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Natural Science Research Laboratory 

Occasional Papers 

Museum of Texas Tech University 

Number 327 2 October 2014 

Revised Checklist or North American Mammals North of Mexico, 2014 

Robert D. Bradley, Loren K. Ammerman, Robert J. Baker, Lisa C. Bradley, Joseph A. Cook, Robert C. 
Dowler, Clyde Jones, David J. Schmidly, FrederickB. Stangl, Jr., Ronald A. Van Den Bussche, and 

Bernd Wursig 


The Checklist of North American Mammals North of Mexico, 2003 has been revised to 
include recent taxonomic changes and additions, as well as to include new distribution records 
and introductions for this region. In this revision, 495 species, 180 genera, 48 families, and 
12 orders are recognized, resulting in a net gain of 21 species, 14 genera, and 2 families since 
2003. Relative to the 1973 version, the change in number of species resulted from 54 taxonomic 
changes, 12 distribution changes, addition of 27 introduced species, and one extinction. The 
greatest change since the initial checklist in 1973 has been in the number of genera (+28.4%), 
followed by species (+22.8%). 

Key words: checklist, mammals. North America, taxonomy 


This checklist was designed to serve as a taxo¬ 
nomic resource and reference for scientists, students, 
amateur naturalists, and others interested in the extant 
mammalian fauna of North America (and its adjacent 
waters) north of Mexico. The first such checklist of 
scientific and common names was published by Jones 
et al. (1973) and was updated periodically (Jones et 
al. 1975, 1979, 1982, 1986, 1992, 1997; Baker et al. 
2003) based on the availability of new taxonomic and 
distributional information. Ten years have elapsed 
since the last update. During that time-span, numer¬ 

ous taxonomic changes have been implemented by 
the scientific community, several exotic species have 
been introduced, and new distribution records have 
been published, all of which prompted this revision. 
Species included in this checklist are restricted to those 
substantiated by published reports; consequently, they 
meet the criteria of the peer-review process. The con¬ 
tents of this checklist represent a consensus among the 
authors and other experts in the field; however, it does 
not imply complete agreement on all issues. 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Synopsis of Past and Current Checklists 

Approximately 40 years have passed since the 
first checklist (Jones et al. 1973) was produced to 
denote the mammalian fauna of North America north 
of Mexico. Recently, we have seen the discipline of 
mammalogy change due to the developing fields of 
geometric morphology, molecular systematics, and 
new methods for data analyses. In addition, there 
has been a moderate conceptual shift from use of the 
Biological Species Concept (Mayr 1940, 1963) to the 
Phylogenetic Species Concept (Cracraft 1983), fol¬ 
lowed by a growing application of the Genetics Species 
Concept (summarized by Bradley and Baker [2001] 
and Baker and Bradley [2006]) for determining the 
status of mammalian species. As a consequence, the 
number of new species being described world-wide 
increased dramatically during the past 40 years. Baker 
and Bradley (2006) estimated that given recent trends 
in naming new species, perhaps as many as 2,000 addi¬ 
tional species of mammals remained unnamed. Reeder 
et al. (2007) concurred and predicted that the ultimate 
number of mammal species might approach 7,500; a 
number they suggested could be achieved by the year 
2050. Reeder et al. (2007) estimated that an average 
of 223 new mammal species are added each decade 
(average since 1758); further, they noted that the rate 
actually had increased over the last few decades and 
predicted that the rate would continue to increase into 
the foreseeable future. It appears that the number of 
new species of mammals described in North America 
(north of Mexico) is increasing at a somewhat slower 
rate relative to other geographic regions of the planet. 
This reduced rate may be explained by the intense re¬ 
search efforts in past years, especially in the early and 
mid-1900s; however, the fact that taxonomic revisions 
produced a net gain of seven new species (13 new spe¬ 
cies added and six synonymized) to the checklist since 
the last update (Baker et al. 2003) indicates that the 
process of recognizing new species of North American 
mammals is not complete. 

A useful metric for documenting changes to the 
checklist was provided in tabular form in the last revi¬ 
sion (Baker et al. 2003). Following that method of 
presentation, we have added data (number of orders, 
families, genera, and species recognized during each 
revision) collected during this recent endeavor to the 
data presented in previous checklists (Table 1). From 

1973 to 2014, there was an increase in nearly every 
taxonomic category (orders, 11 to 12; families, 41 to 48; 
genera, 141 to 180; species, 403 to 495). The greatest 
percentage change since 1973 was in the number of 
genera (39 or 28.4%) as a result of taxonomic revisions 
and erection of new genera to partition newly discov¬ 
ered variation. The increase in the number of species 
(92, or 22.8%) reflected taxonomic changes (54), dis¬ 
tributional changes (12), the addition of introduced, 
non-native mammals to the list (27), and one extinction. 

Major portions of the taxonomic sections were 
retained from previous checklists (Jones et al. 1973, 
1975,1979,1982,1986,1992,1997; Baker etal. 2003) 
to maintain a historical context of the changes impact¬ 
ing the major taxonomic groups and to demonstrate the 
overall patterns responsible for those changes. New 
information obtained since the last update (Baker et al. 
2003) was added to the end of each of the following 

Orders .—Although the overall number of orders 
(11) remained stable from 1973 to 1982, changes oc¬ 
curred in 1979, when Mysticeti and Odontoceti were 
recognized as distinct orders (eliminating the order 
Cetacea), and Pinnipedia was reduced to a suborder of 
Carnivora. In 1986, the order Cetacea was restored, and 
Mysticeti and Odontoceti were reduced to suborders. 
In 1992, Primates and Perissodactyla were added to the 
checklist. No ordinal level changes were proposed in 
1997 or 2003. Although we have ontinued to follow 
conventional wisdom in recognizing the order Ceta¬ 
cea, recent fossil discoveries and molecular studies 
show that whales and dolphins evolved from ancestral 
artiodactyls (Geisler and Uhen 2005). As derivatives 
of the artiodactyls, a strict adherence to phylogeny in 
the classification of mammals would require grouping 
cetaceans and artiodactyls into a single order (Cetartio- 
dactyla); thereby reducing Artiodactyla and Cetacea to 
suborders and Odontoceti and Mysticeti to infraorders. 
Many cetologists (see Perrin et al. 2009) are now advo¬ 
cating this arrangement, but not all are in agreement. 
Although we acknowledge and appreciate the recent 
paleontological and molecular studies (Murphy et al. 
2004; Meredith et al. 2011; O’Leary et al. 2013), given 
the magnitude of morphological differentiation and 
adaptations exhibited by cetaceans and artiodactylids, 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Table 1. Changes in the number of taxa of North American mammals north of Mexico as recorded in checklists pub¬ 
lished in the Occasional Papers (O.P.) series of the Museum of Texas Tech University. 


O.P. # 



























































we are reluctant to combine these forms into a single 
order. If the combination of Artiodactyla and Cetacea 
into Cetartiodactyla is followed, then perhaps a re¬ 
thinking of the recent divisions of Didelphimorphia, 
Paucituberculata, Microbiotheria, Notoryctemorphia, 
Dasyuromorphia, Permelemorphia, and Diprotodontia 
(formerly Marsupialia), Cingulata and Pilosa (formerly 
Xenarthra), as well as Soricimorpha, Erinaceomorpha, 
and Afrosoricida (formerly Insectivora), is warranted. 
Future editions of the checklist will need to weigh 
the merits of the proposed order Cetartiodactyla, and 
presumably other ordinal combinations, in order to pro¬ 
duce a consistent classification that weighs molecular 
and morphological divergences. 

For the current checklist, we incorporated two 
ordinal level changes: we used Cingulata instead of 
Xenarthra for the armadillos and replaced Insectivora 
with Soricomorpha. Neither of these nomenclatural 
revisions impacted the total number of orders (12) 
residing in North America. 

Families. —In 1979, the walrus was recognized 
as a distinct family, Odobenidae. In 1982, Kogiidae 
was reduced from familial status and Phocoenidae 
was recognized as belonging in a family distinct from 
Delphinidae. In 1986, Kogiidae was restored as a fam¬ 

ily. In 1992, the families Cercopithecidae and Equidae 
were added to reflect the presence of introduced rhesus 
monkeys and feral horses and feral asses as part of the 
North American fauna. Also in 1992, Cricetidae was 
abandoned as a family, and all New World rats, mice, 
and voles were placed in the family Muridae. In 1997, 
skunks were recognized as belonging to a new family, 
Mephitidae. In 2003, the family Hominidae was added 
to account for humans. 

For the current checklist, we incorporated four 
familial level changes: Cricetidae was reinstated as 
a family separate from the Muridae, Dipodidae was 
recognized in place of Zapodidae as the familial name 
for the jumping mice, and Nesomyidae was added to 
reflect the introduction of the northern giant pouched 
rat; Myocastoridae was changed to Echimyidae. These 
changes increased the number of families to 48. 

Genera. —In 1975, Idionycteris was recognized 
as a distinct genus, and the bobcat and lynx were 
returned to the genus Felis , eliminating the genus 
Lynx. In 1979, the genus Feresa was added. In 1982, 
Arborimus was recognized as a distinct genus, Micro- 
sorex was reduced from generic rank, and Tamias was 
recognized as the generic name for all chipmunks, 
eliminating the genus Eutamias. In the subsequent 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

checklist, Arborimus was not recognized as a distinct 
genus, but eight new genera were added as the result 
of taxonomic changes ( Brachylagus, Chaetodipus, 
Histriophoca, Pagophilus , and Pusa), distributional 
changes ( Lagenodelphis ), and the addition of exotic 
species ( Antilope and Boselaphus). Eight additional 
genera were recognized in 1992; three were added as 
the result of taxonomic changes (Lynx, Nyctinomops, 
and Panthera) and five to reflect the presence of intro¬ 
duced mammals (Capra, Equus, Hemitragus, Macaca, 
and Oryx). In 1997, taxonomic changes added six 
genera to the checklist (Arborimus, Axis, Dama, Her- 
pailurus, Leopardus, and Puma), and the discovery of 
Molossus molossus in Florida and reports of Pepono- 
cephala electra in Florida and Maryland, as well as the 
Gulf of Mexico, added two more genera. In 2003, the 
genus Alopex was deleted and the genera Eubalaena, 
Homo, and Neotamias were added. 

In the current checklist, for bats, we added 
five new genera (Artibeus, Enchisthenes, Erophylla, 
Phyllonycteris, and Phyllops) based on distributional 
records. Also, we recognized two new genera, as Pip- 
istrellus was replaced by Parastrellus and Perimyotis 
(Hoofer and Van Den Bussche, 2003; Hoofer et al. 
2006). Within the Carnivora, we recognized Vison 
as distinct from Mustela, and Pekania separate from 
Martes, thereby adding two new genera to the checklist. 
Additionally, we removed Monachus, given the extinc¬ 
tion of M. tropicalis, and we followed Wozencraft’s 
(2005) opinion that Herpailurus be synonymized with 
Puma. We followed Dalebout et al. (2003) in the recog¬ 
nition of Indopacetus as a new genus of beaked whale 
and Musser and Carleton (2005) in the use of Myodes 
in place of Clethrionomys. Cricetomys was added to 
the list as a result of introductions into Florida. We fol¬ 
lowed Helgen et al. (2009) and added six new genera 
of ground squirrels (Callospermophilus, Ictidomys, 
Otospermophilus, Poliocitellus, Urocitellus, and Xero- 
spermophilus). We followed Thorington and Hoffmann 
(2005) in referring all North American chipmunks to 
the genus Tamias, thereby eliminating Eutamias, and 
reversing the decision by Piaggio and Spicer (2001) 
in recognizing two distinct genera of North American 

chipmunks. These changes increased the number of 
genera to 180. 

Species. —In 1975, three species were added and 
two were deleted from the checklist as the result of 
taxonomic changes. In 1979,14 species were added to 
the checklist and six were removed. Twelve additions 
and eight deletions were made to the 1982 checklist 
as a result of taxonomic revisions, and one species of 
cetacean was added based on a new record for North 
America. In 1986, taxonomic revisions added 12 names 
to the list and deleted nine; one cetacean was added 
based on a new record; and four introduced species 
were added. The total species count rose dramatically 
from 1986 to 1992 (from 425 to 447); taxonomic revi¬ 
sions accounted for 14 additions and three deletions, 
and 11 introduced or feral species were added to the list. 
The 1997 checklist included four additional introduced 
species and two new species (one bat and one cetacean) 
based on recent discoveries in North America, and 
taxonomic revisions added 15 names and deleted six. 
In 2003,15 additions and four deletions were reported 
as the result of taxonomic changes, and the addition of 
humans to the list added one species. 

For the current checklist 28 species were added 
and 7 were removed: the number of species residing 
in Didelphimorphia, Sirenia, Cingulata, Primates, and 
Perissodactyla were unchanged; for Soricomorpha, 
four species were added and three were removed; for 
Chiroptera, five species were added; for Carnivora, one 
species was added and one species was removed due 
to extinction; for Fagomorpha, one species was added; 
for Artiodactyla six species were added; for Cetacea, 
three species were added; and for Rodentia, eight spe¬ 
cies were added and three were removed. Taxonomic 
revisions accounted for 13 additions and six deletions, 
seven were added based on distributional records, one 
was removed due to extinction, and eight introduced 
or feral species were added to the list. The net change 
(21 species added) changed the species total from 474 
to 495. 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Departures from Baker et al. (2003) and Other Notes 

The changes incorporated since Baker et al. 
(2003) are presented in the following discussion. Other 
pertinent comments are included that will assist in inter¬ 
preting the decisions involved in producing the current 
list of recognized species. Readers should note that 
shortly following the last checklist (Baker et al. 2003), 
contributors to Wilson and Reeder (2005) completed 
their revisions of Mammal Species of the World: A 
Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Their revisions 
included several major taxonomic realignments, addi¬ 
tion of new taxa, and distributional changes. Conse¬ 
quently, several discrepancies exist between those two 
publications. Likewise, several taxonomic changes 
have occurred following Wilson and Reeder’s (2005) 
latest version. Where possible, we have attempted to 
realign the format of the checklist to more closely fol¬ 
low Wilson and Reeder (2005). In addition, we note 
any discrepancies between Baker et al. (2003) and this 
current checklist. With few exceptions, common names 
are adapted from Wilson and Reeder (2005) and Wilson 
and Cole (2000) for terrestrial mammals and Perrin et 
al. (2009) for marine mammals. 


Cingulata. —We followed Gardner (2005) in 
using Cingulata, instead of Xenarthra, as the ordinal 
name for the armadillos. 


Leporidae. —We followed Frey et al. (1997) and 
Ruedas (1998) and recognize Sylvilagus cognatus as 
a species. 


Soricomorpha. —In the late 1990s and early 
2000s, evidence mounted (summarized by Hutterer 
2005) to remove the Soricomorpha (and two other 
Old World groups), thereby eliminating the all encom¬ 
passing Insectivora, and to elevate the three groups to 
ordinal status. Therefore, Soricomorpha is used as 
the ordinal designation for all North American shrews 
and moles. 

Soricidae. —We followed Genoways and Choate 
(1998) in recognizing Blarina peninsulae. Hutterer 
(2005) did not recognize Sorex fontinalis and we fol¬ 
lowed their lead. Following Hope et al. (2010), we 
recognized the Tiny Shrew in Alaska as S. minutis- 
simus instead of S. yukonicus. The water shrews of 
North America are now comprised of three species, S. 
palustris (previously recognized), S. albibarbis (addi¬ 
tion to checklist), S. navigator (addition to checklist), 
and the removal of S. neomexicanus following Hope 
et al. (2014). 


Molossidae. —We changed Eumops glaucinus to 
E. floridanus following Timm and Genoways (2004) 
and McDonough et al. (2008) 

Phyllostomidae. —We followed Simmons (2005) 
in recognizing Leptonycteris yerbabuenae in place 
of Leptonycteris curasoae for populations in North 
America. Also in this family, we added four species 
(Artibeus jamaicensis, Erophylla sezekorni , Phyl- 
lonycterispoeyi, and Phyllops falcatus) that are known 
from a few records in south Florida or the Florida Keys 
(Marks and Marks 2006). In addition, we included 
Enchisthenes hartii based on a long-ignored record 
(Irwin and Baker 1967). 

Vespertilionidae. —We changed Pipistrellus to 
Parastrellus and Perimyotis (following Hoofer and 
Van Den Bussche, 2003; Hoofer et al. 2006) and used 
common names consistent with Manning et al. (2008) 
and Ammerman et al. (2012). We changed the common 
name of Myotis occultus to be consistent with Man¬ 
ning et al. (2008) and Ammerman et al. (2012), and 
we deleted one of the common names (Social Myotis) 
for Myotis sodalis and retained “Indiana Bat” as the 
common name. 


Canidae. —There continues to be open debate 
about the number of species of Canis in North America. 
Studies have shown that the eastern form of wolf. 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

recognized as C. lycaon , is a genetically separate 
lineage from Cams lupus (Wilson et al. 2000, 2003; 
Kyle et al. 2006, Rutledge et al. 2010). Evidence also 
supports that the red wolf, Canis rufus , is part of this 
eastern lineage (Wilson et al. 2000, 2012; Kyle et al. 
2008). Complicating the issue further is hybridization 
among all Canis in North America (von Holdt et al. 
2011; Wilson et al. 2012, among others). At this time, 
we retain the species arrangement from the previous 

Felidae. —We followed Wozencraft (2005) in 
removing the jaguarundi from the genus Herpailurus 
and placing it in the genus Puma. 

Mustelidae. — Abramov (2000) and Kurose et 
al. (2008) elevated the American mink from Mustela 
to the genus Neovison. However, Harding and Smith 
(2009) challenged the validity of Neovison, and recom¬ 
mended that Vison be used to represent the American 
mink and its congeners. Consequently, we use Vison 
as the generic name for the American mink. We also 
moved the fisher to the genus Pekania as proposed by 
Koepfli et al. (2008) to avoid paraphyly of the genus 
Martes and added Martes caurina following the lead 
of Dawson and Cook (2012). 

Phocidae. —The Caribbean Monk Seal has been 
considered extinct since 1952 (Rice 1998) and was 
removed from the checklist. 


Bovidae. —The following five introduced species 
have established large, feral populations in many parts 
of North America, consequently, they were added to 
the checklist: Eudorcas thomsoni (Eastern Thomson’s 
Gazelle), Hippotragus niger (Sable Antelope), Oryx 
dammah (Scimitar-horned Oryx), Taurotragus oryx 
(Common Eland), and Ammelaphus imberbis (Lesser 

Although it has no impact on the number of spe¬ 
cies, we followed Groves and Grubb (2011) in using 
Ovis vignei instead of Ovis aries. 

Cervidae. —We followed Boyeskorov (1999) 
and recognized Alces americanus (Moose) as a species 
distinct from Alces alces (Eurasian elk). We followed 
Groves (2003) and Groves and Grubb (2011) in treat¬ 

ing Cervus canadensis (Elk) and Cervus elaphus (Red 
Deer) as separate species; therefore, Cervus elaphus 
was added as an introduced species to North America. 


Balaenidae.—Eubalaenajaponica (North Pacific 
Right Whale) was added as a distinct species (Rosen¬ 
baum et al. 2000). 

Delphinidae. —Four minor updates were made 
relative to usage of common names. 

Ziphiidae. —We followed Dalebout et al. (2003) 
and recognized Indopacetus as a new genus of beaked 
whale distinct from Mesoplodon, Berardius, Hyper- 
oodon , and Ziphius. 

We included Mesoplodonperuvianus and Indopa¬ 
cetus pacificus , based on recent records of occurrence in 
North American waters off the coast of southern Cali¬ 
fornia (Jefferson et al. 2008). In addition, five minor 
updates were made relative to usage of common names. 


Cricetidae. —We followed Musser and Carleton’s 
(2005) opinion (based on a summation of the recent 
literature) that Dicrostonyx exsul should be considered 
a synonym of Dicrostonyx nelsoni and that Dicrostonyx 
kilangmiutak and Dicrostonyx rubricatus should be 
considered synonyms of Dicrostonyx groenlandicus. 
Concerning these taxa, further studies are needed to 
address conflicting interpretations (Engstrom et al. 
1993; Jarrell and Fredga 1993; Eger 1995; MacDonald 
and Cook 1996; Ehrich et al. 2000) of morphologic, 
chromosomal, and DNA sequence data. 

Following Musser and Carleton’s (2005) over¬ 
view of the genetic and fossil literature, it seemed 
prudent to use Myodes (instead of Clethrionomys ) as 
the generic name for the red-backed voles. A recent 
communication from M. D. Carleton indicated that the 
most recent information (in press) confirms the validity 
of Myodes. 

Patton et al. (2007) revised the Neotoma lepida 
group and provided evidence that Neotoma bryanti 
is the correct name for woodrats occurring along the 
southern coast of California southward to Baja Califor- 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


nia. In addition, their study provided evidence that N. 
bryanti, N. devia, and A. lepida are readily distinguish¬ 
able using morphologic and genetic data. 

Hanson et al. (2010) examined DNA sequence 
variation in marsh rice rats from the southern United 
States and Mexico. Their study demonstrated the 
presence of two distinct genetic clades in O. palustris. 
They referred individuals from the southeastern United 
States to O. palustris , whereas populations from the 
south-central regions of the United States were referred 
to O. texensis. 

Bradley et al. (submitted) examined DNA se¬ 
quence variation in white-ankled mice from the south¬ 
ern United States and Mexico. They concluded that 
Peromyscus pectoralis laceianus warranted specific 
recognition. Consequently, P. laceieanus replaces P. 

Dipodidae. —The familial status of jumping mice 
continues to be problematic. The basic question of 
whether Zapus and allies form a family (Zapodidae) 
distinct from Dipodidae remains unresolved. In the 
interim, we followed Holden and Musser (2005) in 
recognizing Dipodidae as the familial name for the 
jumping mice. 

Echimyidae. —Recent studies by Galewski et al. 
(2005) and Upham and Patterson (2012) demonstrated 
that the nutria rat (My ocas tor coypus) is phylogenetical- 
ly aligned with the spiny rats in the family Echimyidae. 
Therefore, we have removed the family Myocastoridae 
and added the family Echimyidae to the checklist. 

Geomyidae. —Data presented in three recent 
studies (Sudman et al. 2006; Genoways et al. 2008; 
Chambers et al. 2009) indicated that three additional 
species of pocket gophers warrant recognition. First, 
based on DNA sequence and chromosomal data, Geo- 
mys tropicalis is distinct from other members of the 
Geomyspersonatus group. Second, data from studies 
of hybrid zones, chromosomes, DNA sequences, and 
biogeography provided evidence that Geomys jugos- 
sicularis and Geomys lutescens are specifically distinct 
from Geomys bursarius. 

Heteromyidae. —We followed the revision by 
Riddle et al. (2014) and recognized Perognathus mol- 

lipilosus as a species distinct from Perognathus parvus. 

Muridae. —Two recent studies have documented 
the presence of the Asian Roof Rat (Rattus tanezumi ) 
in the panhandle of Florida (Lack et al. 2012) and on 
the east side of the San Francisco Bay in California 
(Conroy et al. 2013). Although we refer to this taxon 
as R. tanezumi , the taxonomy of Rattus , especially the 
R. rattus species complex, is poorly understood. 

Nesomyidae. —Given the introduction of the 
Northern Giant Pouched Rat (Cricetomys gambianus ) 
to Florida (Perry et al. 2006) and perhaps other regions 
of the southeastern United States, we have included 
Nesomyidae as an introduced family. In some areas, 
this introduced species has become quite problematic 
and eradication efforts are underway. 

Sciuridae. —Thorington and Hoffmann (2005) 
referred all North American chipmunks to the genus 
Tamias despite the argument by Piaggio and Spicer 
(2001) and others for the recognition of Eutamias. The 
dataset by Piaggio and Spicer (2001) and Banbury and 
Spicer (2007) may be problematic due to high levels of 
mitochondrial introgression (presumably as a product 
of hybridization) in chipmunks (Sullivan et al. 2014) 
and the lack of statistical support for a Neotamias 
clade. Until this scenario is resolved, we have placed 
all chipmunks in the genus Tamias. 

Helgen et al. (2009) revised the ground squirrels 
of the genus Spermophilus and determined that the 
genus was paraphyletic. They argued that to produce 
monophyly, seven genera ( Callospermophilus , Ictido- 
mys, Otospermophilus , Poliocitellus, Spermophilus , 
Urocitellus , and Xerospermophilus) were required. 
We concurred and followed their proposed taxonomy. 

Based on molecular data, Harrison et al. (2003) 
and Heron et al. (2004) split Spermophilus mexicanus 
into two species (S. mexicanus and S. parvidens , now 
residing in Ictidomys sensu Helgen et al. 2009). In these 
revisions, populations occurring in northern Mexico 
and the United States were referred to I. parvidens , 
whereas populations restricted to south-central Mexico 
were referred to I. mexicanus. Consequently, we re¬ 
moved I. mexicanus from the checklist and added I. 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 


We have chosen to depart somewhat from the 
format used in previous versions of the checklists 
(Jones etal. 1973,1975,1979,1982,1986,1992,1997; 
Baker et al. 2003) and to follow the sequence of orders 
as presented in Wilson and Reeder (2005). In addition, 
families, genera, and species are listed alphabetically 

within their respective higher taxonomic rank. These 
departures provide for more consistency and easier 
comparison between the two publications. Non-native 
species (domesticated or introduced) are identified by 
an asterisk. 

Family Didelphidae - Opossums 

Didelphis virginiana . 


Family Trichechidae - Manatees 

Trichechus manatus . 


Family Dasypodidae - Armadillos 

Dasypus novemcinctus . 


Family Cercopithecidae - Old World Monkeys 

Macaca fuscata* . 

Macaca mulatto* . 

Family Hominidae - Great Apes and Humans 

Homo sapiens . 

ORDER LAGOMORPHA - Pikas, Hares, and Rabbits 
Family Leporidae - Hares and Rabbits 

Brachylagus idahoensis . 

Lepus alleni . 

Lepus americanus . 

Lepus arcticus . 

Lepus californicus . 

Lepus callotis . 

Lepus europaeus* . 

Lepus othus . 

Lepus townsendii . 

Oryctolagus cuniculus* . 

Sylvilagus aquaticus . 

Sylvilagus audubonii . 

Sylvilagus bachmani . 

Sylvilagus cognatus . 

Virginia Opossum 

West Indian or Caribbean Manatee 

Nine-banded Armadillo 

Japanese Macaque 
Rhesus Macaque 


Pygmy Rabbit 
Antelope Jackrabbit 
Snowshoe Hare 
Arctic Hare 
Black-tailed Jackrabbit 
White-sided Jackrabbit 
European Hare 
Alaska Hare 
White-tailed Jackrabbit 
European Rabbit 
Swamp Rabbit 
Desert Cottontail 
Brush Rabbit 

Manzano Mountain Cottontail 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Sylvilagus floridanus . 

Sylvilagus nuttallii . 

Sylvilagus obscurus . 

Sylvilagus palustris . 

Sylvilagus robustus . 

Sylvilagus transitionalis .... 

Family Ochotonidae - Pikas 

Ochotona collaris . 

Ochotona princeps . 


Family Soricidae - Shrews 

Blarina brevicauda . 

Blarina carolinensis . 

Blarina hylophaga . 

Blarina peninsulae . 

Cryptotis parva . 

Notiosorex cockrumi . 

Notiosorex crawfordi . 

Sorex alashanus . 

Sorex albibarbis . 

Sorex arciicus . 

Sorex arizonae . 

Sorex bairdii . 

Sorex bendirii . 

Sorex cinereus . 

Sorex dispar . 

Sorex fumeus . 

Sorex gaspensis . 

Sorex hay deni . 

Sorex hoyi . 

Sorex jachsoni . 

Sorex longirostris . 

Sorex lyelli . 

Sorex maritimensis . 

Sorex merriami . 

Sorex minutissimus . 

Sorex monticolus . 

Sorex nanus . 

Eastern Cottontail 
Mountain Cottontail 
Appalachian Cottontail 
Marsh Rabbit 

Davis Mountains Cottontail 
New England Cottontail 

Collared Pika 
American Pika 

Northern Short-tailed Shrew 
Southern Short-tailed Shrew 
Elliot’s Short-tailed Shrew 
Everglades Short-tailed Shrew 
Least Shrew 

Cockrum’s Desert Shrew 
Crawford’s Desert Shrew 
Glacier Bay Water Shrew 
Eastern Water Shrew 
Arctic Shrew 
Arizona Shrew 
Baird’s Shrew 

Pacific Water or Marsh Shrew 
Cinereus or Masked Shrew 
Long-tailed or Rock Shrew 
Smoky Shrew 
Gaspe Shrew 
Hayden’s or Prairie Shrew 
American Pygmy Shrew 
St. Lawrence Island Shrew 
Southeastern Shrew 
Mt. Lyell Shrew 
Maritime Shrew 
Merriam’s Shrew 
Holarctic Least Shrew 
Dusky or Montane Shrew 
Dwarf Shrew 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Sorex navigator . 

Sorex ornatus . 

Sorex pacificus . 

Sorex palustris . 

Sorex preblei . 


Sorex sonomae . 

Sorex tenellus . 

Sorex trowbridgii . 

Sorex tundrensis . 

Sorex ugyunak . 

Sorex vagrans . 

Family Talpidae - Moles 

Condylura cristata... 
Neurotrichus gibbsii. 
Parascalops breweri 
Scapanus latimanus.. 

Scapanus orarius . 

Scapanus townsendii 
Scalopus aquaticus... 

Western Water Shrew 
Ornate Shrew 
Pacific Shrew 
American Water Shrew 
Preble’s Shrew 
Pribilof Island Shrew 
Fog Shrew 
Inyo Shrew 
Trowbridge’s Shrew 
Tundra Shrew 
Barren Ground Shrew 
Vagrant Shrew 

Star-nosed Mole 
American Shrew Mole 
Hairy-tailed Mole 
Broad-footed Mole 
Coast Mole 
Townsend’s Mole 
Eastern Mole 

Family Molossidae - Free-tailed Bats 

Eumops floridanus .Florida Bonneted Bat 

Eumops perotis .Western Bonneted Bat 

Eumops underwoodi .Underwood’s Bonneted Bat 

Molossus molossus .Velvety Free-tailed Bat 

Nyctinomops femorosaccus .Pocketed Free-tailed Bat 

Nyctinomops macrotis .Big Free-tailed Bat 

Tadarida brasiliensis .Brazilian Free-tailed Bat 

Family Mormoopidae - Leaf-chinned Bats 

Mormoops megalophylla .Ghost-faced Bat 

Family Phyllostomidae - New World Leaf-nosed Bats 

Artibeus jamaicensis .Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat 

Choeronycteris mexicana .Mexican Long-tongued Bat 

Diphylla ecaudata .Hairy-legged Vampire Bat 

Enchisthenes hartii .Little Fruit-eating Bat 

Erophylla sezekorni .Bufify Flower Bat 

Leptonycteris yerbabuenae .Lesser Long-nosed Bat 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Leptonycteris nivalis . 

Macrotus californicus . 

Phyllonycteris poeyi . 

Phyllops falcatus . 

Family Vespertilionidae - Vesper Bats 

Antrozous pallidus . 

Corynorhinus rafinesquii . 

Corynorhinus townsendii . 

Eptesicus fuscus . 

Euderma maculatum . 

Idionycteris phyllotis . 

Lasionycteris noctivagans . 

Lasiurus blossevillii . 

Lasiurus borealis . 

Lasiurus cinereus . 

Lasiurus ega . 

Lasiurus intermedius . 

Lasiurus seminolus . 

Lasiurus xanthinus . 

Myotis auriculus . 

Myotis austroriparius . 

Myotis californicus . 

Myotis ciliolabrum . 

Myotis evotis . 

Myotis grisescens . 

Myotis keenii . 

Myotis leibii . 

Myotis lucifugus . 

Myotis occultus . 

Myotis septentrionalis . 

Myotis sodalis . 

Myotis thysanodes . 

Myotis velifer . 

Myotis volans . 

Myotis yumanensis . 

Nycticeius humeralis . 

Parastrellus hesperus . 

Perimyotis subflavus . 

Mexican Long-nosed Bat 
California Leaf-nosed Bat 
Cuban Flower Bat 
Cuban Fig-eating Bat 

Pallid Bat 

Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat 

Townsend’s Big-eared Bat 

Big Brown Bat 

Spotted Bat 

Allen’s Big-eared Bat 

Silver-haired Bat 

Western Red Bat 

Eastern Red Bat 

Hoary Bat 

Southern Yellow Bat 

Northern Yellow Bat 

Seminole Bat 

Western Yellow Bat 

Southwestern Myotis 

Southeastern Myotis 

California Myotis 

Western Small-footed Myotis 

Long-eared Myotis 

Gray Myotis 

Keen’s Myotis 

Eastern Small-footed Myotis 

Little Brown Myotis 

Southwestern Little Brown Myotis 

Northern Long-eared Myotis 

Indiana Bat 

Fringed Myotis 

Cave Myotis 

Long-legged Myotis 

Yuma Myotis 

Evening Bat 

American Parastrelle 

American Perimyotis 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 


Family Canidae - Dogs, Foxes, and Wolves 

Canis familiaris* . 

Canis latrans . 

Canis lupus . 

Canis lycaon . 

Canis rufus . 

Urocyon cinereoargenteus . 

Urocyon littoralis . 

Vulpes lagopus . 

Vulpes macrotis . 

Vulpes velox . 

Vulpes vulpes . 

Family Felidae - Cats 

Felis catus* . 

Leopardus pardalis . 

Leopardus wiedii . 

Lynx canadensis . 

Lynx rufus . 

Panther a onca . 

Puma concolor . 

Puma yagouaroundi . 

Family Mephitidae - Skunks 

Conepatus leuconotus . 

Mephitis macroura . 

Mephitis mephitis . 

Spilogale gracilis . 

Spilogale putorius . 

Family Mustelidae - Weasels, Otters, and Badgers 

Enhydra lutris . 

Gulo gulo . 

Lontra canadensis . 

Martes americana . 

Martes caurina . 

Mustela erminea . 

Mustela frenata . 

Mustela nigripes . 

Mustela nivalis . 

Domestic Dog 


Gray Wolf 

Eastern Timber Wolf 

Red Wolf 

Common Gray Fox 

Island Gray Fox 

Arctic Fox 

Kit Fox 

Swift Fox 

Red Fox 

Domestic Cat 



Canada Fynx 



Mountain Fion, Cougar, or Puma 

White-backed Hog-nosed Skunk 
Hooded Skunk 
Striped Skunk 
Western Spotted Skunk 
Eastern Spotted Skunk 

Sea Otter 

Northern River Otter 
American Marten 
Pacific Marten 

Ermine or Short-tailed Weasel 
Fong-tailed Weasel 
Black-footed Ferret 
Feast Weasel 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Mustela putorius* .European Ferret 

Vison vison .American Mink 

Pekania pennanti .Fisher 

Taxidea taxus .American Badger 

Family Odobenidae - Walrus 

Odobenus rosmarus .Walrus 

Family Otariidae - Eared Seals 

Arctocephalus townsendi .Guadalupe Fur Seal 

Callorhinus ursinus .Northern Fur Seal 

Eumetopias jubatus .Northern or Steller Sea Fion 

Zalophus californianus .California Sea Fion 

Family Phocidae - Earless, True, or Hair Seals 

Cystophora cristata .Hooded Seal 

Erignathus barbatus .Bearded Seal 

Halichoerus grypus .Gray Seal 

Histriophoca fasciata .Ribbon Seal 

Mirounga angustirostris .Northern Elephant Seal 

Pagophilus groenlandicus .Harp Seal 

Phoca largha .Spotted Seal 

Phoca vitulina .Harbor Seal 

Pusa hispida .Ringed Seal 

Family Procyonidae - Raccoons, Ringtails, and Coatis 

Bassariscus astutus .Ringtail 

Nasua narica .White-nosed Coati 

Procyon lotor .Northern Raccoon 

Family Ursidae - Bears 

Ursus americanus .American Black Bear 

Ursus arctos .Grizzly or Brown Bear 

Ursus maritimus .Polar Bear 

Family Equidae - Horses and Asses 

Equus asinus* .Feral Ass 

Equus caballus* .Feral Horse 

ORDER ARTIODACTYFA- Even-toed Ungulates 
Family Antilocapridae - Pronghorn 

Antilocapra americana .Pronghorn 

Family Bovidae - Cattle, Antelope, Sheep, Goats, and African Exotics 
Ammelaphus imberbis* .Fesser Kudu 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Ammotragus lervia *. 

Antilope cervicapra* . 

Bos bison . 

Bos taurus* . 

Boselaphus tragocamelus* 

Capra hircus* . 

Capra ibex *. 

Eudorcas thomsoni* . 


Hippotragus niger* . 

Oreamnos americanus . 

Oryx dammah *. 

Oryx gazella* . 

Ovibos moschatus . 

Ovis vignei* . 

Ovis canadensis . 

Ovis dalli . 

Taurotragus oryx* . 

Family Cervidae - Deer 

Alces americanus . 

Axis axis *. 

Cervus canadensis . 

Cervus elaphus* . 

Cervus nippon* . 

Cervus unicolor* . 

Dama dama* . 

Odocoileus hemionus . 

Odocoileus virginianus . 

Rangifer tarandus . 

Family Suidae - Pigs 

Sus scrofa* . 

Family Tayassuidae - Peccaries 

Pecari tajacu . 


Family Balaenidae - Right Whales 

Balaena mysticetus . 

Eubalaena glacialis . 

Eubalaena japonica . 

Barbary Sheep or Aoudad 
American Bison 
Domestic Cattle 

Domestic Goat 

Eastern Thomson’s Gazelle 

Himalayan Tahr 

Sable Antelope 

Mountain Goat 

Scimitar-homed Oryx 



European Mouflon Sheep or Red Sheep 
Bighorn Sheep 
Dali’s or Stone Sheep 
Common Eland 

Axis Deer 

Wapiti or Eastern Red Deer 

Elk or Western Red Deer 



Fallow Deer 

Mule and Black-tailed Deer 
White-tailed Deer 
Caribou or Reindeer 

Feral Pig or Wild Boar 

Collared Peccary 

Bowhead Whale 

North Atlantic Right Whale 

North Pacific Right Whale 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Family Balaenopteridae - Rorquals 

Balaenoptera acutorostrata . 

Balaenoptera borealis . 

Balaenoptera biydei . 

Balaenoptera musculus . 

Balaenoptera physalus . 

Megaptera novaeangliae . 

Family Delphinidae - Dolphins 

Delphinus capensis . 

Delphinus delphis . 

Feresa attenuata . 

Globicephala macrorhynchus . 

Globicephala melas . 

Grampus griseus . 

Lagenodelphis hosei . 

Lagenorhynchus acutus . 

Lagenorhynchus albirostris . 

Lagenorhynchus obliquidens . 

Lissodelphis borealis . 

Orcinus orca . 

Peponocephala electro . 

Pseudorca crassidens . 

Stenella attenuata . 

Stenella clymene . 

Stenella coeruleoalba . 

Stenella frontalis . 

Stenella longirostris . 

Steno bredanensis . 

Tursiops truncatus . 

Family Eschrichtiidae - Gray Whale 

Eschrichtius robustus . 

Family Kogiidae - Pygmy Sperm Whales 

Kogia breviceps . 

Kogia sima . 

Family Monodontidae - Beluga and Narwhal 

Delphinapterus leucas . 

Monodon monoceros . 

Common Minke Whale 
Sei Whale 
Bryde’s Whale 
Blue Whale 
Fin Whale 
Humpback Whale 

Long-beaked Common Dolphin 
Short-beaked Common Dolphin 
Pygmy Killer Whale 
Short-finned Pilot Whale 
Long-finned Pilot Whale 
Risso’s Dolphin 
Fraser’s Dolphin 
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin 
White-beaked Dolphin 
Pacific White-sided Dolphin 
Northern Right-whale Dolphin 
Killer Whale 
Melon-headed Whale 
False Killer Whale 
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin 
Clymene Dolphin 
Striped Dolphin 
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin 
Spinner Dolphin 
Rough-toothed Dolphin 
Common Bottlenose Dolphin 

Gray Whale 

Pygmy Sperm Whale 
Dwarf Sperm Whale 

White Whale or Beluga 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Family Phocoenidae - Porpoises 

Phocoena phocoena . 

Phocoenoides dalli . 

Family Physeteridae - Sperm Whales 

Physeter macrocephalus . 

Family Ziphiidae - Beaked Whales 

Berardius bairdii . 

Hyperoodon ampullatus . 

Indopacetus pacificus . 

Mesoplodon bidens . 

Mesoplodon carlhubbsi . 

Mesoplodon densirostris . 

Mesoplodon europaeus . 

Mesoplodon ginkgodens . 

Mesoplodon mirus . 

Mesoplodon perrini . 

Mesoplodon peruvianus . 

Mesoplodon stejnegeri . 

Ziphius cavirostris . 


Harbor Porpoise 
DalFs Porpoise 

Sperm Whale 

Baird’s Beaked Bottlenose Whale 
Northern Bottlenose Whale 
Longman’s Beaked Whale 
Sowerby’s Beaked Whale 
Hubbs’ Beaked Whale 
Blainville’s Beaked Whale 
Gervais’s Beaked Whale 
Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale 
True’s Beaked Whale 
Perrin’s Beaked Whale 
Pygmy Beaked Whale 
Stejneger’s Beaked Whale 
Cuvier’s or Goose-beaked Whale 

Family Aplodontidae - Mountain Beaver 

Aplodontia rufa .Sewellel or Mountain Beaver 

Family Castoridae - Beavers 

Castor canadensis .American Beaver 

Family Cricetidae - New World Mice, Rats, and Voles 

Arborimus albipes .White-footed Vole 

Arborimus longicaudus .Red Tree Vole 

Arborimus pomo .Sonoma Tree Vole 

Baiomys taylori .Northern Pygmy Mouse 

Dicrostonyx groenlandicus .Peary Land Collared Lemming 

Dicrostonyx hudsonius .Labrador or Ungava Collared Lemming 

Dicrostonyx nelsoni .Nelson’s Collared Lemming 

Dicrostonyx nunatakensis .Ogilvie Mountains Collared Lemming 

Dicrostonyx richardsoni .Richardson’s Collared Lemming 

Dicrostonyx unalascensis .Unalaska Collared Lemming 

Lemmiscus curtatus .Sagebrush Vole 

Lemmus trimucronatus .Brown Lemming 

Microtus abbreviatus .Insular Vole 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Microtus breweri .Beach Vole 

Microtus californicus .California Vole 

Microtus canicaudus .Gray-tailed Vole 

Microtus chrotorrhinus .Rock Vole 

Microtus longicaudus .Long-tailed Vole 

Microtus mogollonensis .Mogollon Vole 

Microtus miurus .Singing Vole 

Microtus montanus .Montane Vole 

Microtus ochrogaster .Prairie Vole 

Microtus oeconomus .Tundra or Root Vole 

Microtus oregoni .Creeping Vole 

Microtus pennsylvanicus .Meadow Vole 

Microtus pinetorum .Woodland Vole 

Microtus richardsoni .North American or Water Vole 

Microtus townsendii .Townsend’s Vole 

Microtus xanthognathus .Yellow-cheeked or Taiga Vole 

My odes californicus .Western Red-backed Vole 

Myodes gapperi .Southern Red-backed Vole 

Myodes rutilus .Northern Red-backed Vole 

Neofiber alleni .Round-tailed Muskrat 

Neotoma albigula .Western White-throated Woodrat 

Neotoma bryanti .Bryant’s Woodrat 

Neotoma cinerea .Bushy-tailed Woodrat 

Neotoma dexia .Arizona Woodrat 

Neotoma floridana .Eastern Woodrat 

Neotoma fuscipes .Dusky-footed Woodrat 

Neotoma lepida .Desert Woodrat 

Neotoma leucodon .White-toothed Woodrat 

Neotoma macrotis .Big-eared Woodrat 

Neotoma magister .Allegheny Woodrat 

Neotoma mexicana .Mexican Woodrat 

Neotoma micropus .Southern Plains Woodrat 

Neotoma stephensi .Stephens’s Woodrat 

Ochrotomys nuttalli .Golden Mouse 

Ondatra zibethicus .Common Muskrat 

Onychomys arenicola .Chihuahuan or Meams’s Grasshopper Mouse 

Onychomys leucogaster .Northern Grasshopper Mouse 

Onychomys torridus .Southern Grasshopper Mouse 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Oryzomys couesi . 

Oryzomys palustris . 

Oryzomys texensis . 

Peromyscus attwateri . 

Peromyscus boylii . 

Peromyscus californicus . 

Peromyscus crinitus . 

Peromyscus eremicus . 

Peromyscus fraterculus . 

Peromyscus gossypinus . 

Peromyscus gratus . 

Peromyscus keeni . 

Peromyscus laceianus . 

Peromyscus leucopus . 

Peromyscus maniculatus . 

Peromyscus melanotis . 

Peromyscus merriami . 

Peromyscus nasutus . 

Peromyscus polionotus . 

Peromyscus truei . 

Phenacomys intermedius . 

Phenacomys ungava . 

Podomys jioridanus . 

Reithrodontomys fulvescens. 

Reithrodontomys humulis . 

Reithrodontomys megalotis.. 
Reithrodontomys montanus.. 
Reithrodontomys raviventris 

Sigmodon arizonae . 

Sigmodon fulviventer . 

Sigmodon hispidus . 

Sigmodon ochrognathus . 

Synaptomys borealis . 

Synaptomys cooperi . 

Family Dipodidae - Jumping Mice 

Napaeozapus insignis . 

Zapus hudsonius . 

Zapus princeps . 

Zapus trinotatus . 

Coues’s Rice Rat 
Marsh Rice Rat 
Texas Marsh Rice Rat 
Texas Deermouse 
Brush Deermouse 
California Deermouse 
Canyon Deermouse 
Cactus Deermouse 
Baja Deermouse 
Cotton Deermouse 
Saxicoline Deermouse 
Northwestern Deermouse 
Lacey’s White-ankled Deermouse 
White-footed Deermouse 
North American Deermouse 
Black-eared Deermouse 
Merriam’s Deermouse 
Northern Rock Deermouse 
Oldfield Deermouse 
Pinon Deermouse 
Western Heather Vole 
Eastern Heather Vole 
Florida Deermouse 
Fulvous Harvest Mouse 
Eastern Harvest Mouse 
Western Harvest Mouse 
Plains Harvest Mouse 
Salt-marsh Harvest Mouse 
Arizona Cotton Rat 
Tawny-bellied Cotton Rat 
Hispid Cotton Rat 
Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat 
Northern Bog Lemming 
Southern Bog Lemming 

Woodland Jumping Mouse 
Meadow Jumping Mouse 
Western Jumping Mouse 
Pacific Jumping Mouse 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Family Echimyidae - Coypus 

Myocastor coypus* .Nutria or Coypu 

Family Erethizontidae - New World Porcupines 

Erethizon dorsatum .North American Porcupine 

Family Geomyidae - Pocket Gophers 

Cratogeomys castanops .Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher 

Geomys arenarius .Desert Pocket Gopher 

Geomys attwateri .Attwater’s Pocket Gopher 

Geomys breviceps .Baird’s Pocket Gopher 

Geomys bursarius .Plains Pocket Gopher 

Geomys jugossicularis .Hall’s Pocket Gopher 

Geomys knoxjonesi .Jones’s Pocket Gopher 

Geomys lutescens .Sand Hills Pocket Gopher 

Geomys personatus .Texas Pocket Gopher 

Geomys pinetis .Southeastern Pocket Gopher 

Geomys streckeri .Strecker’s Pocket Gopher 

Geomys texensis .Llano or Central Pocket Gopher 

Geomys tropicalis .Tropical Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys bottae .Botta’s Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys bulbivorus .Camas Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys clusius .Wyoming Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys idahoensis .Idaho Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys mazama .Western Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys monticola .Mountain Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys talpoides .Northern Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys townsendii .Townsend’s Pocket Gopher 

Thomomys umbrinus .Southern Pocket Gopher 

Family Heteromyidae - Pocket Mice and Kangaroo Rats 

Chaetodipus baileyi .Bailey’s Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus californicus .California Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus eremicus .Chihuahuan Desert Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus fallax .San Diego Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus formosus .Long-tailed Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus hispidus .Hispid Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus intermedius .Rock Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus nelsoni .Nelson’s Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus penicillatus .Desert Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus rudinoris .Baja California Pocket Mouse 

Chaetodipus spinatus .Spiny Pocket Mouse 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Dipodomys agilis . 

Dipodomys californicus . 

Dipodomys compactus . 

Dipodomys deserti . 

Dipodomys elator . 

Dipodomys heermanni . 

Dipodomys ingens . 

Dipodomys merriami . 

Dipodomys microps . 

Dipodomys nitratoides . 

Dipodomys ordii . 

Dipodomys panamintinus . 

Dipodomys simulans . 

Dipodomys spectabilis . 

Dipodomys stephensi . 

Dipodomys venustus . 

Liomys irroratus . 

Microdipodops megacephalus . 

Microdipodops pallidus . 

Perognathus alticolus . 

Perognathus amplus . 

Perognathus fasciatus . 

Perognathus flavescens . 

Perognathus flavus . 

Perognathus inornatus . 

Perognathus longimembris . 

Perognathus merriami . 

Perognathus mollipilosus . 

Perognathus parvus . 

Family Muridae - Old World Mice and Rats 

Mus musculus* . 

Rattus norvegicus* . 

Rattus rattus* . 

Rattus tanezumi *. 

Family Nesomyidae - African Pouched Rats 

Cricetomys gambianus* . 

Family Sciuridae - Squirrels 

Ammospermophilus harrisii . 

Agile Kangaroo Rat 
California Kangaroo Rat 
Gulf Coast Kangaroo Rat 
Desert Kangaroo Rat 
Texas Kangaroo Rat 
Heermann’s Kangaroo Rat 
Giant Kangaroo Rat 
Merriam’s Kangaroo Rat 
Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat 
Fresno Kangaroo Rat 
Ord’s Kangaroo Rat 
Panamint Kangaroo Rat 
Dulzura Kangaroo Rat 
Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat 
Stephen’s Kangaroo Rat 
Narrow-faced Kangaroo Rat 
Mexican Spiny Pocket Mouse 
Dark Kangaroo Mouse 
Pale Kangaroo Mouse 
White-eared Pocket Mouse 
Arizona Pocket Mouse 
Olive-backed Pocket Mouse 
Plains Pocket Mouse 
Silky Pocket Mouse 
San Joaquin Pocket Mouse 
Little Pocket Mouse 
Merriam’s Pocket Mouse 
Great Basin Pocket Mouse 
Columbia Plateau Pocket Mouse 

House Mouse 
Norway or Brown Rat 
Black Rat 
Asian Roof Rat 

Northern Giant Pouched Rat 

Harris’s Antelope Squirrel 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Ammospermophilus interpres 
Ammospermophilus leucurus. 
Ammospermophilus nelsoni... 
Callospermophilus lateralis... 
Callospermophilus saturatus. 

Cynomys gunnisoni . 

Cynomys leucurus . 

Cynomys ludovicianus . 

Cynomys parvidens . 

Glaucomys sabrinus . 

Glaucomys volans . 

Ictidomys parvidens . 

Ictidomys tridecemlineatus.... 

Marmota broweri . 

Marmota caligata . 

Marmota flaviventris . 

Marmota monax . 

Marmota Olympus . 

Marmota vancouverensis . 

Otospermophilus beecheyi . 

Otospermophilus variegatus.. 

Poliocitellus franklinii . 

Sciurus aberti . 

Sciurus arizonensis . 

Sciurus aureogaster* . 

Sciurus carolinensis . 

Sciurus griseus . 

Sciurus nayaritensis . 

Sciurus niger . 

Tamias alpinus . 

Tamias amoenus . 

Tamias canipes . 

Tamias cinereicollis . 

Tamias dorsalis . 

Tamias merriami . 

Tamias minimus . 

Tamias obscurus . 

Tamias ochrogenys . 

Texas Antelope Squirrel 
White-tailed Antelope Squirrel 
Nelson’s Antelope Squirrel 
Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel 
Cascade Ground Squirrel 
Gunnison’s Prairie Dog 
White-tailed Prairie Dog 
Black-tailed Prairie Dog 
Utah Prairie Dog 
Northern Flying Squirrel 
Southern Flying Squirrel 
Rio Grande Ground Squirrel 
Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel 
Alaska Marmot 
Hoary Marmot 
Yellow-bellied Marmot 
Olympic Marmot 
Vancouver Marmot 
California Ground Squirrel 
Rock Squirrel 
Franklin’s Ground Squirrel 
Abert’s Squirrel 
Arizona Gray Squirrel 
Mexican Gray Squirrel 
Eastern Gray Squirrel 
Western Gray Squirrel 
Mexican Fox Squirrel 
Eastern Fox Squirrel 
Alpine Chipmunk 
Yellow-pine Chipmunk 
Gray-footed Chipmunk 
Gray-collared Chipmunk 
Cliff Chipmunk 
Merriam’s Chipmunk 
Least Chipmunk 
California Chipmunk 
Yellow-cheeked Chipmunk 


Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 

Tamias palmeri . 

Tamias panamintinus . 

Tamias quadrimaculatus . 

Tamias quadrivittatus . 

Tamias ruficaudus . 

Tamias rufus . 

Tamias senex . 

Tamias siskiyou . 

Tamias sonomae . 

Tamias speciosus . 

Tamias striatus . 

Tamias townsendii . 

Tamias umbrinus . 

Tamiasciurus douglasii . 

Tamiasciurus hudsonicus . 

Urocitellus armatus . 

Urocitellus beldingi . 

Urocitellus brunneus . 

Urocitellus canus . 

Urocitellus columbianus . 

Urocitellus elegans . 

Urocitellus mollis . 

Urocitellus parryii . 

Urocitellus richardsonii . 

Urocitellus townsendii . 

Urocitellus washingtoni . 

Xerospermophilus mohavensis. 
Xerospermophilus spilosoma.... 
Xerospermophilus tereticaudus 

Palmer’s Chipmunk 
Panamint Chipmunk 
Long-eared Chipmunk 
Colorado Chipmunk 
Red-tailed Chipmunk 
Hopi Chipmunk 
Allen’s Chipmunk 
Siskiyou Chipmunk 
Sonoma Chipmunk 
Lodgepole Chipmunk 
Eastern Chipmunk 
Townsend’s Chipmunk 
Uinta Chipmunk 
Douglas’s Squirrel 
Red Squirrel 
Uinta Ground Squirrel 
Belding’s Ground Squirrel 
Idaho Ground Squirrel 
Columbia Plateau Ground Squirrel 
Columbian Ground Squirrel 
Wyoming Ground Squirrel 
Great Basin Ground Squirrel 
Arctic Ground Squirrel 
Richardson’s Ground Squirrel 
Townsend’s Ground Squirrel 
Washington Ground Squirrel 
Mohave Ground Squirrel 
Spotted Ground Squirrel 
Round-tailed Ground Squirrel 


The authors thank M. S. Corley, M. R. Mauldin, to Dr. Eileen Johnson for serving as Guest Editor, and 
E. K. Roberts, L. Lindsey, and C. Dunn for comments to four anonymous reviewers for providing valuable 
on previous versions of this manuscript. Special thanks comments concerning recent taxonomic revisions. 

Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


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Bradley et al.—Checklist of North American Mammals, 2014 


Addresses of authors: 

Robert D. Bradley 

Department of Biological Sciences 
Museum of Texas Tech University 
Texas Tech University 
Lubbock, TX 79409-3131 
robert. bradley@ttu. edu 

Loren. K. Ammerman 

Department of Biology 
Angelo State University 
San Angelo, TX 76909-0890 
loren. ammerman@angelo. edu 

Robert J. Baker 

Department of Biological Sciences 
Museum of Texas Tech University 
Texas Tech University 
Lubbock, TX 79409-3131 

Lisa C. Bradley 

Museum of Texas Tech University 
Texas Tech University 
Lubbock, TX 79409-3191 
lisa. bradley@ttu. edu 

Joseph A. Cook 

Museum of Southwestern Biology 
University of New Mexico 
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091 
cookjose@unm. edu 

Robert. C. Dowler 

Department of Biology 
Angelo State University 
San Angelo, TX 76909-0890 
robert. dowler @angelo. edu 

Clyde Jones 

Museum of Texas Tech University 
Texas Tech University 
Lubbock, TX 79409-3191 
cjmajones@aol. com 

David J. Schmidly 

Department of Biology 
University of New Mexico 
Albuquerque, NM 76090 
djschmid@unm. edu 

Frederick B. Stangl, Jr. 

Department of Biology 
Midwestern State University 
Wichita Falls, TX 76308 
frederick. stangl@mwsu. edu 

Ronald A. Van Den Bussche 

Department of Zoology 
Oklahoma State University 
Stillwater, OK 74078 
ron. van_den_bussche@okstate. edu 

Bernd Wursig 

Department of Marine Biology 
Texas A&M University at Galveston 
Galveston, TX 77553 
wursigb@tamug. edu 

Editor for this manuscript was Eileen Johnson, Executive Director, Museum of Texas Tech University 

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