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Commonwealth of Australia 

Department of Trade and 



ee 5 ; « = ; ; 
ie ~ Biological Results of the Fishing Experiments 

carried on by the F.L.S. “ Endeavour, " 1909-14. 

H.C. Dannevig, — f 
Commonwealth Director of Fisheries. 

qs? gman lag! 


. - Published by Bi ccitias of the Minister for Trade 
‘e and Customs, Hon. Frank Gwynne Tudor 
Sydney, 30th HosGks ys 1915 

W. E. Smith Ltd. .Bridge Street Sydney. 


III. Report on the Aleyonarians obtained by the F.LS. 
‘Endeavour ”’ on the Eastern and Southern Coasts of 





E. A. BRIGGS, B.Sc., 



Plates iv.-xil. 

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Part. I. 

I.— Introduction. 

Previous to the publication of Wright and Studer’s Report! 
on the Aleyonaria collected by the “ Challenger,” our know- 
ledge of the Aleyonarian Fauna of Australia was confined 
mainly to forms from western and north-western localities, 
and from the shallow waters of Queensland and Torres Strait. 
This knowledge is based on collections obtained by the 
“ Herald’ and * Fly,’ the Antarctic Expedition under 
Rosst, the German Cirecumnavigatory Expedition in the 
* Gazelle,”’> and to the zoological collections made in the 
Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of the “ Alert.”® The 
“Challenger ’’ Expedition extended this field, and also 
collected and recorded a number of forms from the southern 
and south-eastern shores of Australia. Since then fresh 
instalments of new species have been added by Prof. 8. J. 
Hickson7, who described the collection of Aleyonaria brought 
together by Mr. J. B. Wilson during the biological survey 
of Port Phillip, Victoria ; and by Prof. W. Kikenthal*, who 
has recorded a number of species from Western Australia. 
Finally, Prof. J. A. Thomson and Miss D. L. Mackinnon? 
published a detailed account of the Alcyonaria, which were 
gathered together by the ‘Thetis’ Expedition during 
trawling operations within the one hundred fathom line off 
the coast of New South Wales. 

The Aleyonarians described in the present Report were 
trawled by the “ Endeavour” on the eastern and southern 
coasts of Australia in depths of from fifteen to three hundred 
fathoms. The collection includes twenty-seven species, of 
which twenty-four are referable to known species distributed 
among fifteen genera; the remainder have required the 
establishment of three new species. 

1. Wright and Studer—Chall. Rep., Zool., xxxi., 1889. 

2, 3, 4. Gray—Proc. Zool. Soc., 1862 and 1872; Jd., Ann, Mag. Nat. 
Hist., (3), v., 1860; (4), ii., 1868 ; (4), 1i1., 1869; Jd., Cat. Lithophytes in 
Brit. Mus., 1870. 

Studer—Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1878. 

6. Ridley—Report Zool. Coll. H.M.S. “ Alert,” 1884. 

Hickson—Proc. Roy. Soe. Vict., (n.s.), ii., 1890, pp. 136-140. 
Kiikenthal—Die Fauna Stidwest-Australiens, iii., 1, 1910, pp. 3-108. 

9. Thomson and Mackinnon—Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, pp. 





The following table shows the general nature of the 
collection :— 

Ristas of Bape of New 
: species. 
genera. species. 
Order Alcyonacea 1 1 0 
Order Pseudaxonia i’ 2 3 0 
Order Axifera .. #2 ba 8 18 3 
Order Stelechotokea ‘ 4 5 0 
Totals .. my ie 15 27 3 

Of the new species, two belong to the genus Mopsea and 
one to Plumarella. 


Order ALCYONACEA, Verrill (pro parte). 

Aleyonium (Erythropodium) membranaceum, Kiikenthal. 

Order PSEUDAXONTA, G. von Koch. 

Family MELITODID “2. 

Mopsella clavigera, Ridley. 
Mopsella textiformis (Lamarck). 
Acabaria gracillima (Ridley). 

Order AXIFERA, G. von Koch. 
Family ISID. 

Isis hippuris, Linneus. 
Mopsea dichotoma (Linnzus). 
Mopsea encrinula (Lamarck). 
Mopsea australis, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Mopsea flabellum, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Mopsea elegans, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Mopsea whitelegget, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Mopsea plumacea, sp. nov. 
Mopsea repens, sp. nov. 


Family PRIMNOID 4. 

Stachyodes studeri, Versluys. 
Amphilaphis plumacea, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Plumarella thetis, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Plumarella filicoides, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Plumarella australis, sp. nov. 
Primnoella australasie, Gray. 
Primnoella grandisquamis, Wright and Studer. 
Caligorgia flabellum (Ehrenberg). 


Ctenocella pectinata (Pallas). 



Telesto arborea, Wright and Studer. 
Telesto trichostemma (Dana). 

Kophobelemnon schmeltzii (Kolliker). 

Godeffroyia elegans, Kolliker. 
Sarcophyllum grande (Gray). 

II1.—Description of the Genera and Species. 

Order ALCYONACEA, Verrill (pro parte). 
Genus ALcyontium, Linneus. 


Alcyonium (Erythropodium) membranaceum, Kiikenthal, 
Alcyonacea Wiss. Ergeb. deutsch. Tiefsee Exped., 
xiii., 1, 1906, p. 52, pl. i., fig. 3, pl. ix., figs. 49-44. Id., 
Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 18, 
1911, p. 665. 

There are in the collection two branched Gorgonid axes, 
from which all trace of the original ccenenchyma has dis- 


appeared. They are completely overgrown by a light brown 
Sympodium-like Aleyonid, which agrees with Kiikenthal’s 
account of Aleyoniwm (Erythropodium) membranacewm. 
Owing to the friable nature of the specimens in the dried 
condition, very little of the internal structure can be dis- 

There is considerable variety in the spicules of the ccenen- 
chyma. There are (1) approximately spherical bodies— 
087 x-080 mm.; -120x°105mm.; -122)x-105mm:; (2) 
short, thick cylinders with about two bands of thorny warts— 
087 x070mm.; °105x:070mm.; °122x:075mm.; and 
(3) irregular bodies and a few crosses—087 x:077 mm.; *105 x 
‘O87 mm. 2 °122'°122 mm; 

The polyp-spicules are spindles—:227 x-070 mm. ; -240 x 
‘(070 mm. ; -245 x-077 mm. 

Localities —Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Great Australian Bight, 190-300 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Francis Bay, 34°7’3”S. Lat., 24°59’3” KE. 
Long., 100 metres (Kiikenthal). The ‘“ Thetis ’’ specimens 
were obtained at the following localities off the coast of New 
South Wales :—Eleven miles east of Broken Bay ; Station 34, 
off Port Jackson, 39-36 fathoms ; Station 42, off Wata Mooli, 
70-78 fathoms ; Station 43, off Botany Bay, 43-66 fathoms ; 
Station 44, off Coogee, 49-50 fathoms ; Station 47, off Bulgo, 
63-57 fathoms ; Station 48, off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms 
(Thomson and Mackinnon). 

Order PSEUDAXONTA, G. von Koch. 
Genus MopsEeLua, Gray. 


Mopsella clavigera, Ridley, Report Zool. Coll. H.M.S. 
* Alert,”’ 1884, p. 360, pl. xxxvii., fig. B, pl. xxxviii., 
figs. a-alli. Id., Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. 
Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 670, pl. Ixviii., fig. 9. 
Id., Nutting, Gorgonacea Siboga Exped., viii., Scler- 
axonia, 1911, p. 49. 

Sixteen specimens agree with Ridley’s description of 
Mopsella clavigera, though there is no anastomosis. They 


are all in the dried condition. The height of the largest 
colony is 61 em., with a width of 27 em. across the expanded 
portion. The branching is strictly in one plane, and is 
generally dichotomous. The nodes are very swollen, and 
in the largest specimens they have a diameter of 17 mm. 
The branches are given off from the nodes. 

The polyps are retracted into slightly projecting verruce, 
which are scattered over the surface of the stem and branches, 
but are usually wanting on a median space on the posterior 
aspect of the colony. 

The spicules of the ccenenchyma agree well with those 
described by Ridley :—(1) coarsely tuberculate, swollen, 
orange-coloured, fusiform shapes— 175 x-035 mm. ; ‘140 x 
035 mm.; (2) lemon-yellow coloured “ Blattkeulen ’— 
-070 x:035 mm.; -052x-035mm.; -047x:026mm. The 
measurements agree fairly closely with Thomson and Mac- 
kinnon’s measurements of the ‘* Thetis *”’ specimens. 

The colour is lemon-yellow to brick-red. 

Locality—Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Distribution.—Port Curtis, 5-11 fathoms, and Port Molle, 
Queensland, 14 fathoms; Thursday Island, Torres Straits, 
4-6 fathoms (Ridley). Dirk Hartog Island, West Australia, 
45 fathoms (Studer). The ‘“* Thetis ” specimens were obtained 
at the following localities off the coast of New South Wales :— 
Eleven miles east of Broken Bay, 30-40 fathoms ; Station 34, 
off Port Jackson, 39-36 fathoms ; Station 40, off Wata Mooli, 
52 fathoms; Station 42, off Wata Mooli, 70-78 fathoms ; 
Station 48, off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms (Thomson and 
Mackinnon). A fragmentary specimen was taken by the 
Siboga Expedition in the Bay of Nangamessi, Sumba, 36 
metres (Nutting). 


Melitea textiformis, Lamarck, Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat., L., 
p. 412. Jd., Lamouroux, Hist. Polyp. corall. flexibles, 
1816, p. 464, pl. xix., fig. 1. Jd., Gray, Proc. Zool. 
Soc., 1857, p. 285. 

Melithea textiformis, Milne-Edwards et Haime, Hist. Nat. 
Corall., I., 1857)%p. 201. 

Melitella textiformis, Gray, Cat. Lithophytes in Brit. Mus., 
1870; p: 7. 


Mopsella textiformis, Verrill, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., L., 
1864, p. 38. Jd., Ridley, Report Zool. Coll. H.M.S. 
** Alert,” 1884, p. 358. Jd., Thomson and Mac- 
kinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., IV., 13, 1911, p. 671, pl. 
Ixiii., figs. 4, 5. 

Several almost complete specimens in the collection agree 
closely with the description of Mopsella textiformis (Lamarck), 
given by Ridley. The largest specimen has a height of 
34cem., with a width of 37cm. across the branched portion. 
The diameter near the base is 2em. The basal attachment 
is lacking. The branching is strictly in one plane with abun- 
dant anastomosis. The labyrinthine pattern, to which 
Thomson and Mackinnon have directed attention, is clearly 
shown on the weathered axis; and there is a well-marked 
tendency, as pointed out by Ridley, for the stem and main 
branches to “break wp almost immediately into a reticulum 
of undulating thin branchlets, which almost all anastomose.”’ 
The internodes vary in length from 4 to 10 mm., and the 
nodes from 4 to 6mm. 

The polyps are mainly confined to the anterior aspect of 
the colony. They are disposed irregularly in slightly pro- 
jecting verruce. 

The spicules are exactly like those described by Ridley— 
(1) fusiform shapes sharply pointed at both ends, and 
covered with irregularly scattered tubercles—:210 = -035mm. ; 
-171 x-035 mm. ; °157 x-035 mm.; (2) “ Blattkeulen ” with 
orange shafts and lemon-yellow heads—140 x-052 mm. ; 
‘122 x:052 mm. ; ‘087 x-043 mm. Very few of the “ Blatt- 
keulen”’ have the long shafts mentioned by Ridley. The 
spicules of the verruce are—(3) curved fusiform shapes 
tapering to sharp points, with few tubercles—:245 x -035mm.; 
*220 x:085 mm.; °210x-035mm.; (4) curved fusiform 
shapes pointed rather bluntly and covered with closely set 
blunt tubercles—:297 x:052mm.; ‘236 x:052mm.; ‘218 x 
‘O70 mm. 

Localities.—Off the coast of South Australia. 

Fifteen miles south of St. Francis Island, Great Australian 
Bight, 30 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Australia (Lamouroux, Gray, Verrill). South 
Seas (Gray). Port Curtis, 5-7 fathoms, and Port Molle, 
Queensland, 12-20 fathoms; Thursday Island and Prince 
of Wales Channel, Torres Straits, 4-7 fathoms (Ridley). Lord 
Howe Island (Thomson and Mackinnon). 


Genus ACABARIA, Gray. 

In his “‘ Die Gorgonidenfamilie der Melitodidae,’’ Kiiken- 
thal! includes the genus Psilacabaria Ridley in Acabaria 
Gray—* Zu dieser Gattung rechne ich auch die Gattung 
Psilacabaria Ridley, die keine durchgreifenden Merkmale 
aufzuweisen hat. Insbesondere tritt das Abgehen der Zweige 
in rechtem Winkel auch bei andern Arten ein. Hierhin gehort 
auch Anicella Gray, nicht zu Melitodes, wie Ridley will.” 


Psilacabaria gracillima, Ridley, Report Zool. Coll. H.M.S. 
** Alert,” 1884, p. 364, pl. xxxvii., figs. D-D', pl. 
xxxvili., figs. f-f"%. Jd., Thomson and Mackinnon, 
Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 671. 

A number of broken pieces in a dried condition are referred 
to this species. The largest fragment is 90mm. high. 
Branching is dichotomous and approximately in one plane. 
The branches are given off approximately at right angles, 
although in several instances the angle of the dichotomy is 
somewhat smaller. They have a diameter of about 1 mm. 
There is no anastomosis. The axis is hard and white. 

The polyps occur in spirals on the large branches, but, 
on the twigs, they have an irregular bilateral arrangement. 
The individual calyces are low, rounded, tubercular verruce. 

The spicules include the following types :—(1) large 
cylinders, fusiform to subclavate, slightly tapering to round- 
pointed ends and provided with tubercles arranged roughly 
in whorls—280 x:070mm.; °262x:052mm.; -245 x:070 
mm. ; (2) smaller spindles, more or less curved, with sharply 
pointed ends, and tubercles—:262 x-070 mm. ; +245 x -052 
mm.; °210x:052mm.; (3) small subclavate spicules, 
tapering from a broad to a sharp-pointed end, with tubercles 
—:210 x-053 mm. ; °201 x:043 mm.; -192 x-035 mm. 

The colour is cream to violet. 

Locality Great Australian Bight, Long. 131°E., 62 

Distribution.—Port Molle, Queensland, 12-20 fathoms ; Port 
Darwin, North Australia, 8-12 fathoms; East Australia, 42 
fathoms (Ridley). The ‘‘ Thetis ’’ specimens were obtained 
at the following localities off the coast of New South Wales :— 
Station 34, off Port Jackson, 39-36 fathoms ; Station 36, off 
Botany Bay, 23-20 fathoms; Station 48, off Wollongong, 
55-56 fathoms ; South coast of New South Wales (Thomson 
and Mackinnon). 

1. Kikenthal—Zool. Anz., xxxiii., 1908, p. 194. 


Order AXIFERA, G. von Koch. 
Family ISID. 
Genus Isis, Linneus. 
Isis HIPPURIS, Linneus. 
(Plate v., figs. 1-2; Plate xi., fig. 1.) 

Isis hippuris, Linneus, Syst. Nat., l0th ed., 1758, p. 799. 
Id., Pallas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, p. 233. 
Id., Ellis and Solander, Nat. Hist. Zoophytes, 1786, 
p. 105, pl. iii., figs. 1-5. Jd., Esper, Die Pflanzenthiere, 
i, 1791, p. 279, pl. i., figs. 1-4, pl. ii., pl. iii., figs. 1-3, 
pl. iiia., figs. 1-4. Jd., Lamouroux, Hist. Polyp. 
corall. flexibles, 1816, p. 476. Jd., Lamarck, Hist. 
Anim. sans vert., ii., 1816, p. 302. Jd., Lamouroux, 
Exposition Méthodique, 1821, p. 59, pl. iii., fig. 1. 
Id., Blainville, Manuel Actinologie, 1834, p. 503, pl. 
Ixxxvi., fig. 1. Jd., Lamarck, Hist. anim. sans vert., 
2nd ed., 1836, p. 475. Jd.,Steenstrup, Om slaegter og 
der under /sis hippuris Linn. sammenblendede Arten,; 
1848, p. 1. Jd., Milne-Edwards et Haime, Hist. Nat. 
Corall., i., 1857, p. 194. Id., Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., 
1857, p. 283. IJd., Kélliker, Icones Histologice, 11., 
1865, p. 140, pl. xvi., fig. 4, pl. xix., figs. 1-3. Id., 
Wright and Studer, Chall. Rep., Zool., xxxi., 1889, 
p. 280. Jd., Simpson, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., xxix., 
1906, p. 421, pl. 438, figs. 1-4. Jd., Thomson and 
Simpson, Aleyonaria Indian Ocean, ii., 1909, p. 180, 
pl. vi., figs. 1-3. Jd., Nutting, Gorgonacea Siboga 
Exped., v., Isidae, 1910, p. 6, pl. i., figs. 1, la, 1b, 
pl. v.;-82. 1. 

Although a well-known and striking form, this species was 
very imperfectly described until Simpson (1906) published 
his results of an examination of a number of specimens from 
the Andaman Sea. In the “ Endeavour ”’ collection there 
is a solitary specimen from the coast of Queensland, and the 
Australian Museum collection contains five others. 

The largest specimen is an incomplete colony rising to a 
height of 13-3 em., with a breadth of 6:4 em., and a thickness 
of 3-55em. The main stem, flattened in section, is 9mm. 
in thickness. From this arise the main branches, lateral in 
position, which are compressed in the plane of ramification. 
The secondary branches are thick and compressed, and give 


rise to cylindrical branches, which may remain simple, but 
usually bear terminal twigs with swollen and rounded ends. 
The twigs have a diameter of 5 mm. near the tips. 

A small specimen, evidently the terminal portion of a 
large colony, agrees with the third of the specimens described 
by Simpson in its robust and bushy appearance, the marked 
upward growth, and the palmate terminations of the twigs. 

The remaining four colonies, whose measurements in 
centimetres are included in the following table, correspond 
most closely with the largest specimen :— 

Height. Breadth. Thickness. 
I. 7 3 3 
II. 10 6-2 1-5 
Ill. 11:2 3°3 2 
IV. 12°5 8:2 15 
V. 12°6 6-4 3 
VI. 13°3 6-4 3°5 

The axis consists of white calcareous internodes with 
longitudinal fluting, and short brown horny nodes. The 
longitudinal ridges of the calcareous joints are dentate. Near 
the base of the main stem the calcareous joints have lengths 
of 5-6 mm., and the horny nodes 1-5-2 mm. In the branches 
the internodes are 7 mm. in length, the nodes being reduced 
to about 1mm. The branches arise from the calcareous 

The ccenenchyma is very thick and fleshy, in some parts 
2mm. It is very compact and smooth, and does not show 
any indication of the presence of the jointed axis. The 
polyps occur all over the surface ; they are numerous, and 
about 0-5 mm. apart. There are no verruce. 

There is considerable variety in the spicules of the ccenen- 
chyma :—(1) rods with warty knobs irregularly arranged— 
-157 x:105mm.; ‘140x:070mm.; -105x-070mm.; (2) 
spicules of similar form to (1) but with the warts arranged in 
whorls—157 x:080 mm. ; -150 x:080 mm. ; :140 x-070mm. ; 
(3) tri- and quadri-radiate forms—140 x-105 mm. ; -122 
-122 mm.; -105 x-:087 mm. ; (4) stellate and irregular forms 
—-087 x-087 mm. ; -087 x:052mm.; -079 x:052 mm. 

The colour is light brown. Associated with the majority 
of the colonies are specimens of the bivalve Pteria chinensis, 

Localities —Off the coast of Queensland (** Endeavour ’’). 
Murray Island, Torres Strait (Austr. Mus. Coll.). 


Distribution.—Indian Ocean (Ellis, Pallas). Mediterranean 
Sea and America (Pallas). North Sea (Linnzus). Iceland 
(Olafsen and Polvesen, Lamouroux). Antilles and United 
States (Lamouroux). Straits of Sunda and southern coast 
of Sumatra (Ellis and Solander). East Indies (Dana). Am- 
boina (Milne-Edwards et Haime). Pacific Ocean (Wright 
and Studer). Andaman Sea, surf line and 20 fathoms 
(Thomson and Simpson). The Siboga Expedition obtained 
specimens at nine stations in the eastern part of the Indian 
Archipelago at depths varying from 22-45 metres (Nutting). 

Genus Mopsgea, Lamouroux. 

MopsEA DICHOTOMA (Linneus). 

Isis dichotoma, Linnzus, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1, 1758, 
p. 799. Jd., Lamarck, Hist. anim. sans vert., i1., 
1816, p. 302. 

Mopsea dichotoma, Lamouroux, Hist. Polyp. corall. flexibles, 
1816, p. 467. Jd., Milne-Edwards et Haime, Hist. 
Nat. Corall., 1857, p. 197. Jd., Wright and Studer, 
Chall. Rep., Zool., xxxi., 1889, p. 41, pl. ix., fig. 10. 
Id., Hickson, Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., (n.s.), ii., 1890, 
p. 187. Jd., Roule, Expéd. Antarctique Frangaise, 
1908, Alcyonaires, p. 5. Jd., Thomson and Mac- 
kinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 673, pl. 
Devin s)he is 

A number of broken pieces showing dichotomous branching 
are referred to this species. In the majority of the specimens 
the polyps are arranged in close-wound spirals all over the 
branches. On the most slender specimens, however, the 
polyps occur in alternating rows on each side, here and there 
encroaching on the free median spaces. The spicules are 
as described by Thomson and Mackinnon. 

Locality.—South east coast of Australia. 

Distribution.—Indian Ocean (Lamarck, Lamouroux). : Port 
Jackson, New South Wales, 35 fathoms (Wright and Studer). 
Port Phillip, Victoria (Hickson). Booth-Wandel Island, 
Antarctica (Roule). The “Thetis ’’ specimens were ob- 
tained at the following localities off the coast of New South 
Wales :—Station 47, off Bulgo, 63-57 fathoms; station 48, 
off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms ; station 53, off Crookhaven 
River, 23 fathoms (Thomson and Mackinnon). 


MopsEA ENCRINULA (Lamarck). 

Isis encrinula, Lamarck, Hist. anim. sans vert., ii., 1816, 

p. 302. 

Mopsea_ verticillata, Lamouroux, Hist. Polyp. Corall. 
flexibles, 1816, p. 467, pl. ‘xviii., fig. 2. 

Mopsea encrinula, Ehrenberg, Corallenth. d. rothen 
Meeres, 1834, p. 131. Jd., Milne-Edwards et Haime, 
Hist. Nat. Corall., 1857, p. 198. Jd., Gray, Proc. 
Zool. Soc., 1857, p. 284; Jd., Gray, Cat. Lithophytes 
in Brit. Mus., 1870, p. 15. Jd., Studer, Monatsber. 
Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1878, p. 665. Jd., Wright and 
Studer, Chall. Rep., Zool., xxxi., 1889, p. 43, pl. vii., 
figs: “Ula, Vb; pk sc: figs vy id. Thomison* and 
Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 674. 

Entangled with a mass of Hydrozoa were found a few 
broken specimens, which agree with Wright ard Studer’s 
description of Mopsea encrinula (Lamarck). The salient 
characters may be summarised thus :—Branching is plume- 
like and in one plane ; the ecenenchyma is thick ; the polyps 
club-shaped and arranged in close spirals, bending in towards 
the stem. The axis is composed of calcareous internodes 
with distinct longitudinal furrows, and horny nodes. The 
branches arise from the calcareous joints. 

The spicules include the following types :—(1) curved, 
warty, somewhat flattened spindles, with the convex side 
produced into a number of strong, prominent teeth—-192 
x 087mm.; -157 x-@52mm.; -140x-06lmm.; -122 x-052 
mm.; (2) scales with irregular margins and spiny warts— 
105 x-070mm.; -087 x:052mm.; -070x-052mm.; -052.x 
°043mm.; (3) small irregular bodies and * capstans ’’— 
‘087 x-070mm. ; -052 x-035mm.; -035 x-035mm. 

The colour is yellowish-white. 
Locality.—Great Australian Bight, 80-100 fathoms. 

Distribution.—‘** Les mers de la Nouvelle—Hollande ” 
(Lamarck). Australia (lLamouroux, Milne-Edwards — et 
Haime, Gray). North-west coast of Australia, 50 fathoms 
(Studer). ‘*‘ Challenger’ Station 162, off East Moncceur 
Island, Bass Strait, 38 fathoms (Wright and Studer). The 
** Thetis ’’ specimens were obtained at the following localities 
off the coast of New South Wales :—Eleven miles east of 
Broken Bay ; Station 34, off Port Jackson, 39-36 fathoms ; 
Station 44, off Coogee, 49-50 fathoms ; Station 47, off Bulgo, 
63-57 fathoms (Thomson and Mackinnon). 




MopPpsEA AUSTRALIS, 7'homson and Mackinnon. 
(Plate vi.) 

Mopsea australis, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. 
Mus., <tv:, da. 1911p. Oi ple baty... figs... 80 pl: 
Ixvii., fig. 5. 

A solitary but magnificent lyre-shaped colony represents 
this species, which was described by Thomson and Mackinnon 
from very fragmentary specimens.! It is 37-5em. high, and 
consists of a main stem, 4 mm. in diameter, which arises 
from an encrusting, disc-like, caleareous base. The colony 
is expanded in one plane, and has a width of 20cm. in its 
widest part. At 3-2cm. from the base the main stem divides 
into two equal branches. These primary branches give off, 
along the upper side alone, a series of parallel ascending 
secondary branches, which soon attain to nearly the same 
thickness as the main branches. In this manner there arises 
the appearance of a continuous dichotomy. At the same 
time the main branch tends to bend outwards after each 
secondary branch is given off, so that its course describes a 
series of shallow curves. The secondary branches either 
divide dichotomously or remain simple throughout their 
length. In general appearance and mode of branching the 
colony is very similar to Mopsea dichotoma (Linnzus). 

The ccenenchyma is thin, and where it has been worn off, 
the axis shows the usual white calcareous internodes with 
well marked longitudinal fluting, and the short brown- 
coloured nodes. 

The polyps are club-shaped, and occur in close spirals 
round the branches, to which they are very closely pressed, 
so that their mouths are hidden. 

The spicules include the following forms :—(1) elongate 
to oval scales, with large teeth round their edges, and a few 
warts scattered over the surface—192 x-087mm.; -183 x 
7105mm.; ‘157 x-087mm.; :122x-:070mm.; (2) warty 
spindles and clubs—:157 x-035mm. ; -122 x-017mm.; -105 
x-035mm.; (3) Capstans, a few crosses, and small irregular 
bodies—-070 x:035mm.; -052 x:035mm.; -052 x-052mm. ; 
°052 x -017mm. 

1. I have not been able to find, among the specimens returned to the 
Australian Museum by Thomson and Mackinnon, any specimen labelled 
as the type of Mopsea australis. I conclude, therefore, that it must have 
broken up. The co-type, consisting of a number of * branching pieces of 
various lengths’ has been preserved. 


The colour of the colony is cream. 

Locality.—Fifteen miles N. 35° E. of Saddle Hill, New 
South Wales, 34-35 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Hitherto recorded only from eleven miles 
east of Broken Bay, New South Wales (Thomson and Mac- 

MoprsEA FLABELLUM, Thomson and Mackinnon. 

Mopsea flabellum, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. 
Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 676, pl. Ixiii., figs. 1-3, pl. Ixvii., 
fig. 6, pl. lxxi. 

The collection contains two incomplete branching speci- 
mens, the characters of which agree in detail with Thomson 
and Mackinnon’s description of Mopsea flabellum. The 
larger of the two colonies is 24cm. in height. The basal 
attachment is lacking. The branching is dichotomous and 
strictly confined to one plane. The branches, though 
slender, maintain an almost uniform diameter of about 
2mm. throughout their length. 

The lower portions of the stem and branches are devoid of 
coenenchyma, and the axis, which is about 3 mm. in diameter, 
is composed of creamy-white calcareous internodes with well 
marked longitudinal fluting, and brown-coloured horny nodes. 
In the twigs, however, the colour of the calcareous joints is 
deep orange. 

The club-shaped polyps are arranged in close-wound 
spirals all over the branches. Their armature consists of 
about eight longitudinal rows of overlapping spicules. A 
low operculum is formed of eight plates similar in appearance 
to the scales with which the polyps are covered. 

The superficial spicules are flat, yellow-coloured, circular, 
8-shaped, irregular scales—-262 x-105 mm. ; -210 x-157 mm.; 
-192 x%-061 mm. ; ‘175 x:175 mm. Each scale is smooth or 
bears a few simple warts ; the margin is deeply dentate or 
serrate. The spicules of the ccenenchyma are (1) yellow- 
coloured spindles with a few large warts—175 x -052 mm. ; 
-157 x 052 mm. ; +122 x -035mm.; and (2) small irregular 
bodies—:087 x:052mm.; -070x:035mm.; -052 x-052 mm. 

The colour of the colonies is orange-brown; the polyps 

Locality —Thirty-six miles S. 58° W. of Cape Wickham, 
King Island, Bass Strait, 72-80 fathoms. 



Distribution.—Hitherto known only from * Thetis ”’ speci- 
mens taken off the coast of New South Wales at the fol- 
lowing localities:—Station 34, off Port Jackson, 39-36 
fathoms ; Station 44, off Coogee, 49-50 fathoms (Thomson 
and Mackinnon). 

MopsEA ELEGANS, Thomson and Mackinnon. 

Mopsea elegans, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. 
Mus:, iv.; 13, 1911, p.. 677, pl, ixiv.,, figs, 3:4, ok 
Ixvili., fig. 5, pl. [xxii. 

A number of broken pieces showing dichotomous, sub- 
parallel branching, agree with Thomson and Mackinnon’s 
type. The height of the largest fragment is 18 cm., with 
a width of 13cm. The branches vary from 1:5 mm. to 
2 mm. in diameter. 

The polyps are arranged in two alternating rows on each 
side of the younger branches, leaving a median bare line on 
each surface. They tend, however, to encroach on these, 
especially towards the lower portions of the colony, where 
they are arranged in three or four rows. A comparison with 
the polyps of the ** Thetis ” type shows that the ** Endeavour” 
specimens are more slender, a difference due probably to 

The spicules of this species are :—(1) superficial ctenoid 
scales, each with a nucleus from which radiate fine ridges— 
-077 x:052mm.; 061 x-052mm.; ‘043 x-:043mm.; (2) 
tuberculate capstans with scarcely any waist—-057 x-043 
mm.; ‘049 x-035 mm. ; -038 x-:035 mm. 

The colour is golden-brown. 

Localities.—Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Six miles 8. 30° E. of Brush Island, New South Wales, 65 

Distribution.—Hitherto known only from ‘ Thetis ” speci- 
mens taken off the coast of New South Wales at the following 
localities :—Station 34, off Port Jackson, 39-36 fathoms ; 
Station 41, off Wata Mooli, 52-71 fathoms ; Station 42, off 
Wata Mooli, 70-78 fathoms ; Station 47, off Bulgo, 63-57 
fathoms; Station 48, off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms 
(Thomson and Mackinnon). 


MoprsEA WHITELEGGEI, Thomson and Mackinnon. 

Mopsea whitelegget, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. 
Mas avy 12, 1911, ee 678, pl.  lxvi., figsr 2)°3, 
jo) be bo a 0 

Two well-preserved specimens, referable to this species, 
were obtained from the same locality. The larger of the two 
rises from a slightly encrusting base to a height of 26 cm., 
with a width of 20 em. across the expanded portion. Branch- 
ing begins at a height of 2:5 em. from the base, and is typically 
plume-like ; the branches are confined almost entirely to 
one plane. The stouter branches have an average diameter 
of 2 mm., and the twigs of 1 mm. near their tips. The second 
specimen is 21:-5em. high, with a spread of 16°5 cm. across 
the branched part. 

The diameter of the axis near the base is 3mm. The 
ecenenchyma has worn away from this portion of the stem, 
and the axis shows the white calcareous internodes with fine 
longitudinal ridges, and the amber-coloured nodes. The 
twigs arise from the calcareous internodes. 

The polyps are arranged alternately in a single row along 
the twigs, here and there encroaching on the middle line and 
becoming irregular in disposition. They are club-shaped, 
with truncate mouths, and turn upwards towards the ex- 
tremity of the twig. The average length of a polyp is about 
“6 mm. 

The spicules are (1) small, colourless, flattened spindles and 
curved lancet-shaped plates, produced more strongly on one 
side of the spicule than on the other into a number of tooth- 
like warts—262 x-052mm.; -245 x-052mm.; -175 x-070 
mm.; ‘131 x-087mm.; (2) small spindles and club-like 
forms—131 x:026 mm. ; -122 x-035mm.; -096 x-035 mm. ; 
-087 x:035 mm.; -052 x-:026 mm. 

The colour of the colonies is creamy-white. 

Locality.—Six miles 8. 30° E. of Brush Island, New South 
Wales, 65 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Hitherto known only from ‘* Thetis ”’ speci- 
mens taken off the coast of New South Wales at the following 
localities :—Eleven miles east of Broken Bay; Station 10, 
off Broken Head, 28 fathoms; Station 40, off Wata Mooli, 
52 fathoms; Station 44, off Coogee, 49-50 fathoms ; 
Station 48, off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms (Thomson and 


MopsEA PLUMACEA, sp. nov. 
(Plate iv., fig. 1; Plate vii.) 

This new species is well represented by several complete 
colonies, and a number of incomplete branching pieces. 

One complete specimen is 22:5em. in height, with a maxi- 
mum breadth across the expanded portion of llem. The 
colonies are typically feather-like, the long frond-like 
branches bearing on each side a row of alternating twigs. 
These twigs usually remain simple, but occasionally branch 
in the same pinnate manner. The colony is attached by a 
well developed calcareous expansion, about 12mm. in thick- 
ness. From this there rises a cylindrical stem, 2°5mm in 
diameter. At a height of 5-7em., the stem divides into two 
main branches, which bear numerous twigs. The branches 
have a diameter of 2mm. Branching is confined to one 

The axis is composed of white calcareous internodes with 
fine longitudinal fluting, and short amber-coloured nodes. 
The longitudinal ridges of the calcareous joints are dentate. 
Near the base of the stem, the horny nodes have lengths of 
2-3mm., and the calcareous internodes of O0-5bmm. In 
some cases the internodes are entirely overlapped by the 
horny joints. Higher up the calcareous joints are 1-Smm. in 
length, the horny joints being reduced to 0-25mm. The 
calcareous internodes give rise to one twig each in alternate 

The coenenchyma is thin, and on the twigs is almost en- 
tirely hidden by the numerous -polyps. These occur in 
close-wound spirals over the whole surface of the twigs. In 
the youngest twigs the spiral is wider, but nowhere is there 
any trace of a bilateral arrangement. On the branches, 
however, a few scattered polyps occupy a lateral position, 
here and there encroaching on the middle line. 

The polyps are small, 0-5-0°75mm. in height, and club- 
shaped, with truncate mouths, which turn upward toward 
the extremity of the twig. In several instances inverted 
polyps were observed with their mouths directed towards 
the proximal end of the twig. The calyces are armoured 
with longitudinal rows of transversely arranged, slightly 
overlapping scales ; there are from ten to twelve of these in 
the abaxial rows. These spicules are arranged in an imbri- 
cate manner ; the imbrication being clearly seen in a profile 
view of the polyp. 



The calyx spicules are colourless, flat scales, transversely 
elongate, 8-shaped, and irregular. The following measure- 
ments of the length and breadth in millimetres were taken :— 
OZ sx LIS eo 5e122 ) Ox -1LORs 140 x7087% > -105* 
‘O87. Their free edge is deeply dentate ; simple warts are 
scattered over the surface, and the border round the exposed 
portion of the scale bears fine radiating ridges. A low eight- 
rayed operculum is formed by similar scales. There are 
also somewhat flattened, curved spindles, with the convex 
side producetl into a number of sharp projecting warts— 
"192 x-:052mm.; -175 x-043mm.; -:157x-035mm.; -149~x 

The spicules of the ccenenchyma are (1) stout spindles 

with prominent warts—1138 x-070mm.;  -122 x-070mm. ; 
"105 x-052mm.; -096 x-052mm.; and (2) capstan-like 

forms and small irregular bodies—:105 x-06lmm.; -087 x 
‘(070mm.; -070x-052mm.; -052 x-035mm. 

The colour of the colonies is creamy-white. 

Position.—This species agrees in many respects with 
Mopsea whitelegget, Thomson and Mackinnon!, but is dis- 
tinguished from that species by (1) the invariable arrange- 
ment of the polyps in close-wound spirals round the twigs, 
(2) the smaller number of scales in the abaxial rows of the 
polyp calyx, and (3) the quite different type of spicules. 

Localities —South Australian Coast. 

Fifteen miles south of St. Francis Island, Nuyt Archi- 
pelago, Great Australian Bight, 30 fathoms. 

Thirty-six miles 8. 58° W. of Cape Wickham, King 
Island, Bass Strait, 72-80 fathoms. 

MopPSsEA REPENS, sp. nov. 
(Plate iv., fig. 2; Plate viii.) 

This species is based on several branching specimens, of 
which the largest is 13-5em. in height, with a spread of 
145cm. across the expanded portion. The branching is 
strictly confined to one plane. The basal attachment of 
the stem is missing. Branching begins at a height of 1-4cem., 
and is very luxuriant. The main stem is bent in a zigzag 
manner, forming an angle wherever branches arise. The 

1. Thomson and Mackinnon—Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 678, 
pl. Ixvi., figs. 2 and 3, pl. Ixxiii. 


branches ascend in the same zigzag manner, and are bent 
at the point of departure of each twig. The stem has a 
maximum diameter of 25cm. ; the average diameter of the 
larger branches is 2mm., and of the twigs 1mm. 

The axis is made up of orange-coloured calcareous inter- 
nodes with fine longitudinal fluting, and short brown-coloured 
nodes. Near the base of the colony the major portion of the 
stem is composed of horny nodes, which are 1-5mm. long. 
These entirely overlap the calcareous internodes. Higher 
up the calcareous joints are 2mm. in length; the horny 
joints being reduced to 0'5mm. The branches arise from 
the horny nodes. 

The polyps are mainly confined to the twigs, along each 
side of which they are arranged alternately in a single row. 
A few occur here and there on the branches. The arrange- 
ment of the polyps on the twigs shows great regularity and 
evenness. There are about eleven polyps on one side in a 
length of lem. 

The polyps are 0-75-lmm. in height, and club-shaped 
with truncate mouths, which are incurved toward the cortex 
of vuhe twig. The calyces are armoured with eight rather 
indefinite, longitudinal rows of transversely arranged, over- 
lapping scales. The abaxial rows are composed of about 
sixteen such spicules. The calyx spicules are elongate to 
oval, ctenoid scales with their free edge crisply waved ; the 
remainder of the margin bears more or less deep indentations. 
Warts are scattered over the surtace of the scale, and the 
clear border round the exposed portion of the scale bears 
strongly-marked radiating ridges. The following measure- 
ments of the length and breadth in millimetres were taken :— 
-166 x-087; °140x:087; -122x-:070; -105~x-052. A low 
eight-rayed operculum is formed by similar scales. 

The spicules of the ccenenchyma are yellow spindles— 
-140 x:052mm.; -122x-:070mm.; -105 x-052mm.; -087 x 
-035mm. They have relatively few, but large warts. There 
are also a few crosses and small irregular bodies—087 x-070 
mm.; ‘070 x-052mm.; -052x-052mm. The ccenenchyma 
is thin and the spicules follow the longitudinal direction of 
the stalk. 

The colour of the colonies is reddish-brown. 

Localities.—Thirty-six miles 8. 58° W. of Cape Wickham, 
King Island, Bass Strait, 72-80 fathoms. 

Fifteen miles south of St. Francis Island, South Australia, 
30 fathoms. 


Genus StacHyopes, Wright and Studer. 

Stachyodes regularis, Wright and Studer, Chall. Rep., Zool., 
xa, 1659, 2p; 55, ple xi, figs. 2, 2a, pl, xx., fige 3: 

Stachyodes studert, Versluys, Gorgoniden Siboga Exped., 
ii., Primnoide, 1906, p. 94, figs. 112-117. Jd., Thom- 
son and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 138, 1911, 
p. 680. 

A single specimen in the collection agrees with the descrip- 
tion of Stachyodes studeri given by Versluys. The fragment 
is 55mm. in length, without a basal attachment. The 
polyps occur in whorls of eight to ten. Whorls of new young 
polyp buds are sometimes visible between the whorls of 
adult polyps. 

The colour of the specimen is creamy-white ; the axis is 
greenish-bronze, with fine longitudinal striations. 

Locality.—Off Long Reef, New South Wales, 50 fathoms. 

Distribution.—‘‘ Challenger ” Station 171, off the Kermadec 
Islands, 600 fathoms (Wright and Studer). Celebes Sea, 
1080 and 1165-1264 metres (Versluys). The ‘ Thetis ” 
specimens were obtained off the coast of New South Wales 
at the following localities :—Station 15, off Norah Head, 32- 
48 fathoms; Station 42, off Wata Mooli, 70-78 fathoms ; 
Station 44, off Coogee, 49-50 fathoms (Thomson and Mac- 

Nutting! records the occurrence of Stachyodes regularis, 
Wright and Studer, at ‘ Albatross ” Station 3879, south of 
Lanai Island, 923-1081 fathoms. He states, moreover, that 
*‘ the original specimens were secured by the Challenger in the 
South Atlantic, near Tristan da Cunha, 75-150 fathoms.” I 
ean find no authority for this locality, since Wright and 
Studer and Versluys state definitely that the type locality is 
the Kermadec Islands. 

1. Nutting—Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., xxxiv., 1908, p. 577. 



Genus AMPHILAPHIS, Wright and Studer. 
AMPHILAPHIS PLUMACEA, J’homson and Mackinnon. 
(Plate iv., fig. 4). 

Amphilaphis plumacea, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. 
Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 680, pl. Ixv., fig. 3, pl. 
Ixviii., fig. 3, pl. Ixxiv. 

The occurrence of five colonies in this collection allows of 
the addition of several details, especially as regards habit, 
to the description given by Thomson and Mackinnon. 

They are slightly smaller than the 18-5 cm. high colony 
obtained by the ‘‘ Thetis ’’ Expedition off the coast of New 
South Wales; the largest is 17°5em. in height, with a 
diameter of 1:5 mm. at the base. One markedly flabellate 
colony, 7°5 em. high, has a width of as much as 13-7 cm., and 
a diameter of 2mm. at the base of the stem. The corres- 
ponding dimensions of another flabellate colony are—height 
9em.; width 13-5cm.; diameter of stem 2mm. 

The following significant characters can be made out. 
The colonies are expanded in one plane. From a slightly 
swollen base arises a cylindrical stem, which soon branches. 
Lateral branches, varying much in size, are given off from 
either side of the plane, and from these spring other branches, 
which again divide in a dichotomous manner. 

In a few eases the ccenenchyma, which is very thin, is 
intact ; generally it is more or less worn away. The axis is 
dark bronze in colour, and marked by fine longitudinal furrows. 

The polyps are densely crowded and arranged in a spiral. 
They vary from 1-1-5 mm. in length. 

The dimensions of the ctenoid scales, with which the polyps 
are armoured, are—315 x:236 mm. ; :297 x:201 mm. ; -245 x 
-192 mm. 

The opercular scales (in the form of isosceles triangles) 
yielded the following measurements :—-420 x-227 mm. ; 400 
x:210 mm. ; -358 x-218 mm. 

The spicules of the ccenenchyma are circular to oval scales. 
The following measurements were taken :—175 x-105 mm. ; 
-157 x-:122 mm.; -122 x-105 mm. 

The colour of the colonies is creamy-white. 

Locality—South-east coast of Australia. 

Distribution.—Hitherto known only from ‘ Thetis ” speci- 
mens taken off the coast of New South Wales at the following 
localities :—Eleven miles E. by N. of Barrenjoey, 30-40 
fathoms ; Station 22, off Newcastle Bight, 40-26 fathoms ; 
Station 40, off Wata Mooli, 52 fathoms; Station 44, off 
Coogee, 49-50 fathoms (Thomson and Mackinnon). 


Genus PLUMARELLA, Gray. 

PLUMARELLA THETIS, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
(Plate ix.). 

Plumarella thetis, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. 
Mus:, iv:, 13,1911, p. 683, pl. Ixvi., fig. 5, pl. Ixviii., 
fig. 6, pl. Ixxvi. 

Two frond-like branches correspond with Thomson and 
Mackinnon’s description of Plumarella thetis. They are re- 
markably robust, the larger being 32-5cm. long, with a 
diameter of 4mm. near the base. The branches give off 
along each side a row of alternating twigs, which remain 
simple. The twigs are 11 cm. long, with a diameter of 2 mm. 
There are seven to eight twigs in each row in a length of 5 em. 

The second frond is 26cm. long, and has a diameter of 
3mm. near the base. The twigs are 7:5 cm. in length, with 
a diameter of 2 mm. 

The polyps are arranged in close-wound spirals round the 
twigs, but are scattered irregularly over the whole surface 
of the branches. They are armed with longitudinal rows of 
large overlapping scales, of which there are about six in the 
abaxials ; they are broad, shield-like, and fan-like scales, 
with a nucleus surrounded by numerous finely-tuberculate 
warts, and with a clear border between the outer margin and 
the warted portion bearing radiating ridges—:612 x -367mm. ; 
oD x 290mm. >: -d07 x<o6/ mm. ; 3455 x-297.nm. .. The 
opercular scales are isosceles triangles with a strong T-square 
ridge—-472 x:210 mm. ; -455 x:192mm. The scales of the 
cceenenchyma are triangular, oval, and fan-shaped, with 
tuberculate warts surrounding an excentric nucleus—-385 x 
-350 mm. ; -367 x:236 mm. ; -280 x-227 mm. 

The colour of the specimens is light-brown. The axis is 
almost black and bears fine longitudinal striations. 

Locality.—Fifteen miles N. 35° E. of Saddle Hill, New 
South Wales, 34-35 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Hitherto known only from specimens ob- 
tained by the ** Thetis ”’ off the coast of New South Wales at 
the following localities:—Eleven miles E. by N. of Broken 
Bay, 30-40 fathoms; Station 34, off Port Jackson, 39-36 
fathoms ; Station 40, off Wata Mooli, 52 fathoms; Station 
42, off Wata Mooli, 70-78 fathoms; Station 47, off Bulgo, 
63-57 fathoms ; Station 48, off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms ; 
Station 53, off Crookhaven River, 23 fathoms (Thomson and 




PLUMARELLA FILICOIDES, Thomson and Mackinnon. 

Plumarella_ filicoides, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. 
Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 686, pl. Ixv., fig. 5, pl. 

Ixviii., fig. 1, pl. lxxviii. 

Two specimens represent this species. One colony has 
the basal portion intact. The larger of the two has a height 
of 20-5em., with a width of 17-5em. across the expanded 
portion. Its basal attachment consists of a slightly en- 
crusting expansion from which rises a cylindrical stem, 3mm. 
in diameter. Branching is typically feather-like, and is 
confined to one plane. “At 5-5em. from the base, the stem 
gives off two stout branches which bear on each side a row 
of alternating twigs. The stem also bears twigs, alternating 
in a single row along each side. The twigs remain simple, 
and their average length is 4cm., with a diameter of 2mm. 
There are ten to eleven twigs on each side of a branch in a 
length of 5em. 

The polyps are arranged bilaterally on the stem and 
branches ; a few, however, are scattered over the free median 
surfaces of the latter. They are arranged in close-wound 
spirals on the twigs. The polyps are “of two sizes :—(1) 
small polyps partially sunken in the ccenenchyma and closely 
pressed against the branch. They are armed with a few 
broad scales ; there are three or four of these in the abaxial 
longitudinal rows. The operculum forms a sharp, well- 
defined cone of eight isosceles triangles; (2) large swollen 
polyps armed with four scales in the abaxial rows, and two 
or three in the adaxial-laterals. The operculum is low. 

The calyx scales are broad, shield-like and fan-like with 
a distinct nucleus surrounded by numerous tuberculate 
warts, and a narrow clear border bearing strongly marked 
ridges—-490 x-280mm.; -367 x:350mm.; +297 x-262mm. ; 
*262 x:525mm. The opercular scales are high, sharp- 
pointed isosceles triangles bearing a strong T-square ridge— 
*455 x-210mm. ; -385 x:192mm.; -°350x-175mm. The 
spicules of the coenenchyma are large, oval and fan-shaped 
scales, without the clear border. They are covered with 
tuberculate warts, which surround a well-defined nucleus— 
“302 X*210mm.; 280 x-280mm.; ‘192 x-122mm.; *122% 

The colour of the colonies is very light brown. The axis 
is furrowed, and of a greenish-bronze colour. 


Locality.—Six miles §. 30° E. of Brush Island, New South 
Wales, 65 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Hitherto known only from specimens ob- 
tained by the ‘‘ Thetis ”’ off the coast of New South Wales at 
the following localities :—Station 13, off Cape Three Points, 
41-50 fathoms; Station 17, off Broughton Island, 29-48 
fathoms; Station 34, off Port Jackson, 39-36 fathoms ; 
Station 48, off Wollongong, 55-56 fathoms (Thomson and 

(Plate iv., fig. 3; Plate x.; Plate xi., fig. 2.) 

This new species is represented by both dried specimens 
and others in spirit. 

The colonies are typically feather-like. In the largest 
specimen there is a slightly flattened stem, 5mm. in thick- 
ness. The colony has a height of 43cm., with a spread of 
32-5em. across the expanded portion. The basal attach- 
ment is lacking. The branching is confined strictly to one 
plane. The stem gives off strongly flattened branches at 
rather wide intervals, which bear on each side a row of 
alternating twigs. These twigs occasionally branch in the 
same pinnate manner, but usually they remain simple. The 
longest twigs are 8cm. in length, with a diameter of 2mm. 
There are eight twigs in each row in a length of 5cm. 

Some of the colonies show the basal portion, which con- 
sists of a well-developed calcareous expansion about 20mm. 
in thickness. From this there rises a cylindrical stem, 7mm. 
in diameter, which soon becomes compressed with its long 
axis lying in the same plane as that of the colony. 

The polyps are arranged bilaterally on the stem and 
branches ; on the twigs their arrangement is also lateral, 
but there is a tendency, in some instances, to encroach on 
the middle line. They are arranged in a double row along 
each side on the twigs, those of one row alternating with 
those of the other on the same side. The polyps have an 
average length of -75 mm. 

Scattered among the normal-sized polyps in some of the 
colonies, there are a few large swollen polyps of about twice 
the size of the others ; these contain reproductive bodies. 


The calyx scales are arranged in longitudinal rows, of 
which the abaxials alone are complete. These consist of 
three to four relatively large overlapping scales. The adaxials 
are practically absent. The abaxial-laterals are reduced to 
about one small scale. The operculum is a well defined 
sharp cone formed of eight rather high isosceles triangles, 
which bear on their inner surface a well marked keel or 
ridge. The abaxial pair is the largest; the adaxial pair 
is very small and lies bent under the other opereular 

The large swollen polyps differ from the normal ones not 
only in size, but they have a much lower operculum, and 
the polyp scales are more numerous. The armature consists 
of overlapping scales of which there are about five in the 
abaxial longitudinal rows, and two to three in the adaxial- 

The calyx scales are broad, shield-like and fan-like, with 
finely toothed margins, and a well marked excentric nucleus 
surrounded by tuberculate warts. The relatively clear 
border of the scale is narrow, and bears strongly marked 
radiating ridges. The following measurements of the length 
en breadth of the calyx scales were taken in millimetres :— 

2 Xtalo.5 OTT x 315; -525 x-385; -455 x-332; -367 x 
a -332 x-437. The eight opercular scales are of very 

unequal ise —De0 x-210mm.; °490x-192mm.; -402~x 
-192mm. -350 x:210mm.; -280x-:140mm. They are 

sharply a ciied isosceles triangles with a strong median 
ridge. Numerous small warts are grouped along “the sides 
of the ridge. The border is relatively broad and bears a 
number of jagged projections. The margins of the two 
long sides of the scale are minutely dentate. 

The spicules of the ccenenchyma are rather large scales, 
oval, fan-shaped and triangular, closely studded with tuber- 
culate warts, and without a clear border. The following 
measurements were taken :—-490 «:332mm.; +437 x:341 
mm.; °420x-350mm.; -:385x°332mm.; °315 x°297mm. 
A few oval to spherical bodies covered with warts are also 
present— 192 x:175mm.; :175 x:175mm.; +122 x:122mm. 

The colour of the colonies is creamy-white ; the axis is 
greenish-bronze to black, and bears fine longitudinal 

Locality.—Fifty miles south of Cape Wiles, South Aus- 
tralia, 75 fathoms. 

Genus PRIMNOELLA, Gray. 


Primnoa australasie, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1849, p. 146, 
pl. ii., figs. 8, 9; Jd., Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (2), 
v., 1850, p. 510. 

Primnoella australasie, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1857, p. 
286, and 1859, p. 483; Id., Gray, Cat. Lithophytes in 
Brit. Mus., 1870, p. 50. Jd., Verrill, Bull. U.S. Nat. 
Mus., 1876, p. 76. Jd., Wright and Studer, Chall. 
Rep., Zool., xxxi., 1889, p. 88, pl. xviii., figs. 1, la, 
pl. xxi., fig. 15. Jd., Versluys, Gorgoniden Siboga 
Exped., ii., Primnoide, 1906, p. 52, figs. 55-60. Jd., 
Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 
FOUL, p. 688," pl. ta.) firs 1, 

This species is represented by a single colony, which is 
imperfect at the tip, and has a length of 8lem. The lower 
portion of the stem is devoid of polyps and ccenenchyma, 
which is first met with at a height of 55mm. The thickness 
of the axis at its base is 5mm., but rapidly diminishes to 
3mm. in diameter. At the point of attachment of the 
colony the axis is hard and calcareous, but soon becomes 
horny and flexible. There are fifteen to nineteen calyces, 
2mm. in length, on each closely packed whorl. 

Locality.—Fifteen and a-half miles 8. 8° E. of Cape Everard, 
Victoria, 66 fathoms. 

Distribution.—P. australasie has been recorded frequently 
from the eastern and southern coasts of Australia, from 
Tasmania (Gray), and from Bluff Harbour, New Zealand 
(Verrill). Gray also gives as a locality the “ Australian 
Seas.” The ‘Challenger ” Expedition obtained specimens 
from Port Jackson, New South Wales, 30-35 fathoms, and 
from off Twofold Bay, New South Wales, 150 fathoms. 
Records by Thomson and Mackinnon tell of its presence at 
nine stations on the coast of New South Wales. 

Under the name Primnoella australasie (Gray), Hickson! 
recorded a Primnoid from Port Phillip, Victoria, which he 
now refers to Caligorgia flabellum, Ehrenberg. He writes? 
“I ask therefore to correct my report by substituting the 
name Caligorgia flabellum (Ehrenberg) for Primnoella austral- 
asie (Gray), in the list of species obtained at Port Phillip.” 

1. Hickson—Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., (n.s.), ii., 1890, p. 138. 
2. Hickson—Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., (n.s.), xix., 1907, p. 46. 



Primnoella grandisquamis, Wright and Studer, Chall. Rep., 
Zool., xxxi., 1889, p. 86, pl. xvii., fig. 4, pl. xxi., fig. 
13. Jd., Versluys, Gorgoniden Siboga Exped., ii., 
Primnoidze, 1996, p. 55. 

The collection contains a number of broken pieces of 
Primnoella grandisquamis, Wright and Studer, which does 
not appear to have been obtained since those authors pub- 
lished their original description of a specimen 39mm. in 

They were trawled from the type locality in 40 fathoms. 
The largest has a height of 210 mm.; the basal attachment 
is lacking. The axis has an almost uniform diameter of 
05mm. The colony is a long, flexible, thread-like, un- 
branched stem around which the polyps are arranged in 
whorls. There are four to five polyps in a whorl. The 
average length of a polyp is 1:5 mm., with a diameter of 
0-9mm. The whorls are about 1:5mm. apart. Young 
polyp buds, arranged in whorls, are visible in the internodes. 

The calyx scales are large, transversely elongate, and 
overlapping, and only two longitudinal rows are visible from 
the dorsal side. Each scale shows a nucleus with fine lines 
radiating from it. The surface is studded with small warts. 
The free margin of the scale is entire; the remainder is 
strongly toothed. Their dimensions are—-385 x:262 mm. ; 
-315 x-227mm.; °315x:262mm.; -:297x-:245mm. The 
opercular scales are short, flat structures—227 x-070 mm. 
The spicules of the coenenchyma are oval, four-cornered, and 
polygonal plates, with a central nucleus and teeth round the 
edges, and with warts over the surface—:492 x:227 mm. ; 
-385 x:262mm.; °350 x:297 mm. ; -192 x:113 mm. 

The colour of the specimens is creamy-white. 

Locality.—Off Eden, Twofold Bay, New South Wales, 40 

Distribution.—Hitherto recorded only from “ Challenger ’ 
Station 163A, off Twofold Bay, New South Wales, 150 
fathoms (Wright and Studer). 


Genus CaLigoraiA, Gray (emend. Studer). 


Gorgonia verticillaris, Esper, Fortsetz. der Pflanzenthiere, 
x, 1797, p. 166, pli'42:3 

Primnoa flabellum, Ehrenberg, Corallenthiere rothen Meeres, 
1834, p. 134. Jd., Kolliker, Icones Histiologice, 
1865, p. 135, pl. xvii., fig. 11. 

bo | 


Callogorgia fiabella, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soe., 1859, p. 484. 

Calligorgia verticillata, Gray, Cat. Lithophytes Brit. Mus., 
1870, p. 35. 

Xiphocella esperi, Gray, Cat. Lithophytes Brit. Mus., 1870, 
p- 36. 

Calligorgia flabellum, Studer, Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. 
Berlin, 1878, p. 646, pl. ii., fig. 13, a, b. 

Caligorgia flabellum, \Wright and Studer, Chall. Rep., 
Zoo),,| xxx1., 1889,, p..'79; pl... xiv,, fig..2.. Jd., Studer, 
Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xxv., 1894, p. 65. IJd., Ver- 
sluys, Gorgoniden Siboga Exped., ii., Primnoide, 
1906, p. 69, pl. v., fig. 13, pl. vi., fig. 14. Jd., Thom- 
son and Henderson, Aleyonaria Indian Ocean, i., 1906, 
p. 43. Jd., Kukenthal, Zool. Anzeig., xxxi., 1907, 
p. 209. Jd., Kinoshita, Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, xxiii., 
12, 1908, p. 35, pl. vi., fig. 45. Jd., Nutting, Proc. 
U.S. .Nat. Mus., xliii., 1913, p. 60. 

The collection contains a single incomplete specimen, 
which I am unable to separate from the Japanese Caligorgia 
flabellum (Ehrenberg). The polyps and spicules agree with 
the description and figures given by Versluys, except that 
the sculpture of the distal scales is not so pronounced as 
figured. In my specimen the number of polyps in a whorl 
is usually four, sometimes five, never so many as seven as 
in those of Versluys. Nutting’s specimen has eighteen polyps 
to a whorl on the bases of the larger branches. 

The colour of the colony is cream. 

Locality. Great Australian Bight, Long. 129° 63’, 200-300 

Distribution.—Previously recorded from near Mauritius, 
Japan, Formosa, and the western part of the Indian Ocean. 
“Challenger” Station 232, Hyalonema-ground, south of 
Japan, 345 fathoms (Wright and Studer). Port Phillip, 
Victoria (Hickson!). The *‘ Albatross”’ Expedition obtained 
it at the following localities :—Station 3406, Lat. 0° 16’ N., 
Long. 90° 21’ 30” W., 551 fathoms; Station 3424, Lat. 
21° 15’ N., Long. 106° 23’ W., 676 fathoms; Station 3353, 
Lat. 7° 6’ 15” N., Long. 80° 34’ W., 695 fathoms (Studer). 
““Siboga ’’ Station 251, 5° 28"4 S., 132° 0’-2 E., Kei Island, 
204 metres (Versluys). ‘‘ Investigator ”’ Station 333, 6° 37’ 
N., 79° 38? E., 401 fathoms (Thomson and Henderson). 
Indian Ocean, 752 metres (Kiikenthal). Sagami Sea, Japan 
(Kinoshita). ‘* Albatross ” Station 4936, Sata Misaki Light, 
N. 21° E., 103 fathoms (Nutting). 

1. Under the name of Primnoella australasie (Gray). 


Genus CTENOCELLA, Valenciennes. 

Simpson! and Nutting? have both shown that the genus 
Scirpearia, as understood by authors generally, is not iden- 
tical with that of Cuvier, the latter being based on a Pen- 
natulid. Simpson has retained the genus in its emended 
form, which, however, cannot be admitted according to the 
rules of zoological nomenclature. Nutting, on the other 
hand, has distributed the various species which were in- 
cluded in Scirpearia into other genera of the Gorgonellide. 

Simpson also argued that Ctenocella is not distinct from 
his emended Scirpearia from which it only differs in the 
mode of branching. If his opinion be accepted, the single 
species of Ctenocella (C. pectinata) must be placed in one of 
the several genera into which Nutting has distributed the 
various species erroniously included in Scirpearta. Nutting, 
however, has not recognised the identity of Ctenocella and 
Scirpearia (emended), but maintains it as a good genus ; 
under the circumstances I prefer to follow him. 

(Plate iv., fig. 5; Plate xii.) 

Gorgonia pectinata, Pallas, Elenchus Zoophytorum, 1766, 
p. 179. Id., Ellis and Solander, Nat. Hist. Zoophytes, 
1786, p. 85. Jd., Lamouroux, Hist. Polyp. corall. 
flexibles, 1816, p. 416. 

Gorgonella wpectinata, Kolliker, Icones Histiologice, ii., 
1865, p. 140, pl. xviii., fig. 41. 

Ctenocella pectinata, Valenciennes, Comptes Rendus, xli., 
1855, p. 14. Jd., Milne-Edwards et Haime, Hist. 
Nat. Corall., 1857, p. 185. Jd., Gray, Cat. Litho- 
phytes Brit. Mus., 1870, p. 26. Jd., Studer, Monats- 
ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1878, p. 657. Jd., Ridley, 
Zool. Coll. H.M.S. “‘ Alert,’ 1884, p. 348. Jd., Studer, 
Versuch eines Systems der Alcyonarien, 1887, p. 68. 
Id., Wright and Studer, Chall. Rep., Zool., xxxi., 
1889, p. Ixvi. Jd., Studer, Aleyonarien Sammlung 

1. Simpson—Proe. R. Irish Academy, xxviii., 1910, p. 307. 
2. Nutting—Gorgonacea Siboga Exped., vi., Gorgonellide, 1910, p. 5. 


Naturhistorischen Museums Liubeck, 1894, p. 119. 
Id., Nutting, Gorgonacea Siboga Exped., vi., Gor- 
gonellidae, 1910, p. 15. Jd., Thomson and Mac- 
kinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 691, pl. 

Scirpearia pectinata, Simpson, Proc. R. Irish Academy, 
Xxvili., 1910, p. 319, figs. 36-45. 

The first detailed descriptions of this species are those of 
Nutting (1910) and Simpson (1910), who gave a compre- 
hensive review of its structure. The species is represented 
in the collection by twenty-nine specimens, all of which are 
preserved in the dry condition. Although showing a moder- 
ate amount of variation in external form, the colonies may 
be described as typically lyre-shaped. The description and 
figure of a colony given by Thomson and Mackinnon (1911) 
portray with exactitude their salient features. The largest 
specimen is 62cm. in height, with a spread of 3lem. The 
main stem, which arises from an encrusting base, is 3cm. 
long and 8mm. in diameter. The main branches into which 
the stem forks, diverge at an angle of about 45°, and from 
their upper surface alone give off a series of erect, parallel 
twigs. The main branches have a basal diameter of 7mm., 
and the longest is 52cm. in length. Some of the lesser 
branches are more strongly developed than the rest, and 
these either give off ascending twigs, or divide in a dichoto- 
mous manner. The twigs, up to 23cm. in length, have a 
uniform diameter of about 25mm. They are regularly 
spaced, and average about 1lmm. apart. 

The ccenenchyma is thin, compact and smooth. A 
distinct median furrow can be made out both on the main 
branches and on the twigs. Where the ccenenchyma is 
worn away the axis of the colony is seen to be light brown 
in colour and deeply furrowed. 

The polyps are very numerous, 0°5-lmm. apart, and are 
retracted into low wart-like verruce. They are scattered 
all over the surface of the larger branches, but tend towards 
a more or less bilateral arrangement on the twigs. 

The spicules include (1) colourless warty double clubs— 
‘070 x-035mm. ; *066 x-035mm.; (2) elongated forms ap- 
proaching double spindles—-087 «-026mm. ; -070 x-026mm.; 
and (3) a few crosses—*052 x-052mm.; -:035 x-035mm. 

The colour of the colonies is creamy-white to yellowish. 


Localities.—Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Eight miles east of Sandon Bluff, Queensland, 35-40 

Distribution.—Indian Ocean (Lamouroux). Seas of the 
Moluccas (Lamarck). India and China (Gray). Cuba (Ridley). 
Elphinstone Island, Mergui Archipelago (Ridley)!. Aus- 
tralia (Studer, Ridley, Thomson and Mackinnon). Rotti 
and Aru Islands (Nutting). Burma and Andamans 

Genus TELESTO, Lamouroux. 
TELESTO ARBOREA, Wright and Studer. 

Telesto arborea, Wright and Studer, Chall. Rep., Zool., xxxi., 
1889, p. 262, pl. xxxix., figs. 1, la. Jd., Thomson and 
Henderson, Proc. Zool. Soc., i., 1906, p. 434. Jd., 
Thomson and Simpson, Aleyonaria of the Indian 
Ocean, 1i., 1909, p. 276. Jd., Thomson and Mackinnon, 
Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 692, pl. Ixvii., fig. 2. 

This species is represented by two fragments of a dark 
brown colour. The lateral polyps are cylindrical, 4 to 5mm. 
in length and 2mm. in diameter. The spicules agree with 
the figure given by Thomson and Mackinnon. They are 
transparent spindles with long, irregular, sharp spines. 

Locality.—Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Distribution.—* Challenger ” Station 190, in the Arafura 
Sea, lat. 8° 56’S., long. 136° 5’ E., 49 fathoms (Wright and 
Studer). Kokotoni Harbour, 5 fathoms, and Wasin Channel, 
10 fathoms, Zanzibar (Thomson and Henderson). Andamans, 
270-45 fathoms ; southern portion of Malacca Strait ; Gaspar 
Straits; east coast of Sumatra; Karachee (Thomson and 
Simpson). “ Thetis ” Station 42, off Wata Mooli, New South 
Wales, 70-78 fathoms (Thomson and Mackinnon). 

1. Ridley—Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., xxi., 1889, p. 243. 



Gorgonia trichostemma, Dana, Zooph., 1846, p. 665, 
pl. lix., figs. 3, 3a, 3b. 

Telesto trichostemma, Verrill, Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 
xlv., 1868, p. 415. Jd., Wright and Studer, Chall. 
Rep., Zool., xxxi., 1889, p. 264. Jd., Hickson, Fauna 
Geography Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, ii., 
1, 1903, p. 481. Jd., Thomson and Henderson, in 
Herdman, Rep. Ceylon Pearl Oyster Fisheries, Part 
III., Suppl. Rep., xx., Alcyonaria, 1905, p. 319. Id., 
Thomson and Simpson, Alcyonaria of the Indian 
Ocean, ii., 1909, p. 277. Zd., Thomson and Mackinnon, 
Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 692. 

A solitary specimen is referred to this species. It is 13 em. 
in length, and of a yellowish-brown colour. It agrees with 
the description given by Wright and Studer, and with speci- 
mens in the Australian Museum collection. The basal attach- 
ment is intact, and consists of a flattened expansion. The 
spicules are exactly like those described in the “‘ Challenger ” 

Locality Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Distribution.—Fiji Islands (Dana). Torres Strait, 3-11 
fathoms (Wright and Studer). Mulaku Atoll, 25 fathoms, 
and Miladumadulu Atoll, Maldive Archipelago, 24 fathoms 
(Hickson). Patani, Siam (Thomson and Henderson). 
“ Thetis ’ Station 44, off Coogee, New South Wales, 49-50 
fathoms (Thomson and Mackinnon). 

Genus KopHOBELEMNON, Kolliker. 

Sclerobelemnon schmeltzii, Kolliker, Anatom. Systemat. 
Beschreib. Aleyonarien, Abth. i., Pennatuliden, 1872, 
p. 312, pl. xxi., figs. 184a, 184b, 185. 

Kophobelemnon schmeltzii, Thomson and Mackinnon, Mem. 
Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 693. 

A single specimen of a light brown colour represents this 
species, which was originally described by Kolliker from 


The dimensions in centimetres are as follows :— 

Length of entire colony , bs as 15:3 
Length of polyp-bearing portion Lf es Oo 
Length of the stalk coe ee 3 6'1 
Breadth of polyp-bearing por tion vs ees et) 
Breadth of the stalk ee ze ae; sa 0-5 

Locality Between Port Stephens and Newcastle, New 
South Wales, 22-60 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Formosa (Ko6lliker). ‘* Thetis ” Station 25, 
off Newcastle, New South Wales, 48-42 fathoms (Thomson 
and Mackinnon). 

Genus GopEFFROYIA, Koélliker. 

Godeffroyia elegans, Kolliker, Anatom. Systemat. Beschreib. 
Aleyonarien, Abth. 1, Pennatuliden, 1872, p. 116, 
pl. viii., figs. 63-65. Jd., Thomson and Mackinnon, 
Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 13, 1911, p. 693. 

This species was founded on a single specimen, 134 mm. 
in length, from the Gulf of Siam. There are three specimens 
in the present collection which agree in detail with Kélliker’s 

The dimensions in centimetres are as follows :— 

Sp... Sp: li Sp: i: 

Length of entire colony ave fs =) ae0?b 19-4 18 

Length of rachis 3 af 2 See II 10-4 10°7 
Length of stalk Hs ss en ORD 9 73 
Breadth of rachis 55 48 4:5 
Breadth of stalk : 1:2 1:2 1-2 
Breadth of keel in the middle a: 1 er tall 
Length of pinnules on the ventral side 3 2:2 2°6 
Maximum breadth of pinnules 1-1 1 Si 
Number of pinnules on each side 27 32 31 

The colour is light brown. 

Localities—Shoalhaven Bight, New South Wales, 15-45 

Between Port Stephens and Newcastle, New South Wales, 
22-60 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Gulf of Siam (KoOlliker). The ‘“ Thetis ” 
obtained it at the following localities off the coast of New 
South Wales :—Station 22, New castle Bight, 40-26 fathoms ; 
Station 54, Jervis Bay, 10-11 fathoms (Thomson and Mac- 

Genus SARCOPHYLLUM, Kolliker. 


Sarcoptilus grandis, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., xvi., 1848, p. 
45, pl. i. Jd., Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., v., 1860, 
p. 23. Id., Gray, Cat. Sea-Pens Brit. Mus., 1870, 
p- 25. 

Sarcophyllum australe, Kolliker, Anatom. Systemat. Bes- 
chreib. Aleyonarien, Abth. 1., Pennatuliden, 1872, pp. 
120, 364, pl. viii., figs. 66, 67. Jd., Hickson, Proce. 
Roy. Soc. Vict.. (n.s.), ii., 1890, p. 140. Zd., Thomson 
and Mackinnon, Mem. Austr. Mus., iv., 18, 1911, p. 
694, pl. Ixxxii. 

Sarcophyllum grande, Kolliker, Chall. Rep., Zool., i., 1880, 
p. 2. 

A number of specimens of a light brown colour agree on 
the whole with KGlliker’s description of Sarcophyllum aus- 
tralis (=S. grande, Gray). 

Gray’s original description, which was based on a single 
specimen from an unknown habitat, contains the following 
passage :—‘‘ Pinne placed in two crowded rows, one on 
each side of one of the faces of the upper part of the shaft, 
kidney-shaped, crumpled, with the polyps scattered on the 
edge and upper surfaces, especially near the edge.” 

After an examination of specimens from Sydney, New 
South Wales, he writes ‘‘ When I first described this genus 
I believed that the polypes were ‘scattered over the upper 
surface of the pinne’; but that is a mistake which I was 
led into by the imperfect state of the specimen ; the polyps 
are only placed on the margin of the pinne as in other Pen- 

In the present specimens there are numerous rows of auto- 
zooids on the margin of the pinnules. The characteristic 
spicules of the species are situated in the base of the colony, 
and consist of large white 8-shaped forms measuring up to 
4mm. in length. 

The dimensions in centimetres of the largest specimen 
are as follows :— 

Length of entire colony - at a 29 
Length of the rachis... ae oe ce 20°5 
Leneth of the stalk 3 we ats 8:5 
Breadth of the rachis .. af Ae AE 8 
Breadth of the stalk ; : : SH" 
Maximum breadth of pinnules es me 4-6 
Height of pinnules in the middle ah ie 3 

Number of pinnules on each side Ae se 40 


Localities.—Between Port Stephens and Newcastle, New 
South Wales, 22-60 fathoms. 

East coast of Flinders Island, Bass Strait, 60 fathoms. 

Fifteen miles south of St. Francis Island, South Australia, 
30. fathoms. 

Thirty-six miles 8. 58° W. of Cape Wickham, King Island, 
Bass Strait, 72-80 fathoms. 

Off Kangaroo Island, South Austraha, 17 fathoms. 

Distribution.—Sydney, New South Wales (Gray).  Aus- 
tralia (K6lliker). Port Jackson, 6-15 fathoms (Kdlliker). 
Port Phillip, Victoria (Hickson). The ‘ Thetis ” obtained 
specimens from the following localities off the coast of New 
South Wales:—Station 28, off Manning River, 22 fathoms; 
station 31, off Cape Hawke, 28-25 fathoms, and 10-12 
fathoms ; Station 54, Jervis Bay, 10-11 fathoms; off Port 
Stephens, 32-48 fathoms (Thomson and Mackinnon). 

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Fig. 1.—Spicules of Mopsea plumacea, sp. nov.; from the 
specimen figured on Plate vii. 

Fig. 2.—Spicules of MJopsea repens, sp. nov.; from the 
specimen figured on Plate vill. 

Fig. 3.—Spicules of Plumarella australis, sp. nov.; from the 
specimen figured on Plate x. 

Fig. 4.—Amphilaphis plumacea, Thomson and Mackinnon. 
Photograph of a specimen 17-5em. in height, from 
the south east coast of Australia. 

Fig. 5.—Ctenocella pectinata (Pallas). Branches showing 
distinct median furrow. Photograph of a specimen 
from eight miles east of Sandon Bluff, Queensland, 
35-40 fathoms. _ 


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1.—Isis hippuris, Linneus. Part of a colony showing 
the palmate terminations of the twigs. Photo- 
graph of a specimen 7em. in height, from off the 
coast of Queensland. 

2.—Isis hippuris, Linneeus. Photograph of a specimen 
13-3cm. in height, from Murray Island, Torres 


E. A. Brieas. photo. 

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Mopsea australis, Thomson and Mackinnon. Photograph 
of a specimen 37-5cm. in height, from fifteen miles 
N. 35° E. of Saddle Hill, New South Wales, 34-35 



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Mopsea plumacea, sp. nov. Photograph of the type, 22:5em. 
in height, from the South Australian Coast. 


E. A. 

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Mopsea repens, sp. nov. Photograph of the type. 13-5cm. 
in height, from thirty-six miles $8. 58° W. of Cape 
Wickham, King Island, Bass Strait, 72-80 fathoms. 


E. A. Briaas, photo, 

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Plumarella thetis, Thomson and Mackinnon. Photograph 
of a specimen 26cm. in height, from fifteen miles 
N. 35° E. of Saddle Hill, New South Wales, 34-35 


E. A. Briaas, photo. 



Plumarella australis, sp. nov. Photograph of the type, 
43cm. in height, from fifty miles south of Cape Wiles, 
South Australia, 75 fathoms. 



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Fig. 1.—Axis of Isis hippuris, Linnzus. Photograph of a 
specimen 9 cm. in height, from Murray Island, 
Torres Strait. 

Fig. 2.—Basal portion of Plumarella australis, sp. nov. 
Photograph of a specimen 24-7cem. in height, from 
fifty miles south of Cape Wiles, South Australia, 
75 fathoms. 


K. A. Briaes, photo, 


Ctenocella pectinata (Pallas). Photograph of a specimen 
42cm. in height, from eight miles east of Sandon 
Bluff, Queensland, 35-40 fathoms.