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Historic, archived document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 

Washington, D. C. vV December, 1926 


By Davin GriFrFitHs, Horticulturist, Office of Horticulture, Bureau of Plant 


Page Page 
Difficulties in accumulating stocks ~- Pas Mertwazerse ss sets tA. okt oe Pee 10 
Time of seed planting_____________ 2) Seed production_=— = 22-22 s- si So iat 
Seed inci ee 2 ae Be 2 | The habit of the Regal lily____-___ 12 
Careiineninst years> O7t? ts Bier ob oe BONS eyityls s.r sr ee ere Oe re 
Length of time in seed bed_____--_~_ HEY MOSS! ks 2 eee eS ee a 13 
Fall or spring planting of bulbs___-_ 5 | The Regal as a forcing lily________ i3 
N@ie een a APs ce 5 | The Regal lily in beds and borders__ 15 
Planting and soil preparation ______ 6 | The Regal lily as a cut flower______ 16 
Care after the first year__________- Stir) werasisplambim ct — is Soe) ees ta eS 16 
Mulch and hardiness ___-_____--_~_ 7 | Transportation of seedlings ________ 16 
NM Sesea Fae LAS Re a eh ea eh 8 | Sipping the bulbs__————- 22 = sk 17 
Stordoese tow 5. ee et 8 | To cut or not to cut the roots______ 3 ly ¢ 
Reproduction from stem bulblets____ 92 -Summaty ==] 26 2 ee ee eee is 

The best way to produce stock_____~- 10 


American experience with the Regal lily (Zzliwm regale) embodies 
a fine demonstration of the inherent difficulty connected with the 
establishment of a new crop. The species was discovered by E. H. 
Wilson in north-central China in 1903 and was introduced by 
him into the United States in 1908. In spite of the fact that it is 
a plant of the most easy culture and propagation, only now, after 
18 years of optimism with reference to its possibilities, is the culture 
beginning to assume a commercial status. Even yet there are those 
who are skeptical about our ability to produce satisfactory bulbs 
in this country. This skepticism is due in largest measure to unsat- 
isfactory experience with market materials which have been kept 
down in size and quality by excessive demands, lack of experience, 
and want of information. . 

We have here the anomaly of a market offering of only a few 
hundred thousand bulbs of all sizes, and a prospective demand in a 
very short while for a dozen millions if the bulbs were offered. The 
eager taking up of the stocks before the bulbs have time even to 
flower prevents the accumulation of propagating materials. The 
demand is so great and the prices so attractive that the tendency 




is to put smaller and smaller bulbs on the market. Of course this 
defeats its own ends and effectively keeps down production. 

The tendency has been to turn into cash as soon as possible all 
the bulbs that can be gotten together from any source and to submit 
as small bulbs as the market will take. Of course supplies can not 
be worked up by such methods. Progress is difficult and slow when 
there is such a constant drain on the capital stock. | 

Coupled with commercial destruction has been the additional de- 
terrent of inexperience in the culture. It has been necessary for 
growers to learn the handling of the lily, which is decidedly different 
trom any other item they have ever produced. Above all, it has been 
necessary for them to learn, mostly by bitter and costly experience, 
that the most critical time in the history of any lily is the first win- 
ter. That the Regal, although less difficult to handle during this 
period than most lhes, is no exception has been proved by some 
very serious losses which have occurred. 


The Regal lily is preeminently one to be grown from seed (pl. 1, 
B), for reasons which will become apparent later on. There are 
other ways of propagating it, but no other method compares favor- 
ably in effectiveness. 

The time was when the writer advised planting seed in autumn, 
for good success resulted for three years from fall planting; but 
finally there came a failure, owing, it may be, to the seed germinat- 
ing and then being killed by a subsequent freeze. At all events, 
by spring the seed was rotted and no plants came up. Other grow- 
ers have had similar experiences. Failures with spring plantings, 
properly tended, have not been experienced, and the consensus of 
opinion seems to be that planting as soon in the spring as the ground 
can be worked, or at the time vegetable seed is sown, is the safest 
and best time, all things considered. Some plantings, however, have 
succeeded admirably as late as the middle of June, and fall plant- 
ings commonly have not failed. On Puget Sound late August, Sep- 
tember, and October plantings have all been successful, the seed in 
all cases germinating in the spring. 


if maximum development is looked for, the seed may be sown 
in fiats early in November, transplanted into 2-inch pots or other 
flats late in January, and carried so until danger of frost is over 
in the spring. (Compare pl. 2, B, and pl. 3, A.) The plants are 
then taken out of the pots and set in the open ground, preferably 
in beds. If a 3-foot bed is planted, seven to nine bulbs will make 
a row across the bed and the rows can be 6 inches apart. If planted 
seven to the 6-inch row, the plants can remain without disturbance 
for two or even three years, or until the bulbs are about the full 
size of 6 inches or more in circumference. | 

Doubtless the most practical method of seeding on an extensive 
scale is to prepare a perfect seed bed under open-field conditions, 
where it is at all possible to do so, and plant the seed in beds. A 


perfect seed bed should be prepared by deep plowing, thorough 
harrowing and fining, and if necessary hand raking, in order 
to get the surface in perfect condition. Of course, planting in 
the open in most sections, except the moist Pacific Northwest, pre- 
supposes some method of artificial watering to maintain suitable 
moisture conditions. 

Under field conditions the seed should be put down 1 to 11% 
inches deep in any way the grower happens to fancy, as with any 
other crop. The writer’s favorite method is to lay off the ground 
carefully and put the seed in with a garden drill. For this method 
it is necessary to run the rows lengthwise of the 3-foot bed, planting 
six 6-inch rows and then skipping one or two rows for the interbed 
space. Shallow trenches may be opened with the corner of a hoe 
and the seed distributed by hand and then covered with hoe or 

The thickness of the seeding will depend somewhat upon how the 
crop is to be handled. Generally four to six seeds to the inch 
give about the right amount of growth, when the normal failures 
and usual mortality due to accidents are taken into account. 

In selecting the location for this kind of seed bed particular care 
should be taken to plant on ground that is as free of weeds as pos- 
sible, because, excepting in the paths, the weeding must all be 
done by hand. 

The beginner or the inexperienced grower who must conserve his 
seed supply and who is handling moderate quantities will usually 
plant in frames where conditions can be kept under better control. 
(Pl. 1, B.) Here still more attention can be given to soil preparation 
Sy deeper culture and the incorporation of a greater quantity of 
organic débris to increase percolation and moisture-holding capacity. 
In frame handling the depth of planting can be very much reduced. 
The seed can be sown practically on the surface of the smoothed bed 
and covered with only one-fourth inch of sifted earth of the ordinary 
composted mixture. This will not bake, provided, of course, that 
proper care be employed in watering. 

In order to maintain suitable moisture conditions the surface of 
the planted frame may be covered with old burlap or any other 
coarse, open fabric laid on thé soil after seeding. ‘This will main- 
tain an even moisture condition on the surface without the necessity 
of applying water so often. It should be removed as the plants come 
up, or, better still, elevated so as to furnish shade for a time. 

In frame seeding the distance between the rows may be reduced to 
4 or even 3 inches, the mulching can be more perfectly done, lath or 
other shade can be employed to advantage, and more accurate and 
effective use of fertilizer is practicable. 


In any frame or flat planting of seed the grower must keep a care- 
ful lookout for signs of damping-off, which is prone to occur with 
this and many other lilies. This condition may be prevented by 
always maintaining good aeration and withholding water. Keep the 
young plants on the dry side; water only in the morning, and then 
only when needed; be sure the plants go into the night dry and 

.that the soil is decidedly on the dry side. 



The condition and character of the soil in the flats or frames will 
influence very decidedly the ease with which the seedlings may be 
kept in condition to withstand the inroads of the damping-off fungus. 
It should be of such a nature that water passes through it quickly, 
and the general drainage of the frames or flats should be such that 
surplus water will pass through readily and out of reach of the 
plants in a few minutes. 

In either frames or field it is most desirable that an effort be made 
as soon as the plants are up to do everything possible to keep the 
soi! cool, and it should be of such a friable nature that stirring will 
not be necessary. This protection of the soil in the seedling bed is 
best accomplished by a mulch, and this must be of fine material. 
Chopped straw, chaff, well-weathered hardwood sawdust, fined woods 
soil, spent hotbed manure, peat, or even sharp sand over a clay loam 
would be beneficial. 

In such a planting there is little opportunity for stirring the 
ground, and in fact stirring is not necessary or even advisable. 
Weeds must be pulled by hand, and no other form of culture than 
this is necessary. It is advisable to make a second application of 
mulch later in the season when the size of the plants permits. 

Late in the fall of the first season, after the frost has seared most of 
the leaves, it is a good plan to put about 1 inch of soil over the beds. 
Jf the paths are wide enough the soil for the purpose may be taken 
from them, but it is better to haul it from some other place. 

At first consideration it may seem a laborious process to carry the 
seedlings through this first season. Putting in the seed, hand weed- 
ing the beds through the entire season, applying a mulch possibly 
twice during the summer, and then covering the beds with soil in latg 
fall may seem exceedingly burdensome. However, in actual practice 
it is less so than its discussion might indicate. 

The beds used for such work at Arlington Experiment Farm, 
Rosslyn, Va., are 130 feet long. (Pl. 2, A.) In such a bed, 3 feet by 
130 feet, at the rate of seeding recommended, a perfect germination 
would net over 50,000 seedlings. By estimate, based on counts of por- 
tions of rows, an actual crop of 30,000 lily plants has been raised on 
such an area. The work outlined is not excessive when the density 
of the crop is taken into consideration. The area of such a bed plus 
the 18-inch path is only 600 square feet, or about one-seventieth of 
an acre. It is believed that no efficient, effective, or satisfactory 
handling can be much cheaper or needs to be. 


Where frame seeding is practiced, the use of the seed bed for more 
than one season may not be practicable. Because of the necessity 
of economizing space the planting is very thick, and the plants will 
be too crowded the second year, resulting in poor bulb growth with 
a risk of damping-off of the foliage due to poor aeration. Doubtless 
a larger bulb development will also take place under most of the 
planting specifications given here if transplanting is done after the 
first year’s growth. , 

Under field conditions and in large operations, on the other hand, 
it is possible that economy of time and effort may often favor leaving 
the stocks in the seed bed for two years.. There is no doubt that a 


larger bulb will result from transplanting and spacing the bulblets 
after one year’s growth. Some economies are effected, however, by 
the two-year method. Saving the expense of handling, economy of 
space, more effective use of fertilizer, and decided economy of any 
mulching that may be done go a long way toward offsetting a some- 
what increased growth that may be gained by spacing earlier. 
Again, it takes three growing seasons to make a first-sized bulb in 
outdoor planting, and this can be accomplished in the same time 
with the fewer handlings. But the transplanting can be done after 
the first year’s growth and the stocks spaced to stand two years there- 
after, and whether the stocks are left in the seed bed two seasons 
or in the first spaced planting for that length of time may not be 
especially important except in the economy of space and material. 
One transplanting by either method may serve to bring a batch of 
seedlings along so that the majority of them are merchantable, but 
transplanting at the end of the second year economizes in the pro- 
tection of the stocks the first two years. 

If seedlings are started inside and transplanted to the field seven 
to nine in each row, they can remain without disturbance for the 
full three-year period, provided that suitable fertility is maintained 
by a top dressing of rotted manure so applied as to serve the dual 
purpose of fertilizer and mulch. 


The Regal lily will not make root or other growth at low tem- 
peratures. Moving in the spring rather than in the fall, as is done 
with some of the common species of lilies, is therefore advisable. If 
stocks are dug and reset after October little or no root action takes 
place until spring. ‘The bulbs are buried in the soil and remain all 
winter without taking hold of the ground. It has been the writer’s 
experience that especially in Virginia better success always accom- 
panies spring planting, although no instance has occurred when the 
bulbs have been lost through fall planting. It is simply better for 
the lily and more in keeping with its habits to move it in the spring 
than in the fall. 

When bulbs are merchandised, however, it is likely, on account of 
trade demands, that digging must be done in the fall when other 
lilies are put on the market and also when this one is needed, if bulbs 
are wanted for forcing. However this may be, it seems from the 
writer’s experience that better growth is obtained if spring handling 
takes place, and it is believed that such practice is advisable when- 
ever possible. Spring planting is possible with all stocks except 
those dug for the market, and when winter protection 1s necessary 
this practice is always the most economical of space and labor. 

' Some European growers habitually dig in the fall and store prac- 
tically all their lily bulbs for spring planting. One grower in this 
country, operating on a peat soil, finds it advisable to follow this 
practice with the Regal lily. 


The Regal lily succeeds under a very wide range of soil conditions. 
On Puget Sound at Bellingham, Wash., it grows well on both 


drained Whatcom silt and Lynden sandy loams. The development, 
however, is accelerated very decidedly when planting occurs on the - 
partially ameliorated and well-drained peat soil of the region. 
Seedlings start off very satisfactorily and grow most vigorously on 
these peaty deposits and succeed admirably also on the ordinary 
neutral imported peat commonly sold on our markets. 

At Arlington Experiment Farm, Rosslyn, Va., field cultures were 
attempted on both upland clay and a sandy loam fill. Success was 
obtained on the latter but not on the former, although the lily does 
succeed very well on clay loams provided the tillage is deep and 
good drainage is assured. The failure on clay soil is attributed to 
lack of water percolation through the soil beyond the plow depth 
of 10 to 12 inches, giving a water-logged condition, especially during 
the winter season. The reaction to this condition is more fully dis- 
cussed on a subsequent page. 


As with practically all lihes, a bed form of planting is advised 
because of the thick and heavy crop which assists in furnishing its 
own protection for the soil and obviates the necessity of cultivation 
near the plants. The Dutch-bed method seems well adapted to the 
culture of this lily and has been the one employed in the investiga- 
tions detailed here. 

The soil for a lily planting should be very thoroughly and deeply 
tilled. At Bellingham, Wash., this culture has consisted in plow- 
ing to a depth as close to 15 inches as possible. A subsoiler has 
then been used to break the ground 6 inches below this. An en- 
deavor is made to get as good a tilth as possible by turning under 
crops of rye and vetch or rotting sod, or by incorporating straw, 
manure, or any organic material that can be had; but no manure 
or straw is used within six months of planting time, and a full year 
is better. 

The land is carefully laid off and the end of the plot squared. 
The beds are laid off with taut lnes and marked by cutting the 
edges deeply 3 feet apart and alternating with 18-inch paths. The 
soil is thrown out of the first bed to a depth of 4 inches or more. 
Bone meal at the rate of about 1,500 pounds to the acre applied 
in the excavated bed is cultivated and raked in. The bed is then 
marked with rows running crosswise. | 

If large bulbs of the Regal or any other lily are to be planted 
and left two years, as is usually the case, the rows are made 9 
inches apart. Small-sized bulbs and seeds are planted in rows 6 
inches apart, or at times seed is put in 38-inch rows. It will be 
seen that the planting does not differ except in minor details from 
that of tulips, daffodils, and other Dutch bulbs. The method is 
more fully described in another bulletin of this series. 2 

As stated above, the first bed is excavated not less than 4 inches 
deep. If rather large bulbs of the Regal lily are to be planted, 
say those 5 to 7 inches in circumference, they are planted seven to 
nine to the 3-foot row. Usually in planting this lily the bulbs will 
grade into about three sizes, one above 5 inches, one 3 to 5 inches, 

| GRIFFITHS, D. THE PRODUCTION OF TULIP BULBS. U.S, Dept. Agr. Bul. 1082, 48 pp., 
illus., 1922. 


and one below 3 inches. The small bulbs are strewn along the rows 
with no effort at placement and go in from 14 to 35 to the row, de- 
pending on the length of time the planting is to stand undisturbed. 
The second size is set up 11 to the row, and the first size 7 to 9 
to the row. In setting the two larger sizes with their roots on, it 
is necessary to use a strong hand trowel which enables the planter 
to put the bulbs down so that their noses are flush with the depres- 
sion in the excavated bed; that is, 8 to 5 inches for the smaller 
bulbs, and an inch lower than this if the larger size is being planted. 
+ will be seen that the depth of planting is thus accommodated to 
the size of the bulb, the largest size going in an inch or so deeper 
than the 4-inch excavation, the middle size just its depth to the tip 
of the bulb, and the smallest sizes, not placed, have their lower 
sides just the depth of the excavation, 4 inches or more below the 
surface of the finished bed. The sizing of the bulbs is done by hand 
and in all probability always will be. When the first bed has been 
thus planted the opening of the second bed furnishes soil for cover- 
ing the first, and the process is repeated as the planting progresses 
over the entire plot. 
In the planting of seed the same method is employed, but the 
excavation of the seed bed is only about 114 inches deep. 


The care of the lily beds the second and third seasons does not 
differ particularly from that of the first except that it is less burden- 
some. During the second season at least 25 to 50 per cent of the 
bulbs form stems. They are much larger in size than during the 
first season, and if well fed they assist very greatly in protecting the 
soil with their own shade and also in holding weeds in check. But 
the fact that the ground is partly shaded does not make a mulch 
inadvisable. On the contrary, a mulch of old manure will add fer- 
tility by leaching and will tend to equalize both temperature and 
moisture of the soil, two very important elements in all lily culture. 
Though such mulching material is much the best, if it is not procur- 
able short straw or débris of almost any kind, even though inert, will 
furnish the necessary protection. 


The use and benefit of the summer mulch have been discussed. 
It remains only to discuss the winter mulch as a protection from 
cold and alternation of temperatures. Whether winter mulching 
will be really needed for the Regal lily will depend on the nature of 
the season, where the growing is attempted, and the age of the 
planting. Seedlings going into the first and second winter undis- 
turbed if undug are shallow, having only about 2 inches of soil over 
them at most. It has been advised that an inch of soil be thrown 
over the beds late the first autumn. This is a great protection, and 
except. in very cold or exposed situations is sufficient for this 
hardy lily. 

Whenever more covering is deemed necessary, a dressing of an 
inch or even less of well-rotted stable manure may be applied in late 
fall and may be left on if the lumps are well broken up as they thaw 



out in late winter. In the absence of manure any débris will serve 

the purpose. Indeed, when a good covering of snow is certain it is 
a good protection. Although no apparent winter injury has oc- 
curred in either of the experimental situations and the lily has been 
successfully wintered along our Canadian border, it must be ad- 
mitted that some growers have had very heavy winter losses in the 
North. ; 

The species is one of our hardiest lies. In neither the Virginia 
nor the Puget Sound region has the writer seen any injury from 
winter cold, but damage to the tops by late spring freezes has some- 
times occurred in both situations. One case has been recorded where 
a large proportion of the plants were killed outright when the stems, 
6 inches or more high, were frozen off. Occurrences of this kind 
happen occasionally. It is felt that the limiting factor in the pro- 
duction and general growing of this lily will prove to be late spring 
frosts rather than severe winter conditions, 


The best way to dig the Regal, or any other lily, is by hand, for 
greater care is necessary than is possible with mechanical means. 
No better way has yet been worked out than that generally employed 
in digging Dutch bulbs. The digger, on his knees, works in the 
dug-over space with a small spade (about 24 inches over all) and 
takes out one row after another across the bed, as described fully 
in the bulletin previously mentioned.? 

Sometimes a spading fork is employed to advantage. In any 
well-developed planting of this lily the entire bed is literally filled 
with the large roots, and many of them are always sacrificed in any 
method of digging, but probably fewer with a spading fork than 
with a spade. The least injury is done with the spading fork 
operated under the plants from the dug-over space, rather than 
back of the row from the undug portion of the bed. 


The grower should endeavor to keep the buibs of the Regal and 

of most other lilies out of the soil as short a time as possible. | 

Bushel lug boxes are as convenient as anything to transport them 
from the field, and the conventional tray or bulb-house shelf can 
be used for storage. The bulbs should not be exposed to either sun 
or drying winds, and drafts in the storage house should be avoided. 
If handled without bruising, the large bulbs are in little danger 
of injury even if piled 10 inches high, or if left in the bushel 
boxes for several days, unless the weather is warm, which is not 
likely in the North at the season when the bulbs are dug. In the 
South more care, of course, is necessary. 

When for any reason storage must be prolonged, the bulbs of 
the Regal or of any other lily should be covered on the trays or 
shelves with dry sand, or, if the weather is dry, they may be 
covered with dry soil in windrows in the field. The necessary 
precautions must be worked out for different localities. In a moist 

2See footnote 1. 

Bul. 1459, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE I —-< 


A.—Progeny of a Regal lily bulb 8 or 9 years of age, after growing undisturbed in a border 
for six years. Dug late after stem roots had decayed. Nostem bulblets were produced. 
Compare with Plate 4, which represents a seedling of the same bulb 

B.—A frame of seedling Regal lilies sown May 23: photographed June 20 

Bul. 1459, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 2 


A.—Regal lily bed 130 feet long in full fruit the middle of September. On the right isa 
bed of current year’s seedlings ; 

B.—The Regal lily in flower the second year from seed sown inside in early winter. Com- 
pare Plate 3, A 


Bulbs in their second year from frame-sown seed sown in May 

of the previous year on right (see Plate 1, B 
he ornamental border at the edge of the primeval forest on Puget 

A.—Mature bulbs on left. 

_B.—The Regal lily in th 
Sound. The bulbs are 4 and 5 years old from seed 

Bul. 1459, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture PLATE 4 


The bulb fell to pieces with a basal rot when dug, but there 
were about two dozen bulblets on the stem 



maritime location the bulbs will retain their vitality for months in 
moderately low temperatures when exposed to ordinary atmospheric 
conditions. In dry situations, however, the sooner the bulbs are 
smothered with dry earth the better. There is very great difference 
between the behavior of the bulbs out of the soil at Bellingham, 
Wash., and at the Arlington Experiment Farm, Rosslyn, Va. They 
dry out much less in August at Bellingham than they do in Novem- 
oer on Arlington Farm. 


Under certain conditions the Regal lily produces an abundance of 
bulblets on the base of the stem contiguous to and among the surface- 
feeding stem roots. When the lily is thriving, however, no such 
reproduction seems to take place. To the writer this form of repro- 
duction has appeared to be a reaction to unfavorable conditions, and 
it has seemed that the production of these bulblets usually, if not 
invariably, is an indication of uncongeniality of cultural sur- 

Plate 1, A, shows the first bulb purchased for these investigations 
in 1917. This bulb produced no stem bulblets in the six years that 
it grew in good border soil. A progeny of this bulb, grown on a 
heavy clay soil worked only about 10 inches deep and underlain by 
heavy clay, produced an abundance of stem bulblets as shown in 
Plate 4. On this soil it was not possible to maintain good health in 
the bulbs. The bases decayed and there was a paucity of normal 
roots. The development of bulblets seems to be in proportion to the 
imperfection of the bulbs and in consequence of it. 

The stocks, after three years of poor behavior under these condi- 
tions, were moved to a well-drained sandy loam soil. They recovered 
slowly in health, vigor, and growth, and the production of bulblets 
gradually ceased, until at the last digging they did not average one 
bulbiet to two stems in the lot of 250 bulbs. ; 

On Puget Sound, at Bellingham, Wash., the lily has behaved very 
satisfactorily on both Whatcom silt and Lynden sandy loams. In 

- both soils the development of beautiful, large, healthy bulbs with no 

stem bulblets is the rule. 

It is likely that the grower has in this stem-bulblet reaction a very 
good indicator as to the suitability of his conditions to the produc- 
tion of the bulbs. If an abundance of the bulblets is produced, 
something wrong may be suspected. It may be, as in the writer’s 
case, that this effort to perpetuate the species is a reaction to poor 
drainage and bad soil conditions, or it may be brought about by other 
untoward circumstances, such as raw manures too close to the bulbs, 
causing more or less basal rot. 

It is asserted that bulblet production can be accelerated by pre- 
venting seed production. This information is given on a suggestion 
from a very gocd authority. The writer’s experience on this point 
has not been conclusive. In all cases in the work of the Denpart- 
ment of Agriculture, stem-bulblet production has been accompanied 
by an imperfection in the main bulb. 

The first method used to induce the production of stem bulblets 
was to dig down beside the plant and sever the stem just above the 
bulb with as little disturbance as possible. This was done when the 

13753 °—26——2 


plants were in blossom. The result was an abundant production of 
bulblets by digging time in ‘October. 

In the summer of 1925 stem-bulblet production was induced artifi- 

cially on a considerable scale at Bellingham, Wash. The season was 
an early one and the species blossomed in mid-July. As soon as the 
flowers had faded the stock was dug. The stems were cut off close 
to the bulbs or twisted out and then heeled in in the field with 1 to 4 
inches of soil over the lower 12 inches. By September 1 there was 
a large development of bulblets in the normal positions on the stem, 
averaging six or more in number, besides a prospect for a smali crop 
of seed, some of which matured. In other words, the stems reestab- 
lished themselves readily after this kind of treatment. 


Contrary to the methods used with most bulbous plants, this lily 
seems to be produced best from seed. Although the vegetative repro- 
duction has received some attention and has been advocated by some, 
it does not seem to be specially applicable to the Regal lily. It is 
more than likely that not only this lily but many others will be more 
and more grown from seed as soon as our propagators learn the 
advantages of such production and become experienced in it. 

Objection has been raised to the variable nature of the seed repro- 
duction. There is considerable variation of a certain kind, involving 
difference in number of blooms, size of leafage, color of stem, etc., 
but there are no striking or objectionable variations in the Regal lily 
such as there are, for instance, in the Easter lily (Lilzum longifiorum) 
grown from seed. Differences in color of flower are sometimes 
pointed out, but even these are mostly aging effects, a bleaching 
out owing to exposure. The flowers and plants are remarkably uni- 
form, at least sufficiently so for the border, the bed, or the forcing 
bench. There are no variations here which are in any way com- 
parable with those in long-cultivated horticultural varieties such as 
are found in forms of ZL. longifiorum. It may be, however, that 
when other importations are made variability may be obtained. It 
is well also to remind the reader that the writer’s experience is 
with the progeny of a single bulb self-pollinated the first season. 


The Regal, like many other lilies, is a gross feeder. Especially in 
heavy plantings such as are advised an abundant supply of plant 
food in the soil is an imperative requirement for satisfactory produc- 
tion. The bad effect of manures when in contact with the bulbs by 
no means precludes the proper use of such manures in the culture 
of this lily. Almost any sort of manure can be applied as a top- 
dressing when the plants are well rooted. Stable manure so em- 
ployed has given satisfaction when used rather liberally and in 
almost all stages of decomposition. Instances are known of prac- 
tically fresh cow manure being used as a winter mulch and left on 
during the growing season. A liberal application of manure in the 
soil six months in advance of planting is usually safe, or the lily 
can be grown without injury on the residue of fertility from a 
heavy application of manure for a previous crop of vegetables. 


Commercial fertilizers give satisfactory results when properly ap- 
plied. In the experiments at Bellingham, Wash., fine-ground com- 
mercial raw bone meal has worked well. This is almost invariably 
a safe fertilizer. Here the Dutch method of planting is used with 
the Regal as well as with other lilies. The beds are excavated to 
a depth of 4 inches or more, as previously described. The bone meal 
is applied in the bottom of the depression at the rate of about 1,500 
pounds to the acre and then mixed with the soil by running a wheel 
hoe with cultivator-teeth attachment working from 4 to 6 inches 
deep about three times lengthwise of the bed. This with subsequent 
smoothing with a hand rake gives a good mix, and no burning or 
other injury to the bulbs occurs. It is very likely that in spring 
planting 1 or 2 per cent of the bone meal could profitably be replaced 
by tankage, as one grower is now doing with the Easter lily to good 
advantage. This may not be so advantageous with fall transplant- 
ing of the Regal lily. 

Less knowledge is available on the use of the ordinary chemicals, 
but still suggestions based on considerable experience will meet the 
probable requirements. On Puget Sound decidedly beneficial re- 
sults have been obtained from the use of acid phosphate alone as a 
supplement to large crops of rye and vetch turned under on newly 
cleared forest land. Good results have been had from the use of 
about a 4-8-4 mixture of commercial fertilizer applied at the rate 
of 1,500 to 2,000 pounds per acre on the Arlington Experiment Farm. 
In one case an application in early June to seedling beds set in April 
using the above formula at the rate of 1,200 pounds to the acre 
seemed to be very satisfactory. The fertilizer in this case was dis- 
tributed between the 6-inch rows by hand without allowing contact 
with the young seedlings and was then washed into the soil. 

A chemical fertilizer comparatively high in potash is believed 
to be necessary for best results. The grower can not go far wrong if 
‘he employs the formula which has been worked out as best for 
potatoes in his region and uses about the same quantity as is com- 
monly applied for that crop. 


In order to insure an abundant seed crop in this lily it is neces- 
sary to hand-pollinate the flowers, although a considerable natural 
pollination occurs. It is thought that most of the unaided fertiliza- 
tion is a selif-pollination, which is not so effective as cross-polli- 

All the stocks grown by the department are from one bulb which, 
of course, was self-pollinated the first year. After that promis- 
cuous crossing has been the practice. 

How this work is done matters but little. The approved method 
is to apply pollen to the stigma with a camel’s-hair brush, but in a 
flower with such large parts there is no reason why pollination 
should not be accomplished by pinching off the anther with thumb 
and forefinger and brushing the pollen over the stigma of another 
plant without the use of forceps, brush, or any other tool. 

How much influence the production of a seed crop has on the 
development of the bulb crop has not been determined, but it is 
well recognized that in the tulip and many other bulb genera better 
yields are obtained when seed production is prevented. The same 



is probably true with the liles. For the present, however, this 
point may not be very important, for seed production to the 
limit will be necessary for some years ii stocks are to be developed 
to supply the market. When this has been accomplished there is 
little doubt that removal of the flowers from stocks intended for 
market the following autumn will be practiced generally by the 
best growers. In the work done by the department thus far, few 
flowers have been removed, because a maximum crop of seed was 
desired. This must be taken into account in any estimate of produc- 
tion based on the experiments detailed here. 

The yield of seed in this lily is phenomenal under favorable condi- 
tions. The plants commonly produce five well-filled pods contain- 
ing anywhere from 300 to 600 or more fertile, viable seeds. In the 
season of 1925 two beds occupying a space 3 by 130 feet each, as 
shown in Plate 2, A, yielded about 6 pounds of heavy cleaned seed. 
These beds, including the two 18-inch paths, measure about one- 
thirty-sixth of an acre. An average run of viable, well-filled seed 
will contain approximately 65,000 to the pound, a much smaller 
number than a pound of seed of Liliwm longiflorum, which has 
about 102,000. ‘The Regal lly is one of the heavier seeded species. 


Under glass the Regal lily stands in the pots 24 to 36 inches over 
all and is much more uniform than Formosum but less so than 
Giganteum.® The leaves are narrow and delicate and the stems com- 
monly, but not always, rather weak for a heavy truss of flowers. 
Staking is very often necessary unless the plant is grown with ideal 
lighting. | 

POnder field conditions in the Virginia location the plants stand 
about 30 inches high and very uniform all over the beds. (PI. 2, B, 
and pl. 3, A.) At Bellingham, Wash., however, on Whatcom silt 
loam with little or no mulch and under open field conditions, the 
lily has seldom been over 2 feet high and the stems not so strong 
as in the Virginia region. 

It is a peculiar thing that the plants most likely to need staking 
are those with few flowers. The largest trusses usually have a pro- 
portionately larger stem to support them, and commonly the flowers 
are better balanced. 

In the ornamental border the habit of the lily is very different. 
It is commonly 4 or 5 feet high and 6 feet is not at all unusual. 
Under such conditions, unless it is supported at the base by sur- 
rounding vegetation, staking is necessary, especially if winds are 
severe. However, the stems are very wiry, and although bending 
over considerably, it is seldom that they fall prostrate. (Pl. 3, B.) 


The Regal lily is long lived. How long it endures the writer does 
not know, but he is of the opinion that it is indefinite in lease of life 
of the individual plants. The first bulb grown by the writer was 
probably 3 years old and was procured in 1917. It was planted in a 

®* These are varieties of Lilium longiflorum. 


border and was not disturbed until 1924. In the six years it had split 
into three double-nosed bulbs and was still going strong. (Pl. 1, A.) 

Some of the first crop of seedlings from seed raised in 1918 are still 
_ being grown, but large bulbs have several times been removed from 
the lot. During last season the whole lot of bulbs of this progeny 
grown at Bellingham, Wash., measuring 5 to 9 inches in circumfer- 
ence, was closely scaled for further investigations, 


No pests of consequence have been encountered thus far in the 
culture of the Regal lily. Mention has been made of the inroads of 
the ubiquitous damping-off fungus in seedlings. This is controlled 
by care in watering and good aeration. Spraying with the recently 
developed mercurial compounds will assist. 

As is the case with many bulbous stocks, the pests are mostly man- 
made, but fortunately the Regal resists these also more effectively 
than most lilies. For instance, the lily rust (Uromyces lili Clint.), 
so destructive to the Madonna lily and the American lilies generally, 
seldom produces pustules on the Regal even when surrounded by a 
heavy infestation in other lies in close proximity. 

Diseased condition in the lily is frequently brought about, as has 
been pointed out, by improper handling. Any appreciable quantity 
of manure, even if well rotted, incorporated with the soil close to 
planting time or stagnant moisture over a dense impervious subsoil 
will be likely to produce an alarming diseased condition accompanied 
by an abundance of organisms such as the bulb mite, which assist in 
the progress of basal decay. The remedy is manifestly to correct the 
cultural conditions. 

Allowing the bulbs to heat in piles or in the pack or permitting too 
great desiccation also induces rotting which may be mistaken for 


The essentials of the handling of this lily under glass so as to flower it 
at any stated period, particularly for Easter, can be told in few sen- 
tences. Its handling is simplicity itself, but there are as usual some 
requirements that must be met. 

The bulbs should remain out of doors until January 1. They 
should then be put on the benches in a temperature of 60° F. at 
night and should be kept at this temperature until they flower. They 
will begin to show top growth in 10 days and to develop tops and 
bottoms at the same time. No experience has been had in the forcing 
of bulbs grown at Bellingham, Wash., but Virginia-grown bulbs have 
been forced for a number of years, always with success when handled 
as directed above. | 

In the climate of Washington, D. C., it is preferable to leave the 
bulbs in the field until January 1. Occasionally there is a little delay 
caused by the ground being frozen, but it is seldom that digging 
can not be done some time between the middle of December and the 
middle of January. The bulbs are dug, potted up, and put imme- 
diately into a temperature of 60° F. at night. 

It is fully realized that in many locations it may not be practicable 
for obvious reasons to leave the bulbs undug until midwinter. 


When merchandising for forcing purposes such handling is not 

feasible, but there is no difficulty in handling the bulbs in ways very | 

comparable with what obtains now with the Easter lily, leaving the 
bulbs in storage until late December or early January. 

There is no lily bulb that handles more easily and keeps better 
than the Regal. On two occasions small quantities of the bulbs have 
been stored in dry sand in a frostless, slightly heated cellar room, 
once from October and once from New Year’s to April, with good 
results. On another occasion bulbs dug in mid-September were 
stored in open boxes at a temperature of 36° F. until November 1, 
when they were in perfect condition. 

Bulbs of this lily received in the fall and intended for forcing can 
be handled satisfactorily in several ways. They may be potted up 
right away, kept on the dry side, and set away in the heeling ground, 
either buried or covered so as not to freeze, until the first of the 
year, when they can go directly into heat. If more convenient, the 
bulbs can be held in cold storage at a temperature of 34 to 36° F. 
awaiting the time for potting and forcing, or they may be buried in 
dry earth and held in a dry, rather low-temperatured situation until 
potting time. | | 

Potting the bulbs October 1 and subjecting them to even a mod- 
erate temperature of 50° F. at night has given uniformly poor re- 
sults. One season several hundred bulbs were divided into two lots 
and placed in two greenhouse units, one held at 50° F. at night until 
the first of the year, and the other started under the same conditions 
and then run up to 60° F. The two lots started top growth close 
to the same date, but a very large percentage of the bulbs in the 
higher temperature failed entirely. ‘They rotted in the pots so badly 
that only a small percentage blossomed at all. The lot held at the 
lower temperature was transferred to the 60° temperature in late 
January. They did better, but were far from satisfactory. 

The Regal lily is very different in some of its habits from the 
Easter lily (Lazwm longifiorwm). It must have its period of rest 
after the season’s growth, whereas longiflorum can be handled almost 
as an evergreen under some conditions. Even seedlings of the Regal 
before the flowering stage become dormant in fall when heat and 
moisture conditions are favorable. 

An attempt was made one year in the early part of these investiga- 
tions to continue the growth of first-year seedlings into the winter, 
~which can be so well done with longzfiorum. The seedlings which 
were started in flats November i were pricked off into 2-inch pots 
in January and then planted in beds in the field in April. They 
were well handled during the summer and made a very good growth. 
With tops carefully preserved they were transplanted into 4 and 6 
inch pots October 1. After a period in which they were kept cool 
to become reestablished in the pots they were gradually inured to a 
temperature of 55 to 60° F. by January 1 and held so until early 
February. They remained partially green, but no growth of herbage 
took place, and the older leaves gradually yellowed, so that there 
was little top left by February.. As it seemed impossible to get 
action inside, the entire stock of 750 bulbs was moved into a frame 
and covered with straw, and there it remained, making fairly good 
root development, until early in April, when the plants were knocked 


out of the pots and reset 6 inches apart each way in the field. The 
following fall, when the batch of seedlings was 23 to 24 months old, 
it was gratifying to see that the bulbs had attained a size of 5 to 9 
inches besides producing 4 pounds of clean seed. This is the largest 
size that has been attained in two years’ growth. The point to be 
noted particularly here is that the lily, even in the seedling stage 
before it has flowered, wants to go dormant in fall; that is, it requires 
a period of rest before normal vigorous growth will take place again. 
This has an important bearing on the methods which must be used 
in forcing it. 

It has been rather surprising to note the rapidity with which 
the lily responds at proper seasons and the degree of heat which it will 
endure. One year a batch dug from the field in late December was 
divided into three lots, which were placed in three separated green- 
house units, one at 50 and one at 60° IF. night temperatures, and the 
other at a constant temperature of 70 to 80° F. In the higher tem- 
perature the plants developed very rapidly. Only 2 out of 36 did 
not blossom, and they threw up stems with no buds. All the flowers 
in this lot opened within five days of one another, and the last 
flower was open 65 days from potting. At this time the stocks in the 
lowest temperature were not over 2 inches high, and some were just 
coming through the soil. Those in a temperature of 60° F. at might 
were intermediate. 

This test is important in that it throws further light on what 
the lly must have in order that it may come along rapidly, vigor- 
ously, and most economically under glass. The flowers at the high 
temperature, as would be expected, were “soft” but fully up to 
quality in size and coloration. A temperature of 60° F. at night, 
it has been found, produces normal flowers of good quality in about 
three months’ time, depending, of course, upon the usual factors 
of light, sunshine, watering, etc. 

Kither large or medium sized bulbs may be successfully forced. 
The larger sizes can go into 6-inch and the smaller into 4-inch pots. 
The former make the most handsome and satisfactory specimen 
plants. The latter may be matched and several plants assembled 
at fiowering time in an 8 or 10 inch pot with a little trimming to 

make a piece which can scarcely be surpassed in lily decorations. 


No discussion of the Regal lily would be considered adequate 
without some reference to its use in garden decoration. Little con- 
sideration of this phase is necessary, however, for its praises have 
been sung sufficiently from this viewpoint for the last 10 years or 
more. its ease of reproduction, its wide adaptability, and its con- 
venience of handling should make it as conspicuous around the 
American home, if the growers do their duty, as is the Madonna 
lily in the cottage gardens of the British Isles. As a garden decora- 
tion it has scarcely a peer, unless it be a well-grown specimen of the 
Goldband lily. 

The span of decorative usefulness of the flowers on Puget Sound 
is approximately three weeks in the garden, and this can often 
be prolonged to a month by employing different exposures. In the 
climate of Washington, D, C., the period of usefulness is shorter, 



occurring from late June to early July. On Puget Sound in average | 

seasons flowering takes place three or four weeks later, in the latter 
half of July. 


Its grace, beauty, and keeping qualities adapt this lily well to 
cut-flower purposes. When cut in the well-advanced bud stage it 
opens nicely in vessels of water when brought into living-room con- 
ditions. It has all the good qualities of a cut-flower lily. The 
flowers are tough and leathery, last well in water, and have an 
agreeable fragrance without, however, the offensive heaviness usually 
attributed to the Goldband species. Like the Easter lily (Liliwn 
longifiorum), 1t seems to be best cut for immediate use when the 
first bud has expanded. 


As with most lies, the Regal is not difficult to transplant in 
vegetative condition. ‘The transplanting of young seedlings to 
small pots or flats, from them to the field, and from the field back 
into large pots has been described. On another page was also 
briefly discussed an instance of lifting the plants immediately after 
the flowers had faded, cutting off the bulb, and then heeling the 
stem in, 1 foot deep, in the usual slanting position. The stems thus 
handled become sufficiently reestablished not only to keep alive but 
to produce a crop of bulblets and a small crop of seed. Certainly 
no one could ask more of a plant than this. There is usually no 
occasion for moving the lily except during dormancy, but with care 
it can be accomplished at almost any time and as easily as with 
almost any perennial. 


The transportation of seedlings by mail or express at any time 
during the development of the second leaf or thereafter is easily 
accomplished by the same methods as described in Department Bulle- 
tin 962.4. The young plants are carefully removed from the flats 

and laid in smooth, even piles of about 200 each. Each pile is then 

placed on a ribbon of sphagnum moss reaching only to original 
ground level and from which as much water as possible is squeezed 
out by hand. The whole is then rolled tightly in oiled paper and 
tied. Several of these rolls may be put together in a mail package, 
in cartons, or rolled in strips of corrugated board for shipment. 
Several wrappings of newspaper and wrapping paper on the outside 
of the board make very good insulation against any low tempera- 
tures to which the plants may be subjected. 

The young seedlings may also be wrapped tightly in newspaper 
or in oiled paper and this package wrapped in sphagnum as de- 
scribed in Department Circular 323.° This seems to be a really safer 
method than the former. : 

Dept. Agr. Bul. 962, 31 pp., illus. 1921. 

LONG-DISTANCH SHIPMENT, U, S, Dept. Agr. Circ. 323, 12 pp., illus. 1924. 



it is more than likely that the transportation of domestic-grown 
bulbs of this and other lilies will be done mostly by express. It will 
therefore be necessary to simplify and lghten the pack as much as 
possible. This will not be difficult to do for a maximum of a week’s 
journey in cool weather, for the stocks will usually be dug in 
October. : 

The bulbs will carry nicely if they are wrapped individually or in 
twos or threes, in a sort of butcher’s package in news or other paper, 
and packed tightly in boxes holding a bushel or more. If there is 
danger of drying out too much, a little barely moist sphagnum may 
be added thinly between the different layers of packages. 

If shipping is done by freight it will be necessary to pack in tight 
boxes in dry earth, as is now done with imported lily bulbs of various 
species. It is probabie, however, that little economy will be effected 
in freight over express shipments when the added weight of the 
packing soil is paid for. 

Whenever a large quantity of small bulbs is to be shipped, only a 
slight modification of the first method of packing is necessary. The 
bulbs may be wrapped in the same way, in handfuls or small quanti- 
ties, may be put into small paper bags and these packed in boxes 
either with or without the moist sphagnum between the packages. 

In the Puget Sound region an abundant supply of peat of excellent 
quality for packing purposes is to be had to lighten the pack, if it is 
desired to simulate the handling of the imported bulbs. Of course, 
. imported peat can be used, as it is now available at a reasonable price 
nearly everywhere, but it is felt that even this small additional 
expense is not necessary. 


To the forcer who is accustomed to the trim, neat, imported 
Japanese lilies the copious ragged mass of roots adhering to the bulbs 
may not appeal; but experience seems to indicate that, although a 
good performance is to be expected from bulbs with the roots cut 
close, there is an advantage in preserving the roots when this is 
practicable. The value of the roots, however, will depend upon 
whether they can be kept and gotten into their new growing quarters 
alive and in shape to function. If badly dried out or bruised and 
molded in spots they had better be cut off; but if reset in good con- 
dition, even if somewhat withered, they will reestablish from ad- 
ventitious buds which strike out several inches from the bulb and 
frequently the entire root will live and reestablish itself. This 
applies particularly to outdoor planting. When, as is so often the 
case, the large mass of roots if retained must be wadded into the 
pots, it is better to cut them back to 2 or 3 inches in length. The 
roots reestablish much more readily under field conditions than in 
pots in the greenhouse. 

Of course, the expense of handling must be considered in this 
matter. The mass of roots from the base of the bulbs is bulky 
and heavy if preserved in a way to function and be of any value. 
The added weight in shipping and the added difficulty in handling 


and packing when the roots are attached is considerable and must 

be evaluated in a decision on whether to cut or not to cut. 

It is a little difficult to pot up the bulbs with roots on, especially 
if one wishes to get them into the smallest pots possible, which is 
always advisable. The roots are bulky and for the most part must be 
wadded into or close to the bottom of the pot, but those not bruised 
recover in whole or in part and continue to function. 


The Regal lily, like many others, is most easily and satisfactorily 
produced from spring-planted seed. — 

If well grown, the seedlings will give some normal blossoms the 
second year, and will blossom full the third, when the bulbs should 
reach a merchantable size of 6 to 9 inches in circumference. 

The seed, planted one-fourth to 114 inches deep, may be started 
in flats in the greenhouse, in frames, or, with care, in the open field. 

Stem-bulblet production seems to be induced by unfavorable 
cultural conditions and apparently is associated with poor bulb 

The bulbs are best transplanted in the spring, but may be handled 
also in the fall. They may be stored in any dry, frostless situation, 
in dry earth, or they may be carried in cold storage. 

When handled under glass the bulbs may best be allowed to take 
a large measure of the weather up to January 1 at least; they should 

then be put directly into a heat of 60° F’. at night until they flower, 

which will be in about three months. 

The Regal lily is remarkably free from pests, is well adapted 
to a neutral or slightly acid soil, requires heavy fertility, can be 
manured (provided none of the manure comes near the bulb), re- 
sponds readily to commercial fertilizers, and is as amenable to 
commercial requirements and as adaptable to varying conditions 
of handling and soil as any lly known. 


December 7, 1926 

ireMcuIny Of Agrieuliure. =. 52 <a 2 W. M. JaRpINe. 
ESESEPNE CCK CLINT ps a a ee yee R. W. Dunuap. 
barectaroy setentijic Works). 2 222-2. - = A. F. Woops. 
Director of Regulatory Work_...----------- WALTER G. CAMPBELL. 
Phircetor of Extension Work. -2-.----=+-2- C. W. WARBURTON. 
PrincerarOF INfOrMmaron- = 2 2 8 NELSON ANTRIM CRAWFORD. 
Director of Personnel and Business Adminis- 

LEED Thm SalI el SN or eager ey toa W. W. STocKBERGER. 
SELLE] EN a Se ee ge aoe ie ge oe R. W. WILLIAMS. 
WACO CIPERUROGUE eg Sw eS a ee CuarLes F. Marvin, Chief. 
Bureau of Agricultural Economics_._------- Luoyrp S. Tenny, Acting Chief. 
BurcamoppAnimal Industry =< 62 oe 2 aS JoHn R. Mouuer, Chief. 
Eimcatomhiant Industry. 22 we WitiiamM A. Taytor, Chief. 
MERC SEDUCED TCE ero ae alee ho ya ET W. B. GREELEY, Chief. 
Barca aac hemistry. 2 2.5/0 2-2: €. A. Browne, Chief. 
EXTER ERE IMMER SOLES or sae oy 5 at sa on A Mitton WHITNEY, Chief. 
PACE Of PLO MONO Y= 2 he L. O. Howanrp, Chief. 
Bureau of Biological Survey... =... --- EK. W. Netuson, Chief. 
ERRCHUGOp VR UbItC ROCs 2 Se THomas H. MacDowna.p, Chief. 
Bureau of Home Economics. -_------------- LoutsE STANLEY, Chief. 
boeceor GmeDory Pnmusiry ss = 2 ee a C. W. Larson, Chief. 
Office of Experiment Stations___._________- E. W. Aen, Chief. 
Office of Cooperative Extension Work-_-_----- C. B. Suits, Chief. 
LOE PLS 2 a TR SCS RCSS Se a cep ee RS CLARIBEL R. Barnett, Librarian. 
Federal Horticultural Board_...-..2--..--- C. L. Maruatt, Chairman. 
Insecticide and Fungicide Board__-__------ J. K. Haywoop, Chairman. 
Packers and Stockyards Administration_- - —- Joun T. Catne III, in Charge. 
Grain Futures Administration..----------- J. W. T. Duvet, in Charge. 

This bulletin is a contribution from 

Bureaw of Pient Indusiry________-_------- Witiiam A. Taytor, Chief. 
Office of Horticeuliure.._____-._--...__- L. C. Corsett, Senior Horticul- 
turist, in Charge. 