In section 6, add, “the names of candidates proposed, 
with the names of the proposer and seconders, shall be read 
out by the secretaries on the evening of their proposal. ‘The 
names to remain a month on the books.” 

In section 9, omit the words “ or of the council ;” and in- 
troduce the words, “in the face of the Academy,” after the 
word ‘ Charter-Book.” 

Chap. III. at end, introduce the words, “ and shall have 
discharged all arrears due,” after the word “‘ Academy.” 

Chap. IV. section 3, the second in the order of Pro- 
ceedings shall be “ admission of new members ;” and the 
eighth, “ names of candidates proposed read.” 

Introduce, as section 4, the following by-laws : 

«* All papers shall be read in the order in which permis- 
sion shall have been granted by the council,—with this ex- 
ception: that if any paper be withheld during the entire even- 
ing, it shall not be read but in such order as the council 
shall determine.” 

‘* No new paper shall be commenced after 10 o'clock. 
The time to be occupied in the reading of any one paper 


each night of meeting shall not exceed half an hour, except 
by a vote of the Academy; it being understood, that if a 
paper be not finished in one evening, it shall have prece- 
dence on the succeeding night.” 

Chap. V. section 2, to be altered as follows: 

** There shall be two secretaries—of the Academy and of 
the council,—who shall attend all the meetings of the Aca- 
demy and council, and to each of whom shall be paid a 
salary of twenty guineas per annum.” 

Section 3 repealed, and the following substituted : 

‘“‘'There shall also be a secretary of foreign correspon- 

Section 4 to be altered as follows: 

‘“* There shall also be a treasurer, (to whom a salary of 
twenty guineas per annum shall be paid,) who shall attend 
each night of meeting.” 

Section 5 to be altered as follows : 

“* A clerk and assistant librarian shall be elected annu- 
ally, who shall not be a member of the Academy, and whose 
duty shall be, &c.” 

Chap. VI. section 5, repealed. 

Chap. VII. section 1, to be altered as follows: 

‘The member who proposes any member for admission 
shall, previous to the ballot, deposit in the hands of the 
treasurer to the Academy the sum of five guineas, as admission 
fee of such person; ‘said sum to be returned in case of re- 

Section 2 to be altered as follows : 

“‘ Every member, besides his admission fee, shall pay the 
sum of two guineas annually, becoming due on the 16th of 
March next after the admission of such member,—except his 
election shall have taken place between the Ist of January 
and the 16th of March, in which case his first annual sub- 
scription will not become due until the 16th of March in the 
year following.” 


Section 4, the following words to be added : 

** Any member may compound for future annual pay- 
ments by paying the sum of twenty guineas at one payment ; 
but any member,” &c. 

Chap. VIII.—Section 1 to be altered as follows: 

** The key of the library shall be entrusted to no person 
but the librarian or assistant librarian, one of whom shall be 
always present during library hours. 

Section 2, to be altered as follows: 

“* The library shall be open every day, Sundays ex- 
cepted, throughout the year, (except during Christmas week, 
Passion week, and the month of August,) from eleven A. M., 
to four Pp. M.” 

Section 3 repealed. 

Section 6 repealed. 

Section 7 to be altered as follows : 

“That members have the privilege of borrowing books 
from the library, with certain after-mentioned exceptions ; 
and that the sub-librarian, before lending any book or 
books, must,” &c. 

The following sections to be added : 

Section 9.—* No member who is in arrear shall on any 
account be allowed the use of the library; and for the better 
carrying such law into effect, the names of such defaulters 
shall be hung up in the library.” 

Section 10.—‘‘ That no manuscript be lent, without the 
special permission of the council. That the same rule be 
extended to rare and expensive works, (to be marked with an 
asterisk in the printed catalogue,) as also to dictionaries and 

Section 11.—** That the sub-librarian be desired to exa- 
mine the state of the books lent, upon their delivery and 

Chap. IX.—Sections 4, 6, 7, and 8, repealed. 

Section 12, the commencement to be altered as follows : 


* That medals be given each year for the best Essays in 
some proposed principal subject, or branch of science, polite 
literature, or antiquities, which shall be read, &c.” 

And at the end, the following clause to be added, ‘‘ The 
council shall also have the power of awarding medals for 

the best Essays read during the year.” 
The following chapter to be added to the by-laws :— 


“ Of the Committee of Publication : 

**], A committee shall be formed, corresponding to the 
committee of publication of the Royal Society. 

“92. The committee shall consist of seven members ; 
three from the committee of science, and two from each of 
the other committees. 

«3. It shall be the duty of this committee— 

‘1. Toreport to council on all papers offered for pub- 
lication in the Transactions. 

“*2, To superintend the final correction of the press, 
and to see that the printing and engraving are executed 
in a manner creditable to the Academy. 

‘**3. To arrange all details connected with the printing 
and publication of the Transactions and Proceedings of 
the Academy. 

“4, The committee shall have liberty to call in any 
member of the council or Academy to assist them in reading 
or judging of any paper.” 

The Academy then adjourned to the second Monday in 




1837, No. 7. 

November 13. 

Rev. B. LLOYD, D. D., Provost, T. C. D., President, 
in the Chair. 

Rosert Suaw, Esq., Bushy Park, was elected an ordinary, 
and Captain W. H. Smith, an honorary member of the 

Rev. Dr. Wall, Senior Fellow of Trinity College, read a 
paper on the “ Original State of the Text of the Hebrew 
Bible, and on the Nature, Age, and Origin of the Sanscrit 
Writing and Language;” but he only touched upon the 
first subject as far as was necessary for the introduction of 
the second. 

All the letters of the Hebrew text, in its original state, 
were employed as signs of syllables, beginning with conso- 
nants, and ending with vowels. The vowel part of every 
syllable being variable, it was left to the judgment of the 
reader to determine, for each place of the occurrence of a 
letter, the vowel which his knowledge of the language 
showed him was required by the context. Even still, near 
four-fifths of the vowels must, in reading the présent un- 
pointed text, be supplied in a similar manner; the only dif- 
ference being, that they are no longer considered to be 
included in what the letters express, the powers of those 



letters having been decomposed, in consequence of which 
they are now used as consonants. The remaining portion 
of the text at present, indeed, exhibits signs for the vowel 
as well as the consonantal ingredients of the syllables, three 
of the letters, namely, haleph, yod, and waw, being occasion- 
ally diverted from their original use to the purpose of vocal 
designation, the first of them with the power of A; the se- 
cond, as E or I; and the third, as O or U; but where they 
are now, or rather where they formerly were so employed, 
(for in many places of the Hebrew text, characters are at 
present considered as vowel-letters, where the Greek ren- 
dering of the proper names clearly shows that they could not 
have been read as such at the time when the Septuagint 
translation was framed,) they constitute no part of the origi- 
nal writing, and were introduced into it by the Jews, after 
the Greek version had made them but very slightly ac- 
quainted with the value of such signs. Had they previously 
become more familiar with the subject, they would of course 
have adopted at least five vowel-letters instead of three, and 
they would have vocalized the whole of the text, instead of 
only about one-fifth part of it. But however imperfectly and 
irregularly this vocalization was made,—and the very im- 
perfection and irregularity which are observable in it, now 
contribute to the proof of its human origin ;—still at the time 
of its insertion it was a most providential addition to the sa- 
cred text, to preserve the true meaning of the word of God ; 
an object which in most, though by no means in all instances, 
it has certainly effected. 

The correctness of this statement respecting the adven- 
titious nature of the Hebrew vowel-letters, is proved by the 
very large proportion of the discrepancies between the He- 
brew text and Septuagint version, which can be removed by 
a different insertion of those letters in the original: and the 
proof thus supplied is confirmed by the Samaritan Penta- 
teuch, in which, indeed, it is the same set of letters that are 


employed as vowel signs, but they are inserted in quite a 
different manner, the yod and waw much more frequently, 
and the haleph, though not very often, yet oftener than in 
the Hebrew; whence it is clearly evident, that they were 
introduced into this text at a later period, and when the use 
of such signs kad become better understood. It is further 
to be observed, that the same vocalization also pervades all 
the other kinds of Shemitic writing used in Asia, but is 
fuller, and, consequently, of later insertion in each of them 
than in the Hebrew. Andas it is inconceivable that so very 
peculiar a system of vowel signs should have been adopted 
by different people independently of each other, the proba- 
bility is, that the Jews alone derived it immediately from 
their acquaintance with Greek writing, and that the other 
Asiatic tribes of the Shemitic class took it from them. 

On the other hand, the vocalization of the Abyssinian 
syllabary is wholly different from that which is common to 
every other species of Shemitic writing, and must have been 
derived from immediate observation of the Greek Scriptures ; 
as the Ethiopic translation of the Bible affords very decisive 
evidence that it was made, not from the Hebrew original, 
but from the Septuagint version. Two of the letters, with 
their powers, are here subjoined as a specimen : 

Pow. to bo bor, oT 

ta tine hae e ta en te untc to 

PC) Pane eA Man A ane ee | 

ki ku ki: ka ke ké ko 
The period when the first column of this syllabary was de- 
rived from some Shemitic alphabet cannot now be ascer- 
tained; but a limit to the age of the system, in its present 
improved form, can be deduced from ecclesiastical history ; 
for the Abyssinians first received the Scriptures when they 
were converted to Christianity by Frumentius, who was 
consecrated bishop of Axum in the year of our Lord 335; 


and there is not the slightest probability of their having 
studied the nature of Greek writing before it became to 
them the medium of religious instruction. 

In order to compare the Abyssinian and Sanscrit sylla- 
baries, it is necessary to leave out of consideration the 
vowel sounds, in the latter system, of 2 in wine, and of ow in 
pound, which do not occur in the Abyssinian language ; as 
also the powers 17, rz, li, lt, an, ah, which the Brahmans, 
through gross ignorance of the subject, have included among 
their vowels. After this reduction, the syllables denoted by 
the first of the Sanscrit letters will stand as follows : 

a a fa at aa a at 

ka ka kz kz ki ku ke ko 
Kach of the other letters undergoes similar modifications of 
shape for similar alterations of its syllabic powers. 

Dr. Wall then proceeded to point out the close corres- 
pondence which subsists between the two systems. Of the 
many indications of their connexion, only two can be here 
noticed. 1. Whenever an Ethiopic letter has no mark added 
to it, the syllable it then denotes regularly ends in a short a; 
the same rule is also observed in the case of every Sanscrit 
letter. 2. Every syllable of the Ethiopic alphabet, as well 
as every simple syllable of the Ethiopic language, begins 
with a consonantal, and ends with a vocal power: the same 
remark applies to every syllable of the Sanscrit syllabary, 
but not to every simple syllable of the Sanscrit language. 

A connexion between the two alphabets having been 
proved, the circumstance last noticed still farther serves to 
show the order which holds in that connexion, even without 
any reference to what has been already stated upon the 
origin of the Ethiopic alphabet. Of the systems compared 
together, the Sanscrit syllabary must have been that which 
was derived from the other; for it agrees with that other in 
a peculiarity suited to the Ethiopic, but not at all adapted 


to the Sanscrit language, in which there are several syllables 
beginning with vowel sounds. To express such syllables the 
Brahmans were obliged to adopt the European method, as 
soon as their intercourse with the Greeks made them ac- 
quainted with it. Their persevering in the use of their syl- 
labary after they had acquired vowel letters, shows that they 
were incapable of arriving at this improvement by their own 
efforts; and they could not have learned it from observation 
of any Shemitic writing, as in no kind of that writing are 
vowel letters found placed before consonants for the expres- 
sion of simple syllables. Thus the writing in the Devanagari 
character at present exhibits the very extraordinary phe- 
nomenon of two different sorts of alphabets employed toge- 
ther; and it could not have been advanced to this state 
before the fifth, or perhaps before the sixth century; for 
the Pundits must have been long habituated to their sylla- 
bary alone, or they would have deserted it as soon as they 
came to learn the use of a superior alphabet. 

In support of this view of the subject, Dr. Wall adduced 
several arguments from history, from astronomy, from the 
serious difficulties with which the opinion at present re- 
ceived is embarrassed, from the nature of the Sanscrit lan- 
guage, and from its grammatic structure. 

Dr, Orpen presented the accounts, and petition to Par- 

OrpeRED,—“ That the seal of the Academy be annexed.” 

ResoLtvep,—‘‘ That the Academy cannot receive the inti- 
mation of the vacancy that has occurred in Council since 
their last meeting, by the sudden and lamented death of 
their valued friend and associate, Dr. William West, without 
placing on record their sincere feelings ofregret, at an event 
which has snatched from the successful pursuits of Science, 
one whose exertions had been honorably devoted to its cul- 
tivation, and had been endeared by his social and amiable 


qualities to the affections of his personal friends, as much as 
to the friends of literature by his labours for its advance- 

Resotvep,—* That the Council be directed to prepare 
and forward through the proper channel, an address to her 
Majesty, Queen Victoria, condoling with her on the death 
of his late Majesty, King William, congratulating her on 
her accessien to the throne, and requesting ber Majesty’s 
patronage for the Academy.” 


Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, held 
at Philadelphia, for promoting Useful Knowledge. Vol. V. 
New Series. Part 3. Presented by the Society. 

Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France. Vols. I. 
and II. Parts! and 2. Presented by the Society. | 

Bulletin de la Société Géologique de Franee. Tome VIII. 
Feuilles 1—20. 5 Numbers. Presented by the same. 

General Charte der Geographischen Verbreitung und des 
Ganges der Cholera, 1816—37. By Emil Isensee. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

Neues System zur Ubersicht der inneren Krankheiten des 
Menschen. By the same. Presented by the same. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the 
United Kingdom. Vol. Ill. Part 1. Presented by the 
Society. : : 
Royal Society of Literature.—Annual Report.—Presi- 
dent's Address.—List of Members, 1837. Presented by the 

Memorias da Academia R. das Sciencias de Lisboa. 
Tomo XII. Parte 1. Presented by the Society. 

Transactions of the Statistical Society of London. Vol. I. 
Part 1. Presented by the Society. 

County Book of Kildare, Lent Asssizes, 1835. Presented 
by Jeffries Kingsley, Esq. 


Astronomische Nachrichten. By H. H. C. Schumacher. 
Also Nos. 312—326. Presented by the Author. 

Account of some Experiments made in different Parts of 
Europe on Terrestrial Magnetical Intensity, particularly with 
Reference to the Effect of Height. By James D.Forbes, Esq., 
F.R.SS.L. and E., F.L.S. Presented by the Author. 

On the Temperatures and Geological Relations of certain 
Hot Springs, particularly those of the Pyrenees ; and on the 
Verification of Thermometers. By the same. Presented 
by the same. 

Note relative to the supposed Origin of the deficient Rays 
in the Solar Spectrum: being an Account of an Experiment 
made at Edinburgh during the annular Eclipse of 15th May, 
1836. By the same. Presented by the same. 

Ancient and Modern Alphabets of the popular Hindoo 
Languages of the Southern Peninsula of India. By Captain 
Henry Harkness, M.R. A.S. Presented by the Author. 

Proceedings of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Bri- 
tain and Treland.—Anniversary Meeting, and Fourteenth 
Annual Report of the Council, §c. Presented by the So- 

Researches on Hydrodynamics. By John Scott Russell, 
Esq. M.A., F.R.S.E. Presented by the Author, 

Histoire des Maladies observées a la grande Armée Fran- 
caise, pendant les Campanes de Russie en 1812, et @ Alle- 
magne en 1813. Par le Chevalier de Kerckhove dit de 
Kirckhoff. Presented by the Author. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pensyl- 
vania and Mechanics’ Register. Vol. XIX. New Series. 
Edited by Thomas P. Jones, M.D. Presented by the 
Franklin Institute. | 

Report of the Commitiee of the Franklin Institute of the 
State of Pennsylvania, for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts 
on the Explosion of Steam Boilers, of Experimenis made at 


the request of the Treasury Department of the United States. 
Part II. Presented by the same. 

De l Affinité des Langues Celtiques avec le Sanscrit. Par 
Adolphe Pictet. Presented by the Author. 

Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, Nos. 47 
—51; together with a List of the Society, April 1st, 1837. 
Presented by the Society. 

The History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Vol. 
II. By James Seaton Reid, D.D., M.R.I. A. Presented 
by the Author. 

Etudes Grammaticales sur la Langue Euskarienne. Par 
A. Th. d’Abbadie, et J. Augustin Chaho, de Navarre. Pre- 
sented by the former. 

Natuur kundige Verhan delingen van de Hollandske 
Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. From Vol. 
XUI. to XXXII. Presented by the Dutch Society. 

Reports of the British Association for the Advancement 
of Science. 5 Vols. Presented by the Association. 

November 30. (Stated Meeting.) 

in the Chair. 

The Secretary of the Council having officially communi- 
cated the decease of the President, 

Ir wAs RESOLVED,—“ That no further business should be 
proceeded in, until the next Meeting of the Academy, on 
Monday, December 11th, when it was resolved, that the 
President, in place of Dr. Lloyd, and the new Member of 
Council, in place of Dr. West, should be elected.” 

Adjourned to Monday, December 11th, 1837. 




1837—1838. No. 8. 

December 11, 1837. 

Rev. F. SADLEIR, D. D., Provost, T. C. D., Vice-Presi- 
dent, in the Chair. 

Tue Academy having proceeded to ballot for a President, 
Sir Wittiam Rowan Hamitton was duly elected. 

The Academy having proceeded to ballot for a Member 
of Council in the Committee of Polite Literature, the Rev. 
Charles Wm. Wall, D. D. was elected. 

The Very Rev. James Gregory, Dean of Kildare, John 
Finlay, Esq. Barrister, Samson Carter, Esq., and George 
Pim, Esq. were elected Members of the Academy. 

Adjourned to Monday, January 8th, 1838. 


fiicerche sulla Struttura del caule nelle Piante Monoco- 
tiledont di Guiseppe Meneghini. Presented by Samuel 
Litton, M. D., Vice-President. 

Astronomische Nachrichten, herausgegeben von H. C. 
Schumacher. Vierzehnter Band. From No. 327 to 336, 
inclusive. Presented by Professor Schumacher. 

On the Elements of the Orbit of Halley's Comet, at its 
Appearance in the Years 1835 and 1836. By Lieutenant 
W. S. Stratford, R. N. (From the Nautical Almanac for 
1839.) Presented by the Author. 



The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Know- 
ledge, for the Year 1838. Presented by the American 
Philosophical Society. 

January 8, 1838. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

The President, on taking the Chair, delivered an Address 
to the Academy. 

The Secretary of the Academy read a Memoir of the late 

Resotvep,—* That the President and Dr. Singer be 
requested to furnish the Academy with copies of their 
respective addresses.” 

The Academy then proceeded to ballot for a Member of 
Council in the Committee of Science, when Dr. Wm. Stokes 
was elected. 


A Treatise on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseuses 
of the Chest. By Wm. Stokes, M. D., M.R.I. A. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

Essays, Anatomical, Zoological, and Miscellaneous. By 
A. Jacob, M.D., M.R.I.A. Presented by the Author. 

The Anatomy of the Eye, from the Cyclopedia of Ana- 
tomy and Physiology. By Dr. Jacob. Presented by the same. 

List of Members of the Royal Asiatie Society of Great 
Britain and Ireland, 1837. Presented by the Society. 

Medical Science and Ethics ; an Introductory Lecture, 
delivered at the Bristol Medical School, on Monday, October 
2nd, 1837, at the opening of the Winter Session. By W. 
Ogilvie Porter, M. D. Presented by the Author. 

The Question of Privilege, raised by the Decision in the 
Case of Stockdale v. Hansard. By S. A. Ferrall, Esq., 
Barrister at Law. Presented by the Author. 

A Complete Set of the Transactions of the Italian Society 
of Sciences. 39 vols. 4to. Presented by the Society. 




The position in which your kindness has placed 
me, entitles me, perhaps, to address to you a few remarks. Called 
by your choice to fill a chair, which Charlemont, and Kirwan, and 
others, not less illustrious, have occupied, I cannot suffer this first 
occasion of publicly accepting that high trust to pass in silence by, 
as if it were to me a thing of course. Nor ought I to forego this 
natural opportunity of submitting to you some views respecting the 
objects and prospects of this Academy, which, if they shall be 
held to have no other interest, may yet be properly put forward 
now, as views, by the spirit at least of which I hope that my own 
conduct will be regulated, solong as your continuing approbation 
shall confirm your recent choice, and shall retain me in the office 
of your President. 

First, then, you will permit me to thank you for having con- 
ferred on me an honour, to my feelings the most agreeable of any 
that could have been conferred, by the unsolicited suffrages of any 
body of men. Gladly indeed do I acknowledge a belief, which it 
would pain me not to entertain, that friendship had, in influencing 
your decision, a voice as potent as esteem. An Irishman, and 
attached from boyhood to this Academy of Ireland, I see with plea- 
sure in your choice a mark of affection returned. But knowing that 
the elective act partakes of a judicial character, and that the exer- 
cise of friendship has its limits, I must suppose that the same long 
attachment to your body, which had won for me your personal 
regard, appeared also to you a pledge, more strong than promises 
could be, that if any exertions of mine could prevent the interests 
of the Academy from suffering through your generous confidence, 
those exertions should not be withheld; and that you thought they 
might not be entirely unavailing. After every deduction for kind- 

ness, there remains a manifestation of esteem, than which I can 


desire no higher honour, and for which I hope that my conduct 
will thank you better than my words. 

And yet, Gentlemen, it is to me a painful thought, that the 
opportunity for your so soon bestowing this mark of confidence 
and esteem has arisen out of the deaths, too rapidly succeeding 
each other, of the two last Presidents of our body, who, while they 
are on public grounds deplored, and for their private worth weré 
honoured and beloved by all of us, must ever be remembered by 
me with peculiar loveand honour :—Brinkley, who introduced me to 
your notice, by laying on your table long ago my first mathematical 
paper; and Lloyd, whoseworks, addressed to the University of Dub- 
lin, first opened to me that new world of mind, the application of 
algebra to geometry. But of these personal feelings, the occasion 
has betrayed me into speaking perhaps too much already. Into 
that fault, I trust, I shall not often fall again. I pass to the expo- 
sition of views respecting the objects and prospects of our Society. 

The Royal Irish Academy was incorporated (as you know) in 
1786, having been founded a short time before, for the promotion 
generally, but particularly in Ireland, of Science, Polite Literature, 
and Antiquities. Its objects were to be the True, the Beautiful, 
and.the Old: with which ideas, of the True and Beautiful, is inti- 
mately connected the coordinate (and perhaps diviner) idea of the 
Good. So comprehensive, therefore, was the original plan of this 
Academy, that it was designed to include nearly every object of 
human contemplation, and might almost be said to adapt itself to 
all conceivable varieties of study; insomuch that scarce any me- 
ditation or inquiry is directly and necessarily excluded from a place 
among our pleasant labours: and precedents may accordingly 
be found, among our records, for almost every kind of contribu- 
tion. If only a diligence and patient zeal be shown, such as befit 
the high aims of our body ; and if due care be taken, that the spirit 
of love be not violated, nor brother offend brother in anything; 
no strict nor narrow rules prevent us from receiving whatever may 
be offered to our notice, with an indulgent and joyful welcome. 
And though we meet only as studious, meditative men, and abstain 
from including among our objects any measures of immediate, out- 
ward, practical utility, such as improvements in agriculture, or 
other useful arts,—a field which had been occupied, in this metro- 

polis, by another and elder society, before the institution of our 
own ; yet no philosopher nor statesman, who has reflected suffi- 
ciently on the well-known connexion between theory and practice, 
or on the refining and softening tendencies of quiet study, will 
think that therefore we must necessarily be useless or unimportant 
as a body, to Ireland, or to the Empire. 

The object of this Academy being thus seen tobe the encourage- 
ment of stupy, we have next to consider the means by which we are 
to accomplish, or to tend towards accomplishing that object. Those 
means are of many kinds, but they may all be arranged under the two 
great heads of inward and outward encouragement ; or, in other 
words, stimuli and assistances ; inshort, spuRSand HELPS to study. 
The encouragement that is given may act as supplying a motive, 
or as removing a hindrance; it may be indirect, or it may be 
direct ; invisible or visible; mental or material. Not that these 
two great kinds of good and useful action are altogether separated 
from each other. On the contrary, they are usually combined ; 
and what gives a stimulus, gives commonly a facility too. In our 
meetings, for example, the stimulating principle prevails ; yet in 
them we are not only caused to feel an increased zxterest in study 
generally, through the operation of that social spirit, or spirit of 
sympathy, of which I spoke so largely, in the presence of most of 
you, at the meeting of the British Association* in this city ; but 
also are directly assisted in pursuing our own particular studies, by 
having the results of other studious persons early laid before us, 
and commented upon, by themselves and by others,’ in a fresh 
familiar way. We are not only spurred but helped to study, by 
mixing freely with other students.—A library, again, is designed 
rather to assts¢ than to stimulate; and yet it is impossible for a 
person of ardent mind to contemplate a well selected assemblage of 
books, containing what Milton has described as “the precious life- 
blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a 
life beyond life,” without feeling a deep desire to add, to the store 
already accumulated, some newer treasure of his own. Our 

* See the Address printed in the Fifth Report of the British Association for the 
Advancement of Science,x—Note by PRESIDENT. 


library, then, spurs as well as helps.—The prizes which from 
time to time we award for successful exertion in the various de- 
partments of study, might seem to be stimulants only ; yet if we 
were to act sufficiently upon the spirit of precedents, of which we 
have several among our past proceedings, and which allow us to 
make our awards in part pecuniary, as well as honorary, they might 
become important assistances, and not merely excitements to 
study; they might serve, for instance, to enrich the private libraries 
of the authors on whom they were conferred. Why might we not, 
for example, instead of giving one gold medal, which can (accord- 
ing to the custom of this country) only be gazed at for a while and 
then shut up, allow the author who has been thought worthy of a 
prize to select any books for himself, which he might think most 
useful for his future researches, within a certain specified limit of 
expense ; and then not only purchase those books for him out of 
our own prize funds, but also stamp them with the arms of the 
Academy, or otherwise testify that they were given to him by us as 
areward? Or might not some such presentation of books be at 
least combined with the presentation of medals? But the whole 
system of prizes will deserve an attentive reconsideration, for which 
this is not the proper time nor place; and anything that I may now 
have said, or may yet say on that subject, in this address, is to be 
looked upon as merely intended to illustrate a few general views 
and principles, and not as any proposal of measures for your 
adoption; since, upon measures of detail, I have not as yet even 
made my own mind up; and am aware that, by the constitution of 
our Society, all measures of that kind must first be matured in the 
Council, before they are submitted to the Academy at large for 
final sanction or rejection. 

The publication of our Transactions is another field of action 
for our body, and perhaps the most important of all; in which it is 
not easy to determine whether the stimulating or the assisting prin- 
ciple prevails ; so much both of inducement and of facility do they 
give to study and to its communication. It is indeed a high reward 
for past, and inducement to future labours, to know that whatever 
of value may be elicited by the studies of any members of this 
body, (nor are we to be thought to wish to confine the advantage 
to them,) is likely or rather is sure to be adopted by the Society at 


large, and published to the world, at least to the learned world, in 
the name and by the order of the whole:—the responsibility for any 
errors of detail, and the credit for any merit of originality, remain- 
ing still in each case with the author, while the Academy exercises 
only a right of preliminary or primd facie examination, and a su- 
perintendence of a general kind. Nay, the more rigorous this pre- 
liminary examination is, and the more strict this general superin- 
tendence, the greater is the compliment paid to the writer whose 
productions stand the test; and the more honourable does it become 
to any particular essay, to be admitted among the memoirs of a 
Society, in proportion as those memoirs are made more select, and 
expected and required to be more high. But besides this honorary 
stimulus, which we should all in our several spheres exert ourselves 
to make more effective, by each endeavouring, according to his 
powers, to contribute, or to judge, or to diffuse, there is also a 
powerful and direct assistance given to study, by the publishing of 
profound intellectual works at the expense of a corporate body, 
rather than at the expense of individuals; a course which spares 
the private funds of authors and of readers ; and thus procures, for 
the collections of learned and studious men, many works of value, 
which otherwise might never have appeared. Indeed, the publica- 
tion of Transactions has long been regarded by me as the most di- 
rect and palpable advantage resulting from the institution of scien- 
tific and literary societies like our own ; and, I believe, that I ex- 
preessed myself accordingly, on the occasion* to which T lately 
alluded. But having then to deal with science only, I felt that it 
was unnecessary, and would have been improper for me to have 
introduced any view of the connexion and contrast between science 
and other studies, which are, not less than science, included among 
the objects of this Academy, and may therefore be fitly, if briefly, 
brought now before your notice, The union of all studies is in- 
deed that at which we aim; but the three great departments, which 
our founders distinguished without dividing, may now also with 
advantage be distinctly considered, and separated, that they may 
may be re-combined ; a clearness of conception being likely to be 
thus attained, without any sacrifice of unity. 

* See Address, already cited, p. xlvii—Note by PRESIDENT, 


Directing our attention, therefore, first to science, or the study 
of the True,— ; 

Inter sylvas Academi querere verum,— 

we find that, even when thus narrowed, the field to be examined is 
still so wide as to make necessary a minuter distinction ; whether 
we would inquire, however briefly, what has been already done by 
this Academy, or what may fitly be desired and hopefully proposed 
to be done. Were we to rush into this inquiry without any pre- 
vious survey of its limits, and, as were natural, allowed ourselves 
to begin by considering the actual and possible relation of our 
studies to the primal science, or First Philosophy, the Science of 
the Mind itself; we might easily be drawn, by the consideration of 
this one topic, into a discussion, interesting indeed, and (it might 
be) not uninstructive, but of such vast extent as to leave no room 
for other topics, which ought even less to be omitted, because they 
have hitherto come, and are likely to come hereafter, more often than 
it before our notice, in actual contributions to our Transactions. 
Indeed I think it prudent at this moment to resist altogether the 
temptation of expatiating on this attractive theme, of Philosophy, 
eminently so called; and to content myself with remarking, that 
as metaphysical investigation has more than once already found 
place among the scientific labours of this Academy, so ought it to 
take rank among them still, and to reappear in that character, from 
time to time, in our pages. 

Confining ourselves, therefore, at present ‘to Science, in the 
usual acceptation of the term, and inquiring what are its chief di- 
visions, in relation mainly to the connected distribution or classifi- 
cation of scientific essays in our Transactions, we soon perceive that 
three such parts of science may conveniently be distinguished from 
each other, and marked out for separate consideration ; namely those 
three, which, with some latitude of language, are not uncommonly 
spoken of as Mathematics, Physics, and Physiology. The first, or 
mathematical part, being understood to include not only the pure 
but the mixed mathematics; not only the results of our original 
intuitions of time and space, but also the results of the combination 
of those intuitions with the not less original notion of cause, and 
with the observed laws of nature, so far and no farther than that 


ever-widening sphere extends, within which observation is subor- 
dinate to reasoning ; in short, all those deductive studies, in which 
Algebra and Geometry are dominant, though the dynamical and 
the physical may enter as elements also. The second, or physical 
part of science, embracing all those inductive studies respecting un- 
living or unorganized bodies, which proceed mainly through out- 
ward observation or experiment, and can as yet make little progress 
in “ the high priori road.” And finally, the third, or physiological 
part, including all studies of an equally inductive kind, respecting 
living or organized bodies. (I do not pretend that this arrange- 
ment is the most philosophical that can be imagined, but it may 
suffice for our present purpose.) 

Tn all these divisions of science, and in several subdivisions of 
each, our published Transactions contain many valuable essays ; 
and there seems to be no cause for apprehension that in this res- 
pect, at least, (if indeed in any other,) the Academy is likely to lose 
character. Death has, it is true, removed some mighty names from 
among us—elders and chiefs of our society: but the stimulus and 
instruction of their example have not been thrown away: an ardent 
band of followers has been raised up by themselves to succeed them. 
'To keep the trust thus handed down, is an arduous, but noble 
charge, from which it is not to be thought that any here will shrink, 
whatever his share of that charge may be. 

And yet, while Mathematics and Physics seem likely not to be 
neglected here, or rather certain to be ardently pursued, it may be 
pardoned me if I express a fear and a regret, that Physiology, or 
more precisely, the study of the phenomena and laws of life, and 
living bodies, has not been represented lately’ in the published 
Transactions of our Academy, to a degree correspondent with the 
eminence of the existing School of physiological study in Dub- 
lin. Our medical men and anatomists, our zoologists and bota~ 
nists also, will take, I hope, this little hint in good part. They 
know how far I am from pretending to criticize their productions, 
and that I only wish to have more of their results brought for- 
ward here, for the instruction of myself and of others. That is 
not, I think, too much to ask from gentlemen who have sub- 
scribed the obligation which is signed by every member of this 


body, and who are qualified, by intellect and education, to take an 
enlarged yet not exaggerated view-of the importance of a central 
society. I know that many other, and indeed more appropriate 
outlets exist, for the publication of curious, isolated, or semi-iso- 
lated facts: but it is not so much remarkable facts, as remarkable 
views, that I wish to see communicated to us, and through us to 
the world; although such views ought, of course, to be illustrated 
and confirmed by facts. 

It seems possible, that in each of the three great divisions of 
science already enumerated, our Transactions may be enriched in 
future, through a judicious system of rewards, (of the kinds to 
which I lately alluded,) intended to encourage contributions of a 
more elaborate kind than usual, from strangers as well as from 
members of our body. It has appeared, for example, to some 
members of your Council, and to me, that for each of those three 
divisions of science a triennial prize might be given; these three 
triennial prizes succeeding each other in such rotation, for mathe- 
matics, physics, and physiology, that a prize should be awarded 
every year, on some one principal class of scientific subjects, for 
the best essay which had been communicated for publication, on 
any subject of that class, whether by a member or by a stranger, 
curing the three preceding years. A plan of this sort has been 
lately tried, and (it would seem) with advantage, in the distri- 
bution of the Royal Medals entrusted by the late King* to the Royal 
Society of London ; and the principle is not unsanctioned by you, 
that a greater range of investigation may sometimes be allowed to 
the authors of prize-essays, than the terms of an ordinary prize- 
question would allow. So that it only remains for your Council to 
consider and report to you, as they are likely soon to do, to what 
extent this principle may advantageously be pushed, and by what 
regulations it may conveniently be carried into effect. In saying 
this, I do not presume to pronounce that it is expedient to give up 
entirely the system of proposing occasionally prize-questions, of a 
much more definite kind than those to which I have been referring 

* And continued by her present Majesty : whose gracious intention of becoming 
Patroness of the Royal Irish Academy has been made known since the delivery of 
this Address.—Note by PRESIDENT. 


as desirable; but thus much I may venture to lay down, that 
original genius in inquirers ought to be as far indulged as it is pos- 
sible to indulge it, both in respect of subject and of time; and that 
due time ought also to be allowed to those members of a Scientific 
Society, on whom is put the important and delicate office of pro- 
nouncing an award in its name. 

The length at which I have spoken of our relations to Science, 
as a Society publishing Transactions, though far from exhausting 
that subject, leaves me but little room, in this address, to speak of 
our relations to Literature and Antiquities ; subjects to which, in- 
deed, I am still less able to do justice, than to that former theme. 
But the spirit of many of my recent remarks applies to these other 
subjects also; and you will easily make the application, without 
any formal commentary from me. A word or two, however, must 
be said on some points of distinction and connexion between the 
one set of subjects and the other. 

As, in Science, or the study of the Zrwe, the highest rank must 
be assigned to the science of the investigating Mind itself, and to the 
study of those Faculties by which we become cognizant of truth ; 
so, in Literature, or the study of the Beautiful, the highest place 
belongs to the relation of Beauty to the mind, and the study of 
those essential Forms, or innate laws of taste, in and by which, 
alone, man is capable of beholding the beautiful. Above all par- 
ticular fair things is the Idea of Beauty general : which in proportion 
as a man has suffered to possess his spirit, and has, as it were, 
won down from heaven to earth, to irradiate him with inward 
glory, in the same proportion does he become fitted to be a minister 
of the spirit of beauty, in the poetry of life, or of language, or of 
the sculptor’s, or the painter’s art. The mathematician himself may 
be inspired by this in-dwelling beauty, while he seeks to behold 
not only truth but harmony; and thus the profoundest work of a 
Lagrange may become a scientific poem. And though I am aware 
that little can be communicated by expressions so general (and 
some will say so vague) as these, and check myself accordingly, 
to introduce some remarks more specific and definite; yet I will 
not regret that I have thus for a moment attempted to give words 
to that form of emotion, which many here will join with me in 
acknowledging to be the ultimate spring of all genuine and genial 


criticism, in literature and in all the fine arts. For we, in so far 
as we are an Academy of Literature, are alsoa Court of Criticism ;— 
Criticism which is to Beauty, what Science is to Nature. Between 
the divine of genius and the human of enjoyment, we hold a kind 
of middle place; creating not, nor merely feeling, but aspiring to 
understand: and yet incapable of rightly understanding, unless we 
at the same time sympathize. 

To express myself then in colder and more technical terms, I 
should wish that metaphysico-ethical and metaphysico-zesthetical 
éssays,—those which treat generally of the beautiful in action and in 
art, and are connected rather with the study of the beauty-loving 
mind itself, than of the particular products or objects which that mind 
may generate or contemplate,—should be considered as entitled to the 
foremost place among our literary memoirs. After these a priort 
inquiries into the principLes of beauty, which are rather prepa- 
ratory to criticism than criticism itself, or which, at least, deserve 
to be called criticism universal, should be ranked, I think, that 
important but @ posteriori and inductive species of criticism, 
which, from the study of some actual master-pieces, collects certain 
great RULES as valid, without deducing them as necessary from 
any higher principles. And last, yet still deserving of high honour, 
I would rank those researches of peTaiL, those particulars, and 
helps, and applications of criticism, which, if they be, in a large 
philosophical view, subordinate and subsidiary to principles, and 
to rules of universal validity, yet form perhaps the larger part of the 
habitual and ordinary studies of men of erudition; such as the 
differences and affinities of languages, and the explication of ob- 
scure passages in ancient authors. Whatever metaphysical pre- 
ference I may feel for inquiries of the two former kinds, no one, I 
hope, will misconceive me as speaking of this last class of 
researches with any other feelings than those of profound respect, 
and of desire and hope to see them cultivated here; nor as present- 
ing other than hearty congratulations to the Academy on the fact, 
that whereas no single paper on Literature appeared in our last 
volume, two memoirs, interesting and erudite, have been presented 
to us, and probably are by this time printed, to be in readiness for 
our next publication ;—one, on the Punic Passage in Plautus, by a 
near-and dear relative of my own; and the other, on the Sanscrit 


Language, by a gentleman of great attainments and of high station 
in our national University: from which seat of learning, it seems 
not too much to hope, that we shall soon receive many other con- 
tributions in the department of Polite Literature, as well as in 
other departments. It is, of course, understood that the awarding 
of prizes is not to be confined to scientific papers, but is to be ex- 
tended, as indeed it has always been, under some convenient regu- 
lations, to literary and antiquarian papers also. 

I was to say a few words respecting that other department of 
our Transactions, namely, Antiquities, or the study of the Old; 
and if, at this stage of my address, those words must be very few, I 
regret this circumstance the less, because I know that the study is 
deservedly a favourite here, and that I am surrounded by persons 
who are, beyond all comparison, more familiar with the subject 
than myself. 

In general, I may say, that whether the study of Antiquities be 
regarded in its highest aspect, as the guardian of the purity of his- 
tory,—the history of nations and of mankind; or as ministering to 
literature, by recovering from the wreck of time the fragments of 
ancient compositions ; or as indulging a natural and almost filial 
curiosity to know the details of the private life of eminent men of 
old, and to gaze upon those relics which invest the past with 
reality, as the paleontologist from his fossils reconstructs lost 
forms of life: in all these various aspects, the study is worthy to 
interest any body of learned men, and to occupy a considerable part 
of the Transactions of any society so comprehensive as our own. 
The historian of the Peloponnesian war was also himself an anti- 
quarian ; and prefaced that work which was to be “‘a possession for 
ever,’ by an inquiry into the antiquities of Greece. And while he 
complained of the curws araratorwpos trois mWorArois in Catnots Ths aAn- 
Qetas, that easy search after truth which cost the multitude nothing; 
he also claimed to have arrived at an és rexynpiov, a linked chain of 
antiquarian proof, by which he could establish his correction of their 
errors. Indeed, the uninitiated are apt to doubt,—perhaps too they 
may sometimes smile,—when they observe the earnest confidence 
which the zealous Antiquary reposes in results deduced from argu- 
ments which seem to them to be but slight; nor dare I say that I 


have never yielded to that sort of sceptical temptation. But 
I remember a fact which ought to have given me a lesson, on 
the danger of hastily rejecting conclusions which have been ma- 
turely considered by others. A learned Chancellor of Ireland, 
now no more, assured me often and earnestly, that he gave 
no faith to the inductions of astronomers respecting the dis- 
tances and sizes of the sun and moon; and hinted that he 
disliked our year, for containing the odd fraction ofa day. Yet 
this was a man, not only of great private worth, but of great 
intellectual power, and eminent in his profession as in the state. 
Astronomers and mathematicians, it may be, look sometimes on 
other inductions with a not less unfounded incredulity. It is one 
of the advantages of an Academy, so constituted as ours is, that it 
brings together persons of the most different tastes and the most 
varied mental habits, and teaches them an intellectual toleration, 
which may ripen into intellectual comprehension. Thus, while 
the antiquary catches from the scientific man his ardent desire for 
progression, and for that clearer light which is future, the man of 
science imbibes something in return, of the antiquarian reverence 
for that which remains from the past. The literary man and the 
antiquary, again, re-act upon each other, through the connexion of 
the Beautiful and the Old, which in conception are distinct, but in 
existence are often united. And finally, the scientific man learns 
elegance of method from the man of literature, and teaches him pre- 
cision in return. 

Before I leave the subject of Transactions, I may remark that 
their value, both as stimulants and as assistants to study, must 
much depend on the rapidity and extent of their circulation, and on 
the care that is taken to put them as soonas possible into the hands 
or within the reach of studious men abroad. Reciprocally it is of 
importance that measures should be taken for obtaining speedy in- 
formation here of what is doing by such men in other countries. 
On both these points, some reforms have lately been made, but 
others still are needed, and will soon be submitted to your Council. 
On these and all questions of improvement, I rely upon receiving the 
assistance of all those gentlemen who are in authority among us; 
but especially am encouraged by the hope of the cordial co-opera- 


tion of your excellent Vice-President, Professor Lloyd, who has 
done so much already for this Academy, in these and in other 

It may deserve consideration, as connected with the last-men- 
tioned point, whether Reports upon some foreign memoirs of emi- 
nent merit, accompanied by extracts, and, perhaps, translations, 
might not sometimes be advantageously called for. There is, I 
think, among our early records, some hint that the Academy had 
oncea paid Translator. It may or it may not be expedient to revive 
the institution of such an office ; or to give direct encouragement to 
the exertions of those,* who, without any express reference to our 
own body, work in this way for us, while working for the public; 
but no one can doubt that it is desirable to diminish the too great 
isolatedness which at present exists among the various learned bo- 
dies of the world. The Reports of the British Association on the 
actual state of science in each of its leading subdivisions, do not 
exactly meet the want to which I have alluded; because, upon the 
whole, they aim rather at condensing into one view the ultimate 
conclusions of scientific men in general, than at diffusing the fame 
and light of individual scientific genius, by selecting some few 
great foreign works, and making known at home their method 
as well as well as their results. Besides we must remember that 
far as that colossal Association exceeds the body to which we be- 
long, in numbers, wealth, and influence, yet in plan it is less com- 
prehensive ; since it restricts itself to science exclusively, while 
we aspire, as I have said, to comprehend nearly the whole sphere 
of thought,—at least of thought as applied to merely human things: 
in making which last reservation, I shall not, I hope, be supposed 
wanting in reverence for things more sacred and divine. 

With that powerful and good Association, however, we should en- 
deavour to continue always on our present, or if possible, on closer 
terms of amicable relation. I need not say that we should also 
aim to preserve and improve our friendly relations with all the 

* For instance, Mr. Richard Taylor, of London, F.S. A., &c., who lately began 
to publish Scientific Memoirs, selected and translated from the Transactions of Fo- 
reign Academies of Science, and other foreign sources; which valuable publication 
is now suspended for want of sufficient support from the public.— Note by PRESIDENT. 


other Scientific, Literary, and Antiquarian Societies, of these and 
of foreign countries. Especially we ought to regard, with a kind 
of filial feeling of respect and love, the Royal Society of London— 
that central and parent institution, from which so many others 
have sprung ; over which Newton once presided ; and in which our 
own Brinkley wrote. While feelings of this sort are vigilantly 
guarded, and public and private jealousies excluded vigilantly, a 
vast and almost irresistible moral weight belongs to companies 
like these, of studious men ; and, amid the waves of civil affairs, 
the gentle voice of mind makes itself heard at last. Societies such as 
ours, if they do their duty well, and fulfil, so far as in them lies, 
their own high purpose, become entitled to be regarded as being, 
on all purely intellectual and unpolitical questions, hereditary 
counsellors of crown and nation. The British Association has al- 
ready made applications to government with success, for the ac- 
complishment of scientific objects; and I am not without hopes 
that our own recent memorial, for the printing, at the public ex- _ 
pense, of some valuable manuscripts in our possession, adapted to 
throw light on history, and interesting in an especial degree to us 
as Irishmen, will receive a favourable consideration. 

On the present occasion, which to me is solemn, and to you not — 
unimportant, I may be pardoned for expressing, in conclusion, the 
pleasure which it gives me to believe, that while we cautiously ab- 
stain from introducing polemics or politics, or whatever else might 
cause an angry feeling in this peaceful and happy society, some great 
and fundamental principles, of duty to heaven and to the state, are 
universally recognized amongstus. Admitted at an early age to join 
your body, I now have known you long, and hope to know you 
longer ; but have never seen the day, and trust that I shall never 
see it, when piety to God, or loyalty to the Sovereign, shall be out 
of fashion here, 




Tue lives of men of science are proverbially devoid of incident ; 
abstracted from the bustle and business of the great world with- 
out, and deriving their happiness as well as their occupation from 
the little world within, we but seldom find them influenced by the 
vicissitudes that shed the interest of adventure over the course of 
the legislator, the diplomatist, or the warrior. Even the steps 
that have led the scholar to eminence, the light that first dawned 
upon the path of invention, and the process by which conjecture 
has been gradually matured to certainty,—even these are too fre- 
quently unknown; and though they present the most interesting 
problems in intellectual science, are sometimes concealed by the 
modesty of him who is their subject, and sometimes forgotten 
or dimmed to recollection by the splendour of advancing disco- 
very. The life of our late President, though so important in its 
relation to the progress of education and science in this country, 
furnishes no exception to the general statement we have made ; and 
although his mind must have nurtured for years the germs of im- 
provement by which his memory has been made illustrious, it was 
in the silence and secrecy of his own solitary reflections. 
BartHoLomew Luoyp was born in the year 1772, and having 
been at an early period of life deprived both of his father and of his 
uncle, to whose care he had been committed after his father’s death, 
he entered soon upon those struggles with the world in which, by 
energy and perseverance, he was to obtain so signal a victory. At 
the age of fifteen heentered the University, and by his talents and as- 
siduity soon made himself conspicuous, obtaining successively aScho- 
larship and Fellowship in 1790, and 1796, on high and distinguished 
answering. On the numerous but important duties that devolved 
on him as tutor, or on the manner in which he fulfilled them, it is 
unnecessary to dilate. The affectionate recollections of his nume- 


rous pupils, many of whom have attained to rank and respectability, 
and many of whom surround me, prove equally the interest he took 
in their welfare, and his exertions to secure it; while the knowledge he 
acquired in Mathematics and Natural Science, evince that his hore 
subsecive, were not devoted to personal ease or relaxation. His 
character for labour and research was sufficiently developed to 
justify his appointment, while a Junior Fellow, to the Professor- 
ship of Mathematics, on Dr. Magee, the late Archbishop of Dublin, 
retiring from that situation: and some years afterwards, to that of 
Natural Philosophy. To the manner in which he filled those im- 
portant stations, academic and public opinion has long since given 
its approbation ; and it was in full accordance with that opinion, 
loudly and unanimously expressed, that when the present Bishop of 
Cork was raised to that see, Dr. Lloyd was elevated from among 
the Fellows of the University, to preside as Provost over its in- 

This event, hailed by every friend of science and education, 
took place in 1831, and perhaps no six years in the history of 
any institution can be compared to those which passed under his 
brief administration, with regard to substantial improvement, 
changes rapid, though well weighed, and reform mild and prudent, 
yet searching and effective. Scarcely a portion of the system of 
education but was subjected to consideration, and in many in- 
stances to changes fully justified by experience ; and while we now 
look back with astonishment upon all that the energy and discrimi- 
nation of one man could effect, we must not withhold our high 
approbation from those, who, unimpeded by any love of system, or 
habit, or prejudice, seconded so nobly his exertions: and we may 
rejoice that he was enabled to compass such a mass of reform, with- 
out experiencing a failure, and without endangering a friendship. On 
the regretted death of our President, the justly esteemed Bishop of 
Cloyne, the choice of the Academy almost unanimously devolved 
on Dr. Lloyd; and he who had shewn himself the active, intelli- 
gent, and instructed patron and promoter of every useful science, 
himself no mean proficient in all,—he who mainly by his influence 
and character had collected -here the representatives of science 
from every quarter of the globe, and made the metropolis of Ire- 
land, for the season, that of natural knowledge,—he was elected 
almost by acclamation to preside over the meetings of the Royal 


Irish Academy, many of whose members had felt the fostering of 
his kindness, and his friendship, and his direction in earlier life. 
But for two short years has he presided over this institution, years 
marked by unremitting attention upon his part to its interests; and 
although its present maturity of usefulness and exertion can scarcely 
be traced to his personal influence, over that exertion he carefully 
watched, with its progress he sincerely sympathized, and by every 
means in his power stimulated and applauded. A large portion of 
the morning of his lamented removal was occupied in tracing and 
rejoicing over the successive improvements of this Academy ; and 
anticipating with melancholy pleasure its still further advancement. 
I say melancholy, for with that species of darkened feeling, which 
“the shadow of coming events” frequently produces, the Provost 
did not expect to witness its growth in prosperity, and he spoke of 
it as of a dear friend from whom he must expect to be parted, but 
who should have his best and sincerest wishes; as of a child to 
whom he would bequeath a legacy of anxious, affectionate, and 
longing remembrances. Such we may-feel convinced was the emo- 
tion with which our late President regarded this institution, and it 
is a claim upon our grateful recollection of departed worth, that so 
long as any thing merely earthly occupied his attention, our in- 
terests and our welfare were entwined with his latest aspirations. 

A few observations upon the claims which our late President, as 
a man of letters and science, has upon the gratitude of the lite- 
rary and scientific public, will fitly close this brief memorial. When 
Dr. Lloyd was called to the Mathematical chair of the University, 
that science was at a low ebb in Ireland. The names and examples 
of Brinkley and Davenport, and a few others, had failed to produce 
any effect, and the misinterpreted and mistaken glory of Newton 
had formed here as well as elsewhere a barrier to the progress of his 
followers in the sciences he had made illustrious, and prevented 
them using for their further development the very instruments he 
had himself discovered and employed. This our President had seen, 
and over it he had mourned; and the first object of his exertions when 
enabled to speak with authority to the Academic youth, was to incite 
them to new fields of labour, to point out new regions to investigate 
and subdue; he exhibited himself as their fellow-student and 
fellow-workman, sharing their difficulties and rejoicing in their 


triumphs. Nor did he only urge them forward; he held upa torch to 
direct their steps, and his elementary works upon Geometrical Ana- 
lysis and Mechanics, adopted as the Text-books in the University, 
prove how completely he identified himself with the progress of the 
student, while at the same time they illustrate the power of that 
mind which could grapple with and overcome the most difficult of 
all intellectual labours, the rendering familiar and facile the elements 
of science. And our President was successful. The mind of our 
youth required but to be stimulated and directed. We are now as it 
were centuries in advance of what we, a few years ago, viewed as the 
limit of attainment, and many, whom to praise would be superfluous, 
and whom I would name, but that they are present, form the best 
comment on our President’s zeal and foresight. 

As Provost, the same great objects were ever present to his mind. 
Education, over which he presided, called for his undivided atten- 
tion, and he bestowed it ; and by the changes which he effected in 
its literary, scientific, and ethical departments, he has acquired for 
himself among the friends of the mind of Ireland imperishable glory. 
This is not the place to speak in detail of the many improvements he 
suggested or adopted; of the different courses of study which he 
supplied to the differing inclinations or tendencies of mind; of the 
elevation of mental and moral science to the station, which, in such 
a country as ours, it should maintain; of the separation of the im- 
portant duties of the Professor from the laborious and important, 
but subordinate, occupation of the Tutor ; still less of the zeal with 
which he watched over the theological course of the University, 
and laboured to raise it to meet the exigencies of the times, and 
the wants of the people. If the prosperity of a country be in- 
separably connected with the education of the higher and middle 
classes of the population, and if the progress of science and litera- 
ture be the never-failing index of a civilized and moralized popu- 
lation, then must the individual who extends or improves education 
be ranked among the truest lovers of their country, and the name 
of Lloyd will be handed down among the benefactors of Ireland, 

Nor was our late President exclusive in his attachment to Science 
or to Instruction; while the medical school connected with the Uni- 
versity received his fullest consideration, and enjoyed the advantages 
of his reforms,—on natural science, in all its branches, he bestowed 


his attention and his patronage. Of one Society (the Geological) 
he was, I believe, one of the original founders, as well as one of its 
first Presidents, and always an anxious and zealous member ; under 
his auspices was the Magnetic Observatory commenced in the 
University, which promises to supply so perfectly a desideratum 
in British Science, and which must so powerfully tend not only 
to the elucidating of the most recondite and interesting problems 
in natural knowledge, but to the practical improvement of many of 
the most important instruments of general utility; and the very 
latest plan proposed by him to the Board of the University, was 
one for extending instruction in natural history, and rendering the 
acquisition of information in its varied departments more acces- 
sible. To mental science he had paid in early life considerable 
attention, and the respect he felt for it is manifest in the creation 
of the professorship of Moral Philosophy. All who have heard 
him as a preacher in the University must remember the clear and 
lucid style, the mild and earnest, and persuasive manner which, in 
spite of physical defects, rendered him most attractive in the pul- 
pit; and they cannot forget the accuracy of conception, and keen 
and discriminating judgment which could penetrate into the depths 
of the metaphysics of theology without obscuring the subject, or 
dimming its sanctity. Some idea of what he was as a preacher 
may be had from the volume of sermons he published on some of 
the most abstruse topics in Divinity ; and a specimen of his taste and 
judgment in the metaphysics of literature is exhibited in some beau- 
tiful but fragmentary dissertations published several years since in 
the Dublin Journal of Science. As a writer our President has not 
left much; the elementary but admirable works alluded to, the 
essays and sermons, I believe, comprise the whole; his business 
was not so much to advance science himself as to stimulate and 
direct others ; not to press forward in his own person, leaving the 
path in darkness, but to hold high the torch for the young aspirant, — 
to mark the road. It is, however, an interesting fact, that he has 
left a large collection of manuscripts behind, the natural result 
of a well-stored, active, and inventive mind, and it is not to be 
doubted but that our fellow academic and Vice-President, the heir 
of his name and of his talents, will not suffer a grain of his father’s 
gold to be lost. 


In one other point of view might our President be contem- 
plated, but it is unnecessary. He could be spoken of as the gen- 
tleman and the Christian, as one whose character impressed the 
respect, which his manners associated with affection ; as one whose 
gentleness, urbanity, and good feeling converted every one that 
approached him into a friend, and rendered the intercouse of official 
duty a privilegeand a pleasure. Our President’s manners were bene- 
volent, because his mind was essentially so; because he anticipated 
and provided for the feelings of every one with whom he had inter- 
course both on great and small subjects; because, incapable of feel- — 
ing jealousy or envy, he was always desirous of bringing every indi- 
vidual fully and entirely forward, and as there never was one who 
lived more for others and less for himself, so there never has been one 
who manifested such a characteristic more decidedly in his manner 
and deportment. But it is unnecessary to proceed—more would on 
this topic be unnecessary to those who in public and in private have 
witnessed or have experienced the influence I have mentioned; and 
enough has been said, however feebly, to meet in some degree the 
wishes of the Academy, its sense of justice, of gratitude, and of 
affection ; that one who shared so materially in the first triumphs of 
abstract science in this country should not pass off the stage unno- 
ticed and unlamented in this room, dedicated to the pursuit of that 
science and that literature which he loved,—that one with whom 
every advance of science in Ireland will by impartial posterity be 
associated, should from us, his contemporaries, receive some meed 
of his renown, and that while our kindred institution, the Univer- 
sity, is endeavouring to connect his name imperishably with the 
exertions and the rewards of the aspirants after scientific fame, we 
who enjoyed his intercourse and can claim his latest recollections, 
should add too our mourning tribute of applause to hang upon his 




1838. No. 9. 

January 22. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

A Letrer from Colonel Yorke was read, enclosing a copy 
of Lord John Russell’s letter to the Lord Lieutenant, in- 
forming his Excellency that the Academy’s address to the 
Queen was very graciously received, and that her Majesty 
has been pleased to consent to become the Patroness of the 

Sir William Betham read a paper on the “ Eugubian 
Inscriptions” preserved at Gubbio, an Episcopal city in the 
Papal states, on seven plates of bronze, which were disco- 
vered on excavating the crypt of an ancient temple there in 
the year 1444. Five of the inscriptions are in the old Etruscan 
character, written from right to left, like the Hebrew and 
other Shemitic languages; two, the sixth and seventh, are 
in what is now called the Roman character, written from left 
to right. Two other plates were found at the same time, 
and were sent to Venice in the year 1505, but never re- 

The object of Sir William Betham’s paper was to show 
that the ancient Etruscan language was identical with the 
Iberno-Celtic, and, that the Irish language, as it is still 
spoken in this country, affords the true clue to the interpre- 



tation of these inscriptions, which have baffled the efforts of 
so mary learned men. 

The author read to the Academy ii translation of the 
sixth and seventh tables, (those written in the Roman cha- 
racter), which he selected as containing matter of great inte- 
rest to the inhabitants of these countries, being a record of 
the discovery of the use of the magnetic needle in naviga- 
tion, and of the British Islands, by the ancient Etruscans. 

The following is an abstract of the facts recorded in these 
very ancient documents, according to Sir William Betham’s. 
translation of them: 

The sixth table commences with an invitation to the 
people, to go “to divide and farm the western lands,” and to 
proceed to the west, “where are three islands” of rich and 
productive soil, with cattle and sheep in abundance, and 
large black deer, productive of mines, with fine streams and 
every advantage for residence. It then proceeds to state, 
that the ships which were fitted out to convey settlers had 
been provided with stored food and abundant provisions for 
the voyage, with good water zn skins to be served out daily ; 
that the skill and seamanship of the commanders and the 
men guaranteed their safety ; and that the people might ven- 
ture to go, with the most perfect confidence, over the ‘for 
ages untracked wilderness of the sea.’ 'Then is depicted the 
wretched system of coasting navigation, which confined the 
trader to the shores, amidst shoals, rocks, surfs, and other 
imminent dangers, all which had been overcome and avoided 
by the discovery of the little pointer, (the PIAC LU), by 
which they were enabled to cross from coast to coast in ‘ the 
same certain and established track ; and the high seas, which 
the mariner formerly contemplated with the greatest appre- 
hension when out of sight of land, might be crossed with 
certainty, avoiding all dangers in deep water. ‘‘ It was be- 
come trade's plain, a noble space, an easy space, a shortened 
space, tracked space, man’s own space, the means of trade’s 


"progress, ‘man’s treasury, the source of the increase of man’s - 
wealth. Navigation by stored food and the LITTLE POINTER 
was made safe and pleasant.” 

This passage occurs several times in the inscription. 
The “ttle pointer and the stored food are described as the 
means by which the three western islands had been dis- 

The events of former voyages are described very em- 
phatically: on one occasion, it appears, the ships had gone 
so far north that the water skins had been frozen and burst, 
and they fell in with what they supposed to be land, but 
found, on examination, to their great consternation it was 
only ice. 

They proceeded with cautious anxiety by means of the 
sun by day and the seven (reacd pe, ursa major) by night ; 
and at length saw the land of the three islands; on the first 
of which they saw sheep. 

The concluding passage of the seventh table reminds 
the Pheenicians, (for although these people were certainly 
resident in Italy, they are throughout called PUND), that 
the island country which had been discovered would form 
a noble country for trade, protected from hostile aggression 
by the sea; and might hereafter become an asylum (in case 
their own country should be invaded and conquered by an 
enemy of robbing people) to which they might retire in their 
ships, and where their friends and colonists would receive 
them with joy and gratitude in return for the benefits they 
had conferred upon them. 

In the last paragraph we are informed that the inscrip- 
tion was written after three hundred years from the great 
subterraneous noise and commotion, or the earthquake. 

Of the former unsuccessful attempts to decipher these 
very interesting inscriptions, Sir William Betham referred 
to that of Father Gori, published with a fac simile, and that 


of Lanzi,-in his Saggio di Lingua Etrusca, both of which, 
he stated, were unsatisfactory, far-fetched, and absurd. 

Mr. Samuel Ferguson read the first part ofa paper “ on 
the Antiquity of the Kiliee, or Boomerang,” the object of 
which was to show, that the peculiar characteristics of that 
instrument belonged to the cateia and aclys of the Latin 
classic writers, the latter being, most probably, identical with 
the ancyle of the Greeks. 

The chief proofs in the case of the cateia turned, Ist, on 
the epithet panda applied to it by Silius Italicus, (Punic. 
|. iii. v. 278,) and, 2nd, on the description of it given by 
Isidore, a writer of the end of the sixth and beginning of 
the seventh century, who states concerning it, “Si ab artifice 
mittatur rursim redit ad eum qui misit.” (Origin. 1. xviii. 
c. 7.) 

The chief proofs in the case of the aclys, rested, Ist, on 
the identification of the aclys and cateia, by Servius {in 
fMneid. 1. vii. v.'730, 741); 2nd, on an inference of its semi- 
lunar shape, drawn from Valerius Flaccus, (Argonaut. 1. vi. 
v. 99); and 3rd, on the statement of Sidonius Appollinaris, 
a writer of the fifth century, who, referring, as it would ap- 
pear, to these weapons, describes them as missiles, “ que 
feriant bis missa semel.” (Carm. V. v. 402.) 

The identity of the aclys and ancyle was inferred from 
their apparent etymological relation, and from the statement 
of the Scholiast on Euripides—ayxvAa ra axovria, aro Tov 
exnykvdacba, (Euripid. Orest. v. 1479). 

An investigation of the radical meanings of these names 
confirmed the testimonies adduced, by showing that each 
was properly descriptive of a curved instrument. 

The statement of Isidore, that the cateta and club of 
Hercules were the same, was, in like manner, confirmed by 
an investigation of the radical meaning of the word clava, and 
by the exhibition of drawings of curved clave (almost identi- 


cal inform with a variety of the Australian instrument) taken 
from the antique, one of which appeared to have been in- 
tended to represent the Herculean weapon. A further con- 
firmation was drawn from the fact, that instruments, formed 
on the model of these, were found to exhibit the peculiar 
flight of the boomerang. So also of the club or hammer of 
Thor, the Hercules of Scandinavian mythology, stated in 
the Edda to have possessed similar properties ; instruments 
of a +, and hammer shape, being also found to exhibit all 
the peculiarities of the Australian weapon. Hence, an 
illustration of the crosses on Pagan British coins, and of 
the tradition of cruciform missiles still preserved in Irish 

The connexion between the curved club and the boome- 
rang being thus established, it was suggested, that some 
relationship might be looked for between the Germanic 
nations, who still call their club setle and kiele, a name 
properly descriptive of a crooked weapon, and the Austra- 
lian tribes who call the cognate instrument iéliee. 

From the remarkable fact, that the-names of the straight 
spear in several of the languages of Europe are either iden- 
tical, or radically connected, with these characteristic names 
of the crooked missile, it was argued that the boomerang is 
a more ancient weapon than the spear. 


Astronomical Observations made at the Observatory of 
Cambridge. By the Rev. James Challis, M. A. Vol. IX., 
for the year 1836. Presented by the Author. 

Address of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, 
K. G., §c. Sc. §c., the President, read at the Anniversary 
Meeting of the Royal Society on Thursday, November 30th, 
1837. Presented by the Society. 

Guilielmi Gilberti, de Magnete, Magneticisque Corpori- 
bus, et de Magno Magnete Tellure ; Physiologia nova, plu- 


rimis et argumentis, et Experimentis demonstrata. Fol. Lond- 
1600. Presented by Aquilla Smith, M. D. 

Nouveaux Mémoires de 0 Académie Royale des Sciences 
et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. Tom. X. Presented by the 
Royal Academy of Brussels. 

Mémoires Couronnés par l Académie Royale des Sciences 
et Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles. Tom. XI. Presented by 
the same. 

Bulletin de 1 Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
Lettres de Bruxelles, 1837. Nos. 1to9. Presented by the 

Programme des Questions proposées pour le Concours de 
1838, par l Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de 
Bruxelles. 3 copies. Presented by the same. 

Annales de Observatoire de Bruxelles, publieés aux 
frais de ’Etat. Par le directeur, A. Quetelet. Tom. I. 
Deuxiéme Partie. Presented by the Author. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l Académie 
des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. Deux- 
ieme Semestre, 1837. Nos. 1 to 26. Presented by the 

February 12. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The following gentlemen were elected Members of the 
Academy : 

John Anster, LL.D., Joseph Carson, Esq., F.T.C., 
Mountiford Longfield, LL.D., Robert Caldwell, Esq., 
Alexander Boyle, Esq., Thomas Drummond, Esq., John 
Hamilton, Esq., Rev. George Vernon, Rev. Robert Knox, 
James Whiteside, Esq. 


Mr. S. Ferguson read the continuation of his paper on 
the Antiquity of the ‘“‘ Boomerang.” The author exhibited 
a tabular digest of the significant synonymes of a variety of 
words, all of them necessarily involving the idea of curva- 
ture. These he arranged according to their palpable re- 
semblances ; and gave it as his opinion, that the indices or 
characteristic syllables of the classes so resulting were uni- 
formly identical with the roots of the names by which the 
curved weapon and spear have been known. 

Mr. Ferguson stated, that the transit of these names 
from the one class of weapons to the other, appears to have 
taken place through the medium of the amentum, or attached 
sling, by which the spear was originally thrown. He sug- 
gested a similar mode of throwing the Australian instrument, 
and illustrated it from a British coin of Cunobeline. 

From an investigation of the relations observable among 
the nations which appear to have used weapons of this de- 
scription, the author concluded that the use of them in 
Europe was in great measure peculiar to the Gomarite 
branch of the Japetian family. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomaduaires des Séances de l’ Aca- 
demie des Sciénces. Premier Semestre, 1838. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 
and Tables Alphabetiques. Jan.—Jun. 1837. Presented by 
the Academy. 

The Phrenological Journal and Magazine of Moral 
Science. Vol. XI. No. 44. New Series, No. 1. Presented 
by the Phrenological Society. 

Ordnance Survey of the County of Londonderry. Colonel 
Colby, R.E., F. R.S. L. and E., M. R. I. A., Superintendant. 
Volume the First. 4to. Presented by his Excellency the 
Lord Lieutenant. . 

The Ordnance Maps of the Counties of Sligo, in 49 sheets: 

and Longford in 29 sheets: each including the Title and 
Index. Presented by His Excellency the Lord Lieu- 
Flora Batava. 4to, Amst. 1836. Nos. 110, 111. By 

Jan Koops and H.C. Van'Hall. Presented by the Au- 




1838. No. 10. 

February 26. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

Tue Rev. Dr. Mac Donnett, Secretary of Council, gave 
notice that it was his intention to resign his Office of Secre- 
tary, and place in the Council. 

A letter was read from Dr. Ferguson, resigning his place 
in the Council. 

The recommendation of Council to repeal the latter part 
of Chap. VIII. sect. 4, of the Statutes of the Academy, from 
the words “‘ except by a vote,” to the end, was agreed to. 

The Rev. J. H. Todd exhibited the original of a Charter 
granted to the Abbey of Mellifont, near Drogheda, in the 
county Louth, by John, son of Henry II., afterwards king of 
England. The charter was given at Castleknock, but the 
year is not specified. It must, however, have been the year 
1185, when John, by confirmation of Pope Urban VIII. was 
appointed by his father, Lord of Ireland, (Hoved. fol. 359. d.) 
whither he accordingly went soon after, accompanied by 400 
knights, some archers, and many clerks, (clerici plures,) one 
of whom was Giraldus Cambrensis, who tells us of himself 
that he was specialius a patre cum filio directus, (Gir. Cambr. 
cap. 31, Hoved. fol. 360.) John was not quite a year altoge- 
ther in Ireland, having been compelled to abandon the 



country in consequence of the offence he gave to the chief- 
tains of the Pale. The date of the charter is therefore 
sufficiently ascertained ; in it John assumes the title of Do- 
minus Hibernia, the same which was adopted before by his 
father, and held by all the kings of England since that period 
to Henry VIII. But it is remarkable that he lays claim to 
the exercise of an independent sovereignty ; the object of 
the charter being to confirm a previous charter granted by 
the king of England. Archdall appears to have seen this 
charter, but has given an imperfect and very inaccurate 
copy of it, (Monast. Hib. p. 480.) 

Mr. Todd also read a letter from Col. Currey of Lismore 
Castle, consenting to lend the Academy the ancient MS. 
found in 1811, buried under the ruins of the Castle. The 
MS., according to Mr. O’Reilly, was written in the latter 
end of the 15th century ; the writing is exactly similar to 
that of the Book of Fermoy, written in 1487, and both 
volumes were probably the work of the same scribe. The 
Book of Lismore contains poems and historical treatises 
relating to the M‘Carthys,—lives of saints,—the wars of 
Callaghan of Cashel,—the adventures of Teige Mac Cein, and 
the battle of Druim-damhghoire ; also a very valuable tract 
giving an account of the battle of Gabhra. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted to Colonel 

Professor Lloyd, V.P. read the following communication, 
contained in a letter from M. Abbadie, detailing the principal 
results of his scientific expedition to the Brazils. The letter 
is dated the 31st of August, 1837; and Mr. Lloyd regretted 
that he had no earlier opportunity of laying it before the 

TJ availed myself of the departure of a young friend for 
Ireland to write to you before my departure for the Brazils, 
announcing the purport of my voyage, and sending at the 
same time a copy of my remarks on the Euskara language, 


which I offered to the Royal Irish Academy. I should be 
glad to learn that it has proved acceptable, however trifling. 

** As I have always remarked that scientific discoveries 
are long known either in Ireland or in France, before they 
travel from one country to the other, I think it may be 
gratifying to you to become acquainted with a few parti- 
culars of my voyage. 

‘¢ We made three observations every hour, day and night, 
from the 11th of February to the end of March. The in- 
struments examined were, Ist, the horizontal magnetic 
needle; 2nd, the thermometer; 3rd, the barometer, @ 
niveau constant; 4th, Saussure’s hair hygrometer. The 
direction and force of the wind, state of sky, &c. were also 

“The variations of the needle were far greater than in 
Paris; the hours of maxima and minima agreeing very well 
together, except near the time of the sun’s passage through 
the zenith of Olinda, (lat. 8°. 0’. 58”. long. 2" 19" W.) I 
then remarked two important phenomena; Ist, the extreme 
digressions, A.M. in one sense, became P.M. in the same 
direction, when the sun began to culminate in the other 
hemisphere, after passing through the zenith. 2ndly, this 
remarkable alteration was preceded by sudden and perma- 
nent changes in the variation of the needle, amounting to 
more than one degree. The first of these variations took 
place twelve hours after the sun’s centre had reached a 
declination equal to the latitude of the place. All these 
sudden changes were accompanied with feeble storms con- 
fined to one small part of the horizon. Referring to the 
problem as laid down in the Annuaire du Bureau des Longi- 
tudes for last year, it would seem that the transition from 
the daily variations belonging to the northern hemisphere to 
those which characterize the southern part of our globe, is 
not on the magnetic equator, but depends on the sun’s path 
in the heavens; and the sun acts here not as a source of 



heat, according to Captain Duperrey’s supposition, but as a 
source or centre of magnetic attraction, if I may dare say so 
in the present uncertain state of science. 

“The mean results of the observations made by us on 
magnetic intensity of forces, confirm very nearly the ratio 
between the equator and our latitudes, as first given by our 
distinguished countryman Captain Sabine. The dip was 
13°. 9’. but varied a little under the sun’s influence. 

““The maxima and minima of the barometer’s range, 
confirmed partly M. Boussingalt’s results. 

“The mean temperature of the place, as given, Ist, by 
the daily observation of the thermometer; 2nd, the heat of 
springs; and 3rd, that of the ground at small depths, was 
27.5 grades; nevertheless, the bottom of an Artesian well, 
200 feet deep, was 24.0 grades, being much colder than at 
the surface. ‘This was measured three times, as it seemed 
contrary to our received theories on a geocentric focus of 

“M. Selligue of Paris, has succeeded in making a 
folding iron barometer, which has been observed every day 
after a thorough shaking. It has not altered its primitive 
error of .001 metre. I confess that I am rather sanguine 
about this instrument, which I shall carry with me to Egypt 
and beyond the Red Sea.” 

M. Abbadie is at present in Abyssinia, whence he will 
proceed along the shores of the Red Sea. 

Professor Lloyd communicated to the Academy the 
results of his observations on the diurnal march of the 
horizontal needle, made on the 31st of August and 13th of 
November, 1837. 

These observations having been made with the apparatus 
of Professor Gauss, Mr. Lloyd commenced by describing 
the construction and uses of that apparatus, the principal 
parts of which he exhibited to the Academy. He then ex- 


plained the system of combined observation carried on 
under the auspices of that distinguished geometer, at so 
many places in Europe, and now, through the instrumen- 
tality of the Russian government, extended over the whole 
of northern Asia, and reaching even unto China. The 
results of this system hitherto obtained are, Ist, that the 
direction of the terrestrial magnetic force (estimated in the 
horizontal plane) is subject not only to a regular diurnal 
change, whose maxima and minima return at fixed hours; 
but also to irregular perturbations, which succeed one 
another with great rapidity, and which are not periodic. 
2ndly. That these irregular movements of the horizontal 
needle occur at the same instants of absolute time, and are 
similar to one another, at the most distant places at which 
observations have been hitherto made. ‘This synchronism 
in the movements of the needle, Mr. Lloyd observed, was 
so exact, that with the instrumental means now placed at the 
disposal of observers by M. Gauss, he had no doubt but that 
a very close approximation might be made to the determina- 
tion of geographical longitudes. 

Professor Lloyd then proceeded to lay before the 
Academy the results of the observations made in Dublin 
according to the methods described. The first series of such 
observations was made every five minutes during the twenty- 
four hours, commencing at noon (Gottingen time) on the 
3lst of August last. ‘The observations were undertaken in 
compliance with the general invitation of Baron Humboldt, 
and on the occasion of the scientific expedition of M. Parrot 
to the North Cape. The results are laid down in curves, 
according to the usual method of graphical representation, 
and exhibit a remarkable disturbance occurring between 8 
and 11 p. m. (Gottingen time). ‘The observations made at 
the same time elsewhere are not yet published; but Mr. 
Lloyd has, through the kindness of Baron Humboldt, 
received a copy of the observations made at Berlin at the 


same hours, under the superintendance of M. Encke, and 
the agreement is very remarkable. 

The second series of observations was made every five 
minutes during the twenty-four hours, commencing at noon 
(Gottingen time) on the 13th of November last. These ob- 
servations were undertaken at the request of Baron Hum- 
boldt, and with the view of ascertaining whether there existed 
any connexion between these perturbations of the needle, and 
the meteoric displays, which have been supposed to recur at 
that period in unusual frequency. The observations do not 
exhibit any very marked magnetic phenomenon; but on the 
following evening (November 14th) the needle was disturbed 
in a most unusual manner. It oscillated in very large arcs, 
and the maxima and minima of mean position succeeded one 
another with great rapidity. The whole range of the dis- 
turbance amounted to 1°. 20’. 

The nights of the 12th, 13th, and 14th of November 
were cloudy in Dublin, and no meteors were observed. 

Mr. Petrie gave an account of a very remarkable collec- 
tion of stone circles, cairns, &c. situate in the townland of 
Carrowmore, in the parish of Kilmacowen, and about two 
miles from the town of Sligo. They are of the class popu- 
larly called Druidical Temples, and have, in every instance, 
one or more Cromlech or Kistvaen within them. In some 
instances the circle consists of a single range of stones, 
in others of two concentric ranges, and in a few instances of 
three such ranges ; and nearly the whole are clustered toge- 
ther in an irregularly circular manner, around a great cairn, 
or conical heap of stones, which forms the centre of the 
group. The circles vary much in diameter, number, and 
height of stones, and other particulars; and the Cromlechs 
also are of various sizes and forms. Many of these monu- 
ments are greatly dilapidated; but there are still existing 
vestiges of about sixty circles with Cromlechs, and as it is 


known that a vast number has been totally destroyed by the 
peasantry, there is reason to believe that the collection 
could not have been originally much less than double that 
number. They are all formed of granite bolders, except the 
covering stone and another of the Cromlech in the great 
cairn, which are of lime stone. 

In all the circles, which have been either wholly or in 
part destroyed, human bones, earthen urns, &c. have been 
invariably found; and one circular enclosure, outside the 
group, and of far greater extent than any of the others, but 
evidently of cotemporaneous construction, is filled with 
bones of men and animals. 

Mr. Petrie stated, that this is the largest collection of 
monuments of the kind in the British islands, and probably, 
with the exception of the monuments at Carnach in Brittany, 
the most remarkable in the world. 

From the design observable in their arrangement and 
uniformity of construction, he considers them all of cotem- 
poraneous age; and from the human remains found in all 
of them, he concludes that they are wholly of sepulchral 
origin, and erected as monuments to men of various degrees 
of rank slain in a battle, the great central cairn being the 
sepulchre of the chief, and the great enclosure outside the 
group, the burial place of the inferior class. Such monu- 
ments, he stated, are found on all the battle fields recorded 
in Irish history, as the scenes of contest between the Belgian 
or Firvolg and the Tuatha de Danann colonies, and he con- 
siders these monuments to be the tombs of the Belgians, 
who, after their defeat in the battle of the Southern Moy- 
Turey, had retreated to Cuil-Iorra, and were there again 
defeated, and their king, Eochy, slain in crossing the strand 
of Ballysadare Bay, on which a cairn, rising above high 
water, still marks the spot on which he fell. 

As monuments of this class are found not only in most 
countries of Europe, but also in the Kast, Mr. Petrie thinks 


their investigation will form an important accessary to the 
history of the Indo-European race, and also that such an 
investigation will probably destroy the popular theories of 
their having been temples and altars of the Druids. 

March 16. (Stated Meeting.) 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

This being the day appointed by Charter for the annual 
election, the following Officers and Members of Council were 
chosen for the ensuing year: 

President—Professor Sir Wm. Rowan Hamilton, A. M. 

Treasurer—Thomas Herbert Orpen, M.D. 

Secretary—Joseph Henderson Singer, D.D. 

Secretary to Counci1—Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A. M. 

Secretary"of Foreign Correspondence—Sir Wm. Betham. 

Librarian—Reyv. William Hamilton Drummond. 

Committee of Science. 

Rev. Franc Sadleir, D. D. Provost of Trinity College; 
Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M.; James Apjohn, M. D.; James 
Mac Cullagh, Esq. A. M.; William Stokes,’ M. D.; Rev. 
William Digby Sadleir, A.M.; Robert Ball, Esq. 

Committee of Polite Literature. 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin; Rev. Joseph H. 
Singer, D. D.; Andrew Carmichael, Esq. ; Samuel Litton, 
M. D.; Rev. William H. Drummond; Rey. Charles Richard 
Elrington, D. D.; Rev. Charles William Wall, D. D. 

Committee of Antiquities. 

Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D.; Sir William Betham ; 
’ George Petrie, Esq.; Rev. Caesar Otway, A.B.; the Very 


Rev. the Dean of St. Patrick’s; Rev. James Henthorn Todd 
B.D.; Henry J. Monck Mason, Esq. LL. D. 

The President under his hand and seal appointed the 
following Vice-Presidents : 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin; The Provost ; 
Samuel Litton, M.D.; Rev. Humphrey Lloyd. 

The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's 
Accounts reported as follows: 

‘‘Examined the above Account,* with the vouchers 
produced, and found it to be correct ; and we find that there 
is a balance in bank of £229 2s. 5d.; and in the Treasurer’s 
hands £178 16s. 11d., making a total balance of £407 19s. 4d. 

** (Signed,) 
‘* Franc SADLEIR, 

© SAMUEL Litton.” 
“6 Feb. 19th, 1838.” 

** The Treasurer reports that there are the following por- 
tions of Stock in the Bank of Ireland to the credit of the 
Academy : 

«© £1500 in 3 per Cent. Consols. 

*¢ £1500 in 35 per Cent. Government Stock, being the 

Cunningham Fund. 
** (Signed,) 

“ SAMUEL Litton. 
“ Dee. 31, 1837.” 

The Dean of St. Patrick’s read a paper giving an account 
of the Medals and Medallists connected with Ireland, from 
the period of Charles the Second (when the first medal was 
struck that had any reference to that kingdom) to the pre- 

* Entered in the Treasurer’s Book. 


sent time. They were classed according to the different 
reigns, and the events which they recorded were noticed. 
Some biographical memoirs of the Mossops, father and-son, 
were also introduced; individuals of whom but little is known, 
even in Dublin, their native city, beyond those works which 
have long been admired as worthy of the best days of the 
medallic art. 

Mr. Todd, for Mr. Petrie, read a paper by the late Dr. 
West, “on the Ancient Geography of Gaul and the British 
Isles.” The principal object of this paper is to ascertain 
whether the Belge were of Teutonic or Celtic origin, and 
whether they spoke a Gaelic, or Irish, or a Cumric or Welch 
dialect of the Celtic; the author inclined to the opinion 
that they were of Celtic origin, and spoke a dialect of the 
Cumric, more resembling the Cornish than the Welsh, but 
different from the Erse or Gaelic; he brought many curious 
and valuable facts to support his theory. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de VAca- 
demie des Sciences. Nos. 4, 5, 6,7, 8, for the year 18358. 
Avec Tables Alphabetiques. Presented by the Institute. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 
Vol. VI. Part 2. Presented by the Society. 

Flora. Batava. By Jan Koops and H. C. Van Hall. Nos. 
112 and 113. Presented by the Authors. 

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of 
London. For the year 1837. Parts 1 and 2. Presented 
by the Society. 

List of the Fellows of the Royal Society. November 30, 
1837. Presented by the same. 

Address of his Royal Highness the President of the Royal 
Society, held at the Anniversary Meeting, November 30th, 
1837. Presented by the same. 

Abstracts of the Papers printed in the Philosophical 


Transactions of the Royal Society of London, from 1830 to 
1837, inclusive. Vol. III. 1830 to 1837. Presented by the 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Nos. 28, 
29, 50. Presented by the same. 

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain 
and Ireland. No. 8. Presented by the Society. 

Essays on Unexplained Phenomena. By Graham Hutch- 
inson. Presented by the Author. 

On the Functions of the Cerebellum, by Drs. Gall, Vimont, 
and Broussais. Translated from the French by George 
Combe. Also, Answers to the Objections urged against 
Phrenology by Drs. Roget, Rudolphi, Prichard, and. Tiede- 
mann. By George Combe and Dr. A. Combe. 8vo. Edin- 
burgh, 1838. Presented by George Combe, Esq. 

Bulletin de la Société Geologique de France. Tom. 1X. 
Feuilles 1—5, 1837 @ 1838. Presented by the Society. 

March 26. (Adjourned Meeting.) 
SIR Wma. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

A paper, by Mr. Carroll, on the Motion of the Boomerang, 
was read. In this paper the author seeks to explain the 
properties of the flight of the weapon by assimilating the 
effect of the air’s resistance on it to that exerted upon a flat 
circular disc. 

Professor Lloyd, V. P. made a few observations upon the 
same subject, in which he endeavoured to show that the pe- 
culiar movement of this projectile was but an extreme case 
of acknowledged laws. Whena body moves in a resisting 
medium, and when the resultant of all the forces of resis- 
tance, which act upon the several portions of its surface, is 
not contained in the vertical plane of projection, the body 
must deviate from that plane. This is generally the case in 


the motion of a body in a resisting medium. This effect of 
the air’s resistance can be shown to be unusually great in the 
case of a body (like the boomerang) composed of two straight 
arms united at a large angle, and projected with a revolving 
motion ; and hence the large resulting deviation in this case, 
amounting (as is known) to 180°. Mr. Lloyd observed, 
however, that this anomalous deviation was by no means 
peculiar to a projectile of this form; and that there were 
even other shapes which exhibited the property in a more 
remarkable manner. 

The other peculiarity in the hight of the boomerang, 
namely, its alternating ascents and descents, were ascribed 
by Mr. Lloyd to a nutation in the axis of revolution ; the in- 
strument (on account of its flat shape) being compelled to 
move in its own plane, which is also the plane of rotation. 
The motions of translation and of rotation of a heavy body 
in a resisting medium are not independent of one another, as 
they are in vacuo ; and hence.the variations of the progres- 
sive movement will produce corresponding variations both 
in the velocity and direction of the rotation. 

Professor Lloyd read a letter from Mr. Knox, detailing 
some results of the performance of his rain-guage, during 
the months of August, September, and October, and de- 
scribing a mode in which these results were graphically 
registered. The following is an extract : 

“‘ Drawing from a centre eight lines, to correspond with 
the cardinal and intermediate points, I take on each line 
a space respectively proportional to the amount of rain that 
has fallen from that point during any month; connecting the 
point so taken, I get a curve (or rather an eight-sided 
figure) which exhibits at one view both the amount and 
character of the rain during the month. It also enables the 
observer to compare one month with another, and likewise. 
to get a mean curve for the season, which may be of great 
use in determining local climate. It is probable that the 


mean curve for the three winter months may have the same 
character, if not the same magnitude, during different years. 
The line for August, for example, has shot down far to the 
S.W. which was owing to a few violent thunder storms 
from that direction. The curves for September and October 
have gone more to the west; and it is probable that in 
Spring I shall find the curve extending more to the easterly 
side of the compass, as our then prevailing winds are from 
that quarter. 

‘Another important thing with regard to climate may be 
obtained by using this guage in conjunction with Whewell’s 
anemometer; for by drawing in the same manner and on 
the same paper, the amount of wind from each of the eight 
points for any month, we may see at once the comparative 
dryness or wetness of any wind, (I mean with regard to razn, 
not vapour,) which the mere amount of rain from the dif- 
ferent directions would not give.” 

The following table exhibits the amount of rain during 
the three months above mentioned : 

August. | September.| October. 

a | 

Ss. 0.342 0.862 0.042 
S.W. | 1.434 1.226 0.836 
W. 0.214 0.954 1.021 
N.W.| 0.052 0.572 0.251 
N. 0.199 0.515 0.148 
N.E. | 0.050 0.248 0.016 
KE. 0.026 0.065 0.003 

S. E. 0.080 0.195 0.019 

Total| 2.397 4.637 2.336 

A paper was read “on some Snow Crystals observed on 
the 14th of January, 1838,” by William Thompson and 
Robert Patterson, Esquires. 

The crystals, which form the subject of this paper, were 
observed by the authors among the ordinary snow-flakes, in 


a shower which fell at Belfast on the 14th of January ; the 
crystals appearing to constitute fully one-third of the snow 
that fell. Nineteen distinct forms were observed, and are 
described in detail in the paper. Most of them are identical 
with those delineated by Hooke, Nettis, and Scoresby; there 
are some, however, which do not appear to have been before 
observed. They all belonged to the ‘ lamellar,” or first of 
the genera into which they are divided by Scoresby. The 
size of the crystals generally exceeded considerably that 
of those observed by the above-mentioned authors; their 
average diameter being such that the naked eye could 
readily discriminate the various figures, as they lay on a 
dark ground. ¢ 

From the great variety of figures observed in the course 
of a very limited time (a single hour) it is inferred by the 
authors, in opposition to the opinion of Scoresby, that a 
considerable range of temperature is not essential to the 
production of very various forms. 

The weather for some days previous had been frosty, 
and the barometer gradually falling from about noon on the 
12th. On the morning succeeding the day in which the 
observations were made, there was snow, succeeded by 
showers of sleet; and at noon a heavy rain set in, and con- 
tinued without intermission the remainder of the day. 

The President, in presenting the copy of the Arenarius 
of Archimedes, described in the donations of this evening, 
stated that he had intended to offer some remarks on that 
relic of mathematical antiquity ; but announced that he con- 
sidered it unnecessary to do so, on finding that his remarks 
had been, to a great extent, anticipated by Professor Rigaud 
of Oxford. 

Professor Lloyd communicated the results of a paper 
*‘on the Annual Decrease of the Dip in Dublin.” 
It is well known that the dip has been diminishing in 


Europe from the time of the earliest observations, and that 
the rate of this diminution is not uniform. It is, accord- 
ingly, a question of considerable interest and importance to 
determine the precise amount of the annual decrease, for a 
given epoch, at any station. Conceiving that the observa- 
tions of dip in Dublin, though extending over a very limited 
time (three years), were yet sufficiently numerous to furnish 
a close approximation to this amount, the author has put 
them together with that view. The observations are thrown 
into five distinct groups, those of the same group having 
been made nearly at the same time. The following are the 
results : 

Date. No. of Obs.) Dip. 
I. | Oct. 21, 1833, 1 (0 PBA 
II. | Sept. 9, 1834, 10 i 
III.) Sept. 18, 1835, 16 MAS Gio. 
IV.| April 25, 1836, 8 1 1°23%,,.9. 
V. | Aug. 5, 1836, 4 CN ee a 

The observations of M. Kupffer clearly show, that the 
diminution of the dip is not uniform throughout the year ; 
but that from December to May it is nearly stationary, the 
whole diminution taking place in the remaining eight months, 
For the convenience of calculation, we shall assume that the 
diminution takes place at a uniform rate throughout these 
eight months. It is evident then, that if 6 denote the wn- 
known dip at an assumed epoch, the 1st of January, 1836; 
6, the dip observed at any other time; 2 the number of 
effective months in the interval; and «, the monthly decrease, 
- each of the above results will furnish an equation of condi- 
tion of the form 

Combining these five equations by the method of least 
squares, we obtain two resulting equations which give the 
most probable values of d and «. We thus find, 
d= 71°. 3.84, eas OCG 


Hence the annual decrease of the dip in Dublin (or 8.) is 
2’, 38. 

The close agreement of this result with that recently 
deduced by Major Sabine, from his observations at the 
Regent’s Park, is very remarkable. From these observa- 
tions it appears that the dip has undergone a diminution of 
39’ at London, in the interval between August 1821, and 
November 1837, an interval of 16} years. The annual de- 
crease, therefore, is 2’.40. 

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Council,—‘* That 
as a first step towards the attainment of greater regularity 
of payment by members in future, the five following de- 
faulters, being deeply in arrear, be now excluded from the 
Academy, and declared to be no longer members thereof; 
but, asa measure of indulgence, that they be not sued at 
law for their arrears : 

Henry Grattan Douglas, M. D., in arrear, 37 16 0 
Thomas Little, M.D. . : 37 16 0 
John L. Arabin, Esq. — 3312 0 
Gerard Macklin, Esq. . : — 27 6 0 
William Shaw Mason, Esq. . —— 23 2 0” 

ReEsotvep,— That the portion of the By-law, Chapter 
VII. Section 4, which forbids the commencement of a new 
paper after 10 o'clock, be suspended for the present.” 


Hortus Mauritianus, Par W. Bojer. 8°. Maurice, 1837. 
Presented by Lord Glenelg. 

Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Second 
Series, Vol. V. Part the First. Presented by the Society. 

The Greek Text of the Arenarius of Archimedes, believed 
to have been edited by Dr. Moor of Glasgow. Presented, 
through the President, by Professor Russell of Edinburgh. 




1838. No. ll. 

April 9. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The following gentlemen ‘were elected members of the 

Simeon Hardy, Esq., Robert Adams, Esq., Captain 
John Pitt Kennedy, George Digges Latouche, Hsq., Jacob 
Owens, Esq., Charles T. Webber, Esq., Henry Barry, Esq., 
The Hon. James King, Elliot Warburton, Esq., George 
Downes, E'sq., The Venerable the Archdeacon of Raphoe. 

Sir William Betham read a letter from Dr. Hibbert 
Ware, describing a cromlech near Bombay, in India. The 
following are extracts :— 

“‘ My chief motive for sending you two sketches of crom- 
lechs, recently discovered by my son, Mr. William Hibbert 
Ware, Assistant Surgeon, 2nd Foot, or Queen’s Royal, in 
the East Indies, has a reference as much to the interest 
which such a distant locality attaches to this very early spe- 
cies of monument, as to the apparent use to which it is al- 
leged to have been subservient. — 

“In the admirable history of Ireland by Mr. Thomas 
Moore, this interesting writer, while treating of cromlechs, 
has adverted to the remarkable circumstance recorded in 
Maundrel’s Travels, that a monument of this description was 


found situated upon the Syrian coast, in the very region of 
the Pheenicians themselves. He also alludes to the crom- 
lechs which are affirmed, on the authority of Sir Richard 
Colt Hoare, to have been discovered so far east as Mala- 
bar. I have not the means at present of consulting this last 
mentioned author’s History of Ancient Wiltshire, where the 
account appears, but, happily, the drawings are copied into 
the work of your late friend Mr. Godfrey Higgins, in his 
‘Celtic Druids,’ who states, that ‘ it is remarkable Sir Richard 
Hoare did not accompany the sketches with any observa- 
tions ;’ but he properly adds, that ‘ this author’s character 
is too well known to admit a suspicion of their genuineness. 
To this remark I heartily subscribe, and if any doubt could 
ever have existed on the subject, (of which I am not aware,) 
it must be removed by the communication which I now send 
you, being an extract of a letter, with drawings, from my 
son, Mr. William Hibbert Ware, relative to cromlechs dis- 
covered by him near Belgaum. The information is to the 
following effect : 

*«*T enclose you two sketches of remains which very much 
resemble the cromlech of Kits Coty House in Kent. These 
I accidentally stumbled upon in the course of a tiger hunt. 
Into the composition of each of these monuments four stones 
enter, which incline towards one another, and are surmounted 
by one large horizontal stone. From an inquiry of the na- 
tives, including information which I received upon the spot, 
I learn that these remains are tombs of ancient date; and 
hence, from analogy, equally reasonable with a supposition 
entertained on the round towers of Ireland, it is probable 
that such piles in England were erected more as sepulchral 
stones than for other uses. It is affirmed, that the present 
structures were never raised for religious purposes. The 
height of the pile, shewn in sketch fig. 1, is eight feet, the 
other dimensions being proportionally represented ; and this 
estimation applies also to sketch fig. 2. Their composition 
is greenstone.’ 

a nO Sox RANE WAP Se 

“* Such is the information I have received relative to this 
very remote locality assignable to the cromlech. Into any 
theory of European and oriental intercourse which the fact 
may suggest, I have no wish at present to enter. 

“It is remarkable that the accounts given of these Indian 
monuments, tend to a conclusion similar to that which is 



derived from the information you were so kind as to send me, 
relative to a cromlech being found within a sepulchral cairn 
at Phoenix Park, namely, that it was used for purposes of 
interment. But the question is, if such a conclusion admit 
of an universal application? The cromlech has been found 
in the north of Europe, placed on the very summit of a se- 
pulchral cairn, as Sjoborg, in his systematic work, has 
pointed out, and in this case, it appears more like an occa- 
sional appendix to the cairn, destined, from its peculiar 
structure, to the celebration of sacrifices in honour of the 
dead. Iam satisfied however, that the cromlech original- 
ly subsisted most frequently independently of any cairn 
whatever ; and if, in this isolated state, human ashes have 
occasionally been discovered in connexion with it, other in- 
stances might be cited, in which very careful excavations 
have not afforded any evidence that this monument had a se- 
pulchral use. A safer conclusion, therefore, remains, that 
the cromlech was most frequently connected with purposes 
of interment, although not necessarily so; and that in gene- 
ral it was raised for sacrificial objects.” 

Dr. Kane read a paper-on the sulphates and nitrates of 
mercury, particularly the basic salts formed by ammonia. 

In a former paper Dr. Kane had shewn, that by the ac- 
tion of ammonia on the chlorides of mercury, there were 
generated compounds involving the radical np, (amidogen,) 
and the design of the present paper was to develope the 
function of the ammoniacal element of the oxygen salts of that 
metal. It was found, however, that from the diversity of the 
results of former chemists regarding the common basic salts 
of mercury, it became necessary to re-examine them in order 
to establish some fixed which the constitution of 
the ammoniacal bodies might be referred. 

Among the numerous formule which have been assigned 
to Turbith mineral, Dr. Kane has found Hg 0, so;-++ 2g 0 


to be correct, (ag= 101,4,) and there is no other subsulphate ; 
the pure turbith, no matter how prepared, possessing that 
constitution. By the action of ammonia on persulphate, or 
on turbith mineral, there is generated a white powder, 
which was submitted to most careful analysis, and gave the 
formula; + 2Hg0 ++ Hg.NHy. wasfound. The proof that 
the fourth atom of mercury in this body is not an oxide, is full 
and positive, and hence Dr. Kane no longer retains the pa- 
rallelism of theories used in his former memoir, as the ab- 
sence of oxygen may now be considered as fully proved. 

The crystallizable nitrate of the red oxide of mercury 
has been found no; + 2ug 0 + 240, as the younger Mitsch- 
erslich had stated ; and Dr. Kane’ shows that there are two 
basic pernitrates, of which the one, yellow, is similar in com- 
position to the basic nitrates of copper and bismuth, that is, 
HO.NO; + dug 0, and the second, of a brick red colour, he is 
disposed to consider as No;-++ Gugo, though it was found 
exceedingly difficult to decide whether the compound did 
not retain a trace of water. 

It is known that for the composition of the white precipi- 
tate, which is given by ammonia with pernitrate of mercury, 
different results had been obtained by Mitscherslich and Sou- 
beiran. These discrepancies have been reconciled by the 
discovery that there are at least two, perhaps three precipi- 
tates, almost identical in colour and properties, produced in’ 
this reaction, but which differ remarkably in their chemical 
constitution. When the solutions are. cold, and the ammonia 
not in excess, the white precipitate. has the composition 
NH3.No; ++ 3ugo, the formula obtained by George Mitschers- 
lich, but if the liquor be warmed, it becomes Hg.0.NO; ++ 
2ugo +HgNH. This modification is evidently that which 
was analyzed by Soubeiran, for he found’ one atom of acid, 
one of ammonia, and four of mercury, which ratio is quite true. 
It will be at once’ seen that: the former body corresponds to 


the yellow basic nitrate, the oxide ofhydrogen being replaced 
by the amide of hydrogen. Thus 

NH; = NHy.H = AdH. 

HO.NO; ~-+ 3Hgo. 

HAd.NO; + dHgO. 

This view is remarkably corroborated by the fact, that 
when a solution of nitrate of ammonia is poured on the yellow 
basic nitrate, the white powder is formed, while nitric acid is 
set free. Another remarkable case of combination is shewn 
by comparing the powder formed by boiling the white preci- 
pitate with two of those described: in this paper. Thus 
there are + 2ngo + Hgad. 
Hg.SO, ++ 2Hgo + Hgad. 
Hg.NOg + 2ug0 + Hgad. 
To which may be added, the oxychloride + 2ugo + Hgo. 

When the white ammonia subnitrate is boiled with solu- 
tion of ammonia, it dissolves, and a crystalline substance is 
deposited of a very interesting nature. Its formula, by ana- 
lysis, is 

3 (NH4O.NO;) + 4Hg0, 
But the circumstances under which it is formed rather in- 
dicate for its rational formula the following : 
(HgNO, + 2 HgO + HgAd) + 2 (NH,O.NO;) +2 Ho. 

George Mitscherslich had already obtained a compound 

of a similar nature, being 
NH3NO; + 2 HZO = (HENO,g + 2 HgO + HgAd) + NH,O.NO;. 

Passing to the nitrates of the black oxide of mercury, 
Professor Kane has verified the analysis of George Mits-: 
cherslich, of the two crystallized protonitrates; he then shews 
that there exists one definite subnitrate of the black oxide, 


the yellow powder analyzed by Grouvelle. Dr. Kane finds 
that this powder always retains an equivalent of water, that 
its formula is Ho.No; +2 Hg».0, and that the grey subnitrates 
which have heen noticed by some chemists, are impure mix- 
tures of black oxide and the yellow powder. Dr. Kane 
considers the nitrates of the black oxide of mercury to be 
thus related : 

First crystallized, = Hg2.0.No;-+ 2uo. 
Yellow powder, = HO.NO; -+ 2HQ.9.0. 

Second crystallized, = 2 no; + 3 ug...0-+ 3n0. A doublesalt. 

Great difficulty was found in determining what specimen’ 
of Hahneman’s mercury should be considered as pure and fit 
for analysis. Considering that the most important sources of 
error tend to throw the value of mercury too high, Dr. Kane 
derives his formula from the lowest number which he ob- 
tained by analysis, and these numbers were given always 
by the blackest and purest looking portions. He finds, 
on these grounds, for the ammonia subnitrate of the black 
oxide, the formula nH3.No; + 2 Hg.2.0. which is related to 
the water subnitrate in a similar manner to what holds in 
the corresponding compounds of the red oxide. 

Thus, in this paper, two propositions are developed: 
Ist. Increased evidence of the formation of metallic amides. 
2nd. That ammonia as amide of hydrogen is capable of 
replacing oxide of hydrogen in its various functions in the 
quicksilver salts. 

Professor Apjohn read a paper “on the Properties of 
a new Voltaic Combination,” by Thomas Andrews M.D., 
Professor of Chemistry in the Belfast Institution. 

The object of the author in this paper is to extend the_ 
results which he has already obtained on the influence of 
voltaic circles upon the solution of the metals in nitric acid to_ 
the case of concentrated sulphuric acid. When a plate of 


zinc is heated to the temperature of 240° cent. in sulphuric 
acid, of the sp. gr. 1.847, it is dissolved with the rapid dis- 
engagement of a mixture of hydrogen and sulphurous acid 
gas; but when a similar plate, voltaically associated with a 
platina wire, is introduced into the same acid, its rate of so- 
lution is reduced to one-third of the other, no gas appears 
at the zinc, and sulphurous acid, almost perfectly pure, sepa- 
rates at the platina wire. Similar effects occur at other 
temperatures, but the proportion between the quantity of 
zine dissolved when alone, and when connected with platina, 
varies with the temperature. A minute investigation is given 
of the. effect of the distance between the metallic surfaces, 
and of their relative extent. upon the solution of the zine, and. 
the development of the electrical current; from which it 
appears that, as'in common cases, the action on the zinc.was 
increased hy diminishing the distance between the zinc and 
platina in the liquid, but on the contrary, was diminished by 
increasing the extent of the platina surface. The latter ano- 
malous result is carefully examined and explained. 

The influence of the contact of platina with the other 
metals, resembles, in general, its effect: upon zinc, except in 
the cases of mercury and arsenic, in which the solution does 
not appear to be retarded in this way, nor is there almost 
any gas evolved from the platina. , 

The general conclusion drawn by the author from all 
his experiments is, that the formation ofa voltaic circle gene- 
rally diminishes, and never increases chemical action, when 
the liquid conductor is an oxy-acid of such a strength, that 
the electro-positive metal is oxidized from the decomposi- 
tions, not of the water, but of the acid itself. 

Professor Mac Cullagh exhibited and described a new op- 
tical instrument, intended chiefly for the purpose of making 
experiments on the light reflected by metals. The instru- 
ment consists of two hollow arms or tubes, moveable about 


the centre, and in the plane, of a large divided circle, each arm 
being provided with a Nicol’s eye-piece, or some equivalent 
contrivance for polarizing light in a single plane ; while in one 
arm, which is of course crooked, a Fresnel’s rhomb is interpos- 
ed between the eye-piece and the centre of the circle. At 
this centre is placed a stage for carrying the reflector, with 
its plane perpendicular to the plane of the circle, and hav- 
ing a motion to and fro for adjustment. Each eye-piece, 
as well as the Fresnel’s rhomb, turns freely about the axis 
of the arm to which it belongs, and is provided with a 
small circle for measuring its angle of rotation. When the 
two arms are set at equal angles with the reflector, and the 
observer looks. through the crooked arm, he will see a light 
admitted through the straight one; and then, by turning the 
Fresnel’s rhomb, and the eye-piece next his eye, he will be 
able, by means of their combined movements, to find a po- 
sition in which the light will entirely disappear. An obser- 
vation will then have been made; for the light, before its in- 
cidence on the metal, is polarized in a given plane by the first 
eye-piece ; but after reflexion from the metal, (as we know 
from Sir David Brewster’s experiments,) it is elliptically po- 
larized ; and our object is to determine the position and 
species of the little ellipse in which the reflected vibration is 
supposed to be performed. Now, the axes of this ellipse are 
parallel and perpendicular to the principal plane of the 
rhomb, when it is in the situation above described, where 
the light completely disappears; and the ratio of the axes is 
the tangent of the angle which that plane makes with the 
principal section of the eye-piece next the eye. The angles 
are read off from the divided circles; and thus, for any 
angle of incidence, and any plane of primitive polarization, 
we can at once ascertain the nature of the reflected elliptic 
vibration. Professor Mac Cullagh mentioned, that the in- 
strument was made last year with the view of testing certain 
formule which he has proposed for the case of metallic re- 


flexion, and which have been printed in vol. xviii. pp. 70,71, 
of the Transactions of the Academy; but that he had not 
yet found leisure to make the various adjustments which are 
necessary in order to obtain satisfactory results with it. The 
instrument is beautifully executed by Mr. Grubb, who him- 
self contrived the subordinate mechanism, by which the re- 
quisite movements are effected with perfect ease to the 

The President read the first part of a paper by the Rev. 
Dr. Hincks, on the Years and Cycles of the ancient 

The author’s object in this paper is to oppose the re- 
ceived opinion, that the Egyptian year originally consisted of 
360 days, and that at some epoch, on which learned men 
are not agreed, five additional days were annexed to it, in 
order to approximate more closely to the length of a solar 
revolution. His own opinion is contained in the five follow- 
ing propositions, which it is the business of his paper to 

Ist. In the early part of the eighteenth century, before 
the christian era, there occurred a marked chronological 
epoch in Egypt. 

2nd. Before this epoch the Egyptians used a year, of 
which the commencement took place at a fixed season, and 
the average length of which was consequently equal to the 
tropical year ; while after this epoch, they used the wander- 
ing year of 365 days. 

3rd. Between this chronological epoch, and the year of 
our Lord, 34, there elapsed six cycles of some sort or 

4th. The nature of these cycles was such, that in one 
of them, the astronomical phenomenon which marked the 
commencement of the old fixed year, travelled forward 
through a fifth part of the wandering year, or 73 days; and 


consequently, that in five such cycles, that phenomenon re-~ 
turned again to the commencement of the wandering year, 
having taken place on every day of it. 

5th, Thelength ofeach ofthe smaller cycles was 300 years, 
consequently the epoch, when the wandering year was in- 
troduced was 1767, B.C.; and the first day of the first year 
was the 8th of November in that year, according to the pro- 
leptic Julian reckoning. 

Of the truth of the first two of these propositions, the 
author stated that he had long been convinced ; the last three 
were the result of an investigation recently suggested to him 
by a reference to a passage in Tacitus, quoted in an article 
on the pyramids, in Fraser’s Magazine for November, 1837. 

ReEsoLveED,—That the thanks of the Academy be given to 
His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, for his kindness in 
forwarding the work of M. De Jonnés to the Academy. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de [’ Acade- 

mie des Sciences ; Premier Semestre, Nos. 9 and 10. Presented 
‘by the Institute. 

Statistique de la Grande Bretagne et de PIrlande, avec’ 
une Carte, 1837 et 1838. Par Alex. Moreau de Jonnés. 
Presented by the Author, by favour of the Lord Lieutenant. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, No. 31. 
Presented by the Society. 

Transactions of the Agricultural and Horticultural Soci- 
ety of India.—1. Report on the Physical Condition of the As- 
sam Tea Plant, with reference to Geological Structure, Soils, 
and Climate. By John M‘Cleland Esq., Assistant Surgeon, 
Bengal Establishment, and Member of the Asiatic and Medical 
Societies of Calcutta. Presented by the author. 


April 23rd, 1838. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

The President continued the reading of the paper by the 
Rev. Dr. Hincks, on the Years and Cycles of the ancient 
Egyptians. : 7 

Dr. Apjohn communicated a paper upon the subject of 
a new and very complicated compound, consisting of iodine, 
iodide of potassium, and the essential oil of cinnamon. 

This compound he stated to have been first observed in 
the winter of 1837, in a solution prescribed by a medical 
gentleman of this city, of iodine and iodide of potassium in 
cinnamon water. It is best obtained by adding toa gallon of 
cinnamon water four ounces of iodide of potassium, and’ forty 
grains of iodine, dissolved in a minimum of cold water. Upon 
admixture, the solution becomes turbid, and if the tempera- 
rature be at or close to 32°, the deposit becomes crystalline, 
and slowly subsides. ‘The properties of these crystals were 
detailed, and a succinct account given of the different steps 
of the process employed for effecting their analysis. . 

As the result of a number of experiments, the author ar-. 
rived at the following numbers, expressing the composition 
of 100 parts of the compound. 

Todide of potassium . 12.55 
todines® usVitaival., 8s 
Oilof cinnamon . . 59.31 

The-empirical formula deducible from these results is 
IK + I5 + ©%, 
in which cz represents Cis Hg 02, the atom of oil of cinnamon, 


as determined by Dumas; and the most probable rational 
formula he stated to be 

IK +3 (1+ 7). 
Calculating from this formula, its composition would be 

Iodide of potassium . 12.26 

Todine: «« 4+ ...:«,,.... « 2808 
Oil of cinnamon . . 59.66 

This compound he considered interesting under many 
points of view ; in consequence of its complexity, the peculi- 
arities of its properties, and its presenting a case of in- 
compatibility which had not been previously suspected. 
Also, as suggesting means which would probably lead to 
the production of an entire new series of substances hay- 
ing an analogous composition. 

Dr, Apjohn stated, that this compound had been brought 
under his notice by Mr. Moore of Anne-street, and that he 
and Mr. Moore had investigated conjointly its properties, 
and the best process for obtaining it. Of the specimen exhi- 
bited to the Academy, sixty-one grains were obtained from a 
single gallon of cinnamon water. 

Professor Lloyd read a paper “ on a Declination Instru- 
ment, made for the Magnetical Observatory of Dublin.” 
The instrument, which was made by Mr. Jones of London, 
was laid upon the table of the Academy. 

The principle employed in this apparatus is the well 
known optical principle of the collimator of Kater. 'The 
needle is a rectangular bar, twelve inches in length; it is 
provided with three sliding pieces, one of which is at the 
middle of the bar, the other two near the ends. To the for- 
mer is attached the suspension thread; one of the latter car- 
ries an achromatic lens, whose focal length is somewhat less 
than the length of the bar; the other, which is to be adjusted 


to the focus of the lens, contains a cross of wires. The rays 
proceeding from the cross are, under these circumstances, 
refracted parallel to one another, and to the line connecting 
it with the centre of the lens,—which may be denominated 
the line of collimation of the instrument. If, then, a teles- 
cope be placed so as to receive any portion of this parallel 
beam, the cross will be seen in the direction of the line just 
mentioned ; and that, independently of the exact adjustment 
of the telescope. 

The frame-work of the apparatus consists of two pillars 

of copper, firmly attached to a massive slab of marble-— 
The height of the pillars is eighteen inches; they are con- 
nected by two cross pieces of wood, one at the top, and the 
other about five inches from the bottom. In the centre of 
the top piece is the suspension apparatus, the plan of which 
has been adopted from the torsion balance of Coulomb, as 
described by M. Pouillet. It is provided with a divided 
circle, for the purpose of determining the amount of torsion 
of the thread, and of correcting it. 
"The magnetic bar, suspended by parallel silk fibres, is 
enclosed in.a rectangular wooden box, to preserve it from the 
agitation of the air. A glass tube, between the two cross 
pieces, surrounds the suspension thread, and completes the 
enclosure of the instrument. 

_ The box is entirely distinct from the rest of the appara- 
tus ; itis made in two halves, which are joined at the sides by 
dovetails ; so that it may be put on when the needle has been 
fully adjusted. ‘There is a circular window at each end of 
the box. That nearest the observer is made of parallel 
glass ; and is contained in a frame which has a motion of 
rotation in its own plane. By a revolution of 180°, the pris- 
matic error, if any, is corrected. The window at the other 
end of the box is for the purpose of illummation.: In. 
order to determine the internal temperature, the box is 
provided with a small thermometer, the bulb of which 


is within, and the stem (bent at right angles) on the outside 

It is intended to employ this apparatus for three pur- 
poses; namely, to determine, first, the magnetie declina- 
tion; secondly, the periodical and the irregular variations 
of the declination; thirdly, the corresponding variations 
of the horizontal magnetic force. 

In using the instrument in the determination of the declina- 
tion, it is to be combined with the theodolite and the transit in- 
strument. ‘The transit instrument is to be fixed close to the 
southern window of the observatory; there being also an 
aperture in the roof for the purpose of adjusting it to the 
meridian by means of the pole star and 6 urse minoris. The 
centre of the theodolite is placed, as nearly as possible, at the 
point where the line of collimation of the transit instrument 
intersects that of the magnetic bar. When an observation 
is made, the telescope of the directed to the 
lens of the magnetic collimator, and the vertical wire of the 
latter is made to’ bisect the cross in the focus of the telescope. 
When this is done, the line of collimation of the telescope 
is parallel to that of the magnetic bar. But as the latter 
line may not coincide with the magnetic axis of the bar, a 
similar observation is to be made with the bar inverted; and 
the mean of the two readings will obviously give the direc- 
tion of the magnetic meridian, freed from the error of colli- 
mation. ‘To determine the angle between this and the é¢rue 
meridian, the transit telescope is to be turned over, and em- 
ployed as a collimator. The telescope of the theodolite 
being directed to its object glass, the middle wire in the focus 
of the transit is to be observed, in the same manner as the wire 
of the collimator bar was in the former part of the observa- 
tion. The line of collimation of the theodolite telescope is 
then in the true meridian; and the angle read = on the 
limb is the supplement of the declination. — 

Tn observing the diurnal and irregular variations of the 


declination, the reference to the meridian is not required. 
Here, therefore, the theodolite and transit instrument are un- 
necessary, and the former will be replaced by a fixed teles- 
cope, furnished with a finely divided micrometer scale in its 

A similar apparatus serves for the determination of the 
changes in the horizontal magnetic force. It is only neces- 
sary to modify a little the suspension arrangement, and to 
substitute for the single thread two equidistant threads ; as 
in the torsion electrometer of Mr. Snow Harris. The needle 
is then to be turned by the force of torsion, into a position 
at right angles to the magnetic meridian; in which position 
the momentum of the magnetic force is greatest. The 
changes of position of the bar (read off as before by a fixed 
telescope with a micrometer scale) will enable the observer 
to deduce, by an easy formula, the corresponding changes of 
the magnetic force. Professor Lloyd then entered into some 
details connected with the theory of the instrument as thus 
employed; and he showed in what manner it was to be ad- 
justed, so that a given variation of the magnetic force might 
produce the greatest variation in the position of the bar. 

A paper was read by Edward 8S. Clarke, Esq., on an Im- 
provement which he had lately made in the Sustaining Bat- 
tery, and on the size proper to be given to the zinc element of 
sustaining batteries in general. 

The author alluded to the decline of voltaic power which 
occurs during experiment, and ascribed to M. Becquerel the 
credit of having assigned its true cause; referring it, as this 
philosopher did, to a transfer of the decomposed substances 
to the respective plates, in such a way as to produce secon- 
dary currents moving in a direction reverse to the primary 

Mr. Clarke also alluded to the fact, that Becquerel was 
the first person who, to remedy this evil, adopted, in 1829, 

the use of a membranous partition, and two different liquids, 
to separate the respective metals ; but added, that the form 
this philosopher adopted was imperfect, in consequence of 
the difficulty of affixing the membranous portion staunchly 
to the sides of the square glass box which contained the 
two different fluids. 

The author, after referring to the sustaining battery of 
Professor Daniel and to the modification of that appara- 
tus adopted by Mr. Mullins, exhibited to the Academy a 
battery which he had devised to remedy a defect affecting 
all previous combinations, and in which each surface of the 
hollow zinc cylinder had, as first recommended by Mr. 
Wollaston, a surface of copper opposed to it. An account 
was also given of several experiments which shewed the 
advantage of his form in calorific and electro-magnetic ex- 
periments. ; 

Mr. Clarke’s improvement consists in attaching a ring of 
zinc by zinc rivets to the top part of the outside of the hollow 
cylinder of zinc used in the arrangement of Mr. Mullins, 
and drawing a bladder over this cylinder, to which it is 
secured by a cord to the ring ; and in replacing the earthen- 
ware jar by a copper cylinder, which is furnished with a 
mercury cup, as are also the zinc cylinder and the central 
copper. The central copper and the outer copper case are 
connected by a wire dipping into the cups. A solution of 
sulphate of copper is poured, as well into the outer case of 
copper, as into the bladder surrounding the central copper, 
and muriate of ammonia into the bladder enlosing the zinc. 

The author concluded by detailing some experiments, 
tending to shew that, (contrary to the opinions of M. Mari- 
anini and Mr. Mullins,) the maximum effect is obtained when 
the surface of the zinc element is equal, or nearly so, to that 
of the copper. 

RESOLVED, on the recommendation of the Council,—That 


the by-law Chap. 7, Sect. 8, be repealed, and the following 
substituted : 

‘* The Council shall, from time to time, award medals, or 
other honorary rewards, at their discretion.” 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de  Acade- 
mie des Sciences. Premier Semestre, Nos. 12 and 13. ‘Pre- 
sented by the Institute. 

Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World. By 
the Rev. William Betham, of Stonham, Suffolk. Presented by 
Sir William Betham. 


Page 149, last line, for 0.27, read 0’.297. 




1838. No. 12. 

May 14. 
SIR Ws. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

Henry Watson, Esq., William T. Kent, Esq., and John 
Thompson Young, Esq., were elected members of the Royal 
Irish Academy. 

His Excellency, the Lord Lieutenant, attended the 
meeting as a guest. 

The President read the conclusion of the paper by 
the Rev. Dr. Hincks, “‘on the Years and Cycles of the 
ancient Egyptians.” 

According to the views advocated in this paper, a lunisolar 
cycle of 600 years was in use prior to the deluge, its epochs 
being at the autumnal equinox in the years B. C. 3567, 
2967, &c. The knowledge of this cycle was preserved by 
Noah, and diffused through the different nations at the 
dispersion. It was certainly used in Persia and in Egypt. 
In the former country, the commencement of the year was 
fixed at the vernal equinox by Jamshid; the epoch of this 
change being 7th April, 2007 B. C., when 360 years of the 
current cycle had elapsed. The Persian years were however 
reckoned from the first day of the following cycle, that is, 
from 6th Feb. 1767; between which and the era of Yez- 
digerd (16th June, A. D. 632) there elapsed exactly 2400 

years of 365 days, that being the form of yearintroduced by 


Jamshid. In Egypt, the commencement of the year was 
fixed at the time when the inundation of the Nile had 
sufficiently abated to allow the operations of agriculture to 
commence; and it was observed in the first instance rudely, 
by a nilometer, but afterwards with greater accuracy by a 
gnomon: the first day of the year being the first day in 
which the meridian shadow of an object had attained to a 
standard length ; which standard length appears from cal- 
culation to have corresponded with a south declination of 
about 121°. The solar year, intervening between the suc- 
cessive occurrences of this phenomenon, was greater than 
the mean tropical year, on account of the changes in the 
equation of the sun’s centre, and in the obliquity of the 
ecliptic; and is shewn to have been about 1767 B.C., 
neglecting the perturbations caused by the moon and planets, 
365, 243246, differing little from 365,2433 ... which would be 
its length, if the phenomenon gained a fifth part of a year, 
in 300 years of 365 days. The Egyptians, observing this 
equality, and being dissatisfied with the year that they for- 
merly used, on account of the 366th day, which, occurring 
in every fourth or fifth year, disordered their calendar, 
resolved that with the next cycle they would limit the year 
to 365 days, allowing no more intercalations. This change 
they accordingly made, on the 8th Nov. 1767, from which date 
they commenced not only a new lunisolar cycle of 600 solar 
years, that is 6002 years of 365 days, but also a cycle of the 
seasons, consisting of 1500 solar years, or 1501 years of 365 
days. The recurrence of either of these cycles was ‘celebrated 
as the return of a phoenix; and those mentioned by Tacitus, 
as having occurred under Sesostris, Amasis, Ptolemy Philadel- 
phus, and Tiberius, are fixed in the autumns of the proleptic 
Julian years, 1167, 567 and 267 B. C., and A. D. 34, The 
date thus assigned for the reign of Sesostris agrees with that 
which Mr. Cullimore has deduced from the astronomical 
sculptures on the memnonium. The great period of 3000 

years being the least common multiple of the two cycles, 

is mentioned by Herodotus as the apocatastatic period used 
by the Egyptians. 

Professor Kane read a paper “‘on the Theory of Ammo- 
niacal Compounds.” 

In this paper the author first noticed the various hypo- 
theses which had been from time to time proposed to explain 
the nature of the combinations formed by ammonia, and 
adverted particularly to the remarkable fact discovered by 
Mitscherlich, of the isomorphism of NH; + Ho with k.o, and 
to the principle deduced by Dumas from the properties of 
oxamide, that Nnu;, by losing an equivalent of hydrogen, 
formed a compound resembling very closely, and capable of 
replacing in combination, the simple bodies of the chlorine 

In the theory proposed by Dr. Kane, it is laid down as 
the fundamental proposition, that ammonia nH; must be 
represented as a compound of the body nu, and of hydrogen, 
that is, that ammonia, as gas, is amiduret of hydrogen. The 
hydrogen of this body, outside the radical, may be replaced 
by the various metals, or by radicals of organic origin, and 
hence the amide of potassium, of benzoyl, &c. These 
amides, resembling remarkably the chlorides, may unite with 
chlorides or oxides of the same, or of different metals, and’ 
hence the most general proposition, that in the great mass 
of the various ammoniacal combinations, their real nature 
assimilates them to complex metallic compounds, an amide of 
hydrogen, or of a metal, having united with a chloride, 
oxide, &e. of hydrogen, or of a metal. 

Thus sal ammoniac is considered in this theory as a com- 
pound of chloride of hydrogen with amide of hydrogen, and 
the oxide of hydrogen, united with amide of hydrogen, forms 
the basic element of the ordinary ammoniacal salts. In like 
manner, chloride of mercury, united with amide of mercury: 



forms white precipitate, and calomel, united with the cor- 
responding amiduret of mercury, forms the black powder de- 
scribed by Dr. Kane ina former paper. A great series of salts 
can likewise be obtained, which contain oxides of copper, of 
nickel, or of zinc, replacing the oxide of hydrogen in the 
ordinary ammoniacal salts; and so, in like manner, the amide 
of hydrogen, being capable of replacing, and of being replaced 
by, oxide of hydrogen in all its functions, there originates 
the class of basic salts, in which oxide of hydrogen is 
replaced by ammonia, or in which the hyperbasic equi- 
valents of oxide are replaced by amides, or partly by amides 
and partly by oxides of the same metal, or of hydrogen. 

To this class is referred, in great part, by Dr. Kane, the 
compounds formed by the absorption of ammoniacal gas, by 
chlorides of various bodies; thus, chloride of phosphorus 
and amide of hydrogen, chloride of tin and amide of hy- 
drogen. In these bodies, the author stated, that one portion 
of the ammonia was generally retained more powerfully than 
the other, and this fact he considers to result from a dissimi- 
larity of function in the various parts, similar to that which 
Graham had already pointed out in water. Thus there is 

1 — cucl + NH; +2 NH; 
2— cucl + NH; -++ NH3. HO 
3— cucl +NH;+ 2 HO 
4—cucl + Ho 4+ 2HO 
where the progress of the replacement is evident. 

The compound nux3. Ho. replacing potash, the author con- 
ceives that substituting for it metals of the same family, the 
bodies NH3. cvo and zno. NH3, should be capable of the same 
function ; and he adopts the view suggested by Graham, that 
certain compounds of this kind may correspond to the or- 
dinary double salts. Thus 

CUO. S03 ++ NH3. CuO. S03 ++ 4 NH». H 
corresponds to Cw, S03 ~-+- NH3 HO. S03; + 40.H 
and. following out this view, along with those already de- 


scribed, it becomes necessary to look upon the so-called 
compound radicals in a new manner. 

Assuming as proved, that nu3. Ho replaces Ko,‘and Nu; Hcl 
replaces kc/, hence, NHy replaces k.; but NH, is NH)++-H-++H. 
That is, a sub-amiduret of hydrogen, compounding to certain 
suboxides and sub-chlorides. It may be isolated, but all that 
the author asserts is, that wu3-+1Cl acts as He considers 
it impossible to avoid giving to wH3 + cw cl and NH3 + zn cl 
the same rank, and hence the transition to ng NH2 + Hg Cl, 
and similar combinations. He conceives that we cannot, in 
the present state of our knowledge, assign to the bodies 
NH; Cv, or Hg NH» Hg the title of compound radicals, or give 
to them specific names, and, therefore, whilst he retains the 
word ammonium as convenient, and looks to the isolation of 
it, and to its resembling a sub-oxide, and not a metal, he 
considers the oxide of ammonium as more properly an oxam- 
ide of hydrogen, and sal ammoniac as a chloramide of hydro- 
gen, asthe white precipitate is chloramide of mercury, and 
so with various other bodies. 

In the development of the theory of compound radicals, 
which arose from the author’s investigations, two conse- 
quences were obtained, viz., that the amide replacing oxide 
of hydrogen, the bodies; + HO, or cwo. S03 + HO, 
assimilate themselves to Ho.s03 4+ NH3, OF Cw0.S03 -—+- NH3, 
and thence the water designated saline in Graham’s me- 
moir, forms, with the metallic oxide, a compound base, to 
which the theory must eventually be applied ; and, secondly, 
the further extension of the investigation shews the difficulty 
of drawing a line between these and the proper basic salts, 
of which a great number has been examined by Dr. Kane, 
for the purpose of obtaining evidence on these points, and 
the result has been, that such basic salts are constituted on 
the same type as the neutral salts of the same family, the 
water being replaced by oxide of a metal, and in many cases 
the metallic oxide becomes likewise hydrated by combined 


water; that the equivalents of oxide are not all retained by 
the same force, and that if we grant to ammonium the title 
of a compound radical, it becomes very difficult to refuse to 
the basic salts, as a class, the position or title of neutral salts 
of compound bases, of a nature nearly similar. 

Mr. Petrie read a paper on “ancient Irish consecrated 
In this paper the author has first endeavoured to ascer- 
tain the period of the introduction of bells into Ireland, and 
states, that though it is possible that they might have been 
in use previously to the introduction of Christianity, he has 
not found the smallest authority from which it could be 
inferred that they were so. He next shews that there is 
abundance of evidence to prove, that in and from St. Patrick’s 
time, they were generally used for the services of the church, 
and that the consecrated bells of the first teachers of 
Christianity in Ireland were afterwards applied to various 
superstitious purposes, of which he gives a great number of 
examples, from the lives of the Irish saints, ancient historical 
poems, annals, and other records. These bells were pre- 
served in the churches to which they had originally belonged, 
and were usually enshrined in cases of the most costly 
materials and elaborate workmanship. The author proves that 
many of these bells of the earliest Christian times, though ' 
hitherto unknown to the literary world, still remain in 
Ireland; and he exhibited from his own museum a bell, which 
is celebrated in Irish history, as one of the chief relics of 
the people of the north of Ireland, namely, the Clog- 
an-udhachta, or bell of St. Patrick’s will. He afterwards 
exhibited drawings of several ancient bells, and among 
others, of St. Senanus’s bell, called the golden bell, preserved 
in the county of Clare, and the bell of Armagh, now in the 
possession of Adam M‘Clean, Esq. of Belfast. This bell is 
covered by a case, or shrine, of exquisite beauty of work- 


manship, and the inscriptions on it shew that it was made at 
the expense of Donald Mac Loughlin, King of Ireland, for 
Donald [Mac Amalgaid,] Primate of Armagh, at the close of 
the eleventh century. Thename of the hereditary keeper of the 
bell is also inscribed on the cover, and it is remarkable that 
it wasin the possession of one family from the period in 
which the case was made until it passed into Mr. M‘Clean’s 
hands. The names of the artists who made the case are 
also given, from which it is proved to have been of Irish 

All these bells are of a quadrangular ‘form, and vary in 
height from four to fifteen inches; and that they are of the 
antiquity assigned them by popular tradition the author 
proves by a chain of historical notices, collected from the 
Irish annals and other records. 


Registrum Vulgariter nuncupatum, “ The Record of 
Caernarvon ;” é codice MS. Harleiano 696. descriptum. 
Printed by command of Her Majesty, under the direction of 
the Commissioners on the Public Records. Presented by 
the Commissioners. : 

Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi. Accurante 
Thoma Duffus Hardy, 8. 8. A. é Soc. Int. Templ. Lond. 
Vol. 1, pars1. Ab anno MC. XCIX. ad annum MC. CXVI. 
Printed by command of his Majesty, King William IV., under 
the direction of the Commissioners on the Public Records. 
Presented by the Commissioners. 

General Report of the King in Count Jrom the 
Honorable Board of Commissioners on the Public Records, 
appointed by His Majesty King William IV., by a Commission 
dated the 12th of March, in the first year of his reign; with 
an Appendix and Index. Printed by command of His Majesty 


King William IV., under the direction of the Commissioners 
on the Public Records. Presented by the Commissioners. 

Catalogue of the Library of the Society of Writers to the 
Signet. In four parts, with a General Index. Printed for 
the use of the Society. Presented by the Curators of the 
Signet Library. 

Medical and Physical Researches ; or, Original Memoirs 
in Medicine, Surgery, Physiology, Geology, Zoology, and 
Comparative Anatomy. By R. Harlan, M.D., F.L.S., Lond. 
Presented by the author. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de lAca- 
demie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires perpetuels. 
Premier Semestre, No. 13, 14, 15, 16, for 1838. Presented 
by the Academy. 

Abhandlungen der Kéniglhichen Akademie der Wissen- 
schaften zu Berlin. Ausdem Jahre 1835. Presented by the 
Royal Academy of Sciences, Berlin. 

Preisfrage der Philosophisch. historischen Klasse der 
Kéniglich. Preunischm Akademie der Wissenschaften fir 
das Jahr 1839. Twocopies. Presented by the same. 

Berichtiiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhand- 
lungen der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften 
zu Berlin. Erster Jahrgang, 1836, and Zweiter Jahrgang, 
1837. Presented by the same. 

Statique dela France ; publiée par le Ministre de travaux 
publics, de Agriculture et du Commerce. Presented by 
A. Moreau de Jonnés. 

An Original Portrait of Sir, Isaac Newton, painted by 
Wills. Presented by Rey. Prof. Lloyd, V. P. 


May 28, 1838. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

Mr. Ball read a paper, by Wm. Thompson, V. P. Nat. 
Hist. Society of Belfast, ‘on the Irish Hare.” (Lepus Hi- 

This paper commenced with a review of what has been 
written on the subject of the Irish hare, from the time it was 
brought under the notice of English zoologists in 1833, until 
the present period. Mr. Thompson. stated, contrary to 
what has been advanced, that the hare of England and 
Scotland, and that of Ireland, have long been known to 
differ ; and that in 1807 the difference in the fur of the two 
species was alluded to as a matter of common notoriety, in 
the MS. of the late John Templeton, Esq. He further 
stated, that on account of their differing from the Irish 
species, a number of hares were, upwards of thirty years 
ago, brought from England, and turned out on the largest 
of the Copeland Islands, off the county of Down, and that 
many years since, the Irish hare was, for a similar reason, 
introduced to the island of Islay, off the coast of Scotland. 

The Lepus Hibernicus is considered distinct from all 
described species. It exhibits, in several respects, characters 
intermediate between the British hares, ZL. timidus and L. varia- 
bilis, but considered generally, more nearly approximates to 
the former animal. 

The chief result of detailed measurements is shewn in the 
superior length of the ears and tail of L. timidus, compared 
with those of Z. Hibernicus. The former, or common hare, 
displays greater diversity of colour on the head, ears, and 
body, than the Irish species, which again exhibits greater 
variety in that of the legs. The most obvious difference in 
colour (and which has been unnoticed by authors, )is in the tail, 


the upper surface of which is black in the LZ. timidus, and 
white, tinged with greyish towards the base, in the Irish 
species. On looking to their osteology, some slight differ- 
ences are observable in the head; the comparatively more 
horizontal direction of the lumbar vertebra in the Irish hare 
is conspicuous, and likewise the relative shortness of its tail, 
which, as first recorded by Mr. Eyton, contains three 
vertebra less than that of the English species, 13 only being 
possessed by the former, and 16 by the latter animal. 

The occasional whiteness of fur in the Irish hare is 
believed by the author to be a consequence of age, and not 
regulated by the law that is understood to affect the Alpine 
hare, which is considered to change its dark summer fur to 
white at the commencement of every winter. 

The economy and habits of the Irish hare, which generally 
correspond with those of the common species, are, together 
with a comparative description of form, colour, &c., very 
fully detailed in this paper. 

Mr. Robert Mallet read a paper “on an hitherto un- 
observed Force of Elevation and Degradation.” 

The author maintains, that the forces producing geologic 
changes are either mechanical or chemical, and that the 
reaction of these forces, when co-existent, as is usually the 
case, often gives rise to a third order of forces, which may 
be denominated molecular forces, or those which, without 
altering the atomic composition of bodies, affect the arrange- 
ment and aggregation of their particles—modify their specific 
gravity—their action on light, heat, electricity, &c., and 
produce the varied differences of ductility, hardness, brittle- 
ness, &c. &c. While chemical and mechanical forces have 
been applied to geology, those of this latter class have been 
almost wholly overlooked. 

Of the several known molecular forces, those producing 
change of volume and of specific gravity are perhaps the 


most important, (at least to the geologist,) acting through the 
medium of heat, chemical combination, and crystallization. 
The state of our knowledge of these, as a branch of physics, 
is scanty and deficient, and was presented in the form of five 
tables, shewing— 

Ist. Bodies known to expand in volume by combination. 

2nd. Bodies known to expand in volume on changing 
their state of aggregation or arrangement. 

3rd. Bodies known to contract in volume in combination. 

4th. Bodies known to contract in volume in changing their 
state of aggregation or arrangement. 

5th. Bodies whose volume is /nown to remain unchanged 
in combination. 

After stating that these tables were only brought forward 
as indicative of the class of forces proposed being treated 
of, and pointing out some of the very singular facts which 
they contain, of alteration of volume, and the immense force 
with which it frequently takes place, the author proceeded 
to apply the results of his own experimental determinations, 
of change of volume, in solutions of chloride of calcium 
and sulphate of soda, on mutual decomposition, and of the in- 
termediate oxide of iron in passing to peroxide—to the salt 
formation of England—and shewing, that if considered as a 
chemical deposit, an elevation of the surface, of eight feet 
six inches, will have been produced, by reason of this change 
of volume only. 

A case of observed expansion in volume, by further 
oxidation of the blue marl, of the saliferous system, and 
its remarkable effects, was brought forward, and analogy 
shewn with the indurating marl forming the bottom of Lake 
Superior. he effects of these swellings, in all directions 
of a mass, in producing consolidation and integration of its 
parts, is there pointed out. 

The author then proceeds to apply this principle, to ac- 
count for the formation of the contemporaneous quartz veins 


in granite, which he does by shewing that the average 
analysis of granite gives more quartz than is necessary to the 
definite constitution of its ingredients; that these have crys- 
tallized from fusion, in the order quartz, mica, fellspar: and 
that by the successive expansion of each set of crystals, the 
residual quartz has been pushed from the surfaces of cooling, 
towards the central and hottest parts of the mass, there 
forming quartz veins. 

It is suggested; that the expansion produced by sudden 
crystallization (of which instances are not wanting) may give 
rise to earthquakes; that the exact filling of whyn dykes, 
notwithstanding the contraction on cooling of the dyke and 
its walls, must be due to the same cause. The principle is 
then carried to the solution of some cases of atmospheric 
degradation. The Yorkshire flagstone desquamates pa- 
rallel to the wrought surface, and across its lamina. ‘This 
arises from induration, and crystallization of its argillo- 
calcareous cement, which increases in volume, and splits off 
the desquamated portion. The same is the case with the 
onion stone of the Causeway—both desquamate by air and 
moisture, without the agency of frost. Lastly, it is shewn, 
that this expansion in volume does not always necessarily 
infer disruption. 

The author intends his paper only as an indication of a 
wide class of forces, as yet little considered or applied by 
the geologist, and which, although from the present condition 
of geology as a science they cannot be often estimated, must, 
in its future progress, form an important element of connexion 
in all its greater problems. : 

Mr. Samuel Ferguson read a paper, entitled “ Remarks 
on the late Publication of the Society of Northern Anti- 

The object of this paper was to add some corroboratory . 
evidences to the fact established in the Antiquitates 


Americane, published by the Royal Society of Northern 
Antiquaries, that the Irish had been acquainted with the 
continent of North America previous to the time of 

From the fact that at least two sorts of dye-woods were 
known in Europe by the name of wood of Brazil, before the 
discovery of the American continent, the author inferred 
that Brazil was the name of an already discovered country, 
from which these woods had been brought. But a country 
of indefinite magnitude, called the island of Brazil, is found 
marked in numerous maps, made before and about the time 
of Columbus ; and from the position of this country in the 
Atlantic, to the south-west of Ireland, it cannot be identified 
with any other part of the world than the continent of North 
America. Again, from its being represented as bounded, at 
least on two sides, by the sea, and divided by a great river, it 
appears to correspond more peculiarly with the southern states 
of North America, between the Atlantic and the the river Mis- 
sissipi. But this is Irland it Micka, or Great Ireland, the dis- 
trict which the northern histories represent as inhabited by a 
white Christian people, speaking a language like the Irish; 
and logwood, which is often confounded with Brazil wood 
by the earlier naturalists, grows as far north as these 

Hence it was surmised, that possibly the precious mausur 
wood, spoken of in the northern histories as having been 
brought by the Scandinavians from America, may have been 
one of the dye-woods known in Europe before the time of 
Columbus, by the common name of Brazil wood. 

Further, in one of the maps referred to, the island of 
Brazil is represented south of another island, of indefinite 
magnitude, called “ Mons Orins,” which would thus appear 
to be referred to the position of the Scandinavian settlement 
of Vineland. But in the state of Rhode Island, which the 
Northern Antiquaries identify with part of the Vineland of 


their histories, is a stone, covered with sculptures and 
inscriptions of the ante-Columbian era, on which the word 
ORINX, or as some read, ORINS, is the only one legible. 

Again, the tradition of the island of O’Brazil is still 
vividly preserved, both by the Irish and the Welsh, and it _ 
is by this name the latter indicate the country alleged to have 
been discovered by their Madoc. So strong was the belief 
in this tradition in Ireland, in the seventeenth century, that a 
patent is said to have been taken out for the island, when it 
should be discovered, and a pamphlet, purporting to be an ac- 
count of its discovery, obtained circulation in London in 1675. 

From these considerations the author inferred, that per- 
haps the story of St. Brendan, who is said to have spent 
seven years in the land of promise, at the other side of the 
Atlantic, may not have been altogether without foundation, 
and that if so, it is not improbable that Christianity may 
have been introduced into the new world by Irish eccle- 
siastics of the 6th century. 

Professor Kane read a paper “ on the Ammoniacal and 
other Basic Compounds of the Copper and Silver Families.” 

Having verified Berzelius’ formula for the ammoniacal 
sulphate of copper cu soz + 2 NH3 + Ho., Dr. Kane pointed 
out, that, from the circumstances of its formation, and others, 
the real formula must be (NH3HO + so3) + NH3.cwl; and 
that by heat it loses NH3.Ho. and leaves a compound 
o + so3.; by still more heat there remains 2 so; + 2 cu o 
++ NH3 or CwO.So3. + (NH3.Cu 0) SO3. and by water there is 
formed the ordinary basic sulphate; + 8 cuo +4 Ho. 

Dr. Kane describes likewise a new basic sulphate as so; 
+ 8cuo-+ 12Ho0. and he arranges these two salts as 

1 = cwo.so3cuo0 + 2(cuo + 2 Ho). 
2 = cw0.so3. cu 0 + 6 (cuo +2 HO). 
and seeks to establish an analogy with the ordinary salts of 

the same family, as 
ZnO. SO;HO + 6.HO and cw 0 + 6 cuwo 


Dr. Kane found the ammoniacal chloride of copper te 
be cucl +2 Nu; + Ho. or correctly, NH3. Hcl + NH3. Cwo. 
By heat nu; Ho is lost, and there remains NH;.Hcucl. By 
water there is generated a new basic chloride of copper, 
having the formula cucl+4cuo+6Ho,. The common 
Brunswick green cu cl-+ 3cuo-+4Ho, Dr. Kane has ob- 
tained with 6 Ho in place of 4 Ho. and these oxychlorides he 
considers as formed on the type of the ordinary chlorides, 
combined with water, or with metallic oxides in other groups. 

1—cu. cl +cuo +2 (cwo + 2 Ho) 
2—cu cl + 3 (cu 0 + 2 HO) 
38—cu cl +cuo + 38(cwo +2 HO). 

When No. 2 is heated, it loses all water, but if then put 
into contact with water, it regains 4Ho, and becomes perfect 
Brunswick green No. 1. cu cl. cwo + 2 (cuo + 2Ho). 

The second equivalent of oxide is, in these chlorine 
bodies, much less forcibly held than in the sulphates, but 
that it is differently related to the acid than the remaining 
equivalents of oxide or of water is proved by a great variety 
of facts. 

The ammoniacal nitrate of copper has the formula cuo 
NO; + 2 NH3. or (NH3.HO.) NOs + Cu NH». hence this body 
contains, united with the copper, amidogen ; when heated it 
explodes, the copper and amidogen burning in the nitrous 
oxyde yielded by the nitrate of ammonia. To obtain some 
analogical evidence regarding this. body, Dr. Kane re-ex- 
amined the ammonia-sulphate and nitrate of silver, and found 
George Mitscherlich’s results good. Dr. Kane, however, 
writes the formulz . 

1 — (NH3.HO), RO3 + Ag.NH» 

2 — (NH3.HO) NO; + AY NHpo. 
This last salt, when heated, gives a beautiful decomposition ; 
the nitrate of ammonia fuses readily, and at a temperature 
below that at which it decomposes, the amide of silver is 
resolved into ammonia, nitrogen, and metallic silver, which 


latter being deposited on the sides of the glass, from the 
liquid nitrate of ammonia, gives a mirror surface equal to that 
obtained by aldehyd. 

On analyzing the ammoniacal compounds of nickel, Dr. 
Kane found the results of Erdman completely verified; but 
from the inferior affinity with which the ammonia was 
retained, these compounds did not yield as positive results 
as to their influence on theory, as those of the copper class. 

A new substance, discovered in the course of these re- 
searches, may be termed a fulminating copper. It is a blue 
powder, decomposed by heat into metallic copper, water, 
ammonia, and nitrogen. Its formula is 3cwo 4+ 2NH3 +6 Ho. 

The examination of the zinc compounds has lead to the 
discovery of a considerable number of new bodies. The 
ammoniacal sulphate of zinc crystallized is 

1 — zno.s03 + 2NH3 +3 HO 
exposed to the air, it efflorescences losing Ho, and becomes 

2 — 2n0.S03 + 2 (NH3.HO). 
which, if heated, gives at 212°F. 

3 — ZN0.S03 + (NH3-HO.) 
but at dull redness loses still wH3.Ho and leaves z0.sS03. 
If No. | be exposed longer to a moderate heat it loses 
2 uo. and there remains, 

4:— zno 80; +2 NH; -+ HO 

if this be heated to 300°, it loses (Nu; HO) and there is 
5 — Zn0.S03 4+- NH3. 

which further gives by heat 
6 — 2 (zno.so3) + NH3 

from which the ammonia cannot be expelled without decom- 
position- 3 

Selecting from among these No. 2, for reduction to. its 
rational formula, it becomes 

(NH3.HO.) S03 + 20. (NH3.HO). 


- Now the oxide of zinc from the sulphate being redissolved 
by potash, there must be formed the similar compound 

K.0.S03 ++ Z20,KO. 

This cannot be obtained crystallized, for if the liquor be 
evaporated there is deposited Ko.so3, and zvo.Ko remains dis- 
solved ; from this, by exposure to the air, there are gradually 
deposited small crystals, which Dr. Kane considers as being 

K0.CO, + 2 0.CO2 + 2 HO. 
but by heat there is carbonic acid given off, and a powder 
insoluble in water is produced, the composition of which, 
from Dr. Kane’s examination, appears to be 

; KO.CO2 + ZN0.CO2 + 2 Zno. 

It will be recollected, that the bicarbonate of potash is 

KO.CO2 + HO.C03. 

By treating the ammonia sulphate No. 3 or 5 by water, 

there is obtained a basic sulphate, having the formula 
Zn0.S03 + 6 zno + 12 Ho. 

which, dried and exposed to the air, slakes, and gives 
ZnO.S03 + 6 zno + 3 Ho. 

This new salt has some remarkable relations to those already 


There are two ammonia chlorides of zinc. 

No. 1, in pearly scales of a talcy lustre, consists of 

zn cl + 2 NH; + HO, 
and, when heated, gives off NH3.Ho. leaving NH3.zn cl. a white 

No. 2 is in fine quadrangular prisms, brilliant lustre, con- 
sisting of 2 zncl +2Nu3-++ Ho. or, as Dr. Kane considers, + (NH3HCl) +- NH3.zv0. which losing NH3.HO leaves 
zncl + NH3zncl. a white mass, fusible, congealing into a 
mass like gum, and volatilizable. This gummy mass is like- 
wise obtained by heating NH zn cd. 



There is generated by the action of water on these basic 
ammoniacal compounds, an oxychloride of zinc of a very re- 
markable character: it is— 

zncl +6 zno + 12 Ho. 
dried, it is reduced at 212° to 90 + and by 300° to 6 Ho. 
By 500° all water is driven off, and there remains zn cl + 6 
zno which exposed to the air absorbed 3Ho. Hence the 
general expression is 

zncl+-6zn0 + 3HO + 3HO + 3HO +3 HO 
and comparing some similar chlorides, there is, 
1 + 6 Ho crystallized chloride of calcium. 
2 zn cl + 62n 0 — basic chloride of zinc dry. 
3H cl-+6HO — strong muriatic acid. 
4 zn cl + 62Zn0 + 12 Ho — hydrated oxychloride of zinc. 
5H cl-+6HOo + 12 Ho — muriatic acid with a constant 
boiling point. 
+ Another oxychloride, having the composition 
zncl +9 zno + 15 HO 

which dried and exposed to air, absorbs 6 Ho. Hence it 
may best be considered as i 

(zn cl +-6zn0 +120) +3(zn0 HO), 
giving ultimately 

(zncl 4-6 zn 0 +3 HO +3 (zn0 roe 

Mr. Petrie then read the following Report, from the 
Committee of Antiquities :— 

At a meeting of the council, on Monday last, the Presi- 
dent read the following letter, which he received from Mr. 
Drummond, the Under Secretary of State. 

Dublin Castle, May 19, 1838. 
‘© My DEAR SIR, 

“‘T am informed, that in levelling a 
mound in the Phoenix Park, on the eastern flank of the 


Hibernian School, an ancient tomb has been discovered, 
which is of considerable interest, and fitted to throw much 
light on the disputed question of the origin of ‘cromlechs.’ 
“T beg, therefore, to suggest, that a deputation from the 
Royal Irish Academy should visit and examine this tomb. 

‘IT am, my dear Sir, 
* Very faithfully yours, 
“Sir Wm. Rowan Hamilton, 

© be. Bo.” 

In consequence of this communication, the council 
appointed the Committee of Antiquities as a deputation from 
the Academy, to examine and report on the circumstances 
connected with this interesting discovery; and the Committee 
accordingly, with the President and many other members, 
assembled on the spot, on Wednesday last, and made the 
examination, and ascertained the particulars of which they 
now present their Report. 

It appears that some days previously, the workmen em- 
ployed in the improvements now making in the Park, under 
the direction of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, 
had been removing an ancient tumulus, or sepulchral mound, 
situated to the west of the Royal Hibernian School. This 
mound was 120 feet in diameter, and 15 in height, and was 
popularly known in the neighbouring village of Chapelizod 
by the Irish appellation of Cnoc-maraidhe, a name which, 
according to the best Irish scholars who have been consulted, 
appears to signify the hill of the mariners. This tumulus 
appears to be surrounded by several smaller ones, not yet 

Within the tumulus, but at the distance of several yards 
from the centre, the men discovered four small sepulchral 
vases, containing ashes of burned bones. These urns were 
enclosed within small stone kists, but were unfortunately 

broken through want of care in the excavation. One of them, 
however, is nearly perfect, having fortunately been saved 
by Mr. Larcom, who was riding past the spot shortly after 
their discovery. 

These urns, which, as usual, are of baked clay, exhibit 
a greater degree of taste in art than those commonly found, 
particularly in one example, which is unfortunately broken, 
and on which the ornaments are in relief. 

Subsequently, in the centre of the mound, a tomb was 
discovered, and the workmen were stopped from proceeding 
further, in order that its examination might be directed by 
the deputation from the Academy. That this course was a 
judicious one, and led to discoveries interesting to anti- 
quarian science, which would not otherwise have been made, 
will appear from the following results. 

oe = 
a nt i 
‘i th on | 

ff ~ - 

The tomb consists of a table, or covering stone, 6 feet 
6 inches in length, from 3 feet 6 inches to 3 feet in breadth, and 
14 inches in thickness. This stone rested on five supporting 
stones, varying from 2 feet 6 inches to 1 foot 3 inches in 
breadth, and about 2 feetinheight. Of these supporters there 
was one which did not actually touch the covering stone, 
a small stone, since removed, having been wedged between 
it and the latter ; and there were five other stones, not used 
for supports, but as forming the enclosure of the tomb. One 

ee ee 


of these, on the east side, was removed, that the interior 
might be examined. The apertures formed by the irregula- 
rities in the shapes of these stones were filled up by smaller 
stones, placed against them, to prevent the stones and earth 
of the tumulus from falling into the tomb. All these stones 
are limestone, and, with the exception of the covering slab, 
water-worn, and even the latter appears to be partly so. 

In the recess thus enclosed, two perfect male human 
skeletons were found, and also the tops of the femora of 
another, and a single bone of an animal, supposed to be 
that of a dog. The heads of the skeletons rested to the 
north, and, as the enclosure is not of sufficient extent to 
have permitted the bodies to lie at full length, they must 
have been bent at the vertebrae, or at the lower joints. In 
both skulls the teeth are nearly perfect, but the molars were 
more worn in one than in the other. 

Immediately under each skull was found collected toge- 
ther a considerable quantity of small shells, common on our 
coasts, and known to conchologists by the name of Nerita 
littoralis. On examination, these shells were found to have 
been rubbed down on the valve with a stone, to make a 
second hole—for the purpose, as it appeared evident, of their 
being strung to form necklaces; and a vegetable fibre, 
serving this purpose, was also discovered, a portion of which 
was through the shells. 

A small fibula of bone, and a knife, or arrow-head, of 
flint, were also found. 

For the preservation of allthese interesting remains, which 
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has presented to the 
museum of the Academy now forming, the Academy are in- 
debted to Mr. Drummond, and to the zealous exertions of 
Mr. Larcom, who hashad acase made for their present safety. 

How far the discovery of this tomb may contribute to 
settle the disputed point among antiquaries, of the original 
purpose of the cromlech, or whether this sepulchre properly 


belongs to that class of monuments generally supposed to 
have been altars, or that called kiswaens, which are ac- 
knowledged to have been tombs, it is not for this Committee 
collectively to express an opinion; but, from the rudeness of 
the antiquities discovered within its enclosure, they may 
venture to refer the date of its erection to the earliest period 
of society in Ireland; and as it has been ascertained that 
interments of different ages have been made within the 
same tumulus, it may also be inferred, with every appearance 
of probability, that the urns found within this mound, from the 
superior degree of art exhibited in their ornaments and forma- 
tion, should be attributed to a later age than the original 

The thanks of the Academy were voted to His Excellency 
the Lord Lieutenant, 

The thanks of the Academy were also voted to Mr. 
Drummond and to Mr. Larcom. 


Memoires de ? Academie Royale des Sciences Morales et 
Politiques de V Institut de France. Tome 1, (2 Série.) Pre- 
sented by the Academy. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l Acade- 
mic des Sciences; Par MM. les WSecretaires Perpetuels. 
Premier Semestre. Nos. 17, 18, for 1838. Presented by the 

Journal of the Statistical Society of London. No. 1, 
May 1838. Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society. Nos. 31, 32. Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of 
the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for 
promoting Useful Knowledge. Presented by the Society. 


Catalogue of Circumpolar Stars, deduced from the obser- 
vations of Stephen Groombridge, Esq. F. R.S., 8. R. A. Nap. 
&c. §c. Reduced to January Ist, 1810. Kdited by George 
Biddell Airy, Esq. A.M. Astronomer Royal. Printed at the 
public expense, by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 
Presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 

The Ordnance Survey of the County of Roscommon, in 
Jifty-eight sheets, including the Title and Index. Presented 
by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, 




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1838. No. 138. 

June LI. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

Godfrey Levinge, Esq., John H. Lecky, Esq., William 
Brennan, Esq., and David Aher, Esq., were elected Mem- 
bers of the Academy. 

Dr. Kane read a notice “On the Action of Arseniu- 
retted Hydrogen on Sulphate of Copper, and on the Manga- 
nese Alum analysed by Dr. Apjohn.” 

The author stated, that on passing dry arseniuret of hy- 
drogen over dry sulphate of copper, it is absorbed with the 
evolution of considerable heat; much water is evolved, and 
a black mass is formed, which consists of sulphuric acid, 
arsenic, and copper: the whole of the oxygen of the oxide 
of copper being removed with the whole of the hydrogen of 
the arseniuret of hydrogen. ‘The re-action is 

3 (s03 + cz 0) (3s03 + As2 Cu) 
= == 

4s = 
(sy + 1) 8 (a0). 
The formation of this body, appears to Dr. Kane to render 
probable the idea that a quantity of arsenic equal to one- 
metals may form compounds similar to oxides, and thus the 

third of the double equivalent, i 

= 25,13, combining with 

body just noticed be a sulphate of that arseniuret of copper, 


S03 + — cu. When this body .is put into contact with 

water, sulphate of water is formed, and arseniuret of copper 
deposited ; this arseniuret being likewise at once precipi- 
tated, when arseniuret of hydrogen is passed into a solution 
of sulphate of copper. 

Dr. Kane found also, that when arseniuret of hydro- 
gen is passed over chloride of copper, chloride of hydrogen 
is set free, and the same arseniuret of copper is produced, 

2 As 2 As + ai j2 ees 3 cu + clH. 

In examining the constitution of the alum, the analysis of 
which by Dr. Apjohn, was read to the Academy last winter, 
Dr. Kane found that the water had been estimated by that 
chemist a little too high; thus Dr. Apjohn gave 48,15, while 
the true quantity amounts to 47,60. This small variation, 
however, makes, according to Dr. Kane, an important dif- 
ference in the theory of the body, as the number of equiva- 
lents is reduced to 25 in place of 26: and Dr. Kane looks 
upon the salt as composed of — 

Sulphate of Manganese mzo.so3.Ho + 6 HO. 
Sulphate of Alumina Al, 0; +3580; + 18 HO. 

(Mn 0.HO) S03 + (Al, 03 + 3803) +6 HO + 18 Ho. 

In a temperature of 212° this salt loses 18 Ho, and by 300° 
six of the remaining atoms. The twenty-fifth atom is retained 
up to 600°: and Dr. Kane looks upon this salt as a remarkable 
case of the replacement of amide of hydrogen by an oxide of 
the same class; he further stated that it was by this princi- 
ple he was led to the repetition of Dr. Apjohn’s analysis. 

Sir William Betham read a paper “on Etruscan Hand 
Mirrors,” particularly that figured in Dempster’s posthumous 
work De Etruria Regali, Vol. I. Tab. I, p. 78, from the ori- 
ginal in the Cospian Museum at Bologna. 


These mirrors have been found in great numbers in Italy, 
as well in the sepulchral chambers of the Etruscans as in 
other excavations. One side was polished for the mirror, 
the other generally engraved with a representation of some 
mythological allegory. That under consideration represented 
the birth of Minerva. 

The figures and inscriptions are reversed by the engra- 
ver in Dempster’s plate. 

The author suggests that most of the fables of the Greeks 
and Romans are but mutilated versions of the allegorical em- 
blems of a previous people, and that people the Etruscans, 
who, as well as the Celts, were a Pheenician colony. The 
Umbri have long been considered Celts, and if the Etruscans 
were the same people, they also were Celts. The former, Sir 
William thinks, were called Umbri from their locality, (om, 
distant, by, hills); they inhabited the remote hilly country of 

In this allegory Tinia (Jupiter) is represented ina sitting 
posture, with the thunderbolt, and the mystic rod in his 
hands; above his head is the infant goddess, with a shield 
on her left arm and a spearin her right ; before him stands a 
dressed female figure, with arms elevated towards Minerva, 
and from her mouth the word THAR, cap, (come,) as if inviting 
the new-born deity. Behind this figure is a female nearly 
naked, having but a shawl thrown round her middle, and 
sandaled. In her left hand she holds an axe with a double 
blade, resting on her shoulder ; before her are the words 
SETH LANM, pee lanaim, (the hole I cut.) Behind Tinia is 
another female figure nearly naked, with her arms around 
the body of Jupiter, as if supporting him, and behind her the 
word THALNA, tal na, (the axe ;) also a tree with a bird, 
perhaps the eagle, upon it. 

Sir William suggested this explanation of the allegory : 
TI NIA, ei nia, the splendid being ; the great spirit, or Jupiter ; 



IUD BI TER, (ud bi cep), day's great being, is represented as a 
king or warrior, who by the axe of Bellona, the goddess or 
allegorical representation of experience in war, concieves the 
idea of military strategy, wisdom, and discipline, and pro- 
duces it from his head ; and Minerva is thus the allegorical 
representation of wisdom, firmness, and military discipline, 
produced by the axe of Bellona, or experience in war. 

The Greeks and Romans, substituting Vulcan’s axe for 
Bellona’s, seem to have spoiled the elegance of the allegory, 
unless they meant that armour was the perfection of warlike 

Sir William Betham read a paper ‘‘ on the Ancient Tomb 
recently discovered in the Tumulus in the Phcenix Park.” 

This paper is here inserted without any alteration or 

“When the Report of the Committee of Antiquities on 
sepulchral monuments recently discovered in the Phoenix 
Park, was read to our last meeting by Mr. Petrie, I ven- 
tured to object, at the moment, to the meaning therein as- 
signed to the name of the hill Knock-Mary, (cnoc mapawe), 
the hill of the Mariners. It struck me that the troubleand ex- 
pense of time necessary to construct this monument were not 
likely to have been expended on the bodies of two mariners, 
and, therefore, 1 suggested, that the meaning was most pro- 
bably cnoc ma pug, the hill of the good king, or meap pig, the 
fortunate, lively, active, or successful prince ; either of which 
characters appeared to me to suggest a more probable origin 
ofthe name than that assigned in the Report of the Committee. 

“The Rev. Mr. Otway stated, that the name of Knock- 
maroon, another hill in the neighbourhood, had referenée to 
mariners; and that certain hills in the neighbourhood of 
Sligo, which he had recently visited, bore like names, and con- 
tained similar monuments, though of much larger dimensions. 

“These statements from individuals of acute judgment and 


correct observation on such subjects, induced me to hesitate 
as to the accuracy of my own conclusions, but did not con- 
vince me of the correctness of theirs. I have since consi- 
dered the subject more at leisure, and am now convinced 
that neither of the opinions expressed at our last meeting 
was correct. 

‘But before I enter upon the question of the meaning of 
the name, I shall say a few words on the probable period of 
the erection of the monument itself, and of the people con- 
cerned in its construction. 

‘“‘ The circumstances and manner of its formation, as well 
as the urns of unburned clay, the small flint knife, and other 
considerations, convince me that the work was not constructed 
by the Celtic Irish,—I mean the people whose language is now 
called Irish, and spokenamong us,—but by a previous people 
who inhabited the island at the first arrival of the Celts, and 
were known by the name of Firbolgs, or Belge. The shells 
which were found suggest a meaning for this name of that 
people, which is, I believe, quite new, at least it is so to me. 
The name of Firbolg has generally been rendered reap, a 
man, bols, of a bag, pouch, or sack, and also bolg; a boat or 
vessel made of the skins of animals, a coracle; but bollog is 
also a shell, anda round shell, it is also a skull, or bone of the 
head, intimating a similarity between the two things; the 
nerite found in this sepulchre are exactly of this character, 
and seem to indicate that these people were called, by their 
Celtic conquerors, reap bollog, from the circumstance of their 
wearing an abundance of those shells by way of ornament. 
They also called them bmz vaoipe painted (or parti-coloured) 
men, for the reason that they stained their bodies; hence 
the name Britain, given to both the islands inhabited by 
these people. Their descendants, who by retiring to the 
north of Britain, were preserved from the annihilation which 
those of the south suffered from the Celts, were called Picts, 
or painted men, by the Romans. It may be, that while 


the southern Britons were extirpated, those who inhabited 
the different northern regions of modern Scotland were able 
to preserve their independence, and were found by Agricola 
under the name of Caledonians, a people who were ofa florid 
complexion, and whose other features indicated a German 

“The Flint knives, daggers, arrow heads, spear heads, 
stone hammers, and chisels, which have been found in 
Treland, in great quantities, are soexactly similar in formand 
character to those found in Funen, in Denmark, and figured 
and published by the Northern Antiquarian Society, that 
those figures on their plates might be taken as correct repre- 
sentations of our Irish articles. A very remarkable instance 
is to be found in a flint dagger in our own Museum, which 
T now lay before the Academy, with the Danish plate, Den- 
mark was the country of the Cimbri, the descendants of 
the Caledonians: the Welsh have ever, and still call them- 
selves by that name. The places in that part of Scotland, of 
which the Picts last retained possession before their extir- 
pation by the Scotch from Ireland, still abound in Welsh 
denominations, and seem to me to offer unquestionable tes- 
timony, when all these circumstances are taken together 
with the occurrence of similar monuments in all the British 
islands, and in Denmark, that they are of the Belgie or 
Firbolg people ; and the Belgze and Cimbri were people of 
the same primitive northern race, using stone weapons and 
tools; perhaps the first inhabitants of these countries. 

“ I now proceed to say a few words on the name of the hill 
Knock Mary, and its adjoining neighbour, Knockmaroon. 

“« These names being Celtic Irish, and in the language of 
the nation which succeeded the people who constructed these 
monuments, could have no reference to the individuals 
buried, but must have been given to the things themselves, 
and consequently must have been of a generic character, 
and applicable generally. The Celtic Irish were the people 

Sa. ae 


who used bronze instruments, and consequently a people 
more advanced in civilization than the Firbolgs, who built 
these monuments and used instruments of flint, the most 
primitive of all; they, however, knew the uses for which they 
had been constructed, and that they were places or hills of 
sepulture, and called them by that name cnoc mapb, or the 
hill of the dead, and cnoc mapban, the hill of the dead bodies, 
otherwise, the hill of burial. 

* I cannot bring myself to believe that these monuments 
were the work of the Danes of Dublin, of Christian times, 
because the flint knife, and the rude urns of unbaked clay, 
are indicative of a much earlier period. The Danes of 
Dublin, and the Scandinavians of that period, were too 
far advanced in civilization, to justify us in entertaining 
such a notion as tenable for a moment; and, therefore, I 
would refer this monument to a most remote antiquity, at 
least of three thousand years, as certainly the Celtic in- 
vasion must have taken place near fifteen hundred years 
before our era. 

“The character of this monument’of antiquity is alto- 
gether similar to the Cromlech, and its undoubted sepul- 
chral character would induce the conclusion that all crom- 
lechs were sepulchral, and nothing more than chambers of 
the dead. New Grange itself would, if denuded, give the 
appearance of an immense specimen of the sepulchral 
chamber. It might be worthy of consideration, whether 
that or some other large tumulus should not have the earth 
which conceals its structure removed, and the stones left as 
a demonstrative exhibition: for myself, I think it would be 
well worth the expense of such an undertaking, if other cir- 
cumstances did not make it impracticable. 

** The application of the term altar tothe Cromlech I have 
long considered very problematical, and Druid’s altar still 
more doubtful. Iam now nearly convinced that these monu- 
ments are not Druidical or Celtic. We have no evidence 


from history that the Celts ever sacrificed on such an altar, 
or even built one; and it is not probable that Caesar and 
other writers who treat of the Celts, would have passed over 
so remarkable a fact, especially as Cesar, enters so minutely 
into the ceremonies of the Druids and their religious rites. 
To enter into this part of the subject fully, would occupy 
more time and space, and interfere with other subjects which 
are of more pressing interest to me at this time, but I may be 
allowed just to observe in this place, for the reasons above 
stated, that I consider all cromlechs as denuded sepulchral 
chambers, and that they are the works of the Cymbric Belgz. 
I think the evidence we possess on the subject, all tends to 
induce that conclusion.” 

Sir William Betham read “ A Translation of the fifth Eu- 
gubian Table,” as numbered by Dempster. 

He stated that he considered this Table the first in chro- 
nological order, although numbered the fifth ; for as the writ- 
ing of the first five Tables was from right to left, so, he con- 
ceived, the numbering ought to have been the same way. 
Sir William also stated that as he intended to read transla- 
tions of all the Tables in succession; he would wish to defer 
the printing of those he had read on the 22nd of January, 
until the previous Tables had been laid before the Aca- 

These Tables Sir William considers asnarratives of Etrus- 
co-Phoenician voyages ; and as the account of Hanno’s voyage 
along the west coast of Africa, was placed up in the Temple 
of Saturn at Carthage, so he conceives were these fixed up 
in the temple at Eugubium, in accordance with the custom 
of the Pheenician people. : 

The voyage, of which this table is an account, was from 
Etruria to Carne, in the island abounding in cattle, (Britain). 
It commences with the departure of the expedition, and tells 
us that proceeding to the Mouth of the Straits, they encoun- 


tered an opposing current, which they overcame, and entered 
the Port, (Cadiz), where they got a supply of good water. 
They sailed again with favourable winds and currents for 
some time, when they encountered a foul wind, and having 
succeeded in making the land, they again obtained water, and 
proceeded on to Carne, where they arrived safely. 

The description of the country follows: showers fell fre- 
quently, the wind was boisterous, and the sea rough. Nearly 
west, about a day’s sail, was another island country which the 
men saw on the voyage. The country they were in was 
green, fertile, and fit for habitation. The frequent showers 
created many brooks and rivers, which watered the country 
well. They had plenty of food. They were surprised by an 
extraordinarily great fall of the tide, which left the strand 
dry ; but it was fortunate, as it enabled them to stop the 
leaks of their ship which were bad. 

The island is represented as the largest of islands; and 
the success of the first attempt is represented as encouraging 
to future voyagers, the safety of passing the ocean having 
been demonstrated. They had deers’ milk to drink. The 
country is described as hilly. 

The superiority of their seamen and skill depends on being 
well supplied with food; and much is said about the conse- 
quences likely to follow the progress they had made in navi- 
gation, and their knowledge of tides and currents. 

On their return, when they got to the hot climate, they 
were attacked with the scurvy, having had no rain for twelve 
days ; but the wind was fair, and the sea favourable. They 
arrived in safety at the Mouth, and entered the Port, (Cadiz), 
where they stopped three days, and obtained a supply of 
provisions and water. The ruddy appearance of the Mouth 
(Gibraltar) is described, and the favourable current into 
the Mediterranean, into which they sailed, and in three days 
more arrived at their home in safety. 


George Downes, Esq., M. A. read a paper entitled“ Some 
Remarks on the Antiquitates Americane, lately published in 

The author, after remarking that this volume, which had 
appeared under the auspices of the Royal Society of Northern 
Antiquaries, contained an account of the early discoveries of 
the Northmen in America, stated the two-fold nature of his 
object :— 

Ist. To advert to some leading features of the past re- 
searches of the Society in connexion with those discoveries. 

2nd. To hazard a conjecture respecting their future re- 

The author observed, in the first place, that the present 
account, although not altogether new, was not only more cor- 
rect than any other, but supported by evidence, drawn partly 
from Icelandic MSS. nearly coeval with the principal events 
recorded, which took place about the opening of the eleventh 
century, partly from the modern researches of learned Ame- 
ricans. He stated that, as Arctic discoverers of America 
the Northmen attained as high a latitude as the most distin- 
’ guished modern navigators ; and detailed the Icelandic geo- 
graphy of the eastern part of North America, from Cumber- 
land Island to the Chesapeak. He next adverted to the Irish 
part of the same continent, supposed to extend from the 
Chesapeak to the Gulf of Mexico, and inwards to the Missis- 
sippi. This tract was called Whitemensland, or Great Ire- 
land, and was inhabited by an Irish colony prior even to the 
Norse ante-Columbian discoverers of America. Evidence 
of this fact was adduced from the Antiquitates Americane, 
in the form of two traditions :—one held by the Shawanese 
Indians who had emigrated from Florida to Ohio; the other 
by the Faroese islanders. To this evidence the author ad- 
ded a conjecture of his own, founded on the similarity be- 
tween the first part of the word Esfotéland (a name of the 
Icelandic Vineland, which does not occur in the work,) and 
Scotia, an old name of Ireland. 


After alluding to some passages respecting the mysterious 
territory of Great Ireland, as given in the adventures of Thor- 
finn Karlsefne, Gudleif Gudlaugson, and Ari Marson, the 
author proceeded to animadvert on three inferences deduced 
from the Antiquitates Americane, in a paper read at the last 
meeting of the Academy. 

1. Theexplanation of the surname of Ari Marson—* son 
of the sea”—in the ordinary sense of a person of unknown 
parentage, arrived by ship from some unknown land, was de- 
nied to be tenable, as the genealogy of Marson is given in 
both a textual and tabular form. The figurative meaning— 
that of one addicted to nautical pursuits, or distinguished for 
naval enterprise, was also impugned—as likely to be em- 
ployed in the language of the Celts, who were averse from 
navigation, but by no means in that of the Icelanders, who 
were all sons of the sea, and among whom domiciliation on 
board formed even a part of the Viking code of laws. The 
author added, that the sculptor Thorwaldsen, and Professor 
Finn Magnusen, were both descended from Ari Marson ; and 
that the name of an Irish princess, called Ingebierg in Ice- 
landic, Ingijbcerg in Farvish, but supposed to be Inivaca, 
also appeared in the genealogy. 

2. The author next disputed the identity of Brazil wood 
with mazer, a wood of New England, the Vineland of the 
Northmen, citing Dr. Bancroft’s description of the former. 
He denied that Brazil-wood had ever been found in a lati- 
tude so far north, and contended that intelligent savages 
usually discover the dye-stuffs within their reach, but that 
the Skrelings, or Esquimaux, who encountered Thorfinn 
Karlsefne, bought red cloth from him with avidity, being 
evidently attracted by the novelty and brilliancy of the co- 
lour; that the Skrelings were an intelligent race appeared 
evident from their possessing a kind of balista, and other 
warlike engines unknown to the Northmen. To refute the 
possible objection that Brazil wood, if a product of ancient 


Vineland, might have been used as an ornamental timber, 
various passages were translated from the Icelandic, which 
were accompanied by the opinion of the editor of the Anti- 
guitates Americane, from which it appeared that the mazer 
was a kind of maple, a tree which still flourishes in New 
England ; and this opinion was further supported by a line 
from Spenser’s Fairy Queen, and by the etymological simi- 
larity of the word mazer to the Latin acer. 

3. In reference to an inscription on the Assonet Rock, in 
Massachusetts, the author alluded to the improbability that 
Thorfinn Karlsefne—the limit of whose discoveries is sup- 
posed to be marked by the rock—would have omitted all men- 
tion of his own name in recording them; and showed that 
certain letters, on the supposed absence of which another 
theory had been formed, were present in the most approved 
copies of the inscription, three drawings of which were ex- 
hibited to the Academy. 

Mr. Downes in the second place, propounded his conjec- 
ture respecting the future discoveries of the Northern Anti- 
quaries in the field of American research. From the simi- 
larity both in spelling and meaning of Haiti, “ highlands,” 
(the restored name of St. Domingo, or Hispaniola,) to the Ice- 
landic local designation Heiihi, as well as that of Bohio, “ the 
house,” (another name of Haiti,) to the Icelandic bud, (the 
English “ booth,”) also used as a local designation in that 
language, he inferred that the Northmen may have visited 
the island ; and he showed, from the northern languages, that 
the final d, being mute, occasioned no difficulty. He sup- 
ported his conjecture by adducing the authority of Doctor 
Barton, cited by an American correspondent of the editor of 
the Antiquitates Americanz, as to the existence of rocks simi- 
lar to that of Asonet, in the confines of the rivers Lata and 
Maragnon, in South America, on which, however, it would be 
premature to lay much stress. The probability of a Norse 
discovery of the West Indies he maintained from some par- 


- ticulars, connected with the residence of Ari Marsonin Great 
Ireland, which was not far from Haiti. 

The author further alluded to the similarity of the Irish 
boz, and the Hebrew 3 or in2, to Bohio, and hinted at the 
possible Irish or Jewish discovery of the island, should the 
former conjecture prove fallacious. 

After recommending the Antiquétates Americane to the 
Icelandic student, as a most eligible text-book, and a complete 
contrast to the Antiquitates Celto-Scandice, the author con- 
cluded by expressing his belief, that a closer connexion with 
the antiquaries of Copenhagen, and a correspondence with 
the learned of America, might lead to such results as would 
shed additional lustre on the annals of the Academy. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de V Acade- 
mie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels, 
Premier Semestre. Nos. 19, 20, 21. Tables Alphabétiques. 
Juillet-—Decembre, 1837. Presented by the Academy. 

Researches on Heat. Third Series. By James D. Forbes. 
Esq. F.R.SS. L. & E., F.G.S. (From the Transactions of the 
Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 14.) Presented by the 

The Origin of the Egyptian Language, proved by the 
Analysis of that and the Hebrew, in an Introductory Essay. 
By Dr. L. Lowe. Presented by the Author. 

Journal of the Statistical Society of London. No. 11. 
June, 1833, Presented by the Society. 


June 25, 1838. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

Dr. Apjohn made some remarks upon the subject of the 
Specific Heats of Gases. 

The author stated that he had received, some months 
since, a memoir on the subject of the specific heats of 
gases, by M. Suerman, an eminent Dutch philosopher; upon 
examining which, he was not a little surprised to find that the 
method of the author was identically the same with that which 
he had himself employed, in a paper on the same subject, 
which has appeared in the last volume of the Transactions 
of the Academy. The following passage of M. Suerman’s 
preface, however, completely removed his apprehensions of 
having been anticipated—“‘ Tandem opus aggressus, et oc- 
cupatus in idonea paranda supellectili diarium accepi Angli- 
cum, quo in collegio, quod Dublini habetur, Chemiz Profes- 
soris Apjohn continebatur disquisitio, ex eodem illa principio 
fluidorum elasticorum calorem specificum derivans. Pri- 
mum,—quid sileam?—animo despondebam quum novitatis 
colorem quz mihi precipue arridebat, de meo evanescere 
viderem proposito.” 

This passage, he stated, he had been long anxious to 
bring before the Academy, lest, when Suerman’s Thesis came 
to be noticed in the British journals, any Member of the 
Academy should suppose that he had borrowed his method 
from the learned Dutchman, and had done so without 

Dr. Apjohn then proceeded to remark upon some points, 
in reference to which he considered himself as having 
been misapprehended by M. Suerman. Thus he is repre- 
sented in the following passage, as adopting an erroneous 
method of estimating the caloric of elasticity of aqueous 
vapour. “ In computando vero formulam quam a claro Gay- 


Lussac propositam vidimus, errorem effugere studuimus 
quem miror, etiam a viris celeberrimis commissum esse. 
Ponitur enim et in hac formula, et psychrometrica quam 
Dr. Apjohn proposuit, J, sive caloricum vaporis latens, ter- 
minus constans. At vero et theoria assumit, et experientia, 
quatenus adhuc innotuit, docet, non esse caloris quantitatem 
quam durante evaporatione vapor latens reddit, quacumque 
temperatura constantem, sed quantitatem calorici, que deter- 
minato vaporis pondere continetur, quod in maximo densita- 
tis habetur.” 

Dr. Apjohn could not admit the applicability of this 
extract to himself, and in his vindication referred to the 
following passage, which occurs in his first paper on the 
Dew-point :—‘ It must of course be admitted, that the ca- 
loric of elasticity of vapour varies with the temperature, and 
that it is represented by 1129 only at the temperature of 
50°, a point chosen by me as being nearly the mean tem- 
perature of Dublin. In strictness, the number employed 
should be 967 -+ 212 — ¢’, but it would be easy to show that 
the uniform use of 1129 cannot give rise to any material 
error.” The latter part of this passage, he observed, was 
intended only to apply to the meteorological use of his for- 
mula, and not at all to it when employed in the investigation 
of the question of gaseous specific heat. And had M. Suer- 
man repeated the calculation of his experiments he would 
have found that he, Dr. A., had, while engaged with the 
specific heats of the gases, invariably employed the rigorous 
method of estimating the caloric of elasticity of vapour. 

Dr. A. then drew attention to a tabular view of his 
results compared to those of Suerman, from which it ap- 
peared that there was a very close correspondence between 
them, a correspondence noticed and admitted by Suerman 
jn the following passage: ‘‘ siquidem ad diversissimum atten- 
damus apparatum quo usus est, fatendum satis bene sibi con- 
venire experimenta D™s- Apjohn, atque nostra. Utraque 


vero multum distant ab experimentis doctorum Deloroche 
atque Berard, ad que nostra propius accedunt ratione flui- 
dorum elasticorum elementariorum, experimenta D. Apjohn 
ratione aerum compositorum.” ‘The opinion, however, here 
expressed cannot, Dr. A. conceived, be considered as well 
sustained by the numbers adduced by Suerman. ‘Thus, to 
give buta single example, the specific heat of hydrogen com- 
pared to that of an equal volume of air, as deduced by 
Suerman, was 1.3979, and as deduced, according to Suerman, 
by Dr. Apjohn. was 1,8948. Here is a material difference, 
quite beyond the probable errors of experiment, in expla- 
nation of which Dr.’ Apjohn stated, that 1,8948, and the 
other numbers attributed to him by Suerman, were, in 
point of fact, not those which flowed from his experiments ; 
and at the same time admitted, that when they were so con- 
sidered by Suerman, he, Dr. A. himself, was in some degree 
to blame. He had published his first results as the specific 
heats of equal weights, when they were in reality the specific 
heats of equal volumes; but in arriving at them it was neces- 
sary to be subjected to a particular correction, which, howe- 
ver, materially different in its influence upon them, according 
as it is applied to the case of equal volumes or of equal 
weights. Of these facts Suerman was not aware, and was 
thus prevented from perceiving that the very close corres- 
pondence which he recognized between the two series of 
results amounted to an almost perfect identity. 

This identity, however, Dr. A. stated to be true of them 
when viewed relatively but not absolutely. The direct de- 
terminations by Suerman of the specific heat of air and of 
the different gases, were, Dr. A. alleged, in every instance 
greater than those at which he had arrived. This he attri- 
buted to three causes: Ist. To Suerman’s estimating the 
ealoric of elasticity of vapour higher than Dr. Apjohn had 
done. 2nd. To his employing the formula of Gay-Lussac, 
which differed from that which Dr, Apjohn had employed in 


containing as a divisor, not p, but p—f’. But, 3rd, _prin- 
cipally to Suerman having in no one instance obtained in his 
experiments depressions of such magnitude as those which he 
himself had observed. Dr. Apjohn did not explain the cause 
of this latter circumstance, as it would have required him to 
describe the very elaborate but rather complicated appa- 
ratus of M. Suerman, and to enter upon other details of a 
critical nature, which he conceived unsuited to a general 

In conclusion, Dr. Apjohn stated, that M. Suerman had, 
in one direction, prosecuted the research in question further 
than he himself had done, having experimentally investi- 
gated the specific heat of air ata series of pressures less 
than that of the atmosphere. M. Poisson had given, in his 
Traité de Mecanique, a formula for solving such problems, 
derived from analytical considerations, which however was 
found by Suerman to lead to numbers quite different from 
those to which his experiments had conducted. 

To the preceding abstract of his observations, Dr. Apjohn 
is desirous of appending the following formule :— 

fie _ 30 
TS a l 
48d p (I) 
fh fein 30 ‘ 
al yee (2) 

In each of these a is the specific heat of the gas compared 
to that of an equal volume of atmospheric air, f’ the tension 
of aqueous vapour of maximum elasticity, at the temperature 
shown by a wet thermometer placed in a current of such 
gas, and d the depression, or difference between the indica- 
tions of the wet and a dry thermometer. Formula (1) is 
that which Dr. Apjohn communicated to the Academy in 
November, 1834, and which he employed in his researches 
on specific heats. Formula (2) is that which has been used 
by Suerman, and the investigation of which he attributes to 
Gay-Lussac. The former formula had been previously ar- 


rived at by Ivory, (a circumstance to which Dr. Apjohn 
has alluded in his first paper on the Dew-point, without, 
however, having been at the time aware that Ivory’s result and 
his own were perfectly identical,) and the same is probably 
true of Dr. August of Berlin, as may be collected from the 
following passage of Dr. Suerman’s Thesis, p. 69 :— 

“‘ Formulam psychrometricam ex theoria mixtionum aeris 
ac vaporis, anno 1834 deduxerat D. Apjohn, iisdem innisus 
principiis quibus Gay-Lussac de aere sicco, August et Ivory 
de humido, problema solverant, non tamen hos auctores 

The Rev. Cesar Otway read a paper “‘ on the Ruined 
Abbeys in the Province of Connaught.” 

His object was to shew, in the first instance, the differ- 
ence between the ancient Irish monastic establishments, and 
those subsequent to the Anglo-Norman conquest. He then 
called the attention of the Academy to the rapid demolition 
of these interesting religious structures by the people, who 
make them places of common and much prized sepulture, and 
(desiring to mark the places where their friends are buried) 
recklessly tear down the quoins, corbells, capitals of pillars, 
and all the elaborate ornaments they can lay their hands 
on, in order to answer the purpose of head stones. 

Mr. Otway suggested the possibility of appointing per- 
sons who would act as conservators of these ancient edifices, 
and expressed his hope that the clergy might be made instru- 
mental in putting a stop to the dilapidations he complained 
of. Mr. Otway alluded to the well known Fresco paintings 
on the walls of the choir of the Abbey of Knockmoy; and. 
having stated that a rapid decay is in progress, whereby 
there is a likelihood of these interesting representations be- 
ing speedily obliterated, he suggested that some artist (one 
who combined the execution of a good draughtsman with 
the taste and enterprize of an antiquarian) should be em- 


ployed to copy them. Mr. Otway then alluded to the pro- 
perty which one of the vaults at Knockmoy possesses of 
preserving from corruption the bodies therein deposited, 
and took occasion to animadvert on the careless and unbe- 
coming way in which these depositories of the dead were 
left open to public intrusion. Having spoken of Rossreilly 
Abbey, near Headford, and exhibited a moss-covered skull 
taken from these ruins, he next adverted to the Abbey of 
Cong; there also he shewed that the prejudices and super- 
stitions of the people are accelerating the demolition of the 
building, and, as an instance, he stated how, not long ago, 
the tomb alleged to be that of Roderick O’Connor, was 
overwhelmed by a person who, in consequence of a dream, 
undermined the Abbey-wall to come at hidden treasure. 
Mr. Otway concluded his paper with an account of Clare 
Island and Abbey, the residence and place of interment of 
the famous Grace O’Mealy. 

Sir William Betham read a paper on two remarkable 
pieces of antiquity preserved at Cong, in the County of 

The first, he stated, is a cross, whose perpendicular shaft 
is six inches high, the arms one foot six inches, and the 
whole five-eighths of an inch thick. Upon the edge is the 
following inscription, intimating that this reliquary once 
enclosed a portion of the true cross : 


There are several other inscriptions in the Irish charac- 
ters and language, of which Sir William also gave readings 
and translations; but these he has since withdrawn. 

The second reliquary described in this paper, was known 
popularly, as the author stated, by the name of the Breast- 
plate ; but in his opinion it was undoubtedly a case for a 

manuscript copy of the Gospels. Sir William exhibited a 
; u2 


wax model of the front of this reliquary, with a drawing of 
the cross, which he presented to the Museum of the Aca- 

Mr. Petrie, by permission of the President, made some 
remarks on Sir William Betham’s paper, in which he pointed 
out the original uses of these ancient reliquaries, and de- 
tailed at considerable length their history, gathered from the 
inscriptions found upon them, (of-which he gave translations, ) 
and from the mention made of them in the Irish Annals and, 
other records. 

It was resolved, that Mr. Petrie be requested to prepare 
a paper for the Transactions of the Academy on the history 
of these reliquaries, in order that the valuable information 
he had collected respecting them might be preserved, and 
made more generally known. 

Dr. Coulter exhibited a specimen of the Sphinx porcellus, 
taken at Killiney, and stated that this rare insect had pro- 
bably never before been found so far north in Ireland. 

The reading of papers being concluded, the session was. 
closed with the following 


The time has now arrived for terminating the present session ; 
and it will, no doubt, be gratifying to you, as it is to me, that our 
closing act should be the public presentation of a Medal to one of 
our most distinguished Members; that Medal being the first which 
has been awarded by your Council in the exercise of the new and 
fuller power confided by you lately to them, and in execution of the 
plan which was announced to you at the time when you gave them 
that enlarged discretion, with respect to the bestowal of honorary 

That plan, as you may remember, differs little from the scheme 
suggested by me in the inaugural address which I had the honor 


to deliver on the occasion of first taking the chair of this Academy: 
the only difference, indeed, so far as science is concerned, being 
the subsequent adoption of a suggestion of Professor Lloyd, re- 
pecting a change of distribution of those subjects which were in- 
cluded by me under the two great heads of Physics and Physio- 
logy, but by him under those of Experimental and Observational 
Science, or Physics and Natural History. The time for acting 
upon this modification has not, however, as yet arrived; and be- 
fore the suffrages of your Council were collected, at its last meet- 
ing, on the question of the absolute and relative merits of the 
various communications which have lately been made to our Trans- 
actions, it was resolved to postpone, till after the recess, the con- 
sideration of all scientific or other awards, except only that which 
should be made for the most important paper in pure or mixed 
mathematics, communicated during the three years which ended 
in March 1837, and already actually printed. The papers coming 
within this definition were few; the authors of taem were only two, 
Professor Mac Cullagh and myself. The decision, which in theory 
is a decision of the President and Council, and which did in fact 
receive my cordial and previously expressed concurence, was in 
favour of Mr. Mac Cullagh’s paper ‘‘ On the Laws of Crystalline 
Reflexion and Refraction,” contained in the just published part of 
the eighteenth volume of the Transactions of this Academy. 

It may happen that upon future occasions of this sort, if it shall 
again become my duty to present from this Chair those Medals 
which may hereafter be awarded, for papers of other triennial cycles, 
and upon other subjects, I may not think it necessary or expedient 
to occupy your time by any but the briefest statement of the 
grounds on which those future awards may have been made. But 
‘on the present occasion, which is (to me at least, and in relation 
to our new plan) the first occasion of its kind; while the subject 
is one of a class to which my own inquiries have been much di- 
rected, and upon which, therefore, I may speak with a less risk of 
impropriety than upon many others; and while we, as an Aca- 
demy, by extra hours and extra nights of attendance, during that 
busy session which is now about to close, have earned for ourselves 
a little leisure, on this last night of meeting, without interfering (as 


we hope) with the rights, or even with the convenience of authors ; 
I think myself allowed to enter more at large into the merits of the 
award, and to lay before you some of the thoughts which the pe- 
rusal of the present prize essay has suggested to my own mind. 

When ordinary light is reflected at the common boundary of 
two transparent and uncrystallized media, as when we see (for ex- 
ample) the reflexion of the sun in water, the reflected light differs 
from the incident in both direction and intensity, according to laws 
which were known to Euclid in so far as they regard direction, 
but of which the discovery, in so far as intensity is concerned, was 
reserved for the sagacity of Fresnel. In general, the laws which 
regulate the changes of the direction of light have been found easier 
of discovery than those which regulate its changes of intensity; the 
laws of the reflexions and refractions of the lines along which light 
is propagated, than the laws of the accompanying determinations or 
alterations of its planes of polarisation ; or, to express the same dis- 
tinction in the language of the theory of undulations, it has been 
found easier to assign the form of the waves which spread from any 
origin of disturbance through any given portion of the elastic lumi- 
niferous ether, than to assign the directions and relative magnitudes 
of the vibrations which constitute those waves, and the laws which 
regulate the changes of such vibrations, in the passage from one 
medium to another. 

The laws which regulate such changes of vibration, produced 
by reflexion and refraction, at the boundaries of crystallized 
media, have been the special object of Mr. Mac Cullagh’s investi- 
gations, in the paper now beforeus. But in investigating them, he 
has been obliged to consider also the laws which regulate the vi- 
brations of the ether, in the interior of a crystallized body, and 
not at its swrface only ; the laws of the propagation as well as 
those of the reflexion and refraction of light. His researches are 
therefore connected intimately with a wide range of optical pheno- 
mena; and the hypotheses on which his formule are founded, and 
which seem to have their own correctness proved by the experi- 
ments of many kinds with which they have been successfully com- 
pared, though liable, of course, like every physical induction, to be 
modified in some degree by future observation, appear to be en- 


titled to assume henceforth a very high rank among the principles 
of physical optics. 

The method which Mr. Mac Cullagh has adopted may be said 
to be in general the method of mathematical induction, as distin- 
guished from dynamical deduction. He has not sought to deduce, 
from any pre-supposed attractions or repulsions, and arrangements 
of the molecules of the ether, any conclusions respecting the vibra- 
tions in the interior or at the boundaries of a medium, as necessary 
consequences of those dynamical principles or assumptions. But 
he has sought to gather from phenomena a system of mathematical 
laws by which those phenomena might be expressed and grouped 
together, be conceived in connexion with each other, and receive 
an inductive unity. He has sought to arrive at laws which might 
bear somewhat the same relation to the optical observations already 
made, as the laws of Kepler did to the astronomical observations of 
his predecessor Tycho Brahe, without seeking yet to deduce these 
laws, as Newton did the laws of Kepler, from any higher and 
dynamic principle. And though, no doubt, it is to such deduction 
that science must continually tend ; and though, in optics, some 
progress has been actually made, by Cauchy and by others, toa 
dynamical theory of light, as a system of vibrations regulated by 
forces of attraction and repulsion ; yet it may well be judged a 
matter of congratulation when minds are found endowed with 
talents so high as those which Mr. Mac Cullagh possesses, and 
willing to apply them to the preparatory but important task of dis- 
covering, from the phenomena themselves, the mathematical laws 
which connect and represent those phenomena, and are in a manner 
intermediate between facts and principles, between appearances and 
causes. ; 

It was thus, that, in a former paper, Mr. MacCullagh proposed, 
as mathematical expressions for the phenomena of Quartz, a system 
of differential equations, which are indeed simple in themselves, 
and seem to agree well with observation, but have not yet been 
shewn to be consistent with dynamic views. And in that later 
memoir for which the present prize is awarded, he has, in like 
manner, adopted some hypotheses, and rejected others, without 
apparently regarding whether and how far it may seem possible 


at present to reconcile such adoption or such rejection with received 
opinions respecting the mechanism of light ; exhibiting thus, a 
kind of intellectual courage, in admiring which I am fortified by 
the opinion of Sir John Herschel, who lately , in a conversation and 
a letter, expressed himself thus to me: ‘‘ The perusal of Mr. Mae 
Cullagh’s paper on the Laws of Reflexion and Polarisation in Crys- 
tals, has, although cursory, produced a very strong impression on 
my mind that the theory of light is on the eve of some considerable 
improvement, and that by abandoning for a while the @ preorz or 
deductive path, and searching among phenomena for laws simple 
in their geometrical enunciation, and of more or less wide applica- 
bility, without (for a while) much troubling ourselves how far 
those laws may be in apparent accordance with any precon- 
ceived notions, or even with what we are used to consider as 
general principles in dynamics, it may be possible to unite scat- 
tered fragments of knowledge into such groups and masses as 
shall afford glimpses of their fitness to combine into a regular 

The hypotheses which are the bases of Mr. Mac Cullagh’s 
theory of Crystalline Reflexion and Refraction are the following. 
He supposes that the form of the wave surface in a doubly- 
refracting crystal is that which was assigned by Fresnel, and that 
the vibrations are tangential to this surface, but that they are 
perpendicular to the ray, and consequently parallel to the plane 
of polarisation ; whereas Fresnel supposed them to coincide with 
the projection of the ray upon the wave, and consequently to 
be perpendicular to the plane of polarisation. Professor Mac 
Cullagh supposes also, with Fresnel, that the vis viva is pre- 
served, or in other words, that the reflected and refracted 
lights are together equal to the incident; but in applying this 
principle to investigate the refracted vibrations, he supposes, in 
opposition to Fresnel, that the density of the ether is not changed 
in passing from one body to another. And he supposes, finally, 
that the vibrations in two contiguous transparent media are equi- 
valent ; or, in other words, that the resultant of the incident and 
reflected vibrations is the same, both in length and direction, as 
the resultant of the refracted vibrations ; whereas Fresnel had 


supposed only that the vibrations parallel to the separating surface, 
but not that the vibrations perpendicular to the same surface were 

And here I may be permitted to state, what indeed cannot fail 
to be remembered by many here, that when the British Association 
for the Advancement of Science met in this city, about three years 
ago, (in August, 1835), a communication was made by Mr. Mac 
Cullagh to the Mathematical and Physical section, ‘‘on the Laws 
of Reflexion and Refraction at the Surface of Crystals,” which 
embodied nearly all the principles or hypotheses that I have now 
recited, and of which an abstract was printed in the London and 
Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine for October, 1835, having 
indeed been published even earlier (in September, 1835) by 
Mr. Hardy here. The only supposition, which was not either 
formally stated or clearly indicated in this abstract, was that of 
the preservation of the vis viva; instead of which principle of 
Fresnel, Mr. Mac Cullagh was, at one time, inclined to employ a 
relation between pressures, proposed by M. Cauchy. Since, there- 
fore, the leading principles of the new theory of Reflexion and 
Refraction were all made known by Mr. Mac Cullagh so early as 
the August of 1835, were printed in Dublin in the September of 
that year, and in London in the October following, it will not, per- 
haps, be attributed solely to national partiality if we claim for him 
the priority of discovery on this curious and important question, 
notwithstanding that a very valuable and elaborate memoir on the 
same subject, embodying the same results, was communicated, in 
December, 1835, to the Academy of Sciences at Berlin, by M. Neu- 
mann, and was published in 1837, before the publication (though 
after the reading) of that essay of Mr. Mac Cullagh, to which the 
present prize is awarded. 

It is, however, an interesting circumstance, and one which is 
adapted to increase our confidence in these new laws of light, that 
they should have been independently and almost simultaneously 
discovered in these and in foreign countries ; and it will not, I 
trust, be supposed that I desire to depreciate M. Neumann’s admira- 
ble essay, if having recalled some facts and dates which bear upon 
the question of priority,-I proceed to point out a few of the features 


of Mr. Mac Cullagh’s briefer paper, which have appeared to me to 
deserve a peculiar and special attention. I mean the geometrical 
elegance of the principal enunciations, and the philosophical cha- 
racter of the interspersed remarks. 

As a specimen of the former, I shall select the theorem of the 
polar plane. When light in air is incident on a doubly-refracting 
crystal, it may be polarised in such a plane, that one of the two. 
refracted rays’ shall disappear ; and then the one refracted vibration 
which corresponds to the one remaining refracted ray, must (by 
the hypotheses or laws already mentioned) be the resultant of the 
one incident and one reflected vibration ; and consequently these 
three vibrations must be contained in one common plane, which 
plane it is therefore an object of interest to assign a simple rule 
for constructing. In fact, the refracted vibration is known, in 
direction, from the laws of propagation of light in the crystal, and 
the hypotheses already mentioned ; if, then, we know how to draw 
through its direction the plane just now referred to, we should only 
have to examine in what lines this plane intersected the incident 
and reflected waves, in order to obtain the direction of the incident 
and reflected vibrations, and afterwards (by the rules of statical 
composition) the relative magnitudes of all the three vibrations, or 
the relative intensities of the incident, reflected, and refracted lights, 
Now Mr. Mac Cullagh shows, that the desired construction can be 
deduced from the properties of the doubly refracting medium or 
wave,.as follows: Let or, op represent in length and in direction 
the velocity of the refracted ray, and the slowness of the re- 
fracted wave; so that, by what has been before supposed, the 
refracted vibration ov is perpendicular to the plane tor ; then, 
if a plane be drawn through the vibration ov, parallel to the 
line tp, this plane, which Mr. Mac Cullagh calls the polar plane 
of the ray or, will be the plane desired; that is, it will contain the 
incident and the reflected vibrations, if these be uniradial, or, in 
other words, if they have such directions, or correspond to such 
polarisations, as to. cause one of the two refracted rays in the crystal 
to disappear. 

Many elegant geometrical corollaries are drawn, in the Essay, 
from this theorem of the polar plane ; but'I shall only mention one, 


(which includes, as a particular case, the remarkable law for deter- 
mining the angle of polarisation of light reflected at the surface of 
an ordinary medium, discovered by Sir David Brewster,) namely, 
that when the light reflected from the surface of a doubly refract- 
ing crystal is completely polarised, or, in other words, when the 
reflected vibration has a determined direction, independent of the 
direction of the incident vibration, then the reflected ray is per- 
pendicular to the intersection of the polar planes of the tivo dif- 
Serent refracted rays. 
In this and other applications of the theorem of the polar plane 
to the case where the incident light is polarised so as to undergo a 
double refraction, the obvious manner of proceeding is to decompose 
its one biradial vibration into two uniradial vibrations, and to treat 
these separately, by applying to each the construction above described. 
Yet Mr. Mac Cullagh remarks, that it requires proof that the reflected 
and refracted intensities, thus determined, will have their sum ex- 
actly equal to the intensity of the incident light ; or, in other words, 
that the law of the vis viva will hold good for the resultant vibra- 
tions, though we know, by the construction, that it holds good for 
each system of uniradial components taken separately. In fact, if the 
two separate incident vibrations, which correspond to the two sepa- 
rate refracted vibrations, be inclined at an acute angle to each other, 
they will generate by their superposition (according to the law of 
interference) a compound incident light, of which the intensity ex- 
ceeds, by a determined amount, the sum of the two separate or 
component intensities ; and it requires proof that the two separate 
reflected vibrations will in like manner be inclined to each other at 
that precise acuteness of angle which will allow the intensity of the 
compound reflected light to exceed, by precisely the same deter- 
mined amount, the sum of the two separate intensities, correspond- 
ing to the two separate reflected vibrations : (or that the same sort 
of equality of differences between incident and reflected resultants 
and sums will take place, when the angles are obtuse and not acute ;) 
the two refracted vibrations being not in general (in either case) 
superposed upon each other. Professor Mac Cullagh has arrived 
at an equation of condition, as necessary for the foregoing agree- 
ment, which expresses a property of the laws of propagation de- 


duced from the laws of reflexion and refraction, however singular 
it may appear that the latter laws should give any information re- 
specting the former ; and he states that he has found this equation 
to express rigorously a property of Fresnel’s wave. His demon- 
stration of this latter property having not yet been published, I 
have been induced to investigate one for myself; and have thus 
been conducted to a construction of the condition in question, so 
simple that it may perhaps be mentioned here. Let r and w de- 
note the planes vor and vor in the figure before referred to, which 
may also be called the planes of ray-polarisation and of wave- 
polarisation, for the ray oT, or for the corresponding wave; and 
let p’, t’, Rn’, w’ be analogous to P, T, R, w, but referred to any other 
ray or wave; then the following is the relation to be satisfied: 

OT. OP’. cos RW = OT’. OP. cos R'W; 

rw’ and r’w denoting here diedral angles. Under this form, it is 
easily proved that Fresnel’s wave surface possesses rigorously the 
property in question. Mr. Mac Cullagh’s equation has been other- 
wise obtained by M. Neumann, namely, as a condition for the pos- 
sibility of depressing the equation of the vs viva to the first from 
the second degree. 

On this and many other points of the investigation, Mr. 
Mac Cullagh (as I have already said) has thrown out many inte- 
resting and philosophical remarks; for instance, that the perfect 
adaptation which thus appears to exist between the laws of the pro- 
pagation and those of the reflexion and refraction of light, is a 
strong indication that these two sets of laws are derived from some 
One common source, in other and more intimate laws not yet dis- 
covered ; and that it is allowed to hope that the next step in phy- 
sical optics will lead us to those higher and more elementary 
principles by which the laws of reflexion and propagation are linked 
together as parts of the same system. His remarks on the probable 
connexion between the theories of metallic and crystalline reflexion, 
and on the hopefulness of ascending to a true theory of light by 
the method of mathematical induction from phenomena, (exempli- 
fied, as has been seen, in his own papers,) rather than by attempting 
prematurely to make deductions from dynamical principles, are 
also well worthy of attention, though my own habits of thought 



lead me to feel an even stronger interest in dynamic and deductive 

But I have suffered myself to speak at greater length than has 
been usually occupied by others before, or is likely to be occupied 
by me hereafter on other similar occasions, and certainly at greater 
length than was required to justify the award of your Council. 
The reasons which I pleaded at the commencement of this address 
may, perhaps, serve partly as my excuse for having occupied your 
time so long; and some additional indulgence may have been 
thought due by those who remember that many years ago, both 
here and elsewhere, in public and in private, I expressed strongly 
my admiration of the talents of him to whom I have now the 
gratifying office of presenting this first public mark of honour from 
his scientific brethren and cotemporaries. 

[The President then, delivering the Medal to Professor 
Mac Cullagh, addressed him as follows :—] 

Professor Mac Cullagh, 

I present to you this medal, awarded to you by the President 
and Council of the Royal Irish Academy. Accept it as a mark of 
the interest and intellectual sympathy with which we regard your 
researches ; of the pleasure with which we have received the com- 
munications wherewith you have already favoured us; and of our 
hope to be favoured with other communications hereafter. And 
when your genius shall have filled a wider sphere of fame than 
that which (though already recognized, and not here only) it has 
yet come to occupy, let ¢his attest, that minds were found which 
could appreciate and admire you early in this your native country. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de lAca- 
demie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Premier Semestre. No. 22, 1838. Tables Alphabetiques, 
Juillet, Decembre, 1837. Presented by the Academy. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pensyl- 
vania, and Mechanics’ Register. Edited by Thomas P, Jones, 

M. D. New Series, Vol. XX. Presented by the Franklin In- 

Proceedings of the Numismatic Society, 1836-37.  Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

A Philosophical and Statistical. History of the Inventions 
and Customs of Ancient and Modern Nations, in the Manu- 
facture and Use of Inebriating Liquors. By Samuel More- 
wood, Esq. Presented by the Author. 

Two Spear Heads. Presented by Sir William Betham. 

A Model in Wax of the ancient Reliquary described in Sir 
William Betham’s Paper as “ the Breastplate of Cong,” with 
a Drawing of the Crozier. Presented by the same. 




- 1838—1839. No. 14. 

November 12. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, President, in the Chair. 

Rey. Matthew Horgan; George Alexander Frazer, Esq. ; 
Sir Joseph O'Halloran, K. C.B.; and Halliday Bruce, 
Esq., were elected Members. 

Miss Caroline Herschel was elected an Honorary Mem- 

Sir W. Betham read a paper in answer to certain objec- 
tions made to the statements in his former papers on Etruscan 
Mirrors, and on the fifth Eugubian Table. 

Professor Kane read a note on the Theory of the Ethers. 

In a late number of the Annalen der Pharmacie, Professor 
Liebig asserted that Dr. Kane should relinquish his claim to 
the discovery of the Ethyl Theory, in favour of Berzelius, on 
two grounds,—first, that Dr. Kane’s view was not originally 
more definite than that of Dumas, and did not possess the 
completeness in which it was brought forward by Berzelius ; 
and second, that Dr. Kane had taken no part in the subse- 
quent discussions about the theory, had on many occasions 
shown indifference towards its establishment, and fluctuated 
between the old and new views. In the notice submitted to 
the Academy, Dr. Kane undertook to show the imcorrect- 
ness of Professor Liebig’s observations. 



The idea thrown out by Dumas, to which Liebig alludes, 
was, that ether might be considered as a base, and the acid 
ethers as salts of that base. This idea Dumas himself, on 
further consideration, rejected, and assumed ether to be a 
hydrate of olefiant gas, which he made the basic element in 
the acid ethers, thus rejecting the form c4H;0 4 acid, and 
taking Ho + (cH, + acid,) as the foundation of all his sub- 
sequent researches. The sense in which Dumas considered 
ether as a base, was the same as that in which chemists re- 
gard the vegetable alcalies as bases,—that is, bodies which 
neutralize acids and form salts,—without seeking more pro- 
foundly into their constitution, or involving any hypothesis ; 
whilst the essence of the views propounded by Dr. Kane and 
Berzelius consisted in considering ether as the oxide of a pe- 
culiar compound radical (Ethyl. Ethereum) cju;. resembling 
the ammonium of the ammonia series,—an idea which Dumas 
never thought of proposing at all, and indeed one which 
the state of science, at the time of his researches on the 
ethers, could scarcely permit him to conceive. 

So far from the Ether Theory being less complete, as 
promulgated by Dr. Kane, than when proposed by Berze- 
lius, Dr. Kane asserted the reverse to be really the case, 
for it was only after Liebig himself had modified Ber- 
zelius’ views, that the continental theory became identi- 
cal with that previously brought forward in Dublin,—Ber- 
zelius having destroyed the unity of the theory by making 
alcohol c.H3;-++- 0, which we now know to be a totally different 
substance, and Liebig having shown that it should be con- 
sidered, cyH;0 -+ Ho, which it had always been considered in 
the theory proposed by Dr. Kane. Thus in the only point 
in which the theories differed, the form of Berzelius was the 
less complete of the two. 

Dr. Kane has, since the promulgation of that theory, been 
induced, from the results of researches in other departments, 
to suspend his implicit belief in its sufficiency. Having ad- 


vanced in the history of the ammoniacal combinations an im- 
portant stage beyond the ammonium theory of Berzelius, it 
becomes of great interest that the nature of the ethers should 
be investigated with the aid of the lights furnished by this 
novel analogical point of view. This Dr. Kane purposes to 
do; and in the mean time, while he looks upon the Ethyl The- 
ory as the most consonant to all facts at present known, and 
while, consequently, he will use on ordinary occasions its lan- 
guage and formule, he holds himself free of all implicit 
belief in any theories, which might only serve to embarrass 
him in his future investigations. 

Dr. Kane grants fully to the continental chemists the 
honour of having developed the detailed evidence for the 
truth of the Ethyl Theory, so far as it has been proved, and 
claims no share whatsoever in that meritorious work. But 
he cannot abandon his claim to having been the first to sug-' 
gest the theory; and he affirms that in the form in which he 
brought it forward, it was not merely more complete than 
that of Dumas, but even than that of Berzelius, and in fact 
identical with that now held by Liebig, Berzelius, and most 
of the continental and British chemists. 


Transactions of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Cupen- 
hagen, Vols. I to VII. Presented by the Society. 

Mémoires de ? Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. 
Pétersbourg. 6me Serie. Sciences Mathematiques, Physiques et 
Naturelles. 6 Tomes. Presented by the Academy. 

Mémoires de Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pé- 
tersbourg. 6me Serie. Sciences Politiques, Histoire, Philo- 
logie. 3 Tomes. Presented by the Academy. 

Mémoires présentés a l’ Académie Impériale des Sciences 
de St. Pétersbourg par divers Savans, et lus dans ses Assem- 
blées. 3 Tomes, et Ire et 2me Livraisons du Tome Quatriéme 
Presented by the same. 

x 2 


Recueil des Actes de la Séance Publique de 1 Académie 
Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersburg, tenue le 29 Décem- 
ére, 1837. Presented by the same. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de ? Acadé- 
mie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. No. 
23, 1838; premier Semestre. Nos. 1—16; second Semestre. 
Presented by the Academy. 

Memoires de la Société Geologique de France. Tome 
Troisieme. Premiére Partie. Presented by the Society, 

Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. Tome IX. 
Feuilles 6—19. Presented by the Society. 

Mémoires de ia Société de Physique et d’ Histoire Natu- 
relle de Genéve. Tome VIII. Ire partie. Presented by the 

Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wassens- 
chaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Jahre, 1836. Presented by the 

Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhan- 
lungen der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu 
Berlin. Aus dem Jahre, 1837. Presented by the same. 

Bericht iiber die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Ver- 
handlungen der Konigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaf- 
ten zu Berlin aus dem Jahre, 1838. Presented by the same. 

Discurso Lido em 15 de Maio de 1838, na Sessdo Publica 
da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Por Joaquim 
José da Costa de Macedo. Presented by the Chevalier de 

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 
Vol. VI. Part I. New Series. Presented by the Society. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pensyl- 
vania. New Series. Vol. XXIJ. Presented by the Franklin 

Archeologia; or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Anti- 
quity. Published by the Society of Antiquaries of London. 
Vol. XXVII. Presented by the Society. 


Proceedings of the Royal Society. No. 33. Presented by 
the Society. 

Proceedings of the Geological Society of London. Vol. Il. 

‘ No. 56. Presented by the Society. 

The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain 
and Ireland. No.9. Presented by the Society. 

Catalogue of the Chinese Library of the Royal Asiatic 
Society. Presented by the same. 

Report of the Seventh Meeting of the British Association 
for the Advancement of Science ; held at Liverpool, in Sep- 
tember, 1837. Vol. VI. Presented by the Association. 

Ordnance Maps of the County of Westmeath, in forty-two 
Sheets, including the Title and Index. Presented by his Ex- 
cellency the Lord Lieutenant. 

Map of the County of Mayo, with Sections, Views, Levels, 
Fleights of the Hills, and Mountains, &c. &c.- By William 
Bald, F.R.S.E. &c. Civil Engineer. Presented by the Author. 

Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes 
Selskabs Forhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider fra 
31 Mai 1836, til 31 December, 1837. Af Etatsraad og 
Professor H. C. Orsted. Presented by the Academy of Sci- 
ences of Copenhagen. 

Observations Ostéologiques sur @ done eil Costal des 
Batraciens. Par. Ch. Morren. Presented by the Author. 

The same Author presented also the following papers to 
the Academy :— 

Récherches Physiologiques sur les Hydrophytes de la Bel- 
gique. Premier Mémoire: Histoire @un Genre Nouveau 
de la Tribu des Confervies, nommé Aphanizomene. 

Recherches sur le Mouvement et ? Anatomie du Stylidium 

Les Siécles et les Légumes, ou quelques Mots sur I’ His- 
toire des Jardins Potagers. 

De la Spécialité des Cultures propres aux établissements 


Horticoles de Liége, et de VInfluence de la division du Tra- 
vail en Horticulture. : : 

Horticulture et Philosophie. 

Considérations sur le Mouvement de la Séve des Dicotylé- 
dones, communiquées al Académie Royale de Bruselles. 

Note sur le Developpement des Tubercles Didymes. 

Notes sur la Catalepsie des Dracocephalum Austriacum et 

Recherches sur la Catalepsie du Dracocephalum Virgi- 

Observations sur ? Anatomie et la Physiologie de la Fleur 
du Cereus Grandiftorus. 

Observations Anatomiques sur la Congélation des Organes 
des Vegetaua. 

Notice sur la Circulation observée dans ? Ovule, la Fleur 
et le Phoranthe du Figuier. 

Note sur V Effet Pernicieux du Duvet du Platine. 

Adrien Spiegel. Extrait d’une Histoire inédite de la Bo- 
tanique Belge depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqwd nos 

Essais sur 0 Hétérogénie Dominante dans lesquels on 
examine V Influence quexerce la lumiére sur la Manifestation 
et les developpements des étres organisées dont Vorigine a été 
attribuée a cette predendue generation directe, spontanée ou 

Développemens et Recherches de Mathematiques élémen- 
taires. Par. I. N. Noel. Presented by the Author. 

Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scot- 
land, and the Transactions between the Crowns of Scotland 
and England, preserved in the Treasury of her Majesty's Ex- 
chequer. Vol. I. Presented by the Commissioners of the 
Public Records of the Kingdom. 

Clinical Lectures, delivered during the Sessions of 1834-5° 
and 1836-7. By Robert J. Graves, M.D., M.R.LA. Pub- 
lished in America. Presented by the Author. 


Magnetic Observations made during the Voyages of 
HI. M. Ships Adventure and Beagle, 1826-1836, discussed by 
Major Sabine, R.A., F.R.S. Presented by Major Sabine. 

-Flora Batava. By H.C. Van Hall. Nos. 114 and 115. 
Presented by the Author. 

November 30. (Stated Meeting.) 

SIR Wa. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The President read the following letter which had been 
addressed to him by M. Neumann of Konigsberg, on some 
points connected with the history of the Laws of Crystalline Re- 


Le haut prix que j’attache a votre suffrage et a celui 
de Villustre Academie, a laquelle vous présidez, et lhonorable 
mention, que vous avez voulu faire de mon mémoire sur la théorie 
de la lumiére dans la séance de cette Academie du 25 Juin, m’en- 
gagent a vous addresser la lettre suivante. Vous avez donné dans 
cette séance un jugement dans la question de priorité, qui pouvait 
s éléver entre Mr. Mac Cullagh et moi par rapport a la découverte 
des lois suivant lesquelles la lumiere est reflechie et refractée par 
des milieux crystallins ;—j’ai lhonneur de vous communiquer dans 
ce qui suit quelques faits et quelques reflexions fondées sur ces 
faits, et qui auraient été peut-étre de quelque influence sur ce juge- 
ment. , 

Au commencement de l’année 1833 j’ai communiqué a Mr. 
Seebeck de Berlin non seulement l’ensemble des principes de ma 
théorie tels qu’ils se trouvent imprimés dans le § 2. de mon mé- 
moire, mais j’avais illustré encore ces principes par leur application 
aux milieux non crystallins. En méme tems j’ai annonce a Mr. 
Seebeck, que les résultats tirés de ces principes par rapport aux 


milieux crystallins étaient parfaitement d’accord avec ses observa- 
tions sur l’angle de polarisation du kalkspath, et je lui fis part de 
la formule méme, qui exprime l’inclinaison du plan de polarisation 
du rayon polarisé par réflexion vers le plan de reflexion. Sous la 
date du 11 Mai, 1833, Mr. Seebeck m’écrivit, que cette formule 
aussi s’accordait parfaitement avec ses observations, qu’ il n’avait 
pas encore publiées et qu’il avait la complaisance de me communi- 
quer en manuscrit. Dans le printems de 1834 le manuscrit de 
mon mémoire tel qu'il a paru depuis allait étre achevé; mais un 
voyage que je fis dans ce tems et qui m éloigna assez long-tems de 
Konigsberg, m’empécha de la publier incessamment. Cependant 
javais pris soin d’en faire un abrégé dans lequel je dévéloppai com- 
plétement les principes de ma théorie et les résultats auxquels elle 
m’avait conduit par rapport aux crystaux 4 un axe. 

J’envoyai cet extrait en Mai ou Juin, 1834, par la librairie de 
Mr. Schropp de Berlin a Mr. Arago, en le priant de le faire impri- 
mer dans les Annales de Chimie et de Physique, ce savant ayant dans 
une note publiée dans ce tems marqué un grand intérét pour l’in- 
vestigation des lois des intensités du rayon ordinaire et extraordi- 
naire, lois qui se trouvaient parmi les résultats mentionnés. Il n’y 
a pas de doute, que cet extrait ne soit parvenu dans les mains de 
Mr. Arago, entre lesquelles il doit se trouver encore a présent. Du 
reste, Mr. Jacobi en avait pris une connaissance detaillée, et 4 Ber- 
lin il a été entre les mains de MM. Weiss et Poggendorf. 

En passant par Vienne dans l’été de 1834, j’ayais. le plaisir 
d’entretenir de mes resultats et de ma méthode Mr. Ettinghausen, 
savant trés distingué et trés versé dans les parties les plus épineu- 
ses de l’optique. Antérieurement j’avais enseigné mes doctrines 
a Mr. Senff maintenant professeur a l’ Université de Dorpat, pendant 
le séjour que fit 4 Koenigsberg ce jeune et habile physicien, qui 
vient de publier un excellent travail sur les propriétés optiques et 
crystallographiques du fer sulfaté. 

Il suit de tout ce qui précéde, que déja en 1834, mes resultats 
trouvés par rapport aux lois de reflexion et de refraction des erys- 
taux n’étaient guéres inconnus aux physiciens de l’ Allemagne, qui 
s’occupent de l’optique, et si déslors ils n’ont pas recu une plus 
grande publicité, vous voyez, Monsieur, cela tenait aux Annales de 
Chimie. La publication de mon mémoire a été rétardée par l'espoir 


que j'avais concue de pouvoir lui ajouter une partie expérimentelle. 
Mais l’exécution des appareils me faisant attendre trop long tems, 
jal présenté vers la fin de 1835 a l’Academie de Berlin mon ouvrage 
tel qu’ila été imprimé depuis parmi les mémoires de cette Aca- 
demie. La partie expérimentelle a été publiée en 1837 dans le vo- 
lume42 des Annales de Mr. Poggendorf. 

Je vois du discours que vous avez tenu, Monsieur, dans la Sé- 
ance de votre Academie du 25 Juin passé, et qui vient de m’étre 
communiqué, que c’est déja en Aout, 1835, que Mr, Mac Cullagh a 
fait 4 l’Association Britannique une communication sur les lois de 
reflexion et refraction par les crystaux, et quia été imprimée dans 
le Lond. et Edinb. Phil. Mag., Février 1836, Je crois trés volon- 
tiers, que Mr, Mac Cullagh est parvenu aux resultats qui se trouvent 
dans cette publication, par ses propres efforts et sans avoir eu con- 
nuisance de mes travaux sur ce méme sujet. Toutefois ce ne sont 
pas ces resultats qui pourraient étre objet d’une question de prio- 
rité. Eneffet dans une note publiée dans les Annales de Mr. Pog- 
gendorff, (vol. xxxviii. 1836,) Mr. Seebeck a montré queles formules 
auxquelles est parvenu Mr. Mac Cullagh ne sont pas justes, et 
qu’elles ne representent pas les lois de reflexion et de refraction par 
les crystaux. Dans laméme note Mr. Seebeck a exposé, comment 
les lois de reflexion et de refraction des milieux non crystallins con- 
formes a cette definition du plan de polarisation, 4 laquelle on est 
conduit dans la théorie de la double refraction, peuvent étre dédui- 
tes des suppositions faites par Fresnel, avec la seule modification 
de Vhomogéneité de l’éthér dans tous les milieux. Mais les sup- 
positions de Fresnel ainsi modifiées forment la base principale de 
ma méthode, dont j’avais déja fait part 4 Mr. Seebeck depuis plu- 
sieurs années. I] est vrai, que dans les deux milieux Fresnel ne 
suppose que l’égalité de deux composantes paralléles au plan de 
séparation, mais l’égalité de la troisiéme n’ est qu'une simple con- 
séquence de celle des deux autres et des autres suppositions. Ce 
sont les suppositions de Fresnel modifiées de la dite maniére, qu’a 
adoptées Mr. Mac Cullagh, aprés s’étre convaineu par la note de 
Mr. Seebeck de la faussete des resultats qu’il avait jusque-la obtenus, 
conviction quil’engaga a rejeter tout ce qui n’était pas conforme 
4 ces suppositions, et des-lors seulement en 1837, dans le Lond. et 
Edinb. Phil. Mag., Mr. Mac Cullagh est. parvenu aux mémes lois de 


reflexion et de refraction que j’avais eues l’honneur de présenter a 
lV’ Academie des Sciences de Berlin en 1835. 

Vous voyez par tout ceci, Monsieur, que dés 1833 j’ai été en 
pleine possession de la methode, et que dés le commencement de 
1834 j’ai été en pleine possession des résultats qu’elle fournit, que 
dans ce méme tems j’ai envoyé un abrégé contenant ces resultats et 
luen manuscrit par plusieurs savans bien connus 4 Mr. le redac- 
teur des Annales de Physique et Chimie pour le publier dans ce 
recueil, et qu’d la fin de 1835, j’ai présenté l’ouvrage complet 4 
present imprimé 4 l’Academie de Berlin;—vous voyez en méme 
tems, que Mr. Mac Cullagh ayant communiqué 4 l’Association Bri- 
tanique en 1835 des lois de réflexion et de refractiou crystallin, ces 
lois ont été demontrées étre fautives par Mr. Seebeck in 1836, et 
que Mr. Mac Cullagh n’est parvenu en 1837 aux vraies lois qu’ 
aprés avoir pris connaissance du fondement de ma méthode, et s’en 
étre servi. 

De tout cela resulte, Monsieur, que la priorité de la découverte 
des lois de réfiéxion et réfraction par des crystaux n’est pas dou- 
teuse, et qu'il n’y a pas de simultaneité entre mes travaux et ceux 
de Mr. Mac Cullagh, dont du reste personne ne peut estimer plus 
que moi le talent distingué. 

Daignez, Monsieur, agréer les assurances de la plus haute con- 

~ sideration avec laquelle je suis, &c. 

Kéonigsberg, 5 Octobre, 1838. 

When this letter was read, Professor Mac Cullagh re- 
quested permission to make a few remarks. After express- 
ing much regret, that his researches in the theory of light 
shouldhave clashed with those of any other person, (though 
in the present state of science such collisions were perhaps 
inevitable,) he proceeded to say, that he did not think it ne-_ 
cessary to detain the Academy with a formal reply to the 
communication which had just been read; it would be 
sufficient for him to observe, in general, that the facts brought 
forward by the writer, with reference to the history of his 
own investigations, were all, without exception, of a private | 


nature, not one of them being taken from any published do- 
cument; that the first document of the kind, which pro- 
fessed to give any account of M. Neumann’s “ method,” or 
any statement of the principles employed in it, appeared in 
the Annals of Poggendorf, (vol. xl. p. 497,) some months 
after Mr. Mac Cullagh had published his ast paper on the 
subject in the Philosophical Magazine, (vol. x. p. 43,) and 
even after that paper had been noticed in the aforesaid 
Annals, (vol. xl. p. 462); that M. Neumann’s Memoir in the 
Berlin Transactions was not published until a later period ; 
that, therefore, there could be no question about priority of 
publication; and that, consequently, if it were to be ima- 
gined, for a moment, that either author had borrowed from the 
other, the presumption must necessarily be against M. Neu- 
mann. With respect to M. Seebeck’s note, it would be enough 
to state, that M. Neumann is not mentioned there at all; 
that the principles there given by M. Seebeck are not ade- 
quate to the general solution of the problem; and that 
such of them as differ from those of Fresnel, had been 
previously published by Mr. Mac Cullagh. It was clear, 
therefore, that Mr. Mac Cullagh owed nothing on the score 
of theory to any one but Fresnel. He had, indeed, made one 
alteration in his theory as it originally stood; for he had 
at first rejected Fresnel’s law of the vis viva, and had been 
obliged to restore it afterwards, in order to account for cer- 
tain experiments of M. Seebeck, which M.: Seebeck himself, 
from want of sufficient principles, had not attempted to ac- 
count for; but the real service which M. Seebeck had rendered 
him, and for which he had frequently acknowledged his ob- 
ligations, was the communication of these experiments, and 
not any suggestion of the law of vis viva, which he knew 
well enough before. In all this, however, it was plain that 
M. Neumann had no concern, unless he chose to say, that 
he had appropriated to himself Fresnel’s law of the vis viva, 
that he had determined to regard it as the foundation of his 

method, (le fondement de sa méthode,) and that thenceforward 
no one else (however ignorant of such appropriation) could 
have any right to use it. 

Having thus endeavoured to prove his claim to priority 
of publication, and to establish the independence of his own 
researches, which was all that was necessary for self defence, 
Mr. Mac Cullagh concluded by saying, that he would there 
drop the argument, without discussing his claim to priority in 
the abstract, as he had an objection to disputes of such a 
kind, and did not wish to pursue them any farther than he 
was compelled to do. But if any one thought it worth while 
to examine the merits of this second question, he would 
find the circumstances relating to it very fully and clearly 
stated in the last number of the Proceedings of the Academy, 
(page 217 of the present volume,) and would thence be 
enabled to form a judgment for himself. 

Mr. Downes read an Extract of a Letter from Pro- 
fessor Rafn, of Copenhagen, containing the following que- 
ries, addressed to the Academy, for the purpose of pro- 
curing information available for the Historical Monuments of 
Greenland, a work projected by the Society of Northern 
Antiquaries : 

“]. Arethere any accounts that the District of Majo 
[Mayo] in Ireland, or its north-western section, was at the 
close of the fourteenth century independent, or had separate 

2, £* Where did these princes reside? 

3. ‘We should like to have a catalogue of the princes 
of this district from the earliest times. 

4, “What harbours are there between Broad Haven 
and the hay of Killala? 

5. “What is the right name of the north point of the 
district Majo? (Cape Binir or Cape Calliugh ?) 

6. ‘Is this headland high, and visible from a great dis- 
tance ? 


7. “ Are there dangerous shallows off this Cape, and are 
they near the shore, or at some distance? 

8. ‘ The same questions are proposed in reference to the 
cape, or headland Downpatrick [county Mayo] ?” 

In addition. to these queries, written originally in English, 
Mr. Downes communicated the substance of a passage in the 
Danish part of the letter, of which the following isa transla- 
tion : 

“‘ Professor Magnusen, and many other distinguished Ice- 
landers, are descended from various Irish and Scotch prin- 
ces and kings, as will be fully elucidated in the British 
and Irish Antiquities ; but a detailed account of the geneé- 
alogies requires much and minute preparatory research. 
We must try to excite increased interest, otherwise our 
great work will never be published: it would extend to 
four such volumes as the American Antiquities. Is there 
any prospect of an adequate subscription towards the com- 
pletion of the work, or must it be given up altogether 2?” 

Mr. Downes suggested to the Academy the prcpriety 
of contributing liberally to the furtherance of the two above- 
mentioned works projected by the Society of Northern 
Antiquaries, as likely to be highly interesting to the Academy 
and to Ireland in general. 

Dr. Barker exhibited to the meeting the production of 
carbonic acid in the solid state, as effected by compres- 
sion and refrigeration, according to the method discovered 
by Thillorier, and with the simplified apparatus of Mr. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’ Aca- 
demie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Second Semestre. Nos. 17, 18. Presented by the Academy. 


Memoires Couronnes par l Academie Royale des Sciences 
et Belles-lettres de Bruxelles.. Tome 12 and 13. Presented 
by the Academy. 

Bulletin de l Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
lettres de Bruxelles. Années 1836 et 1837. Année 1838, 
(Nos. 1—8.) Presented by the Academy. 

Annuaire de ’ Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
lettres de Bruxelles. Troisiéme et Quatrieme Année. Par 
A. Quetelet. Presented by the Author. 

Annuaire de l Observatoire de Bruxelles, pour ? An. 1838. 
Par le Directeur, A. Quetelet. Presented by the Author. 

* Sur la Latitude de V Observatoire de Bruxelles. Par A. 
Quetelet. Presented by the same. 

De 0 Influence des Saisons sur la Mortalité aux différens 
Ages, dans Belgique. Par A. Quetelet. Presented by the 

Rapport sur les Observations des Marées, faites en 1835, 
en differens Points des Cétes de Belgique. Par Messieurs 
Belsaire et Quetelet, Rapporteurs. Presented by the same. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society. No. 27. Presented by 
the Society. 

The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Know- 
ledge. For the Year 1839. Presented by the American 
Philosophical Society. 

Remarks on the Classification of the different Branches 
of human Knowledge. By J. W. Lubbock, Esq., F.R.S, 
&c. Presented by the Author. 

The India Review, and Journal of Foreign Science and 
the Arts. Vol. I. Edited by Frederick Corbyn, Esq. Pre- 
sented by the Editor. 

Reduction of the Observations made by Bradley, at Kew, 
and Wanstead, to determine the quantities of Aberration 
and Nutation. By Dr. Busch, Assistant Astronomer at 
the Royal Observatory of Kénigsberg. Presented by the 


December 10. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

John Herbert Orpen Esq. was elected a member. 

Professor Mac Cullagh presented two papyri, the gift of 
George James Knox, Esq. by whom they were lately brought 
from Upper Egypt. 

Resotvep,—That the Council be directed to take the 
proper steps to unrol and preserve the papyri. 

Mr. Ball read a paper entitled ‘‘ Description of the Cy- 
dippe pomiformis, Patterson, (Berde Ovatus, Flem.,) with no- 
tice of an apparently undescribed Species of Bolina, also 
found on the Coast of Ireland.” By Robert Patterson, Esq., 
Member of the Natural History Society of Belfast. 

The ‘author referred to a paper of his published in the 
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal for January 1836, 
giving some account of a tentaculated Beroe, taken in abund- 
ance by him at Larne Lough, County of Antrim, inthe Spring 
of 1835. He then noticed the occurrence, on different occa- 
sions in 1836-7, of a BerGe, exhibiting a peculiar ramiform 
arrangement of whitish internal vessels, branching off from 
near the lower part of the stomach to the several bands of 
cilia ; and detailed the observations by which he was enabled 
to identify this with the Berde described in Mem. Wer. 
Soc., vol. iii. p. 400, by Fleming,—the tentacula having es- 
caped the notice of that writer, from the specimen he ex- 
amined having been in an exhausted state when these 
organs were retracted within the body. The presence of 
the tentacula removes the animal from the Genus Berée of 
Fleming, to the Pleurobrachia of the same author (Cydippe’ 
Eschs,) and as the specific name Ovata, under which it was 
described in the Hist. of Brit. Animals, has been applied to 

a different species, Mr. Patterson proposed that it should be 
designated as the Cydippe pomiformis. 

The disappearance of the internal ramiform vessels was 
next noticed, and the steps by which the writer was enabled 
to ascertain that the species now brought forward was iden- 
tical with that described by him in 1835; and consequently, 
that a BerGe, of the occurrence of which we have no record, 
except of one individual taken in 1820, was abundant on 
the Irish coast. Particular reference was made to Doctor 
Grant’s paper (Zool. Trans. vol. i. p. 9,) on B. Pilens, with 
a view to indicate the several points of agreement and of 
difference between these, the only two British species of 
tentaculated Beroes. The structure of the Cilia, the aqueous 
currents at their base, the position and structure of the tenta- 
cula, the food of the Berée, its vitality, consistency, want of 
phosphorescence, movements, iridescence, times of appear- 
ance, and diffusion round» the coast, formed the principal 
topics embraced in the remainder of the paper. 

The occurrence of the Bolina on different parts of the 
Irish coast was mentioned, principally for the purpose of 
enabling Mr. Patterson to refer to some points of its economy 
for comparison and contrast with the C. pomiformis. He 
reserved a detailed account of various particulars concern- 
ing it to a future opportunity, when he expected to be able 
to exhibit additional figures taken from living specimens, 
and more accurately delineated than those at present brought 
forward. Meantime, as the animal differed from the two 
species of Bolina described by Mutius, he proposed to name 
it provisionally Bolina Hibernica. 

The President read a paper by the Rev. Dr. Robinson 
“on the Longitude of the Armagh Observatory, given by 
Chronometers and other Methods.” 

After remarking the inconveniences, or uncertainties, 
which to a certain extent attend the methods of determining 


differences of longitudes by signals, geodetic measures, oc- 
cultations, and transits, the author passes to the most direct 
and natural method, by transport of chronometers. He 
says, ‘the determination by chronometers depends on the 
perfection of these machines, and in particular on their rate 
being unchanged by the agitation of a long journey. This, 
strictly speaking, is never the case, though it is sometimes 
very nearly accomplished, and its effect will disappear from 
the mean of the results obtained in going and returning, 
if the circumstances of the two journeys are nearly similar. 
Unfortunately it rarely happens, that an astronomer has 
the power of making these experiments on a sufficient 
scale: but such an opportunity seemed to Sir William 
Hamilton, and myself, to present itself in consequence of 
Mr. Dent’s chronometric visit to Paris, and the yet more re- 
markable notice, read at the Newcastle Meeting of the 
British Association, of the chronometric longitude of Sir 
Thomas Brisbane’s Observatory. Mr. Dent not merely pro- 
mised us every assistance, but when, having obtained the 
consent of the authorities of our respective observatories, 
we proceeded to make the necessary pecuniary arrange- 
ments, he treated the matter as one of science, not of com- 
merce, and not only took on himself the expense and risk of 
the journey, but came in person.” 

Dr. Robinson proceeds to mention the particulars of the 
journey, and of the comparisons which were made with the 
fifteen chrorometers which Mr. Dent brought with him. 
Their rates and errors, as compared with Greenwich time, 
had been determined, before starting, for the epoch of the 
20th of September, 1838; they were compared with Dublin 
time, in the observatory of Trinity College, on the 22nd of 
that month, and with Armagh time on the 23rd and 24th; were 
again examined in Dublin, on the 25th, and in Greenwich, 

on the 27th of September. 


The fundamental formule employed by Dr. Robinson 
are the following : 
LIE’ —w —RI; 
L being the difference of longitudes between an eastern and 
a western station; E the correction of a watch when leaving 
the eastern, and w the correction when arriving at the western, 
while w’ and E’ are the corrections when leaving the latter 
and returning to the former respectively ; 1, 1, the intervals 
of time expended in thus going and returning; and R, PR’, 
the losing rates corresponding. By supposing r’=r, he 
obtains what he considers the true travelling rate, namely, 
ice (e'—w')-(&—w) 
uy I+r z 
and the resulting longitude 
Lot fp —w+eE—wr(i-r)?. 
The errors are then examined to which these determinations 
are liable, and the numerical elements are given, from which 
are deduced fifteen values for the longitude of Armagh, 
varying between the extremes 26™ 34°, 67, and 26™ 365, 32, 
and giving as their general mean, 26™ 35%, 44, with a pro- 
bable error less than 0%, 1. 

Kclipses and occultations had given 26" 35°, 47; lunar 
transits, 26" 358, 64; and a few comparisons, made under 
unfavourable circumstances with a single pocket watch, con- 
structed by the late Mr. Sharp, had appeared to give 26™ 
358,09. On the whole, Dr. Robinson is not inclined to 
change the quantity which he gave some years ago to Mr. 
Stratford, for insertion in the Nautical Almanac, namely, 

+ 26™ 35%, 50. 
as the west longitude of Armagh from Greenwich. 

The same chronometric comparisons appear to require 
that the value of the longitude of the Dublin Observatory, 


as last determined by Dr. Brinkley, namely + 25™ 22, 0, 
should be diminished by about a second. 

The Rev. Dr. Drummond read “ An Essay on the Struc- 
ture of English Verse, by the Rey. William Bruce, D. D.” 

This Essay enters into a critical examination of the con- 
stituent parts of English verse, commencing with its simplest 
elements, and following them up through their various com- 
binations. As the melody of a language must depend on 
the classes of letters in which it most abounds, the poet 
should introduce as many vowels and liquids as possible ; 
availing himself of those sounds which are most agreeable 
to the ear, and avoiding those which are guttural and harsh, 
unless when the latter may be more expressive in making 
the sound an echo to the sense. A propensity to imitative 
sounds appears through the whole of our language, and, in 
general, English has an advantage over the ancient lan- 
guages, so far, at least, as expression depends on the ter- 
mination of words. 

The next element of verse is the syllable ; and this must 
be considered as to quantity and quality. According to quan- 
tity, syllables are long or short; as to quality, smooth or rough. 
Accent affects particular syllables or letters, and the quan- 
tity or length depends on the manner of pronouncing the 
vowel, and on the number of consonants following it; for 
every consonant that is sounded must require some addi- 
tional time. Whether the structure of English verse de- 
pends on quantity or accent, has long been a subject of 
controversy, and able critics are found on each side of the 
question. Sheridan affirms, that we have a peculiar advan- 
tage in having two sets of feet, the one depending on quan- 
tity, the other on accent. After all, it is little more than a 
dispute about words ; accent alone will constitute verse, and 
there can be no verse without it; in fact its power is such, 
that we can hardly deny it to be the governing principle of 



English versification. Our accent is different from that of the 
Greeks and Romans: ours lays more séress on vowels or syl- 
lables, theirs consisted in a depression or elevation of the 
voice ; ours produces the effect of quantity, theirs was entirely 
distinct from such an effect. 

Another stress of the voice, which has great influence on 
verse is, EMPHASIS, 7. e. stress with expression. As accent 
is the ligament of a word, emphasis is the ligament of a sen- 
tence. It combines and points out the words which ex- 
press a sentiment; and is produced by a change of tone 
adapted to the emotion which the sentiment inspires, not 
always elevated, but often (perhaps generally) low. The 
quantity of a syllable will often depend on emphasis; and 
hence it follows, that every composer of modulated prose or 
of verse, should be a good reader, or at least a good judge 
of reading, for if he read with one idea of accent and em- 
phasis, and his lines are afterwards recited with a different 
one, it is plain that the metre will be spoiled. 

An essential constituent part of verse is the roor. Our 
verse consists of feet, and not merely of.a determinate num- 
ber of syllables. The zambus is the foundation of English 
heroic verse, but other feet are admissible in particular 
places; and though the heroic line is said to consist of ten 
syllables, it often comprises many more. This foot was also 
the essence of the verse of the ancient tragedy and comedy, 
being best adapted to dialogue according to Horace,—alter- 
nis aptum sermonibus. It would seem, therefore, that the 
ancient drama is peculiarly fit for exact translation into 

The excellence of verse consists, like that of beauty, in 
uniformity and variety. It supposes a regular order and re- 
currence of sounds; but if these be too uniform, it becomes 
tiresome,—if continually broken, the metre is confused. 

The pause is to be regarded as indispensable to ‘the 
structure of verse, particularly the czsural and the final 


pause,—the former in the middle, the latter at the close of 
the line. The former does not always divide the line into 
two equal parts, but may be varied according to the taste of 
the writer; and in one line may be several pauses, though 
one is generally stronger than the rest. 

In Latin, the cesural pause is after the second foot; but 
in English, the taste of the poet is shown in changing its 
place. Expression often requires a deviation from rule, but 
care must be taken that the pause shall coincide with tlie 
sense, or even help,—certainly not mar it. 

The difference between prose, verse, and poetry, is ex- 
amined and explained at some length. They all consist of 
Jong and short, accented or unaccented syllables. Dionysius 
of Halicarnassus, and in our own day, Bishop W. Cleaver, 
could find a certain order of feet in Demosthenes and Iso- 
crates. The rythm of proseis unfettered, that of verse con- 
fined within a certain number of feet. To this, poetry adds 
poetical diction and figures. Verse, in the opinion of the 
author, is essential to poetry. There may be verse without 
poetry, but no poetry without verse; and according to this 
decision, neither Fenelon’s Telemachus, nor Macpherson’s: 
Ossian is to be considered as genuine poetry. In this, 
every thing should be animated and impassioned; not a 
single prosaic expression should be admitted into short: 
poems; and if in long epic and didactic poems some indul- 
gence to such expressions be allowed, it should be compen-- 
sated by the greatest attention to melodious versification.. 
With respect to the propriety of introducing the Alexan- 
drine into heroic verse, there is a difference of opinion. 
Johnson condemns the practice, as violating the prineiple of 
verse ; but Dryden, who understood the subject better, says, 
i Spencer gave me the boldness to use the Alexandrine. It 
adds a certain majesty to the verse, and stops the sense from 
overflowing into another line. I have frequently used the 
triplet rhymes, because they bound the sense, and therefore 


I make the last verse of the triplet a Pindaric, (that is an 
Alexandrine,’ for besides the majesty it gives, it confines the 
sense within the barrier of three lines, which would languish 
if lengthened into four.” 

After quoting the opinion of Dr. Johnson, of Dryden, 
and of a writer in Number XIV. of the Classical Journal, 
respecting blank verse, the author gives his own, and com- 
mences by stating it as necessary to the perfection of any art, 
that it should be difficult, yaXera ra xaXa, and that the great- 
er the difficulty, within certain bounds, the more excellent 
will be the execution. The facility of writing blank verse 
presents such a temptation to run out into long declamatory 
sentences, that it seldom gratifies the ear, except in some 
select passages, where the poet is inspired by the beauty of 
the subject. In rhyme the style is neater and more con- 
densed ; the figures and images are more approximated, and 
the impression more lively and vigorous. Variety in blank 
verse is often, perhaps generally, indulged even to extrava+ 
gance, while uniformity is the reproach of rhyme. 

The author maintains that the heroic hexameter of the 
ancients is incompatible with our language; and concludes 
with a variety of miscellaneous observations. An appendix 
is subjoined, containing notes and examples illustrative of 
facts and opinions occurring in the Essay. 

The Secretary read the original Resolution of the Aca- 
demy, by which the President of the Royal Society is an 
Honorary Member, and likewise, the resolution of Council 
of the 3rd of December, relating thereto. 

It was ordered that the Diploma now read be engrossed 
on vellum, and transmitted to the Marquess of Northampton, 
President of the Royal Society. 

The Academy then adjourned to the 14th January. 



Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l Acade- 
mie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Second Semestre. No. 19, 20. Presented by the Academy. 

Statement of the Receipts and Payments of the Royal 
Society, between Nov. 29th, 1837, and Nov. 29th, 1838. Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

Two Papyri, brought from Thebes in Upper Egypt, by 
George James Knox, Esq. Presented by Mr. Knox. 

January 14, 1839. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, inthe Chair. 

Major Henry D. Jones; Charles E. H. Orpen, M.D. ; 
Thomas Andrews, M. D.; P. M. Murphy, Esq.; Rev. James 
Wills ; Richard Palmer Williams, Esq. ; and Thomas Grubb, 
Esq., were elected Members. 

His Grace, the Archbishop of Dublin, V. P., having 
taken the Chair pro tempore, the President communicated 
to the Academy the first part of his researches on the 
Dynamics of Light. 

William Bald, Esq., Civil Engineer, read a paper en- 
titled “ An Account of the Survey and Map of the County 
of Mayo.” 

The author commenced by giving a brief account of the 
origin and progress of the construction of topographical maps 
in Europe. In modern times, the first attempt at the con- 
struction of topographical maps may be dated from the se- 
venteenth century, and was due to the Swedes. Under Charles 
the Ninth, a surveying department was organized, placed 


under the direction of Bureus, and particularly encouraged 
by Adolphus. . In 1684, the Swedes had completed the ge- 
neral topographical map of Sweden; but it was kept secret, 
and at the end of a century, they had only published some 
parts of it. These maps were constructed for the purpose 
of ameliorating the condition of several provinces of the 
kingdom, which had been desolated by war. The Dutch 
also commenced early to construct topographical maps. 

The measurement of many arcs of the meridian to deter- 
mine the figure of the earth, had very much extended geo- 
detical operations, and had, in many cases, become the 
elements on which topographical maps were based. ‘The 
numerous geodetical surveys called into activity the inven- 
tive powers of the ablest artists in Europe, and instruments 
of extreme accuracy were produced ; and the skill of ob- 
serving and determining angles kept pace with those im- 
provements connected with this important branch of science. 
The repeating principle due to the celebrated Tobias 
Meyer, gave birth to Borda’s circle of repetition about 1789, 
an instrument which has been connected with the most bril- 
liant scientific operations which adorn the annals of the 
eighteenth century. 

Mr. Bald then showed to the Academy some specimens 
of the new map of France, and noticed briefly the trigono- 
metrical survey of England—the Down survey of Ireland— 
the maritime surveys of Ireland—the county surveys, and 
the bog surveys. He made some observations on the great 
importance of accurate maps, especially to professional men 
engaged in conducting public works, such as roads, canals; 
river navigations, harbours, railways, supplying towns with 
water, irrigations; to the geologist and miner, exploring 
the strata, and mineral wealth of the country ; to the states- 
man devising improvements, and developing its resources ; 
and to the poor, by affording useful employment to the 
working classes. 


The author then alluded to the map of Egypt, which was 
made during the period it was under the dominion of the 
French republic, and which received from Buonaparte all 
that protection and assistance, which so much distinguished 
him on all occasions regarding the advancement of the works 
of science. This map was engraved on fifty-three sheets of 
copper, and the names are engraved both in Arabic and 

After this introductory account of the rise and present 
state of the topographical Art, Mr. Bald proceeded to the 
details connected with the survey of Mayo. 

The instruments used in this survey, were a seven-inch 
theodolite ; two five-inch theodolites, by Troughton; a 
small theodolite, by Dollond ; and also a five-inch one by 
the same artist. In taking the levels over the bogs, two of 
Troughton’s best levels were used. The barometers were 
made by Mr. Thomas Jones, of London. There were also 
two plain tables, a chain for measuring base lines, a sextant 
four inches radius, and two sextants, each ten inches radius, 
divided to ten seconds for observing altitudes, one of which 
was made by Troughton. 

The proceedings of the geometrical details of the survey 
were then given, and the mode of describing the rise and 
fall of the ground, which was shaded on the map with 
a depth of colour corresponding to the sines of the angles of 
inclination. The irregularities of surface were simply de- 
lineated by hatching lines, drawn in the direction of the de- 
clivities, forming a series of normals, perpendicular to the 
horizontal lines of equal level. 

Dr. Smith read a paper (by Lieutenant Newenham; 
R.N.), “on a Tumulus or Barrow, near Rush, County of 

The barrow, called Knocklea, or the Giant’s Hill, is 

tuated on the edge of the cliff, about midway between the 


village of Rush, County of Dublin, and the martello tower 
to the northward, called Dromanick, and immediately in 
front of Sir William Palmer’s residence, Kinure Park. 

It appears to have been composed of quantities of boul- 
der stones and earth heaped up into a conical form, and 
sloping away to the base, which was square, as appears from 
the eastern angle, which yet remains perfect. Within the 
base of the mound, there was a circle formed of large stones 
placed on their ends, and about one hundred paces in cir- 
cumference. i 

The farmer who rents the land on which it stands has 
removed about one-half of the mound, for the sake of the 
earth as a manure, and nearly one-half of the circle of stones 
on the south side, for the purpose of building a wall, part of 
which is erected on the stones forming the western side of 
the circle. In the course of his depredations, he discovered 
a passage which opened on the south side;* its entrance 
was funnel-shaped, and the walls of this passage were 
formed of flag stones placed on their ends, and roofed in 
with the same. It was about eleven yards long, and one in 
width; and led to a low chamber about eight feet long, and 
six wide, which was situated nearly in the centre of the 
barrow, and formed of stones in the same manner as the 

The farmer removed all the stones forming the western 
side of the passage, and in the course of his excavations, 
found some human bones on the south side of the chamber, 
and within the circle of stones. The lines of stones forming 
the sides of the passage appear to continue on through the 
mound towards the north side ; and a few feet below the pre- 
sent surface of the barrow, a little to the north of the 
chamber, there is a bed of periwinkle shells, about eight 
inches thick, with some limpet and muscle shells intermixed ; 

pee pS sui le 
* Mr. Newenham thinks, that, as far as his observation has extended, the en 
trance of all barrows is on the south side. 


and beneath this bed of shells there is a quantity of rich dark 
mould, with some reddish earth which has the appearance of. 
being burned. A few human bones, and some bones of small 
animals, were found in the earth beneath. 

Outside the circle of stones, and on the very edge of the 
cliff, near the western angle of the mound, there was found 
a rudely-formed grave, containing a human skull, with the 
bones of the arm, leg and thigh, which apparently had never 
been disturbed; the bones of the back, ribs, &c., could not 
be discovered. 

There are several remains of entrenchments and smaller 
mounds in the neighbourhood. 

Circles of stones are found enclosing many similar bar- 
rows in Ireland. At New Grange, near Dowth, in the 
County of Louth, the circumference of one measured about 
four hundred paces; and in a barrow near Drogheda, an 
engineer officer found a gigantic skeleton, a pair of elks’ 
horns, and a spear, in an upright position: the horns 
were above the skeleton. ‘There are many barrows in the 
neighbourhood of Drogheda, which, if opened under the 
direction of competent persons, would probably lead to 
many very interesting discoveries. 

The President gave an account of a singular appearance 
of the clouds, observed on the 16th December, 1838, at the 
Observatory of Trinity College, Dunsink. ‘They appeared, 
for at least the last four hours of day light, to be arranged 
in arches which converged very exactly to the N. E. and 
S. W. points of the horizon; while the breaks or joints in 
these arches were directed, though with less exactness, to 
two other horizontal points, which seemed to be always op- 
posite to each other, but ranged from N. W. and S. E. to 
N. and S. Conjectures were offered with respect to the 
cause of this appearance. 


The following alteration in Chapter VIII. Section 3, of 
the By-laws, was recommended by Council :— 

** That in the Order of proceedings on the nights of 
meeting, the reading of the Minutes shall precede the Ad- 
mission of new Members.” 

Adopted by the Academy. 

The following alteration in Chapter IX. Section 3, of 
the By-laws, was recommended by Council, on the sugges- 
tion of the Committee of Publication :— 

‘“‘ That it is expedient to transfer to the Committees of 
Science, Polite Literature, and Antiquities, the duty of re- 
porting, in future, on papers offered for publication in the — 

Adopted by the Academy. 

It was Resolved,—“ That the mein request, that 
any alteration in a By-law, proposed by the Couneil, 
shall be stated in full to the Members of the Acade- 
my, together. with the existing By-law, so proposed to be 

The Academy then adjourned to Monday, the 28th of 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l Aca- 
demie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Tome Sixiéme; premier Semestre, Janvier— Juin, 1838; 
et second Semestre, Nos. 21—25. Presented by the 

Annales Academix Gandavensis, §c. §c. 1817-1828. 
11 Vols. Presented by the Academy. 

Amputations dans la Contiguite des Membres. Par le 
Docteur Ch. Phillips, de Liége. Presented by the Author. 

Notice sur la Vanille Indigéne. Par Ch. Morren. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 


Morphologie des Ascidies. Par M.Ch. Morren. Pre- 
sented by the same. 

Quelques Remarques sur ? Anatomie de ? Ascaride Lom- 
bricoide. Par Ch. Morren. Presented by the same. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society. No. 35, 1838. Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

Address of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, 
K.G., §c., the President. Read at the Anniversary Meet- 
ing of the Royal Society, on Friday, November 30, 1838. 
Presented by the same. 

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 
Vol. I. No. 4. Presented by the Society. 

Eulogy on Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D., President of the 
American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; including an Ana- 
lysis of his Scientific Publications. By John Pickering, 
Corresponding Secretary of the Academy. Presented by 
the same. 

An Eulogy on the Life and Character of Nathaniel Bow- 
ditch, LL.D., F.R.S. By Daniel Appleton White. Pre- 
sented by the same. 

A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Honourable 
Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D., F.R.S. By Alexander Young. 
Presented by the same. 

Religion of the ancient Irish Saints, before A. D. 600. 
By Henry J. Monck Mason, LL.D. Presented by the 

Historical Essay on the first Publication of Sir Isaac 
Newton’s Principia. By Stephen Peter Rigaud, M.A., 
F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., &c. Presented by the Author. 

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1839. No. 15. 

January 28. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

Mr. Ball read a paper on the Remains of Oxen found in 
the Bogs of Ireland. 

Having alluded to the occurrence of fossil remains of 
oxen in Britain, and the existence of the Auroch or Wild 
Ox, in some parks in that country, he remarked on the 
old and generally received opinion, that Ireland could not 
furnish any evidence of having ever possessed an indigenous 
ex; and he stated, that a specimen which he received from 
the sub-marine forest, in the Bay of Youghal, seemed to have 
been the core of a horn of the fossil ox, often found in Britain, 
and supposed to have been the Urus ; but this specimen having 
been lost, he alluded to it, to direct the attention of the Aca- 
demy to the subject, in the hope of having his view confirmed. 
He then entered upon the principal object of his paper, which 
was to show, that the remains of oxen found at considerable 
depths in bogs in Westmeath, Tyrone, and Longford, be- 
longed to a variety or race, differing very remarkably from 
any noticed in Cuvier’s “‘ Ossemens Fossiles,” or any other 
work with which he was acquainted. He concluded by ex- 
pressing a conviction, that Ireland had possessed at least one 
native race of oxen, distinguished by the convexity of the 
upper part of the forehead, by its great proportionate length, 
and by the shortness and downward direction of the horns. 
As this fact seems to have escaped altogether the notice of 



British and continental naturalists, and as analogy in the 
case of other Irish mammals justified the view, he urged the 
great probability of the race in question proving to be one 
peculiar to Ireland. 

Mr. Ball exhibited specimens and drawings, and solicited 
the co-operation of Members of the Academy, in effecting a 
perfect elucidation of the subject, by collecting specimens 
from the bogs of the country. 

Dr. Kane read an account of a substance which has 
hitherto been confounded with white precipitate. It is 
formed by precipitating in the cold, a solution of sal-alem- 
broth by carbonate of potash, or by boiling true white pre- 
cipitate in a strong solution of sal-ammoniac. ‘The compo- 
sition of this body is expressed by the formula Hgc/ + NH, 
and Dr. Kane considers it as intermediate between true 
white precipitate and sal-ammoniac. 

This substance was noticed independently by Professor 
Woehler, as being found in commerce under the name of 
white precipitate. He, however, recommended it to the at- 
tention of chemists without analyzing it. 

Rev. H. Lloyd, V. P., read a ‘ Note of Observations 
made during the remarkable Aurora of the 19th inst.” 

Mr. Lloyd commenced by stating, that the approach of 
this beautiful phenomenon was indicated in Dublin, at an 
early hour, by the disturbance of the magnets in the Ob- 
servatory. At five o'clock, both magnetometers testified the 
setting in of what Humboldt calls a ‘‘ magnetical hurricane ;” 
the disturbance in declination amounting, in the course of a 
quarter of an hour, to 20.7 minutes, while the corresponding 
change in the intensity of the horizontal component of the 
magnetic force, was 0092, or nearly the one-hundredth part 
of the whole. 

Shortly before 10 o’clock, a broad and brilliant arch was 

255°. * 

formed, the lower limb of which was beautifully defined. 
The remarkable feature in this phenomenon was the éntense 
blackness of the sky beneath the arch, as contrasted with 
that exterior to it. The darkness of this space was such, 
as to resemble a dense cloud, fringed by the auroral light ; 
and the doubt was suggested, whether the dark cloud noticed 
by many observers, in connexion with aurora, may not have 
been an appearance of the same kind, though less regular in its 
outline. In the aurora of the 19th, the blackness of the 
space enclosed by the arch was certainly not due to the 
presence of a cloud, for the stars were distinctly visible in it. 
Mr. Lloyd stated, that he was so much interested in this 
part of the phenomenon, as to lose the opportunity of ob- 
taining a measure of the altitude of the arch. 

Soon after 10 o’clock, the arch began to break up into 
streamers. Its appearance at this period was such as is 
represented in the subjoined sketch. 

From this time, until half past eleven o’clock, Mr. Lloyd 
took no notes of the appearances, having been engaged in 



watching the motions of the magnetometers in the Obser- 

At half-past eleven o'clock, the streamers were very 
splendid, and covered the whole sky, appearing to spring, 
however, chiefly from the N. E. They were remarkable for 
the intensity of their light ; the irregularity of their forms (sel- 
dom affecting the usual rectilinear form ;) and their incessant 
dancing motion. At first, the flashes of light appeared 
in broad irregular masses, at considerable intervals over the 
sky, like scattered clouds illuminated by the moon, except 
that their appearance was momentary; or (as they have been 
described) like the jets of illuminated vapour, shot from 
the boiler of a locomotive engine. About twelve o'clock, 
they spread themselves over the face of the sky, and ex- 
hibited a nearer approach to their usual form. At this 
period, a distinct point of convergence, a little to the S. E. 
of the zenith, was occasionally exhibited; and a marked 
contortion of the auroral clouds, at this point, showed the 
tendency to the formation of the corona. 'There was like- 
wise a stationary luminous cloud, to the S. E., which ap- 
peared to be connected with the phenomenon. 

After twelve o'clock, the brilliancy of the phenomenon 
in the upper part of the sky gradually lessened ; but a very 
intense auroral light, with streamers, still remained in the 
N. W. The atmosphere was remarkably clear, and the stars 
very bright; the cloud-like patches of the aurora not 
seeming to present any obstacle to the transmitted light. 
There was a cold cutting wind, which came in gusts; and 
it seemed as if these gusts were simultaneous with the flashes 
of the aurora. 

Mr. Lloyd then presented a table, exhibiting the results 
of observation with the two magnetometers, one of which mea- 
sures the changes of declination, and the other those of the 
horizontal part of the earth’s magnetic force. The observa- 
tions commenced at 10" 25™, and were continued, at intervals 


of three minutes, for one hour. The table contained the 
direct results of observation with the two instruments; the 
differences of these results and the means of the day, (or 
the disturbances in declination and horizontal force,) esti- 
mated in parts of the scale; and the same differences re- 
duced to their proper measures. The extreme disturbance 
in declination, amounted to 17’.9; and that of the horizon- 
tal force to .0127. The changes of the horizontal com- 
ponent of the force arising partly from changes of the total 
force, and partly from changes of inclination, and the part 
due to the latter being, in high magnetic latitudes, much 
the greater, it is manifest that the changes of inclina- 
tion may be deduced, approximately, from those of the ho- 
rizontal force, on the assumption that the actual force re- 
mains unvaried. The changes ofinclination, thus deduced, 
were given in another column of the table. 

The numerical values of the changes of declination and 
inclination thus obtained, were laid down in charts, so as to 
represent graphically the progress of the disturbance of each 
of the elements of the magnetic. direction. In a third chart 
the combined effect of the two disturbances was represented, 
so as to exhibit the successive positions of the pole of the 
needle, supposed free to move in every direction. From this 
it appeared, that in the present instance, the effect of the 
auroral disturbance upon the resultant directionof the earth’s 
magnetic force, has been to impress upon the pole of the 
needle a kind of epicycloidal movement. It will remain for 
future observations to determine whether or not this is a 
general law; the light that such an inquiry must throw on 
the nature of the disturbance need not be insisted on. 

The aurora appears to have been frequent about this 
period. Two days after this observation, on the 21st, at 
nine o'clock in the evening, the magnetometers were again 
disturbed. The extreme positions observed, occurred at 
9 10", and 9" 35"; and in this interval the change of decli- 


nation amounted to 53’.8, while the change of the horizontal 
force was .004. At the time of this observation, the sky was 
overcast with light fleecy clouds; but in the course of the 
evening the aurora was seen. 

The following additional notes were furnished by Mr. 

*‘ The aurora was first seen about half past five o’clock 
Pp. M. as a luminous arched bank, on the N. W. horizon, 
extending about 30° horizontally, and having a versed sine of 
about 15° vertical, with occasional very thin, luminous, cloud- 
like patches, stretching to the zenith. It was some mi- 
nutes before I could be certain, whether it was aurora or 
only vapoury clouds. About half an hour afterwards, there 
was a very well defined luminous arch over the bank, and 
parallel to it, perhaps 10° higher, with motionless stream- 
ers from the bank towards the arch. From the summit of the 
latter there sprung a vertical arch, (very faint,) which ex- 
tended nearly to the zenith, where there was a faint circu- 
lar patch (corona?) 

“The space between the bank and the horizontal arch 
_ was intensely dark ; yet that the darkness was not caused 
_ by clouds, was evident, as a few stars were distinctly visible 
within this space. At this time there was a very remarka- 
ble brush of light, commencing apparently at the centre star 
of Orion’s belt, diverging southward for 10° or 12°, and 
slightly inclined upwards: this brush was perfectly motion- 
less, and remained altogether unchanged during an interval 
of five minutes or thereabouts; my attention was then fora 
short time directed to the arch, and when I again looked 
towards Orion, the brush had entirely disappeared. 

** About nine o’clock, the horizontal and vertical arches, 
as well as the coronal patch, had quite disappeared; or 
rather they had united with the bank first described. 

“At half past ten the appearance had again changed, 


and presented part of an arch based upon the upper part 
of another,—this latter throwing out singularly brilliant 
coruscating streamers towards the zenith, while it rested on 
luminous clouds, near the horizon, somewhat in this manner: 

About twelve o’clock I could only see a luminous cloud, not 
very extensive, towards the N. W., with the ordinary flashing 
and playing masses of light. 

“The colour of the aurora, when first seen, was slightly 
reddish, afterwards decidedly yellow; the streamers were 
occasionally very brilliant and perfectly white.” 

The subject of the aurora having been brought before 

the Academy, Dr. Apjohn took the opportunity of describ- 
ing a very beautiful phenomenon of the kind, which had 
been observed on the 16th of last September, at Sunville, 
in the county of Limerick. It was first noticed at about 
half past eight o’clock in the evening, and did not disappear 
for very nearly an hour. It was first seen in the southern 
part of the hemisphere, and consisted ofa number of stream- 
ers of variable brilliancy, shooting upwards in vertical cir- 
cles, or, more strictly speaking, converging towards a point 
which appeared a few degrees to the south-east of the 
zenith. They did not in any case originate from the hori- 


zon, but from points having an altitude of about 40°; and 

they very frequently extended upwards to their point of 
intersection, producing there a light of considerable inten- 

sity. The illuminated sector of the sky, supposing it pro- 

longed to the horizon, subtended an angle of about 30°. 

The most remarkable circumstance connected with this — 
aurora was the following. About nine o'clock, it began 

to move slowly round, taking an easterly direction; and 

when, in the course of fifteen or twenty minutes, it attained 

a north-westerly bearing, the sky was lighted up on every 

side with singular brilliancy. The appearance which now 

presented itself, is best conveyed by stating, that it was pre- 

cisely such as would be produced by the extension, at the 

same instant, of the aurora already described, through every 
point ofazimuth. This magnificent illumination lasted only 

about a minute, but left behind it, very nearly due west, a 
fasciculus of beams quite similar to those which first attracted 

The night was remarkably fine and still, having been 
preceded by a day of unusual warmth and sunshine. The 
sky was not destitute of clouds, but they had a considera- 
ble elevation, were small and scattered, and were penetrated 
by the light of the stars, which were visible in considerable 

Mr. George Downes read extracts of a second letter 
from Professor Rafn, Secretary to the Royal Society of 
Northern Antiquaries of Copenhagen. In this letter Pro- 
fessor Rafn suggested that, as his researches relative to Ame- 
rica appeared to be, as yet, but little known in Ireland, it 
might perhaps be advisable, that his “‘ Memoir on the Dis- 
covery of America in the tenth Century,” already published 
at Copenhagen in the Antiquitates Americane, should be 
reprinted in the Transactions of the Academy, with an in- 
troduction, which he proposed to furnish, and with some ad- 


ditional remarks on “ Great Ireland.” Professor Rafn took 
occasion also to solicit contributions of books or money, for 
a public library which had been established by himself, in 
- 1818, at Reikiavik, the capital of Iceland, “ whose inhabi- 
tants,” he says, “have but little opportunity of gratifying 
their thirst for information.” The library now numbers — 
7500 volumes, and possesses a permanent fund of 1500 rixdol- 
lars, for which it is partly indebted to “‘some noble-minded 
Englishmen.” With reference to the subject of this letter, 
Mr. Downes remarked, that the island for which Professor 
Rafn felt so much interest, had peculiar claims on the sym- 
pathy of Irishmen, as having been, like their own island, a 
place of refuge for literature, when banished from the con- 
tinent of Europe. He then renewed his application to the 
Academy for a contribution to the funds of the Royal So- 
ciety of Northern Antiquaries, observing, that they had 
shown great readiness to lend their aid in the elucidation of 
Irish antiquities, which indeed were intimately connected 
with their own ; and that a work, which they now had in con- 
templation, was specially devoted to the antiquities of Great 
Britain and Ireland ; a work, however, of such magnitude, 
that it might never see the light, unless a liberal supply 
could be raised for the funds of the Society. 
It was RESOLVED, that Mr. Downes be requested to com- 
municate with the Council on this subject. 

ResoLveD,—on the recommendation of Council, that in 
the By-law, Chap. VIII. Sec. 5. the words “ altered or re- 
pealed” be inserted after the word “ confirmed.” 

The Secretary of Council stated, that the Council, in 
consequence of the expressed wish of the Academy, had 
resolved, “ that any alterations in By-laws, proposed by the > 
Council, shall be stated in full to the Members of the Aca- 
demy, together with the existing By-law, so proposed to be 
amended ; and that this notice shall be given én print.” 



Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l Acade- 
mie des Sciences. Par. MM. les Sécretaires Perpetuels. - 
Second Semestre, Nos. 26 and 27. Presented by the Aca- 

Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. 
Tome XL. Presented by the Academy. 

Transactions of the Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. II. 
Presented by the Society. 

Report of a Committee of the Royal Society, on the Pro- 
priety of recommending to her Majesty's Government, the Es- 
tablishment of fixed Magnetic Observatories, and the Equip- 
ment of a Naval Expedition for Magnetic Observations in the 
Antarctic Seas ; together with the Resolutions adopted on that 
Report by the Council of the Royal Society. Present- 
ed by the Society. 

Rough Sketches, intended to aid in developing the Natural 
History of the Seals, (Phocide) of the British Islands. By 
R. Ball, Esq. Presented by the Author. 

_ The Expediency and Facility of establishing Metrolo- 
gical and Monetary Systems throughout India, on a scientific 
and permanent Basis, grounded on an analytical Review 
of the Weights, Measures, and Coins of India, &c. §c. 

By Captain T. B. Jervis. Presented by the Author. 

The Indian Review, and Journal of Foreign Science and 
the Arts. Edited by Frederick Corbyn, Esq. Vol. II. Pre- 
sented by the Editor. 

February 11. 

SIR Wu. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The Rev. Robert Vickers Dixon, F.T.C., was elected a 
Member of the Academy. 


Mr. George Smith presented to the Academy an ori- 
ginal portrait of General Vallancey, by Chinnery. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted to Mr. Smith 
for his valuable donation. 

Mr. William Bald, civil engineer, read a paper, contain- 
an account of his models of the Island of Achil, Clare Island, 
and the south western district of Mayo, which comprises 
the greater part of the barony of Murrisk, and a portion of 
the barony of Burrishoole. 

After an introduction, in which the author calls atten- 
tion to modelling, as the best mode of representing the rise 
and fall of ground, and makes some remarks on the unde- 
served neglect which the subject has hitherto met with in 
this country, he proceeds to state, that his model of Clare 
Island was made on a scale of eight inches to the Irish mile ; 
and that the models of Achil Island, and Murrisk Barony, 
were on scales of four inches to the English mile. The ver- 
tical scales were the same as the horizontal. The model 
of the barony of Murrisk is at present deposited in the 
house of the Royal Dublin Society. The original model 
of Clare Island is in the possession of the Royal Society 
of Edinburgh; and the model of Achil has been deposit- 
ed in the Museum of the College of Edinburgh. The 
model of Murrisk represents the area of a country con- 
taining nearlytwo hundred square miles ; that of Achil repre- 
sents a country containing about fifty-eight square miles ; 
and Clare Island is about four English miles long, by two 
and a quarter in its greatest breadth. These models were 
constructed with a composition of putty, white lead, and 
cork. The paper gives an account in detail of the mode of 
their construction. 

In ascertaining the levels of the country, Mr. Bald re- 
commends that lines of equal level be adopted, and also 


transverse sections made. He states that neither Ben 
Nevis in Scotland, Snowdon in Wales, nor Macgillycuddie’s 
Reeks in Ireland, have had their heights ascertained by 
actual levelling ; and he observes, that were these heights 
accurately determined, further knowledge might then be ob- 
tained regarding refraction, and the measurement of altitudes 
by the barometer. A small map of the island of Inish Turk, 
on which are delineated lines of equal level, accompanies 
the paper. 

In conclusion, Mr. Bald observes, that a model of a 
country in the hands of the topographic, military, civil, or 
mining engineer, could be applied to a variety of useful 
purposes; and particularly that it would enable young men 
to shade accurately topographic maps, a thing that has not 
yet, to his knowledge, been systematically attended to in any 
of the institutions of Great Britain or Ireland. 

Rey. H. Lloyd, V. P., read a ‘paper ‘ on the relative 
Position of three Magnets, in a Magnetical Observatory.” 

Itis a problem of much importance, in connexion with the 
arrangement of a magnetical observatory, to determine the 
relative position of the magnetical instruments in such a man- 
ner, that their mutual action may be either absolutely null, 
or at least, readily calculable. Such was stated by the 
author to be the object of the investigation now laid before 
the Academy. 

In the case of two horizontal magnets, one of which (in- 
tended for observations of declination) is in the magnetic me- 
ridian, and the other (used for observations of horizontal in- 
tensity) is in the perpendicular plane, there is nothing to 
compensate the action of each magnet on the other. The 
best thing that can be done in this case, is to determine the 
position of the second magnet in such a manner, that the 
direction of its action on the first shall coincide with the 
magnetic meridian. In such case, the position of the first 


magnet will be undisturbed by the second, so as to give the 
absolute declination truly; and, as to the variations of the 
declination, it is manifest that they will be thereby increased 
or diminished in a given ratio; so that the true variations 
will be obtained by simply altering the coefficient of the 
scale. When the above-mentioned condition is introduced 
into the equation which determines the direction of the re- 
sultant force exerted by one magnet on another, (the length 
of the magnets being supposed small in comparison with 
the distance between them,) we find, for the azimuth of the 
line connecting the two magnets, referred to the magnetic 
are (‘an = 73) = 1359 16; 

This result has been already obtained by Gauss and Weber. 

It is manifest that, in this case, the action of the first 
magnet on the second will not take place, either in the mag- 
netic meridian, or in the plane perpendicular to it; so that 
the second magnet is necessarily disturbed. With two mag- 
nets, accordingly, it is impossible to avoid the effects of 
mutual action. The case is different, however, when a 
third magnet is introduced. It is then possible to annul 
completely all action, with the exception of that exerted 
on the third magnet by the first and second; and this, in 
the case under consideration, is destroyed by the nature of 
the suspension. 

The third magnet about to be employed in the Dublin 
Observatory is intended for the observation of the vertical 
component of the. magnetic force. It is a bar supported on 
knife-edges, capable of motion in a vertical plane, and 
brought into the horizontal position by means of a weight. 
The three instruments being in the same horizontal plane, 
it is manifest that the action of the first and second on the 
third must take place in that plane; and this action can 
have no effect in disturbing the magnet, its motion being 


confined to the vertical plane. It is only necessary to con- 
sider, therefore, the action on the first and second magnets. 

The author then proceeded to the conditions of equili- 
brium of these actions, which were expressed by four 
equations, containing four arbitrary angles; so that this 
equilibrium is, in general, attainable, by suitably deter- 
mining the position of the three magnets, whatever be their 
relative intensities. 

In practice, however, it will seldom happen, that we can 
regard as arbitrary all the four angles which enter these 
equations, one or more of them being, in general, determined 
by some circumstance connected with the locality. In such 
case the complete destruction. of all action is no longer pos- 
sible; and we must look for some other solution of the pro- 
blem of mutual interference. 

Next to the complete destruction of all action, the most 
desirable course is to give to the resultant action such 
a direction, that its effect may be readily computed and 
allowed for. In the case of the declination bar, it is easily 
seen that this direction is the magnetic meridian itself; 
the mean position of the bar being thereby wnaltered, and 
the variations of its position only increased or diminished in 
a given ratio. By means of a simple investigation it is 
shown, that the same thing is true of the horizontal inten- 
sity bar; and that, in order that the variations of declination 
may not be mixed up with those of force, the resultant force 
exerted upon this magnet by the other two must lie in the 
magnetic meridian. 'The problem, therefore, is reduced to 
this:—to determine the position of the three magnets 
A, B, and C, in such a manner, that the resultant actions ex- 
erted upon a and B, respectively, by the other two, shall 
lie in the magnetic meridian. 

The solution of this problem was shown by the author 
to be contained in the two following equations: 


sin’ (a + 3) [3 sin (uw +v—2a) + sin (w—v)] 
+2qsin°B (8sin?u—1) = 0. 
sin*(a +) [3 sin (« +v +23) + sin(u—v)] 
+6psin® a. sin ucos w= 0. 
in which a and 6 denote the angles Bac and <ABc, of the 
triangle formed by the lines joining the three magnets; 
wand v, the angles which the directions of the magnets, 
A and c, make with the line aB; and p and q the ratios of 
the forces of the magnets a and B to that of the third mag- 
net c, at the unit of distance. 

The paper concluded with the application of the for- 
mulz to some remarkable cases,—as, when the three mag- 
nets are in the same right line; when the line joining two 
of them is in the magnetic meridian, or perpendicular to it; 

The Chair having been taken, pro tempore, by his Grace 
the Archbishop of Dublin, V. P., the President continued 
his account of his researches in the theory of light. 

Asa specimen of the problems which he had lately con- 
sidered and resolved, the following question was stated :— 
An indefinite series of equal and equally distant particles, 
. ses M4, Mo, M,--., situated in the axis of x, at the 
points....—1,0,+1,...., being supposed to receive, 
at the time 0, any very small transversal displacements 
= Y-1,0 Yo,0> Yi,09*+*s and any very small transversal 

velocities .-. YY oo Y's,09 °° 
mine their displacements.--¥_, 45 %,» Yo ++ * for any 
other time #; each particle being supposed to attract the 
one which immediately precedes or follows it in the series, 
with an energy = a”, and to have no sensible influence on 
any of the more distant particles. This problem may be 
considered as equivalent to that of integrating generally the 
equation in mixed differences, 

., it is required to deter- 


Yt =@ (Ye 41,t7 2Y2,t aly Yen) s (1) 
which may also be thus written: 
Ls (@A,) Ly 
(5) tee = SEE Yaw (1) 
The general integral required, may be thus written: 
WAZ t —l E } 
i ears ion ea (a? (y2,0+ tY's,o)3 (2) 

an expression which may be developed into the sum of two 
series, as follows, 
2 Ye Ne Yenrotpoay Oe Yn 2,9 + &e. 

Bp qtatyy ; ak e 
+ tz, ——. fen.ot Tagen 7 tee of 
and may be put under this other form, 

2 a 7 
Yet = = MALU bir olry ‘fi d0 cos (2/6) cos (2 at sin 0) 

oa) 2 
+ = Daeg ag! oly st Py d0 cos(2/0) cosec @ sin (2 at sin@); (2)" 
v9 0 

the first line of (2)’ or (2)" expressing the effect of the initial 
displacements, and the second line expressing the effect of 
the initial velocities, for all possible suppositions respecting 
these initial data, or. for all possible forms of the two arbi- 
trary functions'y, , and 7’, ,. 

Supposing now that these arbitrary forms or initial con- 
ditions are such, that 

Tv - TW. T 
Yx,y = NVETS 2x a and y’,,, = — 2ansin~ sin2a-, (3) 

for all values of the integer x between the limits 0 and —in, 
nm and z being positive and large, but finite integer numbers, 


and that for all other values of x the functions y, , and 9’, , 
vanish: which is equivalent to supposing that at the origin 
of ¢, and for a large number z of wave-lengths (each = x) be- 
hind the origin of z, the displacements and velocities of the 
particles are such as to agree with the following law of un- 
dulatory vibration, 

T . 7 
Y= 7 Vers (22 a 2 at sin a (3)’ 

but that all the other particles are, at that moment, at rest : 
it is required to determine the motion which will ensue, as 
a consequence of these initial conditions. The solution is 
expressed by the following formula, which is a rigorous de- 
duction from the ae in mixed differences (1) : 

. =2( : “yt sinin® cos(2x8 + in0—2at sin 8) Se (4) 

% sin? cos 9—cos — 

an expression which tends indefinitely to become 

aes 5 vers (22% —2atsin = 

— (sin =, oo sin (200— —2aé sin 6) a0, (4 

sin 0 (cos 6—cos =) 

as the number 2 increases without limit. The approximate 
values are discussed, which these rigorous integrals acquire, 
when the value of ¢ is large. It is found that a vibration, of 
which the phase and the amplitude agree with the law (3)’, 
is propagated forward, but not backward, so as to agitate 
successively new and more distant particles, (and to leave 
successively others at rest, if ¢ be finite,) with a velocity of 

. T ° . 
progress which is expressed by @ cos a and which is there- 
fore less, by a finite though small amount, than the velocity 

_of passage a = sin = * of any given phase, from one vibrating 



particle to another within that extent of the series which is 
already fully agitated. In other words, the communicated 
vibration does not attain a sensible amplitude, until a finite 
interval of time has elapsed from the moment when one 
should expect it to begin, judging only by the law of the 
propagation of phase through an indefinite series of particles, 
which are all in vibration already. A small disturbance, dis- 
tinct from the vibration (3)’, is also propagated, backward as 
well as forward, with a velocity = a, independent of the 
length of the wave. And all these propagations are accom- 
panied with a small degree of terminal diffusion, which, after 
avery long time, renders all the displacements insensible, if 
the number 2, however large, be finite, that is, if the vibra- 
tion be originally limited to any finite number of particles. 

Dr. Apjohn read a paper by George James Knox, Esq. 
on the Direction and Mode of Propagation of the electric 
Force traversing Media which do not undergo Electrolyza- 

In the commencement of this paper, the author details 
experiments, which appear to him to justify the inference, 
that when an electric circuit is completed through water or 
melted phosphorus, the current passes directly through the 
substance of these media, but that when, for these, a metal 
such as lead is substituted, the electricity moves exclusively 
along its surface. He next considers the source and mode 
of propagation of the electric force, developed in the pile, 
and after a brief review of the theories and experiments of 
Davy, Faraday, and Becquerel, arrives at the following con-. 
clusion, viz. that an electric current originates in a natural 
electro-inductive power of bodies when brought into contact, 
which affects the circumambient ether of each particle, and 
is continued by alternate states of induction and equilibrium ; 
the amplitude of the oscillations of the electrical ether con- 


stituting the quantity, as their rapidity constitutes the inten- 
sity, of the electrical current. 

Dr. Aquilla Smith exhibited to the Academy, an ancient 
Trish bell, of a square form, found near Fintona in the county 

of Tyrone. 

Ir WAS RESOLVED, (on the recommendation of Council,) 
‘that any Member of the Academy, who proposes the name 
ofa candidate, shall give, in writing, the grounds on which he 
recommends such candidate for admission; and that such 
statement shall be read by the President from the chair pre- 
vious to the ballot.” 

Ir WAS RESOLVED, (on the recommendation of Council,) 
‘that the following shall, in future, be the mode of balloting 
in the election of Members :— 

‘‘Members balloting are to mark with an asterisk the 
name of the candidate or candidates whom they desire to 
admit ; to draw a line through the name of the candidate or 
candidates whom they wish to reject ; and to leave the name 
unmarked when they do not vote at all.” 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances del Academie 
des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. No. I. 
Premier Semestre, 1839. Presented by the Academy. 

An original Portrait of General Vallancey, by Chinnery. 
Presented by George Smith, Esq. 



February 25. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

Rev. H. Lloyd read a letter which he had recently re- 
ceived from M. D’Abbadie, relating to his scientific expedi- 
tion in Africa. The following is an extract. 

« Apwa, (AsyssinrA,) July 24th, 1838, 

“Our voyage to Abyssinia (my brother accompanied 
me) was chiefly undertaken in order to learn the principal 
languages of that country, and the best manner of travelling 
in it, with a view of returning to Europe, there to prepare a 
complete and well directed expedition. We left Cairo in 
December 1837, and proceeded by Keneh and Ckosair to 
Djiddah, where I took a great deal of pains to correct, by 
local information, the nomenclature of places on the Red 
Sea. We next proceeded to Massawwa, where I remained 
alone for nearly two months, studying the Hababi tongue, a 
Semitic language, nearly allied to Ethiopic, and spoken 
from Ansky Bay almost as far as Sawakim. The customs 
and manners of the Habab tribes afforded me several proofs 
of their Arabian origin. On my brother’s return from the 
high lands of Abyssinia, I proceeded with him into that 
country, carrying our baggage, instruments, &c. Unfor- 
tunately we were detained so long on the road, by a chain 
of untoward circumstances, that the rainy season set in be- 
fore we reached this place. After a forced stay of twenty 
days, and a tiresome journey of twenty more, we arrived 
safely in Goander, the splendid but fallen capital of Ethio- 
pia. Here I made myself master of the Amarfia language, 
at least enough to travel without an interpreter, and got 
some valuable information on the sources of the White Nile. 
Our object being now attained, it was high time to turn 
back before the swollen waters of the Tacazay had com- 


pletely shut up the road towards the sea-coast. But my 
brother could never be induced to give up the game that 
seemed already within his grasp; and when we parted at 
Goander, he was already directing his steps to the unknown 
regions of Damoh, Enarea, Kafa, and Djandjow. May the 
Almighty God look with favour on the daring and lonely 
traveller ! 

*‘ T need not tell you that all my barometers were shiver- 
ed to atoms long before I crossed the mountain passes of 
Abyssinia. I was obliged to have recourse to observations 
on the temperature of boiling water, for which I was pro- 
vided with an excellent and delicate thermometer. As au- 
thors do not exactly agree in the manner of calculating these 
observations, I shall here insert some of the original entries. 
They will throw some light on the long disputed question of 
the height of Abyssinian mountains. 

Boiling Water. Air. 
““ Mountains near Halay (primitive rocks) 29th March,6 a.m. 939.9 14°.4 

Adwa id. fs : 5 - 10th May, 8a.m. 94.15 25.3. 
Teraséga (east bank of the Tacazay) 19th May, 83 4.M. 95.18 25.8 
Tacazay, (closeto the water) . . 20th May, 9am. 97.30 25.0 
Amodjagi, (west bank of the Tacazay) 27th May, 6aA.M. 90.80 20.0 
Goander, F “ : ; ., oth Juneseevers mM. 993.25 22.2 
Kaba, (village near Samen) - - SthJuly, 5a.mM. 91.35 18.3 

Ewari, (on Mount Bawhit) trap rocks 7th July, Noon, 89.56 24.1 

‘The summit of Mount Bawhit is at least 1800 feet above 
the village of Ewari. This Mount Bawhit is, after Amba Hai, 
the highest mountain in Abyssinia. When I crossed part of 
it, the ground was covered with unmelted hail, which looked 
at a distance like snow. This observation conciliates in 
some measure the conflicting testimonies of Bruce and 

‘¢ ALEXANDRIA, 3lst December, 1838. 
‘‘T had deferred closing this, until I could discover some 
means of forwarding it to Europe. Unfortunately, after a 
long and fruitless delay, | was compelled to be my own mes- 


senger as far as Egypt. On my way home, I sailed from 
Massawwa to Mokha, where I collected several valuable re- 
marks on the language and country of the Somali. During 
three tedious months on the Red Sea, I succeeded in learn- 
the Ilmorma language, which is spoken through immense 
tracts of central Africa. Iam now hastening to Europe, 
where I shall lay an abstract of my journey before the sci- 
entific world.” 

Mr. Lloyd made a few remarks on the heights of the 
mountains, as determined by the preceding observations. 

Mr. Petrie exhibited to the Academy two golden Torques 
or collars, found about twenty-five years ago onthe Hill of 
Tara, the residence of the Irish monarchs anterior to the 
sixth century. The first is five feet seven inches in length, 
and weighs 27 oz. 9 dwts. The second is five feet six inches 
in length, but weighs only 120z. 6dwts. These Torques 
are of a screw or spiral pattern, as will be seen from the 
subjoined wood cuts; and though the design is rude, the 

workmanship is of great beauty. Torques of similar size 
and pattern have been frequently found in Ireland, and 


are often accompanied by armille or bracelets of the same 

The term Torgues, by which antiquarians usually desig- 
nate these ornaments, is one of frequent occurrence in the 
classic authors. The word is generally derived from the Cel- 
tic Tore, a twisted collar, or perhaps, more correctly, a twisted 
circular ornament of any kind, as the ancient Irish called a 
collar or neck-chain mun-tore. And since the Latin verb ¢or- 
queo has no cognate in Greek, it is probably formed from 
the same Celtic root. 

Collars of this kind seem to have been common to all the 
Celtic nations, as we find from ancient writers. Livy tells 
us, that Publius Cornelius, in his triumph over the Boii, a 
Gallic nation, collected, among the spoils, no less than 
1470 Torques: and we find in Propertius, that Virdumarus 
king of the Gauls, wore such an ornament. Dio Cassius 
notices a Tore of this description, as ornamenting the per- 
son of the British Queen Boadicea; and even within a few 
centuries of the present time, a Welsh Prince was called Lle- 
wellin aur dorchag, or Liewellin of the Golden Tore. The 
Torques found in France and Wales are exactly similar to the 


Irish : a fine one found near Harlech, in the year 1692, is 
preserved in the Mostyn family in Flintshire. . 

It has been supposed by some antiquarians, that the use 
of these ornaments was derived from the Romans. But the 
great number discovered in Ireland is opposed to such a 
conjecture, and we may with much greater probability refer 
them to a Celtic origin. It does not appear that they were 
generally worn by the Romans; and the very appellation 
Torquatus, which was bestowed on Titus Manlius, from the 
Golden Tore taken by him from a Gaul, whom he slew in the 
year of Rome 393, and which was continued as a surname in 
his family, seems to indicate, that the Zorques was not 
familiar to the Romans at the time. 

The Rev. H. Lloyd, V. P., laid on the table the séereo- 
scope of Professor Wheatstone, and briefly explained the 
information which it afforded on the laws of binocular vision. 

The President delivered the following Address to the 

I have now the honour to inform you, that your Council, in the 
exercise of the discretion entrusted to them by you, have taken into 
their consideration, since the commencement of the present session, 
the various papers which had been for a few years past communicated 
to our Transactions, on several different subjects, in order to deter- 
mine whether any and which of those papers should be distinguished 
by the award of a Cunningham Medal: and that the medal for the 
most important Paper in Physics, communicated to us during the 
three years ending in March, 1838, has been adjudged to Dr. Apjohn, 
for his Essay on a New Method of investigating the Specific Heats of 
the Gases, published in the First Part of the Eighteenth Volume of 
the Transactions of this Academy. 

The importance of the study of what are called the imponderable 
agents, is known to all physical inquirers. Indeed it would appear, 
that as the scientific history of Newton, and of his successors during’ 


the century which followed the publication of his Principles of Natu- 
ral Philosophy, is connected mainly with the establishment of the law 
of universal gravitation, and with the deduction of its chief conse- 
quences; so are the mathematical and physical researches of the 
present age likely to be associated, for the most part, with the study 
of light and heat and electricity, and of their causes, effects, and con- 
nexions. Whatever, then, whether on the practical or on the the- 
oretical side, in the inductive or the deductive way, may serve to 
extend or to improve the knowledge of these powerful and subtle 
agents or states of body, which are always and everywhere present, 
but always and everywhere varying, and which seem to be concerned 
in all the phenomena of the whole material world, must be received 
by scientific men as a welcome and valuable acquisition. 

Among researches upon heat, the highest rank is, (I suppose, ) 
by common assent, assigned to such works as those of Fourier and 
Poisson, which bring this part of physics within the domain of ma- 
thematical analysis. That such reduction, and to such extent, is pos- 
sible, is itself a high fact in the intellectual history of man; and from 
the contemplation of this fact, combined with that of the analogous 
success which it was allowed to Newton to attain in the study of 
universal gravitation, we derive a new encouragement to adopt the 
sublime belief, that all physical phenomena could be contemplated 
by asufficiently high intelligence as consequences of one harmo- 
nious system of intelligible laws, ordained by the Author and Up- 
holder of the universe; perhaps as the manifold results of one such 
mathematical law. 

But if those profound and abstract works, in which so large a part 
is occupied by purely mathematical reasoning, suggest more imme- 
diately the thought of that great intellectual consummation, we must 
not therefore overlook the claims of experimental and practical inqui- 
rers, nor forget that they also have an important office to perform in 
the progress of human knowledge; and that the materials must be 
supplied by them, though others may arrange and refine them. Es- 
pecially does it become important to call in the aid of experimental 
research, when facts of a primary and (so to speak) a central charac- 
ter require to be established ; above all, if the establishment of such 
facts has been attempted in vain, or with only doubtful success, by 


eminent experimentalists already. Now, in the theory of heat, the 
research of the specific heats of the gases is one not far removed from 
such primary or central position, being no mere question of detail, 
but intimately connected with the inquiry into the nature of heat 
itself; it is also one which has been agitated by eminent men, and 
results have been obtained by some, and disputed by others, of which 
it is interesting, in a high degree, to examine the correctness or in- 
validity. For a new examination of this kind, conducted by. new 
methods of experiment, the present award has been made. Of the 
nature and grounds of this award, I now proceed briefly to speak ; 
and first, it may be proper that I should remind the Academy of the 
meaning of this phrase specific heats, and of the phenomena which 
suggest the name and the conception. 

When any two equal volumes of water at any two unequal tempera- 
tures are mixed together, the mixture acquires, in general, a tempera- 
ture whichiseither exactly or atleast very nearly intermediate between 
the two original temperatures, being as many degrees of the thermo- 
meter below the one, as it is higher than the other. Bat if a pint 
of mercury at 60° and a pint of water at 80° be brought in contact 
and acquire thereby a common temperature, it is found that this last 
is not so low as 70°; and that thus, this passage of heat, from the 
warmer water to the colder mercury, has cooled the former less than 
it has warmed the latter,- as indicated by the degrees of a thermo- 
meter. Phenomena of this kind suggest the conception, that only a 
part of the heat contained at any one time, in any particular body, 
affects the senses or the thermometer ; and that the remainder of the 
heat is insensible, latent, or hidden: so that water, for example, 
absorbs or hides more heat than the same bulk of mercury at any 
temperature common to both, and that for any given increase of 
that temperature (measured by the thermometer) the former absorbs 
or renders latent more than the latter, while, on the contrary, in 
cooling through any given number of degrees, it sets a greater quan- 
tity free. Many other phenomena are made intelligible by such 
a conception, and even more immediately suggest it. Thus, if we put 
a pound of freshly frozen ice in contact with a pound of water, which 
is warmer than it by about 140° of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, the 
result will be two pounds of water, not at an intermediate, but at the 


lower temperature ; the excess of heat of the originally warmer water 
having been all employed in the mere act of melting the ice, or having 
all become insensible or latent, in the new water formed by melting it. 
And the principle that heat is absorbed or rendered latent in the pro- 
duction of steam from water, but is given out or set free again when 
the former is condensed into the latter, is part of the theory of the 
steam-engine. But because this phraseology suggests a view of the 
intimate nature of heat, which is at most hypothetical only, it has 
by many persons been thought better to use the word specific, in- 
stead of latent; and to speak of the specific heats of bodies in a sense 
analogous to that in which we speak of their specific gravities, to ex- 
press only certain known and measurable properties of these bodies, 
in relation to the unknown principle of heat. And thus we say, that 
water has a greater specific heat than mercury, implying only that, 
whatever be the reason, any given bulk or weight of water produces 
a more powerful heating effect than is produced by the same bulk 
or weight of mercury, when both are cooled through the same number 
of degrees, by contact with a body of a lower temperature. 

The specific heats of solids and of liquids are comparatively. easy 
of determination; but the great rarity or lightness of the gases 
renders the measure of their specific heats more difficult. The 
former may be investigated with much accuracy, by the aid of 
Laplace’s calorimeter: which is an instrument for measuring (by 
weight) the quantity of ice that is melted by the heat produced or 
set free in the cooling of a given weight of the proposed solid or 
liquid body through a given range of temperature. But in applying 
the same method to the latter question, that is to the inquiry into 
the heats of the gases, it appears to be difficult to disentangle the 
small effect of this sort produced by the cooling of any moderate 
bulk of gas from the effect produced by the cooling of the envelope 
in which that gas is contained. Several other methods also of inquiry 
into this delicate subject, however ingeniously devised and carefully 
executed, by men of deservedly high reputation, have been consi- 
dered liable to the same or to other objections, and have failed 
to inspire any general confidence in their results. It seems, how- 
ever, that the problem has been at length, to agreat extent, resolved, 
by the employment of that other method, which was invented a 


few years ago by Dr. Apjohn here, and elsewhere by Dr. Suerman ;* 
and which may be said to consist in determining, (indirectly, ) through 
the help of a thermometer with moistened bulb, the weight of gas 
which is required for the conversion (at a known temperature and 
under a known pressure) of a known weight of water into vapour, 
by cooling through a number of degrees which is known from obser- 
vation of another thermometer. 

The general theory of the evaporation hygrometer, or the manner 
of employing a thermometer with moistened bulb, to discover the 
amount of moisture which is contained at any given time in the 
atmosphere, was very well and clearly set forth by Mr. (now Sir 
James) Ivory, in Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine for August, 1822, 
The same theory was also discovered by M. August of Berlin, with the 
date of whose work upon the subject I am unacquainted, having only 
seen the extracts made from it in M. Kupffer’s Meteorological and 
Magnetical Observations, (published at St. Petersburgh in 1837,) and 
in a recent volume of M. Quetelet’s Correspondence. It appears, 
indeed, that M. Gay Lussac had prepared the way for this discovery, 
by his researches on the cold of evaporation ; and the laws of the 
elastic force of vapour, and of its mixture with the gases, without 
which the theory could not have been constructed, are due to the 
venerable Dalton. Notwithstanding all that had thus been done, the 
subject seems to have attracted little general notice in these coun- 
tries, until it was recommended to the attention of scientific men at 
the first meeting of the British Association ; and Dr. Apjohn, who 
was thus led to examine it anew,f was not aware of the results that 
had been already obtained. He thus arrived at a new and indepen- 
dent solution, of which he had the satisfaction of testing the correct- 
ness, by several different series of experiments; and this success 
encouraged him to extend the research, and to apply the same prin- 
ciples and methods to other gases, and not to atmospheric air alone. 

* Dissertatio Physica Inauguralis de Calore Fluidorum Elasticorum Specifico ; 
auctore A. C.G. Suerman: Trajectiad Rhenum, 1836. An excellent work, to which 
every student of this subject must refer. 

+ It appears that another Member of the Academy, Dr. Henry Hudson, was also 
led, by this recommendation, to consider this interesting subject. 


He perceived that whatever the gas* might be, in a current of which 
was placed the thermometer with moistened bulb, the minimum or 
stationary temperature of that thermometer must be attained when 
just enough of heat was given out in cooling, by each new por- 
tion of gas, to cause the evaporation of that new portion of mois- 
ture with which this gas was at the same time saturated; and that 
thus the amount of depression would vary inversely as the spe- 
cific heat of the gas, all other circumstances being the same. He in- 
vestigated, however, the allowances that should be made for varia- 
tions in such other circumstances, and took all other precautions 
which his experience pointed out to be important. The consequence 
has been a new determination of the specific heats of several different 
gases, on which it seems that much reliance may be placed, from the 
nature of the method, and from the agreement of the partial results 
with each other, and with those of Dr. Suerman, though some of 
these results differ widely from those obtained by methods previously 
employed ; the specific heat of hydrogen, for instance, being found by 
Apjohn and Suerman, to be, under equal volumes, greater than that 
of atmospheric air in the ratio nearly of seven to five ; whereas some 
former experimenters had supposed it to be equal or inferior. And by 
such results the law which had been thought to be obtained by a former 
eminent observer, namely, that all the simple gases have, under equal 
volumes, the same specific heat, appears to be overthrown. It is im- 
possible not to feel some degree of regret, when we are thus compelled 
toabandon a view which hadrecommended itself by its simplicity, and 
had been found to be in at least partial accordance with facts; but 
besides that the search after truth is the primary duty of science, the 
whole tenor of scientific history asssures us, that each new seeming 
complexity, or apparent anomaly, which the study of nature presents, 
is adapted ultimately to lead to the discovery of some new and 
higher simplicity. 

A somewhat more distinct conception than the foregoing remarks 

* Dr. Suerman states, that M. Gay Lussac perceived that the specific heat of 
any gas must be connected with the degree of cold produced by the evaporation of 
a liquid placed therein; but the remark appears to have been merely made in pas- 

sing, and to have been afterwards neglected and forgotten, 


may have given, of the nature of Dr. Apjohn’s method, may be at- 
tained by a short study of that first experiment described by him, in 
which it was found that in a stream of dry hydrogen gas, in which a 
thermometer with a dry bulb stood at 68°, the one that had the mois- 
tened bulb was cooled to 48° of Fahrenheit; the barometer indi- 
cating at the same time an atmospheric pressure of 30.114 inches. 
From the stationary state to which the second of these two ther- 
mometers had been reduced, it is clear that the continual supply of 
heat, required for the continuing evaporation of moisture from the 
bulb, was supplied neither from the water with which that bulb was 
moistened, nor from the mercury which it contained, but only from 
the stream of warmer gas which continued to pass along it; the small 
effect of radiation from surrounding bodies being neglected in com- 
parison herewith. Each new portion of the current of hydrogen, in 
cooling from 68° to 48°, must therefore have given out very nearly 
the precise amount of heat absorbed by that new portion of moisture, 
which passed at the same time from the state of water fo the state of 
vapour, at the temperature of 48°. It is also assumed, apparently 
upon good grounds, that after the moist bulb attains its stationary 
temperature, the whole (or almost the whole) of the new gas, in be- 
coming fully cooled, becomes at the same time fully moistened, or 
saturated with the new vapour; this vapour being intimately mixed 
with the gas which had assisted to form it; and every cubic inch of 
this mixture containing exactly (or almost exactly) as much moisture 
as a cubic inch could contain, in the form of vapour, at its own tem- 
perature: a quantity which is known from the results of Dalton, re- 
specting the elastic force of vapour. From those results it follows, 
that in the present case, the temperature of the vapour being 48°, its 
elastic force must have been such that it could by itself have sup- 
ported the pressure of a column of mercury, 35 hundredths of -an 
inch in height ; but the pressure upon the mixture was equivalent to 
a column 30 inches and 11 hundredths high; therefore the pressure 
which could have been supported by the hydrogen alone, at the same 
temperature of 48°, was equivalent to 29 inches and 76 hundredths: 
so that, by the known proportionality between density and pressure, 
the weight of the gas which was contained in the whole or in any part 
of this mixture would have exceeded the weight of the vapour in the 


ratio of 2976 to 35, or in the ratio nearly of 85 to 1, if the weight of 
a cubic inch of hydrogen gas were as great as that of watery vapour, 
under a common pressure, and at acommon temperature. But under 
such circumstances, a cubic inch of vapour weighs about nine times as 
much as a cubic inch of hydrogen; we must therefore divide the 
number 85 by 9, and we find that in the present case the mixture con- 
tained only about 924 grains of hydrogen for every grain of vapour ; 
and thus we learn, from this experiment, that the heat required for 
the evaporation of a grain of water at the temperature of 48° might 
be (and was in fact) supplied by the cooling of about 94 grains of 
hydrogen from 68° to 48°. But in order to produce the same 
amount of evaporation by the heat which water would give out, in 
cooling through the same range of temperature, it is known from 
other experiments that it would be necessary to employ about 56 
grains; therefore 94 grains of hydrogen have nearly as much heating 
power as 56 grains of water, or one grain of the former contains 
almost as much specific heat as six grains of the latter. All this is 
stated in round numbers, and with the omission of all lesser correc- 
tions, for the sake merely of such members as may not have attended 
to the subject, and yet may wish to have a clear, though general no- 
tion of it. Those who desire a more exact account will, of course, 
turn to the Essay itself.* 

With respect to those independent, but analogous researches of 

* The formula given by Dr. Apjohn for the general solution of the problem of the 

moist bulb hygrometer, in any gaseous atmosphere, is, 

pnmie eed yy: 

e 30 

in which e is the caloric of elasticity of vapour, at the temperature ¢’ of the hygro- 
meter; p is the atmospheric pressure ; d is the difference between the tempera- 
tures of the dry and wet thermometers: f’ and f” are the elastic forces of the vapour 
of water, at the temperature of the hygrometer, and at that other temperature at 
which dew would begin to be deposited ; and ais the specific heat of the gas, com- 
pared with that of an equal weight of water, and multiplied by the specific gravity 
of the same gas, compared with that of atmospheric air. For the case of a current 

of dry gas f’ = 0, and 

484° p 
in which, as also in the other formula, it would be a little more exact to write 
p-—f’ instead of p. A correction is given for the case of a mixture of gas with air ; and 
the influence of other corrections also is taken into account. Whena is divided by 


Dr. Suerman,* to which allusion has been made, they seem (as has 
been said) to confirm as closely as could be expected, under the differing 
circumstances of the experiments, the results of Dr. Apjohn ; of whose 
labours, indeed, that eminent foreigner has spoken in the most hand- 
some terms, and in favour of whom he has freely waived, upon this 
subject, all contest for priority. But even if among the many per- 
sons who now are cultivating science in many distant countries, and 
whose results are sometimes long in coming to the knowledge of 
each other, it should be found that some one has anticipated our 
countryman and brother academician in the publication or invention 
of the method which I have endeavoured briefly to describe to you, or 
if, on the other hand, his own future reflections and experiments, or 
those of any other person, shall indicate hereafter the necessity of any 
new improvement, your Council still will have no cause to regret that 
they have adjudged the present distinction té&a paper which contains 
so much of independent thought, and so much of positive merit. 

[The President then delivered the Medal to Doctor Apjohn, 
addressing him as follows.] 

Doctor Apjohn, 

In the name of the Royal Irish Academy, I present to you this 
Medal, for your investigations respecting the specific heats of the 
gases; hoping that it will be received and valued by you, as attesting 
our sense of the services which you have already rendered to that 
important and delicate department of physical research ; and that it 
will also be to you a stimulus and an encouragement to pursue the 
same inquiry further’ still, so as to improve still more the results al- 
ready obtained, and to establish other new ones ; and thus to connect, 
more and more closely, your name and our Transactions with the 
history of-this part of Science. 

the known number 0,267 the quotient is the specific heat of the gas compared with 
that of an equal volume of atmospheric air: and the sensible inequality of the 
specific heats so found, for different simple gases, is the chief physical conclusion 
of the paper. ; 

* Itis proper to remember that Dr. Suerman published his Dissertation without 
having seen the last and most correct results of Dr. Apjohn, contained in the 

present prize Essay. This remark applies particularly to the specific heat of 




1839. No. 16. 

March 16. (Stated Meeting.) 
SIR Wa. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

This being the day appointed by Charter for the annual 
election, the following Officers and Members of Council were 
chosen for the ensuing year : 

President—Professor Sir Wm. Rowan Hamilton, A. M. 

Treasurer—Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D. 

Secretary—Joseph Henderson Singer, D. D. 

Secretary to Council—Rey. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M. 

Secretary of Foreign Correspondence—Sir Wm. Betham. 

Librarian—Reyv. William Hamilton Drummond, D. D. 

Commitiee of Science. 

Rev. Franc Sadleir, D. D. Provost of Trinity College ; 
Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A.M.; James Apjohn, M.D. ; James 
Mac Cullagh, LL.D.; William Stokes, M. D.; Rev. William 
Digby Sadleir, A. M.; Robert Ball, Esq. 

Committee of Polite Literature. 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin; Rev. Joseph H. 
Singer, D. D.; Samuel Litton, M. D.; Rev. William H. 
Drummond, D. D.; Rev. Charles Richard Elrington, D. D. ; 
Rev. Charles William Wall, D. D.; Rev. Thomas H. 
Porter, D.D. 



Committee of Antiquities. 

Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D:; Sir William Betham ; 
George Petrie, Esq. ; Rev. Caesar Otway, A. B. ; the Very 
Rey. the Dean of St. Patrick’s; Rev. James Henthorn Todd, 
B. D. ; Henry J. Monck Mason, LL.D. 

The President under his hand and seal appointed the 
following Vice-Presidents : 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin; the Provost ; 
Samuel Litton, M, D.; Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A. M. 

The Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer’s 
Accounts reported as follows : 

** We have examined the above Account,* with the 
vouchers produced, and have found it to be correct ; and we 
find that there is a balance in bank of £160 ; and in the 
Treasurer’s hands £112 6s. 10d., making a total balance of 
£272 6s. 10d. sterling. 

** (Signed,) 
** Samuey Litton.” 
** March 9th, 1839.” 

“The Treasurer reports that there are the following 
portions of Stock in the Bank of Ireland to the credit of the 
Academy : 

** £1500 in 3 per Cent. Consols. 

** £1500 in 33 per Cent. Government Stock, being the 
Cunningham Fund. 

** (Signed,) 
* Samuet Lirron.” 
“ Dec. 31st, 1838.” 

* Entered in the Treasurer’s Book. 


Dr. Apjohn read a paper on the Analysis of the Water 
of the Dead Sea. 

After some general remarks upon the geographical posi- 
tion, extent, and depth of the Dead Sea, the geological 
structure of the surrounding country, and the different 
statements handed down by the older historians, and to a 
certain extent corroborated by modern travellers, in refe- 
rence to the excessive density of its waters, and the absence 
from them of living things, both animal and vegetable, Dr. Ap- + 
john gave ahistorical sketch of the analytical researches, in 
reference to this water, of Lavoisier, Marcet, and Klaproth. 

The specimen which he examined, he stated to have been 
recently brought to this country by George James Knox, 
Esq., from Syria, and to have been committed to him for 
analysis by the Rev. Thomas Knox, both members of the 
Academy, and authors of valuable scientific communica- 
tions, read at our meetings, or published in our Transactions. 
A number of experiments were now detailed, having for 
their object to determine the nature of the saline consti- 
tuents of the water, and illustrate its composition and pro- 
perties. Its specific gravity was set down as 1153, and its 
boiling point as 221°. Its contained salts were enumerated 
as sulphate of lime, chloride of calcium, chloride of magne- 
sium, bromide of magnesium, chloride of potassium, chloride 
of sodium, chloride of manganese, and sulphate of lime; the 
chloride of potassium and manganese, and the bromide of 
magnesium having, as he thought, up to the time of the 
completion of his analysis, been first detected by himself. 
It held in solution an unusually small amount of air. 

The following is an outline of the method of analysis 

To approximate to the quantity of saline matter, a 
known weight of the water was evaporated to dryness, and 
finally heated to about 400°. The residuum amounted to 

18.91 per cent. 


During the evaporation, a portion of the chloride of 
magnesium was decomposed, and water being poured on, the 
amount of magnesia left undissolved was determined. 

To the solution, oxalate of ammonia was added in 
excess, by which the lime was obtained ; and, this being 
separated, the remainder of the magnesia was insulated in 
the usual manner, by boiling with carbonate of potash, eva- 
porating to dryness, &c. 

To check the determination of the magnesia, the follow- 
ing method was taken. A known weight of the water was 
boiled with excess of lime, by which the magnesium and 
manganese were separated and replaced by calcium. The 
amount of this latter metal (the free lime being, of course, 
first removed by carbonic acid, boiling, &c.) was then deter- 
mined by oxalate of ammonia, and subtracting from it the 
calcium of the water as previously determined, the remainder 
was the calcium which replaced the magnesium and man- 
ganese. This remainder (the manganese being present in 
very minute proportion) was found to be almost exactly what 
it should be, supposing it to replace nothing but magnesium, 
or it was to the magnesium directly determined in the ratio 
of the atomic weights of the two metals. 

The solution, deprived of magnesia, lime, and manga- 
nese, was now evaporated to dryness, and ignited so as to 
expel the ammoniacal salts, and the residue gave the mixed 
chlorides of potassium and sodium, with a trace of sulphate 
of potash. The quantity of chloride of potassium in this 
mixture was determined in the usual way, by the bichloride 
of platinum, and the difference gave the chloride of sodium. 
The numbers thus obtained, some spattering having occurred 
during the expulsion of the ammoniacal salts, were looked 
upon as only relatively true, and were corrected in the fol- 
lowing manner. 

The chlorine and bromine having being determined, as 
shall be presently described, as also the different metals, 


with the exception of the alkaline ones, and the bromine 
being supposed united with magnesium, and a deduction 
made from the calcium for the small amount of sulphate of 
lime present, it was easy, by giving to the manganese and 
earthy metals their proper proportions of chlorine, to infer 
the quantity of this principle united with the potassium and 
sodium. Let this quantity, which was found greater than 
what resulted from the direct determination of the chlorides 
of these metals, be called w, and let m be to min the ratio of 
the chloride of potassium to the chloride of sodium, as 
already determined. Let x, also, be the true weight of the 
chloride of potassium, y the true weight of the chloride of 
sodium, a the ratio of the atomic weight of chloride of potas- 
sium to chlorine, and 4 that of chloride of sodium to chlorine. 
We will thus obviously have the two following equations : 
an+by=w; and, nv = my; 

from which we readily deduce 

mw nw 
ma + nb ° A ag ST 

From a fresh portion of the water the sulphuric acid was 
got by nitrate of barytes, and the sulphate of barytes having 
been separated, the chlorine and bromine were thrown down 
in union with silver.* To infer, however, from this mixed 
precipitate, the chlorine, it was necessary to estimate the 
bromine present by a distinct process. 


With this view, a strong aqueous solution of chlorine 
was mixed with a known weight of the water under analysis, 
and the bromine liberated was removed by repeated wash- 
ings with ether. From the etherial solution, the bromine mixed 
with some chlorine was separated by barytic water, and the 
ether being distilled off, the residue was evaporated to dry- 
ness, and ignited, so as to reduce any bromate and chlorate 

* The excess of silver having been separated from the solution, by chloride of 
sodium, the manganese was thrown down by the addition of hydrosulphate of ammo- 

nia. This metal was also estimated by the process recommended by Stromeyer. 


of barytes formed to bromide and chloride of barium. 
These salts were dissolved in water, deprived by carbonic 
acid and boiling of free barytes; again evaporated to dryness, 
ignited, and accurately weighed. Water being poured on, 
they were re-dissolved, and converted, by the addition of 
nitrate of silver, into a mixture of the bromide and chloride 
of silver, which was also accurately weighed. Now, if w be 
the weight of the mixed bromide and chloride of barium, w’ 
that of the mixed bromide and chloride of silver, x the chlo- 
rine, y the bromine, m the ratio of the atomic weight of chlo- 
ride of barium to chlorine, x that of the atomic weight of 
bromide of barium to bromine, m’ the ratio of the atomic 
weight of chloride of silver to chlorine, and x’ that of the 
atomic weight of bromide of silver to bromine, we will have 
the following equations : 
mx+ny—w, andm«+rnyrw, 

from which we get 

, ’ 
_ mw —_—mw * 

~ mn’ — m'n’ 

Having thus obtained the bromine, the chloride was easily 
inferred from the mixed chloride and bromide of silver, al- 
ready got by adding nitrate of silver to the water. The 
following are the final results. 

Chloride of calcium, 2.438) 
Chloride of magnesium, 7.370 | 
Bromide of magnesium, 0.201 

Chloride of potassium, 0.852+= 18.78. 

Chloride of sodium, 7.839 
Chloride ofmanganese, 0.005 
Sulphate of lime, 0.075 
Water, 81.220 

* This method answers well, the atomic weight of bromine being so much 
greater than that of chlorine, and is susceptible of far greater accuracy than any 
more direct one, having for its object the insulation of the bromine. 


When the analysis was completed, with the exception of 
the quantitative determination of the bromine, Dr. Apjohn 
became aware that in the discovery in the water of the Dead 
Sea of the potassium, manganese, and bromine, he had 
been anticipated by M. C.G. Gmelin, who has assigned to 
it the following composition. 

Specific gravity = 1212, 

Chloride of calcium, 8.2141) 

Chloride of magnesium, 11.7734 

Bromide of magnesium, 0.4393 | 
Chloride of potassium 1.6738 
Chloride of sodium 7.0777 \— 94,5398. 
Chloride of manganese 0.2117 

Chloride of ammonium, 0.0896 

Chloride ofaluminum, 0.0075 

Sulphate of lime, 0.05273 
Water, 75.4602 

After having seen this analysis, Dr. Apjohn stated, that he 
again looked for alumina and ammonia, but could not detect 
the slightest trace. of either. The quantities, however, of 
these principles found by Gmelin were so small, that their 
non-appearance in Dr. Apjohn’s analysis cannot be consi- 
dered as amaterial discrepancy. But there are other striking 

The density of the specimen examined by Gmelin, and 
its percentage of saline matter were considerably higher than 
those which belonged to the water analyzed by Dr. Apjohn, 
a circumstance easily accounted for, by the fact ofthe latter 
having been collected about half a mile from the embou- 
chure of the Jordan, and towards the close of the rainy 
season. But notwithstanding this, it might have been an- 
ticipated, that the results of both for the different salts 
should be relatively the same; such, however, is far from 


being the case. The ratio of the chloride of magnesium to 
the chloride of calcium is much greater, and of the chloride 
of sodium to the chloride of potassium, much smaller with 
Gmelin than with Dr. Apjohn. The quantities also of the 
bromide of magnesium and chloride of manganese, as deter- 
mined by Gmelin, are, asrespects Dr. Apjohn’s numbers, dis- 
proportionately great, and, what is very singular, the amount 
ofthe chloride of sodium obtained by Gmelin is absolutely less 
than that got by Dr. Apjohn, though the total amount of 
saline matter in the water examined by the former, is to that 
in the specimen examined by the latter, very nearly in the 
ratio of 4 to 3. 

It is not easy to explain such discrepancies, but assuming 
both analyses as correct, we arrive at the conclusion, that the 
waters of the lake in question are subject to a variation of 
constitution, affecting not only the relation of the saline 
matter to the water, but the proportions also which the 
different salts bear to each other. 

Mr. Bergin exhibited to the Academy, the results of 
some experiments with photogenic paper, prepared after the 
method of Mr. Talbot. 

Resotvep,—That the Academy do condole with the family 
of Dr. Perceval, one of the original Members of the Aca- 
demy, and its first Secretary; and that the Secretary be 
requested to draw up the expression of its condolence. 

ResotveD,—That the thanks of the Academy be given to 
the Marquis of Normanby for the manuscript of the late 
General Vallancey, presented by him to the Academy; 
and that the President be requested to communicate the 



Manuscript Volume of the late General Vallancey. Pre- 
sented by the Marquis of Normanby. 

The Rights of Animals. By the Rev. W. H. Drummond. 
Presented by the Author. 

Astronomical Observations made at the Cambridge Obser- 
vatory, by the Rev. James Challis, M. A. Presented by the 

Tables of Logarithms. Presented by the publishers, 
Messrs. Taylor and Walton of London. 

Political Medicine. By T. H. Maunsell, M.D. Pre- 
sented by the Author. ; 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l’ Acade- 
mie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Nos. 2—7. Premier Semestre, 1839. Presented by the 

April 8. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

Thomas Rhodes, Esq., and John U. Owen, M. D., were 
elected Members of the Academy. 

Professor Lloyd laid on the table of the Academy, the 
apparatus for experiments on the rectilinear, elliptic, and cir- 
cular polarization of light, invented by M. Dove of Berlin ; 
also two sets of Fraunhofer’s gratings, presented to him by 
Edward Cooper, Esq. M.P., by whom they were brought 
from Munich. 

Dr. Wilde, a visiter, by permission of the Academy, read 
a paper on some Discoveries he had made at Tyre, relating 
to the manufacture of the celebrated Purple Dye. 


Dr. Wilde stated, that having been engaged in investi- 
gating the ruins of Tyre, he discovered several circular 
apertures or reservoirs cut inthe solid sandstone rock close to 
the water’s edge along the southern shores ofthe peninsula. 
These in shape resembled a large pot, and varied in size 
from two to eight feet, in diameter and from four to five deep ; 
some were in clusters, others isolated, and several were con- 
nected in pairs by a conduit about afoot deep. Many of 
those reservoirs were filled with a breccia solely compos- 
sed of broken up shells, bound together by carbonate of 
lime, and a small trace of strontian; large heaps of a simi- 
lar breccia were found in the vicinity of the pots. This 
mass, a portion of which Dr. Wilde exhibited to the Aca- 
demy, is exceedingly heavy, of adamantine hardness, and 
the shells of which it is composed appear to be all of one spe- 
cies, and from the sharpness of their fracture, were evidently 
broken by art and not worn or water washed. ‘The portions 
of shell were examined by eminent naturalists, and are pro- 
nounced to be the murex trunculus, which most concholo- 
gists agree was one species from which the Tyrian dye was 
obtained, but until now, no proof could be given of its being 
the actual shell. 

Dr. Wilde is of opinion, that the reservoirs he discover- 
ed were the vats or mortars in which the shells were broken 
up, in order to obtain the dye (which lies in a sac in the neck 
of the mollusc inhabiting them,) and showed that it accu- 
rately accords with the description of Pliny, who states, that 
the smaller shells (of which those in the specimen are ex- 
amples) were broken in “ certain mills.” 

Dr. Wilde exhibited some ancient spear heads, the pro- 
perty of Lord Lorton, found in the County of Roscommon. 

RESOLVED, (on the recommendation of Council,)—That 
certain defaulters, owing five years’ subscription and upwards 


on the 16th of March last, be declared to be no longer 
Members of the Academy. 

ResoLveD,—That the new device, proposed by Sir W. 
Betham for the Seal of the Academy, be adopted, and that 
the thanks of the Academy be given to Sir W. Betham. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l Acadé- 
mie des Sciences. Nos. 8—9, 1839. Presented by the Aca- 

Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Academie der Wissens- 
chaften zu Berlin, for 1833. Also, Uber die Landerverwal- 
tung unter dem Chalifate, von Joseph von Hammer, 1835. 
Presented by the Royal Academy of Berlin. 

Statistique de la France 1835. (Commerce Exterieur.) 
Presented by Mons. Moreau de Jonnes. 

Dr. Walsh's Constantinople. Presented by the Author. 

Walsh on-early Christian Coins and Gems. Presented 
by the Author. , 

Dr. Walsh’s Journey from Constantinople. Presented 
by the Author. 

First Annual Report of the Dublin Natural History 
Society, 1839. Presented by the Society. m 

Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Dublin Society, 
1839. Presented by the Society. 

Transactions of the Geological Society of London. Vol. 
V. Part I. Presented by the Society. 

Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West 
Somerset ; by Henry T. de la Beche, F. R. S. Presented 
by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. 


April 22nd, 1839. 
SIR Wo. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The Rev. Dr. Walsh read a paper on a Sepulchral Urn 
and Stone Coffin found in the Parish of Kilbride, with some 
notices of the Parish. 

The union of Kilbride, county of Wicklow, consists of 
four parishes, forming a triangular area of fifteen miles in 
circumference, bounded by the River Ovoca, the sea coast, 
and a line drawn from one to the other. The Irish language 
is entirely extinct among the peasantry, and though the names 
of places and particular objects are very expressive in that 
language, they are altogether unintelligible to the people. Not 
an individual among them can speak a word of their native 

‘tongue. The majority are of the reformed religion, English 
colonists located in this maritime district, after the wars of 
Elizabeth, Cromwell, and James. They preserve many tradi- 
tions of their achievements; one family kept a sword taken 
from the last tory seen in the county, whom they killed. It 
had six pounds of brass in the hilt, obtained perhaps from the 

. copper mines of Cronebane, long before they were regularly ~ 

worked. The people are serious and religious, and dis- 
tinguished for their moral qualities, dishonesty is unknown 

among them, and their sobriety is such, that there is not a 

public house in the union of fifteen miles in extent, nor 

did Dr. Walsh remember to have ever seen in the parish a 
drunken man on Sunday. 

The land is divided by a ridge of hills rising through the 
centre, dividing it into the Vale of Ovoca and the Vale of 
Redcross. This ridge affords many lovely prospects from its. 
summit. One was compared by Dr. Pococke to the view he 
had seen of the Vale of Nazareth, from the ridges of — 
Mount Lebanon. The sea shore isa level strand, lined with 


sand hills, thrown up from the sand constantly dropped 
from the great submerged banks which lie along the Wick- 
low coast. Those near the mouth of the Ovoca are dis- 
tinguished for their fertilizing property. They were found 
to contain immense quantities of human bones in a state of 
decomposition. Many battles are recorded as fought in this 
place, and the hills here seem tumuli raised over the bodies 
of the slain. 

In other places the sand banks are covered with a rich 
sward, which seems to rest upon a soil as firm as any other 
land. It-was suggested by a gentleman, to employ the pea- 
santry of the neighbourhood in- weaving the sedge, and 
other marine plants, into mats and baskets. When they 
were cut away for this purpose, the hills, losing the tenacity 
they afforded, began to move, and have continued to do so, 
changing the whole face of the country, covering up farms 
and houses, and converting the townland, like Bannow, into 
another Irish Herculaneum. 

The ridge of the hill affords many remains of remote an- 
tiquity, some are blocks: of stone fifteen feet in length, laid 
parallel to each other, resembling burying places made for 
men of gigantic stature. Beside one of these, a curious dis- 
covery was recently made. A farmer was raising stones ina 
wild and solitary part of the mountain, to fill up gaps ; about 
two feet below the surface, he turned up a flag, under which 
was a stone coffin, containing an urn in an inverted position, 
under which were two small bones laid parallel to each other. 
The coffin, consisting of six flags, was eighteen inches long, 
the sides seven inches high, and ten broad, put together with 
neatness, the corners rectangular, and the sides perpendicu- 
lar ; the inside perfectly clean, and free from dust or mould. 
The urn was four inches deep, swelling in the middle, and 
contracting at both ends. It was rudely but neatly sculptured 
with great care; the bones were very small, but perfect, 
having articulations at both ends, and were pronounced to be 


joints of human fingers and toes. The urn was procured by 
Dr. Walsh, then incumbent of the parish, and was in high 
preservation, but when he endeavoured to move the stone 
coffin, it broke into fragments, which he gathered up, and 
had a good model of it made in wood, by a country carpen- 
ter on the spot. 

Dr. Walsh concluded his communication in the following 
words. ‘ The mode of sepulture by such urns and stone 
coffins is too common to trouble the Academy with details of 
them. Many are recorded in their own Transactions; but 
I cannot find that an urn in a stone coffin, inverted over two 
bones of the human fingers, has before been discovered or 
described. I have searched various archeological works, and 
can find no such thing. It only remains for me, therefore, 
to present to the Academy the urn and model of the coffin, 
&c. if they deem them worth their acceptance, and leave it to 
some more intelligent and industrious member to pursue the 


In a conversation which arose after the reading of this 
paper, the Rev. Caesar Otway gave an account ofa visit 
which he made, in company with the Dean of St. Patrick’s, 
to the same district ; and related some anecdotes of the 
opening of tumuli in other parts of Ireland. Mr. Otway 
suggested, that a deputation should be sent from the Aca- 
demy to superintend the opening of some ancient cairns, with 
a view to obtain a more accurate account of their contents, 
than can be expected when they are opened accidentally or 
by peasants. 

Mr. Petrie made some remarks on the historical interest 
of the Cairns in Ireland, most of which are noticed in the 
Irish annals, and strongly recommended that Mr. Otway’s 
suggestion should be acted on. 


The Secretary of Council read the following notice of a 
Compound of Fluorine and Carbon, by George J. Knox, Esq.; 
communicated in a letter to Dr. Apjohn. 

“When a current of dry chlorine gas is passed over 
- fluoride of silver fused in a platinum tube, the extremity of 
which fits into a platinum receiver immersed in a freezing 
mixture, the fluoride of silver is decomposed, being converted 
into chloride of silver, and no solid or liquid substance is 
found in the receiver. When, however, in place of chlorine, 
the vapour of liquid chloride of carbon (serrulas) is substi- 
tuted, the fluoride of silver is decomposed, and the receiver 
is found to contain acicular crystals, which are insoluble in 
water, acids, and alkalies, sparingly soluble in alcohol and 
ether, but very soluble in spirits of turpentine. When heat- 
ed ina platinum crucible, they sublime unaltered, emitting a 
strong aromatic odour ; their vapour does notaffect the colour 
of litmus paper. When a cold glass plate is placed over the 
mouth of the platinum crucible, the crystals subliming con- 
dense upon the ‘glass, and acting upon it, engrave upon its 
surface a beautiful outline of their form. Ignited in a closed 
platinum vessel, they are decomposed, depositing charcoal. 

‘* When the vapour of chloride of carbon is passed over 
iodide and bromide of silver fused in glass tubes, analogous 
compounds are formed ; the one in the form of long needles, 
the other of feathery crystals. Both sublime unaltered when 
heated ; are insoluble in water, acids, alkalies, alcohol, and 
ether ; but soluble in warm spirits of turpentine and chloride 
of carbon. 

‘*T have failed twice in obtaining a sufficient quantity of 
the crystals for analysis, and so send you the paper as it is. 
The first time I obtained 20 grs. which would have been 
enough, but I lavished it in determining its qualities. I had 
intended analyzing it by burning it with deutoxide of cop- 
per in a leaden tube, estimating the carbonic acid by the in- 
creased weight of potash, and throwing down the fluorine 


from the dissolved contents of the tube by lime. Is this method 
preferable to burning it with silica; conveying the fluosilicic 
acid into ammonia, and estimating by the weight of silica 2” 

The Secretary read a second notice by the same author, 
on a supposed fluoride of nitrogen. 

“‘ Having transferred a drop of chloride of nitrogen into 
a platinum capsule containing a little water, on adding to the 
water an aqueous solution of fluoride of silver, a gas was 
freely evolved, somewhat resembling chlorine in smell, but 
of so pungent a nature, and so exceedingly irritating to the 
eyes, that I was unable to approach near enough to deter- 
mine any of its properties, although my eyes were protected 
by a mask and spectacles. When the gas had all escaped, 
the capsule was found to contain chloride of silver, fluoride 
of silver and water, and had not been sensibly heated by the 
intense chemical action which had taken place. 

** Again, on adding to a portion of dry fluoride of silver 
contained in a platinum dish, a drop of chloride of nitrogen, 
so violent an explosion took place, that the platinum dish 
was torn as if it had been made of parchment, and a consi- 
derable part of it blown away.” 

Mr. Robert Mallet communicated a notice of the dis- 
covery of the property of the light emitted by incandescent 
coke to blacken photogenic paper; and proposed it as a 
substitute for solar light, or that from the oxy-hydrogen 
blowpipe with lime. 

One of the most important applications of the photogenic 
process, as yet suggested, is its adaptation to the self regis- 
tering of long continued instrumental observations. Unless, 
however, an artificial light, of a simple and inexpensive cha- 
racter, can be found to supply the place of solar light at 
night, the utility of this application will be much limited. 

Few artificial lights emit enough of the chemical rays to 


act with certainty on the prepared paper; while those which 
are known to ‘act well, as the oxyhydrogen lime light, are 
expensive, and difficult to manage. A considerable time 
since, the author discovered that the light emitted by incan- 
descent coke, at the ‘‘'Twyer” (or aperture by which the 
blast is admitted) ofa cupola or furnace for melting cast iron, 
‘contained the chemical rays in abundance ; and on lately 
trying the effect of this light on the prepared paper, he 
found it was intensely blackened in about forty-five seconds. 
‘In the single experiment made, the heat, which was conside- 
rable, was not separated from the light; but the author pur- 
posed to make further experiments, in which this precaution 
will be attended to. 

There is no difficulty to be apprehended in contriving an 
apparatus to burn a small quantity of coke at a high tempe- 
rature. A diagram of an apparatus for this purpose was 
shown. It consists of a vertical tube, nine inches in diameter, 
lined with refractory clay, and closed at top and bottom. 
There is a grating about one foot from the bottom, a little 
above which are two opposite holes, into one of which an air 
blast from a revolving fanner is projected through the coke, 
with which the whole tube is filled. ‘The flame passes out 
at the opposite hole, through a tube so contrived, as to heat 
the blast of air to a temperature of 500°, just before it enters 
the coke fire. 

The light from the former lateral aperture is that pro- 
posed to be used, and issues through a plate of mica or 
glass opposite to it. This aperture forms part of the con- 
ductory tube for the blast, which (by passing into the coke 
in a direction opposite to that in which the light is emitted) 
keeps the illuminating surface of coke clear from ashes; 
these are received below the grating, and by a diversion of 
part of the blast, are blown into the chimney which receives 
the other products of the combustion. 

As the vertical tube is close above, the combustion can- 



not proceed upwards, while the coke with which it is filled 
constantly drops down to supply the place ofthat consumed, 
on the principle of the ancient furnaces, called “ athanors” 
by the earlier chemists. 

The only difficulty to be apprehended in the use of coke, 
is the collection of slag, from the fusion of its earthy and 
ferruginous constituents; however the author does not con- 
sider that this accumulation during the period from sunset to 
sunrise, in mid-winter, would materially interfere with its 

The Treasurer presented the account for the year ending 
March 31, 1839. 

OrvzreED to be entered on the minutes, and published in 
the Proceedings. 

OrperED,—That the Seal of the Academy be affixed to 
the Treasurer’s Accounts. 

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1839. No. 17. 

May 13. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

Edward Conroy, Esq., and Nicholas P. Leader, Ksq., 
were elected Members of the Academy. 

Sir James Ivory was elected an Honorary Member of 
the Academy. 

Dr. Wilde read a paper upon the Peruvian mummy, re- 
cently opened in Dublin. He stated that Captain Duniam 
a gentleman in the South American trade, having been in- 
formed that a colony of Irish had settled on the western 
coast some years since, determined on visiting them; and 
having been hospitably received, was brought on a day’s 
pleasure to a wild spot on the shore, where the party, for 
his amusement, commenced digging up several mummies, 
the most perfect of which he brought away. In a letter he 
says: “ This mummy was dug up from the sloping ground, 
about two miles and a-half south-east of the Morro of Arica, 
facing to the south-west on the coast of Peru, the soil 
sandy, in depth about six inches, under which is a layer of 
saltpetre about eight inches thick, and so very hard that it 
had to be broken with a pickaxe. Underneath this is a 
mixture of saltpetre and sand, out of which the body was 
dug. The face was found turned towards the west, or setting 



sun; and all the utensils, pots, &c. were buried with him, 
forming a semicircle in front.” 

Tradition reports, that these were the bodies of the an- 
cient Peruvians, buried before the invasion of the Spaniards ; 
and it is also said, that remains similar to those are found on 
the eastern side of the mountains, having their faces turned 
to the rising sun, but still in the same sitting posture, 

Dr. Wilde then exhibited a drawing by Mr. Wakeman, 
showing the state in which the mummy had been received, 
and continued: ‘‘ This drawing shows the condition in 
which the mummy was found, bound up in a cloak, or 
outer garment, fitting so as to give a tolerably accurate 
idea of the posture in which it was placed; and over this 
was wrought a net of rushes, or other such substance, 
with large meshes, in the manner of a purse, wound several 
times round the neck and ankles, without covering the head 
or feet.” 

Dr. Wilde observed, that it was a practice of the ancient 
Egyptians to bind their mummies tightly round the neck and 
feet, and produced an example in which the diameter of the 
neck did not exceed two inches. ‘‘ On cleaning and repair- 
ing this outer garment, cloak, or poncho, it was found to be 
composed of a complete web of cloth, formed apparently of 
the wool of the Lama. In texture it resembles several of 
the specimens of the Egyptian linen which I found in the 
catacombs at Sakara, the character of which depends upon 
the great tightness of the threads of the weft, and looseness 
of the warp, arising from the imperfection of the loom, and 
use of a ruler instead of a shuttle in weaving—a practice 
formerly used in Egypt, (as shown by the plates of Rosel- 
lini,)—found still extant in Mexico by Dr. Coulter, and 
noticed by myself in Barbary and Judea.” 

This garment, which is exceedingly simple in form, con- 
sists of a web, doubled and sewn together at the sides, ex- 
cept for a short distance at top, where openings were left for 


the arms. One was also made for the head; but when the 
dress was round the mummy no opening could be perceived. 
When restored and cleaned, it will serve to illustrate the dress 
of the ancient Peruvians, and, with the other utensils found 
buried, will furnish data to determine the state of the arts and 
condition of this interesting people. These articles consist 
of fourteen vessels of burned pottery, of different sizes; pip- 
kins, jars with long narrow necks, and globular vessels with 
small circular openings—some of remarkably fine workman- 
ship, though they do not seem to be made on a wheel— 
unglazed, bearing the marks of fire, and probably used as 
cooking utensils by the deceased ; remains of a basket of 
great beauty, so intricately woven as to be capable of hold- 
ing water, and similar to those still in use in the central 
parts of Africa; calabashes and rush baskets, interwoven 
with coloured worsteds; mats of a similar material, and 
most elaborate workmanship; an ancient Mexican pictorial 
manuscript or hieroglyphic ; ornamental bags, one contain- 
ing the leaves of some vegetable, and a wampum belt. The 
variety and brilliancy of the colours are most remarkable ; 
mostly all the textures are woollen. A piece of cloth, woven 
in stripes of different colours; eight arrows, or bolts; the 
model of a painted paddle; a piece of fishing line, cable 
laid, showing great art in its construction ; a miniature 
stake-net, or fishing trammel, similar to those constructed 
for a like purpose in Ireland. These latter articles lead to 
the belief that this person was a fisherman. 

On the Ist of May the outer garment was removed, in 
presence of a number of gentlemen, chiefly members of 
the Academy, who had purchased the mummy by sub- 
scription. The body was found in a sitting posture—that, 
probably, in which the deceased had sat round the coun- 
cil fires of his nation. The head is bent forward, ap- 
proaching to the knees; the left arm is bent, with the 
hand turned in upon the chest; around the fingers is worn 


a piece of fine fishing-line, and the thumb is turned in on the 
hand in a remarkable manner—a custom observed by the 
ancient Hebrews, and still adhered to by the religious Jews 
of Palestine—namely, to tie the thumb after death into the 
cleft, between the fore and middle fingers, lest the extended 
thumb should make the chirogram of “ Jehovah,” a name they 
feared to write while living, and were unwilling to express 
when dead. The hands of Egyptian mummies, which Dr. 
Wilde produced, were similarly compressed. The right arm 
is concealed under several bags, filled with some substance as 
yet unknown; they are large, and similar in construction to 
those found outside, but exceeding them in colour. On 
these were placed two vessels of highly ornamented pottery. 
Vessels of a similar kind are at present used for sipping a 
kind of tea with a tube, in the very position this mummy 
now presents. The lower parts of the body and hips were 
wrapped in folds of striped cloth, which appears to have 
been a kilt, a sort of garment worn by the ancient Incas of 
Peru. The feet are clad in sandles, fastened on by thongs 
of leather. The body was found to be covered with num- 
berless minute shining crystals, probably of an animal na- 
ture. The head is particularly remarkable from its shape, 
and the probable race of mankind to which it belonged. 
The hair is divided along the whole length of the head, is 
particularly long, and beautifully plaited. Dr. Wilde also 
exhibited the head of a young female covered with brown 
hair, of great fineness, and likewise beautifully plaited, and 
adorned with small golden ornaments attached to the end of 
the plaits ; over the face. was tied a mask of skin. 

In reference to an observation of Dr. Pettigrew of 
London, Dr. Wilde does not think the subject was buried 
alive ; and he remarked, that it was in such excellent condi- 
tion, and so perfectly dry, as to allow of its being very well 

Dr. Wilde concluded by mentioning that Mr. Burton 


had produced two beautiful drawings of the mummy; and 
that both Mr. Wakeman and Mr. Burton had presented 
their drawings to the subscribers. 

The Secretary read a letter from Joseph Lentaigne, 
Esq., on the subject of a Manuscript Translation of Part of 
Virgil’s Aneid. 

“A manuscript, in three volumes, containing the third, 
fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth, eleventh, and twelfth books 
of the Aineid, in English verse, has been lately placed 
in my hands by F. Comyn, Esq., of Woodstock, in the 
county of Galway, who discovered it among the books 
of one of his ancestors, formerly a physician at the court 
of Louis XV. of France. It bears the following date :— 
* Ended at St. Germains the 18th day of 7, 1692;” 
being two years prior to the commencing of Mr. Dry- 
den’s great translation, which (as he informs us) he 
was “ three years doing,” and which was completed in 
1697. That this manuscript is genuine cannot reason- 
ably be doubted. The orthography, the fabric of the 
paper upon which it is written, the date of printed papers 
used in the binding, and many other circumstances, prove 
that it is the production of the period at which it bears 
date. The name “ Lauderdail” is written on the fly-leaf, 
and is still legible notwithstanding an attempted oblitera- 
tion. The author’s name is not given; but the Episode of 
Nisus and Euryalus is marked, “ by Mr. Dryden;” that of 
Camilla, by “‘ Mr. John Stafford ;” and, at the end, are the 
following among other memoranda: — “ Kighty-six errors 
since sent to Mr. Dryden, after Bryarly wrote it; 162 errors 
corrected since Mr. Bysh wrote this book; 122 errors cor- 
rected since Mr. Dallon wrote this book; 486 lines cor- 
rected and altered since this book was first sent to Mr. 
Dryden.” It is, therefore, most probably the work of se- 
veral contributors, but corrected and altered by Lord Lau- 


derdale, from whom Mr. Dryden acknowledges to have re- 
ceived from abroad his lordship’s new translation of Virgil, 
two years before he himself engaged in the.same design, 
and which he consulted as often as he doubted. of his au- 
thor’s sense. This manuscript so nearly resembles the trans- 
lation published in 1709, under the name of Lauderdale’s 
Virgil, that I am persuaded it is the original of which a 
copy was sent to Mr. Dryden, and from which he was ac- 
cused, by that nobleman’s friends, of having borrowed not 
only single verses, but entire passages. By collating this 
manuscript with Mr. Dryden’s version, it is satisfactorily 
proved that several verses were so borrowed, with but little 
alteration; as thus: AMneid III. 114. “ Ergo agite,” &c. 

‘ Let us the land, which fate directs, explore; 
Appease the winds, and seek the Cretan shore. 
Our way is short; if Jove assists our fleet, 
The third day’s dawning lands us safe in Crete.” 

“ Let us the land, which heav’n appoints, explore ; 
Appease the winds, and seek the Gnossian shore. 
If Jove assists the passage of our fleet, 
The third propitious dawn discovers Crete.” 

‘‘Nor are these alterations always in accordance with the 
true meaning of the Roman poet. Thus, the lines which 
are correctly rendered in the manuscript, 

ce ——lIn humble vales they dwelt. 
Thence Cybele, the mother of-the gods, 
Her tingling cymbals and Idan woods,” 

are thus altered by Mr. Dryden :— 

‘“‘ In humble vales they built their soft abodes, 
Till Cybele, the mother of the gods, 
With tingling cymbals charm’d th’ Idzan woods.” 
fin. III. 110. 

‘* Mr. Stafford’s version of the death of Camilla is the 
same as that published under his name in the poetical mis- 


cellany, and from it Mr. Dryden has taken six or seven 
verses; while the greater part of it has been transferred, 
without acknowledgment, into Lauderdale’s Virgil. 

“The Episode of Nisus and Euryalus is peculiarly inte- 
resting, being from Mr. Dryden’s pen, and varying fre- 
quently from the published translation. It contains some 
hemistich verses, which the poet, at a later period, con- 
demned ; comparing them to “ frogs and serpents in the 
Nile, half in life, half mud.” 

* T regret that the limits of my paper do not admit of 
any extracts from this Episode.” 


The Silurian System. By R. J. Murchison. In two 
Parts. Presented by the Author. 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. X. 
Presented by the Society. 

An Elementary Treatise on the Tides. By J. W. Lub- 
bock, Esq. Presented by the Author. 

An Inquiry into the Nature of the Numerical Contrac- 
tions ; and Notes on Early Calendars. By J. O. Halliwell, 
Esq. Presented by the Author. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 
Vol. VI. Part III. Presented by the Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Parts I. 
and II. 1838. Presented by the Society. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute, 1838. Presented by 
the Institute. 

Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis, edited by the Iona Club. 
Presented by the Club. 

Nouveaux Mémoires de l Académie Royale de Bruxelles. 
Années 1837—1838. Tome XI. 

Mémoires Couronnes par l Académie Royale de Brucelles. 
Tome XIV. Premiere Partie, 1838. 


Bulletin de UV Académie de Bruxelles. Nos. 9—12. 

Annuaire de l Académie de Bruxelles. Cinquieme année. 
Presented by the Academy. 

Annuaire de 0 Observation de Bruxelles, pour 1839. Par 
M. Quetelet. 

Resume des Observations Meteorologiques, 1838. Par 
M. Quetelet. Presented by the Author. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de U Aca- 
démie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Nos. 12—17. Premier Semestrie, 1839. Presented by the 

Eclaircissements sur la destination de trois Zodiaques An- 
tiques. Par M. de Briere. Presented by the Author. 

The Turkish Empire illustrated. Parts 1—12. Pre- 
sented by Dr. Walsh. 

Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol. 
III. Part I. Presented by the Institution. 

May 27, 1839. 
SIR Ws. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The thanks of the Academy were- voted to Sir William 
Betham for his services as Secretary of Foreign Corres- 
pondence ; he having resigned that office, together with his 
place in the Council. 

Dr. Aquilla Smith was elected to the vacant place in the 
Council; and Professor Mac Cullagh was appointed Secre- 
tary of Foreign Correspondence. 

Dr. Wilde made a second communication on the subject 
of the Peruvian Mummy. It appeared that, in accordance 
with the wish of the subscribers, a further examination of 


the mummy had taken place; and the different articles that 
had been removed from it and cleaned, were exhibited, as 
well as the mummy itself, to the meeting. The pottery-ware 
vessels, which were placed underneath the chin, and which 
were supposed to have been used for making the infusion of 
the yerba de Paraguay, or mattee tea, at present a custom in 
that country, are of great beauty in colour, form, and orna- 
ment. One of them had the mark of fire on its outer side; 
the other, some crystals of salt round its aperture. Two bags 
of plain woollen cloth, and sewn up the sides, were found to 
contain a quantity of finely ground meal of a brown colour, 
still possessing some flavour, and having a saltish taste; and 
in one of the bags were also discovered two heads of small 
Indian corn, in great preservation. Two other bags of great 
beauty of texture, and brilliancy of colour, woven in stripes 
of blue and red, contained a quantity of dried leaves sup- 
posed to be the cocco, and a small quantity of clay-like 
burned substance. Both these bags are of exquisite work- 
manship, and bespeak a great perfection of the arts among 
this people ; one was adorned with a handsome tassel work 
not unlike a lady’s reticule: both were tied at top with a 
slip knot. All those substances were no doubt placed to 
afford a supply of food for the journey of the deceased to the 
land of spirits. ‘The piece of cloth which surrounded all 
those, and which was fastened round the neck, was also ex- 
hibited, and appeared to be the remains of some old article 
of dress belonging to the deceased, from its similarity to the 
kilt and apron which surrounded the lower part of the 
body. ‘These latter consisted of a broad piece of woollen 
cloth of different colours, tied round the loins; and the 
apron, which was of different colours, was fastened on the 
front of the body by strings which went over the shoulders. 
During the examination, a small curious beetle was disco- 
vered by Mr. Ball, on which Mr. Curtis, of London, writes, 
‘* undoubtedly it is atrue Ptinus of Linneus, althoughit seems 


to be related to mezium sulcatum, figured in the 232nd plate 
of my British Insects.” Mr. Curtis states, that Ptint breed 
in such situations; and the insect being a perfectly new 
species, for which he proposes the name of ptinus mortuorum, . 
he thinks it worthy of being described, and offers his ser- 
vices for that purpose. The mouth of the mummy was next 
examined: the lower lip appears to have been split, pro- 
bably after the manner of the natives of Nookta Sound, 
spoken of by Captain Cook. The teeth are now exposed to 
view ; those of the lower and upper jaw are separated by 
some substance placed between. The hair, which has 
been cleaned and placed in its proper position, exhibits a 
beautiful mode of head adornment ; two large plaits formed 
of a number of smaller ones, and tied at the end, hang down 
by the side of the face towards either shoulder: it is long, 
black, and slightly sprinkled with grey in front. The hair 
at back is likewise plaited, having seven plaits on one side, and 
eight on the other. The whole is collected in a tie behind, 
one lock forming the centre. In the bend of the arm was 
found the weight or plummet of a fishing line, (probably that 
which was twisted round the fingers of the left hand,) formed 
of some metallic substance as yet undecided on. In the 
British Museum there is a Peruvian mummy, an enlarged 
drawing of which Dr. Wilde exhibited from the work of Dr. 
Pettigrew ; in this the hands are extended along the sides of 
the face, but the rest of the body is in the position of the 
one before the meeting, than which it is much less perfect, 
and the head is completely devoid of hair. 

Dr. Wilde then read several extracts bearing upon thesub- 
ject of Peruvian mummies, and mentioned the name of Mr. 
J.R. Pentland, who, in a communication made to Tiedemann, 
and translated by Professor Graves, in the Dublin Journal 
for July, 1834, gives an account of the ancient graves called 
Huxeas, in the Valley of Titicaca; these sepulchres have 
the form of high round towers, and in some places are con- 


structed of enormous masses of masonry, the stones arranged 
in a manner similar to the Cyclopean architecture of Greece 
and Italy. In all the sepulchres which have been yet dis- 
covered, there are remains of food, cooking utensils, and 
different articles emblematical of their calling, which was 
generally that of fishermen. There is no artificial process 
of embalming used, nor were any of the cavities of the body 
opened, so that all the interior of this mummy is in a per- 
fect state. The nature of the earth, and the peculiar dry- 
ness of both it and the atmosphere, are such as to prevent 
the putrefactive process; and animals thrown loosely in the 
earth are likewise preserved. 

The question of the race of mankind to which this mummy 
belonged is one of great interest. From the pyramidal form 
of the head, and other circumstances, Dr. Wilde conceived it 
should be classed among the great Turanian nations, charac- 
terized by great breadth of cheek bones,lozenge-shaped faces, 
formed by the bases of two triangles meeting on the cheek- 
bones, long straight hair, thin scanty beard, olive com- 
plexion, confluent features, depth of orbits, eyes wide apart, 
and more or less retreating foreheads; peculiarities, several 
of which he noticed as exhibited in the head of the mummy, 
which he did not think had been altered by artificial pres- 
sure, like the head of the modern Peruvian. Humboldt, 
Tiedemann, Dr. Pritchard, and Mr. Pentland, agree in giving 
this race an Asiatic origin; the last gentleman believing 
that the heads were not altered by pressure, and that the 
skulls of those ancient Peruvians belonged to a race of 
mankind now extinct. 




1839. No. 18. 

June 10. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A. M., President, in the Chair. 

The following gentlemen were admitted Members of the 
Academy: William R. Wilde, Esq., Alexander Parker, Esq., 
and Jonathan Osborne, M. D. 

Resotvep,—That the Academy do allow a ballot to take 
place at the next Meeting, for W. Longfield, Esq., his name 
having been duly proposed within one month before that 
night, but too late for the ballot of this evening. 

Sir Henry Marsh read a paper “ on Phosphorescence or 
” the term phosphorescence being 
employed, without implying that the presence of phosphorus | 
is necessary to the production of these phenomena. 

The chief object of this communication was to bring for- 

luminous Appearances ; 

ward some interesting facts relative to the evolution of light, 
in the living human subject; facts of this nature not having 
heretofore been publicly noticed. Indeed so little has this 
subject been scientifically investigated, that all such appear- 
ances have been referred to supernatural agency, the ulti- 
mate and easy refuge of ignorance and superstition. 

To render the discussion more complete and intelligible, 
Sir H. Marsh introduced the general subject of luminous 



appearances, as they are observed in the different kingdoms 
of nature. 

Commencing with unorganized bodies, he particularized 
the sun and fixed stars, which are always luminous, but 
which derive this property from a source unknown and al- 
most beyond conjecture. He then proceeded to the consi- 
deration of those bodies, placed under our more immediate 
cognizance, which are only occastonally luminous. 

The aurora borealis is a beautiful instance of this pro- 
perty, clearly ascertained to be of electrical origin, by the 
fact that these lights, according to the observations of 
Arago and others, disturb the magnetic horizontal needle. 
That shooting stars spring from the same source is now uni- 
versally conceded. 

Some inorganic bodies are rendered luminous, under 
various circumstances; the diamond, arragonite, strontia, 
marble, calcareous spar, lime, and many other substances 
possess this property. 

A species of fluor spar, found in the granite rocks of 
Siberia, shines in the dark with a remarkable phosphoric 
light, which increases when the temperature is raised: by 
immersion in boiling mercury it emits such a light that a 
book may be read by it at a distance of five inches. 

Many bodies may be rendered luminous by friction, by 
percussion, or by concussion. Similar effects result from 
chemical action and reaction, as in the ordinary process of 
combustion. Many salts also, held in solution, exhibit lu- 
minous appearances at the time when crystallization is going 
forward. And by the agency of electricity many bodies can 
be rendered luminous, as proved by transmitting a series of 
electric discharges through fragments of chalk, sugar, quartz, 
succinic acid. After a few remarks on the important part 
which electricity plays in the production of all these effects, 
he went on to notice those luminous phenomena so remark- 
ably exhibited in organized substances, at the moment of 


incipient decomposition. Decaying wood, under peculiar 
conditions of temperature and humidity, evolves light; and 
it is well known that accumulated masses of vegetable mat- 
ter, when not sufficiently dried, undergo fermentation, and, 
if the process be not interrupted, evolve light and caloric, 
and are destroyed by combustion. In recently dead animal 
matter the phenomena of phosphorescence is most strikingly 
exhibited. Soon after death, fishes become exceedingly lu- 
minous. In burial grounds luminous appearances have 
often been Seen, and fearful and awful are they to the eye 
of superstition. These corpse-lights, as they are called, are 
clearly traceable to the same source, and take place during 
the earlier stages of disintegration. A very curious, though 
not very pleasing appearance of the same kind, and arising 
from the same causes, has been observed by many in dis- 
secting rooms. The ignis fatuus also is a phenomenon, 
which, like those already alluded to, is produced by electri- 
city, the result of chemical action in decaying vegetable 
matter, when the temperature is in neither extreme, and 
humidity sufficient to lend its aid in producing the effect. 

Sir H. Marsh then proceeded to the consideration of 
phosphorescence, as a function in living vegetables, and de- 
scribed the extraordinary and brilliant appearance of phos- 
phorescent lichens in the coal mines near Dresden. He 
also stated that the flowers of several plants, in serene and 
warm summer evenings, disengage light. 

It is now known with certainty that light is developed in 
living animals, a large proportion of which are inhabitants 
of the sea, and from their presence in the water arises the 
phosphorescence of the waves, especially in the track of 
sailing vessels. The author here enumerated and described 
many of the most remarkable marine species of phosphores- 
cent animals, and stated that luminous appearances had also 
been observed in fresh water animalcula. 

He remarked the analogy betweeen luminous and electri- 



eal fishes, and proposed the question, whether the vital 
property of emitting light was designed for the protection of 
these animals, or is it connected with the function of genera- 
tion? The property of evolving light is not confined to 
aquatic animals; some of the terrestrial mollusca, as the 
limax noctilucus, produce a phosphorescent secretion capa- 
ble of emitting a light of considerable brilliancy. 

Many insects are luminous, as the several species of 
elater, the lampyris noctiluca and splendidula, the pausus 
spheerocerus, scarabeeus phosphoreus, and the Scolopendra 

The fulgora lanternaria is one of the most remarkable 
of the class, and during the night diffuses so strong a light, 
that a few, it is said, being fastened together, are employed 
to enlighten the path of the traveller, and to guide his foot 
steps during the darkness of night. Having made a few 
remarks on the tapetum lucidum existing in the eyes of some 
animals, the author proceeded to detail the chief object of 
his communication, namely, facts relative to the develop- 
ment of light in the living human subject. The first case 
that he narrated was that of a young lady in the last stage 
of pulmonary consumption. About ten days previously to 
her death, there was observed a very extraordinary light 
which seemed darting about the face, and illuminating all 
around her head, flashing like an aurora borealis: it was 
at night, and after a day of extreme nervous agitation pro- 
duced by debility and the dread of suffocation. This lumi- 
nous appearance commenced suddenly, and was at first 
mistaken, by her attendants, for the light of a candle, which 
was accordingly removed lest it should disturb the slumbers 
of the patient. The peculiar light, however, continued 
flitting over her countenance for more than an hour; its hue 
was not that of candle light, it was more silvery, like the 
reflection of moonlight on water. Three nights afterwards 
it re-appeared, and was observed by additional members of 


her family, at a time when there was no candle in the room, 
no moon, nor in fact any visible means of producing light. 
The evening before the death of this young lady, the light 
was again seen, but it was less brilliant, and lasted only 
about twenty minutes. 

Phenomena of the same kind were observed around the 
person of a man, who died ofa lingering disease, in a remote 
part of the south west of Ireland : and a similar case is said 
to have been witnessed in Hull. 

Sir H. Marsh then related the case of a woman, in the 
old Meath Hospital, who laboured under an enormous can- 
cerous ulcer of the breast; from the surface and edges of 
the sore a quantity of fluid was constantly poured out, which 
became so luminous at night, as to be distinctly visible at a 
distance of more than twenty feet from her bed. 

He suggested a comparison between the condition of a 
diseased part emitting light, and that state of the whole 
frame which characterizes the disease termed ‘‘ spontaneous 

combustion ;” 

and mentioned that in one case of spontaneous 
combustion, a lambent flame was distinctly seen to issue 
from the burning body. A strong analogy doubtless exists 
between this state of the living body, and the early state of 
decomposition, during which light is emitted. 

He then detailed an experiment first performed by 
Magendie. Phosphorated oil was injected into the crural 
vein of a dog, when immediately its expirations became 
luminous, and continued so until the death of the animal. 

The author concluded by remarking that the results of 
this experiment, and the ascertained presence of phosphorus 
in vegetables and animals, would lead to the opinion, that in 
some, at least, of the instances of luminous appearances 
referred to, phosphorus formed an element in the production 
of the effect. 


W. O’Brien Esq. A.M., read a paper containing an In- 
quiry into the original Language of the Phcenicians. 

He observes that the explanation given by Bochart and 
others of the Punic scene in Plautus, by means of the 
Hebrew, is much more natural than that derived from the 
Irish by Vallancey, who palmed some words upon that lan- 
guage which do not belong to it, and some from the modern 
Irish, which are English. He thinks that, even if the ori- 
ginal language of the Phcenicians was not the Hebrew, they 
must generally have spoken that tongue at the time of the 
colonisation of Carthage, since the language of the multitude 
must always predominate over that of the few ; and in the 
time of Solomon, the Israelites ‘ could not be counted or 
numbered for multitude.” Hence he infers that the ancient 
language must have been circumscribed within the very nar- 
row limits of the few walled cities, and that the greater part 
of the adventurers after the first colonisation, must have 
spoken the Hebrew language only. Upon these grounds 
he concludes, that the Carthaginian language is no more an 
indication of the original language of the Phoenicians, than 
the English is of that of the ancient Britons or Irish. He 
considers, however, that we are not left without another clue 
to this language, besides that of the Carthaginians : since, 
although languages are obliterated, traces of them remain in 
the names of persons, places, rivers, mountains, &c. Thus, 
British names survive in England, in spite of the several 
conquests by Belge, Romans, Saxons, and Normans: and 
although these names are often much corrupted, a philologer 
of skill and discretion will be able frequently to see through 
the veil, and discover the original word. He shows that this 
view exactly corresponds to that taken by the celebrated 
Leibnitz, in his work on the origin of nations. 

He then proceeds to investigate the roots and meaning of 
nearly forty of the names of places and tribes in Palestine. 
He professes to admit no derivation, which is barely conjec- 

323 | 

tural or plausible. One method of confirmation he uses, is, 
to trace the assigned roots through several languages and 
regions. Thus he traces one of them—zodh-ar, ith-ar— 
through vitrum,—«arrirepoc,—margarita—Eridanus—iohar, 
(borrowed he says by the Arabians from the Pheenicians)— 
Farsidh (Persia), and the names of some of the islands in the 
Persian Gulf. He traces zdh-on, iodh-on, the roots of Sidon, 
through Chalcedon, Carchedon, Caledonia, and the Germanic 
aidstein, whereby he exhibits the meaning of those names 
also. He traces the roots of Solyma through the region 
inhabited by the Solymi of Homer, the Sulmo of Italy, and 
the Saluvii of Gaul, and shows from the accounts concerning 
those places, that the roots are equally applicable to them. 
The roots of the Hebrew borrowed word glinnim he traces — 
through Germany, ancient Britain, Campania, and Liguria. 
Another mode of confirmation he uses is the quotation of, 
or reference to, various ancient and modern writers, in proof 
of the applicability of the terms. 

He does not infer from this similarity of language, that 
the Irish are descended from a colony of Phoenicians, led— 
not from Tyre or Sidon, or any part of Syria, but—from the 
shores of the Red Sea, as Irish histories tellus; the greater 
part of which histories he imagines to be a tissue of fables, 
the rather, as they are at variance with the only authentic 
document relating to ancient Ireland, namely, the geography 
of Ptolemy. The conclusion he comes to is, that they had a 
common origin—that there was an ancient language diffused 
over almost the whole of Europe, and a good part of Asia; a 
sort of Pelasgic, which is the chief root of the Greek and 
Latin, and of most of the modern European languages; and 
that this ancient language is preserved in greater purity in 
Ireland than in any other country, on account of its insulated 
position. He shows that Leibnitz, a man of great sagacity 
and philological knowlege, made an observation not very 
dissimilar to this. “Tllud autem notatu dignissimum, per 


magnam continentis nostri partem, linguee cujusdam antique, 
latissime fusze, vestigia in linguis hodiernis superesse; cum 
multa sint vocabula que inde ab Oceano Britannico ad 
usque Japonicum protenduntur.—Itaque lingua Hibernica 
refert nobis antiquiores Britannos, et adhuc antiquiores. 
Germanos et Gallos. Proinde ex Hibernicé antiquissimi 
Celtze in lucem revocabuntur.”—De orig. Gentium. Also, 
that a great modern philologer, Adelung, has arrived at 
similar results from collating the Parsee, Sanscrit, Greek, 
Latin, Sclavonian, and Germanic languages; viz., ‘‘ That 
men of the same race peopled all these countries, previously 
to any historical record.” 

He holds, however, that colonies from Carthage did settle 
in Gaul and Britain, though not in Ireland ; that they spoke 
the Lybian language only, not the Hebrew ; and that this 
language is still in being, though much altered from its origi- 
nal, in the languages of Wales, Cornwall, and Bretagne. 

It ought to be observed that he claims the settlement,. 
incidentally, of some points of great interest to, and much 
contested by, antiquarians. 1. The meaning and applica- 
tion of the word Caledonia. 2. Of the Greek and Roman 
name for Carthage. 3.'The roots and meaning of the Welch 
names, Menay and Meneu, words which baffled Lhuyd and 
Rowland. 4. The ancient names and uses of Cromlechs. 
He holds that their original purpose was that of hearths or 
bloomeries for the smelting of metals. That Hedar (of 
which he assigns the roots) in Danish Hothr, now Hoath, is 
the same word as erath, arath, hearth,—differing from it 
only in the transposition of the roots. That chabar is but a 
different dialect of the same word, whence the Cabiri, Gue- 
bres, derived their name and ceremonies. Also, that the 
hearth-stone was deified by the Germans, under the name of 
- hertha, not terra mater, as ‘Tacitus says, misinformed by 
persons who confounded the Germanic erde and herde, erth 
and herth. 



Greenwich Observations, for 1836 and 1837, with Appen- 
dix. 4 Vols. 

Greenwich Observations. 11 Numbers, from Part V. 
1833, to Part V. 1835, inclusive. 

Edinburgh Astronomical Observations, for 1834, 1835, 
and 1836. 2 Vols. Presented by the Royal Astronomical 

Cicero de Natura Deorum, and Cicero de Divinatione de 
Fato. 2 Vols. By Henry E. Allen, Esq. Presented by 
the Author. 

Three Months in the North. 1 Vol. 

Dublin University Prize Poems. 1 Vol. 

Letters from Mecklenburgh and Holstein. 1 Vol. By 
George Downes, Esq. Presented by the Author. 

Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France. Tome IX. 
Feuilles 23—32. 1837 4 1839. Presented by the Society. 

Reply to Professor Bischof’s Objections to the Chemical 
Theory of Volcanoes. By Charles Daubeny, M.D. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l Aca- 
démie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Nos. 18—21. Premier Semestre, 1839. Presented by the 

June 24, 1839. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, A.M., President, in the Chair. 

His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant was present at the 

William Longfield, Esq., was elected a member of the 


Ir was Resotvep,—That the Treasurer be authorized 
to sell off stock of the Academy to the amount of £400, if 
so much be thought necessary by Council. 

Professor Mac Cullagh presented and described to the 
Academy an ancient Irish Cross, which formerly belonged to 
the abbey of Cong, in the province of Connaught. It is a 
most interesting memorial of the period preceding the Eng- 
lish invasion, and shows a very high state of art in the 
country at the time when it was made, which was the early 
part of the twelfth century, in the reign of Therdelach Ua 
Conchovar, (or Turlogh O’Conor,) father of Roderick, the 
last of the native kings of Ireland. This date is supplied by 
the Gaelic inscriptions, extremely clear and well cut, which 
cover the silver edges of the cross, and which, besides giving 
the names of the king and of contemporary dignitaries of the 
church, preserve that of the artist himself, who was an Irish- 
man. A Latin inscription informs us that it contains a pre- 
cious relic—a portion of the wood of the “ true cross ;” and 
this circumstance will account for the veneration in which it 
has been held for ages, though, unfortunately, it was not 
sufficient to protect it from injury, much of the ornamental 
work having been removed, and part of the inscriptions torn 
away. Notwithstanding these depredations, however, it is 
still a splendid monument of ecclesiastical antiquity. 

* In the centre of the arms, at their junction with the shaft, 
there is fixed a cruciform piece of oak, marked with the 
figure of a cross, and much older, apparently, than the rest 
of the wood, which is oak also. This piece bears marks 
of the knife, as if it had been taken for the relic; though 
it is perhaps too large to be so, and, besides, it does not 
appear that the true cross was made of oak. Hereabouts, 
however, the relic certainly was; for the place is sur- 
mounted by a very conspicuous crystal of quartz—a mode 


of exhibiting such things that seems to be alluded to by 
Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales, where he makes his 
** Pardoner” say— 

“ Then show I forth my longé crystal stones, 

Ycrammeéd full of cloutés and of bones; 

Relics they be, as weenen they each one.” 

The ‘crystal stone,” indeed, in this instance, is not long, 
but round, being in fact a very thick double-convex lens, 
with one surface much more convex than the other ; but in 
other cases, as on the cwmdachs containing the book of St. 
Moling and the book of Dimma, the crystals are oblong, as 
described by the poet ; and it is supposed that relics are 
always to be found beneath them. 

The shape of the crystal is somewhat remarkable. Thin 
lenses, such as we have now, were not invented in those 
days, nor for a long time after ; and the present specimen 
of a thick one, which could be of no use in viewing an object, 
unless placed in immediate contact with it, is to be classed 
among the lenticular gems of quartz, or rock crystal, which 
Dr. Priestly tells us are sometimes to be met with in the 
cabinets of the curious, and which, he says, are supposed to 
have belonged to the Druids. 

The cross, like that of the ‘‘ gentle Pardoner” aforesaid, 
is studded “ full of stones,” or rather imitations of them, 
disposed at regular distances along the edges, and elsewhere. 
The central crystal is surrounded by an elegant ornament in 
gold ; and all the rest of the cross, both before and behind, 
is richly adorned with an interwoven tracery, of that pecu- 
liar kind which the Irish were so fond of. The tracery is of 
solid gold ; the inscribed edging is of silver ; and both are 
separated from the wooden frame by plates of copper ; the 
whole being held together by nails, of which the heads are 
little heads of animals. The shaft also terminates below, in 
the double head of an animal, which is large, and very finely 


executed. The end is hollow, to admit a staff, by which the 
cross was carried, like the crosier of an archbishop. The 
height of the shaft is about two feet and a half, and the span 
of the arms about nineteen inches. 

Having made the foregoing observations, suggested by 
an actual inspection of the cross, Professor Mac Cullagh 
said that he would leave it to Mr. Petrie to give a more 
minute description of it, as well as to relate its history, how 
it was made at Clonmacnoise, and thence migrated to Cong, 
with many curious particulars which he had discovered 
respecting it by a comparison of existing documents. Mr. 
Petrie had been requested by the Academy to draw up a 
paper on the subject, (see p. 212) ; and it was to be hoped 
that he would soon comply with their desire. 

In presenting the cross to the Academy, Professor 
Mac Cullagh stated, that his motive for doing so was, by 
putting it in the possession of a public body, to save it from 
that shameful process of destruction to which every thing 
venerable in Ireland has been exposed for centuries, and to 
contribute, at the same time, to the formation of a national 
collection, the want of which, he had been told, was regarded 
by Sir Walter Scott as a disgrace to a country so abounding 
in valuable remains. He trusted the time was not far distant 
when that reproach would be no longer merited ; when the 
relics of antiquity, now scattered over the kingdom, would 
find their way to a place where they could be appreciated, 
studied, and preserved. He believed, indeed, that there 
already existed in the public mind a strong disposition in 
favour of such a plan; a disposition that only required to 
be awakened into action. For, no sooner had his intention 
with respect to the cross become known to a few friends, 
than a subscription was set on foot, to procure, for a similar 
purpose, the two magnificent torques found thirty years ago 
at Tara. These had travelled to England and back again, 
and they narrowly escaped being sent out of the country a 


second time, and for ever. The timely subscription was im- 
mediately successful. The torques had been secured for the 
Academy ; they were to be presented in the course of the 
same evening; and, along with the cross of Cong, they would 
help to form the nucleus of the future National Museum. 
With such a beginning, it was not too much to expect a 
rapid progress ; since matters so attractive and important in 
themselves would naturally tend to draw others around them. 

The special thanks of the Academy were voted to Pro- 
fessor Mac Cullagh for his present of the Cross. 

Mr. Mallet gave a notice of the present state of the 
investigation, entrusted by the British Association to Pro- 
fessor Davy and himself, upon the action of air and water, 
whether fresh or salt, and under various modifications, upon 
cast and wrought iron. From the press of other papers, 
Mr. Mallet was obliged to confine himself to a very brief 
notice respecting a new mode of protection which he pro- 
posed for iron, when exposed to air and water. 

This method is of the electro-chemical class, and is 
founded on the fact, that the softer and more carbonaceous 
cast irons, such as the Scotch and Irish, are in a positive 
condition with respect to the less carbonaceous irons, such 
as the Welch, &c., in common use for engineering purposes. 

This difference of electrical condition he has found 
experimentally to be sufficient to enable protectors of the 
former sort of iron to be applied to the surface of the latter, 
with the result of largely preventing the corrosion of the 
electro-negative metal. This was shown by the exhibition 
of the results of experiments which had been several 
months in progress. | 

It was also stated, that while tin increases the corro- 
sion of iron, contrary to the opinion of Sir Humphry Davy, 
zinc does not seem to possess a protective power wholly 
permanent, at least in salt water, from the formation on its 


surface, after a lapse of three years or more, of insoluble 
crystals of carbonate lime, having the form and hardness of 
cale spar, which prevent chemical action on the metal. 

The Rev. H. Lloyd, V. P., read a paper descriptive of 
the Magnetical Observatory of Dublin, and of the instru- 
ments and modes of observation employed there. After 
some prefatory remarks on the anomalous movements of the 
magnetic declination, and on the establishment of magnetical 
stations which took its rise from their study, the author pro- 
ceeded to the immediate subject of his communication. 

The Magnetical Observatory of Dublin was erected by 
order of the Board of Trinity College, the funds being sup- 
plied from the College chest. ‘The building was commenced 
in the summer of the year 1837, and was completed in the 
course of the following year. The structure, which is of the 
Doric order, is situated in an open space in the gardens 
attached to the College: its dimensions are forty feet in 
length, by thirty in depth. It is constructed of Portland 
stone, the interior stone of -the building being the argil- 
laceous limestone (calpe) of the valley of Dublin; several 
specimens of each of these stones had been previously sub- 
mitted to a rigid examination, and found to be entirely 
devoid of any effect upon the magnetic needle. The interior 
walls of the building are studded, for the purpose of main- 
taining a uniform temperature, as well as to protect from 
damp. The nails employed in the woodwork are of copper, 
and the other metallic fastenings (locks, hinges, &c.,) of brass; 
no iron whatever being used in any part of the building. 

The interior is divided into one principal room and two 
smaller rooms; one of the latter serving as a closet, and the 
other as a vestibule. The principal room is thirty-six feet 
in length, by sixteen in breadth; and has projections in its 
longer sides, which increase the breadth of the central part 
to twenty feet. ‘This room is lighted by a dome light at top, 

331 ‘ 

and by a window at each end. It contains six stone pillars 
for the support of the instruments: these are imbedded in 
solid masonry beneath the floor, and the supports of the 
floor are framed around them, so that they are completely 

The elements on which the determination of the earth’s 
magnetic force is usually based are, the declination, the in- 
clination, and the intensity. Ifa vertical plane be conceived 
to pass through the direction of the force, that direction 
will be determined when its inclination to the horizon is 
given, as well as the angle which the plane itself forms with 
the meridian; and if, in addition to these quantities, we like- 
wise know the number which expresses the ratio of the in- 
tensity of the force to some established unit, it is manifest 
that the force is completely determined. 

For many purposes, however, and especially in the deli- 
cate researches connected with the variations of the magnetic 
force, a different system of elements is preferable. If the 
intensity be resolved into two portions in the plane of the 
magnetic meridian, one of them horizontal and the other 
vertical, it is manifest that these two components may be 
substituted for the total intensity and the inclination ; while, 
at the same time, their changes may be determined with far 
greater precision. The former variables are connected with 
the latter by the relations 

X=RCcOSu, Y=RsInNU; 
in which r denotes the intensity, x and y its horizontal 
and vertical components, and zw the inclination. It will be 
easily seen that the variations of u and R are expressed in 
terms of the variations of x and y by the following formule : 

du = sinucosu(=— =); 

OR oy 

soe 2 sD) 
—— = COS u— + sin u-—. 
R x Y 

Mr. Lloyd then proceeded to describe the instruments 


employed in the determination of these elements and their 

The magnet of the declination instrument is a rectangular 
bar, fifteen inches long, suspended by parallel silk fibres, 
and enclosed in a box to protect it from the agitation of the 
air. In addition to the stirrup, by which the bar is sus- 
pended, it is likewise furnished with two sliding pieces, one 
near each end of the bar. One of these pieces contains an 
achromatic lens, and the other a finely divided scale of glass ; 
the scale being adjusted to the focus of the lens, it is 
manifest that the apparatus constitutes a moving collima- 
tor, and that its absolute position at any instant, as well as 
its changes of position from one instant to another, may be 
read off by a telescope at adistance. The stirrup is so con- 
trived as to enable the observer to invert the bar, and thus, 
by the mean of the two readings, to determine the point of 
the scale corresponding to its magnetic axis. 

The framework of the instrument consists of two pillars 
of copper, thirty-five inches in height, firmly screwed to a 
massive slab of marble. These pillars are connected by 
two cross pieces of wood—one at the top, and the other 
seven inches from the bottom. In the centre of the top 
piece is the suspension apparatus, and a divided circle used 
in determining the amount of torsion of the thread. A glass 
tube, between this and the middle of the lower cross-piece, 
encloses the suspension thread; and a glass cap at top 
covers the suspension apparatus, and completes the en- 
closure of the instrument. 

The box is cylindrical, and has two apertures opposite 
to each other. The aperture in front, used for reading, is 
covered by a circular piece of parallel glass, attached to a 
rectangular frame of wood which moves in dovetails; the 
prismatic error of the glass (if any) is corrected by simply 
reversing the slider in the dovetails. The opposite aperture 
is used for the purpose of illuminating the scale. 


The apparatus is likewise provided with a brass bar (aiso 
furnished with a collimator) for the purpose of determining 
the plane of detorsion of the suspension thread ;—a thermo- 
meter, the bulb of which enters the box, in order to deter- 
mine the interior temperature ;—and a copper ring, used in 
checking the vibrations. 

The instrument used in determining the horizontal com- 
ponent of the magnetic force is a magnet bar suspended by 
two parallel wires, and maintained, by the torsion of their 
upper extremities, in a position at right angles to the mag- 
netic meridian. The directive force due to the mode of 
suspension is known, when we know the weight of the sus- 
pended body, the interval of the wires, and their length; 
and the ratio of this force to the horizontal component of 
the magnetic force is given, when we know the angle through 
which the upper extremities of the wines have been turned, 
in bringing the suspended bar into the perpendicular posi- 
tion. The magnet being thus maintained in its position by 
the action of two forces, one of which (the torsion force) is 
constant, while the other (the magnetic force) is variable, it 
is manifest that its place will vary around its mean position; 
and that these variations of angle are connected with the 
variations of the force, so that when the former are given, the 
latter are known. The variations of the angle are read off, 
as in the other instrument, by a collimator and divided scale; 
and the delicacy of the instrument is such, that (with the 
adjustment of the parts at present in use in the Observatory) 
we may estimate changes in the horizontal force amounting 
to sp4gath part of the whole. 

The larger parts of this apparatus,—the box, the frarne- 
work, and the support,—are precisely similar to those of 
the declination instrument. There are, however, several 
differences in the essential parts of the instrument, arising 
chiefly from the different nature of the suspension. The 

collimator is-attached to the stirrup, and has a motion in 


azimuth, an arrangement which is necessary in the adjust- 
ments. The suspending wire passes round a small grooved 
wheel, on the axis of which the stirrup rests by inverted Ys; 
and the instrument is furnished with a series of such wheels, 
of different diameters, for the purpose of varying the interval 
of the wires. This interval is altered, at the upper extre- 
mity, by means of two screws (one right handed and the 
other left handed,) cut in the same cylinder; the wires being 
lodged in the intervals of the threads, and their distance re- 
gulated by means of a micrometer head. 

The third instrument is that used in determining the 
changes in the vertical component of the magnetic force. It 
is a magnet resting on agate planes, by knife edges, and 
brought to the horizontal position by weights. There is a 
small cross of wires near each end, and the changes of posi- 
tion of the magnet are read off by a pair of microscopes. 
From these changes of position, the changes of the ver- 
tical force are inferred, when we know the inclination at the 
place of observation, the azimuth of the plane in which the 
needle moves, and the angle which the line connecting the 
centre of gravity and centre of motion makes with the mag- 
netic axis of the needle. As the determination of this latter 
constant would require that considerable additions should 
be made to the apparatus, Mr. Lloyd has preferred to adjust 
the weights so that the angle in question shall be nothing. 
The weights are small brass screws moving in fixed nuts, one 
on each arm; the axis of one of these screws is perpendicular 
to the magnetic axis of the bar, and its movement conse- 
quently produces the desired adjustment; the other screw 
(the heavier) is parallel to the magnetic axis, and serves to 
adjust the magnet to the horizontal position. Each of these 
adjustments admits of an easy test. 

The supports of the magnet, and of the ee are 
firmly attached to a massive slab of marble, which is ce- 
mented to the stone pillar on which it is placed; and a spirit- 


level, attached to the base, serves to indicate any change 
which may occur in the level of the instrument. The magnet 
is of course covered with a box, to protect it from the agita- 
tion of the air; and the apparatus is furnished with several 
minor pieces, which are employed in the various adjustments. 

In addition to these instruments, which are those in con- 
stant use, the Observatory is furnished with an inclination 
instrument and a pair of needles, made by Gambey; a transit 
instrument and large theodolite, used chiefly in determining 
the absolute declination; a transit clock and a chronometer ; 
and a complete set of meteorological instruments. 

Mr. Lloyd closed his communication with a brief account 
of the important undertaking in which her Majesty’s Govern- 
ment had recently engaged, for the purpose of advancing the 
knowledge of Terrestrial Magnetism—an undertaking which 
he characterized as the vastest in its design, as it might also 
be expected to be the most fruitful in its results, of any which 
the British, or any other government, had ever engaged in, 
in behalf of science. 

The Secretary read the following communications from 
George James Knox, Esq., giving an account of his further 
researches on Fluorine: 

1. On the Insulation of Fluorine. 

“In a paper on the Insulation of Fluorine which the Rev. 
Thomas Knox and I had the honor of presenting to the 
Royal Irish Academy in the year 1837, and which was after- 
wards published in their Transactions, (vol. xviii. p. 127,) we 
proved that we had obtained fluorine in an insulated state, 
by shewing its action upon bismuth, palladium, and gold; 
but being unable, from our mode of experimenting, to deter- 
mine what the nature of fluorine at ordinary temperatures 
might be, i.e. whether it be a solid, a liquid, or a gas, we 
suggested that such information might be obtained from the 



electrolization of a fluoride, using as the positive electrode 
some substance with which this energetic principle should 
not enter into chemical combination. 

‘‘ Finding that, since the publication of our paper, no per- 
son had entered upon this field of investigation, I considered 
that the ultimate solution of this problem devolved as a 
point of duty upen myself; under which impression I un- 
dertook the following experiments. 

« A fluorspar stopper was made to fit the mouth of one of 
the fluorspar vessels described in our former paper; that 
part of the stopper within the vessel being made of the form 
of a semi-cone, the vertex of which reached nearly to the 
bottom of the vessel. Through the stopper were drilled ver- 
tically three small holes, one through its entire length, the 
other two through one-third of its length. In the first 
was inserted a platinum wire, to be used as the negative 
electrode; in one of the two small holes was inserted a thin 
platinum wire, bound round a piece of charcoal, intended to 
form the positive electrode; in the other hole I put gold 
leaf, litmus, or any other substance upon which I wished to 
try the action of the gas. Matters being so arranged, the 
fluorspar vessel was about half filled with anhydrous hydro- 
fluoric acid, the chemical purity of which had been previously 
ascertained. The platinum wire forming the negative elec- 
trode was raised a little above the bottom of the stopper, in 
order to allow the bubbles of hydrogen to rise through the 
perforation in the stopper, in place of mixing with the fluo- 
rine in the vessel; the wires were then placed in contact 
with the poles of a constant battery of sixty pair of plates, 
and the action was allowed to continue for the space of two 
hours; at the end of which time the litmus was found to be 
reddened, and the gold not acted upon, but a large quantity 
of subfluoride of iron formed. 

“In the next experiment I made use of a piece of char- 
coal, from which the iron had been removed by boiling it in 


nitric acid; in this experiment there was no subfluoride of 
iron formed, but the vessel was found to contain fluosilicic 
acid gas, 

“In a third experiment a piece of charcoal was employed, 
which had been previously freed from all metallic impurities 
and from silica, by being first boiled in pure nitric acid, and 
afterwards in hydrofluoric acid. Employing this purified 
charcoal as the positive electrode, I obtained no immediate 
action upon the litmus paper; but after the action had conti- 
nued for two hours, it was found to be completely bleached, 
while the gold had undergone no sensible action. That the 
bleaching was not due to the action of the vapour of hydro- 
fluoric acid was ascertained, by leaving litmus paper for 
several hours in the neck of a platinum retort, from which 
hydrofluoric acid was distilling. 

“The battery was now kept in action for fifteen hours, at 
the end of which time the vessel being examined, the litmus 
had disappeared, and the gold leaf showed signs of having 
been strongly acted upon, having assumed a dark brownish 
colour, and having gathered itself into little balls, as if it 
had undergone the action of heat. The platinum wire was 
acted upon in those parts where it was in contact with the 
charcoal, but no where else. 

** When the platinum wire forming the positive electrode 
passed through the stopper to the bottom of the vessel, the 
hydrogen, in place of rising through the perforation in the 
stopper, as in the former instance, rose now into the re- 
ceiver, where, upon applying a light, it exploded, showing 
that it does not enter into combination with fluorine without 
the aid of heat. The presence of the vapour of hydrofluoric 
acid in the vessel prevented me from determining by other 
experiments how far fluorine was a supporter of combustion. 

“To determine the colour of the gas, a stopper of fluorspar 
similar to the former was made to fit one of the transparent 
fluorspar receivers formerly described. The gas evolved in 
the receiver appeared colourless. 


“« As the action of the gas upon glass could not be deter- 
mined, owing to the presence ofthe vapour of hydrofluoric acid, 
Ifusedin a bent tube of German glass (such as is used inorganic 
analysis) fluoride of lead. The wire holding the charcoal was 
made to pass through a cork inserted in one end of the tube, 
the other platinum wire merely dipped into the fused fluoride. 
On connecting the wires with the battery, strong electrolytic 
action commenced, bubbles of gas were evolved rapidly at 
the surface of the charcoal, which, on arriving at the surface 
of the fused fluoride of lead, acted instantly upon the glass. 
The litmus paper was not bleached, nor the gold leaf or 
platinum wire acted upon. Whether fluorine would act 
upon perfectly dry cold glass remains to be proved. 

“ Conclusion.—F luorine then, when obtained in an insulated 
state, is a colourless gas, possessing properties analogous in 
all respects to those of chlorine; having, like it, strong at- 
tractive powers for hydrogen and metals, but inferior to it 
in negative electrical energy.” 

2, Note on a Compound of Fluorine with Selenium. 

*‘ When the vapour of selenium is passed over fluoride of 
lead fused in the platinum apparatus employed in obtaining 
the fluorides of carbon and cyanogen, a seleniuret of lead is 
formed, and erystals similar in form to those of fluoride of 
earbon are condensed in the cold receiver. These crystals 
are soluble in strong hydrofluoric acid. They sublime un- 
altered at a high temperature. They are instantly decom- 
posed by water or acids, in which property they resemble the 
fluorides of sulphur and phosphorus.” 

The President read a paper, by the Rev. Dr. Robinson, 
M.R.LA., &c., on the recent Employment of Rockets to 
determine the Difference of Longitudes of Armagh and 
Dublin, and on the proposed Extension of this Operation to 
other British Observatories. 

In this paper, after alluding to the recommendation of the 


British Association at Edinburgh, and reviewing the history of 
the principal operations of the kind which have been hitherto 
performed, the author remarks that the Observatory of 
Armagh is unfavorably situated for comparison by signals 
with that of Dublin, though the distance is but sixty-eight 
miles; there being ground about four miles to the south of 
Armagh from 700 to 1200 feet of height; and a ridge from 
600 to 400 feet high, about fourteen miles north of Dublin. 
Lieutenant Larcom investigated all possible stations, giving 
for each its distance and azimuth, and the height above its 
summit to which the signal should be elevated to make it 
visible from both observatories. His help was of essential 
importance; and in consequence of the data supplied by 
him, the station Slieve Gullion was adopted; which is 1893 
feet high, and is distant eighteen miles from Armagh and 
fifty-one from Dublin, . At the latter its summit is a few 
seconds above the boundary of view, but, at the former, so 
much below that boundary, that a height of 800 feet above 
the summit would be required to clear it. Rockets were 
therefore necessary, and on applying for them to the 
Honourable Board of Ordnance, they were supplied from 
Woolwich with the utmost liberality. 

In the operations alluded to above, the rockets (supplied 
by the French Goverment) were what is called 2lbs. and 
carried 8 oz. of powder; a very great number of them did 
not rise to a sufficient height; and Dr. Robinson thought it 
unsafe to use any of less dimensions. 

The Ordnance also provided tents for the firing party 
and an escort of police was granted by Lieut.-Colonel 
M‘Gregor for their protection, which however proved quite 

On the 13th of May they were dispatched to the mountain, 
under the orders of Dr. Robinson’s eldest son, and established 
there in a few hours by the kind aid of the Rev. Dr. Camp- 
bell, Rector of Forkhill, which removed every difficulty ; and 


though it was very tempestuous, there were fired fourteett 
tockets on the 14th, thirteen on the 15th, twenty on the 20th, 
twenty onthe 21st, and nine on the 23rd, in all seventy-six. 
Of these, sixty-three were observed at Armagh, and fifty- 
three at Dublin, but only forty-two were simultaneous. The 
explosions were visible to the naked eye at Armagh, and 
to an ordinary nightglass at Dublin; they were however 
observed, at the latter, by Sir William Hamilton and Mr. 
Thompson, his assistant, with the equatorial of five inches 
aperture, and the dome clock; at the former by Dr. Robinson 
with the finder of his great equatorial (two inches three-fourths 
aperture) and its clock, and by Mr. Edmonson, his assistant, 
with a telescope (3,2 inches aperture) and the transit clock. 
A third observer also (but one not. much practised) observed 
them with the west equatorial. 

The time at each observatory was determined by a list 
of stars previously selected and reduced by the places of 
Encke’s Jahrbuch, so that it is conceived there ean be no 
uncertainty in the work except what arises from the personal 
equations of the observers, which Dr. Robinson hopes to 
determine on his way to Birmingham. ‘The numbers of the 
stars used on each night are stated, and also the probable 
errors of transit and rocket observations; and the probable 
mean of the whole work is inferred to give for the difference 
of longitudes of the two observatories, 1™ 14%, 425, exceeding 
the result of Mr. Dent’s chronometers by 0°, 035. 

The prosecution of these observations was interrupted 
by the full moon, but the certainty of their result appears 
sufficient without resuming them. As however there is a 
mountain in Leitrim where the rockets will be visible at once 
from Armagh, Dublin, and Mr. Cooper’s Observatory of 
Markree, in Sligo, the determination of the latter apppears 
sufficiently important to make Dr. Robinson select that 
station in case of pursuing the matter any further. But it 
is even more important to cross the Channel. These 2lb. 


tockets rose 800 yards; if fired at Plinlimmon, they will be 
visible at Dublin, and probably even at Oxford; on the 
other hand, from Knocklaid, near Ballycastle, county Antrim, 
they could be seen at points on the west coast of Scotland, 
which see Ben Lomond, and can be joined by powder signals 
on it with Edinburgh. This however would require a transit 
instrument to be established, but the object to be effected is 
so important that Dr. Robinson hopes to accomplish it. 

The President concluded his account of his First Series 
of Researches respecting Vibration, connected with the 
Theory of Light. The following is an outline of one of the 
investigations which are contained in the Series referred to. 

It is proposed to integrate the system of equations in 
mixed differences, 

D/O#, ,=3,,5(R- A, #, »)3 (1) 

in which # is any integer number from 1 to z inclusive; 

th is independent of ¢, but dx, , is a function of ¢ and of 
? 6? 

Eiprere, 49 the form of which function it is the object of the 
problem to discover ; 
= 1 n 2 
R= OSA g 0G ZayilA, a ") ); (2) 
@ being any real function of the semi-sum which follows it, 
and m being any other real function of the index g +Ag; 
while g and g+Ag represent any integer numbers from 

negative to positive infinity. The equations to be integrated 
may also be thus written: 


= Sete, AC oe 

R’ A,% 
g,h,t Ag & Eyhyt a 

"gh Say g Gane & E atut)? (1) 
in which 
me ” 2)\. , 
ss ainpectee #QZ 1G, 0) )i 4 

the functions to be found by integration are now those of 


the form a 142 considered as depending on ¢ and on 
@ pre, a3 their initial values, and initial rates of increase 
> 7 7 7 
(relatively to ¢), namely & of 0 and On 4,02 ate regarded as 
arbitrary but given and real functions of wpe o, “a it is 
3 3 

also supposed, in order to simplify the question, that all the 
sums of the forms 

a, A a 

ae of Aye a a 2B Ati) | 
A ie 
( a Me, n) ; 

are independent of g, and are = 0 when any one of the ex- 
ponents a,,...a, is an odd number. These equations are 


analogous to, and include, those which M. Cauchy has con- 
sidered in his memoir on the Dispersion of Light, and may 
be integrated by a similar analysis. 

A particular integral system may in the first place be 
found by assuming 

Ca hyt XA, , 08 (E, +s it— Son : ©, ii (4) 

Zay1 Air = 3 (5) 


5. wich ai iy Zw H ht thes i (6) 

H,,= =,,(R-+R’(A, 2, ,)) vers (s Zt u, A yi 3 ‘ (7) 

— A rd 
4 = =2, Age ng Ue, i VERS (3, 4,4, aE (7y 

the index r being any integer from 1 to.7, and being intro- 
duced in order to distinguish among themselves the x dif- 
ferent (and in general real) systems of values of s’, and of the 
n—1 ratios of A,,-.4,,--A,, which are obtained by resolving 

the system of the 7 equations of the form 


g —_v n 6 , 
Siig acimal eae ae (6) 

in which, by (7), 

zs rN IT 
HS He (7) 

It is important to observe, that by the form of these equa- 

tions (6)’, (which occur in many researches,) we have the 


201 A, q A s 0, Oy 

if q be different from 2; and that, by (5) and (5)’, we have 
also the relations 

a ae 
21 ar ro 1, (8) 
= 1 Ayr Air = 0. (8y 

In the particular integral (4), we may consider Usps + ot 
as arbitrary parameters, of which x_ and « are real and ar- 
bitrary, while s*. and a, are real and determined functions ; 

and hence, by summations relatively to the index 7, and 
integrations relatively to the parameters u,, employing also 

the relations (5) (5)' (8) (8)’, and Fourier’s theorem ex- 
tended to several variables, we deduce this general integral, 
applying to all arbitrary real values of the initial data: 

c hyt =(11,;\ _du,) ee cos +F, é sin) 3 @l ie, wi (9) 

in which 
ie By = CAM me eee \" ee (10) 
En. zai Las (%, cos ts -+ Y' cae sin ts,)> 

pineal ie ; 
= 3914 ee (2, cos ts + z's sin is, | 

n , 

g ee SB 
= > hoe 
ar ry Xa) ran ae 0’ r lh h,0? Fo 
| (12) 
n a= “ah 
Z,= 2 ay1 Sige Fn,0° 2ay1 Ane Fi, 0 

ERO = (=)'( (1,2 ma & sah 0 h,0 @I i g,i 

rE’ gee) "ue , 
h,0 2 =(5-) (a (G Ae Fy g,h, 0 (=.,1 i gyi 
3 “0 | 13) 
Vas (-)" (n Ve dx, % gE oy Ux x 
£7,0 2Qr. @1J—« g, h, 0 21 i g,i | 
f =( : Hl ae d \e sin(3,." Ub. % a 
Find = OS ay benee Bayi g,h,0 (j1 t St 

This general solution involves multiple integrals, of the 
order 2n; but many particular suppositions, respecting the 
initial data, conduct to simpler expressions, among which the 
following appear worthy of remark. 

Suppose that having assumed some particular set 
w',.-.w, of values of the » arbitrary quantities Uyy++-U, 

we deduce a corresponding set of coefficients H' hy? H ne PY 
the formule (7) and (7), and represent by sy 2 and by 
Ap Ay ree some one corresponding system of 

quantities which satisfy the equations 

no s2 <\ 
@14n1— 45 (5) 

N28 2c Nios Q f \\ 
ec Mamie ass We or oF aeRO (6) 

we shall then have, as a particular integral system, that 
which is thus denoted: 

od A A ry 4 9 ‘ 
Soht = * 1 Ay C8(e, Fst — Fit a i i)3 (4) 

x and ¢«, denoting here any arbitrary real quantities. If 


therefore we suppose that the initial data ae and &’ 
are all such as to agree with this particular solution, that is, 
if we have, for all values of g and h, 

Fao = 1 An O21 2oy 1%; rae (14) 

S_X_A sin ( € 

= , 
o5h0 = 171° &,1 1% ae i}? (14) 

we see, @ priori, that the multiple integrations ought to 
admit of being all effected in finite terms, so as to reduce 
the general expression (9) to the particular form (4); an 
expectation which the calculation, accordingly, @ posterioré, 
proves to be correct. An analogous but less simple re- 
duction takes place, when we suppose that the initial 
equations (14) and (14) hold good, after their second mem- 
bers have been multiplied by a discontinuous factor such as 

a(1 Ri a “sin(&3, jade. ua) an), (15) 
0 k 


which is = 1, or = 1, or = 0, according as the sum 

Za: a, ; 1s < 0,or=0, or>0. It is found that, in this 

case, the 2 2n successive integrations (required for the general 
solution) can in part be completely effected, and in the 
remaining part be reduced to the calculation of a simple 
definite integral ; in such a manner that the expression (9) 
now reduces itself rigorously to the following : 

As si 7 
Eke = 2X14), 1 co8(ey +its’, Zot : ©, i) | 
1 ° dk pete) 
pe xh eae (L,cos 2, anh. sin £,)3 | 
in which 
L,= Pk cos kx —@ ksinke, | 
a tah (17) 
M,= Pk sinke + @,k coska, | 


n =I: 
Pee A , 
Sel (4,,8, sinis,. = “is see An)» 

: (18) 
= 2 ry 
@, = 2, (Ap, C08 ds, « Za Ane A nr)? 
> ns 19 
mle tea? ) 
Pyke ENV DONT Liye Sh aN Ng oe ny ; 
ka’, = u,, Ka.=u.,, Co ce? (20) 

and $ ,A, are the same functions as before of UsyreeU 

A remarkable conclusion may now be drawn from these 
expressions, by supposing that all the quantities of the 
form s” are not only real but positive, so that the functions 

cos ¢s_and sin és, are periodic. For in this case the func- 
tions cos (¢s_ + ka) and sin (¢s_ = Ax) will vary rapidly, and 
pass often through all their fluctuations of value, between 

the limits 1 and —1, while & and the other functions of 
that variable remain almost unchanged, provided that 

eee large, and that the denominator 4? — k” is not 
extremely small. We may therefore in general confine 
ourselves to the consideration of small values of this deno- 
minator; and consequently may put it under the form 
2k (k — i’), making k= kin the numerator, except under 
the periodical signs, and integrating relatively to & between 
any two limits which include %, for example between 
—o and +o. And because 

ns 4 ah cae 
ZoyiAnrdni = bor = 0, 

according as 7 = 1 or >1, we may make 

PAN c ens 
ve =Any sin tS 1 a= AS cos ts,, 

Be opera : wa! ped AS Srse7 
L,= k A’, Sin (és, ka), M,= k A’, 1 COS (és, kx) 


,— FX,A 1 

S cos (¢, + ts, — Fa) ita gy Sette) | (21) 


that is, nearly, if x be considerably different from ie P 

St =x ia 11 CO8(Ey + ts, — Kx) 
co Qly 
ds\ ) ( 
ar 5m (FE 4) §- 
We have therefore the approximate expressions: 
\ ds 
Sones tag OOK yt aie ee Ss ee) 
Bo ye 0, 4h eS oe (22) 
SG Ris dk’ 
we have also nearly, in general, 
=x‘ a’ cos (e+ ts — Fx), if x rp Biss (22)" 
Ae g° sh hyl Ge 1 ir Ce = dk? 

: : S ds’, . 
but the discussion of the case when x is nearly = tris too 

long to be cited here. The formula (22) for ce 4, ¢ Coin- 

cides with the particular integral (4)'; and the condition 
which it involves with respect to x, expresses the law ac- 
cording to which this particular integral comes to be 
mae true for greater and greater positive values of x and 

t, ae *>0,) after having been true only for negative values 

of x when ¢ was = 0. 

In the particular case » = 3, the foregoing formule 
have an immediate dynamical application, and correspond 
to the propagation of vibratory motion through a system of 
mutually attracting or repelling particles ; and they conduct 


to this remarkable result, that the velocity with which such 
vibration spreads into those portions of the vibratory medium 
which were previously undisturbed, is in general different from 
the velocity of a passage of a given phase from one particle to 
another within that portion of the medium which is already 
fully agitated ; since we have 


velocity of transmission of phase = _ 

velocity of propagation of vibratory motion = (B) 

if the rectangular components of the vibrations themselves 
be represented by the formule 

XA COS (e-+-st—kx), XA» cos (e++st—kx), xa3cos (est —ka), (C) 

t being the time, and z being the perpendicular distance of 
the vibrating point from some determined plane. 

This result, which is believed to be new, includes as a 
particular case that which was stated in a former communi- 
cation to the Academy, on the 11th of February last, 
(Proceedings, No. 15, page 269,) respecting the propa- 
gation of transversal vibration along a row of equal 
and equidistant particles, of which each attracts the two 
that are immediately before and behind it; in which par- 

ticular question s was = 2a sin 5° and the velocity of pro- 

pagation of vibration was = a cos = Applied to the theory 

of light, it appears to show that if the phase of vibration 
in an ordinary dispersive medium be represented for some 
one colour by 

eT E—*) oy 

so that \ is the length of an undulation for that colour and 


for that medium, and if it be permitted to represent dis- 
3 : ier oi ere 
persion by developing the velocity — of the transmission of 

phase in a series of the form 
1 2 2 , 
—= Mo —m(F yi +m (> aay — &e., (A) 

then the velocity wherewith light of this colour conquers 
darkness, in this dispersive medium, by the spreading of 
vibration into parts which were not vibrating before, is some- 

1 : 2 . 
what less than Pi being represented by this other series 

— 3M, (= ary + 5M Sher &e. (BY 

For other details of this inquiry it is necessary to refer 
to the memoir itself, which will be published in the Trans- 
actions of the Academy, and will be found to contain many 
other investigations respecting vibrating systems, with ap- 
plications to the theory of light. 

The two golden torques found at Tara, and exhibited 
on a former occasion by Mr. Petrie (see ProcrEpines, 
p- 274), having been purchased from Messrs. West by sub- 
scription, they were this evening presented to the Acatleny 
by Mr. Petrie, in the name of the subscribers. 

It was Resouvep—That the Subscription List be printed* 
in the Procrrepines; and that the marked thanks of the 
Academy be given to those gentlemen, who, not being mem- 
bers thereof, joined in the subscription. 

* Tt will be found under the head of Donations. 


The President delivered the following Address : 

Before the present session closes, as it is now about to do, Iam 
to inform you, that your Council have continued to consider the 
expediency of awarding any medal or medals, from the resources of 
the Cunningham Fund, to any of the papers which had been com- 
municated to us for publication, within the last few years, and which 
had not previously been so distinguished; adopting still the same 
plan of triennial cycles, and the same principles connected with that 
plan, which have been announced to you on former occasions ; and 
thinking themselves bound to lean rather to the side of caution, than 
to that of indulgence, in deliberating on questions of this kind. 
The award of a medal, in the name of a learned body, is attended 
with a grave responsibility. It does not indeed pronounce, in the 
name of the Society, on the rigorous accuracy, or perfect novelty, 
of the paper which is thus marked out; but it at least offers the 
peculiar thanks of that Society to the author of that paper, and 
expresses a desire, on the part of the body, to be connected, to a 
peculiar degree, in present observation and in future history, with 
the communication for which the honour is awarded. The with- 
holding of a medal is, for the converse reason, no expression of 
unfavourable opinion, nor any denial of the existence of a large 
share of positive merit in the paper or papers which it is thus for- 
borne to distinguish : even when the principle of competition does 
not happen to come into play, and when no other essay, of the 
same class and cycle, is adjudged to have superior pretensions. It 
has, however, appeared to your Council, that they were authorized 
and bound to award a medal to Mr. Petrie, for his Paper on thes 
History and Antiquities of Tara Hill, printed in the Second Part of 
the Eighteenth Volume of the Transactions of this Academy; as 
being, in their opinion, the most important of those which were 
communicated to us, during the three years ending with December, 
1838, in the departments of Polite Literature and Antiquities ; and 
as possessing also such amount of positive merit and interest as to 
entitle it to this mark of distinction. Having attended the discus- 
sions which took place in the Committees on the merits of the va- 
rious papers, and on Mr. Petrie’s Essay in particular, I shall venture 


now to lay before you, in the briefest possible manner, a few of the 
grounds of this award ; without attempting to offer a complete state- 
ment of those grounds, or anything approaching to a full analysis 
of the memoir itself, which memoir indeed will very soon, be in 
your hands. 

Mr. Petrie’s Essay may be considered as consisting of two prin- 
cipal parts: the first containing an account of Events connected with 
Tara, compiled from Irish manuscripts and illustrative of the His- 
tory of Ireland; and the second part being devoted to an identifica- 
tion of the existing Remains, including an examination of the various 
descriptive notices also contained in ancient Irish manuscripts. The 
documents brought forward, possess a great degree of curiosity 
and interest; many of them, also, are now for the first time pub- 
lished ; and (which is of importance to observe) are given in an 
entire, unmutilated form ; accompanied with literal translations, and 
with philological and other notes, adapted to increase their value 
to the student of the ancient literature and history of Ireland. And 
what gives to these literary relics a value and an interest perhaps 
greater than, or at least different from, what might attach to them if 
considered merely as curious fragments, illustrative of the mode of 
thinking and feeling in times long passed away, is the circumstance 
that the accuracy of their topographical descriptions has been tested 
by recent and careful examination. The resources of the Ordnance 
Survey have been called in, to check or to confirm, by appeal to exist- 
ing vestiges, the statements still preserved of the writers of former 
centuries, respecting the relics of what was even then an ancient and 
almost forgotten greatness; the time-worn traces have been mea- 
sured, and compared with those old descriptions; and an agreement 
has been found, which establishes as well the truly wonderful anti- 
quity of the remains still to be found at Tara, on what was once, and 
for so many centuries, the royal hill of Ireland, as the correctness 
and authenticity of documents, which it has been little the fashion 
to esteem. 

It is this clear establishment of the authenticity of what had been 
commonly thought doubtful, this employment of a manifestly rigorous 
method of inquiry in what had seemed to many persons a region of 
fancy and of fable, in a word this evident approach to the character 
of scientific proof, which has made (I own) a stronger impression on 


my own mind, and (I believe) on the minds of others too, than even 
the literary and antiquarian interest of those curious and valuable 
details (such as the Hymn of Patrick, and the particulars respecting 
the Lia Fail, or ancient Coronation Stone of Ireland,) brought for- 
ward in the present Essay. I shall not venture here to give utterance 
to any opinion respecting the extent to which the once common and 
still lingering prejudice against the value and authenticity of Irish 
Manuscripts, almost against the very existence of any ancient History 
or Literature of Ireland, may have been removed or exposed before, 
by the labours of other antiquaries. But it may be allowed me to 
express a conviction, that it is only by pursuing some such plan as that 
exemplified in Mr. Petrie’s Essay, namely, by a diligent examination 
of existing Irish Manuscripts, and of existing Irish Remains, and by an 
unreserved publication of all which may be found in the one and in 
the other, that full historic certainty can be attained, respecting the 
ancient state of Ireland. And that if, on the other hand, this dili- 
gent search be made, and this full and free publication, they will not 
fail to produce a clearness and convergence of opinions, among all 
who attend to these subjects ; and will throw such a steady light, 
not on Irish History alone, but on other cognate histories, as will 
repay the labour and expense required for such an enterprize. 

The Royal Irish Academy has already, from its limited means, 
contributed much to accomplish this object, or to prepare materials 
for accomplishing it. By purchase or transcription, we have gra- 
dually collected originals, or carefully collated copies, of many of 
the most valuable manuscripts which are extant, in the ancient 
Trish language. At ano slight expense, our volumes of Transactions 
have been and still continue open to receive such fruits of diligent 
and judicious research, in this department of study, as are contained 
in the paper on Tara. The sum which, by a recent vote, has been 
placed at the disposal of the Council, will enable them to push on 
with vigour the printing and engraving of that other elaborate work 
of the same author, which was honoured with the award of a medal 
here some years ago,—the Essay (by Mr. Petrie) on the Round 
Towers of Ireland. And the liberality of Members concurs with 
that of extern Subscribers to place, from time to time, upon our 
table, such splendid donations of ancient Irish Relics, as the Cross 
and the Torques of this evening. 


It is, however, to the resources of the Nation that we must look, 
to aid us in accomplishing what is truly a national object. As it was 
long ago pronounced to be a symptom of the health of a State, and 
an element in its well-being, that all should interest themselves in 
the weal of each, and that if one member suffer, the whole body 
should suffer with it; in order that thus whatever injury was 
offered to a part might be repelled by the energy of the whole, and 
that every limb might be animated by one pervading vigour: so too 
it is another fruit and sign of the dignity and happiness of brother- 
hood, another opposite and contrast to the misery of savage isola- 
tion, when not the present only of a nation’s life, but the past and 
future also are regarded with a vivid interest ; and, caring for poste- 
rity, men care for their ancestors likewise. Each people owes it to 
the human race, to do what in it lies for preserving its own separate 
history, and guarding its own annals from decay: and each, accord- 
ing to its power, should cheer and help the rest in their exertions to 
accomplish this, which is an object common to all. Ireland is rich 
in records of an ancient civilization ; and looks with a just hope to 
Britain for assistance towards rescuing those records from obli- 
vion, and from the risk of perishing obscurely. Though this Aca- 
demy possesses many manuscripts, and although many are contained 
in the Library of our national University, enough has not been done 
until they have been placed beyond all danger of destruction, and 
made accessible to students every where, by printing and by publish- 
ing them, with notes and with translations, such as can be sup- 
plied by some of the few persons who are now versed in the ancient 
Irish Language. For doing all this well, opportunities can now be 
had, which the lapse of a generation may almost remove, which the 
casualties of each year may diminish. 

We have had more occasions than one to hear, this evening, of the 
assistance recently and wisely given by Government to Science. Nor 
ought (I think) the presence of the representative of our Sovereign 
and Patron, to restrain me from avowing the hope, in which you all 
will join, that our desire, long since expressed, for the publication of 
our Irish Records, may after no long time be granted; and that the 
State may soon resolve to undertake, or to assist in undertaking, a 
task for which the materials and the labourers are ready, but of which 


the expense, though to a Nation trifling, is too great for an Academy 
to bear. 

Of the possibility of accomplishing that task, and of the fruit 
which may be expected from so doing, if a proof and specimen } 
sought, they may be found in that Essay, on the History and Anti- 
quities of Tara Hill, for which I now, in the name of this Academy, 
present this Medal to its Author. 

The President then delivered the Gold Medal to George 
Petrie, Esq., R.H.A., M.R.LA., and the Academy adjourned 
to November. 


The Cross of Cong. Presented by Professor Mac Cul- 

Bulletins de 0 Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
Lettres de Bruxelles. Presented by the Academy. 

Two golden Torques found at Tara. Presented by the 


The Gentlemen whose names are marked thus *, are not Members of the Academy. 

£s. d. £ os. d. 

Professor MacCullagh . 1010 0] Rev. Dr. Singer, F.T.C.D. 2 2 0 

Robert Callwell, Esq. - 10 10 O| Rev. Dr. Elrington, F.T.C.D. 2 2 0 

T. A. Larcom, Esq., R. E. 5 5 0O| Rev. J. H. Todd, F.T.C.D. 5 5 0 

William Stokes, M.D. - 5 5 O| Rev. W. D. Sadleir, F.T.C.D. 2 2 0 

Aquilla Smith, M.D. - 2 2 0} Rev. C. Graves, F.T.C.D.. 2 2 0 

James Pim, Jun., Esq. . 2 2 O]| Rev. R.V. Dixon, F.T.C.D. 1 1 0 

Thomas Coulter, M.D. . 2 2 0| A.S. Hart, Esq. F.T.C.D. 2 2 0 

George Petrie, Esq. . - 1 1 O| Rev. T. M‘Neece, F.T.C.D. 2 2 0 

Samuel Ferguson, Esq. . 1 1 0| Joseph Carson, Esq. F.T.C.D.2 2 0 

R. C. Walker, Esq. .« - 1 1 0] The Archbishop of Dublin, 5 0 0 

Rev. Cesar Otway, . 1 1 O| The President, : ah eee LO 

*Messrs. Hodges and Smith, 4 4 0} George Kennedy,M.D. . 1 1 0 
* Messrs. West, . - 5 5 O|}|} Rev. George S. Smith, 22 0 
Rev. Professor Tilovt, 10 10 0} Rev. Dr. Drummond, 1 1 0 

The Provost, T.C.D. - 5 5 O| J.S. Cooper, Esq. . 1 1 0 

Rey. Dr. Wall, F.T.C.D.. 5 5 0O| M. Barrington, Esq. Ped 0 

a The names are given in the order of subscription, according to the list kept by 
Messrs. Hodges and Smith. 

Arthur Hamilton, Esq. 
William Edington, Esq. 
Rey. Dr. Dickinson, 
*Thomas Hutton, Esq. . 
John Anster, LL.D. 
*Robert Smith, M.D. . 
Robert Ball, Esq. 
Robert Mallet, Esq. . 
F. W. Conway, Esq. 
*Edward Clibborn, Esq. 
Thomas Bergin, Esq. : 
*Reyv. J. Malet, F.T.C.D. . 
Thomas Beatty, M.D. é 
Professor Butt, ‘ 
*James Fagan, Esq. . . 
Professor Litton, M.D. . 
*W. Torrens Mac Cullagh,. 
Major Jones, . : 
Professor Apjohn, M. D. F 
Charies W. Hamilton, Esq. 
John Hamilton, Esq. 
R. P. Williams, Esq. 
M. M. O’Grady, M. D. 
Robert Kane, M. D.. : 
Wm. Digges La Touche, Esq. 
G. Carr, Esq. . 
Rev. Dr. M‘Donnell, F. T. C. D. 
A. Palmer, M.D. 

(aR a Cp Oey eT rr eee enya ay 

Ree ORM SE BNE eee EB OR eR ee ee ee ee ee ee 2 



George Pim, F'sq. 
George Downes, Esq. 
Joseph M. Ferrall, Esq. 
J. F. Lynch, Esq. . 
Jacob Owen, Esq. . 
Thomas Grubb, Esq. 

I. M. D’Olier, Esq. . 

Charles T. Webber, Esq. . 

Alexander Boyle, Esq. 

Rev. Dr. Horner, . 

Charles P. Croker, M.D. 
*George Roe, Esq. 

*Sir Philip Crampton, Bart. 

Haliday Bruce, Esq. 
*James Magee, Esq. . 

J. W. Cusack, M.D.. 

J. A. Nicholson, Esq. 

Richard Carmichael, Esq. . 

*Daniel Nugent, Esq. 

*Captain Battersbee, R.E. . 

George James Knox, Esq. 

The Dean of St. Patrick’s . 

Captain Larcom, R.N. 

Thomas Drummond, Esq. 

Acheson Lyle, Esq. . 
D. H. Kelly, Esq. 
R. J. Graves, M.D. . 



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1839. No. 19. 

November 11. 
SIR Wo. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

William Hill, Esq., and John A. Bowles, Esq., were 
elected Members of the Academy. 

Mr. Morrison, by permission of the Academy, read a 
statement of the nature and objects of the Institute of Ar- 
chitects of Ireland. 

Resotvrp,—That the Academy has heard with pleasure 
of the establishment of this institution, and shall be always 
happy to learn the prosperity of an establishment connected 
essentially with the progress of an art so important to the best 
interests of society. 


Mr. Ball read a paper “on the Bolina Hibernica,” by 
Robert Patterson, Esq., Member of the Natural History 
Society of Belfast. 

In a note appended to his paper on the Cydippe Pomi- 
formis, (Trans. R. I. A., vol. xix., part 1, page 96), the au- 
thor had mentioned the occurrence on the Irish coast of a 
species of ciliograde, which he had named provisionally Bo- 
lina Hibernica. A large number having been taken in the bay 

of Bangor, county of Down, on the 11th of July, 1839, the 


drawings now brought forward were executed from living 

The movement of this Beroé was stated to be less viva- 
cious than that of the Cydippe pomiformis, and it is much 
more susceptible of external injury. The long-continued 
action of certain portions of the cilia, after the animal was 
broken to pieces, was mentioned ; the variety of aspect pre- 
sented by the tentacula described ; and the situation of cer- 
tain whitish cords or vessels minutely detailed. The lobes 
of the mouth were shown by the figures not to occupy more 
than one-fifth of the entire length. The body is transparent, 
and, when agitated in the dark, becomes highly luminous—a 
property not possessed after death. 

In conclusion, the author enumerated the localities in 
which it had been hitherto observed, and proposed some 
brief specific characters by which it might be distinguished. 

Rev. Dr. Dickinson gave a verbal account of a remark- 
able waterspout, which he had observed at Killiney during 
the last summer. 

Towards the end of the month of July, about 10 a.™., 
while standing on the shore of the bay of Killiney, his at- 
tention was directed by a friend to a waterspout, distant 
about a quarter of a mile from the land. It was not similar 
in form to the representations of waterspouts usually given, 
and may therefore deserve to be noticed. It was shaped 
like a double syphon, the whole being suspended at a con- 
siderable elevation in the air ; the longer end of the syphon 
reached towards the sea, and appeared to approach it 
nearer and nearer, till, at length, its waters were distinctly 
seen rushing into the deep. The loop gradually lowered, as 
if sinking and lengthening by its own weight, while the up- 
per part of the syphon seemed not to lose in elevation. At 
length the loop burst, and there were three streams of water 
pouring into the sea, two of those streams still continuing 


united by the arch at the top. The breadth of these streams 
gradually diminished till they became invisible, but their 
length seemed undiminished as long as they were at all seen. 
The quantity of water poured down must have been very 
considerable, as the bubbling of the sea beneath could be 
distinctly observed. 

Dr. Dickinson was informed that a waterspout fell a few 
days after inland, towards the Three-Rock mountain. It is 
said to have done some injury ; but his informant did not see 
it, and he could not, therefore, ascertain its shape. 


Memoires de Ul Institut de France, Sciences Morales et Po- 
litiques. Tom. II., Serie 2. Presented by the Institute. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de I Aca- 
démie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Nos. 24 and 25. Premier Semestre, 1839; Nos. 1--19. 
Deuxieme Semestre, 1839. Presented by the Academy. 

Memoires de lV Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. 
Petersbourg. Serie 6. 

Sciences Mathematiques, §c. Tome IV., Liv. 1 et 2. 

Sciences Politiques, §c. Tome IV., Liv. 1, 2, et 3. 

Par Divers Savans. Tome IV., Liv. 1 et 2. 

Recueil des Actes de l Académie Impériale des Sciences 
de St. Petersbourg. 1837. 

Presented by the Academy. 

Memoires de la Societe Geologique de France. Tom. II., 
Partie 2, Presented by the Society. 

Oversight over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes 
Selskabs Forhandlinger og deis Medlemmers Arbeider i 
Aaret. 1838. 

Collectanea Meteorologica sub auspiciis Societatis Scienti- 
arum Danice edita. 1889. 

Presented by the Royal Society of Copenhagen. 


Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 
1839. Vol. VI., Part 2. Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. No. 7. 
Presented by the Society. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute, for 1839. Vol. XXIII. 
Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 39. Presented 
by the Society. 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 
XIV., Part 1. 

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Nos. 
13, 14, and 15. 

Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the Botanical Society of London. Vol. 1., 
Part 1. Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the Committee of Commerce and Agri- 
culture of the Royal Asiatic Society. Presented by the 

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. Vol. 
III., Part 2. Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the Numismatic Society of London, for 
1837 and 1838. Presented by the Society. 

Reports of the British Association for the Meetings held 
in Dublin and Newcastle. Presented by the Association. 

Ordnance Survey of Kildare. 42 Sheets, &c. Pre- 
sented by his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. 

The second, fourth, and fifth Reports of the Commission- 
ers for the Improvement of the Navigation of the Shannon. 
4 Vols. Presented by the Secretary for Ireland. 

A Manuscript, entitled “ Esquisse d'une Histoire primi- 
tive des iles Britanniques.” By the Baron De Donop, 
Hon. M.R.I.A. Presented by the Author. 

On a new Species of Entomostraca. By F. M‘Coy, Esq. 
Presented by the author. 


Derrick’s Letters. Presented by Aquilla Smith, M.D. 

A modern Irish Manuscript, containnmg Poems by John 
O'Connell, Owen O’Rathaile, and others. Presented by the 
Rey. Edward Marks. 

A Review of Lyell’s “* Elements of Geology.” Presented 
by Dr. Fitton. 

Tracts on Docks and Commerce, §c. By Wm. Vaughan, 
Esq., F.R.S. Presented by the author. 

A Narrative of Captain D. Woodard’s Sufferings and 
Escape from the Malays, §c. Presented by William 
Vaughan, Esq. 

Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D. By his son, N. 
J. Bowditch, Esq. Presented by the author. 

Report on the Magnetic Isoclinal and Isodynamic Lines 
in the British Islands. Presented by the contributors. 

The Herald of Peace. Nos. 1—7. Also, a Volume of 
Tracts of the Peace Society. Presented by Joshua Abell, 

Sketch of the Geology of North America. By Charles 
Daubeny, M.D., &c. Presented by the author. 

Rara Mathematica. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, 
Esq., F.R.S., &c. Presented by the Editor. 

Hlalliwell’s Hints to Novices in Manuscript Literature. 
Presented by the author. 

Dublin Metropolitan Police Report for 1838. Pre- 
sented by the Commissioners of Police. 


The Lower Stone of an ancient Mill. Presented by 
Arthur Hatfield, Esq. 

A Bronze Belt, of a peculiar form. Presented by 
Henry Watson, Esq. 

An ancient Spear Head. 


November 30 (Stated Meeting.) 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

Mr. Herrick presented to the Academy an ancient wooden 
vessel, found at a considerable depth in Meenskehy bog, 
near Mill-street, in the county of Cork. Mr. Herrick ob- 
served that some gold ornaments, and a brazen spear head, 
had been found some years ago in the same locality. 

The thanks of the Academy were returned to Mr. Herrick 
for his donation. 

Mr. Ball read a paper “ on a Species of Loligo, found on 
the Shore of Dublin Bay.” 

After some general observations on the importance and 
interest attached to the study of cephalopodous Mollusca, 
the author proceeded to state, that about three years since 
the subject of his paper was brought to him, with other 
rejectamenta of the sea, collected after a storm, by his 
friend, T. W. Warren, Esyg. Finding that it was not of a . 
species recorded as British, he endeavoured in vain to trace 
a description of it in foreign works; he therefore, but not 
without hesitation, presumed it to be nondescript. Its di- 
mensions are the following :— 

Extreme length, to the end of tentacula, 10.0 inches. 

Do. of the body or mantle, 3.1 Pe 

Do. of the head, «: ©. <5, . ¥.6 re 
Average length ofarms, . . . . . . 28 uy 
Geneth of tentacula, yy.) 2.0830 Gwe OO, Vo as 
Breadth of hny” Yipee. cere eet OU *¢ 
Length offin, . . . ewe GA eas Ska i8 
Extreme breadth of bag, opine. 7) YL eee 
Length of dorsallamina,. . . . + .3.5 4, 

Extreme breadth of dorsallamina, . .0.2  ,, 


Breadth of largest horny hoops of ace- 
Prbulaspabout! y, < sits Ac< ooxin <wosdten «0! 2. inches: 

Reference to the Diagrams. 
1. Figure of Loligo Eblane, half the natural size. 
2, Termination of tentacula, with acetabula, natural size. 
8. Dorsal lamina, natural size. 

4, Beak, natural size. 

5, Magnified figure of an acetabulum, or sucker, to show 
its peduncle. 

6,7. Magnified figures of horny hoops of acetabula. 

It was thus shown to be of much shorter proportions 
than the Loligo vulgaris. Its body is urn-shaped. The large 
fin, which is somewhat inequilateral, approximates to an 
ellipse in form, and resembles not a little the fin of Loligo 
Brongnartii, as figured by Ferussac, to which it also bears 
likeness, in the structure of its five-ribbed dorsal lamina; 
but it differs from this animal in its general proportions, and 
in the horny hoops of its acetabula, which have in each of the 


twelve largest in the tentacula about thirty-six sharp and 
equal teeth. ‘The general form of the whole animal much re- 
sembles Onychoteuthis Leachii—a cephalopod of a different 
genus, with which it may be confounded by a casual observer. 
Mr. Ball proposed to name the species Loligo Eblanz.* 

In addition to the foregoing, the following species of 
Loligo have fallen under Mr. Ball’s notice, as occurring in the 
Irish seas :— 

Loligo sagittata var. differing in the shortness of its ten- 
tacula from the figure given by Ferussac. Several speci- 
mens were taken off the coast of Cork by George Allman, 

Loligo vulgaris. 

Loligo media. 

Loligo media var.—easily distinguished by its greater 
proportionate length of body, and by the shortness of its 
tentacula, from the true L. media; in the form of the fin ter- 
nating its mantle, it strongly resembles Loligo subulata. A 
few specimens, obtained on the coast of Down by the late J. 

Montgomery, Esq., were submitted to Mr. Ball’s inspection 
by W. Thompson, Esq.+ 

_ Mr. Clarke read a paper “on atmospheric Electricity.” 
The author commenced his paper with a description of 
the apparatus which he had employed in the experimental 
investigation of this subject. He showed the inapplicability 
of the electrometers hitherto employed, and exhibited an 

* The ancient name of Dublin. 

t Since the foregoing was written, Mr. Ball was favoured with an inspection 
of Cuttle-fish bones, found at different times on Magilligan Strand, county of Derry, 
by Mr. Hyndman, of Belfast. They seem to be those of Sepia rupellaria, figured in 
Ferussac’s third plate of Sepia. His attention was also directed to beaks of Cuttle- 
fish, found in the stomachs of Delphinus melas and Hyperoodon bidens. They 
belonged to a species of Cephalopod he has not yet determined. As he purposes 
writing a monograph of the Cephalopoda of the Irish seas, he requests information 
on the subject from all who can afford it. 



highly insulated galvanometer, containing about three thou-- 
sand turns of very fine wire covered with silk, varnished 
and baked,—which instrument, although exquisitely sen- 
sitive to the feeblest voltaic electricity, was not at all acted 
upon by atmospheric electricity of the low tension which 
exists during serene weather in this country. Mr. Clarke 
added, that although the application of such an instrument 
would be a great desideratum in experiments on atmospheric 
electricity, and in this point of view had been recommended 
by the highest scientific authorities in Europe, yet he had 
reason to think that it had never, in any country, been de- 
flected by atmospheric electricity in serene weather. 

The author then exhibited the electrometer which he 
had devised for, and used in his experiments on this subject. 
It consisted of a bell of glass, seven inches in diameter, 
through the side of which passed a sliding graduated rod, 
furnished with a vernier, which indicated the distance, in 
hundredths of an inch, through which a single pendent slip 
of leaf gold was attracted towards the rod which was in 
connexion with the earth. The slip of leaf gold was attached 
to a vertical and well insulated rod, which passed through a 
collar of leathers, and could therefore be raised or depressed, 
as required by the varying intensity, so that the lower end 
of the leaf should always, when electrified, be a tangent 
to the ball terminating the graduated rod. 

The author then alluded to the received opinion, that the 
Aurora Borealis is an electric discharge of considerable in- 
tensity occurring near the polar regions, at great heights in 
the atmosphere, where the air is necessarily rare, and where, 
consequently, the electric light (as shown in our artificial 
imitation of the phenomenon) must be very much diffused 
and ramified. Hoping to throw light upon this subject, 
he had made a series of observations on the electric intensity 
of the twenty-four hours, commencing at mid-day on the 12th 
of November, 1838, and continued at intervals of fifteen 


minutes,—except during the appearance of the ‘Aurora, 
when they were made every five minutes, and even oftener. 
The results of these observations were laid down in a chart, 
which exhibited the intensity of the electric fluid during 
these twenty-four hours, a period including that of the mag- 
nificent crimson Aurora, which was observed on the night 
of the 12th, and morning of the 13th of November, 1838, 
over every portion of the globe. It appeared, by this 
chart, that the electric intensity during the existence of this 
magnificent display of Auroral light was but little above the 
mean electric intensity of that hour during the month; from 
which the author inferred that this phenomenon, if at all 
electric, occurred at such a distance as to be unable to affect 
the apparatus. 

The author then proceeded to give an account of the ex- 
tended series of experiments which he had undertaken at the 
recommendation of the Academy, and which he had continued 
during twelve months, at intervals of fifteen minutes, during 
at leastten days,and from three to seven nights in each month. 
He stated, that when he had undertaken this series of expe- 
riments, he had the following objects in view—namely, to 
determine the mean amount of electric intensity existing in 
this country, at the different hours of day and night, and 
the periods of maxima and minima; and, secondly, to en- 
deavour to trace the cause of this varying intensity to 
the influence of some of the recognised agents in nature,— 
such as the variations of atmospheric pressure; the vari- 
ations of temperature ; or the varying quantity of vapour in 
our atmosphere. 

He was happy to announce, that he had not only deter- 
mined the mean monthly, and annual force of electricity at 
the several hours of the day and night, but also had succeeded 
in establishing its dependence upon two, out of the three 
agents, with which he had originally proposed to investigate 
its connexion. The two with which he has established its 


connexion and proved its dependence are, temperature, and 
the total quantity of moisture present in the air, as shown by 
the dew point. Indeed these two phenomena, as the author 
remarked, are referribie to each other, the temperature pro- 
ducing evaporation, and the force of electricity at any 
period being shown to be almost exactly proportional to 
the tension of the vapour so produced. 

The hour of the first electric minimum was shown to 
be about 3 a.M., the electricity increasing with the tem- 
perature until 10 a.m., when a slight decrease occurred ; 
the electric tension again commences rising at about 11 a. M.; 
and continues to increase until about 2" 45™, Pp. m.—all 
these movements being in exact proportion to the elevation 
of the dew point and temperature. At 3 p.m. the dew point 
and temperature begin gradually to lower, as does also the 
electricity (but not so quickly); but from 5 to 7 p.., the 
electric intensity rises, being acted upon and increased by 
the precipitation of the evening dew, which has set free the 
latent electricity of the condensed vapour, in conformity 
with the experiment of Volta. Again, from 7 p. M., the 
electric intensity weakens rapidly, and descends in common 
with the dew point and temperature, until they all reach their 
minimum about 3 a.m. 

Thus the patient investigation of this subject has laid 
bare the cause of the varying diurnal intensity of the elec- 
tric fluid,—showing it to be the result of evaporation, which, 
besides its agency in carrying the electric fluid from our 
earth to the upper regions of the air, daily returns it to us 
by the conducting power of this vapour, in the direct pro- 
portion of its quantity. 

Dr. Smith read a paper ‘‘on the Irish Coins of Ed- 
ward the Fourth,” the chief object of which was to endea- 
vour to fix the dates of the numerous coinages of this reign 
with more precision than had been attained before. 


The coins were divided into four sections, each distin- 
guished by its peculiar type,—the Irish, the Anglo-Irish, the 
English, and the coins with three crowns on the reverse. 

In the first section the author pointed out the distinc- 
tions not previously recognised, between the groats and 
the pennies of Henry the Sixth, and those of Edward the 
Fourth, and showed that some of Edward’s coins have been 
heretofore erroneously appropriated to Henry the Sixth. 

In the second section proofs were adduced in corrobo- 
ration of Mr. Lindsay’s opinion concerning the date (1465) 
of the coins engraved in Snelling’s Supplement to Simon, 
Pl. I. Figs. 18, 19, and also that the coinage of 1467 was 
erroneously described by Simon as having “ a crown on one 
side,” instead of “a face and crown.” Two unpublished and 
unique specimens of this coinage were described,—the 
double groat of Drogheda, the earliest com known from this 
mint, in the cabinet of the Rev. Mr. Butler of Trim; and 
the half groat of Trim, in the cabinet of the Dean of St. Pa- 
trick’s, Some remarks were made on the difference between 
the Tower and the Troy pound, which have been frequently 
confounded by the writers on Irish coins. _ 

The coins with the King’s head on the obverse, and a 
rose, instead of pellets, in the centre of the reverse, Dr. 
Smith considers to have been coined in 1470; and he sup- 
ported his opinion by reference to the Act of the first of 
Richard the Third, and by other evidence. 

In the third section, two unpublished and unique coins 
were described ,—the half groat of Drogheda, in the Dean of 
St. Patrick’s cabinet ; and the half groat of Trim, in that of the 
Rev. Mr. Butler ;—and some reasons were assigned to show 
that the letter G, which is found on most of the groats of 
Drogheda, Dublin, and Waterford, was the initial of Ger- 
myn Lynch, the master of the mint. 

In the fourth section Dr. Smith remarked that Sir James 
Ware, or the writers since his time, had not given any ex- 


planation of the meaning of the term “ cross-keele groats;” 
and stated his opinion that it was the Irish word cpoé caol, 
(cross-keale, or slender cross,) and that it was applied by 
the native Irish to distinguish the groats of this period from 
the other kinds with a broader cross, which were in circula- 
tion. There are many instances of coins being denominated 
from some peculiarity of their type, e.g. Angel, Salute, 
Harpers, Sc. 

Many other points of interest to numismatists were fully 
considered in this communication, and accurate drawings of 
the coins described were exhibited. 

Dr. Apjohn read a note by George J. Knox, Esq., “on 
the oxidating Power of Glass for Metals, and on the want 
of Transparency in ancient Glass.” 

‘In alate work, which treats of the manufacture of glass, 
an experiment of Guyton Morveau is mentioned, in which 
six per cent. of copper filings having been mixed with 
pounded glass, and the compound completely melted, it was 
found to have assumed a red colour uniformly diffused 
throughout the mass, so deep as to render the glass nearly 
opaque. The experiment originated from a workman in the 
glasshouse having dipped a heated copper ladle into a pot 
of fused glass. The copper ladle was melted ; the casting 
and annealing of the plates were proceeded with as usual ; 
and on their completion the workmen were surprised to find, 
that not only were grains of metallic copper embedded in 
the substance of the glass, but bands uniformly coloured of 
a fine bright red, were distributed throughout the mass. 

“The experiment of Guyton Morveau, being but a repe- 
tition of the accidental one made by the workman, seems to 
have but little engaged his attention, the colour being con- 
ceived to be due to an imperfect state of oxidation, as oxide 
of copper imparts to glass a greenish colour. 

«Tt appeared to me, at first sight, that the red colour was 


due to the actual solution of the copper in the metallic state, 
the globules of copper imbedded in the mass having been 
deposited from a state of solution, upon cooling. To deter- 
mine this, I mixed in different proportions with powdered 
glass, iron, lead, copper, silver, bismuth, antimony, tin, gold, 
platinum, in a minute state of division; and found that glass, 
when mixed with iron filings, will oxidate and dissolve 
almost as much iron, when mixed with it in the metallic state, 
as if it were mixed with it in the state of oxide. Of 
copper, only a small proportion is oxidated and dis- 
solved, imparting a green colour to the glass, while the rest 
remains disseminated throughout the glass in globules of 
copper and red streaks, which are probably the protoxide ; 
whereas lead (for whose oxide glass has such a strong 
affinity) oxidates but a small portion, when mixed with it in 
the metallic state, the rest being found imbedded in globules 
throughout its mass. Tin, antimony, and bismuth are more 
easily oxidized and dissolved than lead. Gold, when fused 
with glass, imparts to it a light greenish tinge, increasing in 
depth with the relative proportion of silica in the glass,—pro- 
ducing a deeper colour with the bisilicate than the silicate of 
potash, and still deeper when German glass (which contains a 
large proportion of silica) is employed ; globules of gold are 
found (as in the analogous cases of lead and copper) dissemi- 
nated throughout the mass. If the heat be increased, and 
the crucible containing the gold be left for some hours in the 
furnace, the glass assumes a pinkish hue, which is the colour 
imparted to it by the protoxide of gold. When platinum 
sponge is fused with glass, it sinks to the bottom of the cru- 
cible unaltered, owing to its infusibility. When charcoal is 
heated with glass, a large proportion is oxidated, the remain- 
der presenting the appearance of a mechanical mixture. 
‘*From these experiments it appears that glass, at high tem- 
peratures, not only has the property of oxidating the metals, 
and forming a chemical compound with the oxide, but 


moreover, when the chemical affinity is satisfied, of dissolving 
the oxides, and probably the metals themselves when in a 
state of fusion; the latter, on the cooling of the glass, 
being deposited in globules throughout its interstices, (at 
least the appearance presented by the glass seems to favour 
such an opinion.) 

* The colours produced by the fusion of metals with glass, 
being different in many cases from those obtained when their 
oxides were employed, and presenting the dull untransparent 
appearance which is so remarkable in ancient glass, led me 
to suppose that the ancients did not employ any colouring mat- 
ter unknown at the present day, but that, being unacquainted 
with the mineral acids, they employed the metals either in 
the metallic state, in filings, or else in an imperfect state of 
oxidation. To determine the probability of this conjecture, 
I selected three specimens of mosaic glass, analyzed by 
Klaproth ; and substituting for the oxides, in the same rela- 
tive proportion, the metals in a minute state of division, I 
obtained coloured glasses of nearly the same colour as 
the mosaics, while the colours produced when the oxides 
were employed were not only perfectly different, but the 
glasses were clear and transparent. 

“* One of a lively copper red, opaque and very bright, 
contained, in 200 grains, silica 142, oxide lead 28, copper 
15, iron 2, alumina 5, lime 3. 

“ Another, of alight verdigris green, contained, in 200 
grains, silica 130, oxide copper 20, lead 15, iron 7, lime 
13, alumina 11. 

“* A specimen of blue glass contained, in 200 grains, silica 
163, oxide iron 19, oxide copper I, alumina 3, lime 4.” 

The Secretary read a note by George J. Knox, Esq., 
** on a gaseous Compound of Fluorine and Cyanogen.” 

When recently ignited fluoride of silver is mixed with 
several times its weight of dry solid cyanogen, and heated 


in a platinum crucible, which fits to one extremity of a 
platinum tube, to the other extremity of which is adapted 
a small platinum receiver, (the junction between the 
latter being rendered air-tight with caoutchouc, and the 
receiver and tube being immersed in a freezing mixture of 
ice and snow,) no solid or liquid product is obtained in the 
tube or receiver; the fluoride of silver is converted into- 
cyanuret of silver; and a gas is evolved, which has a 
stronger effect upon the eyes and throat than hydrofluoric 
acid, producing sickness, headache, and vertigo. This gas 
acts strongly upon glass, reddens litmus, and burns in the 
flame of a spirit lamp with a yellowish light. It remains 
for a considerable time in the platinum vessel, showing that 
its specific gravity is greater than that of atmospheric air. 

The same gas is obtained, when a current of gaseous 
cyanogen is passed over fluoride of silver fused in the pla- 
tinum tube. 




1839. No. 20. 

December 9. 

SIR Wa. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chaiv. 

Mr. Clarke read a supplement to his paper *‘ on Atmos- 
pheric Electricity.” 

The author gave in this supplement a more detailed 
description than he had before done of the mode of insu- 
lating the apparatus for experiments on atmospheric elec- 
tricity, which he had used in the course of his recent 

He then described an experiment by which he had 
shown the absence of decomposing agency in the electricity 
of serene weather, and stated his opinion of the cause. 

Mr. Clarke next directed attention to the fact, that the 
curve representing the diurnal variation of the barometric 
column was the reverse of the electric, thermometric, and 
hygrometric curves. He considered that such a result was 
to be expected; for the barometric column should naturally 
be lower from mid-day to 3 P.M. than at midnight, in conse- 
quence of the greater quantity of aqueous vapour which ex- 
ists in the atmosphere at the former than at the latter 
time,—air charged with aqueous vapour being known to be 



of less specific gravity than dry air. Thus the barometric 
and hygrometric curves would be the inverse of each other, 
the maxima of the one corresponding to the minima of the 
other; and as the author had previously shown that the 
hygrometric, thermometric, and electrometric curves were 
in accordance, the barometric curve would be the inverse 
of the thermometric and electrometric curves also. The 
author remarked, that if this character of the horary oscil- 
lations of the barometer in Ireland be confirmed by the ex- 
periments of other observers, it will either lead to new 
views -of this phenomenon generally, or show that the 
quantity of aqueous vapour existing in Ireland is so great 
as to cause the horary barometric oscillations to present 
themselves in a different form from that in which they are 
recognised in drier climates. 

The author adverted, in the last place, to the hypothesis 
of Priestley and Beccaria,—that the upper regions of our 
atmosphere were the chief depositories of the electric fluid,— 
an opinion which he conceived must fall, if the origin of 
atmospheric electricity be due (as his experiments prove) to 
the existence of vapour; as these elevated parts of our at- 
mosphere are far above the region of permanent vapour, 
or even of vapour at all. 

Professor Mac Cullagh read a paper “ on the Dynamical 
Theory of crystalline Reflexion and Refraction.” 

In a former paper, presented to the Academy in January 
1837, and printed in volume xviii. of the Transactions, the 
author had reduced all the complicated phenomena of 
reflexion and refraction at the surfaces of crystals to the 
utmost regularity and order, by means of a simple rule, 
comprised in his theorem of the polar plane. This rule, 
which was verified by its agreement with exact experi- 
ments, he had deduced from a set of hypotheses relative to 
the vibrations of light in their passage through a given 

—— se 


medium, and out of one medium into another ; but he had 
not attempted to account for his hypotheses, nor to connect 
them together by any known principles of mechanics ; and 
the only evidence in favour of their truth, was the truth 
of the results to which they led. He had observed, how- 
ever, that these hypotheses were not independent of each 
other ; he had ascertained that the laws of reflexion at the 
surface of a crystal were connected with the laws of propa- 
gation in its interior ; and he had thence been led to con- 
clude that all these laws and hypotheses “ had a common 
source in other and more intimate laws not yet discovered.” 
He became impressed, in short, with the idea “ that the 
next step in physical optics would lead to those higher and 
more elementary principles by which the laws of reflexion 
and the laws of propagation are linked together as parts of 
the same system.” 

This step the author has now made ; and the present 
paper realises the anticipations scattered through the for- 
mer. Setting out with the general dynamical theorem 
expressed by the ons 

VSS dadydz o& te iE nm 5, + ae i) = dxdydz8v, (1) 

where &, , 2, are the displacements at the time ¢ of a par- 
ticle whose co-ordinates are x,y, %, and where the density 
of the ether is supposed to be unity, as being constant for 
all media, the author determines the form of the function Vv, 
for the particular case of luminiferous vibrations, by means 
of the property which may be regarded as distinguishing 
them from all others—namely, that they take place entirely 
in the surface of the wave. From this property he shows, 
in the first place, that v is a function of the three dif- 

dy d& a dé d&_ adn. 

dz dy’ du dz’ dy dx’ 


_and, in the next place, that the only part of it which comes 
into play is of the second order, containing the squares and 
products of those quantities, with of course six constant 
coefficients. Then, supposing the axes of coordinates to 
be changed, he proves that the usual formule for the trans- 
formation of coordinates apply also to the transformation 
of those differences ; so that, by assuming the new axes 
properly, the terms in the function v which depend on the 
products of the differences may be made to vanish, and v 
will then contain only the three squares, each multiplied 
by a constant coefficient. The axes of coordinates in this 
position are defined to be the principal axes, (commonly 
called the axes of elasticity); and when we put, with 

reference to these axes, 

dn de\, dg dé d& dy 
ava a (7 al gia at aay ZL)? @ 
it turns out that a, b,c, are the three principal velocities of 
propagation within the crystal. 

To find the laws of propagation in a continuous medium 
of indefinite extent, we have only to take the variation of 
v from the expression (2), and, after substituting it m the 
right-hand member of equation (1), to integrate by parts, 
so as to get rid of the differential coefficients of the varia- 
tions 0, dn, 6¢. Then equating the quantities by which 
these variations are respectively multiplied in the triple 
integrals on each side of the equation, we obtain the value 
of the force acting on each particle in directions parallel to 
the principal axes. The double integrals which remain on 
the right-hand side of the equation are to be neglected, as 
they belong to the limits which are infinitely distant. ‘The 
resolved values of the force thus obtained lead to the pre- 
cise laws of double refraction which were discovered by 
Fresnel, with this difference only, that the vibrations come 
out to be parallel to the plane of polarisation, whereas he 
' supposed them to be perpendicular to it. 


When there are two contiguous media, and the light 
passes out of one into the other, suppose out of an ordinary 
into an extraordinary one, and we wish to determine the 
laws of the reflected and refracted vibrations, it is only 
necessary to attend to the double integrals in the equation 
of limits ; but the integrations must now be performed 
with respect to other coordinates. Taking the separating 
surface of the two media for the new plane of zy, the axis 
of x being in the plane of incidence, let the principal axis 
x of the crystal make with these new axes the angles 
a, 8, y, while the principal axes y and <, in like manner, 
make with them the angles a’, [3’, y’, anda”, 3”, y”, res- 
pectively. Then, marking with accents the quantities 
relative to the new coordinates, we have 

aha aC we eo su + (%,— ©) cos 8 

dz dy” \dz dy’ | 
+ (5 - 1) cos y; | 
£-£-(8- Seer E-Beme | 
+ (F-2) cos y’; i. 
SO = (BF) cova! + (T+ 7) cos 8" | 
+ (Go ae) esr! | 

Now if we take the variations of these expressions, and 
substitute them in the value of dv derived from equation 
(2), then multiply by da‘dy'dz’, and integrate between the 
limits x’ = 0 and 2’= @, neglecting to take account of the 
latter limit, as well as of the integrations with respect to 
a and 7’, of which both the limits are infinite, we shall get, 
in the equation which holds at the separating surface, a 
term of the form 


§§ dx’dy’' (ad — Péy’), (4) 


se @ ay F) cos a + 6° Agee = cos a’ 

Bia. (G-Z) «0 sB+B 2 =) oe | (5) 

+¢ (F- I cos (3”. 
This term, along with a similar but simpler one arising 
from the ordinary medium, must be equal to zero ; and as 
the variations 6&’ and én’ are independent, this condition 
is equivalent to two. Moreover, the quantities &’ and 1 
are to be put equal to the corresponding quantities in the 
other medium, and thus we have two more conditions, 
which are all that are necessary for the solution of the 

The four conditions may be stated by saying, that each 
of the quantities P, Q, &’, n’ retains its value in passing out 
of one medium into another. Hence it is easy to show 
that the vis viva is preserved, and that 2’ likewise retains 
its value. These two consequences were used as hypotheses 
by the author in his former paper, and accordingly all the 
conclusions which he has drawn in that paper will follow 
from the present theory also. 

It will be perceived that this theory employs the general 
processes of analytical mechanics, as delivered by Lagrange. 
The first attempt to treat the subject of reflexion and re- 
fraction in this manner was made by Mr. Green, in a very 
remarkable paper, printed in the Cambridge Transactions, 
vol. vii. part 1. After stating the dynamical principle 
expressed by equation (1), (though with a different hypo- 
thesis respecting the density of the ether,) Mr. Green ob- 


serves, that, supposing the functionv to be known, “ we 
can immediately apply the general method given in the Mé- 
canique Analytique, and which appears to be more especially 
applicable to problems that relate to the motions of systems 
composed of an immense number of particles mutually acting 
upon each other.” Such is certainly the great advantage of 
starting with that general principle; but the chief difficulty 
attending it, namely, the determination of the function v, on 
which the success of the investigation essentially depends, has 
not been surmounted by Mr. Green, who has consequently 
been led to very erroneous results, even in the simple case 
of uncrystallized media, to which his researches are exclu- 
sively confined. In this case Mr. Mac Cullagh’s theory 
confirms the well-known formule of Fresnel, one of which 
Mr. Green conceives to be inaccurate, and proposes to 
replace by a result of his own, which, however, will not 
bear to be tested numerically. The present theory applies 
with equal facility to all media, whether crystallized or not, 
and is distinguished throughout by the singular elegance 
and simplicity of its analytical details ; a circumstance which 
the author regards as a strong indication of its truth. 

Mr. Lloyd exhibited to the meeting a specimen of a re- 
markable substance recently found in the principality of 
Carolath, in Silesia. It formed part of a cloth of 200 square 
feet in surface now in the possession of the King of Prussia. 
No description of this substance has yet been published; but 
Major Sabine and Mr. Lloyd were informed by Baron Hum- 
boldt (by whom the present specimen was kindly given) that 
M. Ehrenberg had examined it microscopically, and had 
found it to be an organic substance, consisting partly of ve- 
getable and partly of animal matter ;—the vegetable compo- 
nent being the conferva rivularis, the animal different species 
of Infusoria, of the family known by the name of Bacillaria. 

To illustrate the origin of this substance, Mr. Lloyd. 


read the following note from Major Sabine, respecting a 
similar body which has been examined and described by 
M. Ehrenberg. , 

“In the year 1686, some workmen who had been fetch- 
ing water from a pond seven German miles from Memel, 
on returning to their work after dinner, (during which there 
had been a snow storm,) found the flat ground around 
the pond covered with a coal-black, leafy, or paper-like 
mass; and a person, who lived near, said he had seen it 
fall like flakes with the snow. On examination, some of 
the pieces were found to be as a table, and were 
lying upon each other to the depth of the thickness of a 
finger. The mass was damp and smelt disagreeably, like 
rotten seaweed ; but when dried the smell went off. It tore 
fibrously like paper. Specimens were preserved in several 
collections, where it was known by the name of Meteor-paper, 
and by many was actually supposed to be a meteoric body. 
It has been recently examined by M. Ehrenberg, and found 
to consist partly of vegetable matter, chiefly conferva cris- 
pata, (common in Germany,) and partly of infusoria, of 
which M. Ehrenberg was able to recognise twenty-nine 
species. Of these, eight species have siliceous coverings, 
but the others, which are equally well preserved, were 
soft-skinned animals; most of them are known as species 
now existing. 

“«‘ The Meteor-paper, therefore, as it has been called, was 
formed in marshy places; had been raised into the air by 
storms of wind ; and had again fallen. 

‘Substances of the same nature have been found in Nor- 
way, in Silesia, and in the Erz Mountains. In some instances 
they are described as leathery; in others as resembling wad- 
ding, and being white on the upper side and green beneath. 
They have probably all a similar origin.” 

Mr. Lloyd also laid on the table of the Academy a spe- 
cimen of a very similar substance, which he had received 


from Sir John Herschel, and which was found investing the 
rocks at the mouth of one of the rivers of Southern Africa. 
It resembles the other very much in external appearance, 
except that the fibres are coarser, and more compactly mat- 
ted together. It appears to consist almost entirely of con- 
ferve, but apparently of a different species. 

A paper was read by Mr. J. Huband Smith, descriptive 
of certain porcelain seals, amounting to upwards of a dozen, 
found in Ireland within the last six or seven years, and in 
places very distant from each other. 

He exhibited to the Academy one of these seals, with 
impressions of several others in sealing-wax. He stated 
that they were all uniform, consisting of an exact cube, 
having, by way of handle, some animal (probably an ape) 
seated upon it ; and that they were se precisely similar in size 
and general appearance as to be undistinguishable, except 
by the characters on the under surface. Little is known 
respecting these seals beyond the mere fact of their having 
been found in this country. 

An extract from the Chinese grammar of Abel-Rémusat 
showed that the inscriptions on these seals are those of 
a very ancient class of Chinese characters, “in use since 
the time of Confucius,” who is supposed to have flourished 
“in the middle of the sixth century, before J.C.” The 
remote period to which these characters are assigned, leaves 
open a wide field for conjecture as to the time in which these 
porcelain seals found their way into this country. 

The situations in which some of them have been found are 
remarkable. One was discovered in ploughing a field near 
Burrisokane, county of Tipperary, in 1832; another wasfound 
last year at Killead, in the county of Down; another in the 
bed of the river Boyne, nearClonard, in the county of Meath, 
in raising gravel; and a fourth was discovered many years 
ago at a short distance from Dublin. 


From the extreme degree of heat to which they appear 
to have been subjected, and the consequent vitrification 
which has in some measure taken place, they are quite as ca- 
pable of resisting the attacks of time as the glass and porcelain 
deities and ornaments found in the mummy cases of Egypt, 
and may have lain for an indefinite period beneath the sur- 
face of the earth. It is therefore, at least, possible that they 
may have arrived hither from the East, along with the wea- 
pons, ornaments, and other articles of commerce, which were 
brought to these islands by the ships of the great merchant- 
princes of antiquity, the Phoenicians, to whom our ports and 
harbours were well known. 

Mr. Smith then called the attention of the Academy to 
the remarkable discovery, by Rosellini, Lord Prudhoe, and 
other recent traveilers, of unquestionable Chinese vases in 
the tombs of Egypt. He read a passage from Davis’s China, 
in which some of them were described; and also an ex- 
tract from Wilkinson’s Ancient Egyptians, from which it 
appeared that the number of Chinese vases found at Coptos, 
Thebes, and elsewhere, amounted to seven or eight, and that 
the inscriptions on them had been translated by Chinese 
scholars to mean, ‘‘ The flower opens, and lo! another year,” 
being a line from an ancient Chinese poem. 

From this the trade of China with distant countries, at a 
period of the remotest antiquity, being clearly proved, Mr. 
Smith submitted to the Academy that a case of strong pro- 
bability had been made out, that the porcelain seals found 
their way into Ireland at some very distant period. In fact, 
if they be not of modern introduction into this country—a 
supposition which the situations in which several of them have 
been found seems utterly to preclude—their arrival hore 
must of necessity have been most ancient. 

Mr. Petrie read a paper “on ancient Seals of Irish 
Chiefs, and Persons of inferior Rank,” preserved in the col-, 


lections of Irish Antiquities formed by the Dean of St. Pa- 
trick’s, and by himself. He observed that this class of anti- 
quities had been but little attended to by Irish antiquaries— 
a circumstance which he attributed to the want of general 
collections of our national antiquities till a recent period : and 
hence, if the question had been asked a short time since, 
whether the Irish had the use of signets generally amongst 
them or not, it would have been impossible to give a decisive 
answer. ‘This question, however, can now be answered in 
the affirmative; but the period at which the use of seals 
commenced in Ireland is stil! uncertain, as no Irish seals 
anterior to the Anglo-Norman invasion have been found ; 
or, if found, their discovery has not been recorded. As, 
however, it is now certain that seals were used by the 
Anglo-Saxons, it is not improbable that their use may have 
been introduced into Ireland also—more especially as a re- 
markable similarity prevailed between the two countries in 
customs and in knowledge of the arts. 

The Irish seals hitherto discovered are similar in style 
and device to the cotemporary seals of the Anglo-Normans 
of similar ranks ; and, like the secular seals of the latter, are 
usually of a circular form, whilst the ecclesiastical seals are 
usually oval. 

The seals which Mr. Petrie described or exhibited to the 
meeting were as follows :— 

1. A drawing of an impression from the seal of Felim 
O’Conor, King of Connaught, as published by Sir James 
Ware. The device exhibits the figure of Felim on horse- 
back, charging with sword in hand, and the legend reads, 


This prince died in 1265. 

2. The seal of Donald Og, the son of Donald Roe 
Mac Carthy, King or Prince of Desmond, who died in 1309. 
The device is similar to that of the preceding, and the le- 
gend reads, 



This seal is in the collection of the author. 

3. The seal of Mac Con, Chief of Hy-Caissin, a territory 
in Thomond, possessed by the family of Macnamara. He 
died about the year 1350. The device of this seal is also 
similar to that of Felim, and the legend reads, 


This seal is in the collection of the Dean of St. Patrick’s. 

4, The seal of Brian O’Brian, Prince of Thomond, who 
was killed in the year 1350. The device is a griffin, which 
appears to have been the heraldic badge of the O’Briens at 
this period ; and the legend reads, 


This seal is also in the collection of the Dean of St. Patrick’s. 

5. The seal of Murtagh O’Neill, who, as Mr. Petrie be- 
lieves, was the Lord of Clannaboy of this name, whose death 
is recorded by the Irish annalists at the year 1471. The 
device is the bloody hand of O’Neill, and the legend reads, 

This seal is also in the collection of the Dean of St. Patrick’s. 

6. The seal of Mac Craith, the son of O’Dafid. The de- 
vice is a non-descript animal, and the legend reads, 


This seal, which is of the early part of the fourteenth cen- 
tury, appears to belong to the O’Daffy’s, a family of the Dal 
Cais in Thomond, still in existence. ‘The seal is in the col- 
lection of the author. 

7. The seal of Brian O’Harny, chief of an ancient family 
in Kerry. The device exhibits the helmeted head of a war- 
rior, cut on a cornelian, and the legend reads, 


This seal is in the collection of the Dean of St. Patrick’s. 
The material of all- these seals is silver. 


January 13, 1840. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, LL. D., President, in the Chair. 

Sir Philip Crampton, Bart., William J. Lloyd, Esq., 
and John Mollan, M. D. were elected members of the 

Professor Mac Cullagh made a communication respecting 
the optical Laws of Rock-crystal (Quartz). 

In a paper read to the Academy in February 1836, and 
published in the Transactions, (vol. xvii. p. 461,) he had 
shown how the peculiar properties of that crystal might be 
explained, by adding, to the usual equations of vibratory 
motion, certain terms depending on differential coefficients 
of the third order, and containing only one new constant c. 
This hypothesis, which was very simple in itself, not only 
involved as consequences all the laws that were previously 
known, but led to the discovery of a new one—the law, 
namely, by which the ellipticity of the vibrations depends 
on the direction of the ray within the crystal. He was not 
able, however, to account for his hypothesis, nor has it 
since been accounted for by any one. 

But the theory developed in the paper which he read at 
the last meeting of the Academy, now enables him to assign, 
with a high degree of probability, the origin of the addi- 
tional terms above-mentioned, and, if not to account for 
them mechanically, at least to advance a step higher in the 
inquiry. In that theory it was supposed, (and the sup- 
position holds good in all known crystals, except quartz,) 
that the molecules of the ether vibrate in right lines, the 
displacements remaining always parallel to each other as the 
wave is propagated ; and it was shown that the function v, 
by which the motion is determined, then depends only on 
the relative displacements of the molecules. But when this 


is not the case,—when, as in quartz, each molecule is sup- 
posed to vibrate in a curve—then it is natural to conceive 
that the function v may depend, not only on the relative 
displacements, but also on the relative areas which each 
molecule describes about every other more or less advanced 
in its vibration. This idea, analytically expressed, intro- 
duces a new term v into the value of the function 2v; and, 
if the plane of the wave be taken for the plane of zy, it is 
easy to show that 
=o (ine _ a 
~~ \dz ds? dz dz*/" 
Now if we integrate by parts the expression 

(SS dadydzsv, 

so as to get rid of the variations of differential coefficients, 
the reduced form of the triple integral will be 

3. 3 
2c §§§ dedydy ($4 36 — ae 3) 

from which it appears that the quantities 
dn BE 
es SRE 

are to be added to the usual expressions for the force in the 
directions of x and y respectively. These are the very 
terms in the addition of which the hypothesis before alluded 
to consists. 

The Secretary read a paper-by James Orchard Halliwell, 
Esq. F.R.S., &c., entitled ‘‘ an Inquiry into the Period of 
the first Use of the Zero by those Writers who adopted the 
Notation of the Boetian numerical Contractions.” 

The author referred, at the commencement of this com- 
munication, to the opinion which he had formerly expressed 
on the nature of the change from the use of the abacus, to 
that of local position, and the cipher. This opinion is con- 

tained in the following extract: “It would be impossible, 
with the few materials yet brought to light, to conjecture with 
any great probability, how far these Boetian contractions may 
have influenced the introduction, or cooperated with the 
Arabic system, to the formation of our present numerical no- 
tation. It appears to me highly probable that the two sys- 
tems became united; because the middle age forms of the 
figure five coincide with the Boetian mark for the same 
numeral, and those of two others are very similar. The idea 
of local position, again, may have had an independent 
European origin; the inconveniences of the abacus on paper 
would have suggested it by destroying the distinguishing 
boundaries, and inventing an arbitrary hieroglyphic for the 
representation of an empty square.” 

The author then proceeded to adduce evidence from some 
documents recently discovered in support of these views. He 
showed from the Mentz MS. in the Arundel collection, in 
what manner the mode of operation with the abacus had 
been improved, so as to lead naturally to the present system. 
He then brought forward some passages from MSS. illustra- 
tive of the first employment of the zero; and concluded by , 
adducing an instance from a MS. of the translation of Euclid 
by Athelard, of the fourteenth century, belonging to the 
Arundel collection, in which the number 15 is written in 
these contractions, and without a division. 


Catalogue des Principales Apparitions des eloiles filantes. 
Par A. Quetelet. 

Sur Vetat du Magnétisme Terrestre a Bruxelles, pendant 
les douze années de 1827 a 1839. Par A. Quetelet. 

Sur la Longitude de ? Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 
Par A. Quetelet. 

Presented by the Author. 

Asiatic Researches. Vol. XX., Part 2. Presented by 
the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 


The American Almanac for 1840. Presented by the 
American Philosophical Society. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de UV Aca- 
démie des Sciences. Par MM. les Secretaires Perpetuels. 
Nos. 20-26. Deuxiéme Semestre. 1839. Presented by 
the Academy. 

Transits and Calculations of apparent right Ascensions. 

Zenith Distances observed with the Mural Circle, and 
Calculations of Geocentric South Polar Distances. 1836 and 

Declinations of the principal fixed Stars, deduced from 
Observations made at the Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 
By Thomas Henderson, Esq. 

Observations of Halley's Comet, made at the Royal Ob- 
servatory, Cape of Good Hope. 

Bessel’s Refraction Tables. 

Presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. 

By-Laws of the Institute of Architects of Ireland. Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

The Mahawanso, with Translation in English. By the 
Hon. George Turnour, Esq. Presented by F. B. Norris, 
Esq., Surveyor General of Ceylon, per I. S. Cooper, Esq. 

Medical Report of the Fever Hospital, for 1837-1838. 
Presented by G. A. Kennedy, M.D. 

The Dublin Penny Journal. Nos. 67, 104, Vol. If.; Nos. 
191, 198, Vol. IV. Presented by P. Dixon Hardy, Esq. 




1840. No. 21. 

January 27. 
SIR Ws. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

Mr. Otway read a letter from the Rev. J. D’Arcy Sirr, 
on the ruins of the Abbey of Cong, in the county of Mayo. 

Mr. Otway then read the first part of a paper “ on the 
Antiquarian Remains of the North-west of Ireland.” 

ResotveD,—(on the recommendation of Council,) that 
the conditions required previous to the ballot for new Mem- 
bers be all complied with at least one week before such 

ReEsoLvED,—(on the recommendation of Council,) to in- 
sert the words ‘‘ ipso facto,” in chap. iv. sect. 3, of By-laws, 
previous to the words “‘ be excluded the Academy.” 


An ancient Irish Hand-mill, or Quern. Presented by 
Joseph Huband Smith, Esq. 

Theology and Metaphysics of Scripture. By Andrew 
Carmichael, Esq. Presented by the Author. 



February 10. 
SIR Wn. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

Rev. Maurice M‘Kay, LL.D., Frederick W. Burton, 
Esq. R.H.A., Joseph Napier, Esg., and Thomas Hutton, 
Esq. F.G.S., were elected Members of the Academy. 

ReEsotveD,—To empower the Council, to prepare an 
Address of congratulation to Her Majesty, on the occasion 
of her marriage, and to affix the seal of the Academy 

The Academy adjourned. 

February 24. 
SIR Ws. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

J. Huband Smith, Esq. read a paper “ on the different 
kinds of Querns used by the Irish.” 

Having lately presented to the Academy, as a contri- 
bution to their collection of Irish Antiquities, an oblong 
quern, or corn-mill, of the most primitive form, Mr. Smith 
now offered some few remarks on this very ancient article of 

The circular or rotatory quern, the parent of the modern 
millstones, is well known to antiquarians; but the still 
earlier and ruder hand-mill of an oblong form, (and which, 
therefore, must have been used in a very slow and laborious 
process, by pushing the upper stone backwards and for- 
wards upon the under,) does not appear to have been 
hitherto noticed, being, in fact, very rarely met with ; while 
the round quern is of comparatively common occurrence. 


The word “quern” comes directly from the Saxon or 
Teutonic name, with which it is identical. Another simple 
and domestic machine, the churn, derives its appellation 
doubtless from the same root; the office of both being to 
separate,—in the one instance, the meal from the husk, and 
in the other, the butter from the milk. It seems more than 
probable that the Latin verb “ cerno,” whose primary mean- 
ing is to separate or divide, took its rise from the cperation 
of these very primitive implements of domestic economy. 
The approximation in sound will be apparent, if we pro- 
nounce the Latin letter ¢ hard, as some scholars maintain we 
should do. 

In the Celtic language the quern is denominated “ Bro,” 
and inthe Welsh or British, ‘‘ Breyan;” both words having 
the same origin as the old French verb “ Broyer,” from 
which we derive a verb not in very general use, but yet to 
be found in a work of standard authority, the English 
translation of the Scriptures, where, as it will be observed, 
it is met in conjunction with the operation of reducing 
corn to meal: ‘* Though thou shouldest bray a fool ina mor- 
tar among wheat with a pestle, yet will not his foolishness 
depart from him.” One very ancient form of quern ap- 
proaches nearly to the modern mortar, the under stone 
being a basin supported upon a tripod. 

The quern is also called in Irish cloch-vron, a term which 
occurs in the well known Glossary of Cormac Mac Cuillenan, 
and has been translated to signify ‘‘ the stone of sorrow,” 
having allusion to the laborious and servile occupation which 
in ancient times grinding with it was generally esteemed to 
be. That such, however, was not always the case, appears 
from an anecdote quoted by Mr. Smith from Professor Ten- 
nant, respecting Pittacus, king of Mitylene, one of the seven 
wise men of Greece, who it seems ‘‘ had been accustomed in 
moments of unoccupied languor to resort for amusement to 
the grinding mill, that being, as he called it, his best gym- 



nasium, or pleasantest exercise in smallest space.” The 
memory of this fact is preserved in a song of the Gre- 
cian women, called the song of the mill, which began, 
** Grind mill, grind! even Pittacus, king of Mitylene, doth 
grind !” 

In illustration of the use of the quern at an early period, 
Mr. Smith cited a notice of it from an ancient Irish poem, 
(extracted from the Memoir of Londonderry accompanying 
the Ordnance Survey,) by Cuain O’Lochain, who died, ac- 
cording to the Annals of Tighernach, in 1024: also an inte- 
resting Scandinavian legendary ballad, called the Quern song. 
That Shakspeare was acquainted with it, appears from the 
allusion in his “ Midsummer Night’s Dream,” where he 
speaks of the fairy Puck as labouring in the quern. 

Mr. Smith then briefly noticed a few of the many pas- 
sages in Scripture referring to the hand-mill, some of which 
show it to have been common to the Egyptians and Philis- 
tines as wellas the Jews. As to its use in modern times in 
Cyprus, Palestine, Hindostan, and generally throughout 
the East, he read passages from Shaw’s and Clarke’s 
Travels, and from the Journal of Mrs. Farrar, the wife of a 
missionary at Nassuck near Bombay. He also noticed an en- 
graving in Davis’s China, representing a man working a larger 
mill by means of a sort of handspike which he pushes back- 

Mr. Smith then read an extract from Pennant’s Tour to 
the Hebrides, referring to the enactment in the reign of 
Alexander III. of Scotland, (A.D., 1284,) prohibiting the 
use of the quern except during stress of weather, or in 
other cases of necessity: notwithstanding which, Pennant 
still found it there in 1772. 

In Sir Walter Scott’s visit to the Orkneys in 1814, he saw 
the quern in the house of an old woman who, practising 
the trade of a witch, subsisted by “ selling winds” to the sea- 
men of the neighbouring coast. And in the Shetland islands 


he noticed the rude adaptation of the quern stones to the 
purposes of a water-mill. 

From a curious book, entitled “the Montgomery Manu- 
scripts,” written about 1648, Mr. Smith quoted a description 
of a similar attempt in the Barony of Ardes, County of Down, 
in Ireland, to convert a hand-mill into one driven by water, 
in which ‘ the axle stood upright, and the small stones, or 
querns, such as are turned with hands, on the top thereof. 
The water-wheel was fixed at the lower end of the axletree, 
and did run horizontally among the water, a small force 
driving it.” 

In conclusion, Mr. Smith pointed out the progressive im- 
provement in the form of the quern,—from the pair of rude 
oblong stones, which ground the corn by simple tritura- 
tion, to the rotatory mortar-shaped quern; thence to the 
rounded or rather hemispherical form; and concluding with 
the two flattened stones, similar to those used in the water- 
mills of the present day. 

The Rev. Mr. Todd exhibited to the Meeting a fac si- 
mile of a remarkable papyrus roll preserved in the British 

The Secretary read the following communication, entitled 
“* Justification of Mrs. Somerville’s Experiments upon the 
magnetizing Power of the more refrangible solar Rays.”* By 
George James Knox, Esq. and the Rev. Thomas Knox. 

Professor Morichini of Rome was the first to observe 
that steel, when exposed to the violet rays of the solar spec- 
trum, becomes magnetic. Similar experiments were tried by 
Mx. Christie, in 1824; but the most accurate experiments 
upon this subject have been performed by Mrs. Somerville, 
in 1825, who determined that not only violet, but indigo, 
blue and green, develop magnetism in the exposed end of 

* Phil. Trans. vol, cxvi. 1826. 


a needle, while yellow, orange, and red, produce no sen- 
sible effect. As many philosophers have failedin repeating 
these experiments, we were induced, in the course of the 
summer, to undertake the investigation of this subject, 
“which has so often disturbed science.” Having procured 
several hundred needles, of different lengths and thicknesses, 
and having ascertained that they were perfectly free from 
magnetism, we enveloped them in white paper, leaving one 
of their extreme ends uncovered. ‘Taking advantage of a 
favourable day for trying experiments upon the chemical 
ray, (known by the few seconds required to blacken chloride 
of silver,) we placed the needles at right angles to the mag- 
netic meridian, and exposed them for_three hours, from 
eleven to one, to the differently refrangible rays of the sun, 
under coloured glasses. Those beneath the red, orange, 
and yellow, showed no trace of magnetism, while those be- 
neath the blue, green, and violet, exhibited, the two first 
feeble, but the last strong traces of magnetism. 

To determine how far the oxidating power of the violet ray 
is concerned in the phenomena, we exposed to the dif- 
ferent coloured lights needles whose extremities had been 
previously dipped in nitric acid, and found that they became 
magnetic (the exposed end having been made a north pole) 
in a much shorter time than the others, and that this effect 
was produced in a slight degree, under the red (when ex- 
posed a sufficient length of time) strongly under white glass, 
and so strong under violet glass, that the effect took place 
even when the needles were placed in such a position along 
the magnetic meridian, as would tend to produce, by the 
earth’s influence, a south pole in the exposed extremity. 

Conceiving that the mactive state produced in iron (as 
observed by Schoenbein) when plunged into nitric acid, 
S. G. 1.36, or by being made the positive pole of a battery, 
or by any other means (which Dr. Faraday supposed to be 
due to a slight oxide formed on the surface, and which may 


be explained by its electrical state by union with oxygen 
becoming disguised, and rendering it until the oxide be 
removed incapable of further action) might throw some light 
upon the nature of the electrical change produced. Expe- 
riments were instituted to this effect, which showed that no 
trace of magnetism could be thereby produced. 

The President laid before the Academy some supple- 
mentary details connected with his ‘‘ Researches respecting 

The President read to the Academy the Address of con- 
gratulation to Her Majesty, prepared by Council in pursu- 
ance of the resolution of the Academy at its last meeting. 


Quarterly Journal of the Statistical Society of London. 
Vol. II. Part 6. Presented by the Society. 

Report of the Committee of Commerce and Agriculture of 
the Royal Asiatic Society. 1839. Presented by the Society. 

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 
Vol. VI. Part 3. Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 
Vol. I. No. 8. Presented by the Society. 

Reports of the Council of the Literary and Historical 
Society of Quebec, for 1835 and 1839. 

Collection de Mémoires et de Relations sur ? Histoire 
ancienne du Canada dapres des manuscrits récemment obte- 
nus des Archives et Bureaux Publics en France. 

- Presented by Robt. Symes, Esq., Secretary of the Society. 

The Theory of the Moon. By John W. Lubbock, Esq. 
V.P.R.S. &c. Presented by the Author. 

Flora Batava. No. 118. 5 plates. By Jan Koops, Pre- 
sented by the Author. 


Ordnance Survey of the County of Mayo, in 125 sheets. 
Presented by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. 

Barlow's Tables of Squares, §c. published under the 
Superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful 
Knowledge. Presented by the Society. 

Supplement to the Introduction to the Atomic Theory. 
By Charles Daubeny, M.D., F.R.S. Presented by the 

March 16. (Stated Meeting.) 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

A letter from the Secretary of State for the Home De- 
partment was communicated by his Excellency the Lord 
Lieutenant, informing his Excellency, that the Address of 
the President, Council, and Members of the Royal Irish 
Academy, had been laid before the Queen, and that Her 
Majesty had received the same very graciously. 

The Secretary of Council read the following Report, 
which was ordered to be entered on the Minutes: 

“Tn resigning their office into the hands of the Academy, the 
Council have felt it to be their duty, in conformity with the prac- 
tice of other kindred societies, to present a brief Report of their 
Proceedings, and of the general history of the Academy during the 
past year. 

“ The Council regret to state that the financial condition of the 
Academy has not been an improving one. They believe, however, 
that this circumstance (though ’it must create the necessity for 
circumspection) will not be regarded as discouraging, when it is 
known to have arisen from a cause essentially connected with the 
welfare and vitality of the Society. The character of an association 
formed for the advancement of any branch of learning, must be 


judged of by its fruits, and these fruits are, in an eminent and 
especial manner, its published memoirs. It is by its Transactions 
that it will be estimated beyond the walls of its assembly-room ; 
and whatever may be, in other respects, the instruction or the 
entertainment derived from its meetings, its Memoirs can alone be 
taken to mark its actual progress, and define the limits of its con- 
quests in the wide region of the unknown. When, therefore, your 
Council state, that it is this very progress which has pressed upon 
the funds of the Academy, they believe that it will be granted, that 
the circumstance is one rather for congratulation than regret. 

‘* The chief source of the expenditure of the Academy is that 
arising from the printing of their Transactions. Within the last 
few years, however, the papers read to the Academy, and offered 
for publication, have greatly increased in number, as well as value; 
and, accordingly, the rate of publication of the Transactions, and 
the attending expenses, have increased in the same proportion. 
This rate, in fact, has of late years much more than doubled ; and 
the expenses of printing and engraving have, of course, proportion - 
ably augmented. 

“‘ The Council have great pleasure in stating, that the publica- 
tion of the Proceedings of the Academy, at brief intervals, under 
the superintendance of the Committee of Publication, has been 
productive of great benefit to the interests of the Academy, by 
giving an early publicity to the results of their labours. They are 
happy to add, that the new postage regulations have enabled them 
to send these Proceedings to all the Societies in Britain with whom 
they are in correspondence, as well as to all the non-resident 

‘¢ In connexion with the subject of publication, the Council think 
it right to mention the steps which have been taken in regard to the 
publication of Mr. Petrie’s Essay on the Round Towers of Ireland. 
The appearance of this essay having been delayed for many years, 
and being earnestly desired by the members of the Academy, the 
Council felt that it was incumbent upon them to hasten it as far as 
lay in their power. As a preliminary step, a skilful London artist, 
Mr. Branston, was brought over to execute the wood-cuts, Mr. 
Petrie having agreed, on his part, to make the drawings himself | 


upon the wood. Notwithstanding the saving of expense thus 
attained, the cost of this part of the work (owing to the large 
number of illustrations necessary) was considerable, being estimated 
at between £300 and £400. The current income not being sufficient 
to bear the weight of this charge, the Council applied to the Aca- 
demy, and on the 24th of June last, the Academy authorized the 
Treasurer to sell stock to the amount of £400. 

“‘ Since that time the engravings have been proceeded with, 
and part of the sum voted has been already paid. The Committee 
of Publication have recently received the assurances of the author, 
that the manuscript will be shortly ready for the printer. The 

_essay, when printed, will occupy an entire volume of the Transac- 
tions; and, from the expectations which have been raised respect- 
ing the work, there can be no doubt that the sale will defray a 
portion, at least, of the expense incurred. 

“To replace the stock above alluded to, as well as to guard 
against a progressive diminution of the annual income of the 
Academy from the practice of compounding for life, the Council 
would suggest, for the consideration of the Council of the ensuing 
year, the expediency of investing, in future, the proceeds of the life 
subscriptions in the Government funds. 

“ The following are. the names of the members which the 
Academy has lost by death within the last year : 

The Earl of Caledon. John Oldham, Esq. 
William Morrison, Esq. 

‘The following are the names of the new members added to 
the body since the 16th of March, 1839: 

John U. Owen, M. D. John A. Bowles, Esq. 
Thomas Rhodes, Esq. Sir Philip Crampton, Bart. 
Edward Conroy, Esq. William J. Lloyd, Esq. 
Nicholas P. Leader, Esq. John Mollan, M. D. 
William R. Wilde, Esq. Frederick Burton, Esq. 
Alexander Parker, Esq. Joseph Napier, Esq. 
Jonathan Osborne, M. D. Thomas Hutton, Esq. 
William Longfield, Esq. Rey. Maurice M‘Kay. 

William Hill, Esq. 


“ The subject of members in arrear has come under the consi- 
deration of the Council, and, in pursuance of the measures adopted 
by the Council of the preceding year, they have recommended to 
the Academy a slight alteration in the By-laws relating to de- 
faulters, the operation of which will be, that, henceforward, there 
will be no members more than two years in arrear, such persons 
ceasing, 7pso facto, to be members of the Academy. This modi- 
fication of the By-law (which is in conformity with the spirit of the 
original) has been adopted by the Academy; and it will have the 
effect of removing an apparent opposition between their rules and 
usages, besides tending to insure, in future, greater regularity of 

‘* Some objection having been raised to the course recently 
adopted by the Academy in reference to the election of new mem- 
bers, the Council have prepared an enlarged formula of certificate 
for candidates, which, it is hoped, will remove all difficulties, and, 
at the same time, convey the required information with regard to 
the eligibility of the candidate. 

‘‘ It has also been recommended by the Council, and resolved 
by the Academy, that the conditions required previous to the ballot 
for new members, be all complied with at least one week before 
such ballot. 

“A charter-book, with the usual obligation engrossed, has 
been prepared to receive the signatures of new members on admis- 
sion. The Council request that members, who have already 
signed in another roll, will write their names also in this book, so 
as to render it, as far as possible, a complete record of the history 
of the Academy. 

‘“* The miscellaneous property of the Academy consists of their 
library (including their collection of MSS.) and their (as yet) small 
collection of antiquities. 

‘** On the subject of the library the Council have to state, that a 
Book Committee was appointed at the commencement of the year, 
to examine the state of the library generally, and to report thereon 
to the Council. The additions made to the library, during the 
past year, have been confined chiefly to the regular periodicals. 
The collection of MSS. has been enriched by a copy of the Book 


of Lismore, which was lent by his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, 
and transcribed at the expense of the Academy. 

“The Council. have the pleasure of stating, that the task of 
forming a perfect catalogue of the library has been nearly com- 
pleted by the Assistant Librarian, Mr. Clibborn; and they gladly 
avail themselves of this opportunity to express their sense of the 
value of the services which that gentleman has rendered to the 
Academy during this, the first year of his office. 

** The Societies whose Transactions enrich the library of the 
Academy are: 

The Royal Academy of Sciences, Berlin. 

The Royal Academy of Sciences, Brussels. 

The Royal Society of Sciences, Copenhagen. 

The Physical and Natural History Society of Geneva. 
The Royal Academy of Sciences, Lisbon. 

The Royal Academy of History, Madrid. 

The Italian Society of Sciences, Modena. 

The Royal Academy of Sciences, Paris. 

The Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburgh. 
The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. 
The Royal Academy of Sciences, Turin. 

The Royal Society of London. 

The Royal Society of Literature, London. 

The Royal Society of Antiquaries, London. 

The Royal Astronomical Society of London. 

The Geological Society of London. 

The Royal Society of Edinburgh. 

The Linnean Society. 

The Cambridge Philosophical Society. 

The Manchester Philosophical Society. 

The Asiatic Society of Calcutta. 

‘“‘ In addition to this list, the Council have, during the past 
year, negotiated an interchange of Transactions with the Gco- 
logical Society of France ; the School of Mines of Paris; the 

Zoological Society of London; and the Institution of Civil En- 


*“'The Academy having purchased, in the year 1837, a small 
collection of antiquities, belonging to Mr. Underwood, the atten- 
tion of Council was directed to their arrangement; and, on the 
22nd of April last, the sum of £50 was placed at their disposal by 
the Academy, for the erection of convenient cases for their recep- 
tion. This collection has since received two additions of great 
historical interest and high value, namely,—the Cross of Cong, 
presented by Professor Mac Cullagh, and two gold Torques, dis- 
covered at Tara, presented by a number of gentlemen who sub- 
scribed liberally for their purchase. The Council trust that others 
will be induced to follow the example set by these public-spirited 
individuals, and will contribute to the formation of a collection 
illustrative of the national antiquities, the study of which it is one 
of the main objects of the Academy to foster and promote. 

‘ The medal for the best essay in Polite Literature and Anti- 
quities, communicated during the three years preceding the Ist of 
January, 1839, has been awarded by the Council (as the members 
of the Academy are already aware) to Mr. Petrie, for his paper on 
the Antiquities of Tara Hill. 

“The Council of the ensuing year will have to consider for 
medals, the papers in Mathematics (pure and applied,) and in 
Polite Literature, which have been communicated during the three 
years previous to the Ist of January, 1840.” 

The Auditors appointed by Council to examine the 
‘Treasurer’s Accounts reported as follows: 

** We have examined the above Account,* with the vouchers 
produced, and have found it to be correct ; and we find that there 
is a balance in bank of £150; and in the Treasurer’s hands of 
£62 8s., making a total balance of £212 8s. sterling. 

** (Signed, ) 

“ SAMUEL Litton.”’ 
“ March 14, 1840.” 

* Entered in the Treasurer’s Book, 


‘“‘ The Treasurer reports that there is £1384 6s. in 3 per Cent. 
Consols, and £1500 in 33 per Cent. Government Stock, to the 
credit of the Academy in the Bank of Ireland ; the latter being the 
Cunningham Fund. 

“* (Signed, ) 
‘“* March 14, 1840.” 

The ballot having closed, the President requested the 
Provost and Dr. Litton to assist the Officers in examining 
the balloting lists. 

The Scrutineers reported that the following Gentlemen 
were duly elected Officers and Council for the ensuing 

President—Sir William Rowan Hamilton, LL. D. 

Treasurer—Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D. 

Secretary to the Academy—Rev. Joseph H. Singer, D.D. 

Secretary to the Councit1—James Mac Cullagh, LL. D. 

Secretary of Foreign Correspondence—Rev. Humphrey 
Lloyd, A. M. 

Librarian—Rev. William Hamilton Drummond, D. D. 

Clerk and Assistant Librarian—Edward Clibborn. 

Committee of Science. 

Rey. Franc Sadleir, D. D., Provost of Trinity College ; 
Rev. Humphrey Lloyd, A. M.; James Apjohn, M. D.; 
James Mac Cullagh, LL. D.; Rev. William Digby Sadleir, 
A. M.; Robert Ball, Esq. ; Robert Kane, M. D. 

Committee of Polite Literature. 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin; Rev. Joseph 
Henderson Singer, D. D.; Samuel Litton, M. D.; Rev. 
William Hamilton Drummond, D. D. ; Rev. Charles Richard 
Elrington, D.D.; Rev. Charles William Wall, D.D.; Rev. 
Thomas H. Porter, D. D. » 


Committee of Antiquities. 

Thomas Herbert Orpen, M. D.; George Petrie, Esq. | 
R.H. A.; Rev. Caesar Otway; Very Rev. the Dean of St. 
Patrick’s; Rev. James Henthorn Todd, D. D.; Henry J. 
Monck Mason, LL. D.; Aquilla Smith, M. D. 

The President then appointed, under his hand and seal, 
the following Vice-Presidents : 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin; the Provost of 
Trinity College; the Rev. Humphrey Lloyd; the Very 
Rey. the Dean of St. Patrick’s. 


Philosophical Transactions for 1839. Parts 1 and 2. 
Proceedings of the Royal Society. Nos. 37, 38, 39, 
_ and 40. 

Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the 
Royal Society. 

Fellows of the Royal Society. ‘Nov..1839. 

List of the various Councils of the Royal Society from 
1800 to 1839. 

Presented by the Society. 

Mecanique Celeste. Translated by Dr. Bowditch. Vol. 
IV. Presented by the Translator’s Children. 

Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 
Vol. VII. Part 1. Presented by the Society. 

Memorie della Societa Italiana delle Scienze. Tome XXII. 
Parte Matematica. Presented by the Society. 

Premier Memoire sur les Kaolins ou Argiles a Porcelaine. 
Par M. Brongniart. Presented by the Author. 

Memoires de la Societe de Physique et d Histoire Natu- 
relle de Geneve. Tome VIII. 2me Partie. Presented by 

the Society. 


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l’ Academie 
des Sciences. Premier Semestre, 1840. Nos. 1—5. Pre- 
sented by the Academy. 

A few Notes on the History of the Discovery of the Com- 
position of Water. By J. O. Halliwell, Esq. 

A Catalogue of the Miscellaneous Manuscripts preserved 
in the Library of the Royal Society. By J. O. Halliwell, 

Presented by the Author. 




1840. No. 22. 

April 13. 
SIR Wa. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

Samuel Hanna, M. D., William Torrens M‘Cullagh, Esq., 
George M‘Dowell, Esq., F.T.C., John Ball, Esq., Rev. 
Dr. Traill, Robert Alexander Wallace, Esq., and Thomas 
Newenham, Esq., were elected Members of the Academy. 

Dr. Apjohn, on the part of Surgeon Grimshaw, drew the 
attention of the Academy to a modification of the air-ther- 
mometer recently devised by the latter gentleman. The 
well-known objection to the ordinary air-thermometer he 
stated to be, that the air within the ball being in communica- 
tion (through the interposed column of fluid) with the external 
air, its volume comes to be affected not merely by changes 
in the temperature of the surrounding medium, but by the 
perpetually occurring variations in the atmospheric pres- 
sure. In fact, to render its indications truly thermometric, 
they must be reduced by calculation to a constant pressure, 
reference being made in every observation to a correct ba- 
rometer. Nor did Sir John Leslie, in his differential thermo- 
meter, get rid of this difficulty. It is true that all con- 



nexion of the air within the instrument with the external at- 
mosphere is cut off; but when one of the balls is heated, 
and the elasticity of the air within it thus augmented, and 
the intervening column of fluid driven towards the cool ball, 
the elasticity of the ‘air within the latter is also obviously in- 
creased by compression. Equal increments of temperature 
cannot, therefore, produce equal augmentations of volume, 
and, when the stem of such an instrument is divided into 
parts of equal capacity, the corresponding temperatures 
constitute, not an arithmetical series, but one which in- 
creases much more quickly. In fact, if ¢ be the tem- 
perature, » the volume of the air in the heated ball, and 
v the volume of air in the cool ball, ¢ varies not as 2, 
but as . 

This source of embarrassment in the air thermometer 
Mr. Grimshaw removes by a contrivance, a notion of which 
may be simply conveyed by describing his instrument 
as a differential thermometer, in the cool ball of which 
is placed a barometer, while to the side of the same ball a 
little syringe is attached, by means of which air may be 
pumped in or out, and the elasticity of the included air thus 
rendered invariably the same, before the temperature (exhi- 
bited upon the scale of equal parts attached to the stem in 
connexion with the hot ball) is registered. ‘Two forms 
of this instrument were placed on the table of the Academy, 
which, however, Dr. Apjohn stated should be considered 
rather as rough models, than as finished instruments. Dr. 
Apjohn observed, that Mr. Grimshaw intended attaching 
to his thermometer a provision for keeping the barometer 
vertical ; and marking upon this latter instrument two addi- 
tional points of constant pressure,—one higher, the other 
lower, than the atmospheric standard,—by the use of which, 
when necessary, the scale of the instrument may be greatly 
extended, so as to comprehend with ease the entire of the 
atmospheric range of temperature. 


Dr. Apjohn read a paper on the subject of an essential 
oil not long since observed during the rectification of common 
whiskey. This substance he received in December, 1838, 
from Mr. Scanlan, who had it from Mr. Bowerbank, an emi- 
nent London rectifier. Shortly previous to this time, it was 
observed by Mr. Eneas Coffey, the inventor of the cele- 
brated patent still, in the faint receiver at the extensive 
distillery of Sir Felix Booth; and Mr. Scanlan himself, upon 
coming over to Dublin, and visiting the establishment of 
Mr. Busby, at Blackpitts, recognized this same oil precisely 
where it was observed by Mr. Coffey, namely, in the vessel 
into which the weak spirit which comes over towards the 
close of the distillation is conducted. 

Dr. Apjohn stated in detail the properties of this fluid, and 
the experiments which he made with the view of determining 
its composition. It was burned in the usual way with oxide 
of copper, and gave, as the means of three separate experi- 
ments, the following results :— 

Carbon. .... 68.13 

Hydrogen. . . 13.33 
Oxygen .... 13.54 


The most simple formula corresponding nearly with 
these results is c; Hg 0, and it was therefore that which he 
adopted. Assuming it as the true one, the composition of 
the oil would be,— 

Oxygen .... 17.95 


The deficiency in the carbon, experimentally determined, 
is not greater than what usually takes place. But the error 


in the hydrogen, though trifling in amount, being upon the 
opposite side to that on which it usually occurs, it became 
expedient to resort to some method of verification. The 
specific gravity of the vapour of the oil was therefore taken 
by the well known method of Dumas, and found to be 3.137 : 
the formula c;H,0 would make it 3.072. But there is 
here so close a correspondence between experiment and 
calculation, that no doubt can remain as to the correctness 
of the basis on which the latter rests, or that the formula 
already arrived at represents correctly the constitution of the 

These experiments were made in the winter of 1839, and 
Dr. Apjohn stated that he was then under the impression 
that the oil in question was a new substance, or rather one 
which had not been previously described. Some months 
after, however, upon looking over the second part of Pro- 
fessor Graham’s Elements of Chemistry, he was surprised 
to find (in a table of the volumes of atoms in the gaseous 
state,) mention made of a substance under the designation 
of “oil of the ardent spirits from potatoes,” to which was 
attributed the very same formula, and density of vapour, 
which he had found to belong to the oil of corn whiskey, 
given him by Mr. Scanlan. Anxious to investigate the 
matter further, and to ascertain whether the two oils were cer- 
tainly the same, Dr. Apjohn looked into Dr. Thomson’s fifth 
volume on Organic Chemistry, and found there (page 481) 
a notice of the potato oil, with a reference to the 30th and 
56th volumes of the Annales de Chimie, in the former of 
which its origin and properties are described by Pelletan, 
and in the latter of which its analysis is given by Dumas. 
Upon perusing these papers, his suspicions as to the identity 
of the two oils were confirmed. In composition and proper- 
ties they are the same; the only difference being, that Pelletan 
represents the potato oil as having the specific gravity .821, 
whereas Dr. Apjohn found that of the corn oil but .813,—a 


difference, however, easily explained by the circumstance of 
the former chemist not having taken the necessary steps for 
purifying perfectly the liquid he examined. 

As a very unusual coincidence it may be observed, that 
the specific gravity of the vapour of potato oil, as obtained 

by Dumas, is 3.147, or but unity in the second place of deci- 
~ mals greater than has resulted for the corn spirit oil from Dr. 
Apjohn’s experiments. The oil therefore of Pelletan and 
Dumas is not, as is generally supposed, peculiar to potato 
spirit, but occurs also in that developed by the fermentation 
of the cerealia. From this latter source also it admits of 
being obtained in great quantity. When first observed by 
Mr. Coffey at Sir Felix Booth’s, there was an inch of it in 
the faint receiver; and from the diameter of this vessel he 
estimated its total amount to be at least fifty gallons. This 
is the quantity produced at that establishment every fort- 
night, the excise laws compelling the distiller to distil and 
brew alternately, and about a week being consumed in each 

The whiskey manufactured some years ago contained, 
Dr. Apjohn observed, a considerable quantity of this oil, and 
owed to its presence a great deal of the pungency of taste 
and smell by which it was distinguished. From the nature 
of the still at present generally used, but a small por- 
tion of this substance passes over ; and hence the reason why 
the spirit now made is, as compared with the product 
of the old processes, less disagreeable to the palate, and pro- 
bably less injurious to the constitution. It is undoubtedly 
owing to the same cause, (an improvement in the process 
of distillation,) that this oil has at length been noticed in the 
distillers’ faints. Upon the old system of manufacture the 
greater portion of it was driven over, and was held dissolved 
by the spirit into which it was thus introduced ; but with the 
modern stills, particularly that devised by Mr. Coffey, no- 
thing having so high a boiling point as this oil, can by pos- 


sibility pass into the part of the apparatus where the spirit 
is condensed. 

Dr. Apjohn proceeded to observe, that the potato spirit 
oil, as it has been hitherto called, has of late attracted much of 
the attention of chemists. Pelletan, from some rough expe- 
riments upon it with acids, threw out the idea that it was 
more analogous to alcohol than to the volatile oils, and this 
opinion seems to have been in some measure adopted by 
Dumas. More recently M. Auguste Cahours (Annales de 
Chimie, January, 1839) has revived this opinion, and con- 
cluded it to be one of the groups including alcohol, pyroxilic 
spirit, and acetone. He represents it by the formula 
Cio Hig Op = Co Hip + 2H 0, which obviously makes it quite 
analogous to alcohol in composition. The carbo-hydrogen 
Cy Hip he has insulated, by distilling the oil from anhydrous 
phosphoric acid. He calls it amilene, and finds the specific 
gravity of its vapour to be 4.904, so that an atom of it gives 
but one volume of vapour,—a circumstance in which, as Ca- 
hours observes, it agrees with Dr. Kane’s mesitylene, but 
differs from the carbo-hydrogens C4 4 and C2 Ha which occur 
in alcohol and pyroxilic spirit. By acting upon potato spirit 
oil, (or, as Cahours calls it, amilic alcohol,) with sulphuric 
acid and chlorine, he obtained products corresponding per- 
fectly with those ‘yielded by ordinary alcohol when similarly 
treated. The amilic ether, or Cjo Hj -+ HO, he did not suc- 
ceed in insulating. 

Dr. Apjohn observed, in conclusion, that he had been 
aware, for more than twelve months, of the identity of the 
fluid oil which he had examined with the potato spirit oil of 
the French chemists ; but having engaged in the examina- 
tion of another oil, of the consistence of butter at ordinary 
temperatures, which is well known to exist in corn spirit, it 
was his intention, when he had completed his experiments 
upon it, to give publicity to what he knew of both oils in the 
same paper. In the mean time, however, Liebig and Pelouze 


published their memoir (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 
tom. 63, p. 113,) upon an oleaginous matter, which comes 
over during the distillation of wine, towards the close of the ~ 
process, and which they showed to bea mixture of what they 
denominated cenanthic acid with cenanthic ether. Having pe- 
rused this paper, Dr. Apjohn felt satisfied, from the progress 
he had already made in the investigation, that the buttery 
matter found in small quantity in ordinary whiskey, and 
to a much greater amount in the distillers’ faints, was in a 
great measure the same with the substance which the che- 
mists just named had found to come over during the distil- 
lation of wine in the production of brandy. A third oil, 
however, different from the cenanthic acid and cenanthic 
ether, he soon found to be present; and while occupied in 
examining it, his attention was directed by Dr. Kane to 
the 2nd part of Poggendorf’s Annalen for 1837, which 
contained a paper on the subject of these products, by a 
German chemist named Mulder. In this paper it is sa- 
tisfactorily shown that the solid oil of malt and corn spirit 
is a mixture of the oil of wine of Liebig and Pelouze, 
with a third substance, which he called oleum sittieum. 
Being thus clearly anticipated as respected the solid oil, Dr. 
Apjohn observed that he had no motive for further delay ; 
and he accordingly submitted to the Academy the facts from 
which he was enabled to conclude that the fluid oil (or amilic 
alcohol of Cahours) is not, as is generally thought, peculiar 
to potato spirit, but occurs also in that which is manufactured 
in this country by the fermentation of a mixture of malted 
and unmalted grain. 



Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de 0 Academie 
des Sciences. Premier Semestre, 1840. Nos. 6—12. Pre- 
sented by the Academy. 

Proceedings of the Numismatic Society of London, 1837- 
38. Presented by the Society. 

The New County Book of Tipperary. By Jeffries Kings- 
ley, Esq., M.R.I. A. Presented by the Author. 

An Essay on the Mineral Structure of the South of Ire- 
land. By Thomas Weaver, Esq., M. R.I. A. &c. Presented 
by the Author. 

A Letter to the President of the Royal Irish Academy. 
By Sir William Betham, M. R. I. A., &c. Presented by the 
Author. - 
An Essay on the Heat of Vapours and on Astronomical 
Refractions. By John William Lubbock, Esq. Presented 
by the Author. 

Greenwich Observations for 1838. Presented by the 
Astronomical Society. 

Bulletins de 0 Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
Lettres de Bruxelles, année 1839. (Nos. 5 and 6.) Presented 
by the Academy. 

Annuaire de lV Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles- 
Lettres de Bruxelles, pour les Années 1839-40. Par le Di- 
recteur A. Quetelet. Presented by the Author. 

Notice sur Martin van Marum. Par A. Quetelet. Pre- 
sented by the Author. 

De la Liberté Physique et Morale. Par L. A. Gruyer. 

Examen critique d'un Mémoire de M. P. Leroux, intitulé, 
Du Bonheur. Par L. A. Gruyer. 

Presented by the Author. 

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April 27. 

SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin gave a verbal ac- 
count of some observations which he had made upon the 
weather, in connexion with the prognostic drawn from the 
variations of atmospheric pressure, as indicated by the baro- 
meter. The sudden changes of the barometer, his Grace 
observed, were well known to be connected with correspond- 
ing changes of the weather as to rain or drought, and the 
great and rapid falls with the sudden approach of a gale of 
wind; but it did not seem to be so generally remarked, that 
the slow and continuous changes of the height of the mercury 
in the barometer were likewise indications of the approach 
of a season of long continued wet or dryness. It was to some 
connexions of this latter kind, noticed by himself, that he 
now drew the attention of the Academy. The first of 
these occurred in the early part of the summer of 1818, when, 
fromthe slow and gradual rise of the barometer for the space of 
ten days, he was led to predict the approach ofa long continued 
dry season. The drought which followed was one of the most 
remarkable that had occurred in this climate for many years. 
The second instance of the same kind observed by his Grace 
was in the early part of the spring of the present year. On 
the 17th of February the barometer commenced to rise, but 
very slowly, and the rise continued for six or seven days; he 
was thus led to expect a long continuance of dry weather ; 
and the result, as is well known, fully verified the anticipa- 
tion, the change being followed by more than three weeks, 
during which there was not a single drop of rain, and that 
too at a season of the year usually wet. 

The Secretary read a notice by Mr. George Knox on the 


subject of the Contact Theory of Electricity, as connected 
with the views suggested in his paper “ on the Direction and 
mode of Propagation of the Electric Force, in media not un- 
dergoing Electrolyzation.” Mr. Knox referred, at some 
length, to the recent experiments of M. Peclet on this sub- 
ject, published in the Annales de Chimie. 

The Secretary read some memoranda of the native Indian 
account of Tabasheer, communicated by William Farran, 

The Secretary read the continuation ofa paper by James 
Orchard Halliwell, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., &c. &c., on the 
Boetian numerical Notation. 


An Inquiry into the Period of the first Use of the Zero 
by those Writers who adopted the Notation of the Boetian nu- 
merical Contractions. 

During the researches made by M. Chasles, of Chartres, 
and myself, on the subject of the Boetian numerical contrac- 
tions,—the former published in the Transactions of the Brus- 
sels Academy, and the Comptes Rendus of the Academy of 
Sciences, the latter in an Appendix to the Rara Mathematica, 
—we came to no definite conclusion on the nature of the 
change from the use of the abacus to that of local position 
and the cipher. Some documents recently discovered by me 
have strikingly elucidated this point of the inquiry, and as they 
develop an entire new view of a system before only conjec- 
tural, I have ventured to place the results before the notice 
of the Royal Irish Academy, the more especially as the 
general objects of that body render the subject more appro- 
priate to their views than those of any society in England. 

Before I enter into this short discussion, to give the 
reader an idea of the state the subject was left in, I will 
quote my latest opinion :— 


Tt would be impossible, with the few materials yet 
brought to light, to conjecture with any great probability 
how far these Boetian contractions may have influenced the 
introduction, or cooperated with the Arabic system to the 
formation of our present numerical notation. It appears to 
me highly probable that the two systems became united, 
because the middle age forms of the figure five coincide 
with the Boetian mark for the same numeral, and those of 
two others are very similar. The idea of local position, 
again, may have had an independent European origin; the 
inconveniences of the abacus on paper would have suggested 
it by destroying the distinguishing boundaries, and invent- 
ing an arbitrary hieroglyphic for the representation of an 
empty square.”—Rara Mathematica, p. 111. 

Now, from the Mentz MS. in the Arundel Collection, it is 
very evident that their mode of operation with the abacus 
had received one great improvement on the Greek and 
Roman system, the abolishing the necessity of motion, and 
only using the table cum pulvere, as a means for distinguish- 
ing position. Thus, in the following addition sum, using the 
names instead of the cabalistic characters, we have an ex- 
ample of their method of proceeding:— 

Andras Igin Calcis Andras 
Tenis Arbas Ormis Celentis 
Celentis Calcis Igin 

Thus making a total of — celentis, calcis, zero, igin. Now, it 
is evident, that in order to do away with the necessity of 
this table, supposing the contractive marks again substituted 
for the latter words, we have only to imagine an arbitrary 
character for the deficiency under the ormis, and the modus 
operandi is synonymous with our own present form. 


The following are new instances of the appearance of the 
zero without its use :— 

MS. Hatton. 7, we find the following passage :—“ inscri- 
bitur et in ultimo figura 0, sipos nomine. Que licet numerum 
nullum significet: tum ad alia quzedam utilis est.” 

MS. Lansd. 842,is a contractive mark for a sipos, outside 
the drawing of the abacus. 

MS. Hatton. 112. The sipos is given with its contrac- 
tion, but is only used to fill up the space in the abacus. 

Now, at the last page of a very beautiful MS. of the 
translation of Euclid, by Athelard, of the fourteenth century, 
and in the explicit of the fifteen books, the number 15 is 
written in these singular contractions, and without a division. 
This MS. is in the Arundel Collection of MSS., and was ac- 
cidentally discovered by me when looking into it for an- 
other purpose. 

The new face thus put upon the question of their gradual 
identity with the present system, and the satisfactory evi- 
dence that the latter portion of my former conjecture is 
correct, is sufficient almost to make me bold enough to 
venture on the truth of the previous one. It must be recol- 
lected, however, that on the last point one document only 
has yet been discovered. 


The middle-age Knowledge of the Alabaldine Notation 
considered as an Argument in Favour of the early Introduc- 
tion of the Boetian Zero into Western Europe. 

I beg leave to make the following additional observations 
in corroboration of what was stated by me on the same subject 
in a paper read before the Academy on the 13th of January. 

The recent dispute* between M. Chasles and M. Libri, 

__ * An account of the whole discussion may be found in the Comptes Rendus 
‘Hebdomadaires of the Academy of Sciences, for the 7th and 14th of October last, 
pp. 447-454, and pp. 463-472. 


before the French Institute, relative to the bearing of certain 
points in my Essay on the Boetian contractions, has not es- 
tablished a single important fact, save that the knowledge of 
local value was apparent in the integral abacal operations of 
these contractions. On the question of the period of the 
introduction of the Boetian zero, confessedly the most curious 
and difficult point to be established, none of the continental 
writers, M. Chasles, M. Libri, or M. Vincent, have ven- 
tured on more than random conjectures. . 

The Boetian fractional notation, or the Alabaldine nota- 
tion,” was first explained in the above-mentioned Essay, 
previously to which no rational conjectures respecting them 
had been made. I amnow enabled to prove that this notation 
was not only recognized, but commonly employed throughout 
the middle ages. 

A passage at the end of the second book of “ Boetii Geo- 
metria,” de minutiis,} proves that the system was contempo- 
rary with that writer. Bede, in his Treatise on Arithmetic, 
has given a whole chapter to it. Next comes the Arundel 
MS.{ of the twelfth century, from which I am enabled to 
give a most exceedingly curious specimen of their modus 
operandi :— 

QuestTion.§ It is required to multiply semis (=) into 

siliqua is : What is the result 2 
IM" \ 144 

SoLution. Semis = as . semiuncia, but as = tigin; there- 
fore, semis = igin.semiuncia = semiuncia; because igin 
is the Boetian unity. 

* So called from its presumed inventor. 
+ MS. Lansd. 842, B. &c. $ No. 343, in the British Museum. 

§ It is almost unnecessary to observe that this is much simplified and abridged 
from the MS. 


Now serupulus = —_ scrupulus; because calcis _. i 
: =22m 
calcis ‘ caleis — “* 
: . serupulus 
“. scrupulus = calcis. si! Saeed 

scerupulus Bo f . sas 
Bu ee = siliqua .. scrupulus = calcis. siliqua. 

pe . serupulus . , serupulus 
and semis. siliqua = semis. ——_——-._ = semiuncia . ——_.— 
calcis caleis 
= semiuncia. — . scrupulus. 
: calcis 

igin __ andras.igin _ 

But, by the integral notati —— 
pais ISteaEE nipiahiee calcis  andras.calcis 

igin andras igin gin Atel 
Sm es = 8 8 = semiuncia « duella. 
andras_ caleis andras  ormis 


semis . siliqua = semiuncia . semiuncia . duella. scrupulus. 

We have now to reduce the 

igin igin- __ igin 
andras* andras ~ arbas 
and, semis . siligua = sicilius . duella . scrupulus. 

semiuncia . semiuncia = = sicilius. 

We have thus the required quantity in a very compli- 
cated form. To effect the reduction of this is the work of 
another long operation, which it is unnecessary to repeat here, 
as the above will sufficiently serve for an example of the la- 
borious, though ingenious, plan which was pursued. 

Gerbert, in his Treatise on Geometry,* makes use of this 
notation, and adds, guod abaciste facillimum est.t| ‘The MS. 
Burney, 213, in the British Museum contains an express 
treatise on it. Added to which, the Alabaldine contractions _ 
are constantly occurring in mathematical manuscripts, and 
till very lately no one had the slightest idea of their true 

* Pezri Thesaurus, t. i. p. ii, col. 13. + Ib. col. 30, 


That the writers on the Boetian contractions could have 
accomplished the solution of intricate fractional questions 
(entirely dependent on the principle of local position) without 
the knowledge of the zero, or some arbitrary character to 
express its situation, appears to me to be quite impossible. 
Above all, it must be remembered that the abacus was not 
employed with the Alabaldine notation. 

A paper was read by William R. Wilde, Esq., on the 
animal remains and antiquities recently found at Dunshaugh- 
lin, in the county of Meath. 

Surgeon Wilde prefaced his observations by stating, 
that the communication which he was about to make, on 
the subject of the vast collection of bones which were recently 
discovered in the county of Meath, was but introductory 
to a more detailed description of their zoological and anato- 
mical characters which he purposed bringing before the 
Academy at a future meeting. But, having had several 
opportunities of visiting the spot where these remains were 
found, and having collected some information upon: the 
subject from the persons who superintended, and others who 
were actually engaged in making the excavations, he felt it 
necessary to lay before the Academy a popular description 
of the place,—in order to show under what circumstances 
these bones were found, and to enable the members pre- 
sent to form some idea as to the nature of this very re- 
markable collection. In addition to this statement of facts, 
he would likewise exhibit several of the antiquities found 
in connexion with the animal remains, in the hope that the 
antiquary and the historian might, from their examination, 
be enabled to arrive at some probable conclusion as to the 
date of the construction of this place. 

The following is an extract of Mr. Wilde’s statement: 
“ About a mile to the east of the village of Dunshaughlin, 


on the townland of ZLagore, and near the margin of a 
‘ cut-away’ black bog, is a circular mound, slightly raised 
above the surrounding plain, its highest central part being 
about eight feet above the margin, and the circumference of 
the mound measuring 520 feet. A small stream passes 
through this circle ; and the whole bog in which it is situate 
occupies a slight concavity of about a mile and half in cir- 
cumference, bounded by raised tillage and pasture lands. 
Within the memory of some of the old inhabitants of theneigh- 
bourhood, this bog was covered with water during the greater 
part of the year, and it is so invariably during winter, up to 
the present period. A large pond is still in existence in one 
of the fields adjoining the mound. (Mr. Wilde exhibited a 
map of the mound and the surrounding country.) A few 
years ago, some labourers, while clearing the stream-way, 
discovered several bones protruding from its sides; and 
in May, 1839, the quantity of bones found in the drain was 
so great, and their value so well known, that a further exami- 
nation was made, when it was discovered that the greater 
part of the mound was composed of the remains of animals, 
placed there in the following manner: 

‘* The circumference of the circle was formed by upright 
posts of black oak, measuring from six to eight feet in 
height ; these were morticed into beams of a similar ma- 
terial, laid flat upon the marl and sand beneath the bog, 
and nearly sixteen feet below the present surface. The up- 
right posts were held together by connecting cross beams, 
and fastened by large iron nails; parts of a second upper 
tier of posts were likewise found, resting on the lower ones. 
The space thus inclosed was divided into separate compart- 
ments, by septa or divisions that intersected one another in 
different directions ; these were also formed of oaken beams, 
in a state of great preservation, but joined together with 
greater accuracy than the former, and in some cases having 
their sides grooved or rabitted to admit large pannels driven 



down between them. The interior of the chambers so formed 
were filled with bones, and black moory earth, and the heap of 
bones was raised up in some places within a foot of the surface. 
It was generally found that the remains of each species of 
animal were placed in separate divisions, with but little 
intermixture with any other; and the antiquities, &c., were 
found along with them, without any order or regularity, but 
for the most part near the bottom.” 

The most numerous class of bones were those of oxen, 
and of these Mr. Wilde exhibited the heads of several 
varieties, in a state of great perfection. Some of these were 
identical with those which formed the subject of Mr. Ball’s 
communication to the Academy, in January, 1839,and which 
were discovered in the bogs of Westmeath, Tyrone, and 
Longford; others bore a strong resemblance to them. 

_ There were other specimens of these oxen which, although 
of rather diminutive size, equalled, as to beauty of head and 
horn, the modern improved breed of the English short- 
horned Durham, and the middle horned Devon and Ayre- 
shire,—being distinguished by the peculiarities of the head, 
and in particular of the slug or core on which the horn is 
moulded, and which had remained quite perfect, although 
the cuticular horn had been destroyed. 

A fourth variety was that which has been denominated 
the true Irish cattle,—the long-horned, or crumple-horned, 
the improved large breed of which still exists in some 
of the midland counties of Ireland, particularly Roscom- 
mon. In this variety there is a very remarkable pro- 
jection of the upper portion of the frontal bone between the 
horns, which latter turned downwards, and alittle backwards, 
somewhat in the manner of the Craven or Lancashire stock. 

There were also several heads of the polled or hornless 
variety, called in this country mhaol, exhibiting some slight 
differences as to the fineness of their heads, but in general 
resembling the Galloway and Angus breeds. 


All these heads differ from those figured in Cuvier’s 
Ossemens Fossiles ; and Mr. Wilde regretted that he was at 
present unable to draw the necessary comparisons between 
the existing breeds and those found at Dunshaughlin, from 
the want of a collection of the heads of the former in the 
museums of this country, and from our not possessing any 
work having accurate plates of the anatomical characters 
of the horned cattle, although it is upon such characters that 
the zoologist and the cattle-breeder found their distinctions. 
A great number of these heads are broken in the centre of 
the forehead, as if by some blunt instrument—apparently 
the mode of slaughter. It might naturally be expected that 
the best breeds and the largest assemblage of these animals 
should be found (even at an early period) upon the fertile and 
extensive plains of Meath; and the whole collection offers 
an incontestible proof, that at a remote period Ireland 
possessed not only several varieties of horned cattle, but also 
breeds analogous to those most valued in England at the 
present day, and lately re-introduced into this country. 

The animal, whose remains were found in the greatest 
abundance next to the ox, was the pig—several of the heads 
of which were produced, of all ages and sizes, but of a 
smaller description than those at present bred in this country. 

There were one or two specimens of the horse and ass. 
The bones of a number of deer were likewise found in the 
collection, both male and female. The former, some of the 
antlers of which are quite perfect, prove the race to have 
been the common deer; and in no instance were the horns of 
the Fallow deer found—verifying the general opinion of natu- 
ralists, that the latter are an introduced race into this country. 
Large quantities of the bones of goats of all ages were dug 
up. The head of a four-horned sheep was also discovered 
in the same locality, of a peculiar form, to be described here- 
after ; this was the only instance of the sheep that Mr. 
Wilde had been able to procure. 


Some of the most remarkable remains found in this in- 
closure were those of a very large and powerful dog, appa- 
rently belonging to an animal of the grey-hound tribe, but of 
enormous size—the heads measuring, in the dry bone, nearly 
eleven inches in length, and principally characterized by the 
great extent and magnitude of the occipital crest, and the 
projecting muzzle. Mr. Wilde stated it as his opinion, that 
we had now, for the first time, an opportunity of judging of 
the form and characters of the dogs denominated Irish 
wolf dogs, to which breed he considered these heads to have 
belonged. There were also several foxes, but no wolves. 
With these remains were mixed up the shells of limpids and 
buccinums; and a few bones of birds; some portions of 
burned bones, and large quantities of hazel nuts. Most. of 
the bones of the larger ruminants were unbroken ; and up- 
wards of 150 cart-loads of bones have been already dug out 
of this inclosure, and have been forwarded to Scotland for 
manure, none of them being in a fossil state. 

Nearly in the centre of the heap, and within two feet of 
the surface, were discovered two human skeletons, lying at 
length, and without any surrounding wood or stone work, &c. 
The superstitions of the people who were employed in making 
the excavation, led them to re-deposit ‘them in the neigh- 
bourhood, and they cannot now be obtained ; but Mr. Wilde 
produced some of the vertebrze, and the frontal bone of one of 
these bodies, and remarked upon the similarity of the latter 
to other heads found in ancient Irish monuments, and in par- 
ticular its striking analogy to those found in the Cromleigh 
recently opened in the Phcenix-park. 

The antiquities found in this place may be divided into 
the warlike, the culinary, and the ornamental. They con- 
sisted of zron swords of different lengths, with straight edges 
and angular points, and bearing a resemblance to the ancient 
Roman swords. Very many knives were found, of different 
shapes and sizes, with iron spear, javelin, and dagger blades, 


and part of the boss or central ornament of a shield ; but no 
brazen weapons of any description. Two querns, or ancient 
corn mills, were found on the marl, at the bottom of the in- 
closure ; sharpening stones; iron chains ; aniron ax; a brazen 
pot, and three small brass bowls of most elegant shape and 
workmanship ; several articles precisely resembling miniature 
frying pans, of about three inches in diameter (perhaps incense 
burners) ; circular discs of turned bone, wood, and slate, like 
those supposed to have been used at the end of the distaff; 
small shears, like the modern sheep shears; brazen, bone, and 
iron pins, from four to six inches in length—the former of great 
beauty of construction ; brooches, and parts of buckles, con- 
taining pieces of enamel and mosaic work ; bracelets; wooden 
(yew tree) combs, tooth-picks, etwees, and other articles be- 
longing to the toilette. Several of these articles show an 
extraordinary state of perfection of the arts at the period 
of their construction. 

A very curious bone was likewise found, and exhibited to 
the meeting, with a number of devices carved on it, as if by 
way of practice in engraving; these devices consisted of scrolls 
and marks precisely similar to those formed on ancient Irish 
crosses, ornaments, and grave-stones. There were no crosses, 
beads, or Christian sacred ornaments found in the excavation ; 
but a number of pieces of stags’ horns sawn across, and also 
pieces of hazel wood, in great quantity, as if laid up for 
fire-wood, were found in one spot near the bottom. 

On the surface of the mound, but apparently without 
any connexion with it, a groat of Robert the Second, of 
Scotland, was picked up. 

Some of the articles exhibited now belong to the collection 
of the Dean of St. Patrick’s; but the greater number were 
forwarded for the inspection of the Academy, by Mr. 
Barnwall, of Grennanstown, on whose ground the discovery 
was made, and to whom Mr. Wilde was indebted for the 
bones, and permission to make any researches he might 


Mr. Wilde concluded by impressing on the Academy the 
importance of appointing persons to inquire into this and such 
other objects of antiquarian interest as might, from time to 
time, come to their knowledge, and thereby preserving them 
to the Academy and to science; and he read a letter from Mr. 
Barnwall, offering every facility to the Academy, or to any of 
its members, to make further investigations into the bone-heap 
at Lagore. 

The thanks of the Academy were voted to Mr. Barnwall, 
for his obliging offer. 

Ir was Resouvep, (on the recommendation of Council,) 
to omit the words in Chapter II. Sect. 5, of By-laws, fol- 
lowing the words “ each candidate proposed.” 


A Spear Head. Presented by Sir W. Betham. 

An Examination of the Ancient Orthography of the Jews, 
and of the original State of the Text of the Hebrew Bible. 
By Charles W. Wall, D.D.,M.R.I.A. Presented by the 

Ordnance Map of the County of Wicklow, in Forty-nine 
sheets, including Title and Index. Presented by His Ex- 
cellency the Lord Lieutenant. 

Burgh Records of the City of Glasgow. By John Smith, 
Esq. Presented by the Author. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. XXIV. for 1839. 
Presented by the Society. 

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 
Vol. I. Nos. 9 and 10. Presented by the Society. 

Quarterly Journal of the Statistical Society of London, 
Vol. III. Part 7. Presented by the Society. 




1840. No. 23. 

May 11. 
SIR Ws. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 
John Davidson, Esq., James Henry Blake, Esq., Q.C., 

and Abraham Abell, Esq., were elected Members of the 

A paper was read by Jonathan Osborne, M.D., on Aris- 
totle’s History of Animals : 

Dr. Osborne commenced by observing, that this work 
was composed under circumstances more favourable to the 
acquisition of natural Knowledge than any work on the sub- 
ject ever published. According to Pliny, some thousands of 
men were placed at the disposal of the author, throughout 
Greece and Asia,—comprising persons connected with hunt- 
ing and fishing, or who had the care of cattle, fish ponds, or 
apiaries,—in order that he might obtain information from all 
these quarters, ne quid usquam gentium ignoraretur ab eo. 
And according to Athenzus, the same prince gave him, on 
account of the expenses incurred in composing it, 800 ta- 
lents,—a sum, which taken at the lowest, that is, the lesser 



Attic talent, amounts to above £79,000. The work composed 
under such auspices, is such as might have been expected. 
The extent of the observations is prodigious; and we cannot 
read far in any part of it, without being constrained to ex- 
claim with Cicero, Quis omnium doctior, quis acutior, quis in 
rebus vel inveniendis vel judicandis acrior Aristotele ? 

Shortly after the introduction of Greek literature to Eu- 
rope, and when this book was first printed, those sciences 
which have nature for their object, were in the lowest condi- 
tion. There was at that time no taste diffused for the study of 
zoology or comparative anatomy; and at later periods, when 
the value of these studies came to be better appreciated, the 
Aristotelian philosophy; had fallen into disuse. Thus this 
work has, from this combination of circumstances, been 
passed over; is seldom quoted except at second-hand ; and 
no edition of it distinct from the other works of the author, 
or illustrated as the subject required, has appeared since 
that of Scaliger, published in 1619,—except one, accompanied 
by a French translation by Camus, in 1782, which is said to 
be incorrect, and is become scarce. 

Dr. Osborne proceeded to make a short analysis of the 
contents of this work, and showed that Aristotle had antici- 
pated Dr. Jenner’s researches respecting the cuckoo, as also 
some discoveries with respect to the incubated egg, which 
have been published within the last year. His observations 
on fish and cetaceous animals are curious in the extreme, as 
might be expected from the variety of these animals abound- 
‘ing in the Grecian seas. Those on insects it is difficult to ap- 
preciate, from uncertainty as to the names. He describes 
the economy of bees, as we have it at present; but mistakes 
the sex of the queen. He holds the doctrine of spontaneous 
generation in those cases, in which he could not detect the 
ovary ; an inevitable conclusion arising from the want of the 
microscope, to which, and the want of knowledge of pneu- 
matic chemistry, his principal errors are to be referred. 


The various organs are described as modified throughout 
the different classes of animals, (beginning with Man, the 
BovXevricov wovov) in nearly the same order as that after- 
- wards adopted by Cuvier. 

As specimens of the interesting matter treated of in the 
work, Dr. Osborne selected the animal nature of sponges; 
the ages of various animals ; the movements of the nautilus, 
(the same doubt existing in the author’s mind as to the 
origin of the shell, which has divided the opinions of Messrs. 
Blainville, Owen, Gray, and Mad. Power, within the last 
year;) the localities of animals, as affording data for ascer- 
tainmg the rate at which they have extended themselves 
over the globe; particulars relating to artificial incubatien 
as practiced in Egypt ; the management of cattle ; a mode 
of fattening hogs with rapidity, by commencing with a 
fast of three days; the mohair goat located in Cilicia, as 
at present; hybernation and migrations of various animals 
and fish ; description of the fisher-fish (lophius piscatorius,) 
and of the torpedo, with the proof that they catch their 
prey in the extraordinary manner described; many inge- 
nious modes of taking partridge, and of fishing detailed ; the 
friendships which have been perpetuated between different 
classes of animals,—as the trochilus and the crocodile, 
the pinna muricata and the cancer pinnotheres, the crow 
and the heron; their animosities, as between the crow 
and owl; the diseases of animals traced throughout the 
series, extending even to fish; hydrophobia described, as 
being communicated by the bite of the rabid dog to all ani- 
mals except man, which appears to be the correct statement 
with respect to hot climates, and not (as has been re- 
‘presented by some modern travellers,) an entire absence of 
the disease. 

These detached specimens of the contents of this work fur- 
nish, however, a very inadequate idea of its real value. There 
are in it whole sections, the separate sentences of which, 



would furnish texts for as many Bridgewater Treatises. The 
freshness and originality of the observations taken from na- 
ture herself, and not made up from quotations of preceding 
writers ; the extent of the views, not bounded by any neces- 
sity for complying with preconceived or prevalent notions, 
but capacious as the author’s mind itself, and frequently 
leading the reader into the most interesting under-currents 
of thought branching off from the great fountain ; these are 
all merits belonging to the work, but not constituting its chief 
value,—which is, that it is a collection of facts, observed 
under peculiar advantages, such as have never since oc- 

_eurred, and that it is at the present day to be consulted for 
new discoveries. 

Now that Greece is, for the first time since the revival of 
letters, in possession of a government capable of apprecia- 
ting scientific investigations, a favourable opportunity offers 
for preparing an edition of the work, at once worthy of the 
age in which it was composed, and of that in which we live ; 
and perhaps some individual may be found, possessing a 
competent knowledge of the Greek language, and of zoology 
and comparative anatomy, who, after a sufficient examina- 
tion of the animals now in Greece, shall undertake the task 
of editing and illustrating this great work. Such a perfor- 
mance, properly executed, would be the resuscitation of a 
body of knowledge, which has lain buried for above 2000 
years ; and would certainly be no less acceptable to zoologists 
and anatomists than to the cultivators of classical learning. 

The Rev. Dr. Todd exhibited to the Academy a gold 
ring, the property of William Farren, Esq., which was re- 
ceived in barter, from the natives of the western coast of 
Africa. The similarity of the twist in this ring to that of 
the gold torques found at Tara, and recently presented to 
the Academy, renders it extremely worthy of attention. 
The following extract of a letter from Mr. Weston, of Lon- 


don, by whom the gold ring was presented to Mr. Farren, 
and which is addressed to that gentleman, was read to the 
meeting :— 

London, March 31st, 1840. 

‘Tn reference to the African gold, or torque as you call it, a 
young correspondent of mine, resident at Sierra-Leone, and a mer- 
chant there, happens to be at this time in London; from him and 
his father I have received many boxes of this pure gold, and he 
has furnished me with his own information upon the subject, 
which I send you inclosed; he tells me there are large rings or 
torques, full the size of those I saw in the library of the Royal Irish 
Academy. Recollect the inclosed is written by a man of colour, and 
an African by birth, educated in England under my care, and now 
a resident in his own country. By this, you will see what some 
of these men are capable of. 

“I have written to Africa, and desired a large ring may be 
procured for you ; I have no doubt this discovery may throw some 
new light, as to the existence of a connexion in early days be- 
tween Africa and Ireland.” 

The following is the letter from the African gentleman 
alluded to by Mr. Weston :— 

aaa “ 31st March, 1840. 
“* My dear Sir, 

“In answer to your inquiries relative to the gold rings that are 
generally sent from Sierra-Leone, I must first candidly explain 
that what little information I may be able to afford, has been de- 
rived from the gold strangers or traders that visit the colony, and 
not from any personal intimacy with the places where the gold is 

“The gold out of which these rings are ¢7visted, is found in 
the countries of Seral-Doolley, Timbuctoo, Seran-Colley, Follah, 
Bondou, Kasson, Kaarta, Bambarra, and Timbo, all of which tribes 
are distant about 1400 miles from, (in latitude 15° N.) and visit 
Sierra-Leone, in hoards of from two to four and five hundred at a 


time, travelling generally on foot; these journeys take them from 
two to four months, and equally long to return to their homes. 
They are all of the Mahomedan persuasion, and proficient Arabic 
scholars. Their manners are easy and insinuating ; and in conver- 
sation, which is always (or generally) done through an interpreter, 
they are full of compliments and flattery. Agreeably to the Maho- 
medan creed, they use no liquor, wine, or beer of any kind, (not 
even ginger beer,) and drink exclusively water, or sugar and water, 
They are, for the most part, very uncleanly in their habits, and par- 
ticularly so in their dress—oftentimes wearing one apparel without 
ever taking it off to cleanse their bodies the whole time they are 
away from home ; their clothes are consequently almost in rags be- 
fore they put on new ones. 

“* The gold is found in veins, and dug up in a solid substance, 
resembling the fine roots of trees. It is then purified by a mere 
melting process, in crucibles, so as to separate the earthy portion 
from the metal itself. The Africans are not capable of amalgama- 
ting the gold, this is left for the refiners in England to do. 

“In some of the countries already mentioned,—Bondou and 
Timbo, more particularly,—they sweep out their huts every morn- 
ing, the floors of which are mud; and no person is permitted to stir _ 
out until this office is performed. In the dust they sweep up, a little 
gold is mixed. They then wash the whole in vessels for the purpose, 
and the gold naturally sinking to the bottom, is thus separated, and 
obtained in small quantities. The twisting is accomplished by 
holding both ends of a solid piece of gold between nippers, and 
then turning it round until it assumes the appearance in which it is 
imported, being exceedingly ductile ; this is not a tedious process. 
The rings thus twisted, are sometimes from ¢mwelve to fifteen inches 
in circumference, and weighing about fourteen ounces. I however 
have heard, that they are made much longer and heavier ; but these 
are not, to my knowledge, parted with in the way of trade, but 
worn as ornaments round the neck and arms. 

“Tn the interior, all transactions are carried on for gold, the 
trader being furnished with a pair of scales made of the hard outer 
skin of the orange gourd. The weights are the seeds of certain vege- 
tables or fruits. They thus pay in gold from two pence to £10, and 


upwards. This I have often seen, and proved their exactness by 
weighing the same pieces in English scales. 

“Gold is also found in Central Nigritia, and on the Guinea 
coast; this I believe is principally in dust, and obtained by the 
same method of washing. 

‘<I have seen a piece of gold in its natural rough state ; it was a 
solid piece, about five inches long, and of the thickness of a com- 
mon writing quill. It was smooth in appearance, but seemingly 
composed of a number of layers, compressed together by a natural 
mechanical force, with veins like the grain of wood from the root 
of a tree. 

‘* Tn the countries I have here alluded to, the natives cultivate 
farms, but in a very careless and rough manner, merely cutting 
down the trees, but never rooting up the stumps or clearing away 
the smaller plants, but plant the rice or cassava negligently among 
the whole of this stubble, waiting till the rice, &c. may grow, to 
distinguish one from the other. They never sow or make use of 
the same farm a second time; but the soil is excessively sterile and 
sandy. Domestic poultry is plentiful; also sheep, and other 
horned cattle. They take great care of their cows, milk forming 
a principal luxury in their daily diet. 

“The gold strangers invariably visit Sierra~Leone, accompanied 
by several slaves, who bring ivory and other articles for barter. 
They all represent the countries from which they come, as possess- 
ing plenty of gold, but no facilities for procuring it. 

“« Salt is considered a great luxury in the interior of Africa, and 
eagerly sought after in trading. 

“IT remain, my dear Sir, 
‘¢ Yours, assuredly, 


The Rev. H. Lloyd, V.P., read the following communica- 
tion by Dr. Apjohn, on the value of the numerical coefficient, 
in the formula for the force of aqueous vapour in the at- 
mosphere, as derived from the observations of the wet and 
dry thermometers. 


“If ¢ and ¢’ be the temperatures shown by a dry and wet 
thermometer, encompassed by atmospherical air, ¢” the dew- 
point, f’ and f” the forces of aqueous vapour at ¢’ and ¢”, 
and p the existing pressure,—I have shown (Trans. R. I. 
Academy, vol. xvii., p. 285,) that 

es tt P is 
rae ae 

‘In investigating this expression, it is assumed that the 
specific heat of air, and the caloric of elasticity of aqueous 
vapour, are constant, and represented (within the ordinary 
variations of atmospheric temperature and pressure,) the 
former by . 267, the latter by 1115. In subsequently apply- 
ing this expression to the determination of the specific heats 
of the gases, (Trans. R. I. Academy, vol. xviii.) it was ne- 
cessary to give it its most general form, when it was found 
to become 

48a (t—t —f’ 
a being the specific heat of air, and e the latent heat of 
aqueous vapour, both being supposed at the temperature 
represented by ¢’, and under the pressure p. I shall here 
briefly indicate the steps which conduct to this result. 
They are given at length in the Philosophical Magazine, for 
October, 1838. 

“The two following propositions constitute the basis of 
the investigation : 

« Ist. When, in the case of the wet thermometer, the 
stationary temperature is attained, the caloric which vapo- 
rizes the water, is necessarily equal to that which the sur- 
sounding gas evolves in descending through ¢ — ¢’ degrees, 
2. e. from the proper temperature of the air to that of the 
moistened bulb. ; 

“2dly. The air so cooled, by successive contacts with 
the moistened bulb, is saturated with humidity. 

“From these propositions we easily deduce the equation 


ee me’ 

f' =f 1€ aa (I) 
in which m’ represents the amount of vapour formed by the 
caloric’extricated from a given volume of air, in cooling 
through ¢ — /’ degrees; and m the maximum amount of va- 
pour, which the same volume of air could contain at ¢’. In 
this expression /’ may be considered as known, the corres- 
ponding temperature ¢’ being the result of observation. In 
order, therefore, to render the formula available, it is only 
necessary to determine in known terms the values of m’ 

and m. 
“‘ If a be the specific heat of air, and e the caloric of elasti- 

city of aqueous vapour at the temperature ¢’, it is easy to see 
e : es : 
that G grains of air, in cooling through ¢ — ¢’ degrees, evolve 

sufficient heat to vaporize exactly ¢ — ¢’ grains of mois- 
ture. For m’, therefore, in the formula just given, ¢— ¢’ 
may be substituted.. Again, m may obviously be replaced 
by the maximum amount of moisture capable of being con- 

4 AG ; ; 
tained in — grains of air at the temperature i’ and pressure p. 

But to obtain this, it is only necessary to reduce - grains of 
air to cubic inches; to multiply the resulting volume by 
_/ _ * in order to get the expansive effect of moisture ; 

and finally multiply the volume thus obtained by the weight 

of a single cubic inch of aqueous vapour. When this is done, 
we find m = °625 x fy —-—. Reverting now to equa- 
Gx Bese 

pp ing subs ton 0 Sak Eh en aoe ES 

* In the investigation given in the Philosophical Magazine, this step is omitted. 
The omission, however, does not sensibly affect the accuracy of the resulting 



tion (1), and writing in it the values just found for m/ 
and m, we arrive at the final equation 
“a 48 a(t—t) p—f’ 

P ajo ee a) 
in which the force of vapour at the dew-point is expressed 
in terms of the force of vapour at ¢’, and of the difference 
of the temperatures of the wet and dry thermometers. 

“This formula is applicable for all vaiues of ¢’ above 32° ; 
but when the stationary temperature of the wet thermometer 
is lower than the freezing point, it will require modification. 

Cont : : : 
7 stains of air, we have seen, in cooling through ¢ — ¢’ 

degrees, convert into vapour ¢ — ¢’ grains of moisture. But 
if ¢’ be less than 32°, a greater amount of air will be neces- 
sary for accomplishing this, inasmuch as the heat evolved 
has first to liquify ice, and then to convert the water jinto 
vapour. The additional quantity is obviously represented 
ae aH 135 being the caloric of liquidity 
of water, and 1179 — ?’ the latent heat of aqueous vapour at 
t’. But this fraction, if we substitute 32° for ¢’, (which may 
be always done without sensible error) is equal to 0-118. 

Hence for values of ¢’ below 32°, - + 0-118 < = 1-118 = 

by the fraction 

is, in grains, the weight of air which, in cooling through 
i — t’ degrees, vaporizes ¢—¢’ grains of moisture. When 
this correction is applied, the final equation, applicable to 
observations in which the wet thermometer indicates lower 
temperatures than 32°, becomes 
,__ 4 a(t—?’) g 
rsp — SS) yet (mm 

** Assuming, as before, the specific heat of air, a, to be 
‘267, the value assigned to it by Delaroche and Berard, 
and taking for e the value it would have at 50°, upon the hy- 
pothesis that 967° is the latent heat of vapour at 212°, and 


that the sum of its sensible and latent heat is at every tem- 
perature a constant quantity,—equation (II) becomes 

fl =f’ - 01185 ¢— 1) x2@SL, (IV) 
and equation (III) becomes 
Sf’ =f’ — 01017  — t) x 2 a : (V) 

“The theory which has led to these conclusions is now 
universally admitted to be correct; but as doubts may - 
be entertained respecting the exactness of the coefficient, 
whose value, as has been seen, depends on the numbers by 
which a and e are represented, (numbers which are, in all 
probability, not as yet known with great precision,) it would 
appear desirable to deduce its value directly from experi- 
ment. This is the immediate object of the present commu- 

“In my second paper on the dew-point, I have given three 
distinct series of experiments, applicable to such a purpose ;— 
the first relating to air whose dew-point was determined by 
Daniell’s instrument; the second to air perfectly dry; and 
the third to air whose dew-point is known with certainty, 
and without the aid of any form of condensation hygrome- 
ter. From these, in all of which ¢’ is greater than 32°, I 
have calculated 54 values of the coefficient, by methods to 
the explanation of which I now proceed. 

©], Representing the coefficient in question by m, the 
hygrometric formula becomes 


Y Tif ace Oey, P =e 

f' =f —mt-t)xX 307° 
Now if air, in reference to which ¢ and é’ have been accu- 
rately noted, be raised to any higher temperature, and the ob- 
servation repeated, we obtain data for determining the value 
= Hi if 

Pp 30? for 

of m. For,” being constant, f’ — m (t —?t’) x 

; ; pP—F 
one observation, will be equal to r’ — m(t—T’) X a0 


for another, from which we deduce 
a alc aUNA 
_@=@- 20) eae 
“ The subjoined tables contain the experiments ; and ap- 
plying to them the method of calculation just explained, we 
obtain eleven values of m. 

No.| ¢ ft 1t—@| p 
1 | 49°6 | 44:7 4:9 | 296 ? 1&2. m= ‘0118 
2 | 88:5 | 62 26°5 | 29°6 MSc Oe cee - ‘0121 
3) 805 |59 | 215 |206 | foe3 12127 0110 

1 | 47-2 | 42°5 4-7 | 30:02 Be 
2 | 76 57-5 | 18:5 | 30-02 bie. m= -0144 


No.| ¢ t. 16 — ep L& 2. m= Old 
| ——_—|—___|___ DRS Sete care 0122 
1 | 48:3 | 43 5:3 | 29°76 RE eke lore 0132 
2 | 96 64 32 29:76 2&3 20... 0035. 
3} 91 62°5 | 28°5 | 29°76 | 2&4...... 0103 
4| 75 56 18 29:76, ,3&4...... 0109 


No.| ¢ Bt 8p 

1| 51°3 | 45-5 | 5:8 | 30:7 | . ae 
2'\'8a) >| Boot bes Me is0.7 \iaaNet 770 aye 

Mean value of m = ‘01151 
“2. In the general formula given above, if f” = 0, 

3 : 3 
m= ——, X =F . My observations of ¢ and é’ in dry 


air, which I here subjoin, enabled me, by means of this ex- 
pression, to calculate 19 additional values of m. 

SEeRtiges 2. 

No. t uo|t—t| p m ~ 
1 51 33°5 | 17:5 | 30°55 | -0122 
2 53 345 | 18°5 | 30°35] -0116 
3 52 34 18 30°21 | +0118 
4 dl 33 18 30°05 | °0115 
9) 52 33°4 | 186 | 29°75} 0108 
6 53 343 | 18-7 | 29°50} °0118 
7 56°5 | 35°8 | 20°7 | 29-70 | °0112 
8 58 37 21 29°72 | :0110 
9 58:2 | 37 21:2 | 29°77 | :0113 

10 58 37 21 30°03 | °0114 
11 58 37 21 30°15 | °0113 
12 59 37°5 | 21°5 | 30°25} °0112 
13 39 38 21 30°26 | °0117 
14 61 38:7 | 22°3 | 30°21 | ‘0113 
15 58°3 | 37:7 | 20°6 | 80°35 | °0117 
16 58 37:5 | 20°5 | 30-45 | °0117 
17 56:3 | 36°5 | 19°8 | 30°30} -0117 
18 57° | 37 20°5 | 30°20| -0116 
19 07'S | 37 20°5 | 30°15] -0116 

Mean. = ‘01150 

“3. Lastly, if in the formula f” and f’ be known, so also 
LS x a. Batam 
a alah aaah pe 
the case of air saturated with humidity, by being passed 
through water, its temperature is its dew-point; so that this 
latter is easily and certainly known. Hence, if the tempera- 
ture of such air be raised, and a wet and dry thermometer 
be observed in it, we have ¢, ¢’ and ¢”; and can therefore, by 
the expression just given, calculate the value of m. The 
following table includes 24 distinct observations, from which 
the values of the coefficient given in the last column have 
been thus deduced: 

is m, for it is obviously equal to 



No.| ¢ | t'’ |t—@f| p zt m 
1| 78 | 62-2 | 15-8 | 30°30| 51:3 | -0110 
2|76 | 61:5 | 14-5 |30:30| 51-3 | -O111 
3|73 | 60-3 | 12:7 | 30:30! 51-3 | -0108 
4|72 | 60. |12 |30-30| 51-3 | -0118 
5/69 | 586 | 10-4 |30-30| 51°3 | -0106 

90°5 | 67 23°5 | 30°15 | 50°8 | ‘0119 
§2°2 | 64:3 | 17°9 | 30715] 50°9 | -0123 
79 82 17 30°15 | 50°9 | :0110 
71°7 | 60 11°7 | 30°15 | 51:2 | -0116 
10 | 69 58:9 | 10°1 | 30°15] 51:5 | :0112 
11 | 92 69 23 30°42 | 51‘1 0120 
12 | 83 65°38 | 17:2 | 30°42 | 54:5 | -0116 
13 | 76 63°3 | 12°7 | 30-42 | 54:9 | °0113 
14 | 68 60°3 77 | 30°42 | 55 "0112 
15 | 98°5 | 71:5 | 27 30°36 | 55:5 | :0117- 
16 | 84:6 | 67 17°6 | 30°36 | 56 0115 
17 | 77°35 | 64:5 | 13 30°36 | 56°3 | -0112 | 
18 | 81 62:2 8°8 | 30°36} 56°5 | ‘0111 
19.| 83 66°5 | 16°5 | 30°51 | 56:8 | -0108 
20 | 77 65 12° | 30°51 | 57-2 | -0117 
21 | 71:3 | 68 83 | 30°51 | 57°5 | -0116 
22 | 91°8 | 68-6 | 23:2 | 30°51 | 54°1 "0115 
23 | 75°2 | 63:2 | 12 30°51 | 55 0116 
24 | 72 62° 10 30°51 | 55:1 0115 

Mean = -01140 

‘‘ The following, therefore, are the means deducible from 
each separate series of observations : 
Series]. .: m= ‘01151 
Series Qi: . se 10.6, ,O1150 
Series3...... ‘01140 

3 1 
So that the mean of all three is :01147 = e719? OF al- 

most exactly the coefficient which I have sake in my 
papers on the dew-point.” 

Mr. Lloyd then proceeded to offer some remarks upon 
Dr. Apjohn’s communication, and upon the most probable 
value of the coefficient to be derived from his results. 


We have here, he said, the results of three distinct series 
of experiments, conducted upon different principles, and by 
different processes ; and, as we observe, the mean values of the 
coefficient thus deduced present the most complete agree- 
ment, the greatest difference amounting only to ‘00011. Itis 
almost indifferent under these circumstances, which of these 
results be adopted; but in order to do complete justice to 
the subject, we shall here investigate the most probable value 
of the final mean, as given by the calculus of probabilities. 

In order to do this, it is necessary to deduce, in the first 
instance, the probable error of each mean, as derived from 
the results of its own series. This error, it is well known, 
is expressed by the formula 

_ 455 3 («x — a)? 

~  n(m—1) ’ 
in which & (« — a)? denotes the sum of the squares of the 
differences of each partial result and the mean, and the 
number of observations. The results of this calculation are 
given in the last column of the annexed Table. 

Series. n m E 
1 11 01151 ‘00031 
2 19 °01150 “00005 
3 24 ‘01140 “00006 

The most probable value of the final mean, will now be 
given by the formula 

my, Mz M3 

rn 1 i? 
pu WEE 

from which we find m = ‘01145. 

In the preceding deduction we have supposed that the 
only errors to which the separate values of m are liable are 
the errors of observation, in which case the positive and - 


negative errors would be equally probable. But there is 
another class of errors involved, belonging to the Tables of 
the elastic force of vapour at different temperatures. In 
fact, the value of m being expressed in terms of f, and f 
being calculated from the observed value of ¢, by these 
Tables, it is obvious that the errors of the Tables will affect 
the result. In this point of view, however, there is a very 
important difference between the second series of experi- 
ments and the other two. The values of m, in the first and 
third series, are expressed in terms of the difference of two 
values of f ; so that any constané error, in the Tables which 
give the values of f, must wholly disappear in the result ; 
and any error nearly constant must, for the same reason, be 
nearly evanescent. The case is different, however, in the 
second series. Here m is expressed in terms of a single 
value of f; and the tabular error of that value has therefore 
its full effect. Now, that the errors of the Tables are 
of the kind alluded to,—i.e. nearly constant within certain 
moderate limits of temperature,—will be evident from the 
mode in which they are constructed. The value of f is 
in all cases calculated from an empirical formula, which 
(within the ordinary range of temperature) does not vary 
rapidly with moderate changes of ¢; the error in the value 
of f, therefore, (i. e. the difference between its value as cal- 
culated with the asswmed and with the ¢rwe formula,) may, 
therefore, be regarded as nearly the same, for a moderate 
range of the variable on which it depends. 

It follows from this, that, in the second series, the true 
probable error is greater than that deduced from the obser- 
vations themselves, and is the resultant of that error and 
of the error of the Tables. If this latter error were known 
@ priori, the resultant error could be inferred; but as this 
is not the case, we have no means of knowing the weight 
due to the result of that series, and have, therefore, no rule 
to guide us in combining that result with the other two. 


We are thus compelled in strictness to omit that result alto- 
gether in deducing the final mean. Combining, therefore, the 
results of the first and third series, according to the method 
already laid down, we have 

m = .01140 ; 

a result which is identical with that of the third series, that 
of the first, (on account of its large probable error) not 
affecting the fifth place of decimals.* 

But the second series of experiments, though it cannot 
properly be combined with the others in deducing the mean, 
may yet serve another purpose. It may be made, in fact, 
a test of the accuracy of the different tables of the elastic 
force of vapour, within the range of temperature belonging 
to the experiments. With this view, the values of the co- 
efficient, m, have been calculated by Dr. Apjohn from his 
second series of experiments, by means of three separate 
tables of the elastic force of vapour: The first of these 
tables is that which has been employed above, as well as in 
his papers on the Wet Bulb Hygrometer in the Transactions 
of the Academy, and is that calculated by Dr. Anderson 
from the experiments of Dalton and Ure. The second 
table is that deduced by Mr. Kamtz, from his own experi- 
ments; and the third is that given in the Report of the 
Committee of Physics and Meteorology of the Royal Society, 
and calculated by Mr. Lubbock from a formula of his own. 
The results are given in the annexed table. 

ES EE Eee 

* The errors of observation in the first series, which are so considerable in 
comparison with those of the other two, are manifestly owing to the mode of ob- 
serving f”. For it is obvious that the rapidly varying temperature of the thermo- 
meter in the condensation hygrometer cannot be noted ata precise instant, with 
the same certainty as that of a thermometer which has arrived at a stationary 


No. | Anderson.| Kamtz. Lubbock. 
1 ‘0122 ‘0108 ‘0110 
2 ‘0116 0107 ‘0109 
3 ‘0118 ‘0107 ‘0110 
4 ‘O115 ‘0104 "0107 

- 5 0108 0104 ‘0107. 
6 ‘0118 ‘0107 0110 

7 ‘0112 ‘0102 0105 

8 ‘0110 ‘0105 0108 

9 ‘0113 ‘0104 ‘0107 

10 ‘0114 ‘0104 ‘0107 

11 0113 0104 0107 

12 "0112 ‘0103 ‘0107 

13 ‘O117 ‘0107 O11] 

14 ‘01138 ‘0104 ‘0107 

15 ‘O117 ‘0108 ‘0110 

16 | ‘0117 ‘0107 ‘0110 

17 0117 ‘0108 ‘O111 

18 ‘0116 ‘0106 -0109 

19 ‘0116 ‘0107 ‘0109 

Mean = -01150 ‘01055 01084 

It will be remarked at once, on the inspection of these 
numbers, that the differences of the corresponding results 
for the same experiment, as well as those of the means, are 
considerably greater than those of different results, as cal- 
culated by the same table: plainly proving that the error 
due to the imperfection of the tables is greater than the 
error arising from observation. If we now take the diffe- 
rences between the mean values of m according to each 
table, and the final mean already obtained, we find that the 
error in the value of m deduced from the first table is only 
+ .00010. The same error, in the case of the second table, 
is — .00085; and in that of the third, — .00056. The pro- 
bable difference, supposing the partial means to be affected 
only by the errors of observation, is less than .00008. We 
have reason to conclude, therefore, that the second and. 
third of these tables are not so correct as the first—at least 
for temperatures corresponding to those of the thermometer 


with the wettened bulb in these experiments; and that the 
values which they give for the elastic force of vapour, for 
these temperatures, are too low. 

(Additional Note by Dr. Apjohn.) 

““M. Kupffer has recently been engaged in discussing the 
value of m, the coefficient in the hygrometric formula. Ina 
note read by him at the Petersburgh Academy, on the 22nd 
of last January, and published in the Bulletin Scientifique, 
No. 132, after a detailed examination of the experiments 
of August, Gay-Lussac, Erman, Bohnenberger, and 
Kamtz, he comes to the conclusion, that the theoretic value 


a : A 
of m, or » agrees sufficiently well with that deduced 

from the most trust-worthy comparative observations on 
the dew-point. The formula which he definitively adopts, is 

SJ =f — 267 (¢ —?@); 
Jf’ and f” being expressed in tenths of an English inch, and 
¢ and ¢’ in degrees of Reaumur’s thermometer. But this, ex- 
pressing f’ and f” in inches, and ¢ and 2’ in degrees of Fah- 
renheit’s scale, becomes 
SJ’ =f — 01142 ¢ — #’); 
an expression in which the coefficient is almost identical with 
that which has been deduced above from the three series 
of experiments to which I have so often referred. This for- 
mula, however, M. Kupffer observes, gives results in ac- 
cordance with direct observation, only when the table of the 
elastic force of vapour drawn up by Kamtz is employed; 
from which he infers, that #¢ alone represents with accuracy 
the relation between the tension and the temperature of 
steam—an opinion from which, notwithstanding the high 
authority of M. Kupffer, Iam compelled to differ, on the 
grounds already stated by Professor Lloyd. 
“‘ There is another statement of less importance made by, 



M. Kupffer, to which also I find it impossible to assent. 
He alleges that the dew-point obtained directly by Daniell’s 
hygrometer is always lower than the truth; and he as- 
cribes this to the bad conducting power of glass, by reason 
of which the opposite surfaces of the ball containing the 
thermometer will, while refrigeration is proceeding, have 
different temperatures, so that when the outer surface has a 
dew deposited on it, the temperature of the inner surface, 
and that of the ether in contact with it, are sensibly lower. 
I do not deny that, theoretically speaking, this must be the 
case; but I certainly doubt much whether the cause assigned 
can produce any appreciable effect of the kind attributed to 
it. On the contrary, according to my experience, the ob- 
served is almost invariably higher than the true dew-point. 
Such must inevitably be the case when the ether is 
poured on too rapidly ; for we have thus a local reduction of 
temperature at the surface of the ether in the ball containing 
the thermometer, considerably greater than that indicated 
by the instrument, as ¢¢ merely shows the mean temperature 
of the entire column of fluid in which its bulb is immersed. 
In fact, I have frequently observed, under such circum- 
stances, a ring of dew to be formed, for example, at 44°, 
and to disappear subsequently, though the temperature of 
the inner thermometer was kept steadily at this point, or 
even carried lower,—showing clearly that partial deposition 
may take place before the true dew-point is attained. The 
only mode of avoiding this is to pour on the ether very 
slowly, so as to produce such a gradual lowering of the 
included thermometer, that the entire of the ether in which 
it is immersed shall have, at each instant, a temperature which 
may be considered uniform throughout. As another cause 
why the observed dew-point is higher than the true, I may 
mention the augmentation of the humidity of the air in the 
vicinity of the instrument, by the pulmonary halitus and 
cutaneous perspiration of the observer ; a cause which must 


‘be admitted to exercise a sensible influence, when it is 
considered how close the observer must be to the instru- 
ment, and what a considerable length of time is generally 
necessary for an observation. 

*“ While upon this subject I may observe that Professor 
Daniell’s rule,—to take as the dew-point the arithmetic mean 
between the temperatures indicated by the included thermo- 
meter, at the moment of the deposition of the ring of moisture, 
and at the instant of its disappearance, appears to me to be 
erroneous. I have just assigned the reasons which induce me 
to conclude that the former temperature is (at least in most 
instances) above the truth; and it is obvious that the latter 
must always be on the same side, for evaporation cannot com- 
mence until the temperature of the ball reaches the point of 
deposition, and will therefore not be completed until it has 
actually got above this point. The observed results, there- 
fore, being both above the true dew-point, so also will be 
the mean itself. 

‘“‘ There is one other topic, suggested by a perusal of M. 
Kupffer’s note, to which I am anxious to advert. Upon 
ordinary occasions the dew-point formula may be used with- 

out the factor © = by which it becomes 

f =f — Oli €— 7%). 
This is the form to which it is reduced by M. Kupffer; and 
though not rigorously exact, the error is generally negligible, 
within the ordinary variations of atmospheric temperature 
and pressure. In the case of observations on high mountains, 
however, it will be indispensable to employ the complete 
formula, otherwise the calculated dew-point would be appre- 
ciably lower than the truth. In illustration of this point, I 
subjoin the particulars of an observation made on the Sugar- 
loaf mountain in the vicinity of Bray, the dew-point being 
experimentally determined by Daniell’s hygrometer, and 


calculated by my formula, in its complete and less perfect 
form, from the observed temperatures of a wet and dry 

(Top of Sugar-loaf, April 23, 1840.) 
“t= 60°87 Sos FS 16 Fp coe 
t’’ (by Daniell’s hygrometer) = 47.5. 
tY (by formula f’= f’ — ‘6114 (¢ — 7’) x = = 46°°8. 
t” (by formula f’” = f’ — 0114 (¢ — ¢/) ) = 46°-22. 
P — which, in the pre- 

ceding observation, = ‘9366, the calculated dew-point comes 

* Thus, by neglecting the factor 

out 0°°58 too low. This, however, may, under ordinary 
circumstances, be considered as an extreme error; for ¢—?’ 


is seldom so high as 7:6, and scarcely ever so low as 

9366, at least in this climate.” 

May 29. 
REV. H. LLOYD, A.M., Vice-President, in the Chair. 

A paper was read by the Secretary, being a continuation 
of Mr. George J. Knox’s researches “ on the Direction and 
Mode of Propagation of the Electric Force, and on the 
Source of Electrical Development.” 

In the commencement of this paper the Author describes 
some experiments, from which he concludes that all fluids 
convey the electric force through their substance; while 
with regard to solzds no regular law exists, some conveying 
the electric force through their substance, while others con- 
vey it along their surface. He next considers the source of 
electrical development, and shows that it must originate in 


contact, and not in chemical action, by a reference to experi- 
ments which prove that there is development of electricity 
by contact where chemical action could not take place, (as in 
the case of gold and platinum,) and by showing that all the 
experiments adduced in favour of chemical action, receive 
an easy solution on the contact theory. He then shows 
how completely the electrical machine illustrates every ano- 
malous action in the voltaic pile, when the contact theory, 
and his explanation of chemical action by alternate states of 
induction and equilibrium, are adopted. 

The Author then explains, (as a further proof of the cor- 
rectness of his theory of alternate states of induction and 
equilibrium,) in what manner, according to this theory, a 
current of electricity must, at making and breaking contact, 
produce induced currents in opposite directions; and he 
concludes with a few remarks upon magnetism considered 
as an electrical phenomenon. : 

The Rev. Dr. Todd announced to the Academy that 
the transcript of the Book of Lismore, borrowed some time 
ago by the Council from his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, 
was now completed; and he exhibited it, together with the 
original, to the meeting. 

After some remarks on the beauty of the transcript, 
which was made by Mr.'EKugene Curry, and the means 
taken to secure its accuracy, Dr. Todd proceeded to give 
some account of the original MS.; the circumstances under 
which it was discovered in the Castle of Lismore, in 1814; 
and its subsequent history. He showed that it received the 
name of “the Book of Lismore” merely because it happened 
to be found in that Castle, and that it had no connexion 
with the Church of Lismore, as the appellation of Book of 
Lismore would imply. It was written probably for some 
members of the Mac Carthy family, and was a sort of Bzbli- 
otheca, or collection of tracts on all such subjects as appeared 


interesting in religion, legendary lore, and history, in the 
fourteenth century, at which period the book was most pro- 
bably written. 

After describing the various mutilations which the volume 
appears to have sustained, Dr. Todd proceeded to describe 
its contents, and to make some remarks on the sources of 
the different tracts contained in it. These are, Lives of 
St. Patrick, St. Columkille, St. Bridget of Kildare, St. Senan 
of Scattery Island, St. Finnen of Clonard, and St. Finnchua 
of Brigown, all in Irish of great purity and antiquity; the 
conquests of Charlemagne, taken from the celebrated ro- 
mance of the middle ages, falsely attributed to Tilpin, or 
_ Turpin, Archbishop of Rheims; several legends, as the 
story of All-hallowtide, of Antichrist, of St. Canice of Agh- 
aboe, of David and Solomon, of a Christian and a Jewish 
Child, of St. Comgal of Bangor; and the history of the Lom- 
bards, from the celebrated work of Paul Warnefrid. Of this 
latter tract, which is full of strange tales and legends, Dr. 
Todd read a short portion, in an English translation. The 
reading of the remainder of the paper was deferred to the 
next meeting of the Academy. 


Annales des Mines. Par les Ingenieurs des Mines. 
Troisiéme Série. Tome VII.—X. Ttepented by the School 
of Mines. 

Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. XXIV. for 1839. 
Presented by the Society. 

Asiatic Researches. Vol. XIX., Part 2. Presented by 
the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. 

Flora Batava. By Jan Kops. Presented by the Author. 

Fisher's Constantinople. Presented by Rey. R. Walsh, 
LL.D., M.R.LA. 




1840. No. 24. 

June 8. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

George Wilkinson, Esq., and G. Willoughby Hemans, 
Esq., were elected Members of the Academy. 

The following note, by John Ball, Esq., M.R.LA., on 
the Aurora of the 24th of April, was read by the Secretary: 

“It being possible that a very brilliant Aurora, which oc- 
curred on the night of Friday, April 24, may have been the 
subject of observation in different parts of the country, I 

offer the following notes, taken at the time, as a contribution 
to the facts which it is so desirable to collect together, in re- 
ference to these phenomena. Being unprovided with in- 
struments, the only point of interest which I was able to 
attend to was the period at which the more observable 
- rapid changes took place. To fix the position of such changes, 
it would have been desirable to note their exact direction 
by the compass, which might be done where there are seve- 
ral observers ; but my whole attention being directed to the 
time, I was unable to effect this. To supply as far as pos- 
sible the deficiency, I have endeavoured, by rude outlines, 


to represent some of the remarkable appearances, the period 
of whose occurrence IJ have noted down; and these will pro- 
bably enable other observers to recognize the changes suffi- 
ciently to allow of a comparison of the observed period of 
their occurrence. 

‘«‘The time given is, as accurately as I could ascertain it, 
Liverpool mean time, which, of course, may easily be re- 
duced to Greenwich or Dublin time, by persons anxious to 
compare their observations. 

** Before 10 o’clock, p.m., I remarked a bank of light in 
the northern horizon, which gradually assumed the form of a 
very well defined arch, the luminous part being of less 
breadth than is usually the case. The arch continued slowly 
torise, without exhibiting any appearance of streamers, un- 
til some minutes past ten, p.m., when the altitude of its up- 
per surface may have been about 10°; it then began to exhi- 
bit an appearance resembling the glow above a furnace, and 
at 10" 10™ 8* a very brilliant streamer ascended from a lit- 
tle to the east of the centre of the arch. 

‘The phenomena of streamers were now, for some mi- 
nutes, exhibited with great brilliancy. At 10° 12™ 495, a 
broad column of bright light was seen’ about the centre of 
the arch, as in the subjoined sketch. ; 

“Up to this time the arch had preserved its regular form; 
but a separation now gradually took place, the bow seeming 
as if broken in the middle, and the eastern side remaining 


throughout the most brilliant. The changes now succeeded 
each other so rapidly as to defy observation, the limits of the 

dark interior part continually altering, and at one time ap- 
pearing as ifhalf the arch were refracted from its place. 

‘The arch continued to separate, and, as it were, fall to 
pieces, the streamers diminishing in brilliancy until 10" 17™ 58, 
when a broad column rose from very near the horizon, on 

the eastern side. 




“This column appeared gradually to melt away, when 

a yery brilliant streamer arose de) in the same place at 
2Q ; 


10° 17™ 53s, remaining fixed for a few moments; at 10" 18™ 12° 
this resolved itself into several bright streamers. I was un- 
able, after this period, to fix upon any sufficiently marked 
appearances to admit of being noted down; the Aurora, how- 
ever, continued for some time longer, till gradually obscured 
by a thick fog which came on at this time. Throughout 
the whole period, the dark part, through which I observed 
stars of the fifth magnitude, was remarkably well defined, 
presenting at times the appearance of a mountain range 
seen at a distance. i 

‘T have offered this very imperfect sketch, in the hope that 
this fine Aurora has not escaped the notice of more accurate 
and better prepared observers; for, if we were supplied 
with a sufficient number even of such rough outlines as the 
preceding, we should be better enabled to answer a question 
very important to the subject, namely—whether different 
observers see the same Aurora at the same time 2?” 

Dr. Robinson presented a specimen of Meteor Paper, 
similar to that of Carolath, which he had received from the 
Countess of Caledon, with a notice of the circumstances of 
its formation. It was found, last Spring, covering a consi- 
derable tract of meadow land, the property of Lord Radnor, 
in Gloucestershire. The tract of country between Les- 
blade and Farringdon is flooded by the Isis every Spring, 
but not more than usually this season. When the waters 
subsided, the surface of the ground was covered with this 
substance to such an extent as to make its removal and de- 
struction necessary to permit the growth of the grass; some 
of the pieces covering ten and twelve acres in continuous and 
unbroken sheets. Nothing of the kind had been noticed be- 
fore by the oldest farmers. Portions of it were found on land 
which had not been under water. It is denser than any which 
Dr. Robinson had seen, and contains a larger proportion of 
the shields of Infusoria; but the tissue is composed chiefly 
of the conferva rivularis. 


Mr. Farran exhibited to the Academy a Babylonian brick, 
with cuneiform characters. 

Rev. H. Lloyd, V.P., read the following extract ofa letter 
from the Rev. Thomas Knox, accompanying a tabular view 
of the results of rain-guages observed at Toomavara, County 
of Tipperary, by himself, and at Monks Eleigh, Suffolk, by 
the Rev. Henry B. Knox, during the year 1839; together 
with plates of the rain curves. 

** River Glebe, Nenagh, May 28, 1840. 

* T send the combined results, for the year 1839, ofa rain 
gauge kept by my cousin Henry and of my own; they are 
made on the same principle and construction as that of which 
I sent the previous account. As Toomavara is about forty 
miles from the west coast of Ireland, and Monks Eleigh, in 
Suffolk, (where my cousin Henry resides,) about a similar 
distance from the east coast of England, we think the 
comparative view of the direction and amount of rain may, 
perhaps, prove interesting to the Academy. 

*‘ There are a few points to which we wish to draw more 
particular attention: In the first place, there is a striking re- 
semblance between the mean curve of the twelve months, 
and that from Winter to Summer solstice at each place 
respectively, so that the latter nearly represents the na- 
ture of the yearly rain of the place—I mean with regard to 
the point of the compass from which it comes; this you will 
see by comparing plates thirteen and eighteen. 

** Acain, in the mean for each season, the greatest 
amount of rain, at Toomavara, is invariably from S.W., 
whereas, at Monks Eleigh, in Winter it is from W., in 
Spring from N., in Summer E., and in Autumn S&S. 
Again, when the year is divided into two periods, from 
Autumnal to Spring, and from Spring to Autumnal Equinox, 
the greatest rain, for each period, is at Toomavara from 
the S. W., and at Monks Eleigh from W. During the 
entire year, the greatest amount at Toomavara is from 

the S. W., but at Monks Eleigh from W.; and, though 


the gross total of rain at Toomavara is nearly double that 
at Monks Eleigh for the year, still the easterly rains at 
the latter place are almost equal in amount, and, during 
the Summer and Autumn, much more considerable. If, on 
an examination of the mean results of many years, the same 
directions of rain are found to be nearly the same in amount, 
it will render the subject very interesting to meteorologists. 

“ T have added also a plate of the years 1838 and 
1839, for Toomavara alone; the mode in which the curves 
are described is stated in the Proceedings for 1838, No. 10, 
p. 146. 

‘On some future occasion, we hope to be able to lay be- 
fore the Academy the results of many years.” 

A Comparative View of the Results of Rain-Guages observed 
at Toomavara, County of Tipperary, by Rev. Thomas 
Knox, and at Monks Eleigh in Suffolk, by Rev. meen 
B. Knox. 

12 Months. S. |S. W.| W. |N. W.) N. |N.E.| E. |S. E. || Total. 
Decener f 2: ‘469| 1°034| -631] -188| -081| -028| 050) -133|| 2-614 
M. E.| -421] 333] -431| -150| -040| -— | -015| -070|| 1-460 

Nantan qe ‘155 | +926 |1-080| -096| -061} -050| -010| -010|| 2-388 
M.E.| -147| -246| -705| -099) -078| -075| -033| -070|| 1-453: 

hae i ‘383 | 1:333 |1-073| -386| -124| -212| -296| -202|| 4-009 
Y (M.E| -157| -326] -636| -080| -059/ -080| -194] -213 || 1-745 
Neon ie ‘509 | 1-088 |1-188| -340| -218| -136| :312| -388|| 4179 
** \M.E.| -251] +345] -128] -229| -099| -020| -040| -110|| 1-222 
ee tt 152] -458| -571| -162| -105| -341| -300| -176|| 2-265 
pri's** (M.E.| 058| -218] -528| -102| -206| -060| -178| -002/| 1°352 
-- jz 110} -461| -205| -070| -172| -032| -045| -312|| 1-407: 
Yrr*+ (M.E} 008} — | -003| -031| -593| -352| -043| -— |) 1-030 
fees ie *316| 1:371| -255| -055| -036| -499| -200\ -130]) 2-862 
"*'* (M.E +176] -200| -290| -517] -636| -172| -645/ -039|| 2-675 
ae {2 ‘317 | 1:281| -733] -483| -832| -840| -837| -245|| 5-568 
Yer++\M.E.| -207| +113] -282| -224] -140| -051| -719| -383 |) 2-119 
eae {z -236| 1:188| -460| -087| -200| -062| -160| -169 |) 2-562 
‘*{M.E 044] +176] -246| -207] -186| 520] -100| -0i5 || 1.494 

waite T. | +712] 2-428 |1-061| -115| -335| -047| -075| -515 || 5-288 
EF em. {Mf B, 442| 431] +662] -593| -291| -213| -228| -287|| 3-147 
October, 1: | 306] °848| -724) -399| -905| -810) -187| -201 || 4-380 
croper+ \M.E.| -201| 106] -071| -085| 110} -308| -155| -150|| 1-186 
.§ T. | 584] +280] -169| -259| -046| -021| -629 |1:042|| 3-030 
Novem... {i 7562] °262| -389| -075| -338| -176| -742| -369|| 2-913 
ae ie £249 |12-696 [8-150 |2-640 [3-115 /3-078 |3°101 (3°523 | 40 552 
*** 1M. E.|2°674 | 2°756 [4.371 |2-392 |2°776 |2-027 |3-092 [1-708 | 21-796 

Mean Results, &c. &c. S. |S.W.| W. |N.W.| N. |N.E.| E. | S.E. 
: tT. | -336|1-098| -928| -223| -o89| -097| -119| -115 

Mean of Winter... { Of -242| -302| -591| -110| -059| -052| -081| -118 
i T. | °257| 669] -655| 191] 105| +170] -219/ -292 

Do. Spring... +++. x.) -106| -188| -220| -117| -299| +144] -087| -037 
T. | +290/1-280| -483} -208| -356| -467| -399| -181 

+s Sonia M. E.| +142] 163} -273| -316| -321} -248| -488| -146 
T. | -534/1-185 | -651| -258} -429|] -293] -297| -586 

Do. Autumn ..... ) MB] -402| -266 | -374| -251] -246| -232| -375| -269 

Summer Solstice, 

Total from Winter to ( T. 1°720 |5°858 |4°618 |1°245 | -776 |L-278 |1:180 {1-238 
Dec. 1838, June 1839 

M. E.j1:036 |1-370 |2°142 | -659 {1085 | +740 |1°100| -475 

to Winter Solstice, 
stunejte, to Dec. 1839 M. E.}2°157 |1°376 |1°906 |1°621 |1°962 |1:409 |2-050 |1°520 

Total. fror from sae (t ol 2761 \6°628 |3°315 |1°365 |2°337 |1-940 |2°195 |2:973 

Total from Autumnal E la. 2 : ; s : 5 
to Spring Equinox, Ae 2°649 |6°611 |5°068 |1-291] *982| :594/1°741 |1-318 

Sept. ee March ) vr &./1-489 1-796 nite 810 {1-628 | -602 11-555 | -831 

Total from Spring to T.  {1°816 |7-058 |3-768 1-118 1-745 |1°875 |1-660 |1-273 
Autumnal Equinox, 
March to Sept. 1839. ¢ M. E.| :940 1.178 |2°032 |1-488 1-870 1:362 |1°913}| +726 

William Pike, Esq. presented to the Academy an Irish 
Quern, and some other ancient remains, found at Roughan 

On removing the dam from the millrace, leading from 
Roughan lake, near Dungannon, when the water subsided, 
an island appeared nearly in the middle of the lake, which, 
on examination, appeared to have been artificially formed 
of timber and peat. The quern presented was found on 
the surface; and numerous fragments of ancient pottery, 
and bones, and a few bronze spear heads, were discovered at 

the depth of a few inches. 

Mr. Patterson exhibited to the Meeting a massive Gold 
Ring, (of the form supposed to be the ancient ring-money,) 
recently found near Belfast. 

The President continued his account of his ‘‘Second Se- 
ries of Researches respecting Vibration.” 



Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. No. XI. Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de T Aca- 
demie des Sciences. Premier Semestre, 1840, Nos. 13—19, 
and Index. Presented by the Institute. 

A Quern, Fragments of Pottery, and Animal Remains, 
Sound on Roughan Island. Presented by Wm. Pike, Esq. 

A Letter to the President of the Royal Irish Academy, 
in reply to certain Charges made against George Petrie, Esq. 
Presented by the Author. 

A Manuscript Copy of Keating's History of Ireland, by 
Andrew M‘Curtin, dated at Ibrickan, County of Clare, A.D. 
1703. Presented by Richard Carmichael, Esq. 

A bronze Axe. Presented by the same. 

June 22. 
SIR Wm. R. HAMILTON, LL.D., President, in the Chair. 

The Rev. Dr. Todd continued his account of the contents 
of the Book of Lismore. 

The tracts next in order in this volume are legends 
of ecclesiastical history,—as the legend of the venerable 
Bede; of St. Petronilla, the daughter of St. Peter; of the 
discovery of the Sybilline Oracle, in a stone coffin at 
Rome; of St. Gregory the Great; the heresy of the Em- 
press Justina. Then follow tracts on the origin of some 
of the minor ceremonies of the mass; an account of the 
successors of Charlemagne; the controversy of Archbishop 
Lanfranc with the Romans, about Transubstantiation ; a bat- 
tle between the priests of Rome and the devil; extracts 
from the voyage of Marco Polo, translated into Irish ; 
a very ancient tract on the wars of the celebrated Cal- 
laghan Cashel, King of Munster, with the Danes, in the 
tenth century; a romantic tale, entitled, The Adventures 
of Teige, the son of Cian, the son of Oilliol Olum, King of 


Munster; an account of the battle of Crionna, between Cor- 
mac Mac Art and the Ultonians; the adventures of Laogh- 
aire, son of a King of Connaught, with the fairies; the 
manner in which Connor Mac Nessa, son of a Druid, ob- 
tained the crown of Munster; a very curious historical 
tale, entitled, The Seige of Druim Damhghaire, now Knock- 
long, in the County of Limerick. This tale is of great im- 
portance, from its undoubted antiquity, and the topogra- 
phical descriptions which it contains of the country about 
Fermoy, in the County of Cork. 

The last tract in the MS. is one of very great in- 
terest: it is in the form of a dialogue between St. Patrick 
and the two survivors of Fiana Eireann,—Caoilte Mac Ro- 
nain and Oisin, son of Finn Mac Cumhail. It describes 
the situation of several hills, mountains, rivers, caverns, 
rills, &c., in Ireland, with the derivation of their names. 
It is much to be regretted, that this very curious tract 
is imperfect, especially as no other copy of it is known 
to exist. But for these defects we should probably have 
found in this tract notices of almost every monument of note 
in ancient Ireland: and, even in its present mutilated state, 
it cannot but be regarded as preserving the most ancient tra- 
ditions to which we can now have access,—traditions which 
were committed to writing at a period when the ancient cus- 
toms of the people were unbroken and undisturbed. 

Rev. H. Lloyd, V.P., gave an account of a series of ob- 
servations of the Magnetic Declination, made by Professor 
Bache of Philadelphia and himself, in the hope of deter- 
mining thereby differences of longitude. 

It is well known that the magnetic declination, at a given 
place, is subject to frequent and irregular variations, and 
that corresponding changes occur, at the same instant of 
time, at very distant places. The first recognition of this 
remarkable phenomenon seems to have been made by Arago, 
while comparing the observations of declination made by 


himself, at Paris, in the year 1818, with the contempora- 
neous observations of M. Kupffer, at Casan. Not long af- 
ter, the subject underwent a fuller investigation in the hands 
of Humboldt; and, in the year 1827, an extensive system of 
simultaneous observations was organized by that illustrious 
philosopher for the purpose of elucidating it. At length, 
in 1834, it was taken up by Gauss, and received a much 
greater development. Gauss discovered that the irregular 
changes of the declination were of continual occurrence; 
and that the synchronism, which had been previously ob- 
served only in the larger changes, extended to the minutest 
movements. In order to investigate the law of these syn- 
chronous changes, and the locality and other circumstances 
of the acting forces, Gauss arranged the extensive plan of 
simultaneous observations at short intervals, which has been 
already four years in operation, and in which almost every 
country in Europe has been represented by some one or 
more observers. 7 

Having taken part in this combined system in the year 
1837, Prof. Lloyd was led to inquire, in the first place, whe- 
ther this irregular fluctuation of the declination might not be 
still more rapid than appeared from the observations hither- 
to made ; and, secondly, whether these shorter oscillations (if 
they existed) corresponded in distant places, and could 
therefore be employed to determine differences of longitude. 

To investigate the first of these questions, a series of 
observations was made in the month of September, 1837, at 
very short intervals. The instrument employed was Gauss’s 
magnetometer ; and the magnet being ina state of continued 
vibration, observations were taken at each succeeding maxi- 
mum elongation, and therefore at the interval of a single 
oscillation,—which, in the case of the bar employed, was 
27°.38. ‘The mean of each successive pair of readings was 
then taken, to eliminate the mechanical oscillation, and the 
results projected in curves in the usual manner. On an 



examination of these curves it appeared, as had been antici- 
pated, that the maxima and minima of the irregular movements 
usually succeeded each other with very great rapidity, theit 
interval being, on the average, about 40 seconds, and their 
magnitude varying in these observations from 10” to 60”. 

The observations were resumed on the 23rd of October, 
and continued to the 26th, two series of an hour’s duration 
being made each day, in the hope of detecting some law go- 
verning the movements. No such law however could be traced, 
nor did there appear to be any connexion between the curves 
representing the march of the changes, at different hours of 
the same day, or at the same hour on successive days. 

The observed variations in these observations being small, 
it was suggested by an experienced friend, to whom Prof. 
Lloyd showed the results, that they were not true magnetic 
changes, but merely the errors of observation incidental to 
vibratory movement. In order to test this supposition, an 
unmagnetic bar (the brass detorsion bar of Gauss’s appa- 
ratus) was substituted for the magnet, to which it cor- 
responded in dimension ; and being provided with a mirror, 
was suspended by two parallel threads, and made to vibrate. 
The time of vibration was adjusted, by varying the interval 
of the threads, so as to differ little from that of the magnet. 
The successive elongations were then observed, as in the 
case of the magnet, and the means of each pair taken. The. 
variations in these means (which could arise from errors of 
observation or mechanical changes only) bore no com- 
parison whatever in magnitude to the corresponding varia- 
tions of position of the magnetic bar, thus showing that the 
latter were truly the results ofthe operation of magnetic 

The rapidity with which these changes thus appeared to 
follow each other, held out the hope that they might be em- 
ployed in determining differences of longitude; and it only 
remained to ascertain, for that purpose, whether 


inconsiderable in magnitude corresponded at great distances: 
If such should prove to be the fact, it would be only neces- 
sary to project on a large scale the results of the observations 
made about the same absolute time at the two stations, and 
to compare the times of the corresponding maxima and 
minima. In the observations already referred to, the maxima 
and minima succeeded each other (as has been said) at inter- 
vals of about forty seconds, and the epoch of their occurrence 
was probably known to six or seven seconds. By shorten- 
ing still further the interval of observation, it is manifest 
that this error may be much diminished. ‘The corresponding 
error of the difference of longitude resulting from a single 
comparison (supposing the probable error of epoch to be the 
same at the two places,) will be greater in the ratio of 2 
to 1; but this error, owing to the multitude of the maxima 
and minima compared, must necessarily be greatly reduced 
in the final mean. 

In order to put this question to the test on the largest 
scale, it was agreed between Mr. Bache and Mr. Lloyd, to 
make a series of corresponding observations in Philadelphia 
and in Dublin. Some difficulties occurred in concerting a 
plan, and Prof. Bache underwent, in one instance, the labour 
of an extensive series of observations, without any counter- 
part in Dublin. At length, however, it was agreed to ob- 
serve during the week commencing the 11th of November, 
1839; the observations being taken during two hours on 
each day—namely, from 12 to 1 p.m., and from 8 to 9 p. Mt, 
Greenwich mean time. 

Prof. Bache’s account of his observations is contained in 
the following extract of a letter which accompanied them, 
dated November 29, 1839. 

“The place of observation is a room in one of the 
out buildings for the dwellings of the Professors of the 
Girard College. As the materials used in the construc- 
tion of the house must produce considerable local attrac- 


tion, no absolute measures have been attempted. All 
moveable magnetic substances were removed from the vici- 
nity of the needle. A window near the needle was carefully 
closed by a shutter of wood, and by two curtains fastened 
to the window frame, and with an interval between them. 
There is no fire in the room; and a double door is between 
the observing room and an adjoining one where there is a 

** The instrument is one of Gauss’s declination magne- 
tometers, made by Meyerstein of Gottingen. The arrange- 
ment of it agrees exactly with that described in the Resultate, 
which has been followed as nearly as possible. ‘The reading 
telescope is supported upon a small wooden shelf fastened 
to one of the side walls of the room; the scale is attached 
to a wooden frame before the shelf. One of the smallest 
divisions of the scale, which is divided by estimation in the 
observations to tenths, is 25-975 nearly in value. The 
zero of the scale did not vary sensibly in position during the 

‘* The observations were made every eight seconds,.an 
assistant striking two seconds before the time of each obser- 
vation. The ticks of the half-seconds chronometer being 
distinctly audible, the observation was made at the fourth 
beat after the signal given by the assistant, and thus the 
time was independent of the minute accuracy of the signal. 
Checks were adopted to prevent or detect large errors in 
giving the signal. The interval of eight seconds is very 
nearly one-third of the time of oscillation of the magnet bar. 

“‘ The time was observed by a chronometer beating half 
seconds. This was compared before and after each set of 
magnetic observations with one, and after the morning of the 
14th with two chronometers. One of these was carried from 
the Girard College‘to the city after each set of observations ; 
but the others remained during the night at the Girard 
College, and were removed to the city after the morning 


series, to compare them with the stationary chronometer 
belonging to the High School Observatory, the rate of which 
was ascertained by observations of transit of the sun and 
stars on the 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 16th of November. 
Girard College is about 1770 feet west, and 8050 north of 
the High School by the city map.” 

The Dublin observations were made in the Magnetical 
Observatory. The instrument employed is of the form 
described some time since to the Academy.* It is a mag- 
netic collimator with a graduated scale of glass, each division 
of which corresponds to 43/22 of are. The visual angle 
under which each division is seen is so considerable, that the 
divisions can readily be subdivided into tenths by estimation. 
The time of vibration of the magnet is 17°78. The appa- 
ratus containing the magnet, as well as the reading telescope, 
are supported on stone pillars resting on solid masonry, and 

insulated from the floor. 

The observations having been undertaken by Prof. Lloyd 
without assistance, it was found impracticable to observe at in- 
tervals shorter than the time of vibration of the magnet bar, 
of which each successive elongation was accordingly noted. 
The time shown by the chronometer was usually noted every 
tenth or twelfth vibration; and thus the time of the interven- 
ing observations could be interpolated with much exactness. 
The error of the chronometer was obtained on the nights of 
the 11th, 14th, and 19th of November, by transit observa- 
tions with the four-foot transit of the Observatory. 

Of these observations, those made on Wednesday, 
Noy. 13, (8—9) p.m. Greenwich mean time, were the most 
favourable for the purpose contemplated. The changes, 
though small, (from 5” to 50”,) were marked and rapid, the 
intervals of the successive maxima and minima averaging 
thirty-six seconds. The epoch of their occurrence seems to 
be determinable to between four and five seconds. 

* See Proceedings, No. 18, p. 330, e¢ seq. 


When the two sets of observations were reduced and laid 
down in curves, it was found that they presented no simila- 
rity; in other words, that there was no correspondence whate- 
ver between the smaller changes of the declination at Dublin 
and at Philadelphia. 'The determination of differences of 
longitude, by means of the magnet, is, therefore, impracti- 
cable at such distances; but the attempt has revealed the 
important fact, that the irregular changes of declination, 
which have exhibited so marked a correspondence at the 
most distant stations at which simultaneous observations 
have been heretofore made, do not correspond on the Ame- 
rican and European Continents. Prof. Lloyd observed that 
much light would, erelong, be thrown upon this curious sub- 
ject, by a comparison of the observations made at the Mag- 
netical Observatory of Toronto, in Upper Canada, with 
those of Europe. 

A Paper ‘on the Cooling Power of Gases,” by Thomas 
Andrews, M.D.,M.R.I.A., was read by Dr. Apjohn. 

Leslie observed, long ago, that a heated body cools 
more rapidly in hydrogen gas than in atmospheric air; but 
Dalton and Davy were the first who attempted to estimate 
the cooling powers of the gases, by observing the times 
which a thermometer, heated to the same point, took to 
cool through the same number of degrees in different gases. 
So difficult of execution, however, is this method, that their 
results differ, in every respect, most widely from each 
other: thus, for example, Davy found that a thermometer 
cooled twice as fast in olefiant gas as in nitrous oxide, while 
Dalton found the rate of cooling in both these gases to be 
the same. 4 

The subject appeared to be deserving of further investi- 
gation, and the author has endeavoured to pursue it by a 
novel method, which may, perhaps, be susceptible of other 
applications in inquiries connected with the science of heat. 


When a fine metallic wire is placed in the circuit of a voltaic 
circle, it is well known that it will become heated, and the 
temperature which it finally acquires (provided the length 
of the wire remain the same, and the action of the battery 
continue constant) will depend upon the cooling power of 
the medium in which the wire is placed. If the current be 
of sufficient intensity to heat the wire to redness in air, the ' 
variations in its appearance, when placed in other gases, 
will exhibit, at a glance, their relative cooling powers. 
But, since the conducting power of wires for electricity di- 
minishes as their temperature rises, a measure of the effect 
may be obtained by ascertaining the changes produced in 
the intensity of the current, which will increase or diminish, 
according to the greater or less cooling power of the me- 
dium in which the wire is placed. 

The battery, employed in the following experiments, 
consisted of four large cells, on Daniell’s construction, 
charged with his standard solutions; and of a small cell, 
composed of an exterior cylinder of amalgamated zinc, and 
an interior plate of platina, the latter being separated from 
the former by a cylindrical membrane, and both immersed in 
dilute sulphuric acid. The hydrogen gas, disengaged from 
the platina plate, was collected in a graduated tube, and its 
volume taken as a measure of the intensity of the current. 
A platina wire, about 2°5 inches long, and ;1, in dia- 
meter, was stretched in the middle of a wide glass tube, by 
means of copper pincers, which were connected by thick 
wires of the same metal with the poles of the battery. The 
glass tube was so adjusted as to be easily traversed by a cur- 
rent of gas, which afterwards escaped from beneath a sur- 
face of mercury, and the connecting wires being passed 
through collars of caoutchouc, the whole apparatus was ren- 
dered perfectly air-tight. 

In making the observations, a current of the-gas, care- 
fully dried, was passed in great excess through the appara- 


tus, in order to sweep away, as completely as possible, the 
atmospheric air; the current was then arrested, and, the 
connexions with the battery being established, the appear- 
ance presented by the heated wire was noted, and the inten-" 
sity of the current transmitted through it ascertained by co 1 
lecting the hydrogen evolved in the small cell during the 
space of two minutes. The gas was next displaced by a 
current of dry air, and the same experiment repeated. 
During these experiments the battery was always in a very 
constant state of action. The results are contained in the 
following table, in which the second column gives the quan- 
tity of hydrogen extricated at each experiment with the 
wire in air ; the third with the wire in the gas; and the fourth 
column expresses the ratios of these numbers—those in the 
second being taken as unit :— 

Name af Gas. Sine ta ain) ee wh poe!" | havi ee 
Muriatic acid, §. . . 65:9 63:1 0:958 
Sulphuric acid, . . . 69°2 66°9 0°967 
OREN, hyse ">, in tly he 67'3 67° 0-995 
Carbonic oxide, . . . 68:1 68°3 1-003 
Wyanocen,. . ... . 66°3 67° 1:010 
Carbonicacid, . . . 66°6 67°5 1:013 
Deutoxide of nitrogen, 66:2 67°3 1-016 
Protoxide of nitrogen, . 68'3 69°6 1-019 
OVC oe eo 68°3 69°6 1:019 
Olefiantgas, . . .. 68:2 76:2 1-171 
iiignoniays 54 Qe % 67°4 75'3 1-118 
FAVOR ey 06 oy cnpe) etn 67:0 92°6 1°382 

As, however, the law, which connects the intensity of a 
voltaic current traversing a wire with the temperature to 
which it raises the wire, is unknown, these numbers do not 
furnish us with the means of determining the exact variations 
of temperature, sustained by the wire which was employed 
in these experiments. But, as a term of comparison, it 



may be mentioned that, when the wire was immersed in 
distilled water which prevented its temperature from sensi- 
bly rising, the intensity of the current was almost exactly 
twice as great as when the wire was allowed to become 
heated, in atmospheric air at the ordinary pressure. 

The appearances presented by the platina wire corres- 
ponded with the foregoing results. In atmospheric air, it 
exhibited a bright red heat; in the muriatic and sulphurous 
acid gases, the redness was distinctly a shade brighter; in 
cyanogen, carbonic oxide, and hydrogen, there was no sen- 
sible difference ; in carbonic acid, oxygen, and the deutox- 
ide of nitrogen, the wire, so far as the eye could judge, ap- 
peared rather duller than in air; while, in olefiant gas and 
ammonia, it was only raised to a very obscure red heat, and 
in hydrogen, no redness whatever was visible, even in com- 
plete darkness. This method may, it is obvious, be ex- 
tended to vapours; and, from some trials made with them, 
it appeared that the cooling powers of the vapours of alco- 
hol and ether are considerably greater than the cooling 
power of air, and that of steam very slightly greater. On 
the other hand, the cooling power of all gases diminishes as 
they become rarefied ; so much so, that the platina wire used 
in the preceding experiments reached in vacuum nearly its 
point of fusion, while, at the same time, the intensity of the 
current considerably diminished. 

The gases may be conveniently arranged into the following 
groups, in reference to their cooling powers; and it will be 
found, on inspecting the table, that those arranged in each 
group differ little in this property from each other :— 

Group I. Gases whose cooling power is less than that 
of atmospheric air :—sulphurous acid, muriatic acid. 

Group II. Gases whose cooling power is nearly the 
same :—nitrogen, carbonic oxide, cyanogen, carbonic acid, 
deutoxide of nitrogen, protoxide of nitrogen, oxygen, va- 
pour of water. 


Group III. Gases whose cooling power is greater :— 
olefiant gas, ammonia, vapours of alcohol and ether. 
Group IV. Hydrogen. 

Dr. Apjohn next drew the attention of the Academy to 
a metallic ore recently found at the Kilbricken Lead 
Mine, County of Clare, which he had received through a 
friend from Mr. M. Taylor, the gentleman who conducts the 
mining operations in that district. It occurs in amorphous 
masses of a bluish grey colour; has a metallic lustre, and 
something between a compact earthy and close foliated struc- 
ture. Specific gravity =6:407 ; hardness intermediate be- 
tween that of galena and sulphuret of antimony. Subjected 
to the action of the blowpipe sulphur is burned off; white 
oxide of antimony is deposited upon the charcoal; and a 
metallic globule is produced, brittle at first, but which be- 
comes malleable lead after having been submitted for some 
time to the action of the oxidating flame. In muriatic acid 
the ore dissolves, though slowly, with the evolution of sul- 
phuretted hydrogen; and the solution, when poured into a 
large quantity of boiling water, gives a white precipitate 
(oxichloride of antimony.) When this precipitate has sub- 
sided, the solution is found to contain nothing but chloride 
of lead, with traces of antimony and iron. From these ex- 
periments the mineral was concluded to be a combination of 
sulphur, lead, and antimony; and to determine the proportions 
in which they were associated, the following analytic process 
was adopted. 

44-52 grains of the ore, previously reduced to a fine 
powder, were introduced into a ball, blown upon a tube of 
Bohemian glass; and through this a current of dry chlorine 
was made to pass, the arrangement of the apparatus being 
such, that by a rectangular bend in the portion of the tube 
beyond the ball, the chlorine was made to bubble through a 


dilute solution of tartaric acid. This acid was placed in a 
tall flint-glass bottle with narrow neck, the mouth of which 
was closed (but not air tight) by a cork which was perforated 
so to receive the vertical arm of the bent tube. Upon con- 
tact of the chlorine and ore considerable heat was developed. 
When, the current of gas being still maintained, this began 
to subside, a lighted spirit lamp with circular wick was 
placed beneath the ball, and its flame gradually augmented 
so as to expel the chlorides of sulphur and antimony, and 
finally to fuse the chloride of lead; and a smaller spirit 
flame was at the same time made to play on the tube beyond 
the ball, so as to cause the volatile chlorides to pass into the 
tartaric acid, or at least into the vertical portion of the tube 
whose further extremity was immersed in the acid solution. 
The tube was now nicked with a file, and broken across 
at its point of flexure; and the portion not connected 
with the ball was subjected to a stream of distilled water, 
so as to wash any chlorides which it might include into the 
bottle containing the tartaric acid. This portion of the 
tube was now heated to redness, so as to render it perfectly 
dry, and then weighed along with the remaining fragment on 
which the ball was blown, and which contained the chloride 
of lead. The weight of this chloride was thus obtained ; 
being obviously equal to the weight last obtained, diminished 
by the weight of the ball and tube. It was thus found to 
amount to 40°96 grains, equivalent to 30°52 of metallic lead. 
The remaining constituents of the ore were now in the tar- 
taric acid, the sulphur being partly in the free state, but 
chiefly in the form of sulphuric acid. The free sulphur was 
first separated, and found to weigh 0°1 grain. To the acid 
solution chloride of barium was added, which threw down 
the sulphuric acid in the form of sulphate ofbarytes. This, 
when well washed, dried, and ignited, weighed 51°87 grains, 
equivalent to 7°15 sulphur ; hence 7°15 + 0°10 = 7-25 is the 
total amount of the sulphur. 


Sulphuric acid was next added, to precipitate any ex- 
cess of barytes; and, this being separated by filtration, sul- 
phuretted hydrogen was passed through the solution, which 
threw down the antimony as orange tersulphuret. The 
vessel being placed upon the sand bath for about an hour, 
so as to expel any excess of sulphuretted hydrogen, the 
precipitate was collected on a filter, and exposed for a con- 
siderable time to a temperature not exceeding 212°. Being 
thus rendered perfectly dry, it was found to weigh 8°85 
grains, equivalent to 6°37 metallic antimony. 

The solution from which the antimony was separated 
was supersaturated with ammonia, and sulphuretted hydro- 
gen was again passed through it, which threw down the 
iron; upon this precipitate nitro-muriatic acid was digested, 
and the unacidified sulphur being separated by a filter, the 
acid solution was supersaturated with ammonia, which threw 
down peroxide of iron, weighing, when ignited, 0°244 grains, 
equivalent to 0°17 grains ofiron. The following, therefore, 
are the results of the analysis : 

SE okie he ens a AR aD 
ead ee er re ae thee Waa Ural 
itor ee Ce ere Ord 
Antimony ere ee Ore 
Moss s - epercplunt Remi mein Le 

100 parts therefore of the ore consist of 

(1) ayrtagriet@ 
Sulphur. . . 16°36 . EOt6- . TOOTS -O"lod 
Mead. 2. OS'St Ve 0'OG4 
PRR Oss Sain 19a Ne Gora fo CORK 18989 
Antimony. . 14°39 . O-111 . O-111 . 1000 


The numbers in column (2) are the quotients obtained by 
dividing the corresponding ones in column (1) by the atomic 


weights of the substances they represent. The numbers in 
column (3) are the same as those in (2), with the exception 
that the quotients for the lead and iron are added together. 
In (4) we have other numbers in the same ratio as the 
preceding. A mere inspection of the latter is sufficient 
to show that the empirical formula of the mineral is 
So Pbg Sb,; and such being the case, there can be no doubt 
that the rational formula is 
6 (S, Pb) + 83, Sb, 

or that it consists of six atoms of sulphuret of lead associated 
with one atom of tersulphuret of antimony, a little of the 
former metai being replaced by an equivalent quantity of 

The above are the particulars of the analysis which ap- 
peared on the whole to have been most successfully per- 
formed ; the analysis, however, was repeated three times, 
and the results in each instance conducted to the formula 
just given. In the first trials, in consequence of strongly 
heating the ball traversed by the chlorine from the very 
commencement of the experiment, some of the chloride of lead 
was volatilized, and Dr. Apjohn was led to conclude the con- 
stitution of the mineral to be materially different from what it 
afterwards proved to be. The ball should not be heated 
until the spontaneous action of the chlorine on the ore has 

Kilbrickenite, as Dr. Apjohn proposed to call this mineral, 
is obviously what Berzelius denominates a sulphur salt, i. e., 
a combination of an electro-negative with an electro-positive 
sulphuret. But there are several other ores known to mine- 
ralogists composed of the same proximate constituents, or 
including sulphuret of lead in association with the sulphuret 
of antimony. The subjoined list comprehends those which 
have been analysed and described. 


Zinkenite. . . . . S, Pb+S, Sb. 

Plagionite . . . 4(S, Pb)+3 (Ss, Sb). 
Jamesonite . . . [5(S, Pb)+S83, Pb.]+4 (S3, Sb)? 
Featherore oflead 2 (S, Pb)+8s, Sb. 

Boulangerite . . 3(S, Pb)+ S83, Sb. 

A mere inspection of the formule is sufficient to show 
that each mineral in this list is distinct in composition from 
that whose analysis has been given above. There is, however, 
an ore possessing a constitution perfectly analogous to the Irish 
mineral—namely, the sprédglaserz of Mohs and Werner, 
or what Dr. Thomson calls brittle silver glance. The formula 
of this mineral Rose has shown to be 6(S, Ag)+S;, Sb; 
so that it differs from Kélbrickenite merely in containing 
silver instead of lead. 

The following note—‘‘ On a principle for producing an 
everburning Flame,” by George J. Knox, Esq., was read by 
the Secretary : 

** A beliefin the discovery of an everburning lamp appears 
to have been prevalent in all ages; and tradition informs us 
that lamps have been found in tombs, where they have con- 
tinued burning for upwards of 1000 years, of which mention 
has been made in the works of St. Austin, Plutarch, Pliny, 
Ludovicus Vives, Baptista Porta, and Licetus. The 
Rosecrucians,* who laid claim to the knowledge of every- 
thing mysterious, pretended to have rediscovered the secret 
of their construction, which was supposed to have been 
buried in the tomb of their founder. Dr. Plott,f in a 
treatise which he has written upon this subject, alludes to a 
lamp mentioned by St. Austin in his book de Civitate Dei, 
which was hung up in the temple of Venus; and to another 
found in the tomb of Pallas the Arcadian, who was slain by 
Turnus in the Trojan war, which continued to burn after 

* Spectator, vol. v. No. 379. 
+ Lowthorp’s Abridgment of Phil. Trans. vol. iii. (636). 


its removal from the tomb and exposure to the air—proving 
that these lamps were not supplied from any bituminous 
source, or volcanic fire. He considers the requisites for 
an everburning lamp to be,—a perpetual wick, which 
might be made of gold wire, or asbestus; and a perpetual 
supply of fuel, which he imagines the bituminous springs 
of Pitchford, in Shropshire, or the inflammable gases is- 
suing from fissures in coal mines, would afford. That such 
could supply fuel for a flame, so long as the bituminous 
spring existed, or the gas continued to exhale from the 
mines, is evident; but itno more deserves the appellation of 
an everburning lamp, than does a fire arising from any 
voleanic source. The desideratum for such a lamp is, that 
it should contain, within itself, a renovating principle, such 
as, probably, does the luminous atmosphere encompassing 

the body of the sun, supposed by Sir William Herschel 
to be electrical. 

**That electricity was the principle upon which such a 
lamp could be constructed having occurred to me some 
years ago, I reflected upon the different means by which a 
constant light could be produced from this source, and 
concluded that, if by an arrangement of metals a thermo- 
electric current could be produced of sufficient intensity 
to decompose water, the heat produced by the burning of 
the two gases arising from the decomposition, would be suf- 
ficient, when applied to the alternate metallic junctions, to 
continue the electrical current of the thermo-electric pile; 
while the gases, which in burning become aqueous vapour, 
might be condensed by passing through a long tube, through 
which being conveyed to the closed vessel in which the 
water had been originally placed, they would again under- 
go decomposition, recombination, and condensation. Sucha 
thermo-electric arrangement has been discovered by Prof. 
Botto of Turin, who has obtained decomposition of water 
from a series composed of a great number of wires of 


platinum and iron. To prevent the apparatus from acquiring 
in time the same temperature, the alternate junctions of the 
metals, to which the heat is not applied, might be con- 
nected with the pedestal upon which the lamp is placed; 
and the pedestal be either allowed to rest in a cold situa- 
tion, or else be connected by wires with some extensive 
cooling surface.” 

The President gave an account of some investigations re- 
specting Fluctuating Functions, from which the following 
are extracts :— 

‘* Let Pp, denote any real function 2, continuous or discon- 
tinuous, but such that its first and second integrals, 

\, dx Py, and ie dv) Pa 

are always comprised between given finite limits. Let also 

the equation 
x 2 
(S de) Pa py 

in which p is some given constant, have infinitely many real 
roots, both positive and negative, which are not themselves 
comprised between any finite limits, but are such that the 
interval between any one and the next greater root is never 
greater than some given finite interval. Then, 
; b Sf 

gaa ) E dx M4 dyPy F,== 0, (A) 
if @ and J are any finite values of x, between which the 
function Fz is finite. 

‘‘ Again, the same things being supposed, let the arbitrary 
- function F; vary gradually between the same values of x; 
and let Pp, be finite and vary gradually when z is infinitely 
small; then 

Fy=o7 ¥ dt ‘. dz Pity Fay (y25)> (B) 



in which 
2D 1 
a= da y : dt Prr- 

‘For the case y=a, we must change @, in (B), to 

Sie dx \ dt Pixs 
oO o 

and for the case y= 5, we must change it to 

. : 
w ee NOTA WOT Pie 

“ For values of y >6, or <a, the second member of the 
formula (B) vanishes. 

“Tf F,, although finite, were to receive any sudden change 
for some particular value of y between a and 8, so as to pass 
suddenly from the value F" to the value F, we should then 
have, for this value of y, ‘ 

20 b 
) ) av\ dX Pix ty Fr=@F +o" Fr. 
oO a 

By changing P, to cos w, we obtain from (B) the celebrated 
theorem of Fourier. Indeed, that great mathematician ap- 
pears to have possessed a clear conception of the principles 
of fluctuating functions, although he is not known to have 
deduced from them consequences so general as the above. 

** Again, another celebrated theorem is comprised i in the 
following :— 

b 2 Cb 
Fy=@— P, (\ dx Fob 3 ) CURIE Le Fr) Jeeal®) 
a T/L a 
in which, the function @ is defined by the conditions 

aan dx r= J dx Pr; 

nL — x 

y is > a, <6; and no real root of the equation 
. dz Pz, = 0, 

except the root 0, is included between the negative number 
a—y and the positive number b—y, nor are those numbers 


themselves supposed to be roots of that equation, When 
these conditions are not satisfied, the theorem (C) takes 
other forms, which, with other analogous results, may be 
deduced from the same principles.” 

Mr. Petrie exhibited an ancient Irish consecrated bell, 
recently obtained by the Dean of St. Patrick’s, and which 
had been for many generations in the possession of a family 
named Hanan, or O’Hanan, in the county of Armagh. This 
bell is of the usual quadrangular form, in use amongst the 
Irish from the introduction of Christianity into the country 
till the close of the eleventh century, but has an approxi- 
mation to the round form which became general after the 
latter period. The age of this bell can be determined with 
perfect accuracy, from the following inscription in the ancient 
Irish character which is carved upon it. 

+ OR ap Cumapeach me Cililla, 
or “ Pray for Cumuscach the son of Ailill.” 

The death of this Cumuscach, who was Economist of the 
Cathedral of Armagh, is recorded in the Annals of the Four 
Masters at the year 904. His mother, who was named 
Gormlaith, was a daughter of Murdach King of Ulster. 

The Academy then adjourned to Monday the 9th of 


Archaeologia. Vol. XXVIII. Presented by the Society of 
Antiquaries of London. | 

Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. Vor 
II., Parts 1, 3, 4, and Proceedings, Nos. 4, 5, 6,7. Pre- 
sented by the Society. 

Cambridge Astronomical Observations for the Year 1838. 
By the Rev. James Challis, M.A. Presented by the Author. 


Annual Report of the Maitland Club for 1840. Present- 
ed by John Smith, Esq. 

A Letter to Sir W. R. Hamilton, by Sir Wm. Betham. 
Presented by the author. 

An Essay onthe Study of the Celtic Languages, by A. B. 
Chapin, M.A. Presented by the Author. 

Two Gold Fibulz, found at Castlebar, and purchased by 
Subscription. Presented by the Subscribers. — 

SDs >>> Sb o> 
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