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Geveudags: Getoher 5, 1944 

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1 Questions and Answers 

vinter vegetables rich in vitamin C0? Information from nutrition 

Food value of pickles? scientists of State Experiment 

Storage of apples? 

Ye've time for three questions. And 

Let's see what's in the mail bag today. 

here they are. They're all on food. Well, food's an eternal topic of conversation 

And lately we've talked more and more about eating 

where homemakers are concerned. 
the right things. About getting the vitamins and minerals our families need for 
good health. I'm sure that was what this homemaker had in mind, when she asked 

Which‘ of the winter vegetables are rich in vitamin C0?" 

The cabbage and turnip families rate highest in vitamin C, according to food 

specialists of the United Statcs Department of Agriculture, Rutabaga, broccoli and 

brussels sprouts top the list. Cruliflower, cabbage and canned tomatoes rate a 

"very good" for vitamin CO. 

turnips, sweet potatoes, sauer kraut, spinach, parsnips, potatoes, winter squash 

and canned peas. 

And of course, one of the best sources of vitamin C is fruit - oranges and 

erepefruit. You need twice as much tomato juice as citrus juice to get the 

game amount of vitemin C. 

from drinking the juice. 

The body can't store large emounts of vitamin C0. 

by day. 

to increase the body's demand for vitamin C. 

You may need more of it at one time than another. 

Other vegetables rating "good" for vitamin C are cooked 

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And you'll get more vitamin C from eating an orange than 

You must get your supply, day 

A fresh crisp salad of raw vegetables is one of the bost dishes for vitamin C 

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aut you'll cheat yourself out of much of that © if you put the dressing on the 
Getad well ahead of the meal. Mix your salad just before serving. The same rule 
holds for cold slaw. You lose valuable vitamin C when you shred’ the vegetables 
and let them stand. 

And while we're on the subject of vitamins, we'll take up the next question 
which asks, "Just what is the food value of pickles?" 

Well, pickles are useful for flavor. Their tart, spicy, salty or sweet flavor 
may enliven an otherwise monotonous winter meal. But pickles can't take the place 
of fresh and canned fruits and vegetables that are good sources of vitamin De 

Nutrition workers on the Maine Agriculture1 Experiment Station made a study of 
pickles. They tested 13 kinds of pickles and relishes made by Maine housewives as 
well as 3 kinds of pickles and relishes put up in the laboratory. «All ranked low 
in vitamin C. The sample testing highest was a relish made from fresh green pepper 
and raw cabbage. 

Sauer kraut, on the other hand, is a pretty good source of vitamin C. Nutri- 
tion workers at the Wisconsin State Exneriment station found that after two months 
storage, sauer kraut, put up st home in half-pint jars, tested a third as rich in 
vitamin C as fresh raw cabbage. And fresh cabbage, you know, is one of the rich- 
est sources in vitamin C. 

Now, for our last question. A homemaker wants to know about storing apples. 
With an abundant crop this year, a lot of us olan to store a basket or two of apples 
for winter eating. 

For information on storage, we again turn to food specialists of the state 
experiment stations. 

To begin with, select apples for storage that are about of the same ripeness. 
Over-ripe apples should not be stored with freshly picked fruit. Storage speciali- 
sts of Cornell University have recently meade a study to show the effect of storing 

apples of different stages of riponess. They found that the more mature epples 

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fruit. In other words, may cause the freshly picked spples to ripen too rapidly. 

At the Maryland Experiment Station, fruit specialists have found that waxing 
Grimes Golden apples will help them maintain their weight and color. They let the 
apples pre-ripen a week before waxing then. 

If you're storing a few baskets of Jonathans, Grimes Golden or Golden Deli- 
cious Apples, I suggest you write the Maryland Zxperiment Station for the waxing 
) Maryland horticulturists say that waxing is varticularly valuable for 
storing these varieties of apples under home conditions. And the formule is quite 
simple end easy to use at home. ‘rite the Maryland Sxperiment Station at College 
Park, Maryland for directions for waxing apples if you plan to store Jonathans, 
Grimes Golden or Golden Delicious. 

It goes without saying that you'll handle the apples tenderly. Even so, as a 
reminder, bruising hastens decay. And speaking of decay in storage, a study made 
at the Ohio State Experiment Station shows that large apples - sey those of 3 and a 
helf inches in diameter - are more likely to break down or decay in storage than 
those of medium size . 

As for the temperature for storing apples, workers at the Missouri Experiment 
Station say that apples keep best at a temperature as near the freezing point as 
possible. They advise plenty of ventiletion. And they say too, that since air 
temperatures are cooler than ground temperstures, it's better to store apples in 
the open cir until severe winter. Perhaps you can keep them on the back porch. 

Summing up these studies made at the various State agriculturel experiment 
stations on the storage of apples, we suggest that you store fruit that is medium- 
sized and firm. -he apples with a bright clear color. [ry to store apples of the 
same degree of ripeness. “’ax Jonathans, Grimes Golden and Golden Delicious apples 

be prevent loss of weight and color. Handle the apples carefully. And finally, 

a the apples in a cool, well-ventilated plsce. 
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