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September 1985 
Vol. 49, No. 2 
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te Public Roac 

US. Department 
of Transportation 

A Journal of Highway Research and Development 

Federal Highway 

U.S. Department of Transportation 
Elizabeth Hanford Dole, Secretary 

Federal Highway Administration 
R.A. Barnhart, Administrator 

U.S. Department of Transportation 
Federal Highway Administration 
Washington, DC 20590 

Public Roads is published quarterly by the 
Offices of Research, Development, and 

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C.F. Scheffey 

Editorial Staff 
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Carol H. Wadsworth 
William Zaccagnino 

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R.J. Betsold, S.R. Byington, R.E. Hay, George 

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Public Roads 

A Journal of Highway Research and Development 

September 1985 
Vol. 49, No. 2 

COVER: Old concrete pavement is broken, crushed, and recycled as aggregate 
into new concrete pavement to widen and improve I-90 and |-94 near Madison, 




The Use of Recycled Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) as Aggregate 

in PCC Pavements 

by Stephen W:, Forster 2m cee ee ote eee eee eee ne o7 
Research Needs in Asphalt Technology 

by E.. Ts Harrigam2 ced t a. open teen ero ens esl ee eta ee 43 
Limited Sight Distance Warning for Vertical Curves 

by Mark Freedman, L.K. Staplin, and Lawrence E. Decina............ 46 
Netsim for Microcomputers 

by Scott. Wes ibley sata. « crcecmelc adeuentte betes crt aa suee tees telne ne aaa 54 


Recent Research Reports ......... 

New Researchin Progress......... 

Public Roads, a Journal of Highway Research 
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sizcaid =v 

The Use of Recycled Portland Cement 
Concrete (PCC) as Aggregate in 
PCC Pavements 

Stephen W. Forster 

Introduction and 

Economic considerations are the 
primary reasons for recycling portland 
cement concrete (PCC) as aggregate 
in PCC pavements, although environ- 
mental benefits often are derived as 
well. In some areas of the United 
States there is no supply of virgin 
aggregate and recycling is the only 
viable economical solution. In other 
areas, new aggregate is inaccessible, 
either because of the high value of 
land or because zoning constraints 
prevent the opening of pits or 
quarries. In some highly developed 
urban areas, it is less expensive and 
more environmentally acceptable to 
re-use the PCC than to dispose of it. 
Therefore, when a PCC pavement 
will be removed before a new pave- 
ment is placed, the project is a prime 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

candidate for recycling. The old 
pavement serves as a source of 
aggregate in the new concrete, and 
the need and expense of disposing of 
the material removed are eliminated. 
Further, if the project is large enough 
for an onsite aggregate plant, the 
materials’ transportation costs are 

Results of a 1971 survey conducted 
by the Texas State Highway 
Department and the Texas Trans- 
portation Institute indicate that most 
States gave little consideration to 
recycling existing pavement material 
for any use other than unstabilized 
base courses. (7, pp. 128-133) 1 PCC 
removed from a roadway usually was 
disposed of in landfills or used as 

‘Italic numbers in parentheses identify ref- 
erences on page 42. Page numbers in paren- 
theses refer to reference 1. 

erosion control in drainage ditches. 
Because of the increasing cost of 

natural resources and energy, this 

attitude has changed. 

Initial proposals to use recycled PCC 
as concrete aggregate material 
generated a number of questions. 
First, how does the quality of the 
new concrete containing the recycled 
material compare with the old 
concrete and with new concrete 
made with natural aggregate? Does 
the crushed concrete make good 
aggregate? How can the reinforcing 
be easily removed? Is recycling for 
aggregate an economically viable 
alternative? These questions and 
many others concerning PCC 
recycling have been answered by 
subsequent research. This article 
reviews research on the use and 
properties of the recycled material as 
aggregates in PCC. 

In June 1977, the Federal Highway 
Administration (FHWA) established 
project 22 on PCC and asphalt pave- 
ment recycling under its National 
Experimental and Evaluation Program 
(NEEP). Forty-two States participated 
in the project, which has now been 
integrated into Demonstration Project 
No. 47 (DP47), Recycling Portland 
Cement Concrete, and DP39, Asphalt 
Pavement Recycling. The initial DP47 
project report was the reprinting of 
an lowa Department of Transporta- 
tion report on an early recycling proj- 
ect. (2) Since then, several States 
have conducted recycling projects un- 
der DP47, and States continue to 
show interest in participating in 

In September 1981, a national 
seminar on PCC recycling and 
rehabilitation was sponsored by 
FHWA and conducted by the Trans- 
portation Research Board (TRB). 

Recycling Categories 

PCC pavement recycling may be 
grouped into three categories. First, 
surface recycling involves milling or 
grinding the pavement surface 
(approximately the top 1 in [25.4 
mm]) to remove surface deterioration, 
restore rideability, and improve 
surface friction. Because the removed 
material usually is quite fine and rela- 
tively small in quantity, it typically is 
not used as concrete aggregate. 
Second, inplace recycling involves 
crushing the old pavement and 
combining it with the existing base or 
subbase material to support a new 
pavement. Third, plant recycling 
involves breaking up the existing PCC 
pavement, taking it to a crushing 
plant where it is crushed and sized, 
and finally incorporating the resulting 
aggregate material into a new PCC 
mixture. This article focuses on this 
use of the old concrete as aggregate 
in new PCC. 


Properties of Recycled PCC 

Aggregate tests 

In an early laboratory study of 
recycled PCC, the properties of an 
aggregate made from crushed 
concrete containing chert gravel 
(coarse) and natural sand (fine) and a 
second aggregate made from crushed 
concrete containing limestone 
(coarse) and natural sand (fine) were 
compared with natural aggregate. 
The material then was incorporated 
into new concrete mixes for further 
comparisons. (4) Table 1 shows the 
results of absorption and specific 
gravity tests. 

Visual inspection of the crushed 
concrete indicated a good particle 
shape. The fine aggregate produced 
did not meet the normal gradation re- 
quirements but was used in the 
concrete mixes discussed under the 
section, Concrete tests, below. 

A synopsis of studies conducted by 
the U.S. Army Engineers Waterways 
Experiment Station, lowa Department 
of Transportation, Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology, Minnesota 
Department of Transportation, 
Michigan Department of Transpor- 
tation, and FHWA concludes that the 
aggregate particles produced by 
crushing concrete have good shape, 
high absorptions, and low specific 
gravity compared with natural mineral 
aggregates. (7, pp. 128-133) 

Table 2 shows the results of a Michi- 
gan Department of Transportation 
laboratory investigation of a series of 
crushed concrete materials compared 
with natural aggregate. (7, pp. 
144-160) A concrete material that had 
been recycled twice also was tested, 
and its specific gravity was still lower 
(2.11) and the absorption even higher 
(8.36 percent) than material recycled 
once. These results are predictable 
because the percentage of natural 
aggregate decreases and the 
percentage of lighter, more 

Table 1.—Properties of crushed concrete and natural aggregate (3) 

Recycled material 
Limestone concrete 

Chert concrete 

Natural material 
Chert gravel Crushed limestone 

Coarse fraction: 
Absorption 4.0-4.3 
Saturated surface 
dry specific 
gravity 2.43-2.44 
Fine fraction: 
Absorption 7.6-9.0 
Saturated surface 
dry specific 
gravity DSO 




2.6 0.8 


Table 2.—Properties of crushed concrete and natural aggregate (/, pp. 144-160) 

Material Material material 
recycled once recycled twice Gravel 
Coarse fraction: 
Absorption 3.43-5.0 8.36 1.02 
Bulk specific gravity 2.31-2.40 Dalat AST 
Fine fraction: 
Absorption 7.17-8.31 = 1.38 
Bulk specific gravity Dalia 23 — 2.60 

September 1985 © PUBLIC ROADS 

absorptive cement paste increases 
with each recycling. Interestingly, the 
soundness loss of the recycled 
material was less (0.9 to 2.0) than 
that of the natural aggregate (3.9). 

Concrete tests 

In the 1973 study, recycled concrete 
was mixed with a water/cement ratio 
of 0.49, had a target air content of 6 
+ 1/2 percent, and a slump of 2 1/2 
+ 1/2 in (64 + 13 mm). (4) Concrete 
made with recycled concrete as both 
coarse and fine aggregate had lower 
slumps and higher cement contents 
than comparable mixes made with 
either all natural aggregate or 
recycled coarse aggregate and 
natural sand fine aggregate. The 
concrete with recycled aggregate had 
compressive strengths 300 to 1,300 
psi (2.0 to 9.0 MPa) less than the 
control concrete with natural coarse 
aggregate throughout the period of 
testing (up to 180 days). Freeze-thaw 
test results differed depending on the 
original aggregate. Recycled concrete 
containing freeze-thaw susceptible 
coarse aggregate performed better as 
aggregate in a new concrete than 
concrete containing that stone as 
coarse aggregate (although whether 
the improvement is sufficient to bring 
performance to an acceptable level 
would have to be judged case-by- 
case). Conversely, new concrete 
made with recycled concrete 
containing an originally freeze-thaw 
resistant aggregate performed 
somewhat worse than the control mix 
with the natural coarse aggregate, 
although both mixes performed 
acceptably. Finally, volume change tn 
response to temperature changes or 
increased moisture was similar for the 
recycled concrete mixes and the 
controls. (4) 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

The following conclusions were made 
about recycled concrete in the 
synopsis report (7, pp. 128-133): 

e Using crushed concrete as coarse 
aggregate did not significantly affect 
mixture proportions or workability of 
the mixtures compared with the 
control mixtures containing natural 

e When crushed concrete was used 
as fine aggregate, the mixture was 
less workable and needed more water 
and therefore more cement. 
Substituting natural sand for up to 30 
percent of the recycled fine aggregate 
improved workability to the approxi- 
mate levels of a conventional mixture. 

e The frost resistance of the concrete 
made from recycled aggregates 
usually was much higher than the 
frost resistance of the control 

e Using recycled aggregate did not 
significantly affect the volume 

response of concrete specimens to 
temperature and moisture changes. 

e Using low-strength, recycled 
concrete as aggregate is not detri- 
mental to the concrete’s compressive 

e Using water-reducing admixtures to 
lower the water content strengthens 
concrete mixtures that contain 
recycled concrete as aggregate. 

The Michigan Department of 
Transportation varied the percentages 
of recycled PCC in the fine aggregate 
to determine the effect on the 
mixture. (7, pp. 144-160) The 
percentage of recycled bituminous 
concrete also was varied in the 
mixture to simulate contamination 

that would occur in practice. 
Mixtures had a water/cement ratio of 
0.43, a cement factor of 6 sacks/yd * 
(7.8 sacks/m 3), and an entrained air 
percentage of 5.5 + 1.5. The results 
of this research agree with the 
findings previously discussed. (7, pp. 
128-133; 4) Because of the harshness 
of the recycled fine aggregate, the 
slump, and therefore workability, of 
the recycled concrete mixtures was 
less than that of the control mixture. 
Compressive and flexural strengths of 
the recycled concrete were slightly 
less than those of the control mixture 
made with a gravel aggregate but still 
exceeded the Michigan Department 
of Transportation minimum speci- 
fications for pavement concrete. 
Recycled mixtures containing small 
amounts of crushed bituminous 
concrete (such as patches and 
unremoved overlay spots) tested 
satisfactorily unless they included 
crushed bituminous fines. These fines 
are almost totally bitumen coated 
and, therefore, act as voids in any 
strength test of the new concrete. 
The recycled concretes had higher 
durability factors than the control 

Special Concerns for 
Recycled PCC 

Recycled “D” cracked pavement 

The possibility of using crushed ‘‘D”’ 
cracked pavement as an aggregate 
material raises the question as to 
whether the recycled material will 
continue to promote ‘’D”’ cracking or 
will the crushing that occurs during 
recycling alleviate the problem? 

Before using a ‘‘D”’ cracked PCC 
pavement on a recycling project, the 
Minnesota Department of 
Transportation conducted a labora- 
tory study to determine the behavior 


of recycled ‘‘D’’ cracked material 
when used as aggregate in new 
concrete. (5) A 3 ft (0.91 m) section, 
the full width of the candidate pave- 
ment, was removed and crushed for 
testing in the laboratory. A control 
was made with all natural aggregate 
and 20 percent fly ash substituted for 
15 percent of the cement. The 
recycled material passing the No. 4 
(4.75 mm) sieve was found to be very 
angular, which substantially increased 
the water demand to provide 
acceptable workability. Mix 1, 100 
percent recycled aggregate, required 
333 Ib/yd 3 (197.6 kg/m 3) of water 
compared with 250 to 260 Ib/yd 3 
(148.3 to 154.3 kg/m 3) for the 
control. This higher water demand 
also increased the cement 
requirement. Compressive strengths 
were at or above conventional 
mixtures, and there was no problem 
entraining the necessary air. Based 
on these results, three additional trial 
mixes were made. One had no fly 
ash, one had 10 percent of the 
cement replaced by fly ash, and the 
third had 15 percent of the cement 
replaced by 20 percent fly ash. All the 
recycled aggregate used passed the 
3/4 in (19 mm) sieve, and 0 to 5 
percent passed the No. 4 (4.75 mm) 

To evaluate the ‘‘D’’ cracking suscep- 
tibility, the mixes were freeze-thaw 
tested. Compared with concrete 
containing the ‘’D”’ cracking natural 
aggregate, the concrete with the 
recycled concrete aggregate was 
more resistant to freeze-thaw action, 
and the mixtures with 10 to 20 
percent fly ash had a greatly reduced 
“‘D” cracking potential. In addition, 
the fly ash acted as a plasticizer, 
lowering the amount of water 
necessary to make the mix workable. 


Based on these laboratory results, 
U.S. Rte. 59 in Minnesota was recon- 
structed using recycled concrete as 
coarse aggregate in the new 
concrete. The specific gravity of the 
recycled coarse aggregate was 2.41, 
and its absorption was 4.4 percent. 
Natural sand was used as the fine 
aggregate, and 20 percent fly ash 
was substituted for 15 percent of the 
cement. Average core strength on 
the concrete was 4,590 psi (31.6 
MPa) after 60 days. The minus No. 4 
(4.75 mm) recycled material was used 
in the base course as a stabilizing 

Salt content of recycled pavement 

Because large amounts of rock salt 
are used as a deicer on Michigan 
highways, the sodium chloride (NaCl) 
content of recycled PCC aggregate 
material was examined. (7, pp. 
144-160) The NaCl content of the 
recycled material was less than 2 
Ib/yd * (1.2 kg/m 3) compared with 
Michigan’s critical NaCl level of 4 
Ilb/yd * (2.4 kg/m 3) used for bridge 
decks. It was concluded that no 
restrictions were necessary on the 
use of the material based on its NaCl 
content. Further, because the 
recycled material is used only as the 
aggregate portion, the overall level of 
sodium chloride in the new concrete 
is even less; namely, the amount of 
NaCl in the recycled PCC times the 
fraction of the new concrete that is 
recycled material. 

In preparation for a recycling project, 
the State of Connecticut examined 
the total chloride content of recycled 
PCC material and found NaCl 
contents of 12 Ib/yd 3 (7.1 kg/m 3) at 
the 1.5 in (38 mm) level, 0.96 Ib/yd 3 
(0.57 kg/m 3) at the 4 in (102 mm) 
level, and 0.27 Ib/yd 3 (0.16 kg/m 3) 
at the 6.5 in (165 mm) level. (6) The 
new mixture with the recycled 
concrete aggregate contained 1.93 
Ib/yd ? (1.15 kg/m 3) total sodium 

These findings suggest that checking 
the NaCl content of any recycled 
material that may have excessive salt 
and calculating the NaCl content for 
the new mix are advisable. Based on 
the results, any additional steps (such 
as reinforcement coating) necessary 
to avoid corrosion problems could be 

Alkali-aggregate reactivity 

Three conditions are necessary to 
Cause damaging alkali-aggregate 
reactivity: An aggregate with 
sufficient amounts of reactive 
constituents that are soluble in highly 
alkaline solutions; enough water- 
soluble alkali from some source 
(usually the cement) to increase the 
pH of the liquid in the concrete to 
14-15 long enough to produce 
swelling alkali-silica gel; and sufficient 
water to maintain the solutions and 
provide moisture for the swelling of 
the gel. 

The consequences of using recycled 
PCC material that has suffered from 
alkali-aggregate reaction as an aggre- 
gate in a new concrete have not been 
studied thoroughly. This special case 
of PCC recycling requires answers to 
several questions. How severe is the 
reaction and the resulting distress at 
the time of recycling? Has the 

September 1985 « PUBLIC ROADS 

reactive mineral matter been 
completely used? If petrographic or 
other examinations indicate this, it 
may be safe to use the material. On 
the other hand, using a low-alkali 
cement in the new concrete may not 
prevent further alkali-aggregate 
reaction with the recycled material 
because the reaction may continue 
within the recycled material between 
the old mortar and aggregate. 
Probably the only safe way to screen 
materials for this potential problem is 
to perform long-term, mortar-bar 
expansion tests (ASTM C-227) with 
the recycled material in cements with 
various alkali contents to determine 
the acceptable level of alkali. If a 
reaction occurs between the recycled 
materials, there may be no level of 
alkali in the cement low enough to 
prevent the reaction. The addition of 
limestone aggregate in the mix may 
reduce the probability of alkali- 
aggregate reactivity, but this is not 
yet proven. (7) Reducing recycled 
aggregate size also may be helpful in 
controlling the reaction problem. 
Recycling alkali-aggregate reactive 
materials needs additional inves- 
tigation, and work currently is 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

Field Projects With Recycled 

Results from field projects where 
recycled PCC was incorporated as 
aggregate In the mixture should aid 
the planning and conduct of future 
recycling projects. In a 1976 recycling 
project on U.S. Rte. 75 in lowa, the 
entire crushed recycled PCC from a 
secondary crusher (1.5 in [38 mm| 
minus) was placed in a single stock- 
pile. (2) Segregation problems 
resulted as well as inconsistent feed 
through the automatic bin gates of 
the batching plant. To alleviate the 
problem on subsequent projects, the 
material was split on the 3/8 in (9.5 
mm) sieve. Using recycled material 
for both coarse and fine aggregate 
produced a harsh, nearly unworkable 
mix. Adding 15 percent concrete 
sand made the mixture much easier 
to work. Also, less air entraining 
agent was needed to reach the 
desired air content than for a conven- 
tional mix. Because contaminants 
often affect the air content of the 
new concrete, their amount in the 
recycled material must be controlled. 
Approximately 75 to 80 percent of the 
old pavement was recovered as 
crusher product. 

Using the experience gained in the 
initial project, lowa conducted two 
additional projects in 1977. As in the 
first project, the crusher product was 
low in fine material (22 to 24 percent 
passing the No. 4 [4.75 mm] sieve). 
A three-aggregate blend (coarse and 
fine recycled, plus concrete sand) 
controlled the segregation of the 
recycled material and made a work- 
able mixture. Washing the recycled 
material was unnecessary if proper 
removal and processing practices 
were followed. 

The 1980 recycling project using a 
““D” cracked pavement on U.S. Rte. 
59 in southeastern Minnesota found 

that the crushed material passing the 
No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve is very angular 
and increases water demand and 
cement content when used in the 
mix. (5) To avoid this situation, the 
minus No. 4 (4.75 mm) material was 
removed from the crushed concrete 
and used as a stabilizer in the base 
material. However, the material still 
needed constant watering to achieve 
target densities. A blend of 60 
percent recycled coarse aggregate 
and 40 percent natural sand was 
expected to provide enough recycled 
material for coarse aggregate in the 
mix. The actual yield was very close 
to this estimate. 


Several States have developed speci- 
fications covering all phases of the 
construction for removing, crushing, 
storing, and incorporating recycled 
materials into new PCC. (7, pp. 
140-143) The following discussion of 
specifications refers only to items 
directly affecting the recycled aggre- 
gate material. 

Removal and contamination. Some 
limit should be set on the amount of 
allowable contamination from any 
asphalt overlay, patch, joint sealant, 
or subbase material in the material 
recycled. Some amount of adhering 
asphaltic concrete is allowable and 
not detrimental to the mixture. 

Crushing and stockpiling. The 
maximum size of material should be 
specified and may vary depending on 
the use of the concrete. The top size 
typically specified is 100 percent less 
than 1 1/2 in (38 mm). The maximum 
size specified may have to be reduced 
(100 percent less than 3/4 in [19 
mm]) if the material being recycled is 
a ''‘D” cracked pavement. Standard, 
good stockpiling techniques should 
be followed, and the plus 3/8 in (9.5 
mm) and minus 3/8 in (9.5 mm) 
material should be stored separately 
to avoid segregation. Usually, 
washing is not necessary; however, 
individual job conditions should 
dictate this. The amount of minus 
No. 200 (0.075 mm) material should 
be limited to a maximum percentage. 


Mix proportions. Crushed, recycled 
material may be used for both the 
coarse and fine aggregate; however, 
specifying 15 to 30 percent natural 
sand in the fines will improve the 
workability and the finishability of the 
mix. Trial mixes made in the labora- 
tory should determine mix propor- 
tions. The proportion of coarse to 
fine recycled material used in the 
concrete should be the same as the 
crusher produces, if possible. 

The cement factor will be determined 
according to the strength desired, as 
with a conventional mix. The water 
content should provide acceptable 
workability and finishability without 
requiring excessive cement to 
maintain strength. As mentioned 
above, natural fine aggregate may be 
added to improve these characteris- 
tics while holding the water content 
at a reasonable level. Water-reducing 
admixtures also may be specified to 
maintain the water/cement ratio at an 
acceptable level. Air entrainment also 
will increase workability. 

Durability. The durability of the 
concrete produced should be checked 
in the laboratory according to ASTM 
C-666 or some equivalent method. !f 
recycled alkali-aggregate reactive 
material is used, the expansive char- 
acteristics of the new concrete also 
may be checked with ASTM C-227 
or an equivalent method to determine 
if it will perform adequately. 

Air entrainment. Air content may be 
specified and obtained by adding an 
approved air entraining agent, as with 
a conventional mix. If the recycled 
material is air entrained, the specified 
air for the new concrete may have to 
be set higher than usual because the 
measured air will include the newly 
entrained air plus the air content of 
the recycled material. When the air 
content of the recycled material is 
subtracted from the measurement 
obtained on the new plastic concrete, 
the residual then will provide a 
measure of the amount of air in the 
new mortar. The presence of organic 
contaminants may cause high air 
contents; therefore, de-air entraining 
agents may be needed. 



In many instances, the recycling of 
PCC as aggregate in a new concrete 
is a viable alternative to the use of 
natural aggregate. Research has 
shown that with proper planning, 
testing, and construction techniques, 
high-quality concrete can be made 
using recycled PCC as aggregate. 

Further work needs to be done on 
the use of recycled concrete that has 
undergone ‘‘D” cracking or alkalli- 
aggregate reaction; the long-term 
behavior of this material when used 
as aggregate still is not known. 
Critical chloride contents for recycled 
concrete in various applications also 
are not yet well established. 

Current knowledge and practices in 
the recycling of PCC pavement will 
be summarized in a National Coop- 
erative Highway Research Program 
synthesis study. Recycling of PCC 
also will be one of the subjects 
addressed by the Strategic Highway 
Research Program. 


(7) LaHue, Darter, et al., ‘‘Proceedings of 
the National Seminar on PCC Pavement 
Recycling and Rehabilitation,’’ Report No. 
FHWA-TS-82-208, Federal Highway 
Administration, Washington, DC, 
December 1981. 

(2) J.V. Bergren and R.A. Britson, ‘‘Port- 
land Cement Concrete Utilizing Recycled 
Pavement,’ Report No. FHWA-DP-47-1, 
Federal Highway Administration, Wash- 
ington, DC, January 1977. 

(3) ‘‘Pavement Recycling: Summary of 
Two Conferences,’’ Report No. 
FHWA-TS-82-224, Federal Highway 
Administration, Washington, DC, April 

(4) A.D. Buck, ‘‘Recycled Concrete, Util- 
ization of Waste Materials and Upgrading 
of Low-Quality Aggregates,’’ Highway 
Research Record 430, 1973. 

(5) A.D. Halverson, ‘‘Recycling Portland 
Cement Concrete Pavements,’’ Report 
No. FHWA-DP-47-3, Federal Highway 
Administration, Washington, DC, May 

(6) K.R. Lane, ‘Construction of a 
Recycled Portland Cement Pavement,”’ 
Report No. 646-1-80-12, Connecticut 
Department of Transportation, September 

(7) W.J. Heck, ‘Study of Alkali-Silica 
Reactivity Tests to Improve Correlation 
and Predictability for Aggregates,’”’ 
Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates, vol. 
5, No. 1, Summer 1983, pp. 47-53. 

Stephen W. Forster is a geologist in 
the Pavements Division, Office of 
Engineering and Highway Operations 
Research and Development, FHWA. 
He is task manager for Task 1W1, 
“’Pavement-Tire Frictional Interac- 
tions,”’ in the Federally Coordinated 
Program of Highway Research, 
Development, and Technology. Since 
joining FHWA in 1975, Dr. Forster 
has worked in the areas of rapid 
testing of aggregate gradation, skid 
resistant aggregate and pavements, 
more durable aggregate for pave- 
ments, and repair of asphalt and port- 
land cement concrete pavements. 

September 1985 ¢ PUBLIC ROADS 

Research Needs in Asphalt Technology 


E.T. Harrigan 


This article discusses from the perspective of the Federal 
Highway Administration (FHWA), research needs in 
asphalt technology — one of six topics selected by the 
American Association of State Highway and Transporta- 
tion Officials (AASHTO) to receive special attention in the 
planned Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). 
FHWA supports this selection and, along with other inter- 
ested public and private organizations, will provide 
specific recommendations on needs and methods in 1985 
and beyond as AASHTO formally develops a scope and 
plan for each study area. 

In 1983, before the SHRP was conceived, FHWA 
reviewed asphalt research needs as a preliminary step in 
developing an asphalt research program. Expert opinions 
were gathered on the desirability and practicality of 
changing current asphalt specifications, particularly by 
including measures of asphalt chemical composition, to 
improve asphalt pavement performance. Including asphalt 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

chemistry in asphalt specifications has generated great 
interest in recent years as a possible solution to premature 
or catastrophic asphalt pavement failure. Indeed, there is 
a misconception that the main thrust of the SHRP asphalt 
technology program will be asphalt chemistry. However, 
AASHTO states that the following five needs will be 
equally important (7) ?': 

e Define properties of different asphalts. 

e Improve testing and measuring systems. 

e Determine relationships between asphalt cement and 
pavement performance. 

e Develop improved asphalt binders. 
e Validate performance in the field. 

The importance of asphalt chemistry in influencing pave- 
ment performance, particularly pavement distress, must 
be evaluated to develop a sound research program. A 
brief historical review of asphalt chemistry research may 
help explain the present situation. 

1 Italic numbers in parentheses identify references on page 45 

Developments in Asphalt Chemistry 

FHWA and its predecessor, the Bureau of Public Roads, 
had a strong, productive program of asphalt research 
from the 1930’s into the early 1970's. This program, which 
stressed the study of asphalt rheology and the develop- 
ment of tests and specifications, was instrumental in 
introducing the asphalt grading systems and standard test 
methods used today throughout the United States. 
FHWA also stressed the basic chemistry of asphalts, 
particularly how the chemical constituents of asphalt 
interact with aggregate, moisture, and oxygen, and how 
chemistry influences the aging of asphalt in a pavement. (2) 

Reports of premature distress in asphalt pavements 
increased sharply in the past decade. A perception devel- 
oped that pavement failures evidenced by rutting, 
stripping, and cracking were occurring at an unprece- 
dented rate and that materials and designs that had 
always given Satisfactory performance now were yielding 
pavements that failed unpredictably and prematurely. 
Combined with the 1973 oil embargo that disrupted tradi- 
tional crude oil sources for U.S. asphalt production and 
the introduction of new refining technology on a massive 
scale, a consensus developed in the highway community 
that a primary cause of asphalt pavement distress and 
failure was a subtle, but significant, change in the quality 
of U.S. asphalt cements. Several studies sponsored by 
private organizations and by FHWA failed to detect major 
differences in physical properties between pre- and post- 
1973 asphalt cements. In fact, the data indicate that the 
physical properties of the asphalt cements in a given 
grade have changed very little in 35 years despite major 
changes in crude oil sources and refining technology over 
this same period. 

Could two AC-20 asphalts, one produced in 1950 and the 
other in 1980, have the same physical properties (for 
example, viscosity and ductility) but still have chemical 
compositions so different that their individual perform- 
ances in pavements vary significantly? The answer is a 
qualified “‘yes’’— although two materials with the same 
chemical composition will have the same physical prop- 
erties, the converse is not necessarily true. For example,’ 
the viscosities of chloroform and methanol are approxi- 
mately the same at 20 °C (68 °F), and the densities of 
water and asphalt are approximately the same at 25 °C 
(77 °F); chemically, the members of each pair are very 
different. However, although the chemical composition of 
crude oils varies widely, limits of chemical composition 
can be defined within which all crude oils fall. Conse- 
quently, the chemical composition of asphalts will fall 
within natural limits. Therefore, a change in crude oil 
source should not radically alter asphalt physicochemical 
properties. Changes in asphalt composition can contribute 
to pavement performance problems, but these changes 
Cannot account for all the poor performance noted in the 
last decade. 


The chemical composition of an asphalt is directly 
involved in some important causes of pavement distress, 
such as stripping. The size and structure of the compo- 
nent molecules of asphalt are important in determining 
the physical properties of the asphalt. Also important are 
the associative forces between individual molecules and 
those forces that provide bonding between the asphalt 
and aggregate. These forces are highly dependent upon 
the heteroatom content of the asphalt (primarily nitrogen, 
oxygen, sulfur, and trace elements). Asphalt molecule 
functional groups containing heteroatoms are directly 
involved in the mechanism of stripping. (2) 

Asphalt chemistry also is important in the aging of asphalt 
in a pavement. Aging predominantly involves reaction of 
oxygen with the asphalt, resulting in changes in molecular 
size, structure, and functional group content, and is 
reflected in changes in rheological properties. The 
passage of time structures the asphalt in a manner 
analogous to crystallization and without the need for 
external agents such as oxygen or moisture. Structuring 
on a molecular level is manifested as hardening of the 

This discussion of asphalt chemistry suggests that, while 
important, it does not account entirely for premature and 
pervasive asphalt pavement distress. Also, asphalt chem- 
istry research in the SHRP should be narrowly defined 
and goal oriented, confirming the view expressed by 
AASHTO. (7) An extensive asphalt chemistry research 
program is neither warranted nor possible with the 
resources available. 

Considerations for an Asphalt Research 

The expert panel convened by FHWA in 1983 made 
several significant remarks about the state of asphalt tech- 
nology. To develop a research program to address the 
problems evident in asphalt pavement performance, the 
following should be considered: 

e Asphalt is rarely the sole culprit in a pavement failure. 
Asphalt chemistry alone cannot account for the perform- 
ance of pavements under traffic loading. 

e Chemical specifications for asphalts would be unreal- 
istic, but chemical factors can be used to evaluate the 
overall quality of an asphalt. 

e Asphalt specifications overemphasize handling qualities. 
The gap between asphalt specifications and asphalt 
mixture properties should be bridged with performance- 
related specifications that address conditions such as 
rutting, cracking, stripping, and adhesion. 

e The dominant chemical factors that influence asphalt 
performance and how these factors interact must be 
determined and quantified. 

September 1985 ¢ PUBLIC ROADS 

e Moisture is the worst enemy of an asphalt pavement, 
but many pavement failures can be traced to improper 
mix design or construction techniques. An asphalt can be 
too hard because asphalt films are too thin, air void 
contents are too high, or the choice of asphalt grade is 

e Materials and construction specifications are not 
enforced; the fundamentals of proper mixture and pave- 
ment design and construction are neglected. 

¢ Highway agencies and contractors need a working 
knowledge of the physicochemical properties of each 
asphalt used, not just of the grade of the asphalt, so that 
production and construction procedures can compensate 
for any shortcomings and take advantage of the asphalt’s 
strong points. 

This strong emphasis on a balanced research program, 
examining both asphalt mixture behavior and asphalt 
physicochemical properties, combined with attention to 
proper construction techniques and the intelligent use of 
available materials can prevent many pavement failures. 

When asked to recommend a list of topics that FHWA 
might include in an asphalt research program, the panel 
of asphalt technologists arrived at nine topics from a list 
of 39 different items discussed. In order of importance, 
the list includes the following: 

1. Moisture damage mechanisms. Determine the adverse 
effect of moisture on pavements, the physicochemical 
interactions that produce these effects, and how these 
effects are reflected in changes in asphalt and aggregate 
properties. Explore the long-term results of moisture 
damage on pavement performance and methods to 
control the damage mechanisms. 

2. Training and technology transfer. \dentify and imple- 
ment training activities and multimedia technology sharing 
to improve asphalt mix design, construction practices, 
and inspection and quality control in all phases of asphalt 
pavement construction. 

3. /mproved asphalt specifications. Synthesize existing 
information and field data to evaluate the possibility of 
simplifying asphalt specifications, particularly eliminating 
the asphalt residue and penetration grading systems. 

4. Low-temperature behavior. Investigate how asphalt 
responds to various cooling rates and how it accommo- 
dates repeated strains in the cold weather service range. 
In addition, develop a measure of low- temperature 
stiffness in fundamental units. 

5. Asphalt additives to upgrade desirable asphalt charac- 
teristics. Investigate additives to upgrade or control 
asphalt properties (such as oxidative and steric hardening 
and temperature and shear susceptibilities) and to coun- 
teract pavement distress mechanisms that lead to rutting, 
cracking, and stripping. 

6. External effects on asphalt performance in service. 
Investigate on a controlled basis by locality and climate 
how asphalt specification grade, mix design, and 
construction practices determine or influence pavement 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

7. Establish relationships between asphalt rheology and 
mixture rheology. |Investigate techniques to measure the 
influence of asphalt rheology on mixture rheology, 
emphasizing the mixture stiffness at low temperature; the 
correlation of asphalt flow properties with field perform- 
ance; the development of mix design methods to 
compensate for variations in asphalt rheology; and the 
measurement of properties such as viscosity, ductility, 
and direct tensile strength over the whole asphalt service 
temperature range. 

8. Asphalt chemical functionality. Characterize the 
chemical functionality of asphalt, emphasizing the 
chemical groups that interact with moisture, oxygen, and 
aggregate and that influence the rheology of an asphalt 
over its service life. 

9. Effects of new production equipment and techniques. 
Investigate how hot-mix production methods that allow 
moisture retention in aggregates and mineral fines in 
asphalt influence asphalt and aggregate mixture quality. 
Explore the need to change mix design methods to 
compensate for various mix production technologies. 

A series of studies would be needed to accomplish the 
goals of each of these nine topics, but the total program 
would not be as large as that envisioned for asphalt tech- 
nology in the SHRP. In its final form, the SHRP probably 
will encompass a much wider spectrum of research areas. 

The SHRP has the resources to provide a unique opportu- 
nity toward solving several important problems. FHWA 
welcomes the opportunity to participate in the develop- 
ment and conduct of research in asphalt technology as 
well as in the other five topic areas. 


(7) ‘“America’s Highways, Accelerating the Search for Innova- 
tion,’ Special Report No. 202, Transportation Research Board, 
Washington, DC, January 1984. 

(2) J. Claine Petersen, ‘‘Chemical Composition of Asphalt as 
Related to Asphalt Durability — State of the Art,’’ Report No. 
FHWA/RD-84/047, Federal Highway Administration, Wash- 
ington, DC, July 1984. 

E.T. Harrigan is a research chemist in the Materials Divi- 
sion, Office of Engineering and Highway Operations 
Research and Development. Before joining FHWA in 
1974, he was a weapons test project officer for the Air 
Force Systems Command. Dr. Harrigan currently is 
project manager for contract studies in several areas of 
materials research, including delineation, alternative binder 
materials, deicing chemicals, asphalt, and methanol fuel 




Limited Sight 
Distance Warning for 

Vertical Curves ' 


Mark Freedman, L.K. Staplin, 

and Lawrence E. Decina 

This article summarizes the 
methodology and findings of a 
Federal Highway Administration 
(FHWA) contract study to 
evaluate highway signs designed 
to warn motorists of restricted 
sight distance because of crest 
vertical curves. Driver awareness, 
understanding, and response to a 
new warning sign (see display art) 
that was developed were better 
than for the existing LIMITED 

‘This article summarizes ‘‘Limited Sight 
Distance Warning for Vertical Curves,’’ Report 
No. FHWA/RD-85/046, Federal Highway 
Administration, Washington, DC, November 
1984. The report is available from the National 
Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal 
Rd., Springfield, VA 22161 (Stock No. PB 85 


SIGHT DISTANCE warning sign. 
However, the new sign’s effec- 
tiveness still was minimal. As a 
result of this evaluation and of a 
previous study conducted by the 
New York State Department of 
Transportation (7) ?, the National 
Committee on Uniform Traffic 
Control Devices voted to elimi- 
DISTANCE sign (W14-4) from the 
Manual on Uniform Traffic 
Control Devices (MUTCD). FHWA 
plans to issue a Final Rule to 
delete this sign from the MUTCD. 

Italic numbers in parentheses identify refer- 
ences on page 53. 


Contemporary roadway geometry and 
highway design features must satisfy 
safety and operational requirements 
of the vehicle and the driver. Promi- 
nent among these highway design 
features are vertical and horizontal 
alignment, superelevation, delin- 
eation, guardrails, signals, signs, and 
lighting. One of the most important 
aspects of highway design is to 
provide sufficient sight distance to 
enable the driver to respond properly 
to situations ahead. Modern 
highways, therefore, are designed 
and built with horizontal and vertical 
Curvature appropriate for the planned 
speed and composition of traffic. 

Many older highways, however, 
evolved from old pathways used by 
slow vehicles, and the highway 
design is not appropriate for modern 
traffic. Gradual improvements to the 
roadway, especially upgraded paving, 
allowed traffic to operate more 
smoothly at higher speeds. However, 
On many two-lane rural roads, hori- 
zontal and vertical alignments were 
not upgraded to match the level of 
service offered by the roadway 

September 1985 © PUBLIC ROADS 

On two-lane roads with poorly 
designed crest vertical curves, drivers 
cannot see far enough beyond the 
crest of the hill to determine whether 
a hazard, such as debris on the 
roadway, pedestrians, bicyclists, 
animals, or another vehicle, exists 
ahead. An intersection just beyond a 
hill crest, where neither the main- 
stream nor the crossing traffic can 
see each other's approach, is 
especially hazardous. Passing 
maneuvers at crest vertical curves are 
equally hazardous; motorists do not 
have sufficient time to avoid 
oncoming Cars. 

Such situations occur most often on 
low volume two-lane rural highways 
that once carried primarily local 
traffic. Local drivers who know of the 
danger at these vertical curves with 
restricted sight distance reduce their 
speed or are more attentive while 
approaching the curve. Unfamiliar 
drivers, however, who may represent 
a large portion of traffic on highways 
in recreational areas, are unaware of 
the danger and generally do not 
exercise such cautious behavior. 

One solution to the crest vertical 
curve sight distance problem is to 
reconstruct the vertical curvature; 
however, this is very expensive and 
may not be cost-effective in most 
cases. Another solution is to limit 
traffic speed to ensure sufficient 
response time to hazards. However, 
the safety of frequent and abrupt 
speed-limit reductions on high-speed 
highways is questionable. A more 
cost-effective and rational approach is 
to warn the motorist of the potential 
hazard and to advise of a safe speed 
through the hazard area. 

This warning approach was adopted 
with the incorporation of the 
sign (W14-4), supplemented with a 
speed advisory panel, into the 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

Manual on Uniform Traffic Contro/ 
Devices in 1976. However, the effec- 
tiveness of this sign, either with or 
without a speed advisory panel, has 
been questioned. Although familiar to 
traffic engineers, the terminology of 
the sign legend is not familiar to 
motorists, so it was not known 
whether motorists adequately 
comprehend the sign to reduce speed 
and increase attentiveness. 

In 1982, a Federal Highway Adminis- 
tration contract study was conducted 
to develop and test an improved 
limited sight distance warning sign for 
crest vertical curves. Study objectives 
included the following: 

e Test the effectiveness of developed 
alternative warning signs as well as 
with and without a speed advisory 

¢ Compare the effectiveness of 
vertical curve warning signs with 
other traffic control devices. 

e Provide recommendations for 
proper use of the selected warning 

Work on these objectives was 
preceded by a literature review to 
determine performance objectives for 
vertical Curve warning signs. 

Highway Sign Performance 

Although the literature on highway 
signs contains extensive information 
on legibility, noticeability, compre- 
hension, and other sign/driver 
performance measures, little has been 
written about the performance of the 

The effectiveness of the LIMITED 
SIGHT DISTANCE sign has not been 
proven. A study of vehicle speed, 
driver comprehension, and accidents 
sites in New York showed that either 
the sign had no impact on drivers’ 
speeds or that drivers reduced their 
speeds only after the sign was 
removed. Only about one out of 
every six motorists fully understood 
the sign’s meaning, while half recog- 
nized the advisory speed but did not 

know that the warning referred to the 
hill. The sign’s effect on accident 
reduction could not be concluded. (7) 
Also in New York it was found that 
is used where resurfacing and/or 
other minor road improvements result 
in at least a 5-mph (8-km/h) increase 
in speed above the design value for 
the vertical alignment. (7) 

has become the second most 
frequently used sign (horizontal curve 
warning is first) at all recent highway 
rehabilitation projects where signing 
has been installed. The availability of 
has allowed many substandard 
vertical curves to be treated with 
resurfacing and sign installation rather 
than reconstructing the vertical 
curvature, which is not always cost- 

The parameters that determine sight 
distance on crest vertical curves are 
the change of gradient (A), the 
length of the curve (L), the driver's 
eye height (he), and the height of the 
obstacle to be seen (h,). The 
following equation is used to deter- 
mine the length of the curve required 
to provide a given sight distance (S): 
AS ? 

100 (Vv 2he+V 2h,) 2 

Thus, the sight distance provided by 
a particular geometric layout is: 

S=10V L/A (V 2he+V 2h.) 

Setting sight distance on vertical 
curves is determined by the distance 
required to stop for an obstacle on 
the road: 

D=1-467(RT)V-+V7/00Uf = s) 


D = Stopping distance (ft). 

RT = Reaction time (s). (The 
American Association of State 
Highway and Transportation Officials 
currently uses 2.5 s). 

V = Speed (mph). 

f = Tire-pavement coefficient of 
friction. (The range for wet pavement 
is 0.36 at 30 mph [48 km/h] to 0.29 
at 70 mph [113 km/h]). 

s = Longitudinal slope of roadway. 


The stopping distance for vertical 
curves is extremely sensitive to 
speed, friction, and reaction time. For 
speeds near 55 mph (89 km/h), for 
each 1 mph (1.6 km/h) that speed is 
reduced, stopping distance is reduced 
by about 9 ft (2.7 m) on dry pave- 
ments and by about 14 ft (4.3 m) on 
wet pavements. Similarly, stopping 
distance is reduced by about 8 ft (2.4 
m) for every 1/10 s reduction in 
reaction time. Therefore, a warning 
device that causes a driver to reduce 
his/her speed and be more alert also 
reduces the time needed for detec- 
tion, recognition, and control 
movement, and thus substantially 
reduces stopping distance. A warning 
device that reliably reduces traffic 
speed and minimizes reaction time by 
heightening driver attentiveness to 
the potential problem ahead would be 
a highly cost-effective treatment for 
the typical vertical curve with 
restricted sight distance. 

Other research (2-5) on warning signs 
has shown that signs augmented by 
constantly flashing lights or vehicle- 
actuated flashers are more effective 
in reducing speeds than signs without 
flashers. Generally, flashing lights 
should be used only where a real 
hazard is likely to be present or is 
especially severe. Flashing lights are 
most effective in reducing drivers’ 
speeds and increasing their attention 
when a hazard is obvious, such as a 
wet roadway or sharp horizontal 
curve, and therefore may not be 
appropriate for most vertical curves 
with restricted sight distance. 


Development of Alternative 
Sign Candidates 

The literature review pointed to the 
need for an understandable and 
effective alternative to the LIMITED 
SIGHT DISTANCE sign. In devel- 
oping and evaluating alternative 
warning signs, numerous verbal and 
symbol candidate signs were 
prepared, and laboratory experiments 
were conducted to eliminate the least 
promising candidates and select the 
most promising candidates for field 

Preparation of sign candidates 

Thirteen preliminary verbal messages 
were created using various combi- 
nations of key words selected to 
convey a preparatory element (the 
appropriate degree of attentiveness), 
an action element (what the motorist 
must or must not do), and an identifi- 
cation element (defining the hazard). 
In addition, 10 candidate symbols 
were prepared to depict the vertical 
curve sight distance situation from 
front, side, and perspective views as 
well as several more abstract repre- 
sentations. Each verbal and symbol 
candidate was prepared as a small, 
individual cardboard sign. 

A sample of 41 respondents 
examined each of the verbal and 
symbol candidates and ranked them 
according to how well each candidate 
conveyed caution because of a hill 
crest restricting vision of possible 
traffic hazards. 

The most highly ranked verbal 
candidate messages were CAUTION 
BLOCKS VIEW. The candidate 
VIEW was eliminated because 
DANGER was believed to be too 
strong for most situations where no 
danger is apparent, and overuse of 
the word might diminish its value. 

The two most highly ranked symbols 
were both side views depicting one or 
two vehicles approaching the hill 
crest. A third candidate showing a 
single car, an obstruction, and an 
occluded line of sight also was 
recommended by FHWA for further 

The signs recommended for further | 
laboratory testing are shown in figure 1. 

Laboratory experiment 

The laboratory experiment was 
conducted to determine how well and 
how quickly the LIMITED SIGHT 
DISTANCE sign and each of the 
other candidate warning signs were 
understood and assimilated by motor- 
ists. A total of 256 drivers, from 16 to 
75 years old and equally comprised of 
men and women, were test subjects. 
Testing was performed in an urban 
and rural area in two State-operated 
motor vehicle inspection centers in 
New Jersey and two drivers license 
photograph centers in Pennsylvania. 

The laboratory experiment consisted 
of three complementary tests—a 
comprehension test, an assimilation 
test (speed of recognition), and a 
ranking test—for each of the candi- 
date signs shown in figure 1. The 
tested with and without a 35 mph (56 
km/h) advisory speed panel. The 
was tested with and without a. 
supplementary panel with the legend 
INTERSECTION. Each subject was 
exposed to only one of the candidate 
signs and three similarly shaped, but 
otherwise unrelated, distractor signs 
to eliminate any learning effect from 
alternative candidates. Slides of the 
signs set in an identical, real-world 
background of a hilly, two-lane rural 
road were displayed on a screen to 
each subject. 

For the comprehension test, slides of 
the selected candidate sign and its 
three distractor signs were projected, 
and each subject was asked to 
explain what the message or symbol 
meant and what the subject would do 
if he/she encountered the sign while 
driving. No time limit was imposed on 
this part of the experiment. 

In the assimilation test, each subject 
examined and became familiar with 
one selected candidate sign and set 
of distractors, then identified each 
sign when exposed to a very brief 
(50 ms) projection. 

September 1985 © PUBLIC ROADS 

For the ranking test, each subject 
was given a packet of three miniature 
verbal signs and asked to rank which 
sign was the best, next best, and 
worst at conveying the intended 
warning. The same procedure was 
used to rank the symbol signs. 

Following are the principal findings of 
the laboratory experiment: 

e Of the verbal messages, SLOW 
HILL BLOCKS VIEW scored highest 
in comprehensibility and recogniza- 
bility and was ranked second best 

among verbal signs. This sign was 
selected for further field testing. 

e Of the symbol messages, the sign 
depicting two vehicles approaching 
each other from opposite sides of a 
hill scored highest in comprehensi- 
bility and second highest in recog- 
nizability. It was overwhelmingly 
preferred among symbols in the 
ranking test. This sign also was 
selected for further field testing. 

e The currently used LIMITED SIGHT 
DISTANCE verbal message was least 
comprehensible of the verbal signs, 
was least recognizable of all verbal 
and symbol signs, and was deemed 
worst by more test subjects than any 
other symbol or verbal sign. This sign 
was used as the basis for comparison 
in the field tests. 

e In the assimilation test, symbol 
signs were correctly identified 50 
percent more often than signs with 
verbal legends. 






Figure 1.— Candidate limited sight distance warning signs. 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 


Field Tests of Candidate 

The candidate verbal sign SLOW 
HILL BLOCKS VIEW and the candi- 
date symbol sign depicting two 
vehicles approaching each other from 
opposite sides of a hill (see display 
art) were field tested under fully 
operational conditions in a controlled 
field test and an observational field 
test. In the controlled field test, 
subjects accompanied by a test 
administrator drove a test vehicle 
along a 12.6-mile (20.3-km) route 
containing four vertical curves with 
restricted sight distance that were 
identified by a candidate warning 
sign. Drivers’ abilities to notice and 
remember the signs, correctly inter- 
pret the signs, and respond appro- 
priately were measured. In the obser- 
vational field test, traffic sensing 
equipment was placed on a roadway 
at three vertical curves with restricted 
sight distance to measure the speed 
of passing motorists who were not 
aware that a study was being 

was studied both with and without a 
30 mph (48 km/h) advisory speed 
panel at each of the study locations. 
In addition, at one site located near 
an intersection, a 12-in x 24-in (305- 
mm x 610-mm) panel bearing the 
legend INTERSECTION was placed 
on the sign post below the LIMITED 
SIGHT DISTANCE sign. At each site, 
the symbol sign also was accom- 
panied by a 24-in x 18-in (610-mm x 
457-mm) verbal panel bearing the 


Controlled field test 

Sixty-four drivers (28 men and 36 
women) ranging in age from 18 to 69 
years participated as test subjects. 
The three dependent measures in this 
study were observations of how 
drivers responded to candidate signs 
along the route, memory measures to 
reveal which signs were most often 
noticed and most correctly identified, 
and expressions of relative preference 
for each candidate limited sight 
distance warning sign. 

Driver responses to the signs were 
measured as follows: As subjects 
drove the route and encountered 
each candidate warning sign, the 
administrator recorded what the 
driver did in response to the sign, 
using a checklist that included 
slowing or braking, any unusual or 
inappropriate response, any remarks 
concerning the sign, turning his/her 
head toward the sign, or other 
obvious responses. 

Two different memory measures 
assessed how well each subject could 
remember the candidate signs distrib- 
uted along the test route. In a free 
recall test, drivers named from 
memory as many signs seen along 
the route as possible. They also were 
asked to explain the meaning of each 
sign that they recalled. In a recog- 
nition memory test, drivers were 
asked to indicate whether or not they 
had encountered the signs shown in 
a series of photographs. 

candidate sign and the symbol candi- 
date sign were more frequently 
recalled than either the LIMITED 
SIGHT DISTANCE sign alone or with 
the 30 mph (48 km/h) speed advisory 
was correctly interpreted more often 
than any other sign. 

Although the symbol candidate was 
the second most frequently recalled 
sign after SLOW HILL BLOCKS 
VIEW, it was incorrectly interpreted 
twice as often as it was correctly 
interpreted. This misinterpretation 
probably was because of the test 
subjects’ lack of familiarity with the 
new symbol. 

In the recognition memory test, 
correctly recognized more often than 
the other signs. 

and the symbol sign were greatly 
preferred to the LIMITED SIGHT 
DISTANCE signs in the preference 
ranking test. 

The study of behavioral responses 
demonstrated that drivers responded 
most often to the symbol sign, 
primarily by slowing or braking. 

sign, both with and without the 30 
mph (48 km/h) advisory panel, was 
associated with poorer performance 
than either of the other candidate 
signs in the recall test and the pref- 
erence ranking test. 

Results of the controlled field test are 
shown in tables 1-4. 

September 1985 ¢« PUBLIC ROADS 

Table 1.—Recall memory performance tor target 
stimuli in controlled field test 


Candidate Total number ot Correct 

warning sign times remembered — interpretations Interpretations 
Symbol sign 21 7 14 
BLOCKS VIEW 26 23 3 
DISTANCE 18 13 5 
DISTANCE—30 mph 
advisory panel 4 3 | 

I mph=1.6km/h 

Table 2.—Recognition memory performance for target 
stimuli in controlled field test 

Number of ‘‘yes”’ 

Candidate warning sign responses Percent correct 

Symbol sign 36 45 

30 mph advisory panel 29 45 

I mph=1.6km/h 

Table 3.—Preference ranking of candidate warning signs in 
controlled field test—frequency counts and weighted scores 

DISTANCE—30 mph 
advisory panel 



Position | 30 23 4 v 

Position 2 13 24 10 17 

Position 3 7 9 18 30 

Position 4 14 8 32 10 

Weighted scores 187 190 114 149 

I mph=1.6 km/h 
ETE SS en a ee OS ES SET ON sn Ea a eo Ens ee 

Table 4.—Driver behavior response to candidate 
warning signs noted during controlled field test 

DISTANCE—30 mph 
advisory panel 



Slowing or 

braking 25 22 13 21 

response 0) 0 0 0 
Makes remark 6 5 3 6 

Overt orienting 
response (eye 
fixation of 
over 2S) 5 pi 0 l 

Other 0 ] 0) 0 

Driver swerved across lane boundary while staring at sign. 
I mph=1.6km/h 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

Observational field test 

This test, conducted concurrently 
with the controlled field test at three 
rural vertical curve sites with 
restricted sight distance, was 
intended to determine the extent to 
which each of the candidate warning 
signs tested influenced the driving 
behavior of motorists who were not 
aware that an experiment was being 
conducted. Vehicle velocity was 
measured for 5,338 vehicles at five 
locations within an area 1,250 ft (381 
m) before each vertical curve to 200 
ft (61 m) beyond the hill crest. In 
addition, vehicle lateral position and 
other indications of driver response to 
the warning signs were recorded. 

The average daily traffic volume (both 
directions) at the sites ranged from 
2,000 to 3,750 vehicles. Posted speed 
limits were 55 mph (89 km/h), 45 
mph (72 km/h), and 40 mph (64 
km/h). No traffic control devices 


warning of sight distance restrictions 
because of vertical curves existed at 
any of the three sites before the 

Data were collected at each site for 
the following sign conditions: 

* Baseline—no limited sight distance 
warning sign. 

* Symbol sign with SLOW HILL 


30 mph (48 km/h) speed panel. 

At one site, a vehicle was parked on 
the shoulder of the road beyond the 
crest of the hill, thus out of drivers’ 
sight until they were within about 200 
ft (61 m) of the hill crest. The sudden 
presence of what appeared to be a 
potential hazard was intended to 
force drivers to take some antici- 
patory or corrective action such as 
reducing speed or moving toward the 
center of the roadway. 

Figure 2 shows a typical layout of the 
data collection equipment and sign 
placement for the observational field 

Measures of vehicular velocity were 
not sensitive enough to identify any 
effects caused by differences among 
signs. In general, velocity and 
velocity difference measures for each 
sign condition were similar; thus 
neither statistically nor operationally 
significant differences were evident. 

Although some marginally statistically 
significant differences between the 
behavioral measures (including 
braking, drifting left or right, crossing 
the centerline, and crossing onto the 
shoulder) associated with each sign 
were discovered, no consistent 
pattern could be defined, thus no 
sign emerged as the superior 

edge of roadway 

800 ft 

“TH i aa 

edge of roadway 

475 ft 

Figure 2.— Conditions and experimental layout for the observational field test. 


BZ ometite 



1 £t=0.305 m 

September 1985 © PUBLIC ROADS 

Conclusions From the Field 

The effect that each sign had on 
driver behavior could not be 
measured by techniques used in the 
observational field test. In the 
controlled field test, however, driver 
behavior was measurably influenced 
by each of the candidate warning 
signs. That influence was measured 
by differences in the number of 
observations of certain driver 
responses, each driver's ability to 
freely recall, recognize, and compre- 
hend each of the warning signs, and 
each driver's relative preference for 
each candidate limited sight distance 
warning sign. Clearly, the existing 
with or without a supplementary 
advisory speed panel, did not 
produce desirable driver responses as 
frequently as the SLOW HILL 
BLOCKS VIEW sign or the symbol 
sign, nor was the LIMITED SIGHT 
DISTANCE sign recalled, compre- 
hended, recognized, or preferred as 
often as the SLOW HILL BLOCKS 
VIEW sign or the symbol sign. These 
candidate signs are more likely to 
increase driver awareness that a 
hazard may exist downstream than is 
the existing LIMITED SIGHT 

However, although the SLOW HILL 
BLOCKS VIEW verbal sign candidate 
and the symbol sign candidate are 
the most desirable choices to replace 
neither candidate sign was very effec- 
tive in influencing test subjects in the 
field test to reduce speed. Less than 
half of the drivers slowed or braked 
for any of the signs. Therefore, the 
importance of this study is that it 
provides additional evidence of the 
need to eliminate the use of the 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 


(7) M.R. Christian, J.J. Barnack, and 
A.E. Karoly, ‘Evaluation of Limited Sight 
Distance Warning Signs,” Traffic and 
Safety Division, New York State Depart- 
ment of Transportation, February 1981. 

(2) F.R. Hanscomb, ‘‘Evaluation of 
Signing to Warn of Wet Weather 
Skidding Hazard,’’ Transportation 
Research Record No. 600, 7ransportation 
Research Board, Washington, DC, 1976. 

(3) R.W. Lyles, ‘An Evaluation of Signs 
for Sight-Restricted Rural Intersections,” 
Report No. FHWA/RD-80/022, Federa/ 
Highway Administration, Washington, 
DC, February 1980. 

(4) R.W. Lyles, ‘‘Alternative Sign 
Sequences for Work Zones on Rural 
Highways,’’ Report No. FHWA/RD- 
80/163, Federal Highway Administration, 
Washington, DC, May 1981. 

(5) C.V. Zeeger, ‘‘The Effectiveness of 
School Signs With Flashing Beacons in 
Reducing Vehicle Speeds,’’ Report No. 
429, Division of Research, Kentucky 
Bureau of Highways, July 1975. 

Mark Freedman is a senior transpor- 
tation engineer in the Transportation 
Research Group at KETRON, Inc., in 
Philadelphia, PA. He served as 
principal investigator for the FHWA 
study described in this article. Mr. 
Freedman has been conducting 
research in the areas of highway and 
pedestrian signing, safety, and visi- 
bility for 14 years. He completed 
another FHWA study to determine 
the extent to which traffic signals 
may be dimmed at night. He is a 
member of the Transportation 
Research Board Committee on Visi- 
bility and Secretary of the Committee 
on Motorcycles and Mopeds. 

L.K. Staplin is a senior human 
factors psychologist in the Transpor- 
tation Research Group at KETRON, 
Inc. Dr. Staplin has served as co- 
principal investigator on an FHWA 
study of reduced night lighting on 
freeways. For 3 years he was a 
visiting faculty member at Lehigh 
University in Bethlehem, PA, and has 
worked as a consultant with the Air 
Force Human Resources Laboratory 
at Williams Air Force Base in 
Chandler, AZ. 

Lawrence E. Decina is a transpor- 
tation analyst at KETRON, Inc. 
During the past 10 years he has 
participated in numerous highway 
safety studies concerning highway 
lighting, signing, and pavement 


300' 30° 500' 30' 

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2.8 % GRADE 

BP PPPe Pe Pe Pe Pe Pe Pe Pr PrP rir es, 


APP Pele P Sede P ed eP PoP ePed Pelee leeds led 025 

ome 6 










PF Memes POP PPP OPPO POP t Pe Pe Pe Pe Pr Pi Pi Pe Pe Pi PrP Pris, 

Pa Popagrsy 



Netsim for Microcomputers 

Scott W. Sibley 


Netsim, a computer model that simulates microscopic 
traffic flow on urban streets, is one of the most powerful 
traffic engineering and research tools available today. 
Netsim was developed in 1971 as UTCS-1 to evaluate the 
Urban Traffic Control System, a computer-based signal 
control system. Today, there are about 130 Netsim users 
in the United States and abroad. Over the years, the 
model has been enhanced to include fuel consumption 
and vehicle emissions data and other features requested 
by its users. The mainframe program was written in ANSI 
Fortran 66 and is portable to most mainframe computers. 

‘Italic numbers in parentheses identify references on page 59. 


The use of Netsim has been limited to users who have 
access to a mainframe computer. Often, the lack of 
Opportunity or cost of using a large computer has made 
the use of Netsim impractical. Because of the growing 
number of microcomputers in use, a version of Netsim 
that runs on a microcomputer would make the program 
available to a larger number of users. | have developed 
such a version under a research fellowship with the 
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of 
Implementation. The microcomputer program is based on 
the current version of Netsim with actuated signal logic 
and is written in Fortran 77 for use on IBM-PC compat- 
ible microcomputers. This microcomputer version makes 
the use of Netsim feasible for an extended range of 
problems, including much smaller networks and situations 
in which a number of alternatives are to be examined. 

September 1985 ¢« PUBLIC ROADS 


Simulation, particularly useful when studying a complex 
situation that cannot be analyzed directly, allows 
experimentation with design alternatives without 
committing the resources necessary to implement the 
alternatives in the field. Simulation is quicker and more 
flexible than field evaluation and avoids the risk of 
creating hazardous or undesirable operating conditions. 
The user has complete control over the experimental 
conditions, which allows one aspect of a problem to be 
modified without changing other aspects. (2) However, 
because a simulation is a simplification of the real world, 
it has its limits. The quality of the results depends on the 
time and care used in collecting data and preparing 

Netsim simulates urban traffic operations by modeling the 
movement of individual vehicles through a network of 
streets and intersections. Each vehicle responds to local 
conditions such as signal control and neighboring 
vehicles. (3) Netsim was developed to evaluate, not 
optimize, a range of relatively complex traffic control 
strategies. The model is especially useful for predicting 
fuel consumption and vehicle emissions; however, it does 
not generate or select alternatives. Netsim simulates a 
range of network configurations and traffic control 
schemes and analyzes bus stop placement, bus routing, 
turn restrictions, turning pockets, parking control, and the 
placement of traffic detectors. 

The Netsim model is stochastic —traffic modeling is based 
on probabilities of random events, and outputs have 
random variability. Vehicles do not move according to 
origin-destination travel paths because their routes depend 
on fixed turning probabilities at intersections; therefore, 
vehicles are not diverted from routes or intersections that 
become congested. 

pigs It 
Translated By 

eae he 



Popute thule CNE TSIM. DAI sArSAanr 

The Microcomputer Version 

The microcomputer version of Netsim is essentially the 
same as the mainframe computer version. The Netsim 
User Guide (2) is applicable to this version, and most data 
sets from the mainframe version can be used with the 
microcomputer version with little or no modification. 

The program has been modified to fit the limits and 
Capabilities of a microcomputer. The file-handling features 
have been removed, and the user is given direct control 
over the input and output files (fig. 1). The mainframe 
version allows the user to specify several time intervals 
with different traffic characteristics in each; the micro- 
computer version is limited to simulation of one time 

The microcomputer version of Netsim has the same size 
limitations as the mainframe version. The program can 
handle a network up to 160 links and 99 nodes and a 
maximum of 20 actuated traffic signals. Up to 30 bus 
routes can be included. The program handles a maximum 
of 1,600 vehicles in the network at one time. Most 
situations can be handled within these flexible limits. 

The computation time of the microcomputer version 
depends on the size of the network and number of 
vehicles. This becomes a major factor for very large 
networks. The simulator may run 10 hours or more for a 
15-minute simulation on the largest possible network. A 
more typical 30-intersection network will take approxi- 
mately 1 1/2 hours. The user only needs to be present 
during the first 5 minutes of this time for the input 

ew 17/35 
Highway Administration 


Sy su 

ise Cree 

Stet ere dale cotati tote wt Nie SF se ee 

Bee aa a WP 
if Necessary 

Ready Toa Write 
Change Diskette 
Weatinger ile AnNEL.FIL. 



Ready Ta Run SIMUL 

Figure 1. — Execution of preprocessor. 

d Enter Drive SpecifierlAl:itcrs 


PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 


Performing the Simulation 

The microcomputer version of Netsim is simple to use, 
consisting of three separate programs that combine to 
provide the complete Netsim package. To obtain useful 
results, the user should have some knowledge of the 
fundamentals of traffic engineering and an understanding 
of the situation being modeled. Some user interaction is 
required, but primarily the program runs itself using the 
input files provided by the user. 

The first step, which is the same for the mainframe 
version, is to gather the required input information. The 
user must collect the information for the network, 
including the geometrics of the network; the signalization 
and other traffic controls; traffic volumes, composition, 
and turning percentages; bus routes, stops, and 
schedules; and vehicle and driver operational charac- 
teristics. Default values are built into the program or can 
be assumed by the user where appropriate. 

Next, the network must be reduced to a link-node 
diagram (fig. 2). This could take several hours or several 
days, depending on the size of the network, the avail- 
ability of the information, the need for data collection, 
and the experience of the user. The representation of the 
network by a link-node diagram and the assumptions 
made about the data to be used are critical in obtaining 
useful and significant results. Much of the information 
required is available for the study of the problem; little 
additional data collection is needed. 

Figure 2. —Link-node diagram. 


The second step, as with the mainframe version, is to 
prepare the input data set by using the Netsim coding 
sheets and the Users Guide. (2) A card image file then 
must be created using a text editor such as MS-DOS or 
Wordstar. As for any program, the data set then should 
be verified for accuracy, which could take from several 
hours to several days, depending on the size and 
complexity of the problem being modeled. A data set for 
a single time interval from the mainframe can be used 
without modification by transferring the file from the 
mainframe to the microcomputer. 

The third step is to run the preprocessor to check the 
input data set for completeness and, to an extent, 
consistency. A portion of the output from the preproc- 
essor is shown in figure 3. The user then must correct the 
data set and rerun the preprocessor. Even for a large data 
set, each run takes less than 10 minutes. 

The fourth step is to run the simulator, which performs 
the simulation and accumulates the measures of effec- 
tiveness. This step involves the major portion of computer 
time, but the computer runs without assistance from the 
user. The speed of the simulator depends on the options 
selected and the reports requested, as well as on the size 
of the network and the number of vehicles. A typical 
simulation takes from 5 to 10 seconds of real time for 
every second of simulation time. Sample run times are 
shown in figure 4. 

During the simulator run, the optional fuel consumption 
and emissions program can be run for any additional 
analyses that may be desired, such as using different 
vehicle performance values. This program uses the vehicle 
trajectory data generated by the simulator, so the analysis 
is based on the same simulation. The user can alter the 
vehicle fuel consumption and emissions tables to see the 
effect of different vehicle characteristics on the network's 
performance. Again, the speed of this program depends 
on the number of vehicles in the network and the time 
period simulated. However, the program runs quickly, 
completing most problems in less than 1 hour. 

September 1985 ¢ PUBLIC ROADS 




(QOL, 1) 2 900 9 0 ENTRY 22 0100 9 0) Ge Be it 0 GAD: a Fe 1 
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paesorerg ee wieS Sel ieeeeshav22 4S Oe 0) ae te NR A UAT ROY: 3 14TH ST EB 
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ee eS Eee cee) * ere cast tha AURA 
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3 4 Samet) Oyo ae), 0 0 2 2 
4 5 Deo ur) eh BAR) 9 9 2 2 
3 6 % Cale) ay) SP) 0 0 z 2 
Figure 3.— Sample of input summary report from preprocessor. 
te a as te PST < ee eet Cacia =. * | 
Nodes Avq.# = seashell Without With With O=-D | 
Vehs. FC&E FC&E Tables 
= 2% UO GLO] 8:40 A AD | | 
vay 10:60 LES OKO) 123 46 14:40 14:30 
50 7230 S300 10:00 tis 2o 
as 6:00 15:00 Sea ON) PO Se Shr Hg) 
igre. 6:90 aie Ka} 43:10 
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es, 7200 |15:00 25:40 i 
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WASHINGTON, DC teal 40 131 ae src) iba aa @) 
TN a Se) sey 2a: 40 PI {IA9) 
paral Se) aie 4:00 Si aiie Ee) 26:40 
{ ee pee oe ee ee — 1 ______— a — = 


All times are given in minutes: seconds 

Fill = Feriod before network reaches a state of equilibrium 

Simul = Period when simulation 15 performed to gather statistical data 
FC2E = Fuel Consumptian and Emissions 

O-D = Origin-Destination 

Figure 4.— Sample run times for typical networks. 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 57 

As the fifth and final step, the user must analyze the 
output to determine if additional simulations are required. 
The user can examine the output with a text editor or 
print it as a permanent record. Several measures of 
effectiveness, such as average delay and cycle failure, are 
provided to indicate how the network operated (fig. 5). 
Based on this information, the user can make appropriate 
changes to the network and compare the results. This 
step could take several hours to several days, depending 
on the level of detail required. 

Advantages of the Microcomputer Version 

The microcomputer version of Netsim can be used for 

problems that would be too expensive or too time 

consuming on a mainframe computer, making the | 
program ideal for analyzing several alternative solutions to 
a problem. Apart from the cost of the time required to 
gather data and prepare the input data set, there is 
virtually no cost for using the microcomputer version. 



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Sul rs moe ood eg oY SOM cee eco Oded meer aed 309.9 Tet Oe ad ela. ) 
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Figure 5.— Sample of output reports from simulator. 


September 1985 ¢ PUBLIC ROADS 

With the microcomputer version of Netsim, the program 
can be run whenever a microcomputer is available; there 
is no need to wait for access to a mainframe computer. 
This can mean substantial savings over renting time on a 
mainframe computer and makes it feasible to use Netsim 
with smaller simulation problems and with a larger 
number of alternative solutions. Also, the output is imme- 
diately available; it does not have to be returned from a 
remote computer center. In addition, the program can be 
easily modified and rerun. 

Computer Requirements 

The microcomputer version of Netsim, designed to run on 
IBM-PC compatible machines, runs under either PC-DOS 
or MS-DOS, version 2.0 or higher. It requires at least 335 
K of memory, exclusive of memory needed for the oper- 
ating system. Two floppy disk drives are recommended, 
although one will suffice for most problems. A hard disk 
drive provides additional flexibility and increases the speed 
slightly, particularly with certain options such as printing 
the origin-destination table or saving vehicle trajectory 


The microcomputer version will be available later this year 
after final testing is completed and a user guide Is 
prepared.* Availability will be announced in the UPBeat 
newsletter of the STEAM user group. Information 
concerning this microcomputer conversion can be 
obtained from Mr. James Clark, HTO-23, Office of Traffic 
Operations, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, 
DC 20590; telephone (202) 426-0411. 

2S. Sibley, ‘Use of Netsim for Microcomputers,’’ Office of Implemen- 
tation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, January 1985. 
Not yet printed. 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 


(7) Charles R. Stockfisch, ‘The UTCS Experience,’’ Public 
Roads, vol. 48, No. 1, June 1984, pp. 25-29. 

(2) E. Lieberman and N. Rosenfield, ‘Traffic Network Analysis 
With Netsim—A User Guide,’’ Report No. FHWA-IP-80-3, 

Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC, January 

(3) E. Lieberman and N. Rosenfield, ‘‘Network Flow Simulation 
for Urban Traffic Control System—Phase II, Vol. 5, Field and 
Emissions Extension,’’ Report No. FHWA-RD-77-45, Federa/ 
Highway Administration, Washington, DC, October 1977. 

Scott W. Sibley is a highway engineer with Gannett 
Fleming Transportation Engineers in King of Prussia, PA, 
and a Master's Degree candidate at Villanova University. 
He performed the work described in this article under a 
Research Fellowship Grant from the Federal Highway 
Administration at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research 
Center in McLean, VA. 


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The Herbert S. Fairbank building is part of the Turner-Fairbank Highway 
Research Center in McLean, VA. 

David K. Phillips, Associate Administrator for 
Research, Development, and Technology, 
welcomed guests to the ceremony. 

Charles F. Scheffey, RD&T Science Advisor, 
discussed the history of the Fairbank building. 


Reopening of the 
Herbert S. Fairbank 

On May 24, 1985, the Federal Highway Administration 
(FHWA) held an open house to mark the reopening of the 
Herbert S. Fairbank building at the Turner-Fairbank 
Highway Research Center (TFHRC) in McLean, VA. The 
reopening followed 6 months of renovations to the 
Fairbank building, which is one of the two original 
buildings constructed at the highway research center in 
the 1940's. 

David K. Phillips, Associate Administrator for Research, 
Development, and Technology (RD&T), welcomed the 
approximately 350 FHWA employees, retirees, and friends 
and representatives from highway associations and other 
Federal agencies. 

Charles F. Scheffey, RD&T Science Advisor, discussed 
the history of the TFHRC and introduced Federal Highway 
Administrator R.A. Barnhart. 

After brief remarks, Mr. Barnhart, with the aid of repre- 
sentatives from the Offices of RD&T, cut the ribbon at 
the entrance of the Fairbank building to officially 
commemorate the renovation. 

As part of the day’s festivities, Mr. Barnhart, Deputy 
Federal Highway Administrator L.P. Lamm, and FHWA 
Executive Director R.D. Morgan joined in a ceremonial 
groundbreaking for the Pavement Testing Facility to be 
constructed at TFHRC. The facility will include an 
accelerated load test facility and two test pavement 

Visitors viewed improvements to the Fairbank building 
and toured the laboratories, wind tunnel, highway driving 
simulator, demonstration projects exhibits, and U.S. 
Highway Technology Exhibit. Outdoor demonstrations by 
the Demonstration Projects Division included pavement 
Striping, epoxy injections in concrete slabs, a portable 
flume, and a borehole camera. Also demonstrated was an 
impact test at the Federal Outdoor Impact Laboratory. 

September 1985 «© PUBLIC ROADS 


\ XN rbank 
“ts ding 


A ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the reopening of the Fairbank building. 

Federal Highway Administrator R.A. Barnhart 
officiated at the reopening ceremony. 

Mr. Barnhart, FHWA Executive Director 
R.D. Morgan, and Deputy Federal Highway 
Administrator L.P. Lamm participated in the 
groundbreaking for the Pavement Testing 
Facility to be constructed at the Turner- 
Fairbank Highway Research Center. 


AGojouy2Ia} | AemuByy 

The U.S. Highway Technology Exhibit, on display at the Fairbank build- 
ing, illustrates highway technology in colorful photographs, by micro=- 

computer, and in a videotape. 

Pavement striping was demonstrated at the highway research site. 


PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 


You Should 
Know About 

The following are brief descriptions of 
selected reports recently published by the 
Federal Highway Administration, Offices 
of Research, Development, and Tech- 
nology (RD&T). The Office of Engineering 
and Highway Operations Research and 
Development (R&D) includes the Struc- 
tures Division, Pavements Division, and 
Materials Division. The Office of Safety 
and Traffic Operations R&D includes the 
Traffic Systems Division, Safety Design 
Division, and Traffic Safety Research 
Division. The reports are available from 
the source noted at the end of each 

Requests for items availabie from the 
RD&T Report Center should be addressed 

Federal Highway Administration 
RD&T Report Center, HRD-11 
6300 Georgetown Pike 

McLean, VA 22101-2296 
Telephone: 703-285-2144 

When ordering from the National Tech- 
nical Information Service (NTIS), use PB 
number and/or the report number with the 
report title and address requests to: 

National Technical Information Service 
5285 Port Royal Road 
Springfield, VA 22161 


Pedestrian Signalization 
Alternatives, Final Report, Report 
No. FHWA/RD-83/102 

by Safety Design Division 

Pedestrian accidents, traffic and 
pedestrian volumes, geometrics, and 
signal data for approximately 1,300 
signalized intersections in 15 U.S. 
cities were analyzed to determine the 
safety and operational effects of 
various pedestrian signals and signal 
timing. The presence of standard- 
timed pedestrian WALK/DON’T 
WALK signals did not significantly 
affect pedestrian accidents. However, 
scramble (or exclusive) pedestrian 
timing was associated with signif- 
icantly lower pedestrian accidents. 
Current warrants for traffic signals 

based on pedestrian volumes were 
evaluated, and an improved warrant 
was developed and is recommended 
for adoption. 

Several new sign and signal alterna- 
tives were developed and field tested 
to indicate the clearance interval 

and to warn of pedestrian-vehicle 
conflicts. Alternatives recommended 
for inclusion in the Manual on 
Uniform Traffic Control Devices for 
use at high-hazard pedestrian inter- 
sections include the WALK WITH 
TURNING VEHICLES warning sign, 
and a verbal and symbol pedestrian 
Signal explanation sign. A three-phase 
pedestrian signal using DON’T 
START to indicate the clearance 
interval was recommended for 
additional testing. 

Limited copies of the report are avail- 
able from the RD&T Report Center. 

September 1985 * PUBLIC ROADS 

Relationships Between Traffic 
Conflicts and Accidents, 
Vols. 1-3, Report Nos. 

by Safety Design Division 

These reports analyze the relation- 
ships between traffic conflicts and 
accidents as well as expected and 
abnormal conflict rates for various 
intersection situations. Accidents/ 
conflict ratios were statistically deter- 
mined for several kinds of collisions 
for each of four kinds of inter- 
sections —signalized high volume, 
signalized medium volume, unsig- 
nalized medium volume, and unsig- 
nalized low volume. These ratios can 
be applied to comparable inter- 
sections to obtain an expected 
accident rate of a specific type after 
the appropriate conflict data are 
collected. Also, statistical procedures 
were developed to determine conflict 
rate values that could be considered 
abnormally high. 

Volume 1, Executive Summary, 
highlights the research results and 
conclusions. Volume 2, Final Tech- 
nical Report, provides research 
details, data, and an analysis of 
results. Volume 3, Appendixes, con- 
tains raw data summaries. 

Limited copies of the reports are 
available from the RD&T Report 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

Fingerprinting Versus Field 
Performance of Paving Grade 
Asphalts, Report No. 

by Materials Division 

This report discusses a study to 
determine whether there have been 
significant changes in the properties 
of asphalt cement in recent years, 
especially since the 1973 oil embargo. 
Nearly 300 asphalt samples were 
tested and compared with the FHWA 
fingerprint file and other recently 
published data. Results indicate that 
the temperature susceptibility of 
asphalt cements has increased in 
recent years. Also, mixtures identified 
as tender could not be related to any 
single asphalt cement property. 

Although heat of immersion tests 
may identify asphalts that do not set 
properly and therefore are susceptible 
to tenderness, more research is 
needed to verify this. Finally, current 
specification test methods cannot 
adequately predict the field perform- 
ance of asphalt cement. Because 
mixture design and construction 
quality control play a major role in 
determining the performance of 
asphalt cement, the performance of 
the asphalt should be evaluated as 
part of the overall performance of the 

Limited copies of the report are avail- 
able from the RD&T Report Center. 

The Behavior of Piles and Pile 
Groups in Cohesionless Soils, 
Report No. FHWA/RD-83/038 

by Materials Division 

This report describes the results of an 
indepth literature review to collect 
data on instrumented piles driven in 
sand and tested under vertical loads. 
The load transfer characteristics of 
the piles were analyzed without 
considering residual stresses. The 
results of this analysis then were 
correlated with available soil data to 
obtain a predictive pile capacity 
method that considers residual driving 
stresses. Results of this method as 
well as conventional and new in situ 
test methods then were compared to 
actual load test results. Field load 
tests on piles in cohesionless soils 
will be conducted in a follow-on 
study to investigate the new design 
method and residual stress theory. 

The report should be of interest to 
geotechnical and foundation engi- 
neers concerned with load transfer 
characteristics of pile foundations for 
highway structures in cohesionless 

Limited copies of the report are avail- 
able from the RD&T Report Center. 


Pavement Performance Model 
Development, Vols. I-IV, Report 
Nos. FHWA/RD-84/103-106 

by Pavements Division 

A computer program was developed 
to compute indices of pavement 
performance for pavement manage- 
ment systems. Inputs to the 
computer program include deflection, 
distress, roughness, and pavement 
description data. Indices computed 
for surface condition, structural 
capacity, and serviceability may be 
combined into a pavement condition 
Statistic with probability and matrix 
evaluation. Traffic volumes, highway 
class, and the statistic define an 
overall highway condition rating func- 

The Executive Summary, Report 
No. FHWA/RD-84/ 103, briefly 
reviews the research. The Final 
Model Development, Report No. 
FHWA/RD-84/104, and the 
Program Documentation Manual, 
Report No. FHWA/RD-84/ 105, 
provide detailed information on the 
computer program. The Roughness 
Measurement and Calibration 
Guidelines, Report No. FHWA/ 
RD-84/106, selects a statistic for 
generalized roughness index and 
presents a procedure that can be 
used to calibrate roughness measure- 
ments in the long-term monitoring 

The reports may be purchased from 


Corrosion Susceptibility of 
Internally Reinforced Soil 
Retaining Structures, Report No. 

by Structures Division 

This report assesses the state-of- 
knowledge of metal corrosion in rein- 
forced soil retaining walls. Four Rein- 
forced Earth Walls with concrete 
facings were studied to determine 

corrosion susceptibility. These four 
structures were between 6 and 11 
years old and were exposed to severe 
environments such as high chloride 
and pH. It was found that two of the 
four structures may have corrosion 
problems that could reduce their 
design life. One of these structures is 
in a marine environment and uses 
aluminum alloy strips. The other 
structure has backfill material with 
low resistivity and high pH value that 
surrounds the galvanized steel strips. 

Additional field studies are needed to 
assess the magnitude of the prob- 
lems, and further research is needed 
to determine the safe limits of the 
reinforced earth concept. 

The report may be purchased from 

Streambank Stabilization 
Measures for Highway Stream 
Crossings, Executive Summary, 
Report No. FHWA/RD-84/099; 
Streambank Stabilization 
Measures for Highway Engineers, 
Report No. FHWA/RD-84/100; and 
Design of Spur-Type Streambank 
Stabilization Structures, Report 
No. FHWA/RD-84/101 

by Structures Division 

These reports discuss the findings of 

a research study on the application 
and usefulness of spurs, groins, and 
other countermeasures for stream- 
bank stabilization in the vicinity of 
highway stream crossings. Report 
No. FHWA/RD-84/099 summarizes 
the findings discussed in the other 
two reports. 

Report No. FHWA/RD-84/ 100 
discusses erosion processes in 
channel bends and methods of 
controlling this erosion, identifies 
useful flow control and streambank 
stabilization structures, and provides 
guidelines for selecting an appropriate 
flow control or streambank stabiliza- 
tion countermeasure for a particular 
field design condition. Some design 
information for specific counter- 
measures also is included. 

Report No. FHWA/RD-84/101 details 
the applicability and design of spur- 
type flow control and streambank 
stabilization structures. Design guide- 
lines for establishing spur permea- 
bility; the required extent of protec- 
tion; spur length, spacing, orienta- 
tion, height, and crest profile; and 
the shape of the spur tip or head are 
presented. An example is given for a 
recommended procedure for estab- 
lishing the geometric layout of spurs 
within a spur scheme. 

Limited copies of the reports are 

available from the RD&T Report 

September 1985 ¢ PUBLIC ROADS 

New Research in Progress 

The following new research studies 
reported by FHWA’s Offices of Research, 
Development, and Technology are 
sponsored in whole or in part with Federal 
highway funds. For further details on a 
particular study, please note the kind of 
study at the end of each description and 
contact the following: Staff and adminis- 
trative contract research— Public Roads 
magazine; Highway Planning and Research 
(HP&R)—performing State highway or 
transportation department; National Coop- 
erative Highway Research Program 
(NCHRP) — Program Director, National 
Cooperative Highway Research Program, 
Transportation Research Board, 2101 
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, 
DC 20418. 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

FCP Category 1— Highway 
Design and Operation for 

FCP Project 1P: Night Visibility 

Title: Develop and Evaluate 
Traveling Photometer. (FCP No. 

Objective: Design and build a 
photometer that can be used at 
highway speeds to measure the 
reflectivity of raised reflective pave- 
ment markers and reflective lane 
lines. Develop an algorithm for trans- 
lating photometer data into an eval- 
uation of the adequacy of lane line 
delineation. Construct and program 
an onboard data acquisition system 
for evaluating and recording lane line 
adequacy and location information for 
input to a pavement marking 
management system. 

Performing Organization: Cali- 
fornia Department of Transportation, 
Sacramento, CA 95807 

Expected Completion Date: 

June 1986 

Estimated Cost: $60,000 (HP&R) 

FCP Project 1T: Roadside Safety 

Title: Vehicle Downsizing and 
Roadside Safety Hardware. (FCP 
No. 51T2982) 

Objective: Assess the performance 
of selected existing highway safety 
appurtenances and roadside features 
with passenger vehicles below 1,800 
Ib (0.82 Mg). Project the limits of 
vehicle characteristics that can be 
accommodated safely through 
improvements in current hardware 
and roadside features. 

Performing Organization: Texas 
A&M Research Foundation, College 
Station, TX 77842 

Expected Completion Date: 
October 1987 

Estimated Cost: $150,000 (NCHRP) 


FCP Category 2—Traffic 
Control and Management 

FCP Project 2L: Electronic 
Devices for Traffic Control 

Title: Lightning-Protection Hard- 
ware and Techniques for Elec- 
tronic Traffic Control Equipment. 
(FCP No. 32L1232) 

Objective: Evaluate existing stand- 
ards and guidelines for lightning and 
electrical transient protection of elec- 
tronic devices, including grounding 
and bonding of power systems and 
appurtenant structures (lightning 
rods, ground rods, and shielding) and 
transient and surge protection of 
power and signal system lines (fuses, 
filters, varistors, and gas discharge 
devices). Identify the standard 
practice for applying each protective 
device, balancing initial hardware and 
installation costs against the proba- 
bility of equipment damage, malfunc- 
tion, and repair cost. 

Performing Organization: Peer 
Consultants, Inc., Rockville, MD 

Expected Completion Date: 
February 1986 

Estimated Cost: $48,470 (FHWA 
Administrative Contract) 


FCP Project 2Q: Urban Network 

Title: Enhancement of the Value 
Iteration Program for Actuated 
Signals. (FCP No. 4201222) 
Objective: Extend the VIPAS 
program to include additional left turn 
geometrics. Collect field data to calli- 
brate, validate, and test VIPAS. 
Reprogram to increase the modulari- 
zation of some current subroutines. 
Performing Organization: Univer- 
sity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 

Funding Agency: Pennsylvania 
Department of Transportation 
Expected Completion Date: 
August 1986 

Estimated Cost: $174,985 (HP&R) 

Title: Graphic Displays for the 
Integrated Traffic Data System 
(ITDS). (FCP No. 3202322) 
Objective: Develop and integrate 
graphics software to the data base 
portion of ITDS to ease the task of 
loading and maintaining the data 
base. Develop query software to 
allow for the generation of reports 
based on the information stored on 
the data base. 

Performing Organization: Oak 
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak 
Ridge, TN 37831 

Expected Completion Date: 
April 1987 

Estimated Cost: $94,000 (FHWA 
Administrative Contract) 

FCP Project 2Z: Implementation 
of Traffic Control R&D 

Title: Integrated Traffic Data 
System (ITDS) Maintenance and 
Support. (FCP No. 32ZQ108) 
Objective: Develop a microcomputer 
data base system for traffic engi- 
neering data. Use data to execute 
mainframe programs such as 
NETSIM without coding input data 
for each program. Make the ITDS 
more user friendly and provide assist- 
ance to users on all aspects of the 

Performing Organization: Oak 
Ridge National Laboratory, Oak 
Ridge, TN 37831 

Expected Completion Date: 

April 1987 

Estimated Cost: $50,000 (FHWA 
Administrative Contract) 

FCP Category 4— Pavement 
Design, Construction, and 

FCP Project 4A: Pavement 
Management Strategies 

Title: Improved Prediction of 
Equivalent Axle Loads. (FCP No. 

Objective: Develop procedures to 
forecast the total number of equiva- 
lent axle loads over the design period 
in various load groups. Investigate 
how truck volumes and vehicle miles 
(kilometers) of travel have varied with 
economic output and how axle load 
distribution has changed with legisla- 
tive changes. 

Performing Organization: Texas 
A&M Research Foundation, College 
Station, TX 77843 

Expected Completion Date: 
December 1986 

Estimated Cost: $121,320 (FHWA 
Administrative Contract) 

September 1985 ¢ PUBLIC ROADS 


FCP Project 4C: Design and 
Rehabilitation of Flexible Pave- 

Title: Layer Coefficients in Terms 
of Performance and Mixture Char- 
acteristics. (FCP No. 44C2074) 
Objective: Conduct a literature 
review and determine data require- 
ments. Collect and analyze both field 
and laboratory data. Determine layer 
equivalencies for different asphalt 
concrete mixtures, and model pave- 
ment performance to evaluate the 
effects of seasonal and climatic 

Performing Organization: Purdue 
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 
Funding Agency: Indiana Depart- 
ment of Highways 

Expected Completion Date: 

April 1988 

Estimated Cost: $7,540 (HP&R) 

PUBLIC ROADS ® Vol. 49, No. 2 

FCP Project 4E: Construction 
Control and Management 

Title: Methodology for Cost 
Comparison Between Department 
and Contractor Performance for 
Various Department Operations. 
(FCP No. 44E3096) 

Objective: Develop methodology 
and a model for comparing costs of 
contracting for services with costs for 
using Pennsylvania Department of 
Transportation staff. Examine mainte- 
nance, bridge and highway design, 
and inspection of bridge and highway 
construction services. 

Performing Organization: Deloitte 
Haskins and Sells, Philadelphia, PA 

Funding Agency: Pennsylvania 
Department of Transportation 
Expected Completion Date: 

April 1986 

Estimated Cost: $25,000 (HP&R) 

FCP Category 5— Structural 
Design and Hydraulics 

FCP Project 5A: Bridge Loading 
and Design Criteria 

Title: Prestressed Concrete Inter- 
mixed With Steel Beams for 
Bridge Widening. (FCP No. 

Objective: Determine if practical 
problems related to behavior and 
long-term performance are caused by 
the combinations and intermixture of 
prestressed concrete beams and steel 
beams in the same span. Identify 
these problems and recommend 
concrete slab design and live load 
distribution to longitudinal beams 
with respect to mixed girder support 

Performing Organization: Tulane 
University, New Orleans, LA 70118 
Funding Agency: Louisiana Depart- 
ment of Transportation and Devel- 

Expected Completion Date: 
February 1986 

Estimated Cost: $74,060 (HP&R) 

Title: Redundancy of Welded 
Steel I-Girder Bridges. (FCP No. 

Objective: Develop and implement a 
framework to facilitate decisions 
regarding the realistic adequacy of 
welded steel |-girder bridges to resist 
catastrophic failure from the fracture 
of a critical member. Use computer 
modeling to develop meaningful 
quantitative comparisons of potential 
collapse mechanisms. 

Performing Organization: Lehigh 
University, Bethlehem, PA 18015 
Funding Agency: Pennsylvania 
Department of Transportation 
Expected Completion Date: 
December 1986 

Estimated Cost: $149,930 (HP&R) 


FCP Project 5H: Highway 
Drainage and Flood Protection 

Title: Channel Widening Process 
and Long-Term Channel Geometry 
in Adjusting Streams in West 
Tennessee. (FCP No. 45H1392) 
Objective: Perform extensive 
channel modifications, and collect 
information along newly dredged 
reaches to establish the magnitude 
and extent of the modifications, test 
the ability of a quantitative model, 
and predict resultant channel 
responses and instability. Obtain bed 
and bank material samples and data 
on channel geometry and vegetation 
at all sites. 

Performing Organization: U.S. 
Geological Survey, Nashville, TN 

Funding Agency: Tennessee 
Department of Transportation 
Expected Completion Date: 
September 1987 

Estimated Cost: $100,000 (HP&R) 

Title: Design of Depressed Invert 
Culverts. (FCP No. 45H3182) 
Objective: Review current guidelines 
for designing a culvert with a 
depressed inlet to enhance fish 

Performing Organization: Univer- 
sity of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99701 
Funding Agency: Alaska Depart- 
ment of Transportation and Public 

Expected Completion Date: 
September 1986 

Estimated Cost: $8,770 (HP&R) 


Title: Hydrologic Criteria for Fish 
Passage With Regard to South- 
east Alaska. (FCP No. 45H3802) 
Objective: Develop small streamflow 
relationships between frequency, 
magnitude (high or low), duration, 
and season. Include orographic, mari- 
time, and elevation influences from 
analysis of existing data from certain 
watersheds in southeast Alaska. 
Performing Organization: Univer- 
sity of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99701 
Funding Agency: Alaska Depart- 
ment of Transportation and Public 

Expected Completion Date: 
September 1986 

Estimated Cost: $10,180 (HP&R) 

FCP Project 5Q: Bridge Mainte- 
nance and Corrosion Protection 

Title: Effectiveness of Concrete 
Bridge Deck Asphalt Membrane 
Protection. (FCP No. 4502612) 
Objective: Evaluate further through 
field testing the performance of 
waterproofing membrane systems in 
service in the State of Washington. 
Select sites that had satisfied existing 
criteria regarding the application of 
membrane systems at the time of 

Performing Organization: Wash- 
ington State Transportation Center, 
Seattle, WA 98195 

Expected Completion Date: 
February 1986 

Estimated Cost: $37,000 (HP&R) 

U.S. Government Printing Office: 1985—461-830/ 10005 

FCP Category 9—R&D 
Management and Coordina- 

FCP Project 9C: Highway Safety 
Programs Support 

Title: Highway Simulator (HYSIM) 
Maintenance and Support. (FCP 
No. 39C3122) 

Objective: Maintain HYSIM hard- 
ware and software, and modify hard- 
ware and/or software to meet 
requirements of specific experiments. 
Assist in testir.3 subjects in HYSIM 
studies, calibrate and operate simu- 
lator during experimentation, and 
assist in data reduction. Incorporate 
general-purpose hardware/software 
into HYSIM to enhance research 

Performing Organization: ENSCO, 
Inc., Springfield, VA 22151 
Expected Completion Date: 

April 1986 

Estimated Cost: $159,800 (FHWA 
Administrative Contract) 

September 1985 e PUBLIC ROADS 

RD&T Outstanding Technical Accomplishment Award Presented 

Dr. Samuel C. Tignor was the recip- 
ient of the 1985 award in the annual 
outstanding technical achievement 
competition held among the 
employees of the Federal Highway 
Administration’s (FHWA) Offices of 
Research, Development, and Tech- 
nology. The award covers the docu- 
mentation of any technical 
accomplishment, which may be a 
publication, technical paper, report, 
film, or package; an innovative engi- 
neering concept; an instrumentation 
system; test procedure; new specifi- 

FHWA Research, Development, and Technology Implementation Catalog 

cation; mathematical model: or 
unique Computer program. Each 
eligible candidate is judged on excel- 
lence, creativity, and contribution to 
the highway community, general 
public, and FHWA. 

Dr. Tignor, Chief of the Traffic Safety 
Research Division, Office of Safety 
and Traffic Operations Research and 
Development, received the award for 
his film ‘‘Traffic Management for 
Freeway Incidents.’’ This 17-minute 
film promotes the rapid removal of 

by Office of Implementation 

This catalog, which is revised 
periodically, lists selected publica- 
tions, visual aids, computer 
programs, and training materials that 
are available as part of the FHWA 
Implementation Program. Items are 
listed alphabetically under program 
areas. Subtitles and series are shown 
separately under the main item 
heading. Indexes at the back of the 
catalog are arranged alphabetically, 
by program area, and by report 

Items in the catalog are available 
directly from the source indicated 
under the ‘‘Availability’’ heading in 
each listing. Some items are available 
without charge to qualified individuals 
and agencies; others are available on 
a loan basis only. 

Copies of the catalog are available 
from the Federal Highway Adminis- 
tration, RD&T Report Center, 
HRD-11, 6300 Georgetown Pike, 
McLean, VA 22101-2296; telephone 
(703) 285-2144. 

freeway incidents (for example, 
spilled loads or disabled vehicles) and 
describes low-cost solutions that 
highway, police, fire, and other local 
agencies can use to improve traffic 
management, safety, and control at 
incident sites. Traffic management 
approaches for both simple and 
complex incidents are illustrated in 
the 16 mm film. Footage is incorpo- 
rated from several major metropolitan 
areas in the United States. Currently, 
the film is being used in a National 
Highway Institute training course. 


US. Department of Transportation 
Federal Highway Administration. 

Research, Development, and 
Technology : 
Office of Implementation 


Research, Development, 
and Technology 

Im plementation Catalog 


March 1985 

.S. Department eo - Postage and Fees Paid 
ane ‘ation Federal Highway 

Federal Highway Ey DOT 512 
Administration : a 
400 Seventh St., S.W. a : SS SECOND CLASS 
Washington, D.C. 20590 a oo USPS 410-210 

Official Business 
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