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La préférence sera donnée aux travaux concernant les domaines suivants: biogéo- 
graphie, systématique, évolution, écologie, éthologie, morphologie et anatomie 
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Publication subventionnée par: 

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Il est constitué en outre du president de la Société suisse de Zoologie, du directeur du 
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La préférence sera donnée aux travaux concernant les domaines suivants: biogéo- 
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SUISSE Fr. 225.— UNION POSTALE Fr. 230.— 

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Les demandes d’abonnement doivent étre adressées 
a la rédaction de la Revue suisse de Zoologie, 
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REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 457-523; septembre 2004 

Hygronomini e Athetini della Cina con note sinonimiche 
(Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)* 

Roberto PACE 
Via Vittorio Veneto, 13, I-37032 Monteforte d’Alpone (Verona), Italia. 

Hygronomini and Athetini from China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 
with notes on the synonymy. - The tribe Athetini is represented by a large 
number of species in all zoogeographical regions. The taxonomy of this 
group is rather difficult and relies heavily on the characters of the male 
copulatory organ and of female spermatheca. In the present paper ninety- 
five species are recognised. One subgenus of Atheta, Ekkliatheta, and 
65 species are described as new. Three new names are proposed: Alevonota 
franziana for Tomoglossa franzi Pace, 1991 [nec Alevonota franzi (Palm, 
1973)], Emmelostiba xinjiangensis for Alevonota chinensis Pace, 1993 (nec 
Emmelostiba chinensis Pace, 1998), Atheta floresensis for Atheta aptera 
Israelson, 1985 (nec Atheta aptera Pace, 1984). New synonymies are pro- 
posed for nine species and genera: Alevonota pacei Assing, 2002, is placed 
in synonymy with Arlantostiba franzi Pace, 1994, Cordalia permutata 
Assing, 2002, with Cordalia chinensis Pace, 1993, the genus Euphorbagria 
Assing, 1997, with Melagria Casey, 1906, Leptusa acuta Assing, 2002, with 
Leptusa anmashanensis Pace, 1996, the genus Chariusa Pace, 2003, with 
Leucocraspedum Kraatz, 1859, Liogluta granulipyga Pace, 1998, with 
Liogluta langmusiensis Pace, 1998, and the genus Syntemusa Pace, 2002, 
with Irmaria Cameron, 1925. The typical series of Atheta namphoensis 
Pasnik, 2001, from North Korea includes two genera and two species, the 
holotypus d must be attributed to the genus Nepalota with the name of 
Nepalota namphoensis (Pasnik). New combinations are proposed for 
10 species: 6 for the genus Alevonota, 1 for Emmelostiba, 2 for Irmaria and 
1 for Nepalota. Each new species is described and illustrated. All available 
distributional data are presented. 

Keywords: Coleoptera - Staphylinidae - Aleocharinae - taxonomy - China - 
synonymies - Palaearctic Region. 


Con il presente lavoro prosegue la pubblicazione della descrizione delle nuove 
Aleocharinae della Cina raccolte dal Dr. Ales Smetana di Ottawa ed altri, dopo quelle 
precedenti (Pace, 1993a, 1997, 1998a-d, 1999a-d). Non dovrebbe essere sorprendente 

* 186° Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae. 
Manoscritto accettato il 29.04.2004 

458 R. PACE 

la constatazione del numero elevato di specie nuove qui descritte, se si tiene presente 
che i più alti rilievi montuosi della Cina sono solo in anni recentissimi oggetto di inda- 
gini entomologiche sistematiche, particolarmente del Dr. Ale Smetana e d’altri 
colleghi: Guillaume de Rougemont di Londra, Marc Tronquet di Molitg Les Bains 
(Francia), Michael Schiilke di Berlino e dell’inglese J. Fellowes. Il presente lavoro com- 
prende anche specie raccolte da questi colleghi e alcuni esemplari datimi in esame dal 
Dr. J. Klimaszewski del Laurentian Forestry Centre di Sainte-Foy (Québec) Canada. 

Gli olotipi delle nuove specie sono conservati nel Muséum d’histoire naturelle 
di Ginevra (MHNG), nell’ Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (IRSN) e 
nel Museo di Storia Naturale dell’ Università Humboldt di Berlino (MB). 


La tribù degli Athetini comprende per lo più specie di difficile classificazione, 
soprattutto a livello sottogenerico nel genere Arheta Thomson, 1859. L'incertezza che 
regna per le specie paleartiche occidentali di questa tribù, si ripete anche in Cina. Con 
riferimento soprattutto al genere Atheta, la creazione di «gruppi misti» per le specie 
paleartiche occidentali non è che la prova di quest’incertezza. Poiché per il presente 
studio era necessario adottare un criterio di scelta ai fini dell’attribuzione sottogenerica 
di Atheta e generica per altre specie, ho scelto come carattere prioritario la forma della 
spermateca. Da qualche tempo si constata nel genere Atheta, anche da parte di altri 
tassonomisti, che nell’ambito del sottogenere Microdota Mulsant & Rey, 1873, la 
spermateca ha più o meno la forma della lettera S rovesciata, nell’ambito del sotto- 
genere Atheta (Atheta) Thomson, 1859, la parte prossimale della spermateca è sempre 
a forma di matassa di spire, da una a molte, nell’ambito del sottogenere Acrotona 
Thomson, 1859, la parte prossimale della spermateca descrive una o più spire regolari, 
nel sottogenere Philhygra Mulsant & Rey, 1873, la spermateca è assente o è estrema- 
mente minuscola, nel sottogenere Datomicra Mulsant & Rey, 1874, essa ha la parte 
distale deviata. Assai difficile è rilevare caratteri differenziali sottogenerici 
nell’edeago. Nel presente lavoro le attribuzioni sottogeneriche e generiche vanno 
considerate piuttosto sicure se è presente la femmina. I casi in cui è noto il solo mas- 
chio l’attribuzione sottogenerica deriva da confronti con edeagi di specie note anche 
per la femmina. L’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago, infatti, è composta di pezzi la 
cui forma varia in lunghezza, larghezza o ispessimento chitinoso secondo le specie. Per 
analogia di forma e posizione di questi pezzi è stata qui determinata l’attribuzione 
sottogenerica nel caso di presenza di soli maschi. In ogni modo, evidentemente, 
quest’attribuzione ha carattere provvisorio. Infine, le specie di Arheta che non presen- 
tano una forma di spermateca caratteristica dei sottogeneri indicati sopra e di altri, sono 
incluse nel sottogenere Dimetrota Mulsant & Rey, 1873, che nel presente lavoro 
corrisponde più o meno ai gruppi misti delle specie paleartiche occidentali di Atheta. 


Pelioptera viatica Pace, 1998 
Rinvenuto il d, il cui edeago e il sesto urotergo libero sono illustrati alle 
figg. 17-19. 


Liogluta attenuata Pace, 1998 
Rinvenuto il d, il cui edeago è illustrato alle figg. 42-44. 

Atheta (Datomicra) parainopinata Pace, 1998 
Rinvenuta la 9, la cui spermateca è illustrata in fig. 142. 

Atheta (Datomicra) xinlongensis Pace 1998 
Rinvenuta la vera 9, la cui spermateca è illustrata in fig. 127. La spermateca 
illustrata precedentemente (Pace, 1998: 727) appartiene ad A. regressa Pace, 1998. 

Paraloconota gansuensis Pace, 1998 
Rinvenuto il d il cui edeago è illustrato alle figg. 188-189. 


Aloconota lanzhouensis Pace, 1998 
Aloconota lanzhouensis Pace, 1998b: 424 

2 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above Camp 3, 3000 m, 7.VII.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Xinlong Shan. 

Pelioptera (Tropimenelytron) viatica Pace, 1998 
Pelioptera (Tropimenelytron) viatica Pace, 1998d: 938 

9 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above Camp 3, 3000 m, 7.VII.1998, leg. 
A. Smetana; 2 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 
5.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 1 2, China, Sichuan, 3000 m, 18.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

NOTA. Gusarov (2002), considera Tropimenelytron Pace, 1983, come genere a 
se stante, utilizzando i caratteri diagnostici di Sawada. È da precisare che il metodo di 
Sawada è fuorviante perché adotta caratteri a livello specifico utilizzandoli come 
fossero caratteri generici. In questo modo dei gruppi di specie rischiano di essere 
inclusi in generi differenti, rendendo la tassonomia delle Aleocharinae sempre più 
incomprensibile. La tradizione vuole che sia la forma della ligula il criterio prioritario 
per la separazione dei generi e non una o più setole spostate sui palpi. 

Geostiba (Indatheta) rougemonti Pace, 1993 

Geostiba (Indatheta) rougemonti Pace, 1993a: 90 
1 2, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, 3900 m, 25.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Yunnan e Sichuan. 

Hydrosmecta perignota Pace, 1998 
Hydrosmecta perignota Pace, 1998b: 417 

1 d, China, Ying Kou Country, Liaoning Prov., 1987, leg. Li Jing Ke. 

Liogluta lacustris Pace, 1998 
Liogluta lacustris Pace, 1998b: 445 

3 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, lake above Camp 2, 2700 m, 
4.VIIL.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 1 2, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 

460 R. PACE 

2, 2800 m, 5.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 19 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above 
Camp 3, 3000 m, 7.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 4 es., China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 
4000-4100 m, 23.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

Liogluta gonggana Pace, 1998 
Liogluta gonggana Pace, 1998b: 445 

19 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 
5.V11.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

Liogluta langmusiensis Pace, 1998 
Liogluta langmusiensis Pace, 1998b: 450 

1 4 e 1 9, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, in front glacier 1, 2850 m, 
7.V11.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Langmusi. 

Liogluta attenuata Pace, 1998 
Liogluta attenuata Pace, 1998b: 450 

1 d, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4000-4100 m, 23.VI.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Xilong Shan. 

Liogluta dalijiensis Pace, 1998 
Liogluta dalijiensis Pace, 1998b: 448 

2 es., China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4000 m, 24-26.VI.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Dalijia Shan. 

Atheta (Acrotona) xishanensis Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Acrotona) xishanensis Pace, 1998c: 689 

1 9, China, Ying Kou Country, Liaoning Prov., 1987, leg. Li Jing Ke. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Nota di Beijing, Henan, Jangsu e Yongnian. 

Atheta (Acrotona) inquinata Cameron, 1939 
Atheta (Acrotona) inquinata Cameron, 1939: 407 

6 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 11.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 25 es., 
China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, in front glacier 1, 2850 m, 7.VII.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Specie del Kashmir, nuova per la Cina (Tipi esaminati). 

Atheta (Microdota) philamicula Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Microdota) philamicula Pace, 1998d: 918 

3 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 13.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Langmusi 


Atheta (Microdota ) gonggaensis Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Microdota ) gonggaensis Pace, 1998d: 916 

13 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above Camp 3, 3000 m, 6.VII.1998, 
leg. A. Smetana; 1 à, China, SE Sichuan, Jinfo Shan, 27.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

Atheta (Microdota) plactra Cameron, 1939 
Atheta (Traumoecia) placita, Cameron, 1939: 319 

9 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 5.VII.1998, 
leg. A. Smetana; 5 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above Camp 3, 3200 m, 

7.V11.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 30 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 13.VII.1998, 
leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Specie finora nota solo dell’India: Ghum, Tiger Hill. (Tipi 

Atheta (Dimetrota) sericoides Pace, 1998 

Atheta (Dimetrota) sericoides Pace, 1998c: 695 
1de2 22, China, Ying Kou Country, Liaoning Prov., 1987, leg. Li Jing Ke. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Nota finora solo di Beijing (Pechino). 

Atheta (Dimetrota) discriminata Pace, 1987 

Atheta (Dimetrota) discriminata Pace, 1987: 420 
1 2, China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Leidongping, 2500 m, 18.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Specie finora nota dell’ India, Kotgarth e Chakrata. 

Atheta (Datomicra) peranomala Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Datomicra) peranomala Pace, 1998d: 927 
7 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 5.V11.1998, 

leg. A. Smetana; 10 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3300 m, 14.VII.1998, leg. A. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Yunnan: Ruili e Mengdien. 

Atheta (Datomicra) xinlongensis Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Datomicra) xinlongensis Pace, 1998c:725 

1 d, China, Gansu, Xinlong Shan, cca. 70 km S Lanzhou, 2380 m, 7.VIII.1994, leg. 
A. Smetana; 1 d, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 3900 m, 25.VI.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana; 1 d, China, Sichuan, Kangding, 2900 m, 2.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 4 es., China, 

Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 5.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 
17 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3300 m, 14.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Xinlong Shan. 

Atheta (Datomicra) regressa Pace, 1998 

Atheta (Datomicra) regressa Pace, 1998c:728 
1 2, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, Zhongdian, 19-25.VI.1994, leg. D. Kral & J. Farkaé. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Xinlong Shan e Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

462 R. PACE 

Atheta (Datomicra) parainopinata Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Datomicra) parainopinata Pace, 1998c: 725 

3 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, Lake above camp 2, 2750 m, 
4.V11.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

Atheta (Datomicra) subinopinata Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Datomicra) subinopinata Pace, 1998c: 722 

20 es., China, W Sichuan, Kangding, 2800-2900 m, 2.VII.1996 e 21.VII.1998, leg. 
A. Smetana; 3 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana; 34 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 

2, 2800 m, 5.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 70 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 Km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 
13.VII.1998, leg A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan. 

Atheta (Datomicra) graffa Pace, 1998 
Atheta (Datomicra) graffa Pace, 1998c: 728 

8 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 5.VII.1998, 
leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Sichuan: Gongga Shan e Gansu: Xinlong Shan. 

Atheta (Datomicra) dadopora Thomson, 1867 

Atheta dadopora Thomson, 1867: 282 

Atheta (Datomicra) dadopora: Lohse 1974: 189; Pace, 1998c: 730 
Atheta (Datostiba) poroshirica Sawada, 1977: 243 

3 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 5.VII.1998, 
leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Specie diffusa dall’Europa alla Siberia, all'India settentrionale 
e al Giappone. Già nota della Cina (Pace, 1998c). 

Atheta (Datomicra) subsericans Cameron, 1939 
Atheta (s. str.) subsericans Cameron, 1939: 355 

4 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 6.VII.1996, leg 
A. Smetana; 6 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 
5.V11.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 1 9, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4000-4100 m, 
23-24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Specie dell’India settentrionale. Già nota per la Cina (Pace, 

Atheta (Oreostiba) shanicola Pace, 1998, figg. 162-163 
Atheta (Oreostiba) shanicola Pace, 1998d: 933 

1 2, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 
DISTRIBUZIONE. Finora nota solo del Sichuan. 

NOTA. Questo esemplare differisce lievemente da quello della serie tipica. In un 
primo tempo l’avevo considerato appartenente a nuova specie e non una varietà locale. 
Qui si danno le illustrazioni per rendere note le differenze, a mio parere non di livello 


Nepalota pernitida (Pace, 1984), comb. n. 

Atheta (Stethusa) pernitida Pace, 1984a: 447 
1 9, China, W Sichuan, 20 Km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 15.VII.1998, leg A. Smetana. 

Nepalota gansuensis Pace, 1998 
Nepalota gansuensis Pace, 1998d: 943 

32 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, in front glacier 1, 2850 m, 7.VII.1996, 
leg. A. Smetana; 8 es., China, SE Sichuan, Jinfo Shan, 1750 m, 26.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 9 
es., China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Leidongping, 2500 m, 18.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Xinlong Shan. 

Nepalota martensi Pace, 1987 

Nepalota martensi Pace, 1987: 412 
1 g, China, Yunnan, Kunming, Western Hills, 1800 m, 24.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

Paraloconota gansuensis Pace, 1998 
Paraloconota gansuensis Pace, 1998b: 436 

17 es., China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, head of glacier, 1250 m, 9.VII.1996, 
leg. A. Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Gansu: Dalijia Shan. 

Paraloconota yonghaiensis Pace, 1998 
Paraloconota yonghaiensis Pace, 1998b: 438 

1 2, China, Gansu, Yonghai, cca. 20 km SW Yuzhong, 2700-2800 m, 9.VIII.1994, leg. 
A Smetana. 

DISTRIBUZIONE. Giä nota del Gansu. 

NOTA. Questo esemplare differisce lievemente da quello della serie tipica. In un 
primo tempo l’avevo considerato appartenente a nuova specie e non una varietä locale. 
Qui si danno le illustrazioni per rendere note le differenze, a mio parere non di livello 


HYGRONOMINI 9. Liogluta sabdensis sp. n. 
1. Hygronoma chinensis sp. n. 10. Liogluta infacunda sp. n. 
ATHETINI 11. Liogluta kangdingensis sp. n. 
2. Gnypeta yingkouensis sp. n. 12. Liogluta caliginis sp. n. 
3. Aloconota pulchricarinata sp. n. 13. Liogluta rhomboidalis sp. n. 
4. Aloconota umbonis sp. n. 14. Liogluta serpentitheca sp. n. 
5.Aloconota jinfoensis sp. n. 15. Liogluta biacusifera sp. n. 
6. Pelioptera tronqueti sp. n. 16. Liogluta imitatrix sp. n. 
7.Geostibasoma opacisuturale sp. n. 17. Liogluta ignorata sp. n. 

8. Amischa alticola sp. n. 18. Liogluta iperintroflexa sp. n. 


19. Atheta (Philhygra) quadrifalcifera 
sp. n. 

20. Atheta (Philhygra) perconsanguinea 

sp. n. 

21. Atheta (Philhygra) longefalcifera sp. n. 

22. Atheta (Philhygra) emeicola sp. n. 
23. Atheta (Sipalatheta) emeimontis sp. n. 
24. Atheta (Acrotona) fellowesi sp. n. 
25. Atheta (Acrotona) deuvei sp. n. 
26. Atheta (Acrotona) luteihumeri sp. n. 
27. Atheta (Microdota) hailuogouensis 
sp. n. 
28. Atheta (Microdota) miriapex sp. n. 
29. Atheta (Microdota) sichuanicola sp. n. 
30. Atheta (Microdota) masculifrons sp. n. 
31. Atheta (Microdota) gibba sp. n. 
32. Atheta (Microdota) neoamicula sp. n. 
33. Atheta (Microdota) tardoides sp. n. 
34. Atheta (Microdota) zhongdianensis 
sp. n. 
35. Atheta (Microdota) liaoningensis sp. n. 
36. Atheta (Dimetrota) angulispina sp. n. 
37. Atheta (Dimetrota) ridenda sp. n. 
38. Atheta (Dimetrota) jiudingensis sp. n. 
39. Atheta (Datomicra) zhagaensis sp. n. 
40. Atheta (Datomicra) consequens sp. n. 

41. Atheta (Datomicra) songpanensis sp. n. 


Hygronoma chinensis sp. n. 


42. Atheta (Datomicra) falcifera sp. n. 

43. Atheta (Datomicra) pertinens sp. n. 

44. Atheta (Datomicra) stenotheca sp. n. 

45. Atheta (Datomicra) latifalcifera sp. n. 

46. Atheta (Datomicra) mesofalcifera 
sp. n. 

47. Atheta (Datomicra) hamifera sp. n. 

48. Atheta (Oreostiba) micromega sp. n. 

49. Atheta (Oreostiba) transcripta sp. n. 

50. Atheta (Oreostiba) mimomonticola 

sp. n. 

51. Atheta (Atheta) paralaevicauda sp. n. 

52. Atheta (Ekkliatheta) aniiensis sp. n. 

53. Nepalota fellowesi sp. n. 

54. Nepalota guangdongensis sp. n. 

55. Paraloconota puella sp. n. 

56. Paraloconota dalijiamontis sp. n. 

57. Oroekklina smetanai sp. n. 

58. Emmelostiba granulosa sp. n. 

59. Emmelostiba bellicosa sp. n. 

60. Alevonota pulchricornis sp. n. 

61. Alevonota sinensis sp. n. 

62. Alevonota foedicornis sp. n. 

63. Taxicera sinensis sp. n. 

64. Amidobia perconvexa sp. n. 

65. Amidobia ming sp. n. 

Figg. 1-2 

Holotypus 2, China, Ying Kou Country, Liaoning Prov., 1987, leg. Li Jing Ke (IRSN). 
DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo debolmente lucido e bruno scuro, con 
addome nero; antenne bruno-rossicce con i due antennomeri basali bruni; zampe 
rossicce. L’intero corpo è coperto di granulosità fine e fitta, posta su un fondo non 

reticolato. Spermateca fig. 2. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie è ben differente dell’europea H. dimidiata 
(Gravenhorst, 1806), per il pronoto nettamente trasverso (lungo quanto largo in dimidi- 
ata), per avere solo il primo urotergo libero solcato alla base e il primo metatarsomero 

molto più lungo dei due seguenti riuniti. 

Gnypeta yingkouensis sp. n. 

Figg. 3-4 

Holotypus 9, China, Ying Kou Country, Liaoning Prov., 1987, leg. Li Jing Ke (IRSN). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,2 mm. Corpo debolmente lucido e bruno; antenne 
bruno-rossicce; zampe rossicce. Tutto il corpo è coperto di granulosità saliente e fittis- 
sima. L’addome presenta una reticolazione evidente. Spermateca fig. 4. 


COMPARAZIONI. Le specie cinesi del genere Gnypeta Thomson, 1858, finora 
sono G. beijingensis Pace, 1998, G. chinensis Pace, 1998, G. immodesta Pace, 1998, 
G. lucidula Pace, 1998 e G. yunnanensis Pace, 1998. Per la forma della spermateca la 
nuova specie è simile a G. beijingensis, tuttavia 1 penultimi antennomeri sono trasversi 
nella nuova specie e lunghi quanto larghi in beijingensis; il pronoto è molto trasverso 
nella nuova specie e lo è poco in beijingensis e la parte intermedia della spermateca è 
molto più lunga nella nuova specie che in G. beijingensis. 

Aloconota pulchricarinata sp. n. Figg. 5-7 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
6. VII.1996, 29°35 N-102°00E, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo debolmente lucido e nero; antenne nero- 
brune; zampe giallo-brune con 1 tarsi rossicci. La punteggiatura del capo è estrema- 
mente superficiale e assente sulla fascia mediana. La granulosità del pronoto è poco 
distinta, quella delle elitre è saliente sulla metà interna, verso la sutura, evanescente 
sulla metà esterna. La reticolazione del capo e dell’addome è netta, quella del pronoto 
è nettissima, a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. Il capo ha un’impressione discale. 
Edeago figg. 6-7. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago e per i caratteri sessuali secondari sul 
quinto urotergo libero del d, la nuova specie si mostra affine ad A. inaequalis 
Cameron, 1939, dell’India settentrionale (holotypus da me esaminato). Tuttavia, il 
quinto urotergo libero del & della nuova specie mostra un rilievo mediano posteriore 
a Y, mentre in inaequalis lo stesso è a I. L’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago della 
nuova specie è robusta, mentre quella di inaequalis è molto evanescente. 

Aloconota umbonis sp. n. Figg. 8-10 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, lake above Camp 2, 2750 m, 
4.VII.1998, 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,9 mm. Corpo debolmente lucido e nero; antenne nere; 
zampe giallo-rossicce. La granulosità del capo è distinta, ma assente sulla fascia longi- 
tudinale mediana, quella del pronoto è saliente e quella delle elitre è evanescente. La 
reticolazione del disco del capo è netta e distinta sul resto del capo, quella del pronoto 
e delle elitre è nettissima, quella dell'addome è molto trasversa ed evanescente. Il capo 
presenta una debole impressione discale. Il quinto urotergo libero del 4 presenta un 
rilievo mediano posteriore molto saliente. Edeago figg. 9-10. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie presenta il quarto antennomero più lungo che 
largo e il quinto nettamente trasverso. Per questi caratteri e per altri è ben distinta dalle 
restanti specie cinesi note per la sola 9. Le specie note anche per il d non mostrano i 
caratteri sessuali secondari degli uroterghi liberi quinto e sesto del d della nuova 

Aloconota jinfoensis sp. n. Figg. 11-13 
Holotypus 3, China, SE Sichuan, Jinfo Shan, 1800 m, 29°01N-107°1414E, 27.VI.1998, 
1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 
DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 5,1 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con omeri, margine poste- 
riore dei due uroterghi liberi basali e pigidio giallo-rossicci; antenne brune con 

466 R. PACE 

Fico. 1-7 

Habitus, spermateca ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 1-2: Hygronoma chinensis sp. n.; 
3-4: Gnypeta yingkouensis sp. n.; 5-7: Aloconota pulchricarinata sp. n. 

l’antennomero basale bruno-rossiccio; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del 
capo è svanita e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana. La granulosità del pronoto 
è distinta, quella delle elitre è superficiale. La reticolazione del capo è evanescente, 
quella del pronoto è molto svanita, quella delle elitre è estremamente superficiale e 


Fico. 8-13 

Habitus ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 8-10: Aloconota umbonis sp. n.; 11-13: 
Aloconota jinfoensis sp. n. 

quella dell’addome manca. Il disco del capo è impresso. Il primo urotergo libero basale 
del d presenta una protuberanza molto saliente e incisa all’indietro, il secondo 
urotergo libero ha un tubercolo saliente e il quinto urotergo libero del 4 presenta un 
rilievo mediano largo con parte superiore lievemente concava e gradualmente più 
saliente all’indietro. Edeago figg. 11-12. 

468 R. PACE 

COMPARAZIONI. A motivo dei caratteri sessuali secondari del d, la nuova specie 
ricorda da vicino A. spectabilis Pace, 1987, del Nepal. La nuova specie se ne distingue 
per avere un rilievo a superficie superiore lievemente concava sul quinto urotergo 
libero del & , invece di un granulo e per l’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago più 
robusta e di forma ben differente da quella di spectabilis. 

Pelioptera (Pelioptera) tronqueti sp. n. Figg. 14-16 

Holotypus d, Chine, Guanxi, Mass. de Miao’er-Shan, 2000 m, 16.VIII.1994, litière, leg. 
M. Tronquet (IRSN). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,2 mm. Corpo lucidissimo e bruno, con uroterghi liberi 
quarto e quinto neri; antenne nero-pece con antennomero basale giallo-rossiccio; 
zampe giallo-rossicce. La granulosità del capo è molto svanita e fine, quella del pro- 
noto è distinta e non fitta e quella delle elitre è molto superficiale. La reticolazione del 
capo è evanescente, quella del pronoto e dell’addome è distinta, quella delle elitre è 
molto svanita e a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. Edeago figg. 15-16. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie, per la forma dell’edeago, appartiene al grup- 
po di specie che fanno capo a P. opaca Kraatz, 1857, dello Sri Lanka, a cui apparten- 
gono P. opacoides Pace, 1991 del Nepal e P. zerchei Pace, 1993, di Sumatra. La nuo- 
va specie si distingue da tutte queste specie per avere l’edeago molto ristretto all’apice, 
in visione ventrale, e un’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago differente. 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. La nuova specie è dedicata al suo raccoglitore, il collega 
Marc Tronquet di Molitg Les Bains (Francia), noto studioso di Staphylinidae. 

Geostibasoma opacisuturale sp. n. Figg. 20-24 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 13.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China 
Expedition J. Farkaè, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 2 dd e 5 9 9, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido con fascia suturale opaca e nero, 
antenne comprese; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è svanita, assente 
sulla fascia longitudinale mediana. La granulosità del pronoto e delle elitre è distinta e 
fine. La reticolazione del capo e del pronoto è distinta, quella delle elitre è netta e 
vigorosa su una fascia lungo la sutura e quella dell'addome è a maglie trasverse dis- 
tinte. Il capo presenta due carene mediane occipitali. Il pronoto ha un appiattimento 
mediano. Edeago figg. 21-22, spermateca fig. 23, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 24. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie per la forma dell’edeago è sicuramente affine 
a G. satyrus Pace, 1998, di Hong Kong. Se ne distingue per gli occhi più corti delle 
tempie (più lunghi delle tempie in satyrus) e per la diversa struttura generale 

Amischa alticola sp. n. Figg. 25-26 
Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
6.VII.1996, 29°35N-102°00E, leg A. Smetana (MHNG). 
DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,4 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno con uroterghi liberi quarto 
e quinto nero-bruni; antenne brune con i tre antennomeri basali di un giallo sporco; 
zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo e del pronoto è distinta, quella delle elitre è 


0,1 mm 



I mm 

À Vies 



q * 




FIGG. 14-19 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e sesto urotergo libero del 4. 14-16: Pelioptera 
tronqueti sp. n.; 17-19: Pelioptera viatica Pace, 1998. 

superficiale. La reticolazione del capo, del pronoto e delle elitre è superficiale, quella 
dell'addome è distinta. Il pronoto presenta un largo solco mediano posteriore. 
Spermateca fig. 26. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie presenta il pronoto impresso e la parte prossi- 
male della spermateca non avvolta in spire e con bulbo prossimale largo quanto il dis- 
tale. Per questi caratteri ed altri è nettamente distinta da A. beijingensis Pace, 1998, A. 
rougemonti Pace, 1998 e A. nana Pace, 1998, tutte della Cina. 

470 R. PACE 


Fico. 20-26 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, spermateca e sesto urotergo libero del 4. 20-24: 
Geostibasoma opacisuturale sp. n.; 25-26: Amischa alticola sp. n. 

Liogluta sabdensis sp. n. Figg. 27-30 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
13.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 ©, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 15.VII.1998, leg. A. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; 
antenne nere, zampe rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo e del pronoto è distinta, ma 
assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana del capo, quella delle elitre è fine e molto 


evanescente. La reticolazione del capo, delle elitre e dell’addome è distinta, quella del 
pronoto è netta, sull’addome è a maglie molto trasverse. Edeago figg. 28-29, sper- 
mateca fig. 30. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago la nuova specie è sicuramente affine a 
L. lacustris Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Se ne distingue per l’edeago meno ampia- 
mente arcuato nella regione preapicale, in visione ventrale, per la diversa forma 
dell’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago e per l’undicesimo antennomero lungo 
quanto i due precedenti riuniti (lungo quanto i tre precedenti riuniti in lacustris). 

Liogluta infacunda sp. n. Figg. 31-34 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3300 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
14.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, antenne comprese; zampe 
di un giallo sporco, con femori giallo-bruni. La punteggiatura del capo e del pronoto è 
svanita e assente per breve tratto sulla fascia longitudinale mediana del capo. La granu- 
losità delle elitre è molto evanescente. La reticolazione del capo e dell’addome è 
svanita, quella del pronoto è netta e quella delle elitre è distinta, a maglie trasverse 
sull’addome. Sesto urotergo libero del 6 fig. 32, edeago figg. 33-34. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è simile a quello di L. langmusien- 
sis Pace, 1998 (= L. granulipyga Pace, 1998, syn. n.), pure della Cina. Tuttavia l’apice 
dell’edeago della nuova specie è nettamente più stretto di quello di langmusiensis, la 
«crista apicalis» dell’edeago è molto più sviluppata nella nuova specie e l’armatura 
genitale interna dello stesso edeago è del tutto differente. 

Liogluta kangdingensis sp. n. Figg. 35-37 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 15 km W Kanding, rte. 138, 3250 m, 19.VII.1998, leg. 
1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,0 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, antenne comprese; zampe 
brune con tarsi rossicci. La punteggiatura del capo è superficiale. La granulosità del 
pronoto è fine e poco evidente, quella delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione dell’avan- 
corpo è superficiale, quella degli uroterghi liberi quarto e quinto è molto trasversa e 
molto evanescente, assente sui restanti uroterghi liberi. Edeago figg. 36-37. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie ha forma affine a quella dell’ede- 
ago di L. gonggana Pace, 1998, tuttavia è più bruscamente flesso al lato ventrale e 
l’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago stesso è nettamente più sviluppata e forte di 
quella di gonggana. Inoltre la nuova specie presenta occhi assai più corti delle tempie 
e non più lunghi, come in gonggana. 

Liogluta caliginis sp. n. Figg. 38-41 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
13.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 9, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, antenne comprese; zampe 
di un giallo sporco. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta e assente sulla fascia longitu- 
dinale mediana, quella delle elitre è superficiale. La granulosità del pronoto è distinta. 

472 R. PACE 

1 mm 



Ficc. 27-32 
Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, spermateca e sesto urotergo libero del d. 27-30: 
Liogluta sabdensis sp. n.; 31-32: Liogluta infacunda sp. n. 

La reticolazione di tutto il corpo è evidente, a maglie molto trasverse solo sull’addome. 
Il disco del capo è appiattito. Edeago figg. 39-40, spermateca fig. 41. 

COMPARAZIONI. La parte preapicale dell’edeago della nuova specie è fortemente 
ristretto, in visione ventrale. Per questo carattere è possibile che la nuova specie sia 
tassonomicamente affine, perché pure esse lo presentano, a L. sinensis Pace, 1998, L. 


I mm 

Figc. 33-38 

Edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e habitus. 33-34: Liogluta infacunda sp. n.; 35-37: Liogluta 
kangdingensis sp. n.; 38: Liogluta caliginis sp. n. 

xiahensis Pace, 1998 e L. lacustris Pace, 1998, tutte della Cina. La parte ristretta 
dell’edeago della nuova specie, tuttavia, è più vicina alla «crista apicalis» che 
all’estremità apicale dello stesso edeago. L’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago, 
inoltre, è del tutto differente da quella delle tre specie a confronto. 

474 R. PACE 

Fico. 39-44 

Edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, spermateca e sesto urotergo libero del d. 39-41: Liogluta 
caliginis sp. n.; 42-44: Liogluta attenuata Pace, 1998. 

Liogluta rhomboidalis sp. n. Figg. 45-48 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 7.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 3 dd, stessa provenienza, ma anche 2800 m e 9.VII.1996; 3 d d, China, N 
Yunnan, Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 4000 m, 24-28.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 2 es., China, N 


FIGG. 45-50 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e spermateca. 45-48: Liogluta rhomboidalis sp. n.; 
49-50: Liogluta serpentitheca sp. n. 

Yunnan, Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 1 es., China, N Yunnan, 
Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 4000-4100 m, 23.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 1 es., China, N Yunnan, 
Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 3800 m, 26.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 1 9, China, W Sichuan, 20’km 
N Sabdé, 3200 m, 13.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana; 1 2, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 
m, 11.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 

476 R. PACE 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,5 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; 
antenne nere; zampe rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta e poco profonda, 
assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella del pronoto è fine e superficiale. 
Assenti sono punteggiatura e granulosità sulle elitre. La reticolazione è distinta su tutto 
il corpo, sull’addome a maglie molto trasverse. Edeago figg. 46-47, spermateca fig. 48. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago e della spermateca, la nuova specie è 
sicuramente affine a L. lacustris Pace, 1998, pure della Cina, da cui differisce per la 
parte preapicale ventrale dell’edeago a forma romboidale (forma semiellittica in 
lacustris) e per la presenza di una forte spina dell’armatura interna dell’edeago, assente 
in lacustris. 

Liogluta serpentitheca sp. n. Figg. 49-50 

Holotypus 9 , China, Sichuan, Kangding (formely Tatsienlu), 2900 m, 30°03N-102°02E, 
2.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; 
antenne nere; zampe rossicce con femori bruno-rossicci e tarsi giallo-rossicci. La pun- 
teggiatura del capo è superficiale e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella 
del pronoto è distinta e quella delle elitre è fine e poco distinta. La reticolazione del 
capo è netta sul disco e distinta sul resto della sua superficie, quella delle elitre e 
dell’addome è netta, a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma della spermateca, la nuova specie è sicuramente 
affine a L. langmusiensis Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Se ne distingue per avere il bulbo 
distale della spermateca largo quasi il doppio di quello prossimale (poco più largo in 
langmusiensis) e per la parte intermedia della stessa spermateca che descrive un arco 
molto più ampio di quello di /angmusiensis. Il quarto antennomero della nuova specie, 
inoltre, è trasverso, più lungo che largo in Jangmusiensis. 

Liogluta biacusifera sp. n. Figg. 51-54 

Holotypus d, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 4000 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 24- 
26.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 2, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 24.VI.1996, leg. A. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; an- 
tenne nere; zampe giallo-brune. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta e assente sulla fas- 
cia longitudinale mediana, quella del pronoto è distinta. La punteggiatura o la granu- 
losità delle elitre sono molto superficiali. La reticolazione del capo è distinta sul disco 
e molto superficiale sul resto della sua superficie, quella del pronoto è evanescente e 
quella delle elitre e dell'addome è distinta, a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. 
Edeago figg. 52-53, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 54. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago la nuova specie si mostra affine sia a 
L. langmusiensis Pace, 1998, sia a L. gonggana Pace, 1998, entrambe pure della Cina. 
Se ne distingue per la presenza di una sporgenza angolare a ciascun lato della regione 
intermedia e per l’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago molto più forte e più comp- 
lessa di quella delle due specie a confronto. 

Liogluta imitatrix sp. n. Figg. 55-56 

Holotypus 2, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
13.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 




pae ua 
Be à 
D AA a 
a 8: 

Figc. 51-56 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, spermateca e sesto urotergo libero del d. 51-54: 
Liogluta biacusifera sp. n.; 55-56: Liogluta imitatrix sp. n. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,1 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno; antenne nere; zampe 
rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è fine e superficiale e assente per stretto tratto sulla 
fascia longitudinale mediana, quella delle elitre è poco distinta. La granulosità del 
pronoto è fine e svanita. La reticolazione del capo è distinta, quella del pronoto e delle 

elitre è netta e quella dell’addome è svanita, a maglie molto trasverse. Spermateca 
fig. 56. 

478 R. PACE 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie ricorda da vicino quella di /. 
lacustris Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Se ne distingue per avere la parte prossimale net- 
tamente più lunga e il bulbo distale quasi sferico (piriforme in lacustris). Gli occhi del- 
la nuova specie, inoltre, sono più corti delle tempie, mentre in /acustris sono lunghi 
quanto le tempie. 

Liogluta ignorata sp. n. Figg. 57-58 

Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3200 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 7.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,6 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; 
antenne nere con i due antennomeri basali nero-bruni; zampe rossicce. La granulosità 
del capo è fine e distinta, assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella del pronoto 
è fine e saliente e quella delle elitre è poco distinta. La reticolazione del capo è nettis- 
sima sul disco e superficiale sul resto della sua superficie, quella del pronoto e delle 
elitre è netta e quella dell’addome è distinta, a maglie molto trasverse. Il pronoto 
presenta un debole solco mediano posteriore. Spermateca fig. 58. 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie è simile a quella di L. attenu- 
ata Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Se ne distingue per la presenza dell’introflessione 
apicale del bulbo distale della stessa spermateca poco profonda (profondissima in 
attenuata) e per la parte prossimale dello stesso organo molto lunga e sviluppata (gra- 
dualmente attenuata in attenuata). La nuova specie, inoltre, presenta il quarto 
antennomero trasverso e non più lungo che largo, come in attenuata. 

Liogluta iperintroflexa sp. n. Figg. 59-60 

Holotypus 2, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
15.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con le elitre nero-brune; 
antenne nere; zampe rossicce con femori bruno-rossicci. La punteggiatura del capo è 
ombelicata, superficiale e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella del pro- 
noto è distinta e quella delle elitre è poco distinta. La reticolazione del capo è svanita, 
quella del pronoto e dell'addome è distinta, a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome, e 
quella delle elitre è netta. Spermateca fig. 60. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la profonda introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della 
spermateca, la nuova specie si presenta affine a L. xiaheorum Pace, 1998, pure della 
Cina. Il bulbo distale della spermateca della nuova specie, tuttavia, è largo tre volte il 
bulbo prossimale della stessa spermateca e non due volte e mezzo come in xiaheorum 
e la parte prossimale della stessa spermateca della nuova specie è strettamente flessa, 
mentre è ampiamente arcuata in xiaheorum. 

Atheta (Philhygra) quadrifalcifera sp. n. Figg. 61-65 

Holotypus & , China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, lake above Camp 2, 2750 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 5-9.VIII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 2 G 4, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3200 m, 
7.VI.1996, leg A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con quarto urotergo 

libero nero e iridescente; antenne nere con i tre antennomeri basali rossicci; zampe 


113 SIN 
Aal“ II TE 
Fi dpt APE 
5e rye 


I mm 

= 61 62 
Figc. 57-63 

Habitus, spermateca ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 57-58: Liogluta ignorata sp. n.; 
59-60: Liogluta iperintroflexa sp. n.; 61-63: Atheta (Philhygra) quadrifalcifera sp. n. 

giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta solo ai lati. La granulosità del 
pronoto è distinta e quella delle elitre è superficiale. La reticolazione del capo è nettis- 
sima sul disco e svanita ai lati, quella del pronoto è pure nettissima, quella delle elitre 
è netta e quella dell’addome è distinta, a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. Il 

480 R. PACE 

pronoto presenta un debole solco mediano posteriore. Edeago figg. 62-63, sesto uro- 
tergo libero del d fig. 64. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è simile a quello di A. dalijiensis 
Pace, 1998, ma il suo apice è lineare nella nuova specie e fortemente ricurvo in dali- 
jiensis. L’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago della nuova specie, inoltre, presenta 
due forti spine ricurve, assenti nell’edeago di dalijiensis. Il pronoto della nuova specie 
è più trasverso di quello della specie a confronto. 

Atheta (Philhygra) perconsanguinea sp. n. Figg. 65-68 

Holotypus d, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 3900 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 
25.V1.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,9 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno; antenne brune con l’an- 
tennomero basale bruno-rossiccio; zampe giallo-rossicce. La granulosità del capo è 
saliente solo ai lati, quella del pronoto è evidente e quella delle elitre è distinta. La reti- 
colazione del capo è netta e a maglie molto ampie sul disco e svanita ai lati, quella del 
pronoto è nettissima, quella delle elitre è netta e quella dell’addome è distinta, a maglie 
molto trasverse. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è simile, in visione laterale, a 
quello di A. inexpectata Pace, 1985 del Nepal, ma ha dimensione maggiore e la sua 
parte apicale, in visione ventrale, è strettissima e a lati paralleli (parte apicale trian- 
golare in inexpectata). L’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago, inoltre, è più forte nella 
nuova specie. 

Atheta (Philhygra) longefalcifera sp. n. Figg. 69-72 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 5.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaé, D. Kral, J. Schneider, 
A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 13.VII.1998, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero; antenne nere con l’anten- 
nomero basale rossiccio; zampe rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è molto svanita e 
assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana. La granulosità del pronoto e delle elitre è 
fine e distinta. La reticolazione del capo è netta sul disco e svanita ai lati, quella del 
pronoto è pure netta, quella delle elitre e dell'addome è distinta, a maglie molto 
trasverse sull’addome. Edeago figg. 70-71, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 72. 

COMPARAZIONI. In visione ventrale l’edeago della nuova specie è simile a quello 
di A. inexpectata Pace, 1985 del Nepal, ma la forte armatura genitale interna 
dell’edeago della nuova specie non si ritrova nella specie a confronto. 

Atheta (Philhygra) emeicola sp. n. Figg. 73-74 
Holotypus 9, Chine, Mont Emei, 26.IV.1987, leg. Thierry Deuve (IRSN). 
DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,0 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con elitre giallo- 

brune; antenne nero-brune con antennomero basale bruno-rossiccio; zampe di un giallo 

sporco, con femori posteriori bruni e medi giallo-bruni. La punteggiatura del capo è 

composta di punti grandi e svaniti, assenti sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella 


FIGG. 64-69 

Sesto urotergo libero del ¢, habitus ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 64: Atheta 
(Philhygra) quadrifalcifera sp. n.; 65-68: Atheta (Philhygra) perconsanguinea sp. n.; 69: Atheta 
(Philhygra) longefalcifera sp. n. 

delle elitre è evanescente. La granulosità del pronoto è poco distinta. La reticolazione 
del capo è netta, quella del pronoto, delle elitre e dell’addome è molto svanita, a maglie 
molto trasverse sull’addome. Spermateca fig. 74. 

482 R. PACE 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie è simile a quella di A. 
melanocera Thomson, diffusa nell’Europa centrale e settentrionale, in Siberia e Nord- 
america, tuttavia la parte prossimale della spermateca è molto attenuata nella nuova 
specie (larga in melanocera) e il bulbo distale della stessa spermateca è molto più 
sviluppato nella nuova specie che in melanocera. 

Atheta (Sipalatheta) emeimontis sp. n. Figg. 75-78 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Leidongping, 2500 m, 29°32N-103°12E, 
18.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 15 es., stessa provenienza; 1 d e 2 9 ©, Chine, Mont Emei, 26.IV.1987, leg. 
Thierry Deuve. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno-rossiccio, con capo e 
uroterghi liberi terzo, quarto e base del quinto, bruni; antenne rossicce con l’undi- 
cesimo antennomero bruno-rossiccio; zampe rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è 
fine. La granulosità del pronoto è distinta e quella delle elitre è saliente. La retico- 
lazione del capo e del pronoto è molto svanita, quella delle elitre è distinta e quella del- 
l’addome è estremamente superficiale, composta di maglie molto trasverse. Edeago 
figg. 76-77, spermateca fig. 78. 

COMPARAZIONI. La forma della spermateca della nuova specie è simile a quella 
di A. algarum Pace, 1999, di Hong Kong , ma la nuova specie presenta elitre più corte 
del pronoto che è più largo di esse. L’edeago della nuova specie è più regolarmente 
arcuato al lato ventrale, mentre in algarum è sinuato, con un’armatura interna serpen- 
tiforme, assente nell’edeago di algarum. 

Atheta (Acrotona) fellowesi sp. n. Figg. 79-81 

Holotypus d, China, Guangxi Pr., Nong Gang, nr. Long Rui, 26.V.1998, leg. J. Fellowes 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,0 mm. Corpo lucido e di un giallo sporco, con elitre e 
quarto urotergo libero giallo-bruni; antenne nero-brune con i due antennomeri basali e 
la base del terzo gialli; zampe gialle. La punteggiatura del capo è ombelicata e svanita. 
La granulosità del pronoto è fine e saliente, quella delle elitre e dell’addome è distinta, 
a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. La reticolazione del capo è estremamente 
svanita, quella del pronoto e dell'addome è assente e quella delle elitre è distinta. 
Edeago figg. 80-81. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago più simile a quello della nuova specie, a motivo della 
presenza di forti spine basali interne dell’armatura genitale dello stesso edeago, è 
quello di A. quadrispina Pace, 1987, del Nepal, ma manca nell’edeago di questa specie 
un accentuato angolo ventrale, evidente invece nell’edeago della nuova specie e la 
parte apicale dello stesso edeago, in visione ventrale, è molto più stretta in quadrispina. 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. La nuova specie è dedicata al suo raccoglitore, l’inglese 
J. Fellowes. 

Atheta (Acrotona) deuvei sp. n. Figg. 82-83 

Holotypus 1 2, Chine, Mont Emei, 26.IV.1987, leg. Thierry Deuve (IRSN). 
Paratypi: 2 2 2, China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Leidongping, 2500 m, 18.VII.1998, leg. A. 


0,1 mm 

fob 11)! 
ML 32) 1 





Fico. 70-75 

Edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, sesto urotergo libero del d e spermateca. 70-72: Atheta 
(Philhygra) longefalcifera sp. n.; 73-74: Atheta (Philhygra) emeicola sp. n.; 75: Atheta (Sipa- 
latheta) emeimontis sp. n. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,3 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con elitre e pigidio 
bruni; antenne brune con i quattro antennomeri basali bruno-rossicci; zampe rossicce. 
La granulosità dell’avancorpo è fine e distinta. La reticolazione del capo, del pronoto 
e dell’addome è superficiale, quella delle elitre è molto evanescente, a maglie molto 
trasverse sull’addome. Spermateca fig. 83. 

484 R. PACE 

0,1 mm 

j ie È 
o EIN ci È 


ae 4 
ci ira] 
È © i 



FIGG. 76-83 

Edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, spermateca e habitus. 76-78: Atheta (Sipalatheta) emei- 
montis sp. n.; 79-81: Atheta (Acrotona) fellowesi sp. n.; 82-83: Atheta (Acrotona) deuvei sp. n. 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie è simile a quella di A. xisha- 
nensis Pace, 1998, pure della Cina, ma la parte prossimale è più prolungata, sicché 
descrive una spira e mezzo e non una sola, come in xishanensis. Il pronoto della nuova 
specie, inoltre, è lievemente più largo delle elitre, mentre in xishanensis è nettamente 


più stretto e gli antennomeri quarto e quinto sono trasversi nella nuova specie e lunghi 
quanto larghi in xishanensis. 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. La nuova specie è dedicata al suo raccoglitore, Thierry 

Atheta (Acrotona) luteihumeri sp. n. Figg. 84-85 

Holotypus ©, China, SE Sichuan, Jinfo Shan, 1750 m, 29°01N-107°14E, 26.VI.1998, 
leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 ©, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con uroterghi liberi 
quarto e quinto neri e omeri e uroterghi liberi primo e secondo rossicci; antenne nero- 
brune con i tre antennomeri basali rossicci; zampe rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo 
è fine e distinta. La granulosità del pronoto è distinta e quella delle elitre è svanita. La 
reticolazione del capo è molto svanita, quella del pronoto è molto superficiale, quella 
delle elitre è fine e distinta e quella dell’addome è assente. Spermateca fig. 85. 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie è simile a quella di A. irreg- 
ularis Pace, 1984, della Birmania, ma la parte prossimale di quella della nuova specie 
è nettamente più breve di quella corrispondente a irregularis. A. irregularis, inoltre, 
presenta lunghe setole isolate ai lati del corpo e sulle tibie, assenti nella nuova specie. 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. Il nome della nuova specie significa «omeri gialli». 

Atheta (Microdota) hailuogouensis sp. n. Figg. 86-89 

Holotypus 9, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3050 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték. (MHNG). 
Paratypus: 1 9, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,6 mm. Corpo lucido e giallo-bruno, con pronoto opaco 
e pigidio giallo-rossiccio; antenne brune con i due antennomeri basali e la base del 
terzo giallo-rossicci; zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo e del pronoto è distinta, 
quella delle elitre è svanita e quella dell’addome è distinta. La reticolazione del capo è 
netta sul disco e svanita ai lati, quella del pronoto è vigorosa e quella delle elitre e 
dell’addome è distinta, composta di maglie lievemente trasverse sull’addome. Edeago 
figg. 87-88, spermateca fig. 89. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie presenta alcuni caratteri dell’ede- 
ago di A. bitruncata Pace, 1990, del Nepal, come la stretta parte apicale dello stesso 
edeago. La nuova specie, tuttavia, presenta elitre lunghe quanto il pronoto e non molto 
più lunghe come in bitruncata. 

Atheta (Microdota) miriapex sp. n. Figg. 90-92 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Leidongping, 2500 m, 29°35N-103°21E, 
18.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DescRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,1 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con pronoto e pigidio 
giallo-bruni; antenne brune con i due antennomeri basali bruno-rossicci; zampe gialle. 
La granulosità del capo è fitta e svanita, quella delle elitre è finissima e quella delle 
elitre è superficiale. La reticolazione del capo è netta solo nel fondo della depressione 
mediana, al di fuori di essa è superficiale. La reticolazione del pronoto e dell’addome 

486 R. PACE 


FiGG. 84-89 

Habitus, spermateca ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 84-85: Arheta (Acrotona) lutei- 
humeri sp. n.; 86-89: Atheta (Microdota) hailuogouensis sp. n. 

è netta, quella delle elitre è molto svanita, a maglie poco trasverse sull’addome. Edeago 
figg. 91-92. 

COMPARAZIONI. Finora nessuna specie nota mostra l’apice dell’edeago dilatato 
all’apice, in visione ventrale, come quello della nuova specie. 


Atheta (Microdota) sichuanicola sp. n. Figg. 93-96 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana er al. (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Capo e pronoto debolmente lucidi, resto del 
corpo lucido. Corpo poco convesso e nero-bruno, con elitre brune; antenne nero-brune 
con i due antennomeri basali bruni; zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo è distinta, 
assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana che è largamente solcata. La granulosità del 
pronoto è finissima, quella delle elitre è poco saliente e quella dell’addome lo è. La reti- 
colazione dell’avancorpo è netta, quella dell’addome è distinta, a maglie lievemente 
trasverse. Edeago figg. 94-95. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie presenta l’edeago che mostra alcuni caratteri 
dell’edeago di A. amiculoides Cameron, 1939, del Kashmir. L’armatura genitale 
interna dell’edeago della nuova specie, tuttavia, è forte e complessa, semplice in 
amiculoides, e l’edeago di amiculoides non è bruscamente ristretto, in visione ventrale, 
come quello della nuova specie. 

Atheta (Microdota) masculifrons sp. n. Figg. 97-101 

Holotypus d, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 
24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 3 dd e 2 9 9, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,6 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con elitre brune; an- 
tenne nero-brune con i tre antennomeri basali rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La gra- 
nulosità del capo è saliente solo ai lati, quella del pronoto e delle elitre lo è poco. La 
reticolazione del capo è netta, ma ai lati è svanita, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è 
evidente e quella dell’addome è distinta, a maglie lievemente trasverse sull’addome. 
Edeago figg. 98-99, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 100, spermateca fig. 101. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma della spermateca e dell’edeago, la nuova specie è 
avvicinabile ad A. amiculoides Cameron, 1939, del Kashmir (tipi esaminati), ma la 
taglia corporea è maggiore (1,8 mm in amiculoides), la parte prossimale della sper- 
mateca descrive un ampio arco (breve in amiculoides) e per la più robusta armatura 
genitale interna dell’edeago. 

Atheta (Microdota) gibba sp. n. Figg. 102-105 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above Camp 2, 2800 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 5.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaé, D. Kral, J. Schneider, 
A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con elitre giallo- 
brune; antenne nere con i due antennomeri basali e base del terzo di un giallo sporco; 
zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo è distinta, quella del pronoto è appena saliente 
sulla fascia longitudinale mediana e distinta ai lati, quella delle elitre è poco saliente. 
La reticolazione del capo e dell’addome è netta, a maglie ondulate trasverse sull’ad- 
dome, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è distinta. Il capo presenta una depressione 
trasversa tra gli occhi. Edeago. 103-104, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 105. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è così al di fuori dagli schemi 
consueti di quest’organo che non è comparabile con specie affini note. 

488 R. PACE 


j à 
J ti 
El 4 


93 Cinna 

Fico. 90-95 

Habitus ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 90-92: Atheta (Microdota) miriapex sp. n.; 93- 
95: Atheta (Microdota) sichuanicola sp. n. 

Atheta (Microdota) neoamicula sp. n. Fig. 106-107 

Holotypus 2, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, head of glacier 1, 2850 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 9.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,6 mm. Avancorpo debolmente lucido, addome lucido. 
Corpo nero pece, con elitre bruno-rossicce; antenne brune con i tre antennomeri basali 



EU N ll 

re al 
I | NU 


0,1 mm 

1 mm 


0,1 mm 

FIGG. 96-101 
Sesto urotergo libero del 4, habitus e spermateca. 96: Arheta (Microdota) sichuanicola sp. n.: 
97-101: Atheta (Microdota) masculifrons sp. n. 

rossicci; zampe gialle. La granulosità dell’avancorpo è fitta e poco evidente. La reti- 
colazione del capo è svanita, quella del pronoto è distinta, quella delle elitre è poco 
evidente e quella dell’addome è distinta, composta di maglie appena trasverse sull’ad- 
dome. Spermateca fig. 107. 

490 R. PACE 


FIGG. 102-107 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, sesto urotergo libero del d e spermateca. 102-105: 
Atheta (Microdota) gibba sp. n.; 106-107: Atheta (Microdota) neoamicula sp. n. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’habitus e la forma della spermateca della nuova specie ricor- 
dano da vicino A. amicula (Stephens, 1832), largamente diffusa nella regione pale- 
artica. La spermateca della nuova specie, tuttavia, non presenta l’introflessione apicale 
del bulbo distale, la parte prossimale della stessa spermateca è più lunga nella nuova 
specie che in amicula. Il quarto antennomero della nuova specie, inoltre, è più lungo 
che largo, mentre è trasverso in amicula. 


Atheta (Microdota) tardoides sp. n. Figg. 108-109 

Holotypus 2, China, Yunnan, Kunming, Western Hills, 1800 m, 25°04N-102°41E, 
24.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,3 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con omeri giallo-bruni; 
antenne brune con i tre antennomeri basali giallo-rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La 
granulositä del capo è saliente e assente su una stretta area mediana anteriore, quella 
del pronoto è superficiale, quella delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione del capo, delle 
elitre e dell’addome è distinta, quella del pronoto è netta, a maglie trasverse e ondulate 
sull’addome. Spermateca fig. 109. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma della spermateca e per gli occhi ridotti, la nuova 
specie è avvicinabile nettamente ad A. tarda Cameron, 1939, del Kashmir (tipi esa- 
minati), ma quest’ultima specie ha elitre più corte del pronoto. La parte intermedia 
della spermateca della nuova specie, inoltre, è più prolungata di quella di tarda. 

Atheta (Microdota) zhongdianensis sp. n. Figg. 110-111 

Holotypus 9, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 3900 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 
25.V1.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaè and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,3 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con base delle elitre bruno- 
rossiccia, uroterghi liberi quarto e quinto bruni e pigidio giallo-rossiccio; antenne 
brune, con i due antennomeri basali giallo-rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La granu- 
losità del capo è molto superficiale, quella del pronoto è quasi indistinta e quella delle 
elitre è poco saliente. La reticolazione del capo è svanita, quella del pronoto e dell’ad- 
dome è netta, a maglie lievemente trasverse sull’addome, quella delle elitre è distinta. 
Il capo presenta un largo solco mediano e il pronoto mostra un solco mediano inter- 
rotto in avanti. Spermateca fig. 111. 

COMPARAZIONI. Gli occhi ridotti, il largo solco mediano del capo e la forma della 
spermateca avvicinano tassonomicamente la nuova specie ad A. disputanda Pace, 
1984, del Nepal. Il capo, tuttavia, è nettamente reticolato in disputanda e superficial- 
mente reticolato nella nuova specie e l’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della 
spermateca è a base larghissima nella nuova specie e assai stretta in disputanda. 

Atheta (Microdota) liaoningensis sp. n. Figg. 112-113 
Holotypus 9, China, Ying Kou Country, Liaoning Prov., 1987, leg. Li Jing Ke (IRSN). 
DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,2 mm. Corpo debolmente lucido e bruno, con addome 

nero-bruno; antenne brune; zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo è assente, quella del 

pronoto è visibile solo ai lati dove è distinta, quella delle elitre è superficiale. La reti- 
colazione del capo e delle elitre è netta, quella del pronoto è vigorosa e quella dell’ad- 

dome è distinta, composta su esso da maglie trasverse sugli uroterghi liberi primo a 

quarto e a maglie poligonali irregolari sull’urotergo libero quinto. Spermateca fig. 113. 
COMPARAZIONI. L’enorme bulbo distale della spermateca della nuova specie si 

ritrova pure nella spermateca di A. inflatescens Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. La parte 

prossimale della spermateca della nuova specie, tuttavia, è poco assottigliata e 

descrivente un arco, mentre quella di inflatescens è molto lunga nella parte intermedia 

e descrivente più ampie spire nella regione prossimale. È presente, inoltre, l’introfles- 

sione apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca della nuova specie, mentre è assente in 


492 R. PACE 

I) A rat 


FIGG. 108-113 

Habitus e spermateca. 108-109: Atheta (Microdota) tardoides sp. n. sp. n.; 110-111: Atheta 
(Microdota) zhongdianensis sp. n.; 112-113: Atheta (Microdota) liaoningensis sp. n. 

Atheta (Dimetrota) angulispina sp. n. Figg. 114-117 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
13.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 &, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3200 m, 
7.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana er al. (MHNG). 


DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre bruno-rossicce; 
antenne nero-brune con i due antennomeri basali bruno-rossicci; zampe di un giallo 
sporco. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta e assente sulla fascia longitudinale 
mediana. La granulosità del pronoto e delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione del capo 
è netta sul disco e svanita ai lati, quella del pronoto è nettissima, quella delle elitre e 
dell’addome è distinta, a maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. Edeago figg. 115-116, 
sesto urotergo libero del ¢ fig. 117. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie, per la forma dell’edeago, in visione ventrale, 
è sicuramente affine ad A. pergranulosa Pace, 1998, pure della Cina, ma l’armatura 
genitale interna dell’edeago è del tutto differente. Inoltre la nuova specie presenta 
occhi ridotti, mentre pergranulosa li presenta lunghi quanto le tempie e il margine 
posteriore del sesto urotergo libero del d è quasi lineare nella nuova specie e con 
quattro lobi in pergranulosa. 

Atheta (Dimetrota) ridenda sp. n. Figg. 118-119 

Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 2, 2800 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 5.VII.1998, leg 1998 China Expedition J. Farkaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, 
A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,9 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con omeri bruno- 
rossicci; antenne nero-brune con i tre antennomeri basali giallo-rossicci; zampe giallo- 
rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta e assente sulla fascia longitudinale 
mediana. La granulosità del pronoto è distinta, quella delle elitre è svanita. La retico- 
lazione del capo è netta sul disco e molto superficiale sul resto della sua superficie, 
quella del pronoto è nettissima, quella delle elitre è evanescente e quella dell’addome 
è distinta, composta di maglie molto trasverse sull’addome. Spermateca fig. 119. 

COMPARAZIONI. Gli occhi ridotti e la forma della spermateca ricordano da vicino 
A. disputanda Pace, 1984, del Nepal. Il bulbo distale della spermateca della nuova 
specie, tuttavia, è poco più largo che lungo, se misurato dall’angolo d’inizio della parte 
intermedia della stessa spermateca, mentre in disputanda è quasi due volte più lungo 
che largo e l’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della stessa spermateca ha la base 
più larga. La parte prossimale della stessa spermateca, inoltre, è assottigliata nella 
nuova specie e robusta in disputanda. 

Atheta (Dimetrota) jiudingensis sp. n. Figg. 120-121 

Holotypus ®, Chine, Sichuan, Massif du Jiu Ding Shan, 3500-3600 m, 31.VII.1994, leg. 
Marc Tronquet (IRSN). 
Paratypi: 2 9 2, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,2 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, antenne comprese; zampe 
rossicce con femori bruni. La granulosità del capo e delle elitre è distinta, quella del 
pronoto è saliente. La reticolazione del capo e delle elitre è distinta, quella del pronoto 
è netta e quella dell’addome è svanita, tranne nel fondo dei solchi trasversi basali degli 
uroterghi dove è grossolana e netta. La reticolazione degli uroterghi liberi è molto 
trasversa. Spermateca. 121. 

COMPARAZIONI. La forma della spermateca della nuova specie rivela la sua 
affinità con A. furtiva Cameron, 1939, dell’India e del Nepal (tipi esaminati). La parte 
prossimale di quest’organo, infatti, è lievemente arcuata in entrambe le spermateche e 

494 R. PACE 



I mm 

0,1 mm 

Fico. 114-119 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, sesto urotergo libero del d e spermateca. 114-117: 
Atheta (Dimetrota) angulispina sp. n.; 118-119: Atheta (Dimetrota) ridenda sp. n. 

l’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della stessa spermateca è in posizione asim- 
metrica. I caratteri differenziali sono i seguenti: la parte prossimale e intermedia della 
spermateca della nuova specie è nettamente più sottile e più prolungata di quella di 
furtiva e l’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della stessa spermateca della nuova 


specie è poco distinta, mentre lo è in furtiva. Le setole isolate ai lati del corpo e delle 
tibie della nuova specie, inoltre, sono nettamente più lunghe di quelle di furtiva. 

Atheta (Datomicra) zhagaensis sp. n. Figg. 122-126 
Holotypus d, Chine, Sichuan, Songpan, 3050 m, Zhaga Fall, 5.VIII.1994, leg. Marc 
Tronquet (IRSN). 

Paratypi: 1 d e 1 9, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con capo e uroterghi liberi 
quarto e quinto nero-bruni ed elitre giallo-brune; antenne giallo-rossicce sfumate di 
bruno verso l’estremità distale; zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo è saliente solo 
sulle tempie, sul disco è molto evanescente, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è evidente. 
La reticolazione del capo è netta sul disco e svanita ai lati, quella del pronoto e delle 
elitre è netta e quella dell’addome è molto superficiale, composta di maglie molto 
trasverse. Edeago figg 123-124, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 125, spermateca fig. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie, per la forma della spermateca, appartiene 
sicuramente al gruppo di A. inopinata Pace, 1991, del Nepal. Si distingue per i caratteri 
dati nella chiave posta dopo la descrizione della seguente specie. 

Atheta (Datomicra) consequens sp. n. Figg. 128-129 

Holotypus 2, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 
24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 3 © 2, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con pigidio bruno-rossic- 
cio; antenne brune con i quattro antennomeri basali rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La 
granulosità del capo e delle elitre è distinta, quella del pronoto è saliente. La retico- 
lazione del capo e delle elitre è netta, quella del pronoto è nettissima e quella dell’ad- 
dome è molto superficiale, composta di maglie molto trasverse. Spermateca fig. 129. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie è distinta da quelle del gruppo di A. inopinata 
Pace, 1991, del Nepal, a cui appartiene per la forma della sua spermateca, per i caratteri 
dati nella seguente chiave. 


1 Bulbo prossimale della spermateca sferico, bulbiforme o piriforme ........ 2 
- Parte prossimale della spermateca senza bulbo, ma descrivente una o 
AUEZSIRUOSIEAM IO A. myohyangsani Pasnik 
2 Bulbo prossimale della spermateca piriforme. Cina...... A. consequens Sp. n. 
- Bulbo prossimale della spermateca sferico o bulbiforme ................. 3 
3 Bulbo distale della spermateca lunghissimo e lineare. Nepal. A. inopinata Pace 
= Bulbo distale della spermateca poco o fortemente ricurvo................ 4 
4 Bulbordistale della’spermatecarpocorieurVyog LIE PTE EEE CE I 
= Bulbordistale della spermateca’fortemente ricurvo, ee ae 7 
5 Parte apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca assai piü corta della 
Parte,basalexEoreage sr: PAIR ER A. photaechonica Pasnik 

- Parte apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca più lunga della parte basale . 6 

496 R. PACE 

6 Parte prossimale del bulbo distale della spermateca, bruscamente ristret- 
tayalliindietror Gina. I. cantate. 6408 RT SERRE A. graffa Pace 
- Parte prossimale del bulbo distale della spermateca, gradualmente 
niStrettataliindietro Cina... 5.42. oye ea N A. regressa Pace 
7 Parte apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca lungo, sicché forma un 
AMPIOAICO CIN Alas alah ee RE EE A. subinopinata Pace 
- Parte apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca corto, sicché forma un 
8 Parte apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca molto sporgente. Cina 

ELLE ARE TIER BEER A. zhagaensis sp. n. 
- Parte apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca non sporgente 
NIEREN NEE. SERIE LR, LE SD ATL AE ENO A. xinlongengensis Pace 

Nota. Le illustrazioni dell’olotipo d e della femmina della specie di Pasnik, 
Atheta namphoensis Pasnik, 2001, della Corea del Nord suggeriscono che i due sessi 
non sono conspecifici. Il & si rivela appartenere al genere Nepalota, la spermateca 
della 9 rivela l'appartenenza al sottogenere Datomicra. Una descrizione formale di 
questa specie probabilmente nuova, basata solo su una 9, è prematura e si deve atten- 
dere la disponibilità di più materiale, in particolare del à. 

Nepalota namphoensis ( Pasnik, 2001), comb. n. 
Atheta (Dimetrota) namphoensis Pasnik, 2001: 219, partim (solo l’holotypus 
3), la 2 Atheta (Dimetrota) sp. 

Atheta (Datomicra) songpanensis sp. n. Figg. 130-133 

Holotypus d, Chine, Sichuan, Songpan, versant est, 3100-3300 m, 7.VIII.1994, leg. 
Marc Tronquet (IRSN). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,1 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con elitre giallo-brune; 
antenne brune con i due antennomeri basali e la base del terzo giallo-bruni; zampe 
gialle. La granulositä del capo è distinta solo sulle tempie, quella del pronoto è distinta 
e quella delle elitre è superficiale. La reticolazione del capo e del pronoto è evidente, 
quella delle elitre è netta e quella dell’addome è molto superficiale fatta eccezione per 
la metà posteriore del quinto urotergo libero che presenta reticolazione netta e poco 
trasversa, mentre sui restanti uroterghi liberi è molto trasversa. Il pronoto mostra un 
appiattimento mediano posteriore. Edeago figg. 131-132, sesto urotergo libero del d 
fe 153; 

COMPARAZIONI. A motivo degli occhi molto sviluppati e della forma 
dell’edeago, la nuova specie probabilmente è affine ad A. semitibialis Pace, 1998, pure 
della Cina, da cui si distingue per l’edeago poco profondamente flesso al lato ventrale, 
per l’armatura genitale interna dello stesso edeago molto differente e per il margine 
posteriore del sesto urotergo libero del 4 quadrilobato (ondulato in semitibialis). 

Atheta (Datomicra) falcifera sp. n. Figg. 134-137 

Holotypus &, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 2, 2800 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 5.VII.1998, leg 1998 China Expedition J. Farcaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, 
A. Smetana (MHNG). 




A Fate — ers N 

i A \ 

fasi \ 
È Et | 
È “Pa i 

BU x 
2 bs 


Ficc. 120-126 

Habitus, spermateca, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e sesto urotergo libero del 4. 120-121: 
Atheta (Dimetrota) jiudingensis sp. n.; 122-126: Atheta (Datomicra) zhagaensis sp. n. 

Paratypus: 1 d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 14.VII.1998, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune e 
pigidio bruno; antenne nere con i due antennomeri basali bruno-rossicci; zampe 
rossicce. La granulosità del capo è molto superficiale e assente sul disco, quella del 

498 R. PACE 

129 130 


Fico. 127-133 
Spermateca, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e sesto urotergo libero del 3. 127: Atheta 
(Datomicra) xinlongensis Pace; 128-129: Atheta (Datomicra) consequens sp. n.; 130-133: 
Atheta (Datomicra) songpanensis sp. n. 

pronoto molto svanita e quella delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione del capo è net- 
tissima sul disco e molto svanita al di fuori di esso, quella del pronoto è netta, quella 
delle elitre è distinta e quella dell’addome è evanescente, composta di maglie molto 
trasverse. Edeago figg. 135-136, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 137. 

COMPARAZIONI. La presenza di una forte spina falciforme dell’armatura genitale 
interna dell’edeago della nuova specie si riscontra anche nell’edeago di A. regressa 


Pace, 1998, pure della Cina, ma in quest’ultima specie la spina è nettamente meno 
larga, meno ricurva e più lunga. L’apice dell’edeago della nuova specie, inoltre, è as- 
sai stretto, in visione ventrale, e non ogivale come in regressa e il margine posteriore 
del sesto urotergo libero del 3 è finemente ondulato nella nuova specie e quadriloba- 
to in regressa. 

Atheta (Datomicra) pertinens sp. n. Figg. 138-141 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
14.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farcaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con elitre brune, 
omeri rossicci e uroterghi liberi primo e secondo e pigidio giallo-rossicci; antenne 
brune con i due antennomeri basali e la base del terzo giallo-rossicci; zampe giallo- 
rossicce. La granulosità del capo è distinta e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, 
quella del pronoto è fine e poco distinta e quella delle elitre è evidente. La reticolazione 
è netta su tutto il corpo, sull’addome a maglie molto trasverse. Edeago 140-141, sesto 
urotergo libero del à fig. 139. 

COMPARAZIONI. A motivo della presenza di vari dettagli della struttura del- 
l’edeago, la nuova specie probabilmente è affine ad A. xinlongensis Pace, 1998, pure 
della Cina. Differisce da essa per avere una più forte armatura genitale interna del- 
l’edeago che è nettamente più largo di quello di xinlongensis nella regione preapicale, 
in visione ventrale. Il margine posteriore del sesto urotergo libero del d della nuova 
specie, inoltre, è ondulato, mentre è quadrilobato in xinlongensis. 

Atheta (Datomicra) stenotheca sp. n. Figg. 143-147 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, for. above camp 2, 2800 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 5.VII.1998, leg 1998 China Expedition J. Farcaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, 
A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 14 es., stessa provenienza; 45 es., China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 
13.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno; antenne brune con i 
due antennomeri basali e la base del terzo giallo-rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La 
granulosità del capo è fine e distinta e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella 
del pronoto è distinta e quella delle elitre è svanita. La reticolazione del capo e del 
pronoto è netta, quella delle elitre è distinta e quella dell’addome è molto svanita, 
composta di maglie molto trasverse. Edeago figg. 144-145, sesto urotergo libero del 4 
fig. 146, spermateca fig. 147. 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie ha forma simile a quella di A. 
dalijiamontis Pace, 1998, pure della Cina, il cui d è sconosciuto. La parte apicale del 
bulbo distale della spermateca della nuova specie, tuttavia, è nettamente corta, mentre 
è lunga e lievemente ricurva in dalijiamontis e le elitre della nuova specie sono molto 
più lunghe del pronoto (poco più lunghe in dalijiamontis). 

Atheta (Datomicra) latifalcifera sp. n. Figg. 148-151 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3300 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
14.VII.1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farcaë, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 
Paratypus: 1 d, stessa provenienza. 

500 R. PACE 

Fico. 134-141 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e sesto urotergo libero del d. 134-137: Atheta 
(Datomicra) falcifera sp. n.; 138-141: Atheta (Datomicra) pertinens sp. n. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,6 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con primo urotergo libero 
rossiccio; antenne brune con i due antennomeri basali rossicci; zampe rossicce. La 
granulosità del capo è fine e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella del 
pronoto è pure fine ed evidente, quella delle elitre è superficiale. La reticolazione del 
capo e del pronoto è nettissima, quella delle elitre è distinta e quella dell’addome è 


0,1 mm 


1 mm 

0,1 mm 


FIGG. 142-148 

Spermateca, habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e sesto urotergo libero del ¢. 142: 
Atheta (Datomicra) parainopinata Pace, 1998; 143-147: Atheta (Datomicra) stenotheca sp. n.; 
148-151: Atheta (Datomicra) latifalcifera sp. n. 

svanita, composta di maglie molto trasverse. Edeago figg. 149-150, sesto urotergo 
libero del à fig. 151. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è simile a quello di A. graffa Pace, 
1998, pure della Cina, per cui sono molto probabili le affinità tassonomiche. Nella 
nuova specie, tuttavia, un pezzo dell’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago è forte- 

502 R. PACE 

Fico. 149-155 

Edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, sesto urotergo libero del d e habitus. 149-151: Atheta 
(Datomicra) latifalcifera sp. n.; 152-155: Atheta (Datomicra) mesofalcifera sp. n. 

mente sviluppata e robusta, mentre il corrispondente in graffa è relativamente esile. Il 
margine posteriore del sesto urotergo libero del & della nuova specie è quadrilobato, 
mentre in graffa è bilobato e inciso a metà. 


Atheta (Datomicra) mesofalcifera sp. n. Figg. 152-155 

Holotypus ¢, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 
24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farcaë and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 16, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4000-4100 m, 23.VI.1996, 
leg. A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,0 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con elitre bruno-rossicce 
e uroterghi liberi terzo a quinto neri; antenne brune con i quattro antennomeri basali 
giallo-rossicci; zampe gialle. La granulosità del capo è distinta e assente sulla fascia 
longitudinale mediana, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è saliente. La reticolazione 
dell’avancorpo è netta, quella dell’addome è distinta, composta di maglie molto 
trasverse. Edeago figg. 153-154, sesto urotergo libero del d fig. 155. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago la nuova specie è molto probabilmente 
strettamente affine ad A. xinlongensis Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Se ne distingue per 
l’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago più forte e per l’apice dell’edeago, in visione 
ventrale, largo, quasi tronco e non appuntito e stretto come quello di xinlongensis. Il 
margine posteriore del sesto urotergo libero del 4 è ondulato nella nuova specie e 
quadrilobato in xinlongensis. 

Atheta (Datomicra) hamifera sp. n. Figg. 156-159 

Holotypus d, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 14.VII. 
1998, leg. 1998 China Expedition J. Farcac, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 1 d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3200 m, 
7.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana; 1 d, China, Sichuan, Kangding (formerly Tatsienlu), 2900 m, 
2.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,4 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre brune; antenne 
nere con i due antennomeri basali rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La granulosità del 
capo è superficiale, quella del pronoto è saliente e quella delle elitre è superficiale. La 
reticolazione del capo è netta, quella del pronoto è nettissima, quella delle elitre è 
distinta e quella dell’addome è molto svanita, composta di maglie molto trasverse. 
Edeago figg. 157-158, sesto urotergo libero del S fig. 159. 

COMPARAZIONI. A motivo di più di un carattere, l’edeago della nuova specie è 
simile a quello di A. regressa Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. La parte apicale di 
quest’organo, in visione ventrale, è stretta e molto più lunga del bulbo basale; due sono 
le spine dell’armatura genitale interna dell’edeago ed altro. L’edeago della nuova 
specie, tuttavia, è nettamente più arcuato al lato ventrale e una delle due spine dell’ar- 
matura genitale interna dell’edeago si è trasformata in un lunghissimo e forte pezzo 

Atheta (Oreostiba) micromega sp. n. Figg. 160-161 

Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Moxi, 1600 m, 29°13N-102°10E, 2.VII.1998, leg. 1998 
China Expedition J. Farcac, D. Kral, J. Schneider, A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 1,9 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con pronoto bruno-ros- 
siccio e uroterghi liberi primo e secondo e pigidio giallo-rossicci; antenne nero-brune 
con antennomero basale rossiccio; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo € 
fitta e distinta. La granulosita del pronoto è finissima, quella delle elitre è distinta. La 
reticolazione del capo, delle elitre e dell’addome è molto svanita, quella del pronoto è 

504 R. PACE 

Fico. 156-161 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, sesto urotergo libero del 9 e spermateca. 156-159: 
Atheta (Datomicra) hamifera sp. n.; 160-161: Atheta (Oreostiba) micromega sp. n. 

assente. Le maglie della reticolazione dell’addome sono poco trasverse. Spermateca 
fig. 161. 

COMPARAZIONI. La forma della spermateca della nuova specie ricorda da vicino 
quella di A. sibirica Mäklin, 1880 (vedi Brundin, 1940), del nord della Siberia. Il bulbo 


Fico. 162-167 

Habitus e spermateca. 162-163: Arheta (Oreostiba) shanicola Pace; 164-165: Atheta (Oreostiba) 
transcripta sp. n.; 166-167: Atheta (Oreostiba) mimomonticola sp. n. 

distale, tuttavia, è nettamente flesso nella nuova specie e la parte prossimale descrive 
una sinuosità. Inoltre, sibirica ha taglia corporea di 3,0 mm. 
Atheta (Oreostiba) transcripta sp. n. Figg. 164-165 

Holotypus 2, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

506 R. PACE 

Paratypus: 1 9, China, Sichuan, Kangding (formely Tatsienlu), 2900 m, 2.VII.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con elitre bruno-rossicce; 
antenne brune con i tre antennomeri basali giallo-rossicci; zampe gialle. La granulosità 
del capo è fine, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione del capo e 
del pronoto è netta, quella delle elitre è svanita e quella dell’addome è distinta, 
quest’ultima composta di maglie molto trasverse. Spermateca fig. 165. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie per la forma della spermateca è simile ad 
A. sibirica Mäklin, 1880 (vedi Brundin, 1940), del nord della Siberia, ma la parte 
intermedia dello stesso organo non descrive un ampio arco come in sibirica ed è pre- 
sente nella nuova specie un’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca, 
assente in sibirica. 

Atheta (Oreostiba) mimomonticola sp. n. Figg. 166-167 

Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3100 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 8.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucidissimo e nero-bruno, con uroterghi 
liberi terzo e quarto neri; antenne nere, con i due antennomeri basali e la base del terzo 
rossicci; zampe giallo-brune. La punteggiatura del capo è ombelicata e svanita: La 
granulosità del pronoto è distinta, quella delle elitre è poco evidente. La reticolazione 
del capo è assente, quella del pronoto è superficiale, quella delle elitre è netta e quella 
dell’addome è distinta, quest’ultima a maglie molto trasverse. Spermateca fig. 167. 

COMPARAZIONI. La forma della spermateca della nuova specie è simile a quella 
di A. monticala Thomson, 1852, diffusa nell’Europa centrale e settentrionale, ma 
appartenente al sottogenere Bessobia Thomson, 1858, per avere quattro solchi trasversi 
basali degli uroterghi liberi. È simile pure alla spermateca di A. yonghicola Pace, 1998, 
pure della Cina, ma questa specie presenta occhi più corti delle tempie e la parte prossi- 
male della spermateca più lunga, tanto che descrive due sinuosità, invece di una come 
nella nuova specie. 

Atheta (Atheta) paralaevicauda sp. n. Figg. 168-169 

Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 ?, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
7.V11.1996, leg A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero; antenne nere con l’anten- 
nomero basale nero-bruno; zampe giallo-brune. La punteggiatura del capo è fine e dis- 
tinta, quella del pronoto è poco evidente. La granulosità delle elitre è poco distinta. La 
reticolazione del capo e delle elitre è svanita, quella del pronoto è molto superficiale e 
quella dell'addome è assente. Spermateca fig. 169. 

COMPARAZIONI. A motivo della forma della spermateca, la nuova specie è molto 
affine ad A. laevicauda Sahlberg, 1876, specie boreoalpina europea. Se ne distingue 
per la parte intermedia della spermateca coperta di tubercoli in modo più esteso e la 
parte prossimale più lunga. Inoltre, la sutura delle elitre è più lunga del pronoto (lieve- 
mente più corta in /aevicauda), il quarto antennomero è più lungo che largo (trasverso 
in laevicauda) e il quinto urotergo libero non è reticolato (reticolato in laevicauda). 


1 mm 


RE re Di 

Peril ele rés 
Siléa) rit 

1 mm 

171 172 

FIGG. 168-173 

Habitus, spermateca, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e labio con palpo labiale. 168-169: 
Atheta (Atheta) paralaevicauda sp. n.; 170-173: Atheta (Ekkliatheta subg. n.) aniiensis sp. n. 

Ekkliatheta subg. n. di Atheta 

TYPUS SUBGENERIS. Atheta (Ekkliatheta) aniiensis sp. n. 

DESCRIZIONE. A motivo della presenza del primo tarsomero posteriore più lungo 
dell’immediatamente successivo la nuova specie poteva essere ipoteticamente essere 
attribuita al genere Gnypeta Thomson, 1858, ma questo genere comprende specie con 

508 R. PACE 

ligula divisa fin quasi alla sua base che è stretta e non larga come quella del nuovo 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. Il nome femminile del nuovo sottogenere significa «Atheta 

Atheta (Ekkliatheta subgen. n.) anüensis sp. n. Figg. 170-173 

Holotypus d, China, Zhejiang Prov., Anii County, ca. 500 m, Long Wan Shan N.R., 
14.V.1996, leg. J. Cooter (IRSN). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre giallo-brune; 
antenne interamente nere; zampe nero-brune con tarsi di un giallo sporco e ginocchia 
bruno-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è molto svanita e assente sulla fascia longi- 
tudinale mediana, quella del pronoto è fittissima e svanita e quella delle elitre è fitta e 
superficiale. La reticolazione del capo, dell’addome e delle elitre è distinta, quella del 
pronoto è molto svanita è distinta è distinta, sull’addome a maglie molto trasverse. Il 
disco del capo è largamente concavo. Il pronoto presenta un appiattimento mediano. 
Edeago figg. 171-172, labio con palpo labiale fig. 173. 

COMPARAZIONI. La ligula a base larga isola la nuova specie dalle restanti del 
genere appartenenti ad altri sottogeneri che presentano ligula assai ristretta alla base. 
Pertanto è qui proposto il nuovo sottogenere di Arheta. 

Nepalota fellowesi sp. n. Figg. 174-177 

Holotypus d, China, Guandong, Da Wu Ling, 1600 m, 26.IV.1997, leg. J. Fellowes 

Paratypi: 2 2 2, stessa provenienza. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con margine 
posteriore degli uroterghi liberi rossiccio; antenne brune, con i due antennomeri basali 
giallo-rossicci e l'undicesimo rossiccio; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del 
capo è fine e svanita e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana. La granulosità del 
pronoto è superficiale e quella delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione del capo è super- 
ficiale, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è distinta e quella dell’addome è assente. 
Edeago figg. 175-176, spermateca fig. 177. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago, la nuova specie si differenzia chiara- 
mente dalle specie note, poiché esso è ampiamente arcuato al lato ventrale e l'armatura 
genitale interna dell’edeago è del tutto differente. La forma della spermateca non si 
osserva uguale o simile in altre specie. 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. La nuova specie è dedicata al suo raccoglitore, l’inglese 
J. Fellowes. 

Nepalota guangdongensis sp. n. Figg. 178-179 

Holotypus 9, China, Guandong Pr, Ding Hu Shan, Biosphere R.,6.V.1998, leg. 
J. Fellowes (IRSN). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,5 mm. Corpo lucido e rossiccio, con capo nero, pronoto 
giallo-rossiccio e metà posteriore del quarto urotergo libero bruno-rossiccio e una 
macchia bruna ai lati di ciascun urotergo libero al suo angolo posteriore; antenne 
rossicce con il primo antennomero basale e l’undicesimo giallo-rossicci; zampe giallo- 




0,1 mm 

Fico. 174-178 

Habitus, edeago in visione laterale e ventrale e spermateca. 174-177: Nepalota fellowesi sp. n.; 
178: Nepalota guangdongensis sp. n. 

rossicce con ginocchia rossicce. La granulosità del capo è fine e assente sulla fascia 
longitudinale mediana, quella del pronoto è superficiale e quella delle elitre è distinta. 
La reticolazione del capo è svanita, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è distinta. 
Spermateca fig. 179. 

510 R. PACE 

RAR ba 



FIGG. 179-185 

Spermateca, habitus ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 179: Nepalota guangdongensis sp. 
n.; 180-182: Paraloconota puella sp. n.; 183-184: Paraloconota yonghaiensis Pace figg.; 185: 
Paraloconota dalijiamontis sp. n. 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca della nuova specie presenta una robusta intro- 
flessione apicale del bulbo distale e la parte prossimale bisinuata. Per questi caratteri si 
mostra affine a N. gansuensis Pace, 1998 e N. chinensis Pace, 1998, entrambe della 
Cina. La nuova specie se ne distingue per avere la parte distale della stessa spermateca 


nettamente più lunga e la parte prossimale corta e non dilatata apicalmente, non 
raggiungente la metà della sua parte intermedia (raggiungendola o superandola nelle 
due specie a confronto). 

Paraloconota puella sp. n. Figg. 180-182 

Holotypus d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farac & P. Kabatek (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,7 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, comprese le antenne e le 
zampe. La punteggiatura del capo è molto superficiale, assente sulla fascia longitu- 
dinale mediana, quella del pronoto e delle elitre è indistinta. La granulosità dell’ad- 
dome è evanescente. La reticolazione del capo, delle elitre e dell'addome è distinta, 
quella del pronoto è superficiale. Il pronoto presenta un debole e largo solco mediano 
posteriore. Edeago figg. 181-182. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago, la nuova specie si mostra affine a 
P. montium Pace, 1998, ma l’apice dell’edeago della nuova specie è stretto e inciso a 
metà e non assai largo e intero come in montium. 

Paraloconota dalijiamontis sp. n. Figg. 185-187 

Holotypus d, China, Gansu, Dalijia Shan, 46 km W Linxia, 2980 m, 10.VII.1994, leg. 
A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,1 mm. Corpo lucido e nero; antenne bruno-rossicce con 
l’antennomero basale bruno; zampe bruno-rossicce, con tarsi rossicci. La punteggia- 
tura del capo e del pronoto non è ben distinta, quella delle elitre è indistinta. La reti- 
colazione del capo e del pronoto è nettissima, quella delle elitre è distinta, ma composta 
di maglie alquanto confuse e quella dell'addome è distinta, composta di maglie 
trasverse. Il capo presenta una larga depressione discale e il pronoto mostra un largo 
solco mediano, assente in avanti. Edeago figg. 186-187. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie per la forma dell’edeago è tassonomicamente 
assai vicina a P. gansuensis Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Se ne distingue per avere 
l’apice dell’edeago con concavità ventrale e soprattutto per la robusta e ricurva 
armatura genitale interna dell’edeago. 

Oroekklina smetanai sp. n. Figg. 190-193 

Holotypus 4, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 4050 m, 27°49N-99°34E, 
24.VI.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypus: 1 2, China, N Yunnan, Xue Shan, nr. Zhongdian, 3900 m, 25.VI.1996, leg. 
A. Smetana. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 1,8 mm. Corpo lucido e nero-bruno, con addome nero; 
antenne nero-brune; zampe bruno-rossicce. La granulosità del capo è superficiale e 
assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana, quella del pronoto e dell’addome è distinta 
e quella delle elitre è saliente. La reticolazione del capo è evanescente sul disco e 
assente ai lati, quella del pronoto, delle elitre e dell’addome è distinta, a maglie di reti- 
colazione trasverse sull’addome. Edeago figg. 191-192, spermateca fig. 193. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è strettamente arcuato al lato 
ventrale e l’apice, in visione ventrale, è diviso in due parti larghe e gradualmente 
ristrette: Per questi caratteri è nettamente distinta da O. daxuensis Pace, 1999, pure 

512 R. PACE 

1 mm 

ER (o 
Li) Reso: 



Fico. 186-193 

Edeago in visione laterale e ventrale, habitus e spermateca. 186-187: Paraloconota dalijiamontis 
sp. n.; 188-189: Paraloconota gansuensis Pace, 1998; 190-193: Oroekklina smetanai sp. n. 

della Cina, che presenta edeago ampiamente bisinuato al lato ventrale e l’apice, in 
visione ventrale, diviso in due parti strette e arcuate (vedi Assing, 2002b). 

DERIVATIO NOMINIS. La nuova specie è dedicata a colui che con la sue ricerche 
ha maggiormente contribuito alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae della Cina, il Dr. 
A. Smetana di Ottawa, noto studioso di Staphylinidae. 


Ficc. 194-199 

Habitus ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 194-196: Emmelostiba granulosa sp. n.; 197- 
199: Emmelostiba bellicosa sp. n. 

Emmelostiba granulosa sp. n. Figg. 194-196 

Holotypus é, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

Paratypi: 2 d d, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, head of glacier 1, 2850 m, 
9.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték. 

514 R. PACE 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,4 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; 
antenne brune; zampe bruno-rossicce. La granulositä del capo € molto superficiale, 
quella del pronoto e delle elitre è fitta ed evanescente e quella dell’addome è saliente. 
La reticolazione del capo è netta, quella del pronoto e dell’addome è distinta e fine. 
Edeago figg. 195-196. 

COMPARAZIONI. Per la forma dell’edeago la nuova specie è avvicinabile unica- 
mente a E. pretiosa Pace, 1985, dell’ India, ma quest’ultima specie presenta elitre molto 
più corte del pronoto, oltre a un edeago molto più piccolo. 

Emmelostiba bellicosa sp. n. Figg. 197-199 

Holotypus 6, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3050 m, 
29°35N-102°00E, 6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,9 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con omeri bruno-rossicci 
e quarto urotergo libero nero e iridescente; antenne brune con i tre antennomeri basali 
giallo-rossicci e il quarto rossiccio; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo è 
molto superficiale e assente sulla fascia longitudinale mediana. La granulosità del 
pronoto è fine e distinta, quella delle elitre è evanescente. La reticolazione del capo è 
assente, quella del pronoto è molto svanita, quella delle elitre è distinta e quella 
dell’addome è molto superficiale. Edeago figg. 197-198. 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie è dilatato all’apice, in visione 
laterale, come in E. franzi Pace, 1982, del Nepal. Questa specie, tuttavia, presenta elitre 
molto più corte del pronoto, armatura genitale interna dell’edeago debole e minore 
dilatazione apicale, in visione laterale. Nonostante queste notevoli differenze, l’affinitä 
tassonomica tra esse va ritenuta piuttosto certa. 

Alevonota pulchricornis sp. n. Figg. 200-202 

Holotypus d, Sichuan, Moxi, 1600 m, 29°13N-102°10E, 2.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,6 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con margine posteriore dei 
due uroterghi liberi basali rossicci; antenne rossicce con l’antennomero basale bruno e 
il secondo e il terzo bruno-rossicci; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo € 
appena distinta, quella del pronoto é finissima e assai superficiale. La granulosita delle 
elitre è evanescente. La reticolazione del capo è superficiale, quella del pronoto è molto 
svanita, quella delle elitre e dell’addome è distinta, a maglie poligonali irregolari 
sull’addome. Il capo presenta un debole solco mediano. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie è ben distinta da A. sericata Pace, 1998, pure 
della Cina, per l’edeago di maggiori dimensioni, con armatura genitale interna netta- 
mente differente. 

Alevonota sinensis sp. n. Figg. 203-205 

Holotypus 3, Chine, Guanxi, Massif de Yuanpao-Shan, 500-1300 m, 11-13.VIII.1994, 
leg. Marc Tronquet (IRSN). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,7 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno, con capo nero-bruno e i 
due uroterghi liberi basali e pigidio giallo-bruni; antenne rossicce con i quattro anten- 
nomeri basali nero-bruni; zampe giallo-rossicce. La punteggiatura del capo e del 


Ficc. 200-205 

Habitus ed edeago in visione laterale e ventrale. 200-202: Alevonota pulchricornis sp. n.; 
203-205: Alevonota sinensis Sp. n.; 

pronoto è rada e quasi indistinta. La granulosità delle elitre è fine e molto evanescente. 
La reticolazione del capo, delle elitre e dell'addome è distinta, quella del pronoto è 

lievemente evanescente, a maglie poligonali irregolari sull’addome. Edeago figg. 

516 R. PACE 

COMPARAZIONI. L’edeago della nuova specie possiede l’armatura genitale 
interna nettamente differente, sia da quella di A. sericata Pace, 1998, pure della Cina, 
che da quella della nuova specie sopra descritta. 

Alevonota foedicornis sp. n. Figg. 206-207 

Holotypus 9, China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Leidongping, 2500 m, 29°32N-103°21E, 
18.VII.1996, leg. A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,0 mm. Corpo lucido e bruno scuro; addome bruno- 
rossiccio con base del quarto urotergo libero e base del quinto bruni; antenne giallo- 
rossicce con antennomero basale bruno; zampe giallo-rossicce. La granulosità del capo 
è debolmente saliente, quella del pronoto è netta e quella delle elitre è distinta. La 
reticolazione del capo è ben visibile, quella del pronoto è nettissima e quella delle elitre 
e dell'addome è evidente, a maglie lievemente trasverse sull’addome. Il pronoto 
presenta uno stretto solco mediano. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie presenta una spermateca simile a quella di A. 
subcorticalis (Cameron, 1939), comb. n. (olim Atheta (Traumoecia) subcorticalis 
Cameron, 1939: 315, holotypus 2 esaminato, olim Tomoglossa subcorticalis: Pace, 
1991: 835), dell’India. Se ne distingue per aver la parte intermedia della spermateca 
nettamente più breve della lunghezza del bulbo distale dello stesso organo, mentre in 
subcorticalis ha questa porzione nettamente più lunga del bulbo distale corrispondente. 
L’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca, inoltre, è forte nella nuova 
specie ed esile in subcorticalis e la taglia della spermateca della nuova specie è quasi 
il doppio maggiore che quella di subcorticalis. Pochi e sottili sono i caratteri differen- 
ziali esterni. 

Taxicera sinensis sp. n. Figg. 208-209 

Holotypus 9, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, head of glacier 1, 2850 m, 29°35N- 
102°00E, 9.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 2,6 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, comprese le antenne e le 
zampe con i tarsi. La punteggiatura del capo è distinta e assente sulla fascia longitu- 
dinale mediana, quella del pronoto è evidente e quella delle elitre è poco profonda. La 
reticolazione dell’avancorpo è netta, quella dell'addome è superficiale, composta di 
maglie trasverse sull’addome. Il pronoto presenta una depressione mediana posteriore. 
Spermateca fig. 209. 

COMPARAZIONI. Sia la spermateca. che molti caratteri esterni differenziano la 
nuova specie da 7. smetanai Pace, 1998, pure della Cina. Il bulbo distale della sper- 
mateca della nuova specie è più sviluppato, con introflessione apicale appena visibile 
(molto profonda in smetanai) e la parte prossimale dello stesso organo è robusta e pre- 
senta un’appendice, assente in smetanai. Il quarto antennomero è trasverso nella nuova 
specie e più lungo che largo in smetanai e il pronoto mostra due fossette mediane 
posteriori, invece di una, come in smetanai. 

Amidobia perconvexa sp. n. Figg. 210-211 

Holotypus ©, China, Sichuan, Gongga Shan, Hailuogou, above camp 3, 3000 m, 
6.VII.1996, leg A. Smetana, J. Farkac and P. Kabaték (MHNG). 


1 mm 

INN Sale Je 

1 mm 

0,1 mm 
0,1 mm 

209 210 

Fico. 206-211 

Habitus e spermateca. 206-207: Alevonota foedicornis sp. n.; 208-209: Taxicera sinensis sp. n.: 
210-211: Amidobia perconvexa sp. n. 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 3,1 mm. Avancorpo debolmente lucido, addome lucido. 
Corpo nero, con elitre e pigidio nero-bruni; antenne nere con i tre antennomeri basali 
rossicci; zampe rossicce. La granulosità del capo è poco distinta, quella del pronoto è 
evidente. La punteggiatura delle elitre è distinta. La reticolazione del capo e del 

518 R. PACE 

pronoto è netta, quella delle elitre è poco distinta e quella dell’addome è distinta, 
composta di maglie molto trasverse. Spermateca fig. 210. 

COMPARAZIONI. La spermateca distingue nettamente la nuova specie da A. 
smetanai Pace 1998, pure della Cina, innanzitutto per la taglia maggiore, di 1/4 più 
lunga. L’introflessione apicale del bulbo distale della spermateca della nuova specie ha 
base stretta, mentre quella di smetanai è larghissima e la parte intermedia della stessa 
spermateca è accentuatamente arcuata nella nuova specie e appena in smetanai. Le 
antenne della nuova specie, inoltre, sono bicolori nere con base rossiccia, mentre in 
smetanai sono unicolori nere. 

Amidobia ming sp. n. Figg. 212-213 

Holotypus 9, China, W Sichuan, 20 km N Sabdé, 3200 m, 29°35N-102°23E, 
14.VII.1998, leg. A. Smetana (MHNG). 

DESCRIZIONE. Lungh. 4,3 mm. Corpo lucido e nero, con elitre nero-brune; 
antenne nere; zampe rossicce con femori bruno-rossicci. La punteggiatura del capo è 
superficiale, anche sul disco, quella delle elitre è fine e poco evidente. La granulosità 
del pronoto è fine e distinta. La reticolazione del capo è evanescente, quella del pro- 
noto è distinta, quella delle elitre e dell’addome è netta, a maglie molto trasverse 
sull’addome. Spermateca fig. 213. 

COMPARAZIONI. La nuova specie è distinta da A. smetanai Pace, 1998, pure della 
Cina, per le elitre molto meno lunghe, ma soprattutto per la spermateca che è forte- 

0,1 mm 


FicG. 212-213 
Habitus e spermateca. 212-213: Amidobia ming sp. n. 


mente arcuata nella parte intermedia (appena situata in smetanai) e per l’introflessione 
apicale del bulbo distale della stessa spermateca assai meno larga alla base che quella 
di smetanai. 


Oltre alle sinonimie e alle nuove combinazioni segnalate sopra nel corso delle 
descrizioni, sono proposte le seguenti modifiche resesi necessarie grazie alla mia 
migliore conoscenza attuale della fauna delle Aleocharinae cinesi. 

Alevonota ocularis (Pace, 1991), comb. n. 
Tomoglossa ocularis Pace, 1991: 835 

Alevonota nepalensis (Pace, 1987), comb. n. 
Ousipalia nepalensis Pace, 1987: 404 

Alevonota basicornis (Pace, 1985), comb. n. 

Schistoglossa basicornis Pace, 1985: 105 
Tomoglossa basicornis: Pace, 1991: 835 

Alevonota venusta (Pace, 1984), comb. n. 
Ousipalia venusta Pace, 1984: 318 

Alevonota franziana, nom. n., comb. n. 
Tomoglossa franzi Pace, 1991: 833 
(nec Alevonota franzi (Palm, 1976), Assing, 2002c: 63, olim Sipalia franzi Palm, 1976: 
Emmelostiba xinjiangensis Pace, nom. n., comb. n. 
Alevonota chinensis Pace, 1993: 110 
(nec Emmelostiba chinensis Pace, 1998: 440) 
Leucocraspedum Kraatz, 1859: 51 
Chariusa Pace, 2003: 166, syn. n. 
Irmaria Cameron, 1925: 48 
Syntemusa Pace, 2002: 232, syn. n. 

Irmaria kinabaluensis (Pace, 2002), comb. n. 
Syntemusa kinabaluensis Pace, 2002: 235 

Irmaria smetanai (Pace, 2002), comb. n. 
Syntemusa smetanai Pace, 2002: 235 

Cordalia chinensis Pace, 1993: 82 
Cordalia permutata Assing 2002a: 5, syn. n. 

Va rilevato che la prima pubblicazione delle spermateca e dell’habitus di Cordalia 
vestita (Boheman, 1858) è del 1992 (Pace, 1992: 243). Assing (2002a) non ne fa cenno. 

Atlantostiba Pace, 1994: 72, genus bonum 
Alevonota Thomson, 1858, sensu Assing, 2002: 63, partim 

Imprudentemente Assing ha messo in sinonimia Atlantostiba Pace, 1994, senza un’ac- 
curata analisi dei caratteri distintivi tra Alevonota e questo genere, riservandosi di af- 
fermare solo «...the former (Atlantostiba) is a junior secondary homonym of the latter 

520 R. PACE 

(Sipalia franzi Palm)». Non solo, ma non ha pubblicato la forma della spermateca di 
Atlantostiba franzi Pace, un fatto eccezionale questo perché Assing pubblica sempre 
edeago o spermateca di specie recentemente da me descritte e pure illustrate con la 
spermateca ed edeago, oltre che con l’habitus. Pongo qui a confronto i caratteri distin- 
tivi tra Alevonota e Atlantostiba. Ogni punto (*) significa presenza. 

Atlantostiba Alevonota 
Spermateca piegata a Z e 
Spermateca piegata a 7 e 
Pronoto poco trasverso e 
Pronoto ben trasverso ° 
Protibie setolose . 
Protibie spinulose ° 
Palpi labiali di 3 articoli ° 
Palpi labiali di 2 articoli ° 
Edeago con due appendici apicali ° 
Edeago senza appendici apicali ° 
Ligula a due lembi accostati e 
Ligula a due lembi separati e 

Atlantostiba franzi Pace, 1994: 74 
Alevonota pacei Assing, 2002c: 63, syn n. 

Leptusa anmashanensis Pace, 1996: 30 
Leptusa acuta Assing 2002d: 978, syn. n. 
L’edeago di L. acuta è pressoché sovrapponibile con esattezza a quello di L. an- 
mashanensis Pace. 
Melagria Casey, 1906: 230 
Euphorbagria Assing, 1997: 64, syn. n. 

La spermateca del genere Euphorbagria Assing ha forma tipica delle specie del genere 
Melagria Casey, diffuso anche nella regione etiopica. 

Atheta (Geostibops) floresensis Pace, nom. n. 

Atheta (Geostibops) aptera Israelson, 1985: 13, (nec Atheta (Microdota) aptera Pace, 
1984: 320) 


Per avermi affidato in studio il materiale oggetto del presente lavoro rivolgo i 
miei più cordiali ringraziamenti ai colleghi Dr. Ales Smetana di Ottawa, Guillaume de 
Rougemont di Londra. e Marc Tronquet di Molitg Les Bains (Francia). Per il prestito 
di tipi ringrazio il Dr. P. M. Hammond del Museo di Storia Naturale di Londra, il Dr. 
Lothar Zerche del D.E.I di Eberswalde e il Dr. Manfred Uhlig del Museo Zoologico 
dell’Università Humboldt di Berlino. 



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ASSING, V. 2002b. On some micropterous species of Athetini from Nepal and China (Coleoptera: 
Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Linzer biologische Beiträge 34(2): 953-969. 

ASSING, V. 2002c. On the Staphylinidae of the Canary Islands. IX. New synonyms and records, 
and a systematic rearrangement of some endogean and cavernicolous Aleocharinae 
(Coleoptera). Vieraea 30: 45-66. 

ASSING, V. 2002d. New species and records of Leptusa Kraatz from the Palaearctic region 
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BENICK, G. 1975. Neue Atheten (Col. Staphyl.) aus Deutschland und den zunächst gelegenen 
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Aleocharinae). Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 114: 147-158, 49 figg. 

Pace, R. 1983. Il genere Tropimenelytron Scheerpeltz (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) (XXXIX 
Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie 13: 185- 
190, 5 figg. 

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(Coleoptera Staphylinidae). (LIX Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). 
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522 R. PACE 

PACE, R. 1984b. Aleocharinae dell’Himalaya (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) (LI Contributo alla 
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20: 309-339, 181 figg. 

PACE, R. 1985a. Aleocharinae riportate dall’Himalaya dal Prof. Franz. Parte I (Coleoptera, 
Staphylinidae) (LII Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). Nouvelle Revue 
d’Entomologie (N.S.) 2: 91-105, 66 figg. 

PACE, R. 1985b. Aleocharinae dell’Himalaya raccolte da Guillaume de Rougemont (Coleoptera 
Staphylinidae) (LXX Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). Bollettino del 
Museo civico di Storia naturale di Verona 12: 165-191, 79 figg. 

PACE, R. 1987. Staphylinidae dell’Himalaya Nepalese. Aleocharinae raccolte dal Prof. Dr. 
J. Martens (Insecta: Coleoptera) (LXXI Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). 
Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg 93: 383-441, 210 figg. 

PACE, R. 1989. Monografia del genere Leptusa Kraatz (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) (LXXV 
Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). Memorie del Museo civico di Storia 
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PACE, R. 1990. Aleocharinae del Nepal (101° Contributo alla conoscenza delle Aleocharinae) 
(Coleoptera Staphylinidae. In: BERTI, N. (ed.). Miscellanées sur les Staphylins. 
Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (A) 2.47: 155-169, 52 figg. 

PACE, R. 1991a. Aleocharinae dello Yemen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (LXXIX Contributo alla 
conoscenza delle Aleocharinae). Bollettino del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Verona 
15: 125-150. 

PACE, R. 1991b. Aleocharinae nepalesi del Museo di Ginevra. Parte V: Athetini (conclusione) e 
Thamiaraeini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (111° Contributo alla conoscenza delle 
Aleocharinae). Revue suisse de Zoologie 98: 803-863. 

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PACE, R. 1996. Nuove specie di Leptusa Kr. di Taiwan. Monografia del Genere Leptusa Kraatz: 
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Aleocharinae). Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 128: 29-36, 18 figg. 

PACE, R. 1997. Specie del genere Leptusa in Cina. Monografia del Genere Leptusa Kraatz: 
Supplemento VII (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (137° Contributo alla conoscenza delle 
Aleocharinae). Revue suisse de Zoologie 104: 751-760, 22 figg. 

PACE, R. 1998a. Aleocharinae della Cina: Parte I (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Revue suisse de 
Zoologie 105: 139-220, 234 figg. 

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in ! te Bu 
a dee 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 525-538; septembre 2004 

A preliminary contribution to Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) 
and systematic status of Coluber atayevi Tunijev & Shammakov, 
1993 (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubrinae) 

Apartado postal 383, San Miguel de Allende, Gto. 37700, Republica Mexicana. 

A preliminary contribution to Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 1831) and 
systematic status of Coluber atayevi Tunijev & Shammakov, 1993. - 
External morphological features of Platyceps najadum and the distribution 
of this species in Iran and Turkmenistan are analysed. Based on morpho- 
logical characters and mtDNA sequence data (12S rDNA), Coluber atayevi 
Tunijev & Shammakov, 1993 is ranked as a subspecies of the Slender racer, 
P. najadum atayevi comb. n. This taxon seems to have a restricted dis- 
tribution in the Kopet Dag. 

Keywords: Platyceps najadum ssp. - Coluber atayevi - Iran - Kopet Dag - 
morphology - systematics - mtDNA. 


Eichwald (1831) described 7yria najadum from the vicinity of Baku in Azer- 
bajdzhan. Eichwald’s, or the Slender, racer is distributed from the eastern Adriatic 
Region (Dalmatia) to the Caucasus and northeastern Iran. Mertens & Müller (1928) 
referred this species to the genus Coluber auct. 

Schätti & McCarthy (2001) considered Tyria najadum Eichwald, 1831, 
Zamenis dahlii var. collaris Müller, 1878 (see Schätti et al., 2001), and Coluber (s. 1.) 
schmidtleri Schätti & McCarthy, 2001 to be closely related to Zamenis rhodorachis 
Jan, 1863 and allied taxa (see Schätti, 1993). The najadum group is a distinct evolu- 
tionary lineage within the monophyletic racer genus Platyceps Blyth, 1860 (Schätti & 
Utiger, 2001). 

Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) described Coluber atayevi on the basis of 
twenty-three specimens from the vicinity of Saivan in the “Bakharden Region” of 
Turkmenistan. They noted “significant morphological divergence” compared with 
“other representatives of the najadum-rubriceps complex” and concluded that their 
new taxon replaces the Slender racer in the “western and central Kopet-Dag”. 
Darevskij & Orlov (1994) questioned the validity of C. atayevi. Schätti & Utiger 
(2001) excluded this taxon from their systematic re-arrangement of Old World racer 
genera for want of morphological criteria allowing a clear distinction from Platyceps 
najadum. For the time being, Atajev’s racer parades under the operational term 
Coluber sensu lato. 

Manuscript accepted 06.04.2004 


This study investigates external morphological characters of Platyceps najad- 
um, with special emphasis on features considered to separate this species from Coluber 
(s. 1.) atayevi, and presents molecular (12S rDNA) data. 


The material used for this investigation was obtained from the following insti- 
tutions: The Natural History Museum [British Museum (Natural History)], London 
(BMNH), California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (CAS), Field Museum of 
Natural History, Chicago (FMNH), Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève (MHNG), 
Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), Museo civico di Storia naturale 
‘Giacomo Doria’, Genova (MSNG), National Museum, Department of Zoology, 
Prague (NMP), Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien (NMW), Forschungsinstitut und 
Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt on Main (SMF), Zoological Institute, Russian 
Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (ZISP), Institut für Systematische Zoologie [for- 
merly Zoologisches Museum], Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin 
(ZMB), and Zoologische Staatssammlung, München (ZSM). Further acronyms used in 
the text are CRS (Caucasian Reserve, Sochi, Krasnodar Region, Russia), MTKD 
(Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden), and RM (J. Robert Macey, Berkeley: 
field tags). 

The specimens from Iran and Turkmenistan examined for the purpose of this 
study are: BMNH 1920.3.20.3 (Gorgan, Golestan Province, 36°50’N 54°29’E, 9, 
Ingoldby); CAS 182948-50 (Turkmenistan: “environs of Saivan Village, Saivan- 
Nokhur Plateau, western Kopet-Dag, Bakharden Region”, d, 9 9, paratypes of 
Coluber atayevi), CAS 185185-86 and 185188-94 (“elev. 1200-1300 m, 38°30’N 
56°47’E, 2 km SE (airline) of Saivan, Ashgabad Region”, 5 4 4, ? ©, paratypes of C. 
atayevi), FMNH 141612 (Shahrabad [Shahrabad-e-Khavar], Khorasan, 37°30’N 
56°51’E, unsexed [tail completely truncated immediately behind anal scute], Street 
Expedition), FMNH 141649 (Chalus, Mazandaran, 36°40’N 51°25’E, juv. d, Street & 
Lay 1962); MHNG 1403.92 (Lar [Elburs], Teheran (Central) Province, 35°22’N 
49°42’E, 2), MHNG 1403.93 (Polur, Teheran, 35°52’N 52°03’E, 3), MHNG 2626.56 
(vic. of Mahniyah, Hamadan/Zanjan border, 35°31’N 49°05’E, 4); MNHN 3582 
(“Perse”, 6, Aucher-Eloy); MSNG 30313 (“Isphahan”, dg, Doria); NMP6V 35563 
(“50 km NNE Avaj”, Zanjan, approx. 35°34’N 49°13’E [Avaj], juv. 9); NMW 20138 
(“Pera, Khoi” [Khoy], West Azarbaijan, ca. 38°33’N 44°58’E, d, Zugmayer); SMF 
30095 (“Shahi” [Qa’emshar], Mazandaran, 36°28’N 52°53’E, 9), SMF 67214 (“Sarab 
bei Miyandoab”, West Azarbaijan, ca. 36°57’N 46°06’E [Miandowab], 9); ZISP 
13626 (Gorgan, juv., Kirichenko 1914 [in bad shape, ventral and subcaudal counts un- 
known]), ZISP 18624 (Turkmenistan: Firjuza, 37°56’N 58°04’E, © , Gorbunov 1973); 
ZMB 31841 (“Persisch Kurdistan”, 2); ZSM 6.1968 (Gok Shalu, Miandowab, 9), 
ZSM 55.1972 (“Tschalus” [Chalus Valley], Mazandaran, ca. 36°38’N 51°38’E, d). 

The morphological description of Platyceps najadum is based on data from 
roughly 250 specimens. A detailed analysis of this sample will be presented in a forth- 
coming study. The dorsal scale formula gives the number of longitudinal rows at the 
tenth ventral, at midbody (50% of the total number of ventrals) and in front of the anal 
scute. Reductions in the number of dorsal scale rows on the posterior part of the body 


are situated either ‘high’ (paravertebral or vertebral) or ‘low’ (lateral). Their position 
along the trunk is expressed in terms of ventrals and as a percentage of the total number 
thereof (%ven); these values are based on the mean of the right and left side counts. 
The tail / body ratio is the tail length divided by the snout-vent length, i.e., from the tip 
of the snout to the posterior border of the anal scute. 

For this paper, a partial sequence of the mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit 
(12S rRNA) was obtained from tissue samples of the following specimens: C. atayevi 
Tunijev & Shammakov CAS 185188 (RM 9545, 99% ethanol, liver), Platyceps kare- 
lini (Brandt) MHNG 2443.3 (frozen muscle), P. najadum (Eichwald) MHNG 2626.56 
(ibid.), and P. variabilis (Boulenger) MHNG 2456.71 (ibid.). The GenBank numbers 
are AY647231-34. The technique of DNA extraction as well as PCR and sequencing 
procedures are described in Utiger er al. (2002). The obtained data were added to those 
of Hemorrhois hippocrepis (L.) and seven Platyceps spp. (including two P. najadum) 
from an existing sequence file consisting of two partially analysed mitochondrial 
genes, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COD and 12S rRNA (Schätti & Utiger, 2001). 
For the new samples, only the latter gene region was investigated. The lacking COI 
characters were coded as missing. 

TABLE 1. Sequence properties and tree reconstruction parameters. 

gaps: missing gaps: 5th character state 
unweighted MP unweighted MP weighted MP 

Lenght of sequence alignment (COI/12S) 1116 (513/603) 1116 (513/603) 1116 (513/603) 

Total of variable characters (COI/12S) 308 (150/158) 317 (150/167) 317 (150/167) 
- parsimony-informative (COV12S) 191 (108/83) 197 (108/89) 197 (108/89) 
Number of most parsimonious trees 1 1 1 
Tree length 592 622 258.8 
Rescaled consistency index (RC) 0.32 0.316 0.708 

All phylogenetic analyses were performed with PAUP* version 4.0b10 for Mac 
(Swofford, 1998), and the weighted maximum parsimony (MP) analysis is described 
in Utiger et al. (2002) and Utiger & Schätti (2004). Gaps in the 12S rDNA sequence 
were treated as fifth character state. After a first run with heuristic search and tree-bi- 
section reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, characters were weighted with the 
rescaled consistency index (RC, Farris, 1989) and a second heuristic search was per- 
formed. Nonparametric bootstrap values (Felsenstein, 1985) with 1000 replicates were 
calculated for both character types (see Discussion). 



Platyceps najadum has eight or nine supralabials, the fourth and fifth or fifth 
and sixth entering the eye; with the exception of MNHN 3582 from “Perse” (Duméril 
et al., 1854), all Iranian specimens examined as well as an individual from 
Turkmenistan (ZISP 18624) have eight supralabials. The preocular and anterior sub- 
ocular are single; posterior subocular scales are absent. The number, size and arrange- 


ment of the temporals is highly variable; usually, there are two anterior and three 
posterior scales; in most cases, the lower anterior temporal is larger than the upper. 
Fragmentation of the temporals is noted in the type series of Coluber najadum 
albitemporalis Darevskij & Orlov, 1994. 

Usually, there are ten (nine to eleven) sublabials, the anterior four or five in 
contact with the first chin shield (inframaxillary), which is shorter and slightly broader 
than the posterior. Normally, the posterior pair of chin shields is separated anteriorly 
by one or two granular scales and two or three rows caudally. However, the size and 
number of the scales separating the posterior chin shields is highly variable; in some 
specimens, the latter are in contact for almost their whole length as, for instance, in 
ZSM 55.1972. 






Fic. 1 
Ventral head scales of Platyceps n. najadum ZSM 55.1972 (left) and ZSM 48.1918 (right). 

Platyceps najadum has 205-236 (4 4 205-225, 9 © 208-236) ventrals and 100- 
140 (6 & 100-140, 2 © 103-137) paired subcaudals; the anal scute is paired. There are 
207-236 (3 d 207-222, 2 2 219-236) ventrals and 107-133 (6 d 109-132, 2 2 107- 
133) subcaudals in specimens from Iran. 

Generally, the highest ventral counts are recorded in eastern Anatolia and 
adjacent regions (including SMF 67214). The minimum for subcaudals (100) in 
specimens with complete tails was registered in ZISP 14092 from Sochi (Krasnodar). 
Strauch (1873) and Nikolskij (1916) noted 98 subcaudals in the “Kaukasus” (no. 1741, 
“Dr. Höft, 1844”) and 99 for a specimen from the Transcaspian Region. Considerably 
lower subcaudal counts reported, for instance, by Latifi (1991) and Darevskij & 
Szczerbak (1993) are probably from individuals with incomplete tails. 


Platyceps najadum normally has 19-19-15 or 19-19-13 dorsal scale rows. Both 
patterns are found in specimens from the southern border of the Caspian Sea to northern 
Khorasan. The reduction pattern in two females (MHNG 1403.92, SMF 30095) is 
‘high-low’ or ‘low-high’ at 61-89%ven; ZSM 55.1972, a male with 13 dorsal scale rows 
prior to the anal scute, has the reductions ‘low-high-high’ at 61-62% (first and second) 
and 85%ven (third); FMNH 141612 (unsexed, see Material and Methods) shows the 
sequence ‘low-high’ at 61-64%ven; ZISP 18624 (2) from the Kopet Dag (Firjuza) has 
two reductions involving low (first) and high (second) levels at 64-65%ven. 

The maximum total length reported for Platyceps najadum is approx. 140 cm 
(Cattaneo, 2001). The longest male examined, i.e., MHNG 1358.72 from Zadar 
(Dalmatia), attains 920 + 395 mm. The maximum snout-vent length in females is 
913 mm in MHNG 2447.68 from Mt. Ararat, Turkey (tail incomplete). The body is 
slender and the tail / body length ratio in adults at least 0.32 (2 2) to 0.34 (dd); in 
Anatolia some specimens, e.g., CAS 105234 (9) from the vicinity of Anamur, attain 
values of 0.50. 

Head, body, and tail are generally olive, light brownish, or faint grey. The 
supralabials, preocular, and postoculars are white or yellowish. Often, there is a dark 
spot below the eye or an oblique stripe running from the lower border of the orbit to 
the temporal region. The lateral portion of the neck and forebody shows conspicuous 
white-edged ocelli or blotches with dark (black to dark olive) centres; these markings 
may be replaced by, or mixed with, narrow bars on the anterior flanks. Size and dis- 
tinctiveness of the posterior lateral markings reduce progressively, and the light edges 
of the ocelli and blotches are absent. The anterior lateral markings may be confluent 
mid-dorsally forming transverse bands. The chin, venter, and underside of the tail are 
uniform light (white, cream, or yellowish). Mertens (1940) noted a brick red (“ziegel- 
rot”) hue of the posterior subcaudals in SMF 30095. 

Populations with two large and conspicuous milky dots on the nape occur in the 
vicinity of Lenkoran and Archivan, southern Azerbajdzhan (Coluber najadum 
albitemporalis Darevskij & Orlov). 

Specimens having one or several cross-bands on the nape and neck are recorded 
from Anatolia, Syria, and Iraq to the Caucasus and Turkmenistan (e.g., BMNH 
1920.3.20.3, MHNG 1403.92, NMP6V 35563, ZISP 18624, and ZSM 6.1968). In the 
eastern part of the distribution range occur individuals with a dorsal colour pattern 
composed of fine black spots behind the neck that may extend onto midbody as exem- 
plified by NMW 20138, SMF 30095, and ZSM 55.1972. Specimens virtually devoid 
of any dorsal markings are known from various areas and seem to be common in 
central western Iran (e.g., MHNG 2626.56, MSNG 30313). 


Platyceps najadum lives from Dalmatia across the southern Balkans, the Ionian 
and Aegean islands including Lefkada [Levkäs] and Lipsos (new records), Anatolia, 
the Levant south to Lebanon and the Syrian lava desert, Iraq, the Caucasus north to the 
Krasnodar Region and Dagestan, Azerbajdzhan, northern Iran, and in the Kopet Dag, 
Turkmenistan (e.g., Strauch, 1873; Baran, 1976; Bannikov er al., 1977; Darevskij & 
Szczerbak, 1993). 


Based on the catalogue entries of the St. Petersburg herpetological collection, Ananjeva 
and Orlov (1977) concluded that a juvenile specimen (ZISP 11151) collected in 1910 by K. 
A. Satunin at “Derbel in Caucaso” (Nikolskij, 1916: 93) came from Dzhebel (39°38’N 54°14’E) 
in the Bolshoj Balkhan area, Turkmenistan. Probably following these authors, Szczerbak & 
Golubev (1981) mentioned this individual from the Transcaspian Region. However, ZISP 11151 
is from Derbent (42°03’N 48°18’E) in Dagestan (Nikolskij, 1916: 94). 

In Iran, Platyceps najadum is reported from large parts of the western mountain 
region (e.g., MHNG 2626.56, NMP6V 35563) south to Esfahan Province (Blanford, 
1876: MSNG 30313), and the Caspian Region (e.g., SMF 30095, Qa’emshar). 
Northeastern records and collecting sites include BMNH 1920.3.20.3 and ZISP 13626 
from Gorgan (Baran, 1976; Ananjeva & Orlov, 1977), FMNH 141612 (Shahrabad, N 
Khorasan), Emamrud (“Shakhrud”, 36°25’N 54°58’E, ca. 1200-1500 m a.s.l.) in 
Semnan Province, “Kent-Parsian” between 36°22’-37°15’N and 55°25’-56°45’E (fide 
Adamec, 1981) as well as Darreh Gaz and Quchan (Fig. 2) in northern Khorasan 
(Kessler, 1872; Derjugin, 1905; Latifi, 1991). The southern distribution limit is not 
well documented (see below). 

Apart from an unspecified record from the Transcaspian Region (leg. Matvejev 
1904) quoted by Czarevskij (1915), Platyceps najadum is recorded from Mt. Khozly 
and Kara Kala settlement to as far east as the Gaudan Valley (Ashkhabad - Quchan 
road) separating the central and eastern Kopet Dag (Fig. 2), between ca. 400 m (Kara 
Kala) to 27000 m on Mt. Dushak (Varenczov, 1894; Ananjeva & Orlov, 1977; 
Rustamov & Shammakov, 1979; Szczerbak & Golubev, 1981; Szczerbak et al., 1986; 
Starkov, 1988; Atajev & Shammakov, 1990; Atajev ef al., 1991, 1994). The map 
(Fig. 2) does not include three records from Turkmenistan, i.e., a specimen collected 
by Bilkevich near “Ashkhabad” (Nikolskij, 1905), probably a vague origin, and two 
unlocated places, “Garrygala” and “Imarat” (Atajev et al., 1991, 1994). 

Besides Derjugin’s (1905) record from “Kent-Parsian” in the border area of 
Semnan and Khorasan Provinces (see above), various specimens mentioned from the 
Irano-Turkmenian border region are presumably lost (see Ananjeva & Orlov, 1977). 
This is, for instance, the case with an individual obtained at “Ashkhabad” (37°57’N 
58°23’E, see above) or Varenczov’s (1894) material (determined by N. M. Kulagin, 
fide Nikolskij, 1905) collected near km 20 along the road from Ashkhabad to the 
Gaudan pass (37°37’N 58°24’E) and at “Suluklju”. New observations from 1400-1500 
m near Suljukli in Germob District (Sczcerbak et al., 1986: “Germab”, see Fig. 2) were 
reported by Szczerbak & Golubev (1981). 

Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) did not cite, for instance, the occurrence of the 
Slender racer near the Arvaz pass at above 1800 m a.s.l. (active at 8°C) and in the 
vicinity of Kénekesir (Kojnja-Kasyr, “Kojne-Kesyr”) reported by Atajev & 
Shammakov (1990) and Starkov (1988), respectively (Fig. 2). Atajev er al. (1994) 
reported the species from “Garrygala” west of Mt. Dushak (see above). Further pu- 
blications dealing with the herpetofauna of Turkmenistan such as, for instance, 
Bobrinski (1923), Bogdanov (1962), Shammakov (1971), Rustamov & Shammakov 
(1982), or Shammakov er al. (1993) do not procure any pertinent information about 
this species, and Atajev (1985: map 86) gave but four localities based on previous 
records (i.e., Mt. Dushak, Firjuza, Suljukli, and “Kuchanskoje shosse”). The occur- 
rence of Platyceps najadum in the vicinity of Firjuza as first reported by Ananjeva & 
Orlov (1977) was confirmed by observations in May 1979 (Szczerbak et al., 1986). 



FIG. 2 

Distribution of Platyceps najadum in Turkmenistan (Kopet Dag) and North Khorasan, Iran. 
Localities in the Kopet Dag are Firjuza (ZISP 18624, Ananjeva & Orlov, 1977) at 37°56°N 
58°04’E as well as Arvaz (38°14’N 57°09’E, pass, approx. 1’840 m a.s.1.), Dagish and Dashtoj 
gorge (Babazo District: B), Mt. Dushak (ca. 37°58’N 57°54’E), vicinity of Germob (ca. 38°01’N 
57°44’E), Kara Kala (38°34’N 56°44’E, 400 m), Karanki gorge (Babazo District: B, 1°200- 
1°400 m), 15 km NE Kénekesir (“Kojne-Kesyr”, ca. 38°17’N 57°00’E), Mt. Khozly (ca. 
38°35’N 56°48’E, “about 18 km south of Bami”), Mirza Dag (38°01’N 57°36’E), the vicinity of 
Saivan (38°30’N 56°47’E, type locality of Coluber atayevi), Suljukli (Germob District: G), and 
km 20 on the Ashkhabad - Quchan road (Varenczov, 1894; Rustamov & Shammakov, 1979; 
Szczerbak & Golubev, 1981; Szczerbak et al., 1986; Starkov, 1988; Atajev & Shammakov, 1990; 
Atajev et al., 1991; Tunijev & Shammakov, 1993). Babazo and Germob are border districts with 
Iran (Sczcerbak, 1986: map). Iranian localities include Shahrabad (37°30’N 56°51’E, FMNH 
141612) and two collecting sites from Latifi (1991), i.e., Darreh Gaz (“Darehghaz”, 37°27’N 
59°07’E) and Quchan (“Ghoochan”, 37°06’N 58°30’E). 

Latifi (1991) mentioned Platyceps najadum from Kerman, Baft (29°12°N 
56°36’E) and Khash (28°14’N 61°15’E) in southeastern Iran. At least two of these 
indications are possibly based on records (ZISP 9286, 9288) of “Zamenis dahlii Fitz.” 
from “Kaskin in Kirmano orient.” (ca. 27°30’N 60°22’E, fide Anderson, 1999) and 


“Kerat in Chascht-Adano” (Nikolskij, 1899). The series (ZISP 9285-88) belongs to 
P. rhodorachis (Jan) as noted by Ananjeva & Orlov (1977). The illustration of P. 
najadum in Nikolskij (1916: pl. 1.2) or, for instance, Terentjev & Chernov (1936: pl. 
IV, same specimen) is not based on ZISP 9286 as indicated. 

Latifi (1991) also reported Platyceps najadum from Fars and Khuzestan 
(Ahvaz) in southwestern Iran. These references as well as a specimen from 
Boyerahmad-va-Kogiluye (Yasuj, approx. 30°40’N 51°36’E) collected by Frynta et al. 
(1997) are in need of confirmation and re-identification, respectively. These records 
require comparison with P. schmidtleri (Schätti & McCarthy, 2001). 


Although Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) had, apart from the type series of 
Coluber atayevi, no further specimens from Turkmenistan at hand, they assigned all 
populations of Platyceps najadum auct. of the “western and central Kopet-Dag, from 
the surroundings of the Kara-Kala settlement in the west to the Sulukli Spring in the 
east” (see Distribution) to this taxon. According to these authors, C. atayevi differs 
from P. najadum (Eichwald) in cranial pholidosis (supralabials, chin shields), head and 
body shape including cross-section of the trunk, development of the ventral edges, 
lengths and proportions, and in dorsal colour pattern. 

As far as head scales are concerned, Tunijev & Shammakov (1993: fig. 3) stated 
that the supralabials of Coluber atayevi are “weakly distinguished from the throat [sic] 
scales, whereas all upper labials of C. najadum are strongly pronounced”. Furthermore, 
the posterior “genial scutes” (chin shields) “contact one another along the mental 
groove, rarely having a few isolated granules between the posterior pair” in C. atayevi 
but are “widely separated” by “always 2-4 rows of well-developed scales” in Platyceps 
najadum. The illustrations in Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) simply show that there is 
no difference between the two taxa in the size of the supralabials. The posterior chin 
shields are completely separated, for instance, in CAS 185186, 185189, and 185191 
(paratypes of C. atayevi), and there is considerable variation in the arrangement, num- 
ber, and development of the median granular scales in P. najadum (Fig. 1). 

With regard to head shape, Atajev’s racer has been diagnosed as having a “nar- 
row, sharp, and flat head with the rostrum beveled downward”. The drawings of 
Platyceps najadum in Tunijev & Shammakov (1993: figs 3.a-c) show a bloated head 
which does by no means represent the contour in living specimens. Differences in gen- 
eral body shape and habitus between the two taxa as insinuated by Tunijev & 
Shammakov (1993: fig. 2) cannot be confirmed either. 

Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) described the lateral edges of the ventrals (“ab- 
dominal ridges”) in Coluber (s. 1.) atayevi as “practically absent” (“in contrast to” 
Platyceps najadum) and the cross-section of the body round, whereas it is thought to 
be “rectangular [...] in C. najadum and C. rubriceps” (i.e., P. collaris, see Schatti et al., 

1) ZISP 9285-87 from “Kirmano orient.” and “in Sargado” were collected in Sistan-va- 
Baluchistan. ZISP 9288 was obtained on 13 April 1898 in the vicinity of Herat (34°34’N 
60°33°E), eastern Khorasan (Zarudnyj, 1898; Nikolskij, 1905; Anderson, 1999). 


2001). In fact, these features are variable in P. najadum and, in preserved specimens, 
finally depend on factors such as killing and preservative agent and state of the 

The maximum snout-vent length of 533 mm indicated for Atajev’s racer 
(Tunijev & Shammakov, 1993: CRS 421) is exceeded, for instance, in CAS 185185 
with almost 60 cm. Differences in the relative tail length (“1/4 of total length” vs. “1/3” 
in najadum) are correlated with the number of subcaudals (see below). The tail/body 
ratio in Coluber atayevi is 0.32-0.36 (3 3 0.34-0.36, 2 2 0.32-34). Body length for the 
examined northeast Iran Platyceps najadum (all females) ranges from ca. 25 to 84 cm. 
FMNH 141612 (sex unknown) has a snout-vent length of ca. 64 cm, ZISP 18624 from 
Turkmenistan ca. 32,5 + 13 cm. The tail/body length ratio in these specimens is 0.31 
(BMNH 1920.3.20.3) to 0.39. 

The examined paratypes of Coluber atayevi have a dark spot below the eye and 
the nape and neck are ocellated. Usually, there are two to five ocelli (and transverse 
bars in CAS 185185) followed by up to five longitudinal rows of small dark dots 
extending to midbody or beyond (e.g., CAS 185185-86, 185189, 185191); posteriorly, 
they are reduced to small points situated mid-dorsally. Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) 
emphasise that “brown colors prevail instead of olive-green ones” as in Platyceps 
najadum. However, the coloration of the Slender racer includes olive, brownish, or 
grey hues, and there is no character of dorsal colour pattern allowing a distinction of 
these taxa. 

To sum up, “significant morphological divergence” between Atajev’s racer 
(Saivan population) and Platyceps najadum as stated by Tunijev & Shammakov (1993) 
does not correspond to the facts. However, qualitative differences vis-a-vis Slender 
racers from more western regions exist in the degree of separation of the posterior chin 
shields, relative tail length, and peculiarities of the temporal scales as well as low ven- 
tral and subcaudal counts that are, strangely enough, not notified by Tunijev & 
Shammakov (1993). 

In at least nine paratypes of Coluber atayevi, viz., CAS 182948-50, 185185 
(right side), 185186, 185190-91, 185193, and 185194 (left), the upper first temporal is 
vertically divided. No information regarding the remaining type material (CRS series) 
is available (Tunijev & Shammakov, 1993: Tbs 1-2). In any case, this configuration is 
uncommon in Platyceps najadum (e.g., MHNG 2626.56). 

The Saivan specimens (CAS series) have 203-224 ventrals (4 4 203-209, 2 2 
214-224) and 94-104 subcaudals (dd 94-104, £ £ 97-101) compared to 205-225 
(dd) and 208-236 (9 ?) ventrals and 100-140 (3 &) and 103-137 (2 2) subcaudals 
in Platyceps najadum (see Morphology). Tunijev & Shammakov (1993: Tb. 2) gave 
197-214 ventrals and 90-106 subcaudals for the type series of Coluber atayevi (sexes 
not separated)2). In P. najadum from Iran examined for the purpose of this study there 
are 207-236 (4 d 207-222, 2 2 219-236) ventrals and 107-133 (Sd 109-132, 29 
107-133) subcaudals. ZISP 18624 (2) from Turkmenistan has 222 ventrals and 125 
subcaudals (not 112 as erroneously stated by Ananjeva & Orlov, 1977). 

2) According to Tunijev & Shammakov (1993: Tb. 1), a paratype deposited in the Caucasian 
Reserve, Sochi (CRS 424) has only 190 ventrals and 90 subcaudals. 


The sum of the ventral and subcaudal counts for the Saivan series (examined 
specimens) ranges from 299-322 (dd 299-313, 2? 314-322). These values are 
usually considerably higher in Platyceps najadum. Only in the case of three males from 
the Krasnodar Region (ZISP 3695: 316, ZISP 14092: 309) and the Ararat area 
(NMP6V 35564.1: 314) they are below 320 (ZSM 55.1972 has 321). Females normal- 
ly have values distinctly over 330 and at least 324-325 in the Ararat area, Georgia and 
Dagestan (MTKD 14274, NMP6V 35564.2, and ZISP 11151); BMNH 1920.3.20.3 
from Gorgan (Golestan) has 329 (222 ventrals, 107 subcaudals). Varenczov’s (1894) 
presumably lost specimen from the Gaudan road (see Distribution), probably a female, 
had 225 ventrals and 101 subcaudals (tail incomplete?). 

The description of Atajev’s racer is based on a comparison of the type series in 
the CRS collection (holotype and nine paratypes) collected around Saivan with a 
limited number (ten specimens) of Platyceps najadum “from various areas of the 
Caucasian Isthmus” and information from literature including questionable data on 
P. collaris Müller [as Coluber rubriceps (Venzmer)]. 

Except for the type series of Coluber atayevi, no morphological data are 
reported for populations from the Bakharden region (i.e., Kara Kala, Mt. Khozly). This 
is also true for specimens from collecting sites between Kénekesir and Mt. Dushak 
along the border region with Iran (Fig. 2). By all means, the subadult female from 
Firjuza (ZISP 18624) with 347 ventrals and subcaudals (see above), entire (unfrag- 
mented) anterior temporals, a low (first) and high posterior reduction at 64-65 %ven, 
and a dorsal colour pattern composed of a collar and distinct bars along the neck 
conforms to typical Platyceps najadum auct. 

The configuration of the chin shields and temporals (see above) as well as 
particularly low ventral and subcaudal counts in the Saivan population are probably 
due to a genetic bottleneck?). Molecular data reveal divergence of the Saivan 
population vis-à-vis Platyceps najadum auct. (Fig. 3). However, the genetic distance is 
smaller than between typcial specimens of the Slender racer examined for the purpose 
of this study and MHNG 2626.56 from the northern Zagros range. 

The reader may argue that COI and 12S rDNA data were used for the tree 
reconstruction (Fig. 3) although a number of COI sequences are missing. However, 
conspecific samples with a complete data set are available, giving the tree some 
significance. Unweighted and weighted MP analyses of both gene fragments resulted 
in the same topology. Bootstrap values with 5000 replicates are virtually identical with 
those presented in the phylogeny (Fig. 3). Uncorrected genetic distances within the 
Platyceps najadum group are 5.2% (in prep.), 8.6% for P. collaris vs. P. najadum, and 
8.5-12.3% for Hemorrhois hippocrepis vs. the remaining species analysed within the 
scope of this study. 

Based on morphological and molecular data, Coluber atayevi Tunijev & 
Shammakov is considered a subspecies of Plaryceps najadum Eichwald with a limited 

3) “Increasing climatic aridization in the Holocene can be the cause of disappearance of C.[olu- 
ber] atayevi in the foothills and severe restriction of its area in the middle-altitude and high- 
altitude parts of the western and central Kopet-Dag and, possibly, to the breakup of the area 
into several local refuges. The “primitive” morphological features were preserved in the 
absence of contacts with closely related forms” (Tunijev & Shammakov, 1993: 8). 


Platyceps najadum atayevi* 

Platyceps najadum ssp. 
Platyceps najadum ssp. 
Platyceps najadum ssp.* 
Platyceps collaris 

Platyceps ventromaculatus 
Platyceps elegantissimus 
Platyceps karelini x 

Platyceps cf. rhodorachis 
Platyceps rogersi 

Platyceps florulentus 

Platyceps variabilis* 

Hemorrhois hippocrepis 
—— 10 changes 

FIG. 3 

Weighted maximum parsimony (MP) tree of two partial gene sequences, COI and 12S rDNA 
(only 12S in taxa with an asterisk) and the Palaearctic horseshoe snake Hemorrhois hippocrepis 
(L.) as out-group. Bootstrap values (1000 replicates) from weighted (upper) and unweighted 
(lower values) MP analysis. 

geographic distribution. Supposedly, P. najadum as understood in this paper is made up 
of several distinct taxa including incipient species, and this systematic complex is in 
need of a more detailed investigation (in prep.). 


The author is grateful to the following persons for the loan of specimens from 
the collections in their respective care: Natalja Ananjeva and Ilja S. Darevskij (St. 
Petersburg), E. Nicolas Arnold and Colin McCarthy (London), Lilia Capocaccia and 
Roberto Poggi (Genoa), Robert C. Drewes and Jens V. Vindum (San Francisco), Ulrich 
Gruber (Munich), Rainer Giinther (Berlin), Ivan Ineich (Paris), Konrad Klemmer and 
Günther Köhler (Frankfurt on Main), Jiri Moravec (Prague), Franz Tiedemann 
(Vienna), and Harold C. Voris (Chicago). Vincent Ziswiler and Paul Ward provided 


laboratory facilities, and Urs Utiger (all Zurich) performed the molecular analyses. I 
express a most special thank you to Ted Papenfuss and Robert Macey (Berkeley) for 
the tissue sample of a paratype of Coluber atayevi. Corinne Charvet drew the 
illustration of the chin region and the distribution map. Alan Resetar (Chicago) helped 
to clarify collecting sites of the Street expedition to Iran. 


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REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 539-550; septembre 2004 

New species of coelotine spiders (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) 
from northern Thailand II 

Pakawin DANKITTIPAKUL! & Xin-Ping WANG? 

! Terrestrial Arthropod Research Unit, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, 
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand. 

1 The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. 

2 Research Associate, Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, 
San Francisco, CA 94118, USA. 

2 Coordinator of Statistical Research, Brooks Center for Rehabilitation Studies, Health 
Science Center, University of Florida, P.O. Box 100185, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA. 

New species of coelotine spiders (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) from 
northern Thailand II. - Four new coelotine spiders are described from the 
provinces of Chiang Mai and Lamphun in northern Thailand. The species 
Draconarius lateralis sp. n., D. paralateralis sp. n. and D. pseudolateralis 
sp. n. belong to a species group here called the /ateralis group. Draconarius 
elatus sp. n. is unique among coelotines in its peculiar male palp and is 
placed in a group of its own, the elatus group. Comments on the distribution 
and diversity of coelotines in northern Thailand are given. 

Keywords: Araneae - Amaurobiidae - Coelotinae - Draconarius - new 
species - taxonomy - zoogeography - Thailand. 


This paper is the second contribution to the knowledge of the spider family 
Amaurobiidae of Thailand. In our previous publication on the subfamily Coelotinae, 
which gives the first record of amaurobiids from Thailand, six new species have been 
described (Dankittipakul & Wang, 2003). These include five Draconarius species from 
Chiang Mai Province and a Coelotes species from Chiang Rai Province. In the present 
paper we describe four additional new species from the provinces of Chiang Mai and 
Lamphun. These species do not fit well into any coelotine genus and are placed only 
tentatively in Draconarius at this moment. Three of them, D. lateralis sp. n., D. para- 
lateralis sp. n. and D. pseudolateralis sp. n., belong to a distinct lineage, here called 
the /ateralis group, and can be recognized by laterally expanded spermathecae and 
bifurcate conductor apices. The fourth species, D. elatus sp. n., belongs to a group of 
its own, here called the elatus group, which differs from all other coelotines by its 
small size, short and elevated RTA, short cymbial furrow, reduced tegular sclerite, and 
large embolic base. The species groups established here are entirely phenetic and a 
phylogenetic analysis, including the species groups assigned by Wang (2002) and 
(2003), is required. 

Manuscript accepted 25.02.2004 



All illustrations were made with an Olympus SZX-9 stereomicroscope 
equipped with a drawing tube. Body measurements are in millimetres. Measurements 
of leg segments were taken from the dorsal side. Epigyna were drawn in natural and 
cleared state (immersing in lactic acid for 20-30 minutes). Male palps were drawn in 
retrolateral and ventral view. The specimens examined are deposited in the collections 
of the Museum d’histoire naturelle, Geneve (MHNG), in the Department of Ento- 
mology at the California Academy of Sciences (CAS), and in Pakawin Dankittipakul’s 
collection (PDC) which will also be deposited in the MHNG. 

Abbreviations used in the text and in the figures: ALE, anterior lateral eyes; 
AME, anterior median eyes; C, conductor; CD, copulatory duct; CL, conductor 
lamella; DC, dorsal apophysis of conductor (= conductor dorsal apophysis according 
to Wang, 2002); E, embolus; LE, lateral eyes; ME, median eyes; MOQ, median ocular 
quadrangle; PA, patellar apophysis; PLE, posterior lateral eyes; PME, posterior median 
eyes; RDTA, retrolateral dorsal tibial apophysis (= lateral tibial apophysis according to 
Wang, 2002); RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis; SH, spermathecal head. 

Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999 

The lateralis group 

Females can be recognized by the absence of epigynal teeth and the presence of 
laterally extended spermathecae; males by the absence of a median apophysis and the 
presence of a bifurcate conductor apex. The /ateralis group species are similar to D. 
penicillatus (Wang et al., 1990) by having laterally extended spermathecae but differ 
by the absence of epigynal teeth in females and by the absence of a median apophysis 
and the presence of a bifurcate conductor apex in males. 

Draconarius lateralis sp. n. Figs 1-4 

Type locality: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province, Chiang Dao District, Doi Chiang Dao 
Wildlife Sanctuary, Pha Taeng at the foot of Doi Chiang Dao, 500 m. 

Type material: Holotype: Ö , from the type locality, evergreen forest along stream, pitfall 
trap, 23.xi.-22.xii.1990 (MHNG). Paratypes: 146 , 19, same data as for holotype (MHNG); 34, 
pitfall trap, 25.x.-23.x1.1990 (MHNG); 66, pitfall trap, 22.x11.1990-15.1.1991 (CAS, PDC AM- 
0451); 39, pitfall trap, 15.i.-23.11.1991 (MHNG, CAS, PDC AM-0452 ). All specimens leg. P. J. 

Etymology: The specific name refers to the laterally extended spermathecae. 

Diagnosis: Males can be distinguished from those of D. paralateralis sp. n. and 
D. pseudolateralis sp. n. by the long patellar apophysis of the palp and the broad 
conductor apex bifurcation (Figs 1, 2); females by the anteriorly situated atrium 
(Fig. 3). 

Description: è (holotype). Total length 9.64. Carapace 4.54 long, 3.21 wide. 
Abdomen 4.62 long. 


Fics 1-4 

Draconarius lateralis sp. n., 4 holotype (1, 2) and 2 paratype (3, 4). Left palp, ventral (1) and 
retrolateral (2) view. Epigynum, ventral view (3). Vulva, dorsal view (4). Scale lines 0.5 mm (1, 
2), 0.25 mm (3, 4). 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.18, ALE 0.18, PME 0.15, PLE 0.15; AME- 
AME 0.10, AME-ALE 0.10, PME-PME 0.18, PME-PLE 0.21, ALE-PLE 0.10; MOQ 
0.43 long, anterior width 0.40, posterior width 0.43. Clypeus height 0.17. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 5 teeth, retromargin with 5. 


Leg measurements: 

Femur 4.33 3.95 3.50 4.16 
Patella + Tibia 4.21 4.51 3 4.96 
Metatarsus 4.34 SB 3.61 4.35 
Tarsus 351 2.92 2.52 21/8) 
Total 16.19 SA 13.34 16.20 

Palp (Figs 1, 2): Patellar apophysis (PA) fairly long, with pointed apex; retro- 
lateral tibial apophysis (RTA) occupying more than half of tibial length; retrolateral 
dorsal tibial apophysis (RDTA) short, triangular, close to RTA; cymbial furrow 3/4 of 
cymbial length; basal lamella of conductor (CL) large; conductor (C) broad, with broad 
apex bifurcation; dorsal apophysis of conductor (DC) small; median apophysis absent; 
embolus (E) long, slender, originating posteriorly. 

? (paratype). Total length 10.91. Carapace 4.65 long, 3.13 wide. Abdomen 6.01 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.15, ALE 0.25, PME 0.25, PLE 0.20; AME- 
AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.13, PME-PME 0.10, PME-PLE 0.25, ALE-PLE 0.13; MOQ 
0.56 long, anterior width 0.46, posterior width 0.58. Clypeus height 0.13. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 5 teeth, retromargin with 5. 

Leg measurements: 

Femur 3.61 3:35 2.80 3.86 
Patella + Tibia 4.53 4.01 3.04 4.53 
Metatarsus 3.30 2.60 DES 3.76 
Tarsus 2.01 1.59 1.39 1.62 
Total 13.45 1155 9.74 1387, 

Epigynum and vulva (Figs 3, 4): No epigynal teeth present; atrium situated 
quite far anteriorly, with widely recurved anterior ridge, internal structure visible 
through thin tegument; copulatory ducts (CD) broad, situated anteriorly, strongly scle- 
rotized; spermathecal heads (SH) located posteriorly; spermathecae laterally extended 
and convoluted. 

Distribution and habitat: Known only from the type locality in one of the rare 
evergreen low land forest of northern Thailand. 

Draconarius paralateralis sp. n. Figs 5-10 

Type locality: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province and District, Doi Suthep-Pui National 
Park, Doi Suthep, forest above Pin Pak Pai Waterfall and Tham (cave) Ryssie, 1180 m. 

Type material: Holotype: ¢, from the type locality, pitfall trap, 4.x1.-6.xii.1987 (MH- 
NG). Paratypes: from the type locality, 49, pitfall trap, 1.-30.1.1987 (MHNG, CAS, PDC AM- 
0453); 19, pitfall trap, 18.1.-19.11.1986 (MHNG); 2°, pitfall trap, 30.111.-28.1v.1987 (MHNG, 
CAS); 16, pitfall trap, 4.1.-7.11.1988 (CAS); Doi Pui, 1580 m, 24 , leaf litter sample, 26.x.2000 
(MHNG TH00/02). All specimens leg. P. J. Schwendinger. 

Etymology: The specific name derives from the similarity between D. paralateralis sp. 
n. and D. lateralis sp. n.; both possess laterally extended spermathecae. 


Fics 5-10 

Draconarius paralateralis sp. n., 3 holotype (5, 6), d paratype (7, 8) and © paratype (9, 10). 
Left palp, ventral (5) and retrolateral (6) view. Conductor (7). Patellar and tibial apophyses (8). 
Epigynum, ventral view (9). Vulva, dorsal view (10). Scale lines 0.5 mm (5-8), 0.25 mm (9, 10). 

Diagnosis: Males can be distinguished from those of D. lateralis sp. n. and D. 
pseudolateralis sp. n. by their short conductor apex bifurcation (Fig. 7) and by a blunt 
patellar apophysis on the palp (Figs 6, 8); females by the presence of a triangular ridge 
on the epigynum (Fig. 9), by relatively small copulatory ducts, and by large lateral ex- 
tensions of their spermathecae (Fig. 10). 

Description: 3 (holotype). Total length 10.05. Carapace 4.72 long, 3.21 wide. 
Abdomen 5.12 long. 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.18, ALE 0.23, PME 0.19, PLE 0.20; AME- 
AME 0.11, AME-ALE 0.76, PME-PME 0.20, PME-PLE 0.25, ALE-PLE 0.10; MOQ 


0.55 long, anterior width 0.50, posterior width 0.54. Clypeus height 0.24. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 5 teeth, retromargin with 5. 
Leg measurements: 

Femur 3.54 3.35 3.02 4.06 
Patella + Tibia 4.56 4.05 3.55 4.75 
Metatarsus 3.43 2.90 DT 3.66 
Tarsus 1.70 TRS, 1.43 1.51 
Total 13.23 11.81 10.71 13.98 

Palp (Figs 5-8): Patellar apophysis relatively short, with blunt apex; RTA long; 
retrolateral dorsal tibial apophysis slightly separated from RTA; cymbial furrow more 
than half of cymbial length; basal lamella of conductor large; conductor broad, with 
small apex bifurcation (Fig. 7); dorsal apophysis of conductor small; median apophysis 
absent; embolus long, slender, originating posteriorly. 

? (paratype). Total length 10.63. Carapace 4.96 long, 3.25 wide. Abdomen 5.13 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.18, ALE 0.20, PME 0.16, PLE 0.20; AME- 
AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.10, PME-PME 0.19, PME-PLE 0.25, ALE-PLE 0.07; MOQ 
0.57 long, anterior width 0.50, posterior width 0.52. Clypeus height 0.22. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 5 teeth, retromargin with 4. 

Leg measurements: 

Femur 4.39 4.10 3.64 4.37 
Patella + Tibia SD 5102 2410) 5.55 
Metatarsus 4.59 4.05 3.82 5.06 
Tarsus 4.27 218 1.73 2.05 
Total 18.97 15.30 11.89 17.03 

Epigynum and vulva (Figs 9, 10): No epigynal teeth present; epigynum with an- 
terior triangular ridge; atrium small; copulatory ducts round, anteriorly situated, 
strongly sclerotized; spermathecal heads posteriorly located; spermathecae with large 
and strongly convoluted lateral extensions. 

Distribution and habitat: Known only from the type locality. All specimens ex- 
amined were collected in evergreen hill forest between 1000 m and 1600 m. 

Draconarius pseudolateralis sp. n. Figs 11-14 

Type locality: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province and District, Doi Suthep-Pui National 
Park, Doi Suthep, near Monthathan Waterfall, 650 m. 

Type material: Holotype: 4, from the type locality, pitfall trap, 14.x11.1986-10.1.1987 
(MHNG). Paratypes: 116, 39, same data as for holotype (MHNG; CAS; PDC AM-0456-9); 
1d, 19, 650 m, pitfall trap, 30.xi.-14.xii.1996 (MHNG); 134, 650 m, pitfall trap, 10.1.- 
26.11.1997 (MHNG; CAS); 276, 22, 650 m, pitfall trap, 10.i.-6.11.1997 (MHNG); 2¢, 500 m, 
leaf litter sample, 15.1.1986 (MHNG). All leg. P. J. Schwendinger. Chiang Mai Province, 
Chomthong District, Doi Inthanon National Park, Doi Inthanon: 500 m, deciduous dipterocarp 
forest, pitfall trap: 14, 25.i-26.11.2000, leg. P. Dankittipakul & S. Sonthichai (PDC AM-0460): 
28, 25.xii.1999-25.1.2000, leg. P. Dankittipakul & S. Sonthichai (PDC AM-0461-2); 750 m, 


Fics 11-14 

Draconarius pseudolateralis sp. n., d holotype (11, 12) and © paratype (13, 14). Left palp, ven- 
tral (11) and retrolateral (12) view. Epigynum, ventral view (13). Vulva, dorsal view (14). Scale 
lines 0.5 mm (11, 12), 0.25 mm (13, 14). 

deciduous dipterocarp-pine forest, 3 2, leaf litter sample, 15.xii.1999, leg. P. Dankittipakul & S. 
Sonthichai (MHNG; CAS); Pha Mon, 1000 m, pine forest, 16, 27.xi.1987, leg. P. J. 
Schwendinger (MHNG). Lamphun Province, Mae Tha District, Doi Khun Tan National Park, 
Doi Khun Tan, 750 m, deciduous dipterocarp forest, 16, collected 20.x.2002, molted 
20.xii.2002, leg. P. Dankittipakul (MHNG). 


Etymology: The specific name derives from the similarity between D. pseudolateralis sp. 
n., D. paralateralis sp. n. and D. lateralis sp. n., all of which possess laterally extended sper- 

Diagnosis: Males can be distinguished from those of D. lateralis sp. n. and D. 
paralateralis sp. n. by a short, blunt patellar apophysis of the palp and by a long, slen- 
der conductor apex bifurcation (Figs 11, 12); female by large copulatory ducts situated 
close to each other (Fig. 14) and by differences in their atrial shapes (Fig. 14). 

Description: & (holotype). Total length 8.45. Carapace 4.83 long, 3.31 wide. 
Abdomen 3.64 long. 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.15, ALE 0.18, PME 0.16, PLE 0.18; AME- 
AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.07, PME-PME 0.15, PME-PLE 0.20, ALE-PLE 0.07; MOQ 
0.47 long, anterior width 0.42, posterior width 0.46. Clypeus height 0.24. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 5 teeth, retromargin with 5. 

Leg measurements: 

Femur 4.03 5:55 3.25 3.96 
Patella + Tibia DI 4.32 SA 5.08 
Metatarsus 3.92 3.30 3.10 4.15 
Tarsus 2.05 1.84 1.56 1.90 
Total 15.13 13.01 11.62 15.09 

Palp (Figs 11, 12): Patellar apophysis short, with blunt apex; RTA long; retro- 
lateral dorsal tibial apophysis slightly separated from RTA; cymbial furrow more than 
half of cymbial length; basal lamella of conductor large; conductor broad, with one 
small and one large apex bifurcation; dorsal apophysis of conductor small but larger 
than in the previous two species; median apophysis absent; embolus long, slender, pos- 
terior in origin. 

? (paratype). Total length 9.05. Carapace 4.51 long, 3.10 wide. Abdomen 3.50 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.15, PME 0.15, PLE 0.16; AME- 
AME 0.13, AME-ALE 0.07, PME-PME 0.15, PME-PLE 0.18, ALE-PLE 0.07; MOQ 
0.45 long, anterior width 0.36, posterior width 0.45. Clypeus height 0.23. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 5 teeth, retromargin with 5. 

Leg measurements: 

Femur 3.30 3.05 23 3:99 
Patella + Tibia 4.21 3.56 3.03 4.06 
Metatarsus 3.05 2.62 225 3.33 
Tarsus 1.32 1.30 1.13 1.62 
Total 12.08 10,53 9.14 12.56 

Epigynum and vulva (Figs 13, 14): No epigynal teeth present; atrium small, 
umbrella-shaped, much wider than long (Fig. 13); copulatory ducts round, anteriorly 
situated and close to each other; spermathecal heads round, posteriorly located; 
spermathecae large and strongly convoluted lateral extensions (Fig. 14). 


Distribution and habitat: Known from four localities with seasonally dry and 
fairly disturbed habitat in northern Thailand. 

The elatus group 

Females can be recognized by their long epigynal teeth and broad, round sper- 
mathecae; males by the small size, the elevated, short RTA (less than half of tibial 
length), the very short cymbial furrow (almost invisible), the reduced tegular sclerite, 
and the large embolic base. Both sexes have three promarginal (one of them are tiny 
and almost invisible) and three retromarginal cheliceral teeth (tiny, bud-like and not 


Draconarius elatus sp. n. Figs 15-18 

Type locality: THAILAND, Chiang Mai Province and District, Doi Suthep-Pui National 
Park, Doi Suthep, Tham Ryssie, 1180 m. 

Type material: Holotype: d, from the type locality, evergreen hill forest, pitfall trap, 
4.x11.1986-2.1.1987, leg. P. J. Schwendinger (MHNG). Paratypes: from the type locality, 19, 
134 , pitfall trap, 30.iii.-28.1v.1987 (MHNG); 34, 19, pitfall trap, (CAS); 14, 
pitfall trap, 18.iii.-22.iv.1986 (MHNG); 14, pitfall trap, 30.11.1987 (MHNG); 1 à, pitfall trap, 
19.i1.-18.111.1986 (MHNG); 29, pitfall trap, 2-29.viii.1987 (MHNG); 46 , pitfall trap, 30.v.- 
2.vii.1987 (MHNG), 126, 19, pitfall trap, 28.iv.-30.v.1987 (MHNG). All leg. P. J. 
Schwendinger. Doi Suthep, 960 m (evergreen hill forest): 19, pitfall trap, 30.vii.30.viii.1986 
(MHNG); 16, pitfall trap, 2.i.-5.iii.1987 (MHNG); 16, pitfall trap, 5.iii.-4.iv.1987 (MHNG); 
24, pitfall trap, 28.iv.-30.v.1987 (MHNG); 26, pitfall trap, 4-28.iv.1987 (MHNG); 19, pitfall 
trap, 26.111.-30.vi1.1996 (MHNG). All specimens leg. P. J. Schwendinger. Chomthong District, 
Doi Inthanon National Park, Doi Inthanon: 19 , 1780 m (evergreen hill forest), 3.111.1987, leg. P. 
J. Schwendinger (MHNG); 34, 1500 m (evergreen hill forest), pitfall trap, 21.1x.-23.x.1999 
(CAS); 16, pitfall trap, 20.11.-25.111.2000 (CAS); 16 , leaf litter sample, 25.11.2000 (PDC AM 
0156); 26 , pitfall trap, 25.iv.-27.v.2000 (PDC AM 0157-8); 19, leaf litter sample, 15.X.1999, 
(CAS); 19, leaf litter sample, 25.iii.2000 (PDC AM 0159); 16, pitfall trap, 
(PDC AM 0160). 14, 510m (dry dipterocarp forest), pitfall trap, (CAS); 24, 
29, leaf litter sample, 29.iv.2000 (PDC AM 0161-64). 1 9, 750m (dipterocarp forest with pines), 
leaf litter sample, 15.xii.1999 (CAS); 1 9, leaf litter sample, 15.v.2000 (CAS); 14, 1000 m (dry 
dipterocarp forest with pines), pitfall trap, 23.xi.-25.x11.1999 (PDC AM 0165); 16, pitfall trap, 
26.iii.-29.1v.2000 (PDC AM 0166); 1 4, pitfall trap, (PDC AM 017); 19, pitfall 
trap, 26.iv.-27.v.2000 (MHNG); 1°, leaf litter sample, 29.vii.2000 (PDC AM 0168). All latter 
specimens leg. S. Sonthichai & P. Dankittipakul. 

Etymology: The specific name refers to the short, elevated RTA in males of this species. 

Diagnosis: Males can be easily recognized by the short (less than half of tibia 
length), broadly rounded, strongly elevated RTA, the very short cymbial furrow, the 
reduced tegular sclerite, and the broad embolic base (Figs 15, 16); female by their long 
epigynal teeth and broad, round spermathecae (Figs 17, 18). D. elatus sp. n. is usually 
less than 5 mm long and thus one of the smallest known coelotines. 

Description: è (holotype). Total length 3.78. Carapace 1.67 long, 0.74 wide. 
Abdomen 1.56 long. 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.10, PME 0.08, PLE 0.11; AME- 
AME 0.07, AME-ALE 0.06, PME-PME 0.06, PME-PLE 0.13, ALE-PLE 0.03; MOQ 
0.27 long, anterior width 0.25, posterior width 0.26. Clypeus height 0.13. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 3 teeth (including a tiny tooth), retromargin with 3 small, bud-like 


Fics 15-18 

Draconarius elatus sp. n., ¢ holotype (15, 16) and © paratype (17, 18). Left palp (partly ex- 
panded), ventral (15) and retrolateral (16) view. Epigynum, ventral view (17). Vulva, dorsal view 
(18). Scale lines 0.5 mm. 

Leg measurements: 

Femur 1.62 1.44 1237, 1.79 
Patella 0.62 0.62 0.55 0.65 
Tibia 1.337] 1.10 1.03 1.62 
Metatarsus 1.24 1.03 1.24 1.89 
Tarsus 0.96 0.86 0.82 1.10 

Total 5.81 5.05 5.01 7.05 


Palp (Figs 15, 16): Patellar apophysis small; RTA strongly elevated, broadly 
rounded, short, less than half of tibial length; retrolateral dorsal tibial apophysis short, 
wide; cymbial furrow very short, almost invisible; conductor with broad base and 
slender apex; dorsal apophysis of conductor present; tegular sclerite reduced; median 
apophysis spoon-like; embolic base large; embolus relatively short, originating 

2 (paratype). Total 3.55 length. Carapace 1.41 long, 0.69 wide. Abdomen 1.00 

Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.14, PME 0.10, PLE 0.11; AME- 
AME 0.06, AME-ALE 0.36, PME-PME 0.10, PME-PLE 0.13, ALE-PLE 0.06; MOQ 
0.27 long, anterior width 0.24, posterior width 0.27. Clypeus height 0.12. Promargin of 
chelicerae with 3 teeth (including a tiny tooth), retromargin with 3 small, bud-like 

Leg measurements: 

Femur 1.62 1.44 1.34 118722 
Patella 0.55 0:59 0.58 0.58 
Tibia 1.48 1177, 1.00 1.68 
Metatarsus 1.20 1.03 1.34 1.93 
Tarsus 193 0.93 0.82 19197 
Total 5.98 Su 5.08 7.08 

Epigynum and vulva (Figs 17, 18): Epigynal teeth long; atrium short and broad, 
situated posteriorly above epigastric furrow (Fig. 17); copulatory duct small; sper- 
mathecae broad, round, slightly separated from each other (Fig. 18). 

Distribution and habitat: Known from deciduous and evergreen forests in the 
Doi Suthep-Pui (960-1180 m) and Doi Inthanon (510-1000 m) National Parks. 


Draconarius paralateralis sp. n. and D. elatus sp. n. are here reported from 
evergreen hill forests at about 1100-1600 m on Doi Suthep-Pui, whereas D. pseudo- 
lateralis sp. n. was collected from dry dipterocarp forests at lower altitudes (500-650 
m) on the same mountain. Another species, D. anthonyi Dankittipakul & Wang, was 
previously reported near the summit of Doi Pui (1500-1680 m), which is only about 
1 km away from the summit of Doi Suthep (Dankittipakul & Wang, 2003). The syn- 
topic occurrence of four congeneric species (D. paralateralis sp. n., D. pseudolateralis 
sp. n., D. elatus sp. n. and D. anthonyi), partially separated by altitude, is remarkable 
and emphasizes the high biodiversity of this mountain. Four species are also known 
from a nearby mountain (Doi Inthanon), i.e. D. elatus sp. n., D. inthanonensis 
Dankittipakul & Wang, 2003, D. siamensis Dankittipakul & Wang, 2003, and D. sub- 
ulatus Dankittipakul & Wang, 2003. Although it is not clear whether the species of the 
lateralis group are really congeneric with other members of Draconarius, each moun- 
tain evidently harbors four amaurobiids species. At present a total of ten coelotine 
species are known from Thailand. 


It is also interesting to note that although D. paralateralis sp. n. and D. 
pseudolateralis sp. n. are represented by fairly low numbers of mature males and 
females, the corresponding numbers of immature specimens collected are rather high. 
They were present in several instars at any time, indicating that the spiders live for 
more than one year. 


We are grateful to Dr Peter J. Schwendinger for providing material from his 
private collection and for the loan of specimens from the MHNG. We thank Dr Charles 
Griswold for allowing the depository of some types in the collection of the Department 
of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences. Work on this paper was carried out 
while the first author was based at Chiang Mai University. He is grateful to Prof. 
Saowapa Sonthichai for providing research facilities there. 

The Thailand Research Fund TRF/BIOTEC Special Program for Biodiversity 
Research and Training Grant (project number BRT_R 145002) supported the first 
author at the beginning of this project. The Royal Forest Department gave permission 
to collect spiders in protected areas. 


DANKITTIPAKUL, P. & WANG, X.-P. 2003. New species of coelotine spiders (Araneae, Amauro- 
biidae) from northern Thailand I. Revue suisse de Zoologie 110(4): 723-737. 

OVTCHINNIKOV, S. V. 1999. On the supraspecific systematics of the subfamily Coelotinae 
(Araneae, Amaurobiidae) in the former USSR fauna. Tethys Entomological Research |: 

WANG, X. P. 2002. A generic-level revision of the spider subfamily Coelotinae (Araneae, 
Amaurobiidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 269: 1-150. 

WANG, X. P. 2003. Species revision of the coelotine spider genera Bifidocoelotes, Coronilla, 
Draconarius, Femoracoelotes, Leptocoelotes, Longicoelotes, Platocoelotes, Spiri- 
coelotes, Tegecoelotes, and Tonsilla (Araneae, Amaurobiidae). Proceedings of the Cali- 
fornia Academy of Sciences 54(26): 497-660. 

WANG, J. F., YIN, C. M., PENG, X. J. & XIE, L. P. 1990. New species of the spiders of the genus 
Coelotes from China (Araneae: Agelenidae) (pp. 172-253). In: Spiders in China: One 
Hundred New and Newly Recorded Species of the Families Araneidae and Agelenidae. 
Hunan Normal University Press. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 551-562; septembre 2004 

An enigmatic cave-dwelling ground beetle: Trechus barratxinai 
Espanol, 1971 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Trechini)* 

Vicente M. ORTUNO 
Departamento de Biologia Animal, Facultad de Biologia, Universidad de Alcala, 
E-28871 Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain. E-mail: 

An enigmatic cave-dwelling ground beetle: Trechus barratxinai 
Espanol, 1971 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Trechini). - An im- 
portant population of Trechus barratxinai Espanol, 1971 was discovered in 
the Penyes de Roset, near the type locality (abyss of Barratxina, Xixona- 
Alicante, East Spain). This species, originally considered as cavernicolous, 
shows epigeal and lapidicolous life habits, as now discovered. A detailed 
laboratory study revealed the presence of wings which had been overlooked 
in the concise description of the species. The development of wings 
confirms the suspicion that, as in other species in this genus, 7. barratxinai 
has geophilic, lucifugous and hygrophilous habits but is not a cavernicolous 
(troglobiont) species. The species description is completed with details on 
the anatomy of the female genitalia. Also, the taxonomic position of T. bar- 
ratxinai is questioned and its position within the “7. austriacus-group”, near 
T. diecki Putzeys 1870, its geographical neighbour, is proposed. Finally, the 
first data on the species biology and on its habitat characteristics are given. 

Keywords: Carabidae - Trechus - redescription - systematics - ecology - 
caves - Iberian Peninsula. 


Trechus Clairville, 1806 is a large genus, including more than 500 species 
(Casale et al., 1998), with new ones being discovered every year. Presently it is known 
from the Holarctic region and East Africa. From the Iberian Peninsula 49 species are 
recorded (Serrano, 2003); of these, 18 have strictly hypogeous life with morphological 
adaptations to the subterranean environment, but only 14 of these species are known 
exclusively from caves. As for the Spanish-Levante fauna, the following are the known 
hypogeous Trechus species, all of them limited to the Alicante province: T. martinezi 
Jeannel, 1927, T. alicantinus Espafiol, 1971, T. beltrani Toribio, 1990 and 7. barratxi- 
nai Espafiol, 1971. The first three species belong to the same species group, whilst the 
position of T. barratxinai is enigmatic, it only has been found once in the abyss of 
Barratxina in Xixona (Alicante, Spain). The citation of the species in the Cave of the 

* This work has been funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia within the 
“Ramon y Cajal” plan. 
Manuscript accepted 04.02.2004 

552 V. M. ORTUNO 

Farallön, Riöpar (Albacete, SE Spain) (Lencina er al., 1990) probably refers to an 
undescribed species of Trechus. Espanol (1971) placed T. barratxinai into the 
planipennis-pandellei-group (Trechus pyrenaeus-group and Trechus pandellei-group 
sensu Jeannel, 1927). The author asserts that this species is the first cave-dwelling of 
the mentioned group, whereas other species of the group are epigeous and more or less 
orophilous. Neither its status as cavernicolous species (Jeanne, 1976; Sendra & 
Zaragoza, 1982; Zaragoza & Sendra, 1988; Belles, 1987; Zaballos & Jeanne, 1994) nor 
the close affinities with T. planipennis Rosenhauer, 1856 from Sierra Nevada (Espanol, 
1971) had ever been questioned. Based on new morphological and ecological data the 
author is reconsidering the affinities of this species within the genus Trechus. 


Examined specimens of 7. barratxinai: 3 males, 2 females, Penyes de Roset, 
850 m.s.m., 30SYH17, Xixona (Alicante), 23-3-2003, V.M. Ortufio & J.A. Zaragoza 
leg. 10 males, 7 females, idem, 7-5-2003, V.M. Ortufio & J.A. Zaragoza leg. 8 males, 
idem, 15-6-2003, V.M. Ortufio leg. The specimens are deposited in the collection of 
V.M. Ortufio (Dept. of Animal Biology, Alcalä University, Spain) and 2 males, 2 fe- 
males in the Museum d’histoire naturelle Genève (Switzerland) and 1 male and 1 fe- 
male in the collection M. Toribio (Tres Cantos, Spain). 

Also, the following Trechus have been examined in this study: 7. martinezi 
(three specimens from Cueva de las Maravillas, Alicante; with aborted wings), 
T. quadristriatus (Schrank, 1781) (six specimens from Tres Cantos, Madrid, with func- 
tional wings), 7. diecki Putzeys, 1870 (eight specimens from caves in Andalucfa) and 
T. planipennis (two specimens from Laguna de las Yeguas, Sierra Nevada, Granada). 
Other species of Carabidae (accompanying fauna) have also been studied. 

All measurements were made using a calibrated ocular grid set in a microscope 
and stereomicroscope ocular. The measurements of the wings are summarised in Table 
I. Two indices proposed by Den Boer et al. (1980) were used to estimate relative wing 
length (RL) and relative wing area (RA): RL = MLW /MLE; RA = MLW x MWW / 
MLE x MWE (MLW = maximum wing length: MLE = maximum elytron length; 
MWW = maximum wing width; MWE = maximum elytron width). 

The aedeagus was extracted from the abdomen and separated from the tergal 
apodemal ring; the parameres were separated from the associated membranes in the 
surface of the median lobe. After examination, genital preparations were included in 
DMHF (dimethyl hydantoin formaldehyde) and put on over acetate sheet. 

A routine procedure was followed to prepare the female reproductive 
appendages for scanning microscopy. The last abdominal segments of the female were 
gently squeezed with forceps and introduced in saturated solution of KOH for 8 hours. 
They then were washed in Scheerpeltz’s solution and opened dorsally for checking the 
alkaline digestion. Staining was carried out with Chlorazol black E® in watery solution 
for 1-3 minutes under visual control. The excess of dye was removed by washing in 
KOH and the structures washed again in Scheerpeltz’s solution. The dissected 
structures were placed in a watchglass with Scheerpeltz’s solution under a stereo- 


microscope with a drawing tube for observation and drawing. Selected dissections 
were mounted onto a slide and made permanent. 



Diagnosis. Winged species (brachypterous). Macrophthalmic, depigmented 
with microreticulate integument. Pronotum transverse and slightly cordate: hind angles 
sharp and sides slightly sinuous in basal margin. Elytra convex, slightly protruding 
shoulders, with five well-defined striae (the 6th and 7th not very defined, almost miss- 
ing the striae). Both sexes show similar external morphology, except for the first two 
segments of anterior tarsus dilated in males. Median lobe of the aedeagus slightly 
curved; inner piece of median lobe simple. Female genitalia: genital shield with a line 
of thorn-shape setae on gonosubcoxite; spermatheca long and slender lacking sper- 
mathecal gland. 

Description. Length: 3,9-4,9 mm (Fig. 1). Head (to anterior end of clypeus) a 
little wider than long; in dorsal view two deep frontal sulci border ocular areas on both 
sides and fronto-clypeal area towards the center. Eyes large but not prominent (ocular 
convexity not very conspicuous). Tempora almost as long as the eyes. Antennae fili- 
form, densely setulose, in particular from 2nd to 11th antennomere. Mandible promi- 
nent, sharp. Labial and maxilary palps as typical in the genus. Cephalic chaetotaxy: 
two pairs of supraocular setae (anterior and posterior); two setae at both sides of 
clypeus (outer one largest); six setae on labrum, lateral setae more elongate; one seta 
in sulcus of each mandible. 

Pronotum one third wider than long, with the sides slightly sinuous in basal 
half; maximum width slightly anterior the middle half; basal margin rectilinear and 
smoothly broken toward the rear angles; basal foveae smooth and deep; hind angles 
sharp and slightly diverging. Disk convex, divided lengthway by central sulcus branch- 
ing off towards anterior and posterior angles. Lateral channel with regular width. 
Pronotal chaetotaxy: one anterior seta on each side (almost in the first third) and one 
posterior seta next to hind angle. 

Elytra oval-shaped, approximately three times longer than wide; humeral mar- 
gin well-defined, basally right and perpendicular to the sagittal plane. Disk convex 
with transverse microsculpture (Fig. 2a); five well-defined striae (1st-Sth), the 6th and 
7th almost missing. Elytral chaetotaxy: marginal umbilical series typical of Trechus 
(humeral area with four equidistant setae; subapical area with four setae, two anterior 
and two posterior). Each elytron with one setigerous pore beginning at 2nd stria 
(scutellar pore), two discal setae in the 3rd stria (anterior seta in anterior quarter and 
posterior setae behind half), similarly subapical seta present at end of 2nd-3rd stria, two 
smaller ones near apical margin. Elytra with sparse micropubescence (only visible with 
the microscope). 

Short wings (brachypterous species) (Fig. 2b), only a little longer than the ely- 
tra (Table I). 

Legs long and slender, without special characteristics; foretibia with a longitu- 
dinal sulcus; first two tarsal segments of male foreleg dilated. 



Fic. 1 
Habitus of Trechus barratxinai Espafiol, 1971 (Scale: 1 mm). 


FIG. 2 

Morphological details of Trechus barratxinai Español, 1971: a) elytral microsculpture; b) wing. 
(Scale a: 0.05 mm; scale b: 1 mm). 

Aedeagus 0.6 mm long, (Figs 3a-b) with the median lobe not very arched; short, 
thick and blunt apex; apical lamina subsymmetrical. Distal extreme transforming into 
sagittal lamina. Inner sac very simple with a triangular lamina; there is superimposed 
a field of spines in the wall of the praeputial tube. Parameres similar, but of different 
lengths, both tetrasetulose in distal extreme. 

Female genitalia (Figs 4a-b): external genitalia formed by dimerous IX 
gonopods (gonocoxites and gonosubcoxites) and IX laterotergites. Each gonocoxite 

556 V. M. ORTUNO 

FIG. 3 

Aedeagus. Trechus barratxinai Espanol, 1971: a) median lobe, left and right paramere in lateral 
view; b) median lobe in dorsal view. Trechus diecki Putzeys, 1870 from Covadura (Sorbas, 
Almeria): c) median lobe in lateral view. (Scale a,b,c: 0.2 mm). 


FIG. 4 

Female genitalia in ventral view. Trechus barratxinai Español, 1971: a) left genital shield; b) 
spermathecal complex. Trechus diecki Putzeys, 1870 from Covadura (Sorbas, Almeria): c) sper- 
mathecal complex. (Scale a: 0.1 mm; scale b,c: 0.3 mm). 

558 V. M. ORTUNO 

unguiform, with two thorn-shaped setae of considerable size on dorsal surface (the 
largest located near external edge). Small groove near apex and above ventral surface, 
with two fine sensorial setae. Gonosubcoxite subtriangular, a little longer than wide 
and oblique with respect to laterotergite, with four large thorn-shaped setae; smaller 
setae (1 to 2) found in other areas close to base. Wing-shape, slightly sclerotized IX 
laterotergite with one group of setae over basal margin (approximately 20) and one 
more internal group (approximately 6). Internal genitalia completely membranous; 
tube-shaped vagina-bursa; spermatheca digitiform (long and narrow) with a diverti- 
culum in the basal tract; associate gland absent (spermathecal or accessory gland). The 
odd oviduct makes contact with spermathecal complex at the same point as where the 
spermatheca opens, displaying some longitudinal folds; interior densely covered in 

Variability. Important morphological variations have not been observed, and 
the same applies to wing development: the relative length and relative area of the wings 
is very similar in eight specimens randomly selected (5 males and 3 females) (Table I; 
Fig. 5). Remarkable size differences among imagoes have been observed (see above). 


The overall body shape (tempora, pronotum and basal foveae, elytra) and the 
development of the wings (brachypterous species) in 7. barratxinai are discordant with 
the features of both the 7. pyrenaeus-group and the 7. pandellei-group. Also, the 
aedeagus of 7. barratxinai is very different from that shown by the species in these 

TABLE I. Values for six quantitative characters used in the analysis of Trechus wings. MLW = 
maximum wing length; MWW = maximum wing width; MLE = maximum elytron length; MWE 
= maximum elytron width; RL = relative wing length (in mm); RA = relative wing area (in 


Trechus barratxinai 1 female 2.99 1.20 2.81 0.84 1.06 1.52 
2 f 2.81 1.02 2.63 0.98 1.06 1.11 
3 male 2.58 0.80 2.41 0.89 1.07 0.96 
4 2.99 0.93 Dexa 0.98 11117 1.11 
5 f 3.03 0.98 2.63 0.98 1.15 1.15 
6 m 3.21 1.16 2.67 1.07 1.20 1.30 
7 m 2.99 1.02 2.63 1.02 1513 1.112) 
8 m 2.67 0.84 2.36 0.93 1.13 1.02 
Trechus quadristriatus | m 5.26 2.18 2.67 0.84 1.97 SU 
2 f SALE 1.96 2.67 0.80 1.92 4.70 
3 f 4.37 1.83 2.41 0.89 1.81 SN 
4 m 4.68 1.60 2.54 0.89 1.84 3.31 
5 m SAIT 1.91 DID, 0.98 1.90 3.70 
6 f 5.13 1.91 2.63 0.93 1.95 4.00 

Trechus martinezi 






T. quadristriatus 

Relative wing area(mm 5) 

T. barratxinai 

T. martinezi 

"0,0 0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,4 
Relative wing length (mm) 

FIG. 5 

Wing development in three species of Trechus: T. martinezi Jeannel, 1927 (species with aborted 
wings), T. barratxinai Espafiol, 1971 (brachypterous species) and 7. quadristriatus (Schrank, 
1781) (species usually with functional wings). 

groups, including 7. planipennis, supposedly the most closely related species. 
Relationships of 7. varendorffi Deville, 1903 from Corsica and 7. planipennis from 
Sierra Nevada are quite close (demonstrated by several morphological characters and 
the aedeagus structure due to their common origin in the old Corso-Betican mountain 
range -Early Oligocene-), and it would not be surprising if, according to taxonomic and 
geographical criteria, 7. barratxinai showed a great resemblance and also a certain eco- 
logical relationship with the two species mentioned. But on the contrary, there is a great 
morphological difference between 7. barratxinai and the species of the 7. pyrenaeus- 
group (see above). Probably 7. barratxinai may in fact be a species of the Trechus aus- 
triacus-group, with a great morphological resemblance of 7. barratxinai with T. diecki 
(see below); also, both species are geographical neighbours. The 7. austriacus-group 
proposed by Jeannel (1927), at the moment and with some upgrades, is formed by three 
lineages. A first subgroup is formed by Trechus crucifer La Brülerie, 1875 (different 
areas in the eastern Mediterranean), Trechus schmalfussi Baehr, 1983 (Grecia), Trechus 
creticus Moravec, 2000 (Crete), Trechus diecki diecki Putzeys, 1870 (Southern Spain), 
Trechus diecki maculipennis Bedel, 1897 (Algeria) and, as proposed here, Trechus 
barratxinai (Alicante, Spain). A second subgroup, known from the Middle East, is 
formed by Trechus saulcyi Jeannel, 1921, Trechus libanensis La Brülerie, 1875 and 
Trechus pamphylicus Jeanne, 1996. Finally, if we accept the synonymies proposed by 
Casale & Laneyrie (1982), the third subgroup is monospecific and is formed by 
Trechus austriacus Dejean, 1831, from central and eastern Europe, but also from 

560 V. M. ORTUNO 

Middle East. However, this subgroup should be throughly revised to clarify the status 
of some taxa synonymised by Casale & Laneyrie (1982) such as: Trechus subacumi- 
natus Fleischer, 1898, Trechus labruleriei Jeannel, 1921, Trechus angustus Sahlberg, 
1908 and Trechus olympicus La Brulerie, 1876. 

Thus, in my opinion, the evidence for a close relationship between 7. barratxi- 
nai and T. diecki is rather strong. Many morphological characteristics are common to 
both species in the same phyletic line, in particular the genital (male and female) ana- 
tomy. The aedeagus is almost identical in both species (Figs 3a,c), as well as the parts 
of the inner sac that show great taxonomic and systematic significance. A supple- 
mentary argument for a close relationship between T. barratxinai and T. diecki is the 
extraordinary resemblance of the female genitalia in both taxa, in particular in the sper- 
mathecal complex (Figs 4b,c): both genitalia have a long, digitiform spermatheca with 
a diverticulum in the basal tract. On the contrary, T. plannipennis shows a more simple 
structure without diverticulum that, in turn, is different and more complicated than 
other Trechus genitalia (see, e.g., Salgado & Ortuno, 1998). 

From all this evidence I propose that the ancestors of 7. barratxinai took refuge 
during the Miocene in eastern Iberia. Subsequent climatic changes during periods of 
high dryness decimated this phyletic line. They found shelter in “area-islands” with 
high humidity and low temperature, an optimal combination for this hygrophilous 
species, the Penyes de Roset being one of these refuges (also, other hygrophilous cara- 
bids and Prionoglaris stygia Enderlein, 1909 a troglophilous Psocoptera, have been 
located there). 

In spite of the taxonomic relationship of 7. barratxinai and T. diecki, it is 
possible to differentiate both species by the following characteristics: 7. diecki presents 
dark pigmentation, tetramaculate elytra, deeper striae (6th and 7th well-defined) and 
convex interstriae, deeper microreticulation integument (especially in the elytra), 
shorter tempora and aedeagus with median lobe not very arched; 7. barratxinai shows 
unicoloured and depigmented integument, more superficial striae (6th and 7th not well- 
defined) and not very convex interstriae, shallow microreticulation, longer tempora 
and, finally, slightly more arched median lobe. 


The Penyes de Roset is a very special area in the orography from Alicante 
province. They are cliff-rocks of calcareous character. Many of the rocky walls 
collapsed and formed abyss and cracks of tectonic origin. The substrate is very spongy 
and porous in the base of the cliff-rocks forming screes. This place rises on a vast xeric 
landscape of the Subcomarca from Canal de Xixona, forming small havens of high 
humidity and low temperature. In view of these peculiarities, it deserves mention a 
small list of the more common rupicolous plants: Hedera helix L., Pistacia terebinthus 
L., Umbilicus horizontalis (Guss.) DC.; Lavatera maritima Gouan, Ruscus aculeatus 
L., Verbascum sp., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Thymus sp., and different species of 
Asplenium and Sempervivum. 

Many geophilic carabids of extreme or limited habitats show stable populations. 
In these cases dispersal is not necessary and the imagoes fix their brachypterous 
condition (Darlington, 1943). This same phenomenon occurs in 7. barratxinai, that has 


stabilized the character “reduced wings” (Fig. 5). According to this distribution model 
we are dealing with a telospecies or senile species (now in contraction; see Rapoport, 
1975: 68). T. barratxinai is very lucifugous hiding in shady areas and accidentally 
inside the abyss and cracks. T. barratxinai should not be considered as a cavernicolous 
species (without further qualification) and much less as troglobite (for example, see 
Jeanne, 1976). In any case, there are reasons to believe that it is a troglophilous species; 
this eco-physiological trend is favoured by the “pre-adaptation” within this Trechus 
lineage (hygrophilous and lucifugous species), and also by the very cracked substratum 
with numerous underground refuges. The troglophilous behaviour of T. barratxinai 
also appears in other species of the group (or phyletic line) of Trechus austriacus. For 
example, the epigeous species T. austriacus is located in the caves of the Balkan 
Peninsula (Jeannel, 1941) and Bulgaria (Heynderycx, 1996); T. saulcyi appears in 
caves of Turkey, Syria and Cyprus, occasionally (Decu er al., 2001); T. diecki is 
common, but not exclusive, in the caves of the south-eastern of the Iberian Peninsula 
(Mateu, 1956; Jeanne, 1967; Tinaut, 1998); Finally, 7. crucifer is known as troglo- 
philous species in some areas of the southern and northern Mediterranean (Coiffait, 
1954; Heynderycx, 1996). 

To conclude, 7. barratxinai is a geophilic, lucifugous and hygrophilous species 
that, however, lacks important adaptive features to the subterranean environment: the 
wing is much less reduced than in cavernicolous species, for example 7. martinezi 
(Fig. 5). On the other hand, some species have large wings and are capable of flight (7. 
quadristriatus, which exceptionally might be brachypterous) (Fig. 5); the wings of 7. 
barratxinai do undoubtedly not allow flight (Fig. 2b, 5). This species has lapidicolous 
life in fresh and humid places of the Penyes de Roset; in this area the temperature is 
about 15°C during summer. The very cracked substratum facilitates colonization of the 
abyss (specimen of the type series) and the mesocavernous shallow substratum (8 
specimens studied in this work). 7. barratxinai coexists with other species of carabids, 
e.g. Carabus (Mesocarabus) helluo Dejean, 1826, Orthomus expansus Mateu, 1952, 
Percus (Pseudopercus) guiraoi Pérez-Arcas, 1869, Laemostenus (Pristonychus) terri- 
cola (Herbst, 1783), Platyderus sp., Cryptophonus tenebrosus (Dejean, 1829), Har- 
palus (Harpalus) atratus Latreille, 1804, Harpalus (Harpalus) wagneri Schauberger, 
1926, Licinus punctatulus granulatus Dejean, 1826 and Brachinus (Brachynidius) 
sclopeta (Fabricius, 1792), some of them previously not recorded from the Spanish- 


I wish to express my thanks to Juan A. Zaragoza for his collaboration in the 
biospeleological expeditions of 2003 and an anonymous reviewer for helpful 
comments on a first draft. I also thank Jaime Potti for his revision of the English. 

BELLES, X. 1987. Fauna cavernicola i intersticial de la peninsula ibérica i les illes balears. CSIC., 
Ed. Moll, Mallorca, 207 pp. 

CASALE, A. & LANEYRIE, R. 1982. Trechodinae et Trechinae du Monde. Tableau des sous- 
familles, tribus, series phylétiques, genres, et catalogue general des espèces. Memoires 
de Biospéologie 9: 1-226. 

562 V. M. ORTUNO 

CASALE, A., VIGNA-TAGLIANTI, A. & JUBERTHIE, Ch. 1998. Coleoptera Carabidae (pp. 1047- 
1081). Jn: JUBERTHIE, C. & DECU, V. (eds). Encyclopaedia Biospéologica. Vol. 2. Société 
de Biospeologie, Moulis-Bucarest. 

COIFFAIT, H. 1954. Mission Henri Coiffait au Liban (1951). Coléoptères cavernicoles et endoges. 
Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale 91(4): 423-436. 

DARLINGTON, P.J., Jr. 1943. Carabidae of mountains and islands: data on the evolution of isolat- 
ed faunas, and on atrophy of wings. Ecological Monographs 13: 37-61. 

DECU, V., JUBERTHIE, Ch., BAKALOWICZ, M. & TABACARU, I. 2001. Turquie (pp. 2007-2026). In: 
JUBERTHIE, C. & DECU, V. (eds). Encyclopaedia Biospéologica. Vol. 3. Société de 
Biospéologie, Moulis-Bucarest. 

1980. Wing polymorphism and dimorphism in ground beetles as stages in an evo- 
lutionary process (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Entomologia Generalis 6(2-4): 107-134. 

EsPaNOL, F. 1971. Nuevos tréquidos cavernicolas de la fauna española (Col. Caraboidea). 
Publicaciones del Instituto de Biologia Aplicada de Barcelona 51: 89-96. 

HEYNDERYCX, J. 1996. Les Carabidae troglobies de Bulgarie. Lambillionea 96(2): 292-294. 

JEANNE, C. 1967. Carabiques de la Péninsule Ibérique (5° note). Actes de la Société linnéenne de 
Bordeaux 104(10), ser. A: 3-22. 

JEANNE, C. 1976. Carabiques de la Péninsule Ibérique (2° supplément). Bulletin de la Société 
linnéenne de Bordeaux 6(7-10): 27-46. 

JEANNEL, R. 1927. Monografie des Trechinae. Morphologie comparée et distribution géo- 
graphique d’un groupe de Coléoptères (II livraison). L’Abeille 33: 1-592. 

JEANNEL, R. 1941. Faune de France, Coléoptères Carabiques, Première Partie. Lechevalier, 
Paris, 571 pp. 

LENCINA, J.L., ANDUJAR, A. & RUANO, L. 1990. Algunas citas de interés de la fauna de 
coleöpteros de la provincia de Albacete. Revista de Estudios Albacetenses 27: 101-121. 

MATEU, J. 1956. Atranus collaris (Menetries) (Col. Carabidae). Género y especie nueva para la 
fauna espafiola y observaciones sobre caräbidos ibéricos. Eos 32(1-4): 135-140. 

Rapoport, E.H. 1975. Aerografia. Estrategias geogräficas de las especies. Fondo de Cultura 
Economica, Mexico, 214 pp. 

SALGADO, J.M. & ORTUNO, V.M. 1998. Two new cave-dwelling beetle species (Coleoptera: 
Carabidae: Trechinae) of the Cantabrian Karst (Spain). The Colepterists Bulletin 52(4): 

SENDRA, A. & ZARAGOZA, J.A. 1982. Invertebrados cavernicolas del Pais Valenciano. Lapiaz 10: 

SERRANO, J. 2003. Catalogo de los Carabidae (Coleoptera) de la Peninsula Ibérica. Monograffas 
S.E.A. 9. Sociedad Entomolögica Aragonesa, Zaragoza, 130 pp. 

TINAUT, A. 1998. Artrépodos terrestres de las cavidades andaluzas. Zoologica baetica 9: 3-28. 

ZABALLOS, J.P. & JEANNE, C. 1994. Nuevo catalogo de los caräbidos (Coleoptera) de la Peninsula 
Ibérica. Monografias S.E.A. 1. Sociedad Entomolögica Aragonesa, Zaragoza, 159 pp. 

ZARAGOZA, J.A. & SENDRA, A. 1988. Fauna cavernicola de la provincia de Alicante. Ayudas a la 
investigaciön 1984-1985. Inst. Est. “Juan Gil-Albert”. Diputaciôn de Alicante 3: 11-35. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 563-565; septembre 2004 

Une espèce nouvelle de Pseudosinella provenant du Portugal 
(Insecta: Collembola). XVII® contribution 

Maria Manuela DA GAMA 
Instituto do Ambiente e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra, 
3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal. 

A new species of Pseudosinella from Portugal (Insecta: Collembola). 
XVIIth contribution. - Pseudosinella angelae sp. n. is described from a 
typical Mediterranean landscape dominated by Quercus suber L. in the 
surroundings of Lisbon. Morphological comparison with similar species is 
made, in order to establish the genealogical position of the new species. 

Keywords: Insecta - Collembola - Pseudosinella - new species - Portugal. 


Cette étude s’insere dans un projet financé par l’Union Européenne, 
‘BIOASSESS — European Biodiversity Assessment Tools’, dont l’objectif principal 
consiste dans le développement d’un groupe d’instruments efficaces pour l’évaluation 
de la biodiversité, afin de contröler les changements dans les patrons de biodiversité 
des organismes vivants. Ces changements sont causés par les modifications dérivées de 
politiques communautaires dans l’usage du sol, comme l’agriculture, la sylviculture, 
l’urbanisme, etc. 

Les matériaux qui concernent la description de cette espèce nouvelle ont été 
récoltés dans un bois méditerranéen typique, dont l’espece dominante est le chéne- 
liege (Quercus suber). Il s’agit d’une zone ou l’intervention humaine est faible, située 
sur le rivage gauche du fleuve Tage à 20 km de Lisbonne. 

Les types de la nouvelle espèce sont déposés au Muséum d’histoire naturelle de 
Genève (MHNG) et au Musée Zoologique de l’Université de Coimbra (MC). 

Pseudosinella angelae sp. n. Figs 1-2 


Portugal, Companhia das Lezirias, environs de Lisbonne, bois “montado” de 
chéne-liège (Quercus suber) avec une strate herbacée dominée par Cistus salvifolius 
L., Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull et Ulex australis Clemente. 

L’holotype et 2 paratypes, en préparation, IV. 2002, sont déposés au MHNG. 
4 paratypes, en préparation, IV. 2002, sont déposés au MC. 


Taille: 0,8-1 mm. Le pigment bleu se trouve uniquement dans les 2+2 yeux, de 
taille identique, placés l’un à côté de l’autre. Rapport entre la longueur des antennes et 

Manuscrit accepté le 28.11.2003 

564 M. M. DA GAMA 

‚N / 5: No 

SI a 

FIG. 1 
Pseudosinella angelae sp. n.: Chétotaxie dorsale de l’abd. II, côté gauche. 

FIG. 2 
Pseudosinella angelae sp. n.: Griffe 3, face antérieure. 


la diagonale céphalique variant de 1,2 à 1,4. L’organe antennaire III présente la 
structure habituelle. Articles antennaires sans écailles. Macrochètes dorsaux: 
R011/10/0101+2. Le macrochete céphalique dorsolatéral est accompagné d’une 
trichobothrie. Chétotaxie de l’abdomen II: pa B qj  (Fig.1). Soie accessoire ‘s’ de 
l’abdomen IV absente. Base du labium: M, Mr E L, L;: r est rudimentaire et les 
autres soies sont distinctement ciliées. La dent impaire de la griffe est située à environ 
68-70% de sa créte interne et la dent proximale postérieure est un peu plus développée 
que la dent proximale antérieure (Fig. 2). Empodium lancéolé. Ergot tibiotarsal non 
spatulé. Les dents apicale et anteapicale du mucron sont subégales. 


La formule chétotaxique des macrochètes dorsaux, de l’abdomen II et de la base 
du labium de la nouvelle espèce est identique à celle de P. zygophora (Schille, 1908) 
et de P. picta Börner, 1903, qui ne possèdent pas non plus de soie accessoire s sur 
l’abdomen IV. Néanmoins P. angelae sp. n. se distingue de ces deux espèces par le 
nombre des yeux (5+5 chez P. zygophora et 4+4 chez P. picta) et par des petits details 
concernant la structure de la griffe, de l’empodium et de l’ergot tibiotarsal. 

Ces trois espèces doivent appartenir à la lignée généalogique dérivée de Lepido- 
cyrtus pallidus Reuter, 1890 emend. Gisin, 1965 (Gisin, 1967; Gama, 1984): p présent 
sur l’abdomen II, r rudimentaire sur la base du labium. 

P. obanae Gruia, 1998, provenant de Roumanie, qui fait partie de cette méme 
lignée généalogique, semble se distinguer de la nouvelle espèce uniquement par la 
chétotaxie du thorax II sans macrochètes. Toutefois la disposition des yeux est 
différente, car ils sont placés l’un derrière l’autre chez P. obanae et l’un à côté de 
l’autre chez P. angelae sp. n. 


GAMA, M. M. da 1984. Phylogénie des espèces européennes de Pseudosinella (Collembola: 
Entomobryidae). Annales de la Société royale zoologique de Belgique 114: 59-70. 

GISIN, H. 1967. Espèces nouvelles et lignées évolutives de Pseudosinella endogés. Memorias e 
Estudos do Museu zoolögico da Universidade de Coimbra 301: 1-21. 

GRUIA, M. 1998. Sur la faune de Collemboles de l’écosystème exokarstique et karstique de 
Movile (Dobrogea du Sud, Mangalia, Romania). Mémoires de Biospéologie 25: 45-52. 


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REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 567-583; septembre 2004 

Une nouvelle espèce d’Hyperolius du Cameroun 
(Amphibia, Anura, Hyperoliidae) 

Jean-Louis AMIET 
48, rue des Souch£res, F-26110 Nyons. 

A new species of Hyperolius from Cameroon (Amphibia, Anura, Hyper- 
oliidae. - Previously mentioned as “Hyperolius sp. 6”, Hyperolius cameru- 
nensis sp. n. is distributed in a small area of south-west Cameroon. It differs 
from related species by its phase III colour pattern, with dorsum marked of 
more or less numerous large rounded red spots, and ventrum brightly 
coloured of orange and white-speckled black. This pattern is exhibited by 
females and about a quarter of the reproducing males. In phase II, H. came- 
runensis is very similar to H. riggenbachi, but it is smaller and has a broader 
head. H. camerunensis is a farmbush species, differing from other 
Cameroonian anurans by its horizontal and vertical distribution. A definition 
of the species group to which it is related is proposed. 

Keywords: Amphibia - Anura - Hyperoliidae - Hyperolius - Cameroon - 
systematics - ecology. 


La batrachofaune du Cameroun peut étre estimée à environ 200 espèces, dont 
plusieurs ne sont pas encore décrites. Parmi ces dernières se trouve l’Hyperolius qui 
fera l’objet de cet article. Reconnu comme espèce distincte et probablement nouvelle 
il y a déjà une trentaine d’années, il n’a été jusqu’ici mentionné que sous le nom 
d’«Hyperolius sp. 6» (Amiet, 1975). Grâce au travail d’ensemble que Schigtz (1999) a 
consacré aux rainettes africaines, il est possible de confirmer qu’il s’agit effectivement 
d’une espèce nouvelle pour la science, et apparemment endémique du sud-ouest du 


Les 82 spécimens étudiés ci-après ont tous été captures de nuit par l’auteur. Les 
mâles ont, en général, été repérés grâce à leur activité vocale; les femelles ont été 
trouvées en compagnie des mâles, deux étant même en amplexus. Il s’agit donc dans 
tous les cas d’individus adultes. Un élevage à partir d’une ponte produite par l’un des 
couples a permis de connaître la livrée juvénile. 

Dans plusieurs stations où l’espèce a été entendue, il n’y a pas eu de prélè- 
vement de spécimens. Une vérification de visu a été faite dans les sites où elle pouvait 
être syntopique d’Hyperolius riggenbachi (Nieden, 1910), car les cris des deux espèces 
se ressemblent beaucoup. 

Manuscrit accepté le 08.12.2003 

568 J.-L. AMIET 

Les données faunistiques de la carte de la Fig. 3 incluent les relevés auditifs. 
Pour plus de précisions sur les méthodes de relevé bio-acoustique et de cartographie, 
on pourra se reporter à Amiet (1983). Dans le tableau 1, les coordonnées géographiques 
sont celles des mailles (carrés de 10 minutes de côté) où les spécimens ont été capturés. 

TABLEAU 1. Principales données relatives au matériel d’H. camerunensis étudié. Explications 

dans le texte sous «Matériel étudié». 

Nombre de Numéros de Localité Coordonnées Altitude Date de 
spécimens collection de la maille capture 

9 M2, 1 M3 71.332-341 Ebone 9°50'-10° x 4°50'-5° 450-500 30.11.71 
2M2,2M3,1F  71.508-509; 

71.539 ; Mwandong 9°40'-50' x 4°50'-5° = 1200 29.IV.71 

6 M2, 1F 71.719-725 Santchou 9°50'-10° x 5°10'-20' = 700 24.V.71 
1 M3 71.758 Fotabong 9°50'-10° x 5°30'-40' 1050-1100 30.V.71 
1 M3 71.849 Mwakoumel 9°40'-50' x 4°50'-5° = 1200 26.V.71 
4M2 71.789-792 Mwakoumel 9°40'-50' x 4°50'-5° = 1200 30.V.71 
3M2 71.1082-1084  Santchou 9°50'-10° x 5°10'-20' = 700 22.IX.71 
1M2 72.089 Ebone 9°50'-10° x 4°50'-5° 450-500 29.1.72 
4 M2, 4 M3 72.223-230 Manengolé 9°50'-10° x 4°50'-5° = 600 23.11.72 
3M3 73.033-035 Mwakoumel 9°40'-50' x 4°50'-5° = 1200 23.1.73 
2 M2, 2M3 73.542-545 Bakwat 9°50'-10° x 4°50'-5° = 850 26.X11.73 
2M2,1M3,1F  75.089-90; 

75.153-154 Mankwat 9°50'-10° x 5°00'-10' = 950 23.11.75 
5 M2, 1 M3 75.231-233; 

75.245-247 Falaise des Mbos 10°00'-10' x 5°20'-30' = 900 25.V.75 
6 M2, 1F 79.068-074 Magba 11°10'-20' x 5°50'-6° =700 23.V1.79 
1 M2, IF 79.099-100 Ndikitolé 10°40'-50' x 4°40'-50' = 750 28.V1.79 
2M2,1M3,1F  80.078-80; 

80.082 Mélong II 9°50'-10° x 5°00'-10' = 850 05.V11.80 
1F 80.081 Ekom Nkam 10°00'-10' x 5°00'-10' = 600 07.V11.80 
1F 81.032 Falaise de Foréké 10°00'-10' x 5°20'-30' = 1100 20.11.81 
1 M3,1F 81.036-37 Falaise de Foréké 10°00'-10' x 5°20'-30' = 850 20.11.81 
2 M2 82.004-005 Bodipo 10°40'-50' x 4°20'-30' = 700 28.1.82 
3 M2 86.021-023 Makouopnsap 11°00'-10' x 5°10'-20' 600-650 18.111.86 
3 M2 86.029-031 Yambeta 10°50'-11° x 4°40'-50' = 700 16.X.86 

Les mensurations ont été faites au pied à coulisse, au dixième de mm, pour la 
longueur museau-anus (L), la largeur de la tête, en arrière des yeux (T) et la longueur 
de la jambe, du milieu du genou au milieu du talon (J). Pour la téte, les rapports 
morphometriques ont été établis à partir de dessins à la chambre claire de la téte, vue 
de dessus, de 10 individus pris au hasard. Les rapports sont calculés à partir des valeurs 
suivantes: — espace entre les narines (IN), — distance entre la narine et la commissure 
palpébrale antérieure (NO), — distance entre les deux commissures palpébrales (OE), — 
largeur de la téte en arrière des yeux (T). 

La description des livrées, particulièrement importante pour les Hyperolius, est 
basée sur les notes de terrain, les spécimens préservés et, surtout, 64 diapositives de 
nombreux spécimens photographiés sur le vif. 

Les vocalisations de trois individus ont été enregistrées sur le terrain, dans des 
localités différentes (magnétophone Uher Report 4000), et ont fait l’objet de sona- 


grammes réalisés au Laboratoire de Zoologie de l’Université de Copenhague grâce à 
l’obligeance de A. Schigtz. 

Les noms des auteurs et les dates de publication des noms d’espèces cités dans 
le présent travail n’ont pas été mentionnés dans le texte. On les trouvera ci-après, les 
genres et les espèces étant classés par ordre alphabétique: Afrixalus dorsalis (Peters, 
1875), A. paradorsalis Perret, 1960, Amnirana albolabris (Hallowell, 1856), Bufo 
maculatus Hallowell, 1855, Chiromantis rufescens (Giinther, 1868), Hyperolius acuti- 
rostris Peters, 1875, H. adametzi Ahl, 1931, H. balfouri (Werner, 1907), H. bolifambae 
Mertens, 1938, H. bopeleti Amiet, 1979, H. cinnamomeoventris Bocage, 1866, H. 
concolor (Hallowell, 1844), H. fusciventris Peters, 1876, A. guttulatus Güther, 1858, 
H. kuligae Mertens, 1940, A. ocellatus Günther, 1858, H. pardalis Laurent, 1947, A. 
phantasticus (Boulenger, 1899), H. platyceps (Boulenger, 1900), H. riggenbachi 
(Nieden, 1910), H. tuberculatus Mocquard, 1897, H. viridiflavus (Duméril & Bibron, 
1841), Leptopelis aubryi (Duméril, 1856), L. calcaratus (Boulenger, 1906), L. notatus 
(Buchholz & Peters, 1875). 

Hyperolius camerunensis sp. n. 


Le tableau 1 donne pour chacun des prélèvements, classés par ordre chronologique, les 
informations suivantes: — nombre de spécimens (M2: mâles en livrée de phase II, M3: mâles en 
livrée de phase III, F: femelles); — numéros de collection de l’auteur; — localité d’origine, telle 
qu’elle figure sur les étiquettes de collection (il s’agit en général de petits villages relativement 
proches des points de capture effectifs des spécimens; les localités Mwakoumel et Mwandong, 
ainsi que Falaise des Mbos et Falaise de Foréké, sont en fait synonymes); — coordonnées géo- 
graphiques de la maille de 10 minutes de côté où ont été trouvés les spécimens; — altitude du site 
de capture; — date de capture. 

Holotype: mâle de Bakwat, 26.XII.1975, déposé au Musée d'histoire naturelle de 
Genève sous le numéro MHNG 2643.57 (n° Amiet: 73.544). Principaux caractères mentionnés 

Paratypes: tous les autres spécimens du tableau 1. Vingt d’entre eux sont déposés au 
Musée de Genève sous les numéros MHNG 2643.58 à 82, vingt autres au Muséum national 
d'Histoire naturelle de Paris sous les numéros MNHN 2003.0040 à 2003.0064. 


Hyperolius de taille moyenne, à museau court et tégument lisse, proche 
d’H. riggenbachi, dont il diffère par sa tête plus large, sa taille plus faible et, surtout, 
par sa livrée en phase III: — dos et flancs, ou seulement ces derniers, ornés de taches 
rouge vif, la plupart sub-circulaires, entourées d’un liséré clair, — face ventrale orange 
dans sa partie centrale, noire avec de gros points blancs sur sa périphérie. Espèce 
parasylvicole endémique du sud-ouest du Cameroun. 


Le nom spécifique fait allusion au fait que cette espèce est propre au territoire 

1 — Principaux caractères de l’holotype 

Mensurations (en mm) et proportions (en %): L: 24; T: 9,1; avant-bras, du coude 
au poignet; 5,8; cuisse; 10,2; J: 12,1; pied, tarse compris: 17,8; T/L: 37,9; J/L: 50,4; 

570 J.-L. AMIET 

IN/T: 28,1; NO/IN; 72,7; NO/OE: 60,5; bord postérieur du disque gulaire/largeur de la 
mandibule au méme niveau: 37,4. 

Livrée: livrée diurne de phase III. En alcool: face supérieure de la tête, du corps, 
des avant-bras et des jambes, et tranche externe des pieds de teinte gris clair, avec des 
macules de forme arrondie ou grossièrement bacilliforme de teinte rouge grenat, plus 
foncé sur le pourtour, et entourées d’un mince liséré jaune clair; flancs de méme cou- 
leur, les taches étirées longitudinalement et s’étendant jusqu’à la région loréale. 
Dessous des régions pectorale et abdominale blanchätre, le tégument opaque; cuisses, 
pieds et mains teintés d’orangé très pâle. Pigmentation dorsale et latérale sur le vif: voir 
photo d de la planche I. 

2 — Habitus, proportions 

Espèce de taille moyenne pour le genre (moyenne pour 73 mâles: 2,4 cm, pour 
9 femelles: 3 cm), de forme plutôt ramassée et aplatie dorso-ventralement, la tête rela- 
tivement large, un peu plus chez le mâle (moyenne T/L: 37,51%) que chez la femelle 
(36,08%). Par leur habitus, les mâles ressemblent à ceux d’H. ocellatus (plus petits) ou 
d’H. riggenbachi (plus grands et un peu plus élancés) et les femelles à celles d’H. 

Si on compare les mâles d’H. camerunensis à ceux d’H. riggenbachi, très 
ressemblants en phase II, on constate (Tab. 2 et histogrammes de la Fig. 1) que: — 1°) 
H. camerunensis est plus petit qu’H. riggenbachi, avec une moyenne de 23,94 mm 
pour le premier et de 27,76 pour le second, — 2°) la tête est proportionnellement plus 
large chez camerunensis que chez riggenbachi, avec des rapports T/L de 37,5% et 
32,5% respectivement. 

Sur la face supérieure du corps et des membres, le tégument est lisse, d’aspect 
satiné; sur la face ventrale, il est plus mince et transparent, sauf chez les individus en 
phase III (voir ci-après), chez lesquels il est opaque. Il n’y a aucune trace de spinosite. 
Les seuls reliefs tégumentaires correspondent à quelques petites excroisssances rictales. 

Museau très court, obtus: vu en plan, il apparaît tronqué ou très légèrement 
arqué entre les narines; la distance entre la commissure palpébrale antérieure et la 
narine (NO) représente entre les deux tiers et les trois quarts du diamètre de l’ceil (OE), 
et des 2/3 aux 4/5 de la distance entre les narines (Tab. 2). Narines largement écartées, 
séparées par un espace qui atteint presque le tiers de la largeur de la téte en arrière des 
yeux (Tab. 2). Canthus très largement arrondi. Tympans non différenciés, comme chez 
les autres Hyperolius, cependant perceptible chez certains spécimens fixés en Eclairage 

Membres sans particularités notables. Doigts (Fig. 2) avec des disques ter- 
rninaux bien développés, un peu plus larges que longs aux doigts 2, 3 et 4. Ils sont 
réunis par une petite palmure ne dépassant guère, au doigt 3, le premier tubercule sous- 
articulaire, mais se prolongeant le long des doigts jusqu’aux disques. Les disques des 
orteils (Fig. 2) sont aussi larges (1 et 5) ou un peu plus larges (2, 3 et 4) que longs. Le 
développement de la palmure pédieuse est semblable à celui de nombreux autres 
Hyperolius: de part et d’autre de l’orteil 4, elle s’étend jusqu’au tubercule sous-articu- 
laire distal mais se poursuit en une étroite frange jusqu’au disque. 


TABLEAU 2. Quelques mensurations et rapports morphométriques chez H. camerunensis et, pour 
comparaison, chez l’espèce voisine A. riggenbachi. Abréviations: voir «Matériel et méthodes». 

È N 73 73 73 73 73 10 10 10 
S max. 280 108 148 40,88 54,89 32,00 91,20 75,60 
S min. 210 77 10200 33,46, 45:65, 28.10.28. 772207 759,60 
È moyen 23940 1899 1228 371,51 5123 2896 77,40) 67.23 
sl &c.-t. 15 5,8 8,6 kam 222 132 7,08 5,4 
2 | x N 30 30 30 30 30 10 10 10 
È max. 308 102 14853642 52,38 33337 | 105,88 178126 
S min. 240 80 1149 2729,82) 45.125 25,207 77000. 55.81 
= Moya 217.6 3037 13620 32.54 49109152929 1280,45 | 6591 
= Gero Se 6,4 8,6 STA 712690 3:07 10,66 6,04 
È N 9 9 9 9 9 
S max 324 119 172 3710453555 
5 min. 270 99 130 33,89 46,42 
ù moy. 293,4 1059 148,6 36,08 50,58 
Sx éc.-t. 16,5 6,9 27 132,56 
= a 
2 | $ N 6 6 6 6 6 
à max. 380 126 200 33,06 52,91 
à min. 285 97 1390052758 47.94, 
È moy. 336 HID 2 1168:32 33710850 
= éc.-t. — 38,4 11,8 235000073 (2510: 

3 — Caractères sexuels secondaires 

Taille. Les mâles sont plus petits que les femelles, la taille moyenne des 
premiers (23,94 mm) représentant environ 80% de celle des secondes (29,34 mm), 
mais il y a un léger chevauchement des valeurs de la longueur museau-anus: le plus 
grand mâle mesure 28 mm et la plus petite femelle 27 mm. 

Glande (ou disque) gulaire. De forme trapézoïdale ou sub-rectangulaire, son 
extension transversale est très variable: la largeur de son bord postérieur peut repré- 
senter de 37% à 69% de celle de la mandibule, mesurée au même niveau (mensurations 
effectuées sur 6 mâles pris au hasard). 

Glandes tégumentaires. Dans la région pectorale et sur la face interne de 
l’avant-bras, le tégument est, chez les mâles, un peu épaissi et piqueté de pores. Ces 
aires glandulaires, qui existent chez divers autres Hyperolius, ne sont pas toujours 
faciles à observer. 

4 — Livrée 

Bien mieux que les critères de forme et de proportions, les caractéristiques de 
la livrée permettent de séparer cette espèce des espèces voisines. 

H. camerunensis peut se présenter sous des livrées très différentes, qui se 
succèdent dans le temps et correspondent donc à des phases, et non à des morphes. 

572 J.-L. AMIET 

BH. riggenbachi | 
OX. camerunensis | 


210-229 230-249 250-269 270-289 290-309 
Classes L 


29-30,9 31-329 33-349 35-369 37-38,9 39-409 
Classes T/L 

Fic. 1 

Variation de la taille (L) et du rapport largeur de la tête / longueur museau-anus (T/L) en pour- 
centage du nombre d'individus chez 30 mâles d’H. riggenbachi et 73 mâles d’H. camerunensis. 


5 mm 

FIG. 2 

Face palmaire de la main, à gauche, et face plantaire du pied, à droite, chez un individu 
d’H. camerunensis (n° 79.073). 

Trois phases peuvent être reconnues, évidemment reliées par des intermédiaires: — 
phase 1: livrée des juvéniles néo-métamorphosés; — phase IT: livrée arborée, sur les 
sites de reproduction, par une proportion importante des mâles, de l’ordre de 75%; — 
phase III: dans les mêmes conditions, elle correspond à la livrée des autres mâles et de 
la totalité des femelles. La livrée varie aussi en fonction du cycle nycthéméral (en fait, 
avec la lumière et l’hygrométrie), et il y a donc, pour toutes les phases et leurs inter- 
mediaires, une «livrée diurne» et une «livrée nocturne». Cette variation affecte essen- 
tiellement la face dorsale; elle entraîne une modification des couleurs, en particulier 
des contrastes, mais non des dessins (constituant le «patron» ou «pattern»). 

Phase I. — Le tégument de la face dorsale, légèrement transparent, est d’un vert 
jaunätre passant au turquoise vers l’arrière, assez régulièrement piqueté de chro- 
matophores brun-noir. Deux fines lignes blanches latéro-dorsales partent de l’aine, 
passent au-dessus de l’ceil, se prolongent sur le canthus et se rejoignent au bout du 
museau (PI. I, k). En livrée nocturne, les lignes claires ressortent moins sur le fond et 
les chromatophores ont tendance à former des taches nébuleuses plus foncées qui 
parsèment la face dorsale. Ventralement, le tégument est transparent, vert teinté de 
turquoise, et il n’y a aucune trace de pigment jaune ou rouge. 

574 J.-L. AMIET 

Phase II. — En livrée diurne, toute la face supérieure est d’un vert pâle, plus ou 
moins nuancé de jaune ou de turquoise. Les lignes latéro-dorsales sont relativement 
plus larges que dans la phase précédente (de l’ordre de 1,5 à 2 mm) et d’un blanc pur 
(pl. I, a). 

En livrée nocturne, le contraste entre le fond et les bandes s’atténue. La 
pigmentation foncière, plus ou moins envahie de taches sombres, est alors d’un vert 
terne, pouvant tirer sur le brun clair. Les bandes latéro-dorsales deviennent d’un brun 
rougeätre ferrugineux et sont bordées par des concentrations de chromatophores 
brunätres. C’est le cas aussi pour les canthus, ornés de bandes brunes plus ou moins 
larges, pouvant persister longtemps après l’éclaircissement de la livrée nocturne (PI. I, 

Sous les membres et la gorge, le tégument est transparent, vert clair teinté de 
jaune ou de turquoise. L’aspect du reste de la face ventrale varie suivant le degré d’évo- 
lution de la livrée. Dans un premier stade, le tégument de la poitrine et de l’abdomen, 
opaque, est d’un blanc pur sauf, éventuellement, une «réserve» transparente médio- 
abdominale (PI. I, j, individus de gauche). A un stade un peu plus avancé, la zone trans- 
parente disparaît alors que la face ventrale devient jaune citron, la pigmentation 
blanche ne subsistant qu’en périphérie, dans la région latéro-ventrale, où elle s’étend 
sur la moitié inférieure des flancs. Le disque gulaire est jaunätre. Les doigts et les 
orteils sont vert-jaune avec, chez certains individus, un léger lavis rouge. 

Phase III. — La livrée, très différente des précédentes, est caractérisée par des 
macules de couleur rouge sur le dos et les flancs, ou seulement sur ces derniers. Ce 
système chromatique permet de séparer d’emblée H. camerunensis des espèces 

Livree diurne. Toutes les parties apparentes en position de repos ont une teinte 
foncière claire, allant du gris perle au bistre verdätre, en passant par le jaune-beige, le 
gris-beige ou le bistre. Sur ce fond ressortent des taches bien circonscrites, arrondies ou, 
plus rarement, étirées; de couleur rouge vif, elles sont irrégulièrement bordées de 
noiràtre et entourées d’un mince liséré clair. Le nombre, la taille et la répartition de ces 
taches montrent une importante variabilité individuelle entre les deux extrêmes 
suivants: — taches nombreuses mais relativement petites sur tout le dos ainsi que sur les 
avant-bras et les jambes, — ou taches localisées sur les flancs et la région loréale, de 
forme plutôt étirée que circulaire, le restant de la face dorsale étant uni (Pl. I, dà g et i). 

Livrée nocturne. Le fond va du gris brunätre au brun chocolat, les macules sont 
d’un rouge grenat et les lisérés clairs plus apparents (PI. I, h). 

Face ventrale. Elle est caractérisée par le contraste entre deux types de pigmen- 
tation différents: — une pigmentation hétérogène, constituée de gros points blancs sur 
un fond noir ou noiràtre, — une pigmentation unie, orange vif ou rouge corail. La 
première s’étend sur le pourtour de l’abdomen, d’où elle remonte sur les flancs, sur la 
région gulaire, qu’elle envahit plus ou moins, et sur le dessous des jambes et des 
membres antérieurs. La pigmentation orange couvre tout l’abdomen, une plus ou 
moins grande partie de la gorge et le dessous des cuisses. La pigmentation rouge est 
propre aux pieds et aux mains. Les femelles se distinguent légèrement des mäles par 
leur maculation plus contrastée et mieux circonscrite, ainsi que par leurs couleurs 
encore plus éclatantes (PI. I, j, individus de droite). 


PLANCHE I. Variation du chromatisme chez H. camerunensis. De aä c, mäles en phase II (a: 
livrée diurne, b et c: livrée nocturne); de d ah, mâles en phase III (d: holotype, h: livrée nocturne 
très foncée); i: femelle; j: face ventrale de deux mâles en phase II (à gauche) et d’un mâle et une 
femelle en phase III (à droite); k: jeune individu en phase I. Tous les individus sont à la méme 
échelle, sauf ceux des figures j et k. 

576 J.-L. AMIET 

Livrées intermédiaires. — Le passage de la phase I (juvéniles obtenus par 
élevage à partir d’une ponte) à la phase II (mäles adultes trouvés sur les sites de 
reproduction) n’est pas connu. On peut supposer que l’un des deux caractères propres 
à la phase II, l’opacification du tégument ventral, se produit tardivement puisque chez 
certains individus elle n’est pas encore complète quand ils arrivent sur les sites de 

Aucun des 73 mäles capturés ne présente de livrée réellement intermédiaire 
entre les phases II et III. Deux individus montrent toutefois quelques petites taches 
noirätres irrégulières sur les flancs, amorces du dessin noir et blanc beaucoup plus 
étendu de la phase III; chez l’un, les bandes latéro-dorsales sont encore perceptibles, 
alors qu’elles ont disparu chez l’autre. Un caractère de transition plus fréquent chez les 
mâles en phase II est la présence d’un lavis rouge sur les doigts et les orteils, annonçant 
la coloration rouge corail caractéristique de la phase III. 

On peut déduire des observations précédentes que le développement de la livrée 
de phase III a lieu après la première période de reproduction, mais il subsiste deux 
interrogations sur les modalités de ce processus: —1°) la transition est-elle rapide (c’est 
le cas chez H. concolor, où le passage à la phase verte unie se fait en quelques heures: 
obs. pers.), ou se déroule-t-elle progressivement pendant les quelques mois qui 
séparent la première et la seconde périodes de reproduction; — 2°) tous les mâles sont- 
ils susceptibles de passer à la phase III, ou bien certains restent-ils «bloqués» en phase 
II? Seuls des élevages de longue durée permettraient de répondre à ces questions. 


La présence d’H. camerunensis a été relevée dans 24 stations qui se répartissent 
entre 17 carrés de 10 minutes de côté. Si on compare le second chiffre à celui 
qu’atteignent des espèces affines (A. ocellatus: 105, A. bolifambae: 40, H. pardalis: 
38) ou se reproduisant dans des biotopes similaires (A. tuberculatus: 80, H platyceps: 
59, H. cinnamomeoventris: 53, H. kuligae: 41), on pourrait considérer H. cameru- 
nensis comme une espèce plutôt rare. 

Il faut toutefois relativiser ce point de vue en tenant compte de son extension 
géographique. Comme le montre la carte de la Fig. 3, celle-ci se limite en fait à une 
faible portion du territoire camerounais, à tel point qu’H. camerunensis y est, avec A. 
adametzi, l’espèce la moins largement répandue du genre (exception faite des avancées 
d’espèces «occidentales»). Dans les limites de ce domaine restreint, l’espèce apparaît 
plutôt comme commune, les carrés où elle a été trouvée représentant environ 60% des 
carrés prospectés. 

Son aire de répartition dessine une bande grossièrement en forme de V, d’une 
centaine de km de largeur au maximum, recouvrant les piedmonts et les basses pentes 
des massifs avancés de la Dorsale camerounaise (monts Koupé, Nlonako et 
Manengouba) ainsi que la vallée du fleuve Mbam, affluent de la Sanaga coulant à l’est 
des plateaux bamiléké et bamoun. Il est possible qu’elle s’étende un peu plus vers le 
nord, aussi bien pour sa branche ouest que pour sa branche est, car la batrachofaune de 
ces secteurs est mal connue; en revanche, une plus grande extension vers l’ouest et le 
sud, régions densément prospectées, est improbable. 


N H.riggenbachi 3 CAE 
+4 i 
/  H. pardalis [ 1 È 
© H.camerunensis + ee 7 
N - 
4 Ô NL N_N Si It ; 
T il | In T 
® 4 us 7 Et 
® a 
N à EEE 
+— 4 V4 — —| 
|A [Alesis SENESE 
g" T LE SÌ VA 
71 |] IZ | | | 
+ ALE — A \ 
IS us VAVAVA 114 
on 100km Pele bol [7 is VAVA el (N 
ZA Z a ni | 

FIG. 3 

Carte du Cameroun au sud du 8° paralléle montrant la distribution d’H. camerunensis et de deux 
especes apparentees, H. riggenbachi et H. pardalis. La trame correspond a des carrés de 10 
minutes sexagésimales de côté. La courbe de niveau de 900 m ainsi que le cours du fleuve 
Sanaga et de son affluent le Mbam ont été figures. 

Cette aire présente la particularité de recouper des territoires climatiques et des 
types de végétation très différents. Dans sa partie ouest et sud-ouest, la pluviosité est 
très élevée, avec une moyenne annuelle de précipitations atteignant au moins deux 
metres, et souvent beaucoup plus. La végétation, luxuriante, a pour climax la forét sem- 
pervirente de type atlantique (ou biafréen). Au contraire, la partie sud-est et est corre- 
spond à une des régions les moins arrosées du Cameroun méridional, avec des 
moyennes annuelles pouvant s’abaisser jusqu’à 1,5 m. Elle est couverte de savanes et 
de galeries ou massifs de forêt semidécidue (ou mésophile), qui représente le climax. 

L’amplitude d’extension verticale d’H. camerunensis est d’un peu moins de 
1000 m: les stations les plus basses, entre Nkongsamba et Yabassi, se situent vers 
450 m, les plus élevées, sur les pentes sud du plateau bamiléké («falaise des Mbos») 
atteignent 1200 m. L’espéce est ainsi représentée dans environ les deux-tiers supérieurs 
de l’étage planitiaire et dans la frange inférieure de l’étage submontagnard (sensu 
Letouzey, 1968). H. camerunensis n’est donc pas un orobionte, mais ce n’est pas non 
plus une espèce planitiaire au sens strict puisqu'il manque dans la plaine littorale et le 
bassin de Mamfé. Ce type de distribution, illustré par le transect de la fig. 4, est 
exceptionnel dans la batrachofaune camerounaise. 

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H. camerunensis est une espèce «parasylvicole», c’est-à-dire inféodée aux 
milieux secondarisés résultant de la destruction ou de la dégradation de la forét, en 
général sous l’action de l’homme (cf. Amiet, 1989). En période de reproduction, les 
mäles peuvent étre entendus dans des brousses secondaires plutöt denses, constituées 
de grandes Graminées, de Marantacées, de Zingibéracées, d’arbustes héliophiles et de 
rejets d’arbres forestiers. De tels milieux sont particulièrement fréquents là où les 
routes et pistes recoupent des cours d’eau. Dans la partie orientale de son aire, où la 
forêt laisse souvent la place à de grandes étendues de savanes, H. camerunensis évite 
celles-ci et se cantonne dans les zones dégradées des galeries forestières. A sa limite 
supérieure d’extension, dans la «falaise des Mbos», il se mêle à A. riggenbachi, 
«descendu» du plateau bamiléké. Dans ce site, la ressemblance des livrées de phase II 
et des vocalisations rend la distinction des mâles difficile sur le terrain, mais la 
syntopie des deux espèces a été confirmée par la capture de femelles qui, elles, ne 
posent pas de problème d’identification. 

Bien que les postes de chant des mâles ne soient jamais bien loin de petites 
rivières ou de ruisseaux, il est probable que le développement des têtards, comme chez 
tous les Hyperolius, se déroule dans des collections d’eau stagnante ou faiblement 
renouvelée qui en sont proches. 

La distribution d’H. camerunensis ne correspond à aucun des «aréotypes» qui 
peuvent être reconnus dans la batrachofaune camerounaise. Sa localisation à l’ouest de 
la Sanaga suggère une appartenance à 1’«élément ouest-camerounais» (Amiet, 1975), 
ensemble d’une douzaine d’espèces endémiques concentrées dans le sud-ouest du 
Cameroun (certaines peuvent déborder légèrement sur le territoire nigérian, dans les 
Rumpi Hills). La partie occidentale de son aire de répartition coïncide effectivement 
avec le «centre de gravité» de l’élément ouest-camerounais, mais il s’en distingue très 
nettement par l’importante extension de son domaine vers le nord-est et l’est, sans 
équivalent chez les autres espèces de cet ensemble. Un autre élément de divergence 
réside dans son écologie parasylvicole, car toutes les espèces de l’élément ouest- 
camerounais sont fondamentalement sylvicoles. De façon plus générale, on relèvera le 
caractère paradoxal que présente une distribution aussi limitée, alors que les Anoures 
parasylvicoles sont d’ordinaire largement répandus (y compris hors du Cameroun) et 
que l’espèce est assez euryécique pour prospérer aussi bien dans des régions hyper- 
humides (avant-postes de la Dorsale camerounaise) que dans des régions relativement 
sèches (vallée du Mbam). 


Le graphique de la figure 5 montre la distribution dans le temps des relevés 
durant lesquels H. camerunensis a été entendu. Les enseignements à en tirer sont 
limités car les prospections dans la zone de distribution de l’espèce ont été trop inéga- 
lement réparties dans l’année. Un fait s’en dégage toutefois: l’activité vocale peut se 
poursuivre tout au long de l’année, avec probablement un maximum bien marqué en 
début de saison des pluies, c’est-à-dire de mars à mai suivant les secteurs. Ce cycle 
correspond tout à fait au schéma général, semi-opportuniste, déjà décrit pour les 
espèces parasylvicoles (Amiet, 1989). Dans les zones climatiques où l’espèce est 

580 J.-L. AMIET 


or NW HRN WN 00 OO 

Jan Fév Mar Avr Mai Jun Jul Aou Sep Oct Nov Dec 

Fic. 5 

Distribution par mois des relevés au cours desquels a été notée l’activité vocale d’H. cameru- 

représentée, les petites saisons séches (juillet-aoüt) sont atténuées, voire nulles, et il n’y 
a alors qu’une seule saison des pluies: il serait intéressant de savoir s’il existe, comme 
dans les régions a climat équatorial typique à quatre saisons, un second maximum, et 
quand il se situe. 

Le terme de «phonocénose» a été proposé récemment pour désigner «des 
ensembles d’espèces qui exercent leur activité vocale... pendant la méme période de 
l’année et dans des sites présentant des caractéristiques écologiques similaires» 
(Amiet, 2001). Pour la même raison que précédemment, la mise en évidence des 
phonocénoses auxquelles participe H. camerunensis est fortement biaisée. Quelques 
points peuvent cependant être dégagés de la comparaison des 30 relevés (effectués 
dans 24 sites) au cours desquels H. camerunensis a été entendu. 

— L'espèce la plus fréquemment associée à H. camerunensis a été une autre 
rainette des formations secondaires boisées: Afrixalus paradorsalis (24 relevés sur 30). 

— Vient ensuite Leptopelis calcaratus (13/30), espèce forestière qui déborde 
souvent sur les formations secondaires quand elles jouxtent la forêt et sont suffi- 
samment riches en buissons et petits arbres. 

— Parmi les autres espèces préférant le farmbush arboré, ont été aussi relevés 
Leptopelis aubryi (9/30), Hyperolius ocellatus (7/30), plus forestier que parasylvicole, 
Chiromantis rufescens (5/30) et Leptopelis notatus (6/30), qui recherche surtout les 
raphiales et galeries marécageuses. 

— Parmi les espèces les plus typiques des formations secondaires, on note encore 
la fréquence de Bufo maculatus (10/30), Amnirana albolabris (10/30) et Hyperolius 
tuberculatus (7/30). 


— Dans la partie est de l’aire d’H. camerunensis, ainsi que dans la plaine des 
Mbos, l’extension des savanes se traduit par la présence d’espèces de farmbush riche 
en Graminées (Afrixalus dorsalis: 5/30), voire d’espèces savanicoles (Hyperolius 
balfouri: 4/30). 

Les appels sont de brefs trilles, rapidement répétés, dont les sonagrammes de la 
Fig. 6a et b montrent la structure. Celle-ci, dans ses grandes lignes, est semblable à 
celle des appels des autres espèces du méme groupe (voir ci-après), en particulier 
H. riggenbachi (Fig. 6c et d). La comparaison des sonagrammes d’individus des deux 
espèces (y compris ceux qui n’ont pas été reproduits ici) montre que les trilles 
d’H. camerunensis sont émis dans la bande de 4 à 5 kHz, alors que ceux d’H. riggen- 
bachi se situent dans celle de 3 à 4 kHz. Effectivement, quand les deux espèces sont 
réunies sur un méme site de reproduction, leurs appels, malgré leur ressemblance, 
peuvent être distingués par la tonalité plus aiguë et plus claire d’H. camerunensis, s’op- 
posant à celle, plus grave et comme «räpeuse», d’H. riggenbachi. 

Aux trilles peuvent se substituer des «djuitt», notes brèves et appuyées (Fig. 6e), 
qui paraissent émises lorsqu’un mäle pergoit un autre individu dans son champ visuel. 
Ces cris brefs s’entendent surtout au crépuscule, quand les mäles prennent possession 
de leur poste de chant, source fréquente de rivalité entre individus proches. 


Parmi les 24 espèces d’Ayperolius de la faune camerounaise, quatre doivent 
être rapprochées d’H. camerunensis: H. ocellatus, H. pardalis, H. riggenbachi et 
H. bolifambae. Toutes partagent en effet, de façon exclusive, la combinaison de carac- 
tères suivante: — 1°) livrée en phase I verte avec de fines lignes latéro-dorsales claires; 
— 2°) absence totale de patron MD, c’est-à-dire de macules dorsales symétriques autres 
que les bandes latéro-dorsales (Amiet, 1978); — 3°) livrée en phase III vivement 
colorée, aussi bien sur la face ventrale que sur la face dorsale (sauf, pour ce dernier 
point, chez H. bolifambae); — 4°) vocalisations constituées de trilles; — 5°) écologie 
parasylvicole, jamais savanicole; — 6°) distribution limitée à l’Afrique centrale. 

Le second caractère est important, car il sépare radicalement les espèces de ce 
groupe de celles, relativement nombreuses dans la batrachofaune camerounaise, qui 
arborent un patron de type MD, soit dans une livrée unique (comme A. acutirostris ou 
H. bopeleti, par exemple), soit dans une livrée correspondant à une morphe (A. platy- 
ceps ou H. adametzi, par exemple) ou à une phase (H. concolor). Le troisième carac- 
tere pourrait suggérer un rapprochement avec les nombreuses formes du «groupe viri- 
diflavus», sensu Schigtz (1999), souvent pourvues, au moins sur la face dorsale, d’une 
livree très colorée, parfois considérée comme «aposématique». Il ne s’agit là que d’une 
convergence car ce groupe, comme l’a souligné Schigtz (op. cit.), possede de nom- 
breux caractères propres qui le différencient de tous les autres Hyperolius, y compris 
les espèces mentionnées ci-dessus. 

En revanche, les caractères précédents, sauf le dernier, se retrouvent chez une 
espece polytypique à distribution occidentale, atteignant l’ouest du Cameroun: A. fus- 
civentris. Comme un phénomène de convergence portant sur l’ensemble de ces carac- 
tères est improbable, on peut considérer que H. fusciventris est phylétiquement proche 

582 J.-L. AMIET 

FIG. 6 
Sonagrammes de deux individus d’H. camerunensis (a et b: cri normal, e: cri court) et, pour 
comparaison, de deux individus d’H. riggenbachi (c: H. r. hieroglyphicus, d: H. r. riggenbachi). 
a: Mwakoumel, 26.V.71, b: Bakwat, 26.XII.73, c: Fongo-Tongo, 28.IV.71, d: Ribao, 22.XII.71, 
e: Bakwat, 26.XII.73 (même individu que b). Sonagrammes A. Schigtz et Laboratoire de Zoo- 
logie de l’Université de Copenhague. 


des espèces discutées ici. Des affinités, plus lointaines, paraissent aussi exister avec 
deux autres espèces représentées dans la faune camerounaise, H. guttulatus et H. phan- 

Si, en s’appuyant sur les caractères morphologiques, on essaye de concevoir les 
relations phylétiques à l’intérieur du groupe formé par les espèces affines 
d’H. camerunensis, on peut admettre qu’ H. ocellatus et H. bolifambae sont relati- 
vement éloignés des trois autres espèces. Le premier s’en sépare, entre autre, par l’évo- 
lution des bandes latéro-dorsales, qui fusionnent sur le museau en formant un triangle 
caractéristique, et aussi par l’habitus des femelles, plus «longiligne» que chez les 
autres espèces. Le second se distingue par son habitus (museau plus pointu) et sa livrée 
dorsale en phase III dépourvue de maculation foncée, arborée par tous les mâles 
parvenus au stade reproducteur. Parmi les trois espèces restantes, H. camerunensis 
paraît plus proche d’H. riggenbachi (similitude des livrées en phase II, de la pigmen- 
tation ventrale en phase III et des vocalisations) que d’H. pardalis, avec lequel il 
partage toutefois la variabilité de la maculation dorsale en phase III chez les mâles. 


Plusieurs collègues m’ont apporté leur aide pour le présent travail: A. Schigtz a 
réalisé les sonagrammes, J.-L. Perret a relu le manuscrit et V. Mahnert m’a offert toutes 
les facilités pour le publier. Qu'ils trouvent ici l’expression de ma gratitude pour leur 
amicale collaboration. 

AMIET, J.-L. 1975. Écologie et distribution des Amphibiens Anoures de la région de 
Nkongsamba (Cameroun). Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Yaoundé 20: 33-107. 

AMIET, J.-L. 1978. A propos d’Hyperolius platyceps (Boulenger), H. kuligae Mertens et 
H. adametzi Ahl (Amphibiens Anoures). Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Yaoundé 
25: 221-256. 

AMIET, J.-L. 1983. Un essai de cartographie des Anoures du Cameroun. Alytes 2(4): 124-146. 

AMIET, J.-L. 1989. Quelques aspects de la biologie des Amphibiens Anoures du Cameroun. 
Année Biologique 28(2): 73-136. 

AMIET, J.-L 2001. Un nouveau Leptopelis de la zone forestière camerounaise (Amphibia, Anura, 
Hyperoliidae). Alytes 19(1): 29-44. 

LETOUZEY, R. 1968. Etude phytogéographique du Cameroun. Encyclopédie Biologique, LXIX. 
P. Lechevalier, Paris, 508 pp. 

SCHISTZ, A. 1999. Treefrogs of Africa. Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, 350 pp. 

Haba | epi. 0 

Ben n 


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REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 585-598; septembre 2004 

Contributi al riordinamento sistematico dei Peritelini paleartici 
V. Istituzione di un nuovo genere e descrizione di due nuove specie 
(Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) 

Helio PIEROTTI! & Cesare BELLO2 
I strada di Selvana 1, I-31100 Treviso (Italia). 
2 via Vespucci 11/a, I-31033 Castelfranco Veneto (Italia). 

Contributions towards a taxonomic rearrangement of Palaearctic 
Peritelini. V. Erection of a new genus and description of two new species 
(Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae). - The authors diagnose a new 
genus of Palaearctic Peritelini: Heteromeiropsis gen.n., for Heteromeira 
zariquieyi Solari, 1954 (comb.n.), and describe two new species of this 
genus. A dichotomic key as well as illustrations of their genital apparatuses 
are also provided. 

Keywords: Coleoptera - Curculionidae - Peritelini - Heteromeiropsis 
gen. n. - taxonomy. 


Heteromeira è un genere creato da Solari (1954) con specie-tipo Meira varie- 
gata A. & F. Solari, 1903, per raggrupparvi “tutte le specie di Meira e Pseudomeira 
degli autori, le quali hanno il margine esterno dello scrobo nettamente curvato e che 
per ciò non possono essere ascritte a Pseudomeira, Dolichomeira, Meira, perchè in 
questi tre generi il margine esterno dello scrobo è quasi retto”. 

Lo stesso autore distingueva poi Heteromeira (e Meira) da Pseudomeira e 
Dolichomeira per il rostro nelle prime “diviso dal capo, almeno superiormente”. In 
realtà, quest’ultimo carattere non è, tuttavia, presente in Heteromeira zariquieyi — 
endemica della Spagna nord-orientale (Catalogna) e descritta da Solari nel medesimo 
lavoro — mentre già la descrizione originale evidenziava che “la nuova specie ... si dis- 
tingue a prima vista da tutte le specie descritte ... per l’appendice squamulata dello 
scrobo tanto sviluppata, che raggiunge la fronte e così profonda da rendere fortemente 
angoloso fino all’altezza della fronte il suo margine interno, (laddove) nelle altre 
Heteromeira manca l’appendice dello scrobo ed il rostro è arrotondato fra la fine dello 
scrobo e la fronte (per cui, in definitiva,) zariquieyi non ha affini fra le specie del 
genere Heteromeira”. 

Se a questo carattere esattamente rilevato da Solari (1954) si aggiungono gli 
altri più oltre evidenziati, sembra giustificato proporre, per Heteromeira zariquieyi e 
per le due nuove specie affini che vengono qui descritte, l’istituzione di un nuovo 

Manoscritto accettato il 23.04.2004 


Sul punto, ci sembrano del resto assolutamente condivisibili le considerazioni 
svolte da Dellacasa et al. (2001). 
Le collezioni nelle quali sono conservati gli esemplari studiati sono indicate con 
le seguenti sigle rispettive: 
BEL collezione Bellò - Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso - Italia) 
MHNG collezione Muséum d’histoire naturelle - Genève 
PIE collezione Pierotti - Treviso (Italia) 
SOL collezione Solari (in Museo Civico di Storia Naturale - Milano) 
TOS collezione Torres Sala (in Museo Valenciano de Historia Natural - Valencia) 


Chiave per il riconoscimento del nuovo genere nell’ambito dei Peritelini europei. 

1 Rostro in visione dorsale delimitato all’apice da un robusto cercine 
davanti alla base di tutto il bordo anteriore dello pterigio. Protibie sul 
bordo esterno distintamente allargate all’apice 
OR She Da (Centricnemus, Peritelus, Simo partim) 
- Rostro in visione dorsale delimitato all’apice dal bordo anteriore dello 
pterigio, talora con un breve accenno di cercine sul prolungamento del 
bordo laterale del clipeo. Protibie sul bordo esterno allargate, diritte o 
smussate:all’apice... 7... Ne A A TE 2 
2 Rostro normalmente arrotondato ai lati dell’epifront 
(Meira, Gymnomorphus, Pseudomeira, Dolichomeira, Heteromeira, Meirella, 
Lepretius, Leptomeira) 
- Rostro appiattito dorsalmente ai lati dell’epifronte fin presso il margine 
3 Vertice non più alto del margine oculare. Pterigi molto sviluppati. 
Staturamassiore: 9 92729 OE (Simo partim) 
- Vertice distintamente più alto del margine oculare. Pterigi non o appena 
SalentiStaturaminore #6 :9-52 Mme m. en Heteromeiropsis gen. n. 


Heteromeiropsis gen. n. 

Heteromeira Solari, 1954: 40 partim; Pierotti & Bellö, 1998: 97 partim; Alonso Zarazaga & 

Lyal, 1999: 171 partim; Alonso-Zarazaga, 2002: 24. 

Diagnosi. Specie di dimensioni medie o piccole (3,9-5,2 mm.), caratterizzate - 
rispetto alle altre specie attribuite al gen. Heteromeira - da pterigi non particolarmente 
salienti, sutura frontale distinta, rostro appiattito dorsalmente ai lati dell’epifronte fin 
presso il margine oculare, sutura epicranica indistinta, clipeo incavato, vertice distinta- 
mente piü alto del margine oculare e da sacco interno del pene munito di un’armatura 
orifiziale, costituita da una placca munita di una spinula, due armature mediane ed 
un’armatura genitale, quest’ultima di tipo periteloide “puro” (espressione con la quale 
intendiamo fare riferimento alla struttura dell’armatura genitale comune a Peritelus 
familiaris Boheman, sphaeroides Germar e ruficornis Brisout, mentre le altre 


Heteromeira ne presentano una “versione” caratteristica). Le specie appartenenti al 
gen. Heteromeira, inoltre, non superano ad occidente la Liguria orientale, la Corsica e 
la Sardegna. 

Specie tipo. Heteromeira zariquieyi Solari, 1954. 

Descrizione. Forma allungata. Vestitura dorsale costituita da squame rotondeg- 
gianti, fortemente embricate, terree, unicolori o qua e là più chiare, spesso disposte a 
formare una fascia longitudinale mediana sul pronoto e macchie irregolari e mal deli- 
mitate sulle elitre, e da setole più o meno allungate. 

Capo debolmente ipognato. Rostro breve, più o meno trasverso, in visione 
dorsale delimitato all’apice dal bordo anteriore dello pterigio, appiattito dorsalmente ai 
lati dell’epifronte fin presso il margine oculare; clipeo alquanto stretto, incavato e su- 
tura clipeo-frontale ribordata; pterigi non particolarmente salienti. Vertice distinta- 
mente più alto di quest’ultimo, più o meno sullo stesso piano dell’epifronte. Occhi sub- 
arrotondati o alquanto allungati (Fig. 1.a). Foramen occipitale subtriangolare (Fig. 1.d). 
Antenne con scapo discretamente robusto e funicolo ad articoli non progressivamente 
ingrossati; clava col primo articolo spesso più o meno peduncolato, almeno nella 9, 
munito di lunghe setole scure come gli articoli 4-7 del funicolo. Mandibole a funzio- 
namento orizzontale, robuste, tozze, a parete interna concava (Fig. 2.a); mascelle a 
galea modesta e lacinia bene sviluppata (Fig. 2.b); labium scutiforme (Fig. 2.c). 

Pronoto per lo più subquadrato o trasverso, raramente più lungo che largo, largo 
alla base più o meno quanto al margine anteriore, arrotondato ai lati. 

Elitre più o meno allungate, più o meno appiattite sul dorso, talora con la 
massima larghezza in corrispondenza degli omeri, più (4) o meno (9) affusolate nel- 
la regione apicale. I primi due ventriti rudimentali e fusi a ridosso del metasterno; i 
ventriti II-VII visibili e progressivamente poco ristretti, i primi due più sviluppati e 
fusi insieme ma ancora distinti, gli altri tre mobili (Fig. 1.c). 

Zampe robuste, con protibie incurvate verso l’interno avanti l’apice (Fig. 1.b) 
ed onichi bene sviluppati; unghie connate. 

Pene allungato (Fig. 3.b), fortemente sclerificato ai lati, discretamente sul lato 
ventrale, debolmente sul dorso, con sacco interno munito di un’armatura orifiziale, 
costituita da una placca munita di una spinula, due armature mediane spinuliformi e 
un’armatura genitale di tipo periteloide “puro” (Figg. 7, 8, 9); temones alquanto lunghi. 

Tegmen a manubrium discretamente breve (Fig. 3.a). 

Spiculum ventrale con manubrium allungato e margo apicalis della lamella più 
o meno profondamente inciso nel mezzo (Fig. 3.c). 

Coxiti privi di stili (Fig. 3.d). 

Spermateca di forma alquanto variabile, ma con cornus sempre bene sviluppato 
(Fig. 6). 

Derivatio nominis. Femminile, dalla somiglianza (opsis, in greco) con il genere 
Heteromeira Solari, 1954. 

Distribuzione geografica. Genere noto finora solo della Spagna orientale e della 
Francia sud-occidentale. 

Note ecologiche. Le specie assegnate a questo genere si rinvengono in lettiera 
di foresta a latifoglie o ai piedi di Quercus, Olea, Pistacia. 


FIG. 1 

Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi: a, capo in visione dorsale (schematico); b, protibia sinistra d 
(schematico); c, ventriti (schematico); d, foramen occipitale. 


1 Elitre anche presso l’apice con setole reclinate. Solco longitudinale 
mediano dell’epifronte interrotto presso la base di questa (Spagna 
centro-orientale: Valencia) MI: PIE E ee ee 3. H. valentiana sp. n. 

- Elitre sul dorso con setole sollevate, presso l’apice con setole semie- 
rette. Solco longitudinale mediano dell’epifronte prolungato fin sul 
vertice. Propigidio 9 a margine apicale largamente arrotondato o sub- 
troncato (Francia meridionale, Spagna settentrionale) .................. 2 
2 Elitre piü allungate, con la massima larghezza in corrispondenza degli 
omeri, nel & particolarmente affusolate nella regione apicale. Pronoto 
con setole reclinate su tutta la superficie (Spagna nord-orientale: 
Catalosna)t. Pisces: E 1. H. zariquieyi (Solari, 1954) comb. n. 



FIG. 2 

Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi: a, mandibula destra dal lato interno, in visione ventrale; b, maxilla 
sinistra in visione ventrale; c, labium in visione ventrale. Scale: 0,10 mm. 

= Elitre meno allungate, a lati subparalleli, non particolarmente affusolate 
nella regione apicale. Pronoto sul dorso con un gruppo di setole semie- 
rette presso il margine anteriore (Francia sud-occidentale: Pyrénées- 
@rientales)k sh Bee az 2. A. loebli sp. n. 


1. Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi (Solari, 1954) comb. n. 

Heteromeira zariquieyi Solari, 1954: 58; Pierotti & Bellò, 1994: 296; Pierotti & Bellò, 1998: 
107; Alonso-Zarazaga, 2002: 24. 

Esemplari esaminati. Gerona: Figueras (BEL, PIE, holotypus in SOL), 10 Km. w 
Figueres, m. 75 (BEL, PIE), Camallera (BEL, PIE). 


Fic. 3 

Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi: a, tegmen (scala: 0,50 mm); b, pene in visione laterale (scala: 0,50 
mm); c, spiculum ventrale (scala: 0,50 mm); d, coxiti (scala: 0,15 mm). 

Diagnosi. Specie di media statura (4,2-5,2 mm.), caratterizzata, rispetto alle 
altre specie del genere, da elitre particolarmente allungate nel d, a lati subparalleli ed 
apice marcatamente ogivale, da setole erette o sollevate sulle elitre ed, in particolare, 
rispetto ad A. loebli, da antenne con scapo un po’ più slanciato, da pene in visione 
dorsale tricuspidato nella regione apicale e da propigidio 9 a margine apicale larga- 
mente arrotondato (Figg. 1, 2, 3, 4.a, 5.a, 6). 

Descrizione. (Ancorchè dettagliata nel lavoro originale, riteniamo opportuno 
riproporla in termini omogenei con quella delle nuove specie qui di seguito descritte). 
Forma robusta, marcatamente allungata. Vestitura dorsale costituita da squame terree, 
che sulle elitre lasciano visibili le strie, e da setole robuste, erette o semierette sul 
vertice e sulle elitre, reclinate altrove. 


——— | 

FIG. 4 

Apice del pene in visione dorsale: a, Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi; b, Heteromeiropsis loebli; c, 
Heteromeiropsis valentiana. Scala: 0,15 mm. 

Rostro subquadrato (6) o trasverso (¢), a lati debolmente convergenti in 
avanti; fronte, epifronte e vertice percorsi da un unico solco longitudinale mediano; 
pterigi poco salienti, ma distinti. Occhi subarrotondati o molto debolmente allungati, 
convessi, non sporgenti oltre le guance. Vertice stretto, poco più largo della fronte. 
Antenne discretamente robuste, soprattutto nella 2, con scapo più (6) o meno (9) 
progressivamente ingrossato dalla base verso l’apice; funicolo con i primi due articoli 
poco allungati, ornati anche di setole un po’ più larghe, appiattite, il secondo più corto 
dei due seguenti presi insieme, gli articoli 4-7 moniliformi nel à , trasversi nella 9; 
clava robusta con il primo articolo svasato (4 ) o peduncolato (9). 

Pronoto non o molto debolmente trasverso, sul disco con punteggiatura doppia, 
discretamente fitta. 

Elitre non o molto debolmente arrotondate ai lati, particolarmente allungate nel 
3, più brevi e larghe nella 9, con la massima larghezza in corrispondenza degli omeri, 
distintamente ogivali nella regione apicale, con strie di punti ravvicinati evidenti, 
ciascuno con una microsetola allungata, ed interstrie debolmente convesse. 

Zampe robuste con protibie fortemente (4) o debolmente (£) incurvate verso 
l’interno avanti l’apice (Fig. 1.b) e con onichi particolarmente sviluppati. 

Propigidio a margine apicale troncato nel d, largamente arrotondato nella © 
(Fig. 5.a). 

Pene, in visione laterale, a marcata convessità dorsale, all’apice bruscamente 
incurvato (Fig. 3.b); in visione dorsale, distintamente tricuspidato nella regione apicale 
(Fig. 4.a); armature del sacco interno: Fig. 7. 


FIG. 5 

Propigidio 9 in visione dorsale: a, Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi; b, Heteromeiropsis loebli; c, 
Heteromeiropsis valentiana. Scala: 0,50 mm 

Tegmen: Fig. 3.a. 

Spiculum ventrale a margo apicalis distintamente inciso nel mezzo (Fig. 3.c). 

Coxiti allungati (Fig. 3.d). 

Spermateca: Fig. 6.a. 

Distribuzione geografica. Catalogna nord-orientale. La specie sembra diffusa, 
ancorché probabilmente in modo puntiforme, in tutta la provincia di Gerona. 

Località di cattura desunte dalla letteratura. Gerona: Figueras (1. cl.), Olot, Coll 
de Cannes. 

Note ecologiche. Raccolta in lettiera di Quercus ilex L. a Figueras ed in lettiera 
di Olea europaea europaea L. a Camallera. 

2. Heteromeiropsis loebli sp. n. 

Serie tipica. Holotypus d: France, Pyr.-Or., Le Tech (tamisage), 15.1V.1977, Löbl 
(MHNG); paratypi: France, Pyr.-Or., Le Tech (tamisage), 15.1V.1977, Löbl (MHNG) 4 exx.; 
Pyrénées-Orientales, Le Tech, m. 560, N 42° 24° 443” E 02° 31’ 822”, 18.5.2003, Bellò (BEL) 
14 exx., Pierotti (PIE) 14 exx. 



FIG. 6 

Spermateca in visione laterale: a, Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi; b, Heteromeiropsis loebli; c, 
Heteromeiropsis valentiana. Scala: 0,10 mm. 

Diagnosi. Specie di statura media o piccola (3,9-4,9 mm.), caratterizzata da 
elitre non particolarmente allungate, ad apice deboimente ogivale, e da setole erette o 
semierette sul vertice, sul dorso del pronoto presso il margine anteriore e sulle elitre, 
reclinate altrove ed in particolare, rispetto ad H. zariquieyi, da antenne con scapo un 
po’ più robusto, da pene in visione dorsale a profilo cordiforme nella regione apicale e 
da propigidio 9 a margine apicale subtroncato. 

Descrizione. Forma robusta, discretamente allungata. Vestitura dorsale 
costituita da squame terree, qua e là più scure e da setole robuste, erette o semierette 
sul vertice, sulle elitre e sul dorso del pronoto presso il margine anteriore, qui rivolte 
un po’ in avanti verso l’interno, reclinate altrove. 


FIG. 7 

Heteromeiropsis zariquieyi: armature del sacco interno del pene: a, armature orifiziali; b, 
armatura mediana; c, armatura genitale. Scala: 0,10 mm. 

Rostro trasverso, a lati subparalleli (4 ) o debolmente convergenti in avanti (9); 
fronte, epifronte e vertice percorsi da un unico solco longitudinale mediano; pterigi 
pressochè nulli. Occhi subarrotondati o debolmente allungati, discretamente convessi, 
non sporgenti oltre le guance. Vertice stretto, poco più largo della fronte. Antenne 
robuste, soprattutto nella 9, con scapo ingrossato già nel primo terzo e funicolo con i 
primi due articoli poco allungati, ricoperti anche di setole distintamente più allargate 
ed appiattite, il secondo subeguale ai due seguenti presi insieme o un po’ più corto, gli 
articoli 4-7 moniliformi o talora (nella ©) trasversi; clava slanciata, col primo articolo 
brevemente svasato. 


Fic. 8 

Heteromeiropsis loebli: armature del sacco interno del pene: a, armature orifiziali; b, armatura 
mediana; c, armatura genitale. Scala: 0,10 mm. 

Pronoto più (2) o meno (d) trasverso, sul disco con punteggiatura doppia, 
discretamente fitta. 

Elitre più (6) o meno (9) allungate, con omeri smussati (4 ) o discretamente 
evidenti (9), largamente ogivali nella regione apicale, con strie di punti ravvicinati 
evidenti, ciascuno con una esilissima microsetola, ed interstrie debolmente convesse. 

Zampe robuste, con protibie un po’ incurvate verso l’interno avanti l’apice. 

Propigidio a margine apicale subtroncato anche nella 2 (Fig. 5.b). 

Pene, in visione dorsale, debolmente tricuspidato, con le cuspidi laterali arro- 
tondate (Fig. 4.b); armature del sacco interno: Fig. 8. 

Spiculum ventrale con margo apicalis della lamella debolmente inciso nel 

Coxiti discretamente allungati. 

Spermateca: Fig. 6.b. 

Derivatio nominis. Dedichiamo la specie al suo primo raccoglitore, il dott. Ivan 
Löbl di Ginevra. 


Fic. 9 

Heteromeiropsis valentiana: armature del sacco interno del pene: a, armature orifiziali; b, ar- 
matura mediana; c, armatura genitale. Scala: 0,10 mm. 

Distribuzione geografica. Francia sud-occidentale (Pyrénées-Orientales). 
Note ecologiche. La specie è stata raccolta al vaglio, al margine di foresta di 

3. Heteromeiropsis valentiana sp. n. 

Serie tipica. Holotypus d : Valencia, s.ra des Agulles, m. 390, cami de la font del barber, 
2.11.2000, leg. Pierotti (MHNG); paratypi: ibidem, 2.11.2000, leg. Bello (BEL) 5 exx., (MHNG) 
1 ex., leg. Pierotti (PIE) 5 exx.; Tabernes, Valencia, Hispania, coll. E.Moroder, 27.V.1934 (TOS) 

Diagnosi. Specie di statura media o piccola (3,9-5 mm.), caratterizzata da elitre 
non molto allungate, ad apice un po’ arrotondato anche nel d, da setole reclinate sul 
dorso delle elitre e da propigidio d a margine apicale largamente lanceolato, papillato 
al centro. 


Descrizione. Forma robusta, un po’ allungata. Vestitura dorsale costituita da 
squame scure con modesti riflessi metallici e da setole robuste, semierette sul vertice, 
reclinate sul pronoto e sul dorso delle elitre, alquanto sollevate presso l’apice delle 

Rostro trasverso, a lati debolmente convergenti in avanti; pterigi poco salienti. 
Occhi subarrotondati, poco convessi, non sporgenti oltre le guance. Vertice stretto, 
poco più largo della fronte, nel mezzo con una fossetta. Antenne con scapo discreta- 
mente robusto, debolmente ricurvo, progressivamente ingrossato dalla base verso 
l’apice; funicolo con i primi tre articoli poco allungati, ricoperti anche di setole larghe, 
terree con riflessi metallici, i tre seguenti submoniliformi ed il settimo un po’ più lungo 
che largo; clava alquanto allungata, con il primo articolo un po’ peduncolato. 

Pronoto trasverso, alquanto fittamente punteggiato sul disco. 

Elitre debolmente arrotondate ai lati, debolmente ogivali nella regione apicale, 
con strie di punti evidenti nonostante la vestitura, ciascuno con una microsetola allun- 
gata, ed interstrie alquanto convesse. 

Zampe robuste. 

Propigidio a margine apicale subtroncato nel d, largamente lanceolato, 
papillato all’apice, nella 9 (Fig. 5.c). 

Pene, in visione dorsale, progressivamente ristretto verso la regione apicale, qui 
debolmente e molto brevemente tricuspidato, con le cuspidi laterali molto arrotondate 
(Fig. 4.c); armature del sacco interno: Fig. 9. 

Spiculum ventrale con margo apicalis della lamella distintamente inciso nel 

Coxiti allungati. 

Spermateca: Fig. 6.c. 

Derivatio nominis. Dalla regione di provenienza. 

Distribuzione geografica. Spagna orientale (Valencia). 

Note ecologiche. La specie è stata raccolta sotto Pistacia lentiscus L. 


Ringraziamo molto vivamente il Dott. Giulio Cuccodoro del Museum d’histoire 
naturelle di Ginevra ed il Dott. Sergio Montagud del Museo Valenciano de Historia 
Natural di Valencia, per averci affidato in studio i Peritelini delle collezioni conservate 
nei loro Istituti, consentendoci così di individuare le due nuove specie sopra descritte. 


ALONSO-ZARAZAGA, M.A. 2002. Lista preliminar de los Coleoptera Curculionoidea del area 
ibero-balear, con descripciön de Melicius gen.nov. y nuevas citas. Boletin de la S.E.A. - 
Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa 31: 9-33. 

ALONSO-ZARAZAGA, M.A. & LYAL, C.H.C. 1999. A World Catalogue of Families and Genera of 
Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) (Excepting Scolytidae and Platypodidae). 
Entomopraxis SCP Edition, Barcelona, 315 pp. 

DELLACASA, G., BORDAT, P. & DELLACASA, M. 2001. A revisional essay of world genus-group 
taxa of Aphodiinae (Coleoptera Aphodiidae). Memorie della Società Entomologica 
Italiana 79: 1-482. 


PIEROTTI, H. & BELLÒ, C. 1994. Peritelini nouveaux ou intéressants de la faune thyrrénienne 
(Coleoptera Curculionidae Polydrusinae). 2° Contribution à la connaissance de la Tribu 
Peritelini. L’Entomologiste 50 (5): 289-296. 

PIEROTTI, H. & BELLO, C. 1998. Present knowledge of Palaearctic Peritelini (Coleoptera: 
Curculionidae: Polydrosinae). /n: COLONNELLI, E., Louw, S. & OSELLA, G. (eds). 
Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of Curculionoidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga). XX 
I.C.E. (1996, Firenze, Italy). Atti del Museo regionale di Scienze naturali di Torino: 

SOLARI, F. 1954. Proposta di un riordinamento delle Tribü degli Otiorhynchini e dei Peritelini e 
creazione di tre nuovi generi di questi ultimi (Col.Curculionidae). Memorie della Società 
Entomologica Italiana 33: 33-63. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 599-609; septembre 2004 

First report of Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera) on the Galapagos 
Islands, Ecuador, with descriptions of two new endemic species 

Bernard LANDRY! & Lazaro ROQUE-ALBELO? 

1 Muséum d’histoire naturelle, C. P. 6434, CH-1211, Geneva 6, Switzerland. 

2 Charles Darwin Research Station, A.P. 17-01-3891, Quito, Ecuador; and 
Biodiversity and Ecological Processes Research Group, Cardiff School of 
Biosciences, Cardiff University, PO Box 915, Cardiff CF10 3TL, United Kingdom. 

First report of Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera) on the Galapagos Islands, 
Ecuador, with descriptions of two new endemic species. - The family 
Tischeriidae is reported from the Galapagos Islands for the first time. The 
two species found on the archipelago (Astrotischeria scalesiaella B. Landry, 
sp. n. and A. alcedoensis B. Landry, sp. n.) are described and illustrated. 
Both species are presumed to be endemic and their larvae are leaf miners on 
Scalesia species, a group of endemic Asteraceae. 

Keywords: Micro moths - Astrotischeria - taxonomy - leaf miners - 
Scalesia - Asteraceae. 


The Tischeriidae (Tischerioidea) are a group of small, primitive moths 
belonging to the Monotrysian Heteroneura (Lepidoptera). They may be the sister- 
group of the Ditrysia (Nielsen & Kristensen, 1996; Kristensen & Skalski, 1998) 
although Davis (1986) presented an alternative hypothesis of relationships. Some 101 
species are described so far, mostly from the Holarctic Region, but species are known 
also from the Ethiopian, Oriental, and Neotropical Regions (Puplesis & Diskus, 2003). 
Eleven species have been described from the Neotropics, but the region remains poorly 
known with regard to its leaf-mining fauna. The region with the most diverse tischeriid 
fauna is the Nearctic, with 48 described species (Davis, 1983). Larvae mine leaves of 
Fagaceae, Rosaceae, Asteraceae, Rhamnaceae, Malvaceae, and Tiliaceae, in decreasing 
order of importance, although Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Combretaceae, Ericaceae, 
Euphorbiaceae, Hypericaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Theaceae are also used (Puplesis & 
Diskus, 2003). 

For the purpose of documenting the micro-moth fauna of the Galapagos archi- 
pelago, BL conducted fieldwork on most of the larger islands in 1989 and 1992. Since 
1997, LRA and others at the Charles Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz Island, 

Manuscript accepted 18.11.2003 


did more collecting and reared more immature stages, leading to a wealth of new 
information. This paper is part of a series begun in 1992 (Landry & Gielis, 1992) to 
describe new species and report on other native and introduced species of micro-moths 
in the Galapagos to develop a better understanding of this important group of insects 
for biodiversity management purposes. 


Most of the moths studied here were reared from mined leaves of Scalesia 
species (Asteraceae). Mined leaves were collected by staff of the Charles Darwin 
Research Station (CDRS), Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, brought to their quarantine 
lab, and placed in cages. Emerging moths were collected and mounted. Two other 
series of specimens were available for study. The larger one was collected by BL in 
1992 with a portable generator and a mercury-vapour lamp placed in front of a white 
sheet (see Landry & Gielis, 1992). The other series was collected at light in 1964 and 
was borrowed from the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, 
U.S.A. (CAS). 

The holotype and some paratypes of Astrotischeria scalesiaella will be 
deposited in the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland (MHNG). The 
other paratypes of A. scalesiaella will be deposited in the CAS, CDRS, National 
Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. (USNM), and The Natural 
History Museum, London, England (BMNH). The single known specimen of 
Astrotischeria alcedoensis is deposited in the MHNG. 

The species described here were determined to be new by comparing specimens 
with the types of seven of the Neotropical species, with the original and more recent 
descriptions of four species (Bourquin, 1962; Puplesis & DiSkus, 2003), and with the 
treatment of the North American species published by Braun (1972). The types of six 
Neotropical species described by Meyrick and Walsingham were examined at the 
BMNH. The type of Tischeria unicolor Walsingham is located in the Naturhistorisches 
Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria (NMW) and was borrowed for examination. 

Genitalia were dissected after the abdomen had macerated in a cold 20% KOH 
solution overnight. The dissected parts were kept in lactic acid stained with orange G 
for description purposes. They were subsequently stained with chlorazol black and 
mounted on slides in Euparal. The head of one male specimen was similarly treated. 
The right pair of wings of one male specimen was removed, bleached, stained with acid 
fuchsin, and mounted in Euparal. 

Illustrations of the adult head and genitalia were made with the AutoMontage® 
system using a video camera mounted on a Leica MZ APO stereomicroscope or a Zeiss 
Axioskop compound microscope. The wing venation was drawn using a camera lucida 
mounted on a compound microscope. 

The descriptions and nomenclature of parts are based on Puplesis & Diskus 
(2003). Generic characters were not repeated. In the legs, wings, thorax, and abdomen 
only the lateral or dorsal exposed surfaces are described; the ventral or median surfaces 
of the legs are uniformly whitish beige. 


Astrotischeria Puplesis & Diskus, 2003 

The genus was described to include a monophyletic group of species found on- 
ly in the New World. Thirty species are known, seven of which were described from 
the Neotropical Region (Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru). 

Species of Astrotischeria are characterised by the following synapomorphies: 
presence of a dorsal arm on the valva; shortened uncus with arms (with some 
exceptions); long, distally bifurcated aedeagus; strongly developed anellus thickened 
laterally; enlarged vinculum; stronger development of microtrichia on the female 
tergite IX; slightly reduced, narrowed ovipositor lobes; greatly elongated mediobasal 
spur of the hind tibia, which is as long as the tibia; and use of Malvaceae and Aster- 
aceae as hostplants (Puplesis & Diskus, 2003). 

Astrotischeria scalesiaella B. Landry sp. n. Figs 1-2, 4-7, 9-12 

Holotype è. [1] “ECU., GALAPAGOS/ Santa Cruz, Los/ Gemelos, 27.v.1992/ M[er- 
cury] V[apor] L[amp], /eg. B. Landry” (MHNG). Printed in black ink on white paper. [2] 
“Tischeria/ det. Davis 1993”. Hand-written on white card stock with black border in black ink 
except for black ink printed “det. Davis 19”. [3] “HOLOTYPE/ Astrotischeria/ scalesiaella/ B. 
Landry”. Hand-written in black ink on red card stock. Specimen in perfect condition. 

Paratypes, Ecuador: 12 6g, 10 22 from the Galapagos Islands. FLOREANA: 1 d 
(dissected, slide BL 1175), Cerro Pajas, 26.x11.1998, ex larva en Scalesia pedunculata (L. 
Roque). SANTA CRUZ: 1 2, Los Gemelos, 17.1.2002, [no emergence date], Minador de hojas 
Scalesia pedunculata (R. Boada); 1 3 (dissected, BL 1415), same data as holotype; 1 6, 1 ©, 
Los Gemelos, 2.ix.2001, emergio 10.ix.2001, Minador Scalesia pedunculata (L. Roque); 2 3, 
1 2, Los Gemelos, 11.ix.2001, emergio 28.ix.2001, 30.ix.2001 and no emergence date, Criada 
en hojas Scalesia pedunculata (R. Boada); 4 4, Los Gemelos, xi.1999, [no emergence date], En 
Scalesia pedunculata (T. Poulson); 1 4, 2 2 (one dissected, BL 1417), Finca Vilema, 2 km W 
Bella Vista, 1.1v.1992, M[ercury] V[apor] L[amp] (B. Landry); 1 & (dissected, Wings BL 1416; 
Head BL 1420), E[stacion] Cfientifica] C[harles] D[arwin], 6.111.1992, U[Itra] V[iolet] L[ight] 
(B. Landry); 1 9, Steve Devine farm, 31.x.1999, [no emergence date], minador de hojas Scalesia 
pedunculata (C. Causton); 16 (dissected, BL 1418), 3 2, Horneman Farm, 220 m, 5.iv.1964 
(D.Q. Cavagnaro). WoLF: 1 @ (dissected, BL 1419), 7.11.2002, Minador Scalesia baurii (L. 
Roque, C. Causton). 

Diagnosis. This species and the next are easily distinguished from other small 
Galapagos micro-moths with lanceolate wings by virtue of the combination of three 
characters of the head: 1- the presence of scales on the proboscis, 2- the drooping labial 
palpi, and 3- the rough vestiture of the vertex. This is a combination of characters 
found in all Tischeriidae. Gelechioidea have scales on the proboscis as well, and some 
have lanceolate wings, but their labial palpi are upturned and their vertex is not rough- 
scaled. Astrotischeria scalesiaella can be separated from A. alcedoensis by its smaller 
size (forewing length up to 3.02 mm in A. scalesiaella and 4.28 mm in A. alcedoensis), 
more prominent orange colour with more diffuse brown markings, wider, shorter and 
more angled uncus arms, apically thinner and more pointed dorsal lobes of the valva, 
and the shorter cucullus. The female of A. alcedoensis is unknown. 

Description. MALE (n=13) (Figs 1, 4, 6, 7, 9-12). Vertex vestiture a mixture of 
ochre and brown scales, the ochre scales bicoloured with a paler basal half, the brown 
scales with white on basal half and apex; frons vestiture (Fig. 4) mostly greyish brown, 



shining, with row of white or pale ochre scales laterally and apically; interocular index 
(n=1): 1.76. Antenna 2/3 length of forewing (n=1); with 20 flagellomeres (n=1); scape 
and slender pecten brown and white, sometimes with some pale ochre scales; with 6 
rows of scales on flagellomere I, with 2 rows on other flagellomeres; scales on flagel- 
lomeres with brown apex and white basal half; flagellomere I 3X length of flagellom- 
ere II; sensillae chaeticae about 1.5X length of flagellomere on flagellomere II, about 
2/3 length of flagellomere on last one. Haustellum 3X length of labial palpus; scales on 
both beige, sometimes with brown laterally on labial palpus. Maxillary palpus 3-seg- 
mented, scaled only on third segment. Thorax mostly brown with beige-tipped scales, 
sometimes with ochre scales at tip of tegulae. Foreleg dark brown. Midleg femur dark 
brown laterally with pale ochre scales on dorsal edge and beige apically; tibia dark 
brown with beige on dorsal row of long and narrow scales, and apex; first tarsomere 
with scales dark brown on apical half and white on basal half; tarsomeres I-V mostly 
beige with apical dark-brown spot. Hind coxa dark brown with apical row of longer 
beige scales; femur mostly white; tibia dark brown with beige along ventral margin and 
on ventral and dorsal rows of long and thin scales, with pale ochre apically; tarsomeres 
dark brown. Forewing length: 2.46-3.02 mm (holotype: 2.81 mm). Venation (Fig. 9) 
with only Sc, R, Rs1, Rs4, MI, CuA, and 1A + 2A clearly defined; with a faint indica- 
tion of Rs3; 1A + 2A not forked at base. Length/ largest width: 0.25. With a patch of 
microtrichia in anal sector. Colour (Fig. 1) mostly dark brown with ochre scales along 
dorsal margin beyond middle, along cubital fold, in apical sector, and as a diagonal bar 
or large spot medially, with darker brown markings as two oblique bands before and 
beyond middle, first one more inclined than second; sometimes with more ochre scal- 
ing (fig. 2); sometimes mostly dark brown with a few ochre scales mostly in apical sec- 
tor; scales paler on their basal half, white on those with dark-brown apical half; fringe 
greyish brown. Hindwing venation only with Sc + R and A clearly visible. Sockets of 
the fringe scales forming spines especially conspicuous on costal margin. Without 
microtrichia. Colour brownish grey, with concolorous fringe. Abdomen greyish brown. 

Male genitalia (n=3) (Figs 7, 10-12). Socii short, with short, slender setae. Un- 
cus arms separate and connecting to tegumen at their most dorsal and most anterior 
points; each arm elongate, larger in middle, directed downward, flattened and narrowly 
rounded at apex, with a few short setae on dorsal and ventral edges beyond connection 
with tegumen. Tegumen hood-like, rounded dorsally and apically, with short setae 
dorsolaterally, with very narrow and strongly melanised anterior arms connecting with 
vinculum, with broader and lightly melanised posterior arms connecting with mem- 
branous ventral wall of tegumen. Vinculum rather broad, triangular in ventral view, 
without saccus. Anellus broad, lightly melanised, rectangular, with about five short 

Fics 1-8 

Galapagos Astrotischeria spp. 1. Holotype of A. scalesiaella; 2. Female paratype of A. scale- 
siaella from Santa Cruz, Finca Vilema; 3. Holotype of A. alcedoensis from Isabela, Volcan 
Alcedo, reared from Scalesia affinis; 4. Head of male paratype of A. scalesiaella from type 
locality; 5. Leaf of S. pedunculata mined by A. scalesiaella on Los Gemelos, Santa Cruz; 6. 
Descaled head of male paratype of A. scalesiaella from Santa Cruz, Charles Darwin Station; 7. 
Male genitalia of paratype of A. scalesiaella from Floreana, Cerro Pajas, reared from Scalesia 
pedunculata; 8. Male genitalia of holotype of A. alcedoensis. 



Fic. 9 

Wings of paratype male of Astrotischeria scalesiaella from Santa Cruz, Charles Darwin Station 
(frenulum broken) (scale: 0.5 mm) with details of the bases of the costal and inner margins 
(scale: 0.25 mm). 

setae ventrally. Valva with dorsal arm curved inward at right angle, narrowing, apically 
pointed, and with narrow apodemes projecting directly anteriorly; cucullus slender, 
slightly curving upward toward apex, with abundant short setation medially, apically 
not narrowing and rounded, about as long (1.06 X) as dorsal arm inclusive of apodeme. 
Aedeagus very narrow, slightly longer than vinculum + valva, divided in two divergent 
branches from about 2/3; each branch apically flattened and with bunch of slender 
spines and spinules; gonopore from about base of divergent branches. 

FEMALE (n=10). Antenna 0.62 length of forewing (n=1). Forewing length: 
2.58-2.83 mm. Frenulum with two acanthae. Forewing length/ largest width: 0.25. 
Female genitalia (n=2) (Figs 16-21). Ovipositor lobes short and round, with rather 
stout and slightly curved peg setae, the most medially located ones apically bifurcated; 
median ridge between ovipositor lobes with a series of three pairs of short setae. 
Tergum IX a more or less triangular plate, slightly convex, with convex lateral margins, 
emarginated anterior margin, and straight posterior margin, the latter membranous and 
set with bunch of 3-4 setae on each side of middle, including one much longer than 
others; with strongly melanised narrow band at anterior and anterolateral margins 
connecting lateroanteriorly with bases of posterior apophyses; with long and sparse 
setation dorsally. Posterior lobes of sternum IX somewhat conical, slightly larger than 
ovipositor lobes, with short and long setae, with long, straight and apically narrow 
posterior apophyses extending beyond middle of segment VII; anterior lobes of 
sternum IX very narrow with short setae directed posteriorly; with two pairs of apo- 


Fics 10-15 

Male genitalia of Astrotischeria spp. 10-12. Paratype of A. scalesiaella, same specimen as fig. 7: 
10. Posterior end of aedeagus; 11. Tegumen, uncus, and socii; 12. Dorsal arms of valvae, vin- 
culum, anellus. 13-15. Holotype of A. alcedoensis: 13. Posterior end of aedeagus; 14. Posterior 
end of tegumen, uncus, and socii; 15. Dorsal arms of valva. 

physes in membranous area anterior to oviporus: dorsal pair narrow, almost reaching 
as far as posterior apophyses (of sternum IX), apically acute; ventral pair broader, 
shorter, reaching slightly beyond anterior margin of sternum VIII. Tergum VIII a 
narrow rectangular and flat plate slightly broader posteriorly, with one anterolateral 
projection on each side directed ventrally and connected to anterior apophyses of 
sternum VIII slightly posterad to their middle. Sternum VIII a rather large concave 
plate extended laterally, with broadly rounded apical margin set with narrow spinelike 


projections. Ductus bursae with small elliptical plate set at right angle in bend beyond 
anterior end of shorter apophyses of sternum IX, also with thin spinelike scobination 
anteriorly from bend and until connection with corpus bursae, but more concentrated 
near tips of longer apophyses. Corpus bursae small and oblong, with tiny spinules on 
anterior half. Apex of tergum VII medially with joining pair of median arcs of closely 
set scale sockets with elongate narrow scales. Sternum VII terminating in small wider 
than long median lobe set with abundant and rather long setation. 

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the generic name of the host plants. 

Biology. Adults were reared from leaf mines found on two species of Scalesia 
(Asteraceae): S. baurii Robins. & Greenm. and S. pedunculata Hook. filius. 

Distribution. Endemic to the Galapagos; found on Floreana, Santa Cruz, and 

Remarks. In the female genitalia, my interpretation of tergum IX, which I 
believe is dorsal, between terga VIII and X, differs from that of Davis (1998) and 
Puplesis and Diskus (2003), who mention that it is ventral from the lobes of tergum X. 
In my view, tergum IX of these authors is actually sternum IX because of its position. 
In Davis’ (1998, fig. 6.8 N) schematic drawing of the female genitalia of Tischeria 
(now Coptotriche) citrinipennella (Clemens), there is no sclerite between tergum VIII 
and the ovipositor lobes of tergum X as in Astrotischeria scalesiaella (see Figs 18, 19). 

Astrotischeria alcedoensis B. Landry sp. n. Figs 3, 8, 13-15 

Holotype 3. [1] “ECU. GALAPAGOS/ Isabela, V[olcan]. Alcedo, en/ Scalesia villosa 
affinis, 19 X/ 1999, emergio 29 X 1999/ L. Roque” (MHNG). Computer made in black on white 
paper with black borders on top and bottom. Hostplant species name crossed with pencil and new 
name added with pencil on last line with an arrow between the two names. [2] “MHNG/ Prép. 
micr./ No 2724 3”. Printed black on white card stock except for ink hand written “MHNG”, 
number and male sign. [3] “BL 1423 3”. Hand-written in black ink on green paper; upside 
down. [4] “HOLOTYPE/ Astrotischeria/ alcedoensis/ B. Landry”. Hand-written in black ink on 
red card stock. The right midleg and hindleg are in a gelatine capsule attached to the pin. The 
left hindleg is broken beyond the tibia. 

Diagnosis. See Diagnosis of Astrotischeria scalesiaella above to distinguish the 
two species from each other and from all other known micro-moths of the Galapagos. 

Description. MALE (n=1) (Figs 3, 8, 13-15). Vertex vestiture with erect scales 
usually tricolored, pale beige at their base, brown subapically, pale beige at their apex, 
with a few scales apically shining greyish brown, with appressed scales between 
antennal bases entirely pale beige; frons vestiture with shorter scales coloured as erect 
scales of vertex, but scales slightly paler at their base; interocular index not calculated. 
Antenna about 3/4 length of forewing; approximately 26 flagellomeres (head not 
mounted on slide); scape brown and white, with greenish-beige narrow pecten; 
flagellomere I with longitudinal rows of white and brown scales; other flagellomeres 
with basal scales pale beige and apical scales brown. Haustellum white and brown. 
Labial palpus dark brown laterally with white apex, pale beige medially. Maxillary 
palpus scaling probably white (not clearly visible). Thorax mostly with tricolored 
scales, dirty white at their base, brown subapically, ochre apically. Foreleg coxa with 
scales bicoloured dirty white at their base and brown at their apex (sometimes with 
apex a little paler beyond brown area), other parts dark brown except for pale beige 


Fics 16-21 

Female genitalia of Astrotischeria scalesiaella. 16-17. Paratype from Wolf, reared from Scalesia 
baurii: 16. Segments VIII-X and genitalia; 17. Apex of abdomen. 18-19. Paratype from Santa 
Cruz reared from Scalesia pedunculata: 18. Dorsal view of segments VIII-X; 19. Lateral view 
of same segments. 20-21. Same specimen as on figs 16-17: 20. Section of ductus bursae; 21. 
Corpus bursae. 

bases of tarsomeres II-IV and all of tarsomere V. Midleg as in foreleg except scales 
more bicoloured as on coxa and tarsomeres more pale beige except for small patch of 
brown at apex of tarsomeres II-IV. Hindleg apparently as in midleg, but damaged. 
Forewing length: 4.28 mm (holotype). Venation not studied. Colour a mixture of beige, 
brown, and ochre scales, the latter not present in the radial sector, the brown scales 
usually tricolored with white at base, brown on apical half and beige at apex as a 
narrow band; without strongly marked pattern in unique and somewhat damaged 
specimen, but possibly with submedian and postmedian oblique bands as in A. scale- 


siaella; fringe pale greyish ochre. Hindwing venation not studied; colour pale greyish 
beige; fringe pale greyish ochre. Abdomen colour not recorded. 

Male genitalia (n=1) (Figs 8, 13-15). Socii and uncus as in A. scalesiaella 
except arms of uncus more slender, slightly longer, less curved, and narrower apically. 
Tegumen as in A. scalesiaella except slightly broader and with broader posterior arms. 
Vinculum narrower, less triangular, than in A. scalesiaella. Anellus as in A. scalesiaella 
except for apparent absence of ventral setae. Dorsal arm of valva with distal half 
broader and not as narrowly pointed apically as in A. scalesiaella; cucullus as in A. 
scalesiaella except more distinctly bent at about 2/3 and longer, 1.44 X as long as 
dorsal arm inclusive of apodeme. Aedeagus as in A. scalesiaella except broadly curved 
(possibly an artefact) and base of two apical branches at about 4/5 length; gonopore not 

FEMALE. Unknown. 

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the collecting locality, Volcan Alcedo, 
on Isabela Island. 

Biology. The unique specimen was reared from a leaf of Scalesia affinis Hook. 
filius (Asteraceae). 

Distribution. Galapagos endemic; found on Isabela, Volcan Alcedo. 

Remarks. The poorly melanised spines of the apical end of the aedeagus 
(Fig. 13) may be the result of a premature death. 


We thank the authorities of Galapagos National Park and those of the Charles 
Darwin Research Station for allowing fieldwork and for logistical support in 1989, 
1992, and 2002. We are grateful to the Charles Darwin Foundation and the Galapagos 
Conservation Trust of England for providing financial support for BL’s investigations 
at the BMNH in 2000 and in the Galapagos in 2002. We owe a great deal of gratitude 
to Prof. Stewart B. Peck, Carleton University, Ottawa, for inviting BL to join his 1989 
and 1992 Galapagos expeditions. This fieldwork was supported by an operating grant 
to Dr Peck from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for 
field research on arthropod evolution. For their help and pleasant company in the field 
we thank Novarino Castillo, Charlotte Causton, Joyce Cook, Moraima Inca, Ricardo 
Palma, S. B. Peck, Bradley J. Sinclair, and Eduardo Vilema. We thank curators Don R. 
Davis (USNM), Sabine Gaal-Haszler (NMW), and Kevin Tuck (BMNH) for their 
permission to examine specimens in their care. We are thankful to Jean-François 
Landry, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, for his multi-faceted help while BL was in 
Ottawa working on Galapagos moths. Finally, we thank Florence Marteau (MHNG) 
for producing the plates and Don Davis, J.-F. Landry, and Rimantas Puplesis for their 
important comments on the manuscript. 


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REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 611-630; septembre 2004 

A revision of the Blattodea, Ensifera and Caelifera 
described by H. Fruhstorfer 

Hannes BAUR! & Armin CORAY? 
! Department of Invertebrates, Natural History Museum, Bernastrasse 15, 

CH-3005 Bern, Switzerland. E-mail: (correspondence) 
2 Natural History Museum, Augustinergasse 2, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. 


A revision of the Blattodea, Ensifera and Caelifera described by 
H. Fruhstorfer. - Twelve taxa described by Fruhstorfer are revised, 
belonging to Blattodea: Blattellidae (1), Ensifera: Phaneropteridae (1), 
Tettigoniidae (4) and Caelifera: Acrididae (6). Name-bearing types are 
deposited in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (7), the 
Zoologische Staatssammlung, Munich (1) and the Natural History 
Museums of Berlin (1) and Geneva (4). Syntype series of two taxa are 
missing. In seven cases lectotypes are here designated. Four new 
synonymies are established: Tettigoniidae: Ephippiger ephippiger eustra- 
tius Fruhstorfer, 1921 = E. diurnus Dufour, 1841; Ephippiger vicheti Harz, 
1966 = E. persicarius Fruhstorfer, 1921 stat. rev.; Thamnotrizon chabrieri 
malachiticus Fruhstorfer, 1921 = Eupholidoptera chabrieri (Charpentier, 
1825). Acrididae: Stenobothrus lineatus fervidior Fruhstorfer, 1921 = 
Stenobothrus lineatus (Panzer, 1796). The paper provides detailed informa- 
tion on name-bearing types, type localities and the current status of each 

Keywords: Blattellidae - Phaneropteridae - Tettigoniidae - Acrididae - new 
synonymy - lectotype designations - taxonomy - distribution. 


Hans Fruhstorfer (1866-1922) was a Swiss naturalist who mainly lived in 
Germany (Martin, 1922). Coming from a family in modest circumstances he quickly 
gained some wealth because of his extraordinary talents as a salesman of insects. His 
financial independence allowed him to travel extensively through South America and 
Asia where he spent most of his time collecting insects. His main interest was in butter- 
flies and due to innumerable publications and his contributions to the monumental 
work of Adalbert Seitz on Rhopalocera (butterflies) he became one of the best known 
lepidopterologists of his days (Martin, 1922). Apparently, he established an incredible 
number of almost 5000 new names (Seitz, 1922)! Only late in his life, Fruhstorfer 
developed a keen interest in orthopteroid insects. In a remarkably short time he 

Manuscript accepted 18.03.2004 

612 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

assembled a voluminous work in which he mainly investigated the distribution and ori- 
gin of Swiss grasshoppers, cockroaches, mantids and earwigs (Fruhstorfer, 1920a- 
1920f, 1921a-1921c). For a very long time his main work “Die Orthopteren der 
Schweiz und der Nachbarländer...” (Fruhstorfer, 1921c) remained a cornerstone for 
faunistic research (Thorens & Nadig, 1997), some criticism by Ramme (1923) and 
Zeuner (1931) notwithstanding. Fruhstorfer (1920d, 1921c) also described a series of 
new taxa in Blattodea, Ensifera and Caelifera. Although the majority of these new 
names have merely infrasubspecific status, twelve were formally published in accor- 
dance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1999, ICZN) and must 
be treated as available names (Table 1). In the past, however, many of Fruhstorfer’s 
taxonomic decisions did not receive the attention they deserved, which, in turn, is 
critical with respect to nomenclatural stability. We therefore present in this revision all 

TABLE 1. Synopsis of taxa established by Fruhstorfer 

Original names Valid names 


Ectobius neolividus Fruhstorfer Ectobius vittiventris (A. Costa) 


Barbitistes obtusus alpinus Fruhstorfer Barbitistes obtusus Targioni-Tozzetti 

Ephippiger cruciger eustratius Fruhstorfer syn. n. Ephippiger diurnus Dufour 

Ephippiger persicarius Fruhstorfer Ephippiger persicarius Fruhstorfer 
stat. rev.* 

Ephippiger plinianus Fruhstorfer Ephippiger bormansi Brunner v. W. 

Thamnotrizon chabrieri malachiticus Fruhstorfer syn. n. Eupholidoptera chabrieri 


Chrysochraon brachypterus chrysoberyllus Fruhstorfer  Euthystira brachyptera (Ocskay) 

Omocestus haemorrhoidalis fantinus Fruhstorfer Omocestus haemorrhoidalis 

Podisma alpina formosanta Fruhstorfer Miramella (Nadigella) formosanta 

Podisma alpina irena Fruhstorfer Miramella (Kisella) irena 

Podisma frigida strandi Fruhstorfer Bohemanella frigida (Boheman) 

Stenobothrus lineatus fervidior Fruhstorfer syn. n. Stenobothrus lineatus (Panzer) 

*= Ephippiger vicheti Harz syn. n. 

pertinent data for a proper taxonomic treatment of Fruhstorfer’s names. This includes 
detailed information on the name-bearing types, the type locality and the current status 
of the taxa concerned. The present paper is thus intended as a further step towards a 
List of Available Names (ICZN, Art. 79) in orthopteroid insects. 


Fruhstorfer’s insect collection is preserved in several different institutions 
(Horn er al., 1990) and probably also in some private collections. Horn et al. (1990) 
mention that a collection of Swiss “Orthoptera” had been donated in 1921 to the Swiss 


Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ). A large part of the collection is also 
deposited at the Zoologische Staatssammlung München (Schönitzer, pers. comm.). 
This is not surprising, since Fruhstorfer moved to Munich shortly before his death 
(Martin, 1922). We traced further material in the Museums of Basle, Berlin, Geneva 
and Vienna, but specimens are likely to be encountered in many further collections. 
Fruhstorfer (1921c; Martin, 1922) was in contact with many colleagues and he 
certainly also exchanged some specimens. For instance, syntypes of several species 
were found in the Nadig collection in Geneva. 

Fruhstorfer’s collection has not been preserved in its original state. The speci- 
mens have been removed from their original drawers and have been integrated in 
general collections of the respective groups. This happened for instance in Zurich, 
Munich and Vienna. Fruhstorfer’s material can nevertheless be recognized because he 
properly labelled his specimens with printed or partly handwritten labels where he 
usually noted the locality, date and name of the collector (Figs la, 2a, 3b). The only 
difficulty is that he most often failed to add individual identification labels (see 
Fig. 2b). From a few remnants it is apparent that he had used single bottom labels (Fig. 
1b) to denote a particular taxon in his collection. Such labels are now mostly lost, 
which renders the identification of particular specimens rather difficult. This is espe- 
cially true for the type series. Fruhstorfer based his new taxa solely on syntypes which 
he did not label specially. Therefore, we have accepted as syntypes only those speci- 
mens which could be unambiguously recognized by their data label, and which, of 
course, fit the description well. For instance, we consider as part of the type series of 
Chrysochraon brachypterus chrysoberyllus a specimen labelled “Claro 9.VIII.18” 
because Fruhstorfer (1921c: 95) cited exactly this locality and date in the original 
description. We thereby assume that he did not mix his new subspecies with any other 
grasshoppers mentioned from the same place, e. g. Omocestus haemorrhoidalis fanti- 
nus or Gomphocerus rufus. Such taxa can be easily separated, even by a beginner. 
However, Fruhstorfer evidently confounded the species of certain genera, for instance 
of Ectobius and Ephippiger (Ramme, 1923; Nadig, 1968). Here, we accepted only 
specimens with unique data labels as type specimens. A female Ephippiger labelled 
“Piandolce 31.X.18” (Figs 3, 6) in the Zoologische Staatssammlung München is thus 
regarded as part of the type series of E. plinianus because Fruhstorfer cited the 
respective data solely for this Ephippiger species. 


ICZN International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth edition (1999) 

CAN Coll. Adolf Nadig, in MHNG 

CKH Coll. Kurt Harz, in MHNG 

ETHZ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Entomologische Sammlung, 
Zürich, Schweiz 

MHNG Museum d’histoire naturelle, Genève, Suisse 

NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel, Schweiz 

NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Österreich 

NMBE Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern, Schweiz 

ZMB Zoologisches Museum, Berlin, Deutschland 

ZSM Zoologische Staatssammlung, München, Deutschland 

614 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 


Fruhstorfer (1921c) introduced a series of new names using the term “forma” or 
“forma nova” in combination with a binomen. The content of his descriptions un- 
ambiguously reveals that most of these names have merely infrasubspecific rank 
(ICZN, Art. 45.6.4). Fruhstorfer, apparently, denoted as a new form some outstanding 
morphs which differed in color or size from the majority of specimens of a variable 
species. In other words, he named some particular specimens instead of some popula- 
tion(s). We think, it is thus sufficiently clear that such “forms” can have no status in 
zoological nomenclature, since systematics aims at the delimitation of populations, not 
individuals (Mayr & Ashlock, 1991; Cracraft, 1997). For completeness, we list the 
respective names and summarize the content of their descriptions. We would like to 
stress that these names had never been adopted as the valid names of a taxon. They are 
not available and cannot enter the synonymy. The following nineteen names belong 
here: Barbitistes obtusus f. “picta” (p. 176, color variety); Barbitistes obtusus f. “viri- 
descens” (p. 176, color variety); Chorthippus dorsatus f. “nigripennis” (p. 130, color 
variety); Chorthippus dorsatus f. “pallilis” (p. 130, color variety); Conocephalus 
tuberculatus f. “persicaria” (p. 191, color variety); Gomphocerus rufus f. “alpicola” 
(p. 99, size and color variety); Gomphocerus rufus f. “insubrica” (p. 99, color variety); 
Gomphocerus rufus f. “murina” (p. 99, color variety); Gomphocerus rufus f. “pyg- 
maea” (p. 99, size variety); Gomphocerus sibiricus f. “deminutus” (p. 103, size 
variety); Gomphocerus sibiricus f. “viridopicta” (p. 103, color variety); Mecostethus 
grossus f. “vinula” (p. 143, color variety); Platycleis brachyptera f. “deminuta” 
(p. 221, 222, size variety); Platycleis brachyptera f. “restricta” (p. 220, 222, size and 
color variety); Platycleis brachyptera f. “rhaetorum” (p. 220, 222, color variety); 
Platycleis saussureana [sic] f. “rugosa” (p. 223, 224, size and color variety); 
Stauroderus miniatus f. “smaragdina” (p. 116, female color variety); Stenobothrus 
lineatus f. “interposita” (p. 108, color variety); Stenobothrus lineatus f. “myrina” 
(p. 108, color variety). 

The names of the four Platycleis-formae are in fact borderline cases. From their 
first mentioning and the descriptions, these names might be regarded as subspecific. On 
the other hand, Fruhstorfer evidently listed them in addition to a trinomen in his 
classification of taxa (see pp. 222, 224). In our opinion, this is a clear indication that 
he really intended to give them infrasubspecific rank. As we noted above, these names 
have never been used as the valid names of a taxon, Otte’s (1997: 289) adoption of 
“deminuta” in the rank of a species notwithstanding. A merely formal elevation in rank, 
however, does not make it an available name (compare ICZN, Arts. 11.5.2 and 45.5.1). 
The same applies in the case of Yin er al. (1996) who listed “Stauroderus miniatus 
smaragdina [sic] Fruhstorfer” as a valid name in their catalogue of World grass- 

A further two names, Podisma alpina formosanta and P. a. irena, have also been 
introduced as “forma nova” by Fruhstorfer (1921c) but are considered as available 
names (see under their respective headings). 



For easy access the taxa are arranged alphabetically within families, i.e. first the 
original genus then the species. After name, author, year, and page number where the 
species was first described, the name-bearing type (bold if designated here) and type 
locality are noted. Where possible the current spelling of a locality is given. Material 
starts with name-bearing types. Labels are cited in quotation marks, the text is rendered 
exactly as spelt, with semicolons separating the different labels. Mostly original labels 
are quoted only, beginning with the uppermost. Square brackets indicate additional 
information (such as a red label, print or handwriting, etc.). Remaining specimens of a 
type series are listed more summarily, their labels are cited only if necessary. Voucher 
specimens are detailed for difficult taxa in the Appendix, otherwise that material is 
summarized by reference to the respective depositories. Discussion provides further 
information on the type material and mentions additional specimens which are doubt- 
fully attributed to the type series or otherwise noteworthy. Taxonomic notes are usually 
included. Terminology and abbreviations of morphological terms follow Harz (1969, 
1975). We apply the Phylogenetic Species Concept which makes no use of the sub- 
species category. Following this concept, populations are classified as species when 
they are diagnosably distinct from other populations by a unique combination of fixed 
character states (Cracraft, 1989; Nixon & Wheeler, 1990). Status finally lists current 
usage of a name. 


Ectobius neolividus Fruhstorfer 

Ectobius neolividus Ramme & Fruhstorfer [sic], 1921c: 78, 79. Syntypes d & 2 2, Switzerland: 
Canton Ticino, Denti della Vecchia and Canton Grisons, Plotta near Soglio (CAN, ZMB 

Material. Syntypes, CAN: 1 @ (directly pinned, right hind tarsus lacking) labelled 
“Soglio Anf. 8. [sic] 20 Fruhstorfer [print]; Ectob. © neolividus Fruhst. [Fruhstorfer’s hand, blue 
ink, label with border]; Ectobius vittiventris (COSTA) K. HARZ det. [print, blue ink]” (see Fig. 
2) and 15 (directly pinned, left antenna, left hind leg and left hind tarsus lacking) labelled 
“Soglio Anf. 8. [sic] 20 Fruhstorfer [print]; Ectobius 6 vittiventris Costa [hand] Ramme det. 
[print]; Ectobius vittiventris (COSTA) K. HARZ det. [print, blue ink]”. ZMB: 1 @ (directly 
pinned, with ootheca; left antenna, right antenna partly, left fore and right mid leg beyond coxae 
and hind tarsi lacking) labelled “Dti Vecchia 5.IX.19 Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 78) mentioned further material from the 
southern part of the Canton Ticino but did not specify the number of specimens he had. 
He (1921c: 79) also examined specimens in the MHNG from “Hyères”, “Sizilien” and 
“Curzole in Dalmatien” which could not be traced. The above specimens match the 
data given for only one species of Ectobius, E. neolividus, and are thus considered as 
syntypes. The collecting date on the labels of the two specimens from Soglio is 
indicated as beginning (= “Anf.”) of August whereas it was quoted as end of July by 
Fruhstorfer (1921c: 78). Because both dates essentially refer to the same time period, 
this minor discrepancy does not, in our opinion, disqualify the specimens as syntypes. 

616 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

E. neolividus has been introduced with “Ramme & Fruhstorfer” as authors. But 
from the contents the contribution of Ramme is not evident. It is also noteworthy in 
this context, that Ramme heavily criticized Fruhstorfer who, apparently, had mis- 
understood “Meine ausdrücklich als unverbindlich gekennzeichneten Mitteilungen...” 
on Ectobius (Ramme, 1923: 107). Hence, we consider Fruhstorfer as the only person 
responsible for both the name and the criteria of availability (ICZN, Art. 50.1), as was 
done by subsequent authors (Princis, 1971; Harz & Kaltenbach, 1976; among others). 

E. neolividus is currently considered to belong to E. vittiventris (see Ramme, 
1923; Harz & Kaltenbach, 1976; Baur et al. 2004). This species is rather variable and 
might consist of a complex of sibling species (Bohn, pers. comm.). Therefore, we have 
refrained from the designation of a lectotype for E. neolividus. 

Status. Junior synonym of Ectobius vittiventris (A. Costa, 1847) (Ramme, 1923: 



Barbitistes obtusus alpinus Fruhstorfer 

Barbitistes obtusus alpina [sic] Fruhstorfer, 1920d: 77, 82, 85. Lectotype d, Switzerland, 
Canton Ticino: Monte Generoso, Crocetta, here designated (CAN [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype (directly pinned, right antenna partly and left hind tibia partly lack- 
ing) labelled “Generoso-Crocetta 29.VII.19 Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Paralectotypes, ZSM: 1 d (directly pinned) labelled “Generoso-Crocetta 8.VIII.19 
Fruhstorfer [print]; Barbitistes obtusus Targ.- Toz. det. D. R. Ragge. 1959 [print]”. ZSM: 1 2 
(directly pinned) labelled “Generoso-Crocetta 1.IX.19 Fruhstorfer [print]”, “Barbitistes ob-tusus 
[sic] Targ. Toz. 9 [hand] det. K. Harz [print]”. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer introduced Barbitistes obtusus alpinus in the “Tessiner 
Wanderbilder” (1920d: 77) where he provided a brief definition of the taxon using the 
following statement: “Der Barbitistes aber stellte sich beim Vergleich mit einem 
Anfang Juli bei Chiasso gefundenen Exemplar als eine interessante, verkleinerte und 
verdunkelte alpine Rasse von obtusus heraus, jetzt alpina Fruhst.”. The connotation as 
a race (“Rasse”) formally makes it a subspecific name. A more detailed diagnosis of B. 
o. alpinus (note that Barbitistes is masculine, hence B. o. alpinus) was given later by 
Fruhstorfer (1921c: 179). He (1920d: 77, 82, 85) collected 2 d,1 £ on three occasions 
during July to September 1919 near the south-western slope of Crocetta. The place is 
situated at about 1360 m altitude in the northern part of the Monte Generoso massif. 
The labels fit exactly the data given by Fruhstorfer (1920d, 1921c) for only one taxon 
of Barbitistes, B. o. alpinus. The lectotype is the smallest specimen of the type series 
and is thus closest to Fruhstorfer’s definition (1920d: 77). He also explicitly referred to 
the respective male on the same page. In order to ensure stability in the application of 
this name, we have chosen this specimen as the lectotype (ICZN, Art. 74.7.3). 

Examination of the type series and much additional material (CAN, ETHZ, 
MHNG, NHMB, NMBE, ZSM) confirms the view of Nadig er al. (1991) that B. o. 
alpinus cannot be separated from B. obtusus which is widely distributed in the Canton 
Ticino (Thorens & Nadig, 1997). 

Status. Junior synonym of Barbitistes obtusus Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881 (Nadig et 
MOI 238): 


Pizzo Leone | 
15-1600 m. Type 
W372 OV Da CISA 
| ren ae 
LE 1 | 
1a-b > 
Eph. = 
ephippiger | 
Soglio : (Fieb.)' ava | 
Anf.8.20 | [-Silvitola det. Nadig | 

ne 2 

mio L'ontchss | = ES done 
Fam 21. Lectotype + 
= ae 
PEFISBIE sou . Fralet «for 1324 : 
SES ANS HARZ ser. | Ides. H. Baur 200% 
2a-C 3a-e 
Fics 1-4 

Labels on specimens, original size (our labels were omitted, except for figure 3e): (1) Para- 
lectotype 2 of Podisma alpina formosanta Fruhstorfer; Fig. 1b is a bottom label in Fruhstorfer’s 
handwriting. (2) Syntype of Ectobius neolividus Fruhstorfer; Fig. 2b is an original identification 
label by Fruhstorfer. (3) Lectotype of Ephippiger plinianus Fruhstorfer; Fig. 3b is a data label in 
Fruhstorfer’s handwriting. (4) Lectotype of Ephippiger cruciger eustratius Fruhstorfer; Fig. 4d 
shows a different handwriting and is probably not an original bottom label. 


Ephippiger cruciger eustratius Fruhstorfer 
Ephippigera crucigera eustratia Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 231. Lectotype d, Switzerland, Canton 

Bern: Moutier, Klus, here designated (ETHZ [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype d (directly pinned, left antenna partly, left hind tarsus partly and 
right hind leg beyond coxa lacking, titillators damaged at base by pest insects) labelled “Type 
[print, yellow label with border]; 20.IX.19. Moutier Klöti [hand, label with border]; Eph. 
ephippiger [print] d [hand] Fieb. [print] vitium Harz f. silvicola [hand] det. Nadig [print]”. Two 
further labels were placed near the specimen. One label reads “var eustratia Fruhst. [hand, grey 
label with double border]”, the other one shows a note by Nadig “wohl eher: Eph. ephippiger F. 
var silvicola Az. Febr 1932 (Nadig.) vide Mit. S. E. G. 1932 [hand, label with double border]” 
(Fig. 4). 

Paralectotype, ETHZ: 1 d (directly pinned) with similar data to lectotype, considered as 
part of the type series. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 231) mentioned material from “Solothurner 
Jura, Moutier” but did not specify the number of specimens he had. However, his short 
description was actually based on material which was collected in 1919 by E. Klöti- 
Hauser “an der Strasse die von Moutier durch die Birsschlucht nach Choindez führt” 
(Klöti-Hauser, 1922, see also Nadig, 1932). Of the seven males collected by Klöti- 
Hauser, only two survived in the ETHZ collection. The lectotype fits the original 
description and is designated to ensure stability in the application of this name (ICZN, 
Art. 74.7.3). The composition of the entire type series is uncertain and might include 

618 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

more than one taxon. The lectotype designation makes it clear to which taxon this 
name actually refers. The names of this and the following Ephippiger taxa first 
appeared in combination with Ephippigera Serville, 1831, an unjustified emendation 
of Ephippiger Berthold, 1827. These names have to be treated as though they were 
published in combination with Ephippiger (ICZN, Art. 51.3.1). 

Re-examination of the type series and additional material (Appendix) fully 
confirms the synonymy of E. c. eustratius with E. diurnus Dufour (see Nadig, 1932, 
sub E. vitium). 

Status. Junior synonym of Ephippiger diurnus Dufour, 1841 [= E. vitium of 
authors, not Serville, 1831]! syn. n. 

Ephippiger persicarius Fruhstorfer Fig. 5 

Ephippigera persicaria Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 230, 33. Syntypes dd? 2, Switzerland, Canton 
Ticino: Monte Carasso, above Monti di Freghiscio and Alpe di Orina over Cugnasco 
(?depository [not located]). 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 230, 33) mentioned one female from Monte 
Carasso but did not specify the number of specimens he had from Alpe di Orina. The 
two localities are separated only by a distance of about three kilometres and are 
situated on the southern slopes of elevations north of the Piano di Magadino and the 
Ticino river. Monte Carasso is the name of a village at the bottom of the Ticino valley 
at about 230 m altitude. But according to Fruhstorfer (1921c: 33, 230), the specimen 
was found above Monte Carasso and near Monti di Freghiscio at about 1600-1700 m 
altitude. There is only one place at this altitude which is devoid of forest and therefore 
suitable as a habitat of Ephippiger, that is the south-western slope of the Cima della 
Pianca (Swiss grid co-ordinates 717.9/119.3, 1600-1700 m, see Appendix). 

Of the two Ephippiger species described by Fruhstorfer from the Canton Ticino, 
a few female syntypes of E. plinianus are kept at the ZSM (see below) but no specimen 
of E. persicarius could be traced so far. This is in contrast to Nadig’s claim (1960: 28, 
footnote) that “Die Type von E. pliniana [sic] ist unauffindbar (Nadig, 1931), jene von 
E. persicaria [sic], ein £ steckt ... in der Zoolog. Sammlung des bayerischen Staates 
in Miinchen [= ZSM]”. We thus assume that Nadig simply confounded the species 
names in his footnote. 

The information given by Fruhstorfer (1921c) concerning his Ephippiger 
material from the Canton Ticino is rather confusing and sometimes contradictory (see 
Zeuner, 1931 for a critical discussion). His descriptions of the new species, E. persi- 
carius and E. plinianus, are short and insufficient for their unambiguous recognition, 
original material is scarce. These shortcomings led to serious difficulties concerning 

! Audinet-Serville (1831) introduced E. vitium as a replacement name for Locusta 
ephippiger Fabricius (= Gryllus ephippiger Fiebig, see Coray & Lehmann, 1998: 88), which is 
why the name has to be considered as a junior objective synonym of E. ephippiger (Fiebig) 
(ICZN, Art. 72.7). Hence, the name virium Serville cannot be retained to denote the Western 
European populations of the E. ephippiger species-aggregate, despite claims to the contrary in 
some recent works (Coray & Lehmann, 1998; Coray & Thorens, 2001). For the taxon in 
question, E. diurnus Dufour has been adopted (Kruseman, 1988; Oudman er al., 1990; Ingrisch 
& Köhler, 1998; all sub E. ephippiger diurnus). 


the identity of the taxa involved and resulted, as we will show below, in the unjustified 
neglect of E. persicarius by Harz (1966) and subsequent authors. 

In an attempt to clarify the identity of E. persicarius, it is important to consider 
the distribution of the Ephippiger species in the Canton Ticino. More recent 
investigation have shown that only two species occur there, E. vicheti Harz and E. bor- 
mansi Brunner von Wattenwyl, of which detailed data on their horizontal and vertical 
distribution are available (Nadig, 1968; Thorens & Nadig, 1997; Baur, Rösti, pers. 
observation). A careful evaluation of these data in combination with a re-examination 
ofthe remaining material of the Fruhstorfer collection gave us new insights with regard 
to the identity of the taxa. Thus, it is evident from the type material deposited in the 
ZSM that E. plinianus belongs to E. bormansi (see below). Furthermore, we agree with 
Nadig (1968: 343) that specimens in the ETHZ and the NHMW identified by 
Fruhstorfer as E. perforatus (Rossi) (see Appendix) belong to E. vicheti and not to a 
third species. The identity of E. persicarius, finally, is less obvious because of a lack 
of syntypes and the poor original description. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 230) emphasised the 
violet or peachy coloration of his specimens which he collected late in the year. We 
observed that topotypical specimens are indeed darker in October (Fig. 5) than in the 
months before (Baur, Rösti, pers. observation). As pointed out by Zeuner (1931: 33, 34, 
sub E. vitium) the other characters given by Fruhstorfer lie within the range of variation 
of E. vicheti. Moreover, it is most revealing that only one species, E. vicheti, is present 
in the region where the two type localities of E. persicarius are situated. This is evident 
from the detailed studies by Nadig (1968) and Thorens & Nadig (1997) and from 
recent collections made by the senior author at the type localities. Following these 
investigations E. bormansi is known to occur only south of the Ticino river, where it is 
found on sunny slopes in grass and small shrubs from about 900 up to 1900 m altitude. 
E. vicheti is mostly a vicariate of E. bormansi that lives from the bottom of the valleys 
up to about 1100 (-1450) m altitude in fern (Pteridium), bushes and lower trees. But in 
places such as the elevations north of the Ticino river, where E. bormansi is absent, E. 
vicheti is also encountered at higher altitudes up to 1650 m (Nadig, 1968; Baur, Rösti, 
pers. observation). In conclusion, these findings leave no doubt that E. persicarius has 
to be regarded as a senior synonym of Ephippiger vicheti Harz, 1966 syn. n. (see also 
Nadig, 1968: 343, footnote). The identity of populations from the respective type 
localities has been demonstrated by several authors (Harz, 1966; Nadig, 1987) and is 
confirmed by examination of the holotype of E. vicheti (from Italy, Trentino, Storo) and 
much additional material from the respective regions (Appendix). 

E. persicarius evidently forms a diagnosably distinct taxon of the allopatric 
E. ephippiger species-aggregate (compare the distribution map in Detzel, 1998: 283). 
It occurs on the southern side of the Alps from the Piedmont (Italy) in the west (Nadig, 
1987) to Styria (Austria) in the east and Istria (Croatia) in the south-east (Harz, 1966). 
It is separated from the Western European E. diurnus Dufour (type locality St.-Sever 
in France, Dept. Les Landes) by song characteristics (Duijm, 1990), the absence of a 
pronounced color polymorphism in adults (Hartley & Bugren, 1986), less strongly 
pointed male cerci, shorter titillators and the lack of paired sclerotized plates on the 
female subgenital plate (compare Duijm & Oudman, 1983, figures 1-2,4; sub E. 
ephippiger vicheti). The latter character state is shared with the eastern European E. 

620 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

ephippiger (Fiebig) (type locality Vienna in Austria) but this species has much longer 
titillators (see Nadig, 1987: 332, figure 16) and the apical part of the male cerci strong- 
ly pointed as in E. diurnus. Alleged character transitions in the Eastern refuge of 
E. persicarius (Harz, 1966, sub E. e. vicheti) might be the result of secondary hybrid 
zones which are irrelevant with regard to the classification of taxa as phylogenetic 
species (Cracraft, 1989). 

Our findings are in contrast to those of Hartley & Warne (1984) who syno- 
nymised E. persicarius (sub E. e. vicheti) with E. ephippiger. Their view probably led 
to the disregard of E. persicarius in a few subsequent works (Heller, 1988; Heller et 
al., 1998; Ragge & Reynolds, 1998), although in the most recent studies E. persicarius 
(sub E. vicheti) has been considered as a distinct taxon (Nadig, 1987; Otte, 1997; 
Thorens & Nadig, 1997; Ingrisch & Köhler, 1998; Coray & Thorens, 2001; Fontana et 
al., 2002; among others). We would like to stress that the proposed synonymy of 
Hartley & Warne is actually based on too little evidence (see also Nadig, 1987). 
Apparently, they (1984: 46) examined just “a few specimens” of E. persicarius from 
Lago Maggiore (Northern Italy) and another two specimens from Skopje (Macedonia) 
which they regarded as E. ephippiger but no topotypical material at all. 

Status. Ephippiger persicarius Fruhstorfer, 1921c stat. rev. 

Ephippiger plinianus Fruhstorfer Fig. 6 

Ephippigera pliniana Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 233. Lectotype 9, Switzerland, Canton Ticino: Val 
Morobbia, Monti Piandolce, here designated (ZSM [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype ® (directly pinned, left antenna partly, right fore tarsus partly and 
right mid tarsus lacking) labelled “Type [print, yellow label with border]; Piandolce 31.X.18 
[hand] Fruhstorfer [print]; Type von [print] Epphippigera [sic] Pliniana Fruh [hand, orange 
label]; Fruhstorfer Orth. d. Schwz [sic] (1921c) p. 233. [back side of former label]; Holotypus 
Zool. Staatsammlg. München [print, red with black border]” (Figs 3, 6). 

Paralectotypes, ZSM: 2 © (directly pinned) labelled “Mti Croce 29.X.18 [hand, blue ink] 
Fruhstorfer [print]; ...” from Monti della Croce at Motto d’Arbino over Bellinzona (Fruhstorfer, 
1921c: 234). 

Discussion. It is likely that only the second label on the lectotype is from 
Fruhstorfer himself. The label “Holotypus ...” has certainly been added later. However, 
the information content of the data label matches exactly the data given by Fruhstorfer 
(1921c: 234) for only one species of Ephippiger, E. plinianus. He mentioned also 
specimens from Monte il Gaggio and Monte Boglia but did not specify the number of 
specimens he had. The lectotype fits the original description and is designated to ensure 
stability in the application of this name (ICZN, Art. 74.7.3). The composition of the 
entire type series is uncertain and might include more than one taxon. The lectotype 
designation makes it clear to which taxon this name actually refers. 

Re-examination of the lectotype and much additional material (Appendix) fully 
confirms the view of authors (Nadig, 1960, 1980; Harz, 1969) that E. plinianus is the 
same as E. bormansi which is widely distributed in southern parts of the Canton Ticino 
(Thorens & Nadig, 1997). 

It is unclear whether E. bormansi is really diagnosably distinct from E. ter- 
restris (Yersin). We have not examined enough material of the latter to decide this 
question, which is why we rely on the detailed investigations by Nadig (1980) and 


Fics 5-6 

(5) A female of Ephippiger persicarius Fruhstorfer from Monti della Gana in Canton Ticino, a 
place very close to one of the two type localities, Alpe di Orino. The spread of violet to peachy 
tinges on pronotum and abdomen increases with age and characterizes many older specimens in 
autumn. According to the original description, the missing syntypes may have had a similar 
appearance. Photograph D. Rösti. (6) Lectotype female of Ephippiger plinianus Fruhstorfer, a 
Junior synonym of E. bormansi Brunner von Wattenwyl. This species also occurs in the Canton 
Ticino but is absent from the region where the type localities of E. persicarius are situated. Scale 
1 cm. Photograph L. Schäublin. 

622 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

Landman er al. (1989). According to these studies the two species are well separated 
over most of their ranges but form a broad hybrid zone in the south-western part of the 
Alps. Clinal variation has been observed in several important features within each ta- 
xon. On the other hand, Nadig (1980) asserted that the hybrid zones are likely to be the 
result of secondary contact. Clearly further work is necessary to solve these problems. 
For the time being, we keep E. bormansi as a separate taxon, as was done in some re- 
cent works (Nadig, 1987; Otte, 1997; Thorens & Nadig, 1997; Ingrisch & Köhler, 
1998; Coray & Thorens, 2001). 

Status. Junior synonym of Ephippiger bormansi Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1882 
(Harz, 1969: 514). 

Thamnotrizon chabrieri malachiticus Fruhstorfer 
Thamnotrizon chabrieri malachiticus Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 209, 210. Syntypes £ £, Switzerland, 

Canton Ticino: Ligornetto-Tremona and Ligornetto-Meride (CAN, ETHZ [examined]). 

Material. Syntypes, CAN: 1 ® (directly pinned, right antenna partly lacking) labelled 
“Ligornetto-Meride 17.IX.19 Fruhstorfer [print]; chabrieri Ch. [print, not original]”. ETHZ: 1 9 
(directly pinned, left antenna partly and left hind tibia partly lacking; left hind leg pinned below 
specimen) labelled “Ligornetto-Tremona Aug. 19 Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer first introduced the name malachiticus in the “Tessiner 
Wanderbilder” (1920d: 30, 35, 38, 81) but it was not thereby made available. This hap- 
pened only later (Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 210) when a definition of the taxon was provided. 
Fruhstorfer mentioned several males and females from Ligornetto, Mendrisio and 
Meride in the southern parts of the Canton Ticino but did not specify the total number 
of specimens he had. However, only the above two female syntypes could be traced. 
They fit the original description and are obviously conspecific. Because the deli- 
mitation of species in this genus is almost entirely based on the male genitalia, we 
prefer to refrain from the designation of a lectotype. 

According to Nadig (1985a: 176) Eupholidoptera chabrieri (Charpentier) 
occurs in the Insubrian region, i. e. the region south of the Alps between the Lago 
Maggiore and the Lago di Como (including the southern parts of the Canton Ticino). 
However, Nadig also stressed that the Insubrian specimens differed slightly from topo- 
typical material in the shape of titillators which is why he erected an infrasubspecific 
name for the Insubrian populations. In case future investigations should substantiate 
the existence of a separate taxon, the name 7. c. malachiticus is available. 

Status. Junior synonym of Eupholidoptera chabrieri (Charpentier, 1825) syn. n. 


Chrysochraon brachypterus chrysoberyllus Fruhstorfer 

Chrysochraon brachypterus chrysoberyllus Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 95, 96. Lectotype 9, Switzer- 

land, Canton Ticino: Pizzo Claro, here designated (ETHZ [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype © (directly pinned, entire) labelled “Claro 9.VIII.18 [hand, blue 
ink] Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Paralectotypes, ETHZ: 19 3, 26 © (directly pinned) from “Piandolce”, “Generoso”, 
“Generoso-Crocetta”, “Ligornetto-Meride”, “Dti Vecchia”, “Pizzo Leone”, “Mt. Boglia”, “Mt. 
Croce” and “Mt. Carasso”. 


Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 95) mentioned material from many localities in 
the Canton Ticino but did not specify the number of specimens he had. The lectotype 
fits the original description very nicely and is designated to ensure stability in the 
application of this name (ICZN, Art. 74.7.3). The composition of the entire type series 
is uncertain and might include more than one taxon. The lectotype designation makes 
it clear to which taxon this name actually refers. 

Fruhstorfer (1921c: 96) considered chrysoberyllus as a “Südrasse” which he 
separated from specimens north of the Alps solely by the emerald coloration of the 
female fore wing. However, our analysis of an extensive material (CAN, ETHZ, 
MHNG, NHMB, NMBE, ZSM) revealed that it is actually impossible to separate 
chrysoberyllus from E. brachyptera (Ocskay) which is widely distributed in 
Switzerland (Thorens & Nadig, 1997). 

Status. Junior synonym of Euthystira brachyptera (Ocskay, 1826) (Yin et al., 
1996: 286). 

Omocestus haemorrhoidalis fantinus Fruhstorfer 
Omocestus haemorrhoidalis fantinus Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 110. Lectotype 3, Switzerland, 

Canton Ticino: Pizzo Claro, here designated (ETHZ [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype d (directly pinned, right antenna lacking) labelled “Claro. 9.VIIL.18 
[hand] Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Paralectotypes, ETHZ: 5 © (directly pinned) from “Mte Bar”, “Tamaro”, “Faido” and 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 110) mentioned material from many localities 
in the Canton Ticino but did not specify the number of specimens he had. The lecto- 
type fits the original description and is designated to ensure stability in the application 
of this name (ICZN, Art. 74.7.3). The composition of the entire type series is uncertain 
and might include more than one taxon. The lectotype designation makes it clear to 
which taxon this name actually refers. 

O. h. fantinus is obviously the same as O. haemorrhoidalis (Charpentier) which 
is widespread in southern Switzerland (Thorens & Nadig, 1997). Examination of many 
specimens (CAN, ETHZ, MHNG, NHMB, NMBE, ZSM) showed that the differences 
in size and coloration mentioned by Fruhstorfer (1921c: 110) are rather variable and do 
not allow the separation of his taxon. 

Status. Junior synonym of Omocestus haemorrhoidalis (Charpentier, 1825) 
(Yin et al., 1996: 462). 

Podisma alpina formosanta Fruhstorfer 

Podisma alpina forma formosanta Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 164f., 167. Lectotype d, Switzerland, 
Canton Ticino: Monte Generoso, Camoscé, designated by Nadig (1989: 206) (ETHZ 

Material. Lectotype d (directly pinned, entire) labelled ‘“Generoso-Camoscé, 22.IX.19 
Fruhstorfer [print]; M. formosanta FRUHST. det. A. Galvagni 19 [print]; M. for. formosanta 
(FRUHST.) [print] & [hand] det. NADIG [print]; LECTO-Holo-Typus [print, red label with 
black border]” 

Paralectotypes, CAN: 4 d, 5 9 (directly pinned) from “Bedretto [one male with iden- 
tification label by Fruhstorfer]”, “Pizzo Leone [one female with original bottom label of the 
Fruhstorfer coll. (Fig. 1b)]”, Buffalora”, “Tamaro”. ETHZ: 10 6, 25 ® (directly pinned) from 

624 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

“Generoso-Camoscé”, “Generoso-Crocetta”, “Val Osogna”, “Bedretto”, “Passo Predelp”, 
“Generoso”, “Tamaro”, “Pizzo Leone”, “Buffalora” and “Monte Boglia”. CKH: 1 d, 12 
(directly pinned) from “Bedretto”. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer first mentioned “Podisma alpina forma formosanta” in 
the “Walliser Wanderbilder” (1920a: 44) but the name was not thereby made available. 
This happened only later (1921c: 164) when a description of the taxon was provided. 
Fruhstorfer (1921c: 167) mentioned material from several localities in the Canton 
Ticino but did not specify the number of specimens he had. Although the name has 
been introduced as a “forma” it must be considered subspecific (ICZN, Art. 

Mistshenko (1952: 397) first applied the name formosanta to a subspecies of 
Miramella alpina (Kollar). Nadig (1986) finally adopted it for a species of which he 
(1989) later gave a thorough analysis of the morphology and distribution. 

Status. Miramella (Nadigella) formosanta (Fruhstorfer, 1921c) (Nadig, 1989: 

Podisma alpina irena Fruhstorfer 

Podisma alpina forma irena Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 251. Syntypes dd 9 9, Italy, South Tyrol: 

Penegal and St. Vigil (?Depository [not located]). 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 251) mentioned material collected by himself 
from Penegal and by W. Ramme from St. Vigil but did not specify the number of 
specimens he had. From St. Vigil 5 4,5 9 are present in the ZMB and a further 1 à, 
1 2 in the ZSM. Unfortunately, the specimens lack any original labels by Fruhstorfer, 
which is why the material cannot be recognized as part of the type series with certainty. 
Harz (1975) and Nadig (1989) considered the type series to be lost. Furthermore, the 
neotype designation of Harz (1975: 290) is invalid because it fails to meet the quali- 
fying conditions of the Code (ICZN, Art. 75.3). Instead of a single specimen Harz 
selected a pair of neotypes which had not become the property of a scientific institution 
immediately upon publication but remained in his private collection. However, we 
think that the lack of type material is not problematic here. Fruhstorfer indicated the 
origin of his specimens very precisely which made it possible for Galvagni (1986) and 
Nadig (1989) to study topotypical material. Following their investigations, only one 
species of Miramella is known from these localities. Hence, we cannot see any excep- 
tional circumstances (ICZN, Art. 75) that would justify the designation of a neotype. 

The taxonomic history of P. a. irena is nevertheless complicated and requires 
further discussion. Galvagni (1954) was the first to apply the name for a subspecies of 
Miramella Dovnar-Zapolskij, M. carinthiaca irena. With this action he made this name 
definitely available (ICZN, Art. Galvagni’s classification was followed by 
Harz (1973, 1975) who included M. c. irena in his new subgenus Kisella Harz, 1973. 
Nadig (1985b), following the opinion of Galvagni (in litt.), established the currently 
accepted status as a separate species, M. irena. Galvagni (1986) refined the concept of 
the species and also found that he had partly misidentified M. irena as M. carinthiaca 
in his earlier paper (Galvagni, 1954). Finally, Nadig’s (1989) monograph on Central 
European Miramella is most useful, because he meticulously sorted out the morpho- 
logical and distributional limits of M. irena and related taxa such as M. carinthiaca. 
However, the fact that the two species had been confounded earlier by Galvagni (1954) 


apparently led to the misidentification of the type species of Kisella, Podisma alpina 
carinthiaca, by Harz (1973). Moreover, this taxon had notoriously been attributed to a 
wrong author and date (Puschnig, 1910 instead of Obenberger, 1926!) since its 
establishment. Hence, we address these problems, which are critical concerning the 
identity of the taxa involved, in a separate paper (Baur & Coray, 2004, this volume). 
Status. Miramella (Kisella) irena (Fruhstorfer, 1921c) (Nadig, 1989: 186). 

Podisma frigida strandi Fruhstorfer 

Podisma frigida strandi Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 159. Lectotype d, Switzerland, Canton 
Graubünden: Muottas-Muragl, here designated (ETHZ [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype 6d (directly pinned, entire) labelled “Muottas-Muraigl [sic] 
2200-2400 m 10.8.20 Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Paralectotypes, CAN: 1 4 (directly pinned) from “Muottas Muraigl [sic]”. ETHZ: 2 3, 
7 © (directly pinned) from “Muottas Muraigl [sic]”, “Sparrhorn”, “Bedretto” and “Belalp”. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 159) mentioned material from the Alpine belt 
throughout Switzerland but did not specify the number of specimens he had. The above 
mentioned specimens fit exactly the data given by Fruhstorfer and are thus considered 
as part of the type series. The lectotype fits the original description and is designated 
to ensure stability in the application of this name (ICZN, Art. 74.7.3). The composition 
of the entire type series is uncertain and might include more than one taxon. The 
lectotype designation makes it clear to which taxon this name actually refers. 

The name Bohemanella frigida strandi had been used to denote the Alpine 
populations of B. frigida (Boheman) (e.g. Harz, 1975, sub Melanoplus) but is now 
treated as a synonym of the latter (Nadig er al. 1991; Ingrisch & Köhler, 1998 and 
others). In case further studies would confirm a separate status of these Alpine 
populations, the name Podisma prossenii Puschnig, 1910 should also be considered 
(see Ebner, 1937: 149). 

Status. Junior synonym of Bohemanella frigida (Boheman, 1846) (Nadig et al., 

Stenobothrus lineatus fervidior Fruhstorfer 

Stenobothrus lineatus fervidior Fruhstorfer, 1921c: 109, 108. Lectotype à , Switzerland, Canton 
Ticino: Monte Bisbino, here designated (ETHZ [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype 4 (directly pinned, left mid tarsus lacking) labelled “Mte Bisbino 
21.VIIL.19 Fruhstorfer [print]”. 

Paralectotypes, ETHZ: 16 d, 1 9 (directly pinned) from “Generoso-Crocetta”, “Ligor- 
netto”, “Mt. Boglia” and “Mte Bar”. ZSM: 2 d (directly pinned) from “Mte Boglia”. 

Discussion. Fruhstorfer (1921c: 108, 109) mentioned material from several 
localities in the Canton Ticino and Valais but did not specify the number of specimens 
he had. The name was introduced on p. 108 as “forma fervidior Fruhst.” but on the 
following page Fruhstorfer denoted “fervidior subsp. nova” as a distinct Southern race 
which also comprised the forma obscura Zacher. For this reason fervidior has to be 
treated as a subspecific name. The lectotype fits well the characters given by 
Fruhstorfer (1921c: 109) and is designated to ensure stability in the application of this 
name (ICZN, Art. 74.7.3). The composition of the entire type series is uncertain and 

626 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

might include more than one taxon. The lectotype designation makes it clear to which 
taxon this name actually refers. 

Fruhstorfer (1921c: 109) mainly stressed the intense, reddish coloration on hind 
legs and apex of abdomen of S. /. fervidior. Examination of an extensive material 
(CAN, ETHZ, MHNG, NHMB, NMBE, ZSM) revealed that this character is actually 
highly variable and does not allow the separation of the taxon from the widespread 
S. lineatus (Panzer) (Thorens & Nadig, 1997). 

Status. Junior synonym of Stenobothrus lineatus (Panzer, 1796) syn. n. 


We thank Sigfrid Ingrisch (Bad Karlshafen, Germany), Elsa Obrecht, (NMBE), 
Daniel Rösti (Wasen 1. E., Switzerland), Christian Kropf (NMBE) and an anonymous 
reviewer for critical reading of the manuscript and many useful suggestions. We are 
grateful to Andrew Wakeham-Dawson (Executive Secretary, ICZN) for his guidance 
concerning the selection of lectotypes. We are also indebted to Otto Kraus (Hamburg, 
Germany) for his advice concerning the status of some taxa. The senior author would 
specially like to thank D. Rösti for his assistance in field work and for taking some of 
the photographs; for the other photographs we are grateful to Lisa Schäublin (NMBE). 
For the loan of or information on specimens we thank Alfred P. Kaltenbach and Ulrike 
Aspöck (NHMW), Horst Bohn (Zoologisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians 
Universitàt, Munich, Germany), Daniel Burckhardt (NHMB), Charles Lienhard 
(MHNG), Andreas Müller (ETHZ), Adolf Nadig (CAN), Michael Ohl (ZMB) and Klaus 
Schönitzer (ZSM). 


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KLÖTI-HAUSER, E. 1922. Der bekreuzte Sattelträger bei Moutier (Ephippigera crucigera Fieb. = 
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Anzeiger 1: 5-6. 

Horn, W., KAHLE, I., FRIESE, G. & GAEDIKE, R. 1990. Collectiones entomologicae: ein 
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INGRISCH, S. & KÖHLER, G. 1998. Die Heuschrecken Mitteleuropas. Die neue Brehm Bücherei, 
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KRUSEMAN, G. 1988. Materiaux pour la faunistique des Orthopteres de France. III: Les Ensiferes 
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Museum) Universiteit van Amsterdam 51: XIX + 164 pp. 

LANDMAN, W., OUDMAN, L. & Dumm, M. 1989. Allozymic and morphological variation in 
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MAYR, E. & ASHLOCK, P. D. 1991. Principles of systematic zoology (second edition). McGraw- 
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MARTIN, L. 1922. Hans Fruhstorfer +. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Iris 36: 96-103. 

MISTSHENKO, L. L. 1952. Fauna of the U.S.S.R. Orthoptera, Vol. 4(2): Locusts and grasshoppers: 
Catantopinae. In: Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R., New series No. 54. Akademii Nauk 
SSSR, Moskva, Leningrad, 610 pp. [English translation of Russian text: Israel programm 
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NADIG, A. 1932. Ephippigera crucigera Fieb. oder E. vitium Serv. im Jura bei Moutier? 
Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 15: 202-203. 

NADIG, A. 1960. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete: 
I. Neubeschreibung von Ephippiger bormansi Brunner v. Wattenwyl. Mitteilungen der 
Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 33: 27-46. 

NADIG, A. 1968. Über die Bedeutung der Massifs de Refuge am südlichen Alpenrand (dargelegt 
am Beispiel einiger Orthopterenarten). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomo- 
logischen Gesellschaft 41: 341-358. 

NADIG, A. 1980. Ephippiger terrestris (Yersin) und E. bormansi (Brunner v. W.) (Orthoptera): 
Unterarten einer polytypischen Art. Beschreibung einer dritten Unterart: E. terrestris 
caprai ssp. n. aus den ligurischen Alpen. Revue suisse de Zoologie 86: 473-512. 

NADIG, A. 1985a. Taxonomie und Verbreitung der Eupholidoptera chabrieri-Unterarten (Ortho- 
ptera) am Südand der Alpen, auf den Inseln der nördlichen Adria und in den Abruzzen 
(auf Grund morphometrischer Untersuchungen). Atti dell’Accademia Roveretana degli 
Agiati, a. 234, serie VI 24(B): 159-188. 

NADIG, A. 1985b. Melanistische Formen von Miramella und Podisma pedestris (Orthoptera: 
Podismini). Articulata 2: 137-140. 

NADIG, A. 1986. Ökologische Untersuchungen im Unterengadin. Heuschrecken (Orthoptera). 
Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im Schweizer Nationalpark, Chur 
12(10): 103-167. 

NADIG, A. 1987. Saltatoria (Insecta) der Süd- und Südostabdachung der Alpen zwischen der 
Provence im W, dem pannonischen Raum im NE und Istrien im SE (mit Verzeichnissen 
der Fundorte und Tiere meiner Sammlung). I. Teil: Laubheuschrecken (Tettigoniidae). 
Revue suisse de Zoologie 94: 257-356. 

NADIG, A. 1989. Die in den Alpen, im Jura, in den Vogesen und im Schwarzwald lebenden Arten 
und Unterarten von Miramella Dovnar-Zap. (Orthoptera, Catantopidae) auf Grund po- 
pulationsanalytischer Untersuchungen. Arti dell’Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, a. 
238, serie VI 28(B): 101-262 + pls. 6-9 in fine. 

NADIG, A., SCHWEIZER, W. & TREPP, W. 1991. Die Verbreitung der Heuschrecken (Orthoptera: 
Saltatoria) auf einem Diagonalprofil durch die Alpen (Inntal - Maloja - Bregaglia - Lago 
di Como-Furche). Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubünden 
106(2): 5-380. 


Nixon, K. C. & WHEELER, Q. D. 1990. An amplification of the phylogenetic species concept. 
Cladistics 6: 211-223. 

OBENBERGER, J. 1926. Rovnokridly hmyz (Orthoptera a Dermaptera) republiky Ceskoslovenské 
(se 4 tabulemi a 25 obrazy v textu) [In Czech]. Fauna et flora Cechoslovenica. I. 
Ndkladem Ceske Akademie Ved a Umeni, Praha, VII + 234 + 4 pls. 

OTTE, D. 1997. Orthoptera Species File 7: Tettigonioidea. Orthopterists’ Society and the Aca- 
demy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 373 pp. 

OUDMAN, L., Dum, M. & LANDMAN, W. 1990. Morphological and allozyme variation in the 
Ephippiger ephippiger complex (Orthoptera, Tettigonioidea). Netherlands Journal of 
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PRINCIS, K. 1971. Blattariae: Subordo Epilamproidea Fam.: Ectobiidae. In: Beier, M. (ed.). 
Orthopterum Catalogus. Pars 14. W. Junk N. V., ‘s-Gravenhage, pp. 1039-1224. 

PUSCHNIG, R. 1910. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Orthopterenfauna von Kärnten. Verhandlungen 
der kaiserlich-königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 60: 1-60. 

RAGGE, D. R. & REYNOLDs, W. J. 1998. The songs of the grasshoppers and crickets of Western 
Europe. Harley, Essex, XXII + 591 pp. 

RAMME, W. 1923. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie des Blattidengenus Ectobius Steph. Archiv 
für Naturgeschichte 89: 97-168 + 2 pls. 

SEITZ, A. 1922. Hans Fruhstorfer +. Entomologische Rundschau 8%5): 17. 

THORENS, P. & NADIG, A. 1997. Atlas de distribution des Orthoptères de Suisse. Documenta 
Faunistica Helvetiae 16. Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune, Neuchàtel, 236 pp. 


Material of Ephippiger examined in this study. The data of many specimens have 
already been published by Nadig (1968, 1987) or Thorens & Nadig (1997) and are thus quoted 
in short form. 

E. bormansi, CAN: ITALY, Como: Val Sanagra, A. Livea 1 ©; Val Sanagra, S A. Erba 
1 d; Monte Grona 2 d; CH, Canton Ticino, Monte Boglia 1 6; Lago di Como: Cortafongrat 
3 4; Piemonte: V. d’ Arma, near Cle. di Muro 2 d; over Montaldo di Cosola, 1200-1250 m, 
9.9.1990, leg. Nadig 2 d. SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Val Morobbia, Melirolo 3 4, 3 9. 

ETHZ: SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Monte Boglia, leg. Fruhstorfer 1 4 larva; Val 
da Colla, Corticiasca, Monte Bar, leg. Nadig 1 6, 1 9. 

NHMB: SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Monte Tamaro, Medé, 1645-1660 m, 
26.8.1995, leg. Coray 3 6,2 ©. 

NMBE: SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Miglieglia, Monte Lema, 1620 m, 
707.9/99.75, 4.10.2000, leg. Baur 5 d, 3 2; Miglieglia, Mater delle Tagliadelle, 1160 m, 
708.7/99.1, 4.10.2000, leg. Baur 6 d, 1 2; Monte Generoso, Pianconce, 1400 m, 722.1/86.4, 
24.9.1998, leg. Baur 7 d , 1 2; Monte Generoso, Pianconce, 1400 m, 722.1/86.4, 29.9.1999, leg. 
Baur 12 d. 

E. diurnus, CAN: FRANCE, Alpes: Col de Perty 5 d,5 2; Guillestre 2 d; Provence: 
La Sainte-Baumes, Gémenos 2 à ; Alpes Marittimes: Gréolières, Cheiron 3 4,3 9; Durence, N 
Embrun 1 d; Var: Ampus-Chäteaudouble 2 6; Vaucluse: Méouge 1 6; Mont Ventoux 3 d; 
Hérault: N Lodève 2 d. SWITZERLAND, Canton Vaud: Mont sur Rolle 1 & ; Sepey 1 6; Mont 
sur les Truits 1 9; Canton Bern: Moutier 5 6, 1 9; 

CKH: FRANCE, Bouches-du-Rhône: Marseille, surroundings 1 6; Mont Majour, 1 à; 
Aveyron: Cause du Larzac, La Couvertoirade 1 6; Lozère: Marvyols 2 d, 2 9; Hérault: Mt. 
Caroux 2 6; Nefiès 1 d. 

ETHZ: FRANCE, Hautes-Provence: Gavarnie, leg. Sauter 3 d, 1 2; Dordogne: 
Lascaux, leg. Sauter 3 d, 2 9; Vaucluse: Luberon, leg. Sauter 3 6; Puy de Dome: St. Victor, 
leg. Sauter 1 d, 12. SWITZERLAND, Canton Bern: Moutier, leg. Nadig 1 d. 

NHMB: FRANCE, Haut-Rhin: Rufach [= Rouffach], 8.1923 1 &,1 9. 

NMBE: FRANCE, Les Landes: Lit-et-Mixe, July 1970, 1 2; Lozère: St-Martin-de- 
Lansuscle, Château le Cauvel, 780 m, 12.7.1991, leg. Baur 3 d,2 9, ex larva; Var: Aiguines, 

630 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

ZSM: FRANCE, Isère: Grenoble, leg. Fruhstorfer 2 ¢. 

E. ephippiger, CAN: AUSTRIA, Wien: Eichkogel 1 d, 2 2; Wien 2 &; 
Niederösterreich Hainburger Berge, Hundsheimerberg 1 dé; Mautern-Rosatz 1 &; 
Guntramsdorf-Richardshof 1 9; HUNGARY, Budapest: Harmashatargh. 1 d,1 2; MACEDO- 
NIA, Skopie: Vodno 1 d,5 2; Sar Planina: Prevalao-Mt. Bistra 1 6; Vratnika 2 6,7 9; 
Krusevo 1 4; SLOVENIA, Gracnicatal: E Rimske Toplice: 1 2; Gorjanci 2 6, 1 9. 

CKH: AUSTRIA, Wien: Eichkogel bei Mödling 1 6; CZECH REPUBLIC, Moravia: 
Mohelno 1 4, 1 2; HUNGARY: Pillisszanto 1 6; SERBIA: Podgorica [= Titograd] 1 ®; 
MACEDONIA, Bitola 2 6, 1 2. 

NMBE: AUSTRIA: Wien, leg. Brunner v. W. 1 d. 

NHMW: many dd © 2 from Vienna and surroundings, Styria and Carinthia. 

E. persicarius, CAN: ITALY, Brianza: Eupilio-M. Cornizzolo 6 6, 6 9; N Brescia: 
Lumezzane 1 6, 1 9; Prealpi Bresciane: Capovalle, Monte Stino, 1400-1466 m, 31.8.1992, leg. 
Nadig 2 6, 2 2; Como: Vestreno, Madonna Bondo 2 6, 1 2; Chiavenna, Menarola 3 6,1 9; 
Dorio, Perdonasco 1 d ; Piemonte: S Biella, La Bessa 2 d,1 2; Lombardio: Apennino, Pso. del 
Penice, 1100-1150 m, 8.9.1990, leg. Nadig 2 d, 1 9 ; Pallanza: Cresta della Ceresa 2 & ; Trarego: 
Cannero 1 6; SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Bré, Aldesago 2 2; Bré-M.Boglia, Castra 4 9; 
Gola di Lago 2 d; CH, Ticino, Bré-Val Morobbia 2 3; Locarno, Cardada 2 4,2 9; N Piano di 
Magadino, Sassariente-Cima Sassello 2 d, 1 2; Monte Generoso 1 d; Val d’Arbedo, Monte 
Fogal2 8,22% 

ETHZ: SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Salvatore 1 9 ; Generoso-Crocetta 1 6, 1 9, 
S. Stefano-Balerna 2 ?, Capolago-Meride 3 2, Arzo-Meride 1 ©, Ligornetto-Tremona 2 d, 5 
9, Ligornetto 1 9, Losone 1 ?, all leg. Fruhstorfer; San Salvatore, leg. Sauter 2 d; 1 2, Monte 
Caslano, leg. Sauter 1 d ; Maroggia, leg. Krüger 1 G. 

NHMB: ITALY: Valtellina, Tirano 1 4. SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Mendrisio 1 
9, larvae 1 9, Monte Generoso, Pianca comune, 1280 m, 9.8.1988, leg. Coray 1 d. 

NHMW: ITALY, Trentino: Storo, holotype d, paratypes 1 4,2 © of E. vicheti Harz [tit- 
tilators of holotype were missing!]; SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Capolago-Meride 1 9, 
Ligornetto-Tremona | © [both © 2 Fruhstorfer leg. and det. as “E. perforatus”]. 

NMBE: SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Monte-Carasso, Cima della Pianca, 1660 m, 
717.9/119.3, 28.8.2001, leg. Baur & Rösti 4 d; Cugnasco, Monti della Gana, 1400 m, 
713.5/113.5, 4.10.2002, leg. Baur & Rôsti 9 d, 2 2; Gudo, Monti di Boscaloro, 1100 m, 
713.3/116.5, 2.10.2002, leg. Rösti 1 d, 1 9; Gudo, Fontane di Biasca, 1200 m, 717.1/116.8, 
3.10.2002, leg. Baur & Rösti 1 d, 1 2; Val Onsernone, Barione, 13.10.1961, leg. Huber 1 9; 
Monte Generoso, Pianconce, 1400 m, 722.1/86.4, 24.9.1998, leg. Baur 4 d, 4 9; Monte 
Generoso, Pianconce, 1400 m, 722.1/86.4, 29.9.1999, leg. Baur 1 9; Miglieglia, Mater delle 
Tagliadelle, 1160 m, 708.7/99.1, 4.10.2000, leg. Baur 1 d; Miglieglia, N Frecc, 850 m, 
708.8/98.25, 4.10.2000, leg. Baur 2 3; Meride, SE Cassina 860 m, 717.3/84.65, 28.9.1999, leg. 
Baur 3 d,1 9; 1.10.1999, leg. Baur 2 d, 1 2; Meride, SSE San Giorgio, 1020 m, 717.4/85.4, 
23.9.1998, leg. Baur 1 5; Lugano, Lurenzin, 1200 m, 716.6/97.8, 13.9.2001, leg. Rôsti 1 à. 

ZSM: SWITZERLAND, Canton Ticino: Ligornetto, 28.7.1919, leg. Fruhstorfer 1 9; 
Generoso-Camoscé, 22.9.1919, leg. Fruhstorfer 1 9; Capolago-Meride, 7.9.1919, leg. 
Fruhstorfer 1 d. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 631-642; septembre 2004 

The status of some taxa related to Miramella irena (Fruhstorfer) and 
the type of Kisella Harz (Caelifera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae) 

Hannes BAUR! & Armin CORAY? 
1 Department of Invertebrates, Natural History Museum, Bernastrasse 15, 

CH-3005 Bern, Switzerland. E-mail: (correspondence) 
2 Natural History Museum, Augustinergasse 2, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. 


The status of some taxa related to Miramella irena (Fruhstorfer) and 
the type of Kisella Harz (Caelifera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae). - The 
present paper provides taxonomic notes on four taxa of the genus Miramella 
Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1933. Two species, M. irena (Fruhstorfer) and M. carin- 
thiaca (Obenberger), which have often been confused are keyed out and 
illustrated. A neotype is designated for M. carinthiaca to provide a firm 
basis for the application of this name. We also show that this name has 
wrongly been attributed to Puschnig, 1910 (instead of Obenberger, 1926) by 
all subsequent authors. The currently accepted interpretation of the two taxa 
furthermore requires the designation of a lectotype for Pezotettix alpinus 
collinus Brunner von Wattenwyl in Künstler, 1864, which is thus fixed as a 
junior synonym of M. alpina (Kollar, 1833). Finally, the type species of the 
subgenus Kisella Harz, 1973 of Miramella, M. carinthiaca (Obenberger) 
[= Podisma alpina carinthiaca Obenberger, 1926], had been misidentified 
by Harz. We therefore validly fix the taxonomic taxon involved in the 
misidentification, M. irena (Fruhstorfer) [= Podisma alpina irena Fruh- 
storfer, 1921], as the type species of Kisella. 

Keywords: Miramella carinthiaca - Pezotettix alpinus collinus - lectotype 
designation - neotype designation - type species fixation - taxonomy. 


In the course of a taxonomic revision of the Caelifera described by H. 
Fruhstorfer (Baur & Coray, 2004, this volume) we encountered a complex taxonomic 
problem which is related to one of the revised taxa, Miramella irena (Fruhstorfer) 
[= Podisma alpina irena Fruhstorfer, 1921]. In the past this species had been 
confounded by several authors with M. carinthiaca (Obenberger) [= Podisma alpina 
carinthiaca Obenberger, 1926a] (see Galvagni, 1986a) which, in turn, led to the 
misidentification of M. carinthiaca as the type species of the subgenus Kisella Harz of 
Miramella and to a general instability in the application of these names (Galvagni, 
1986b; Nadig, 1989). Here, we address the problems associated with those taxa. The 
two species, M. irena and M. carinthiaca, are keyed out and illustrated in order to 

Manuscript accepted 18.03.2004 

632 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

facilitate their recognition. We also designate a neotype for M. carinthiaca and show 
that this name had hitherto been attributed to the wrong author and date. Furthermore, 
we select a lectotype for Pezotettix alpinus collinus Brunner von Wattenwyl in 
Künstler, 1864, a nominal taxon with an ambiguous status (Galvagni, 1986a). Finally, 
we validly fix the type species of Kisella Harz in accordance with Art. 70.3 of the 
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Fourth edition, 1999, ICZN). For 
information concerning material and methods and abbreviations of depositories we 
refer to Baur & Coray (2004, this volume). 

Podisma alpina carinthiaca Obenberger 

Podisma alpinum var. carinthiacum [sic!] Obenberger, 1926a: 179, first available use of 
Podisma alpina var. alpina subvar. carinthiaca Puschnig, 1910: 27, 28, unavailable 
name. Neotype d, Austria, Carinthia: Nockberge, Grundtal-Grundalm, here designated 
(CAN [examined]). 

Material. Neotype 4 (Fig. 1, directly pinned, right antenna and left mid tarsus lacking, 
genital complex exposed) labelled “A: Kärnten: 82:109 Nockgebiet: Grundtal 1750 m 25.8.82 
leg. NADIG [print]; 82: 109 No. 2 ([print] 6 [hand]) MIKROPH. Kopf,Elytra Penis v. Seite 
[print, yellow label]; M. ...[deleted word] carin-thiaca [sic] (PUSCH.) [print] ¢ [hand] det. 
NADIG [print]; TOPO-Typus [print, red label with black border]” (Fig. 2). 

Discussion. The name carinthiaca has consistently been attributed to Puschnig 
(1910) by subsequent authors (e.g. Ramme, 1941, 1951; Galvagni, 1954, 1986a, 
1986b, 1987; Hölzel, 1955; Harz, 1973, 1975; Nadig 1987, 1989; Otte, 1995; Ingrisch 
& Köhler, 1998; Heller er al., 1998; among others), which is wrong. Puschnig (1910: 
27) introduced “Podisma alpina var. alpina subvar. carinthiaca” as the fourth name in 
addition to a trinomen. Art. 45.5.1 of the Code (ICZN) says that such a name is infra- 
subspecific and cannot be made available from its original publication by any sub- 
sequent action. Following this article, the first author using the same word in a manner 
that satisfies the provisions of the Code has thus established a new name with its own 
authorship and date. This first author was Obenberger (1926a: 179) who used the name 
in a trinomen as “Podisma alpinum var. carinthiacum [sic]. Though the name was 
published as “var.” it has subspecific status (ICZN, Art. 45.6.4) and is deemed to have 
been published in the form Podisma alpina carinthiaca Obenberger. 

Obenberger (1926a, in Czech) published P. a. carinthiaca in a book on Ortho- 
ptera and allied insects from Czechoslovakia and adjacent countries of which a shorter 
edition (Obenberger, 1926b) appeared in French in the same year. We have no further 
information as to the exact date of publication of these works which is why both are to 
be considered as being published simultaneously (December 31, 1926). However, in 
the French edition Obenberger referred to his Czech book as “...mon travail original 
tchèque” (1926b: 117; compare also his remarks under “N. B.” on p. 233 where he 
gave the exact quotation and paging of the Czech work). Therefore, we give prece- 
dence to P. a. carinthiaca as published in this Czech edition (Obenberger, 19262). It 
might be informative for the reader that the French edition was also published as a 
separate reprint with its own paging (1-121). Several authors, for instance Mistshenko 
(1952) or Otte (1995), quoted from this reprint. 

1 Podisma is actually feminine. 


A: Kärnten: 82:109 
Nockgebiet: Grundtal 

1750 » 
25.8.82 leg.NADIG 

62:109 No.2 (4) 
MIIROPH Kopf, Elytra 
Penis v, Seite 

eg 2 

et. NADIG 

Fics 1-2 

Neotype d of Miramella carinthiaca: (1) habitus in lateral and in dorsal view. Scale 1 cm. 
Photographs L. Schäublin. (2) labels, original size. 

It is important to address the question which specimen(s) constitute the name- 
bearing type of P. a. carinthiaca. Usually, the author who establishes a new name is 
also responsible for the name-bearing type but here this is not evident. For instance, 
Obenberger failed to specify any data with regard to the origin and composition of his 
material. Apparently, he had not the intention to establish a new taxon, because he 
(1926a: 179) quoted the name as “Podisma alpinum var. carinthiacum [sic] Puschnig”. 
Yet, an unambiguous bibliographic reference to Puschnig (1910) is missing although 
Obenberger (1926a: 24) listed Puschnig among those authors whose work he 
considered important. On the other hand, we have found a striking resemblance in the 
respective descriptions which are quoted verbatim below: 

“Die kurzflügelige alpina-Form zeigt im Vergleich zu niederösterreichischen 
Exemplaren noch kürzere, das dritte Hinterleibssegment nicht überragende 
Elytrenschuppen, welche ähnlich wie bei Pod. Fieberi Scudd. und Schmidti Fieb. stark 
seitlich gerückt sind, ihre ovoide und relativ breite Form jedoch beibehalten haben 
(subvar. carinthiaca m.)” (Puschnig, 1910: 27, 28). 

“Krovky kratké, kratSf neZ u typické formy [= alpina], avSak Siroké a ovälnt, sil- 
né na strany posunuté” (Obenberger, 1926a: 179). 

634 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

If we allow for certain discrepancies in the wording due to natural constraints 
of language (German versus Czech) and context (diagnosis versus key) then both au- 
thors describe essentially the same character. In short, they consider the elytra to be 
shorter than in alpina, ovoid, broad, and strongly confined laterally. Evidently, 
Obenberger did not mention any additional character. Couplet 9” of his key rather 
looks like a mere translation and adaptation of the German text. A similar close match 
of descriptions is also present in all other cases where Obenberger (1926a) attributed a 
taxon to Puschnig, e.g. Chrysochraon brachypterus var. subcoeruleus (p. 141), 
Podisma pedestre var. maius [= major in Puschnig, 1910] (p. 178), Caloptenus italicus 
ab. bilineatus (p. 181), among others. Coincidence can hardly be the cause for such a 
high degree of congruence. Rather it suggests that Obenberger used Puschnig’s 
diagnoses as a template for the respective paragraphs of his key. Because we do not 
know of any other publication containing the name let alone a description of P. a. 
carinthiaca prior to Obenberger (1926a), Obenberger’s mentioning of Puschnig in 
combination with a taxon is actually a reference to that particular work of Puschnig 
(1910). Following Art. 72.4.4 of the Code, the specimens cited by Puschnig (1910) 
from Carinthia are thus to be considered as the name-bearing type of P. a. carinthiaca 
Obenberger. This may look bewildering at first glance but it is convenient, because the 
type remains the same with regard to previous works where the authorship had 
erroneously been attributed to Puschnig (see above). 

According to Nadig (1989: 179) no type material of P. a. carinthiaca is pre- 
served in the Museums of Klagenfurt and Vienna where Puschnig’s collection is 
assumed to be deposited. Nadig’s statement is confirmed by the curators of the respec- 
tive Museums, Drs P. Mildner and A. Kaltenbach (pers. comm.), and our own search 
in the NHMW. Furthermore, the “neotypes” erected by Harz (1975: 290) and Nadig 
(1989: 179) are invalid because their actions were in clear violation of the regulations 
of the Code (ICZN, Art. 75.3). For instance, both authors selected a pair of “neotypes” 
which they kept in their private collection (note: contrary to his claim, Nadig actually 
did not designate any specimens of his collection as “neotypes”, but he labelled a series 
of 23 d, 27 © from Grundtal-Grundalm as “TOPO-typus”). Therefore, the name- 
bearing type of P. a. carinthiaca is definitely no more in existence. 

This situation is rather unfortunate, in particular with regard to the complicated 
taxonomic history of P. a. carinthiaca. Ramme (1941) was the first to use the name in 
the current combination with Miramella as “Miramella alpina collina f. carinthiaca 
Puschnig”. He (1941: 128) apparently misinterpreted the taxon, because the elytra 
were said to be intermediate in length with regard to M. alpina alpina with short and 
M. a. collina with long elytra. A respective specimen was figured later by him (Ramme, 
1951, plate 4, figure 1b). Ramme’s interpretation was thus in clear contradiction to 
Puschnig’s (1910) description and this probably caused much of the later confusion. 
The name carinthiaca has subsequently been adopted for a species of Miramella by 
Galvagni (1954) but thereby was confounded with M. irena (Fruhstorfer) (see also 
Hölzel, 1955: 60). This, in turn, led to the misidentification of P. a. carinthiaca as the 
type species of the subgenus Kisella Harz of Miramella (see below). Only the studies 
by Galvagni (1986a) and Nadig (1989) have shed some light on these problems and 
provide a more satisfying delimitation of the species. With regard to the apparent 


difficulties in separating these taxa, however, we think it is justified to designate a neo- 
type for P. a. carinthiaca. This provides a firm basis for subsequent investigations and 
furthermore allows selection of a type locality among several distant places in 
Carinthia [Puschnig (1910: 27) mentioned “Grundlalm [sic]-Schiestlnock [sic]”, 
“Saualpe-Weite Alpe”, “Metnitztal (Oberhof, Mödringgraben, Pachlergraben, ...)” as 
the origin of his material]. We thus propose for a neotype a male from Grundtal- 
Grundalm in CAN (see above). This selection ensures that the application of the name 
will rest on Obenberger (1926a) as well as on Galvagni’s and Nadig’s major contri- 
butions to the taxonomy of Miramella. 

As mentioned above, the differences between M. carinthiaca and M. irena are 
subtle. Although Nadig (1989) thoroughly studied both species, he failed to provide a 
synthesis in form of a short diagnosis. Below, the most important diagnostic characters 
are presented in a key which is based on a re-examination of material from many 
collections (see Appendix): 

- Elytra (Figs 3, 5) squamipterous, always widely separated medially. 
Dark markings on pronotum (Figs 3, 5) usually less extensive, median 
keel often only slightly darkened. Penis (Fig. 7) in lateral view with 
dorsal valves slender and uniformly narrowing; ventral valves elongate, 
at most as broad as dorsal valves basally ................. M. carinthiaca 
- Elytra (Figs 4, 6) longer, squamipterous to subbrachypterous, usually 
touching medially. Dark markings on pronotum (Figs 4, 6) rather more 
extensive, median keel and some of the transverse sulci usually strongly 
darkened. Penis (Fig. 8) in lateral view with dorsal valves less slender, 
abruptly narrowing in apical third; ventral valves stouter, broader than 
COrsalivalVesbasdllyi e e Re a. RS Re EEE M. irena 

The two species occur in the south-eastern part of the Alps where they are 
largely parapatric in distribution. Their ranges have been investigated by Galvagni 
(1986a) and Nadig (1989) who found occasional hybrid populations between M. 
carinthiaca and M. irena or M. alpina (Kollar). Yet, the status of these taxa is currently 
not under debate. 

Status. Miramella (Kisella) carinthiaca (Obenberger, 1926a) stat. rev. 

Pezotettix alpinus collinus Brunner von Wattenwyl 

Pezotettix alpina var. collina [sic®] Brunner von Wattenwyl in Künstler, 1864: 773. Lectotype 
3, Slovakia: Pressburg [= Bratislava], here designated (NHMW [examined]). 

Material. Lectotype 3 (directly pinned, remounted by H. Baur; genital complex ex- 
posed; tip of left ventral valve (Fig. 9) lacking, however, the missing part was restored in the 
drawing according to the intact right ventral valve) labelled “Coll. Br.v.W [print] Pressburg 
Seyffert leg. [hand]; det. Br. v. W [print] Podisma alpina Koll. [hand]; 4345. [hand, label with 
double border]”. The first two labels are not from Brunner’s hand and probably have been added 
later. The number “4345” refers to Brunner’s collection index. The respective page shows an en- 
try of the year “1864” on the top left. Lines 4334-4359 are headed by a note that reads “... [?, 
illegible] Seyffert im August u. Sept. Pressburg. ...”. On line 4345 is finally stated “... collina”. 

2 Pezotettix is actually masculine. 





Fics 3-6 
Head and thorax of © in dorsal view: (3) Miramella carinthiaca (from type locality), (4) M. ire- 

na (from South Tyrol: Mendelkamm, Felixeralm). Pronotum and wings of d in lateral view: (5) 

(6) M. irena (same locality as ?). Scale 1 mm. Drawings A. Coray. 

M. carinthiaca (neotype), 


Paralectotypes, 1 6, 1 2 (directly pinned) labelled: “Coll. Br.v.W [print] Pressburg 
Seyffert leg. [hand]; det. Br. v. W [print] Podisma alpina Koll. [hand]; Miramella alpina (KOL- 
LAR) det. A. Galvagni,1961 [print; this label on 2 only]”. Both specimens stood beside lecto- 
type under a bottom label “4345. Pressburg [hand, label with double border]” and are considered 
as part of the type series. 

The true extent of the type series is unknown. We have examined further specimens from 
Vienna and surroundings, Mehadia, and some other localities which might belong to the type 
series, but lack any positive evidence such as unambiguous determination labels by Brunner or 
a respective entry in the above-mentioned collection index. Thus, they can not be considered as 
part of the type series with certainty. This material is summarily listed in the Appendix under M. 
alpina and M. irena. 

Discussion. Brunner first mentioned a brachypterous form of “Pezotettix alpina 
[sic]” from “Wienerwald” and “Krain” in his “Orthopterologische Studien” (1861: 
222), but without giving a name. Brunner’s description of Pezotettix alpinus collinus 
was then published in a paper by Künstler (1864) (see Mistshenko, 1952) on an out- 
break of M. alpina and not first in the “Prodromus” (Brunner, 1882), as stated by many 
authors (e.g. Harz, 1975; Galvagni, 1986a, Nadig, 1989; among others). Brunner (in 
Künstler, 1864: 773) indicated a rather large distribution of his new taxon by noting 
“Die letztere [= collinus] tritt zuerst in der Gegend von Wien auf, breitet sich südlich 
in die Krain und östlich bis Mehadia aus, (südlich von Laibach [= Ljubljana] ist sie mir 
unbekannt, ebenso wenig in Serbien und Siebenbürgen). Sie findet sich nur im 
Hügelland (weder in der ungarischen Ebene, noch im Hochgebirge der Krain und 
Serbien’s)”. In other words, collinus is said to occur from Vienna to Mehadia (near 
Baile Herculane, Romania) in the East and Krain (i. e. the region North of Ljubljana, 
Slovenia) in the South, where it is confined to hilly areas. Naturally, this large and 
vaguely defined distribution does also include the specimens from Bratislava in 
Brunner’s collection. 

Clearly, the distribution of collinus as indicated by Brunner includes several 
taxa. For instance, we have seen specimens of M. alpina as well as M. irena in 
Brunner’s material from Mehadia (Appendix). Galvagni (1986a: 27) also reported both 
species from this locality. Furthermore, the distribution of collinus may even comprise 
part of the range of M. carinthiaca (see distribution map in Galvagni, 1986a: 35). As a 
consequence, M. irena and M. carinthiaca could possibly be regarded as junior syno- 
nyms of collinus. In fact, these three taxa have often been interpreted very differently 
in the past, for instance by Mistshenko (1952) and Harz (1975). Therefore, a lectotype 
of collinus is designated to ensure stability in the application of this name (ICZN, Art. 
74.7.3), which thus becomes a junior synonym of M. alpina. With this interpretation, 
we follow the seminal and now widely accepted work of Galvagni (1954, 1986a) and 
Nadig (1989) who considered collinus as the brachypterous form of M. alpina. The 
best character to separate this form from the very similar M. irena are the male 
genitalia (see Nadig, 1989). The penis valves of the lectotype (Fig. 9) very nicely fit 
Nadig’s figure (1989: 257, figure 37) of aM. alpina 3 from “Wiener Wald”. 

Status. Junior synonym of Miramella (Kisella) alpina (Kollar, 1833) (Galvagni, 
1986a: 26, 27). 

Kisella Harz 

Kisella Harz, 1973: 403 (subgenus of Miramella). Type species: Miramella irena (Fruhstorfer) 
[= Podisma alpina irena Fruhstorfer, 1921], here designated. 

638 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

Fics 7-9 

Male genitalia of (7) Miramella carinthiaca (neotype), (8) M. irena (same specimen as in 
Fig. 6) and (9) Pezotettix alpinus collinus (lectotype; the tip of the left ventral valve is actually 
lacking, however, the missing part was restored in the drawing according to the intact right 
ventral valve). Scale 1 mm. Drawings A. Coray. 


Discussion. Harz (1973) established the new subgenus Kisella of Miramella 
Dovnar-Zapolskij with “K. c. carinthiaca Puschnig” as the type species by original 
designation. As we argued above, he wrongly attributed the authorship of the type 
species to Puschnig (1910) instead of Obenberger (1926a). According to Art. 67.7 of 
the Code (ICZN) Harz is nevertheless to be considered as having validly fixed the type 
species as Miramella carinthiaca (Obenberger). However, this species had been 
misidentified by Harz, since he (1973: 403) quoted Hermagor, Carinthia (Austria) as 
the origin of his material. Galvagni (1986a) and Nadig (1989) demonstrated that 
specimens from this locality undoubtedly belong to M. irena (Fruhstorfer). Moreover, 
Harz (1973) actually described the true M. carinthiaca as M. carinthiaca puschnigi, 
thus establishing a junior synonym of the former (Galvagni, 1986a: 22; Nadig, 1989: 
179). A re-examination of the respective specimens fully confirms these views (see 
Appendix). Concerning the selection of a type species, the respective species are 
obviously very closely related and probably would be equally eligible as type species 
of Kisella. But because Harz connected the type species so clearly with some particular 
specimens, we feel that the taxonomic species actually involved in the misiden- 
tification, M. irena, would best serve stability and universality here. Probably for 
similar reasons, Galvagni (1986b: 70) listed the same taxon as the type species of 
Kisella. However, Galvagni’s action was invalid with regard to the Code then in force 
(see Coray & Lehmann, 1998: 107) and no valid type fixation has hitherto been made. 
In accordance with Art. 70.3 of the Code (ICZN) we now fix the taxonomic species 
involved in the misidentification, M. irena (Fruhstorfer) [= Podisma alpina irena 
Fruhstorfer, 1921], misidentified as M. carinthiaca (Obenberger) [= Podisma alpina 
carinthiaca Obenberger, 1926a] in the original designation by Harz (1973, sub “K. c. 
carinthiaca Puschnig”), as the type species of Kisella. 

The taxonomic status of Kisella is not yet settled. Galvagni (1986b, 1987) has 
elevated all previous subgenera to generic level but there is also a tendency to regard 
Miramella as a single unit and to ignore subgenera such as Kisella (Heller et al., 1998; 
Coray & Thorens, 2001). The split of Miramella into several taxa by Harz (1973) and 
Galvagni (1986b) may indeed not withstand a rigorous cladistic analysis. Here, we 
simply follow the last comprehensive study on Miramella by Nadig (1989) who treated 
Kisella as a subgenus (see also Coray & Lehmann, 1998; Ingrisch & Köhler, 1998). 

Status. Subgenus of Miramella Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1933 (Nadig, 1989: 106). 


We are indebted to Otto Kraus (Hamburg, Germany) for his help concerning the 
authorship of Podisma alpina carinthiaca. We thank Elsa Obrecht (NMBE), Christian 
Kropf (NMBE) and an anonymous reviewer for critical reading of the manuscript and 
many useful suggestions. We are also grateful to Lisa Schäublin (NMBE) for taking 
photographs. For the loan of or information on specimens we thank J. Constant 
(Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles), Alfred P. Kaltenbach 
and Ulrike Aspöck (NHMW), Charles Lienhard (MHNG), Paul Mildner (Landes- 
museum Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Austria), Andreas Müller (ETHZ), Michael Ohl (ZMB), 
and Klaus Schönitzer (ZSM). 

640 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 


BAUR, H. & CORAY, A. 2004. A revision of the Blattodea, Ensifera and Caelifera described by H. 
Fruhstorfer. Revue suisse de Zoologie 111(3): 611-630. 

BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL, C. 1861. Orthopterologische Studien. I. Beiträge zu Darwin’s 
Theorie über die Entstehung der Arten. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlichen zoo- 
logisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 11: 221-228. 

BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL, C. 1882. Prodromus der europäischen Orthopteren. Wilhelm 
Engelmann, Leipzig, XXXII + 466 pp. + 11 pls + 1 map. 

BURR, M. 1913. Collections zoologiques du Baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps — Catalogue 
systématique et descriptif, Fasc. II: Orthoptères. Hayez, Impr. des Academies, Bruxelles, 
35 pp. 

Coray, A. & LEHMANN, A. W. 1998. Taxonomie der Heuschrecken Deutschlands (Orthoptera): 
Formale Aspekte der wissenschaftlichen Namen. Articulata, Beiheft 7: 63-152. 

Coray, A. & THORENS, P. 2001. Heuschrecken der Schweiz: Bestimmungsschlüssel / Orthoptéres 
de Suisse: clé de determination / Ortotteri della Svizzra: chiave di determinazione. 
Fauna Helvetica 5. Centre suisse de cartographie de la faune, Neuchätel, 235 pp. 

GALVAGNI, A. 1954. Studio ecologico-sistematico sugli Ortotteroidei di un’alta valle alpina (Val 
di Genova - Trentino). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturale 31: 61-102. 

GALVAGNI, A. 1986a. La situazione del genere Miramella Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1933, nelle regioni 
Balcanica e Carpatica (Insecta: Caelifera: Catantopidae). Studi Trentini di Scienze 
Naturale 62: 13-42. 

GALVAGNI, A. 1986b. Attuale struttura sistematica del genere Miramella Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1933, 
e proposta per una sua scomposizione in piü generi (Insecta: Caelifera: Catantopidae: 
Catantopinae). Arti/ dell’Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, a. 235, serie VI 25(B): 

GALVAGNI, A. 1987. The genus Miramella Dovnar-Zapolskij, 1933, in the Balkan and the 
Carpathian regions (Pp. 208-218). Jn: BACCETTI, B. M. (ed.). Evolutionary biology of 
orthopteroid insects. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 612 pp. 

HARZ, K. 1973. Orthopterologische Beiträge XIII. Atalanta 4: 403-407. 

HARZ, K. 1975. Die Orthopteren Europas/The Orthoptera of Europe. Vol. II. W. Junk, The Hague, 
939 pp. 

R. D. & FRANTSEVICH, L. 1998. Check-list of European Orthoptera. Articulata, Beiheft 
7: 1-61. 

HÔLZEL, E. 1955. Heuschrecken und Grillen Kärntens. Carinthia II, 19. Sonderheft: 1-112. 

INGRISCH, S. & KÖHLER, G. 1998. Die Heuschrecken Mitteleuropas. Die neue Brehm Bücherei, 
629. Westarp-Wissenschaften, Magdeburg, 460 pp. 

KÜNSTLER, G. A. 1864. Ueber Heuschreckenfrass. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlichen 
zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 14: 769-746 [recte 776]. 

MISTSHENKO, L. L. 1952. Fauna of the U.S.S.R. Orthoptera, Vol. 4(2): Locusts and grasshoppers: 
Catantopinae. In: Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R., New series No. 54. Akademii Nauk 
SSSR, Moskva, Leningrad, 610 pp. [English translation of Russian text: Israel programm 
for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1965]. 

NADIG, A. 1987. On the taxonomy and geonomy of the genus Miramella in the Alps, the Jura, 
the Vosges, the Schwarzwald, and the Pfalzerwald (pp. 373-376). In: BACCETTI, B. M. 
(ed.). Evolutionary biology of orthopteroid insects. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 612 pp. 

NADIG, A. 1989. Die in den Alpen, im Jura, in den Vogesen und im Schwarzwald lebenden Arten 
und Unterarten von Miramella Dovnar-Zap. (Orthoptera, Catantopidae) auf Grund 
populationsanalytischer Untersuchungen. Arti dell’Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, 
a. 238, serie VI 28(B): 101-262 + pls. 6-9 in fine. 

OBENBERGER, J. 1926a. Rovnokridly hmyz (Orthoptera a Dermaptera) republiky Ceskosloven- 
ské (se 4 tabulemi a 25 obrazy v textu) [In Czech]. Fauna et flora Cechoslovenica. I. 
Nakladem Geské Akademie Véd a Umeni, Praha, VII + 234 + 4 pls. 


OBENBERGER, J. 1926b. Orthoptères et dermaptères de la République Tschécoslovaque. Bulletin 
international de l’académie tcheque des sciences 27: 113-238 + 4 pls. 

OTTE, D. 1995. Orthoptera Species File 4: Grasshoppers [Acridomorpha] C. Orthopterists’ 
Society and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 518 pp. 

PUSCHNIG, R. 1910. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Orthopterenfauna von Kärnten. Verhandlungen 
der kaiserlich-königlichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 60: 1-60. 

RAMME, W. 1941. Die Orthopterenfauna von Kärnten. Carinthia II, 131: 121-131. 

RAMME, W. 1951. Zur Systematik, Faunistik und Biologie der Orthopteren von Südost-Europa 
und Vorderasien. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin (1950) 27: 
1-431 + 39 pls. 


Material of Miramella species examined in this study. For abbreviations of depositories, 
see Baur & Coray (2004, this volume). 

Miramella alpina: INSTITUT royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, coll. de Selys 
Longchamps: “B. W. Pezott. [sic] alpina Var. Vienne [hand]” 1 8,1 9; “Var. alata [hand]; B. W. 
Pezott. [sic] alpina Var. Vienne [hand]” 1 ?. The 3 specimens are listed in Burr’s (1913: 21) cat- 
alogue on the de Selys Longchamps collection under “Podisma alpinum Var. collinum [sic]”. 

NHMW: AUSTRIA, coll. Brunner, leg. Schiesser: Kaltleitgeben [near Vienna], vii.1858, 
4 8,3 2, 25.ix.1858, 2 d, 1 2, and a pair in copula; leg. Brunner: Mauer [near Vienna], 
15.vii.1862, 1 9, Ober St. Veit [near Vienna] x.1863, 1 4,1 2. 

NMBE: ROMANIA: Mehadia [near Baile Herculane], coll. Brunner 1 6, 1 9. 

Miramella carinthiaca: CAN: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Nockgebiet, Grundtal 4 4, 3 9; 
Schiestelnock, Windeben 2 3; Innerkrems, Grünleitennock 2 2; Wöllanernock, Kaiserhügel 4 
3; Haidnerhöhe, Hirnkopf 4 4,2 9; Saualpe, Klipitztörl, W side 1 d; Styria: Murau, Frauenalm 
4 4,2 2; Saualpe, Schwarzkogel 2 8,3 9; Salzburg: Mautendorf, Speiereck 4 à. 

CKH: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Gurkentaleralpen, Haidnerhöhe, viii. 1958, leg. Hölzel, 
coll. Ebner, paratypes 1 d,1 © of M. carinthiaca puschnigi Harz, 1973. 

LANDESMUSEUM für Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Austria: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Gurken- 
taleralpen, Haidnerhöhe, leg. Hölzel 11 4,9 9. 

NHMW: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Gurkentaleralpen, Haidnerhöhe, viii. 1958, leg. Hölzel, 
coll. Ebner, holotype d, paratypes 1 d,1 © of M. carinthiaca puschnigi Harz, 1973. 

Miramella irena: CAN: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Plöckenpass 1 d; ITALY, South Tyrol: 
Mendelkamm, Felixeralm 4 d, 3 2; Gampenjoch, N-side 3 4; Ultental, over Gamperalm 2 d; 
Province Trento: V. di Non, V. della Forma 1 ¢, 2 9; Madonna di Campiglio: Meledrio 3 d, 
3 2; V. Nambrone: Adamello 1 4, 1 2; Adamello, V. di Fumo 2 & ; Passo Croce Domini: South 
2 4,2 2; Rifugio Bazzena 1 4, 1 9; Dolomiten: Passo Giau, S-side 2 4, 2 9; Province Brescia: 
€. Tombea 3 8,3 ©. 

CKH: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Karnischer Hauptkamm, Hermagor, 2.8.1953, 1 3,1 9 la- 
belled by Harz as “neotypes” of M. carinthiaca (see text); same, 1 6; Oberdrauburg, 
11.1962, leg. R. Hess 1 d, 1 9; ITALY, South Tyrol: Dolomiten, St. Ulrich, Anf. ix.1962, leg. 
Engel 1 4, 1 9; BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: Kupres, 2.viii.1966, leg. Eitschberger 1 3; 
Sarajevo, Trebevic, 7.viii.1966, leg. Eitschberger 4 d, 4 2. All specimens identified by Harz as 
M. carinthiaca. 

ETHZ: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Obir, Eisenkappelhiitte-Hoffmannsalpe, 1400-1700 m, 
29.vii.1987, leg. Ingrisch 2 d; ITALY, Trentino: Dosso Sabion, Pinzolo, 1700 m, 31.vii.1947, 
leg. Galvagni 1 à ; 1400 m, 30.vii.1947, leg. Galvagni 3 à ; Passo, Mendola, 1400 m, 7.ix.1946, 
leg. Galvagni 1 d; Concei-M. Cadria, Vies, 1800-1850 m, 6.ix.1958, leg. Galvagni 2 6, 1 9; 
M. Tremalzo, 1700-1900 m, 28.viii.1959, leg. Galvagni 2 9; Paganella: Becco del Corno, 
2000 m, 7.ix.1946, leg. Galvagni 1 d. 

NHMW: ROMANIA: Mehadia [near Baile Herculane], leg. Brunner, 23.7.1862, 1 ©, 
20.7.1864, 3 2; SLOVENIA: Steiner Alpen [North of Ljubljana], 1859, leg. Hoffmann 1 ©. 

ZMB, coll. W. Ramme: AUSTRIA, Carinthia: Plöckenpass, 1200-1300 m, viii.1929, 
1 3; Mauthen, viii.1929, 1 ¢; ITALY, South Tyrol: St. Vigil, 7.vii.-8.viii.1913, 2 6,3 9; 

642 H. BAUR & A. CORAY 

vii.1913, 2 8; St. Vigil, Enneberg, vii.-viii.1913, 1 6, 2 ©; Klausen,, 1 g; 
Krain: Planina, 26.viii.-5.ix.1912, 2 6, 2 2; Seiseralpe: Schlern, 26.viii.1921, 1 6; Monte 
Spinale, 14.viii.1921, 1 d ; Val di Genova, 1500 m, 9.viii.1921, 2 8,2 9; KROATIA, Plitvitka: 
Jesera, 400-500 m, viii.1929, 2 2. 

ZSM: ITALY, South Tyrol: St. Vigil, 7.vii.-8.viii.1913, leg. W. Ramme 1 6,1 ©. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 643-655; septembre 2004 

A new species of Platythyrea from Dominican amber and 
description of a new extant species from Honduras 
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) 


Institut für Natur-, Landschafts- und Umweltschutz, Universität Basel, 
Biogeographie, Neuhausstrasse 31, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland. 

A new species of Platythyrea from Dominican amber and description of 
a new extant species from Honduras (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). - 
Two new species of Platythyrea are described in this paper. P. pumilio sp. n. 
is described from a single worker in Dominican amber. P. lenca sp. n. is 
based on three workers from the Recent Honduran fauna. Among the eight 
Recent and the three fossil Neotropical Platythyrea species known to date, 
the fossil pumilio shares with the Dominican amber scalprum Lattke the 
small size, the incrassated fore femora and the fore basitarsi with a seta 
opposite to the strigil, and with the extant Brazilian exigua Kempf the 
elongate head, the flat eyes and the minutely denticulate mandibles. The 
Honduran /enca sp. n. is very similar to the Costa Rican prizo Kugler. P. 
lenca and prizo share the elongate body, the narrow frontal lobes and the 
serrate mandibles; this latter character is also present in the fossil P. dentata 

Keywords: Hymenoptera - Formicidae - Platythyrea - Dominican amber - 
fossil - extinction - new species - Honduras. 


The genus Platythyrea is represented by eight Recent and three fossil species in 
the New World (see the literature review by Bolton, 1995 and Lattke, 2003). All New 
World Platythyrea species are very similar to each other (Kempf, 1964; Brown, 1975). 
Nonetheless, Kempf (1964) described Platythyrea exigua from Brazil and stressed it 
distinctness. P. exigua is characterized mainly by its small size, elongate head and 
armed petiole. Brown (1975) described Plarythyrea zodion from Ecuador stating that 
this species, together with exigua, are the sole two distinct New World species. P. 
zodion Brown is easily differentiated from all the other species by its small size, 
unarmed petiole and head longer than broad. Kugler (1977) described another peculiar 
Costa Rican Platythyrea: P. prizo which differs from all other American species mainly 
by its serrate mandibles, narrower frontal lobes and slender appendages. Kugler (1977) 
added that prizo appears to belong to the Old World clypeata group of Brown (1975). 
His attribution to the clypeata group is due to the fact that P. prizo shares with the 

Manuscript accepted 22.01.2004 


members of this group similar frontal lobe structure, mandible shape, dentition, trunk 
shape and palpal formula. Wilson (1985a) and Baroni Urbani (1995) record the 
presence of Platythyrea in Dominican amber without giving further details. Lattke 
(2003) described three new species of Platythyrea, dentata, procera and scalprum 
from Dominican amber. According to Lattke (1. c.), the dentate mandibles of dentata 
are also found in prizo Kugler, but this character should be plesiomorphic since denta- 
ta is smaller, possesses hind coxae dorsally dentate and the anterior clypeal margin 
straight instead of convex. Lattke (1. c.) compared P. procera and P. scalprum with P. 
exigua Kempf and P. zodion Brown. 


The following specimen of Platythyrea was examined in one amber sample 
from the Dominican Republic, deposited at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA. 

The MCZC Platythyrea specimen has been numbered by myself as MCZC-37. 
The numbers 1 to 24 were already used for MCZC amber material in de Andrade & 
Baroni Urbani, 1999 and the numbers 25-35 in Baroni Urbani & de Andrade, 2003. 
The number 36 was used for a Cyphomymrmex gyne (de Andrade, 2003). 

MCZC-37 (Fig. 1). A small dark orange sample 1.1 x 0.8 cm containing a 
worker of Platythyrea and impurities. The preservation condition of the ant is good. 

The Recent Platythyrea examined for this study are deposited in the following 
collections, given here with the relative coden as it will be used in the following text: 
MCZC. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA. 
Courtesy Stefan P. Cover. NHMB. Naturhistorisches Museum of Basel, Switzerland. 
Courtesy Dr Michel Brancucci and Dr Daniel Burckhardt. 

Measurements and indexes used in the text are defined here as: 

HL Head length: the maximum measurable distance between the medial margin of vertex 
and the antero-medial margin of clypeus with the head in full frontal view. 

HW Head width: maximum head width behind the eyes with the head in full frontal view. 

EE Eye length: maximum length of the eye. 

SL Scape Length: length of scape shaft, excluding the basal condyle. 

HBaL Maximum length of hind basitarsus measured on its external face. 

HTiL Maximum length of hind tibia measured on its external face. 

HFeL Maximum length of hind femur measured on its external face. 

FFeL Maximum length of fore femur measured on its external face. 

FFeW Maximum width of fore femur measured on its external face. 

WL Weber’s Length: diagonal length of mesosoma from the anterior pronotal border 

(excluding neck) to the distal edge of the propodeal lamellae. 

INL, Total Length: combined head length in full face view (closed mandibles included), 

Weber’s length of mesosoma, petiole length (in profile) and length of gaster (in profile). 
Cl Cephalic index: (HW/HL) x 100 

SI Scape index: (SL/HL) x 100 
FFel Fore Femora index: (FFeW/FFeL) (100) 

Platythyrea pumilio sp. n. Fig. 1 

Material. Holotype worker from Dominican amber, labelled: MCZC-37, in the MCZC 
(see section Material and Methods). 


FIG. 1 

Platythyrea pumilio sp. n. Holotype worker from Dominican amber: head in dorsal view (top), 
and profile of the whole specimen (bottom). Distance between two scale bars 0.1 mm. 


Etymology. From the Latin substantive pumilio = dwarf, pygmy, referring to the 
small size of this species. It is used here as a noun in apposition. 

Diagnosis. A Platythyrea species, known from the worker only, sharing charac- 
ters with the workers of P. scalprum Lattke and P. exigua Kempf, but differing from 
both by the declivous propodeal sides lamellaceous and by the much less pronounced 
postero-median petiolar convexity, from scalprum only by the head narrower and by 
the petiole shorter and higher, and from exigua only by the fore femora broader, by the 
lack of metacoxal tooth and by its smaller size. 

Description. Worker. Head elongate, slightly less than 2/3 longer than broad, 
with subparallel sides. Vertexal margin medially concave. Vertexal angles slightly pro- 
truding posteriorly and subround. Frontal lobes far from each other and gently 
rounded. Clypeus declivous anteriorly, with truncate anterior border and weakly 
differentiated from the frontal lobes posteriorly. Eyes large, about 1/4 of the head 
length and placed dorso-laterally on the anterior half of the head. Mandibles sub- 
triangular. Masticatory margin of the mandibles with 7-8 minute, irregular denticles 
followed by an apical one. Mandibular sulcus superficially impressed. Palpal formula 
3,2, the Mandibular palps not surpassing the postero-medial rim of buccal cavity. 
Scapes much shorter than the vertexal margin. First funicular joint slightly longer than 
broad. Funicular joints 2-10 slightly broader than long. Last funicular joint about as 
long as the sum of joints 9-10. 

Mesosoma in profile elongate. Pronotum in dorsal view with barely distin- 
guishable humeri. Pronotal suture impressed. Posterior third of the propodeal dorsum 
gently declivous posteriorly. Sides between basal and declivous propodeal faces sub- 
round. Sides of the declivous face with a lamella reaching the propodeal lobes. 

Petiole longer than broad. Anterior face of the petiole in dorsal view weakly 
convex medially and weakly angulated latero-ventrally. Posterior face of the petiole in 
dorsal view poorly convex medially and unarmed laterally. Postpetiole slightly shorter 
than first gastric segment. 

Fore femora strongly incrassate. Fore basitarsi with a seta opposite to the strigil. 
Hind tibiae slightly shorter than hind femora. Hind basitarsi slightly shorter than 1/3 of 
the tibiae. Mid and hind tibiae with paired, pectinate spurs. Tarsal claws with preapical 

Sculpture. Integument opaque. Head, mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole and gaster 
densely and finely reticulate-punctate and with sparse, minute, superficial foveae. Legs 
minutely punctate, the punctures more superficial than in the other body parts. 

Body densely covered by very short, thin hairs. Apex of the gaster with long 

Colour. Light brown. 

Measurements in mm and indices. TL 3.82; HL 0.75; HW 0.46; EL 0.18; SL 
0.44; WL 1.24; PeL 0.45; HFeL 0.59; HTiL 0.57; HBaL 0.41; FFeL (left) 0.54; FFeW 
(left) 0.25; FFeL (right) 0.59; FFeW (right) 0.25; CI 61.3; SI 58.6; FFel (left) 46.3; 
FFel (right) 42.5. 

FIG. 2 

Platythyrea lenca sp. n. Paratype worker from Honduras (4 km SW Mina EI Mochito, Depto. 
Santa Barbara): head in dorsal view (top), and profile of the petiole (bottom). 


Uni Basel 


Platythyrea lenca sp. n. Figs 2 & 3 

Material examined. Holotype worker from Honduras, labelled: 4 km SW Mina El 
Mochito, 1040 m, rotten wood Forest ravine, Depto. Santa Barbara, HONDURAS 14 March 
1979, WL Brown; 2 paratype workers same data and collection as the holotype, all in the MCZC. 

Etymology. This species is named after the Lenca, an Indian tribe from 
Honduras. The name is used here as a noun in apposition. 

Diagnosis. A Platythyrea species, known from the worker only, similar to P. 
prizo, but differing from it by the erect hairs on the petiole, postpetiole and gaster 
longer and denser, by the legs longer, by the eyes smaller and by the scapes longer and 

Description. Worker. Head slightly elongate and less than 1/3 longer than broad, 
with weakly convex sides. Vertexal margin weakly concave medially. Vertexal angles 
round. Frontal lobes close to each other and rounded. Clypeus swollen medially. 
Anterior border of the clypeus bearing a convex semitransparent lamella. Eyes small, 
about 1/7 of the head length and placed dorso-laterally close to the midline of the head. 
Mandibles subtriangular. Masticatory margin of the mandibles with 9 teeth followed by 
an apical one. Mandibular sulcus superficially marked. Palpal formula 4,4, palpi not 
surpassing the posteromedial rim of buccal cavity. Antennae long and slender. Scapes 
surpassing the vertexal margin by about 0.32 mm when directed posteriorly. First 
funicular joint more than half longer than broad and slightly longer than the following 
joints 3-10. Second funicular joint about 1/4 longer than the first joint. Funicular joints 
3-10 longer than broad. Last funicular joint slightly longer than the first joint. 

Mesosoma elongate in profile. Pronotum in dorsal view with barely distinguish- 
able humeri. Pronotal suture impressed. Propodeal dorsum gently declivous posterior- 
ly. Area between basal and declivous propodeal faces gently concave and each side with 
a small obtuse tooth. Declivous propodeal face marginate. Propodeal lobes rounded. 

Petiole about 1/3 longer than broad. Anterior face of the petiole in dorsal view 
medially weakly concave and latero-ventrally superficially angulate. Posterior face of 
the petiole in dorsal view tumuliform medially and unarmed laterally. Postpetiole in 
dorsal view broader than long and shorter than the first gastric segment. 

Fore femora weakly incrassate. Hind tibiae about 1/8 shorter than hind femora. 
Hind basitarsi about 1/7 shorter than the hind tibiae. Mid and hind tibiae with paired, 
pectinate spurs. Tarsal claws with preapical teeth. 

Sculpture. Integument opaque. Head, mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole and gaster 
densely and finely punctate and with small, superficial foveae, the foveae more 
impressed on the petiole, fainter and sparser on the gaster. Legs minutely punctate. 

Body densely covered by very short, thin hairs. Petiole, postpetiole and gaster 
with erect, sparse hairs. Apex of the gaster with long hairs. 

Colour. Ferruginous-brown with slightly lighter antennae and legs. 

Measurements in mm and indices (3 specimens examined). TL 7.72-8.38; HL 
1.68-1.74; HW 1.16-1.22; EL 0.25; SL 1.52-1.60; WL 2.60-2.64; PeL 0.82-0.86; PeW 
0.56-0.60; HFeL 1.78-1.84; HTiL 1.54-1.64; HBaL 1.32-1.42; FFeL 1.56-1.64; FFeW 
037-.0397€1:69.0-70.1: ST 903-929; FRel 237. 



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Platythyrea prizo Kugler Figs 4,5 & 6 

Material examined. COSTA RICA: Heredia, OTS, La Selva field Station, Puerto Viejo 
de Sarapiqui, Rio Puerto Viejo, 5.1II.1973, 10°26° N-83°59° W, 3 workers (paratypes numbers 
73-292, 73-295, 73-299), J. Wagner & J. Kethley [MCZC]. 

Complement to biometry: 

Measurements in mm and indices (3 specimens examined). TL 7.65-8.22; HL 
1.64-1.68; HW 1.18-1.22; EL 0.30-0.32; SL 1.42-1.46; WL 2.56-2.72; PeL 0.83-0.86; 
PeW 0.58-0.60; HFeL 1.68-1.72; HTiL 1.48-1.56; HBaL 1.24-1.36; FFeL 1.52-1.58; 
FFeW 0.39-0.41; CI 71.1-72.6; SI 86.6-86.9; FFel 25.6-26.3. 


The following identification key to the workers of Platythyrea from the New 
World, including all known extant and fossil species, is based on Brown’s (1975) key 
for this genus modified to include the species described afterwards by Kugler (1977), 
Lattke (2003) and myself (present paper). P. dentata Lattke, known on the gyne only, 
is not included in the key, although it may probably be separated from the known 
worker-based species with a reasonable degree of confidence (see note below). 
Longino (2003), in a web document, states that the mandibular sulcus, used by Brown 
(1975) to differentiate P. sinuata from P. pilosula, shows a high degree of variation in 
most Costa Rican sinuata and, as a consequence of this, treats sinuata as a junior 
synonym of pilosula. This proposal is accepted in the key below, even if the source can 
not be considered a publication for nomenclatorial purposes. 

1 HW (eyesancluded) > 0:90 mm "LE SR 2 
- HW (eyes included) <0:90:mm RO oes SENO NE 7 
2 Mandibles’withteeth.. "5:20 00 22004 M OO = see eee 3) 
- Mandibles' without teeth ."::::::.......:.42.. 0.0 SORBONA 4 
3 Erect hairs on petiole, postpetiole and gaster sparser and shorter. EL 

> 0.30 mame eis sas ee ee TE TE prizo 
- Erect hairs on petiole, postpetiole and gaster denser and longer. EL 

= 0.25 MM... na ern ne PE lenca 
4 HW (eyes included) > 1.4 mm. EL > 0.45 mm. Fore basitarsi with 3 

setae opposite to the/strigil- 3 Re strenua 
- HW (eyes included) < 1.4 mm. EL < 0.45 mm. Fore basitarsi with 1 or 

2 setae opposite to the strigil .. .. .......-. 2... 2... SNC 5) 
5) Profemur strongly swollen (W/L > 0:38) erre 2 eee angusta 
- Profemur less tick (W/L. < 0.38). : :... 222... 2.2.02 2.202 NEE 6 
6 Petiolar node > 0.85 mm long. Petiole about 1/4 longer than broad. Fore 

basitarsi with 2 setae opposite to the strigil ............ pilosula (= sinuata) 

- Petiolar node < 0.85 mm long. Petiole about as long as broad or slightly 
longer than broad. Fore basitarsi with 1 seta opposite to the strigil . . . punctata 

FIG. 4 
Platythyrea prizo Kugler. Paratype worker from Costa Rica (Heredia, La Selva field Station, 
Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Rio Puerto Viejo): head in dorsal view (top), and profile of the petiole 




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90037849. 10um vi NB. 

FIG. 6 

Platythyrea prizo Kugler. Paratype worker from Costa Rica (Heredia, La Selva field Station, 
Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Rio Puerto Viejo): left eye showing interommatidial pilosity. 

7 Metacoxal dorsum with a tooth. Posterior margin of petiolar node as 

seen from above with lateral corners produced caudad as short, blunt 

tcethtorangles4Clypeusidorsallyiswollen att prece exigua 
- Metacoxal dorsum unarmed. Posterior margin of petiolar node with at 

most weakly armed lateral corners. Clypeus dorsally flat ................ 8 
8 Scapes reaching the vertexal margin. TL = 5.9 mm. SI>70......... procera 
- Scapes much shorter, not reaching the vertexal border. TL < 5.0 mm. SI < 60 . 9 
9 Head elongate, about 1/3 longer than broad. CI<63............... pumilio 
= Headishortertabout l//Mlonserithantbroad Cli> 8008 ara rer er oe 10 
10 Petiolar node elongate (W/L 0.67). Profemur swollen (W/L 0.47). TL 

MOINE ER. ae beato sie. ee che scalprum 
- Petiolar node shorter (W/L 0.86). Profemur less thick (W/L 0.41). TL 

> Sa Sai? Nele at aan zodion 

Note. The original description of P. dentata Lattke, known on a sole gyne from Dominican 
amber, gives HW 0.87 mm (eyes excluded). According to Lattke’s drawing the HW of this 
specimen (eyes included, to render it comparable with the figures given by Brown (1975) should 
be about 0.93 mm. By using the key to the workers above, the gyne of P. dentata falls to couplet 
2 (mandibles with teeth) where it can be easily differentiated from both other two species, prizo 
and /enca, by the hind coxae dorsally dentate and by the anterior clypeal margin straight instead 
of convex. 



P. pumilio, described in this paper, and scalprum Lattke are the smallest Plary- 
thyrea known to date from the New World. P. pumilio shares with the Dominican fossil 
P. scalprum Lattke the fore basitarsi with a seta opposite the strigil and the swollen fore 
femora, but it differs from it mainly by the petiole shorter and higher and by the head 
much narrower. P. pumilio shares with the Brazilian P. exigua Kempf the head elongate 
and narrow with flat eyes on the anterior half of the head and by the masticatory mar- 
gin of the mandibles minutely denticulate. P. pumilio differs from the Brazilian exigua 
mainly by its lack of metacoxal teeth, by its fore femora broader, and by its posterior 
petiolar face unarmed. P. pumilio shares with the Ecuadorian zodion Brown a similar 
petiolar shape, but it differs from it by the head much longer and by the size smaller. 
P. pumilio shares with the other Dominican fossil, procera Lattke the propodeal 
declivity with a lamella and the lack of metacoxal teeth. P. pumilio differs from procera 
mainly by its smaller size. 

P. lenca is very similar to prizo but the characters listed under the diagnosis of 
lenca allow to distinguish both species. Since the two species are allopatric, one can 
not exclude that they may represent geographic variants of the same species. Lenca and 
prizo, moreover, are the sole known Recent New World Platythyrea with narrow 
frontal carinae and truly denticulate mandibles. The biometric and pilosity differences 
between the two, however, supported by our current understanding of Platythyrea vari- 
ability, render improbable the geographic variation hypothesis. Lattke (2003) described 
from Dominican amber P. dentata, another species with denticulate mandibles. P. den- 
tata Lattke differs from prizo Kugler and /enca mainly by its smaller size, by the hind 
coxae dorsally dentate and by the anterior clypeal margin straight instead of convex. 
Lattke (2003) considered the sharing of the denticulate mandibles of his fossil species 
with the Recent prizo as a plesiomorphic character since there are significant 
differences between the fossil and the Recent species. 

With the description of P. pumilio the number of fossil Plarythyrea from 
Dominican amber increases to 4. The sole two known Recent species on the Island of 
Hispaniola are P. strenua Wheeler & Mann and P. punctata Smith. The presence of four 
fossil and two extant Platythyrea species on the island of Hispaniola is a further 
confirmation, if necessary, of the major role played by local extinction as opposed to 
invasion from other sources in shaping the contemporary. Hispaniolan fauna. 
Interpretation of this phenomenon is a hot spot in biogeographic research. If, on one 
hand, all ant species recorded from Dominican amber are extinct, every published 
record of Dominican amber ants can be considered as proof in favour of extinction. On 
the other hand, a famous, widely cited, paper by Wilson (1985b) emphasizes the role 
of invasion and migration over the one of extinction in shaping the contemporary 
Hispaniolan fauna. The apparent discrepancy between the known composition of the 
amber fauna and Wilson’s conclusion is easily explained by the fact that Wilson’s 
(1. c.) analysis is conducted at genus and not at species level. Baroni Urbani (1995) 
showed that local extinction plays the dominant role also at generic level and that local 
extinction and not invasion of new taxa is, hence, the most important factor that shaped 
the present Caribbean fauna. This argument, as far as I know, was supported again only 
by de Andrade & Baroni Urbani (1999) and the remarks above are added to reply an 


anonymous referee who suggested that there are other cases of references to extinction 
in the Dominican amber fauna. 


I would like to express my warmest thanks to Stefan P. Cover for lending this 
and many other interesting amber samples, to Dr M. Brancucci and Dr D. Burckhardt 
for the allowing my free access to the collection of the Natural History Museum of 
Basel, to Daniel Mathys and Marcel Düggelin of the Lqaboratory of Scanning Electron 
Microscopy of the Basel University for helping competently with all SEM photo- 
graphs, and to Prof. Dr Cesare Baroni Urbani for critically reading this manuscript. 


ANDRADE, M. L. (DE) 2003. First descriptions of two new amber species of Cyphomyrmex from 
Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Beiträge zur Entomologie 53: 131-139. 

ANDRADE, M. L. (DE) & BARONI URBANI, C. 1999. Diversity and adaptation on the ant genus 
Cephalotes, past and present. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde B 271: 1-889. 

BARONI URBANI, C. 1995. Invasion and extinction in the West Indian ant fauna revised: the 
example of Pheidole (Amber Collection Stuttgart: Hymenoptera, Formicidae. VIII: 
Myrmicinae, partim). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde B 222: 1-29. 

BARONI URBANI, C. & ANDRADE, M. L. (DE) 2003. The ant genus Proceratium in the extant and 
fossil record. Monografie No 36. Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali-Torino, 492 pp. 

BOLTON, B. 1995. A new general catalogue of ants of the world. Harvard University Press, 
Cambridge (Mass.) & London, 504 pp. 

BROWN, W. W. 1975. Contributions toward a reclassification of the Formicidae. V. Ponerinae, 
tribes Platythyreini, Cerapachyini, Cylindromyrmecini, Acanthostichini and Aenicto- 
gitini. Search Agriculture 5: 1-115. 

KEMPF, W. W. 1964. Uma nova Plarythyrea do Brasil (Hym., Formicidae). Revista Brasileira de 
Entomologia 11: 141-144. 

KUGLER, C. 1977. A new species of Platythyrea (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Costa Rica. 
Psyche (Cambridge) 83: 216-221. 

LATTKE, J. 2003. The genus Platythyrea Roger, 1863 in Dominican Amber (Hymenoptera: 
Formicidae: Ponerinae). Entomotropica 18: 107-111. 

LONGINO, J. 2003. Platythyrea pilosula (F. Smith 1858). 1 p. 
World Wide Web document. 

WILSON, E. O. 1985a. Ants of the Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 1. Two new 
myrmicine genera and an aberrant Pheidole. Psyche (Cambridge) 92: 1-9. 

WILSON, E. O. 1985b. Invasion and extinction in the west Indian ant fauna: evidence from the 
Dominican amber. Science 229: 265-267. 

a i Nur # 

Da us 


REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 657-669; septembre 2004 

First reports of the genus Nigrobaetis Novikova & Kluge 
(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Madagascar and La Réunion 
with observations on Afrotropical biogeography 

Museum of Zoology, P.O. Box 448, CH-1000 Lausanne 17, Switzerland. 

First reports of the genus Nigrobaetis Novikova & Kluge (Ephemero- 
ptera: Baetidae) from Madagascar and La Réunion with observations 
on Afrotropical biogeography. - Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n. and Nigro- 
baetis cryptus sp. n. are described from La Réunion and from Madagascar, 
respectively. This is the first report of the genus from either island and is the 
first description of a mayfly from La Réunion. These amazing discoveries 
are of biological importance for the understanding of colonisation processes 
of the islands in the Western part of the Indian Ocean. The first record of 
mayflies from La Réunion, a young (<3My) volcanic island, proves the 
potential of mayflies to disperse over long distances. Recently, Nigrobaetis 
bethunae Lugo-Ortiz & de Moor, 2000 was described from southern Africa 
(from the border between Namibia and Angola); new reports from eastern 
South Africa are provided, which greatly extend the distribution range of 
this species. 

Keywords: Baetidae - Nigrobaetis - new species - systematics - biogeo- 
graphy - Madagascar - La Réunion - southern Africa. 


Nigrobaetis Novikova & Kluge originally was considered to be a subgenus of 
Baetis Leach, and included most of the species of the Baetis niger group (Miiller- 
Liebenau, 1969; Novikova & Kluge, 1987). It was thereafter raised to generic level and 
redefined (Waltz er al., 1994). Despite the apparent similarities between the different 
species encompassed in this genus, few relevant features were used to characterize the 
genus. Waltz et al. (1994) proposed the following larval characters: body cylindrical, 
prostheca normal or reduced, glossae with few to many dorsal setae, femoral villopore 
absent, claws without preapical setae. Lugo-Ortiz & de Moor (2000) considered the 
presence of a small interantennal carina as a generic character, despite the fact that 
Waltz et al. (1984) did not refer to it and that this character is not mentioned in the 
original descriptions (Soldän, 1977; Miiller-Liebenau, 1984; Kang er al., 1994). Other 

Manuscript accepted 15.01.2004 


characters that seem constant in the different species, such as the two kinds of peculiar 
setae of the distal margin of the labrum, the truncated third segment of the labial palp, 
the few stout setae between prostheca and mola on both mandibles and the humped 
posture of the prothorax, were not included in the generic diagnosis. The presence or 
absence of hindwing pads, as well as the number of gills, are used for specific 
diagnoses (Lugo-Ortiz & de Moor, 2000). There are no useful characters for separating 
Nigrobaetis from other related genera at the imaginal stage (Waltz et al., 1994). 

The genus Nigrobaetis comprises 15 species, mainly from the Palearctic 
(6 species) and Oriental realms (6 species) [terrestrial zoogeographical regions as 
defined by Zwick (2003)]. The recent description of a species from the Afrotropical 
realm greatly extended the known range of the genus (Lugo-Ortiz & de Moor, 2000). 
The simultaneous discovery of the genus on Madagascar and La Réunion is even more 
surprising. A recent survey of the Malagasy freshwater macroinvertebrates included 
sampling of more than 650 localities all over the island (Elouard & Gibon, 2001). 
Based on this material, a study of the systematics of the Malagasy Baetidae increased 
the known Malagasy Baetidae fauna from eight species belonging in three genera to 54 
species in 22 genera (Gattolliat & Sartori, 2003). Despite this intensive research, the 
genus Nigrobaetis was not known to occur on Madagascar. It was only during more 
recent research on the impact of deforestation on macroinvertebrate community 
composition that larvae of Nigrobaetis were collected in Madagascar. 

Ephemeroptera were first found on La Réunion when Starmühlner’s expedition 
collected larvae from two streams (Starmühlner, 1979). The occurrence of insects with 
low powers of dispersal on an isolated volcanic island of recent origin remains a bio- 
geographical riddle. The Baetidae are the only mayfly family that has been found on 
this island. The identification of the genus and of its phylogenetic affinity is important 
for the understanding of the mechanism of dispersion and colonisation of the different 
islands of the western part of the Indian Ocean. McCafferty & Mauremootoo (2001) 
tentatively associated the larvae with the genera Afrobaetodes Demoulin or Acanthiops 
Waltz & McCafferty. The study of the original material collected by Starmühlner’s 
expedition, as well as other specimens collected by the ORE (Organisme Réunionais 
des Eaux) and Christian Guillermet, now allow the assignment of all mayflies living in 
running waters from La Réunion to the genus Nigrobaetis. 

Larvae of Nigrobaetis bethunae were collected from the Limpopo and Incomati 
basins in and around the Kruger National Park, South Africa. This constitutes the first 
report of the species after its description. It greatly enlarges the previously known 
distribution range, which was restricted to the Cunene River, ca. 2500 km distant on 
the border between Angola and Namibia. The investigation of this new material adds 
further information to the original description, especially concerning the larval 

As the examined material from Madagascar and La Réunion differs from all the 
previously described species, two new species are described here. The holotypes and 
part of the paratypes are housed in the Museum of Zoology, Lausanne, Switzerland. 
Other paratypes are deposited in the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris 
(France) and in the Natural History Museum of Vienna (Austria). 



Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n. Figs 1-11 


Holotype: 1 larva. La Réunion; Tributary of Marsouin River, Ravine Mathurine (road to 
Takaka) (F/Ré/9b), 8.04.1974. Leg. F. Starmühlner. 

Paratypes: 2 larvae same data as for holotype. 2 larvae, La Réunion; tributary of 
Marsouin River, Ravine Mathurine (road to Takaka) (F/Ré/9c) 8.04.1974. Leg. F. Starmühlner. 
1 larva, La Réunion, Galets River, Amont de la Prise, 7.02.1995. Leg. ORE (Organisme 
Reunionais des Eaux). 2 larvae, La Réunion, Marsouin River, Bébour, 10.1996. Leg. ORE. 


Maximum length: body 5.2 mm; cerci 2.8 mm; median caudal filament 1.8 mm. 

Head. Uniformly medium brownish yellow with vermiform marks on vertex 
and frons. Antennae close to each other, with a small interantennal carina. 

Dorsal surface of labrum (Fig. 1) with about nine simple stout setae in the distal 
half and about six small fine setae in the proximal half; ventral surface with four small 
pointed setae near lateral margin; distal margin fringed with two kinds of setae: the 
seven lateral ones long and strongly feather-like and the median ones shorter and only 
slightly feather-like. 

Hypopharynx (Fig. 2): lingua covered with minute stout setae, superlingua with 
thin setae apically. 

Right mandible (Fig. 3) with two very approximated incisors, outer incisor with 
three cusps, inner one with four cusps, outer margin straight; very thin setae in proxi- 
mal half of inner margin of incisors; prostheca with one apical elongated denticle and 
thirteen short and slender denticles; tuft of few stout setae between prostheca and mo- 
la; tuft of setae at apex of mola reduced to two or three setae. 

Left mandible (Fig. 4): incisors with seven cusps, outer margin straight; pros- 
theca with five broad denticles and a comb-shaped structure; tuft of a few stout setae 
between prostheca and mola; tuft of setae at apex of mola absent. 

Maxillae (Fig. 5) with four broad teeth, one of them clearly separated but not 
opposed to others; two rows of setae, the first one formed by abundant small setae end- 
ing with three to five setae twice as long as the others, and the second by two long stout 
spine-like setae; row of four stout setae at base of galea; one single stout seta perpen- 
dicular to margin of galea; palp two-segmented with a few thin setae especially at the 
apex of the second segment, segment 1 approximately 0.8 x length of segment 2, 
second segment apically clearly turned outward. 

Labium (Fig. 6) with glossae slightly shorter than paraglossae; margins of 
glossae with stout setae increasingly longer towards apex, dorsally with about ten thin 
setae; paraglossae falcate, with long and stout setae; labial palp three-segmented; 
segment 1 subrectangular, 0.8 x length of segment 2 and 3 combined; segment 2 with 
a dorsal oblique row of five long pointed setae; segment 3 truncated, with thin setae 
more abundant apically and few small pointed setae apically. 

Thorax. Thorax uniformly medium brownish yellow without any pattern. Pro- 
and mesothorax rounded, giving the larva a humped posture in lateral view. Legs 
yellow except for brownish yellow apex of femora. 


Fics 1-6 
Larval structures of Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n.: 1: labrum (left : ventral view; right: dorsal view). 
2: hypopharynx. 3: right mandible. 4: left mandible. 5: left maxilla. 6: labium. 

Forelegs (Fig. 7). Femora dorsally with one row of nine long and pointed setae, 
without another row of setae subparallel to dorsal margin, dorsoapical setal patch 
formed by 2 stout setae; ventral margin with stout pointed setae; anterior face almost 


Tibiae with only very thin setae dorsally; ventral margin with a few small 
pointed setae; tibiopatellar suture and subproximal arc of setae absent. 

Tarsi with only very thin setae dorsally; ventral margin with few small pointed 
setae; tarsal claws (Fig. 8) hooked and slender, with one row of about fifteen acute teeth 
increasing in length toward the apex. 

Hindwing pads absent. 

Abdomen. Tergal coloration brownish yellow without any pattern. Texture of 
terga as in Fig. 21. 

Sterna brownish yellow, with scales and scale bases; posterior margin without 

Gills on segments 1 to 7, elliptic with serrated margin in distal half; tracheation 
reduced to a central vein (Fig. 10); first gill half the length of other gills, without 
tracheation (Fig. 9); gill 7 similar to gills 2 to 6. 

Paraproct (Fig. 11) with very few scale bases, margin with about six long 
pointed teeth and a few small ones; postero-lateral extension with a few scale bases, 
margin with numerous slender teeth. 

Cerci and median caudal filament yellow without dark band or annulation, 
abundant thin setae on inner margins. 



The specific epithet “colonus” is a Latin noun, meaning “pioneer that colonises 
a new area”. 


Based on Starmühlner’s notes, larvae of Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n. were 
collected in low to medium water currents (0.50 to 1 m/s) in small streams (1 to 2 m 
wide and 0.05 to 0.2 cm deep) (StarmiihIner, 1979). The temperature of the water was 
18°C (at 12h) and the pH 7.85. The larvae were not abundant anywhere. 

Nigrobaetis cryptus sp. n. Figs 12-22 


Holotype: 1 larva, Madagascar, Rianila Basin, tributary of Sahatany River, 
Antanambotsira (near Andasibe), 48°25’49” E, 18°52’53” S, 950 m, 21.02.2002. Leg. 
R. Oliarinony. 

Paratypes: 3 larvae, same locality as for holotype, 22.05.2001. 2 larvae, same locality, 
14.09.2001. 2 larvae (1 larva on slide), same locality, 30.11.2001. 6 larvae, Madagascar, Rianila 
Basin, tributary of Sahatandra River, Madiofasina (near Andasibe), 48°26’33” E, 18°55’23” S, 
870 m, 13.06.2001. Leg. R. Oliarinony. 9 larvae, same locality, 14.05.2002. 5 larvae, same lo- 
cality, 11.09.2001. 2 larvae, same locality, 09.10.2001. 3 larvae, same locality, 13.11.2001. 19 
larvae (1 larva on slide), same locality, 27.11.2001. 

Maximum length: body 2.9 mm; cerci and median caudal filament broken. 
Head. Uniformly medium brownish yellow without vermiform marks on vertex 
and frons. Antennae close to each other, with a small interantennal carina. 


Fics 7-11 

Larval structures of Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n.: 7: foreleg. 8: tarsal claw. 9: first gill. 10: fourth 
gill. 11: paraproct. 

Dorsal surface of labrum (Fig. 12) with about six simple stout setae in the distal 
half and about five small fine setae in the proximal half; ventral surface with four small 
pointed setae near the lateral margin; distal margin fringed with two kinds of setae: the 
nine lateral ones long and strongly feather-like and the median ones shorter and slightly 

Hypopharynx (Fig. 13): lingua with minute stout setae apically, superlingua 
with thin setae apically. 

Right mandible (Fig. 14) with two very approximated incisors, outer incisor 
with three cusps, inner one with four cusps, outer margin expanded and curved; very 
thin setae in proximal half of inner margin of incisors; prostheca with about nine 
denticles, the median ones longer than the others: tuft of few stout setae between 
prostheca and mola; tuft of setae at apex of mola. 


Left mandible (Fig. 15): incisors with seven cusps, outer margin expanded and 
curved; prostheca with five broad denticles and a comb-shaped structure; tuft of few 
stout setae between prostheca and mola; no tuft of setae at apex of mola. 

Maxillae similar to Fig. 5. 

Labium (Fig. 16) with glossae slightly shorter than paraglossae; margins of 
glossae with stout setae, slightly longer apically, dorsally with about seven medium 
setae; paraglossae apically flattened, with long and stout setae; labial palp three-seg- 
mented; segment 1 subrectangular, 0.9 x length of segment 2 and 3 combined; segment 
2 with a dorsal oblique row of three long and pointed setae; segment 3 truncated, with 
thin setae more abundant apically and few small pointed setae apically and ventrally. 

Thorax. Brown with a broad central yellow spot, distal part of forewing pads 
yellow. Pro- and mesothorax rounded, giving the larva a humped posture in lateral 
view. Legs yellow. 

Forelegs (Fig. 17). Femora dorsally with one row of eleven long and pointed se- 
tae, without another row of setae subparallel to dorsal margin, dorsoapical setal patch 
formed by two stout setae; ventral margin with stout pointed setae; anterior face bare. 

Tibiae without setae dorsally; ventral margin with a few small pointed setae; 
tibiopatellar suture and subproximal arc of setae absent. 

Tarsı without setae dorsally; ventral margin with seven small pointed setae; 
tarsal claws (Fig. 18) hooked and slender, with one row of about eleven acute subequal 

Hindwing pads absent. 

Abdomen. Terga 1-5 uniformly yellow, terga 6 and 7 brown, tergum 8 brown in 
proximal third and yellow in distal two thirds, terga 9 and 10 yellow. Terga with scales 
and scales bases; posterior margin with triangular spines (Fig. 21). 

Sterna 1-5 yellow, 6 and 7 brown, 8 and 9 yellow; with scales and scales bases; 
posterior margin without spination. 

Gills on segments 1 to 7, all elliptic with serrated margin in distal half; 
tracheation generally absent (Fig. 20), only present in some mature larvae (Fig. 19), gill 
1 as in Fig. 9. 

Paraproct (Fig. 22) with abundant scale bases, margin with about seven long 
pointed teeth and a few small ones; postero-lateral extension with abundant scale 
bases, margin with about fifteen teeth. 

Cerci and median caudal filament broken. 



The specific epithet “cryptus” is a Greek adjective meaning “hidden, the 
existence of which remains unknown”. 

The larvae were collected in two small streams (2-3 m wide and 0.15 cm deep) 
with slow water currents (0.3 m/s) on the Eastern Coast of Madagascar. The water tem- 
perature ranged between 16°C and 23.5°C (seasonal variations) and the pH between 



Fics 12-16 

Larval structures of Nigrobaetis cryptus sp. n.: 12: labrum (left: ventral view; right: dorsal view). 
13: hypopharynx. 14: right mandible. 15: left mandible. 16: labium. 

6.8 and 7.3. The substratum component was mainly cobbles and gravel. Despite 
intensive prospecting in this area, larvae were not collected at any other locality. As the 
samples were taken every month during a whole year, observation of the larval 
development indicates that the species is bivoltine, with one generation in June and one 
in December, at least at these two localities. 






Fiss 17 - 22 

Larval structures of Nigrobaetis cryptus sp. n.: 17: foreleg. 18: tarsal claw. 19: third gill (mature 
larva). 20: fourth gill (young larva). 21: posterior margin of fourth tergum. 22: paraproct. 

Nigrobaetis bethunae Lugo-Ortiz & de Moor, 2000 

5 larvae, (S2103), South Africa, Incomati River system, Buffelspruit River, near Caro- 
lina (closer to Badplaas), 30°27’02” E, 26°00’06” S, 1260 m, 16.05.2003. 10 larvae, (S2104), 
South Africa, Limpopo Basin, Crocodile River, Kruger NP- near Malelane, 31°37 04° E, 


Comoros Islands 


* Ô 

La Réunion 

South Africa 2? 

200 600 1000 km 

FIG. 23 

Distribution of Nigrobaetis in southern Africa and in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Star: 

N. colonus sp. n. Square: N. cryptus sp. n. Circle: Nigrobaetis bethunae (black: type locality; 
grey: new localities). 

25°23°57” S, 247 m, 17.05.2003. 10 larvae, (S2108), South Africa, Limpopo Basin, Sabie River, 
Kruger NP- near Skukuza, 32°00°02” E, 25°09°42” S, 130 m, 18.05.2003. 4 larvae, (S2113), 
South Africa, Limpopo Basin, Sabie River, Kruger NP- near Skukuza Camp, 31°26°16” E, 
24°59°16” S, 289 m, 19.05.2003. 2 larvae, (S2114), South Africa, Limpopo Basin, Olifants 
River, Kruger NP- near Olifants Camp, 31°40°02” E, 24°01°10” S, 189 m, 20.05.2003. 1 larva, 
(S2118), South Africa, Limpopo Basin, Letaba River, Kruger NP- near Olifants Camp, 
31°46°08” E, 23°59°10” S, 163 m, 21.05.2003. 1 larva, (S2128), South Africa, Limpopo Basin, 
Tshirovha River, near Thohoyandou, 30°23°44” E, 22°48°55” S, 704 m, 25.05.2003. 2 larvae, 
(S2134), South Africa, Limpopo Basin, Magoebas River, near Tzaneen, 30°02°34” E, 23°49’51” 
S, 818 m, 27.05.2003. 

All specimens collected by: Helen Barber-James (AM: Albany Museum, Grahamstown, 
South Africa), Ferdy de Moor (AM), Pascale Derleth (EPFL: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de 
Lausanne, Switzerland; MZL: Musée de Zoologie Lausanne, Switzerland), Jean-Marc Elouard 
(IRD: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier, France), Jean-Luc Gattolliat 
(MZL), Dominique Holveck (IRD), Michael Monaghan (NHM: Natural History Museum, 
London, England), Michel Sartori (MZL). 


See Lugo-Ortiz & de Moor, 2000; additional morphological information given 
in the following: General colouration brownish grey with yellow pattern. Head 
brownish grey. Thorax brownish grey with a broad yellow stripe at base of forewing 
pads; legs yellow with a transverse brown stripe on femora. Most terga brownish grey 
with a yellow central symmetric yellow comma, terga 4, 8 and 9 uniformly yellow. In 
light specimen: tergum 2 with a yellow central spot. In dark specimen: most terga 
completely brownish grey, terga 8 and 9 yellow. Sterna uniformly yellow, except for 


laterally brownish sterna in mature larva sterna. Comparison of this material with ma- 
terial from the Cunene River indicates that the colour pattern is both locally and geo- 
graphically variable. 



Larvae of Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n. and N. cryptus sp. n. differ from those of 
N. niger (Linnaeus, 1761), N. digitatus (Bengtsson, 1912) and N. rhithralis (Soldän & 
Thomas, 1983) by the number of gills (7 vs 6 pairs), the absence of hindwings and the 
absence of stout setae on the dorsal margin of tibiae; from those of N. aciniger (Kluge, 
1983) and N. harasab (Soldän, 1977) by the number of gills (7 vs 6 pairs); from those 
of N. bacillius (Kluge, 1983), N. gracilis (Bogoescu & Tabacaru, 1957) and all the 
Taiwanese species except N. facetus (Chang & Yang, 1994) by the absence of 

Only N. bethunae, N. facetus and N. minutus (Müller-Liebenau, 1984) cannot 
be easily separated from N. colonus sp. n. and N. cryptus sp. n. as they have the same 
number of gills and no hindwing pads. Morphology of these five species is quite 
similar. The degree of development of the setae between prostheca and mola of the left 
mandible (Figs 4, 15), the spination of the right prostheca (Figs 3, 14), the small size 
of the first pair of gills, the absence of a dark band on cerci, the colouration of the 
abdomen and the size of the mature larva allow N. colonus sp. n. and N. cryptus sp. n. 
to be distinguished from the three other species. 

N. colonus sp. n. and N. cryptus sp. n. can be separated mainly by the shape of 
the incisors of both mandibles (Figs 3, 4, 14, 15), the shape of the right prostheca (Figs 
3,14), the colouration of the abdomen and the size of the larvae. 


Among the 23 genera of Baetidae occurring in Madagascar, Nigrobaetis is the 
14th that is present in both Madagascar and Africa. Unlike most others, its distribution 
is not restricted to the Afrotropical realm but also includes the Palearctic and Oriental 
realms. With regard to the specific diversity of the genus in the different parts of its dis- 
tribution area, it is reasonable to assume a Palearctic or Oriental origin. The presence 
of Nigrobaetis in southern Africa and in Madagascar is probably the result of a step- 
by-step colonisation: northern Africa to southern Africa and finally Madagascar. As has 
been assumed for other genera (Gattolliat, 2002; Gattolliat & Sartori, 2003), it is like- 
ly that the colonisation of Madagascar took place after its break-off from the 
Gondwanan mainland (ca. 165 My). This implies an overseas colonization of more 
than 300 km (Fig. 23). 

La Réunion is a young volcanic island (ca. 3 My) and the presence of mayflies 
there implies overseas dispersal. Based on geographical distance, the probable origin 
of the mayflies should be either Mauritius (200 km) or Madagascar (800 km); the 
African mainland is 2250 km distant. Nigrobaetis is not known from Mauritius despite 


the island’s longer history (ca. 8 My). The only mayfly larvae recently collected and 
described from Mauritius belong to the genus Cloeon (McCafferty & Mauremootoo, 
2001), a genus also present on La Réunion (Starmühlner, 1979). Thus a tentative 
conclusion is that Nigrobaetis colonised from Madagascar; however, its limited distri- 
bution on Madagascar and La Réunion, and the poor knowledge of the aquatic inver- 
tebrates of Mauritius, suggest that Nigrobaetis occurs on Mauritius but has not been 

Nigrobaetis bethunae (southern Africa), N. cryptus sp. n. (Madagascar) and 
N. colonus sp. n. (La Réunion) are geographically the closest reported members of the 
genus. This morphological study confirms the affinities among the three species. 
Nigrobaetis bethunae possesses a wide distribution in southern Africa, but is never 
abundant, and direct colonisation from Africa seems unlikely because of the more than 
2250 km distance. 

As noted above, Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n. is morphologically closely related to 
species of the Oriental realm [N. facetus (Taiwan) and N. minutus (Malaysia)]. Because 
the Baetidae fauna of the Oriental realm remains poorly known, the recorded 
distribution range of Nigrobaetis remains incomplete. The presence of the genus in 
India or Sri Lanka is not recorded but is possible. However, even if its presence is 
confirmed, an Oriental origin for La Réunion seems unlikely because of the distance; 
ca. 3500 km between India and La Réunion. 

Considering the present abundance and distribution, common genera should be 
the most probable candidates for overseas interchanges. In the case of the Comoros 
Islands, which are also recent volcanic islands, only the common and widespread 
genera Labiobaetis Novikova & Kluge, 1987, Afroptilum Gillies, 1990 and Cloeodes 
Traver, 1938 were successful colonists (unpublished data based on the material 
collected by Starmühlner’s expedition). Consequently, why the rare Nigrobaetis was 
able to colonize La Réunion while other abundant and widespread genera did not 
remains an important question. 

In conclusion, the occurrence of Nigrobaetis on La Réunion is surprising and 
the origin of Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n. remains unclear, even if an Afrotropical origin 
is probably the most likely. Is the small size of Nigrobaetis part of the explanation of 
this riddle? Was Nigrobaetis once much more abundant in the Afrotropical area than it 
is at present time? Is this genus perhaps more widespread than it is yet recorded? The 
question remains open. In clarifying the affinities of Nigrobaetis colonus sp. n., 
molecular phylogenetic studies could greatly help to solve this puzzle and determine 
the colonizing source. The presence of Nigrobaetis on La Réunion indicates success- 
ful overseas colonisation of at least 800 km and constitutes the final proof that the 
dispersal capacities of mayflies are greatly underestimated. It means that colonization 
over long distances must be taken in account when biogeographical scenarios are 


I want to thank Ranalison Oliarinony (Museum of Zoology, Lausanne, 
Switzerland) for providing the specimens from Madagascar together with ecological 
information. I am greatly indebted to Dr M. Hubbard (A&M University, Tallahassee, 


Florida, USA) for the loan of Starmühlner’s material, Emilie Barthe and Stephanie 
Merlin from ORE (Organisme Réunionais des Eaux) for the gift of specimens collected 
during water quality surveys, Christian Guillermet (Antibes, France) for information 
concerning Baetidae from La Réunion, and to Helen M. Barber-James (Dept. Fresh- 
water Invertebrates, Albany Museum, Grahamstown, South Africa) for the organisation 
of our fieldtrip in South Africa. I also want to express my appreciation to Dr Michel 
Sartori (Museum of Zoology, Lausanne, Switzerland) and Helen M. Barber-James and 
Michael Monaghan (Natural History Museum, London, England) for useful comments 
on this paper. This paper is contribution n° 51 to the series “Aquatic Biodiversity of 


ELOUARD, J.-M. & GIBON, F.-M. 2001. Biodiversité et biotypologie des eaux continentales mal- 
gaches. IRD, Montpellier, 447 pp. 

GATTOLLIAT, J.-L. 2002. The genus Cloeon (Insecta : Ephemeroptera) in Madagascar. Mitteillung 
der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 74: 195-209. 

GATTOLLIAT, J.-L. & SARTORI, M. 2003. An overview of the Baetidae of Madagascar (pp. 135- 
144). In: GAINO, E. (ed.). Research Update on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. University 
of Perugia, Italy, Perugia. 

KANG, S.C., CHANG, H.C. & YANG, C.T. 1994. A revision of the genus Baetis in Taiwan 
(Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). Journal of Taiwan Museum 47: 9-44. 

LuGo-ORTIZ, C.R. & DE Moor, FC. 2000. Nigrobaetis Novikova & Kluge (Ephemeroptera: 
Baetidae): first record and new species from southern Africa, with reassignment of one 
northern African species. African Entomology 8: 69-73. 

MCCAFFERTY, W.P. & MAUREMOOTOO, J.R. 2001. The first mayfly taken from the island of 
Mauritius (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). Ephemera 2: 105-111. 

MÜLLER-LIEBENAU, I. 1969. Revision der europäischen Arten der Gattung Baeris Leach, 1815 
(Insecta, Ephemeroptera). Gewässer und Abwässer 48/49: 1-214. 

MÜLLER-LIEBENAU, I. 1984. New genera and species of the family Baetidae from West-Malaysia 
(River Gombak) (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). Spixiana 7: 253-284. 

Novikova, E.A. & KLUGE, N.Y. 1987. [Systematics of the genus Baetis (Ephemeroptera, 
Baetidae) and a description of a new species from central Asia] (in Russian). Vestnik 
Zoologii 4: 8-19. 

SOLDAN, T. 1977. Three new species of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) from the mist oasis of Erkwit, 
Sudan. Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 74: 289-294. 

STARMÜHLNER, F. 1979. Results of the Austrian hydrobiological mission, 1974, to the Seychelles, 
Comores and Mascarene Archipelagos: Part 1, preliminary report. Annalen des Natur- 
historischen Museums in Wien 82: 621-742. 

WALTZ, R.D., MCCAFFERTY, W.P. & THOMAS, A. 1994. Systematics of Alainites n. gen., Diphetor, 
Indobaetis, Nigrobaetis n. stat., and Takobia n. stat. (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae). Bulletin 
de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 130: 33-36. 

Zwick, P. 2003. Biogeographical pattern (pp. 94-102). Jn: RESH, V.H. & CARDE, R.T. (eds). 
Encyclopedia of Insects. Academic Press. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 671-672; septembre 2004 

First record of Hyssopus pallidus (Askew, 1964) for Switzerland 
(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) 

Kathrin TSCHUDI-REIN, Nayuta BRAND, Ute KÜHRT & Silvia DORN 
Institute of Plant Sciences, Applied Entomology, Swiss Federal Institute of 
Technology (ETH), Clausiusstrasse 25 / NW, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland. 

First record of Hyssopus pallidus (Askew, 1964) for Switzerland 
(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). - The parasitoids emerged from apples that 
were collected in orchards in the cantons of Aargau and Zurich and were 
brought into the laboratory. They were found to have developed on both 
known hosts, i.e. Cydia pomonella (L., 1758) and Cydia molesta (Busck, 
1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 

Keywords: Parasitoid - Hyssopus pallidus - Cydia pomonella - Cydia 
molesta - first record - Switzerland. 

Hyssopus pallidus (Askew, 1964) is a gregarious, idiobiont ectoparasitoid of 
late larval instars of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L., 1758), a widely distributed 
major fruit pest, and of the Oriental fruit moth, Cydia (Grapholita) molesta (Busck, 
1916), an economically important pest of stone fruit orchards and in a rapidly 
expanding area also of apple orchards (reviewed by Natale er al., 2003). In apple 
orchards under integrated and organic regimes augmentative release of this parasitoid 
could substitute the labor intensive and therefore costly post-harvest fruit removal 
(sanitation) often needed to lower codling moth populations to a level that allows the 
successful employment of the mating disruption technique (Mattiacci et al., 1999). The 
behavioral ecology of this species is being studied at our institute (Gandolfi et al., 
2003; Mattiacci et al., 1999; Mattiacci et al., 2000) and it is thus with great interest that 
we take note of its presence here in Switzerland. 

The species was first described by Askew (1964) as Elachertus pallidus from 
Castagniers (Alpes Maritimes), France, and from Sofia, Bulgaria, and was then trans- 
ferred to the genus Hyssopus by LaSalle and Huang (1994). Morphology and develop- 
ment of its immature stages were described by Tschudi-Rein and Dorn (2001). 

A total of 26 male and 78 female H. pallidus emerged in July and August in the 
laboratory from apples collected between June and August 2003 in three apple 
orchards in Northern Switzerland: Endingen (395 m a.s.l., N 47° 31° 46.7°’/ E 8° 17° 
1.6”) and Schlatt b. Leuggern (436 m a.s.l., N 47° 33’ 40.5”/ E 8° 13° 20.7”) in the 
canton of Aargau and Steinmaur (442 m a.s.l., N 47° 29’ 34.1”/ E 8° 26° 44.1”) in the 
canton of Zurich. Apples lying on the ground in the field with indications of infestation 
by Cydia species had been collected and brought to the laboratory for an ongoing 

Manuscript accepted 12.12.2003 


behavioral study of the codling moth. Upon detection of the emerging parasitoids, 
more apples were collected and these were kept singly in containers. This allowed the 
tracing of emerging parasitoids back to their host larva in the apple. The host larvae 
were identified with the help of larval keys of Brown (1987) and of Pfeiffer (no date). 
Male and female A. pallidus were collected from all the 3 orchards from which apples 
had been collected, and from their two known hosts, Cydia pomonella and Cydia 
molesta. This latter host species was found as a parasitized larva in an apple from the 
orchard in Schlatt b. Leuggern in the canton of Aargau. 

Voucher specimens have been deposited in the Natural History Museum Geneva. 

We wish to thank Andreas Müller for helpful comments. 


ASKEW, R. R. 1964. On the biology and taxonomy of some European species of the genus 
Elachertus SPINOLA (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research 
55: 53-58. 

BROWN, R. L. 1987. Tortricidae (Tortricoidea) (pp. 419-427). In: STEHR, F.W. (ed.). Immature 
Insects. Kendall / Hunt Publishing Co, Dubuque, 427 pp. 

GANDOLFI, M., MATTIACCI, L. & DORN, S. 2003. Mechanisms of behavioral alterations of para- 
sitoids reared in artificial systems. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29: 1871-1887. 
LASALLE, J. & HUANG, D. 1994. Two new Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) of eco- 

nomic importance from China. Bulletin of Entomological Research 84: 51-56. 

MATTIACCI, L., HÜTTER, E. & Dorn, S. 1999. Host location of Hyssopus pallidus, a larval para- 
sitoid of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Biological Control 15: 241-251. 

MATTIACCI, L., HÜTTER, L., SCHOCH, D., SCASCIGHINI, N. & DORN, S. 2000. Plant-odour mediates 
parasitoid host handling and oviposition in an endophytic tritrophic system. Chemo- 
ecology 10: 185-192. 

NATALE, D., MATTIACCI, L., HERN, A., PASQUALINI, E. & Dorn, S. 2003. Response of female 
Cydia molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to plant derived volatiles. Bulletin of 
Entomological Research 93: 335-342. 

PFEIFFER, D. G. (no date). A key to the internal feeders of apple. Retrieved August 7, 2003, from (3 pp). 

TSCHUDI-REIN, K. & Dorn, S. 2001. Reproduction and immature development of Hyssopus 
pallidus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an ectoparasitoid of the codling moth. European 
Journal of Entomology 98: 41-45. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 673-682; septembre 2004 

A new species of Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes, Characidae) 
from the Esteros del Iberä wetlands, Argentina 

Adriana E. ALMIRON! , Jorge R. CASCIOTTA!, José A. BECHARA? 

& Federico J. RUIZ DIAZ? 

! Divisiön Zoologfa Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, 
UNLP, Paseo del Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. 

2 Instituto de Ictiologfa del Nordeste, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UNNE, 
Sargento Cabral 2139, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina. 

A new species of Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes, Characidae) from 
the Esteros del Ibera wetlands, Argentina.- Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n. 
is described from the Esteros del Iberä wetlands. Hyphessobrycon auca 
differs from the remaining species of the genus by the presence of one 
maxillary tooth with 5 cusps; dentary low with teeth decreasing in size 
anteroposteriorly; males with hooks in all fins; mature females with hooks 
on pelvic-fin rays; one humeral spot vertically elongated, bounded by a light 
area; a second lateral spot may be faint or well developed; a wide lateral 
band ending in a conspicuous caudal spot. 

Keywords: Characiformes - Characidae - Hyphessobrycon - Esteros del 
Iberä wetlands - new species - Argentina. 


Nine species of the genus Hyphessobrycon were recorded for the Rio de la Plata 
basin in Argentina, eight of them inhabit the Esteros del Iberä wetlands system 
(Almirön er al., 2003). The Esteros del Iberd wetlands is one of the freshwater 
environments which has a high diversity of fishes in Argentina. More than 126 species 
have been recorded from this wetland, a number that represents about one third of the 
fish fauna known for Argentina (Casciotta et al., 2003). 

The aim of this paper is to describe a new species of the genus Hyphessobrycon 
from the Esteros del Iberä wetlands. 


The specimens examined in this study were cleared and counterstained (C&S) 
following Taylor & Van Dyke (1985). Measurements are straight distances taken with 
calliper to the nearest 0.1 mm. Peduncle length is the distance between last branched 
anal-fin ray and hypural joint. Vertebral count includes four vertebrae corresponding to 
the Weberian apparatus and also the complex centrum as one element. Asterisk 
indicates holotype. 

Manuscript accepted 15.01.2004 


Material is deposited in the Asociaciön Ictiolögica, La Plata, Argentina (AI); 
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina 
(MLP); Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Argentina 
(MACN-Ict); Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Genève, Switzerland (MHNG). 

COMPARATIVE MATERIAL (standard length, SL): Hyphessobrycon anisitsi (Eigenmann, 
1907): MHNG 2493.72, 8 ex., 41.4-42.7 mm SL, (2 C&S), Paraguay, Caazapa, Arroyo Moroti 
15 km SE from Tavai. MHNG 2493.063, 6 ex., 35.1-46.5 mm SL, Paraguay, Caazapa, Arroyo 
Yvyra-pary, 2 km from Tavai. MHNG 2493.86, 2 ex., 29.5-31.0 mm SL, Paraguay, Caaguazu, 
small affluent of the rio Giiyrau-gua. MHNG 2054.2-44, 5 ex., 28.0-38.3 mm SL, Paraguay, 
Asunciön, stream in Colonia Thompson. MHNG 2493.88, 2 ex., 28.2-29.4 mm SL, Paraguay, 
Guaira, stream Ovie, near of the road from Villarica. AI 133 (ex MHNG 2493.063) 2 ex., 23.0- 
37.6 mm SL, Paraguay, Caazapa, Arroyo Yvyra-pary, 2 km from Tavai. Hyphessobrycon arianae 
Uj & Gery, 1989: MHNG 2412.79 (holotype), 22.7 mm SL, Paraguay, Dept. Caaguazu, rio 
Giiyrau-gua, affl. of the rio Monday, 3 km East of Juan Frutos. MHNG 2412.80-81 (paratypes), 
12 ex., 17.6-23.6 mm SL, (2 ex. C&S), same locality as holotype. Hyphessobrycon elachys 
Weitzman, 1984: MLP 6431, 3 ex., 16.0-20.0 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes Province, San 
Cosme. Hyphessobrycon eques (Steindachner, 1882): MLP 8999, 3 ex., 23.3-27.9 mm SL, 
Argentina, Corrientes, rio Santa Lucia. JRC Pers. Collection, 2 ex., 28.7-29.6 mm SL (C&S), 
Argentina, Corrientes Province, Bella Vista, Riacho Carrizal. Hyphessobrycon guarani Mahnert 
& Géry, 1987: MHNG 2366.99 (holotype), 29.8 mm SL, Paraguay, rio Alto Paranä in Puerto 
Bertoni, Dept. Alto Parand. MHNG 2366.100 (paratypes), 7 ex., 23.5-29.4 mm SL, (2 ex. C&S), 
same locality as holotype. Hyphessobrycon igneus Miquelarena, Menni, Löpez & Casciotta, 
1981: JRC Pers. Collection, 3 ex., 25.9-29 mm SL Argentina, Esteros del Iberä, Laguna 
Fernandez. Hyphessobrycon luetkeni (Boulenger, 1887): MLP 8796, 9 ex., 24.4-35.0 mm SL, 
Argentina, Formosa Province, creek in the national road Formosa-Clorinda, 37 Km far from 
Clorinda. MLP 6451, 13 ex., 14.2-21.6 mm SL, Argentina, Formosa Province. Hyphessobrycon 
meridionalis Ringuelet, Miquelarena & Menni, 1978: MLP 8407, 2 ex., 32.2-34.0 mm SL, 
Argentina, Corrientes Province, pond in road Bella Vista-San Roque. JRC Pers. collection, 3 ex., 
33.0-40.9 mm SL (C&S), Argentina, Buenos Aires Province, Berisso, Los Talas ponds. 
Hyphessobrycon wajat Almiron & Casciotta, 1999: MLP 9321, (holotype), 27.6 mm SL, 
Argentina, Corrientes Province, rio Paranä basin, Laguna Brava. MLP 9322, 5 paratypes, 29.2- 
31.0 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes Province, Laguna Iber4. MHNG 2593.96, 5 paratypes, 28.5- 
30.0 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes Province, Laguna Iberä. 


Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n. Figs 1-8, Table 1 

Holotype. MACN-Ict 8647, 51.2 mm SL, female, Argentina, Corrientes, Esteros del 
Iberä, pond in San Juan Poriahü farm (27°41°53”S-57°12’17”W), coll. J. Casciotta, A. Almirön 
& F. Ruiz Diaz, March 2003. 

Paratypes. AI 129, 6 ex. (1 C&S), 42.0-49.9 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes, Esteros del 
Iberä, pond in San Juan Poriahi farm (27°41’39””S-57°12’56”W), coll. J. Bechara, J. Ortiz & S. 
Sanchez, May 2001. MHNG 2644.023, 4 ex., 42.4-52.8 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes, Esteros 
del Iberä, pond in San Juan Poriahü farm (27°41’39”S-57°12’56”W), coll. J. Bechara, J. Ortiz 
& S. Sanchez, May 2001. AI 130, 5 ex., 42.6-50.0 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes, Esteros del 
Iberä, pond in San Juan Poriahü farm (27°42°S-57°11’W), coll. J. Casciotta, A. Almiron & F. 
Ruiz Diaz, March 2003. 

Non type material: AI 131, 4 ex. (C&S), 43.7-48.9 mm SL, Argentina, Corrientes, 
Esteros del Iberä, pond in San Juan Poriah farm (27°42’S-57°11°W), coll. J. Casciotta, A. 
Almirön & F Ruiz Diaz, March 2003. 

Hyphessobrycon auca is distinguished from its congeners by the following 
combination of characters: one maxillary tooth with 5 cusps; dentary low (dentary 


depth 40.7-47.6 in % of dentary length) with teeth decreasing in size anteroposteriorly; 
males with hooks in all fins; mature females with hooks on pelvic-fin rays; one humeral 
spot vertically elongated, bounded by a light area; a second lateral spot may be faint or 
well developed; a wide lateral band ending in a conspicuous caudal spot. 


Morphometrics of holotype and paratypes are presented in table 1. Maximum 
body depth located immediately anterior to dorsal-fin origin (Fig. 1). Females slightly 
convex on snout, concave between eye to posterior tip of supraoccipital spine, and 
convex from supraoccipital to base of first dorsal-fin ray. Males with dorsal profile 
straight from snout to posterior tip of supraoccipital spine, slightly convex from this 
point to base of first dorsal-fin ray. Dorsal profile slanting ventrally from dorsal-fin 
origin to caudal peduncle in both sexes. Dorsal and ventral profile of caudal peduncle 
straight or scarcely concave. Ventral profile of body arched from tip of lower jaw to 
anal-fin origin, posterodorsally slanted along anal-fin base. Vent between bases of 
pectoral and pelvic fins transversally rounded, compressed between pelvic and anal fins. 

Dorsal-fin origin almost equidistant from tip of snout and base of caudal fin. 
Pelvic-fin base before anterior to vertical through dorsal-fin origin. Adipose fin slightly 
anterior to base of last branched anal-fin rays. Females with tip of pectoral fin reaching 
pelvic-fin origin, males with tip of pectoral fin surpassing pelvic-fin origin. Females 
with tip of pelvic fin not reaching anal-fin origin; males with tip of pelvic-fin 
surpassing that origin. 

TAB. 1: Morphometric data of the holotype and 15 paratypes of Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n. 
Minimum, maximum, and average between parenthesis. Standard length expressed in mm. 

holotype males females 
SE SEZ 42.0-45.7 45.7-52.8 
Percents of SL 
Predorsal distance SIT, 53.0-54.2 (53.3) 339-3987 (54:3) 
Preventral distance 48.4 46.9-48.5 (47.3) 46.8-50.2 (48.6) 
Preanal distance 63.1 59.7-63.7 (62.0) 63.1-66.3 (64.8) 
Body depth 36.1 31.7-34.7 (33.4) 34.1-38.3 (36.4) 
Dorsal-fin base 133 12.8-14.4 (13.8) 13.1-14.6 (13.8) 
Anal-fin base 307 30:8-33.320 1324) 27.8-31.9 (30.3) 
Pectoral-fin length 225] 23.0-26.2 (24.1) 21.8-25.2 (23.4) 
Pelvic-fin length 177.6 18.5-21.2 (19.6) 17.0-19.9 (18.1) 
Distance between pectoral 
and pelvic-fin origins 2181 20.6-22.6 (21.4) 19.0-23.7 (21.5) 
Distance between pelvic 
and anal-fin origins 19.3 14.8-18.9 (17.4) 17.6-20.7 (19.0) 
Head length 28.9 28.4-30.5 (29.6) 28.3-30.4 (29.4) 
Peduncle depth 11.1 117221208 70107) 10.4-12.0 (11.4) 
Percents of HL 
Snout length 23.6 23.1-25:6 (23.9) 20.7-27.1 (23.6) 
Eye diameter 39.9 37.7-40.0 (38.7) 36.7-42.9 (39.3) 
Interorbital length SII 30.8-35.3 (32.2) 30.0-32.8 (31.0) 
Postorbital length 43.9 41.7-46.8 (44.0) 40.7-46.9 (43.5) 

Maxillary length 297] ITS (29:35) 27723228 (601) 


Fic. 1 

Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n., holotype: MACN-Ict 8647, 51.2 mm SL, female, Argentina, 
Corrientes, Esteros del Iberä, pond in San Juan Poriahu farm. 

Dorsal fin with ii, 9 rays; posterior margin of dorsal fin straight, last unbranched 
and first branched dorsal-fin rays longest. Males with hooks on last unbranched and 
first eight branched rays. Hooks very small, directed ventrally. One hook by segment, 
maximum 12 hooks on 5" ray. 

Anal fin with iii-v, 21-25 rays; 21(2), 22(10), 23(9), 24(5), 25(2*). Males with 
posterior margin almost straight; females with last unbranched and first six branched 
rays produced forming a lobe. Males bearing small hooks on last unbranched and the 
first 21 branched rays. Hooks directed outward and curved dorsally; one pair of hooks 
on each segment, maximum 14 pairs on each ray. Branched rays with hooks on poste- 
rior branch, few hooks, very small, on distal portion of anterior arm. 

Caudal-fin with 1 unbranched and 9 branched principal rays in upper lobe; 8 
branched and 1 unbranched principal rays in lower lobe. Males (2 ex.) with few small 
hooks on distal tips on middle caudal-fin rays. Lower lobe slightly longer. 

Pectoral fin with i,11*-12 rays. Posterior margin of pectoral fin slightly rounded. 
Males (3 ex.) with small hooks on rays, one specimen with hooks on all branched rays. 

Pelvic fin with 1,6-7* rays, posterior margin of fin slightly rounded. Males with 
hooks on unbranched and branched rays. One pair of hooks on each segment curved 
rostrally, maximum 14 hooks on each ray. Mature females with hooks on pelvic fins, 
rather smaller than those of males (Figs 2-3). Head short, less than 1/3 of SL, mouth 
terminal and horizontal; snout short, blunt. Third infraorbital not reaching sensory tube 
of preopercle. Lower jaw slightly longer than upper jaw. Five specimens (C&S) with 
premaxillary ascending process triangular; alveolar process bearing two series of teeth, 
each tooth with a central cusp larger. Outer row with 4 (4 ex.), 5 (1 ex.) teeth, with 3 
(4 ex.) to 5 (1 ex.) cusps (Fig. 4). Inner series of premaxilla with 5 wide teeth; sym- 
physial tooth slender, with 4 to 5 cusps; remaining teeth with 4 to 9 cusps (Fig. 5), cen- 
tral cusp longer than the others. Maxilla with long anterodorsal and laminar processes, 
the last one surpassing vertical through anterior orbital margin. One wide maxillary 


Fics 2-3 

Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n., left pelvic-fin rays in dorsal view showing the bony hooks: 2, 
males; 3, females. Scale= 1 mm. 

tooth with 5 cusps (Fig. 4). Dentary low (40.7-47.6% dentary depth/dentary length) 
with 8 to 12 teeth decreasing in size anteroposteriorly. Four large teeth with 5 to 8 
cusps, 1 or 2 smaller one with 3 to 5 cusps, usually 5 cusps, and 3 to 7 much smaller 
with 1 to 3 cusps, usually 3 cusps (Fig. 6). 

Lateral series with 32-36 scales; 32(1), 33(1), 34(8), 35(6*), and 36(1). Lateral 
line with 5 to 22 perforated scales; 5(1), 7(1), 8(2), 9(4*), 10(2), 11(1), 12(4), 13(4), 
15(1), 22(1); two specimens with complete lateral line (34). Five to six scales between 
dorsal-fin origin and lateral line; 4 or 5 scales between lateral line and ventral-fin 
origin. Ten to twelve scales between supraoccipital process and dorsal-fin origin. Six 
to eleven rectangular scales placed on anal-fin base. Scales covering basal fifth of 
caudal lobes. Pelvic axillary scale without hooks on its posterior area in males.Gill 
rakers: 6-10/10-12. Vertebral counts: 33-34. 

Coloration upon capture: Upper half of body darker, wide silvery lateral band 
ending in a caudal spot, lower half silvery. Base of caudal- fin lobes black and yellow; 
most of the lobe red, distal margin of them hyaline; middle caudal rays black sur- 
rounded by yellow. Most of anal fin red, distal margin gray or hyaline. Dorsal fin pale 
yellow, pectoral fin hyaline and pelvic fin reddish (Fig. 7). 

Coloration in alcohol preserved specimens: Background pale brown, dorsal 
region of flanks and head darker, one dark midline along body on dorsum. Dark humer- 
al spot vertically elongated, bounded by a clear area. Second lateral spot faint. Dark 
wide lateral band ending in a caudal spot. Dorsum of head, premaxilla, and dorsal half 
of maxilla, dark. 

Dorsal fin hyaline with black chromatophores on the unbranched rays, dark 
chromatophores on anterior and posterior margins of branched rays. Anal fin hyaline 


Fics 4-5 

Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n., 4, upper jaw in lateral view; 5, detail of third tooth of inner pre- 
maxillary series in medial view. Scale= 1 mm. 


FIG. 6 
Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n., right lower jaw in medial view. Scale= 1 mm. 


FIG. 7 
Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n., upon capture, pond in Esteros del Iberä wetlands. 

with large black chromatophores on distal margin of anal fin, forming a faint band in 
some specimens. Black caudal spot on caudal peduncle extended on middle caudal-fin 
rays; remaining caudal-fin rays with dark chromatophores on their margins. Pectoral 
and pelvic fins hyaline, few chromatophores along ray surfaces. 

Chromatophores completely covering scales surface on upper half of flank, 
more dense on posterior margin. Scales on lower half of flanks with scattered chro- 
matophores on their surface. 

Sexual dimorphism: Males of Hyphessobrycon auca have a preanal distance 
shorter (59.7-63.7 vs. 63.1-66.3% SL) and lower body depth (31.7-34.7 vs. 34.1-38.3% 
SL), and caudal peduncle depth (100.0-108.2 vs. 107.5-118.4% caudal peduncle 
length). Also they bear bony hooks on all fin rays; hooks present on dorsal and caudal 
fin are tiny, thus they are difficult to see in alcoholic preserved specimens. Mature 
females bear hooks on pelvic-fin rays, they are smaller than those present on pelvic fin 
of males (Fig. 3). Also, females have a small lobe on first six branched anal-fin rays, 
absent in males. 


The invariable specific epitet auca is a Mapuche word meaning rebel. 


Hyphesobrycon auca sp. n. is known from two isolated ponds placed inside of 
the farm San Juan Poriahu in the northwest of Esteros del Iberä wetlands (Fig. 8). 





Fic. 8 

Geographical distribution of Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n., black circle show the localities in the 
Esteros del Iberä. 


Hyphessobrycon auca sp. n. was collected in two small lentic waterbodies 
located on a large sand bar (150 km long), that was deposed by the rio Paranä during 
the Pliocene. From a topographic standpoint, ponds are placed at the headwaters of the 
Ibera basin and make part of a complex of interconnected small lakes dispersed over 
the sand bar. As many others in the area, ponds were probably generated by eolic and 
pseudokarstic processes. Sampled ponds have a surface of about 1.5 and 12.5 ha, their 
form is near circular, with a sandy bottom covered by submerged macrophytes domi- 
nated by Egeria naias. In the littoral areas, patches of the water hyacinth Eichhornia 
azurea and some unidentified Gramineae were observed. 

Ponds and the connected aquifer are fed only by rain water, and they have low 
conductivity (11.6-20.8 wS cm) and acidic pH (5.6-6.8). Waters are very soft 
(hardness 2-5 mg CaCo3 I"!), low in chloride (0.8 to 1.9 mg I!), as well as in alkalinity 
(2-9 mg CaCo3 ll). Nutrient content was also negligible (less than 10 yg I! of 
dissolved orthophosphate). Transparency is high, being impossible to estimate with 


Secchi disk due to the low depths in sampling areas (0.6-1.3 m). Dissolved oxygen 
concentrations were generally high during sampling (6.7-10.2 mg I, 86.1-110.9% 
saturation), and water temperature varied from 13.5 to 20.8°C. 

Although different kinds of environments were sampled in the area, including 
larger lakes, marshes, and small creeks, the new species was only found in the two de- 
scribed ponds. The other fish caught with a purse seine in the same samples belonged 
to the following species: Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro, Aphyocharax rathbuni, Chara- 
cidium rachovii, Characidium cf. zebra, Cyphocharax cf. spilotus, Hyphessobrycon 
eques, Hoplias malabaricus, Metynnis mola, Moenkhausia intermedia, Serrasalmus 
spilopleura, Serrapinnus kriegi, Apistogramma borelli, Apistogramma commbrae, 
Crenicichla lepidota, Cichlasoma dimerus, Gymnogeophagus balzanii, Laetacara dor- 
sigera, and Phalloceros caudimaculatus. 


The following species of the genus Hyphessobrycon were recorded from the 
Rio de la Plata basin in Argentina: H. anisitsi, H. elachys, H. eques, H. guarani, 
H. igneus, H. luetkeni, H. meridionalis, H. reticulatus, and H. wajat. All of them were 
registered from the Esteros del Iberä wetlands except A. guarani. The color pattern of 
H. eques, H. elachys, H. guarani, H. igneus, and H. reticulatus differenciate these 
species from H. auca. Hyphessobrycon eques has the ground colour of body red and 
H. elachys is greenish with yellow whereas H. auca is mostly silvery. Hyphessobrycon 
guarani bear a black spot on dorsal-fin rays, absent in H. auca; H. igneus has the 
caudal fin red whereas in H. auca is black, yellow and red. Finally, H. reticulatus has 
a narrow lateral band and a dark line along the base of anal fin whereas H. auca has a 
wide lateral band and it lacks a line along the anal-fin base. Hyphessobrycon guarani 
has 2 to 5 maxillary teeth, Hyphessobrycon luetkeni has 2 to 3, and H. wajat 3 to 5, 
whereas H. auca has only one. Hyphessobrycon meridionalis has 26 to 30 branched 
anal-fin rays whereas H. auca has 21 to 25. 

Hyphessobrycon auca is similar to H. anisitsi, however the new species differs 
from H. anisitsi in having always one maxillary tooth with 5 cusps instead of 3 to 
5 cusps. The dentary of H. auca is lower than those of A. anisitsi (dentary depth 40.7- 
47.6 vs. 50.0-53.3 in % of dentary length), and the teeth decrease in size antero-poste- 
riorly whereas in H. anisitsi the dentary bears 4 large teeth followed by 4 to 8 much 
smaller. Males of H. auca bear hooks on dorsal-fin rays (3 ex.) and hooks on caudal 
and pectoral-fin rays (2 ex.), hooks on dorsal, caudal, and pectoral-fin rays were not 
found in males of A. anisitsi. 

Hyphessobrycon auca is the only species of the genus with some males bearing 
hooks on all fins. Hooks on pelvic-fin rays in mature females of H. auca, appear to be 
a feature shared with H. anisitsi (1 female with pelvic-fin hooks). Within characids, 
females bearing hooks on pelvic-fin rays was only reported for the genus Cheirodon 
(Malabarba, 1998). As this author noted, hooks are usually visible in large females and 
they are smaller than those of males. 



We would like to express our gratitude to Marcos Garcia Rams, the owner of 
the farm San Juän Poriaht for his hospitality and to C. Tremouilles (UNLP) for help 
with figures. This project was financed by the National Geographic Society (Grant 
7314-01) and Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (Special Grant for Iberä Project). 


ictiofauna de los esteros del Iberä y su importancia en la designaciön de la reserva como 
sitio Ramsar (pp. 75-85). In: ALVAREZ, B. (ed). Fauna del Iberä. Editorial Universitaria 
de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (EUDENE), Corrientes, Argentina, 375 pp. 

CASCIOTTA, J. R., ALMIRON, A. E. & BECHARA, J. A. 2003. Los peces de la Laguna Iberd. 
Editorial AI Margen, La Plata, Argentina, 203 pp. 

MALABARBA, L. R. 1998. Monophyly of the Cheirodontinae, characters and major clades 
(Ostariophysi: Characidae) (pp. 193-233). In: MALABARBA, L. R., REIS, R. E., VARI, R. 
P., Lucena, Z. M. & LUCENA, C. A. S. (eds). Phylogeny and Classification of neotropical 
fishes. EDIPUCRS, Porto Alegre, 603 pp. 

TAYLOR, W. R. & VAN DYKE, G. C. 1985. Revised procedures for staining and clearing small 
fishes and other vertebrates for bone and cartilage study. Cybium 9: 107-119. 

REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE 111 (3): 683; septembre 2004 


NG, H. H. & KOTTELAT, M. 2004. Amblyrhynchichthys micracanthus, a new species of 
cyprinid fish from Indochina (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Revue suisse de Zoologie 
111 (2): 425-432. 

Due to the insufficient printing quality of Fig. 1 published in the above mentioned 
paper (p. 427) a new figure is printed here. 

Fic. 1 
Amblyrhynchichthys micracanthus, CMK 13137, paratype, 68.1 mm SL. 

oso ET si wnat: 


Tome 111 — Fascicule 3 

PACE, Roberto. Hygronomini e Athetini della Cina con note sinonimiche 
(Coleopteras Staphylinidae),. . ee... rs ner TE 
SCHATTI, Beat. A preliminary contribution to Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 
1831) and systematic status of Coluber atayevi Tunijev & 
Shammakov, 1993 (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubrinae) ............. 
DANKITTIPAKUL, Pakawin & WANG, Xin-Ping. New species of coelotine 
spiders (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) from northern Thailand II ........ 
ORTUNO, Vicente M. An enigmatic cave-dwelling ground beetle: Trechus 
barratxinai Espafiol, 1971 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Tre- 
DA GAMA, Maria Manuela. Une espèce nouvelle de Pseudosinella pro- 
venant du Portugal (Insecta: Collembola). XVII® contribution ...... 
AMIET, Jean-Louis. Une nouvelle espèce d’Hyperolius du Cameroun (Am- 
phibia@AnurasHyperolüdae)ar se sr EEE 
PIEROTTI, Helio & BELLÒ, Cesare. Contributi al riordinamento sistematico 
dei Peritelini paleartici. V. Istituzione di un nuovo genere e descrizione 
di due nuove specie (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae)........ 
LANDRY, Bernard & ROQUE-ALBELO, Lazaro. First report of Tischeriidae 
(Lepidoptera) on the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, with descriptions of 
twomewzendemieispeciesHs pra ie lion an 
BAUR, Hannes & Coray, Armin. A revision of the Blattodea, Ensifera and 
@aeliterardescenibediby.Hr Brubstorfer. 245 en Sons, 
BAUR, Hannes & Coray, Armin. The status of some taxa related to 
Miramella irena (Fruhstorfer) and the type of Kisella Harz (Caelifera: 
iNerididae,Melanoplinae)ae. ti e RR 
DE ANDRADE, Maria L. A new species of Platythyrea from Dominican 
amber and description of a new extant species from Honduras 
(Eiyymenopteraskormicidae)ea nr ET 
GATTOLLIAT, Jean-Luc. First reports of the genus Nigrobaetis Novikova & 
Kluge (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Madagascar and La Réunion 
with observations on Afrotropical biogeography ................. 
TSCHUDI-REIN, Kathrin, BRAND, Nayuta, KUHRT, Ute & Dorn, Silvia. First 
record of Hyssopus pallidus (Askew, 1964) for Switzerland 
(Hymenoptera Eulophidae) ea ar ne set hae AT ee 
Federico J. A new species of Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes, 
Characidae) from the Esteros del Iberä wetlands, Argentina........ 

















Volume 111 — Number 3 

PACE, Roberto. Hygronomini and Athetini from China (Coleoptera, Staphy- 
linidae)\withimotes onthe synonymy 300. MR 
SCHATTI, Beat. A preliminary contribution to Platyceps najadum (Eichwald, 
1831) and systematic status of Coluber atayevi Tunijev & 
Shammakov, 1993 (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubrinae) ............. 
DANKITTIPAKUL, Pakawin & WANG, Xin-Ping. New species of coelotine 
spiders (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) from northern Thailand II ........ 
ORTUNO, Vicente M. An enigmatic cave-dwelling ground beetle: Trechus 
barratxinai Espafiol, 1971 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae, Tre- 
DA GAMA, Maria Manuela. A new species of Pseudosinella from Portugal 
(Insecta: Collembola) XVII! Contribution." SII ee 
AMIET, Jean-Louis. A new species of Hyperolius from Cameroun (Amphi- 
biaeAnura bby peroludae) #222 =... 25 RENE ONE NE 
PIEROTTI, Helio & BELLO, Cesare. Contributions towards a taxonomic 
rearrangement of Palaearctic Peritelini. V. Erection of a new genus and 
description of two new species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entimi- 
TAC) Fen ete : Per See ET MAZIONE 
LANDRY, Bernard & ROQUE-ALBELO, Lazaro. First report of Tischeriidae 
(Lepidoptera) on the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, with descriptions of 
twornewzendemieispeeiesen meer ciate ye TT IE 
BAUR, Hannes & Coray, Armin. A revision of the Blattodea, Ensifera and 
@aeliferaldesenibed/by/H.Eruhstorferan. ur. rt RR 
BAUR, Hannes & CoraAy, Armin. The status of some taxa related to 
Miramella irena (Fruhstorfer) and the type of Kisella Harz (Caelifera: 
Aendidae@Melanoplnae) DE un. se SELE INR A 
DE ANDRADE, Maria L. A new species of Platythyrea from Dominican 
amber and description of a new extant species from Honduras 
(Fiymenoptera:#FOrRMICIA 26) RME We) A ean oe eee eee 
GATTOLLIAT, Jean-Luc. First reports of the genus Nigrobaetis Novikova & 
Kluge (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Madagascar and La Réunion 
with observations on Afrotropical biogeography ................. 
TSCHUDI-REIN, Kathrin, BRAND, Nayuta, KUHRT, Ute & Dorn, Silvia. First 
record of Hyssopus pallidus (Askew, 1964) for Switzerland 
(Eiymenoptera#Eulophidae)r. ar A Soe TERRE eee 
ALMIRON, Adriana E., CASCIOTTA, Jorge R., BECHARA, José A. & Ruiz DIAZ, 
Federico J. A new species of Hyphessobrycon (Characiformes, 
Characidae) from the Esteros del Iberä wetlands, Argentina........ 


















CATALOGUE DES INVERTEBRES DE LA SUISSE, NOS 1-17 (1908-1926) ........ série Fr. 
(prix des fascicules sur demande) 

REVUE DE PALÉOBIOLOGIE 1. tin re Echange ou par fascicule Fr. 

LE RHINOLOPHE (Bulletin du centre d’étude des chauves-souris) . ...... par fascicule Fr. 

JAN OSERS SAS Ip WOM Sis cue cae osc owls Eee ce oe Fr. 




351: p nombreuses cartes et figures, 1983). . 2.2... EE AE de Fr. 


MÉTANGOUX GT Pel OSS rie ee ee III EE Fr. 

VARINER TAMUESRTé Ko MAREDA, 62:P., 1991 nenne ne Fr. 


NAEINETSIAWUEST& K.NMAREBA, 1992. MR ee en ea nee Fr. 
R. DESQUEYROUX-FAUNDEZ & S.M. STONE, 190 p., 1992...................... SE 

A. KELLER, V. AELLEN & V. MAHNERT, 48 p., 1993... Fr. 




OF ARACHNOLOGY, Geneva 1995 (ed. V. MAHNERT), 720 p. (2 vol.), 1996 ...... Fr. 

(Instrumenta Biodiversitatis I), I. LOBL, xii + 190 p., 1997 ...................... Fr. 


(Instrumenta Biodiversitatis II), H. G. DIRICKX, x +187 p., 1998................. Fr. 


(Instrumenta Biodiversitatis III), S. BOWESTEAD, 203 p., 1999................... Fr. 


(Instrumenta Biodiversitatis IV), B. SCHÄTTI & A. DESVOIGNES, 

TSE CE ne ee Ne Fr. 

(Instrumenta Biodiversitatis V), C. LIENHARD & C. N. SMITHERS, 
ATR AAS po 2 OO De ION ee er Fr. 

(Instrumenta Biodiversitatis VI), G. SABELLA, CH. BUCKLE, V. BRACHAT 













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Volume 111 - Number 3 - 2004 
Revue suisse de Zoologie: Instructions to Authors 

The Revue suisse de Zoologie publishes papers by members of the Swiss Zoological Society and scientific 
results based on the collections of the Museum d’histoire naturelle, Geneva. Submission of a manuscript implies 
that it has been approved by all named authors, that it reports their unpublished work and that it is not being 
considered for publication elsewhere. A financial contribution may be asked from the authors for the impression of 
colour plates and large manuscripts. All papers are refereed by experts. 

In order to facilitate publication and avoid delays authors should follow the Instructions to Authors and refer to a 
current number of R.S.Z. for acceptable style and format. Papers may be written in French, German, Italian and 
English. Authors not writing in their native language should pay particular attention to the linguistic quality of the text. 

Manuscripts must be typed or printed (high quality printing, if possible by a laser-printer), on one side only 
and double-spaced, on A4 (210 x 297 mm) or equivalent paper and all pages should be numbered. All margins 
must be at least 25 mm wide. Authors must submit three paper copies (print-outs), including tables and figures, in 
final fully corrected form, and are expected to retain another copy. Original artwork should only be submitted with 
the revised version of the accepted manuscript. 

We encourage authors to submit the revised final text on a disk (3,5), or on a CD-R, using MS-WORD or a 
similar software. The text should be in roman (standard) type face throughout, except for genus and species names 
which should be formatted in italics (bold italics in taxa headings) and authors’ names in the list of references (not 
in other parts of the text!), which should be formatted in SMALL CAPITALS. LARGE CAPITALS may be used for 
main chapter headings and SMALL CAPITALS for subordinate headings. Footnotes and cross-references to specific 
pages should be avoided. Papers should conform to the following general layout: 

Title page. A concise but informative full title plus a running title of not more than 40 letters and spaces, full 
name(s) and surname(s) of author(s), and full address(es) including e-mail address(es) if possible. 

Abstract. The abstract is in English, composed of the title and a short text of up to 200 words. It should 
summarise the contents and conclusions of the paper and name all newly described taxa. The abstract is followed 
by up to 10 keywords, separated by hyphens, which are suitable for indexing. Some of the terms used in the title 
may be omitted from the list of keywords in favour of significant terms not mentioned in the title. 

Introduction. A short introduction to the background and the reasons for the work. 

Material and methods. Sufficient experimental details must be given to enable other workers to repeat the 
work.-The full binominal name should be given for all organisms. The International Code of Zoological Nomen- 
clature must be strictly followed. Cite the authors of species on their first mention. 

Results. These should be concise and should not include methods or discussion. Text, tables and figures should 
not duplicate the same information. New taxa must be distinguished from related taxa. The abbreviations gen. n., sp. 
n., syn. n. and comb. n. should be used to distinguish all new taxa, synonymies or combinations. Primary types must 
be deposited in a museum or similar institution. In taxonomic papers the species heading should be followed by 
synonyms, material examined and distribution, description and comments. All material examined should be listed in 
similar, compact and easily intelligible format; the information should be in the same language as the text. Sex 
symbols should be used rather than “male” and “female” (text file: $= 4, £= ©). 

Discussion. This should not be excessive and should not repeat results nor contain new information, but 
should emphasize the significance and relevance of the results reported. 

References. The author-date system (name-year system) must be used for the citation of references in the text, 
e.g. White & Green (1995) or (White & Green, 1995). For references with three and more authors the form Brown 
et al. (1995) or (Brown et al., 1995; White er al., 1996) should be used. In the text authors’ names have to be 
written in standard type face. However, in the list of references they should be formatted in SMALL CAPITALS (see 
below). The list of references must include all publications cited in the text and only these. References must be 
listed in alphabetical order of authors, in the case of several papers by the same author, the name has to be repeated 
for each reference. The title of the paper and the name of the journal must be given in full in the following style: 
PENARD, E. 1888. Recherches sur le Ceratium macroceros. Thèse, Genève, 43 pp. 

PENARD, E. 1889. Etudes sur quelques Héliozoaires d’eau douce. Archives de Biologie 9: 1-61. 
MERTENS, R. & WERMUTH, H. 1960. Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, XI + 264 pp. 
HANDLEY, C. O. Jr 1966. Checklist of the mammals of Panama (pp. 753-795). In: WENZEL, R. L. & Tipton, V. J. 

(eds). Ectoparasites of Panama. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, XI + 861 pp. 

Tables. These should be self-explanatory, not integrated in the text-file, with the title at the top, organised to fit 
122 x 180 mm, each table on a separate sheet and numbered consecutively. 

Figures. These may be line drawings or half tones, not integrated in the text-file, and all should be numbered 
consecutively. Figures should be arranged in plates which can be reduced to 122 x 160 mm. Drawings and lettering 
should be prepared to withstand reduction. Magnification should be indicated with scale lines. Authors should refrain 
from mixing drawings and half tones. If possible, originals of figures (ink drawings, photographs, slides) should be 
submitted (together with the revised version of the accepted manuscript). Original drawings will not be returned 
automatically. The Revue suisse de Zoologie declines responsibility for lost or damaged slides or other documents. If 
electronically scanned figures are submitted on disk or CD-R (never in MS-Powerpoint format !), this should be 
clearly indicated on the print-out of these figures enclosed with the print-out of the text. The following minimum 
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5 millions of pixels. 

Legends to figures. These should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet. 

Proofs. Only page proofs are supplied, and authors may be charged for alterations (other than printer’s errors) if 
they are numerous. 

Offprints. The authors receive a total of 25 offprints free of charge; more copies may be ordered at current prices 
when proofs are returned. 

Correspondence. All correspondence should be addressed to 

Revue suisse de Zoologie, Muséum d’histoire naturelle, CP 6434, CH-1211 Genève 6, Switzerland. 
Phone: +41 22 418 63 33 - Fax: +41 22 418 63 O1. E-mail: volker.mahnert @ 
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