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: | of the 


= -SOGIETY. 3, 23 

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Session 1921-22. 

q Price- - - - Five Shillinas. 

a Ae Se 

Tue Norruern Wuic, Lrp., CommerciaL Buripines, Brince S1 




In view of the increased cost of Printing and Publica- 
tion, the Council. desire to urge upon Authors of Papers the 
necessity for brevity of statement and for restricting, to a 
minimuin, the number of Plates, Figures, Diagrams, and 


The Council urgently request that any “find ’’ of 
Archaeological interest in Ulster, should at once be re- 
ported to Mr. H. C. Lawlor, M.R.IL.A., Hon. Secretary of 
the Archaeological Section, B.N.H.)P.8., 8, Windsor Ave., 

Proceedings and Reports 


—— FOR THE ——— 

SESSION 1921-22. 

Edited by 
Arthur Deane, M.R.I.A 
Hon. Secretary 



‘Lhe membership of the Society consists of Shareholders, 
Annual Subscribers, and Honorary Members. 

Shareholders holding more than two shares are not liable 
for an annual subscription, but shareholders of two shares pay 
an annual subscription of five shillings, and holders of one 
pay ten shillings. 

In 1914 a new class of membership was created 
including persons of either sex, to be elected under the bye- 
laws of the Society, and admitted by the Council on payment 
of ten shillings per annum. Such members have all the privi- 
leges of the Society, and take part in any business of the 
Society not affecting the ownership of the property of the 

Society. In 1917 an Archaeological Section was founded. 
Persons wishing to join the Section must be members of the 

Society and pay an additional minimum subscription of five 
shillings per annum. An Application Form for Membership 
to the Society and to the Section will be found on page vii. 

A general meeting of Shareholders and Members fs held 
annually in June, or as soon thereafter as convenient, to re- 
ceive the Report of the Council and the. Statement of 
Accounts for the preceding year, to elect members of Council, 
to replace those retiring by rotation or for other reasons, and 
to transact any other business incidental to an Annuai 

The Council elect from among their own number a Presi- 
dent and other officers of the Society. 

Each member has the right of personal attendance at the 
Ordinary lectures of the Society, and has the privilege of 
introducing two friends for admission to such. The session 
for lectures extends from November to May. 

Any further information required may be obtained from 
the Hon. Secretary at:—-The Museum, College Square 
North, Belfast. : 



Beaumont, Ivor a _.... The Public Appreciation of Art. 
p. 3. 

d’Albe, Dr. Fournier .. The Optophone: An Instrument 
for Reading by Ear. pp. 70-80. 

Kilison, Rev. W. I. A. ... Comets. p. 27. 

Gibson, Dr. W. H. ... ... some Products of Wood Waste. 
pp. 36-48. 

Laird, Professor John — .. Ulster Philosophers. pp. 4-26. 

Riddell, Alex ar ... Drennan and His Times. p. 27. 

Robertson, Dr. G. S. ... ... The Use of Phosphates in Agri- 
culture. pp. 28-35. 

Savory, Professor ee ... Moliere. p. 27. 

Small, Professor J. ... ... More About the Erectness of 
Plants pp. 49-69. 

Thomson, Professor J. A. ... The Conquest of Land and Air: 
A Study in Natural History. 
pp. 1-2. 

Wren, Professor H. ... ... Recent Investigations on the 
Fuel Problem. p. 3. 

Aunual Meeting of Society ag is pp. 81-86. 

oi i Archaeological Section pp. 87-106. 

List of Exchanges an ae Wa pp. 116-118. 

List of Lectures mS ma a pp. 114-115. 

List of Members ne es io pp. 120-131. 

List of Past Presidents a Be p- vi. 

Membership Application Form ... ee p. Vii. 

Officers and Council, 1922-23 aa man p. 119. 

Statement of Accounts site use pp. 107-108. 

Subscription to Mahee Fund ss “ae pp. 109-113. 



Officers and Council of Management for 1921-22. 

President : 
HENRY RIDDELL, m.«., m.1.mech.u. 

Vice-Prestdents : 
S. W. ALLWORTHY, M.a., M.D., F.C.S. 
' Pror. GREGG WILSON, o.8.£., M.A., D.SC., PH.D., M.RI A. 
ROBERT M. YOUNG, M.a., M.R.I.A., J.P. 
J. M. FINNEGAN, B.a., 

Hon. Treasurer : 
HENRY RIDDELL,, m.1.vech.ez. 

Hon. Librarian ; 
ROBERT M. YOUNG, M.A., M.R.1.A., J-P. 

Hon. Secretary: 
ARTHUR DEANE, m.r.1.a. 

Council ; 
T. EDENS OSBORNE, r.r.s.a.1. 
S. W. ALLWORTHY, m.a., mM.b., F.c.s. 
WILLIAM FAREN, F.r.s.a.1. 
W. B. BURROWES, F.r.s.a.1. 
CounciLtor E. J. ELLIOTT. 
H. C. LAWLOR,<. 
Proressor GREGG WILSON,, M.R.1.A. 
Proressor W. B. MORTON, .a. 
HENRY RIDDELL, m.s., m.1.mech.z. 
ROBERT M. YOUNG, m.a., M.R.1.A. 
Proressor A. W. STEWART, M.a., 

Retire 1922 

Retire 1923 

Retire 1924./ 

——_.————{—|— ——_ sO 














*Died during their Presidency 



James L. Drummond, 

Rev. T. Dix Hincks. 

James L. Drummond, 

*¥Wm. Thompson. 
Robt. Patterson, F.R.S. 

Thos. Andrews, 
KRESS Use en Ae 


John Stevelly, uu.p. 
George C. Hyndman. 

*kJas. McAdam, F.R.S. 

Robt. Patterson, r.R.s. 

Prof. Wyville Thom- 

Prof. Jas. Thomson. 
Joseph John Murphy. 
Robt. Patterson, F.R.S. 

Prof. Wyville Thom- 

Robt. Patterson, F.R.s. 
Joseph John Murphy. 

Prof. J. F. Hodges, 

Robert Young, c.&. 
Prof. John Purser. 

sir KR. Lloyd Patter- 
son, F.L.S. 











President 1921: 
Henry Riddell, w.z., m.1.mech.z. 

Prof. R. O. Cunning- 
ham, M.p. 

Wes alie 

Prof. E. A. Letts. 

J. Jel. Greenhill, 

Prof. M. F Fitzgerald 

Sir R. Lloyd Patter- 
son, F.L.S, 

Prof. J. D. Everett, 
FLR-S) Dole 


*Vhos. Workman, J.P. 

John Brown, F.R.S. 

Prof. J. Symington, 
M.D., F.R.S. 

Sir Otto Jaffe, Lu.p. 

Sir John Byers, m.a., 
M.D., M.A.O. 

Prof. J. A. Lindsay, 
M.D., F.R.C.S. 

Prof. W. St. 
Symmers, M.B. 


Prof. Gregg Wilson, 
O:B Ere, Av D.SCo, 
PH.D., M.R.I.A. 


Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 

Founded 5th June, 1821. 

Application Form for Membership. 

INIGIINENVCUC nc anata tnitla! tie oce cut ofien sae, eee 
[ Please write name in full. | 
WDesGHPtONG Hei ye eek to crcal sh Gorthvecusiolecene 
To be filled 
up by the 
Candidate. HE SIC ONCE sroiies Pe wan ciinae bs boas Saseaaussdesnes ous 
2065) SBC SaaS Cea ae , being desirous of becoming a Member 
of the Society, I, the undersigned member, recommend........ 

as a suitable candidate for election. 

Dated <this....:2..-. GEOR ec cseatitds ae asl ceca bs Oe. 

Signature of 


[Candidate must be known to the Member signing this form. ] 
[All applications are subject to the approval of the Council. | 

BRRICCCIVER: oii. tae. escent eden Filected by 


The membership of the Society consists of Shareholders, 
Annual Subscribers, and Honorary Members. 

Shareholders holding more than two shares are not liable 
for an annual subscription, but shareholders of two shares 
pay an annual subscription of five shillings, and holders of 
one pay ten shillings. 

In 1914 a new class of membership was created 
including persons of either sex, to be elected under the bye- 
laws of the Society, and admitted by the Council on payment 
of ten shillings per annum. Such members have all the privi- 
leges of the Society, and take part in any business of the 
Society not affecting the ownership of the property of the 



Persons wishing to join the Archaeological Section must 
be Members of the Society, and pay an additional minimum 
subscription of five shillings per annum. State below if you 
wish to join this section. 

I desire to join the Archaeological Section. 
Signature ) 

OE MR ee PG aah areas as 6 Ae i A ee 
Candidate i 

[All applications for Membership to the Section are 
subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. | 
This form, when filled in, should be addressed to the 
Bo Ne Be’ 2 Sb ciming 
seers THE Museum, 
MUSEUN CouLeGE Square N. 

Procecdings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1921-1922. 

5th October, 1921. 

Proressor Greaa, Wiison, Iix-President, in the Chair. 

By Proressor J. Anrnur ‘THomson,.M.A., LL.D... ¢.,8_E, 


Over and over again in the history of hfe there have been 
attempts to get out of the water on to dry land. Plants pre- 
pared the way for animals. . The first important invasion was 
on the part of worms,. and from that there eventually re- 
sulted the making of good soil. ‘The second great invasion 
was on the part of air-breathing jomted-footed animals, and 
this led eventually to the very important linkages between 
flowers and their insect visitors. The third great invasion 
was on the part of ancient amphibians, and this led on to the 
evolution of the higher land-animals, with great improve- 
ments in wits and in parental care. The conquest of the dry 
land imphed new wavs of breathing, new protections, new 
adjustments to the seasons, new ways of caring for its voung. 
There are interesting betwixt-and-between animals, like land- 
erabs, shore-skippers, and mud-fish, which gives us hints as 
to the ways in which the transition from water to dry land 
may be effected. The surface of the earth has its peculiar 
difficulties and dangers as a home of life, and so we under- 
stand why many land animals became burrowers, and others 
climbers, and others cave-dwellers. 

The last haunt to be conauered was the air, and although 
no animals are altogether aerial, the problem of true flight 
has been solved four times—by insects, bv the extinct flving 
dragons or Pterodactyls, by birds, and by bats. It is interest- 
ing to contrast these four solutions, for they are all different, 

2 Professor J. Arthur Thomson 

‘he possession of the air meant greatly increased safety, 
greatly enhanced independence, improved locomotion and 
means of following food, and even that circumvention of 
winter which we see in migratory birds. 

Of great interest are the half-way solutions of the flight 
problems, asin ~ flying ’’ fishes, flying ’’ tree toad, ~~ fly- 
ing ’’ lizard, and several ‘* flving ’’ mammals—none flying in 
the true sense, but many attaining to great excellence in 
parachuting. The familiar case of the aerial journeys of gos- 
samer spiders shows how there may be a sort of flight without 
wings, and is a fine instance of life’s insurgence. 

The Chairman formaily conveyed the thanks of the 
Society to Professor Thormson for his instructive lecture. 

Sth November, 1921. 

Professor GreaGa WiiLson, Ex-President in the Chair. 


iy ivor, Beaumont, A.R.C.A. (Lond.), M.S.A.,; FoW.S.A.. 

F I.B.D., Head Master, School of Art, Municipal 
College of Technology. 

[No Abstract. | 

29th November, 1921. 

PROFESSOR GREGG WIuson in the Chair. - 

By Proressor H. Wren, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., 
Professor of Chemistry. Municipal College of Technology. 

[No Abstract. | 

4 Professor John Laird on 
13th December, 1921. 

PROFESSOR GreaG WILson, ex-President of the Society, 
in the Chair. 
By Proressor Jonn Latrp, M.A., Professor of Logic 
and Metaphysics, Queen’s University, Belfast. 


I have called this lecture “‘ Ulster Philosophers,’’ not 
“* Ulster Philosophy,’’ because there is no such thing as 
Ulster Philosophy. ‘That is to say, the red-handed province 
has no continuing philosophical tradition in it of any kind— 
nothing either autochthonous or imported that was born, 
grew and died. On the other hand, quite a large number 
of philosophers of varying degrees of eminence have been 
connected with the province. 

In certain ways, however, my subject offers difficulties 
concerning what should be included and what omitted. It 
is not very clear whom one ought to count a philosopher or 
how rigorous one should be in excluding all save genuine 
Ulstermen from consideration. In a word, on both of these 
points I must claim the lecturer’s privilege of using his own 
judgment. I shall, in fact, be satisfied with any degree of 
affinity to Ulster which I deem sufficient, and as for the 
people I am to reckon philosophers I shall follow the some- 
what shifting boundaries of the usual books. In truth, no 
one has vet succeeded in defining what is meant by a 
philosopher in such.a way that all reasonable people (or even 
all who consider themselves philosophers) would admit the 
truth or the sufficiency of the description. To choose an 
example. everyone would admit, I supposs, that Herbert 
Spencer was a philosopher—-that is to say, he would have to 
be included in all the books, whatever might be thought of 
the merits of his speculations; but it would be a much rnore 

Uister Philosophers. 6 

delicate matter to decide whether or not Carlyle was to be 
accounted a philosopher. Anyone who wrote about his 
“ philosophy °” would have to suffer the distressing accusa- 
tion of trying to be popular—-presumably because a great 
many people were interested in Carlyle. Finally, if you said 
that Mr. Thomas Hardy was a philosopher you would be 
taking even greater risks. Incredible as if may seem, you 
might have ceased to be respectably academic. 

Consequently, as I say, I am going to use my own jJudy- 
ment in these confusing matters, and as I have to speak only 
of individual men and not of ‘‘ movements ’’ or “* currents 
of thought ’’ I am naturally bound to choose a mercly 
chronolovical order of arrangement. 

T shall pass over the Middle Ages very rapidly, partly be- 
cause Ulster had not then attained the fame in the world with 
which we are now acquainted, partly because time has effaced 
the recorded thoughts of her philosophers (if any such were 
recorded), and principally because I know very little about 
the matter. Still J have a little—a very little—to say eveu 

The name of Duns Scotus (whose dates are approxi- 
mately 1265 to 1808) has a very distinguished place in the 
roll of the great schoolmen, and the name of Johannes 
Seotus Hrigena (who flourished in the ninth century) recalls 
us to one of the very few among the forerunners of the 
echolastics who are worth considering. 

Now the second of these—-Johannes Scotus Erigena— 
was quite certainly an Irishman. The word Erigena plainty 
means ‘‘ hailing from Erinn,”’ and to make assurance 
doubly sure, “‘ Scotus’ then. meant “Irishman ’’ too. 
Therefore Scotus Erigena was certainly born in Ireland, 
and so, of course, he may have been born in Ulster. On the 
other hand, no one knows where he was borr:, so it would be 
rash to pursue the point, and it must be admitted that the 
literary activities of Scotus Erigena had no connection with 

6 Professor John Laird on 

Ireland at all. The best part of his life was spent in France 
at or near the court of Charles the Bold, and although 
according to the legend he was one of the “‘ merchants of 
wisdom ’’ who crossed in a stream from Ireland to Paris 
(one hopes their trade was good): he does not seem to have 
been inordinately proud of his native land. At any rate, one 
of the few witticisms which have survived from this rude 
period is a reply he made to Charles the Bold. Charles 
asked “° Quid distat inter sotturn et Scottum?’’ (What is 
there between a sot and a Scot or Irishman) and Erigena 
replied “‘ Mensa tantum ’’ (which is, being interpreted, 
~ Just a table ’’). 

To cut a long story short, I have not the face to say 
anything more about Scotus Erigena. I admit, of course, 
that he was a very great min. despite the pun which the 
historians bring up against him. 

The case of Duns Scotus is distinctly different. By the 
thirteenth or fourteenth centuries, it appears, Scotus had 
come to mean “* North Briton,’’ at any rate in Franciscan 
literature. And Duns Scotus was a Franciscan. The pro: 
babilities, therefore, appear to be that Duns Scotus was not 
an Irishman at all, and it may even be the case that he was 
called Duns because his birthplace was Dunse in Berwick- 
shire, or because it was Dunstane in Northumberland (as a 
manuscript in Merton Library asserts). On the other hand, it 
was claimed by Hugh MacCaghwell. who was Archbishop ot 
Armagh early in the 17th century, that Duns was an Irish- 
man after all, and that Duns is just Down; and several 
writers, not all Irish, have followed the archbishop in this. 

Consequently, if Duns Scotus really was an Irishman 
(which is unlikely) then it is highly probable that he caine 
from Down, and with this crumb of comfort I must leave him. 
He also was a very great man—not a mystic like Scotus 
Erigena, but none the less a very great man. Indeed, it may 
fairly be claimed, I think, that no one has come so near as 

Ulster Philosophers. 7 

he and his pupil Ockham to what is called nowadays 
“scientific method in philosophy,’’ ana any competent person 
will admit, I think, that this means that the Subtle Doctor 
(as Duns was called) was a very acute person indeed. 
However, he also was a cosmopolitan, as a tombstone erected 
to his memory at Cologne asserts. ‘‘ Scotia me genuit ”’ 
(whether Ireland or Scotland does not matter), it declares, 
“Anglia me suscepit (that was Oxford), Gallia me docuit (aa 
untrustworthy legend makes him out to have been a regent 
of the University of Paris), Colonia me tenet.’’ JI do aot 
think, therefore, that we have any right to dwell upon him 
longer now. 

Passing to the seventeenth century we come first to 
Bishop Jeremy Taylor. Jeremy Taylor’s claims to be 
counted among the philosophers are, as I think, incontest 
able. Primarily, of course, he was a notable divine, one oi 
the very greatest in the greatest age of English divinity, and 
his Liberty of Prophesying, his Holy Living, and his Holy 
Dying are his most enduring monuments—more enduring 
even than the one which stands to-day in the cathedral at 
Droinore. On the other hand, every treatise on British 
ethics gives some account of his Ductor Dubitantium, which 
he completed in his study at Portmore in the parish of Ballin- 
derry, some eight miles from Lisburn, in the year 1659, at 
the very moment when Cromwell’s Anabaptist commis- 
sioners were knocking at his gates and sunimoning him to 
explain himself to them in Dublin. A recent historian of 
English philosophy states, indeed, that the Ductor Dubi- 
tantium in “‘ perhaps the greatest treatise on casuistry ever 
written by a Protestant theologian.’’ ‘‘ He will not collect 
individual cases of conscience,’’ this histori:n goes on, ** for 
they are infinite; but he seeks to provide ‘ a general instru- 
iment of moral theology, by the rules and measures of which 
the guides of souls may determine the particulars that shall 
be brought before them’.’’ And our commentator concludes 
thus—‘‘ The whole forms a comprehensive treatise on 

N Professor John Latrd on 

Christian ethics, based undoubtedly upon _ traditional 
scholastic doctrines, but holding firmly to the inwardness of 
inorality, and illustrated by an extraordinary wealth of con- 


crete examples.’ 

There is no doubt, then, that Jeremy Taylor was an 
eminent philosopher, but, of course, hee was not an Ulster- 
man. He was born at Cambridye in 1618, and he spent 
the greater part of his life in Mngland, feeling to the full the 
stress of the times, for he was chaplain to Laud, then 
chaplain in ordinary to Charles I., and he was taken prisoner 
in the royalist defeat before Cardigan Castle on February 4, 
1644-5. On the other hand he spent the last ten years of 
his life in Ulster; Down and Connor was the only bishopric 
he ever held; and he died in Jisburn in 1667 of a fever he 
had caught when visiting a sick parishioner there. These 
facts, I think, justify me very fully in considering him here, 
but even if they did not I could still defend myself by 
pointing out that he had, to this day, an enduring influence 
upon Ulster life. Jeremy Dunensis stirred up the Presby- 
terian clergy so thoroughy that he consolidated the ranks of 
these ‘‘Scotch spiders ’’ (as he called him) in such a way that 
the solidity of Presbyterianisin in Ulster is due as much to 
this cause as to any other single episode. 

In truth Jeremy Dunensis had a bad time with these 
Presbyterian ministers, although he appears to have 
behaved with dignity and tact towards the Presbyterian 
gentry. Things were not so bad at first. Alter much per- 
suasion from Conway of Ballinderry he came over to Ireland 
in 1659 with a pass. under Cromwell’s sign-manual giving 
protection to himself and tc his family in order to undertake 
the work of what was called a “weekly stipendiary 
lecturcship ’’’ at Lisburn. Now in these days the Ulster 
Presbyterians did not like Cromwell. They had protested 
against the execution of Charles I., and Milton had called 
them the ‘‘ blockish presbyters of Claneboye.’’ Taylor did 

Ulster Philosophe rs. | g 

not quarrel with them then, therefore—indeed, as we have 
seen, he was subject to the same sort of persecution as they 
were from these Anabaptist commissioners in Dublin. But 
with the Restoration all was changed. ‘Taylor, it is true, 
came into his own, and after a delay, which can scarcely be 
accounted for by the absence of the appropriate seal (which 
was the excuse given), he was duly installed Bishop of Down 
and Connor. But the Presbyterians came into their own, 
too. It was held that their loval sentiments during the 
Protectorate gave them a legal right to the tithes and the 
twentieth parts, and therefore, with some reason, ‘they 
refused to submit to an Episcopalian bishop. 

So there was strife. -Jeremy Dunensis refused to 
recognise them “*‘ as a body.’ They refused to recognise 
Jeremy Dunensis. Jeremy explained to Ormonde that he 
‘would rather be a poor curate in a village church than a 
bishop over such intolerable persons,’’ and he explained also 
that he was “ perpetually contending with the worst of the 
Scotch ministers.’’ The Scotch ministers retaliated by 
nosing out traces of what they considered Arminianism in the 
Lishop’s writings, and they made representations to Dublin 
accordingly | 

Taking it all in all, Jeremy Taylor did not like Ulster. 
“I will petition your Excellency,’’ he says, writing. $0 
Ormonde again. “‘ to give me some parsonage in Munster 
that I may end my davs in’peace.”’ Per contra (perhaps) his 
last words as he lay dying in his house at Lisburn were, 
“ Bury me in Dromore.’’ 

There is one other episode in his life in Ulster, however, 
which I must mention before I pass on. It has to do with 


psychical research. According to the “‘ relation ’’ given by 
one Thomas Aleock, secretary to Bishop Jeremy Taylor, and 
published in the contemporary Sadducismus Triumphatus of 
Joseph Glanvil, the Bishop of Down investigated the case of 
an apparition which had appeared to a certain James 
Taverner. The examination took place in the first instance 

1O Professor John Laird on 

at Dromore. but the bishop afterwards took Taverner with 
him to Hillsborough (Hilbrough) because he was informed 
that ““ my lady Conway and other persons of quality were 
come purposely to hear his Lordship examine the matter.’’ 

The tale is a long one, and I have time to give the gist 
of it cnly. In Michaelmas, 1662, James 'Taverner, described 
as a “‘ lusty proper stout fellow then servant at large to the 
Kiar! of Uhichester,’’ was riding home from Hillsborough to 
the Earl’s house in Belfast when his horse shied at Drum- 
bridge. The cause of the animals’s fright was an appariticn 
who described himself to Taverner as James Haddock, 
formerly of Malone. ‘This apparition claimed acquaintance 
on the ground that Taverner had brought the Haddock family 
soine nuts five yeers before. 

The former wife of the apparition (maiden name Eleanor 
Welsh) had now married a man called Davis, who held the 
lease of Malone, and the apparition contended that the lease 
belonged legally to John Haddock, his son by this lady. 
Mrs. Davis, however, was unwilling to act in the matter. 
When Taverner, instructed by the apparition, called on hez 
first she put him off by saying that there was another Hleanor 
Welsn. The apparition, however, was exceedingly per- 
sistent, It appeared every night for more than a month, 
generally wearing a white coat, but sometimes assuming 
‘many formidable shapes,’’ and vanishiag either with 
‘‘ hideous sereeches and noises’ or else “‘in a flash oi 
brightness ’’: and once it apeared to Taverner when he 
was sitting with friends in the house of one Pierce, a shoe- 
maker in Belfast. On this occasion, however, no one saw 
the ghost except Taverner, though all heard him addressing 
it and for this reason perhaps Dr. Lewis Downs, then 
minister of Belfast, attributed the ghost, in the phrase of the | 
times, ‘‘ rather to melancholy than to anything of realivy.”’ 

The Bishop, however, took Taverner seriously, and a4- 
vised him the next time he saw the spirit to ask him certain 
questions, such as, ‘‘ Are you a gocd or a bad spirit? How 

Ulster Philosophers. II 

are you regimented in the other world? Why do you appear 
tor the relief of your son in so small a matter when other 
spirits do not for greater cause? ’’ This advice was very 
wise. The spirit appeared again to Taverner, it is true, this 
time at Lord Conway’s house at Hillsborough; and Lady 
Conway and the other persons of quality saw Taverner 
trembling before it; but when Taverner asked his questions 
‘“ It gave him no answer, but crawled on its hands and feet 
over the wall again, and so vanished in white with a most 
melodious harmonv.”’ 

The boy, one gathers, was righted. According to the 
‘relation ’’ it was common report that he had been 

I pass next to a genuine son of Ulster, William King, 
Archbishop of Dublin, who wus born in the town of Antrim 
in 1650, his father having fled thithcr from Aberdeenshire to 
avoid the Solemn Jueague and Covenant. 

King’s title to eminence in philosophy (and it is a very 
sound one) is derived principally from his book De Origine 
Mali, an attempt (on a philosophical basis similar to Locke’s) 
to reconcile the conflict between the existence of evil and 
the omnipotence of a benevolent deity. ‘This work had 
Kuropean influence. Bayle, the sceptical author of the 
celebrated Dictionary, replied to it; so did the great 
philosopher Leibniz; so did Wolff: and to this day the 
ordinary student of philosophy hears of it, although in a 
rather curious way. The book was translated by Law and 
in an edition of 1731 John Gay prefixed a dissertation to 
this translation. This dissertation gives in simple outline 
the theory which Paley later niade fashionable, and thus it 
comes about that King’s Latin work, so renowned in its day, 
is now remembered principally because a preface to a transla- 
tion of it is one of the chief landmerks in the history of the 
celebrated utilitarian theory. 

{2 Professor John Laird on 

A short account of King’s life, however, may prove of 
greater general interest. After receiving his early education 
at a Latin school in Dungannon, King went to Dublin, and 
had a stormy and a busy career. He was a warm supporter 
of the Prince of Orange, and on this account was imprisoned 
by the Tyrconnel Government in 1689. The Battle of the 
Boyne, however, brought him release, and he preached the 
thanksgiving service in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which com- 
memorated “‘the preservation of his Majesty's person, his 
good success in our deliverance, and his safe and happy 
return into England.’’ 

He becaine Bishop of Derry in 1690-91; and there he also 
had trouble with the Presbyterians, whom he found “' mighty 
insolent.’” On the other hand, unlike Jeremy Taylor, he was 
a Stalwart Irishman, and whereas Jeremy Taylor had depre- 
cated the Irish tongue (that is puttimg it mildly) and had 
entreated that all should be taught English “ that they 
may understand and live,’’ King made arrangements that a 
Gaclic colony in the Inishowen Peninsula should have a 
clergvinan sent them who could speak their own language. 
In a word, Orangeman as he was, he was also the leader of 
the party opposed to the English interest in Ireland, and 
after he was appointed Archbishop of Dublin he wrought 
michtily (for many years with the aid of Swift) to this end. 

The next philosopher with whom we have to deal is the 
celebrated Toland the Deist. Janus Julius Toland changed 
lis name to John verv early in life in order to avoid the 
ridicule of his schoolfellows, but he had to faze ridicule (and 
worse) during the whole of his extraordinary career. On the 
other hand, adventurer, starveling, spy and Grub Street 
hack, as he was by turn, he was certainly a pioneer in the 
history of free thought in England, and he deserved praise 
and fame as well as the somewhat dubious notoriety which 
was all he achieved in his lifetime. 

Toland was born on the Inishowen Pensula in 1670. He 
was illegitimate, and his enemies declared (maliciously, no 

Ulster Philosophers. 13 

doubt, but perhaps truly) that his father was a priest. Be 
that as it may, Toland had the best possible education for a 
freethinker, since warring sects strove for the possession of 
him. Bred a Catholic up to the age of 16, he was then 
captured by ‘‘ some eminent dissenters ’’ (Presbyterians 
again, I suppose) who made a Protestant of him, and after 
some schooling at Redcastle, near Londonderry, he went to 
Glasgow University. I!dinburgh gave him an M.B., and he 
then proceeded to Leyden where the echoes of Spinoza’s 
Tractatus Theologico—Politicus could still be plainly heard. 
He returned to Britain in 1694, and stayed at Oxford, where 
ais orthodoxy seems to have been suspect from the hour oi 
his arrival. The proof appeared in 1696, when Toland 
published his Christianity not mysterious. 

The work is undoubted!yv rationalistic, but it is very far 
from being simply the cheap profligacy of a seeker for 
notoriety (as its many enemies alleged). On the contrary, it 
is seriously argued, and even moderate in its tone. Still the 
bishops and the clergy did not like it, and that is scarcely 
surprising. Locke’s Reasonableness of Christianity was not 
to their liking either, and it had appeared shortly before ; but 
whereas Locke had not openly flouted the mysteries of 
Christianity—his sole aim, professedly at least, was to show 
that Christianity was a reasonable religicn—Toland went 
further, and argued that because Christianity was reasonable 
it could contain neither mystery nor miracle nor aught of the 
kind. The irony of this argument (which was quite in the 
style of the day) could not hoodwink a Churchman. — And it 
did not. 

The book raised a storm. It was burnt by the Grand 
Jury of Middlesex (who ‘lid not consider this action a com- 
pliment), and it drew the fire of the heavy artillery of the 
Church with more than military promptitude. The author 
had to leave Oxford and retire to Dublin. There he received, 
at first, something like a welcome. Willian: Molyneux,, for 
example, the student of optics who wrote the Dioptrica Nova 

leas Professor John Laird on 

with Llumnsteed’s help, the architect of that portion of Dublin 
Castle which stands on the Piazza, and the friend and corres- 
pondent of Locke, received Toland gladly, and did his best. 
for him.* After a very short time, however, even Molyneux 
did not dare to countenance Toland openly. The deist 
had a way of feasting indiscreetly in coffee-houses (I do not 
suppose he was more sober than other honest Irish gentle- 
men), and the bailiffs dunned him for his wigs and his 
lodgings. Finally the Irish Parliament intervened. As 
South, the ecclesiastic says, ‘‘ The Parliament to their im- 
mortal honour sent him packing, and without the help of a 
faggot soon made the kingdom too hot to hold him.’’ 
South’s one regret was that the rest of the kingdom was less 

Toland in fact had offended the institutions of his 
country and he had a very lean purse. Therefore he 
suffered, like the most of the deists that succeeded him, for 
the double crime of poverty and lése majesté. The deists did 
not fare well. They had to fight privilege, and they had also 
to fight an array of scholarship and ability far greater than 
their own. They were crushed, therefore, as thoroughly as 
Grub Street hacks and such-like canaille could be crushed ; 
and yet, in the usual way of such affairs, their doctrine has 
lived. The eighteenth century was the flowering time of 
rationalism, deism, and their step-child scepticism. 
Shaftesbury, Bayle, Bolingbroke, Voltaire, Hume and the 
French encylopedists were far too important to be crushed: 
and they were not. 

Returning to Toland, however, we must admit that his 
fate was as good as he deserved. He was born to live from 
hand to mouth and to get his ideas printed. And this, in 
a word, was the story of his career. He had his bad times, no 
doubt. As Sir Leslie Stephen says, “‘ The poor man did not 
know how to starve,’’ but generally he was able to stave 

*So far as I know, Molyneux had no connexion with Ulster, but his son Samuel 
—who was a friend of Berkeley’s—owned an estate in Armagh, 

Ulster Philosophers. 16 

starvation off, and he had an interesting, if unconventional, 
career. Most of the remainder of his life after he left 
Ireland (he died in 1722) was spent. on the Continent, where 
he was a political informer (a spy in plain language), a court 
sycophant and a hack writer by turns or all together. He was 
not troubled with too nice a conscience (for example, he 
printed Shaftesbury’s Inquiry without permission when 
Shaftesbury was making the grand tour), and he did not 
object to his espionage, although, as he said (with an 
attempt at dignity), he would rather be a ‘* private monitor 
and purveyor of education ’’ than a spy. 

We need not weep for him, therefore; and he was known 
to the most interesting people of his day. Leibniz, for 
example, respected his ability ; a Turkish effendi inquired of 
Mr. Toland from Lady Mary Wortley Montagu; Prince 
Eugene of Holland befriended him, and Queen Sophia 
Charlotte of Prussia, sister of George I. and mother of 
Frederick the Great, received him at court, where she set the 
literary fashion which her  belleslettristic warrior-son 
continued in the way that every schoolboy knows of. And 
Toland had help from England, too. He expected a good 
deal from Harley, and he got something. Shaftesbury, too, 
overlooking the incident of the pirated manuscript, paid him 
a pension for somne years, although he withdrew it later in 
one of his fits of economy. 

And Toland went on writing. He had learned more at 
Leyden from the rationalists than the simple tactics of 
frontal assault. . He had also learned the other rationalistic 
method ; the method of sapping and mining by research into 
the authenticity of the Sacred Texts and by attacking the 
character of the early Christian bishops. I have time only 
for two examples of this. To his Mangoneutes being a 
defence of Nazarenus he appends certain ‘* queries to be sent 
to Christians residing in Mahomedan countries.’* One of 
them runs as follows: “Since we. find that they 
charge our Gospel with corruption and alteration in 

6 Professor John Latrd on 

many things, and particularly that Mahomet’s name 
was raz d out of ‘em, as likewise out of the Penta: 
teuch and the Psalms; you are. to’ enquire of the 
most learned, judicious and candid among ’em, how they 
can prove such expunctions or interpolations, if they have no 
authentic copies to confront with ours?’ (And so .n. 
Toland’s excursions into the higher criticism have not stood 
the test of time. le was not even a pioneer, except perhaps 
in England, but he was keen). The other quotation I shall 
give is the title page to his Hypatia. It runs, ‘‘ Hypatia, or 
the history of a most beautiful, most virtuous, most learned 
and every way accomplished lady; who was torn to pieces 
by the clergy of Alexandria, to gratify the pride, emulation, 
and cruelty of their Archbishop Cyril, commonly but un- 
deservedly stil’d Saint Cyril.’’ Cyril’s iniquity, in fact, is 
Toland’s subject quite as much as Hypatia’s virtue, but "| is 
only fair to add that Toland’s pamphlet does not assign too 
rnuch space (for the times) in discussing the important ques- 
tion whether or not Hypatia was virtuous. 

Writings such os these, as well as his Letters to Serena 
in which he makes suggestions towards a _rationalistic 
philosophy to the Queen of Prussia, sum up his literary ex- 
ecursions. His last work, however, should receive some 
mention. It is not in good taste. He got it up like a prayer 
book, with red rubrics, and it contains the ritual of a pan- 

theistic religion. But the most interesting point in it for 

us is that the writer returns in spirit to the name and place 
of his birth. The preface is signed Janus Julius Koganesius. 
Now Inis Eoghain is Inishowen: and we have already seen 
the history of Janus Julius. 

It is unfortunate for my purposes that Bihop Berkeley 
—the greatest of Irish philisophers—never resided in Ulster. 
He was a Kilkenny man, and Dublin was his spiritual home, 
as far as that was in Ireland at all. What is more, the slight 
connection he had with Ulster does not show that he had any 
love for the province. The matter befel in this wise, In the 

Ulster Philosophers. 17 

year 1721 Berkeley returned to Ireland after some eight years 
spent partly in London and principally on the Continent. 
‘’ I had no sooner set foot on shore,’’ he wrote to Sir John 
Percival in October of that year, ** but I heard that the 
Deanery of Dromore was become vacant, which is worth 
about £500 a year and a sinecure; which circumstance recom- 
mends it to me beyond any preferment in the kingdom.’’ 
Percival did his best for him, but without much success. On 
February 10 of the next year, it is true, Berkeley wrote that 
‘‘ his patent was now passing the seals,’’ but he added that 
the Bishop “ pretending a title hath put in a presentee of his 
own, which unavoidably engages me in a lawsuit.’’ 

Thereafter Berkeley experienced the law’s delays. 
™ God preserve your Lordship from law and lawyers,’’ he 
wrote piously in April, 1722; and, indeed, he had little hope 
of success. ‘“* The suit,’’ he wrote, ‘‘ upon enquiry I find 
will be more tedious, and the event much more doubtful than 
I was at first aware of, but with a sure expense on my side, 
if I am informed right, of several hundred pounds besides 
what I am likely to get from the Government,* which will go 
but a little way to pay eight lawyers (for so many I have 
engaged) and to pay all other expenses of a suit against a man 
who is worth £1,200 p.ann., besides the Deanery which he is 
in actual possession of, and who hath been practised in law- 
suits five and twenty years together.”’ 

The Bishop’s motives, doubtless, were principally 
private and personal, but he may have known that Berkeley 
wanted a sinecure, and it is probable that he objected to 
Berkeley for precisely the reason that Percival thought in 
Berkeley’s favour, viz.: that Berkeley had been as much in 
England as in Ireland for a great many years. (There is a 
hint, too, that B.‘s politics were those of a mugwump.) 
However that may be, by the year 1723, while this lawsuit 
was still pending, Berkeley had made up his mind to go to 
_ Bermuda to found an Arcadian university in these summer 

*Notre—£50 concordation money had been voted him, 

18 Professor John Laird on 

islands both for white and coloured. . He wished, indeed, 
not only to go there, but to maintain ten savages and ten 
whites at his own expense. This new purpose, he wrote, 
‘“ sets me above soliciting anything with earnestness in this 
part of the world, which can now be of no use to me, but as it 
may enable me the better to prosecute that design; and it 
must be owned that the present possession of something 
in the Church would make my application tor an establish- 
ment in these islands more considered. I mean a charter for 
a college there.”’ 

He wanted money, however, as well as the charter, 
although he had, quite unexpectedly, inherited half the 
estate (one Robert Marshal inherited the other half) of 
Hester Vanhomrigh, Swift’s Vanessa, who had revoked her 
legacy to Swift in view of the Dean’s conduct when he heard 
that she had questioned Stella concerning her relations with 
him. And an appointment came, too. “‘I can now tell 
your Lordship,’’ he wrote to Percival in 1724, ‘* that yester- 
day JI received my patent for the best deanery 
in the kingdom, that of Derry. This deanery is said to be 
worth £1,500 p.ann., but then there are four curates to be 
paid and great changes upon entering, for a large house and 
offices, first fruits, patent, ete., which will consume the first 
year’s profit and part of the second.’’ However, Providence 
tempered the wind for him. ‘‘ I am now on my return from 
Derry,’’ he wrote a month later (May, 1724), “* where I have 
taken possession of my deanery and farmed out my tithe 
lands, etc., for £1,250 a year. I am assured they are worth 
two hundred pounds per ann. more, but thought it better to 
have men of substantial futures engaged for the punctual 
payment of the foregoing sum than by keeping them in my 
hands to subject myself to all that trouble, and all those 
cheats which Dissenters (whereof we have many about 
Derry) are inclined to practice towards the clergy of our 

Ulster Philosophers. 19 

However, he was enthusiastic about the place. ‘‘The 
Cathedral,’’ he went on to say in the same letter, “‘ is the 
prettiest in Ireland. My house is a fashionable thing not 
five years old, and cost eleven hundred pounds. The Cor- 
poration are all good Churchinen, a civil people, and 
throughout English, being a colony from London. I have 
hardly seen a more agreeable situation, the town standing 
on a peninsula in the midst of a fine spreading lake, en- 
vironed with green hills, and at a distance the noble ridge of 
Ennishowen mountains and the mighty rocks of Maghilligan 
form a most august scene. There is, indeed, much of the 
gusto grande in the laying out of this whole country, which 
recalls to my mind many prospects of Naples and Sicily.”’ 

Nevertheless he never went there again. lLaw-suits 
concerning the Vanhomrigh will and an attempt to obtain 
from the British House of Commons for the Bermuda 
scheme—a grant of £60,000 was voted, but never paid—kept 
him in Dublin or in London till 1728. Then he sailed for 
America. When he returned in 1731 it was to London that 
he came, and he did not take up residence in Ireland till 1783, 
when he was appointed Bishop of Cloyne. 

On the whole then (save for this one week of his visit to 
Londonderry) his connection with Ulster is simply that he 
got something out of her. 

Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746) is commonly regarded as 
_ the Ulster philosopher, and certainly he was both an Ulster- 
man and a philosopher. The facts of his life are briefly as 
follows. He was the second son of John Hutcheson, Presby- 
terian minister of Ballyrea, near Armagh, but he seems {0 
have been born at his grandfather’s house at Drumalig in 
County Down. This grandfather, Alexander Hutcheson was 
a Plantation Scot who was minister of Saintfield in Co. 
Down for the greater part of his life, and had wealth enough 
to purchase the estate of Drumalig. Francis Hutcheson’s 
mother was a Longford lady. 

20 Professor John Laird on 

Francis was educated at a Dissenting school near Saint- 
field, and thereafter at the Academy (as it was called) of 
Killyleagh. Thence, like the other local Dissenters in 
Ulster, he proceeded to the University of Glasgow, sitting 
under Gershom Carmichael and others. At Glasgow he 
seems to have studied diligently, and he was tutor to the 
Earl of Kilmarnock—a somewhat remarkable fact so shortly 
after the 15 when we remember that the Harl’s family were 
Jacobities and Hutcheson a staunch Presbyterian. How- 
ever, perhaps Hutcheson was not so very. staunch. He 
returned to Ulster in 1719 and was licensed as a probationer, 
but his preaching was not to the liking of his father’s friends. 
A story is told, indeed, to the following effect. One cold and 
rainy Sunday, Francis Hutcheson went to preach at Armagh, 
taking the place of his father who had a cold; but a flickering 
sun and a determined curiosity took the old man out of his 
bed and sent him to hear the conclusion of his son’s sermon. 
Instead of that, the unhappy parent met the whole of his 
flock returning in disgust from the meeting-house. An elder 
enlightened him. ‘*‘ We a’ feel muckle wae for your mishap, 
Rev. Sir,’’ the elder said, ‘‘ but it canna’ be concealed. 
Your silly loon Frank has fashed a’ the congregation wi’ his 
idle cackle; for he has been babbling this ’oor aboot a gude 
and benevolent God, and that the souis o’ the heathen them- 
selves will gang to Heaven, if they follow the licht o’ their 
ain consciences. Not a word does the daft loon ken, speir 
nor say about the gude auld comfortable doctrines o’ election, 
reprobation, original sin and faith. Hoot man, awa’ wi’ sic 
a fellow.”’ 

The truth was that Hutcheson had leanings towards the 
New Light while his family preferred the old. Hutcheson 
was cautious, however (or—shal! we say ?—filia]), and he 
never took sides openly, but was content instead to contri- 
bute (anonymously) to the Non-Subscribers at various times 
throughout his life. He seems to have felt, however, that 
he had no vocation for the kirk, so he refused the “ call ”’ 

Ulster Philosophers. VI 

of the congregation at Magherally and founded an Academy 
at Dublin instead. There he prospered, was bitten with the 
fashionable philosophical virus of the city, and plunged into 
authorship. Prosperous as he was, however, two separate 
complaints were lodged against him in the archbishop’s court 
for daring to teach without a license from the church; and 
there are indications that Hutcheson would not have objected 
to joining the Kstablishment. Still he did not; and Arch- 
bishop King (of whom we have already heard) protected his 
follow- Ulsterman. 

His troubles were ended in 1729 when he was appointed a 
professor in Glasgow. ‘There he had enormous influence. 
He was principally responsible for the abolition of the old 
system of regents (who taught everything) substituting the 
regime of specialist professors. His lectures on the State 
directed Adam Smith’s attention to political economy, and 
the Kircaldy boy’s Theory of the Moral Sentiments owes 
much to his old professor. Moreover, Hutcheson had many 
other distinguished pupils. For the truth was that he was not 
only an eminent philosopher and a good organiser but a 
magnificent teacher. He could speak eloquently, forcibly, 
and clearly, and this gift, in addition to his personal charm 
and his liberal opinions, made a deep mark on the literary 
history of Scotland. The Scottish revival of letters in the 
18th century owes as much to this Ulsterman as to any one. 
When the young Huine was trying to struggle into fame by 
the publication of his Treatise he wrote to Hutcheson for 
advice concerning the third book on morals. Hume was not 
a sycophant, and he was the very last of Scotchmen to be 
reckoned a fool. His action, therefore, was most significant. 

Indeed, Hutcheson owes his place in the histories of 
philosophy quite as much to his personal influence, and to 
his literary popularity as to the distinctively philosophical 
merits of his work. In some respects, even, the tale of his 
work is somewhat disappointing when one comes to exarhine 
it. In Glasgow he was too busy to write much, and the 

22 Professor John Laird on 

books on logic and on metaphysics which he published there 
(they are only compends or text books) are both eclectic and 
unsatisfying. He tried to unite the scholasticism he had 
imbibed at Killyleagh with certain fashionable ideas: and 
he did not succeed very well. For the rest, it is his moral 
philosophy that is remembered, and here again there are 
qualifications. | He was in Dublin and only thirty when he 
published his Enquiry into the Original of our Ideas of 
Beauty and Virtue; his essay on the Nature and Conduct of 
the Passions also appeared during the Dublin period; and his 
System of Moral Philosophy was published posthumously. So 
the former works are immature and the latter incomplete. 
His ethical system, then, cannot be reckoned among the 
greatest in British philosophy. Philosophically speaking, 
he improved greatly upon Shaftesbury’s moral philosophy, 
although without the support of Shaftesbury’s fatally sedue- 
tive metaphysics, and he tried, not without success, to de- 
velop the psychological side of ethics in the best literary vein. 
This is a popular procedure to-day—indeed it is the fashion— 
but the modern philosophers can surround their doctrines 
with a plausible halo derived from anthropology and the 
history of human evolution, while Hutcheson could not. 
What is more, a cool historian must admit that Hutcheson 
did not appreciate the sceptical tendencies of his moral 
philosophy (as his great contemporary Bishop Butler did) 
that frequently he did not perceive the logical consequences 
of his own doctrine, that Hume and others developed it far 
more consistently than he did, that Hutcheson ciien 
descended (like Lord Kames and others after him) to woolli- 
ness scarcely redeemed by illogical piety, and that although 
Hutcheson was an important figure in the movement which 
led eventually to utilitarianism his SEOMETORS did not le in 
his clearheadedness. 
None the less, Hutcheson, the man, is a considerable 
figure in British philosophy. It has been claimed for him 
that he was one of the founders of the Seottish school, but 

Ulster Philosophers. 23 

this is a mistake. He builds upon human nature, as Reid 
did later, but he gives in essence and even upon the surface 
a very different account of human nature from Reid’s. The 
impetus which he gave to philosophy lay rather on the side of 
psychology and of the literary aspects of philosophy : but it is 
no mean thing to succeed in this enterprise. Scotland 
needed a renaissance, and therefore she owed much to 

And Hutcheson’s influence was not confined to Scotland. 
To Dublin in his early years he brought an Ulster leaven, and 
he remembered the interests of Presbyterian Ulster in 
Glasgow. Hutcheson’s letters to Dr. Drennan of this city 
show a constant solicitude for the Ulster youths under his 
charge. And some of therm needed it. ‘‘ I am deeply morti- 
fied by the vanity and foppery prevailing among our country- 
men,’’ Hutcheson writes, ‘* beyond what I see in others; and 
a sauntering forsooth which makes them incapable of any 
hearty drudgery at books.’’ As one of the culprits he par- 
ticularly mentions was the son of a non-subscribing minister 
in Belfast, this comment perhaps is scarely what one would 
expect. The rowdiness of the Ulstermen of which we hear 
from other Glasgow sources seems more natural somehow. 
Reid later had a great deal of trouble with the “* wild Irish 
Teagues,’’ as he call them—those Ulster Protestants whose 
natural university was Glasgow. 

In course of time, however, Belfast began to want a 
university of its own, and the Academical Institution (which 
included a college) was founded in 1815. Two philosophers, 
both of them Scottish seceders, were imported from Glasgow 
—one of them, John Young; the other, William Cairns. 
Cairns published a book on Moral Freedom in 1844, and 
Young’s lectures were published posthumously under the title 
‘“* Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy.’’ This book (I hope 
I am not offending any of Young’s descendants) gained the 
following unenviable notice from Sir William Hamilton, 

DM Professor John Laird on 

‘This unfortunate speculator seems to have been fated in © 
almost every instance to be anticipated by Brown; and as far 
as I have looked into their lectures I have been amazed with > 
the never-failing preamble—of the astonishment, the satis- 
faction and so forth, which the author expresses on finding, 
on the publication of Brown’s Lectures, that the opinions 
which he himself, as he says, had always held and taught, 
were those which had obtained the countenance of so dis. 
tinguished a philosopher. The coincidence is, however, too 
systematic and precise to be the effect of accident; and the 
identity of opinion hetween the two doctors can only 
(plagiarism apart). be explained by borrowing from the 
hypothesis of a pre-established harmony between their 
minds.’’ later, however, Hamilton added a footnote. ~‘ I 
‘now find, and have elsewhere stated, that the similarity 
between these philosophers arises from their borrowing, 1 
may say stealing, from the same source—De Tracy.’’ 

After the Queen’s College was founded in Belfast, 
Clarendon the Lord Lieutenant of the day was so much 
impressed by the merits of a book entitled The Method of the 
Divine Government, Physical and Moral that he appointed 
its author, a Brechin minister called James M‘Cosh, to the 
Professorship of Logic and Metaphysics in the year 1857. 
This appointment prompted Thackeray’s lines ‘‘ The Last 
Trish Grievance,’’ from which I quote some stanzas. 
Thackeray speaks in the person of an Irish youth. 

As I think of the insult that’s done to this nation 
Red tears of rivinge from me faytures I wash, 

And uphold in this pome, to the world’s daytistation 
The slaves that appointed Professor M‘Cosh. 

I look round me counthree, renowned by expayrience, 
And see midst her children, the witty, the wise— 

Whole hayps of logicians, potes, schollars, grammarians, 
All ayger for pleeces, all panting to rise. 

Ulster Philosophers. Dk 

| gaze round the world in its utmost diminsion, 
Lord John and his minions in Council I ask, 

Was there ever a Government pleece (with a pinsion) 
But children of Erin were fit for that task? 

On the logic of Saxons there’s little reliance, 
And, rather from Saxon than gather its rules, 
I’d stamp under feet the base book of his science, 
And spit on his chair as he taught in the schools. 

O false Sir John Kane! is it thus that you praych me? 
I think all your Queen’s Universitees bosh; 

And if you’ve no native professor to taych me 
I scawurn to be learned by the Saxon M‘Cosh. 

M‘Cosh remained in Belfast for the next seventeen 
years, and then went to Princeton (of which celebrated 
university he was president). It was in Belfast, however, 
that his most important books were written and his consider- 
able reputation consolidated. It is not quite fair to discuss 
his philosophy nowadays. Some of his ideas, it is true, are 
now more fashionable than they were twenty years ago, but 
they are not very likely to recur in the form in which he put 
them, and he was neither eminent enough nor enough of a 
pioneer to make it likely that future historians of philosophy 
will honour him with more than a footnote. 

On the other hand he was certainly a very clear writer, 
and a most assiduous and successful teacher. I have met 
many of his pupils here, and they all concur in this verdict. 
IT have no doubt, indeed, that some of my audience here can 
vouch for the fact from personal experience. On this 
account chiefly I do not propose to say more about M‘Cosh 
now. A historian is more comfortable when he is dealing 
with remoter persons and events, and this consideration 
restrains me even more forcibly from dealing with Ulster 
philosophers who are either alive or who have died only 

26 Professor John Laird, etc. 

recently. I think, for example, of William Graham or of 
J. J. Murphy, President of the Linen Hall Library for 
twenty years and author of Habit and Intelligence and of other 
works: or of my predecessor, John Park, and I am silent. 
I shall only venture on one tiny phophecy. At last, after an 
interval of centuries, the philosophers of England are be- 
ginning to construct what the Germans call a natur- 
philosophie, and I venture to predict that when our grand- 
children come to estimate the origin of this movement in 
twentieth century Britain, they will unanimously place the 
name of Mr. A. A. Robb very high. 

One other reflection and I have done. The influence of 
Ulster in philosophy, as in everything else, cannot be limited 
to the work of those who have been born or who have long 
resided within her borders. Her children and_ their 
descendants beyond the seas must also be counted to her 
credit; and I confess that I conceived the idea of writing this 
lecture when I read the recently published Letters of William 
James. James was a delight to the world. and Ulster gave 

him. James’s paternal grandfather—also William by 
name—went to America from the town of Ballyjamesduff, in 

County Cavan, in 1789. He arrived with very little money 
and a latin grammar, founded the salt industry of Syracuse 
and amassed so considerable a fortune as to be able to 
bequeath a comfortable inheritance to his widow and to 
each of his eleven children. ‘‘ When old Billy James came 
to Syracuse,’’ the customary old inhabitant said, “* things 
went as he wished.”’ 

Therefore James was an Ulsterman by descent on his 
father’s side, and his mother’s forbears were also Ulster 
people. His mother was descended from a certain Hugh 
Walsh who came from Killingsley (?), Co. Down, according 
to James’s Letters (Killyleagh, according to Henry James), 
in 1764. All honour then to the province that gave us 
William James. 


10th January, 1922. 

Henry Rippeuu, Esq., M.E., M.I.Mech.E., President, 
in the Chair. 

“ COMETS.”’ 
By Rev. W. F. A. Eviison, M.A. 

[No Abstract. | 

16th January, 1922. 

Henry Ripe, Esa., in the Chair. 

“ MOLIERE.”’’ 
By Professor Savory, M.A. 

[No Abstract. | 

14th March, 1922. 

Henry RippEewu, Esq., M.E., M.I.Mech.E., President, 
in the Chair. 



[No Abstract. | 

28 G. S. Robertson on 

31st January, 1922. 

Henry RippELL, M.E., M.I.Mech.E., President, in 
the Chair. 
By G. 8. Rozertson, D.Sc., Head of Chemical Research 
Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Ireland. 

Agricultural science began in the Nineteenth Century. 
In the opening decades the important fact was established 
that there are three fertilising elements which must be 
applied to the soil in order to maintain its fertility, and 
in order that increased crops may be obtained. They are 
Nitrogen, Phosphates, and Potash. 

The future of agriculture in this and every other country, 
tc a very large extent, depends upon the manufacture of these ~ 
three groups of fertilisers in suitable forms, and in adequate 

Few realise that agriculture has progressed so rapidly 
during the past 80 years that to satisfy the requirements of 
- the industry for artificial fertilisers large chemical industries 
have been created, necessitating in many cases the establish- 
ment of new towns and cities. 

The problem associated with the supply of nitrogenous 
fertilisers has been solved by the discovery of methods for 
utilising the nitrogen of the air. To-day over 44 million tons 
of nitrogenous fertilisers are manufactured annually from the 
nitrogen of the air; the total value being in the neighbourhood 
of 45 million pounds. : 

We are not, however, in such a happy position with re- 
gard to our supplies of phosphates. It would be difficult to 
say when phosphates were first used in agriculture. As far — 
back as we can go they seem to have been used in the torm 
of bones, which we now know contain in the dry state from 
60 to 80 per cent. of phosphate of lime. 

The Use of Phosphates in Agriculture. 29 

It was not, however, till 1500 that Lord Dundonald estab- 
lished the fact that bones owed their value to the phosphates 
which they contained, and not, as was then thought, to their 
oil or fat content. 

From 1800 onwards the use of bones in agriculture grew 

with great rapidity. ‘The home supply became inadequate, 
and we began to import in very large quantities. 
About 1834, Lawes—the first English agricultural chemist 
—patented a process for dissolving bones in sulphuric acid 
and thus making the phosphate soluble in water. Hitherto 
bones had been simply broken into small lumps and ploughed 
or rolled into the soil. In such a form they were very slow 
in their action, and could be ploughed up after the lapse of 
several years apparently unaltered. Lawes’ dissolved bones, 
o: bone super-phosphate, contained phosphate soluble in 
water, which when applied to the soil could be immediately 
utilised by the young plant. So effective was it in its action 
that it save a great fillip to the search for bones and England 
began to ransack the whole of Europe for supplies. So keen 
was the competition that even the battlefields of Leipsic and 
Waterloo are said to have been turned over in the course of 
the search. 

The situation was eased by the discovery of large de- 
posits of rock phosphates in Spain, North Africa, the United 
States, and certain of the Pacific Islands, and Lawes was 
able to continue making his superphosphate by dissolving 
these ground rock phosphates, which were found to contain 
from 50-80 per cent. of phosphate of lime. 

For the next forty years or so the use of Lawes’ super- 
phosphate grew rapidly, and as there seemed to be no limit 
to the amount of raw rock phosphate which could be obtained 
no anxiety was felt with regard to our supplies. 

In 1878 a new type of phosphatic fertiliser appeared, 
namely, basic slag, and it was the means of connecting agri- 
culture with our great modern steel industry. 

30 G. S. Robertson on 

Steel is made from ‘“* Pig iron,’’ which in turn is made 
from iron ore. Our most important deposits of iron ore occur 
in the Cleveland district of the North Riding of Yorkshire. 
‘T'hese iron ores contain phosphorus, and it was not at first 
possible to manufacture steel from them because the phos- 
phorus passed into the steel, rendering it brittle and unfit for 
industrial purposes. 

This difficulty was overcome by two steel chemists, 
Thomas and Gilchrist, who devised a process for removing 
the phosphorus. They lined the steel furnace with lime, and 
also charged lime into the furnace along with the pig iron. 
The lime passing through the molten metal combined with 
the phosphorus, forming phosphate of hme. This, together 
with the excess of lime and other impurities, floats on the 
top of the molten metal at the end of the boil as a scum or 
slag. The slag, being lighter than the molten metal, is re- 
moved by pouring, and on cooling sets into a hard, rock-like 

Ground to a fine powder, so that 80-90 per cent. will pass 
a sieve with 10,000 holes to the square inch, this waste pro- 
duct from the manufacture of steel by the Basic Bessemer 
process became the basic slag so highly prized by the agricul- 
tural community. It contained about 40 per cent. of phos- 
phate of lime. 

At first basic slag was considered to be of little value, 
because the phosphates were insoluble in water. Various 
attempts were made to dissolve the slag in sulphuric acid, 
and so obtain a water soluble phosphate, but the attempt was 
abandoned as uneconomical and impracticable. 

Two agriculturai experimentors, Prof. Wrightson and 
Mr. Munro, persuaded some of the steel manufacturers to 
grind some of the waste slag to a fine powder. They applied 
it to grass land, and obtained highly-successful results. 

These results were amply borne out by experiments in 
other parts of the country, particularly at Cockle Park, and 
the foundation was laid for the big basic slag industry. 

The Use of Phosphate in Agriculture. oa 

Last year the British farmer used no less than half a 
million tons of the fertiliser. 

THE PRESENT Position. 

Unfortunately for the farmer, changes in the manufac- 
ture of steel began to take place about 1912, and these 
changes were hastened by the conditions resulting from the 

The new process of steel manufacture enabled the steel 
maker to produce his steel more economically; but, alas for 
the farmer, it meant a slag containing only half the quantity 
of phosphates (20 per cent. instead of 40 per cent.), and one 
in which the phosphates were much more insoluble than 

The farmers of the United Kingdom are now faced with 
a possible supply of only 40,000 tons per annum of high- 
grade slag instead of 400,000 tons. 

The agricultural significance of the change is apparent 
from a consideration of the figures in the following table: 

Production of Basic Slag in 1920. 
Grade. Tons. 
1. Over 33% phosphate... ... 46,300 
2. 26 to 338% ys aA ... 121,400 
3. 22 to 26% us cae ie 190,900 
4. 15 to 22% si sie ... 802,500 
5. 11 to 15% is wae ... 118,000 
6. Under 11% = se 22. 22,000 


It is exceedingly doubtful whether grades 4, 5, and 6 
can be profitably marketed on account of their low phosphate 
content. The available supply is thus only about 160,000 
tons, whereas the demand, which is steadily increasing, is 
-approximately 500,000 tons. 

It has been estimated that the farmers in Great Britain 

2 G. S. Robertson on 

and Ireland could use with advantage to themselves and the 
community 33,820,000 units of phosphate in the form of - 
basic slag, equivalent to 850,000 tons of high grade basic slag 
containing 40 per cent. of phosphate. If all the basic slag 
containing 154 per cent. of phosphate and upwards could be 
used the available supply would only be 13,400,000 units of 
phosphate, leaving a deficiency of 20,420,000 units, equiva- 
lent to 510,500 tons of basic slag containing 40 per cent. of 

It is a matter of great importance to find a substitute for 
basic slag, because we now know there are certain soil condi- 
tions for which superphosphate is not the most suitable 
phosphate to use. 

With this object in view, experiments have been con- 
ducted during the past few years with raw ground phos- 
phates, mined in North Africa, to ascertain whether if they 
are finely ground they can take the place of basic slag. 

The results from some of these field experiments are set 
out in a condensed form in Table 2. 

= G8 elie des 8 ae 
Te ae 4) SU wg Pi Sie) 
Type of Phosphate as Oe ee : He elie eo) 2 e 
S™ sss em lat ese se) os 
Se eg sia g) Gs 
| <x x <x Gl el Ss 
Basic Bessemer Slag 
(old process slag) Be. | 27.2 | 2010) =40:G. |» 20:4iegOng 
Open Hearth Fluor- 
spar. Basic Slag 
(new process slag) — 21.3 | 16.8) — rae 29.9 
Untreated QOB i TOs, |-25/Ole ZO.4) aZOnsm amc, 
Gafsa rock Phosphace) 20.5 | 27.0 | 22-2) 26.te 2503 
Egyptian do — DESIG OIA = |. 260 
Algerian do — BNS6 Bu | BORN ae =F = 
Tunisian do a —. | 23.5) 7 aa BON 
Florida Pebble Phos- : 
phate ... — — |15.0.° — — 28.4. 

The Use of Phosphates in Agriculture. 33 

The plan followed in the above experiments was to give 
each plot exactly the same amount of phosphoric acid (200 
lbs. per acre), the only difference being the form in which it 
was applied. Only one dressing was given and no other 
artificials were apphed. The hay crop on each plot was 
weighed for four or five years in succession. 

It is quite clear from the results that in some soils—par- 
ticularly on grass land—-ground rock phosphates are capable 
of giving as good, and sometimes better, results than the best 
grades of basic slag. 

At one of the centres given in the above table—Horndon 
—the experimental plots were grazed during the season of 
1919 instead of being reserved for hay. The plots, unfortu- 
nately, were not big enough to permit of grazing trials, but as 
the differences in the botanical composition of the untreated 
plots and the plots receiving the various phosphates were so 
striking, a method was devised for determining the percen- 
tage of the ground space occupied by the various species. 
The results are set out in table 3. 




ae Type of Phosphate ae a as ie Space 

3 Algerian with Phosphate AF AN +201 TA tee 

5 Basic Slag (old process) Adil; 25-01, 13-7 | 13-0 

6 Untreated .~. ae AD | AO) BLO! | 5O1O 

8 Gafsa with Phosphate AN 34103223 | 1 20 8:8 

9 Tunician do BOS! 130:0h | 22.0 3:6 

12 Egyptian do 55-5 | 41-0 0-7 2:8 

16 Untreated do ee OVA WT Qulal 420; On |, A595 

Basic Slag (new process) | 43.8 | 31-8 | 13-3 | Vrer 

34 G. S. Robertson on 

The contrast between the figures for the untreated plots 
and the plots receiving phosphates is very striking indeed. it 
will be noted that the various phosphate have brought about 
a revolution in the botanical composition of the heroage, and 
that in this respect the various types of phosphate appear to 
be equally efficacious. ‘The bare space has become filled in 
with clover and so vigorous is its growth when supplied with 
suitable phosphates that it is able to crowd out the weeds to a 
very large extent. The appearance of three of these plots is 
illustrated in Figs. 1, 2, and 3. , 

Experiments which have recently been made in the 
North of Ireland confirm the results recorded above. Further 
experiments, which, it is hoped, will throw considerable light 
on the problem raised, are in progress under the auspices of 
the Ministry of Agriculture for Northern Ireland. 


It is very probable that in the near future we shall be 
dependent for our supplies of phosphates upon the deposits of 
rock phosphates. The farmer may have these phosphates in 
two forms :— 

(1) Dissolved in sulphuric acid as superphosphate in 
which the phosphate is soluble in water. This is 
the quickest acting type of phosphate available. 

(2) Finely ground, in which form it is hoped it may 
take the place of basic slag which we know is more 
suitable to certain types of soil than superphos- 

At present 8 million tons of these ground rock phos. 
phates are being mined annually for agricultural purposes. 
Tt is certain that the world’s requirements will increase with 
creat rapidity, and it is no exaggeration to say that the agri- 
cultural prosperity, and therefore the industrial prosperity, of 
the various countries will be determined in the future by the 
supplies of phosphates which they can secure. In this re- 
spect the British Empire is badly off. The United States has 

The Use of Phosphates in Agriculture. 35 

already taken steps to conserve its supplies, France has con- 
trol of the North African deposits—the largest deposits in the 
world; whilst, with the exception of the deposits on Nauru 
and Ocean Island, the sources of supply within the British 
Empire are, as far as we know, insignificant. 

_ Just as in the past, we have seen a struggle for oil 
supplies, in view of the fact that oil was to play a determining 
part in industrial supremacy, so at the present moment we 
are witnessing a keen competition amongst the world powers 
for phosphates, because there is every prospect of such 
supplies becoming of vital importance in the future. 

36 ce W: H. Gibson on 

7th February, W922. 

Henry Rippevt, M.E.,M.I.Mech.E., President, 
in the Chair. 

By W. H. Gisson, O.B.E., D.Sc., F.1.C.,; F Inst.P. 


The industry of Wood Distillation goes back to very 
early times, though the ancients only sought the charcoal 
obtained. In Engiand in the Middle Ages there were large 
forests in the southern counties, and this was a manu- 
facturing district. ‘The timber was used for building and for 
the construction of ships, while the waste material was used 
partly as fuel and partly to ubtain the charcoal wanted for 

Charcoal-burning in the old-fashioned way still goes on 
in remote districts in Russia and Finland. The wood is 
piled round a narrow central shaft, and the mound is 
covered with a layer of charcoal and earth. The heap is 
lighted in the middle at the bottom. Part of the wood burns 
away, but as the access of air is closely restricted combustion 
is not complete, and the most of the wood is converted into 
charcoal. When the charring is complete the kiln is allowed 
to cool down before exposure to the air, as it would other- 
wise burst into flame. 

The next development lay in constructing the kiln with 
« small well underneath the base of the pile, into which tar 
could run. The smoke from burning wood in a restricted 
air supply contains several different gases, with a quantity | 
of tar and an acid vapour consisting mainly of acetic acid, 
the basis of vinegar. The desire to recover these products 
Jed to the construction of more elaborate kilns, resembling 

st 1919. 



€.olag.Plot at: Horndon. 



Figz |, 

August, 1919. 

Fig. I].—Gafsa Rock Phosphate Plot at Horndon. 


Fig. J1].--Untreated Plot at Horndon. © August,: 1919. 

The Society is indebted to the University Press, Cam- 
bridge, for permission to reproduce Figs 1, 2, and 3 from the 
monograph by Dr. Robertson on *‘ Basic Slags and Rock 
Phosphates. ’’ 

as “AUG 25 



Some Products of Wood Waste. 2) 

brick ovens with pipes carrying off the products for con. 
densation with water. These were replaced by retorts some 
thing similar to those used in the manufacture of coal gas, 
and with this type of apparatus we reach modern conditions. 
To understand the use of such retorts it is necessary to 
have at least a rough idea of the chemical nature of wool 
and the reaction that takes place during the distillation. 

Wood is essentially composed of the three elements 
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the approximate analysis 
being: carbon, 50 per cent.; hydrogen, 6 per cent. , oxygen, 
44 per cent. There are two main constituents in wood, 
cellulose and hgenin. Cellulose is known in a very pure form 
in cotton, and has a composition of carbon 44 per cent., 
hydrogen 6 per cent., oxygen 50 per cent.; while lignin is 
richer in carbon and poorer in oxygen. Both these sub- 
stances are very complicated in nature, and their construc- 
tion is not vet unravelled. Cellulose, however, seems to be 
closelv related to grape sugar, and formule have been 
suggested with molecules of grape sugar linked up in various 
ways. The main product of the distillation of cellulose is 
charcoal, about 39 per cent.; accompanied by water, 34.5 
per cent.; tar, 4 per cent.; acetic acid, 1.5 per cent.; and 2 
considerable volume of gas amounting to a proportion of 
carbon dioxide 10 per cent. and carbon monoxide 4 per cent. 

The effect may be broadly described as the removal of 
water, accompanied by charring and evolution of carbon 
dioxide gas, the tar and acetic acid being by-products. 

The lignin gives in addition methyl! alcohol, or wood spirit, 
so that it is on the proportion of lignin that the yield of wood 
spirit depends. Lignin is also the principal source of the 
tar, yielding about 18 per cent. of this material. 

The proportions of lignin and cellulose largely determine 
the products given by distillation, and these proportions vary 
considerably in different trees, changing with the age of the 
tree and differing in heart and in sap-wood. ‘The age of the 

38 W. H. Gibson on 

tree affects also the nature of the charcoal, voung wood con- 
taining more sap and giving inferior charcoal, while very 
old wood gives charcoal which splits readily and causes loss 
in transport. The time of year in which the trees are felled 
is of importance, winter felling giving less sap and better 
results in distillation. The quantity of moisture present is 
extremely important, and it is usual to store the wood for 
six months or more, when a fairly constant figure of 20 per 
cent. 1s obtained. This enables more regular results to be 

In the process of distillation, starting from cold up to a 
temperature of 270° C., the water contained in the wood is 
first driven off, accompanied by gases which are mainly 
oxides of carbon, but as soon as the critical temperature is 
passed the nature of the gases changes completely, the 
oxides of carbon diminishing and being replaced by hydro- 
carbons, methane, etc. The quantity of aqueous distillate 
also diminishes; the gases are drier; the quantity of tar 
increases and its nature is more viscous. Up to 270° C. the 
apparatus requires external heat, but from this temperature 
the charring proceeds with practically no external heating, 
the reaction becoming exothermic, the decomposition spon- 
taneous. Up to a temperature of 500° C. the evolution of 
hydrocarbon gases increases, while at a higher temperature 
the hydrocarbons are replaced by hydrogen. In practice the 
carbonisation is stopped and the process finished at 380° to 
400° C. If the process is stopped at 400° C. and the retort 
closed a further formation of hydrocarbons occurs while 
cooling is going on, and oxides of carbon and hydrogen 
gradually disappear. When retorts in which the charcoal 
is kept to cool are closed during this stage the pressure rises 
und the gases inside the retort become 80 per cent. to 90 per 
cent. hydrocarbons. This pressure gradually disappears as 
the charcoal absorbs the gaseous hydrocarbons, with forma- 
tion of solid varieties, the carbon content increasing in the 
charcoal by 5 per cent. to 6 per cent. 

Some Products of Wood Waste. 39 

On the commercial scale of distillation all the stages 
mentioned may be taking place at the same time in the one 
retort, as the large size of the apparatus does not allow 
uniform transmission of heat to all the wood in the vessel. 
Some of the wood near the heating surface may be in the 
final stage, while part further removed from the source of 
heat may be only beginning the reaction. The nature of the 
products can be influenced by the method of heating the 
retort and by the temperature of the furnace, a high tem- 
perature and rapid working giving much gas and less acetic 
acid, wood spirit, and charcoal. The design of the retort 
used will also influence the results. In small retorts the 
radiation from the heated sides is sufficient to keep the 
internal temperature differences small, but this is not the 
case with the large American and Swedish retorts. With 
vertical retorts delivering downwards the lavers at different 
levels will be at different stages. When any considerable 
portion of a charge reaches the exothermic stage it supplies 
toa ‘the remainder so much heat that this portion is brought 
with a rush to the distillation stage. There is consequently 
a period of violent and copious evolution of gas and distillate 
which extends over one to six hours,according to the size of 
the vessel. 

The practical divisions of the process on the commercial 
scale are :— 

1. Simple evaporation of water, almost without gases 
up to 170° C. 

2. Water vapour, oxides of carbon, and some acetic 
acid up to 270° C. 

8. The exothermic stage, or spontaneous period, with 
copious and even violent evolution of gases, hydrocarbons, 
acetic acid, wood spirit, and tar. 

4. A gentler distillation unti] a temperature of 400° C. 
is reached. 

40 W. H. Gibson on 

5. The period of cooling, with re-absorption of gases by 
vhe charcoal. 

The first two periods require external heat, but the 
third gives out heat and yields the most useful combustible 
gases. Arrangements must therefore be made for a rotation 
ef work in a number of retorts, that these gases given out 
in the third stage may be applied to heat the retorts at the 
initial stages of the process. The lower the temperature in 
the first period and the slower the addition of heat at the 
beginning of carbonisation, the greater the quantity of the 
dried wood in the retort and the more violent the action in 
ths: third period. 

As the reaction after the wood reaches 270° C. is so 
rapid the method of firing is such as to prevent complete 
drying of large masses at the same time; the drying and the 
carbonisation must be run together. This is naturally more 
difficult with large retorts. The condensation arrangements 
must be planned to cope with the rush of the vigorous periods 
by a joint condensing system for several retorts, the heavy 
demand of each coming in turn. 

The final temperature regulates the composition of the 
charcoal obtained. 

Wood differs much in composition, even when taken 
from the same tree; it varies in water content, in propor- 
tions of cellulose and lignin, in the porosity or the sound- 
ness of the wood; and these differences are such that the 
results of any two distillations are never exactly alike. The 
skill or attention of the stoker is also a considerable element 
in the final result. 

A description of the use of a small retort system often 
used in Germany will enable the process to be better under- 

- Two horizontal iron cylinders, each about ten feet long 
by’ three feet six inches in diameter, are embedded in 

Some Products of Wood Waste. 4l 
matsnry, having a furnace between them, and arrange- 
ments permitting the circulation of the hot gases from the 
fire around the retorts slowly to carbonise the charge of wood. 
There is a wide tube: connecting each retort to a tar- 
separator, followed by a coil of copper tubes cooled by a 
water tank and acting as a condenser for the watery dis- 
tillate. The uncondensed gases pass a water seal and then 
return to the furnace to be burnt. In the continuous use of 
such a plant the charcoal is removed as soon as the opera- 
tion is finished, and rapidly emptied into a kind of iron box, 
which is closed air-tight, and in it the charcoal is allowed to 
cool. As soon as the charcoal is thus removed the retorts 
are refilled with billet wood, closed up, and the fire applied. 
Within ten minutes the neck of the retort warms up, then 
the first distillate begins to pass, accompanied by carbon 
dioxide and nitrogen from the air present. Almost at onee 
this is replaced by a mixture of carbon dioxide and carbon 
monoxide, and the distillate becomes acid, showing that the 
wood touching the hot sides has reached the temperature of 
carbonisation. The quantity of uncondensed gases increases, 
as does also the acid content of the brown aqueous distillate, 
with a darkening of its colour through the increase in quan- 
tity of tar, while the oxygen containing gases give place to 
hydrocarbons and hydrogen. At last the gas evolution 
weakens, and the cooling of the retort neck indicates the 
completion of the process. The fire is removed, the door 
opened, the charcoal removed, and the work begins again. 

This dry distillation yields from deciduous trees: 

1. Wood gas, of which the combustible portion is 
utilised in the furnace. 

2. A brown watery liquid. wood vinegar, containing 
8. Wood tar, partly dissolved and partly in suspension. 

4. Wood charcoal. 

Aids W. H. Gibson on 

When pine wood is being used there is also given off: 

5. <A product floating on the wood vinegar, consisting 

of terpenes, products of the dry distillation of resimous sub- 
Typical yields from 100 parts of dry wood are: 

Beech—Charcoal, 80 per cent.; acetate of lime, 8 per 
cent. ; wood spirit, 2 per cent. : tar, 6 per cent. 

Pine—Charcoal, 30 per cent.; acetate of lime, 24 per 
cent.; wood spirit, 0.4 per cent.; tar, 20 per cent.; and tur- 
pentine, 8 per cent. 

The lime acetate is obtained by neutralising the acid 
liquor with lime. ‘The gases consist of about 60 per cent. 
varbon dioxide, 33 per cent. varbon monoxide, and about 6 
per cent. of hydrocarbon gases and hydrogen. At the 
vigorous period the composition is about as follows :— 
Carbon dioxide, 86 per cent. ; carbon monoxide, 48 per cent. ; 
end hydrocarbon gas, 16 per cent. It is desirable to keep 
the quantity of gas as low as possible by keeping down the 
temperature of carbonisation, to recover a greater quantity 
of the methyl alcohol or wood spirit. 'The heat value of the 
gases thus derived from one hundred tons of wood is about 
equivalent to three tons of coal. 

There are some inconveniences and disadvantages due 
to the small size of such apparatus, and these are removed 
by the use of a later development, the modern oven. This 
is much used in America, from which the greater part of 
the supply of charcoal and wood spirit is derived. It takes 
the form of an iron tunnel fifty or sixty feet long, through 
which runs a light railway, which takes the trucks contain- 
ing the wood. Five or six of these, containing about tea 
tons of the billet wood, are run into the tunnel by the 
entrance end, the iron doors are closed, and the heat from 
the furnace below the tunnel starts the reaction. Above 
the iron tunnel is a brick floor for drying the acetate of lime, 

Some Products of Wood Waste. 43 
while pipes lead from the top to condensers in the manner 
already described, the condensers being at the side of the 
plant. When the distillation is finished the iron door at 
the other end is opened, and the locomotive drags out the 
trucks and carries them into another iron tunnel, where they 
are closed up for cooling. As they cross the few feet of 
space between the two tunnels the charcoal breaks out into 
flame, but the cooling tunnel is airtight and the flames do 
not last. It is usual to have a third tunnel, a second cooler, 
into which the trucks are removed at the next changing time. 
From this second cooler it is taken to the store, where the 
charcoal is bagged and sent away. The raw distillate is 
allowed to settle in large wooden vats to separate the tar. 

In such a factory a large area is covered by stacks of 
wood in process of air drving, sawmills for reducing the wood 
to billets. stores, redistilling houses, and other buildings. 

A further development of plant is found in the Grondal, 
or Swedish, system. Here the trucks pass through a heated 
central chamber and are admitted and sent out one at a 
time. By this means a constant heat is maintained, the 
different stages being in operation at the same time. ‘The 
retort takes the form of a masonry tunnel about 220 feevr 
long, divided into chambers by iron doors. The entrance 
compartment is about fifteen feet in length, the charring 
chambers about one hundred and thirty-five, the cooling 
chamber about fifty-five feet, and the exit compartment 
fifteen, all being separated and closed by iron doors. The 
heat from the furnace gases is supplied by iron flues. The 
volatile products escape from pipes in the roof, and are con- 
densed as usual, while the tar drips on the floor and is led 
to tanks by pipes. One truck is pushed in at the entrance 
chamber, the outer door shut, and all the internal doors open 
so that the trueks are all moved forward one length, thus 
releasing one truck at the exit chamber. This is repeated 
about every hour. 

44 W.H. Gibson on 

The destructive distillation having been completed, the 
products require to be isolated. ‘The wood vinegar contains 
from ten to twenty per cent. of soluble organic compounds, 
say three per cent. of wood spirit and eight per cent. acetic 
acid. A few of the substances found may be named :— 

Acids — Formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric, 

Alcohols—Methy]l, allyl. 

Aldehydes—Acetaldehyde. furfurol, methyl furfurol. 

Ketones—Acetone, methyl-ethyl ketone, ethyl-propyl 
ketone. : 

Acetals—Methylal, dimethyl acetal; with ammonia and 

The tar contains a whole series of hydrocarbons and 
Phenols. As the weak liquor cannot be profitably trans- 
ported it is necessaiy to separate the substances of value at 
the works. Acetone boils at 56° C., wood alcohol at 66° C., 
water at 100° C., and acetic acid at 120° C. Fractional 
distillation is used to separate the acetone and wood alcohol 
from the water and acetic acid, when the latter is neutralised 
hy lime and recovered as calcium acetate. Owing to the 
presence of so many reactive substances, such as aldehydes, 
ketones, phenols, and amines, a troublesome condensation 
crroduct is obtained called ‘‘ blister tar.’’ Unless this is 
removed it remains mixed with the acetate. This crude 
brown mixture contains only about sixty per cent. of calcium 
acetate. The crude liquor is allowed to settle in tanks, when 
tar separates. This is the useful tar which can be worked 
up. The clear, settled liquor is then distilled in a copper 
still, when the wood spirit and wood vinegar pass over, 
leaving the resinous “‘ blister tar,’’ which is practically 
useless. It is either burnt direct, or redistilled to get from 
it the last remnant of acetic acid, of which it has retained 
about eight per cent. The liquor is then neutralised with 
slaked lime and distilled to remove the wood alcohol. The 

Some Products of Wood Waste. AS 

acetate is evaporated further in a multiple effect evaporator, 
then transferred to open tanks above the retorts, and when 
it reaches the pasty stage is spread on the drying-floor to 
dry. In some modern factories the pasty acetate is taken 
up from the tank by a steam-heated drum, drying rapidly, 
and being removed by a scraper at another part of the 

The wood spirit liquor left after removing the acetate is 
run through a continuously-acting fractioning still, where it 
is completely freed from the spirit, which is again separated 
into two fractions, of which the more volatile is a crude 
ucetone, containing methy! acetate and other organic liquids. 
This is run to storage tanks. The second fraction collected 
is wood spirit, about 82 per cent. methyl alcohol, removed at 
another level. This is refractioned to about 98 per cent. 
The tar is used as a wood preservative, or distilled, the pitch 
being removed and creosote being formed, which is used for 
curing processes and as an antiseptic. 

Wood spirit is used for denaturing alcohol, as a solvent 
for varnishes and resins, and in the manufacture of formal- 
dehyde, which is used as a preservative and disinfectant, as 
well us being a starting point for the manufacture of many 
valuable chemicals and dyes. 

The acetone fraction, generally called methyl acetone, 
is used in many industries as a solvent for collodion, or 
cellulose acetate. : 

The calcium acetate is used to make acetic acid by 
reaction with sulphuric acid and distillation. The uses of 
acetic acid are many. It is the basis of vinegar, which is 
eften only a solution of acetic acid thus made, with colour- 
ing and flavouring matter sometimes added. 

The acetates are useful salts; for example, aluminium 
acetate is much employed in dyeing and calico printing. The 
water-free or glacial acetic acid is used to convert cellulose 
into cellulose acetate, which is the basis of one type of 

46 W. H. Gibson on 
artificial silk, and when dissolved into varnish is used for 
varnishing aeroplane wings and is known as dope. 

Another derivative is the valuable drug aspirin, in whose 
manufacture the acetic acid is used. It is acetyl salicylic 
acid. From acetate is also derived the very important 

These derivatives are often obtained at the wood dis- 
tillation works, acetone, for example, being obtained fromm 
the acetate by a process of destructive distillation, in which 
it is heated to a temperature between 300° C. and 400° C., 
leaving CaCO; behind. Acetone is about the best solvent 
for nitrocottons, and is used in the manufacture of celluloid 
and cordite. It is the starting point for the manufacture of 
chloroform and iodoform. Sulphonal is also derived from 

Perhaps enough has been said to show that a process 
apparently so simple as the destructive distillation of wood 
is, when translated into the industrial scale, a most elaborate 
and complicated business, and that, although the products 
are valuable, the industry is remarkably dependent for suc- 
cess on favourable conditions. It is therefore possible that 
this method of disposal of wood waste will not survive 
indefinitely. Some of the larger pieces of waste may be 
worked up into small articles, broom and brush heads, toys, 
etc. A cheap source of wood is necessary for the develop- 
ment of a toy industry. Larger articles may be built up in 
laminated structure, as was done for aeroplane propellers, 
and possibly may be applied in many other ways. When 
suitable glues are used the built-up article is stronger and 
less able to warp than a solid one. Small pieces are con- 
verted into wood wool by a machine which cuts them into 
fine curly threads, much used for packing pucposes. Wood 
waste may also be converted into wood pulp for paper manu- 
facture, but at present the immense demand for this materia] 
leads to the sacrifice of whole forests. As a fuel wood waste 

Some Products of Wood Waste. 47 

is, of course, used in woodworking factories. As a source of 
heat it has about half the value of the same weight of coal. 
In Sweden wood waste mixed with coal has been used for the 
eeneration of town gas, and in woodworking factories in this 
country and elsewhere it is often used for the generation of 
producer gas for power purposes, as much as 35,000 cubic 
feet per ton of wood being generated, of a thermal value of 
340 B. Th. U. 

Much work has been done in the endeavour to convert 
wood waste into alcohol, but commercial results have not 
been obtained. The process depends on the intermediate 
production of grape sugar, and a good vield of this substance 
can only be obtained at present by the use of strong acids, 
which renders the process too costly. It is, of course, 
possible that an economical conversion process may be dis- 
covered in the near future, when the great potential value of 
alcohol as a substitute for petrol would allow an immense 

The products we now obtain by the destructive distilla- 
tion of wood may have in the future to fear competition from 
synthetic methods. Acetic acid, the main product other 
than charcoal, has been made from acetylene, while acetone 
has been got by the fermentation of starch with a special 
culture of bacteria—a process considerably developed during 
the war. 

There is no finality in scientific work, and processes 
accepted as standard in one generation are obsolete in the 
next. Scientific research is being applied to many indus- 
tries that formerly were content to depend upon traditional 
methods, so that we may expect the coming age to be one of 
ereat industrial changes, in which old industries will go and 
new ones arise. The processes described must certainly go 
unless improvements in methods are effected to reduce the 
waste. In the American forest trade only 25 per cent. of the 
‘timber cut is obtained as finished lumber, and the waste in 

48 W. H. Gibson 

making wooden articles from this lumber varies from 30 per 
cent. to 65 per cent. Waste has arisen because of the large 
quantity of wood available, but this supply is becoming 
restricted, and the necessity of economy will be driven home. 
In the conversion of wood too much is done by mere rule of 
thumb. Chemical investigation will assist in the utilisation 
of vast quantities of waste, perhaps for purposes now totally 
unsuspected. For example, there have already been several’ 
methods suggested for the conversion of sawdust into cattle 
food. Even in the process of distillation described more 
careful investigation and attention to detail may lead to 
eonsiderable economy. The rapid decrease of forest area 
within reach of transport facilities will compel this attention 
to be given, and large economy must somehow be obtained 
if the industry is to survive. 

Fig. 1. 
Big. 2. 

Six cuttings of Aucuba saponica, treated with carbon dioxide, showing two with roots and tour other 1 

Proceedings, Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Session 1921-22, 

SQA GC... 




4 YY 


callused. Started 23rd November, 1921. Photographed 16/2/22. Oak cuttings in back-grounc | 
Six cuttings of Aucuba zaponica, treated with air, show ng one with roots and two others callusec | 
Started 23rd November, 1921. Photographed 16/2/22 Oak cuttings in back-ground. 

Halt of a leaf of Brvophyvllum calycinnm, treated with carbon dixoide; a. tip of one of the lon, 
roots; J. translucent leaf of etiolated shoot. f 
Other halt of same leaf, treated with air; a. tips of short roots; @ tops of short roots ; 6. stem an 
normal shoot. The bottles in Figs. 3 and 4 were filled up with water for photographing purpose 



Proceedings of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, 1921-1922 

Friday, 24th February, 1922. 

Henry Ripper, M.E., M.I.Mech.E., President, 
in the Chair. 

JAMES SMALL, D.Sc., F.U.8., M.B.I.A., 

Professor of Botany, Queen’s University, Belfast. 


—— ee 

It has been established since 1806 that the influence of 
gravity is the usual cause both of the upward growth of the 
shoot and of downward growth of the root. The region in 
the root, which is sensitive to gravity, has been shown to lie 
at the extreme apex, while the region of actual curvature lies 
a few millimetres up from the root-tip, coinciding with the 
region of greater growth. It has further been shown that in 
many cases the shoot has similar regions of sensitiveness at 
the tip and of curvature lower down, although the stem 
frequently exhibits sensitiveness for the larger part of its 
length, especially in seedlings. Since the beginning of the 
present century gravity has been generally considered to act 
on root and shoot by displacing certain loose starch grains 
or other movable heavy bodies in the cells of the sensitive 
region. The puzzle of the opposite directions given to root 
and shoot by this spar uniform cause has, however, 

In the previous lectures on the erectness of plants * a 
theory was given which accounts for this difference of 
direction and some experiments were described, the results 
of which are in accordance with that theory. 


*See Proc. Belf, Nat. Hist. & Phil. Soc,, 1920-1921, p. 91 sqq. 

50 | James Small on 

The theory as originally stated may be briefly sum- 
imarised as follows:—Protein-fatty particles, suspended as 
an emulsion in the celi, carrying an electropositive charge in 
the root and an electronegative charge in the shoot, were 
supposed to cream upwards in the cells which are sensitive 
to gravity. This creaming of charged particles was then 
supposed to give rise to electric currents flowing in a more 
or less circular path, passing along the under side first in the 
root and along the upper side first in the stem. This current 
would be subject to leakage; the path is not properly 
insulated and shows a high resistance. Its effects would, 
therefore. be greater'in the side through which it passed 
first, and by the loss of turgidity in the affected cells, one 
effect would be a slower rate of growth in the more affected 
side. Thus the under side of the root and the upper side of 
the stem, when stimulated by gravity, would grow more 
slowly. This in its turn would lead to downward curvature 
in the root and to upward curvature in the stem. 

The direction of curvature is, according to this theory, 
governed by the direction of the electric current, which is 
governed by the sign of the electric charge on the moving 
particles, which is governed in its turn by the relative acidity 
_ or relative alkalinity of the protoplasm. The relative acidity 
or alkalinity is in its turn governed largely by the percentage 
of carbon dioxide in the cell, a quantity which depends upon 
both the breathing of the cell and upon the amount of sugar- 
building or photosynthesis which is going on. The latter 
process uses up carbon dioxide, while respiration increases 
the amount present. 

For the details of the theory and experiments I refer you 
to the published account of my previous lectures, but in 
order to refresh your memories I now show a few lantern 
slides (some of which are given in the plates illustrating the 
above-mentioned account) of roots which have turned up at 
the tips in dilute ammonia vapour; of stems which have 

More About the Hrectness of Plants. 51 

turned down in acetic acid vapour and in excess of carbon 
dioxide, and also as the result of being coated with vaseline 
and kept in the dark in order to retain the carbon dioxide of 

THE CriticaL Point ror REVERSAL. 

Having proved that the reversed curvature in excess of 
carbon dioxide is really a geotropic phenomenon, by means 
of rotation on a klinostat, Miss M. J. Iiynn, M.Sc., investi- 
gated carefully the action of varying percentages of carbon 
dioxide on the geotropic curvature, and found that with 
10.3% or more the stem of seedling sunflowers always turned 
down; while with 7.2% or Jess they always turned up. In 
the table given below from The New Phytologist, Vol. XX.., 
p. 119, it will be seen that with 9% six turned up and two 
down (Expts. 20-21). The seedlings used in No. 20 had been 
grown in bright light, with photosynthesis active and _ all 
available carbon dioxide being used up; when these seedlings 
are taken as not quite norinal compared with the others 
grown in dull light, the critical percentage of carbon dioxide 
for normal seedlings falls to 9%. Similarly the two seedlings 
in Expt. 27 were grown in very dull light and may be taken 
as abnormal; then all other seedlings in 7.76% or less turn 
up in the normal way. This variation in the critical percent- 
age of carbon dioxide, for reversal of the direction of geotropic 
response in the stem of seedling sunflowers which have been 
grown in various intensities of light, indicates that photo- 
synthesis plavs an active part in determining the reaction or 
hydrion concentration of the stem within certain lmits.1 
This will become more apparent when we discuss helio- 
tropism and its reversal. 

pet ert — — = 7 = 

1 Miss Lynn’s work has been published in some detail in The New Phy/ologisé, 

Vol, XX,, 1921. 


Date of 


SO} 00 Se Sere OO ie 

Ist Dec. 

11th Feb. 
llth Feb. 
17th Jan. 
19th Nov. 
11th Feb. 
25th Nov. 
30th Nov. 
19th Jan. 

1st March = 

27th Jan. 

22nd Nov. a 

21st Jan. 
7th Feb. 
7th Feb. 
20th Jan. 
21st Feb. 

18th April ... 

1st Feb. 

14th March . 

ist Feb. 

14th March 
23rd Feb. ... 

10th March 

11th March 
16th March 
21st Feb. 
17th Feb. 

15th March > 
25th Feb. .. 
25th Feb. ... 

14th Feb. 
15th March 

James Small on 




Number of Per cent. 
seedlings ue aoe CO, Tempera- 
showing Bee (by ture °C 
curvature oo analysis) 
5 down 4000 33 14 
(C90 7000 32 12 
Dip gis 7000 29.7 12 
Siseen 4000 26 13 
S55 4000 25 14 
CS 7000 22 12 
Byes 4000 20.9 14 
7 99 9000 20 13 
nee 4000 19.6 13 
Hg 7000 18 12 
Zina 9000 16.8 14 
5 4000 1fi 14 
D 45 4000 14.5 13 
Sees 7000 14 1t 
Sea 7000 loro Tul 
22 Pag 5500 12.6 14 
2. 99 7000 10.5 13 
fh. 9p 7600 10.4 14 
2 hs 4000 10.3 18 
6 up 7000 9 14 
2 down 4000 9 14 
7 up 7000 8.2 14 
4 cove 7000 8 14 
Bok cou ilee 22080 7.9 13 
7 up 6250 7.76 15.5 
Be 7000 7.6 14 
2 down 7000 7.4 14 
9 up 7000 V2 14 
eon 7000 Coll 14 
5; 6250 7 14 
8 ,, 9000 6 14 
his 7000 Som, 13 
$,, 7000 5.2, 14 

More About the Hrectness of Plants. ee 


Although Miss Lynn had obtained reversal in the 
seedlings of Clarkia elegans, and of Antirrhinum in addition 
to those of the sunflower, it was not certain that this reversal 
would occur with all species and with mature stems. 
‘herefore, Miss M. W. Rea, M.8c., undertook an investiga- 
tion of other species. She extended the experiments, using 
the same method as employed by Miss Lynn without, how. 
ever, analysing the atmosphere in the bell-jars to check the 
percentage of carbon dioxide as the fact of reversal was the 
point under investigation. The time taken for downward 
curvature to appear was noted and the angle made with the 
horizontal was measured with a protractor. The material 
included seedling stems, the upper parts of mature vegetative 
shoots and flowering shoots. Each specimen was placed 
horizontally in excess of carbcn dioxide and left in the dark. 
A total of 190 species were investigated ; of these 179 showed 
reversal of the normal upward response to a greater or lesser 
degree ; while 11 failed to show curvature at all. In all these 
eleven species control specimens laid horizontally in fresh 
air showed no curvature. These results are still under con- 
sideration, but in order to give you some idea of the scope of 
the work I give a list of the farnilies represented and ot some 

of the more definite results :— 

Ranunculaceae—14 species belonging to 8 genera, including 

Anemone nemorosa, curved 70° in 4 hours in 30% carbon 

Aquilegia vulgaris, Ce 5c a ae gl a” 5 
i repens NY AORN ae ae BOC n oa 
Trollius europaeus, SCD VAL) ok TOMA) OF rach a 

Papaveraceae—2 species belonging to 2 genera. 
Fumariaceae—Dicentra sp. 

b4 | James Small on 
Crucilerae—15 species belonging to 15 genera, including 

Arabis sp., curved 380° in 1 day in 30% 
Cheiranthus Cheiri, sine RIE tay gs LN oth ot eee CS 
Cochleana ojicmalis, = 30° Wei Sere ees 
Iberis amara, 7. 40°. A hours S450. 
Lepidium sativum, Ran oe eens rene AUN), 
Matthiola incana, Serko” cof lyidayertaaies 
Cistaceae—Helianthemum sp. 
Violaceae—Viola tricolor. 
Polygalaceae—Polygala vulgaris, curved 10° in 1 day in 50% 
Caryophyllaceae—9 species belonging to 6 genera, including 
Cerastium vulgatum, curved 30° in 1 day in 45% 
Lychnis dioica, ot 4070. de ehours men 0. 
Stellaria media, dias outs hee Se ae a 76 

Hypericaceae—Hypericum, 4 spp. 

Geraniaceae—Pelargonium sp. (hairy var.) 
curved 45° in 1 day in 30% 
do.- (smooth) ~ ,;* =30° 3 4 honms. 43.076 
Tropaeolaceae—Tropacolum sp. 
Limnanthaceae—Limnanthes sp. 
Leguminosae—8 species belonging to 6 genera, including 
Lotus corniculatus, curved 45° in 1 day in 50% 
Lupinus sp., pe o0 ae Srdavisa yacore 
Trifolium dubium, 2 802 a a homns ove 
iW pratense, JC NBD (ade Oes 
Rosaceae—8 species belonging to 6 genera, including 
Alchemilla vulgaris, curved 45° in 4 hours in 60% 
Geum sp , ih 1D a5) Ledaly, S etowe 
Pyrus aucuparia, > 90°) 4 hours 4159. 
Saxifragaceae—4 species belonging to 2 genera, including 
Heuchera parviflora, curved 90° in 4 hours in 50% 
Ribesiaceae—Ribes, 5 spp. 
Crassulaceae—Sedum Telephium. 
Begoniaceae— Begonia sp. 

More About the Hrectness of Plants. be 

Oenotheraceae—38 species belonging to 2 genera, including 
Epilobium montanum, curved 45° in 1 day in 45% 

Umbelliferae—9 species belonging to 9 gensra, including 
Oenanthe crocata, curved 45° in 8 hours in 45% 
Myrrhis odorata, on BD ee ebuday es BO% 

Caprifoliaceae—Sambucus nigra. 

Rubiaceae—2 species belonging to 2 genera. 

Valerianaceae; Valerianella olitoria. 

Compositae—18 species belonging to 15 gencra, including 

Bellis perennis, curved 75° inl day in 30% 
Chrysanthemum -Parthenium, ;, © 90° ,, 4 hours.,, 45% 
Hieracium Pilosella, Wee ae CON ae AU dian hy wool 
Hypochaeris radicata NOE ees Oke tun re MS OG 
Senecio vulgaris ea 4 amen Water oNniee rs \ 0 
Tussilago Farfara, He aed (Sok a eR ers 8 

Campanulaceae—Campanula, 2 spp. 
Plumbaginaceae—Statice, 2 spp. 
Primulaceae-—2 species belonging to 2 genera, including 
Primula vulgaris, curved 30° in 1 day in 30% 
Oleaceae—Ligustrum vulgare. 
Gentianaceae—Gentiana acaulis (flowering axis). 
Apocynaceae—Vinca minor. 
Asclepiadaceae—Asclepias curassivica, 
Polemoniaceae—2 species belonging to 2 genera, including 
Polemonium caerulewm, curved 90° in 1 day in 50% 
Boraginaceae—5 species belonging to 4 genera, including 
Symphytum officinale, curved 90° in 4 hours in 50% 
Buumonaria.opecimalis,: “Ci 007.) .4'. 0, .., bO% 
Solanaceae-——3 species belonging to 2 genera, including 
Solanum dulcamara, zurved 40° in 3 hours in 45% 
Scrophulariaceae—7 species belonging to 4 genera. 
Labiatae—8 species belonging to 7 genera, including 
Salvia officinalis, curved 80° in 4 hours in 45% 
Ajuga reptans, Peo wet Ao Ole SB(9G 
Plantaginaceue—Plantago, 4 spp. 
Chenopodiaceae—Atriplex, 2 spp. 

56 James Small on 

Polygonaceae—Rumez, 3 spp. 

Urticaceae—Urtica (flowering axis) curved 380° in 2 hours 
in 60% 

Kuphorbiaceae—Huphorbia lucida. 

Araceae—Arum maculatum. 

Gramineae—Zea Mays. 

Liliaceae—8 species belonging to 7 gensra, including 

Hyacinthus sp. curved 40° in 4 hours in 80% 
Scilla verna, Sy £bSs day. ie B876 
Tulipa Gesneriana, jo 45°) 4 hourcmans O96 

Amaryllidaceae—Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus, curved 30° in 
1 day in 80% 
Orchidaceae—3 species belonging to 2 genera, as follows 
Listera ovata, curved 90° in 8 hours in 45% 
Orchis: maculata, We) 907 Ban aie 
Orchis mascula, ;, 45° |; loday %. 4oK5 

The list is sufficient to show that we can now generalise 
with some safety, and say that any plant which shows 
negative geotropic curvature under normal conditions will 
probably show reversal or positive geotropic curvature in 
excess of carbon dioxide. It is, perhaps, needless to state 
that the curved sterms in all caces were turgid, and that the 
downward curvature was a positive active movement, not a 
drooping passive movement of a flaccid structure. Indeed, 
one of the most surprising features of these experiments was 
the freshness of stems which had been for days in an 
atmosphere which it has been usual to describe as toxic; 
many of the species remained fresh much longer in excess of 
carbon dioxide than in ordinary air. 


A study of the responses of Phaseolus, the French bean. 
has been made by Miss F. M. Adams, M.Sc. The main 
stem was found to show the usual reversal of the direction 
of geotropic response in 30% carbon dioxide. This piant, 
however, also shows what are called sleep movements. Hach 

More About the Hrectness of Plants. ay, 

ieaf-stalk and each stalk to the leaflets has a pulvinus or 
cushion of special tissue at its base, and movement takes 
place at these points. The main stalk of each leat and the 
leaflets all droop in dark, rising again in light, with a daily 
periodicity which continues for a day or two even when the 
plant is kept continuously in the dark. These normal move- 
ments are controlled partly by gravity (which determines the 
direction of the movement) and partly by light (variations in 
which initiate the actual drooping or rising). It was found 
that the addition of 20% carbon dioxide caused the leaves tc 

assume the night or dark position, but further experiments 
are required to show whether this is an enesthetic effect or 

an effect of change in hydrion concentration. These are 

being carried on. 

It is “‘ common knowledge ’’ that carbon dioxide in 
excess retards the growth of stems, and further experiments 

are being conducted on the degree of retardation in varying 
percentages of that gas by Miss Rea and the writer with 
simple auxanometers magnifying 24 times. These are still 
unfinished, but the results to date show that with 5% carbon 
dioxide there is little or no retardation in the dark, while in 
the light there is a distinct acceleration of the rate of growth 
in stems. With 30% carbon dioxide there is a retardation 
after the first few hours even in the presence of light, and 
this becomes more distinct when the plants are kept in the 
dark. 1 

I Since this lecture was delivered the acceleration of the rate of growth in the 
sunflower stem, which was noted in light with 5 per cent. carbon dioxide, has been 
conclusively proved to occur in darkness during the first hour of exposure to the gas in 
any percentage of carbon dioxide from 10 per cent. to 100 percent. The subsequent 
retardation begins during the second or third hour and has been confirmed during the 
fourth hour for all percentages above ten. The effects of percentages below ten have 
still to be investigated. The initial acceleration by carbon dioxide of stem growth in 
darkness lasts for at least thirty minutes. This phenomenon may be correlated with 
the change in geotropic response noted by Miss M. J. Lynn (p. 26), and may be 
regarded as due to increased acidity in an already acid, positively geotropic tissue. 

58 | James Small on 

These experiments on stem growth are to be correlated 
with work by Miss I. Finnegan on the rate of growth of roots 
in carbon dioxide. The apparatus used is a modification 
(whereby a higher degree of aceuracy can be obtained) of a 
simple root auxanometer which was devised and described 
by Professor W. Neilson Jones.2 The results obtained, 
although they vary considerably, tend to support the idea 
that the rate of root growth is accelerated by excess of carbon 
dioxide. All these investigations are still in progress, and 
the results are mentioned to-night because some of you may 
be interested in what we are, at the moment, working upon. 


In the report of the previous lectures (op. cit., p. 98) 
under the heading of “‘ Another Cause of Erectness in 

Plants ’’ certain preliminary experiments by Miss I. 
Finnegan, M.Sc., on the reversal of normal heliotropic 
curvature were mentioned. This investigation has been 

carried to a point where we can now be positive about the 
fact of reversal, but there rernains a number of points to be 
investigated before the theory of the direction of heliotropism 
being governed hy the percentage of carbon dioxide in the 
stem can be considered proved in detail. Several methods 
were adopted in the attempt to get conclusive results. The 
chief points to notice in the tabular summary below are—1l. 
slit light constant ’’ means that the sunflower seedlings 
were exposed in a bell-jar to continuous illumination; 2. the 
seedlings were placed erect at first, but, since it has been 
shown that seedlings of sunflower turn downwards in more 
than 10% carbon dioxide, they were afterwards inverted to 
avoid the possible error due to reversed geotropic response. 
In the last series of experiments they were placed horizontal 
and kept for three or fours hours in the dark so that they 
might attain geotropic equilibrium before being stimulated 
by light. 


2. Annals of Botany, XXXIV., p. 555, October, 1920. 

More About the Erectness of Plants. $9 


| vesults 
Per cent. of Total No. of WRC ree aes Rasta Taha UES oy Tea moo - 
Methods Boe | Seedlings | Gace. Nile Curved 
; | away ' towards 
La Seedlings erect. 16 to 45 | 12 | 8) | 3 0 
| Percent. CO, not 
| analysed Sht hght 
constant | | 
es ee aioe nu 8 fa 
B. Seedlings erect. | 4.6 to 5.9 | et 0 | 0 | A 
| Percent. CO, 7.5 to 9.1 | 30 | 10 | 3 17, 
| analysed Slit light | 10.4 to 42.1) 89 | 32 24 33 
ites aU a i 
C. Seedlings erect. | 13.1 to 26.7 | ai 0 4 17 
_ Per cent. CO, 27.4 to 33.7. 24 19 D 0 
| onalysed. Shit light | 
| for Luour, then dark 
jeeensb bites zi Seales Beg B Lae ES Gis PAS ESE 
| | Hl | | 
: 1D. Seedlings inverted) 19.6 to 28.3 | VW 0 | 4 if | 
| Per cen. CO, 29.4 to 35.1 35) 11 | 2 0 
ana ysed. Shit light 
for 1 hour, then dark 
we = —j/— soos Se wa a 
EK. Seedlings inverted) 21.9 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 5 
per cent. CO, 25.4 | 3 | 3 ) 0 
| analysed. 5-4 hours | 
dark, then 2 hours | 
light, then dark 
F. Seedlings | 5.2to16.9 ~° 54 | 8 Pace a 
| horizontal. Per cent. | 18.2 to 31-1) 38 17 | 6 | 15 
CO, analysed. | 
| 3-4 hours dark, then | | 
slit light constant 

60 James Small on 

In the first series, A, every curvature was reversed, but 
the seedlings, being erect in more than 10% carbon dioxide, 
would have curved in any case. The results indicate, but do 
not prove, that the direction of response to light has been 
reversed, otherwise some of the seedlings would have curved 
downwards but towards the light. 

In the second series, B., these conclusions are supported 
by the increasing proportion of the seedlings turning away 
from the light with increasing concentration of carbon 
dioxide. In both these groups, however, there seems little 
doubt that, during the continuous exposure to light, photo- 
synthesis used up the internal carbon dioxide and interfered 
with the heliotropic response. 

In the third series, C., the exposure to light being 
limited to one hour, the disturbing action of photosynthesis 
is more or less eliminated, with the result that all curvatures 
in more than 27% of carbon dioxide are reversed. 

In the fourth series, D., the disturbing effect, if any, of 
positive geotropism in the stem is eliminated by the inversion 
of the seedlings. Photosynthesis is also eliminated as far 
as possible. ‘The result is the reversal of aj! curvatures in — 
tore than 29% of carbon dioxide. 

In the fifth series, E., the seedlings were given three or 
four hours in the dark in which to settle down in the excess 
of carbon dioxide, with the result that the percentage of 
carbon dioxide necessary for reversal is apparently reduced 
from 27—29% to something below 25.4%. 

In the sixth series, 1'., the results again show the 
disturbing effect of photosynthesis with continuous illumina- 

Further experiments are being conducted which indicate 
that the intensity of the illumination has a distinct effect 
on the percentage of carbon dioxide required for reversal. 
Most of the experiments in the table were carried out during 
the dull winter days in a rather dull window; this may 
account for the close approximation (25 to 29% of carbon 
dioxide) of the results in the series C., D. and E. 

More About the Erectness of Plants. 61 

The theory upon which these experiments are based is 
given briefly in The New Phytologist, Vol. XIX., p. 275, 

THE STIMULATION oF Roor PRopuction By Actpic Menta. 

I have Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour’s permission to tell you 
of the work on this subject, which was begun at the Royal 
Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, by himself and Mr. Lawrence 
Stewart. The idea occurred to Professor Balfour on 
perusing that section of my textbook which deals with acid 
root and alkaline shoot, and with the kind permission of the 
Edinburgh workers Miss Lynn and I have extended the 
investigation in the new greenhouses of Queen’s University. 

The idea underlying the work can be described very 
briefly. If the root is an acid structure, root-production in 
the striking of cuttings should be stimulated by acidic media. 
Oaks are not known to have been propagated by cuttings 
until recently, when at Edinburgh oak cuttings were induced 
to strike root by the rather special methods in use there. 
The percentage of successes even after ten months was very 
iow but, when the cuttings were watered with the acidic 
supernatant fluid obtained by soaking peat in water, the 
pereentage of successes became very high and the cuttings 
struck root in about two months. This work is being con- 
tinued by Mr. Lawrence Stewart. 

At Qnueen’s we have some 1.500 cuttings mostly 
arranged in ten groups, each group being treated differently. 
These have as yet given no definite results, but they are all 
of species which are known to be very difficult to strike. We 
have also 50 rose cuttings, in groups of ten; watered 
periodically with-—l. cold water; 2. hot water, about 60°; 
3. cokd dilute acetic acid, 1 in 1,000; 4. cold dilute acetic 
acid, 1 in 10,000; 5. hot dilute acetic acid, 1 in 10,000. 
These cuttings are all inserted loosely in coconut fibre 
which retains the moisture weli and is very slightly acid in 
itself. Within three weeks two cuttings struck root,’ and 
these were in the lot which were being watered with hot acid. 

62 James Small on 

Within six weeks eight cuttings out of the ten in hot acid 
had struck root, while the other sets showed not more than 
from one to four cuttings with roots. 

Another test was made with cuttings of Chrysanthemum 
sp., of which eleven were treated with hot water alone, and 
rine with hot dilute acetic acid. Within one week seven out 
of the nine in hot acid had struck and the other two struck 
during the following week. Of the eleven in hot water only 
two struck during the first week and another one during the 
second week, while the rest failed altogether. It seems 
clear, therefore, that root development in cuttings is stimu- 
lated by acidity of the medium in which they are set, 
especially if the temperature be raised temporarily. 1 

The work on cuttings described above is purely a search 
for a method by which propagation of plants by cuttings on 
a commercial scale may be rendered more rapid and more 

1. Since this lecture was delivered certain other results have been obtained. 
Using the same four boxes as before and watering periodically with the different fluids 
we have obtained the following :—- 

| cae oy onan oe Gait we Rooted ise! 
| | i tOugs OnOIye)) 
Plant Number {Cold Water Ho Water! Acetic | Acetic 
pate See Ss a pi ene. i Acid Acid 
Privet Cale ea 2 | 6 (less eran er 
| | healthy) | (healthy). 
Rhododendron... 10 | | 2 | 2 | 5 
cece ie aN | 3 | aes | fo) | 2 | 
| | 
| otalsi ae. 40 | 8 | Ss el 18 : 
| ° | | | | 

A once sceptical chemist has also reported the following—‘* Two dozen * Japonica’ 
cuttings were put in earth in the open on 21st March. One dozen were left to be 
watered by rain; the other dozen were watered twice with 3-4 parts of ordinary 
vinegar in 200 parts of warm water. On the 2nd of May the first dozen were all 
dead, while 9 of the second dozen had struck root and seemed quite healthy. 

Many other cases of successful “striking’ of cuttings from shrubby plants in the 
open, after watering with acid water (three teaspoonfuls of ordinary vinegar to the 
gallon of tepid water), have also been reported. Vhe writer will be glad of notes on 
any amateur work done along these lines, especially with shrubs which are difficult 
to strike,’’ 

~ More About the Erectness of Plants. 63 

certain ; but, from the standpoint of the theory of differentia- 
tion of root and shoot in their reaction or hydrion concentra- 
tion and the control over that factor exercised by carbon 
dioxide, certain other experiments were indicated as being of 
purely scientific value. 

Cuttings of the oak and of the spotted laurel (Aucuba 
japonica) were inserted through holes in sheet cork fitted into 
the tops of two flat museum jars. The cork fitted closely, 
all holes being sealed with plasticine, and each jar was fitted 
with two tubes by which water and gases could be passed in. 
- Water was run in until it just reached the tips of the cuttings, 
and it was kept at that level throughout the experiment. 
Then air was drawn through the space between cork and 
water in one jar, while pure carbon dioxide was draws 
through in the other jar. This “* aeration ’’ was continued 
for about fifteen minutes, and repeated at weekly intervals 
for one month. ‘The oak cuttings have stil! failed to show 
any signs of striking, but after one month five of the six 
Aucuba cuttings treated with carbon dioxide showed good 
callus, and two of these had sent out roots; of the six Aucuba 
cuttings which were treated with ordinary air one had sent 
out two roots with little callus, and none of the other five 
showed any signs of callus or roots. (Figs. 1 and 2, Plate I.) 

Another experiment was carried out with Bryophyllum 
calycinum, the American life-plant. <A single leaf was taken 
and cut carefully in two up the centre of the midrib. One 
half was suspended with its tip in water and carbon dioxide 
was drawn into the bottle through two tubes in the cork as 
before. The other half was suspended in the same way and 
treated with ordinary air. In air nothing happened during 
the first month, but in carbon dioxide two sets of long roots 
were developed from two of the lower notches of the leaf 
margin. Two weeks later two small, but healthy, deep green 
shoots with corresponding short roots were developed on the 
half leaf in air; while by that time more long roots had grown 

64 James Small on 

from the same two notches of the half leaf in carbon dioxide, 
and one corresponding shoot had grown out from one of the 
notches. This shoot was of the shade type, with pale green 
colour, large thin Jeaves and longer internodes than in the 
eontrol. Further growth only emphasised the difference 
between these two sets. No shoot has yet arisen from the 
first group of roots to develop in carbon dioxide, while the 
stem of the other plantlet shows quite long internodes, and 
the shoot has a general appearance of etiolation. The roots 
of the plantlets in air remain short, and the stéms also are 
still short with numerous dark green leaves and short inter- 
nodes. (Figs. 3 and 4, Plate I.) 

These two sets of experiments on the influence of carbon 
dioxide on the development and growth of roots are, of 
course, not conclusive, but they tend to support the general 
position, and further work on these lines is in progress. 

More About the Krectness of Plants. 65 


The Hydrion Differentiation Theory of Geotropism was 
first published im Apri, 1920, and in the following month 
two papers appeared which have important bearings upon the 

The first is ‘“ Studies on the Reaction of Plant Juices,’’ 
by A. RK. C. Haas,1 of the University of Wisconsin, who 
deterrmiined the actual acidity of parts of various plants. 
ixpressed as PH numbers (which increase with decrease in 
acidity), his results with medium red clover are :—Leaves 
6.19-6.02, tops 6.12-5.04, roots 5-92-5.82. Then he heads a 
paragraph with ‘‘ Is there a gradient of reaction in plants ?”’ 
and gives the following data as “° the actual acidity deter- 
minations of the juice taken from different portions of the 
same plant ’’— 

; Reaction Part of. Plant: 

8.00 Upper 3 inches of the tops, stem, leaves 
and buds. 

7.04 Leaves and petioles of reinainder of tops 
(no stems). 

6.68 Stems to about 2 inches above the soil (no 

6.46 2 inches of lower part of stem and 2 inches 
of upper part of root. 

5.82 Root: 6-inch portion below the. upper 2 

inches of root. 

Mhe: second. is a the Journal of General 
Phystology- tor: May,-1920;: by. Jacques Loeb on.© The 
reversal of the sign of the charge on protein membranes, ”’ in 
which it is demonstrated experimentally that there is a 
change in the sign of the electric charge on protein mem- 
branes with a change in the hydrion concentration of the 
surrounding medium beyond the iso-electric point of the 
protein used. Later papers in the same Journal by the same 
author extend this proof to protein particles. 


1, Soil Science, Wolume IX, No. 5--May, 1920, 

66 James Small on 

Two points of importance in the theory, namely the 
acidic root-tip and the alkaline stem-tip, and the change in | 
the sign of the charge on the protein, received experimental 
support within a month of publication. 

Criticism has, of course, abounded, but has reached 
print only in a few cases. In fact, I at one time considered 
the issue of ‘‘ A Guide to Critics,’’ for no one seems to realise 
more than I do iust how many points in connection with the 
theory still call for experimental evidence. As a theory it 
has already justified its publication, firstly on acccunt of the 
experimental work to which it has been a guide, and secondly 
on account of the attentioa which has since been given to 
hvdrion concentration in plants. 

The first criticism published was by Professor V. H. 
Blackman, who suggested that the hypothecated 
““ creaming ’’ could not be effective on account of the small 
size of the ultramicrogcopic ’’ particles. This was 
answered fully in the following number of the same journal, 
the New Phytologist (June, 1921), where it was pointed out 
that the size of the particles could be taken as much larger 
than was supposed in the criticism, and that the creaming of 
such particles might, theoretically, be effective. My critic 
replied to this with an populum which has 
no scientific value, and need not be discussed. 

The second criticism was by Professor J. H. Priestly in 
Science Progress for December, 1921. He intervened in the 
controversy to point out that the creaming was not absolutely 
necessary, since a delicate membrane such us occurs in the 
cell might have a different electric charge in different media, 
and might be sensitive to the change in hydrostatic pressure 
produced by turning the plant. Apart from the great 
similarity in the height and width of the cells in question, 
the membrane would require to be sensitive to the difference 
between 1 in about 600,000 and 13 in 600,000 if 
hydrostatic pressure were to be effective. But this sug- 
gestion may be helpful in another way, since it is possible 


More About the Erectness of Plants. 67 

that the loose starch grains, known as statoliths, falling upon 
the delicate charged membranes may produce electric 
currents of stimulation which would pass in different 
directions according to the sign of the charge on the 
membrane. Work on these lines is proceeding. 

A third criticism has appeared (New Phytologist, 
December, 1921) by R. Snow which, although rather con- 
fused, is easy on the whole to answer, with a theoretical 
answer to a theoretical! criticism. The value of the theory, 
of course, lies in its practical experimental results. Snow 
first supposes a single cell to be isolated, and then, comparing 
this with a Voltaic cell set up with terminals unconnected, 
says there can be no current. The cells are, however, never 
isolated in nature, and the surrounding tissue is usually a 
conducting path for any current present. He next questions 
the statement that Bose found in stems and roots currents 
of the required kind, and suggests that if any current does 
cccur it will flow in the opposite direction ** to that required 
by Professor Small.’’ This part of his criticism seems to 
be based upon an assumption that the original theorist was 
unaware of the direction of flow of the current in an ordinary 
Voltaic cell. However, in the brief quotation of the results 
reported by Bose due aliowance was made for the direction 
of the flow being from negative pole to positive pole in the 
cell or from electro-positive element to electro-negative 
element in the Voltaic cell, as well as for other still 
undiscussed points, such as the relative resistance of tissue 
and wires in the experimental arrangements used by Bose in 
his investigations of the poteutial differences in plants. 

On one point he frankly asks for information. It has 
been supposed that the current will produce a greater effect 
in that side of the organ along which it flows first “‘ on 
account of the resistance in the circuit.’’ The resistance as 
measured is as much as 10,000 ohms for a length of one 
millimetre. With such a high resistance there are various 
theoretical possibilities, any one of which may prove to be 

68 James Small on 

the acting cause, or the various factors may act together, 
their effects being increased by subsidiary phenomena; to 
mention only one ocr two possibilities—there may be an 
usyinmetric current density on account of the presence of 
more free liquid outside the.cells, or for other reasons, such 
as the leakage of the current through the endodermis into 
the pith or into the conducting strands; there may be a 
capacity effect similar to that shown by submarine cables, 
bringing a time factor into the flow of the current. When 
there are so many alternative explanations, direct investiga- 
tion is preferable to a balancing of theoretical possibilities. 

The last part of his criticism I have entirely failed to 
understand. One or two extracts may make the reason for 
this apparent. “* The chief scurce of difficulties is surely the 
practice of speaking of ‘currents’ in tissues. 
in a state of nature, though it is evident that such must 
occur, by local short-circuiting through cell-walls or other 
paths.’’:1 ‘* Such currents must, in fact, occur if the two 
points at different potential are connected also by tracts of 
conducting tissue . . . the resulting currents will be 
circular, flowing in one directien along the one path and in 
the other direction along the other ’’ (cp. the diagrams of 
the supposed path of the current in previous accounts cf 
the theory). There may be something in this beyond a re- 
affirmation of the original standpoint of the theory, but I 
really fail to see it. 


1. The essential difference between shoot and root in 
their responses to gravitv and to light is proved to be one cf 
relative acidity and alkalinity. This is demonstrated by the 
experimental facts— 

(a) the curving of roots upwards in an alkaline 


1, he Italics are mine, 

More About the Erectness of Plants. 69 

(b) the curving of shoots downwards in an _ acidic 


(c) the precision of the control by carbon dioxide of 
upward or downward curvature in the sunflower 

(d) the extension of this phenomenon of reversal of 
normal gravity-curvature to the stems of a 
large number of cther species, 

(c) the reversai in carbon dioxide, with recovery in fresh 
air, of hehotropic response. 

2. It has been proved that there is a difference in 
electrical conductivity between the upper and under sides of 
a root which has been stimulated by gravity. 

3. Since even the experimental observations of the 
chief plant electro-physiologists, Bose and Waller, are not 
universally accepted, the hypcthecated currents have still 
to be demonstrated, together with their supposed effects. 

4. It has also stili to be demonstrated either that 
particles which are electrically charged do cream. in the 
sensitive regions or that the impact of the statoliths on 
aifferently charged membranes gives currents opposite in 
direction. Indeed, beyond the points given in paragraphs 
1 and 2, the whole of the hypothecated mechanism of gravity 
perception and response has still to be investigated 

5. Geotropism has been described by one critic as “* one 
of the most obscure of physiological phenomena.’’ One 
cannot, therefore, expect to solve to the point of experi- 
mental demonstration all the problems connected therewith 
in one set of experiments; but it may be taken as a hopeful 
sign that the first points for which we have obtained exper- 
mental proof have led almost immediately to a practical 
application which promises to ve of considerable value. 

70 HE. E. Fournier d’Albe on 

7th March, 1922. 
Henry RIppE.u, Esq., M.E., President of the Society, 
in the Chair. 


By HE. E. Fournier p’Auge, D.Sc. (Lond. & Birm.). 
Aci Sey, MOR AL y evanasteley: 
Honorary Member of the Society. 

The problems presented by blindness can be approached 
along several different lines. The physician will endeavour 
to prevent the diseases giving rise to blindness. The 
opthalmic surgeon will cure blindness by operation in cases 
which do not transcend his skill. The philanthropist will 
mitigate the evils of blindness by means of special educa- 
tional facilities and by the provision of remunerative employ- 

To-day I wish to direct your attention to certain more 
radical methods of approach, which are based upon the 
fundamental principles underlving all sense perception. 

Physiologists inform us that the retina of the eye con- 
sists of skin containing nerve endings specially adapted to the 
perception of hight. The general sensibility of the skin is 
modified so as to react to ether waves instead of bodily con- 
tacts or heat or cold. The sense organs are, it appears, mere 
modifications of the ordinary skin, and, in their original 
forms, they are mere depressions in the surface of the skin, 
lined with a finer skin sensitive to ether waves (eye), air 
waves (ear), or to the chemical properties of gases (nose), and 
liquids (mouth) respectively. 

Bearing this in mind, we may conclude that the most 
direct way of replacing one of these senses, if lost, 1s to trans- 
late its action into terms of some other sense, preferably the 

The Optophone: An Instrument for Reading by Ear. 71 

sense which is most closely allied to the lost one. Thus, if 
light could be made audible, and if sound could be made 
visible, we should be in a position to replace the eye by the 
ear and the hearing by sight, and the problems both of blind- 
ness and deafness would be practically solved. 

We have thus reduced the problem to a problem of 
physics. It is the physicist whose business it is to study the 
properties of sound and light, and it is to him we must look 
for methods of translating one into the other. It is, there- 
fore, very appropriate that I should describe to you one solu- 
tion of the problem of blindness in this building devoted to 
the study of physics, the most fundamental of the exact 

The difficulty which confronts us at the outset is the 
enormous disproportion between the rapidities of sound 
waves and light waves. If an ordinary light impulse could 
be slowed down so as to last a whole second, an ordinary 
sound wave, slowed down in proportion, would last 200 
million years ! 

It is, therefore, quite futile to hope to make the ear 
directly sensitive to light waves. Not that the ear is in- 
‘sufficiently sensitive—it is actually as sensitive as the eye, 
the minimum energy required to stimulate either sense organ 
being approximately the same. But in order to translate 
light into sound we must find some intermediate link. 

Such an intermediate link is found in electricity. Minute 
electric currents can be made audible in a telephone. So our 
problem reduces itself to one of producing electrical effects 
by means of light. 

There are various ways of doing this. The thermo-couple 
or thermo-electric cell converts radiant heat into electric cur- 
rent. The “‘ photo-electric ’’ cell,’’ consisting of a “* retina ”’ 
of colloidal potassium or rubidium mounted in a vacuum and 
connected with a battery gives a minute current when 
illuminated, a current which varies in close proportion with 
the illumination. 

Ht. . Fournier d’Albe on 


But there is one substance which transcends all these a 
milhionfold in efficiency, and that is the light-sensitive variety 
of the element seleniuin, discovered by Berzelines a hundred 
years ago. The discovery of its light-sensitive properties was 
not made until 1873, and then it was discovered by accident 
in Valentia Island, in the County of Kerry, in connection 
with some work on transatlantic telegraphy. 

Selenium, even in the allotropic form which conducts 
electricity, has a high resistance. The selenium tablet (some- 
times called a “* selenium cell ’’) must therefore be designed 
so that the conductivity is as high as possible. This is done 
by having numerous conducting elements bridged over by 
short bridges of selenium. The best method is to coat a plate 
of unglazed porcelain with graphite and inscribe upon it with 
a diamond a fine zig-zag line cut through the graphite into 
the porcelain. A conductivity of some 5 °° micro-mhos ”’ per 
centimetre of line may thus be obtained, giving, with 100 
volts, a current of half a milli-ampere. This current may be 
doubled or trebled by suitable illumination. As a square inch 
plate is sufficient to contain a zig-zag line of a total length of 
20 centimetres, we cau thus ootain a current of some 10 
milliamperes, or a“ useful ’’ current due to light of the same 
amount or more. 

As modern instruments go, this is the sort of current 
with which inany things can be done. A small current may 
be amplified a thousand times by means of relays, so that in 
the end we may produce quite formidable effects by means ci 
a ray of light alone. 

Thus, we may use a beam of light to produce an electric 
current through selenium. ‘This current may work a relay 
which switches on a stronger current, and that current may 
be used to, let us sey, spring a mine. Such an experiment I 
can show you now. TIT have here a small model of a search- 
light which I can turn in any direction I please. I shall 
throw the beam across the Lecture Theatre on to a selenium 

The Optophone: An Instrument for Reading by Ear. 3 

tablet in circuit with a relay. You can see the beam travel- 
ling across the room, and as soon as it lmpinges upon the 
selenium there is the loud report which tells us that the 
mine’ has been exploded. .(Demonstration.) There 
would be no doubt in the bind man’s mind that the light had 
been shining on the selenium ! 

The light can also be made to ring a bell (demonstration) 
and to act in numerous different ways. But searchlights are 
not the kind of thing that a blind person would ordinarily 
wish to discover. Most visual appearances are of much 
smaller intensity. and they require more delicate apparatus 
to bring them home to the ear. 

A method of making ordinary lamplight and daylight 
‘ audible ’’ is illustrated by the diagram (Vig. 1). It repre- 
sents what electricians call a ‘“‘ Wheatstone Bridge ”’ ar- 
rangement of four conductors, two of which (Se.) are otf 
selenium, wlule the remaining two are of eraphite (Ce 
There is also a variable resistance shown as a zig-zag line, 
connected by a movable arm to the battery in the centre. 
The outer covers are joined through a telephone receiver (‘T’e. ) 
and a clock-work interruptor. 

TA E. E. Fournier d’Albe on 

The instrument acts as follows:—In the dark, the re- 
sistances of the two selenium tablets (Se.) are equal, and s9 
are the two carbon resistances (C.). As a consequence, there 
is no current in the telephone circuit, and the interruptor, 
maintained by clockwork, produces no sound in the tele- 
phone. If now one of the Se. tablets is illuminated the 
balance is upset, and a current traverses the telephone and 
becomes audible by virtue of the interruptions (a steady cur- 
rent is inaudible in a telephone). 

The various parts of the instrument are packed in a case 
resembling a camera (Fig. 2), only the telephone being out- 
side the case, as it has to be worn on the head. 

FIG. 2. 
I devised the akove instrument in 1912 while at the 

University of Birmingham. A gifted blind man in Birming- 
ham used it for finding lamps and windows, and was even 
able to count a number of nurses in a row by listening to the 
sound produced by their white aprons! 

Certain heads of institutions for the blind represented to 
me, however, that the instrument was of little practical 
utility to the blind, and so I was obliged to make further re- 
searches with a view towards finding something undeniably 

The Optophone: An Instrument for Reading by Ear. 7G 

useful. The result, after a further two vears’ work, was the 
Type-reading Optophone, which, at all events, enables totally 
blind persons to read ordinary printed books and newspapers. 

The essential parts of this instrument are a revolving 
perforated disc of the type known as a Siren disc (Fig. 2) 
and a perforated selenium tablet. The disc revolves some 30 
times per second in front of a linear source of light extending 
from the centre of the disc to its rim. The line of light is thus 
broken up into five dots of intermittent flashes, with a fre- 
quency of from 600 to 1,200 flashes per second. These 
frequencies are of the order of musical sounds, and the five 
dots represent the scale of Soh, Doh, Re, Mi, Soh. All these 
notes, sounding together, form a discord, but if the Re is 
emitted a common chord is formed. 

DiGH 3. 

The line of ‘‘ musical dots *’ having thus been obtained, 
the remainder of the construction is mainly devoted to throw 
the line of dots upon the type to be read, and to let the letters 

76 Ht. EH. Fournier d’Albe on 

pick out various notes which will enable us to recognise them 
by their sounds. | 

A system of lenses is designed in such a manner that a 
small image of the line of dots or “ scala ’’—just sufficient 
to fill up the letter /—is thrown upon the type to be read, 
This has to be done from below, as only thus can we hope 
to arrange bound volumes for reading. The ilustration (Fiz. 
4) shows an upright cohamn which contains the dise and the 
system of lenses. This column or °° tracer ’’ swings on the 
lower axis. The top of the tracer holds the perforated 
selenium tablet which moves through an are of about 8 inches 
close to the type, but separated from it by a bent glass cover. 
Books and newspapers can be clamped on this cover. The 
movement along the line of print takes place under the action 
of a spring and is governed by an oil governor which can be 
adjusted so as to read the line in anything from 3 seccnds to 
3 minutes. 

BIG? 4 

A friction clutch or a rack-and-pinion device are used for 
changing to the next line, and this change can be adjusted to 
any line interval used in printing. 

The Oplophone: An Instrument for Reading by Ear. vi 

A simple displacement of one of the lenses enables the 


reader to adjust the size of the ‘‘ scala’ to fit any ordinary 
type used in books or newspapers, and this adjustment can 
be made by ear alone. 

The first public reading demonstration with the Opto- 
phone was given at the British Scientific Products Exhibition 
in August, 1918, by Miss Mary Jameson, of South Norwood, 
who is blind from birth. An unknown page was selected 
from a book by the Chairman (Sir Richard Gregory), and 
Miss Jameson read a line from that page without a mistake, 
including punctuation. The speed of reading at that time 
was about 2 words per minute, but Miss Jameson has 
steadily increased that speed by practice, until her present 
speed is over 40 words a minute with ordinary reading mat- 
ter. Miss Jameson is also the heroine of a remarkable 
exploit in Paris—that otf reading unknown french print—- 

aecents and all! 

In 1920 the late Sir Arthur Pearson, Bart., and Captain 
Jan Fraser arranged for a test course of instruction in. Opto- 
phone reading at the National Institute for the Blind in 
London. The pupils selected were Mr. Emblen and Miss 
Mabel Green. Of these, the latter made the best progress. 
She is totally blind, and holds the speed record for Braille 
reading. She is also an expert typist and shorthand writer. 
I think I cannot do better than quote from the report of the 
examiner (Mr. H. Stainsby), as published in St. Dunstan’s 
Magazine. Mr. Stainsby reports as follows :— 

‘“T have’tested Miss Green’s reading on the Optophone 
or seven different -occasions, each test being of thirty 
minutes’ duration and on ‘ unseen matter.’ 

(1) Extract from ‘ Heroes cf the Darkness,’ eighty-five 

words in thirty minutes, say three words per minute. 

(2) Extract from leading article of Daily Telegraph, sixty 

words in thirty minutes—two words per minute, 

78 EK. EH. Fournier d’Albe on 

(8) Extract from ‘ Optimism ’:— | 
Test (a) Highty-nine words in thirty minutes, say 
three words per minute. 
Test (b) Seventy-eight words in thirty minutes, say 
two-and-a-half words per minute. 
Test (c) Sixty-four words in thirty minutes, say two 
words per minute. 
(4) Extract from ‘ The World I Live in,’ sixty-five words 
in thirty minutes, say two words per minute. 

(5) Extract from ‘ Pier’s Plowman Histories, Junior, 
Book II.,’ 119 words in thirty minutes, say 4 words 
per minute. 

‘“ Tt will thus be seen that the average speed is under 
three words per minute. Although slow the reading was ac- 
curate, very few words being unread or miscalled. Short and 
easy words of frequent recurrence were read with compara- 
tive ease, the reader evidently taking the word as a whole 
without analyzing into letters. This is borne out by the last 
test, which was from a junior school book in everyday Eng- 
lish. Long and uncommon words, particularly those con- 
taining little used letters as ‘z,’ caused much delay and 
consequently brought down the averages. Towards the close 
of a test the reading became slower, demonstrating the fact 
that until it becomes mechanical it will be tiring. This was 
obvious in the last test, when Miss Green read the first 
twenty-four words in four minutes, or six words per minute. 
This condition exists in a very marked degree in tactile read- 
ing, learners always being recommended to take their lessons 
in small ‘ doses.’ 

‘* Notwithstanding this, I am assured by Miss Green 
that she does not experience any tired feeling. Further, she 
assures me that the process of listening neither prevents her 
from grasping the full import of what she has read nor 
detracts from the enjoyment which she ordinarily gets out of 

The Optophone: An Instrument for Reading by Ear. "9 

‘“ Miss Green manipulated the instrument quite un- 
aided, and occupied less than two minutes in placing her 
book in it ready for reading. 

“I am informed by Mr. Emblen, the other Optophone 
student, that my tests, while perfectly fair, do not do justice 
to Miss Green. This is doubtless due to the fact that exami- 
nations of all kinds rarely show the examinee in the best 

‘“ In preparing this report I have had two main issues 
in mind, all others being in my judgment quite subordinate 
to these two. The first is, can blind people read ordinary ink- 
print matter? The reply to this is emphatically yes. The 
second is, can they read at a speed which would make it 
worth their while to adopt the Optophone as a reading instru- 
ment? On this point I have already shown that speed is 
slow, but as a set-off against this it should be borne in mind, 
first, that no one has had adequate practice upon it, and 
secondly, that the right type of learner has not been tested. 
After mature consideration I have come to the conclusion 
that tests should be made on young children in a school for 
the blind, and that the same facilities should be afforded 
them as for tactile reading. In the latter this period extends 
over a number of years, and fluency is only attained after 
long practice. While I am inclined to think that tactile read- 
ing will be more easily acquired than reading by means of the 
Optophone, it must be borne in mind that the literature avail- 
able through the former is relatively small, but through the 
latter world-wide and unlimited.’’ 

This report, though very favourable to the Optophone, 
leaves the question of the maximum speed attainable unde- 
cided. The speed observed by Mr. Stainsby has already, 
within twelve months of the publication of his report, been 
exceeded more than tenfold, and I see no reason whatever 
- why the speed of reading a page of print by ear should fall 
short of the speed obtainable by ordinary eye-reading. The 

oO EB. EH. Fournier d’ Albe 

only real handicap is in turning over the page, which involves 
removing the book and re-inserting it. | 

But I think we can say that the problem of blindness, as 
far as reading is concerned, is now definitely solved, at least 
as regards print and typescript. 

In conclusion, Iam able, through the kindness of the 

Gaumont Co.’s “* Around the Town 
film of the Optophone in action at the National Institute for 

’ Editor, to show you a 

the Blind. This film had the honour of being shown before 
their Majesties last year on the occasion of their visit to the 
Karl of Derby. The last scene shown is Miss Green reading 
a book by ear, copying it on her typewriter, and correcting 
her own typescript by reading it over in the Optophone—a 
performance which marks a distinct epoch in the history of 
achievement by the blind. 

Annual Meeting. SI 


10ist SESSION, 1921-22. 

The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders and Members 
for the past session was held in the Museum, College Square 
North, on the 14th November, 1922. 

Mr. Henry Riddell, M.K., M.I.Mech.E., President of 
the Society, occupied the chair, and among those present 
were :—FProfessor Gregg Wilson, O.B.H., M.A., D.Sc., 
PhD., M.B.I.A.;-Councillor E. J. Elliott, Messrs.. H. C: 
Lawlor, M.R.I.A.; J. M. Finnegan, B.A., B.Sc.; T. Edens 
Osborne, F.R.S.A.1.; Wm. Faren, F.R.S.A.I.; W. B: Bui- 
rowes, F.R.S.A.I.; J. G. Grogan, James Loughridge,. A. 
Milligan, 8. Turner, and P. J. M’Mullan, J.P. Apologies for 
absence were announced from Sir Charles Brett, L1..D.; Dr. 
S. W.. Allworthy, M.A.; and’R. M. Young, M.A., M.R.IA. 

The Chairman called upon the Hon. Secretary to read 
. the report of the Council, which was as follows :— 

The Council has pleasure in submitting its report on the 
work of the Society during the past session. 


Unfortunately we have to record, with regret, the death 
of the following shareholders and members :— 
Edward H. Clarke. 
Sir Wm. Crawford. J.P. 
K. Stanley Jones. 
Henry Musgrave, O.B.E.. DL. 
David C. Patterson. 
John Sinclair, D.I.. 
John Workman, J.P. 

82 Annual Meeting. 


Your Council is glad to intimate that there has been a 
steady increase of Members under the new subscription 
scheme, thus justifying the step the Society took in creating 
a new class of membership in 1914. In that year there were 
only 182 Shareholders and Members. At the end of the ses- 
sion covered by this report there were over 300 Shareholders 
and Members. 

During the present session your Council unanimously 
decided to elect the following gentlemen Hon. Members of 
the Society, making the list of these up to seven :— 

Sir Charles Brett, LL.D. 

Robert Magil! Youne, J.P MoAS? Nein AS 

Fournier dAlbe, Disc, (lond “& ‘ira eves. 
@iond?)| S\N ia AS 


While the lectures have not been so numerous—only 
eleven as compared with sixteen in the previous year—yet all 
of them were important and much appreciated by the Mem- 
bers and their friends. (Cn each oecasion they were weil at- 
tended. The session was opened on the 5th October, 1921, 
by Professor J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., LL.D., F.BR.S.E., 
who delivered an instructive lecture entitled ‘° The Conquest 
of Land and Air: a Study in Natural History,” in the 
Assembly Minor Hall. On the 16th January last a special 
lecture was given in French by Professor Savory, M.A., to 
commemorate the tercentenary of the great French dramatist 
Moliére. The second portion of the session was opened in the 
Assembly’s Minor Hall by an interesting lecture on 
‘“ Comets,” delivered bv the Rev. W. F. A. Ellison, M.A., 
of the Armagh Observatory ; while our new Honorary Mem- 
ber, Dr, Fournier d‘Albe, kindly gave a special address in 

Annual Meeting. 8 3 

the Physics Lecture Theatre at Queen’s University on ‘‘ The 
Optophone,’’ an instrument which the lecturer had in- 
vented, and which enables totally blind people to read 
ordinary print. 

A complete list of the lectures and lecturers appears on 
pages 114 and 115. 


The Society 1s again indebted to the Vice-Chancellor of 
Queen’s University (the Rt. Hon. the Rev. Thomas Hamil- 
ton, M.A., D.D., J.L.D.) for the use of Lecture Theatres at 
the University for those lectures requiring experiments, and 
also to the Chairman (Alderman 8S. TT. Mercier, J.P.) and 
Members of the Technical Instruction Committee. for the use 
of rooms in the Municipal College of Technology. 

The Council desires to express its sincere thanks for the 
facilities so willingly rendered, and for the co-operation exist- 
ing between these Institutions and the Society. 

The Council also wishes to thank the lecturers for their 
assistance, and the local Press for the continued interest it 
takes in the Society’s meetings. 


In order to assist the ‘‘ Irish Naturalist,’’ which is the 
organ of the various Natural History Societies in Ireland, and 
which, like many other scientific magazines, had suffered 
financially during the war, the Council felt that it was only 
right that we, as the senior Society in Belfast, should give a 
subscription and donation amounting to seven pounds. ‘This 
has been duly acknowledged and much appreciated, | 

84 Annual Meeting. 


Your Council continues to receive in exchange, from 
home and foreign societies, valuable publications which con- 
siderably augment the Society's Library. So important has 
become the Library and so inadequate is the space available 
for the additions that your Council gladly agreed to an ap- 
plication from the University authorities for the loan of a 
selection of pamphlets and publications. The University 
undertakes to permit access to the loan by Members of the 
Society and to return it when required. 


The Steel Armour Plate which has formed such a strik- 
ing object at the Museum entrance since 1889, on loan from 
his Majesty’s Dockyard at Portsmouth, has now been pre- 
sented to the Society by the Lords Commissioners of the 


A separate report will be submitted by the Hon. Secre- 
tary of the Archaeological Section (Mr. H. C. Lawlor, 
M.R.1.A.), at the Annual Meeting of the Sectional Members, 
which will be held during the month. This report will be 
printed in the proceedings. The Section deserves to be con- 
gratulated upon the amount of practical work it has been able 
to accomplish during the session. 


Our President (Mr. Henry Riddell, M.F., M.I.Mech.E.), 
who is also Hon. Treasurer of the Society, will submit the 

financia) statement, 

Annual Mecting. 8 6 


Jn accordance with the constitution of the Society five 
members require to be elected to the Council, in place of the 
following Members who retire by rotation, all of whom are — 
eligible for re-election :—-Sir Charles Brett, Dr. 5S. W. All- 
worthy, Messrs. Wm. Faren, T. Edens Osborne, and Arthur 
Deane. | 


The heaviest expenditure during the past year has been 
for printing and advertising. This is an outlay which the 
Society will feel is repaid by the interest taken in the proceed- 
ings circulated, and the effect on the numbers of our Mem- 
bers. It is expected that a considerable reduction will be 
found in the cost of this service for the coming year. 

_ Attention is drawn to the fact that there is a good 
balance in the hands of the parent Society credited to the 
funds of the Archaeological Section. A detailed Statement 
of Accounts as passed by the Government Auditor appears 
on page 107. 


_ Professor Gregg Wilson, in moving the adoption of the 
report, which was cordially passed, congratulated the Society, 
and more particularly the Hon Secretary, on the satisfactory 
nature of the work done. He commented favourably on the 
grant to the ‘* Irish Naturalist.’’ It was the only magazine 
of the kind published in Ireland, and it would be a disgrace to 
the whole of them if it were allowed to die. _ Scientific pub- 
lication was expensive and not properly appreciated. Mr. 
Lawlor and his colleagues of the Archaeological Section were 
to be sincerely congratulated on the brilliant and practical 
work they were doing. 

86 Annual Meeting. 

Councillor M!liott, in seconding, said citizens and visitors 
alike had been greatly pleased Ly the lectures. He was only 
sorry that the grant to the ‘‘ Irish Naturalist ’’ could not be 
larger. The importance of the work by the Archaeological 
Section was indicated by references he had seen in American 
and Spanish journals. 

sir Charles Brett. Ll DD Sw. Allworthy, M.A., 
E\G.S.; Messrs. T, Edens Osborne. F.R.S: A.I.; Wim: Faren, 
F.R.S.A.1., and Arthur Deane were re-elected Members of 
the Council for three years, on the proposition of Mr. W. B. 
Burrowes, seconded by Mr. G. O’Searle, B.Se. 


Mr. H:. C. Lawlor, M.R.1.A., moved a vote of thanks to 
Mr. Henry Riddell for his services during the past year as 
President of the Society, which was seconded by Mr. T. 
Edens Osborne, F.R.S.A LL. 

Resolved—‘‘ That the Society desires to place on record 
their high appreciation of the services of the Hon. Secretary, 
Mr. Arthur Deane, during the past vear, and hereby desire 
to convey to him their warmest thanks.’’ Moved by H. C. 
Lawlor, seconded by Professor Gregg Wilson. 

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Archaeological Section. 87 


The sixth annual general meeting of the Archaelogical 
Section was held in the Old Museum on Monday, November 
27th, at 4 p.m. The attendance of members was large. 

Sir Charles Brett, LL.D., the Chairman, briefly referred 
to the increased interest that was being taken both by the 
members and the general public in the work of the Archaeo- 
logical Section. The renovation and repair of the ruins of the 
ancient Celtic Monastery of Nendrum, on Mahee Island, 
had received wide notice in the Press, not only in the local 
papers and the ‘‘ Irish Times,’’ but in the principal English, 
Continental and American papers. This widespread interest 
augured well for the future prosperity of the Section. 

Mr. Henry Riddell, President of the Society and Hon. 
Treasurer, submitted his Annual Report; as a special fund 
had been raised for the work at Nendrum he would deal with 
the genera! finances and this special fund separately. The 
actual money at credit of the ordinary account was £98 13s 
7d. Subscriptions for the opening season, together with the 
subsidy from the parent Society, interest, etc., would amount 
to about £40, so that the section would have about £140 in 
hand. Of this, £100 had been voted towards the work at 
Nendrum, and would be transferred to that fund in due 
course. Dealing with the special fund, a sum of £387 8s 7d 
had been received in subscriptions (a list of the Subscribers 
appearing as an appendix, pp. 109-113): sale of tickets for the 
two excursions which had been organised amounted to £48 2s 
4d, making the total receipts £485 11s 11d. The expenditure 
came to the following: 

James Lowry, contractor, for labour 
and materials, £312 2s Od; cost of excursions (train fares, 
chars-a-banes, etc.), £88 15s 2d; advertisements, including 
publication of subscription lists, £27 17s 6d; travelling ex- 
penses, postages, photography, lantern: slides and miscel- 
laneous, £28 2s 11d; total—£406 7s 7d; leaving balance of 
£29 4g 4d, to which had to be added the £100 voted bv the 

88 Archacological Section. 

Section, making a nett sum of £129 4s 4d in hand for com- 
pleting the work at Nendrum, which it was hoped would be 
recommenced in the coming spring. 

Mr. H. C. Lawlor, M.R.1.A., Hon. Secretary, presented 
his Annual Report of the past season’s work. He said that 
the Executive Committee had held three meetings during the 
season, at which all the members, except one, attended re- 
gularly. They had also visited the work in progress at Mahee 
Island, in which all had taken the keenest interest. Subs: 
members of the Archaeological Section had resigned, but a 
large number of new members had been introduced, the total 
‘nembership being now over 100. He then gave a detailed 
interim report on the work carried out at Mahee Island, 
which will be found on pages 92—106. 

The following were elected as office-bearers for the 
coming season :— 

Chairman: Sir Charles Brett, LL.D. 

Hon,,» Treasurer: Mr, -. Henry = Riddell ih, 
M.I.Mech.E., President of the Society. 

Hon. Secretary: Mr. H. C. Lawlor, M.R.1.A. 

Executive Committee: Mr. Arthur Deane, M.B.J.A. 
(ex officio), Canon Carmody, Messrs. W. B. 
Burrowes, T. E. Osborne, Godfrey Ferguson, 
C.E.; Fergus Greeves, J. Theodore Greeves, I. 
A. -Eleron, : Di; and - 1, - 8) Awepper LN 

The Hon. Secretary, in conformity with notice duly 
given, explained that in his opinion the income of the 
Archaeological Section arising from subscriptions was not 
sufficient to enable the Section to carry out a programme of 
work commensurate with the importance of its objects, and 
moved ‘‘ That the annual subscription to the Section be in- 
creased from 5/- to 10/-, commencing with the Session 1923- 
1924.’’ As several members were strongly opposed to this, 
the motion was withdrawn. 

Archaeological Section. 89 

he Hon. Secretary called attention to two further 
items on the agenda of which he had given formal notice as 
follows :— 

To consider the advisability of abbreviating the name of 
“The Archaeological Section of the Belfast Natural History 
and Philosophical Society,’’ and passing a recommendation 
to this effect to the Council of the Society ; and 

To consider the possibility of reviving either in its old 
form, or under some other name, ‘‘ The Ulster Journal ot 

He said he thought there were strong reasons why the 
name of The Archaeological Section of the Belfast Natural 
History and Philosophical Society should be altered. In its 
present form it was exceedingly long and cumbersome; at the 
same time narrow. Its membership was practically confined 
to within a radius of a few miles of Belfast, and the reports 
of its proceedings had an exceedingly limited circulation. He 
would like to rope in all Ulster Archaeologists and raise the 
standard of the Section from that of a mere department of 
wu purely local society to that of at least provincial standing. 
There are hundreds of archaeologists throughout Ulster, to 
say nothing of the rest of Ireland, who hardly ever more than 
hear of the Natural History Society, or know that it has an 
Archaeological Section, much less see the Annual Reports. 
He had no wish to break off or alter the present happy re- 
lations between the Section and the venerable Society of 
which it was a branch, and he though there was nothing to 
prevent it remaining affiliated with the Natural History 
Society while abbreviating the name to the ‘‘ Ulster Archaeo- 
logical Society,’’ at the same time making a strong effort to 
bring in as many members interested in archaelogy all over 
Ulster as possible. If this could be carried out he thought 
in time the old Ulster Journal of Archaeology might be re- 
vived, either under its old name or some other. He formally 
moved the following resolution : 

gO Archaeological Section. 

‘That in the opinion of this meeting it is advisable to 
abbreviate the name of ° The Archaeological Section of the 
Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society ’ to the 

Ulster Archaeological Society,’ without altering in any 
Way its existing relationship to the Parent Society.” 

Mr. Henry Riddell, President of the Society, strongly 
opposed the motion. He said that it was quite open to the 
Section to form itself into a new Society if it saw its way 
to do so, but that it could not be a Society or Association and 
still be a Section of the Natural History Society. It must 
either continue as it was or be an entirely separate, although 
friendly, entity. In that case he would go so far as to say 
that the Natural History Society would discontinue its finan- 
cial contribution towards the funds of the Section if the 
proposed change were carried out. 

Colonel Berry, M.R.I.A., expressed his sympathy with 
the idea the Hon. Secretary had in view, and wished to sec 
the Archaeologists of Ulster, of whom there were very many, 
roped in to the Archaeological Section, so that its scope might 
be broadened and the interest in its work be widely extended ; 
but he did not think that this end could be achieved by the 
means suggested by the Hon. Secretary. He did not see how 
an Ulster Archaeological Society or Association could be any- 
thing but a separate entity, and remain a section or branch 
of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. 

Mr. W. B. Burrowes and Mr. T. E. Osborne also spoke 
to the same effect, and on the advice of the Chairman, Sir 
Charles Brett, the Hon. Secretary withdrew the motion. 

On the question of the possibility of the revival, under 
its old name or some other, of the “* Ulster Journal of 
Archaeology,’’ Canon Carmody said that while in sympathy 
with the idea, he was afraid that there could not be got to- 
gether material in Ulster to keep such a publication alive for 
more than a limited number of issues. If it could be guaran- 
teed that sufficient original research work would be forthcom- 
ing to supply material for such a publication, he would 

Archaeological Section, gi 

support it as far as he could, but he would not advise a re- 
suscitation of such a publication under the old name. The 
First Series of the “’ Ulster Journal of Archaeology ’’ he said 
was conducted purely as such, but the Second Series gradu- 
ally deteriorated, so far as archaeology was concerned, until 
it ceased to be an archaeological publication at all. He would 
let the old name rest, and if material were forthcoming for 
w new publication, let it be called “* The Ulster Archaeo- 
logist,’’ or ““ The Ulster Antiquary,’’ but he was doubtful if 
material would be forthcoming. 

Mr. R. J. Welch was strongly opposed to the word 
“ Journal ’’ appearing in any publication of the sort. He 
beheved that an “* Ulster Antiquarian Magazine,’’ embracing 
archaeology, folklore, genealcgy, heraldry, topography, and 
even geology, would appeal to thousands of readers in 
America and the Colonies if properly edited and advertised. 
He was in hearty support of some such publication being 

Sir Charles Brett, agreeing with Canon Carmody, 
doubted if there could be sufficient material of a purely 
archaeological nature forthcoming to sustain for any length 
of time a new archacological publication, but suggested that 
a sub-committee be appointed consisting of Colonel Berry, 
Messrs: BR: J. Welch, H.-C. Lawlor, W. B. Burrowes, A. 
Deane, and himself, to consider the whole matter and report 
to the Executive Committee at a later date. 

This suggestion was unanimously agreed to. Votes of 
thanks to the office-bearers brought the meeting to a close. 

92 Archaeological Section. 

THE Ruins or Nenprum Monastery, 

Myr. H. C. Lawlor, M.R.I.4., Hon. Secretary, explained 
that but for the scholarly researches of that famous archaeo- 
logist, the late Bishop Reeves, no one to-day would have 
known even of the existence of Nendrum. Just eighty years 
ago he undertook the work of editing that portion of the 
Taxation Roll of Pope Nicholas IV. which relates to the 
Dioceses of Down and Connor and Dromore, and every 
student of Irish Antiquity knows the value of that stupendous 
work, and the care and knowledge of his subject displayed in 
Reeves’ Heclesiastical History of Down, Connor and Dro- 
more, a work which is the foundation of probably nine-tenths 
of all we know to-day of the early history of the Counties of 
Antrim and Down. That Taxation Roll is still preserved in 
London, and it is to be hoped that another Reeves will yet 
arise to edit the remainder of the Roll, which relates to the 
other Irish Dioceses. | 

Before Reeves’ time the existence of Nendrum was coin- 
pletely unknown, to say nothing of its locality. Certain 
writers confused the references to it in ancient writings with 
Aendruim, or Antrim; others thought these references ap- 
plied to a site on the Copeland Islands; it rested with Dr. 
Reeves to unravel the historical tangle made of the subject 
by previous writers. The result of his work is best seen in 
« pamphlet he read before the Down and Connor Architec- 
tural Society in 1845. This booklet is now exceedingly scarce, 
but has been, fortunately, reproduced in the Ulster Journal 
of Archaeology, 2nd Series, Vol. VIII., which is easily ac- 
cessible. | 

When Dr. Reeves visited Nendrum in 1844 nothing re- 
sembling ecclesiastical remains were visible except the stump 
of what was locally regarded as an old lime kiln; it was in 
practically the same condition as it remained up to the time 

Archaeological Section. 93 

the recent repairs were carried out; all around were brambles 
and thorns, and no other building was then visible; but as- 
suming the possibility of the supposed “‘ old lime kiln ’’ being 
the stump of a round tower, Reeves searched for remains of 
the associated church, which after some clearing of the over- 
growth, he found. To confirm the conclusion he had thus 
come to, he spent some days clearing the debris away from 
the south wall and in excavating the site generally, finding 
several graves both inside and outside the remains of the 
building. He removed a number of skulls to Belfast for 
scientific examination. These skulls have now been dis- 
covered among those collected by Grattan, and are inctuded 
in the Grattan collection in possession of our Society. A 
full scientific report on these skulls and others found in our 
excavation is in course of preparation by Professor Walmsley 
of the Queen’s University. 

As the present work on the repair and preservation of 
the ruins is as vet far from complete, the following can only 
be regarded as an interim report; we have found many valu- 
able relics bearing on the history of the foundation, and have 
come to conclusions on many points. Some of these cot 
clusions may, however, be modified or upset on further in- 
vestigation, so that beyond a brief account of the work done 
during the summer recently ended, I deem it wiser to defer 
the publication of minute details or conclusions until our 
materials are more complete. 

Early last spring Mr. A. G. Johnston, the owner of the 
Western end of the Island, on which the ruins stand, was 
approached on the subject of the suggested work, and nothing 
could exceed the kindness with which he has responded to our 
wishes and assisted us in every way from the beginning of 
and all through the progress of the work. I should like to 
refer also to the assistance of Major C. Blakiston Houston, 
whose bungalow is close by; his assistance was invaluable ; 
ever on the spot, he noted down every day’s work, marked 

94 Archaeological Section. 

on a map the spots where each relics was found, and recorded 
details of inestimable value. In Mr. James Lowry, the con- 
tractor, and his sons we were more than fortunate; they 
brought as well selected a body of workmen as it would be 
possible to procure; after a few days’ instruction these men 
got used to examining every spadeful of soil; every fragment 
of pottery or metal, every scrap of stone carved or chipped by 
hand, no matter how small, was carefully put aside, and the 
position of its discovery reported. 

The actual work commenced early in June with the re- 
moval of the clumps of briar and thorn which almost com- 
pletely covered the site. These had to be torn out by the 
roots by means of chains drawn by horses. By the 12th of 
June a good clearance had thus been made inside the inner 
cashel, ready for actual excavation. While clearing work 
proceeded on the site of the inner cashel wall and outside it, 
ten good labouring men commended removing the debris from 
the sites of the church and round tower. Fortunately, Canon 
Carmody was able to superintend this work for the first fort- 
night while the guest of Maior Houston, and under his ex- 
perienced guidance the men soon learned to proceed with the 
minute care necessary for such work. 

Soon the shape of the church became clear. The stones 
as removed from the debris heap were all carefully examined 
and put to one side. The vegetable soil which had accumu- 
lated in the debris was examined carefully as extracted before 
being carted away and spread over adjoining fields. Here 
again the spreaders examined it as spread. On the occur- 
rence of the first shower of rain after spreading, the soil was 
again gone over with rakes so that nothing might be missed. 
Many small objects of interest that might easily have been 
lost were thus recovered, including several mediaeval coins, 
worked flint flakes, an iron spear ferrule and stone beads or 
buttons. Among the raised heaps of the debris of the church 
were discovered evidences of burials, including many of 
voung children, probably unbaptised infants, which up to a 

Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society. Session, 1921-1922. 

Ab ut J/3rd ac ual size. A. E. Lawlo . 

Fragment of old Norse (?) Inscription. 

Archacological Section. 95 

couple of centuries ago, or in places, recent times, were 
buried in some otherwise disused holy place. 

Of the larger relics found on the church site the most 
important was a triangular fragment, 10dins. across, of an 
inscribed grave stone containing a portion of a circle, beneath 
which are remains of two lines of inscription. By extending 
the arc of the circle it can be ascertained that the width of 
the stone was originally about 27ins. The men were offered 
a special reward if they could find any more fragments of the 
inscription, but, unfortunately, although most careful search 
was made, nothing more of it was found except a few inches 
of the circle. 

The inscription on this stone is shown. Copies of this 
were sent to the British Museum, and by the authorities 
there to Cambridge University; to the National Museum in 
Dublin; to the National Museum, Copenhagen, and else- 
where. No quite satisfactory solution is as yet forthcoming. 
Several letters are ordinary Irish characters of about the 10th 
century, three are runes of about the same period, while four 
are difficult to classify. I am not without hope that even yet 
we may find more of this inscription, so that meantime it 
may be premature to print a very ingenious but purely tenta- 
tive solution offered by Professor R. A. 8. Macalister, of the 
National University in Dublin. He considers it probable that 
the stone is a fragment of a grave slab to a Norse Abbot of 
Nendrum, of tenth or eleventh century. The abbot’s name is 
missing, but the remains of the first line may perhaps be 
read Brimopata, interpreted as equivalent to PRrIMABOTA, 
the old Norse for.“ of the. chief abbot.’” .. The fourth 
letter occurs in some later runes. found in the North 
of England, and is clearly M. The fitth letter is the 
same as the smal letter between the two lines, and 
seems undoubtedly to be. an‘'O or long A. The sixth 
letter is clearly a B, but the seventh presents some diffi- 
culty; it resembles the fifth with the lower cross stroke in- 
complete, This is probably a differentiation between che 

96 Archaeological Section. 

two, denoting the slight difference in the letters O and A. 
The eighth letter as it stands is a runic L, but it has been 
found, as in the Killaloe rune, used asa T. The last letter is 
a runic A (short). The small letter between the lines seems 
to be a correction in the bottom line, a letter omitted in carv- 
ing and inserted afterwards. Unfortunately so little of this 
line is left that no one has been able to decipher it. The third 
letter from the right cannot be identified as belonging to any 
known alphabet. 

Professor Macalister regards this inscription as of im- 
mense archaeological importance. It is one more monu-. 
ment, like his Killaloe find, of the Christianisation of the 
Norseman, and even indicates an instance of what was 
probably a rare occurence—a Norseman actually entering 
into Irish monastic life and becorning abbot. 

About the middle of July the sites of the church and 
ground about the round tower were cleared, and all the finds 
put carefully to one side. 

The excavation had laid bare all that was left of the 
ehurch, which proved to be the remains of apparently a 
mediaeval nave, with a somewhat later chancel of the same 
width, with a small exedra or sacristy on the north side. 
The inside measurements of the whole, above the founda- 
tion or plinth, are 52 by 16 feet. 

At the west end were remains of butresses, continua- 
tions of its north and south walls. These protruded 30ins. 
x 30ins. The jambs of the west door were completely gone, 
but the huge lintel, measuring 66ins. x 18ins. x 15ins., was 
lying prone on the door step. 

From July onwards the men worked steadily clearing 
away the debris from the inner and second cashel walls, re- 
placing the fallen stones as they proceeded. A number of 
men were engaged at this work until October, when we 
stopped work for the winter, while others were turning over 
the soil over the greater part. of the space enclosed by the 
inner cashe], While removing the debris of the inner cashe! 

Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Socie‘y, Session 1921-1922. 

West Doorway restored, showing Commemorative Tablet. 


Archaeological Section. 97 

wall a remarkable pathway or paved causeway was found 
leading from the southern entrance round inside the wall and 
turning towards the west door of the church. This is ap- 
parently the pathway ‘‘ by which the brethren come to 
Matins,’’ referred to in Celgan’s ‘‘ Actae Sanctorum,’’ of 
which O’Laverty gives a translation in his Down and Connor 
(Vol. I., 354). This refers to the period when Saint Colman 
of Dromore was a boy at Nendrum under Saint Mochaoi, 
probably between 465 and 470, when he is related to have 
performed a miracle in removing a large stone which impeded 
the brethren on their way to church. ‘This story is preserved 
in the name of a little bay in Ranish or Rainey Island, al- 
most within a stone throw of Mahee Island, known from time 
immemorial as Colman’s bay. ‘This paved causeway is a 
most important discovery. It leads from the west door of 
the church to where is now one of the three entrances in the 
inner cashel wall. Had it not been for the pathway stopping 
at this point, the antiquitv of this entrance could not have 
been established. No remains of the original jambs of this 
entrance remain, but from the pathway beginning at this 
entrance we can establish not only the fact of an entrance 
having been here originally, but the strong presumption that 
it led from the hospitia or dwellings of the monks, and guest 
houses, which must in consequence have occupied the wide 
space between the south sections of the inner and second 
eashels. This flat space has been subjected to tillage, so 
that all signs of these huts, which undoubtedly were of wattle 
and mud or planks, have long since disappeared. 

Among the more impertant discoveries made during the 
turning over of the-soil were foundation walls of apparently 
very ancient buildings of dry masonry, directly Hast of the 
ehurch. These suggest a building of considerable size joined 
on to the inner side of the cashel wall; but, unfortunately, 
little of it can now be traced, as probably the builders of the 
mediaeval church of stone and lime used the old materials to 
build the new church, The site is now largely taken up with 

98 Archaeological Section. 

graves covered with rough stones. As these graves are in 
rows it is difficult to say in all cases whether the rows of 
stones are remains of the ancient building or rows of stone- 
covered graves. *urther investigation on this point may en- 
able us to arrive at a more definite conclusion. ! 

To the West, just inside the second cashel wall or stone 
faced terrace are foundations of two very ancient buildings of 
dry masonry. Our examination of these is not yet complete. 
In the Western portion of this second cashel was found, in a 
fairly complete state a wide doorway about 5ft. 6ins. across, 
inside which are the foundations of what may be two 
janitors’ cells, in such a position that if restored, they would 
divide the wide entrance into three narrow ones, by which 
ingress or egress could only be effected in single file. 

To the North-East and North of the second cashel there 
can be traced among the bracken and brambles foundations 
of numerous walls and apparently circular buildings, but 
these have not as yet been touched. Jf during the coming 
season we are enabled to excavate and repair these, doubt- 
less much of great interest may be exposed to view. 

To the South of the church, about half-way between it 
and the inner cashel wall, were two circular mounds or rings 
about 20 feet in diameter. These were carefully excavated, 
and proved to be the remains of two promiscuous heaps of 
bodies. The skeletons included those of men, women, and 
children, thrown together without any arrangement or order, 
and lightly covered with soil and stones. On digging lower 
we came upon older regular graves lined with rough stones. 
These graves were not due E. and W., but with the feet to 
the S.E. In two places among these graves were fragments 
of foundations of a stone and mortar building, but so small 
as to afford no clue as to what the building could have been ; 
yet, that the traces of building distinctly showed lime mortar 
is of great importance, as the skeletons of the promiscuous 
heap were superimposed on the masonry fragments, proving 
that these bodies were thrown in the heaps at a compara- 
tively late date, and after the introduction into Ireland of 

Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Sesssion, 1921-1922. 

Section of Second Cashel Wall, West Side showing entrance, before and after restoration. 


Archacological Section. 99 

lime mortar in building. This is generally admitted to be 
about the ninth century at the earliest. 

T'wo causes can be alternatively put forward to explain 
these heaps of skeletons—namely, a plague, or a battle or 
massacre. Two facts, however, seem to rule out the former 
of these two alternatives. Among the skeletons was one of a 
woman apparently holding in her arms a child of a few years 
old. Had they both died of a plague and been brought here 
for interment this could not have been. The second fact is 
that one of the skulls was that of a man who had met his 
death by sword cut. We may eliminate, therefore, a plague, 
as the explanation of these heaps of skeletons, and there re- 
mains the other alternative, a massacre or battle. Of the 
date of this there seems to be no clue to guide us, unless 
Professor Walmsley’s examination of the bones gives one. 
There is little doubt that a massacre occurred at Nendrum in 
974 when Abbot Sedna O’Deman ‘‘ was burned in his own 
house,’’ after which the annals never again mention 

Of the stone lined graves which lay on a lower level than 
the mounds, these were close together, and extend over a 
considerable area South and East of the mounds. It seems as 
if this were at an early date the burial place for the people of 
the surrounding country, and not confined to the inmates of 
the monastery, as remains of both sexes were found side by 
side. From near the South-West corner of the church to al- 
most the southern entrance to the inner cashel can be seen 
in the grass what appears to be the foundation of an ancient 
wall, which probably shut off the burial place from the level 
space bounded on the west by the paved pathway. This open 
space probably corresponded with what, in later monasteries, 
was known as the cloister garth. 

To the west of the church,,on clearing away a consider- 
able quantity of debris we found a number of stone topped 
graves. These are all much shorter than human adults, and 
investigation showed that the stone tops were only surface 

100 A rchacological Section. 

markings of full length graves, not stone lined, some 18 to 
24 inches deep. Most of these graves appear to have been 
disturbed at some time, as the bones in many cases were in 
confusion. In every case care was taken to leave the grave 
covers exactly as when exposed. 

About 30 feet from the west gable, and among these 
graves was a small mound. Examination of this produced a 
fragment of a carved cross (No. 5) and one small stone about 
Yins. x 6ins. with a rude scratched cross on one surface (Noa. 
6). On penetrating further into this site a roughly-shaped 
rectangular foundation of what may have been a mud and 
wattle cell was exposed. From its position it was probably 
the cell of the janitor or ostiarius, an officer corresponding 
to the modern sexton or bell-ringer. The janitor was in Holy 
Orders, and in monastic rank was probably the lowest. Ex- 
cavating to some depth under the floor of this rectangular 
space we came upon several skeletons of men in position un- 
disturbed. With one of these, a few inches from where were 
the finger bones, was a small polished stone celt, almost an 
exact duplicate of one of the three found together in our in- 
vestigation in the Rath of Dreen (See Report B.N.H. & P. 
Society for 1919). 

In clearing away debris in various places many carved 
stones of great interest were found in addition to the one 
already referred to. These were mostly crosses of a very 
early Celtic type (illustrated). In no single instance had any 
of these crosses a nimbus, nor was any one inscribed with 
lettering. Most of these were found in the neighbourhood of 
the west gable; but few were perfect, and where fractured 
the pieces when found were widely scattered. For instance, 
one arm of cross No. 8 was found in the debris of the east 
end of the church, while the other portion was among the 
debris of the inner cashel. A stone cresset lamp mould and 
a rough sandstone fragment of a slab cross were also found 
in other parts of the cashel wall. The finding of these 
three caryed stones is exceedingly puzzling in an effort 

Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Session, 1921-1922. 

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15 AUG 23 




TAF re EE 

Belfast Natural History and Phisolo-hical Society, Session 1921-1922. 





Fragment of Pillar Stone, with Romanesque Geometrical Design ; 

exactly similar designs occur at Clonmacnoise, Lough Derg, and 

Isle of Man. 

Archacological Section. IOI 

to arrive at the age of this cashel. They were among 
the stones which had tumbled from the cashel, as if they had 
been at one tinie built into it, which would imply a quite 
late date for the erection; but we have no proof what they 
were, and they may have been merely thrown where they 
were found and got covered up by the gradual falling of the 
stones from the wall. The two crosses Nos. 4 and 1 were 
found outside the N.W. and 8.W. corners of the church re- 
spectively on clearing away the debris. ‘The cross figured No. 
9 cannot now be found. Fortunately, the late Mr. W. H. 
Patterson made an accurate sketch of it about the year 1874. 
It was then bwilt into a fence near Mr. Johnston’s house; 
but, unfortunately, Mr. Patterson omitted to record its size, 
so that in the accompanying sketch it cannot be included in 
the scale given. ‘To the South of the West gable were found 
the square base and face of a remarkable sundial. Five small 
fragments of the pillar of this were found in various places, 
all richly carved in local whinstone. In a fence built of 
stones taken from various places, in modern times, was a 
large cubic fragment of a pillar stone, measuring 12ins. x 
1idins. x 8ins., on which is incised an elaborate geometrical 
design of interlaced circles. In spite of careful search, no 
other fragment of this pillar stone has been found. In the 
debris of the chureh itself were found three w:ndow-top 
arches, each carved cut of one piece of sandstone. These 
show that the windows were, as is usual in the early 
churches, very narrow but widely splayed inside. 

The question of how best to conserve all these relics was 
cne which gave rise to much careful consideration. The first 
impulse was to remove them to the Society’s collection in 
the Belfast City Museum, but the proprietor, Mr. Johnston, 
strongly expressed his desire that they should not be removed 
from their natural home and ancient associations. 

The restoration to its ancient position of the great lintet 
stone of the west door was also an important problem, as, 
although the door step remained, the doorway was entirely 

102 A rchaeolagical Sectton. 

gone. Mr. R. J. Welch came to our assistance with his in- 
valuable store of photographs of Irish church doorways, and 
it was eventually decided to restore the west doorway after 
the model of that of the Church of Tomgraney, Co. Clare, 
whose west gable with protruding butresses apparently co- 
incides exactly with what remained of the west gable of 
Nendrum. ‘Tomeraney is regarded as being one of the very 
oldest, if not the oldest, example remaining of lime mortar 
built churches in Ireland, and dates from the 10th century. 
From the width of the lintel at Nendrum, 66 inches, we 
gauged the width of the top of the doorway to have been the 
middle half, 33 inches, the outside fourths, 164 inches each, 
resting on the jambs. After the model of Tomgraney and 
many other ancient churches, it was decided to widen the 
doorway slightly at the bottom, to 38 inches, or an inward 
slope from doorstep to lintel of 24 inches in each jamb in a 
height of 70 inches. To conserve the ancient crcsses and 
other carved stones, it was decided to insert these in slight 
recesses in a partially-restored gable, at each side of the 
doorway so constructed, snd lest anyone should in time to 
come make the mistake of thinking that these stones are in 
their original position, or that this fragment of the west gable 
is wholly original, a tablet to the following effect has been 
inserted in the wall: 
THE EccuestasticaL Ruins or NENDRUM 
Founp 1x Various PLACES IN THE DEBRIS 

23rd Jung, 1922. 

Archacological Section. 103 

It is, perhaps, needless to say that the above inscription 
contains an apparent inaccuracy, as manifestly all could not 
have been done that is stated to have been done on the 23rd 
of June. The date is the festal date of Saint Mochaoi, the 
patron saint of Nendrum, whose death is recorded in the 
ancient festologies as having taken place on that day in 497. 
fourteen and a quarter centuries ago. 

The date is important as, according to supposed ancient 
usage, a church dedicated to a patron saint was orientated in 
accordance with the ascension of the sun on the festa! date 
of the saint. The Church of Nendrum lies almost exactly 
W.S.W. by E.N.E. If anyone could observe sunrise on the 
23rd of June, and compare it with the position of the church, 
allowing tor the alteration of the actual position arising from 
the progress of the universe, it would be interesting. 

The round tower stump was cleared of ivy early in June, 
and the fallen debris cleared from around its base. It was 
found that the ivy had obtained such a hold of the ruin that 
almost the entire outer surface of the masonry above the first 
three or four feet had been pushed down. At the height of 
five and seven feet, respectively, however, there rernained 
still in original position two through stones, from which the 
batter of the wall could be accurately ascertained. This was 
very slight, only about one inch in seven feet. The wall 
itself is mounted on a plinth about three feet in height. The 
actual external circumference of the plinth is 47 feet, and 
above the plinth 45ft. 6ins. Comparing these measurements 
with those of other round towers, supplied by Petrie, it may, 
with fair accuracy, be assumed that the original height of the 
tower, that is if it were ever actually finished, was between 
50 and 60 feet. 

The condition of the ruin was, before we repaired it, not 
much altered from Reeves’ time. In his pamphlet, already 
referred to, he reproduced a careful sketch of it, showing the 
position of the two protruding ‘‘ through stones.’’ This 
sketch, unfortunately, has not been reproduced in the Ulster 

104 Archaeological Section. 

Journal (2nd Series), already mentioned, but may be seen in 
O’Hanlon’s Lives of the Irish Saints (28rd June). The 
Ulster Journal, however, supplies an admirable sketch of the 
tower (in 1902) by Mr. Joseph Carey, and a plan and section 
by Mr. Philip Reynolds. From perusal of these three 
sketches it will be seen that the ruin appears to stand upon 
a smaJl grass knoll. This on investigation proved to consist 
merely of the fallen masonry of the tower, pushed down in 
the course of time by the ivy. The men were set to remove 
this knoll, which was from three to four feet high, laying 
aside all the fallen stones, and removing the vegetable soil. 
The fallen stones were restored to the ruins, all being set in 
good cement, the ivy having been carefully extracted and the 
roots killed with strong chemical solution. The inner shell 
of the stump of the tower remained intact, and it was found 
that when the mason had restored all the fallen stones of the 
outer surface they only sufficed to bring it to the existing 
height of the inner shell. The broken top of the building has 
now been grouted with cement so that no water can lodge, or 
consequently, vegetation find a place to root. 

If our estimate of the original size of the tower is correct, 
what remains is about one-fifth. The question arises, what 
then became of the missing four-fifths? The builders of the 
Elizabethan Castle at the Causeway could not have quarried 
here for their material, as they had copious supplies of stone 
on the shore and in the outer cashels, much nearer at hand, 
which they used, but by no means exhausted. The only 
other apparent use the material of the tower could have been 
put to was to build the church close at hand; but it is almost 
inconceivable that the builders of the church would pull down 
the tower to build the church had it been still standing at the 
time. <A probable solution of the difficulty may be found in 
the following :—The date of the erection of the tower origin- 
ally may, with all likelihood, be fixed shortly after the first 
invasion by the Danes, say about the vear 850, when it likely 
would have been erected as a place of refuge, watch tower, 

pA » >| ? 7 . ] f If 1 ; 
Archacological Section. 105 

and also bell tower. It likely shared in the general destruc- 
tion by the Danes, which appears to have taken place in 974, 
when the abbot Sedna “* was burned in his house.’’ 

Adamnan, in his Life of Saint Columba, tells us that the 
hospitium, tugurium or domus abbatis, the abbot’s residence, 
was a detached building usually on an eminence. from which 
the abbot could survey the surrounding monastery. It is, 
therefore, quite possible that the abbot Sedna used the tower 
as his house, and that its destruction is, therefore, implied in 
the entry in the annals saying that he was vurned in his own 
house in 974. The thoroughness displayed by the Danes in 
their destruction of everything Christian on their early ex- 
peditions is well-known, and seems to find confirmation at 
Nendrum by the minuteness of the fragments into which all 
the crosses (except two) and the sundial were smashed. We 
iniy therefore conclude with reasonable certainty that the 
round tower was knocked down by them, and lay a hopeless 
ruin a century or so later, when the church of stone and lime- 
mortar was built. If this were the case, as seems most 
likely, it would have been only natural that the church 
builders used the debris of the tower to build their church. 
At the same time they naturally used any loose stones that 
remained over to repair the cashel wall. This would satis- 
factorily account for the three carved fragments already re- 
ferred to having at one time been built into it. 

In many places large quantities of pottery of various 
ages were found, also iron implements, sharpening and 
polished stones or rubbers, broken querns, and _ other 
miscellaneae. 3 

Before giving details or theories regarding these I atn 
consulting, or have already consulted some of the best 
authorities. Meantime I await more complete reports. 

T have not referred to the known history of Nendrum. 
A useful outline of this has been supplied by Bishop Reeves. 
Much, however, has developed since his time, and further 
facts are gradually coming to light. I am therefore deferring 

106 Archacological Section. 

a report on this subject unti) enquiries now pending are more 
complete. ? 

It is regrettable that, owing to the narrowness of the 
road from Comber to Mahee, and the extraordinary number 
of dangerous corners, several more or Jess serious motor ac- 
cidents occurred to the cars of visitors during the season. 
Fortunately no one was injured. It is to the credit of the 
neighbouring farmers and local residents that these danger 
spots on the road are in process of being removed. The worst 
of the corners are being cut off and the road widened where 
necessary. To effect this the farmers concerned gave up 
stretches of their land, either for nothing, or for a nominal 
charge. The Down County Council are assisting in every 
way. The road from the Ardill Memorial Causeway to Mr. 
Johnston’s gate is his private property. He has most gene- 
rously offered to surrender this road to the County Council if 
they will render it more convenient for motor traffic. He has 
also offered the necessary ground at the end of the road for 
making a turning place for motor cars. All this is costing a 
considerable sum of money, and it is to the credit of all con- 
cerned that most of the money necessary has been locally 
subscribed, though more is still required. The Executive 
Committee voted a subscription of £10 towards this laudable 
object. The special thanks of the public are due to Mr. David 
Boyd, of Comber, who has been primarily responsible for 
organising this most important undertaking, and to Mr. 
James G. Wilkin, C.E., County Surveyor, for his assistance 
in carrying it out. The Down County Council have gene- 
rously recognised their responsibilities as part custodians of 
this most important National Monument, and have already 
supplied the sum necessary for the repair of the Elizabethan 
castle at the causeway. 

I have to thank Dr. A. E. Lawlor for the admirable 
etchings accompanying this report. Her view of the nine 
ridges from which the Island derives its name of Nendrum is 
‘taken from a point in Island Reagh (not illustrated). The 
photographs are by Mr. R. J. Welch, M.R.I.A. 

a — 


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Subscriptions to Muhee Fund. 109 


Acheson, I. W. di cOF 0) 
Aird, W. bic 2 Qie0 
Andrews, Miss Hlizabeth 111 ‘6 
Andrews, lirnest a bE: 0:0 
Andrews, the Rt. Hon. J. M. Fh, ae Parcels Blea) 
Andrews, J. .... anf eee a os shea Ol Ore O 
Andrews, Oscar os a a ee oe dO a0) 
Andrews, Mrs. ‘I’. J. oe ie a 28 O00 
Atkinson, Arthur §. hk ne vid Hoaterelte.  Cowin.Q) 

Baird, Major i ee ae ee ky rome ( 
Bébe, Charles a a SE =. ise he OiO 
Bell, Mrs. ee ae ae ae ae 
Belfast Naturalist’s Field Club _ ... el mise Oru sD 
Bennett, 5. A. ae obs me Dee ai 2 OrlO;, 40 

Berry, Colonel 1: 0.0 
Breakey, Rev. J. P. 010 O 
Blakiston-Houston, Major C. i eores yee) 
The Ven. Archdeacon Brett 410) -.0 
Brett, Sir Charles 5 0° 0 
Bristow, Jas. R. b sOpe 0 
J. B. Bryson E00 
Boal, R. Aa ae 0) 
Boyd, David Ue) 
Boyd, Hugh 0 10..'6 
Byrne, J. Edward es 
Burrowes, W. B. Aon 0 


Campbell, A. A. ae ee oe, AG 
Campbell, James __... ot see Se of a | 
Carmody, Rey. Canon aae 


L110 Subscriptions to Mahee Fund. 

Chambers, h. , 
‘“* Christian, An Hark 
Christen, Madame 
Ciark, George E. 
Clark, Sir George 
Cletund, A. Mel. 
Cleiand, W. M. 
Cieaver, J. I. 
Cleaver, Colonel 
Cembe, George 
Corbett, J 

Craio, it: C: 

Creig, Captain FE. 

Crawtford, ht. Hon. on Sones 

Crawford, Hugh 

Cunningham, Josias, Jun. 

Deacon, Miss BE. A. 

Deane, Arthur 

Despard, V. D. 

Diamond, Rev. Edward, C. C. 
Dobbs, Miss M. E. 

Down and Connor and Dromore, 

Bishop of 
Dewn Co. Council (for Crete) 

Eawards, — ... 
Heel jc ahaa a. 
Ewart G. Herbert 

aren, a a 
‘ Briend, A ’’ (1) 
A he (2) 
‘* Friend, A’’ (8) Anon. ... 
‘‘ Friend, An Interested ”’ 

CREP NMD RF RFP eke KR rR Oomocco & 


oa EE eS Re 



SO 9S. & © 

Subscriptions to Mahee Fund, 

“ Friends, A Few at St. Malachy’s ’ 

Ferguson, Godfrey W. 
Finlay, A. H. 

Greeves, Arthur 
Greeves, Iergus 
Greeves, Joseph 
Greeves, Leopold 
Greeves, J. ‘Theodore 
Haddow, C. P. 

Hamilton, Rt. Hon. and Rev. 

Hastings, Messrs. 8. & T. 
Henderson, Sir 'l'revor 
Herdman, A. 1’. 
Herdman, R. E. 

Heron, Francis A. 
Higinbotham, Granby 
Hunter, James 
Hutchinson, Captain 5. i. 

Johnston, S. A. 

Kernohan, J. W. 
“ Taisren ”’ 

lawlor, H. ©; 

Lepper, R. S. a! 
Londonderry, The Marquis of 

Lowry, David KE. 

Mackie, James 
MacKisack, Dr. H. L. 
Magowan, T’. R. 

Maleolmson, Herbert 

£8. d, 
2,92). 40 
di OQ 
Pia sen O) 
beOs iQ 
Ll O O 
| eae O tia 0) 
bs ALE) 
f eceerad iners () 
24) 210 
102 10 
LO. oO 
hes Over.) 
1. QO -0 
LO. 0 
2 Ol 7 
On lOn6 
BLE inet) 
25 AO a0 
1 r@ 
2 Oe. O 
010 O 
te 0) 

112 Subscriptions to Mahee Fund. 

Maleolmson, Major G. EK. 
Macoun, S. M. 

Metcalfe, Arthur a8 
‘“ Methodist, A Primitive ”’ 
Mitchell, Captain W. C. 
Montgomery, Miss E. 8. 
Montgomery, H. C. & T. W. 
Murland, Captain C. W. 
McAuley, Rev. T. H., C.C. 
McCready, H. L. | 
Mellveen, J. H. be a 
McKee, J. (Brooklyn, U.S.A.) 

MeKinley, Very Rev. Canon, P.P. 

MeLorie, James mee 
McNeill, Miss and Mr. Wm. 

Neill, H. J. 

Orr, Dr. Gawn 
Osborne, 'T’. Edens 

Parkes, Mrs. and Miss 
Perceval, R. D. 

Reade, J. S. 
Richardson, Miss 
Riddell, Alexr. 
Riddell, Henry 


Roden, Countess of 
Rogers, W. E. 

Rotary Club Excursion 







Se @ OS eG oro. © © @ 



Subscriptions to Mahee Fund. 112 

Gish a. 
Sawerse. Uso... | OQ 
Sheil, Henry Percy 52 0-0 
Shields, Rev. J., P.P. t.'Or 70 
Shillington, T. C. 2-0). 0 
Sides, W. S. Lb .0 
Sinclair, John Li 0.0 
Sinclair, H. D. 0 10 -0 
Sinclair, Mrs. 8. E20! 0 
Sinton, Alfred H. Doe 0) 
Sinton, Edwin ne t .0°.0 
Smith, Canon N. KE. & Mrs. 010 0 
Stevenson, John 010 O 
Strick,.G. H. O. {e120 
MNoalvinev. D: O. Riz C.C. ... oi hee enemy Ora) 
Thompson, Joseph ... a a Be rad tis Be) 
iMmurner, Se. ae Be ih te HO LOG 
Turtle, W. H. ane ca Ou: ae fee eh, MO eQ 
‘* Ulster, For the Credit of ”* vu Bh we LOO" O--0 
Wallace, Rt. Hon. Colone! ... or en soe EEO. 0 
Wallace, William... oe a aay ee Oo LOGO 
Welch, R. J. i oa Fee 
+ -Well Wisher ’’ .... ae a ae onl shi Oe "G 
Wilhams, Captain... ahi a ee eae Ob 20 
Wilson, George tO 
Young, R. M. ae wis a ne vee OHO 

Contents of Collecting Box at Nendrum ... cig hO aay 4 


List of Lectures. 


5th October. 

8th November. 

29th November. 

18th December. 

10th January. 

16th January. 


In Assembly Minor Hall. 

‘The Conquest of Land and Air: A 
Study in Natural History,’’ by Prof. 
J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., LL.D., 

In Municipal College of Technology. 

“The Public Appreciation of Art,’’ by 
Mr. Ivor Beaumont, A.R.C.A.(Lond.), 
MSTA, 2 Soa, aD: 

In Municipal College of Technology. 

‘* Recent Investigations on the Fuel 
Problem,’’ by Professor H. Wren, 
VED Se. Eh. Dp. 

In Museum, College Square North. 
‘“ Ulster Philosophers,’’ by Professor 
John Laird, M.A. 

In Assembly Minor Hall. 
“ Comets,’’ by Rev. W. F. A. Hillison, 

In Museum, College Square North. 
** Moliére,’’ by Professor Savory, M.A. 

31st January. 

Tth February. 

24th February. 

7th March. 

14th March. 

list of Lectures. [15 

In Museum, College Square North. 
‘The Use of Phosphates in Agricul- 
ture,’’ by Mr. G. S. Robertson, D.Sc. 

In Museum, College Square North. 

‘“ Some Products of Wood Waste,’’ by 
Mr. W. H. Gibson, O.B.E., D.S8c., 
F.I.C., F.Inst.P. 

In Queen’s University. 
‘* More About the Erectness of Plants,”’ 
by Professor James Small, D.8c., 
P@; 8 L.8.; MRA: 

In Queen’s University. 

‘The Optophone: An Instrument for 
Reading by Ear,’’ by Mr. Fournier 
d’Albe, D.8Sc., A.R.C.Sce.(Lond.), 

In Museum, College Square North. 
‘“Drennan and His Times,’’ by Mr. 
Alexander Riddell. 

116 Hachanges. 


Ann ArBpor—Publications of the University of Michigan. 

BaseL (Switzerland)—Verhandlungen der Naturforchenden 
Gesellschaft in Basel, 1920-21. 

BERGEN (Norway)—Publications of the Bergen Museum. 

Buenos Arres—Anales del Museo Nacional del Historia 

CAMBRIDGE (v.S.A.)—Bulletins and Annual Report of the 
Cambridge Museum of Comparative 

CAMBRIDGE—Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical 

CoLorapo Sprincs—Publications of the Colorado College. 

DusLin—Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. 

EpinspurGu-—Proceedings of the Royal Society of IEdin- 

burgh, 1918-19. 
Transactions and Proceedings of the Botanical 
Society, Edinburgh. 

Essex—The Essex Naturalist. Vol. XX., Part 1. 

GLascow—Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society, 

Hauirax—Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian 
Institute of Science, 1918-19. 

Inp1ANA—Proceedings of the Indiana Society of Sciences 

La Prata (Argentine)—Obras Completas y Correspondencia 
Cientificia de Florentino Ameghino. 

LAWRENCE—Bulletins of the University of Kansas. 

Lima (Peru}—Boletin del Cuerpo de le Ingenieros de Minas 
del Peru. : 

Lonpon—Quarterly Journal of the Royal Microscopical 

Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. 
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 


hiarchanyes. L147 

Lousanne—LBulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences 

Mavison—Bulletins of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural 
History Survey. 

Mapras—Report of the Government Museum of Madras, 

Mancuester—Journal of the Manchester Geographical 
Society, 1920. 
M&ELBOURNE—Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 

Mexico—Anales del Instituto Geologico de Mexico. 

MILWAUKEE—Annual Report of the Milwaukee Public 

New Haven—Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of 
Arts and Sciences, 1921. 

NictnEroy—Achivos de escola Superior de Agricultura e 
Medica Veterinaria, 1921. 

Onto—The Ohio Journal of Science. 

Orono—Bulletin of the Maine Agricultural ITixperiment 

OttawA—Publications of the Geological Survey of Canada, 
Department of Mines. 

Parts—Publications of the Geological Society of France. 

PHILADELPHIA—Proceedings of the Academy of Natural 
Sciences of Philadelphia. 

a Proceedings of the American Philosophical 


PoRTLAND (U.S.A.)—Proceedings of the Portland Society of 
Natural History, 1919. 

Pusa—Reports of the Agricultural Research Institute, 

RennES—Bulletin de la Societe Geologique. 

Rio pe J ANEIRO—Report of the National Museum of Brazil. 

ROCHESTER (N.Y.)-—Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of 

| Science. 

irs Hachanges. 

San Francisco—Proceedings of the Californian Academy oi 
STIRLING—Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and 
Archaeological Society, 1920-21. 
_ Sr. Lovurs—Public Library Monthly Bulletin. 
Toronto—Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute. 
ViENNA—Verhandlungen der Geologischen Staatsanstalt, 
WasuHInGToN—Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. 
Annual] Report of the United States National 
Publications of the Bureau of American 
Bulletins of the Smithsonian Institution. 
Contributions from the United States National 


. Proceedings of the United States National 
Sinithsonian Institution, Miscellaneous Col- 
@ Publications of the United States Geological 

Zuricn (Switzerland)—Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforchen- 
den Gesellschaft in Zurich. 

Zacres (Youngoslavie)—Glasnik Hrvaksko prirodoslovnoga 
Drustva, 1921. 



Officers and Council of Management for 1922-23. 

HENRY RIDDELL, n.z., m.1.uech.e. 

Wice- Presidents ; 
S. W. ALLWORTHY, M.a., M.pD., F.C.S. 
Pror. GREGG WILSON, o.8.£., M.s., D.SC., PH.D., M.B.I A. 
ROBERT M. YOUNG, M.a., M.R.1.A., J.P. 
J. M. FINNEGAN, B.a., 

Hon. Creasurer ; 
HENRY RIDDELL, m.t., m.1.Mech.z. 

Hon. Librarian ; 
LOBERT M. YOUNG, M.a., M.R.I.A., J.P. 

Hon. Secretary ; 

@ouncil : 
W. B. BURROWES, F.R.s.a.1. 
Councitutor BE. J. ELLIOTT. ; 
H. C. LAWLOR, m.r.1.a. Retire 

Proressor GREGG WILSON,, M.R.1.A. 


Proressor W. B. MORTON, m.a. | Renee 
HENRY RIDDELL, .tf., m.1t.mech.r. 1924. 
ROBERT M. YOUNG, .a., M.R.1.A. 

Proressor A. W. STEWART, M.a., 

Stir CHARLES BRETT, tt.p. F 
T. EDENS OSBORNE, r.r.s.s.1. | 
S. W. ALLWORTHY, w.a., up. F.c.s. eee 
WILLIAM FAREN, F.R.s.a.1. | 925. 

ARTHUR DEANE, .r.1.A., F.R.S.E. 

t20 Shareholders and Members. 

Corrected to 30th November, 1922. 

[*Denotes Holders of three or more Shares. | 

[a e Members of Archacological Section. | 
aAcheson, F. W., Cloneevin, Dundalk 
aAcheson, Mrs. M. K., 67 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast 
aAcheson, M. K. m.p., do. 3 do. 
aAdams, Rev. Wim. M.A., The Manse, Antrim 
*Alexander, Francis, 3.£., Belfast 

Alderdice, Richard Sinelaire, 124 Linenhall Street, do. 
Allworthy, S. W. m.p., Manor House, Antrim Road, do. 
*Anderson, John, J.p., F.G.8. (Representative of), 
Holywood, Co. Down 
aAnderson, Frank, M.B.e., Willoughby Terrace, Portadown 
aAndrews, Michael C., F.8.G.S., F.B.S.G.S., Orsett, 

Derryvolgie Avenue, Belfast 
Andrew, John, t.D.S., R.S.c.ENG., 23 University 5q. do. 

aAndrews, Miss Elizabeth, 10 Park Crescent, 
Tonbridge, Kent 

Armstrong, Hamilton, Corlea, Ashley Park, Belfast 
aAtkinson, Arthur 8., Dromana, Knockdene Park, do. 
aBaird, Major William, g.p., Roval Avenue, do. 
Beaumont, Ivor, 4.R.c.A., School of Art, do. 
aBennett, S. A., B.A., B.Sc., Campbell College, do. 
aBerry, Colonel, m.r.r.4., Ardluin, Neweastle 
Bigger, Francis J., M.R.1.4., F.R.S.A.I., Ardrigh, 

Antrim Road, Belfast, 
Bingham, John A., M.p.s.1., 43 Donegall Place, do. 
aBirch, J. P., Ashfield House, Ravenhill Road, do. 
aBlake, R. F., F.1.c., 4 Knock Road, ~ do. 
Boyd, Thornton, Blackstatf Spinning Company, do. 

aBoyd, Miss Kathleen St. Clair, Chatsworth, 
University Road, do. 

Shareholders and Members, 121 

Boyd, John, San Remo, Holland Park, Neill’s Hill, Belfast 
Brandon, H. B., 3.P., Rosemount House, Antrim Rd., do. 
aBrett, The Venerable Archdeacon, m.a-, Montrose, 

Fortwilham Park, do. 
aBristow, James R., M.a., Woodville, Malone Park, do. 
Bristow, John, 10 College Square North, do. 
*Brown, George B., Lisnamaul, Ormeau Road, do. 

Brown, J., M.A., B.Sc., 338 Marlborough Park (centre), | do. 
aBurrowes, W. B., F.R.8.A.1., Ballvnafeigh House, 

Ravenhill Road, do. 
aByrne, J. Edwards, 37 Royal Avenue, do. 

Calwell Re 1s, G.B.B., BeH., M.1/C.E., Carninard, 
Annadale Avenue, do. 

Campbell, A. A., F.R.s.4.1.. Drumnaferrie, Rosetta 

Park, do. 
*Campbell, Miss Anna (Representatives of), do. 
aCarmody, Rev. Canon, m.a., The Rectory, Lisburn 
Carr, A; H. R., 224 Donegall Place, Belfast 
aCarter, C. 8., 7 Knockbreda Road, do. 
aCarter, H. R., 28 Waring Street, do. 
*Charley, Phineas H., Coolbeg, Cultra, Co. Down 

*Christen, Madame Rodolphe, St. Imier, Brig of Cairn, 
Ballater, N.B. 

Clark, Sir George S., Bart., p.t., Dunlambert, Belfast 
Clarke, E. H., 69 Marlborough Park S., do. 
aClarke, John, Antrim Arms Hotel, Glenarm 

aCleland, A. McI., Macedon, Green Road, Knock, Belfast 
Corbett, Miss K. M., Ardsallagh, Derryvolgie Avenue, do. 

Combe, Barbour & Co., Ltd., “do. 
a@rawtord ; WIM BeAYLIeCcS., F.E.S., Orissa, 
Marlborough Park, do. 

aCromie, Thomas M.D., Clough, Co. Down 

122 Shareholders and Members, 

Crymble, H., 40 Wellington Place, Belfast 
Culbert, J. C., m.p.s.1., 172 North Road, do. 
aCunningham, Right Hon. 8., Fern Hill, Ballygo- 

martin Road, . do. 
Cutler, H. A., M.1ns?.c.n., City Hall, do. 
Dalzell, James, 4 Tokio Gardens, Chichester Park, do. 
Davies, A. C., Lenaderg House. Banbridge, Co. Down 
aDavis, Colonel, 21 Malone Park, ~~ Belfast 
Davison, A. H., F.A4.1., 82 Wellington Place, do. 
aDeane, Arthur, m.R.1.a., Municipal Art Gallery and 

Museum, Royal Avenue, do. 
*Deramore, Lord, D.L., 
Despard, V. D., 10 Academy Street, do. 
Devoto, V. A., Kilmorna, Glastonbury Avenue, do. 
Dickson, 5. E., 9 Donegall Square West, do. 
Dixon, Professor, M.A., SC.D., F.R.S., St. Ives, 

Bladon Drive, do. 
*Donegall, Marquis of (Representatives of), do. 

Doran, Councillor, J. A. 3.e., Ardavon, Antrim Road, do. 

*Downshire, Marquis of, The Castle, Hillsborough, Co. Down 
Duffin, Adam, Lu.p., 5.P., Dunowen, Cliftonville, Belfast 
Dunleath, Lord, Ballywalter Park, Ballywalter, Co. Down 

Earls, Professor J., B.A., Municipal College of 

Technology, Belfast 
Ewart, G. Herbert, m.a., 3.P., Firmount, Antrim 

Road, do. 
Ewart, Fred W., M.A., B.L., Derryvolgie, Lisburn 

Ewart, Sir Robert H., Bart., Glenmachan House, Belfast 
Elliott, E. J., The Towers, Donegall Park Avenue, do. 

aFaren, William, F.R.S.4.1., 454 Waring Street, do. 
Fee, David A., 3.p., Baythorpe, Holywood 
*Fenton, Francis G., 5 Rue Cervaux, Paris 

Shareholders and Members. 123 

aFerguson, G. W., C.E., J.P., Carnamenagh, 

Antrim Road, Belfast 
Finlay, Archibald H., Willesden, Holywood 
Finlay, Mrs. Fred W., Wolfhill House, Ligoniel, Belfast 
Finlay, Robert H. F., Victoria Square, Beltast 

Finlay, W. J., 10 High Street, do. 
Finnegan, John M., b.4.,, 23 Botanic Avenue, do. 
Fitzsimons, N., F.R.1.B.4., 92 Myrtlefield Park, do. 
Forsythe, J., Lisadell, Cliftonville Road, do. 
aFrazer, Kenneth J., Hillmount, Cullybackey 
Fry, W. Arthur, High Street, Holywood 
Fulton, G. F., Arlington, Windsor Avenue, Belfast 
Geale, R. G., 40 Wellington Park, do. 
*Getty, Edmund (Representative of), do. 
Gibbon, Lt.-Col. W. D., p.s.o., M.A., Campbeli 

College, Belfast 
Gibson, Andrew, F.R.S.A.1., Fairfield, Lansdowne 

Road, do. 
Gibson, S., g.p., Summerhill, Dunmurry, Co. Antrim 
Gibson: W. A o:B-E., DSC: F.Icc., F.INST-P., York 

Street Flax Spinning Co., Belfast 
Gibson, W. K., 16 Chichester Street, do. 
Goldsbrough, J. B., Central Public Library, do. 
Gordon, J. 8.,, Ministry of Agriculture, do. 

- Gordon, Malcolm, Dunarnon, Unversity Road, do. 
Gourlayv, R. J., Central Public Library, do. 
Green, H. Percy, Limehurst, Holland Park, Knock 
aGreeves, F. M., Garranard, Strandtown, Belfast 
aGreeves, Joseph M., Bernagh, Circular Road, do. 
aGreeves, Arthur, Altona, do. 
aGreeves, John Theo., Nendrum, Knockdene Park, do. 
aGreeves, W. Leopold, 11 Ormeau Road, do, 
Grogan, James, 2 Orient Gardens, do. 
Grogan, J., junior, do. do. 

Hale, W. Barcroft, 6 Salisbury Gardens, do. 

124 Shareholders und Members. 

*Hall, Frederick H.., : Waterford 
Hamilton, Rt. Hon. and Rey, Vhomas. .A.; D.D., ine 

Vice-Chancellor Queen’s University, Belfast 
*Hamilton, Hill, 3.p. (Representatives of), do. 
Hanson, W.M.,.St. John’s Villa, Holland Park, do. 
Harland, Capt. W., 4 Psalter Lane, Shefheld 
aHastings, 5S. R.. 3.p., Church Street, Downpatrick 
Hastings, Archibald, 7 Cavehill Road, Belfast 
Hawthorne, John, B.A., PH.D., F.1.c., 16 Donegall 

Square S., do, 
Hayward, Harold R., Hopefield House, Antrim Road, do. 
Henderson, J. W., m.a., Methodist College, do. 
aHenry, Professor R. M., M.A., M.R.1.A., Crosshill, 

Windsor Avenue North, do. 

aHenry, T. W., F.s.arcu., Greenbank, Mountpleasant, do. 
Herdman, Hi. C., Carricklee House, Strabane 
*Herdman, Robert Ernest, 3.p., Merronhurst, 

Craigavad, Co. Down 
aHeron, F. Adens, D.U., J.P., F.R.S.A.1., Maryfield, Holywood 
_ aHewton, John, m.p.s.1., Ava Pharmacy, 315 Ormeau 

Road, Belfast 
Heyn, James A. M., Head Line Buildings, do. 
Higginson, RK. K., 20 Waring Street, do. 
aHill, S. W., M.p., 46 Pound Street, Larne 
Hind, John, 22 Cliftonville Road, Belfast 
aHogg, A. R., 10 Thorndale Avenue, do. 
Hodges, Miss, Old Spout Farm, Notherfield, Sussex 
aHolness, John J., 26 Ava Street, Belfast 

Honneyman, Wm. B.SC., (LOND.), F.1.c., 18 Halstein 
Drive, Ballyhackamore, do. 
Hoskins, A. Percy, F.1.c., F.c.s., 14 Rosetta Park, do. 

Houston, John Blakiston, D.L., J.P. (Representatives of), 
Orangefield, do. 

*Hughes, Edwin (Representatives of), Craigavad, Co. Down 

Shareholders and Members. ib) 

Hummel, Professor, M.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., Queen’s 

University, Belfast 
Hunter, Dr. J. A., 6 Stranmillis Road, do. 
Hunter, William, s.p., Fortwilliam Villas, do. 
Ireland, J. Herbert, 102 South Parade, do. 

Jaffé, Sir Otto, 3.P., Lu.p., 10 Donegall Square S., do. 

aJaffé, W., 10 Donegall Square South, do. 
Jamieson, Andrew (Andrew Jamieson, Ltd.), 

Sandy Row, do. 
Jenkins, J. C., 86 University Road, do. 
aJohnston, E. C., F.R.8.4.1., Glenmount, Newtownards 

Johnston, Samuel A., y.p., Dalraida, 
Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim 

Jones, H. H., 2 Wilmont Terrace, Belfast 
aJury, P. M., Brooklands, Dunmurry 
aKendall, 8. O., 47 Adelaide Park, . Belfast 
*Kinghan, John R., Windsor Avenue (Repre- 

sentatives of), 7 do. 
Kinkead, G. W., Chellowdene, Jordanstown, do. 
Kyle, Robert Alexander, 15 Wellington Park, do. 
Laird, Professor J., M.a., 4 Cranmore Gardens, do. 
aLamb, G. C., Leura, Finaghy, do. 
Juarmor, Sir Joseph, M.A., D.SC., LL.D., F.R.A.S., 

Nec. R.8., St. John’s College, Jambridge 
alawlor, H. C., M.R.1.4., 8 Windsor Avenue, Belfast 

alepper, R. 8., M.A., F.R.HIST.S., F.R.S.A.1., Elsinore, 

Crawfordsburn, Co. Down 
Lewars, D. B., 17 Dundela Gardens, Bloomfield, Belfast 
Lindsay, Professor J. A., M.A.. M.D., F.R.C.P., 

Queen’s Elms, do. 
aLindsay, W. A., mM.P., Lindsay Bros., Donegall Place, do. 
aloewenthal, John McC., Lennoxvale, Malone Road, do. 
Loughridge, James, 173 Cliftonville Road, do, 

126 Shareholders and Members. 

aLowry, David E., Oakley, Strandtown 

*Macrory, A. J. (Representatives of), Belfast 
aMagill, Mrs. A. P., 9 Wibnont Terrace, Lisburn 

Road, Belfast 
aMagill, Hugh, 217 Cavehii! Road, dc. 
Magill, John E., Eversley, Whitehead 
aMackie, James, J.p., Albert Foundry, Belfast 
Malcolm, Bowman, M.I.C.E., M.I.MECH.E., Inver, 

Ashley Park, Antrim Road, 3 do. 
Maleolmson, Herbert, Riverside, Holywood 
Matthew, J. A., M.Sc.(LOND), 4.R.c.Sc., 204 Upper 

Newtownards Road, Belfast 
Maxton, James, M.I.N.A., M.I.MAR.E., 6 Kirkliston 

Drive, do. 
aMayes, William, Kenmuir, 12 Deramore Park South, do. 
Mayne, H. Horner, 24 Elmwood Avenue, do. 
aMercier, Ald. 8. T., g.e., 2 Mount Clifton, 

Cliftonville Road, do. 
aMerrick, A. 8., 18 Wellington Park, Belfast 
Metcalfe, A. W., Hawthornden House, 

Hawthornden Road, do. 
Milligan, A., 4 Cooke Street, do. 

Mitchell, Robert A., Lu.B., T.c.D., Marmount, 
Strandtown, do. 
Moneypenny, Sir Frederick, c.B.E., c.v.o., City Hall, do. 

aMontgomery, Miss E. 8.. 26 College Green, do. 
aMontgomery, H. C., F.R.s.4.1., 40 Rosemary Street, do. 
aMontgomery, H. H., 17 Malone Park, do. 
Moore, Harold M., 26 Wellington Place, do. 
aMorton, Professor W. B., M.A., Glencarse, Nottinghill, do. 
Muir, A. H., 7 Donegall Square West, do. 

Mullan, William, Lindisfarne, Marlborough Park, do. 
*Murphy, Isaac James (Representatives of), Armagh 

Shareholders and Members. 129 

*Murphy, Joseph John (Representatives of), Beltast 
*Musgrave, Henry, D.L. (Reps.), Drumglass, Malone, do. 
uMacalister, Professor, R.a.S., D.LITT., M.A., 18 Mount 

Kden Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 
McBride, A. H., Ormeau Avenue, Belfast 
*McCalmont, Robert (Representatives of), London 

*McCammon, Thos. P. (Representatives of), Plaisted, 
Woodvale, Holywood, Co. Down 
McCance, Captain Stouppe, 4 Markham Square, 
London, S.W.3 

aMcCoy, B., F.R.S.A.1., 84 Smithfield, Belfast 
McCoy, W. R. 8., 27 Damascus Street, do. 
*McCracken, Francis (Representatives of), 
aMcCready, H. L., m.a., 104 Myrtlefield Park, Belfast 
aMecGowan, Thomas R., 73 Ann Street, do. 
Macllwaine, Dr. John E., 26 College Gardens, do. 
MacKenzie, W. G., A.rR.H.A., The Studio, Clarence 

Place, do. 
aMcKisack, H. L., m.p., Chlorine Place, do. 
Maclaine, Alexander, J.P., Queen’s Elms 

(Representatives of), do. 
aMcMeekin, Adam, 3.P., Cogry House, Doagh 
MacMillen, Rev. J., m.a., p.p., 151 Ravenhill Road, Belfast 
McMullan, P. J., s.p., Churchfield, Holywood 
aMecNeill, George, 12 Deramore Park, Belfast 
Napier, N.-J; E., m.1.c.5.,; City Hall, do. 
aNeill, F. F., 35 Candahar Street, do. 
Nelson, Captain G. M., 2 Howard Street, do. 
Newel, J. F., 25 Lombard Street, do. 
Nicholl, J. W., 25 High Street, do. 
Nicholl, William, 10 St. James’ Street, do. 

aNolan, Dr. M. J., r.m.s., Resident Medical Super- 
intendent, Asylum, Downpatrick 

128 Shareholders and Members 

ONeill 8 26 Gromellakoad! Bolas 
Orr, Dr. Gawn, Ballylesson, do. 
Orr, James, 17 Garfield Street, do. 

aOsborne, T. Edens, F.R.8.A.1., 4 College Square N. do. 

Patterson, Mrs. Isabella, Glenard, Holywood, Co. Down 
Patterson, John F., 2 Mountcharles, Belfast 
Patterson, Robert, M.R.1.A., F.z.S., M.B.0.U., 

Glenbank, Holywood 
Patterson, William H. F., Auburn, Warren 

Road, : Donaghadee 
aPercival, R. D. 5.2., Karyhill, Downpatrick 
Pinkerton, EK. S., B.A., B.E., A.M.1.¢.E., Oak Lodge, 

Cedar Avenue, ; Belfast 
Pomeroy, A. G.mM.A., Arnside; Dundonald 
Porter, J. W., 35 Templemore Avenue, Belfast 
aPringle, A., P. K. Arm, Ltd., Clarence Street W., 

Bedford Street, do. 
Rafter, H. L., 29 Fitzwilliam Street, do. 
Rentoul, J. L.. M.B., B.cH., 28 University Square, do. 
aRiddell, Alexander, 12 Lower Crescent, do. 
aRiddell, Henry, M.E., M.1.MECH.E., 64 Great 

Victoria Street, do. 
aRitchie, John, Cullintra Comber 
Roberts, J. R., 43 Fitzwilliam Street, Belfast 
Robertson, G. §.,, Queen’s University, do. 
Robinson, E. G., 1 Ashville, Inver Avenue, Antrim 

Road, do. 
aRoden, Countess of, Tullymore Park, Newcastle, Co. Down 
aRutherford, Rev. J. C. B.a., 18 Lisburn Road, Relfa - 
Salter, Victor, 6 Pickie Terrace, Bangor 
Savage, Arthur, Westhorp, Cherryvalley, Belfast 

Scott, James, B.s., Craigtara, Annadale Avenue, do. 

Sharcholders and Members. 129 

adearle, G. O.,, Research Institute, Glenmore 

House, Jambeg 
aShanks, E., Fernagh, Saintfield Road, Belfast 
aSheridan, Wm., 9 Roe Street, Cliftonville, do. 
Sinclair, Professor Thomas, M.p., F.R.c.s., Eng., 

University Square, do. 
aSinclair, Thomas, J.p., Lisburn 
aSkillen, Joseph, The Lisnagarvey Linen Co., Lisburn 
“Small, Professor James, D.SC., M.R.1.A., PH.C., 

Queen’s University, Belfast 
Stanley, Major Rupert, LL.D., B.A., M.I.E.E., F.I.R.E., 

Municipal College of Technology, do. 

Steen, William, B.u., Roseberry, Marlborough Park, do. 
aStephens, Captain J. K., 3.p., 18 Donegall Square N., do. 
aStevenson, John, Coolavin, Malone Road, do. 
Stirling, James H., Ardenreagh, Windsor Avenue, do. 
Stelfox, Arthur W., A.R.I.B.4., M.R.1.A., 14 Clareville 

Road, Rathgar, Dublin 
Stewart, A. W., Seaforde, Park Road, | Belitast 
Stewart, Prof. A. W., M.A.,, Queen’s University, do. 
aSymmers, Professor W. St. C., M.B., 23 Windsor 

Avenue, do. 
aTate, T. M., u.p., Infirmary House, Downpatrick 
atate, Dr: W. P., Bi do. 
Taylor, A. E., 20 Cranmore Gardens, Lisburn Road, Belfast 
aTaylor, James, 6 Royal Avenue, do. 

*Tennent, Robert (Representative of), Rushpark, do. 
*Tennent, Robert James (Representative of), 
| Rushpark, do. 

Thomas, 8. L., 3.p., 4 Downshire Park, Bangor 
aThompson, Fidward, Prospect Mills, Belfast 
Thompson, John, 3.P., Mountcollyer, Malone Road, ‘do. 
aThompson, Joseph Altorf, Holvwood Road, do. 

Thompson, J. M. 4 Milton Terrace, Wolseley Street, do. 

130 Shareholders and Members. 

Thompson, 8. B., J.p., Piney Ridge, Malone Road, Belfast . 

Thomas, Trevor C., 6 Chichester Street, do. 
Torney, H. C. S., F.R.S.A.1., The Moat, Holywood 
Totten, J. H. B.a.,, F.1.c., 16 Donegall 

Square S., Belfast 
Torrens, T. H., p.u., s.p., Edenmore, Jordanstown 
Trimble, Dr. A., 3.p., Tyn Owen, Downview Ave., Belfast 
Todd, Robert G., 1 Mount Easton, Cliftonville, do. 
«Turner, S., junior, 142 Cliftonpark Avenue, do. 
Turnley, Francis, Drumnasole, Carnlough 
aWalker, Franklin M., Mount Royal, Whitehead 
Ward, William C., Seafield, Raglan Road, Bangor 
aWallace, the Rt. Hon. Colonel R. H.. c.B.,.p.z., 

Myra Castle, Downpatrick 
*Webb, Richard (Representative of), Knock, Belfast 
aWelch, R. J., m.r.1.a., 49 Lonsdale Street, do. 
Whitaker, W. Martin, k.c., M.A., 4 Castleton Terrace, do. 
White, Charles E., 10 Donegall Square West, do. 
White, G. W., Chatsworth, Balmoral Avenue, | do. 

« White, Right Hon. J. C., 3.p. Craigavad 
Whitla, Sir William, M.P., M.p., J.p., Lennoxvale, Belfast 
aWilson, Prof. Gregg, 0.B.E., M.A., PH.D., D.SC., 

M.R.I.A., Queen’s University, do. 
aWilson, George, 17 Bedford Street, do. 
Wilson, W. J. P., Chamber of Commerce, do. 
*Wilson, W. Percival (Representative of), do. 
*Wolff, G. W. (Representatives of), do. 
Woodhouse, William, 24 Evelyn Gardens, Cavehill 

Road, do. 
Workman, Francis, p.L., The Moat, Strandtown, do. 
Workman, W. H., m.B.o.u.. F.z.s., Lismore, Windsor 

Avenue, ) do. 

*Workman, T. (Representative of), 
Workman, W., 8 Corporation Street, do. 

Shareholders and Members. 131 

Wren, Prof. H., M.4.,, Pu.p., Municipal College 

of Technology, Belfast 
Wright, W. 8., 71 Marlborough Park, do. 


aBrett, Sir Charles H., tu.p., Gretton Villa, S., 
Malone Road, Belfast 
d’Albe, Fournier, (Lond. & Birm.),, 
M.R.I.A., The Hermitage, Portsmouth Road, Kingston 
Foster, Nevin H., M.8.1.A., F.L.S.,.M-B.0.U., 
; Hillsborough, Co. Down 
aStendall, J. A. S., m.B.o.u., Museum, College Sq., Belfast 

Swanston, William, F.c.s., Farm Hill. Dunmurry 

Wright, Joseph, F.c.s., 10 May Street, Belfast 

a*Young, Robert Magill, 3.p., M.A., M.R.I.A., F.R.S.A.L., 
F.R.I.B.A., Rathvarna, do. 


Belfast Banking Company, Ltd., Belfast 
Northern Banking Company, Ltd., do. 
Ulster Bank, Ltd., do. 

|The Hon. Secretary will be obliged if shareholders and 
members will notify him in the event of change of address, cr 
of any inaccuracies appearing in the names and addresses 
in the list. Address:—The Museum, College Square North, 
Belfast. | 

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