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No. 131 

Contribution from the Bureau of Entomology, L. O. Howard, Chief. 
September 10, 1914. 


By H. W. GERAYBILL, D. V. M..,” 
Assistant Zoologist, Zoological Division, Bureau of Animal Industry. 


During the warm season of the year cattle, horses, and mules suffer 
a great deal of annoyance and more or less injury as the result of 
the attacks of various biting flies, and numerous requests are received 
in this department concerning methods of relieving the animals from 
these attacks. The flies that cause the greatest annoyance to domes- 
tic.animals are the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) and the horn- 
fly (Lyperosia irritans L.). The horseflies (Tabanide) are of some 
importance and individually their attacks are sanguinary, but they 
are not the cause of as much injury as either of the two species of 
muscids that have been mentioned. The bot flies (CHstride) affect- 
ing horses, cattle, and sheep are not biting flies and only visit these 
animals to deposit their eggs. The larve of these flies, however, are 
parasitic and are the cause of considerable annoyance and more or 
less loss, and for this reason repellents are sometimes applied to ani- 
mals to prevent the adults from depositing their eggs. In the case 
of the horse and the ox, parasiticides are applied to the skin to 
destroy the eggs of bot flies that have already been deposited. 

The screw worm (Paralucilia macellaria Fab.) likewise is not 
parasitic in its adult state, and visits animals only to deposit its eggs 
in wounds where the larve, when they emerge, may find nourishment 
and complete their growth. There are also various other species of 
flies that may deposit their eggs in wounds and whose larvee become 

In the United Kingdom and Holland a bluebottle fly (Lucilia 
sericata Meig.) deposits its eggs on the soiled wool about the anus, 

1The investigations reported in this paper were undertaken by the Bureau of Ani- 
mal Industry incidentally during the progress of other investigations concerning stock 
dips. Although comparatively few repellents were tested, it is believed that the data 
obtained concerning substances which may be applied to live stock to protect them 
from flies are of interest and value to the live-stock industry. 

2 Resigned, April 16, 1914. 

51293°—Bull. 1831—14——_1 1 


chiefly in young sheep, sometimes in adult sheep when badly kept, 
and the larve hatching from the eggs become parasitic in the skin. 
In Australia several species of blowflies (Calliphora oceanice Desvy., 
C’. villosa Desv., and C. rufifacies Desv.) produce a similar condition 
in sheep. Recently a cutaneous invasion of sheep with dipterous 

larvee occurring at Cobham, Va., was reported to this department, 

but the fly responsible for the trouble has not been identified. The 
application of repellents and parasiticides is indicated in case sheep 
are subject to the attacks of such flies. 

The house fly (fusca domestica lu.) commonly visits wounds on 
animals to suck up the exudates that occur there. It is the cause of 
considerable annoyance to animals in this way; it prevents wounds 
from healing and may introduce into a wound agents of infection 
adhering to its body. Repellents are therefore indicated and are 
frequently used on wounds to keep house flies away and also to 
keep away such flies as may deposit their eggs in wounds, such, for 
example, as the screw-worm fly. 

The use of fly repellents is resorted to largely for the purpose of 
relieving animals of the torment of biting flies or of preventing 
infestation with the larve of flies, without any reference to the con- 
trol or eradication of such pests. In the case of such flies as the 
stable fly and the hornfly, the use of repellents can be of only sec- 
ondary importance as an eradicative measure, since a much more 
effective means of getting rid of these pests lies in preventing them 
from breeding. This may be done by preventing access of the flies 
to materials such as manure, etc., in which they deposit their eggs, 
and by destroying the young stages that may be present in such 
materials. However, the eradication of these flies in most instances, 
or even a reduction in their numbers in many cases, is out of the 
question, so that it is necessary to resort to the use of repellents or 
other means to give relief to animals. 

In the case of the horseflies, preventing them from biting is 
probably as important a factor as can be taken advantage of in 
bringing about control, yet it must be admitted that this means 
can be of only very little.-importance. In the case of the bot flies 
and the screw-worm flies, the use of repellents against the adults 
and of parasiticides against the eggs and larve is an important 
method of eradication as well as a valuable means of protecting 


Aside from the transmission of various animal diseases by biting 
flies, a matter of much less importance in this country than in the 
Tropics, flies are generally assumed to be responsible for enormous 
losses to farmers and stockmen. Because of the great numbers in 


PU geese 


which flies occur, the irritation they cause animals, the blood they 
abstract, the movements they cause animals to make in fighting them, 
and the unfavorable influence they have on the temper of dairy cows, 
it is believed by both scientist and layman that flies are responsible 
for very great financial losses. 

According to Delamare (1908), a German professor named Leh- 
mann is stated to have established that the supplementary expendi- 
ture of energy corresponding to the agitation caused horses by the 
attacks of flies amounts to a pound of oats a head per day. Moore 
(1903), of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, says: 
“When we consider the intimate relationship existing between the 
milk yield and the physical comfort of the cow, no question can be 
raised as to the benefit obtained by mitigating so far as possible the 
annoyances of these pests.” Hopkins (1891) states that the hornfly 
so annoys cattle by its bite that the cows fail in milk and other cattle 
fail in flesh. Garman (1892) says: “ The injury done to cattle has 
been greatly overestimated in some instances; yet there can be no 
doubt that the yield of milk from cows greatly worried by hornflies is 
much reduced, and growing and fattening stock are doubtless re- 
tarded by their attacks.” Marlatt (1910) states: “ During the first 
years of the hornfly, when it was a new and little understood menace 
to cattle, the losses occasioned by it were undoubtedly much exagger- 
ated. Nevertheless, the loss when the fly is abundant is still very 
considerable, showing in reduced vitality, lack of growth, or less- 
ened yield of milk, the production of milk often being cut down 
from one-fourth to one-half. In Canada the late Dr. James Fletcher 
estimated the loss in Ontario and Quebec at one-half the product of 
meat and milk.” Bishopp (1913) describes an unusual outbreak of 
the stable fly in 1912 in northern Texas and refers to various other 
outbreaks that have occurred in the United States. In referring to 
the injury due to the fly he states that many horses and cattle became 
so weak that they gave up the fight against the pest. In a few cases 
in which the animals were not protected they succumbed in a short time. 
Texas fever was rekindled in an acute form in cattle that became 
weakened as a result of the flies, and in many cases death resulted. 
The influence of the flies on the milk production was marked, the 
reduction being from 40 to 60 per cent, and in some cases cows were 
completely dried up. Horses and mules lost 10 to 15 per cent in 
weight during the outbreak. Cattle likewise suffered a great reduc- 
tion in weight. It is estimated that in northern Texas over 300 head 
of cattle, mules, and horses were killed directly or indirectly as the 
result of the fly attack. This loss is estimated at $15,000, and the loss 
in the milk production is placed at $10,000, and other losses are stated 
to surpass these. 


Fuller (1918) has described an outbreak of the stable fly along 
the east coast of South Africa. All classes of animals are said to 
have suffered greatly from worry and anemia. Many cattle were 
killed, and horses and cattle stampeded into the sea and into rivers 
to obtain relief. The outbreak followed heavy rains. 

The experimental evidence with regard to the losses due to flies 
that is available in this country does not seem to indicate that they 
are as a rule of such serious consequence as the foregoing statements 
would lead one to believe. The seriousness of such outbreaks as 
Bishopp and Fuller refer to can not be questioned. Carlyle (1899), 
at the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, conducted an 
experiment relative to injury due to flies in which two lots of seven 
cows each were used. Lot No. 1 was kept during the day in a pad- 
dock provided with shade trees, while lot No. 2 was protected from 
flies by being kept in a screened stable. The cattle in both lots 
were kept on the pasture during the night and taken off at 9 o’clock 
in the morning. The experiment was continued for a period of 
four weeks. The cattle in the lot protected from flies ate 835 pounds 
more green corn than those that were unprotected. All the cows 
lost in weight, but the protected cows lost nearly three times as 
much as the others. In comparing the milk and butter production 
of the first two weeks of the experiment with that of the two weeks 
just preceding the experiment it was noted that there was a decrease 
in both milk and butter. The milk reduction was greater for the 
protected animals and the butter reduction was greater for the 
unprotected animals. The conclusion reached was that the greater 
amount of butter yielded by the protected lot was not sufficient to 
pay for the increased trouble and expense entailed in stabling the 
cows during the greater part of each day. 

Kent (1903), in an experiment at the Oregon Agricultural Col- 
lege and Experiment Station, used a proprietary repellent on four 
dairy cows. Four untreated cows served as controls. The treated 
cows gained a total weight of 265 pounds while the untreated ones 
gained 212 pounds. In comparing the milk and butter records of 
two cows from each lot that were in about the same stage of lacta- 
tion with the-records of the same cows during the two months just 
preceding the experiment it was found that the treated cows lost 
about 10 per cent less than the cows not treated. 

Beach and Clark (1904), at Storrs Agricultural Experiment Sta- 
tion, Conn., tested a proprietary fly repellent which the manufac- 
turers claimed would effect a tremendous saving during the fly 
season. The experiments covered a period of two seasons and the 
cows were sprayed thoroughly once a day. The conclusions reached 
by the authors are as follows: “1. The annoyance of cows by flies 
seems to be overestimated. 2. Certain proprietary ointments known 


as ‘fly removers’ will protect the animal to a greater or less extent, 
but their use has little or no effect on the milk or butterfat secre- 

Kekles (1905) carried on experiments for two seasons at the Mis- 
souri Agricultural Experiment Station with a proprietary repel- 
lent for the purpose of determining whether the use of a repellent 
on dairy cows would have any influence on the amount of milk and 
butter produced. During the first season 16 cows were used and 
during the second season 22 cows were used. The fly season was 
divided into periods of two weeks. and the herd was sprayed each 
morning during alternate periods. A comparison was made be- 
tween the sprayed and unspraved periods. ‘The conclusion reached 
by the author was that the use of the fly repellent was fairly effec- 
tive in preventing the annoyance from flies if applied every morn- 
ing, but that the yield of milk and fat was not appreciably affected 
by its use. The only advantage observed was that the cows stood 
more quietly during milking. With regard to the shrinkage in 
milk production during hot weather, the author has the following 
to say: “'The rapid shrinkage that occurs in the yield of a cow 
during the hottest summer months is a well-established fact, but is 
probably not so much on account of flies as to failure to graze sufh- 
ciently, if on pasture, on account of the heat.” 


Several years ago Dr. Schroeder, of the Bureau of Animal In- 
dustry, called my attention to some pictures of Holstein cattle he 
had taken in connection with some tuberculosis work, in which the 
flies on the animals were confined almost exclusively to the black- 
colored spots. Beach and Clark (1904) state that some animals 
suffer more from hornflies than others and that dark-colored animals 
suffer more than light-colored ones. Marlatt (1910) states that the 
hornfly exhibits a certain preference for red or other dark-colored 
cattle, and that such animals are more thickly infested has been 
frequently noted. He states, however, that when the flies are abun- 
dant this preference is not so strongly marked. 

Marre (1908) refers to a discovery which a farmer in the vicinity 
of St. Cyr made relative to the influence of color on flies. The 
farmer had 170 cows in a number of stables and noted that flies had 
a marked aversion for blue. The idea came to him to add blue to 
the whitewash with which he coated the walls of his buildings each 
year. After doing this the flies left his cattle stables. 

The formula used for the wash is as follows: 

A SESE 2 age et ge 100 liters (105.6 quarts, or 26.4 gallons). 

fame..¢Slaked)) 2202s 3 5 kilos (11 pounds). 
Ultramarine blue___-__-- 500 grams (1.1 pounds). 


Two applications, one in June and one in August, are recom- 

mended. The present writer is not aware whether this observation © 

has been corroborated or not. 


Tt would hardly seem likely that a drug could be administered to — 

animals that would prevent flies from making their customary 
attacks. However, Ochmann (1911) has recommended potassium 
tellurate for this purpose. According to him this chemical does not 
affect the general health of animals. The hair, however, becomes 
temporarily rougher, paler, and drier. The expired air, the per- 
spiration, and the feces take on an intensely offensive garlic odor 
which persists for a long time. 

Two dogs received on two successive days each 0.25 gram of po- 
tassium tellurate. The results appeared on the day of the first ad- 
ministration and lasted three to four weeks. The olfactory sense of 
one dog suffered considerably. One of the dogs formerly troubled 
with ticks was no longer affected. The dogs were protected from 

An ass was given 0.25 gram of the chemical in the feed for three 
days. The action was negative. Another ass received on three suc- 
cessive days 0.25 gram. On the second day the odor appeared in 
_ the breath and disappeared one day after the last dose. 

A mule received on three successive days 1.5 grams. The odor 
appeared on the day following the first administration and gradu- 
ally disappeared in 10 days. There were no unfavorable results. An- 
other mule was given on three successive days 0.5 gram. The odor 
appeared on the day following the second dose and disappeared one 
day after the last dose. A mule received on two successive days 2 
grams. An intense odor appeared on the second day and disap- 
peared after six days. 

The author states that flies Hetbinh on the animals were repelled. 

Mayer (1911) conducted experiments for the purpose of verifying. 

Ochmann’s results, and reached quite different conclusions. Ten ex- 
periments were carried out, nine on horses and one on a cow. Each 
animal received in all 10 grams in single doses of from 1 to 5 grams. 
The best method of administering the drug was to dissolve the salt 
in drinking water. Subcutaneous administration leads to dry ne- 
crosis. The drug was taken unhesitatingly and caused no ill results 
except occasionally a staring coat in fine-haired animals. The garlic 
odor of methyltellurid appeared in the breath of the cow and was 
present for a long time. The odor appeared to a very slight degree 
in the breath of three of the horses, but disappeared very soon. 



The author states that the administration of potassium tellurate in 
all cases failed to protect animals from flies. 

It would therefore seem hkely that this internal remedy is not 
efficacious. If it or any other internal remedy were found efficacious, 
it is doubtful whether it could be administered to dairy cows with- 
out imparting an odor to the milk. On the whole, therefore, the use 
of internal remedies seems to be an extremely unpromising means of 
repelling flies. 


There are almost innumerable homemade and proprietary ex- 
ternal remedies for repelling flies. They contain various substances 
that are distasteful to the insects. Many of them contain strongly 
odoriferous ingredients that have a repelling influence on flies. The 
qualities to be sought in a satisfactory repellent are: Absence of 
toxic and other detrimental properties when applied externally to 
animals; a marked repellent action on flies; and a duration of this 
action for a reasonable length of time. A common defect of many 
otherwise rather good repellents is the very short period during 
which they are effective. Some repellents are undoubtedly toxic 
and must be used with care. 


Repellents as a rule are in the form of liquids and may be applied 
by means of a dipping vat, a pail spray pump, an atomizer such 
as that commonly used in gardens and greenhouses for applying 
insecticides to plants, or by means of a rag or a paint brush. The 
method employed necessarily depends to a very large extent on the 
number of animals to be treated, the physical character and toxicity 
of the preparation, its cost, and the individual preference of the 
farmer or stockman. Some preparations, either because of their 
cost or their toxicity, or for some other reason, are not adapted for 
use in a dipping vat or for application by means of a spray pump. 
Others may be applied by any one of the methods mentioned. 

Marlatt (1910) describes a special splash board for vats, devised 
by J. D. Mitchell. By means of this board the splash caused when 
the animal plunges into the vat is thrown back into the vat in the 
form of a spray and many of the flies are wetted and carried down 
with the dip. It is said that with vats equipped with such splash 
boards from 75 to 80 per cent of the hornflies are killed. 


Lindsey (1903), at the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment 
Station, tried out 10 proprietary fly repellents. He found that four 
were quite satisfactory, four others were less satisfactory, and two 


were unsatisfactory. The chief defect of the second group seemed 
to be that they were not lasting. It is stated that these fly repel- 
lents are sold at retail from $1 to $1.50 a gallon. 


Smith (1889), of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Sta- 

tion, found by experiment that two powders were adapted for de- 
stroying hornflies and stable flies, namely, pyrethrum powder and 
tobacco powder. Pyrethrum acted promptly, but was objectionable 
from a practical standpoint because of its expense and because it 
lost its strength soon after application. Tobacco was found very 
much more satisfactory though the killing power was less. He 
recommended a proprietary powder having for its base tobacco dust 
and containing crude carbolic acid or creosote. The method of pro- 
tecting cattle from the hornfly that he suggested was to apply 
carbolated fish oil to the belly, udder, and those parts of the animal 
where powder could not well be used, and to apply tobacco powder 
to the base of the horns, the back, and at the root of the tail. The 
effect of the oil is to repel and that of the tobacco to kill flies that 
attempt to feed. 

Almost any kind of oil, whether it has a pungent or disagreeable 
odor or not, will repel flies to a certain extent. The mere physical 
condition of the hair and skin of an animal treated with oil seems 
to be repugnant to flies. Oils are used pure or in the form of an 
emulsion, or in combinations or mixtures. Crude petroleum, cot- 
tonseed oil, fish or train oil, and light coal-tar oil may be used pure. 

Crude petroleum may be used in the form of an emulsion. The 
formula and method of preparing it so as to make 5 gallons of 
80 per cent emulsion are as follows: 

In preparing the emulsion the soap should be shaved up and 
placed in a kettle or caldron containing the required amount of 
water. The water should be brought to a boil and stirred until the 
soap is entirely dissolved. Enough water should be added to make 
up for the loss by evaporation during the process. The soap solu- 
tion and the required amount of oil are then placed in a convenient 
receptacle and mixed either by stirring or by means of a spray 
pump. If properly prepared the stock emulsion will keep indefi- 
nitely. When required for use the stock emulsion should be diluted, 
one part of the emulsion to three parts of water being used. The 
dilnted emulsion does not remain uniformly mixed, so if allowed to 
stand it should be thoroughly mixed by stirring before using. 

i i Py 

i eg 


Jensen (1909) recommended the following mixture containing 
crude petroleum for dairy cows. He states that it remains on cattle 
for at least a week. 

Sonunon: laundry: Soape— > — <<! ae ees ee 1 pound. 
NAC U He) Rae ole hs eh. SRS eee eee Eo Sot FED ee ce 4 gallons. 
Srudey PeEToleuinpeces 2) 1 2F seen ov cee AR eas peg teed Pe 1 gallon. 
Pawoercde ha pin adam 54 3s ee eae a 4 ounces. 

Cut the soap into thin shavings and dissolve in water by the aid 
of heat; dissolve the naphthalin in the crude oil, mix the two solu- 
tions, put them into an old dasher churn, and mix thoroughly for 15 
minutes. The mixture should be applied once or twice a week with 
-abrush. It must be stirred well before being used. 

A mixture of cottonseed oil and pine tar in the proportion of two 
parts of the former to one part of the latter has been recommended 
to relieve cattle of flies. 

Fish or train oil is generally rated as one of the best repellents. 
Its protective action is said to last from two to six days, depending 
on the temperature and humidity. A great many mixtures have 
been recommended in which fish oil occurs as an important ingre- 
dient. Moore (1903) recommended the following mixture for use 
on dairy cows: 

EASES TM a a Ba eI ce me 100 parts. 
Oi Gh bares sta Pee ifs Oe ee ee ee ee 50 parts. 
C@Eude pen RHOne a Cras Te ee he 5 5 en Se ee 1 part. 

The cost of the mixture was about 35 cents per gallon. The mix- 
ture was applied with a small hand spray pump. One application 
was effective for two days. 

Bishopp (1918) gives the following formula for a mixture that is 
said to be very effective in keeping flies from live stock, when applied 

VETSED CUTE Sse ag SS eee NP 1 gallon. 
Rear Sted Tym ioe we SS ye oS ee ee eee 2 ounces. 
hrmrepeapeC NTT OVall =e 82 Fs eh ne ee ee Ses eee 2 ounces. 
UR Sle 2A ee ee eee Le ees eee 3 pint. 

Parrott (1900), at the Kansas Agricultural College, found that 
repellents were not as effective in Kansas as they were said to be in 
other States. Fish oil was effective for less than two days. 

The following formula is recommended by him as being as effec- 
tive as fish oil, and at the same time cheaper and more lasting: 

PRGePIZeUy Cesin 2k) 2 eee 2 parts (by measure). 
See Hel wT eo! 12 ee Sega Oe 1 part. 
Eras Hem eu Li Seal iy Fo at 2S ek ee 3 part. 
HuSi-Gule se Lee eI pe Ee et 1 part. 
CET FSG ea renee nce part. 
LETRAS SE ES ST alee SU ne cee 1 part. 
TES a es ee ee 3 parts. 

51293°—Bull. 181—14—_2 


Place the resin, soap shavings, the one-half part of water, and fish 
oil together in a receptacle and boil until the resin is dissolved. 
Then add the 3 parts of water, following with the oil of tar mixed 
with the kerosene. Stir the mixture well and allow it to boil for 
15 minutes. When cool the mixture is ready for use and should be 

stirred frequently while being applied. Application should be made ~ 

with a brush. One-eighth to half a pint is required for each animal. 
The cost of the mixture is given as 30 cents a gallon. 

The present writer has not made or used the above repellent. Its 
formula and method of preparation seem too complex for wide 
use. It would appear that great caution should be exercised in boil- 
ing the mixture because of the inflammability of some of the in- 

he same author recommends the following formula for horses. 
Tt is said to be effective for three to four hours and even longer: 

1 CUVIES) a Wee Riese ee cee NE ta Wd gi acl Se Mia a Cae 2 quarts. 
Carbolie wed “(erudejes! Stes as ae Ee a ee i ping 

Benny roy alas ace 2a pasts 2 Lok Sry ees tek ae 1 ounce. 
GGT L, <1 ERE 0 1 aR race OS LIM RTA Sakata UN viet ok Soh ee tae 8 ounces. 
TCOROSEME Se. Oe ee eee eae *1% quarts. 

The cost is given at about 80 cents a gallon. The mixture must be 
applied with an atomizer and not with a brush. 

Carlyle (1899), of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, states that 
fish oil to which is added a little oil of tar and a little sulphur will 
‘serve to protect cows from hornflies for four to five days if the 
weather is fine. He states that none of the remedies seem to be 
effective against the stable fly an hour after being applied. 

Otis (1904) recommends a repellent worked out by the entomologi- 
cal department of the Kansas station. The formula is as follows: 

BES ST oN Tee Ry ac eee 13 pourds. 
TUM, ISO aps SS oe es ak ee a EI ae 2 cakes. 
| COURS) ger 1H (ect coomieae napa ioe ent? Lae Obrien! Py OU A ate oss 3 pint. 
Watersenoush::to. make. sous ee ee eee 3 gallons. 

Dissolve the resin in a solution of soap and water by heating. 

Add the fish oil and the rest of the water. Apply witha brush. If 
to be used as a spray, add one-half pint of kerosene. The cost is 7 to 
8 cents a gallon. 
Fish oil containing a small admixture of carbolic acid has been 

used with good success as a repellent. 
_ Lindsey (1903), at the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment 

Station, found light coal-tar oil quite satisfactory. This oil is de- 
scribed as the lighter of two oils derived from tar. It is a dark, 
thin oil with a strong creosote odor. It was applied as a spray. 

1Or enough to make 1 gallon of mixture. 


Kerosene mixed with cottonseed oil or in the form of an emulsion 
may be used for repelling flies. Spencer (1904), at the Virginia 
station, used an emulsion of kerosene in a special spraying apparatus 
for destroying the hornfly. The formula and method followed in 
preparing the emulsion are given below: 

WEES VO ge ah 6 ces se ee i A tL LON TE On Oa + pound. 
PSROMEE RSCTU OS) Seis Seca ee mom gags DY alae ee Cai 1 gallon. 
IREEO SCOT: Oi iese et a ek Le eee on ee Se a ONS: 

Shave the soap fine and dissolve in water at boiling temperature. 
Place the kerosene in a barrel, add the hot-soap solution, and by 
means of a spray pump agitate for 15 to 20 minutes, or until emulsi- 
fication is complete. One gallon of water is added to prevent the 
solution becoming thick. This is a stock solution and should be 
diluted in the proportion of 1 to 5 of water. The diluted emulsion 
tends to separate, so only the amount needed should be diluted each 

It is stated that at the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station 
daily sprayings for a period of two weeks reduced the hornflies to 
a point of insignificance. The flies were killed in passing through 
the spray. 

A milk emulsion of kerosene may be made as follows: To 1 part of 
milk add 2 parts of kerosene and mix by means of a force pump, or 
in some other way. The creamy emulsion that results 1s to be diluted 
with 8 or 10 times the bulk of water. 

Mayer (1911) found that laurel oi! applied to the skin of cattle and 
horses repelled the flies. The oil produced an inflammation of the 
skin in some of the tests. The oil applied to bedsores of horses re- 
pelled the flies and produced no change in the sores. 

Laurel oil and linseed oil in the proportions of 1 to 10 repelled 
flies from a bedsore on the foreleg of a horse for five days. The 
entire right side of a horse was rubbed with the oil. No flies were 
seen on the right side and great numbers were present on the left 
side. The action lasted for 12 days. A light application of oil to a 
horse was effective for only two days. This mixture produced no 
inflammation of the skin. 

The following mixture was also tested by Mayer:.Laurel oil, 1 
part; dilute alcohol, 4 parts; and olive oil, 5 parts. In place of 
dilute alcohol denatured alcohol with water may be used, and in 
place of olive oil linseed oil may be used. The mixture was tried on 
horses, but the results were not so good, as the mixture did not stick. 
The action lasted five days. / 

Rancid oil should not be used on account of its irritating action. 


Jensen (1909) gives three formulas of repellents for application 
‘to wounds: 
Formula No. 1: 
Oil. of tars S228 ce = 6 ee a eo eee S ounces. 
Cottonseed: ol to make 2 See ee ee 32 ounces. 

Formula No. 2: 

Powdered naphtha lime 222 es ee eee as Oe 2 ounces. 
Eiydrous-cwool station fs. sae see ae eee 14 ounces. 
Mix into an ointment. 

Formula No. 3: 

Choa lis Pate fos ee OR pee ate oe 12 ounces. 
Carbon: disulphid 227s Fae See ee pe ee eee 4 ounces. 
Mix; keep in a well-stoppered bottle and apply with a brush. 
- Mixtures Nos. 23 and 8 are said to adhere to moist surfaces, and No. 
3 is said, in addition, to form a coating over raw surfaces and protect 
fram the screw-worm fly. 
The editor at the close of the article in which the above formulas 
are given adds the following formula: 

Oilmok turpentine. 2-22 spe USS als Ta cae, ern ane er EE 1 dram. 
1 El OVS} 0 YG) Me Saleeies eave tae ite Ae ap Met Roem Se aI Men Me RMR Se De Reet 1 dram. 
Cottonseed< oils to - make- 35 = 45 es ee ee pee 4 ounces. 

Mix and apply freely to wounds. 

It is stated that this remedy is highly effective and is used widely 
in the South. It is said to induce healthy granulation of wounds. 


For the purpose of determining the efficacy of various substances 
and mixtures for repelling flies, a number of tests were made by the 
present author at the Bureau of Animal Industry Experiment Sta- 
tion during the summers of 1912 and 1913. The results of these tests 
are given below. In making various mixtures for the purpose of trial 
the plan adopted was to combine a pungent or odoriferous substance 
with an oil which served mainly as a vehicle. 


The following tests were made with 10 per cent crude carbolic acid 
in cottonseed oil: 

On July 22, 1912, a calf was sprayed with a mixture of 10 per 
cent crude carbolic acid in cottonseed oil. About 2 quarts of the 
mixture were applied. The calf was discovered down about 7 to 10 

1A sample of the crude carbolic acid used in these tests was examined in the Bio- 

-chemic Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry, and was found to contain 21.8 
per cent phenols. 


minutes later with symptoms of carbolic-acid poisoning. There was 
salivation, dyspnea, trembling, paralysis, inability to rise, rapid 
breathing, and rapid and irregular beating of the heart. 

Another calf was sprayed on the same date with about 14 quarts 
of the mixture. The calf showed distinct symptoms of carbolic-acid 
poisoning in 6 minutes. It showed a tendency to fall in 8 min- 
utes, and fell in 14 minutes. The symptoms in the order in which 
they occurred were: Salivation, dyspnea, muscular tremors, loss of 
muscular control, and finally motor paralysis. The breathing was 
rapid and shallow. 

It was necessary to destroy both of the animals. 

July 15, 1913, applied the mixture to a calf by means of a brush. 
Used 22 ounces of the mixture. The repellent action was very 
marked. July 16, about 18 hours later, the animal was worried as 
much by flies as were the controls. Oil was present only along the 
back. There was only a very faint odor of carbolic acid. The pro- 
tection was practically nothing. There were no symptoms of poi- 

The results obtained with crude carbolic acid may be summarized 
as follows: In the case of the first two calves treated it shows that 
carbolic acid in cottonseed oil is absorbed through the skin. It is 
well known that carbolic acid, when combined with oil, loses its 
caustic properties, but its toxic properties still remain, as evidenced 
by the above cases of poisoning. It seems certain that in the case of 
any such mixture, no matter how small the content of carbolic acid, 
a certain amount of the same must be absorbed. The amount ab- 
sorbed will depend, other things being equal, on the amount of the 
mixture applied. In the third test that was made, the same strength 
(10 per cent) mixture was used, but 1t was applied with a brush and 
only to the amount of 23 ounces. There were no symptoms of poison- 
ing. It is therefore evident that a 10 per cent mixture of crude car- 
bolic acid (21.8 per cent phenols) in cottonseed oil may be used with 
safety if the application is very ight. It is undoubtedly true that 
a very much weaker mixture of carbolic acid if applied liberally 
would produce toxic symptoms. 

The repellent action of this mixture, however, does not endure. 
Its action was very marked at first, but lasted less than 18 hours. 
It would be necessary therefore to apply this mixture every day. In 
order to ascertain whether daily applications of the mixture could 
be made without danger to the animal, a calf was treated with this 
mixture on October 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 18. The mixture was 
applied with a brush. There were no symptoms of poisoning or other 
untoward results. 



July 29, 1912, sprayed a cow with 10 per cent of pine tar in cotton- 
seed oil. Used 34 quarts of the mixture. 

July 30, the cow was looking droopy. The ears were hanging. 

July 31, the hair was still oily. There was no odor of tar. The 
animal was bright and perfectly normal. No hornflies were observed. 
A few stable flies were present on the legs and body. The animal 
was not fighting the flies, whereas unsprayed animals were con- 
stantly switching their tails. 

August 1, some oil was still present. Some stable flies were pres- 
ent, especially on the legs. Animal does not fight flies as much as 
do the untreated animals. 

August 3, oil still present on the back, croup, and thighs. It is 
very sticky. There is little or no protective action. 


July 15, 1913, treated a cow with 20 per cent pine tar in cotton- 
seed oil. Used 54 ounces of mixture. It was applied with a brush. 

The protection was marked but not quite so effective as either 10 per 

cent crude carbolic acid or 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil. 
July 16, about 18 hours later, the cow fought flies as much as did 
the controls. There was some oil present on the neck, back, and on 
the fore legs. There was no odor of tar. There was little or no pro- 
tective action evident at this time. ’ 


July 31, 1912, sprayed a calf with a half-and-half mixture of pine 
tar and cottonseed oil. Used about 2 quarts of fluid. The mixture 
was too thick to spray well in pump. The animal was sprayed very 

unevenly and some spots were not covered. ‘Two types of nozzles 

were used, but a satisfactory spray was not developed. 

August 1, there was plenty of oil present and also an odor of tar. 
Tar was visible here and there on the hair. No flies were observed. 

August 3, some oil was still present. There was a slight odor of 
tar. A repellent action was still noticeable on the back, croup, and 

July 31, a second calf was sprayed. Used about 2 quarts, which 
was not enough to cover the animal properly. 

August 1, there was plenty of oil present, and there was a strong 
odor of tar. No flies were observed. 

August 8, the oil and tar odor still present. A distinct repellent 
action on stable fiies was still noticeable. 



August 19, a cow was treated with 50 per cent pine tar in Beau- 
mont oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. 

August 20, the mixture had been rubbed off the sides and abdo- 
men. The odor of tar was still present. The hair was rather untidy. 
Fhles were present only on underside of abdomen. 

August 21, the cow was stiff. The mixture was still present on the 
back. There was no repellent action. 


It is noted from the first test made that a hberal application of 
10 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil caused the animal to look 
droopy. It is probable that this was due to a toxic action of the tar. 
The odor of the tar had disappeared on the second day following the 
treatment. The repellent action lasted for three days. Some oil 
was present five days after the treatment. 

In the test in which 20 per cent of pine tar was used, the mixture 
was appled with a brush and only 54 ounces were used. The repel- 
lent action was marked, but not so great as in the case of 10 per 
cent crude carbolic acid or 10 per cent oil of tar. The repellent ac- 
tion lasted less than 18 hours. The odor of tar had disappeared at 
that time. 

In the third test in which a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and 
cottonseed oil was used, the mixture was applied liberally by means 
of aspray pump. The repellent action lasted more than three days 
in the case of both animals treated. The mixture is too thick to be 
used in a spray pump. 

In the last test, in which a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and 
Beaumont oil was used, the repellent action lasted less than two 
days. This mixture had a detrimental effect in that it caused the 
animal to become stiff. ; 

There seems to be no danger to animals in applying tar in cotton- 
seed oil for the purpose of repelling flies. In the first test there 
were slight symptoms of poisoning, but the amount of 10 per cent 
mixture applied (34 quarts) was much more than would ever be 
applied to an animal to protect it from flies. 

Tt is evident from the second test that when a pine-tar-cottonseed- 
oil mixture of moderate strength is applied in quantities such as it 
is economical to use, the applications will have to be made every day 
in order to provide protection. 



July 22, 1912, sprayed a calf with 10 per cent oil of tar in cotton- 
seed oil. Used about 2 quarts of the mixture. | 
July 28, the oil was still evident. No hornflies were observed. 
Stable flies were seen to light on the hair but left immediately. Some 

stable flies were seen on the legs of the animals. 

July 25, the odor of the oil of tar had entirely disappeared. The 
hair was still oily but flies were seen to light on the oily spots. 

July 29, there was no oil present. 

July 15, 1913, applied 33 ounces of the mixture to a calf by means 
of a brush. The repellent action was very marked. 

July 16, about 18 hours later, the calf did not fight the flies quite 
so much as did the controls. There was no odor of tar. There was 
a very slight evidence of oil on the sides and back but no repellent 
action could be observed. 


August 22, 1912, sprayed a calf with a half-and-half mixture of oil 
of tar and cottonseed oil. Used about 2 quarts of tht mixture. The 
animal almost immediately began to show signs of sickness. The 
eyes were half closed. The skin about the eyes, on the face, and at 
the corners of the mouth was wrinkled. There was slight salivation. 
These symptoms were followed by a slight swaying in the hind quar- 
ters when the animal walked. Finally the gait became staggering 
and the animal fell from time to time and arose again only with the 
greatest difficulty. 

August 26, when the next observation was made, the animal had 
entirely recovered. There was no repellent action noticeable. 


July 22, 1912, sprayed a calf with 10 per cent oil of tar in Beau- 
mont oil. Used about 2 quarts of the mixture. | 

July 23, oil was present on the hair. There were a very few stable 
flies on the legs. No hornflies were observed. 

July 25, more oil was present on the hair than in the case of a 
calf sprayed on the same date with a mixture in which cottonseed 
oil served as the base. 

July 29, oil was present on the back and rump. No hornflies were 

1A sample of the oil of tar used in these experiments was examined in the Biochemic 

Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry and was found to contain phenols, volatile 
with steam, 14 per cent. 


August 7, 1913, a calf was treated with 10 per cent oil of tar in 
Beaumont oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. The repel- 
lent action was marked. 

August 8, no odor of tar was noticeable. The oil wasrubbed off the 
abdomen, the sides, and outside of the thighs. Some stable flies were 
present on the legs. Only a very few hornflies were present. 


August 19, 1918, a cow was treated with a mixture of 50 per cent 
oil of tar in Beaumont oil. The mixture was applied with a brush. 
There was a slight salivation, and the cow remained rather quiet fol- 
lowing the treatment. It seems certain that there were symptoms 
of phenol poisoning. 

August 20, the odor of the oil of tar was still present. Only a few 
stable flies were present on the legs. Other animals in the same pen 
were covered with flies. The mixture had disappeared from the 
sides and abdomen. 

August 21, the cow was a little stiff. Oil was still present on the 
back. The cow was protected very little from the flies. 


In the first test with 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil the 
mixture was applied with a spray pump. About 2 quarts of the 
liquid were appled. The repellent action lasted less than three 

In the second test the mixture was applied by means of a brush, 
and 8% ounces were used. The repellent action, which was very 
marked at first, had nearly disappeared at the end of 18 hours. 

In the third test a half-and-half mixture of oil of tar and cotton- 
seed oil was applied with a spray pump. About two quarts of the 
mixture were used. There were symptoms of poisoning. The next 
observation was made four days later, at which time there was no 
repellent action. 

In the fourth test 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil was 
applied with a spray pump. About 2 quarts of the mixture were 
used. There were no symptoms of poisoning. 

In the fifth test 10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil was applied 
with a brush. On the following day the odor of tar had entirely dis- 
appeared and the repellent action had almost entirely ceased. 7 

In the last test 50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil was applied 
with a brush. The protection lasted about two days. There were 
mild symptoms of poisoning and the animal became slightly stiff. 

The repellent action of 10 and 50 per cent of oil of tar in cotton- 
seed oil or in Beaumont oil is very marked, but when applied in 


such quantities as it is economical to use the action lasts less than 
a day when cottonseed oil is used, and about two days when Beau- 
mont oil is used. As shown by the third test, 50 per cent oil of tar 
is dangerous when applied in large quantities. 

The last test shows that 50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil 
when applied in small quantities with a brush is also dangerous. 
The increase of the content of oil of tar from 10 to 50 per cent does 
not seem to increase the duration of the repellent action materially, 
as indicated by tests 1 and 3, but the 50 per cent Beaument oil mix- 
ture protected twice as long as the 10 per cent mixture. 

For the purpose of determining whether daily applications of 10 
per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil would produce poisoning or other 
untoward results, a calf was treated with the mixture on October 2, 
3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, and 14. The mixture was applied with a 
paint brush. No symptoms of poisoning resulted, and the skin 
remained unaffected. 


October 4, 1912, a calf was sprayed with the following mixture: 

HUSH oie rth ye Mae anaes Ee 00 sete! 
Oil Ot ptare. ss wa ei save eats SUN UO 50 parts. 
CU Carlo OL eh CU eI SRO TA RE age OE 1 part: 

About three quarts of the mixture were used. The animal appeared 
sick after being sprayed. It was restless and there was salivation. 

October 7, the animal was very oily. There was present an odor 
of tar and fish oil. Flies were still repelled. 

July 16,1913, a bull calf was treated with the above mixture, which 
was applied with a brush, and 6 ounces were used. The repellent 
action was marked. There were no symptoms of poisoning. 

It is noted from the first of the above tests that the application of 
the Moore mixture in large quantities is dangerous. Such a liberal 
application, however, would never be made in practice. The repel- 
lent action was still evident on the third day. In the second test a 
small quantity of the mixture was applied to a calf by means of a 
brush and no symptoms of poisoning resulted. 


June 19, 1913, a calf was treated with 10 per cent oil of citronella 
in cottonseed oil, applied with an atomizer. A few hours later all 
protection had ceased. 

July 2, 1913, the above calf was again sprayed. An hour or so 
later a repellent action was still noticeable. The calf was not trou- 
bled much with flies as compared with the untreated animals. 

July 3, 1913, a cow was sprayed. Used 14 ounces. ‘There was a 
very marked repellent action, but an hour or so later this had become 


greatly reduced. There was a very slight odor of citronella at that 

July 10, 1913, applied the mixture to a cow by means of a brush. 
Used about 6 ounces of oil. July 11, about 22 hours after applica- 
tion, oil was present on the neck and along the back. There was 
no odor of citronella. There was little or no protection as indicated 
by the presence of many hornflies on the underside of the abdomen, 
and the presence of many stable flies on the legs. 

It is noted from the above tests that the mixture used is a powerful 
repellent, but that its effect does not last more than a few hours. 


June 19, 1913, a mixture of 10 per cent oil of sassafras in cottonseed 
oil was applied to a calf by means of an atomizer. There was a pro- 
nounced repellent action which, however, had disappeared at the 
end of a few hours. 

July 2, 1913, the same calf was again treated. An hour or so later 
a repellent action was still present. The calf was troubled very 
little with flies as compared with the other animals. July 3, there 
was no odor or protective action noticeable. 

July 3, 1913, treated a cow with the mixture. Used about 3 ounces. 
The repellent action was marked. An hour or so later the repellent 
action was greatly reduced and there was no odor of sassafras. 

July 10, 1918, applied the mixture with a brush to the above cow. 
Used about 54 ounces. July 11, about 22 hours later, a little oil was 
present on the neck, withers, and just behind the withers. Many 
hornflies were present on the front legs and on the underside of the 

The above tests show that the mixture has a marked repellent ac- 
tion, but that this only lasts for a few hours. 


June 19, 19138, a mixture of 10 per cent oil of camphor in cotton- 
seed oil was applied to a calf by means of an atomizer. A few hours 
afterward some protective action was still noticeable. 

July 2, 19138, the same calf was again treated. An hour or so later 
the calf was still protected from flies. 

July 8, 1913, no protection was noticeable in the case of the above 
calf. A cow was sprayed with the mixture. Used 24 ounces. There 
was a marked protective action. An hour or so later the protective 
action was greatly reduced. There was no odor of camphor. 

July 10, 1913, applied the mixture tc the above cow with a brush. 
Used 5 ounces. July 11, about 22 hours after application, a little 
oil was present on the neck and along the back. There was no odor 


of camphor. Some hornflies were present and many stable flies were 
on the legs. 

The immediate protection rendered by the above mixture is 
marked, but its action lasts only for a few hours. 


August 7, 1913, a cow was treated with a half-and-half mixture 
of cottonseed oil and kerosene. The mixture was applied with a 

brush. The flies were repelled. 
August 8, the oil was rubbed off the sides, abdomen, and the out- 
side of the thighs. Very few flies were present. 


August 21, 1913, treated a cow with kerosene en:ulsion made ac- 
cording to the formula on page 11, diluted 1 to 8. The emulsion had 
only a very slight repellent action. 


August 7, 1913, a calf was treated with Beaumont oil. The oil was 
applied with a brush. The repellent action was marked. August 
S, the oil had been rubbed off the abdomen, the sides, and the outside 
of the thighs. Stable flies were present on the legs. There was 
plenty of oil present on the neck, shoulders, and back. There were 
no hornflies on the animal, although they had been numerous the 
day before. : 


July 22, 1912, a calf was sprayed with fish oil. About 2 quarts of 
- the oil were used. July 23, the oil was present on the hair. Flies 
frequently lit on the animal but left almost immediately. A few 
stable flies were noted on the legs. No hornflies were observed. 

July 25, considerable oil was still present. Some flies were seen 
_ to light on and crawl over the greasy hair. There was a very slight 
fishy odor. 

July 29, oil was present on the back and rump. No hornflies were 
observed. Stable flies were observed on the legs. 

August 6, rear portion of body very sticky and dirty. There was 
a loss of hair in spots on the back and sides. 

July 15, 1913, applied fish oil with a brush. The protection was 
very marked. July 16, about 20 hours later, there was an abundance 
of oil present on the upper half of body, and a repellent action was 
noticeable in this region. There was still a very shght amount of oil 
on the legs, but it was not sufficient to keep the flies off. 

In the first test with fish oil the oil was applied by means of a 
spray pump. Two liters were used. The repellent action lasted be- 
tween one and three days. The liberal application of the oil caused 

Fae . 

ee aye 


the hair to become sticky and dirty in places. There was also a loss 
of hair. These unfavorable results were not noted in the second 
test, in which a light application of oil was made with a brush. 


June 19, 1913, a calf was rubbed with laurel oil. The protection 
was very marked. " 

July 2, 1913, the oil was applied to a calf with a paint brush. 
There was a very marked repellent influence on both the hornflies 
and the stable flies. An hour or so later the repellent action was 
only very slightly reduced. 

July 3, 1918, the same calf was treated. Used about 2 ounces. 
The mixture was applied with a paint brush. The repellent action 
was marked. 

July 10, 1913, applied the oil with a brush to all parts of the body 
except the head. Used 5 ounces. July 11, about 22 hours later, 
there was an abundance of oil present on body and neck. There 
were no flies on the body and neck. Some stable flies were present 
on the legs. 

July 15, 1913, a severe exfoliation was noted on the shoulders and 
neck. There was a slight exfoliation on the head. A similar ex- 
foliation was noted on the withers shortly after the first treatment 
on June 19. 

August 19, 1913, a calf was treated all over with laurel oil. Appli- 
cation was made by means of a brush. 

August 20, there was an abundance of oil present. It was rubbed 
off the abdomen. The repellent action was marked, but the odor of 
the oil was not as strong as at first. 

August 21, some oil was present on the back and sides. ‘There was 
a repellent action still evident. 

August 7, 1913, a cow was treated with 10 per cent laurel oil in 
cottonseed oil. The mixture was appled with a brush. The repel- 
lent action was marked. 

August 8, oil was present on the neck, shoulders, and back. It was 
rubbed off the sides and abdomen. There was no odor of laurel oil. 
Stable flies were present on the legs. Hornflies were present on the 
abdomen where the oil had been rubbed off. 

Laurel oil has a very marked repellent action on both hornflies and 
stable flies. No observations were made to determine the limit of the 
duration of the repellent action, but it undoubtedly as a rule con- 
tinues for several days. On account of the fact that the oil has a 
tendency to produce an exfoliation of the skin it should be applied 
very lightly to the hair. As indicated by the last test, in a 10 per 
cent mixture of Jaurel oil and cottonseed oil the laurel oil disappears 
by evaporation in less than 24 hours. 



July 25, 1912, a cow was dusted with pyrethrum powder along 

the neck and back. Used about 24 ounces of powder. Flies were 

observed to light frequently on the treated portions of the body and 
remain for a time. 

July 26, an attendant reported that there was plenty of powder 
still present and that it seemed to repel the flies. 
August 9, 1913, pyrethrum powder was applied to the skin of a 

cow. The repellent action was very marked. August 10, only a very 
slight protective action was noted. 

Pyrethrum powder when applhed to the skin of cattle has a very 
‘marked repellent action, but this lasts only for about a day. 


The experimental tests are summarized in the following table: 

Summary of experimental tests. 

nee Duration ane - 

uration | of repel- z Tethod of 3 

Substance used. Ghodon jent ence sof application. Effect on animals. 

BOM stance. 
Gio Days. Days. Days. 
10 per cent crude carbolic acid in cot- |..........]........--]--2-020--- Spray pump.| Phenol poisoning. 
tonseed oil. 
MD Oeste Sse ieee eae oe aes eae eee Sceee ame eee AS Bea Beeeeea ona Hacoe dorsssass Do. 
DOQo eee eee te) ne aceite Bene Uae i— i+ Brush 2 eee None. 

10 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil... 2— 34+ Kee Spray pump.| Caused depression. 

20 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil... 1— 1— 1+ Brusheisie None. 

50 per cent pine tar in cottonseed oil... 3+ (SBE 3+ Spray pump. Do. 

JE iste S Gees 5 She Seabee see oe Shee, Snr 38+ SP hs Tene do swat Do. 
50 per cent pine tar in Beaumont oil... 2— = 24 Brush....... Gansed stance 
10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil. 3— 3— 3+ Spray pump.| None. : 

1D Soa ae BOSE es aa oe engl dhe Se iss Brushes aes Do. 
50 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed Oil._|-.-..-.... Aes hie er Spray pump.| Phenol poisoning. 
10 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil -.}.-........|.......... Tee eater: dozsiiae: None. 

ID Ouse eee Sanna Ss seaooSo Sees eBel! de La les BLUSnee eee Do. 

50 per cent oil of tar in Beaumont oil-. 1+ 2 AAAS Sadist pak ee do.......| Slight symptoms of 
poisoning. On 
second day ani- 
mal was stiff. 

heyMoore fOrLmMitlarsee eee aces ee eae 3+ 3+ 3+ Sprayed..... Phenol poisoning. 

ID Osteo 8 ee See lek Salsas ante Serer ae evens | aera Brush St) a. None. 

10 per cent oil of citronella in cotton- |.........-. Ee Hi Seepeeedic Atomizer... Do. 

seed oil. 
Can JS Tak Pace i Oe en lye Se CE ee 1— 1— i+ Brushes ees Do 

10 per cent oil of sassafras in cottonseed !|......-.-- Dak sal eRe eae es 2 Atomizer... Do 

IDOte Sa eeoi ees. eS ee 1— ete eee cee eee do:aes-33 Do 
Ch re ae ee pee cere BES Se | ESE ees 1— I+ Brusheccses Do 

10 per cent oil of camphor in cottonseed |........--. DST Pee Sa. Eee ee eee Do 

DOM See e as). 4S eas eee ee ee ee ae erp eae ...-| Atomizer.... Do. 
1D oy hot eee ery reic ne oie BAe ae 1— 1— I+ Brush enesee Do. 

50 per cent kerosene in cottonseed Oil ..|......-.-- hts | eee eee | ed Gosia ee Do 

Bertin On pO Sees se eee ree 1+ 1+ Ee Damen (0h S doses Do. 

PD ISHUOTMEEH Es hae epee ee ERT ES Bee 3+ 3— 7+ Spray pump.| Slight loss of hair. 

TB ies eae A aT eee Re ee ne es ae Led ON ee oh BRushe soe None. 
GAUKOMOUE Rts sce 2. Dae tin eee eee 1+ 1+ iE ae Gree S| doe Severe exfoliation. 
ID Yas See ee man See mee Ae ee ga 2-+- 2+ ae epee aan REL ce do.......| None. 
10 per cent laurel oil in cottonseed oil. . 1— 1+ 1 ae g tl le dortaaes Do 
Pyieiinum pow dere: 252852 2 hae eae ee 1+ 1+ Hae ea ae Cop Do 
OR Segh ei ET SSCL ic RCS | ee eae sac 1+ Lp FSIS t ee ee Do 



— se. 



The biting flies that annoy domestic animals most in this country 
are the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, and the hornfly, Lyperosia 
erritans. The bot flies are not biting flies, but are a menace to do- 
mestic animals because of the parasitic habits of their larve. This 
is also the case with the screw-worm fly, Paralucilia macellaria, 
which deposits its eggs in wounds, and a bluebottle fly, Lwcilia seri- 
cata, occurring in the United Kingdom and Holland, and certain 
species of Calliphora occurring in Australia, the larve of which 
invade the wool and skin of sheep. 

Repellents are more or less effective against all of these flies. 

_ Opinions differ with regard to the injury by biting flies. The 
common opinion seems to be that these flies are responsible for great 
losses. However, a limited amount of experimental evidence relating 
to cattle seems to indicate that the losses, when they occur, are not 

The repellent action of certain colors has been noted by various 
investigators. Light-colored animals suffer less from flies than dark- 
colored ones. One author (Marre, 1908) has recorded the observa- 
tion of a farmer in France who found that a blue color apphed to the 
inside of stables repelled flies. This observation seems to have re- 
mained uncorroborated. 

Potassium tellurate has been recommended by Ochmann (1911) 
as an internal remedy for repelling flies. However, Mayer (1911) 
failed to obtain results with the remedy, and it seems safe to assume 
that internal remedies will never prove practicable in repelling flies. 

Liquid repellents may be applied by means of a dipping vat, a 
pail spray pump, an atomizer, or by means of a rag or a paint brush. 
The method to be employed depends on the individual preference 
of the farmer and the nature and cost of the preparation used. 

The powder remedies that have been used are pyrethrum powder 
and tobacco powder. 

Various oils, emulsions of oils, and mixtures of oils are used in 
repelling flies. Crude petroleum, cottonseed oil, fish or train oil, 
and light coal-tar oil may be used pure. Jensen (1909) recommends 
for dairy cows an emulsion of crude petroleum containing an admix- 
ture of powdered naphthalin. 

Fish oil is rated as one of the best repellents and has been used 
alone and in combination with various other substances. Other sub- 
stances that have repellent qualities and that have been used in vari- 
ous mixtures are pine tar, oil of tar, crude carbolic acid, oil of penny- 
royal, and kerosene. 

Jensen’s formula is said to protect cows for a week. The pro- 
tective action of fish oil is stated to range from less than two days 


(Parrott, 1900) to six days. Moore’s formula is said to protect for 
two days. This mixture is safe when applied lightly with a brush, 
but not when applied liberally with a pail spray pump. 

Laurel oil is a very effective repellent. Mayer (1911) found that 

the protection lasted from 2 to 12 days. The oil when used pure has 

an irritating effect unless it is applied lightly. According to Mayer 
the irritating effect may be overcome by combining it with linseed 
oil in the proportion of 1 to 10. The present author found that 
10 per cent of laurel oil in cottonseed oil was active for less than a 

A number of formulas for repellents for application to wounds 
have been recommended by various authors. 

In experimental tests carried out by the present author the follow- 
ing results were obtained: 

A 10 per cent mixture of crude carbolic acid (21.8 per cent 
phenols) in cottonseed oil has a very strong repellent action on 
flies, but this lasts less than a day, in consequence of which it is nec- 
essary to apply the mixture every day. The mixture should be ap- 
plied lightly with a brush, since a heavy application with a spray 
pump is likely to cause phenol poisoning. 

Mixtures consisting of 10, 20, and 50 per cent of pine tar in cot- 
tonseed oil have marked repellent qualities. They should be applied 
lightly and it is necessary to apply them every day. A liberal ap- 
plication of a 10 per cent mixture is deleterious to animals. This 
is also the case with a half-and-half mixture of pine tar and Beau- 
mont oil when apphed hghtly with a brush. 

A mixture of oil of tar (14 per cent phenols, volatile with steam) 
in cottonseed oil and in Beaumont oil has a very marked repellent 
action. A 10 per cent mixture of oil of tar in cottonseed oil is safe. 
A half-and-half mixture of oil of tar and cottonseed oil when ap- 
plied liberally with a spray pump and 50 per cent oil of tar in Beau- 
mont cil applied with a brush are not safe. Ten per cent oil of tar 
in Beaumont oil is safe. When applied lghtly it is necessary to 
apply 10 per cent oil of tar in cottonseed oil or 10 per cent oil of tar 
in Beaumont oil every day. 

Mixtures of 10 per cent of oil of citronella, oil of sassafras, or oil 
of camphor in cottonseed oil are powerful repellents, but they are 
active for less than a day. 

A heavy application of fish oil causes the hair to become sticky 
and fall out. A hght application did not produce these results. 

Pyrethrum powder is an effective repellent, but its action lasts 
only for about a day. 

«Deh oiagqorte: Resiicaetmy 



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