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Its  Nature  and  Use 


Public  Lands  Division 

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Its  Nature  and  Use 

B.W.  Adams 

Alberta  Forestry,  Lands  and  Wildlife 

W.D.  Willms 

Agriculture  Canada 

S.  Smoliak 

Agriculture  Canada 

R.A.  Wroe 

Alberta  Agriculture 

1986  Edmonton 


Public  Lands  Division 

ENR  Number:  I/ll 
ISBN  0-86499-006-5 
First  printed  i960 
sixth  edition  (revised)  1981 
seventh  edition  (revised)  1986 


Information  Centre 
Alberta  Forestry,  Lands  and  Wildlife 
Main  Floor,  Bramalea  Building 
9920  - 108  Street 

Edmonton,  Alberta,  Canada  T5K  2M4 
Telephone:  (403)  427-3590 




Foreword  v 

1.  Introduction 1 

2.  Examining  the  Three  Components  of  a Range  Site  ....  3 

Soil,  the  Fragile  Component 
Water,  the  Limiting  Factor 
Plants,  the  Keystone  of  the  Range 

3.  Understanding  the  Dynamics  of  a Range 6 

Plants  as  Food  Factories 

Grass,  the  Renewable  Resource 

Range  as  One  Ecosystem 

Rangeland  Plant  Communities 

Plant  Communities  and  Grazing  Response 

4.  Stocking  Your  Range  for  Optimum  Use 9 

Judging  Range  Condition 
Stocking  the  Range 
Estimating  the  Proper  Stocking  Rate 
Adjusting  the  Grazing  Load 

5.  Good  Management  Practices  14 

Improving  the  Water  Supply 
Building  Fences 
Providing  Salt 
Regrassing  Rangeland 
Controlling  Undesirable  Plants 
Planning  a Grazing  System 

6.  Rounding  Up  Your  Range  Management  Plan 18 




This  booklet  was  first  prepared  by  the  Society  for  Range  Manage- 
ment, whose  aim  is  to  foster  advancement  in  the  science  and  art  of 
grazing  land  management.  The  material  taken  from  the  original  "Range, 
Its  Nature  and  Use”  was  modified  by  Alberta  members  of  the  Interna- 
tional Mountain  Section  of  the  Society  to  meet  the  basic  needs  of  the 
range  industry  in  the  province.  Since  its  first  printing  in  i960,  the  booklet 
has  been  revised  seven  times.  The  purpose  of  the  booklet  is  to  increase 
understanding  of  the  nature  and  use  of  grazing  lands.  Principles  of  range 
management  are  stressed.  Some  plants  and  situations  referred  to  may 
not  occur  in  all  regions  and,  hence,  each  reader  must  apply  the  infor- 
mation to  his  or  her  own  locality. 


What  Is  Range? 

Range  is  an  extensive  land  area,  usually  not  adapted  to  cultivation, 
covered  with  native  grasses  and  other  forage  plants  best  suited  for  grazing 
by  domestic  and  wild  animals.  Range  may  be  privately  or  publicly  owned, 
fenced  or  unfenced,  and  may  support  native  or  reseeded  vegetation. 
Range  has  long  been  thought  of  only  as  a home  for  cattle,  sheep,  horses 
and  wildlife.  However,  this  may  change  in  the  future  as  an  ever-increasing 
city  population  seeks  new  places  for  recreation,  environmental  preser- 
vation and  enjoyment  of  scenery. 

Fig.  1 Effective  range  management  guarantees  the  highest  continuous 
yield  of  animal  products  without  endangering  the  soil  and  water 

Does  it  Concern  Me? 

Yes,  each  of  us  has  an  interest  in  the  range  since  it  is  a major  source 
of  our  meat  supply.  It  is  important  as  a source  of  wool,  water,  wildlife, 
timber  and  many  forms  of  recreation.  It  is  just  as  important  for  the  non- 
user of  range  to  promote  its  conservation  and  maintenance  for  future 
use  as  it  is  for  the  person  working  and  living  on  it. 

What  Was  the  Historical  Role  of  the  Range? 

Our  range  is  one  of  the  most  valuable  of  our  natural  resources.  It 
has  played  a major  role  in  the  settlement  and  prosperity  of  Western 

No  history  of  the  range  is  complete  without  a review  of  the  livestock 
industry,  which  is  a product  of  the  range. 

The  first  cattle  and  sheep  were  brought  into  Western  Canada  about 
1700  through  the  fur-trading  posts  on  Hudson  Bay.  By  1812,  livestock 
were  present  at  many  trading  posts  in  southern  Manitoba  and  eastern 
Saskatchewan.  Small  numbers  of  livestock  reached  the  Peace  River 
country  by  1823,  Edmonton  by  1840  and  Calgary  by  1871.  Horses,  which 
were  first  acquired  by  the  Indians  of  the  northern  plains  about  1730, 
increased  rapidly  during  the  nineteenth  century. 

Ranching  in  Alberta  started  around  1877  when  cattle,  brought  in  from 
Montana,  were  allowed  to  overwinter  on  range  near  Fort  Macleod.  The 
animals  were  found  to  be  in  surprisingly  good  condition  the  next  spring. 
The  big  herds  started  to  move  into  Alberta  in  the  early  1880s.  The 
Cochrane  Ranch  Company  brought  in  6 799  head  in  1881  and  another 
2 600  head  in  1882.  The  Oxley  Ranch  brought  in  3 400  cattle  from  Mon- 
tana in  1882. 

The  early  ranchers  faced  many  difficulties,  including  drought,  fall- 
ing prices  and  diseases.  The  severe  winters  of  1886-87  and  1906-07  were 
particularly  hard  on  the  range  herds,  with  losses  of  up  to  40%.  It  was 
a harsh  lesson,  but  it  taught  cattlemen  a lot  about  the  importance  of 
feed  reserves. 

The  period  of  1900-25  was  one  of  rapid  settlement  when  much  land, 
suited  only  for  grazing,  was  broken  for  grain  production.  Some  of  this 
land  was  abandoned  soon  after  it  was  plowed.  Abandonment  became 
general  during  the  drought  years  of  the  thirties.  During  this  drought 
period,  many  native  pastures  were  overgrazed  and  became  covered 
with  weeds.  Feed  shortages  made  it  necessary  to  sell  much  of  the 
livestock.  The  outlook  was  bleak. 

In  the  1940s,  with  improved  moisture  conditions,  extensive  reseeding 
of  abandoned  lands  was  undertaken.  Submarginal  lands  were  taken  out 
of  grain  production  and  converted  to  grazing  leases  and  community 
pastures.  Fewer  livestock  for  a time  meant  that  the  range  had  a chance 
to  rest  and  the  better  plants  increased  in  numbers.  This  has  been  of 
lasting  benefit  to  the  livestock  industry. 

What  Are  the  Range  Resources? 

Land  uses  other  than  livestock  production  are  becoming  increas- 
ingly important  in  the  range  areas.  Recreational  use  and  storage  of  water 
are  becoming  more  and  more  important  as  the  human  population  in- 
creases and  the  irrigated  area  is  extended.  Range  use  by  domestic 
livestock  may  have  to  be  curtailed  in  certain  key  wildlife  areas.  At  the 
same  time,  the  demand  for  meat  and  other  animal  products  continues 
to  grow.  These  developments  have  brought  about  the  need  for  a closer 
look  at  our  range  resources.  The  private  stockman  and  the  public  at 
large  have  a real  opportunity  to  plan  range  use  co-operatively. 

The  poor  condition  of  some  of  our  ranges  has  contributed  to 
flooding.  Much  valuable  water  and  soil  have  been  lost,  but  there  is  much 
to  be  optimistic  about.  Many  ranchers  know  how  to  take  care  of  their 
range  — and  do  take  care  of  it.  Government  agencies  have  managed 
to  keep  most  of  the  Crown  or  public  rangeland  in  good,  healthy  condi- 
tion. Many  thousands  of  hectares  of  cropland  have  been  seeded  to  in- 
troduced forages.  Production  of  hay  on  native  meadows  and  irrigated 
land  has  increased  fivefold  because  of  improved  management. 
Woodland  in  the  forested  areas  of  the  province  has  been  converted 
to  improved  pasture  to  provide  additional  good  quality  forage. 


How  Much  Range  Do  We  Have  in  Alberta? 

Alberta  is  about  66  million  hectares  or  66 1 200  square  kilometres 
in  extent.  About  26  million  hectares  are  considered  to  be  suitable  for 
agriculture,  but  only  20  million  hectares  are  occupied.  Of  this  area,  about 
12  million  hectares  are  classed  as  farmland  and  about  8 million  hec- 
tares as  rangeland.  Public  grazing  lands  are  confined  to  about  3.5  million 
hectares,  administered  by  the  Public  Lands  Division,  Department  of 
Forestry.  Lands  and  Wildlife,  held  under  long-term  lease  and  grazing 
permits.  An  additional  1.2  million  hectares  are  administered  by  the 
Special  Areas  Board  of  the  Alberta  Department  of  Municipal  Affairs. 
Special  grazingpermits  are  available  on  about  0.5  million  hectares  dur- 
ing the  summer  months  in  the  Forest  Reserve.  This  grazing  resource 
provides  about  half  of  the  feed  requirements  for  the  beef  cattle  herds. 

The  largest  blocks  of  grazing  land  are  located  in  the  dry,  treeless  plains 
of  the  southern  and  eastern  parts  of  the  province.  About  55  per  cent 
of  the  rangeland  is  leased  from  public  agencies  and  45  per  cent  is  pri- 
vately owned  (about  3.7  million  hectares). 

The  only  public  grazing  land  available  for  leasing  is  several  million 
hectares  of  poplar-  and  willowcovered  land  in  the  northern  part  of  the 
province.  This  land  does  not  produce  much  forage.  Clearing,  breaking, 
and  seeding  of  introduced  forage  crops  is,  therefore,  necessary  to  in- 
crease production  and  make  the  growing  of  livestock  economically 
viable.  Clearing  and  breaking  are  expensive  and  may  cost  over  $400 
per  hectare.  Also,  summers  are  short  in  the  northern  regions,  so  it  is 
necessary  to  provide  for  a possible  seven-month  winter  feeding  period. 
Despite  these  limitations,  moisture  conditions  tend  to  be  more  favorable 
than  in  the  south  and  the  supply  of  forage  is  somewhat  more  reliable 
on  improved  pasture.  Limited  grazing  allotments  are  available  to  es- 
tablished livestock  producers  in  certain  central  and  northern  Alberta 
grazing  reseives  administered  by  the  Department  of  Forestry,  Lands  and 

Persons  wishing  to  ranch  in  the  grassland  regions  of  Alberta  must 
arrange  to  purchase  deeded  land  or  to  secure  the  transfer  of  public 
lands  held  under  long-term  lease  or  permit. 

What  is  Range  Management? 

Range  management  is  the  care  of  range  to  get  the  optimum  sus- 
tained use  of  the  forage  crop  without  endangering  the  soil  and  water 
resources  and  other  important  uses  of  the  land.  Range  management 
and  range  conservation  are  one  and  the  same.  Grazing  management 
refers  to  the  care  and  handling  of  livestock  on  the  range.  Four  key  prin- 
ciples of  range  management  are: 

• Balance  the  number  of  animals  with  the  forage  supply. 

• Graze  during  the  proper  season  or  combinations  of  seasons. 

• Keep  grazing  animals  properly  distributed  over  the  range. 

• Graze  the  kind  or  class  of  livestock  that  can  best  use  the  forage 
and  be  the  most  profitable. 

Some  goals  of  range  management  are  to: 

• Keep  the  range  covered  with  good  forage  plants. 

• Maintain  a range  feed  reserve. 

• Increase  livestock  and  wildlife  products. 

• Increase  the  storage  of  water  in  the  soil  and  even  out  the  flow 
of  water  in  the  streams. 

• Prevent  or  control  soil  erosion  on  the  range  watersheds  to  assure 
future  production. 

• Control  the  proportion  of  brush  cover  to  grassland. 

You  can  keep  the  range  healthy  and  productive  by  understanding 
how  to  manage  the  "community”  of  plants  and  animals  that  live  there. 
If  we  are  going  to  beep  our  range  cover,  wildlife  and  livestock  in  balance 
on  a continuing  basis,  we  must  consider  how  many  animals  should  be 
grazed.  If  we  increase  one  kind  of  stock  on  a range,  we  may  need  to 
reduce  another  bind  to  keep  within  the  stocking  rate  of  the  pasture. 



To  be  a successful  range  manager,  you  need  to  know  a great  deal 
about  soils,  water  and  plants.  A range  “site”  is  an  area  with  a special 
combination  of  soil  type  and  climate.  The  nature  of  the  site  determines 
the  hind  of  plants  that  will  grow  there.  Find  out  all  you  can  about  them. 
(See  the  list  of  Recommended  Reading.) 


Soils  are  of  many  hinds.  They  differ  physically  in  depth,  texture  and 
amount  of  plant  matter. 

Soil  Depth.  Soil  depth  is  the  amount  of  soil  above  the  parent 
material.  Soil  is  made  up  of  different  layers  but  the  darh  topsoil  is 
the  most  important  to  the  range  manager.  It  tahes  about  200  years 
to  build  one  centimetre  of  soil  from  bedroch.  Bare  topsoil  is  subject 
to  water  and  wind  erosion,  both  of  which  waste  its  fertility. 

Texture.  Texture  is  the  physical  structure  of  the  soil.  It  is  influenced 
by  the  size  of  the  various  soil  particles  within  each  soil  layer.  Bedroch 
first  breahs  down  into  large  rochs,  and  then  into  gravel.  As  weather- 
ing tahes  place,  gravel  is  brohen  up  into  small  particles  and  finally 
a fine-textured  soil  is  formed.  Usually,  the  richer  the  soil,  the  finer 
the  texture.  Soil  particles  have  names  based  upon  their  size  — gravel, 
sand,  silt  and  clay. 

Usually  soils  are  a mixture  of  particles  of  various  sizes.  The  name 
given  to  a soil  is  based  on  the  most  common  particle.  For  example, 
in  a very  fine  sandy  loam  most  of  the  particles  are  very  fine  sand, 
but  there  are  silt  and  clay  particles.  Soil  particles  are  grouped  together 
lihe  "grains”  of  a popcorn  ball.  Texture  sometimes  can  be  determin- 
ed by  feeling  the  soil  with  your  hands.  Color  is  also  used  in  classify- 
ing soils. 

Slope.  The  slope  of  land  can  vary  from  slightly  rolling  to  steep  hills 
and  mountainsides.  The  nature  of  the  slope  usually  determines  the 
type  of  range  plants  that  can  grow  there.  Soils  on  southern  slopes 
warm  up  sooner  than  soils  on  northern  slopes.  Generally,  the  steeper 
the  slope,  the  thinner  the  soil,  and  the  more  rapidly  erosion  can 

Plant  Matter.  Range  plants  may  become  a part  of  the  range  soil. 
Leaves  dry  and  drop  to  the  soil,  protecting  the  surface.  Roots  die 
and  furnish  food  for  millions  of  little  living  plants  and  animals  called 
soil  organisms.  Usually,  the  more  organisms  there  are  in  the  topsoil, 
the  better  the  range  grasses  will  be. 

To  beep  range  soil  productive  for  years  to  come,  we  must  replace 
some  of  the  things  that  have  been  taken  out.  At  the  end  of  the  grazing 
season,  some  dry  vegetation  should  be  left  on  the  range.  This  carry- 
over should  be  45%  to  50%  of  the  current  year’s  growth. 

Carry-over  vegetation  helps  to  reduce  erosion  and  to  increase  water 
penetration.  When  grazing  animals  remove  too  much  of  the  vegeta- 
tion, expensive  soil  conservation  practices  such  as  terracing,  furrow- 
ing, damming  and  reseeding  of  grasses  are  needed  to  hold  the  soil  in 

Alberta  soils  are  described  in  reports  of  the  Alberta  Soil  Survey.  You 
may  be  able  to  obtain  a copy  of  the  report  for  your  locality  from  your 
District  Agriculturist. 


Water  is  the  most  common  limitation  to  production  on  rangeland. 
Plants  need  water  for  growth.  When  range  plants  receive  enough  water, 
they  grow  rapidly  and  produce  plenty  of  forage  for  animals.  When  there 
is  a shortage  of  water,  all  plant  and  animal  life  suffers. 

Fig.  2 The  natural  water  cycle  — Water  that  runs  off  the  range  too  fast 
may  carry  off  valuable  topsoil  as  well  as  leave  the  range  plants 
without  moisture. 

We  want  to  hold  the  rain  and  snow  that  falls  on  the  range.  Part  of 
the  rain  or  melted  snow  goes  into  the  soil  and  part  runs  off.  Of  the  part 
that  enters  the  soil,  some  is  used  up  by  plants  or  evaporates,  but  some 
moves  through  the  soil  and  comes  out  as  springs  to  replenish  streams. 
Water  that  runs  off  too  fast  may  carry  valuable  topsoil  with  it  as  well 
as  leave  range  plants  without  moisture. 

Let's  compare  a raindrop  that  hits  bare  soil  with  one  that  falls  on 
grass.  A raindrop  hitting  the  soil  surface  makes  a dent  and  at  the  same 
time  shatters  into  fine  particles  that  bounce  back  into  the  air,  carrying 
with  them  fine  soil  particles.  Thus,  raindrops  falling  on  bare  soil  disturb 
the  surface  and  carry  off  fine  particles  of  soil.  On  the  other  hand,  a rain- 
drop that  hits  a range  plant  loses  its  force  and  trickles  into  the  soil. 

Nature  “fits”  the  plants  to  the  range.  Range  plants,  particularly  the 
tall,  deep-rooted  grasses,  are  well  suited  to  catching  and  holding 
moisture.  Grasses  have  deep  root  systems.  Part  of  the  grass  root  system 
dies  each  year  and  the  dead  part  is  replaced  by  new  roots.  When  a root 
dies,  it  leaves  a small  channel  for  water  to  run  into  the  soil. 



Plants  tell  you  what  hind  of  range  you  have.  The  presence  or  absence 
of  certain  plants  on  the  range  tells  how  the  range  has  been  used  and 
what  should  be  done  to  improve  or  maintain  it. 

As  a range  manager,  you  will  need  to  know  range  plants  by  their 
standard  common  names.  Hundreds  of  different  plants  are  found  on 
a range.  However,  you  only  need  to  know  those  that  furnish  the  most 
livestock  forage  or  are  poisonous  to  livestock.  In  general,  about  to  to 
25  plants  in  any  one  range  area  will  be  important.  You  need  to  know 
how  to  manage  them  to  produce  the  most  livestock  and  livestock 

Four  Range  Plant  Groups 

Range  plants  differ  greatly  in  form  and  life  habit.  They  are  commonly 
grouped  into  four  main  types:  grasses,  grasslike  plants,  forbs  and  shrubs. 

Grasses  have  hollow,  jointed  stems  and  leaves  in  two  rows  on  the 
stems.  Veins  in  the  leaves  are  parallel.  These  are  "true  grasses"  and 
are  the  most  important  plants  on  the  range.  Examples  are  western 
wheatgrass  (a  perennial  with  creeping  underground  stems  or 
rhizomes),  rough  fescue  (a  perennial  bunch  grass)  and  cheatgrass 
brome  (an  annual  grass). 

Grasslike  plants  look  like  grasses  but  have  solid  (not  hollow)  stems 
with  no  joints  and  are  often  triangular  or  round  in  cross-section.  Veins 
in  the  leaves  are  parallel.  These  plants  are  sedges  and  rushes.  Ex- 
amples are  threadleaf  sedge  (black  fibrous  roots),  baltic  rush  (creep- 
ing rhizomes)  and  prairie  bullrush  (three-cornered  stems). 

Forbs  are  broadleaved  plants  with  annual  stems  (tops).  The  veins 
in  the  leaves  are  usually,  but  not  always,  netlike.  Many  forbs  are 
valuable  as  forage.  Examples  are  peavine  (a  legume  with  wide  leaves), 
vetch  (a  legume  with  narrow  leaves)  and  geranium  (hairy  stems). 

Shrubs  are  woody  perennial  plants  with  stems  that  live  over  the 
winter  and  branch  from  near  the  base.  Examples  are  winterfat  (white 
hairy  seeds),  shrubby  cinquefoil  (bright  yellow  flowers),  and  choke 
cherry  (reddish  berries).  Trees  are  shrub-like  in  growth  form  but  have 
a definite  trunk  with  branches  well  above  the  ground. 

Each  group  contains  many  individual  plants.  You  should  learn  the 
names  of  the  important  ones.  The  botanist  uses  a plant  key  to  identify 
each  one,  but  most  people  have  trouble  using  such  a key.  An  illustrated 
guide  to  some  common  range  plants  of  Alberta  is  given  in  the  bulletin, 
ill  Range  and  Forage  Plants  of  the  Canadian  Prairies.  It  may  be  more 
practical  for  you  to  take  the  plants  you  wish  to  have  identified  to  a range 
specialist,  teacher  or  District  Agriculturist.  Some  illustrated  books,  for 
example,  Wild  Flowers  of  Alberta,  are  useful  aids  in  identification. 

The  drawings  in  Figures  3 and  4 will  help  you  to  recognize  and  under- 
stand the  four  groups  of  plants  when  you  read  their  descriptions. 

The  best  way  to  know  plants  is  to  collect,  mount  and  name  them. 
This  is  an  excellent  project  for  a 4-H  Club  or  a person  who  wishes  to 
become  proficient  in  range  management.  The  4-H  Club  leader,  teacher 
or  range  specialist  can  show  you  how  to  make  a collection.  (See  the 
publication  Range  Management). 



S«dgcs  Rustics 




Not  Jointed 


growth  ring* 

Parallel  Veins 








Leaves  on 
2 sides  of  stem 

Leaves  on 
3 sides  of  stem 

Leaves  on  2 sides 
of  stem;  rounded 

Usually  showy 




Fig.  3 Important  range  plant  groups. 

Forage  Values 

The  forage  value  of  each  species  can  be  determined  by  its  palatability 
(how  well  livestock  like  it),  nutritive  content  and  dependability  as  a forage 
supply.  The  forage  value  is  a relative  factor  and  may  vary,  depending 
on  the  kind  of  livestock,  other  plants  present,  the  soil  fertility  and  the 
season.  Forages  are  classed  as  good,  fair  or  poor. 

Cattle  like  to  graze  grass  that  is  high  enough  to  let  them  "wrap  their 
tongues  around  it”  and  get  a big  bite.  Early  in  the  spring,  the  tall  grasses 
are  soft  and  the  livestock  like  them.  Cattle  that  are  forced  to  eat  the 
short  grasses  get  less  to  eat  and  gain  less.  Cattle  also  eat  some  forbs 
and  shrubs. 

Sheep  are  browsers.  They  like  fine  grasses  and  will  eat  forbs  and  shrubs 
more  readily  than  cattle  will. 


Poisonous  Plants 

Poisonous  range  plants  that  hill  livestock  often  reduce  ranchers’  in- 
come. Some  range  plants  are  poisonous  only  at  certain  stages  of  growth 
and  seasons  but  provide  good  forage  at  other  times.  The  rancher  must 
know  these  plants. 

Here  are  some  aids  to  help  you  to  prevent  stock  poisoning: 

• Know  the  poisonous  plants. 

• Do  not  overuse  the  range  forage. 

• Graze  only  at  the  proper  season. 

• Be  careful  with  hungry  animals. 

• Provide  ample  salt  and  needed  mineral  supplements. 

• Use  a class  of  stock  not  poisoned  by  the  plant  present. 

These  plants  have  billed  livestock  on  Alberta  ranges: 

'fell  larkspur.  Our  most  serious  poisonous  plant.  Found  in  the  moun- 
tains, foothills  and  northern  forests.  A tall-growing  species  (50  to  150 
centimetres)  with  showy  spikes  of  blue,  spurred  flowers.  Rarely  af- 
fects sheep  or  horses  but  is  very  poisonous  to  cattle. 

Low  larkspur.  Found  in  the  Cypress  Hills,  Milk  River  Ridge,  foothills 
and  high  prairie  country.  Is  less  poisonous  than  tall  larkspur.  Grows 
from  15  to  50  centimetres  high  and  has  dark  blue,  spurred  flowers. 

Arrowgrass.  Found  on  wet  saline  soils  and  marshes  throughout  the 
prairies.  Looks  like  a grass  but  has  spongy  leaves  that  are  round  on 
one  side.  Poisoning  is  caused  by  hydrocyanic  acid. 

Death  camas.  Found  in  draws,  moist  hillsides  and  along  edges  of 
grassy  sloughs  throughout  the  foothills  and  prairie.  Grows  from  a 
bulb  and  has  clusters  of  cream-colored  flowers.  Poisonous  to  both 
sheep  and  cattle. 

Water  hemlock.  Found  by  springs  and  in  freshwater  marshes.  Often 
confused  with  water  parsnip,  cow  parsnip  or  angelica. 

Injurious  Plants 

Many  range  plants  are  mechanically  injurious  to  animals  at  various 
times  of  the  year.  Plants  of  the  cactus  family  injure  grazing  animals  when 
the  spines  pierce  the  skin.  Needlegrasses  injure  sheep  when  the  seed 
is  mature  and  begins  to  shed.  Once  the  needlegrass  seed  gets  a hold 
in  the  wool,  it  works  its  way  through  it  and  into  the  skin.  This  damages 
the  flesh  for  edible  food  and  makes  the  hide  useless  for  leather.  At  earlier 
stages  of  growth,  needlegrasses  furnish  good  quality  forage  to  grazing 


Fig.  4 Parts  of  a grass  plant  — True  grasses  are  the  most  important 
plants  on  the  range. 




Range  plants  are  living  organisms.  They  need  food,  air,  water  and 
light  to  live  and  grow.  If  one  of  these  items  is  cut  off,  the  plant  will  die. 
Each  year,  most  of  our  range  plants  produce  seed  that  may  sprout  and 
become  mature  plants. 

A green  grass  plant  is  nature’s  food  factory.  The  sun  supplies  the 
energy  required.  Water,  air  and  minerals  are  the  raw  materials  the  plant 
uses  in  manufacturing  its  food.  Some  finished  products  are  sugar  (an 
energy  food)  and  protein  (needed  for  growth).  The  waste  products  are 
oxygen,  carbon  dioxide  and  water.  Let  us  follow,  step  by  step,  the 
materials  used  by  the  grass  plants. 


Water  makes  up  about  70%  to  90%  of  the  weight  of  green  grass  and 
from  8%  to  25%  of  dry  grass.  The  plant  uses  some  of  it  directly  to  "beep 
cool.”  Much  of  the  water  serves  to  carry  food  and  minerals  within  the 
plant’s  body. 

Most  of  the  water  is  absorbed  through  the  roots,  although  a small 
amount  is  taken  in  by  the  leaves.  The  young  tender  leaves  contain  more 
water  and  nutrients  than  any  other  part  of  the  plant.  Grasses,  like  other 
plants,  need  large  amounts  of  water  to  produce  one  kilogram  of  dry 
forage.  In  semi-arid  areas,  range  grasses  need  from  300  to  l 000  kilograms 
of  water  to  produce  one  kilogram  of  dry  forage,  while  shrubs  and  trees 
need  l 700  to  2 400  kilograms  to  produce  one  kilogram  of  twigs,  bark 
and  leaves. 


The  grass  plant  takes  in  carbon  dioxide  through  stomata  (microscopic 
pores)  on  the  underside  of  the  leaves.  Inside  the  plant  cells,  the  carbon 
dioxide,  with  other  raw  materials,  is  made  into  starches,  sugars,  fats  and 
protein  that  animals  need.  When  the  plant  is  fully  grown  and  green, 
it  manufactures  more  food  and  building  materials  than  it  needs.  This 
extra  material  is  stored  in  the  stem,  crown  and  roots  to  carry  the  plant 
over  the  winter  and  for  regrowth  next  spring. 

Nitrogen  is  another  element  that  the  grass  plants  need.  However, 
it  is  in  a free  state  while  in  the  air  and  cannot  be  used  by  the  grass  plants 
until  it  is  combined  with  other  elements.  Plants  obtain  most  nitrogen 
from  the  soil. 


As  many  as  36  elements  have  been  found  in  plants.  Sixteen  of  them 
are  essential  for  grass  growth.  These  are  carbon,  hydrogen,  oxygen, 
nitrogen,  phosphorus,  potassium,  calcium,  magnesium,  sulfur,  iron, 
boron,  manganese,  copper,  zinc,  molybdenum  and  chlorine.  Each  of 
these  elements  has  a definite  place  in  the  life  cycle  of  a grass  plant. 

Remember,  the  green  tops  or  herbage  of  plants  manufacture  the 
food  and  building  materials  for  the  roots  and  tops.  If  the  tops  of  the 
plants  are  eaten  off,  they  cannot  manufacture  food. 

Fig.  5 Vegetation  is  the  producer  in  an  ecosystem.  It  uses  sunlight  for 
energy  and  converts  it  to  food  for  animals. 


It  is  important  to  know  the  grasses  and  how  they  grow  in  order  to 
understand  the  basis  for  range  management. 

Grass  species  are  either  annual  or  perennial.  Annual  grasses  grow 
from  seed  and  die  all  in  one  year.  Most  of  our  grasses  are  perennial. 
Perennial  grasses  live  for  more  than  two  years  and  stay  alive  during  winter 
or  through  a summer  drought  by  becoming  dormant. 

Perennial  grass  plants  can  reproduce  from  seed  or  from  underground 
stems  called  rhizomes.  The  above-ground  parts  of  the  plant,  which  grow 
from  seeds  or  rhizomes,  are  called  tillers.  The  first  tiller  to  appear  is  the 
parent  tiller  while  the  new  tillers  are  referred  to  as  secondary  tillers.  Tiller- 
ing is  most  important  in  order  for  perennial  plants  to  continue  grow- 
ing after  being  dormant. 

Each  tiller  consists  of  a stem  which,  like  the  stem  of  a tree,  has  leaves 
growing  from  it.  Stems  can  be  very  short,  with  leaves  that  seem  to  be 
growing  from  the  ground,  or  they  can  be  long  with  leaves  spread  widely 
along  their  length. 

Both  vegetative  and  reproductive  tillers  can  be  found  on  the  same 
plant.  Vegetative  tillers  have  only  leaves  while  reproductive  tillers  have 
both  leaves  and  flowers.  The  flowers  are  always  found  above  the  leaves 
on  the  stem.  In  most  grasses  the  tillers  must  first  go  through  a vegetative 
stage  before  they  can  become  reproductive.  The  change  from  vegetative 
to  reproductive  tillers  is  controlled  by  genetic  and  environmental  factors. 

All  leaves  grow  from  a node  on  the  stem  and  the  node  can  be  easily 
seen  on  long  stems.  The  portion  between  the  nodes  is  called  the  inter- 
node. The  internode  may  be  10  centimetres  or  more  in  length  on  long 
stems  but  may  not  be  distinguishable  on  short  stems  because  the  nodes 
are  crowded  on  top  of  each  other.  Reproductive  tillers  usually  have 
long  stems. 

Grass  Growth  and  Its  Response  to  Grazing 

When  a tiller  grows  and  produces  leaves,  it  also  produces  buds  in 
the  axils  of  the  leaves.  The  axil  is  at  the  base  of  the  leaf  on  the  stem. 
When  these  buds,  known  as  axillary  buds,  begins  to  grow,  the  cells  divide 
very  rapidly,  particularly  near  the  top.  The  area  where  cells  are  rapidly 
dividing  at  the  top  is  called  the  growing  point.  The  growing  point  forms 


new  buds  from  which  leaves  will  grow  and  some  may  develop  into  flower- 
ing stems.  These  new  buds  appear  to  be  stacked  on  top  of  one  another 
so  that  the  oldest  bud  is  nearest  to  the  bottom  and  the  newest  bud  is 
nearest  to  the  top  of  the  new  tiller.  The  leaves  will  also  appear  first  from 
the  oldest  bud  so  that  in  a tiller,  whether  long  or  short,  the  oldest  leaves 
are  at  the  bottom  while  the  newest  leaves  are  at  the  top  of  the  plant. 

The  growing  point  controls  the  growth  of  secondary  axillary  buds 
by  producing  a hormone  that  prevents  the  buds  from  growing.  If  the 
growing  point  is  removed,  then  all  growth  of  that  tiller  will  stop  and 
new  growth  can  only  come  from  the  secondary  axillary  buds  of  that  tiller. 

The  position  of  the  growing  point  is  very  important  in  determining 
the  plant’s  response  to  grazing.  An  elevated  growing  point  removed 
by  grazing  will  result  in  stoppage  of  growth  or  delayed  production  from 
that  plant.  Where  the  growing  point  is  near  the  ground,  it  will  escape 
grazing  and  be  in  a position  to  continue  producing  leaves  and  to  main- 
tain a positive  energy  balance.  A plant  that  can  only  grow  new  leaves 
from  new  tillers  will  have  to  spend  energy  on  growth  before  it  can  again 
put  energy  into  storage  in  the  roots  and  stems  in  order  to  beep  itself 


A better  understanding  of  the  range  may  be  obtained  when  we  con- 
sider plants  and  animals  as  forming  a community.  This  is  the  basis  of 
the  concept  of  the  range  ecosystem.  The  range  ecosystem  involves  the 
interrelationships  among  plants,  animals,  soil,  water  and  climate.  It  is 
a complex  system  that  includes  both  living  organisms  and  the  non-living 
environment  and  is  concerned  mainly  with  energy  flow  and  nutrient 

Vegetation  contributes  to  energy  flow  and  nutrient  cycling.  Plants 
use  sunlight  for  energy  and  convert  it  to  food  for  animals.  Nutrients 
for  plant  growth  are  obtained  from  the  soil.  The  soil  acts  as  a bridge 
between  the  living  and  the  non-living  portions  of  the  ecosystem.  The 
vegetation  is  the  producer  in  an  ecosystem.  Therefore,  the  number  of 
livestock  or  wildlife  that  the  range  will  support  depends  on  the  ability 
of  plants  to  fix  the  sun’s  energy  through  photosynthesis. 

Grazing  animals  consume  the  vegetation  and  help  cycle  the  nutrients 
into  the  soil.  They  return  a large  proportion  of  the  consumed  plant 
nutrients  to  the  soil.  Without  grazing  animals,  the  minerals  cycle  from 
soil  to  plants,  to  litter,  and  back  to  soil.  Grazing  animals  are  the  con- 
sumers in  an  ecosystem.  Primary  consumers,  such  as  livestock  and  some 
wildlife,  insects  and  birds,  live  directly  off  plants.  Secondary  consumers, 
which  eat  the  primary  consumers,  are  represented  in  the  ecosystem 
by  animals  such  as  snakes,  wolves,  coyotes,  eagles  and  hawks. 

Organisms  that  attack  producers  and  consumers  play  an  important 
role  in  an  ecosystem.  These  organisms  break  down  the  bodies  of  pro- 
ducers and  consumers.  They  are  called  decomposers.  They  include 
bacteria  and  fungi.  Decomposers  cycle  the  minerals  and  organic  mat- 
ter, thus  maintaining  soil  fertility.  The  nutrients  released  by  decomposers 
are  made  available  to  other  plants. 

The  balance  in  an  ecosystem  can  be  easily  upset.  This  may  be  ac- 
complished by  manipulators  or  organisms  that  deliberately  rearrange 
the  factors  of  the  range  ecosystem  for  their  own  benefit.  Man,  the  master 
manipulator,  can  change  the  stability  of  an  ecosystem  through  manage- 
ment or  cultural  techniques.  Other  manipulators,  such  as  bees,  ants 
and  beavers,  can  also  alter  the  ecosystem.  An  action  on  one  part  of 
the  ecosystem,  for  example  the  introduction  of  a new  plant,  affects  the 
entire  system.  In  range  management,  however,  manipulation  to  speed 
up  or  retard  the  rate  of  decomposition  may  be  desirable  in  certain 

Vegetation  plays  an  important  role  in  ecosystem  regulation.  The 
greater  the  variety  of  living  things,  including  range  vegetation,  the  more 
stable  the  ecosystem  will  be.  With  a diversity  of  species,  there  are  alter- 
native pathways  for  energy  flow. 

In  the  range  ecosystem,  light  energy  from  the  sun  is  reduced  by  plants 
during  photosynthesis;  thus  the  energy  flow  is  gradually  lost.  The  level 
of  nutrients  remains  fairly  constant  as  they  are  continuously  cycled 
throughout  the  system. 


Plant  communities  are  composed  of  four  main  types  of  plants: 
grasses,  forbs,  shrubs  and  grasslike  plants.  These  plants  are  constantly 
competing  for  sunlight,  water  and  soil  nutrients.  This  struggle  never 
ceases  and  the  strongest,  best-adapted  plants  dominate  the  range. 

The  conditions  under  which  plants  grow  also  change.  The  plant  that 
is  best  adapted  on  a protected  site  may  not  be  best  adapted  if  the  area 
is  grazed.  Many  of  our  range  plants  are  weakened  by  heavy  grazing. 

Plant  Community  Change 

The  plant  community  is  never  stable.  It  is  always  changing  for  better 
or  worse.  Let  us  consider  a tall  grass  community  and  see  what  changes 
take  place  during  a long  drought  and  continued  heavy  grazing  use. 

Tall-growing  grasses  are  usually  deeper-rooted  and  require  more 
water  to  live  than  the  short-growing  grasses.  They  will  keep  the  short 
grasses  out.  During  a long  drought  the  tall  grasses  will  be  weakened. 
Parts  of  them  die,  leaving  room  for  short  grasses  to  move  in.  The  same 
thing  happens  with  heavy  grazing;  only  now,  the  tall  grasses  are  weak- 
ened by  grazing  while  the  short  grasses  escape.  If  drought  and  heavy 
use  continue,  the  short  grasses  in  turn  are  replaced  by  forbs  and  un- 
palatable shrubs.  The  better,  hard-working,  range  plants  are  thus  replaced 
by  poorer,  lazy  plants  that  produce  little  livestock  feed.  Range  in  such 
condition  is  a poor  home  for  grazing  animals. 

The  grass  community  is  a desirable  one  to  have  on  a range.  Grasses 
are  good  conservers  of  water  and  soil  and  they  are  good  forage  pro- 
ducers. Under  natural  conditions,  the  prairie  range  is  made  up  of  a few 
short-growing  grasses  mixed  with  tall-growing  grasses.  In  range  that  is 
in  top  condition,  known  as  climax  range,  a natural  set  of  plants  is  in 
balance  with  the  environment.  It  is  a "healthy”  range. 

A plant  that  is  grazed  and  then  allowed  to  grow  again  will  not  be 
seriously  hurt.  But,  if  the  tillers  are  kept  grazed  close  to  the  ground  sur- 
face, the  plant  suffers.  Where  the  tillers  are  kept  down,  root  growth  is 
restricted.  The  grass  plant  is  then  less  able  to  compete  for  moisture  and 
nutrients  with  the  ungrazed,  unpalatable  plants  around  it. 

If  all  plants  are  grazed  to  the  same  height,  the  short-growing  ones 
will  still  have  the  advantage  over  the  tall-growing  ones.  Here  is  the  reason. 
Suppose  we  have  a tall  and  a short  grass  growing  side  by  side.  If  both 
were  grazed  down  to  the  same  height,  say  five  centimetres,  the  short 
grass  would  lose  only  one-quarter  of  its  top  growth,  but  the  tall  grass 
grazed  to  the  same  height  would  lose  over  three-quarters  of  its  top 
growth.  It  is  easy  to  see  that  the  tall  grass  would  be  crowded  out  because 
its  food-making  machinery  — the  upper  part  of  the  plant  — is  reduced 
too  much  to  work  well. 

For  good  range  management,  enough  tillers  should  be  left  each  year 
so  that  the  grass  can  manufacture  its  own  food  and  build  strong  roots. 
Food  is  stored  in  the  roots  and  crowns  for  early  growth  next  spring, 
but  only  after  the  grass  plant  makes  a seed  head. 


Fig.  6 Rough  fescue  plants  have  been  clipped  to  simulate  no  graz- 
ing, moderate  grazing,  heavy  grazing  and  very  heavy  grazing. 
In  20  weeks,  the  moderately  grazed  plant  produced  nine  times 
as  much  top  and  12  times  as  much  root  as  the  very  heavily  grazed 

Plant  Communities  in  Top  Condition 

1 1 takes  thousands  of  years  to  produce  a fertile  soil  and  a productive 
grass  community.  A plant  cover  that  makes  the  best  use  of  soil  nutrients, 
soil  moisture  and  the  energy  of  the  sun  is  called  a "climax''  plant  com- 
munity. Climax,  or  original  vegetation,  is  the  highest  form  that  nature 
can  produce.  In  the  foothills,  a stand  of  rough  fescue  with  a mixture 
of  shorter  grasses,  a few  forbs  and  very  few  shrubs  make  up  the  climax 
stand.  Range  in  "top”  condition  is  in  the  climax  or  near-climax  stage 
and  produces  the  highest  yield  of  forage.  Overgrazing  causes  it  to 
deteriorate  into  a "sub-climax”  stand. 


APR.  | MAY 




OCT.  | NOV. 

DEC.  | JAN.j  FEB.  | MAR. 







/ J 







g y 

i / 







Fig.  7 Growth  cycles  of  native  range  plants  — For  good  range  manage- 
ment, a plant  must  be  grazed  leaving  enough  shoots  behind 
to  allow  it  to  manufacture  its  own  food  and  build  strong  roots. 


Range  plants  are  grouped  according  to  their  response  to  grazing. 
These  groups  are  called  decreases,  increasers  and  invaders.  They  are 
indicators  of  range  condition. 

Decreaser  plants  are  the  most  desirable  as  they  are  the  tallest  and 
most  productive  of  the  range  plants.  When  decreaser  plants  are  abun- 
dant on  your  range  you  know  that  your  grazing  program  is  going  well. 
Decreaser  plants  are  plentiful  in  climax  range  but  are  the  first  to  decrease 
as  grazing  becomes  heavy.  The  poorer  the  condition  of  the  range,  the 
fewer  decreaser  plants  will  there  be. 

Increaser  plants  are  also  native  plants  of  the  climax  range,  but  are 
less  palatable  and  often  less  productive.  Many  are  short  stemmed.  They 
escape  grazing  because  they  are  short  or  because  they  are  less  tasty 
to  livestock.  Increaser  plants  are  the  ones  to  watch  with  caution.  They 
increase  in  numbers  as  grazing  becomes  heavy.  They  replace  decreaser 
plants  that  are  weakened  by  overgrazing. 

The  manager  must  use  caution  if  there  is  a change  in  the  number 
of  increaser  plants  on  the  range.  If  range  deterioration  continues,  the 
increaser  group  plants  will  weaken  and  die  out.  At  this  time  plants  not 
originally  a part  of  the  plant  community  will  move  in  to  occupy  the 
available  space.  When  this  happens,  the  manager  must  make  drastic 
changes  in  the  grazing  program. 

Invader  plants  are  the  plants  that  invade  and  take  over  a range  as 
the  decreaser  and  increaser  plants  die.  Invader  plants  are  absent  in  climax 
vegetation  or  are  present  in  very  small  amounts  only. 

By  observing  changes  in  the  plants  on  the  range,  a careful  operator 
can  determine  changes  in  range  condition.  If  there  are  large  quantities 
of  decreaser  plants  present,  the  range  is  in  a healthy  condition.  If  in- 
creaser plants  are  found  in  large  quantities,  a serious  problem  could 
be  developing. 

We  need  to  learn  to  judge  range  health,  and  how  to  keep  the  range 
healthy,  by  knowing  the  decreaser,  increaser  and  invader  group  plants. 
A list  of  the  most  common  species  grouped  as  decreaser,  increaser  or 
invader  is  given  in  the  appendix. 



Range  condition  is  range  "health.”  Range  condition  shows  what  has 
taken  place  in  the  past.  One  method  of  judging  range  condition  is  by 
the  amount  of  native  climax  plants  on  grassland  ranges.  The  greater 
the  proportion  of  forage  provided  by  the  climax  grasses  and  other  plants, 
the  better  the  range  condition. 

Fig,  8 Relation  of  decreasers,  increasers  and  invaders  on  rangelands. 

Range  Condition  Classes 

Since  all  range  sites  are  not  in  the  same  condition,  we  separate  them 
into  standard  classes.  By  knowing  range  condition  classes,  you  will  know 
how  to  manage  your  range  better. 

The  standard  range  classes  are: 

Excellent  condition  range  exists  when  forage  yield  from  climax 
(decreaser  and  increased  plants  is  75%  to  100%.  Heavy  mulch  is  pre- 
sent, rain  soaks  in  rapidly  and  there  is  no  erosion. 

Good  condition  range  exists  when  forage  yield  from  climax  plants 
is  50%  to  75%.  The  ground  is  covered  with  vegetation,  the  plants 
are  vigorous  and  erosion  is  slight. 

Fair  condition  range  exists  when  forage  yield  from  climax  plants 
is  25%  to  50%.  Increaser  plants  produce  most  of  the  forage.  Climax 
grasses  are  in  a weakened  condition.  Perennial  forbs  and  shrubs  and 
some  annual  grasses  are  present  and  forbs  are  numerous.  The  ground 
is  not  completely  covered.  Production  is  low,  water  penetration  is 
poor  and  water  run-off  is  large. 

Poor  condition  range  exists  when  forage  yield  from  climax  plants 
is  0%  to  25%.  The  amounts  of  annual  grasses  are  large.  Forbs  and 
shrubs  have  become  vigorous  and  abundant.  The  soil  is  poorly  pro- 
tected, soil  fertility  is  low,  topsoil  is  hard  and  dry  and  loss  of  water 
from  run-off  is  considerable. 

The  kinds  of  plants  on  the  range  can  tell  the  story  of  various  in- 
fluences, such  as  the  amount  of  water  and  the  amount  and  time  of  graz- 
ing, better  than  any  mechanical  device.  Plant  growth  best  portrays  the 
condition  of  the  soil  and  how  the  range  is  grazed. 

There  are  certain  things  to  look  for  when  judging  range  condition. 
"Excellent”  range  condition  is  the  ideal.  The  farther  a range  departs 
from  the  ideal,  the  lower  you  place  it  in  the  scale  of  standard  classes.  "Ex- 
cellent” range  is  best  able  to  use  and  conserve  the  available  moisture, 
the  soil  fertility  and  the  available  sunlight.  It  has  the  most  productive 
set  of  plants  possible  on  a piece  of  range. 

"Excellent,”  “good,”  "fair”  and  “poor"  condition  range  on  ordinary 
upland  range  sites  in  southwestern  Alberta  are  shown  in  Figures  9,  10, 
li  and  12. 

Fig.  9 Range  in  excellent  condition  with  a high  percentage  of 
decreaser  plants. 

Range  Sites 

Soil  and  climatic  conditions  of  range  areas  differ.  We  would  not  ex- 
pect to  find  the  same  set  of  climax  plants  on  clay  flats  as  on  rocky  slopes. 
Each  range  site  is  a special  combination  of  soil  type,  slope  and  climate. 

The  climax  vegetation  on  each  site  also  differs.  Each  site  must  be 
judged  separately,  The  stocking  rate  of  each  site  in  a pasture  also  must 
be  calculated  separately  (and  added  together)  to  get  the  proper  stock- 
ing rate  for  the  whole  pasture. 

Range  Condition  Score  Card 

The  Alberta  Forest  Service  uses  a score  card  for  assessing  range  con- 
dition in  the  forest  area.  The  higher  the  score,  the  better  the  range  con- 
dition. The  score  card  is  based  on  four  important  factors:  (l)  soil  condi- 
tion, (2)  plant  density  or  cover,  (3)  plant  composition  and  (4)  plant  vigor. 
In  assessing  range  condition,  all  four  factors  should  be  considered 
together.  Range  should  not  be  judged  on  the  basis  of  one  factor  alone. 
A summary  of  the  score  card  follows: 


Fig.  10  Range  in  good  condition  has  plants  that  are  vigorous,  and  ero- 
sion is  slight. 

Fig.  12  Range  in  poor  condition  not  only  has  low  forage  yield,  but  the 
soil  is  poorly  protected. 

Fig.  n Range  in  fair  condition  has  numerous  forbs. 

Class  l has  0%  to  20%  bare  ground  with  no  soil  loss  or  erosion;  plant 
density  is  45%  or  over;  the  better  perennial  herbaceous  forage  plants 
are  abundant;  and  palatable  plants  are  vigorous. 

Class  2 has  20%  to  40%  bare  ground  with  slight  soil  movement  that 
is  difficult  to  recognize;  plant  density  is  30%  to  45%;  the  better  peren- 
nial forage  plants  are  moderately  abundant;  and  palatable  plants 
show  some  vigor. 

Class  3 has  40%  to  60%  bare  ground  with  soil  movement  or  loss 
that  is  more  noticeable;  plant  density  is  15%  to  30%;  the  better  peren- 
nial forage  plants  are  scarce;  and  palatable  plants  lack  vigor. 

Class  4 has  over  60%  bare  ground  with  soil  movement  and  loss  that 
is  readily  recognizable;  plant  density  is  less  than  15%;  the  better  peren- 
nial forage  plants  occur  only  as  relicts;  and  the  palatable  plants  are 
sickly  and  weak. 

Range  Condition  Guides 

Range  condition  guides  have  been  developed  for  the  grazing  lands 
of  Alberta.  The  Guide  to  Range  Condition  and  Stocking  Rates for  Alberta 
and.  Alberta  Range  Pastures  (listed  in  the  Recommended  Reading)  are 
examples  of  such  guides.  By  using  these  guides,  you  can  rate  the  con- 
dition of  your  range. 

To  rate  a tract  of  range,  you  will  make  a list  of  the  kinds  and  amounts 
of  plants  that  grow  on  it.  You  use  this  list  with  the  range  condition  guide. 
The  list  tells  you  how  much  of  each  increaser  plants  are  allowed  to  count 
towards  range  condition.  The  total  amount  of  the  decreaser  plants  and 
the  allowable  increaser  plants  give  you  a range  condition  score.  The 
amounts  of  invader  plants  are  not  included  in  the  tally.  The  range  con- 
dition score  provides  a guide  to  the  deviation  from  climax  when  rated 
in  the  excellent,  good,  fair  or  poor  range  condition  class. 

When  you  have  the  score  for  a piece  of  range,  you  are  ready  to 
calculate  the  stocking  rate.  Suggested  stocking  rates  for  a given  range 
condition  class  in  a particular  precipitation  zone  are  shown  in  the  range 
condition  guide. 


It  is  important  that  a rancher  or  range  manager  make  a good  estimate 
of  range  condition  and  then  stock  the  land  at  the  proper  rate.  Under- 
stocking fails  to  make  full  use  of  the  range.  Overstocking  for  a few  years 
may  bring  in  a little  extra  money,  but  the  range  may  be  so  damaged 
that  production  will  be  low  for  many  years  to  come.  If  topsoil  has  been 
lost,  the  land  will  not  return  to  its  original  productivity  in  your  lifetime. 

If  your  land  has  been  abused  so  that  the  condition  has  deteriorated, 
it  must  be  stocked  lightly  so  that  it  can  improve.  Stocking  rates  must 
also  be  reduced  for  such  unfavorable  conditions  as  drought,  late  spring 
or  grasshopper  damage. 


Stocking  Terms 

There  are  several  terms  that  apply  to  grazing  capacity.  The  follow- 
ing terms  and  equivalents  are  used: 

Animal  Unit  (AU)  — a 450-kilogram  (l  ooo  lb.)  cow,  with  or  without 
an  unweaned  calf  at  side,  or  equivalent. 

Animal  Unit  Month  (AUM)  — the  grazing  required  to  support  an 
animal  unit  for  one  month. 

Animal-Unit  Equivalents 

l weaned  calf 1/2  AU 

1 yearling  steer  or  heifer 2/3  AU 

1 cow,  with  or  without  calf 1 AU 

1 bull 1 1/3  AU 

1 horse l l/3  AU 

1 elk  3/4  AU 

5 ewes 1 AU 

5 deer  1 AU 

10  antelope 1 AU 

Stocking  rate  can  be  expressed  as  the  number  of  hectares  required 
to  support  one  animal  unit  for  one  month.  Stocking  rate  can  also  be 
expressed  in  animal  unit  months  per  hectare.  However,  the  hectares 
per  AUM  are  easily  converted  to  hectares  required  to  support  an  animal 
unit  for  one  year,  a value  often  used  on  public  grazing  lands. 

Grazing  Capacity  Zones 

The  grazing  areas  of  Alberta  can  be  divided  into  six  grazing  capacity 

Zone  1:  the  needle-and-thread/blue  grama  prairie:  average  stock- 
ing rate  1.7  hectares  per  AUM. 

Zone  2:  the  needle-and-thread/blue  grama/wheatgrass  prairie: 
average  stocking  rate  1.4  hectares  per  AUM. 

Zone  3:  the  western  porcupine  grass/wheatgrass  prairie:  average 
stocking  rate  1.0  hectare  per  AUM. 

Zone  4:  the  rough  fescue  prairie  (foothills):  average  stocking  rate 
0.7  hectares  per  AUM. 

Zone  5:  the  parkland  (a  mosaic  of  grassland  and  aspen  groves): 
average  stocking  rate  1.3  hectares  per  AUM. 

Zone  6:  the  bush  pastures:  average  stocking  rate  2.0  hectares  per 

Fig.  13  Alberta  grazing  capacity  zones. 


Stocking  Rates 

The  table  below  shows  the  stocking  rates  in  the  various  grazing  zones 
of  Alberta  at  the  four  standard  classes  of  range  condition.  Keep  in  mind 
that  the  values  for  stocking  rates  in  the  grazing  zones  apply  to  average 
sites  in  average  condition.  There  is  considerable  variation  within  each 
zone  depending  upon  soil,  slope,  range  condition  and.  in  the  wooded 
areas,  density  of  tree  cover. 

Alberta  Stocking  Rate  Guide 

Stocking  Rate  (hectares  per  AUM) 







Fair  Poor 

Condition  Condition 


blue  grama 

1.3-1. 5 

1.6-1. 8 

2. 0-2. 2 

2. 6-3. 4 


blue  grama/wheat- 

1.0-1. 2 

1.3-1. 5 

1.6-1. 8 

2. 4-2. 6 


Western  porcupine 

0. 7-0.9 

0.9-1. 1 

1.2-1. 4 

1.6-1. 8 


Rough  fescue 

0.4-0. 6 

0.6-0. 8 

0.8-1. 2 

1.2-1. 4 



1.0-1. 2 

1.2-1. 4 

1. 5-1.9 

2.0-2. 7 


Bush  pastures 

1.5-1. 7 

1.9-2. 1 

2. 2-2. 6 

2. 8-4.0 


You  can  use  the  stocking  rate  guide  to  estimate  the  grazing  capa- 
city of  your  range.  Let  us  take  a specific  example  and  follow  it  through 
the  table. 

Suppose  your  land  is  in  the  foothills  zone  (Zone  4).  A careful  examina- 
tion indicates  that  site  quality  is  above  average.  A high  percentage  of 
decreaser  plants  puts  it  in  the  "good”  condition  class.  Suppose  also 
that  you  use  it  for  five  summer  months. 

Find  Zone  4 in  the  first  column  of  the  table,  follow  across  to  the  value 
in  the  "good”  condition  column  and  read  0.6  to  0.8  hectares  per  AUM. 
Since  your  land  is  above  average  in  quality  you  select  the  lower  area 
requirement  of  0.6  hectares  per  AUM.  This  figure  is  the  index  for  stock- 
ing rate.  If  you  have  240  hectares  of  this  range,  you  would  determine 
its  capacity  in  animal  unit  months  by  dividing  this  area  by  the  stocking 
requirement  (240  4-  0.6  = 400  AUM). 

To  get  the  number  of  animal  units  that  you  can  safely  graze  (stock- 
ing rate)  for  five  months,  you  would  divide  the  animal  unit  months  by 
the  number  of  months  (400  4-  5 = 80).  If  yearlings  are  to  be  grazed, 
you  can  calculate  the  stocking  rate  by  dividing  the  number  of  animal 
units  for  five  months  by  2/3  (l  yearling  = 2/3  AU).  This  equals  120  year- 
lings for  five  months. 

Measuring  Range  Forage  Production 

Another  way  to  estimate  stocking  rate  is  based  upon  direct  measure- 
ment of  the  forage  produced  by  clipping  and  weighing.  The  method 
might  be  a good  demonstration  project  for  a club  tour  or  meeting. 

Mark  off  a circle  on  the  ground  using  two  large  nails  and  a piece 
of  string  with  a loop  for  one  nail  at  each  end.  The  loops  must  be  spaced 
56  centimetres  apart.  Within  this  circle,  an  area  of  one  metre  square, 
clip  the  forage  to  ground  level.  Weigh  the  air-dried  forage  on  a gram 
scale.  By  multiplying  the  weight  in  grams  by  to,  you  obtain  the  weight 

of  forage  in  kilograms  per  hectare.  Thus,  if  the  forage  in  one  circle 
weighed  85  grams,  there  would  be  85  x 10  = 850  kilograms  of  forage 
on  one  hectare. 

To  find  out  how  long  a cow  could  graze  one  hectare  that  had  850 
kilograms  of  forage,  multiply  this  figure  by  0.5  (850  x 0.5  = 425 
kilograms).  Grazing  half  and  leaving  half  is  proper  use  of  grass.  Since 
a cow  needs  14  kilograms  of  grass  a day,  you  divide  14  into  425  to  ob- 
tain 30,  the  number  of  days  to  let  one  cow  graze  on  one  hectare.  On 
a basis  of  year-long  stocking,  the  cow  would  need  12  hectares  (365  days 
divided  by  30  equals  12  hectares).  On  the  same  basis  as  the  table,  the 
stocking  rate  would  be  l.o  hectare  per  animal  unit  month. 

The  Range  Condition  Method 

By  far  the  most  accurate  way  to  determine  stocking  rate  is  to  stock 
the  range  according  to  your  best  estimate  and  see  what  effect  this  has 
on  the  vegetation  of  key  range  areas.  This  method  takes  a long  time. 
The  estimate  is  usually  based  on  one  of  the  previously  described 
methods.  Then,  after  stocking  at  the  estimated  rate,  the  decreaser  and 
increaser  range  plants  are  carefully  watched  to  see  how  they  react.  Fur- 
ther adjustments  are  made  from  time  to  time  until  the  greatest  use  is 
being  made  without  permanent  damage  to  the  important  plants.  This 
is  the  "range  condition”  method. 

If  you  wish  to  be  sure  about  your  judgment,  it  is  best  to  set  up  per- 
manent markers  in  the  range.  These  permanent  markers  should  be 
checked  every  year  or  two  to  determine  accurately  whether  the  range 
is  improving  or  going  down  in  condition.  This  might  require  the  help 
of  a range  specialist. 


Not  all  grazing  animals  use  the  various  kinds  of  range  plants  to  the 
same  extent.  The  amount  of  each  grass,  forb  and  shrub  that  can  be  grazed 
without  harmful  effects  to  the  plant  is  limited. 

Categories  of  Range  Use 

Range  utilization  is  the  amount  of  forage  removed  from  a range  area 
by  grazing  animals.  There  are  three  categories  of  utilization. 

Heavy  use  leads  to  a decrease  in  forage  production  and  range  con- 
dition. Heavy  use  is  harmful  to  plants,  soil  and  animals.  With  heavy 
use,  grasses  are  grazed  short  and  no  seed  heads  are  produced;  the 
roots  shrink  in  size  and  length  and,  in  a drought,  the  plants  die.  Heavy 
use  results  in  unprofitable  returns,  excessive  trampling  and  ac- 
celerated water  and  wind  erosion.  Grasses  that  are  kept  grazed  short 
require  three  to  four  weeks  of  top  growth  before  root  growth  begins. 

Light  use  means  not  grazing  the  area  enough.  It  is  not  economical. 
Valuable  forage  is  not  used.  When  grasses  are  left  ungrazed  too  long, 
fire  hazards  develop  and  the  thick  litter  smothers  early  spring  growth. 

Moderate  use,  or  proper  use,  ensures  protection  of  the  soil  and 
forage  and  gives  highest  productivity.  Proper  use  for  most  grasses 
means  that  about  50%  of  the  total  weight  of  the  above-ground  parts 
of  the  plant  should  be  left  at  the  close  of  the  grazing  season.  Pro- 
perly used  grasses  furnish  green  feed  one  or  two  weeks  earlier  in 
the  spring. 


Determining  Proper  Use 

To  determine  proper  use,  or  the  amount  of  grass  stubble  to  leave, 
follow  these  steps: 

• Wrap  mature  ungrazed  plant  with  string. 

• Cut  off  plant  at  ground  level. 

• Place  wrapped  plant  across  finger  and  measure  from  bottom  of 
plant  to  the  point  where  it  balances:  the  distance  is  the  proper 
height-use  for  the  grass. 

• Asa  check,  cut  the  plant  at  the  point  of  balance:  the  parts  should 
be  equal  in  weight. 

Ideally,  half  the  growth  of  palatable  plants  on  a range  should  be  util- 
ized. The  other  half,  called  carry-over,  is  not  wasted.  It  is  left  as  a necessary 
litter  and  for  maintenance  of  the  plants  and  the  site. 

Adjust  the  grazing  load  on  the  range  to  the  weather.  Aim  at  proper 
use  of  the  whole  area.  Make  utilization  checks  on  climax  plants.  Keep 
the  livestock  operation  flexible  to  withstand  any  and  all  adverse  weather. 

You  can  keep  your  livestock  operation  flexible  by: 

• Grazing  75%  of  year-long  recommended  stocking  rate  with 
breeding  animals,  which  allows  the  range  to  make  feed  reserves. 

• Buying  dry  animals  or  keeping  back  young  animals  when  there 
is  range  forage  that  cannot  be  utilized. 

• Building  feed  and  cash  reserves  during  good  years  to  withstand 
bad  years. 



Good  range  practices  increase  the  amount  of  usable  range  forage, 
replace  plants  that  produce  poorly  with  good  ones,  conserve  soil  and 
water  and  increase  the  value  of  your  range. 


On  most  western  ranges,  the  water  supply  is  inadequate  for  the 
number  of  stock  the  range  can  carry.  Even  when  forage  is  abundant, 
livestock  must  have  all  the  water  they  can  drink.  They  should  not  have 
to  travel  far  for  water.  If  you  provide  enough  watering  places,  your  cat- 
tle will  not  overgraze  one  area  and  neglect  the  rest  of  the  range.  Poor 
use  of  range  forage  leads  to  poor  gains  on  stock. 

If  there  is  already  plenty  of  water  on  the  range  and  the  feed  is  evenly 
used,  new  water  developments  are  not  necessary. 

Water  Needs  of  Stock 

The  amount  of  water  needed  by  stock  differs  with  the  kind  of  range, 
the  amount  of  salt  consumed,  the  climate,  the  season  and  the  bind  of 
stock.  On  the  average,  cattle  need  45  litres  (10  gallons)  and  sheep  4.5 
litres  of  water  per  day. 

Cattle  like  to  drink  daily  during  the  hot  summer  period.  They  nor- 
mally drink  every  two  days  in  winter.  Sheep  can  go  without  water  for 
two  or  three  days  or  longer,  depending  upon  the  temperature,  the  fre- 
quency of  showers  or  dew  and  the  amount  of  moisture  in  the  grazed 

Watering  places  should  be  closer  together  in  mountainous  country 
than  on  the  plains.  In  steep  mountain  country,  cattle  should  not  have 
to  travel  more  than  0.75  kilometre  for  water  and  sheep  not  more  than 
2.5  kilometres.  In  the  plains  country,  cattle  can  travel  2.5  kilometres 
and  sheep  5.0  kilometres,  but  the  shorter  the  distance  the  better  for 
the  animal.  There  should  be  one  watering  place  per  section  for  best 
distribution  of  grazing. 

Additional  Watering  Developments 

It  pays  to  develop  additional  stock  water  when  it  is  needed.  You  may 
get  a greater  amount  of  beef  or  lamb  per  section.  Develop  springs  or 
seeps  that  you  are  sure  will  furnish  a dependable  supply  of  clean, 
wholesome  water  through  the  grazing  season.  Try  to  make  dangerous 
bog  holes  into  good  watering  places. 

Springs.  To  develop  a good  watering  place  from  a spring,  clean  the 
soil  away  from  the  spring  down  to  bedrock,  if  practical.  Build  a con- 
crete or  masonry  box  around  the  source  of  the  water  with  an  outlet 
pipe  several  centimetres  above  the  bottom.  A close-fitting  wooden 
or  rock  lid  beeps  out  the  dirt. 

Run  the  outlet  pipe  to  a trough  or  tank.  Provide  the  tank  with 
an  overflow  that  will  deliver  the  extra  water  far  enough  away  from 
the  trough  to  prevent  mud  holes  or  ice  sheets  from  forming  near 
the  tank.  Unused  tanks  may  be  drained  in  winter. 

Wells.  Wells  and  windmills  are  used  where  good  reservoir  sites  or 
natural  springs  are  not  available.  Well  drilling  is  usually  contracted 
to  an  experienced  person  with  a good  reputation  and  good  equip- 
ment for  the  work. 

Advantages  of  wells  for  stock  water  are  that  they: 

• Can  be  drilled  near  the  forage  supply. 

• Furnish  a more  dependable  supply  in  a dry  season  or  in  winter. 

• Provide  the  livestock  with  a safe  watering  place  in  winter. 

Troughs  at  wells  and  windmills  should  be  about  40  centimetres  deep 
for  cattle  and  20  to  25  centimetres  for  sheep. 

Fig.  14  Stock  watering  from  a well. 

Reservoirs.  Reservoirs  may  provide  the  cheapest  supply  of  water. 
Build  them  where  drainage  is  good.  Talk  with  Prairie  Farm  Rehabilita- 
tion Administration  engineers  or  your  District  Agriculturist  regarding 
possible  locations  and  design  of  your  reservoirs.  Soil  type  is  impor- 
tant — reservoirs  built  on  sandy  soil  are  of  little  value  if  they  cannot 
be  made  to  hold  water.  Treating  reservoir  bottoms  with  bentonite 
clay,  salt  or  plastic  liners  may  help  to  seal  leaks. 

Check  carefully  regarding  the  legal  specifications  and  water  rights 
with  the  Water  Resources  Branch,  Alberta  Department  of 

Dams.  In  building  dams,  spillway  design  is  especially  important.  A 
good  rule  is  to  make  the  spillway  low  enough  to  allow  water  to  flow 
through  when  it  gets  within  one  metre  of  the  top  of  the  dam.  Have 
the  spillway  wide  enough  and  deep  enough  to  allow  the  water  to 
pass  through  it  in  a thin,  solid  sheet  that  will  not  erode  the  soil. 



Here  are  good  reasons  why  you  should  have  good  fences  on  the 
range.  Fences: 

• Help  to  prevent  trespass  by  stray  stock. 

• Help  to  distribute  livestock  and  prevent  drifting. 

• Make  deferred  and  rotational  grazing  possible. 

• Make  it  possible  to  isolate  problem  areas  or  reseeded  areas. 

• Make  it  possible  to  separate  different  classes  of  stock. 

Barbed  wire,  which  was  invented  about  1873  and  became  popular 
around  1880,  is  the  most  common  fencing  material.  Three-wire  fences 
with  wooded  posts  are  widely  used  for  cattle  and  horses,  while  woven 
wire  fences  are  usually  required  for  sheep. 

Electric  fences  may  be  a single  strand  of  barbed  wire  or  two  strands 
of  high  tensile  wire  on  widely  separated  posts,  or  polywire  on  fiberglass 
posts.  They  are  useful  for  temporary  purposes  but  are  not  considered 
effective  for  sheep.  Suspension  fences,  of  three  barbed  wires  on  posts 
50  metres  apart,  are  used  on  level  terrain.  Wires  are  held  apart  by  twisted 
wire  stays. 

Build  cross  fences  to  follow  natural  land  features  or  the  lay  of  the 
land.  Cross  fences  should  be  planned  so  that  all  pastures  have  about 
the  same  potential  stocking  rate.  When  pastures  are  large  and  contain 
different  range  sites,  livestock  normally  concentrate  on  the  best  sites 
first.  When  the  forage  on  these  sites  is  depleted,  livestock  move  to  the 
next  most  desirable  one.  A valley  site  is  capable  of  producing  several 
times  more  forage  than  a shallow  upland  or  ridgeland  site.  Study  the 
movement  of  livestock  in  pasture  for  about  one  year  before  you  ac- 
tually build  the  cross  fences  or  drift  fences.  Do  not  build  fences  where 
they  will  cause  stock  to  walk  farther  to  feed  or  to  water.  Stock  like  to 
move  "on  the  level”  and  in  all  directions  from  water.  Let  them  do  it. 


Grazing  animals  need  more  salt  (sodium  chloride)  than  they  can  get 
from  plants.  Lack  of  salt  causes  animals  to  lose  their  appetites  and  lose 
weight,  their  eyes  to  become  dull  and  their  coats  rough.  They  do  not 
grow  as  well  as  they  should. 

Salt  distribution  may  offer  a means  of  getting  an  even  use  of  range 
forage  in  a pasture.  Salt  attracts  livestock.  They  will  often  travel  a long 
way  to  find  it.  Watch  the  cattle  when  you  move  salt  to  a new  location 
to  see  if  they  find  it.  They  might  need  help. 

Salt  is  usually  placed  in  troughs  to  protect  it  from  wind  and  rain. 
On  the  plains,  oil  barrels  are  used  with  part  of  the  side  cut  out  and  folded 
back  to  make  an  awning  for  the  opening.  The  hole  in  the  barrel  must 
be  large  enough  for  a cow  or  bull  with  horns  to  get  its  head  in  and  out 

When  you  provide  salt: 

• Allow  about  one  kilogram  per  cow  per  month  and  about  0.25 
kilogram  per  sheep  per  month. 

• Use  crushed  salt  containing  stabilized  iodine  and  needed  trace 
minerals.  Hard  block  salt  forces  animals  to  lick  too  long  to  get 
enough  salt. 

• Place  salt  boxes  on  knolls,  benches,  in  timber  openings  or  on 
gentle  slopes  on  underused  sites. 

• Place  salt  about  one  kilometre  from  water  where  forage  is 

• Move  the  salt  with  the  livestock. 

• Have  one  saltground  for  every  40  or  50  head  of  cattle. 

• Have  a salt  plan  for  each  pasture. 


An  important  part  of  any  grazing  program  is  the  job  of  "rounding 
out”  the  year-long  forage  supply.  Native  range  furnishes  excellent  forage 
for  livestock  during  the  growing  season.  Native  range,  especially  if  it 
has  palatable  shrubs  on  it,  is  often  used  in  winter.  Cured  range  grasses 
may  lack  important  nutrients.  Livestock  miss  green  grass  in  their  diets 
in  late  fall  and  winter.  The  green  grass  season  can  be  lengthened  by 
seeding  cropland  or  suitable  range  sites  to  highly  productive  grasses 
and  legumes. 

Fig.  15  Seeded  range  of  Russian  wildrye  grass  produces  good  pasture. 

By  now,  you  should  have  selected  varieties  that  will  provide  the  forage 
during  the  period  it  is  most  required.  A goal  to  shoot  for  is  six  months 
of  green  grass. 

Preparing  the  Seedbed 

Seedbed  preparation  is  the  first  "hurdle”  to  get  over  in  regrassing. 
Seedling  plants  are  weak.  They  cannot  stand  competition  from  large 
established  plants.  Therefore,  remove  all  undesirable,  moisture-robbing 
plants  from  the  site  to  be  reseeded.  You  know  that  seeded  grasses  do 
much  better  in  clean  ground,  free  from  other  plants. 

Till  the  soil  shallowly  just  before  reseeding  to  kill  weeds.  Grain  stub- 
ble is  an  excellent  seedbed,  if  there  is  enough  moisture  available.  No 
tillage  is  then  needed.  The  seedbed  should  be  very  firm.  Loose  soil  is 
not  a food  forage  seedbed. 

How  to  Seed 

A drill  with  depth  regulators  is  the  best  tool  for  seeding.  Sprouts  of 
small  grass  seeds  planted  too  deep  will  die  before  they  can  reach  the 
surface.  Neither  should  seeds  be  planted  too  shallow.  They  need  moisture 
to  germinate.  Therefore,  sow  seed  into  soil  that  is  moist  enough  to  ger- 
minate them  and  shallow  enough  to  let  them  emerge.  Plant  the  smallest 
seeds  at  0.5  centimetre  deep,  and  the  larger  seeds  at  2.0  centimetres. 
Plant  slightly  deeper  in  sandy  soils  and  shallower  in  heavy  clay  or  silt  soils. 

Broadcasting  seed,  generally,  is  not  a good  practice.  The  seeds  are 
seldom  covered  uniformly,  but  it  may  be  the  only  way  to  place  the  seed 
in  rough  country. 


When  to  Seed 

Time  of  seeding  is  important.  Fall  seeding  probably  is  better  than 
spring  seeding,  depending  on  what  you  are  planting.  Seedlings  must 
have  moisture  while  they  are  getting  established.  The  time  to  seed 
depends  more  on  the  rancher  than  on  the  rule. 

What  to  Seed 

What  to  seed  depends  upon  local  conditions.  Plant  grasses  that  suit 
your  locality.  Some  grasses  do  better  on  heavy,  clay  soil  than  on  sandy 
soil,  and  vice  versa.  On  loam  soils,  still  other  grasses  may  be  better  suited. 
Ash  your  District  Agriculturist  when  and  what  to  plant. 

Plant  a legume  whenever  you  seed  grass.  You  need  only  a small 
amount  — from  0.5  to  l.o  hilograms  of  legume  seed  per  hectare  is 

Managing  Seeded  Pasture 

Do  not  graze  new  seedlings  while  they  are  getting  established.  If 
grazed  too  soon,  they  may  be  pulled  up  by  the  roots,  especially  if  the 
soil  is  wet.  Seedlings  take  about  one  year  to  become  firmly  rooted.  Even 
during  the  second  spring,  grazing  should  be  moderate.  If  weeds  seem 
to  be  getting  ahead  of  the  young  grass  in  the  first  year,  clip  them.  The 
fallen  weeds  make  good  mulch  that  helps  keep  the  moisture  near  the 
surface  of  the  soil.  If  the  seeded  area  is  too  rough  to  mow  and  the  weeds 
are  much  higher  than  the  grasses,  they  might  be  grazed  off  if  the  livestock 
will  eat  them. 

Relatively  large  seeded  fields  with  their  own  water  supply  should 
be  fenced  off  from  surrounding  native  range.  Fenced  fields  can  be  grazed 
at  the  time  best  suited  to  the  seeded  plants,  which  may  be  a different 
time  than  for  native  plants. 

Check  the  grazing  calendar  to  see  how  the  different  pastures  might 
be  seeded  to  make  six  months  of  green  grass.  Adapt  the  grazing  calen- 
dar and  kinds  of  grass  to  your  area. 


Fig,  16  Grazing  calendar — When  reseeding,  aim  for  six  months  of  green 

Control  of  Brush 

A certain  amount  of  brush  cover  on  range  is  desirable.  Brush  pro- 
vides shelter  for  livestock,  food  and  shelter  for  wildlife  and  serves  to 
catch  and  hold  winter  snowfall.  However,  since  man  has  controlled 
wildfires,  brush  has  tended  to  increase  on  range,  particularly  in  the 
foothills  and  parkland  areas.  Brush  species  invade  open  native  grasslands 
primarily  by  way  of  creeping  roots.  As  brush  cover  expands,  grass  growth 
is  reduced  and  the  new  brush  becomes  a barrier  to  grazing. 

The  presence  of  useless  shrubs  or  brush  on  the  range  lowers  pro- 
duction of  native  grasses  (and  of  livestock).  Brush  plants  use  about  four 
times  more  water  than  native  grasses  do  during  growth. 

Fig.  17  Brush  removal  will  result  in  better  grazing  and  greater  forage 

No  one  treatment  will  control  bmsh.  Some  woody  plants  possess 
a reserve  of  shoot  buds  and  food  in  their  root  system  from  which  new 
sprouts  can  be  produced.  The  choice  of  brush  control  treatments  will 
depend  upon  soils,  topography,  bmsh  species  to  be  controlled  and  the 
nature  of  the  ranching  operation.  Generally,  more  than  one  treatment 
should  be  applied  in  combination  to  give  cost-effective  results.  Some 
of  the  brush  control  treatments  that  may  be  considered  include: 

• Chemical  methods  — herbicides  applied  either  by  aircraft  or 
ground  machines. 

• Mechanical  methods  — including  gyro-mowing  and  bulldozing. 

• Fire  — before  proceeding  you  must  know  when,  where  and  how 
to  burn  and  you  must  know  fire  laws  and  get  needed  permits. 
Conditions  must  be  just  right  for  best  results.  Normally  you  would 
not  use  fire  for  brush  control  without  the  help  of  government 
personnel  who  are  specially  trained  to  use  fire. 

• Controlled  grazing  — with  proper  management,  livestock  may 
be  used  to  graze  the  woody  shoots. 

Do  not  graze  an  area  during  the  first  growing  season  after  bmsh  con- 
trol measures  have  been  applied.  Give  grasses  a chance  to  become 
established,  although  annual  forages  may  be  seeded  on  newly  cleared 
land  to  provide  temporary  pasture  and  to  suppress  the  growth  of  suckers. 
Follow-up  grazing  management  should  be  carefully  planned  to  fit  in 
with  the  combination  of  brush  control  treatments  utilized. 


Control  of  Poisonous  Plants 

You  can  control  poisonous  range  plants  with  appropriate  chemical 
herbicides.  Care  should  be  taken  to  prevent  pollution  of  water  courses 
and  drifting  of  the  spray  mist  onto  trees  or  agricultural  crops.  Do  not 
expose  animals  to  plants  sprayed  with  herbicides.  Livestock  poisoning 
has  been  traced  to  such  plants. 

Make  sure  that  good  plants  take  the  place  of  those  killed.  Reseed 
and  defer  grazing  as  necessary. 

Some  poisonous  species  start  growing  early  in  the  spring,  before 
the  good  range  plants.  When  this  happens,  it  is  wise  to  defer  or  delay 
grazing.  Tall  larkspur  is  a poisonous  plant  that  is  particularly  toxic  dur- 
ing spring  and  early  summer.  Ranges  with  large  quantities  of  tall  larkspur 
should  be  left  ungrazed  until  August  when  the  plants  have  lost  their 


The  four  main  grazing  systems  are  rotational  grazing,  deferred  graz- 
ing, complementary  grazing  and  continuous  grazing.  Each  has  its  ad- 
vantages and  disadvantages. 

In  rotational  grazing,  one  unit  or  pasture  is  grazed,  then  another, 

and  another,  and  so  on  back  to  the  first.  The  system  works  well  with 
two,  three  or  more  pastures  where  one  pasture  receives  a rest  or  several 
rests  in  the  same  year.  Short  duration  grazing,  a form  of  rotational  graz- 
ing, has  aroused  interest  in  Alberta.  It  emphasizes  the  importance  of 
timing  the  grazing  and  rest  periods  within  a grazing  season  in  order 
to  restore  plant  vigor. 

In  deferred  grazing,  the  stock  are  generally  kept  off  an  area  until 
after  the  most  important  forage  plants  have  made  seed.  This  is  a good 
system  to  use  where  range  has  been  heavily  grazed  and  is  in  poor  con- 
dition. Rest  in  the  spring  is  the  best  "medicine”  for  a sick  range. 

In  complementary  grazing,  a seeded  grass  is  grazed  early  in  the 
season,  and  then  the  native  grass.  In  one  test,  grazing  of  crested 
wheatgrass  in  May  and  June  and  grazing  of  native  range  from  July  to 
October  resulted  in  35%  greater  carrying  capacity  compared  with  con- 
tinuous grazing  of  the  native  range. 

Generally,  continuous  grazing  is  practised  on  most  ranches  in  the 
summer  and  winter.  Winter  grazing  is  less  harmful  to  plants  than  sum- 
mer grazing.  Stocking  rates  can  be  increased  considerably  if  grazing 
is  confined  to  the  winter  months. 

Whatever  the  grazing  system,  it  should  fit  the  range  unit.  Ranchers 
can  get  help  in  planning  a good  grazing  system  from  their  District 
Agriculturist  or  range  specialist. 




Every  good  range  operator  knows  what  resources  are  available  to 
work  with.  You  should  use  a map  to  keep  an  inventory  of  resources. 
Maps  are  more  accurate  than  memory.  We  do  not  always  notice  gradual 
changes.  Range  grazed  by  livestock  can  change  so  gradually  that  you 
may  not  notice  the  change.  And  yet.  the  change  may  affect  your  in- 
come from  the  range,  or  mean  the  loss  of  valuable  soil  and  water. 

A map  is  the  most  important  part  of  your  range  plan.  It  gives  you 
a picture  of  what  you  have  to  work  with  and  what  you  intend  to  do 
with  it.  The  map  should  show  each  range  site  and  its  condition;  artificial 
features  such  as  fences,  trails,  watering  and  salting  places  and  buildings; 
natural  features  such  as  coulees,  streams,  trees  and  cutbanks;  and 
anything  else  that  may  affect  the  livestock  handling. 

A map,  such  as  the  one  shown  here,  can  be  made  up  on  a grid  show- 
ing the  sections,  quarters  and  possibly  smaller  areas.  Aerial  photographs 
are  available  for  all  parts  of  Alberta  and  can  be  obtained  from  the  Depart- 
ment of  Forestry,  Lands  and  Wildlife  in  Edmonton.  When  you  inquire 


Or — Natural  Spring 
%r — Spring  developed 
«-■»  » Fence 

D Pasture  or  field  jyunyber 

660  _U<sable  acrec 
t93  Aninyxl  unit  n\o i\tk« 

Po  Poisanpu*  plants 

-Permanent  stream 

‘Intermittent  stream 

MTrrm  Cliffs 

-t^^StocK  water  or  reservoir 
Excellent, good, fair,  or  poor  = 
Rarge  Condition. 

Site  boundaries 

about  aerial  photos,  give  the  legal  description  of  your  land.  You  can 
transfer  most  of  the  features  mentioned  above  from  the  photos  to  your 
map.  A little  practice  with  a stereoscope  will  make  you  proficient  in 
interpreting  features  from  aerial  photographs. 

You  can  base  your  management  practices  on  what  the  map  shows 
to  be  the  range  condition  and  forage  use  in  the  different  areas  of  each 
pasture.  Your  map  will  show  the  changes  you  need  to  make  to  get  the 
best  production  from  your  land.  For  instance,  a pasture  that  is  in  poor 
condition  at  one  end,  but  in  excellent  condition  at  the  other,  might 
indicate  the  need  for  cross  fencing  or  for  additional  watering  places 
nearer  the  excellent  forage.  A change  in  salting  practices  may  be  needed 
to  attract  the  stock  to  areas  in  excellent  condition.  The  place  where 
those  five  steers  died  may  be  infested  with  a poisonous  plant!  Examine 
the  site  on  the  ground,  fence  it  off  and  control  the  infestation  as  required. 

Improvements  and  changes  can  be  shown  on  an  overlay  of  tracing 
paper  laid  over  the  original  detailed  map.  You  can  use  overlays  on  aerial 
photos  too.  On  the  overlay,  show  the  fences  to  be  moved  or  new  ones 
to  be  built,  new  water  development,  new  saltgrounds  and  any  other 
changes  you  have  made. 


This  show?  how  to  “n\ap” vour  pUrvs  for  the  following: 
Teeing  r 1 r Salting  placed 

Stock,  water  develop nymV  ""V® seeding 

Fig.  18  An  example  of  a range  map  and  the  overlay  used  to  plan  for 
range  improvements. 

Mark  problem  areas  to  be  treated  on  the  overlay.  Abandoned 
farmland  to  be  seeded  to  grass,  or  poisonous  plants  or  shrubs  to  be 
controlled,  can  be  marked  on  the  overlay.  Show  the  year  during  which 
each  of  the  changes  is  to  be  made,  either  on  the  overlay  or  on  the  writ- 
ten plan,  or  both. 

The  example  shows  how  an  overlay  is  used  in  planning  for  range 
improvement.  It  proposes  the  following  range  improvement  practices, 
from  north  (top)  to  south: 

• Build  four  new  pieces  of  fence  and  remove  one  piece  to  give 
better  pasture  arrangement:  add  pasture  C. 

• Reseed  area  for  better  calving  pasture  and  fall  pastures. 

• Develop  four  possible  new  stock-watering  facilities  to  get  more 
uniform  grazing  or  forage. 

• Move  two  salt  stations  and  add  two  new  ones  to  attract  stock 
to  the  lightly  used  range  areas. 

• Fence  out  poisonous  plants. 

If  you  are  just  starting  your  range  map,  you  will  save  time  by  obtain- 
ing plan  book  sheets  from  a book  store  or  municipal  or  county  office. 
Ordinary  heavy  paper  will  do  very  well,  if  it  is  tough  and  light  colored. 
It  will  need  to  have  grid  lines  to  represent  quarter-sections,  sections 
and  townships. 

Aerial  photographs  may  help  you  locate  important  features  on  your 
map.  It  will  be  practical  to  use  tracing  paper  to  transfer  information 
to  your  maps  from  photos  if  the  aerial  photos  are  on  the  same  scale 
as  your  maps. 

For  further  information  on  range  management,  see  your  District 
Agriculturist  or  range  specialist.  They  will  tell  you  where  you  can  get 
additional  technical  help. 



Plant  Characteristics  for  Judging 
and  Identifying  Range  Plants 

Plants  included  in  the  following  chart  were  selected  on  the  basis 
of  their  importance,  distribution  and  forage  contribution  for  the  range 
areas  of  Alberta.  The  common  names  listed  are  the  standardized  plant 
names.  Descriptions  of  some  of  the  terms  used  are: 

Grasses  are  plants  with  hollow,  jointed  stems  and  leaves  in  two  rows 
on  the  stems.  Veins  in  the  leaves  are  parallel. 

Shrubs  are  woody  perennial  plants  with  stems  that  live  over  the  winter 
and  branch  from  near  the  base. 

Forbs  are  broadleaved  plants  with  annual  stems  (tops).  The  veins  in  the 
leaves  are  usually,  but  not  always,  netlike. 

Annuals  are  plants  living  only  one  year. 

Biennials  are  plants  living  two  years. 

Perennials  are  plants  surviving  from  year  to  year,  producing  leaves  and 
stems  for  more  than  two  years  from  the  same  crown. 

Native  plants  are  those  which  have  always  grown  in  the  range  area  be- 
ing considered. 

Introduced  plants  are  those  which  have  been  brought  in  from  outside 
the  range  area  being  considered. 

Cool-season  plants  make  their  principal  growth  during  the  cool  weather 
of  late  fall  and  early  spring. 

Warm-season  plants  make  their  principal  growth  during  late  spring 
and  early  summer  and  develop  seed  in  the  summer  or  early  fall. 

Grazing  response  is  the  way  the  amounts  of  various  plants  in  the  range 
change  when  they  are  grazed.  Range  plants  are  grouped  as  decreases 
increaser  or  invader  plants. 

Decreaser  plants  are  plentiful  in  a climax  range  but  are  the  first  to 
decrease  as  grazing  becomes  too  heavy.  They  are  the  plants  best  liked 
by  the  livestock.  The  poorer  the  condition  of  the  range,  the  fewer 
decreaser  plants  there  will  be. 

Increaser  plants  are  also  plants  of  a climax  range  but  they  increase 
in  number  as  grazing  becomes  heavy.  They  escape  grazing  because  they 
are  short  or  because  they  are  less  tasty  to  livestock.  They  replace 
decreaser  plants  that  have  been  weakened  by  overgrazing. 

Invader  plants  invade  and  replace  the  decreaser  and  increaser  group 
plants  as  they  are  removed  or  seriously  weakened  by  overgrazing.  They 
are  not  present  in  climax  vegetation  or  are  there  only  in  very  small 
amounts.  These  plants  are  the  danger  signal  of  a deteriorating  range. 

Forage  value  is  determined  for  each  species  on  the  basis  of  payabil- 
ity, nutritive  content  and  dependability  as  a forage  supply.  This  is  a relative 
factor  and  may  vary,  depending  on  the  kind  of  livestock,  other  plants 
present,  the  soil  fertility  and  the  season.  Forages  are  classed  as  good, 
fair  or  poor. 

Poisonous  plants  contain  or  produce  substances  that  cause  sickness, 
death,  disability,  wounds  or  skin  eruptions.  These  plants  are  found  in 
range  areas  but  are  normally  unpalatable  and  are  only  eaten  in  times 
of  drought  or  in  spring  and  summer  when  other  forages  are  scarce. 


Plant  Characteristics  for  Judging  and  Identifying  Range  Plants 

Name  of  Plant 

Type  of 



of  Plant 

of  Growth 







































Baltic  rush 







Bearded  wheatgrass 







Blue  grama 







Canada  bluegrass 







Canada  wildrye 







Canby  bluegrass 







Cheatgrass  brome 







Common  chokecherry 















Death  camas 








Foxtail  barley 







Fringed  sage 







Geranium  (sticky) 







Giant  wildrye 






















Green  needlegrass 














Hairy  wildrye 







Hoary  sagebrush 







Hooker’s  oatgrass 







Idaho  fescue 







Indian  ricegrass 














Kentucky  bluegrass 







Little  bluestem 































Marsh  reed  grass 








Plant  Characteristics  for  Judging  and  Identifying  Range  Plants 

Name  of  Plant 

Type  of 



of  Plant 

of  Growth 
























Mountain  brome 







Narrowleaf  milkvetch 















Northern  wheatgrass 







Nuttall’s  atriplex 







Parry's  oatgrass 





















Plains  muhly 







Prairie  sage 







Prairie  bulrush 







Prickly  rose 







Red-root  pigweed 







Rough  fescue 







Russian  thistle 







Sandberg  bluegrass 







Sand  grass 














Shrubby  cinquefoil 







Slender  wheatgrass 







Slough  grass 







Streambank  wheatgrass 







Threadleaf  sedge 







Timber  oatgrass 







Tufted  hairgrass 







Two-grooved  milkvetch 















Western  porcupine  grass 







Western  snowberry 







Western  wheatgrass 





















NOTE:  Plant  names  used  are  the  standardized  common  names. 



ill  Range  and  Forage  Plants  of  the  Canadian  Prairies.  Looman, 
J.  Ottawa:  Agriculture  Canada,  1983. 

Alberta  Farm  Guide.  Holmes,  N.D.,  McNaughton,  G.R.,  Philips,  W.E., 
Stothart,  J.G.,  and  Willman,  J„  eds.  Edmonton:  Alberta  Agriculture,  1976. 

Alberta  Forage  Manual.  Smoliak,  S.,  Bjorge,  M.L.,  Penney,  D.,  Harper, 
A.M.,  and  Horricks,  J.S.  Edmonton:  Alberta  Agriculture,  1981. 

Alberta  Range  Pastures.  Wroe,  R.A.,  Smoliak,  S.,  Johnston,  A.,  and 
Turnbull,  M.G.  Edmonton:  Alberta  Agriculture  and  Alberta  Energy  and 
Natural  Resources,  1979. 

Forage  Production  on  Selected  Native  Prairie  Sites  in  Southern  Alberta. 
Smoliak,  S„  Adams,  B.W.,  Schuler,  B.G..  Wroe,  R.A.,  Klumph,  S.G.,  and 
Willms,  W.D.  Ottawa:  Agriculture  Canada,  1985. 

Guide  to  Range  Condition  and  Stocking  Rates  for  Alberta.  Wroe,  R.  A. , 
Smoliak,  S.,  Turnbull,  M.G.,  and  Johnston,  A.  Edmonton:  Alberta  Energy 
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Management  of  Prairie  Rangeland.  Smoliak,  S.,  Kilcher,  M.R.,  Lodge, 
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Managing  Crested  Wheatgrass  Pastures.  Smoliak,  S.,  Johnston,  A.,  and 
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Range  Management.  Wroe,  R.A.  Edmonton:  Alberta  Agriculture,  1977. 

Reports  of  the  Alberta  Soil  Survey.  (Distributed  by  Department  of  Ex- 
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Seeding  Pastures  in  Alberta.  Smoliak,  S.,  Johnston,  A.,  and  Wroe,  R.A. 
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Stock-Poisoning  Plants  of  Western  Canada.  Looman,  J.,  Majak,  W.,  and 
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Wild  Flowers  of  Alberta.  Cormack,  R.G.H.  Edmonton:  Hurtig 
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