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The Zoological Leafiets of Field Museum are de- 
voted to brief, non-technical accounts of the history, 
classification, distribution and life habits of animals, 
with especial reference to subjects shown in the 
Museum’s exhibits. 


No: 1 The: White-tailed: Deer i oo ar 10 
No.2: Chicago Winter Girda ss Si ee 10 
No. 3. The American Alligator ........ 10 
No. .:4. The Periodical -Gieada oo eg) sh a 10 
ING: Gy: “ERO Abpator Maer ra edn yo ee ee 10 
No. 6. The Wild Turkey .. Gah rath Pea 2 10 
No. 7. The Man-Eating Lions of Teavo. Fit hese -50 
No. 8. Mammals of the Chicago Area. . . ... .20 
No. 9. Pike, Pickerel and Muskalonge. . . .. . .50 
No. 10. The Truth about Snake Stories .. : 15 
No. 11. The Frogs and Toads of the Chicago Aven. F .25 
No. 12. The Salamanders of the Chicago Area .. . .25 



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CHIcaAGo, 1930 


The Salamanders of the Chicago Area 

The environs of any large city inevitably include 
numbers of people interested in natural history, as well 
as numerous schools and colleges and, with these, teachers 
and students interested in zoology and perhaps more or 
less dependent on the local animal life for study material. 
The local fauna thus becomes an appropriate subject for 
leaflets and handbooks designed to afford a simple means 
of identification of the animals of the area concerned. 
For the purpose of the series of zoological leaflets to which 
the present belongs, the ‘‘Chicago area”’ is the area within 
fifty miles of the center of Chicago. This, accordingly, 
includes small corners of Michigan and Wisconsin, with 
wide segments of northeastern Illinois and northwestern 
Indiana. With the salamanders we complete the treat- 
ment of the amphibians of the Chicago area, for the frogs 
and toads have been dealt with in a former leaflet in 
this series.! 

While the number of different kinds of salamanders 
in the area within fifty miles of Chicago is somewhat 
smaller than the number of frogs and toads, the former 
are even more interesting to the naturalist. They exhibit a 
greater diversity of form and structure and a much greater 
variety of breeding habits. In addition, there are numer- 
ous problems about the local species which remain to be 

1Zoological Leaflet No. 11, Field Museum of Natural History, 1929. 


The illustrations in the present leaflet, as well as the 
cover vignette, are the work of Leon L. Pray, who has 
illustrated so many zoological publications for Field 
Museum. Special acknowledgment is due him for his 
painstaking care in the preparation of these drawings and 
for his unfailing interest in the project of illustrating the 
local fauna. All of the figures except that of the newt 
were drawn from specimens from the Chicago area, and 
the species which are illustrated in color have been 

painted from living specimens. 

The word ‘‘salamander” has no very secure meaning 
in popular usage. In mythology it referred to a creature 
which was supposed to be able to endure fire with im- 
punity. It is not at all clear that this myth originated 
with the European “‘fire salamander’’ as its basis—it may 
equally well have had an independent origin, the name 
being subsequently transferred to the animals we now 
know as salamanders. Their supposed ability to with- 
stand fire has given rise to numerous technical uses of 
the word for instruments used in fire—such as the metal 
drum for coals used in drying plaster—or for the mass of 
metal or slag remaining in the metallurgist’s furnace after 
the fires are drawn. On account of their lizard-like body 
form, salamanders are often known as lizards. They may 
instantly be distinguished from all true lizards by their 
moist, glandular, and scaleless skin, lizards being scaled 
reptiles while salamanders are scaleless amphibians. 

The salamanders form the second of the principal 
groups of amphibians, the first being the world-wide frogs 
and toads, while the remaining group, the caecilians, is 
confined to the tropics. The technical classification is: 

Order Salientia (frogs and toads) 
Class Amphibia Order Caudata (salamanders) 
Order Gymnophiona (caecilians) 

The order of the salamanders is divided by students 
of this group into nine families, no less than seven of 


which (including the most remarkable forms) are found 
in North America. The families of salamanders are: 

1. Sirenidae Southeastern North America 

2. Hynobiidae Northeastern Asia 

3. Cryptobranchidae Eastern North America (Ohio 

4. Amphiumidae Southeastern North America 

5. Proteidae North America, Europe 

6. Ambystomidae North America 

7. Pleurodelidae North America, Europe, North- 

ern Asia 
8. Salamandridae Europe 
9. Plethodontidae North America, South America 

The extraordinary large salamanders of the south- 
eastern United States (illustrated on Plate IV) include 
the eel-shaped siren which has branched external gills and 
only one pair of limbs (fig. 1); the similarly shaped but 
wery different Congo snake or lamprey eel (Amphiuma) 
which has no external gills and both pairs of limbs, though 
these are reduced to an extreme degree (fig. 3); the very 
flat-bodied, stout-limbed hellbender (Cryptobranchus), with- 
out gills (fig. 2), notable for its relationship to the giant 
salamander of Japan and to a European fossil form of 
Miocene age; and finally, our local fauna includes the 
water-dog or mud puppy (Necturus) (fig. 4), which has 
well-developed gills and well-developed limbs. The 
Necturus is somewhat obscurely related to the blind 
European cave salamander, the ‘‘olm’”’ (Proteus). These 
forms are conspicuous for their size and for their isolated 
distributions. The most abundant salamanders of North 
America are the smaller forms of the family Plethodon- 
tidae, a group characterized by the entire absence of lungs. 
This family contains no less than eighty-six species, which 
may be grouped into fifteen genera, but only two of its 
forms are found in the Chicago area. 


The life histories of salamanders provide a fascinating 
subject. Fertilization in all of our species takes place in 
an extraordinary manner. There is usually a rather well- 
defined courtship of the female by the male, after which 
the male deposits a mucous-encased sac of sperm, known 
as a “spermatophore.” This is taken up by the female 
by means of her cloacal lips, and the spermatozoa then 
migrate to their special receptacle in the female, the sper- 
matheca, from which they fertilize the eggs as they are 

The eggs of all the species which lay in water are 
much like frogs’ eggs, and are frequently mistaken for 
them in early spring. There is no uniformity, however, 
in the place or manner of depositing the eggs, and these 
questions will be discussed under the several species head- 
ings below. The eggs segment regularly, and the young 
salamander hatches as a gill-bearing larva, often provided 
with a curious pair of rod-like “balancing organs.’’ Dur- 
ing the gilled stage, the limbs develop, the front limbs 
appearing first (which distinguishes them from the early 
stages of frog larvae). The changes on the occasion of 
transformation to the adult land stage consist principally 
in the loss of the branched external gills and a change in 
the texture of the skin, with considerable internal changes 
in the skeleton. The mouth parts and feeding habits, 
unlike those of frog tadpoles, undergo little change. 

One of the most remarkable phenomena in the natural 
history of salamanders is the fact that, under certain con- 
ditions, transformation to the land form may not take 
place at all. The aquatic larva, instead of losing its gills, 
may become sexually mature and reproduce season after 
season. This phenomenon, in a species normally with an 
adult land stage, is called neoteny. It is most typically 
developed in our common tiger salamander of the western 


MUD PUPPY (Neciurus maculosus) 


The occurrence of neoteny in certain salamanders 
seems to throw some light on forms like the mud puppy 
(Necturus), which may be thought of as a “permanent 
larva.”’ It seems evident that in such forms the adult 
stage has been lost during geologic history and that it is 
a larval form which is known to us. Such a conjecture is 
especially warranted in the case of the remarkable Texas 
salamander from artesian waters (Typhlomolge rathbuni), 
which has been shown to belong to the family Pletho- 
dontidae, other members of which invariably have an 
adult land stage. 

Scarcely less remarkable than neoteny is the develop- 
ment of numerous other salamanders on land, which 
involves the passage of the whole larval life within the 
egg. This is the case with one of our common species of 
salamanders, and appears as a definite tendency among 
the Plethodontid salamanders, culminating in viviparity 
in their most advanced genus, Oedipus, of tropical America. 

Salamanders possess remarkable powers of regenera- 
tion, in which they are perhaps unique among vertebrates. 
Lizards are able to reproduce a lost tail, but the new one 
differs radically in structure from the true tail, and limbs 
are not regenerated. Frogs successfully regenerate exten- 
sive areas of skin, and occasional limb regeneration may 
take place in adult frogs, but is exceptional. Complete 
regeneration of limbs is the rule among tadpoles. In 
salamanders this power of regenerating a limb or tail 
with its bony structure complete seems never to be lost. 

The position and number of ribs in land salamanders 
is indicated externally by vertical grooves on the sides, 
the “costal grooves,’’ whose number is frequently useful 
in distinguishing the species. 

Only four of the seven North American families of 
salamanders are represented in the fauna of the Chicago 
area which, furthermore, contains only seven species out 


of the total of eighty known from North America north 
of Mexico. The Chicago species are: 

1. Mud Puppy (Necturus maculosus) 

Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) 
Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) 
Jefferson’s Salamander (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) 


5. Newt (Triturus viridescens) 

Four-toed Salamander ( Hemidactylium scutatum) 
Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) 

Se oid 


A. Large, bushy, red gills always present; back more 
or less black spotted on brown ground color, 
always in water. 

Mud Puppy ( Necturus maculosus). 

AA. Adult without gills. 
B. Small red spots, edged with black, on the sides. 
Newt (Triturus viridescens). 
BB. No small red spots on back or sides. 
C. Small white spots on back and sides. 
Jefferson’s Salamander (A. jeffersonianum). 
CC. No small white spots. ; 
D. Belly white, with sharply defined black 

Four-toed Salamander (H. scutatum). 


DD. Belly not white. 

E. No large yellow spots, back uniform gray 
or red. 
Red-backed Salamander (P. cinereus). 

EE. Large yellow spots present. 

F. Yellow spots in two rows on back. 
Spotted Salamander (A. maculatum). 

FF. Yellow spots irregular on back, in a 
row along edge of belly. 
Tiger Salamander (A. tigrinum). 

THE Mup Puppy ( Necturus maculosus) 

The wholly aquatic mud puppy (Plate II) is one of the 
remarkable large salamanders of eastern North America. 
It ranges widely to the north and west, from the Atlantic 
Coast to Saskatchewan, and from the Gulf Coast to 
Quebec. An allied species (Necturus punctatus), some- 
what smaller in size, and with a very restricted range, 
occurs in the Carolinas. Their only relative, within the 
family Proteidae, is the olm, a blind white cave salamander 
of the Austrian Alps. . 

The mud puppy is not very well known to the residents 
of the Chicago area. Fishermen bring one or two speci- 
mens annually to Field Museum for identification. Even 
the name ‘‘mud puppy” is not widely current, and country 
school children are likely to know them as water lizards. 

It occurs somewhat sparingly in the Desplaines, 
Dupage, and Fox Rivers, and in the lagoons of Chicago 
parks which are directly connected with Lake Michigan. 
There seems to be a large population of mud puppies in 
Lake Michigan with a well-defined annual migration up 
the inflowing rivers, though definite observations and 
records on this topic are wanting. 

The mud puppy is immediately recognizable by its 
large size, stout body, short limbs and tail and large, 


almost rectangular head, with the unmistakable velvety 
red gills on the side of the neck. The gills are borne on 
three fleshy stalks on each side. They are not seen in 
their normal relation unless the animal is immersed in 
water and at rest. The color varies from grayish brown 
to darker brown, with a mottling of darker brown or 
black spots. Occasional specimens are dark brown all 
over with small black dots. 

The eggs of Necturus are deposited singly, each attached 
by a stalk of the gelatinous envelope to the under sides 
of stones, logs, or other objects, in varying depths of water 
up to five feet or more. The eggs are deposited in groups 
or “‘nests” with an average of sixty to seventy eggs in each. 
The time of egg-laying extends through May and June, 
and hatching seems to take place in June and July. The 
newly hatched larvae are about 18 mm. (three-fourths of 
an inch) in length, and have very large yolk sacs which 
provide them with food until they have doubled their size. 
The gills are developed and the limbs are represented by 
“‘buds’’ at the time of hatching. The juvenile Necturus 
above 30 mm. in length have a light yellowish line on 
each side of the back which distinguishes them from any 
other local salamander larva. 

The food habits of the mud puppy must vary in dif- 
ferent situations. The under surfaces of rock in the rivers 
west of Chicago afford an ample supply of insect larvae, 
small crayfishes, and other invertebrates. They frequently 
take hooks baited with earthworm, and are probably 
wholly carnivorous. It is not impossible that the mud 
puppies in turn are preyed upon by the larger fish. Their 
relations with the fish fauna of the Great Lakes are quite 

Necturus plays a useful role in North American zoologi- 
cal education, since it is a favorite for dissection in 
courses in elementary vertebrate anatomy in high schools 
and colleges. The number sold for this purpose by one 


of the biological supply houses in Chicago amounts to 
about 2,000 specimens per annum. 

THE TIGER SALAMANDER (Ambystoma tigrinwm) 

The tiger salamander (Plate III, fig. 2) is a typical 
representative of the salamander group and is our most 
familiar form in the Chicago area. The geographic range 
of this species is an extraordinarily wide one, spanning the 
North American continent almost from coast to coast, and 
extending from the Mexican plateau to southern Canada. 
Various local forms have developed in this widespread 
population, the one at Chicago being distinguished by its 
spotted, rather than cross-banded, color pattern. The 
common name is accordingly much more appropriate for 
the yellow-banded form of the western plains. 

In our area, the tiger salamander is most readily 
recognized by its large yellow spots, which are irregularly 
arranged on the back and sides and more or less confluent 
on the lateral edges of the belly. The spotted sides at 
once distinguish the tiger salamander from the spotted 
salamander, the only other species with which it might 
be confused. . 

These creatures are subterranean to an extraordinary 
degree. They are sometimes encountered during the sum- 
mer in garden soil. In the early fall they migrate over- 
land, at night, to the nearest pond or marsh, where they 
hibernate and are ready for egg-laying in the spring. It 
is during this overland migration that they are most fre- 
quently observed, for they fall into basement area-ways 
which serve as pitfalls from which they are unable to 

The eggs are laid in clusters three or four inches across 
in early spring (March), and are usually attached to sticks 
or weed stems in shallow water. Occasionally they may 
be laid on the bottoms of ponds, attached to dead leaves 
or chips or even stones. The number of eggs in a cluster 
ranges up to at least seventy-five. Egg-laying takes place 


soon after the ponds and marshes are free from ice, from 
the middle of March to early April. The larvae are 
hatched about fourteen days after the eggs are laid, and 
require about three months of growth before they are 
ready to transform into the gill-less adult stage. The newly 
hatched larvae do not have the curious balancing organs 
which characterize the two related forms, the spotted 
salamander and Jefferson’s salamander. 

The larvae of the tiger salamander in the plains region 
of western North America frequently fail to transform 
and continue to live and grow as gilled larvae without 
leaving the water. They attain sexual maturity and may 
then continue in this stage for generations (see above, 
p. 4). The large larvae are called ‘‘axolotles’ from the 
Mexican name of the similar and related forms in the 
lakes near Mexico City. 

Neoteny has been a favorite subject of investigation 
in recent years, especially with reference to the function 
of the thyroid in inducing transformation. A curious 
problem presents itself in this connection with respect to 
the local tiger salamander, for these are not known to 
produce axolotles. It would be interesting to experiment 
with them to see if axolotles could be produced in the 
laboratory. It seems not impossible that our eastern 
tiger salamander is in reality more distinct from that of 
the Great Plains than has been supposed. 

THE SPOTTED SALAMANDER (Ambystoma maculatum) 

The spotted salamander (Plate III, fig. 1) is an abun- 
dant form throughout the northeastern United States. It 
is apparently less abundant in the Chicago area than the 
tiger salamander. Field Museum has specimens from 
Willow Springs and from the vicinity of Highland Park. 

Like the tiger salamander, the spotted salamander is 
black or dark brown with yellow spots, and the two species 
are closely similar in size and body form. The spotted 
salamander may easily be distinguished by its unspotted 


sides and the arrangement of its spots in two fairly regular 
rows on the back. 

The eggs of this form are laid in earliest spring. They 
are readily distinguishable from those of the other Am- 
bystomas by the clear or semi-opaque mass of gelatine which. 
encloses the egg-cluster. The young larvae, for the first 
two weeks of their life, are provided with a pair of rod- 
like structures beneath the head, which apparently func- 
tion as “balancers.”’ 

The very remarkable courtship dance of this form was 
discovered by Mr. and Mrs. Breder, of the New York 
Zoological Society, in 1926. It has long been known that 
this species hibernates on land and there is a well-defined 
migration of great numbers of specimens to the breeding 
pools in spring. The Breders found that, at the culmina- 
tion of this migration, there is a sort of mass courtship in 
which males and females in woodland pools weave in and 
out in aggregations composed of large numbers of indi- 
viduals. This activity doubtless serves to stimulate the 
females to pick up the spermatophores as they are 
deposited by the males. 

The feeding habits of this species are apparently like 
those of the tiger salamander. They are found under 
logs, on the hardwood ridges northwest of Chicago, in 
early autumn. 

JEFFERSON’S SALAMANDER (Ambystoma jeffersonianum) 

Jefferson’s salamander (Plate I, fig. 1) is much smaller 
than either the tiger or spotted salamanders. Its black 
ground color with irregularly scattered white spots distin- 
guishes it adequately from any other salamander in our 
area. The white spots are much smaller than the yellow 
spots of the other two species. To the east and south, 
however, a similar coloration appears in the wholly un- 
related slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosus), a member 
of the family Plethodontidae. 


Jefferson’s salamander ranges from New England to 
Minnesota and southward to Virginia and Illinois. It is 
abundant under logs and railway ties in the Dune region, 
in early fall, and under logs on the wooded moraine 
northwest of Chicago. It doubtless occurs throughout 
the originally timbered section of the Chicago area. 

The egg masses of this species are much looser than 
those of the two related forms, and the number of eggs, 
averaging about fifteen, is much fewer. Egg-laying takes 
place at an earlier date than in either of the other species, 
almost as soon as the ponds are free from thick ice. The 
larvae have balancers like those of the spotted salamander, 
so that they are easily distinguished from tiger salamander 
larvae. They may be distinguished from the larvae of 
the spotted salamander by the concentration of the black 
pigment on the sides into fairly well-defined spots. 

THE COMMON NEwT (Triturus viridescens) 

The common newt (Plate I, fig. 2) ranges throughout 
the eastern United States, but is singularly rare in the 
Chicago area. It has been collected at Hesseville, Indiana, 
and in the Skokie marsh west of Highland Park. 

The newt is easy to distinguish from any other sala- 
mander in our area by its coloration, olive or yellowish 
green with a row of black rimmed scarlet spots on each 
side, and with sharply defined black spots on the belly. 

The life history of this species has received a good deal 
of attention. The male newt, during the breeding season, 
has the tail-fin so much widened that it is twice as broad 
as that of the female, and the hind limbs are much 
enlarged and provided with horny pads on their inner 
sides. The head of the male is provided with glands 
which appear to stimulate the female during the highly 
complicated courtship. The body of the female, distended 
with eggs, is plumper than the male, so that the sexes are 
very easily recognized. The eggs are laid singly, usually 





1. Spotted salamander 

2. Tiger salamander 


four. The china-white belly is not merely pale but has a 
deposit of white pigment, against which the small black 
spots are even more sharply defined than are those of the 
newt. The costal grooves are sharply bent on the back, 
which somewhat resembles scaling, and from this character 
is derived the scientific name scutatum. There is a definite 
constriction at the base of the tail. 

The breeding habits are remarkable in that they illus- 
trate a transitional stage between the purely aquatic 
development of most salamanders and the terrestrial 
breeding habits of the more advanced plethodonts. The 
eggs are laid at the edges of ponds or in moss in sphagnum 
bogs several inches above the water, and are guarded by 
the female which coils about.them. They require about 
five weeks to hatch, and the duration of larval life, which 
is passed in the water, is about six weeks. Egg-laying in 
this latitude takes place about mid-April. 

As has been mentioned in the introductory notes, 
salamanders are capable of complete regeneration of a 
lost tail or limb. In a number of forms loss of the tail 
forms a definite defensive procedure, the tail being cast 
off when the salamander is attacked by an enemy, in 
order to enable its owner to escape, while the tail, actively 
squirming and wriggling with reflex motion, occupies the 
attention of the enemy. This phenomenon, when the 
tail is provided with special breakage planes for the pur- 
pose, is known as autotomy. In the four-toed salamander 
the tail is provided with such a breaking point near its 
base, as may be seen in the figure. It is the only species 
in our fauna with the breaking point so restricted. 

THE RED-BACKED SALAMANDER (Plethodon cinereus) 

The red-backed salamander (Plate I, fig. 4) is the 
smallest species of salamander in the Chicago fauna. Its 
identification offers a difficulty in that it occurs in two 
color phases, one red-backed and the other uniform gray. 

Aa Ve 
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It is easily distinguishable, however, by elimination of the 
distinctive characters of the other species—it has neither 
white nor yellow spots, and has no sharply defined black 
dots on the belly like those of the newt or the four-toed 
salamander. Adult breeding males have swollen snouts, 
nasolabial grooves and elongated premaxillary teeth. 
These may readily be distinguished by examination with 
a hand lens. They produce a somewhat angular outline 
in the shape of the head. 

It has almost exactly the same range as Jefferson’s 
salamander—the whole of northeastern North America, 
ranging well north into Ontario and Quebec. It is pro- 
nouncedly a salamander of the forested region, living in 
and beneath decayed logs, where the wealth of small 
insect life affords an ample food supply. 

The life history is interesting for its complete adapta- 
tion to land life. The spermatophores are probably trans- 
ferred from the male to the female in late autumn. The 
eggs, five to thirteen in number, are deposited in the 
crevices of damp logs, probably no earlier than June, and 
often as late as August. The young salamanders com- 
plete their development within the egg and hatch as 
small replicas of their parents. 

The two color phases occur in about equal numbers, 
and have nothing to do with sex or habitat. 

Observations of egg-clusters of this species in the 
Chicago region are much to be desired. Terrarium obser- 
vation might yield important information as to the mode 
of transfer of the spermatophores from male to female, 
and the courtship activities, which doubtless exist, are 
wholly unknown. 

Assistant Curator of Reptiles and Amphibians. 



BLANCHARD, FRANK N.......... “Topics from the Life-history and 
Habits of the Red-backed Sala- 
mander in Southern Michigan,”’ 
American Naturalist, Vol. LXII, 
pp. 156-164, 4 figs. (1928). 

RWDMR, RUTH BiiccsG-a cu koeh.cke “The Courtship of the Spotted 
Salamander,” Zoological Society 
Bulletin, Vol. XXX, pp. 51-56 


DUNN, EMMETT RBID........... The Salamanders of the Family 
Plethodontidae. Northampton 

PROBED Gr, Bog yi et cece “Further Observations on the 

Life-history of the Newt, Tri- 
turus viridescens,’” American 
Museum Novitates, No. 348 
(1928) (with bibliography). 

SMITH, BERTRAM G.............- ‘Notes on the Natural History 
of Ambystoma jeffersonianum, A. 
punctatum, and A. tigrinum,”’ 
Bulletin, Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc., 
Vol. IX, pp. 14-27, pl.1-8 (1911). 

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