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VOL. I. 





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IN the publication of the four parts which complete the pre- 
sent volume of the Scientific Memoirs, I have ventured to make 
the experiment how far I might be able to succeed in supplying 
an auxiliary which, as was stated in the Advertisement prefixt to 
the First Part, appeared to be much needed for the progress and 
advancement of science in this country. 

My own conviction of the utility of such a work has been 
much strengthened since I have been engaged in it, both by 
the importance of the materials that present themselves, and by 
the expressed opinions of persons most competent to judge. 
How great ihdeed the disadvantage must be, under which those 
are placed who are engaged in any branch of scientific inquiry, 
from being uninformed as to what is doing, or has been done, 
by our active and laborious neighbours on the Continent, must 
be obvious to every one: and the cases are numerous to which 
the remark of Lenz, p. 312, speaking of Ohm’s theory of the gal- 
vanic battery, will apply,—that, although given to the world 
several years ago, yet, “being only published in the German 
language, it is unknown both in France and in England.” 

With regard to the execution of the work, I must submit it 
to the candid judgement of those who are aware of the difficulty 
of the task,—having availed myself of the valuable suggestions 
with which I have been favoured in the selection of memoirs, 
and of the best assistance within my reach for their translation. 
I shall be satisfied if what has been done should render the 
present volume useful to science, and if what there is still to 
do should induce the public to enable me to continue the work. 
Hitherto, as I can hardly yet boast of the sale of 250 copies, I 
am very far from having been repaid the cost of publication, to 
say nothing of the care and labour which have been required : 
nor could I be expected, having now finished a volume, which, 
from the nature of its materials, may be considered a complete 
work in itself, to proceed further unaided, until I have ascer- 


tained whether I may calculate upon adequate support. This, 
however, I cannot yet think it improbable that I shall obtain, 
when the plan and contents of the present volume shall have 
become better known ; and with this view, I shall gladly receive 
the names of those who may be disposed to uphold the work by 
purchasing what has been published, and forming the list of my 
future subscribers. 

I should hardly have been disposed to persevere further, had 
it not been for repeated expressions of strong interest in the 
success of the work, which have reached me from persons of the 
highest scientific eminence; among whom [ may perhaps 
without impropriety mention the names of Ivory, of Babbage, 
Powell, Forbes, Lloyd, Challis, Owen, Wheatstone, Phillips, 
Talbot, Hamilton, Faraday, and others in this country, and 
of Hare, Henry, and Bache in the United States. To several 
of them I have been indebted for very important suggestions ; 
and to Professor Wheatstone especially, for his valuable con- 

From the kind assistance of men of science, and from an 
increased acquaintance with the sources whence the best mate- 
rials are to be derived*, I think I may fairly hold out to the 
public the prospect of some considerable improvements in the 
work: and I shall be thankful for any suggestion for this 
purpose. I may perhaps give the titles or early notices of such 
foreign scientific papers as shall not be adopted for immediate 
translation: and as our first volume may be said to have cleared 
off some arrears, we may now come nearer to the present time, 
and endeavour to supply what is of the latest date and of in- 
trinsic value. 

However, this, as I have already stated, must depend upon 
my prospect of future support, and the success of the present 
volume ;—and, glad to have finished my humble but laborious 
task in completing it, I shall be able at my leisure to decide as 
to the future. 

Red Lion Court, 
June 29, 1837. 

* Arrangements have been made for obtaining such as may appear in the Swedish, 
Dutch, and Italian languages. 




Advertisement to the Reader. 

Art. I—Memoir on the Free Transmission of Radiant Heat 
through different Solid and Liquid Bodies ; presented to the 
Academy of Sciences of Paris, on the 4th of February, 1833. 
(AN OLLIE RE a cea Bo eee ts PAC ec i ae 

Art. IJ.—New Researches relative to the Immediate Transmis- 
sion of Radiant Heat through different Solid and Liquid 
Bodies ; presented to the Academy of Sciences on the 21st of 
April, 1834, and intended as a Supplement to the Memoir 
on the same subject presented to the Academy on the 4th of 
Memrmity S05... By IV. MELLONT n .. cecuhe me ooh. « eae op « 

Art. III.—Experiments on the Circular Polarization of Light. 
By Prof. H. W. Dove of Berlin ...... 

Arr. 1V.—Description of an Apparatus for ae i Paes 
nomena of the Rectilinear, Elliptic, and Circular Palos 
of Light. By Prof. H.W. Dove. : 

Art. V.—Memoirs on Colours in Sersiy aad erence ona 
new Chromatic Scale deduced from Metallochromy for Sci- 
entific and Practical Purposes. By M. Leoroitp Nositt of 
Reggio. . mee amet 

Arr. VI. >On “ates Mathematical aici cite Heat ae S. D. 
Potsson, Member of the Institute, &c.. 5 

Art. VII.—Researches on the Elasticity oF MBodies seen ne 
stallize regularly. By Ferix Savarr.. 

Art. VIII.—Experiments on the Essential Oil of ig oes 
Ulmaria, or Meadow-Sweet. By Dr. Lowrie, Professor of 
Chemistry at Zurich ......... 

Art. IX.—Researches relative to tie’ Wicca, Se ‘to ‘the 
Ancients and Moderns, by which the Vine_is infested, and on 
the Means of prey hi their ae By M. Le Baron 
WALCKENAER. . = Nalanda aie: 










vi j €ONTENTS. 


Art. IX. eb tnshiaenye: 5 1 See. CLE 
Art. X.—The Kingdoms of Nate this Life “ahd Aitinitys By 

Dr. C. G. Carus, he. - to His Majesty the King of 

Saxony ... 223 
Art. XI. Researches: on the ‘Bastia of Bodies high ery fale 

lize regularly. By Fexrix Savart..... 225 
Arr. XII.—Researches concerning the Nsture or the Bleatiing 

Compounds of Chlorine. By J. A. Batarp ..... . 269 
Art. XIII.—On the Laws of the Conducting Powers of Wires = 

different Lengths and Diameters for Electricity. By E. Lenz 311 
Art. XIV.—Memoir on the Polarization of Heat. By M. Met- 

LONE 5.4 82a serge Spee eee oe ae 


Advertisement on the Publication of Part III. 
Art. XV.—Memoir on the Motive Power of Heat. By E. 
CLapeyron, Mining Engineer ..... oe OST, 
Arr. XVJ.—Remarks on the cause of the ‘Sound ‘produced by 
Insects in flying. By Dr. Hermann Burmeister, of the 
University of Berlin ome 
Art. XVII.—Note on the ficAuctiont of feighnant Heat. By M. 
WEMELON Ess y'o5 eke os ee ae anit 2 Oe 383 
Art. XVIII.—Observations and Experiments on the Theory of 
the Identity of the Agents which produce Light and Radiant 


Heat. . By M MELEONI 20m oo aes spe ca oe 388 
Art. XIX.—On the Constitution of the Superior Regions of the 
Earth’s Atmosphere. By M. Brot ....... .* 393 
Art. XX.—Remarks on the real Occurrence of F ‘att furan 
and their extensive Diffusion. By Prof. EHRENBERG...... 400 
Further Notices of Fossil Infusoria. By the Same ........ 407 

Art. XXI. On the Chemical Effects of Electric Currents of low 
tension, in producing the Crystallization of Metallic Oxides, 
Sulphurets, Sulphates, &c.; in forms frequently closely re- 
sembling the native combinations. By M. BecqurreL .... 414 

Art. XXII. Ona New Combination of the Anhydrous Sulphuric _ 
and Sulphurous Acids. By Henry Ross, Professor of Che- 
mistry at the Royal University of Berlin ...... 443 

Arr. XXIII.—On the Forces which regulate the Internal Consti- 
tution of Bodies. By O. F. Mossorrs. oH ommunicated nee 
M. Farapay, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &¢.). . x, ... 448 


Art. XXITV.—On certain Combinations of a New Acid formed of 
Azote, Sulphur, and Oxygen. By J. Petouze ..... . 470 

Art. XXV.—An Attempt to explain the Absorption of Take ac- 
cording to the Shenae wie By Baron FaBian von 
Warvr Ee ak oe. eI a ea ga nin UE, 


Art. XXV.—(continued.) . . 483 
Art. XXVI.—On the Repidation of Bader Ni orptileriy a ee 
Movement of Machines. By M.H. Jacos1, Doctorof Science, 

and Professor at the University of Dorpat .............. 503 
Note on the Application of Electro-Magnetism as a Mechanical 
Power. By I. D. Borro, Professor of Natural Philosophy in 

the Royal University of Turin ...... 532 
Part of a Lecture on Electro-Magnetism, Welivened, rm the Phi- 
losophical Society at Zurich, erie the 18th, 1833. By the 

late Dr. R. ScHULTHESS ...... . 534 
On the Influence of a Spiral Conductor ir in fee ae sithe init 
sity of Electricity from a Galvanic Arrangement of a Single 

Pair, &c.- By Professor Henry, of New Jersey, U.S. .... 540 
Art. XXVIJ.—A singular case of the Equilibrium of Incompres- 
sible Fluids. By M. Ostrocrapskvy. . 548 

Art. XXVIII.—On the Origin of Organic Matter frot Be: 
Perceptible Matter, and on Organie Molecules and Atoms ; 
together with some Remarks on the Power of Vision of the 
Human Eye. By Prof. C. G. EHRENBERG ..... 555 

Art. XXIX.—On the Application of Circular electra | to Or. 
ganic Chemistry. By M.M. Bror and CHEvreuL........ 584 

On the Application of Circular Polarization to the Analysis of 
the Vegetation of the Graminez. By M. Biot .......... 584: 
Examination of an Optical Character, by which, according to 
M. Biot, Vegetable Juices capable of producing Sugar ana- 
logous to Cane Sugar, and those capable only of producing 
Sugar similar to Grape Sugar, may be immediately distin- 

guished. By M. Cuevreur ...... . 591 
On the Application of the Laws of Ginemiae Beldeeation to Gite 
Researches of Chemistry. By M. Bior ..... 600 

Arr. XXX.—On the Laws according to which the Mapnet acts 
upon a Spiral, when it is suddenly approached to or removed 
from it; and on the most advantageous Mode of constructing 
Spirals for Magneto-Electrical purposes. By E. Lenz .... 608 






M. Mettonr’s Experiments on the Immediate Transmission of 
Radiant Heat, pp. 42 and 55. 
Dove’s Apparatus for the Polarization of Light, p. 79. 

. Savart’s Researches on the Elasticity of Bodies by means of 

Sonorous Vibrations, p. 143. 
Savart’s Researches on the Elasticity of Bodies which cry- 
stallize regularly, p. 262. 

BurMEIsTER’s Remarks on the Sound produced by Insects; and 
EnReENBERG’s Memoirs on Fossil Infusoria, pp. 378 and 413. 
VI. To illustrate Baron von WreEDE’s Memoir on the Absorption 

of Light, p. 480. 
Jacosi’s Electro-magnetic Machine, p. 507 ; and ScHULTHESsS’s 
Electro-magnetic Machine, p. 539. 

Fe TW Gs Yes Get 3) 5) En cas 


156, line 4, for 8°35. read 5°35 

158, line 37, insert a comma after Calcium 

160, line 41, for 0:350 carbon read 0°350 carbonic acid 
—., line 43, for 0°450 carbon read 0°450 carbonic acid 
—, line 43, for 0°0759 read 0:075 water 

162, line 3, for sesquichromate read sesquichloride 

164, line 6, for them read bases 

— , line 22, for *754 read 0°754 

—., line 34, after stated that insert from 

—., line 34, omit contained 

—., line 35, after chloride of spiroil insert more obtained 
—., line 37, for 11°56 read 111°56 

165, line 18, for 0°510 water read 0'119 water 

470, line 5, for vol. xvi. read vol. lxvi 

—., four lines from bottom, for (Reaum.) read (Centigr.) 
471, last line, for precipitated read before-mentioned 
472, line 11, for in the same manner, read of the same kind 
—, line 33, for discoloured read decoloured 

—., line 41, for — 15° read 15° 

473, two lines from bottom, for give them read give it 
474, three lines from bottom, for of read and 

475, line 28, for Ka? read K a, 

476, line 6, for sulphur read sulphite 




Memoir on the Free Transmission of Radiant Heat through 
different Solid and Liquid Bodies ; presented to the Royal 
Academy of Sciences of Paris, on the 4th of February, 1833, 
by M. Metuont1. 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, t. i111. p. 1. 

Manrrorte was the first, so far as I am aware, who attempted to 
appretiate the action of diaphanous substances in transmitting or inter- 
cepting the calorific rays which emanate from terrestrial sources. After 
having observed that solar heat concentrated at the focus of a metallic 
mirror, suffered no sensible diminution of intensity by being made to 
pass through a glass plate, he took and placed his apparatus before the fire 
of a stove, and found, that at the distance of five or six feet the tempe- 
rature of the reflected image at the focus, when the rays were allowed to 
meet there without impediment, was such as the hand could not bear; 
but that when the plate of glass was interposed there was no longer 
any sensible heat, although the image had lost none of its brillianey. 
Whence he concluded that none *, or certainly but a very small portion, 
of the heat of terrestrial fire passes through glass. 

About a century after Mariotte’s time, the same experiment was re- 
peated by Scheele, who, instead of imitating the cautious reserve of his 
predecessor, asserted that from the moment when the glass was inter- 
posed there was no longer any heat whatever at the focus of the mirror +. 

* Mariotte, Z'raité de la Nature des Couleurs; Paris, 1686, part 2, at the 
end of the Introduction. 

+ Scheele, Vraité del Air et du Feu ; Paris, 1781, § 56.—The original work 
of Scheele was published in 1777. Mariotte died in 1684. 

Vor. I—Parrt 1. B 


Pictet, however, corrected the mistake by means of the apparatus known 
by the name of conjugate mirrors. A very transparent square of glass 
was placed between a thermometer and the heat of a lighted candle 
concentrated by the apparatus; the mercury in some moments rose se- 
veral degrees ; there was a perceptible elevation of temperature also when 
the candle was removed and a small jar filled with boiling water put in 
its place *. 

Some years later Herschel undertook a very extensive series of ex- 
periments on the same subject. They are described in the volume of the 
Philosophical Transactions for 1800. The author employs no artifice 
to increase the action of the rays of heat, and contents himself with the 
direct measurement of their effect by placing the thermometer at a very 
short distance from the diaphanous body. 

But doubts were started as to the conclusions drawn from these dif- 
ferent results. It was objected that part of the radiant heat was first 
stopped at the nearer surface of the glass, that it was gradually accu- 
mulated there and afterwards propagated from layer to layer, until it 
reached the further surface whence it began again to radiate on the ther- 
mometer. It was maintained even that nearly the whole of the effect 
was produced by this propagation. In short, some went so far as to deny 
altogether that the heat emitted by terrestrial bodies can be freely trans- 
mitted through any other diaphanous substance than atmospheric air. 

M. Prevost, by means of a very ingenious contrivance, demonstrated 
the erroneousness of this opinion. Having attached to the pipe of a 
fountain a spout consisting of two parallel plates, he obtained a strip of 
water about a quarter of a line in thickness. On one side of this he 
placed an air thermometer and on the other a lighted candle or a hot 
iron. The thermometer rose, almost always, some fraction of a de- 
gree+. Now it is quite evident that, in this case, a successive propa- 
gation through the several layers of the screen, which was in a state of 
perpetual change, could not take place. It was admitted, therefore, 
that other diaphanous media besides atmospheric air sometimes transmit 
the rays of heat as instantaneously as they always transmit those of 

M. Prevost’s process could not however be applied to solid bodies. It 
was therefore impossible to determine, by means of it, whether caloric was 
immediately transmitted through screens of glass. Delaroche completely 
solved this problem by employing a method invented by Maycock tf. 

* Pictet, Essai sur le Feu, § 52 et seq. 

+ Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire Naturelle et des Arts, par M. 
Delametherie, 1811.—P. Prevost, Mémoire sur la Transmission du Calorique a 
travers l Eau et d'autres Substances, § 42 et 43. 

t Nicholson, A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts, 
vol. xxvi. May and June 1810.—J, D. Maycock, Remarks on Professor Leslie’s 
Doctrine of Radiant Heat. 


The method consists in observing the thermometer as in the preceding 
eases; that is, when the caloric rays fall upon it after having passed 
through the plate of glass. We thus obtain a complex measure of the ef- 
fects produced by immediate transmission and by that conducting power 
of the layers to which we have given the name of successive propagation. 
If we know the value of either of these, we have that of the other. Now 
it is easy to determine the influence of the conducting power by repeating 
the experiment after having blackened with Indian ink that surface of the 
plate which is turned towards the calorific source. In this case, theimme- 
diate radiation being intercepted, it is clear that the elevation of the tem- 
perature at the other side must be attributed only to the conducting power 
of the layers. Should the elevation be now found less than it was at first, 
it will be a decisive proof of immediate transmission. And such was 
the fact in almost all the experiments of Delaroche; I say almost all, be- 
cause it was found that the quantity of heat freely transmitted varied 
with the temperatures of the source. For temperatures lower than that of 
boiling water it was nothing, and when an Argand lamp* was employed, 
it was found to be more than half of the whole quantity. 

No doubt can be raised as to the truth of this beautiful discovery of 
Delaroche ; and yet the method which he has employed to measure the 
quantities of heat freely transmitted is by no means exact, especially in 
respect to high temperatures. In order to understand this seeming para- 
dox two things are to be observed; Ist, the difference produced by change 
of surface between the two quantities of heat which penetrate the glass 
by reason of its conducting power; 2nd, the difference produced be- 
tween those two quantities by the total or partial interception of the 
calorific rays. 

It is fully proved by the experiments of Leslie and others, that glass, 
when blackened with Indian ink, absorbs all the rays of heat, though, in 
its natural state, it reflects a certain number of them. The quantity of 
heat which penetrates the screen will therefore be greater in the former 
than in the latter case. However, as polished glass reflects but a very 
small portion of caloric rays, the error arising from a difference in the 
state of the surface will be reduced to a very inconsiderable quantity and 
may be safely disregarded. But the case is different when we examine 
the error produced by the total or partial interception of the caloric ra- 
diation. In some of the experiments of Delaroche one half, at least, of 
the incident rays immediately passed through the screen. Thus it was 
evident that it was the other only which was stopped at the first surface 
of the glass. The effect of conduction must therefore be limited to this 
latter half. Butas the screen, when blackened, stops the whole radiation, 

* Journal de Physique, §c., par Delametherie, 1812,—Delaroche, Observa- 
tions sur le Calorique rayonnant. 


itis then exposed to a heat twice as strong, and therefore exhibits a far 
greater effect of conduction. Hence it follows that when we deduct from 
the observation furnished by the transparent glass the observation fur- 
nished by the glass blackened, the result obtained will be lower than the 
true temperature of the rays transmitted freely. But the error will not 
be the same in all cases. Being of no account when boiling water is em- 
ployed, it will increase in proportion as the temperature of the source is 
raised. The measures of the free radiations which suffer the greatest 
diminution will be those furnished by the highest temperatures. Hence 
it is evident that this latter cause of error in the measure of the imme- 
diate irradiation, instead of invalidating the law of Delaroche, serves 
only to give it greater certainty. We are therefore justified in saying, 
as we have said, that the want of exactness in the method has no 
influence whatsoever on the truth of the law which it has served to 

To Delaroche we are also indebted for a discovery, no less important 
than the foregoing, relative to the amount of loss sustained by the same 
rays of heat in passing successively through two squares of glass. But 
I abstain, for the present, from entering into any detail on this subject, 
as I shall have occasion to speak of it hereafter *. 

None of those whose labours we have been thus briefly noticing has 
thought of making an exact comparison between the transmissions of 
caloric rays through screens of different kinds; and, if we except the 
experiments of M. Prevost and those of Herschel, from which no con- 
sequence can be deduced, all the others were confined to the single pur- 
pose of.ascertaining the law of transmission through glass only. Neither 
has sufficient attention been given to the influence of the state of the 

* I must not omit to mention that, notwithstanding the results obtained by 
Delaroche, some most eminent philosophers (and of these it will be sufficient to 
name Laplace and Brewster) continued to deny the immediate transmission of 
heat through transparent solid bodies. ‘Their principal objection was founded 
on an experiment of that author, from which it was inferred that a thick glass 
intercepted a greater quantity of radiant heat than a thin glass, though the for- 
mer was much more transparent. It was insisted that this circumstance proved 
the presence and action of heat successively propagated from one surface to 
the other, and every elevation of temperature observed on the other side of the 
sereen was assigned to the conductible caloric. This opinion can no longer be 
maintained in defiance of the results furnished by the application of the ther- 
momultiplier to this species of phenomena. It will be seen, further, that the 
calorific action through a transparent layer is instantaneous, and that the time 
necessary for the instrument to mark its total effect is the same, whatever be the 
quality or thickness of the screens. Let the direct rays from an unvarying 
source of heat be received on the thermoelectric pile; let them be first made to 
pass through any diaphanous screen of one hundred millimetres in thickness: 
the index of the galvanometer sets itself in motion from the instant when the 
communications are established, and stops after having described an are of 
greater or less extent in an unvarying interval, which, with my apparatus, I 
find to be ninety seconds. 


surface, or that of the thickness of the layers and their internal structure 
on the quantities of heat which freely pass through them. I have en- 
deavoured to supply these different omissions, but the undertaking has 
proved too vast for me, and several parts of it are therefore incomplete. 
I hope however that I shall be able hereafter to return to these, and 
to treat them in a manner more satisfactory. 

In the mean time I present to the Academy the results of my first re- 
searches disposed in two memoirs. That which I offer at present con- 
tains an account of the method pursued in the measurement of calorific 
transmission and the application of the method in the case of an unva- 
rying source acting on bodies of different kinds. In the second I shall 
explain the facts connected with the succession of the screens and the 
variation of the sources. 


General Considerations on the Free Transmission of Caloric through 
Bodies, and the Manner of Measuring it by means of the Thermo- 

We have already observed that a diaphanous screen placed at a cer- 

tain distance from a calorific source stops a portion of the rays which 
strike its first surface, while the rest pass freely through. We have re- 
marked besides that after a certain time the heat stopped at the anterior 
surface, and accumulated there by successive radiations, passes on from 
layer to layer till it reaches the other surface, whence it begins to ra- 
diate anew ; and that this radiation mingling with the heat which passes 
through the screen by immediate transmission, prevents its being mea- 
sured exactly. 
- When the screens are liquid, the influence of the conducting power of 
the layers may always be destroyed if we incessantly renew the matter 
of the screen by means analogous to the strip of water employed by 
M. Prevost. But it would be always very difficult, and often impossible, 
to apply this artifice to solid bodies and even to such liquids as can be 
obtained only in small quantities. In order therefore to attain the same 
end in a general manner, and to render the experiments in some degree 
independent of conduction, other means must be employed. 

If we consider with due attention the manner in which the second 
surface of the interposed plate is heated, and the radiation which results 
from it, we shall see that the latter possesses properties very different 
from those that belong to the caloric which is freely transmitted. In 
order to be satisfied of this, we have only to observe that its action 
changes with the change of distance between the screen and the source ; 
a thing which does not happen, even in the slightest degree, to those 
rays that are transmitted freely. In fact, it is with the caloric trans- 
mitted immediately, as it is with light. 


If between the flame of a candle and the eye we interpose a plate of 
glass or any other substance more or less transparent, we find the di- 
minution of the intensity of the light always the same, however the di- 
stance between the plate and the candle may vary. The effect produced 
by distance on the freely transmitted caloric is exactly similar; and if 
at a certain distance from the active source there be a thermoscopic 
apparatus sensible to this portion of heat, the apparatus will always give 
the same indication, whether the screen be laid close to the source or 
to the thermoscope. 

But it is clear that it must happen quite otherwise to the conductible 
caloric ; for this portion of the heat, when it has reached the further sur- 
face of the screen, leaves it in the form of diverging rays which become 
weaker in proportion to the distance. In other words, the further sur- 
face of the screen being heated becomes a new calorific source whose 
intensity of radiation must decrease as the distance increases. 

We possess, therefore, a very simple contrivance for destroying the 
influence of conduction, if we keep the action of the free radiation in- 
tact. This contrivance consists in removing the screen so far from the 
thermoscope that the radiation of its own heat may, on account of its 
extreme feebleness, be totally disregarded. 

There are, however, some precautions to be taken; for in proportion 
as the distance between the screen and the thermoscope is increased, 
the distance between the source and the screen is diminished. The 
latter is therefore more heated, and radiates with greater force upon 
the instrument. It is easy to show by calculation that we always gain; 
that is, that we always weaken the conductible caloric more and more 
by removing the screen from the thermoscope, until we have placed it 
midway between the thermoscope and the source*. Let us, therefore, 
put the screen in this position (which is the most favourable of all), and 
we shall see that its heat has then no appretiable influence on the re- 

* Let a be the distance from the source to the thermoscope, « the distance 
from the thermoscope to the screen, i the calorific intensity of the source, we 

i He : } : 
shall have (G@—aps the expression for the radiation which strikes the anterior 

surface of the screen. This quantity will become C=, at the further sur- 

face, c being a constant quantity depending on the conducting power of the 
matter of the screen. In fine, the radiation of the further surface on the ther- 

moscope will be expressed by 77 its minimum (y) is to be determined. 
: oar =a 2ci(2a—a : . . 
Now, by differentiating we obtain a = aa ; the equation which gives 

. . a 
the quantity will then be 2~—a=0, whence a= g. 


sults obtained by means of the thermomultiplier*, and a source whose 
radiation is much weakened by distance. 

The apparatus is disposed in the following manner. A thermoelectric 
pile of thirty pairs is closed at one end and enveloped, at the other, in 
a small tube blackened inside to prevent reflection. Ata certain distance 
there is placed a large metallic diaphragm, with an aperture at the 
centre equal to the section of the pile. On the other side, in the same 
line, there is a lighted lamp, which is brought more or less close, until 
the needle which serves as the index of the galvanometer, marks an 
elevation of 30°. The radiation is afterwards intercepted by a screen 
of polished metal placed between the lamp and the diaphragm, and the 
needle returns to zero. Then there is placed on the other side of the 
diaphragm a stand, with a plate of glass fixed on it, and the whole ap- 
paratus is moved gently until it is brought midway between the pile and 
the calorific source. 

This being done, the opake screen is removed; the rays passing 
through the glass fall on the pile, and immediately cause the galvano- 
meter to move. In 58 or 6° it is driven through an are of nearly 215, 
but it afterwards returns nearly to zero, oscillates in an are of greater 
or less extent, and at last settles definitively at 21°. This last deviation 
decidedly marks the whole effect; for it is useless to continue the 
experiment for 15° or 20°. There is no longer any perceptible move- 

The time which the needle takes to attain its position of steady equi- 
librium is a minute and a half+. When the experiment is repeated 

* For the description of this instrument see the number of the Annales de 
Chimie for October 1831. 

+ Although the velocity with which radiant heat is propagated is unknown, 
we are nevertheless pretty certain, since the experiments of Saussure and Pictet, 
that this agent traverses spaces of from fifty to sixty feet in a time altogether 
inappretiable. It might be asked, therefore, why does not our apparatus in- 
stantaneously indicate the presence and the intensity of the rays emitted by the 
source? To this I answer, Ist, that the index of the galvanometer deviates at 
the very instant when the calorific communications are established, and we have 
just seen that in five or six seconds it describes almost the whole are of devia- 
tion. Ifa few seconds more are required to mark the entire action steadily, it 
is because the great conducting power of the bismuth and the antimony, and 
the great powers of absorption and emission belonging to their blackened sur- 
faces, render the lapse of a certain interval necessary, in order that a balance 
may take place between the rays which enter the pile and those which leave it 
or are extinguished within its interior. But the time required for the definitive 
equilibrium is much greater when common thermometers are used. If, for 
instance, one of Rumford’s most delicate thermoscopes, having the ball black- 
ened, and a metallic cover perforated on the side towards the source of heat, be 
submitted to the action of calorific radiation, it will be found that the time re- 
quisite to mark the whole effect is four or five times more than that required 
by the thermomultiplier. This delay is the consequence of the obstructions en- 
countered by the conductible heat in its passage through the glass, and in its 


with other plates of glass, or of any transparent substance whatsoever, 
possessing different degrees of thickness, from the hundredth part of a 
line to five or six inches, the galvanometer exhibits deviations greater 
or less than 21°; but the time requisite to attain the equilibrium is in 
all cases the same. In short, if we mark the time which the needle 
takes to arrive at 30°, we shall find it to be one minute and a half. 

The invariability of this time, in such a variety of circumstances, 
affords the most decisive evidence that the deviations of the galvano- 
meter are exclusively due to that portion of heat which reaches the 
pile by immediate transmission. Whence it follows, that in the arrange- 
ment we have adopted, the heat of the transparent body has no appre- 
tiable influence on the instrument. 

But a direct proof of this proposition may be obtained by operating 
on opake screens. 

I take a plate of glass a millimetre in thickness. I blacken it on one 

uniform distribution over all the points of the mass of air within,—a distribution 
which will necessarily take place, because of the fluidity of the thermoscopic 

Another inconvenience produced by the interposition of the glass, and from 
which the thermomultiplier is free, is the lapse of a perceptible interval between 
the commencement of the action and its manifestation on the instrument; for 
there is always some time required, in order that the heat may pass from one 
surface to the other. I speak not here of the caloric which might pass to the 
air by free transmission through the diaphanous sides of the cover; for when 
we have to estimate the intensities of caloric rays by means of thermoscopes, we 
cannot dispense with the blackening of the glass. So necessary indeed is this, 
that in order to make sure of the opacity of the glass, it must be overlaid with 
several coats of colouring matter. Otherwise, a portion of the rays would freely 
pass through the mass of air contained in the ball without dilating it. 

Now, in the common thermoscopes, we always measure the radiation through 
an opake plate of glass. This plate, however thin, must offer a considerable 
resistance to the propagation of heat, because of the feebleness of its conducting 
power, and will therefore, as we have already observed, render the apparatus 
msensible during the first moments of action. Let it be observed, moreover, 
that the more we endeavour to increase the sensibility of the thermoscope 
by enlarging the dimensions of the balls, the more we diminish the promptitude 
of its indications ; for the increase of volume is proportionally greater than that 
of the part of the surface turned towards the source, and the mass of air within 
is increased in a proportionally greater degree than those points of the glass 
which can communicate to it the heat they have acquired. Hence arises a 
greater difficulty in attaining the moment of equal temperature in all the points 
of the fluid mass, and, of course, the necessity of a longer time to mark the en- 
tire effect. 

In fine, the thermoscopes are utterly useless when it is required to measure 
caloric rays that are very feeble, and distributed according to given lines, or 
forming sheaves of small dimension. In fact, it would be necessary in this case 
to preserve the whole sensibility of the instrument by considerably reducing 
the size of the balls. But this is impossible. 

Whoever takes the trouble to weigh these considerations duly, will not, I 
think, hesitate for a moment to prefer the thermomultiplier to every other ther- 
moscopic apparatus in studying the subject of caloric radiation. 


side, and put it in the place of the transparent plate, taking care to turn 
its blackened surface to the lamp. The needle remains stationary, al- 
though the calorie rays continually fall on the anterior surface. It will 
be found immoveable also, if we employ a plate of copper coated on 
both sides with black colouring matter, or a thin flake of wood, or even 
a sheet of paper. Thus, though we should suppose the screen to be 
diaphanous, exceedingly thin, an excellent conductor of caloric, and 
possessing great powers of absorption and emission, the utmost eleva- 
tion of temperature that can be acquired during the experiment would 
not furnish rays sufficiently strong to move the index of the galvano- 

~ One is surprised at first to see caloric rays capable of giving a de- 
viation of 30° fail to produce any effect when they are absorbed by the 
screen, which must necessarily send its acquired heat upon the appa- 
ratus. But our surprise ceases when we reflect that this heat is sent 
equally in all directions by every point of the heated screen, and there- 
fore that the portion of total radiation which reaches the apparatus is 
but a very small fraction. 

We shall see hereafter, that the anterior surface of the pile does not 
measure six square centimetres. With these data, if we suppose even 
that the thirty degrees of heat are completely absorbed by the screen, 
and afterwards dispersed through space, we find that the quantity of 
the rays which reach the thermoscopic body dees not amount to the 
six-hundredth part of the whole. But the galvanometer that I use is 
capable, at the most, of marking only the 150th part of the force which 
moves the needle to 30°. Thus, even though the instrument were 
capable of discovering the presence of a heat four times as feeble, there 
would be no perceptible action. 

The experiments which I have been deseribing seem to me to leave 
no doubt whatsoever as to the truth of the proposition just now enun- 
ciated ; namely, that in my mode of operating the deviation of the gal- 
vanometer proceeds entirely from the heat instantaneously transmitted 
through the screen. These proofs, though so conclusive to my mind, 
seem however not to have been equally convincing to others ; for I have 
heard some persons say, “‘ We grant that the deviation of 21° obtained 
through the screen does not arise from the caloric propagated by con- 
duction from the anterior to the other surface, but it may be main- 
tained that it is caused by a heat instantaneously diffused, in the same 
manner as light, over all the points of the glass.” Before we admit such 
a mode of transmission, it seems to me that we ought to demonstrate its 
existence by some decisive experiment. But supposing it true, then we 
must also suppose one of these two things,—either that the molecules of 
the glass acquire from the action of the source such modifications that 
they themselves become so many calorific centres, and return to their 


natural state when the radiation is stopped; or that the heat, which is 
supposed to be diffused through the material points of the screen, is but 
common caloric obeying the known laws of equilibrium. In the first case 
we should be only attempting to explain the very cause of the transmis- 
sion, and the hypothesis, true or false, does not at all invalidate the fact 
which we are desirous to establish. In the second case, this heat, when it 
has reached the interior of the body, must take some time to issue from 
it; besides, this time must vary with the thickness of the screen, and its 
powers of conduction and emission. But let us intercept the calorific 
communication in our apparatus ; let us remove the diaphanous screen 
from its stand, and expose it for some moments to the free radiation of 
the lamp on the other side of the diaphragm: if the supposition be true, 
the internal molecules of the glass will instantaneously acquire some 
heat. In order to see whether this heat really exists, let us replace the 
screen on its stand before the pile, still leaving the calorific communi- 
cation with the lamp intercepted. The further-surface of the plate of 
glass will, according to the hypothesis, immediately begin to emit to- 
wards the pile that caloric which reaches it successively from within, 
and the index of the galvanometer must lose its equilibrium. But what- 
ever be the nature or the thickness of the screen with which this expe- 
riment is performed, we never obtain the slightest indication of a move- 
ment in the magnetic needle. It is therefore completely demonstrated that 
the deviations of the galvanometer exhibited in the experiments made 
with the diaphanous sereens are not to be attributed, in the least degree, 
either to the external or the internal heat of the screen itself, but solely 
and exclusively to free transmission. Thus, whenever, in consequence 
of the radiant heat of the source being made to fall on a screen, a 
deviation of the galvanometer is perceptible, we may rest assured that 
the whole of the effect produced is to be ascribed to the rays of heat 
immediately transmitted through it, in the same manner as luminous 

Before I conclude these preliminary considerations, it is necessary to 
remark, Ist, that galvanometers of very great sensibility, such as must 
be used for the thermomultiplier, do not directly indicate quantities 
less than half-degrees ; 2ndly, that the ratios of the degrees of the gal- 
vanometer and the forces of deviation are unknown. But it is often 
useful to have the fractions below the half-degree, and in certain cir- 
cumstances it is absolutely indispensable to know the ratios of the seve- 
ral degrees of calorific action which move the magnetic needles to dif- 
ferent distances from their primitive position. 

To find the fractions sought, we have only to take the means of a 
certain number of observations. As to the ratio of the deviations and 
the forces, it is difficult and, in the present state of the science, perhaps 
impossible to determine it generally. But electric piles, such as those 


employed in the construction of the thermomultiplier, furnish suffi- 
ciently simple means of solying the question in each particular case. 
Indeed there is nothing easier than to keep the index of the galvano- 
meter at any degree of deviation. All that is required for this purpose 
is to place a lighted lamp at proper distance from either side of the 
thermoelectrical pile. To prevent the possibility of mistake on this 
point, let us suppose the axis of the pile to be perpendicular to the 
magnetic meridian, and the communications so fully established that, 
when the left or the right side of the pile is heated, a corresponding de- 
viation will be exhibited by the galvanometer. Let there be now pro- 
duced a sufficiently marked deviation by placing a lamp near enough 
at the same side. Let this deviation be 44°. After having brought the 
needle back to 0° by interposing a metallic screen, let us make it move 
to the 42nd degree of deviation on the left, by means of a second lamp 
placed on the other side. To bring the needle back again to the zero 
point of the scale, we have only to stop the radiation by means of a 
metallic screen, as before. 

It is natural to ask what will be the effect now produced by the heat 
of both lamps being brought to bear simultaneously upon the opposite 
sides of the pile. The calorific effects will be partially destroyed, and 
the instrument will mark but their difference. If the same force were 
always required to make the needles describe arcs containing the same 
number of degrees, the index would stop at the second degree of devia- 
tion to the right; but we know that these effects continually increase to 
the right and to the left of zero. The difference of two degrees just 
now observed between the partial deviations of 44° and 42° was owing 
to the application of a force greater than what is required to make the 
index traverse the first two degrees of the scale. The position marked 
2° will therefore be exceeded, and the more so in proportion as the first 
force is greater than the second, and the are described will, when com- 
pared with the difference of the two deviations, immediately give the 
measure of the corresponding force. If, for instance, the needle stops 
at 8°, it will be inferred that the force required to make the needle pass 
from 42° to 44° is four times greater than that required to make it pass 
from zero to 2°.. This effect would be five times greater if the needle 
stopped at 10°, and so of the rest. 

I shall not attempt to conceal the fact, that in this process the propor- 
tionality of the forces to the degrees in the are employed as a compara~ 
tive measure is tacitly assumed. But the assumption is fully justified 
by experience ; for we find that in galvanometers whose astatic system 
has been brought to a high degree of perfection, the magnetic needles, 
through the whole extent of the arc comprised between zero and the 
twentieth degree nearly, describe arcs proportional to the action of the 
electric current to which they are subjected. To be convinced of this, 


it is by no means necessary to review in succession all the degrees that 
contribute to the formation of this are. The application of our method 
to the angles of 20° and 10° will be quite sufficient. This being done, 
we shall find an equal quantity between their difference and the effect 
produced by the simultaneous action of the moving forces. In other 
words, let us produce a deviation of 20° to the right and one of 10° to 
the left: let us then simultaneously expose the two opposite faces of the 
pile to the two radiations which produce these galvanometric indica- 
tions: the index will move to the right, and stop precisely at 10°. 
Hence we infer that the force necessary to make the needle describe 
the are comprised between 10° and 20° is equal to the force required 
to make it pass over the first ten degrees of the scale. Thus the pro- 
portion of the degrees to the forces is perceptible as far as the 20th de- 
gree on each side of zero. 

This fact seems opposed to the inference which might have been 
made in examining the nature of the galvanometric action ; for, in the 
successive rotation of the astatic system, the poles of the magnetic 
needles depart from the mean line of the electric currents. The inten- 
sity of the repulsive forces, therefore, decreases in proportion as the 
angle of deviation increases. Whence we should conclude that the 
effort necessary to make the needles exceed a given are should change 
as soon as the first degrees of the scale are passed. This would un- 
doubtedly take place if all the electric currents lay in a vertical plane 
passing through the line marked 0° ; but the cireumvolutions of the me- 
tallic wire which is wound on the frame placed under the graduated 
circle are distributed to a certain extent on each side of this plain. In 
the galvanometer which I have employed in my experiments, they cover 
the two opposite arcs of 76°, the chords of which are perpendicular to 
the line marked 0°. Thus so long as the oscillations take place within 
certain limits there will always be electric currents situated on each side 
of the needles. Now when the intensity of these currents is extremely 
feeble, their sensible effect on the needles must cease at a very short 
distance. Let us suppose this distance to be 18° of the division of the 
galvanometer intended to show the degrees of electric action which 
cause the deviations to the right and left for the first 20° of the scale. 
These degrees of action must be extremely feeble in a very delicate gal- 
vanometer. If, during these oscillations, the system of the needles is 
confined within the two initial ares of 20°, it is clear that it will always 
be subject to the same action, whatever may be the position in which it 
is placed; for there will always be near its plane a series of currents 
extending to 18° on each side, even when the system will occupy the 
extreme limits. The influence of the currents that are further distant 
will, according to our hypothesis, be nothing. As the moving force 
will therefore have a constant value, we shall have to consider only the 


modifications which the active part of this force is made to undergo by 
the different inclination of the needles to the direction of the currents ; 
and these modifications are quite analogous to those which take place 
in the portion of gravity that acts on the pendulum in different ares of 

Now the force necessary to make the pendulum vibrate from one in- 
clination to the other, is proportional to the difference of the cosines of 
the angles which the two directions form with the vertical. Whence it 
is clear that it remains sensibly constant in the ares that are not far re- 
moved from the line of rest. The same effect must therefore be pro- 
duced in the galvanometer also ; or, in other words, the force required 
in this apparatus to increase the deviation of the index by a degree will 
be constant near the line of zero, as is shown by experiment. 

From what we have just said it will be easy to see that the relation 
between the degrees of the galvanometer and the forces which cause 
the deviations of the needles, must depend on the sensibility of the 
astatic system and the distribution of the wire on the frame*. It will 
vary, therefore, according to the construction of the instrument, but 
may be always determined by the method we have mentioned. 

Experiment having shown that in my galvanometer the proportion of 

* In order to understand this clearly, it is sufficient to suppose a galvanome- 
ter in which the circumvolutions of the wire are more numerous towards the 
extremities than towards the central part. It is evident that under the action 
of such a system the forces which produce the deviations, instead of increasing 
or being merely proportional in the ares near zero, must decrease as we approach 
the extremities of the frame, in order to increase afterwards when the index has 
passed these positions. ! 

As to the influence of the sensibility of the astatic system, we shall be able to 
form a tolerably exact idea of it, if we imagine a galvanometer with the two 
needles possessing very different degrees of magnetism. Then the terrestrial 
globe will very powerfully affect both combined; and, in order to produce the 
least deviations, electric currents must be employed possessing much greater 
force than those required to produce small deviations in a more perfect astatic 
system. In the positions near zero, the electro-magnetic action produced by 
the most distant currents, that is, the action of the currents situated at the ex- 
tremities of the frame, will possess an energy sufficient at least to overcome the 
resistance arising from the twisting of the suspension thread and the inertia of 
the astatic system. It will therefore always contribute to move the oscillating 
mass. Hence it is evident that if the needles are displaced in the slightest de- 
gree, the consequence will be a loss in the moving force; for if the system ap- 
proaches a certain arc at a certain extremity, it recedes at the same time double 
the distance from the opposite extremity. Now we have already seen that, in 
delicate galvanometers, the moving force is constant when the angles are small ; 
and we have assigned the cause of this fact upon the incontestible principle that, 
in small deviations of the instrument, the action of the currents situated towards 
the extremities of the frame must be disregarded, not indeed because they have 
no value, but because it becomes, in consequence of its distance, extremely 
feeble, and incapable of surmounting the obstacles opposed to it by the torsion 
of the silk thread and the inertia of the needles. 


the degrees to the forces was perceptible as far as the twentieth degree 
of the scale, I have attentively observed the passage of the index through 
every 4°, by commencing with this position and continuing my obser- 
vations as far as the forty-fourth degree. There I stopped; for my ex- 
periments on calorific transmission were to be confined to radiations 
considerably weakened by distance. 

The ares passed once in virtue of the forces acting on the system of 
the needles at different points of their course are in the following ratios 
to one another: 

The are comprised between 

20° and 24° is equivalent to 5°12, commencing at zero. 

24 — 28 6°44: 
28 — 32 —— 8 -00 
32 — 36 — 9°92 
36 — 40 —-——. 12 44 
40 — 44 19 *04 

Each number in the third column represents the mean of eight obser- 
vations, which agreed with one another as exactly as could be expected 
from the nature of the instrument. Often equal, sometimes differing 
by 0%5, their greatest disagreement never exceeded 1°. A better proof 
cannot be given of the exactness of the method. 

The linear construction of these results, which gives a very regular 
curve convex towards the axis of the wes, has enabled me to obtain the 
values of the intermediate forces, degree by degree, from 20° to 45°. 
By connecting them with the fundamental observations, I have formed 
the following table of the intensities : 

Degrees. | Forces. | Degrees. | Forces. | Degrees. | Forces. 

29° 33°4: 38° 
30 airy, 39 
31 374 

32 39°6 

33 41°8 

34 440] 

35 46°7 

36 49°5 

37 52-4 

The use of a table requires no explanations. All the forces are re- 
ferred to that which makes the index describe the first degree of the 
scale. The values corresponding with the first twenty degrees are not 
exhibited in it; for through the whole extent of this are the number 
representing the force is equal to the number of degrees contained in 
the are passed over by the index. Thus, for instance, when we look 


for the forces which produce the deviations 35° and 16°, the first (46°7) 
will be found in the table, but the second, being under 20°, will have 
the same value as the arc; that is to say, 16. When we want to find 
the forces which correspond to fractions of a degree, we have only to 
ascertain the proportional part of the degree in question ; for, in the 
interval between one degree and another, the curve visibly coincides 
with the tangent. If, for example, we wish to know the force that cor- 
responds to the deviation 31°7, it will be sufficient to take at first the 
difference between 37:4 and 39°6 (the intensities of the forces belong- 
ing to 31° and 32°); this difference being 22, we shall find the value 
(x) of the force corresponding to seven tenths of the degree contained 
between 30° and 32° by this proportion, 

Petes aie 2 ou lea 
Adding this to the number 37-4, which represents the force correspond- 
ing to 31°, we shall have 38-9 as the value sought. 

Of the Polish, the Thickness, and the Nature of the Screens. 

The suggestions which we have offered as to the manner of measuring 
the quantity of caloric instantaneously transmitted by diaphanous bodies, 
and as to the precautions to be taken during the experiments, leave us 
searcely anything more to say on this subject. Nevertheless it may not 
be amiss to mention some particulars relative to the construction of the 
apparatus before we proceed to the exposition of the results. 

The pile employed in these researches is of the form of a quadrangu- 
lar prism; its two ends are plane surfaces, each measuring 4°24 centi- 
metres; it consists of 27 pairs and a half, or 5 elements of bismuth and 
antimony, 32 millimetres long, 2°5 broad, and 1 in thickness. It was 
not without considerable difficulty that we succeeded in combining and 
soldering together these minute bars. The facility with which liquid 
antimony oxidizes, the difference between its fusibility and that of the 
bismuth, and the extreme fragility of the two metals, presented so many 
obstacles, that it cost many an effort to overcome them. But a pile of 
very small dimensions was indispensable in the investigation of the laws 
of immediate transmission through rare liquids and crystallized solids. 
This was, therefore, to be obtained, or the experiments to be aban- 
doned. By this conviction we have been induced to persevere in spite 
of repeated disappointments, and by redoubling our patience have at 
last succeeded. 

The electric pile is passed into a ring formed of a thin square flake 
of copper internally lined with pasteboard and having a screw which 
serves to fix it on the stand, so that the axis naturally takes that hori- 
zontal position which it is to keep during the greatest part of the ex- 
periments. To each side of the ring there is fitted a tube of six cen- 


timetres in length, blackened on the inside; and at a certain distance 
from the mouths of these tubes are placed the stands destined to receive 
the screens. In strictness, a single tube and a single stand would be 
sufficient, and one of the sides of the pile might be closed by means of 
asmall metallic cover ; but, when we have to operate on bodies differing 
in quality and thickness, it often happens that they differ in tempera- 
ture not only from one another but from the pile also. Then if we 
place but one screen before the apparatus, the calorific actions at the 
two sides are unequal, the index of the galvanometer moves away from 
zero, and we must wait for some time until the equilibrium of the tem- 
perature is established and the index returns to its original position. 

Now this inconvenience cannot occur when the pile is furnished with 
two tubes and two stands; for, by placing before each side of it a plate 
of the same quality and thickness, it is clear that, if care be previously 
taken to place the two in the same circumstances, they will have the 
same temperature, and will consequently emit the same quantity of heat 
on the two sides of the pile. The index of the galvanometer will re- 
main stationary, whatever may be the difference of temperature between 
the plates and the thermoscopic body, and we may therefore immediately 
proceed with the experiments. Hence, if we would save time, we should 
always have a pair of screens of each sort; and, as we have just observed, 
put both sides of the pile in the same state. 

In order to ascertain the influence exercised on free transmission, by 
the different circumstances relating to the surface, the volume, and the 
composition of the sereens, we must procure a constant source of heat. 
For this purpose, there is nothing better than a good lamp with a double 
current of air and a constant level. When this apparatus is well pre- 
pared and filled with oil freed from mucilage, by means of sulphuric acid, 
we obtain a flame which maintains an invariable temperature for more 
than two hours. Of this I have been able to satisfy myself by means of the 
thermomultiplier. But in order to have things in this preparatory state, 
we must wait some moments until the pipe, the oil, and the glass funnel 
of the lamp shall have attained a maximum of temperature. This time, 
which varies a little with the construction of the lamp, is about ten or 
fifteen minutes. 

There may be some objections raised against the employment of an 
Argand lamp asa calorific source. It will be said, perhaps, that in this 
lamp the heat acts only through the glass funnel; that the funnel itself 
becomes heated, and mixes its rays of nonluminous heat with the lumi- 
nous caloric of the flame; and lastly, that such a source of heat is 
neither uniform nor separated from the agent which usually accom- 
panies it in high temperatures. 

But I wish it to be particularly observed, that the only thing about 
which we are interested at present is, to know whether the state of the. 


surface, the colour, and the internal structure of a body, as well as its 
chemical composition, have any influence whatever in the quantity of 
heat which it transmits immediately; and that, in this point of view, the 
origin and the qualities of the caloric rays become objects of perfect 
indifference; for it is enough for our purpose that the rays be invari- 
able and identical in all the circumstances in which they are employed. 
Now this actually is the case with the rays issuing from the well sup- 
ported flame of a Quinquet lamp placed at a fixed distance. 

When we shall have found the ratios of the quantities of heat trans- 
mitted by screens of different kinds under the influence of a constant 
source, then, agreeably to what we have stated in the introduction, we 
shall examine the changes which those ratios undergo in consequence 
of the variation of the sources. 

All our experiments of comparison have been made with the same 

calorific radiation. Previously to the commencement of each series 
the rays were allowed to fall directly on the pile, and the distance of 
the lamp was modified until the needle of the galvanometer fixed itself 
at 30° of the scale. 
’ We have remarked in the preliminary considerations, that all the 
external parts of the thermoscope are sheltered from the caloric rays by 
means of a large screen of polished metal, having in its central part a hole 
to correspond with the opening of the pile turned towards the lamp. 

In order to establish or to intercept the communication between this 
aperture and the source of heat securely and commodiously, we make 
use of a moveable copper screen, consisting of two or three parallel 
plates fixed on the same support. The side of the pile opposite to the 
lamp may also be closed and opened by means of a screen altogether 
similar, and for the following purpose : 

When, after having observed the effect of any radiation whatsoever, 
we intercept the action of the source, we must wait until that face of 
the pile on which the rays of heat are darted has been restored to its 
natural state before we make a second observation. Now it appears 
that the heat emitted by the flame penetrates the apparatus with greater 
ease than it issues from it, because of its natural tendency to an equili- 
brium. At least the experiment shows that the time requisite to pro- 
duce the deviation is to that in which the needle recovers its original 
position nearly as one to five ; for the latter is from 7% to 88, and we 
have seen that the whole deviation is produced in a minute and a half: 
Whatever be the cause of this difference between the time required for 
heating and that required for cooling, we must always allow 8° to elapse 
after one experiment before we proceed to another, if we confine our- 
selves to the placing of the first moveable screen before the radiating 
source. But let the opposite side of the pile be opened and a lighted 
candle brought close to the corresponding face: it is evident that if the 

Vor. L—Parr I. c 


candle be held for some minutes at a suitable distancé, and the com- 
munication then intercepted, the needle will be forced back to zero in 
an interval of time less than 8°. These operations would be impossible 
if the side of the pile opposite to the lamp were hermetically closed. 
The second moveable screen serves then to abridge the duration of the 
experiments. It is particularly useful when the calorific action has 
been very powerful or considerably prolonged, which sometimes happens 
in the first attempts at adjustment. During these, the portions of heat 
penetrate the pile toa great depth, and cannot return until a considerable 
time has elapsed. Before these simple means of correction had occurred 
to me, the difficulty of restoring the equilibrium of the two extremes of 
the pile, as well as that which I experienced in respect to ‘he different 
temperatures of the screens and the apparatus, often obliged me to stand 
still for fifteen or twenty minutes between two consecutive experiments. 

When any object of research requires numerous experiments, we 
should endeavour from the very outset to avail ourselves of all that 
contributes to make them more expeditious; for the least delay arising 
from imperfectness of method will, by gradually accumulating, ulti- 
mately render the labour of whole days utterly fruitless. Yet, the at- 
tention being absorbed by the main object, these little defects are at 
first unnoticed. At length, however, we become sensible of them, and 
endeavour to apply aremedy when it is almost too late. But the result 
of the experiment is not without its use, since it may be more or less 
serviceable in analogous circumstances. This consideration must be 
my apology for the minuteness of detail into which I have entered. 

The first problem that presents: itself, in the series of questions rela- 
tive to the passage of radiant heat through solid bodies, is to determine 
the influence which the degree of their, polish has, and the quantity of 
rays transmitted. In order to solve this, we have but to apply our 
thermometrical method to several screens perfectly similar in all re- 
spects, except as to the state of the surface. 

Out of the glass of a mirror which was very pure, and nine milli- 
metres in thickness, I cut eight pieces sufficiently large to cover the 
central aperture of the screen when they were placed on the stand; and, 
after having removed the quicksilver, I wore them down with sand, 
emery, and other such substances, so as to form by their succession a 
complete series of plane surfaces more or less finely wrought, from the 
first and coarsest to the highest and most perfect polish. These dif- 
ferent pieces reduced to one common thickness of 8™™-371* and ex- 

* All the measures of small degrees of thickness contained in this Memoir 
have been taken with a pair of calipers with pivots, a species of double com- 
passes, with a spring and with legs of unequal lengths, much used in the manu- 
facture of clockwork. This instrument measures directly, and with great nicety, 
even the fortieth part of a line. 


posed to a radiation of 30° of the thermomultiplier, have furnished the 
following results : 

Order of the screens. Deviations of the 

PoP. 4.60.2: .canteceuseders 538 
QD. ——— hee eecseceeenees 6°50 
Be ———$———. hs ss sncceccncceccscneces 8°66 
Re Eien tS OE ENG 12°58 
C. Suehibe dal a5 ..ctge ssi excaeie 17°42 
Met MEAN SDATOUG os nannnanchs ch =srned 18°79 
8. 19°15 

These transmissions present nothing extraordinary: the quantity of 
heat which passes through the medium is greater in proportion as the 
surface is more finely polished, as it happens in respect to light. The 
only thing to be remarked is, that in the high degrees of polish a slight 
difference produces a very slight effect. This is evident from the ob- 
servations made on Nos. 7 and 8. 

Similar processes enable us to determine the influence of thickness, 
which is one of the elements most necessary to be known in the theory 
of transmission. 

Four pieces cut out of a fine mirror were reduced with great nicety 
to different degrees of thickness in the ratio of 1, 2, 3, 4: particular 
care was taken to give to their principal surfaces a perfect parallelism, 
and the highest polish possible. The following are the deviations which 
they successively produced in the index of the galvanometer under the 
action of the same radiation, namely 30°: 

Thickness of the screens Deviations of the Corresponding 
in millimetres. galvanometer. forces. 
. 2:068 21°625 21°850 
4°136 20°312 20°343 
6°202 19°687 19°687 
8272 19°375 19°375 

Each number in the second column is deduced from fifteen observa- 
tions: the quantities registered under the denomination of forces, 
representing in this particular case the respective temperatures or 
quantities of rays transmitted, have been calculated according to the 
principles with the exposition of which we concluded our general ob- 
servations. The force or temperature answering to 30°, as given by 
the table of intensities, is 35°3; now, by dividing each number of the 
third column by 35°3, we shall obtain the ratios of the transmitted rays 
to the incident rays. The difference between each of these quotients and 
unity will give the corresponding loss; that is, the proportional part of 
ss Bits 



the rays that are stopped. By performing these operations, and repre- 
senting the whole radiation by 1000, we obtain 

Order of the Transmitted 
screens. rays. nore stopped. 
1. 619 ok aa 
2. 576 4.24. 
3. 558 442 
4. 549 451 

Let us imagine the thickest of the screens split into four equal layers ; 
the quantities of heat falling upon each will be 

1000, 619, 576, 558, 
and the quantities lost in successively traversing the four intervals 

381, 424—381, 442-424, 451—442; 
that is to say, 
$81, 43, 18, 9. 

_ Weshall then have for the ratios of the respective losses to the incident 

381 43 18 9 

1000’ 619° 576° 553° 

0°381, 0-071, 0-031, 0-016. 

Thus the losses continue to decrease with great rapidity as the thickness 
increases by a constant quantity. 

We have seen that the action of the radiation on the thermomulti- 
plier commences at the instant when the communications are established, 
produces the greatest part of its effect in the first five or six seconds, 
and ceases entirely after a minute and a half. These facts, which are 
equally true of the direct rays and of those which reach the pile after 
having passed through screens of any thickness whatsoever, constitute 
the best proof that caloric is transmitted by radiation through the inte- 
rior of the diaphanous bodies. . If, nevertheless, a new confirmation of 
this truth were desired, it would be found in the successive diminution 
of the losses which the rays undergo in crossing the different layers of 
a transparent medium. Were the heat, which is the subject of our im- 
mediate inquiries, the effect of a species of conducting power, the losses 
would continually increase from layer to layer, or would remain con- 
stant, from the moment when the rays penetrated the medium, and 
could never follow the opposite law of decrease. 

The progressive diminution of the losses is, moreover, entirely pecu- 
liar to the calorific radiation, whose properties in this and in many other 
respects are altogether different from those of the luminous rays. In 


fact, everything leads us to believe that the equal layers which succeed 
one another in a diaphanous medium act in the same manner on the 
rays of light which come in succession to pass through them, and that 
they consequently absorb or reflect a quantity of light. proportional 
to the intensity of the incident rays; that is to say, that the loss sus- 
tained by the luminous radiation at every layer of equal thickness is 
constant. In the case under consideration, the invariable decrement of 
the light at each of the layers into which we suppose the screen divided 
is found to be none at all, or extremely feeble, because of the perfect 
transparency of the glass; and yet the caloric rays undergo in their 
successive passages an absorption, the sum of which is equal to about 
the half of their whole value ; and the losses at each layer, instead of 
being constant, as happens to those sustained by the luminous rays, are 
found to differ enormously from one another, being in the proportion of 
the numbers 381, 71, 31, and 16. 

The resistance of diaphanous media to the immediate transmission of 
the rays of heat is therefore of a nature altogether different from that 
which is presented by the same media to the propagation of light. 

Whatever be the cause of this singular difference, it is highly im- 
portant to determine with certainty whether it takes place at great di- 
stances from the surface at which the rays enter; and this may be done 
by repeating the experiments on layers of glass much thicker than those 
which we have been using. . 

With this view I took several pieces of the glass of Saint-Gobain, and 
caused them to be recast. This operation was not completely suecess- 
ful. The matter either formed itself into layers that were too thin, or 
was slightly striated. From among the thick pieces I selected that which 
was the purest. It was six inches in length. I divided it into three parts, 
of one, two, and three inches in thickness. The defects being uniformly 
distributed over all the points of the mass might probably enough alter 
the quantity of the caloric rays that would have passed through a per- 
fectly pure mass of the same matter and thickness; but it is clear that 
they could have no influence on the nature of the progression of the 
losses which these rays might undergo in passing from one layer to an- 

The following are the results obtained by exposing these screens to 
the ordinary radiation of 30° : 

Thickness of the screens 

See tae Galvanometric deviations. 
in millimetres. 

27 177105 
54 13°458 
81 - 10°702 

By a calculation exactly similar to that already made we find that, 


of every thousand rays emanating from the source, each screen transmits 
or stops the following quantities : 

Order. Rays transmitted. Rays stopped. 
1. 484 516 
2. ae 380 620 
3. 303 697 

By means of these data we obtain as the values of the calorific losses, 
considered with reference to the quantities of rays which present them- 
selves successively to pass through the three equal layers into which we 
may suppose the last screen divided, 

0°516 0°215 0°203. 

These losses are still greater than those preceding, because of the 
badness of the material and the greater thickness of the layers, but they 
are still in a decreasing progression. Thus the diminution continues 
beyond 54 millimetres. 

To compare this diminution with that which took place in the last 
screen in the preceding experiments we must multiply 0012 (the differ- 
ence between 0°215 and 0°203) by 2:068, and divide the product by 27. 
In this way we obtain the mean diminution for a thickness of 2™-068 
in passing from 54 to 81 millimetres, which is nearly 0-001; in the pre- 
ceding experiment it was fifteen times as much while the rays passed 
through the same layer of 2"™-068 placed at a distance of 6 millimetres. 
The difference would be still greater if we had used very transparent 
layers of glass, such as flakes of the glass of a mirror attenuated. 

Nevertheless I had some doubts as to the homogeneity of the glass: 
I was afraid that the striz might not be equally distributed over all the 
points of the mass. But not being able to procure large pieces of this 
material entirely free from defects, I thought that analogous experi- 
ments performed with liquids might answer quite as well. In employ- 
ing these instead of glass there was, in case of success, the additional 
advantage of extending the law of calorific transmission by making it 
independent of the physical constitution of the medium. 

I procured therefore several copper troughs, of the same breadth but 
of different lengths, bounded at each end by a glass plate. These I placed 
successively between the perforated screen and the pile in such a manner 
that the anterior glass plate was quite near the screen, the distance of 
which remained constantly the same. The common section of the troughs 
was much larger than the central aperture of the screen; the reflexions 
on the lateral faces could not take place, and the only rays that entered 
a little out of the perpendicular direction reached the anterior surface of 
the pile. The lamp was moved up so near that the needle of the gal- 
vanometer exhibited a deviation of 30° through the two glass plates of 
each trough. The radiation was then intercepted, the trough filled with. 


oil of colza*, and after having waited until the needle recovered its ori- 
ginal position we reestablished the calorific communication. 

The deviations obtained through the different thicknesses of the li- 
quid are exhibited in the following table. 

Degrees of thickness of Deviations of the galva- 

the liquid layer. nometer. 
mm o 

6°767 15°642 

13°535 12°831 

27:069 10°389 

54°139 9°540 

81°209 8-988 

108°279 8512 

The free radiation being always represented by 1000, the respective 
quantities of the rays transmitted and those stopped are found to be : 

TaBLeE B. 
Degree of hckness of Guay transmitted, Rays slope 


6°767- 443 557 

13°535 363 637 

27:069 294 706 

54°139 270 730 

71-209 255 745 

108°279 44 756 

If we suppose the last layer (of 108™"-274) subdivided into six paral- 
lel slices of the following degrees of thickness : 6™"*767, 6°767, 13°535, 
27-069, 27-069, and 27-069, we shall be able to determine, by means 
of the numbers contained in the two last columns, the quantity of heat 
incident to the first surface of each of these slices and the quantity lost 
in the passage. Dividing the second by the first we shall ascertain the 
loss. It is unnecessary to exhibit the operations in detail, as they are in 
all respects similar to those which have been performed in reference to 
the screens of glass. Here are the final results: 

Degrees of thickness of the six Losses in the respective transmissions 
successive slices into which referred to the quantities of 
we suppose the layer of rays which arrive at the 
108"™-274 to be divided. surface of each slice. 

6°767 0°557 
6°767 0°180 
13°535 0°190 
27-069 0°082 
27:069 0°056 
27°069 0:040 

[* It may be proper to inform the English reader that “oil of colza”’ is an oil 
expressed from the seeds of the ChowColza of the French, Brassica arvensis, Linn. 
It must not be confounded with the rape oi! of England, obtained from the Rape, 
Brassica Napus—Evit.] 


Whence it is concluded that the losses still decrease at a distance of 
about 100 millimetres. 

To comprehend at a single glance the law of the propagation of ca- 
loric radiating through diaphanous media we have only to reduce the 
results contained in the first two columns of the Tables A. and B, to a 
linear construction. 

The mere inspection of the curves thus constructed shows that the rays 
lose very considerably when they are entering the first layers of the me- 
dium. But in proportion to their distance from the surface we see that 
the loss decreases and that at a certain distance it is almost imperceptible, 
and the rays seem to continue their progress, retaining all their inten- 
sity ; so that in glass and in oil of colza, and probably in all other dia- 
phanous media, the portion of heat which has forced its passage through 
the first layers must penetrate to very great depths. 

Delaroche had found that the heat which has passed through one 
plate of glass becomes less subject to absorption when it is passing 
through a second. The identity of this fact with the law of resistance 
in continuous media shows that the solution of the continuity and the 
interposition of the atmosphere between the two screens do not alter 
the nature of the modifications which the rays undergo in the first plate 
of glass. It is therefore exceedingly probable that the proposition of 
Delaroche is true with respect to a very numerous series of thin screens; 
for we have just seen that in the same medium the losses still diminish to 
the depth of 80 or 100 millimetres. In reference to this point, the follow- 
ing is the result of the experiments I have made with four plates of the 
same glass that had been employed in the first attempts to investigate the 
law of propagation through continuous media ©The common thickness 
of these plates was 2™™-068. 

Numbers of Deviations of the galva- 
the screens. nometer. 
8 21°62 
2: 18°75 
3. 17°10 
4. 15°90 

It is scarcely necessary to observe that the common radiation to which 
the screens had been exposed was always 30 degrees, answering to a 
force or temperature of 35:3. If we represent this radiation by 1000, as 
we have done in all the foregoing cases, we have: 

Numbers of the screens. Rays transmitted. Rays stopped. 
l. 619 381 
2. 531 469 
Se 484 515 
4 4.50 540 

Whence oe have 
0381, 07134, 0'087, 0:058, 


as the losses suffered by the rays in successively passing through the four 
plates of glass; it being carefully kept in mind that these values are not 
referred to the initial quantity, but to the number of rays which arrive 
at the surface of each screen. 

Thus the proposition of Delaroche is true as far as the third and the 
fourth screens; for in the transition from one loss to another a dimi- 
nution of each loss is observable. 

It will have been observed that the losses were not so great in re- 
spect to the four equal layers of the screen of a fourfold thickness ; and 
that this should happen will be easily conceived if we consider that in 
the latter case there is a solution of continuity which causes a greater 
dispersion of the heat by reflexion. But we see that in both cases the 
difference between two successive losses becomes less in proportion as 
the distance from the surface, at which the rays entered, is greater. 

Let us now proceed to consider the influence exercised on calorific 
transmission by the composition of the substance of the screen. 

M. Prevost had concluded from the experiments described in a me- 
moir already quoted, that water and glass ought to transmit rays of heat 
in different quantities ; for by causing the sheet of water to fall between 
the lighted candle and a very delicate air-thermometer, he obtained no 
indication of heat being transmitted unless when he had blackened the 
ball of the thermometer, and even then the increase of temperature was 
extremely small ; whilst a plate of glass substituted for the sheet of water 
produced effects sufficiently manifest*. But it was objected to him that 
the difference between the action of the water and that of the glass was 
owing to the conductible caloric which was perceptible in the latter 
case only. Delaroche subsequently observed that a square of greenish 
glass transmitted more heat than a plate of another species of glass 
perfectly pure. However, as the first flake was much thinner than 
the second, it was insisted that the difference in the effects was owing 
to the difference of thickness. At length, some time after the in- 
vention of the thermomultiplier, M. Nobili and myself made some ex- 
periments on olive oil, alcohol, water, and nitric acid; whence we in- 
ferred that water opposed a greater resistance than any of the three 
other liquids did to the passage of rays of heat emanating from a hot 
iron+. But these experiments are to be regarded only as mere trials, 
tending to show the facility with which the thermomultiplier may be 
employed in all sorts of inquiries relative to calorific radiation ; for we 
did not take sufficient precautions to prevent the heat from passing by 

_ * His own words are: “It appears, therefore, that water does not allow so 
much caloric to pass immediately as glass does. At least it affords a passage of 
that kind ouly to a quantity of caloric more minute than that which passes 
through the glass.” (Mem. already quoted, § 48.) 

+ See the note in page 4, 


means of conduction, and to be sure that the temperature was the same 
throughout. Thus it was still believed that the portion of heat trans- 
mitted through solid or liquid substances was governed by the same 
laws as the transmission of light, and that, ceteris paribus, the most 
diaphanous bodies transmitted the greatest quantity of caloric rays. 

The results which I am about to state seem to me to establish beyond 
the possibility of doubt a fundamental proposition in the theory of ra- 
diant heat, namely, that the power of transmitting caloric rays is by 
no means proportioned to the transparency of the media; it is subject 
to a different law, which, in bodies without regular crystallization, ap- 
pears to have many affinities to refrangibility. In crystals the pheeno- 
mena are still more interesting, since in them we find that bodies pos- 
sessing a high degree of transparency intercept nearly the whole of the 
caloric rays, while some others act in a manner directly contrary. These 
properties are invariably manifested whatever be the temperature of the 
source, and become yet more singular at low temperatures ; for in the 
latter case we find that the ordinary heat of the hand passes immediately 
through a solid body of. several inches in thickness. Let us not, how- 
ever, anticipate as to the facts, but first of all examine the methods pur- 
sued in this third series of experiments. 

In the first place it is unnecessary to dwell on the manner in which 
the solid screens have been exposed to the radiation and the indications 
of the thermomultiplier, for in this respect everything was the same as 
in the previous experiments. As to the liquids, these bodies are less 
permeable to radiant heat than solid bodies are. They must therefore 
be brought nearer to the thermoscope in order to obtain a well-marked 
transmission; but then the proper heat of the molecules themselves 
might be able to act on the instrument, and this the more certainly as 
the motions always developed in liquids unequally heated easily transfer 
the particles of the anterior to the further surface of the layers exposed 
to the source of heat. This effect of conductibility cannot be neutralized 
in a general manner by continually renewing the interposed layer, as in 
the experiments of M. Prevost ; for some of the liquids can be procured 
only in small quantities ; others, as soon as they are exposed to atmo- 
spherie air, undergo considerable alterations and evaporations which 
produce corresponding elevations or depressions of temperature that 
prove very annoying in experiments of this kind. The contrivance 
which I have employed for the purpose of avoiding these inconve- 
niences is very simple. It consists in putting the liquids into very flat 
glass recipients, whose two large lateral surfaces are perfectly parallel, 
and the height four or five times that of the surface of the thermo- 
electrical pile. The lower part of these vessels is applied to the mouth 
of the tube that envelops the face of the apparatus turned towards the 
source. The heat stopped by the anterior face of the vessel penetrates 


the first infinitely thin layer of the liquid; but this layer, while it is 
becoming hot, undergoes a certain dilatation, becomes lighter than the 
rest of the fluid mass, and ascends immediately to the upper part of the 
vessel, whence it can have no longer any influence on the pile. It is 
replaced by a second layer, which undergoes a similar process, and this 
again by others; so that by these partial renovations of the liquid 
sereen, the hinder part of the glass applied to the aperture of the tube 
is not in contact with heated molecules, and retains the same tempera- 
ture for a long time. 

It was extremely difficult to make flat glass vessels with very regular 
surfaces of the same thickness throughout, and with the opposite sides 
exactly parallel. Metallic frames and glasses joined with gum could 
not be employed because of the corrosive action of the several liquids. 
After many a fruitless effort to surmount this difficulty, I thought at last 
that the process by which the index of refraction of liquids is measured 
in optics might be available in this case also. With this view I had 
quadrangular pieces of two centimetres in breadth and nine centi- 
metres in length cut out of several pieces of the same mirror unsil- 
vered and sufficiently thick. I laid close to the two faces of each of the 
pieces from which the excision had been made two flakes made out of 
another and a much thinner glass. It is known that the mere adhesion 
of two plates of polished glass is sufficient to prevent the passage of 
liquids. However, in order to be more secure, I introduced each reci- 
pient between two metallic frames, which held the thin glasses in their 
places by means of four screws placed at the angles. The liquid was 
poured into these vessels at a small aperture made at the top, and fur- 
nished with a glass stopper. In such a system there could be no doubt 
of the parallelism of the faces and the equal thickness of the layers. 

The results furnished by the several bodies, both solid and liquid, I 
have disposed in several tables, each of them exhibiting at the top the 
common thickness of the screens employed and, beside the substance, 
the indications of the thermomultiplier and the quantity of rays trans- 
mitted as compared with the whole radiation. This distribution, while 
it allows the use of plates of different thicknesses, has the additional ad- 
vantage of presenting distinct groups of each class of bodies. The free ra~ 
diation in each case was 30°. In order to link the results of these tables 
together, I have commenced the second and the third with the numbers 
given by a flake of glass placed in the same circumstances as the plates 
which constitute each group: thus the glass set down in the table of 
liquids was contained between the two thin plates of the recipients, and 
made of the thick looking-glass employed in their construction. It was 
therefore exactly of the same thickness as the liquid layers, and, like 
them, came into contact with the thin plates which formed the faces of 
the recipients. But as those faces themselves intercepted a portion of 


the heat, the lamp was brought nearer and nearer until we obtained, 
through the combination of the three plates, the same indication of 19° 
that was furnished by the thick glass when exposed singly to the radia- 
tion of 30°. 

TaBLeE I.— Glass (uncoloured). Common thickness 188. 

Deviations of Rays 
the galvanometer. transmitted. 

No screen . noetgurceseae 30°00 100 
Flint-glass - Guinand) .. Br 22°90 67 
Flint-glass skank MOS 22°43 65 
Flint-glass (French)... ag ligaivdnt re 22°36 64 
Another kind. ..,:s000 cos sean <onsinvervasiy se 22°19 64 
Mirror-gass .......cscecsrcesssseceresenenees 21°89 62 
Another kind . ...,...ccseccccccesercessoeses 21°10 60 
PATIOGHED KING" St, ccnusnaesccsens oes cevesaess 20°78 59 
Crown-glass (French) ... by dt a ge 20°58 58 
Window-glass (common)... oR R 19°25 54 
Another kind ° Was Sac teuisere eeaees 18°56 52 
Another kind ..... cvabih sfuaaiete-sfplhe 17°83 50 
Crown-glass (English)... IR Ae Meets 17-22 49 

Tas_e II.—JZiquids... Common thickness 9™™21, 

Deviations of Rays | 
the galvanometer. transmitted. 
Mirror-glass .. leds 19°10 53: 
Carburet of sulphur (colourless)... biaabhstenis 21°96 63 
Chloride of sulphur (of a strong brown- 
ISTE COLOUL) cos usaspestacesneh same dehe 21°83 63 
Protochloride of phosphorus Sener 21°80 Ga. + 
Hydrocarburet of chlorine (colourless 13:27 37 
Nut-oil (yellow) v.i..... 0c. secesssescneees 11710 31 
Essence of turpentine (colourless) ...... 10°83 31 
Essence of rosemary piNeeest eoceowee 10°46 30 
Oil of colza (yellow) . ania 10°38 30 
Oil of olives (greenish yellow) meen ok 10°35 30 
Naphtha (natural—a light brown yellow) Sat it 28 
Balsam of copaiba (a sufficiently decided 
brown yellow) ¢.2.0..00. 022 oo eoseecens 9°39 26 
Essence of lavender (colourless)......... 9°28 26 
Oil of pink [Auzle deillet)} (very om 
yellowish) ... eae 9°26 26 
Naphtha (rectified, colourless) oanaiinads 9°10 26 
Sulphuric zther (colourless) .......+++++ 759 21 
Pure sulphuric acid (colourless) ... Bree 615 17 
Sulphuric acid (of Nordhausen, of a suf- ‘ 
ficiently decided brown) .........6600+- 6°09 17 

Hydrate of ammonia (colourless). 547 icp uk 


Taste I[.—continued. 

Deviations of Rays 
the galvanometer. transmitted. 

Nitric acid (pure and colourless) ...... 5°36 15, 
Alcohol (absolute and colourless) ...... 5°30 15 
Hydrate of potassium (colourless) ...... 4°63 i3 
Acetic acid (rectified, colourless) ...... 4°25 12 
Pyroligneous acid (of a slightly brown- 

ish colour)........ 4°28 12 
Sugared water [ean sucrée ] (colourless) 4°20 12 
Alum water (colourless) ..............+++ 4°16 12 
Salt water (colourless)* '.............+.+0 4°15 12 
White of eggs (slightly sina res 4-00 11 
Distilled water . Basins 3°80 1] 

Tas eE III.— Crystallized bodies. Common thickness 2™62. 

Deviations of Rays 
the galvanometer. transmitted. 

Mirror-glass ......... si Batccet 21°60 62 
Rock salt (diaphanous) patra 28°46 92 
Iceland spar (diaphanous) .. shaver Meas 21°80 62 
Another species (diaphanous)............ 21°30 61 
Rock crystal, colourless (diaphanous)... 21°64 62 
Rock crystal, smoky (diaphanous and 

very decidedly brown)... 20°25 57 
Brazil topaz, colourless (diaphanous) ... 19°18 54 
Carbonate of lead (diaphanous) ......... 18°35 52 
White agate (translucid) ............ 00... 12°48 5, 
Sulphate of barytes (veined, dully dia- 

BRIE tte sates Ga ttacafa site nics ack etn 2 11°72 33 

Emerald (diaphanous, of a light blue)... 10°16 29 
Yellow agate (translucid, yellow) ...... 10°10 29 
Borate of soda (translucid) .............. 9°87 28 
Green tourmaline (diaphanous, Sheer 9°54 27 
Adularia (diaphanous, dull, veined) . 8°30 24. 
Sulphate of lime (diaphanous)... TMG 20 
Fluate of lime (diaphanous, dull, veined) 5°40 15 
Citric acid (diaphanous) .................. 5°15 15 
Sardoine (translucid) ............s:00000 4-98 14 
Carbonate of ammonia (diaphanous, dull, 
' striated) ..... 4°50 13 
Tartrate of potash and soda (diaphanous) 4°40 12 
Alum, crystal (diaphanous)... 4°36 12 
Sulphate of “naa (strongly diaphanous 

Dlune) vcci.cs..... 0:00 0 

} * In this solution we used very diaphanous pieces of rock salt; the same may 
be said of the solution immediately preceding—the water was completely satu- 
rated with the alum. 


Tasie 1V.—Glass (coloured). Common thickness 1™*85. 

Deviations of Rays 
the galvanometer. transmitted. 

Deep violet ..... cous aleetiainee 18°62 aS 
Yellowish red (flaked) ... ceteesenseaeudass ‘ 18°58 53 
Parple red (flaked)*:.........002-deceatoues 18:10 51 
Wevid ted \, siiicc i Se8 0 os scat eens 16°54 47 
PANS: VIG Cb vine jsiccnaises np duade sesicesladtreeheaees 16°08 45 
Orage E05 <2 5 digs tiennans venue Matec 15°49 44. 
CHOOSING, 05 sesanka tots taeavabionanah texevns te 15°00 42 
Deep Veuow -...s.ucnes sop oop cee eheneebive 14°12 40 
Brigue yellow” we. Av. Mess .ssveebesdoeent 12:08 34: 
Galen y HOW i o0so3 ee ene eee 175 33 
Peepiblte 205 201s ies se cenaas menses sees 1160, 33 
PAINS ASVOON cc woinckis Gaipscius dave tans eeeunea a S15 26 
WithePal BPeeT sisi cbc vel ectetenstebense 8:20 23 
Wete GeeR We: 6. 2 ccc cne aynnarines snd eaeea 6°88 19 

It is sufficient to cast the eye rapidly over the second and third tables 
to be fully sensible of the truth of the proposition, that “ the capacity 
which bodies possess of transmitting radiant heat is totally independent 
of their degree of transparency.” 

In fact, the liquid chloride of sulphur of a tolerably deep red brown 
transmits a considerably greater number of caloric rays than the fat 
oils of nut, the olive, and colza having a clearer tint; while these 
oils, although of a very decided yellow colour, are more permeable 
to radiant heat than several other liquids which are perfectly limpid, 
such as concentrated sulphuric and nitric acid, ether, alcohol, and water. 
The case is the same with solid bodies, among which we see sulphate 
of lime, citric acid, and other very diaphanous substances allow a 
much smaller quantity of heat to pass than some other bodies coloured 
or translucid, such as emerald, agate, tourmaline, borax, adularia, and 
sulphate of barytes. 

But nothing is better calculated to demonstrate that transparency 
has little or no effect in the transmission of heat than a comparison 
of the effects obtained by the crystal of alum with those obtained by 
means of the smoky rock crystal. The table shows that, in respect to 
these substances as well as the others which we have just mentioned, 
the capacity to transmit radiant heat is inversely as the capacity of 
transmitting the rays of light. I was anxious to try how far this in- 
verse ratio of the calorific to the luminous transmissions might extend, 
by varying the degrees of thickness so as to give to the light all the ad- 
vantage and the whole of the loss to the caloric. We submitted to the 
test a plate of well-polished and perfectly transparent alum only one 
millimetre and a half in thickness, and a smoky rock erystal the thick- 
ness of which in the direction of its polished faces was 86 millimetres. 


The brown colour of the crystal was so decided that when it was laid 
on a printed page in which the letters were very large, and placed in 
the fullest light, even the traces of the letters could not be distinguished. 
The paper and the printed characters became confounded together and 
presented the same dark hue. This crystal, however, transmitted 19°, 
while the thin plate of alum transmitted only 6°. 

A body may then be very opake and afford a very easy passage to 
the rays of heat ; or very transparent and intercept the greatest part 
of them. It is therefore necessary to distinguish those bodies which 
possess a capacity for calorific transmission from those which possess a 
capacity for luminous transmission, by giving them different denomina- 
tions. The terms ¢ranscaloric and diathermanous* (transcaloriques ou 
diathermanes) seem to me to be best suited to this purpose, as being 
most analogous in form to the epithets ¢ransparent and diaphanous, 
applied to bodies endowed with the property of transmitting light. 

After the statement made in respect to the smoky rock crystal, one 
might be tempted to ask whether there are any transcaloric substances 
totally opake. To that question no answer can be given until the effect 
of calorific radiation upon all known bodies has been tried, and this I 
am far from having done. I can only go so far as to say that pyro- 
ligneous acid in the rough state, and Peruvian balsam, though almost 
completely opake, afford perceptible transmissions of radiant heat. But 
all the diathermanous substances that I have subjected to experi- 
ment are comprised within that class of bodies which possess some de- 
gree of transparepcy. Those kinds of metal, wood, and marble which 
totally obstruct the passage of light obstruct that of heat also. Some 
other bodies, such as carburet of sulphur, rock salt, and Iceland spar, 
allow both kinds of rays to pass at the same time. It is therefore pro- 
bable that calorific transmission cannot take place without a certain de- 
gree of transparency}; but it cannot take place abundantly without the 
cooperation of another quality, which varies as the bodies happen to be 
erystallized or without crystallization. We find, in fact, that in the dif- 
ferent sorts of glass and liquids it follows the order of the different de- 
grees of refrangibility ; for flint-glass possessing a greater refracting 
power than crown-glass affords an easier passage to the caloric radia- 
tion. Carburet of sulphur is at the same time more refracting and 

__ * The first of these terms requires no explanation. The second is derived 

_ from dic, through, and Szeuciva, to heat, as the word diaphanous is derived from 
bid, through, and Qulva, to show. 

_ + have since found that the perfectly opake glass employed in the con- 

_ struction of mirrors designed to show the polarization of light transmits a eon- 
siderable quantity of caloric rays. ‘These obscure rays emerging from the dark 
pice may be employed in some curious experiments which we shall mention 
n the second Memoir. 



more diathermanous than the essence of turpentine; the same may be 
said of turpentine as compared with olive oil, and so on until we come 
to pure water ; a liquid which, as it possesses the least power of refrac- 
tion, possesses also the least power of transmitting heat. It is very true 
that, in the tables, glass appears almost as diathermanous as carburet of 
sulphur, although its refracting power is considerably less; but this 
equality is but in appearance ; and to be convinced that it is so, we 
have only to recollect the manner in which the liquids have been sub- 
jected to the experiments. Before they can reach the liquid layer, the 
rays must have passed through the anterior face of the vessel contain- 
ing it, and the glass gives but a transmission of from 21 to 22 for 35°3. 
Thus the radiation that will penetrate to the interior of the vessel will 
be of no greater force than this; so that even if the liquid transmitted 
all the rays that reached it, the quantity issuing from the recipient can- 
not exceed 22. This explanation is confirmed in a very striking manner 
by the transmissions of the chloride of sulphur and the protochloride of 
phosphorus. The indices of refraction of these two liquids, though not 
well known, are certainly higher than that of glass, and have different 
values ; a fact from which it may be inferred with great probability 
that the quantities of transmitted heat are also different, though in the 
tables both these quantities appear equal to the transmission assigned to 
the carburet of sulphur. 

There are, it is true, some real anomalies in the transmissions through 
balsam of copaiba and sulphuric ether. But the differences are very 
small, and may probably be referred to some slight error in the measure 
of the transmission or the refraction. The proportionality of these two 
elements is obvious, and so fully established in such a variety of cases, 
that it may hold as a general law for liquids, for the several kinds of 
glass,and probably for all those bodies which are without regular erystal- 

But this law totally fails with respect to crystallized bodies. We see, 
in fact, that carbonate of lead, a highly refractive and colourless sub- 
stance, transmits less heat than Iceland spar and rock erystal, which are 
much inferior to it in refracting power; while rock salt, possessing the 
same transparency and the same index of refraction as citric acid and 
alum, gives six times their amount of calorific transmission. 

The transparent and colourless bodies contained in the third table are 
nine in number, namely, rock salt, Iceland spar, rock crystal, topaz, 
carbonate of lead, sulphate of lime, citric acid, tartrate of potash and 
soda, and alum. These crystals transmit the following quantities of heat 
respectively : 


92, 62, 54, 52, 20, 15, 12.* 

* Such as have not a thermoscopic apparatus similar to that which we have 
employed may easily satisfy themselves that rock salt transmits almost all the 


Differences so striking in bodies of the same aspect seem to arise rather 
from the particular structure of each crystal than from the chemical 
composition of the molecules; for a block of common sea salt being 
divided into flakes instantly arrests calorific radiation ; and we perceive 
besides, by means of the second and third tables, that the transmissive 
power of pure water is increased nearly in the same degree whether we 
dissolve in it alum or rock salt, two substances which, in their solid state, 
transmit very different quantities of heat. But we perceive no relation 
between the power of transmitting heat and the primitive or the secon- 
dary form of crystallization. 

M. Mitscherlich has found that the dilatation of crystals, when they 
are submitted to the action of heat, is not equal on all sides. Although 
such an effect may not proceed from the radiant heat, yet it might be 
thought that a difference in the direction in which the plates are cut out 
of the crystal would produce a difference of transmission. I have had 
plates of equal thickness cut out of rock crystal in all the principal di- 
rections relatively to its axes. The transmission varied in no case. I 
obtained the same results from Iceland spar. 

Radiant heat is capable of passing through crystallized bodies of very 
considerable thickness. It may be affirmed, also, that the rays do not 
lose so much in the interior of these bodies as they do in the masses of 
glasses and of liquids. For we have seen that the deviation changed 
only from 21°6 to 19°, though the smoky rock crystal first employed 
was replaced by one of fifty-seven or fifty-eight times its thickness. 

I have exposed to the action of radiant heat a piece of Iceland spar 92 
millimetres* in length. The deviation, which was 21°:8 through a flake 
of the same substance 2™™6 in length, fell no lower than 18-5; a cireum- 

radiant heat that falls on its surface, by fixing vertically, on the same stand, a 
plate of this substance and a plate of glass or alum of the same dimensions, and 
by bringing the stand quite close to the fire of astove. Ifit is allowed to remain 
in this state for five or six minutes, the glass becomes burning hot, while the 
rock salt, if applied to the most tender part of the hand, will produce no sensa- 
tion of heat. These differences of temperature exist not merely in appearance, 
but are as palpable as those that are felt when we touch wood and marble that 
have been exposed to the sun. To prove this, we need only lay some pieces of 
wax or suet on the two bodies. Those laid on the glass will melt rapidly, but 
those laid on the rock salt will continue in their solid state. We may also de- 
monstrate in a direct manner, and without the aid of a thermomultiplier, the 
great transmissiveness of rock salt as compared with other diaphanous sub- 
stances. Let the two plates be brought close together in the same plane, and 

_ behind them let two metallic tubes be placed, with the blackened balls of two 

common thermometers of equal sensibility fixed at their further extremities. If 
we now place a red-hot bullet at a certain distance from the plates, the thermo- 

_ meter that is to indicate the transmissive power of the alum will ascend but 1°, 

while the other will ascend 8° or 10°, 
4 [A millimétre, it will be remembered, is equal to :03937 of an English inch. 
—Epir. } 

Vor. IL—Parrt I, D 


stance which shows that the diminution of effect was only about one 
seventh for an increase of thickness equal to thirty-five times that of 
the first piece. The experiment was still more interesting when I em- 
ployed rock salt, in which I was unable to discover that thickness had 
any influence whatever on the amount of the transmission: for pieces 
of 2™™ gave the same galvanometric deviation as pieces of 30™™ 
and 40™™. 

From these observations it follows that the numbers in the second 
column of the table of crystals, though they express the ratios of the 
calorific transmissions of those bodies reduced to the common thickness 
of 2™™-6, may be employed also to represent approximately the ratios of 
the transmissions, even when the common thickness is greater. I say 
approximately, because, in order to determine the true specific trans- 
missions, it would be necessary to know the exact law of the loss at the 
several points of the media. If the losses, as compared with the quan- 
tities of heat which arrive at each of the thin laminz into which we may 
imagine the medium to be divided, were constant, the intensity of the 
rays would decrease in a geometrical, while the layers increased in an 
arithmetical ratio; and in order to know how much one substance is 
more diathermanous than another, we should vary the relative degrees 
of thickness of the plates until we obtained the same transmission in the 
two cases. The ratio sought would be inversely as the degrees of thick- 
ness which produced an equality of action *. Now we have seen that 
this constancy in the loss does not exist. But in the particular case 
of crystallized bodies, the differences are so very small when the thick- 
ness is increased beyond 3™, that the ratios obtained by operating on 
thicker screens would not differ materially from those which we have 

But even if we had succeeded in ascertaining the specific transmissive 
powers of the different substances, the question would not yet be solved 
in a general manner ; for we shall see in the second Memoir, that if, 
while we vary the temperature of the calorific source, we do not change 
the order of the transmissions also, the relations of these quantities are 
no longer the same. To perceive this we have only to recollect what 
has been already stated as to the action of rays emitted from a source of 
low temperature on certain substances; that is, that the heat of the 
human body instantly passes through a certain crystal, and that crystal 
is rock salt. 

It is known that the caloric rays of the hand are completely stopped 
by glass. Hence, although the ratio of transmission between glass and 
rock salt, when the source is an Argand lamp, be 62 : 92, it becomes 

~ * For the demonstration of this proposition, see-Bouguer, Traité d'Optique 
sur la Gradation de la Lumiere, Paris, 1760, liv. 111. sect. 1'¢, art. 1, 2,3, 4. 


1 to infinity when we consider the effects produced by sources of a low 

' Hitherto we have made no account of the colours [of the diather- 
manous bodies ], or, rather, have considered them only in relation to the 
diminution of transparency, or to the greater or less opacity which they 
always cause in diaphanous substances*. 

We must now examine them more particularly, and determine their 
influence: on transmission. Such is the object of the fourth table. The 
tints of those kinds of glass marked with an asterisk are the purest, and 
approach nearest to those prismatic ‘colours ‘that bear the same names. 
Of this I have satisfied myself by the following experiments. Having 
by means ‘of a heliostat: ititroduced a horizontal sheaf of solar rays 
into a dark chamber, I divided it into two by causing it'to pass through 
two apertures made in an’opake sereen. ‘I contrived to make one of 
the sheaves fall on a vertical prism, and the other on a coloured glass 
which I wished to try. Thus the solar spectrum was seen cast on one side, 
and a coloured spot in the line of the direct rays. To bring this spot into 
contiguity with the corresponding colotir of the spectrum, I placed behind 
the glass a second vertical prism which turned about until the desired 
effect was obtained. The two analogous tints are always easily com- 
pared when they are near each other, and at the same time we are able 
to judge whether the colour of the glass be more or less pure by the 
new tints which are always developed in the passage of the coloured rays 
of the glass through the prism. Of fourteen colours selected from several 
species of glass, I have found but five making any near approach to the 
prismatic colours and producing very feeble secondary tints. These tints 
were absolutely imperceptible only in the case of red glass. 

There is another mode (and it has not been overlooked) of appretia- 

* J was lately told by an eminent philosopher, that to think of comparing the 
intensities of different colours would be as absurd as it would be to institute a 
comparison between heterogeneous elements. Waiving all inquiry as to the 
correctness of such an assertion, J beg leave to remark that in certain cases 
itis unanimously agreed that a tint is more or less clear than another tint of a 
different kind, without giving rise to any metaphysical ideas opposed to the ge- 
neral opinion. _ Let us take, for instance, the solar spectrum. Has it not been 
always held that the maximum of brightness is to be found in the yellow, and 

hat on each side of it luminous intensity decreases? The principle put forward 
by me seems equally plain. When I assert that colours always introduce some 
opacity into diaphanous bodies, no at a loss for my meaning. Put.some 
pure water between two parallel plates of colourless glass: let an observer be 
placed at one side, and at the other a piece of writing, which is to be moved just 
so far from its first position as to become illegible. Now, for the water substi- 
‘tute wine or oil or any other diaphanous liquid more: or less coloured ; the di- 
stance at which the writing may be read will become less in proportion to the 
greater depth of the colour independently of its kind. Thus when the writing 
will be legible at the same distance through a yellow and a red liquid, these two 
media will, in respect to us, be equally transparent. 



ting the influence of colour in diaphanous media. It consists in causing 
corresponding rays of the spectrum to pass through the glasses. The 
passage is attended only with a very inconsiderable loss when the tints 
are very pure. Now by fixing one side of my five plates of glass at 
proper distances on the margin of a sheet of pasteboard exposed to the 
coloured sheaf of the prism, I found that each prismatic ray traversed 
glass of the same colour without suffering any loss of intensity. At least, 
the alteration produced by these glasses on the corresponding solar rays 
was nearly the same in all cases. This fact is inferred from a compa- 
rison of the prismatic rays which fall on the wall directly and those which 
reach it after having passed through the coloured pieces of glass. The 
shadows brought by the latter rays are so very light as to be almost im- 
perceptible. In every other case they are very strongly marked. If 
for instance we substitute the violet for the red, the spot on the wall is 
almost dark ; if the violet be not perfectly pure, it will not at least trans- 
mit a quantity of red rays less than that which passes through the red 

It is known that in the solar spectrum produced by a prism of com- 
mon glass, the greatest heat is found in the red, and that the interme- 
diate temperatures continually decrease until we come tothe violet. Does 
this calorific distribution in the coloured rays, separated by the refract- 
ing power of the prism, exist also when they are separated by the ab- 
sorptive power of the colouring matter? 

In order to ascertain this we have only to compare, at the different 
temperatures of the spectrum, the numbers which represent the calo- 
rific transmissions of our five coloured glasses ; they are as follows: 

violet ow blue green 
53, 34, 33, 26. 
The order of the @®fours considered relatively to their degrees of heat 

and the numerical relations of those degrees are so altered that the violet 
light, which in the spectrum possesses a temperature twenty-five or 
thirty times lower than that of the red light, appears here of a higher 
temperature. Such a difference is not to be explained by supposing 
that, in the transmission of the violet glass, there passes a great quantity 
of red rays; for it should, on this hypothesis, be found to transmit them 
in a greater proportion than they are transmitted by the red glass; 
which, according to the preceding experiments, is impossible. 

These facts seem to be opposed to the opinion of those philosophers 
who hold that in luminous heat the same rays simultaneously excite the 
two sensations of light and heat, but would be easily comprehended if 
we supposed caloric and light to be two distinct agents. In the latter 
case we should say that in the prism the refractive force acts unequally 
on the different caloric rays, as it does, in a greater or less degree, on 


the different luminous rays, and thus throws certain quantities of heat 
on the very spaces occupied by the different colours of the spectrum ; 
but that in the coloured glasses and, generally, in bodies more or less 
diathermanous, the absorbent force does not act in the same manner as 
the force of refraction, which sometimes extinguishes more heat than 
light and at others more light than heat. 

But those who maintain the identity of the two agents will reply, that 
the differences observed in the calorific and luminous transmissions of 
the diaphanous or coloured media are produced by rays of obscure 
heat which mix if great quantities with the rays of light emitted by 
the flame. 

In order to decide how far it is allowable to maintain the one or the 
other hypothesis, we should have data which, at present, are not within 
ourreach. We shall resume this subject at the end of the next Memoir, 
and conclude the present one with an account of a very remarkable ap- 
plication of the numerical results contained in the foregoing tables. 

It had been established by the beautiful experiments of Seebeck that 
the place of the maximum of temperature in the solar spectrum varies 
with the chemical composition of the substance of which the prism is 
made. This eminent philosopher observed that the highest degree of 
heat which, in the spectrum furnished by a prism of crown glass, was 
in the red, passed to the orange when the prism employed was a hollow 
glass one filled with sulphuric acid, and was found in the yellow when 
the same prism was filled with pure water*. 

I discovered some months since that the caloric rays scattered on the 
colours given by a common prism do not undergo the same alteration 
in passing through a layer of water; the loss varies inversely as the re- 
frangibility, so that the most refrangible rays pass undiminished and the 
least refrangible are entirely stopped by the liquid +. 

This experiment led to a very simple explanation of the results ob- 
tained by Seebeck. 

The solar heat which presents itself to the anterior face of the prism 
of water contains rays of every degree of refrangibility. Now the ray 
which has the same index of refraction as the red light, suffers in pass- 
ing through the prism a loss porportionally greater than the ray which 
possesses the refrangibility of orange light, and less is lost by the latter 
in the passage than by the heat of the yellow ray. These increasing 
ratios in the losses of heat sustained by the less refrangible rays have 
an evident tendency to transfer the maximum to the violet. It may 
therefore be stopt at the yellow. 

* Schweigger’s Jahrbuch der Chemie und Physik, vol. x. [A translation of 
the memoir of Seebeck here referred to will be found in the Philosophical Ma- 
gazine, first serics, vol. Ixvi. p. 330, e¢ seg.—Ep1r. ] 

+ Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Décembre 1831. 


If we suppose the action of sulphuric acid analogous;to that of water; 
but not so energetic, we shall see, the reason why, with the prism of acid, 
the maximum takes place in In short, the very glass.of 
which the common prisms are mademust, operate in. a) similar manner, 
and cause in each ray a loss inversely proportioned. to its refrangibility. 
Therefore, if we employed in the. construction of the common prism a 
substance less active than common glass, the losses sustained by the 
less refrangible rays would be diminished in a greater ratio ; so that they 
would gain on the more refrangible rays, and the maximum would pass 
in a direction opposite to the preceding, that is, frem the violet to the 

This is exactly the result obtained by Herschel, Englefield, and See- 
beck by operating on prisms of flint glass; for the maximum was trans- 
ferred to the obscure space quite close,to the,last red stripe. of the 
spectrum. : ; 

Let us compare these, effects with the numbers which represent the 
calorific transmissions. We shall find that. the maximum of heat, in 
passing from the yellow, where it is found when we use a prism of water, 
departs from it always in thesame direction in proportion as the sub- 
stances of the prisms substituted for the water are more diathermanous. 
It passes a little out of the spectrum when, instead of, crown, we em- 
ploy flint glass. Admitting then the,correetness of such a-theory, the 
line of greatest heat must pass quite, beyond the colours imto a,space 
far distant from the red limit if we employ rock salt, a substance. pos- 
sessing a far greater diathermaney as compared with, flint glass than 
flint glass does as compared with crown. I tried the experiment; it was 
completely successful. I found that the maximum of temperature in the 
spectrum derived from the prism of. salt was thrown into the dark space 
as far at least from the last band as the blue is (in an opposite direction) 
from the red.. At the moment I cannot-assign more exact measures ; 
for in the first place I operated with very small prisms,.and when I sub; 
sequently obtained larger pieces the; season.did not .allow me to re- 
consider and study the.result more. nicely... But the effect-has been so 
marked in the experiment which I, made, and. so invariable in several 
suecessive repetitions, that I look upon it as decisive, and, have-not the 
least doubt as to the removal of the maximum of temperature. tothe 
last band of the red rays in the spectrum produced with rock salt *. 

The distribution of the degrees of temperature in the-solar spectrum 

* I have since obtained the same results with five prisms of rock salt whose 
angles of refractivu vary between 30° and 70°. These prisms have been made 
out of several pieces taken from the mines of Cordona, Wieliecza, and Vicq: 
they have been cut in different directions relatively to the axis of crystallization. 
I shall give the numerical data in a work in which it is intended to treat spe- 
cially of the analysis of the caloric solar rays. 


is therefore a phenomenon entirely depending on the order which we 
have found to exist in respect to the calorific transmissions of diaphanous 
bodies. i ( 

This. phenomenon now constitutes a striking relation between the 
properties of the caloric rays of the sun and those of the radiant heat 
of terrestrial bodies ; but we shall see relations yet more intimate ap- 
pear between these two species of rays when we examine the alterations 
produced in calorific transmissions by changing the temperature of the 
radiating source. 


New Researches relative to the Immediate Transmission of Ra- 
diant Heat through different Solid and Liquid Bodies ; pre- 
sented to the Academy of Sciences on the 21st of April, 1834, 
and intended as a Supplement to the Memoir on the same sub- 
ject presented to the Academy on the 4th of February, 1833; 
by M. ME.tLont. 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, t. uv. p. 337. 

Of the modifications which Calorific Transmissions undergo in consequence 
of the Radiating Source being changed. 

Tue experiments described in the former Memoir have shown that 
diaphanous bodies do not act in the same manner on the rays of heat 
and the rays of light simultaneously emanating from the most brilliant 
flame. We have seen, in fact, that thin flakes of alum and of citric 
acid, because of their transparency, perceptibly transmit all the luminous 
rays of an Argand lamp, and stop from eight to nine tenths of the ca- 
lorie ; while, on the other hand, thick pieces of smoky rock crystal inter- 
cept nearly the whole of the light and allow the radiant heat to pass 
freely. Do the different properties thus exhibited by each body, rela- 

_ tively to the two agents, and the relations of the calorific transmissions 




of the one screen to those of the other, remain constant, whatever be the 
source (luminous or obscure) whence the rays emanate? Such are the 
first questions that I have undertaken to solve in this second series of 

That the comparison between the quantities transmitted in each par- 
ticular case might he fairly made, it was necessary to operate upon rays 


emitted by a source having a constant temperature. This condition 
could be complied with by means only of certain flames and boiling li- 
quids. I was therefore unable to vary the experiments so much as I 
should have desired. The sources however which I have employed pre- 
sent the most remarkable phases of the heating and combustion of bo- 
dies. They are four in number; namely, the flame of oil without the 
interposition of glass, incandescent platina, copper heated to 390°, and 
boiling water. Thus I had two luminous and two non-luminous sources. 
The first is furnished by a Locatelli lamp*; the second is a spiral of 
platina wire kept in a state of incandescence by means of a lamp fed with 
spirit of wine; the third is obtained by covering a flame of alcohol with 
a plate of copper, which soon acquires a fixed temperature whose mean 
value, as found by the method of immersion, is 390°Cent. (732° Fahr.) ; 
and the last source is merely a vessel of thin copper, blackened on the 
outside and filled with boiling water. 

The intensities of the radiations have been always ascertained by the 
thermomultiplier. The means necessary to be adopted in order to ob- 
tain with this instrument the measure of the immediate transmission 
having been stated in the Memoir already quoted, I think it needless to 
enter here into further detail as to the arrangement of the apparatus and 
the nature of the galvanometric indications. I shall only remind the 
reader that as this method requires that the operation should be per- 
formed under the influence of a radiation equivalent to 30° of my ther- 
momultiplier, the diaphanous substances, if placed at a suitable distance 
between the thermoelectric pile and the source of heat, cannot acquire 
a temperature sufficient to produce in the instrument any perceptible 
action. This is proved in three ways: first, by placing the screens on their 
stand after having exposed them to a calorific radiation of the same in- 
tensity as that to which they are exposed during the experiment; secondly, 
by substituting for the diaphanous body plates of blackened glass or 
metal, flakes of wood or stone, or sheets of paper; thirdly, by varying the 
nature and thickness of the medium (more or less transparent) through 
which the rays are to pass, from the thinnest plate of mica to pieces of 
rock crystal, glass, or Iceland spar several thickness. In the 
first case the index of the galvanometer remains unmoved, notwithstand- 

* The Locatelli lamp is merely a common lamp with one current of air and 
fed with oil. It has a wick of the shape of a quadrangular prism, which exactly 
fills the beak, but has no funnel. It gives a fine flame of constant tempera- 
ture. The Argand lamp produces a flame of much greater intensity. 

In the first series of experiments the main object was to determine the differ- 
ence between the calorific and the luminous transparency. We therefore pre- 
ferred the source which was least favourable to the establishment of the principal 
fact which it was then our purpose to verify. In the present experiments we 
proposed more particularly to examine the calorific transparency by itself. It 
was therefore necessary to operate upon rays that had not been forced to un- 
dergo a transmission previously to their being employed in the experiments. 


ing the heat acquired by the screens ; in the second case also it remains 
unmoved, although in this case the plates (blackened or opake) are sub- 
mitted to the actual radiation of the source itself. In the third case the 
index of the galvanometer leaves its position of equilibrium and describes 
ares of greater or less extent according to the quality and thickness of 
the screen. But the time which it takes to reach the extremity of 
these arcs is invariable, and equal to that which it takes to describe a 
deviation of 30° when there is no screen interposed. 

This third proof, though indirect, is nevertheless the most convincing, 
and possesses the additional advantage of showing, as it were, palpably, 
that the manner in which radiant heat is transmitted in the interior of 
diathermanous substances is altogether analogous to which light 
is propagated through transparent media whether solid or fluid. For in 
respect to the latter we perceive no appretiable difference between the 
times which the luminous rays take to pass through layers of any quality 
and thickness whatsoever. 

The analogy between the transmission of light and that of radiant heat 
is rendered still more striking if, by shaking or otherwise, a motion is 
produced in the mass of the screen submitted to the experiment. I have 
passed the different parts of a large square of glass rapidly before the 
narrow aperture of the metallic plate through which the calorific rays 
that strike the surface of the pile are transmitted. By means of a bow 
I made it vibrate ; it emitted sounds more or less acute: the index of 
the galvanometer pointed invariably to the same degree of its scale. I 
found the deviation of the magnetic needle equally invariable when I 
measured the intensity of the calorific radiation through a layer of 
acidulated water, at first still, but afterwards set in motion by agitators 
or traversed by a strong electric current. 

Here then, though under different forms, the fact observed in the 
experiments of Pictet and Saussure when we agitate the mass of air in- 
terposed betwen the reflectors is reproduced; namely, the impossibility 
of altering by these means the direction or the intensity of the luminous 
or the calorific rays passing through Curae air or any other dia- 
phanous medium. 

These different considerations seem to me well calculated to dispel every 
shade of doubt that may yet be entertained as to the immediate trans- 
mission of radiant heat by diathermanous bodies, whether solid or liquid. 

_ But (to return to the four sources) we have already observed that in 
our method of proceeding it is necessary to operate uniformly under 
the influence of a radiation equal to 30° of my thermomultiplier. Now 
to effect this with sources of various temperatures they must be brought 
more or less close to the thermoelectric pile until we have obtained the 
galvanometric indication required, and such is the way in which we have 
proceeded in all our experiments of transmission. The same screen 


being, in those different circumstances, submitted to the same quantity 
of radiant heat, the different degrees of diminution suffered by this heat 
in passing through it must evidently be attributed only to the peculiar 
quality of each radiation. This reflection will give still greater force 
to the truth of the consequences which we are about to deduce from the 
results of our experiments, 

Seven plates of glass of different degrees of thickness submitted to 
the action of the on sorts of calorific rays in succession have given the 
following transmissions : 

Transmissions of the glass out of 100 rays 
of heat issuing from 
Thickness | —__—- A mais ony 
of the blackened | blackened 
plates. a Locatelli | incandescent copper copp 
lamp. platina, 

77 57 
54 37 
46 31 
41 25 
Si 20 
535 18 
33°5 17 

Although we do not exactly know the degree of heat given by the 
flame of oil or by platina kept in a state of incandescence by an alcohol 
lamp, we are nevertheless quite certain that the first of these possesses 
a higher temperature than the second, and that this again exceeds the 
390° of the first plate of copper. Now a glance at the table is sufficient 
to show that the number of rays transmitted by the same plate decreases 
with the temperature of the calorific source, a fact which confirms the 
well-known law of Delaroche. But the decrease is more or less rapid 
in proportion to the greater or less thickness of the plate. 

Let OM, ON, (Plate I. Fig. 1.) be two rectangular axes of the same 
length; let the first represent the thickness of the screen of 8™™ and the 
second the total quantity of incident heat. Let us pee OM into six parts, 

Be Oo Oc, Od, Oe, Of respectively equal to °” OM, °20M, 40M, 
+ OM, z OM, and 7 OM; and. through the points of division let us _ 
draw on perpendiculars aa! = 4 ON, 60! = 7, ON, ec’ = 4 ON, 
dd' =" ON, ee =S,0N, ff =30N,Mg' = “2 ON. Thecurve 
(a' b! ti d'e ae e' f'g') passing through the extremities of these perpendicu- 

lars will represent the decreasing intensity of the Locatelli lamp at each 
point of the sereen of 8™™ in thickness. , 



_~ A-similar construction will give the curves a! b!c!d!efllg!', all! bl!! 
el diel f"l'g'"', a bY, representing the decreasing intensities, of the 
three.other radiations: Ss 
~ now suppose the screen cut by any plane (P P’) parallel to ON; 
the emergent rays of the detached plate will be determined by the points 
at which the plane intersects the curves; so that PP’, PP", PP,'"’ will re- 
present the quantities of heat that issue from the plateOP 
to the first three sources; for the rays of the fourth are completely ex- 
tinguished at the distance of one millimetre. We now see that the ra- 
tios of the distance from those points of intersection to the axis OM 
decrease in proportion as the.thickness of the interposed layer is less, 
The distances from those points to the axis are pretty nearly equal when 
the section. coincides with the ordinate aa’ at: which the observations 
commence; they will become yet more so in the interior of the first layer 
Oa, so that within a limit: very. close to the surface at which the rays 
enter the differences will almost.vanish*. b 

The first infinitely thin plate will therefore transmit sensibly equal 
quantities of radiant heat from the four sources. The diminutions how- 
ever which the rays from each source will the interior. of this 
elementary plate, though so exceedingly small that they may be disre- 
garded in reference to the quantities transmitted, must nevertheless 
bear very different ratios to one another ; for it is to such diminutions, 
several times repeated by the action of the successive layers, that we 
are to attribute the remarkable differences in the .quantities.of heat 
transmitted from each source by a screen of a given thickness. 

The law of Delaroche did not show whether the variable interception 

* I have been unable to procure plates of glass thinner than +2, of a milli- 
metre. But we shall see presently that all other diaphanous substances, whether 
natural or artificial, are in their effects more or less analogous to glass. Now 
there are several crystals which spontaneously separate into plates of great te- 
nuity, and are, consequently, well calculated to show that the ratios of the quan- 
tities of heat transmitted by a screen exposed to the radiations of the four sources 
approximate to equality in proportion as the thickness of the screen is reduced. 
Thus a plate of sulphate of lime 2™™-6 in thickness gave for the four transmis- 
sions respectively, 
on 5 O45. Oi 

These transmissions became 
Sesasi8." | 7 aai0 

when the thickness was reduced to 0™™-4; and 
64, 51, 32, 21 

when the thickness was reduced 0™™-01], 

A plate of mica, 0™™-02 thick, gave for the four transmissions 

80, 76, 39, 26. 

An extremely thin flake was taken from this plate (which was however not 
coloured) : the four transmissions through this flake were, 

86, 85, 61, 46. 


of the same flake arose from an internal or external action of the screen. 
Nay; more; the ordinary properties of the caloric seemed to lead to the 
far more probable consequence that the interception was entirely super- 
ficial; or in other words, that as the same plate of glass successively 
exposed to the radiations from several sources gave different calorific 
transmissions, it was natural to suppose that the heat was first stopped 
at the external surface in a proportion varying with the temperature of 
the source, and subsequently propagated inwards according to the known 
laws of conductibility. But the experiments which I have just men- 
tioned seem to me to demonstrate clearly that the calorific rays from 
different sources are more or less quickly extinguished in the very interior 
of the mass. 

Thus the molecules of glass act upon radiant heat with a real absorp- 
tive force, the activity of which is greater in proportion as the tempe- 
rature of the source is lower. It will perhaps be now asked whether this 
kind of action be common to all diaphanous substances or peculiar to 
glass only. 

To determine this, it is not necessary to repeat on all the bodies those 
experiments which we have made on different thicknesses of glass; 
for, the law of Delaroche being once established, it will follow that the 
substance of which the flake is composed operates on the rays of heat 
with an absorptive force inversely as the temperature of the source: and 
as this force acts from all points of the mass, it is clear that the differ- 
ence between one transmission and another must decrease with the thick- 
ness of the screen. The question is therefore reduced to this ; whether 
all bodies more or less transparent act upon heat radiating from different 
sources in a manner analogous to that which we have .observed in one 
only of our flakes of glass. 

I have registered in the following table the quantities of heat imme- 
diately transmitted from each of the four sources through plates of dif- 
ferent kinds reduced to the common thickness of 2-6. The transmis- 
sions are expressed in hundredth parts of the incident quantity. They 
are uniformly measured, like the preceding, under the action of a radia- 
tion of the same force derived from each source of heat. 


from 100 rays of heat issuing from 
Names of the interposed substances 
(common thickness, 2""'6.) 

Rock salt (diaphanous, colourless) ... 
Fluate of lime (diaphanous, colourless) 
Rock salt (diaphanous, dull) 
Beryl (diaphanous, greenish yellow)... 
Fluate of lime (diaphanous, greenish) 
Iceland spar (diaphanous, colourless)... 
Another species (diaph., colourless) ... 
Mirror glass (diaphanous, colourless)... 
Another kind (diaph., colourless) 
Rock crystal (diaphanous, colourless 
Rock crystal, smoky (diaph., brownish 
Acid chromate of potash (a vivid orange 
White topaz (diaphanous, colourless 
Carbonate of lead (diaph., colourless)... 
Sulphate of barytes, pure, (diapha- 
nous, rather dullish) 
White agate (translucid, pearly) 
Adularia felspar (diaph., dull, veined) 
Amethyst (diaphanous, violet) 
Amber, artificial (diaph., yellow) 
Emerald (diaph. bluish green) 
Agate, yellow (translucid, yellow) 
Borate of soda (translucid, white) 
Green tourmaline (diaph., deep green) 
Cowhorn (translucid, hazel) ............ 
Common gum (diaph., yellowish 
Sulphate of barytes (diaph., dull veined) 
Sulphate of lime (diaph., colourless)... 
Sardoine (translucid, brown)............ 
Citric acid (diaphanous, colourless) ... 
Carbonate of ammonia (diaphanous, 
MUM SITIMLCD) oon scccnes access sesesczis 
Tartrate of potash and soda (diapha- 
- nous, colourless) 
Amber, natural (translucid, yellowish) 
Alum (diaphanous, colourless) 
Glue, strong (diaph., yellowish brown) 
Mother-of-pearl (translucid, white) ... 
Sugar-candy (diaphanous, colourless) 
Green fluate of lime (translucid, mar- 
__ bled green) : 
Melted sugar (diaphanous, yellowish)... 
Ice very pure (diaphanous, colourless) 

cow CSCOOCSCO Co ocooscoocoeocecocoocecoe osooocecec|eo 

oon coonwnwa$ oo bo wT Ol 09 


Before we proceed to consider these results, it is necessary to recollect 
that they have all been obtained under the free action of an invariable 
radiation of 30° measured by the thermomultiplier. _ Now the half de- 
grees of the galvanometer are very distinctly legible. Thus the trans- 
missions are exact to oth of the incident heat ; but the observations 
being repeated, the hundredth part becomes easily appretiable. 

In the quantity of rays transmitted through the same substance there 
is a variation of several hundredth parts according to its greater or less 
purity. It was therefore useless in giving the measure of this element 
to attempt a degree of exactness exceeding the hundredth part of the 
whole; but it was desirable to ascertain the limits of the insensible trans- 
missions with more precision. In this case’ therefore I have always car- 
ried the approximation to x}s, and sometimes to zis, so that if the zero 
does not represent a transmission really equal to nothing, it is at least 
certain that, if there are any rays of heat transmitted, their amount does 
not exceed z4odth of the whole incident quantity. 

In order therefore to reduce the probability of error, it has been found 
necessary to operate on stronger radiations. Now the table of intensi- 
ties given in my first Memoir does not exhibit the forces which move the 
galvanometric index beyond the 45th degree. IT could have extended 
it to the higher-degrees of the quadrant by the method followed in its 
construction. But I thought it better to employ at each step a very 
simple artifice which immediately gives the force of any radiation what- 
soever as well as the required limit of error. To make this clear, let us 
suppose that it is desired to verify a particular case of the transmissions 
in the table; for instance, that it is requisite to prove that the transmis- 
sions of alum, sugar, or ice exposed to the rays emitted by copper heated 
to 390° are either null or less than zixdth of the whole of the incident 

The table shows that a plate of glass, of rock erystal, or of Iceland 
spar transmits from five to six hundredths of those rays; that is. to 
say, that for a free radiation of 30° we obtain about 2° through the 
plate. We know moreover that in this feeble indication there is a pos- 
sible error of z'sth of the whole heat. The limit of error would be “> 
if we wished to be rigorously exact, for by the table of intensities we 
see that, in the deviations below 20°, one degree is equivalent to a55 of 
the force which moves the needle to 30°. But let us admit only the 
limit z's, which will have the advantage of rendering the values inde- 
pendent of a knowledge of the ratios existing between the degrees of 
the galvanometer and the corresponding forces of deviation. Let us 
bring the source near, in order that we may obtain through the same 
plate of glass a deviation exceeding 2°; a deviation, for instance, of 8°. 
The quantity of incident heat is now increased fourfold, and the pro- 


bability of error is diminished in the same degree*. Let us now sub: 
stitute for the plate of glass a flake of alum, sugar, or ice; we shall find 
that the needle of the galvanometer is perfectly at rest : if there is any 
heat transmitted, it is therefore not more than 4.35 = z4a of the whole 
radiation. Thus it is true that the transmission of these three substances 
reduced to plates of 2™™-6 in thickness and exposed to the radiation of a 
body heated to 390° is null or less than z}sdth part of the whole in- 
cident heat. It is by operations analogous to this that I have been able 
to ascertain the limits of the values of the zeros of transmission. 

Now that we know the degree of exactness to which the measures 
contained in our table have been carried, we may proceed to state the 
consequences to which theyead. 

Let us, for the moment, not notice the results obtained with the rock 
salt. The order of the transmissions has no relation to the degree of 
transparency, as we have already determined in our first series of expe- 
riments. It is not strictly the same when we change the calorific source ; 
but each substance exposed to the successive action of the four radia- 
tions presents a like order of decrease in respect to the quantities which 
it transmits from each of the sources; that is to say, that all the sub- 
stances transmit quantities of heat which are feeble in proportion as the 
temperature of the radiating source is low. There are several cases 
in which the transmissions are nothing; but these cases do not make 

* This mode of estimating the energy of the calorific radiations enables us to 
determine without difficulty the ratios existing between the arcs described by 
the magnetic needle of the galvanometer and the corresponding forces. Let us 
suppose the calorific source removed sufficiently far from the pile to produce 
but a feeble deviation of the galvanometer; one of 10°, for example. In the 
passage of the calorific rays let there be interposed a plate which transmits a 
certain fraction of the incident heat. We shall suppose this fraction to be 3; the 
needle will descend to 2°. __ By bringing the source near, the deviation produced 
through the plate will be increased. Let us stop, when the needle shall have 
reached 4°, 6°, 8°, &c. successively the calorific source will then emit upon 
the pile twice, thrice, or four times as much heat as before; for the transmission 
through the same plate exposed to a constant source of heat is always in a con- 
stant ratio, and the forces of deviation are proportional to the degrees in those 
ares that are very near zero. Let the force which causes the galvanometer to 
describe the first degree of the scale be represented as 1, we shall then have 10 
for the first force or quantity of incident heat, 20 for the second, 30 for the third, 
40 for the fourth, &c. Now we know that the first force answers to 10°. In 
order to determine the deviation produced by the force 20 we have only to re- 
nove the plate when the galvanometer points to 4°; the calorific rays will then 

fall immediately on the pile, the angle of deviation will increase, and if the pro- 
- portionality of the degrees to the forces continues through the whole extent of 
the are of the first 20 degrees we shall see the index stop at 20°: at all events 
we shall have the corresponding indication. By repeating the same operation 
when the galvanometer points to 6°, 8°, we shall obtain the quantities sought, 
that is to say, the degrees answering to the forces 20, 30, 40, &c. Thus we 
may verify the results contained in the tables of intensities already made, or de- 
termine the elements necessary for the construction of new tables. 


against the principle as the zero is never followed by appretiable trans: 

The same principle holds in respect to all the liquids that I have been 
able to submit to experiment. It will be recollected that, in my mode of 
operating, the rays of heat, before they reach the liquid layer, must pass 
through a plate of glass. Now this substance becomes more and more 
interceptive in proportion as the sources employed are of a less elevated 
temperature, and consequently acts upon the calorific rays with an effect 
the same as that which a screen of variable transparency would produce 
in respect to light. The process therefore which I pursued in my first 
Memoir could not enable me to determine the exact ratios of the ca- 
lorific transmissions through the same liquids when the source is changed; 
but it was possible to make it available for the purpose of establishing, 
in the greatest number of cases, the general law of decrease which we 
have just determined in respect to solid bodies. 

Let us suppose that a thick plate of glass being submitted to the suc- 
cessive action of an equal quantity of heat, emanating from our four 
sources, gives these transmissions : 

30," 18; 2; "0: 

Let us suppose a parallelopiped, with sides parallel to the faces of the 
plate, to be cut out of the glass, and the cavity thus made to be filled 
with a given liquid: let us then suppose that the transmissions of the 
system become all respectively inferior to the preceding, and are re- 

duced, for instance, to 
20 a tSy salons 

it will be immediately concluded that the liquid acts on the calorific rays 
from different sources in the same manner in which its glass case does ; 
that is, that it exhibits an order of decrease similar to that exhibited 
by the glass and by solid bodies in general. Now this is precisely the 
result furnished by the liquids contained in my glass vessels *. 

* In many instances I was unable to obtain any transmission, even by em- 
ploying a very powerful radiation. It is thus that water, which transmits six 
or seven hundredths of the rays from a Locatelli lamp, completely intercepts the 
heat of the last three sources. Calculating the limit of error for the case least 
favourable to interception I found it ,4, : the source was then brought very close 
to the liquid and an equal layer of oil employed, which caused in the index of 
the galvanometer a deviation of several degrees. Now if the water allows a 
passage to the radiation from bodies heated even to incandescence or brought 
to lower temperatures, the part transmitted must be less than ,4, of the incident 
quantity. I here speak of a layer of 3"™ or 4™™ in thickness : for it is possible 
and even very probable that layers much thinner than these may be in some 
slight degree permeable to rays of this kind. Thus we have seen glass of 0-07 
in thickness transmit 14%, of the rays emanating from boiling water, while a 
plate of 1™™ intercepted them totally. But as, in order to compare different 
transparencies, we must operate on a certain thickness of each medium (for the 


In eight-and-twenty cases there have occurred but the three excep- 
tions presented by carburet of sulphur, chloride of sulphur, and proto- 
chloride of phosphorus, in which the transmissions did not change when 
the liquid was substituted for glass. I found it therefore impossible to 
decide at first whether these three substances acted in the same manner 
as the others; for if they had acted even in a contrary way, provided their 
least transmission were equal to 30°, the result obtained would be the 
same. But in all probability these three anomalies are merely apparent ; 
for the chloride of sulphur, the carburet of sulphur, and the protochlo- 
ride of phosphorus being in a high degree permeable to radiant heat, the 
same thing will happen in respect to these three liquids inclosed in glass 
vessels that happens when very pure fluate of lime is substituted for them; 
that is to say, the transmissions of the system retain their proper values, 
though the fluate of lime itself be subject to the general law. 

Thus the radiant heat from different sources is absorbed in greater or 
less proportions while it is passing through diaphanous bodies (solid or 
liquid); but while it is passing through the same body the absorption 
constantly increases as the temperature of the source decreases. 

It happens quite otherwise to the luminous rays. Let us look through 
a plate of glass at the most vivid flame or at any other phosphorescent 
substance. If the plate is very pure, its interposition will produce no 
sensible effect, and the images will retain all the relations of intensity 
which they had when viewed directly. The pale phosphoric gleam 
therefore suffers in the interior of the glass screen the same absorption 
as the strong light of the flame does. 

The bodies on which I have made my experiments have been taken 
indiscriminately from the three kingdoms of nature: some crystallized, 
others amorphous; some solid, others liquid; some natural, and others 
artificial : yet they all act in a similar order relatively to the rays of the 
different sources of caloric. Does not this constancy in their manner of 
acting, notwithstanding such great differences in their physical and 
chemical constitutions, indicate that this law of decrement belongs to 
the very nature of the heat? We should not however infer from this 
that there are not bodies which afford a passage equally free to calorific 
rays of every kind. For we see by the table that a flake of rock salt, 

most opake bodies become diaphanous when they are sufficiently attenuated), 
so, in order to judge of the ealorific transmissions through different bodies, we 
must take the greatest possible care not to employ excessively thin plates, or at 
least, if we are compelled by particular circumstances to use such, the substances 
compared should be perfectly equal in thickness; for in that state of tenuity the 
_ least difference of thickness might disturb the order of permeability and cause 
us to attribute a greater calorific transparency to substances possessing this pro- 
: perty in an inferior degree. This is probably the cause of the mistake into which 
_ those have fallen who have fancied that they could prove by their experiments 
that water is more diathermanous than glass. 

Vor. I.—Parr I. E 


whether exposed to the radiations of flame, of incandescent platina, of 
copper heated to 390°, or of boiling water, always transmits 92 of every 
hundred incident rays. 

The same constancy of transmission is observable when we operate on 
sources of a temperature yet lower than that of boiling water; such, 
for instance, as vessels containing this liquid heated to 40° or 50°. It is 
observable also when we employ pieces of rock salt 15™™ or 20™ thick. 
I have placed all the flakes of salt that I could dispose of side by side, 
so that the thickness of them all amounted to 86"". The quantity of 
heat transmitted by this series of flakes was considerably less than +34;, 
because of the great number of successive reflexions; but it was always 
invariable relatively to the four sources. Between these limits of thick- 
ness, therefore, rock salt really acts in respect to radiant heat just as co- 
lourless glass and colourless diaphanous bodies in general act in respect to 

This being premised, it is clear that if each substance contained in 
the table acted like the second specimen of rock salt, that is, if it trans- 
mitted the heat in a proportion less than 7% but always the same for 
each of the four sources, all these substances would be to radiant heat 
that which diaphanous bodies more or less dusky are to light. But they 
allow the rays from certain sources to pass through them and intercept 
the rays from others: they act therefore in respect to heat as coloured 
media act on light*. 

What do we find when we expose the same coloured glass successively 

* It appears that Sir David Brewster had lately arrived at the same conclusion 
by means only of the experiments of Delaroche and Seebeck on the transmis- 
sion through glass and on the distribution of heat in the solar spectra produced 
with different prisms. (See Report. of the First and Second Meetings of the 
British Association for the Advancement of Science. London, 1838, p. 294.) But 
these experiments did not prove that the rays in passing through the different 
bodies suffer a real internal absorption analogous to that which light suffers: 
above all, they were far from proving that this absorptive force, varying in each 
substance according to the temperature of the calorific source, could, in some 
particular cases, become constant, and in all respects similar to the action of co- 
lourless diaphanous media on luminous rays. On this ground it may be said 
that the inference of Brewster was yet premature; besides, the illustrious Scotch- 
man rested his conjectures on the erroneous supposition that water has the same 
absorbent force in respect to all sorts of calorific rays. Experiment indeed leads 
to the opposite conclusion, as we have already proved in respect to solar heat 
by the different action of a layer of water on the temperatures distributed in each 
band of the solar spectrum; an action so widely different relatively to two dif- 
ferent rays that all the heat of the violet light passes through the liquid without 
suffering any sensible diminution, while the nonluminous heat of the isothermal 
band is totally absorbed, (Annales de Chimie et de Physique, December 1831,) and 
we have just seen in the preceding note that analogous phenomena are obser- 
vable in the radiations from terrestrial sources also; for a mass of water some 
millimetres in thickness intercepts all but a very small portion of the radiant 
heat issuing from flame and the whole of those rays that issue from any other 


to differently coloured lights? Lights of the same tint as the glass pass 
abundantly, the rest are almost totally intercepted. 

These analogies lead us therefore to consider the radiations from dif- 
ferent sources of heat as not being of the same nature. This seems in- 
deed sufficiently established by the mere fact that the calorific trans- 
mission of glass, Iceland spar, or any other diathermanous body varies 
with the temperature of the radiating source. 

Thus boiling water, copper heated to 390°, incandescent platina, and 
the flame of oil will be to us the sources of a heat that is more or less 
coloured, that is to say, sources each of which gives out a greater quan- 
tity of calorific rays of a certain quality; but the flame will furnish ca- 
lorie rays of every kind as it furnishes light of all colours. 

We shall distinguish bodies into diathermanous and athermanous*. 
The diathermanous we shall subdivide into universal and partial. The 
first of these subdivisions, which is analogous to colourless media, will 
contain but one substance, namely, rock salt; the second, which cor- 
responds with the coloured media, will contain all the bodies comprised 
in our table, in addition to diaphanous liquids and diaphanous substances 
in general. 

As to the class of athermanous bodies I had supposed at first that 
every substance which completely intercepted light intercepted the whole 
of the radiant heat also. This is found to be the fact in the greatest 
number of cases. But subsequent experiments have shown me that flakes 
of black mica and black glass, though they completely intercept the most 
intense solar light, yet exhibit very strongly marked calorific transmis- 
sions. The following are the results: 

out of 100 rays issuing from 
@ i) 
a incan- | copper | copper 
Locatelli] descent at 
lamp. | platina. | 390°. 

Black glass(1™™ in thickness)| 26 25 12 
Ditto (2™™ ditto } 16 15°5 8 

Black mica(O™™-6 ditto 29 28 13 
Ditto (0™™9 ditto ) 20 20 9 

* Athermanous, in contradistinction to diathermanous, evidently signifies the 
absence of the power of transmitting heat. I adopt this term merely for con- 
venience, without attaching to it a definite meaning; for, as there is no body 
which, if reduced to an extremely thin plate, may not become in some degree’ 
transparent, I think also that some rays of heat may pass through all substances 
in a state of great tenuity. 



The black mica and black glass then, though perfectly opake, are dia- 
thermanous, but yet only partially diathermanous, because while they al- 
low some rays of heat to pass they intercept others. 

We may see, besides, that the heat of incandescent platina and that 
of the flame of oil are transmitted in nearly equal quantities by these two 
substances. As soon as I had made my first experiments on the trans- 
mission of opake bodies I found that the rays from incandescent pla- 
tina pass through a plate of black glass in a greater proportion than 
those from an Argand lamp. Now as it happens quite otherwise in 
respect to transparent glass and other diathermanous bodies, I thought 
at first that, in the particular case of the black glass, the variation in the 
quantity of heat transmitted was inversely as the temperature of the ra- 
diating source*. But it was not long before I discovered my mistake ; 
for, exposing two flakes of glass, the one colourless and the other opake, 
first to the direct rays of a Locatelli lamp and next to the rays that passed 
through a screen of common glass, I found that if the transmission 
through the first plate increases, as I have already stated in my first Me- 
moir, the transmission through the second decreases. These opposite 
variations exhibited by the transmissions of the black and the white 
glass relatively to the radiations from the Argand lamp. and the incan- 
descent platina, do not arise from any peculiar action of the calorific 
sources on the two bodies, but from a particular modification which the 
cylindrical screen or glass funnel attached to the Argand lamp pro- 
duces in the calorific rays passing through it,—a modification which 
changes their capability of ulterior transmission and enables them to 
pass through the other bodies in a greater or less quantity than if they 
were in their natural state. 

We shall presently see that almost all the screens produce analogous 

The similarity of the action of glass and transparent bodies in general 
upon radiant heat to that of coloured media upon light, is established 
even in its most minute details by all the phenomena of transmission that 
we have been able to observe. For we have seen that the calorific 
rays from the flame of an Argand lamp lose much of their intensity 
while passing into the interior of a thick piece of colourless glass, and 
that their subsequent losses decrease in proportion as the distance from 
the surface at which they enter increases. Now the same thing takes 
place if we expose to white light any coloured transparent body, a red 
liquid, for instance; for in this case nearly all the rays, blue, green, yel- 
low, &c., which enter into the composition of this light are absorbed 
more or less rapidly by the first layers of the liquid, and the red rays 
alone penetrate to a certain depth. 

* Bulletin de la Société Philomatique, July 1838. 


It is also known from the experiments of Delaroche and others that 
the radiant heat which has traversed a plate of glass and suffered a cer- 
tain loss will in passing through a second plate sustain a second loss pro- 
portionally less than the first. In the same manner does the ineident 
white light in passing through the first layer of a coloured substance be- 
come considerably weaker, while the emergent colowred light passes al- 
most without suffering any diminution of intensity. 

By exposing a given plate of a diaphanous substance successively to 
equal quantities of calorific rays from different sources we have seen 
their transmissions vary with the temperature of the source, that is to 
say, with the nature of the rays emitted. We have seen moreover that 
the differences between one transmission and another decrease in pro- 
portion as the plates employed are thinner, until within a certain limit 
of tenuity they vanish or have a tendency to vanish altogether. All 
these effects are observable in the differently coloured lights transmitted 
through a coloured medium; for if the medium be red the quantities of 
light transmitted will be greater in proportion to the greater number of 
red rays contained in each radiation. The other rays will be absorbed 
in a greater or less degree. But the quantities of light transmitted ap- 
proach more nearly to an equality in proportion as the plate to be passed 
through is thinner. In short, the coloured media become more faint as 
their mass is reduced, and when sufficiently attenuated retain no sensible 
tint whatsoever, in other words, they become permeable to luminous rays 
of all colours. 

We have several times remarked the striking differences exhibited 
in the calorific transmissions of diaphanous substances. But this cu- 
rious fact, which constitutes, as it were, the basis of our inquiries, ceases 
to surprise us as soon as we feel convinced that bodies which are trans- 
parent and colourless act upon heat in a manner similar to that in which 
coloured media act upon light. For, as upon the intensity of the co- 
lour depends the degree of transparency, that is, the number of lumi- 
nous rays that.pass through the coloured substances, in like manner upon 
this species of invisible calorific tint which diaphanous bodies possess 
will depend whether a greater or a less quantity of heat be transmitted*. 

* Seeing that in respect to all the substances given in the table, the rock salt 
excepted, the order of decrement is similar though the sources of heat are dif- 
ferent, one might be inclined at first to infer that they belong to the same species 
of partially diathermanous bodies, that is, that they may be compared with co- 
loured media. But that such a conclusion is not legitimate will be shown by 

~ one example: let a be the species of rays transmitted by the medium A, b that 
species which is transmitted by the medium B, and c the rays intercepted by the 
same media. Let us suppose a calorific source that will give 30 a, 30 b, and 
40 c; it is clear that the two media A and B will intercept 70 parts of the hundred 
and transmit 30. However, the rays emerging from A will be different from 
those which emerge from B, If we suppose a second source of heat such: as 
will give 20 a, 20 b, and 60 c, we shall have 80 as the quantity intercepted and 


We shall presently see yet more striking analogies between the two 
classes of phenomena when we consider the modifications which the ca- 
lorific rays undergo in their passage from one screen to the other. But 
before we dismiss the present subject it may be advisable to bestow a 
few moments’ attention on the purposes to which the calorific proper- 
ties of rock salt may be applied. 

Glass is a substance but very slightly diathermanous, especially when 
the temperature of the source is low. The common prisms or convex © 
lenses could not therefore be employed for the purpose of ascertaining 
whether radiant heat be subject to changes of direction analogous to 
those of light in penetrating to the interior of refracting media. It was 
owing to the use of such instruments that some who applied themselves 
to the investigation of this point attained but very indecisive results, and 
often drew from them very false conclusions. Scheele asserted that 
“bright points not possessing the least heat may be formed before the 
fire with burning-glasses*.” Carefully conducted experiments have 
more recently shown that a thermometer rises some degrees when placed 
in the focus of a lens exposed to the radiation of flame or of incan- 
descent bodies+. But as the heat is then luminous, and as no very de- 
cided effect is observed if the operation is performed with nonluminous 
heat, it was inferred that the elevation of temperature was owing to the 
light absorbed by the thermometer and that isolated radiant heat is not 
susceptible of refraction. . This notion might derive additional support 
from the fact that lenses of rock crystal, Iceland spar, alum, and other 
diaphanous substances acted analogously to the glass lens: and yet it 
would have been wrong to attribute to the agent an effect which was due 
only to the particular structure of all those substances. To be satisfied 
of this we need only operate with a lens of rock salt; for the focal ther- 
mometer then always exhibits a marked elevation of temperature, even 
though the radiant heat be totally separated from the light. But it has 
been attempted to explain the effect of the lenses by an inequality in the 
heating of their different parts. It has been said that the heat is accu- 
mulated towards the centre, that the parts towards the margin, because 
of their thinness, quickly grow cold again, and that it is not surprising 
therefore to see the thermometer rise more rapidly when placed in the 
prolongation of the axis of the lens than in any other direction}. It 
would however still remain to be explained why the experiment is no 

20 as the quantity transmitted by each of the screens. If the source gave 10a, 
10 4, and 80 c, the transmission would be 10 and the interception 90. Thus two- 
substances exposed fo different radiations may furnish calorific transmissions not 
only varying according to thesame order of decrement, but equal inall their periods 
of variation, although the rays emerging from each may be of a different kind. 

* Scheele, Zraité de I’ Air et du Feu, Paris, 1778, § 56. 

+ W. Herschel and Brande, Philosophical Transactions for 1800 and 1820. 

t Philosophical Transactions, vol. cvi. 


longer equally successful when for the salt we substitute alum or any 
other diaphanous substance. But as recourse might be had to sup- 
posed differences between the conducting, the absorptive, or the emis- 
sive powers of these bodies, it seems advisable first to prove the refrac- 
tion of the nonluminous rays without using lenses. 

With this view I place, at a certain distance from the thermoelectric 
pile and out of the direction of its axis, a plate of copper heated to 390° 
by an alcoholic lamp, or, what is still better, a vessel filled with water 
in a state of ebullition. The pile being lodged at the bottom of a me- 
tallic tube blackened inside, the rays of nonluminous heat emitted from 
the vessel in a direction oblique to the axis cannot reach the thermosco- 
pie body, and the index of the galvanometer remains perfectly at rest. 
Matters being now in this state, I take a prism of rock salt and fix it at 
the mouth of the tube with its axis placed vertically and its refractive 
angle turned towards the angle formed by a line drawn from the source 
to the extremity of the tube. (See Plate I. fig. 2.) A considerable de- 
viation is immediately perceived inthe galvanometer. The rays of heat 
are therefore conveyed into the tube by the action of the prism. 

To show that the effect is really due to the refraction and not to the 
heat of the salt it will be sufficient to turn the angle of refraction in a 
contrary direction; for as soon as this is done the needle falls again to 
zero, notwithstanding the presence of the prism. The experiment is no 
less successful with the heat of the lamp, or that of the incandescent 
platina. Calorifie rays of every kind are therefore, like luminous rays, 
susceptible of refraction. 

But on the principle of analogy, as each species of light, so will each 
species of heat possess a different refrangibility. Hence it is evident that 
if the prism be left in its position and the radiant source changed it 
would become necessary at the same time to change the angle formed 
by the axis of the pile with the direction of the rays, in order to obtain 
the desired effect on the galvanometer. If however we attempt to ve- 
rify this conjecture we obtain no decisive result. This is easily con- 
ceived when we reflect that the aperture of the tube has a certain dia- 
meter and that it is placed quite close to the prism, so that the rays 
refracted at angles differing but very little from each other can always 
reach the pile though no change should be made in the inclination of 
the axis of the tube. 

But there is another process by means of which, if we cannot exactly 
measure the refrangibility of each, species of calorific rays, we prove at 
least that the angle of refraction varies with the measure of the radiating 
source. I took a graduated circle ABC (Plate I. fig. 3.) 22 inches 
in diameter carrying aruler CD as a moveable radius. At the extremity 
of this ruler I placed a thermoelectric pile M composed of fifteen pairs 
disposed in one line perpendicular to the plane of the circle. 


This apparatus being placed horizontally on a table, the centre C was 
brought within a little distance of the bottom of a vertical prism(N) of 
rock salt, so that when the ruler CD was properly placed the refracted 
parcel of hot rays fell on all the points of the linear pile. 

By establishing the electric communications with the galvanometer 
and moving the ruler over the graduated arc, the point at which the 
deviation of the magnetic index attained its greatest value was easily 
determined. The radiating source was then changed while everything 
else was allowed to remain in the same state. We had now a calorific 
action more or less intense than the preceding; but in order to obtain 
the maximum of effect it was necessary to slide the ruler in one direction 
or the other. Thus, for instance, when I commenced the experiment 
with the incandescent platina, that is, when I had found the correspond- 
ing position of the pile that gives the greatest galvanometric deviation, it 
was necessary to move the ruler about two lines towards B, on the side 
to which the most refrangible rays are directed, if I substituted the 
Locatelli lamp for the platina. But if I substituted for the platina a 
plate of copper heated to 390° I was obliged to slide the ruler three lines 
towards A, in the direction of the less refrangible rays. The action of 
the boiling water in this experiment was too feeble to be compared with 
that of any of the three other sources. 

The refraction and constant transmission of the calorific rays through 
the rock salt being placed beyond the possibility of doubt, we imme- 
diately see the use that may be made of this substance in investigating 
the nature of radiant heat. If, for instance, it is proposed to propagate 
to great distances the action of a heated body of small dimensions, we 
are now certain that we have only to place the body at the focus of a 
lens of rock salt, which will refract the calorific rays and make them form 
a real pharos of heat by issuing in a direction parallel to the axis. Is 
it desired that extremely feeble rays emanating from any source should 
be rendered perceptible? Let them be received on a lens of this sub- 
stance having a thermoscopic body placed in its focus. In this manner 
we may, with the aid of an ordinary differential thermometer with small 
balls, obtain very decided indications of the heat issuing from a vessel 
filled with tepid water and placed at a great distance. In short, rock 
salt formed into lenses and prisms acts upon calorific rays in a manner 
perfectly analogous to that in which optical instruments act upon lumi- 
nous rays. It constitutes then the ¢rwe glass of radiant heat, and there- 
fore the only glass that should be employed in appreciating the effects 
of its intensity. All other transparent bodies are but partial and in- 
complete transmitters of heat, totally intercepting calorific rays of a 
certain kind. It is easy to conceive, from these considerations, with 
what serious disadvantages those persons have had to contend who have 
undertaken to investigate the composition of solar heat with common 


prisms of flint or crown glass, water, alcohol, or some other diaphanous 
body. It was exactly the same as if they pretended to be able to analyse 
solar light with a prism formed of coloured glass. 

Of the properties of the calorific rays immediately transmitted by different 

The radiant heat which has passed through a plate of glass is trans- 
mitted in a greater proportion by a second plate of the same substance 
and the same thickness ; the rays issuing from the second will be trans- 
mitted in a still greater proportion by a third, and so through any number 
of successive screens. The losses sustained by the calorific rays in their 
passage through a succession of screens, as compared with the quantity 
incident on each plate, will therefore form a decreasing series. But the 
difference between every two terms of this series becomes less and less 
as the number of terms increases, so that there must be somewhere a 
limit beyond which the difference has a tendency to vanish. We may 
conclude therefore that the rays after they have passed through a cer- 
tain number of screens, will in their further transmission be subject to 
a loss reducible to a constant quantity as compared with the quantity of 
heat incident to each of the screens through which this further transmis- 
sion is made. 

The same phenomena may be traced in a continuous mass of diather- 
manous matter; that is to say, that if we imagine a piece of glass di- 
vided into several equal layers and measure the loss sustained by the 
radiant heat in its passage through each layer, the greater the distance 
of the layer from the surface at which the heat enters, the less will be 
the diminution suffered by the rays passing through that layer, and the 
losses have a tendency to become constant within a limit depending 
on the thickness of the layers. Some of these results we have already 
verified in the preceding memoir, and it is easy to establish their truth, 
in reference to the sources of heat employed in our present inquiry, by 
means of the numbers which represent the transmissions of the plates 
contained in the first table*. 

* Let us imagine the screen of 8™™ divided into seven layers having for their 
degrees of thickness the differences between two consecutive plates. (See the first 
table in this Memoir.) The quantities of heat incident on the layers when the 
radiation is from a Locatelli lamp are 

100, 77, 54, 46, 41, 37, 35, 33-5, 
and the Seeentien lost in the successive transmissions are 
23, 23, 8, 5, 4, 2, 1d. 
Now the mean losses for the fuindxedth part ofa millimetre of each screen will be 
23 23 8 5 4 2 1:5 
7’ 43’ 50’ 100’ 100’ 100’ 100° 
or  3:286, 0-535, 0:160, 0-050, 0-020, 0-010, 0-007." 
Hence the losses sustained by the rays of the lamp in the first hundredth part 


The only difference observable between the transmission through a 
continuous medium and the transmission through a series of detached 
screens is in the amount of the losses, which, for a given thickness, are 
found to be greater in the latter, because of the reflexions produced by 
each separate surface. : 

These facts cannot surprise us after the idea we have formed to our- 
selves of the influence exercised by diaphanous substances on radiant 
heat. For the calorific sources always emit a certain portion of rays 
heterogeneous (if we may use the expression) to the calorific tint of the 
glass, which, through the absorbent action of the matter constituting 
the continuous medium or the detached screens, are successively extin- 
guished until no rays remain but those that are homogeneous to this tint. 
Now these homogeneous rays must suffer a loss greater or less in its 
amount, but constant in respect to layers of equal thickness, as is the case, 
in the transmission of light, with red rays passing through a medium of 
the same colour, and with white rays passing through a medium diapha- 
nous and colourless. What we have said of glass is equally true of 
every other partially diathermanous substance. 

The calorific transmission through aseries of homogeneous screens is 
then absolutely of the same nature as that which is effected through the 

of a millimetre of each layer, when referred to the quantities of incident heat, 
will have the values 

3286 0°535 0:160 0:050 0:020 0:010 0-007 

100 77 54 46 41 37 35 
that is, 0°0328 0:0070 0:0030 0:0011 0:0005 0°0003 0-0002. 

By similar calculations the successive losses sustained by the radiations from 
the incandescent platina and the copper heated to 390° will be found to be 

0:0614 0-0081 0°0032 0:0019 0:0010 0:0005 0-:0003 
0:0943 0:0155 0°0050 0:0022 0-0014 0:0010 0-0008. 
Now the differences between every two terms of these series are for the 
Ist, 0°0258 0-0040 0-0019 0-0006 0:0002 0-0001; 
2nd, 0:0523 0:0049 0:0013 0:0009 0:0005 0:0002; 
3rd, 00780 0:0105 0:0028 0:0008 0-0004 0-0002. 

As to the fourth source it is useless to speak of it, as its rays are completely 
extinguished at the distance of one millimetre. 

Thus, notwithstanding the inequalities of the increase of the distance from 
the second and the third layer to the surface of entrance, we observe in the 
three series the two principles we have laid down, namely, Ist, the decrease of 
the losses; 2nd, the tendency of this decrease towards a limit at which the loss 
becomes constant: but for each particular case the points of the medium at 
which the rays begin to suffer this constant action are evidently placed at a fixed 
distance from the origin. Therefore, if the glass be divided into equal layers, 
the limit of the decrease of the losses will be attained more slowly in proportion 
as theayers are more numerous, that is to say, thinner. It is for this reason 
that in each series the limit at which the losses become constant depends, as 
we have already said, on the thickness of the elementary layers. 



interior of one continuous medium. This transmission we have ex- 
amined, and, as we have just seen, it presents nothing contrary to its ana- 
logy with the transmission of light through coloured media. There is 
however a particular case in which two homogeneous screens act in so 
singular a manner in respect to light that it must be interesting to know 
whether something analogous does not take place in respect to caloric. 

The optical phenomena presented by most of the slices of tour- 
maline cut parallel to the axis of crystallization are universally known. 
If these slices are placed one over the other and their axes laid in the 
same direction, they transmit light in considerable quantities. But if 
they be laid at right angles to one another, the light is totally intercepted. 
Do these phzenomena, arising, as is well known, from the polarization of 
the light in the interior of the slices, take place in respect to calorific 
rays also; or, in other words, is radiant heat capable of being polarized 
in its passage through tourmaline ? 

In order to ascertain this I have taken two square plates of the same 
dimensions. I have made an aperture in the centre of each. This 
aperture was likewise a square having its sides parallel to those of the 
plate and each equal to the least breadth of the two polarizing slices. 
I then took some soft wax and attached a tourmaline to each aperture, 
holding the axis of the former parallel to one of the sides of the latter. 
These two plates being laid one over the other, it evidently depended on 
one of the sides of the one plate being placed parallel or perpendicular 
to a side of the other whether the light was to be transmitted or inter- 
cepted. Yet this pair of plates being placed vertically on the stand of 
my thermoelectric apparatus and exposed to the radiation of a lamp or 
incandescent platina, uniformly produced the same calorific transmission, 
whatever might be the relative direction of the sides of each plate. 

That this fact might be put beyond the reach of doubt the galvano- 
metric index was carried to the 18th or 20th degree, and the calorific 
communication now established was suffered to remain while we placed 
one of the plates on each of its sides in succession. The flame or the 
incandescent platina was then observed to appear and disappear alter- 
nately while the magnetic needle continued invariably at the same point 
of deviation. . 

This experiment was repeated many times with several tourmalines, 
and the angle formed by the intersection of their axes varied. The re- 
sult was in all cases the same. The quantity of calorific rays trans- 
mitted through the two polarizing slices is then independent of the re- 
spective directions given to their axes of crystallization; that is to say, 
the heat radiating from terrestrial sources is not polarized in its passage 
through tourmalines*, 

* This result seems opposed to the experiments of M. Bérard on the polari- 
zation of reflected heat; but, ignorant as we are of the nature of the relations 


Let us now proceed to consider the transmission of heat through he- 
terogeneous screens. The calorific rays emerging from each plate ex- 
posed to the action of the same source produce a particular elevation of 
temperature when they fall on the thermoscopic body of our apparatus. 
Whence we have inferred that the quantity of heat which passes through 
a given screen varies according to the quality and thickness of the sub- 
stance. But, it may be asked, is this the only difference between the 
rays immediately transmitted through bodies of different kinds ? 

For the purpose of answering this question we have made the follow- 
ing experiments. 

If the rays from a Locatelli lamp be brought to act on a thermoelec- 
tric pile after having previously passed through a screen of diaphanous 
matter (such as citric acid) but in a slight degree permeable to radiant 
heat, the effect obtained in the ordinary case, in which the whole ac- 
tion is equivalent to 30° of the thermomultiplier, will be very inconsi- 
derable ; but it may be increased by bringing the source of heat nearer, 
or by concentrating its rays on the plate with the help of metallic mir- 
rors or lenses of rock salt. I suppose then that a deviation of 25° or 
30° of the galvanometer has been produced through a plate of citric 
acid. I now interpose a plate of alum in such a manner that the rays 
emerging from the citric acid may be forced to pass through it before 
they can reach the thermoscopic body; the magnetic needle descends 
only about 3 or 4 degrees.” 

I now recommence the operation on any other diaphanous and colour- 
less substance different from the citric acid; that is to say, I vary the 
distance from the lamp to the pile until I obtain the same galvanome- 
tric deviation of 25° or 30° by the action of the radiant heat on this new 
substance also. I then interpose the plate of alum, and the magnetic 
index, as in the case of the citric acid, descends again not more than 
about 3 or 4 degrees, but it approaches nearer to zero, and the retro- 

that caloric and light bear to one another, we have no means of proving that, as 
no polarization of heat is produced by the transmission through the tourmalines, 
none can be produced by reflexion at the surface of the glass. Iam bound also 
to remark that some very able experimental philosophers having lately tried to 
polarize light by M. Bérard’s process, their efforts proved unavailing. Mr. Powell 
informs us that although he had taken the necessary precautions against the 
heating of the glass and other causes of error he has never been able to discover 
the least appearance of polarization when operating with nonluminous heat. 
But he thinks that when he employed luminous sources he was enabled to ob- 
‘serve a small perceptible effect by making the rays previously pass through a 
screen of glass (Edinb. Journal of Science, N. S., vol. vi.) Mr. Lloyd communi- 
cated at the last meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of 
Science (Cambridge 1833) some new results tending to support the conclusions 
derived by Mr. Powell from his own experiments. [No communication upon 
this subject by Professor Lloyd appears in the Report of the British Association 
for 1833,—Epir. | 


grade movement is sometimes so marked that the needle nearly resumes 
its natural position of equilibrium. 

If instead of alum other substances were employed as the invariable 
plate on which the rays issuing from each diaphanous body are succes- 
sively made to fall, we should still observe differences in the correspond- 
ing deviations of the galvanometer; but they would be in general of a 
less decided kind. It is on this account that we have preferred the 

The following are the results, in hundredth parts, of the constant 
quantity of heat that falls on the plate of alum: 

Screens from which there issue 100 rays 

of heat which are made to fall succes- Number of rays transmitted 

sively on the same plate of alum. J es 
ORBISON WLS, chee. i otdin seus een 9 
Fockisalt (limpid)ciec usc. de Seeds ove 9 
Rock salt SS aN Ceon Th 9 
EES OL SOAD. ono utansiennsier'piaes axes, itd 
AGULATIA TIDAL | oon... ccncenocaesene 14 
MECIATU SPaly coetircscsidecsenncettoscse OE 
Bisehs crystal Ai: os. aeee cow cas cotess 25 
Mirror elass ts) See 27 

Carbonate of ammonia ............... 31 
Sulphate of inten: 05... ssvwscetedcnvassihinn C2 

Tartrate of potash and Jee Ehcrtde nce 80 
WipmeraCldy. ster dee ase ch teeroechs + OD 
J: \IRELTEN Sy aia RRS BG Ra eS 90 

We see that radiations of the same intensity emanating from the dia- 
phanous and colourless bodies contained in the tables pass through the 
same plate of alum in very different quantities. In the same manner 
sheaves of luminous rays issuing from different coloured media are 
transmitted some in greater and others in less proportions by a second 
transparent substance equally coloured, as the tint of each medium hap- 
pens to be more or less analogous to that of the invariable substance 
through which they are to pass. 

The calorific rays issuing from the diaphanous screens are therefore 
of different qualities and possess (if we may use the term) the diather- 
mancy * peculiar to each of the substances through which they have 
passed. The citric acid, the tartrate of potash and soda, and the sul- 
phate of lime transmit rays which pass abundantly through alum; the 

* IT employ the word diathermancy as the equivalent of calorific coloration or 
caloric tint, lest the latter should be confounded with tints or colours properly 
so called. The word has been suggested to me by M. Ampére, who has conti- 
nued to assist me with his valuable advice in the composition of this Memoir, 
for which I here take the opportwhity to tender him my grateful acknowledge- 


diathermancy of these bodies therefore approximates nearly to that of 
the alum. The glass, the rock crystal, and the Iceland spar have evi- 
dently a different diathermancy, for the rays which pass through them 
are less transmissible by the invariable screen. ‘The same may be said 
of borax, adularia, and carbonate of ammonia. As to the heat emerging 
from rock salt (limpid or dull) it acts in a manner similar to that in which 
the unobstructed light of the lamp would. The reason is evident, since 
the salt, acting equally on the different species of calorific rays, must 
transmit them all without reflecting their relative properties in any man- 
ner whatsoever. 

These facts then completely confirm the conclusions which we had 
drawn from the preceding experiments: namely, that, 1st, flame sends 
forth rays of several kinds; 2nd, that diaphanous colourless bodies, with 
the exception of rock salt, act so as to extinguish certain caloric rays 
and allow others to pass, just as coloured media act in respect to light. 

Here a very interesting question is naturally suggested. If the dia- 
thermancy or quality which constitutes the tint of a medium relatively 
to the radiant caloric is invisible, what part then do colours act in the 
transmission of heat ? 

When the quantity of radiant heat that passes through coloured glass 
is measured, it is always found to be less than that which passes through 
white glass of the same thickness. The difference indeed is sometimes 
considerable, though having no apparent relation to the prismatic order 
or intensity of the colour. We have already remarked this in the first 
memoir, and the truth of the remark will be readily admitted by any 
one who casts an eye over the following little table. 

Screens of glass exposed to the 

radiation of a Locatelli lamp. 
(Common thickness 1"™-85.) 

out of 100 rays of heat. 

CABS; TBS) Leh PS RBS, eee 40 
ny ROH (deep) i. lassen <inadepn 33 
mre i) OFRDER os cassis eds aepeaes pasar cane’ 29° 
— yellow (brilliant) ................. 22 
— green (apple).....cscssscesseesencee 25 
— green Gece cantons cua tae ste ect 23 
ee RRS ere Nd ates Perret 21 
pert 0 REAR 3 bor sdcon cnc caosacccbiguon 12 
== violet (deep) te acenthes chi. 0500 34 
—~-  black.(opake)jssacpacusisag-uppsice» sas 17 

It is therefore not to be doubted that an absorption of caloric is caused 
by the colouring matter. But is the power of absorption elective like the 
action of the invisible calorific tints in colourless diaphanous bodies, or 
does it affect all sorts of rays indiscriminately? We are about to inves- 
tigate this point by means of experiments similar to the preceding, in 
which we have taken equal quantities of heat issuing from different 


screens of differently coloured glass, in order to make them pass through 
one common screen of alum. - 

Screens from which the 100 rays issue 
that are made to fall successively 
on the same slice of alum. 

Number of rays 
transmitted by this slice. 

Relay WiRIte . O84, «iin acindeasadeeeesbatiemlees Ul 
soe BRR 2 ld nebo npso i octal mana ards Seta Veal 

=o OMT SRocdrOasccnccto-Sbsoncens cna. ZT) 

ah MOMOW a cacns gan taes cece: <satpetie Whee 
aaa Pree) (Apple ee tenis te cose ss geen 4 pil 
— green DAE Poa Crete 3 
= | Ca sae 27 
et ENO ac anna ass. « votes Ralaalhta yes 27 
SE NIOIEE cncs enna: 27 
meee (DUCE) conics tewnc seas 1 

We see here that the rays emerging from the red, orange, yellow, 
blue, indigo, and violet are transmitted through the plate of alum in the 
same proportion as the rays that issue from the white glass. The co- 
louring matter introduced into the composition of these different kinds 
of glass has no other effect than to extinguish part of the calorific sheaf 
which passed through the white, without perceptibly altering the rela- 
tions of quantity between the several species of rays of which that sheaf 
is composed: they act in respect to radiant heat just as brown or black- 
ish substances dipped in a transparent fluid would act in respect to light. 
But the case is different with respect to green and opake black; for 
these being introduced into the composition of glass, it will stop nearly 
all the rays that the alum is capable of transmitting. This effect arises 
from the green or opake colouring matter producing a certain modifi- 
cation in the diathermancy of the glass, and we have just seen that this 
species of calorific colouration is invisible and totally independent of co- 
loration properly so called, since it exists in bodies possessing the great- 
est transparency. It is then extremely probable that the black or the 
green should not be supposed to enter as mere neutrals into this phe- 
nomenon, which will thenceforth depend on such or such a property 
of these colouring materials. I have found, in fact, some green glasses, 
which produced a much feebler action than others of the same tint but 
possessing a less brilliant colouration. The green glasses which act most 
powerfully are of a bluish cast ; from which circumstance it would seem 
to follow that they contain a considerable quantity of oxide of copper. 
Whatever may be said of this singular property of green and black 
opake glasses and the cause by which it is produced, it is nevertheless 
an indisputable fact which everg man can easily verify and of which we 
intend to give some new proofs presently. But it will perhaps be ad- 
visable previously to adduce the results furnished by several diather- 


manous substances examined by that process to which we have sub- 
mitted the coloured glasses and the diaphanous colourless bodies. 

Screens emitting 100 rays of heat which 
are made to fall successively on 
the same slice of alum. 
Mica, blackopake (22 .w.ciokte eee eS 
Tourmaline, -green.......0.002sses0e see vel OE 
Sulphate of barytes .........ssceceeeeeee 12 
Acid chromate of potash ............... 14 
Mites We). (ccc aecitvrocewesirentleater sere, Me 
Beryl <2ic-.cicavst.veieewivecks-shdebsetoctoe lo 
Hime ralgiey ys cacrecleteuesccceceecseccsenvett MLO 

Number of rays 
transmitted by this slice. 

Agate, pearly ......cceccoessccessowessers 24: 
Agate, yellows c..csccessccecevsececesscsene 24: 
Amber, yellow : ...s0.s00scecsescessoensess 30 
OPIN, fa'staot icceisics snc ebalan'a sete oes Fannie 45 

On these numbers we have two remarks to make: first, that the green 
tourmaline and the black mica act in a manner analogous to glass of 
the same colour; second, that the beryl and emerald emit rays equally 
transmissible by the alum, although the colours of these two kinds of 
the same substance are different. The same happens to the two kinds 
of agate. These facts may perhaps be turned to some account by the 
mineralogist in examining certain coloured substances which belong to 
the different varieties of one mineralogical species. 

We have been hitherto investigating the action of alum on a constant 
quantity of rays emerging from several diathermanous substances. Let 
us now reverse the problem and see what will be the effect when these 
substances are interposed in the passage of an invariable radiation is- 
suing from alum. 

In the third column of the following table will be found the results 
furnished by this class of experiments. It is almost unnecessary to ob- 
serve that they have been obtained by successively placing the several 
bodies between the alum and the pile, after having produced in the 
galvanometer the ordinary deviation of 30° through the first substance. 
I have placed in the columns after the third the values of the trans- 
missions of the same bodies exposed to the rays emerging from four 
substances different from alum; namely, sulphate of lime, acid chromate 
of potash, and green and black glass. The natural values of the calorific 
transmissions, that is to say, the results obtained under the immediate 
action of the lamp, are indicated in the second column. 


Names of the substances 

(Those plates whose thickness is 
not specially indicated have the 
common thickness of 2-6.) 

CT eS eee 
Fluate of lime 

DRE e acc tay coe ses ves doe tences ccs 
1 SE 0 re 
Glass (thick. 075) ...2........ 
EWS Si) eet 
BNE GEN SEL ne jne on ansinns-cs 
Chromate of potash 
Sulphate of barytes 
White agate ..0522.0... 
Adularia felspar...............00 
Yellow amber .... 

Black opake mica(thick. omm. 9) 
Yellow agate 

Bee wee eeeees 

Seem eee eee ee tewees 
He ewe eee ewe eee testes eeneee 
sere eee eee eeeeee 

eee ee 

Common gum *. 2.060... ..00..00. 
Sulphate of lime ............... 
Sulphate of lime (thick. 12™™) 
Carbonate of ammonia......... 
MUSEUM so ccc stcinepats cab sie «ue 
Tartrate of potash and soda ... 

Coloured glasses, 
(common thickness 1™™-85.) 

Glass, white 
SIDLCLMEsc bat cde srcchec tt. 
PEON eth cathe ceaseeee 

MEAS Ss cin miedo das icnsosssive 

green (apple) ............ 
green (mineral ) 

eee eee eee ee eee eee 

tee wwe eee 

black (opake)....... 
RUE” cxtcccsases: 

WoL. l—PART I. 

Rays immediately from 
the lamp. 


Rays emerging from the 
(thickness 2™™6, ) 

Transmissions out of 100 rays. 


(thickness 2™™°6,) 

Rays emerging from the 
sulphate of lime, 

mre LO 

@M~TCo A bd Ga © 

- co 


m 69 Gi D 
oe a 

& bo 

Hm D Or 09 


chromate of potash, 
Rays emerging from the 

Rays emerging from the 
(thickness 2™™-6,) 



OL ope) | 
bo ~1 OD 

= bo © 09 fo +I 

SS bo 




re DO 
Or Or D  ~TO DO 

green glass 
(thickness 1™-85.) 



Dowaa oa 


Rays emerging from the 

black glass, 
(thickness 1™™°85,) 


Several of the numerical results contained in this table may be verified 
by. calculation. 

For, when two plates of different kinds are exposed together to the 
radiation of the source, their position relative to the entrance and the 
issue of the calorific rays does not affect the quantity of heat which passes 
through this system. This is easily proved by putting the first plate in 
the place of the second ; for the thermomultiplier, notwithstanding this 
change of order, continues to mark the same degree of its scale. Let 
us now take two plates and place them alternately in each of the two 
positions, for instance, the plate of alum and the chromate of potash. 
These two substances, exposed separately to 100 rays of heat emanating 
directly from the source, transmit 9 and 34 respectively. The quantities 
of heat that should fall on each of the two plates in order that 100 may 
emerge in each case is easily determined by these simple proportions: 

9 : 100 :: 100: 2a, 
Sho OO mse LOO saa, 
which give 1111 for the alum and 294 for the chromate of potash. Now 
we know by experiment that chromate of potash exposed to 100 rays is- 
suing from alum transmits 57, and that alum exposed to 100 rays issuing 
from chromate of potash transmits 15. 

But the order of succession has no influence on the transmission of 
the pair: let us therefore reverse the system only in one case or the 
other. We shall then have the same plates exposed in the same man- 
ner to the two radiations of 1111 and 294. The quantities transmitted 
under both circumstances should accordingly be proportional to the 
incident quantities, as is actually proved within the limits of approxi- 
mation compatible with the nature of the experiments; for we have, 

BT es ES PEL 3294: 

The table contains ten pairs which are submitted in both ways to the 
radiations of the source; there are in it consequently twenty numbers 
which should be in proportions analogous to the preceding. It is evi- 
dent too that these calculations require that the five plates emitting the 
100 rays which fall successively on the whole series of diathermanous 
bodies should be those that are indicated by the same names in the first 
column. I have accordingly taken care that this condition should be 

The bodies submitted to the heat emerging from the screens present 
no longer the same order of transmission that they presented under the 
immediate action of the radiation of the lamp. The changes which 
take place have no apparent regularity whether we compare one series 
with another or consider only the different terms of the same series. 
Thus glass, Iceland spar, and rock crystal are more diathermanous to 
the heat emerging from the five screens than to that which comes di- 


rectly from the source. Citric acid and tartrate of potash become 
more permeable to the rays issuing from the alum and sulphate of 
lime, and less permeable to those which proceed from black or green 
glass. With the opake mica and the tourmaline the case is directly 
the contrary. Some substances are equally permeable to the heat ra- 
diating from several screens. Others experience variations so great as 
to exhibit all the phases of the phenomenon, from an extremely abun- 
dant to an excessively feeble transmission*. 

Through all these vicissitudes the action of the rock salt continues the 
same and uniformly transmits 92 rays out of 100. Hence follows the 
inverse proportion that if the series of plates be exposed to one hundred 
rays emerging from a plate of rock salt, the ratios of the quantities of 
heat transmitted would be the same as those obtained through the action 
of the immediate radiation; a proposition which I have besides verified 
by direct experiments, 

After what we have so often repeated respecting the action of uni- 
versal and partial diathermanous bodies, it would be superfluous again 
to point out the perfect similarity between these facts and the ana- 
logous phzenomena presented by the transmission of light through dia- 
phanous media, colourless and coloured. We shall therefore confine 
ourselves to a single observation on the nature of the rays which tra- 
verse certain screens. 

The heat emerging from alum is almost totally absorbed by the opake 

* This change in the faculty of ulterior transmission is not the only modifi- 
cation that radiant heat undergoes in passing through the diathermanous bodies. 
It becomes also more or less susceptible of being absorbed in different quantities 
by the black and the white surfaces. This fact can be thus proved by expe- 

We take two thermometers of equal sensibility, and after haying coloured 
one of the balls black and the other white we expose them simultaneously to the 
radiant heat, sometimes direct, sometimes transmitted through a plate of glass. 
The two thermometers are then observed to rise unequally, but the inequality is 

eater when the transmitted heat is employed. Mr. Powell, to whom we 
are indebted for this ingenious experiment, has performed it on calorific radia- 
tions from a bright red hot iron and from an Argand lamp. ‘The means of se- 
veral series of observations furnished, as the ratio of absorption of the thermo- 
meter with the black to that of the thermometer with the white ball, 100 :78 
when the red hot iron was employed, and 100: 72 when the lamp was used. 
These ratios became 100: 50 and 100: 57 when he operated on the rays trans- 
mitted through glass. (Report of the First and Second Meetings of the British 
Association for the Advancement of Science, pp. 274, 275.) 

I haye obtained numerical data perfectly analogous, by means of the thermo- 
multiplier. The pile of the apparatus was well washed, afterwards whitened on 
one side and blackened on the other. The two colours were made from lamp 
black and Spanish white mingled with gumwater. Turning the pile on its 
stand I caused the direct or transmitted rays of a Locatelli lamp to fall succes- 
sively on the two coloured surfaces, and observed the corresponding indications 
of the galvanometer. This experiment is promptly and easily executed. It has 
moreover the advantage of requiring no more than one thermoscopic body, a 



screens, but is abundantly transmitted by all the diaphanous colourless 
plates. It suffers no appreciable loss when the thickness of the plates 
is varied within certain limits. Its properties of transmission therefore 
bear a close resemblance to those of light and solar heat. 

Let us now direct our attention to the rays which issue from the last 
two screens. The opake bodies transmit nearly the half of them; the 

circumstance which makes it easier to compare the results than it is found to be 
when we are obliged to have recourse to ¢wo thermoscopes, which seldom or never 
possess the same degree of sensibility. 

I shall now give the ratios derived from this process applied to direct heat, 
and to heat transmitted through several screens. The calorific effect produced 
each time on the black surface is represented by 100. 

t Absorbent 
Radiant heat from a Locatelli lamp, power of the faces 

(direct, or transmitted through several screens). | ——____ 

black. white. 

Rays direct from the lamp....... ieee detest shaooskice 100 80:5 
Rays transmitted through rock salt .........+++e0++0 — 80°5 
2 ee eee LTT Net oHiancd esaRDeneS _ 42°9 
ee glass, colourless ...:.:... =: 54:2 

ee bright red......... — 60°6 
a ee deepireditp 7.052. — 77'8 
bright yellow... — 55°5 
Se deep yellow ...... — 63°6 
———————— bright green ...... — 67°4 
eee deep green ...... — 70°5 
pee es — bright blue ...... — 61:0 

—— deep blue ......... — 66:9 
Se ee ee ee ee bright violet ...... — 67:6 
ee ee pviOletmisnens — 76°7 
ee opake black ...... _ 84-6 

Thus the interposition of the rock salt has no influence on the ratio of the quan- 
tities of heat absorbed by the two surfaces; but the alum affects it so strongly 
that the heat which has traversed a plate of this substance is much less capable 
than the direct heat is of being absorbed by the white surface. Colourless glass 
acts in a similar manner though with somewhat less energy. As to coloured 
glasses, their action is more feeble in proportion as their tint is less vivid. In 
short the greatest decrease in the absorption of the white surface is produced by 
the interposition of a yellow glass, and the least by the interposition of the red 
and the violet, and, as to each pair of plates of the same tint, the less effect is 
invariably derived from that in which the tint isdeeper. This decrease of action 
which takes place in the vitreous matter in proportion as its transparency is di- 
minished by addition of colouring substances more and more sombre, continues 
even when the glass loses its transparency altogether; for the plate of opake 
black glass is that which produces the least difference of absorption between the 
black and the white surfaces. It is however an exceedingly curious fact that the 
rays of heat in their passage through the black glass become more absorbable by 
the white surface than the rays issuing immediately from the lamp, so that the 
interposition of the black glass has on the direct heat an effect contrary to that 
produced on it by the interposition of the white glass. 


diaphanous substances intercept them in very different quantities, and 
the portions transmitted are considerably diminished by increasing the 
thickness of the flakes. Thus, the rays emerging from the black or the 
green glasses are in respect to their properties of transmission as it were 
antagonist to the preceding, and analogous to those of the direct heat 
of the flame though still more decidedly marked, for they are almost 
completely absorbed by bodies possessing the greatest transparency. 

I have availed myself of these last facts for the purpose of proving by 
a very simple process that solar light contains some calorific rays analo- 
gous to those which compose the radiant heat of terrestrial sources. 
With this view I introduced a solar ray into a dark room through an 
aperture having a screen of green glass as a stopper. To the light 
transmitted I exposed one of the blackened balls of a very delicate dif- 
ferential thermometer. The liquid column descended several degrees. 
I now placed quite close to the mouth of the aperture a thin plate 
of colourless glass; the liquid came back a little, but the retrograde 
movement became more decided when I interposed instead of the thin 
glass a plate of greater thickness. I took away the white glass and put 
in its place a plate of rock salt: the column was forcibly driven back, 
but reascended very nearly to its original position when I substituted 
for the salt a plate of very limpid alum. It is clear therefore that 
amongst the calorific rays of the sun there are some which have a re- 
semblance to terrestrial heat. On the other hand we have seen that the 
rays from terrestrial flame which traverse a flake of alum suffer, like 
solar heat, only a very slight diminution in passing through glass and 
other diaphanous substances. Whence we infer that amongst the ca- 
lorific rays from flame some are found similar to the heat of the sun. 
The differences observed between solar and terrestrial heat, as to their 
properties of transmission, are therefore to be attributed merely to the 
mixture, in different proportions, of several species of rays. 

But, to return to the heat emerging from the screens exposed to the 
radiation of the lamp. We have said that the red, orange, yellow, blue, in- 
digo, and violet matters which enter into the composition of the coloured 
glasses, act upon radiant heat as the black substances introduced into a 
coloured medium act relatively to light ; that is, they diminish the quan- 
tity of heat transmitted by the glass without altering its diathermancy 
[diathermansie}. ‘This proposition being admitted, it will necessarily 
follow, when rays of different species, such as issue from the five screens 
contained in the table, fall on a series of coloured glasses, that the ca- 
lorifie transparencies of these plates will be increased or diminished in 
proportion to the variation produced in the diathermaneity [déather- 
manéué | of white glass. It has so happened in our experiments: for 
if we take the natural transmissions of the white, red, orange, yellow, 
blue, indigo, and violet, and compare these with their transmissions when 


submitted to the rays emerging from any one of our five screens, we 
shall always find the same ratios between the different terms of each 

As to the black and the green glasses, their changes of transmission 
occur sometimes similar, sometimes contrary to those of the other plates. 
We should not however be surprised at these irregularities, as the green 
and black colours alter the natural diathermancy of the glass and give it 
an aptitude to transmit quantities of heat which will be more or less con- 
siderable in proportion as the rays issuing from the different screens 
possess themselves a diathermancy more or less analogous to that intro- 
duced into the vitreous substance by these two colouring materials*. 

* Inanote to the preceding Memoir (page 8) I have said that, for the study of ca- 
lorific radiations the thermomultiplier is preferable to every former thermoscopic 
apparatus. The great number of experiments that I have since performed by 
means of that instrument have produced in my mind a thorough conviction of 
the truth of that opinion. As there are still many experimental researches to be 
made not only in that class of phenomena, of the history of which we have 
scarcely given an outline, but in every branch of the study of radiant heat, it is to 
be wished, for the interests of science, that every investigator would furnish him- 
self with a thermomultiplier. ‘This apparatus, in the state of perfection neces- 
sary to ensure good observations, is unfortunately one of those which a person 
cannot construct for himself until he has made several attempts which are at- 
tended with a great loss of time, and which cannot succeed in many places for 
want of the requisite means. For these reasons I have thought it advisable to 
put some one in Paris in the way of supplying them to the public. There are 
excellent ones to be had at M. F. Gourjon’s, rue des Nonandiéres, N° 2. The 
description of the ingenious means employed by this able mechanic to give 
to the instrument every improvement which I was desirous of having in- 
troduced into it would occupy too much time. I shall therefore confine my- 
self to the mention of the principal defects found in the first instruments of this 
kind presented to the Academy of Sciences by M. Nobili and myself (at the 
sitting of the 5th of September 1831), but now laid aside for the improved 
thermomultipliers constructed by M. Gourjon. 

In the first place the volume of the thermoelectric pile was too bulky, (being 
from 36 to 40 centimetres square in section,) a circumstance which rendered it 
impossible to operate on small pencils of calorific rays: in the next place the 
galvanometer did not mark fractions lower than halfa degree, and the magnetic 
needles, instead of standing at the zero of the scale, settled sometimes to the 
right and sometimes to the left at a particular distance for each galvanometer, 
amounting in some instances to10 degrees. In fine, the mountings being almost 
all of wood the pieces became warped by the hygrometrical variations in the 
atmosphere, and the instrument was rendered unserviceable. 

The thermomultipliers of M. Gourjon have thermoelectric piles the acting 
surfaces of which are not larger than the section of acommon thermometer (3 
centimetres square). As to the galvanometers they are mounted entirely in 
copper with the exception of the small pieces necessary for the purpose of iso- 
lation ; the minuteness of their indications extends to a fourth and even a sixth 
part of a degree, and the needles, when at rest, stand exactly at the zero of the 
seale. It is almost needless to add that with these improvements the instrument 
has lost nothing in sensibility. 



I had intended to introduce here some general reflections on the dif- 
ferent hypotheses which have been proposed to explain the phenomena 
of heat, and on the question of the identity of radiant heat and light. 
But as these two agents are nowhere more intimately united than in 
the rays of the sun, such considerations should be preceded by a to- 
lerably complete statement of the numerical results obtained by the 
application of our several processes to solar heat. The experiments 
however which I have hitherto been able to make with this view are too 
deficient in number and variety to justify my attempting any statement 
of the kind. I will therefore not enter, for the present, into any dis- 
sertation on the nature of heat, but will conclude with a recapitulation 
of the principal consequences to which I have been Jed by my inquiries 
into the properties of the radiant heat emitted by terrestrial sources, in 
order that being thus comprehended at a single glance they may be 
more easily compared with the analogous properties of light. 

Radiant heat passes instantaneously, and in greater or less quantities, 
through a certain class of bodies, solid as well as liquid. This class does 
not consist exactly of diaphanous substances, since opake plates or plates 
possessing but a feeble transparency are more diathermanous or perme- 
able to radiant heat than other plates possessing perfect transparency. 

There are different species of calorific rays. They are all emitted 
simultaneously and in different proportions by flame, but in the heat from 
other sources some of them are always wanting. 

Rock salt reduced to a plate and successively exposed to radiations 
of the same force from different sources always transmits immediately 
the same quantity of heat. A plate of any other diathermanous sub- 
stance will, under the same circumstances, transmit quantities less con- 
siderable in proportion as the temperature of the source is less elevated: 
but the differences between one transmission and another decrease as the 
plate on which we operate is more attenuated. Whence it follows that 
the calorific rays from different sources are intercepted in a greater or 
less quantity, not at the surface and in virtue of an absorbent power va- 
rying with the temperature of the source, but in the very interior of the 
plate and in virtue of an absorbent force similar to that which extinguishes 
certain species of light in a coloured medium. 

The same conclusion is attained by considering the losses which the 
ealorific radiation from a source at a high temperature undergoes in 
passing through the successive elements which constitute a thick plate 
of any other diathermanous substance than rock salt. For if we ima- 
gine the plate divided into several equal layers, and determine by expe- 
riment what ratio the quantity lost bears to the quantity incident upon 
each of the layers, we find that the loss thus calculated decreases rapidly 


as the distance from the surface of entrance increases; but the diminution 
becomes less and less perceptible, so that it must become invariable when 
the rays have penetrated to a certain depth. This is precisely what 
happens to a pencil of ordinary light when it enters a coloured medium; 
for, those rays that are of a colour different from that of the medium 
being extinguished in the first layers, the losses of intensity sustained 
by the luminous pencil are at first very great, but they afterwards be- 
come gradually less and are at last very small, but constant when the 
only rays remaining are those of the same colour as the medium. 

In fine the successive transmissions through heterogeneous screens 
furnish a third proof of the analogy which the action of diathermanous 
bodies on radiant heat bears to that of coloured media on light. The 
luminous rays issuing from a coloured plate either pass in abundance 
through a second coloured plate or undergo in it a powerful absorption 
according to the greater or less analogy of the colour of the second to 
that of the first plate. Now we observe facts perfectly similar to this in 
the successive transmission of radiant heat through screens of different 
kinds. And in this case too the rock salt acts in respect to the other 
bodies as it does in the case of rays emanating from sources of different 
temperatures. A given plate, if it be of rock salt, being successively 
exposed to calorific radiations of the same force emerging from different 
screens, transmits a constant quantity of heat ; if the plate be of any other 
diathermanous substance the quantity transmitted will be variable. 

There is therefore but one colourless and diaphanous body that really 
acts in the same manner on luminous and calorific rays. All other 
diaphanous bodies besides this indiscriminately suffer all kinds of light 
to pass through them, but of the rays of heat they allow some to pass 
while they absorb others : thus we discover in this one substance a real 
calorific coloration, to which, as it is invisible, and therefore totally di- 
stinct from coloration properly so called, we have given the name of dia- 

The colours introduced into a diaphanous medium always diminish 
its diathermancy in a greater or a less degree, without communicating 
to it any tendency to arrest certain calorific rays rather than others: they 
affect the transmission of radiant heat as dusky bodies affect the transmis- 
sion of light. There is, it is true, an exception to be made in respect to 
green and opake black, at least in certain kinds of coloured glass. But 
these two colouring matters appear, in this case, to do no more than 
modify the quality to which we give the name of diathermancy, and 
which, as we have already seen, is totally independent of coloration. - - 

The quantity of radiant heat which passes through polarizing plates 
of tourmaline is not affected by any change made in the angle at which 
their axes of crystallization are made to cross one another. Rays of 
heat are therefore not polarized in this mode of transmission and are in 


this respect entirely different from rays of light*. But they resemble 
them in the property of refrangibility. This is completely proved by; 
means of the rock salt, the only diathermanous body that is capable of 
transmitting the calorific rays emanating from every source. 

As to lenses and common prisms they refract a certain portion only 
of the radiant heat; for the glass intercepts several sorts of calorific rays 
issuing from sources at a high temperature, and absorbs nearly the whole 
of the heat given out by bodies whose temperature is below incandes- 
cence. To this circumstance it is that we must attribute the doubt 
hitherto entertained as to the refrangibility of nonluminous heat. 


( We annex to the foregoing papers of M. Melloni, various references 
to other Memoirs on the Transmission of Radiant Heat, and to former 
views of the results obtained by him. 

In the “ Report of the Third Meeting of the British Association,” 
p-381, isan “Account of some recent Experiments on Radiant Heat,” com- 
municated by Professor Forbes, and reciting M. Melloni’s Experiments; 
and also, p. 382, an abstract of his subsequent discoveries communicated 
by himself to Professor Forbes, in order to be laid before the British 

The “ Notices of Communications to the British Association at Dublin, 
August 1835,” contains, p. 9, some remarks by Professor Powell on 
Melloni’s repetition of his original experiment described in the Philoso- 
phical Transactions for 1825, and in the Philosophical Magazine, First 
Series, vol. lxv. p. 437, and a notice of Dr. Hudson’s Experiments with 
the Thermomultiplier, rendering it questionable, in his judgement, 
whether the results obtained by Melloni on diathermanous bodies were 
not attributable to conduction. These notices will also be found in the 
London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine, vol. vii. pp. 296, 298. 

Prof. Forbes’s Memoir “On the Refraction and Polarization of Heat” 
is contained in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 
vol. xiii. p. 131, e¢ seg.; and also in Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., vol. vi. 

p- 134, et seq. 


um following papers and notices have appeared exclusively in the 
London and Edinb. Philosophical Magazine: 

_ A Note relative to the Polarization of Heat, by Professor Forbes 

__ * [Professor Forbes, however, in his Memoir, Lond. and Edinb. Phil. Mag., 
ol. vi. p. 205, et seg., referred to in the Note which we have annexed, has 

iblished the fact of the polarization of rays of heat by this means, as well as 
y those of refraction and reflexion.—Eo171. | 




arising from Professor Powell’s remarks in the Notices of the British Asso- 
ciation, referred to above, with a Postscript containing Professor Powell's 
explanation: vol. vii. p. 349. 

M. Melloni on the Immediate Transmission of Calorific Rays through 
Diathermal Bodies, in reference to the objections of Dr. Hudson and 
Professor Powell, vol. vii. p. 475. Remarks on M. Melloni’s paper by 
Professor Powell, vol.viii.p.23. Remarks on both the foregoing papers, 
by Dr. Hudson, ibid., p. 109, confirming Melloni’s original inductions. 
Professor Powell’s Note on the Transmission of Radiant Heat, in refer- 
ence to his remarks on Melloni’s results, ibid., p. 187. 

Professor Forbes’s Note respecting the Undulatory Theory of Heat, 
and the Circular Polarization of Heat by Total Reflexion, abid., p. 246. 
Dr. Hope’s Address on the Delivery of the Keith Prize Medal to Prof. 
Forbes, giving a sketch of the history of our knowledge of radiant 
heat, zbid., p. 424.—EpIr. ] 

In Part II. of Screntiric Memorrs will appear translations of the 
subsequent papers of Melloni, and also of other memoirs relating to the 
same subject. 



Experiments on the Circular Polarization of Light. 
By H. W. Dove. 

From J. C. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie; Berlin, 
Second Series, vol. v. p. 579. 

1. Circular Polarization of Light by Compressed G'lasses. 

Wiuen two systems of waves, of equal intensity, propagated in the 
same direction, and polarized perpendicularly to each other, differ in 
their path by an odd number of quarter-undulations, the particles in 
the resulting system of waves will describe small circles of a similar 
velocity around their points of equilibrium ; that is to say, the light will 
be circularly polarized. Every means of equally satisfying these two 
conditions, namely, that of the similar intensity of the system of waves 
polarized perpendicularly to each other, and that of the determinate 
difference of path, consisting of an uneven number of quarter-undula- 
tions, will therefore furnish a method of circularly polarizing light. 
Fresnel and Airy have effected this in different ways. The third mode, 
which I shall here explain, is in practice at least as convenient as those 
hitherto used, and gives moreover a fuller explanation of the phenomena 
of compressed and cooled glasses in polarized light. 

The condition of the equal intensity of the systems polarized per- 
pendicularly to one another is satisfied by Fresnel by polarizing the 
incident light in a plane which forms an angle of 45° or 135° with the 
plane of the total reflexion in a glass parallelopiped. The quantities 
of light polarized in, and also perpendicularly to the plane of reflexion, 
are then, according to Fresnel’s formula of intensity, equal to each other. 
He obtains the difference of phases of a quarter-undulation by twice- 
| repeated total reflexion, since after a single one under the given circum- 
ces the periods of vibration of the reflected waves no longer coincide, 

but exhibit a difference of phases of an 1-undulation. 
wher method which Airy has adopted depends upon another principle. 
en a thin plate of an uniaxal crystal cut parallel to the axis, and 
whose axis forms with the plane of polarization of the incident light 
an angle a, is observed through a rhombohedron of Iceland spar, the 
incipal section of which is inclined toward the plane of primitive 
f polarization under the angle 64, then, if I,, 1, indicate the intensities 

so . 


the two figures polarized perpendicularly to one another, we have ge- 

I, = cos? 6 — sin 2a sin 2 (a — b) cos? (°=*) 

I, =sin?d + sin 2a sin 2 (a— bd) sin? r (° % ‘); 
in which A indicates the length of undulation for a definite colour, o—e 
the difference of path of both rays, and I the intensity of the polarized 
light falling perpendicularly upon the crystal plate. Now if the axis of 
the plate is made to form an angle of 45° with the plane of primitive po- 
larization, that is to say, if we suppose a = 45°, we shall have, 

I, = cos?b — cos 2 b cos? x (°=) 

JT. =sin? 6 + cos 2 6 sin’ (C=), 

If then by any means we can make the difference between the paths of 
both rays equal to an uneven number of quarter-undulations, the second 
condition will also be satisfied as well as the first, viz. that of the equal 
intensity. Suppose, for instance, 

o—e=[ ane t)al, 

I, =cos?b— cos2b= 
I, =sin®?b+4cos2b=H. 
The difference of path o—e depends on two quantities; on the thickness 
of the plate, to which it is in direct proportion, and on the difference of 
velocity of the two rays which pass through the plate, that is to say, on 
the constant of double refraction. 

Airy’s method consists only in varying the thickness of the plate by 
splitting it, whilst the double refraction remains the same, until the dif- 
ference between the paths of the rays is equal to an uneven number of — 
quarter-undulations. As biaxal mica under a perpendicular incidence 
of the light is similar to an uniaxal crystal and best allows splitting 
into larger plates, its application will therefore be preferable. I, on the 
contrary, alter the double refraction of the substance, whilst the thick- 
ness remains the same, until the required difference of path is obtained. 

To alter the refraction of rays in a crystallized lamina by pressure 
or change of temperature, so that it may exhibit the desired effect in a 
given thickness, would afford no convenient practical arrangement. It 
is, however, very easy by means of pressure or cooling to change the 
uncrystallized into a double-refracting body, which gives precisely the 
required effect. In the apparatus proposed by Fresnel, consisting of 

then will 

Tt po] 


four prisms, by which the double refraction of the glass is directly in- 
dicated, one of the two images which arise is polarized parallel to the 
axis of compression and the other perpendicular to it; whence it follows 
that the axis of the double refraction coincides with the axis of com- 
pression. If a square or circular plate of glass therefore is compressed 
so that the axis of compression forms an angle of 45° or 135° with the 
plane of primitive polarization, the light passing through the centre of 
the glass at a certain degree of the pressure will be circularly polarized. 
Let us now suppose a division of a circle so placed upon the incident 
ray that the plane of polarization passes through the points 90° and 270°; 
then, if the axis of compression passes through 45° and 295°, a plate of 
_ Iceland spar cut perpendicularly to the axis exhibits in the light passing 
. through the centre of the compressed glass, instead of the black cross, 
rings in the second and fourth quadrants (on the right side above and 
on the left side below) advanced forwards by a quarter-interval from the 
centre, and on the contrary in the same proportion approaching nearer — 
to the centre when in the first and third quadrant (on the left above 
and on the right below). Exactly the reverse takes place when the 
axis of compression passes through the points of division 135° and 315°. 
Hence we see that the angles which in the parallelopiped of Fresnel 
are formed by the plane of the twice-repeated total internal reflexion 
with the plane of primitive polarization, must be equal to the angles 
under which the plane perpendicular to the axis of compression is 
inclined towards the plane of primitive polarization, when the same 
phzenomena are to be produced by both those arrangements. 
| No further particular explanation is now required to show that during 
, acomplete revolution of the plate in its plane round the perpendicular 
incident ray as an axis of revolution, the light is polarized four times 
rectilinearly and four times circularly; rectilinearly when the com- 
pressing screw acts on the points 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°, that is to say, 
when the axis of compression is perpendicular to the plane of primitive 
polarization or lies within it; and on the contrary, it is polarized cir- 
ceularly when that point of action corresponds to the points of division 
45°, 135°, 225°, 315°, whilst 45° and 225°, as also 135° and 315°, ex- 
hibit a similar effect. 
By a combination of two compressed plates and two tourmaline plates, 
_ so that the mutually perpendicular axes of compression of the glass 
plates, which are between the crossed tourmaline plates, form with their 
_ axes an angle of 45°, a lamina of Iceland spar laid between the glass 
plates exhibits the rings without a cross with the black spot in the centre, 
and complementary ones on the contrary when we make the axes of the 
tourmalines or the axes of compression of the glass plates parallel to 
each other. If we make an axis of compression parallel to a tourmaline 
plate we obtain displacement of the rings in the four quadrants by a 



quarter-interval; but the phenomenon is in that case not reciprocal, as a 
revolution here takes place similar to that which occurs when we look 
from the opposite side at an electric current in which the circuit is com- 
plete, and which is made to proceed in a circular form; the first and third 
quadrant then become the second and fourth, and vice ver'sd. By placing 
the tourmaline axes and the axes of compression parallel severally to each 
other, we obtain the phenomena of rectilinearly polarized light.* 

If between the crossed mirrors we insert a round or square plate com- 
pressed to a certain degree, so that the axis of compression coincides 
with one of the planes of reflexion of the mirror, we see upon it a black 
cross with white vacant spaces at the corners. If by means of the plate 
of Iceland spar these four white vacant spaces be examined, we find that 
those which belong to the same diagonal are similar to each other, but 
in opposition to the two white vacant spaces of the other diagonal; and it 
will be found that the light proceeding from them is circularly polarized, 
in the one diagonal to the right and in the other to the left. Hence it 
directly follows, that when the plate is turned in its plane 90°, all the 
white vacant spaces have exactly exchanged their effect in the diagonals. 
The plates I made use of in these experiments were 114 lines in dia- 
meter, and 34 lines in thickness. 

2. Circular Polarization by Cooled Glasses. 

I carefully cooled a glass cube of 17 lines each side, so that when 
the diagonals of the surface of the cube turned towards the eye form 
with the plane of polarization an angle of 45°, it exhibited between the 
crossed mirrors in the centre a dark cross, and inthe four corners only 
the white surrounding it. The light of the four white vacant spaces 
was exactly similar to the light of the four white vacant spaces of the 
compressed plate, when their axis of compression lay perpendicularly 
to, or within, the plane of polarization. By turning the cube excentri- 
eally round the ray perpendicularly escaping through one of the white 
vacant spaces, as round an axis of revolution, similar variations are 
produced, whilst at 90° revolution the diagonals interchange their effect. 
Instead of turning the cube round, it may, in order to obtain the same 
variations, be so moved that two of the parallel sides of the surface 
turned towards the eye are carried forwards perpendicularly to their 
direction, whilst the other two advance in their own path. We pass 
from the white vacant space of the one diagonal into that of the other. 
The combinations of the cooled glasses, for the purpose of analysing 
circularly a circularly polarized light, explain themselves. In order to 
obtain the system of rings without the cross with the black spot in 
the centre, they must be combined as in Plate II. fig. 5. 

So far as I am aware, we possess as yet no direct experiments upon 
the double refraetion of the cooled glass ; and as in the theory of the 


so-called moveable polarization the double refraction was not considered 
as a necessary consequence of the appearance of its colour in the recti- 
linearly polarized light, it is desirable to confirm by new experiments 
the proofs that these colours originate in the difference of path of the rays 
passing through the glass. The following therefore, for the explanation 
of the colours upon the principle of interference, seems to me not un- 

When a ray polarized rectilinearly in the azimuth of 45°, after two 
total reflexions in the interior of a Fresnel’s parallelopiped, exhibits a 
difference of phase of a quarter-undulation, between the quantities of 
light polarized perpendicularly to each other, of uniform intensity, this 
difference will in this case, after four reflexions, become a half-undu- 
lation; the ray consequently will be again polarized rectilinearly, but 
perpendicularly to the plane of primitive polarization. After six re- 
flexions it is again circular, but left-handed, if after the two reflexions 
it was right-handed, since the azimuth of the rectilinearly polarized in- 
eident light is now — 45° instead of + 45°. Finally, after eight re- 
flexions the plane of the restored polarization coincides with that of the 
primitive one. The explanation of the observed phenomena of circular 
polarization in the above-mentioned experiments, depended upon making 
the difference of path of the two rays exactly equal to the quarter- 
undulation, by means of a determinate change of heat in the interior of 
the body made use of, its thickness remaining unaltered. If this expla- 

nation is correct, precisely the same phenomena would be obtained by 
gradual heating as by successive reflexions in the interior of the Fresnel’s 

rhomboid, but with this difference, that instead of the direction of the 
polarization varying by successive steps we should expect a continual 
transition through all degrees of elliptic polarization. The experiments 
eonfirm this perfectly. They must of course be made in homogeneous 

3. Phenomena during the Heating and Cooling of the Glasses. 

The apparatus (Plate I. fig. 1.) more particularly described in the 
succeeding paper was adjusted before a monochromatic lamp giving 
yellow light, so that the plate of Iceland spar in the ring Z, cut perpen- 
dicularly to the axis, exhibited distinctly the black rings with the dark 
cross, when the glass cube reduced by a new heating and cooling to 
perfect loss of action upon polarized light, was thus interposed be- 
tween k and 0, before the Nicol’s polarizing prism. In order to heat it 
| conveniently over a lamp, the three-sided prism or rod bc, carr ying all 

the polarizing arrangements, was placed in such a manner in its case as 
to bring those arrangements from their vertical situation over the rod to 
“a position in which they projected on one side of it; their position as re- 
resented in the figure must therefore be imagined as altered 120°. In 


the ring m the screw was withdrawn a turn, in order that the motion of 
the rings, either away from the central point or towards it, might be the 
more easily observed. 

The lamp having been lighted, the black cross began directly to open 
in the centre; the circular ares in the second and fourth quadrant re- 
ceded from the central point, whilst the first and third approached it. 
After some time the dark ares of the odd quadrants exactly corresponded 
with the bright vacant spaces of the even ones; the light was circularly 
polarized, and the difference of path was a quarter-undulation. Whilst this 
was going on, with the exception of the points proceeding from the centre 
which remained black, the dark cross had become brighter and brighter. 
When it had entirely disappeared, the ares, growing shorter at their 
ends, had gradually advanced, so that the two black spots proceeding 
from the centre formed with the parts approaching each other from the 
two other quadrants, the inner ring, separated by four bright interven- 
ing vacant spaces. All the other rings were in the same state. The figure 
given by the Iceland spar had thus changed, precisely as if the polarizing 
prism had been revolved 90°; the light was therefore polarized linearly 
and perpendicularly to the plane of primitive polarization: the difference 
of path of both rays was a half-undulation. On a further heating, as the 
difference of path became three quarters of an undulation, the light was 
again circularly polarized, with the difference, however, that now the rings 
in the first and third quadrant were the nearest, those in the second and 
fourth the more distant ; in which case the direction of the motion of the 
ares in the single quadrants naturally remained the same. Finally, when 
the difference of path amounted to an entire undulation, the white cross 
became darkened into a perfect black; the arcs previously separated 
closed in whole circles; the light was polarized rectilinearly in the same 
direction as at the beginning of the experiment. The lamp was now 
removed and the opposite phenomena were observed in regular succes- 
sion during the cooling of the apparatus *; consequently the action of the 
glass, becoming gradually heated from below upwards, upon the incident 
light, is as follows. The particles of ether, which at first vibrate recti- 
linearly, begin to open into ellipses, the excentricity of which diminishes 
continually, until they become circles. The axis which at first was the 

* Precisely the same succession of phznomena may naturally be produced 
by the gradual increase of pressure or its relaxation. With the plates, however, 
which I had employed I was able to carry it only as far as a difference of path 
of three quarters of an undulation in the proximity of the points of action of the 
screw. On applying a stronger pressure the plates broke. Now it is evident 
that when a cooled glass plate, which in white light exhibits a regular series of 
colours proceeding from black, is interposed, in homogeneous light the same 
phenomena will be observed in the plate of Iceland spar, if it be slowly moved 
along before the aperture of the polarizing prism. The thicker the plate the 
nearer to each other are the differently-acting vacant spaces. 


larger now becomes the smaller one, and vice versd. With increasing 
excentricity the elliptic vibrations, which are perpendicular to the initial 
ones, pass directly over them. During all this process, the direction of 
the vibrations did not change; supposing it to have been from left to 
right, it remained so. When however the second rectilineal vibration 
opens into an elliptic one, and the direction of the motion has become 
inverted, the vibration now takes place from left to right, supposing it to 
have been before from right toleft. The vibrations then return through ~ 
circular again into the initial vibrations. 

The light proceeding from the cube was now circularly analysed, by 
means of the interposition of a lamina of mica f of a proper thickness be- 
tween the plate of Iceland spar and the analysing prism. The axis of 
this lamina lay so that the segments of the arcs were removed from the 
central point to the first and third quadrants. When the cube was yet 
unheated, its action was thus in direct opposition to its action in the first 
degree of its heating. When, proceeding from this point, the rings with- 
out the cross and with the black spot in the centre were formed, this 
spot, on the heat being increased, divided itself into two, which removed 
themselves from the centre into the second and fourth quadrants, and 
after having passed through the figure in the circular light, closed into 
a circle with the ares proceeding from the first and third quadrants, so as 
to produce the system of rings with a bright centre, which would have 
been obtained at the very beginning by turning the polarizing prism 90°. 
The ares, approaching nearer to the central point from the first and third 
quadrants, formed then the opposite circular figure, and united them- 
selves at last in the centre into a black spot, whilst all the ares closed 
themselves into circles. Inthisprocess, the phenomena before described 
of the linear analyses will again be easily recognised as a conditional ele- 
ment, without the necessity of particularly describing the alteration in 
form of the rings before they disunite into separate arcs. 

To make circular light incident, is simply to add to the difference of 
undulations; that is to say, to alter the starting-point of the ex- 

phases produced by the heated cube a constant quantity, viz. or 
periment. Having therefore inserted the lamina of micag between the 
polarizing prism and the heated cube, I obtained by linear analysis the 
phenomena first described, and by circular analysis those last described, 

beginning at another starting-point. 

4. Phanomena in the different Colours of the Spectrum. 

The foregoing experiments were made in incident homogeneous light, 
the length of whose waves was X. In another part of the spectrum, 
however, \ has another value. Let \, represent this: and if 

o—e=m)d, o—e=m,X,; 

Wor. .—PART I. G 


1 1 
then will m — m, = (0 —e) ( a x ): 
1 ’ | 
As + x is a constant quantity for a definite substance, the dif- 

ference m—m, will be proportional to the quantity o—e. Hence it 
follows, That when for one definite colour the light is circularly pola- 
rized by an interposed crystallized lumina, it may for the other colours 
be linearly and oppositely circularly polarized, and that the difference 
between the single colours increases with the thickness of the lamina and 
with the intensity of the double refraction. 

If the incident light is circular for the centre of the spectrum, when 
the difference of path is 4 for this centre, the light is not yet linear for 
the extreme limits of the spectrum. If it is here linear in the red, with 
a 4+ undulation difference of path, in the blue it is circular. With 4 dif- 
ference of path in the red, it will, if it is circular to the right, be linear 
in the blue, and circular to the left in the extreme violet. Linear light 
in the red, with difference of ‘path 1, gives on the left in the green a 
circular light, in the indigo a linear light perpendicular thereto and 
approaching the circular on the right in the extreme violet ; finally, on 
the left, circular in the red, with difference of path 5, will give linear in 
the yellow, circular on the right where the blue passes into the indigo, 
and perpendicular to it linear at the commencement of the violet, and 
so forth. In order to prove this by experiment an equilateral prism of 
Guinand’s flint glass was placed upright, so that after the removal of 
the condensing-lens p the red end of the spectrum fell exactly upon the 
aperture e of the Nicol’s polarizing prism. The cube had by gradual 
heating exhibited the phenomena which corresponded to a difference 
of path of 4, +, 3 undulation, and the other coloured rays were brought 
into the axis of the polarizing-apparatus, and the alteration of the Iceland 
spar figure examined. This might easily be accomplished without re- 
volving the prism, as the height of the instrument may be altered at 
pleasure by means of the sliding-tube, as may its inclination by means 
of the motion of the prismatic rod. Mica plates of various thicknesses 
were examined in the same manner as the heated cube. The changes 
may be seen most beautifully when, beginning with the violet, the instru- 
ment is slowly lowered in the sliding-tube through the single colours 
of the spectrum. The gradual transitions are, in respect to the difference 
of colours from one end of it to the other, exactly the same as those 
which are obtained by the heating and cooling of the cube. 

In the same manner the phenomena, when the incident light is cir- 
cularly analysed by a mica plate inserted before the Iceland spar, are 
throughout similar to those before described. Instead of the homo- 
geneous rays of the spectrum, we can of course also employ in these 
experiments a monochromatic lamp or absorption by coloured glasses. 
It is only when the light has been circularly polarized in one colour 



through a plate of definite thickness that we can determine, whether the 
24-1 fal 2n+1 
4 4 
If, however, the same plate is examined in the different parts of the 
spectrum, we obtain by the experiments just mentioned x itself. It is 
manifest that if we wish to obtain by refraction phenomena of circular 
polarization in white light, it is advisable so to determine the thickness 
of the plate or the temperature of the glass that the difference of path 
for the central rays will become 4 undulation. For this purpose I use 
the flame of alcohol coloured yellow by common salt or nitrate of soda. 


difference of path of the two rays be 

5. Phenomena of Colours of combined Crystals in White Light. 

It now becomes easy to account for the complicated phznomena of 
colours obtained by the insertion of a crystallized plate parallel to the axis 
and of any given thickness behind a crystallized lamina cut perpendicular- 
ly to the axis. For as the light is circularly polarized for one colour on 
the right, for the other on the left, and rectilinearly for an intermediate 
one, the black tufts on their two sides assume different colours: the 
phznomena in the even quadrants differ essentially from those in the 
odd ones, but the rings of colours in both are essentially different from 
the succession of colours in Newton’s rings. The phenomenon may be 
previously determined from the known values of the indices of refraction, 
the length of waves for the homogeneous rays of the spectrum, and the 
thickness of the plate; but it may also be experimentally exhibited by 
adjusting the condensing-lens p of the apparatus so that the spectrum 
in the aperture of the Nicol’s polarizing prism e be concentrated to white; 
a confirmation, the frequent repetition of which, howeyer, is not advis- 
able, on account of the intensity of the light of the apparatus. 

6. Phenomena of Colours in Twin- Crystals. 

Tn passing from the artificial combinations of two crystals to natural 
twin-erystals we have to distinguish them into three classes: namely, 
the axes of the united individual crystals are either perpendicular or pa- 
rallel to each other, or they are inclined at some angle with one another. 
The section is always to be made perpendicular to the axis of one of 

. the individual crystals. Though the first case may immediately give 

the phenomena just mentioned, yet, as far as I am aware, it does not 
occur with transparent crystals, whilst the second case may occasion the 
phenomena of colours with biaxal crystals only. Thus, if (as for in- 
stance in arragonite,) a very thin crystal is so united with another that 
its erystallographic-axis lies parallel to the axis of the crystal which is 
divided by it into two parts, these two parts (since the optical axes of 
this lamella render perceptible, however small, angles with the bounding 
planes, ) will operate as double-refracting prisms upon the light passing 
through these axes, because their optical axes do not lie in the plane of 


the axes of the lamella. The particular construction of this natural po- 
larizing apparatus described by Erman, which from the thinness of the 
lamella exhibits the systems of rings of an unusual size, and considerably 
removed toward their optical axes on account of the obliquity of the 
surface of emergence, is obtained optically by comparing these systems 
of rings seen without previous polarization, in size and position, with 
those which evolve light previously polarized rectilinearly and afterwards 
analysed also around the optical axes of the including individuals, of 
which the one serves for the polarizing, the other for the analysing ar- 
rangement. That this last is the case, is moreover apparent from the 
following observation, that when a tourmaline is revolved before the 
crystal viewed in ordinary light, one of the systems of rings disappears 
alternately without changing its form. As however the phenomenon 
remains the same when the crystal is revolved, the same holds good for 
the polarizing prism, with which also the alterations of intensity of the 
rings agree when the crystal is viewed with the naked eye in rectilinearly 
polarized light. A decisive proof, however, that the individual behind 
polarizes rectilinearly, lies, as it seems to me, in the following fact, that 
the rings seen with the naked eye do not take the form which corre- 
sponds with the light when this is circularly incident. 

The third case, in which the axis of the lamina growing into the other 
is inclined at an angle toward the axis of the including crystal, is also of 
importance for uniaxal crystals. The modification of the system of rings 
round the axis of the including crystal thus produced must coincide 
with that in two exactly central plates when a crystallized lamina of de- 
finite thickness is inserted between them. As that lamina may here be 
replaced by another similarly acting crystal, this case may be treated in 
the same way without difficulty. Among seven plates of Iceland spar 
exhibiting a deviation from the usual system of rings, I found two which 
produced a very regular figure, namely, a black cross with curves alter- 
nately oseulating, which appeared to me to be circles and lemniscates ; 
the interior curve was completely entwined into a figure of 8. . If the 
plate is turned in its own plane, the interior part of the system of rings 
consists of four triangular vacant spaces. I obtained precisely the same 
phenomena by inserting a lamina of mica of definite thickness between 
two plates exactly centred and producing the regular system of rings, 
and by turning that lamina in its own plane. 

7. Experiments on Circular Polarization by other Modifications. 

Fluor spar is the only crystallized substance of the regular system 
which I have examined with respect to the effect of an unequal distri- 
bution of temperature within the body. The fragment I used in this in- 
stance was quite colourless and transparent, 14 inch long, and was lent to 
me for these experiments by Professor Weiss. At a heat in which the 
difference of path had become § undulation in the glass cube, it exhi- 



bited throughout noeffect uponthe rectilinearly polarized light, although, 
in order to increase the difference of heat, I was continually cooling its 
upper end with sulphuric zther, whilst the lower end stood upon the 
hot steel plate*. Sonorous plates vibrating transversely acted neither 
upon the linear nor the circular incident light. But it is well known 
that Biot obtained a flash of light between the cross mirrors by the lon- 
gitudinal vibrations of long strips of glass. Although in the experiments 
made with reference to this, the cross of the Iceland spar figure ap- 
peared to me to open, yet those experiments stand in need of being 
repeated with a better acoustic apparatus. 

8. Difference between the Action of Glass when it is Heating and 
when it is Cooling. 

Two square plates 3 lines thick, the side of one 11+ lines, and that of 
the other 134 lines, produced on being heated at first a circular light 
on the right, and then a rectilinearly polarized one ; on their cooling, 
however, after they had returned to the rectilinear through the circular 
one on the right, they produced circular light on the left. The reason 
of this phenomenon is as follows: The lower end of the glass plate 
heated upon the hot steel plate cools when the lamp is taken away 
quicker than the upper one, to which heat is also communicated by con- 
duction. After some time therefore the centre of the plate becomes its 
warmest part. As the lower end, standing upon the rapidly cooled 
conductor of heat, becomes still cooler, the warmer spot moves upwards 
until finally the upper angle becomes the warmest. That this is truly 
the reason of the phenomenon may be seen by examining the cooling 
plate between the crossed mirrors. The four white vacant spaces of 
the diagonals do not disappear on the spot where they had been formed; 
the lower ones rather move upwards, so that the dark cross becomes 
changed into two parallels, which are intersected by a perpendicular 
line. Finally, the central white vacant spaces dislodge the upper ones, 
whilst those newly arrived from below occupy the lower spot. By heating 
the plate so that its lower part constantly preserves the strongest heat, 
the progress of the phenomena must of course be more simple. 

The action of a determined point of a cooled or compressed glassas a 
circularly polarizing apparatus, in the homogeneous rays of the spectrum, 
gives immediately the elements of determination for the colour which the 
glass presents in rectilinearly polarized light. 

* Brewster says in reference to the colours which fluor spar acquires by 
rapid cooling, “ Fluor spar was very slightly affected.” 

Articie IV. 

Description of an Apparatus for exhibiting the Phenomena of 
the Rectilinear, Elliptic, and Circular Polarization of iy 
by H. W. Dove. 

From J. C. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie; Berlin, 
Second Series, vol. v. p. 596, 

Upon a common tripod brass telescope-stand with a horizontal and 
vertical motion, which, from its containing a sliding-tube, may be raised 
from 16 to 25 inches by means of a tightening-serew a (Plate II. fig. 1.), 
is placed in a case / a three-sidéd: moveable brass prism 0 e, two feet long, 
atid dividéd into Paris inches and lines. This prism carries five sliders s,, 
Siy 83, Sy S;, Which, by means of tightening-screws, may be fixed at plea- 
sure at any part of the scale. Two of them s,, s,, the front view of which 
is separately drawn of the actual size in fig. 2, carry stands terminating 
above in rings, which by means of a pivot at r (fig. 2.) may be placed 
horizontally and vertically, so that the apertures of the Nicol’s prisms ¢¢ 
revolvable in these rings, with the centre of the convex lens k, serewed 
into the ring of the slider sj, (the stand of the convex lens being provided 
with exactly stich a pivot, and in a perpendicular position also to the 
centre of the condensing-lens p which is carried by the slider s,, the fo- 
cal distance of the condensing-léns being 12 inches and its aperture 3;) 
lie ina straight line parallel to the rod 4c, this line being at the sanie 
time the optical axis of the instrament. The Nicol’s prism of the stand sj, 
which is the nearest to this condensing-lens, may be called the pola- 
rizing, and that which is more distant from tlie stand s,, the atalysing 
one. ; 

If parallel light is incident upon the condensing-lehs, the pola- 
rizing prism must be in its focus, in order to polarize all the incident 
light ; if, on the contrary, the light of a lamp is employed, the pola- 
rizing prism must be in the point of convergence of the rays which fall 
divergingly upon the condensing-lens. During this process it is of course 
not the prism but the condensing-lens that is to be moved until the con- 
centrated light of the lamp falls exactly upon the aperture of the prism. 

Tn order to alter at will the planes of polarization of the two prisms, 
graduated brass plates are placed at the rings of the stands s,, s,, upon 
which plates is placed a moving index, which, when intended to be pro- 
longed backwards over the fastening-point, coincides with the longer 
diagonal of the rhomboidal bases of the Nicol’s prism. The graduation 


of the circle is arranged so that, in the vertical position of the stand, the 
straight line passing through the points 0° and 180° lies horizontally. 
Fig. 2. exhibits of the actual size a view of these plates, which are not 
drawn in fig. 1. It is preferable to graduate that side of both plates 
which is turned toward the eye. The dotted stand in fig. 2. is there- 
fore to be imagined behind the plate, when it belongs to the polarizing 
prism, and on the contrary before the plate and the graduation on the 
back of the plate, when the plate belongs to the analysing prism d. It 
will seldom be requisite to alter the plane of polarization of the incident 
light; it is most convenient to place it once for all horizontally, that is 
to say, to place the index of the polarizing prism upon 0° or 180°. In 
clear weather, when the light reflected by the sky is already more or less 
polarized, the instrument is to be directed, where this is possible, toward 
a wall on which the sun shines. If, however, the light reflected by the 
sky is to be directly employed, and in the greatest possible intensity, 
this may be most completely performed as follows. The polarizing 
prism with its plate having been placed horizontally, the analysing one 
is turned, until the system of rings with the black tufts is obtained in a 
plate of Iceland spar cut perpendicularly to the axis; within the ring Z 
of the stand s, the polarizing prism e is then placed vertically again, and 
turned round until the same phenomenon is perceived in the Iceland 
spar. The index of the polarizing prism e then indicates the direction 
of the plane of polarization of the incident light, and the rings appear 
with greater distinctness. 

The light diverging from the polarizing prism is at first intercepted 
by a convex lens indicated by v, two inches in diameter, and distant + 
inches from the aperture e, and which is screwed into the lower end 
of that part which passes through the plate and is the holder of the 
prism: it then falls upon the lens three inches distant upon the stand s,, 
and haying 13 inch focal distance. From this point it passes through 
the crystal of the stand s, in the ring J, and which is to be examined 
in the polarized light, and proceeds into the analysing prism d, into 
whose lower end is screwed a concave lens indicated by uw, and of four or 
five inches focal distance. Any inclination to the axis of the instrument 
may be given at pleasure to the ring /, by means of a ball and socket 
which is represented in fig. 1., or by means of a motion on points (as in 
the illuminating lenses or mirrors of common microscopes). Since now 
the crystal in this ring may also revolve in its plane, its optical axes may 
be altered at will in reference to their position with respect to the plane 
of polarization of the incident light. If however, for the exhibition of the 
isochromatic curves, two crystal plates cut parallel to the axis, or two 
laminze of mica of uniform thickness are to be combined, the process is 
as follows: two turns of the screw must be given to the ring, which is 
to be inserted, of which the one that is represented on ‘ine ian ger cy- 


linder enters into /, but the other, which is on the narrower cylinder, 
passes through, so that on the side toward a second crystal is serewed 
in, whose axis may in this manner be made to assume at pleasure any 
angle to the axis of the first crystal. 

The ring m, nearly in the focal distance of k, is intended for the re- 
ception of cooled glasses, thin laminz of gypsum, and amethysts. Fast- 
ened to a pin, its central point is exactly in the axis of the instrument, 
when the pin is exactly vertical. Similar rings of wood, provided with 
straight pins, may be placed in the case of the stand s,. Biaxal crystals 
are fastened to the pins, so that when the ring is turned round the pin, 
the systems of rings of the two axes pass one after another through the 
field of view; if therefore the indexes of the two Nicol’s prisms stand 
at 0° and 90°, the black tufts of the systems of rings lie in a horizontal 
line. The ring m may also serve for the reception of a micrometric ar- 
rangement for the systems of rings of the crystals observed in J. 

In order to change the rectilinear into circular polarization, the arms 
fand g, which revolve round the pegs z and 0, contain laminz of biaxal 
mica* of such a thickness as to produce a difference of path of exactly a 
quarter-undulation between the two rays, when the axes of those arms ff 
and gq (Plate II. fig. 2.) form with the plane of primitive polarization ee 
angles of 45° and 135°. Instead of the laminz of mica cooled or com- 
pressed glasses may be employed, and combined (fig. 5.) in the manner 
particularly described in the foregoing paper. 

If the two thin plates are turned aside, the rectilinearly polarized light 
is rectilinearly analysed. In order to analyse circularly, the rectilinearly 
polarized light fis brought forwards. In-order to analyse rectilinearly 
the circularly polarized light, f is to be turned aside, and g placed for- 
ward. The two plates must be brought forward, as in fig. 1., when the 
circular polarized light is to be circularly analysed. The axis of the 
thin mica plate is indicated upon its frame. If that axis, instead of 
corresponding with the points 45° and 135°, passes through other 
points of graduation, we obtain the phenomena of elliptic polarization. 
If a small pin be fixed in the direction of the axis gg, the position of 
the axis of the lamina of mica may easily be drawn upon the graduation 
of the stand s,. 

In order to perform the simple experiments of intensity, it is advan- 
tageous to uncover the field of view. This is accomplished by a hollow 
cylinder one inch in height screwed into the somewhat projecting end 
of the frame of the lens k up towards m. The aperture of the opake 
diaphragm in the bottom of this cylinder is 14 line. This well-defined 
bright circle furnishes a very good object for these experiments. If 

* Although the same phenomena may be obtained by the determinate incli- 

nation of a thin plate of uniaxal mica, yet the employment of the. biaxal mica 
appears tome much more conyenient. 


the analysing prism is turned in its frame, we obtain the decrease ac- 
cording to the law of Malus; if one of the laminz of mica is placed be- 
fore, on turning the intensity of the light remains unchanged. If, instead 
of the analysing Nicol’s prism an achromatic double-refracting prism in 
a similar frame is screwed in, the analogous phenomena are obtained for 
both images. 

When the polarizing prism e is bent on one side, a double-refracting 
prism screwed into the ring / gives two mutually perpendicular polarized 
images of the aperture in the diaphragm, the changes of intensity of 
which are obtained by turning the analysing prism w. If the thin la- 
mina of mica f is placed forwards, the images, when the principal sec- 
tion of the double-refracting prism lies perpendicularly or horizontally, 
become circular on the right and left, and an arrangement coinciding 
with the apparatus proposed by Fresnel is obtained, consisting of three 
rock-crystal prisms, of which two belong to a crystal turned to the 
right and the single one to that turned to the left. By turning the 
analysing prism, the intensity of the images remains unchanged. If the 
analysing prism be also a double-refracting one, on turning it, two 
images with unchanged intensity (the mica plate lying between) move 
round the two stationary images with the same property. 

Ifa mica or gypsum plate of a determinate thickness be in the ring m, 
on its turning round the pin to which it is fastened we obtain the phe- 
nomena of the so-called coloured polarization between the two Nicol’s 
prisms. The complementary colours appear of great intensity, and give 
white where they overlap each other, when the analysing Nicol’s prism 
is exchanged for a double-refracting one. Should we wish to combine 
two double-refracting prisms as above, the mica plate f must be ex- 
changed for a thicker one. When the aperture of the diaphragm is 
diminished the images separate from each other. If a plate of Iceland 
spar, cut perpendicularly to the axis, is screwed upon the universal 
setting of the Nicol’s analysing prism, the corresponding modifications 
of the system of rings in the separated and circularly polarized vacant 
spaces are obtained, when the double-refracting prism is in Z; if on 
the contrary there is in the ring / a second plate of Iceland spar like- 
wise cut perpendicularly to the axis, it is easy by turning this ring to 
cause the centres of the second and first plates to coincide. In this 
Manner we may imitate the phenomena (as described in the preceding 
paper) of certain twin-crystals of Iceland spar by interposing a mica 
plate of definite thickness inf. If f lies at the side, by turning the 
ring / the isochromatic curves originating from the combination of two 
plates of which the centres do not coincide are obtained*. In a similar 

_ * In order to obtain the four mutually involved spirals of a rock-crystal plate 
ned right and left, I combine a right-handed plate ground plano-concave 
with a left-handed crystal ground with parallel faces. ; 


manner the plates of different crystallized bodies are combined, in order 
to examine the positive or negative character of their axes. 

If, instead of white, either homogeneous or dichromatic light is to 
be miade incident, small rings of wood one inch in diameter, with — 
coloured glasses, must he fastened before the aperture of the polarizing | 
prism e. When the concentrated light of a lamp giving white light falls | 
upon dichromatie glasses, they exhibit with biaxal crystals different opti- — 
cal axes for the various colours, and with uniaxal crystals they yield 
beautiful changes of differently coloured rings. Blue glasses, which sepa- 
rately trarismitted the extremes of the spectrum, exhibit (in arragonite, 
for instance,) the inner curve divided into two particoloured vacant 
spaces and corresponding changes within each ring; on the contrary, 
the two inner rings in the Iceland spar are exhibited of a deep red sur- 
rounded by violet rings gradually passing more and more into each 
other, during which, lighted by a flame of spirits of wine coloured 
by chloride of strontium, the three inner rings are violet, to which three 
red Ones then succeed, and so forth, Through a ruby glass we now obtain 
only a very homogeneous red, then dark rings, in the red field of view. 
A flame of spirits of wine coloured yellow with common salt, or nitrate 
of soda, yields the most beautiful phenomenon. The dark rings and the 
junction-curves of the different systems of rings of twin-crystals of ar- 
ragonite then appear in the linear and circular light with the utmost 
distinctness. For blue and violet it is best to employ the colours of the 
spectrum. The condensing-lens is then removed, in order that the light 
may fall directly upon the aperture of the polarizing prism. 

The apparatus shown in Plate II. fig. 3. serves to analyse the light 
by reflexion, and is screwed into the pillar s, instead of the analysing 
prism. The screw at w holds a concave lens of an equal focal distance. 
The unbordered mirror inclined at the angle of polarization is 4 ineh 
long and § inch wide. ~A line is drawn over the three parts of the hinge 
q on the left side of fig.1. Ifthe parts of this line form one straight line, 
the rod dc is inclined towards a horizontal mirror at the angle of pola- 
rization. If # and v are placed aside, the light polarized by reflexion 
may be analysed either linearly by the prism, by the mirror in w, or cireu- 
larly by means of f. But in order to examine larger cooled glasses 
in circularly polarized incident light, I employ a larger lamina of mica 
than that in g, which may be called g, and which fixed td the screw of. 
the condensing-lens p is screwed directly upon a wooden ring of 2 
inches internal diameter. The axis of this mica lies like that of the 
thin plate in g, which is turned aside. The concave lens in w is 
taken out, and the stand supporting the cooled glasses is brought to 
the distance most suitable to the eye. By holding the glasses in the 
hand, the various phenomena of the linear and circular light may be 
observed without alteration of the apparatus. If the glass be held 


between the condensing-lens and the mirror, f and g, being placed for- 
wards, there is seen a cooled cube upon the mirror darkened by the ana- 
lysing prism, fig. 6.; and consequently when the cube is turned 45°, 
fig. 7, the same. pheenomena are observed as if both the mica plates 
had been removed. Between the two mica-plates; whose axes cross 
each other at right angles, appears fig. 8, and indeed unchanged when 
the tube is turned in its ring. Fig. 9. is the complementary figure to it, 
which is obtained by turning the analysing prism to 90°, without 
changing the position of the mica plates. If f is bent backwards, there 
appears the modification of the linear figure, which produces circu- 
larly polarized incident light linearly analysed. 

Of this as well as of that modification produced by circular analysis of 
the linear light which follows when the cube is close to the condensing- 
lens, it is easy to form an idea, by imagining the linear figure divided 
into four equal quadrants by two perpendicular lines, and the even 
quadrants removed from the central point about ; interval, and the 
odd ones approaching to within the same distance ; or vice versd; these 
removed, whilst those are made to approach. To polarize lamp-light 
by reflexion, the better way is to fix upon the condensing-lens (itself 
capable of revolving, )a mirror inclined at the fixed angle of polarization. 
If, by means of the polarizing prism, the instrument has before been 
placed upon the lamp, after the prism is turned aside and the mirror is 
fixed, that instrument, without changing its inclination, is turned round 
its perpendicular stand, until the system of rings is seen anew in the Ice- 
Jand spar within the ring. Instead of employing Nicol’s prisms, the light 
may be polarized by absorption in tourmaline plates, or by successive 
refractions through aseries of glass plates. These are screwed into the 
stands in similar frames. 

In order to obtain the deviation of the plane of polarization by | 
refraction, the refracting bodies are introduced into the stand s,. The 
deviation by reflexion may be conveniently observed by turning the 
rod at an angle toward a definite point. As, however, this experiment 
is easily made in another manner, I thought it unnecessary to com- 
cate the apparatus for it. In the same manner the apparatus may be 
anged into a polarizing microscope, with a still larger field of view, 
y the addition of somie lensés and stands. But as this will be desifa- 
le in very few experiments, besides that the construction of such an 
paratus by means of single rings fitting one another is easy, I omit- 
d them in this instrument. 

’ When a glass warming or cooling is to be examined in the polarized 
ht, the prismatic rod is so inserted into thé frame / that one of its 
es which have hitherto formed the sides, is brought into a horizon- 
al position below. All the stands are then at the side of the horizon- 
Wal rod turned to 120°, which presents no obstacle to the heating by 


an interposed lamp. If instead of looking into the prism w we look 
into e, on a slight change of the distance of the lens we obtain pre= 
cisely the same phenomena. Thus an inverted order may also be given 
to all the stands with respect to the condensing-lens. 

' The superior advantages of the apparatus just described appear to 
me to be as follows: 

1. The intensity of its light, which is so great that the flame of spirit 
of wine, 12 feet distant and coloured yellow by common salt, exhibits 
the system of rings of Iceland spar with great distinctness in an undark~ 
ened room. 

2. The easy change of the linear into circular and elliptic polari- 

3. Its rendering unnecessary a particular arrangement for illumi- 

4. The extent of the field of view*. 

5. The purity of the colours, which are produced by colourless — 1 

crystals only. 

6. The cheapness of the instrument, since it serves equally as a 
model of an open telescope and as a microscope (the condensing-lens is 
the object-glass of the telescope; the stands 59, 55, s; form the eye- 
glass, s, becomes the stand for the microscopic objects). 

7. The easy execution of all single changes in the various experi- 
ments above described. 

The mechanician Hirschmann, of this place [ Berlin], whose Nicol’s — 
prisms are in the hands of many natural philosophers, has already exe- 
cuted this apparatus according to my instructions in several sets made 
to order. Its price, if it is to be used both as an open telescope and — 
microscope, is 60 rix-dollars. 


Fig. 4. Plate II. represents a small apparatus consisting of a single 
piece of glass, which exhibits united the modifications of the light by 
reflexion. The mutually parallel surfaces ad and be are perpendicular 
to the parallel surfaces ae and bd; but, on the contrary, ad is inclined at 
45° towards ad, and ed towards bd. The light therefore, falling per- 
pendicularly upon ad, will after being reflected by ab and ed proceed 
from bd. The prismatic ares bounding the vacant space of total and 
partial reflexion, th refore, intersect each other, as in the annexed 
figure. In the rca opgce the light, after two reflexions, is un- 
polarized ; in the vacant spac®s o and x it is polarized perpendicularly ; 

* In order not to diminish this, the arm f must move to and fro, close by w. 
The cylindrical setting of the polarizing prism must not be higher than half an 


and in the vacant space p, on the contrary, the partially polarized 
incident light is changed in the direction of the second reflexion. The 
light of the vacant space m differs from that in a Fresnel’s parallelopiped 
by having the planes of the two reflexions perpendicular to each other, 
instead of coinciding as they do when that is used. 

The phenomena of cooled glasses in circular light have not yet 
been described particularly, and those of compressed glasses not at all; 
we shall therefore add a few words respecting them. 

In circular analysis solid cooled cylinders have the same properties 
as Iceland spar plates. In linear analysis they exhibit the system of 
rings without the cross displaced in the quadrants. The same may be 
said of the rings of colours of hollow cylinders, which are concentric 
with the inner black ring, and abruptly separated. The cross in three- 
sided plates consists of four black points (with two plates placed upon 
each other it consists of four triangles), which, united by bright gray 
shades, forma Y. In six- and eight-sided plates the black central spot 
becomes a six- and eight-sided star, while the colours of the angles 
are arranging themselves into a very regular inclosure particularly when 
by turning the analysing prism the centre becomes white: figs. 8. 
and 9. represent the figures of cooled cubes. The isochromatic lines 
of rectangularly crossed parallelopipedal plates remain, with regard 
to their form, identical with those in the linear light, which appear when 
the plane of polarization bisects the right angle between the plates. 
All the figures remain unchanged when the glasses are turned in their 
plane at the time of circular polarization and analysis. The irregu- 
larities of the figures produced by unequal cooling appear in the cir- 
cular light, particularly with thin plates, and often even with those 
which appear regular in the linear light; nevertheless, I have also ob- 
served precisely the reverse, and that indeed with a six-sided plate. 

A cylinder* compressed by brass wire wound round it had the 
same properties as a cooled one. Square and circular plates diametri- 
cally compressed by a screw, exhibit between the rings originating at 
the compressing points of the screw a coloured junction without a cross. 
If the axis of compression lies in the plane of polarization of the recti- 
linearly polarized incident light, the figure is also here displaced in the 
quadrants, when the light becomes circularly analysed. 

* This application of Weber’s method of compressing glass to the phenomena 
of polarization was shown to me by Prof. Mitscherlich. (Compare Poggen- 
dorff’s Annalen, vol. xx. p. 1.) 



Memoir on Colours in general, and particularly on a new Chro- 
matic Scale deduced from Metallochromy for Scientific and 
Practical Purposes. By M. Lxorotp Nosix1 of Reggio. 

From the Bibliotheque Universelle des Sciences, §c. vol. xliv. xlv. Geneva. 
(1830, vol. 1. p. 337, vol. 11. p. 35, Aug. and Sept.) 

I DISCOVERED in 1826 a new class of facts and gave them the name 
of electro-chemical appearances. The following is one of the principal 
experiments connected with those facts. 

A plate of platina is laid horizontally at the bottom of a vessel made 
of glass or china. A platina point is vertically suspended over this in 
such a manner that the distance between the point and the plate may be 
about half a line. A solution of acetate of lead is next poured into the 
vessel so as not only to cover the plate, but to rise two or three lines 
higher than the point. The plate and the point are now brought into 
communication, the former with the positive and the latter with the ne- 
gative pole of an electric pile. At the moment when the voltaic circuit 
is closed, a series of rings similar to those formed at the centre of the 
Newtonian lenses is to be seen on the surface of the plate precisely under 
the point. This fact, which could not fail to strike any one observing 
it for the first time, led me to the discovery of others, which I have com- 
municated to the public in four successive Memoirs*. I foresaw from 
the very first the advantages that the arts were likely to derive from 
this new method of colouring metals; but it was not until toward the 
close of 1827 that I began to attend seriously to its application. My 
first attempts I forbear to mention, being more desirous to call attention 
to the productions which I obtained in the course of 1828, and in the 
November of that year presented to the French Institute. These pro- 
ductions consisted of several plates of coloured metal, and excited the 
particular attention of that illustrious body by the beauty and vividness 
of their tints, the precision of their outlines, and the softness of their 
blendings+. ' 

* Biblioth. Univ. vol. xxxut. Xxxiv, Xxxv. XxXvI. (Old Series.) Annales de 
Chimie et de Physique, vol. xxxtv. and xxxv. 

+ [A specimen of the productions of this beautiful art was presented by the 
inventor to the Royal Society, in whose Library it may be seen.—Enrr. | 


The invention being now so far advanced as to be entitled to a place 
among the arts, it was thought that it should have its distinctive ap- 
pellation, and by the advice of the same illustrious body, that of Metallo- 
chromy was adopted. Since that period I have made such improvements 
in my method that the first results, though they appeared satisfactory at 
the time, make but a sorry figure when compared with those now obtained. 
One of the great difficulties consisted in the necessity of producing a uni- 
formity of tint on plates of certain dimensions ; for, my colours being ob- 
tained by the effect of very thin plates applied to the surface of metals, 
it is easy to conceive how hard it was to preserve such plates of a uni- 
form thickness over the whole of an extensive surface. Great however 
as the difficulties were, I thought I owed it both to art and to science to 
do my utmost to surmount them. I thought it due to art, because this 
would be extended by means of the uniformity of the tints, and to science, 
because in the tints produced by plates of a particular thickness the 
experimental philosopher would find the means of investigating with 
peculiar advantage the nature and properties of colours. 

At present I abstain from all detail relative to the method of obtain- 
ing the homogeneous tints. The principle of the electro-chemical ap- 
pearances seems now so fertile in results that its full development re- 
quires a particular treatise. It will be a work of considerable labour, 
and I have already commenced it by collecting and classifying all the 
materials of this new department of physics in which, besides the other 
methods of coloration, I intend to explain in detail those connected 
with the production of uniform tints. In this place it is sufficient to 
state that these tints are produced by substituting plates for the platina 
point which forms the coloured rings. 

The object of this Memoir is more limited. It is to arrange these 
homogeneous tints in their natural order, so that they may form a 
scale or gamut which I shall henceforth designate by the epithet chro- 

Science never consults its interests so truly as when it aims at some 
useful object connected with the arts. Such, I would fain hope, will 
be the direction of these researches. Artists, it is true; being generally 
unacquainted with physical theories, will find it difficult to follow me in 
my inquiries. My labour, however will not be altogether useless to them, 
if, as I intended, I have succeeded in treating certain parts of the sub- 
ject in a manner likely to bring them within the reach of every under- 

The formation of the chromatic scales requires considerable time 
and a hand well practised in work of this description. Asthey might be 
generally useful I regret that the difficulty of their construction renders 
a prompt and wide-spread circulation of them impossible. I have tried 
and am still trying to have them copied in oil and water colours, but 


the attempts hitherto made give little or no hope that the best executed 
copies can give more than an imperfect idea of the original colours. 

The effect produced by these tints when disposed in the order set 
forth in the scale bafiles description; it bears a resemblance however 
to that produced on the ear by a scale of semitones executed by a per- 
fect voice. I have shown my scale to several, and especially to those eru- 
dite and learned persons who have favoured me with a passing visit at 
Reggio. In all it excited but one feeling of delight. So gradual indeed 
is the transition from one tint to another and such the harmony with 
which they are blended, that if the eye be accidentally turned away, it 
reverts inamoment as if moved by an irresistible desire to gaze still longer 
on the display. Thisstatement is no exaggeration. It is but the mere fact, 
in respect to which a language much more glowing would be perfectly 
consistent with truth: so overpowering is the charm which, if I may use 
the expression, pervades the scale of our coloured plates. 

Chromatic Scale. 

This scale consists of forty-four tints, each of which is applied to a plate 
of steel. A Table subjoined to this Memoir exhibits the forty-four plates 
arranged one under the other in a column, and opposite to each number 
is the name of its peculiar tint. These tints are disposed in the same 
order as the layers or thin plates by which they are produced. The co- 
lour of the thinnest plate is placed first, and the others follow in the order 
of the progressively increasing thickness of the plates*. In this arrange- 
ment I cannot be mistaken, because the layers or thin plates which 
produce the several colours are all applied by the same electro-chemical 
process. The pile, the solution, the distances remain exactly the same. 
There is nothing variable but the duration of the action, which in respect 
to the layer No. 1. is very short, a little longer in respect to the second, 
and increases progressively from the lowest to the highest number. 
Other criterions also contribute to verify the accuracy with which its 
place is assigned to each tint. 

These colours are produced by very thin layers or plates analogous to 
those which produce the colours in soap-bubbles and the rings observed 

* The numerals placed within parentheses (in the Table) are designed to 
indicate the thickness of the plates which produce the different colours. These 
numbers are taken from Newton’s table, the fractional parts only being omitted. 
The numbers are those which apply to thin layers of water. The unit of mea- 
sure is the millionth part of an English inch. Our scale should then commence 
with a layer measuring four of these units in thickness and end with a layer 
measuring thirty, if we suppose our electro-chemical layers to possess the same 
refractive power as water. It is probably somewhat less. At all events it is 
useful to have these numbers immediately before our eyes, in order that we may 
know, if not the absolute, at least the relative thickness of the attenuated layers 
which effectively cover our plates of steel. 


by Newton around the point of contact of two slightly convex glasses or 
lenses. The order of the latter colours should therefore correspond ex- 
actly with that of my scale. It does so in fact; but that the correspond- 
ence may be perceived, it will be necessary first to rectify some errors 
which have arisen respecting the rings of Newton, either in consequence 
of their small dimensions, or of their having been examined under the 
influence of some prejudice. 

Our scale embraces the extent of the first four rings, and consists, as 
we have already stated, of forty-four tints. 

The tints of No. 1 to No. 10 (inclusive) correspond to the Ist ring. 

11 28 2nd — 
29 —— 38 3rd — 
39 —— 44 4th — 

Fundamental Principle. 

It is well known that the colours of the thin layers around the point 
of contact of Newton’s glasses are formed in the following manner. At 
the point which allows all the rays of the transmitted light to pass there 
appears a dark speck, and this remains the same whatever may be the 
quality of the light. If the incident light is white, the central speck is 
succeeded by several irises or concentric rings. If the light is homo- 
geneous or produced by one species of rays, the irises are changed into 
rings of the same colour as the incident rays, and separated from each 
other by dark intervals. These rings, whatever be their colour, have 
their commencement all at the verge of the central speck, but they oc- 
cupy different spaces. The violet rings are the narrowest and nearest ; 
the red are the widest and most distant; the rings of the intermediate co- 
lours are of intermediate dimensions andat intermediate distances. When 
the incident light is white, the series of homogeneous rings are formed 
simultaneously and overlap each other ; all the colours are intermixed in 
different proportions, and none stands isolated. It is to these combina- 
tions that we are to attribute the tints of the thin layers which we are 
about to analyse on our scale. 

First Ring—From No. 1 to No. 10 (inclusive). 

The Scale commences with the blond* colour: of this there are four 
gradations, the first of which is silvery, and 2, 3, 4 are gradually deeper. 
The blond is succeeded by the tawny+. Of this there are three species, 

* [The term blond employed in the original has been retained in the trans- 
lation to avoid the difficulty of giving an exact equivalent. Those brownish tints 
which in reference to human hair we term light or fair are evidently intended. 

+ [In the original the name of this colour is fauve, from the Latin fulvus; and 
the author says that he employs it in order to avoid the circumlocution of ‘Jion- 

Vor. I.—Parr I. i 


5, 6, 7; the last of which is called a copper-red on account of the analogy 
it bears to the colour of that metal. No. 8 is an ochre colour, No.9 a 
violaceous ochre, and No. 10 a violaceous fire-red. 

According to Newton the first ring should be composed of 

Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, Red. 

I find neither blue, nor the tints placed after the white and designated 
as yellow and orange. It seems to me that the tints of Newton’s ring 
may be defined easily enough. They differ essentially from yellow and 
orange, and are in reality nothing else than the blond and tawny co- 
lours of our scale mixed together. Of this we shall have a direct proof 
by compressing these seven tints into a space as narrow as that which 
they occupy in Newton's first ring: for as soon as this is done we see 
the orange-yellow* which succeeds the white in the ring make its ap- 
pearance. The blond and tawny colours of the scale are very com- 
pound tints: they possess a certain fieriness on account of the red 
which enters into their composition, have a slight resemblance to the 
colours of gold and copper, and are very difficult to be imitated, be- 
cause their composition is such as to remove them further than the 
others from the prismatic colours. In nature they are found particu- 
larly in 

1. The hair of animals. 

2. The feathers of birds. 

3. The fibres of certain species of dry wood, such as the walnut-tree, 
the pear-tree, &c. 

4. The beard of corn, such as wheat, barley, rye, &e. 

5. The smoke at the top of a flame. 

6. The decoctions of roasted grain, such as barley, coffee, &c. 

7. The halo seen around the moon when overcast with fog or 
light clouds. 

The colours which the clouds assume are in general 

Black, or very pure ash-colour; 

White, or very light ash-colour; 

The colour of smoke or coffee ; 

Red, more or less fiery ; 

Blue, very deep, and sometimes approaching to violet. 

These are exactly the tints that would constitute the first ring were 
we to include in it the first two colours of the second ring. The tints 

* The absence of the blue does not affect the theory of the colours of thin plates: 
indeed I take it as a necessary consequence of the theory. All the homogeneous 
‘rings commence at the same place; namely, at the verge of the central speck. 
In this position the thin plate reflects rays of every kind, and this circumstance 
it is that gives the white without any trace of blue. It is perhaps to the con- 
trast between the white and the black that we are to ascribe the illusion at the 
place where the two contrary appearances are produced. 


of smoke result from the more or less thorough blending of the blond 
and the tawny; those of fire from Nos. 8,9, and 10; the deep blue 
is produced by the Nos. 10, 11, 12, which are the deepest tints of the 

The first blond is properly that of light hair in childhood, and it is 
a fact worthy of remark, that as children grow older it becomes pro- 
gressively deeper and deeper, in the order of the Nos. 2, 3, 4 in the 
scale. The perfect resemblance of the first tints on the scale to those 
which we observe about the moon when she is surrounded by clouds 
is equally remarkable: it seems in fact that this luminous appearance 
may be thus definitively explained. Tints of this kind do not arise from 
refraction and diffraction; they are produced only by means of thin 
plates: the luminous halo in question is therefore a pheenomenon pro- 
duced by thin plates. 

This observation, combined with the fact that the tints exhibited by 
the clouds in every variety of aspect are almost all comprised in the first 
ring, leads to another consequence relative to the constitution of vesicular 
vapours. The measurements and experiments of Newton have shown 
what are the dimensions of the layers of air, of water, and of glass, which 
produce the colours of the several rings. The red of No. 10 is the last 
tint of the first ring: the indigo (No. 12) belongs to the second, and 
the thickness of the layer of water which produces it by reflexion is 
about the ten-millionth part of an English inch. As we know then, on 
the one hand, that the vesicular vapours are formed of water, and on the 
other that they do not reflect or transmit any tint beyond No. 12, we 
may conclude that their external film is in no case thicker than the 
ten-millionth part of an inch. 

This result appears to me so decidedly certain as to be entitled to a 
place in science. 

Second Ring—From No. 11 to No. 28 (inclusive). 

This interval commences at the deep violet No. 11, and extends to the 
lake-red No. 28. It comprises the most beautiful of all the gradations ; 

Blue, Azure, Yellow, Orange, Red. 

- Newton places a green tint between the azure and the yellow. My 
seale exhibits no trace of green, and, with whatever attention I have 
examined Newton’s second ring, I have never been able to perceive, in 
the place where the green should be found, anything but white tinged 
with azure and answering to the Nos. 15, 16, 17 of my scale. It is 
true that in the solar spectrum we meet with green in passing from 
the blue to the yellow: but the colours of the prism are simple, those 
of the thin plates are compound, and the order of their succession re- 
H 2 


sembles but very imperfectly that of the colours in the prismatic spec- 
trum *. 

My scale is developed in such a manner that no illusion can take 
place. The interval comprised in the second ring is entirely free from 
green; neither is it to be found in the first order. Hence it is inferred, 
that among the thin layers of the two first orders there is none capable 
of reflecting any portion of green. The result is curious, and we have 
remarked it in the hope that, under different circumstances, it may be 
turned to account. 

In speaking of the tints of the first ring we have stated that they are 

further removed than the others from the nature of the prismatic co- 

lours. The tints which, on the contrary, approach it most nearly are 

those of the second ring: yet even these are too distinct from it to be 
confounded with the simple colours of the prism. _ We have the sky, 

their type in nature, constantly before our eyes; for who is there that 

knows not the dawn, “with rosy forehead and golden feet”? Beginning. 

with No. 12 of the scale, let us run our eye over it as far as No.'28, 
and we shall find the tints of the sky disposed there in the order in 
which they present themselves in the magnificent spectacle of the dawn- 
ing day. This succession, as we have already observed, is the most 
beautiful of all: Newton’s second ring gives no idea of it, because its 
colours are not, and cannot be, sufficiently developed to produce the ef- 
fect. Painters, if I mistake not, will do well to avail themselves of this 
part of the scale: they will find in it a faithful copy of the beautiful tints 
of the morning, and endeavour to transfer them to their compositions. 
Natural philosophers will not fail to remark, that among the various tints 
of the sky there is no trace of green. This would heretofore have been 
found a perplexing circumstance, but may now be satisfactorily explained, 
merely by reflecting that the tints of the sky belong to the second order, 
in which also there is no tinge of green. From the blue to the yellow 
the transition is through a very faint gradation of azure-yellow, and this 
is observed to be exactly the case in nature. 

The tints produced by vapours and clouds belong to the second order. 
They contain in general more fire than the natural tints of the sky, but 
this quality is nothing in comparison with the purity, vividness and va- 
riety displayed in the tints of the second order. The appearance of the 
sun is never so magnificent as when the air is perfectly pure. Toward 
evening the lower regions of the atmosphere are always more or less 

‘ * Professor Amici has been so kind as, at my request, to employ all the means 
at his command in acareful examination of Newton’s rings. He has seen them 
exactly as I have; for he has found neither blue in the first nor green in the 
second ring. I value the testimony of my illustrious friend and colleague too 
highly not to avail myself of it in this case. 


charged with vapours, the air no longer retains its morning transpa- 
rency, and the setting of the sun is attended by a fiery tint which 
greatly mars the tranquil beauty of the spectacle. It is to those vapours 
that we are to attribute the inflamed appearance of the sky, because 
they possess the power of transmitting the tints of the first order, and 
these are of that fiery cast. Were it not for this cireumstance the set- 
ting of the sun might justly vie with its rising. 

Philosophers had long since settled their opinions as to the co- 
lours of the sky. These they explained by assigning to the air the 
property of reflecting the higher colours of the spectrum (violet, indigo, 
&c.), and that of transmitting the lower, (red, orange, &¢c.). The ex- 
planation was correct so far as it went, but to make it complete the 
exact quality of the tints should be determined by indicating the order 
to which they belong. It was necessary also to ascertain how light is 
affected by the presence of vapours. The considerations which we have 
just stated will perhaps supply both these deficiencies. 

Third and Fourth Rings-—From No. 29 to 38, and from 39 to 44. 

These two rings comprise (if I may use the expression) the richest 
tints. The tints of the first ring are distinguished by their fiery and 
metallic appearance ; those of the second by their transparency and 
vividness ; those of the third and fourth by their intensity, and by the 
presence of green, which is wanting in the first and second orders. The 
first appearance of green is in the third order at No. 32: it appears 
again in the fourth order at No. 41. These two greens differ but little 
from one another, and are both beautiful in a very high degree: they 
have a strong resemblance to the green of the emerald. The tints of 
the third ring do not differ much from those of the fourth: their most 
marked difference consists in the diminution of transparency observable 
in passing from the third to the fourth order. 

The colours contained in these two series abound in the three king- 
doms of nature ; the vegetable kingdom however seems to present them 
in the greatest proportion. 

The predominant colours in these two parts of the scale are the red, 
the green, and the yellow-green. There is here, properly speaking, no 
species of blue, but its absence is counterbalanced by the presence of 
the green, which is not to be found in the first two rings. It would 
seem as if the blue belonged peculiarly to the spacious vault of heaven, 
and the green to the surface of the earth. They are two dominant 
colours in nature, but their domains are separated, and the separation 
seems to me not to be accidental. It was necessary, I suppose, that the 
atmosphere should be composed of the most subtile particles, in order 
that they might remain suspended in space; the earth did not require 
to be of so delicate a texture. Hence we have two very distinct orders 


of particles or thin layers ; the terrestrial, which are grosser and capa» 
ble of reflecting the green tints; and the aérial, which are more subtile 
and capable of reflecting the azure tints. 

Laws of Varying Colours. 

Newton had observed that the colours of the rings changed their 
position as the angle of incidence, under which they were viewed, was 
changed. In certain rings a certain colour viewed at an incidence 
nearly perpendicular appears to form a given eircle, but expands and 
forms a larger circle if viewed obliquely. These changes are much 
more perceptible in the outer than the inner rings. An obliquity of 40°, 
for instance, is sufficient to change the tone of a colour of the fourth or- 
der, though at the same angle of incidence a colour of the first or the 
second order undergoes little or no change. We must not omit to 
mention the effect of refraction, which is to render the transitions from 
one tint to another more slow in proportion to the greater density of the 
substance which forms the thin layer. This law may be included in 
the first, because the rings produced by dense layers are interior in 
reference to the corresponding rings produced by layers of inferior 
density, and the exterior rings are the more liable to change. 

The colours of the scale are produced by thin plates, and are subject 
to the same laws as those of Newton's rings. It seems to me; however, 
that in respect to the law of the changing colours there is an anomaly 
that has not yet been mentioned. The higher tints comprised between 
the red (No. 44) and the yellow (No. 21) conform to the general law. 
If we view these tints at a certain inclination, we see No. 44 change to 
No. 43, No.43 to No. 42, and so on in succession; each superior num- 
ber exhibiting the appearance of the next inferior number. This law 
prevails until we come to No. 21: after this the phenomenon chahges. 
The beautiful yellows 19 and 20 become azure-green; the brighter 
yellows 18 and 17 are changed to red; the azures 16 and 15 become 
yellowish ; the blues 14 and 13 suffer no change, and with them tlie 
anomaly ends, for the general law prevails again from No. 12 to No. 1 

This difference has not been indicated until now, and, as I mentidn 
it for the first time, I deem it necessary to state that it escapes the eye 
when we endeavour to observe it in Newton’s rings, in consequence 
perhaps of their being so limited in extent*. The anomaly prevails in 
the central part of the second ring, where the thin plate reflects a great 
quantity of white light, and this part is the brightest of our scale: I 
remark this circumstance, in order that it may receive due attention 
from those who would thoroughly investigate this point. In such an 
investigation it will probably be necessary to take into account the 

* See additional Note at the end. 


variations of the law of refraction, when the obliquities of inclination 
are great,—such, for example, as those to which we must have recourse 
in order to account for the changes of tone in the colours of the first 
two rings. 

Exceptions to the Law of Varying Colours. 

Tf bodies where composed of thin layers suchas those which form the 
chromatic scale and Newton’s rings, their colours would change with 
every change of incidence, conformably to the law which we have just 
indicated. In nature the number of those colours that change is but 
small in comparison with those that remain fixed. Hence it may be 
inferred, either that the colours of bodies depend in general ona princi- 
ple different from that of the colours of thin plates, or that this principle 
is modified in its application, the bodies not being constituted exactly 
as such an explanation would require. A few observations will perhaps 
be sufficient to fix our ideas on this very interesting point in the theory 
of colours. 

Varying Colours in Nature. 

In each of the three kingdoms of nature we have specimens of these 
colours. The animal kingdom especially affords some that are highly 
interesting, both in respect to their number and their beauty. It will 
be sufficient to mention the wings of butterflies and insects, and above 
all the feathers of different birds. Who is there that does not know, 
for instance, the variety of pleasing hues displayed in the plumage of 
the peacock? In this case, as well as in others of a similar kind, the 
colour that we observe is not given out by one continuous surface, such 
as that of a single plate: it is produced by a multitude of threads or 
fibres, so nicely overlapping one another that they seem to form a perfect 
plane, although they are really but a vast number of distinct minute sur- 
faces, the position and thickness of which it would be necessary to know 
in order to apply the general law to them with any prospect of success. 
The phznomenon possesses all the characteristics of that produced by 
thin plates; but instead of a single layer, the number in this case is 
infinite, and, though disposed in an order calculated to excite our ad- 
miration, still it complicates the action of the light so as to prevent us 
from tracing it through all its variations. 

The varying hue most frequently exhibited by the plumage of birds, 
is a beautiful green of the same intensity as No. 32. This number in 
the scale retains almost all its intensity, even at an inclination of 40°: 
at dn angle of 50° it presents the appearance of No. 31, whichis a purple 
colour with a greenish tinge ; beyond that the original colour completely 
vanishes, and in its stead we have the violet-lake of No. 30. 

But the varying green of feathers begins to change much sooner : 
when the inclination is near the 40th degree, it already presents the 


violaceous tint of No. 12. The intermediate steps of the transition can- 
not be discerned,—a decisive proof that the surfaces of the fibres which 
produce the green when the incidence is perpendicular, are not those 
which produce it when the incidence is oblique. The transition from 
No. 32 to No. 12 is so abrupt as to warrant this inference. 

At all events the properties of the yarying hues presented in nature 
are sufficiently interesting to be made the subject of a specific inquiry. 
I am at present engaged in collecting these colours, and hope that 
naturalists and experimental philosophers will contribute whatever they 
can toward the execution of a design likely to be attended with adyan- 
tages, not only to Optics, but to other branches of science. 

Unvarying Colours. 

Nature presents a multitude of colours corresponding with the colours 
of the scale; but these are extremely changeable, while the natural 
colours are altogether unchangeable, except in the particular cases spe- 
cified in the last paragraph but one. Let us fix our attention for a 
moment on the green, which is more prevalent than any other colour. 
Every herb, every leaf, is more or less of this colour. The green tints in 
the scale, of whatever order they may be, become red when the inci- 
dence is oblique: the same colours in herbs and leaves furnish no sign 
of such a transformation. 

We know already, that the changes of tone to which the tints of the 
thin plates are subject diminish as the density of the plates increases. 
Were the substance of herbs and leaves much more dense than that of 
water, it might be said that it is owing to their excessive density that 
they suffer no perceptible change of tint from obliquity of incidence. 
But their density is far from being considerable; it is not so great as 
that of water. The phenomenon must therefore be explained in a dif- 
ferent, and, as I think, in the following manner. 

In applying the principle of the thin layers or plates to the explanation 
of the colours of bodies, it is supposed that those bodies are composed 
of layers analogous to the air and water introduced between Newton's 
glasses. Bodies are undoubtedly formed of very subtile particles; but 
have those particles or elementary groups the form of plates or laminz ? 
It does not appear so; it seems rather, on the principles of crystallo- 
graphy, which divides them into cubes, octahedrons, tetrahedrons, &c., 
that their forms are [polyhedral] solids. This circumstance makes a 
serious difference, and ought to be attentively examined. 

Let us take, for example, the cubical, which is one of the simpileat 
forms. Let us suppose the section of one of these cubes made in the 
plane of reflexion, and aé the side or face on which the incident rays fall. 
In passing from the perpendicular incidence 0 m to the oblique inci- 
dences pm, gm, it is evident that, allowance being made for the effect 


of refraction, the last ray subjected to the influence of interference reule 
be the ray p m which passes through the an- 
gle a. It falls on the inferior surface ed at 
the middle point m, and, being reflected in the 
direction mo’, reaches the eye at o!: every 
more oblique ray, such as gm, falls beyond 
the face ab, meets the vertical face ae, and 
contributes nothing to the coloration, which 
depends on the distance of the two faces ab 
and ed. In order to comprise the ray gm 
within this interval, a 6 should be prolonged to a! on the side of the 
incident, and to b' on the side of the reflected rays. But as it termi- 
nates at a and 8, its field of coloration is confined ne the limits m p, 

mo'. Now the angle omp, the sine of which is —= (because abcd 

is a square) does not amount to 27°, and this is an opening too small to 
admit the manifestation of any change whatever in the tints. 

If the refraction (which precedes the reflexion) tends, as is evidently 
the case, to enlarge the field of coloration, it has a still greater tendency 
to diminish the effect of the change of the tints. It may therefore be 
considered certain, that the integrant particles of which bodies are 
composed cannot, in general, favour the play of the varying colours, 
unless, in defiance of all other observations taken collectively, we assign 
them avery considerable magnitude. 

After the foregoing reflexions there remains, so far as I can see, but 
one point to be cleared. It being once admitted that the field of 
coloration of the integrant molecules is confined within narrow limits, 
how then, it will be asked, do bodies appear coloured in every direc- 
tion? In general the molecules hold, in the bodies which they form, 
all sorts of positions, and are divided, relatively to the eye, into two 
classes ; those of the one presenting their faces, and those of the others 
their angles toward the observer. The first are those which colour 
bodies ; the second are those which in one position of the mass con- 
tribute, but in another do not contribute, to its coloration. In short, 
the eye is always in the field of coloration of a vast number of particles. 
When the field of one particle disappears, it is replaced by the field of 
another ; so that the entire system always continues of a certain colour. 
Symmetrical arrangements present an exception, and we have already 
treated of these in the preceding paragraph. 

Metallic Colours. 

According to painters there are but three primitive colours, red, yellow, 
and blue. By combining these tints in various proportions with black 
and white they form the others. In richness and variety their produc-+ 


tions are far surpassed by those of the thin lamine. If we imagine one 
of the colours of the laminze combined with another, we have the im- 
pression of a new tint. The combinations that may be obtained in this 
way are almost innumerable, and, it will be said, need well be so, in 
order to match the variety which nature exhibits. Such is our opinion 
too; but we shall not attempt to conceal the difficulty presented by 
the fact, that several of the natural colours, especially those of the me- 
tallic substances, have but a very slight resemblance to the colours of 
thin plates, among which it were vain to seek, for example, either the 
yellow of gold or the red of copper. The colours of the plates which 
approach them most nearly are found among the first seven or eight 
tints of the scale. The gold might be placed among the blond colours, 
and the copper among the tawny; but the difference is still so striking 
that it would be unwarrantable, before it is accounted for, to put entire 
and implicit confidence in the principle of the lamine. 

This principle requires, as a primary condition, that the integrant — 
molecules of bodies should be transparent. It is true that almost all — 
bodies reduced to a certain degree of tenuity are permeable to light ; 
but it is equally true that the existence of a single body perfectly opaque 
and yet exhibiting a colour, would render it necessary to look for an- 
other principle of coloration besides Newton's, which is applicable only 
to diaphanous substances. 

In my Memoirs on the electro-chemical appearances, I haye shown 
that they are not exclusively produced by one of the poles of the pile, 
The appearances which constitute the chromatic scale are due to the 
electro-negative elements of the solution (oxygen and acid), which being — 
transferred by the current to the positive pole, are there spread out 
into thin transparent films, from which all the colours of the scale arise, 
The electro-positive elements (such as hydrogen and the metallic bases) 
are, on the contrary, transferred to the negative pole, and there depo- 
sited in layers which never produce the colours of thin plates. Here 
it is impossible to mistake in any case, but more particularly in respect 
to the solutions of certain salts with a base of gold or of copper, which 
produce negative appearances invariably of the same colour as the me- 
tallic base. It cannot be said in this case that the substance has not 
been brought to the degree of tenuity necessary to render it transparent. 
The electro-chemical layers commence with the first degree of attenu- — 
ation at the positive as well as the negative pole... If the layers of the 
positive pole produce the ordinary colours of the plates, while the oppo- 
site pole completely fails to present any other than that of the metallic 
base, it necessarily follows, either that these bases are perfectly opaque, 
or at least that their transparency is so imperfect as to render it im-— 
possible to apply the general laws to them, unless with very important 
restrictions. Indeed we have here a decisive proof that the colours 


which depend on the tenuity of plates are not to be traced on all classes 
of bodies; that they can be produced by those bodies only which are 
endowed with a certain degree of transparency ; and that metallic sub- 
stances are too opaque to be numbered among these. This is a positive 
fact, and ought therefore, without any regard to particular systems, to 
be entered in the register of science. 

Gold and Copper. 

It cannot be doubted, says Newton, that the colours of gold and 
copper belong to the second or the third order*. To us they seem, on 
the contrary, to belong to the first order, that being the only one which 
includes tints of a metallic appearance. If we only recollect that the 
first colours of the scale are far from being distinct in the first of New- 
ton’s rings, we shall feel less surprised that it should be necessary to 
correct the classification of that great philosopher. The resemblance 
in question is, however, as we have observed already, very far from 
being perfect. The tints that come nearest to the yellow of gold are 
the blond colours Nos. 2 and 3: but these are evidently less yellow, 
and at the same time more compounded than the colour of gold; for 
they contain a tinge of green, which does not exist in the more decided 
colour of gold. Transparent gold-leaf appears green when held before 
the light: this fact has been classed by several persons among the 
phznomena connected with thin lamine, because these lamine are 
known to reflect a given colour, in the same position in which they 
transmit its complementary colour. However I will say with a great 
philosopher, that “ there isin Newton’s rings no yellow that has green 
for its complement: the colour transmitted is invariably the blue; and 

_ this fact accords with the construction given by Newton for the com- 
position of colours. But extract from this blue (which is necessarily 
- compounded) a certain number of violet and blue rays, such as may be 

_ absorbed by the substance of gold, and there will remain greent+.” 

It is a fact demonstrated by a great number of observations, that 
light in its passage through coloured substances is partially absorbed 
and extinguished. This fact not only renders Biot’s explanation plausi- 
ble, but warrants the supposition that light undergoes in reflexion a 
diminution analogous to that which takes place in its transmission. 
For if some of the rays destined to be transmitted are absorbed by the 
very substance of the gold, how can all the other rays, which are de- 
stined to be reflected in the interior of the same substance, escape undi- 
minished ? If the phenomenon be incomplete in respect to transmission, 
it will be equally so in respect to reflexion, and the tint formed will be 

* Optics, Book II. part 3. prop. 5. 
+ Biot, Zraité de Physique, vol. iy. p. 127. 


necessarily different from that produced by the ordinary thin plates, 
which are so transparent as to arrest no species of rays whatsoever. 

The blond, as already observed, contains a tinge of green which is not 
found in the beautiful yellow of gold. If we leave out this green, by 
supposing it absorbed in the process of reflexion, the result will be a tint 
very closely resembling, if not exactly equal to, that of gold. 

The red of copper requires a similar reduction. The colour nearest 
to it is the tawny of No. 7. But this contains a cast of violet, which 
is not in the copper, and the removal of it will make the resemblance, 
if not complete, certainly much less imperfect. 

It is not my purpose in this place to enter further into the question, 
‘or to investigate the causes to which it is owing, that coloured bodies 
absorb certain rays more rapidly than others. The fact itself is proved, 
and it is unnecessary to go further for the attainment of our object, 
which was to discover the cause of the great difference between me- 
tallic colours and those of thin plates. 

Colours developed on Metals by the Action of Fire. 

The prismatic colours produced on steel and copper by the action of 
heat are universally known. Analogous colours are also exhibited by 
tin, bismuth, lead, &c., when they are in a state of fusion. 

As to these colours, the most generally received opinion is, that they 
depend on a principle of oxidation. Berzelius calls the metallic layer 
which is thus coloured a suboxide*. 

I have always entertained some doubts as to the correctness of this 
explanation ; because each degree of oxidation has a colour peculiar to 
itself, and in no way related to that variety of tints of which we speak. 
I was also struck by the well-known practice of giving steel a violet 
colour in order to secure it from rust. We know that this colour is 
produced by means of fire, in the process of giving steel a particu- 
lar temper,—a demper which is called violet, because it is produced 
simultaneously with the colour. Were this tint, as it is presumed to be, — 
the effect of oxidation, it would, in my opinion, instead of preventing, 
serve only to accelerate oxidation. A very high degree of polish, I 
allow, will keep off rust for a long time, but cannot stop it when once 
the action has commenced. 

* Some persons fancy that the phenomenon arises from the mere displacing 
of the parts, and thus exclude the intervention of any other substance. Ac- 
cording to this notion it is but the metal dividing itself into laminz of different 
degrees of thickness, and thus becoming capable of producing the different 
colours. Such an opinion, however, is opposed to a positive fact already de- 
monstrated; I mean the fact of their opacity being in all cases too great to 
admit of their furnishing lamine sufficiently transparent to produce the colours 
in question. 


But this is not all: the superficial colours of which we speak are 
changeable, and belong evidently to the same class as those produced 
by thin plates. Now the pure metals, as we have already seen, are, 
from their opacity, incapable of this species of coloration. Can they 
acquire that capacity in their first degree of oxidation by becoming sud- 
denly transparent in consequence of their union with a small quantity 
of oxygen? The hypothesis far exceeds the bounds of probability, and 
the phenomenon requires to be otherwise explained. 

Let us return, for an instant, to the experiment of the coloured rings 
developed on a surface of platina by means of the electro-chemical ap- 
paratus described in the beginning of this Memoir. The platina 
surface belongs to the positive pole of the pile, and the electro-negative 
elements of the solution (which in the present case are the oxygen of 
water and the acid of acetate of lead) are deposited at this pole. I will 
hot undertake to say by what species of affinity or force it is that these 
elements are attracted to each other and spread out into thin films on 
the platina. It is certain, however, that they attach themselves to the 
platina without oxidizing it in the slightest degree. We must not 
suppose that this happens because platina is a metal difficult to be 
oxidized. Iron and steel belong to the class of metals most easily ox- 
idized, and yet it is well known that they will bear to be covered with 
electro-negative layers without becoming rusted. My electro-chemical 
experiments, multiplied and varied in a thousand ways, leave no room 
for reasonable doubt on this point: they show that oxygen and cer- 
tain acids may adhere to the surfaces of metals without producing the 
slightest chemical change in them. This is a novel state for oxygen 
and the acids, and is distinguished from their ordinary combination by 
the three following peculiarities: Ist, The metal retains, beneath the 
deposited layer, its natural brilliancy ; 2nd, this layer produces the phe- 
nomenon of the coloured rings in all its beauty; 3rd, instead of ox- 
idizing the metal, these electro-negative elements contribute to secure 
it against oxidation in every part to which they are applied*. 

A fact so unprecedented is interesting to chemistry and is entitled to 
particular attention, as tending to enrich the science by the introduc- 
tion of new ideas+. Confining myself in this place to the colours pro- 
duced on metals by the action of fire, I do not hesitate to say that I think 

* In order to give an idea of the efficacy of this preservative, it will be 
sufficient to quote the following experiment performed in Paris two years ago. 
I took two steel plates of the same quality and polish. I coloured one of them 
ie ordinary process, and exposed both in the open air to all the vicissitudes 

arainy autumn. At the end of amonth the uncoloured plate was all rusted ; 
the other had lost a little of its colour but was free from rust. 

_ + If it were allowed me to offer an hypothesis relative to this novel state, I 
should say that the electro-negative elements disposed in thin layers on the 
surface of the metals are at too great a distance from the molecules of these 

their origin now placed beyond the reach of doubt. It may be safely 
laid down as a general proposition that the oxygen of the atmosphere 
produces them, not, as is supposed, by oxidizing the surface of the 
metal, but by becoming fixed in the form of a thin plate or film similar 
to those of the electro-chemical appearances. 

Copper, tin, and bismuth are pure metals, and I know not any layer 
by which they could be coloured, except that which has been just men- — 
tioned. Let a plate of copper be laid on a piece of red-hot iron: the 
plate becomes gradually heated, and all at once exhibits the most beau- 
tiful colours, but they disappear as suddenly. Before it becomes 
coloured the plate has a metallic lustre; it subsequently ceases to 
shine, and becomes evidently oxidized. It is therefore at the moment 
when the colours manifest themselves that the oxygen of the air 
precipitates itself on the copper. In the next moment the chemical 
combination is effected, which takes place whenever the action of the, 
heat is sufficiently prolonged. If the plate of copper be removed from 
the red-hot iron as soon as the first indication of a change of colour is 
perceived at any point, the process of coloration will then go on more 
slowly, the copper will not be oxidized, and the oxygen, which would 
produce this effect under a more prolonged action of the heat, now — 
covers the plate with a film, which adheres to it like a varnish, and by — 
its transparency produces the usual colours. 

The origin of the violet colour given to steel to prevent it from rusting 
is the same. The layer however which produces this tint in the steel 
does not perhaps consist solely of oxygen, as it does when the metals 
are pure. Steel is a carburet of iron, and the oxygen of the air in 
being precipitated on this compound, becoming combined with the 
carbon in some manner or other might form the layer in question. A 
all events the layer does not change its nature; it is always electro- 
hegative, and secures the metal from oxidation as effectually as th 
layers applied by the electro-chemical process. 

The electro-chemical appearances are formed with surprising ra- 
pidity, and the colours developed on metals exposed to the action o 
heat are produced with equal promptitude. It is therefore essential to 
the production of the phenomenon of thin plates that the electro- 
negative elements should be precipitated on the metal with a certain 


substances to enter into combination with them. This idea, which accords wit! 
the spirit of other theories, being admitted, we see at once how these layers 
preserve the transparency required to produce the coloured rings, and do no 
attack the metal so long as they are kept at such a distance as to be unable t 
combine with its particles. Berzelius was more sensible of the difficulty, pe 
haps, than any one else: but would not an open avowal have been better tha 
the attempt to evade it by the adoption of the term subowide, which is quite a 
vague and undefined as the principle of oxidation, for which it was offered as 

substitute ? a? 


velocity. Does not the necessity of this condition show why these 
layers, in order to produce the desired effect, should be brought into 
contact with the metallic surface by the agency either of fire or elec- 
tricity? The humid way is perhaps too tedious in all cases; it gradually 
oxidizes the surfaces of the metals, but never covers them with that 
thin and extended veil, the application of which requires a rapidity un- 
attainable in this circumstance. 

Nature presents in the specular iron a beautiful instance of the co- 
loration which we have been considering. The ordinary colour of this 
ore is an iron gray ; yet the faces of its crystals often display beautiful 
tints of every kind. They commence, in general, with the blue (No. 
13) of the second, and go onas far as the reds (37 and 38) of the third 
order. ‘These colours change as those of the scale do, and are so very 
like them that I thought they might be successfully imitated. I was 
not mistaken: a crystal of specular iron coloured by nature could not 
be distinguished from one coloured by the application of the electro- 
chemical process. There is no doubt as to the origin of these crystals; 
they are produced by fire, and it is that which has given them their 
colour by covering their surfaces with thin layers analogous to the 
electro-chemical. The humid way would have produced a yery dif- 
ferent effect: it would have destroyed their metallic brilliancy, and 
corroded their surfaces by the ordinary process of oxidation. 

Singular Property of some Tints of the Scale. 

A drop of alcohol is let fall on the violet (No. 11), and spread so as 
to cover part of the colour. The part thus made wet is no longer the 
same: we see instead of it a feeble tint resembling that of coffee 
mixed with milk; but the other part remains unchanged. The com- 
parison can be instantaneously made, and the difference between the 
two tints is so striking, that we are at a loss to conceive how a trans- 
parent and very limpid film of alcohol can produce such a change in the 
violet colour on which it is placed. The alcohol gradually evaporates, 
and the colour recovers its former brilliancy. 

Water, oil, and the different saline solutions produce the same effect; 
the thickness of the liquid film does not affect the phenomenon, and 
the colour undergoes the same change whether it be a thin film ora 
considerable mass. When transparent solids, such as glass, crystals, 
&c., are laid over the violet colour, it suffers no change. The liquids 
with which the plate is overspread adhere to its surface, so that this 
condition seems necessary to the production of the phenomenon. . 

Below the violet the indigo No. 12 and the blue No. 13, and (yet 
lower down) the red No. 10, the ochres Nos. 8 and 9 are subject to very 
marked variations. In the other colours of the scale when submitted 
to the experiment of the humid films no changes are visible,—none at 


least but such as are extremely slight in comparison with those which 
take place in the group of tints formed about the violet No. 11. There 
is no other fact connected with this. Such at least is my opinion, after 
having examined it under various aspects without being able to arrive 
at a satisfactory explanation. I am therefore unable to say more about 
it for the present. 

Effect of Artificial Light during the Night. 

It is an admitted fact, that we cannot judge of colours without the 
presence of daylight. But what changes do they undergo when viewed 
in the evening? The following are those that I have observed in the 
tints of my scale when examined at that time. The two conflicting opi- 
nions of those whom I consulted on this subject I forbear to mention. 

. The greens increase in beauty and intensity. 

. The yellows and the azure are tarnished and become deeper. 

- The blues and the indigo become greenish. 

. The violets approximate to a blue. 

. The violet-reds become more violet. 

- The first eight tints of the scale become more like each other, 
and approach more nearly to the metallic colours. 

. The other tints remain nearly unchanged. 

IT Ane wnwe 

Some of those changes are produced even by day if the colours of 
the scale are viewed through a green crystal, and others if they are 
viewed through yellow or azure crystals. Artificial light is without 
doubt differently constituted from that of the sun: it contains pro- 
bably a scanty mixture of red rays with an abundance of the yellow; 
green, and azure. But what is the coloured diaphragm that should be 
interposed in the passage of the light of day, in order to reduce it to 
the same proportions as that of night? The problem is an interesting 
one, but it remains as yet without solution. 

Harmony of Colours. 

My scale appears to all persons to be eminently harmonious. I have 
already mentioned the delight which it afforded those who saw it. I 
have now to add that artists are astonished not to find the green in its 
usual place, between the yellow and theazure colours of the second order. 
But I take the two finest greens in the scale, Nos. 32 and 41, and call 
upon the most accomplished artists to assign them a more suitable place 
than that which they occupy. Influenced by habit they unhesitatingly 
place them among the yellows and the blues of the second interval, hay- 
ing no doubt that this is their proper place. They are however soon un- 
deceived by the result ; the green is found unpleasing here; the harmony 
is destroyed, and cannot be re-established until the colours are restored 
to their original position. But what is this harmony? It is an effect 


by a reference to the law of imaginary colours. It is necessary to give 
a brief development of the principle of this theory. 

Let any colour whatsoever be exposed to some given degree of light 
and let the eyes be kept steadily fixed on it for some time : if the eyes be 
afterwards closed we have the impression of a different colour, which 
though it is never the same for one tint that it is for another, is always 
the same for the same tint. These colours, in some measure the off- 
spring of the real colours, are called imaginary by philosophers, and 
by others they are named fantastic or accidental. The following is a 
table of them :— 

Real Colour. Corresponding imaginary Colour. 
BEEN ae eo eedasnececrcsacges saeco”, JV ZUTC-STeENs 
PRRMPCIN Pe rcct ces cictecccesee sso SOA. 
Green-yellow* ............... .. Violet. 
PADTC-PTCOD Jods eapcvoe des'aseso oy MOO. 

Indigo ..... a aN Spee = Golden. 

WIGISE oo. cnescenoncnssooccsnensaa, 9 CATCLN-Yelow, 

After this table I cannot do better in reference to the present topic 
than give the following extract from Venturi. 

“ The combination or succession of those colours which have such a 
mutual correspondence, that the perception of the one is followed by the 
imaginary sensation of the other, is agreeable and harmonious.” 

“ Women of good taste know the colour of the trimming which has 
a good or a bad effect in combination with the fundamental colour of 
their dress. Leonardo da Vinci promised to give a table showing the 
colours which harmonize with one dnother and those which do not}: 
but he did not fulfill the promise, and no other painter that I know has 
pointed out precise rules for the harmony of colours. Several have 
observed merely that red combined with green has an agreeable effect ; 
Newton apprises us that orange agrees with indigo; and Virgil was per- 
haps of the same opinion when he put this verse into the mouth of his 

Mollia luteola pingit vaccinia caltha. 

“ Mengs extols the union of violet and yellow; the same author says 
that the combination of red, yellow and azure is disagreeable {; but that 
each of them should rather be joined with the colour intermediate be- 
tween the two others; the red with the green, the yellow with the violet, 

_ and the azure with the orange.” 

“ These different opinions have their origin and foundation in the 
_ transitions from the real to the imaginary state, which, as we have seen, 
naturally follow the involuntary movement of the retina; so that the 

* When the names of two colours are thus joined, the idea intended to be 
_ conveyed is that of the intermediate tint. 
+ On Painting, chap. 89. t Mengs, Legons de Peinture. 
Vor. I—Parr I. I 


general law of the harmony of the eye will be this: That the corre- 
sponding colours in the Table hereafter mentioned will be in harmony 
with one another.” 

“Tn fact, if the organ of vision, after having been fixed on an orange 
colour, directs itself spontaneously, and uninfluenced by any external 
impulse, towards the indigo, or vice versdé; or if in nature a violet- 
coloured hyacinth is placed beside a jonquil, and the optic axis is turned 
from the one flower upon the other, the centre of the retina passes over 
that succession of colours which is demanded by the nature of the or- 
gan and cannot be felt but with pleasure and satisfaction. These two 
colours harmonize, because the one leads to the other; and, for the con- 
trary reason, if the eye has to pass from one colour to another, not cor- 
responding with it in the table, it will necessarily have to make a dis- 
agreeable effort, because it will find itself in a position not in harmony 
with its former state. If the ocular harpsichord of Caslet were pos- 
sible, the modulation of the colours would be executed on it accord- 
ing to the principle just laid down*.” 

I will not deny that the aptitude of the retina to cause an imaginary 
to arise from a real colour is of some account in the effect produced by 
colour. I am even inclined to believe that colours attentively observed 
are, by this tendency of the organ, associated with a sentiment and 
endowed with an eapression which they could not otherwise possess. 
This however would be a species of melody and not of harmony. 

Harmony is an instantaneous effect produced on the mind by several 
colours united altogether independent of the development of imaginary 
colours. Before this development can take place, the eye must be fixed 
for some time on a real colour; nor is this all, it is also necessary that 
the real colour should be seen in a bright light. Now, when I have 
one or two colours before my eyes, I can judge of their harmony with- 
out being obliged to look at them for a long time or requiring a very 
bright light. If I observe them for a single instant, my judgement is 
already pronounced, with the same promptitude with which the ear 
decides when it is affected by the harmony of sounds. Suppose for a 
moment that real sounds had their corresponding imaginary sounds, 
and the latter were determined when the ear had been for some time 
affected by a single quality of sounds suitably sustained. In the first 
place, these imaginary sounds could make no impression except in the 
particular case in which the notes are sustained for some time; but if 
we suppose that they accompanied the real sound necessarily and in 
every circumstance, they would not be in harmony with it; they would 
be perceived an instant after it, and would produce melody. 

When a particular colour is ill-assorted with another, the eye is of- 
fended, as the ear is hurt by adiscord. If we pass from one of these 

* Venturi, Recherche Physique sur les Couleurs, for which the prize of the 
Italian Society was awarded. Modena, 1802. 

oe eee 


colours to the other through the intermediate tints, the first feeling 
will be changed into an agreeable sensation. Our scale, I repeat it, 
produces the same agreeable impression upon all, and it is to the inimi- 
table beauty of its colours, and the manner in which they melt into each 
other, that this effect is due. 

According to the law of imaginary colours red harmonizes well with 
green. In our scale the lakes, which are the finest reds in nature, are 
between the green tints and the orange, and combine agreeably with 
both. According to the same law the violet should agree only with the 
yellow; in the scale the violet tints are between the azures and the 
ochres, where they produce a very fine effect. The same law is opposed 
to the combination of yellow and azure, but the scale proves that these 
two tints combine agreeably, provided they have a certain tone and a 
certain degree of brightness. It is unnecessary, I believe, to multiply 
instances. The beauty of the tints and the graduation of the transitions 
constitute together one of the first secrets of art revealed by the effect 
of the chromatic scale. But it is not always allowed us to resort to the 
graduation of the transitions, and the artist requires another guide to 
show him what he is to do in all circumstances. It cannot be doubted 
that as there are combinations of sounds more perfect to the ear than 
others, such as the octave, the fifth and the third, there are likewise con- 
cords of colours more pleasing to the eye than others. But these con- 
cords should be determined. The field of inquiry is still new; it is 
possible however that the pursuit may be attended with most success 
by having recourse to the chromatic scale, which presents the tints in 
their greatest purity, and so arranged as to form the gamut of colours. 
This circumstance is an additional recommendation of the scale to the 
attention of philosophers as well as of artists. 

Concluding Reflexions on the Qualities of Colours considered both philo- 
sophically and pictorially. 

In physics it is usual to speak only of the brightness of colours. But 
besides being more or less bright, they are more or less intense or deep, 
beautiful, cheerful, &c. These epithets have been long in common use 
and are constantly on the lips of painters. In my opinion it is time 
that they should be admitted into science, and reduced to a more deter- 
minate signification than they have in ordinary language. 


All who observe the seven colours of the spectrum will instantly per- 
ceive that they differ greatly in brightness. The clearest of them is the 
yellow. Fraunhofer, who has analysed the spectrum with so much ping 
assigns to that colour the highest degree of brightness. 

‘The tints of our scale as well as the natural colours are far from being 


pure: they are all composed of several others. Hence arises a law of 
brightness different from that of the prismatic colours. The clearest 
on our scale are, 

Ist, The azures .................. Nos. 16 and 17. 
Inds -Thesplondsie 2c see land 2. 
3rd, The yellows......00ssaesees 18 and 19. 

The most obscure tints are Nos. 10, 11, and 12, in which the violet and 
blue predominate. 

Depth, or intensity, and brightness are very different qualities. No 
one indeed confounds the intensity of a fine red with the brightness of a 
fine yellow. In the scale of the latter quality the white occupies the 
first place. A bright tint may be considered as a mixture, in which 
there is a little colour with a great quantity of white light; and, vice 
versd, a strong or deep colour, as a mixture of much colour with a little 
white light. Painters therefore when they want to give brightness to 
their colours add white, but when they want to increase their intensity 
they add a different colour. 

The most intense colours of the scale are the lakes, especially No. 28 
and No. 29. The feeblest are the azures No. 16 and No. 17, the blonds 
No. 1 and No. 2, and the yellow No. 18. 

Some colours strengthen each other; some have no such effect. Thus, 
for example, the red of the spectrum combined with the violet forms 
a very beautiful lake, which is a much more vivid red than that of the 
prism. The same red combined with the green forms a mixture which 
possesses more intensity. The tints of the scale include all the pris- 
matie colours, and their strength depends exactly on the proportion of 
the elements which enter into their composition. The lakes abound in 
red and violet, which are the two colours that give most depth to each 
other, as if one were the octave of the other. The sky-colours are too 
feeble, because with the exception of the blue, which they contain in a 
quantity rather excessive, the colours which enter into their composition 
will, when mixed, produce only white. 

It is not strictly true that the intensity is in the inverse ratio of the 
brightness, because the more obscure tints Nos. 10, 11 and 12 are 
less intense than the lakes Nos. 28 and 29. Nevertheless there is a 
manifest relation between the two qualities; for it is certain that the 
feeblest colours are among those of the brightest class, and the most in- 
tense among those of the most obscure. 

Thin plates according to their different degrees of tenuity reflect dif- 
ferent colours ; either these reflected colours are such as mutually to 
strengthen each other, so that there results from them a strong tint ; 
or they do not strengthen each other, and the result of this is a white 
which predominates in the tint. Thus, the cause which generally renders 

a ° e. > 
Se are —- 


it impossible to obtain brightness of tint unless by sacrificing intensity, 
is sufficiently demonstrated. 

Beauty and Monotony. 

Beauty consists in a certain variety which some tints possess in a 
higher degree than others. The yellow, for example, and the red of the 
spectrum have a tone peculiar to themselves: the golden contains the 
essence of the red and the yellow, and is more agreeable to the eye than 

The most beautiful tints in the scale commence at the orange colours 
22 and 23, and continue to the end. 

The first element of pleasing is variety; in this point of view the 
purity and homogeneity of a colour are defects, of which philosophical 
painters must have been sensible when they recommended the use of 
compound in preference to simple colours *. 

The purest tint of the scale is perhaps that of the yellow No.19. At 
the first glance it is extremely pleasing, but soon becomes monotonous 
and the eye turns away for relief to the higher tints, each of which pro- 
duces the sensation of several colours. A painting in which there is 
much yellow will therefore always fail to please on account of this mo- 
notony; for its effect is most disagreeable. 

Nothing can be more beautiful than the varying colours: when we 
call them varying it is unnecessary to say why they please. Painters, 
we know, in order to give a finish to their productions, overlay them 
with certain tints. The colours of the painting appear through the 
tint, are mingled but not confounded with it, and thus are produced 
a variety and vividness unattainable by any other means. 

Warmth and Coldness. 

Those tints which contain the element of red are by painters called 
warm, and those in which the element of azure abounds are termed cold. 

Red is the strongest and the most vivid colour : it is the colour of fire 
and of blood, and it warms and inflames all the tints into which it is in- 

If the idea of warmth is associated with red, azure gives rise to a 
very different feeling: it is indeed preeminently the cold colour. 

Yellow approaches more nearly to the nature of red than to that of 
azure, and is consequently rather warm than cold. Pure green cannot 
be said to be cold or warm: it inclines however to the former or to the 
latter accordingly as it is combined with blue or with yellow. 

Cheerfulness and G'loominess. 

Cheerfulness is not to be confounded with beauty, nor gloominess with 
monotony: they are more distinct sensations and seem to belong, the 

* Lecons Pratiques de Peinture, § v. 


first to the lower colours of the spectrum, such as the red, orange, &c., 
and the second to the superior colours, such as the violet, indigo, &c. 

The most gloomy tints on the scale are, according to the generally 
received opinion, those of Nos. 10, 11 and 12, in which the higher co- 
lours of the spectrum abound. These colours, it cannot be denied, are 
also the least bright, and this quality may well be the cause of the 
gloominess which is felt in viewing them. 

It is possible however that there may be in this case an unknown ge- 
neral law, which it would be worth while to investigate with the aid of 
the analogies afforded by acoustic phenomena, of which the principles 
are better known. 

On the Pathetic and the Cheerful in Music and Painting. 

An exclamation or shout of joy consists of notes ascending from the 
grave to the acute; a cry proceeding from grief or pain consists, on the 
contrary, of notes descending from the acute to the grave. It is not more 
singular than true, although it has never before been remarked, that 
the same notes sung or executed on an instrument will produce in the 
ascending scale a very different effect from that which they produce in 
the descending scale. In the first case the feeling excited is decidedly 
cheerful; in the second it is as decidedly sad. This is a fact which 
in both a physical and a physiological point of view remains yet un- 
explained, but may serve nevertheless as a law for all analogous 

Violet is a colour which certainly awakes a feeling of sadness. Can 
it be owing to a similar law that it produces such a sensation? I inspect 
the table of imaginary colours, and find that the green-yellow corresponds 
to the violet. We know that according to the theory of vibrations the 
violet is produced by shorter and the red by longer vibrations. The 
transition then from the violet, which is the real colour, to the green- 
yellow, which is the imaginary, is a transition from the acute to the grave, 
and analogous to that which takes place in the notes that produce sad- 
ness. The only difference between the two cases is, that in the one the 
sensation is the direct and immediate effect of the notes conveyed to the 
ear from without, whilst in the other the eye receives from without no- 
thing more than the impression of the violet colour, the rest of the ef- 
fect depending on the internal action of the optical nerves which are en- 
dowed with the power of passing of themselves from the real to the ima- 
ginary colour. A. difference of this kind however is not incompatible 
with the existence of the analogy : it only leads to the inference that the 
eye possesses the more exquisite sensibility, since in this organ a mere 
disposition or tendency is sufficient to produce an effect which in the ear 
is due to an external cause: for, the superior delicacy of the eye is evi- 
dently the cause of the existence of these imaginary colours, which have 

oe oo 


no counterpart in the other sense,—no succession of imaginary sounds 
resulting from those which had previously reached the tympanum. 

~ In music there is awell-known and long-established distinction between 
harmony and melody: the former arises from a certain series of sounds 
produced all at the same time, the latter from the succession of certain 
sounds produeed according to a certain rule. Can the science of colours 
lay claim to a similar distinction ? I look at a fine painting, and amiat once 
struck with the harmonious disposition of its beautiful colours. This isthe 
first feeling excited, and it is excited ina moment. I afterwards examine 
and study the composition by looking attentively now at one point and then 
at another. The merit of the piece was at first confined to the beauty 
and harmony of the tints; now the same tints being observed with more 
attention awaken, or tend to awaken, the idea of the imaginary colours, 
and thus acquire an expression which was wanting to them when they 
were passed rapidly over. -It has already been observed that the green- 
yellow arose from the violet, and that the latter colour had a tendency 
to produce a sensation of sadness on account of its involving a necessary 
transition from an acute to a grave tone. The lower colours of the 
spectrum (the red and the golden) have as their imaginary colours 
azure-green and indigo. In both these cases the passage is from the 
grave to the acute, and the two colours should, according to the law 
under consideration, excite a feeling of cheerfulness. The theoretical 
inference is confirmed by every one’s experience. 

This analogy between sounds and colours may, after all, be rather ap- 
parent than real. I thought myself bound nevertheless to mention it, 
with a view to its development, and on account of the new ideas which 
it might suggest. 

Additional Note on the Law of Varying Colours. 

In speaking of this law, I have remarked an analogy which presents 
itself in the central tints of the second ring. After having concluded 
my labours it occurred to me to examine this interval once more, and I 
noticed a fact which had escaped me in my first inquiries. Beginning 
with the perpendicular incidence, in order to pursue the examination 
through the other incidences, I observed the rings attentively. As my 
point of view I took the central part of the second ring, and there, at an 
angle between 70° and 80°,I perceived a new ring formed. This ap- 
pearance was not accompanied by the disappearance of any of the 
other rings: it was really a new ring formed under this great inclina- 
tion at the centre of the second, which was at first almost entirely white. 
I shall distinguish this ring from the others by the epithet intruded *. 

* It may not be useless, perhaps, to mention that my rings are inverse to 
those of Newton; his begin at the centre, mine at the circumference, where, 
from the nature of the electro-chemical process, the thinnest layers are depo- 
sited: the thickest layers are evidently those of the centre. : 


My rings can easily be so enlarged that the intruded ring may occupy 
a space two or three lines in breadth. The tints composing it will then 
be seen very distinctly, and will correspond exactly with those which are 
seen in detail on the plates 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 and 15; with this difference 
only, that, in place of these tints, a ring will be seen pererec of green, 
red and yellow. 

When the rings are smaller, as they usually are when oiitedned under 
the platina point, the intruded ring appears in the same place, and the 
observation, though made under circumstances less favourable, is equally 

Newton’s rings give no idea of this phenomenon: they vanish from 
the eye of the observer before the last degrees of obliquity are attained, 
and are consequently unavailable in an observation for which these great 
inclinations are an indispensable condition. ‘The smallness of the di- 
mensions of the rings cannot cause the observation to fail, whenever it 
can be made on my rings whether large or small. 

I cover a portion of my rings with a layer of alcohol, oil, or water, &c., 
and when the observation is made at the before-mentioned inclination of 
from 70° to 80°, the intruded ring appears only where the humid layer 
is wanting. Thus the phenomenon connects itself still more with the 
law of refraction. In my opinion there are but few facts that can puta 
theory so severely to the test as this, and the theory which can completely 
explain it will have every claim to credit. 

Ishall always add to my chromatic scales a plate exhibiting on its sur- 
face the coloured rings as much enlarged as is requisite for the conve- 
nient study of the properties of the intruded ring. This I feel the more 
inclined to do, as these large rings are likely to be useful in other re- 
spects ; they will serve, for instance, as a key to the chromatic scale, 
which is in reality no more than the development of the rings them- 
selves ; and this development is indispensable when we would judge of a 
colour. In the coloured rings, however large they may be, there is al- 
ways found between every two tints a third into which they melt: its 
tone and the feeling which it produces are always confounded with 
those of the contiguous tints. For this inconvenience there is no re- 
medy but to isolate the tints, so that the eye may be fixed on each of 
them without receiving at the same time any sensation from the others. 
The chromatic scale affords this advantage in its detached plates, not to 
mention the other advantages which in the course of this Memoir it 
has been proved to possess, and which it is therefore unnecessary to enu- 
merate here. 

Reggio, June 29, 1830. 



44 | Lacca-rosea. Laque-rose. Rose-lake. (30 
43 | Verde-giallo-rossic c. Vert-jaune rougeatre. Reddish yellow-green.(28 
42 | Verde-giallo. Vert-jaunatre. Yellowish-green. er 
41 | Verde. Vert. Green. (26 
40 | Violaceo-verdognolo. Violet-verdatre. Greenish-violet. (25 
39 | Lacca-violacea. Laque-violette. Violet-lake. (24 
38 | Lacca-rosea. Laque-rose. Rose-lake. (22 
37 | Rancio-roseo. Orange-rose. Rose-orange. 

36 | Rancio-verde. Orange-verdatre. Greenish-orange. (21 
35 | Verde-rancio. Vert-orangé. Orange-green. 

34 | Verde-giallo. Vert-jaune. Yellow-green. (20 
33 | Verde-giallognolo. Vert-jaunatre. Yellowish-green. 

32 | Verde. Vert. Green. et 
31 | Porpora-verdognola. Pourpre-verdatre. | Greenish-purple. (18 
30 | Lacca-turchiniccia. Laque-bleuatre. Blueish-lake. (17 
29 | Lacca-purpurea. Laque-pourprée. Purpled-lake. (16 
28 | Lacca-accesa. Laque éclatante. Brilliant-lake. 15 
27 | Lacca. Laque. Lake. 

26 | Lacca-rancia. Laque-orangée. Orange-lake. (14 
25 | Rosso-rancio. Rouge-orangé. Orange-red. 

24. | Rancio-rosso. Orange-rouge. Red-orange. 

23 | Rancio-rossiccio. | Orange-rougeatre. _ Reddish-orange. 

22 | Rancio. Orange. Orange. (13 
21 | Giallo-rancio. Jaune-orangé. Orange-yellow. 

20 | Giallo-aeceso. Jaune éclatant. Brilliant-yellow. 

19 | Giallo. Jaune. Yellow. 

18 | Giallo-chiarissimo. Jaune trés-clair. Very bright yellow. (12 
17 | Celeste-giallognolo. Azur-jaunatre. Yellowish-azure. 
16 | Celeste. Azur. Azure. 

15 | Bleu-chiaro. Bleu-clair. Clear-blue. 

14 | Bleu. Bleu. Blue. 

13 | Bleu-carico. Bleu-foncé. Deep-blue. 

12 | Indaco. Indigo. Indigo. (10 
|11 | Violetto. Violet. Violet. (8 
10 | Rosso-violaceo. Rouge-violet. Violet-red. (7 
9 | Ocria-violacea. Ocre-violette. Violet-ochre. 
| 8 | Ocria. Ocre. Ochre. 
| 7 | Rosso di rame. Rouge de cuivre. Copper-red. (6 
6 | Fulvo-acceso. Fauve éclatant. Brilliant-tawny. 
| 5 | Fulvo. Fauve. Tawny. 
| 4 | Biondo-acceso. Blond éelatant. Brilliant-blond. (5 
3 | Biondo d’ oro. Blond-doreé. Golden-blond. 

2 | Biondo. Blond. Blond. 

_1 | Biondo-argentino. Blond-argentin. Silver-blond. (4 


ArrTicLe VI. 

On the Mathematical Theory of Heat ; hy S8.D. Poisson, 
Member of the Institute, &c.* 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. u1x. p. 71 et seq. 

Tue work which I have just published under the title of The Mathe- 
matical Theory of Heat ( Théorie Mathématique de la Chaleur), forms 
the second part of a treatise on Mathematical Physics (Physique Mathé- 
matique), the first’ of which is the New Theory of Capillary Action 
(Nouvelle Théorie de U Action Capillaire), which appeared four years 
ago. It contains twelve chapters, preceded by some pages in which I 
recapitulate in a few words the first applications of the caleulus which 
have been made to the theory of heat, and the principal researches of 
geometers upon that subject, which have been- made of late years, 
namely, since the first Memoir presented by Fourier to the Institute in 
1807. Iwill here transcribe the contents of the Preface; on the im- 
portant question of the heat of the earth. 

“In applying to the earth the general solution of the problem of a 
sphere at first heated in any manner whatever, Laplace was led to par- 
ticipate in the opinion of Fourier, which attributes to the primitive heat 
of the earth the increase in temperature which is observed in descend- 
ing from the surface, and the amount of which is not the same in all lo- 
calities. This hypothesis of a temperature proceeding from the original 
heat of the globe (da chaleur dorigine), and which must rise to millions 
of degrees in its central layers, has been generally adopted; but the dif- 
ficulties it presents appear to me to render it improbable. I have pro- 
posed a different explanation of the increasing temperature which has 
long since been observed at all depths to which man has penetrated. 

“ Aceording tothis new explanation the phenomenon depends on-the 
inequality of temperature of those regions of space which the earth sue- 
cessively passes through in its translatory motion, and which are com- 
mon to the sun and all the planets. It would be indeed opposed to all pro- 
bability that the temperature of space should everywhere be the same; 
the variations to which it is subject from one point to another, sepa- 
rated by very great distances, may be very considerable, and ought to 
produce corresponding variations in the temperature of the earth, ex- 

* The work of which this article is an analysis, is described as a quarto volume 
of more than 500 pages, with a plate ; published by Bachelier, Quai des Augus- 
tins, Paris. 


tending to various depths according to their duration and amplitude. 
Suppose, for the sake of example, a block of stone transported from the 
equator to our latitudes ; its cooling will have commenced at the surface, 
and then become propagated into the interior; and if the cooling has ex- 
tended throughout the whole mass, because the time of its transporta- 
tion has been very short, that body thus transported to our climate 
will present the phenomenon of an increase of temperature with the 
distance from the surface. The earth is in the case of this block of stone; 
—it is a body coming from a region the temperature of which was 
higher than that of the place in which it now is; or we may regard itasa 
thermometer moveable in space, but which has not had time, on account 
of its magnitude and according to its degree of conducting power, to 
take throughout its mass the temperatures of the different regions through 
which it has passed. At present the degree of temperature of the globe 
is increasing below the surface ; the contrary has in former times been, 
and will hereafter be, the case: besides, at epochs separated by many series 
of ages this temperature must have been, and will in future be, much 
higher or lower than what it is at present; a circumstance, which renders 
it impossible that the earth should always be habitable by man, and has 
perhaps contributed to the successive revolutions the traces of which 
have been discovered in its exterior crust. It is necessary to observe 
that the alternations of temperature of space are positive causes which 
have an increasing influence upon the heat of the globe at least near its 
surface; while the original heat of the earth (chaleur dorigine de la 
terre), however slow it may be in dissipating, is but a transitory circum- 
stance, the existence of which it would not be possible at the present 
epoch to demonstrate, and to which we should not be forced to have 
recourse as a hypothesis except in the case of the permanent and neces- 
sary causes being insufficient to explain the different phenomena.” 

The following are the titles of the different chapters of the work, to- 
gether with a short abstract of the contents of each. 

Carter I. Preliminary Notions — After having given the definition 
of temperature and many other definitions, it is explained how we have 
been led to the principle of a continual radiation and absorption of heat 
by the molecules of all bodies. The interchange of heat between 
material particles of an insensible magnitude, but yet comprising im- 
mense numbers of molecules, cannot disturb the equality of their tem- 
peratures when it actually exists. From this condition we conclude, that 
for each particle the ratio of the emitting to the absorbing power is inde- 
pendent of the substance and of density, and that it ean only depend on 
_ temperature. In the case of the inequality of temperatures, we give the 
- general expression of their variations during every instant, equal and 
contrary for two material particles, radiating one toward the other. We 


also give the law of absorption of radiant heat in the interior of homo- 
geneous bodies. ; 

Cuarpter II. Laws of Radiant Heat.—If a body be placed within a 
vacuous sphere on every side (enceinte vide fermée de toutes parts), the 
temperature of which is supposed to be invariable and everywhere the 
same, we demonstrate that the result of the interchange of heat between 
an element of its surface and an element of the surface of the inclosing 
sphere, is independent of the matter of which the sphere is formed, and 
proportional, ceteris paribus, to the cosines of the angle which the normal 
to the second element forms with the right line from one to the other 
element. Experiments, not as yet made, only can decide whether this 
law of the cosine is equally applicable to the elements of the surface of 
the body, of which the temperature is not invariable like that of the 
sphere; and until such experiments are made we may be allowed 
to doubt its existence while the body is heating or cooling. By consi- 
dering the number of successive reflexions which take place at the 
surface of the sphere we demonstrate also that in general the pas- 
sage (flux) of heat through every element in the surface of the body 
which it contains is independent of the form, of the dimensions, and 
of the material of the sphere; there is no exception, but when the 
heat, in the series of reflexions which it experiences, falls one or many 
times upon the surface of the body. It follows from this theorem that 
a thermometer placed in any point whatever of the space which the 
sphere terminates, will finally indicate the same temperature, which 
will be equal to that of the sphere; but in the case of the exception 
just mentioned, the time which it will employ in attaining that tem- 
perature will vary according to the place it occupies. The general ex- 
pression of the passage of heat through every element of the surface of 
a body of which the temperature varies, is composed of one factor re- 
lative both to the state of that surface and to the material of the body, 
multiplied by the difference of two similar functions, one of which 
depends on the variable temperature of the body, the other on the 
fixed temperature of the sphere, which are the same for all bodies; 
a result which agrees with the law of cooling im vacuo discovered by 
MM. Dulong and Petit. We next suppose in this second chapter, 
that many bodies differing in temperature are contained in the sphere 
of which the temperature is constant, and arrive then at a general for- 
mula, which will serve to solve the problems of the catoptrics of heat, 
the principal applications of which we indicate. When all these bodies 
form round one of them a closed sphere the temperature of which, 
variable with the time, is not the same throughout, the passage of 
heat to the surface of the interior body does not depend on its tempe- 
rature and that of the inclosure only, at least when these bodies are 


formed of the same material. After having considered the influence 
of the air upon radiation which we had at first eliminated, we give at 
the end of this chapter a formula which expresses the instantaneous 
variations of temperature of two material particles of insensible magni- 
tude, by means of which the exchange of heat takes place after one or 
many reflexions upon the surfaces of other bodies through air or through 
any gas whatever. 

Cuarter III. The Laws of Cooling in Bodies having the same Tem- 
perature throughout.—While a homogeneous body of small dimensions 
is heating or cooling, its variable temperature is the same at every 
point; but if the body is composed of many parts formed of different 
substances in juxtaposition, they may preserve unequal temperatures 
during all the time that these temperatures vary, as we show in an- 
other chapter. Inthe present we determine, in functions of the time, 
the velocity and the temperature which we suppose to be common to 
all the points in a body placed alone in a sphere either vacuous or 
full of air, and the temperature of which is variable. If the sphere 
contains many bodies subject to their mutual influence upon each other, 
the determination of their temperatures would depend on the integra- 
tion,of a system of simultaneous equations, which are only linear in the 
case of ordinary temperatures, but in which we cannot separate the 
variables when we investigate high temperatures, and when the radia- 
tion is supposed not to be proportional to their differences. 

Experiment has shown that in a cooling body, covered by a thin 
layer or stratum of a substance different from that of which it is itself 
composed, the velocity of refrigeration only arrives at its maximum when 
the thickness of this additive stratum, though always very small, has 
notwithstanding attained a certain limit. We develop the consequences 
of this important fact in what regards extension of molecular radiation, 
and explain how those consequences agree with the expression of the 
passage of heat found in the preceding chapter. 

Cuapter IV. Motion of Heat in the Interior of Solid or Liquid 
Bodies.—We arrive by two different processes at the general equation of 
the motion of heat; these two methods are exempt from the difficulties 
which the Committee of the Institute, which awarded the prize of 1812* 
to Fourier, had raised against the exactitude of the principle upon which 
his method was sustained. The equation under consideration is appli- 
cable both to homogeneous and heterogeneous bodies, solid or fluid, at 
rest or in motion. It was unnecessary, as they appeared to have 
thought, to find for fluids an equation different from the one I ob- 

* This Committee consisted of MM. Lagrange, Laplace, Legendre, Haiiy and 


tained long since for heterogeneous bodies. The variations of tem- 
perature which take place at every instant, and arise from the mutual 
radiation of the neighbouring molecules, depend in fact only on their 
actual positions, and not at all on the positions in which they will be 
the instant after in consequence of the motions produced by their 
calorific action or by other causes : it is thus that in the problem of the 
flux and reflux of the tides, for example, we calculate the attraction of 
the sea upon each point of its mass, as if it were solid and at rest at the 
moment under consideration, and independently of the motions which 
this attraction may produce. 

Notwithstanding that the interior radiation takes place only between 
molecules the temperatures of which are extremely different, the 
equation of motion of the heat contains terms derived from the squares 
of their differences, and of the same order of magnitude as those which 
result from their first power; so that the exact equation differs, in 
the case of a homogeneous body, from that which we had already 
given; and it is not, like that, independent of the conductibility when 
the body has arrived at an invariable state. This equation of par- 
tial differences changes its form, when we cannot consider the extent 
of the interior radiation as insensible; it is then of a higher order, which 
introduces, in its integral, new constants or arbitrary functions. From 
this a difficulty of analysis arises, of which we give the solution, and 
explain how in every case the redundant quantities will be made to 
disappear, as will be seen from a particular example in another chapter. 
We form in this the general expression of the passage of heat through 
every element of a surface traced in the interior of a body which is 
heated or cooled, orhas arrived at an invariable state, and in which the 
extent of the interior radiation is considered as insensible. This pas- 
sage proceeds from the exchange of heat between the molecules of the 
two parts of that body near their surface of separation, and the tempe- 
ratures of which are very different; whilst the interior passage results 
from the exchanges between the molecules adjacent to the surface of 
the body and those of a surrounding medium, or of other bodies which 
may have much higher or much lower temperatures ; and notwithstand- 
ing that the respective magnitudes of these two passages (ces deux flux), 
due to causes also unequal, must be of the same order and com- 
parable with one another. We show how that condition is fulfilled, by 
means of a quantity resulting from the rapid decrease of temperature 
which takes place very near the surface of a body whilst heating or 
cooling. In this manner interior and exterior passages are found united 
with one another; and the law of interior conductibility expressed in 
functions of the temperature is deduced from that of exterior radiation 
which MM. Dulong and Petit have discovered. 

In a homogeneous prism which has arrived at an inyariable state, 


and the lateral surface of which is supposed to be inrpermeable to heat 
and its two bases retained at constant temperatures, the passage of heat 
across every section perpendicular to its length is the same through- 
out its length. Its magnitude is proportional to the temperature of 
the two bases, and in the inverse ratio of the distance which separates 
them. This principle is easy to demonstrate, or rather it may be con- 
sidered as evident. Thus expressed, it is independent of the mode of 
communication of heat, and it takes place whatever be the length of the 
prism: but it was erroneous to have attributed it without restriction to 
the infinitely thin slices of one body, the temperature of which varies, 
either with the time, or from one point to another; and to have ex- 
cluded from it the circumstance, that the equation of the movement 
of heat, deduced from that of extension, is independent of any hypothesis 
and comparable in its generality to the theorems of statics. When we 
make no supposition respecting the mode of communication of heat, or 
the law of interior radiation, the passage of heat through each face of 
an infinitely thin slice is no longer simply proportional to the infinitely 
small difference of the temperatures of the two faces, or in the inverse 
ratio of the thickness of the slices; the exact expression of it will be 
found in the chapter in which we treat specially of the distribution of 
heat in a prismatic bar. 

CuaprTer V. On the Movement of Heat at the Surface of a Body of any 
Form.—We demonstrate that the passages of heat are equal, or become 
so after a very short time, in the two extremities of a prism which has 
for its base an element of the surface of a body, and is in height a little 
greater than the thickness of the superficial layer, in which the tempe- 
rature varies very rapidly. From this equality, and from the expression 
of the exterior radiation, given by observation, we determine the equa- 
tion of the motion of heat at the surface of a body of any form what- 
soever. The expression of the interior passage not being applicable to 
the surface itself, it follows that the demonstration of this general equa- 
tion, which consists in immediately equalizing that expression to the ex- 
pression of the exterior radiation, is altogether illusory. 

When a body is composed of two parts of different materials, two 
equations of the motion of heat exist at their surface of separation, which 
are demonstrated in the same manner as the equation relative to the sur- 
face; they contain one quantity depending on the material of those two 
parts respectively, and which can only be determined by experiment. 

Cuaprer VI. A Digression on the Integrals of Equations of partial 
Differences.—By the consideration of series, we demonstrate that the 
number of arbitrary constants contained in the complete integral of a 
differential equation ought always to be equal to that which indicates 


the order of that equation: we prove by the same means, that in the 
integral of an equation of partial differences the number of arbitrary 
functions may be less, and change as the integral is developed in 
series, according to the powers of one or other variable; and when 
the equation of partial differences is linear, we show that by conve- 
niently choosing this variable all the arbitrary functions may dis- 
appear and be replaced by constants, infinite in number, without the 
integral ceasing to be complete. To elucidate these general considera- 
tions, we apply them to examples by means of which we show that 
the different integrals, in the series of the same equation of partial dif- 
ferences, are transformed into one another, and may be expressed under 
a finite form by definite integrals, which also contain one or several 
arbitrary functions. In the single case, in which the integral in series 
contains only arbitrary constants, every term of the series by itself satis- 
fies the given equation, so that the general integral is found expressed 
by the sum of an infinite number of particular integrals. Integrals 
of this form have appeared from the origin of the calculus of partial 
differences ; but in order that their use in different problems should 
not leave any doubt respecting the generality of the solutions, it would 
have been necessary to have demonstrated @ priori, as I did long since, 
that these expressions in series, although not containing any arbitrary 
function, as well as those containing a greater or smaller number of 
them, are not less on that account the most general solutions of equa- 
tions of partial differences ; or else it would have been necessary to 
verify in every example that, after having satisfied all the equations of 
one problem relative to contiguous points infinite in number, the series 
of this nature might still represent the initial and entirely arbitrary state 
of this system of material points; a verification which, until now, it has 
not been possible to give, except in very particular cases. The solu- 
tion which Fourier was the first to offer of the problem of the distribution 
of heat in a homogeneous sphere, of which all the points equidistant 
from the centre have equal temperatures, does not satisfy for example 
either of these two conditions; it was no doubt on this account that 
the members of the Committee, whose judgement we mentioned above, 
thought that his (Fourier’s) analysis was not satisfactory in regard to 
generality ; and, in fact, in this solution it is not at all demonstrated 
that the series which expresses the initial temperature can represent a 
function, entirely arbitrary, of the distance from the centre. 

For the use of these series of particular solutions, it will be neces- 
sary to proceed in a manner proper to determine their coefficients ac- 
cording to the initial state of the system. On the occasion of a pro- 
blem relative to the heat of a sphere composed of two different sub- 
stances, I have given for this purpose in the Journal del Ecole Polytech- 
nique, (cahier 19, p.377 et seg.,) a direct and general method, of 


which I have since made a great number of applications, and which 
I shall also constantly follow in this work. The Sixth Chapter con- 
tains already the application to the general equations of the mo- 
tion of heat in the interior and on the surface of a body of any 
form either homogeneous or heterogeneous. It leads in every case 
to two remarkable equations, one of which serves to determine, inde- 
pendently of one another, the coefficients of the terms of each series, 
and the other to demonstrate the reality of the constant quantities 
by which the time is multiplied in all these terms. These constants 
are roots of transcendental equations, the nature of which it will be 
very difficult to discover, by reason of the very complicated form of 
these equations. From their reality this general consequence is drawn; 
viz. when a body, heated in any manner whatever, is placed in a me- 
dium the temperature of which is zero, it always attains, before its 
complete cooling, a regular state in which the temperatures of all its 
points decrease in the same geometrical progression for equal increments 
of time. We shall demonstrate in another chapter, that, if that body is 
a homogeneous sphere, these temperatures will be equal for all the points 
at an equal distance from the centre, and the same as if the initial heat of 
each of its concentric strata had been uniformly distributed throughout 
its extent. 

The equations of partial differences upon which depend the laws of 
cooling in bodies are of the first order in regard to time, whilst the equa- 
tions relative to the vibrations of elastic bodies and of fluids are of the 
second order; there result essential differences between the expressions 
of the temperatures and those of the velocities at a given instant, and for 
that reason it appears at least very difficult to conceive that the phzeno- 
mena which may result from a molecular radiation should be equally ex- 
‘plicable by attributing them to the vibrations of an elastic fluid. When we 
have obtained the expressions of the unknown quantities in functions of 
the time, in either of these kinds of questions, if we make the time in 
them equal to zero, we deduce from that, series of different forms which 
represent, for all the points of the system which we consider, arbitrary 
functions, continuous or discontinuous, of their coordinates. These ex- 
pressions in series, although we might not be able to verify them, except 
in particular examples, ought always to be admitted as a necessary con- 
sequence of the solution of every problem, the generality of which has 
been demonstrated @ priori; it will however be desirable that we should 
also obtain them in a more direct manner; and we might perhaps so at- 
tain them, by means of the analysis of which I had made use in my first 
Memoir on the theory of heat, to determine the law of temperatures in a 
bar of a given length, according to the integral under a finite form of the 

equation of partial differences. 

Vou. I.—Parrt I. K 


CuarrterVII. A Digression onthe Manner of expressing Arbitrary Func- 
tions by Series of Periodical Quantities —Lagrange was the first to give a 
series of quantities proper to represent the values of an arbitrary function, 
continuous or discontinuous, in a determined interval of the values of 
the variable. This formula supposes that the function vanishes at the 
two extremes of this interval ; it proceeds according to the sines of the 
multiples of the variable; many others exist of the same nature which 
proceed according to the sines or cosines of these multiples, even or 
uneven, and which differ from one another in conditions relative to each 
extreme. A complete theory of formule of this kind will be found in 
this chapter, which I have abstracted from my old memoirs, and in which 
I have considered the periodical series which they contain as limits of 
other converging series, the sums of which are integrals, themselves 
having for limits the arbitrary functions which it is our object to repre- 
sent. Supposing in one or other of these expressions in series, the interval 
of the values of the variable for which it takes place to be infinite, there 
results from it the formula with a double integral, which belongs to 
Fourier; it is extended without difficulty, as well as each of those which 
only subsists for a limited interval, to two or a greater number of va- 

CuapTer VIII. Continuation of the Digression on the Manner of re- 
presenting Arbitrary Functions by Series of Periodical Quantities—An 
arbitrary function of two angles, one of which is comprised between zero 
and 180°, and the other between zero and 360°, may always be repre- 
sented between those limits by a series of certain periodical quantities, 
which have not received particular denominations, although they have 
special and very remarkable properties. It is to that expression in series 
that we have recourse in a great number of questions of celestial mecha- 
nics and of physics, relative to spheroids; it had however been disputed 
whether they agreed with any function whatever; but the demonstration 
of this important formula, which I had already given and now repro- 
duce in this chapter, will leave no doubt of its nature and generality. 
This demonstration is founded on a theorem, which is deduced from 
considerations similar to those of the preceding chapter. We examine 
what the series becomes at the limits of the values of the two angles; 
we then demonstrate the properties of the functions of which its terms 
are formed ; then it is shown that they always end by decreasing inde- 
finitely, which is a necessary consequence and sufficient to prevent the 
Series from becoming diverging, for which purpose its use is always al- 
lowable. Finally, it is proved, that for the same function there is never 
more than one development of that kind; which does not happen in 
the developments in series of sines and cosines of the multiples of the va- 
riables. This chapter terminates with the demonstration of another theo- 


rem, by means of which we reduce a numerous class of double integrals 
to simple integrals. 

Cuarter IX. Distribution of Heat in.a Bar, the transverse Dimensions 
of which are very small—We form directly the equation of the motion 
of heat in a bar, either straight or curved, homogeneous or heterogeneous, 
the transverse sections of which are variable or invariable, and which 
radiates across its lateral surface. We then verify the coincidence of 
this equation with that which is deduced from the general equation of 
Chapter IV., when the lateral radiation is abstracted and the bar is cy- 
lindrical or prismatic. This equation is first applied to the invariable 
state of a bar the two extremities of which are kept at constant and 
given temperatures. It is then supposed, successively, that the extent 
of the interior radiation is not insensible, that the exterior radiation 
ceases to be proportional to the differences of temperature, that the ex- 
terior conductibility varies according to the degree of heat, and the 
influence of those different causes on the law of the permanent tempera- 
tures of the bar is determined. Formule are also given, which will 
serve to deduce from this law, by experiment, the respective conducti- 
bility of different substances, and the quantity relative to the passage from 
one substance into another, in the case of a bar formed of two heteroge- 
neous parts placed contiguous to and following one another. After 
having thus considered in detail the case of permanent temperatures, we 
resolve the equation of partial differences relative to the case of va- 
riable temperatures; which leads toan expression of the unknown quan- 
tity of the problem, in a series of exponentials, the coefficients of which 
are determined by the general process indicated in Chapter VIL., what- 
eyer may be the variations of substance and of the transverse sections 
of the bar. We then apply that solution to the principal particular 
_ cases. When the bar is indefinitely lengthened, or supposed to be 

heated only in one part of its length, the laws of the propagation of heat 
on each side of the heated place are determined; this propagation is in- 
stantaneous to any distance; a result of the theory presenting a real 
difficulty, but the explanation of which is given. 

CuarrTer X. On the Distribution of Heat in Spherical Bodies —The 
problem of the distribution of heat in a sphere, all the points of which 
equally distant from the centre have equal temperatures, is easily brought 
to a particular case of the same question with regard to a cylindrical 
bar. It is also solved directly; the solution is then applied to the two 
extreme cases, one of a very small radius, and another of a very great 
one. In the case of an infinite radius, the laws are inferred of the pro- 
pagation of caloric in a homogeneous body, round the part of its mass 
to which the heat has been communicated, similarly in all directions. 

We then determine the distribution of heat in a homogeneous sphere 

K 2 


covered with a stratum, also homogeneous, formed of a substance differ- 
ent from that of the nucleus. During the whole time of cooling, the tem- 
perature of this stratum, however small its thickness may be, is differ- 
ent from that of the sphere in the centre, and the ratio of the tempera- 
tures of these two parts, at the same instant, depends on the quantity 
relative to the passage from one substance into the other, of which we 
have already spoken. From this circumstance an objection arises 
against the method employed by all natural philosophers to determine, 
by the comparison of the velocities of cooling, the ratio of the specific 
heat of different bodies, after having brought their surfaces to the same 
state by means of a very thin stratum of the same substance for all 
these bodies. The quantity relative to the passage of the heat of each 
body in the additive stratum, is contained in the ratio of the velocities 
of cooling ; it is therefore necessary that it should be known in order 
to be able to deduce from this ratio, that of their specific heats. A 
recent experiment by M. Melloni proves that a liquid contained in a 
thin envelope, the interior surface of which is successively placed in dif- 
ferent states by polishing or scratching it, always cools with the same 
velocity, whilst the ratios of the velocity change very considerably, 
as was known long before, when it is the exterior part of the vessel 
that is more or less polished or scratched. The quantity relative to the 
passage of caloric across the surface of separation of the vessel and the 
liquid, is therefore independent of the state of that surface, a cireum- 
‘stance which assimilates the cooling power of liquids to that of the 
stratum of air in contact with bodies, which in the same manner does 
not depend on the state of their surface, according to the experiments 
‘of MM. Dulong and Petit. 

When a homogeneous sphere, the cooling of which we are consider- 
ing, is changed into a body terminated by an indefinite plane, and is 
indefinitely prolonged on one side only of that plane, the analytical ex- 
pression for the temperature of any point whatever changes its form, in 
such a manner that that temperature, instead of tending to diminish in 
geometrical progression, converges continually towards a very different 
law, which depends on the initial state of the body; but however great a 
body may be, it has always finite and determined dimensions; and it is al- 
ways the law of final decrease enunciated in ChapterVI. which it is neces- 
sary to apply ; even in the case, for example, of the cooling of the earth. 

If the distribution of heat in a sphere, or in a body of another form, 
has been determined, by supposing this body to be placed in a medium 
the temperature of which is zero, this first solution of the problem may 
afterwards be extended to the case in which the exterior temperature va- 
ries according to any law whatever. In my first Memoir on the theory of 
heat, I have followed, in regard to this part of the question, a direct me- 
thod applicable to all cases. According to this method, one part of the 
value of the temperature in a function of the time is expressed in the 


general case by a quadruple integral, which can always be reduced to 
a double integral like each of the other parts. By the method which 
I have used to effect this reduction we obtain the value of different de- 
finite integrals, which it would be difficult in general to determine in a 
different manner, and the accuracy of which is verified whenever they 
enter into known formule. 

Cuapter XI. On the Distribution of Heat in certain Bodies, and 
especially in a homogeneous Sphere primitively heated in any Manner.— 
It is explained how, in every case, the complete expression of exterior 
temperature, which may depend on the different sources of heat, and 
which must be employed in the equation of the motion of heat relative 
to the surface of bodies submitted to their influence, will be formed. 

After having enumerated the different forms of bodies for which we 
have hitherto arrived at the solution of the problem of the distribution 
of heat, the complete solution is given for the case of a homogeneous 
rectangular parallelopiped the six faces of which radiate unequally. 

In order to apply the general equations of the fourth and fifth chap- 
ters to the case of a homogeneous sphere primitively heated in any 
manner, the orthogonal coordinates in them are transformed into polar 
coordinates; the temperature at any instant and in any point is then 
expressed by means of the general series of Chapter VIII., and of the 
integrals found in Chapter VI.; the coefficients of that series are next 
determined according to the initial state of the sphere, by supposing at 
first the exterior temperature to be zero: by the process already em- 
ployed in the preceding Chapter, this solution is finally extended to 
the case of an exterior temperature, varying with the time and from 
one point to another. Among the consequences of this general solu- 
tion of the problem the most important is that for which we are in- 
debted to Laplace ; it consists in this: That in a sphere of very large di- 
mensions, and at distances from the surface very small in proportion to 
its radius, the part of the temperature independent of the time does not 
vary sensibly with these distances; and, that upon the normal at each 
point, whether at the surface or at an inconsiderable depth, it may be 
regarded as equal to the invariable part of the exterior temperature 
which corresponds to the same point. Hence it results, that the in- 
crease of heat in the direction of the depth which is observed near the 
surface of the earth cannot be attributed to the inequality of tempera- 
tures of different climates, and that it is necessary to look for the cause 
in circumstances which vary very slowly with the time. Whatever this 
cause may be, the difference of the mean temperatures of the surface 
and beyond, corresponding to the same point of the superficies, is pro- 
portional (according to a remark made by Fourier) to the increase of 
temperature upon the normal referred to the unity of length, so that 


this difference may be determined from the observed increase, and from 
a quantity depending on the nature of the ground. This remark and 
that of Laplace are not applicable to the localities where the tempera- 
ture varies very rapidly round the vertical: it is shown that in these 
cases of exception the temperature varies even upon the vertical : 
and the law of this variation is determined from the variation which has 
taken place at the surface or in the exterior temperature. The mean 
temperature at a very small distance contains also a term which is not 
proportional to this depth, and which arises from the influence of the 
heat on the conductibility of the substance. 

CuArter XII. On the Motion of Heat in the Interior and upon the 
Surface of the Eurth.—It is shown that the formule of the preceding 
chapter, although relating to a homogeneous sphere the surface of which 
is everywhere in the same state, may notwithstanding serve to determine 
the temperatures of the points of the earth at a distance from the sur- 
face which is very small with regard to its radius, but which exceeds 
however all accessible depths. These formule contain two constants, 
depending on the nature of the soil, the numerical values of which may 
be determined in every point of the globe from the temperatures ob- 
served at different known depths. 

Observation in harmony with theory shows that the diurnal inequali- 
ties of the temperature of the earth disappear at very small depths, and 
the annual inequalities at greater depths, in such a manner that at a di- 
stance from the surface of about 20 metres and. beyond those two kinds 
of inequalities are entirely insensible. In this chapter are given tables of 
the temperatures, indicated by the thermometer, of the caves of the 
Observatory, at the depth of 28 metres. The mean of 352 observations, 
made from 1817 to the end of 1834, is 11%834. 

The increase of the mean temperature of the earth, in proportion as 
we descend below the surface, has long been established as a fact in all 
deep places, at different latitudes, and at different elevations of the soil 
above the level of the sea. The most adequate means to determine it is 
by sounding and boring. The results, still very few, which have hitherto 
been obtained are given. At Paris, this increase appears to be one de- 
gree for about 38 metres of increase in depth. 

As to the cause of this phenomenon, the difficulties are stated which 
the explanation of Fourier presents, founded upon the original heat of 
the globe, still sensible at the present time near the surface; the new 
explanation alluded to at the beginning of this article is then proposed. 
The following reflections extracted from the work tend to prove that 
the solidification of the earth must have commenced by central strata, 
and that before reaching the surface the cooling of the globe must have 
been incomparably more rapid. 


“The nearly spherical form of the earth and planets, and their flattening 
at the poles of rotation, evidently show that these bodies were originally 
in a fluid or perhaps in an aériform state. Beginning from this initial 
state, the earth could not, wholly or partly, become solid, except by a loss 
of heat arising from its temperature exceeding that of the medium in 
which it was placed. But it is not demonstrated that the solidification 
of the earth could have commenced at the surface and been propagated 
towards the centre, as the state of the globe still fluid in the greatest 
part of the interior would lead us to suppose; the contrary appears to me 
more probable. For the extreme parts, or those nearer to the surface, 
being the first cooled, must have descended to the interior and been 
replaced by internal portions which had ascended to cool at the surface 
and to descend again in their turn. This double current must have 
maintained an equality of temperature in the mass, or at least must have 
prevented the inequality from becoming in any way so great as ina 
solid body, which cools from the surface; and we may add that this 
mixture of the parts of the fluid, and the equalization of their tempera- 
tures, must have been favoured by the oscillations of the whole mass, 
which must have taken place until the globe attained a permanent figure 
and rotation. On the other hand, the excessively great pressure sustain- 
ed by the central strata may have determined their solidification long 
before that of those nearer the surface; that is to say, the first may 
have become solid by the effect of this extreme pressure at a tempera- 
ture equal or even superior to that of the strata more distant from the 
centre, and consequently subjected to a much less degree of pressure. 
Experiment has shown, for example, that water at the ordinary tempe- 
rature being submitted to a pressure of 1000 atmospheres, experiences 
a condensation of about ~,th of its primitive volume. Now let us con- 
ceive a column of water whose height is equal to one radius of the 
globe, and let us reduce its weight to half of that which we observe at 
the surface of the earth, in order to render it equal to the mean gravity 
which would exist along each radius of the earth upon the hypothesis of 
its homogeneity; the inferior strata of this liquid column would experience 
a pressure of more than three millions of atmospheres, or equal to more 
than three thousand times the pressure which would reduce water to 
+4ths of its volume; but without knowing the law of the compression 
of this liquid, and although we do not know in what manner this law 
may depend on the temperature, we may believe, notwithstanding, that 
so enormous a pressure would reduce the inferior strata of the mass 
of water to the solid state, even when the temperature is very high. 
It seems therefore more natural to conceive that the solidification 
of the earth began at the centre and was successively propagated to- 
wards the surface; at a certain temperature, which might be extremely 
high, the strata nearer the centre became at first solid, by reason of the 
excessive pressure which they experienced ; the succeeding strata were 


then solidified at a lower temperature and under a less degree of pres- 
sure, and thus in progressive succession to the surface.” 

If the increase observed in the temperature of the earth near its sur- 
face is due to its original heat, it follows that at the present epoch at 
Paris this heat raises the temperature of the surface itself only by the 
fortieth part of a degree. Not knowing the radiating power of the 
substance of the globe, we cannot estimate the quantity of this initial 
heat which traverses in a given time from within to without an extent, 
also given, of the surface ; but such would be its slowness in dissipating 
into space, that more than one thousand million of centuries must elapse 
to reduce the small increase of the fortieth of a degree to one half. 

With regard to periodical inequalities, the relation which exists be- 

tween each inequality at a given depth and the inequality corre- 
sponding to the exterior temperature is determined. Relations of this 
nature, for the knowledge of which we are indebted to M. Fourier, 
take place between the interior inequalities and those of the surface of 
the ground; these relations leave unknown the ratios of these latter in- 
equalities to those of the outside which are the immediate data of the 
' The interior temperature to which the earth is subjected arises from 
three different sources, namely, from sidereal heat, from atmospherical 
heat, acting either by radiation or by contact, and from solar heat. 
These three sources of heat are successively examined. With regard to 
the first it is observed, that it is not at all probable that radiant heat 
emanating from the stars has the same intensity in all directions when it 
arrives at the earth. The experiments are indicated which it would be 
necessary to make in order to ascertain whether it really varies in the 
different regions of the sky. M. Melloni intends immediately to apply 
himself to these experiments, employing in them an extremely sensible 
instrument, of which he has made use in his researches on heat ; a cir- 
cumstance which cannot fail to lead to the solution of this important 
question of celestial physics. 

Before considering the influence of atmospherical heat, I have formeda 
complete expression for the temperature, marked every instant by ather- 
mometer suspended in the air, at any height above the surface of the 
earth exposed in the shade or in the direct rays of the sun. Although the 
greatest part of the quantities which this formula contains are unknown 
to us, many general consequences may however be deduced from it, 
which accord with experiment; it hence follows, that to determine the 
proper temperature of the air, it is necessary to employ the simultaneous 
observation of three thermometers, the surfaces of which are in a differ- 
ent state, and not two thermometers only, as is generally said. This for- 
mula also furnishes the means of comparing the temperatures indicated by 
different thermometers in relation to their radiating powers and to their 
property of absorbing the rays of the sun. 


The mean of the annual temperatures, marked by a thermometer ex~ 
posed in the open air and in the shade, forms the elimateric temperature. 
It varies with the elevation of places above the level of the sea, and witlr 
the longitude and latitude, according to unknown laws. At Paris it is 
10°822, as M. Bouvard has concluded after 29 years of observations. 
There will be found in this Chapter a table of the mean temperatures for 
the twelve months of each of those years, which that gentleman has been 
pleased to communicate to us, and which had not before been published. 
It appears that in every point of the earth this climateric temperature 
differs very little from the mean temperature of the surface of the soil, 
as is shown by several examples. Notwithstanding, the variable tem- 
perature of this surface, and that which is marked at the same instant 
by a thermometer as little elevated above the surface as may be, are 
often very different from each other ; it hence follows, that in a year 
the excess of the highest above the lowest temperature of the soil 
is at Paris nearly 24°, as will be seen in the course of this Chapter; and 
only about 17° for the thermometer suspended in the air and in the 

We now determine the part of exterior temperature which results from 
the atmospherical heat combined with sidereal heat. The necessary data 
for calculating its numerical value, @ priori, being unknown to us, we 
show how this value, for every point of the globe, may be deduced from 
the mean temperature of its surface. At Paris this exterior temperature 
is 13°. Although we cannot determine separately the portion of this 
temperature of the earth which arises from the atmospherical heat, there 
is reason to think that it is also negative, so that the other portion arising 

_ from sidereal heat must be less than 13° below zero. If we suppose that 

radiant heat emanating from the stars falls in the same quantity on 
all points of the globe, this temperature, higher than 13°, will be that 
of space at the place where the earth is at this time. Without being 
able to assign the degree of heat of space, we may however admit, 
that its temperature differs little from zero, instead of being, as had 
been asserted, below the temperature of the coldest regions in the 
globe, and even of the freezing-point of mercury. As to the central 
temperature of the whole mass of the earth, even supposing its ori- 
ginal heat to be entirely dissipated, and that it is no longer equal to 
the present temperature of space, we have no means of obtaining a 
knowledge of it. 

According to a theorem of Lambert, the whole amount of solar heat 
which falls upon the earth is the same during different seasons, notwith- 
standing the inequality of their lengths, which is found to be com- 
pensated by that of the distances from the sun tothe earth. This quan- 
tity of heat varies in the inverse ratio of the parameter of the ellipse 

_ described by the earth ; it also varies with the obliquity of the ecliptic, 


but it does not appear that these variations can ever produce any consi- 
derable effect on the heat of the globe. The quantities of solar heat 
which fall in equal times upon the two hemispheres are nearly equal ; 
but on account of the different states of their surfaces, those quantities 
are absorbed in different proportions; and the power of absorbing the 
rays of the sun inereasing in a greater ratio than the radiating power, 
which is greater for dry land than for the sea, we conclude that the 
mean temperature of our hemisphere, where dry land is ina greater pro- 
portion, must be greater than that of the southern hemisphere; which 
agrees with observation. 

The solar heat, which reaches each point of the globe, varies at dif- 
ferent hours of the day ; it is null when the sun is beneath the horizon ; 
during the year it varies also with its declination; and the expression 
changes its form as the latitude of the point under consideration is 
greater or less than the complement of the obliquity of the ecliptic. I 
have therefore considered the part of the exterior temperature which 
arises from this souree of heat as a discontinuous function of the horary 
angle, and of the longitude of thesun, to which I have applied the formule 
of the preceding Chapters, in order to convert it into series of sines and 
cosines of the multiples of these two angles. By this means I have ob- 
tained the complete expressions of the diurnal and annual inequalities of 
the temperature of the earth which arise from its double motion. These 
formule show, that at the equator the annual inequalities are much less 
than elsewhere; a circumstance which furnishes the explanation of a 
fact observed by M. Boussingault in his journey to the Cordilleras, and 
upon which he had relied in order to determine with great facility the 

climateric temperatures of the places which he visited. The same for-. 

mulz agree also, in a remarkable manner, with the temperatures which 
M. Arago has observed at Paris during many years, and at depths vary- 
ing from two to eight metres (from 6°56 to 26°24 English feet). 



ArticueE VII. 

Researches on the Elasticity of Bodies which crystallize regu- 
larly ; by Fevix Savart. 

(Read to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, January 26th, 1829.) 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, yol. xu. p. 5, et seq. 

Hirnerrto precise notions respecting the intimate structure of bo- 
dies could be acquired only by two means: first by cleavage, for opake 
or transparent substances regularly crystallized ; secondly, for transparent 
substances only, by the modifications ete they occasion in the propa- 
gation of light. 

The first of these means has taught us that crystallized bodies are col- 
lections of lamine parallel to certain faces of the crystal; but it has given 
us no information respecting the force with which these laminz adhere 
together nor their elastic state. The second, far more powerful than 
the first, because it renders evident actions depending on the very form 
of the particles, has given rise to the discovery of phenomena the exist- 
ence of which cleavage alone would never have allowed us to suspect. 
But although these two experimental processes have introduced many 
new ideas and notions into the science, yet it may be said that the part 
of physics which treats of the arrangement of the particles of bodies, 
and the properties resulting from it, as elasticity, hardness, fragility, 
malleability, &c. is still in its infancy. 

The investigations of Chladni respecting the modes of vibration of 
laminz of glass or metal, and the researches which I have published on 
the same subject, especially those which relate to the modes of division 
of dises of a fibrous substance, such as wood, allow us to suspect that we 
might acquire by this means new notions respecting the distribution of 
elasticity in solid bodies; but it was not clearly seen by what process 
this result might be attained, though the road which it was necessary 
to follow was one of great simplicity. 

But if this mode of experiment, which we are about to describe, is 
simple in itself, it is not the less surrounded by a multitude of difficul- 

_ ties of detail, which cannot be removed without numerous attempts; and 
I hope this will serve to excuse the incompleteness of these researches, 

_ which I only give as the first rudiments of a more extensive investi- 


§ 1. Statement of the Means of Examination employed in these 

Circular plates which produce normal vibrations are susceptible of 
several modes of division ; sometimes they are divided into a greater or 
fewer number of equal sectors, always even in number, which perform 
their vibrations in the same time; at other times they are divided into 
a greater or fewer number of concentric zones; and these two series of 
modes of division again may be combined together, so that the acoustic 
figures which result are circular lines divided into equal parts by dia- 
metrical nodal lines. 

If the plate which is caused to sound is perfectly homogeneous, cir- 
cular, and equal in thickness, it is obvious that in the case when the 
figure consists of diametrical lines only, the system which they form 
ought to be capable of placing itself in every direction, that is to say, 
that any point whatever of the circumference of the plate, being taken 
as the place of excitation, this single condition determines the position 
of the nodal figure, since the point directly put in motion is always the 
middle of a vibrating part. In the case of circular lines, under the con- 
ditions we have just supposed, these lines would be exactly concentric 
with the circumference of the plate. These results are a natural conse- 
quence of the symmetry which is supposed to exist either in the form or 
in the structure of the plate; but if this symmetry is deranged, it will 
easily be conceived that an acoustical figure composed of diametrical 
nodal lines ought no longer to place itself in a direction depending 
solely on the position of the point of excitation, and that, with regard to 
a figure consisting of circular lines, these lines ought to be modified, and 
will become, for example, elliptical or of some other more complicated 
form. It is thus that the system of two nodal lines which intersect 
each other rectangularly, can upon an elliptical plate only place itself 
in a single position, which is on the axes of the ellipse. There is how- 
ever a second position in which this mode of division can establish it- 
self; but then it is modified in its form, and it resembles the two 
branches of a hyperbola, the transverse axis of which corresponds with 
the greater axis of the ellipse: in this latter case, the number of vibra- 
tions is less than in the first, and more so as the axes of the ellipse differ 
more from each other. A similar phenomenon is observed when the 
same mode of division is attempted to be produced on a circular plate 
of brass, of very equal thickness, and in which several parallel saw-cuts 
have been made, penetrating only to a small distance from the surface : 
one of the crossed nodal lines always corresponds to a saw-cut which 
has been made in the direction of a diameter, and the system of the two 
hyperbolic lines arranges itself in such a manner that the same saw-cut 
becomes the conjugate axis of the hyperbola. Thus, in both cases, 


the transverse axis of the hyperbola is always in the direction of the 
least resistance to flexure. ; 

Let us now suppose that, the plate remaining perfectly circular and 
of equal thickness, it possesses in its plane a degree of elasticity which 
is not the same in two directions perpendicular to each other; the sym- 
metrical disposition round the centre being then found to be destroyed, 
although in another manner than in the two examples we have just ad- 
duced, an analogous result ought still to be obtained. 

Thus, if we take a plate of this description, a plate of wood, for in- 
stance, cut parallel to the fibres, and fixing it lightly by its centre, en- 
deayour to make it produce the mode of division consisting of two lines 
crossed rectangularly, we shall find that when it thus divides itself, the lines 
of rest always place themselves according to the directions of the greatest 
and least resistance to flexure, and that putting it afterwards in motion 
at the extremity of the preceding lines, it may be made to produce a 
second mode of division, which presents itself under the aspect of a hy- 
perbola the branches of which are much straightened, and which would 
have for its conjugate axis that line of the cross which corresponds to the 
direction of the greatest resistance to flexure. In short, when the sym- 
metrical disposition round the centre is destroyed, no matter in what 
way, the mode of division formed by two nodal lines which intersect 
each other rectangularly can place itself only in two determinate posi- 
tions, for one of which it presents frequently the appearance of two hy- 
perbolic branches more or less straightened; and, as we shall soon see, 
it may even happen that, for certain distributions of elasticity, this mode 
of division presents itself undef the form of two hyperbolic curves in 
the two positions in’ which it becomes possible. Lastly, if a similar 
plate be caused to produce some of the high modes of division, but yet 
consisting of diametrical lines, experiment shows that they can likewise 
place themselves in two invariable positions, and pass through certain 
modifications analogous to those which the system of two lines crossed 
at right angles undergoes. Thus the immoveability of the nodal figures, 
and the double position which they can assume, are distinctive cha- 
racters of circular plates all the diameters of which do not possess a uni- 
form elasticity or cohesion. 

It follows therefore from the preceding, that by forming with different 
substances circular plates of very equal thickness, we may, by the fixed 
or indeterminate position of an acoustic figure consisting of diametrical 
nodal lines, ascertain whether the properties of the substance in ques- 
tion are the same in all directions. By applying this mode of examina- 
tion to a great number of plates formed of different substances regularly 
or confusedly crystallized, as the metals, glass, sulphur, rock-crystal, carbo- 

nate of lime, sulphate of lime, gypsum, &c., it is constantly found that the 
acoustic figure, formed of twolines crossed rectangularly, can only place 


itself on them in a single position; and that there is a second position 
in which two hyperbolic curved lines are obtained which are accompa- 
nied, according to the different cases, by a sound which differs more or 
less from that which is produced when the crossed lines occur. Plates 
are also met with which are incapable of assuming the mode of di- 
vision formed of two straight lines, and in which only two systems of 
hyperbolic curves are obtained, sometimes similar, yet giving different 
sounds. In short, I have yet found no body for which the same nodal 
figure can place itself in every direction; which seems to indicate 
that there are very few solid substances which possess the same pro- 
perties throughout. But what appears still more extraordinary is, that 
if in the same body, a mass of metal for instance, plates are cut accord- 
ing to different directions, some are susceptible of the mode of division 
consisting of two lines which cross each other rectangularly, whilst 
others present only two systems of hyperbolic curves. In both cases, 
the sounds of the two systems may differ greatly: there may, for example, 
be an interval between them of more than a fifth. 

To arrive at the discovery of the experimental laws of this kind of 
phenomena, it would be necessary therefore to be able to study them, 
at first in the most simple cases, for example, upon bodies the elastic 
state of which, previously known, would differ only according to two di- 
rections. This would obtain in a body which might be composed by 
placing flat plates formed of two heterogeneous substances upon each 
other in such a manner thatall the odd plates might be of one substance, 
and all the even plates of another, the elasticity in all directions of the 
plane of each of them being the same. * But it has appeared to me dif- 
ficult to attain this condition, since I have yet found no body the elasti- 
city of which was the same in all directions. 

- The most simple structure after the preceding would be that ofa body 
composed of cylindrical and concentric layers, the nature of which should — 
be alternately different for the layers next each other, as is nearly the © 
case in the branch of a tree free from knots. It is evident that the elasti- 
city ought to be sensibly the same in every direction of the plane of 
a plate cut perpendicularly to the axis of the cylinder, and it ought to 
differ greatly from that which is observed in the direction of the axis. 
Consequently we shall commence by examining this first case; after 
which we shall pass to that in which the elasticity would be different ac- 
‘cording to three directions perpendicular to each other, as would take 
place in a body composed of flat plates alternately of two different sub- 
stances, and the elastic state of which would not be the same, according 
to two directions perpendicular to each other. Wood fulfills again 
these different conditions; for ina tree of very considerable diameter, the 
ligneous layers may be considered as sensibly plane for a small number 
of degrees of the circumference; and if we confine ourselves to plates of 


a small diameter, cut at a little distance from the surface, we may sup- 
pose without any very notable error, at least for the whole of the phe- 
nomena, that the experiments have been made on a body the elasticity 
of which is not the same, according to three directions rectangular to 
each other, since, as is well known, this property does not exist in the 
same degree according to the direction of the fibres, according to that 
of the radius of the tree, and according to a direction perpendicular to 
the fibres and tangential to the ligneous layers. 

After these two cases—the most simple that we have been able to 
study—we shall pass to the much more complicated phenomena which 
regularly crystallized bodies, such as rock crystal and carbonate of lime, 

§ II. Analysis of Wood by means of Sonorous Vibrations. 

Let us suppose that fig. 1 (Plate III.) represents a cylinder of wood the 
annual layers of which are concentric to the circumference ; let B C D E, 
fig. 2, be any plane passing through the axis A Y of the cylinder, and let 
nm n' be a line normal to this plane: it is obvious that the plates taken 
perpendicularly to BC DE, and according to the different directions 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. round nx’, ought to present different phenomena, since 
they all will contain the axis of least elasticity 2m! in their plane, and 
the resistance to flexure, according to the lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, will go on 
increasing in proportion as the plates shall more nearly approach being 
parallel to the axis of greatest elasticity A Y. 

For the plate No. 1, fig. 3, perpendicular to this axis, all being sym- 
metrical around the centre, the mode of division consisting of two 
lines which intersect each other at right angles, ought to be able to 
place itself in all kinds of directions, according as the place of excitation 
shall occupy different points of the circumference: this is really the 
‘ease; but it is no longer so, for the plate No. 2 inclined 22° 5! to the 
preceding. In the latter, the elasticity becoming a little greater in the 
direction 7 s contained in the plane B C D E, than in the direction x »/ 
normal to this plane, this circumstance ought to determine the nodal 
lines to place themselves according to these two directions. However, 
as this difference is very slight, the system of these two lines may still 
be displaced, when the place of excitation is made to vary ; but it will 
change its form a little, and it will assume the appearance of two hyper- 
bolic branches when it has arrived at 45° from its first position. In the 
plate No. 3, inclined 45° to the axis A Y, the difference of the two 
extreme elasticities being greater, the system of crossed lines becomes 
entirely fixed, or rather it can only move through a few degrees to the 
right or left of the position which it assumes in preference; but the 
hyperbolic system, the summits a and 6 of which recede more from 
each other than in fig. 2, will present the remarkable peculiarity of 


being capable of transforming itself into the rectangular system, when 
the position of the point put directly in motion is made to vary. 

Examining with care the nodal lines in fig. 2, it is found equally that 
its two nodal systems can thus change themselves one into the other; 
and the same phenomenon is reproduced in the plate No. 4, in which 
the values of the extreme elasticities differ still more, and in which the 
points a and 6 recede from each other at the same time as the curves 
become more straightened. In the plate No. 5, parallel to the axis A Y, 
these curves are no longer susceptible of assuming any other position 
than that indicated in the figure. Thus, in No. 1, the centres a and } 
coalesce into one, and there is only a single figure consisting of two 
crossed lines, the system of which can assume any position; these centres 
afterwards gradually receding, the modes of division can change them- 
selves from one into the other, and at last, when the branches of the 
curve are nearly straight lines, the two figures become perfectly fixed. 

The existence of these nodal points or centres is, without doubt, a 
very remarkable phenomenon, and which it will be important to study 
with great care. In order to give an accurate idea of it, I have in fig. 4 
indicated by a dotted line the successive modifications which the two 
hyperbolic lines assume when the plate is fixed at one of the points a 
or b, and the place of excitation moves gradually from e to e! e!’, passing 
over a quarter of the circumference of the plate. When the motion is 
excited in the vicinity of e", the curves are by the union of their sum- 
mits transformed into two straight lines which intersect each other 
rectangularly ; and it is obvious that if it had been excited near e'”, 
the two branches of the curve would re-appear, but with this peculiarity, 
that their transverse axis would take the position assumed by the conju- 
gate, when the motion was produced on the other side of e’’. 

As to the numbers of the vibrations which correspond to each mode 
of division, for the different degrees of inclination of the plates, it will 
be seen by examining fig. 3, that, at first equal in No. 1, they go on 
continually increasing and receding from each other up to No. 5, which 
contains the axis of the cylinder; and it is indeed evident, that the elas- 
ticity in the direction perpendicular to the axis remaining the same for 
all the plates, whilst that which is perpendicular to this direction goes 
on continually increasing, this ought to be, in general, the progress of 
the phenomenon. 

These experiments were made with plates of oak 8-4 cent. (3°3071 
inches) in diameter, and 3™7 (+1456 inch) in thickness: they were 
repeated with plates of beech-wood, and analogous results were ob- 
tained; only the ratio between the two elasticities not being the same, 
the interval between the two sounds of each plate was found to be 

The most general consequence that can be deduced from the pre- 


ceding experiments is, that in wood in which the annual layers are 

. hearly cylindrical and concentric, the elasticity is sensibly uniform in alt 

the diameters of any section perpendicular to the axis of the branch. 
We shall see further on, that plates of carbonate of lime or rock crystal, 
cut perpendicularly to the axis, very seldom present this uniformity of 
structure for all their diameters, although the modifications which such 
plates impress on polarized light appear symmetrical round this same 

In the case which we have just examined, two of the three axes of 
elasticity being equal, the phenomena are, as we have just seen, exempt 
from any great complication. It is not so when the three axes possess 
each a different elasticity: it would then be indispensable to cut, first a 
series of plates round each of the axes, then a fourth series round a line 
equally inclined with respect to the three axes, and lastly, it would be ne- 
cessary again to take aseries round each of the lines which divide equally 
into two the angle contained between any two of the axes; and not- 
withstanding the great number of results which would be obtained by 
this process, the end would. be far from attained, since these different 
series would want connexion with each other, and consequently this 
process cannot give a clear idea of the whole of the transformations of 
the nodal lines. Nevertheless, I shall content myself to follow this 
route, which appears to me less complicated than any other, and is 
sufficient to render fully evident all the principal peculiarities of this 
kind of phenomena. 

In order that the relative positions of the lines round which I have 
cut the different series of plates of which I have spoken, and the rela- 
tions they have to the planes of the ligneous layers, as well as to the 
direction of their fibres, may be more easily represented, I shall refer 
them all to the edges of a cube A E fig. 5, the face of which AX BZ 
I shall suppose is parallel to the ligneous layers, and the edge A X to 
the direction of the fibres, which will allow the three edges A X, A Y, 
A Z to be considered as being themselves the axes of elasticity. After- 
wards I shall indicate the different degrees of inclination of the plates 
of each series, on a plane normal to the line round which they are to be 
cut; the position and outline of this plane being at the same time re- 
ferred to the natural faces of the cube. 

But before commencing to describe the phenomena which each of 
these series presents, it is indispensable to endeavour to determine the 
ratio of the resistance to flexion, in wood, in the direction of each of the 
three axes of elasticity: this may be easily done by means of vibrations, 

by cutting three small square prismatic rods, of the same dimensions, 
- according to the three directions just indicated ; for, the degree of their 
- elasticity can be ascertained by comparing the numbers of the vibrations 

which they perform, for the same mode of division, knowing besides 
Vor, I.—Part I. L 


that, in reference to the transversal motion, the numbers of the vibra- 
tions are as the square roots of the resistance to flexion, or, which is 
the same thing, that the resistance to flexion is as the square of the 
number of oscillations. 

Fig. 6 shows the results of an experiment of this kind which was 
made upon the same piece of beech-wood from which I cut all the 
plates which I shall mention hereafter. In this figure I have, to impress 
the mind more strongly, given to these rods directions parallel to the 
edges A X, A Y, AZ of the cube fig. 5, and I have supposed that the 
faces of the rods are parallel to those of the cube. It is to be remarked 
that two sounds may be heard for the same mode of division of each 
rod, according as it vibrates in a 6 or ed; but when they are very thin 
the difference which exists between them is so slight that it may be 
neglected. The inspection of fig. 6 shows, therefore, that the ‘resistance 
to flexion is the least in the direction A Z, and is such, that being re- 
presented by unity, the resistance in the direction A Y becomes 2°25, 
and 16 in the direction of A X. It is evident that the elasticity in any 
other direction must be always intermediate to that of the directions we 
have just considered. 

This being well established, we shall proceed to the pepe in 
detail of the different series of plates we have mentioned above. 

First Sertes.— Plates taken round the axis AY and perpendicular to 
the face A X BZ of the cube. 

In the plates of this series, one of the modes of division remains con- 
stantly the same. (See figs. 5, 7 and 8.) It consists of two lines crossed 
rectangularly, one of which, a y, places itself constantly on the axis A Y 

of mean elasticity; but although this system always presents the same 
appearance, it is not accompanied, for the different inclinations of the 
plates, by the same number of vibrations; this ought to be the case, 
since the influence of the axis of greatest elasticity ought to be more 
sensible as the plates more nearly approach containing it in their plane: 
the sound of this system ought therefore to ascend in proportion as the 
plates become more nearly parallel to the plane CY A X. As to the ~ 
hyperbolic system, it undergoes remarkable transformations, which de- 
pend on this circumstance, that the line a y remaining the axis of mean 
elasticity in all the plates, the line ed, which is the axis of least elasti- 
city in No. 1, transforms itself gradually into that of the greatest elas- 
ticity, which is contained in the plane of the plate No.6. It hence 
follows that there ought to be a certain degree of inclination for which 
the elasticities, according to the two directions ay, e d, ought to be 
equal: now, this actually happens with respect to the plate No. 3; and 
this equality may be proved by cutting in this plate, in the direction 
of ay and its perpendicular, two small rods of the same dimensions: it 


will be seen, on causing them to vibrate in the same mode of trans- 
versal motion, that they produce the same sound. It also follows, because 
the elasticity in the direction ay is sometimes smaller and sometimes 
greater than that which exists in the direction of ed, that the first axis 
of the nodal hyperbola ought to change its position to be able to remain 
always perpendicular to that of the lines ay, ed, which possess the 
greatest elasticity; thus, in Nos. 1 and 2, ed possessing the least elas- 
ticity, it becomes the transverse axis of the hyperbola, whilst in Nos. 4, 
5 and 6, the elasticity being greater in the direction ed than in that 
of a y, the transverse axis of the hyperbola places itself on the latter 
line. As the ratio of the two elasticities varies: only gradually, it is 
obvious that the modifications impressed on the hyperbolic system ought 
in the same manner to be gradual: thus the summits of these curves, 
at first separated in No. 1 by a certain distance (which will depend on 
the nature of the wood), will approach nearer and nearer, for the fol- 
lowing plates, until they coalesce as in No. 3, at a certain degree of 
inclination, which was 45° in the experiment to which } now refer, but 
which might be a different number of degrees for another kind of wood. 
At the point where we have seen that the elasticities are equal in the 
direction of the axis, the two Gurves: transform themselves. into ‘two 
straight lines which intersect each other rectangularly, after which they 
again separate; but their separation is effected in a direction perpen- 
dicular to that of their coalescence. The sounds of the hyperbolic 
system follow nearly the same’ course as those of the system of crossed 
lines; that is to say, they become higher in proportion as the plates 
more nearly approach being parallel to the axis of greatest elasticity; 
but it deserves to be remarked, that the plate No. 3, for which'the elas+ 
ticity is the same in the two directions a y, ed, is that between the two 
sounds {of which there is the greatest interval: this’ evidently depends 
on the elasticity in the two directions: y, cd being very different from 
that which exists in the other directions of the plate. 

Lastly, it is to be remarked that, in the four first plates, the sound of 
the hyperbolic system is sharper than that of the system of crossed 
lines, and that it is the contrary for the plate No. 6, which renders it 
necessary that there should be between No. 4 and No. 6 a plate, the 
sounds of which are equal, which in the present case is exemplified in 
No. 5, although its two modes of division differ greatly from each other. 

There is another thing remarkable in this plate; its two modes of di- 
vision can transform themselves gradually into éach other by changing 
the position of the place of excitation, so that the two points e and ec’ 
| becoming two nodal centres, are in every respect. in the conditions 
indicated by fig. 4. 

_ The interval included between the grayest and the sharpest sounds 
of this series was an augmented sixth. 



It is almost useless to observe that the plates taken in the directions 
I, II, II, inclined on the other side of the axis A X the same number 
of degrees as the plates 1, 2, 3, would present exactly the same phzeno- 
mena as these latter. This observation being equally applicable to the 
following series, we shall not mention it again. 

Seconp Sertes—Plates taken round the axis A Z of least elasticity 
and perpendicular to the plane CY AX; figs. 9 and 10. 

As in the preceding case, one of the nodal systems of the plates of 
this series consists of two lines crossed rectangularly, one of which, a z, 
corresponds with the axis A Z; whence it follows that the second may 
be considered as the projection of the two other axes on the plane of 
the plate, which, whatever its inclination may be, ought consequently 
to possess a greater elasticity in the direction fg than in the direction 
az: thus the hyperbolic system of this series cannot present the trans- 
formations which we saw in the preceding series, where ed, fig. 8, possesses 
sometimes a less, at other times a greater elasticity than that of ay. 
In the present case, a@ z remaining constantly the axis of least elasticity, 
the resistance to flexion in the direction fg goes on gradually increasing 
from the plate No. 1 to the plate No. 6 parallel to the plane A X BZ, 
and the branches of the hyperbola straighten themselves in proportion as 
the plates more nearly approach this last position. As to the sounds which 
correspond to each of these nodal systems, it is observed that they ascend 
gradually from No. 1 to No. 6, and that the sound of the hyperbolic 
system is sharper in a part of the series than that of the system of crossed 
lines, whilst they become graver in the other part. There is therefore a 
certain inclination for which the sounds of the two systems ought to be 
equal; and this evidently would have taken place in the present expe- 
riment for a plate intermediate to No. 4.and No. 5. 

The interval between the gravest and the sharpest sound of each 
series was an augmented fifth. 

TuirD SertEes.—Plates taken round the axis A X of greatest elasticity, 
and perpendicular to the plane A Y DZ; figs. 11 and 12. 

The elastic state of these plates cannot present such remarkable dif- 
ferences as those we have observed in the preceding series; for, being 
all cut round the axis of greatest elasticity, they can only contain in 
their plane that of least or that of mean elasticity, or lastly, those in- 
termediate between these limits, which do not vary greatly from each 
other. Thus it is seen that their modes of division differ very little from 
each other, and that the sounds which correspond to them present 
rather slight differences, although they go on ascending in proportion 
as the plates more nearly approach containing the axis of mean elas- 
ticity in their plane. Here, as in the other series, one of the nodal 


systems consists of two lines crossed rectangularly, one of which, a 2, 
places itself always on the axis of greatest elasticity, and this line serves 
as the second axis to the hyperbolic curves which compose the noda{ 
system. Doubtlessly these curves are not entirely similar in the different 
plates; but Ihave not beenable to perceive any very remarkable difference 
between them, unless that it appears that their summits gradually ap- 
proach bya very small quantity, in proportion as the plates more nearly 
approach containing the intermediate axis in their plane. 

Fourtu Series.—Plates cut round the diagonal AD, and perpendi- 
cular to the plane BC Y Z; figs. 13 and 14. 

These plates present much more complicated phenomena than those 

we have hitherto observed. Except for the first and the last, neither 
of the two nodal systems consists of lines crossed rectangularly, which 
shows that this kind of acoustic figure can only occur on plates which 
contain at least one of the axes of elasticity in their plane, since Nos. 
2, 3, 4, 5, which are inclined to the three axes, present only hyperbolic 
lines, whilst No. 1, which contains two of the axes of elasticity, and 
No. 6, which contains only one, are susceptible of assuming this kind 
of division. 
- In this series, neither of the modes of division remains constantly the 
same for the different degrees of inclination of the plates: setting out 
from the plate No. 1, one of the systems gradually passes from two 
crossed lines to two hyperbolic branches, which are nearly transformed 
into parallel straight lines in No. 6; on the contrary, the other system 
appears in No. 1 under the form of two hyperbolic curves, the summits 
of which approach nearer and nearer until they coalesce in No. 6, where 
they assume the form of two straight lines which cut each other at 
right angles and this contrary course in the modifications of the two 
systems is such, that there is a certain inclination (No.3) for which the 
two modes of division are the same, although the sounds which cor- 
respond to them are very different. 

As in the preceding series, and for the same reasons, the sound of 
each nodal system goes on always ascending in proportion as the plate 
more nearly approaches containing the axis of greatest elasticity in its 

Firru Series.—Plates cut round the diagonal A E, and perpendicular 
to the planer s t; figs. 5. 

2 Bising all the plates which may be cut round the diagonal A E of 
Paice cube fig. 5, there are three each of which contains one of the axes 
vof elasticity, and which consequently we have already had occasion to 
observe; thus the plate No. 3, fig. 8, which passes through the diagonal 
“AB, and through the edge A Y, contains the diagonal A E in its 


plane; also, the plate No. 4, fig. 10, which passes through one of the 
diagonals X Y or A C, and which is perpendicular to the plane C Y A X, 
contains also A E in its plane; and lastly, the plate No. 3 of fig. 12, 
parallel to the plane ADE X, is cireumstanced in the same manner. 
Thus, if rst, fig. 15, is a plane perpendicular to the diagonal A E, and 
if the lines 1, 3, 5 indicate the directions of the three plates we have 
just spoken of, in order to become acquainted with the progress of the 
transformations which connect the modes of division of these plates 
together, it will be sufficient to take round A E, the projection of which 
is in c, a few other plates such as 2, 4,6. The Nos. 1, 2, 3 of fig. 16 
represent this series thus completed, and the dotted line ae indicates 
in all the direction of the diagonal of the cube. 

The nodal system represented by the unbroken lines consists, for 
No. 1, of two crossed nodal lines, one of which, ay, places itself upon 
the axis A Y, and the other in a perpendicular direction; it transforms 
itself in No. 2 into hyperbolic curves, which by the approximation: of 
their summits again become straight lines in No. 3, which contains the 
axis A Y of greatest elasticity: these curves afterwards recede again, 
No. 4, and in the same direction as No. 2; they then change a third 
time into straight lines in No. 5, which contains the axis A Z of least 
elasticity ; and lastly, they reassume the appearance of two mypesidfic 
branches in No. 6, 

The transformations of the dotted system are much less saeglicalials 
since it appears as two straight lines crossed rectangularly in No.1, 
and afterwards only changes into two hyperbolic branches, which con- 
tinue to become straighter until a certain limit, which appears to be at 
No. 3, and the summits of which afterwards approach each other, 
Nos. 5 and 6, in order to coalesce again in No, 1. 

As to the general course observed by the sounds of the two nodal sy- 
stems, it is very simple, and it was easy to determine it previously. Thus, 
the plate No. 5, containing in its plane the axis A Z of least elasticity, the 
two gravest sounds of the entire series is heard; these sounds afterwards 
gradually rise until No. 3, which contains the axis AX of greatest 
elasticity ; after which they redescend by degrees in Nos. 2 and 1, (the 
latter contains the axis A Y of intermediate elasticity in its plane,) and 
they return at last to their point of departure in the plates Nos. 6 and 5, 

The transformations of the nodal lines of this series, by establishing 
a link between the three series of plates cut round the axes, makes us 
conceive the possibility of arriving at the determination of nodal sur- 
faces, which we might suppose to exist within bodies having’three rect- 
angular axes of elasticity, and the knowledge of which might enable 
us to determine, @ priori, the modes of division of a circular plate in- 
clined in any manner with respect to these axes. But it is obvious, that 
to attempt such an investigation it would be necessary to base it on 


experiments made with a substance the three axes of which shall be 
accurately perpendicular to each other, which is not entirely the case 
in wood. 

It would now remain for us to examine two other series of plates, 
one taken round the diagonal A B, and the other round the diagonal 
AC; but as it is evident that the arrangements of nodal lines which 
they would present would differ very little from those of the fourth 
series, we may dispense with their examination. 

Such are, in general, the phenomena which are observed in bodies 
which, like that we have just examined, possess three axes of elasticity: 
collected into a few propositions, the results we have obtained are re- 
ducible to the following general data. — 

Ist. When one of the axes of elasticity occurs in the plane of the 
plate, one of the nodal figures always consists of two straight lines, which 
intersect each other at right angles, and one of which invariably places 
itself in the exact direction of this axis; the other figure is then formed 
by two curves which resemble the branches of a hyperbola. 

2nd. When the plate contains neither of the axes in its plane, the 
two nodal figures are constantly hyperbolic curves; straight lines never 
enter into their composition. 

3rd. The numbers of vibrations which accompany each mode of di- 
vision are, in general, higher as the inclination of the plane to the axis 
of greatest elasticity becomes less. 

4th. The plate which gives the sharpest sound, or which is suscep- 
tible of producing the greatest number of vibrations, is that which 
contains in its plane the axis of greatest elasticity and that of mean 

5th. The plate which is perpendicular to the axis of greatest elasti- 
city is that from which the gravest sound is obtained, or which is sus- 
ceptible of producing the least number of vibrations. 

6th. When one of the axes is in the plane of the plate, and the elas- 
ticity in the direction perpendicular to this axis is equal to that which 
itself possesses, the two nodal systems are similar; they each consist of 
two straight lines which intersect each other rectangularly, and they 
oceupy positions 45° from each other. In a body which possesses three 
unequal axes of elasticity there are only two planes which possess this 

7th. The transverse axis of the nodal curves always occurs in the di- 
rection of the least resistance to flexion; it hence follows, that when in 
a series of plates this axis places itself in the direction at first occupied 
by the conjugate axis, it is because the elasticity in this direction has 

become relatively less than in the other. 

_ 8th. In a body which possesses three unequal axes of elasticity, there 

“are four planes in which the elasticity is so distributed that the two 



sounds of the plates parallel to these planes become equal, and the two 
modes of division gradually transform themselves into each other, by 
turning round two fixed points, which, for this reason, I have called no- 
dal centres. 

9th. The numbers of vibrations are only indirectly connected with 
the modes of division, since two similar nodal figures, as in No. 3, fig. 8, 
and in No. 3, fig. 14, are accompanied by very different sounds ; whilst, 
on the other side, the same sounds are produced on the occurrence of 
very different figures, as is the case for No. 5 of fig. 8. 

10th. Lastly, a more general consequence which may be deduced 
from the different facts we have just examined is, that when a circular 
plate does not possess the same properties in every direction, or, in other 
words, when the parts of which it consists are not symmetrically arranged 
round its centre, the modes of division of which it is susceptible assume 
positions determined by the peculiar structure of the body; and that 
each mode of division, considered separately, may always, subject how- 
ever to alternations more or less considerable, establish themselves in 
two positions equally determined, so that it may be said that, in hetero- 
geneous circular plates, all the modes of division are double. 

By the aid of these data, which are no doubt still very few and im- 
perfect, a notion may be formed, to a certain point, of the elastic state 
of crystallized bodies, by submitting them to the same mode of investi- 
gation: this is what we have attempted for rock crystal, in a series of 
experiments which will be the subject of § 111. of this Memoir. 



ArTicxeE VIII. 

Experiments on the Essential Oil of the Spirea Ulmaria, or 
Meadow-Sweet ; by Dr. Lowie, Professor of Chemistry at 

From J. C. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie; Berlin, 
Second Series, vol. v. p. 596. 

Wuusr by the examination of plants and vegetable matters we 
have acquired the knowledge of a great number of oxyacids with 
compound radicals, with the exception of prussic acid no such hydracid 
has been shown to exist in organic nature; and of hydracids with ter- 
nary radicals, if we except the sulphocyanic acid, we have not the 
slightest knowledge. 

The constancy of the phenomena which oil of bitter almonds pre- 
sents, have not only led to the positive knowledge of the existence of 
ternary radicals, but also to the fact that oxyacids exist with ternary 
bases containing oxygen. 

By means of the experiments made with the essential oil of the blos- 
soms of the Spirea Ulmaria, described in the following treatise, the first 
hydracid with a ternary radical in organic nature has been discovered 
in a most extraordinary manner, and they give every reason to hope 
that the radical of the same may also be isolated. 

The reader must excuse the circumstances that the experiments are not 
carried further, and that some of the most important appearances when 
remarked have not been further pursued, as for all the experiments, 
there was only a very small quantity of material at the disposal of the 

If also, on account of the small quantity of the oil which could be 
subjected to research, each experiment was conducted only on a small 
seale, especially as regards the analysis, and could only be seldom re- 
peated, the coincidence of each separate experiment may perhaps in 
part supply the want of repetition. Should however the analytical re- 
sults experience any small change by later repeated experiments, we 
may nevertheless be sure that the facts themselves of which this Memoir 
treats will lose nothing in importance. 

By means of this communication the attention of chemists may be 
drawn to the oil of the Spirea, so that not only a repetition of these 
experiments, but also a further extension of them may be expected with 

_ certainty from other chemists. 

° [The Editor is indebted for the translation of this Paper to E.Solly, jun., Esq. ] 


M. Pagenstuher, an apothecary in Berne, had already drawn attention 
to the oil and distilled water of the blossoms of Spirea Ulmaria in a 
treatise which may be found in Buchner’s Repertorium, vol. xL1x. p. 337. 
He there describes exactly almost all the combinations which are the 
subject of this Memoir; and had he made analyses of the elements with 
only a few substances, the real nature, not only of the oil itself, but also 
several decompositions and recompositions which it experiences would 
not then have escaped him. 

M. Pagenstuher had the kindness to give me the oil for all the in- 
vestigations, and also to communicate to me his observations made 
up to that time. All his experiments which were of any importance 
on the present subject are incorporated into this Memoir, so that in 
many respects the present work may be considered as undertaken eon- 
jointly with M. Pagenstuher. To facilitate the general view of the fol- 
lowing experiments, a few of the leading results may be first stated. 

The oil of the blossoms of the SpireaUlmaria is a hydracid; it con- 
sists of one eq. of a radical = C12 HS O4, and one eq. of hydrogen, 
which uniting with the radical forms an acid. If the hydrogen, which 
by uniting with the radical forms the acid, be oxidized by nitric acid, 4 
additional eqs. of oxygen are taken up by the radical, thus forming the 
oxyacid of the same radical. Instead of 1 eq. of hydrogen, the radical 
can unite with 1 eq. of chlorine, bromine, iodine, or even of a metal. 
These latter combinations are also formed when the hydracid is made 
to act on metallic oxides. With ammonia, on the contrary, the hydracid 
unites without undergoing any change. From these combinations the 
following compounds result: 

C12 H5 04+4 04 
(C12 H5 O44 H) + NH3 or ammonia. 

The radical is designated by the name Spirzoyl, or for the conve- 
nience of shortness Spiroil. Another name would have been chosen for 
it had not a similar nomenclature been already applied to another sub- 
stance nearly allied to it. It is always doubtful policy to derive the 
name of a vegetable principle from the plant in whielf it is first disco- 
vered, for generally with great probability the same body may be found 
in other plants. Names which designate any principal peculiarity of the 
substance are therefore in such cases always preferable. One of the pe- 
culiarities of spiroil is its property of forming yellow compounds with 
oxygen, and withthe metals, alkalies, and earths; a name therefore which 
had reference to this quality would have been very suitable. A name 


however, is only a sign for a certain expression, and thus considered it is 
perfectly indifferent what name may be chosen for any substance. 
Hydrospiroilie Acid. 

The fluid oil of the blossoms of the Spirea Ulmaria is hydrospiroilic 
acid. This may be obtained by distilling the flowers with water ; about 
as much water is to be distilled off as was originally employed. 

‘The product of the distillation is however subjected to a redistillation 
till about 3th is come over in the receiver. A concentrated aqueous so- 
lution of the oil is thus obtained, and the oil itself, though only in very 
minute quantities. The oil is heavier than water, is of a light yellow 
colour, and possesses the odour of the blossoms in a very great degree. 
It mixes in all proportions with alcohol and zther, and is slightly so- 
luble in water. It causes a burning sensation on the tongue. The fumes 
which come over during the distillation of the oil first render litmus- 
paper green, and then bleach it. The aqueous solution of the oil first of 
all slightly reddens tincture of litmus, and then deprives it of its colour 
excepting a greenish shade. It is inflammable, and burns with a shining 
smoky flame. If the oil be passed through a red-hot tube containing 
pieces of iron, neither ammonia nor prussic acid is obtained nor can the 
formation of any sulphuret of iron be detected. The oil does not ex- 
perience any change either in dry or moist oxygen gas ; it volatilizes 
unchanged. It solidifies at a temperature of —20°*. Its boiling-point is 
about + 85°*, when it evaporates entirely without leaving any residue. 

With the bases of salts, namely, with the alkalies and alkaline earths, 
it easily combines, forming insoluble or difficultly soluble compounds. 

Concentrated sulphuric acid converts the oil into a black carbona- 
ceous mass. Chlorine and bromine decompose it instantaneously, hy- 
drochloric or hydrobromic acid and chloride or bromide of spiroil being 
formed. Nitric acid, if not too concentrated, immediately forms spiroilic 
acid; if however the acid be very concentrated and fuming, it imme- 
diately changes it into a yellow, very volatile, bitter-tasting compound, 
having the appearance of butter. 

The experiments on the composition of the anhydrous oil, as well as the 
other compounds, were made in the usual manner with oxide of copper. 

0°290 grms. of the oil gave 0°694 carb. acid 191-89 carbon 
OES water 16°10 hydrogen; 

_ according to which 290 parts of the oil contain 

SCOR ON ses tey <riers 191°89 orin 100 parts 66°17 
Fiydrogen  ... 02,0. 16°10 ————___ 5°55 
Oxygen os. .s..--0 SLOL — 28:28 

290°00 100:00 


Pelee . * Probably Centigrade,—Transuaton. 


from whence we may deduce the following eq. 

in 100 parts 
12 eqs. Carbon ~ = “73°56 = 66°92 
6 — Hydrogen = 600 = 835 
4.— Oxygen = 32:00 = 27°73 

1 Hydrospiroilic acid 111°56 100°00 

The combination of the oil with copper was also subjected to analysis. 
This compound was obtained by agitating together an aqueous solution 

of the oil with freshly prepared quite pure hydrated oxide of copper, 

taking care that the oil should be in excess; and the green compound 
thus obtained was dried at + 160°. At this temperature the combi- 
nation is not decomposed, which is evident, as the oil may again be ob- 
tained unaltered on the addition of an acid. By other means, by dou- 
ble decomposition for instance, the combination with copper may be 
obtained, but not quite pure, as it then contains slight traces of the acid 
which was united with the copper, even if excess of alkali be employed 
as a precipitant. 

0'174 grm of the compound with copper yielded 0°324 c. a. 89°58 carbon 

0°174 0:054 water 5°99 hydr. 
Also by burning the cupreous combination in contact with the air, 0°130 
of the compound yielded 

0:03719 oxide of copper 29°68 copper. 

Ifnow in the ecupreous combination the copper is considered to have 
been in the metallic state we obtain 

Carbon = 89°58 or 5148 

Hydrogen = 5:99 — 3°44 

Oxygen = 38°71. — 22:20 

Copper = 39°72 — 22°88 

‘ 17400 100°00 

which in eq. 

PQS: dl NUMerte sed sretussescss sont Om Ol tao k 
Gr Enydroeens. cs cceseesa sees 500 — 3°51 
Ay mm ORV OOM: 50s sc canis weneee <tc 32:00 — 22°51 
1 — ,Copper ....:0ssnansves teen YO — , B2O7 
1 eq. Spiroilide of copper......142°26 100°00 

These experiments confirm the truth of the above-mentioned view, 

that the oil is a hydracid with a ternary base, and they likewise show — 

that the action of this hydracid with metals is exactly the same as that 
of those which were before known. 

This view receives still further confirmation by the fact that when 



chlorine is passed over one of the metallic combinations, as spiroilide of 
copper or spiroilide of silver, chloride of copper or silver, and chloride 
of spiroil are formed without the slightest trace of muriatic acid. 

The most striking proof, however, that the oil is really a hydracid is, 
that when potassium is brought into contact with the oil over mercury and 
gently warmed, hydrogen is evolved, spiroilide of potassium being formed, 
Srom which latter the oil may again be obtained, possessed of all its ori- 
ginal properties, by the action of muriatic acid. 

The action of the oil and potassium, which at common temperatures 
goes on but slowly, is by a very gentle heat so much increased, that 
during the evolution of the hydrogen the combination of the spiroil and 
potassium is attended with the evolution of heat and light. At the same 
time not the slightest trace of carbon or of any carbonaceous matter is 
deposited, and the hydrogen which is evolved is quite pure. If the oil 
which is employed for these experiments be not quite free from water, 
evolution of hydrogen takes place as soon as it comes into contact with 
the potassium ; this however ceases (almost entirely) in a few moments: 
if however the apparatus be now gently warmed, which may be done 
by gradually bringing near a glowing coal, the evolution of gas begins 
again in great quantity and with the same violence as when the anhy- 
drous oil was employed. 

Hydrospiroilate of Ammonia. 

If a concentrated solution of ammonia is poured upon pure hydrospi- 
roilic acid, the fluid mixture after a few seconds is converted into a solid 
mass of hydrospiroilate of ammonia, giving out heat and undergoing a 
considerable increase of bulk during the action: it may be freed from 
water and excess of acid by washing with alcohol. It possesses a weak 
aromatic smell resembling a rose, is tasteless, and has a yellow colour. 
The compound is almost insoluble in water, which nevertheless when 
left for some time in contact with it, acquires a yellow colour. In com- 
mon cold spirit of wine the hydrospiroilate of ammonia is only slightly 
soluble, but on the contrary it is dissolved in great quantities both in 
hot and cold pure alcohol. If the boiling solution be allowed to cool, 
hydrospiroilate of ammonia is obtained in transparent delicate tufts of 
acicular crystals of alight yellow colour. If it be preserved in close 
vessels in a moist state it is decomposed ; after a short time it becomes 

_ gradually black, then semifluid, ammonia is evolved, and an exceedingly 

strong penetrating odour of oil of roses is perceptible. 
At the boiling-point of water, hydrospiroilate of ammonia undergoes 
no change. 

_ At + 115° it is fluid, melting like wax; heated a few eae above 

its boiling-point it volatilizes in the form of a yellow vapour without 

Teaving“any residue and without undergoing any alteration. If solution 


of potash or soda be poured over this salt, the ammoniacal odour is not 
immediately developed, but. becomes so after continued contact or the 
application of heat. This circumstance might lead to the supposition, 
that in this compound there is a similar relation between the acid and 
the alkali as in the cyanate of ammonia. 

At the same time it must be observed, that acids immediately decom- 
pose this compound, the oil being deposited, undecomposed, and a cor- 
responding salt of ammonia formed. 0°213grm. of hydrospiroilate_of 
ammonia obtained in crystals by evaporating the alcoholic solution 
was decomposed by dilute muriatic acid; the solution thus obtained was 
evaporated to dryness in a water-bath, and the remaining neutral sa- 
line mass again dissolved in water. By precipitation with nitrate of sil- 
ver, 0°239grm. of chloride of silver were obtained; as these correspond 
to 0°0288 of ammonia, the above 0°213grm. consist of 

Ammonia ......... 0°0288, or in 100 parts 13°52 

Hydrospiroilic acid 0°1850 86°48 

0°2138 100-00 
1 equivalent ammonia = 1718 or 13°38 
1 hydrospiroilic acid = 11156 — 8662 

1 eq. hydrospiroilate of ammonia 128°74 100°00 

Spiroilide of Potassium. 

The spiroilide of potassium may be obtained either by gently heat- 
ing together potassium and hydrospiroilic acid, hydrogen being evolved, 
or by bringing together either the pure or the watery hydrospiroilic acid 
and solution of potash. Spiroilide of potassium is difficulty soluble in 

If the aqueous solution be slowly evaporated, small prismatic straw- 
coloured crystals are obtained. Left in contact with the air it soon 
decomposes, absorbing moisture and carbonic acid, like the hydro- 
spiroilate of ammonia. It may nevertheless be kept unaltered for a long 
time in close vessels. The smell resembling that of roses is likewise 
perceptible during the decomposition of this substance; at the end, 
carbonate of potash remains. 

1 ex. potassium 39:20 26°87 24°93 
1 eq. spiroil 110°56 73°13 75°07 
_ 1 eq. spiroilide potassium 149°76 100:00 100:00 

Spiroilides of Sodium, Calcium and Barium. These possess similar 
properties to the spiroilide of potassium, but the two latter compounds 
are still less soluble in water. 

Spiroilide of Magnesium may be obtained by agitating together the 


watery hydrospiroilic acid and hydrate of magnesia. It appears as a 
light yellow and almost insoluble powder. 

Protospiroilide of Iron. The aqueous solution of hydrospiroilic acid 
has no action on protochloride of iron; on the addition of ammonia 
however a deep violet blue precipitate falls. 

Sesquispiroilide of Iron. Sesquichloride of iron immediately changes 
the colour of the aqueous solution of hydrospiroilic acid to a fine deep 
cherry-red colour, without any precipitate. 

If this fluid be exposed to the air it loses its red colour in a short time, 
and a pure solution of sesquichloride of iron remains, in which a fresh 
addition of hydrospiroilic acid again causes the cherry-red colour to 

Subspiroilide of Copper. ydrospiroilic acid has no action on the 
subehloride of copper ; a slight addition of ammonia however causes 
a light brown precipitate in this mixture. 

Protospiroilide of Copper. This compound is best obtained by agi- 
tating together an aqueous solution of hydrospiroilic acid and newly 
prepared hydrated oxide of copper. This latter immediately loses its 
blue colour and becomes green. 

If solutions of sulphate of copper and spiroilide of potassium be 
mixed, a voluminous precipitate falls, which however is but slowly depo- 
sited and possesses a distinct crystalline texture. 

Spiroilide of Zinc. When oxide of zinc is agitated with the aqueous 
solution of hydrospiroilic acid, it very soon absorbs the acid from the 
water, which latter acquires a yellow colour. By evaporation under 
the airpump, a yellow pulverulent substance is obtained. The aque- 
ous solution of spiroilide of zinc is coloured cherry-red ,by sesquichlo- 
ride of iron. 

_ Spiroilide of Lead. When pure oxide of lead is brought into contact 
with hydrospiroilic acid no spiroilide of lead is formed. Newly pre- 
pared hydrated oxide of lead however, when left for some time in con 
tact with the aqueous acid, becomes converted into a light yellow pow- 
der, consisting of small shining laminz of spiroilide of lead. 

_ Spiroilide of Mercury. The aqueous solution of the acid has no ac- 
tion on red oxide of mercury when they are left together in close ves- 
sels, even though frequently agitated. 

_ Spiroilide of mercury is however obtained when a concentrated solu- 
tion of corrosive sublimate is poured over hydrospiroilate of ammonia. 
A pale straw-coloured flocky voluminous precipitate is formed. 

_ Spiroilide of Silver. Oxide of silver is partially dissolved by the 
‘aqueous solution of hydrospiroilie acid. 

_ The solution is of a yellow colour, and has a bitter metallic taste. By 
evaporation in vacuo a brownish black residue is obtained, which in- 
flames with detonation in the candle, leaving behind. metallic silver, 


The undissolved portion of the oxide, which has also acquired a brown- 
ish black colour, possesses the same property. 

_ The greater number of the compounds of the metals with spiroil 
may be obtained by double affinity, but for this purpose the spiroilic 
combinations must be difficultly soluble or insoluble, and very concen- 
trated solutions of easily soluble salts must be employed. For this rea- 
son, in order to obtain the combination with lime, solution of chloride 
of calcium is employed; for the combination with zinc, acetate of zinc; 
for the magnesian compound, chloride of magnesium; and for the com- 
pounds with iron, the proto- and the sesqui-chloride of iron. The best 
combination of spiroil to employ is the hydrospiroilate of ammonia, 
over which the concentrated solution of the salt is to be poured. The 
spiroilide of barium, which is best obtained by saturating baryta water 
with the acid, may be advantageously employed in the state of a solu- 
tion for the preparation of several of the compounds of spiroil. The 
compounds as obtained by double decomposition are seldom erystalline, 
but are obtained almost always as a fine and soft powder. 

Spiroilic Acid. . 

If hydrospiroilic acid be gently and carefully heated with nitric acid 
not too concentrated, and care be taken that the acid be not used in 
excess, the oil is converted under evolution of nitrous fumes into a so- 
lid crystalline body; the substance thus obtained is spiroilic acid. 

If the gas which is evolved during this operation be conducted into 

a solution of chloride of barium mixed with ammonia, not the slightest 
trace of carbonate of barytes will be formed. 
-. The acid is nearly devoid of odour: its taste is at first not strik- 
ing ; afterwards however much irritation in the throat, and a strong in- 
élination to cough are experienced. Spiroilic acid is fusible, and shows 
strong inclination to crystallize, especially on returning to the solid state 
after having been heated. In close vessels it may be sublimed; never- 
theless by this operation the greater part is decomposed, leaving behind 
a carbonaceous mass. 

In the anhydrous state, as it is obtained by fusion, spiroilic acid is of a 
pale yellow colour, if however it be exposed to the air it deliquesces and 
becomes of a deep yellow colour. It is easily soluble in aleohol and ether; 
only slightly so however inwater. The solutions stain the skin and nails 
permanently yellow. Litmus-paper is stained deep yellow; no redden- 
ing effect can however be observed. If the alcoholic solution of the 
spiroilic acid be left to spontaneous evaporation, the acid is obtained in 
delicate transparent prisms of a golden yellow colour. 

Ist,’ 0°190 fused spiroilic acid gave 0°350 carbon = 96°77 car. 

0°190 ditto gave 0°060 water=6°66 hydr. 

Qndly, 0°243 ditto gave0°450 carb = 124°42 carb. 0'0759=8'33 hyd. 


From these proportions we obtain the following for 100 parts: — 

. Il. 
ATO Disasiegs sendecsdy pst wiwqesens evar GOP AMeaenas 51°18 
PEON OOD by snc abies tnnne ssnontesnyt (mao nmatat 3°43 
na esc emees nasjonee 4: <5 ge MOET cue 45°39 
100°00 100-00 
or reckoned in equivalents,— 
12 eqs. carbon ......... T3850 51°58 
5 — hydrogen ...... SOOM Res 3°50 
8 — oxygen......... 64:00 peisse cs 44°92 
1 eq. spiroilic acid 142°56 100:00 

From these experiments we may deduce, that in the moment that the 
one equivalent of hydrogen of the hydrospiroilic acid is oxidized, four 
more equivalents of oxygen are taken up by the radical. This likewise 
explains the formation of so large a portion of nitrous acid, even when 
a very small quantity only of the oil is employed. 

It appeared probable that during the oxidation a portion of nitric 
or nitrous acid was absorbed by the radical, and this opinion was sup- 
ported by the fact, that spiroilic acid stains the skin and nails perma- 
nently yellow,—a property which is likewise possessed by the spiroilide 
of potassium and several other metallic spiroilides; several experiments 
were undertaken to detect the nitrogen or the acid, but unsuccessfully 
with regard to either. 

If spiroilic acid be slightly heated with potassium over mercury, a 
most violent evolution of heat and light suddenly takes place, by which 
the vessel isalways broken with great violence. Even should excess of po- 
tassium be employed in this experiment, only a portion of the spiroilic 
acid is decomposed; a porous carbon is deposited, and a mixture of 
spiroilide of potassium and carbonate of potash is formed. 

The pure alkalies unite very readily with spiroilic acid, forming yel- 
low compounds, by evaporating the aqueous solutions of which small 
yellow crystals may be obtained. 

If spiroilic acid be dissolved in ether, and the solution agitated with 
solutions of potash or soda, the ether is immediately abstracted from the 
acid. The alkaline salts of spiroilic acid are also soluble in alcohol. 

If ammonia be saturated with spiroilic acid, a deep blood-red solution 
is obtained. If this be evaporated to dryness a yellow residue remains, 
which if rubbed with caustic alkali immediately develops a strong am- 
moniacal odour. If spiroilate of ammonia be subjected to a high tem- 

perature in close vessels it is decomposed, some ammonia is evolved, and 
_ an oily body comes over, the exact nature of which has not been deter- 
mined on account of the minuteness of the quantity. 

Vor. I.—Parr I. M 


The aqueous solution of spiroilate of soda gives with acetate of Tead 
a yellow, and with salts of copper a green, precipitate. 

Sesquichromate of iron is not precipitated by spiroilate of soda, but 
is coloured deep cherry-red by it, as well as by the spiroilide. 

If the salts of spiroilic acid are heated in contact with the air, they 
detonate briskly, leaving behind either a pure or carbonated fhane; and 
a soft powdery carbon. 3 

If spiroilic acid be mixed with an easily jalesminailile substance, as sul- 
phur, the mixture detonates when heated. 

Fuming nitric acid acts very violently upon spiroilic acid fumes of ni- 
trousacid are immediately evolved, whilst a yellow semifluid massis formed, 
which solidifies only after several days. Thisyellowsubstance has an in- 
tensely bitter taste, and colours the saliva, skin, and nails, &c. deep yellow; 
it is fusible and may be distilled, and possesses in a striking degree the 
smell of fresh butter; no oxalic acid is formed. Submitted to distil- 
lation with water, it distils over undecomposed with the water, partially 
dissolved and partly as a yellow powder. 

If the residue of the aqueous solution after the yellow body has gone 
over be slowly evaporated, transparent colourless prismatic crystals are 
obtained, the nature of which requires further investigation. 

An analysis of this substance, which appeared to possess acid proper- 
ties, was several times commenced; but even by the most careful appli- 
cation of heat, the oxide of copper was always projected into the tube 
containing the chloride of calcium, whilst part of the substance was often 
conducted undecomposed into the potash apparatus. Nevertheless the 
determination of the carbonic acid has several times been accomplished: 
from the data thus obtained, this yellow substance must be very rich in 


Chloride of Spiroil. 

Chloride of spiroil may be obtained by decomposing hydrospiroilie 
acid by means of chlorine. In a suitable apparatus and without the ap- 
plication of heat, dry chlorine gas was passed over the anhydrous acid; 
evolution of muriatic acid immediately commenced : if the chlorine be 
evolved but slowly, only a slight elevation of temperature takes place. 
Chlorine is to be passed through this solution so long as fumes of mu- 
riatic acid are evolved: the hydrospiroilic acid isentirely converted into 
a white crystalline mass. 

If however the oil is become solid, the chlorine apparatus must be 
moved, and the chloride of spiroil which has been formed must be sub- 
limed by the lowest possible heat. 

The most beautiful crystalline plates of a dazzling whiteness are ob- 
tained,which melt at a very low heat, and, as has been before remarked 
may easily be sublimed. 


- If chloride of spiroil be briskly heated, the melted mass gradually be~ 
comes darker, and a slight carbonaceous residue remains. 

No other products besides muriatic acid and chloride of spiroil are 

' Pure chloride of spiroil possesses a peculiar and somewhat aromatic 
edour, which nevertheless has much similarity to the smell of diluted 
prussic acid. Its boiling point does not appear to exceed that of water. 
It is inflammable, and burns with a greenish sooty flame. 

' It is quite insoluble in water. 

' When it is boiled with water it evaporates entirely; by this operation 
not the slightest trace of muriatic acid is formed. Neither dry nor 
moist air has any action on it. Chloride of spiroil is easily soluble in 
ether and alcohol. ' 

The alcoholic solution gives with acetate of copper a greenish yel- 
low precipitate; salts of lead are precipitated yellow. Baryta water im- 
mediately separates chloride of spiroil from the alcoholic solution, and 
uniting with it a yellow precipitate falls. 

© Chloride of spiroil forms yellow, neutral, difficultly soluble conipounds 
with the alkalies. The salts of iron are also coloured blueish black by 
the same. 

«In the combinations of chloride of spiroil with the metallic oxides and 
the alkalies, it appears to combine unaltered, as it may again be obtain- 
ed unaltered when these compounds are decomposed by an acid. 

Nitrate of silver causes a scarcely perceptible milkiness in the filtered 
solutions of the alkaline compounds which have been decomposed by 
nitric acid. 0-780 grm. of chloride of spiroil treated in the above-men- 
tioned way gave 0:09 grm. chloride of silver, therefore searcely 0-02 grm. 
chlorine. This small amount of chlorine was no doubt due to the pre- 
sence of muriatic acid, as from 0°628 grm. hydrospiroilic acid 0°795 
grm. of chloride of spiroil was obtained; therefore at least 0°157 grm. 
chlorine must have been taken up. 

If chloride of spiroil be melted with potassium by the iplloation of 
avery gentle heat, violent evolution of heat and light suddenly takes 
place. A portion of the chloride of spiroil is decomposed thereby; car- 
bon is deposited, whilst another portion unites with the potash which 

has been formed.’ If the remaining mass be dissolved in water, and the so- 
lution decomposed by nitric acid, pure chloride of spiroil is precipitated. 

| Tf this same fluid be filtered, nitrate of silver gives a large precipitate of 
chloride of silver. If the neutral solution of the chlorospiroilide be 
slowly evaporated, yellow tasteless crystals are obtained which are inso- 
} ublein alcohol. If these crystals be heated ina platinum crucible, heat 
light are evolved long before the crucible is red hot. The mass 
‘Dlackens and by the continued application of heat is converted into 
‘pure chloride of potassium, in the aqueous solution of which not-the 

M 2 


slightest alkaline reaction is visible. All these experiments séem to con- 
firm the above-mentioned view, that chloride of spiroil combines with-, 
out decomposition with the bases of salts. 

The question may here be asked, whether the acid properties of the: 
chloride of spiroil arise from chlorine, and whether such a chloracid (in 
the same way as oxyacids) could combine with them? 

. Till now no such combinations were known, and therefore perhaps ‘it 
might be simpler to state that when chloride of spiroil is brought toge-. 
ther with a metallic oxide, 4 eqs.of ametallicchlorideand 1 of a spiroilate 
are formed. If an acid be added to the solution of these salts, chloride 
of spiroil, is again thrown down and a corresponding metallic salt form- 
ed. In the same manner one may imagine double combinations, con- 
sisting of a metallic chloride and a salt of a bromacid, from which on. 
the addition of another acid chloride of bromine might be sepentelte 
-. 0327 grm. of fused chloride of spiroil yielded 
0°593grm. carbonic acid = 162°94 carbon. 

0-099 water = 10°98 hydrogen. 

0°327 grm. chloride of spiroil dissolved in potash entirely free from 
chlorine, the solution evaporated, and the dry residue heated ina platinum 
crucible yielded, after the mass which had been heated was dissolved in 
’ water and saturated with nitric acid, 0°306 fused chioridle of silver = 
-°'754 chlorine. 

Carbon T6294 | sivsvsecs oe: AN8S 

Hydrogen 1098S... ave sanesaes 3°35 

Oxygen MELAS, to atch asian tivas 23°77 

OLINS JOR ewcepmassese ae 

327-00 100°00 

1 eq. of chloride of spiroil therefore consists of 

12 eqS. CarbON ......ceeceveeee eeeseeeees T9°'IG.0+ 004 00.00S3S 
5 — hydrogen .......ecscseeceveseeees 5D. e005 3°42 
4: —s'OXY BEM ..cccece cvccsccscveveness 045 ..19°36 
Dip CDIGRINC ann davnce eda suesbuvgvene GOAT atemsiiiy 26°84 

14603 100-00 
It has been stated that 0°628 grm. hydrospiroilic acid contained 0°795 
chloride of spiroil. According to the established eq. 111°56 Ey Ors: 
spiroil should yield 146-03 chloride of spiroil : 
11°56 : 146°03 = 0°628 : 0°790. 

Bromide of Spiroil. . 
~ Bromide of spiroil is easiest obtained by pouring bromine upon hydro- 
spiroilic acid ina deep glass: hydrobromic acid is immediately evolved, 
the mixture becomes perceptibly warm, and at last solidifies into a 
greyish white crystalline mass. Bromide of spiroil may also be easily 


obtained by agitating the aqueous solution of hydrospiroilic acid with 
solution of bromine ; it is immediately precipitated in white flocks : the 
supernatant liquid is colourless, has no smell, and contains hydrobromic 
acid. In order to free the bromide of spiroil from excess of bromine 
and hydrospiroil, it must be kept melted in a water-bath so long as 
acid fumes are given off. Bromide of spiroil is exactly similar to the 
chloride of spiroil in all its properties; it is quite insoluble in water, 
and is easily soluble in ether and alcohol... By the spontaneous evapo- 
ration of the alcoholic solution it is obtained crystallized ; bromide of 
spiroil melts at a rather higher temperature than the chloride, and like 
the latter may also be entirely sublimed: when boiled with water it 
evaporates unaltered. Its behaviour, with regard to the saline bases, 
is exactly the same as chloride of spiroil, but the alkaline salts are more 
difficultly soluble: 0-480 grm. bromide of spiroil dissolved in potash 
and decomposed by nitric acid yielded only 0-02 bromide of silver. 

I. 0-510 grm, fused bromide of spiroil yielded 

0°690 carbonic acid = 190°78 carbon. 
0°510 water = 13:11 hydrogen. 

Further, by solution as above-mentioned in pure caustic potash, and 
combustion of the compound formed, 0-510 grm. bromide of spiroil 
became 0°485 bromide of silver = to about 0°2036 bromine. 

aEBON <i. s00 ca. LOT soc dnns 37-41 
Hydrogen ...... ol pers Pee 257 
Oxyeen’.,:.sc2.. TODA cca eas 20°02 

me ae 20S GO east 40°00 
510,00 ? 100°00 

II. 0°325 grm. bromide of spiroil yielded 

0°457 grm. carbonic acid = 126-00 earbon. 
OSI Sesaks water = 8-99 hydrogen. 

III. 0°305 grm. bromide of spiroil yielded 
0°409 grm. carbonic acid = 113°00 carbon, 

OTE aa: water = 7°88 hydrogen. 
If the proportions of bromine in I. be taken, we obtain in 100 parts 
Carbone 2at;<:% SST Ties 37°05 
Hydrogen...... pt fa 2°55 
Oxygen......... i 99 Ra ee 20°40 
Bromine ...... 40°00 ...... 40°00 


~ Reckoned in equivalents : 
- 12 eqs. carbon......... 73°56 ...... 38°80 

5 — hydrogen ...... B00» ..0i000 2°62 
4— oxygen ......... AMD! ose. 17°10 

1 — bromine......... FO various 41°48 

1 bromide of spiroil = 188-95 100°00 

Lodide of Spiroil. 

Hydrospiroilic acid dissolves iodine in great quantities, and forms 
with it a brownish black fluid; the formation of hydriodic’acid is how- 
ever not perceptible. Iodide of spiroil may be obtained by distilling 
chloride or bromide of spiroil with iodide of potassium; even by rubbing 
these substances together decomposition commences, and by the appli- 
‘eation of heat iodide of spiroil sublimes: it is solid, of a dark brown 
colour, easily fusible, and shows in general the same properties with 
regard to solubility in water, ether and alcohol, and its relations to 
saline bases, as chloride and bromide of spiroil. 

P73 : 167 


Researches relative to the Insects, known to the Ancients and 
Moderns, hy which the Vine is infested, and on the means of 
' preventing their Ravages. By M. te BARon WALCKENAER. 

From the Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, vol. iv. p. 687, et seq. 

General Considerations.— Division of these Researches into three Sections. 

Wuen the human intellect began in Europe to emerge from the 
darkness and ignorance in which it had for many centuries been buried, 
its progress was everywhere the same, and the same method was adopted 
for the advancement of knowledge in all the sciences. 

Before the invention of printing the ancients were the only sources 
of instruction ; after the discovery of that art their works became more 
extensively circulated and better known, and as the necessary conse- 
quence of the abundance and the perfection of their labours, the admira- 
tion which they had excited wasaugmented, and increased effect was given 
to the ascendency they had acquired over the human mind. The only 
ambition of the learned was to understand, to arrange, and to comment 
upon the notions which they had transmitted to us. A treatise upon 
any branch whatever of human knowledge was merely a compilation, 
more or less complete and methodical, of what the ancients had written 
upon the subject: an addition was sometimes made of what the moderns 
had thought or observed on the same topies, but these supplements had 
not the same weight and authority as the rest of the work in the estima- 
tion of either the author or the reader. A remark or a proposition was 
judged of little value to which could not be added wt ait Aristoteles, 
ut ait Plinius, ut ait Hippocrates, or other similar phrases. 

Happily for the progress of natural history, the great number of 
new productions brought into Europe from the countries recently dis- 
covered, at the end of the fifteenth and the commencement of the six- 
teenth centuries, soon rendered apparent the insufficiency of the works 
of the ancients with respect to this science. 

' It was perceived that the greater number of objects for the obser- 
vation and description of which opportunity was afforded were unknown 
to them, and that they had very superficially observed and very imper- 


fectly-described those with which they were acquainted. This conr- 
viction was quickly impressed upon the mind with regard to the smaller 
species of animals, because upon this point their ignorance was the 
greatest, and the application of the notions which they had aequired to 
the knowledge of the moderns the most difficult and perplexing. 

With regard to insects in particular, it was easy to see that the an- 
cients had treated of only a very small number, and that with great in- 
accuracy ; their works on this elass of animals consequently ceased to 
occupy attention, which was exclusively devoted to the study of na- 
ture, and the science soon advanced rapidly. 

However, the names that the ancients had imposed upon some classes 
of insects easily recognised remained, having passed from the ancient 
languages into the vernacular tongues. The more obscure names, the 
signification of which was doubtful or unknown, were employed by the 
modern naturalists for the numerous genera which the progress of science 
rendered it necessary to establish. Naturalists did not resolve to invent 
new names until all those employed by the ancients in the elasses which 
they were studying were exhausted; and even then all, excepting M- 
Adanson, composed the new names from Greek or Latin roots. But 
even when naturalists gave names employed by the ancients to the ge- 
nera of insects which they had formed, it was generally without any idea 
of applying them to the species which they had been employed by the 
ancients to designate, and without any attempt to aid in the recognition 
of those species. That a name had been used by some ancient author 
to designate an insect of some kind, or that there was no certain proof 
of the contrary, has been deemed a sufficient reason by modern ento- 
mologists for the application of an ancient name to a new genus. Our 
entomological systems contain names employed by the ancients, the signi- 
fication of which is so entirely lost that it is matter of doubt whether they 
belonged to an animal or a plant. 

It is necessary for the object that I have in view to illustrate this by 
an example, which is far from being the only one which I could pro- 

M. Camus, the translator into Freneh of Aristotle’s Natural History 
of Animals*, remarks with reason in his notes, that commentators are 
divided with regard to the signification of the word Staphylinus, em- 
ployed by that philosopher. Some have considered it as the name of 
an insect, others as that of a plant; but, says Camus, on the authority 
of the “Dictionnaire d’ Histoire Naturelle de Valmont de Bomare,” in 
which he found the word Staphylinus, “The Staphylinus is an insect 
well known to naturalists, because it has preserved its name as well in 
the Latin as in the French.” From these words we learn that Camus 

* Camus, Hist. Nat. des Animaux d’ Aristote, Ato, t. ii. p. 783. 


was ignorant that the application of the word Staphylinus to a genus of 
insects of the class Coleoptera, now divided into a great number of ge- 
nera bearing other names, is not more ancient than the time of Linnzus, 
who was the first to employ this word in its present signification, with- 
out attempting to determine that which it bears in Aristotle, whom he 
does not quote. 

As to the superior orders of animals, such as quadrupeds, birds, fishes, 
and reptiles, naturalists have been careful to establish, whenever it was 
possible, the identity of the species which they have deseribed with 
those mentioned by the ancients; and for this reason, that the latter nave 
recorded facts that have not since been so well observed, and some that 
have not been observed at all,and because still they all form part of the 
science; but this is not the case with insects. Notwithstanding the im- 
perfection of the science of entomology, the most difficult branch of 
natural history, the moderns have made such progress in it that they 
have nothing to learn from the ancients upon this subject; if, therefore, 
we except the domestic bee, the caterpillar of Bombix Mori, or the 
silk-worm, two species of insects as important as the largest animals in 
the history of man, of commerce, and of the arts, we shall find that the 
moderns have occupied themselves yery little with what the ancients 
have said upon insects: at the same time, the names that they have 
borrowed from them prove that they had read their works upon the 
subject, and that they would willingly have established, by the identity 
of the objects upon which they were employed, a direct relation between 
their labours and those of ‘the naturalists who had preceded them in 
ancient times ; but they appear to haye considered this to be too difficult, 
or as impossible to be undertaken with success. This is the reason that 
the number of dissertations upon this subject is so small; and even of 
the few that we possess the object is only to discover to what class of 
insects the ancient name should be applied, not to determine the genus 
or the species. 

If the science of natural history has little to hope from such investi- 
gations, they may yet be subservient to the acquisition of a better and 
more exact interpretation of the ancient texts; and the difficulties with 
which the subject is attended ought not to induce us to neglect it. With 
regard to this, as well as all the uncultivated parts of the vast field of 
erudition, we may say, if this had been easy it is probable that it would 
not have remained undone. 

The above are the considerations which have induced me to write, 
and submit to the Academy the researches*, to which I was led by a 
question which one of my learned brethren did me the honour of ad- 

* These researches were read before the Academy of Inscriptions, of which 
the author is a member, before they were communicated to the Entomological 


dressing to me, respecting the interpretation of the name of an insect 
infesting the vine mentioned by Plautus. The text of this author in 
the passage alluded to is so explicit that I ventured immediately to 
give the solution required. To assure myself that I was not mistaken 
I commenced an examination of what ancient and modern authors had 
written on the species of insects infesting the vine, and the means of 
destroying them; but in explaining and arranging the ancient texts, and 
in afterwards applying them to the observations of the moderns, I found 
more difficulties than I expected; I however exerted all my efforts to 
surmount them. Such was the origin of this Memoir. The subject will 
doubtless appear minute, but as learning, natural history, and agriculture 
are equally interested in it, I think it cannot be considered either futile 
or unworthy of attention. 

- This Memoir will be divided into three sections. The first, which 
will be in some degree preparatory, will contain acritical examination of 
the ancient texts relative to the signification of the names of insects 
designated in them as being particularly injurious to the vine. 

: in the second section, by means of results obtained in the first, I shall 
determine which are the species of insects known to the ancients and 
moderns as being those injurious to the vine: I shall then indicate the 
means of preventing their ravages. 

In the third section this dissertation will be terminated by a concord- 
ance of names, that is to say, a synonymy of all the species of insects 
mentioned in these researches, arranged in classes, which will render its 
application to use easy to those naturalists and agriculturists who may 
think proper to have recourse to it. 

First Section. 

Critical examination of the ancient texts with respect to the signification 
of the names of insects which are therein mentioned as being parti- 
cularly injurious to the vine. 

I. Preliminaries.—This section is, as I have already said, only pre- 
paratory to the principal object of the Memoir. 

No application of modern names to interpret the ancient texts will 
here be made; but we shall content ourselves with investigating the sig- 
nification of the ancient words, by means of the use to which the an- 
cients themselves have applied them. In the second section the cireum- 
stances or the particulars of this use will enable us to interpret the an- 
cient names, that is to say, to ascertain the names corresponding to them 
in the language of naturalists, the only names applicable to the defini- 
tions and descriptions proper to determine with precision the objects 
named. The vulgar names will be only a secondary consideration. 

For objects, the differences of which escape superficial observation, the 


ancient as well as the modern Janguages furnish only general denomina- 
tions, common to several objects or species, and are consequently ex- 
tremely vague, a single word being employed to designate beings of very 
different natures. Scholars, grammarians, and lexicographers frequently 
add error to the confusion by their false distinctions, and sometimes 
the prodigious erudition of modern commentators increases the difficulty 
still more. 

The true method of acquiring a complete and exact idea of the no- 
tions represented by each of the names we seek to explain appears to 
be this; to examine all the texts in which these names are employed, 
and afterwards to endeavour to remove the obscurity of the various 
meanings which have been assigned to them when they have been em- 
ployed in different significations. By this method we can establish our 
opinions and conjectures upon the ancient texts with security, and with- 
out being exposed to the danger, to which we often yield without per- 
ceiving it, and sometimes even consciously, of selecting from the an- 
eient authors only such passages as support our interpretations and 
systems, while we keep out of sight all those whieh are in opposition to 

Il. List of the Names of Insects injurious to the Vine mentioned 
by the Ancients——The following are all the names of insects infesting 
the vine, or mentioned in connexion with it, that I have been able to 
discover in ancient authors : 

1. Thola, Tholea or Tholaat. 9. Joulos or Julus. 

2, Gaza. 10. Biurus or Bythurus. 
3. Ips. 11. Involvolus, Involvulus, Invol- 
4, Iks. vus. 
5. Spondyle or Sphondyle. 12. Convolvulus. 
6. Cantharis. 13. Volvox. 
7. Phteire or Phteira. 14. Volucra. 
-_ 8. Kampé. 15. Eruca. 

III. List of the Authors in whom the above Names are found, and whose 
texts are explained in these Researches.—The following are the authors in 
whom the names above mentioned are found, and who will consequently 

receive some explanation in this dissertation : 

. ‘The Bible. Cicero. Ammonius. 
Homer. Strabo. Herodian (the gram- 
.  Ctesias. Pliny. marian). 
Aleman. Columella. Festus. 
Aristotle. . Athenzeus. Suidas. 
Theophrastus. Origen. . Hesychius. 
Plautus. St. John Chrysostom. -Eustathius. 

Cato. - St. Epiphamius. — Philo. 


IV. Thola, or Tholea, or Tholaath—This is a Hebrew word, and is 
found in Deuteronomy, in the part which treats of the punishments with 
which the Israelites were menaced if they abandoned the law of God*. 
This verse is thus rendered in the translation of the Greek and Hebrew 
texts by the pastors and professors of the Church of Genevat. 

“You shall plant vines, you shall cultivate them, you shall not dna 
the wine of them and you shall gather nothing from them, because the 
worms shall eat their frit.” 

De Sacy, after the Vulgate, translates it in the following manner: 

“You shall plant a vine and you shall dress it, but you shall not drink 
the wine of it, and you shall gather nothing from it, because it shall be 
destroyed by the worms.” 

In the first of these translations the word fruit is printed in italies, 
because in fact it is not in the Hebrew; but it ought not to be added, 
for it is useless to the sense, which is complete without it, and it may 
jead to error; for the insects which injure the vine by cutting the root 
are not the same as those which knaw the leaves, nor are the latter the 
same as those which eat the fruit. 

The word Tholath in the interlineary version of the Hebrew Bible by 
‘Arias Montanust is also translated by Vermis. But the Hebrews had 
also another word for worm, rimma. This word is often employed 
figuratively in the Bible in the same sense as ¢hola, to designate a vile 
being or an animal engendered from corruption. 

The word rimma is employed several times in this sense in the Book 
of Job ; in Exodus, chap. xvi. verse 24 ; in Hosea, chap. xiv. verse 11. 

The word tholaat is also employed in Job, chap. xxiii. verse 6; in 
Exodus, chap. xvi. verse 20; in the passage already cited of Deutero- 
nomy; in Psalm xxii. verse 17 ; and lastly in Jonas, chap. iv. verse 7. 

But it is necessary for our object to cite the whole of this last passage, 
and to justify the translation we shall give, which will differ from that 
of the professors of Geneva and from the Vulgate of De Sacy. In this 
chapter it is said, that the prophet having quitted the city, and stopped 
at a place in the east, made himself a shed. 

“Then, said the prophet, God caused a plant (kikajon) to spring up, — 
which being elevated above Jonas, became a shadow for his head, which 5 
pleased Jonas extremely ; but at the dawn of the next day God prepared 
a worm (tholaat), which wounded the plant (kikajon) and caused it to 

I can easily show that I am right i in translating it thus, i in preference 
to adopting any of the three versions that are before me. 

* Deuteronomy, chap. xxviii. verse 29. 

+ La Sainte Bible, ou le Vieux et le Nouveau Testament, traduits par les Pas- 
teurs et les Professeurs de l’Eglise de Genéve. Geneve, 1805, t. i. p. 276. 

{ Bible of Arias Montanus. 


The word that I have rendered “plant” is kikajon in the Hebrew, 
and the sense of the passage shows that it was a plant large enough 
to have foliage sufficient to form a shade. But what is this plant? No 
one is acquainted with it. In the Septuagint it is called a gourd, and 
St. Jerome makes it an ivy, but St. Augustine informs us in a letter to 
that Father, that the people of Africa were greatly shocked by this alter- 
ation, and obliged their bishop to remove the word ivy from the version 
of St. Jerome. De Sacy, who retains in his version the ivy of St. Jerome 
because it is the text of the Vulgate, inclines to the idea that it‘is a vine or 
a fig-tree. The pastors of Geneva and M. Gesenius* make the Kikajon 
a Ricinus agreeing with Bochart}+, who leans to the same opinion; but 
he, far from having proved it, brings dios us texts which support the 
contrary opinion. 

But if we indulge in conjectures encsing the plant mentioned in 
this passage of Jerome, we must for the same reason conjecture the 
species of insect which caused its destruction, and shall thus be liable 
to give to the word Tholaat a different signification from that really be- 
longing to it. The liability to error is much, increased if we translate 
with De Sacy, “it pricked the ivy at the root,” a circumstance which is 
not mentioned either in the Hebrew text or in the Vulgate, and which 
would expose us to the danger of drawing consequences from false pre- 
mises, which would be erroneous in proportion to the regularity and 
learning with which they were deduced. 

I have therefore altered the translation of the text in such a manner 
as to leave nothing that may not be read with certitude. 

From all that has just been said it appears that the words Rimma, 
and Thola or Tholaath, are often indifferently employed in the Bible, 
one for the other, in the sense of worm or grub, of an animal born of 
corruption, vile, and despicable ; but with this difference, that the word 
Thola or Tholaat is twice used in the Bible to designate a worm which 
preys upon a plant. In the first of the passages alluded to this plant is 
the vine ; we are ignorant of the species of plant intended in the second 
passage, but we are certain that it is a plant. We know that such an 
animal, though it possesses the form of a worm, is not one strictly 
speaking ; we are certain that it is either a grub, or a little insect, or 
the larva of an insect subject to metamorphosis. The word Rimma 
has never been employed in this last sense, at least not in the Bible. 
It appears therefore that in this point of view the Hebrew language is 
richer than our own, since in ordinary discourse we have only one 
word to designate the worms of the nut, pear, apple, and all other fruits, 
and likewise the earthworm, though these animals differ not only in 
genus, but belong to very different orderst. 

* Gesenius, Handbuch, &c., 1828, 8vo, p. 883. 
+ Bocharti Hieroxoicon, vol. ii. p. 623. 
} Vide Cuvier, Regné Animal, t.iii, p. 180, on the third grand division of ar- 


~ ¥. Gaza.—Gaza is another Hebrew word which is once used in the 
Bible as the name of an insect particularly injurious to the vine, but it is 
afterwards frequently employed as the name of an insect which devas- 
tates all sorts of plants; with several other names of insects which have 
given occasion to a great number of dissertations, some of which extend 
to volumes. We have examined the modern names which appear to 
correspond to the ancient ones of the insects mentioned in the Bible 
in connexion with the word Gaza; and this examination may perhaps 
form the subject of another memoir. At present we shall confine our 
investigations to the word Gaza, because it is the only one among these 
names employed todenote an insect particularly injurious to the vine; and 
we shall notice the other names of insects which accompany the word 
Gaza, only so far as may be necessary for its interpretation. But such 
is the diversity of opinion among translators, that to obtain clear ideas 
it will be necessary to produce the passages in which this word occurs, 
giving our own translation of them, but retaining the Hebrew names. 

The following passage in which Gaza is employed as the name of ari 
insect destructive to the vine is in the prophet Amos, chap. iv. v. 9: 

“ T have smitten you with ascorching wind, and with mildew. Gaza 
has devoured your gardens, all your vines, and all your olive plants and 
fig-trees, and you have not returned to me, saith the Lord.” 

We find the word Gaza again in Joel, chap. ii. v. 25: 

« T will restore you the fruits of the year, and all that you have lost 
by Arbeh, Jelek, Chazil and Gaza, that destroying multitude that I 
sent to you.” 

But there is a passage in Joel, chap. i. ver. 4, of still greater import- 
ance with regard to the translation of the word Gaza: 

“That which the Gaza leaves, the Arbeh eats ; that which the Arbeh 

leaves, the Jelek eats; and that which the Jelek leaves, the Chazil 
- In all these passages the Seventy have translated Gaza by Kampé, 
and the Vulgate by Erwca, that is to say, a caterpillar. The pastors of 
‘Geneva and De Sacy have adopted this translation. It has also the ap- 
proval of Bochart* and Michaelis. But the Chaldee Version applies 
‘Gaza to a sort of creeping locust, and the Talmud enumerates ten spe- 
‘cies of locusts mentioned in the Prophets alone, and among these is the 

The three other names of insects mentioned in the same verse of Joel, 
‘Arbeh, Jelek, and Chazil, are included in the ten species of locusts enu- 
merated i in the Talmud by the Hebrew doctors. j 

a animals, in which this naturalist proves that the worms, otherwise 
called Annelida, ought to be placed at the head of this division, and as the 
Crustacea, the Arachnida, and Insects. 

* Bocharti Hieroxoicon, part ii. p. 483. 


- The expositors of the Bible are divided in opinion upon the significa- 
tion of the words Jelek and Chazil, but are all agreed upon that of the 
word Arbeh. There can be no doubt that a locust is signified by 
this word. The Chaldee Version, the Septuagint, and the Vulgate, all 
agree in their rendering of those passages of the Bible in which this 
word is found. The Arbeh is the first of the four species of insects, or 
creeping animals, named by Moses as proper for the food of man; and 
Forskael informs us that the Arabs at the present day give the name of 
Arbeh to the species of locust which is used among them for food. Now 
we know from Joel that what the Gaza leaves the Arbeh destroys ; we 
are therefore entitled to conclude with certainty that Gaza was the 
name of an insect not only particularly destructive to the vine, but also 
to plants of every kind; and that to its ravages succeeded those of se- 
yeral species of locusts, which consumed all that was left undevoured 
by this formidable insect. Several learned expositors have considered 
this insect to be a caterpillar, while others of equal authority have de- 
cided it to be a sort of creeping locust. We shall consider this point 
upon another occasion; but at present, faithful to the plan we have 
traced for our guidance, having exhausted what the Hebrews have writ- 
ten upon the insects destructive of the vine, we shall pass to the Greeks. 
VI. Ips, Iks.—I shall treat of these two words in one article, because, 
as will be seen, they cannot be separately considered. 
_ The word Jps is used in ancient authors as the name of an insect par- 
ticularly injurious to the vine; but it is also employed by Homer, St. 
John Chrysostom, and the lexicographers and grammarians of the lower 
ages, to denote an insect or worm which preys upon horn; and in 
these two acceptations this word cannot denote a worm properly so called, 
which has another name in the Greek language. 
’ We will first consider the Ips of Homer. ; 
This word is employed in the Odyssey, book xxi. verse 295, in whicl 
Ulysses, who is not yet recognised by his friends, is represented as re- 
ceiving his terrible bow. The poet says, “The hero takes the bow, exa- 
_ mines it with attention, and turns it in every direction, fearing that in 
the absence of its master the horn might have been injured by the Jps.” 
- To ascertain what species of horn was subject to the attacks of the 
Ips of Homer, we must discover the animal the horns of which were em- 
ployed in the time of Homer in the construction of bows of the best 
quality, such as were suitable for a king like Ulysses. Upon this 
point Homer himself gives us information: in the Iliad, book iv. v. 105, 
we read that the bow of the divine Pandarus was made of the horns of 
the Aigos, or the /Egagrus or wild goat; that its horns were five feet 
four inches in length; and that after being polished and united with care 
by askilful workman their extremities were gilt. 


The horns of the A2gagrus are often nearly three feet and a half in 
length; they are naturally bent, and when united, as Homer describes, 
they would form a bow of the dimensions stated by him. 

The A:gagrus, or wild goat, is found, though but rarely, in the moun- 
tains of Western Europe. One was killed while I was in the Pyrenees, 
and the horns, which I saw, were two feet and a half in length. This 
animal is very common in the East: in Persia it is named Paseng. 
Burckhardt informs us that the Arabs of Syria give it the name of Bi- 
din (Beden), and that the wild goats are found in their countries in herds 
of forty and fifty. Their flesh is much esteemed, and the horns are col- 
lected and sent to Jerusalem to be made into handles for knives and 
poniards. Burckhardt* saw a pair of the horns of these animals which 
were three feet and a half in length. We may suppose that the Ips of 
Homer must be both known and feared by the warriors of that country. 

But the word Ipsis not found thus applied in the Greek authors who 
follow Homer; and it is employed in Strabo, Theophrastus, and the 
writings of the learned agriculturists whom we shall presently quote, 
to denote an insect or a worm injurious to the vine, consequently a larva 
which preys upon plants and not upon horn. 

We, however, again find the word Ips with the same signification as 
when employed by Homer in a remarkable passage of St. John Chry- 
sostom, which I shall translate thus: “ The same deleterious effects as 
are produced by copper upon the body, by rust upon iron, by moths in 
wool, worms in wood, and Ipes in horn, vice produces in the soul+.” 

But I repeat that in the most learned Greek authors, and those of the 
highest authority, Ips is an insect which preys upon the vine. 

We read in Strabo: 

“ The Erythrzans give to Hercules the name of Ipoctonus, that is, 
destroyer of the Ipes, insects thus named which prey upon the vine.” 

Theophrastus §, after describing how worms are produced in corn, 
adds that the Ipes are engendered by the south wind ; and in another 
place he says, “ There are, however, places where the vines are not in- 

* Burckhardt, Travels in Syria and the Holy Land, 1822, p. 405; Fischer, 
Synopsis Animalium, p. 483; Cuvier, Réegne Animal (2eme edit.) t. i. p. 275. 

+ Sanctus Joannes Chrysost. App. vol. iv. p. 669, E. St. John Chrysostom 
employs the word Scolex for the worm which preys upon wood. Scolez signifies 
the earth-worm, the true worm ; in fact, in the grammarians of the lower ages, 
uccording to the same authorities Scolex also means the worm infesting the ox, 
an intestinal worm, or the larva of an insect altogether different to the for- 
mer. The Scolex of'St. John Chrysostom, or the worm preying upon wood, can 
only be the Jarva of an insect, and in fact Aristotle employs the word with this 
meaning when he says that every insect proceeds from a Scolex. 
bt be at) ay Almenoven) folio, book xiii. p. 613: in the French translation, 

§ Theaphtaitas De Causis Plantarum, book. iii. chap. 22; or 23 of Schneider’s 

edit. vol. ii. p. 299. Scaliger translates the word [ps by Convolvulus, for which 
we shall see the reason elsewhere. 


fested by the Zps; this occurs in places exposed to the winds, where 
there is a free current of air, and no excess of humidity.” 

In the Geoponics* it is said, “that to prevent the little worms named 
ZIpas from attacking the vines, the reeds used for the vine-props should 
be smoked, because the reeds decomposing in the earth engender little 
worms, which will otherwise ascend upon the vine.” 

Galien, cited by Aldrovandus, says that the black earth kills the Zpes. 

In the Dictionary of Suidas+ the word Jpi is defined by Worm; but it 
is remarked that Jps is a better expression. That work, however, does 
not furnish any other information upon the word Jps. 

But the name Jps in a form slightly altered, or another insect under 
a name differing but little from that, is mentioned by several authors as 
being very hurtful to the vine. 

In a fragment of Aleman quoted by Bochartt, it is said that “the va- 
riegated Zka is the scourge of the young shoots of the vine.” 

The grammarian Ammonius in his Treatise upon Synonyms §, says 
also, “the Zkes are animalcula which destroy the buds of the vine.” 

Bochart thinks that Jps and Jks are but one word, according to two 
different dialects. 

Valckenaer in his notes upon Ammonius is of the same opinion: 
Ego verisimilam censeo (says this accomplished critic,) Sam. Bochartt 
sententiam qui ab Aleman Ika, ex dialecto pro Ipa positum sagaciter ani- 
madvertit, et ex idoneis auctoribus loca produxit in quibus, qui in vitibus 
nascuntur vermiculi Ipes dicuntur.’ Valckenaer concludes with Bo- 
chart that Zps is the most ancient form of the word. 

However in Hesychius, and in another grammarian quoted by 
M. Boissonade, these two words are distinguished from each other and 
applied to two different insects. 

In Hesychius’s Dictionary we find Zks as the name of an animaleulum 
(Theridion) which infests the vine; and in the same work Jps has this 
explanation, that this word is employed by grammarians to denote an 
insect which preys upon horn. 

The anonymous grammarian cited by M. Boissonade in his notes to 
his edition of Herodian ||, enumerating the various name sattributed to 
the different species of worms or larva, according to the substances in 
which they lodge, or which they destroy, mentions Zks as the worm of 
the vine, and Jps as that of meat and horn. 

Have these two species of insects been accurately distinguished from 
each other, and the habit acquired of expressing them by different 

* Geoponic., edit. Niklas, chap. liii. vers. 423. 

+ Suidas, Lewicon, edit. of Kuster, 1705, folio, vol. ii. p. 141. 

t Bocharti Hierozoicon, vol. ii. p. 213. 

§ Ammonius, tit. 2, chap. v. De Differentia adfinium Vocabulorum, nunc pri- 

mum editum ope MSS. prime edit. Aldine. Vulgavit Valckenaer, pp. 73, 74. 
|| Herodiani Partitiones, Lond. 1819, 80, p. 58. 

Vor. L—Parr I. N 


names? Or is it a distinction erroneously established by grammarians 
and lexicographers, who of one word slightly varied haye made two 
different words? Whatever may be the fact, the consideration of it is 
foreign to our present purpose, and will engage our attention at another 
opportunity. We confine ourselves at present to collecting the facts of 
the language as we derive themfrom the critical examination of the texts, 
without anticipating the consequences which may be deduced from them. 

From what has been said we draw the following conclusions : 

1st, That in the most learned ancient authors, and in those who have 
treated ex professo of agriculture, natural history and geography, the 
word Jps has never been employed except to denote the larva of an in- 
sect very injurious to the vine. 

2nd, That in Homer, St. John Chrysostom, and lexicographers and 
grammarians of the period of the decline of literature, the word Jps is 
exclusively employed to denote the larva of an insect preying upon 
horn. . 

3rd, That the word Zks, whether it be considered as a different word 
from Jps, or the same in another dialect, is employed by Aleman, and 
the lexicographers and grammarians of the lower ages, to designate ex- 
clusively a variegated insect, which injures the vine, and preys upon its 
buds. 7 

VII. Spondyle or Sphondyle.—Aristotle in his Natural History of 
Animals*, after describing the mode of coition of flies and beetles, adds 
that the Spondyle (or Sphondyle), the Phalangium, and other insects 
agree with them in this respect. 

I say Spondyle or Sphondyle, because the editors and translators of 
Aristotle’s work are divided upon this point. In the Greek text of 
Schneider the word is Sphondylai, in that of Camus Sphondylai: they 
each represent that it is an insect, because in this passage the meaning 
is evident; but in another passage of the same work +, speaking of the 
diseases of the horse, Aristotle mentions cases in which that animal 
draws up the hip and drags the foot, and says, “the same thing occurs 
if he devours the Staphylinus. The Staphylinus is of the same size and 
appearance as the Sphondyle.” 

M. Camus, in his translation, writes Sphondyle, and agrees with 
Hesychius, who represents the Staphylinus, and consequently the Spon- 
dyle, as an animal. M. Schneider, on the contrary, who this time also 
writes Sphondyle, considers this word to be entirely different from Spon- 
dyle, the name of an animal in the first passage which I have quoted. 
M. Schneider, adopting the opinion of Scaliger, regards the Staphylinus, 

* Aristot., Hist. Anim., book v. chap. 7, edit. Schneider, vol. ii. p. 181 of the 
translation ; and vol. i. p. 190 of the Greek ; and book v. chap. 8. vol. i. p. 219 
of the translation of Le Camus. ; ; 

{ Aristot., book viii. chap, 24, Schneider, vol. iii. p. 276. 




and consequently the Spondyle mentioned in this last passage, as a plant 
(the parsnep)*. 

M. Schneider in his note does not attempt to prove the accuracy of 
his translation, but contents himself with citing the authority of Scaliger. 
I confess that I here lean to the opinion of Le Camus. It is not, however, 
necessary to discuss the subject ; and the circumstance that Aristotle has 
twice mentioned an insect named Spondyle or Sphondyleis of little im- 
portance, since he gives us no information respecting it. In the second 
passage, indeed, he compares it to the Staphylinus, but we know still 
less of the Staphylinus than of the Spondyle, and in neither passage is 
any mention made of the vine. Nor should we have noticed the Spon- 
dyle of Aristotle were it he alone who had spoken of it; but Pliny + 
remarks upon the Aristolochia and the wild vine ( Vitis silvestris), 
which vegetates a year in the shade, that no animal infests the roots of 
these plants, nor of others of which he has treated, excepting the Spon- 
dyle, a sort of serpent, which attacks them all. “ Et Aristolochia ac 
vitis silvestris anno in umbra servantur : et animalium quidem exterorum 
nullum aliud radices a nobis dictas attingit excepta Spondyle que omnes 
persequitur. Genus id serpentis est.” 

Schneider after quoting this passage adds, “Znepté ut solet.” 

Pliny has conceived with genius and executed with ability an abridged 
encyclopedia of human knowledge; he may perhaps be esteemed 
the author of the most learned work ever composed; and it certainly 
is not allowable to speak of a writer of such merit with the asperity 
and disdain manifested on this occasion by the learned German. 
However, if the severity of the criticism sometimes occasioned by the 
difficulties we experience from the gross errors into which Pliny 
has been led, by the necessity of treating of so many things which he 
understood imperfectly, can be excused, it is certainly in the editor or 
translator of Aristotle’s Natural History of Animals. Pliny has bor- 
rowed extensively from that admirable work; sometimes he is con- 
tented with translating it ; but even then he generally confuses, by inac- 
curate or pompously obscure phrases, what Aristotle had explained with 
clearness and precision, and often mixes with it popular and ridiculous 
stories, or erroneous and inconsistent notions. But it would have been 
better if M. Schneider, who combines the knowledge of a naturalist with 
the erudition of a philologist, instead of allowing himself to use the ex- 

_ pression we have cited on this passage of Pliny, had inquired what ad- 

vantage might be reaped from it ; he would then have seen that the er- 
ror of Pliny will enable us to determine what species of insect is meant 
by the Spondyle in the first passage of Aristotle, and perhaps also in 

* Schneider, Arist. Anim. Hist., vol. iv. p. 665. 
a Plin. Hist. Nat. book xxvii. §. 118. (chap. 13.); vol. viii. p. 106 of the edition 
of Franz. 


the second. As it is certain that, in Europe at least, no serpent injures 
the roots of plants, from the comparison of this passage of Pliny with 
that of Aristotle we deduce the following facts : 

Ist. That the larva of the insect named Spondyle by the Greeks was 
known to the Latins, and that it devoured the roots of plants of every 

2nd. That this larva was very large, since it was compared to a small 
serpent. ' 

We shall see hereafter the consequences deducible from these cireum- 

It may perhaps be said that this long discussion on the word Spon- 
dyle might have been omitted, because Pliny speaks only of the wild 
vine, Vitis silvestris, which is not really the vine, nor has it any relation 
to the plant producing grapes, but which was an annual, like the Aristo- 
lochia, as Pliny himself informs us. To this I reply, that the vine is 
included in the plants mentioned by Pliny as being exposed to the at- 
tacks of the Spondyle, and that consequently anything relating to this 
insect belongs strictly to my subject. 

[To be continued. } 



ARTICLE IX. concluded. 

Researches relative to the Insects, known to the Ancients and 

_ Moderns, hy which the Vine is infested, and on the Means of 
preventing their Ravages; hy Baron WALCKENAER, 
Hon. Memb. of the Entomological Society of France. 

From the Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, vol. iv. p. 711, et seq., 
and vol. v. p. 219, et seg.: read Nov. 18, 1835. 

VII. Cantharis — IRECTIONS are given in the Geoponics* for 
preventing Cantharides from injuring the vine: these insects are to be 
macerated in oil, and the plant rubbed with the preparation. 

Another recipe for the preservation of the vine is given in Palladius, 
for which the Cantharides of the rose are required ; they are to be ma- 
cerated in oil until an unctuous liniment is formed, with which the 
branches are to be rubbed}. 

j The name Cantharis occurs very frequently in several Greek and 
Latin authors without any mention of the vine. Pliny, however}, says, 
_ “ Verrucas Cantharides cum uva taminia intrite exedunt,’— “Can- 
- tharides pounded with the wa taminia destroy warts.” 
' The Uva taminia, which we translate by wild grape, is, I apprehend, 
_ unknown; it is certainly not the fruit of the vine. 
___ It would be superfluous to produce here the numerous passages of 
__ the ancient authors in which the word Kantharis occurs, because there 
_ can be no doubt as to its signification. They all prove evidently that 
the ancients understood by this word, not the larve of insects, but 

* Geoponica, edit. Niclas, 1781, 8vo, p. 418. ch. 49. 
+ Palladius, book i. chap. 35; vol. i. p 43, Bipontine edition. 
t Pliny, book xxx. chap. 9. 

Vor. I.—Panrt II. oO 


perfect insects; that these insects were all of the order Coleoptera, 
vulgarly Beetles; and that Cantharis was a general term denoting 
several species of beetles, but not all the species indifferently. This 
word is always employed by the ancient authors to denote those species 
of Coleoptera, or beetles, which are brilliantly coloured and remarkable 
for their vesicant or venomous properties; but those authors differ 
greatly from each other with regard to the species which they have in 

Thus the Cantharis of Aristotle appears to be the same species as that 
mentioned by Aristophanes*; but it isan insect very different from that 
with black and yellow bands, which has been so well described by Di- 
oscorides that it is impossible to be mistaken by modern naturalists. 
To this latter insect must be referred the winged Cantharis of a fulvous 
colour, to which on account of its malignity and mortal poison Epipha- 
nius compares heresy +. The Cantharis of Origen}, produced from the 
larva of an insect which lives in the flesh of the ass, is evidently a dif- 
ferent species from that of Epiphanius and Dioscorides, and also from that 
of Aristotle and Aristophanes, though more resembling the latter. 

Pliny mentions several species of Cantharis§, which for want of exact 
details are difficult to recognise ; but when he says (book xviii. chap.44.), 
“ Est et Canthuris dictus Scarabeus parvus frumenta erodens ||,” we in- 
stantly fix upon the small and formidable coleopterous insect to which 
he here gives the name of Cantharis. Theophrastus, who has also men- 
tioned the little insect engendered in corn, gives it the name of Can- 

From what has been said it appears that to find the insect named 
Cantharis considered by the ancients as injurious to the vine, we must 
seek for it among the perfect insects of the class Coleoptera; among 
those which are brilliantly coloured and distinguished by their vesicant 
venomous quality; and among the largest as well as the smallest species 
of that class. 

IX. Kampe and Phtheir—I class these two words together for an 
instant, regardless of their different signification, because I find them 
united in a passage of the Geoponics4], the only place in which the first 
is mentioned in connexion with the vine. The author gives a recipe used 
by the Africans to preserve the vine from the Phtheirs and Kampes 
which infest it. Ctesias also mentions the Phtheirs which destroy the 
vine in Greece**, 

* Aristophanes quoted in Aldrovandus De Jnsect., chap. iii. vol. i. p. 180. 
+ St. Epiphanius, Panar. Rom., p. 1067, A. edit. Petav. 

+ Origen, Contra Cels., book iv. chap. 57. p. 549, A. edit. Delarue. 

§ Pliny, Hist. Nat., book xxix. chap. 30; vol. iii. p. 107. edit. Miller. 

| Pliny, Hist. Nat., chap. 44. or 17. vol. vi. p. 138 of the edition of Franzius. 
4] Geoponica, edit. Niclas, chap. xxx. vol. iii. p. 485. 

#® Ctesias, Indicorum, chap. xx _ p. 253. edit. Baehr. Frankf. 1824, 8vo. 


X. Kampe.—Aristotle* was well acquainted with the metamor- 
phoses of the Butterfly, the larva of which he calls Kampe. He par- 
ticularly mentions that which feeds upon the cabbage. 

Theophrastus}, in his History of Plants, employs. the word Kampe 
for an animal which eats the leaves and flowers of ali sorts of trees. 

Pliny {, abridging the passage of Theophrastus alluded to, translates 
Kampe by Fruca, Caterpillar. 

We have already seen that the word Kampe occurs three times in 
the translation of the Bible into Greek by the Seventy, twice in Joel, 
and once in Amos§ ; and that in the Latin translation of the same pas- 
sages in the Vulgate, the word Hruca is always employed, though, as 
we have already remarked, we are not certain that either Kampe or 
Eruca gives the sense of the Hebrew Gaza, for which they are used. 

St. John Chrysostom, in a remarkable passage, speaks of the Kampes 
as having been an object of worship in the times of paganism ||; and this 
word is with reason rendered Hrucas, Caterpillars, in the Latin transla- 
tion. In the Dialogues of Pope Gregory the Great] mention is made 
of Boniface, Bishop of Ferentum, who enters a garden in which are a 
very large number of Caterpillars: “Jngressus hortum, magna hune 
Erucarum multitudine invenit esse coopertum.” 

Pope Zachary, translating the same Dialogues into Greek, renders 
the word Eruca by Kampe. 

But the following passage of Columella leaves no doubt upon the 
subject **: 

“ Animalia que a nobis appellantur Eruce Grace autem. KAMITAI 
nominantur.” “ The animals that we (the Romans) call Eruce (Cater- 
pillars) are named in Greek Kampai.” 

Palladius and Columella, though writing in Latin, always prefer the 
Greek to the Latin word when they have occasion to mention the ca- 

Thus Palladius, giving instructions how to destroy the caterpillars 
infesting vegetables and the vine, recommends that the stems of the 
plant producing garlic should be burnt in the garden, and the pruning- 
knife employed to dress the vine anointed with the garlic, and says: 

_* Campas fertur evincere qui fusticulos allii sine eapitibus per horti 
omne spatium comburens, nidorum locis pluribus excitavit. Si contra 


* Aristotle, De Anim., book v. chap. 19. 

+ Theophrastus, book iy. chap. 16. 

} Pliny, book xii. chap. 24. 

§ Joel, i.4; ibid. ii. 25; Amos, iv. 9. 

|| St. John Chrysostom, /fomil. 2. in Acta Apostol., vol. iv. p. 621, book xiv 
Eton edit. 1612. 

4] St. Gregory, Dialogorum Libri IV., hook i. chap. 9. vol. ii. p. 396. Paris 
edition, 1675, folio. 

** Columella, book xi. chap. 3. 



easdem vitibus voluerimus consulere, allio trito falces putatorie ferun- 
tur unguende*.” 

Columella having occasion to speak of the destruction caused by the 
Caterpillar, twice employs the word Campe. 

“ Nec solum teneras audent erodere frondes 
Tmplicitus conchz limax, hirsutaque Campe f.” 

And afterwards: 

“Non aliter quam decussa pluit arbore nimbus 
Vel teretes mali, vel tectz cortice glandis, 
Volvitur ad terram distorto corpore Campe}.” 

It is therefore evident that it is among the Caterpillars, or the larve 
of the Lepidoptera or Butterflies, that we must search for the Kampes, 
which, according to the Geoponics, are produced in the vine and de- 
stroy it. 

XI. Phtheir—This Greek word is known to apply to the parasitic 
insect peculiar to man, the Louse. We shall have to examine whether 
Ctesias § and the author of the Geoponics have employed this word to 
signify all sorts of insects injurious to the vine, which include implicitly 
the Kampes or Caterpillars; or whether they had in view a particular 
insect, which being small was for that reason considered by cultivators 
as the Louse of the vine. 

XII. Julos or Julus—Suidas, an author of the ninth or tenth cen- 
tury, says in his Dictionary ||, that the Jzos is a worm of the vine ; that 
it has a great number of feet, and is also called Multipede ; that it coils 
itself up, and breeds in moist vessels. 

From these few particulars the most learned lexicographers have not 
hesitated to establish the identity of the Jouwlos with the Ips, Iki, Con- 
volvulus, and other insects mentioned by the ancients as injurious to the 

We shall soon see how many errors are accumulated from thus esta- 
blishing relations for which there is no authority in any text. 

No ancient author has mentioned the Julos in connexion with the 
vine, or as an animal destructive of it. 

The Latins have employed the word Julus or Julius in several of the 
same senses as were given to it by the Greeks; but I am not aware that 
they have ever employed it to denote a worm or an insect, or any ani- 
mal whatever. 

* Palladius, in the Seriptores de Re Rustica, Bipontine edit., vol. i. p. 43. 

+ Columella, De Cultu Hort., ver. 324. vol.i. p. 410. Bipontine edit.,1787, 8vo. 

t Columella, De Culiu Hort., book x. ver. 366. Gesner in his Dictionary 
also quotes Sextus Empiricus, t. 14, on the word Camrr. 

§ Ctesias, Indicorum, chap. xxi. p. 253. edit. Baehr. Frankfort, 1824, 8vo. . 

|| Suidas, Levicon, vol. ii. p. 126. Frankfort edit. 


Aristotle speaks of the Julios in his History of Animals*; but all the 
information which he gives us is, that it is an insect without wings, like 
the Scolopendra. 

Speaking of animals in general, Aristotle distinguishes those which 
have only four feet from those with a larger number+, and among the 
latter he names the Scolopendra and the Bee. It is evident that Aristotle 
names these two examples as being the extreme limits of the class; one 
animal having but six feet, only two more than the animals of his first 
division, or quadrupeds, and the other having a much larger number : 
one of Aristotle’s commentators however, forming his judgement in a si- 
milar manner to the lexicographers, makes a Wasp of the Scolopendra. 
An insect without wings a Wasp ! 

Aristotle mentions the marine Scolopendraf, a different animal, that 
lives in the sea; he describes it, and says that it is similar to the terre- 
strial Seclopendra, but of a deeper red colour; that it has a larger num- 
ber of feet,and those more slender. He remarks upon the terrestrial 
Scolopendra§, that if it be divided into several parts, each part has a 
progressive movement. 

Pliny ||, translating this passage of Aristotle upon the marine Scolo- 
pendra, says that it resembles an insect of the earth named Centipede ; 
and in another part of his work he thus defines the Centipedeq: “The 
Millipede, which is also named Centipede and Multipede, is a kind of 
worm of the earth, which crawls upon all its feet, describing an arch, 
and coils itself up on the slightest touch. The Greeks call it Oniscos, 
and some of them Zylos.” Further on.he says again: “The species of 
Scolopendra which moves without sinuosities, and is named by the 
Greeks Seps, and by others Scolopendra, is more venomous.” 

“ Millipeda, ab aliis centipeda aut multipeda dicta, animal e vermibus 
terre pilosum, multis pedibus arcuatim repens, tactuque contrahens se : 
Oniscon Greci vocant, alii Tylon...... Milam (centipedem) autem que 
non arcuatur Sepa Greci vocant, alii Seolopendram minorem perni- 

I may here remark, that in this passage Pliny ** confounds the Julios 
with another species of Millipede, to which Aristotle gives the name of 
the polypodous Ass, [ Asellus,] ovos 6 roduros; and Pliny afterwards 
appears to give the names of Seps and Scolopendra to the Oniscos, 

* Arist., Hist. Anim., book iv. chap. 1; vol. i. p. 129 of the Greek text, and 
vol. ii. p. 126 of the Latin translation, Schneider’s edition; vol. i. p. 171 of the 
translation of Le Camus. 

+ Arist., book i. chap. 5. vol. ii. p. 16 of Le Camus’s translation. 

t Arist., book ii. chap. 4. § Ibid., book iv. chap. 7. 

|| Pliny, Hist. Nat., book ix. chap. 43. 

| Zbid., book xxix. chap. 6. vol. x. p. 128. 

«* Pliny, Hist. Nat., book xxix. chap.39. vol. viii. p. 273. Arist., list. Anim., 
vol. v. chap. 25. (vulgd 31); Scaliger, 126, vol. ii, p. 224. Schneider's edition. 


and says that it is smaller than the Centipede, and moves without making 
sinuosities. Errors of this sort are common in this author. 

Numenius, cited by Athenzeus, calls the Judios the entrails of the aisle 
Eustathius, commenting upon this passage, and Theon, a more ancient 
author, give different reasons for this expression. 

Hesychius says that the Joulos is like the Polypus, that it lives in 
moist places, and that it is different from the Onos or Asellus. 

Lycophron applies the epithet of Juliopezos to a vessel propelled by 
a great number of oars. 

From all these texts we gather the following particulars: that the 
Julos or Julus was an apterous insect, or without wings, and furnished 
with a great number of legs; that it rolls itself up immediately upon being 
touched ; that it deseribes a curve or sinuosities in moving; that it con- 
ceals itself in the earth ; that it is found in moist places; and lastly, that 
Suidas alone informs us that this insect preys upon the vine. 

XII. Biurus.—We now arrive at names applied by the Romans to in- 
sects destructive to the vine, and we shall commence with a word which, 
from its etymology, appears to have been derived from the Greek. 

The name of Biurusemployed by Cicero to denote an insect injurious 
to the vine is only known to us from a passage of Pliny the naturalist. 
Speaking of different medical prescriptions, and several curious parti- 
culars relative to the history of animals, he concludes a chapter with 
these words: “ Marcus Cicero says that there are insects, named Biuri, 
which prey upon the vines in Campania.” “ J. Cicero tradit animalia 
Biuros vocari gui vites in Campania erodant.” 

It has been rightly remarked that this word is derived from the 
Greek ouwra, and appears to be a synonym of Bicaudes, insects with 
a double tail. This etymology deserves attention, as we learn from it 
the only peculiarity by which this insect can be recognised. In the 
most ancient manuscripts the word is written Biwros, and we should 
reject the orthography of Byturos adopted by certain editors of Pliny. 
This latter word has been employed by modern naturalists as the 
name of a genus of Dermestes*, while they have neglected the true 

XIV. Involvolus, Involvulus, or Involvis— The words which remain 
to be noticed are purely Latin; they have, if I may be allowed the ex- 
pression, a family likeness, and appear to be derived from each other. 

We shall commence with the word which the most ancient author 
has employed, and which is that which has given occasion to this 

Involvolus or Involvulus oecurs in Plautus. 

In the Cistilliarius, act 1, scene 2, verses 455-458, the slave Lampa- 

* See Latreille, in Cuvier’s Regne Animal, vol. iv. p. 506. [edit. of 1829.] 


discus, speaking to his mistress of another slave, says that she imitates 
a dangerous beast : 

« Imitatur nequam bestiam, et damnificam.” 
** What is it, I pray?” says his mistress : 
“* Quamnam, amaho?” 

The slave replies: “ The Involvolus, which rolls and enyelops itself 
in the leaf of the vine. In the same manner does she purposely involve 
the meaning of her speech*.” 

“ Tnvolvolorum, quze in pampini folio intorta implicat se, 
Itidem hee exorditur sibi intortam orationem.” 

In the Dictionary of Pomponius Festus we find this definition of the 
word Jnvolvus : “ Vermiculi genus qui involvit pampino.” 

No one can hesitate to recognise the Jnvolvolus of Plautus in the 
Involvus of Festus. The word is the same witha very slight alteration. 
The curious industry of this insect is confirmed by the testimony of two 
authors ; and we learn from Festus that the destiola of Plautus was not 
a perfect insect, but the larva of an insect. 

XV. Convolvulus—Mareus Poreius Cato, in his treatise De Re 
Rustica, gives a recipe to guard the vine from the attacks of the insect 
named Convolvulus, which is there engendered. The directions are, to 
boiltheresiduum of oil until it acquires the consistency of honey, and then 
to anoint the top and the axilla of each plant with the preparationt. 

“Convolvulus iz vinea ne siet, amurcam condito,” &c. And at the end, 
* Hoc vitem circum caput, et sub brachia unguito, Convolvulus non nas- 

Pliny thus quotes this recipe § : 

« Ne Convolvulus fiat in vinea, amurce congios duos decoqui in cras- 
situdinem mellis,” &c., &e. And in the conclusion, “ Hoe vites circa capita 
ae sub brachiis ungi ; ita non fore Convolvulum.” 

These passages, which are the only ones in which the name Convol- 
vulus occurs, contain no information respecting the insect intended by 
it, excepting, indeed, that it greatly injures the vine. We shall have to 
examine whether it be the same insect as the Znvolvulus of Plautus, or 
whether the two words are applied to two different insects. 

XVI. Volvox.—It will not be necessary to inquire whether the insect 

* It was necessary for my purpose to translate this passage literally ; Limiers, 
Quvres de Plaute, 12m0o, vol. iii. p. 295; Levée, Thédtre des Latins, 8vo, vol. iii. 
p- 416; Naudet, 7hédtre de Plaute, Svo, vol. iii. p. 187, may be consulted as 
to the manuer in which it has been rendered by various translators. 

+ Pomp. Festus, book ix. p. 193. edit. of Dair. 

+ M. P. Cato, De Re Rustica, chap.95. vol. i, p. 52, Bipontine edition ; vol. i. 
'p. 84. of the Scriptores Rei Agraria, 2nd edit. of Gesner, 

§ Pliny, book xvii. chap. 28, 47. vol. ii. p. 91 of the edit. of Hardouin, folio ; 
vol. v. p. 741. of the edit. of l'yanzius. 


named Volvox by Pliny is the same as that which he names Coavol- 
vulus, for he himself distinguishes them. 

After indicating the remedy for the Convolvulus, this author ‘informa 
us that the Volvox is another animal which destroys the young grapes ; 
and to prevent its propagation, he recommends that the knife em- 
ployed to dress the vine should be wiped with the skin of the beaver, 
and the plant rubbed with bear's blood. 

“ Alii Volvocem appellant animal prerodens pubescentes uvas : quod 
ne accidat, falces, cum sint exacute fibrina pelle detergent, atque ita pu- 
tant; sanguine ursino liniri volunt post putationem easdem.” 

XVI. Voluera.—Eruca.—We must consider these two words toge- 
ther, because we find them associated in the same passage of Columella ; 
and indeed I am not certain that they ought to be separated from Vol- 
vox ; for it must be stated, that in the passage of Pliny which I have 
just quoted, several editors read Volucra instead of Volvocem. Vol- 
vocem is however the reading of all the ancient manuscripts of Pliny ; 
and the reading of Voluera has only been introduced, because there is 
a passage in Columella which, though rather different, appears to have 
been derived from the same source: and as itis impossible to substitute 
Volvox for Volucra in Cotumella,—this latter word being a second time 
employed in the plural, in a verse which cannot be altered without de- 
stroying the measure,—the editors of Pliny have decided upon altering 
thetext to bringit intoagreement with that of Columella. Columella’s com- 
mentator, Gesner, justly censures this alteration, and recommends that the 
reading of the manuscripts should be preserved in these two authors, and 
that consequently the word Volvocem should be re-established in Pliny. 

In his treatise upon trees, Columella*, after mentioning the rats and 
mice which infest the vine, says: “ Genus est animalis, Volucra appel- 
latur, id fere prerodet teneras adhue pampinos et uvas: quod ne fiat, 
falces quibus vineam putaveris, peracta putatione sanguine ursino k- 
RTE. Vel si pellem fibri habucris, in ipsa putatione quoties faleem 
acueris, ea pelle aciem detergito atque ita putare incipito.” 

«“ There is a kind of animals named Volucra, which destroys almost 
entirely the tender shoots of the vine and the grapes. To prevent its 
ravages, the vine after it is dressed should be frequently anointed with 
bear’s blood, and the pruning-knife rubbed with beaver's skin every time 
it is sharpened.” 

Columella in his poem upon the cultivation of gardens, after speak- 
ing of culinary vegetables, recapitulates the enemies by which the hopes 
of the agriculturist are destroyed, viz. tempests, rain, hail, inundations, 
and, which are still more formidable, the Volucra and Caterpillar, ene- 
mies of Bacchus and green willow plats, which envenom the seed, 

* Columella, De Arboribus, chap. 15. vol. i. p. 54, 


devour the leaves, and leave nothing of the plant but a withered and 
barren stem. 
‘« Brassica, cumque tument pallentia robora betze, 
Mercibus atque olitor gaudet securus adultis, 
Et jam maturis querit supponere falcem, 
Szepe ferus duros jaculatus Jupiter imbres, 
Grandine dilapidans hominumque boumque labores : 
Szepe etiam gravidis irrorat pestifer undis, 
Ex quibus infestz Baccho, glaucisque salictis 
Nascuntur Volucres, serpit Eruca per hortos. 
Quos super ingrediens exurit semina morsu, 
Quez capitis viduata coma, spoliataque nudo 
Vertice, trunca jacent tristi conjuncta veneno*.” 

Here the Volucres and the Eruce are mentioned by Columella as 
different insects ; the first are described as enemies of the vine, the se- 
cond as destructive to the willow. -““ At quibus infeste Baccho nascuntur 
Volucres, glaucisque salictis (infesta) serpit Eruca per hortos.” 

This interpretation, which does not appear doubtful, suggests a curious 
remark. It is this, that with the exception of the Latin translation of 
the Bible—the Vulgate—in which the word Gaza has been improperly 
rendered Hruca, the word Hruca has never been employed by the La- 
tins, in its Latin form, to denote an enemy peculiar to the vine. Pliny 
and Columella mention the Eruca as the scourge of trees and plants in 
general, without excepting the vine, but they do not speak of it as its 
especial enemy ; and when Palladius, in the passage which we have 
cited, gives a specific for the caterpillars infesting the vine, we have 
seen that he employs the word Campas and not Erucas. 

This observation is not made with the intention of inferring from it, 
that among the names applied by the Latins to insects infesting the 
vine there are none denoting Caterpillars, or the larvae of Lepidoptera; 
but it suggests the idea that the insects injurious to the vine mentioned 
under the names Jnvolvulus, Convolvulus, Volvox, and Volucres by 
the Latins, were considered by them as particular species of worms or 
insects, and not as the larve of Lepidoptera, or Caterpillars, or of ani- 
mals of the same nature as the Kampai and Eruce ; and that conse- 
quently the Latins were unacquainted with the metamorphoses of these 
species of insects. 

In this critical examination I have been careful not to omit any words 
which are found employed in the writings which remain to us of the 
Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans to denote insects destructive to the vine. 
I shall now pass to the second part of this memoir, in which we shall 
explain the ancient texts by the aid of modern science, and offer such 
practical considerations as may be useful to the agriculturist. 

* Columella, book x., De Culiu Hortorum, ver. 26 to 336. . 


Second Section. 

Determination of the species of insects known to the ancients and 
moderns, by which the vine is infested, and indication of the means 
of preventing their ravages. 

I. Preliminary Remarks.—In the first part of these researches, I 
examined the ancient texts in which the names of insects injurious to 
the vine occur, taking the authors in chronological order whenever 
this plan did not destroy the relations of etymology or derivation 
existing between the words the signification of which was to be deter- 
mined, This method appeared to me the only one adapted to the 
attainment of the end which I proposed. 

All languages vary, and, like the people by whom they are spoken, 
experience the effects of time, revolutions, and custom. Various con- 
temporary writers employ the same words in different senses, either 
because they do not possess the same degree of knowledge of the 
things designated by them, or because they differ from each other with 
respect to the intention with which the terms in question are employed ; 
one writer being required to limit his meaning to one simple, special, or 
rigorous sense, and another, on the contrary, having in view a figura- 
tive sense only, or a vague or general notion. 

The examination of all the texts in which the same word is employed, 
has furnished us with the signification, more or less determinate, which 
each author attached to the word, and also with the different circum- 
stances and particulars contained in each text relative to the insect 
named, which consequently may serve as means to distinguish it. 

We have been careful to recapitulate the various significations which 
result from our critical examination of each word; to compare the 
imperfect notions of the ancients with the more precise knowledge of 
the moderns ; it will therefore only be requisite to recall to our minds 
the result of each of these examinations, without being perplexed, in 
this last and difficult investigation, by philological discussions. Should 
we be forced to commence new inquiries of this nature, it will only be 
with regard to words which offer matter for curious or useful digres- 
sions, and not in relation to those which essentially belong to the sub- 
ject of which we are treating. 

But it will not here be requisite to follow the same order of discus- 
sion which we thought it necessary to adopt in our first section. We 
are not now endeavouring to determine the significations given by each 
author to a certain word, independently of its real sense, but to ascer- 
tain that real sense from the various significations that have been 
ascribed to the word, and the different applications which have been 
made of it. Things, not words, are now the subjects under considera- 


tion ; things must therefore indicate the order to be followed in deter- 
mining the value of words. We therefore commence with insects 
which are only slightly connected with our subject, or upon which the 
ancients havé furnished us with particulars from “hich only vague and 
uncertain or too general notions can be derivéd; and we shall pass sue- 
cessively to those insects which are the principal objects of our re- 
searches, and for which the texts furnish us with circumstantial details 
and more precise methods of determination ; according tothe custom 
of algebraists, who first eliminate from their equations the parasitic 
quantities, or those which furnish only imperfect data for the solution 
of the problems to be solved. 

Il. Spondyle, or Sphondyle——Scarabeus Melolontha of Linneus— 
The Chafer (Hanneton).—Digression on the various species of Chafers 
known to the ancients, on several Scarabei which are allied to that 
genus, and on the employment of the word Melolontha by the ancients and 
the moderns. 

According to the order which we have marked out, the word Spon- 
dyle, or Sphondyle, claims priority. 

The conclusions derived from the examination and comparison of the 
texts are, that the larva of this insect is sufficiently large to have been 
taken for a small serpent; and that it preys upon the roots of all sorts of 
plants, excepting that of the Aristolochia, or Wild Vine, Vitis sylvestris, 
which is the Clematis or another plant, but which is not the Vine*. 

We are acquainted with only one species of larva which fulfills these 
conditions; it is the common Cockchafer, so well known and so much 
dreaded by horticulturists under the name of the white worm. The 
larva of the Melolontha Fullo, or of the Melolontha vulgaris of modern 
naturalists, according to the results we have obtained, is the Spondyle 
of Aristotle and Pliny. 

I find in Aldrovandus+ that Agricola said that the modern Greeks 
give the name of Spondyle to a species of worm of the size of the 
little finger, with the head of a reddish colour, and the body white, 
which is found in the earth entwined around the roots of esculent 
vegetables. This is certainly the larva of the Chafer. Did Agricola 
receive this information from modern Greeks, and is the word Spon- 

‘dyle still employed by them to denote the white worm ? 

If the Spondyle of Pliny is the same as that of Aristotle, it follows that 

‘the latter naturalist, who designated a perfect insect by this name, was 

acquainted with its metamorphosis ; which will not appear surprising if 
we remember that Aristotle, as I have already observed, has exceedingly 

well described the metamorphosis of the Cabbage Butterfly, and that 

after that description he generalizes the fact, and remarks that the 

* Aristotle and Pliny. See p. 179, antea. 
+ Aldrovandus, De Insectis: Frankfort, 1618, p. 225 


greater number of insects come from a worm (scolex): “ the whole 
worm grows larger,” he says, “ and becomes an articulated animal*.” 

Aristotle has well observed that the Spiders, Grasshoppers, and 
Crickets are not produced from worms, but from animals similar to 
themselves. These ideas upon the metamorphosis of insects are very 
exact, and though Aristotle blends with them a few errors, which it is 
unnecessary to consider here, they afford proof of the perseverance with 
which he pursued his observations, and the surprising skill which 
he possessed for generalizing acquired facts, and for discovering and 
predicting those not previously observed. 

It must not be forgotten that it is in relation to the manner in which 
coition is effected in insects that Aristotle names the Spondyle; and the 
Chafer is precisely one of those insects which present themselves most 
frequently to our notice in coition. 

From the text of Pliny and the assertion of Agricola, it appears that 
among the Latins, and the Greeks of the Lower Empire the name of 
Spondyle has been retained to denote the larva of the large species 
of Chafer, with the metamorphosis of which they were unacquainted. 
That an insect so common as the Chafer, and which acts a part so 
important to agriculture by the mischief which it occasions, even in the 
state of a perfect insect, to the leaves of plants and trees, was known to 
the Latins as well as to the Greeks, cannot be doubted; but we are 
ignorant whether they gave it a particular name, or whether they in- 
cluded it under the general names of Scarabeus and Cantharis, so often 
employed by them to denote all kinds of Coleoptera. 

Fabricius, who has detached the Chafers from the genus Scara- 
beus of Linnzus, has given to this genus the name of Melolontha, 
which the Swedish naturalist had assigned as the specific name of the 
most common species. This name is borrowed from Aristotle, who — 
employs it in the same manner as those of Cantharis and Carabus, to — 
denote various species of Searabei, which in our natural systems be- 
long to very different families or to very dissimilar genera. It was — 
from the opinion of the learned of the time of Aldrovandus+, and 
adopted by Bochart{, that Linnzeus made the Melolentha of Aristotle 
our common Cockchafer; but, as Latreille has well observed§, from a 
comparison of the texts of Suidas, Pollux, and the scholiast on Aristo- 
phanes, it appears that the name Melolontha was given, among the — 
Greeks, to insects of brilliant colours, a description which does not 
apply to the common Cockchafer. 

* Aristotle, book v. chap. 19. vol. i. pp. 286 and 287; book i. chap. 4. No. I. 
and books v., xii., and xvii. of Schneider’s edition, Svo, 1811, vol. ii. chap. 17. 
(vulgo 19. Scaliger 18), vol. ii. p. 207. 

+ Aldrovandus, De Animalibus Insectis, p. 17. 

t Bochart, Hierozoicon, part ii. book iv. chap. 2. 

§ See Latreille’s Memoir upon the Insects painted or sculptured upon the 
ancient Monuments of Egypt, in the Mémoires sur divers Sujets, 8vo. 


’ Aristophanes, in the comedy of the Clouds, puts these words into the 
mouth of Socrates when speaking to Strepsiades: “ Let go your 
thought, like the Melolontha which is launched into the air with a 
thread around its foot.” The ancient scholiast remarks that this 
Melolontha is an insect of a golden colour, which children hold witha 
thread and cause to fly*. We know that in modern Greece the 
children at the present day attach a thread to the foot of the beauti- 
ful gold-coloured insect which naturalists call the Cetonia fastuosa, 
which is not scarce in that country, where the children amuse them- 
selves with it in the same manner as those of our climates do with the 
common Cockchafer; the name of Melolontha should therefore have 
been applied to the genus Cetonia, not to the genus Chafer. 

An interesting question in archeology here arises, in connexion with 
the exact interpretation of a passage of Pliny, which is well worthy of 
attention. The Roman naturalist, speaking of the different species of 
amulets used in his time to cure the quartan ague, says that three sorts 
of Scarabzi are employed for this purpose. “ The first,” he says, “ is 
the Scarabzeus which rolls pills, gui pilas volvit, and in consideration 
of which the Scarabei are placed among the gods by a great part of 
Egypt.” This circumstance enables us to distinguish, without any 
doubt, two or three insects of the family of the Coprophagi, the Ateu- 
chus sacer of Fabricius (Scarabeus sacer of Linneus), or the Ateu- 
chus laticollis, and the Ateuchus Aigyptiorum, brought from Nubia by 
M. Caillaud, and recently described by M. Latreille+, who considers it 
exclusively as the Sacred Scarabzeus so often sculptured by the Egyp- 
tians upon their monuments, and separately in hard stones of various 
kinds. But I think that he is mistaken; for I have recently examined 
all the Scarabeei of Ancient Egypt, sculptured separately, which are 
in the Bibliothéque du Roi, where an individual of the Ateuchus A2gyp- 
tiorum, presented by M. Caillaud, is also preserved, and I am convinced 
that, among the Egyptian stones representing Scarabzi with smooth 
elytra, a certain number have been sculptured from the Ateuchus sacer 
of Fabricius, and the others (a smaller number) from the Ateuchus 
laticollis ; but all those stones which have the elytra striated, or with ribs 
and longitudinal furrows, have the Ateuchus Aigyptiorum of M. Cail- 
laud for their type. Thus the name Scarabeus, of the Egyptians, 
is applicable to three different species, closely allied to each other cer- 
tainly, and having probably similar manners and habits, but which, not- 

withstanding, it is easy to distinguish in the sculptured monuments 

by unequivocal characters}. The Alewchus sacer, which is black, 

* See Camus, Notes upon Aristotle’s Hist. Anim., 4to, vol. ii. p. 478. 

+ Caillaud, Voyage a Méroé et au Fleuve Blanc, p.172, Atlas d’ Hist. Nat. 
et d’ Antiq., pl. 58: Latreille in Cuvier’s Régne Anim., vol. iv. p. 533. 

t Compare Olivier, Coléopt., vol. i. No. 3. p. 150. No, 183. pl. 8. fig. 59. 
var. B. ‘The pretended var, A. isa different insect; it has aclypeus between 


appears to be much more common than the Ateuchus AZgyptiorum, 
which is of a golden green colour, and must be that imitated by the 
artists of Lower Egypt; while those of Upper Egypt have chosen the 
Ateuchus A2gyptiorum for their model. M. Caillaud found this insect 
in Sennaar, but not in. Egypt. He. however discovered the elytra 
and other remains of them in the mummy-cases in Egypt, which seems 
to prove that this insect has existed, and perhaps still exists, in that 
country. As Aristotle and Aristophanes employ the word Cantharis 
to denote the Sacred Scarabzeus, I infer that these two authors had in 
view the Ateuchus Algyptiorum of M. Caillaud. 

This first species of Scarabeus of which Pliny speaks is also, 
according to the view we have taken, the first of the three species of 
these insects which are mentioned by Horapollo as being held in great 
veneration by the Egyptians. 

The second species of Scarabzeus used as an amulet for the cure of the 
quartan ague, spoken of by Pliny, is employed, he says, by the magi- 
cians, but that care must be taken to collect these insects with the left 
hand. This species has small reflected horns, eui sunt cornicula reflexa. 

From this indication, Hardouin, and other commentators following 
him, refer this insect to the Zucani. They are mistaken. . 

The Lucanus, vulgarly called the Stag-Beetle, is one of those insects 
which Pliny has most correctly described* ; and naturalists have therefore 
allowed it to retain the name which he assigned to it. He gives a good de- 
scription of its long, indented, and bifureated horns, which he says are 
suspended around the neck of children to preserve them from the bite of 
venomous beasts: “ Cornua prelonga bisulcis dentata foreipibus in 
eacumine.” This will not agree with the little recurved horns of the 
other species of Scarabzeus with which it has been identified. This second 
species of the Scarabzeus of Pliny appears to be the second species de- 
scribed by Horapollo; according to this author it has two horns, and the 
form of the bull; it is sacred to the moon. We are disposed to think that 
this is the large species of Copris (Bousier ), with two horns, which M. Sa- 
vigny brought from Egypt, and named Midas. It is sculptured in the 
temple of Karnak, and according to the observation of Latreille appears 
to belong to the genus Onitis, recently separated from the Coprophagit. 

.M. Millin, in his account of the engraved Egyptian stones in the 
Bibliothéque du Roi, says that an engraving of a sculptured Scara- 
bzeus may be seen in the cabinet of antiques of St. Geneviéve, 
which he considers as the Scarabeus Mimas. In this he is mistaken, 
for the Scarabeus Mimas is a species peculiar to America; but the 

the elytra, which are also of a different form. Schcenherr, ‘Sy ynonymia Insect., 
vol.\i. p18 ;Caillaud, Voyage a Méroé et au Fleuve Blanc, vol. iv. p. 272, 
Atlas d’ Hist. Nat. et d’ Antiq. ii. 58. p. 10. 

* Pliny, Hist. Nat., book ii. chap. 34. 

+ Latreille, Mémoires, pp. 148, 153. Compare Descript. del’ Eg ypte,vol. iii.p.d4 


error of this estimable archeologist is a slight one, since the Scara- 
beus Mimas is a Copris as well as the Midas of Egypt, which it re- 
sembles even almost to its colours. There is therefore reason to think 
that the Egyptian stone mentioned by M. Millin represented the Copris 
Midas which M. Savigny discovered in Egypt. 

The third species of Scarabeus employed, according to Pliny, as an 
amulet against the effects of the quartan ague, was named the Fuller 
(Fullo). This insect was spotted with white; and the mode of em- 
ploying it was to divide it into two portions, one of which was affixed 
to each arm, while the two other species of insects of which we have 
treated were attached. only to the left arm. “ Zertiwm, qui vocatur 
Fullo, albis guttis, dissectum utrique lacerto adligant, cetera sinistro.” 
All Pliny’s commentators are:silent. upon this remarkable passage, and 
upon the.insect named F’ullo by the Romans; but, naturalists have not 
been equally careless. _Mouffet, whose work appeared after his death 
in 1634, describing the largest species of Chafer of our climates, 
which is nearly an inch and a half in length, and is distinguished with 
facility by the brilliant white spots upon its corselet and elytra, com- 
bats the opinion of those who consider the Fullo of Pliny as a Copris 
or a Forficula, and supposes that by this name the Roman naturalist 
intended to denote the large species. of Chafer with white. spots which 
he (Mouffet) had just described*. Ray, whose History of Insects was 
published in 1710, is of the same opinion+ ; and lastly, M. Scheenherr, 
in his laborious work specially devoted to the synonymy of insects, cites 
Pliny for his Melolontha Fullo }. 

It is with regret that I contest an abel apparently so sell estas 
bilislied by the suffrages of so many eminent naturalists ; but my own 
observations are opposed to it. I have examined a great number. of 
antique stones upon which insects were sculptured or engraved, some 
of which have perhaps been used as amulets, for they were pierced in 
a manner adapted for suspension. at the neck, and they all represented 
either Coprophagi or Cetonie§. Not one of them can belong to a 
species of Chafer, which may be easily distinguished. from the in- 
sects previously mentioned by a more lengthened form. . The fact is 
the same with regard to the obelisks, and all the monuments of Egypt 
of which drawings have been published. I here speak only of. the 
Scarabzi or Coleoptera, and not of the species of Bee or Wasp sculp- 
. M.Latreille, who has been engaged 
in a similar examination, has Sesiveld at the same conclusion. 

* Mouffet, Insect., sive minimorum Animalium Theatrum, 1684, folio, p: 160. 

+ J. Ray, "Hist. Insect., 1710, 4to, p. 93. 

t C. J. Scheenherr, Synonymia Insect., part iii. Upsalia, 1817, 8vo, p. 164. 

§ There are Coprides, but. no Cetonie among the Scarabei at the Biblio- 
théque du Roi, but I have seen many of the latter in several other collections. 

|| [What insect was really intended to be represented by the sculptures here 


It appears therefore that the Melolontha Fullo of Pliny should be 
sought for among the Coprides, (Bousiers,) or among the Cetonia, 
and not among the Chafers. 

Pliny says that the green Scarabsus possesses the property of ren- 
dering the vision more penetrating, and that engravers upon gems rest 
their eyes by gazing upon these insects. “ Scarabai viridis natura 
contuentium visum exacuit, itaque gemmarum sculptores contuitu eorum 
acquiescunt*.” Marcellus Empiricus, copying Pliny, relates the same 
fact, but he gives us the additional information that this Searabzus is of 
the colour of the emerald, “ Scarabeus coloris smaragdini.” This defini- 
tion is exactly suitable to the Cetonia fastuosa, and to the Cetonia 
aurata, particularly to the former. These two species are of a beautiful 
golden or emerald green, but the Cefonia aurata is distinguished from 
the other by white spots upon the elytra (“albis guttis”); it is nine lines 
in length, and is frequently found in gardens, upon roses and other 
flowers. The great Chafer with white spots, the Melolontha Fullo of 
modern naturalists, is, on the contrary, rare, and is found only upon 
downs and in the vicinity of the sea. 

From all these circumstances I conclude that the Cetonia aurata was 
the object of the superstition of which Pliny speaks, and is the insect 
to which he gives the name of Fullo. 

To recapitulate: the word Spondyle, or Sphondyle, in the works of 
Aristotle, denotes the Cockchafer, both the perfect insect and its 

As employed by Pliny, who was unacquainted with the metamorphosis 
of the Cockchafer, Spondyle denotes only the larva of this insect, or 
the white worm, taken for a small serpent, which in the time of Agri- 
cola, in the sixteenth century, was still known to the Greeks by this 

_name of Spondyle. 

The “ Scarabeus qui pilas volvit” of Pliny, which cured the quartan 
ague and was adored by the Egyptians, is the Scarabeus sacer of 
Linneus, the Ateuchus sacer and Ateuchus laticollis of Fabricius, and 
the Ateuchus egyptiacus of Latreille and Caillaud. 

The true Searabzeus of Horapollo, the wings of which form rays 
when extended, is also the same insect. 

The Sacred Scarabeus, named Cantharis in Aristotle and Aristo- 
phanes, is the Ateuchus egyptiacus. 

The “ Scarabeus cui sunt cornicula reflewa” of Pliny is the Ateuchus 
Midas, the Copris Midas, common in Egypt and brought from that 
country by M. Savigny. 

The Scarabzeus with two horns, sacred to the moon, of Horapollo, is 
also the Copris Midas. 
alluded to is still we believe a subject of discussion. See London and Edinburgh 

Philosophical Magazine, vol. iv. p. 170.—Epir. } 
* Pliny, Hist. Nat., book xxix, chap. 38, yol. viii. p. 270. 


The Melolontha of Aristotle and the Greek authors, which served as 
a toy for children, is the Cetonia fastuosa. 

The Scarabeus viridis of Pliny, which the engravers upon gems 
loved to contemplate, is also the Cetonia fastuosa. 

The Scarabeus Fullo albis guttis of Pliny is the Cetonia aurata, the 
Scarabeus auratus of Linneus, which has white spots upon the 

As it is proved that the Spondyle of Aristotle and Pliny is the 
Chafer, we have been right in directing our attention to this word, 
for the Chafer destroys the leaves of the vine, as well as of all other 
plants. This genus includes a species, smaller than the common one, 
which entomologists have named the Chafer of the vine, Melolontha 
Vitis, because it is frequently found upon that plant with the Chafer 
of Frisch, Melolontha Frischii, which is perhaps only one of its 
varieties* ; but this insect is found almost as frequently upon the 
leaves of the willow and the rose-tree as upon those of the vine; and it 
is not one of those of which our vine-dressers and cultivators particu- 
larly complain, nor did it attract the attention of agriculturists among 
the ancients. 

Before concluding my observations upon the word Spondyle, I must 
not forget to remark that Fabricius has employed it to designate a genus 
of Coleoptera which he has formed in the family of the Prioni, and 
named Spondylis buprestoides, the Attelabus buprestoides of Linnzeus; 
but this insect, the larva of which lives in the wood of green trees, has 
no relation to the Spondyle of the ancients, the larva of which attacked 
the roots of young or annual plants. It was not M. Fabricius’s inten- 
tion, in selecting this name, to assume that any relation existed between 
them: but what I have said in my preliminary reflections may be ap- 
plied to this case, and relieves me from the necessity of extending my 
observations upon this subject. 

Til. Joulos, or Julus—The Juli—There is still less reason for the 
appearance of the name of Joulos among those given to insects injurious 
to the vine than for that of Spondyle, although Suidas has said that 
the Joulos was a worm of the vine; but this lexicographer is the only 
one who has so ill defined the insect of which the ancients have spoken 
under the name of Joulos. From a comparison of their texts, it appears 
that the Joulos is an apterous or wingless insect, possessing a great num- 
ber of feet; that it has the lengthened form of a worm; moves in a 
serpentine manner ; coils itself up when touched; and is found in moist 
places. Modern naturalists cannot have been mistaken with regard to 
this insect, for which they have retained the ancient name. The name 

* Walckenaer, Faune Parisienne, vol. i. p. 185. Olivier, Entomologie, 
genus Hanneton, No. 39. pl. 2. fig. 12. a, 6, c. p. 84. vol. i, Scheenherr, Syne- 
nymia Insect., vol. i. part iii. p. 193. 

Vou. I t—Pive IL. P 


of Julus, given to a genus of insects by the moderns, corresponds 
exactly to the Julus or Joulos of the ancients; especially if the moderm 
signification of the word be restrained to the genus Julus of Leach*, as 
defined in his excellent work upon the polypodous insects, excluding the 
Polydesmata and other genera, which have with propriety been removed 
from it. The Juli which the ancients had in view were probably the 
terrestrial Julus and the Julus sabulosus of modern entomologists, and 
the common Julus of M. Soavi, erroneously confounded with the former 
two. These insects are found on the earth under stones; they feed 
upon the leaves and fruits which fall upon the ground and are there 
decomposed; but they neither injure the vine nor any other plant. 
As they are found under the shadow of the vine, as well as in all other 
dark and humid places, the injuries arising from another cause have 
been attributed to them. 

IV. Biurus.—Grillo-talpa.—Mole-cricket—The word which, after 
Spondyle and Julios, has the least relation to our subject of those which 
we have passed in review is Biurus. I find it only in an isolated pas- 
sage of Cicero, cited by Pliny, in which it is said that this animal de- 
stroys the vines of Campania. Thus, it is not mentioned as an enemy 
to the vine, correctly speaking, but as injuring the vines of Campania 
in particular, by its rapid multiplication. Perhaps also in this passage, 
which Pliny only quotes incidentally, Cicero was speaking of a particular 
case in which the Biuri were seen to be injurious to the new planta- 
tions of vines in Campania, though they would be incapable of injuring 
them when the roots had acquired sufficient hardness to resist their 
attacks. Whatever be the fact, the etymology of the word Bi-Uros, 
which, as we have seen, implies an insect armed at its posterior extre- 
mity with a double tail, directs us to the Mole-cricket and the larger 
species of locusts (Sauterelles), the only insects so formed that can 
answer to the particulars specified, from their size and the destruction 
which they cause, and of ravaging vine plantations extending over a 
whole country. But the locust having been well known to the Latins 
under the name of Locusta, and to the Greeks under that of Acris+, 
it follows that the name of Biurus is applicable only to the Mole- 
cricket. The probability of this is increased by these circumstances ; 
that this insect is the largest which is known in our parts of Europe, it 
being not less than an inch and half in length ; that it is one of the 
most singular in its formation, and one of the most destructive ; that it 
cannot be recognised in any of the descriptions of insects transmitted to 
us by the ancients ; and lastly, that, in all the writings which they have 
left us, the name Biurus is the only one that can be applied to it. 

* Leach, Zoological Miscellany, 1817, 8vo, vol. iii. p. 32 to 48. 

+ Vulgate and Septuagint versions of the Bible. hae De Insectis, 
p- 160. 


- Latreille says that the Mole-cricket was unknown before the time of 
Mouffet. This is not the ease: it is true that Mouffet is the first who pub- 
lished a good representation of it ;—the first who gave itthe name of Mole- 
cricket, or rather Cricket-mole, Grillo-talpa, a description which applies 
toitalone*. “ Liceat,” says he, “hic queso nobis pre nominum inopia ono- 
matopoiein ;” and he properly rejects the names of Sphondyle and Bupres- 
tis, which had been given to it; but this rejection proves that the Mole- 
ericket had previously attracted and engaged the attention of naturalists. 
In fact, Aldrovandus had given a good description of this insect before 
Mouffet, and a representation of it which, though bad, may still be 
recognised : he named it Zalpa Ferrantis, because this insect had been 
previously named Mole, and Ferrante Imperato had figured it: Meapo- 
litanus diligentissimus aromatarius in naturali sua historia, book xxviii., 
says Aldrovandus. Mouffet is therefore indebted to Ferrante for half 
the name which he gave this insect; for, that he was acquainted with 
his work is evident from his having borrowed from it the figure which 
he published of the Tarantula Spider. Ferrante’s work was printed in 
Italian after his death in 1599, and translated into Latin. The original 
edition is scarcet+, and no naturalist of late times, that I am aware of, 
even including Linnzus, was acquainted with it; at least not one of 
them has quoted it. They all think that they have done much in 
ascending to old Aldrovandus ; but we have just shown that the history 
of the Mole-cricket commences before him and Mouffet, and even be-. 
fore Ferrante ; for if the application which we have made of the word 
Biurus be, as it appears, exact, we must refer to ancient times for the 
first mention of this insect. 

The Mole-cricket causes great devastation, especially in the southern 
parts of Europe ; it digs holes and constructs subterranean galleries, 
and cuts and detaches the roots of plants by means of its fore feet, 
which are shaped like saws ; but this it does solely to provide a habita- 
tion for its posterity, for it neither eats plants nor their roots, but feeds 
only upon insects, and destroys a great number of the injurious ones{. 
The havoc caused by the Mole-cricket ( Courtilliére) has probably been 
confounded with the devastation committed by the white worm of the 
Cockchafer, for, according to a recent ‘dictionary of agriculture§, the 
name of Courterolle has been given to both in several of the cantons of 

* Mouffet, Insect. Theatr., p. 104. chap. 24. ; 

+ Ferrante Imperato, Del Historia Naturale, libri 28, Naples, 1599, p. 787. 
Talpa insecto. ‘This representation is better than the one given by Aldrovandus. 

t Acheta Grillo-Talpa, Fabr., System. Entom., vol. ii. p. 28. No. 1. Walcke- 
naer, Maun. Paris., vol. ii. p. 282. 

§ Baron de Morogue, Cours complet d’ Agriculture, 1834, 8vo, vol. vii. p- 349, 
at the word CourTERo.Le. : 

{| [An elaborate memoir “ On the Anatomy of the Mole-cricket,” by Dr. Kidd, 

will be found in the Philosophical Magazine, 1st Series, vol. Ixvi. p.401,—Epit.] 


V. Gaza.— Saddle Locust :— Locusta ephippiger.— Wingless Lo- 
cust :—Locusta aptera.—Nymph Locust :—Locusta Puppa—lIt will be 
recollected that from our examination of the name Gaza, employed by 
the prophets Amos and Joel, (p. 174,) we ascertained that it was used 
as the name of an insect eminently destructive, not only of the vine but 
of all kinds of plants ; and that its ravages were succeeded by those of 
several species of locusts, which completed the destruction of all that 
this formidable insect had left undevoured. The word Gaza is ren- 
dered by caterpillar in the Septuagint and Vulgate, and by creeping, 
that is, apterous or wingless, locust in the Chaldee version. If it be 
remembered that in the days of Ptolemy the Jews of Egypt, to whom 
we owe the Greek translation of the Sacred Books, were very im- 
perfectly acquainted with Hebrew, which was to them a dead lan- 
guage; that St. Jerome, whose translation has served as a basis for 
the Vulgate, was still more ignorant with regard to the designation of 
material objects, it will be found that the Chaldee version is on these 
accounts of higher authority than the two other versions: and if the 
works of Rosenmiiller and Oedmann*, who have discussed this point of 
criticism with equal sagacity and erudition, be consulted, we shall be 
convinced, notwithstanding the opinion to the contrary of Bochart and 
Michaélis, that the four different names employed by Amos and Joel 
as the names of insects, all denote locusts. The observations of the 
judicious traveller Shaw remove all doubt upon the subject. He in- 
forms us that in Africa, in the months of March and April, it frequently 
happens that the locusts driven by the south wind obscure the sun, 
and augment in density until the middle of May, and that after com- 
pleting their ravages they remove to lay their eggs, and diminish in 
number. Then follow, after the interval of a few days, some smaller 
species, moving like the former in troops, which are in turn succeeded 
by one or two other species, which complete the devastation. 

M. Oedmann thought that completely to vindicate the Chaldee text 
it was necessary to suppose the Gaza to be a locust without wings or 
elytra, not yet come to its full growth, which was mistaken by the 
Hebrews for a perfect insect and distinguished by a particular name. 
But the orientals were too well acquainted with locusts, which from 
all antiquity had supplied them with food, to allow of our imagining 
that the Hebrews could have committed such an error. Neither is it 
necessary to suppose it. We now know several species of creeping 
locusts which perfectly correspond to the creeping locust of the Chal- 
dee version ; a fact of which Oedmann appears to have been ignorant. 

* Rosenmiiller, Handbuch der Biblische alterthume Kunde, Leipsic, 4th Band, 
1831, 8vo, pp. 386 and 388. Oedmann, Vermischte Sammlungen aus der Na- 

turkunde, aus dem Schwedischen, uebersetz. von D. Groning, 1787, 12mo, 
2nd Heft, pp. 116, 117, 


There is in particular one species which has a deeply excavated corselet 
raised at the back like a saddle; this corselet hides the sonorous and 
vaulted elytra, which are very short, and do not serve for flying. 
These locusts resemble nymphz, but have however arrived at their 
perfect state, and propagate their kind. This species has been 
named the Locusta ephippiger. There are even other species of which 
the females at least are without wings or elytra, and which perfectly 
resemble the larva of the Locust ; such are the species named Locusta 
aptera and Locusta Puppa by Fabricius. But I am more inclined to 
consider the Saddle-loeust, or the Locusta ephippiger, as the Gaza of 
the Bible, than either of the two other species that I have mentioned. 
Of all the species of creeping locusts the ephippiger is that which I 
have most frequently found upon the vine, though never in sufficient 
abundance to produce much injury; and it cannot be classed with the 
true insects of the vine, neither is it mentioned as such in Scripture. 
VI. Cantharis of the Geoponics—Ninth Cantharis of Aldrovandus. 
—Rhynchites Bacchus, or Rhynchites Betuleti, or Attelabus of the Vine. 
—Becmar-Diableau.—Lisette, and Green Velvet ( Velours vert) of the 
Vine-dressers.— The Coleoptera or Scarabei which destroy the Vine, 
and do not answer to the Cantharides of the Geoponics.—Lethrus Cepha- 
lotes— Gray Curculiones (Charansons).—The ancient authors give the 
name of Cantharis to the insects which they employed when pounded 
as an ingredient of the liniment or unguent with which they anointed 
the vine to protect it from injurious insects ; but it is in the Geoponies 
alone, when treating of this employment of Cantharides, that we are 
informed that these insects were engendered in the vine, and were de- 
structive to it; and the author or authors of this compilation only give 
the recipe of Cantharides macerated in oil as a remedy for the disas- 
ters which these insects themselves produce*. We have seen that the 
word Cantharis was employed by the Greeks, as well as by the Latins, 
as the designation of the Coleoptera or Searabei in general ; that this 
name was often applied to the brilliantly-coloured Coleoptera, or those 
possessing corrosive or vesicating properties ; and that it was also used 
as the name of insects, whether of large or small dimensions, which 
were rendered remarkable by their destructive effects. Of the first we 
have noticed the Mylabris of the endive, the Mylabris Cichorii of 
modern naturalists, so well described by Dioscorides ; and the Lytta or 
Meloé vesicatoria, the Cantharides of our apothecaries+. Among the 
second, or those which are very small, is the Scarabeus parvus Can- 
tharis dictus of Pliny which infests corn, which is the Cureulio grana- 

* Latreille in Cuvier’s Regne Anim., vol. v. p. 63. Oliv. Coléop. iii. p. 47. 
pl. 1. Schoenherr, Synonymia, 1817, 8vo, p. 31. Mylabris, vol. i. part iii. 
p- 31. . Oliv., Znt. iii. 47, 7. vol. i. fig. b,c. 

+ Latreille in Cuvier, vol. v. p. 67. Scheenherr, Synonymia, vol. i. p. 20. 


rius or Calandra granarius of our modern naturalists; the Curculio fru- 
mentarius of Linneus, the Apion frumentarius of Schcenherr and Latreille. 
The former is of a dark fulvous colour ; the latter is red and brilliant, and 
is, I think, that of which Pliny speaks, for it attacks wheat, while the 
other principally infests oats*. These indications leave us in great un- 
certainty relative to the Cantharides of the Geoponics. But as it was 
undoubtedly their corrosive or vesicating properties which caused the 
Cantharis of the ancients to be employed in the liniment which was 
destined to destroy other insects, it is probable that their Cantharides 
of the vine were insects of the same nature, or other insects which, from 
the resemblance of their colour, were confounded with them. Now, as 
no Coleopterous insect, or Scarabzeus, has vesicating properties, as no 
Mylabris, Lytta, Meloé, or Cantharis lives upon the vine, it is evident 
that the insect of which we are in search must be found among those 
which from their colour may be confounded or compared with them, 
especially with the yellow-banded Mylabris of the endive and the 
brilliant green Cantharis of apothecaries, for we know that these species 
were employed by the ancients in medicine and agriculture. 

We will now pass in review all the Coleoptera or Scarabzi which injure 
the vine, and that which corresponds the best to these indications must be 
the Cantharis of the vine of theGeoponies. Thelargest of all these Coleo- 
ptera or Scarabzei is the Lethrus Cephalotes, which gnaws the young shoots 
of shrubs in general, but particularly those of the vine, and carries them 
into its hole.t But this species appears peculiar to Hungary, where it 
is named Schneider, cutter ; it is also frequently found in the western 
parts of Russia; but neither our cultivators nor those of Italy make any 
complaint of it. I do not find anything relative to this insect in the 
ancient authors, and if they were acquainted with it, it must have been 
comprehended by them under the general name of Scarabeus. 

It is different with the Curculiones (Charansons), of which we have 
seyeral species which infest the vine. The one which I have found 
most frequently upon this plant is the Cureulio picipes of Fabricius, 
which is perhaps the same species as the Cureulio Corruptor of Host, 
and the Curculio Vastator of Marshamt{. The grey Curculiones, with 
globular bodies, devour the shoots of the vine as soon as they come out 
of the bud. They prevent its development and the production of grapes; 

* Scheenherr, Synonymia Curculionidum, vol. i. p. 283. No. 75, genus Apion. 
Walckenaer, Faun. Paris., vol. i. p. 237. No. 15. Latreille, Gener. Crust. et 
Insect., vol. ii. pp. 249 and 271. Jbid., Cuvier, vol. v. p. 88. Oliv., Entom. 
vol. v. 83, 16, 196. 

+ Latreille, Gener. Crust. et Insect., vol. ii. p. 95. Ibid., Cuvier, vol. iv. p. 542. 
Fischer, Entom. de la Russie, p. 133. xiii. Kirby, Introd. to Entom., vol. i. 
p- 204. Ann, des Scien. Nat., vol.i. p. 221. 

;~ Walckenaer, Faun. Paris., vol. i. p. 249. Fabricius, Syst. Eleuth., vol. ii. 
p- 540. No, 201. Marsham, Entomologia Britannica, vol. i. p. 300. No. 180. 


but pear and apple trees are more exposed to their attacks than the 
vine, and they are more prejudicial in Germany and the South than in 
our climates. 

The Eumolpus of the vine, vulgarly called the Coupe-bourgeon, is 
a third species of the Coleoptera still more destructive than the two 
which we have just mentioned ; but this insect, of which we shall pre- 
sently treat more at length, like the two preceding ones, possesses but 
little brilliancy of colour. 

It appears then that among all the Coleoptera or Scarabeei which in- 
fest the vine, there are only two species closely allied, and which must 
have been considered as one by the ancients, as they have long been 
by the moderns, which appear to correspond by their colour to the par- 
ticulars which we have obtained in our examination of the ancient texts 
relative to the word Cantharis. These two species are the Rhynchites 
Betuleti and the Rhynchites Bacchus of modern naturalists ; the Atte- 
labus of the vine, or Aéttelabus Bacchus, and the Attelabus of the birch, 
of their predecessors. These two species, considered as one by the 
vine-dressers, have received from them in the different dialects and pro- 
vinces of France, and even in the different districts of the same pro- 
vince, the names of Becmare, Urbec, Urbére or Urbée, Diableau, Beche, 
Lisette, Velours vert, Destraux, and perhaps others of which we are 
ignorant. The Rhynchites Betuleti* is of a brilliant silky green colour, 
or of an equally brilliant and silky violet blue. The Rhynchites Bac- 
chus+ is of a golden violet purple or of a golden green mixed with 
purple. These insects cut the petioles of the leaves to cause them to 
wither and soften so as to allow of their being rolled with greater faci- 
lity; this they effect with great dexterity, leaving a cavity in which 
they place their eggs, and thus injure greatly the plants to which they 
attach themselves. The Rhynchites Bacchus} prefers the leaves of the 
vine and cherry tree; the Rhynch. Betuleti those of the vine and the — 
white birch. In the environs of Paris I have most frequently found the 
R. Bacchus wpon the vine; but it was the R. Betuleti which committed 
the extensive ravages among the vines of Burgundy about fifteen years 
ago. M. Silbermann told me, at Strasburg, that the R. Betuleti is more 
destructive than any other insect to the vines of Alsace and the banks 
of the Rhine, and that the R. Bacchus is seldom found there. Accord- 
ing to the observations of this able entomologist, the R. Betuleti is 

* Walckenaer, Faun. Paris., vol. i. p. 235. Attelabus Betule. Schcenherr, 
Synonymia Insect., vol. i. p. 222. Panzer, Faun. Insect. Germ. xx. No. 6. 
_ + Scheenherr, Gen. et Spec. Curculionidum, Rhynchuivs Bacchus, vol. i. p. 219. 
No. 15. Latreille, Hist. Nat. des Ins., vol. ii. p. 85. dttelabus Bacchus. Pan- 
zer, Faun. Ins. Germ., fase. 20. No. 5. Charanson Cramoisi of Geoff. Attclabe 
cuivré of Olivier. 

t Kirby, Zntrod. to Entom., vol. i. p. 199. 


seen in that country as a perfect insect upon the leaves of the vine 
towards the end of August. The larva rolls the leaf to hide itself, and 
attacks the young grape, but not the buds, being hatched too late. 
Schranck, in his Fauna Boica*, has placed these two inseets in a par- 
ticular genus, to which he gives the name of Jnvolvulus; but the Lnvol- 
vulus of the ancients, as we shall presently show, does not belong to 
the class Coleoptera, but to the Lepidoptera ; and I may remark that 
the genus Involvulus of Schranck, being badly constituted, has not been 
adopted by any naturalist. Though it contains but few species, some 
of them are distributed by M. Sechcenherr among his Apoderi, one 
among his Adtelabi, and a third among his Rhynchites. Aldrovandus 
was well acquainted with the Rhynchites Bacchus; and I am surprised 
that no naturalist has quoted this venerable father of natural history 
in modern Europe upon the subject of this small but formidable insect. 
He places it among the Cantharides, to which he devotes a chapter, 
thus separating them from the true Scarabeei which occupy another 
chapter. The following is the description which he gives of this Cur- 
culio : “ Nonus numerus significat Convolvulum, Ira G'reeis, Tagliadizzo 
vulgo apud Italos agriecolas,corpore ceeruleo, pedibus obscure lutescentibus, 
in vite repertum, ac folia ejus depopulantem. Nascitur ex ovis bom- 
bicum ovis similibus magnitudine, colore rubicundis. Hie cum parere 
vult multa eumulat eonvolvitque folia (unde forte a Latinis id nominis 
datum), atque in his sua ova reponit.” Thus the name of Tagliadizzo,— 
cutter,—given to it by the vine-dressers of Italy; its bluish colours; the 
injury done to the leaves of the vine, which the insect rolls up and in 
which it deposits its eggs, all mark with certainty the synonymy of our 
Rhynchites Betuleti or R. Bacchus with the ninth Cantharis of Aldro- 
vandust. But as to the identity of this insect with the Jps of the 
Greeks, and the Convolvulus of the Latin authors, which Aldrovandus 
attempts to establish, the continuation of our researches will prove that 
it must be rejected. 

VI. Ips.—dks.— Volucra.— Volvox.—Eumolpus Vitis.—Bumolpus 
of the Vine.—Coupe-bourgeons.— Téte-cache —Beéche.—Lisette— Gri- 
bouris de la Vigne—After having treated of the Cantharides, Aldrovan- 
dus devotes an entire chapter to the Jps of the Greeks, to confirm his 
assertion in the preceding chapter that this insect is the Tagliadizzo of 
the cultivators of Italy ; but he remarks that he had only found this 
insect upon the vine, though the ancient authors say that it preys also 
upon horn. If Aldrovandus was wrong in maintaining that the Jps 
of the Greeks was the Convolvulus of the Latins, he was right in 
thinking that it belonged to the Coleoptera, and was one of those which 
the Italian agriculturists class among the Tagliadizzi, or cutters. 

* Schranck, Fauna Boica, vol. i. p. 474. No. 498. 
+ Aldrovandus, De Anim. Insect., chap. iv. 1638, folio, p. 472. 


' It appears evident, as has been advanced by Valckenaer, Bochart, and 
the most learned philologists, that the Zks of certain authors, an insect 
which infests the vine, is the same word as the Jps employed by other 
authors as the name of an insect which also infests the vine, and that 
Ips, Ipes, Iks, Ikes, ave only differences of dialect.. This agreed, it is 
evident from our critical examination, that the conclusion to be formed 
from the information we receive from the Greek authors, including the 
grammarians and lexicographers of the lower ages, is, that Zps is em- 
ployed as the name of an insect which preys upon horn and meat, and 
also of one which infests the vine, of which it devours the buds, either 
in the state of larva or as the perfect insect. We learn from this that 
the name of Zps or [ks was applied by the ancients to two or three 
different species of insects or larve of insects. But since the ancients 
confounded these species, and assigned them but one name, there must 
necessarily be an analogy between them. ‘There is only one species of 
the larve of the Coleoptera or Scarabzei possessing trophi, or organs for 
manducation, sufficiently hard to pierce horn. The Ips of Homer and 
of St. John Chrysostom belongs therefore to the Coleoptera, conse- 
quently the ps of meat and of the vine must also belong to that class. 
As we are treating of an insect which preys upon horn and meat, 
naturalists know that it must belong to Linnzus’s tribe of Dermestes, 
the larve of which are so formidable to their collections. They are 
not ignorant that these insects are found in warehouses of furs, in 
offices, pantries, and all places which receive animal matters, and that 
they spare neither horn nor feathers; but our knowledge of them is 
not sufficient to determine to what genus of modern entomologists 
those Dermestes belong which prey upon old goat’s horn, particu- 
larly upon that of the AEgagrus, of which the bow of Ulysses was 
formed, and which is particularly mentioned by Homer. We are well 
acquainted only with the metamorphoses of the Dermestes lardarius, 
and the Dermestes Peilio, the Dermestes of bacon and furs. These in- 
sects belong to the numerous family of the Nitidularie of Latreille*. 
Degeer+ long ago separated from the Dermestes a genus to which he 
judiciously gave the name of Zps; but this name has been since given 
to genera very different to that which he had created, though they also 
were formed from the numerous family of the Dermestes. It might 
possibly be the same larva which infested horn and meat, as is asserted 
by the grammarian published by Boissonade ; it is also possible that the 
ancients confounded the larvze of two affinal but different genera. But 

* Latreille, in Cuvier’s Tab. du Régne Animal, vol. iv. p. 503. Schoenherr, 
Synonymia Insect., vol. i. part ii. p. 236. No. 25. Walckenaer, Faun. Paris., 
vol. i. p. 124. No. 2. Panzer, Faun. Insect. Germ. Ixxxix. 12. Fabr., Syst. 
Eleuth., vol. i. p. 422. 

+ Degeer, Mém. pour servir aU Hist. des Ins., vol. v. p. 190. 


certainly the insect designated by the ancients as preying on horn and 
meat cannot be the same as that whose worm or larva feeds upon the 
young shoots of the vine. However, to render the same name applicable 
to them both, they must have belonged to the class Coleoptera, the larvee 
of which could not be confounded with caterpillars, or the larve of 
Lepidoptera ; the perfect insect which destroys the shoots of the vine 
must also resemble the Dermestes in form and dimensions. All these 
conditions meet in the Humolpus Vitis, the Eumolpus of the vine of 
modern naturalists, which is one of the greatest scourges of that plant. 
This insect, which is of a black and blood-red colour, a genus 
which has been separated from the Cryptocephali*, and is vulgarly known 
under the names of the Cryptocephalus ( Gribouris) of the vine, Béche, 
Lisette, and Téte-cache, because its head is covered by its corselet. It 
feeds upon the buds of the vine, or on the young shoots of that plant 
which still remain herbaceous, which it cuts in two and causes entirely to 
perish. It feeds also upon grapes. The great injuries inflicted by this 
insect upon the vine is an additional reason for considering it as the Zps 
_of the ancients. As Strabo observes, we can imagine that the veneration 
in which the memory of Hercules was held in a country planted with the 
vine was more on account of his supposed destruction of this plague than 
of his victory over the Nemzean lion, and why the cultivators were so 
anxious to obtain and employ recipes for the destruction of these vermin. 
When the ancients spoke of the Jps or Jks as a worm which appeared in 
the spring, they had in view the larva of the Eumolpus of the vine. The 
larva of this insect is oval ; it has six feet; its head is scaly and armed 
with two small maxille+. The insect named Jps or Jks by the Greeks, 
was called Volucra or Volvox by the Latins; but with this difference, 
that the word Jps and Jks were applied to the larva of this insect, while 
Volucra and Volvox were the names of the perfect insect. This is 
proved by the use of the word animal, and not vermis, which Pliny and 
Columella employ when speaking of the Voluera or Volvox ; while the 
Ips is always spoken of as a worm by the Greeks. The name Volucra 
has probably been given to these larvae in consequence of the prompti- 
tude with which they escape from the hand which endeavours to seize 
them, for they drop down upon the earth as soon as the leaf in which 
they are enveloped is touched ; and the name Volvox is undoubtedly 
derived from this insect’s habit of rolling itself up in leaves. Forcellini, 
in his dictionary, gives the Italian word Ritoritelli as the equivalent of 
the word Voluera ; this vulgar name of an insect of the vine in Italy has 
evidently the same origin as Volvox. Nearly all the insects of the genus 

* Buchoz, Hist. Nat. des Ins. nuisibles a 0 Homme, 1782, 12mo, p. 158 to 163. 

+ Latreille, Nowy. Dict. d’Hist. Nat., vol. x. p. 358. He quotes Olivier, 
No. 96. pl. 1. fig. 1; but this figure does not represent the insect of the vine, but 
is a species from Brazil, the Eunolpus ignitus, which is a diiferent insect. 


Dermestes- counterfeit death when they are touched, and this conformity 
of habit must have contributed to the error of the ancient authors in 
confounding together the Zps which preys upon horn and that which 
infests the vine. Butthere are still stronger reasons which prove that the 
Volucra or Volvox of the Latins is the same insect as the Jps or Tks of 
the Greeks. Pliny and Columella inform us that the Volucra or Vol- 
vox was a different insect from the Convolvulus. This difference be- 
tween two insects which both infested the vine must necessarily have 
been complete and radical, since it was remarked by the ancients, who 
possessed so little information upon this class of animals. We shall 
show presently that the Convolwulus was one of the Lepidoptera or 
Butterflies ; the Volucra or Volvox must belong to a totally different 
class. Now among insects there are only the larve and the insects 
of the Coleoptera, and the caterpillars or larve of the Lepidoptera, 
which are very injurious to the vine ; the Volucra or Volvox must there- 
fore belong to the class Coleoptera. Besides, we learn from Pliny and 
Columella that the Voluera or Volvox infested both the young shoots and 
the grapes. Pliny says, “Volvocem animal prerodens pubescentes uvas ;” 
and Columella, “ Genus animalis Volucra prerodit teneras adhue pam- 
pinas et uvas.” These expressions apply solely and entirely to the 
Eumolpus of the vine and the Jps of the Greeks, and not to the Can- 
tharides of the Geoponics, the Rhynchites Bacchus or Betuleti, which 
injures the vine by rolling up the leaves and causing them to wither, 
but which does not attack the fruit. Neither can they be applied, as 
we shall shortly see, to the various species of the caterpillars or larvz 
of the Lepidoptera which attack the vine. 

It is therefore proved that the Zps or Zks of the Greeks is the Volu- 
era or Volvox of the Latins, and the Eumolpus of the vine the Zumol- 
pus Vitis of modern entomologists. 

VII. Lnvolvulus.— Convolvulus.—Pyralis of Bose d’ Antie.— Ver- 
coquin.—Procris Vitis, or Procris ampelophaga.— Vine-moth.— Grape- 
moth.—Tortrix Heperana.—Cochylis Roserana.—From the recipes given 
by Pliny and Cato to prevent the multiplication of the Convolvulus, 
we learn that it was an insect eminently destructive of the vine; but 
as they neither give any description of it nor furnish us with any par- 
ticulars respecting it, excepting that it was a different species from the 

Voluera or Volvox, we have no means of ascertaining whether this name 
applies to the same insect as is denoted by the name Znvolvulus em- 
ployed by Plautus in the passage which has been quoted. In this un- 
certainty, the similarity of the roots and the conformity of the onoma- 
topeeia, indicative of similar habits and industry, will not allow us to 
separate these two words, and induce us to presume that they were em- 
ployed to designate the same object, or rather that they are one name, 
to which are adjoined two different particles, which do not alter its sig- 


nification. The description of the industry attributed by Plautus to the 
Involvulus, to the little beast, “ bestiola que in pampini folio intorta 
implicat se,” can be applied only to caterpillars or the larvae of the Lepi- 
doptera. The caterpillar not only coils up the leaf of the plant in which 
it envelops itself, like the larva of the Eumolpus or Coupe-bourgeon, 
but it attaches itself to it, and by means of silken filaments which it 
draws from its own body, constructs for its metamorphosis a web of silk, 
in which it envelops itself, “ implicat se.” The caterpillars of a whole 
family of Lepidoptera envelop themselves in this manner in the leaves 
of plants. To discover the Jnvolvulus or Convolvulus of the ancients 
it is therefore only necessary to examine those insects of the numerous | 
family of the Phalene Tortrices of which the caterpillar attacks the vine. 
According to the observations of Bosc, the cultivators of the South of 
France give the name of Vine-moth to one of the Lepidoptera which is 
seldom found in the environs of Paris. The caterpillar or larva of this 
moth attacks the grapes when they have attained half of their full growth, 
and it proceeds from one grape to another by means of a gallery which 
it constructs*. There is another species named Grape-motht, which 
also devours this fruit, and commences its ravages at the same period 
as the former, but it seldom attacks more than one grape at a time ; 
this species committed great depredations in the vineyards in the vicinity 
of Constance a few years ago. A species similar to this, or to the pre- 
ceding one, and of which one or two insects are sufficient to destroy a 
whole vine, was observed in the Crimea by Pallast. This species appears 
to be the caterpillar of a Procris or Zigena (a genus separated from 
the genus Sphina:), and is said to be nearly allied to the Zigena Statices ; 
it is found upon the sorrel and dock in the environs of Paris§. The 
Pyralis fasciana\|, which has anterior wings of a dark cinder colour, 
with a brown line and points of the same colour, has also been men- 
tioned as infesting the vine, or as corresponding to one of the species 
just alluded to. There is also another species which may be ranked 
among the insects to which our cultivators have given the names of 
Vine-moth and Grape-moth, we mean Hiibner’s Tinea ambiguellaq. But 

* Bosc, Notice sur la Pyrale et autres Insectes qui nuisent auxVignobles; Esprit 
des Journaux, p. 139, and Bulletin de la Société d’ Encouragement. 

+ Kirby, Jntroduct. to Entomology, vol. i. p. 205. 

+ Pallas, Travels in Russia, vol. ii. p. 241. 

§ Walckenaer, Maun. Paris., vol. ii. p. 284. No. 2. Fabricius, Entom. Syst., 
vol. iii. part i. p. 406. No.8, Godart, Hist. des Lépidoptéres de France, vol. iti. 
p- 158. pl. 22. Dict. Classique d’ Hist. Nat., vol. xiv. p. 289, at the word Procris. — 

| Fabricius, Hntom. Syst., vol. iii. part ii. p. 261. No. 78, Fabricius considers — 
it to be the Vortria Heparana of the Catalogue of Vienna; it is not the Fasci- 
ana of Linnzus. Compare Friedrich Treitschke, Die Schmetterlinge von Eu- 
ropa, vol. viii. p. 28. 

q Hiibner, tab. 22. fig. 153. sect. 64. No. 61 of the text. Treitschke, Die 


to determine the synonymy of the various species of the Lepidoptera 
more particularly injurious to the vine, which I have found mentioned in 
the works of naturalists, travellers, and agriculturists, I have had recourse 
to the skilful and practised eye, and the judicious criticism of M. Dupon- 
chel, one of the most accomplished lepidopterists of Europe. 

From an attentive examination of this subject we conclude that, with 
the exception of those which are occasionally found upon the vine, as 
well as upon other plants, without producing much injury, and of which 
we shall treat in the following sections, all the species of Lepidoptera 
which may be considered as particularly detrimental to the vine are 
reduced to the four following, all producing caterpillars which envelop 
themselves in leaves, and to which may equally be applied the ancient 
names of Jnvolvulus and Convolvulus. In fact we cannot possibly sup- 
pose that the ancients made observations sufficiently exact to distinguish 
differences which the moderns themselves, notwithstanding the extended 
inquiries lately made upon the subject, have great difficulty in proving. 

The first of these species is that which was observed by Bosc, and 
which he names Pyralis Vitis ; Fabricius has described this insect under 
the name of Pyralis Vitana, from the specimen in Bosc’s collection. 
For reasons, unfortunately too decisive, which we shall presently al- 
lege, we shall not preserve either of these names: we name it Pyralis 
Danticana, from Bosc’s second name Dantic, the name Bosc having 
been employed by Fabricius in his description of another Pyralis which 
he calls Pyralis Boscana. The second species is the Procris ampelo- 
phaga of Duponchel, Bayle, and Passerini, the Procris Vitis of Bois- 
duval. The third species is the Tortrix Roserana of Frolich, the Co- 
chylis Roserana of Duponchel and Treitschke, and the Tinea ambiguella 
of Hiibner. The fourth is the Tortrix Heperana of Treitschke and Du- 
ponchel, the Pyralis fasciana of Fabricius. 

The caterpillar of the Cochylis Roserana, mentioned by Frélich as 
causing great devastations in the vineyards near Stuttgard, has not been 
described by him or any other entomologist that I am acquainted with. 
There remains then the Pyralis Danticana*, the ampelophagat of 
Bayle and Passerini, and the Fasciana, the destructive effects of which 
upon the vine cannot be called in question. The caterpillars of the 

Schmetterlinge von Europa, vol. viii. p. 280 and 281, No. 8. Cochylis Roserana 
alis anticis argenteis ochroleucis nitidis, fascia media intus angustiore fusca. 

* Pyralis Vitana, alis fusco virescentibus ; fasciis tribus obliquis fuscis margi- 
nalibus. Bosc Dantic, Mém, de la Société d’ Agriculture, 1786, for the summer 
quarter, p. 22. pl. 4. fig. 6. Pyralis Vitis, Fabricius, Entom. Syst., vol. iii. p. 2. 
pl. 249; A. J, Coquebert, [llustratio Iconographica Specierum Insect. que in 
Museis Parisinis observavit, J.C. Fabricius, duas 1. tab. 7. fig. 9. 

+ Procris ampelophaga, C. Passerini, Memoria sopra duo Specie d’ Insetti no- 
civi. Zigena ampelophaga, Bayle-Barelle, Degli Insetti nocivi al Uomo, alle 
Bestie, al Agricoltore; Milano, 1824, pl. 1. fig. 7 to 12. 


first two species are the only ones upon which we have continued ob- 
servations; these we proceed to mention. The larva or caterpillar of 
the first of these two species, the P. Danticana*, according to Bose, is 
eomprehended with other species in the environs of Paris under the 
collective name of larve or worms which injure the vine ; in Burgundy 
and the vine provinces it is called Ver-coquin, a denomination which is 
also sometimes given to the white worm of the Cockchafer, the Spon- 
dyle of Pliny. This caterpillar of the Pyralis of the vine is, shortly 
after its birth, a centimetre in length; its head is black and its body 
green, and it has a yellow spot on each side of the neck. Its first ap- 
pearance is about the end of May, but its greatest devastations are made 
in the middle of June. It cuts the petioles of the leaves in halves, which 
causes them to wither, and enables the insect to roll them with greater 
facility. When the leaf first attacked withers, in consequence of the 
wound which it has made in the petiole, it proceeds to attack another ; 
and thus one of these caterpillars will destroy several leaves, weaken 
the vine, and prevent the grapes from becoming large and sweet. This 
insect does not attack the fruit, but destroys the peduncle of the bunch, 
which, if it do not wither, remains small and without flavour. When 
the greater part of the leaves are infested, all the bunches are soon in 
the same condition, because they grow at the bottom of the stem, and 
it is there that this caterpillar commences its ravages. The butterfly or 
Pyralis of this caterpillar is of the size of the nail of the little finger ; 
its wings are of a green fulvous colour, with three oblique bands of 
brown. These Pyralides are most abundant in the month of July. 
During the day they remain clinging upon the stems, under the leaves, 
whence they fly upon the slightest approach of danger. Towards the 
decline of the day, inthe dusk, the male seeks the female; but those which 
leave their retreats at an earlier hour become the prey of the swallows 
and other insectivorous birds. 

I have remarked that Bose identified the butterfly which he described 
under the name of Pyralis Vitis with a new species that Fabricius 
names Pyralis Vitana. This species, as I have said, was described by 
Fabricius at Paris from a specimen in Bosc’s collection; and he adds 
five or six lines of technical description. M.Coquebert, of Reims, 
published at the same time four fasciculi of insects, drawn, engraved 
and coloured from the specimens observed and described by the Danish 
naturalist in the collections of Paris, and among the number is the 
Pyralis Vitana or Pyralis Vitis of Bosc. It would appear that no in- 
sect ought to be better known than the one we are treating of; this 
however is not the fact. After a most attentive examination, Dupon- 
chel finds the descriptions of Fabricius and Bosc too short, and insuffi- 

* Bosc, Nouv. Dict, d’ Hist. Nat., vol. xxxv. p. 392. 


cient for the recognition of the insect and the determination of its spe- 
cies ; he considers Coquebert’s figure of it as too coarsely drawn to 
throw any light upon the descriptions. This is also the case with the 
descriptions of Bosc, and the figures by which his memoirs are accom- 
panied. The German authors, Frolich, Treitschke, and others, who in 
latter times have particularly devoted themselves to the study of the 
smaller species of Phaleenz, or Moths, are of the same opinion as Dupon- 
chel, for not one of them mentions the Pyralis Vitana of Fabricius. 
This species is not mentioned in their voluminous works specially de- 
voted to these insects ; or if it be mentioned, it is without their being 
themselves aware of it. If in the numerous species which they have 
described they had discovered the Pyralis Vitana they would not have 
failed to cite Fabricius, whose works are in the hands of every entomo- 
logist. In this difficulty Duponchel has had recourse to Bosc’s collec- 
tion, which now forms part of the collection at the Museum; and he 
has found there, under the name of Vitana, a Pyralis which is figured 
and described by the German authors under the name of Pillerana. 
Now, according to them, the caterpillar of this Pyralis lives upon the 
Stachys Germania, a plant too entirely distinct from the vine to allow 
of it being easily admitted that it lives indifferently upon the two vege- 
tables. But besides, Fabricius has also described the Pyralis Pillerana, 
and the description which he gives of it differs essentially from the 
Pyralis Vitana ; the latter is marked with three bands, the Pillerana 
has only two; the colour of the ground in the Vitana is of a brownish 
green, that of the Pillerana is of a golden green. From these circum- 
stances M. Duponchel thinks that Bose has committed the error of 
labelling one species for another; or, which is more probable, that the 

_ label of the Pyralis Vitana has been displaced in his collection, which 

is in great disorder. Duponchel has compared the description given 
by Bose of the caterpillar of the Pyralis Vitana with those of all the 
caterpillars of the Pyralides or Tortrices mentioned in the authors who 
have treated of this family, and has not found one which appeared to 
apply to it. I however maintain, and remarked to him, that even if we 
could suppose that Bosc had been deceived with regard to the butterfly 
proceeding from the caterpillar, he was not so with regard to the existence 
of the caterpillar itself, and the curious observations which he had made 
upon it; and that being myself, two years ago, at Braubach on the 
Rhine, in the state of Nassau, I remarked a cultivator (the innkeeper 
of the place) engaged in pulling off such of the leaves of his vines as 
were coiled up, and he told me it was to destroy an insect which made 
great havoc in them. I opened several of these leaves, and found in 
them a very small caterpillar, which I examined with a lens; I perceived 
that it was the caterpillar described by Bosc, and which I had also pre- 
viously observed in the environs of Paris. I expressed my surprise to 


M. Duponchel that after the progress which had been made by the 
united efforts of French and German naturalists in this branch of ento- 
mology, we could not recognise a butterfly which had been twice drawn 
and described by skilful naturalists, and which must be common, since 
its caterpillar was so. To this M. Duponchel replied that he thought 
I was mistaken in supposing myself certain of having distinguished the 
caterpillar described by Bosc, because the description given of it by 
this naturalist in his memoir is so far from precise that it may be ap- 
plied to all the caterpillars of this genus which have green bodies and 
black heads, but which differ in other characters of which he does not 
speak, such, for example, as the colour of the verrucose points with which 
all the caterpillars of this group are decorated. As to the butterfly, the 
description and figure by Bosc, the description by Fabricius, and Coque- 
bert’s figure, drawn from the individual described by Fabricius in Bose’s 
collection, may equally be applied to the four following species of 
Phalene : the Cerasana and Riberana of Treitschke, and the Corylana 
and Fasciana of Fabricius. ‘The last approaches more nearly than 
the others to Bose’s description ; but this species is also described by 
Fabricius, and Bosc has not recognised it as his own. Still more, after 
saying that Réaumur had not anywhere mentioned the caterpillar which 
was the subject of his memoir, he adds: “ It appears to be equally rare 
in other climates, for neither Linnzeus, Fabricius, nor Scopoli has de- 
scribed the Phaleenz which it produces.” 

From these researches and explanations it appears that if the Pyralis 
Danticana, Pyralis Vitana of Fabricius, has not been confounded by him 
and Bose with the Fasciana; that if it be not the same species as the 
latter, it must be considered as a species still unknown, and which can- 
not be well known until we have bred all the caterpillars found upon 
the vine which resemble the one described by Bose. To deduce this 
deficiency in science is almost to acquire the certainty of its being 
speedily supplied. Although the silence of the Italian naturalists rela- 
tive to this caterpillar be not a decisive reason for thinking that it is not 
found in Italy, and did not receive from the ancients the name of Jn- 
volvulus, yet this is more especially true with regard to another cater- 
pillar to which the names Convolvulus and Involvulus appear more — 
peculiarly applicable. More attentive observations have been made 
upon this caterpillar than upon that described by Bosc, and its butter- 
fly is well known as the Procris ampelophaga, or Procris of the vine so 
much dreaded by all the cultivators of Tuscany. ‘This caterpillar some- 
times injures considerably the buds and young shoots of the vine. In 
Piedmont it sometimes devours half the vine-plots. It is five or six 
lines in length, and two lines or two and half in width; its colour is a 
brown gray, and the hair is disposed in stars in four longitudmal rows 
in semi-globular relief towards the anterior part. The inferior surface 


of the abdomen is smooth and of a yellow white; it attains its full 
growth towards the end of May, and it is then that it destroys the leaves 
of the vine. It attaches itself to the upper part of the leaf, and if the 
branch upon which it is found be shaken, it bends itself in the form of 
a bow by resting upon the two extremities of its body, and drops down 
upon the earth. The greatest number of these caterpillars that are to 
be found upon one vine amounts to about ten; they are generally much 
fewer. Between the 20th and 30th of May this caterpillar spins a cod 
of long white flocks, in which it remains motionless, and is transformed 
into a chrysalis from the 5th to the 10th of June, The chrysalis is at. 
first yellow, with black points upon each segment, but at the moment. 
of transformation the colour increases in intensity and is changed into. 
a deep azure blue. The transformation of the chrysalis into the butter- 
fly generally commences on the 19th of June, and is not concluded till 
the 25th. This butterfly is the Procris Vitis, or Procris ampelophaga 
of modern entomologists. ts wings are of a dark colour, approaching 
to black, and changing into a sombre green; the body is of a blueish 
green. The Musca brevis often introduces its eggs into the body of 
the chrysalis of this butterfly ; the larve of the fly feed on the substance 
of the chrysalis without altering its exterior, and the chrysalis thus ap- 
pears to be metamorphosed into a fly instead of producing a butterfly, 
Each female of this Procris lays about three hundred straw-coloured 
eggs, of so small a size that they are scarcely visible to the naked eye. 
Towards the 3rd of July these eggs produce small whitish caterpillars, 
which are transparent, and covered with almost imperceptible hairs. 
The caterpillars of this second race are metamorphosed about the 26th 
of August. 
I have myself verified in part the observations made upon the cater. 
illar of the Pyralis Danticana by Bose. The habits of the Procris 
ampelophaga are only known to me from the memoir of M. Passerini. 
But if the first species be as abundant in Italy as the second, I shall 

-be induced to think that it is to it that the ancients more parti- 

cularly applied the names of Involvolus, Involvulus, Involvus, and 

1X. Kampe.— Eruca.— Caterpillars of the Sphinx Elpenor, or 
Sphinz of the Vine,—of the Bombyx purpurea, or Ecaille mouchetée 
(Spotted Tiger-moth),—and of the Sphinx Porcellus, or Sphinx with red 
bands.—The other caterpillars that are found upon the vine, and which 
may occasionally injure it, as well as plants of every other kind, do not 
belong to the tribe of Tortrices, or Pyralides, nor to the genus Procris. 
The species which I have most frequently had occasion to remark, are 
the Bombyx purpurea of Fabricius, the Arctia purpurea of modern na- 
turalists, and the Ecaille mouchetée of Geoffroy, which lives also upon 

Vou, I—Pant II. Q 


the common broom, the elm, and twenty other plants*. The Sphinx 
Elpenor, or the Sphinx of the vine of Geoffroy, (this is not the Sphinx 
Vitis of modern entomologists, an American butterfly which does not 
live upon the vine,) is frequently found upon the vine, but it is also 
met with not less frequently upon:the Epilobium, the Salicaria, the 
balsam, and the convolvulus +. Lastly, the Sphinx Porcellus, or the 
Sphinx with red indented bands, the caterpillar of which is sometimes 
found upon the vine, but still more often upon the honey-suckle, la- 
vender, and more especially upon the yellow bed-straw, Galiwm ve- 
rum{. The last two species have caterpillars as large as the little 
finger, and as they keep upon the summit of the shoots they may be 
easily removed. 

These are the caterpillars or larve of Lepidoptera which the Greeks 
and Latins, when speaking of insects infesting the vine, designated by 
the general names of Kampe or Eruca; but they did not confound 
these larvee with worms, and they knew that they underwent metamor- 

X. Phtheir—Tholea or Tholaath—Coccus Vitis —Kermes of the 
Vine—Coceus Adonidum.—Greenhouse Coccus.—The Phtheir or 
louse of the vine, which Ctesias mentions as an insect which causes the 
vine to perish, and which in the Geoponics is classed with the cater- 
pillars among that plant’s greatest enemies, can correspond only to the 
Coccus Vitis, to the Cocci, or the Kermes of the vine §. We know 
that the Cocci or gall-insects, or the Cochineals, with the Aphides, 
are the insects which, from their small size and their rapid multiplica- 
tion, are the most similar to the louse ; their females also, like lice, are 
apterous, or without wings. The Cocci cover so completely the bark 
of the trees that it has a scurfy appearance. When the female has de- 
posited her eggs, her body dries up and becomes a solid crust, which 
covers the eggs, and its squamous surface is not unlike fat nits. These 
insects do harm by piercing the wood with their sharp proboscis, which is 
formed of a sheath having numerous joints, and three bristles or darts of 
great tenuity. With this tube they suck the sap and cause it to flow. 

* Aretia purpurea, Fabr. Entom. Syst., vol. iii. part 1. p. 466. No. 185. 
Walckenaer, Faun. Paris., vol. ii. p. 291. Godart, Papillons nocturnes, vol. i. 
p. 339. No. 105. 

+ Sphinx Elpenor, Fabr. Ent. Syst., vol. iii. p. 372. No. 51. Walckenaer, 
Faun. Paris, vol. ii. p. 276. No. 6. Godart, Crépusculaires, p. 46. 

t Sphinx Porcellus, Fabr. Ent. Syst., vol. iii. p. 873. Walckenaer, Faun. 
Paris., vol.ii. p. 279. Godart, Crépusculaires, p. 51. Duponchel, Iconographie 
des Chenilles, tribe of Sphingide, pl. 5. fig. 1, a, b. 

§ Ctesias, Indicorum, cap. 21. p. 253. edit. Baehr, Frankf., 1824, 8vo. 
Ctesias speaks of a red insect which in India destroys the trees producing am- 
ber, as in Greece the Phtheir destroys the vine: Larcher, p. 341. vol. vi. of his 
translation of Herodotus, has badly rendered this passage. : 


Our cultivators do not complain of these insects, and know but little of 
them, because the annual pruning which the vines undergo prevents 
their multiplication, as the Cocci can only live upon young wood, 
while its epidermis is still tender. They are however sometimes very 
abundant upon neglected vines ; and in countries where the vine is only 
cultivated in greenhouses, they multiply extremely, whilst the other 
enemies of the vine are there unknown*. But the vines in green- 
houses are not attacked by the same species of Cocci as they are ex- 
posed to in the open air. In the former situation they are attacked by the 
Coccus Adonidum+, not by the Coceus Vitis. If, as has been asserted, 
this insect originally came from Senegal, it is not among the species 
treated of by the ancients, who also could never have distinguished 
from each other the various species of the Coccus, which is as much as 
can be effected by the practised eye of the modern entomologist, aided 
by a powerful lens, even since the beautiful and recent work of 
M. Boyer de Fonscolombe upon these insects. This skilful naturalist 
remarks with truth that there are no well-established limits between 
the Kermes and the Cocci, between the Gall-insect and the Progall- 
insects of Réaumur. He therefore makes but one genus of the Coccus 
and the Kermes; but this he subdivides into several sections, and the 
Coccus of the vinet belongs to the section which is composed of spe- 
cies which at the time of laying have naked bodies, without any trace 
of rings or members, and rest upon a very cottony nest. The Coccus 
Adonidum, or Kermes of the greenhouse, is also remarkable for the 
white and downy substance which transudes through its skin, and 
which gives it a mealy aspect. 

The interpretation of the word Thola, Tholea, or Tholaath employed 
in the Bible, which we considered at the commencement of these re- 
searches, applies to the name Phtheir given to the Gall-insect by the 
author of the Geoponics. It will be recollected that the result of our 
long discussion upon this subject was, that Thola is employed in the 
Bible to signify not only a worm, vermin, an insect or larva of an insect, 
or an animal vile and despicable, but also an insect or larva of an in- 
sect which infested the vine, and another plant, the name of which we 
are unacquainted with, but which we know to have been a large tree, 
because it gave an extensive shade. Indications so vague would not 

* J. Major, (Landseape Gardener,) A Treatise on the Insects most prevalent 
on Fruit Trees and Garden Produce, 1829, 8vo, p. 112. 

+ Coccus Adonidum, Fabr. Syst. Rhyngotor., 1803, 8vo, p. 307. No.4. Major, 
as just referred to, p. 144, the Mealy-Bug. 

t Coccus Vitis, Boyer de Fonscolombe, Ann. de la Soc. Entom., vol. iii. p. 214. 
No. 14. Réaumur, Mem. Insect., vol. iv. p. 62. pl. 6, figs. 1 to 7, Fabr. Syst. 
Rhyngotor., p. 310. No. 4. Coceus vitis vinifere. 



lead us to any probable conjecture upon the subject of the Thola or 
Tholea, if this word, which in the Bible is employed separately, were not 
elsewhere frequently found in conjunction with the word Dibaphi* to 
denote the insect that the Arabs term Kermes, and which, when heated 
with vinegar, produces a fine red colour, in a word, the Cochineal in- 
-sect. The species of cochineal which produces this colour in Europe 
are the Coccus Ilicis, which attaches itself to the green oak+, and which 
consequently may be the insect mentioned in the Bible as the destroyer 
of a tree giving shade; and the Coccus Polonicus, which adheres to 
the roots of the annual Scleranthus and other plantst. The Coccus of 
the yine does not produce this colour, but the resemblance of these in- 
sects, and their generic affinities, must have caused them to be con- 
founded with the other Coccus, or the Tholaath Dibaphi, or at least 
comprehended under the same denomination. Thus we say, and with 
much less propriety, the worm of the apple and the nut, though these 
are the larvze of insects of very dissimilar genera. The word Thola or 
Tholaath in the Bible was employed for vermin, louse, a small, insig- 
nificant, vile, and contemptible insect, as the Phtheir ; but the epithet 
Dibaphi, designating the Kermes or insect useful in dyeing, which was 
sometimes added to the word Thola or Tholaath, indicated sufficiently, 
by the similarity of the species, the nature of the insect or vermin in- 
tended by the word, and which was productive of so great injury to 
the vine and certain trees, . 
XI. Means which are to be employed to destroy the Insects which infest 
the. Vine-—The recipes of Pliny and Columella for the protection of 
the vine from the insects which attack it appear to prove that the Coeci 
committed greater ravages upon the vines in ancient than in modern 
times. Their directions were to rub the stems and branches of this plant 
with greasy substances, such as oil or bear’s fat, to which was also added 
the use of vesicating substances. Modern cultivators, as I have said, 
protect the vine See the Coccus by pruning it. But other methods 
must be employed for the destruction of the Weevils (Becmares) and 
Coupe-bourgeons, the Rhynchites Bacchus and Rhynch. Betuleti, and 
the Eumolpus Vitis. The best of all is to choose the moment when 
these insects have undergone metamorphosis and begin to copulate, and 
to place under each vine a kind of basin made for the purpose in the 
form of a deeply recurved crescent, so as to surround the stem or branch 

* Bochart, Hierozoicon, p. 22. 

+ Coccus Ilicis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyngotor., p. 308. Réaumur, Jnsect., iv. tab. 5: 
Garide], Plantes des Environs @ Aix, p. 250. pl. 35. Boyer de Fonscolombe, 
a de la Société Entom., vol. iii. p. 210. 

t Coccus Polonicus, Fabr. Syst. Rhy yngoter:. p- 310, No. 26. © Frisch., Insect. 
56. -Walckenaer, Faun. Paris., vol. ii. p. 363. 


under which it is placed, and then to shake the branches and make the 
insects fall into it. . The substitution for the basin of a very wide tin 
funnel with a bag at the extremity, into which the insects fall, has 
been proposed; also that of linen twisted into the same form. The same 
means may be applied for the caterpillars of the butterfly or moth as 
for the Coleoptera, especially when they have arrived at a certain size. 
The devastation is then indeed almost completed, for the leaves are de- 
-eayed and partly devoured ; but the repetition of the evil in the follow- 
‘ing years may be precluded by thus preventing the reproduction’ of the 
insects. To this method may be added another, which is. particularly 
adapted to the destruction of the Pyralis of the vine, the Procris ampe- 
_lophaga of Passerini, and in general to that of all the small species of Pha- 
lene which attack the vine: it is that of lighting fires at the commence- 
ment of the night in a direction opposite to the wind. The insects come 
in crowds to the fire and are burned. These fires must be renewed for 
ten or twelve days in succession, but not when there is much rain or 
wind; for not only the flame will not burn, but the butterflies in such 
weather remain obstinately fixed to the leaves to which they have at- 
tached themselves. The most effectual method of destroying all the 
larvee of the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera which attack the vine is to 
“remove, one by one, the coiled leaves in which these insects have de- 
posited their eggs, and to throw them into a furnace and burn them. 
This method is the most tedious and expensive, but it is also the most 
certain ; and I have seen it pursued with great patience and care in the 
state of Nassau by the cultivators on the banks of the Rhine. 

Third Section. 

Synonymy of all the species of insects which have been mentioned in 
these researches. 

We shall present in this section one of the principal summaries of 
these investigations by giving the synonymy of all the insects of which ‘ 
we have had occasion to treat ; but to adapt it to the end in view we 

* must proceed in an order the inverse of that which we followed in the 
preceding section ; that is, we must first give the synonymy of the in- 
sects which are most detrimental to the vine plants, and then proceed 
to those which only injure them occasionally, and conclude with those 
which the ancients have erroneously designated as the enemies of the 
vine ; carefully conforming, with regard to each of these three sorts of 
insects, to the classification most generally adopted by modern. natural- 
ists. Finally, we shall conclude by giving a list of insects which do not 
injure the vine, but the synonymy of which has been incidentally deter- 
mined in these researches. 



I. Synonymy of the Insects most injurious to the Vine. 


Names of Modern Naturalists, 
Latin and French. 

Eumolpus Vitis (the larva). 

Ancient Names. 

1. Greek. Ips (Vitis). 

2. Latin. Volucra. Eumolpus Vitis (the perfect 
Eumolpe de la Vigne. 
1, Rhynchites Bacchus (the 
2. Attelabus 
Attelabe de la Vigne. 
Charanson de la Vigne. 
1. Rhynchites Bacchus (the 
perfect insect). 
2. Rhynchites Betuleti (the 
perfect insect). 
Attelabe de la Vigne. 
Charanson de Ja Vigne. 
Lethrus Cephalotes. 

3. Latin. Volvox. 

Betuleti (the 

4. Greek. Kantharis. 

5. Greek. Kantharis. 
Latin. Scarabeus. 


1. Locusta Ephippiger(Saute~ 
relle aselle oud cymbale). 
2. Locusta aptera (Sauterelle 

1. Hebrew. Gaza. 

3. Locusta Puppa (Sauterelle- 
1. Hebrew. Thola, Tholea, or ;1. Coccus Vitis ; Cochenille de 
Tholaath. la Vigne. 
Tholaath Dibaphi. 
Greek. Phtheir. Adonidum. 

1. Latin. Involvulus or Invol- | Pyralis Danticana (the cater- 

volus. pillar)? 
Involvus. Pyralis Vitis. Bose Dantic, 
Convolyulus. Mém. de la Société d’ Agric. 
Campe. 1786, p. 22, pl. 4. fig. 6. 

Pyralis Vitana. 
Pyralis Fasciana. Fabric., En- 
tom, System. 

Greek. Kampe. 

Common Names. 

French. Gribouri dela Vigne 
(the larva).—Coupe-bour- 
geon.— Ebourgeonneur.— 
Couturiére.— Ver de la 

Gribouri de la Vigne (the per- 
fect insect). 

Coupe-bourgeon, &c. 

Urbie. —Béche. — Lisette.— 

Italian. Tagliadizzo. 

Becmare.—Eng. Weevil. 
Velours vert. 

German. Schneider (Cutter). 

English. Saddle Locust. 
Wingless Locust. 

Nymph Locust. 

English. Mealy-bug (Punaise 
farineuse). Kermes of the 

Cochenille des Serres (Green- 
house Coccus). 

Cochenille du Chéne vert. 

Cochenille de la Scleranthe. 

Fr. Ver-Coquin. 
Teigne de la Vigne. 
Eng. Vine-moth. 

Ancient Names. 

2. Latin. Convolvulus. 


3. Involvulus. 

4. Involvulus. 

Names of Modern Naturalists, 
Latin and French. 

Procris ampelophaga (the ca- 
terpillar). Duponchel, Suppl. 
aUHist. des Lépid. t. 2, p. 
92, pl. 8, fig. 2. 

Procris ampelophaga. Bayle- 
Barelle, Det Insetti nocivi ; 
Milano, 1824, 

Procris ampelophaga. Passe- 
rini, Mem. sopra due Specie 
d’Insetti nocivi, nelle Mem. 
dell’ Accad. dei Georgifili, 
1830, p. 4, t. 1, fig. le 14. 

Sphinx ampelophaga. Hiibn. 
Suppl. t. 24, fig. 153 et 154. 

Atychia ampelophaga. T’reit- 
schke, t. 10, Suppl. p. 100. 

Sphinx Vitis. Freyer, Beytr. 
ii., Bd. xii., Ht. 5, 69, tab. 68. 

Procris Vitis. Boisduval, Icones 
Historiques des Lépidopteres 
nouveaux, t. 2, p. 79, pl. 56, 
fig. 2 et 3. 

Cochylis Roserana. Dupon- 
chel, Hist. des Lépidopt. t. 
9, p. 418, pl. 257, fig. 8. 

Tortrix Roserana. J reelich, 
Enumer. Tortricum Wiir- 
temb, indig. p. 52. No. 511. 

Tinea ambiguella. Hiibner, 
tab. 22, fig. 153 (foem.). 

Cochylis Roserana.  Treit- 
schke, t. 8, p. 280. 

Tortrix Heperana (the cater- 

Tortrix Heperana (the cater- 
pillar). Duponchel, Hist. 
des Lépidoptéres de France, 
t. 9, p. 67, pl. 238, fig. 7. 

Tortrix Heperana. Wien, 
verz.? Illiger, Schranck, 
Gotze et Treitschke, t. viii. 
p- 58, No. 8. 

Tortrix Padana. Schranck, 
Faun. Boica, ii., 32, Abth. 
5, 78, No. 1755. 

Tortrix Carpiniana. Hiibner, 
tab. 18, fig. 16 (foem.). 

Tortrix Pasquayana. Fre- 
lich, Wien, Verz. p.36,No0.55 

Pyralis Fasciana. Fabricius, 
Ent. Syst. iii. 2, 348, 24. 

Lozotenia Carpiniana. Ste- 
phens, Syst. Cat. of British 
Insects, p. 169, No. 6852. 

La Chape-Brune. Geoffroy, 
t. 2, p. 169, No. 118. ~ 

Phaléne Chape-Brune du Li- 

las. Degeer, t. 1. Mem. 13,} 

p- 403. 


Common Names. 

Fr. Teigne du Raisin. 

Ital. Ritoritello. 

Eng. Grape-moth. 

Teigne de la Vigne. 



Eng. Leaf-roller. 
Small Brown-bar. 

Teigne du Lilas. 
Teigne du Raisin. 
Teigne de la Vigne. 

Eng. Dark Oblique-bar. 



Il. Insects which only occasionally injure the Vine. 

Ancient Names. Names of Modern Naturalists, Common Names. 
Latin and French. ; 
1. Greek. Spondyle. Melolontha vulgaris. — Le| Le Hanneton.—Eng. Cock- 
Hanneton vulgaire. chafer; May-bug; Oak-web. 

2. Latin. Spondyle genus ser- | Melolontha vulgaris (the lar- | Ver blanc. 
pentis (Plin.). va). Ture. 
Melolontha Vitis (the larva). | Man. 
Petit Hanneton d’été, ou Han- 
neton vert (the grub). 

1, Biurus. Acheta Grillo-Talpa (Fabr.).| La Courtilligre—Eng. Mole- 
Talpa Ferrantis (Aldr.). cricket. 
1. Greek. Kampe. 1. Arctia purpurea (the cater-|Chenilles de la Vigne. 
Latin. Eruca. pillar). Vine Caterpillars. 

L’Ecaille mouchetée. 
2. Sphinx Elpenor (the ca-| ng. Elephant Moth. 
Sphinx ou Papillon rouge 
de la Vigne. 
3. Sphinx Porcellus (the ca-| Eng. Small Elephant Moth. 
Sphinx ou Papillon a bande 
rouge dentelée. 

Ill. Insects erroneously described by the ancients as injuring the Vine. 

1. Greek. Tulios. 1. Julius sabulosus, Jules des| Mille-Pieds. 
Latin. Centipedes. sables. Eng. Galley-worm. 
Millipedes. 2. Julius terrestris, Jules ter- 
3. Julius communis, Jules 
1. Greek. Kantharis. 1. Mylabris Cichorii, Mylabre | Mouches-cantharides. 
Latin. Cantharis, de la Chicorée. 
%. Lytta vesicatoria, la Can-| Eng. Spanish Fly. 
2. Greek. Ips (Homer). Dermestes (the larva). Ver.—Eng. Leather-eater. 

IV. Names of Insects mentioned by the Ancients, which do not injure the 
Vine, but the modern names of which have been determined in these investi- _ 

1. Greek. Melolontha. Coleoptera of Linnzus. Scarabées. 
Kantharis. Eleutherata of Fabricius. Escarbots. j 
Latin. Scarabeus. Eng. Beetles, Chaffers, Dors, 
Cantharis. Clocks, and Bobs. 
2. Greek. Kantharis. Latin. 1. Ateuchus sacer. Le Pillulaire, 

Scarabeeus sacer. 


Ancient Names. Names of Modern Naturalists, Common Names. 
‘ Latin and French. 
Latin. 1. Scarabeus qui pilas 2. Ateuchus Aigypti-] Eng. Tumble-dung Beetle. 
volvit (Plin.). orum. 
’ F Scarabée sacré. 
Bousier sacré. 
3. 2. Scarabzus cui sunt | Latin. Onitis Midas. Le Pillulaire. 

cornicula reflexa | French. Bousier a deux cornes. 
(Plin.). Bousier of 
Horapollo, which 
has two horns 
and resembles a 


4, 8. Lucanus cui sunt} Zatin. Lucanus cervus. 
cornua prezlonga| French. Lucane Cerf-volant. | Le Cerf-volant—Eng. Stag- 
bisulcis dentata beetle. Pinch-bob. 

forcipibus in ca- 
cumine (Plin.). 

Ge 4. Scarabzus Fullo al- | Latin. Cetonia aurata. 

bis guttis (Plin.). | French. Cétoine dorée. Eng. Green or Rose Beetle. 
6. 5. Ipsof Homer, of St.| Larva of the Dermestes Pel- 

JohnChrysostom,| lio, of the Dermestes Lar- 

and of the gram-| . darius; the larva not yet 

marians of the| known ofa species of Der- 

middle ages. mestes which is related to 

these two species, and 
which gnaws the horn of 
the AEgagrus, or wild goat. 
7. Greek. Kantharis. Latin. 1. Curculio granarius, | Corn-weevil. 
Calandra granaria. 
Latin. Scarabeus parvus| French. La Calandre, ou le 
Cantharis dictus (Plin.).| | Charanson des Grains. 
4 Latin.2. Curculio frumenta- 
rius, Apion frumentarius. 
French. Charanson du Fro- 

V. Summary of the Synonymy of the Insects mentioned in these researches, 
_ arranged according to their natural order.—To accommodate agrono- 
mers and the learned, we thought it necessary in the preceding para- 
_ graph to divide the synonymy of the insects which have been mentioned 
in these researches into three sections. For the use of naturalists it 
must be repeated according |to the natural order, and without any di- 
stinction of those which injure the vine much, or little, or not at all. For 
the sake of brevity we shall be satisfied with designating the insect by 
the name which it bears in our best systems; it will be immediately 
followed by the French or common name most generally in use, and lastly 
by the ancient names, printed in small capitals. 

1. Julus sabulosus, Jule des sables. 1. Dermestes Lardarius, 

JuLios, CENTIPEDES, MILLEPEDES. Dermestes Pellio, aut species proxima ; 
2. Julus terrestris, Jule terrestre. (the larva). 

JuLios, CENTIPEDES, MILLEPEDES. Le Dermeste des fourrures ou de la corne 
3. Julus communis, Jule commun. (the larva). 

Juxios, CenTIrEDES, MILLEPEDES. Irs of Homer. 


2. Ateuchus sacer, le Bousier sacré, le Pil- 

votvitT (Plin.). 
3. Ateuchus Egyptiorum, BousierEgyptien. 
voLuvirT (Plin.). 
4. Onitis Midas, le Bousier 4 deux cornes. 
5. Lethrus Cephalotes, Schneider (Cutter). 
6. Melolontha vulgaris, le Hanneton ordi- 
Spondyle (the perfect insect). 
Sphondyle genus serpentis (Plin.) (the 
7. Cetonia aurata, la Cetoine dorée. 
8. Lucanus Cervus, le Cerf-volant. 
9. Mylabris cichorii, Mylabre de la chicorée. 
10. Lytta vesicatoria, la Cantharide. 

11. Eumolpus Vitis, Gribouri de la Vigne 
(the perfect insect). Ver-Coquin (the 

Ips (the larva). VoLucra (the perfecti n- 

12. Rhynchites Bacchus, Attelabe de la 
Vigne, Becmare, Tagliadizzo. 

13. Rhynchites Betuleti, Velours-Vert. 

14, Calandra granaria, la Calandre, Cha- 
ranson des grains. 


15. Curculio frumentarius, Charanson du 



Thus there are thirty-six species of insects known by the moderns, of 
which we think we have determined the corresponding names in He- 

brew, in Greek, and in Latin. 

VI. Conelusion—In France at the present day, 800,000 hectares 
[1,976,914 acres] of land are planted with the vine, the fruit of which, 
converted into wine, yields an annual produce of 760,000,000 franes, 
[30,158,7302. sterling.] The consideration therefore of the insects 
destructive of a plant which is the source of so much wealth does not 
appear superfluous; and to lessen my regret at having so long occupied 
the time devoted by the Academy to researches of more importance, I 
would at least persuade myself that these minute inquiries are not — 
devoid either of interest or of utility. 


1. Acheta Gryllo-Talpa, le Grillon-Taupe, 
la Courtiliére. 
Brurus (Cicero, Plin.). 
2. LocustaEphippiger, Loc. aptera, Loc. Pupa. 
Sauterelle 4 Cymbales, Sauterelle aptére, 
Sauterelle Nymphe. 
Gaza (Hebrew). 


1, Coccus Vitis, Coc. Adonidum, Coc. Poloni- 
cus, Cochenille de laVigne,Cochenille des 
Serres, Cochenille de la Scléranthe. 


1. Arctia purpurea, |’Ecaille mouchetée. 
KampE, Ervca (the caterpillar). 
2. Sphinx Elpenor, Pap. rouge de la Vigne. 
Kampe, Ervuca. 

3. Sphinx Porcellus, Papillon a bande rouge 

Kampe, Eruca (the caterpillar). 

4, Pyralis Danticana, P. Vitana, Chenille ou 
Teigne de la Vigne, Ver-coquin, la 


5. Procris ampelophaga, Atychia ampelo- 
phaga, Procris Vitis, Teigne du Raisin, 

Camper, InvoLvuLus, INvotvus, Con- 
VOLVULUs (the caterpillar). 

6. Cochylis Roserana, Tortrix Roserana, Ti- 

nea ambiguella, Teigne de la Vigne. 
Camper, InvoLtvuLus, INnvoLvus, Con- 
VOLVULUs (the caterpillar). 

7. Tortrix Heperana, Pyralis Fasciana,Lozo- 
teenia Carpiniana, Tort. Padana, T. Pas- 
quayana, Chenille de la Chape-brune, 
Teigne du Lilas,Teigne de laVigne. - 

Camper, INvoLvuLUsS, INVOLVUs, CoN- 
VOLVULUS, (the caterpillar). 



The Kingdoms of Nature, their Life and Affinity ; 
by Dr. C. G. Carus. 

From the Zeitschrift fiir Natur und Heilkunde, Band 1.Hefte 1. Dresden, 1819, 

Wauen man awakes from that state in which he is but the passive 
recipient of impressions from the external world, and when therefore, in- 
stead of reposing in the consciousness of his increasing in strength and 
stature and exhibiting a reciprocity of bodily action of various kinds 
with surrounding objects, he feels the spirit, the infusion of the breath of 
God, in motion within him, he is powerfully impelled to endeavour, by 
bringing the relations between the spirit within and the phenomena 
without into a clear point of view, to obtain a clearer knowledge of him- 
self. This desire has its origin in a most distinct conviction that without 
such knowledge no real harmony, no true internal equilibrium can be 
conceived to exist in man, and that nature and he must therefore stand 
as two eternally separated beings. But a feeling that things are sepa- 
rated which at the same moment exist in and through each other, is 
totally incompatible with that internal repose which, as we ourselves 
are one, is to be found not in the sense of separation but in the con- 
sciousness of unity. In this fact we clearly see what it was that gave 
birth to those speculations, by means of which it was sought for so 
many ages, sometimes with more and sometimes with less sincerity and 
freedom, to ascertain the relations between the phenomena of nature 
and the laws of mind. In those speculations, however, we have oceasion 
to observe, how frequently that which stands forth in us most plainly and 
undisguisedly, and which for that reason should be supposed discernible 
and known at the very first, was exactly the least heeded and last dis- 
covered. It was, no doubt, owing to this circumstance, that many a 
truth which presented itself almost unveiled to the pure and unsophis- 
ticated feeling of the genuine children of nature remained a hidden 
mystery to the sages of mankind. 

In order to avoid such errors it is particularly important that we 
should give a general and exact definition of the terms proof and expla- 
nation. Now to explain is but to consider a phenomenon in the clear- 
ness of a superior light, and to prove is but to trace a subordinate 
proposition up to a higher, or rather to aprimary truth. The supreme and 
one, which is alike the foundation of nature and mind, can therefore 
no more be proved or explained than the splendour of the sun ean 
be increased by means of some terrestrial light. On the contrary, the 


immediate consciousness of a supreme and eternal unity is the primary 
standard by which we distinguish the just, the true, and the beautiful. 
Without this principle we should indeed be incapable of pursuing any 
general inquiry and of forming any judgement, so that demonstration and 
science can exist for those only who recognise a positive and supreme 
principle. We hold, therefore, that the true end of scientific inquiry 
(so far as it is to furnish explanation) is not to define and demonstrate 
the highest principle, but to trace other truths up to this, to show the 
harmony which,exists between nature and mind, or to discover a unity 
of law in the multiplicity of phenomena. 

It is hoped that these general remarks may be sufficient to indicate 
the guiding principle of the following inquiries, which, being designed 
to lead to a clear conception of Life in general, and its single forms in 
particular, are here recommended by their author to the friendly atten- 
tion and examination of medical men and naturalists, previously to 
their being, perhaps, at some future time, presented by himself or by 
some one else, in that strictly scientific form which is found so indispen- 
sably necessary to all who would penetrate the essence of nature, and 
obtain, instead of the vague and negative notions which commonly 
prevail, a distinct and positive knowledge. 

If, with this view, we direct our attention to one only of the end- — 
less variety of forms which life assumes ; if we observe, for instance, 
how a plant through internal instinct and under external relations un- 
folds itself from an obscure and insignificant seed, how its parts mul- 
tiply, and how their organization becomes progressively more and more 
refined, until it reaches its acme in the flower, where the plastic power 
again concentrates itself into a seed, and thus closes the circle of its 
being in that form out of which it had first issued, we find throughout 
this chain of phenomena an internal pervading principle, a certain de- 
terminate succession, a regularity which compels us to expound all these 
movements, changes, and developments as parts of a whole, as the ope- 
yations of one internal universal cause in which all others are compre- 
hended. It is evident that this internal, this essential and efficient 
principle can be no single thing, such ‘as the body of the plant, the 
chemical change of its substance, or the circulation of its sap, and 
still less the effect of external influences, but rather all these together— 
a something in which all these inhere as their common cause, and which 
we characterize as a unity by the generic appellation /ife. Hence it is 
easy to perceive how erroneous it would be, for instance, to suppose the 
plant first-organized, and life then added to it as an attribute and con- 
sequently as something extrinsic, nearly in the same manner as we should 
‘conceive of a machine as a thing consisting of several parts put together 
and possessing, at first, no inherent power of acting, but having this 
power imparted to it when it is completed. On the contrary, life is 
necessarily the original principle, and the body one of its particular 


phenomena, conceived therefore not as permanent but as perpetually 
changing ; and this idea of it is conveyed in the term formation, inas- 
much as it signifies a thing not only formed but forming itself. We 
know, for example, that the human body after a series of years is a 
very different thing from what it was at an earlier period; nay, that the 
body of the adult does not contain even a single atom of that which 
constituted the foetus; and nevertheless, that the internal, the living 
principle, the man, as every one’s consciousness undeniably assures him, 
is still the same, nothing being changed but the phenomena of life, 
among which, as we have already shown, the body is to be included. 
As it follows from the foregoing observations that life is not a single 
isolated reality, we shall be obliged to define it generally as the constant 
manifestation of an ideal unity through a real multiplicity, that is, the 
manifestation of an internal principle or law through outward forms. 

This view of the subject willindeed derive additional light from the analo- 
gous character of that inward principle which we call sow/, inasmuch 
as this also consists not in this or that particular thought, or in the mere 
succession of our thoughts, or anything else of the sort, but in the 
whole spiritual life in general, that is, in the constant revelation and 
manifestation of an internal unity—of the deepest consciousness of the 
individual identity through an infinite variety of sensations and ideas. 

If we now cast a look on that universal nature which surrounds us, 
the endless multiplicity of its phenomena is indisputably manifest ; and 
as it would be an absurdity to imagine a highest number to which 
another number cannot be added, we can fix the limits of nature no- 
where, either in the great or in the small, because the infinite divisibility. 
of each would lead again to infinity. These infinities are nevertheless 
included in the comprehensiveness of the whole ; there is but one whole, 

(the word has no plural form in our language,) and the idea of this 
necessarily contains at the same time the internal multiplicity, or rather 
infinity ; for it would be a manifest inconsistency to conceive of a real 
whole as a unity, while in its strict reality it implies rather the idea of an 
infinity of individuals. Thus we find in fact the idea of life, that is, the 
constant manifestation of unity through multiplicity, exhibited by univer- 
salnature ; and are therefore bound to consider nature collectively as one 
yast and infinite life, in which, though the extinction of any one of its va~ 
rious modifications, or the merging of a single external form of life in the 
universal life, is possible, an absolute and proper death is inconceivable. 

_ Proceeding from this general view to the consideration of single 
beings, we perceive that all those individuals, so far as they are inte- 
grant parts of universal nature, must partake more or less of its essential 
properties,—that whatever is essential to the one must be partially re- 
peated in the other. Every natural being must therefore appear, like 
nature in general, partly as a unity (in which light only it is an indivi- 
dual), and partly as a multiplicity, in which light it is infinitely divisi- 


ble*, and its action and reaction upon the different other individuals may 
also be infinite. At the same time it still further appears that such an 
individual approaches more nearly to general nature in proportion as 
the multiplicity manifesting itself in its unity is more comprehensive 
and striking. A substance therefore (a geometrical body, for instance, ) 
which is merely multiform and infinitely divisible in space but immu- 
table in time, has far less claim to this affinity than a body, such as that 
of a plant or an animal, which changes in time also because of its con- 
tinued growth and progress toward an independent life. Although, as 
has been shown already, the idea of life is in full and perfect accord- 
ance with universal nature, and consequently no natural body can, in 
this general view, be accounted anything more than a living member of 
the whole, yet there is a vast difference perceptible between individuals, 
inasmuch as the collective idea of life, a life proper to themselves, ma- 
nifests itself in some, while others are less independent and can be re- 
cognised only as necessary parts of other individuals. 

Now it is clear that the idea of life and that of an organism are es- 
sentially the same; for any unity that continually develops itself in- 
wardly and outwardly into a real multiplicity is named—so far as it pro- 
duces means, that is to say, instruments or organs suited to its own de- 
velopment—an organism or organized body, and everything belonging 
to it is termed organic. Its action is therefore named organic life, and 
that which is generated in space by this living action the organic body. 
Universal nature is consequently to be considered as the highest, the 
most complete, the original organism ; and 7” nature those individuals 
only are to be called organisms which, as unities under certain external 
conditions, that is in their relation to other natural unities, continually de- | 
velop themselves inwardly and outwardly into a real multiplicity. Among 
such organisms the most prominent are those bodies which, including © 
our planet, constitute the system of the universe, and display them-— 
selves in continual motion and formation; those on our planet consist 
of plants and animals. | 

Now, as in an animal a piece of bone, muscle, or skin, and in a 
plant a fragment of the wood, leaf, or fruit, may be considered as or- ; 
ganic, but cannot be called an organism, all substances, except plants and — 
animals, observable in and upon the body of the earth, so far indeed as ; 
they are parts of the terrestrial organism, are to be regarded as organic 
and as parts of a living thing, but not as organisms possessing an inde-_ 
pendent life. : 

According to this view we must include among those things which 
do not as unities develop themselves into multiplicity, —that is, among 

* [An investigation of this part of the subject will be found in a paper “ On — 
the Origin and Production of Matter, and on its alleged Infinite Divisibility,” 
in the Philosophical Magazine, First Series, vol. Ixii. p. 360, et seg. See also B 
vol, lxiii. p. 8372,—Eprr. } 


Inorganisms,—\st, all substances which, though infinitely divisible, being 
but mechanically so, are incapable of being developed into various parts 
and of maintaining at the same time their individual existence ; and 
therefore all elementary bodies, such for instance as oxygen, hydrogen, 
carbon, the metals, sulphur, &e. 2nd, All substances whose resolution or 
development into their elements annihilates their individual existence ; 
as, for instance, water, which, as soon as it is decomposed by the influ- 
ence of galvanism into oxygen and hydrogen gas, ceases to be water,— 
widely differing in this respect from the plant, which, when it develops 
itself into leaves, branches, flowers, and fruit, remains still the same 
plant, or rather becomes then for the first time completely a plant. To 
these we must add the acids, salts, &c., nay, the constituent parts of or- 
ganic bodies themselves, which being resolved into their elements are, 
as organic bodies, utterly destroyed. 3rd, All bodies which owe not their 
existence and multiplicity to spontaneous development, but are composed 
by nature or by art out of materials already prepared; for instance, float- 
ing islands, buildings formed by animals, all automata, machines, &c. 
But as we find in real organisms single subordinate parts or organs, 
which in a certain degree reproduce the idea of the whole; nay, as we 
see that in less perfect organisms that bond of unity which holds the 
developed parts together is yet so feeble that if it is separated the part 
appears to be really a whole, (for instance, the shoot of a plant separated 
from its parent often becomes a new plant, and the parts of a polypus 
become new polypi,) so do we not unfrequently observe the idea of 
the living thing to which they belong reproduced to a certain extent 
by natural bodies which, so far as-they are parts of a greater organism, 
have not the appearance of being organisms themselves. Of this fact 
we have an instance in the formation of a water-drop, which, as mani- 
festing a certain force of gravity or tendency to internal unity, is es- 
‘sentially analogous to the spherical formation of the heavenly bodies ; 
and in crystallization, the growth of metals, &c. we see a repetition of 
the process by which the earth was formed out of fluids. If we turn 
our attention to these intimations of individual life in unorganized 
‘bodies, the idea of the living principle pervading all nature presents 
itself anew and more distinctly to our minds, and we are forced to ad- 
mit the relations of the unorganized to organized bodies, which could 
exist only in this connexion and under their other relations to universal 
nature. From all this we are finally led to infer the universal connex- 
jon, the combination, the never-ceasing action and reaction of all the 
powers of nature, sometimes in sympathy, sometimes in antipathy, as 
‘necessary to the production of an immeasurably vast and magnificent 
whole,—an action and reaction which would be impossible, were not all 
‘originally pervaded by one living principle, were not all in this respect 
similar and allied to each other. 


From these general conclusions we proceed to a survey of the dif- 
ferent kingdoms of nature, in order to submit to a closer examination 
the peculiarity of their life and their mutual relations. For this pur- 
pose we must define more exactly the boundaries of each separate 
kingdom. Here we must first make a distinction between the celestial 
and the terrestrial bodies. To the former belong the solar systems, in- 
cluding the earth considered as aplanet. ‘The idea of terrestrial bodies 
comprehends all the different single objects perceptible by the senses in 
and on the earth. Now, terrestrial bodies, according to their appearing 
or not appearing as independent organisms, form two principal classes, 
and this leads to a second division of bodies into the organized and unor- 
ganized. We divide the inorganic bodies likewise, as far as we con- 
sider them members of the planet, into the constituent parts of the 
body of the earth, and the constituent parts of the atmosphere, viz. 
1. Fossils and liquids ; 2. Gases and vapours. The organic bodies are 
divided into vegetable and animal bodies. We have therefore four 
kingdoms of nature, and four different departments of natural philo- 
sophy belonging to them, The kingdom of the earth (Geology) ; the 
kingdom of the air (Atmospherology); the vegetable kingdom (Phyto- 
logy, Botany) ; the animal kingdom (Zoology). 

Of the Inorganie Kingdom. 

The great elementary masses of the earth are formed and governed 
by many powers, among which we may distinguish those which relate 
to the individual preservation of the planet, from those which originate 
in other heavenly bodies. Of the former the most remarkable is Gra- 
vitation, which manifests itself as the immediate principle of internal 
unity, the sensible tendency of all parts of the earth to a common centre, 
_and therefore to an ideal unity, since according to Euclid no point can 
be represented materially. But another effect presenting itself in the 
visible relation of the earth to other heavenly bodies, is that which we 
perceive under the form of Light. These two powers, when united, 
produce other phenomena ; for instance, heat, which results from the 
opposition between the rays of light and the direction of gravity: 
wherefore we observe the heat of the earth to be more intense, the more 
the heated body is found to be in a straight line between the illumi- 
nating and the illuminated object, that is, between the centre of the sun 
and that of the earth. To these also belongs the phenomenon called 
magnetism, as the effect of the gravitation of the earth, and its po- 
sition with respect to the other planets, i.e. the direction of its axis. In 
heat the predominant principle is light ; whereas the predominant prin- 
ciple in magnetism is gravitation. To these we find new powers still — 
added, among which the mechanical and the chemical appear to be 
allied to gravitation and magnetism, (for the laws of mechanics are es- 


sentially connected with those of gravitation, as the chemical laws in- 
clude the compositions and decompositions, the attractions and repul- 
sions of ponderable bodies, ) while electricity and galvanism, on the con- 
trary, being more connected with light and heat, are found less inherent 
in terrestrial substances. A body which is an electric or galvanic con- 
ductor can be conceived to exist without electric or galvanic power; 
whereas no earthly substance can be imagined without the chemical 
effects proper to its composition, and the mechanical operations proper 
to its form. It is moreover worthy of remark how all this series of 
powers, which constitute in their totality the life of the planet, is found 
also in its single parts constantly and in the most various forms; for we 
find in every object a proportionate gravitation of the mass toward its 
centre. This fact explains the mutual attraction of two bodies floating 
in a fluid, the formation of a drop of water, and the nature of the glo- 
bular form in general as one in which all the radii, or the relations of 
the periphery to its centre, are equal. It explains also the mutual illu- 
mination of single terrestrial bodies ; the production of heat as the re- 
sult of the collision of different bodies ; the manifestation of electricity, 
not only in the stormy atmosphere, but also in resin and glass; and 
the manifestation of terrestrial magnetism in the smallest bar of iron. 
These objects, for the complete examination of their endless variety and 
eternal regularity, require a full development of the laws of chemistry 
and natural philosophy,—a development which would exceed the limits 
of this treatise as much as it does the powers of the author, and which, 
in its full and scientific comprehensiveness, is still a desideratum. 

But our purpose demands a particular examination of the relation of 
water to the other atmospherical and terrestrial substances, more parti- 
cularly because it forms, as we shall show, the most essential link 
between organized and unorganized bodies, or rather the constant 
source from which the former arise. Water considered in its threefold 
form, as solid, fluid, and gaseous, presents a true middle and connect- 
ing member between the planet and its atmosphere. It may be consi- 
dered as the indifference of both,—on which fact depends its decom- 
position into a combustible element (hydrogen), and an element 
promoting combustion (oxygen), nay, it is in its purity really indif- 
ferent in respect to the other terrestrial as well as to atmospherical 
substances. But the manifold in nature, however far back in point of 
time we trace its origin, will be found constantly issuing out of the 
simple and indifferent; and on this very account water, as far as it 
appears an indifference, becomes the germ and source of an infinity of 
other forms ; indeed it is a question whether we are not already justified 
in supposing, and whether further inquiries will not establish the fact, 
that both the planet and its atmosphere are but different develop- 
ments of one and the same original fluid. Several,of the older chemists 
(Leidenfrost, Wallerius, Markgraff) have attempted to show, that even 

Vor. I—Parrt II. R 


now, during: certain chemical processes, particles of water are changed 
into earth; and though Lavoisier has sufficiently refuted that opinion, 
he: has not demonstrated the impossibility of the decomposition of an 
original fluid into water, air, and earth*. That water is of the utmost 
importance in the general formation of the earth, has been proved 
beyond doubt by the excellent experiments of the immortal Werner ; 
and we are justified in continuing still to believe in its importance to 
the preservation and life of the planet, when we take into consideration 
both its quantity and its continual motion. In regard to its quantity, 
we find that of the sum total of the surface of the globe (9,000,000 
square miles,) the water occupies nearly 6,500,000 and the land only 
2,500,000+. The water is so deep also that several points of the sea 
are unfathomable, although latterly it has been fathomed to a depth 
amounting to 4600 feet. The motion of the water, on the other hand, 
depends partly on gravitation, as in the running of rivers and streams ; 
partly on the attraction of other planets, (viz. the sun and moon,) as 
in its ebbing and flowing in the tides{, and in its ascending and 
descending between the earth and sky in the form of vapour, dew, 
rain, snow, &c. Comparing animal with planetary life, we are there- 
fore led to conclude, that as a homogeneous fluid, in continual circu- 
lation, the blood, is the source in which all forms and reproductions 
of the organism originate, so is water one of the members most 
important to the life of the earth. This internal life of the fluid 
becomes indeed more evident when we consider the individual forma- 
tions of the solid to which it gives birth. The most striking illustration 
of this is the process of crystallization, which exhibits a near approach 
of the inorganic to the organic life; for we cannot deny, even to the 
crystal, a certain inward peculiar life at the moment of its formation. 
The only difference between an organic body and a crystal is, that the 
life of the latter, the principle of action and reaction, terminates as soon 
as its formation is accomplished. One might be tempted to say that 
the crystal lives only to form itself; for as soon as it is formed it 
dies; while true organisms, on the contrary, form themselves only in 
order to live, and it is only when they are perfectly formed that their 
life is truly and properly evident. But the formation of the crystals, 
as a process nearly allied to organic life, is not the only phenomenon 
remarkable inthem. The very forms of the crystal are, in their approxi- 
mation to the form of the organized being, well worthy of a closer at- 
tention. We find in all earthy, as well as in many metallic or combus- 
tible fossils, the purely geometrical form of the crystal, which, in pro- 
portion as it is more compact, and presents a more limited coincidence 

* See the experiments of J. F. W. Otto’s System in an Universal Hydro- 
graphy of the Earth. Berlin, 1800. 

¢ See Kant’s Physic. Geograph., edited by Rink, Pt. I. p. 61. 
. $ See Otto’s Universal Hydrography, p. 520—550. 

eee nL — 



of surface with other forms, approaches more nearly the spherical form, 
as that which is perfectly compact, thoroughly symmetrical, and there- 
fore fundamentally organic. The icosahedron, for instance, approaches 
the spherical form more nearly than the octahedron does; it is also 
important to observe that the most precious crystals, and especially the 
diamond, (which being pure carbon, is therefore, from its composition, 
most closely allied to the organized bodies,) are those wherein we ob- 
serve the most compact crystallization, at least that which approaches 
most nearly to the sphere and is therefore in nowise columnar ; where- 
fore the diamond, particularly on account of its power of refraction, 
has a closer resemblance to a solid drop of water*. This view, by 
showing how crystallization may be examined, from the three-sided 
pyramid and the cube upwards to the most many-sided forms, or those 
which approach nearest to the sphere, may place the theory of ecrystal- 
lization on a more natural and therefore a more philosophical basis. 
On the other hand we must also take into consideration the copies, or 
rather the prototypes, of the form of really organized bodies which 
occur in the solidification of the fluid. It is by no means without a 
cause, nor to be regarded as a mere dusus nature, (a very unmeaning 
expression,) that pure water in its crystallization assumes forms whicht 
correspond most closely with those of inferior organizations: thus the 
flakes of snow represent the forms of Polypi, Asteriz, and Medusze ; 
we find in the ice on windows the forms of many vegetable sub- 
stances, leaves, stems, flowers; the earth too and some metallic sub- 
stances present, when melted or united with water, similar types, in 
which we see the condition under which Dendrites and the manifold 
forms of native ores originate. In all this the moving creating life of 
the original fluid cannot pass unnoticed, and becomes still more 
evident if we examine the history of the origin of organized bodies, 
in which the fluid appears as the basis both of animal and ve- 
getable life; and thus the very germ of individual organisms is inti- 
mately connected with the life of the planet. Indeed this is partly true 
of the solid parts of the earth; for it is easy to show, even in the fossil 
kingdom, a transition partly to animal and partly to vegetable life ; so 
much so, that a philosophical inquirer, Henry Steffens+, has been led, 
from a comparison of several facts, to establish two very probable pro- 
positions relating to this subject : 

“1. In the whole silicious series (of fossils),—-which constitutes the 
chief mass in the oldest and principal mountains of our earth, which goes 
through all periods, and in its bituminous substances exhibits the re- 
mains of an extinct vegetation, yet connected as a living member with 
the whole existing vegetation by the marsh-turf,—carbon and hydrogen 
(the essential elements of the vegetable kingdom) are the principal 

* On the formation of the water-drop, seep. 229. 

t See Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Erde: pp. 58 and 69. Freyberg, 1801. 



characteristics. 2. In the whole calcareous series,—which begins in 
the oldest mountains of our earth, proceeds through all periods, is of 
the greatest magnitude in those of the latest formation, presents in the 
petrifactions the relics of an extinct animalization, and is connected as 
a living member (in the coral-banks), with the existing animal world,— 
nitrogen and hydrogen (the essential elements of the animal world) are 
the principal characteristics. 

The connexion between inorganic and organic life, however, is shown 
more immediately and more clearly in the production of organisms 
from pure water; to which we must refer both the origin of the Infusoria 
obtained by the pouring of water over mineral substances, as observed 
by Gruithuisen, and still more, the origin of the so-called green matter, 
the history of which has been so admirably traced by Priestley and In- 
genhousz. These show more than all other experiments, that in the 
purest water, under the free influence of air, light, and heat, beings are 
formed which, oscillating as it were between the animal and the plant, 
exhibit the primitive germs of both kingdoms. The succession of the 
changes which take place in the formation of the Infusoria is of such 
importance that we cannot avoid considering them more in detail, and 
therefore select from the acute G. R. Treviranus * the following passage 
in reference to those cases. 

“If we expose spring water} to the sun in open, or even in alana 
but transparent vessels, after a few days bubbles rise from the bottom, 
or from the sides of the vessel, and a green crust is formed at the same 
time. Upon observing this crust through a microscope, we discover a 
mass of green particles, generally of a round or oval form, very minute, 
and overlaid with a transparent mucous covering, some of them 
moving freely, whilst others perfectly similar to these remain motionless 
and attached to the sides of the vessel. This motion is sometimes 
greater than at others. The animalcules frequently lie as if torpid, but 
‘soon recover their former activity. 

“ As the corpuscles constantly become more numerous, the erust in- 
creases likewise. After a few weeks the latter acquires a certain thick- 
ness and consistency. If we examine it in this state, it appears exactly 
as described by Priestley. It looks in fact like a slimy sediment of the 
water, which has become green under the influence of the sun without 
presenting any trace of organization. The green particles, which were 
visible at the time of their formation, are now so crowded together, and 
perhaps so changed in their organization, that the most attentive ob- 
server, unless he had closely followed their metamorphosis step by step, 
would hardly be able to discover the traces of their primitive form. 

“‘ A few weeks later, when the crust has assumed a still greater con- 

* Biologie, vol. ii. p. 302. ; 

+ Similar results are obtained from distilled best gee far more rapidly 
when mixed with organic substances. . 

— a ee 


27 2 RE = LCI. 


sistency, it appears to have become a confused mass,’ or an indurated 
green mucus. When the mass is broken and observed through a good 
microscope, the original green corpuscles appear again, but changed in 
form, enveloped in a slimy matter, and interwoven with small transpa- 
rent threads resembling slender colourless glass tubes, and show irregular 
yet visible movements. ‘They approach each other, return again to 
their former position, become entangled with each other, and again dis- 
entangle themselves. If observed at the instant when such movements 
occur with the greatest energy, these little filaments have all the appear- 
ance of diminutive eels; in fact they are in some degree similar to the 
small vermiculations observed in vinegar. We may often discover in 
them even peristaltic motions. The white colour and the motion of these 
filaments last but a certain time. After a few weeks more, the crust 
becomes more solid, uneven, and raised here and there into irregular 
protuberances. The threads (or filaments) become more distinct ; they 
are green, and scattered about without order, chiefly on the most pro- 
minent part of the crust, without however rising over its surface, which 
remains smooth and rather hard to the touch. The crust itself presents 
scarcely any traces of the original animalcules. 

“Tf the crust be left undisturbed, and the water be now and then, 
but seldom, renewed, the unevennesses of the crust increase and rise in 
a pyramidal form. As soon as the pyramids are formed, the green 
threads, winding irregularly through the unevennesses of the green 
crust, rise also, become developed, and dispose themselves along the 
pyramidal bodies, toward the upper parts of which they become par- 
ticularly visible; the rest is of a gelatinous substance, of a sufficient 
consistence to maintain its form as long as it remains under water. If 
these productions belong to the class of zoophytes, they must be ranked 
among the Tremelle.” j 

Some have indeed denied the actual production of organized from 
unorganized matter, since distilled water over quicksilver does not pro- 
duce any green matter. But in the first place it is not easy to see why 
ametamorphosis should not be regarded as such because it occurs only 
‘under certain given circumstances ; in the second place, it is also very 
possible that in a process so little favoured even by pure water, the 
quicksilver, on account of its property of counteracting production (a 
‘property which renders it so useful as medicine), may destroy or pre- 
-yent the infusorial fermentation, as it has been called. 

We think therefore that we are not in error when (combining the 
consideration of these important changes with our general inquiries 
into unorganized matter,) we recur to the proposition we have before 
laid down, viz. that the multiplicity of the phenomena of nature 
‘rests upon one unity; that nature therefore nowhere presents either an 
absolute difference (for such changes would then be inexplicable), or 
an absolute identity; and consequently, if we give the name of sud- 


stance to the real, or that which is the condition of the phenomena of 
nature, this eternal substance causes by a continual metamorphosis 
the appearance and disappearance, the perpetual change of natural 
objects; a real creation and annihilation being as inconceivable as a 
limit to universal nature. 

Of the Organic Kingdom. 

The animal stands in the same relation to the vegetable kingdom as 
organized bodies in general do to the unorganized, that is, as unities un- 
folding themselves into multiplicity ; for as in the activity of individual 
terrestrial organisms we observe not merely a power peculiar to them as 
organisms, viz. organic life, but likewise that activity which appertains 
to them as parts of universal nature, viz. physical life, gravitation, che- 
mical properties, &c.: so also we find in the animal kingdom, besides 
the life peculiar to animals, the properties peculiar to vegetation. But 
further, according to our previous inquiries, so little difference can we 
trace between the unorganized and the organized in their essence and 
their various relations, that the organized merely presents the unorga- 
nized body in higher power, and in closer unity, and in more perfect 
independence. In like manner the absolute and essential difference 
between an animal and a plant is so little, that the animal is to be con- 
sidered only as a plant which has attained a more complete unity, inde~ 
pendence, freedom, and power; which will be more satisfactorily proved 
in the following pages, where we intend to submit the life of plants, as 
well as that of animals, to a closer examination. 

The Vegetable Kingdom. 

Speaking of the crystal, we stated that it forms itself by an inward 
living principle, but that when formed it appears deprived of indivi- 
dual life; whilst organisms, on the contrary, (though to be considered 
as in a state of continual transformation and growth,) first manifest 
‘their real life when they are completely developed: In the same manner 
we may say of the plant when compared with the animal, that though 
the plant be in one view formed in order to live, yet even when deve- 
loped it strives only after a progressive organic formation and real 
development as the highest aim of its life ; whilst, on the other hand, the 
whole end of the activity of animal life is not mere organic formation, 
‘but also free self-determination and ideal development. A proposition 
which may be also thus briefly expressed : If in universal nature, and in 
every individual that forms a part of the universe, we must distinguish 
between the internal unity or law, and external multiplicity or sen- 
sible phenomena, we find that in the plant the multiplicity overbalances 
the unity; in the animal, on the contrary, the unity overbalances the 
multiplicity. But since a body which possesses less unity is thereby more 
precisely marked as an integrant part of a superior whole, and, on the 
contrary, a body possessing greater internal unity appears to be on that 


account more a whole in itself, hence we know why the plant is from 
necessity more closely connected with the organism of the earth than 
the animal; considered in which point of view, the principal pecu- 
liarities of vegetable organization are capable of a general explanation. 

As the first consequence of the above fundamental peculiarity, we 
have to consider the division of the plant according to the direction 
of the two principal properties of the terrestrial organism, that is, in 
its tendency to inward unity (gravitation), and in its relation to the 
higher natural bodies (light). In this point of view, the plant must 
be regarded as consisting of two parts, the terrestrial and the aérial, 
the former consisting of the roots and stem, the latter of the leaves 
and flowers. From the division, or dualism, thus characterizing the 
plant, there follows also as a second consequence the want of internal 
unity in the formation of the plant in its relation to space. Moreover, 
while we see the animal endowed with different systems of organiza- 
tion, the one for absorption, assimilation, and secretion [ Stoffwechsel], 
the other for sensation and motion, and the first system inclosed 
within the second in the form of intestines; the plant, on the contrary, 
wants the intestines properly so called, and possesses nothing to cor- 
respond with the absorbing and assimilating intestines of the animal, 
but that which we call the root; so that while the animal, as a unity 
in relation to space, exists one half within the other, the plant, on the 
contrary, as a duality in relation to space, appears one half wpon the 
other. Hence we may moreover infer the original homogeneity of 
both halves; and this circumstance renders the reversion of their func- 
tions possible, so that the branch is converted into a root, and the root 
into branch, leaves, flowers, &c., as is proved by experiment. A third 
consequence is, that as the union of two points appears as a line, the 
line is the archetype of the plant; while, on the contrary, (as we shall 
show hereafter,) the globular form is the archetype of the animal 
body. The root, being subject to the law of gravitation, strikes down- 
ward toward the centre of the earth; the stem, the leaves, and the flowers, 
on the contrary, follow the light, and rise in the opposite direction, so 
that the whole represents a perpendicular line. The experiments 
instituted by Count Buquoi, in order to ascertain the constancy of 
these directions under unusual external circumstances, are in this 
respect well worthy of attention*. Seeds were put into a layer of 
mould lying loose at the top and bottom ; but, though placed closer to 
the lower surface, instead of growing out of this, they pierced through 
the far stiffer part of the layer, so as to grow out of its surface. 
Plants which were set upside down in a flowerpot always bent their 
flower-stem around the edge of the pot, and grew upwards. A 
fourth consequence of that fundamental property of the plant is its 

* Shixxen zu einem Gesetxbuche der Natur. Leipzig, 1817, p. 315. 


fixing itself upon a given spot; while, on the other hand, locomo-. 
tion is the characteristic of the animal kingdom. For there is no 
comparison between plants taking root, and the adhesion of some 
animals, corals, and oysters, to the ground by means of their shells. 
In the latter case there is not, as there is in that of the plant, an active 
dynamical intrusion into the maternal bosom of the earth for the sake: 
of nourishment and life, but a mere mechanical hold of the surface. 
A fifth consequence is the more marked dependence of vegetable life 
on the life of the earth. Whether the vegetative organization awakes 
and develops itself, or sleeps and dies, depends accordingly on the 
position of the planet with respect to the sun and other heavenly 
bodies, as well as on the peculiar development of the soil. Though 
these circumstances affect animal life also, it is not to be denied that 
they do so ina far inferior degree, and that the progress of animal 
organization imparts an independence of which the plant is utterly in- 
capable. As the sixth and last consequence arising from the less perfect 
unity of the plant, we are to consider not only the dualism already men- 
tioned, but the peculiar nature of every bud; and every internodium 
may be considered as a whole in itself, or in some measure an indi- 
vidual plant; wherefore a bush or a tree is more properly compared 
to an aggregate of animals (a coral bank) than to a single animal. 
In this way we shall easily comprehend the various modes of propa- 
gating plants, in which a bud (an eye) and the shoots that issue from 
it renew the parent organism, and that which we see in the bud is exhi- 
bited likewise as tubercles in the root or also (as in the genus Allium) 
near the flower, or as the bulb, and always possessing the power of repro- 
ducing the whole plant out of itself; nay the very seed is but an im- 
proved and more perfectly compact picture of the bud. 

If we closely examine the structure and composition of plants, we find 
that, like the organism of the earth itself, they contain solid, fluid, and 
gaseous elementary particles. We see that in the plant, as well as in the 
earth, the fluid contributes to the formation of the solid parts, and that 
the finer and therefore more destructible organization of the plant is 
composed of chemical elements, namely, the carbonic, hydrogen, and 
oxygen gases. The transition of the fluids into solids, and consequently 
the history of the formation of the proper body of the plant itself, is evi- 
dent in its primary structure, that is, in its cellular tissue. If we call 
to our recollection the history of the primitive formation of the rudi- 
ments »f organic bodies in the green matter of Priestley, and see in 
this the conditions of this formation,—whilst, under the influence of light 
and gravitation, some particles of the original fluid attain the nature of in- 
dividual beings, as well as a tendency to internal unity, and consequently 
a globular form,—it becomes clear that this development cannot occur 
without a separation of those particles from the rest, without an indi- 
vidual limitation in form of a spherical surface; so that the rudiment of 


animal life appears to be a hollow globular body. Consequently when 
the effort to attain a higher unity or a more perfect organization 
presses several of these globuli, possessing solid though weak sur- 
faces, one toward the other, the surfaces, by mutual pressure, are ne- 
cessarily modified into different geometrical angular bodies*. In the 
most imperfect plants we observe, as a consequence of an imperfectly de- 
veloped internal structure, that in their single cells, which press each other 
but slightly, the globular form prevails, although on account of the linear 
direction peculiar to plants (see p.235) it is elongated into the’ellipsoid ; 
while in the more perfect plants, on the contrary, the single cells of 
their tissue appear, in consequence of the mutual pressure, in the form 
of regular dodecahedrons. Looking upon the cellular formation as the 
basis of the whole plant, and considering that the plant itself ‘in its 
primitive destination is dependent on its relation to the planet and its 
unity (gravitation), we are fully entitled to identify the anatomical 
system of the cellular tissue}, as the proper reproductive system of the 
plant, with terrestrial gravitation and the planetary body itself, inas- 
much as that principle may be considered the basis of the whole organ- 
ism of the earth. But since, in the organism of the earth, light and 
air, as constituting a second integrant part, stand opposed to gravita- 
tion [der Nachtseite], and since the plant bears a relation not only 
to grayitation but to light also (see p. 235) when its formation is com- 
plete, it will necessarily present a second anatomical system, namely 
that of the spiral vessels, which have been very justly considered of 
late as the organs that perform in plants the functions of nerves, 
The lower plants, which want no light for their development, are not 
provided with spiral vessels; in the more perfect plants, on the con- 
trary, the spiral vessels are as essential a part of the organization as 
the cellular tissue. In fine, between both these systems of the cellular 
tissue and the spiral vessels (the earth and water system, and the light 
and air system, as they are called by Kieser},) the epidermis stands 
as a binding and connecting member, whose vessels appear to be 
the more perfect intercellular ducts, and its pores the orifices of these 

As the anatomical systems of plants are therefore but very few, the 
multiplicity of their external organs, which unfolds itself in the most 
beautiful progression and regularity, is so much the more important. 
Whilst the root, penetrating more deeply in the direction of the earth, 
spreads itself with uniformity, the plant elevates itself more and more 
into the light, and attains a more delicate and perfect organization; in 
which process it is a fact deserving most particular attention, that this 
perfectibility does not manifest itself in the production of new organs 

_ * Kieser’s Grundziige der Anatomie der Planxen. Jena, 1815, p. 9. 

+ Ibid., pp. 16—19. 
¢ Ibid., p.19. © : @ 


entirely different from the former, but in a continually progressive trans- 
formation of the original types, a succession of metamorphoses, on the 
nature of which we have received the most interesting information in 
the excellent observations of Goethe*. It appears that while the first 
rough type, as it were, of the whole plant is contained in the coatings or 
leaves of the seed (cotyledons), which abound with a gross and yet 
unelaborated sap; the same type is manifested more plainly in the 
successive divisions of the stem (internodia), and in the leaves, in which, 
when we compare the upper with the lower leaves which surround the 
stem, its progressive improvement becomes very distinctly evident. 
As soon as the plant has formed its leaves, which perform the functions 
of the organs of respiration and secretion, and has thus purified its 
fluids, it goes on to produce the flower, which is its most complete 
organ, entirely under the influence of the light. Even this transition is 
not performed suddenly, but is prepared by the formation of the calyx, 
wherein the leaves of the stem begin to contract themselves, while they 
unite in greater numbers around a common axis in the same plane: this 
formation shows itself most evidently in the collective calyx of flowers 
belonging to the class Syngenesia, in which the pappus performs the 
function of the calyx of single flowers. Moreover, the calyx itself 
constitutes the most evident transition to the corolla, the functions 
_of which it often performs ; and the corolla is only a finer calyx for the 
organs of generation, which, as the most compact and perfect organs, 
issue forth from their last organ of development and preparation, as 
from a covering which they have last thrown aside. It is a remarkable 
fact, and one which places the correctness of these views beyond doubt, 
that too rich a nourishment, and the accumulation of too many fluids 
not yet properly purified, may cause a retrograde organization of these 
parts; the organs of generation may be transformed into flower-leaves 
(as in double flowers), the leaves of the calyx may be changed back 
again into leaves of the stem (as is often the case in the calyx of the 
rose ),and instead of the organs of generation, a new shoot or internodium, 
-bearing a new flower, may appear (as in the proliferous roses or Rose- 
kingst ). When, after such successive progression, the plant has reached 
the highest point of polarity between root and flower (gravitation and 
light), between which the stem and leaves may be considered as mere 
connecting links, similar in their function to that of the epidermis be- 
tween the cellular system and the system of the spiral vessels, the same 
opposition appears once more under the form of male and female sta~ 
mina; the latter of which, as containing the germ of a new plant (the 
seed), belong more to the reproductive system, and stand more under 
the influence of the earth. Wherefore the inferior plants, such as 

* Versuch die Metamorphose der Planzen xu erkliren. Gotha, 1790, Re- 

printed in the Hefte zur Naturwissenschaft und Morphologie, 1817, i. 
(+ Rosenkonigen, Germ. ] 


mushrooms, ferns, &c., produce their seeds immediately without the 
aid of the male stamina, and this circumstance accords with their tex- 
ture, which is merely composed of cellular tissue. On the other hand, 
the male stamina, containing a generating life-imparting principle, that 
is, the operation of light, come nearer to animal nature. This view is 
in perfect accordance with the power of motion which is often to be 
observed in these parts, as well as with the very probable hypothesis, 
that the cause of the scent and of the colour of flowers may be 
traced to the elements of the male pollen*, which is contained in 
their leaves. We have already stated that the seed itself being an 
indifference emanating from this highest polarity, contains the most 
concentrated image of the bud. As it has thus within itself in idea 
the whole organism of the plant, it is capable of reproducing in reality 
the whole plant out of itself. 

Proceeding from this short survey of the principal phenomena of the 
development of plants to a further examination of their active manifes- 
tation of life, we shall find that even in this respect the vegetable king- 
dom, as a part of universal life, is connected with inorganic nature. It 
has been already observed that the life of the plant consists chiefly in 
the formation of its organs; whence it follows, that its most essential 
and fundamental activity manifests itself in the process of assimilation 
and secretion, as well as in the circulation of the sap, which is no- 
thing but a repetition of the chemical attraction and repulsion ob- 
served in unorganized matter. But since the circulation of the sap 
is not effected by any independent peculiar organ of circulation, (such, 
for instance, as a kind of heart,) we must suppose this movement to be, 
like the ebbing and flowing of the tides, the effect of a certain attrac- 
tion, partly originating in the structure of the plant, and partly in its 
external relations; unless we should prefer ascribing it entirely to the 
motion of fluids in capillary vessels, that is, in other words, to the laws 
of capillary attraction. But the laws of capillarity have surely but a 
limited influence in this case: capillarity may indeed enable us to ex- 
plain the phenomenon of the rising of fluids, but not their progres- 
sive motion, and still less the flowing off of the sap when the plant 
is cut or injured ; because a capillary tube never can overflow, and that 
for the very cause which makes fluids ascend, namely, their adhesion to 
the inner surface of the vessel. Hence, although capillary attraction 
has some share in the circulation of the plant, it is evident that this 
depends upon some higher cause. It has been already shown that the 
polarity of the plant between root and flower, which depends on the 
‘elementary polarity between gravitation and light, is also visible in the 
relation of the functions of both those parts, the root being particularly 
adapted to attraction and absorption, but less fit for secretion, and the 

* Gocthe’s Morphologie, p. 23. 


leaves and flowers being particularly capable of secretion and ex- 
piration, but less fit for absorption. Polarity is therefore the cause 
which brings the sap into motion by reciprocal attraction and repul- 
sion from the root to the leaves and flowers, and from the leaves and 
flowers again to the root: a motion on which, moreover, the physical 
powers—which, as the condition of both these parts, we have named 
vegetative poles, namely the powers of light and gravitation—must have 
amost decided influence; since, for instance, it is a well-known fact, 
that the perspiration of plants is very different according to the degrees 
in which they are exposed or withdrawn from the light of the sun. 
But besides those active properties which contribute to the organic 
formation of plants, some of them possess a peculiar mobility, which 
seems to arise from real sensibility, and at the first glance presents a 
perfect line of demarcation between the vegetable and inorganic bodies. 
In order to have a clear insight into this fact, it is necessary to fix our 
idea of the word sensibility, as that which we would be understood to 
convey most correctly, if we say that it consists ix the change operated 
by outward or inward circumstances in the feelings of a being conscious 
that it exists as a unity; consequently if we deny sensibility to the 
stone or the mineral, it is not because such a body isnot subject to the 
most various agitations and changes, but because it is merely a member 
of a higher unity, and in itself is to be considered as an individual, not 
as a true unity. Inregard to the plant we may say that it has become an 
organic unity; but onaccount of the dualism (see p. 235.) prevailing in its 
totality, and its being therefore bound as it were to the external world, we 
may with safety deny that it is conscious of its own unity ; for in order 
to have self-consciousness, or an internal perception of unity, there 
must be, not merely that ideal unity which belongs to organized beings 
in general, but that veal manifestation of unity which arises from the 
continual action and reaction of all the organs and an organic centre. 
But such action and reaction are not to be found in the plant, in which 
each bud may be considered as a whole; so that this real unity, as 
we shall hereafter see, is possible only in the animal, in which the 
organs are connected with a unity by means of the vascular and 
nervous systems. But if we cannot suppose plants to be possessed 
of sensibility, how can we account for their movements towards the 
light, the shrinking of the sensitive plant from the touch, the closing 
_of the Dionzea by mechanical irritation, or the inclining of the stamina 
towards the stigma, and the regular embracing of extraneous bodies, 
and in definite directions, by the creeping plants, &c.? In our opinion all 
these phenomena are to be accounted for in the same way as the rota- 
tion of the earth, the motion of falling bodies, the oscillation of the 
.sea in its ebbing and flowing, the attraction and repulsion of the cork 
balls in the electrometer ; that is to say, we think that they are entirely 
the effects of external disposing causes, and therefore the consequence 


of a susceptibility or capacity to be effected by those external causes. 
This property, so far as it is conducive to the excitement of organic ac- 
tivity, has been named irritability, but always without annexing to the 
word a sufficiently precise idea. We think it therefore not superfluous 
to illustrate it by some examples; when, for instance, a body is to be 
put in motion by an impulse, it is necessary that it possess mobility, or 
the capacity to be put in motion. It is the same with chemical opera- 
tions: in order that a body be acted upon and decomposed by another 
body, it is requisite that the former be susceptible of this chemical 
action. The case is the same if an organism as a whole, comprehended 
in an enduring form, is to be affected by external influences ; except that 
we must here distinguish whether the activity called forth by this influ- 
ence appears as a change in its physical properties, for instance in its ex- 
tension; or as a change in its own organic activity, its formation; or in 
the mutual relation of its single parts. In the former case we name 
this property a physical receptivity, in the second irritability, and the 
exciting power a stimulant; from which it is clear that the same in- 
fluence can act both asa mere physical power and as a stimulant: heat, 
for instance, can expand a body, and at the same time quicken its or- 
ganic formation or growth; in the latter case it acts as a stimulant. 
Hence it follows that the irritability of the plant stands in the same re- 
lation to animal sensibility, as its own physical receptivity stands to its 
irritability. While the plant therefore, from being indebted for its own 
movements to the influence of external causes, approaches more nearly 
to universal nature, and is therefore further separated from animal life, 
to which it approximates again in the inclining of the stamina towards 
the stigma, this movement, though independent of its own will, origi- 
nates in an attraction inherent in the plant itself. 

Having hitherto been occupied in considering the influence of the 
organization of the earth upon plants, it necessarily follows that we 
should consider the influence which the vegetable kingdom exercises 

_ upon the life of the earth; for even though we should not be inelined 
_ ‘to consider that the origin of the vegetable kingdom in general neces- 
sarily marks an important epoch in the formation of the earth,—as 
for instance, in the development of the plant, the production of a single 
organ (as the flower) from a particular influence is to the whole 
plant,—yet the transformation of vast masses of vegetable substances 
into strata of pit and Bovey coals, into strata of turf and of vegetable 
‘mould, and particularly the influence of living vegetation upon the 
surface of the earth and atmosphere, are objects too striking to pass 
unnoticed. In the latter point of view it is particularly worthy of 
‘remark, that the origin of brooks and streams is owing to the exis- 
tence of woody mountains, and their greater attraction of atmospheric 
*vapours; wherefore we often see streams dried up, on account of 
‘the destruction of the forests in which their sources lay; a. cir- 


cumstance to which modern travellers ascribe the present dry desert 
state of Greece, in which several streams celebrated by the an- 
cients have totally disappeared, leaving behind a dry and barren soil, 
because the woods which contained their springs were wasted and 
destroyed through barbarism and neglect. If, lastly, we consider how 
essential an influence the course and deposition of rivers have upon the 
surface of the earth; how far all countries have been produced by their 
rivers (as, for instance, Lower Egypt by the Nile, or the regions of 
America, towards the lower part of the Mississippi, by the alluviations of 
this river); we find here again the bond of mutual relation and affinity 
which connects organized and unorganized terrestrial bodies by means 
of vegetable life manifested with sufficient distinctness. 

The Animal Kingdom. 

As the plant may be considered a crystal continually developing it- 
self in a constant change of its matter, in like manner the living ani- 
mal body so nearly represents a plant which has reached a higher unity 
and faculty of self-determination, that although the animal still remains 
a part of a higher unity, and is closely hound to the earth by the ne- 
cessities of life, yet this hold taken of the animal as compared with 
that taken of the plant, is even less in degree than that which we ob- 
serve in the plant as compared with the unorganized body. For this 
very reason, the animal presents, among natural bodies, the most per- 
fect idea of an organism (see p. 226); and as we can prove mathe- 
matically that there are only three fundamental numbers (which are 
continually repeated in all forms of perception, namely, unity, its di- 
vision into duality, and the reunion of the unity and duality in trinity), 
which are exemplified in our conception of space through the three- 
fold dimension of length, breadth, and thickness,—in like manner the 
threefold succession of inorganic vegetable and animal life exhibits the 
members which together afford the idea of an organism, viz. multipli- 
city, development, and unity. 

Since the addition of the idea of unity constitutes the perfect idea of 
an organism, just as thickness, added to length and breadth, con- 
stitutes the idea of a body, it is evident that the unity of the animal 
body presents and affords in reality a perfect idea of an individual or- 
ganism. We have already observed that the peculiarities of vegetable 
life may very well be collectively ascribed to its want of inward self- 
independence ; in a similar way we may deduce all the peculiarities of 
the animal] organism already alluded to, from the idea of oe unity 
which is characteristic of animal life. 

Consequence the first.—If the plant, exposed alike to gravitation and ~ 
light, is divided into root and stem, into a terrestrial and an atmospheric 
part, the animal, being more independent, is less bound to the organism 
-of the planet to which it originally belongs, and is consequently more 


under the influence of light; wherefore, though sometimes fettered to 
the earth, it is by no means fixed or rooted in it, to which circum- 
stance it owes its faculty of locomotion. 

A further consequence which flows from the above consideration is, 
that the animal cannot, like the plant, draw its nourishing juices from 
the soil, because its whole organism has a tendency to inward unity; its 
very root-organs are turned inwards and formed into intestines; from 
which we are able to show most evidently the origin of the excretory 
canal and of the absorbent and circulating vessels. Let us suppose 
for instance a plant A, living with the atmospheric part + above- 
ground, and with its terrestrial part — underground; let us now detach 
it from the ground so that all the fibres of its root, abe c, having 
struck back into the internal parts of the stem and of the leaves, may 
be reversed inwards; we shall then have the figure B, in which the part 
subjected to the light perfectly encompasses that subjected to the earth; 
and a 6 appears as the alimentary duct; 6, as the cavity of the stomach, 
and ¢ ¢ as the vessels for distributing the sap. 

Here we observe how very much in this metamorphosis the plant has 
assumed the type of the animal body, such as we observe it among the 
lower classes of animals. In this way we may now see why in the Medusa, 
the Sea-star, the Echinus, and other inferior kinds of animals, the aperture 
of the mouth is turned downwards, and the alimentary duct upwards*; 
or in this way we may see that the lower classes want the opposite or pos- 
terior opening of the excretory ducts (anus), or that (as is likewise par- 

ticularly evident in the Medusa+ ) the vascular organs branch out imme- 
diately from the cavity of the stomach, and that the leaf-formed parts 
-B, a a, furnish an explanation of the appearance of a kind of exter- 

* Carus, Lehrbuch der Zootomie, p.327. _ + Ibid., p. 578. 


nal respiratory organs or gills (nearly as in the Clio* and the Cleodora); 
or lastly, we may see that the germ y grows opposite to the mouth, at 
the hinder extremity of the body, as the generator of a new interno- 
dium, that is (in the plant) as the producer of a new whole, or the or- 
gan of the plant’s propagation; and we are thereby enabled to account 
for the usual place assigned by nature to the organs of generation. In 
this way we shall always recognise that which has hitherto escaped the 
attention of the observer, namely, the analogy that exists between the 
body of the animal and that of the plant as above metamorphosed, as 
well as the manifest derivation -of the former from the latter. 

A third consequence of the above is, that the animal being the reali- 
zation of the abstract idea of unity, in which all parts must relate to a 
common centre, the sphere must be of necessity the original type of 
animal organization, the globe being that which tends to its centre 
with perfectly equal relations (radii). But, so far as the animal 
is not merely the upper part of the plant become detached, but like- 
wise contains in itself the organs of the root, the globe must be hol- 
low, and contain within itself the intestines, which can be most clearly 
pointed out in the lower animals. Because, without taking into account 
that the Infusoria appear merely as so many living hollow globules or 
cells (see the history of the green matter of Priestley, page 232, &c.), this 
kind of structure is evident in the bladder-worm (Cysticercus), in which 
(see fig. C.) the absorbing proboscis 6 (therefore called the head) is in 
reality curved inwards into the cavity of the body a, exactly in the 
manner described in the hypothetical metamorphosis of the plant into 
an animal. Similar forms are also exhibited by the Echinus tribe, to 
which we must add, that microscopical observations show most clearly 
that the whole of the organic mass of higher animals is composed of 
minute globuli. 

The fourth consequence is, that as unity is the characteristic peculi- 
arity of an organism, there must exist, because of the greater multi- 
plicity of its form, a bond which, while it again unites that multitude, 
exhibits that relationship to a common centre which accords with its 
organization. However, since the-animal presents two sides, a higher 
one, turned toward the outer world, and peculiarly animal, and a lower 
one, turned into itself, destined for reproduction, and so far purely 
vegetative, the above bond must likewise of necessity be twofold, — 
-bear a particular relation to each side. 

Fifth consequence. —No reciprocal action can take place jictieen 
two bodies, except in two directions, (just as the organism itself appears 

-essentially as body and life under two forms only), namely, in its ten- 
dency to produce a change and combination of particles,-or to a reci- 
procal transmission of power. Inasmuch as in the animal the change 

* Carus, Lehrbuch der Zootomie, p. 482. 


of particles belongs properly to its internal vegetative side, its external 
side (for the very reason that it is turned immediately to the outer 
world) will appear as a perceptive and reciprocating activity*. But 
since we may constantly recognise in every mutual relation of body as 
well as of action a threefold momentum, viz. action, reaction, and con- 
nexion or the indifference of both, these three elements must therefore 
be found also in each of the two sides of the animal organism. In fact 
we find them in the external (animal) side, as perception, motion, and 
the connexion of both through the nerves; in the internal vegetative 
side, as assimilation, secretion, and the connexion of both by circulation. 
But whatever is true of the bond which in these two spheres gives every 
form its centricity, the same must naturally be found in the so-called 
connecting nervous and vascular systems. Yet these two systems must 
not perhaps be considered as occasioning a real dualism in the organi- 
zation, but as equally subordinate and reduced to a unity, namely the 
nervous system, as being the higher, because it belongs to the animal 
which includes the vegetative sphere. 

Sixth consequence. As the plant is not merely occupied with its own 
change of particles and continual transformation, but when it has at- 
tained its perfect development produces the seed, as the representative 
of all its properties, the true reproduction of the species, we find in the 
animal likewise a similar reproduction of the species, in so far as even 
the animal is but a more perfect vegetable nature. The system thus 
established in respect to the animal, viz. the sexual system, possesses in 
its nature a polarity similar to that of the plant ; for we find in the more 
perfectly organized animals, a female reproductive and a male impreg- 
nating organ. But, on the contrary, we find the lower animals, like 
the inferior plants (see p. 239), endowed with female organs only. The 
activity of this system, manifesting itself especially in assimilation, se- 
cretion, and (as the basis of these two momenta) in vascular action, be- 
longs to the sphere of vegetation; and there is nothing to be compared 
with it in the animal sphere, except that activity by virtue of which, in 
the most perfect animal organism, that is the human, the idea of nature 
is reproduced by means of spiritual power, and truly developed through 
science and art. 

We have now further to consider the composition and internal forma- 
tion of the animal body, as well as the nature and direction of its active 
faculties of life. In the first point of view, we observe that it contains, 
like the organism of the earth and of the plant, a combination of solids, 
fluids, yapours, and gases, among which the fluids are again the sources 
of the rest. Its ultimate elements are principally hydrogen, oxygen, and 

_ # It is only in this way that the origin of the sensible side is capable of a 
scientific construction. 

Vox. l—Part I. s 


carbonic acid gas, with the additional one of nitrogen, which peculiarly 
belongs to this kingdom, and the volatile nature of which perfectly 
agrees with the rapid merging of animal bodies in the universal life of 
nature, as soon as their individual life is extinct; to which passage, 
however, the earthy parts, such as bones and shells, offer somewhat 
longer resistance. In regard to the internal formation of the solid parts 
of the animal body, it has been already remarked (see p. 244) that the 
spherical type, in so far as it is peculiar to animal forms in general, is also 
visible in the basis of all animal matter, so that the molecular substance 
is the basis of the collective animal body. If we now reflect likewise 
how in the Infusoria and Priestley’s matter, the rudiments of the animal 
kingdom appear as so many animated globuli, we shall thence perceive 
that the largest animal bodies themselves must be viewed as an innu- 
merable aggregate of Infusoria, but at the same time united into a living 
whole. It is moreover worthy of remark, that very essential differences 
present themselves in respect to the primary formation of the animal 
body in its different systems. It is also a remarkable fact, that in the 
organs exclusively proper to the animal,—for instance, in those of sense, 
motion, and the nerves,—this molecular mass is clearly discernible, partly 
as the marrow of the nerves (a peculiar grey substance), partly as de- 
veloped nervous and muscular fibres ; while in the organs which are 
more immediately borrowed from the plant (the vascular system, the 
skin, and the intestines), we remark again a very decided tendency to 
cellular formation. 

We have now before us two modes of perceiving in its true nature the 
further formation of the primary animal mass into the single organs of the 
animal body; either that of attentively watching the development of one 
complete animal organism in its different stages, or that of observing 
the succession of the species according to the order of animals in the 
development of their animalism. Of these two we shall give only the 
principal outlines of the first series of formation*, in which we shall find 
a great analogy to the development of the plant, but more especially 
a manifold confirmation of that which we have advanced in regard to 
the metamorphosis, or rather elevation, of vegetable into animal life. 
But in tracing the development of the individual animal body through 
its several stages, we shall take as the main object of our observations the 
human organization as the most perfect ; and thus we shall have occa- 
sion to recur to that of other animals in those cases only in which the 
observations made on the human being itself are deficient in regard to 
its first rudiments. 

* The observation of the development of organization in the series of ani- 
mals, is the idea upon which Carus’s Manual of Zootomy is founded, to which 
he here refers his readers. 


One thing, however, we know with certainty, namely, that the human 
body, like that of other animals, has its origin in the egg. But the egg 
itself must be considered as the original animal, as the infusorial crea- 
ture, appearing in the globular or primary form of animal life, and, like 
the seed of the plant, containing ideally within itself the whole ani- 
mal, which, under given external circumstances, it develops really out 
of itself. Recent observations have shown that the first rudiment of 
the embryo is formed on the inner surface of the hollow globe of the 
egg, by folding or turning inwardly a part of the integuments of the 
egg; which reminds us distinctly of the purely vegetative bladder-worm 
(Cysticercus, see p. 244), in which the so-called head, or the absorbing 
orifice, is turned inwards. It is plain therefore that we must consider 
the egg in this first period of development also as a plant with a root 
turned inwards (see p. 243) ; and we find this moreover confirmed by 
the functionary attributes of its parts, since the first introversion of the 
integument forms the cavity of the stomach and the intestines, as the first 
rudiment of the embryo. On the other hand, the external covering of 
the egg being somewhat similar to the green (breathing) surface of the 
plant, performs the breathing function of the embryo, and contains also 
(as the latest observations of Pander have shown), in the external envelop 
of the cuticle, the origin of the organs of sensation. Ina further stage of 
development we see the activity of formation concentrating itself more 
in the point turned inwards, and thus producing new opposites. The 
rudiment of the embryo repeats the above-described form, and the higher 
animal organs, which commence with the spinal marrow and the vertebral 
column, originate above the germ of the intestines of the cavity of the 
stomach. It is now in particular plainly seen how the animal is as it 
were transformed from a plant into an animal in the manner above de- 
scribed (p.234). For at the very first the intestines are only attached to 
the foetus, that is, the gut lies as yet in the umbilical cord, just as at first 
the root is attached to and not 27 the plant; but the intestines are soon 
afterwards drawn more and more inwards, and by degrees are completely 
enveloped by the animal organs, which grow simultaneously forwards 
on both sides out of the vertebral column; and here for the first time 
the foetus presents the appearance of an independent animal organism. 
The vascular system, however, is much more slow in connecting itself 
perfectly with the foetus; since it is rather a general connecting me- 
dium in the vegetative sphere, and therefore performs the function of 
a bond of union between the integument of the egg and the foetus so 
long as it remains inclosed in the egg. Even at this period of deve- 
lopment the relation of the parts of the egg reminds us of the plant; 
as the foetus, by means of the umbilical cord, is united to the placenta 
and integuments of the egg, held in organic connexion with the ma- 
ternal organism, just as the flower (which it resembles in respect to the 



development of the organs of generation,) is united by means of the 
stem to the root, which is held in connexion with the organism of the 
earth. It is also remarkable, that in the foetus the direction of the de- 
velopment from the insertion of the umbilical cord is upwards, as we 
see in the plant that the flower is directed upwards from the insertion 
of the stalk. For instance, the anthers are never turned back toward 
the stem and the fruit-germ, or directed downwards, but on the con- 
trary are invariably and wholly directed upwards, unless the flower- 
stalk and fruit-germ are turned downwards, in which case they also are 
directed downwards with them. This explains the development of the 
vertebral column into the head, in which the flower of the collected ani- 
mal organization appears as completely as the flower of the egg does in 
the entire foetus. This fact is still more clearly observable in the cen- 
tral structure of the vertebral column, viz. the spinal marrow, the fibres 
of which we see more perfectly developing themselves as they ascend 
upwards, till they terminate in the perfect and noble formation of the 

This direction of development in the foetus, the truth of which is 
most clearly established by many physiological as well as pathological ob- 
servations, is also indicated by the position of the entire foetus, in which 
we find the head usually turned downwards, but the lower extremity 
turned toward the insertion of the umbilical cord; in the same man- 
ner as the flower of the plant, and the head of the more perfect animal, 
rise upwards from the ground. Moreover, that the greater weight of 
the head which occasions it to sink downwards in the uterus is not the 
only use of that position of the foetus, is evident from the parturition 
of the quadruped mammalia, since although their standing on four 
feet must prevent the operation of such a cause, they nevertheless bring 
forth their young with the head (nay even with the face) forwards. 

We can here give but general outlines of the further development 
of the different systems and organs formed in the feetus; and with 
respect to the systems belonging to the animal side of the animal 
body, and which corresponds to the light side of the plant, we ob- 
serve that from their constituting the parts originally turned toward 
the outer world, they are endowed with a tendency to develop their 
structure in a direction radiating outwards from an internal cen- 
tre; for which reason we see the nervous system form itself as the 
radii of a central mass (the brain and the spinal marrow), which de- 
velops itself with a perfection continually increasing in proportion as 
the radiation outwards increases; we see also the ends of the nerves 
forming themselves either into the organs of sensation, or, as being de- 
stined to re-act upon external objects, inserting themselves into the 
molecular mass of the animal; so that these molecules, disposed into 
muscular fibres, are drawn, sometimes more and sometimes less 


strongly, towards that insertion of the nerves, according as the action 
of the nerves is increased or diminished by its centricity ; and it is 
thus that they determine the muscular contraction, and all animal 
motion. The following figure will explain the contraction and relaxa- 
tion of the muscle: a } represents the relaxed muscle, and c the nerve 
in its usual state; de the contracted muscle, and ec? the nerve in in- 
creased action. In the second figure, the contraction of the muscle by 
means of a diminution of volume is explained by the closer approxi- 
mation of the points to the centre. 

But besides this twofold termination, the nervous system finally branches 
out also into the vegetative sphere of the body, thus partly determining 
both sensation and motion, and partly constituting the bond of unity 
between the different organs of the vegetative system. In the latter 
point of view the very form of the nervous fibres is remarkable, since 
they all have an evident tendency to inclose the intestines and vessels 
in a kind of network. In the same point of view it becomes clear also 
that, as the inclosing of the lower system in the higher one is charac- 
teristic of animal organization, and the rudiments of the nerves always 
show this peripherous type, the higher animals, and man in particular,— 
in whom the spinal nerves encompass the common cavity of the trunk, 
somewhat similarly to the bending of the ribs,—possess a system of 
nerves appropriated to the vegetative structure, and perfectly analogous 
to the nervous system of the inferior animals, namely, the ganglionic 
system, or that of the great sympathetic nerve. 

The osseous system is developed uniformly with that of the nerves, 
and issues out of the vertebral column, as the nervous system does out 
of the spinal marrow; whilst the vertebral column forms at first but an 
isolating sheath around the latter, as an earthly substance most power- 
fully attracted by the nervous system, acting like the sun, and for 
the most part antagonistically upon the other parts of the body. In 
a somewhat similar manner, among falling bodies of different specific 
gravities, the heaviest will always lie undermost and nearest to the at- 
tracting centre of the earth. Where the osseous system has acquired 
its most perfect structure (in the skull) it presents also the original 
type, the spherical form; on the contrary, like the radii of the nervous 
system, it branches out more and more in the extremities, a fact which 
is clearly seen in the increasing number of the bones in each member, 
from their root in the trunk to the ramification in the fingers and 


In examining the origin of the individual members of the vegetative 
sphere, of which we have already observed that the formation from with- 
out toward the internal parts, namely from the umbilical cord into 
the cavity of the stomach, presents the organs of digestion (as the in- 
ternal nourishing root of the animal) and the bowels,—we find that in 
the progress of organization new organs are formed for the functions 
of respiration and secretion, to correspond to those of nutrition and ab- 
sorption. The function of respiration indicates the connexion of the 
individual organism with the atmosphere, as on the other hand the ab- 
sorption of grosser matter indicates its connexion with the earth by the 

As long as the foetus is inclosed in the placenta it can have no im- 
mediate connexion with the terrestrial organism, but maintains rather a 
reciprocal action with the maternal organism, as is seen in its manner 
of breathing, which is originally performed through the integuments of 
the egg (see p.247). But since it is necessary that an independent 
organ of respiration be prepared for the time when the fcetus leaves the 
maternal body and the integuments die away, we find the external sur- 
face of the foetus itself (the skin) developed with its continuation 
(the internal organs of respiration). The vascular system (hitherto 
the connecting medium between the foetus and the integuments of the 
egg, see p. 247), then becomes the connecting medium between the 
organs of digestion, respiration, and secretion. The organs of secre- 
tion, however, may in a certain respect be considered as a repetition of 
the organs of respiration, since the evaporation and secretion of gases 
form a prominent part in the process of respiration. The plant de- 
velops, besides the organs of general assimilation and secretion, those 
of generation: a similar development takes place in the animal also, 
and precisely at the point where the germ of the fruit is developed in 
the plant, at a point which is therefore analogous to the insertion of 
the stamen in the flower; in other words, at the insertion of the umbi- 
lical cord into the abdominal cavity, which in the first stage of forma- 
tion, where we observe the embryo with its pointed lower extremity 
attached to the inner surface of the egg, is the basin that incloses the 
genitalia as the calyx does the fruit-germ. 

After having considered the transition of the form of the plant into 
that of the animal, it remains for us now to examine the peculiarity of 
the active living principle of the animal, in order to ascertain how far 
this is derived from the active living principle of the plant. But we 
must first carefully observe, that if we were right in considering (page 
239) the chief end of the active living principle of the plant to be its 
formation, the first active living principle in the animal likewise must 
be a tendency to acquire individual existence. The whole animal body, 
as far as regards nutrition, growth, secretion, and its being engaged 


in a continual change of matter in the parts already formed (the vege- 
tative as well as the higher and properly animal parts), lives absolutely 
the life of the plant. We likewise observe, that here also the fluid 
parts are the sources from which the several solid parts are formed by 
different attractive affinities, for this reason, that the external nourish- 
ing substances first enter into the fluids, but at the same time the se- 
cretions which are given off from the fluid parts of the body are carried 
away in the form of liquids, vapours, or gases. However, to perform 
this attraction and repulsion, one condition is requisite which is equally 
necessary in the life of plants, and that is the circulation of the fluids. 
This circulation we have seen performed in the plant through the 
polarity between the root and the flower, and therefore in a linear di- 
rection from one end to the other. But since the animal is a plant the 
root of which is turned inwards, a similar motion of the fluids, from 
the absorbing to the exhaling pole, instead of being directed linearly 
from one extremity of the body to the other, must take a centrifugal 
and centripetal direction, inasmuch as it is but an action and reaction 
between external and internal organs. We have observed that the cir- 
culation of the fluids in the embryo is between the embryo as a centre 
and the integuments of the egg as the periphery; and that the circula- 
tion is not confined to the embryo itself until it has attained its full 
maturity *, at which period it is observed alternating between the heart 
(as the centre of vegetation) and the periphery; and in the higher ani- 
mals and man, partly toward the whole bodily structure and its common 
integument the epidermis, partly toward the epidermis turned inwards 
in the organ of respiration, and vice versd. Hence it follows that this 
movement of the sap or blood is not properly a circular motion, and 
has therefore no true resemblance to the rotatory motion of the hea- 
venly bodies; because these have an intermediate movement which is 
the result of attraction and repulsion ; whereas the movement of the 
blood appears as an alternation of attraction and repulsion, which is 
most analogous to the ascending and descending movement of the sap 
inthe plant. This also leads to the conclusion that both this movement 
and its direction are originally the mere effect of the polar attraction 
and repulsion of the fluid itself. Wherefore this circulation may take 
place without needing any other mechanical aid, as for instance the 
pressure of the vascular surfaces, of which aid many animals are for the 
most part destitute. Indeed, the original unimportance of such aids is 
rendered fully evident by the fact that the vessels, like all other solid 
parts, are formed only by the circulating fluids,—consequently, that 

_ * The essential difference between the earliest and the later form of the cir- 
culation in the egg during the process of incubation has been recently demon- 
strated in the beautiful experiments of Pander, 


the fluids exist before the vessels, and that the direction of the vessels 
is the necessary consequence of the direction of the fluids. 

Whilst through these general considerations we see how the move- 
ments of the original fluids maintain reproduction in all parts of the 
body, a due attention to the different polar directions of vascular 
activity, according to the different natures of the several parts of the 
body, will enable us also to perceive their differences of assimilation as 
well as secretion, and the laws to which they are subject; but these in- 
quiries we cannot here pursue further. We now turn our attention to 
animal sensation, in order to observe the difference between it and the 
receptivity of the plant. The animal, containing within itself the organ- 
ism of the plant, its organic functions must, like those of the plant, 
be liable to be modified by external influences. This property in the 
plant we have termed irritability, because irritation immediately causes 
and calls forth re-action. In the animal, however, the nervous life (as 
the expression and type of unity, which embraces all the parts of the 
organism and forms them into a whole,) stands between irritation 
and re-action; and as each local irritation is communicated through 
the nervous life to the whole organic unity, to the consciousness of the 
animal, the perception of the irritation rises to a sensation, and thus it 
depends more on the free will of the animal whether or not irritation 
be followed by re-action. The more intense this consciousness is, (it 
being the unity out of which the multiplicity of organic phenomena is 
developed, ) the purer and more varied must the sensation be, (because 
a more marked individuality necessarily causes a more varied relation- 
ship with external objects,) and the more free the action toward the 
external world; i. e. the less it will depend on external influence, and the 
more it will be determined from within. We find therefore that the 
lower animals, and indeed even the parts of the human body which are 
less closely connected with the system of nerves proceeding from the 
brain and spine, exhibit in a greater degree the irritability of the plant; 
while, on the contrary, the higher nervous life of the human organism 
presents the flower (or perfection) of individual activity in psychical 
life, in self-consciousness, the manifestation of which has often been 
separated from the other branches of organic activity, no less erroneously 
than its essence (according to the notion of the materialists) has been 
considered as the sum or result of a certain corporeal mechanism *. 

We have already observed in our introductory remarks on the idea 
of life, that the inward unity, or the highest idea of an individual or- 
ganism, is by no means the effect or the result, but the ground and 
cause, of external multiplicity, and this is also the case with the psy- 

* [Rather,—as the sum or result of the powers and properties, physical, vital 
and sentient, with which the Creator has endowed the human frame.—En1r. | 


chical life*—(wherefore the doctrine of Stahl, that the soul forms its 
own body, if properly understood, is very admissible,—and we hope 
soon to have the opportunity more fully to develop these views, for 
which we have not space here, and to confirm the above propositions 
by more convincing proofs. For the present we have only to observe 
in general, having already spoken of the manner in which animal re- 
action depends on muscular motion (see p. 237), how far the more pre- 
cise independence and the more certain self-consciousness of the animal 
give rise to the individual forms of sensation. 

In the plant, in which irritation causes re-action at the point where it 
acts, and the single parts of which are independent, but not the whole, 
irritability (belonging to all the parts) must be general; and this gene- 
ral irritability (raised into a sensation only through the relation of each 
irritating action to the whole,) is possessed by the animal in common 
with the plant, and it is therefore included in the comprehensive term 
feeling. But since in the animal the sensation of each individual part 
is related to the whole, this sensation can be concentrated and particu- 
larly developed, on certain individual points, without injury, or rather 
with advantage to the whole; wherefore we see that the different sides 
of perception turned toward the outer world, correspond in number 
with the different organic systems turned toward the outer world, and 
with the qualitative influences of various kinds acting upon the organ- 
ism; so that if mere Feeling gives us only a knowledge of the state of 
our own organism, the zzdividual senses of hearing, seeing, smelling, 
tasting, touching, &c. afford us a clearer consciousness of the external 
world, through a local alteration of our own condition. 

If in closing these observations, intended to show the progressive 
development of animal life out of the life of the lower kingdoms of 
nature, we look to the changes which animal life operates upon them, 
facts present themselves worthy of the most serious consideration. We 
have seen how the vegetative life is nourished by inorganic life, and 
how vegetation in its turn operates changes in many ways upon the 
surface of the earth, and even on the atmosphere. So again we find 
that the animal kingdom maintains the most active relation with the 
vegetable life and with the elements of the earth and of the air. We see 
coral rocks and islands raised from the bottom of the sea by animated 
beings apparently insignificant, which, existing before the creation of 
Adam, now elevate their lofty tops as mountains of the continent ; we 
see the animal kingdom penetrating into parts of the earth seemingly 
impenetrable to all living creaturest ; moreover, we observe that here 
also, where, according to the eternal laws of nature, the highest is 

« ee ccen Leben, Germ.] : 
+ See on this subject the observations which G. R. Treviranus (Biologie, 

vol, ii. p. 7) has collected from the instructive reports of other naturalists. 


connected with the lowest, and the human organization itself falls at last 
into inorganic dust, the form and culture of the land, the course of the 
rivers, vegetation, and population, along with different animal species, 
are in various ways changed by the activity of man. If therefore we 
compare the condition of countries which have once flourished and 
exhibited the activity of human industry, with the desert state which 
they now present, when, after the fall of these nations, they are deprived 
of the care and culture of man, we shall be convinced that, as a mo- 
dern writer* expresses himself on this subject, “ Not only does man 
need the earth in order to live and be active, but the earth also stands 
in need of man.” 

We may hope now to have attained the object of the present essay, 
if, by throwing some new light upon certain aspects of infinite nature 
which have hitherto remained less observed, we have awakened a new 
attention to the indissoluble union as well as the beauty and regularity 
of the phenomena surrounding man and existing within him; and as 
the contemplation of these must necessarily stimulate us, not only to 
penetrate more deeply into the mysteries of science, but also to conform 
our own inward life to that harmony and purity which are presented 
by universal nature; for what would be the value of all scientific 
knowledge, did it not manifest itself in ennobling and elevating the 
human mind ? 

* T. F. Koreff, De Regionibus Italie aere pernicioso contaminatis Observa- 
tiones. Berol. 1817. 4. 


[In some of his reasonings the Author will, perhaps, be thought to 
deal with abstract terms as if they were real essences, or to employ them 
in a sense somewhat peculiar. Whatever difference of opinion may, 
however, exist with regard to the speculative parts of this memoir, it 
will, it is presumed, be acceptable and interesting to many readers, as 
showing the manner in which physiological subjects are viewed by 
some distinguished writers on the Continent—EDbITr. ] 



Researches on the Elasticity of Bodies which Crystallize 
regularly ; by Fevix SAvarr. 

(Read to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, January 26th, 1829.) 
From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. xu. p..5, et seq. 
[Continued from p. 152.] 
— § III. Analysis of Rock Crystal by means of Sonorous Vibrations, 

Rocx Crystal most ordinarily occurs under the form of a hexahedral 
prism, terminated by pyramids with six faces (fig. 1. pl. IV.). Although 
this substance does not admit of cleavage by the ordinary means, it is 
assumed, from analogy, that its primitive form is a rhombohedron, like 
that which would be obtained if the crystal were susceptible of cleavage 
parallel to the three non-adjacent faces of the pyramid, such, for ex- 
ample, as aX b, eX f, eXd, and their parallels a’ Y b', e' Y f', c' Yd’. The 
accuracy of this induction is besides confirmed by a very simple expe- 
riment, which consists in making a prism of rock crystal red hot, and 
suddenly cooling it; an operation which determines its fracture, and 
which most frequently, gives as the result pieces of crystal which have 
the form of rhombohedrons. 

Setting out with these notions with which mineralogy furnishes us, 
it is obvious that circular plates taken parallel or perpendicular to the 
axis, parallel to a face of cleavage or of non-cleavage of the pyramid, &c. 
ought to present different phenomena with respect to sonorous vibra- 
tions, since the cohesion and elasticity are not the same in these dif- 
ferent directions. Consequently, to simplify as much as possible the 
examination of these phenomena, we have had cut, from different 
pieces of rock crystal, a considerable number of circular plates, at first 
taken in different azimuths of a plane perpendicular to the axis, fig. 2. 
and fig. 2, bs; then, according to the azimuths of a plane perpendicular 
to two parallel faces of the hexahedron, and passing through its axis, 
fig. 3. and fig. 3, bis; lastly, according to the different azimuths ofa plane 
passing through the axis and two opposite edges of the crystal fig. 4. 
and 4 bis. 

As it was necessary to support this general disposition of the expe- 
riments by facts, it was indispensable to ascertain first, that the elastic 
state of the crystal is the same for all the planes parallel to the natural 
faces of the hexahedron, and next, that it is also the same for all the 


planes perpendicular to the preceding and passing through the axis, 
although it be different in the latter from what it is in the former; lastly, 
it was necessary to verify whether the plates cut parallel to the faces a X46, 
eX f, eXd of the pyramid were really susceptible of assuming the same 
modes of division, and whether these modes were different from those 
of the three plates cut parallel to the faces b Xe, d Xe, aX f, these latter 
being besides similar to each other. Experiment having shown the 
affirmative of these positions, it is evident that all the series of plates 
perpendicular to a plane normal to any two parallel faces of the prism, 
and passing through its axis, ought to present identical phenomena for 
the same degrees of inclination, and that the same ought to be the case 
for the series of plates perpendicular to any plane passing through two 
opposite edges of the hexahedron. All the plates we have employed 
are 23 or 27 lines in diameter and 1 line in thickness; they have 
been cut with great care and are polished, in order that the phenomena 
they exhibit with respect to light might be compared with those they 
present relative to sonorous vibrations. Lastly, although they have 
been taken from five or six different crystals and from different coun- 
tries, it may be supposed that they belong to the same piece of quartz, 
because, whenever it was necessary to pass from one crystal to another, 
the precaution was taken of causing to be cut in the new specimen a 
certain number of plates, for the sole purpose of repeating the experi- 
ments already made; and by this process we may assure ourselves 
that crystals of very different appearance, such as those of Madagascar 
and of Dauphiny, do not however present remarkable differences in 
their structure. 

Before proceeding to the description of the phenomena which are 
related to each series of plates, we shall observe, that in all the figures 
the line 2 y represents the axis itself of the crystal when it is contained 
in the plane of the plate, or its projection in the contrary case, and that 
the position of this axis has been determined with great care, for each 
plate individually, by means of polarized light; so that with this datum 
and the details into which we shall enter, the position occupied by any 
plate within the mass of the crystal may easily be represented to the mind. 

First Series. Plates parallel to the Axis of the Hexahedron. 

If we consider first the plates 1., v., 1x., fig. 2. and 2, bis, which are 
parallel to the faces of the hexahedron, we see that they assume ex- 
actly the same modes of division: one of these modes, that which is 
represented by dotted lines, consists of two nodal lines, which cross 
each other rectangularly, whilst the other resembles the two branches 
of a hyperbola, to which the two preceding lines serve as axes. The 
sound of the first system being F, that of the second is the Df of the 


same octave. Thus, in any plate taken parallel to the faces of the 
hexahedron, one of the nodal lines of the rectangular system always 
corresponds with the axis of the crystal. In this case everything 
occurs the same as in plates composed of parallel fibres and which con- 
tain in their plane at least one of the axes of elasticity ; but this is no 
longer the case for the plates 111., viI., x1., perpendicular to two paral- 
lel faces of the hexahedron, although they are also parallel to the axis 
like the preceding: instead of a system of lines crossed rectangularly 
and a hyperbolic system, they exhibit only two hyperbolic systems, 
which appear exactly similar, and which however are accompanied by 
very different sounds, since one of them gives D and the other Fg 
of the same octave. The principal axes 7m, l'm! of each of the two 
hyperbolic curves appear to intersect each other at the centre of the 
plate; their mutual inclination is from 51° to 52°, so that the branches 
of these curves intersect each other ; and if a line o p be drawn through 
the centre of the plate equally inclined to each of the axes J m, I! m’, 
and this line be supposed to be the section of a plane perpendicular to 
the plate, this plane will, for the plate 111., be parallel to the face eX f 
of the pyramid fig. 1.; for the plate vir., to the face aX6; and lastly, 
for the plate x1., to the face eXd; so that it must hence be concluded 
that the six faces of the pyramid do not possess the same properties, 
and that the three we have just indicated perform an important part in 
the phenomena in question. It must be remarked that the modes of 
division of these plates are exactly the same as those of the plate No. 3 
of fig. 14, Pl. III.*, which contains neither of the axes of elasticity in its 
plane. Now, if we consider the plates 11., Iv., VI., VIII., X., XII. inter- 
mediate to the preceding and to those which are parallel to the faces 
of the hexahedron, we find also in them properties which seem to de- 
pend on both jointly, as well with respect to the nodal lines of the two 
systems as to the sounds they produce. Thus with reference to the pro- 
cess of investigation which we have employed, all the plates parallel to 
the axis do not possess the same properties, whilst with regard to light 
it is well known that they exhibit exactly the same appearances. 
Although this result has been verified many times, it was still impor- 
tant to verify it again, which I did in the following manner: I took, 
first, two plates like Nos. 1. and v., and then two plates like m1. and 
vil., and after having crossed their optic axes, I placed successively 
each of these pairs in the path of a large pencil of light polarized by 
a black glass, the plane of the plates being placed perpendicularly to 
the luminous rays, and their axes making an angle of 45° with the plane 
of polarization. It is known that if we look through a similar pair by 
means of a tourmaline, the axis of which is in the plane of polarization, 
we perceive two systems of coloured hyperbolas, the tints of which 

* For Pl. III. see Scientific Memoirs, Part I. 


appear to follow sensibly in their succession the order of those of New- 
ton’s rings: it was required therefore only to compare the phenomena 
observed in the two cases, and to see whether they presented any hi- 
therto unobserved differences; but it was impossible to recognise any. 
Thinking that perhaps a considerable augmentation of thickness in the 
plates might bring to view some appreciable differences, I repeated the 
experiment with pieces of rock crystal which were eight centimetres 
(3°149 inches) in thickness, and I saw nothing that could indicate that 
all the plates parallel to the axis did not comport themselves in the 
same manner with regard to light: whence it must be concluded that 
what we can learn respecting the structure of crystals by means of 
light, is not of the same order as that which sonorous vibrations may 
enable us to discover. It would appear from what precedes, that this 
latter process indicates more specially the elastic state and the force of 
cohesion of the integrant particles in the different directions of every 
plane, whilst the phenomena of light, depending more specially on the 
form of the particles and on the position they assume round their 
centre of gravity, are, to a certain point, independent of the mode of 
junction of the different plates of which the crystal is formed. 

Seconp Series. Plates cut round the Edge a b, fig. 1, and according 
to the different Azimuths of the Plane mn X op Y, fig. 3, normal to 
the Faces No. 1. and No. 4. of the Hexahedron and passing through 
its axis. 

One of the modes of division of all the plates of this series remains 
constantly the same, fig. 3, bis; it is formed of two straight lines cross- 
ing each other rectangularly, and xy, one of these lines, is always the 
projection of the axis of the crystal on the plane of the plate. The 
other mode of division consists of two hyperbolic curves, which undergo 
various modifications depending on the inclination of the plates to the 
axis of the hexahedron, and which are in general analogous to those 
we have observed in the two first series of plates belonging to bodies 
possessing three rectangular axes of elasticity. 

No. 1. represents the two modes of division of the plate perpendi- 
cular to the axis X Y; they are both composed of straight lines; or, if 
either is formed of two curves, their summits are so near each other 
that they appear to coalesce. Rock crystal being a crystal with one 
axis, in respect to light, it was natural to presume that the elasticity 
would be equal in every direction of the plane of the plate in question, 
and that, in consequence, this plate might assume only a single mode 
of division, having the property of placing itself in any direction ; but 
this is not the case, even in plates cut with extreme care, and which by 
their optical properties appear sensibly perpendicular to the axis. Ne- 


vertheless, the interval which is observed between the sounds of the two 
systems being always very small, and not being constant in different cry- 
stals, it appears more natural to attribute this difference of elasticity to 
an irregularity of structure than to suppose that it depends on a deter- 
minate and regular arrangement, the more so as in very large crystals, 
like those I have employed, it is very rare not to meet with irregularities 
of structure sufficiently obvious even to be recognised by the naked 

The plate No. 2, inclined 78° to the axis, begins to present a differ- 
ence in the disposition of these two systems of nodal lines; one of the 
two transforms itself into two hyperbolic branches, which become more 
straightened in the plate No. 3, inclined 75° to the axis, and which 
afterwards approach each other again, and become two straight lines, 
which intersect each other at right angles in the plate No. 4, inclined 
about 51° to the axis, and which consequently is nearly perpendicular 
to the face a X b of the pyramid fig. 1; the inclination of the faces of 
the pyramid to those of the hexahedron being 140° 40!. 

The numbers of vibrations which were nearly the same for No. 1, 
from which only the sounds D and D+ were obtained, differ more as 
the plate approaches No. 4, when the gravest sound being C, the second 
is the G of the same octave, although the two modes of division are 

‘the same as those of No.1. It is this sound C, given by one of the 

modes of division of the plate perpendicular to the face of the pyramid, 
which I have taken as the term of comparison, and to which the sounds 
of all the other plates are referred. Recommencing with the plate 
No. 4, the variable system separates once more, but in the contrary 
way; the curves which form it continue to straighten, whilst their 
summits recede from each other, and at the same time the two sounds 
approximate until they are sensibly the same in No.8, inclined about 
12° to the axis. The hyperbolic system ceases to assume a determined 
position, and it can, without the sound undergoing any change, trans- 
form itself gradually into the rectangular system which form the axes, 
so that this plate appears to be exactly in the same conditions as No. 5 
of fig. 8, PI.III. In a crystal of quartz there are three planes analogous 
to the preceding, since the phznomena which are presented by the 
plates cut round the edge a6 of the base of the prism, are, as I have 
satisfied myself, precisely the same as those which are presented, for 
the same degrees of inclination, by plates cut round the two other edges 
ed, ef. 

Beyond No. 8. the sounds begin to differ from each other, and the 
branches of the hyperbola continue to straighten until No. 11, parallel 
to the second face of the pyramid. There the distance between their 
summits is greater than for any other degree of inclination of the 
plates, and the sound of the rectangular system is the same as that of 


the same mode of division in No. 4, perpendicular to the face a Xb of 
the pyramid. Lastly, from No.1] until the plate perpendicular to the 
axis, the sounds approximate again, as well as the summits of the hy- 
perbolic curves, and at the same time the two systems of nodal lines 
again become rectangular ; the sounds thus become almost the same. 

- Among the plates which we have just examined there are two which 
merit particular attention; these are Nos. 5 and 11, parallel to the 
the faces eXd and aXb of the pyramid, and the elastic state of which 
undoubtedly differs very much, since in one it is the hyperbolic system 
which gives the gravest sound, whilst in the other it is the rectangular 
system, and that, besides, there is a great difference between the sounds 
which correspond to each of their nodal systems. The faces aXb and 
and eXd of the pyramid being opposite, one of the two ought to be 
susceptible of cleavage, whilst the other ought not to be capable of 
this mechanical division ; consequently if we knew which of the two 
plates Nos. 5 and 11 possesses this property, we might, by examining 
its acoustic figures, determine which are the faces of the pyramid pa- 
rallel to the faces of the primitive rhombohedron. Rock erystal not 
yielding in the least to any attempt at dividing it into regular layers in 
any direction, it was impossible for me to ascertain directly which of 
the two faces aXb or eXd were those of cleavage; but this question 
ean be resolved with ferriferous carbonate of lime, a substance which 
is cleaved with almost the same facility as pure carbonate of lime, and 
which appears to possess, in reference to sonorous vibrations, properties 
in general analogous to those of rock crystal. Now, if we cut in such 
a crystal two plates,—one taken parallel to a natural face of the rhom- 
bohedron, the other corresponding with a plane inclined to the axis 
by the same number of degrees as these faces, and which are besides 
equally inclined to the two faces which form one of the obtuse solid 
angles,—we find that the first possesses the same properties as No. 11, 
whilst the second has a structure analogous to that of No.5; whence 
it ought to be concluded, from analogy, that the face aX 6 of the 
pyramid fig. 1. is that which is susceptible of cleavage. This once 
established, it is not even requisite, in order to ascertain which of the 
faces is susceptible of cleavage, to cut a plate parallel to one of these 
faces; it is obvious that a plate parallel to the axis and normal to two 
parallel faces of the hexahedron should be sufficient to attain this end. 
Thus, let fig. 5, a be de f, be the horizontal projection of the prism 
represented fig. 1 ; according to what has been said, 7 s ¢ v will be the’ 
projection of the primitive rhombohedron ; again, let 7Z' be the projec- 
tion of a plate parallel to the axis and equally inclined to the two faces 
of a and f of the hexahedron; according to what we have above said, 
this plate will assume the mode of division of No. 3, fig. 2, és, and the line 
op will be parallel to the plane 7 s¢w normal to the plate, that is tosay,. 

ee ee — 


to one of the cleavage planes; thus the direction of this line, in a plate 
parallel to the axis and normal to two faces of the hexahedron, is suffi- 
cient to enable us to ascertain which of the faces of the pyramid are 
susceptible of cleavage. 

In order to complete all that relates to the transformations of the 
nodal lines of this series of plates, it would have been important to de- 
termine with accuracy the degree of inclination to the axis, of the 
plane situated between No.3 and No. 4, for which the summits of the 
nodal hyperbola are at the greatest distance from each other: but, hav- 
ing been stopped in these investigations by the difficulty of procuring 
a sufficient quantity of rock crystal very pure and regularly crystal- 
lized, I have been reduced to determine this maximum of recession 
on another substance, and I have chosen for this purpose the ferriferous 
carbonate of lime, a substance whose primitive form is a rhombohe- 
dron, which differs from that of rock crystal only in the angles formed 
by its terminating planes. As we have already observed, there is a 
sufficiently great analogy between the phenomena presented by these 
two substances, with respect to sonorous vibrations, to enable us to 
admit that what occurs in one occurs also in the other: thus, let A E, 
fig.6, be a rhombohedron of carbonate of lime, of which A is one of 
the obtuse solid angles; A BC D corresponding to the face of cleavage 
of the pyramid of rock crystal, the diagonal B D will be the line round 
which all the plates must be supposed to be cut; and they are conse- 
quently normal to A C EG, represented separately in fig. 7, in which 
the lines 1, 2, 3, &e., are their projections, and indicate at the same time 
the angles which they make with the axis AE. We will first remark 
that the modes of division of the plate No. 1, fig. 7, dts, perpendicular 
to the axis, are the same as those of the corresponding plate of rock 
crystal, and that the plate No. 5, perpendicular to A C, assumes also 
the same modes of division as the plate perpendicular to the cleavable 
face of the pyramid of rock crystal, which establishes a sufficient ana- 
logy between the two orders of phenomena. The inspection of fig. 7, bis, 
shows then that the branches of the nodal hyperbola of No.3, parallel 
to AG, consequently to the plane BDF H, are straighter than those 
of the plates which precede or follow it; and admitting that this maxi- 
mum of recession occurs equally in quartz for the corresponding dia- 
gonal plane of its rhombohedron, as this plane forms with the cleavable 
face of the pyramid an angle of 96° 0' 13", the plate in question will 
be inclined 57° 40! 13" to the axis of the crystal, the face of the pyra- 
mid forming with this axis an angle of 38° 20'; thus the projection of 
this plate on the plane mn X op Y of fig. 3. will be the line A B. 

Now since the maximum of recession of the summits of the nodal 
hyperbola is in this manner determined, it is easy to recognise a great 
analogy between the phenomena of fig. 8, PI]. III., and those of fig. 3, bis, 

Vor. L—Part I. r 


PI. IV.; for, supposing several intermediate plates between Nos. 3 and 4, 
that which would be inclined 57° to the axis would correspond to No.1 
of fig.8, Pl]. III.; No. 4 in the crystal would correspond to No.3 in the 
wood; and lastly, No. 11 of the erystal plates, in which a second maxi- 
mum of recession of the summits of the hyperbola occurs, would corre- 
spond to No.6 of the plates of wood; so that the same phenomena, 
which are included, in a body having three rectangular axes of elas- 
ticity, in an are only of 90°, to be afterwards reproduced in a contrary 
direction in the following quadrant, are included in rock erystal in an 
are of 96° 0’ 13", and cannot be entirely reproduced, because similar 
pheenomena to those we have just observed for a series of plates cut 
round @ 6, fig. 1, Pl. IV., occurring, for the same degrees of inclination, in 
the two series of plates which might be cut round ed and ef, both are 
confounded together in the vicinity of the plate perpendicular to X Y. 

Tuirp Series. Plates cut round the diagonal ac, fig.1, and accord- 
ing to the different Azimuths of the Plane be! Yb'e X, fig. 4. 

These plates present phenomena much more complicated than those 
of the two preceding series. It may be easily conceived that this 
ought to be the case, since the plates parallel to the two adjacent faces 
of the pyramid assume very different modes of division, which supposes 
that their elastic state also greatly differs: consequently the plates perpen- 
dicular to the plane which passes through the two opposite edges of the 
hexahedron ought to participate in the properties of both. Itis thus that 
the plates perpendicular to two parallel faces of the prism, and passing 
through its axis, assume a disposition of nodal lines in which the direc- 
tion of the planes of cleavage, parallel to one of the faces of the pyra- 
mid, exercises a considerable influence. 

In the plates of this series (fig. 4, bis,) neither mode of division is 
constant ; nevertheless, in order that they may be easily distinguished 
from each other, I have continued to indicate them, one by uninter- 
rupted lines, the other by dotted lines. And for the purpose of pre- 
serving, in all the plates, the projection 2 y of the axis parallel to the 
axis X Y of fig.1, I have here supposed that the crystal had been 
turned round until its edge de’ was in front. This is besides suffi- 
ciently indicated by figure A, which represents the modes of division 
of the plate perpendicular to the axis, as it also does the section of the 
hexahedron by a plane parallel to this plate. 

The inspection of figures A, B, C, D, E.... shows that the nodal system 
indicated by the perfect lines is formed of two hyperbolic branches 
which at first straighten themselves, and the summits of which recede 
more from each other, so far as the plate E inclined 51° to the axis, 


beyond which they approach each other until they coalesce in K, after 
which they again diverge until the plate N, which is parallel to the axis. 

The nodal system indicated by the dotted lines follows another 
course; the summits of the two curves which compose it at first recede 
from each other, but they soon reapproach each other, and these curves 
transform themselves into two straight lines in the plate E, where the 
curves of the other mode of division attain their maximum of recession: 
beyond this limit they separate, but in a perpendicular direction to 
that in which they approached, and they attain their maximum of 
recession towards the plate H, for which the two systems of curves are 
nearly similar: they afterwards approach each other, and like those of 
the other system, they transform themselves, in K, into two straight 
lines, which intersect each other at right angles. Lastly, starting from 
this point, they diverge again, until the plate N, for which the two 
systems again become equal, assuming, with respect to the axis of the 
erystal, a direction different from that which they had taken at I and at 
H. I must observe that my supply of rock crystal having failed at the 
end of my experiments, I have not been able to cut the plate K; but 
the transformations of the nodal lines so clearly indicate that there 
ought to be a plate which presents these modes of division, that I have 
not hesitated to admit its existence. 

The course which the two sounds follow, in this series of plates, is 
much more simple than that of the nodal figures: at first those of the 
dotted system become lower, commencing with the plate A, and pro- 
ceeding as far as the plate E, inclined 51° to the axis, and which gives 
the sound C like the plate No. 4, inclined the same number of degrees 
to the axis; afterwards the sound of this system gradually ascends until 
the plate N parallel to the axis, where it attains its maximum of eleva- 
tion. As to the sounds of the other series of modes of division, it is 
observed that they gradually ascend from the plate perpendicular to the 
axis unto K, in which the nodal systems both consist of lines crossed 
rectangularly, and that they afterwards descend again until the plate 
N parallel to the axis. It is obvious that it is not necessary to examine 
such plates as A’, B’, C’, D’, fig. 4, since they ought to present the 
same phenomena as the corresponding plates A, B, C, D: only, that 
which was inclined to the right of the axis in the plates B, C, D is 
found inclined to the left in the plates B', C’, D’. 

There is none of the modes of division of this series which is not 
analogous to some one of those which have been presented to us by 
bodies in which there are evidently three rectangular axes of elasticity; 
nevertheless, considered all together, the transformations we have just 
described present peculiarities which do not exist in the fourth series of 
plates of wood, fig. 14, Pl. III. ‘The most striking consists in this, that 
in the transformations of this last series, none of the systems, except 

tT 2 


the first and the last, was rectangular, whilst in rock crystal this mode 
of division may establish itself. 


Ist. The elasticity of all the diameters of any plane perpendicular to 
the axis of a prism of rock crystal, may be considered as being sensibly 
the same. 

2nd. All the planes parallel to the axis are far from possessing the 
same elastic state; but if any three of these planes be taken, restricting 
ourselves only to this condition, that the angles which they form with 
each other are equal, then their elastic state is the same. 

3rd. The transformations of the nodal lines of a series of plates cut 
round one of the edges of the base of the prism are perfectly analo- 
gous to those which are observed in a series of plates cut round the 
intermediate axis in bodies which possess three unequal and rectangu- 
lar axes of elasticity. 

4th. The transformations of a series of plates perpendicular to any 
one of the three planes which pass through two opposite edges of the 
hexahedron are, in general, analogous to those of a series of plates cut 
round a line which divides into two equal parts the plane angle in- 
cluded between two of the three axes of elasticity in bodies where 
these axes are unequal and rectangular. 

5th. By means of the acoustic figures of a plate cut in a prism of 
rock crystal, nearly parallel to the axis, and not parallel to the two 
faces of the hexahedron, we can always distinguish which are the faces 
of the pyramid susceptible of cleavage. The same result may be 
obtained by the disposition of the modes of. division of a plate taken 
nearly parallel to one of the faces of the pyramids. 

6th. Whatever be the direction of the plates, the optical axis, or its 
projection on their plane, always occupies a position on them which is in- 
timately connected with the arrangement of the acoustic lines: thus, 
for example, in all the plates cut round one of the edges of the base of 
the prism, the optical axis, or its projection, invariably corresponds with 
one of the two straight lines which compose the nodal system formed 
of two lines which intersect each other rectangularly. 

Although there is doubtless a great analogy between the phenomena 
which rock crystal has just presented to us, and those we have observed 
in bodies in which the elasticity is different according to three direc- 
tions perpendicular to each other, nevertheless we are forced to acknow- 
ledge that, with respect to the mode of experiment we have employed — 
in these researches, rock crystal cannot be placed in the number of 
substances with three rectangular and unequal axes of elasticity, and 
still less in the number of those all the parts of which are symmetri- 
cally arranged round a single straight line. For the same phenomena 


are constantly reproduced in it in three different positions; and it seems 
that everything in it has reference to the different directions of cleavage, 
to the faces, and to the edges of the primitive rhombohedron. Thus 
all the plates cut parallel to the natural faces of the hexahedron possess 
exactly the same properties, and these properties are very different from 
those of the plates equally parallel to the axis, but which are normal 
to two faces of the hexahedron. Likewise, the plates parallel to the 
cleavable faces of the pyramid produce the same sounds, and exhibit 
the same acoustic figures; whilst the plates parallel to the three other 
faces present figures different from those of the preceding plates. It 
appears therefore to result from this identity of phenomena for three 
distinct positions, that there are in rock crystal three systems of axes 
or principal lines of elasticity. 

But in this point of view, what would be the precise directions of 
these axes for each system? This can, to a certain point, be deter- 
mined by comparing the phenomena we have observed in rock crystal 
with those presented to us by wood. For, all the plates cut round one of 
the edges which result from the junction of a face of the pyramid with 
the adjacent face of the hexahedron, producing a nodal system com- 
posed of two lines cutting each other rectangularly, one of which 
always corresponds with the edge in question ; and the transformations 
of the acoustic lines in it being entirely analogous to those of a series 
of plates cut round the intermediate axis in wood, it follows that 
this edge, which is nothing else than the great diagonal of the primi- 
tive rhombohedron, ought to be regarded as the intermediate axis of 
elasticity. In the next place, as the maximum of straightening and of 
deviation of the branches of the nodal hyperbola takes place in the 
plate No. 11, fig. 3, bis, parallel to the cleavable face of the pyramid, 
and as at the same time this plate is a limit for the sounds which it 
produces, it is equally natural to suppose that it ought also to con- 
tain in its plane another axis of elasticity, which can correspond only 
to the second of the crossed nodal lines, that is to say, to that which 
serves as the second axis of the nodal hyperbola, and which is, at the 
same time, the smaller diagonal of the lozenge face of the primitive 
rhombohedron. This line may therefore be considered as the axis of 
greatest elasticity of each system. Lastly, following the same analogy, 
as the plate which is cut parallel to the diagonal plane, the intersection 
of which with the lozenge face of the rhombohedron forms its great 
diagonal, is besides a maximum of deviation for the summits of the no- 
dal hyperbola, it must thence be concluded that this plane contains the 
axis of least elasticity, and, at the same time, that this axis is perpendi- 
cular to the intermediate axis, and forms with that of greatest elasti- 
city an angle of 57° 40’ 13”, since such is the inclination of the face of 
the rhombohedron to the diagonal plane. Thus, first, the axis of 


greatest elasticity and the intermediate axis are contained in the plane 
which forms the face of the rhombohedron, and they are perpendicular 
to each other; secondly, the intermediate axis and the axis of least 
elasticity are contained in the diagonal plane, and they are in like 
manner perpendicular to each other. 

Such are the consequences to which the analogy observed between 
the successive transformations of the nodal lines in plates of wood and 
of rock erystal seems to lead. The co-existence of three systems of 
axes of elasticity in the latter body, introduces however so great a 
complication in the particulars of the phenomenon, especially in the 
progression of the sounds, that the elastic state of this substance 
can only be definitively determined by a method analogous to that 
which I have above employed for wood, that is to say, by comparing 
together the numbers of vibrations of a series of small rods of the same 
dimensions, and cut according to the different directions in which 
the preceding experiments appear to indicate that the elasticity differs 
the most. Without in the least prejudging the results to which these 
new researches might lead us, we may even now foresee that there 
ought to bea great difference between the greatest and the least degree 
of elasticity in rock crystal, since, among the various plates of beech- 
wood, a substance in which these two extremes are as one to sixteen, 
there is none the sounds of which have a greater interval than that of 
a major third between them, whilst, among the plates of erystal, there 
are some, the two sounds of which are a fifth from each other. 

As we have already remarked above, the transparent carbonate of 
lime and the ferriferous carbonate of lime appear to possess elastic 
properties which are, for the most part, analogous to those of rock 
erystal; three systems of principal lines of elasticity, which appear 
exactly similar to each other, are likewise recognised in them; but the 
extreme facility with which carbonate of lime may be cleaved, enables 
us to discover in it a peculiarity which cannot be perceived in rock 
crystal, and which may explain why it is that the plates cut round one 
of the edges of the base of the hexahedron, all present a nodal system 
composed of two lines crossed rectangularly. 

It is well known that the rhombohedron of carbonate of lime is fre- 
quently susceptible of a mechanical division according to the directions 
parallel to its diagonal planes; now, these planes cutting each other per- 
pendicularly two and two, the intersection of each of these pairs with 
the lozenge faces of the crystal, forms the great and small diagonal of 
each of them, so that, ifa plane be imagined which turns round the great 
diagonal, it ought always to remain normal to the supernumerary joint 
which passes through the small diagonal. It hence results that, if a 
series of plates be cut round the same line, their structure, considered 
in the different directions of their plane, will differ according to two 


directions perpendicular to each other ; this explains the production of 
the nodal lines crossed at right angles, as in the series of plates cut 
round one of the axes of elasticity, in bodies in which these axes are rect- 
angular. It appears therefore that we may conclude from this obser- 
vation that rock crystal possesses, like carbonate of lime, supernumerary 
planes of cleavage parallel to the diagonal planes of its primitive rhom- 
bohedron, and that it is to the existence of these supernumerary joints 
that the principal peculiarities of the elastic state of this substance 
must be attributed. 

The only striking difference there appears to be between the strue- 
ture of carbonate of lime and that of quartz consists in this, that, in 
the first of these substances, the small diagonal of the rhombohedron is 
the axis of least elasticity, whilst it is that of greatest elasticity in the 
second. To be convinced of the accuracy of this assertion, it is suffi- 
cient to cut, in a rhombohedron of carbonate of lime, a plate taken 
parallel to one of its natural faces, and to examine the arrangement of 
its two nodal systems, one of which consists of two lines crossed rect- 
angularly, which are always placed on the diagonals of the lozenge, 
the primitive outline of the plate, and the other is formed of two hyper- 
bolic branches, to which the preceding lines serve as axes (see fig. 7, 
bis, No. 6); but with this peculiarity, that it is the small diagonal 
which becomes the first axis of the hyperbola, whilst it is its second 
axis in the corresponding plate of rock crystal (see fig. 3, bis, No. 11). 
It may be here asked how far this difference of structure may influence 
the phznomena of light which are peculiar to each of these two sub- 
stances, one of which is a crystal with attractive (positive) double re- 
fraction, and the other with repulsive (negative) double refraction. 

It appears, therefore, to result from this approximation between the 
phznomena presented by carbonate of lime and rock crystal, with 
respect to sonorous vibrations, that the arrangement of the acoustic 
figures, and the numbers of vibrations by which they are accompanied, 
are always found intimately connected with the directions of cleavage 
in each plate; and it may be said in general, that if these directions 
intersect each other at right angles, in the plane of the plate, one of 
the two modes of division will always consist of two lines crossed rect- 
angularly ; whilst if they are inclined to each other the two nodal 
systems will be hyperbolic curves. 

The disposition of the nodal lines upon circular plates of sulphate 
of lime gives additional support to this conclusion. For thin plates of 
this substance break according to two directions inclined to each other 
at 113° 8’; and experiment shows that the two modes of division of 
which they are susceptible are two nearly similar hyperbolic curves, one 
of which appears to have for its asymptotes the directions of cleavage, 
and the other for its principal axis that one of these two directions in 


which the plates do not break clean off; for there is, it is well known, an_ 
obvious difference in the manner in which sulphate of lime breaks ac- 
cording to one direction or the other. We will, on concluding, re- 
mark, that these modes of division are precisely the same as those of a 
dise of rock crystal parallel to the axis and perpendicular to two faces 
of the hexahedron, and that the mean of the optic axes in sulphate of 
lime occupies in it the same position relatively to the nodal curves, as 
the projection of the single axis of rock crystal assumes in that of the 
plates of this substance of which we have just spoken. (See fig. 2, bis, 
No. 3.) 

The preceding researches are, doubtless, far from deserving to be 
considered as a complete examination of the elastic state of rock crystal 
and of carbonate of lime ; nevertheless we hope they will be sufficient 
to show that the mode of experiment we have employed may hereafter 
become a powerful means of studying the structure of solid bodies, 
regularly or even confusedly crystallized. Thus, for instance, the 
relations which exist between the modes of division and the primi- 
tive form of crystals allow us to presume that the primitive form of 
certain substances which do not at all yield to a mere mechanical 
division may be determined by sonorous vibrations. It is equally 
natural to think that less imperfect notions respecting the elastic state 
and cohesion of crystals than those we now possess, may throw light 
upon many peculiarities of crystallization: for example, it is not im- 
possible that the degrees of elasticity of a determinate substance may 
not be exactly the same, for the same direction referred to the primitive 
form, when the secondary form is different ; and, if it be so, as some 
facts induce me to suspect, the determination of the elastic state of 
crystals will lead to the explanation of the most complicated phno- 
mena of the structure of bodies. Lastly, it appears that the comparison 
of the results furnished concerning the constitution of bodies, on the 
one hand by means of light, and on the other hand by means of sono- 
rous vibrations, ought necessarily to contribute to the progress of light 
itself, as well as to that of acoustics. 

ArricLte XII. 

Researches concerning the Nature of the Bleaching Compounds 
of Chlorine; by J. A. BAvarRD. 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. lvii. p. 225. 

AMonG the remarkable properties which chlorine possesses, there 
is one which became advantageous to manufactures very shortly after 
its discovery, viz. its energetic action on colouring matter. _ The illus- 
trious Swede to whom we owe the knowledge of this body, mentioned 
the facility with which it destroys vegetable colours ; but that which to 
Scheele was merely an interesting experiment, became to Berthollet 
the basis of a new art. Berthollet conceived the happy idea of apply- 
ing the decolorizing property of chlorine to the purpose of bleaching, 
and the success which he obtained even in his first attempts exceeded 
his hopes. Up to this period, cotton and linen manufactures were 
spread in meadows, and by exposing them alternately moist and dry to 
heat and cold, light and shade, they were indeed, after a very long 
time, perfectly bleached. 

The eagerness with which a new process was welcomed will be con- 
ceived, when manufacturers could produce by it in a few hours what 
previously occupied several months. The new process of bleaching, to 
which public gratitude gave the name of the Berthollean method, was 
generally adopted, and chlorine thus proceeded from the laboratory 
of the chemist to the workshop of the arts. Manufactures were first 
bleached with chlorine gas, and afterwards with the aqueous solution ; 
but it was soon found that its penetrating smell, and its powerful action 
on the lungs, were very prejudicial to the workmen employed. In his 
endeavours to free them from these dangerous exhalations, Berthollet 
perceived that by the addition of a little quicklime, and even carbon- 
ate of lime or of magnesia, the penetrating smell of the chlorine was 
removed from the aqueous solution, without diminishing its bleaching 
power. This important observation conducted him to another still 
more important. He stated that if, instead of dissolving the alkali in 
aqueous solution of chlorine, a current of the gas was made to pass: 
into the alkaline solution, it would dissolve a much larger quantity than 
mere water, and the liquid possessed decolorizing power in a much 
higher degree. 

These new compounds, in which the chlorine seemed in some degree 


deprived of its hurtful properties, while it retained only those which 
are useful, were soon generally employed in the art of bleaching. They 
were at first prepared with the solution, and as the first trials were made 
in the manufactory of Javelle, the new liquid with which industry was 
enriched was called eau de Javelle. But in 1798, Tennant and Knox 
of Glasgow attempted to substitute hydrate of lime, which forms a solid 
bleaching compound, while chlorine retains its power only when diluted 
with a large quantity of water. This substitution was generally adopted, 
and the new compound, which is more easily preserved and prepared, 
and at a less price, and more easy of transport, soon became an article 
of manufacture and considerable commerce, under the name of bleach- 
ing powder. 

The employment of these compounds of chlorine was further ex- 
tended in 1822. M. Labarraque, an apothecary of Paris, proved at this 
period, by numerous trials, that these compounds, which had rendered 
so many services to the art of bleaching, might be as successfully used 
for disinfecting. His own trials, and the fresh proofs that his example 
incited, placed the decolorizing compound of chlorine decidedly among 
the most valuable resources of the art of preserving health. 

We should be at first inclined to believe that the nature of these 
eompounds, which had rendered us such various services, was perfectly 
understood by chemists; but it is not at all so; and notwithstanding 
the researches which they have occasioned, the place which they ought 
to occupy in a classification is not clearly determined. It is, indeed, 
true that their elementary composition and immediate analysis are well 
known. In fact, obtained by the action of chlorine upon a metallic 
oxide, they evidently must be formed merely of chlorine, oxygen, and 
a metal; on the other hand, the experiments of several chemists have 
proved that in these compounds, for every two atoms of chlorine*, there 
is one atom each of oxygen and metal. But how are these three ele- 
ments arranged? This is not at present known with certainty; and 
yet this knowledge is indispensable for determining by what reactions 
they serve in decolorizing and disinfecting. 

§ 1. Of the Opinions which have been entertained as to the Nature of the 
decolorizing Compounds of Chlorine. 

The opinions of chemists on this subject are divisible into two hy- 
potheses. According to some, these compounds are merely chlorides 
of oxides ; according to others, they are to be considered as mixtures of 
metallic chlorides with a salt which contains an acid of chlorine, less 
oxygenated than the chloric, and which it has been proposed to eall 
chlorous acid. 

* Not so in England, but foreign chemists reckon the weight of chlorine only 
half that of English chemists, hence the author states two atoms.—LEp. 


On the first supposition it is admitted, that chlorine, in acting on 
some metallic oxides, combines with, without decomposing them, so as 
to form compounds which are not very permanent. The gas being thus 
but slightly retained, acts upon vegetable colours as if it were free; that 
is to say, it destroys them, either by dehydrogenating them in a direct 
manner, or occasioning their oxidation by means of the oxygen of the 
water. The chlorine, by taking away the hydrogen, either of the water 
or the colouring matter itself, is converted into hydrochloric acid, and 
subsequently into a hydrochlorate. 

On the second supposition, on the contrary, it is supposed that the 
chlorine acts upon the metallic oxide employed, so as to decompose 
part of it; that one portion of this chlorine unites to the metal to form 
a chloride, and the other to its oxygen to become chlorous acid; and 
that this, saturating the portion of the base undecomposed, thus forms 
a true chlorite. In this manner of regarding the subject, the product 
obtained. is complex, and contains a mixture of chloride and chlorite. 
It is thus supposed that chlorine and water act upon the metallic oxides 
like sulphur, which, under the same circumstances, produces a mixture 
of sulphuret and hyposulphite. It is also supposed that these chlorites, 
coming into contact with putrid organic or colouring matter, yield to 
them all the oxygen both of their acid and base, and are converted into 
chlorides; and that it is thus entirely by an oxidizing action that they 
serve as decolorants and disinfectants. 

In attempting to resolve the question @ priori, upon theoretical con- 
siderations, we are tempted to consider this last supposition as the most 
probable. In fact, the combinations of simple with compound bodies 
are not common; and although the hydrates of chlorine, bromine, and 
phosphorus are incontestible examples of the union of a simple body 
with an oxygenated compound, combinations of this nature are not 
numerous. It is therefore good logic to admit of the existence of simi- 
lar compounds, only when the phenomena which are concerned in their 
production cannot be explained by other views more consistent with 
general facts. It appears, also, difficult to suppose, that a body which 
so readily combines with the metals as chlorine does, could unite with 
their oxides without decomposing them, as is the case with the other 
metalloids, and remain in contact with the metals, with which it forms 
very neutral and permanent compounds, without so doing. 

The facts hitherto observed agree with theory, and seem to support 
in preference the hypothesis of the chlorites. 

_ Chemists, indeed, considering that the compounds which we are now 
considering had the property of disinfecting and decolorizing, like chlo- 
rine itself, were at first induced to think that this body existed in them 
in some sort of ephemeral combination, which allowed of its exerting 
the same kind of action as if it were free. But it has been since ad- 


mitted, that it is not only chlorine and the analogous bodies which pos- 
sess decolorizing power; the same property was found in oxygenated 
water, and the hypermanganates; and at present everything tends to 
the opinion that oxygenating agents are as effective as chlorine in pro- 
ducing decoloration. Perhaps indeed, as many chemists suppose, chlo- 
rine, when acting with water on coloured bodies, produces this effect by 
indirect oxidation, induced by its tendency to combine with hydrogen. 

Welter had, however, made an experiment on this subject which 
seemed to prove the existence of chlorides of oxides; he found that the 
decolorizing power of chlorine was constant, whether it was free, dis- 
solved in water, or combined with an oxide. 

This remarkable fact could scarcely be explained but by supposing 
that the chlorine existed in the two cases in analogous conditions. Sup- 
posing, therefore, that it was in a state of solution in water saturated 
with chlorine, it must be admitted that it existed in the state of a chlo- 
ride of oxide in the decolorizing compound; or, if the latter was a 
chlorite, it followed that the solution of chlorine in water was a mix- 
ture of chlorous and hydrochloric acid; for how can it be supposed 
that two different bodies, producing decoloration by different causes, 
can effect it with precisely the same efficacy? The greater number of 
chemists adopted the first supposition; Berzelius alone preferred the 
second, although it appeared to be less probable. 

The experiments of Soubeiran have since explained these facts. They 
have shown that Welter’s statement was correct only when a solution of 
sulphate of indigo was used, which, on account of the sulphuric acid it 
contained, decomposed the decolorizing chloride, and evolved all the 
chlorine which had served to form it. But if an ink which is not acid 
or a vegetable infusion be employed as a chlorometric liquor, it is found 
that the decolorizing power is no longer the same, and that it may al- 
ways be increased by more than half, by means of an acid which sets 
free the chlorine contained in the solution of the chlorides. 

The property which is possessed by the decolorizing chlorides, of 
yielding the whole of the chlorine which they contain by the action of 
the weakest acids, such, for example, as the carbonic acid, has been re- 
garded as a strong proof in favour of their being chlorides of oxides ; 
and it must be admitted that these phenomena of decomposition are 
much more easily explained by this hypothesis than the other. Nothing 
is in fact more easily conceivable than the action of an acid combining 
with a base, and thus disengaging the simple body with which it had 
formed an ephemeral compound. But this disengagement of chlorine 
is also easily explained by the hypothesis of chlorites ; for it may be 
conceived that the chlorous acid, set free by the acids themselves, de- 
termines a double decomposition, by reacting upon the metallic chlo- 
rides with which the chlorites are necessarily mixed by the very mode 


of their preparation. The results of this double decomposition would 
be, the oxidation of the metal of the chloride, which in this new state 
would saturate, as the base of the chlorite, the acid employed; and a 
disengagement of gaseous chlorine would take place from a double 
source: from the chlorous acid and the metallic chloride. 

Although this explanation may appear less natural than the other, it 
is nevertheless supported by analogous chemical facts. If, for example, 
a mixture of phosphuret of calcium and phosphate of lime be made red 
hot, phosphorus is evolved, and the residue is lime nearly pure ; this for 
a long time favoured the supposition that this mixture was a phosphuret 
of oxide, whilst the contrary is now demonstrated. 

The phznomena of oxidizement produced by the action of decolori- 
zing compounds do not clear up the doubts which exist as to their true 
nature, for these phenomena may be explained by both hypotheses. Un- 
doubtedly some are more readily so by one and some by the other, but 
there is no one to which they may not both be strictly applied. 

We are, however, indebted to M. Liebig for some experiments 
which seem to render ‘the hypothesis of the chlorites preferable. This 
able chemist observed that chlorine could not only expel carbonic acid 
from the bicarbonates, but also acetic acid, which is stronger, so as to 
form decolorizing compounds. Now it is difficult to conceive that a 
simple body can expel an acid from combination with a base; it is more 
natural to suppose that it is another acid, which overcomes the affinity 
even of the acetic acid; and this cireumstance seems to justify the suppo- 
sition of the existence of chlorous acid. It may seem astonishing, at first 
sight, that an acid so weak as chlorous acid, and which may be expelled 
from its combinations by carbonic acid, should, in its turn, expel acetic 
acid from its combinations. But the science presents us with facts 
equally singular, and which are well ascertained. Acetic acid itself, 
for example, decomposes the carbonates, and yet carbonic acid acting 
upon acetate of lead precipitates carbonate from it, and sets acetic acid 
free, which may be distilled. 

Berzelius first undertook this subject, and among other interesting 
experiments, we are indebted to him for one, which, if it has not 
entirely settled the question, has at least thrown great light upon it. 
On passing a current of chlorine into a solution of carbonate of potash, 
saturated with chloride of potassium, this learned chemist observed, 
that from the first moment of the disengagement, the liquor became 
strongly decolorizing, and much pure chloride of potassium was depo- 
sited. The first action of the chlorine on the metallic oxide seemed to 
produce chloride of potassium. Then, as no chlorate was as yet depo- 
sited, and as in this experiment no deutoxide of hydrogen is formed, 
nor is any oxygen disengaged, it must be admitted that what is expelled 
from the metal by the chlorine has acted upon a portion of this elemen- 
yary body, and formed with it some oxygenated compound, which is not 


ehloric acid. Although this fact may be consistently explained by sup- 
posing that the presence of a chloride of an oxide in the saturated so- 
lution of chloride of potassium has diminished, in this case, the solvent 
power of the liquid with respect to this compound, and that the salt 
which is obtained is only a portion of that which previously existed in 
the liquor, and thus is not produced by the action of the chlorine, as 
supposed by Berzelius, the first explanation is yet the most probable, 
and induces the belief that metallic chlorides exist ready formed in the 
decolorizing compounds. 

M. Soubeiran has confirmed this fact by an experiment which 
appears to me to be at present the only one not liable to objections. 
After having determined, by a preliminary trial, the intensity of the 
decolorizing power of a given volume of chloride of soda, he evaporated 
it in vacuo to dryness. He has stated that during the evaporation 
eubic crystals of chloride of sodium are formed, which may be sepa- 
rated in a state of perfect purity ; and that the remaining solid residue 
dissolved in water and tested with a coloured but not acid liquor, 
possessed absolutely the same decolorizing power as the liquid from 
which it was procured. This decolorizing power not having suffered any 
diminution, it cannot be admitted that the chloride of sodium obtained 
was the product of the decomposition of the decolorizing compound. 
This chloride of sodium, therefore, existed in the solution of the alka- 
line chloride before its evaporation. If, then, in acting upon an alkali, 
the chlorine had formed chloride of sodium, without the production of 
a corresponding quantity of chlorate, of oxygenated water, or of gas- 
eous oxygen, it necessarily follows that an oxygenated compound was 
formed, different from chloric acid. : 

The crystallization of chlorite of soda ix vacuo, led M. Soubeiran to 
hope that he should succeed in isolating chlorous acid. But the con- 
tinuation of his researches, although announced three years since, has 
not yet been published. 

It will be observed, from what has preceded, that there may still 
exist among chemists some indecision as to the choice which may be 
made between the two hypotheses proposed as to the nature of the 
decolorizing compounds of chlorine. Although the hypothesis of 
chlorites is by much the most probable, it is nevertheless true, that not 
only chlorous acid has not been obtained in a free state, but even 
chlorites also; they not having been yet procured, but in a state of 
mixture with the metallic chlorides. 

Thus, although very probable, the existence of these salts is far 
from being demonstrated, and the composition of chlorous acid, which 
was supposed to be formed of two volumes of chlorine and three 
volumes of oxygen, remains undecided. 

It appeared, therefore, to me desirable to attempt some fresh expe- 
riments, with the endeavour of elucidating a theoretical chemical 




question, which is not only of itself of considerable importance, but the 
solution of which might also throw some light on the true mode of 
action possessed by these decolorizing compounds, the uses of which 
are daily multiplied in medicine and the arts. 

I think that I have succeeded in proving that these compounds are 
really saline combinations of a peculiar acid formed of chlorine and oxy- 
gen. It is this acid, which I have isolated, that forms the subject of this 
essay, in which I shall treat successively of the manner of obtaining it, 
of the properties by which it is distinguished, the proofs of its composi- 
tion, and the generic characters of the combinations which it forms. 

Until a knowledge of the proportion of its elements, of which I shall 
treat in a following paragraph, allows of my stating the true name 
which the rules of chemical nomenclature assign to this acid, I shall 
continue to call it chlorous acid, and designate its compounds by the 

name of chlorites. 

§ 2. On the Processes by which Chlorous Acid may be prepared. 

When reflecting on the best mode of proceeding in these researches, 
it will be soon perceived in reasoning on the hypothesis of the exis- 
tence of chlorites, that the question would be on the point of being 

determined, if the supposed chlorite could be separated from the chlo- 

ride with which it is considered as mixed in the decolorizing compound. 
Nothing would be easier to perform, if there existed a metal which 
would form with chlorine a compound soluble in water, and the ox- 
ide of which could at the same time form with the chlorous acid a 
compound insoluble in this liquid. But, unfortunately, all the known 
decolorizing compounds are soluble in’ water, and therefore nothing is 
to behoped for in this respect. 

This separation would also be very easy if, on the contrary, a metal 
was known which would form an insoluble compound with chlorine, and 
the oxide of which, by uniting with chlorous acid, would form a soluble 
and stable compound, up to a certain point. But the metallic chlo- 
rides are all soluble in water, except chloride of silver, lead, and proto- 
chloride of mercury; these three metals are therefore evidently those 
only which afford a choice. 

Economical motives made me at first think of the salts of protoxide 
of mercury and of lead; but I soon found that no good result could be 
obtained by-employing them. 

When a solution of chloride of lime or of soda is treated with proto- 
nitrate of mercury, there is immediately precipitated a great. quantity 
of protochloride of mercury, and the supernatant liquid is strongly de- 
colorizing ; but this property soon disappears, and the liquor then con- 
tains a notable quantity of deutochloride of mercury: the precipitate soon 
becomes red, and changes to an oxichloride. 


The salts of lead possess no advantage over those of mercury. If a 
solution of acetate or nitrate of lead be poured into a decolorizing 
chloride, a precipitate of chloride of lead is immediately formed ; but 
this chloride is itself susceptible of being altered by the chlorite. If it 
is not soon separated from the liquor, it becomes quickly brown, is 
converted into peroxide, and gives out a strong smell of chlorine. This 
double phenomenon is undoubtedly effected by the decomposition of 
the chlorous acid. 

Since the salts of lead did not, any more than those of mercury, lead 
to the end intended, I was compelled to have recourse to the action of 
those of silver ; they are more costly, it is true, but they apparently 
would be followed with more success. My attempt was not altogether 
unsuccessful. Nevertheless the employment of the salts of silver is 
attended with some inconveniences which it is requisite to state. 

If a neutral solution of nitrate of silver be precipitated by a solution of 
chloride of lime, containing a slight excess of lime, a great quantity of 
chloride of silver is precipitated, and there is formed at the same time 
oxide of silver, which imparts a grey colour to the deposit obtained. 
The supernatant liquid is strongly decolorizing; but if an attempt be 
made to separate it by filtration, a brisk effervescence is produced as 
soon as a little has filtered, and when the filtration is over the liquor has 
completely lost its decolorizing property. The gas which is evolved in 
this case is oxygen. Berzelius had previously observed the phenome- 
non which I have now mentioned, and discovered the cause of it. I 
have ascertained in operating directly with the chlorites and the oxide 
of silver, that these salts occasioned the formation of chloride of silver 
and a disengagement of oxygen. This oxygen is produced, both from 
the chlorous acid and the decomposed oxide. A portion of this oxygen 
gas evolved is absorbed by the portion of oxide in excess in the liquor, 
and converts it into peroxide, whilst the remainder is given out in the 
state of gas. In trying to obtain free chlorites, the precipitation of oxide 
of silver must be avoided, and the decolorizing chlorides must have no 
excess of alkali, which is avoided by neutralizing them with nitric 
acid; but it is requisite not to add excess of it, which would be as 
active, though a different cause of the decomposition of the chlorite. 

If, indeed, a solution of chloride of lime supersaturated with nitric 
acid be precipitated by nitrate of silver, the mass of chloride of 
silver formed is soon raised by abundant bubbles of chlorine gas, and 
the decolorizing property is in a great degree lost. If an attempt be 
made quickly to remove the chloride of silver, which is the cause of 
this decomposition, from the supernatant liquid, by throwing it in a 
cloth and pressing it strongly, the reaction is accompanied with a 
disengagement of a very considerable degree of heat. Some direct expe- 
riments, which I shall state hereafter, have proved that the chlorous 


acid, which is in this case set at liberty, exerts the same re-action on 
the chloride of silver which it produces on the other chlorides, and 
that the presence of a small excess of nitric acid much accelerates this 

It will be observed, then, that in order to have a chance of success 
in this operation, it is requisite to make use of a decolorizing chloride 
which is perfectly neutral. It is impossible to prove that it is in this 
state by means of coloured tests, for their tint is not merely modified 
but completely destroyed by the chlorides. It is preferable to prepare 
it by adding nitric acid drop by drop, and until the precipitate formed 
by the chloride in the solution of silver ceases to have the brown tint 
which the oxide of silver communicates to it when they are mixed. 

When this perfect neutralization is attained, and not exceeded, the 
metallic chloride and the alkaline chlorite are decomposed, chloride of 
silver is deposited, and the liquid possesses decolorizing power in a very 
high degree, which is undoubtedly due to the chlorite of silver remain- 
ing in the liquor. 

But the substance which it contains is extremely easy of decomposi- 
tion ; it was impossible to obtain the liquid clear even by filtration ; it 
becomes turbid, precipitates, and deposits much chloride of silver. The 
liquor gradually ceases to be decolorizing, and it then contains chlorate 
of silver. Thus the attempts which I made to separate chlorous acid 
haye almost always been fruitless, and therefore it was necessary to make 
fresh ones. 

According to what I have stated as to the action of the salts of silver 
on the decolorizing compounds of chlorine, it appears to me that it 
must be admitted that the oxide of this metal can form with chlorine 
compounds similar to those which it yields with the alkalis, though they 
are less permanent. It seemed to me therefore proper, as I had so 
little success in treating the alkaline chlorides with the salts of silver, 
to try the action of oxide of silver upon chlorine itself. 

Chemists are generally of opinion that, when chlorine acts upon the 
salts of silver, it converts them into chlorate and chloride. Vauquelin 
_ mentions having observed the same phenomena in treating chlorine 
with free oxide of silver simply diffused in water. But I had every 
reason to think, according to the facts above stated, that these two 
compounds were formed only by the decomposition of a chlorite. 

Some pure oxide of silver was therefore suspended in distilled water, 
and agitated with chlorine. This was absorbed. The portion of oxide 
which was in contact with the chlorine formed a white compound, and 
the other portion became of a very deep black colour. I ascertained 
that the first was chloride of silver; as to the second, it possessed all 
‘the characters of peroxide of silver. During this re-action heat was 
evolved, but I did not perceive any disengagement of oxygen. ‘This 
liquid immediately after filtration was limpid and strongly decolorizing, 

Vor. I.—Parrt II. U 




but it did not long retain either of these properties; in a few seconds, 
and without any action of the,air towards the production of the pheno- 
mena, it became turbid, deposited chloride of silver, and the liquor 
contained chlorate. 

Analogous phenomena occur when the solutions of any salt of silver, 
the nitrate, acetate, chlorate, &c. are treated with chlorine. Chlorate 
of silver is formed, and the acids of these salts are set free. But the 
filtered liquor, which in its limpid state decolorizes strongly, very soon 
loses its limpidity and its decolorizing power; a chloride is deposited, 
and chlorate of silver remains in solution. 

The facts which I have now adduced show that, whether the deco- 
lorizing combinations of chlorine with the alkalis are treated with 
nitrate of silver, or chlorine is made to act upon oxide of silver, or 
finally a salt of silver itself is acted upon by this agent, a soluble 
combination of silver is obtained which is strongly decolorizing, and 
which every circumstance leads to the supposition of being a chlorite; 
but that this combination is almost ephemeral, and changes rapidly at 
common temperatures into chlorate and chloride of silver. 

It would be in vain to attempt the conversion of this compound into 
another of the same nature, and more stable, by treating it with an 
alkaline substance; for this conversion could not be effected without 
precipitating the oxide of silver, and this could not fail to re-act on the 
chlorite in the manner which I have already indicated ; that is to say, 
it would be changed into chloride and oxide of silver, and would disen- 
gage oxygen gas. 

That which appeared to me to be the most efficacious manner of 
retarding a decomposition, which in the heat of summer proceeds with 
great rapidity, and quickly destroys the chlorous acid, consists in pre- 
cipitating the base of the chlorite of silver by chlorine itself. I have 
already mentioned that chlorine, in acting upon any salt of silver what- 
ever, decomposes its base; and these two bodies are converted into 
chloride of silver and chlorous acid. 

It is therefore evident that if this chlorine be made to act upon a 
liquid which contains chlorite of silver, there can only be obtained, as 
a last result, insoluble chloride of silver and chlorous acid in solution, 
derived from a double origin. This is, in fact, what constantly hap- 
pens, when in the execution of one of three operations which I have 
mentioned a slight excess of chlorine is employed. 

The liquid which is obtained after the separation of chloride of silver 
by filtration is not however pure chlorous acid. When a decolorizing 
compound of chlorine is precipitated by nitrate of silver, it contains a 
nitrate of the base employed, besides chlorous acid. If a salt of silver 
has been decomposed by chlorine, it contains the acid which forms part 
of these salts, mixed with chlorous acid. Lastly, in the case. even in 
which the operation is conducted with chlorine and oxide of silver dif- 


fused in water, the chlorous acid, which would seem to be ‘pure, is 

nevertheless mixed with a large quantity of chloric acid. 

Indeed, when chlorine is agitated with oxide of silver, it is an ope- 
ration which, whatever be the rapidity with which it is conducted, 
requires a minute or two that the absorption of the chlorine may be 
complete ; even in this case a portion of the chlorite is decomposed, 
and converted, as usually happens, into chloride and chlorate, and the 
latter decomposed in its turn by the chlorine produces chloric acid. 
Thus, in whatever manner the operation is conducted, a notable por- 
tion of the chlorous acid is changed into this new compound. 

But this chlorous acid is fortunately possessed of a volatility which 
allows of its separation from the bodies with which it is mixed, and it 
may be obtained diluted with water by distilling the liquid prepared 
by employing one of these three methods. However, as a high tem- 
perature may decompose it in part, and as at the heat of boiling water 
some of the substances with which it is mixed, as hydrochloric and 
‘nitric acid, may come over in distillation, it is better to operate in 
vacuo, or at least under low pressure, at a temperature below 212° 
Fahrenheit. A solution of chlorous acid is thus obtained, but diluted 
with much water. The first product is the richest in chlorous acid; if 
this be kept apart and be again distilled, chlorous acid may be obtained 
in a concentrated state. 

These methods supply, it is true, but very small quantities, and I 

should have renounced the study of the properties of this new oxigen- 
ated compound of chlorine, if I had not discovered a more economical 
and productive process. This method consists in treating chlorine with 
red oxide of mercury suspended in water. 

The action of chlorine upon this compound has been already studied 
by M.Grouvelle. This chemist has stated that oxichloride of mer- 
-eury, very slightly soluble in cold water, was formed. M. Thénard, 
on the other hand, has observed that the liquid contained chloride and 
chlorate of mercury also in solution; but I am at liberty to suppose 
that these bodies are only formed consecutively, and that their exist- 
ence had been preceded by that of a mercurial chlorite, as takes place 
with the salts of silver. 

Certain theoretical considerations made me conceive some hope in 
employing oxide of mercury. In fact, if we reflect on the conditions 
which appear the most favourable for producing and isolating chlorous 
acid, it will be seen that they are reducible to the four following; Ist, 

-the action of chlorine on a strongly alkaline oxide; 2ndly, that this 

_ oxide should form a chlorite possessing a certain degree of stability ; 

Srdly, that the metallic chloride formed may, on account of its insolu- 

_ bility, easily separate from the chlorite; 4thly, and lastly, that it 

_ should re-act but feebly on the chlorous acid when it is separated by 



distillation. The red oxide of mercury seemed to me to present all 
these advantages. Its alkaline power is strongly marked. I had no 
fear that chlorite of mercury could be compared, with respect to its 
instability, to chlorite of silver, which does not decompose so readily,” 
merely on account of the insolubility of the chloride. Although solu- 
ble in water, the chloride of mercury [bichloride] loses much of its 
solubility by combining with oxide, and thus forming an oxichloride; 
and this state of combination would retard to a certain point the de- 
composition which the chlorous acid would readily produce in other 
circumstances. My attempt was followed by success: by employing 
this substance, I obtained in fact chlorous acid in larger proportion 
and more concentrated. 

This operation may be conveniently performed as follows: the spe- 
cifie gravity of red oxide of mercury does not allow of its being sub- 
jected to the action of chlorine in a Woulfe’s apparatus; it is much 
more convenient to pour the red oxide of mercury reduced to a fine 
powder by trituration, and mixed with about twelve times its weight of 
distilled water, into bottles filled with chlorine gas. 

By strong agitation the absorption of chlorine takes place rapidly, and 
operates as quickly as if the gas were treated with an alkaline solution. 
It has happened to me during this operation, that bottles which were 
perfectly stopped have broken in my hands, on account of the almost 
perfect vacuum which is produced in this case. If the proportion of 
red oxide of mercury employed is insufficient, the powder deposited at 
the bottom of the bottle is white, and the colour of the gas indicates 
the presence of chlorine. If the red oxide of mercury, on the con- 
trary, is in slight excess, it colours the deposit spoken of red, and the 
chlorine then disappears completely. It appeared to me to be preferable 
to operate with a slight excess of oxide of mercury, to prevent the 
chlorous acid from being mixed with free chlorine. When the ab- 
sorption of the chlorine is complete, the matter contained in the bottle 
should be thrown upon a filter, upon which there remains the greater 
part of the oxichloride formed: the liquor which filters, subjected to 
distillation in vacuo, furnishes weak chlorous acid, but it may be 
brought to greater state of concentration by subjecting the first products 
to a second distillation. 

§ 3.—Properties of the Aqueous Solution of Chlorous Acid. 

The chlorous acid diluted with water, obtained as above stated, has 
the following properties: it is a transparent liquid and slightly yellow- 
coloured when it is concentrated. Its smell is penetrating, and quite 
distinct from that of chlorine and the deutoxide of chlorine of Davy. 
It more nearly, however, resembles the first than the apie _ Its taste 
is extremely strong, but not sour. 


’ It attacks the epidermis with great activity. A drop left in contact 
with the skin for half a minute destroys it, and more deeply than nitric 
acid does in the same space of time. The tint which it acquires is red- 
dish brown, and not yellow. 

Chlorous acid when slightly concentrated is extremely unstable, and 
decomposes partially even at common temperatures. During the great 
heat of summer it can only be preserved for a few days, except by 
keeping it inice. When more diluted and kept from the light it may, 
on the contrary, be preserved for a much longer time. During this 
decomposition it disengages an infinite number of small bubbles, which 
are merely chlorine gas, and at the same time a certain quantity of 
chloric acid is formed. Agitation, especially with angular bodies, 
hastens this decomposition; and when fragments of powdered glass 
are thrown into this acid, their contact with the liquor is followed by 
a well-marked effervescence. 

At a moderately high temperature, the decomposition is much more 
rapid. Yet it is only partial at 212°, for chlorous acid may be distilled 
at the usual pressure, and thus brought to a higher degree of concen- 

A strong light produces similar decomposition. A few moments 
exposure to the solar rays are sufficient to conyert it into chlorine and 
ehloric acid. Sometimes also deutoxide of chlorine is formed. 

When an aqueous solution of chlorous acid is exposed to the influ- 
ence of the voltaic pile, an abundant disengagement of oxygen takes 
place at the positive pole. The portion of the liquid in the midst of 
which this disengagement is effected, does not appear to change its 
nature by absorbing a certain quantity of the gas. It does not deepen 
in colour, nor does its decolorizing property appear to diminish. Thus 
the action even of nascent oxygen does not seem to have the power of 
changing chlcrous acid into chloric acid or deutoxide of chlorine. 

In this experiment no chlorine is disengaged at the positive pole, 
There is no doubt that chlorous acid and water are simultaneously de- 
composed, and that the hydrogen and chlorine, meeting in the nascent 
state, form hydrochloric acid. What tends to induce this opinion is, 
that at the end of a certain time the oxygen obtained is mixed with 
chlorine; a phenomenon which could not occur, except there be formed 
in the liquid a compound in which this body is electro-negative. 

Chlorine cannot exert any action on the aqueous solution of chlorous 
acid ; but it is different with bromine and iodine. Each of these bodies 
is susceptible of decomposing it, and of acidification at the expense of 
its oxygen. 

_ Ifa few drops of bromine be put in contact with a small quantity of 
ehlorous acid, a disengagement of chlorine is perceived on the surface 
of the drops of bromine. On exposing this liquid to the contact of the 
air for a few seconds, this latter compound is liberated, and free bromie 


acid remains. This is a process which might be successfully adopted 
for preparing bromic acid, if others easier of execution did not exist. 

‘ Jodine acts in the same manner, but, as might be anticipated, its 
action is more energetic ; when the chlorous acid is concentrated it is 
accompanied with a slight disengagement of heat. Chlorine is abun- 
dantly evolved, and a portion of iodine is acidified, whilst another 
small portion is changed into chloride of iodine. 

The acid formed under these circumstances, treated by nitrate of 
silver, gives a white and not a yellow precipitate soluble in ammonia, 
and which is merely iodate of silver. The product of this action is 
merely iodic and not hyperiodic acid, as might be suspected according 
to the mode of preparing this acid proposed by MM. Magnus and Am- 
mermuller, to whom the discovery of it is owing. 

Among the simple non-metallic combustibles, azote and hydrogen 
in the gaseous state appear to have no action upon chlorous acid; but 
sulphur, selenium, phosphorus and arsenic act upon it with great 
energy. By their contact with this compound they undergo analogous 
alterations ; they are acidified, and give rise to an abundant disengage- 
ment of chlorine gas. The sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid, 
the phosphorus into phosphoric acid, and the arsenic into arsenic acid, 
as happens when they are treated with nitric acid. As to selenium, 
it produces also selenic and not selenious acid; that is to say, the 
chlorous acid performs then what nitric acid itself cannot effect. The 
whole of the chlorine is not disengaged in the state of gas; a small 
portion combines with the elementary body, so that there are produced 
at the same time chloride of phosphorus, of sulphur, of arsenic, &c. ; 
these by the contact of water undergo double decomposition, the pro- 
ducts of which are water and additional portions of phosphoric, sul- 
phuric, and arsenic acids. 

Charcoal in powder did not appear to me to exert any action on 
chlorous acid. As to that of boron and silicium, the want of materials 
has not allowed of my ascertaining it. 

Chlorous acid acts variously with metallic substances; potassium 
thrown in pieces into chlorous acid burns immediately without any 
disengagement of chlorine being perceived. The product of this com- 
bination is formed of chloride of potassium and chlorite of potash. The 
presence of water, which may complicate the action, does not allow of 
accurately determining what passes during its operation. It is, however, 
probable that it is at the expense of the chlorous acid, that these two 
compounds of chlorine are formed, and that the water merely dissolves 
the results of this decomposition. 

Tron filings, when made to act upon chlorous acid, decompose it in- 
stantaneously ; the action is accompanied with an abundant emission of 
heat, and a brisk effervescence produced by the chlorine. ‘The iron is 
oxidized, the chlorine is partly disengaged, and also in part combines 


with the metal, which it converts into a liquid of deep yellow colour, 
which is acid but does not decolorize ; it appears to be perchloride of 
iron ; it does not seem to be mixed with chlorate. We might be tempted 
to suppose that the action of chlorous acid on other metals is compara- 
ble to that which it exerts upon iron; but this is not the case. The 
greater number of the other metallic substances, put into contact with 
chlorous acid, cannot decompose it, and I am yet entirely ignorant of 
the cause of the peculiarity of iron in this respect. 

Tin filings may remain in contact with weak chlorous acid for 
several days, without causing it to undergo any sensible decomposition, - 
and without losing their metallic lustre. The same is the case with 
zine, with fragments of antimony, bismuth, and lead. But the presence 
of another acid renders these metals capable of effecting this decompo- 

The nature of the acid employed for this purpose is not a matter of 
indifference. This acid must form a compound, soluble in water, with 
the oxide of the metal employed. Thus with zine and tin, sulphuric 
acid causes the decomposition of the chlorous acid most rapidly ; with 
antimony, sulphuric acid and even nitric acid does not answer, but 
tartaric acid succeeds extremely well in causing its oxidation; lastly, 
chlorous acid, which alone or mixed with sulphuric acid scarcely acts 
upon lead, exerts an intense action upon it when mixed with a little 
nitric or even acetic acid. 

In this re-action, induced by the presence of these acids mixed with 
the chlorous acid, the metal, in order that it may saturate them, must 
decompose the acid, and not the water; for in combining with the 
oxygen, it is chlorine, and not hydrogen, which it sets at liberty. How- 
ever when in operating with chlorous and sulphuric acid on zine or 
tin, the gas obtained contains a little hydrogen, which indicates that 
in some cases it is at the expense of the water itself that the oxidation 

If concentrated chlorous acid be used, the action is not at first 
more energetic, but it becomes so at the end of a certain time. During 
its spontaneous decomposition chlorous acid forms chloric acid, the 
mode of action of which is the same as that of sulphuric, nitric, and 
other acids, as I determined by direct means. 

Gold and platina do not appear to suffer any action by chlorous 
acid, either alone, or mixed with nitric and sulphuric acid ; but copper, 
mercury, and silver decompose it, and each with a peculiar mode of ac- 
tion. Copper filings put into contact with chlorous acid are partly 
dissolved: the solution after some time is found to contain chloride 
of copper. There is also formed at the same time a green powder, 
which appears to be merely oxichloride of copper, and it disengages 
chlorine mixed with a very small proportion of oxygen. 


It is probable that the disposition of oxide of copper to combine 
with the chloride of this metal to form an oxichloride, contributed to 
render copper, though less oxidizable than zine or tin, proper to produce 
the decpmposition of chlorous acid,—an operation which these two last 
metals cannot effect. 

This is probably also the cause which renders the action of mercury 
so prompt. When a few globules of this metal are shaken with chlo- 
rous acid, it is almost instantaneously decomposed, without any appa- 
rent disengagement of gas of any kind, and oxichloride of mercury is 
found to be the product of this re-action. The disposition which the two 
products of this decomposition have to combine is undoubtedly the 
reason which renders it so easy of execution. 

The kind of alteration which silver causes chlorous acid to undergo, 
is precisely the reverse of that of the bodies whose action upon this 
acid has been hitherto described. When very finely divided silver is 
put into contact with chlorous acid, a brisk effervescence takes place, 
which is produced by a disengagement of oxygen gas, without any 
trace of chlorine, and the whole of this combines with the silver and 
converts it into chloride. 

To recapitulate:—The bodies which I have tried, chlorine and the 
metals of the last section of Thénard excepted, decompose chlorous 
acid; they are oxigenated at its expense, and set some chlorine at 
liberty, which can be only partially absorbed by the combustible, 
except in some peculiar circumstances. Silver alone is an exception to 
this law of disengaging oxygen : and this phenomenon, as well as the 
decomposition of fluoride of silver by chlorine, indicates the very 
peculiar affinity which exists between these two bodies. 

Chlorous acid is therefore one of the most energetic oxidizing 
agents. The property which it has of converting bromine into bromie 
acid, and selenium into selenic, and not selenious acid, gives it in this 
respect an incalculable advantage over nitric acid, and up to a certain 
point over oxigenated water. 

To judge of its effects as an oxidizing agent only by its action on the 
metals, it might perhaps be ranged below nitric acid; but it must be 
remembered, that the action of nitric acid on metallie substances does 
not depend on their oxidability alone, and the easy decomposition of 
the acid, but also on their disposition to form a nitrate, and a nitrate 
soluble in acid, of the degree of concentration employed. This is 
proved by the singular action which it exerts upon iron and tin in 
certain cases. 

Chlorous acid not having much power to form salts, except with the 

oxides of those metals which yield energetic bases, it ought not to | 

cause surprise that they excite so little definite action upon the others. 
This power of oxidizement possessed by chlorous acid is a perfectly 


natural circumstance, and one which exhibits the instability of the oxi- 
genated combinations of chlorine. But what is much less so, is the dis- 
engagement of chlorine gas, which almost always accompanies its decom- 
position. The energetic affinity of chlorine for the greater part of the 
metalloids and metals is well known; from this it might be supposed 
that, in the re-action of these bodies upon chlorous acid, the chlorine 
would combine with them as well as the oxygen, and that this decom- 
position would take place in a somewhat latent manner, since, each of 
the elements uniting with the combustible, nothing would be eliminated. 
It does not however so happen, and the facts which I have related 
prove that it is almost uniformly by its oxygen that chlorous acid acts 
upon various simple combustibles. 

The phenomena which accompany the decomposition of chlorous acid 
by the compound combustibles prove the same fact, and show this body 
to be one of the most energetic agents of oxidation, but at the same time 
as very little calculated for chloridation. 

I haye not attempted to put those bodies in contact with this acid 
which are altered by water itself: for the presence of this fluid in the 
chlorous acid of which I made use would have complicated the re-actions, 
and would have prevented me from assigning the products which I 
should have obtained to their true origin. On this account I have not 
_ experimented with the chlorides, bromides, &c. of sulphur, of phospho- 
rus, and of selenium: I preferred employing the action of chlorous acid 
upon the compound combustibles which suffered no decomposition by 

The compounds of halogéne bodies with carbon are not only unal- 
terable by water, but even resist the action of several of the most ener- 
getic chemical agents; I was therefore curious to see how chlorous acid 
acted upon them. 

The several chlorides and bromides of carbon, as well as the hydro- 
carburets of chlorine and bromine, although attacked by chlorous acid, 
appear to me to exert a very slow action upon it, and one which I have 
not hitherto perfectly appreciated. As to the periodide of carbon of Sé- 
rullas, that on the contrary is attacked with great energy by chlorous 
acid. At common temperatures it produces a rapid disengagement of 
gas, which is a mixture of chlorine, carbonic acid, and oxide of carbon, 
and iodine is deposited ; the liquid contains a mixture of iodic acid and 
hydrochloric acid. If the chlorous acid is in excess, no deposit of iodine 
is observed, it being converted into iodic acid. 

Chlorous acid also decomposes cyanogen. If a few drops of chlorous 
acid be added to a bottle containing this gas, effervescence is soon ob- 
served, and the bottle is filled with chlorine, recognisable by its yellow 
tint. At the bottom of the liquid, which has ceased to decolorize, and 


which has changed its nature, there appear a few drops of an oily liquid, 
which seems to be a mixture of the chloride of cyanogen and of azote, 
described by Sérullas. The liquid contains hydrochloric acid and cyanic 
acid of Sérullas, and the compressed gas which fills the bottle is a mix- 
ture of chlorine, azote, carbonic acid, and chloride of cyanogen. 

Sulphuret of phosphorus is also decomposed by chlorous acid. The 
action at first is slow in the cold; but the mixture gradually becomes 
warm, and it is then more rapid. The elements of these compounds 
both combine with oxygen, and chlorine is disengaged in abundance. 
The liquor contains however, besides sulphuric and phosphoric acid, 
some hydrochloric acid. 

Sulphuret of carbon acts in the same manner with chlorous acid; but 
the effervescence is more brisk, for the gas which is disengaged is a mix- 
ture of chlorine and carbonic acid. The liquid contains both sulphuric 
and hydrochloric acid ; which leads to the supposition that, in this case, 
as in the former, part of the sulphur is converted by the nascent chlo- 
rine into chloride of sulphur, which is afterwards decomposed by the 
contact of the water. 

Marsh carburetted hydrogen is not acted on by chlorous acid, either 
in the dark or in the solar light ; but it is not the same with bicarbu- 
retted hydrogen. This gas is decomposed at common temperatures, 
chlorine is disengaged, and there are found at the bottom of the vessel 
some drops of an oily fluid, which are heavier than water and have an 
ethereal smell; these are undoubtedly a chloride of carbon, the na- 
ture of which I have not directly determined. 

Chlorous acid and ammonia give rise by their mutual action to very 
different phenomena, according to the circumstances under which the 
action occurs. 

If very dilute ammonia be added to chlorous acid, also very dilute, 
a disengagement of bubbles of azote is perceived ; it is however not co- 
pious, and much less than it would be if the whole of the substances 
mixed were decomposed. The liquid which is thus obtained, rendered 
alkaline by a sufficient addition of ammonia, still possesses the property 
of decolorizing the solution of sulphate of indigo. But the disengage-— 
ment of bubbles of gas continues to take place; the alkalinity gradually 
disappears, and on the contrary the liquor becomes acid, and in this 
state it no longer decolorizes indigo. These facts render the existence 
of a chlorite of ammonia very probable, which is an ephemeral chlorite, 
already described by M. Soubeiran. 

If a mixture of a more concentrated ammoniacal solution and 
chlorous acid be made with the greatest precaution, and so as to keep 
down the slight heat which is developed during their re-action, a 
white cloud is produced, which renders the liquor opake for some time. 


This cloud is sometimes deposited in oily drops, which have all the pro- 
perties of chloride of azote; it is however more frequently carried off 
in the state of vapour by the gas which continues to be disengaged. 

This chloride of azote is very easily produced, especially when there 
is suspended in dilute chlorous acid a fragment of an ammoniacal salt, 
as for example of sulphate, phosphate, &c. The decomposition then 
goes on very slowly, but a small quantity of gas is absorbed, which is 
in this case a mixture of chlorine and azote, and not of pure azote, and 
there is formed at the same time a notable quantity of chloride of azote. 
This process appears to me the most convenient that can be employed 
for the preparation of this substance. A very small quantity of it how- 
ever is obtained, if, instead of placing the fragment of salt in chlorous 
acid, it is mixed with the acid after being dissolved in water. The ac- 
tion then occurring instantaneously and rapidly on the whole mass, and 
no chloride of azote is obtained; or at any rate, if this compound is 
formed, it is carried off by the brisk effervescence which occurs in this 

It is almost useless to say, that no chloride of azote is obtained when 
concentrated chlorous acid is poured into concentrated ammonia. The 
action is then very rapid; it is accompanied with so great a disengage- 
ment of chlorine and so abundant an emission of gas, that it takes place 
with a sort of detonation. 

This action is still more vivid when bubbles of ammoniacal gas are 
added to a few drops of chlorous acid in a receiver over mercury. There 
is not only a great disengagement of heat, but an emission of yellow 
light, and the upper part of the receiver contains a mixture of azote 
and chlorine gas. 

It will be readily perceived that in all these circumstances it is prin- 
cipally by the oxygen of chlorous acid that the decomposition of the 
ammonia is effected, and that the chlorine and azote, simultaneously set 
free, sometimes coalesce to form chloride of azote, and are at others 
disengaged in a state of aériform existence, according to circumstances. 

The two elements of the compound combustible are, on the contrary, 
completely burnt, in great measure by the oxygen when chlorous acid 

_is made to act upon gaseous hydrogenated combinations of phosphorus, 
arsenic, and of sulphur. Phosphuretted hydrogen, introduced into a 
small receiver containing a few drops of chlorous acid, burns on coming 
into contact with this liquid. There are produced phosphoric acid and 
chloride of phosphorus, which are ultimately decomposed into hydro- 
chlorie and phosphoric acid. No uncombined phosphorus is observed, 
but pure chlorine is collected in the upper part of the bottle. 

- The same phenomena occur with arseniuretted hydrogen. The 
combustion takes place with a flame of a blue tint. In the place of 
chlorous acid are found arsenic and hydrochloric acids, and the upper 


part of the receivers is filled with gaseous chlorine. In this case, as 
when phosphuretted hydrogen is operated with, the disengagement of 
chlorine can only be procured on adding the gas bubble by bubble, and 
so as never to be in excess; for then it would burn at the expense of 
the chlorine itself. 

Hydrosulphuric acid acts in the same manner, but with this difference, 
that its action on the chlorous acid is not accompanied with emission 
of light, although the heat developed is very strong. There are formed 
water and sulphuric acid, and chlorine is disengaged, which afterwards 
exerts its usual action on the fresh bubbles as they arise. 

The phenomena are nearly the same when a current of these gases 
is passed into chlorous acid, nor does the nature of the products at all 
vary ; water, and phosphoric, arsenic, and sulphuric acids are always 
formed. The greater part of the chlorine is disengaged in the gaseous 
state, producing a brisk effervescence, whilst a portion remains liquid 
in the state of hydrochloric acid. 

Chlorous acid acts upon the liquid or gaseous hydracids nearly in a 
similar manner. In operating with hydriodie acid gas I obtained water, 
iodic acid, and a disengagement of chlorine gas. In this case a violet 
tint is, though scarcely, perceptible, which evidently arises from the 
action of chlorine set free upon some bubbles of hydriodie acid which 
have escaped the chlorous acid. Much heat, but no light, is given out 
in this experiment. 

A disengagement of heat only, occurs when chlorous acid is made to 
act upon these hydracids dissolved in water; the decomposition is in- 
stantaneous. With hydrochloric acid, water and a disengagement of 
chlorine is produced ; with hydrobromic acid, there are obtained bromic 
acid, bromine, chloride of bromine and an abundant disengagement of 
chlorine. Hydriodic acid gives rise to similar phenomena. 

Anhydrous hydrocyanic acid and chlorous acid also exert a remark~- 
able action on each other. Chlorine is produced in abundance, and 
the liquid, besides hydrochloric acid and the cyanic acid of Sérullas, 
contains a certain quantity of chloride of cyanogen. 

The metallic sulphurets, treated with liquid chlorous acid are imme- 
diately converted into sulphates. Heat is produced, and chlorine is 
disengaged : sometimes also I have perceived the odour of chloride of 
sulphur. I obtained analogous results, in causing chlorous acid to act 
upon phosphuret of lime [calcium? ]. 

The action of compound combustibles on chlorous acid fully con- 
firms then what itsmanner of acting upon simple combustibles had 
before indicated, and shows it to be one of the most marked agents of 
oxidation, and at the same time but little calculated to act by the chlo- 
rine which it contains. Nevertheless, when the action proceeds slowly, 
its two elements combine with the two elements of the compound com- 


bustible; and the oxygen, seizing the most electro-positive of the two; 
leaves to the chlorine the most electro-negative. It is in this way, for 
example, that it takes place in the action of chlorous acid upon bicar- 
buretted hydrogen and ammonia. In other cases, the chlorine com- 
bines well with one portion of the electro-negative element, but it dis- 
engages a portion which is larger according as the temperature is 
higher. When it reaches incandescence, the two elements of the com- 
pound combustible are almost totally burnt by the oxygen, as if the 
affinity of oxygen for bodies increased with the temperature in a higher 
ratio than than of chlorine for them. 

It may nevertheless be supposed that the composition of chlorous 
acid is such, that the electro-negative element of the compound com- 
bustible being saturated with chlorine, an excess of this gas may re- 
main; but this is not the case. On comparing its composition, which 
I shall hereafter state, with that of phosphuretted hydrogen, for ex- 
ample, even admitting that all the hydrogen is burnt by the oxygen, 
the chlorine is insufficient to combine with the phosphorus. Yet in 
this decomposition a large proportion of this gas is set free, which ap- 
pears to me to render it very probable that in this case, as in the greater 
part of others, it is with the oxygen of chlorous acid that the elements 
of the compound combustible are both combined. 

It is easy to foresee, according to this, how chlorous acid must: act 
with the combinations of oxygen which are not saturated with this 
principle. These combinations are almost always carried to the high- 
est degree of oxigenation, and the chlorine set free is disengaged in 
the gaseous form. 

There are some, however, which do not appear to be altered by chlo- 
rous acid, as the oxide of carbon: but, on the contrary, it exerts most 
energetic action on oxalic acid; a fragment of this acid, when thrown 
into moderately concentrated chlorous acid, occasions an intense emis- 
sion of light, and a very strong effervescence produced by the disen- 
gagement of a mixture of carbonic acid and chlorine, as might be ex- 

Nor does the first degree of oxidation of azote appear susceptible of 
being acted upon by chlorous acid; but all the other oxigenated com- 
binations of this gas, the deutoxide of azote, nitrous vapours, hypo- 
nitrous acid, fuming nitric acid impregnated either with hyponitrous 
acid or deutoxide of azote, act very energetically upon chlorous acid. 

Colourless nitric acid and chlorine gas are produced. 

In the series of oxigenated compounds of sulphur, the hyposulphuric 
acid exhibits the same anomaly as that which characterizes the manner 

‘in which oxide of carbon and protoxide of azote act with chlorous acid. 

It is not altered by this oxigenating agent; whereas sulphurous acid, 
whether gaseous or liquid, is immediately converted by it into sulphuric 


acid, with the disengagement of chlorine. This peculiarity may, per- 
haps, furnish those chemists with an additional reason, who think that 
hyposulphuric acid is not a primary compound of sulphur and oxygen, 
but a secondary combination of sulphuric acid and sulphurous acid. 

The compounds of oxygen and phosphorus do not present anything 
similar. In fact, oxide of phosphorus, hypophosphorous acid, phospho- 
rous acid, and even phosphatic acid, are all immediately converted into 
phosphoric acid, with the disengagement of heat and of chlorine gas. 

The same is also the case with arsenious acid, which is converted 
into arsenic acid, and with selenious acid, which is changed into selenic 
acid, giving rise to the production of the same phenomena, to an eyo- 
lution of chlorine, and a considerable disengagement of heat. 

The metallic oxides act variously with liquid chlorous acid. It will 
be imagined that so energetic an agent of oxidation would convert the 
greater part of these compounds susceptible of it into peroxides, but 
that it would not exert any action on those which are already saturated 
with oxygen. This is what actually happens. The deutoxide of tin, 
the peroxide of iron, &c. suffer no change by chlorous acid; whereas 
the protoxide of iron, tin, manganese, nickel, cobalt and lead are con- 
verted into peroxides with the evolution of chlorine. The protoxide of 
chromium is immediately converted into chromic acid. There are, how- 
ever, some oxides susceptible of a higher degree of oxidation, such as 
the oxide of bismuth, and the peroxide of manganese, upon which chlo- 
rous acid does not appear to act. 

Although the alkaline oxides can, under some circumstances, com- 
bine with a larger proportion of oxygen,-chlorous acid, instead of super- 
oxidizing them, merely combines with them. Still further, it decom- 
poses the peroxides of these metals, and disengaging oxygen it reduces 
them to the state of protoxides, with which it forms decolorizing chlo- 
rites. It is at any rate in this way that I have observed it to act with 
the peroxide of barium. 

With the peroxide of lead and the two oxides of silver, which are 
metals with which chlorine forms insoluble compounds, it acts in an 
entirely different manner. These oxides are decomposed with the pro- 
duction of chlorides, and not chlorites, and with a disengagement of 
oxygen mixed with a little chlorine. This happens from the re-action 
of chlorous acid upon the chloride formed. 

The metallic chlorides are decomposed by chlorous acid. This de- 
composition is always accompanied with an abundant disengagement of 
chlorine, and the metal is oxidated. As to the nature of the definitive 
product, it evidently depends upon the manner in which this oxide acts 
either with chlorine or with chlorous acid. Thus the chlorides of the 
alkaline metals form mixtures of chlorides and chlorites. Those of 
manganese, iron, nickel, cobalt, lead, and tin, occasion a disengagement 



of chlorine and form peroxides. The chloride of copper forms both chlo- 
ride and oxichloride of copper. The protochloride of mercury changes, 
without evolving gas, into a red powder, which is unquestionably an 
oxichloride. The perchloride of mercury and the chloride of silver are 
also attacked, but very slowly, by concentrated chlorous acid: the gas 
disengaged is chlorine, mixed with a small quantity of oxygen. I do 
not at present know how to explain the production of the last-men- 
tioned gas. 

The bromides undergo a slightly different action. I have observed 
that with those of potassium, mercury, and silver, there is a disengage- 
ment of chlorine, bromine, and chloride of bromine, and the formation 
of a bromate and a metallic chloride. 

The iodides of potassium, mercury, and silver appeared to produce 
analogous phenomena. 

Saline compounds suffer two kinds of action by chlorous acid: it may 
decompose them by evolving their acid: it may, on the contrary, be 
itself decomposed, and by superoxidizing their acid or base, thus con- 
vert them into new salts. 

There are but few acids which can be expelled from their saline com- 
binations by chlorous acid, but it expels with effervescence the acid 
from the carbonate of soda and of lime, and forms a chlorite with the 
base. When an acetate is treated with chlorous acid, especially if 
heated, the odour of acetic acid is perceived, chlorine mixed with a 
little oxygen is disengaged, and after a certain time chlorate of potash 
is formed, which agrees perfectly with the observation of M. Liebig. 

Bromic acid even is expelled from its combinations by chlorous acid. 
The same phenomena occur as with the acetates,—disengagement of 
chlorine mixed with a little oxygen, formation of a chlorate, and evo- 
lution of a part of the bromic acid. 

As to the action which chlorous acid exerts on the salts as an oxi- 
dizing agent, it may be stated in a few words. With respect to their 
acids, it acts as if they were free; that is to say, not at all upon those 
salts the acids of which are saturated with oxygen, and it converts 
those to this condition which were not so previously. Thus the oxa- 
lates are converted into carbonates, the sulphites into sulphates, &c. 
All these re-actions occur with the disengagement of chlorine, and 
frequently with heat, without altering the neutrality of the salt; the 
iodates and chlorates are not however converted into hyperiodates and 

_ hyperchlorates ; the same anomaly occurs here which I have noticed 

_when speaking of the action of chlorous acid upon these free acids. The 
_hyposulphate of barytes, which nitric acid converts into sulphate, is not 
acted upon by chlorous acid, notwithstanding the insolubility of the 
product which would be formed by the oxidation of its acid. 

Chlorous acid acts in the same manner on salts with respect to their 


bases; that is to say, the protoxides are immediately converted into per 
oxides, provided always that they can neutralize the acid. Thus the 
salts of protoxide of iron, of copper, and of tin, are immediately con- 
verted into salts of the peroxides: but as to those of nickel, cobalt, 
and lead, they suffer no alteration. If the base were superoxidized, it 
would cease, in this case, to be proper to saturate the acid, and the 
chlorous acid would then act so as to destroy a combination already 
existing, instead of contributing to form more neutral and stable com- 
pounds, as when it changes the salts in z¢e to salts inate. Nevertheless 
the salts of protoxide of manganese, treated with chlorous acid, deposit 
peroxide, and the solution becomes acid; but the action is so slow, that 
I think it may be attributed to the disengagement of chlorine, which 
always accompanies the spontaneous decomposition of chlorous acid, 
and not to this acid itself. 

It was natural to suppose that organic substances would be essentially 
altered in their constitution by chlorous acid, which we have seen act 
energetically on several inorganie compounds; this opinion was con- 
firmed by experience. I put a great number of vegetable and animal 
substances into contact with this acid, and in almost every case I per- 
ceived indications of a re-action, which was frequently very vivid. It 
forms no part of the plan which I have proposed, to describe in detail 
the modifications which each organic substance underwent in this ease. 
It will be sufficient to say in a general manner, that in the greater num- 
ber of them the re-actions were accompanied with a disengagement of 
chlorine mixed with variable proportions of carbonic acid gas. When 
the substance contains azote, it is disengaged, but the odour of the gas 
indicates that chloride of azote is also formed. ‘This is especially ob- 
served with urea, lithic acid, and the vegetable alkalis which did not 
appear to me susceptible of forming chlorites. 

In some eases the quantity of carbonic acid obtained represented the 
oxygen which enters into the composition of chlorous acid. I thought 
that I perceived this in operating on indigo, a colouring matter which 
chlorous acid instantly changes into a yellow substance, which is soluble 
in aleohol and rather bitter. 

In the greater number of cases but very little carbonic acid is ob- 
tained; a notable portion of oxygen disappears at the same time, and 
contributes to form new and more oxigenated compounds. Thus the 
products of its action on sugar, gum, starch, &c. are strongly acid. 

Sometimes, however, the decomposition is slow, and the two elements 
of the chlorous acid are both absorbed by the organic matter. This is 
observed with alcohol; this liquid, by mixture with chlorous acid, is 
converted into acetic acid, and there is obtained at the same time a cer- 
tain quantity of an oily liquid, produced by the action of the chlorine 
upon the alcohol. 


* Tt appears to me that these observations are sufficient to prove that 
chlorous acid acts upon organic bodies principally on account of the 
oxygen which it contains. 

Could not an oxidizing agent, very superior to nitric acid, give rise 
‘to some new compounds in acting upon several organic compounds ? 
It is natural to think so, and to suppose that a knowledge of chlorous 
acid may thus, in an indirect manner, contribute to the progress of or- 
ganic chemistry, by exciting fresh researches, which I propose hereafter 
to undertake, as soon as I have hopes of doing so with success. 

§ 4. Chlorous Acid Gas. 

I had repeatedly observed that the aqueous solution of chlorous acid, 

when exposed to the air, soon lost its tint, and a great part of its odour. 
This change of properties, which I satisfied myself was not derived either 
‘from the absorption of the oxygen or the moisture of the air, made me 
-think that chlorous acid was volatile, and that I should be able to ob- 
tain it in the gaseous state, and it was towards this end that I directed 
‘my researches. 

I first tried the action of heat on concentrated liquid chlorous acid. | 

~At a temperature much below ebullition, I observed in fact that it dis- 
engaged a very small quantity of a yellow-coloured gas, which, passing 
‘through the mercury in small bubbles, was absorbed by it, leaving occa- 
"sionally a residue of oxygen. As to the liquid, even after being some 
time exposed to a temperature near ebullition, it retained the property 
-of acting on combustible bodies with the same activity as at first. I 
“presumed from this that chlorous acid had great affinity for water, and 
‘that by the action upon liquid chlorous acid of a substance having great 
-affinity for this water, I should obtain the acid in the state of gas. 

I first attempted this with sulphuric acid, and I succeeded in obtain- 
“ing a gaseous body. But this gas was of a very deep yellow colour, 
“and its smell, instead of resembling that of liquid chlorous acid, was 
“more like deutoxide of chlorine. The water with which I attempted to 
“act upon it dissolved a certain quantity, and left as a residue a mixture 
of much chlorine and very little oxygen: the solution did not resemble 
‘liquid chlorous acid; it was of a very deep yellow, and possessed the 
“properties of a solution of deutoxide. The sulphuric acid, therefore, 

while taking the water from the chlorous acid, had converted it into 
- oxygen, chlorine, and deutoxide. 

I suspected from this, that chlorous acid, like the nitric, chloric, bro- 
“mic, and other acids, could not exist without water; but before I pro- 
ceeded on this idea, I thought I would try other bodies, which, although 
- greedy of water, like sulphuric acid, would not excite any such marked 
action. It being impossible to employ chloride of calcium, I had re- 

Vor. J.—Parr II. x 


course to nitrate of lime, a very deliquescent calcareous salt, the action 
of which changed my idea on the subject. , 

When a mixture is made of nearly equal. volumes of concentrated 
liquid chlorous acid, and very dry solid nitrate of lime, a brisk effer- 
vescence ensues, and a gas is produced, which re-dissolyed in water 
gives a product possessed of all the properties of liquid chlorous acid, 
and which ought consequently to be considered as pure chlorous acid 
gas. The same results are obtained by using vitreous phosphoric acid* 
instead of nitrate of lime. ' 

If an attempt be made to collect chlorous acid gas in the mercurial 
trough in the usual way, the metal is attacked, and oxygen alone re- 
mains; sometimes indeed the absorption is complete. It is then neces- 
sary, in order to obtain it, to operate in a peculiar manner. The fol- 
lowing method has always succeeded. 

After having introduced into a receiver filled with mercury about 
x'sth of its volume of concentrated chlorous acid, I gradually passed up 
fragments of dry nitrate of lime. The gas is disengaged with effer- 
vescence, and, as it does not touch the mercury, being separated from 
it by the solution of nitrate of lime, it may be kept in the trough for a 
long time. Afterwards it may be transferred from one receiver to an- 
other, provided this operation be effected rapidly ; for it is but slightly 
decomposed by the metal, when it passes through it in large bubbles. 

Chlorous acid gas is of a yellow colour, and but little deeper than 
that of chlorine, with which in the course of my researches I had long 
confounded it, on account of this similarity of tint. Its smell is ex- 
tremely pungent, and like that of the liquid acid; it is completely ab- 
sorbable by mercury, which it converts into red oxichloride. 

Water dissolves many times its volume. I have not determined this 
solubility very exactly, but I believe it to be more than 100. The so- 
lution is very slightly coloured, and has the properties of liquid chlo- 
rous acid. The solution of chlorous acid in water takes place very 
rapidly, but there always remains, after the operation is over, a very 
small residue of chlorine and oxygen, which indicates a very slight de- 
composition of this gas during its preparation. A small increase of 
temperature separates its elements with explosion, and a very conside- 
rable disengagement of, heat and light. Although it appears to me 
more difficultly decomposable by increase of temperature than the ox- 
ides of chlorine, it has happened to me that it has exploded during 
transfer. On this account, care should be taken to add the nitrate of 

* Care must be taken to use phosphoric acid which is not prepared by the de- 
composition of phosphate of ammonia by heat. As this often retains a little 
ammonia, it produces chloride of azote, which, by the slightest increase of tem- 

perature, gives rise to detonations, which are the more dangerous as not being 


lime gradually during its preparation, in order that the heat which is 
generated during the solution of this salt should not be too strong. I 
have frequently seen chlorous acid gas detonate by the influence of this 
cause; and although this detonation is not in itself very dangerous,— 
for the receiver, which is projected vertically, is never broken into small 
fragments,—yet the chlorous acid being then dispersed in small drops, 
which are extremely corrosive, it is prudent to prevent it. 

An exposure of some hours to a weak diffused light did not appear 
to me susceptible of altering chlorous acid; but solar light decomposes 
it in a few minutes without detonation. 

The manner in which different bodies act upon the gaseous acid is 
similar to that upon liquid chlorous acid. 

Oxygen and chlorine cannot act upon chlorous acid: hydrogen, at 
common temperatures, exerts no action upon it; but if a lighted taper 
be put to a mixture of these two gases, a loud detonation is produced, 
and white thick vapours of hydrochloric acid gas are observable. 

I have not tried what effect boron and silicium produce upon this 
gas, but I have stated what bromine and iodine can do. Ifa small 
quantity of these substances be added to a proper volume of chlorous 
acid gas, it is quickly absorbed, and chloric and_ bromic acids are pro- 
duced, and chlorides of bromine and iodine. } 

This action of bromine and iodine takes place slowly and without 
detonation. This is not the case when sulphur, selenium, phosphorus, 
and arsenic are operated with. Scarcely do these bodies come into con- 
tact with the chlorous acid gas when they decompose it with a strong 
detonation and a vivid light. The arsenic and phosphorus are con- 
verted into arsenic and phosphoric acids ; the sulphur forms sulphurous 
acid. I have not determined whether selenious or selenic acid is pro- 
duced by selenium. One part of the chlorine combines with the com- 
bustible bodies, but a notable portion is disengaged in the gaseous state. 
This gaseous chlorine is moreover always mixed with a quantity of oxy- 
gen. When charcoal is used, there is also immediate detonation; but 
the gas obtained is a mixture of oxygen and chlorine, and contains but 
very little carbonic acid. I believe that, in this case, the decomposition 
is effected less by the affinity of the carbon for oxygen, than by the heat 
which is developed by the absorption of the gas in the pores of the char- 
coal. , . 

The metals act differently with chlorous acid gas according to the 
circumstances under which they are brought into contact with it. If 
fragments of several of the metals, wrapped in sized paper to prevent 
amalgamation, be passed into a rather narrow jar containing a small 
quantity of chlorous acid, it is absorbed completely in a few moments, 
and without detonation. There are formed both an oxide and a chlo- 
ride. But if the quantity of chlorous acid employed measures several 



cubic inches, the absorption, which begins to take place very slowly, 
terminates with a detonation accompanied with disengagement of light, 
and there is then found in the upper part of the receiver a mixture of 
chlorine and oxygen. It is probable that the heat developed in this case 
by chemical action occasions the decomposition of the portion of gas 
which had not been absorbed. 

Silver leaf also acts upon chlorous acid after a certain time. The 
metal is partly converted into chloride, and oxygen is disengaged ; but 
the heat developed by this re-action also occasions the decomposition of 
a part of the gas, and chlorine is found mixed with oxygen. 

Chlorous acid gas is also decomposed by the greater part of the com- 
pound combustibles. Cyanogen and chlorous acid gas act but slowly 
upon each other; however, at the end of a certain time, chlorine is 
found in the receiver, carbonic acid and azote, and the gaseous mixture 
gives out the odour of chloride of cyanogen. 

Common carburetted hydrogen does not act upon chlorous acid ; but 
this acid and bicarburetted hydrogen decompose each other, without 
evolving heat and light, water and a chloride of carbon being produced. 

Phosphuretted and arseniuretted hydrogen gases, on the contrary, 
occasion detonation, and the gaseous residue found is chlorine mixed 
with a little oxygen. The combination of sulphuretted hydrogen is 
accompanied with a blue flame, similar to that afforded by sulphur 
when it is burnt in contact with the air. The detonation produced by 
ammonia is also very vivid, and, in this case like the former ones, much 
chlorine is set free. 

Sulphuret of carbon also produced a vivid explosion, after which 
there was found in the receiver in which it occurred, chlorine, sulphurous 
and carbonic acid. The odour of these gases indicates that there is 
formed at the same time a small quantity of chloride of sulphur. 

The decomposition of chlorous acid by hydrochloric acid is accom- 
panied with the disengagement of heat only, without producing light. It 
is the same when hydriodie acid is operated with. 

Phosphuret of lime [calcium? ] instantly occasions the decomposition 
of chlorous acid with a loud detonation, and the gaseous residue con- 
tains much chlorine. ; 

The greater number of sulphurets—those of barium, tin, mercury, 
antimony, &c.—produce in a few seconds the same effect. When there 
is but little gas it may be absorbed without the occurrence of detona- 
tion. In the latter case, the odour indicates the formation of chloride 
of sulphur. 

Oxalic acid also decomposes chlorous acid without producing ex- 
plosion. Oxide of carbon, upon which the liquid acid did not appear 
to exert any action, decomposes chlorous acid gas but slowly. After 
the lapse of some hours the colour of the mixture disappears, and the 


gas has the penetrating odour of chlorocarbonic acid. Nitrous oxide 
gas does not appear to undergo any alteration by chlorous acid; but 
with nitric oxide gas this acid occasions a violent detonation. This is 
accompanied with the production of nitrous gas, which fresh bubbles of 
chlorous acid are susceptible of converting into nitric acid. 

Sulphurous acid gas, when dry, is but slowly attacked by chlorous 
acid; yet, after some hours, the gaseous mixture placed over mer- 
cury disappears, and the sulphurous acid is converted into sulphuric 

Filtering paper and indigo are the only organic matters which I have 
put in contact with chlorous acid gas. The first occasioned detonation, 
but very little carbonic acid was produced. The receiver, after the 
explosion, was found full of oxygen and chlorine, nearly in the propor- 
tions which constitute chlorous acid; this indicates that it was chiefly 
by the heat disengaged in its action on the paper that the gas detonated. 

Indigo also decomposes chlorous acid without detonation, and con- 
verts it into a compound of a yellow colour. The volume of carbonic 
acid produced is much smaller than that of the oxygen contained in 
the acid employed; and the chlorine evolved is in part absorbed by the 
mercury, and partly retained in the pores of the vegetable matter, 
which yields, undoubtedly from this cause, acid vapours when heated. 

The facts which I have now detailed prove, as it appears to me, 
that chlorous acid in the state of gas acts nearly in the same way as 
when it is liquid. If its two elements are absorbed together when 
the temperature is but little raised, it is on the other hand principally 
owing to the oxygen gas which it contains that it acts whenever much 
heat is emitted. The disengagement of chlorine gas which accompanies 
the greater number of its re-actions appears to me to be a sufficient 
proof of the truth of this assertion. 

It may be thought at first that the chlorine comes from the denien: 
position of a portion of the gas, occasioned by the high temperature 
which the action of a combustible body most commonly develops; 
but only one portion of the chlorine can be attributed to such an 
origin. In fact, the quantity of oxygen with which it is mixed, is al- 
most always smaller than that which in chlorous acid is united with 

the volume of chlorine obtained; which induces the opinion, that in 

these cases the two combustible elements of the compound are princi- 
pally combined with oxygen. 

§ 5. Composition of Chlorous Acid, 

_ The experiments which I have now related are sufficient to determine 
that the new compound, which I have described under the name of 
chlorous acid, is uniformly composed of chlorine and oxygen; but they 
do not determine the proportions in which these two elements are united. 


It was necessary therefore to attempt some more exact experiments, iu 
order to proceed to its exact analysis. 

I first made them upon chlorous acid in the state of aqueous solution, 
When I had afterwards sueceeded in extracting pure chlorous acid gas, 
I verified by direct analysis the results which I had obtained with the 
aqueous acid, 

Several methods suggest themselves for analysing chlorousaeid diluted 
with water. It may, in fact, be decomposed by a combustible, which sets 
the chlorine free, and then appreciating together the proportions of this 
gas and those of the oxigenated compound which is produced at the same 
time with it. On the contrary, it may be treated with metallic silver, and 
the quantities of oxygen and of chloride of silver formed may be ascer- 
tained; but in both these methods only one of the elements of the 
chlorous acid is obtained in the state of gas: it is requisite to determine 
the volume of the other by weighings and calculation, which render 
these analytic processes rather long in executing. I therefore endea- 
voured to find another, which would allow of my attaching the compo- 
sition of chlorous acid to the nature of some well-known combination, 
and to reduce its analysis to that of a gaseous mixture, a kind of ope- 
ration which unites the double advantage of accuracy and brevity. 
The action ‘which chlorous acid exerts on oxalic acid, and -in which 
these two bodies are converted into chlorine and carbonic acid, ap- 
peared to offer an easy method. It is well known that oxalic acid 
yields, by decomposition, equal volumes of carbonic acid and oxide of 
carbon, and that the latter requires half its yolume of oxygen to con- 
vert itintoa volume of carbonic acid equal to its own. It results from 
this, that when oxalic acid is changed into carbonic acid, the quarter 
of the volume of this gas obtained represents that of the additional 
oxygen necessary for this alteration. 

The analysis of chlorous acid is brought by this method to that of 
a mixture of chlorine and carbonic acid, which is easy of execution by 
means of mercury. 

I made in this way various attempts, which, although they indicated 
that the volume of chlorine was almost double that of the oxygen, 
differed however too much from this result, and did not besides agree 
sufficiently together to inspire me with confidence. I persevered ne- 
vertheless, for the method is easy and it appeared to me to be certain. 
Convinced, however, at last that the results obtained were not attribu- 
table to any fault in the execution, I examined by nitrate of silver the 
residue of a re-action of this kind in which the oxalic acid was in 
excess, and the quantity of chloride of silver insoluble in nitric acid 
which I obtained proved that a notable portion of chlorine remained 
in the liquid. I have since convinced myself that the quantity which 
is not disengaged in.a gaseous form is greater as the chlorous acid. is 


more dilute. I am ignorant of'the state in which this chlorine exists : 
perhaps it forms alittle of the chloroxalic acid, which M. Dumas obtained 
by exposing acetic acid and chlorine to the influence of the solar rays ; 
perhaps also it existed in the state of hydrochloric acid, a state to which 
it might be reduced by the decomposition of water, the oxygen of which 
would contribute to the formation of the carbonic acid. 

- Inexact as this method of analysis is; it renders it very probable that 
chlorous acid is formed of two volumes of chlorine and one volume of 
oxygen. But the manner of its’ action with hydrochloric acid leaves 
no doubt on this subject. 

Chlorous acid and‘hydrochloric acid produce, by their double decom- 

position, water and chlorine, as already mentioned. Then if an excess 
of chlorous acid be made to act upon a given quantity of hydrochloric 
acid, the relation between the volumes of the acid gas decomposed and 
of the chlorine obtained, will allow the composition of the chlorous acid 
to be inferred from that of the hydrochloric acid. 
- Tattempted to effect this decomposition, both by passing hydrochloric 
acid gas over mercury into a graduated tube containing in its upper 
part a little’ very concentrated chlorous acid, and by introducing 
chlorous acid into a tube already containing hydrochloric acid gas. 
But the decomposition was in both cases produced in a very imperfect 
manner. The chlorine gas which is disengaged at first renders the so- 
lution of the hydrochloric acid gas difficult. In order that it may be 
complete, recourse must be had to agitation, which cannot be effected 
without a portion of the chlorine being absorbed by the mercury. 

The following mode’ of operating, howevér, succeeded perfectly : 
after having filled a stopped bottle with hydrochloric acid gas in the 
mercurial apparatus, I introduced a small phial of glass filled with 
chlorous acid and hermetically sealed’; I stopped the bottle, and I 
shook it so as to break the small phial. As soon as the chlorous and 
hydrochloric acid’ came into contact, decomposition took place with 
disengagement of heat, and the interior of the bottle assumed a yellow 
tint. When this had returned to the temperature of the atmosphere I 
was able to open the phial over the mercury without a drop of this liquid 
metal entering or a bubble of gas escaping. The gas which thus filled 
it was entirely absorbed by mercury. 

In its decomposition by chlorous acid, the hydrochloric acid had 
been converted into an equal volume of chlorine. Then in this vo- 
lume of hydrochloric acid there was half a volume of hydrogen : the 
chlorous acid which had converted this hydrogen into water had 
yielded a quarter of a volume of oxygen. On the other hand, the hy- 
drochloric acid decomposed could give only half a volume of chlorine ; 
and, as a whole volume had been produced, the other half volume must 


have been furnished by the chlorous acid. The latter was therefore 
manifestly composed of two volumes of chlorine and one volume of 

I was however apprehensive that one circumstance might contr shite. 
to render this mode of analysis imperfect, which however appeared 
to me as simple as it is elegant. It was, in fact, possible that the heat 
generated might disengage a portion of the chlorous acid in the gas- 
eous state, which, as I have already stated, is completely absorbable by 
mercury. The gas then obtained would have contained something be- 
sides chlorine, and the volume of this gas elicited would not then have 
been rigorously equal to that of the hydrochloric acid employed. 

When also I had afterwards observed that concentrated sulphuric 
acid, in acting upon liquid chlorous acid, disengaged from it, if not pure 
chlorous acid, at least the gaseous products of its decomposition, I de- 
termined to ascertain in what proportion they contained chlorine and 

For this purpose, I submitted 50 volumes of this gas to the action of 
heat, in order to effect its detonation. I thus obtained 72 volumes, 
which treated with an alkaline solution were reduced to 25 volumes 
of oxygen gas. If it be considered that in this mode of experimenting a 
small portion of chlorine is necessarily absorbed by the mercury, the 
slight loss sustained will be readily explained ; and, as it appears to me, 
it will be concluded that this experiment proves, as well as the former 
ones, that chlorous acid is composed of two volumes of chlorine and one 
volume of oxygen. 

When the methods which I have described allowed of my procuring 
pure chlorous acid, I confirmed the previously obtained results by direct 
analysis. By the detonation of 45 volumes of this gas I procured 69 
volumes of a gaseous mixture, which was reduced to 23 volumes when 
I agitated it with an alkaline solution. This last experiment, not only 
justifies the results with which other methods had already furnished me, 
but allows of appreciating the contraction which the chlorine and oxygen 
undergo in combining to form chlorous acid. It will be observed, in 
fact, that this contraction is one third of the whole volume, and equal 
to that of the oxygen which enters into its composition. The number 
67:5, the product of 45 by 1°5, differs too little, it appears to me, from 
the number 69 which I obtained, to allow of any doubt remaining in 
this respect. 

The analysis of chlorous acid thus shows that ‘t is formed of the same 
elements and in the same proportions as the gas obtained from chlorate 
of potash and hydrochloric acid, a gas which chemists have long consi- 
dered as protoxide of chlorine. If it were satisfactorily demonstrated 
that this product is really a distinct compound, as it differs much from 


the chlorous acid which I have been describing, these two bodies would: 
afford a fresh example of isomerism. But the recent labours of M. Sou- 
beiran have rendered it extremely probable that this supposed protoxide 
is merely a mixture of chlorine and deutoxide of chlorine, which had 
long been suspected by chemists on account of the peculiar condensation. . 
of its elements. 

This composition of chlorous acid differs, it will be observed, very much 
from that which had previously been assigned to it by chemists. On. 
account of the impossibility of directly analysing chlorous acid, chemists 
have endeavoured to determine its composition either according to the 
re-actions which are produced during its formation or when the decolo- 
rizing chlorides are in contact with certain compounds, or from theore- 
tical considerations ; but it is easy to prove that these observations, the 
accuracy of which on account of the ability of the chemists who made 
them is unquestionable, agree perfectly with the results which I have 
obtained, and that my views are most consistent with theory. 

M. Liebig, by causing the decolorizing compound of chlorine to act 
upon the sulphurets of barium, lead, &c., observed that they were im- 
mediately converted into sulphates, without evolving chlorine or pre- 
cipitating sulphur. Now in order to convert 1 atom of these sulphur- 
ets into sulphate, 4 atoms of oxygen are requisite, 3 to form the acid 
and | to form the base. M. Liebig has supposed that this effect was 
produced by | atom of chlorite ; and, as the base of this chlorite could 
only yield 1 atom, he has admitted that the other 3 atoms were fur- 
nished by the chlorous acid. On the other hand, the atom of metal of 
the base is found in the liquor in the state of chloride; there were re- 
quired therefore 2 atoms of chlorine to form this compound. 

Chlorous acid, according to this, seems to be composed of 2 of chlorine 
and 3 of oxygen. But if it be supposed that 2 atoms of this acid are 
necessary to convert 1 atom of sulphuret into sulphate, the observa- 
tions of M. Liebig will then entirely agree with mine. Of the 4 atoms 
of oxygen requisite, 2 will be furnished by the 2 atoms of acid, and the 
2 others by the 2 atoms of base; and the 4 atoms of chlorine combining 
with 2 atoms of metal will form 2 atoms of chloride. 

M. Soubeiran arrived at the same conclusions as M. Liebig from the 
following considerations: if chlorous acid, he says, is formed as chemists 
suppose, it is necessary for its production that 3 atoms of metallic 
_ oxide should be decomposed to furnish the 3 atoms of oxygen which 
enter into its composition, and there should be produced 3 atoms of 
metallic chloride ; so that the decolorizing compounds of chlorine must 
contain 3 atoms of chlorine in every atom of chlorite. 

In order to verify this supposition, M. Soubeiran converts a solution 
containing 4 atoms of soda into decolorizing chloride. He evaporated 
this in vacuo, and treated the residue of the evaporation with a satu- 


rated solution of common salt, intended to dissolve the chlorite, leaving 
the chloride unacted upon. He found this quantity of chloride of sodiuni 
equivalent to 2°] atoms of soda ; and, with a little too much allowance, 
as it seems to me, he concluded that these 2°1 atoms were equal to 3, 
and thence that chlorous acid:is.very probably formed of 2 of chlorine 
and 3 of oxygen. If it be considered that in such a mode of experi- 
menting, the quantity of metallic ‘chloride ought rather to be’ greater 
than smaller than that at»first formed by the re-action'of the chlorine 
upon the soda, no doubt can be: entertained that these 2-1 should be 
reckoned only:as 2, and this-establishes a perfect agreement between 
my results and those of M. Soubeiran, and gives for the composition 
of chlorous acid the numbers: which I have already adopted. 

M. Morin, in his workon the decolorizing chlorides, has decidedly 
proved that during their decomposition, whether spontaneous or effected 
by heat, these combinations ‘are converted into 17 atoms-of chloride 
for 1 atom. of chlorate, and that 12 atoms of oxygen are at the same 
time disengaged, two thirds of what they previously contained. In 
supposing that chlorous acid is formed of 2 of chlorine and 3 of oxy- 
gen, the following table is the expression of the atomic re-action. 

Atoms employed. 

9 atoms oxide ... = 9 atoms metal. 
9 atoms oxygen. 

9 atoms avidiy.wiet { 18 atoms chlorine. 

9 atoms chlorite = 1 
27 atoms oxygen. 

Atoms produced. 
24 atoms oxygen. 
’ 2,atoms metal. 
{ 2 atoms oxygen. 

2 atoms acid Ls 4, atoms CHIOr ie. 
sree “| 10 atoms oxygen. 

7 atoms metal.’ 
14 atoms chlorine. 

If to these 7 atoms of chloride there be added the 27 which were 
mixed with the 9 atoms of chlorite in the decolorizing compound, there 
would be 34 atoms of chloride for 2 of chlorate, 17 for 1. 

But the supposition that chlorous acid is formed of 2 atoms of chlo- 
rine and 2 of oxygen, agrees also with these results; the atomic re- 

action may then be much more simply expressed, as shown by the fol- 
lowing table. 

2 atoms oxide... = 
2 atoms chlorate = 

7 atoms chloride = 

Atoms employed. 
Oiatanis aan pr 18 atoms chlorine. 
git 9 atoms oxygen. 
={ 9 atoms metal. 

9 atoms chlorite = 1 
9 atoms oxygen. © 

9 atoms base .... 


Atoms produced. 
12 atoms oxygen. 

1 atom acid...... = 2 atoms chlorine. 
5 atoms oxygen. 

act 1 atom metal. 
1. atom base...... = { 1 atom oxygen. 

8 atoms metal. 
16 atoms chlorine. 
The 8 atoms of chloride formed, and the nine with which they were 
mixed,—admitting that chlorous acid is composed as I state,—make 
the 17 atoms for 1 of chlorate obtained by M. Morin. 

There is only one fact which does not agree with the new compo- 
‘sition which I assign to chlorous acid; it is an experiment of Berzelius, 
in which this chemist observed, when precipitating chloride of lime by 
nitrate of silver, that the metallic chlorite while decomposing produced 
an atom of chloride, while 2 atoms of silver remained in solution, un- 
questionably in the state of chlorate. But according to my view of 
the constitution of chlorous acid there ought on the contrary to be 
formed 2 atoms of chloride for 1 of chlorate. But it must be stated that 
Berzelius does not attach any such importance to this result, so as to 
deduce the composition of chlorous acid from it; for this mode of experi- 
menting cannot be exact. I have already shown, that during the preci- 
pitation of the chloride by the salt of silver and the filtration of the liquid, 
the chlorite of silver decomposes; and of the two products of this de- 
composition, the chlorate only is obtained, which remains in solution, 
while the corresponding chloride is retained by the filter: the result of 
this in the experiment of Berzelius ought to have been to increase the 
quantity of chlorate, and to diminish that of the chloride formed by the 
decomposition of the chlorite of silver. 

It is not only on account of the facts which I have mentioned that 
chemists had assigned the supposed composition to chlorous acid, but 
they were also guided by certain theoretical considerations. 

The experiments made up to the present time prove with certainty, 
that in the decolorizing liquors which chlorine forms with the alkaline 
oxides, the proportions of their elements are 1 atom radical, 1 atom 
oxygen, 2 atoms chlorine*; and in the hypothesis of chlorides of 
oxides, this composition was represented by this formula R C2. It is 
evident that, whatever other supposition may be adopted with respect 

to the nature of these combinations, it ought to fulfill the double con- 
dition, and that the same relations should always subsist, and the num- 
ber of the atoms be expressed by a whole number. In multiplying 
the first formula by the natural series of whole numbers, and arranging 

1 atom chlorate = { 

8 atoms chloride = 

* In England 1 atom chlorine also, for a reason already stated, viz. that the 
weight of the atom is double that of foreign chemists. 


the atoms so as to form of them metallic chlorides and salts with an 
oxacid of chlorine, we shall have the following results: 

R+0+2ClixX2= RCe+CER. 
R+0+2C1X3=2RC+ CPR. 
R+04+2Clx4=3RCP + CPR. 
R+O042C1X5=4R C+ CPR. 

Of these different formule, the third has been preferred by chemists, 
and chlorous acid has been assimilated as to its composition to nitrous 
and phosphorous acid. But why not adopt the second, which is cer- 
tainly more simple, and in which chlorous acid is equivalent to hypo- 
sulphurous acid ? 

Omitting all experimental proof, this supposition is much more na- 
tural than the other; for the cireumstances under which chlorous acid 
is formed do not at all resemble those under which nitrous and phos- 
phorous acid &c. are obtained, whereas they are identically the same 
as those which produce hyposulphurous acid. It is well known, in 
fact, that it is by treating the alkaline oxides with sulphur and water, 
that mixtures of 1 atom of hyposulphite and 1 atom of polysulphuret 
are obtained. If on this re-action we substitute chlorine for sulphur, 
we shall have 1 atom of chlorite and 1 atom of chloride. The only dif- 
ference existing between the two cases is, that the number which ex- 
presses the chemical equivalent of chlorine being double that which re- 
presents its atom, while with sulphur these two numbers are equal, we 
shall have Cl? for the formula of chlorous acid, whilst that of sulphurous 
acid will be S*. 

The supposition which contributed to the adoption of the fourth for- 
mula by chemists, is that of Davy’s protoxide of chlorine being a distinct 
compound. But as it was very evident that it was not the acid of the chlo- 
rites, the second.[fourth? ] formula, which led to this conclusion, was ne- 
cessarily rejected. It is only since the experiments of M. Soubeiran have 
rendered it almost certain that the supposed protoxide of chlorine is 
merely a mixture of chlorine and of deutoxide, that the true composition 
of chlorous acid could be ascertained @ priori. What denomination ought 
now to be assigned to this compound; It is evident that the name of chlo- 
rous acid can no longer be given to it, and that it is much more proper 
to call it hypochlorous, a name which recalls its analogy of constitution 
with the hyposulphurous, hypophosphorous acids, &c., formed like it of 
one equivalent of their radical and one equivalent of oxygen. Its combi- 
nations will be called hypochlorites. If this denomination were adopted, 

* This inconsistency does not happen when the number for chlorine is doubled. 


the name of chlorous acid would be reserved for the yet unknown com- 
bination of two volumes of chlorine and three of oxygen, and that of 
hypochloric would signify, as M. Thénard has proposed, the compound 
now called deutoxide of chlorine. 

§ 6.— Of the Hypochlorites. 

The hypochlorous acid, which is obtained, with difficulty it is true, 
from the decolorizing compounds of chlorine, by employing the pro- 
cesses which I have described, presents the same characters as that fur- 
nished by the action of this gas on the red oxide of mercury. It is 
therefore extremely probable that these compounds contain hypochlo- 
rites mixed with chlorides. But as it is not impossible that the hypo- 
chlorous acid obtained from them, instead of being really formed in 
these bodies, is merely a product of their decomposition, it appeared to 
me proper, in order to render the demonstration more complete, to study 
the general properties of the compounds of this acid with bases, and, by 
showing that they are the same as those which have been ascertained in 
the decolorizing compounds, to confirm by synthesis the results obtained 
by analysis. 

Pure hypochlorites may be obtained in two different modes, one di- 
rect and the other by double decomposition. 

The direct combination of concentrated hypochlorous acid with pow- 
erful bases, whether solid or in concentrated solutions, is accompanied 
with the disengagement of intense heat. This heat, when it is a little 
too great, changes the hypochlorite into chlorate and chloride. 

The presence of a certain excess of base prevents this conversion, 
whereas it is very rapidly effected when the chlorous acid is in excess. 
It is therefore necessary to add the alkaline substance to the acid, in 
quantity insufficient for saturation, and constantly to agitate the bottle, 
immersed in cold water; and not to reverse the operation, by gradually 
saturating the acid with the base. By taking these precautions, con- 
centrated solutions of hypochlorous acid and potash may be used with- 
out precipitating chlorate of potash, notwithstanding the sparing solu- 
bility of this salt ; this proves, that if any is formed the quantity is very 
small. If either of these precautions be neglected, chlorate is abun- 
dantly precipitated ; when both are observed, the hypochlorous acid 
combines simply with the base, and no gas is disengaged ; but when a 
high temperature or an excess of chlorous acid occasion the decompo- 
sition of the hypochlorite, a gaseous disengagement occurs. This gas 
is pure oxygen if the base is in excess ; when on the contrary the hy- 
pochlorous acid predominates, it is oxygen mixed with chlorine. 

It is easy to explain this double phenomenon. The experiments of 
M. Morin have proved, on the one hand, that the decolorizing compounds 
of chlorine lose part of their oxygen when they are converted into chlo- 


rates ; and, on the:other hand, I havé already stated,‘ that the metallic 
chlorides are decomposed by chlorous acid, and yield, among other pro- 
ducts, chlorine gas. The forniation of a chlorate is therefore always 
accompanied with a corresponding production of chloride. 

The hypochlorites of barytes and lime serve for the preparation of 
other hypochlorites, by double decomposition. 

Potash, soda, lithia, strontia, barytes, lime and magnesia are bases 
which, by combining with hypochlorous acid, form salts with it, the ex- 
istence of which is incontestible. I could not however forget that 
M. Grouvelle, while examining the decolorizing combinations of chlo- 
rine, observed that peroxide of iron, oxide of copper and of zine, ab- 
sorbed this gas very rapidly, and formed with them decolorizing com- 
pounds, which heat and exsiccation converted into chlorine and oxides. 
I therefore endeavoured to produce the hypochlorites of these metals, 
either by directly combining hypochlorous acid with their oxides, or by 
double decomposition between the sulphates of these bases and the hy- 
pochlorite of lime and barytes. 

In experimenting with iron, I did not obtain indications of combination 
by either of these methods. On the one hand hypochlorous acid, made to 
act upon peroxide of iron, did not dissolve the slightest portion of it ; and 
on the other, by the decomposition of hypochlorite of lime by persul- 
phate of iron, I obtained sulphate of lime and peroxide together ; and 
the liquor, which contained free hypochlorous acid, contained no iron. 
This proves two things ; first, that hypochlorous acid is extremely weak, 
since the base with which it was combined acts with persulphate of iron 
as if it were uncombined; and secondly, that hypochlorite of peroxide 
of iron cannot exist. 

The results which I have obtained thus differ from those observed 
by M. Grouvelle ; and I endeavoured to discover the cause of this dis- 
agreement. When operating as he did, that is to say by subjecting 
hydrate of iron to the action of chlorine, I found that the gas was 
slowly absorbed, and that the liquor was, as he stated, strongly decoloriz- 
ing, even after boiling for a quarter of an hour ; but I also convinced 
mipsel that during the ebullition not only chlorine, but chlorous acid, 
was liberated. 

The liquid, before ébullition, contained a persalt of iron; but during 
distillation almost the whole of the peroxide was deposited in a pure state.’ 

It appears, then, that in the action of peroxide of iron upon chlorine, 
both perchloride of iron and chlorous acid were formed, compounds 
which might co-exist, on account of the diluted condition of both of them. 
The intervention of heat had the effect of destroying that which had 
been produéed in the cold, and of producing an inverse re-action, from 
which there resulted peroxide of iron and chlorine, while a portion of 
engagement of oxygen. Nevertheless, with the addition of certain cir- 


the chlorous acid escaped decomposition and. .»was disengaged in the 
form of vapour. 

The phenomena are rather different when oxide of copper or of zinc 
is employed ; the solutions of the sulphates of these metals are decom- 
posed by hypochlorite of lime, and sulphate of lime and the metallic 
oxide are precipitated together. If the: chlorite of lime is in excess, the 
liquor does not retain the slightest portion of either metal, and by dis- 
tillation hypochlorous acid only is obtained. 

When however the hydrates of zine and copper are treated with 
chlorous acid, a certain quantity of them is dissolved, and the liquid 
possesses decolorizing properties. Since, then, perfectly free chlorous 
acid dissolves these oxides, and these compounds are precipitated by 
solutions of alkaline chlorites, which contain an excess of chlorous acid, 
it is natural to suppose that in these cases this chlorous acid is not in a 
perfectly free state. It is therefore probable that some alkaline oxides, 
lime for example, are susceptible of forming bihypochlorites, which 
are decomposed by evaporation in vacuo into neutral hypochlorites and 
hypochlorous acid. : 

The hypochlorites of zinc and copper, the existence of which is ren- 
dered probable by what I have stated, suffer decomposition very readily. 
When they are distilled they evolve hypochlorous acid, and probably a 
little oxygen, and they are converted into oxichlorides. The oxichloride 
of copper is of a fine green colour ; that of zinc is white, with an agree- 
able pearly lustre ;it:decomposes spontaneously into chloride and chlo- 
rate, with the disengagement of oxygem and a little chlorine. As to 
that.of copper, it is decomposed: by:an excess of oxide, which it con- 
verts: into. insoluble ee also: so bane a mixture sg oxygen 
-and:chlorine. ok ORM t 

_ These chlorites, sited with ‘Gidatidoss maybe chieinel as ‘annsicaiia 
vn M. Grouvelle, by agitating either of these oxides, diffused through 
water, with chlorine. The absorption of the gas is rapid, especially by 
-the oxide of zinc ; the distilled liquor precipitates an oxichloride, as ob- 
served by M. Grouvelleé, and it contains a metallic chloride in solution. 
A portion of dilute hypochlorous acid is condensed. : In the absence of 
“peroxide of mercury; the oxide of zine and that of copper may serve for 

the preparation of this acid. The hypochlorites of powerful-bases pos- 

sess the following properties: their odour and colour are identically the 
same as the corresponding decolorizing compounds of chlorine, from 

which it is impossible to distinguish them: by their physical properties; 

they are salts of a very changeable constitution. A slight increase of 

temperature, the influence of solar light, even of diffused light;:converts 

them into chlorides and chlorates. I have not estimated the relation 

between the atomic quantities of these two salts. 

-. This change is effected in the greatest numberof cases with the dis- 


cumstances, which I have yet imperfectly ascertained, I have not per- 
ceived any disengagement of this gas. I shall, however, soon endeavour 
to supply this hiatus ; for the exact determination of the circumstances 
may greatly influence the fabrication of chlorate of potash. It is evi- 
dent that if the conversion into chlorite occurred without the disengage- 
ment of oxygen, then would be obtained, for a given weight of potash, 
three times more of this salt than is usually procured. The presence 
of an excess of base may prevent the decomposition of the chlorites, but 
this base must be powerful; oxide of zinc and magnesia are insuffi- 
ciently so for it. Therefore their chlorites, soon after formation, yield 
oxygen gas mixed with chlorine if they have an excess of acid, and are 
converted into chlorates and chlorides. The attempt to obtain these in 
a dry state would be fruitless, even when mixed with an excess of oxide, 
and the evaporation performed by the air-pump. 

The case is different with those with a base of potash, soda, lime, 
barytes, and strontia. These may be obtained in a solid state by eva- 
poration in a dry vacuum, or even by distillation at a low temperature; 
but for this there must always be a great excess of alkali. But notwith- 
standing this precaution, it often happens that during this evaporation, 
even in vacuo, a notable portion of hypochlorite is converted into chlo- 
rate and chloride. 

The hypochlorites are very readily decomposed by the acids. Al- 
though hypochlorous acid expels carbonic acid from its combinations, 
it is in its turn expelled from its own by a current of carbonic acid gas, 
which shows how weak are its affinities for bases. When the dry hypo- 
chlorites are pure, they may be used for preparing hypochlorous acid gas, 
provided they are treated with an acid which contains but little water, 
—concentrated phosphoric acid for example. But as it is difficult toob- 
tain them both diy and free from chlorides and chlorates, and, as in this 
case, the hypochlorous acid gas is mixed with chlorine, it is better to. em- 
ploy the process which I have already described for preparing it. . 

It has already been stated that the decolorizing compounds of chlo- 
rine have a great disposition to convert sulphur, iodine, phosphorus 
and arsenic, into sulphuric, iodic, phosphoric, and arsenic acid, which, 
combining with the oxide of these compounds, give rise to saline com- 
-binations. I have also observed the same property in the hypochlorites. 
Fragments of arsenic blackened on their surface by a little protoxide, 
put into a solution of these salts, have their metallic lustre immediately 
restored, as stated by M. Soubeiran to occur with the chlorides of lime, 
‘soda, &e. 

The metals act with the hypochlorites as with the decolorizing com- 
binations themselves. Gold and-platina are not altered. Silver is trans- | 
formed, though slowly, into chloride, with the disengagement of oxygen. 
Iron is very readily oxidized. As to tin and copper, they readily be- 


come oxichlorides, giving rise to a slight disengagement of chlorine 
mixed with oxygen. Mercury is changed into red oxichloride by con- 
tact with hypochlorite of lime. 

The recently precipitated sulphurets are immediately converted into 
sulphates by the hypochlorites ; and these salts, as well as the hypochlo- 
rous acid, might undoubtedly, as well as oxigenated water, serve for the 
restoration of pictures, in which the white colour employed in painting 
has become black by the change of carbonate of lead into sulphuret. 

The greater part of the combinations of oxygen which are not satu- 
rated with this principle, undergo the same action by the hypochlorites 
as by hypochlorous acid itself. Thus nitric oxide is absorbed by them 
as by the decolorizing chlorides, and converted into nitric acid. The 
metallic protoxides are converted into peroxides, and the salts in ife are 
converted into salts in ate. It is not necessary to enumerate in detail 
all these re-actions, which are absolutely the same, as chemists have 
already observed, with the decolorizing chlorides. 

The comparative action of the hypochlorites and decolorizing chlo- 
rides upon some organic matters proves, as well as the preceding facts, 
that a perfect identity exists between these bodies. Both possess the 
same power of destroying vegetable colours ; but for this purpose they 
must not have excess of base; for alkaline hypochlorite of lime and 
tincture of litmus may remain during some hours in contact without 
the colour being destroyed. 

It is well known with what activity concentrated decolorizing chlo- 
rides attack fabrics. The pure hypochlorites, unmixed with chlorides, 
possess also this property in a high degree: their action upon lignin, 

and especially upon filtering-paper, is attended with a considerable dis- 
engagement of heat; and as the hypochlorites are susceptible, as I have 

already stated, of being converted by heat into chlorides and chlorates 
with the disengagement of oxygen, the heat developed effects this con- 
version and produces this disengagement. The paper is essentially 
altered ; it usually becomes friable, but it is not carbonized ; and when 
the operation is conducted in a close vessel, so as to collect the gases, 
it is found that little but oxygen is disengaged, mixed with a small 
quantity of carbonic acid. But if rather a large quantity be acted 
upon, the heat developed is more intense ; the paper then inflames, and 
there is a production in this case, not of oxygen, but of carbonic acid. 

The experiments of M. Soubeiran and of M. Liebig have proved that 

_ the decolorizing chlorides can convert alcohol into a peculiar chloride 
of carbon. I readily convinced myself that the hypochlorites possess 
‘the same property. I have not analysed the compound of chlorine and 
carbon which is produced in this case ; but its physical properties, and 
especially its odour, so much resemble those of the chloride of carbon 
examined by M. Liebig, that I have no doubt of their being identical, 

Vor. L—Panrr II. ¥ 


which induces the opinion that they are derived from a similar coms 

Time has not allowed of my further extending the comparison be- 
tween the hypochlorites and the decolorizing chlorides: I am also of 
opinion that such an undertaking would be quite useless. The facts 
which I have announced in this chapter appear to me to be sufficient 
to justify the three following conclusions: 1st, the hypochlorites possess 
a great number of properties which characterize free hypochlorous acid: 
2ndly, these properties are identically the same as those previously ob- 
served in the decolorizing chlorides; and these latter ought hereafter 
to be considered as mixtures of one atom of chloride and one atom of 
hypochlorite ; 3rdly and lastly, the presence of a metallic chloride in 
these decolorizing compounds does not alter the properties of the hy- 
pochlorite itself. But how do these compounds serve for decolorizing 
and disinfecting? The answer is easy, and it arises from all the facts 
which I have detailed in this memoir. In the case in which an acid 
is added to them, they disengage chlorine, and it is then this chlo- 
rine itself which decolorizes and disinfects, by a mode of action which 
is not well known, but every circumstance induces the belief that it is 
an oxidation, produced in an indirect manner at the expense of the 
elements of water. If, on the contrary, they act without the assistance 
of acids, it is entirely by the oxygen of the acid and of the base of the 
hypochlorite that they decolorize and disinfect, and they are converted 
into chlorides. 

The analogies which associate chlorine and bromine afford a pre- 
sentiment that there must also exist an oxacid of this body, corre- 
sponding with the new compound of chlorine which I have now de- 
scribed; and this is in fact confirmed by experiment. By operating in 
modes similar to those by which I succeeded in obtaining hypochlorous 
acid, I obtained a new acid of bromine, which bears so strong a resem- 
blance to it, that I have no hesitation in naming it hypobromous ‘acid 
although the investigation which I have undertaken is not yet com- 
pleted, and I have not determined its composition by direct experi- 
ments. I content myself at present with announcing its existence, 
waiting till additional researches permit me to trace its history in a less 
imperfect manner. 



On the Laws of the Conducting Powers of Wires of different 
Lengths and Diameters for Electricity ; by E. LEnz. 

(Read to the Academy of St. Petersburgh, the 28th of November, 1834.) 

From the Mémoires de l’ Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg: 
VI™. series, tom. i. 1835. 

Tuovceu Van Marum, Priestley, Children, Harris, and Davy* had 
previous to Galvani’s brilliant discovery endeavoured to determine the 
eonductibility of different metal wires by discharges of the Leyden bat- 
tery, yet the first more accurate experiments on this subject were made 
at a later period by means of the electromotor and the voltaic pile ; but, 
strange to say, these later and more accurate experiments have led to 
results at variance with each other. Whilst the experiments of Davy, 
Pouillet, Beequerel, Christie, Ohm, and Fechner prove the law that 
wires of the same metal conduct electricity inversely as their lengths, 
and directly as their sections—that is to say, as the squares of their 
diameters—Barlow and Cumming consider, according to their experi- 
ments, that the conductibility is inversely proportionate to the square 
of the lengths, and directly as the diameters of the wires (or as the 
square roots of their sections). Ritchie, whose observations on this sub- 
_ ject are the most recent (Phil. Trans. for 1833, p. 313), but who, un- 
fortunately, like most English authors, is totally unacquainted with the 
works of the German natural philosophers Ohm and Fechner, endea- 
vours to explain this contradiction by assuming that the conductibility 
of the wires varies according to the force of the current; for having 
connected two wires with two different batteries, he found by means of 
his galvanometer that the strength of the currents were not in the 
same proportion to each other. He explains this according to his own 
view of the conductibility of electricity in the following manner : 
“Let us suppose that there is no actual transfer of electricity along 
the wire, but that all the phenomena of deflection, &c. result from 2 
definite arrangement of the electric fluid essentially belonging to the 
wire itself. Let us further suppose that a section of wire contains one 
hundred particles of electricity, and that the battery is capable of ar- 

* [M. Lenz is here in error; the experiments of Children, Davy, and Harris 
were all made subsequently to the discoyery of Galyani.—Eprr.] 



ranging one fourth of these, or twenty-five particles, then there will only 
remain seventy-five to be arranged by any increase of power. Let us 
now suppose we have another wire of the same length, whose section 
contains only twenty-five atoms; it is obvious that this battery will be 
able to arrange more than one fourth of this number, so that the ratio 
of the conducting powers cannot be as one to four, but will be found 
by actual experiment a very different ratio. If we increase the size of 
the battery, suppose the size of the plates to be doubled, then it is ob- 
vious we shall not double the deflecting power. For out of one hun- 
dred particles there are only seventy-five remaining, a part of which 
only can be arranged by the increased part of the battery. Hence the 
deflecting force increases very slowly with the increased size or energy 
of the battery.” 

That this view of Ritchie’s is wrong may easily be proved by ex- 
periments, of which the numerical determinations of Fechner afford 
numerous examples. There are, in fact, some arrangements, particu- 
larly in closed galvanic series, which show such a relation between the 
pile and the connecting wires, that the increase of the plates does not 
perceptibly increase the strength of the current in the wire. This 
would, according to Ritchie’s opinion, prove the whole of the fluid to 
be already entirely disposed of, and that it would be impossible to pass 
any more fluid through the same wire. But this is by no means the 
case; for if, instead of doubling the number of plates, their size be 
doubled, the force will be almost exactly double. This proves, there- 
fore, that the whole of the fluid has not yet been disposed of, and that 
another arrangement of the voltaic pile only was required to produce 
the arrangement of a double number of particles of the fluid. Besides, 
Ritchie's theory does not explain the difference of effect produced by 
a voltaic pile of many plates, and by one of fewer plates but of larger 

Ohm however several years ago furnished us with a theory of the gal- 
vanic battery which supplies this deficiency ; but being only published 
in German, it is unknown both in France and in England. This theory 
explains perfectly the difference between Barlow’s results and those of 
other natural philosophers who have occupied themselves with this 
subject, as well as the doubts of Ritchie. The latter says, in his paper 
above quoted, that “ The conducting power of a wire must be a func- 
tion of all the quantities concerned in the experiment. These quantities 
are obviously the diameter of the wire, its length, the size of the battery, 
and the strength of the acid.” Had he, instead of the term “ conducting 
power” used that of strength of the current, he would have been nearer 
the mark, and given a proper explanation of those apparent anomalies. 

Before quoting the simple formula of Ohm we must observe, that 
this philosopher always uses the term conducting resistance instead of 


the term conductibility. _The latter is inversely proportional to the con- 
ductibility, so that when L signifies conducting resistance, 
te 1 
~~ conductibility” 
If therefore the conducting resistance of a galvanic arrangement be ex- 
pressed by L, and its electromotive power by A (which we may here 
suppose to be produced either by contact or chemical affinity), then 
Ohm’s formula for the power of the current will be 
; A 

But L expresses not only the conducting resistance of the connecting 
wire, but that of the entire voltaic arrangement; that is to say, the sum 
of all the conducting resistances of the fluid and of the fixed parts of the 
circuit. If we take for unity of conducting resistance the length and 
thickness of a wire of a given substance, we may in this unity express 
by / the resistance of the battery itself (both plates and acid taken to- 
gether); and by J the resistance of the connecting wire, the conducti- 
bility of which is to be ascertained; and the formula will then stand 


ao % 
which will give for the conducting resistance of the connecting wire 

We may take the electromotive power itself for unity, should it re- 
main unaltered, which is almost always the case in experiments on the 
conductibility of wires; the formula will then stand thus: 


= —l. 
i F 

By closing now the battery with wires of different conducting re- 
)sistances, d/ 1), cay» Agyy Kes and denoting the corresponding currents 

“by Fay Foy Fig) we shall have the following proportion : 

1 1 1 
Xa)? Xa? cy pirates =(9-")? Gi"): Gai-?): 

The conducting resistances therefore are not in an inverse ratio to 

the intensities of the observed currents, or in a direct ratio to the con- 

_ ~ duetibilities ; but we must deduct from the latter the constant quantity 
_ *lbefore such proportion can obtain. 

After having established this simple principle, let us now return to the 

_ above-mentioned experiments of various philosophers on the conducti- 


bility of wires, and we shall find that Ohm and Fechner calculated the 
results of their experiments according to this principle ; whilst Davy and 
Becquerel conducted their experiments in such a manner as to avoid the 
errors which otherwise would have been the consequence of disregard- 
ing it. This explains why the results of their experiments agree with 
those of the German philosophers. Davy, for instance, connected the 
poles of a voltaic pile in two ways at the same time; the one was by a sim- 
ple wire, the other by an apparatus for decomposing water: the current 
therefore was divided between these two paths, and the conducting power 
of the current passing through the metal conductor was so far increased, 
by shortening the length and increasing the thickness of the conductor, 
that the current passing through the water became so weak that no de- 
composition took place. Davy endeavoured to obtain the same limit 
by means of wires of different thicknesses, and in this manner found that 
two wires of different thicknesses attained the same limit when their 
lengths were proportional to their sections. Both connecting wires at- 
taining thus the same strength of current, it would be necessary to bring 
the conductibility of one wire to be exactly equal to that of the other, 
independent of every theory of the dependence of the intensity of the 
current on the parts of the voltaic arrangement, in order to ascertain the 
proportion of the length to the thickness. Such experiments would 
certainly produce results containing no decisive errors; they will, how- 
ever, admit but little accuracy of determination. 

Becquerel coiled two wires of the same substance, but of different 
length and thickness, round the frame of a multiplier, so that the coils 
of the one laid between those of the other; when therefore a current of 
the same strength was passed through them in opposite directions the 
needle of the multiplier remained at rest. He joined the ends of each 
wire with the same voltaic pile, but in opposite directions with respect 
to its poles. The wires having different sections, the current was, for 
equal lengths, stronger in the thicker than in the thinner wire, and he 
therefore found a deviation of the needle of the multiplier. He then 
diminished the length of the thinner wire till the current became equal 
in both,—that is to say, till the index returned to its place of rest. He 
thus obtained two wires of different length and thickness, which both 
conducted the electricity equally well; and concluded, from comparing 
their dimensions, that in equally good conducting wires of the same 
substance the lengths are proportional to the masses, that is to say, to 
the sections. It is this proposition alone which the experiments of Davy 
also demonstrate, and Ritchie is perfectly right in objecting to experi- 
ments of this kind; but he unjustly charges Becquerel with not having 
well observed it himself. It was only after having ascertained by other 
experiments that the conductors are in an inverse ratio to the lengths, 


that Becquerel arrived, from the above-mentioned experiments, at the 
conclusion that they are in a direct ratio to the sections. 

Pouillet placed successively various wires between the poles of one 
and the same pile, and determined the strength of the current by the 
tangent of the angle of deviation. He asserts that he found the con- 
ductibility proportional to the section ; and with respect to the length, 
he came to this interesting result, that the strength of the current is in 
an inverse ratio to the length of the wires, if constant quantities are added 
tothem. If we denote the strength of two currents by F and F’, the 
corresponding lengths of the conducting wires by \ and X’, and a con- 
stant quality by 7, Pouillet’s formula will be 

ee Ss ks Se 

FOU I+N ’ 
but this is only the immediate consequence of our formula for the 
strength of the current according to Ohm’s theory, for according to it 
we have for the conducting resistances \ and \! (which are propor- 
tional to the lengths), 

pe i ; 
F= any, > and F Tawi 
Fi _ed+n2 
ee oe, 

which exactly resembles Pouillet’s formula, with the difference merely 
that 7 has here a determinate signification ; itis, namely, the conducting 
resistance of all the other parts of the circuit, except that of the wire 
experimented upon. A very careful series of experiments referring to 
the point in question is furnished us in a paper by Christie on the pro- 
duction of currents by electro-magnetic induction by means of Knight's 
great magnet. Totally unacquainted with the theory of Ohm, he was, 
like Pouillet, induced, by an accurate discussion of his own observations, 
to add to the conducting power of the wires employed in the experi- 
ments a constant expressing the conducting resistance of the wire of the 
multiplier. He must have obtained in this manner correct results, 

and was in fact led to the formula for conductibility sa at in which D 

signifies the diameter of the wire and Lits length. Calculating by means 
of this formula the angles of deviation, he found that the calculations 
perfectly agreed with the observations made*. 

* We perceive in Christie’s otherwise very valuable paper the want of a cor- 
rect distinction between the electromotive power and the generated current; 
the latter being equal to the former divided by the resistance to conduction. 
The electromotive power induced by the magnet in spirals, of any substance and 
dimension whatever, isalways the same (see Mémoires del’ Académie de St. Péters- 
bourg,—Sciences Mathém., vol, ii. p. 427,) whilst the current is in an inyerse 


Barlow made his experiments in the same manner as Pouillet, and 
would have obtained the same results had he added, as Poullet did, a 
constant to the conducting power of his wires, without which his results 
necessarily proved erroneous. He supposed that the conducting power 
was inversely as the square root of the length, and directly as the sec- 
tion. Such a proportion may indeed easily be found between the resist- 
ance of the pile and the two wires employed for the experiment, that, 
according to Barlow’s calculation, nearly such a law may be obtained. 
Had he employed, for instance, two wires of the same diameter, the 
lengths of which were m and », his view must have been confirmed, 
when the conducting resistance of the pile itself was reduced to that of 
one wire of the same diameter and the length 

m f(n)— 2 Jf (m) 
af (m) — of (n) 
It is indeed not very probable that such would have always been the 
condition of the pile, but the experiments agree so little with the calcu- 
lations performed according to his principle, that differences of 6° and 
7° may be found in them. 

Cumming used the thermo-electric pile to excite the current, but he 
also did not in the least consider the conductibility of the thermo- 
electric metals; and he himself owns that the experiments agree but 
approximately with his theory *. 

We perceive, then, by the above, that all the contradictory results of 
Barlow's, Cumming’s, and Ritchie’s experiments, in opposition to the 
law established by other philosophers, are reduced to a mere nothing by 
an accurate appreciation of the mode in which they performed their 
experiments. The axiom that the conductibility of wires of the same 
substance is inversely as their lengths and directly as their sections 
is established by Ohm and Fechner in so conclusive a manner, and with 
such a full appreciation of all the connected circumstances, that a 
further and more minute illustration seems to be almost superfluous; 
still the method of determining the power of conductibility by the in- 
duced electro-dynamic current+ offers so much facility and accuracy 
ratio to the resistance; andas in the experiment on this subject by Faraday the 
entire resistance of the voltaic arrangement remained the same, when the wires 
were compared two by two, the currents produced by induction must also have 
been the same. 

* [The results obtained by Harris, by means of his thermo-electrometer, 
(Trans. Royal Soc. of Edin. 1832,) are also easily reconciled with the theory 
here advocated. This able experimentalist found that the differences in the 
conducting powers of wires of different diameters became more apparent within 
certain limits, as the force of the battery increased. These experiments were 
made with wires of very short lengths and small diameters.—Epir. } 

+ Christie has also employed, in his above-mentioned experiments, currents 

produced by electro-dynamic induction, but more recently than I have. His 
paper was presented to the Royal Society on February the 8th, 1833, whilst 


in observation*, that it appears to me worth while to apply this method, 
and thus exhaust all the proofs of this important point in the theory of 
the pile. I shall therefore propound them in the following series of 
experiments, which, though they do not establish a new law, will yet 
I hope secure for ever the old one against all further objections. 

The manner in which these experiments have been performed does 
not at all differ from that described in the above-mentioned memoirs, 
and I refer therefore to them for the description of the apparatus and 
the manner of experimenting. I shall but expatiate upon one point, 
which should have there been more fully investigated. Having fastened 
the horse-shoe magnet in a vertical position, I suddenly detached from 
it the cylindrical keeper with the surrounding electromotive spiral in 
order to produce the current, and observed through a glass the sud- 
denly produced deviation of the needle of the multiplier. From this 
mode of proceeding a doubt may arise, whether the current thus pro- 
duced was always of the same strength, or whether the suddenness of 
the disruption, which cannot be always strictly equal, did not exercise 
a real influence ; and Christie has indeed, for fear this might be the 
case, performed the disruption by the fall of a determined weight from 
a determined elevation. I convinced myself however at the very be- 
ginning by experiments that the suddenness of the disruption, haying 
surpassed a certain term, exercises no influence whatever on the strength 
of the current. The results of the experiments were the following : 



By purposely breaking contact 

very slowly 100°7 | 100°7| 100°8| 100-73 
By purposely breaking contact 

very suddenly .................. | 100°7} 101°0| 100°6| 100°77 
By breaking contact with ordinary 

quickness 101°0} 100°2| 100°7| 100°63 

The averages show that the influence of the suddenness of disruption 
may be considered as = 0, the differences of the deviations of the needle 
not surpassing +7, of a degree. Besides the above experiments, per- 
formed solely for this purpose, there are also numerous confirmations of 

my first paper on this subject was read before the Imperial Academy of Sciences 
on November the 7th, 1832. (See Mémoires,—Sciences Mathém. et Phys., vol. ii. 
p- 427.) 

: iy Mémoires de V Acad. Imp. de St, Petersb. (Sciences Mathém. et Phys., 
vol. ii. 


these results in my former memoirs; where, in many places, the same 
observations of deviation were successively repeated in order to obtain 
a greater accuracy, and where the results leave nothing to wish as to 
their accordance. Convincing proofs may moreover be found in the 
following series of experiments. 

The reason why the strength of the current cannot depend on the sud- 
denness of the disruption might also be easily demonstrated by theo- 
retical considerations. The current in the electromotive spiral arises 
from this cause, that the magnetic intensity of the keeper of soft iron 
about which the spiral is coiled diminishes from a maximum to a mini- 
mum,—the latter approaching nearer to 0 in proportion as the iron pos- 
sesses a less coercitive power. We may imagine this diminution of 
the magnetic intensity of the keeper to be divided into indefinitely 
small parts, each of them producing in the spiral an indefinitely small 
current, and this again exercising an indefinitely small effect on the 
needle of the multiplier: all these effects taken together produce the 
entire deviation of the needle. If, therefore, the whole series of inde- 
finitely small effects act on the needle successively, but in so short a 
time that they exercise their whole force when the needle is in a posi- 
tion very little different from the normal one, the sum of the effects will 
be as great as that which would be produced by the whole force acting 
at once, or by the iron passing suddenly from the maximum to the mi- 
nimum ; and within these limits suddenness of disruption will have no 
influence over the deviation. Experience teaches therefore that the sud- 
denness I commonly employed was within these limits; which will be 
more easily conceivable from the circumstance that the intensity of the 
keeper diminishes in the beginning much more quickly than at the end: 
so that we may take it for granted that more than +, of the indefinitely 
small diminution of intensity takes place during the contact of the magnet 
with the keeper and within the distance of one inch from it. 

My first experiments refer to the law of conductibility of wires of 
different lengths. I cut for this purpose a copper wire (0°023 Engl. 
inch thick), covered with silk, into five pieces, so that each was 7 Engl. 
feet long, and observed the deviations of the needle produced by the dis- 
ruption.of the keeper, together with the electromotoric spiral from the 
magnet, by inserting ‘between the wire of the multiplier and the elec- 
tromotive spiral either no wire at all, or one, two, four, &c. wires suc- 
cessively. Their extremities were connected by immersion in mercury. 
The following table shows the results of these experiments; the signi- 
fication of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 will be found in my former Memoir. 


Angles of deviation. 



any wire< the experiment...| 85°3 i x 

interposed | at its end 85°7| 89°3| 89°8| 88°55 88°31 | 88°52} +4+-0°21 

With interposed wire 7 feet long 52°3) 52°4| 54°5| 53°4| 53°15] 53°21)/+0-06 
———_—- lh 38°2 38°1) 39°6| 39°1} 38°75 
21 29°7| 29°8| 31°5| 30°6| 30°40 

— 28 24°3) 24 : *8| 24°87 | 2493/4 0:06 

35 20°9} 20°6| 22:0| 20°9] 21°10} 21-21/+-0°11 

Without : at the beginning of 

The calculation of the values of the 7th column was performed in the 
following manner. I took for the unit of the conducting resistance the 
length of 1 English foot of the wire, from which the five pieces had been 
cut, and represented the unknown strength of the current correspond- 
ing to this resistance by py: and I assumed z for the equally unknown 
conducting resistances of the wire of the multiplier and the electromotive 
spiral taken together. Assuming the hypothesis that the resistances 
of the wires are proportional to their lengths, and designating the devia- 
tions observed in the above table for the resistances x,x+7,x% 4+ 14, 
&e. by a, a, 47 4,414 &c. we shall find, by means of the formule 

given in the former Memoir, the following equations : 

=p* sin (@ a, ) 
A , 
+7? (34.47) 

A =—=n°sj I 
| SE iam ee Oc 1's NR 
Dividing the rest of the equations by the first, and designating the values 
sin (}a,,), sin (3a, +7) sin ($a, + 14), &c. for brevity sake by a,a', 
a'', &c. we shall obtain 

w=; and therefore ax — y =0 

a+ 7=% adex—y+7a'=0 (A) 
e+lt=% — ale—yt+l4a'=0. 



Now by solving these equations with regard to a and y according to 

the method of the least squares, we shall obtain 

x = 12'5386 y = 8°7508 
If we substitute these values in the equations( A) and ascertain from them 
the values a, a’, a'', or sin(4.a,), sin (4 Oy 4 7)» sin (4.4, rs 14)» we shall 
obtain the angles .a,, 4.4, +7 $4, 41 and multiplying them by 2 
we shall find out the angles of the seventh column. 

The very slight differences of the values indicated in the 8th column 
from those observed, convince us that the hypothesis which is the base 
of the calculation is correct, and that therefore the resistances of the 
wires are in a direct ratio, and their conductibilities in an inverse ratio 
to their lengths. : 

I performed a short time previously another series of experiments, 
and diminished the electromotive spiral by two coils without shorten- 
ing its length or altering its resistance. The results are contained in 
the following table: 

Angles of Deviation. 


lf 2. 4, |Average. 

at the beginning of the} a lee a 
Without any experiment..........0 77°9| 81°1| 81°7|81°7 | 80°6 
wire interposed . 77°3| 80°2| 81:3 oe ‘ 
at the end of it. ... { 77.3! 80-2 81-2798 79°69 

With interposed wire 7 feet long ...... 47°6| 48°7| 49°9/49°5 | 48°92 

14. ——_. ....., 34°8| 35°0) 36°6|3.5°8 | 35°55 
== 21 ——— ...... 27°4| 27°7| 28°4/28°6 | 28°02 
——_———_——— _ 28 ——__ ...... 22:5) 23°3| 23°4'22'8 | 23°00 
——_—_——. 35 ———_. ...... 19*4) 18°8) 19°8|19°3 | 19°32 

We perceive by the deviations which occurred at the beginning and 
end of the series of experiments, performed without inserting the wires 
between the spiral and the wire of the multiplier, that the power of the 
magnet was a little diminished during the experiment. This induced 
me, therefore, before the calculation of the results of the experiment, 
to make a slight correction of the angles of deviation, founded on the 
principle that the diminution of power was proportional to the time, 
and that the observations with various lengths of wire followed 
each other at equal intervals, which was nearly the case. I repre- 
sented the angle of deviation when no wires were interposed at the 
beginning of the experiment by a,, and at the end of it by a) and 

sin 5 @y = (1 + m)sin (Fa(2)) 3 



_ 2° cos 3 (ax + x) sind (ax — a(z)), 
sin $ Q(x) 
Having in this manner found out m for the end of the series of experi- 

ments, the correction of other angles became easy by multiplying the 
sines of their halves respectively by 

(+8) (at) (+See 

In this manner the angles of deviation of the 2nd column of the follow- 
ing table are calculated. 


Angles of Deviation 

observed. | calculated. 

Without any interposed wires 80°60 80°53 

With interposed wires 7 feet long} 48-96 49°05 
——_———_— —— 35°60 35°62 
28:09 | 28°03 
23°07 23°12 
19°73 19°69 

The 3rd column is calculated entirely according to the above for- 
mulz (A). The smallness of the differences of the 4th column proves 
likewise the correctness of the proportionality of the conducting resist- 

ances to the lengths of the wires. The following values were obtained 
for x and y: 

x = 12°583 y = 8133. 
x was according to the previous calculation = 12°539, the difference 
therefore of the resistances was only = 0:044 of an English foot: y con- 
siderably differed from the preceding value, the electromotive spiral 
having here two coils less. 

Passing now to experiments which are to indicate the proportion of the 
conductibility with reference to the diameters of the wires, I must pre- 
viously observe, that the difficulty of obtaining accurately agreeing re- 
sults is here far greater than in making experiments with wires of the 
same diameter though of different lengths. The reason of this is the 
difficulty of obtaining wires of different diameters quite equal in every 
other quality. Should we, for instance, take copper wires of different 
thickness as they are sold in shops, we should then obtain entirely dif- 
ferent results. I once obtained two copper wires, of which that having 
the greater diameter was a worse conductor than that which was thinner, 
contrary to all previous approved experiments, all observers agreeing 


that thick conductors conduct electricity better than thin ones. How 
far the conductibility of metals is altered by even a very slight mixture 
of foreign substances, is proved by the experiments of Pouillet with 
wires made of different alloys of silver with copper, and gold with silver. 
These prove that their conductibility is far below that of pure unalloyed 
metals. Thus, for instance, the conductibility of fine gold = 84°41, 
that of the 18-carat gold = 14°77, whilst the silver with which the gold 
is alloyed is a much better conductor than fine gold itself. 

In order to avoid the inequality of the purity of the copper, I pro- 
cured the wires myself by cutting a thick piece of copper into smaller 
pieces, and drawing it afterwards to different thicknesses: but the thinner 
wires become thus by drawing somewhat more dense than the thicker 
ones, which produces always a difference in the substance. I endea- 
voured to remedy this evil by making the wires red hot before covering 
them with silk ; but the greater or less degree of heat may perhaps have 
some influence. 

From these observation it follows, that so close an agreement cannot 
be expected from the following experiments as from those made for 
the purpose of ascertaining the influence of the length of wires on their 
conductibility ; this agreement will, however, be sufficiently close to 
remove every doubt with respect to the correctness of the law to be 

The wires employed were, as has already been said, wrought all 
out of the same piece of thick wire, and drawn through the holes 
1, 6, 11, 18, 24, 30, with which numbers they are also marked in the 
table ; they were all heated to redness and overspun with silk, and were 
successively inserted between the electromotive spiral and the wire of 
the multiplier, and the deviation determined in the same manner as in 
the previous experiments. In order to obtain the proportion of the 
sections of the wires, I took 2 feet of each and weighed them before 
they were covered with silk. The weight is proportional to the section, 
and is as follows: 

Weight of 2 feet of wire No. 1 ...... 7°7370 grammes. 
MG GIL. 2. 50250 
5. Cs Oe 32408 
ING. 18"...... 1°4783 
Nov24 ,..... 0°7750 
NorSO™... 2. 0°3616. 

It is not of much importance to know the absolute thickness of the 
wires, but it may be easily deduced from this, that the diameter of the 
wire No. 1 was nearly 0°046 Engl. line. 

The experiments were thus performed : I observed first the deviation 
without any wire being interposed, then with the interposition of No.1, 2, 


to 6, and back from 6, 5, to 1, and finally without any interposition. Ta- 
king afterwards the average of observations ofthe same kind, the influence 
which the loss of the power of the magnet might have exercised has been 
thus entirely removed. The length of all the wires collectively was 
= 16 feet Engl. The experiments are stated in the following table : 

Angles of Deviation. 

———— ee erare: 

Without any wire interposed ... | 90°7| 93-6) 94°9| 95°3 

16 feet of wire No. 1 interposed | 64:2) 66°3| 67°0| 67-4: 
No. 6 ————— | 55°0} 57°1) 57°9] 58°5 
No. 1 1 ——-——— | 44-9] 4'7°4| 47°6] 48°6 
No. 18 ————— | 29°6} 31°5} 312) 32°0 
No. 24 ——_—— | 19:0} 19°8} 19°6] 19-7 
No. 30 ————— | 9°3} 11°4) 10°8] 11°5 
No. 30 —————|_ 96 11°6] 11-0} 11-7 
No. 24 ——-—— | 18:1] 20:3] 19:0) 20°2 
No. 18 ——-—— | 29°4| 31°5| 31:3} 31°8 
No. 11 ————— | 4.5°2| 4:7°5| 48:0] 48°6 
No. 6 ———— | 55:4) 55:3) 58°0| 57°3 
No. 1 — | 64°9} 65°4| 67-0} 67°7 

Without any interposition 91°3| 91-9) 93°6| 94°7| 92°87 

Taking the average of observations made in similar circumstances, 
the values will be 

Angles of Deviation 

observed. | calculated. 

Without any wire interposed 93°24. 91°53 

With the wire No. 1 66°24 65°84 
ee No. 6 56°94 57-52 
No. 11 47°16 48°09 

No. 18 31°04 31°22 

— No. 24 19°46 19°78 

No. 30 10°86 10°56 

The calculation was performed in the following manner : 

_ Let the strength of the current when it passes through a wire of 
the’ length used in these experiments (that is to say 16 feet), and of 
such a thickness that 2 feet of it weigh 1 gramme, be = py (where y is 
an unknown quantity to be determined by the experiment) ; and let the 
length of the wire of the multiplier, together with the length of the 
electromotive spiral reduced to the same thickness as the wire be, = x. 


Supposing therefore that the conductibility is in a direct, and the con- 
ducting resistance in an inverse ratio to the thickness of the wires, and 
that a, a', a!' represent the angles of deviation, we have the following 
equations : 

A — 

rite 1 

A : 

= =p sin (4a) 

- A = p' sin (Za') 


7 =P sin($ a!’ 


Dividing the first equation by all the following seven, and putting 
for brevity sake 

. a! q!! 
sin (La') = a’, &c. and ame 8, oer 3", &e., 

we obtain the following equations : 
ax—y =10) 
: x—y+e =0 
a'x—y+o' =0 
a"e—y+ uu 

From these equations were determined, accanlgy to the method of 
the least squares, the values 

a = 0°40679 y = 029146. 

and finally the values a, a’, a’, by substituting He foreegng Mik id in 
the equations, and developing a, a’, a”....or sin 4a, sin $a’, sin} a”, 
&e. These values are placed in the Shave table under the head « tals 
culated Deviations.” The differences between these and the observe 
angles of deviation, contained in the last column, are greater th 
those of the preceding observations, and even greater than can be as 
cribed to mere errors of observation ; but the reasons of this have been 
.already explained. Their agreement, however, is in every case grea‘ 
enough to remove every doubt with respect to the correctness of th 
hypothesis (which is the basis of the calculation), that the conductibili. 
of wires is in a direct ratio to their sections. 


Memoir on the Polarization of Heat ; by Macepo1ne 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol.1xi., April, 1836. 

Asovut twenty-five years since, M. Berard, of Montpellier, an- 
nounced that heat was capable of undergoing double refraction and 
polarization*. His experiments, which were repeated in presence of 
Berthollet and Dulong, were universally admitted by philosophers until 
towards the close of 1829, when doubts as to the certainty of the con- 
clusions which had been deduced from them were raised by Mr. Powell, 
in his account of some unsuccessful experiments of the same kind, 
made with an apparatus similar to that employed by Berard for the 
purpose of polarizing heat by reflection+. In 1834, I found that calo- 
rific rays, in their passage through plates of tourmaline which com- 
pletely polarized light, gave no apparent sign of polarization{. Nobili, 
whose recent death science has so much cause to deplore, arrived some 
time subsequently at the same result. He attempted also to polarize 
heat by reflexion, but obtained no satisfactory indication§. At last 
Mr. Forbes observed, about the close of 1834, signs of polarization 
_ in the heat transmitted through tourmalines and small piles of mica 
_ placed at a proper inclination to the incident rays. In these experi- 
ments, the greatest proportion of polarized heat was given by a system 
of piles composed of plates of mica, and amounted to 34°, when 
3 _ Mr. Forbes operated on the calorific rays of a spiral of platina kept in 
_astate of  versaned by the flame of alcohol; but this proportion 
. was reduced to +;% or +45 when the same piles were brought to act on 
- the caloric issuing oben a vessel heated by mercury or by water in a 
_ state of ebullition ||. 
_ ‘The different temperatures of the calorific rays are to radiant heat 
what the different colours of the luminous rays are to light. Now, it 
is known that the latter are all equally polarized by the action of the 
same polarizing system. The experiments of Mr. Forbes would seem 

* Mémoires de Physique et de Chimie de la Société d’ Arcueil, tom. iii. page 5. 
P + Edinburgh Journal of Science, S.S. vol. vi. and x. 

t Annales de Chimie et de Physique, tom. lv. page 375. 
_ § Bibliotheque Universelle de Geneve, tom. vii. p. 1. 
|| Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xiii. part. 1. p. 152: 


7 Vor. I.—Parrt II. Z 


then to indicate a very marked difference in this respect between the 
laws of polarization of heat and those of light. 

Are calorific rays really susceptible of polarization? Are they all 
equally and completely so? Such are the questions which I propose 
to consider in this memoir, endeavouring at the same time to account 
for the contradictions (more or less obvious) exhibited by the results 
at which the different observers just quoted have arrived. 

The instrument invariably employed by me in these researches is an 
excellent thermomultiplier constructed by M. Gourgon. In order to 
give the reader an idea of its great sensibility, it will be sufficient to 
state that the natural heat of the hand placed near one of the extre- 
mities of the tubes with which the pile is furnished, will impel the 
index to its maximum of deviation when the temperature of the atmo- 
sphere is below 15°. The pile, which has its two terminating faces 
perfectly symmetrical, consists of thirty pairs (bismuth and antimony,) 
‘formed into a bundle measuring eight lines in the diameter of its trans- 
verse section and ten lines in length*: the tubes or cylindrical appen- 
dages which envelop its two faces are nearly of the same breadth as 
the pile, but three times as long. ‘The astatic system of the galvano- 
meter, which consists of two needles very powerfully magnetized, mea- 
suring O™"-47 in diameter and 53™ in length, makes but two 
oscillations a minute. If, however, after the communication with the 
pile has been interrupted, the system is turned aside 35 or 40 degrees 

* The symmetry, or rather the equality of the two opposite sides of the pile is 
a condition indispensably necessary, in order to render the observations inde- 
pendent of the slight changes of temperature that may take place in the sur- 
rounding air during the experiments. In fact, if the bars of bismuth and anti- 
mony were stronger, or their solderings less extended, on either of the two 
sides than on the other, the heating or cooling of the air would no longer be 
communicated (by contact) with equal promptitude to them both, and the ex- 
tremities which presented the least mass in proportion to the extent of the sol- 
dering would be heated or cooled more rapidly than the opposite ends. This 
circumstance would produce a current which, by its intervention, would disturb 
the calorific effect of the rays that are received by the anterior face of the pile 
Hence it is obvious that with piles having their opposite faces unequal, exac. 
measures of the calorific radiations are attainable only in that case in which the 
temperature of the atmosphere undergoes no sensible variation. If it varies, 
the results will be less accurate in proportion to the greater rapidity of the va- 
riation and the greater length of time required to make the experiments. The 
piles [a rayons et a biseau,] described by Nobili in the 57th volume of the 
Bibliotheque Universelle have not their opposite faces symmetrical; they are 
therefore not free from the defect just mentioned. The author himself admits 
it in the 8th page of the same volume, where, after having given the different 
rates of calorific transmission obtained in a series of bodies by means of his pile, 
he adds, that the conditions of temperature which could affect the results, and 
consequently change them by their variations, are the following: Ist, the tem - 
perature of the source ; 2nd, that of the bodies themselves, and particularly th . 
of the surrounding air. 


by means of a magnet or a piece of soft iron held at a proper distance, 
and is then left to itself, it resumes its natural position of equilibrium, 
and stands perfectly steady at the zero of the scale after the lapse of 
three or four minutes. This quick return to a state of rest is the effect 
of the neutralizing action of the copper disc placed for that purpose 
beneath the divided circle; for, since the beautiful discovery of 
M. Arago, it is well known that the action of this disc diminishes the 
amplitude without changing the time of the oscillations ; so that the 
oscillatory motion of the needles about the point of equilibrium is con- 
siderably reduced in duration, though the forces by which it is pro- 
duced have undergone no change of intensity. The time required for 
the return is still less when the galvanometer is left in communication 
with the pile, and the deviation of 35° or 40° is produced by the calo- 
rific radiation ; for then about two minutes are sufficient to cause the 
index to resume its stationary position at zero after the interception of 
the radiation. In this case, the heat still remaining for some time on 
that face of the pile which has been exposed to the radiation may be 
said to sustain the needles in their fall, and prevent them from oscil- 
lating to the opposite side of zero, at which they arrive almost exactly 
within the time required for the re-establishment of the equilibrium of 
temperature between the two faces of the pile. 

But in order to observe the latter periods with the utmost possible 
exactness, it was necessary to secure the pile from the differently heated 
eurrents of air which come successively into contact with each of the 
two appendages. These differences of temperature, though exceedingly 

_ small and imperceptible with the best common thermoscopes, are suffi- 
cient to produce, in the instrument used by me, such deviations to the 
right and left as occasionally amount to some degrees, and interfere 
_ most inconveniently with the action of the calorific rays. To prevent 
_ this inconvenience, I placed the pile and its stand in a large metallic 
_ receptacle or case resembling a trough with the bottom turned up- 
wards, and measuring eighteen inches in length by eight in breadth. 
_ The sides of this trough (which are double) are of such a height that the 
bottom may not touch the most elevated parts of the mounting of the 
_ pile; and the interval between the interior and exterior side is filled 
with cotton at the lower edge, in order as much as possible to prevent 
_ the entrance of the external air. The wires which establish the coimn- 
_ munication between the pile and the galvanometer are passed under 
| the edges, which for this purpose are grooved at one of the extremities 
_ of the case. 
In one of the shorter sides there is, at the same elevation as the pile, 
bad circular aperture about an inch in diameter; but this may be reduced 
_ to any degree of minuteness by sliding into an exterior frame a plate 

i A 
% Z 




with a smaller aperture. A longitudinal opening made from end to 
end in the superior surface of the case enables us to see whether the 
axis of the pile is placed in the direction of the radiation. By gently. 
moving the case in one direction or another, the circular aperture is 
brought into the proper position relatively to the pile, which continues 
to occupy the same part of the table on which it has been placed. 

By means of this double ease, the air surrounding the thermoscopic 
body is kept perfectly calm. At least the motions produced in it by. 
its slow variations of temperature react upon the two sides of the pile 
with such uniformity that the index of the thermomultiplier stands 
exactly at the zero of the scale, and when a specific deviation has been 
produced by the influence of an exterior calorific radiation, returns to 
that point in some minutes after the communication of the rays has 
been intercepted by means of a metallic screen. 

Those who are in the habit of frequently using astatiec galvanometers 
must have remarked, no doubt, that these instruments, whatever may 
be the solidity of the table on which they stand, suffer, in consequence 
of the observer's changing his place or of the passing of vehicles in the 
neighbourhood, a slight tremulous motion, which, being transmitted to 
the suspension thread and to the needles, causes them to oscillate like 
a pendulum for a period of greater or less duration. For the purpose 
of preventing these eccentric oscillations, which prove so embarrassing 
in very delicate observations, we have but to fix the instrument on the 
marble slab of a chimney or any other horizontal plane firmly fastened 
to one of the solid walls of the building in which we are carrying on 
our operations. The wire will then always preserve its vertical direc- 
tion; the needles will be no longer susceptible of any other than hori- 
zontal movements ; and the index will deviate with so much regularity 
under the action of the electric currents, that, upon seeing it, one might 
fancy that, instead of being suspended by a thread, it moves on a 

In the particular instance under consideration, the deviation com- 
mences as soon as the rays of the calorific source, at a constant tempe- 
rature, have reached the anterior face of the pile through the aperture 
in the receptacle. The motion of the needles is at first very slow, but 
becomes gradually accelerated, and, having attained its maximum of ve- 
locity, is again retarded by imperceptible gradations, until at last it 
ceases altogether: the needles then return gently towards zero, de- 
scribe an arc of some degrees, resume the direction of the first motion, 
and, after having made three or four oscillations successively decreasing 
in extent, stand still and take a fixed position. Now this steady devi- 
ation is always a little inferior to the deviation indicated by the needles 
at their first departure from the point of repose. The difference varies 


with the amplitude of the primitive deviation, which we shall call the 
are of impulsion ; and we perceive that, the slowness of the motion at 
the extremity of this are enabling us to observe it with considerable 
exactness, it may be afterwards compared with the corresponding 
steady indication; which comparison may be easily extended to all 
points of the circuit if we vary the intensity of the calorific radiation by 
making the requisite change in the distance between the source and the 
pile. Moreover, the fixed deviations being given, the corresponding 
forces may always be determined by experiment*. We are therefore 
in possession of all the elements necessary for the construction of such 
a table as may immediately show the ratios of the forces according to 
the arcs of impulsion. The forces, as we know, represent the tempe- 
ratures+ : thus, by means of our table, the relative intensities of two ca- 

* For the description of the methods, see Bibliotheque Universelle, tom. lv. 
page9; and Mémoires de l’ Académie des Sciences, tom. xiv. p. 445 and 446. 

+ M. Becquerel had shown in 1826 (Ann. de Chimie et de Physique, tom. 
XXxi. page 371) that the intensities of the thermoelectric currents of copper, 
platina, and other metals, are proportional to the temperatures through the 
whole extent of the thermometric scale. Now, the currents which produce the 
greatest possible deviation in the common thermomultipliers are derived from a 
heat, which scarcely rises to a few degrees, acting on one of their faces: the 
proportionality between the forces of magnetic deviation and the temperatures 
was therefore already established by experiment when I was commencing my 
inquiries into the nature of radiant heat. Hence it is that I have admitted 

_ that proportionality, as a known fact, in the preceding Memoirs on this subject. 
Nevertheless, as M. Becquerel had not operated directly on the metals which 
enter into the composition of the pile, the committee appointed by the Aca- 
demy of Sciences to examine my experiments on heat, manifested a desire that 

_ the proportionality of the forces to the temperatures in the thermomultiplier 
itself should be placed beyond the reach of doubt by some special experiments. 

- With this view I procured a thermoelectric pile of four very minute elements (bis- 
_muth and antimony) bent like a siphon, in order that each of the two termina- 
_ ting faces might be introduced into a separate recipient and different tempe- 
ratures imparted to them by the contact of heated liquids. The extremities of 
the two last elements stood out of the vessels into which the ends of the curved 
electric bundle had been plunged, and communicated with the galvanometer by 
_ two copper wires. But as a difference of some degrees was sufficient to drive 
the magnetic needles to the extremity of the scale, I placed in the electric 
circuit a very fine iron wire of several feet in length, The current then be- 
came so weak that a variation of a centigrade degree of temperature between 
_ the two faces produced in the galvanometer no more than a deviation of about 
one degree. Matters being now in this state, water more or less heated was 
_ successively introduced into one of the vessels and thawing ice into the other. 
The second face was thus kept constantly at zero, while the first tovk, in suc- 
cession, the different temperatures of the water, which were determined by a 
ry delicate mercurial thermometer. The numbers of the degrees indicated 
1 by the thermometer plunged in the hot water were found exactly proportional 
to the corresponding electric forces or intensities indicated by the deviations of 
Hie galvanometer. The experiment was now varied in order to obtain a nearer 
| approach to the circumstances in which the thermamultiplier is commonly em- 


lorific radiations will be obtained by the mere inspection of the two ares 
of impulsion which they successively describe on the galvanometer, 
The time required by the needles to arrive at the extremity of these 
arcs is from ten to twelve seconds : they do not remain steady until after 
an interval of from eighty to a hundred seconds. Now the sources of 

ployed. That branch of the pile which was surrounded with ice was carefully 
dried and then left exposed to the free action of the air, the other remaining 
still plunged in the water successively raised to different temperatures. In this 
instance the intensities of the electric currents became proportional to the ex- 
cess of the temperature of the water in the vessel over that of the surrounding 
air; for the conducting powers of the bismuth and the antimony in minute 
bars are so very feeble that the heat communicated by the water to one of the 
faces can scarcely reach the other in any such quantity as to excite in it an ap- 
preciable elevation of temperature. 

Although these experiments were repeated with equal success in different at- 
mospheric temperatures, I did not yet consider them perfectly satisfactory. In 
fact, the pile received by contact the differences of temperature which produce 
the electric currents, and in the ordinary mode of using the thermomultiplier 
the differences of temperature arise from the action of radiation. It became 
necessary therefore to demonstrate, by means of radiant heat, that which had 
been proved by means of heat communicated by contact. After the preceding 
experiments, the only question now remaining was this: “* Whether calorific 
rays produce in thermoscopic substances equal dilatations, when they excite in the 
thermomultinlier equal currents of electricity, whatever may be the intensities 
and origin of those rays or the modifications they may have undergone in conse- 
quence of transmission, reflection, or refraction.’’ In order to ascertain how far 
this question might be correctly answered in the affirmative, I engaged Mr. 
Bunten to construct an air thermoscope having its reservoirs made of thin cop- 
per, and its dimensions and mounting, as nearly as possible, the same as those 
of the pile of the thermomultiplier. The communications between the reser- 
voirs were established by means of a glass tube, which at first deseended very 
obliquely on each side to the horizon, and then took a horizontal direction in 
the intermediate part containing the liquid index: the extreme faces inclosed 
in the metallic appendages were, as well as the interior of these appendages, 
covered with lamp-black: the instrument was lastly furnished with a stem of 
the same thickness as that of the pile, so that the same stand might serve for 
either. 1 now opened the two tubes of the pile of the thermomultiplier, and 
brought the radiation of a different source to bear on each of its faces; for in- 
stance, that of the Locatelli on the one, and that of copper heated to 400° on 
the other; I then placed the weaker of the two sources more or less near until 
the index of the galvanometer stood fixed at zero. After having thus obtained 
two opposite calorific actions producing electric currents of the same force, I 
removed the pile and put the air thermoscope in its place. The same immobi- 
lity was exhibited by the Jiquid index. This delicate experiment was repeated 
with the greatest care on different species of radiations; at first on those that 
were direct and rendered more or less intense by a suitable approximation of 
the sources; then on those that were transmitted through plates of different 
kinds or concentrated by means of lenses; and lastly upon the heat given back 
by reflectors. The result was always the same ; namely, that all calorific radia- 
tions whatsoever, if they excite in the pile equal currents of electricity or equal 
electromagnetic actions, will also produce equal dilatations or temperatures in 
the air thermoscope. (For further details see the report of M. Biot in the x1yth 
volume of Mémoires de ’ Académie des Sciences.) 

Nea: i mS 

sociale 20th 

’M. MELLONI ON THE POLARIZATION OF HEAT. 331, however constant, are subject to slight changes in their physical 
vate, which cause variations of the same order in the temperature ; so 
iat it is always desirable to abridge the time that elapses between two 

- omparative experiments. The table which I have just mentioned will 
herefore render the observations more prompt and more exact than 
hey would be if we directly observed the fixed deviations. I have ac- 
‘ordingly always employed this method in the course of this Memoir, 
und the force corresponding to each result will be found beside the 
»bserved arc of impulsion. It is almost unnecessary to add, that the 

force to which all the others are referred is that which causes the 

needles to describe the first degree of the scale. 

Having by various contrivances provided myself with a thermoscopic 
instrument of very great sensibility, promptitude, and certainty in its 
indications, I proceeded to the experiments on polarization by com- 
mencing with tourmalines. 

The great difficulty that first presents itself in studying the polariza- 
tion of heat by tourmalines, is the feeble calorific transmission of these 
substances ; a circumstance which, together with the usual smallness of 
iheir dimensions, renders the intensity of the emergent rays extremely 
feeble, and scarcely appreciable with the most delicate thermomultipliers. 
Hence it becomes necessary to bring the source very close to the sy- 
stem of the tourmalines, in order that they may receive the greatest pos- 
-ible quantity of the calorific rays. But this extreme proximity of the 
source heats the tourmalines in a sensible degree, causes them to ra- 
liate on the pile, and, by the effect of this secondary heat, disturbs the 
sction of the rays immediately transmitted by the system. 

The quantity of incident heat might indeed be augmented, without a 
change in the ordinary distance of the source, by concentrating it on 

__ the tourmalines by means of a rock-salt lens. But then the plates be- 

come still more heated, and the pile must necessarily be placed at a 
great distance behind the tourmalines, in order to withdraw it from the 
disturbing force of this second calorific source. Now the distance of 

_ the pile from the tourmalines cannot be thus increased without sub- 

jecting us again to that very inconvenience of an over-feeble radiation, 
which it is our purpose to avoid ; for the rays, after having crossed each 

_ other in the focus, undergo a considerable divergence and a rapid de- 

erease of intensity as they proceed to a distance from the plates. In 
order to avoid both these inconveniences, and to obtain a calorific 
stream consisting solely of the rays directly transmitted by the tourma- 
lines and yet powerfully acting on the thermoscope, I first receive the 
pencil of calorific rays on a large rock-salt lens, after having made them 
parallel by means of a reflector. The concentrated heat reaches the 
tourmalines ; a great portion of it is absorbed, and converted into ordi- 


nary heat; the rest pursues its way without losing its radiating state, is 
afterwards dispersed, and falls upon a second lens with a shorter focus, 
placed beyond the first at a distance precisely equal to its own principal 
focal distance. The rays received by this second lens in a state of di- 
vergence are parallel to each other when they leave it; and form a pencil 
of condensed heat, which enters the thermoscopic case, and finally 
reaches the pile, which stands at a suitable distance from the aperture. 
The section of the pencil being a little less than that of the pile, all its 
parts concur in the production of the thermoscopic effect, and thus we 
lose the calorific effect of none of the rays that issue from the polar- 
izing system. 

It is very important to observe, that the common centre of the two 
superposed plates of tourmaline is not placed exactly in the common 
focus of the two conjugate lenses, but a little nearer to the second, in 
order that the portion of heat absorbed by those plates, and radiated on 
the second lens, may be necessarily refracted in diverging rays whose 
action becomes weaker, and is completely destroyed at a short distance, 
without influencing the thermoscopic body, which is thus affected only 
by the heat arising from direct transmission. That this condition is 
actually fulfilled may be ascertained by blackening the tourmalines, or 
by substituting for them any other plates well covered with lampblack ; 
for the index of the galvanometer reassumes its natural position in equi- 
librio, and retains it whether the communication with the calorific 
source be established or intercepted. 

By this simple contrivance we cause very minute plates of tourmaline 
to transmit a bundle of rays almost as broad as the surface of the first 
lens, and then bring a// the emergent rays, and these alone, pure, and 
unmixed with even the smallest particle of the caloric derived from the 
heating of the plates, to produce their effect on the thermosecope. 

Combining a lens of two inches and a half in diameter and three 
inches in the focus, with a lens of fourteen lines, I obtain a quantity of 
rays emerging from the tourmalines, such as, in several instances, pro- 
duces a deviation of the needles, amounting to between 60° and 80°, at 
the distance of a metre from the small flame of a Locatelli lamp fur- 
nished with a reflector. This energetic action, though necessary for 
the experiments which I had in view, is then too great; but there 
is an easy way of reducing it as much as we wish: we have only to 
render the rays more or less divergent by a proper approximation of the 

The plates of tourmaline are adjusted to the central part of two pa- 
rallel covers of cork filling the interior of a round box, which is suffi- 
ciently shallow, has a small circular aperture at the centre, and is sup- 
ported at the proper height by a metallic screen with a similar aperture. 





One of the plates is fixed, the other is moveable together with that half 
of the box in which it is contained. Marks traced on their edges enable 
us to distinguish with ease the two principal positions of the axes of 

I exhibit here in a single table the results which I obtained by ope- 
rating on nine pairs of tourmalines borrowed from different individuals. 
All these pairs polarized luminous rays almost completely ; that is to say, 
that to a person looking at the flame of a wax taper through each of 
these systems, it appeared sufficiently vivid and brilliant, so long as the 
axes were parallel; but the image became nearly extinct when the axes 
were perpendicular. 

Tas_e I. 

Source of Heat, the flame of a Locatelli lamp. 

Calorific transmissions 
in the position of the axes. 

of — =a Soe icwey 

each pair Parallel. Perpendicular. 
: SS 
tourmalines. ieee Nea 

ofimpul-| Forces. |ofimpul- 
sion. sion. 

———- ——____ 

Numbers indicating the order. 
the axes are parallel. 

Indices of polarization in 
tity of heat transmitted when 

hundredth p: 

Deep ereenry iy. fk 90° 27°50 | 29°78 
Bluish green : 26°51 | 28°22 
Blue green , 29°40 | 30°11 
Yellowish green : 28°51 | 29:32 
Yellowish green : 30°18 | 30°01 
Yellow green : 29°07 | 29°11 
Reddish brown ‘ 26°62 | 25°32 
Muddy violet i 27°67 | 25°45 
Pale yellow...............] 31°27 | 28°37 | 25°60 



After what we have already stated, the numbers in the four columns 
which precede the last require no explanation. I have therefore only 
to observe, that each number under the head “ares of impulsion” re- 
presents the mean of several observations, made alternately in the paral- 
lel and in the perpendicular positions of the axes; that is to say, that 
the are described in consequence of the transmission through the plates 
with their axes parallel was first observed, and then the are described 
in consequence of the transmission through the same tourmalines with 


their axes perpendicular. The observations on this pair, as well as 
‘those on each of the remaining pairs in each of the two positions, were 
several times repeated. This method affords a compensation for any 
possible errors of observation, as well as for those that may arise from 
the slight variations of intensity to which the radiation of the calorific 
source is liable, and which, owing to the perfection of the apparatus, 
do not, even in their extreme limits, exceed a fiftieth part of the mean 
value. As to the last column, we mean by the index of polarization 
that portion of heat which disappears when the axes are perpendicular, 
as compared with the quantity transmitted by the system when the axes 
are parallel. Thus, the first pair of tourmalines transmits 27°50 when 
the axes are parallel, and 26°48 when they are perpendicular: the dif- 
ference between these two numbers, which is 1°02, represents the quan- 
tity of heat that has disappeared in consequence of the axes being 
crossed. In order to obtain the index of calorific polarization in this 
pair of tourmalines, expressed in hundredth parts of the quantity trans- 
mitted when the axes are parallel, we must evidently resort to the fol- 
lowing proportion, 26°48 : 1:02 :: 100: a, which gives x = 3°71. 

The column of the indices shows that the proportion of heat polarized 
varies with the qualities of the tourmalines which compose each pair of 
plates employed. These variations, already numerous enough, if we 
consider the number of pairs submitted to experiment, led me to 
think that they might be found yet more numerous with other plates, 
and that they depended very probably on the diathermancy of each 
species of tourmaline, that is, that they arose from these different spe- 
cies of the same mineral substance being each permeable to a. differ- 
ently constituted calorific stream. In order to verify this conjecture, 
I placed on the apparatus that pair which polarized the greatest pro- 
portion of heat ; and, after having made such arrangements as to render 
the quantity of heat transmitted as great as possible, I successively in- 
terposed, in the passage of the rays concentrated by the first lens, plates 
of different substances. The heat which fell on the tourmalines was 
thus more or less diminished by the partial absorption of the interposed 
screen; but I took care to make a suitable change in the reciprocal di- 
stance of the two rock-salt lenses, in order to obtain an almost constant 
calorific transmission through these different systems when the axes of 
the two tourmalines were parallel. 

The results of this second series of experiments, performed on rays 
emanating from the same source, and with the same pair of tourmalines, 
are registered in the following table: 


Tasre II. Source of Heat, flame of a Locatelli lamp. 

Calorific transmissions 
through each interposed layer, and 
the same pair of tourmalines 
(No. 9 of the preceding table) 
in the position of the axes. 

err ITE ERE FR cae cs dalek de, 

Parallel. Perpendicular. 

of the 
substances interposed 

before the introduction 

of the 
calorific radiation 

into the 

SE oS A, 

Arcs Ares 
ofimpul-| Forces, jofimpul-| Forces. 
i sion, 

Thickness of the layers 
formed by these substances, 

reckoned in millimetres. 
plates when the axes of the tourma- 

mitted by the system of the three 
lines are parallel. 

Indices of polarization in hundredth 
parts of the quantity of heat trans- 

1737 13°47 | 11°76 

17°93 rDo,| Vo O4e) Ta LS 

coloured (red) ...| 1° 16°75 | 14 13°04} 11°40 

rang) ‘ 17°21 ‘ 13°31} 11°66 

yellow 17°83 : 13°84 | 12:07 

-(blue)...| 1°83 | 17:59 | 15°24 | 13-66| 11-92 

(indigo) : 17°29 | 14° 13°44| 11°74 

—_________(violet) | 1°81] 1681] 14°59 | 1302] 11-39 

Glass coloured a, Pl 

PETS) ecncevecsss ancl’ O" 16°99 | 14° 15°95 | 13°86 

Ditto : 17°32 i 16°85 | 14°62 

Glass (opake black) ...} 0° 17°85)| 15° 16°76 | 14°55 

Ditto a 17:80 ¢ 17°52 | 15°19 

Sulphate of barytes ...| 2° 17710 ; 13°18 | 11°52 

———— of lime ........| 2° 16°95 : 10°54} 9°18 

Oil of colza y 16°97 10°40} 9:05 
Tartrate of Het and 

soda . : : 17°39 ? 9°49 
Water saturated with 

) : 17-49 | 15: 5°78 


17°56 : 5°81 

tartaric acid : 17°3S : 5°76 
MLOte teste cesses el) 07 16°96 : 10°76 

Water (distilled). F 16°77 : 5°54 

Ditto E 17°20 : 10°91 
: Amber ainagé ; 17-23 : 8°35 
a Alum . Bes oie 16°98 G 0°58 

: * The physical characters of this species of glass, which acts so differently from 
the other species of coloured glass in all the phenomena of calorific absorption, 
are, 1st, its intercepting almost totally the rays which pass through alum ; 2nd 
its entirely absorbing the red rays of the solar spectrum. I have already stated 
that their coloration is produced almost entirely by the oxide of Bam 
+ The temperature of these different saturated solutions was about 15 


We were already aware that the rays immediately transmitted through 
bodies differing in their nature pass in very different proportions through 
a given plate of a diathermanous substance*: we were also aware that 
those rays are differently absorbed by the surfaces of certain opake 
bodies+. To these distinctive characteristics we are now enabled to add, 
that they undergo in the same system of tourmalines an apparent vari- 
able polarization. 

We see, in fact, that of every hundred rays of heat transmitted by 
the tourmalines when they are placed with their axes parallel, about 22 
are made to disappear by merely crossing the axes. This proportion suf- 
fers no very decided change in the rays transmitted by the common, the 
red, the orange, the yellow, the blue, the indigo, and the violet glass ; 
but is reduced to +45 or +s When we employ green or opake-black 
glass ; and when we employ sulphate of lime, yellow amber, water either 
pure or saturated with salts, and alum, the quantity of heat polarized 
amounts successively to 7s%x» 1080 10's» 10> and 53,57. 

It is a fact worthy of remark, that the character derived from the in- 
dex of polarization leads to the same consequences that we have deduced 
from the experiments of transmission. Indeed, the latter analytical 
process had authorized us to admit that the colouring matter introduced 
into the composition of coloured glass merely extinguishes a part of the 
calorific stream transmitted by the colourless glass, without sensibly af- 
fecting the proportions which the groups of rays composing that stream 
bear to each other in respect to quantity; so that the effect produced 
by that matter relatively to radiant heat is analogous to that which 
would be produced relatively to light by brown or blackish substances 
diluted in a liquid having no chemical influence on those substances f. 
Now, since the proportion of heat polarized by the tourmalines varies 
with the quality of the calorific rays transmitted by the different screens, 
the constancy of this proportion between the rays which issue from the 
coloured and those which issue from the uncoloured glass clearly shows, 
as in the experiments of transmission, that the colouring matters do not 
affect the composition of the calorific stream transmitted by the glass. 
True, the green and the opake-black glasses furnish a very marked ex- 
ception; but the experiments of transmission furnish an exception 
completely analogous §. 

* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., tom. ly. p. 384. 

+ Id., p. 388. 

t Id., p. 381. 

§ The same consequences are derived from the experimentsof refraction. 
With this view, one of the faces of the refracting angle of a rock-salt prism is 
covered with a plate of coloured glass, and the distribution of temperature in the 
bands of the spectrum produced by exposing this system to the light of the sun 
is then observed. If we change the colour of the glass, we not only find the 




We have found by transmission that the rays emerging from the green 
and opake-black glasses may be said to possess properties diametrically 
opposite to those of the rays issuing from alum*. The same antagonism 
of properties is manifested with respect to the apparent polarization 
which these two species of heat undergo in their passage through the 
tourmalines ; for in the one the index of polarization increases three- or 
four-fold, while in the other it suffers a diminution of eight or nine 

In fine, experiment has shown that the calorific rays immediately trans- 
mitted by alum approximate closely to the luminous rays, both in their 
abundant transmission through all uncoloured diaphanous substances 

form of the calorific spectrum preserved with great regularity, as we have seen 
elsewhere (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., tom. 1x. p. 426. ; Scientific Memoirs, vol. i. 
part i.), that is to say, possessing one maximum, and lower temperatures regu- 
larly decreasing on each side of it, but we see that the distances from this maxi- 
mum and the surrounding bands toa given zone of the luminous normal spectrum 
remain sensibly invariable. As to the absolute quantity of heat, it varies con- 
siderably with the tint and nature of the glass; but this variation is always 
proportional to the value of the ordinates which represent the temperatures of 
the different zones for any one of the coloured plates; so that the intensities of 
the maximum and the adjacent bands are more or less affected in a constant 
ratio through the whole extent of each new spectrum produced by changing 
the glass. From these two facts it clearly follows that the quality of the calo- 
rific stream transmitted by the different plates of coloured glass does not vary 
in its passage from one plate to another. In this however, asin the other ana- 
lyses that we have made of this phenomenon, the green glass possessing the 
qualities already mentioned presents a very striking exception: for this species 
of glass displaces the calorific spectrum and throws it, in the direction of the in- 
ferior refraction, almost totally beyond those limits that are common to the 
spectra produced by all the other species of coloured glass. 

Wi.en several different methods (and the processes of absorption, polarization, 
and refraction described here and elsewhere are really such,) lead to one and the 
same conclusion, it seems to me that the conclusion is sufficiently secure to be 
ranked among truths firmly established by experiment. é; 

_ Thus the colouring matters of the coloured glasses, while they so power-~ 
fully affect the relations of quantity which the different rays of ordinary light 
bear to each other, exercise no elective action on the concomitant calorific 

_ rays. This curious phenomenon is the more remarkable, as the same colouring 

matters absorb, almost always, a very considerable portion of the heat naturally 
transmitted by the glass. The following are, in fact, the calorific transmissions 
of the seven coloured glasses referred to the transmission of the colourless glass 
which is represented by 100: Red glass 82:5, Orange 72:5, Yellow 55, Bluish 
green 57°5, Blue 52-5, Indigo 30, Violet 85. The quantity of heat absorbed 
through the action of the colouring substances is therefore 17-5 in the red glass, 
27-5 in the orange, 45 in the yellow, 42-5 in the green, 47°5 in the blue, 70 in 
the indigo, and 15 in the violet. Now, as these absorptions extinguish a pro- 
portional part of each of the rays which constitute the calorific stream trans- 
mitted by common glass, they may be compared, as we said before, with the 
absorbent action exercised on light by matters more or less deeply brown or 
dark when they are immersed in water or some other colourless liquid which 
dissolves but does not affect them chemically. 
* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., tom. lv. p. 382. 


and the feeble absorption which they suffer from white surfaces* ; and 
this analogy is completed here by the almost total polarization of the 
same rays under the influence of the tourmalines. 

It will now be easy to account for the differences between the indices 
of polarization produced by the different tourmalines. All the calorific 
rays emitted by the flame of the lamp do not indiscriminately pass 
through the tourmalines, each of which, according to its nature, is per- 
meable to particular quantities and qualities of heat. This fact, which 
is observable in diathermanous substances in general, is so true in the 
particular instance under consideration, that each of the plates composing 
the polarizing system indicated in the first table by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 
when combined with a plate of alum, fails to afford an appreciable trans- 
mission ; an evident proof that the heat which alum is capable of trans- 
mitting is not to be found in the calorific stream emerging from these 
four systems. Now we have just seen that the different species of heat 
contained in the radiation of flame give very different indices of polari- 
zation. The calorific stream admitted by each polarizing pair will 
therefore necessarily have a mean index of polarization varying with the 
quality of the tourmalines. 

If we place outside the polarizing system a screen indued with the 
same diathermancy as the plates composing this system, namely, a screen 
permeable to the same species and the same portions of calorific rays, 
then the effect of absolute transmission will, no doubt, be more or less 
diminished in proportion as this screen is more or less diathermanous, 
but the tourmalines will present no change in their index of polarization: 
such is the case with respect to the white, the red, the orange, the yel- 
low, the blue, the indigo, and the violet glass. Water, oil, amber, alum, 
green, or opake-black glass affect this index in a greater or less degree, 
because their diathermancy differs from that of the tourmalines em- 

But let the polarizing system be changed. It is clear that, if the new 
system has not the same diathermancy, the order and the direction of 
the variations produced by the different screens in the value of the in- 
dex of polarization will be no longer the same. The following is in fact 
a series of observations made on the pair of green tourmalines marked 
No. 5 in the first table: 

* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., p, 390. 


Tasce III. 
Source of heat, the flame of a Locatelli lamp. 

sa Ginn 
5 Calorific transmissions 3 q ae 
NAMES Sy ° through each interposed layer and |5 5 — 
o* the same pair of tourmalines EeS5 
of the Eg . (No. 5 in the first table) Segs 
substances interposed 5 s 2 in the position of the axes. ome 
before the introduction |= 2 2 gzES 
of the Sag) Coie io ee 

calorific radiation g 2 5 Parallel. Perpendicular. 5 & 2 g : 

into the SSA C2 Sy 

tourmalines. ne Se ie RE. OT OPIN AL as 

3 res Arcs Bf roe tics 

2 ofimpul-| Forces. |ofimpul-| Forces. | 3 2 = 2 a 

cS) sion. sion. Shee a 

mm ° ° 

MEISE 665 05.s0c0sens 0-00 | 17°11 | 14°84} 15°15) 13°15) 11°35 
Glass blueish green ...] 1:93 | 17°65| 15°30) 15°54] 13°49] 11°83 
opake black ...... 1:98 | 17°10| 14°83} 15°06} 13°05} 11°94 
Sulphate of Barytes ...| 2-60 | 17°33 | 15°03] 15°23} 13°21! 12-07 
2 oa 8°49 | 17°52} 15°19] 12°95] 12°80) 15°65 
Sulphate of Lime ...... 2°71 | 17°76 | 15°39 | 12°74) 12°63} 17-91 
Glass uncoloured ...... 1°85 | 17:27} 15°08) 16°24] 14°11 6°46 
TEIONGS «is 20d acisoce 8:27 | 17°81} 15°43} 17:05) 14°79 417 

Glass coloured (red) ...| 1:80 | 17-49] 15°16] 16:32] 14917} 6-53 
—————(orange)} 1:87 | 16-91] 14°67] 15°77! 13°69] 670 
——_—_______(yellow)| 1-79 | 17-22} 14°93] 16:12] 14-00] 6-15 
|—_—_____(blue)....] 1-83 | 16°87] 14°64| 15°81] 13°73] 690 
| indigo)| 1°78 | 16°98 | 14°73| 15°86| 13°78} 6-44 
violet)... 1-81 | 17:30] 15:00] 16-20] 1406] 6-29 

It is to be observed that the extreme limits of the variations produced 
in the index by the interposition of the screens differ considerably less 
than they did relatively to the pale yellow tourmalines ; a circumstance 
which indicates a greater homogeneity in the calorific stream trans- 
mitted by the tourmalines actually employed. Moreover, the index of 
polarization undergoes but a very slight alteration under the influence 
of the green and the opake-black glasses, which produced a reduction 
_of between twelve and nineteen twentieths in the direct index of the 
table that precedes the above. The diathermancy of these green tour- 
-malines is therefore analogous to that of the green and the opake-black 

As to the white, red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, and violet glasses, 
they diminish the index of polarization instead of leaving it in its natu- 
ral state, as in the instance of the pale yellow tourmalines. In this 
there is nothing that should surprise us, since the difference of diather- 
mancy proper to the two polarizing systems causes these uncoloured and 


coloured glasses to act in this case like the green and opake-black glasses 
of the preceding table, and vice versd. 

Moreover, the white, red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, and violet 
glasses all produce very nearly the same alteration in the value of the 
index of polarization of the green tourmalines: and we have just ob- 
served that these glasses have a very marked effect on the pale yellow 
tourmalines. This effect, varying in different systems, but constant in 
each particular system through the whole series of plates, is perfectly 
analogous to the uniformity of the ratios which, notwithstanding the 
changes of intensity, are observed to exist between the quantities of 
heat transmitted by the same glasses (coloured and uncoloured) when 
successively exposed to the rays emerging from the several kinds of 
screens*. We are thus brought back once more to one of the fore- 
going conclusions, namely, that the colouring substances have no power 
of elective absorption with respect to the rays of the calorific stream 
which passes through the glass. 

Before we conclude our observations on the effect produced by the 
screens in the index of polarization of the tourmalines we shall make 
some remarks on the effects produced by the variation of thickness in 
the interposed substance and by the solution of salts in water. 

On inspecting the second table it is easy to see that the influence of 
each substance in augmenting or diminishing the index of polarization 
is more powerful in proportion to the greater thickness of the substance. 
Thus, water reduced to a layer of 0™™74 in thickness causes the index 
of the pale yellow tourmalines to rise from 22 to 36, while a layer of 
8™™ yaises it to 67. On the other hand, a plate of dark glass 0™™81 
in thickness, which causes the same index to descend from 22 to 4, 

would reduce it even to 1°5 if its thickness were about 2™™. All this - 
accords with the experiments of successive transmission, which show 
that the calorific stream emerging from a given substance becomes more 
simple, or, if the expression be preferred, more purified in proportion 
to the greater thickness of the substance through which it has passed. 
We find this to be the case with white light also in penetrating coloured 
media. : 

Tartaric acid, rock salt, and alum dissolved to saturation in water 
make no sensible change in its action on the index of polarization of 
the tourmalines. We have already shown, in a preceding memoir, that 
alum and rock salt (which, of all perfectly diaphanous and colourless sub- 
stances, are those that possess the maximum and the minimum of diather- 
mancy ) donot by being dissolved in water affect the diathermanous power 
of this liquid*. The sensible equality of the action of these solutions 
and that of pure water on the natural index of polarization of the tour- 

* Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., tom: ly. p. 55. 


malines enables us to advance a step further; for this equality shows 
that not only the quantity but the quality of the heat transmitted by 
pure water is the same as the quality of that transmitted by water 
saturated with salt or alum. In short, if we receive on the pile the 
calorific streams which issue from distilled water, and the solutions of 
rock salt and alum, we shall find the deviations in the galvanometer 
very nearly equal in the three cases. It is to be recollected, however, 
that this will happen only when the three layers from which the rays 
issue are of the same thickness. Now this invariability of action through 
layers of equal thickness takes place also if we interpose the same plate 
of alum or any other substance behind each of the liquid layers in suc- 
cession ; for the common deviation is always diminished by a constant 
quantity, even when, by concentrating the calorific radiation with lenses, 
we have raised to 35° or 40° the are of impulsion described solely under 
the action of the stream transmitted by each of the liquid layers. 

In order to conclude the experimental study of the calorific polariza- 
tion of the tourmalines, we have only to compare with one another the 
polarizing action of these crystallized substances on the radiations of 
different sources of heat. For this purpose I select the four systems 
marked Nos. 1, 5, 8, and 9 in the first table, and these being exposed, 
in the two principal directions of the axes, to the calorific radiations of 
an Argand lamp, a Locatelli lamp, a spiral of incandescent platina, and 
a plate of copper heated to 400°, give the indices of polarization con- 

tained in the following table. 
Tas_e IV. 



E ig Indices of polarization for the direct 

o - radiations 

Sioa Colour ae 

Pee of oa a aes 
ie 3 each pair of the q 
BES! of of platina kept} of a plate 
£Se : the Argand/ ofthe | ina state | of copper 
2 * tourmalines. lamp with'|1, ocatelli | of incan= heated 
25 a glass lamp. descence to about 
Es funnel. by the flame} 400°C. 
Zz of alcohol. 

Deep green ......... 0°37 ord 5°27 0°59 
Yellowish green...... Doo 11°30 13°89 3°22 
Muddy violet ........ 24°50 20°48 17-20 2°30 
Pale yellow ....... ae wd! 21°89 18°16 2°98 

N.B. In this table the ares of impulsion are omitted in order to avoid exces- 
sive complexity. We think it necessary, however, to observe that these were 
often more extensive than those of the preceding tables; and this was indeed 
absolutely necessary in order to perceive those indices which in many instances 
are extremely feeble. No.1, for example, being exposed to the radiation of the 

Vou. l—Parrt II. Qa 


Let us first direct our attention to the two last systems of tourma- 
lines. Their indices undergo a gradual increase in passing from the 
copper to the Argand lamp. This shows that the radiation of each of 
the four sources contains a greater quantity of heat capable of being 
polarized by the tourmalines in proportion as the temperature of the 
source is more elevated. 

Yet the indices of polarization of the systems 1 and 5 undergo, from 
the action of the first three sources, changes completely opposed to 
those which we have been considering. In order to account for such an 
anomaly, we must keep in view the very imperfect diathermancy of this 
sort of tourmalines. It is true that the calorific streams of the Argand 
and the Locatelli lamps contain rays more capable of being polarized 
by the tourmalines than any of those contained in the calorific streams 
from the inferior sources; but in the present case such rays scarcely 
contribute to increase the index of polarization; for we have seen that 
they cannot penetrate the plates which form the polarizing systems. The 
green tourmalines, however, are permeable to several species of heat ; 
and, as in the radiation of each source there are several of these species, 
it is easy to see that if a certain group of rays, possessing an index of 
polarization inferior to those of the excluded but superior to those of 
the transmitted rays, is more abundant in the calorific stream of the in- 
eandescent platina than in that of the Locatelli, the index of polariza- 
tion in the two systems of green tourmalines will, in this case, suffer 
a decrease in passing from the first to the second source. The same 
reasoning will apply to the Locatelli as compared with the Argand 
lamp; so that, notwithstanding the fact that the rays are more suscep- 
tible of polarization as we proceed from the incandescent platina to the 
higher sources, the two systems of green tourmalines will give lower 
indices of polarization. 

Without a knowledge of the laws of calorific transmission and the 
analytical resources they afford, we should perhaps find it impossible 
to extricate ourselves from the perplexing difficulty presented by these 
singularly anomalous phenomena of polarization. We are now able to 
offer the following brief recapitulation of our observations on them. 

“The different calorific rays coexisting in the radiation of the same 

Argand lamp, gives but a difference of 0°-1 in the two positions of the axes, 
the arcs of impulsion being from 26° to 27°; a difference which could not be 
rendered perceptible otherwise than by taking the mean of 10 observations; and 
I am not yet quite sure that it would not vanish altogether if the experiments 
were more numerous, for I frequently obtained a stronger transmission with 
the axes perpendicular. The faci is that in operating upon ares of from 15° to 
20° the transmission of this system of tourmalines seemed to undergo no vatia- 
tion whatsoever in consequence of the axes being crossed ; and indeed, after the 
preceding experiments, there is nothing more surprising in the existence of tour- 
malines that give no sign of calorific polarization than there would be in the 
discovery of tourmalines capable of completely polarizing heat. 


source of heat, or emitted by different sources, are very unequally 
affected by the cause through which the phenomena of polarization in 
the tourmalines are rendered sensible. Some of them appear to un- 
dergo no action of this kind, others produce indices of polarization 
more or less marked, and others are, like rays of light, completely po- 
larized. Tourmalines in general, and the green tourmalines in particu- 
lar, absorb the most polarizable rays, and transmit those species which 
seem totally or partially to escape polarizing action. The consequence 
is, that their apparent index of polarization is generally very feeble and 
sometimes even inappreciable. But it rises even to 7%,2,, and perhaps 
higher, in those systems of plates which are permeable to a greater pro- 
portion of heat susceptible of a high degree of polarization, as we see 
in the plates of yellow, brown, or violet tourmalines. The index of 
apparent polarization in a given system varies considerably in passing 
from one source to the other, because a change takes place in the qua- 
lity and the grouping of the rays constituting the calorific stream issuing 
from the focus of heat. In fine, this index varies, and in certain cases 
attains its two extreme limits, 0 and 100, when we introduce between 
the same source and the same system of tourmalines diathermanovs 
plates of a different kind; because the particular absorption of these 
screens affects the relations of quantity existing between the several 
groups of rays composing the calorific stream naturally transmitted by 
the polarizing system.” 

In all these statements we have taken care to apply the qualifying 
term apparent to the signs of feeble polarization exhibited by the tour- 
malines ; and, in fact, all the rays of heat, whether direct or transmitted 
through a screen, might be completely polarized, as light is, in the in- 
terior of these crystallized bodies, and yet the polarization not be ren- 
dered perceptible by any diminution in the quantity of heat transmitted 
by the plates when the parallel is exchanged for the perpendicular a 
sition of the axes. 

In order to understand this proposition it is necessary to recollect the 
phenomena which take place in the polarization of light by tourmalines. 

When a ray of natural light falls perpendicularly on a plate of tour- 
maline cut parallel to the axis of the needles, the double refraction first 
divides the ray into pencils possessing sensibly equal intensities and 
polarized at right angles; but, in proportion as these pencils penetrate 
into the substance of the tourmaline, they suffer very different degrees 
of absorption, that of the pencil which has undergone the ordinary 
refraction being much the greater ; so that, beyond a depth often very 
inconsiderable, one of the pencils is entirely absorbed, while the other 
pursues its path, emerges from the plate, and shows itself in its proper 
direction of polarization. This inequality of absorption is proved by 
the following experiment, for which we are indebted to M. Biot. We 



take a sufficiently thick plate of tourmaline cut parallel to the axis, and 
attenuate it obliquely at one side, so that the planes of its two faces 
may intersect each other exactly on one of the edges, and thus form a 
certain angle. A very narrow slip of white paper, or any other object 
equally minute, if viewed across this angle and in the direction of the 
edge, will give two images neither lying one upon the other nor con- 
founded together, as they are when the faces are parallel, but separated 
by the double refraction of the tourmaline. If we achromatize the re- 
fringent angle by means of a glass prism in order to have a clearer view, 
we find that these two images, viewed through the thinnest part of the 
tourmaline, are nearly of the same intensity ; but by passing the thicker 
parts successively before the eye, we perceive the image formed by the 
ordinary refraction becoming gradually weaker and weaker until it is 
finally extinguished. 

Thus we see that it is in consequence of the wnegual absorption of 
the two pencils formed by double refraction that the polarization in a 
plate of tourmaline becomes perceptible. If the absorbency of the mat- 
ter of which the plate is composed acted with the same intensity on each 
of them, the two pencils would emerge intermixed, and exhibit all the 
properties of ordinary light ; so that a second plate of tourmaline would 
no longer, by having its axis placed transversely to that of the first, pro- 
duce any diminution of intensity in the light transmitted. 

Let us now apply these notions to calorific polarization. Let us sup- 
pose that all the rays of heat, like those of light, undergo a complete 
polarization as soon as they enter a plate of tourmaline, and that each 
of them is consequently divided into two pencils or bundles possessing 
equal intensities and polarized at right angles. Let us admit, besides, 
that the inequality of absorption effected by the matter of the tourma- 
line in the two pencils varies with the different calorific rays; that it is 
very great with respect to some rays, and little or none with respect to 
others: it is evident that the former will issue from the tourmaline en- 
tirely polarized in one plane, while the latter will be more or less po- 
larized in the two planes standing at right angles to one another, and 
will therefore present little or no appearance of polarization. 

All the facts which we have stated may then be explained on the hy- 
pothesis of a complete polarization of the calorific rays; and we shall 
see, indeed, that this hypothesis is rendered more and more probable, nay, 
certain, by the following experiments. But before we conclude our 
observations on this part of the subject, it will not, perhaps, be useless 
to set in contrast, by means of an example easily to be comprehended, 
the two different effects which the tourmalines have on the rays of light 
and the rays of heat. 

Let us imagine a series of alcohol flames coloured by different salts, 
and several common flames masked by glasses of different colours. If 


we look at those lights through our systems of tourmalines with their 
axes first in the parallel and then in the perpendicular position, all the 
coloured images which present themselves with sufficient vividness and 
brilliancy in the first case, completely disappear in the second ; or if any 
of them remains, it is but an excessively feeble gleam*. The rays of 
platina in a state of incandescence, and of copper heated to 400°, repre- 
sent, relatively to radiant heat, the coloured alcohol flames; and the rays 
of a Locatelli lamp, transmitted through water, glass, or alum, are, in 
respect to this heat, no more than the lights of different colours which 
we perceive through the coloured glasses. Now we have seen that the 
effect of the tourmalines on the several species of rays, so far from being 
equal as in the case of light, presents differences so strongly marked, 
that sometimes the heat passes in a sensibly equal quantity in all posi- 
tions of the axes of crystallization, and at others it is almost completely 
intercepted when the axes of the two plates are perpendicular to each 

The phenomena of calorific polarization, in a variable proportion, 
produced by a system of tourmalines which polarizes the luminous rays 
of all colours equally, are analogous to the extremely marked differences 
of absorption which the various species of calorific rays undergo in their 
passage through a sufficiently thin plate of glass, rock crystal, water, al- 
cohol, and almost all perfectly diaphanous substances, the absorbent 
force of which, within these limits of thickness, if there be any, is the 
same for all sorts of luminous rays+. Among those actions which vary 

* M. Biot possesses a prism cut out of a tourmaline of a light violet-red co- 
lour, which not only does not completely extinguish the common sheaf, as is 
done by the tourmalines that are too thin or too lightly coloured, but colours the 
sheaf while it weakens it ; so that the two images of a minute object seen through 
this prism are sensibly white and of equal intensity near the apex of the refrin- 
gent angle; but, in proportion as the eye moves towards the thickest part, the 
ordinary image is observed to decrease in its intensity and to take at the same 
time a red tint which becomes gradually deeper, while the extraordinary image 
never presents itself in any other colour than a slight tinge of the shade which 
belongs to the tourmaline. It appears then that two flakes of this particular kind 
_ of tourmaline would not act alike on all the coloured rays, and that in the per- 
ercnisr position of the axes they would still be permeable to red light. Per- 

aps the red rays themselves would be finally extinguished if the two flakes 
were of a certain thickness. However, this case is but an exception; for all 
the other tourmalines constantly produce the effect we have just announced ; 
that is to say, that they extinguish indiscriminately and equally all the luminous 
rays whatever be their colour, provided they are made to pass through the flakes 
when their axes are at right angles to each other. 

+ The experiments on the different degrees in which coloured and uncoloured 
media absorb the light and heat of the solar spectrum (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 
Dec. 1835, p. 402; Scientific Memoirs, vol. i. part i.) afford a still more striking 
example of the same kind; for the differences then present themselves in pairs 
of calorific and luminous rays, which being isolated and, so to speak, purified by 
__ by the force of refraction, seem to constitute that species of light and heat which 

are most identical. And here I shall take the opportunity to correct a strange 


considerably with respect to different calorific rays, while they remain 
sensibly constant with respect to light, we may class the variable ab- 
sorbent power exercised on the different species of heat by the white 
surfaces of opake bodies which reflect the same proportion of coloured 
rays. Such, then, are the conditions to be satisfied henceforth by every 
theory that will refer the phenomena of light and radiant heat to a 
single principle. 

mistake into which the young and able successor of Leslie has fallen with re- 
gard to these experiments. I find in a letter of his addressed to the Editors of 
the London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine (March 1836, p. 245), that 
the special aim of my labour was to raise objections against the undulatory 
theory of heat: “ M. Melloni lately read a paper to the Academy of Sciences 
staling certain objections to the undulatory theory of heat.) Now such was 
most assuredly not my intention; and I have, I think, expressed myself to that 
effect with sufficient clearness in a note at the end of the memoir. In publishing 
those facts my only object was to show that which I announced at the head of 
the memoir presented to the Academy, namely, the nonidentity of light and 
radiant heat, a proposition which is evidently independent of every theory. 
Thus, whether the system adopted be that of emanation or that of undulations, 
I do not think it possible to maintain at this day that the same molecule or the 
same wave that gives, for instance, yellow light, at a determinate part of the 
solar spectrum, produces the concomitant heat also, Such is the only conclu- 
sion that I have drawn from the experiments contained in my memoir. The 
author of the letter has been probably misled by the enunciation of the propo- 
sition, (which I made in terms applicable only to one of the two systems,) as well 
as by the arguments, which should in my opinion be brought, on the supposition 
of their identity, to answer the objections derived from the previously known 
differences between the action of diaphanous and diathermanous media on the 
light and heat of terrestrial sources ; arguments which must necessarily be given 
in the language of one or the other of the hypotheses on which calorific phzeno- 
mena are explained. I chose the language of the undulatory system; but I 
might as well have employed that of the system of emanation. It is besides 
so true that the arguments contained in the memoir do not apply particularly 
to the theory of undulations, that by suppressing certain expressions proper to 
this theory, and changing the words wave and length into molecule and species, the 
arguments are still good, and we thus arrive at the same general conclusion ex- 
pressed in the language of the system of emission; that is, that in the interior 
of the solar spectrum the same molecules cannot produce the two effects of light 
and heat simultaneously. In short, my only aim in pursuing my researches 
with respect to radiant heat is to study the laws and properties of this agent. I 
have not the vanity to think that by any new discovery I shall make the parti- 
sans of either of the systems tremble. I shall rather tremble myself lest, in 
consequence of preadopted notions, I may mistake the truth of the phenomena; 
and I suppose there is no one who will censure a timidity so salutary... but I 
will frankly avow that I consider any other fear scarcely philosophical. 




Memoir on the Motive Power of Heat ; by KE. CLapryron, 
Mining Engineer. 

From the Journal de I’ Ecole Royale Polytechnique; Paris; vol. xiv. p. 153 et seq. 

§ 1. 

Few questions are more worthy of fixing the attention of geometers 
and natural philosophers than those which relate to the constitution of 
gases and vapours: the functions they exercise in nature, and the ad+ 
‘vantages which industry derives from them, account sufficiently for the 
numerous and important labours of which they have been the object : 

this vast question, however, is far from being exhausted. The law of 
Mariotte and that of Gay-Lussac, which establish the relations exist- 
ing between the volume, the pressure, and the temperature of a given 

_ quantity of any gas, have both long since obtained the assent of scientific 

The experiments recently made by MM. Arago and Dulong leave 

no doubt of the accuracy of the first of those laws within very ex- 

tended limits of pressure ; but these important results give no information 

Tespecting the quantity of heat which the gases contain, and which is dis- 

engaged by pressure or diminution of temperature,—they do not give the 

Jaw of the specific caloricswhen the pressure and the volume are constant, 

This part of the theory of heat, however, has been the object of profound 

researches, among which we may cite those of MM. La Roche and Bé- 

rard on the specific caloric of gases. Lastly, M. Dulong, in a memoir 
which he published under the title of Recherches sur la Chaleur Spéci- 
fique des Fluides Elastiques, has established by experiments free from 

. objection, that equal volumes of all elastic Jluids at the same tempe- 

re and under the same pressure, being suddenly compressed or di- 
by the same Sraction of their volume, aieengage or absorb 7 at same 

Bois quantity of heat. . 

Vor. I.—Panrr III. 28 


Laplace, and subsequently M. Poisson, have made public some very 
remarkable theoretical researches on this subject ; but they rest upon 
hypothetical data which appear liable to objection. It is admitted in 
them that the ratio of the specific caloric when the volume remains con- 
stant to the specific caloric under a constant pressure, is invariable, and 
that the quantities of heat absorbed by gases are proportional to their 

I will finally quote among the works which have appeared on the theory 
of heat, one by M.S. Carnot, published in 1824, under the title of Re- 
flexions sur la Puissance Motrice du Feu. The idea taken for the basis 
of his researches appears to me fertile and incontestible: his demon- 
strations are founded on the absurdity which arises from admitting the 
possibility of producing absolutely either the motive force or the heat. 

The various theorems to which this new method of reasoning con- 
ducts us may be enunciated as follows : 

1. When a gas without change of temperature passes from a deter- 
mined volume and pressure to another volume and pressure equally — 
determined, the quantity of caloric absorbed or lost is always the same, 
whatever be the nature of the gas subjected to experiment. 

&. The difference between the specific heat under a constant pressure 
and the specific heat at a constant volume is the same for all gases. 

3. When a gas varies in volume without change of temperature, the 
quantities of heat absorbed or disengaged by that gas are in arithmetical — 
progression, if the increments or diminutions of volume are in geometrical 
progression. , 

This new mode of demonstration appears to me worthy of fixing the - 
attention of geometers; it is, in my opinion, free from every objection, — 
and it has acquired additional importance since its verification by the 
labours of M. Dulong, in which the truth of the first theorem which I} 
have recited is demonstrated by experiment. 

I think it will be of some interest to revive this theory: M. S. Carnot, § 

dispensing with mathematical analysis, arrives, by a series of delicate 
reasonings difficult to apprehend, at results easily deducible from a more: 
general law, which I shall endeavour to establish. But before entering) 
upon the subject, it will be useful to return to the fundamental axiom) 
upon which the researches of M. Carnot are founded, and which will be. 
my starting point also. i 

§ Il. 

It has long been remarked that heat may be employed to develop 
motive force, and reciprocally that by motive force we may develop 
heat. In the first case we should observe that there is always a passa 
_of a determinate quantity of caloric from a body at a given temperatur 
to another body at a lower temperature ; thus in the steam-engine, thi 


production of the mechanical force is attended by the passage of a part 

of the heat which is developed by combustion in the furnace, the tem- 

perature of which is very high, into the water in the condenser, the tem- 
_ perature of which is much lower. 

Reciprocally, it is always possible to render the passage of caloric from 
a hot to a cold body useful for the production of a mechanical force : 
to obtain this it is sufficient to construct a machine resembling an ordi- 
nary steam-engine, in which the heated body serves to produce steam 
and the cold one to condense it. It results from this that there is a loss 
of vis viva, of mechanical force, or of quantity of action, whenever im- 
mediate contact takes place between two bodies of different tempera- 
tures, and heat passes from the one into the other without traversing 
an intermediate body ; therefore in every machine intended to make ef- 
ficient the motive force developed by heat, there is a loss of power when- 
ever a direct communication of heat takes place between bodies of dif- 
ferent temperatures, and consequently the maximum of the effect pro- 
duced cannot be obtained but by means of a machine in which only 
bodies of equal temperature are brought into contact. Now the know- 
ledge we possess of the theory of gases and vapours shows the possibi- 
lity of attaining this object. 

Let us, then, suppose two bodies retained, one at a temperature T, 
and another at an inferior temperature ¢; such, for example, as the sides 
of a steam-boiler, in which the heat developed by combustion constantly 
supplies the place of that which the steam produced carries away ; and 
the condenser of the common atmospheric engine, in which a current of 
cold water removes, every moment, both the heat which the steam loses in 
condensing, and that which belongs to its proper temperature. For the 

_ sake of simplicity we will call the first body A and the second B. 

Let us now take any gas whatever, at the temperature T, and bring it 
into contact with the’source of heat A, representing its volume vp by the 
absciss A B, and its pressure by the ordinate C B (fig 1). 

_ If the gas is inclosed in an extensible vessel, and which is allowed to 
__ extend in a void space in which it cannot lose heat either by radiation or 
_ by contact, the source of heat A will supply it, from moment to moment, 
_ with the quantity of caloric which its increase of volume renders latent, 
and it will preserve the same temperature T. Its pressure, on the con- 
_ trary, will diminish according to the law of Mariotte. The law of this 
_ variation may be represented by a curve C E, of which the volumes will 
_ be the abscisses, and the corresponding pressures the ordinates. 

_ Supposing the dilatation of the gas to continue until the volume A B 
_ has become A D, and that the pressure corresponding to this new vo- 
lume is D E, the gas during its dilatation will have developed a quan- 
_ tity of mechanical action, which will have for its value the integral of the 

_ product of the pressure by the differential of the volume, and which 


will be represented geometrically by the area comprised between the 
axis of the abscisses, the two coordinates C B, D E, and the portion of: 
a hyperbola C E. ; 



| Fig. 1. 




| \ Ms 

i aS be 

} ¥K , 

] Pee 

| 4 nese ect} 

! a 

) x Pee 

' 4 ~ 1 

! nae “st 4 
{ [edo NGA ie ae acy 
Sad | : 

x | | i i iow EF 
lee H | t i : i 
eee Td eh ee be Spaaen ey cy ahi eae Re 
A Be SE eT TDD) GU x 

Supposing, again, that the body A is removed and that the dilatation 
of the gas continues in an inclosure impermeable to heat; then a part of 
its sensible caloric becoming latent, its temperature will diminish and 
its pressure will continue to decrease in a more rapid manner and accord- 
ing to an unknown law, which law might be represented geometrically 
by a curve E F, the abscissee of which would be the volumes of the gas, 
and the ordinates the corresponding pressures: we will suppose that the 
dilatation of the gas has continued until the successive reductions which 
its sensible caloric experiences have reduced the temperature T of the 
body A to the temperature ¢ of the body B; its volume will then be A G, 
and the corresponding pressure F G. It will also be evident from the 
same reasoning, that the gas during this second part of its dilatation 
will develop a quantity of mechanical action represented by the area of 
the mixtilinear trapezium D E F G. 

Now that the gas is brought to the temperature ¢ of the body B, let 
us bring them together: if we compress the gas in an inclosure imper- 
meable to heat, but in contact with the body B, the temperature of the 
gas will tend to rise by the evolution of latent heat rendered sensible by 
compression, but will be absorbed in proportion by the body B, so that 
the temperature of the gas will remain equal to ¢t. The pressure will 
increase according to the law of Mariotte : it will be represented geo- 
metrically by the ordinates of a hyperbola K F, and the corresponding 
abscisses will represent the corresponding volumes. Suppose the com- 
pression to be increased until the heat disengaged and absorbed by the 
body B is precisely equal to the heat communicated to the gas by the 


source A during its dilatation in contact with it in the first part of the 
process. Let then the volume of gas be A H, and the corresponding 
pressure H K: the gas in this state contains the same absolute quan- 
tity of heat that it did at the moment of commencing the process, when 
it occupied the volume A B under the pressure C B. If therefore 
we remove the body B and continue to compress the gas in an inclosure 
impermeable to heat, until the volume A H is reduced to the volume 
A B, its temperature will successively increase by the evolution of the 
latent caloric, which the compression converts into sensible caloric. 
The pressure will increase in a corresponding ratio; and when the 
volume shall be reduced to A B, the temperature will become T, and 
the pressure B C. In fact, the successive states which the same weight 
of gas experiences are characterized by the volume, the pressure, the 
temperature, and the absolute quantity of caloric which it contains: two 
of these four quantities being known, the other two become known as 
consequences of the former ; thus in the case in question the absolute 
quantity of heat and the volume having become what they were at the 
beginning of the process, we may be certain that the temperature and 
pressure will also be the same as before. Consequently, the unknown 
law according to which the pressure will vary when the volume of 
gas is reduced in its inclosure impermeable to heat, will be represented 
by a curve K C, which will pass through the point C, and in which 
the abscisses always represent the volumes, and the ordinates the 

However, the reduction of the gaseous volume from A G to A B wilk 
have consumed a quantity of mechanical action which, for the reasons 
we have stated above, will be represented by the two mixtilinear trape- 
ziums F G H K and K H BC. If we subtract from these two trape- 
ziums the two first, C B D E and E D G F, which represent the quan- 
tity of action during the dilatation of the gas, the difference, which will 
be equal to the sort of curvilinear parallelogram C E F K, will represent 
the quantity of action developed in the circle of operations which we have 
just described, and after the completion of which the gas will be pre- 
cisely in the same state in which it was originally. Still, however, the 
entire quantity of heat furnished by the body A to the gas during its di- 
latation by contact with it, passes into the body B during the condensa- 
tion of the gas, which takes place by contact with it. 

- Here, then, we have mechanical force developed by the passage of 
caloric from a hot to a cold body, and this transfer is effected without 
the contact of bodies of different temperatures. 

- The inverse operation is equaily possible: thus,we take the same volume 
of gas A B at the temperature T and under the pressure B C, inclose 
_ it in an envelope impermeable to heat, and dilate it until its tempera- 
ture, gradually diminishing, becomes equal to ¢; we continue the dilata- 


tion in the same envelope,—but after having introduced the body B, which 
is at the same temperature,—and carry on the operation until the 
body B has restored to the gas the heat which it had received in the. 
preceding operation. We next remove the body B, and condense the 
gas in an inclosure impermeable to heat until its temperature again be- 
comes equal to T. We then introduce the body A, which possesses the 
same temperature, and continue the reduction of volume until all the 
heat taken from the body B is transferred to the body A. The gas will 
then be found to have the same temperature and to contain the same ab- 
solute quantity of heat as at the beginning of the operation, whence we 
may conclude that it occupies the same volume and is subjected to the 
same pressure. 

Here the gas passes successively, but in an inverse order, through all 
the states of temperature and pressure through which it had passed in 
the first series of operations; consequently the dilatations become com- 
pressions, and reciprocally, but they follow the same law. Further, the 
quantities of action developed in the first case are absorbed in the se- 
cond, and reciprocally ; but they retain the same numerical values, for 
the elements of the integrals which compose them are the same. 

We thus see that by causing heat to pass, in the manner first indi- 
cated, from a body retained at a determinate temperature, into a body 
retained at an inferior temperature, we develop a certain quantity of 
mechanical action, which is equal to the quantity which must be con- 
sumed in order to cause the same quantity of heat to pass from a eold 
to a hot body, by the inverse process we have subsequently described. 

We may arrive at a similar result by converting any liquid into va- 
pour. We take the liquid and bring it into contact with the body A in 
an extensible envelope impermeable to heat, and suppose the tempera- 
ture of the liquid to be equal to the temperature T of the body A. 
Upon the axis of the abscisses A X (fig. 2.) we describe a quantity A B 
equal to the volume of the liquid, and upon a line parallel to the axis 
of the ordinates A Y, a quantity B C equal to the pressure of the vapour 
of the liquid, which corresponds to the temperature T. 

If we increase the volume of the liquid, a portion of it will pass into 
the state of vapour; and as the source of heat A furnishes the latent 
caloric necessary to its formation, the temperature will remain constant 
and equalto T. Then if quantities representing the successive volumes 
occupied by the mixture of liquid and vapour are described upon the 
axis of the abscisses, and the corresponding values of the pressures are 
taken for ordinates, as the pressure remains constant, the curve of the 
pressures will here be reduced to aright line C E parallel to the axis of 
the abscisses. 

When a certain quantity of vapour has been formed, and the mixture 
of liquid and vapour occupies a yolume A D, the body A may be with- 


drawn and the dilatation continued. A fresh quantity of liquid will 
then pass into the gaseous state, and a part of the sensible caloric be- 
coming latent, the temperature of the mixture will diminish as well as 

Fig. 2. 






c i 

: . 

i i\ 


{ \ 

! Sn 6 

| | "| 

| | 

eee Sad Se ee <5 ES, eis eee [ee ee ee 
A BR i D a 

the pressure. Suppose the dilatation to be continued until the tem- 
perature diminishing gradually becomes equal to the temperature ¢ of 
the body B; let A F be the volume and F G the pressure corresponding 
to it. The law of the variation of the pressure will be given by a curve 
E G, which will pass through the points E and G. 

During this first part of the operation which we are describing, a quan- 
tity of action will be developed represented by the surface of the rect- 
angle B C E D, and that of the mixtilinear trapezium E G F D. 

We will now bring forward the body B, put it in contact with the 
mixture of liquid and vapour, and successively reduce its volume; a 
part of the vapour will pass into the liquid state, and as the latent heat 
disengaged in its condensation will be absorbed by the body B, the 
temperature will remain constant and equal to ¢ We shall thus con- 
tinue to reduce the volume until all the heat furnished by the body A 
in the first part of the operation has been conveyed to the body B. 

Let A H then be the volume occupied by the mixture of vapour and 
liquid ; the corresponding pressure will be K H equal to G F: the tem- 
perature remaining equal to ¢. during the reduction of the volume from 
AF to AH, the law of the pressure between these two limits will be re- 
presented by the line K G parallel to the axis of the abscisses. 

Arrived at this point, the mixture of vapour and liquid upon which 
we are operating, which occupies the volume A H under a pressure K H, 


at a temperature ¢, possesses the same absolute quantity of heat 
that the liquid possessed at the commencement of the operation ; if, 
therefore, we remove the body B, and continue the condensation, in a 
vessel impermeable to heat, until the volume again becomes equal to 
A B, we shall have the same quantity of matter occupying the same 
volume, and possessing the same quantity of heat as at the commence- 
ment of the operation : its temperature and its pressure ought, there- 
fore, also to be the same as at that epoch; the temperature will thus 
again become equal to T, and the pressure equal to C B. The law of 
the pressures during this last part of the operation, will therefore be 
given by a curve passing through the points K and C; and the quan- 
tity of action absorbed during the reduction of the volume from A F 
to A B, will be represented by the rectangle FH KG and the mixti- 
linear trapezium BCKH. If, then, we deduct from the quantity of 
action developed during the dilatation, that which is absorbed during 
the compression, we shall have for the difference the surface of the 
mixtilinear parallelogram C EG K, which will represent the quantity of 
action developed during the entire series of the operations that we 
have described, and at the conclusion of which the liquid employed 
will be found in its primitive state. 

But it is necessary to remark that all the caloric communicated by 
the body A has passed to the body B, and that this transmission has 
taken place without there having been any other contact than that be- 
tween bodies of the same temperature. 

It might be proved in the same manner as for the gases, that by re- 
peating the same operation in an inverse order, the heat of the body B 
may be made to pass to the body A, but that this result will only be 
‘obtained by the absorption of a quantity of mechanical action, equal 
to that which has been developed in the passage of the same ween 
of caloric from the body A to the body B. 

From what precedes, it results that a quantity of mechanical action 
and a quantity of heat passing from a hot to a cold body, are quan- 
tities of the same nature, and that it is possible to substitute the one 
for the other reciprocally ; in the same manner as in mechanics a body 
falling from a certain height, and a mass endowed with a certain ve- 
locity, are quantities of the same order, and can be transformed one 
into the other by physical agents. 

Hence also it follows that the quantity of action F developed by the 
passage of a certain quantity of heat C, from a body A maintained at 
a temperature T, to a body B maintained at a temperature ¢, by one 
of the processes that we have just indicated, is the same, whatever be 
the gas or the liquid employed, and is the greatest that it is possible to 

Suppose that by causing the quantity of heat C of the body A to 


pass to the body B, by some other process, it was possible to realize a 
larger quantity of mechanical action F’; we should employ one part of 
it F, to restore to the body A from the body B the quantity of heat C, 
by one of the two means that we have just described. The vis viva F 
employed for this purpose would be equal, as we have seen, to that 
which would be developed in the passage of the same quantity of heat 
C, from the body A to the body B; it is therefore, according to the 
hypothesis, smaller than F’; a quantity of action F’ — F, would there- 
fore be produced, which would be created absolutely and without con- 
sumption of heat; an absurd result, which would imply the possibility 
of creating either force or heat ina gratuitous and indefinite manner. It 
appears to me that the impossibility of such a result might be accepted 
as a fundamental axiom of mechanics: the demonstration by pulleys, 
that Lagrange has given, of the principle of virtual velocities, against 
which no one has attempted to raise an objection, rests upon an analo- 
gous principle. In the same manner it may be proved that no gas or 
vapour exists which, employed in the processes described to transmit 
the heat of a hot body to a cold one, is capable of developing a larger 
quantity of action than any other gas or vapour. 

We shall therefore admit the following principles as the basis of 
our researches. 

Caloric passing from one body to another maintained at a lower tem- 
perature may cause the production of a certain quantity of mechanical 
action; there is a loss of vis viva whenever bodies of different tem- 
perature come into contact. The maximum effect will be produced 
when the passage of the caloric from the hot to the cold body takes 
place by one of the methods which we have just described. We may 
add, that the effect will be found to be independent of the chemical 
nature, of the quantity, and of the pressure of the gas or liquid em- 
ployed; so that the maximum quantity of action, which the passage of 
a determinate quantity of heat from a hot to a cold body can develop, 
is independent of the nature of the agents which serve to realize it. 

§ Il. 

We shall now translate analytically the various operations that have 
been described in the preceding paragraph ; we shall deduce from them 
the expression of the maximum quantity of action produced by the 
passage of a given quantity of heat from a body maintained at a deter- 
minate temperature, to another body maintained at a lower tempera- 
ture, and we shall arrive at new relations between the volume, the 
pressure, the temperature, and the absolute quantity of heat or latent 
caloric of solid, liquid, or gaseous bodies. 

_ Let us return to the two bodies A and B, and suppose that the tem- 


perature ¢ of the body B is lower by the infinitely small quantity d¢, 
than the temperature ¢ of the body A. We shall suppose in the first 
instance that a gas serves for the transmission to the body B, of the ca- 
loric of the body A. Let v, be the volume of the gas under the pres- 
sure py at a temperature of ¢,; let p and v be the volume and the 
pressure of the same weight of gas at the temperature ¢ of the body A. 
The law enunciated by Mariotte, combined with that of Gay-Lussac, 
establishes between these different quantities the relation 

= Po Vo 2 e); 
tered (Clie) 

or, for simplicity, ae - ; = 

pv=R (267 + 2). 

The body A is brought into contact with the gas. Let me = », 
ae = p (fig.3.). If the gas be allowed to expand by the infinitely 
small a ciany dv = eg, the temperature will remain constant, in con- 
sequence of the presence of the source of heat A; the pressure will 
diminish, and become equal to the ordinate bg. We now remove the 

Fig. 3. 


body A, and allow the gas to expand, in an inclosure impermeable to 
heat, by the infinitely small quantity g/, until the heat becomes latent, 
reduces the temperature of the gas by the infinitely small quantity dé, 
and thus brings it to the temperature ¢— dé of the body B. In eon- 
sequence of this reduction of temperature, the pressure will diminish 
more rapidly than in the first part of the operation, and will become 
ch. We now take the body B, and reduce the volume mh by the 
infinitely small quantity fh, calculated in such a manner that during 
this compression the gas may transmit to the body B all the heat 
it has derived from the body A during the first part of the opera- 
tion. Let fd be the corresponding pressure; that done, we remove 


the body B, and continue to compress the gas until it is again reduced 
to the volume me. The pressure will then again be equal to ae, as we 
have shown in the preceding paragraph; and in the same manner also 
it will be proved, that the quadrilateral figure a b ed will be the mea- 
sure of the quantity of action produced by the transmission to the body 
B, of the heat derived from the body A, during the expansion of the 

Now it is easy to show that this quadrilateral figure is a parallelo- 
gram ; this results from the infinitely small values assigned to the va- 
riations of the volume and pressure : let us conceive that perpendicu- 
lars are erected upon each point of the plane upon which the quadri- 
lateral figure abcd is traced, and that on each of them, commencing 
at their foot, are described two quantities T and Q, the first equal to 
the temperature, the second to the absolute quantity of heat possessed 
by the gas, when the volume and the pressure have the value assigned 
to them by the absciss v and the ordinate p which correspond to 
each point. 

The lines a6 and ed belong to the projections of two curves of 
equality of temperature, passing through two points infinitely near, 
taken upon the surface of temperatures; ab and ed are therefore 
parallel: ad and de will be also projections from two curves, for which 
Q = const., and which would also pass through two points infinitely 
near, taken upon the surface Q = f (pv); these two elements are there- 
fore also parallel. The quadrilateral figure abcd is therefore a paral- 
lelogram, and it is easy to see that its area may be obtained by multi- 
plying the variation of the volume during the contact of the gas with 
the body A or the body B, that is to say, eg, or its equal fh, by bx, the 
difference of the pressures supported during these two operations, and 
corresponding to the same value of the volume v. Now, eg, or fh, 
being the differentials of the volume, are equal to dv; bn will be ob- 
tained by differentiating the equation pv = R (267 + v), supposing v 

constant ; we shall then have bx =dp = R = The expression of 


the quantity of action developed will therefore be R 

It remains to determine the quantity of heat necessary to produce 
this effect : it is equal to that which the gas has derived from the body 
A, whilst its volume has increased by dv, at the same time preserving 
the same temperature ¢ Now Q being the absolute quantity of heat 
possessed by the gas, ought to be a certain function of p and of v, con- 
sidered as independent variables; the quantity of heat absorbed by the 
gas will therefore be 


but the temperature remaining constant during the variation of the vo- 
lume, we have 

vdp+pdv=O0,whencedp = — B dv, 

and consequently 
_ (4Q_ pdQ 
ee (Ge v dp 

If we divide the effect produced by this value of dQ, we shall 

dQ dQ 
ma es Pap 

for the expression of the maximum effect which can be developed by 
the passage of a quantity of heat equal to unity, from a body main- 
tained at the temperature ¢ to a body maintained at the temperature 
t — dt. 

We have shown that this quantity of action developed is indepen- 
dent of the agent which has served to transmit the heat; it is there- 
fore the same for all the gases, and is equally independent of the pon- 
derable quantity of the body employed: but there is nothing that 
proves it to be independent of the temperature; v - a 7; ought 
therefore to be equal to an unknown function of ¢, which is the same 
for all the gases. 

Now by the equation pv = R (267 + 4), ¢ is itself the function of 
the product p v; the partial differential equation is therefore 

pt dQ 
= F(p.v), 
Die a fader at Oe oak 
having for its integral 

Q=f(p-v) —F (p.v) log [ (hyp)p). 
No change is effected in the generality of this formula by substitut- 
ing for these two arbitrary functions of the product pv, the functions 

B and C of the temperature, multiplied by the coefficient R ; we shall 
thus have 

Q =R(B—C log p). 
That this value of Q satisfies all the conditions to which it is sub- 
ject may be easily verified ; in fact we have 

dQ_p dB p n dC p 

dv an ee 

dQ dB v dC v 1 
eam FL — loo 2: gine ale pisss\ \i 
dp Fram ae oe rin c=): 


whence - 
Q dQ _ 
v To ate ate 
and consequently 
Rdt mt 
»@Q EQ. - pik 
er re dp 

The function C by which the logarithm of the pressure in the 
value of Q is multiplied is, as we see, of great importance; it is inde- 
pendent of the nature of the gases, and is a function of the temperature 
alone; it is essentially positive, and serves as a measure of the maximum 
quantity of action developed by the heat. 

We have seen that of the four quantities Q, ¢, p, and v, two being 
known, the other two follow from them; they ought therefore to be 
united together by two equations; one of them, 

pe = R (267 + 4), 
results from the combined laws of Mariotte and Gay-Lussac. The 

Q=R (B—C lg p), 
deduced from our theory, is the second. However, the numerical de- 
termination of the alterations produced in the gases, when the volume 
and the pressure are varied in an arbitrary manner, requires a know- 
ledge of the functions B and C. 

We shall see upon another occasion that a value approaching to the 
function C may be obtained through a considerable extent of the ther- 
mometrical scale; besides, being determined for one gas it will be de- 
termined for all. As to the function B, it may vary in different gases; 
however, it is probable that it is the same for all the simple gases: that 
they ail have the same capacity for heat, is at least the apparent result 
of the indications of experiment. 

Let us return to the equation 

Q=R (B—C logp). 

We will compress a gas occupying the volume v, under the pressure 
p, until the volume becomes v', and allow it to cool till the tempera- 
ture sinks to the same point. Let p! be the new value of the pressure; 
let Q' be the new value of Q; we shall have 

Q-qQ'= RC log & = RC log —. 

The function C being the same for all the gases, it is evident that 
equal volumes of all the elastic fluids, taken at the same temperature 
and under the same pressure, being compressed or expanded by the same 
Sraction of their volume, disengage or absorb the same absolute quantity 
of heat. This law M. Dulong has deduced from direct experiment. 


This equation shows also that when a gas varies in volume without 
change of temperature, the quantities of heat absorbed or disengaged by 
this gas are in arithmetical progression, if the increments or reductions 
of volume are in geometrical progression. M. Carnot enunciates this 
result in the work already cited. 

The equation 

Q—Q=RC log (=) 

expresses a more general law; it includes all the circumstances by 
which the phenomenon can be affected, such as the pressure, the 
volume, and the temperature. 

In fact, since 

i Ti Siar 
27 +t 267+¢’ 

we have 

Q- qi 760 TG jor at 
per v 

This equation exhibits the influence of the pressure; it shows that 
equal volumes of all the gases, taken at the same temperature, being com- 
pressed or expanded by the same fraction of their volume, disengage or 
absorb quantities of heat proportionate to the pressure. 

This result explains why the sudden entrance of the air into the va- 
cuum of the air-pump does not disengage a sensible quantity of heat. 
The vacuum of the air-pump is nothing but a volume of gas v, of 
which the pressure p is very small; if atmospheric air be admitted, its 
pressure p will suddenly become equal to the pressure of p' of the at- 
mosphere, its volume v will be reduced to v', and the expression of the 
heat disengaged will be 

pv ere v 
Cragg Ey > Cpepary log Fe 

The heat disengaged by the reentrance of atmospheric air into the 

vacuum will therefore be what this expression becomes when p is there 

made very small; it is then found that log 2 becomes very great, 

but the product of p by log z is not the less small on that account ; 
in fact we have 
| p log > =p log p' — plog.p = p (log p! — log p) 

a quantity which converges towards zero when p diminishes. 

The quantity of heat disengaged will therefore be small in propor- 
tion to the feebleness of pressure in the recipient, and it will be re- 
duced to zero when the vacuum is perfect. 


We shall add that the equation 
Q=R(B— Clogp) 

gives the law of the specific calories at a constant pressure and volume. 
The expression of the first is 

eer Sey ae Poy 3 
5 dt. dt og) 

of the second, 

dBi de 1 dp 

eh Ocak 1 OY pee ga 

ate dy os ’) 
equal to 

aB aC C 

Berar eR gy 53) 

The first may be obtained by differentiating Q with relation to¢, sup- 
posing p constant; the second, by supposing v constant. If we take 
equal volumes of different gases at the same temperature and under the 
same pressure, the quantity R will be the same for all; and accordingly we 
see that the excess of specific caloric at a constant pressure, over the spe- 

cific caloric of aconstant volume, is thesame forall, and equalto ‘OF 

267 + t 
Sc EV. 

The same method of reasoning applied to vapours enables us to esta- 
blish a new relation between their latent caloric, their volume, and their 

We have shown in the second paragraph how a liquid passing into 
the state of vapour may serve to transmit the caloric from a body main- 
tained at a temperature T, to a body maintained at a lower temperature ¢, 
and how this transmission develops the motive force. 

Let us suppose that the temperature of the body B is lower by the 
infinitely small quantity dt than the temperature of the body A. We 
have seen that if cb (fig. 4.) represents the pressure of the vapour 

Fig. 4. 
| & 
| H ; 
| par ae 
| Ladin hind 
: ers 
| f ponl 
A a a See eee A a ees _ 
a ae ae 


of the liquid corresponding to the temperature ¢ of the body A, and fg 
that which corresponds to the temperature ¢ — dt of the body B; 64 
the increase of volume due to the vapour formed in contact with the 
body A, Ak that which is due to the vapour formed after the body A 
has been removed, the formation of which has reduced the temperature 
by the quantity dt; we have seen, I say, that the quantity of action de- 
veloped by the transmission of the latent caloric furnished by the body 
A, [and transmitted] from that body to the body B, is measured by the 
quadrilateral figure ede f. Now this surface is equal, if we neglect the 
infinitely small quantities of the second order, to the product of the vo- 
lume cd by the differential of the pressure dh —ek. Naming p the 
pressure of the vapour of the liquid corresponding to the temperature ¢, 

p will be a function of ¢, and we shall have dh — ek = ae dt. 

ed will be equal to the increase of volume produced in water when it. 
passes from the liquid into the gaseous state, under the pressure p, at a 
corresponding temperature. If we call p the density of the liquid, 6 that 
of the vapour, and v the volume of the vapour formed, ¢ v will be its 

weight, and Bs will be the volume of the liquid evaporated. The in- 

crease of volume owing to the formation of a volume v of vapour will 

therefore be 
v({1l— —). 

The effect produced will therefore be 

6 dp 
1-— — — dt. 
( iy br 

The heat, by means of which this quantity of action has been pro- 
duced, is the latent caloric of the volume v of vapour formed; let & be 
a function of ¢ representing the latent caloric contained in the unity 
of volume of the vapour furnished by the liquid subjected to experiment, 
at a temperature ¢, and under a corresponding pressure, the latent ca- 
lorie of the volume v will be Av, and the ratio of the effect produced 
to the heat expended will be expressed by 

2 enep 
( 1 =) ee 


We have demonstrated that it is the greatest which can possibly be 
obtained ; that it is independent of the nature of the liquid employed, 
and the same as that obtained by the employment of the permanent gases: 

now we have seen that this is expressed by 2 C being a function of ¢ 

independent of the nature of the gases; we shall therefore also have 


ee &\ dp 
pjdt 1 af _ b\dp 
agg ee whence k = @ yee 

With regard to the generality of vapours, the ratio a ae the density 

of the vapour to that of the liquid from which it is formed may be neg- 
lected before it arrives at unity, so long as the temperature is not very 
high ; we shall-have therefore, sensibly, 

This equation expresses that the latent caloric contained in equal 
volumes of the vapour of different liquids at the same temperature, and 
under the corresponding pressure, is proportional to the coefficient oe 
of the pressure with regard to the temperature. 
Whence it results, that the latent caloric contained in the vapours of 
liquids which commence boiling only at high temperatures, as mercury 

for example, is very feeble, since for these vapours the quantity ae is 

very small. 
We shall not insist upon the consequences which result from the equa- 

6 \dp 
k= ( = \e (On 

We shail simply remark that if, as everything leads us to believe, C 

and 2 do not become infinite for any value of the temperature, & will 

become null when we have 6= p, that is, that when the pressure is strong 
enough, and the temperature sufficiently elevated to render the density 
of the vapour equal to that of the liquid, the latent caloric is reduced to 

§ V. 

Variation is produced in the volume of all the substances of nature 
by changes in the temperature and pressure to which they are subjected; 
liquids and solids are amenable to this law, and serve equally to deve- 
lop the motive power of heat; it has been proposed to substitute them 
for the vapour of water, in order to render this motive force available ; 
they have even occasionally been advantageously employed, particularly 
when it was necessary to develop a very considerable momentaneous 
effort, exerted within narrow limits. 

In bodies of these kinds, as in the gases, it may be remarked, that of 
the four quantities, the volume v, the pressure p, the temperature T, and 
the absolute quantity of heat Q, two being determined, the others are 

Vor. I.—Parr III. 2c 


deducible from them ; if then we take two of them, p and v for example, 
as independent variables, the two others T and Q may be considered as 
functions of the former two. 

In what manner the quantities T, p, and v, vary with respect to each 
other may be ascertained by direct experiments upon the elasticity and 
dilatability of bodies ; it is thus that Mariotte’s law relative to the elasti- 
city of the gases, and Gay Lussac’s relative to their dilatability, lead to 
the equation 

pv=R (27+ 24); 
all that remains is to determine Q in functions of p and v. 

A relation exists between the functions T and Q, which may be de- 
duced from principles analogous to those which we have just established. 
Let us increase the temperature of the body by the infinitely small quan- 
tity d T, and at the same time prevent the increase of the volume; the 
pressure will then be augmented; if we represent the volume v by the 
absciss a (fig.5), and the primitive pressure by the ordinate 0 d, this 

Fig. 5. 

augmentation of pressure may be represented by the quantity df, which 
will be of the same order as the increase of temperature d T to which it 
is owing, that is infinitely small. 

Now we will take a source of heat A, maintained at the temperature 
T+ dT, and allow the volume v to increase by the quantity 6c; the 
presence of the source A, maintained at the temperature T + dT, pre- 
yents the reduction of the temperature. During this contact, the quan- 
tity Q of heat that the body possesses will increase by the quantity 
dQ, which will be derived from the source A. We will afterwards re- 
move the source A, and the given body will become cool by the quan- 
tity d T, at the same time retaining the volume ae. The pressure will 
then diminish by the infinitely small quantity ¢ e. 

The temperature of the body being thus reduced to T, which is that 
of the source of leat B, we will take B, and reduce the volume of the 


body by a quantity 6c, in such a manner that all the heat developed 
by the diminution of volume may be absorbed by the body B, and the 
temperature remain equal to its primitive value T. The volume V also 
again becoming the same as it was at the commencement of the opera- 
tion, it is certain that the pressure will return to its primitive value 6 d, 
as will also the absolute quantity of heat Q. 

If we now connect the four points f, g, e, d by right lines we shall fornt 
a quadrilateral figure, the area of which will measure the quantity of 
action developed during the operation described. Now it is easy to see 
that fg and de are two elements infinitely near, des¢ribed upon two 
curves infinitely near, the equations of which will be T + dT = const., 
and T=const. They ought therefore to be considered as parallel ; the 
two ordinates which terminate the quadrilateral figure in the other di- 
rection being also parallel, the figure is parallelogrammical, and mea- 
sures be X df. 

Now fd is nothing but the increase experienced by the pressure p, 
the volume v remaining constant, and T becoming T + dT. We have 

— ¢p 
df= aT 
fd= TT dT. 
And be being the increase of volume do 
fadxXbe _ dvidT 

It only remains to determine the heat consumed in the production of 
this quantity of mechanical action. 

We have first raised the temperature of the body subjected to expe- 
riment by the quantity dT without changing its primitive volume v; 
afterwards, when it had become v + dv, we have lowered its tempera- 
ture by the same quantity d T without varying its primitive volume 
v+dv. Now it may easily be seen that this double operation can 
be effected without loss of heat; let us suppose that » being a number 
indefinitely great, the interval of temperature dT be divided into a 

number z of new intervals Be and that we have z + 1 sources of 

heat maintained at the Sig T, T +..— ae , T+ zat. neeicrcrig 
B+ @—U4F and T + AT. 

To raise ite temperature of the body upon which we are operating 


from T to T + dT, we bring it successively into contact with the se- 
cond, the third, and the (7 +1)th of these sources, until it has ac- 
quired the temperature of each of them. When, on the contrary, the 
volume v of the body being increased by d v, we wish to give it the tem- 
perature T, we bring it successively into contact with the wth, the 
(x — 1)th, and the first of these sources, until it has acquired the tem- 
perature of each of them. We then return to these sources the heat 
that has been borrowed from them in the first part of the operation; for 
it is not necessary to attend to the differences of an order of inferior mag- 
nitude, arising from changes that may have been produced in the speci- 
fic caloric of the body, in consequence of the variations of v and Q. 
Nothing therefore will have been lost or gained by any of these 
sources, excepting always the source of which the temperature is T+ d T, 
which will have lost the heat necessary to elevate the temperature of the 

body upon which we are operating from T + Aha T+dT, 

and the source maintained at the temperature T, which will have ac- 

quired the heat necessary to reduce the temperature of the same body 


from T +—— to T. If we suppose x to be infinitely great, these quan- 

tities of Wit may be neglected. 

We see, therefore, that when the body in question, (its temperature 
being thus reduced to T,) is brought into contact with the source of 
heat B, the heat communicated to it from the source A will be all it 
has gained from the commencement of the operation. In consequence 
of the reduction of its volume in contact with the body B, it will be found 
at its original volume and temperature; the quantities Q and P will 
therefore have re-assumed their primitive value; it is therefore certain 
that all the heat borrowed from the source A, and nothing but that heat, 
will have been given to the body B. 

Whence it results that the effect produced, 

dvd T 
is owing to the transmission of the heat absorbed by the body subjected 
to the experiment during its contact with the source A, and which has 
afterwards flowed into the source B. 

The temperature having remained constant during the contact with 
the source A, it follows that the variations dp and dv of the pressure 
and the volume are connected by the relation 

dT dT 
ap ——dp+ aut v=0 

These variations dp and dv occasion a variation in the absolute A vnc 

tity of heat Q, the expression of which is 



(5 “y 

dota ye?» er igo\a 

BOS See deo ree fear ey 
L dp} 

such is the quantity of heat consumed in the production of the effect 
that we have just calculated. The effect produced by a quantity of heat 
equal to unity will therefore be 
dQ dt dQ aT 
dv dp dp dv 
It will be shown, as in the case of the gases, that this effect produced, 
is the largest which it is possible to realize; and as all the substances of 
nature may be employed, in the manner that has just been indicated, 

to produce this maximum effect, it is necessarily the same for all. 
When this theory has been applied specially to the gases, we have 

called z= the coefficient of d T in the expression of this maximum quan- 

tity of action; the equation therefore of all thesubstances of nature, solid, 
liquid, or gaseous, will be 
dQ dT_ dQ aT_ 
dv dp dp dv 
in which C is a function of the temperature which is the same for all. 
For the gases we have 

T = — 267 + +p, 

whence we deduce 
ale, 3c A SAR 
dp = R and a = R° 
The preceding equation applied to the gases takes therefore the 
dQ dQ _ sks : 
Vite TR ap a RC=F(p,v): 
it is the equation at which we have already arrived, and of which the 
integral is 
that of the general equation 

1s of the form 
Q=F(T)— Co»); 

F(T) is an arbitrary function of the temperature, and ¢ (p, v) a parti- 
cular function satisfying the equation 


(See the note appended to this Memoir.) 

We shall now deduce various consequences from the general equation 
at which we have arrived. 

We have previously seen that when we compress a body by the quan- 
tity dv, the temperature remaining constant, the heat disengaged by 
the condensation is equal to 

laa ~ zo (ee) |: 
dQ=dv dp ( 7T 

sane dp } 

dQdT dQdT_ 

and as 

the preceding expression takes the form 

ice '& 
IQ EM Fs ey 
‘Ss ae 

This last equation may be put under the form 
dQ=-—d mons 

Q pc aT 

i is the differential coefficient of the volume with regard to the tem- 
perature, the pressure remaining constant. 

We thus arrive at this general law, which is applicable to all the sub- 
stances of nature, solid, liquid, or gaseous : Jf the pressure supported by 
different bodies, taken at the same temperature, be augmented by a small 
quantity, quantities of heat will be disengaged from it, which will be pro- 
portional to their dilatability by heat. 

This result is the most general consequence deducible from this axiom: 
that it is absurd to suppose that motive force or heat can be created 
gratuitously and absolutely. 

§ VI. 

The function of the temperature C is, as we see, of great importance, 
in consequence of the part it. sustains in the theory of heat: it enters 
into the expression of the latent calorie which is contained in all sub- 
stances, and which is disengaged from them by pressure. Unfortu- 
nately no experiments have been made from which we can determine 
the values of this function, corresponding to all the values of the tem- 
perature. To obtain ¢ = 0 we must proceed in the following manner. 


a pat 


M. Dulong has shown that the air, and all the other gases taken at 
the temperature of 0°, and under the pressure 0™76 of mercury, when 

compressed by a of their volume, disengage a quantity of heat, ca- 

pable of elevating the same volume of atmospheric air by 0°421. 

Suppose that we operate upon a kilogramme of air occupying a 
volume v = 0°770 of a cubic metre, under the pressure of the atmo- 
sphere p, equivalent to 10230 kilogrammes upon a square metre ; we 

pv=R (267 + 2), 
If a variation be suddenly effected in v by an infinitely small quan- 
tity dv, without there being any variation in the absolute quantity of 
heat Q, we shall have 

dB dC d 
OS Rf ee — cab? & LA 9 
(F log pF; ) ae Rca, 


or preferably 

og (Ge ber $e )=R dp_R (Ato —Rdt—pdv 
267 + ¢ 

d : ie ; ; 
Now R ae Se log P) being the partial differential of Q in re- 
spect of ¢, p remaining constant, is nothing else than the specific caloric 
of the air at a constant pressure; it is the number of unities of heat ne- 
cessary to elevate a kilogramme of air under atmospheric pressure by 
one degree; we have therefore 

dB _¢ = 
Roi = 
BE tog p) = 0-267. 
Then substituting — Py for dv, and 0°421 for dt, we arrive lastly at 
— = 141. 

This is the maximum effect producible by a quantity of heat, equal to 
that which would elevate by 1° a kilogramme of water taken at zero, 
passing from a body maintained at 1° to a body maintained at 0° It 
is expressed in kilogrammes raised one metre high. 

_ Having the value of C, which corresponds to ¢ = 0, it is interesting 
% know, setting out from this point, whether C increases or decreases, 
and in what proportion. An experiment of MM. De Laroche and Bé- 
_vard upon the variations experienced by the specific caloric of the air, 


when the pressure is varied, enables us to calculate the value of the dif- 

In fact, according to our formulas, the specific calorie of the air un- 

ferential coeffici 

“; rendering this 

der two pressures p and p! differs by R Mie log ? ; 

quantity equal to the difference of the specific calorics, as it has been 

deduced from the results of MM. De Laroche and Bérard ; taking the 

mean of two experiments, we find 

dC 9 
dt = = 0°002565. 

In these experiments the air entered into the calorimeter at the tem- 
perature of 96°90, and quitted it at that of 22°83 ; 0°002565 is therefore 

the mean value of the differential coefficient a between these two 


From this result we learn, that between these two limits the function 
C increases, though very slowly; consequently the quantity é dimi- 
nishes ; whence it follows that the effect produced by the heat diminishes 
at high temperatures, though very slowly. 

The theory of vapours will furnish us with new values of the func- 
tion C at other temperatures. Let us return to the formula 

which we have demonstrated in paragraph IV. If we neglect the den- 
sity of the vapour before that of the fluid, this formula will be reduced 

1 _dt 
hig Sa 

We may remark in passing, that at the temperature of ebullition oe 

is nearly the same for all vapours; C itself varies little with the tempe- 
rature, so that & is nearly constant. This explains the observations of 
certain philosophers, who have remarked that at the boiling point, equal 
volumes of all vapours contain the same quantity of latent caloric ; but 
we see at the same time that we are only approximating to this law, since 

it supposes that C and be are the same for all vapours at the boiling 



From the experiments made by several philosophers we are enabled to 
calculate the values corresponding to the boiling point of & and £ » for 
different liquids; we can therefore deduce from them the corresponding 

al Pa. 
values o CG 

T Corre- 
empera~ | sponding 
ture values 

of 1 
ebullition. of 




pour at the temp. 
of ebullition, the 
density of the air 
a kilogramme of 

being 1. 
heat contained in 


Density of the va- 
Quantity of latent 

Sulphuric Ether... 

PAICOHON.. 6.0.2 00c0e8 

sites "4.51 2. . ° 
eee 391 0°45 543°0 | 100 1115 
Ree treo | 8207.) 768. | 1668 | 1-076 
pentine ...... 30 

These results confirm, in a striking manner, the theory that we are 
explaining ; they show that C is slowly augmented with the tempera- 

ture, as has been already stated : we have seen that for ¢ = 0, = = 1°41, 

whence C = 0°7092; this result is deduced from experiments upon the 

velocity of sound. 
We here find, starting from experiments upon the vapour of water, 

for ¢ = 100°, a = 1115, whence C = 0°8969; C is therefore in- 

creased from 0 at 100° to 0°187, which gives as the mean of the dif- 
ferential coefficient between these two limits 
dC — o00187. 

The mean of the two experiments performed by MM. De Laroche 
and Bérard gives us, between the limits 22°83 and 96-90, for the mean 
value of “ the quantity 0°002565. 

These two resulis differ little from each other, and their divergence 
will be sufficiently explained, by reflecting on the number and the va- 
riety of the experiments whence the data on which they are founded 
are derived. 


There is another means of calculating the values of a between 

extended limits of the temperature in an approximative manner; for 
this it is necessary to admit, that the quantity of caloric contained in a 
given weight of the vapour of water is the same whatever be the tem- 
perature and the corresponding pressure; and still further, that the 
laws relative to the compression and the dilatation of the permanent 
gases are equally applicable to vapours: adopting these laws, towards 
which we have only approximated, the formula 

1 _dt 
1) § eK 

will express K in function of ¢; = may be deduced from 0 to 100° 

from experiments long since made by several philosophers, and from 
100° to 224° from recent experiments of MM. Arago and Dulong. 

Thus we find for Values of oe 
l 1 
= 1°586 1°410 

t= 35°5 300. 

We have already found for 

ing to the same values of ¢. 

= 1102 1°106 

] 1 
t= 78:8 = 1142 the values of G correspond- 4 1:208 
é€= 100° € 

t= 1568 = 1072 1-078 
These last, deduced from experiments upon sound, the vapours of 
sulphuric ether, alcohol, water, and essence of turpentine, accord with 
the first ina satisfactory manner. 

These remarkable coincidences, obtained by numerical operations 
performed upon a great variety of data, furnished by phenomena of 
many different kinds, appear to us to add greatly to the evidence of our 

§ VI. 

The function C is, as we have seen, of great importance: it is the 
connecting link of all the phenomena produced by heat upon solid, 
liquid, or gaseous bodies. It is greatly to be desired that experiments 
of the most precise exactitude, such as the researches upon the propa- 
gation of sound in gases taken at different temperatures, were instituted, 
in order to establish this function with all the requisite certainty. It 


would conduce to the determination of several other important elements 
of the theory of heat, with regard to which we know nothing, or have 
arrived by our experiments at very insufficient approximations only. 
In this number may be included the heat disengaged by the compression 
of solid or liquid bodies; the theory that we have enunciated enables 
us to determine it numerically for all the values of the temperature for 
which the function C is known in a manner sufficiently exact, that is to 
say, from ¢ = 0 to ¢ = 224°. 

We have seen that the heat disengaged by the augmentation of 
pressure dp is equal to the dilatation by the heat of the body subjected 
to experiment, multiplied by C. With regard to the air taken at zero, 
the quantity of heat disengaged may be directly deduced from the ex- 
periments upon sound in the following manner. 

M. Dulong has shown that a compression of oa raises the tempera- 
ture of a volume of air taken at zero by 0°421. Now the 0:267 unity 
of heat necessary to elevate a kilogramme of air taken at zero under a 
constant pressure by 1°, are equal to the heat necessary to maintain the 

temperature of the gas dilated by a of its volume at zero, above the 

heat necessary to elevate the dilated volume, maintained) constant, by 

1°; the last is equal to mi aI of the first; their sum is therefore equal 
to the first multiplied by 1 + OL ; the former therefore, that is the 

heat necessary to maintain the temperature of 1 kil. of air, dilated by 
on of its volume, at zero, is equal to (0-267) : ( “ees opi or to 
_ We arrive at, the same results by the application of the formula 
Q=R (B—C log p); 

: ee! ; eer 1 
putting C = 75>; and observing that a diminution of volume of 67 

corresponds to an increase of pressure equal to 267 of an atmosphere. 

Knowing the quantity of heat disengaged from gases by compression, 
to ascertain that which a similar pressure would disengage from any 
substance whatever, from iron for example, we write the proportion: 
0:07911 of heat disengaged by a volume of air equal to 0°77 of a cubic 

metre, subjected to an. increase of pressure equal to of an ate 


mosphere, is to that disengaged from the same volume of iron under 
the same circumstances as 0°00375, the cubic dilatability of the air, is 
to 0:00003663, the cubic dilatability of iron. For the second term of 
the proportion we find the number 0:0007718. Nowa volume of 0™77 
of iron weighs 5996 kilogrammes ; the heat disengaged by one kilo- 
gramme will therefore be alti ; for the pressure of an atmosphere 
it will be 267 times more considerable, or equal to 0°00003436 ; the 
division of this number by the specific caloric of the iron referred to 
that of water gives the quantity of the elevation of the temperature of 
the iron by the pressure of an atmosphere ; it is, we see, too feeble to be 
appreciated by our thermometrical instruments. 

§ VIII. 

We shall not further insist upon the consequences to the theory of 
heat of the results enunciated in this Memoir; but it may, perhaps, be 
useful to add a few words upon the employment of heat as a motive 
force. M.S. Carnot, in the work already cited, appears to have esta- 
blished the true basis of this important part of practical mechanics. 

High or low pressure engines without detent (dé¢ente) bring into use 
the vis viva developed by the caloric contained in the vapour, in its pas- 
sage from the temperature of the boiler to that of the condenser; the 
high pressure engines without condenser act as if provided with a con- 
denser at a temperature of 100°. In the latter, therefore, all that is 
brought into use is the passage of the latent caloric contained in the 
vapour, from the temperature of the boiler to the temperature 100°. As 
to the sensible caloric of the vapour, it is entirely lost in all the engines 
without detent. 

The sensible caloric is in part utilized in the engines with detent, 
in which the temperature of the vapour is allowed to sink: the cy- 
lindrical envelope, the use of which in Woulf’s engines with two cy- 
linders is to maintain the vapour at a constant temperature, though very 
useful to diminish the limits of the variation of the motive force acting 
upon the pistons, has an injurious influence as to the quantity of effect 
produced compared to the consumption of fuel. 

To render useful all the motive force at our disposal, the detent 
should be continued until the temperature of the vapour be reduced to 
that of the condenser; but practical considerations, suggested by the 
manner in which the motive force of fire is employed in the arts, pre- 
vent the attainment of this limit. 

We have elsewhere shown that the employment of gases, or of any 
other liquid than water, between the same limits of temperature, could 
add nothing to the results already obtained; but from the preceding 
considerations it follows, that the temperature of the fire being from 



1000° to 2000° higher than that of the boilers, there is an enormous 
loss of vis viva in the passage of the heat from the furnace into the 
boiler. It is therefore only from the employment of caloric at high 
temperatures, and from the discovery of agents proper to realize its 
motive force, that important improvements may be expected in the art 
of utilizing the mechanical power of heat. 

The integral of the general equation 
aQ. dT _dQaT _¢ 
dv dp dp dv 
is, as we have seen, 
ECP) — a (gpa es Poa os ee) 
F (T) is an arbitrary function of the temperature T, varying from one 
body to another; C is a function of the temperature which is the same 

for all the substances of nature, and ¢ (p, v) is a particular function of 
Pp, and of v satisfying the equation 

ET aie Wg pete em 

be substituted in the equation (2), it will be 
dT de?’ dTd¢’ aT [a 

this equation is satisfied by putting 

= “ dp 
_ P PMY “a. 
anes v 
@" satisfying the equation 
aT = 
4 ieag a tage ‘al a ne p ad aT 
ia ee Ty, = 7 Se ? 
dv dp dpdv dp roe d a fi 


We thus see that ¢ (pv) is given by a series of terms, each of which 
is obtained by means of the preceding one, by differentiating it in re- 

spect to v, multiplying by the ratio 4 and integrating the result in 

respect of p. Thefirst term of this series being / dT, it is evident that 

the value of ¢ may be easily obtained; substituting this value in the 
equation (1), we have for the expression of the general integral of the 
partial differential equation 

dQadT: dQdTi2 

peice a ai alia oop | 6 
dvudp dp dv 
the formula 
Q=F(T)-—C dp 
pasties dp 
dp 4 nye 
fr arde fo 
dT d 
dp d dp a = 
ao = = ed 
tf? afro fs 
v dv 
+ . . e . . . . . . . . . . 

This equation gives the law of the specific calorics, and of the heat 
disengaged by the variations of the volume and of the pressure of all 
the substances of nature, when the relation which exists between the 
temperature, the volume, and the pressure is known. 


Remarks on the cause of the Sound produced by Insects in 
Slying ; by Dr. Hermann Burmeister, of the University 
of Berlin. 

From Poggendorff’s Annalen derPhysik und Chemie, vol. xxxviii. No. 6. p. 283.* 

Ir is an opinion generally entertained by natural philosophers, that 
the sound which insects produce during their flight arises from a vibration 
of the wings. ‘This notion can have had its origin only in the circum- 
stance that no one had taken the trouble to examine sufficiently into the 
mechanism which produces thesound. I feel myself the more justified 
in making this assertion, as I find merely incidental remarks on the 
buzzing of insects recorded by naturalists, who notice the phenomenon 
only for the purpose of illustration. Baumgzrtner in his “Naturléhre,” 
(3rd edit. 1829, p. 229,) expresses himself thus: “Therefore an insect 
can produce a sound through the rapid vibration of the wings :”—and 
Wilh. Weber says in his essay on tubes with tongues (Zungenpfeifen), 
(Leges Oscillationis oriunde, si duo corpora diversa celeritate oscillantia 
ita conjunguntur ut oscillare non possunt nisi simul et synchronice, ex- 
emplo illustrate tubulorum linguatorum.—Hale 1827, 4to,) Page 1: 
“Insecta v.c. quedam volantia motu alarum sonum certe ultitudinis pro- 
ferunt: ale vero neutiquam in ipsis insita earumque partes ad equili- 
brium repellente agitantur, sed vi extra alas posita, musculorum nimirum 
etnervorum. In both cases, therefore, the cause of the sound is referred 
to the motion of the wing as a vibrating body. 
In the course of an investigation of the different methods by which 
insects produce sound, with the view of communicating them in my 
Manual of Entomology (vol.i. p.509, Berlin, 1832), my attention was first 
directed to this subject, and [ soon found that the wings have no part 
whatever in the formation of the sound, for the hum of the insect 
continues even when its wings are entirely cut away. I perceived, 
however, a different pitch of the sound; and remarked that the more 
of the wing was taken away the higher this became. The insect on 
which I made my experiments was Eristalis tenax. I have at this time 
no living specimen of this species at hand, but have now another dipte- 
rous insect still larger, the Tabanus bovinus, on which I have repeated 
all my experiments, and obtained precisely the same result. It appeared to 

* The Editor is indebted for the translation to Mr. W. Francis of Berlin. 


me, therefore, not improper to call the attention of natural philosophers 
to this subject by a special memoir, and in particular to give a sketch 
of the mechanism which forms the sound. I must next remark, that 
the sound which the insect emits is capable of considerable variations. 
It may be that it maintains an equality of pitch and strength during a 
uniform motion of the wings, for so in fact it appears; but every 
change in the velocity of the flight, every disturbance of the ordinary 
motion, generally causes also an alteration in the tone. An idea of the 
origin of the tone is however only to be obtained when the insect is held 
by the legs, and excited by pressure or other means to go through all its 
motions of the wing, and thus to produce a sound. I found in this 
manner that the tone of the common gad-fly ( Zabanus bovinus) varied 

self from the hands of the troublesome observer was shown with greater 
or less energy. Such a difference might be explained, it is true, upon 
the supposition that the agitation of the wing produces the tone by the 
varying rapidity with which the vibrations are made; but this expla- 
nation is untenable, as the same phzenomenon continues when the wings 
are entirely cut away; an operation which produces only a variation of 
the tone, but does not render its formation impossible. 

Before I proceed to assign the true cause of the sound, I think it ne- 
cessary to give a short description of that part of the insect by which 
alone the sound is produced. This part is the breast or ‘horax. This 
consists, in two-winged insects (Diptera, Linn.) of a simple cavity, co- 
vered by a thin elastic parchment-like envelope, which exhibits on its 
surface various symmetrically arranged elevations and depressions (fig. 7. 
Plate V.), but is notwithstanding perfectly continuous. These elevations, 
the relative magnitude and form of which differ very much in different 
diptera, originate either in the muscles attaching themselves to the in- 
ternal surface of the cavity, or in air-bladders forming continuations of 
the trachez, which stretch in these parts the coriaceous skin and make it 
vesicular. The largest of these elevations is the vaulted partition which 
forms the limit between the thorax and the abdomen (Kirby’s mefa- 
phragma. Fig. 7. B), and to which the great dorsal muscle, of which a 
horizontal section is represented in fig.S. A Plate V., is attached in the di- 
rection AB. On the middle of the back the further point of connection of 
this muscle forms a broad longitudinal stripe. Near to this, on each side, 
appear two elevations, a front one lesser (fig. 7. C), and a hinder one 
greater (fig. 7. E, where it appears partly covered by the wing): both 
originate in the lateral muscles, which are extended in the direction C D 
and EF through the cavity of the thorax. In fig. 8. a section of them 

as the effort to extricate it- 


is also exhibited, the front pair between CD and BB, the hinder pair 
between EF and CC. Besides these lateral muscles, there is a pair si- 
tuated behind EF, and another pair in the intermediate space between 
CD and EP, which has a slanting position, and the whole course of 
which may easily be perceived in fig. DD. These muscles, namely 
the single great dorsal muscle and the four pair of lateral muscles, are 
capable of contracting the cavity of the thorax in different directions ; 
the first only from the fore to the hind part, so as to increase the con- 
vexity of the back, the other four pair from the upper to the inferior 
part, so that the sides become more arched, and the back flatter. The 
other elevations are less interesting to us, and contain the muscles for 
the movement of individual organs. Thus, for example, in the elevations 
G at fig. 7. lie the muscles which serve to expand and elevate the wings: 
they are represented in fig. 8. by E E and FF: in the elevation behind A 
lies the muscle which serves to close the air-hole fig. 7*; in the elevations 
a, b, ce, which are the hips of the three pair of thighs, are the muscles 
for the motion of the legs, &c. The depressions between the elevations 
are immaterial: there are however three of them, of which we must take 
a more particular notice; namely, the one wherein the further air- or re- 
spiration-hole (stigma) is situated (fig. 7*.), the second in which the 
hinder air-hole is perceived (fig. 7**), and the third in which the wing 
is placed, and which we perceive (fig. 8) in the section at the point of 
insertion of each wing (dd). Having thus far considered the structure 
of the thorax, we have now only to observe that the spaces between the 
muscles are filled up by the tubes which carry air to the trachez, and 
that the chain of nerves and the aorta, which are supported by the forked 
prolongation of the covering represented at fig. 8, traverse the larger 
space beneath the dorsal muscle of the intestinal canal. 

We find as the external organs of the thorax, the wings, the poisers 
(halteres), the scales, and the legs. The wings, d, are placed in a depres- 
sion on the side of the thorax, which is formed by a very thin prolon- 
gation of the exterior envelope in a slanting direction, as may be seen 
in fig. 7. They consist of a pocket-like folding of the epidermis, sup- 
ported and extended by the horny veins. The muscles by which the 
wings are expanded and elevated commence at the base of those veins. 
Behind the wing is the scale, a circular pellicle (fig.7.g), which is placed 
perpendicularly, connected with the basis of the wings, and moved by 
muscles of its own. Behind this, quite at the end of the thorax, are si- 
tuated the poisers (fig. 8. f.), which are the rudiments of the undeveloped 
hinder wings, and are likewise capable of independent movement by 
their proper muscles. We have already mentioned that the legs are at- 
tached to the hips (fig. 8. a, b, c,); their structure is unimportant to our 

The movement of the wing, on which the sound in the next place de- 

Vor. L—Panrr III. 2D 


pends, is produced by the contraction of the lateral muscles ; for, the co- 
vering of the back being drawn down presses on the base of the wing, and 
thereby the short base end of the wing, projecting freely into the cavity of 
the thorax, is forced downwards beneath the wing about the more out- 
ward point of support; in consequence of which the opposite end rises. 
This raising of the wing is then accelerated by its proper muscles of ele- 
vation E E and F F, but ceases as soon as these and the simultaneously 
contracted lateral muscles are relaxed. The wing now falls again, which 
falling is accelerated by the contraction of the dorsal muscle and the 
concomitant curvature of the back. Such then is the mechanism which 
produces the action of the wing. But at the same time this mechanism 
also causes rhythmical contractions and expansions of the whole thorax 
and of thenumerous air- canals of its interior. Now the contraction drives 
out a part of the air; the expansion, on the contrary, causes an equal 
quantity of fresh air to stream through the air-pipes above described ; 
and there is, therefore, connected with the motion of the wings, a con- 
stant, proportionally rapid, and intensive breathing ; and this breathing 
is the cause of the sound. It produces the sound by the alternate efflux 
and influx of the air, just as the current of air sounds the eolian harp 
when forced at short intervals through the small holes of the sound- 
board, or (to take a more familiar example) by a mechanism similar to 
that of the mouth in whistling. The sound of the zolian harp bears 
a wonderful resemblance to that of many insects; and the observation 
that the sound is no longer heard when the air-holes of the thorax are 
closed, without however injuring the insect in any other manner, is de- 
cisive. It is true that the insect dies of suffocation soon after this ex- 
periment, but not directly, because the respiration through the air-holes 
of the abdomen continues for some time; but these emit no sound during 
the flight of the insect, for they are then inactive, as other observations 
have proved; the insect breathes through the air-holes of the abdominal 
part when it sits and crawls, but through the air-holes of the thorax 
when on the wing. According to this the hum of insects is in reality a 
whistle. The variation which the mutilation of the wings causes in the 
tone is easily to be accounted for, if we consider that by this action the 
moveable part becomes lighter, and also that the motion of the same, by 
the continued equal exertion, is quicker; but this causes a quicker cur- 
rent of air, which must produce a higher tone. On the contrary, a mu- 
tilation of the moveable apparatus produces a slower motion, a slower 
current of air, a deeper tone. I believe that the foregoing facts and 
observations offer sufficient evidence, but the reader can satisfy him- 
self as to the truth of the phenomenon by performing the same simple 

Ihave now only to add, that I have, in my Manual of Entomology, 
mace mention of small moveable plates which are found behind the aper- 

ture of the stigma. Their presence however is not general: in the Za- 
banus bovinus they do not appear, but are found in Hristalis tenax. I 
have given an engraving of the hinder air-hole, magnified forty times, in 
which it is shown on the inner side. We find an oval band-like claudent 
muscle or sphincter, to both ends of which other muscular bands are 
attached: perpendicular to the inner surface of this claudent muscle stand 
sixteen to eighteen small horny lamelle, which are of the same breadth 
as the muscle, and connected in the middle by another longitudinal 
horny band. On the other side, which is directed outwards, the claudent 
muscle is clothed with skin, upon which are feathery hairs, which cover 
the entrance of the air-pipe like a sieve and exclude foreign bodies. _ I 
am at present inclined to consider these small horny lamelle rather as 
a mere scaffolding serving to support the claudent muscle, but leave it 
to naturalists to decide whether, and how far, they contribute to the for- 
mation of the sound. In either case however this can be but of little 
consequence, as Many insects possess no such plates. 

I have further to combat some objections which have already been 
publicly urged against the correctness of my theory of the production 
of the sound. M. Silbermann has given publicity to this in France by 
a translation of the chapter of my work which treats on this subject in 
his Revue Entomologique, by which also M. Goureau was led to perform 
similar experiments. The latter finds* all that I have said perfectly exact, 
except that the sound is suspended when the stigma is closed, and this 
is precisely the main point of the question. On the contrary, however, 
I must maintain that, although a sound may be heard as long as the 
gum employed to close the stigma is moist, and the air can make its way 
through it, none is audible when the gum is perfectly dry. The animal 
indeed dies of suffocation soon after. M.Goureau has not taken this cir- 
cumstance into consideration, but has even hazarded the opinion that the 
sound originates through the friction of the edges of those plates which 
compose the thorax. This can however be the case in those insects only 
in which we find on the thorax really distinct plates connected by fibres; 
and as the diptera are not in possession of such, his theory cannot be 
applied to them. But even in respect to the other orders with skeleton 
hips his theory is untenable ; first, because the mobility of these hips, 
on account of their intimate connection, must be very trifling; and se- 
condly, because the sound is far too strong to be produced by the friction 
of such minute surfaces. That the feeble sound of the chirping Capri- 
corn beetle ( Cerambycina), when the body is in a quiet position, is really 
produced by such friction is well known; but it is also obvious, from the 
feebleness of this sound, that the loud buzzing of the flying insects, 
which besides sounds quite differently, cannot arise from such friction. 

* Revue Entomologique, by G. Silbermann, Strasb. 1835, vol. iii. p. 107. 


To conclude, I have to mention in addition to the above, that MM. J. F. 
Schelver*, Dumeril+, and Chabrier {, are quite of my opinion, even 
though Schelver differs from me in some unimportant points; however, 
neither their observation, nor the theory of the phenomenon, has been 
communicated by them with sufficient detail. 

Explanation of the Figures. 

Puate V. Fig.’7. A side view of the thorax of Tabanus bovinus, magni- 
fied eight times in linear dimension. 
Fig. 8. Horizontal section of the same, in the direction between 
ED (Fig. 7.), at the same power. 
Fig.9. Air-hole of Hristalis tenax, magnified forty times. 

* Wiedemann’s Archiv, vol. ii. part 2. p. 210. 
+ Essai sur le Vol des Insects. Paris, 1822, p.40 seq. 
+ Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, vol. i. p. 15. 

{The reader may be amused by referring to The Clouds of Aristophanes, where _ 
Socrates is described as engaged in an investigation of this subject.—Ep1r. ] 


ArticLe XVII. 
Note on the Reflection of Radiant Heat ; by M. MEttont. 

(Read before the Academy of Sciences of Paris, November 2nd, 1835.) 
From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. ux. p. 402. 

A.ruoucu the researches of Leslie and Rumford established the 
fact that the quantities of calorific rays reflected by different bodies 
depend on the nature of those bodies and the polish of their surfaces, 
the proportion of the reflected to the incident heat in each particular 
case remained yet undetermined. The results presented by my experi- 
ments on the immediate transmission of radiant heat enable us to solve 
this question with considerable exactness. 

When the calorific rays fall perpendicularly on the anterior surface 
of a diathermanous plate with parallel faces, they undergo a certain re- 
flection, then penetrate into the interior of the plate, reach its further 
surface, and, after there undergoing a second reflection, issue forth into 
the air, pursuing their original direction. In certain cases there is no 
internal absorption, and consequently the difference between the incident 
heat and that transmitted, will in such cases be the value of the reflec- 
tions produced at both surfaces. The substance in which this fact is 
most distinctly perceived is rock salt. We know that plates of this sub- 
stance, when very pure and well polished, transmit 0°923 of the incident 
heat, whatever may be the thickness of the plates, the nature of the 
rays, or the modifications which these may have previously suffered in 
their passage through other plates. 

Let us suppose, for example, two plates of rock salt, the one measur- 
ing one millimetre*, and the other ten millimetres} in thickness. Ac- 
cording to what we have just stated, the transmissions of these two plates 
will be equal; and if we imagine the thick plate divided into ten layers, 
each one millimetre thick, the absorbent power of the nine layers that 
succeed the first will be of no appreciable value. Hence we may infer 
that, if the rays suffer any absorption, it must be in the first layer. Let 
us suppose for a moment that this takes place. On this hypothesis, the 
molecules which constitute the first layer of one millimetre in thickness 
will retain all the heat that is not completely transmissible by rock salt, 
and the quantity of heat lost in the passage through either of the two 
plates, that is, 1 — 0-923, or 0:077, will be but the sum of the rays ab- 
sorbed or retained, and of those reflected at the two surfaces. Let the 

* 0°03987 in. T 0:394 in, 


heat, as it issues from the source, be received on one of the two plates, 
the thinner, for instance, and as it emerges from this let it be trans- 
mitted through the other. The supposed absorption or purification will 
have taken place in the first plate; and allowance being made for the 
rays reflected at the two surfaces, none will reach the second plate but 
such as are completely transmissible by its substance, so that the less 
suffered by these rays in their passage through the second plate will be 
necessarily less than 0°077. But experiment shows that even in passing 
through the second plate the quantity of heat transmitted is exactly 
0°923, and the quantity lost 0°077. It is clear therefore that no absorp- 
tion can have taken place in the passage through the first plate, and that 
0°077 is precisely the amount of loss produced by reflection at the first 
and the second surface of each plate. 

As the nature of the source of heat has no influence on the transmission 
of rock salt, the calorific rays must evidently suffer the same loss (0°077) 
in the sum of the reflections which they undergo when entering and leay- 
ing the plate of rock salt. The same may be said of the different rays 
emitted by the same source, for the loss 0°077 is constant with respect 
to heat emerging from all sorts of screens exposed to the action of any 
calorific radiation whatsoever. 

We may now, with the greatest facility, ascertain the proper value of 
each of the reflections. Let 1 represent the incident heat, and R the 
amount of reflection at the first surface, then 1 — R will be the quan- 
tity that penetrates the plate, and R (1 — R) the amount of reflection at 
the further surface ; for as the rock salt absorbs none, the whole quan- 
tity 1 —R arrives at the further surface, and is there reflected in the 
ratio of R:1. Now as the sum of the two reflections added to 0-923 
(the quantity transmitted) must reproduce the quantity of incident heat, 
which we represent by unity, we have the equation 

R+R(—R) +0923 =1*; 

* The heat reflected at the second is evidently returned to the first surface, 
where it undergoes in the interior of the plate a third reflection, by which it is 
again returned to the second surface, and a partial reciprocation of the heat be- 
tween the two surfaces is thus continued for some time. It is obvious that 
when the plate is perpendicular to the direction of the rays, there is always a 
portion of heat issuing from the surface, in combination with the transmitted 
rays, after having undergone three, five, seven, or more reflections. Although 
the portions thus added to the transmission are of very little value, yet, as their 
number is infinite, their sum may be supposed to constitute a sensible part of 
the calorific effect indicated by the thermomultiplier placed in the direction of 
the rays. Hence it might be reasonably objected that the equation R + R 
(1 — R) + 0-923 = 1 is not perfectly true, as it rests on the assumption that 
0°923 is the exact value of the direct transmission. Fortunately, however, a 
very simple experiment, already described, furnishes a sufficient answer to the 
objection. Let the rock-salt lens be inclined at an angle of about 25° or 30° to 
the incident rays: the portions of heat which undergo the reflections repre- 
sented by the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, &c., will not, in issuing from the plate, 


whence we derive 
R =1 + 0°923 = 1 + 0°9607. 

As the first sign of the radical would lead to an absurd result in the 
case under consideration, it must be rejected. The reflection at the 
surface of the plate will then be 1 —-°09607= 0°0393 to the unit of inci- 
dence, and such also will be the ratio of the second reflection to the quan- 
tity of heat which reaches the further surface of the rock salt. But if 
it be desired to have the absolute value of the second reflection, it will 
be found by substituting 0-0393 for R in the expression R (1—R), or 
yet more simply by taking the difference between the numbers 0:077 
and 0°0393, which gives in each case 0°0377. 

It now remains to be seen whether the quantities of heat reflected by 
other transparent substances be equal or not equal to those produced by 
the surfaces of rock salt. For the solution of this question it is suf- 
ficient to observe, that a thick plate of glass, of rock crystal, or any other 
diaphanous substance gives a calorific transmission sensibly equal to that 
of another plate, the same in substance though different in thickness. If 
we take, for instance, one plate of glass 8 millimetres * thick, and an- 
other 83, and expose them separately to the radiation of a Locatelli 
lamp, we shall find no sensible difference between the two quantities of 
heat transmitted. From this experiment it is obvious that the layer of 
half a millimetre, which constitutes the difference of thickness between 
the two plates, causes no appreciable absorption of the calorific rays, 
which have already traversed 8 millimetres of the same substance. Let 
us now detach this thin layer from the thicker plate and expose it (thus 
separated) to the rays emerging from the plate of 8 millimetres; it will 
reflect part of them and transmit a// the rest. The quantity lost will 
therefore represent the effect, and only the effect, of the two reflections. If 
this experiment be made with care, the number found as the quantity 
transmitted will be very nearly 0°923+, and therefore the number repre- 
senting the part reflected will still be 0°077. This is true not only with 
mingle with the bundle of calorific rays directly transmitted, but will be thrown 
laterally. If their action on the thermomultiplier be appreciable, it must be 
perceived in the diminution of the effect. But the galvanometer always ex- 
hibits the same deviation, both when the plate stands perpendicularly and when 
it stands obliquely. These multiplied reflections have, therefore, no sensible 
influence whatsoever on the measure of the transmission which is represented 
exactly by the number 0-923. 

* 0315 in. 

+ Are these small variations, which do not amount even to hundredth parts, 
to be attributed to a difference of polish in the surfaces, or to a difference of 
energy in their reflecting powers? This question seems not to admit of an 
easy solution by experiment. However, if we were to judge by the complete 
analogy which these phenomena bear to those that occur in the reflection of 
light, we should think it highly probable that the trifling differences observed 

partly depend on the indices of refraction in the different substances of which 
the plates are composed. 


respect to glass, but also with respect to rock crystal, alum, fluate of 
lime, topaz, sulphate of barytes, &c., so that a thin plate of any of these 
substances, if very pure and well polished, will, when placed behind a 
thick plate of the same substance, always transmit 0°923 and lose 0:077. 

The same numbers will be found also when the thin plate is placed 
behind a thick plate of a different substance, provided the latter be less 
permeable to the direct rays of the source. Thus a thin plate of rock 
crystal transmits 0°923 of the radiation from thick glass ; and a thin plate 
of glass transmits the same proportion of the heat emerging from water 
oralum. The heat thus transmitted is so purified, that although it issues 
from a very thin layer, it is still capable of traversing considerable depths 
of glass or rock crystal without suffering any absorption. Hence it is 
that plates of glass or rock crystal measuring 7 or 8 millimetres in thick- 
ness will, when exposed to the rays emerging from a layer of water or 
alum measuring 1 or 2 millimetres in thickness, transmit 0-923, as is done 
by plates only half a millimetre thick. 

Concluding from all this that radiant heat undergoes a reflection of 
about four hundredths of the incident heat which falls perpendicularly on 
the surface of a diathermanous substance, we perceive at once the method 
that is to be pursued in order to determine the quantity of calorific rays 
reflected by athermanous bodies. We first observe the effect of the 
calorific transmission through a plate of rock salt when the radiation, 
emitted by a constant source, is perpendicular to its faces: the plate is 
afterwards inclined towards the incident rays. In the quantity of heat 
transmitted, there appears no sensible diminution so long as the inclina- 
tion does not exceed 25° or 30° around the normal. The reflection of the 
perpendicular rays is then sensibly equal to that of the rays forming an 
angle of between 60° and 65° with the reflecting plane. Now, this be- 
ing supposed, let us bring a bundle of radiant heat to fall on the well- 
polished surface of glass or rock erystal at an incidence of between 60° 
and 65°, and receive the reflected portion in the interior of the tube 
which envelopes the thermomultiplier. After having marked the calo- 
rific force indicated by the galvanometer, let us repeat the same expe- 
riment on the polished surface of the athermanous body without making 
any change in the respective positions of the several parts of the appa- 
ratus.’ We shall thus obtain a second calorific force, differing from the 
first. The reflection of the athermanous body will evidently be 0:0393, 
which represents the value of the reflection at the surface of the rock 
crystal multiplied by the ratio of the observed forces. 

The following are the mean results of several comparisons made be- 
tween the quantities of heat reflected by rock crystal and yellow copper. 

Reflection of — Reflection of Ratios of the Product of the two numbers 
Rock Crystal. Yellow Copper. two reflections, (0°0393 and J1°3). 
3°15 35°63 11°3 04441. 


By diminishing the angle of incidence which the calorific rays form 
with the surface of the rock crystal, an increase of reflection is obtained, 
especially in the small incidences. But this effect is nearly imperceptible 
on the metallic surface, for, in passing from 80° to 20°, I have been able 
to verify with the plate of brass (/aiton) no more than a difference of 4 or 
5 hundredth parts. The concentration of radiant heat by the action of 
metallic mirrors of any form will therefore be always inferior to that 
produced by rock-salt lenses of the same breadth. Thus, for example, 
the conical mirrors of polished brass which are applied to one face of 
the pile of the thermomultiplier will never give more than $34 or about 
half the effect given by a rock-salt lens having its diameter equal to 
that of the opening of these cones. 


Arricue XVIII. 

Observations and Experiments on the Theory of the Identity 
of the Agents which produce Light and Radiant Heat ; hy 
M. MEL ont. 

(Communicated to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, Dec. 21, 1835.) 
From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. i. p. 418. 

Aone the hypotheses on which it has been proposed to explain the 
radiation of heat, there is a remarkably simple one which M. Ampére 
has lately modified and developed with great ingenuity. It consists in 
regarding radiant heat as a series of undulations produced in the ether 
by the vibrations of bodies possessing heat. Those undulations should be 
longer than the undulations which constitute light, if the calorific source 
were dark; but when the source is at the same time calorific and lu- 
minous, there must always be a group of waves simultaneously possess- 
ing the property of heating and that of illuminating. Viewed in this 
way, there would be no essential difference between radiant heat and 
light. A very extensive series of zthereal undulations coming into con- 
tact with the different parts of our body would produce the sensation 
of heat: a more limited number of these would also possess the power 
of exciting in the retina of the eye a vibratory movement calculated to 
produce the sensation of light. 

No cause had been yet assigned for the quick transition of the purely 
calorific to the shorter waves, which are at the same time calorific and 
luminous. M. Ampére has found a very plausible explanation in the 
phznomena presented by the immediate transmission of terrestrial heat 
through water. 

If an iron ball be heated at different times to different temperatures, 
and brought each time to act on a thermoscope placed behind a layer of 
water (either pure or charged with salt) measuring from three to four 
millimetres in thickness, the thermoscope exhibits no indication of heat 
so long as the metallic mass remains obscure, but as soon as the ball 
becomes decidedly red, it indicates a slight calorific transmission. Now, 
as the eye contains a certain quantity of watery humour, an absorption 
and transmission similar to that exhibited by the layer of water will 
take place in the interior of this organ also, which will therefore suffer 
none but the undulations producing luminous heat to arrive at the retina. 

On the supposition that both agents are identical, it is needless to 
show that the calorific rays are propagated in a straight line, and that 
their angle of reflection is equal to their angle of incidence. 



It is true that there appears a striking disparity in their manner of 
propagating themselves when the calorific and the luminous radiations 
fall upon the surface of diaphanous bodies, whether solid or liquid. In 
this case the medium is immediately traversed by one portion only of 
the radiant heat, while the other pertion is slowly transmitted from 
layer to layer. But to a certain extent this phenomenon may be ac- 
counted for by supposing the ordinary conductible heat to be produced 
by a vibratory motion communicated by the ethereal undulations of 
every length to the anterior molecules of the medium, and then gra- 
dually propagated to its further surface*. 

Considerations derived from the different lengths of the ethereal un- 
dulations will enable us to account for the two very distinct species of 
transparence observable in diaphanous bodies relatively to the rays of 
heat and those of light. Thus it will be easy to conceive why certain 
substances possess but very little diathermaneity, though they are per- 
fectly clear, if it be admitted that they intercept all the obscure waves, 
the sum of whose intensities is greater than that of the luminous waves 
even in the radiation of the most brilliant flame. On the other hand, 
we shall perceive the cause of the diathermaneity of certain perfeetly 
opake media, in the supposition that they allow themselves to be pene- 
trated by particular groups of obscure undulations. 

The hypothesis of identity is sufficient, no doubt, to explain a great 
numper of general facts. It would not, however, embrace all particular 
ceases, and, if we should proceed to a numerical examination of experi- 
ments, would even give rise to some serious objections. But I deem it 
useless to enter into detail on this subject, as the phenomena which I 

* The propagation of ordinary conductible heat considered as the effect of 
molecular vibration is essentially different from the vibratory motion produced 
by sound in ponderable matter, or that produced by light in the ether ; for, in 
the slow propagation of ordinary heat, the points first heated lose their tem- 
perature only by little and little, and this temperature is always higher than 
that which is gradually transmitted to the rest of the body, unless it be lowered 
by other causes. But in the propagation of sound and light, the points first 
agitated immediately communicate their motion to the adjacent points, and then 
return to a state of repose, in which they remain until they are again set in 
motion by a subsequent impulse. A wave is thus formed which propagates 
itself with great velocity, and at any given instant there isno motion except in 
the point which the sonorous or luminous wave has attained. The cause of 
this difference, which seems inexplicable by the undulatory theory, has been 
the object of M. Ampére’s inquiry in a memoir published for the first time in 
the Bibliothéque Universelle of Geneva (May, 1832), and subsequently re- 
printed in the Annales de Chimie and in the London and Edinburgh Philoso- 
phical Magazine. M.Ampére finds that the cause of the difference between the 
slow propagation of heat and other undulatory motions is to be assigned to the 
distinction which he establishes between the vibrations of the molecules of bo- 
dies with respect to one another, and the vibrations of the atoms which consti- 
tute each molecule ; inasmuch as these two species of vibration may take place 
not only separately but simultaneously in the same points of a body. 


am about to submit to the consideration of the Academy, seem to me to 
leave no doubt whatever that light and radiant heat are the direct ef- 
fects of two different causes. 

If we decompose a bundle of solar rays by means of a rock-salt 
prism, and measure the degree of heat proper to each band of the 
spectrum (proceeding from that band in which the refraction is greatest 
to that in which it is least), we find that the temperature increases from 
the violet to the red, and that even in the dark space on the other side 
this increase continues until it has reached a point midway between the 
red and the yellow. - At this point a pretty rapid decrease of tempe- 
rature takes place, and a total cessation of calorific action is perceptible 
in the obscure band, the distance between which and the red is about 
one third of the length of the luminous spectrum. 

It is known that the refraction of solar undulations is greater in pro- 
portion as they are shorter. In the obscure part of the spectrum, we 
have none but calorific waves, which become shorter and shorter as 
we approach more nearly to the red limit. When we enter the lumi- 
nous part, the shortening of the undulations still continues from the 
red to the violet. But it is to be recollected that according to the 
theory of identity each simple colour is the effect of an undulation 
which produces, at the same time and by the same species of vibration, 
both heat and light. 

Now if all the parts of the spectrum are made to pass through a 
layer of water (from two to three millimetres in thickness) contained 
between two plates of glass, and the temperatures of the emergent rays 
are ascertained, we shall find that the maximum of temperature and 
the last obscure limit are both close to the red limit. These effects 
will be more decidedly marked if the layer of water be thicker. With 
a layer of about four millimetres, the maximum will be found in the 
red band. If we continue to increase the thickness of the interposed 
layer, we shall find the maximum continually take the same direction 
and pass successively over the different parts of the red, the orange, 
and the yellow. When the rays have passed through a layer of 300 
millimetres, the maximum becomes stationary at the commencement of 
the green. 

The obscure limit is found in that case much more close to the red 
than it is in the normal spectrum; but there is still an appreciable in- 
terval between the two, and this interval is necessarily greater when 
the thickness of the layer of water is from eight to ten millimetres ; 
whence we conclude that a portion of the obscure heat emitted by the 
sun penetrates through a considerable depth of this liquid, and passes, 
no doubt, through the watery humour of the eye into the retina, with- 
out exciting the sensation of light. 

But (to continue the explanation of the changes produced in the 


calorific and luminous constitution of the solar spectrum by the inter- 
position of diaphanous substances, ) if, instead of water, a plate of glass 
be employed, the same variations will take place, though on a more 
extended scale; in other words, the last obscure limit of the normal 
spectrum and the maximum of temperature approaches the most re- 
fracted part more nearly than it does when the medium is a layer of 
water of equal thickness*. In all cases, the ratios of luminous intensity 
between the several parts of the spectrum remain invariable, because of 
the perfect transparence of the media traversed by the solar rays. 

But if the plate of uncoloured glass be removed and coloured glass 
substituted for it, the luminous spectrum will be entirely altered. If, 
for example, a blue cobalt glass be employed, not only does the orange 
disappear, but a great part of the green, a little of the blue, and the 
middle of the red band, so that the spectrum then looks like a series of 
zones, more or less broad and luminous, mixed with obscure bands. A 
finely violet-coloured glass usually effaces the orange and the yellow, 
and leaves but the red on one side and the blue and indigo on the 
other. In fine, a red glass, as it intercepts the other rays almost en- 
tirely, may be said to afford a passage to none but rays of its own 

Now, in examining the distribution of the heat of the obscure and 
the luminous bands, so capriciously coupled together in these several mo- 
difications of the spectrum, we find the calorific energy more or less di- 
minished according to the nature of the glass interposed; but the maai- 
mum always remains nearly in the same position, and the temperatures 

* I have shown in my first Memoir on the transmission of heat through solid 
and liquid bodies how we may account for the different positions taken by the 
maximum of temperature in the solar spectra produced by prisms of different 

The above-mentioned experiments decisively prove that the position of this 
maximum must depend not only on the matter, but also on the mean thick- 
ness of the prism. To convince ourselves of this, we have only to take a large 
hollow prism, filled with water, and partly cover one of its lateral faces with an 
opake plate laid in the direction of its length, so as to leave the side situated 
towards the refringent angle perfectly free. Upon measuring the temperatures 
of the different zones of the spectrum, we shall see that the maximum of heat, 
which, when the prism is entirely free, is found in the yellow, now that one 
face is partially covered by the plate, approaches the last red limit and that 
more closely in proportion as the portion which remains uncovered in the di- 
rection of the edge is smaller. These variations are reproduced with more 
or less energy by employing for the construction of the prisms solid diaphanous 

_ bodies or liquids different from water; but there are no variations when we 
employ rock salt. Hence it is clear that this substance, which transmits all the 
calorific radiations of terrestrial sources with the same intensity, transmits solar 
heat also without producing any change in the relative intensities of the dif- 
ferent rays. It is for this reason that I have thought it advisable to make use 
of a rock-salt prism in the dispersion of solar heat, and afterwards to consider 
the alterations produced in the relative intensities of the refracted rays by the 
interposition of transparent bodies. 


of the successive zones constantly decrease on each side with the great- 
est regularity. Thus, notwithstanding the interposition of the coloured 
glasses, the intensity of the heat uniformly increases from the violet to 
the red, while the intensity of the light undergoes very irregular va- 
riations, which render a given zone sometimes stronger and sometimes 
more feeble than the succeeding zone. 

Let us disregard that which takes place in the obscure part, and fix 
our attention on the alterations produced in the visible part of the 
normal spectrum, in which each luminous band is accompanied by a 
calorific band possessing the same refrangibility. On the one hand we 
see uncoloured media which have no influence on the luminous rays 
and totally alter the ratios of intensity in the accompanying calorific 
rays; on the other, coloured media which totally change the relative 
energies of the luminous, without affecting the regularity of the propor- 
tions existing between the corresponding calorific rays. 

But if heat and light were both produced by the same movement of 
the zthereal molecules, it is evident that each reduction of force in a 
given ray of pure light should be accompanied by an exactly propor- 
tionate reduction in the ray of heat possessing the same refrangibility. 
Now the variations of intensity produced in each of the two agents by 
the interposition of uncoloured or coloured media, so far from corre- 
sponding through the whole of the luminous part of the spectrum, ex- 
hibit the most striking diversity. Light and radiant heat, therefore, 
proceed from two distinct causes*. 

This being admitted, the complete separation of light from heat be- 
comes intelligible; and such is the conclusion at which I have arrived, 
with respect both to terrestrial fire and the solar rays. The process of 
separation is exceedingly simple: it consists in causing the radiation 
from the luminous sources to pass through a system of diaphanous bo- 
dies which absorb the whole of the calorific, while they extinguish but 
a part of the luminous rays. The only substances hitherto employed 
by me are water, and a peculiar species of green glass coloured by 
means of the oxide of copper. The pure light emerging from this 
system contains much yellow, and possesses at the same time a tinge of 
bluish green: 7% exhibits no calorific action capable of being rendered 
perceptible by the most delicate thermoscopes, even when it is so concen- 
trated by lenses as to rival the direct rays of the sun in brilliancy. 

* These two causes themselves are, perhaps, but different effects of a single | 
cause. The conclusion which appears to me to follow so clearly from my ex- 
periments is therefore by no means opposed to the general theory of undula~ 
tions, according to which light and radiant heat arise from the motions commu- 
nicated to the ether by the ‘molecular vibrations of luminous bodies and bodies 
possessing heat. It will only be necessary to admit that the luminous and the 
calorific rays are two essentially distinet modifications which the z=theneal fluid 
suffers in its mode of existence. ? 


ArtTicLe XIX. 

On the Constitution of the Superior Regions of the Earth’s 
Atmosphere ; hy M. Brot. 

(Read Nov. 21, 1836.) 

From the Compie Rendu des Séances de l’ Académie des Sciences. 

In the application of mathematics to the phenomena of nature, there 
is nothing more satisfactory than to see how analysis discovers the hid- 
den links of the chain which unites facts so widely distant from each 
other, that ordinary reasoning, far from being able to demonstrate, 
could not even suspect their connection. It is thus that the sun’s pa- 
rallax and the ellipticity of the flattening of the earth,—two elements 
which it cost arduous labours and long voyages to determine,—were 
found by the genius of Laplace to be results so intimately connected 
with the lunar motions, that their measure is to be most exactly de- 
duced from the diligent observation of those motions. When the same 
geometer had improved the theory of astronomical refractions, by con- 
necting therewith the real constitution of the terrestrial atmosphere 
more exactly than they had previously been, it was naturally to be ex- 
pected that these two classes of phenomena would thenceforth serve 
to throw such light on each other, that the constitution of those layers 
of the atmosphere which are rendered inaccessible to us by their ele- 
vation, might be discovered by means of the measure of the refractions. 
Such an expectation must have been yet more confidently entertained, 
after Mr.Ivory had theoretically established atmospheric forms, which, 
by representing the refractions still better than they had been by La- 
place, likewise reproduced with greater fidelity the decrease of the 
densities, and the temperatures near the earth’s surface, where we have 
it in our power to observe their law. But in order that the agreement 

thus obtained between the refractions and the supposed constitution of 

the atmosphere might afford a rigorous proof that this was its real con- 
stitution, it was necessary to determine the degree of influence that any 
different state whatsoever assigned to the superior layers would exer- 
cise on the absolute quantity of the refraction observed here on earth. 

‘That could not, however, be accomplished by means of the differential 
_ equations, until then applied to the motion of light in the atmosphere, 

because they assign to the gas of the atmosphere a composition uniform 
throughout, and a refractive power constantly proportional to its 


density,—two conditions which already hypothetically limit the pro- 
blem. Besides, as the analytical integrals deduced from those equa- 
tions embraced the whole extent of the supposed atmosphere, they 
rendered it impossible to distinguish the share which the superior layers 
had in the total refraction obtained, and more particularly those shares 
which should necessarily be ascribed to them. 

The first of these difficulties has been solved in the memoir on Astro- 
nomical Refractions presented by me some months ago to the Aca- 
demy. Tue differential equations of the motion of light in a spherical 
atmosphere, however constituted, are there established. But the ter- 
restrial atmosphere presents certain general phenomena which should 
be introduced into the equations, and which serve to limit them. Thus, 
the absolute smallness of the refractions at every distance from the 
zenith, excludes the possibility of the luminous trajectories which re- 
enter into themselves, and shows that those trajectories are all but very 

slightly curved. 

Again, at the elevations which are accessible to us, we find by expe- 
riment that the refringent power decreases in proportion as we ascend, 
and that the depression of the visible horizon increases. Hence, it is 
concluded that as we ascend from the surface of the earth, the angles 
formed by the elements of each trajectory, with their central radius 
vector, gradually diminish. This species of inflection is virtually proved, 
at the height even of Chimborazo, where Bourguer observed refrac- 
tions near the horizon; for, by a general theorem, given in my former 
memoir, the direction in which these refractions vary is found geome- 
trically connected with the mode of inflection in question. Analysis 
now shows that this geometrical phenomenon results from the feeble- 
ness of the refringent power as compared with the density ; and since, 
in the whole of that part of the atmosphere which is placed within our 
reach, the relation of these two elements is far from having attained 
the limit at which the phenomenon should cease, it is a necessary con- 
sequence of the law of the diffusion of the gases that it should exist at 
much greater elevations. In fine, even when we can no longer prove 
that it exists, we are able at least to assign limits beyond which it can- 
not extend: these limits are the result of the small altitude of the ter- 
restrial atmosphere. The observation of the twilights proves that the 
height of the last particles of air which afford us a perceptible reflection 
of light does not exceed, even if it equals, ~}5 of the earth’s semi- 
diameter *, and the phenomena of the tails of comets show with what 

* Note by M. Arago.—All the determinations of the height of the atmo- 
sphere hitherto effected by observing the duration of twilight, rest on the sup- 
position that all the solar rays which mark the limit of the phenomenon have 
been but once reflected, and that, after being twice reflected on laminz of air, 
solar light is too feeble to produce more than an inappreciable glimmering. At 

SE ———— 


an excessive tenuity of matter the reflection is perceptible. Thus at 
that distance from the earth, the refringent power of the atmosphere 
ceases; and, this being granted, we may calculate the angle that each 
luminous trajectory forms at this point of emergence, with its radius 
vector. We then see that this angle continues to decrease from the 
greatest elevations at which it had ceased to be perceptible by the senses. 
However the extreme value of it is but slightly different from the last 
that can be observed; a fact which, when coupled with the free commu- 
nication of the layers of the air with one another, does not allow us to 
suppose that the intermediate values depart abruptly, or in any consi- 
derable degree, from the order of magnitude assigned by these two 
limits. If we then consider any luminous trajectory whatever reaching 
an observer placed at the level of the sea, under a certain zenith di- 
stance, which will also be the angle formed by the trajectory with its 
radius vector at the point, we shall be obliged to admit that while the 
former ascends to a very great height in the atmosphere, its element 
becomes more and more inclined to the latter. The subsequent vari- 
ations of this inclination, of whatever kind they may be, are always very 
inconsiderable, and lead to an ultimate value which, though lower, does 
not differ much from the values found at an inferior elevation. 

This condition, which is proper to the terrestrial atmosphere, being 
introduced into the general differential equations, conjointly with the 
values of the refringent power, the temperature, the pressure and the 
hygrometrical state of the inferior layer, I rigorously deduce from them 
for each zenith distance two values of the total refraction; the one ne- 
cessarily too high, and the other too low: so that the mean error is al- 
ways less than half their difference. Now when the latter becomes 
inappreciable by observation, the total refraction is found indepen- 
dently of every hypothesis respecting the uniformity of constitution 
and constancy of the refringent power of the superior layers, which are 

| virtually placed beyond the reach of our examination; for then all 
| possible diversities of condition, compatible with the pheenomena which 
we have been just now considering, can produce no change in the mean 

resent these bases of calculation would be inadmissible. Experiments on po- 
arization have shown in fact that multiple reflections contribute materially to 
the dissemination of solar light in the atmosphere ; and that, in each direction, 
rays reflected several times form a considerable part of the whole bundle that 
reaches the eye. As to the rest, it is evident, that by introducing this new 
datum into the calculation, we should find the different heights of the atmo- 
sphere less than they had been found by the old method. 

‘M. Biot’s Remarks on this Note.—The less the thickness of the atmosphere, 
the more rapidly convergent are the developments of the refractions, and the 
| more confined the definite limits which I have found for the refraction. Ac- 

cording to the result announced by M. Arago, those limits will become more 
,| arrow than they are given by the numbers which I adopted from the evalua- 
| tion of Delambre, and consequently the zenith distances to which those limits 
|| may be applied can be extended still further. 

Vor. I_—Panrrt III. Qk 


value, but one so minute that its amount can neither be measured, nor 
the fact of its existence established by our instruments. 

By applying this reasoning to the meteorological circumstances which 
present themselves at the level of the sea, when the pressure is 0", 76 
and the temperature 10° of the centesimal thermometer, I find that all 
the varieties of constitution that can be assigned to the atmosphere of 
the earth do not cause in our mean value of the total refraction a va- 
riation amounting to the following quantities, namely, at 45° zenith di- 
stance, 0", 001; at 74°,0' 277; at 80°, 2!" 243. These limits increase 
in proportion as we descend toward the horizon; but so long as the 
trajectory is not excessively low, the shortness of its passage through 
the atmosphere, together with the smallness of its curvature, causes 
them to deviate nearly in the same degree from the true refraction, 
which is then found to differ but little from their mean. The zenith 
distance being, for instance, 86°30', the mean error is only 1! 32, if 
we take as our term of comparison the very perfect table of Mr. Ivory. 

We may calculate in a similar manner the refractions observable in 
every other layer of the atmosphere, their meteorological elements 
being given, and shall find analogous limits of their values. It is ne- 
cessary to observe, however, that in proportion as the station of the 
observer is more elevated, these limits approach each other more 
nearly, for equal zenith distances ; and their deviation may in that case 
be disregarded, though under the same zenith distance, they are by no 
means to be neglected, when the observer is at the level of the sea. It 
is by these means that I intend to effect the solution of the problem 
which I have proposed to myself. For if we consider, for example, 
the trajectory which arrives horizontally at the level of the sea, and 
cause it to re-ascend into the layers of the air, according to a law of 
decrease sufficiently exact to bring it back, without any supposable 
error, to the height at which the density is reduced to the hundredth 
part of its primitive value (about ;;%5 of the earth’s semidiameter), 
the angle which it then forms with its radius vector has become so 
small that the part of the refraction produced on the remainder of its 
course may be so exactly appreciated by means of our limits, that it may 
safely be included among the observations made at the earth’s surface, 
for the error cannot amount to 0°15" for the whole refraction. The 
superior layers, from which this portion is derived, might therefore be 
constituted in any imaginable manner as to their densities and tem- 
peratures, and in a certain degree even as to their physical nature, 
without our ever perceiving any appreciable effect of these differences 
in the total refractions observed; and thus, reciprocally, the observed 
refractions afford no idea of those elevated regions of the atmosphere. 

All that remains then is, that we endeavour to discover a law of 
decrease in the densities and the temperatures, such as may represent 


with sufficient exactness the lower part of the atmosphere, which 
is within reach of observation and experiment, and whose physical 
bases are such that this law may be mathematically extended, as an 
approximation, to about two-fifths of its whole height. Now this is 
easily accomplished, and we are led to it by the refractions them- 
selves. For, if they are calculated on the supposition that the pressures 
are proportional to the first power of the densities, the value obtained 
is too great; but if the second power of the densities be employed, 
the value obtained will be too small. The true law lies, therefore, be- 
tween these two limits, and an approximation to it may be obtained by 
taking an indeterminate expression consisting of two terms affected to 
each of those two powers. If this expression be subjected, as it should 
be, to the general conditions of equilibrium in the layers, as well as to 
the particular circumstances of pressure and temperature which take 
place in the inferior layer, and lastly to the decrease of temperature 
observed near the earth’s surface, we obtain precisely Mr. Ivory’s at- 
mospheric constitution, with all its numerical constants determined, and 
identical with those which he obtained by means of other considera- 
tions*. Now Mr. Ivory has proved that this law being applied to the 
inferior layers perceptibly agrees with the barometrical formula which, 
with respect to these layers, is the faithful expression of facts imme- 
diately resulting from the decrease of the densities. We are therefore 
justified by this combination of identical results, in extending its appli- 
cation to the limits of elevation already indicated as being equal to 
about +;%5 of the earth’s semidiameter. The rest of the refraction is 
then obtained independently of every hypothesis respecting the consti- 
tution of the superior layers, with a limit of error less than 0! 15 even 
for the horizontal refraction, as has been already asserted. 

And it is net only advantageous, but theoretically necessary, that we 
should have to form no hypothesis in respect to the state of these last 
layers, which are unknown to us. For the law of decrease founded on 
the two first powers of the densities, though it adapts itself to all the 

* The expressions thus obtained differ from those of Mr. Ivory only in their 
including the decrease of the weight which Mr. Ivory has neglected in con- 
sideration of the small height of the earth's atmosphere. But theoretically 
speaking, this consideration is no longer applicable to the atmospherical system 
which he employs in the integration of the differential element of the refraction, 
because it still gives an infinite extent to the atmosphere. Mr. Ivory, no 
doubt, found it necessary to proceed in that manner, in order to render the 
analytical integrations, on which the refraction depends, practicable: but this 
restriction is no longer necessary when we employ the numerical quadratures, 
and then any expression whatsoever that represents the real state of the atmo- 
ee may be employed without limitation. As to the equations of equi- 
hbrium which determine the ratios which the pressures and the densities bear to 
the height, they are always integrable, and with the same facility when the pres- 

sure is expressed by any number of terms, containing any powers whatever of 
the densities. 



phenomena observed in the lower layers, becomes unquestionably 
defective toward its limits, inasmuch as it would give the atmosphere 
an infinite altitude, while its real altitude is certainly limited and very 
inconsiderable. There is here also that condition which is always in- 
troduced into differential equations, and by means of which they are 
limited, before the law of decrease of the densities is introduced as a 
function of the height. So that there is an evident contradiction in 
afterwards integrating them analytically, by extending this decrement 
even to infinity, as the law derived from the first two powers of the 
densities requires. Fortunately, however, the effect of this contradic- 
tion is little or none as to the total refractions, because the rapidity of 
the decrease, depending on the conditions of the lower layers, soon 
renders the refringent power insensible at a height which is yet very 
inconsiderable, so that the observable result is the same as it would be 
in an atmosphere sensibly limited. But this approximation, which is 
produced spontaneously, without affording any means of ascertaining 
its exactness, is attended also with the inconvenience of leading us to 
suppose that the physical state of the most elevated layers of the atmo- 
sphere is really the same as that which has been hypothetically as- 
signed to them; while the observable results, being determined almost 
entirely by the total pressure of that remainder of the atmosphere, and 
by the conditions of its contact with the lower layers which support 
its weight, depend in no sensible degree on that state, and are conse- 
quently incapable of even indicating it. 

Though the foregoing considerations establish the utter impossibility 
of some inductions which might have proved highly valuable in re- 
ference to terrestrial physics, they show us how the tables of refractiou 
may be made more perfect, and above all more general, than they are 
at present. In fact, those tables have been hitherto constructed with 
reference to a certain given constitution of the atmosphere, and by 
merely changing the pressure and the temperature conformably to the 
indications of the barometer and thermometer in the inferior layer, 
they are supposed to be made applicable to all climates and seasons. 
But such an identity is in direct opposition to the observed physical 
phznomena: for instance, the decrease of temperature near the earth’s 
surface appears to vary considerably at the same place in the different 
seasons of the year, and it is very unlikely that its absolute amount is 
the same in all situations. Now this element affects one of the most 
important constants of the tables; and according to a theorem which I 
have demonstrated, it is on this that the differences of the refractions 
near the horizon principally depend. It is therefore necessary to de- 
termine its variations experimentally, at different times and places, for 
the heights that are accessible to us; and instead of supposing, as has 
been done hitherto, that it is constant and everywhere the same, to 


take those variations into account in the calculation of the tables. The 
next thing to be done would be to observe the hygrometrical state of 
the inferior layers, and in particular to measure the amount of its di- 
minution in proportion to the height to which we ascend; for these 
elements also, though in a very inferior degree, affect the same con- 
stants. The real constitution of the atmosphere up to very consider- 
able degrees of elevation being known, the methods which I have 
given in my Memoir will therefore enable us to deduce the refraction 
numerically for the layers to which they are applied. When we have 
arrived at elevations at which the valuation by limits becomes sufficient, 
the remainder of the refraction will then be obtained by this process 
without any hypothesis. We shall then have tables of refraction 
adapted to circumstances which are really variable, though supposed 
in the present tables to be uniform. And, should we be thus led to 
‘discover, (a thing not at all improbable,) that these variations, or at 
least the most considerable of them, take place chiefly in those atmo- 
spheric layers which are not at a great elevation, it might be possible 
in the great observatories of Europe to observe regularly the constants 
of those troubled regions of the air by means of small capéive balloons, 
carrying with them instruments with indicators, and the results obtained 
in this way might be applied as correctives to permanent tables con- 
structed for the untroubled region. The only errors then to be appre- 
hended would be those which might arise from an accidental alteration 
in the supposed sphericity of the refringent layers; such an alteration, 
for instance, as might be produced by a violent agitation continued for 
along time in one direction. But the effects of these disturbances 
being thus isolated, and their extent being known, it would perhaps 
be not impossible to give them due attention, if they should be found 
to possess any constancy, and analysis would have then done for the 
theory of astronomical refractions all that it is allowed us to expect. 



Remarks on the real Occurrence of Fossil Infusoria, and their 
extensive Diffusion; by Prof. LHRENBERG. 

From J.C. Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie, vol. xxxviii. No. 5, 
p-213*; with a Plate. 

In the month of April of this year I communicated to the Academy + 
a remarkable fact relative to the infusoria of the mineral springs of 
Carlsbad, namely that they appeared to be the same species as those 
met with on the French coasts of the Atlantic and in the Baltic. For 
the knowledge of this fact I was indebted to the kindness of the pro- 
prietor of the porcelain manufactory in Pirkenhammer, near Carls- 
bad, M. Fischer, who, at my request, brought for me to Berlin some 
of the water containing living animalcules. In order to follow up the 
examination more closely and more extensively, I requested another 
supply, which I received a fortnight ago in good condition. At the 
same time M. Fischer informed me, in a letter dated 20th June, that 
he himself had made a curious observation. He had remarked that the 
Kieselguhr{ (announced by M. Radig in the Jahrbicher fiir Deutsch- 
lands Heilquellen, &c., edited by MM. von Grefe and Dr. Kalisch, 
1836, p.193.), which occurs in the peat-bog of Franzensbad, near Eger 
in Bohemia, consists almost entirely of the shields of Navicule, and ap- 
pears to owe its origin to the action of volcanic heat on the bottom of 
the sea. M. Fischer sent me, together with this information, a piece of 
this fossil siliceous body, originally rather more than 2 inches long, 
1 inch broad, and $ inch high, which I have presented to the Royal 
Mineralogical Cabinet; he requested me at the same to determine 
the forms of the animaleulz, and to publish his observations together 
with my results. Microscopical examination directly confirmed the 
observation of M. Fischer, that the Kieselguhr of Franzensbad con- 
sisted almost entirely of Navicule ; and the great transparency and clear- 

* This paper was read in the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin on the 
7th July, 1836. [The translation is by Mr. W. Francis. ] 

+ Compare the Report of the Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Berlin, 
1836, pp. 36, 50, and 55; and Wiegmann’s Archiv. for Nat. Hist. 1836, p. 240. 

t [A kind ofsiliceous paste ; from Kiesel, st/ex, and Guhr, a term used in mins 
ing for water carrying dissolved minerals when in a thick liquid state——W. F.] 


ness of the little siliceous shields made it indeed probable that an intense 
heat had caused their accumulation from a more voluminous combus- 
tible substance. But the opinion that they have belonged to the bottom 
of asea is improbable, since the chief part of the forms, both from their 
figure and size, as well as from the number of their inner stripes, agree 
very exactly with the Navicula viridis now living in all the fresh water 
around Berlin, and widely diffused in other parts. In the sample of the 
peat-bog there were also to be perceived Navicule, which, though 
mostly different from those of the Kieselguhr, were still living species, 
and in quite a different proportion to one another, and generally in a 
smaller proportionate quantity in the same space. 

After this the original specimens of the Kieselguhr from the Isle of 
France, and the Bergmehl from San Fiore in Tuscany, in the Museum 
of Berlin, which had been chemically analysed by Klaproth, and to 
which were still attached the descriptions in his handwriting, were 
microscopically examined. It was found that these substances also 
consisted almost wholly of several different forms of fossil infusoria, 
so that the whole siliceous contents given by Klaproth are to be assigned 
to the infusoria shells. 

As early as the year 1834 I announced to the Academy, in the ap- 
pendix to my third paper on Organization, that, after having examined 
with M. Henry Rose the discovery made by M. Kitzing, that the 
shields of the Bacillaria consist of silex, this fact was fully established, 
not only for these, but also for other living forms; a fact which the 
observations of M. Fischer, and my examination of the Kieselguhr ana- 
lysed by Klaproth, confirm anew. 

As the interest of this phenomenon appeared to be great, I com- 
pared several other siliceous and earthy substances from the Royal 
Mineralogical Cabinet, which Professor Weiss had the kindness to place 
at my disposal, without however being able to forward the object of 
the research. At a fortunate moment it occurred to me that such 
siliceous shields might be in use in the arts as polish, like the siliceous 
shavegrass, Hguisetum. 1 purchased therefore in Berlin several kinds 
of tripoli and polishing earths for examination. I examined first the 
common or leaf tripoli, and found at once that this also consisted en- 

tirely of the shells of infusoria. All the others were of a different 
inorganic nature. A comparison of this tripoli of the shops (which, 
as I was informed, comes from the Harz and Dresden) with the sci- 
entifically arranged species of tripoli in the Royal Mineralogical Mu- 
seum, showed that this so-called leaf-tripoli is evidently the same stone 
which was received by Werner as a new species in mineralogy under 
the name of Polirschiefer (polishing slate), which it has ever since re- 
tained. The specimens at hand from the Kritschelberg, near Bilin, ex- 
hibited so perfect a similarity, as well outwardly as in the forms of 


the infusoria of which it consisted, that it is evident that the leaf-tri- 
poli sold at Berlin comes from Bilin in Bohemia, through Dresden. A 
similar stone to this is the Polirschiefer found at Planitz near Zwickau, 
if indeed the locality of the specimen examined by me be correct. But 
the Klebschiefer from Montmartre, which Klaproth has analysed, exhi- 
bited only doubtful traces of infusoria shields. The appearance of the 
fossil infusoria in the form of the Polirschiefer of Bilin is plainly of 
great importance to our further researches into geognostical rela- 
tions. In the same slate are found the impressions of an extinct fish, the 
Leucisceus papyraceus of Bronn, (according to Agassiz, ) and several im- 
pressions of plants, probably belonging to the tertiary formation. 

Thad been inclined, even before these researches, to assign a great 
influence in the origin of the Raseneisen (bog-iron-ore) to an infusorium 
discovered by me in 1834, and of which I have, in April 1835, given an 
engraving in Plate X. of my Codex of Infusoria, under the name of 
Gaillonella ferruginea, which is perhaps the same as the Hygroerocis 
ochracea of botanists. The minuteness of these corpuscles deterred me 
however from publishing this important circumstance ; but since the 
discovery of so many and various shield-infusoria as stone masses, and 
since I have found that even the animalcule which almost entirely form 
the Polirschiefer of Bilin are also a species of the genus Gaillonella, I 
no longer hesitate to add this observation to the rest. That the for- 
mation of the Raseneisen, or of the Wiesenerz (meadow-earth), as 
a continual phenomenon excites great attention, and has given rise 
to many but not sufficiently explanatory theories, is well known. I 
have every spring observed in the marshes, particularly in the turf di- 
stricts about Berlin, large quantities of a substance of a very deep ochre 
yellow, sometimes passing into flesh red, often covering to a great ex- 
tent the bottom of the ditches from one to several feet deep, and much 
developed in small holes and in the footsteps of animals grazing. This 
mass is extremely delicate, and without any consistency, dividing itself 
at the least touch into an indefinite number of parts. Where it has 
become dry, after the evaporation of the water, it appears exactly like 
oxide of iron, for which it has been formerly often mistaken. We per- 
ceive however under the microscope, with a moderately high magnifying 
power, extremely slender articulated threads, the members of which 
measure only ;,/,5 of a line, and in which the yellow colour is inherent. 
At the beginning of last summer I satisfied myself that these slender _ 
articulated threads do not lose their form in a strong red heat, but the 
colour changes to a red-brown, which is exactly that of iron-ochre. 
It was found that by the application of muriatic acid the colour was 
dissolved, without the articulated threads being changed: in the solu- 
tion precipitated iron was clearly visible. There is also one of the 
genus Gaillonella, very similar to the Bacillaria, but a very minute or- 


ganic being, containing a yellow ochre colour, in which there is pro- 
bably a great proportion of iron, in the same manner as phosphate of 
lime is contained in the bones. By extraction of the lime, the gelatine 
of the bones retains, as is well known, its form: in the same manner 
the Gaillonella ferruginea possesses a siliceous shield, which retains 
its form unchanged after the extraction of the iron. 

I have already examined with the microscope various specimens of 
the Raseneisen from Berlin, from the Ural, from New York, and 
other places, and find the extremely voluminous yellow iron oxide 
which is attached to them, and which perhaps has originally served to 
form them, to consist also of similar connected threads in rows, which 
resemble the Gaillonella in size, form, and colour, and which are not 
destroyed by the action of heat or muriatic acid, but no longer form 
such evident articulated threads as in the living animal. If I compare 
it, when its fibres are disjointed, with the Gaillonella distans in the Po- 
lirschiefer, I find no reason to consider the phenomenon in the Wiesen- 
erz-ochre as a different one. I received, through the kindness of 
M. Karsten, the vegetable products of the mineral water of the salt- 
works of Colberg, in which there is a yellow earthy substance, in great 
quantity, formed on the surface. At first it collects at the surface of 
the stagnant water, as I was informed, in a greenish mass, similar 
therefore to the protoxide of iron. Dried and exposed to the air it re- 
mains of a beautiful ochre yellow, and on being heated it becomes of a 
red-brown blood-stone colour. On dissolving it in muriatie acid I 
found a great quantity of iron, with remains of silex. This substance 
consists, like the marsh-ochre, of articulated threads, which separate 
into single members: it resembles also very much the Gaillonella fer- 
ruginea. These Gaillonelle are used in Colberg for iron-colour in house- 
painting. The circumstance that this production of the salt-spring col- 
lects on the surface of a yellowish green colour, and afterwards sinks 
to the bottom and changes into yellow, determines perhaps a special and 
not otherwise characterized species of the same genus*. Thus the sili- 
ceous contents of the Raseneisen, and the incombustible organic form 
of the minute bodies constituting the ochre which surrounds it, make it 
highly probable that here also an organic relation exists through in- 
fusorial formation, though only so far as to form after death, by the 
large proportion of iron they contain, a central point or nucleus, towhich 
all other iron in solution immediately around it is attracted. 

* Another quantity of this mass sent from the Diirrenberg salt-works has 
determined this question, since it appears in this that these living animals (?) 
also are always yellow; that in dying they rise to the surface of a grayish 
green colour (protoxide of iron), and in sinking to the bottom they again take 
the yellow colour. 


The animals which I found in the above-mentioned fossils are the 
following species. 

I, Nine species in the stone from Franzensbad. 

1. Navicula viridis, as chief mass; 2. N. gibba; 3. N. fulva; 
4, N. Librile, all freshwater animalcules, very common in the 
neighbourhood of Berlin ;—5. NV. viridula; 6. N. striatula; 
both sea animalcules now living: the first I know of only from 
the Baltic, nearWismar; the second from near Havre in France, 
and in the mineral water of Carlsbad ;—7. Gomphonema pa- 
radoxum ; 8. G.clavatum: both species now common near 
Berlin ;—9. A species of Gaillonella, G. varians? of which I 
have hitherto seen only fragments. 

II. In the peat-bog of Franzensbad I found, around the Kieselguhr, 
five species: 

1. Navicula granulata, as the most usual form, not occurring in 
the Kieselguhr; 2. NV. viridis, rare; 3. Bacillaria vulgaris? ; 
4. Cocconeis undulata; both sea animals ;—5. Gomphonema 
paradoxum (clavatum ?), still found near Berlin. 

Only two forms are common to the turf and the Kieselguhr, which 
is found in it, and which thence probably owes its origin to a different 

III. I found in the Kieselguhr of the Isle of France several species : 

1. Bacillaria vulgaris? as chief mass ; 2. B. major, an unknown 
species, but perhaps allied to the former, which is a well- 
known sea animalcule; 3. A small Navicula, perhaps the in- 
fant state of NV. fulva; 4. N. gibba; 5. N. bifrons, a still living 
species, occurring rarely near Berlin. 

IV. The Bergmehl of Santa Fiora, or San Fiore, of Klaproth’s col- 
lection contains nineteen different species: 

1. Synedra capitata, new species, as chief mass, between which 
2. S. Ulna, an animalcule living both in fresh and sea water ; 
—3. Navicula inequalis; 4. N. capitata ; 5. N. viridis ; 6. N. 
gibba ; 7. N. phenicenteron; 8. N. Librile; 9. N. Zebra; all 
freshwater animalcules ;—10. WV. viridula, a sea animalcule 
from the Baltic;—11. N.granulata; 12. N. Follis; two yet un- 
known or extinct species;—13. Cocconeis undulata, a sea ani- 
malcule ;—14. Gomphonema paradoxum; 15. G.clavatum ; 
16. G. acuminatum ; freshwater animals from Berlin;—17. 
Cocconema cymbiforme, a freshwater animalcule; 18. Gail- 
lonella italica, new species; 19. Siliceous needles of a sea 
Spongia, or freshwater Spongilla. 

V. In the Polirschiefer of Bilin, specimens of which M. Weiss had 

_ himself collected there, I found four species: 


1. Podosphenia nana, new species, as chief mass; 2. Gaillonella 
distans, new species; 3. Navicula Scalprum?; 4. Bacillaria 
vulgaris? probably all sea animals. 

VI. In the leaf-tripoli of the shops at Berlin, probably received through 
Dresden or from the Harz, were found three precisely corresponding 
species : 

1. Gaillonella distans, as chief mass; 2. Podosphenia nana, new 
species; 2. Bacillaria vulgaris?. 

VII. In the Klebschiefer from Menilmontant I in two instances 
found fragments of Gaillonella distans, but am doubtful whether they 
may not have been derived from the Schiefer of Bilin. 

It deserves particular notice, that by far the greater number of these 
twenty-eight fossil species of infusoria, which all belong to the family 
of the Bacillariz, and indeed to eight different genera now existing,— 
namely the genera Navicula, Cocconeis, Synedra, Gomphonema, Cocco- 
nema, Podosphenia, Bacillaria, Gaillonella,—that of these twenty-eight 
species, fourteen were undistinguishable from existing freshwater infu- 
soria, and five species from existing marine animals. The other nine 
species, therefore not quite one third, are either as yet undiscovered 
but existing forms, or extinct ones. It however appears to me more 
probable, from a comparison of my extended observations of these na- 
tural bodies, and bearing in mind the circumstance that no extinct 
species appear exclusively in the above-mentioned fossil relations, that 
the new fossil species, among which is no new genus, are not extinct, 
but still existing ones which have not yet been discovered. 

The great mass of the specimens of these animal forms is in very 
good preservation: many of them are so beautifully preserved, that 
I have even been able to determine from them the characters of the 
living species more precisely ; for a direct comparison of the latter showed 
that certain apparent characteristical distinctions are very difficult to 
be observed in the living ones, and have hitherto been overlooked 
by me. I first discovered the apertures of the Gaillonellz in the Po- 
lirschiefer, and I now perceive them in all the species of the genus: I 
have never before seen the six apertures of .NVavicula viridis so beau- 
tifully *. 

The great sharpness and clearness of all the outlines of all these 
siliceous shields plainly appears to have been produced by an extra- 

_* As botanists have often regarded these forms as plants, the following 
reasons why they are considered as animals, which I have already often pointed 
out, are deserving of remark: 1. Many Navicule and other Bacillariz have 
quite a distinct, powerful, active, crawling motion, by which they move and 
push aside other bodies much greater than themselves. 2. The projection of 
an organ similar to the foot of a snail, and whose action assists in crawling, 


ordinary red heat, which has evaporated all organic (particularly ve- 
getable) carbon,; for the animals then lived, as at the present day, on 
plants: at a later period the soluble earths may have become separated, 
while the silex has better resisted all action. Werner, indeed, was of 
opinion that subterranean fire had formed the Polirschiefer, an opinion 
which has much in its favour. 

There is a certain remarkable preponderance in quantity of individual 
species in most of the fossil infusoria whose localities have been men- 
tioned. Thus the Kieselguhr from Franzensbad consists almost entirely 
of Navicula viridis; the mass from the Isle of France of Bacillaria 
vulgaris ; that of San Fiore of Synedra capitata ; and that of Bilin is so 
entirely formed of Gazllonella distans that the other species of animal- 
cules are only scattered through it. . 

Finally, the proportion of these animals merits a passing attention. 
The millions of the tribe of infusoria have often been mentioned, and 
spoken of almost without consideration of their number, perhaps be- 
cause little belief is entertained of their corporeality. They have often 
been regarded as drops of oil and appearances of various kinds; but since 
the Polirschiefer of Bilin must be acknowledged to consist almost en- 
tirely of an aggregation of infusoria in layers, without any connecting 
medium, these infusoria begin to acquire a greater importance, not 
only for science, but for mankind at large. The Kieselguhrs occur, 
it is said, only in nests about the size of a fist or a head, and probably 
may be of comparatively recent origin. With the Polirschiefer it is dif- 
ferent; this forms widely extended layers, containing fossil plants and 
fishes. A single druggist’s shop in Berlin consumes yearly more than 
20 ewt.: the consumption therefore of infusoria as tripoli and for 
casting-moulds in Berlin and the environs may be perhaps estimated at 
50 to 60 ewt. yearly, and thence we may in some measure infer the sale 
in Bilin. I hope to receive in a short time more extensive details on this 
subject : it is sufficient at present to say, that the infusoria supply all the 
requisite demands for purposes of practical utility. Passing over the 
share they have in the Raseneisen, the soldier cleans his arms with tri- 
poli; the worker in metal, the locksmith and the engraver polish with 

may be directly recognised in many forms. 3. By a close examination all the 
apertures may be seen, which may be considered as apertures of nutrition, of 
generation, and of motion. 4. Internal organs may be distinguished, which 
may be compared with the polygastric bladders of the infusoria, and others 
with the crowned ovary. 5. The infusoria are propagated, besides the highly 
probable egg-formation, not by buds as in plants, but also distinctly by separa- 
tion, a method of propagation which is wanting in all decided plant-formations, 
but which is observed in many decided animals. 6. Some forms, whose motion 
is very slow, or which attach themselves like oysters, afford no reason why they 
are therefore to be considered as plants. Compare the Report of the Academy 
of Berlin, 1836, p. 34. , 



infusoria, which serve also for moulds in founderies. These animals 
which are so useful after death, and form entire rocks, have at present 
a more special interest in their individuality. The size of a single one of 
these infusoria, which form the Polirschiefer, amounts upon an average 
and in the greater part to g4, of a line, which equals 3 of the thickness 
of a human hair, reckoning its average size at =/, of a line. The glo- 
bule of the human blood, considered at 53,, is not much smaller. The 
blood globules of a frog are twice as large as one of these animalcules. 
As the Polirschiefer of Bilin is slaty, but without cavities, these animal- 
cules lie closely compressed. In round numbers, about twenty-three mil- 
lions of animals would make up a cubic line, and would in fact be con- 
tained in it. There are 1728 cubic lines in a cubic inch, and therefore a 
cubic inch would contain on an average about 41,000 millions of these 
animals. On weighing a cubic inch of this mass, I found it to be about 
220 grains. Of the 41,000 millions of animals, 187 millions go to a 
grain, or the siliceous shield of each animalcule weighs about the =4, 
millionth part of a grain. 

The animalcules of the Raseneisen are only ;)5 line in diameter, 
or the z; part of the thickness of a human hair, 4 of the diameter of a 
globule of the human blood, 4 of the blood globule of a frog. A cubic line 
of such animal iron-ochre would thus, in the same relation, contain one 
thousand millions, one cubic inch one billion, and one cube of nine feet 
diameter one drillion, of living beings. If we suppose only one fourth 
of this multitude to be really present, and take no notice of the other 
three fourths, there yet remain such enormous numbers as to merit the 
greatest attention. 

Further Notices of Fossil Infusoria ; by Prof. LHRENBERG. 

From Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie, vol. xxxviii. No. 6, 
p. 455, 1836. 

Ir has been announced as a well-ascertained fact, that the Polir- 
schiefer of Bilin in Bohemia, which is a member of the tertiary forma- 
tion, consists almost entirely of the siliceous shields of Gaillonella 
distans and other infusoria, without any foreign cement. The recent 

Kieselguhr and the Bergmehl from San Fiore, which are of less geolo- 

gical interest indeed, consisting of larger infusoria shells, are better 
adapted than the Polirschiefer (whose minute animalcules require a high 
and clear magnifying power) to make these organic relations more ap- 
parent and convincing. The kind exertions and reports of M. Alexander 


von Humboldt, who lately visited the district of Bilin in his journey to 
Teplitz, and sent me two very rich collections of the mineral pro- 
ducts of that district, in various states, have furnished new materials 
for the furtherance of my observations. 

Before I speak of this valuable addition to our subjects for investiga- 
tion, I may mention, that an examination of the Polirschiefer of Planitz 
(of which, by the friendly intervention of M. Weiss and the liberality of 
M. Freiesleben in Freiberg, I have been enabled to examine a specimen 
whose locality was quite certain,) has shown with certainty that this 
layer also is a conglomeration of infusoria shells. The specimen exa- 
mined resembled the Saugschiefer of Bilin, and the infusoria shells of 
the Gaillonella distans are here filled with and connected by a siliceous 
cement, which somewhat mars the distinctness of their form; JI have, 
however, seen some so plainly that I am convinced of the identity of 
these two formations. There is probably also in Planitz a more earthy 
form of this stone, similar to the loose. Polirschiefer, which is chiefly 
formed of the unchanged Gaillonella distans. 

A specimen of the Polirschiefer from Cassel, which M. Carus of Dres- 
den had the kindness to send me, and in which he had also recognized 
organic forms, was particularly interesting. 

I found in the Royal Mineralogical Cabinet some specimens with pe- 
trifactions of fish, the Leuciscus papyraceus, from the same locality. 
I have also lately been able, through the kindness of M. Keferstein of 
Halle, to examine specimens of the stone from the Habichtswald near 
Cassel. This Polirschiefer of Cassel contains seven different species of 
shield-infusoria, between which is a loose and, for the most part, siliceous 
cement, which cannot be plainly reduced to organic fragments. It is 
worthy of notice that most of the forms in the Polirschiefer from Bilin 
and Planitz are either extinct or as yet undiscovered ; while at the same 
time those forms which resemble existing species, belong to such as are 
not very striking, and therefore less sure for the detection of their iden- 
tity ; but in the Polirschiefer of Cassel two of the most remarkable exist- 
ing forms occur, namely Gatllonella varians and Navicula viridis: Na- 
vicula striatula appears also to occur in this Polirschiefer. Gazllonella 
varians and Navicula viridis appear both in the tertiary formation of 
Cassel and in the Bergmehl of San Fiore, and these have a form related 
to that of Mavieula Follis. Besides 1. Gaillonella varians, 2. Navicula 
viridis, 3. Navicula striatula? 4. Navicula Crux (comp. Navicula 
Foilis adulta), I have also found in the stone from Cassel, 5. Navieula, 

Sulva juv.? 6. Navicula gracilis? and 7. Navicula Cari, n. species,— 
three less clearly defined species: the last however is very numerous 
and isunknown to me. Besides these ascertained relations of the distri- 
bution of the Infusoria-schiefer as Polirschiefer, the rich parcel sent by 
M. von Humboldt from Bilin and the valley of Luschitz has given rise 


to very important observations. It consists of a small collection of 
minerals from Bilin, made by Dr. Stolz of Bilin, of a larger one by 
Dr. Reuss, and also of a great number of specimens collected by M. 
von Humboldt. A careful geognostical drawing by Dr. Reuss explains 
the position of the rock-masses of that district. 

The infusoria rock of Bilin forms the upper layer (fourteen feet deep) 
of the Tripelberg, which (differing from the Kritschelberg, with which 
it was formerly confounded) is elevated about 300 feet above the level 
of the brook Biela. It lies on a bed of clay, which is superincumbent 
to the chalkmarl. Beneath these gneiss is found, as the base of all the 
minerals of that district. The upper masses of stone lie west of the 
Tripelberg on a projected mass of. basalt, which forms the Spitalberg, 
and on the other side of which (west) Grobkalk, with many discernible 
petrifactions of small chalk sea animals (many Crinoidez) lie on the 
gneiss. The firmer masses (Saugschiefer and Semi-opal) lie in the 
Polirschiefer towards the exterior upper part, the earthy below, dis- 
posed often without order in layers, the inferior ones being almost ho- 

The particular attention paid to the Saugschiefer and semi-opal, whose 
numerous transitions were exposed to view, has now given the scarcely 
unexpected result that these also are in the closest connection with the 
infusoria——The Saugschiefer is, upon microscopical observation, plainly 
only a Polirschiefer, whose infusoria shells are cemented by and filled 
with a formless siliceous matter, just as there are fossil shells both filled 
and empty : this produces its greater specific weight, and all its other 
characters. In the gradual transitions to the semi-opal we see how 
the cement has increased at the expense of the infusoria shells, while 
the small shells have decreased in quantity and in sharpness of out- 

The formation of the semi-opal in the Polirschiefer appears to be this, 
that it lies imbedded in it in nodules, in the most minute transitions from 
the Saugschiefer. A close microscopical analysis of the most varying 
semi-opals from Bilin, and the neighbouring valley of Luschitz, has 
shown that all these stone nodules, which sometimes equal flint in hard- 

ness and give sparks, consist partly of infusorial forms held together 

by a small quantity of transparent siliceous cement, and partly contain 
inclosed within them single infusoria, but of a larger size, just as amber 
contains insects. It is often very plainly to be seen, that the disposition 

of the Polirschiefer has not otherwise been altered, either by its change 

into Saugschiefer (cemented and permeated by amorphous siliceous 
matter), or by its change into semi-opal, than that by some means a part 
of the infusoria shells, particularly the more delicate ones, have been 
eaten away or dissolved, with which another part, especially of the 
larger forms, has been covered in an unaltered sfate. In this process 


the stratified structure remains as fully visible in the Polirschiefer 
‘as it had before been, and forms the stripes of the semi-opal. The 
white and less transparent stripes are mostly well-preserved layers of 
infusoria. It is not improbable that a dissolving medium may have 
acted upon the siliceous shells as drops of water or steam act on 
meal. The parts in contact with it were gradually penetrated, and 
partly dissolved and changed into opal; or the penetrating matter, pro- 
ducing the opal, and which occupies but a small space, has assimilated 
to itself a greater or less part of the empty siliceous shells. The true 
wood-opal, in which the woody substance is changed into opal, renders 
the opinion probable that a peculiar opaline mass has supplanted the 
decayed and dissolved parts of the woody substance, retaining however its 
form. We cannot easily imagine the expulsion of the siliceous shield-mass 
by the opal-mass, and of the latter filling its space: therefore it appears 
conceivable that the opal may be probably formed from the infusoria 
shells, simply by water or any other dissolving medium except fluoric 
acid, just as dough is formed of meal. Unkneaded dough contains stripes 
of meal,—semi-opal has often stripes of infusoria: both are hydrates. 

In the semi-opal of Bilin and of the valley of Luschitz were visible, 
inclosed like insects in amber, 1. Gazllonella distans; 2. Gaillonella 
varians, particularly the larger individuals; 3. Gaillonella ferruginea ; 
4. siliceous needles of sponges. The first is mostly dissolved, at times 
preserved as principal mass, with the outline rather rounded off, although 
the connecting medium has quite a glassy appearance. The second 
is mostly well preserved, but rather rounded off; the third is sometimes 
well preserved in the buff-coloured specimens, but on account of its 
minuteness does not admit of a determining character. The latter 
however is not unimportant with regard to the question of the action 
of voleanic agency: it may perhaps have been deposited in the moist 
parts of the previously formed Polirschiefer. Upon heating this yellow 
semi-opal, it became red and actedasiron. The red was the articulated 
fibres of the Gaillonella: they could not therefore possibly have been 
heated in the air. The tranquil horizontal stratification of the Polir- 
schiefer (exhibiting perhaps the yearly or periodical deposition of the 
layers) speaks also for a neptunian action. Hot vapours of the volcanic 
neighbourhood might have much contributed to the purifying of the 
mass, without actual fire. The semi-opal of Bilin removes all doubt as 
to these organic relations. 

Very similar formations, with inclosed forms of organic origin, 
were also apparent in the semi-opal from Champigny, that out of the 
Dolerit from Steinheim near Hanau, and that from the serpentine for- 
mation of Kosemitz in Silesia. The microscopical bodies inclosed in 
this stone, very apparently of a spherical form, and never occurring 
larger, which are also attached externally to the semi-opal or hornstone 


from Kosemitz as a white meal, and filling out its internal cavities, 
might partly belong to the still existing genus Pyaidicula. They are 
quite different from the stalactitic columns which produce the round 
eyes in agate. 

It was natural for me now to test again the flint of the chalk, which I 
had before often examined : and this time I employed a higher power, 
and therefore with more success. The black flint, which broken into 
small pieces is transparent, showed no evident traces of an inclosure of 
microscopic organic bodies, but such are easily perceptible in the whit- 
ish and yellowish opake pieces. The more rare horizontally striped spe- 
cimens are very similar to the striped semi-opals. They all contain sphe- 
rical and often needle-shaped bodies, at times with apertures, which can 
searcely be an optical phenomenon, and which are covered by a trans- 
parent siliceous matter. There are sometimes seen in the latter, as in 
the Gaillonella varians of Cassel, radial stripes proceeding from a pierced 
centre to the periphery, and also somewhat plainly a separate defined 
shell. The chalk-like envelope and white covering of the flint does not 
effervesce with acids, and is therefore not chalk, but silica, as I have 
convinced myself; it does not appear to originate in decomposition, but 
is like the meally covering of a lump of dough ; that is to say, it is that 
layer of siliceous meal (of evident organisms) which at the formation of 
the flint has only been touched by the dissolving or metamorphosing 
matter, but not completely penetrated by it. According to this the flint 

_ would be formed nearly in the same manner as the semi-opal of the Po- 

lirschiefer. The siliceous parts of the chalk would, from their specific 
gravity, accumulate in certain places, and form layers of siliceous Berg- 
mehl in the chalk ; in the same manner as we see in high perpendicularly 
cut heaps of rubbish, things of the same specific gravity, mortar, pieces 
of porcelain, bones, &c., arranged separately in stratified horizontal 
layers. If now a dissolving elastic or other fluid forced its way into the 

__ heap, those nodules must also be formed in horizontal layers and nests, 

which have already attracted the special attention of geologists, and of 
which some at times take the form of Holothuriz and corals ; the great- 
est number however, partly on account of their enormous volume and 

partly from their wholly undetermined forms, present great difficulties 

to this hypothesis. In the Menilite the nodule formation of a penetrating 

_ substance, itself occupying scarcely any space, and not changing the 

layers of the primitive mass, is particularly well seen. 

I have finally to mention the examination of the precious opal of 
Kaschau. In some fragments both of the common serpentine opal of 
Kosemitz and of the precious porphyry opal of Kaschau, I saw also in- 
closed round bodies like those in the flint; the greatest mass was how- 
ever in the interior homogeneous. I examined the matrix of the pre- 
cious opal, and found that a mass similar to Steinmark (lithomarge ) 

Vou. I.—Parr III. 2¥ 


always immediately surrounds the nodules. This Steinmark of Kaschau 
exhibits however, under the microscope, a great resemblance to the 
Gaillonella distans, as it appears in the Saugschiefer of Bilin. I have, 
from the remarkable character of the primary formation, repeatedly 
examined and compared these and similar phenomena, and prefer to 
declare them openly than to keep them secret. I shall howeyer continue 
my observations with close examination, and publish the results if they 
lead to any discovery, when they are sufficiently matured. 
The more probable appears the proverb, partly old and partly new, 
Omnis calx e vermibus, Omnis silex e vermibus, Omne Serrum e vermi- 
bus, the more necessary it is, by continual and close examination, which 
cannot be the work of a day, to separate facts from opinions, and not 
to envelope them in mystery, but by careful observation to confine them 
within the probable and attainable limits which nature has assigned, 
We may regard as hitherto ascertained facts that 
1. Bergmehl 
2. Kieselguhr 
Be Polinsithietar 77 asfs. csve-nsackeaanes « v0 
4., Saugschiefer .......6:.s00..scseeecen sos Tertiary formations 
5. The semi-opal of the Polirschiefer.. 

consist entirely or partly of the shells of shield-infusoria. 

The following species of stone are very probably of the same nature : 
6. The semi-opal of the Dolerit ......... 
7. The (precious) opal of the se iiad 
8. The flint of the chalk ,. 

9. The Gelberde (yellow earth) teat ae Maatone 
10. The Raseneisenstein ......... 
11. Certain kinds of Steinmark*. 

\ Newest formation 

Secondary and primary 

* The examination of a boulder from the Mark (Brandenburg) which has 
been regarded as Schwimmstein (compare Kléden, Geognost. Mem. 1834, 
p- 30.) has lately proved to me that its chief mass consists of just the same 
detached siliceous spindles of sponges and of the minute globules (infusoria 
Pywidicula?) which the flint boulders of the Mark inclose ‘in great numbers. 
These bodies also lie in the meally covering of the flint. This Schwimmstein 
therefore bears the same relation to the flint as the Polirschiefer to the semi- 
opal, and it belongs to the chalk. 

Fig. 1. 

Fig. 2. 

Fig. 3. 

Fig. 4. 

Fig. 5. 

Fig. 6. 


Explanation of the Figures ( Plate V). 

Navicula (Surirella) viridis, } lin. magnitude, in the Kiesel- 
guhr of Franzensbad: a, seen from the side surface, where 
the mouths of the three apertures are apparent ; 6, the same 
individual from the dorsal or ventral side, in which are seen 
all the six apertures. The stripes are internal raised bands, 
between which were situated the ovaries of the living ani- 

Navicula (Surirella) granulata, from the peat-bog of Franz- 
ensbad ; a, side view; 6, the under surface. 

1. Synedra capitata, the chief form of the Kieselguhr of San 
Fiore; a, side surface; 6, ventral surface. 2. Navicula ine- 
qualis, side view. 

Bacillaria vulgaris? chief form of the Kieselguhr of the Isle 
of France. 

Gaillonella distans, 53 to za lin. thick: chief form of the 
Polirschiefer of Bilin (the leaf-tripoli); a, 5, c, seen from the 
side; d,e, cross surfaces ; f, apertures. 

Gaillonella ferruginea, {ooo lin. thick; the animalcule of the 
iron-ochre ; a, with the same magnifying power ; 6, two thou- 
sand times magnified. Lyngbye has regarded this animal- 
cule as the base of his Oscillatoria ochracea. Oscillatorize 
are sometimes found parasitically within it; they belong 
however to many different genera, and Agardh has there- 

fore rightly regarded them as not distinct species. 

All the other figures are magnified 290 or nearly 300 times. 



On the Chemical Effects of Electric Currents of low tension, 
in producing the Crystallization of Metallic Oxides, Sul- 
phurets, Sulphates, &c.; in forms frequently closely resem- 
bling the native combinations ; by M. BecauEREL.* 

From Becquerel’s 7raité de l'Electricité et du Magnetisme, vol. iii. p. 287. 

1. By means of long-continued electrical action proceeding from a 
single pair of plates, chemical effects more or less considerable are pro- 
duced, whether the affinity of the solution for one of the electrodes adds 
its action to these forces or opposes them. We every day observe that 
nature, having unlimited time at her disposal, produces with slender 
means immense effects. But these means frequently escape our senses, 
because they have not been studied with sufficient care, and are not in- 
cluded in the ordinary circle of our inquiries. It is only by working on 
a small scale, and closely observing every step of our processes, that we 
have a chance afforded us of discovering any of the means employed 
by nature to produce the phenomena of molecular attraction. With 
this view let us observe some of the decompositions obtained by means 
of apparently feeble electrical forces. 

At present it is not doubted that voltaic action may produce chemi- 
cal effects; but we do not know how far this action, when it is very 
feeble, influences affinities, and whether, at the very moment when 
these become sensible, particular phenomena may not be produced, 
which disappear in the general effect, when we employ a pile possessing 
a certain energy. We know, for instance, that if two wires of any 
metal are plunged into a metallic solution, each of them communi- 
cating with one of the poles of a voltaic pile of sufficient energy, we 
always obtain at the negative wire either hydrogen, reduced metal, or 
oxide. But when the tension is extremely slight, does the phenomenon 
take place in the same manner ? Do all metals possess this property 
in the same degree? In order to answer these questions, successive 
reductions must be made in the intensity of the electricity, and at the 
same time what passes in the decompositions must be observed. 

Let us put a metallic solution (for instance a solution of copper) into 
a cylindrical glass, and then with the greatest care pour over it distilled 
or acidulated water, so that the two liquids may remain separate, the 
one above the other ; and then immerse a plate of copper into it, we find 
after a few hours this plate covered with a precipitate of copper in a 
metallic state. Different metallic solutions gave similar results. Hence 

* For the selection of this Paper the Editor is indebted to H. J. Brooke, 

Esq., F.R.S. A notice of a Memoir on this subject, read by M. Becquerel to 
the Academy, is given in the Philos. Magazine and Annals for March 1830. 


it is obvious that metals can form, with their own solutions and pure 
or acidulated water, currents whose electrical action precipitates the 
metal. In this case there are two electrical effects: the one caused by 
the re-action of the two liquids one on the other; the second by the 
action of the acidulated water on the metallic plate; it is therefore a 
compound phenomenon, for the actions are added or subtracted ac- 
cording as they have the same or contrary directions. In the case under 
consideration the two actions are combined. Certain thermo-electrical 
phenomena and simple chemical actions ordinarily disengage electricity 
enough to produce decompositions resembling those just mentioned. 

Let us first direct our attention to the decompositions produced by 
thermo-electrical currents. 

2. Several experimentalists have tried to decompose water with thermo- 
electrical currents, but in vain; for in order to succeed, they should have 
experimented with salts decomposable by a weak current, such as ni- 
trate of silver and iodide of potassium, and disposed the apparatus so 
as to be able to determine the production of a new compound. 

Let us take two wires, the one of platina the other of copper, of a 
certain length and about Z of a millimetre* in diameter; forming at 
one end of each wire a ring, and hook one ring on the other; the ring 
of the platina wire being very small, and that of the copper wire about 
three millimetres in diameter. If we solder the two rings, the cur- 
rent goes always in the same direction, from the platina to the copper, 
whether we heat the wire to the right or to the left of the points of junc- 
tion. Let us now solder a copper wire to the free end of the platina 
wire, after which burn a small quantity of sulphur upon the copper ring, 
and then place under the platina ring an alcohol lamp, so as to raise its 
temperature to red heat, keeping the copper ring as cool as possible, 
which may be done by placing the platina wire at the extremity of the 
white flame, so that this may be at very little distance from the copper 
ring. Now if we communicate the free ends of the copper wires with the 
ends of the wire which forms the circuit of a galvanometer, we obtain a 
current of electricity of considerable energy passing from the platina to 
the copper. 

The copper ring is made larger than the other, so that it may be less 
heated when the temperature of the platina ring is raised to red heat. On 
the contrary, if we place the focal heat on the side of the copper wire, 
the electrical effects are reversed; and if we substitute in place of the 
platina wire another copper wire, the electrical effects will still be the 
same. But exposing the two rings to the same temperature, there will be 
no effect produced. The layer of sulphur with which the copper ring 
is covered sensibly augments the intensity of the current. 

Here then are two distinct electrical effects in a closed circuit, con- 
sisting of wires of two different metals, according as those wires are 

* 4 of a millimetre is about ;'; of an inch ; 3 millimetres is about 4 of an inch. 


soldered or only touch one another at given points. In the first ease 
the current has always the same direction, whether we heat the wire to 
the right or the left of the points of junction; in the second it is not 
so. The only difference arises from there being in the one only simple 
contact, while in the other there is contact accompanied by a chemical 
action which determines the formation of an oxide or a sulphuret. 

3. The following experiment shows the influence of chemical action 
in phenomena of this kind. Ifa piece of sulphur be burnt at one of 
the extremities of a copper wire which forms the circuit of a galvano- 
meter, and the other end be placed over it at the moment that the com- 
bustion is in full power, the current of electricity which then takes place 
is one of the most energetic, and more intense than the one which pro- 
ceeds from a simple difference of temperature. 

Suppose now a tube curved in the form of a U, containing a solution 
of nitrate or of sulphate of copper; plunge into each branch a cop- 
per wire, communicating with the end of a wire forming the apparatus 
we have just described ; after one hour's experiment that end which cor- 
responds to the negative side is covered with copper precipitated in a 
metallic state, while the other is sensibly oxidized. Two tin wires, pre- 
pared in the same manner as the copper wires, and plunged into a so- 
lution of hydro-chlorate of tin, give the same results; that is, that wire 
which communicates with the negative side will be covered with ery- 
stals of tin; wires of zinc, silver and lead, plunged in their respective 
solutions exhibit the same phenomena. 

Platina wires are without action in a solution of platina. We here 
perceive the influence of the chemical action which takes place between 
the wires and the solutions upon electro-chemical decomposition. 

Platina, gold, and silver wires, plunged in solutions of lead, tin, or cop- 
per, and prepared as those above, are equally without action on them, 
although the current has always the same intensity. 

When two silver wires are plunged into solutions of sulphate or ni- 
trate of copper, the positive wire is always attacked by the acid, and 
the precipitate is not sensibly formed on the negative wire. The oxy- 
gen and the acid appear therefore in this case to be more easily trans- 
ported to the positive pole than the copper to the negative pole. 

Platina wires produce a precipitate in nitrate of silver as well as silver 
wires, with this difference that it is more abundant on those of silver than 
on those of platina. This difference appears plainly by immersing at 
the same time a silver wire rolled round a platina wire in a solution. 

Thus, we see that with weak currents of equal intensity, the easily re- 
ducible metals are disposed to be precipitated more readily from their 
solutions upon plates of the same than upon plates of any other metal 
than that which enters into the solution, and which does not of itself pro- 
duce a precipitate, as iron when plunged into a solution of copper does. 



This remarkable fact can only be observed with an electrical apparatus of 
very feeble tension, inasmuch as, when this tension possesses a certain 
energy, the dissolved metal goes always to the negative pole, be the wire 
or plate of metal which is plunged into the solution what it may. 

To what cause are we, in this instance, to ascribe the predilection 
of a metal, combined with an acid, for a plate of the same metal ? The 
force of cohesion, whatever it may be, is the only influence to which 
it can be attributed ; for that principle must be supposed to act with 
greater force on similar than on dissimilar molecules. In this case, the 
force of cohesion added to that of the electric current should determine 
the precipitation. It must not be forgotten however that the chemical 
action of the solution on the positive wire is also powerfully conducive 
to the production of the general effect. 

If it be desired to obtain continuous effects with the thermo-electric 
apparatus, the copper ring into which the platina ring is passed must 
be renewed from time to time, because, at a certain stage of the experi- 
ments, the copper being entirely oxidized, the continuity is broken and 
the electro-chemical effects consequently cease. 

An apparatus with a platina and an iron wire has not sufficient action 
to produce decompositions. This negative effect is undoubtedly to be 
attributed to the singular electric properties of iron. 

The apparatus we are about to describe is intended to produce slow 
and continuous electro-chemical actions. 

Take two small glass jars (fig. 1); having poured into the one some 

Fig. 1. 

nitrie acid, and into the other some potash dissolved in water, we esta- 
blish a communication between them by means of a bent glass tube 
filled with potters’ clay moistened with a solution of nitrate of potash or 
chloride of sodium, and then plunge into each liquid a plate of plaftna 
fixed to the extremity of a wire of the same metal. At the free end of 


each of the platina wires, the end of a wire of that metal is attached, on 
which the experiment is to be made. The plate in contact with the al- 
kali receives the negative electricity which disengages itself in its re- 
action on the water, or the solution of the nitrate or the chloride, while 
the plate in the acid receives the positive electricity which escapes dur- 
ing the same reaction. We thus obtain a permanent pile if we only 
take care to close the vessels so as to prevent evaporation and the action 
of the air on the alkali. By plunging several plates of platina into the 
jars we may act on several sets of apparatus at the same time. 

Water may also be substituted for potash, and a copper wire plunged 
into each vessel. We then obtain a chemical action, and an electric cur- 
rent (from the copper to the acid) sufficiently strong to produce decom- 
positions similar to those already mentioned. 

It cannot be doubted that, in the electro-chemical decompositions 
produced by means of currents proceeding from an electricity of low 
tension, the oxygen and the acid take the direction of the positive pole, 
as they do in the decompositions effected by means of a pile formed of 
several elements. The wire communicating with the negative pole is 
visibly covered with metal, but it cannot always be seen that the oxygen 
and the acid are transferred to the positive pole. In such cases they 
have formed an insoluble compound. 

We have likewise already shown that when two silver wires, both in 
communication with the decomposing apparatus, were plunged into a 
solution of nitrate of copper, the positive end became perceptibly dim- 
med, while the negative end retained its metallic brilliancy, though no 
trace of metallic copper could be perceived on its surface. This is to 
be explained either by supposing that the copper, as will sometimes hap- 
pen when an insoluble compound can be formed, has remained in the so- 
lution, (and in this case there has been no transfer of the elements of the 
nitrate although it has been decomposed, ) or that the deposit on the ne- 
gative end is so slight as to be imperceptible. 

Let us now take two small glass vessels of a cylindrical form, the one 
containing a solution of nitrate of barytes, and the other a solution of 
sulphate of copper. We establish the communication between these 
solutions by means of a bent tube,small in diameter, and containing pot- 
ters’ clay moistened with a weak solution of sea salt, in order that the 
transfer of the electricity may be effected with ease. Into the sulphate 
we plunge the copper wire which corresponds with the negative side of 
the apparatus, and the other wire, into the nitrate of barytes. It is evi- 
dent that ifthe sulphuric acid goes to the positive pole, it will, in pass- 
mg through the solution of nitrate, combine with the barytes and form 
a precipitate. 

Now the following is what actually takes place: after the experiment 
has been continued for four or five hours, the negative end is covered 


with copper, the solution of the nitrate of barytes is not perceptibly dis- 
turbed, and the positive end is oxidized. Are we to conclude there- 
fore that there has been nothing transferred but the oxygen, and that 
the sulphuric acid has remained in the sulphate? The answer to this 
question is to be obtained only by analysing the secondary productions 
formed in the tubes ; but there is every reason to believe that sulphate 
of barytes would be found. In general, when there is one of the pro- 
ducts of the decomposition not to be found at one of the poles, we may 
be certain that it has been arrested, on its way, by superior affinities. 

The acetates and subacetates of lead are also decomposed by means 
of leaden wires; but the acetate of copper and the saturated solution 
of the same salt in ammonia resist the action of an electricity of low 
tension when copper wires are plunged into their solutions. These re- 
marks are of some importance, inasmuch as these salts are easily de- 
composable by the ordinary chemical processes. 

Of Electro-chemical Compounds or Secondary Productions. 

In stating the phenomena connected with the decompositions pro- 
duced by voltaic electricity, we have directed attention to the fact 
that the results of these decompositions were simple or compound, ac- 
cording to the nature of the bodies submitted to experiment, and that 
of the bodies employed as conductors. We have observed, for instance, 
that in decomposing a solution of sulphuric acid with a piece of char- 
coal, serving as a positive conductor, we obtained, instead of oxygen, 
gaseous oxide of carbon and carbonic acid gas, in consequence of the 
action of the oxygen (which is in its nascent state) upon the charcoal. 
Other instances of the same kind have been cited in treating of the cha- 
racters of the bodies developed on the metallic plates, and the definite 
nature and extent of electro-chemical decomposition. 

We are now about to resume the consideration of this question and 

_ earry its solution as far as the present state of science will allow us, in 

order to show in what manner the chemical action of electricity may be 
applied in explaining a great number of natural phenomena which have 
been hitherto considered independent of this universal agent. 

For a long time no one could conceive how, by means of electric 
forces, feeble in appearance, powerful affinities were to be overcome, for 
the purpose of decomposing bodies and producing new combinations. It 
was thought that it would be always necessary to employ currents pos- 
sessing some degree of energy : but as soon as the electrical effects which 
take place in chemical actions were analysed, all doubt was removed as 
to the possibility of attaining the same end by making a proper applica- 
tion of those effects. It was conceived, in short, that when any voltaic 
pair is plunged intoa solution which acts on one of the elements of that 


pair, the particles of the solution, at the instant when they are set in 
motion by the chemical action, being then in their nascent state, are 
most disposed to obey the action of the current produced by the pair. 
We have already cited examples in confirmation of this fact, but we 
shall have occasion hereafter to notice a still greater number of them. 

Of the Formation of Metallic Oxides by Voltaic Action. 

Gold.—It was long supposed that gold was converted into a purple 
oxide by means of electric discharges ; but it appears that this state is 
only the effect of the extreme division of its parts, as it cannot be admitted 
that it is oxidized at the temperature at which its oxide is commonly 
reduced. It tends to confirm this conjecture, that when gold is preci- 
pitated from a very weak solution, we likewise obtain a purple powder 
by means of bodies which reduce its oxide. 

Iridium.—By exposing iridium to the discharge of a very powerful 
electric battery, Children succeeded in reducing this metal to a white 
globule, which was very brilliant and yet porous; but he never could 
oxidize it. 

Silver —This metal when in contact with the air cannot be oxidized 
at any temperature; but it is found eapable of oxidation when exposed 
in very thin leaves to the action of a very powerful battery. 

It may be obtained also in the state of hyper-oxide, a compound for 
the discovery of which we are indebted to Ritter. It deposits itself on 
the positive conductor of a pile, when that is discharged through a 
weak solution of silver, in long erystalline needles crossed by three or 
four lines possessing a metallic brilliancy. With a slow action it is ob- 
tained in very regular and well-defined tetrahedrons. When subjected 
to the action of hydrochloric acid, this compound gives out oxygen, and 
is transformed into chloride of silver; under the action of ammonia it is 
decomposed and gives out azote, and when mixed with phosphorus it 
detonates under the hammer. It decrepitates by heat, is decomposed, 
and produces pure silver. 

Mercury.—When a very powerful electric pile is discharged through 
a very small globule of mercury, the globule is driven in all directions, 
becomes oxidized, and produces red sparks. 

Palladium is not oxided at the positive pole of the pile. 

Antimony.—When a piece of antimony is employed as a positive con- 
ductor in order to decompose water, gray flakes are detached from its 
surface; these, under the action of hydrochloric acid, are transformed 
into antimony which remains, and into oxide of antimony which is dis- 
solved. The flakes appear to be a suboxide. 

» Zine and the oxidable metals are easily oxidized under voltaic influ- 

 tremity of a plate of copper is then plunged into each 


ence when they are employed as positive electrodes: but as this effect 
presents nothing particularly worthy of remark, we shall forbear to 
dwell on it, that we may now proceed to explain some other processes 
by means of which we obtain the oxides crystallized. 

Of Metallic Oxides Crystallized by Voltaic Action. 

Copper.—tin order to obtain crystals of protoxide of copper, we take 
a glass tube closed at one end and having at the bottom some deutoxide 
of copper (See fig.2.). This tube is filled with a solu- 
tion of saturated nitrate of copper, into which there is Fig. 2. 
plunged a plate of copper, that touches the deutoxide 
also, and the tube is then hermetically sealed. After 
an interval of ten days we begin to perceive on the 
plate of copper small bright crystals of the form of 
an octahedron and of a deep red colour. In order to 
discover the electric phenomena by which they are 
produced, we must take two capsules of porcelain fill- 
ed with asolution of nitrate of copper and connected 
with each other by means of a cotton wick. One ex- 

of them, while the other is attached to one of the 
extremities of the wire of a delicate multiplier. All 
things being now alike on one side and the other, 
there appears no current. But if we pour some deut- 
oxide of copper on that part of one of the plates which is plunged in 
the solution, a current is soon produced, the direction of which shows 
that the plate in contact with the deutoxide has received the negative 
electricity. Hence it follows that the plate in the other capsule is the 
negative pole of the small pile which produces the decomposition of the 
nitrate of copper. Now, an effect perfectly similar to this takes place 

_ in the tube: the part of the plate in contact with the deutoxide is the 

positive and the other part the negative pole. We shall presently re- 
vert to the cause which produces this pile. The existence of the latter 
being established, the portion of the plate of copper which is not in con- 
tact with the deutoxide, should attract the copper in a metallic state or 
its oxides, according to the force of the current. It is therefore but na- 
tural that the protoxide of copper should take that direction if the cur- 
rent possesses sufficient energy. It crystallizes, because the electric 
and (consequently ) the chemical action being very slow, the molecules 
have time to arrange themselves according to the laws of crystallization, 
although the body is insoluble,—an advantage which is never obtained 
when the chemical forces are of greater intensity. 

According to the greater or less quantity of deutoxide of copper in- 
closed in the tube the phenomena which take place will vary. Let us 


suppose that the tube contains it in excess: at first protoxide is pro- 
duced and crystallized ; the solution gradually loses its colour; then be- 
comes colourless, and crystals of nitrate of ammonia are seen on the in- 
terior surface of the tube. The liquor now contains nothing but the 
saturated solution of this salt and some traces of copper. Sometimes it 
takes a year or more to obtain this last result, which depends on the 
quantity of deutoxide employed. All this is effected without any con- 
tact with the air, since the tube is hermetically sealed, and the forma- 
tion of the ammonia must have been owing to the hydrogen of the 
water and the azote of the nitric acid. 

When the quantity of the deutoxide is very small, the effect is as fol- 
lows : the protoxide crystals are formed equally on the plate of copper ; 
but by little and little, they lose some of their brilliancy, and experience 
at last a discoloration which stops at a certain point. The solution re- 
mains always coloured. The experiment is then terminated, and time 
produces no change in the solution. 

In order to explain the facts just mentioned, and to reascend to the 
cause of the electric phenomena by which they have been produced, 
we have found it necessary to analyse the octahedral crystals and the 
substance that replaces the deutoxide of the same metal. The change 
which the deutoxide undergoes is the only thing that can throw a light 
on the origin of the electric effects. 

Those crystals possess the following properties : their powder is red : 
it is soluble in ammonia or in hydrochloric acid without colouring either. 
The latter solution is made turbid by the water, and receives a blue tinge 
from ammonia. These characters indicate that the crystals really are 
protoxide of copper. 

Analysis of the Substance which replaces the Deutoxide of Copper 
in the Crystallization of the Protoxide. 

We took two grammes of this substance. After having well washed 
and dried it, we proceeded to operate on it immediately by means of car- 
bonate of potash. The filtrated liquor was gradually saturated with 
sulphuric acid, until there was no longer any alkaline reaction. Hav- 
ing now condensed the solution by evaporation and produced crystal- 
lization, we obtained 180 of nitrate of potash besides the mother-water 
which we neglected. 

The insoluble salt which remained on the strainer was carbonate of 
copper, which being dried and weighed amounted to 1&6. Now one 
gramme of nitrate of potash, if we admit that an atom of this salt includes 
two atoms of acid and one atom of base, will contain 085 of acid and 
0°45 of potash. 

In like manner the carbonate of copper, being formed of an atom of 
deutoxide of copper and an atom of carbonic acid, gives 12 of oxide 
and 04 of carbonic acid. 




Hence it follows that the substance subjected to analysis is a subni- 
trate consisting of 
Calcul. result. Result of exper. 
2 atoms'of nitric acid ............... O05 |... O62 
3 atoms of deutoxide of copper ... dy palit gos a io Fg 

It appears, by this analysis, that the deutoxide of copper is transformed 
into subnitrate of copper. This result enables us to explain the elec- 
trie effects which give birth to the protoxide of copper and its accom- 
panying products. 

The hermetically sealed glass tube contains some deutoxide of cop- 
per, a saturated solution of nitrate of copper, and a plate of copper in 
contact with both. As the deutoxide takes possession of part of the acid 
of the nitrate, it follows that the part of the plate which touches the deut- 
oxide comes into contact with solution of nitrate of copper, which is less 
saturated than that into which the upper extremity is plunged. A cur- 
rent should result from that circumstance, since the plate of copper is 
plunged into two solutions saturated in different degrees. 

The upper extremity is the negative, and the lower extremity the 
positive pole: the former should consequently attract the copper or its 
oxides, and the latter the acid ; and this is precisely what does take place. 
It appears then that there is nothing perplexing in the fact that the prot- 

_ oxide of copper is deposited on the upper part of the plate. The action 

of this pile must be extremely feeble at first, inasmuch as the deut- 
oxide, especially when it is anhydrous, not acting easily on the acid of 
the nitrate, the difference between those two liquids is very small. But 
as the nitrate gradually loses its acid, which is not suddenly replaced 
by that of the upper part, it follows that the difference between the 
degree of concentration of the two solutions increases. The chemi- 
eal action of the pile should be in the same ratio. Thus at the close of 
the operation we perceive crystals of copper especially on the upper 

part. As this process is gradual, all the bases from the deutoxide to the 

metal, should be obtained in a crystallized state, those however being 
excepted which are capable of reacting on the nitrate of copper. 

It is proved by experiment that during these different actions no gas 
escapes. For this purpose all that is required is, that instead of closing 
the tube we should cover it with another tube inverted, and likewise 
filled with a solution of nitrate of copper. We find that, whatever may 
be the duration of the experiment, no gas is disengaged in the upper 
part. It appears that the oxygen which results from reducing the deut- 
oxide of the nitrate into protoxide, is carried to the lower part of the 
plate (which is the positive pole), in order to oxidize it, so that it may 

_ combine with the acid which is also drawn thither by the action of the 
current. But as there is a formation of ammonia, it is likewise neces- 


sary that a portion of the water and the acid should be decomposed, in 
order to obtain hydrogen and azote. As to the oxygen, it oxidizes the 
lower part of the plate. ‘The decompositions take place in such propor- 
tions that all the elements arising from them are employed to form new 
compounds. Thus the copper decomposes water and acid only in such 
quantities that the hydrogen and the azote may be in that proportion 
which is requisite to form ammonia. ‘This instance of electro-chemical 
decomposition in definite proportions we made known several years since. 

The deutoxide, by its action on the solution of the nitrate, is so far 
the cause of the electric current established in the system, that the same 
effect may be produced by putting things in the state in which they are 
subsequently to this action. We take two porcelain capsules, one of which 
is filled with a saturated solution of nitrate of copper, and the other with 
the same solution and an addition of water. The communication be- 
tween them is established by means ‘of a cotton wick, and the end of a 
plate of copper is plunged into each of the vessels. This apparatus 
is the same as that of the tube when the deutoxide of copper has 
begun to combine with part of the acid of the nitrate ; since, in the 
one case as well as in the other, the two ends of the plate are plunged 
into solutions of nitrate of copper possessing different degrees of con- 
centration. Now, as in both cases the electrical effects are the same, 
the explanation we have given is necessarily exact. The foregoing facts 
enable us to modify, at pleasure, the intensity of the small piles em- 
ployed to bring into action the mutual affinities in bodies. In fact, a 
plate of copper immersed in two solutions of nitrate of copper, of which 
one is and the other is not saturated, will constitute a pile. It follows 
from this, that, if the solution which is not saturated be more or less 
diluted by the addition of water, we shall have electro-chemical actions of 
greater or less energy ; and, as the solution may be progressively diluted, 
those actions will be increased or diminished in the same proportion. 

It is thus that we may obtain the different oxides of a metal in a cry- 
stallized state and distinguish the proximate principles in organic com- 

Lead.—In order to obtain the crystallized protoxide of lead, we take 
a glass tube measuring some millimetres in diameter, and closing it at 
one end, place at the bottom some pulverized litharge about a centi- 
metre* high. We then pour over it a slightly diluted solution of sub- 
acetate of lead, and plunge into it a plate of lead which is equally in 
contact with the litharge. The tube is then hermetically sealed. The 
surface of the plate becomes gradually covered with small prismatic-nee- 
dles of hydrate of lead; occasionally there is to be seen reduced lead ; 
and lastly, but rather rarely, a deposit of very clear dodecahedral ery- 
stals of protoxide with pentagonal faces, which lose their transparence 

* A centimetre is about 3, of an inch. 


in contact with the air. These products are undoubtedly the result of 
the decomposition of the subacetate of lead arising from actions ana- 
logous to those which take place during the production of the protoxide 
of copper. 

Zine.—The surface of this metal when in contact with the air is usually 
covered with a very thin layer of suboxide which is opposed to electro- 
chemical action. This compound is slowly dissolved by the acids, and 
it is to its presence that we are to ascribe the feeble intensity of the cur- 
rents produced by a pile which is charged with a non-acid solution. 

The following is a very simple mode of obtaining crystallized oxide of 
zinc : we take two small bottles, one containing a solution of zinc in pot- 
ash, and the other a solution of nitrate of copper. The communication 
between them is established by means of a bent tube filled with potter's 
clay moistened with a solution of nitrate of potash. A plate of lead com- 
municating with the positive pole of a pile composed of two or three 
elements, is immersed in the solution of zinc, and a plate of copper, in 
communication with the negative pole, is immersed in the solution of 
nitrate of copper. 

A pile may even be dispensed with, if the plate of lead and the plate 
of copper be put in metallic communication with each other. 

The nitrate of copper is decomposed in consequence of the action of 
the current proceeding from the action of the alkali on the lead: the 
oxygen and the nitric acid are transferred to the plate of lead, and there 
produce nitrate of potash and oxide of lead which is dissolved in the al- 
kali. After the experiment has been continued for some days there are 
found deposited on the plate of lead small clear crystals having the shape 
of flat prisms and so disposed as to form rosettes. These crystals are 
formed during the slow precipitation of the oxide of zinc by the oxide of 
lead, which gradually saturates the solution of potash. In contact with 
the air, they become gradually translucid. Exposed to the action of heat 
they take a yellow tinge without being melted, and become white when 
cooled again ; a property which is characteristic of the oxide of zinc. 
Subjected to the action of acetic acid they gave an acetate of zine which 
the sulphuret of potash throws down a white precipitate,—a proof that 
these crystals contain no lead. 

If we substitute a plate of zinc for a plate of lead, the only deposit is 
a white substance, which is a combination of zine and potash. 

If we continue to let the pile operate with the plate of lead, a yellow 
powder is precipitated, which is probably a combination of anhydrous 
protoxide of lead with potash. 

By substituting for the plate of zinc a plate of copper or platina,-or 
any metal not easily oxidable, there will be found deposited on the up- 
per side a tritoxide of lead in very simple layers which are easily detached 


and have all the properties of the brown oxide. We shall have occasion 
elsewhere to return to this compound. 

Lime.—Iit is known that the solution of hydrate of lime in water 
becomes, when in contact with the air, covered with a pellicle of carbo- 
nate of lime, and that, if this solution be reduced one half by evapo- 
ration in a basin and left to cool slowly, the earth becomes crystallized 
in the form of small needles. M.Gay-Lussac has found that when the 
evaporation takes place in vacuo, the hydrate of lime is crystallized in 
regular hexahedrons. It is perfectly easy to obtain the same erystals by 
means of the pile, without operating in vacuo. Nothing more is required 
for this purpose than to pour some Seine water, which contains a cer- 
tain quantity of sulphate of lime, into the two branches of a bent tube 
(U) having its lower part filled with moist clay, and then to plunge 
into each branch a plate of platina in communication with a pile of 
fifteen pair of plates. Not only is the water decomposed, but the sulphate 
of lime also. The water in the negative branch becomes alkaline, 
thus showing that it contains lime in solution. As the operation is 
not interrupted, there arrives a certain moment when the erystalliz- 
tion of the hydrate of lime is effected. If the salt with a calcareous base 
was more abundant, the quantity of lime that would find its way into 
the negative branch of the tube could not fail to disturb the regular 
grouping of the molecules. There can be no doubt that, by this pro- 
cess, several hydrated oxides, both alkaline and earthy, may be ob- 
tained in a crystallized state. 

Action of Hydrogen on different bodies, serving as Negative Conductors ; 
Formation of Metallic Chlorides. 

When the hydrogen arrives at the negative pole, it usually contributes 
to the reduction of the oxide by instantly forming with its oxygen a por- 
tion of water, which is afterwards decomposed by the action of the cur- 
rent. If there are any elements present with which it may combine, the 
combination will undoubtedly take place, since the gas is in its nascent 
state. We shall now proceed to notice some circumstauces of this kind. 

A combination of gold and hydrogen is a thing unknown to chemistry. 
It has nevertheless been advanced by Ritter that in decomposing water 
with gold wires there was formed at the negative pole a hydruret of this 
metal. We mention this result without vouching for its accuracy. 

It has been asserted also that by the same means silver might be 
combined with hydrogen, but the fact has not been yet proved. 

Bismuth has likewise been said to combine with hydrogen when that 
metal served as a negative conductor in the decomposition of water. In 
this case the metal becomes black and is covered with a black dendritic: 


Ritter has likewise asserted, that if, for the purpose of decomposing 
water, we employ a fragment of tellurium as a negative conductor, the 
hydrogen which comes into contact with it combines with the metal, and 
produces a brown powder or hydruret of tellurium. But M. Magnus, 
who examined this product, ascertained that it was composed of tellu- 
rium in its state of greatest division. 

Hydrogen and carbon, which combine in different proportions when 
they are in their nascent state, (since all animal and vegetable substances 
in decomposition give out carbonated hydrogen,) must also be capable 
of combining at the negative pole of the pile. This property is of 
great importance in electre-chemistry, especially when it is required to 
deprive a body of its carbon. The following experiments will serve to 
show the use that can be made of anthracite, that is to say, of carbon 
almost pure, and of ordinary carbon, in the researches in which we are 

When we plunge into an acid, in contact with a metal, a piece of 
anthracite or charcoal, a current is produced, the direction and intensity 
of which depend on the chemical action of the liquid on the charcoal 
and the metal. Let us, for instance, take a piece of charcoal freed from 
all foreign matter, and attach it to one end of a platina wire in commu- 
nication with the multiplier, and then plunge it into nitric acid, which 
also communicates with the galvanometer by means of another platina 
wire. We then havea current from the carbon to the acid: this result 
shows that the carbon has been attacked by the acid. 

A pair of carbon and copper plates plunged into hydrochloric acid, 
determines a current, which proceeds from the copper to the carbon, in 
consequence of the slow action of the acid on the metal. A pair of 
carbon and silver plates acts in a similar manner: whence we derive 
a very simple process for forming chloride of silver and copper. Into 
a glass tube closed at one end, we pour concentrated hydrochloric acid, 
and plunge into it a plate of silver, attached by a wire of the same 
metal toa piece of anthracite or charcoal. The tube is then almost totally 
closed, only a very small aperture being left, in order to afford a vent to 
the gas which escapes in the reaction of the bodies upon each other. The 
following is the result : the silver being the positive pole of the small pile, 
attracts the chlorine and combines with it, while the hydrogen goes to 
the carbon, with which it forms a gaseous combination, which escapes. 
When the tube is hermetically sealed, the tension acquired by the gas 
soon causes it to burst. The chloride of silver that had been formed is 
dissolved, and, when the acid is saturated, this compound crystallizes in 
beautiful translucid octahedrons of one or two millimetres in length. If, 
for the plate of silver, a plate of copper be substituted, the chemical 

_eaction produces electric effects which increase the energy of the afii- 

nities; the hydrochloric acid is decomposed, and there is a disengage- 
ment of carburetted hydrogen. In six months or a year after this, the 
Vor. I.—Parr III. 2G 


plate is covered with fine tetrahedral crystals of protochloride of copper, 
exceedingly brilliant and possessing great refrangibility. Ifthe experi- 
ment be continued so as to exclude all contact with the air, the liquor 
‘changes its colour to a deep brown and the crystals are no longer vi- 
sible. The carbon is then powerfully attacked, and the result is, a 
‘combination which has not yet been examined. 

Of the Action of the Pile on the Alkaline Sulphurets. 

When a solution of protosulphuret of potassium or sodium is exposed 
to the air, the metal and the sulphur are simultaneously oxidized ; there 
is produced a hyposulphite, in which the acid and the base contain an 
equal quantity of oxygen: the solutions of the other sulphurets undergo 
other changes ; so long as the solution retains a yellow tint, the hypo- 
sulphite is all that is formed, but as soon as the sulphur is precipitated, 
this salt is changed, first into a sulphite, and then into a sulphate. 

The alcoholic solution of sulphuret of potash produces likewise, in 
contact with the air, hyposulphite of potash, which crystallizes at the 
surface of the liquid, at the same time that the sulphur, dissolved by 
the alcohol, is abandoned. The other alkaline sulphurets act in the 
same manner. ; 

As to the sulphurets of barium and strontium, their solutions, in 
contact with the air, undergo changes somewhat different: though there 
is a formation of hyposulphate, there is none of hyposulphite. 

When, in one of the branches of a tube bent like the letter U, (the other 
branch containing water, ) asolution of one of the preceding sulphurets 
is submitted to the action of the positive pole of a pile composed of a 
small number of elements, by means of plates of platina, while the 
water is in communication with the negative pole; the solution under- 
goes changes similar to those which take place in the air. In fact, the 
solution of protosulphuret of potassium or sodium in water is affected, 
at first, in the usual manner by the positive pole; that is to say, a por- 
tion of it is decomposed, and there is a transfer of potash or soda into 
the negative side of the tube, while the sulphur left alone on the other 
side combines with one portion of the disengaged oxygen, which trans- 
forms it successively into hyposulphurous acid, sulphurous acid, and 
sulphuric acid, which combines with the base; for, after some days, 
we find only a sulphate. Ifthe operation be continued, this last salt 
will itself also experience the decomposing action of the pile. The 
same phenomenon is exhibited by the solution of the persulphurets, 
except that there is a precipitation of sulphur. 

The alcoholic solutions of the protosulphurets do not produce any 
particular phenomenon. As to the solution of a persulphuret, in ad- 
dition to the formation of the sulphate, it presents on the plate of platina 
a fine deposit of crystals of sulphur, possessing great regularity of 
form, and admitting an increase of their dimensions by changing the 


solution when it is no longer saturated. The perfect crystallization of 
the sulphur is partly owing to the power which the alcohol possesses of 
dissolving a certain quantity. 

The solutions of the sulphurets of barium and strontium being exposed, 
like the preceding solutions, to the action of the positive pole, produce, 
after some few moments, a deposit of sulphur and quadrilateral prisms 
(which are nearly regular and unalterable in the air), of hyposulphate 
of barytes or strontia. By continuing the operation these crystals are 

So great is the tendency of the protosulphurets of barium and stron- 
tium to undergo a change into hyposulphates, that when a plate of lead 
or copper is substituted for one of platina, we still have a hyposulphate, 
and only a small quantity of sulphuret of lead or copper deposited. 

If we operate with a solution of persulphuret of barium, we shall 
have a precipitation of sulphur in the form of small tubercles, and a 
formation of hyposulphate. Hence it would seem that the sulphur and 
barium are contained in the protosulphuret in the proportions required 
for the oxygen arising from the decomposition of the water, and trans- 
ferred to the positive pole, to be so divided between the two elements as 
to forta the hyposulphate. All the superfluous sulphur contained in 
the persulphuret, being unable to enter into the combination, is neces- 
sarily abandoned, and, as it acts the part of an electro-negative element, 
is naturally carried to the positive pole. 

It is perfectly obvious that all the chemical actions which give birth 
to these compounds can take place only under certain electric influ- 
ences of small energy ; for if we operate with an apparatus the action 
of which is too powerful, we isolate all the elements, and no combina- 
tion is possible. The whole art consists then in disposing the appa- 
ratus in such a manner as to prevent the transfer of certain elements, 
and thus force them into combination with other elements which are 
conveyed to them by means of the electric currents. This new mode 
of producing combinations is fruitful in the variety of its applications, 
and promises results of great importance to chemistry. 

In the foregoing experiments the sulphuret was submitted to the 
action of the positive pole: let us now see what will be the result when 
it is in communication with the negative pole. We will take the sul- 
phuret of barium: in this case the hydrogen reacts upon this com- 
pound ; whence there arises a sulphohydrate of barytes, as will be sa- 
tisfactorily proved if we test the solution. 

Tf it be desired to obtain this substance in a crystallized state, we must 
add to the solution one half its bulk of alcohol: as it does not dissolve in 
this liquid, it becomes crystallized in considerable quantity on the plate 
of platina as fast as it is formed. If we dissolve these crystals, we find 

again all the characteristics of the sulphohydrate of barytes. 


Of Double Chlorides, Double Iodides, Double Bromides, Double 
Sulphurets, Double Cyanurets, &e. 

It was conceived that by theapplication of the principles just explained, 
it would be possible to obtain in a crystallized state some double inso- 
luble combinations, which by the ordinary processes of chemistry it 
would be difficult to produce, for want of sufficient slowness in their 
operation, and because they do not enable us to abstract, at pleasure, 
any given element of a body, or to add others. Let us first direct our 
attention to the chlorides. 

We take a tube bent into the form of the letter U, having its trans- 
verse part filled with clay moistened with water: in one of the branches 
we put nitrate of copper, in the other a solution of the chloride which it 
is proposed to subject to experiment, for instance chloride of sodium. 
The end of a slip of metal (copper, for example, ) is plunged into each 
of them, and kept there by corks. Immediately afterwards, in conse- 
quence of the reaction of the two solutions on each other, and that 
of the solution of the chloride on the copper, the end immersed in the 
solution of the nitrate becomes the negative pole of a small voltaic 
apparatus, and is covered with copper in a metallic state: the nitric 
acid and the oxygen are transferred into the positive branch, where 
both concur in the production of those chemical reactions which we are 
now about to describe. The plate of copper immersed in this branch 
tends immediately to decompose the chloride; but, in consequence of 
the voltaic action, it is oxidated at the expense of the oxygen transfer- 
red. The oxide of copper thus formed combines immediately with the 
chloride of copper and chloride of sodium; whence we obtain an oxy- 
chloride of copper and sodium. By little and little this combination is 
formed, on the positive plate, into distinct tetrahedral crystals. If it is 
desired to have crystals of two or three millimetres in size, the appa- 
ratus must be left in operation for at least a year. The success of the 
experiment depends on our preventing the mixture of the liquids con- 
tained in the branches of the tube, without impeding the transfer of 
the oxygen towards the positive pole. The nitric acid contributes not 
only to oxidize the copper but to decompose the sea salt; for there is 
found in the solution some nitrate of soda. We have said that this 
combination is effected only in proportion as the end immersed in the 
solution of sea salt is slowly oxidized; for it does not take place when 
we employ an intense electric current. The most effectual mode of 
oxidizing a metal, in electro-chemical researches, is to dispose the ap- 
paratus in such a manner that it will seize the oxygen which proceeds 
from the reduction of an oxide. 

This double oxychloride, withdrawn from the contact of the air, re-— 
mains unchanged ; but as soon as it is in contact with water it is de- 
composed, the chloride of sodium being dissolved, and the oxychloride 


precipitated. Being anxious to analyse the latter product, in order to 
know its nature, we proceeded in the following manner. We took 
two grammes of the precipitate, after having well washed it, and di- 
gested it in a warm solution of carbonate of soda. The precipitate, 
when washed and dried, gave 2 grammes of carbonate of copper, con- 
sisting of 1°70 of oxide of copper, and 0°94 of carbonic acid. The 
oxychloride contained therefore 1°70 of oxide of copper, and 0°30 of 
hydrochloric acid,—a proportion which represents 2 atoms of oxide of 
copper and 1 atom of hydrochloric acid. We afterwards saturated 
the solution with sulphuric acid, and then caused it to crystallize. 
The crystals of chloride of sodium furnished the quantity of chlorine 
contained in the substance subjected to experiment. 

The chlorides of ammonium, calcium, potassium, barium, strontium, 
and magnesium will give, with copper, analogous products, which also 
crystallize in regular tetrahedrons. They are all isomorphous. 

Silver, as well as lead, will also give, with the same chlorides, isomor- 
phous combinations similar to the preceding. The double chloride of 
potassium and tin crystallizes in prismatic needles, and this we should 

__ expect, since the atomic composition of the chloride of tin is net the 
same as that of the earthy or alkaline hydrochlorates. 
_ We must here notice an observation made respecting the changes 
_ sometimes produced in the crystallization of double chlorides. The 
erystal is complete at first, but when the apparatus has been a long 
time in operation, the angles of the crystal become gradually trun- 
cated. It would seem from that circumstance that when the particles 
of the substance which crystallizes are not sufficiently abundant, the 
_ force which determines the regular grouping of these particles has no 
longer the energy requisite to complete the crystal. We have had 
_ frequent occasion to make the same remark in several crystallizations 
Bot products formed by the aid of electric forces emanating from a 
_ single pair. 

By making use of the same apparatus we may form double sulphurets, 
double iodides, double bromides, &c. The observations which we are 
about to make in respect to the metallic iodides and sulphurets alone will 
throw some light on the rest of those substances. 

On the Crystallization of Metallic Sulphurets. 

_ Chemistry has been hitherto unable to obtain, in the moist way, 
the metallic sulphurets in a regular form; but this may be accom- 
plished by uniting the action of the affinities to that of the electric 
forces, and so disposing the apparatus that it may be able to operate 
slowly and for a long time. We shall now notice in succession the se- 
veral sulphurets which we have prepared. 

Sulphuret of Silver—A saturated solution of nitrate of silver is 
poured into one branch of the bent tube, and into the other a so- 


lution of hyposulphite of potash, obtained by decomposing in the air 
some protosulphuret of potassium. One end of a wire or plate of pure 
silver is then plunged into each of them. The reaction of the two so- 
lutions on each other, and that of the hyposulphite on the plate of silver, 
produce electrical effects, in consequence of which, the plate immersed 
in the nitrate becomes the negative pole of a voltaic apparatus. The 
nitrate of silver is slowly decomposed, the plate immersed in it is co- 
vered with silver in a metallic state, while the oxygen and the nitric 
acid pass into the other branch, where they concur in the formation of 
a double hyposulphite of silver and potash, which crystallizes in beau- 
tiful prisms; but as the oxygen and the acid continue to arrive, they 
react on this combination and the hyposulphite of potash: there are 
then formed sulphate and nitrate of potash, and sulphuret of silver, 
which remains unchanged so long as there is not a quantity of nitric acid 
sufficient to act on it. The formation of the sulphate and the nitrate 
of potash is easily explained ; but the case is far otherwise with the 
formation of the sulphuret. Let us consider the circumstances by 
which it is accompanied. In proportion as the liquid evaporates in the 
positive branch, we see at the bottom of the tube and above the 
clay some pretty octahedral crystals of sulphuret of silver formed 
on the plate of silver. These crystals resemble, in appearance, those of 
the same substance that are found in silver mines. Like them, they 
extend themselves lightly under the hammer ; their colour is a leaden 
gray, and their exterior surface is dim. The resemblance, indeed, is so 
close that the artificial cannot be distinguished in any respect from the 
natural crystals. 

Why is it that, in consequence of the reaction of the oxygen and the 
nitric acid on the hyposulphite, we cbtain a sulphuret of silver instead 
of a hyposulphite, a sulphite, or even a sulphate? This question can- 
not be answered but by supposing that the positive pole acts on the 
oxide of silver and the hyposulphurous acid so as to disoxidize them ; 
when the silver and the sulphur, being in their nascent states, obey 
their mutual affinities. As these effects are produced slowly, there 
is nothing to oppose the regular grouping of the particles of sulphu- 
ret of silver. Nothing of a similar kind is obtained with a solution of 
sulphuret of potassium. In this case the results of the experiment are, 
sulphate of potash and sulphate of silver. This is very probably to be 
ascribed to the influence of the proportions and the energy of the 

Sulphuret of Copper.—In order to apply the foregoing principles to 
the formation of other sulphurets, and first to that of sulphuret of 
copper, let us substitute for the solution of nitrate of silver a solution 
of nitrate of copper, and for the plate of silver a plate of copper: there 
is quickly formed in that side of the tube which contains the hyposul- 
phite of potash, a double hyposulphite of copper and potassium, which 

es ten el 



crystallizes in very fine silky needles. This double hyposulphite is 
gradually decomposed, and we obtain at last, on the plate of copper, 
flat opake crystals with triangular faces two millimetres* in length. 
These crystals are of a metallic gray colour, and some of them exhibit 
tints of a bluish cast: their powder is blackish. They are soluble in 
ammonia, to which they give a blue colour, and it is easy to perceive 
that they are composed only of sulphur and copper. Hitherto there 
has not been a sufficient quantity of this sulphuret collected to deter- 
mine the relative proportions of the metal and the sulphur. 
Oxysulphuret of Antimony.—In order to prepare the kermes, the 
same liquids are employed as in the preceding experiment, and the 
communication is established between the two tubes by means of an 
are, composed of two plates, the one copper and the other antimony ; 
the plate of copper being immersed in the nitrate, and the plate of an- 
timony in the hyposulphite. The first becomes covered with copper, pro- 
ceeding from the decomposition of the nitrate, while the other, as well as 
the sides of the tube, becomes covered with a reddish brown precipitate. 
Some time afterwards there are formed, on the antimony, small red 
octahedral crystals, and crystallized plates of the same nature as the 
precipitate. These crystals may be dissolved in neutral hydrosulphate 

_ of potash, and give out sulphuretted hydrogen by the action of the 

hydrochloric acid in which they are dissolved. They are made yellow 
by the alkalis. All these are characteristic of the oxysulphuret of 
antimony: the theory of its formation being the same as that of the 

_ sulphuret of silver, it is unnecessary to dwell longer on it. 

Sulphuret of Tin—Sulphuret of tin may be obtained in very small 
crystals, possessing 2 metallic brightness; but the success of the ex- 
periment depends on the electro-chemical action being yery feeble. 

_ The operation is therefore difficult to be conducted. 

Sulphuret of Lead or Galena—This compound also is obtained 

in regular tetrahedral crystals, but the method to be pursued is different 
from that adopted in a former case. A tube, about one decimetre+ in 

length and five or six millimetres{ in diameter, is closed at one end. 

The lower part is filled, to the height of two or three centimetres §, with 

black sulphuret of mercury. On this we pour a solution of chloride of 
magnesium : a plate of lead is then plunged into the liquid to the very 
bottom of the tube. The apparatus being hermetically sealed, is 
then left to the electro-chemical action. In a month or six weeks 
we begin to perceive on the interior surface of the tube, above the sul- 
phuret, a very thin layer of a brilliant precipitate (of a metallic gray 

colour), which is easily detached, and becomes gradually covered with 

small crystals, which appear, when seen through a microscope, to be 
regular octahedrons, presenting the same aspect as those of the ga- 
lena. When the tube is opened, a gas escapes, which diffuses the 
*,ofaninch. + About 3: inches. ¢ About, of an inch. § About 1 inch. 


odour peculiar to the combinations of sulphur with chlorine and hydro- 
gen. If the liquor is tested with an acid, there is an escape of sul- 
phurous acid. The lower part of the plate of lead has become brittle, 
in consequence of the combination of the lead with mercury. In order to 
explain these several results, it must be recollected that when the lead 
is in contact with an alkaline or earthy chloride, such as that of magne- 
sium, a double chloride is formed and magnesia is precipitated. In con- 
sequence of this reaction, the lead becomes negative and the solution 
positive ; the circulation of the electric fluid is then carried on through 
the medium of the infinitely thin layer of liquid which adheres to the sur- 
face of the glass. Under the same circumstance, the sulphuret of mer- 
cury being dissolved in the chloride, is subjected to the action of the small 
pile: the lead, which is the negative pole, attracts the mercury, and the 
sulphur is attracted by the double chloride of lead and magnesium. One 
portion of the sulphur combines with the lead, whence there arises a sul- 
phuret of lead, which crystallizes without any trace of mercury, while 
the other portion combines with the chloride of magnesium, and the 
chlorine which was combined with the lead ; and thus there is produced 
a sulpho-chloride of magnesium and a chloride of sulphur. 

The operation being continued for several months, the liquor in the 
part adjacent to the sulphuret of mercury assumes a reddish tint, which 
is probably owing to the presence of chloride of sulphur. It is neces- 
sary to observe, that no trace of lead is found in the liquor; a fact 
which proves that it is precipitated as soon as dissolved. “ 

The action which determines the formation of the sulphuret of lead 
being very complex, it would be difficult to say, without having 

‘analysed the liquor, how the several decompositions and combinations 
first mentioned are effected in definite proportions. 

Sulphuret of Iron and Zine.—It is very difficult to form these com- 
pounds by the processes which we have been describing, because of 
their great liability to be affected by contact with air and with water. 
We have succeeded nevertheless in obtaining the first, by means of the 
alkaline hyposulphite, in small yellow crystals of great brillianey, which 
became rapidly decomposed in contact with the air. As to the sul- 
phuret of zine, we have not been yet able to obtain it crystallized. 

Sulphuret of Cadmium.—tThe sulphuret is obtained, of an orange 
yellow, in a crystalline form, by employing the second process ; namely, 
that which gives the sulphuret of lead. 

From the facts set forth in this chapter, we may conclude that, in 
order to obtain the crystallization of an insoluble substance by means 
of electro-chemical reactions, it will be sufficient that we bring it into 
combination with another substance which is soluble, and then produce 
a very slow decomposition. The same object may be attained, but 
with far greater difficulty, by the ordinary resources of chemistry, as 
the following observation will show : 



Some clay, very much divided and moistened with a solution of 
arseniate of potash, having been put into a glass tube, there was poured 
over it a solution of nitrate of copper: the reaction of the two solutions 
took place rapidly in the first few instants at the surface of contact of 
the clay and the solution of the nitrate. But the solution having gra- 
dually penetrated the mass of the clay, the consequence was, that the 
reaction between the arseniate and the nitrate was very slow, and there- 
fore favourable to the crystallization of the arseniate of copper. After 
the lapse of some time, there were seen in the vacant interstices of the 
clay some crystals resembling those of native arseniate of copper. 

The formation of double sulphurets and simple sulphurets being 

subject to certain laws, we must not use tubes of any dimensions we 
please, and must not employ liquids possessing too great an electric 

conductibility. If, for example, the quantity of double hyposulphate 
formed were too great to be completely decomposed by the acid which 

comes from the tube containing the nitrate of copper and the nitrate 
of silver, the operation would be incomplete, inasmuch as we should 

not have, in that case, the reactions necessary for the formation of the 
compounds we wish to obtain. Thus, in proportion as the circum- 
stances have been more or less favourable, the result will be a per- 
fect or a confused crystallization, or a total absence not only of crystal- 
lization but of the production of double sulphuret. 

The tubes employed must always be of small dimension, that is to 
say, of two or three millimetres* ; for if the acid came in too great 
quantities into the tube containing the double combination, it would 
react on each of the components, and the desired result would not be 
attained. It must not be forgotten that the hyposulphite which we 
employed proceeded from a protosulphuret of potassium decomposed in 
the air. 

Of Metallic Iodides. 

It is known that the metallic iodides are subject to the same law 

of composition as the sulphurets. We expected therefore to be able to 

obtain the insoluble iodides by the same process which has served to 
obtain the sulphurets. In thinking thus we are but generalizing the 

Lodide of Lead.—In the electro-chemical apparatus already described 
we substitute the iodide of potassium or soda for the alkaline hyposul- 
phate; we then plunge a plate of copper into that branch of the bent tube 
which contains the nitrate of copper, and a plate of lead into the other 
branch, which contains the solution of iodide of potassium. In the latter 

‘branch of the tube we obtain at first a double iodide of lead and potas- 

sium, which crystallizes in very fine white silky needles; this combina- 
tion is gradually decomposed, the decomposition commencing at the 

* About »!, of an inch, 



lower part, which is contiguous to the clay. We then perceive a great 
number of crystals, derived from the regular octahedron, and exhibiting 
that golden hue and brilliancy of aspect which belong to the iodide of 

Copper, subjected to the same: sort of action, gives at first a double 
iodide in white crystallized needles; and then, after the decomposition, 
we obtain some octahedral crystals. The iodide of silver also is ob- 
tained without difficulty. 

It is probable that the other metals whose iodides are insoluble would, 
with due precaution, afford similar results. The insoluble bromides 
and selenurets can unquestionably be obtained by the same process. We 
shall, in this place, confine ourselves to the bare mention of the fact, be- 
cause their formation flows from a general principle which has been suffi- 
ciently developed in this chapter to render new details unnecessary. 


The Principle employed in the Formation of those Compounds. — 

We have already shown that when a body transferred by a current 
meets another body with which it forms an insoluble compound, the 
combination takes place, and the precipitate is produced instantaneously. 
But we have not yet adverted to that which happens when an acid en- 
counters a salt, the base of which has a greater affinity towards that acid 
than towards the acid with which it is actually combined. The follow- 
ing experiment will show what it is that happens in such a case. 

A glass tube several millimetres in diameter, open at each end, and 
containing in its lower part some very fine potter’s clay moistened with 
a solution of nitrate of potash, and in its upper part some common 
alcohol, is placed in another tube filled with a solution of sulphate of 
copper. The communication between the two liquids is then esta- 
blished externally by means of an arc, consisting of two plates of cop- 
per and lead soldered end to end, the copper side being immersed in 
the sulphate and the leaden side in the alcohol. The sulphate of 
copper is quickly decomposed, in consequence of the electric effects re- 
sulting from the reaction of the two liquids on each other, and that of 
the alcohol on the lead. The copper of the sulphate is reduced on the 
plate of copper, which is the negative pole ; the oxygen and the sulphu- 
ric acid are transferred to the side where the plate of lead is; but, in- 
stead of obtaining sulphate of lead, we see, after an interval of a few 
days, that a great number of octahedral crystals of nitrate of lead have 
been formed. This fact proves, beyond all doubt, that the sulphuric 
acid, in traversing the clay impregnated with nitrate of potash, decom- 
posed this salt and combined itself with the potash, because of its hay- 


ing a greater affinity towards this base than the nitric acid has. The 
latter acid being liberated proceeded to the positive pole, where it com- 
bined itself with the oxide of lead, formed, in'a great measure, at the 
expense of the oxygen of copper. The result was a nitrate of lead, 
which crystallized in proportion as it had saturated the aleohol. With 
a more powerful voltaic action, the sulphate of potash would have been 
decomposed. This example shows how valuable the feeble electric 
currents are in the production of combinations. In the case under 
consideration, the nitrate of potash was decomposed by the concur- 
rence of the electric forces and the chemical affinities. 

Let us now apply the foregoing principle to the decomposition of the 
sulpho-carbonate of potash, and the formation of some compounds. 

lst ExpertmMENT.—The sulpho-carbonate of potash, whose solution 
when not very much concentrated is gradually decomposed in the air, 

_is peculiarly disposed to admit of changes being produced in the state 

of combination of its molecules by the action of feeble forces. The 
following is the mode in which we operate on this substance: we take 
two glass jars, and pour into the one a solution of sulphate of copper, 
and into the other an alcoholic solution of sulpho-carbonate of potash. 

_ The communication between the two liquids is then established, on 
_ the one hand by means of a bent glass tube, filled with potter’s clay 

moistened with a solution of nitrate of potash; and on the other by 
means of a metallic arc formed of two plates, one copper and the 
other lead, the plate of copper being immersed in the sulphate, and 
the plate of lead in the sulpho-carbonate. According to the nature of 
the electric effects produced in the various chemical reactions, the lead 
is found to be the positive pole of a pile whose intensity is sufficient to 

_ decompose the sulphate; the copper is reduced ; the oxygen and the 
sulphuric acid are carried towards the lead; the acid, in its passage, 
_ decomposes the nitrate of potash, as in the preceding experiment, so 

that the oxygen and the nitric acid enter alone into the sulpho-carbo- 
nate. As soon as they have penetrated it, they begin to react on its 
constituent parts, and this reaction continues so long as the force of the 
current is superior to the affinities of the several bodies present: the 
transfer of the molecules is continued as far as the positive plate, 
where the last reaction takes place. The following products are suc- 
cessively formed : neutral carbonate of potash which erystallizes on the 
sides of the vessel, sulphate of potash, a sulpho-carbonate of lead and 
of potash in acicular crystals, carbonate and sulphate of lead in 
needles ; and, in fine, a portion of sulphur proceeding from the decompo- 
sition of the sulphuret of carbon and the sulphuret of potash, is depo- 
sited on the plate of lead, which is the positive pole, and there crystal- 
lized in octahedrons with a rhomboidal base. These octahedrons some- 
times attain a millimetre in length when the experiment has been con- 
tinued for a month. 


Crystallized sulphur is also obtained by abandoning to the influence 
of the air a solution of that substance in carburet of sulphur, or by 
melting some sulphur and letting the liquid stand to cool until there is 
formed at the surface a solid crust, which is broken in order to draw 
off the liquid. But the process which we have described is different 
from the two preceding processes, and bears some analogy to that 
which nature employs in some circumstances ; for instance, in the slow 
decomposition of sulphuretted hydrogen gas and feculent matters 
which, in the course of time, deposit well-defined crystals of sulphur. 
In both cases the crystallization is the result of an excessively feeble 
action, on which we shall have occasion to remark when we come to 
treat of spontaneous actions. 

The products resulting from the decomposition of the sulpho-carbo- 
nate of potash vary according to the intensity of the electric current 
and the degree of concentration of the solution. With an alcoholic 
solution of sulpho-carbonate, diluted with water, we obtain but little 
sulphur, and a great quantity of sulpho-carbonate of lead and potash, 
These differences in the results are owing to the ratios which the affi- 
nities of the several bodies bear to the intensities of the current, which 
vary according to the conductibility of the liquids and the energy of 
the chemical action which produces the current. In the present state 
of the science, it is impossible to see @ priort what should happen in 
any proposed case ; that is to be learnt from experiment only. 

The sulpho-carbonates of the other bases submitted to the same 
species of experiment gave analogous results. It is owing to the slow- 
ness of their decomposition, and to the appropriate choice of metals 
with respect to the positive pole, that we obtained the sulphate of ba- 
rytes in erystals derived from the primitive form. 

Another Application —We fill with a solution of bicarbonate of soda 
a tube containing, in its lower part, clay moistened with the same so- 
lution, and place it in another which contains a solution of sulphate of 
copper. We then plunge into each liquid one of the extremities of a 
plate of copper, and observe the following effects: the end which is in 
the solution of sulphate being the negative pole decomposes this salt, 
and attracts the copper, while the oxygen and the sulphuric acid pass 
to the other side. But as the sulphuric acid on its passage meets with 
carbonic acid, it expels this from the combination and takes its place. 
The carbonic acid then forms with the oxide of copper a carbonate 
which, by combining with that of the soda, produces a double carbonate 
of copper and potash, which crystallizes in beautiful satin-like needles of 
a bluish green colour. This substance, which does not dissolve in water, 
is decomposed with the aid of heat; the carbonate of soda is dissolved, 
that of copper is precipitated and become brown, like the common car- 
bonate when subjected to the action of boiling water. 

In the preceding experiments, the power of sulphuric acid in expelling 


acids having a less affinity than itself towards the bases is owing solely 
to the small energy of action in the pile; for if the action were more 
powerful, all the acids would be indiscriminately transferred to the 
positive pole. , 

The electric current employed by us in order to produce decomposi- 
tions, may arise from two causes; the chemical reaction which the two 
liquids in contact exercise on each other, and the chemical action of 
the liquid of the small tube on the metal immersed in it. In the first 
case, if the reaction be sufficiently energetic, the second cause may be 
dispensed with: in like manner, if the second cause be of sufficient in- 
tensity, the first becomes superfluous. But when both are feeble and 
the currents resulting from them have the same direction, their sum is 
then indispensable to the production of the electro-chemical effects. 
In general, whenever the two currents take the same course, their sum 
cannot but be favourable to the decompositions and the formation of 
the products. It often- happens that these two currents are so weak 
that the reduction of the oxide in the great tube cannot take place. In 
that case there is no effect produced. If, therefore, after an interval of 
some days, we perceive no precipitation of copper on the plate of cop- 
per immersed in the solution of the nitrate or the sulphate, it is useless 
to continue the experiment longer, and the apparatus must be changed. 
In the experiment in which the great tube contains sulphate of copper, 
and the small one contains, in its lower part, potter's clay moistened 
with a solution of nitrate of potash, and alcohol, the chemical re- 
action of the nitrate on the sulphate has had considerable influence in 
producing the current which has decomposed the sulphate of copper ; 
for the action of the alcohol on the lead must have been sufficiently 
feeble to give rise to a sensible electric current. It would be desirable 
to operate always on such solutions as would exercise on each other 

_chemical actions sufficiently energetic to give out the requisite currents, 
when the plate immersed in the liquid is gold or platina, in order that 

we may be able to study the phenomena of decomposition and recom- 
position with facility, and independently of the reaction of the oxides. 
This would be the only course to be taken in order to discover what it 
is that takes place in the liquid organic compounds, when, by means of 
electricity, we introduce into them such bodies as are capable of carry- 
ing off some of their constituent parts. This want of sufficient reac- 
tion in the liquids may be supplied by operating with the following 
apparatus, which enables us, when we wish, to avoid the action of the 
metallic oxides formed at the positive pole. As this apparatus enables us 
to operate in a great variety of cases, we shall more minutely describe 
its construction and use. 

We take three jars A, A’, A", (fig. 3.) placed in a line at a short 
distance from each other. The first is filled with a solution of sulphate 
or nitrate of copper; the second, with a solution of that substance 


in the constituent parts of which we wish to produce changes; and the 
third, with water rendered a slight conductor of electricity by the ad- 
dition of an acid or common salt capable of acting chemically on the 
metal which is to be immersed in it. A communicates with A! by 
means of a bent tube, abe, filled with potter’s clay moistened with a 
saline solution, the nature of which depends on the effect intended 
to be produced in A; A!’ and A” communicate with each other 
through the medium of a plate (a'b'c') of platina or gold; and A 

and A" communicate by means of a voltaic pair (CM Z), composed 
of two plates (MC and MZ) of copper and zine; in fine, a safety-tube 
(tt) is placed in the vessel A’, in order to indicate the internal pres- 
sures resulting from the disengagements of gas. According to this 
arrangement, the extremity a! of the plate of platina is the positive pole 
of a voltaic apparatus whose action is slow and continuous. When the 
liquid contained in A! is a good conductor, the intensity of the electric 
forces is sufficient to decompose the sulphate of copper in A. From 
that instant the oxygen proceeds towards a’, as well as the sulphuric 
acid, which, in passing into the tube (abc) expels those acids which 
have a less affinity than it has itself towards the bases. These acids 
and the oxygen pass into the liquid A’, where their slow reactions de- 
termine the relative changes in the bodies which they find there. This 
apparatus allows us to operate on a greater scale, and to ayoid the re- 
action of the oxide in the same manner as it was avoided in the appa- 
ratus previously described. 

We are often compelled to place a fourth jar between A and A/, into 
which there is put so much of a saline solution, to be decomposed by 
the sulphuric acid, that the effects produced in the liquid A’! may not 
be interrupted when all the liquid of the clay has heen decomposed. 
Thus, when we wish to bring a gas or an acid in its nascent state into 
the liquid of the vessel A‘, we have only to introduce into the clay 
a solution which, by its reaction on the sulphuric acid proceeding 
from the decomposition of the sulphate of copper, may let the gas or the 
acid escape. If, on the contrary, it should be found necessary to con- 
duct into the same liquid either hydrogen or an electro-positive gas, 


the media of communication must be reversed, a'b'c! being put in the 
place of ac, and vice versd. In fine, if for the plate of platina there 
is substituted a plate of oxidable metal, we introduce into the interme- 
diate solution the reaction of an oxide, which being in its nascent state 
-conduces to the formation of the products. The bare inspection of the 
figure is sufficient to give an idea of the results that may be obtained 
by making the requisite variations in the solutions. 

Mode of using the Apparatus when the Positive Plate is not oxidable. 

Ist ExpeERIMENT. We pour into the vessel A! an alcoholic solution 

of sulpho-carbonate of potash; into the vessel A a solution of sulphate 

_ of copper; and into the clay of the tube a a solution of nitrate of pot- 

ash: after 24 hours’ trial the reaction of the oxygen and the nitric acid 

on the solution of the sulpho-carbonate is now perceptible ; for we ob- 

serve on the extremity (a’) of the platina plate the products already in- 

_ dicated (when the operation was supposed to be performed with a plate 

of lead ), that is to say, crystals of sulphur, of neutral carbonate of potash, 
&e., but nocarbonate of lead, because there is no oxide of this metal. 

_ 2nd Experiment. Crystals of Sulphur ; Sulphate and Carbonate 
_ of Barytes.—In the preceding apparatus we substitute for the sulpho- 
-earbonate of potash a solution of sulpho-carbonate of barytes : we shall 
_ not have long to wait for the appearance of analogous reactions ; a pre- 
_ cipitation of sulphur in small erystals, and a formation of sulphate and 
carbonate of barytes in prismatic needles. | We should perhaps by this 
process obtain crystals of some size, if the plate of platina was so bent as 
to form a spoon, and thus prevent the crystals formed on the surface of 
_ the plate from falling to the bottom of the vessel. 


3rd Experiment. Mode of ascertaining the presence of Nitric Acid 
and that of Hydrochloric Acid in any Solution, even when those two acids 
exist there in very small quantities—For the plate of platina a’ b'c! a 
- plate of gold is substituted : there is then poured into the vessel A a so- 
- Tution of sulphate of copper ; and into the vessel A’, and the clay of the 
‘tube abe, a solution of the compound which is supposed to contain the 
two acids in combination with bases. As soon as the apparatus begins 
to operate, the sulphuric acid expels the two acids from their combina- 
tions, which, together with the oxygen arising from the reduction of the 
oxide of copper, are carried to the extremity (a’) of the plate of gold: 
the yellow colour which immediately makes its appearance indicates the 
presence of nitric and hydrochloric acids. This reaction is also obtained 
when tubes of small dimensions are substituted for the jars. In this pro- 
‘ess no part of the acids is lost ; for they are all transferred to the posi- 
tive pole, and contribute to the production of hydrochlorate of gold. 

Ath Experiment. Sulphite of Copper—tThe vessel A’ is filled with a 
solution of sulphite of potash, and for the plate of gold a'b'e! a plate of 


copper is substituted. The extremity a', which is still the positive pole, 
attracts the oxygen and the nitric acid: the latter decomposes the sul- 
phite and takes possession of the base; the sulphurous acid is carried 
to the oxide of copper, which is formed at the same time, and combines 
with it: the sulphite of copper itself combines with the sulphite of pot- 
ash, whence there results a compound that crystallizes in beautiful octa- 
hedrons; but as the nitric acid still continues to arrive, it decomposes 
this double sulphite at last: sulphurous acid gas then escapes, and the 
sulphite of potash is transformed into bisulphite and nitrate of potash. 
As to the sulphite of copper, it is precipitated in transparent octahedral 
crystals, of a vivid red, with the brilliancy of garnets. M. Chevreul, 
a long time since, obtained this sulphite of copper by the ordinary 
processes of chemistry. We might extend the number of the results yet 
further, but the object we have had in view, which was to communicate 
the description of an apparatus of very general applicability, seems to us 
to be sufficiently attained. 

Notes communicated by Golding Bird, Esq. 

Potter’s-clay, p. 417, last line but two, 

M. Becquerel invariably uses clay as a medium for forming a connection between two fluids when 
their mutual reaction is necessary, but he gives a very requisite caution that the clay must be care- 
fully tempered with water or a saline solution ; for if too dry, it will not allow the transfer of elec- 
tric currents with sufficient facility ; and if too moist, it admits of the admixture of the two fluids, 
which (as when the tube curved like the letter U is used) it is intended to separate. Thence it has 
not unfrequently happened, that many of the experiments described by M. Becquerel have failed in 
the hands of some who have repeated them, merely from inattention to the clay being in a suffi- 
ciently moist or dry state. All these difficulties, which although apparently trifling are nevertheless 
occasionally fatal to the success of experiments, may be obviated by substituting plaster of Paris 
for the potter’s-clay ; for by merely mixing it with water or a saline solution, it may be readily 
poured into a tube of any required form, where it rapidly solidifies, and while in this state is suffi- 
ciently porous to admit of a very slow admixture of the two fluids employed, as well as to allow of 
the ready transfer of the feeblest voltaic current. 

P. 422. Crystallization of Protoxide of Copper. 

The crystals obtained by the process here described by M. Becquerel are exceedingly distinct, and 
very closely resemble some of the native forms of the oxide or ruby copper ore. This protoxide is 
generally found native, mixed with crystals of metallic copper ; and by availing ourselves of a very 
weak electric current, kept up for some weeks, an exceedingly close imitation of this native com- 
bination may be obtained. For this purpose take a glass tube open at both ends, about half an inch 
in diameter and tnree inches in length: close one end of this tube by means of a plug of plaster of 
Paris, about one-third of an inch in thickness; fill this tube with a solution of the nitrate or chlo- 
ride of copper moderately diluted, and place it inside a cylindrical glass vessel nearly filled with a 
weak solution of potassa or soda. These two fluids, very slowly mixing through the plug of plaster 
of Paris, would, if left to themselves, cause a gradual} formation and deposition of hydrated deutoxide 
of copper. Make a compound arc of two pieces of metal, one of copper, the other of lead, taking care 
that their surfaces are quite clean, or even polished; plunge the leaden leg of the arc into the outer 
cylinder of the little apparatus, and the copper leg into the smaller one, containing the solution of 
nitrate or chloride of copper, and leave the apparatus to itself. Slow electric action ensues ; the copper 
limb of the arc becoming the negative, and the lead (which slowly dissolves in the alkaline solution) 
the positive electrode; the electric currents thus set in motion readily traverse the plaster of Paris 
partition, and cause the reduction of the deutoxide of copper (precipitated by the slow admixture of 
the alkaline solution with the copper salt) partly to the metallic state and partly to the state of prot- 
oxide. ‘That portion of the peroxide which is thus reduced to the metallic state yields very fine and 
tolerably large crystals, which are of course deposited on the surface of the copper negative electrode. 
Mixed with these crystals, the protoxide is deposited in very delicate, transparent, ruby-red crystals, 
not isolated and separate, but deposited in rosette-like patches, which present under a lens an exceed- 
ingly beautiful appearance. So closely do some of the specimens of protoxide and metallic copper 
thus obtained resemble the native forms, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, even for an ex- 
perienced eye to distinguish the native from the factitious specimens, if the nature of the substance 
they are precipitated on did not betray their origin. 

P.425. Crystallization of Oxide of Zine. 

This oxide may be obtained much more conveniently by the use of the apparatus contrived for the 
crystallization of the ruby oxide of copper (vide last note) with the substitution of a solution of oxide 
of zine in caustic potassa for the uncombined alkali, in the larger vessel. By this arrangement, the 
copper leg of the arc becomes, as before, the negative, and the leaden the positive plate of a miniature 
battery, sufficient however to cause a very elegant deposition of oxide of zinc on the plate of lead 
or positive electrode in the course of a week or ten days; whilst upon the copper plate or negative 
electrode a mixed deposit of metallic copper and ruby-coloured protoxide takes place, rivaling in 
beauty that obtained by the last-described process. By this modification of the apparatus, the two 
oxides (zinc and copper) may be obtained crystallized by one and the same operation, La 



On a New Combination of the Anhydrous Sulphuric and Sul- 
phurous Acids; by Henry Rose, Professor of Chemistry at 
the Royal University of Berlin*. 

From Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie, voi. xxxix. No. 9. 1836. 
p- 173. 

By passing dry sulphurous acid gas into anhydrous sulphuric acid, I 
obtained a limpid fluid, which smelt very strong of sulphurous acid, and 
which by exposure to the air evaporated entirely in thick fumes. 

This fluid is a combination of the anhydrous, sulphurous, and sulphu- 
rie acids, in definite proportions. In order to obtain it several precau- 
tions are requisite: the slightest trace of moisture must in particular be 
avoided; for should any be present, the compound even when formed 
is very easily decomposed; and should either of its components 

contain any trace of moisture, its composition would be entirely pre- 
___ In order to avoid this, I passed the sulphurous acid gas first through 
_a cooled receiver, and then through a tube at least four feet long, filled 
with freshly heated chloride of calcium. From hence it passed very 
slowly into a glass vessel, which contained the anhydrous sulphuric acid, 
and which was closed by a cork, through which the tube conveying the 
_ sulphurous acid was passed. This glass vessel was cooled to about the 
_ freezing point of water, but not lower, lest the new compound might con- 
- tain free condensed sulphurous acid. As soon asa certain quantity of 
_ the fluid was formed, it was poured off from the remaining solid sulphuric 
acid into a small glass, and immediately submitted to examination. 
The tube containing the chloride of calcium could only be used for 
One preparation ; it was obliged to be heated once more previously to 
being again employed. When a certain quantity of the compound (a 
few grammes for instance) is formed, the formation of a further por- 
tion ceases entirely, because the chloride of calcium no longer dries 
the sulphurous acid so perfectly as at the beginning of the operation. 
On exposure to the air the fluid thus obtained fumes very much, and 
_ smells strongly of sulphurous acid. I have always obtained this fluid of 
.| 4 brownish colour ; but this is not essential to the compound, which is 
colourless, but arises from the cork which closes the vessel containing 
' the sulphuric acid. The fluid is so volatile, that when brought into con- 

| * [The Editor is indebted for the translation of this Paper to E. Solly, jun. Esq. 
Vor. I—Panrt III. Qu 


tact with the air it very soon evaporates, and then occasionally leaves 
behind an exceedingly small portion of hydrous sulphuric acid. This 
great volatility, as also the easy decomposability, of the compound, en- 
tirely prevented my bringing it into a small glass bulb with a long neck 
drawn to a point, as is done with other less volatile and decomposable 
fluids, by warming the ball and then dipping the point in the fluid. 
When the bulb is quite cooled, the compound does not rise in the 
stem, less on account of its own vapour preventing it, than because it is 
decomposed in the rarified space in the bulb, and sulphurous acid gas is 
evolved. This is also the reason why it is not possible to ascertain the 
specific gravity of the vapour of this compound. If ever so small a por- 
tion of water be brought in contact with this fluid, a strong effervescence 
and evolution of sulphurous acid gas immediately ensues. The com- 
pound is entirely decomposed by a small quantity of water. If it be 
brought into a glass vessel, so nearly dry that not the slightest moisture 
is perceptible on its sides, even then a slight effervescence and decom- 
position occur; this is the reason of the necessity for the great care to 
avoid the slightest trace of moisture in the formation of this com- 
pound, which would otherwise be entirely prevented. Ifa large quantity 
of water be added to it, it boils fiercely, through the sudden evolution 
of sulphurous acid. 

If dry ammoniacal gas be passed into the fluid, anhydrous sulphate 
and sulphite of ammonia are formed. The product thus obtained is of 
a yellowish colour, and soluble in water; if the solution be saturated 
with muriatic acid, sulphurous acid is evolved, but no precipitate of 
sulphur falls until the fluid is boiled. A solution of nitrate of silver 
causes a precipitate in it, which is at first white, then yellow, brown, and 
at last (very quickly if boiled) black. These are the properties of a 
combination of dry sulphurous acid and ammonia, which I have before 
described*. A solution of chloride of strontium causes a precipitate of 
sulphate of strontia, occasioned by the sulphuric acid, which is formed 
by the action of the chloride of strontium upon the solution of the an- 
hydrous sulphite of ammonia ; if this precipitate be removed, and the 
supernatant liquid boiled, a fresh precipitate of sulphate of strontia — 
falls, which is one of the properties of the solution of the anhydrous sul- _ 
phite of ammoniat. 

In analysing this substance, I have only succeeded in estimating ex- 
actly the quantity of sulphuric acid, not of sulphurous, though I at- 
tempted it in several ways. A weighed portion of the compound, in a 
very small bottle, which had been weighed previously with the glass 
stopper, was oxidized by fuming nitric acid, in such a way that no loss 
could be sustained by the violent action. The nitric acid was in a large 

* Poggendorff’s Annalen, vol. xxxiii. p. 235. } Ibid. vol. xxxii. p. 81. 


bottle, which by a ground stopper could be rendered air-tight. The 
small bottle containing the weighed portion, and without the stopper, 
was fastened by a platina wire, and thus quickly introduced into the 
large bottle, which was then immediately closed, but in such a manner 
that the fluids themselves could not act upon each other, but only their 
vapours. After some time I agitated this carefully, but in such a man- 
ner that only a little of the compound in the small bottle was thrown out 
and could mix with the nitric acid, which always caused a very strong 
action, though never the evolution of light. If, on the contrary, by 
shaking the bottles, a little nitric acid fell into the small bottle, a ery- 
stalline deposit was formed, which I have not examined more closely, 
but which perhaps may be the same as that which is often formed 
during the preparation of the English oil of vitriol, and which consists 
of sulphuric and nitrous acids and water. After the mixture of the 
nitric acid and the substance was completed, the whole was diluted 
_ with water, and then saturated with a solution of chloride of barium. 

From the quantity of sulphuric acid which was contained in the 
sulphate of baryta thus obtained, I could easily appreciate the relative 
proportions of the sulphuric and sulphurous acids in the compound ; 
for what the first contained more than the latter in weight, could only 
consist in oxygen which the compound had absorbed. 

But in two experiments, both conducted with equal care, I obtained 
from the sulphate of baryta less sulphuric acid than I had taken in 
weight of the compound; a proof that evidently only a part of the sul- 
phurous acid had been oxidized by the nitric acid. 

In the first experiment 2:237 grammes of the compound gave 5°633 
grammes of sulphate of baryta, which contained 1:936 of sulphuric 
acid, equal to 82-08 per cent. of the compound. In the second expe- 
riment I obtained, from 1-250 grammes of the compound procured by 
another preparation, 3-443 grammes of sulphate of baryta, which con- 
tained 1-1834 grammes of sulphuric acid, indicating 94°67 per cent. 
of the compound. 

This very slight difference shows plainly that it only arises from the 
mode of preparation, and that in the combination fuming nitrie acid did 
not convert the free sulphurous into sulphuric acid. Perhaps it might 
have been effected had more dilute nitric acid been employed, because in 
the preparation of the English oil of vitriol the sulphurous can convert 
itself into sulphuric acid ; but for a quantitative analysis it did not seem 
to me so fitting. Moreover the compound, oxidized by nitric acid 
and then diluted with water, did not smell of sulphurous acid. That 
the nitric acid did not fully oxidize the sulphurous acid in the com- 
pound is evident from the result of a third experiment, in which I took 
some of the compound which had been oxidized by fuming nitric 
acid, and having mixed it with a weighed quantity of freshly heated 

2H 2 


oxide of lead, I evaporated the whole to dryness, and heated the mass 
to redness. I obtained from 1°613 grammes of the compound, treated 
with fuming nitric acid and mixed with 10°739 grammes oxide of lead, 
a mass which after being heated weighed 12°238 grammes, and which 
contained therefore 1°499 grammes of sulphuric acid, or 92°93 per cent. 
This experiment proves that the loss cannot be due to any formation 
of hyposulphurie acid. 

The result of experiments in which I endeavoured to oxidize the 
sulphurous acid by solutions of gold were much more uncertain. 
For this purpose I employed a carefully prepared solution of the triple 
salt, the chloride of gold, and sodium. The compound was brought 
into contact with this in the same manner as in the former experi- 
ments with nitric acid. The mixture was submitted, out of contact 
with the air, to a moderate heat for about twenty-four hours. Two 
experiments, conducted with equal care, gave however such widely 
differing results, that it was impossible for me to explain the cause of 
the great dissimilarity : for from 1-259 grammes of the compound I ob- 
tained in one experiment only 0°058 of a gramme of metallic gold; 
whilst in a second experiment I obtained, from a much smaller quan- 
tity of the compound, out of 0°667 of a gramme, more gold, namely 
0°196 of a gramme. 

The estimating of the sulphuric acid in the compound gave much 
more satisfactory results; I was obliged to be contented with these, and 
to estimate the quantity of sulphurous acid by the loss sustained. The 
determination was effected in the following manner: a quantity of the 
compound, weighed in a small glass bottle with a stopper, was put into 
a larger bottle, which could also be closed by a glass stopper: this 
contained a solution of chloride of barium, to which free muriatic acid 
was added. As soon as the little bottle was introduced, the larger one 
was closed; and by shaking the vessel, the stopper of the little bottle, 
which was merely loosely fixed, was thrown off, so that the compound 
might mix with the solution of chloride of barium ;—an exceedingly 
violent but not dangerous action ensued. 

After the sulphate of baryta was deposited, the liquid was quickly 
filtered out of contact with the air, and its weight determined. An 
addition of muriatic acid to the solution of chloride of barium is quite 
necessary, because otherwise the sulphate of baryta cannot easily be 
filtered, but passes milky through the filter. 

I have analysed four different portions, prepared at different times, in 
this manner, and have obtained results which, though they agree much 
less than those of less easily decomposable substances, yet on account 
of the great decomposability and volatility of the compound, and there- 
fore the difficulty of freeing it from uncombined sulphuric or sulphur- 
ous acid, agree more nearly than I expected. 


The substance contains more sulphuric acid when it is not analysed 
immediately after preparation, and after it has given forth some sul- 
phurous acid ; less sulphuric acid, on the contrary, when this was the 
case, and it therefore contained some free sulphurous acid. 

The result of these four experiments carefully conducted, according 
as the substance was of newer or older preparation, was as follows: 

Weight of Weight of sulphate Percentage of 
Compound. of baryta obtained. sulphuric acid. 
I. OF529 ers irae Ns 72°90 
Il. OF On eT Mate ss'ees Doe Doe pias arate 70:00 
Ill. jr Ta a ZO SaOay 68°91 
IV. iD ieee ces FOZ mae SAG 67°68. 

The compound does not contain, therefore, as I suspected before the 
experiment, sulphuric and sulphurous acids in the same proportions as 
in the anhydrous hyposulphuric acid (S + S), but 2 eq. of sulphuric 

acid to 1 eq. of sulphurous acid (2S + S) which in 100 parts may be 
stated as follows: 

PSD HNITIC ACI, shy. 66s cnn wustiicodsapessssten’ 71°42 
PAP RUTOUS, ACE: 6. saad cst Be'ses eleva sotes 28°58 

As the sulphurous is the least strong acid in the combination, and 
may therefore be considered of the two as the base, according to this 
view the compound may be considered as a neutral sulphate salt, in 
which the sulphuric acid contains three times as much oxygen as the 



On the Forces which regulate the Internal Constitution of 
Bodies. By O. F. Mossorvt. 

From a Memoir addressed to M. Plana, published separately, and communicated 
by M. Farapay, Esq., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. 


1, Tue study of the phenomena of nature has led philosophers to 
consider bodies as being composed of molecules held in a state of fixed 
equilibrium ata certain distance from each other. Such a state re- 
quires that they should be endued with a certain action. Some pe- 
culiarities of this action we are already able to assign, but its.complete 
characteristics are not yet well defined. 

As the resistance opposed by bodies to compression increases indefi- 
nitely with the reduction of their volume, though their molecules have 
not come into contact with each other, it shows that the force which they 
exercise is repulsive at the least distances. At a distance greater than 
these, but still imperceptible, it must vary with great rapidity, and be- 
come attractive, in order that a steady equilibrium of the molecules 
may be possible; and finally, when it has become perceptible, it must 
decrease in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance, in order to 
represent the universal attraction. The limits of the distance at which 
the negative action becomes positive vary according to the temperature 
and nature of the molecules, and determine whether the body which 
they form be solid, liquid, or aériform. 

There is a class of phenomena, rather singular at first sight, in 
which however it appears that nature designed, by separating the 
forces which she employs, to present herself in all her simplicity. 
Such are the phenomena which constitute what we denominate 
statical electricity. It is well known with what admirable facility 
Franklin explained these phenomena, by supposing that the mole- 
cules of bodies are surrounded by a quantity of fluid or ether, the 
atoms of which, while they repel each other, are attracted by the 
molecules. It is known also how Coulomb subsequently proved that 
the force with which the repulsion of atoms and the attraction of 
the molecules are produced, is, like universal attraction, regulated by 
the law of the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. Indeed, the 
latter philosopher has substituted for the hypothesis of Franklin, which 
is that generally followed in England, Germany, and Italy, another 
hypothesis, in which a second fluid is supposed to perform the part as- 
signed to matter in that of Franklin; and this mode of explaining the 


phenomena has been more generally adopted in France. It is even 
asserted that the latter hypothesis is the only one that should be re- 
ceived, inasmuch as it has been completely confirmed by the results 
of the beautiful analysis with which M. Poisson has begun to enrich 
the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. But they who put forward 
this assertion have not paid due attention to the fact that, although this 
illustrious geometer has, for the purpose of establishing his calculations, 
adopted the language of his school, the inferences drawn from them are 
not more applicable to the one hypothesis than to the other. He sets 
out in fact with the principle, that, “ If several bodies, being electric 
conductors, are placed in presence of each other, and attain a perma- 
nent state, the result of the actions of the electric layers which cover 
them, on a point taken anywhere in the interior of a body must, in that 
state, be null; otherwise the combined electricity which exists in the 
point under consideration would be decomposed ; but this is contrary 
to the supposed state of permanence.” Now if for this principle the 
following be substituted : “ If several bodies, being electric conductors, 
are placed in presence of each other, and thus attain a permanent state, 
the result of the actions of the layers of electric fluid which cover them, 
and of the exterior layers of matter which are not yet neutralized, on 
the electric fluid at a point taken anywhere in the interior of a body, 
must, in that state, be null; otherwise the electric fluid which exists in 
that point would be displaced, which is contrary to the supposed state 
of permanence;’—and if we interpret accordingly the literal denomina- 
tions employed by M. Poisson in his equations,—all his results will be 
equally true on Franklin’s hypothesis. In general, the action of the 
condensed electric fluid will stand for that of the vitreous fluid; and the 
action exhibited by the matter, in proportion as it is deprived of a 
quantity of its electric fluid, will:stand for that of the resinous fluid. 
There is one circumstance, however, which makes a difference between 
the hypothesis of Dufay or Coulomb and that of Franklin: it is this, 
that, according to the one, the two fluids are moveable in the bodies, 
while according to the other the electric fluid is, but the matter is not, 
moveable. As the equilibrium, however, requires that we should only 
regard the relative position, the mobility of the electric fluid alone is 
sufficient for its establishment. 

_ ZEpinus, who has reduced Franklin’s hypothesis to the form of a ma- 
thematical theory, was the first to remark, that if it be the requisite 
condition for the equilibrium of the electric fluids of two bodies, in 
their natural state, that “the attraction of the matter and the repulsive 
action of the fluid of the first body on the fluid of the second should be 
equal, and vice versa,” there are but three forces in operation ; two of 
which are attractive, and but one repulsive. In other words, each of 
the two bodies attracts the fluid of the other, while the mutual repule 


sion of the two fluids constitutes only a single force, equal to each of the 
two attractive forces. If then, with the equilibrium of the fluids, it is 
desired to find the equilibrium of the masses also, an equal repulsion 
must be allowed between the molecules ; since the bodies would other- 
wise forcibly attract each other. But such an attraction is contrary to 
what we learn from experience. He felt at first a strong objection to 
the admission of such a repulsive force between the material molecules, 
as being opposed to the idea entertained of their mutual attraction, 
which was so clearly demonstrated on Newton’s principles. But a 
little reflection satisfied him that this admission contained nothing that 
was opposed to facts, or, as he might rather have said, that was not con- 
firmed by facts. Universal attraction itself may follow as a conse- 
quence from the principles which regulate the electric forces: for if 
we suppose that, the masses being equal, the repulsion of the molecules 
of matter is a little less than their attraction of the atoms of the zther, 
or than the mutual repulsion of the atoms themselves, this will be suffi- 
cient to leave an excess of attraction which, being directly as the pro- 
duct of the masses and inversely as the square of the distance, would 
exactly represent the universal attraction. 

2. While reflecting on these principles, in a course of lectures on 
natural philosophy which I gave at the University of Buenos Ayres, I 
conceived the idea, that if the molecules of matter, surrounded by their 
atmospheres, attract each other when at a greater, and repel each other 
when at a less distance, there must be between those two distances an 
intermediate point at which a molecule would be neither attracted nor 
repelled, but would remain in steady equilibrium ; and that it was very 
possible this might be the distance at which it would be placed in the 
the composition of bodies. I thought the idea of sufficient importance 
to fix it in my memory, but did not at the time pursue its development 

On my return to Europe I learned, through the reading of some 
memoirs, aud in the course of conversation with men of science, that 
the attention of geometers was particularly directed to the molecular 
forces, as being those which may lead us more directly to the know- 
ledge of the intrinsic properties of bodies. I was thus led to recall my 
ideas on the subject, and set about subjecting them to analysis. The 
results of my first investigations I here submit to the judgement of 

I have supposed that a number of material molecules are plunged 
into a boundless zether, and that these molecules and the atoms of the 
ather are subject to the actions of the forces required by the theory of 
/Epinus, and then endeavoured to ascertain the conditions of equili- 
librium of the ether and the molecules. Considering the ether as a 
continuous mass, and the molecules as isolated bodies, I found that, if 


the latter be spherical, they are surrounded by an atmosphere the den- 
sity of which decreases according to a function of the distance which 
contains an exponential factor. The differential equation which deter- 
mines the density being linear, is satisfied by any sum of these functions 
answering to any number of molecules. Whence it follows that their 
atmospheres may overlay or penetrate each other without disturbing 
the equilibrium of the ether. Proceeding in the next place to the con- 
ditions of equilibrium of the molecules, I observed that, for a first ap- 
proximation (which may be sufficient in almost all cases), the recipro- 
eal action of two molecules and of their surrounding atmospheres is 
independent of the presence of the others, and possesses all the charac- 
teristics of molecular action. At first it is repulsive, and contains an 
exponential factor which is capable of making it decrease very rapidly : 
it vanishes soon after, and at this distance two molecules would be as 
much indisposed to approach more nearly as they would be to recede 
further from each other ; so that they would remain in a state of steady 
equilibrium. Ata greater distance the molecules would attract each 
other, and their attraction would increase with their distance up to a 
certain point, at which it would attain a maximum: beyond this point 
it would diminish, and at a sensible distance would decrease directly as 
the product of their mass, and inversely as the square of their distance. 

This action, possessing all the properties wita which we can pre- 
sume that molecular action is endued, is the more remarkable as it has 
been deduced from those forces only whose existence was already ad- 
mitted by philosophers, and whose law is characterized by such extra- 
ordinary simplicity. When tested in the explanation of the varied 
phznomena which are proper to it, it must lead, in case of failure, to 
the exclusion of those forces from amongst physical principles ; or, in 
case of success, establish their reality; and thus mark in a striking man- 
ner the admirable ceconomy of nature. 

To apply the formule which we have found, for the purpose of re- 
presenting molecular action, to the phenomena of the interior consti- 
tution of bodies, requires methods of calculation which are not yet 
developed, and which must become still more complicated when the 
arrangement of the molecules, their form and their density, are taken into 
consideration. I have thought it advisable, however, in consideration 
of the use to which it might be applied by able geometers, not to post- 
pone the publication of this mode of viewing molecular action. It is a 
subject which appears to me entitled to the greatest attention, because 
the discovery of the laws of molecular action must lead mathematicians 
to establish molecular mechanism on a single principle, just as the dis- 
covery of the law of universal attraction led them to erect on a single 

basis the most splendid monument of human intellect, the mechanism of 
the heavens. 



3. If several material molecules. which mutually repel each other, 
are plunged into an elastic fluid, the atoms of which also mutually repel 
each other, but are at the same time attracted by the material mole- 
cules, and if these attractive and repulsive forces are all directly as the 
masses, and inversely as the square of the distance, it is proposed to 
determine whether the actions resulting from these forces are sufficient 
to bring the molecules into equilibrium, and keep them fixed in that 
state. The object of this inquiry, as may be perceived, is to complete 
the deductions from the hypothesis of Franklin and pinus. It is al- 
ready known that the conditions of equilibrium which it furnishes, in 
reference to questions of statical electricity, are in accordance with the 
phenomena: it remains to be ascertained, whether the molecular ac- 
tions which result from it are also in accordance with those which de- 
termine the interior constitution of bodies. An agreement of this 
kind would add greatly to the probability that the hypothesis in ques- 
tion is well founded, and aftord us a glimpse of the means by which we 
should be enabled to consider all physical pheenomena in one and the 
same point of view. 

Let f be the accelerative force of repulsion existing among the atoms 
of the ether at a distance taken as unity; g the density at a point a y z, 
and ¢ the measure of the elastic force or pressure at the same point, 
referred to the superficial unit. Let g be the accelerative force of at- 
traction between the atoms of the ether and the matter of the molecules 
at a distance equal to unity, and @ the density at the point £4 of a 
molecule which we suppose to be possessed of a certain though very 
small extension. 

By putting 
fq da! dy! dz! 
rf; ey a ee 

bh (E20)? + (q—y) 2+ (t— 2) 2} 

the triple integral F being extended to the whole space from 2", y’, 2’, 
equal to — o, as far as a’, y’, 2’, equal to = «© (the small parts occu- 
pied by the molecules being excepted), and the triple integral G being 
extended to all the values of §, y, &, that answer to the points occupied 
by the molecule, we shall have for the equilibrium of the ether the 

de OP dE aap owe dG 
da=—Vig tYde +V de + Ge +P ae Fete. 


de dF dG dG, dG, dG, 

(1) dy —Vdy +9 dy +4 dy +4 dy cavises ati 5 + etc. 
dé “gl dG, aut dG, , 
fe Vag tae ge TY ay OT Gt es 

in which G,, G,,... G,, &c. denote the quantities analogous to G 
which correspond with the different molecules 1,2... ¥, &c. 
Let us likewise put 

‘da! dy! dz! 
De Peon. aoe ae 

pp ey 
PA] GP + 0-6-0 F 

where y denotes the force of repulsion existing among the molecules of 
matter at the distance assumed as unity. 
The equations for the equilibrium of a molecule, if we take into 

‘consideration the motion of its centre of gravity only, will be 

Sfssca ff foigecevs-af {fin 
(11) Staff fos dedydt—3f_f fo aganat 
[ fiitcf {feteavesff fetes 

The sum = is to be extended to all the numbers », that is to say, 
to all the molecules except that one the equilibrium of which we are 
considering ; the double integral is to be extended to the whole sur- 
face of this molecule, and the triple integrals to its whole volume. 

4, Let us begin by considering the equilibrium of the ether. The 
elasticity possessed by the ether at any point of space can be only the 
result of the reciprocal action of the contiguous parts: hence we are 
led, by considerations analogous to those employed by Laplace in re- 
ference to the repulsion of caloric, inthe 12th book of the Mécanique 
Céleste, to conclude that, in a fluid considered as a continuous mass, 
the elasticity is proportional to the square of the density. If then & 
represents a constant coefficient, we shall have e = 4 g*, and by sub- 
stituting this value in the equations (I) we shall derive the following : 

dG , dG, , dG, 

dF d 
PF eae Hea Ts FPO pee +7, tete. 


dq ak , &G €GPraG dG, 
[k= 4+ — 4+ Pee. Dots = : 
@ afr dy dy + dy cx dy + dy “Fete 
dy df dG, d GayaG;: dG, 
Ra Phe ae Ti 7 ae eee eens ae Wes + ete., 
which lead directly to the complete integral 
(II) kgq=C-—-F+G4+G6,4+G,...... G, + ete.; 

C being an arbitrary constant. 

In order to determine, by means of this equation, the density g, we 
must substitute for F,.G, G,, Gy ..... G,, &c. the integrals which 
they represent. Ifthe rectangular co-ordinates are changed into polar 
co-ordinates by means of the known formule 

x =rsin 6 cos y=rsin §siny go F COS 8 
x'=7' sin §' cos p' y' =r" sin 6 sin p' z'=r' cos ! 
the expression for F' takes the form (see the additions to the Con- 
naissance des Temps for the year 1829, p. 356) 

(IV) ree isn ay fe al “fade! Py sin ad ay"] 
+ 2 ey J bake pee us _)P, sind! ds! ay'| 

The coefficient P,, being given by the formula 
Pp ai:3.5. + 2n—1) 


ert n(n-1) 5 1 n(n—1)(n—2)(n—3 ee 
{. SGnaye NGG ete, t 

in which 
p = cos 6 cos 6! + sin 6 sin 6 cos(y — yp’), 
and the limits of the integrals relative to 4’ and ' should be such that 
the value of /’ may take in the whole space, except the small portions 
occupied by the material molecules. 
In order to have the expression for G, let us in like manner put 
& = psin w cos ¢, 7=psinwsing, ¢ = pcos 

and represent by II, the function P;, when 7’, 6’, p', are therein changed 
into p, w, ¢@. Then, if we suppose the origin of the co-ordinates to be 

taken in the interior of the molecule, we shall have (see Connaissance 
des Temps for the year 1829, p. 357) 

(V) Gaz (SS (S92 2" 2ap )ttgsinadands ] 

EAC gapn+ 2dp )Mrsinwdwde ] 
+e | on tag (f= a ; ) Masinw dwde |. 

The double integral He ne is to be extended only to the points in 
respect to which the radius w from the surface of the molecule is 7 r, 

and the integral ‘an wig is to be extended to the points in respect to 

which u7 r. 

By means of a beautiful theorem which M. Poisson has demonstrated 
in the Memoir already quoted, and in the additions to the Connais- 
sance des Temps for the year 1831, the functions given by the integrals 

r a“ (77 
J goor+2ap ate gpa 28 p, ff: rsp. 

may be represented by series of integer and rational functions of the 
spherical co-ordinates. Let 2 Hn, 2 H'n, © H"n, be these series ; if 
the functions H'n, H"', shall be found, so that they may be discon- 
tinued, and such that they are reduced to zero, the first for all the 
values of x 7 1, and the second for the values of « Z 7, we shall be able 
by means of the known theorems to reduce the expression for G to the 
QD Ag 1 1 : : 
ta pear cy tT )- 

Such are the expressions for # and G which should be introduced 
into the equation (III). We might directly employ those which give 
the values of G, because they are always determinable when the po- 
sition, figure, and density of the molecules are known; but the same 
thing cannot be done with the expression for F. This integral includes 
the quantity g, which is still unknown; and we should not be able to 
determine it by the condition that it would render the equation (III) 
identical without previously performing the integrations, an operation 
which would require the same function to be known. In order to 
avoid this difficulty, we are about to employ for the purpose of deter- 
mining ¢ a differential equation corresponding with that marked (III), 
but in which the density g is no longer included under the signs of 

' The sum of these equations (1)', when they are differentiated in re- 
ference to x, y, z, respectively, gives 

! “9 flops 
(VI.) n( 140044 ahinfh. 


and it being observed that 

CE  @F , @F 2G  &G4 , &G 
dat Taye + age — — #8 So dt dys ta = 

with respect to which see the third volume of the Bulletin de la Société 
Philomatique, p. 388. 

If in this equation we change the differentials taken relatively to the 
rectangular co-ordinates into differentials taken relatively to the polar 
co-ordinates, we have 

valerie 6 “I 
(1)k< @r¢g 1 drq 

“dr2 gl r2sin?@ dW? ge i 

Let us suppose that 7 q is developed in aseries of integer and rational 
functions of the spherical co-ordinates, so that we may have 

(2) 7I=QV FAA ++ eee + Q; +ete. ; 

in which any one of the quantities Qi renders identical the equation 

q(sin6 nie ilbue 
(3) (ot) Dh Oy serene 

On this supposition the equation (1) will be satisfied by taking in 

(4) {EG _1GFD9,| ang 

In order to integrate this differential equation of the second order * 
let us take 

O. ; 6, 
peawet vee ree i 
a= r i adr, 
and consequently 
1 (1) (1) 
dQ: Qi, :1dQ;_ 1 :€2Q; 
dr 7? y dr a dr? 
1) (1) (1) (1) 
€Q;- 5 Qi 2 dQ 1 dQ; 1 dQ; 
dr? r? dr r dr? a dr* 

* The integration of this equation with the second member negative has also 
exercised the ingenuity of the two illustrious geometers Plana and Paoli. See 
the Memoirs of the Academy of Turin, vol. xxvi., and those of the Italian 
Society, vol. xx. 


By making the substitutions in the equation (4) we shall be able to 
exhibit the result in the following form: 

k 1 faaMG-lig @) eg aQ; G@—-1)i agi? 
dr® re es ile ee r? dr 

saan nf gi? _4xf 4ai™ 

7° 2 dr 

The foregoing equation is satisfied by taking 
2( 2 @i ie (1) (1) 
Ss )=40f Q: 
This equation is of the same form with that proposed (4), except 
only that 7 is replaced byi —1. If therefore again, in the latter, we put 
Q) 4 (2) ni Si (2) 

aE g i= eh 

we shall deduce from it another in terms of Q., in which z — 1 will be 

replaced by 7 — 2; and by continuing these substitutions we shall finally 
obtain the equation 

which is integrable by the known methods, and gives 
; \/ Het Peery 
Q; = f, e +V;e 
where 7, and V; may be considered as two arbitrary functions of § and 
'W of the order i which satisfy the equation (3). 
; (3) 
By adopting this value Q;, and by afterwards taking 

NOR OSG: d Q” 

| Q; Ter Q; any dr 

| ey We ed iain 
Ga Dowty i: WON 

| ey age wit; a de 

| (i-2) 

) (i—3) (i—2) 1 2Q; 



(1) 1Q,, 
1 1 i 
Oe iy ae oe nay eee 

the last of these quantities will satisfy the equation (4), and will be its 
complete integral. 

If the successive substitutions are performed, and, for brevity’ s sake, 
we make 

: ey (i—1) 
() (1) ae =[- Fe Gt Fea) te ve aL | eee A, 
sc sae A A hg : 

which gives, in the particular case of s = 7, a; = [1 +: ——  ], we 

shall have 
(0) 1) 2) 3) (2) (7) os ei 
i be: (i) a, dQ; a, dQ, () gi; 
i= fag j ate 7 ee + a; 75 ‘ 

Now if we make 

(0) (1) (2) (3) 
; a; a; a a; i ar’ 
2; (7') = Get Si % + Fis Me ato haee + a Cis 
(0) (1) (2) () 
j ; Ac a; a; a; ‘ a; i matte’, 
Q!; (7) = hig =k re i ob ah Mohsen + 0 & (im eat 
where @ is put instead of _ 2 we shall have 

Q',= T';0,(r') + V',O! (r'), 

and the expression for # may take the form 

Oo r 
(5) y Lee} Wi aot 3” O, (7") peer Pad 
° r o oOo 

» 0 9,(7) Tide! 
+f pt Np sind b'day’ 
e r oO 


* The brackets are here employed in the same way as in Vandermonde’s no- 


} Desh Ne raw On re Os aM) 
oO 38), ~) QO Vt dr 

OD .Ae Ec a 
+ Ne + 4 P sin #'dé'dw’. 

r-so Ui 

The functions 7", V', of this expression remain arbitrary; and, as 
the sum of an infinite number of these funciions may be employed to 
represent any iuvction whaisoever, they wi'l serve as two arbitrary 
functions which are to com»leie the iotegral of the equation (1). 

When in some particular cases the integrations of the preceding for- 
mula sual! have been performed by substivvting its expression in the 
equation (‘I}), the funciions 7’, and V, will be determined by com- 
paring them w:ih those of the same order introdaced by means of the 
different expressions for G; so that this equation may become identi- 
cal. All being thus determined, the densi.y g given by the formula (2) 
will be known. 

We have hitherto left our formule in all their generality, so that one 
may be ihe better able to judge of the restrictions to which we shall 
subject them while making the first applications of them. Jn the pre- 
sent state of our physical knowledge, the figure of the material mole- 
cules is totally unknown. We will therefore begin by considering the 
most sim ole case,—that i in which their form is spherical, and their den- 
sity uniform. We will, besides, assign to these molecules a very small 
volume, and suppose them in their state of equilibrium at a mutual di- 
‘stance, which is very considerab!e as compared with their dimensions. 
‘This manner of consideriog the constitution of bodies has been adopted 
_ by several philosophers as that which is most conformable to truth, and 

4 ‘presents ai the same time a considerable advantage in an analytical 
point of view. Tn adopting i: we shall be able. by approximation, to 
 eonsider the ether as if it were continuoasly diMfused in all directions ; 

and to disregard, in the integration of the formula (5), the small spaces 

occupied by the material molecules. But as, by proceeding in this man- 

ner, we should include in the repulsion of the ether a sveplus which is 

‘due to the actions answering to the points of space which are really 

| oeenpied by the molecules, we shall compensate for this surplus by add- 

‘ing to the action of each molecule an action equal and contrary to that 

of a quantity of ether of the same volume as the molecule, and of the 

same density as that which answers to the point of space which the 

molecule occupies. This is done by substituting ga + fq for ga in 

the expression for G (q representing the density which the ether would 

| have at the point occupied by the molecule, and within so small a space 

we will suppose that density constant), and by extending the integrals 
Vor. I.—Panrt III. 21 


of the formula (5) from 6"'= o to ' = , from f' = 0 top! = 2m, and 
from r=otor=o. 

Let us begin with performing the integrations of the ‘iene (V). 
In consequence of the quantity ga + fq being considered as constant, 
and as the spherical form of the molecules renders p independent of w 
and ¢, all the terms of the second and third line of this formula will 
vanish, and it being observed that we always have 

fe uf oil sinwdwd@= 0, 
ify. oO 

unless in the case of [1° = 1, which gives 

r 2¢ 
fiat Tl, snwdwdg=4n; 
o o 

an (gu +fq)® 

the expression for G will become G = - 

, 0 repre- 
senting the semidiameter of the molecule. 

This integral has been obtained under the supposition that the origin 
of the coordinates is in the centre of the molecule; but the origin may 
be transferred to any point whatever, by restoring, instead of 7, its 
general expression, and writing 

Aam(ga + fq)® 
3{(w — x) + (yy) + (2a) }* 

where x, y, z represent the coordinates of the centre of the molecule. 

Before we proceed to the expression for F’, we had better clearly define 
the signification of the term ¢ which it contains. We must consider this 
quantity (q) such as it is given by the equation (III), not as the entire 
value of the density of the ether, but as the value only of its excess or 
deficiency above or below the sensibly uniform density which the zther 
diffused in equilibrium is supposed to have in that part of space. If we 
represent the latter density by go, the equations (III) and (VI), while 
we suppress the terms due to the quantities G, G,, G., &c., must be 
satisfied by the substitution of g = go: and that, in order that the 
ether may remain in equilibrium spontaneously, or in consequence of 
the action of the forces not expressed, whose centres must be supposed 
to be at a very great distance. If, therefore, we take the difference be- 
tween the equations resulting from this substitution and the original 
equations themselves, we shall have 

(VW) e= 

(UY &(q—q)=—F+G+G,+G,...... + G,+ &e. 
d*(q—q) , 42(¢—) , 4°(¥— %) 
ae eg eee a a 

provided that, in F’, we substitute for g the value of g — g resulting | 


from this last equation, that is to say, that which is given by the for- 
(2)! 7 (Y — Go) = Qo + Q, + Q,..~--- + Q;+ &e. 

This being premised let us return to the formula (5). As the inte- 
grations indicated in the second member of this equation may, accord- 
ing to what we have stated at the commencement of this paragraph, be 
extended from 7/= 0 to r! = », #’ =oto #!=7, and'= oto = 27, 
and as all these limits are independent of each other, observing that 
we have in general 

r 29 
ae P,T',sin ' d0' dy! =o 


x Qe 
ef: Po Pisin t ddioxie 

and in particular when 2 = 7; 

J “fy! tt ! ! U 4 
gf f° P,, T',, sin 9 dé dy Sa in 
° 0 
rT Q°¢ s A 
ihe a P, Vi, sini dtdy =z~ V,. 
0 ° 

we shall find 

i eet ia A dsl 2 Q,, (7') yl 21 gy! 


Dor ! 
JE Vf a, wire 
Are 7” f 

Without actually making the substitutions of the expressions pre- 
viously given for G, and latterly for F’, in the equation (III)! for the 
purpose of comparing the functions of the spherical coordinates of the 
same degree which are to render it identical, we see that, as G, G,, G,, 
&c., contain none of these functions, all the Ye and ie must be null, 

with the exception of 7, and V,, which answer to the value x = 0, and 

represent two arbitrary constants. 

“a “ 


The expression for F’ will then be reduced to 

r ar’ —ar’ 
(5)! Fasnfh fi (Toe. + Voe )aidr' 

roa) ar’ —ay’ 
= anf fe (The +Vee dr! 
All the quantities 7, and V,, being null, except 7’, and V,,, the values 
of Q, will also be null, ‘ieee that of Q,: the formula (2)' will then 
Toe + Vee. 
When r = © we must have g = q,; we must then also have 7’, = 0, 

give as Jo 

oO — OF 

and there will remain only g = 7, + >—e 

By performing the integrations of the formula (5)! within the limits 
indicated, and observing that T, = 0, we shall obtain 

F=—hle (e—* =1)3 

As, in the differential expression for /, we may change 2’ into a! — x, 
and a into a — x, without any change taking place in its value, and as 
a similar change may be made in respect to tbe other coordinates, it 
follows that, by taking the point x, y, z, as the origin of the coordinates, 
we shall be able, in the two preceding formule, to put 

Va = + yy) +e 
or, Sohne r= Ne —x,)?+(y—y,) + (-z,) 
Now if, by placing the origin of the coordinates in the centre of each 
molecule respectively, we substitute these expressions of # and g, and 
that previously found for G in the equation (IID), and take successively 

for V, as many constants as there are molecules, we shall find that the 

—ar ail i 
Me —_ Me 223 9 _ te Gat FQ 
A aa ie | Se on aan 
will be satisfied oe taking for each molecule 
Vo =i (92, + f-4,) 3, 

By substituting for V, the value just found, we shall finally have 

avy °° F=-** 39,44) 3°" 


— ar 

4 e 
(1)" G= +5539 2, +f4,) 92 

where the sums & are to be extended to all the molecules, including the 

_ This last equation determines what the density of the ether must be 
at each point x y z, in order that it may be in equilibrium when it is 
submitied to the action of the spherical molecules of matter. The value 
of this density consists of different terms, each of which is due to a par- 
ticular molecule, and represents its proper atmosphere. As the quan- 
tity of ether diffused through the immensity of space may be considered 
as infinite, the atmosphere formed by each molecule for itself is always 
the same, and its density is only superadded to that which the ether in 
the same places owes to other causes. According to the nature of the 

molecular actions, the value of the coefficient a = \/ - ws should 

be considered as very great: hence it follows that the density of each 
atmosphere will be incomparably greater when quite near or in con- 
tact with the molecule, and will decrease very rapidly as its distance 
from the molecule increases. This circumstance enables us to deter- 
mine with ease, by approximation, the value of q,> or the density of the 
ether at the surface of any molecule whatsoever, on the supposition 
that the molecules are not too near each other. If, for instance, we 
make 7 = @ in the term answering to the first molecule, and 7, = r,, 
7, =T,---7, =r, in the other terms, all these will be very small 
in comparison with the first, and by neglecting them we shall have 
very nearly 

4 3 
G=H+ 3, 9a+fq)® 
whence we derive 
. Jo + “tye é° 

im ete +i fe 

6. We are now in a condition to consider the equilibrium of\any 
molecule whatever, such as it is given by the equations (II). 

The quantity e under the double integral in these equations must be 
replaced by kg. Let us represent the coordinates x, y, z, so far as 
they belong to the points in contact with the surface of the molecule, 
byx+éy+n.2+2; x,y,z being the coordinates of its centre: 
by developing the expression for g, and stopping, because of the small- 
ness of the molecule, at the first terms, we shall be able to take 

s | 
I +2qo4: +2qghn +2q <1. 


If this expression for g? be put in the integral 4 ify dyn dé, and 

the limits extended to the whole surface of the molecule, it is easy to 

see that it is reduced to kq ef fianas But [fan de ex- 

presses the volume v of the molecule, which is equal to z 63; the 

term on the right in the first of the equations (II) will therefore be 
simply represented by kv q pa It is proper to remark, that in the 

d . b Laan : 
value of q at, we are not to include the term which, in the expression 

for g marked (III)" is due to the molecule whose equilibrium we are 
considering, because this term undergoes a change of sign at the two 
opposite sides of the surface of the molecule, and vanishes within the 
limits between which the integral is extended. 

The inspection of the triple integral which gives the value @ is suffi- 
cient to show that this integral must be given by the same function 
that represents F’, in which f, a, y, z may be replaced by g, &n, 2. If, 
because of the smallness of the dimensions of the molecule, we consi- 

der in the differential OP the coordinates £, n, ¢, which answer to any 

point of the surface as being constant, and substitute for them x, y, z 
which answer to the centre, then, it being observed that (°/ ae didn 

d& represents the volume v of the molecule, the first integral of the 

second member of the first of the equations (II) may be represented 
by av Litton 

The value of & being deduced from the expression for #, such as it 
is given by the equation (IV)', will contain, as we have already ob- 
served,a surplus of action, due to the zther which is supposed to oceupy 
the place of the molecules also. It will therefore be necessary to make 
a compensation here also, by adding to the contrary action of the 
molecules an equal quantity ; that is to say, by changing in the triple 
integral represented by I,, the mass y @y into the mass y @+g9 qu» 
If we conceive this change made, the expression for Ty will be of the 
same form as that for G marked (V)!, except that 2, y,z and ga + fq 
will be replaced by & 7, ¢, and ya, + gq», and x, y,z by X», y», zy Let 

us then, by approximation, introduce into the differential n° instead 

of the coordinates (& , 2) of the surface, the coordinates (x, y, z) of 
the centre considered as constant; if we perform the integration, which 






is done by substituting the volume v for [/f, didndzZ, the term 

which stands under the sign & in the first of the equations (II) will 
be represented by a v o : 

If we now write in their places all the expressions just found for 
the integrals which constitute the first of the equations (II), we shall 

By similar substitutions the second and the third equation will give 

oh: Metis im i ea 
ade ae dT, 
qb Fe ge aie O 

These three equations must hold good for the particular values x, y, 
Ts Yq 21 5-+- 10> ose x,y, 2, &c., which answer to the centre of the 
¥ y 

molecules in their state of equilibrium; and as each molecule furnishes 
three similar equations, the whole collectively will be sufficient to enable 
us to determine the unknown quantities. 

If from the formule marked (III)", (IV)’, (V)’ we derive, by means 

of the changes already indicated, the expressions for 4, gaan, 

x dx’ dx’ 
we find 
= ar 
dq Tig ON) Lea: Sloe 
$4 — Layton; + fay Gene = 
( Soman 
dt _g ee ee Cen 
dx ere | St) ry? a oa 
dTyv j _ fee ae 
ia (ya +90) = Ty 

d q, d@ dT d dq 
dy dy’dy"* dv 
x into y and into z. 

If we introduce these expressions into the foregoing equations, re- 
collecting that, according to the hypothesis of Franklin and AZpinus, 
we must make f = g, and take y a little less than g, the result will be 

and shall obtain —2 &e., by changing in these formule 

— ar 
Rig | 

gv (4 +2) 3v(m + g(t anye 

—(9— 7) BV Savy —* = 0 

(A) gv(qta)iv (m+ qm)(1+an)e eae 

—(g—y)aviav,"—I =o 


— ar 

IV(4 + a) Zw(a +q) (1 tan)e 

— g=y) av Sav, 2? 

= 0, 

where the sums = are to be extended to all the members », that is to 
say, to all the molecules except that whose equilibrium we are con- 

7. The equations which we have just found are those which must 
take place in case of equilibrium, or in the natural state of a body com- 
posed of spherical molecules, if Franklin’s hypothesis respecting statical 
electricity may be applied to the constitution of bodies also. The form 
in which the equations present themselves shows that this equiliorium 
takes place exactly as if there existed between each pair of molecules 
a reciprocal action, in the direction of the straight liae wuich would: 
join their centres of gravity, and would be represented by 

rien yr 
(l+ar)e” 1 

1) rer vices aa ani v= Y)VEV, By 
1 1 

(2) gv(a@+q)v.(7, +4 

Let us examine the nature of this action. We are able to distinguish 
in its expression the products g v (@ + q). v,(@, + qi); (g—y) @y- 
@, V,, the constant 2 and the variable r,. 

As the difference (g — y) between these two accelerative forces is 
to be supposed very small relatively to g, the product of this foree by 
the masses v (a7 + q) v, (7, + q,) will, for a twofold reason, be 
greater than the product of the difference g — y by the masses aw v. a, 

The value a depends on that of fand , that is to say on the repul- 
sive force of the atoms of the ether, their mutual distances, their 
masses, and their volumes, which are all vaknown to us. The agree- 
ment of the results of calculation with those of experiment requires 
that a should be a very high number. 

On the condition that @ is very great, the first term of the expression 

a) will decrease rapidly with r,, because of the multiplier e fama aC One 
pial i p 

_ _— ——— 


then r, has a greater value than that which renders this expression 
null, the foree revresented by the last term will preponderate over that 
represented by the first; and if r, be so great that this term may be 
neglected as of no value, then the only remaining force will be that 
given by the last term. This term being negative, the force which 
corresponds with it tends to bring the molecules nearer to each other ; 
and as it is in the direct ratio of the product of the masses, and the in- 
verse ratio of the square of the distance, it will exactly 1epresent the 
universal gravitation which takes place at finite distances. 

By diminishing r, we shall obtain a value that will satisfy the equa- 


1 je 1 
ones ben —(g—y)va.v\a, as 

(b)9v(a+q)vi(7, +41) r, 
At this distance two molecules would remain in equilibrium, and as 
the differentiation of this equation gives the result 
—gv(a+q)y (2, able 
which is always negative, the equilibrium will be permanently fixed. 
Should it be attempted, by the application of an external force, to 
bring the molecules nearer to each other, the repulsive force repre- 
sented by the first term of the expression (@), which would now in- 
crease in a greater ratio than the attractive force represented by the 
last term, would produce a resistance to such an approximation: on 
the other hand, if it should be sought to remove the molecules to a 
greater distance from each other, the repulsive force would decrease in 
a greater ratio, and the attractive would preponderate and prevent the 

_ separation. These two molecules would therefore be so placed rela- 


tively to each other as by mutual adhesioa to form a whole, and we 
should not be able to remove the one without at the same time remov- 
ing the other. Thus these molecules present a picture in which the 
hooked atoms of Enicurus are as it were generated by the love and 
hatred of the two different matters of Empedocles. 

As the attractive force is null at the distance which we have been 
just now considering, and at a greater distance decreases as the square 
of the distance of the molecules, there must be an intermediate point 
at which it reaches its maximum. By the ordinary rules of the dif- 
ferential calculus we find that the function (a) is a maximum when 

(gv (@+a)vi(m ta) 1 tar + Sarre + (gy) 

that is to say, that it is at the distance r, we should find, by the resolu- 


tion of this equation, that the molecules attract each other most 

Recapitulating these results, we shall say then, that the action of two 
spherical molecules on each other is repulsive, from their point of con- 
tact to a distance given by the equation (0). At this distance the two 
molecules are in a state of fixed equilibrium, and as it were linked 
together; at a greater distance their action is attractive, and the 
attraction continues to increase until they are at the distance r, fur- 
nished by the equation (¢), which distance is still very inconsiderable 

because of the magnitude of a in the exponential term e_ “From 
this point the force remains always attractive, and, when the distance 
has acquired a sensible value, follows the inverse ratio of the square of 
the distance. All these properties of molecular action flow as neces- 
sary consequences from Franklin’s hypothesis respecting statical elec- 
tricity, and appear perfectly conformable to those indicated by the 

Let us suppose four homogeneous and equal molecules placed at the 
points of a regular tetrahedron. If we assume as the origin of the co- 
ordinates the ‘place occupied by the molecule whose equilibrium it is 
proposed to consider, and as the plane of the x y, a plane parallel to 
that in which the three others are found, the coordinates of these 
molecules will be given by the formula 

= "0 2 Z=0 

r My Lagke i 2 

x, = —— cos B y, =—— sin Bp nary [2 
V3 V3 3 

e fle eg alt ay pet penal oa 

Xo — V3 cos 3 Yo — V3 ( 3: Zo—Tr, 3 

r 4 ay stage 41 

X= cos (+ 4") Ww Ty sin (a+ a, : 
where r denotes the mutual distance of the molecules, which is the same 
for all; ( the angle which is formed in the plane of 2 y with the axis 
of the 2, by the projection of the straight line drawn from the molecule 
placed at the origin of the coordinates to the first of the three others; 
and # the semicircumference. 

If these values be substituted in the three equations (A), and it is 
observed that we always have, whatever may be the value of 6, 

cos 8 + cos (8 + *) + cos (0 + 2 =o, sinB + sin(6+2 

+ sin (6+— = 0, 

it will be seen that the two first are verified by themselves, and that — 


the third gives, for the determination of r, 


gv? (@ + q)? id a) 2 
If the density of the «ther into which the molecules are plunged, or 
the quantity g., becomes greater, the density q given by the equation 
(6) will increase also; that value of r which will satisfy the foregoing 
equation will consequently become greater, and the molecules will fix 
themselves in. equilibrium at a greater distance. We see in this result 
that the zther performs the functions of caloric, and that it is to its 
greater or less density we are to ascribe the temperature and volume 
of the body. For what else, in fact, is an increase or diminution of 
temperature in respect to a body, than a new state in which its mole- 
cules, placed in equilibrium, form, in consequence of their being more 
or less widely separated, a greater or less volume. It has been known 
to philosophers since the time of Galileo, who was the first that clearly 
pointed out this difference, that we are not to confound the sensation 
which we experience while this new arrangement of the molecules of 

our body is taking place, with the motion by which it is produced. 

Pie | 
a ga y) ee pO 


__ [The readers of this Memoir will doubtless be interested in referring 

to Dr. Roget’s “Treatise on Electricity” in the Library of Useful Know- 

~ ledge, published March 15th, 1828; the following passage from which 



was noticed with reference to M. Mossotti’s views, by Prof. Faraday in 
his lecture at the Royal Institution, Jan. 20th of the present year.— 
Epit. ] 

“(239.) It is a great though a common error to imagine, that the 
condition assumed by /Epinus, namely that the particles of matter when 
devoid of electricity repel one another, is in opposition to the law of 
universal gravitation established by the researches of Newton; for this 
law applies, in every instance to which inquiry has extended, to matter 
in its ordinary state; that is, combined with a certain proportion of 
electric fluid. By supposing, indeed, that the mutual repulsive action 
between the particles of matter is, by a very small quantity, less than 
that between the particles of the electric fluid, a small balance would 
be left in favour of the attraction of neutral bodies for one another, 
which might constitute the very force which operates under the name 
of gravitation; and thus both classes of phenomena may be included 
in the same law,” 

: 470 — 


On certain Combinations of a New Acid, formed of Azote, 
Sulphur, and Oxygen ; by J. Pevouze. 

From the Annales de Chimie et de Physique, vol. xvi. p. 151.* 

Davy made the important observation that nitrous gas (deut-: 
oxide of azote) was susceptible oi absorption by a mixture of potash 
or soda and an alkaline sulphite, and that from this action a peculiar 
matter resulied, whose principal characteristic was to disengage abun- 
dantly protoxice of azote when brought into contact with acids. His 
experiments are recorded in vol. xx. of the Revue Britannique (‘or 
1802): an extract is also given in the Traité de Chimie of Berzelius, 
vol. ii. p. 50. 

Davy. believing the presence of the potash and soda, in a free state, 
necessary to the absorption of the deutoxide of azote by the sulphites, 
and remarking moreover that the acids no longer disengaged nitrous 
gas, but protoxide of azote, from these new combinations, considered 
them as formed of this latter gas and an alkali, and proposed to give 
them the name of nitroxides of potash and soda. He attempted unsuc- 
cessfully to obtain analogous compounds with ammonia, baryta, strontia, 
and lime. 

To explain the disappearance of the deutoxide of azote, Davy sup- 
posed that the potash and soda, although incapable of absorbing this 
gas when wholly formed, might yet take it up during its formation, and 
combine with it by the action of the affinities which decompose the ni- 
trous gas and convert it into protoxide of azote. 

The celebrated English chemist extended his observations no further. 
The salts which he had obtained not having been disengaged from the 
extrinsic matter with which they were combined, he was unable either 
to submit them to analysis, or to examine their principal characteristics ; 
and thus he left their description very incomplete. 

Upon passing an aqueous solution of sulphite of ammonia, cooled to 
the point at which it begins to congeal, into a small tube filled with 
deutoxide of azote, which has been exposed for several minvies to a tem- 
perature of —15° to —20°(Reaum.), the volume of the gas gradually di- 
minishes; and upon withdrawing the tube by degrees from the cooling 
mixture, and agitating it until the congealed matter is liquified, repeating 

* The Editor is indebted for the translation to Mr. J. E. Taylor. 


this operation several times, the deutoxide of azote is completely ab- 
sorbed by the sulphite ; and these two bodies, upon disappearing, give 
birth to 2 very remarkable new salt. to which I shall revert presently. 
If, instead of causing the deutoxide of azote to act upon the sulphite 
at — 15°, we bring them in contact at zero, or rather at the ordinary 
temperature, the result is very different : the devtoxide of azote is com- 
pletely destroyed, it is true, but it is replaced by hal’ its volume of prot- 

_oxide of azote, and instead of a new salt we obtain the neutral sulphate 

of ammonia. 
Iam not aware that chemistry presents a single similar instance, 
namely, an example of actions so diferent at temperatures so nearly 

-equal, above all within the lower limits of the thermometrical scale, 
It is probable that facts of this nature will eventually muliinly, and 

that by the aid oi freezing mixtures we shall succeed in obtaining com- 
binations which, though little stable, may nevertheless offer a com po- 

_ sition and definite properties. 

Yo return to the experiment above described: If, when all the 
deuioxide of azote has been absorbed by the sulphite we leave the so- 

lution to itself, at the ordinary temperature, the new salt is gradually 

desiroved. pure protoxide of azote is disengaged, and the liquid retains 
only sulphate of ammonia. The volume of the new gas collected is 

found to be precisely equal to half the volume of deutoxide of azote 

The instability of the new substance scarcely allowed me to examine 

it completely: at zero, it is converted into protoxide of azote and into 

sulphate of ammonia: at the ordinary temperature, its decomposition is 
rapid; at 40° and above, its action is violent, and appears like a brisk 
effervescence ; farther than this, it is not easy, especially in summer, to 
operate on the gases in refrigerating mixtures. It was necessary then 
to conirive another mode of preparation, and the following was the rea- 

_ soning which led me to discover it. ‘ The salt cannot be what Davy 

has said, namely a combination of protoxide of azote and an alkali; for, 

since it is possible to obtain it with a neutral sulphite, the su!phurous 

acid eliminated from its base by the deuioxide of azote, and converted 
into sulphuric acid by the absorption of half the oxygen of the latter 
gas, would infallibly decompose it, and a disengagement of protoxide of 

azote would be the result; but, on the other hand, Davy obtained these 

combinations, although impure, at the ordinary temperature ; he ob- 
tained them with sulphites mixed with free alkalies; the alkalies must 
therefore increase the stability of the salts in question, and it is proba- 
ble that by modifying more or less the process of Davy I shall obtain 
‘them pure.” 

This is in fact what takes place. The presence of a free alkali re- 
tards in a remarkable manner the decomposition of the precipitated 


combinations, and furnishes at the same time a means of preparing them 
with facility. After several attempts, which it is useless to recount 
here, I arrived at the following process, in which I have best suc- 

A concentrated solution is made of sulphite of ammonia, which is 
mixed with five or six times its volume of liquid ammonia; and into 
this is passed, during several hours, deutoxide of azote: the experiment 
may be conveniently made in Woolff’s apparatus. The gas which is not 
absorbed by the liquid contained in the first flask, is taken up by that in 
the second or third. A number of beautiful crystals are seen gradually 
to deposit themselves, in the same manner as those obtained at a low 
temperature with the neutral sulphite of ammonia; these are to be 
washed with ammonia previously cooled, which, beside the advan- 
tage of retarding their decomposition, offers that of dissolving less of 
them than pure water. When the crystals are desiccated, they should 
be introduced into a well-closed bottle ; in this state they undergo no 
alteration. The same process is applicable to the corresponding salts 
of potash and soda. 

Before passing to the examination of this new class of bodies, I shall 
detail an experiment which throws the clearest light upon their com- 
position. Ifa strong solution of caustic potash be passed into a gra- 
duated tube, containing a mixture of two volumes of deutoxide of 
azote and one volume of sulphurous acid, all the gas after some hours 
disappears. If the deutoxide of azote be in a proportion greater than 
2:1 to the sulphurous acid, the excess remains free and unabsorbed 
above the liquor; and if, again, we employ less nitrous gas than the 
quantity indicated, the new salt will be found always mixed with sul- 
phite of potash : in a word, the two gases, deutoxide of azote and sul- 
phurous acid, never react except in the proportion in volumes of 2 : 1. 

It is easy to convince ourselves that the sulphite disappears, and that 
the salt which replaces it is formed by a new acid. In fact, the red 
sulphate of manganese, introduced into the tube in which the action 
takes place, is not discoloured ; whilst the sulphuric solution of indigo 
shows plainly, by the permanence of colour, the absence of nitrates and 
nitrites; and if, after pouring a salt of baryta into the liquor, we 
gather the precipitate which is there formed, wash it several times with 
a diluted solution of potash, and treat it afterwards with nitric acid, it 
dissolves entirely, and we may thus be assured that there has been no 
production of sulphate. 

These experiments, added to the complete absorption of the deut- 
oxide of azote by a neutral sulphite, at a temperature of —15°, left no 
doubt in my mind as to the composition of these new salts. Two 
volumes of sulphurous acid, in acting upon four volumes of deutoxide of 
azote and one atom of alkali (potash, soda, or ammonia), should pro- 


duce one atom of a peculiar acid, composed of two atoms of azote, one 
atom of sulphur, and four atoms of oxygen. This assumption has been 
verified by the direct analysis of the salts. I call this acid nitrosul- 
phuric, and the salts which it forms nitrosulphates. 

Nitrosulphate of Ammonia. 

The nitrosulphate of ammonia is a white salt, of a sharp and 
slightly bitter taste, with nothing of that of the sulphites; it does not 
act upon either litmus or turmeric paper; it crystallizes in prisms, 
with bases of oblique-angular parallelograms, more or less flattened, 
and terminated in different manners. It is insoluble in alcohol, either 
warm or cold ; it is easily dissolved in water, in which it finally de- 
composes, with a rapidity proportioned to the elevation of the tem- 

_ perature: the water retains sulphate of ammonia, whilst it disengages 
a gas which has the properties of the protoxide of azote. Alcohol pre- 
cipitates this salt from its aqueous solution. Exposed to a tempera- 
ture of 110°, it resists, but at a few degrees above that point it decom- 

_ poses with an explosion, caused by the rapid disengagement of prot- 

4 oxide of azote. If thrown upon red-hot coals, it burns with scintilla- 

_.. All the acids disengage from it protoxide of azote, and cause it to 

_ pass into the state of sulphate of ammonia; this decomposition is slow 

_ with carbonic acid gas, but it proceeds with rapidity when it is dis- 

_ solyed in water. In the open air the nitrosulphate of ammonia decom- 

| poses gradually, disengages protoxide of azote, effloresces, and yields 
_aresidue of pure sulphate of ammonia. 

I have above stated that the alkalies increase the stability of the ni- 

_ trosulphates ; this however takes place with the nitrosulphate of am- 
_ monia only to a certain degree. The salt, mixed with concentrated 
“st ammonia, still decomposes very visibly, though much more 
_ slowly than in pure water, and yields moreover the same products. 
. This decomposition agrees well with what we observe in passing a mix- 
_ ture of two volumes of deutoxide of azote and one volume of sul- 
phurous acid into a bell-glass containing liquid ammonia: the absorp- 
tion is never in this case complete, as it is with the potash; there is 
invariably a gaseous residue of protoxide of azote; and if the nitrosul- 
phate of ammonia is obtained at the ordinary temperature, by the pro- 
cess which I have indicated, this depends upon the much greater 
rapidity of its production than of its decomposition. We see by this, 
that it is possible for a body to be formed and to exist for a certain 
time at the same temperature at which it is decomposed. 

__ The excessive mobility of the elements of the nitrosulphate of am- 

_ monia, and the stability which the alkalies give them, made me think 

it not impossible that this salt might present phenomena of decompo- 


sition of the same class as the singular ones which M. Thénard 
observed with oxigenated water. In fact this is the case : many bodies 
which decompose the deutoxide of hydrogen, without either losing 
or gaining anything, equally decompose the nitrosul hates. Amongst 
these are the fine spongy platina, oxide of silver, metallic silver, pow- 
dered charcoal, oxide of manganese : the two first bodies act moreover 
with extreme rapidity voor the niirosulohate of ammonia. 

I convinced myself that this remarkable nbenomenoa was dve, as in 
the case of the oxygenated water, to an action of presence, and that 
nothing is ever produced but a simyle transformation o: the nitrosul- 
phate of ammonia into protoxide.of azote and sulphate or ammonia. 
Oxide of silver is not reduced; for if we wash it, aiter having caused 
it to decompose a great quantity of salt, it aissoives finally in nitric 
acid, without ‘he disengagement of red fumes. 

Ii was interesting to attempi to obtain tne metallic nitrosulphates by 
-pouring a solution of nitrosu'phate o1 ammonia into salis whose bases 
were oxides insoluble in water. The experiment was made with liquids 
previously cooled to several degrees below zero; it geve the following 
results. Chloride of mercury, the sulphates of zine and copper, the 
persulphate of iron, the protonitvate of mercury, the chloruret of 
chrome, the nitrate of silver, produced a brisk effervescence, which is 
attributable to a disengagement of the protoxide of azote: there was 
formed a‘ the same time sulphate of ammonia, which mixed with these 
saline solutions withovi lessening theie transparence. With acetate 
of iead there was also an efiervescence and procuction of sulphate of 

It would be very difficult to discover the probable cause of these 
singular phenomena; bué from this very cause, of their vresent inexplica- 
bility, they appeared to me the more to merit the attention of chemists ; 
and what indeed is more calculated to excite curiosiiy than to see a salt, 
by simple contact wich a body which absolutely gives nothing to it 
and takes nothing from it, decompose with an extreme rapidity, and 
form new substances, in the midst of which the agent. which pro- 
duces these violent actions remains chemically passive ? 

We arealready acquainted with two bodies, oxygenated water and 
hydruret of sulphur, possessing the property of decomposing under the 
influence of a simple action of presence. M. Thénard, to whom we 
owe the first observation, had foreseen that facts of this kind would 
multiply, and that they would open to the chemist a new field for in- 
:quiry which would enlarge every day. 

I should not omit to mention another fact, which bringsinto still closer 
connection the nitrosulphates of oxigenated water; namely, that these 
salts, mixed with alkaline solutions, cease to decompose under the in- 
fluence of the same bodies which destroy them so rapidly when they 



are dissolved in pure water. The nitrosulphate of ammonia contains 
one atom of water; its formula is: H® Az? S Az*, O1,+ HO. 

Nitrosulphate of Potash. 

This salt is white, very soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, with- 
out smell, of a slightly bitter taste, without action upon the test papers ; 
it crystallizes in irregular hexagonal prisms, similar to those of nitrate 
of potash. Exposed to a heat of from 110° to 115°, it is not de- 
composed, nor does it lose any weight; at alittle higher temperature, 
nearly 130°, it is destroyed ; but instead of being converted into sul- 
phate and protoxide of azote, like the nitrosulphate of ammonia, it 
gives rise to a disengagement of deutoxide of azote, and to a residue of 
sulphite of potash. The weakest acids disengage from it a gas, which 
has been found to possess the properties and the composition of prot- 
“oxide of azote. 

Platina sponge, oxide of silver, the sulphates uf copper and manga- 
nese, chloruret of barium, and acetate of lead, decompose it and 
produce the neutral sulphate of potash and protoxide of azote: these 
actions are always manifested with greater slowness than with the 
nitrosulphate of ammonia. I have already said in general terms that 
the stability of the nitrosulphate of potash was greater than that of the 
corresponding ammoniacal compound ; it is even sufficient to enable us 
to employ boiling water as a means of purifying this salt: in this treat- 
ment only a small quantity is decomposed ; and by washing with very 
cold water the crystals which are deposited in the solution, we easily 
separate them from the sulphate of potasii with which hey. are im- 

This salt is anhydrous, and is formed of one atom of potash and one 
atom of nitrosulphuric acid. Its formula is: Ka? Az* SO*. By ana- 
lysis it has been found to contain 20 parts of protoxide of azote, and 80 
of sulphate of potash. 

The nitrosulphate of soda is much more soluble ; in other respects 
it appears to me to possess the general properties assigned to the last 
salt ; and as its preparation is difficult, I have not made it the object of 
particular study. 

It only remains for me, in concluding this Memoir, to eonsidér two 
principal points of view in which it seems to me possible to regard the 
constitution of the nitrosulphates: whether they are formed by a pecu- 
liar acid, composed of two atoms of azote, one atom of sulphur, and 
four atoms of oxygen ; or sulphates combined with protoxide of azote, 
acting in an analogous manner to the water of crystallization. The 
first hypothesis seems to me preferable, and the following are the rea- 
sons on which it is based : 

1. The nitrosulphates are not precipitated by baryta-water ; and, 

if the protoxide of azote entered into these salts in the way the water 
Vor. L—Panrr III. 2K 


of crystallization does into the ordinary’ salts, it is not likely that its 
presence could modify the sulphates so far as to cause them to lose 
their most characteristic property, that of forming an insoluble sub- 
stance with baryta. 

2. The nitrosulphate of potash yields, by heat alone, a disengagement 
of deutoxide of azote and a residue of sulphur. It is little probable that 
the protoxide of azote could become deutoxide at a temperature of 
140°, especially when it must take the oxygen which it wants from so 
stable a salt as the sulphate of potash. And, moreover, experience has 
proved to me that the protoxide has no action upon it at that tem- 
perature and above. I would add that, if the action of heat upon the 
nitrosulphate of ammonia induces the belief of the pre-existence of the 
protoxide of azote in that salt, the entirely different products of the de- 
composition of the nitrosulphate of potash by the same agent would 
lead us, adopting the same reasoning, to consider the latter salt as 
formed of sulphite of potash united with deutoxide of azote. 

I am more inclined to see in the action of heat a disorganizing 
power, whose effects vary with the nature of the substances upon which 
it is exerted. The question seems to me to be precisely the’ same as 
that of the nitrates and hyposulphites, from which it has not been pos- 
sible to abstract the hyposulphurous and nitrous acids; only that, in- 
stead of two elements, the nitrosulphuric acid contains three, of which 
there are examples enough in chemistry. 

I have endeavoured to isolate this acid, and to prepare it directly, 
without the influences of the bases: in this I have not succeeded; but 
in the course of my attempts I have had occasion to remark a curious 
fact, which is at variance with all that has been said and written upon 
the theory of the formation of sulphuric acid; namely, that the deut- 
oxide of azote and sulphurous acid are able to produce sulphuric acid 
without the necessary presence of the air or of oxygen. The experi- 
ment is easily performed, and I have repeated it many times. Two 
hundred volumes of deutoxide of azote and one hundred of sulphurous 
acid, left alone for some hours at the ordinary temperature, in a gra- 
duated tube containing a small quantity of boiled water, are converted 
into pure sulphuric acid and a residue of protoxide of azote equal to 
one hundred volumes: such is the result; as to the theory, I am in- 
duced to believe that nitrosulphuric acid is at first formed, and is after- 
wards decomposed in the same manner and with still greater facility 
than the nitrosulphates. 

Hence the theory, or rather theories, on the formation of sulphuric 
acid, in the forms in which they have been propounded, must undergo 
a notable modification; for a certain quantity of protoxide of azote 
must necessarily be produced in the leaden chambers. I have for a 
long time past been occupied with experiments relative to this subject, 
and I hope shortly to publish the results. 


Attempt to explain the Absorption of Light according to the 
Undulatory Theory ; by BARON FaBIAN VON WREDE. 

From Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik and Chemie, vol. xxxiii. No. 23. p. 353. 
Nos. 24 and 25.* 

Tue mathematical accuracy with which most optical phenomena are 
explained according to the theory of undulations, and the simplicity of the 
first principles of this theory, as well as the analogy which it presupposes 
between both the means with which Nature has endowed the living being 
for the purpose of enabling it to perceive and distinguish those external 
objects by which it is surrounded, render this theory in itself highly pro- 
bable, although we have not yet been fortunate enough to bring under 
its general laws all the simple phenomena. Though we do not consider 
ourselves authorized to judge of the relative value of this theory, yet 
everything appears to pronounce in its favour, if we compare it with the 
theory of emission; as this, with all its complex and not very probable 
auxiliary means, accounts for a limited number only of optical phano- 
mena, whilst it leaves without explanation many others which the theory 
of undulations not only entirely explains but had even anticipated before 
they were observed. 

The chief objection made to the theory of undulations is that it leaves 
unexplained dispersion and absorption. With respect to dispersion, 
Fresnel has it is true not explained it, but he has shown at least that it 
does not stand in opposition to the undulatory theory. For he has proved 
that the velocity with which light is transmitted through an elastic me- 
dium, can only be independent of the length of the waves when the op- 
posite spheres of action of the molecules of the elastic medium are so 
small that we may consider them as null in comparison with the length of 
the waves. If this is not the case, the velocity of transmission for the 
Shorter waves of light must be smaller than for the longer waves, 
and this therefore the theory of undulations must take for granted, ac- 
cording to the observations made on the dispersion of light. 

Ishall now proceed to the special object of this paper, The Absorption 
of Light. Brewster, who more than any other person has followed up 
with attention the phenomena connected with the absorption of light, 

* Translated by Mr. W. Francis. 


and has enlarged our knowledge in this as well as in the other branches 
of optics, gives (in the paper in which he describes the curious dis- 
covery that certain coloured gases possess the property of absorbing a 
countless multitude of species of light, while they freely transmit others 
lying between these) a collection of those phenomena of absorption which 
he regards as contrary to the theory of undulations. Among other re~- 
marks he makes the following: “That the undulatory theory is defective 
as a physical representation of the pheenomena of light, has been admitted 
by the more candid of its supporters; and this defect, insofar as it relates 
to the dispersive power of bodies, has been stated by Sir John Herschel 
as a ‘most formidable objection.’ That there are other objections to it, as 
a physical theory, I shall now proceed to show; and I shall leave it to 
the candour of the reader to determine, whether they are more or less 
formidable than that which has been stated*.”’ All these new objections 
of Brewster against the theory of undulations are derived from the 
phenomena of absorption. 

Airy +, in his remarks upon this paper of Brewsttr, has certainly fully 
acknowledged that the undulatory theory had hitherto given no expla- 
nation of the phenomena of absorption; but he has on the other hand 
compared the two rival theories in other respects, with so much know- 
ledge and clearness that I think it impossible after perusal of this col- 
lection of facts to hesitate for a moment which to prefer. I am however 
obliged to controvert what Airy has intimated in relation to the absorp- 
tion of light, if indeed my own view of this subject be correct. He says 
that he did not think that absorption could be considered as an essential 
part of the theory of light. “It is,” says he, “a sort of extraneous in- 
terruption, which either leaves the ordinary laws in full vigour, or whol- 
ly destroys, not the laws, but that which is the subject of the laws.” 
Granting this, I do not see how the conclusion may be drawn from it, 
that the theory of light need not include the absorption. If we pre- 
suppose in bodies certain properties by means of which they act in a 
disturbing manner on the phenomena of light, we must also on the 
other hand presuppose in light a property through which its phenomena 
would allow themselves to be disturbed by the bodies, and we must then 
necessarily explain this last property by the theory of light. I have 
pursued with attention the interesting phenomenon described by Brew- 
ster; but far from drawing the same consequence as he has done, I think 
I find in it only a complete confirmation of the theory of light. 

When I saw for the first time the spectrum of a light which had tra- 
yersed iodic or bromic gas, whose regularity leaves no doubt that all 
the absorptions (nearly one hundred) do not praceed from one and the 
same cause, I was convinced that the whole was a phenomenon of inter- 

* Phil. Mag. and Annals, vol. ii. p.360. + Ibid. p. 419. 





ference, although I could not at that time explain satisfactorily to myself 
the manner in which it originated. 

I will now attempt to show that as soon as we assign to matter a 
very simple property which is no way in opposition to the idea we other- 
wise conceive of matter, all the phenomena which we include in the 
elass of phenomena of absorption become mere corollaries of the ge- 
neral principle of interference. 

Sir John Herschel has lately shown, in a memoir in many respects in- 
teresting and instructive, On the absorption of light by coloured media 
viewed in connection with the undulatory theory *, the possibility of con- 
sidering the phenomena of absorption as originating in interference. 
But he has thus traced each individual absorption back to a different 
eause, by which he is obliged to suppose in the absorbing bodies as many 
different causes as there are absorptions in the spectrum. If we could 
conceive of about two thousand separately acting causes in one and the 
same body, as would be the case for example in nitric acid gas, it would 
still be difficult to form to ourselves a correct idea of the reason of the 
great regularity which we must presuppose for the hundred causes in the 
iodie or bromic gas. Moreover he is of opinion that we must relinquish 
every notion of a regular functional gradation of this phenomenon, 
upon observation of its quantity and apparent irregularity. He states 
further, that “if the phenomena were at all reducible to analytical ex- 
pression, this must be of a singular and complex nature, and must at all 
events involve a great number of arbitrary constants dependent on the 
relation of the medium to light, as well as trascendents of a high and 
intricate order.” 

J will endeavour to prove, on the contrary, that they may be all re- 
duced to one, or at least to a very limited number of causes, and that 

_they may be all comprehended in one very simple analytical expression, 
which contains very few constants, and those dependent on the nature 

_of the absorbing medium. The little knowledge we possess of the in- 
ternal constitution of matter does not permit us to predict what effect it 
exercises upon a traversing wave of light. If however we may imagine 
it to be composed of particles which are kept by certain forces at a deter- 
minate distance from one another, we may also imagine that these par- 
ticles are capable of offering a resistance to the traversing wave of light, 
and consequently of partially reflecting it. 

The light thus reflected, which proceeds in a direction contrary to the 
one it originally had, must be now in like manner reflected in the ori- 
ginal direction, in order to experience again a partial reflection in the 
contrary one, and so on ad infinitum. Thus arises an endless series 
of systems of waves of light, each of which possesses a feebler in- 
tensity than the one which had immediately preceded it, and which has 

* Phil. Mag. and Annals, vol. iii. p. 401. 


been, in comparison with this, diminished by one portion equal to the 
double distance between the reflecting surfaces. 

If now we confine ourselves to the consideration of the two first sy- 
stems, it is clear that their results must depend on the relation between 
the length of the wave of light and the amount of retardation which 
has taken place in the one system in relation to the other; so that when 
this amount equals 3, 3, 3, 3... of the length of the waves of light, 
the intensity of the results must be equal to the difference between the 
intensity of both the systems; and when it is equal to an entire mul- 
tiple of the length of the wave of light, the intensity of the results 
must be equal to the sum of the intensities of the systems. If we now 
admit that waves of light, of all lengths, from the limit « (the long- 
est) to that of 6 (the shortest), traverse a medium which causes a 
delay ¢ in one part of this light, it is evident that the intensity of all 

kinds of light the half length of whose wave » amounts to > ee, 

a, TR 
ob ih 

6 etc. must be a minimum; that, on the con- 

Qm—1l? 2Qm+1 

trary, those kinds of light the half length of whose wave is a 2. i, 

Be hays golfers etc., must attain their maximum of intensity. 

7 at tg d 
When these species of light are separated by means of a prism, each one 
whose intensity is a minimum must appear as absorbed in relation to 
the others situated between them, and the whole spectrum must be 
analogous to that which a light which has traversed iodic or bromic 
gas presents. 

Before I enter further into the comparison between the spectra which, 
according to the theory, must originate in consequence of such a simple 
retardation, and those which, as experience shows, are produced by ab- 
sorbing media, I will try to determine what the consequences are of the 
hypothesis just laid down, namely that of an indefinite continued re- 
flection. Ifa represents the original intensity of the light, and 7 the part 
which is lost at every reflection, the intensities of each of the originating 
systems of waves of light attain the value shown in Plate VI. fig. 9.* As 
for the rest, the figure requires no other explication than that] determine 
the reflecting surfaces with the lines 4d B and CD, and call 6 the di- 
stance between these surfaces. 

Fresnel has shown, in his excellent paper on the diffraction of light +, 
that the velocity of undulation.w which a particle of zther receives 

* Plate VI. will be given, with the rest of this Memoir, in Part IV. 
+ Poggendorff’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie, vol. xxx. p. 100. 


through a system of waves of light after a lapse of the time ¢, whose 
intensity is a and whose length of undulation is A, is expressed by the 

u=asin2r (*-=) 

in which 2 stands for the distance of the particles from the centre of vi- 

Let us use this formula to determine the velocities of undulation u, 
Uy) Us) Us)...» Which the particle of zther acquires through the system 
of waves of light, whose intensities are: (1 —7)*@, 7° gaQ— r)? a, 
ri(1—r)?a,7° (l—r)?@ ees thus we have: 

w= (1 —ra.sin 2x (¢— 5) i 
=(1—r)?a.sin27 gees) 

u=P (l—na.sinde (--24**) 

=r(1—7)a [sin 22 (*— x) cos aid 
r X 

— cos2r (: — ) sin 2727] 
r r 

uy =r (1—r)ta.sin ax (¢— 244") 

=rt(l—r)*a [ sina = («=4) 00s 2.2528 

—cos 2x (¢— 5) sin 2. aa 
r Xr 

u, =7°(1—7)?a.sin2 x ¢ =e +6") 
=ri(1—r)*a [sn on (¢ - =) cos. 2728 

— cos 2x (¢ —) sin 3 eee 
r oN 

a F™ (1 — ry. sin 2 (¢— seen) 


=r" —r)2a{ sin Qa (4 x) cos n, 220 

— 08 2x( ¢—<) sinn 2220]. 
r r 

The velocity of undulation UY, which the particle of «ther acquires | 
through the action of the collective systems of waves of light, must 
now be: 

=ut+u, + Uy + us, + Uy, + ....4 

and therefore 

U=a(1—r)? {sin 2x (¢- =) [2: + 7 cos 20 58 

+ ros 2.9m 2° a site” cosn. an] 

_ costs (¢—5) [rsinae = 
A r 

+ rt sind. an ey eu) sit We an 22). 

If we now assume 
a(1—r)? [2 + 72 cos 27 20 +r 008 9. ance 
ie Trey 
+ 07 cosn. an 2 |= = A. cosi 
a(1—rjr[ 7 sin 2429 + rt sin 2. he a 
eH ON 

+... Psinn 2] = A.sini 
we shall have 

U=A.sin[ 2x (¢~=) =i] er 

The system of waves of light thence resulting will be quite of the same 

nature as the original, only that it has a different intensity and a different 

(To be continued.) 



ARTICLE XXV. continued. 

Attempt to explain the Absorption of Light according to the 
Undulatory Theory; by BARON FABIAN VON WREDE. 

From Poggendorff’s Annalen, vol. xxxiii. Nos. 23, 24 and 25. 

pi In order to find its intensity A, I multiply the equation (2) by 
_ s/f —1 and add it to the equation (1); I then obtain 


A (cosi + “—1.sin i) 
2b ae. 
=(1—r) afi +r? (cos 2 ~ + 4/—1.sin2az ~) 

f +r (cos2.22 50 + y=1.sin 2.2% ~") 

2 2b — b 

| +0" (cos. 2m A> + VHA sin 29) $ 
| or, since 

/ cosmz + v¥—1.sinmz = (cosz + V—1.sinz)” 

| A (cosit + 4/— 1.sin?) 

| ape 2 2 

| =(1-ryaf ite (cos 22 5+ VTi sin 225”) 
) 2b Aad 

+ r'(cos 2250 + VT. singe 3)? 4 

. r 


2b resi lls 
5 OE + rn ( cos2 x + + / Tsing 5)", 

| This is a geometrical series, by the summation of which we obtain 
| Vor. 1—Panr IV. 21 


A (cosi+ 4/ — 1.sin ¢) 
2 1 2b pias 2b 
(hes hee (cos an ra SV Ae .sindn 5 ) 

3 26 uch 2b 
1-1? (cos 2x i + f—].sin2a =i 
If in this expression, in which 7 is naturally less than 1, we suppose 7 
to be infinitely great, we shall have 

A (cost + 7 —1.sini) 

=(1—7r)*a AS eT oe Geers re 8 A ee 
4 oe 2b 
1—r8(con2e 24 4 y=. sin 2 5 ) 

By separating in this expression the real from the imaginary magni- 
tudes we obtain 
ries ieee Se 

cosz (11008 2 = ~) + r2sin 2 sin2 7 ea 

=(1—r)°a (4) 


sin 7 ( —r?.cos27 ~) + r2 cos i. sin x 2° ===i( ) 

From the last expression we obtain 

i) 7? sin 27> 
sin ? = eS ee 
iJ 1-278 cos 27 2 + 9 
1—r? at =f 
r2cos2 x x 
cost = 

A/ 1 = 212 0089 29 4 xt 

If we substitute this value of sin i and cos? in the formula (5) we have 
after reduction 
0 af ee aera ed ETH (G).2> 4* 

4 / 1278 cos 2x 2% + rt 

* Considering the partial reflection of a surface as a total reflection of all the 
light in contact with the particles of the body, it is evident that, the form of the 
particles being neglected, and the reflected part being called as before r a, i. e. 
(1 —r) a, that part continuing in the original direction, the whole quantity r @ 
cannot return in a contrary direction, but that a part of the same must be re- 
flected in different directions. ‘To be convinced that such a change in the pre- 
supposed hypothesis does not materially alter the results deduced from it, we 
have only to suppose that the part of r @ which is reflected in a contrary direction 
is called 7’ a, as it is then evident that the intensities of the system of waves of 


ws ) 


When this expression, which represents the intensity of the resulting 

Bei do stk BO 5 
wave of light, is differentiated in relation to _, it is clear that A becomes 

: ae Ye 26 : 5 
a maximum or minimum, if sin 2 7 a =0; that is, A becomes a maxi- 

26 . 
mum when ee firs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ete., and it becomes a minimum when 
a arse? 29 3, 4; 3, &e. 
The result of an indefinite quantity of wave-systems of light be- 
comes also a maximum or minimum, under precisely the same circum- 
stances as the result of only two such systems. To make apparent the 

__ hypothesis which I have advanced, I have constructed in fig.1, Plate VI., 

the equation (6) in such manner that the values-of the intensity A, 

which represent the different values of nm are taken as_ ordinates, 


and the logarithms ~ as abscisse. As the difference of the loga- 

rithms of two numbers depends on the relation of those numbers, and 
not on their absolute magnitude, the difference between two points of 
the axis of the abscissee, which represent two lengths of undulation, 
standing in a given relation to one another, must be independent of the 
representative substituted value of x 
sequal magnitude along the whole curve. 
In order to examine the phenomena of absorption which are exhi- 
bited in a spectrum whose extreme lengths of undulation (red and 

, and consequently must be of 

_ violet) are to one another as 1°58: 1, I described a spectrum (fig. 2) 

whose length, log. 1°58, and whose divisions, red, yellow, green, &c., 
take in the lengths 

outermost red limit between red and yellow &e 

Lo log. limit between red and yellow log. limit between yellow and green’ 

If I now at first suppose the distance 6 between the reflecting sur- 
faces to be very small, for example equal to 75 of the length of the wave 

of the red light, the value po which represents that of the red light 

light originating in this case become @ (1—7)*, a (1—r)? r?, a (1—r)?r'4; @ 
(1—r)?r'®, &c., and the final results are 
Ares a(l—r)? 

BOGE: PP Bate et 


0 a aa y'4 

which according to this differs from the one before obtained only in this parti- 
cular, that the magnitude r of the denominator is changed into’. It thence fol- 
lows that all the conclusions which may be drawn from one of the formule, may 
also be drawn from the other. 


5 Ap Oy 


will equal 20. I now place fig. 2 on fig. 1, in such a manner that the 
red end may lie on 20, and see that the whole part of the curve which re- 
presents the spectrum lies near the maximum ; and from this I conclude 
that the body which makes 2 6 = 1, of the length of the waves of red 
light absorbs little light, or is ¢ranslucid, and absorbs all the colours 
with an almost equal power, that is, appears colourless. 

Let us now suppose 2 6 somewhat greater, for example = 4 of the 
length of the wave of red light; fig.2 must then be so placed that 
the red end may lie on 4; we then see that the entire spectrum lies 
nearer to the minimum of the intensity, but that the violet end lies 
nearest to this minimum; from this we conclude that the body is but 
slightly translucid, and that its colour must fall into the red. 

Let us now move fig.2 a little further; suppose, for example, that 
2b is equal to half the length of the wave of green light; we find that 
the whole spectrum lies in the minimum of the intensity ; the body must 
according to that be nontransparent, when r is so great that the inten- 
sity of the minimum lies within the limit of our range of vision; in the 
contrary case it must appear black. 

If we continue to move fig.2 still further, that is, to suppose con- 
stantly increasing retardations, we obtain spectra in which the maximum 
of the intensity falls successively on the violet, blue, green, yellow and 
red, and in which the complementary colours are more or less absorbed. 
Let us now suppose the magnitude of 7, on which the real magnitude 
of the intensity, but not the condition of the maxima and minima, de- 
pends, to be also unequal on the different bodies ; we then easily per- 
ceive that we can zmagine all degrees of the natural colours of the bodies, 
as well as their greater or less transparency, as originated in this 
manner *. 

* If we reckon the resultants of the reflected rays, the intensities of which 
(fig. 9) are ra, ra.(1—7)*, ra (1—r)?.7?... ete., in the same manner 
as we reckoned before the resultants of the transmitted rays, we obtain for their 

J 1420 —2n cos 202 4 (l—2,r)? 
Ai) o> a) ern tel. rie (7) 
J 127% cosa 2! +n } 

If this expression be differentiated in relation to ai it is evident that A’ be- 

: Db ot 2b 
comes a maximum when — is 0,1, 2,3,4...., and a minimum when a 

is 3, 3, $, 3 +--+, 2. e. under the same circumstances as A. Hence it follows, that 
what has been said in respect to the transmitted light holds good also for the 
reflected light; so that the natural colour of bodies is explained in the same 
manner for reflected light as for transmitted light. 


So long as we take 26 less than from three to four times the length 
of the wave of red light, we obtain only one place of the spectrum, or 
both its ends absorbed ; but if we increase 6 still more, that is if we 
advance fig. 2 still more forwards, we perceive that more maxima and 
minima appear in the spectrum, the more indeed the greater 26 is 
taken. If we suppose 2 6 = 0-004 of an English inch, we obtain about 
the same number of absorptions as by iodic gas. 

I have endeavoured to produce artificially those kinds of retardations 
which the phenomena of absorption presuppose, and have been so for- 
tunate as to produce in a very simple manner any kind of the phezno- 
mena of absorption I chose. The simplest, and, as I have found, the 
easiest, manner of performing this experiment successfully is the 

7 _ following: Bend a piece of a thin plate of mica so that it forms the 
_ surface of a perpendicular cylinder; then place at some distance a 
_ lighted candle at the same elevation. The flame which is reflected 
towards the eye from the cylindrical surface must now appear as a slen- 
der vertical line. This light is reflected partly from the front surface 
_ of the mica, partly, once or more than once, from its hind surface ; 
4 the retardation of the last part is to that of the first in proportion to a 
distance whose magnitude depends on the thickness of the mica. If 
the thickness of the mica is at all considerable in proportion to the 
length of the wave of light, that is about 0°001 inch and more, the re- 
‘ flected light appears quite uncoloured. But if we divide this light into 


colours by means of a prism, and observe the spectrum through a tele- 

scope, it appears, from the most external red to the most external violet, 
1 : filled with stripes, which are quite black, and more numerous the 
_ thicker the plate of mica is. After having shown how we can explain 
a great number of phanomena of absorption by the supposition of a 
single retarding cause, I will endeavour to show how we may explain 
o the rest by a further supposition of many other similar retarding 

causes. If we suppose light of the intensity a, which has been sub- 
_ jected to the action of a retarding medium, and through that brought 
| down to the intensity 


Se ee ee 
a/ — 2790082 «20 + rt 

and subjected anew to a fresh retardation, which ot itself would have 
caused the intensity 

eC — rie 


ob! 7 
1 — 21? cos 2 x — + r't 

_ it is evident that the result A! of both retardations must be 


i arith 

a/ — 27" cos 20 7 + 7/4 

bait a—-ryd— a 
caer = 22 cos 2 2° + v4 

eAMiib AL. wich ses 
M=/1 —2r'? cos2r aa ee 

In the same manner the results of the three retarding causes will be 

Per OR sade Clos sian (frat); 
“a L.M.N. , 

Lay /(1— 29 cosa 2? +0) 
¢ > ZI 

M=4/(1 — 27" cos 2m 20 7h) 

N= 4/127" cos 20 2H" + WH), 

From these equations it will be evident that in general A’ or A” 

must attain a partial maximum or a partial minimum as often as one 

of the angles 2 7 2°, 20 ee &c. has completed an entire periphery ; 


that is to say, there must originate in the resulting spectrum as many 
absorptions as would have originated in the sum of each single spec- 
trum. It is therefore easy to account for that which must arise 
from two or more retardations, in the manner which I will now show 
by an example. If we convey light into a vessel into which iodine has 
been brought, and which is then gradually heated so that the iodic 
gas may increase slowly in intensity, the phenomena of absorption 
take place in the manner and order following: as soon as so much 
iodie gas is disengaged that the vessel receives a slightly reddish tint, 
we perceive in the blue light, or rather at the limit between the blue 
and the violet, some slender pale black stripes. The dark stripes be- — 
come blacker the more the intensity of the colour increases, and at the 
same time we perceive more dark stripes. With increasing intensity of 
the colour of the iodie gas the light stripes in the blue commence gra- 
dually to decrease in strength, till at last a complete absorption of the 
blue end of the spectrum takes place. In proportion as the entire ab-_ 


sorption proceeds toward the red end of the spectrum, new black stripes 
arise before them, till at last, at a certain intensity of the colour of the 
iodie gas, the whole spectrum is absorbed, with the exception of asmall 
piece of the red, which is now entirely filled with black stripes. This 
beautiful phenomenon of absorption is explained with the greatest ease 
and exactness by supposing two different causes of retardation. We 
need only presuppose that the one retardation is about equal to the 
length of the wave of red light, and the other about 150 times greater. 
The part of the curve of the intensity which represents the first re- 
tardation has the form A B (fig.3); but that part of it which repre- 
sents the second has the form C D (in the same figure). The results 
of both may therefore be expressed by a curve of the form of E F. 
With increasing intensity of the colour of the iodic gas, we must sup- 
pose that r and 7’ are increased, and that this increase can of course 
have an influence, not on the station of the maxima and minima, but 
merely on the absolute magnitude of the intensity. The greater r and 
r' become, the less must also the intensity become. And as we must 
imagine that the light, in order to be visible, must have a certain inten- 
sity, and as we can also express these limits of perception of the light 
by a line, it is evident that the increase of 7 and r' must force down 
the curves of the intensity toward this line. 

If we now place fig. 2 on fig. 3, and conceive the line A B in 
fig. 2 to represent the limit of perceptibility for the eye, we shall 
render the effect of the increase in the value of 7 and r’ evident by 
sliding fig. 2 gradually higher on fig. 3. If fig. 2 lies on the line 
ab, we see some stripes appear in the blue; if we move it higher 
towards a’ b', we see that the blue end is absorbed, and the stripes now 
make their appearance in the green ; if we move it still higher to a! b”, 
we find the whole spectrum absorbed, with the exception of a piece of 
red, which is now filled with black stripes. This is precisely the pro- 
cess in the spectrum of the iodie gas. The phenomena of absorption in 
_bromic gas are explained just in the same manner. In order to ex- 
plain the spectra arising from the light which has traversed nitric.acid 
gas, or euchlorine, we must suppose several causes of retardation. We 
must not be astonished at this difference, as the two last gases belong 
to the compound, while the two first belong to those which we consider 
as simple. It appears to me quite natural to assume that the ele- 
mentary constituent parts of a compound body may each of itself cause 
different retardations; and if we consider nitric acid gas as a compound 
of nitric acid and nitrogen, instead of considering it as a binary com- 
‘pound of azote and oxygen, we then easily conceive how very possible 
_ it is that a great number of retarding causes may be contained therein, 
_ each of which arises in the same manner as in the single gases. 
_ Without endeavouring to explain the presupposed causes of retarda- 


tion, or rather the form which we must suppose matter to possess in: 
order to produce them, I cannot but remark en passant a circumstance 
which has excited my attention, and which perhaps deserves considera- 

Most of the gases retain, when they are in any manner brought 
into another aggregate condition, very nearly the same colour. The 
retarding cause to which we ascribe the colour of the body must there- 
fore be almost independent of the aggregate condition. The other re- 
tarding cause, on the contrary, suffers a certain change when that. con- 
dition is changed, because the spectrum of the light which has traversed 
a solid or liquid body does not possess the black stripes which it would 
have if the body had been gaseous. In this fact we have a certain rea- 
son for referring the first to the particles of the body, and the latter to 
their distance from one another, because we properly think these to be 
changeable. A reflection in the znéertor of a particle, or a kind of pro- 
pagation of light through it, we are not able to imagine, inasmuch 
as we consider it as an elementary particle. Here then we have an in- 
creased probability of the truth of the supposition that bodies consist 
of such groups of elementary particles as Ampére* has supposed in 
order to explain the propagation of caloric; an hypothesis which Herschel 
also in other respects thinks probable+. Be this as it may, we must 
not be thought too bold when we suggest that by observations on the 
absorption of light we may find a new way opened to us of viewing 
the constitution of matter which may perhaps lead to results that 
could be attained in no other way. 

The other facts stated by Brewster, which, as he thinks, remain in- 
capable of explanation according to the undulatory theory, are, on the 
above supposition, all exceedingly easy to be explained. 

In a spectrum of light which has traversed oxalate of chromium and 
potash, all the colours are absorbed with the exception of the red, which 
contains black stripes. Brewster mentions as a consequence of this, 
that this body permits ether to undulate freely to a red ray whose index 
of refraction, in flint-glass, is 1°6272, and also to another red ray whose 
index is 1°6274; while it is absolutely opake, or its ether will not undu- 
lute at all, to a red ray of intermediate refrangibility whose index is 

Set forth under this form, the fact must surely appear as a paradox. 
It is, however, easily explained if we suppose two interruptions, one of 
nearly the same magnitude as the length of the wave of the red light, 
and the other greater, for instance ten times as great. In consequence 
of the first retardation, the curve of the intensity obtains the form of 
AB (fig.4), and, through the second,the form C D (in the same figure): 
the resultant of both must possess the form of E F. If now we consi- 

* Poggendorff's dnnalen, vol. xxvi. p. 161. + Ibid., vol. xxxi. p. 255. 


der G H as the limit of perceptibility for the eye, we obtain a spectrum 
exactly like that above described. 
The phenomena which appear in the spectrum of coloured flames 
stand undoubtedly in connection with the present object, and may be 
_ explained in the same manner as the phenomena of absorption. But 
_ besides the presupposition of retardations, we must here still make an- 
other, namely, that certain flames can only produce light of a certain 
length of wave, or at least that the produced light is inclosed in certain 
limits, which lie closer to one another than the red and violet. Various 
_ phenomena in the spectra of coloured flames arise only from this 
cause. This, for example, is the case with the bright orange-coloured 
_ stripe which is formed in the spectrum of a common candle light. If 
we consider the light of a candle, we find it to consist of several divi- 
_ sions, differing from one another. The inner and lighting flame con- 
tains, as is well known, heated particles, which undergo a real combus- 
__ tion then only when they arrive at the outermost border, or where they 
come into contact with the air. The outer flame is therefore of quite 
a different consistence from the inner; it has also quite a different 
_ appearance ; it lights feebly, and possesses a faint orange colour. The 
broadest part of the flame has, on the contrary, a blue colour, and re- 
sembles in every respect that produced by a slow combustion of coals. 
As this flame originates at the point where even the wick comes into 
contact with the air, I consider it quite probable that it arises froma 
slower combustion of it. 
If we place a convex lens between the flame and the opening through 
_ which we allow the light to fall on the prism, so as to produce a mag- 
_ unified image of flame on the prism, we are then able to bring to the 
opening any part of the image of the flame by sliding the lens, and 
in that manner to examine any particular part of it. Suppose we then 
move the image so that only its outermost border lies on the aperture, 
and consequently only the light of the most external flame can pass 
_ through it, we find that the spectrum contains nothing else than a part 
_ of the orange-coloured stripe. If we change the form or breadth of 
_ the aperture, we find that the orange-coloured stripe undergoes just 
the same change, so that it always remains a complete copy of the aper- 
ture. If we slide the image of the flame so that the inner lighting part 
arrives at the aperture, we obtain a complete spectrum ; and the nearer 
the middle part of the flame comes to the aperture the greater is the 
brightness the spectrum acquires, while the orange-coloured stripe de- 
creases more and more. Hence I conclude that the inner flame pro- 
duces light of all possible lengths of wave; the outer flame, on the con- 
_ trary, only light of a single length of wave, that is, of a completely ho- 
_ mogeneous light. If we view a flame of light through a prism, without 
letting the light pass through a minute aperture, we naturally obtain an 




irregular spectrum, which contains all colours. But in this spectrum 
we find a perfectly distinct orange-coloured image of the whole flame 
of light produced from the homogeneous light in the outer flame. If 
we move the image of the light so that only the inferior blue part 
may fall on the aperture, we find that the spectrum contains only violet, 
blue, and green light; but at the same time we find three quite appa- 
rent and regularly placed maxima, to explain which we must presuppose 
a retardation of about 10 or 12 lengths of the waves of light. 

One of the most peculiar of this kind of spectra is, without doubt, 
that from the light of burning spirits of wine, in which chloride of cop- 
per has been dissolved. This spectrum is filled with bright stripes, 
which are so arranged that they always appear in pairs with a black 
stripe between them, while those belonging to the different pairs are 
separated by a broader stripe, as it is represented by K L, fig. 5. 
In order to explain this phenomenon we only need suppose two re- 
tardations, one twice as great as the other, and having such a position 
that the maxima of the smaller one fall on the minima of the greater 
one. In the first the curve of intensity obtains the form A B, in the 
latter the form C D; the resultants of both must consequently have 
the form E F. If GH expresses the limit for the power of per- 
ception of the eye, it is evident that the spectrum must receive the ap- 
pearance of KL. On the contrary, let us imagine that the maxima of 
both components fall together, so that the one has the position A B 
(fig. 6), and the other that of C D, the resultant then takes the form 
EF. Ifnow GH represents again the limit of the power of percep- 
tion of the eye, it is clear that the spectrum produced must contain 
black stripes, appearing in pairs, separated by bright ones, or must ap- 
pear as K L (fig. 6)*. 

In the same manner as we can produce with one piece of mica the phe- 
nomena of absorption originating from one retardation, just so we can 

* If we put b!= +5 in the formula (8), it is evident that the maxima or 
minima corresponding to b’ must come to lie where the maxima of b are. The 
lirst-mentioned case, or the appearance in pairs of bright stripes, cannot there- 
fore take place when one retardation is exactly twice as great as the other ; 
in such a case it is more likely that the stripes occurring in pairs would appear 
black. Itis, however, evident that we only need increase the greater retarda- 
tion by one single wave-length in order to make one maximum which corre- 
sponds to the retardation fall on a minimum, 

The other maxima and minima do not indeed then completely coincide one 
with another, but they come evidently nearer to one another the greater the 
retardations are; and when these are somewhat considerable, the irregularities 
arising are so small that the eye is no longer able to discover them. We must 
suppose in the flame of chloride of copper that the smaller retardation amounts 
to about 40 wave-lengths of the red light, i.e. about 60 of the violet; the 
greater need only be increased by s'5 to »35 above the double value of this 
magnitude. : 


imitate with ¢wo pieces of mica the phenomena arising from two retarda- 
tions, &e. To perform this it is only necessary that the light which 
is reflected from one plate of mica on the prism must first have been re- 
flected from the one plate of mica on the other plate. According to what 
has already been proved, a spectrum is then obtained which contains 
all the absorptions which have been caused by each single retardation. 
The following is, as I have found, the easiest method of performing 
this experiment, which indeed, properly speaking, explains nothing, but 
which deserves to be mentioned as a beautiful experiment : I generally 
take a plate of mica, whose surfaces, besides being even and without 
faults, incline one towards the other, so that the plate is thicker at one 
border than at the other. Among the plates of mica which I have ex- 
amined in this respect, I have found one which possesses these properties 
in a high degree. As I bent this plate into the form of the surface of 
a vertical cylinder, and placed it so that the light was reflected on the 
prism from its thick end, I obtained a perfectly regular prism, with 
_ about 120 black stripes ; but the surface of the cylinder being turned 
round its axis, so that the reflecting element gradually advanced 
_ toward the other end, the distance between the stripes gradually in- 
_ ereased, while at the same time their number diminished, till at last 
_ from the thin end I received but a few more than 20. In order to 
bring the surface of the cylinder to any desired position, I fastened it 
on to a small cylindrical pillar, A B (fig. 7), which was fixed by wax, 
or any other glutinous substance, to an even support. 
In order to produce spectra which contain two series of absorptions, 
_ I placed two such cylinder surfaces in the manner shown in A and B 
(fig. 8). The light from the lamp C, concentrated by means of a 
great convex lens D, is carried to the first cylinder surface A; 
from this it is thrown on to the second, B, and from this further on to 
the prism E. The light of the flame is hindered from falling on the 
surface B, by means of a sliding screen F; and by another similar 
_ sereen G that light is received, which otherwise might easily be re- 
flected from the surface A to the prism. By turning both cylinder 
surfaces round their axes, I can give to the two retardations any de- 
sired relation to one another; and in this manner, as just described, I 
can change ad infinitum the phenomena of absorption. 
Very small retardations, such for instance as are smaller than a wave- 
length, cannot, according to this method, be accomplished, because it 
is almost impossible to give to the mica the necessary degree of thin- 
ness. But in order to produce also the phenomena in which small re- 
_ tardations are presupposed, I use coloured fluids which are inclosed in 
_ acylindrical tube, between two plates of glass whose distance from one 
another can be altered at pleasure. I have completely imitated, with a 
red absorbing fluid and a plate of mica, not only the spectrum of iodie 


gas, but also that which arises through absorption in oxalate of chrome 
and potash. In these experiments the magnitudes 7 and 7! can be 
varied up to a certain degree, and consequently the breadth of the 
black stripes can be changed in proportion to the breadth of the bright 
ones. For this purpose it is only necessary to let the light fall on the 
surface of the cylinder, under different angles of incidence. For it is 
evident that the proportion between the light reflected on the first and 
that reflected on the second must be greater the smaller the angle of 
incidence is; and consequently that the black stripes must at smaller 
angles of incidence be less broad than at greater. If we wish to produce 
absorptions with a small difference between the intensities of the maxima 
and minima, it is only necessary to let the light pass through a plate 
of mica instead of being reflected on it. In this experiment the propor- 
tion can be considerably varied by changing the angle of incidence. 

The most complex of all the phenomena of absorption is undoubt- 
edly the solar spectrum, with its numerous irregularly placed stronger 
or fainter black stripes. If we suppose with Herschel that these 
stripes arise from absorption in the atmospheres of the sun and earth, 
it becomes easy to explain them according to the principles already 
laid down. Although I have not yet made any experiments with a 
view to ascertain whether and in what measure the different pres- 
sures of the gases act on the position of the arising absorptions, yet 
I think it highly probable that they have a very considerable influ- 
ence on it. In such a case it is evident that the light in its passage 
through both the atmospheres, the density of which varies with the di- 
stance from their respective bodies, must suffer an indefinite number 
of unequal retardations, each of which will produce a certain series of 
maxima and minima. The cause of the number and also of the irre- 
gular position of the black stripes is consequently easily to be conceived. 
But the (at least apparently) vast difference which takes place between 
the intensities of the maxima and minima requires a particular explana- 
tion, which I will now endeavour to make. We have hitherto considered 
only two reflecting surfaces ; it is however evident that, according to 
the hypothesis with which I have set out, we must suppose a series 
of such surfaces which will be greater in proportion to the greater thick- 
ness of the absorbing medium. If we call, as before, a the original in- 
tensity of the light, 7 the loss in each reflection, and m the number of 
reflecting surfaces, we easily perceive that the intensities of the system 
of waves of light must be as we find them given in the following table 
(fig. 10), in which A, B,, A, B,, A; B,, &c. represent the reflecting 

When the thickness of the absorbing medium is rather considerabie, 
m must be a great number; and consequently » must be very small, 
because otherwise no considerable portion of light could traverse all 


the m surfaces. All members which are multiplied with 7‘, or a still 
higher power of r, must therefore become so small, in comparison with 
those multiplied with 7%, that they may be neglected. Thus the inten- 
sities of the transmitted rays become 

2 ae ee for the retardation 0 
a(1—r)".7? (m—1) . . kph coineh> 2b 
a(1—r)” .r? (m—2)(1—7)* en Seer ae 4b 
ED ee CSS 0 | ee 66 
a(1—r)”.r? (m—4)(1—7)° Rh oe 8b 
a —r)". A (m—n) =n OY) Le) ane, 

consequently we have 



fi u,=a(1—7)" 72 (m—1) [sina (¢- 5) cos 2 3° 


— cos 2" (¢— 5) sin 2x o 
r DN 

ug=a(1 —7r)" r2(m — 2) [ sina= (¢- x) cos 2.2 29 

— cos2m (¢— +) sin2.29 2°] (1 —r)? 
_— = m 2 E=2. S = xv 2b 
u =a(l r) r?(m—n) [ sinex (« <) Shah tare 

be, cos 2x (¢— =) sin”. on5*| re hres oh 

If we reckon from this the resultants of all the retarded systems of 
waves of light, z.e. all those just mentioned, with the exception of the 
first, U', or the velocity which it represents, becomes 

=a (l =r)" mt sin 2 («- x) [(m—1) cos 2.4 2% 
+ (m— 2) (1 — nr) 00s 2.9% 28 
+..(m—n) (1 ry Yeon. 27 22] 

— 08 2 (¢ — x) [ 1) sin 242° 


+ (m—2) (1 — rt sing 222! 

+. (man) (ary 8) sinn 29 2] be . 

If we now put the coefficients of sin 2 7 (: = x) equal to A! cos @, 

and the coefficients of cos 2 7 (¢ _ x) equal to A! sin z, we obtain 

ur =a’ sin an(¢— =) cos 2 — cos 2m (¢— ~) sini | 
a A 
= A! sin [2x(#-<) —i]- 

Whence it follows that A’ becomes the intensity of the resulting system 
of waves of light. 

If we multiply A! sin 7 with ./—1, and add it to A’ cos, and put 
for shortness 

(i—r) (coson 20 4 V/—1. sin2r =") 
A A 
equal to p, remembering that 

cosmz + “—1.sinmz=(cosz + /—1.sinz)”, 
we obtain 
A! (cost + “—1 « sin?) 

=a.(1—r)" 78 (cos 2 2° + As Ip sin 24 =”) x 
x (@—- 1) + (m—2)p+ (m—8)p* + -.-.(m—n)p"")..(9) 

If we call ((m—1) +(m— 2) p + (m—8)p* +...) 

for the sake of shortness S, we have 

S=(m—1)Q+ptptp tpt. . ter 
—-(tptr tet . raha oie 
— (P+ p +p + nl eras L + p"~") 
Ba ee ee AD 4 sebyaein + aD 

m— I 
1— p” 
[ eae z 
1 Sut kn 
l—p (» ~ ) 
| oe (-»") 
Poe eee 
1 ( a) 
] BERT on 
= i (» P 
we 1 £ a +) : 2 3 Ty ms gl 
ap Ll 1) eh Dig? or ptt esp) 
+(n— 1) p" | 

yall n  p—p 
= 25[ —D-@m—mp ba aie 
It is now evident that 2, or the number of the rays which have tra- 
versed after the second reflection, must be equal to m — 1, or amount 
_ to one less than the number of the reflecting surfaces. Bearing this in 
mind we have 
i g = (m—1) —(m—2)p tp” 

% ip}? 

t Although we dare not here suppose m to be, properly, indefinitely 

great, it must however be so great that we may consider p” in com- 
_ parison with (m — 2) p as evanescent, and m — 1, as well as m — 2, 
equal tom. By this we have 

6 Om 

If we now put this value of S in the formula (9), and instead of p 
its value, and moreover represent 2 7 2 for shortness’ sake by g, we 
A! (cosi + / —1 . sin) 
_e(1— r)" mr? (cosg + VW —1 . sing) 
Liss (l=)? (cos 91-4 /aane sing) 


By separating the real magnitudes from the imaginary, we obtain 

ne eee 
‘~ V71—2(01 —rycosg + 1 —r)t 
and P 
‘is cosg — (1 —r)? 
rah es Solis 2(1—rycosg+(1—r) 
as well as 

Rien a.mr2(1—r)" 
~ 4/1 —2(1 —rycosg + (1— 7) 

If we designate the velocity U, which represents the resultants of all 
the transmitted rays, we have U = w + U’, or 

; x 
U= [ea —r)m + A! cosi | sin 2m (« _ =) 
— A'sinicos2 7 (« = =). 
If we reduce this expression to the form 

U=Asin [2x(+- =) ep, 

and A, which must then express the intensity of the whole resultant, 
be determined in the common manner, we have 

Aa VA8 49a — rent eae 

or, by substituting the value already found of A’ and cos 2, 

1 +2(m r—(1 —r)? eos qt [ r—(1— ry] (10) 

If we differentiate this expression in relation to g, it is clear that A 
becomes a maximum or minimum as often as sin g =0, 2.e. A becomes 


a maximum when = equals 0, 1, 2,3, 4...., &c., and a minimum 

26 . : 
when <? equals 4, 3, $, 3, $--- &c, te. under quite the same 

circumstances as if only two of the presupposed reflecting surfaces 
were present. Hence it follows, that 

a ¢ +mrr—(1 —r)?) 

A; maximum = a (1 —7) ——j7- = = 75 


A; minimum = a (1 — r)” ¢ =r? tC ) 
ae mr? 
=a(l1—r) peice gary 

If we now compare the intensities in the maximum and minimum 
with one another, we have 


ak yi il Qr+mr 1+a0- ne 
A; min. 1+ (1—r)?—mr ~ or 

Bearing now in mind that r must be an extremely small magnitude 
the above formula is reduced to 

A;max. _ mr 
AV urninis a #, 2 
_ From this then we see that the proportion between the intensities in 
the maximum and in the minimum must become greater the greater 
m is, i.e. the denser the absorbing medium is. Hence we obtain a 
reason for the considerable difference between the maxima and minima 
of the solar spectrum, when the atmospheres of the sun and 
h are the absorbing media. There are, however, many circum- 
‘stances by which our estimate of the relative intensities in the maxima 
and minima are rendered very uncertain. The flames of light, which 
suffice to light our chamber in the evening, beeome by day, when 
placed in the light of the sun, almost imperceptible. In the same 
manner, when we step out of a lighted chamber on a dark evening, 
the darkness seems to us so deep that we can scarcely recognise 
ceive them quite well. The heavenly bodies, which by night shine 
80 brightly but by day are quite imperceptible, present a second 
example of the same kind. Moreover we know that the eye itself 
nges according to the greater or lesser intensity of the light: the 
traction and expansion of the pupils are very likely not the only 
mge which the eye undergoes in this respect ; for, indeed, I consider 
9 probable that even the pellicle of the eye possesses the property 
greater or less irritability. For this reason it is easy to conceive that 
he difference between the intensities in the maximum and minimum 
may possibly appear to us very great without being so in reality, and 
that the intensities in the black stripes may be very considerable, al- 
gh the proximity of the brighter stripe makes it imperceptible to 
our eye. 
Vor. I.—Panr IV. 2m 


I have already made the preparations necessary in order to prove by 
experiment the identity of the phanomena of absorption and those 
which must result from the hypotheses assumed by me for their expla-. 
nation. The formule which are required for such an experiment I will 
now analyse. I have already proved that when light of all wave- 
lengths traverses a medium which causes a retardation ¢, all species of 
light whose half wave-length is 

Cho Wile a & c c 

Sy ae ae ee ee 
Se a eG 2m—1'.%2m+1 

become minima. Now in order to derive from this a formula for the. 

minima which must arise, in consequence of the retardation c, in a 

spectrum whose external limits are a (the greatest) and / (the small- 

est), I designate this number by s, and suppose that 2 aZ ; 1? 
l  furth Atl" yt he 
but 3 oe. urther 4 F(a Layne” 2a peak i 


Hence we have 2 m — 1 Zac and 2m+1 7 a cm caeeen +1 and 
a eames: 
7 — — 4, and consequently m = the entire number in = +1 

In the same manner we have m+ s 7 a + 4 and 75 — 4, conse- 

quently s = entire numb. in (4 +4) — entire numb. in (4 —1 ) (11): 

If on the contrary we assume the pheenomenon of absorption as known, 
and search for the magnitude of the retardation which causes it, we 
must first determine in one manner or the other the wave-lengths of 
the species of light which represent any two minima. If I call these a! 
and (', and the number of the intermediate absorptions s — 1 (i. e. s de- : 
signates the ordinal number of the minimum whose length of undulation — B 
is 6', reckoned from that whose length of undulation is «’), and suppose 

Aas a a = 4 [7 
we have 
c= a) ( _ s) =p G +s)— 4) 
thence p's 
nel eae ‘oe 
and consequently 
a B's 

og Ose. i 


When ¢ is given it is easy to determine the difference 3 between the 
lengths of undulation for two minima lying close to one another, 
namely y and y — 0. 

If we then suppose sa i= 4 y and ae i= 4 (vy — 9), 
tas =k aod oe) ee da 
we have - 1 SEE (13) 
For another length of undulation 7’ we obtain in the same manner 
feb dam 

and consequently 
Os sO ba i Rein a leanaye 
Ce i Ala la ci 


1 1 
if ¢ is rather considerable, ery becomes very nearly equal to ey? 

and we then have also very nearly 0: Uv =y?: yy! . . . . (14) 
By means of which formula the comparison of the observed with the 
calculated phenomena may be effected. 

The locality in which I have hitherto performed my experiments has 
not allowed me to make an exact calculation of the fixed lines present 
in the solar spectrum, although this is the surest way to determine the 
relation between the refrangibility and the wave-length, because we can 
then make use of the exact calculations of Frauenhofer. I have there- 
fore only been able to decide as to the colour corresponding with the 
length of the undulation by the eye. The calculations then which I 
have hitherto made can only be considered as approximations ; Ishall not 
therefore produce them here. Notwithstanding, they have completely 

convinced me that the phenomena of absorption and those which must 
follow from the hypothesis laid down by me are identical. An example 
of this may, however, be worthy of mention, although the calculation 
must only be considered as an approximation. In the spectrum of iodic 
gas, fifteen stripes occupied 9! 30" from the orange-coloured to the red ; 
ten stripes between the yellow and green occupied 5! 30"; I therefore 
suppose that the distance between two neighbouring stripes, at the limit 
between the red and orange, amounts to 38", and at the limit between 
the yellow and green {to 31". If we now insert in the formula (14), 
instead of y and +’, the two corresponding wave-lengths (0-0000246 
and 00000219 English inch, according to Herschel’s table), we have 
é: d= 38:30°6. 

As to the rest, it is self-evident that by the undulation-length of a colour 
I mean the length of undulation in the absorbing medium. Since in the 
examples mentioned the lengths of undulation were taken as they were 
calculated in the air, and moreover the squares of the lengths of undu- 



lation were compared with the distance ‘between two consecutive mi- 
nima instead of with the differences between the representing lengths 
of undulation, which would presuppose that the refrangibility of a colour 
would be proportional to its length of undulation, this can be consi- 
dered as proving nothing more than that the reasoning and the expe- 
riment coincide in showing that the absorptions in the green colour lie 
closer to one another than in the red.» 

I must finally remark ‘that, although 1 have considered the retarda- 
tions only as arising from reflection between the particles, I also easily 
conceive the possibility that this idea may be incorrect, and that all the 
retardations may arise from causes as yet quite unknown to us. But | 
think I have shown by what I have stated that the phanomena of ab- 
sorption may be reduced to a simple mathematical principle ; and that 
these pheenomena, as belonging properly to the absorbing bodies, point 
to certain determined magnitudes, which can be given in an absolute. 
measure, and the closer examination of which, whatsoever their cause. 
may be, must always be highly interesting. 

Article XXVI. 

On the Application of Electro-Magnetism to the Movement of 
Machines ; hy M.H.Jacosi, Doctor of Science, and Profes- 
sor at the University of Dorpat. 

[Published at Potsdam, 1835.] 


THE great discovery of M. Oersted, which has so much extended the 
limits of physical science, promises to open a new career to practical me- 
chanics. The motive powers which have hitherto served for the move- 
ment of machines are not, properly speaking, forces; they are only 
masses animated by forces. These masses are made to act upon the point 
of application of a machine, and they consequently can only give it a 
velocity conformable to their own moving principle. But magnetism 
enables us to employ immediately a force; the point of application 
is the force itself. We thus perceive a considerable active force 
_ produced without any external influence. The interest of such’a phie- 
nomenon is increased extremely by the simplicity of the apparatus 
and by the facility of conceiving its mode of action. But on examining 
it more closely, we find that the forces which are active in producing the 
_ movement present a great complication of circumstances. The study 
of the phenomena of electricity and magnetism is still in its infancy ; 
and we are not surprised that every day makes us acquainted with new 
_ phzenomena at once striking and unsuspected. The views which I had 
conceived of these forces have in part been confirmed during the course 
of my researches, and they have in part been shaken and even com- 
pletely changed; as soon, however, as I was cbliged to abandon one 
view, another presented itself which led to the disclosure of fruitful re- 
sults. For example, the remarkable reaction which prevents the move- 
ment from becoming accelerated to infinity has become a new source 
of power; the exact knowledge of the galvanic action leads to a minimum 
of the expense attending its maintenance. I have restricted myself in 
my researches to such experiments as touch immediately upon the object 
itself; and from the number of these, I shall only publish those which 
have given results, or at least lead us to hope for them: I have sup- 
pressed as much as possible all purely theoretical considerations. As to 
‘the practical application, it appears to me decided by my experiments; 
‘to go further will be only to augment an effect, with which, laying 
‘aside sanguine expectations, we may already be content. It is no un- 
usual thing to have electro-magnets which lift 2000lbs.; mine carried 


only from 30 to 40 at most: nevertheless, these feeble magnets furnished 
me with a mechanical action equal to half the force of aman. To main- 
tain this action, during eight hours, scarcely half a pound of zine is 
required, everything being properly arranged. 

I have not yet been able to construct a larger apparatus, and I there- 
fore wished to make as much use as I could of the one I possessed, since 
it was capable of showing completely the nature of the active forces. 
My experiments may be easily repeated; all depending upon carefully 
attending to the construction of the commutator, and likewise that of 
the galvanic apparatus. ‘Those who are acquainted with electro-mag- 
netic phenomena will easily be able to make the necessary arrangements, 
and to give the accurate proportion to the several parts. The object of 
this memoir will be attained if it inspire an interest for a subject which 
merits it. 

Konigsberg, August 21, 1835. 



In November 1834 I had the honour to lay before the Academy of 
Sciences of Paris a note upon a new electro-magnetic apparatus. That 
note was read at the meeting of December 1st; and an abstract of 
it was printed in the Institute, No. 82, of December 3rd, to which I 
refer. Since that time MM. Botto and dal Negro have claimed the 
priority of the invention, the former in the Institute (No. 110) of June 
17th. The competition in which I find myself engaged with such di- 
stinguished men serves only to confirm my conviction of the importance 
of this new motive power. A discussion as to priority is only of histo- 
rical interest. It is not astonishing that persons, who had scarcely any 
communication with each other, should have devoted themselves almost — 
at the same time to the study of the same object. But we ought not to — 
conceal from ourselves that, after the grand discovery of M. Oersted 
and the experiments of Mr. Sturgeon, who, it seems to me, first gave a — 
great magnetic intensity to soft iron by means of an electric current, and 
viewing the instantaneous manner in which this magnetism may be de- 
stroyed or reversed, by merely changing the direction of the current,—it 
was not difficult. to conceive the possibility that some motion or some me- 
chanical operation might be produced by the electro-magnetic excita- 
tion of soft iron. In short we must award the palm to M. Oersted; 
whilst we who follow him shall have the merit of having known how to 
apply this new power to practical purposes and the wants of life: 
and this will be reserved for him who shall best have understood the 
mechanical and physical principles of this motive power. 



In May 1834 I constructed the first magnetic apparatus with a pri- 
mitive continuous circular motion. It is true that, like M. dal Negro, 
(with whose labours I regret that I am not better .acquainted,) I had 
several years ago conceived the idea of applying this power to mecha- 
nies: but I could not at first divest myself of the idea of making this 
application by means of an advancing and receding motion, produced 
by the attractive and repulsive power of magnetic bars,—a motion which, 
by known means, might have been changed into a continuous circular 
one. It seemed to me that an apparatus of this kind would have 
only the merit of an amusing toy, which might find a place in the eabi- 
nets of men of science, but would be entirely inapplicable on a large 
scale with any advantage. 

For considering the general equation of active forces applied to the 
movement of machines 

a a’ 2 2 

=f Mds — sf" Pds' = Ximv, — =mv, 
the magnetic action, during the amplitude a, and represented by 
wd “Mad s, could not be perfectly exhausted by the action = vi "Pd a 
alec: the active foree gained during the movement ages ZCYO, 
or im v — = mo =0. Now the magnetic attraction is a function of 

the space, the form of which we do not sufficiently know, this function 
being affected by the nature of the distribution of the magnetism in the 
body, of whatever form. The law of this distribution is scarcely esta- 
blished with regard to bars of steel of a regular form, magnetized to 
saturation and deprived of consecutive points. With regard to bars of 
soft iron of considerable dimensions, magnetized by an electro-con- 

_ ductive helix, we have analogies only, but no experiments. But however 

this may be, we know well that this function must be expressed by a very 
_ convergent series, so that the magnetic attraction will be in an inverse 
proportion to the square or to the cube of the distance, or, stopping at 
the three first members, will perhaps be composed of them. The mag- 
netic points then approach each other with an accelerated motion; the 

tive forces increase, and reach their maximum at the instant when the 

’ eutact i is completed: but this force ought then to be destroyed. It 

will destroy itself by the fixed points of the machine, and by the vibra- 
tion of the system: but this will be in an unprofitable manner. There 

a ‘o *. . 2 2 
will be a complete loss of the active force obtained 2mv, — Zmv. We 

know the ill effects of shocks in the movement of machines, but there is 

_ here another inconvenience which is not simply mechanical. The soft 

iron, by these repeated shocks and vibrations, gradually acquires at the 
p g y acq 


surface of contact the nature of steel; there will be a considerable 
permanent magnetism, and the transient magnetic force, whieh alone 
produces the movement, will be weakened in proportion, A num- 
ber of experiments which I have made upon the magnetic force of a bar 
of soft iron bent into a horseshoe (of which I shall speak hereafter) 
has shown me the great disadvantages of oft-repeated shocks, proceed- 
ing from the sudden contact of the armature. But, if we stop at the 
mechanical principles of magnetism, it may be objected that the active 
force gained will not be absolutely lost for the purposes of utility; 
that in part the elasticity of the iron will itself reproduce it; that an- 
other portion may be regained by springs properly applied, or by other 
mechanical methods which may be invented. We leave the appre- 
ciation of all these factitious means and of these superadditions to those 
who are in the habit of constructing machines; they well know their 
insufficiency, the great loss of working power, and how rapidly all the 
systems are destroyed, unless the greatest care be paid to the preservation 
of the active forces. But we must seek the means of this preservation 
in the nature of the forces themselves. The history of the steam-engine 
teaches us that its improvement commences with Watt's ingenious idea 
of stopping the escape of the steam before the piston had accom- 
plished its stroke, and of causing the steam afterwards to act by its own 
expansion. Watt understood the subject: all he did was to give to the 
function P = ¢(s), which expresses the action of the steam, such a 

form as sie Pds= ak oe * P'ds', and thus the active force gained be- 

comes zero, all the prejudicial and destructive vibrations in the machines 
previously constructed cease, and the power of the motive force is con- 
verted for the most part into useful action. I must here cite the valuable 
researches of M. Poncélet on the construction of hydraulic wheels,—a 
work founded upon a profound comprehension of the same principles. 

These considerations, at once clear and simple, have induced me to 
reject entirely every apparatus in which magnetism is applied to pro- 
duce immediately an oscillating motion; these constructions being, as 
we have seen, as inadmissible as they are impracticable of execution on 
a large scale. 


In the note which I had the honour of laying before the Academy 
of Sciences of Paris I stated that, in accordance with all experiments, 
magnetism is a power acting like universal gravitation, solely in some 

function of space. The integral if : Mds comparable with the known 

number g, represents the mean action furnished by the attraction of two 


points, and is not at all affected by their relative velocity. The inversion 
of the poles being effected instantaneously, we should thus have a velocity 
infinitely accelerated. Nowasystem moving round an axis, and capable 
ofa continuous circular motion, is that whichisalone susceptible of such 
avelocity. It cannot become uniform, unless some resisting element, or 
some other action depending on the velocity, is introduced into the 
system. Putting aside the application to practical use which has to be 
made of such an apparatus, the obstacles to be overcome, inseparable from 
the system, consist only in the friction of the pivots in the sockets, and 
in the resistance of the air. As to the former, repeated experiments 
have proved that the friction is independent of the rapidity of rotation, 
at least within the limits of experiment; this resistance, therefore, can 
in no way contribute to render the’ accelerated motion uniform. It 
is in fact the resistance of the air which will act to produce this effect. 
Although it might be reduced at pleasure, principally by giving a suitable 
form to the rotatory system, it would not be entirely ea But it 

_will be allowed, that weshould have reason to be well satisfied with the me- 

chanical effect of magnetism, if this were the only cause which tended to 
reduce the accelerated movement to a uniform movement. The limits of 
such a uniform velocity must be very distant. I do not speak of the great 
simplicity of a magnetic machine with a continuous circular motion, of 
theadvantages of construction which are gained by being able to trans- 

_ form with ease this motion to any other which the working machine 

mayrequire. These considerations had strongly impressed my mind, even 
whilst the means of execution were still unknown to me, but I always 
kept in sight the practical application, and the object appeared too 
important for me to exhaust my powers in the construction of see-saw 

_ toys, which might claim the honour of being placed in the rank with the 

electric chime relatively to their effect, and still more relatively to the 

_tinkling with which they are accompanied. 

Fig. 1. of the annexed plate represents the magnetic apparatus of eight 

_ bars,arranged symmetrically upon a disc moveable round the axis A, and 
_ of eight fixed bars similarly arranged uponafixed platform. The arrange- 
_tnent of the bars admits of the greatest variety, provided it be exactly 

symmetrical, and that it allow the poles to approach each other as nearly 
as possible. To prevent the action being too oblique,—since the centre 
of magnetic gravity is probably at some distance from the extremity, as 
in the ordinary magnetic bars,—it is preferable to make this arrangement 
so that the axes of the cylindrical bars shall be situated rectangularly, 
and not parallel, as in the figure. It must be further observed, that there 

will be some difficulty in forging bars of considerable dimensions into 

the horseshoe form, so that the axes of the branches be situated exactly 


at the same distance, and that the branches themselves be exactly cylindri- 
cal. Filing them into shape will perhaps have the disadvantage of hard- 
ening too much the surface of the iron, and of rendering it less apt to 
receive and to part with the magnetism. The form proposed offers a 
further inconvenience, in the application of the copper wire helices, 
which have to be previously bent on another cylinder of the same di- 
mension. These helices ought very nearly to touch the bars, which 
should be covered with silk on account of the insulation which is neces- 
sary. In future an arrangement similar to the one in fig. 2 will be pre- 
ferred, in which f are the fixed bars, and m the bars moveable around the 
axisa. We shall have the advantage of being able to employ cylindrical 
bars of soft iron, such as may be had of all dimensions in the shops. It 
will only be necessary to cut them into equal pieces, and the helices may 
be strongly wound round the bars by means of the lathe. 

As the magnetic attraction decreases rapidly as the distance increases, 

the integral ve * Mds will always be such a function of the amplitude 

a, that its value will not greatly differ from a constant, @ being rather 
considerable. Admitting, for an instant, that the magnetic attraction 
is in an inverse ratio to the ee of the distances, we shall have 
‘han Mds a “ se are tg © 7 d being the distance of the mag- 
netic centres when the bars are placed the nearest possible; thus d being ~ 
very small with respect to a, MU — al ny — = m represent- 
ing the number of bars. We shall then have for the action of the mo- 

2 - 
tor, during one entire revolution, the expression ee The radius of 

the circle upon which the bars are arranged does not enter into this 
expression 3 and for a stronger reason it will not enter into any of — 
the other expressions, if the attraction still decreases more rapidly than 
the inverse ratio to the square of the distance. Thus the size of the 
circle for the same number of bars scarcely adds anything to the action — 
of the motor. 

I conceived that the system of bars, which in my apparatus are fixed, 
might also be rendered moveable. The'rotation of the two systems will 
then be in a contrary direction and have the same velocity, the masses 
being equal. These two motions might be combined by means of conical 
wheels, in order to produce the motion of a second axis of rotation in- 
tended for the work. The action of the motor, during the amplitude a, 
that is to say from one meeting of the poles to the other, would be as 

above. = z but the poles meeting each other 27 times in one revolu- 


" Qn? fx r f : 
tion, we should have ri es double the previous action. We might 

even construct wheel-work in such a manner that the velocities of the sy- 
stems should be in the ratio of m:1, and that the poles should meet 
. (m +1) times, during one revolution. The action would then be 

m+1)n? fr , and this increase would be gained by purel e0- 
4d g y purely § 

metrical means. This is a simple deduction from the fact that velocity 
does not enter into magnetic attraction. I have not as yet availed 
myself of this advantage in the construction of magnetic apparatus, 
since there are some remarkable circumstances, as we shall see here- 
after, not sufficiently cleared up, and which may give rise to consider- 
able modifications. 


The inversion of the poles is an object of the greatest importance. 
This inversion should take place instantaneously, and precisely at the 
place where the poles are situated opposite to one another. The me- 
chanism intended to produce this operation should be put in motion by 
the apparatus itself, but no element should be introduced which is 
dependent in a geometrical manner upon the rotatory movement of the 
system. The velocity of the motion, however great it may be, should 
not at all affect this operation. The well-known dbascule, an ingenious 
invention of M. Ampére, which is so advantageously employed inelectro- 
magnetic experiments, cannot be employed in the magnetic apparatus 
with a continuous circular motion; for the number of inversions, in a 
given time, cannot be considerable without requiring extraordinary means; 
andeven these means willnot guarantee the certain result of anadvancing 
and receding movement, repeated as frequently as may be necessary. 
I shall not recount here all the attempts I have made, both numerous 
and expensive, to arrive at the important result of an inversion of the 
poles, exact and precise, divested at once of every element depending 
on the velocity. Butit is necessary to say that the greatest difficul- 

ties arose by employing mercury, as is usual in electro-magnetic 
experiments to form and to break metallic contact. In the liquid 
state the adhesion of the mercury to the metallic body plunged into 
‘it and afterwards withdrawn, varies with the rapidity of the motion and 
with the purity of the mercury. Frequently—I may say always— 
the inversion takes place too soon or too late, and thus gives rise to an 
attraction or repulsion, in a contrary direction to the rotation. More- 
over it is very difficult to preserve the mercury pure when in contact 
with other metals; and even the purest mercury is disposed to oxidize 
- easily under the influence of the electric sparks. These sparks are pro- 
duced, under favourable circumstances, on establishing metallic con- 
tact, and always on breaking it. The result is, that the surface of the 


mercury is soon covered with a coating of oxide, which either entirely 
prevents the inetallic contact, or at least weakens it. In employing 
amalgamated surfaces this effect is produced still more rapidly. Be~ 
sides I have by incontestible proofs arrived at the conviction, that 
the simple contact of metals with a clean surface is quite sufficient to 
conduct the electric current, even of the weakest tension. The con- 
tact by means of mercury adds nothing to the energy of this cur- 
rent. It is erroneous to judge of this energy by the brilliancy of the 
spark, proceeding only from the combustion of the mereury.. I have 
thought right to mention these circumstances, though apparently trifling. 
In a motor, from which we look to obtain an infinitely accelerated mo- 
tion, the smallest details should not be disregarded; the most trivial are 
ultimately of importance. 

Fig. 3. represents the commutator, adapted to the magnetic apparatus, 
so as to produce the inversion of the poles: a, b, ¢, d are four discs of 
copper fixed upon the axis of rotation ee. The dises a, 6 and e, d are 
united by copper tubes f, f, entirely insulated from the axis by the in- 
terposition of a tube g, of varnished wood or any other insulating sub- 

The periphery of each disc is divided into eight exactly equal parts, 
of which four # are cut into sectors and filled afterwards by pieces of 
ebony, forming with the metal an accurate and smooth surface. The dises 
are arranged upon the axis of rotation, so that the sectors of wood and 
of metal alternately correspond, as represented by the shaded parts of the 
figure. ZZ, CC are bars of copper, formed as levers, very move- 
able in their supports: they are intended to conduct the current. 
The arm of the longest lever forms at its extremity an edge, which rests 
on the periphery of the corresponding disc. The other arm is bent and 
plunged into a litile jar filled with mercury, k. The jars kk and &! k' 
are united by plates of copper, as represented in figure 1. The action of 
this commutator will easily be understood. The levers are always in 
contact with the discs, and are alternately so with the metallic and 
insulating parts. By their mobility in their supports they yield to the 
slightest inequality of the surface, and the friction they occasion is very 
trifling. The helices which surround the moveable bars are united so 
as to form a continuous wire, the ends of which J, m are soldered 
respectively to the systems of the discs a, 6 and ce, d. The other 
helices, wound round the fixed bars, are also united, and the ends 2 and 
o immersed, the one in a jar of mercury p, attached to the voltaic appa- 
ratus, and the other in the jar & of the commutator. Thus all the six- 
teen helices form only one connecting wire, through the medium of the 
commutator. The voltaic apparatus consists of four troughs of copper, 
in which plates of zine are immersed, all being united as in a pile. The 


direction of thé current is shown in fig. 3 by little arrows; it is re- 
versed each time the poles meet, provided the commutator be so 
placed that the edges of the levers shall quit one of the divisions in 
order to pass to the other. This inversion acts, as is seen, instanta- 
neously, and quite independently of the velocity of rotation. The object 
is too simple, and sufficiently explained by the figures, to render it’ 
necessary to enter more into its details. I may add, further, that this 
same system of the inversion of the poles is applicable to any number 
of bars, provided that the sections of the discs are equal to them in’ 
number. I have constructed, for magneto-electric experiments, a 
double commutator of eight discs, with seventy-two divisions. - In 
this apparatus there are also four levers similar to the former, which 
rest upon the cylinders (f) that unite the discs in pairs. The other- 
extremities of these levers are likewise immersed in jars of mercury, 
intended to receive the ends of a connecting wire, which is to be 
traversed by the voltaic or magneto-electric currents, sometimes in one 
direction sometimes in the other. The instrument is put in motion by a 
handle, which can be easily turned twice in a second, and effect in the 
same time 144 double inversions. It will be easy to change or com- 
pletely interrupt the electric current 1000 or more times in a second. 
The nature of this current or of the magnetism will of course be better 
understood by decomposing it into a rapid succession of pulsations: I 
am persuaded, for instance, that we should succeed by this means in 
charging a Leyden jar, or in effecting any chemical decompositions by 
the thermo-electric current of a single pair of elements. 
The magnetic power is produced and maintained, as is well known, by 
_ the action of the voltaic apparatus. By using zinc as a positive metal, 
_ copper as a negative metal, and water acidulated with sulphuric acid 
_ as the conducting liquid, it is the transformation of the metallic zine into 
sulphate of zine which here constitutes the cost of keeping the appa- 
-ratus in action. -It is a matter of the greatest importance to reduce as 
much as possible this cost. Let us examine what is the relation be- 
tween the magnetism of the connecting wire and the action of the voltaic 
apparatus. Since the discovery of electro-magnetism this object has 
engaged the attention of distinguished scientific men, but it presents so 
many difficulties and such a complication of circumstances, that we 
cannot be surprised that the theories and formule which they have 
endeavoured to deduce from experiments differ considerably. 
_ This is not the place to enter into the criticism of these theories ; but 
it appears to me that the theory established by M. Ohn, in a little work 
“entitled “ Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet von Dr. G. S: 
Ohm (1827),” and developed more fully in various memoirs printed 
in the German Journals, presents so much simplicity, and agrees so well 
with all the phenomena of the voltaic pile, that [have not hesitated to 


adopt it, in order to obtain from it a general basis for the arrangement of 
the different elements of the magnetic apparatus. I may be permitted 
here to state the fundamental principles of this theory. 

1. In a closed voltaic circuit the same quantity of electricity passes 
across each section which is perpendicular to the direction of the 
current, whatever be the form or the matter of the different parts of 
the circuit. 

2. Whatever change is made in one part of the circuit, this change 
affects the entire action of the pile, and is not confined merely to the 
place where the change takes place. 

3. The voltaic action, in whatever manner measured, is in the direct 
ratio of the electro-motive power, and inyersely as the resistances 

which oppose themselves to the passage of the current, or A== 

4. The resistances are composed of — 

a) the resistance of the solid conductor or of the connecting wire. 
For the same substance this resistance is directly as the length of the 
wire, and inversely as the transversal section or as its thickness. 

b) the resistance of the liquid conductor: this is in the direct“ratio 
of the thickness of the liquid stratum which separates the positive and 
negative plates, and inversely as its transversal section, which coin- 
cides generally with the surface of the plates. During the action of 
the pile this last resistance increases, and at the same time the elec- 
tro-motive power, or £, is affected by it. This is caused by chemi- 
cal effects which take place and change by degrees the nature of the 
liquids, the surface of the metals, and the electric tension. But 
fixing any state of the pile, the law cited always exists. The 
difficulty of making electro-magnetic experiments comparable with 
each other, and the still greater difficulty in obtaining absolute mea- 
sures, consist principally in the continual change of these elements. 
Thus in expressing by 7 the resistance of the connecting wire, we 

shall have ma for the resistance of a wire, of a length /, and of a thick- 

ness d; ae will likewise be the resistance of the liquid conductor, the 

surface and thickness of which are respectively expressed by d' 7’. There- 
fore the action of the current, or the quantity of electricity passing 
through the pile, will be A ss 

5. The electromotive force is in the direct ratio of the number of 
voltaic pairs united in a pile, and at the same time the resistance 7’ in- 
creases in the same proportion. Having one pile of ! pairs, the force 

n' E 

d a’ 

of the current will be expressed by A = 



6. If the electric current is divided into several branches, the lengths 
of which, reduced in an inverse ratio to their diameter, may be expressed 
by /, 7, l'', &c., the total action will be the same as if there were only a 

single connecting wire whose length is expressed by the equation 
1 1 

7 4 2 + i ,&c. Therefore having 2 wires of the same length, 

the total force of the current will be expressed by 
yg n EB  hankdd E 
rl etn rldtrtdnn’ 
nd* a 
As we can avail ourselves of the magnetizing power of each unity of 

_ length of the connecting wire by coiling it round bars of the same di- 
_ mension, the total power gained by a connecting wire Z will be 

att inn'dd'E 
From this formula the limits of the action of the current may be de- 
duced, which cannot be increased by the number or the surface of the 

_ voltaic pairs, by the length, thediameter, and the number of the connect- 
_ ing branches. Increasing only the surface of the pairs d’, the limit of 

: ! 
_ the total power of the current will be A ae increasing the 

, 1 
number z’, this limit is A = cal 
Again this limit will be, by increasing the length of the wire J, 
' ] 
A="" — the thickness of the wire d, A = 4 ; the number of 
__ the connecting branches 2, A = a 

In general, in order to increase the force of the current to any 

_ degree, it is necessary to enlarge the surface of the plates, and at the 

same time the thickness of the connecting wire or the number of the 

branches. The increase of the number of the pairs requires that of the 

length of the connecting wire, in order to attain the same end. 

The experiments, as accurate as they are numerous, which M. Fechner 
has made on this subject, and which he has published in his work “Maass- 
bestimmungen tiber die galvanische Kette (1831),” leave no doubt as to 
the justness of these laws, which express in a very simple manner all the 
relations of the different elements which constitute the voltaic pile. 
These experiments have been made for the most part by employing the 
‘method of oscillations, which M. Biot was the first to apply ingeniously 
to this kind of experiments. 

* 9. 

Tn admitting at first that the chemical effects which take place in the 

yoltaic pile, and which represent the expense attending the magnetic 


apparatus, are ina direct ratio to the active surfaces, it seemed to me of 
great importance to establish the relation between the surface of a voltaic 
pair and the weight capable of being supported by a bar of soft iron sub- 
mitted to the magnetizing power of the current. A bar of soft iron 
1Linch in diameter by 29 inches in length, weighing 144lbs., was 
bent into a horseshoe, so that the centres of the branches were seven 
inches apart. The bar, covered with silk, was covered by a helix of 
copper wire of 11 line thick and 35 feet long. The magnetic power 
was measured by means of asteelyard, and a weight supported by rollers, 
in order to slip easily over the arm of the lever. The surface of the soft 
iron armature was of a somewhat convex form, in order that the ex- 
tremities of the branches, forming a flat and smooth face, should only be 
touched in the direction of an edge, the position of which formed a right 
angle with the direction of the lever. The armature was in contact with 
the extremities of the branches when the lever was placed horizontally. 
Upon the latter had been marked a scale, the divisions of which indicated 
the thirtieth part of the sliding weight, to which was affixedan index: it. 
was easy to estimate the tenths of these divisions. I had taken the neces- 
sary precautions to avoid as much as possible the errors of observation 
arising from the disposition of the apparatus. I shall not enter here into 
the details of the construction of this rather complicated apparatus, which 
I intend to give elsewhere, as it may be useful for experiments of this 
kind. The electromotors which I employed consisted of copper troughs 
three quarters of an inch wide, and sufficiently large to enable me to 
immerse in them respectively the plates of zine of 4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 
144 square inches. The contact of these last with the copper was pre- 
vented by the interposition of pieces of wood. The conducting liquid, 
of which I had previously prepared a sufficient quantity to serve for a 
series of experiments, was acidulated with ten per cent. of concentrated 
sulphuric acid of the specific gravity of 1:840. The experiments, with 
the same voltaic pair, were made without interruption ; but after each 
one precautions were taken to cleanse carefully the zinc plates, to wash 
the trough with water and to renew the liquid, in order to restore the 
same state of action. But subsequent observations convinced me that 
the original state is restored more certainly by exposing the plates, and 
especially the negative one, to a current of air, until it is perfectly 
dried. It will then be no longer necessary to renew the liquid so fre- 
quently, especially when the observation is confined to the primitive 
state. It must be acknowledged that I subsequently found the copper 
troughs to be ill adapted for electro-magnetic experiments ; concentric 
cylinders, which may be plunged in the liquid, are much better. These 
cylinders must be fixed firmly enough to remain at the proper distance, 
without recurring to the interposition of wood or of any other insu- 
lating matter. Much more constant galvanic effects may be obtained 
if the space oceupied by the liquid between the two metals be not 




too narrow ; at all events it ought to exceed half an inch. I have also 
made experiments with voltaic pairs arranged like the calorimotor 
of Hare, but there were reasons for rejecting these also. It is a very 
different thing to make an isolated observation, and to put in requisition 
the galvanic action for whole hours and days. It is in the latter case 
that for practical purposes measures are required, the necessity of which 
had not been before anticipated. It will be also necessary to reject the 
use of copper as a negative metal; the expense of employing silver, 
platina, or at least copper well plated with silver, gold, or platina, must 
be no obstacle. The solution of the copper in the sulphuric acid, how- 
ever weak it may be, and its reduction into a metallic state, by the se- 
-condary effects of the nascent hydrogen, give rise to partial galvanic 
effects, by which the principal action is much affected, and to avoid 
which the greatest pains must be taken. In fact the motion of the 
magnetic apparatus was sometimes suddenly slackened or entirely in- 
terrupted, and on examining more closely I found that metallic parti- 
cles of cementing copper or of iron had been deposited all along the 
pieces of wood interposed, or upon the bottom of the troughs, and thus 
_ formed a partial circuit. I shall speak of zine hereafter. The following 
is the table of observations which I have made on the magnetic power 
_0f the horseshoe bar of iron above dsecribed. 


No. 1.|No. 2.| No. 3.|No. 4.) No. 5.) No. 6.|No. 7.| No. 8.|No. 9.|No.10. 

Ibs. | Ibs. | Ibs. | Ibs. | Ibs. | lbs. | lbs. | lbs. | Ibs. 

126°32 |123°43 |125°21 |125°67 |128°47 |130°16 |124°39 |120°55 |130°16 |136°16 |126°45 126 

156°98 |216°54 |180°04 |189°73 |184°34 }185°30 }205°91 |211 — | 157-38 |162°77 |185 — |182°3 

44 |811°8 |221-46 /210°17 |198°88 |210°17 }198°88 |192"23 
' 144a* |258°56 |257°66 |254°46 |252°12 |256°22 |253-02 

The values given in the last column have been calculated according 
Biel (ono 3 
~ 9+2 
the method of the least squares. It is true that there are considerable 
differences between the observations of the same series, but there was 
no reason to choose those which agreed the best with each other, and 
to attribute the differences to an error of observation. 

I have read in an extract from the memoir of the Abbé dal Negro 
inserted in the “Annali delle Sc., 1813 [1833?], Marzo e Aprile, 

to the formula A , the constants of which were found by 

__ * The first series of experiments, which were made with the pair of plates of 
144 square inches, presented such different values that no use could be made 
them. I have sought in vain for the cause of these anomalies. After a fort- 
ight the experiments were repeated, and gave values but little different. ‘This 
is proved by the Table. 

Vor. l1—Parr IV. Qn 


105—120,” that this author established a remarkable law, viz. that the 
magnetizing power is in the direct ratio of the perimeter of the electro- 
motor, and that the surface has scarcely any effect in increasing this 
power. I did not delay making some experiments in order to confirm 
this law, which appeared to me of great importance for the ceconomical 
effects of the magnetic machine. Two plates of zine and copper, 36 
inches long and 7 inches wide, were coiled into a helix, and separated 
from each other to a distance of one fourth of an inch by small pieces 
of wood in the manner of the calorimotor; the whole was plunged 
into water acidulated with ten per cent. of sulphuric acid. The mean 
weight which the bar was capable of supporting, whilst this pair of 
252 square inches was employed, was taken from five experiments and 
amounted to 29712 lbs. 

From the same piece of copper and zine I also cut two plates, 
96 inches long and half an inch wide. These plates were coiled in the 
same manner and separated to an equal distance. The mean value of 
the magnetic force, when this electromotor of 48 square inches was 
employed, was also drawn from five observations and amounted to 
133°79 lbs. By employing a liquid much more acidulated the weight 
might be increased to 180°49 lbs. 

These two experiments cannot be classed with the others, as the cir- 
cumstances attending them differed. But the perimeter of the first 
electromotive helix being 86 inches long, and that of the second 193 
inches, it does not appear that the law of M. dal Negro is confirmed 
by these two experiments. There are many empirical formulz in 
physics incapable of being carried out to the extremes, but they ought at 
least to be sufficiently general not to fail on the slightest attempt to ex- 
tend their limits. Besides, I have taken the pains to calculate the ex- 
periments of M. dal Negro from the formula of M. Ohm. The fourth 
column of the following table indicates the results according to the 
41°55 x 

leer a’ in which x represents the surface 
A+ a 

ascertained formula A = 
of the pair of plates. 


Surface. Perimeter. 
observed. calculated. 

6 square inches 14 inches 13°85 kilogr. 12:22 kilogr. 
iS - 16 18-2 - 18°89 - 
18 18 22°8 23°08 
24 20 24°6 25°97 

22 25°8 28°07 
24 29°6 29°68 
26 30°3 30°94 
28 32°8 32 

50 33 32°8 
32 35°6 33°51 



The second column of the preceding table, which contains the perime- 
ter of the plates, represents at the same time the forces according to the 
law of M. dal Negro. That distinguished experimentalist did not make 
these experiments to verify the theory of M. Ohm; but the beautiful 
agreement of his observations with that theory sufficiently proves that 
they were made with great accuracy. 


Since 1831 Mr. Faraday has published from time to time experi- 
ments made with a view to investigate the nature of electricity and of 
its various effects. These experiments, both from their extent, the cer- 
tainty and ingenious sagacity which they manifest, and the abundant 
results to which they have led, deserve to be ranked with the most emi- 
nent labours which have ever been made in physics. By a happy 
chance, which I cannot over-appreciate, these labours coincide with 
the efforts which I have made to render available the mechanical action 
of magnetism. 

In observing a voltaic pair of plates of copper, silver or platina, 
and of common zine plunged into acidulated water, we notice a 
great development of hydrogen gas. If the circuit be not closed this 
gas will be developed only on the surface of the zinc; but if the circuit 
be completed, there will be also a development of gas on the surface of 
the copper, or in general on the negative plate. This last quantity of 
gas is incomparably less than the first, and yet it is from this alone that 
the magnetic power of the connecting wire proceeds. The gas, abun- 
dantly disengaged on the surface of the zinc, does not contribute any- 
thing to this effect. On taking a plate of amalgamated zine, instead of 
common zine, or some amalgam of zinc, there will be no develop- 
ment of gas except when the circuit is closed; in breaking it this de- 
velopment ceases, the zine in this combination not being attacked by 
the acid, or not being able of itself to decompose the water. It is not 
easy to explain this extraordinary fact. In such a pair of plates all the 

_ hydrogen gas, or its equivalent of zinc, serves to produce an electric 

_ current, whose magnetic force, calorifying power, and chemical action, 

are in a direct ratio to the quantity of disengaged gas or of oxidized 
zinc; and these different effects may equally serve to measure the quan- 

tity of electricity passing through the connecting wire, or even through 

the apparatus. The definite action of electricity, with regard to the 
chemical action, to decompose bodies, is incontestably proved by the 
numerous and ingenious experiments of Mr. Faraday. It will not be 

long before he will prove the law with regard to other effects; but the 
conviction of genius gives the right to anticipate experiment, and to 

announce great laws. 
Amalgamated zinc is much more positive than common zine, and its 

effects are much more decided. Moreover a voltaic pair of plates of 
2n 2 


this kind possesses a remarkable constancy, provided there are no 
secondary effects arising from the precipitation of the negative metal 
upon the positive plate. It may happen that some particle of the zine 
may not be well amalgamated; in that case a direct action of the acid 
upon the zine takes place, there is a development of hydrogen in that 
place, the negative metal accidentally dissolved in this liquid will be 
reduced in it by the gas, and there will be a partial pile, which will 
affect the principal action. These partial effects will be propagated by 
degrees over the whole surface, the positive state of which will then 
rapidly decrease. This will only take place when the negative metal 
is soluble in the acid. 

Ihave made many experiments on this subject. A thin plate of zine of 
seven inches square, and weighing 848 gr., was amalgamated, in order 
to form a voltaic pair with a plate of copper of the same size. The 
liquid was sulphuric acid, of a specific gravity of 1105. There was 
no development of gas on the surface of the zinc: the bubbles of air 
which formed there by degrees rose so slowly, that they might with 
propriety have been disregarded, even if there had not been reason to 
believe that they were for the most part the atmospheric air contained 
in the water. After five hours of action the plate was again weighed, 
and had lost only 112 gr.; during this time the pair of plates had been 
twice withdrawn from the acid, and dried for five or six minutes near 
a stove. 

The following is the table of the deviations of the needle which de- 
note the decrease of the energy of the current. 

err cm 

Time. Deviation. Time. Deviation. 
sh 12! 61° 10 60° 
8b 29! Beh, 105 30! 58° 
8 30! 58° 1 oie 
8) 49! 574° the pile}was dried 
8) 56! 564° bb 5! 61° 
gh 10! 5540 115 30’ | 60° 
the pile|was dried 1g 593° 
9» 16! 62° 12 30! 58° 
95 30’ Ge ye 57° 

The following day the experiments were repeated with the same 
pair of plates. The decrease of the deviation was not so rapid as be- 
fore, and the original energy always restorable by drying the plates ; 
once it even increased to 65°. At 10" 50! in the evening the devia- 
tion was still at 55°. The action must have continued through the 
night, but the next morning the plate was found broken in pieces. Amal- 


zamated zinc is too fragile to be employed in too thin plates. In order 
to compare the effects, a plate of common zine of the same size was 
combined with a plate of copper and plunged into the same acid. The 
deviation was at first 554°, after 43! it lowered to 12°, and on drying 
the pair of plates 13° was the highest to which it could be restored. On 
being subjected to the action of the acid for 134, the plate had disap- 
peared, and its insoluble parts only remained. 

I have also made experiments upon a liquid amalgam of zinc poured 
into a porcelain basin covering a surface of 48 square inches; instead 
of a plate I employed a copper wire of 1} lin. diameter, coiled into a 
flat spiral, in order to let the gas escape more easily. The effects of 
this combination were very extraordinary ; for, without anything being 
touched, the needle had during fifteen hours’ action only receded 113° 
from 60°, and remained fixed at 494°. After breaking the circuit, 
and exposing the spiral to the air for some time, the deviation was re- 
stored to 59°. This experiment was the more striking as the multiplier 
of the galvanometer consisted only of a single coil of copper wire 14 
lin. in thickness; for it is known that the decrease of the needle is 
much more feeble on employing avery long and slender wire. 

A plate of gilt copper and an amalgam of zinc, composed of one atom 
of zine and one of mercury (Zz. Hg.), a composition which is solid 
enough to be used in plates, gave also very good effects, both as to the 
constancy of the deviation and to its restoration. 

In order to try some other compositions, which, according to Ritter, 
are still more positive than the amalgam of zinc, I had some plates cast, 
of an equal size, of lead, tin and zinc, of different alloys of these metals, 
and of different amalgams. The alloys were composed of atom to atom*, 
and moreover a plate of each composition was also amalgamated at its 
surface. The direction of the deviation of the needle of the galvanome- 
ter determined the place which each alloy ought to occupy. The liquid 
in which the plates were plunged was sulphuric acid diluted with four 

parts of water. I must remark, that the slightest change of the surface 

frequently affects the place of the metals the electrical relation of which 

_ does not differ much. It is chiefly in lead and its alloys that this phe- 
nomenon is most strikingly exhibited. Lead freshly polished is very 
positive in relation to lead exposed to the air for some minutes or steeped 
in any acid. The following is the result of two series of experiments, 
which I have made with the greatest care. 

* In the alloys it is usual to combine the metals according to some relative 

aie of weight. I united them by atoms, bearing in mind the general 
_law of true chemical compositions. 



Alloy of lead with tin. (Pl. Sn.) 


Tin amalgamated. 

Lead amalgamated. 

Amalgam of tin. (Sn. Hg.) 

Alloy of zine with tin. (Zn. Sn.) 

Amalgam of lead. (Pl. Hg.) 

Alloy of zine with tin and lead. 
(Zn. Sn. Pl.) 

Alloy of zine with lead. (Zn. Pl.) 

Alloy of tin with lead amalgamated. 


Alloy of zine with tin amalgamated. 

Alloy of zine with lead amalga- 

Alloy of zine, tin, and lead amalga- 

Zine amalgamated. 

Amalgam of zine. (Zn. Hg.) 

Amalgam of an alloy of tin and 
lead. (Zn. Pl. Hg.) 

Amalgam of an alloy of tin and 
zinc. (Sn. Zn. Hy.) 

Amalgam of an alloy of tin, zinc, 
and lead. (Sn. Zn. Pl. Hg.) 
Amalgam of an alloy of zine and 

lead. (Zn. Pl. Hg.) 


Series I. 



Tin amalgamated. u 

Amalgam of an alloy of tin with 

Alloy of lead with tin. 

Lead amalgamated. 

Amalgam of tin. 

Alloy of zine with tin. 

Amalgam of lead. 

Tin with lead amalgamated. 

Alloy of zine, tin, and lead. 

Alloy of zine and lead. 


Zine amalgamated. 

Alloy of ‘zinc, tin, and lead amal- 

Alloy of zine and lead amalga- 

Amalgam of zine. 

Amalgam of an alloy of tin and zine. 

Amalgam of an alloy of tin, zine, 
and lead. 

Amalgam of an alloy of zine with 

Alloy of zine with tin amalga- 


Series I. 

We see by the above that the alloys, and principally the amalgams, 

are always positive with relation to the simple metals. 

Most of the 

amalgams, excepting those of tin and lead, may be used in plates. As 
to the chemical action upon these various compositions, it did not take 
place in the amalgamated zinc and the amalgam of zinc, any more than 
in any of the alloys and amalgams of tin and lead; but in all the other 
compositicns of zine the disengagement of gas was very brisk. In the first 
series, the amalgam of an alloy of tin and lead occupies a very positive 
place, but the hope of profiting by this is negatived by the second series. 
In employing the amalgamated plates or the amalgams of zinc, there 
occur various circumstances the cause of which I have not yet been able 
to discover. During the voltaic action particles of amalgam are often 
detached in the form of flakes, which float on the liquid, and are depo-— 
sited on the copper or on the negative plates, so that these become by 


degrees amalgamated. By this the action is considerably weakened, 
or ceases altogether; for it is very remarkable that copper, silver, or 
platina, amalgamated on their surface, have scarcely any, or at most an 
extremely weak power of keeping up an electric current with any other 
metal. I have often remarked that the first deviation of the needle was 
very strong, and that at length it returned quickly to its first position 
of equilibrium, without exhibiting any deviation, whilst the voltaic cir- 
euit, composed of zinc and amalgamated copper, remained always 
closed. It appears to me also remarkable that a wire of copper, pla- 
tina, or iron can be much more easily amalgamated under the influence 
of sulphuric acid by mercury containing other metals than by mercury 
entirely pure. It is desirable that this point should attract the atten- 
tion of scientific men to make similar experiments with more attention. 
Pure zinc has nearly the same qualities as amalgamated zinc or the 
amalgam of zine, viz. of being very little acted upon by sulphuric acid. 
It is only subjected to chemical action when it enters into a voltaic 
combination. I refer, on this subject, to the important memoir of 
M. Aug. de la Rive, inserted in the Bibliotheque Universelle, vol. xliii. 
1830. I have not yet been able to procure any pure zinc to repeat these 
experiments and to employ it in the magnetic apparatus. In zinc foun- 
dries pure zinc may easily be obtained in great quantity by re-distilling 
it until it is purified of the cadmium and other extraneous metals. 
Its cost would not be much increased, but hitherto there has not been 
sufficient inducement to employ pure zine to risk the expense of the 
repeated distillation. M.Fengler, manufacturing chemist at Myslowitz 
in Upper Silesia, has constructed the necessary apparatus for preparing 
pure zinc in large quantities; he could supply it for nine ecus the 
quintal, provided a quantity of three quintals were ordered, but unfor- 
tunately his foundry has since been burnt down. His process consists 
in interrupting the distillation when all the cadmium is driven off, in 
then changing the recipient and again interrupting the process as soon 
as he suspects that the other foreign metals are volatilized or mecha- 
nically drawn away. He repeats these operations as frequently as he 

_ thinks necessary. The zinc thus prepared should not be re-cast in iron 

. 13. 

The rapid decrease of the voltaic effects in the ordinary voltaic piles 
opposes a great obstacle to the application of electro-magnetism. It 
may be overcome, partly at least, by an assiduous study of these effects. 
The motion of my magnetic apparatus was always very rapid at the 
commencement, but its velocity soon diminished, and ceased entirely 

after a lapse of time which never exceeded an hour. By employing 

amalgamated plates of zine I have succeeded at three different times 
in making the apparatus work successively during 20, 22, and 24 hours 

_ without making any change whatever in the pile. The experiments 


were always interrupted by some accident, and I think that the action 
would otherwise have lasted still longer. The disengagement of gas 
was very inconsiderable, and took place only at the surface of the nega- 
tive plate. The velocity was always at first from 120 to 122 revolutions 
in a minute, and decreased about half an hour after to 62 revolutions; 
a circumstance which is attributable to the commutator, which had not 
then the present construction. During the rest of the time the motion 
of the apparatus was remarkably uniform, making from 58 to 62 revo- 
lutions in a minute. I must however confess that I have obtained so 
extraordinary an effect only three times. There were always external 
circumstances, dependent upon the form of the voltaic apparatus, which 
counteracted the effect. I might be able to master most of these cir- 
cumstances by constructing a new apparatus, the manipulation of which 
will be more convenient and the effect more certain. 

We have expressed by A = = the magnetic force of each section of 

“a wire traversed by an electric current. This force is measured by 
the deviation of the needle or by the magnetizing power of the con- 
necting wire. By adopting ‘the law of Faraday we may equally mea- 
sure this current by the disengagement of the gas, which represents at 
the same time the cost of maintaining in action a voltaic apparatus. If 

D be the quantity disengaged, we shall have D so From this it 

follows that recurring to the formule of article 8, the ceconomical 
effect may be expressed by the magnetic power of the whole extent of 
the connecting wire, divided by the development of the gas. This effect 
is inno respect changed either by the enlargement of the surface, or by 
the employment of various branches wound spirally around different bars 
of the same dimension. But by multiplying the helices, and uniting 
them to form a continuous wire, the ceconomical effect may be increased 
as much as we please. For the disengagement of the gas, in employ- 
ing 2 helices or 2 units of length, will be expressed by D = ———_-; 
but we may put in action the magnetizing power of the whole ex- 
tent of the conducting wire, and we shall have for the total force 
F= cease ; or sigs n. When the magnetic bars are intended to 
mr+r D 
produce a mechanical motion, the increase of the ceconomical effect 
will reach its limit ; since by multiplying the number of the bars, the 
weight of the apparatus and the friction of the pivots in the sockets 
will be at the same time increased, so that that effect can only be ex- 

pressed by. Z act eas ia The maximum of the ceeconomical 



effect obtainable will depend on the value of f or of the friction. By 
differentiating the second member with respect to ”, we shall have for 

_ The bar which was used in the experiments of article 9 weighed 
144 lbs. Being adapted to any moveable apparatus, the friction it oc- 
casions would amount at most to $lb. It has been found by experi- 
ments: H = 283°6, r! = 20, r=1, and f= 4, thus x = 273°6; that 
__ is to say, there would be the greatest possible advantage in employing 
_ about 273 bars wound round with helices of the same size. This 
number varies with the size of the plates: for a surface m, we have 

mE — fr' 

this maximum 7 = 

In short the magnetic power available for practical 

SET si) ste 2 (deafrl)e 
eee a = (Bar) 


In employing a voltaic battery, the ceconomical effect will be dimi- 
nished, unless at the same time the helices united in the same wire be 
multiplied ; for Mr. Faraday has proved by the experiments reported in 
the articles 990, &c. of the Eighth Series of his Researches, that the same 
quantity of electricity passes through a voltaic battery of any number 
_ of pairs of plates which traverses a single pair of the same size. The 
quantity of gas disengaged at the surface of each plate of the battery 
is the same as at the surface of a single pair; this at first sight appears 
astonishing, and seems to contradict numerous experiments which have 
been made upon the pile; for every one knows that the quantity of 
gas disengaged by the decomposing apparatus, and at the same time the 
deviation of the needle, increase up to a certain point, by multiplying 
the number of plates. 

In considering the formula F = rep where n' represents thenum- 
ber of pairs of plates, 7’ the resistance of each pair, and r that of the 
connecting wire, or of the body which we wish to decompose, we must 
suppose that in the experiments of Mr. Faraday (990.) the connecting 
wire of the battery and of the single pair of plates were so short that 
its resistance r might be entirely neglected in relation to x'r’. We 
should not have obtained this striking result if we had employed a con- 
necting wire’of any consid@rable length, and still less if we had closed 
the circuits of the pair of plates and of the battery by any decomposing 
apparatus. Mr. Faraday has established a very exact distinction be- 
tween the quantity and intensity of electricity set in motion. The first 
may be measured in different ways; but it will be difficult to find 
an exact measure for its intensity, nevertheless this would be very 
necessary for completing the theory. In admitting the important law 


of equivalents in galvanic decompositions, it appears that we ought to 
multiply these equivalents by the number of pairs of plates necessary to 
effect the decomposition. This would perhaps be the true measure, for 
after all it is necessary to consume a great number of atoms of zine, in 
order to decompose a single atom of any other substance less decompo- 
sable. In what relates to the difference between quantity and intensity, 
ealoric offers analogies; and in judging of a quantity of gas, we 
ought always to know its volume and its density. I must here quote 
another observation of Mr. Faraday, which is found in the Seventh 
Series, art. 853. He is speaking of a current which is, he says, “ pow- 
erful enough to retain a platina wire ,3; of an inch in thickness red 
hot in the air during the whole time” (33 minutes); and he adds in a 
note: “TI have not stated the length of wire used, because I find by ex- 
periment, as would be expected in theory, that it is indifferent. The 
same quantity of electricity which, passed in a given time, can heat an 
inch of platina wire of a certain diameter red hot, can also heat a hun- 
dred, a thousand, or any length of the same wire to the same degree, 
provided the cooling circumstances are the same for every part in both 
eases,” &e. This is quite correct, but we may add that it would be ne- 
cessary to multiply the number of pairs of plates in the same proportion 
with the length of the wire to obtain a current of the same quantity. 

In short in order to heat a wire of 1000 inches to the same degree 
to which a wire of a single inch would be heated by a single pair of 
plates, it is necessary to disengage 1000 quantities of gas, proceeding from 
the same number of pairs. I have thought it right not to suppress this 
remark, considering that in the practical employment of the voltaic 
pile ceconomy is requisite. 


The following is the table of experiments which I have made upon the 

deviation of the needle with relation to the quantity of gas developed 

at the surface of the negative plate of a voltaic pair of plates of silver and 
amalgamated zine. The specific gravity of the sulphuric acid was 1-25. 


perigee, et the| gage of cab a Pewston oF the gngenent of table inched 

4.29 4.5! 50" 296° 30! 189" 
41° 30! 57!-5 24° 59! Q17"' 
39° 30! 64!"5 23° 52! 931" 
34° 45! 89! 93° 7! 24.6!' 
32° 29! 108'"*5 21° 30! 290!" 
29° 144! 20° 15! 319! 
27° 30! 167" 20° 7! 330" 
97° 15! 166!" 

The bubbles of air rising regularly enough to serve as a measure, I 


i have reckoned, in another series of experiments, the time which elapsed 
in developing 10 bubbles of air. The following is the table: 

Time elapsed in the disen- Time elapsed in the disen- 

pviation of the gagement 10 bubbles o£ Deviation of the gagement ie pobbles of 
99!l-5 18° 29! 80" 
32° 30! 25!" 15° 15! 101" 
gi° 272"5 14° 30! 124!" 
922° 56" 14° 20! 126" 
B1e. 37" ae 14° 10! 129" 
59" 13° 20! 147! 
or ie i 160" 

_ It is necessary to remark, that there was also a very feeble develop- 
ment of gas even at the surface of the zinc, which was taken into 
account. But the quantity of gas measured was, I believe, less than 
the quantity of gas developed ; for there was a secondary action, which 
was manifested by the blackness of the plate of silver, and which we 
must attribute to a metallic reduction of the oxides dissolved in the 
acid. As it is very difficult to translate into forces the deviation of 
the needle*, these tables will not tend to confirm the law of Mr. Fa- 
raday: they only show that the deviation of the needle follows the 
same course as the development of the gas. I shall repeat the expe- 
riments, but reversing the process; that is to say, the development of 
gas will be taken for the most exact measure of the force of the 
eurrent, and the value of the degrees of the galvanometer will be 
deduced from it, either immediately, or by some formula of interpo- 
lation of convenient application. The experiments cited are not suf- 
ficiently rigorous to form the elements of calculation. 

To return to the magnetic machine. We had succeeded in obtaining 
an inversion of the direction of the current, both instantaneous and ex- 
act, by the commutator described above in article7, the effect of which is 
not at all affected by the quickness of rotation. We had even succeeded 
in obtaining, at least for some time, a tolerably constant voltaic apparatus. 
Tn short, the means have been discovered of reducing the expense of 
‘maintenance to a minimum, by preventing the direct action of the acid 
“upon the zinc, an action which cannot be turned to any use, and which, 
as is known, greatly surpasses that which serves to produce the 
yoltaic current. Thus the most important difficulties in the practical 
application of electro-magnetism being overcome, it appeared to me 
_ time to examine more closely the nature of the forces which I desired 
to put in use, and principally to seek for the cause which limits a 

* Becquerel’s Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, vol. ii. p. 20. 


speed which we had reason to suppose must be infinitely accelerated. 
This speed had never surpassed 120—130 revolutions in a minute, on 
employing a pile of four pairs of plates two feet square. We must not 
lightly abandon conclusions founded on the nature of things, and those 

to which I refer are drawn solely from the integral f * Mds, expressing 

the magnetic attraction and supposed to be independent of the speed. 
Besides, it rests upon the legitimate supposition that the electro-mag- 
netic excitation of the soft iron operates instantaneously. If this were 
not the case, my apparatus would have shown that magnetism and 
electricity ought to be attributed to the motion of material parti- 
cles, or to oscillations much more perceptible than are those of the pro- 
pagation of sound. In short no one can deny that it is the nature of. 
a force not to require time to act, and that, if its different effects were 
not instantly perceptible, it would then be some molecular motion, 
under the influence of mechanical laws, which takes place. 


At the end of my first note I said, that in using thermo-electric piles 
for the movement of machines, there was reason to fear the magneto- 
electric currents developed by magnetism in motion. The reaction 
which thence arises would be almost entirely destroyed in the hydro- 
electric pile, the liquid conductors offering too much resistance to the 
passage of these currents. These considerations were founded upon 
detached experiments. On employing a thermo-electric pile, the de- 
viation of the needle was affected by a magnet which had been placed 
in a helix forming part of the circuit; this was not the case with a 
voltaic pair of plates of small dimension. The deviation of the gal- 
vanometer, extremely sensitive as it is, was not altered by it. This 
did not surprise me, since the conducting power of liquids is much 
below that of metals; but in making experiments on the magnetic 
force of a bar of soft iron, I have sometimes found considerable dif- 
ferences for which I could not account. I was curious to know if 
these differences proceeded from the weakening of the electric current 
produced by a pair of plates with a surface of half a square foot, or 
from the nature of the iron. I therefore inserted in the circuit a gal- 
vanometer at some little distance, that it might not be affected imme- 
diately by the magnetism of the bar. I was much astonished to see 
the needle recede upon my applying the armature, and advance as soon 
as it was taken off; for it was the first time that I had recognised the 
double office of the connecting wire, viz. that of conducting the voltaic 
current, and of representing at the same time a common wire sub- 
jected to the influence of a magnet in motion. The helix producing a 
magnet by the voltaic current is at the same time a magneto-electric 


helix in which a magnet is inserted. This is the explanation of the 
problem of the uniform rapidity of the magnetic machine ; for, being put 
‘in motion by the magnetizing power of a voltaic current, it represents 
_ simultaneously an apparatus composed of magnets in motion, and ca- 
-pable of producing a magneto-electric current, in a direction contrary 
_ tothe voltaic current. The first is closed by the pile itself, which, being 
composed of a single pair only, does not offer too great a resistance to 
_ its passage. 

In the connecting wire, formed by the union of the sixteen helices of 
the apparatus, I interposed a galvanometer; and then, by closing the 
- circuit and preventing the motion of the machine, I observed the devia- 
tion of the needle: it amounted to nearly 60°. As soon as the motion 
of the apparatus commenced the needle began to recede, and continued 
to do so more and more as the speed became more accelerated. The 
motion having become uniform, at the rate of 60 revolutions in a mi- 
nute, the needle became stationary at a deviation of about 47°. The 
needle always advanced when the motion was stopped or retarded ; it 
receded, on the contrary, when it was mechanically accelerated. It ap- 
pears that the deviation of the needle of 47° corresponds with the state 
of equilibrium; for the motion having of itself ceased, the needle did 
not quit this position. Thus in the different experiments, whether the 
first deviation of the needle exceeded 60°, or was less, it always became 
- fixed at about 47°. The voltaic current having been weakened by the 
interposition of different branches, until the first deviation amounted 
only to 47°, the magnetism was not sufficiently strong to produce the 
“movement of the apparatus. Repeated experiments will be necessary 
to investigate these interesting phenomena. 

I imagined that it would be useful to open two passages or two 
separate branches to the magneto-electric current ; one of which should 
be the pile, and the other a second connecting metallic wire, so long and 
so thin as not too much to affect the quantity of electricity passing 
through the principal connecting wire. (Art. 8., No.6.) There was 
‘reason to suppose that the counter-current would rather follow the 
‘metallic wire than the liquid of the pile: but it was not so. Du- 
ng the motion of the apparatus, the needle of the galvanometer 
being fixed at 47°, and the second circuit having been suddenly esta- 
plished, the needle was not much affected by it. It advanced, it is 
e, but only 1°5. Neither did the speed of the apparatus sensibly 
ange. On reducing the length of the second wire it was nearly the 
The passage of the counter-current across the metallic wire 
was proved, at least in part, by the interposition of a second galvanome- 
ter. During the accelerated movement the needle of this latter ad- 


vanced in proportion as the needle of the former receded. This might 
have been expected, provided the counter-current in the secondary 
branch has the same direction as the voltaic current: it is quite con- 
formable to the remark which M. Nobili has added to the end of his 
first memoir, upon the theory of the electro-dynamic induction. (Anto- 
logia di Firenze, 1832, No. 42.) The ends of the connecting wire sur- 
rounding the bars must be considered as the poles of an electro-motive 

apparatus: moreover the magnetizing power of this counter-current 

has been proved by making it pass through a helix bent round a ba 
of soft iron. 


In short all tended to prove that the greatest part of the counter- 
current might be rendered available by employing two apparatus of 
the same kind, the connecting wires of which, wound spirally round 
bars of each system, should terminate at the same pile. The counter- 
current produced by the movement of one apparatus would serve to 
strengthen the magnetism of the other, and vice versd: the counter- 
currents would counterbalance each other to destroy their effects. The 
experiment could be made on a small scale with the bar above described, 
the branches of which were encircled with separate helices. Fig. 4. 
shows the form of the experiment. The two helices were connected by 
the dotted wire ¢ 6 plunged into the little cups filled with mercury e, b. 
They thus formed a single connecting wire, the other ends of whick 
a, d were united with a pile C Z.. With my hands dipped in acidulated 

water I took hold of the connecting wire at the place e, f, and I broke » 

the circuit at the place g orf. I felt a violent shock. In other respects 
the experiment was the same as the beautiful one of Mr. Jenkins 
related by Mr. Faraday. By interposing the multiplying wire of a 
galvanometer ‘m in the circuit, the needle deviated to 48° by the vol- 
taic current. Then applying the armature, it receded from 48° to 40°. 
The deviation on removing the armature was unobservable, the latter 
being too firmly attached. Now the helices were connected with the pile 
in two branches separated by means of the wiresa 6 and ed. |The wire 
eb was withdrawn. I expected, on breaking the circuit, to find that the 

magneto-electric current excited in the helix @ ¢ would be conducted | 
quite entire by the helix bd, and vice versé; but I was mistaken: the © 

shock was not much less: the needle nevertheless receded. I was 

struck by this experiment, but after all I believe I may regard this 

magneto-electric arrangement as an unclosed voltaic pile, consisting of 
two elements united in such a manner as to form only a single pair of 
plates, as is represented in fig. 5.. The currents whose direction is op+ 
posed with relation to the wires a6, ed, unite in traversing a connect= 

ing wire placed in contact with the pointse f. If the galvanic excita> 


tion is not in perfect equilibrium, being stronger on one side than on 

the other, there will be a deviation of the needle proportional to the 
_ difference of the currents which traverse the wires a6, ed. This 

agrees with the experiments which Mr. Faraday has related at the be- 
_ ginning of his Eighth Series, on the subject of decompositions produced 
by asingle pair of voltaic plates. In short what is termed tension is 
gi the effect of forces equal and contrary in direction. In mechanics 
such forces destroy themselves, their sum being zero; but in physics it 
is different. 

With regard to the direction of the magneto-electric current which 
occasions the shock, it is the same as that of the voltaic current. This 
_ was proved by a galvanometer, the multiplying wire of which ter- 
_ minated at the points e, f. There was a deviation on a part of the 
voltaic current traversing the secondary branch e, f. On applying the 
armature, the needle of this galvanometer advanced, at the same time 

_ that the needle m receded. The contrary effect might be observed on 
_ removing the armature by the blows of a hammer. 

ee ae 


The following are some further experiments relative to this subject. 
_ The extremities of the bar were surrounded with a thin plate of copper, 
_ fig. 6, in the circuit of which was placed a galvanometer. On applying 
_ the armature, the needle was unaffected by it ; but after having wound 
the ends of the multiplying wire around the points e, f, and the cir- 
A cuit being thus closed, a considerable deviation took place. 
_ An analogous result is shown in the following experiment. On 
plunging two thin plates of copper, held firmly in the hands, in the cups 
a, b, or e, d, of the bar, fig. 4, there was no shock when the circuit was 
broken by the separation of the wires ab or ed; for the human body 
_ formed part of a circuit, in which equal excitations took place on two 
opposite sides. The thin plates being plunged into the cups ¢ and 4, a 
 yiolent action took place at the instant of disjunction. 
I formed a thermo-electric circuit of bismuth and antimony, in 
_ which was interposed a galvanometer: after having heated the two 
‘solderings to the same degree, there was no deviation of the needle; but 
the multiplying wire having been placed so as to form an interme- 
branch, and the solderings being on opposite sides, there was a 
_ considerable deviation. This would not have taken place if the circuit 
4 of bismuth and antimony had been in its normal state, for then it 
ould have had to conduct the greatest part of the thermo-electric 
urrent, provided that the multiplying wire was sufficiently long and 
to intercept only an extremely feeble part of it. 
_ Itseems to me that there are circumstances which cause metals to 
lose their conducting power, and that these same circumstances on the 


contrary increase that of liquids. Is this the state of bodies which 
Mr. Faraday calls electro-tonic ? 


In the supplement of No. 105. of the Institute for May 183, 1835, 
there is a notice of a memoir by Mr. Faraday the publication of which 
we are looking for. The experiment cited at the end of this notice ap- 
peared to me so striking and important in connection with the subject 
of the present memoir that I did not delay repeating it. Two copper 
wires, 400 feet long and ? lin. in diameter, carefully covered with silk 
ribbon, were coiled together in a helix round a hollow cylinder of 
wood, 14 inch in diameter. The ends of these two wires were united 
in asingle one. The effect of this combination was beyond all my 
expectations ; for by employing a voltaic pair of silver and zinc plates, 
which had only a surface of half a square inch, I obtained at the mo- 
ment of disjunction a brilliant spark, and a violent shock which could 
scarcely be borne. The same effects took place when the pair of 
plates were reduced to a wire of platina and zinc. After having 
placed a cylinder of soft iron in the hollow of the wooden cylinder, the 
action was still more considerable. These effects were not much in- 
creased by the enlargement of the surface of the pair. A conducting 
wire of 400 feet having been employed alone, the spark and the shock 
were much more feeble ; but on uniting in a circuit the two ends of the 
second wire of 400 feet, there was neither spark nor shock. This is 
perfectly conformable with Mr. Faraday’s experiment. 

Upon this I made the following experiment: In the hollow of the 
wooden cylinder I placed a cylinder of soft iron, 13 inch in diameter, 
forming the armature of the bar of soft iron. We will call the corre- 
sponding extremities of the bar and the armature A,a; B,b. The two 
wires of 400 feet of the helix coiled round the armature were united in 
one of 800 feet, the ends of which were conducted by a multiplier to 
the poles of a voltaic pair of plates about + foot square. The helix 
surrounding the bar terminated at a pile of a foot square, by means of 
a commutator a@ bascule. The deviation was 16°. The current which 
magnetized the horse-shoe bar being directed so as to produce in A the 
same magnetism as in a (A, a,, B, b,,), the needle advanced to 30°, 
and on reversing the current so as to produce contrary magnetisms 
(A, a,, B,, 6,) the needle receded from 16° to 10°, returning after a few 
oscillations to its first position at 16°. By employing a single wire of 
400 feet, the other wire not forming a circuit, the deviation of the needle 
was 21°. By the arrangement A, a,,-B, 6, the needle advanced to 

334°; it receded on the contrary to 13° when the magnetism of the 
bar and of the armature attracted one another, (A, ay B. 6). After 
having united in a circuit the second wire of 400 feet, the deviation 
of the needle having been the same as before, that is 21°, the needle 


advanced and receded by the arrangements above mentioned respec- 
tively to 30° and 40°. We see that in this case the needle is rather 
less affected than in the case of the disjunction of the second wire; but 
I expected, as a necessary consequence, that the needle would not be 
at all affected, for I had received no shock nor spark in the analo- 
_ gous experiment. I confess that at present I am unable to enter into 
an explanation of the striking difference which subsists between the 
current of reaction and the magneto-electric current. 

f 23. 

With regard to the magnetic machine, it will be of great importance 
to weaken the effect of the counter-current, without at the same time 
weakening the magnetism of the bars. It is the alternate combination 
of the pairs of plates or the voltaic pile which permits us to increase 
the speed of rotation at will. We know that the magnetic power of 
the current is not sensibly augmented by increasing the number of the 
pairs of plates, but the counter-current is considerably weakened by 
it, being forced to pass through a great many layers of liquid. In 
fact, on using twelve voltaic pairs, each half a square foot, instead 
of four copper troughs, each with a surface of two square feet, 
which I had hitherto used, the speed of rotation rose to at least 250 
—300 revolutions in a minute, a number which IJ was able only to 
estimate, having been unable to count them. The acid which I em- 
ployed was extremely weak, and had served for many previous experi- 

ments. The development of gas was imperceptible either by sight or 
smell. Having immersed two thick copper wires in the cups p and 0, 
and having taken hold of them with my hands dipped in salt water, I 
received during the motion of the apparatus violent shocks, and felt 
an extreme pricking sensation in the upper part of my body. The 
mechanical effect of the apparatus corresponding to the speed of 250 
to 300 revolutions in a minute has been valued at half the force of a 
man. I shall at a future time apply to it an exact dynamometric 

I have not been able to make further experiments on this subject, 
and I am obliged to interrupt my investigations for a time; but from 
what precedes, I may perhaps be justified in maintaining, that the su- 
periority of this new motor, with regard to the absence of danger, the 
_ simplicity of the application, and the expense of the materials necessary 
__ to keep it in action, is placed beyond doubt. 


Vor. I.—Parrt IV. 20 


Note onthe Application of Electro-Magnetism asa Mechanical 
Power; by 1. D. Borro, Professor of Natural Philosophy 
in the Royal University of Twrin. 

From the Bibliothéque Universelle, &c., vol. lvi. Geneva, (1834, vol. 1. p. 312. 

Tue remarkable energy with which the magnetic action is developed 

in soft iron by induction from electricity in motion is well known. 

The possibility of the application of this new power to machines pos- 
sessing some interest, I have decided on publishing the results which I 
have obtained relating to this subject*. 

The mechanism which I have employed consists first of a lever put 
in motion (in the manner of a metronome) by the alternating action of 
two fixed electro-magnetic cylinders exerted on a third moveable cy- 
linder connected with the lower arm of the lever, the upper arm of 
which maintains a metallic wheel, serving in the ordinary way as a re- 
gulator, in a continuous gyratory motion. 

The apparatus was so disposed, that, the axes of the three cylinders 
being perfectly equal and situated in the same vertical plane perpen- 
dicular to the axis of motion, the oscillating cylinder placed itself 
by one of its extremities alternately in contact with and in the di- 
rection of, each of the two other cylinders, stationed at the limits of its 
excursions; and each time, at that very instant, the direction of the mag- 
netizing current in its spiral was changed, the remainder of the circuit 
preserving the same direction, so as to produce poles of the same name 
in the fixed cylinders, at the two extremities facing the moveable cy- 
linder. The change of direction which has just been mentioned is 
obtained by means of the known mechanism of the bascule, the com- 
munications of which are interchanged by the motion of the machine 

It is evident that from this arrangement the middle cylinder must 
undergo corresponding alternations of attraction and repulsion, by 
the effect of which the apparatus is set in motion, as it were by itself, 
and maintains itself in action by the ceconomy of the magnetic 
forces which animate it, and which are produced by the electric 

I endeavoured to operate without the spiral of the middle cylinder, 
and by causing the two fixed cylinders magnetized alternately to act 

* I ought to state, that the hope of giving a greater extension to my obser- 
vations, and also the necessity of absenting myself from Turin, have caused me 
to defer the publication of the facts which I announce, although I should have 
done so at the end of June. But I have been obliged to decide respecting it, 
having seen in the last number of the Piedmontese Gazette, that M. Jacobi of 
Kénigsberg has succeeded in obtaining a phenomenon of continuous motion 
by the intervention only of the electro-magnetic power. 

Pega +: 



upon the latter. But an adhesion which continued after the ces- 
sation of the magnetizing currents then contributed to diminish the 
mechanical effect; whilst in the preceding arrangement the adhesion 
not only ceased, but to a certain point changed to repulsion, with the 
same rapidity with which the current, scarcely interrupted an instant by 
the action of the bascule, precipitated itself (the communication being 
inverted) into the middle spiral, in a direction contrary to its original one, 
resuming its ordinary course in the two other spirals. 

The motion of the lever and of the regulator, resulting from this 
arrangement, is perfectly free; at first rather slow, it soon and by de- 
grees acquires the maximum of velocity which the energy of the cur- 
rents producing it allows of,—a velocity which is afterwards maintained 
equal to the intensity of the current itself, and as long as the latter 
remains in action*. 

I shall say nothing at present respecting some observations which I 
have on this occasion collected, upon the employment of different acid 
and saline solutions, and of sea water. 

It is not without especial interest that we contemplate these new 
effects of a force developed in so singular a manner from the masses 
of bodies; and it is difficult not to be carried away by flattering 
anticipations respecting the ulterior applications which the acquisition 
of this mysterious motive force suggestst. 

The dimensions of the apparatus which has just been described are 
small, and such as the, current produced by fifteen elements of nine 
square inches can put in motion. The electro-dynamic cylinders, which 
principally determine the limits of the mechanical effect, are one deci- 
metre in length and a centimetre and a half in diameter; these are sur- 
rounded by a wire coiled ina spiral, the length of which is 40 metres, and 
half a millimetre in diameter. The lever is of wood; the upper and lower 
arms are respectively 35 and 7 centimetres long; the amplitude of its 
oscillations is 15°. Lastly, the regulator weighs 24 kilogrammes; and 
the total weight of the mechanism is about 5 kilogrammes. 

Considerations which readily presented themselves regarding the 
relations between the maximum of the magneto-mechanic effect of the 
_ apparatus and the dimensions of its different parts, have made me think 

* There is a great analogy, both with regard to the general arrangement of 
the apparatus and the nature of the motive power, between the electro-mag- 
netic apparatus of M. Botto, and the electrical clock of M. Zamboni, described 
in the Bibl. Univ., t. xlvii. p. 183. (1831). It will be recollected that Zamboni's 
_ clock is put in motion by a pendulum, alternately attracted and repelled by the 
_ poles of two of the dry piles which bear his name.—A. pe 1a Rive. 

+ The Chey. Avogrado and the Chev. Bidone, who have successively seen 
the apparatus in motion, did not dissemble the agreeable surprise which they 
experienced, not merely from the novelty of the fact, but also from the reflec- 
_ tions suggested by the general relations which may connect this simple result 
with the progress of physics and mechanics, 



of substituting for the cylindrical form the ordinary U form of eleetro- 
magnetic bars, and of augmenting within certain limits the number and 
magnitude of these pieces, as well as the length of the spirals. 

But not having arrived at the termination of my experiments on this 
subject, I confine myself for the present to pointing out the above-men- 
tioned facts, which I have thought proper to make known, not only as 
interesting to science, but also because the study of the new class of 
effects with which it is connected may be considered as fertile in useful 
consequences in a physico-mechanical point of view*. 

Part of a Lecture on Electro-Magnetism, delivered to the 
Philosophical Society at Zurich, February the 18th, 1833 ; 
by the late Dr. R. ScuutHEsst. 

From a work intitled “ Ueber Electromagnetismus, nebst Angabe einer neuen 

durch electromagnetische Kriifte bewegten Maschine: Drey Vorlesungen 
von Dr. R. Schulthess. Zurich, 1835.” 

Tuovcu electro-magnetism from its intrinsic importance certainly 
is one of the most remarkable and interesting discoveries of modern 
times, yet it would create a much higher interest, and gain in popula- 
rity, if it could be rendered practically useful. For some time past I 
had been occupied with the idea, whether the power of electro-magnets, 
which without doubt might be infinitely increased, could be applied as 
a motive power for machinery. It was known from Van Moll’s experi- 
ments, that when the electric current which runs through the spiral of 
an electro-magnet is rapidly reversed, the magnetic poles are likewise 
instantly reversed ; and that a light iron keeper, which is supported from 
its poles, falls off at that moment, but is immediately re-attracted. The 
experiments of Henry and Ten Eyck showed that the power of such 
electro-magnets might be very greatly augmented. The thought struck 
me, that a considerably heavier keeper or armature might be suspended 
from such an electro-magnet, and that by the attraction and repulsion 
of the same a machine might be put in motion; at the same time the 
action of the gyrotrope, and thereby the reversion of the poles, might 
also be effected: and although the distance which the keeper would 
recede from the magnet could be but very inconsiderable, still I thought 
that the rapidity with which these motions would follow each other 
might in great measure compensate for this defect. I was, however, 

* The apparatus mentioned in this Note was constructed by M. Jast, me- 
chanician of the Royal University of Turin, who executes with the same success 
and the same accuracy ail other kinds of philosophical instruments. 

+ The translation has been communicated by E. Solly, jun., Esq. 



filled with mistrust on observing that this thought, which appeared to 
me so simple and natural, was not mentioned by any of the numerous 
natural philosophers who occupy themselves so assiduously with electro- 
magnetic experiments. I could not believe but that these notions must 
have struck them; but I was forced to suppose that they had either seen 
immediately the impracticability of them, or that, even if they had made 
some experiments upon the subject, they had met with insurmountable 
difficulties in its application. This long deterred me from making any 
_ experiments; but in the lecture which I gave before this Society on the 
‘ 10th of December 1832, I could not refrain, when speaking of the 
powerful electro-magnets of Henry and Ten Eyck, from asking the 
question, “whether such a considerable power as that which is ob- 
tained by interrupting the electric current and then restoring it, could 
not be applied with advantage to mechanical science.” After that lec- 
ture I considered the subject again, and thought I had convinced myself 
of its practicability ; but that even if it were so, the result could not be 
very important, because the motion of the keeper must necessarily be 
very small. Notwithstanding, I had a more powerful electro-magnet 
made than any I had hitherto possessed, with which I intended to try 
the experiment; and I regarded the expense the less, as this apparatus 
appeared to me at the same time to be very appropriate for the evolu- 
tion of the currents observed by Faraday ; for this purpose the arma- 
ture also must be covered with copper wire, and then each time the 
poles of the electro-magnet are reversed, a magneto-electric current 
circulates through this wire. In the mean time I found another method 
whereby the object I had in view might be effected, and which would 
allow a greater degree of motion to the armature: I thought I could 
effect this in the following manner. I placed on the table two cylin- 
drical soft-iron horseshoes bound round with similar wires; so that when 
the electrical current was transmitted through both wires, the similar 
poles should lie opposite to each other: between these, and at a 
small distance from either, I placed a cylinder of soft iron, serving fora 
keeper; and then I expected to see the armature play to and fro between 
_ the two electro-magnets when I sent the electric current first round the 
one and then round the other electro-magnet. After several fruitless 
rough experiments it succeeded at last, and I therefore then instructed 
-aturner to make an apparatus, that I might be able to repeat, by means 
of it, in a more easy and perfect manner, these yet very imperfect ex- 
periments. I had proceeded so far, when, on the 4th of January, I 
received the latest part of Baumgirtner’s Zeitschrift, published at 
Vienna on the 17th of November 1832. I there observed a treatise, 
intitled, “ Electro-magnetic Experiments of Salvatore Dal Negro, Pro- 
fessor of Natural Philosophy in the Imperial University at Padua,” 
_ (translated from the Italian). The author says in the Introduction : 
“ Philosophers have already known for some time the power of elec- 


tricity to make soft iron magnetic. In the year 1825, Sturgeon mag- 
netized cylindrical horseshoes of soft iron by means of copper wires 
wound round them, connecting the ends of the wires with the plates of 
an electromotor. Professor Van Moll of Utrecht saw this experiment 
performed in the physical laboratory of the London University by Mr. 
Watkins, and he obtained on repetition those remarkable results de- 
scribed in Bibl. Univ., eah. 45. p.19. This new method of communi- 
cating such great attractive power to iron created in me the desire of 
repeating the experiments, and principally of taking into consideration 
the application of this attractive power, which it appears may be 
infinitely increased, to some useful purpose. I give these experiments 
to the public in the conviction that a force so easily evolved and so very 
powerful justifies repeated and varied experiments. In my experiments 
the electromotors employed were without doubt smaller than any hi- 
therto used, and these notwithstanding produced the same results: new 
circumstances and new laws were observed and discovered respecting 
the manner of increasing the magnetic power evolved by electromotors, 
of producing .in them currents now similar, and now different, some- 
times in the same, sometimes in opposite directions, and by the success 
of these experiments of setting a lever in motion in different ways, and 
thus finally enriching natural philosophy with a new motive power.” 
It is easy to imagine with what avidity I read this notice, partly from 
joy at seeing my idea, of the practical application of which I still had 
many doubts, mentioned by another person, and partly somewhat vexed 
that the priority of my invention, if it really was as useful as my fancy 
made me think it, was snatched away from me. I therefore read with 
intense eagerness this paper; but my expectations were in a great mea- 
sure disappointed ; for it was only at the end that Dal Negro gave some 
short, and to me not altogether comprehensible hints concerning his ex- 
periments on the application of the power of electro-magnets to moving 
machinery, after having described a considerable number of other expe- 
riments, the principal object of which was to give with the least possible 
means to a soft-iron horseshoe the greatest possible magnetic power. He 
took seven different horseshoes, varying from 0°29 to 5 killogrammes* 
in weight: the copper wire with which he enveloped them, in from 37 
to 64 coils, had a diameter of 8°2 to 8°4 mill. ; the zine plates of the four 
different electromotors had surfaces = 3, 2, 24, and 42 square feet 
each; the dilute acid employed consisted of 74, of sulphuric acid and 35 
of nitric acid in 1 of water. With these electro-magnets Dal Negro 
obtained remarkably powerful results. The largest, (weighing 5 kil- 
log., surrounded with 64 coils of copper wire of 8-4 millim. diameter, ) 
with the armature weighing 2 killog., when connected with the largest 
electromotor, supported from 108 up to 117 killog. Dal Negro attri- 

* {1 millimetre = °03937 English inch. 
1 killogramme = 2 Ibs. 5 oz, 5 dram.—Trans. | 


butes the greatness of this effect principally to the weight of the arma- 
ture, and also to the rounded form of this and also of the poles of the 
magnet ; but he seems to think the great thickness of the wire, namely, 
8-4 mill., of no moment. With this important particular the reader is 
not acquainted till the end of the paper, where a table of the diameter 
of the wires is added. He infers from his experiments, “ that a tempo- 
rary magnet (as he calls the electro-magnets) can only acquire a mag- 
netic power proportional to its mass;” and says, “ experience will show 
what is the smallest electro-motive surface required to give the maxi- 
mum of power;” and adds, “these experiments will become the more 
necessary when electro-magnetic power has been applied to some useful 

The following remarks of Dal Negro on the property of some pieces 
of iron either not to take any magnetism at all, or only to take it under 
certain circumstances from the inverted electric current, were to me 
very mysterious and enigmatical. He says: 

I. (1.) “Thad several cylindrical soft-iron horseshoes made, of different 
weight, and experimented with them according to Sturgeon’s method ; 
_ for the most part none of them were at all magnetic. Indeed, in a small 
bar of iron which was cut into four pieces, and the single pieces made 
into magnets of the above-mentioned size, only one of them became a 
powerful magnet; the others were little or not at all magnetic.” 

(2.) “In the same way curved square barsgave no appreciable re- 
sults: it appears from this that the cylindrical form is essentially ne- 
_ eessary to the development of this temporary magnetism. I also endea- 
voured, without success, to magnetize hollow cylinders.” 

(7.) “ During the first experiments it often happened that when the 
weight which the magnet could support had reached its maximum, all 
on a sudden the horseshoe would become incapable of re-acquiring 
magnetism, not even so much as to be able to support the keeper again. 
Van Moll also appears to have observed this phenomenon.” 

“ Fortunately it appeared that by continually weakening [abstum- 

pfen](?) the same magnet, one is enabled to repeat the experiments, 
and each time make it support a considerable weight.” 
Til. (5.) “ It is remarkable that I did not observe with these two mag- 
nets (namely, the two strongest, ) the pheenomena mentioned in the first 
part of this treatise, No. (7). I am much inclined to believe that this 
depends upon the magnet being made to support the greatest possible 
weight for a longer or shorter time. But here I must not omit to 
mention, that often, when I removed from the magnets the helices 
which I had been using, either for the purpose of altering the number 
of coils or the thickness of the wire composing them, the magnets for 
_ several days would not take up the least magnetism. On continuing 

these experiments I obtained the same pheenomenon with the magnet C 


(weighing 0°29 killog.): the original coil had been removed, but imme- 
diately replaced by a smaller number of coils. To this magnet (even 
after 14 days had elapsed) I could in no way communicate any appre- 
ciable magnetic power.” 

To me these statements are very enigmatical; at least I have never 
observed anything similar in my own experiments; and not only dif- 
ferent horseshoes of soft iron, but several varieties of hardened steel have 
always appeared to me very susceptible of electro-magnetism ; steel of 
course in a less degree than iron, but notwithstanding much more so 
than I had expected from the observations of others. Every time when 
in my experiments no action was observed, or at most only a very feeble 
action, I found that either the circuit was somewhere interrupted, or 
the battery was too weak. 

I was most interested by the last portion of Dal Negro’s paper; it is 
as follows : 

“ As I had been successful in producing temporary magnets of very 
great power with very small electromotors, I endeavoured to apply this 
new power to moving machinery. I will now briefly state by what 
means I endeavoured to set a lever in motion. I first used a magnetic 
steel bar, placed vertically beneath one end of a temporary magnet: 
the bar vibrated from the attractions and repulsions which took place 
between its south pole and the north and south poles of the electro- 
magnet. In the same way a motion may be effected in a horizontal 
plane. I also set in motion a similar bar, by allowing a piece of iron, 
set free from the magnet at the moment when its power became = 0, 
to fall on one of its ends; after this it was immediately re-attracted. 
This can be effected in two ways; the one may be employed when a 
quick motion is to be produced, and the second when a greater force is 
wanted: in the first case the weight falls only just out of the power of 
the magnet’s attraction; and the instant the weight has fallen upon the 
bar or lever, it is re-attracted by the magnet that the action may be 
repeated : this weight is always very small in comparison with that 
which the magnet can support whilst in contact. In the second case 
the whole weight which the magnet can carry is employed, and use is 
made of the foree which draws it to the magnet. This can be done in 
several ways. One of them forms a very powerful electro-magnetic 
ram. I shall not fail to make known the action of this new machine, 
and hope thereby to satisfy those in particular who are endeavouring to 
set a machine in motion at the least possible expense.” 

I must confess that I cannot from this too short and uncertain de- 
scription form any clear idea of Dal Negro’s process, and I am therefore 
very curious to see his forthcoming paper. I could only clearly under- 
stand his first method of setting a lever in motion, and I determined to 
make these experiments as soon as I had finished those which I had 


previously commenced. I hastened the completion of the apparatus so 
that I was enabled to exhibit it before the Mechanics’ Society on the 
18th of January. The construction of it is as follows (Plate VII.): 
On asmall board A‘ A’, resting on four feet, are placed the two si- 
milar electro-magnets GG'; each of them weighs about the 3th part of 
a pound, and is wound round with 80 convolutions of copper wire of 
0°5 line in diameter, covered with silk: they can be made to recede 
from or approach each other, and are fixed in their places by wooden 
screws J J'. The board has in the middle a hole BB, cut in it where 
the poles lie; in this a frame EE is hung, made out of four laths joined 
together, forming an oblong, of which the long sides are vertical. Under 
the upper side, and parallel with it, is the iron cylinder or armature K K’. 
Fixed in the side laths, and about 14 inch below it, is placed a stout 
iron wire F parallel with the cylinder and passing through the sides 
of the frame, and two pieces of wood C C fixed in the under side of 
the board A!A!; this wire serves as an axis, which allows to the frame 
a pendulum-like motion. That part of the frame which is below the 
axis is twice as long as the upper part, and weights O O may be placed 
on its base EE". The electric current was conveyed to the elec- 
tro-magnets through a gyrotrope PP, standing on the board A A, 
which serves as a basis to the whole machine. The wires from the elec- 
tromotors are connected with the two middle cups of mercury dd’, in 
each of which dips the central portion of a wire bent into the form of 
an anchor QQ. These two wires are fixed to a wooden bow, by the 
motion of which the alternate ends of the two bent wires dip either into 
the cups on the one side or into those on the other; into the one cup 
d, dip the wires from f, coming from the one plate of the electromotor; 
and into the other cup d', those from the other plate. The motion of 
this bow is effected in a very simple way by means of the motion of 
the frame E E’ E’', so that when the iron cylinder is attracted by the 
electro-magnet on the right hand, the bow of the gyrotrope is driven 
by the lower part of the frame to the left hand, by which motion the 
left-hand electro-magnet is brought into action. The working of this 
little self-acting apparatus is so quick and efficient, that another small 
machine, for instance, a wheel, might very easily be set in motion by 
it. Before the result was quite successful, there was still another dif- 
ficulty to be overcome. It is a well-known fact that electro-magnets, 
when the connexion of the wires with the electromotors is interrupted, 
do not instantly lose all their magnetism, but are capable of carrying a 
considerable weight for some time. The bad effects which this remain- 
ing magnetism would have on the motion of the armature between the 
two electro-magnets would undoubtedly be greatly counteracted by the 
magnets being placed with the dissimilar poles opposite to each other. 
In this form of arrangement it is evident that the magnet in action 


would be much stronger, and assist in destroying the remaining weaker 
magnetism in the other magnet. There would therefore be a moment 
when the magnetism became = 0, and at that moment I expected that 
the armature would be disengaged, and then be attracted to the active 
electro-magnet. However, this interval was of such momentary du- 
ration that the armature remained attached to the passive magnet. I 
then took, instead of the armature of soft iron, a steel magnet of exactly 
the same form and shape, and placed it so that its poles were always 
opposite to the similar poles of the electro-magnets; but even with 
this alteration the same result took place; it also happened when the 
electric current was sent at the same time, but in an opposite direction, 
to the other electro-magnet. As the power of the electro-magnet was 
considerably greater than that of the steel magnet, I could not expect 
to obtain more powerful effects than I had obtained with the soft iron. 
At last I determined to prevent any possible contact between the arma- 
ture and the electro-magnets: this I effected by wrapping the armature 
up in paper, so as always to keep it at a small distance from the poles 
of the magnet. The result was now quite satisfactory. I also enveloped 
the steel magnet in the same way, and it appeared to me that with the 
first-mentioned armature the motion was quicker and more energetic 
than with the latter. If we consider that electro-magnets have already 
been made which were capable of carrying 20 ewt., and that there is 
no reason to doubt that they may be made infinitely more powerful, I 
think I may assert boldly that electro-magnetism may certainly be em- 
ployed for the purpose of moving machines. 

On the Influence of a Spiral Conductor in increasing the In- 
tensity of Electricity from a Galvanic Arrangement of a 
Single Pair, &c. By Professor Henry, of New Jersey, 

In the American Journal of Science for July 1832, I announced a 
fact in Galvanism which I believe had never before been published. 
The same fact, however, appears to have been since observed by Mr. 
Faraday, and has lately been noticed by him in the November number 
of the London and Edinburgh Journal of Science for 1834. 

The phenomenon as described by me is as follows: “ When asmall 

* Read before the American Philosophical Society, Feb. 6th, 1835.—This 
has been annexed to the preceding papers as being referred to in them, and as 
a slight notice of it only has appeared in this country: see Phil. Mag. and 
Annals, vol. x. p. 314. 


battery is moderately excited by diluted acid, and its poles, terminated 
by cups of mercury, are connected by a copper wire not more than a 
_ foot in length, no spark is perceived when the connexion is either formed 
or broken; but if a wire thirty or forty feet long be used instead of the 
short wire, though no spark will be perceptible when the connexion is 
made, yet when it is broken by drawing one end of the wire from its 
cup of mercury, a vivid spark is produced. If the action of the battery 
be very intense, a spark will be given by a short wire; in this case it is 
only necessary to wait a few minutes until the action partially subsides, 
or no more sparks are given; if the long wire be now substituted, a 
spark will again be obtained. The effect appears somewhat increased 
by coiling the wire into a helix; it seems also to depend in some mea- 
sure on the length and thickness of the wire. I can account for these 
phenomena only by supposing the long wire to become charged with 
electricity, which, by its reaction on itself, projects a spark when the 
connexion is broken*.” 

The above was published immediately before my removal from Al- 
bany to Princeton ; and new duties interrupted for a time the further 
prosecution of the subject. I have, however, been able during the past 
year to resume in part my investigations, and among others, have made 
a number of observations and experiments which develop some new 
circumstances in reference to this curious phenomenon. 

These, though not as complete as I could wish, are now presented 
to the Society, with the belief that they will be interesting at this time 
on account of the recent publication of Mr. Faraday on the same sub- 

The experiments are not given in the precise order in which they 
were first made, but in that which I deem best suited to render them 
easily understood; they have, however, been repeated for publication 
in almost the same order in which they are here given. 

1. A galvanic battery, consisting of a single plate of zinc and copper, 
and exposing one and a half square feet of zine surface, including both 
sides of the plate, was excited with diluted sulphuric acid, and then 
permitted to stand until the intensity of the action became nearly con- 
stant. The poles connected by a piece of copper bell-wire, of the ordi- 
nary size and five inches long, gave no spark when the contact was 

2. A long portion of wire, from the same piece with that used in the 
last experiment, was divided into equal lengths of fifteen feet, by making 
a loop at each division, which could be inserted into the cups of mer- 
eury on the poles of the battery. These loops being amalgamated, and 
dipped in succession into one of the cups while the first end of the wire 

* Silliman’s Journal, vol. xxii. page 408. 


constantly remained in the other, the effect was noted. The first length, 
or fifteen feet, gave a very feeble spark, which was scarcely perceptible. 
The second, or thirty feet, produced a spark a little more intense, and 
the effect constantly increased with each additional length, until one 
hundred and twenty feet were used; beyond this there was no percep- 
tible increase ; and a wire of two hundred and forty feet gave a spark 
of rather less intensity. From other observations I infer, that the length 
necessary to produce a maximum result, varies with the intensity of the 
action of the battery, and also with its size. 

3. With equal lengths of copper wire of unequal diameters, the effect 
was greater with the larger: this also appears to depend in some de- 
gree on the size of the battery. 

4. A length of about forty feet of the wire used in experiments first 
and second, was covered with silk, and coiled into a cylindrical helix of 
about two inches in height and the same in diameter. This gave a more 
intense spark than the same wire when uncoiled. 

5. A ribbon of sheet copper, nearly an inch wide and twenty-eight 
and a half feet long, was covered with silk, and rolled into a flat spiral 
similar to the form in which woollen binding is found in commerce. 
With this a vivid spark was produced, accompanied by a loud snap. 
The same ribbon uncoiled gave a feeble spark, similar in intensity to 
that produced by the wire in experiment third. When coiled again, the 
snap was produced as at first. This was repeated many times in suc- 
cession, and always with the same result. 

6. To test still further the influence of coiling, a second ribbon was 
procured precisely similar in length and in all other respects to the one 
used in the last experiment. The effect was noted with one of these 
coiled into a flat spiral and the other uncoiled, and again with the first 
uncoiled and the second coiled. When uncoiled, each gave a feeble 
spark of apparently equal intensity ; when coiled, a loud snap. One of 
these ribbons was next doubled into two equal strands, and then rolled 
into a double spiral with the point of doubling at the centre. By this 
arrangement, the electricity, in passing through the spiral, would move 
in opposite directions in each contiguous spire, and it was supposed that 
in this case the opposite actions which might be produced would neu- 
tralize each other. The result was in accordance with the anticipation : 
the double spiral gave no spark whatever, while the other ribbon coiled 
into a single spiral produced as before aloud snap. Lest the effect might 
be due to some accidental touching of the different spires, the double 
spiral was covered with an additional coating of silk, and also the other 
ribbon was coiled in the same manner; the effect with both was the 

7. In order to increase if possible the intensity of the spark while the 
battery remained the same, larger spirals were applied in succession. 


_ The effect was increased, until one of ninety-six feet long, an inch and 
a half wide, and weighing fifteen pounds, was used. The snap from 
this was so loud that it could be distinctly heard in an adjoining room 
with the intervening door closed. Want of materials has prevented me 
from trying a larger spiral conductor than this ; but it is probable that 
there is a length which, with a given quantity and intensity of galvanism, 
would produce a maximum effect. When the size of the battery is 

increased, a much greater effect is produced with the same spiral. 
Thus when the galvanic apparatus described in the first article is ar- 
ranged as a calorimotor of eight pairs, the snap produced on breaking 
contact with the spiral last described resembled the discharge of a 
small Leyden jar highly charged. 

8. A handle of thick copper was soldered on each end of the large 
spiral at right angles to the ribbon, similar to those attached to the 
wires in Pixii’s magneto-electric machine for giving shocks. When one 
of these was grasped by each hand and the contact broken, a shock was 
received which was felt at the elbows; and this was repeated as often 
as the contact was broken. This shock is rather a singular pheenome- 

non, since it appears to be produced by a lateral discharge, and it is 
therefore important to determine its direction in reference to the pri- 
mary current. 

9. A shock is also received when the copper of the battery is grasped 
by one hand, and the handle attached to the copper pole of the ribbon 
with the other. This may be called the direct shock, since it is pro- 
duced by a part of the direct current. It is, however, far less intense 
than that produced by the lateral discharge. 

10. When the poles were joined by two coils connected by a cup of 
mercury between them, a spark was produced by breaking the circuit 
at the middle point; and when a pair of platina wires was introduced 
into the circuit with the large coil and immersed in a solution of acid, 
decomposition took place in the liquid at each rupture of contact, as 
was shown by a bubble of gas given off at each wire. It must be re- 
collected that the shocks and the decomposition here described were 
_ produced by the electricity from a single pair of plates. 

_ 11. The contact with the poles of the battery and the large spiral 
being broken in a vessel containing a mixture of hydrogen and atmo- 
spheric air, an explosion was produced. 

I should also mention that the spark is generally attended with a de- 
flagration of the mercury, and that when the end of the spiral is brought 
in contact with the edge of the copper cup or the plate of the battery, 
a vivid deflagration of the metal takes place. The sides of the cup 
sometimes give a spark when none can be drawn from the surface of 
the mercury. This circumstance requires to be guarded against when 
_ experimenting on the comparative intensities of sparks from different 


arrangements. If the battery formerly described* be arranged as a ca= 
lorimotor, and one end of a large spiral conductor be attached to one 
pole, and the other end drawn along the edge of the connector, a series 
of loud and rapid explosions is produced, accompanied by a brilliant de- 
flagration of the metal; and this takes place when the excitement of the 
battery is too feeble to heat to redness a small platina wire. 

12. A number of experiments were made to determine the effect of 
introducing a cylinder of soft iron into the axis of the flat spiral, in 
reference to the shock, the spark, &c.; but no difference could be ob- 
served with the large spiral conductor; the effect of the iron was 
merged in that of the spiral. When, however, one of the smaller rib- 
bons was formed into a hollow cylindrical helix of about nine inches 
long, and a cylinder of soft iron an inch and a half in diameter was 
inserted, the spark appeared a little more intense than without the iron. 
The obliquity of the spires in this case was unfavourable to their mutual 
action, while the magnetism was greater than with the flat spiral, since 
the conductor closely surrounded the whole length of the cylinder. 

I would infer, from these experiments, that some effects heretofore 
attributed to magneto-electric action are chiefly due to the reaction on 
each other of the several spires of the coil which surround the magnet. 

13. One of the most singular results in this investigation was first 
obtained in operating with a large galvanic battery. The whole in- 
strument was arranged as a calorimotor of eight pairs, and a large 
spiral conductor introduced into the circuit, while a piece of thick 
copper wire about five inches long united the poles. In this state 
an explosion or loud snap was produced, not only when the contact 
was broken at the spiral, but also when one end of the short wire 
at the other extremity of the apparatus was drawn from its cup. 
All the other short moveable connectors of the battery gave a similar 
result. When the spiral was removed from the circuit and a short wire 
substituted, no effect of the kind was produced. From this experiment 
it appears that the influence of the spiral is exerted through at least 
eight alternations of zine, acid, and copper, and thus gives to a short 
wire at the other extremity of the circuit the power of producing a 

14. The influence of the coil was likewise manifest when the zine 
and copper plates of a single pair were separated from each other to 
the distance of fourteen inches in a trough without partitions, filled 
with diluted acid. Although the electrical intensity in this case must 
have been very low, yet there was but little reduction in the apparent 
intensity of the spark. 

* This battery consisted of eighty-eight elements or pairs, composed of plates 
of rolled zine nearly one-eighth of an inch thick, nine inches wide, and twelve 
inches long, inserted into copper cases open at top and bottom. 


15. The spiral conductor produces, however, little or no increase of 
effect when introduced into a galvanic circuit of considerable intensity, 
Thus when the large spiral used in experiment seventh, eighth, &c. was 
made to connect the poles of two Cruikshank’s troughs, each containing 
fifty-six four-inch plates, no greater effect was perceived than with a 
short thick wire: in both cases in making the contact a feeble spark 
was given, attended with a slight deflagration of the mereury. The 
batteries at the same time were in sufficiently intense action to give a 
disagreeable shock. It is probable, however, that if the length of the 
coil were increased in some proportion to the increase of intensity, an 
increased effect would still be produced. 

In operating with the apparatus described in the last experiment, a 
phznomenon was observed in reference to the action of the battery 
itself, which I do not recollect to have seen mentioned, although it is 
intimately connected with the facts of magneto-electricity, as well as 
with the subject of these investigations, viz. When the body is made to 
form a part of a galvanic circuit composed of a number of elements, a 
shock is, of course, felt at the moment of completing the circuit. If 
the battery be not very large, little or no effect will be perceived during 
the uninterrupted circulation of the galvanic current; but if the circuit 
_ be interrupted by breaking the contact at any point, a shock will be felt 
at the moment, nearly as intense as that given when the contact was 
first formed. The secondary shock is rendered more evident, when 
the battery is in feeble action, by placing in the mouth the end of one 
of the wires connected with the poles; a shock and flash of light will 
be perceived when the circuit is completed, and also the same when 
the contact is broken at any point; but nothing of the kind will be per- 
ceived in the intermediate time, although the circuit may continue un- 
interrupted for some minutes. This I consider an important fact in 
reference to the action of the voltaic current. 

The phznomena described in this paper appear to be intimately con- 
nected with those of magneto-electricity, and this opinion I advanced 
with the announcement of the first fact of these researches in the Ame- 
rican Journal of Science. They may, I conceive, be all referred to that 
“species of dynamical Induction discovered by Mr. Faraday, which pro- 
duces the following phenomenon, namely: when two wires, A and B, 
are placed side by side, but not in contact, and a voltaic current is 
passed through A, there is a current produced in B, but in'an opposite 
direction. The current in B exists only for an instant, although the 
current in A may be indefinitely continued ; but if the current in A be 
stopped, there is produced in B a second current, in an opposite direc- 
tion however to the first current. 

The above fundamental fact in magneto-electricity appears to me to be 
a direct consequence of the statical principles of “Electrical Induction” 


as mathematically investigated by Cavendish, Poisson, and others. When 
the two wires A and B are in their natural state, an equilibrium is 
sustained by the attractions and repulsions of the two fluids in each 
wire; or, according to the theory of Franklin and Cavendish, by the 
attractions and repulsions of the one fluid, and the matter of the two 
wires. Ifa current of free electricity be passed through A, the natural 
equilibrium of B will be disturbed for an instant, in a similar manner 
to the disturbance of the equilibrium in an insulated conductor by the 
sudden addition of fluid to a contiguous conductor. On account of the 
repulsive action of the fluid, the current in B will have an opposite 
direction to that in A; and if the intensity of action remains constant, 
a new state of equilibrium will be assumed. ‘The second state, how- 
ever, of B may perhaps be regarded as one of tension; and as soon as 
the extra action ceases in it, the fluid in B will resume its natural state 
of distribution, and thus a returning current for an instant be pro- 
duced. ; 

The action of the spiral conductor in producing sparks is but another 
case of the same action; for since action and reaction are equal and in — 
contrary directions, if a current established in A produces a current in 
an opposite direction in B, then a current transmitted through B should 
accelerate or increase the intensity of a current already existing in the 
same direction in A. In this way the current in the several successive 
spires of the coil may be conceived to accelerate, or to tend to accelerate 
each other; and when the contact is broken, the fluid of the first spire 
is projected from it with intensity by the repulsive action of the fluid in 
all the succeeding spires. 

In the case of the double spiral conductor, in experiment sixth, the 
fluid is passing in an opposite direction ; and according to the same 
views, a retardation or decrease of intensity should take place. 

The phenomenon of the secondary shock with the battery appears 
to me to be a consequence of the law of Mr. Faraday. The parts of 
the human body contiguous to those through which the principal cur- 
rent is passing, may be considered as in the state of the second wire B; 
when the principal current ceases, a shock is produced by the returning 
current of the natural electricity of the body. 

If this explanation be correct, the same principle will readily account 
for a curious phenomenon discovered several years since by Savary, but 
which I believe still remains an isolated fact. When a current is trans- 
mitted through a wire, and a number of small needles are placed trans- 
verse to it, but at different distances, the direction of the magnetic 
polarity of the needles varies with their distance from the conducting 
wire. The action is also periodical; diminishing as the distance in- 
creases, until it becomes zero; the polarity of the needles is then in- 
verted, acquires a maximum, decreases to zero again, and then resumes 


a the first polarity ; several alternations of this kind being observed *. 
Now this is precisely what would take place if we suppose that the 
principal current induces a secondary one in an opposite direction in 
__ the air surrounding the conductor, and this again another in an oppo- 
_ site direction at a great distance, and so on. The needles at different 
distances would be acted on by the different currents, and thus the 

_ phzenomena described be produced. 

The action of the spiral is also probably connected with the fact in 
commion electricity called the lateral discharge: and likewise with an 
appearance discovered some years since by Nobili, of a vivid light, pro- 

_ duced when a Leyden jar is discharged through a flat spiral. 

The foregoing views are not presumed to be given as exhibiting the 
actual operation of nature in producing the phenomena described, but 
rather as the hypotheses which have served as the basis of my investi- 
gations, and which may further serve as formule from which to deduce 
new consequences to be established or disproved by experiment. 

Many points of this subject are involved in an obscurity which requires 
more precise and extended investigation ; we may, however, confidently 
anticipate much additional light from the promised publication of Mr. 
Faraday’s late researches in this branch o science. 

* Cumming’s Demonferrande, p. 247; also Edinburgh Journal, October 


[For an account of some recent investigations relative to the subject of the 
preceding Articles, the reader is referred to ‘“‘ An Inquiry into the Possibility and 

dyantage of the Application of Magnetism as a Moving Power: By the Rev. 
James William M‘Gauley, in the Report of the Dublin Meeting of the British 
Association, 1835.” See Phil. Mag. and Annals, vol. vii. p.306. A further 
communication was made by the same gentleman at the Bristol Meeting, 1836, 

Vor. I—Panr IV. ap 



A singular case of the Equilibrium of Incompressible Fluids ; 
by M. Osrroagrapsky. 

(Read to the Academy of St. Petersburgh, February 19, 1836.) 

From “ Mémoires de l' Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg,” 
vol. iii. part 3. 

ly mechanics there is no other distinction made between different 
bodies or different systems of bodies, besides that which relates to their 
masses, their positions, and their possible displacements. These displace- 
ments, together with the mass or quantity of the inertia of each element 
being given, we have all that is requisite as well as indispensable to en- 
able us to treat of the equilibrium and movement of any system. 

That a system subjected to the action of any forces may remain in 
equilibrio, it is necessary that the forces should be incapable of pro- 
ducing any of those displacements of which the system is susceptible. 
Now, as the forces, though capable of producing all the displacements 
of which the whole momentum is positive, are yet unable to produce 
any of those which correspond to the zero or the negative momentum, 
the equilibrium of the system consequently requires that the whole mo- 
mentum should be zero or negative for all the possible displacements. 
From this leading principle we may in the easiest and simplest manner 
derive the condition of equilibrium of a system without knowing any- 
thing more than the masses and the possible displacements. More par- 
ticularly with respect to the equilibrium of liquids, we have, for instance, 
no need of the experimental principle known by the name of the prin- 
ciple of egual pressure, which, before the publication of the Mécanique 
Analytique, mathematicians were accustomed to consider as the basis of 
the theory of the equilibrium of fluids. It is sufficient to know how a 
liquid mass can be displaced, and this is the only datum by means of 
which, in the Mécanique Analytique, the equations relative to the equi- 
librium of liquids are deduced. But Lagrange having neglected the 
consideration of the displacements, accompanied by an augmentation 
of volume, though such displacements are evidently possible, was un- 
able to deduce from his analysis the essential condition, that the quan- 
tity which represents the pressure must necessarily be positive. This 
condition being added, the theory of Lagrange will be the most satis- 
factory of all those in which the liquids are considered as continu- 
ous masses ; and if there is anything further to be remarked, it is that 
the incompressibility of the differential parallelopipeds is there taken as 
the condition of the incompressibility of the fluid, though it should be 


directly expressed that any portion (whether finite or infinitely small) 
of the liquid mass cannot be diminished. It is undoubtedly true that, 
as any volume may be supposed to consist of differential elements, the 
incompressibility of these elements involves that of the volume as a 
necessary consequence. But it would still be desirable to see how the 
calculus would directly express the incompressibility of any portion of 
the liquid volume. 

In order to show this, let x, y, z represent the coordinates of a point 
of the liquid, which, because of their variability, will belong to alk 
points. Any portion of the liquid volume may then be denoted by the 

expression Bf dx dy dz, the integral being taken between the proper 
limits. It will then be necessary to find an expression which will re- 
present Jf dx dy dz as suffering no diminution during any displace- 

ment that the liquid undergoes. For this purpose, let da, dy, dz re- 
present the projection of the space which the point (a, y, z) should 
have traversed in consequence of a displacement either actually made 
or only supposed in the liquid, on the coordinate axes 2, y, z respect- 
ively. The point would after the displacement (whether positive 
or not) correspond to the coordinates x + da, y +4 y, z + 02, which, 
for the sake of brevity, we shall represent by X, Y, Z respectively. 

Every other point of the volume fi dx dy dz being similarly dis- 

placed, the whole volume would assume another position in space, and 
its different points would be determined by the coordinates X, Y, Z, 
which may be regarded as functions (of 2, y, 2) altogether arbitrary. 

The volume dx dy dz would, in its new position, become 

i S dX dY dZ, and consequently undergo the variation {1 aXdYdZ 


- f dx dy dz, which we are now about to develop. 

In order to effect a better comparison of the integrals dXdYdZ 
and ff dx dy dz with one another, we must reduce them to the same 

variables and the same limits. This will be done by transforming 
X, Y, Z into x, y,z by means of the known formule. For this pur- 
pose we have 

adXdYdZ= 15 OX aZ dX dVaZ waxed tae 

dady dz dxdzdy' dydzdzx 

_dXdVadZ , dXavaZ 
dy dx dz dzdxdy 

dex z 
dz dy dx Bae? 



and the variation of the volume will consequently become 
@AXdYdZ dXdYdZ  adXdYdZ dXdYdZ 

dXdVdZ. @X4V42 sy, ay aes 
dzdxdy dzdydx i ets 
by substituting for X, Y, Z their values 7 + da, y+ dy,2 +42, and 
rejecting (on the same principle as they are rejected in the differential 
calculus) all the infinitely small quantities, except those of the lowest 

order, we have as the variation of the volume 

déx  ddy , ddz 
du dy | dz 
or, if we consider the possible displacement alone, the volume can only 
increase or continue unchanged. The foregoing variation must then be 
either zero or positive for all the possible displacements, and must be so 
whatever be the volume under consideration, that is to say, whatever 
be the limits of the integral 

dia  dty ,déz 

—— + —+ dzxdy dz: 

8 (G2 +9 +F) Se od 

which cannot be the case unless we have 

dda  ddydbz 

Wa ty ae 
for all possible displacements. We might have employed the polar or 
any other coordinates whatever. We might likewise, if it were neces- 
sary, express the invariability of a portion of a mass, &c. 

The geometers who have treated of the equilibrium of fluids in Euler’s 
manner have considered the equilibrium of the differential parallelopi- 
peds also, but the equilibrium might be determined for any portion of 
the volume, whether finite or infinitely small. Let us imagine, in the 
interior of the liquid, any volume at pleasure. The condition of equi- 
librium of this volume must be established in virtue of the moving forces 
applied to it and of the pressures on its surface. If we employ dm to 
represent an element of its mass answering to the coordinates 2, y, 2, 
and X, Y, Z to represent the accelerative forces parallel to the coordi- 
nate axes, the moving forces will be Xdm, Ydm, Zdm, and even 
other elements will be acted upon by similar forces. 

This being supposed, let p be the pressure at the surface of the vo- 
lume in question. If ds represents an element of this surface, and 
A, wv the angles formed with the coordinate axes by the normal to 
ds produced beyond the volume, p ds will be the pressure sustained 
by the element ds, and —pceos.Ads, —pcospds, — pcosyds 
the components of that pressure. Now, each element of the volume 

S )ax dy dz: 

7 =0 


being subject to the action of the forces X d m, Y dm, Z dm, and each 
element of the surface to that of the forees —p cos.Ads, — pcospds 
— peosy ds, the equilibrium of the volume must be determined by the 
mass of the invariable system. For this purpose we shall suppose that 
the volume has become inflexible, and is invariably connected with the 
origin of the coordinates: we shall transfer to that point all the forces 
Xdm, Ydm, Zdm, —pds cosa, — pds cosp, — pds cosy, and 
consider the couples to which this transfer will give rise. All the forces 
transferred to the origin of the coordinates will be reduced to three. 

Sf Xam —fpas cos A 
Sf van— pds cos 
Stam — pds cosy 

which must vanish in case of equilibrium. This being supposed, we 

J xan =f pas cos A 
J vam=fpas COS PEI gots ie ot hts) 
Stdna=f pas COS ¥ 

The integrals which contain the element (dm) of the mass are re- 
ferred to the entire volume of the liquid, and those which contain ds 
have reference only to the surface of that volume. The forces X d m, 
Ydm, Zdm, in consequence of being transferred to the origin of the 
coordinates, will give the couples (2 Y — y X) dm, (yZ —zY) dm, 
(«X —xZ) dm, which will be found respectively in the planes of 
zy,yz,zx. The forces —pds cosa, —pdscosp, — pds cosy 
will likewise give, in the coordinate planes, the couples 

— (cos.A — ycosp) pds, — (ycos.v —z cosp) pds, 
— (zcosA — x cosy) pds. 

The momenta of all the couples situated in the plane of wy being 
added together, and those of the couples situated in the planes of y z 
and za being likewise added together, all the couples will thus be 
reduced to three. 

S@x-y® dm =f (x e0s — y cos.) pds 
S (y%-2Y)dm — f(y cos .v— 2008p) pds 
S (eX =02) am — f (2008 — wos.) pds 


As these must vanish in case of equilibrium, we have 
S @¥-y%) dm = [ (xeos.u —y.cos.a) pds 
SJ yt=2%) am =f (ycos-1 = 2 005-4)pas sive) 

J ex—2t) am = [ (20os.2— x 008 4) pds. 

Now if we have an integral such as 

S(t9 aot dR Pink 

P, Q, R being functions of x, y, z,. aay dw a differential volume, and 
if this integral is to be taken in the extent of a volume V, we shall have, 
as is known, 

dP od dR 
S(t t at Tz) de=f Peos. A+Qecos.u~+Reos.v)ds. 

The latter integral is taken only for the surface of the volume. We 
shall have as a consequence of the foregoing formula 

d Dae ae 
pdscos.A= da ¢” 

Sfeeeos ue y cosa) pds _f («#2 sia, -~y 5) de 
Sve. yv—zcos.u)pds =f"(¥3 aay) dw 
fieeos.r—aeos.rypasaf (24 a dw 

The equations of equilibrium (1) and (2) will become 

f[xanaf Gee 
fia=fZ dw 
e y 
[tinal Gre 
J YE Sih) bs dP 
SJ@yv-yanz= f 0-9 a,) de 



Lew.” tn 

eli 3 


futz-zan=f (ve -7 ) & 
Pps p 
Sfex-etyamafe 2g ~ 8 Ge) de, 

and as the preceding equations must arise, whatever may be the limits 
of the integrals, we must necessarily have 

cp eat 

‘ple REET LN 

Zdm = 5 di, 

dm d dP 3 
or (by making 7— =¢) 7e=e& Ge =O = eZ: 
¢, which expresses the ratio of the mass dm to the volume of dw, is 
but the expression of the density. 

Let us now particularly consider a homogeneous liquid, the surface 
of which is entirely free and suffers no external pressure, we shall have 
at first for all the elements of the liquid, whatever dx, dy, dz may be, 

and then, for the surface 

The last equation shows that the resultant of X, Y, Z is normal to 
the surface of the liquid. It is obvious that in the expression X dx 
+Ydy-+ Zdz, the differentials dx, dy, dz belong to the passage from 
a molecule of the surface to another molecule situated also at the sur- 
face ; but if we passed from a molecule at the surface to a molecule si- 
tuated in the interior, we should have Xda+Ydy+Zdz70; 
which requires that the resultant of X, Y, Z should be directed towards 
the interior of the liquid mass. Thus it appears necessary for the equi- 
librium of a homogeneous liquid mass, that the differential Xd 2 +Ydy 
+ Zdz should be exact for all the points of the mass, that the result- 
ant of the forces X, Y, Z should be normal to the surface in all the 
elements of the surface, and that it should always act in the direction 
of the interior of the liquid. If these conditions are not fulfilled, it 
might be supposed that the liquid mass could never remain in equilibrio. 
I have, however, observed a case in which, although the last of these 
conditions is not satisfied, yet there is certainly an equilibrium. 

Let us suppose that the liquid forms a spherical shell of any given 
thickness, and that each of its molecules is attracted towards the centre 
by a force proportioned to a function of the distance between the 


molecule and the centre, the equilibrium will necessarily take place. 
For the molecules situated at the same distance from the centre of at- 
traction must all be moved in the same manner: if one of them ap- 
proaches the centre all the others must approach it also, and within the 
same distance; and they cannot approach it in such a manner, that all of 
those situated on the same spherical surface described from the centre 
of attraction would retain the same motion ; for the consequence of this - 
would be a diminution of volume. The liquid will thus remain in equi- 
librio; but it is evident that the force which attracts each molecule 
situated in the interior surface of the shell has its direction outside of 
the liquid mass. Let f(r) represent the attractions, a the radius of 
the inferior surface, and 6 the radius of the superior surface, we shall 

p=f'f(ar= “£0 dr. 

The pressure on the inferior surface will then be if f(r) dr, and 
e/ a 


this pressure certainly differs from zero, a fact which is contrary to the 
generally received opinion. 

Here then we have a singular case of equilibrium, which the esta- 
blished theory of liquids is not sufficient to explain, and which shows 
therefore that this theory is not yet sufficiently comprehensive. 



On the Origin of Organic Matter from simple Perceptible 
Matter, and on Organic Molecules and Atoms; together 
with some Remarks on the Power of Vision of the Human 
Eye; by Prof. C. G. Exrensere. 

(From Poggendorff’s dnnalen der Physik und Chemie, vol. xxiv. p. 1.*) 

Tuere have been philosophers who have considered the magnitude 
of the elementary particles of bodies not to be so extremely minute as 
to be beyond the reach of the human senses; and there have been che- 
mists who have conceived it to be possible to follow the successive 
combinations of the primitive substances or simple matter up to the for- 
mation of living organisms, indeed, have even given them a place in the 

_ class of observed facts. Others have thought that they perceived a 



peculiar process of fermentation, the product of which was the forma- 
tion of minute animal and vegetable bodies, and to which process the 
name of infusorial fermentation has been given. The probability of 
obtaining organic bodies by chemico-synthetical means has of late 
gained ground chiefly because we had advanced so far as the prepara- 
tion, almost synthetical in appearance, of some organic products by 
chemical means, and haye observed galvanic processes or capillary ac- 
tions, which are very similar to, perhaps quite the same as, certain or- 
ganic phenomena. As this is one of the most interesting and import- 
ant subjects of human inquiry, and has excited hopes of great and 
speedy results, it may be useful, in order that our inquiries may not de- 
viate from the right road, to direct the attention of philosophers and 
chemists to some physiological experiments which Iread in the Academy 
of Sciences of Berlin, and which I made known last year in a zoological 
memoir, extracts of which have been given in other journals devoted to 
physics, but which, so to speak, I myself will endeavour to clothe in 
a physical dress. 

I. Critical examination of the GENERATIO AEQUIVOCA. 

I have for a long series of years been occupied in investigating the 
conditions of the generatio equivoca of organic bodies. For this pur- 
pose it was necessary to subject to careful observation, as to their vital 
relations and primitive conditions, those organic bodies of whose origin 
a generatio primitiva or spontanea is asserted. 

1. Fungi.—By careful examinations of the fungi and of mould, the 

* The Editor is indebted for the translation and communication of this paper 
to Mr. W. Francis. 


systematic result of which I made known in the year 1818 in an inau- 
gural dissertation, under the title Sylve Mycologice Berolinenses, 1 
first discovered, in 1819, the real germination of the seeds of fungi and 
of mould, which has indeed been of late hypothetically received and 
described here and there, but of which the experiments and correct 
observations of the meritorious Florentine botanist, Micheli (1788), 
adduced in support of it, furnish no satisfactory proof. He saw, 
for instance, fungi grow where he had purposely sowed supposed 
seeds; but it is known that often fungi are found where no seeds have 
been purposely sown ; and it remained doubtful to every accurate natu- 
ralist, whether, notwithstanding the precautions related by Micheli, 
those fungi had really origmated from the so-called seeds which had 
been sown, or whether both the intended sowing and the origination of 
similar fungi coincided in time and place, solely because the conditions 
necessary to the generatio spontanea were promoted by it. The more 
important and influential the consequences were which might be sup- 
ported by these observations, the more necessary it was to submit them 
to rigid criticism. The complete investigation of the germination of 
single seeds and their growth could alone remove the doubt, which ne- 
cessarily increased with the general diffusion of the idea of a generatio 
spontanea, of the correctness of that observation ; and this nobody had 
made. I at that time followed up these ideas with more careful ob- 
servations than those of Micheli, and was so fortunate as not only to 
establish the fact, but also to discover the conditions under which the 
observation of the real germination of mould seeds may easily be re- 
peated at pleasure in every forty-eight hours. 

I made known these experiments in 1820, in a German notice in the 
Regensburger Flora, or Botanical Journal, part II. page 535, and more 
completely in a Latin paper (De Mycetogenesi Epistola. Neesio ab 
Esenbeck seripsit Ehrenberg. Nova Acta Nat. Cur., vol. x.) addressed 
to the President of the Leopold’s Academy of Bonn. I have there given 
figures of the seeds of fungi, their germination and their gradual de- 
velopment, to the completion and formation of fresh seeds ; and the same 
experiments have been repeated by several others (see Fr. Nees Von 
Esenbeck in the Flora or Bot. Journal, 1820, page 531, and Schilling, 
in Kastner's Archiv, vol. x. p.429. 1827. The latter gives the obser- 
vation in 1827 as his own discovery). With this observation the ten- 
dence of the fungi and mould to a cyclical development was established, 
and the necessity of a generatio primitiva was removed as far from 
those as from other plants. These small bodies, which withdraw 
themselves from common view, entered into the series of the other 
greater natural bodies, so that the strangeness of their frequently enig- 
matical appearance may be referred to the requisite fineness of obser- 
vation, and the insurmountable difficulty of such observation in open 
nature, whilst a piece of rotten wood and a single rotten pear, &¢., as a 


soil for their growth, permit us to have before our eyes, in our room, the 
cycle of the development of these forms. 

Continued investigations of the most minute organized beings have 
of late more and more confirmed me in the opinion that, not only in all 
these forms, besides the supposed generatio spontanea, a cyclical deve- 
lopment may be ascertained by examination, but they even compel me 
to declare that all observations and experiments in support of the gene- 
ratio spontanea are by no means sufficiently careful and faultless to 
produce conviction; and that the idea of a generatio primitiva of or- 
ganic bodies, to have the value of an ascertained fact, must be proved 
afresh by more accurate observations. 

2. Intestinal Worms.—The idea of the generatio primitiva being 
founded not on the fungi and moulds alone, but more particularly on 
the inexplicable origin of the intestinal worms and the infusoria, I at a 
subsequent period especially directed the whole of my attention to these 
forms. In the years 1820 to 1826, and in 1829, I collected, in my 
voyages in Africa, Western Asia, and Siberia, as many geographical ob- 
servations as possible of all the smallest existing organisms; and by 
means of the great quantity of my unbiassed observations pursued for 
so many years under very different circumstances, I became more and 
more disinclined to the notion of the generatio spontanea, as I acquired 
a far clearer insight into the highly perfect organization of these so- 
called organic ultimate forms, molecules, or minutest organic beings, 
which has disproved the necessity of their primitive origin, and opposes 
to it possibilities and realities entirely different. 

On examining the intestinal worms, I everywhere found the entire 
structure of almost all these animals so decidedly adapted to an oviparous 
propagation, that I should rather be led to ascribe the apparent anomaly 
and mysteriousness in their origin to their essential relation to the inner 
parts of living animal bodies to which they are limited, and the great 
difficulty of the direct observation of their cyclical development arising 
from that cause, than to an entirely peculiar power of nature, which is 
in action there alone where human investigations are excluded and the 
senses do not reach. Organs of copulation and production, clearly de- 
veloped and never deficient, and the development of which surpasses 
for the most part those of other organic systems, plainly point in the in- 
testinal worms to a predominant cyclical development, in the same man- 
ner as it is exhibited in the larger organisms, and make their generatio 
primitiva very improbable, for which indeed there is no other argument 
than the difficulty of observation. The occurrence of intestinal worms 
in the interior of organic bodies does not appear to me more remarkable 
or incomprehensible, considering the numerous frequently crude animal 
aliments beginning with the chyle and the milk, than the relative rarity 
of those parasitical organisms, considering their enormous predisposition 
to increase by eggs. We seldom find, indeed, animal bodies or human 



corpses without any worms, especially when we diligently look for them. 
We find them also as seldom in such abundance as we might expect 
from the apparent fecundity of these animals, which are not capable 
of any voluntary limit. There must therefore be great and insurmount- 
able difficulties for the development of the hundreds and thousands of 
eggs which are often found in each individual of these parasites. I 
would therefore not object to the older opinion, that the eggs of intestinal 
worms are propelled by the circulation of the fluids into all parts of the 
body, but develop themselves there only where the particular conditions 
requisite for this purpose are favourable. The smaller diameter of the 
finest vessels through which they have to pass does not appear to me 
to present any important difficulty, because these, as we see in every 
inflammation, become easily and quickly expanded as soon as they are 
irritated ; and these eggs may, as excretive bodies, like every body which 
is foreign to our organism, act in an irritative manner, and may be 
taken up by the embouchures of the absorbents and be propelled along 
with increased activity through them : that this is the case with mercury, 
pus, and other matters, has been already received as an observed fact *, 
It is even probable that the eggs of the Entozoa and their propulsion 
through the vascular system may be an important morbid matter hi- 
therto overlooked, and which causes a part of the phenomena compre- 
hended under the name scrofula. In bodies which are particularly 
favourable to the development of worms there must necessarily be an 
innumerable quantity of secreted eggs of those parasites, which, if they 
are not expelled by the intestinal canal or by the prime via, must, as 
foreign bodies, produce disorders. If the absorption takes place entirely 
or for the most part in the lymphatics, it would occasion their general 
or sole influence upon that system. Obstructions in the lymphatics, 
but especially in their reticular tissue, the glands, which lead to local 
congestions of lymph, inflammations, and morbid appearances of various 
kinds, become in this manner very easy of comprehension ; and these as- 
suredly deserve the attention of medical science, not as speculations but 
as realities. Thousands of eggs of intestinal worms, whose existence in 
many bodies cannot be denied, must perish, as they are rarely deve- 
loped in such great quantities, from the difficulty of their attaining the 
place and conditions favourable for their development; while only some, 
very often none, ever actually attain those conditions. This relative 
proportion of the number of intestinal worms and of their eggs to the 

* Miiller (Physiologie, vol. i. p.17) alleges that Ehrenberg endeavours to 
weaken the generatio equivoca of intestinal worms, but proves nothing; and, I 
think, with reason; for, according to his view, the eggs are taken up by the 
lymphatic vessels and carried to all parts of the body. But how is that possible? 
They are evidently too large to enter into the lymphatics ; and how can they cir- 
culate in those blood-vessels which are only 000025 of an inchin diameter, and 
so reach the products of secretion, such as milk, yolk, &c.? For this must be 

supposed, since intestinal worms have been found in the foetus of mammalia and 
in hens’ eggs, &c.—W. F. 


organs of the larger animals is also found to exist. There are very often 
observed in animal dissections a small number of full-grown worms, 
filled with an innumerable quantity of eggs without any young in their 
proximity ; and I was often astonished to find in the considerable num- 
ber of my dissections of animal bodies (I have brought from Africa 
alone intestinal worms of 196 species of animals, all of which I have 
myself dissected, and of some from 40 to 50 individuals, ) only a few 
alive, although these were completely filled with eggs. Thus from la- 
borious observations this opinion has become more and more firmly 
fixed in my mind, that it is much more astonishing how the great fe- 
cundity of the Entozoa should be so limited by the living organs, than 
that it should be possible that living worms should inhabit them, and, 
considering their diffusion, escape observations which are generally su- 
perficial. The Epizoa present to the observer quite a different propor- 
tion, although these can for the most part be limited voluntarily by the 
animals. The circumstances favourable to their cyclical development in 
most cases overcome those which limit it; and a careful observer might 
follow with ease the formation and development of their innumerable eggs. 
It is not the small size of the Entozoa which forms the difficulty, but 
solely their inaccessible station in the interior of living animal bodies. 
8. Infusoria.—Of an entirely different nature is the difficulty of ob- 
servation in the Infusoria, the third strong hold of the generatio equi- 
voca: it lies in their minute size. Observations of Infusoria, which 
I pursued with great zeal and repeated on every occasion, showed me 
the necessity of a more definite determination of their forms, which I 
endeavoured to acquire by drawings and measurements of them. These 
severe and often-repeated investigations of individuals enabled me fre- 
quently to recognise the most decided traces of a higher internal organi- 
zation than had previously been ascribed to them. In the year 1819 
Thad already observed that the motion of the zoological monads (Monas 
pulvisculus) was by no means a mere rolling effected by a change of 
the centre of gravity, as it was thought to be; but I perceived, from 
the throwing off of very minute particles of the dirty water, and from 
an apparent whirling at the anterior part of the animalcule, the presence 
of oarlike cilia, which at times even became visible. Some of these ob- 
servations I made known in 1820, in an Appendix to a Memoir by my 
friend Friederich Nees von Esenbeck in the Regensburg Botanical Jour- 
nal, part ii. p. 535. My friend and subsequently fellow-traveller Dr. 
Hemprich often witnessed my observations and experiments, and has also 
given, in his Grundrisse der Naturgeschichte, 1820, p. 289 to 291, a sum- 
mary account of what I had ascertained at that time (see preface, p.viii.). 
I was not then myself desirous of making publicly known any of those 
observations, because I saw on the one hand that they were capable of 
being carried to much greater perfection, and on the other hand, I pos- 
sessed at that time only a very incomplete thirty-shilling wooden com- 


pound microscope from Nurenberg, which I had, according to my own 
views and wants, rendered more powerful, the same indeed with which 
I had already discovered the germination of the seeds of moulds, which 
however was far inferior to the ingenious microscopes of that time. 
Those observations appeared, however, to my friend to be so unques- 
tionable, that he would not forego the opportunity of making known the 
principal points in his book. 

From 1820 I made my observations in Africa with a microscope 
made by Hofmann of Leipzig, of the cost of about £6, which, with a 
greater magnifying power, gave a much better image; and from the 
year 1824 I used together with that an English microscope by Bleuler, 
which cost about £15, and the power of which was still higher. With 
these instruments I followed up the critical investigation of the generatio 
primitiva with increasing care; and the more exact my observations 
were, the colder I became towards the idea of an instantaneous coagu- 
lation of primitive substances into an organized being. In the whole 
series of years, during which I have sometimes for days together conti- 
nued those observations, I never, not even in a single instance, saw the 
subitaneous origination from slime, cellular tissue of plants, &c., of those 
minute organic bodies to me so well known ; still much less had I ob- 
served the gradual development of elementary outlines that had suddenly 
originated, of Entomostrati and other larger animalcules ; which was an 
extraordinary delusion of M. Fray, who took the eauvie and fragments 
of minute dead animals for sketches and rudiments of new generations *. 

My observations pursued in Africa convinced me more and more 
that the origin of the most minute organized beings must also be cycli- 
cal; for although circumstances did not enable me there to bring to a 
completion my investigations into the structure of the Infusoria, yet I 
found always amanifest repetition of forms similar to those which I had 
determined by drawings and measurements, and not at all that unlimited 
variation of them which we should expect from the idea of a metamor- 
phosis of destroyed organic substances into undetermined elementary 
forms of life. Thus the basis on which my observations proceeded 
continually became firmer. Corti’s discovery, that the eggs of some 
Infusoria (Brachionus) burst when the young ones creep out, and leave 

* Essai sur l’Origine des Corps organisés et inorganisés, par Fray. Paris, 
1817; p.71. “J'ai vu des monocles, des polypes, des vers et d'autres animaua, 
qui n’étaient encore qu’ébauchés ; la forme extérieure était jelée, mais Vintée- 
rieur n’avait pas recu tous les globules actifs qui devaient le constituer. Ces 
esquisses étaient encore immobiles.” ‘This puts one in mind of the celebrated 
ancient Egyptian frogs, which were said to come into existence after the inun- 
dation, and to hop about with only their fore part developed, while their hinder 
part was still mud. Times are altered; for he that sees such frogs at the present 
time, does not, even in Egypt, stand with trembling awe at a distance from them, 
but lays hold of them, and finds that under the mud of the hinder part some- 

thing more than outlines are hidden. So it was with me at the Nile; for I came 
there indeed as a sceptic. 


behind an empty egg-shell, a true chorion, I had previously made with- 
out a knowledge of the original observer; and I had even remarked 
that the eggs were suspended by delicate threads, by means of which 
they were carried about by the animalcule, as in the crabs. I noticed 
also the entire intestinal canal, by means of the whirling of the mouth 
aperture and the secretions of the anal aperture ; and, in the wheel ani- 
malcules (Fotatoria), when it was completely filled, its whole course. 
Some time after I also occasionally perceived traces of beautiful red- 
coloured eyes in the wheel animalcules and Brachione; and recognised 
more and more clearly a masticating apparatus in all the forms which 
I examined, and free muscles insome. In 1827 my views respecting the 
wheel animalcules had made a progress to the extent which is represented 
in the third and sixth plates of the Phytozoa of my Symbole Physica. The 

same decade of engravings I laid before the Association of Naturalists 

in Berlin in 1828, but without text. I had used Bory de St. Vincent’s 
nomenclature in these plates, although I did not approve it, solely 
because I considered the innovations required by my observations 
as a useless increase of synonyms until they had been brought to 

The reputation of Chevalier’s microscope, from Selligue’s intimation 
that at a cheaper rate it would produce greater effects than those in 
general use, induced me‘to purchase one in 1828 ; and with it I endea- 
youred to arrive one step nearer to that physiological goal which I had 
so unremittingly pursued during ten years. A review of the Infusoria 
showed me not only that my earlier observations were no delusions, 
but confirmed them, and inereased my conviction of their evidently 
high organization; I convinced myself especially that the supposed 
traces of eyes in some wheel-infusoria, Rotifer and Brachionus, were 
distinct and constant. Being now accustomed to this new instrument, I 
made great use of it on the journey to Siberia which I made in 1829 
with Alexander von Humboldt: the extensive series of accurate ob- 
servations, drawings, and measurements made during this journey, al- 
lowed me, as soon as I returned to Berlin, to institute, with the greatest 
advantage, comparisons with the observations, formerly made in Leip- 
zig, Berlin, Africa, and Arabia: and as I had now no longer any fear 
that the advocates and invstigators of the generatio equivoca might 
be in possession of better instruments; having, moreover, already pos- 
sessed myself of a most astonishing series of details of structure, I 
became gradually convinced of the probability of an. universal high 
organization, even in the infusoria, and so-called elementary molecules; 
of their cyclical development, and of the numerous errors of earlier 
_ observers. I found especially the great incongruity between the state- 
ments respecting generation and structure, made by those who pretended 
to have actually seen the generatio primitiva, and who stated that they 
had observed the spontaneous origin of organic bodies from primitive 


substances, or its gradual formation, without however having noticed’ 

their complex internal structure ; whilst at the same time, I myself, who 
for a series of years had acquired a progressively deeper insight into 
the organization of these minute forms, which were said to be developed, 
destitute of organs, or imperfect, could never get a sight of their spon- 
taneous or gradual origin from molecules, slime, vegetable tissue, &c. 

A comparison of my observations on the bell-animalcule ( Vorticella 
Convallaria and other species of this genus), which had been made 
under geographical circumstances the most various, greatly confirmed 
my impressions; and the repetition, with redoubled care, of my inves- 
tigations of their gradual individual change, removed all doubts in 
regard to a whole series of beings of various kinds, in which I disco- 
vered a determinate cyclus of forms, deriving their origin from one 
another. These data, of which I became convinced, in beings so 
minute and so simple in appearance, incited me to direct my observa- 
tions, with increasing care, to this point, and gave me a certain 
anticipation of much more interesting results near at hand. High 
organization, and cyclical development of the molecules, were to me 
clear truths, floating in my imagination, and capable of more substan- 
tial proofs: my only search was for the means to produce them. 
Fortunate was the thought which brought to my recollection the 
coloured nutritive substances, already often tried by me without suc- 
cess. Confident of the result, I put various colouring substances into 
the water containing the infusoria, and awaited their reception into 
their organs of nutrition. The first experiments with common water- 
colours failed, although I had selected many different colouring matters; 
my conviction however of a better result was so strong, that I no longer 
attributed its want of success to the organization of the animalcules, 
but to unsuitable colouring matters. Other experiments also proved 
unsuccessful. One day however I remarked, in experimenting, a 
whitish sediment at the bottom of the small glass plate on which I had 
mixed water colours with the water containing the infusoria; and as 
in general the colours of the shops are mixed with white lead, I made 
choice of some pure colours, and such as I supposed to be least 
disagreeing with animal organization; such I considered indigo, car- 
mine, and sap-green, as they are all of purely organic origin. With 
these I began my experiments anew, and here also the clew was found; 
all infusoria, even the smallest, soon filled themselves with the colouring 
matter. The opacity of the water caused by the colour, enabled me 
to distinguish much more clearly than the opacity caused by mud, 
which I had made use of in my former experiments on the cilia, not 
only the presence of the cilia, but also any separate part of the body 
to which the vortex caused by the cilia carried the nutritive particles, 
and where they were received into the interior of the body. 

From the transparency of all these animalcules, I could see very 


plainly in their interior, either a developed simple intestinal canal, or 
clearly defined, vesicular, coloured pouches similar to stomachs. In 
those animalcules which had fully charged themselves, I could also as 
plainly perceive in other parts of the body, particularly the hinder 
parts, secretions of the superfluous matters through a separate anal 
aperture. These traces of organization in the most minute beings were 
now no longer useless indications of organs, but evidently real organs 
performing their functions—cilia, mouth, intestine, anal aperture. This 
result, long sought for indeed, and as it were extorted, to a degree of 
clearness beyond expectation, urged me immediately and eagerly to 
employ the same means for the investigation of all the species of infu- 
soria found in my neighbourhood, which I had before observed in 
various ways, and of which I possessed drawings, in order to elucidate 
their organs of nutrition, and to delineate and determine their form; 
whilst at the same time it was evident that the knowledge of their 
organization was by no means completed by the discovery of the organs 
already mentioned. The eggs, muscles, and eyes of the wheel-animal- 
cules rendered probable the existence of similar systems in the others 
also; and hence I not only most carefully reviewed in every manner 
all the species occurring near Berlin, as to organs of nutrition, but I 
also endeavoured to throw more light on the whole organization of 
these minute beings ; thus I ascertained with much greater certainty 
the true relation of the free muscles of movement, the whole course of 
the intestine, the course and form of the female and male generative 
organs, the great frequency of the beautiful red eye-points, regular 
branching traces of vessels, and besides, little glandular bodies and 
fibres in the interior, which are not at all opposed to the character of 
nerves. In the throat I distinguished teeth so evident, that these alone, 
had they been sooner discovered, would have sufficed to render cre- 

- dible the perfection of the rest of the organization, according to the 

type of larger animals. In the smallest infusoria, which up to that time 

_ had always been considered as homogeneous globules, I recognised not 

only an apparent internal belly, and at times an apparent intestinal 

canal, with mouth and anal aperture, but also, at least in one genus 

(Euglena), red points similar to eyes. 
Of great importance however was, amongst other acquisitions, the 
light thrown on their organs of reproduction. I perceived a very fine 

granular reticulate matter, filling the intervening spaces of the intes- 

tinal canal, to be secreted through the anal aperture, which charac- 
terized itself plainly as a laying of eggs: the animalcules became at the 
same time smaller, plicated, and edged, sometimes changed their form 
very remarkably, but still actively continued to swim. Of a similar 

_ character appeared to be the old observation, often repeated by me, of 

a spontaneous partial solution of the smaller infusoria into fine granules, 
Vou. I.—Parr IV. 2a 


their living motions all the while continuing; and I searched for 
analogies inthe Coceus, in which the death of the mother takes place 
before the young ones break the egg, and in the tape-worms ( Tenia), 
the hinder parts of whose body separate after, or even at the produc- 
tion, while the anterior part continues to live. Finally, I established 
and found in these minute infusoria a fourfold mode of reproduction : 
by eggs, gemmation, transverse separation, longitudinal separation ; 
while in the wheel-animalcules, only eggs, or living young from eggs, 
are produced. The smallest Monads observed by me, which yet exhi- 
bited internal organs of nutrition evidently filled, were gogq lin. in 
diameter. These measurements are made with a glass-micrometer, by 
Dollond, which indicates to the ;g4,5 of an inch. The granules of the 
ovarium of those minute infusoria which were observed to produce 
young, were in their relative magnitude to the mother animal in the 
proportion of 40 to 1, or as 80 to 1. The eggs of the wheel-animalcules 
were in general as 3 or 4 to 1. 

In this way, and by the means which I have stated, I was enabled to esta- 
blish at once the doctrine of the infusorial animalcules more completely 
and accurately than it had been up to that time; and the easily visible 
colouring of the nutritive organs, from the transparency of these bodies, 
might well induce others to participate in the results obtained. This 
elucidation of the infusorial world I gave in an academical memoir 
read in Berlin, and have circulated since 1830 about one hundred 
copies by the booksellers. The separate copies have the distinet title 
Organisation, Systematik und geographisches Verhdltniss der Infu- 
sionsthierchen, von C. G. Ehrenberg ; Berlin, 1830. In this folio work, 
which is accompanied by eight copper plates, I separated the so-called 
infusorial animalcules, according to their organization, into two quite 
distinct classes, one of which is distinguished by the great number of 
ventral cells, and to which on that account I have given the name of 
ventral animalcules or many-bellied infusoria (Polygastrica); the other, 
which is distinguished by wheel organs and a simple intestine, I have 
called wheel-animaleules (Rotatoria). The whole of the results of my 
observations which I have there given are included in the following 
fifteen positions : 

1. All infusoria are organized and in part, probably all, highly or- 
ganized animals. 

2. The infusoria form two quite natural classes according to their 
structure ; can be separated scientifically according to their structure ; 
and permit no identification of their forms with greater animals, how- 
ever similar they often may appear. 

3. The existence of infusoria in the four quarters of the globe and 
in the sea has been proved ; and they form the chief number, perhaps 
the chief mass, of animal organisms endued with life on the earth. 


4. Some species are the same in the most remote parts of the world. 
5. The geographical diffusion of infusoria on the earth follows the 
already known laws of other natural bodies. Southwards there are 
more varying forms, supplying the place of those of other parts of the 
globe, than westward and eastward, but they are nowhere wanting; 
the influence of difference of climate is not confined to the larger kinds. 
6. The salt water of the lakes of the Siberian steppes does not ex- 
hibit any peculiar infusorial forms varying in any remarkable manner. 

7. The water of the sea supports other and larger forms than the 
river waters; many however are identical; in none of those known 
does the magnitude exceed a line. 

8. In the atmospheric vapour which is precipitated as rain and dew, 
I have never been able to observe, and I believe no one else with cer- 
tainty, living infusoria. (I have related some recent experiments of 
mine on this subject.) 

9. In the deep subterranean places where atmospheric air, but 
scarcely a minimum of reflected light, finds entrance, are found families 
of the same infusoria as at the surface. 

10. Direct observations in support of the generatio primitiva have 
all, as it now appears, been deficient in the requisite exactness. Those 
same observers who supposed that they had seen the spontaneous ori- 
gin of minute organized beings from primitive matters, have quite 
overlooked the very complicated structure of these organisms. Here 
a great error cannot be doubted, and the delusion is evident. This is 
perhaps less to be ascribed to the fault of the observer's precipitancy 
than to the weak powers of the instruments employed, or the want of 
practice in their use. Observations on the origin of crustaceous animals 
_ and insects from primitive substances are the echos of the olden time, 
when caterpillars grew from the leaves. 

11. The idea that man was dependent, even if only in part, upon 
the will of those infusoria of which he was composed, is proved to be 
absurd, from the fact that the infusoria must seek their food, lay eggs, 
and never combine into a fixed and growing state*. (Some it is true 
unite at times into heaps, but these separate again into individuals.) 
12. The development of all those infusorial forms which I have been 

able to observe is cyclical, quite certain, but at times abounding in 

varying forms, and from that cause delusive and demanding careful 
_ observation. 

Dr. Carus’s paper on the Kingdoms of Nature, etc. in page 246 of the present 
volume, where he says, 

_ “If we now reflect likewise how in the infusoria and Priestley’s matter, 

the rudiments of the animal kingdom appear as so many animated globuli, we 

_ shall thence perceive that the largest animal bodies themselves must be viewed 

_ 48 an innumerable aggregate of infusoria, but at the same time united into a 
living whole.” W. F. 


t __ *This may appear an exaggeration, but we need only refer the reader to 


13. The results of my observations call to mind the old physiolo- 
gical proverb, Omne vivum ex ovo. In my observations pursued 
with so much zeal for twelve years, I never witnessed the spontaneous 
origin of one infusorium from slime or vegetable tissue; but have often 
enough seen the laying of eggs, and the young come out of the 
larger eggs. Supported by such experience, I am of opinion that these 
animals are never formed by generatio primitiva, but originate from 
eggs. Whether then the eggs dispersed about are only in part the 
product of laying, or in part the product of a generatio primitiva, is a 
question which is not quite ripe for determination*. 

14. The active motions and contractions in plants and their parts, 
especially in Alg@, ought not to give rise to the supposition of an 
animal nature, even when they are called infusorial or animal motions. 
Internal nutritive organs, and a definite oral aperture for the reception 
of solid substances, which may be demonstrated, distinguish the appa- 
rently most simple animal from plants. I have never seen in my 
numerous experiments the motive alge seeds take up the smallest 
quantity of solid nutriment; and thus the fruit-strewing alga may be 
distinguished from the monads which swarm round it in the same 
manner as the tree from the bird. 

15. Finally, I call attention to this fact, that experience displays an 
unfathomableness of organic creations referred to the smallest portion 
of space, in like manner as the heavenly bodies are to the largest portion, 
the preternatural limits of both requiring optical assistance. Hypo- 
theses may be started even so far as to the existence of primitive 
substances ; it cannot yet be brought before our experience. The 
milky way of the smallest organization passes through the genera 
Monas, Vibrio, Bacterium, and Bodo. 

In a more recent memoir read in 1831, which will appear in a few 
days and the finished engravings for which I have already by me, I 
have given the following most important additions which I have lately 
made on the same subject. Hitherto I had only been able to observe 
in the ventral animalcules (Polygastrica) the motive and nutritive 
organs, and the ovarium. I had found traces of eyes only in one genus, 
namely in the genus Euglena. I have lately found them more often in 
the same class, so that I can now name seven genera possessing them 
which contain sixteen species. Among these forms are some monads 
which are only ;4, lin. in diameter. From this discovery then the traces 
of an isolated nervous system are demonstrated down as far as the monads. 

* This latter sentence, the restricting of the generatio primitiva to the for- 
mation of eggs, appears to me to be modified by my subsequent observations 
of the development and astonishing productiveness of the infusoria ; for it now 
appears to be a subject of much greater wonder why we do not find more infu- 

sorial eggs in water and everywhere, since there is cause for the formation of 
an innumerable quantity in the common way. 


I have also made a first attempt to divide the two classes of infu- 
soria in a greater degree by their internal organs. The nutritive system 
gives in each of the two classes only four distinctions. According to this, 
the Polygastrica fall into Anentera (possessing no intestine), Cyclocela 
(with intestines forming a circle), Orthocela(the intestines straight ),and 
Campylocela (the intestines crooked). The Rotatoria fall into Trache- 
logastrica (long-throated without a belly), Calogastrica (long intestine, 
without belly and with short throat), Gasterodela (with bellies), Tra- 
chelocystica (with bladders). The intestine of the latter is very peculiar. 

The Rotatoria alone, according to subsequent observations, may be 
divided according to their masticatory organs, and fall then into three 
groups: Agomphia (without any teeth), of which there are but few; 
Gymnogomphia (teeth not fastened to anything),—this contains the 
greatest mass; Desmogomphia (teeth connected). Those with uncon- 
nected teeth (Gymnogomphia) fall into two great natural and equal 
divisions, viz. Monogomphia (one-toothed) with a tooth in each jaw, 
and Polygomphia(many-toothed). Those with connected teeth (Des- 
mogomphia), whose teeth are not free but fixed on a cartilaginous base, 
fall also into two natural divisions, viz. Zygogomphia, with teeth 
placed in pairs, and Lochogomphia, with teeth in rows; so that the 
following schema may be made : 

Agomphia. Gymnogomphia. Desmogomphia. 
Monogomphia. Polygomphia. Zygogomphia, Lochogomphia. 
I. Il. Ill. Ve Mis 

I have there stated my opinion as to the employment of these organic 
differences for the purpose of systematic arrangement. 

I have also in the same paper recorded my observations on the 
development and production of individuals in the infusoria, particu- 
larly in regard to time. The result of those observations I consider to 
be one of the most important of the whole series in this memoir. A 

_ single individual of Hydotina senta, one of the Rotatoria which I had 
described at length, and given an engraving of in my first memoir, I 

kept separate for the space of eighteen days, during which time I ob- 
served it with the greatest care, and as it was already developed when 
] isolated it, and did not die of age but accidentally, we may fix the 
duration of life at above twenty days. An individual of this kind is, 
however, capable in every twenty-four to thirty hours of a quadruple 
inerease when the circumstances are favourable; in that space of time 

it is able to develop four eggs, from the first activity of the ovarium 

to the creeping out of the young. This quadruple increase, if there 


is no hindrance, and if the individual animalcule lays forty eggs in ten 

days, gives in the space of one day in the tenth power (that is on the 

tenth day) a million individuals from one mother, on the eleventh day 
four millions, on the twelfth sixteen millions, and so forth. - Although 
the fecundity of the Rotatoria is the greatest which has ever yet been 



observed in nature, and surpasses by far that of insects, yet it does not 
by a vast deal reach that of the polygastrical infusoria. In Parame- 
cium Aurelia, which is about 5}; of a lin. in size, and which I observed 
with certainty during several days of a long duration of life, I have 
seen within twenty-four hours, by simple horizontal division, the oc- 
tuple increase of one individual, which would allow the possibility of the 
double of that increase. As however these animals increase not only 
by separation but also by eggs, and secrete these eggs not singly but 
in masses, and besides in addition to these form buds, we have such a 
possible immense increase of a single individual in forty-eight hours, 
that we may leave off counting and speak of innumerability*. 

Who now under such circumstances can wonder if within the space of 
two or three days fluids swarm with suck animals ? Is it not more natural 
towonder howitis that often itdoes not happen?. Wenolongernow require 
a generatio equivoca to explain these phenomena; they belong to those 
within the reach of experience and observation ; and where anything 
astonishing of this kind may occur, the observer must take great care 
that the fault of superficialness be not laid to him. If therefore I 
supposed in my first paper that the generatio equivoea of infusoria 
might still be ascribed to their eggs, it now appears to me from obser- 
vations on the development and increase of individuals, that the neces- 
sity of such an hypothesis, and even its probability, must vanish. I 
now indeed believe that the generatio primitiva may as an ever- 
existing subject of experience have undergone its mortal combat. Upon 
this subject however I cannot undertake to solve all the problematic 
points relative to it, of which there are many and important ones, par- 
ticularly in relation to geology, as they are generally szbjective, and 
but rarely objective; but I wish here to urge the consideration of the 
indefinitely small, as a main position for all branches of natural history, 
from which perhaps at a subsequent period I may also develop my 
more special views. 


Il. On Atoms and Molecules as subjects of experience. 

Atomic philosophers have of late years, partly by their ingenious 
theories for the explanation of the phenomena of light, and partly by 
their ingenious as well as fertile atomic calculations of the doctrine of 
porportions in chemistry, obtained an undeniable practical superiority 
over dynamists, how much greater soever the satisfaction and recom- 
pense of the latter may seem to themselves to be; and hence it has — 
happened that in the doctrine of the smallest particles of bodies we — 

* This rapidity and great capability of increase of the infusoria might also be 
worthy the attention of analysing chemists, as they might quickly preduce a great _ 
infiuence on erganic substances, namely on some colouring substances. Boiling — 
heat, or a few drops of alcohol, precipitate the infusoria, and they may then be — 
remoyed as slime with certainty by filtration. It is necessary to operate quickly. — 



ogee bh 




have become rather too bold. Not content with regarding atoms as 
ideal unities, or as indefinitely small magnitudes, we have endeavoured 
to find for individual atoms or for certain minute groups of them an 
expression of a proximate finity, and even to fix its magnitude and to 
determine it by numbers. Indeed it appears that but little is wanting 
in our days to induce bold theorists to attack in good earnest the ma- 
terial primitive particles of bodies, to clutch them fast, and to build 
up with them even to organic structures, and thus to sport with them. 
Newton indeed thought he might assume the elementary particles of 
colours in bodies of a certain magnitude and perceptible to sense. He 
says, p. 64, Prop. vii., “ For if those instruments (microscopes) are or 
ean be so far improved as with sufficient distinctness to represent ob- 
jects five or six hundred times bigger that at a foot distance they appear 
to our naked eye, I should hope that we might be able to discover some 
of the greatest of those corpuscles. And by one that would magnify 
three or four thousand times, perhaps they might all be discovered, 
but those which produce blackness.” If we now suppose that Newton 
had rightly estimated the natural acuteness of the vision of the human 
eye, his elementary particles for the red colour must not amount to less 
than 3,455 of a line in diameter, as will be seen lower down; and 
between this magnitude and that of ,z,2o, all the elements of colours 
except black would be found, It is however probable that Newton sup- 
posed the power of vision of the human eye to be less, and therefore 
the size of the elementary particles to be much greater. However 
we must here not forget, as Herschel has already remarked in his Optics, 
that Newton distinguished the elementary particles of colours from 
atoms, as later philosophers have also done, although he does not ex- 
press himself to that effect. In that passage Newton does not speak of 
atoms but of colouring particles. (Vewton’s Opticks (1704), book ii. 

part iii. Prop. vii. p. 64. 

The small magnitudes which have been employed for the explanation 
of the phenomena of light in the undulatory theory give a great defi- 
niteness to the calculation ; they can however only be regarded as 
hypothetical and not as real demonstrated magnitudes, as the whole 
theory, even though it possesses great probability, is in want of full 
confirmation. The smallest lengths of a wave of light which can be 
shown by an exact calculation, do not amount to more than the z5p555 
of an inch, or about g755 of a line. Now as the particles of ether 
must be considerably smaller than their undulations, there is in that 
number a limit, arbitrary indeed, but yet determinate, for its maximum, 
which gives an expression for its smallness. If from the impondera- 

bility of very great condensed masses of light or of zther we were to 
- form a conclusion as to the smallness of the elementary corpuscles as 

ponderable objects, we should be obliged to place the limits of that 
maximum ata still much greater distance. All these however, even 


when they admit of a definite numerical expression, are still hypothe- 
tical magnitudes. 

The phenomena of colours between glasses almost in contact with 
each other admit also of an inference as to the magnitudes of the so- 
called elementary particles of colours. The smallest space which gives 
the white colour was already fixed by Newton at >7_555 of an inch, 
which is rather more than >z4,, of a line; and Hauy has reckoned, 
from the different refractions of light of mica, that a plate of mica 
which would produce the same effect as that of a stratum of air must 
be a5qboo Of a millimetre thick, or s5pgg5 of a line. 

Mr. Robert Brown made several admeasurements of inorganic solid 
bodies, and also of organic ones, in the years 1827 and 1829, and fixed 
the size of the smallest particles which could be observed, and which 
he himself saw in spontaneous motion and of round form, at g5595 t® 
sodn0 Of an inch, or gq,5t0 gzy5 of aline in diameter. (Brief Account 
of Microscopical Observations, by R. Brown, 1828, and Additional 
Remarks on active Molecules, by R. Brown, 1829, p. 3.*) 

Sir J. F. W. Herschel says, in his Optics, 1829,p.680, that he had seen 
bodies which were magnified by an Amici’s microscope to 3000 times 
their diameter, from which however we were not at all to suppose that 
the object even approached to its solution into atoms. 

M. Dumas the chemist has however given to elementary organic 
particles very considerable magnitudes. In the year 1825 he taught, 
from his own observations, that with a good microscope the elementary 
globules of dead organic masses might be seen and counted ; that they 
formed, by means of simple combination and an augmentation of the 
mass by increasing numbers, living bodies, becoming gradually larger 
and more organized, the first forms of which were infusoria, and which 
might again be divided into the elementary parts by means of an elec- 
trie shock, by which they took a strawberry-like form (un aspect fram- 
boisé). (Diction. Class d’ Hist. Natur., art. GENERATION, p. 195.) 

One of the editors of the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, who does 
not give his name, in tom. v. p. 80, 1825, fixes the magnitude of 
the elementary particles of all organic substances at 34, of a millimetre, 
or gt; Of a line in diameter. In the same work, p. 81, the author thinks 
that, in accordance with the present state of chemistry, it ispossible by 
synthetical means to prepare an artificial organic matter; and says, 
“ Could we by these means obtain infusorial animalcules, Bonnet’s 
theory of reproduction would be overthrown” ! 

There appeared in Kastner’s Archiv f. Naturlehre, xii. p. 348, 
1827, an express chemico-microscopical exposition by M. Keelle. He 
says, “ Zymom consists of microscopical globules, and with glyadin 
forms gluten” (p. 350). “ Zymom is that matter from which, by a con- 
currence of favourable circumstances, originate the lowest forms of 

* Phil. Mag. and Annals, vol. iy. p. 161, and vi. p. 161. 


organic nature” (p. 352). “ Globules of milk and blood are Zymom ; 
gelatine, caseum, starch, sugar, &c., contain Zymom” (p. 350). 
“ Silica first takes a vegetable formation, and from the Zymom formed 
by this process originates further animal life” (p. 358). “ Vegetable © 
substance can be immediately changed into an infusorium” (p. 360). 
“ From Zymom may be produced, when favourable conditions concur, 
infusoria of this or that form” (p. 358). “ The first infusorium, the 
lowest animal creature, is a living Zymom globule” (p. 358). “Zymom 
is in a certain relation an egg” (p. 360). “ The yolk of an egg con- 
sists merely of Zymom combined with slime” (p. 357). “This is no 
hypothesis but a fact” (p. 361)! 

That the commencement of many organisms is an action of putre- 
faction or of fermentation, and therefore a chemical process, is a very 
ancient opinion, and could not fail to be revived in a refined form.. 
M. Gruithuisen has in the eighth volume of Gehlen’s Journal der 
Physik, 1809, p. 519, characterized the formation of the smallest orga- 
nisms as a peculiar act of fermentation ; and enumerates, together with 
the vinous and acetous fermentation, the infusorial fermentation which 
forms organisms. In days of yore Autochthones might have been 
thought to originate in this manner ; afterwards fermentation was left 
for insects and weeds; but since their manner of living and of re- 
production has been better investigated, such an origin is no longer 
found to he either necessary or admissible with regard to insects or the 
larger plants. It was then thrown upon the fungi and infusoria, on 
account of the great difficulty of observing them ; from which how- 
ever, in accordance with what has been stated, it must now also be 

M. Berzelius, who had to treat on the same subject in his Classical 
Manual of Chemistry, but who does not offer any observations of his 
own, adheres to the data given by other observers, that dead organic 

_ matter when moistened with water creates infusoria ; and he finds no 
_ improbability in Professor Hornschuch’s idea that the prima germina 
_ rerum, which he conceivesto be the infusoria, might develop by various 
external influences into other very different bodies. He has however 
followed in the doctrine of organic atoms the representations of Dumas 
and Milne Edwards ; and those organic atoms which by his doctrine 
of chemical proportions have become so eminently useful and of such 
extensive influence, are, in proportion to the imaginative capacity for 
abstraction of various minds, unities more or less ideal, whose use in 
theory seems destined for a long time to come to be of the most im- 
portant value in the practical development of chemistry. (Animal 
Chemistry (German translation by Wohler, p. 6), and Chemistry, vol. 
_ jii. pp. 31 and 179.) 
Very recently the well known physicist M. Munke of Heidelberg 
has himself made several observations with one of Pldsl’s microscopes, 


after the manner of the earlier philosophers, and in truth not very 
profound, on the nature of the organic bodies in infusions; and he ima- 
gines he has arrived at this result, that a transition takes place from 
vegetable to animal life, and vice versa. (Isis, 1831, p. 1083.) 

The examples mentioned in manuals of physics of the great divisi- 
bility and ductility of different bodies are for the most part small 
magnitudes merely in appearance, A gold leaf, thin as it may 
appear, is about z555 tO apbo of a line in thickness. 

It has not here been my intention to give a collection of the opinions 
of natural philosophers and chemists respecting atoms, but to call to 
memory only a few of those statements as to which I am best informed 
and most certain, of the magnitudes of the smallest particles of bodies 
which have been observed and calculated, in order to add to them the 
results of more recent observations which I am now making known, 
and to lay down a seale for them. The most recent theoretical state- 
ments do not give any very great degree of minuteness to the ultimate 
particles of bodies ; the observations of Mr. R. Brown very nearly ap- 
proximate to those statements. 

The common opinion that infusoria or mould could be made by 
pouring water on dead organic matter I must pronounce to be com- 
pletely contradicted by the whole series of my observations. It is true 
the phenomenon is very deceptive ; but if we observe carefully, there 
appear, even with the very same treatment, at one time some kinds of 
infusorial forms, and at another time others; and I have never had it 
in my power to produce certain forms with certain infusions, although 
this is found stated in all manuals as true, and succeeded (by their own 
account) with all earlier observers. There are however, according to 
the results which I have obtained, certain common forms, which are 
most generally diffused, the eggs or individuals of which may be present 
in all liquids, even in some, perhaps only the noxious, parts of plants, 
and of which at times the one form, at times another, may rapidly 
increase according to the eggs or single individuals which were present 
in the water, or had been introduced into it. M. Blainville in the 
Dict. des Sci. Naturelles, art. ZoopHyYTES, also from experience pro- 
nounces against the generatio @quivoca in infusions: “I haye often 
taken great pains without any success to produce any kind of organic 
body in small glasses by spontaneous development, although other 
glasses by its side containing the same water were soon filled with them. 
Besides the discovery of this error respecting infusorial fermentation, 
which not only proves false in fact, as is also manifest from the de- 
velopment of the forms, my investigations respecting the minutest 
organic particles have led me to recognise the following minute mag- 
nitudes as really existing and perceptible to the senses.” 

I could plainly distinguish with a microscope magnifying nearly 800 
times zoological monads or animal organisms, which were filled by 

oan Roars 


the above-mentioned process with colouring nutritive substances, and 
which possessed voluntary motions, but the entire and greatest dia- 
meter of whose body only amounted to the <4,5 or ggg Of a Parisian 
line*. The smallest animal form, to which I have given the name of 
Monas Termo, is the same being as that which Otto Fr. Miller has 
delineated among the infusoria. I could perceive in the greatest indi- 
viduals of this animal form as many as six, and in the smallest as 
many as four, internal sacs coloured by blue indigo, which at times did 
not occupy quite half of the dimension of the animal. Such a sac 
therefore of the Monas Termo, if the animalcule measures 345 
of a line, and if we suppose only four sacs occupying the half of it 
(therefore not one of the smallest), is 3455 of a lin. in size, which is 
five times smaller than the minutest particles observed by Brown. At 
the upper part of this animal is perceived, as in all the monads, a 
powerful pushing aside of particles still smaller than themselves, when 
these come near to ‘them ; and it is therefore probable that they have 
a fringe of ten to twenty cilia near the anterior part of the mouth aper- 
ture, as in Monas Pulvisculus, and especially in the other still larger 
monads. Further, if even we suppose the single colouring particles 
with which the bellies are gradually filled not to be numerous, it would 
be against all probability not to think that they were filled by several 
particles. Let us however only suppose each sac to be filled by three 
colouring atoms,—which from the roundness made perceptible by the 
motion communicated to them we may well admit,—this alone affords 
a proof of the existence of material colouring particles of red and dark 
blue moving freely in water, which measure 34,5 of a line, or z39555 
of an inch, in diameter ; and calculating these objects from the smallest 
of the animalcules, which by actual observation were found to be gg55 
of a line in size, and which sometimes contained four coloured points 
in the hinder part of the body, these particles, which cannot be dis- 
tinguished individually by the eye with a magnifying power of 800, 
but yet are to be recognised as corporeal, would amount to zg45, of a 
line, or =7¢555 Of an inch, which exceeds the molecules of Brown 

_ nearly twenty times in smallness. 

The above-mentioned transparent cilia about the mouth of these mo- 

‘nads (perceivable only by their action) may also approach in fineness 

those just cited; for if they were not less than =34,5, of a line, or the 
multiple of forty-eight, withmy magnifying power of 800, there would be 
no optical reason, except their transparency, why I should not see them 
with that power, as will be evident from the sequel of the memoir. I 
‘shall moreover direct attention to the fineness of other parts of these 
organic living beings. The smaller monad-bellies are seen isolated in 

* I have already mentioned that I make use of a glass micrometer which 
Measures +p}-oy Of an inch. 


the body and with sharp outlines. In larger infusoria which are 34 of 
a line or more in diameter, these internal receptacles are recognised as 
evident membranaceéous sacs, which often make their appearance isolated 
when the animalcule is pressed or when it divides itself, and which have 
been supposed to be separate infusoria, internal monads. From this 
fact of the reception of nutritive substances by the smallest monads, we 
have no reason to admit any other office for the organs of nutrition. 
The sharply-outlined coloured points in the interior of the body of mo- 
nads are to be regarded as small filled membranaceous vesicles or bellies. 
Now in the larger infusoria of similar structure we can discern, when 
two such bellies touch one another, that the thickness of the ventral 
partition is in comparison with the diameter of the belly extremely 
thin ; that the former is seldom perceptible ; and that the membrane 
forms around the contents a mere mathematical spherical superficies. 
Scarcely any one therefore would suppose a greater proportion than 
20 to 1 in the. smallest. Granting however the thickness of the 
partition to be only + of the diameter of the belly, this would amount 

z of an inch, in individuals of Monas 

to zaan00 Of a line, or 7yz0000 
1_, of a line in size, in which the bellies measure but 4 of the 

Termo 500 

whole length of the body, and are therefore =;355 of a line in diameter; 
—and since there is reason to look for vessels in these partitions, this 
therefore places the organic atoms at a distance which I must, since 
they are purely hypothetical, pass over, and leave as a subject of direct 
subsequent inquiry. 

There are still more powerful reasons for the probability of many 
much smaller magnitudes. According to my observations mentioned 
in one of the foregoing pages, there is in the body of the polygastrical 
infusoriaa substance finely granular and reticular,—either in appearance 
from the impressions of the numerous small bellies, or really so,—which 
surrounds the whole of the intestinal canal and the masticating appa- 
ratus, and is secreted partly upon the solution of the individual forms, 
partly by the anal aperture, without any prejudice to the continuation 
of their being*. This perceptible substance I have taken to be the ova- 
rium: the granules of this ovarium in Kolpoda Cucullus are to the 
mother animalcule as 40 to 1, others as 80 to 1; and they appear to 
grow finer with the decreasing size of the body, being no longer of 
themselves visible. Now it is probable that only their transparency and 
the weak power of the microscope hinder us from finding such an 
ovarium in the monads in every other respect so similar. We must not 
however overlook that there may be young monads still inclosed in the 
egg, or just come out from it, the diameter of the whole length of whose 
body would be but the sgt50 tO go000 of a line; these may have 
bellies which then, in like proportion, would be in diameter ggqgq9 to 

* See supra, p. 563. 


gitoso0 Of a line; the partitions of these monad-bellies will be but 
£B0N000 tO saob000 Of a French line in diameter, &c. 1 have besides 
seen rudiments of eyes in the monads to which I have given the name 
of Microglena monadina, and which are ;}z of a line in diameter. 
These often fire-red eye-points appear in larger infusoria to be a fine 
granular red pigment, but whose granules, perhaps first covered by 
many finer pigment granules, are small lenses, &c.; and although I will 
not lay particular stress on the fineness of these parts, yet the existence 
of eyes, however rudimentary they may be considered, allows of the 
possibility that even in the smallest species they may be present, and 
tends to lead us to a not so proximate finity of organic molecules; it 

may even give a useful hint for considerations on the elements of 
colours* and the theory of light. 

Finally I must not pass over in silence a direct observation which 
has confirmed me in the opinion that the small organic, apparently hy- 
pothetical magnitudes really deserve great consideration. By the 
kindness of Professor Enslen, who in the park near Berlin has a pecu- 
liar contrivance for the public use of a solar microscope, I have made 
with him several experiments. By observing Monas atomus well filled 
with indigo, I discerned among them wandering shadows of smaller 

_ monads, which could not by a vast deal reach to 3,45, of a line, and 
which I could not atall discern inthe same water with the most powerful 
magnifier of Chevallier’s microscope : perhaps their transparency might 

_ be one reason. Whether these animalcules then be the brood of 

_ Monas atomus, or various species of still unknown infusoria, it follows 
from the observation, that 3,55 of a line is not at all the limit of or- 
ganized beings for observation. It was on this account that I called 
_ the smallest monad, which increases so plentifully in animal solutions, 

* and which resembles the Monas Termo, page 94 of my memoir of 1830, 

_ the Twilight-Monad ; because from this point a new sytem of organized 

asa may easily be opened by means of increased power of vision. 

____ Let not these calculations be disregarded as appearing to be playful; 

_ they are so far in earnest that they are founded on the contemplation 

_ of nature, and are not to be considered as a groundless speculation. 

* In regard to the phenomena of colours in high achromatic magnifying 

_ powers, I will just mention by the way that in some very small beautiful green- 
_ coloured globular infusoria from +45 to 74, of a line in size, and especially in 
_ Microglena volvocina, at a power of 400 or 800 I always see a fiery red ring 
round the animalcule. ‘This ring is evidently an optical spectrum; but 
how to be explained? Perhaps the animalcule is thickly covered with fine hairs ; 
and this-hairiness causes perhaps, by refraction of light or play of colours, this 
phznomenon, which is only apparent inthe periphery. Other similar beautiful 
3 green animalcules never exhibit a red ring ; moreover this red is quite similar 
tw the yellowish beautiful red which the pigment of the eyes in the Rotatoria 
7 Polygastrica exhibit. 




They plainly demonstrate an unfathomableness of organic life in the 
direction of the smallest conceivable space; and if the word infinity be 
too much for what we know at present, let the word unfathomableness, 
which I have purposely employed, avert from me the reproach of exag- 
geration, and establish the point of view which the physical, chemical, 
and physiological inquiries of our days, should they be rendered fruitful 
by new powers, have to take, and what deviations they have to avoid. 

III. An attempt to form a judgement respecting the Power of Vision of 
the Eye and the Ultimate Power of the Microscope. 

I will now connect with the above paper, for its illustration and con- 
firmation, a few considerations on the power of the human eye, and on 
the confidence and the hopes which we may found upon microscopical 
observations and optical instruments. Up to the present moment, so 
far as I know, we have never been able to fix a constant measure for 
the ultimate possible power of the microscope. M. Amici, in a letter to 
the Baron von Zach in the year 1824, (Ferrusac, Budlet. des Se. Ma- 
them., p» 221,) has calculated the limit of vision according to the 
power of the eye, and stated that a space of y'g of an inch becomes im- 
perceptible to the naked eye at the distance of 28 feet. Lately the 
angles of vision for the different colours have been calculated by M. 
Plateau, but I have no:knowledge of any result from similar observa- 
tions having reference to the microscope. I will endeavour to lay down, 
without any pretensions, my investigations respecting the limit of vision 
by the microscope made in a different way ; and I shall rejoice if they 
make an addition to this branch of our knowledge and are not wholly 
without utility. 

In the numerous opportunities which I have had of watching persons 
eager for knowledge who were desirous of acquainting themselves by 
personal observation at my house with the wonderful structure of the 
infusoria, I found to my astonishment the difference of the power of 
vision of individuals by far more nearly coincident than I had expected, 
and than itisgenerally stated tobe. When once I had placed the delicate 
object in the right point of vision of the instrument, or directed the 
attention of the naked eye to a very minute object, fifteen or twenty 
persons, to whom I often showed these things at the same time, saw 
completely alike and with the same clearness what I myself saw: they 
very seldom took another, and then but little different, distance of the 
object from the eye, according to what they required. In order to be 
quite certain that I was not deceived by the politeness or shame of those 
who might not willingly say they had seen nothing, I have often desired 
the observers to delineate the objects seen, or minutely to describe 
them; by which I learnt with certainty that they saw the object exactly 
the same and quite as distinctly as I myself had seen it, and almost 


always without its being in the first place necessary to change the po- 
sition of the microscope. These observations, continued carefully on 
a great number of persons, with the most various distances of vision, 
made it seem probable to me that there is a nearly fixed common limit 
for the power of vision of the unclouded and healthy human eye, which 
will admit of our forming a conclusion as to the ultimate power of the 
microscope. Upon this I made various observations, in order to find 
out how far the variations of myopical and presbyopical eyes pos- 
sessed an influence on the general expression of that power; and I have 
convinced myself various times that the not unfrequent opinion that 
myopical people could see more and more distinctly than other persons 
is quite unfounded. The result of my experience is twofold : 
1. There seems to be anormal power for the human eye in reference 
to the seeing of the minutest particles; and the deviations from it 
_ appear to be much more rare than is generally believed. 
We can only speak of those who at some distance or other can see 
_ distinct!y. Among more than 100 persons that I have observed, there 
_ were those who in the general relations of vision could see most di- 
stinetly, not capable of distinguishing more than I myself saw; and those 
__ who represented themselves weak-sighted or long-sighted were in ge- 
_ neral capable of seeing in the same degree as I did, only they wanted 
_ the object more minutely pointed out ; and besides, in seeing with the 
naked eye it was necessary to have the object approached to or removed 
_ from their eye. 
2. The smallest square magnitude attainable in general by the hu- 
_ man eye in its natural state amounts for white on black ground, as well 
__as for black on white or light-coloured ground, to +, of a Parisian line 
in diameter. It is possible by the greatest condensation of light and 
_ excitement of the attention to recognise magnitudes between 31, and 
4g Of a line, but without sharpness and certainty*. 
__ This is the limit of the power of the natural human eye for coloured 
bodies, of which everybody can satisfy himself, as I have done, by 
_ Strewing on white paper very fine black particles of dust, for instance, 
of dried ink, water colours, &c., and then taking the smallest of them 
_ with a fine point and placing it on a glass micrometer, which at least 
5 gives the =, of a line. Sun- and lamp-light also allow easily of our ob- 
_ serving black particles and the like, with or without a mirror, on the 
glass micrometer on a light ground. Bodies which are smaller than 
i those mentioned, notwithstanding all attempts, cannot be discerned with 
__ the naked eye singly, but may be when placed in a simple straight row. 

q * To insist on 3, would not be worth while. The next proportions worth 
_ notice were ;', or =, of a line, and I have never been able to make any trial 
_ whether it could be seen by any one. 


If there are several near to each other or several rows, they make a 
joint impression on our eye and deceive us, as if we saw a greater 
simple body or surface*. The general distance which good eyes main- 
tain when striving to recognise these minute bodies, I found by mea- 
surement to be from four to five inches, often six inches; the latter is 
however the general distance for very sharp-sighted persons. Myopical 
persons seldom bring the same objects to within four inches, and still 
more rarely to three, &c., and become then for the most part like others. 
Any one whose distance of clearest vision is four inches cannot by a 
greater approaching of the eye to the object increase his power of vision, 
but feels pain, and does not see distinctly. If we have once hit on the 
object, we may remove it considerably without losing sight of it. I 
myself cannot see 3; of a line at twelve inches’ distance black on white; 
but having found it at from four to five inches’ distance, I can remove 
it to twelve inches and still see the object plainly. This phenomenon 
is founded on the known power of the eye to accommodate itself some- 
what to distance; we can often discern small objects at a greater di- 
stance when our attention is directed to the place, or when they move. 
Similar phenomena are found in the air-balloon in a clear sky, and a 
ship in the horizon; we easily see them after they have been pointed 
out to us, but the faculty of rapidly descrying depends on custom and 
on the acuteness of sight, without permitting of any conclusion as to 
the power of vision in general. When any person is more strongly ex- 
cited by visual impressions than another he discerns them quicker, but 
he does not on that account see more than the other, who because he 
does not receive these impressions so vividly discovers them slower. I 
often employ a glass to seek for objects which I wish to examine 
with the naked eye, in order to give them another position with a 
pointed instrument; this fact has relation only to finding the place of a 
body, and merely furthers quickness of discernment. Myopicaleyesalways 
find out things more easily, because they are less separated, and their field 
of vision is smaller. Probably there is still a higher degree of the ab- 
solute power of vision of the human eye to add, which is that of the 
discerning of luminous bodies. In the dark, small luminous bodies 
appear, as isknown, much larger than they are; and these, whether they 
be themselves luminous or only reflectors of light, are capable ac- 
cording to the strength of the light of easily affecting the human eye 
at a much less magnitude than the #1; of a line. I have never had the 
opportunity of observing self-lighting magnitudes which were really of 
so small a diameter that I could direct attention to a limit in regard 

* T am accustomed in this manner to discern very fine cilia of the infusoria. 
As soon as they are moved they form a small apparent surface, which is percep- 
tible ; as soon however as they leave off, their fineness is often such that the 
power of vision does not reach them with the microscope. 


to this. How far astronomy may afford us data which may be caleu- 
lated with exactness, and applied to this subject, I will not discuss; for 
even if the measurement of the strength of light did not give a retar- 
dation, subject always to the prevailing theory of light and hypothetical, 
‘no certain conclusion can be deduced for the want of direct knowledge 
aswell of the magnitude as of the distance of the heavenly bodies. 
Bodies which reflect light can indeed be examined, but the result of my 
_ experience has no particular bearing as to optical instruments. Metal- 
jie lustre, which is a very powerful reflector, may, according to my 
experiments on gold dust, be discerned with the naked eye in common 
‘daylight up to the ;3, of a line, therefore double in proportion to 
colours. But this same bright surface when magnified 380 times, 
3 appears then dull and uneven, and the corpuscle acts only as a black 
_ one, or becomes transparent with a leek-green hue. The coloured 
: transparency of gold seems to commence at the thickness of 3555 of a 
line in diameter, and is evidently not the consequence of porosity. 
_ Fluid metals might probably form the smallest magnitudes attainable ; 
i but even could we see with the microscope the reflected light of the 
_ multiples of the magnifying power with 100, &c., the outlines of bodies 
_ so minute would still remain the more undiscernible the stronger their 
reflection of light is in proportion to their magnitude. The dust of 
_ diamonds upona black ground in concentrated solar light, may probably 
afford the ultimate square power of reflected light; I have however 
hitherto not been able to make any observations on this point*. 

With lines it is very different. Non-transparent threads 71, of a 
line in thickness, by holding them towards the light, may be discerned 
with the naked eye. Spider-threads measure 33, to gj/55 of a line; 
threads of the silk-worm z3,. The latter in the cocoon are double. 

The result of these inquiries is as follows: 

_ Optical instruments enable us to see with distinctness of coloured 
re parts of a line only multiples of their magnifying power with the 
number thirty-six, or at most, but then not distinctly, up to the number 
orty-cight. The limit for lines and light impressions lies much further, 
is determined by the intensity of the light. 

The most accurate microscope, with a distinct magnifying power of 


* I obtained the finest particles of gold by scraping gilt brass. By filing pure 
gold I always obtained much coarser particles. 
The thickness of leaf gold used for gilding is quite imperceptible to the naked 
_ eye, like the edge of a very sharp knife. If they are distinguished, it is by 
_ means of the inequalities of the bent border, and this is an optical deception. 
In the gray mercurial ointment the quicksilver forms, if well prepared, almost 
equal globules of about 54,5 to rz'no Of a line in diameter, which are hindered 
from uniting by the covering of grease. These finest quicksilver globules are 
not to be distinguished by the naked eye even in sunshine, but form with the 
white lard a gray colour. Larger globules may often be perceived in it. The 
t covering may probably dim the metallic lustre. 
Vor. 1.—Part IV. 2R 


100, never according to this enables us to see, with every effort, square 
objects smaller than corpuscles of 5,155 to zg'55 of a line in diameter. 
If however all circumstances are not happily combined, as is often the 
case, it is impossible to discern even much larger magnitudes. A di- 
stinct magnifying power of 400 allows of the possibility of distinguishing 
square magnitudes which are of ;z1,5 to zg455 of aline in diameter, 
or which amount to nearly the half of the length of a wave of light in 
the undulatory theory. With a magnifying power of 1000 we should 
be able to discern square bodies which are of 57455 to zg4q5 Of a line, 
and we should then distinguish Newton’s elements of the red colour, or 
be convinced that they do not exist. With a magnifying power of 
3000, like that which Amici’s microscope is said to possess, we should 
be able to distinguish the +315, to the 4745, of a line, and with this 
must discern almost all Newton’s elements of colours ; nevertheless we 
should not yet be able to ascertain the thickness of the partition of the 
belly of a monad, but must presume its presence only from the act of 
the holding together of the nutritive particles. 

To pass over Amici’s improvements of the microscope, which have 
become so important, but which unfortunately are still too expensive, 
a field has been opened to mechanism by what Selligue has made 
public respecting compound microscopes ; andby the method of advan- 
tageously combining several simple achromatic object glasses, already 
applied by him to simple microscopes, and to other combinations, and 
which has been executed by Chevalier in Paris, and by Plosl in Vienna, 
with so much ability and success ; from which it appears that by em- 
ploying the other auxiliary means, the power of vision of the eye may 
be still very greatly raised by increasing the degree of magnifying 
power which is compatible with distinctness: and the more we look for 
a speedy improvement of optical auxiliary means from the praiseworthy 
emulation of the distinguished, and often so completely scientific me- 
chanists and opticians of our time, the more it behoves the observer to 
tell his views and wants, openly and freely owning his ignorance of 
the practical details. 

There are, as is obvious, in regard to mechanical discoveries and 
improvements, two things especially for mechanists to keep in view. 
On the one hand judicious treatment of the object con amore, without 
looking to a high price; and secondly, the simplifying of improvements 
already discovered, and the greatest possible diminution of the neces- 
sary cost by these means, in order to diffuse their application. It is 
not indeed to be expected or desired that men who are capable of pro- 
ducing permanent works of art should employ their time in rendering 
their mechanism more simple; but the incitement of others to the sim- 
plification of their discoveries, and the multiplication of the simplest 
constructions, which not only include the newest principles, but also 


the highest power, should raise in them a stronger interest for diffusing 
as much as possible the use of their instruments than it actually does; 
and then it is little to be feared that their own satisfaction, honour, 
profit, and advantage would be taken from them. I have observed the 
greatest power, although with some inconvenience, in one of Plosl’s 
best microscopes which our Academy of Sciences possesses. A better 
still, one of Amici’s best microscopes, Berlin is wholly destitute of, or it 
is not known to me, although it is very desirable that the examination 
of such an one were not inaccessible to the scientific persons of this 

It is exceedingly gratifying, that in addition to the recent very careful 
and successful exertions of M. Ober-Bergrath Schaffrinsky, which un- 
fortunately have not extended further, MM. Pistor and Schiek also, 

_ whose great scientific accuracy is universally acknowledged, have resolved 
to apply their care tothe microscope; and those already produced are, as 
I have convinced myself, so excellent, that they are little inferior in 
power to my Chevalier’s, and in convenience are evidently superior.* I 
will here remark that in the microscope, clearness in small magnifying 
_ powers, however great it may be, is no superiority, but a property indis- 
_ pensably requisite to the character of a good one; and that the term 
superiority can only be applied to the greatest distinctness and conve- 
_ nience along with the highest powers. 

_ * M.Ehrenberg, it appears, was then not acquainted with Schiek’s new mi- 
croscope, and a letter alluding to this subject is found in the same volume of 
Poggendorft's Annalen, p. 188, where he says, “ The sharpness and magnifying 
ower which M. Schiek has succeeded in giving to this convenient and elegant 
_ instrument, filled me with true inspiration ; and since its properties are founded 
on a rule determined by him for the combination of the object lenses, and several 
_ instruments finished at the same time gave the same clearness of image, I think 
it my duty, and advantageous to science, to make known the results of a com- 
_ parison of it with the best instruments in this town.” He then enumerates the 
_ good and bad qualities of Chevalier’s and Plisl's microscopes, and says, “‘ The 
microscope of Schiek unites the chief merits of those microscopes; large field, 
extremely sharp and clear light, which leaves nothing to wish for, even in the 
__ highest powers; magnifying power equal to the highest of Plésl—twice as high 
as that of Chevalier, and moreover a much greater focal distance. Besides this, 
‘it possesses a most convenient and elegant form, without being weak in its 
_ framework.” In another place: “The great clearness of the image, and the 
_ due strength of light, is an advance ; but the union of all these good properties 
in such a degree is a still greater one.” Since Ehrenberg wrote this he has had 
_ the opportunity of comparing Schiek’s instrument with those of Dollond and 
_ Amici. His opinion was that it surpassed them in conveniency and elegance, and 
quite 2 pute them in power, largeness of the field, and focal distance. 
___ M. Ehrenberg adds that his measurements were made in the same plane with 
_ the object, and not at a distance of five, eight, or twelve inches of the eye from it; 
__and informs whoever wishes to make a comparison, that his eye-distance from 
_ the object was, with a power of 380, 10” 6’; with a power of 800, 1'5!. He 
also suggests that in comparing the power of microscopes, the mean length of view 
of ordinary sight should be taken as a point of measurement at 8"; and states that 
is magnitudes refer to absolute measure, and require no reduction.—W. F. 




Mechanists and less experienced observers are very often in error 
about this, and imagine that by clearness of the small magnifying pow- 
ers they compensate for the strongest. Since, according to the state- 
ment of Herschel, Amici’s microscope magnifies with clearness 3000 
times, it should be the endeavour of opticians not only to imitate the 
form and method of this instrument, but more especially to multiply 
and simplify in every possible way that property of the highest distinct 
achromatic magnifying power. For the general study of the finer or- 
ganization of all organized beings it is needful to possess in our days a 
clear achromatic magnifying power of at least 300 to 400 times in dia- 
meter. Microscopes which are of less magnifying power are, notwith- 
standing all art, beauty and clearness, not to be recommended to stu- 
dents and public establishments. Costly screw micrometers, more than 
three or four achromatic object glasses, which may be used single or 
together, reverberatory apparatus, and glass prisms, are mostly unneces- 
sary, and of advantage but rarely and in limited cases; and their use 
not proportionate to their cost. On the contrary, there are various 
things, especially a fine glass micrometer, and separate powerful mag- 
nifying eye-glasses, and double mirror, which really help and supply the 
wants of the active and careful observer. 

I cannot promise myself much from the solar microscopes until they 
are further mechanically developed. Those which I have had the op- 
portunity of seeing may certainly be considerably improved, and their 
‘power increased. I conclude by again repeating the observation, that 
there are, putting aside all inorganic bodies, even in the kingdom of or- 
ganic bodies whose constituent parts or molecules are generally con- 
sidered to be the coarsest, magnitudes capable of direct proof which 
are in diameter z335, Of a line; and others that can be proved indirectly 
which may be less than a six millionth part of a Parisian line in diame- 
ter; that the ideas often expressed respecting atoms, as subjects of 
experience, are somewhat tvo confident ; finally, that the power of 
the microscopes which we at present possess does not in its maximum 

amount to more than to make distinctly visible long opake threads of 

1 1 
1,200000 144000 

in diameter ; and that for these latter they must be increased forty 
times in order to satisfy what is required for reaching directly those mi- 
nutest parts of organic bodies whose existence has been inferred from 
simple deductions ; and that we are not to entertain a thought of per- 
ceptible or ever attainable simple matter, or material primitive con- 
stituent particles. 

of a line 

'’ diameter, and square superficies or globules of 


1. As regards the Spermatazoa, which might be regarded by many 
persons as very important in the decision of the question of the 


primitive origination of the Entozoa, and which have not been men- 
tioned in the memoir, I will only remark that these bodies are metho- 
dically inoculated into every animal being in which they have hitherto 
been discovered, which implies nothing wonderful, but only much that 
is obscure, and which hereafter may be gradually cleared up by an in- 
creased power of the microscope. 

2. On the perception of the smallest bright bodies I have had an op- 
portunity of obtaining a few more results. On pressing small globules 
of quicksilver on a glass micrometer, I easily obtained smaller globules 
of th tO aq'oo Of a line in diameter. In the sunshine I could only dis- 
cern the reflection of light and the existence of suchglobules as were 335 
of a line in diameter with the naked eye; smaller ones did not affect my 
eye either in sunshine or with a Chevalier’s reverberatory lamp. I 
however remarked, at the same time, that the actual bright part of the 
globule did not amount to more than 53, of a line in diameter. Spider- 
threads of 5,5," in diameter were still discernible from their lustre. 

3. I have lately made some experiments on the dust of diamonds, and 
found that a diamond superficies of ;3, of a line in diameter presents a 
much more vivid light tothe naked eyethan one of quicksilver of thesame 
diameter. I have not yet been able to find smaller particles of diamond 
dust possessing a good lustre. The smallest particles were from >755 
to 3555 of a line in diameter ; but even under the microscope no lustre 
was to be perceived. This, perhaps, was owing to the treatment. The 
result of these supplementary observations is, that fluid metals, since a 
small part only of their globular superficies shines strongly, make per- 
ceptible only very small particles of light; that in proportion much 
smaller lamina, especially diamond lamina, may be at least as easily 
discerned as considerably larger metallic globules. Whether the pro- 
portion is as 1 to 3, further investigations must teach us. Particles of 
light having a linear form constitute the utmost limit ofthe power of 
vision; and the luminous or light-reflecting corpuscles are the fixed 
stars of the microscopic world. 


On the Application of Circular Polarization to Organic 
Chemistry ; by M. M. Bror and CHEVREUL. 

On the Application of Circular Polarization to the Analysis 
of the Vegetation of the Gramineae; by M. Brov. 

(Read before the Royal Academy of Sciences of Paris, July 1st, 1833.) 
From the Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle, vol. iii., p. 47, sq. 

Ir being my intention to show by experiment in what manner indica- 
tions derived from circular polarization may be usefully employed in 
chemical researches, principally in those of organic chemistry, the 
innumerable transformations effected in carbonated products by vege- 
table life appeared to me to be one of the objects of study best adapted 
for the attainment of this end. For these products, so various in their 
appearances and physical properties, being, under an infinity of cireum- 
stances, composed solely of carbon and water united in different pro- 
portions, their mixtures, combinations, and transmutations, offer ex- 
cellent tests of a method which distinguishes them individually by 
inspection alone, and thus ascertains their presence without altering 
them. Now organic chemistry was deficient in precisely these cha- 
racters recognisable by inspection, the consequence of which was its 
difficult, I may even say its often uncertain progress; because, being 
unable to recognise bodies otherwise than by isolating them, and this 
isolation being effected only by the intervention of special agents 
applied to the combinations or mixtures of which they form a part, the 
choice and appropriation of the tests to be employed for each case 
could only be determined by the conjecture, more or less probable, of 
their presence ; and there is often danger of modifying these products 
by thus acting upon them, or even of creating new ones by uniting the 
principles of which they are formed ; so mobile are the combinations 
upon which they depend, and with such facility do they become con- 
verted into each other. : 

The indications (caractéres indicatifs) furnished by circular polari- 
zation certainly will not remove these last-mentioned difficulties, which 
are inherent in the subject ; but in very many cases they will abridge 
and reduce them to those which are inevitable, by in the first instance 
furnishing the chemist with the properties capable of being immediately 
observed, predicable of the molecular condition of the combinations on 
which he has to treat; then by rendering equally visibleand observable 
all the changes by which that primitive state may be altered, so that 


he may be aware of their occurrence as soon as they take place ; and 
lastly, by affording characters of the same order for distinguishing the 
greater number of the organic products which he isolates. We do not 
here pretend to supply chemical tests, but simply to illustrate in many 
cases the convenience of their application, and to characterize imme- 
diately the consequences resulting from them by sensible effects; for 
it is definitively chemistry and chemistry alone by which the products 
ean be isolated and resolved into their component parts. 

The employment of this method, as the Academy has seen, has al- 
ready enabled me to discover the singular modifications that the foli- 
aceous organs of exogenous trees produce in the ascending sap which 
supplies them with nourishment in their first development; and it 
afterwards assisted me in distinguishing the elaborated products which 
these same organs convey under the cortical layers to nourish, or even 
perhaps to form the new cellular tissue. Persons conversant with the 
study of vegetable physiology can alone give to these researches the 
generality necessary for the deduction of its laws. All my ambition 
has been to offer them an experimental method of tracing these myste- 
rious operations. The results that I now offer to the Academy are 
directed to the same end, and are intended to confirm those previously 
obtained, while they at the same time render them complete. 

The long duration of exogenous trees is accompanied by a propor- 
tionate retardation of the total development of the phenomena of their 
vitality. The trunks of the Graminee, the existence of which is com- 
pleted in a year, presents in this narrow circle the whole series of the 
analogous phenomena. From this class I have selected rye and wheat, 
with the intention of examining the various phases of their vegetation. 

From the researches on germination of physiologists and chemists, 
we have learned what takes place immediately after the birth of these 
plants. The amylaceous globules (globules féculasés) deposited in the 
perisperm of the grain around the embryo are emptied, and the dex- 
trine which they contain is converted into sugar, which serves as nou- 
rishment to the young stem until its foliaceous organs and roots are 
developed. But when this first supply of aliment is exhausted, the 
young plant is left to procure such as will continue its development. 

Now the nature of these new alimentary products, the modifications 
which they undergo in the various parts of the plant, and the manner 
in which these various parts contribute successively or simultaneously 
to nourish the seed, and to supply it with the substances of which it is 
to be composed, by transmitting the new alimentary products to the 
feeundated ovary, have not I believe been hitherto experimentally de- 

It is necessary here to distinguish the solid materials, the fixation of 
which constitutes the skeleton of the plant, from the juices and soluble 


products, which being unceasingly formed, destroyed, and renewed, are 
conveyed by the life to every part of the vegetable, and conduce to its 
nutrition. The fixed materials may be known by the analysis of the 
dead cr withered vegetable ; but even among these we have to distin- 
guish those which are essential to the existence of the plant, and those 
which have been accidentally raised from the earth by the roots, with 
the water in which they were dissolved, or held in a state of sufficient 
tenuity to be transmitted through the vessels and the vacuous spaces 
of the cellular tissue, I shall be careful not to commit myself in these 
complex questions, for which all the assistance of chemistry and of the 
microscope is scarcely sufficient, I shall confine my remarks to a few 
of the alimentary products of plants which are known to be composed 
by them, and conveyed into their various parts whilst undergoing the 
metamorphosis produced by vitality. 

My first trials upon rye were made on the 3rd of May, upon young 
shoots, in which the ear was already developed but not yet flowering, 
and indeed far from it. The roots, the stems, and the ears were sepa- 
rately treated with water, and the extracts submitted to the tests of 
circular polarization; then these extracts concentrated but not desic- 
cated were treated with alcohol, and the substances whether precipita- 
ble or non-precipitable were in the same manner submitted to the tests 
of polarization. Finally, these substances thus isolated were brought 
into contact with yeast in order to ascertain those which were or which 
were not fermentable; after which their rotation was observed, to dis- 
cover whether it were diminished, increased, or altered in direction. 

The extract of the roots presented indications of an exceedingly fee- 
ble rotation directed towards the left. As the extract of the stems acted 
in the same direction, I thought that these feeble indications might be 
attributed to the roots not having been rigorously separated from them. 
I had not then observed that similar almost neutral mixtures may be 
produced by sugars having contrary rotation, which are detected and 
rendered discernible by fermentation when one of their elements is cane 
sugar. The experiment must be renewed and completed by the aid of 
this process the following year. 

The extract from the stems contained a mixture of grape sugar. 
turning to the left, cane sugar turning to the right; and a substance pre- 
cipitable by alcohol, which possesses the characters of gum of being 
completely soluble in water, and of directing the rotation to the left. 
These three substances originally mingled in the extract produced a 
resultant of rotation towards the left; this resultant was considerably 
weakened when the precipitable substance was separated, to the point of 
making the alcoholic extract appear almost neutral. But when the alco- 
hol was expelled by heat, and the residuum of the extract brought into 
contact with yeast, a lively fermentation took place, and developed a 


strong rotation towards the left, thus detecting the mixture of grape 
sugar, not solidified, with cane sugar, which mutually concealed each 
other before the latter was interverted. The substance exhibiting a ro- 
tation to the left, and precipitable by alcohol, experienced also the alco- 
holic fermentation by contact with yeast, this property being either 
proper to it or arising from asmall quantity of sugar which might have 
been entangled with it in the precipitation. But the effect of the fer- 
mentation was ouly to weaken the rotation, without altering its direction. 

Twelve days after, on the 15th of May, the ears being more deve- 
loped, but still far from flowering, the stems again presented the 
mixture of these three substances. But the proportion of cane sugar 
was increased, for it determined the resultant of the rotation in its pro- 
per direction, towards the right, before fermentation. When this sugar 
was destroyed in the extract by boiling it with sulphuric acid, the in- 
fluence of this acid changed the direction of the rotation of the sub- 
stance precipitable by alcohol, which passed from the left to the right. 
This, as M. Persoz and myself have shown, is also a property of gum. 

The extract from the ears before flowering presented characters 
very different from the extract from the stems. Neither cane nor grape 
sugar was detected in it, but only sugar of starch (suere de fécule), 
which the fermentation enfeebled without changing. Alcohol also 
produced a precipitate in it, but of a different quality to that of the 
stems, for it was not soluble in water, or only so in a very small degree ; 
and this precipitate viewed with the microscope appeared formed only 
of shreds of cellular tissue and the remains of integuments similar to 
those which cover the globules of starch, without any sensible mixture 
of pulverulent matter. These results agreed with M. Raspail’s observa- 
tions, that the pericarp of the Cerealia before fecundation is filled with 
starch (fécule) in very small grains, the soluble matter of which is pro- 
gressively absorbed by the ovary, and serves as nourishment to it when 
the fecundation is effected. But as the extract of the ears made pre- 
viously to fecundation here presents us with sugar of starch, not with 
dextrine, it is evident that the globules of the pericarp must either con- 
tain this sugar ready formed and prepared to be absorbed by the young 
ovary, or that the globules are accompanied by a principle analogous 
to diastase, which breaks them and converts their dextrine into sugar, 
as in germination. 

After fecundation is effected the composition of the ears is greatly 
altered. On the 15th of June the young grains of rye, taken from 
the ears, contained grains of starch ready formed, which were visible 
with the microscope. They burst under the influence of sulphuric 

_ acid and disengaged a substance soluble in water and precipitable by 
aleohol, which is ascertained to be dextrine by the great energy of 
_ its rotatory power compared with its density. Sugar of starch ready 


formed is also found in it, the fermentation of which enfeebles the ro~ 
tation without changing it. There is nothing [in its polarizing action ] 
which indicates the existence of cane or grape sugar. 

The nature therefore of these two sugars which are contained in the 
foliaceous parts of the plant become changed like that of gum, by tra- 
versing the collars of the ears; and they serve as materials to the young 
grain, by which they are formed into dextrine, and the other products 
which compose the perisperm. 

I have made analogous experiments upon the young shoots of wheat, 
but guided by the preceding, I have taken them more in division, ap- 
plying them separately to the various foliaceous organs which in the 
rye I had studied as a whole. In these organs I found diversities of 
composition, of which I had no suspicion. 

I commenced my experiments on the 19th of May, upon young shoots 
of wheat in which the ears were not yet developed. Suspecting that 
the composition of the leaves was different from that of the stem, and 
that they were destined to nourish it after fecundation, in the same 
manner as the leaves of trees nourish or form the new annual layer of 
bark and alburnum, I carefully detached the cylindrical stalk from the 
vaginating leaves which surround it, and treated these two parts sepa- 
rately by the processes which I have just described, viz. by water, alco- 
hol and fermentation. 

The stems, like those of the rye, presented three carbonated sub- 
stances, viz. grape sugar turning to the left, cane sugar turning to the 
right, and a substance turning to the left which may be precipitated 
by alcohol. The relative proportions of these three principles varied 
considerably with the progress of vegetation. On the 20th of May their 
mixture produced a resultant of rotation directed towards the right, 
showing that cane sugar was predominant in it; but on the 4th of 
June, the ears having left the stems and flowered, the resultant of the 
stems had passed to the left, and was afterwards constantly maintained 
in that direction, evincing that the cane sugar had become relatively 
less abundant. It will presently be shown that in the ears it had passed 
in excess. 

The leaves furnished results very different from those of the stems ; 
they contained indeed a mixture of grape and cane sugar and a sub- 
stance precipitable by alcohol and soluble in water after that precipita- 
tion, but, contrary to the stems, the proportion of cane sugar consider- 
ably exceeded that of grape sugar; besides, the precipitable matter 
having exerted a rotation to the right seemed to be dextrine, while in 
the stems the precipitable substance had a rotation to the left, and ap- 
peared by this character analogous to gum. 

The leaves preserve this state of composition as long as their vitality 
continues, but when fecundation is effected they may be seen gradually 



to become yellow and to wither completely. This effect first takes place 
in the lowest leaves, and in each commences at the apex of the leaf and 
gradually extends to the point of insertion. When the leaves are com- 
pletely withered, if they are gathered and submitted separately to the 
tests that have been described, nothing can be found but some insensible 
or nearly insensible traces of the saccharine principles and of the precipi- 
table substance with which they previously abounded. Whence it appears 
that at the period of which we are treating these carbonated principles 
pass into the stem and serve it as an aliment, in the same manner as the 
analogous principles, elaborated by the leaves of exogenous trees, de- 
scend beneath the living cortical layer into the first external layers of 
the alburnum, in order to nourish the young cylinder of wood and 
bark, which like a hollow stem is annually formed and moulded upon 
the ancient skeleton of wood. 

In rye and wheat the basis of the stems therefore derive nourishment 
partly from the leaves which are attached to them and partly from the 
soil. The summit of the stem may also be supplied with aliment by its 
own leaves, and may raise the inferior sap ; but the ear, when it has left 
the stem, and especially when it has been fecundated, appears to exercise 
a powerful faculty of absorption upon the juices contained in the sum- 
mit, which must remove them rapidly, in proportion as they are fur- 
nished by the base of the stem. To satisfy myself that this was the 
fact I divided the stems of wheat, from which the leaves had been re- 
moved on the 4th of June, into two parts, the ear being in full flower, 
Of the two extracts thus formed, that of the bases contained nearly 
twice the quantity of sugar contained in the extract of the summits, 
the densities being equal. At this period also of full efflorescence the 
saccharine principles are abundant in the ears of wheat. They ex- 
ist in them in the state of sugar of starch and cane sugar, adjoined to a 
substance precipitable by alcohol, which is perfectly soluble in water, 
and has a rotation to the right like dextrine, but having less rotating 
energy and susceptible of modification by fermentation. The presence 
of cane sugar in the ears is ascertained by the rotation of the extract, 
which though strongly directed towards the right before fermentation, 
is suddenly thrown towards the left, and becomes very feeble as soon 
as that phenomenon is completed. There was nothing to indicate 
the existence of this sugar in the ears of rye before flowering, nor 
in the young grains of rye, though the stems also contained cane sugar. 
Could it arise from a difference of quality proper to the two plants ? 
Whatever it might be they each present this remarkable result, that 

the grape sugar of the stems does not pass in that state to the ears. 

‘ As has been remarked above, in proportion as the fecundated ear is 
enlarged the lower leaves become yellow and withered by transmitting 
_ their carbonated products to the stem. The base of the stem also 


withers and becomes yellow in its turn, while the superior part which 
is still green continues to nourish the ear, as is well known to agricul- 
turists. This fact, taken in conjunction with the preceding results, ex- 
plains several practices in agriculture, and shows in what their good 
effects consist. 

Thus when the base of the stem is withered, if the Cerealia be cut 
before the grain is ripened, it continues to receive nutriment and to be 
ripened at the expense of the stem, as if it still remained adhering to 
the soil. When the stems are dry the grain may therefore be brought to 
maturity without its being exposed to the losses of spontaneous shedding ; 
at least when there is reason to hope that the rains will not fall and 
destroy it upon the earth, upon which it has been prematurely ex- 
tended. The advantages of thus anticipating a retarded harvest have 
been enlarged upon by skilful agriculturists, and the application of the 
principle has been commenced. 

Secondly, since the leaves and stems of green plants form sugar 
and other soluble carbonated products, which are to be absorbed by 
the seed, which, as I have just stated, occurs in wheat, rye, and, as 
I have ascertained, in several other herbaceous plants, as well as in the 
leaves of exogenous trees, if they are buried in the earth in that state 
of verdure, it is evident that they will enrich the soil with all these 
products, so eminently conducive to the nourishment of the young plants 
to be produced from it. Now since it is proved by experiment that the 
green parts of vegetables decompose the carbonic acid of the air and 
appropriate the carbon, it becomes infinitely probable that this absorp- 
tion contributes to form the mass of their saccharine and gummy pro- 
ducts, in addition to the juices which they may draw from the earth by 
their roots ; and this probability is increased when we see how consi- 
derably the carbonated products of the leaves differ from the products 
of the stems, which derive their aliment more particularly from the 
earth. It is then the natural and legitimate conclusion that one part 
of the solid mass of plants is furnished during their life from the car- 
bon of atmospheric air, so that by burying them green in the earth more 
is rendered to the soil than it has yielded. 

Those only who are versed in chemistry and vegetable physiology 
can enter deeply into the grand phenomena of the absorption and fixa- 
tion of atmospheric principles in plants, whether immediately by their 
own organs or by the intermediation of inorganic substances capable of 
absorbing those principles, and of afterwards conveying them to plants 
in the nascent state. The application of lime in this mode of interme- 
diate action has already been suggested, and my own observations fur- 
nish evidence in confirmation of the propriety of the suggestion. Pro- 
bably analogous effects of absorption and successive transmission may 
be produced by other substances, cither upon the carbonic acid or the 


azote of the air, and their discovery would immensely extend our means 
of fertilizing the earth. The processes of investigation that I have here 
applied to products formed by living vegetables would be serviceable 
in these useful researches by manifesting in numerous instances, by sen- 
sible physical characters, the existence of the principles which have 
been introduced into them. 

When the annual circle of vegetation has been completed I shall col- 
lect into a single memoir the results that have thus been obtained, ac- 
companied by a detail of the experiments which have been employed to 
determine them. This collection of examples, added to my previous 
researches and to those which I have pursued in conjunction with M. 
Persoz, will be sufficient to show in what manner indications of circu- 
lar polarization may be rendered subservient to organic chemistry and 
also the manner of applying them to that purpose. The only task that 
I proposed for my own performance will then be accomplished, and I 
shall expect from the active dexterity of our chemists the almost unli- 
mited developments which it appears to promise. 

Examination of an Optical Character, by which, according to 
M. Biot, Vegetahle Juices capable of producing Sugar 
analogous to Cane Sugar, and those capable only of pro- 
ducing Sugar similar to Grape Sugar, may he immediately 
distinguished; hy M. CHEVREUL. 

From the Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle,vol. iii. p. 307, sq. 

1. I HAVE judged it expedient to devote a special memoir to the 
development of the reasons upon which the opinion expressed in the 
‘preceding report [on several papers relative to the chemical and physio- 
logical history of starch, ] respecting the importance of the optical cha- 
racter proposed by M. Biot to be applied to organic chemistry reposes; 
in order to show that this opinion has not been formed without due 
‘consideration, and that it is in fact only an application of the views 
which I have elsewhere explained long ago, upon the relative impor- 
tance of the various properties suitable to be employed as characters 
in the definition of chemical species, considered individually and col- 

2. To attain this object I proceed to examine the optical character 
proposed by M. Biot: 

First, in relation to the objections which may be urged against its 
importance in organic analysis, and in the definition of species. 


Secondly, in relation to its probable utility in distinguishing the 
various arrangements of the atoms or particles of a particular species, 
and in estimating the alterations which may occur in bodies of deter- 
minate species mixed together ; and to (in my apprehension) its real use 
as a reagent or indication in the determination of chemical species of or- 
ganic origin. 

§ 1. 
On the objections which may be urged against the importance of the op- 
tical character. 

ArTIcLE I.—On the objections which may be urged against the import- 
ance of the optical character in immediate chemical analysis. 

3. We examine in succession the cases; first, in which a juice causes 
a deviation in the plane of polarization to the left ; secondly, in which 
the deviation is to the right; and lastly, in which there is no deviation. 
We shall afterwards treat of the difficulty of estimating the quantity of 
active matter from the density of the liquid in which it is dissolved, a_ 
difficulty which arises in the two cases of deviation. 

a. Deviation to the left. 

4. When a deviation to the left in the plane of polarization is ob- 
served, how is it to be immediately ascertained whether this property 
belongs to gum Arabic, or to grape sugar not solidified, since it is 
common to them both? How are we to be certain that the property 
of the juice proceeds from only one of these substances, and is not the 
result of the activity of them both? Lastly, what certainty is there 
that it is not caused by other bodies than the gum and the grape sugar 
not solidified ? 

b. Deviation to the right. 

5. There is the same uncertainty if the subject of observation be a 
deviation to the right; for the dextrine of Biot, cane sugar, sugar of 
starch of the first formation, sugar of starch of the second formation, 
and solidified grape sugar have all the property of producing a devia- 
tion to the right in the plane of polarization. 

6. This is not all: sugar of starch of the first formation and cane 
sugar have nearly the same energy, so that, as M. Biot acknowledges, 
recourse must be had either to alcoholic fermentation which interverts 
the plane of polarization of cane sugar to the left, and which leaves 
unaltered that of sugar of fecula, or to sulphuric acid which produces 
the same results. M. Biot gives the preference to the last method, 
because he says that fermentation is an operation not sufficiently un- 
derstood. But as sulphuric acid develops sugar of starch and grape 
sugar with principles which are not saccharine, may not the employ- 


ment of it, at least in some instances, be productive of error? In 
short, since it is necessary to have recourse to fermentation or sulphuric 
acid, it is evident that the character of circular polarization does not 
furnish the means of immediately distinguishing the vegetable juices 
which yield sugar analogous to cane sugar, and those which only yield 
grape sugar ; and that therefore it has not the advantage of giving a 
more precise indication in organic analysis than that furnished by the 
chemical processes, which are liable to the objection of disturbing the 
equilibrium of the elements of substances, which by their means have 
been separated from each other. 

c. Case in which there is no deviation. 

7. M. Biot quotes a case in which he found a fluid of an extremely 
saccharine quality without rotation*, because it contained at the same 
time grape sugar solidified and not solidified. He remarked that time 
produces an alteration in the solidified sugar, gradually diminishing its 
property of rotation to the left and directing it towards the right; thus 
the same body spontaneously experiences a molecular alteration which 
has a tendency to cause it to pass successively through a series of 
states marked by the signs + 0 and —. After such a result, how 
is it possible to imagine that the extreme states distinguished by the 
signs + and — could be precise characters for other bodies proper to 
cause their immediate recognition in the juices of plants ? 

d. Difficulty of estimating the quantity of an active principle from the 
density of the fluid by which it is held in solution. 

8. The action of deviating from the plane of polarization whether to 
the left or to the right, being the product of all the active molecules 
contained in the liquid upon which the experiment is performed, it 
follows that in the most simple case, that in which the activity emanates 
from only one principle, when we would determine the specific nature 
of this principle, it will be necessary to attend to its proportion relative 
to the solvent; for as quantity may compensate for the feebleness of 
the action, two solutions may have the same rotatory power, though one 
‘may contain a principle much less energetic than the other. 

9. How is this proportion to be ascertained? According to M. Biot, 
by taking the density of the liquids; but if positive results can be 
‘drawn from the determination of the density, it can only be when tables 
of the respective solutions of each active principle have previously been 
formed, in each of which the densities correspond to determined pro- 
portions of the principle dissolved, and to the rotatory powers of solu- 

_ tions made according to the same proportions. 

* Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, 3rd series, vol. ii. p. 341. 


10. Without such researches, without accurate knowledge of the 
nature of the bodies which accompany one or several active principles, 
of their proportions relative to their solvents, and of their influence 
upon the density of the juice in which they are contained, how can a 
general rule be formed for the appreciation of the density proper to the 
active principle or principles of a vegetable juice, endowed with a pro- 
perty of causing a deviation in the plane of polarization, in order to 
deduce from it the nature and the proportions of the principle or prin- 
ciples? Now science is actually deficient in all the investigations neces- 
sary to surmount this difficulty. 

ArtIcLe II.— On the oljections which may be urged against the import- 
ance of the optical character in the definition of chemical species. 

11. Though there is not for the classification and definition of che- 
mical species, asubordination of characters comparable to that observed 
in natural classifications, among which those endowed with life, such as 
the zoological and botanical species, are ordinated into genera, families, 
orders, and superior divisions ; yet there are properties in chemistry, 
the importance of which rest upon distinctions essential to that science, 
which furnish characters more or less rational, for grouping the species 
together and distinguishing them from each other. The differences to 
be remarked between the classification of chemical species and that of 
zoological and botanical species arise principally, as I have elsewhere 
shown, from the small number of general properties which are adapted 
to serve as general characters of chemical species, from the corre- 
lative relation of these properties, and from the circumstance that the 
special object of chemistry is the circumscription of the species. We 
will now enter upon a few details relative to. the properties capable of 
serving as characters of chemical species, whether for grouping them 
or for distinguishing each of them in particular, and supplying means 
by which they may be known. 

12. The combustible and comburent properties of simple bodies, and 
‘the acid and alkaline properties of compound bodies, are general pro- 
perties of such a nature, that if in consequence of their correlation, 
they will not serve for the formation of groups perfectly circumscribed, 
yet they serve to give a precise idea of a body which possesses one of 
these properties in a certain degree of energy. We will take for ex- 
ample the acidity of an oxygenated body when it is sufficiently ener- 
getic to remove the alkali from the red substance of litmus. 

Since it possesses this property which gives it the function of an acid, 
it may be concluded : 

Ist. Tha! it will enter into combination with all, or at least with the 
greater part of the compounds of an alkaline quality. 



- 2nd. That the proportion of potash or of any other oxybase neces- 
sary to neutralize this acid being once known, it will not be necessary 
to have recourse to experiments to ascertain the quantity of the other 
oxybases which are capable of neutralizing the same acid. 

3rd. That the action of the acid upon organic colouring principles 
may be predicted with a great degree of probability. 

13. There are properties which, without having the importance of 
those which have been noticed, are interesting, inasmuch as they furnish 
useful indications. For instance, if a substance precipitates without 
alteration the animal matter of the water in which they are held in solu- 
tion, it may be inferred with great probability that it will preserve animal 
matter, as is the case with the tannins; and I shall show that nearly 
all the substances of which this is predicable, though they may differ 
widely in their elements, have notwithstanding many analogous pro- 
perties ; among others a flavour more or less astringent. 

14. The properties which have been considered may be remarked 
(12 and 13), though under different relations, when a community of 
characters is endeavoured to be established between a greater or less 
number of chemical species, differing greatly with regard to their ele- 
mentary composition. Let us now examine the properties which are 
the best adapted for the definition of particular species. 

15. The properties the most suitable for this purpose are certainly 
those which are manifested for our observation with equal intensity in 
the different conditions in which the specimens of the species possessing 
them may be placed. For example, acidity, which we have considered 
as one of the most general properties of compound bodies, may become 
a specific character of precision when considered in an acid body in 
particular, with regard to the proportion in weight of the potash or any 
other alkali, that a given quantity of this acid requires in order to its 
neutralization. In fact this proportion will be constant as long as the 
specific nature of the acid lasts. 

16. Properties which are manifested by obvious phanomena of easy 
production are also adapted to become specific characters; but I shall 
show that these characters are specific in proportion to the small amount 
of the alteration sustained by the elementary composition of the species. 
With this circumstance in view, I have formed three groups of che- 
mical properties from these three species: first, those which do not 
undergo any sensible alteration in their composition; secondly, those 
which undergo an alteration which does not prevent them from resuming 
their first composition ; and lastly, those in which the alteration is suffi- 
_ ciently profound to preventthe resumption of the original composition*. 

* Considérations générales sur l’ Analyse organique. Levrault, Paris, 1824, 
p- 34 to 42. 

Voi. I.—Panrr IV. 26 


This distinction is very important when in our researches into the im- 
mediate principles of organized beings we are desirous of ascertaining 
the value of indications furnished by what in chemistry are called re- 

17. There are physical properties which furnish characters for di~ 
stinguishing bodies in analytical researches, which are valuable in pro- 
portion to the limitation of the number of species possessing them, and 
the facility with which these species may be distinguished among them- 
selves by other characters. Such is the property of producing a violet 
vapour, which belongs only to iodine and indigo, bodies very distinct, 
since the vapour of the first does not undergo any alteration, even at 
the most elevated temperatures, while the vapour of the second is com- 
pletely altered even below 560d.° 

18. Definitively, the properties which furnish the chemist with cha- 
racters the best adapted for the classification, definition, and recogni- 
tion of chemical species in analyses, are 

a. Those which are the most constantly found in a certain species, 
whatever be the diversity of circumstances in which it may be placed; 

6. Those the existence of which necessarily involves that of others ; 

e. Those which are in general concomitants ; 

d. Those, easily verified, which belonging only to a very small num- 
ber of species, differing widely in other respects, are valuable for ana- 
lytical researches, or to concur with other properties in characterizing 
these species, but whose existence does not lead to any conjecture rela- 
tive to an analogy of properties between the bodies to which they 

We shall now examine, according to the views that I have just ex- 
plained, the optical character proposed by M. Biot. 

19. Grape sugar which has not been solidified directs the plane of 
polarization to the left ; and as, according to M. Biot, its chemical na- 
ture is unaltered when it becomes crystallized in grape juice, and as it 
then directs the plane of polarization to the right, it follows that this 
property is not fundamental, since it is found in the same species with 
two different signs ; it does not therefore fulfill the condition 18 a. 

20. Cane sugar has certainly less analogy with sugar of starch of the 
first formation than the latter has with sugar of starch of the second 
formation ; the action however of the two first is equal or nearly equal, 
while the action of sugar of starch of the second formation is much 
feebler than that of sugar of starch of the first formation. From this tt 
is evident that the optical character proposed by M. Biot does not apply 
to one of those properties the existence of which necessarily involves that 

* Rapport de M. Chevreul sur un Mémoire de M. Donnée. Annales de 
Chimie et de Physique, vol. xxxviii. p. 89. 


__ of others or leads to their prediction, since it has a tendency to confound 

two very different bodies, and since on the other hand it establishes a 

difference between two bodies which in other respects have the greatest 
analogy of properties and composition. 

It does not therefore fulfill the conditions 18 6 e d. 

21. From the manner in which M. Biot has related his observations, 
it appears to me that, in the actual state of things, the property of caus- 
ing a deviation in the plane of polarized light is in its variations con- 
nected rather with the various arrangements that the particles of a species 
may take without their nature being altered, than it is with the various ar- 
rangements which constitute different species ; so that there is not now 
_ more reason to establish a mutual relation between species which act in 
_ the same direction and with the same energy, than there is to presume 
that a decided opposition exists between the properties of two species 
which act differently upon the plane of polarization. 

§ 2. 
On the probable Utility of the Optical Character. 

22. I have stated the objections which may be urged against the use 
of the optical character as it has been presented by its author ; I shall 
now consider in what it is likely to be useful. By this mode of examining 
the physical character, the application of which to organic chemistry 
has been proposed, I hope to render apparent the object which I 
have really in view, which is to restrain within its true limits that which 
has been made to exceed them by ascribing to it a generality which 
it does not possess, and a degree of precision which it can only attain 
by ulterior experiments, and which even then will be confined to the 
limits which J attribute to it. 

Articie I.— Utility of the Optical Character for the various Ar- 
rangements of the Atoms or Particles of a Species. 

23. If it be true, as M. Biot thinks, that a body, as grape sugar, 
though dissolved in water, affects the molecular state in such a man- 
ner as to cause deviation to the right or left of the plane of polarization, 
accordingly as the solution has been made with crystallized sugar, or is 
such as nature presents us with in the juice which has just been ex- 
tracted from the grape, it is undoubtedly interesting to inquire whether 
other species of immediate principles present an analogous phenome- 
non, in order to judge whether any consequence may be deduced, re- 
lative either to the various arrangements of which the atoms or parti- 
cles of these species taken separatele may be susceptible, or to the 
which produces the variation of the phenomenon, 

24. When the object of study is a species of body brought to its 



‘greatest degree of purity, it is incontestably important to investigate 
the action which it is capable of exercising upon the plane of polariza- 
tion, when it is dissolved in any liquid whatever, compared with the 
action which it is capable of exercising after having been exposed to 
the influence of some agent, such as light, heat, or electricity. 

25. I shall show that the importance of these researches to the che- 
mist does not arise from their affording proof that an observable altera- 
tion has taken place in the rotatory power of a substance submitted 
to the action of a certain agent, when the nature of this substance has 
been evidently changed ; that is to say, when it has been converted into 
a substance absolutely distinct from what it was before the experiment ; 
but from their enabling him to ascertain whether an alteration in the 
arrangements of the particles has really occurred, in cases in which the 
substances submitted to experiment appear at first sight not to have 
undergone any such alteration, and in which, without the test of cir- 
cular polarization, we should be led to conclude that they had absolutely 
not experienced any. 

26. The following example will illustrate my proposition : 

A solution of starch in boiling water is converted into sugar by sul- 
phuric acid. The starch dissolved in water being insoluble in alcohol, 
whilst the sugar into which it becomes converted is soluble in that sub- 
stance, we have a means of distinguishing in the action of sulphuric 
acid upon starch the moment when the conversion of this principle into 
saccharine matter commences, and the moment when it is completed. 
If it be now discovered that the solution of starch is possessed of a pro- 
perty of causing the plane of polarized light to deviate to the right in a 
much greater degree than is effected by its sugar, is it not true that the 
observation of the diminution of the rotatory power of the solution of 
starch submitted to the action of sulphuric acid teaches nothing more 
than the preceding facts relative to the alteration effected in the pro- 
perties of the starch? And the conversion of a substance essentially in- 
sipid and incapable of producing alcohol into a fermentable saccharine 
substance, gives a much more exact idea of the change effected in its 
composition than that derived from the variation of its rotatory power. 
In cases in which a substance submitted to an agent has sustained an 
alteration in its rotatory power, which, far from being, as in the exam- 
ple of the starch, the result of the conversion of one substance into an- 
other perfectly distinct from the first, has on the contrary sustained so 
slight an alteration in the distribution of its particles that without 
having verified it we should conclude that the substance had not under- 
gone any alteration whatever in its properties ; it is then, I repeat, that 
the observation of the optical character becomes interesting, as leading 
to researches which may render other alterations discernible which 
without them might escape the notice of the observer. 


Articie II.—Utility of the Optical Character for estimating the 
Changes which may occur in determinate Species mingled together. 

27. It would be important to ascertain the influence that chemical 
species, the relations of which to the property of which I am treating 
have been previously perfectly determined, would exercise by their 
mutual contact, whether in the destruction or the neutralization of this 
property, in its development, augmentation, or diminution. I conceive 
that there are mutual actions of certain bodies in solution of which we 
are at present ignorant, in consequence of not possessing means of 

observing some phenomenon which is only manifested when they are 

mutually present. It is, I apprehend, particularly in relation to the or- 

ganoleptic properties of bodies that it would be useful to attempt re- 

searches of this nature. 1 cannot here enter upon the subject more in 

detail; but I reserve the particulars for a work upon the neutrality of 

bodies, considered in the most general manner. 

Articre II].— Utility of the Optical Character as a Reagent in the 
Determination of Chemical Species of Organic Origin. 

28. A certain vegetable fluid, or liquid of animal origin, or in a word 
any solution the nature of which is investigated by analysis, when sub- 
mitted to the action of polarized light, gives a determinate result. Well! 
I apprehend that the observation of the optical property may furnish 
useful indications in the following cases : 

First case: 

29. In which the properties of the substance analysed are found in 
the separate principles. The optical property of these principles ex- 
plains perfectly that of the substance of which they are the consti- 
tuents ; consequently this result concurs with other observations to 
prove that it has not sustained alteration in the analysis. 

Second case : 

30. In which all the properties of the substance analysed are not 
found in the separate principles. The observation of the optical cha- 
racter may here assist in the solution of the question, Has there been 
any alteration of the separated principles ? or do not the changes ob- 
served arise from the destruction either of a combination or a mutual 
influence of principles, while no alteration has occurred in the ele- 
mentary composition of these principles? We then enter upon the ques- 
tion which I have considered in my “ Considérations générales sur 
V Analyse organique.” p. 116. 

31. I think that sufficient attention has not been given to ascertain 
whether there be not in grape juice and sugar of starch of the first 

formation some body foreign to grape sugar and sugar of starch, 


which exercises some influence upon the results as they have been de- 
scribed by M. Biot. 


If we admit with M. Biot: 

Ist. That a substance such as grape sugar can cause a deviation in 
the plane of polarization in one case to the right, and in another to the 
left ;-— 

2nd. That two substances perfectly distinct, such as cane sugar and 
the sugar of starch of the first formation, have sensibly the same rota- 
tory power ;— 

3rd. That two substances soapproximated as are the sugars of starch of 
the first and second formations, have perfectly distinct rotatory powers ; 
we must conclude that there is no consequence deducible from the op- 
tical character relative to the connection of one species with another ; 
and that its indications relate only to differences of molecular arrange- 
ments, which have but an inconsiderable influence upon the character- 
istic properties of the species. 

On the Application of the Laws of Circular Polarization to 
the Researches of Chemistry ; by M. Bior. 

From the Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, vol. iii. p. 502, 
et seq. 

WHEN a new process of observation is introduced into the sciences, 
it is well that it should be contested and criticized by persons of repu- 
tation, for if the discussion be conducted by each party with freedom 
and sincerity, nothing can be more advantageous to the new invention, 
provided it be sufficiently well established to sustain it. With a con- 
viction of this truth, I have read the dissertation inserted by M. Che- 
vreul in the last number of the Annales d’ Histoire Naturelle, upon 
the phenomena of circular polarization which I discovered in a great 
number of solid, liquid, and even gaseous substances; and upon the 
employment which I proposed to make of it in the most delicate re- 
searches of organic chemistry, in which these substances almost exclu- 
sively occur. 

M. Chevreul divides his dissertation into two parts. 

In the first (I quote his own words) he examines the objections 

which may be urged against the optical character which I have disco- 


Cn ey See a ee ee eae Pr 


In the second he specifies the use to which he thinks it may be 
applied. i 

I also shall follow this division of ideas. But in employing this ar- 
rangement, it is necessary here to recall with precision the nature of 
the character under consideration, as it was conceived and explained by 
me when either experimentally determining or applying its physical 
laws : for (a circumstance resulting probably from its novelty, and 
from the scarcity of the apparatus hitherto constructed for its appli- 
eation,) I differ almost as much from M. Chevreul with regard to the 
appreciation of the advantages which he attributes to it, as I do with 
regard to the limitations to which he supposes it liable. Nor will a 
clear and precise explanation of this new method of studying bodies be 
misplaced in the annals of natural history, in which I have several times 
described the results which I have deduced from it relative to various 
particulars of vegetation. 

When a ray of homogeneous light is polarized by reflection in a 
certain plane, which I shall suppose to be vertical, both sides of this 
plane manifest symmetrical properties, when it is analysed immediately 
with a doubly refractive achromatic prism. This symmetry is still 
preserved when the ray thus prepared traverses certain transparent 
liquids, water, alechol, and the fat oils, for example, before it arrives at 
the prism ; at least such is the case within the limits of the thickness 
in which I have had opportunity of testing them. Other liquids on the 
contrary, such as solutions of sugar, camphor, and gum, and many of 
the essential oils, destroy this primitive symmetry even when the sur- 
faces of entrance and of emergence are perpendicular to the direction 
of the transmitted ray. If this ray be analysed after its emergence, it 
is again found polarized in one direction, but that different to its pri- 
mitive direction, with an angular deviation towards the right or the left 
of the observer, according to the quality of the substance interposed. 
The angle of deviation for each substance when in a similar state is 
exactly in proportion to the thickness that the simple ray has traversed, 
which assimilates the observable effect to a continuous and uniform ro- 
tation of the plane of polarization. But the arc of rotation described 
in each substance of equal thickness differs for the different simple 
rays, according to the fixed laws which I have experimentally deter- 
mined, and which up to the present time are sensibly identical for all 
substances, with the exception of tartaric acid, which alone offers an 
anomaly in this respect, whence it may, not without probability, be in- 
ferred that it is a combination of two atomic groups of contrary rota- 
tions having unequal dispersive powers. Whatever may be the fact, 
the general law of the deviation of different rays in all other cases, 
enables us to predict numerically the composition and the succession 
of the coloured images that the crystallized prism presents when the 


light transmitted is white; whence results the facility of making obser- 
vations with a light of this nature as rigorously as with simple light, 
and in a manner infinitely more convenient in practice, and more deli- 
cate with respect to the appreciations which can be made by its means. 

The single fact that the rotations are proportional to the degree of 
thickness in liquid mediums under normal incidences, proves to every 
natural philosopher familiar with the general laws of mechanics that 
the action thus exerted is molecular; that is, that the total deviation 
observed through a limited thickness is the sum of the infinitely small 
angular deviations successively produced by the groups of atoms which 
compose each infinitely thinlayer of the simple or compound substance 
exercising a power of this nature. This molecular power is of such 
great importance, and is so evidently the principle of all the chemical 
applications of the phenomenon which are possible, that I have em- 
ployed the most minute attention and the most diversified tests in 
order indubitably to establish its truth. 

I endeavoured in the first instance to remove all idea that the effect 
could arise from a certain actual relation of position existing among 
the molecular groups of the active medium. For this purpose I agi- 
tated the particles by moving the medium during the transmission of 
the ray, and modified their intervals by the application of heat, without 
however carrying it so far as chemically to alter the atomic groups; 
the total deviation remained the same, as the mechanical laws had pre- 
viously indicated. I again removed these groups much further, and, so 
to speak, indefinitely, by mixing active with inactive liquids, or with 
those having an action upon each other either in a similar or in a con- 
trary direction: the total deviation produced by the mixed system was 
always rigorously the sum of the partial deviations that the luminous 
ray would have undergone in traversing the same sum of active and 
inactive groups placed in succession in separate tubes. These expe- 
riments, which M. Chevreul says require now to be made*, I performed, 
and published in the memoirs of the Academy sixteen years ago; and I 
almost lost my life at that time in performing an experiment by which 
I proved that the essence of turpentine preserves its rotatory property 
in the state of vapour in motion. 

I established all these laws in 1818+, and no addition had been made 
to them until a more profound examination of these laws, and an ap- 
paratus of much greater sensibility, furnished me with indications of the 
rotatory property infinitely more delicate than those which I had pre- 
viously employed ; and I succeeded by these means, two years ago, in 
discovering this property in a great number of substances of organic 

* Rapport sur l Amidon, chap. v.,§ 72. Annales, p. 266. 
t+ Vide the Mémoires de /’ Académie des Sctences for the year 1817. 


origin in which I had not previously suspected its existence. I then 
resumed with renewed attention all the experiments which could serve 
as bases for establishing the details; and these results were accompanied 
by the formule necessary to deduce the comparable consequences; esta- 
blishing for each substance, whether simple or compound, what I call 
its power of actual molecular rotation, which is the angular deviation 

- which it exercises upon the plane of polarization of a certain simple 
ray, with a thickness of one millemetre, and a hypothetical density 
equal to unity. Though the volume of the Academy in which these 
researches are inserted has not yet appeared before the public, I have 
sent within about the last year printed copies of them to several che- 
mists both Frenchmen and foreigners, and they have served as the 
foundation of all my subsequent researches. For I have since found 
it sufficient to apply the same methods and the same formule in the 
various experiments which I have undertaken, simply extending or cor- 
roborating them by the additional processes which the development of 
my researches required or suggested; so that to dissipate the different 
objections that M. Chevreul has raised, at least those which I have well 
understood, I shall merely have to quote the corresponding results 
which are already published in these Annals. 

But first I shall greatly simplify this discussion by declaring that I 
have not any intention of following M. Chevreul in the most extended 
article of his dissertation, in which he examines “ the objections which 
may be urged against the importance of the optical character in the de- 
finition of chemical species.” Having never proposed its application to 
such a use, I have not to defend it upon this point ; more especially as 
in my own opinion no character taken separately is sufficient to define, 
I will not say achemical species in general merely, but even a substance 
individually unique. Such definitions are and can be merely the ex-. 
pression of our ignorance ; or in other terms, of our actual knowledge. 
An attempt was made to class natural solid bodies according to their 
erystallization ; but among them were found some rigorously isomor- 
phous ; for instance, those which crystallize in cubes or in regular oc- 
tahedrons proved to be such by the complete symmetry of their derived 
forms. A second attempt was made to class them according to che- 
mical composition: this was defeated by the discovery of bodies exactly 
isomeric. These two examples may suffice to convince us that the de- 
finition of bodies should be established upon the union of the obser- 
vable characters that each of them possesses ; and that this definition 
must always be merely provisional, as another system of material par- 
ticles may be discovered tomorrow, possessing in common the whole 
of this first collection of properties. The character derived from cir- 
cular polarization is therefore, and can be, nothing more than an addi- 
tional element, a new condition of the actual molecular state of the 


material systems, whether simple or compound, in which it exists; and 
I have positively and repeatedly said in the Annales d Histoire Natu-~ 
relle, that it was in this light that I regarded it*. In agreement with 
this view, in my applications of this character I have naturally had 
recourse to all auxiliary means suitable to be employed in conjunction 
with it. M.Chevreul had no occasion to say, as he has done p. 592, 
that, “as M. Biot acknowledges,” when cane sugar and sugar of starch ° 
are mixed together in one solution, it is necessary in order to distin- 
guish them to have recourse to alcoholic fermentation, or to the action 
of acids suitably regulated, in order to change the sum of the two ro- 
tations into a difference. He ought to have said that the employment 
of these auxiliary processes was my constant practice, and one of my 
principles formally expressed. 

The metaphysical question relative to the species being disposed of, 
I proceed to M. Chevreul’s other objections. The first three, which he 
ealls a, b, c, consist of inquiries how, when a deviation to the left is 
observed, it is to be immediately ascertained whether it belongs to gum 
or to grape sugar not solidified, or to a mixture of the two substances, 
it being common to them both ; and when a deviation to the right is 
observed, how it is to be immediately distinguished whether it be pro- 
duced by dextrine or sugar of amidon. Considering these questions in 
the positive sense of their experimental application, it is not now ne- 
cessary in the actual state of optical chemistry to reply to them; for 
not only the particular conditions here suggested, but a great number 
of others analogous and more difficult, were long ago determined in 
my researches upon vegetation, in which the specialty of function of 
various organs, incessantly modified by the progress of life, effectuated 
mixtures very differently complicated than those suggested by M. 
Chevreul. As I cannot suppose that he is ignorant of these results, 
which were published in the Annals, and still less that he wilfully 
suppressed them, I must of necessity discover some abstract sense in 
the difficulties he has raised, independent of the real applications which 
I have made; and a word that I have just written, the word imme- 
diately, excites a suspicion in my mind upon the subject. In the title 
of my first memoir upon liquid grape sugar, which has since been fol- 
lowed by many other more extended applications of my methods, I have 
said that by means of the optical character derived from circular po- 
larization, the juices of fruits capable of producing sugar analogous to 
cane sugar, and those from which only grape sugar might be expected, 
may be emmediately distinguished. In fact all the juices of our cli- 

* Vide the memoir upon the slow or sudden variations which occur in seve- 
ral organic combinations, Nouvelles Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, 
vol. ii. p. 835. Ibid., vol. iii. p. 48, upon the application of circular polari- 
zation to the analysis of the vegetation of the Graminex. [See p. 584.] 


mates from which cane sugar has hitherto been extracted, those of 
beet-root, parsneps, carrots, and marsh-mallows, presented a rotation to 
the right, whilst all those which yield only grape sugar invariably 
presented a rotation to the left; thus by the word immediately 1 
meant instantly, at the very moment; and indeed in my first ob- 
servations, I did not seek for other means of distinguishing the 
two kinds of sugar in question, not having at that period met with 
them naturally mixed sufficiently to conceal or intervert their 
proper rotation. Now if it be the word immediately which has 
shocked M. Chevreul, as expressing the pretence on my part of 
employing solely the optical character, to the exclusion of all other, 
and particularly of chemical means, 1 would beg him to observe that 
I have never acted in a manner to justify this interpretation. For even 
in my first fundamental memoir read before the Academy on the 5th 
of October, 1832, I determined the opposite rotations of the two prin- 
ciples of honey, the erystallizable and the uncrystallizable, after having 
separated them by means of alcohol; and I have never since neglected 
to seek all the assistance that chemistry is capable of affording. It is 
however; I repeat, with much hesitation that I attribute to M. Chevreul 
the suggestion of a difficulty which appears to me to be purely gram- 
matical ; for if such were his thought, he could not, without a degree 
of injustice of which I believe him incapable, cite my original expres- 
sions as he has done, without adding that all my researches subsequently 
_ published contradict the idea of exclusion which this interpretation at- 
tributes to me; and that I even formally expressed the contrary prin- 
ciple at the commencement of my memoir on the analysis of vegetation 
in the Graminez, as may easily be seen. As to the rest, it will at least 
be eyident from this discussion, that neither am I who have invented 
and applied the optical character, nor is M. Chevreul who examines it, 
of opinion that it should be separated from the chemical characters 
which may aid in its applications ; and this I apprehend is the only sci- 
entific point of interest at present. 

I now arrive at the last of M. Chevreul’s objections, objection d, 
which is expressed in these terms: “ Difficulty of estimating the quan- 
tity of an active principle from the density of the liquid by which it is 
held in solution.” I cannot possibly understand how, or in what re- 
spect this objection can be applied to my formule, or to the results 
which I have deduced from them. And certainly it is the intention of 
the writer so to apply it; for in his development of it, mentioning the 
necessity for distinguishing the proportion of the active substance in the 
solyent, in order to decide upon its specific nature, M. Chevreul in 
quires (p. 593.) how this proportion is to be ascertained ; and he adds 
“it is, according to M. Biot, by taking the densities of the liquids,” a 
method which appeared to him, and with truth, to be of difficult em- 


ployment, and he might have added, very inexact. But there is here 
on the part of M. Chevreul some error, though undoubtedly an invo- 
luntary one; for I have never proposed or employed such a method, 
which may be proved by consulting my formule. It is true that they 
contain the density of the solutions observed, as they also enter into 
the determination of numerous other physical results ; as, for example, 
into the calculation of refractive power, and of capillary forces ; though 
certainly it has never been said that these phenomena are estimated 
or measured by the density. So in the phenomena of circular polari- 
zation there exists for each active substance a necessary mathematical 
relation between its power of molecular rotation; the thickness through 
which it is observed, whether insulated or in solution ; the angular de- 
viation which it produces of the plane of polarization of a simple 
ray of a given nature ; and lastly, the actual density of the solution in 
which the substance exists, as well as its ponderable proportion in that 
solution*. Of these five elements, four being given, the fifth is de- 
duced by necessity from the mathematical relation; and if this unknown 
fifth be, for example, the ponderable proportion of the active substance, 
it may indeed be obtained by calculation, in which the density will 
enter as one of the elements. But it will not be from this density, at 
least not from it alone, that the proportion will be estimated. It is even 
evident from the formule that in aqueous solutions greatly diluted, the 
density of which consequently scarcely differs from unity, this element 
preserves scarcely any influence upon theponderable proportion, because 
it only affects the decimals of a very distant order. For example, when 
I say, as I can say, that by means of the apparatus which I now employ 
the presence of two thousandths in weight of cane sugar, or one of dex- 
trine, in an aqueous solution may immediately be rendered sensible and 
appreciable, it is not certainly from the density that such results are 
obtained ; for at such degrees of dilution the densities of the solutions 
differ so little from unity, that the observation of the density might be 
entirely dispensed with, and unity be substituted in its place, without 
the ponderable proportions of the substances being affected by it in an 
observable degree. The estimation of the ponderable proportion by 
the density must not therefore be attributed to me, for it does not in 
any degree belong to me, and the supposition that it does would lead 
to a very false idea of my processes. 

After having thus considered the objections which M. Chevreul 

* Not only is the mathematical relation of which I am treating established 
in my memoir of the 5th of October, 1832, printed among those of the Aca- 
demy ; it is also mentioned in the memoir upon grape sugar which has served 
specially as a text to M. Chevreul’s dissertation. Vide the Nouvelles Annales 
du Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle, vol. ii. p. 97, in a note. The numerical table 
in the following page is mathematically deduced from that relation. 


thinks may be urged against the optical character derived from circular 
polarization, I intended to follow him in his consideration of its utility ; 
but this relating to our own views without affecting those of others, 
the consideration of it would not be profitable to science. Those who 
labour at the present day to connect by rational relations the innume- 
rable transformations to which organic chemistry gives birth, will easily 
feel that the specially molecular character of the power of optical ro- 
tation assigns new conditions which must necessarily be satisfied, in 
selecting the groups of atomic combinations which represent the com- 
pound products. I thought that I should be rendering a service to 
science by here giving a precise explanation of this character, of which 
M. Chevreul’s dissertation appeared to me to present involuntarily a very 
inexact idea, which might retard its application. This duty accom- 
plished, I leave it to the judgement of experimentalists. 

Paris, Dec. 14th, 1834. 



On the Laws according to which the Magnet acts upon a Spiral 
when it is suddenly approached to or removed from it ; and 
on the most advantageous mode of constructing Spirals for 
Magneto-electrical purposes ; by KE. Lenz. 

From the Mémoires del’ Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, 
vol. ii., 1833, p. 427. Read on the 7th of November, 1832*. 

From the great interest which the late discoveries of Faraday in 
the field of electro-magnetism must awaken in all the natural philoso- 
phers of Europe, it is to be expected that we shall soon receive many 
and various explanations of the momentary action of an electric cur- 
rent on an electrical conductor; and as it is allowed according to 
Ampeére to reduce the action of a magnet entirely to that of circular 
electric currents, the same may be expected with respect to the action 
of the magnet upon such a conductor. Up to the present moment we 
here in the north are only acquainted with the papers of Becquerel, 
Ampére, Nobili, and Antinori and Pohl; and as none of these authors 
have occupied themselves with that branch of the subject to which I 
have directed my particular attention, I hasten to make known as 
quickly as possible the following contribution to the science of mag- 

After having repeated Faraday’s chief experimentst, I first proposed 
to myself to find out in what manner the phenomena of the magnetic 
action on a spiral suddenly approached or removed might be produced 
in the easiest and most powerful manner. For this purpose I had to 
determine what influence 

1. The number of coils, 

9. The breadth of the coils, 

3. The thickness of the wire, 

4. The substance of the coils, 
of the electromotive spirals (i. e. of those which are acted upon by 
the magnet) had upon the phenomenon ; and this determination, toge- 
ther with the necessary consequences following from it, are contained 
in this present memoir. 

* Translated from the German by Mr. W. Francis. 

+ In this repetition [ obtained the spark beautifully by means of a spiral 
of a wire 70 feet in length and 0-044 inch thick. The apparatus was formed 
after the one described by Nobili, so that the horse-shoe magnet (of 22 lbs. 
lifting power) caused of itself the closing of the current. 


- ‘The following was the apparatus I employed«for my experiments. 
A multiplier (with a very sensible double needle of Nobili) of seventy- 
four coils of copper wire of 0025 of an English inch in thickness* was 
placed in connection by means of conducting wires with the electro- 
motive spirals, so that the horseshoe magnet which acted on the spirals 
was at a distance of nineteen feet from the multiplier, and had no im- 
mediate influence on its needles. I had assured myself of this by 
previous experiments. ‘The horseshoe magnet consisted of five single 
bent steel bars, firmly connected with one another by screws; the middle 
one protruded at the ends about 0-7 of an inch ; it might together with 
the armature weigh somewhat more than twenty-two pounds. The 
length of the bars was twenty-three inches, the breadth 0:8,-and the 
thickness 0°22 ; the middle one projecting beyond the others was 
0:4 in thickness; the distance of the arms was 1°64 inch. In order to 
be able to approach and remove the spirals, and at the same time to 
read off the deviation of the needle without any aid, I constructed my 
apparatus in the following way:—I did not cover the multiplier with 
its bell glass, but with a glass cylinder open at both ends, and closed 
these by means of a plate of mirror glass; I then placed over 
it a good mirror under an inclination of 45°, and from a point near 
the magnet I observed by means of a good Munich telescope the 
reflected image of the scale of the multiplier. The reading off was 
thus performed very precisely, and was more certain than with the 
naked eye close to the scaie, because at this distance and with a fixed 
position of the eye the parallel axis of the index which stands at some 
distance from the graduated circle may be considered as evanescent. 
The method of exciting the electric current was the same as that 
given by Nobih: I wound the electromotive wire about a soft iron 
cylinder, which served as an armature and was filed smooth at those 
places where it was laid on the magnet, and laid it then on the magnet, or 
removed it suddenly from it, by which the magnetism arising at the 
moment, or vanishing again in the armature, thus produced the momen- 
taneous electric current. But as the removal of the armature can be 
performed ina more certain, prompt, and uniform manner than the 
placing of it on, I have in all my following experiments only given the 
results which were caused by the taking off of the armature, or the 
sudden removal of the magnetism in the iron. I must here at the same 
time remark that in my experiments it made no difference whether the 
magnetism of the iron disappeared really and entirely all at once, or 
there still remained a part, provided only the remaining quantity of 
magnetism was the same after each removal. I frequently convinced 

' * In this memoir the measures are always expressed in English inches, ex- 
cept when otherwise remarked. 


myself of this by the identity of the results in several repetitions of the 
experiment. This also showed me that the electromotive power of the 
magnet, at least after having already undergone several removals, did 
not become weaker ; proofs of this will also be furnished in some expe- 
riments hereafter to be mentioned. In the above-described arrange- 
ment of the apparatus, I could now with the right hand perform the 
removal of the armature from the magnet, which was fixed to a table, 
while at the same time my eye observed in the telescope the consequent 
deviation of the index of the multiplier. This index was a thin lath, 
which was fixed by means of some wax to the wire which served as a 
common axis for the two needles of the multiplier, and formed a dia- 
meter of the graduated circle. Being thus able to observe the deviation 
for every result which was to be deduced therefrom, first on the one 
and then on the other end of the index, I freed this result from the in- 
fluence of the eccentricity of the axis of the needles, and turning first 
the end A and then the end B of the spirals towards the north arm of 
the magnet, and allowing the needles of the multiplier to deviate 
first on the one side then on the other, I made the result independent 
of a second error which arises if the cocoon threads to which the needles 
of the multiplier are suspended possess a rotatory motion. Further, I 
carefully avoided every disturbance of the multiplier during a series of 
combined experiments, because it is impossible that every coil of the 
multiplier could act in the same manner as another (this would pre- 
suppose that they were all in the same plane, and parallel to one an- 
other), and because even if this might be presupposed, the action would 
still vary according as the needle when stationary might be exactly 
parallel to the coils, or form a greater or less angle. The positions of 
the needles when at rest seldom differ more than 0*-3 from one another. 
According to the above statement, a complete experiment always de- 
manded four observations, namely, two (at both ends of the hand) for 
the position where the end A of the spiral was turned to the north pole, 
and two where B was directed to the north pole. Besides this I have 
repeated almost every experiment twice over in order to convince 
myself that no accidental fault had crept into the reading off; if the 
two observations differed much from one another, I again repeated 
each of them. The first preparatory experiments were made on 
the influence of the combinations of the conducting wires with the 
electromotive spirals and with the wires of the multiplier, in order 
to see whether I should content myself with winding the ends of the 
wires, which had been freed from their silk and were clean, very closely 
round one another, or should be obliged to produce a closer connection, 
for instance by immersing them in quicksilver. I proceeded on the 
supposition that if the connection effected by winding them many times 
closely round one another was not sufficient, an increase of conyolutions 

ll) ie ee a 


would necessarily increase the force of the electrical current, I there- 
fore made the following experiment. I wound round the armature ten 
conyolutions of copper wire bespun with silk, and the conducting wires 
were connected with the ends of this spiral only by asingle twist of the 
wires; the result of the four readings off amounted to 36°8; upon this 
the same connection was made by twisting the ends of the wires ten 
times round one another as tightly as possible; the deviation amounted 
again to 36°8 ; I finally pressed the last connection as tightly as pos- 
sible together with a pair of pinchers, so that they were very much 
flattened ; the deviation was 36°75. We may therefore consider the 
connection made by tightly twisting the wires ten times round one 
another as quite sufficient, and this was therefore made use of in all the 
subsequent experiments. The places where the connection was made 
were then wound round with silk stuff in order to secure them from 
reciprocal contact. 

The second preparatory experiment I made in order to see whether, 
when I advanced the electromotive spiral on the armature more to the 
north limb or to the south limb of the magnet, it had any influence on 
the electric current. For this purpose I obtained with two convolu- 
tions the following results : 

The convolutions advanced till in contact with the north limb 

of the magnet, gave a deviation . . - ooo = EMSS 
The convolutions advanced until in contact ae ne south limb 

of the magnet, gave a deviation . . . « at) =) SMS 
The convolutions advanced to the middle of both sinus gave a 

deviation AS (ehetnciiadg a. OO 

therefore this influence also of the different ecitiokin of the spirals on 

the armature is imperceptible: from this time I always placed them so 

that the spirals occupied the middle of the armature. 

I thirdly determined, before I proceeded to the proposed experiments, 
the thickness of the copper wires employed; I weighed two feet of 
each having wound off the silk, by which I obtained the proportions of 

_ their diameter on which it principally depended ; but in order to ob- 

tain also their absolute thickness, I measured the thickest by means of 

_ amicrometrical contrivance : I obtained the following results, in which 

I have designated the wires, beginning with the thinnest, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 
and 4. 

grains inch, 

_ 2 feet of wire No. 1 weighed = 23°3; absolute thickness = 0:023 

2 —___—— No.2 —— = 27-4; ——____——_. = 0025 
(wire of the multiplier) 
No. 3 weighed = 83:9; absolute thickness = 0°044 

es No 4 — 166-1; ——____—_. = 0-061 

All the four kinds of wires were well covered with silk, so that no 

; Vou. I.—Parr IV. 27 


metal could be perceived except at the ends which served for con- 
necting them. 
I now proceed to the experiments themselves. 

I. On the Influence of the number of Convolutions upon the Electro- 
motive Power produced in them. ; 

In these experiments I connected the wire No. 3 with the multiplier 
so that the conducting wire and the electromotive spirals were formed 
of one and the same piece ; the length of this wire was about fifty feet: 
here however this is of no consequence, as it remained the same in all 
the experiments. The experiments themselves are contained in the 
following table. 


Side A of the Spiral|Side B of the Spiral 

to the north pole. tothe north pole, | Meandevi-| a in mi- i 

ation, or &, nutes, 

Number of the 

End a of | End 5 of | End a of | End d of 
Index. Index. Index. Index. 

| | 

57 5:8 5-3 58 5:65 | 5°39'| 9°49’ 
121 | 129 | 111 | 120 | 1200 | 1200 | 600 
25-7 | 258 | 229 | 25:2 | 24.90 | 24 54 | 12 27 
29-5 | 30:1 | 262 | 285 | 9832 | 2819 | 14 15 
325 | 333 | 294 | 320 | 31-80 | 31 48 | 15 54 
409 | 353 | 386 | 3877 | 38 46 | 19 23 

474 | 488 | 408 | 45-9 | 45-43 | 45 43 | 22 51 
493 | 509 | 45-0 | 49:0 | 4955 | 48 33 | 24 16 
557 | 568 | 47-6 | 523 | 5310 | 53 6 | 26 33 
63:1 | 644 | 541 | 57:8 | 59:80 | 59 48 | 29 54 
290 | 71:0 | 71:8 | 628 | 666 | 6805 | 68 3 | 34 1 


From this series of experiments we must now deduce the electromo- 
tive power of the spirals for each number of convolutions, for which 
purpose the following considerations will be of service. 

The action of the electric current in the wire of the multiplier upon 
the magnet needle, is a momentary one, since the current itself exists 
only for a moment; we may therefore consider this action as an im- 
pulse given to the needle, and shall be able to measure its force by the 
velocity which it imparts. But the velocity of the needle at its exit is 
evidently as great as that which it acquires when it springs back to the 
point of exit; it may therefore be expressed ( f being constant) by 

A =f ¥ (sin. vers. a) 
where A represents the sought for velocity of the exit; or according 
to what has been above stated, the magnitude of the current in the 
wire of the multiplier, and a the angle of deviation of the needle pro- 
duced by this force. This expression changes however by the sub- 
stitution of 2 sin.? } @ instead of sin. vers. a into the following 
A = p:sin. ta 
if we putp =f v 2. 

Sa OCR Ee 


. x 


In order now to find the resistance which the electric current suffers 
in its passage through the different wires, I first. reduce their lengths 
all to one diagonal, and indeed to that of the wire of the multiplier, 
on the principle that two wires of the same metal offer then the same 
resistance to conduction when their lengths are in the same proportion 
as their diagonals (See Ohm’s Galvanic Chain). In this case therefore 
the reduced lengths of the wires express their resistance to conduction: 
to have therefore a general idea of the problem, I suppose the mul- 
tiplier, the conducting wires, and the electromotive spirals (with their 
free ends) to have the three reduced lengths, L, Z, and \, and the elec- 

_ tromotive power produced in the spirals to be represented by z, then 

will be in effect the current which takes place, and we 

therefore have 

x c 
L+Ip A TP Sin 4a 
e=(Lt h+ A)iprsinga@ . «es (A) 
If we now consider the electromotive power in a convolution of the 
wire as unity, representing the unknown deviation produced by a con- 
volution by §, and its reduced length by (A); then granting the pro- 
bable hypothesis, that at one and the same distance of the convolutions 
the electromotive force is directly as the number of convolutions, the 
following relation will take place for the number 7, and for the reduced 
lengths X,, belonging to it (this is not necessarily 7 A, because the free 
ends of the spirals need not increase in the same ratio for every num- 
ber of convolutions) 
Ti Gt+l+))p'sin ge 
n (L+l+4+ ,)p‘sin.da 
a hdl SS ae eg 

I — . 
sin. $a = aos wee 

In the experiments just mentioned 7 + A continued of the same 
magnitude for every number of convolutions, as the conducting and 
spiral wire consisted of one piece, besides L remains the same, we 
therefore have L + 7 + (A) = L +/+ ., and the equation B be- 
comes changed into the following: 

Bin. 4, gS 90 Bie Eee Sok Peat ee Se RS) 

If we now put instead of § « the values contained in the last column of 
our table of experiments, we obtain eleven equations, from which after 

the method of the least square, we shall be able to determine &, and if 

we bring this value of £ into the equation (C.), we shall find the devi- 
ations « belonging to the number ~ of convolutions, and the differences 

between this and the observed values will show whether the assumed 
Aa ih 


hypothesis of the proportionality of the number of convolutions and of 
the electromotive power is confirmed in reality by the observation.— 
The known formula for sin. 4 £ is after the method of the least squares: 
= (nm: sin.} a) 


and after having performed the calculation, we have from the foregoing 

sin.§ § = 

£ = 3° 9! or log. sin. 4 § = 8:43989. 
This value of ¢ gives for « the following values: 

—————— SSS SS eee 
Calculated.| Observed, |!" eer and In Degs,] Calculated. | Observed. In shea In Degs. 
6° 18’ On 39) |e = 039.1 ee 0-6 45° 99/°| 45° 96’ | —@? 4 
12 38 | 12 00 +0 38 |+ 06] 48 48 | 48 32 | +0 16 
25 36 | 24 54 +10 32 [4+ 0:5] 52 16 | 53 6 | —O 50 
28 42 | 28 19 +0 23 |+ 0:4] 59 26 | 59 48 —0 22 
31 58 | 31 48 +0 10 |+ 0-2] 66 50 | 68 1 —1 1l 
' 38 36 | 38 46 | —0 10 |4+ 0-2 

the coincidence of the calculated with the observed deviations, con- 
firming our presupposition that the electromotive power increases as 
the number of convolutions. 

A second series of experiments on the same subject were made with 
the same wire, No. 3, except that the length of the wire through which 
the current had to pass, was no longer the same in each number of 
convolutions ; we must therefore return to our general formula (B.). 
It was 
L+l+Q) von Lips 
ae me 
The wire of the multiplier and of the conductors always remained the © 
same, and was reduced to the diameter of the wire of the multiplier 

L + 1 = 673°25 inches. 
The lengths X, A, A,,, &e., were however changeable ; I have therefore 
added these values, reduced also to the wire of the multiplier in the 
following table of the experiments. 

L +1 + (d) is = 681-45 

sin. 5 a = n° 


Se ee ee 

3 ide A of Spiral to th Side B of Spiral to th ividual Cc let 
82 eceerpce tS uodipce. =| Cm Mentors | x (LOE? A 

> —_—_—_—_—$—S— | 

5 5 End aof | Enddof | End a of | End 3 of 

Ze Index. Index. Index. Index. 
18°5 18°5 19-8 20°5 19:33 a 
5{| ise | iss | 202 | 203 | tose }} 19-40 | 17 | 690-25 

Se a a eo 33.7 ¢| 3841 | 28 | 701-25 
i ier ied rea t| 5818 | 39 | 71225 
20 4 on eae tye Eye? 80°91 | 50 | 723-25 
25{| i100 | 1128 | 1037 | 22 | lupe }| 20667 | 61 | 73425 

did to the first, we obtain 
£ = 3°97 and log. sin. 2 £ = 8°53944 

and with this value we obtain from formula (B.) the following devia- 

_ IPfwe now apply the method of the least squares to this table, as we 


: Difference. 

Calculated. | Observed. 


In this place also the calculation coincides well with the observation ; 
as I expected however to attain this coincidence still more completely, 
if I allowed the length of the conductors to remain the same for all the 
experiments, I made a second series of experiments similar to the 
above with another multiplier, where \, \', &¢., remained always equal 
to one another ; this series has also been performed with more care 
than the others above-mentioned, since each of the numbers contained 
in the following table is the mean deduced from three observations, in 
which mean however I retained only one decimal place. The columns 

designated by 1, 2, 3, 4 are intended for the same purpose as the four 
columns in the former tables. 


Number of 

Deviations. Mean Devia- 
Convolutions. i tna’ 

Legucindt. git! ohana “ole oli Le tions or a. 

86 8°7 8°5 86 8°63 
175A ALPS hen LOE 17°40 
96°4 | 27-2 | 26°6 | 25°6 26°45 
35°5' | 35°34), 35°6.| 34:6 35°25 
45-2 | 46°0 | 45°0 | 442 45°10 
56°5.|. 55:0 

Hence may be calculated by means of the least squares 
€ = 1°73 and log. sin. } § = 818478 
therefore we have for the calculated values of « 

Number, of! fp) ji | 48 6 aes 

Convolutions. | Calculated.|Observed. 


5 8°77 8°60 + Ul? 

10 17°60 17°40 + 0°20 
15 26°53 16°45 + 0°08 
20 35°58 35:25 + 033 
25 45°00 45°10 — 010 
30 54°67 55°05 — 0°38 

Here then the coincidence for this kind of experiments is very great, 
so that we may regard the position as entirely confirmed, namely that 
“ the electromotive power which the magnet produces in a spiral, 
with convolutions of equal magnitude and with a wire of equal thick- 
ness and like substance, is directly in the same proportion as the num- 
ber of the convolutions.” 
Moreover, we must not let it escape our attention, that in all the three 
' geries of observations the differences of the calculated and of the ob- 
served deviations are in the beginning positive, and then negative ; 
which seems to show that the electromotive power increases in a some- 
what quicker proportion than the number of the convolutions; but the 
differences are so small, and become, when the observations are made 
with great care (as the third series proves) smaller and smaller, 
I therefore aseribe this little irregularity to the influence of some pecu- 
liar circumstance which up to the present moment I have not succeeded 
in discovering. 

II. On the Influence of the Distance of the Convolutions of Spirals 
on the production of the Electromotive Power in them. 

In these experiments I employed at first the horseshoe magnet, but 

i i i ieee 


I soon perceived that from this none but false results could be ob- 
tained. By considerably widening the circuit of the spiral, it advanced 
nearer and nearer to the upper bow of the magnet ; so that by removing 
the armature, not only the sudden disappearance of the magnetism 
in it, but also the sudden removal which took place at the same 
time from that upper part of the magnet (the bay of the horseshoe) 
acts on the spirals, and indeed unequally with unequal diameters of 
the spiral; the electromotive power becomes thus greater in larger 
spirals than it would otherwise be. On this account I took two strong 
rectilinear magnetic systems, each of which consisted of ten single 
magnet bars ; I laid them with their opposite poles against one another 
so that they lay in a straight direction, and brought the iron cylinder 
which had served me in the above-mentioned experiments as an arma- 
ture to the horseshoe magnet, between their poles. while the spirals 
covered the cylinder ; upon this I let the magnet be suddenly drawn 
by two assistants from each other in opposite directions. 

I wound at first ten convolutions of wire No. 2 round the iron cy- 

the diameter of the convolutions = 0°73 inch; 

upon this I wound ten convolutions of wire No. 2 round a wooden 

the diameter of the convolutions = 6°57 inches ; 
the wooden disc was perforated in the centre, into which the iron cy- 
linder was inserted. The observation gave 

Angle of Deviation. 
pape te as eee el Miaan” 
1 ye 3 4: 

Narrow Conv. 94-6 | 27-1 | 264) 96°5 | 96°15 
Wider Con- 22°8 DOF 22:0 29-5 29°50 

volutions. { 23°4 | 23°5 | 21°6 | 23:2 | 22:92 
Narrow Conv. | 248 | 27°7 | 26:3} 266 | 26°35 

I observed the deviation of the wider spirals between the narrower, 
in order that the fault which might have originated by diminishing the 
magnetic power of the magnet systems might be estimated : we there- 
fore have 

for the narrower spirals the angle of deviation a = 26°25 

for the wider spirals the angle of deviation a! = 22-71 
The length of the wire of the multiplier and of the conducting wires 
(reduced to the diameter of the first) was as in the former experiments, 
i.e. they amounted together to 673°25, or L + 1 = 673°25, A however 
is for the narrower conyolutions = 28, and for the wider A' = 203. 


By means of formula (A.) we shall therefore obtain for the narrow spi- 
v=(L4+/+4+A)p:sin. 4a = 701-25*p* sin. (13° 7’), 
for the wide spirals 
a! =(L+1+4A')p-sin. 4} a! = 876-25 * p «sin. (11° 21'), 
therefore the relation of the electromotive powers, or 
ae eae ae (2) T-0uas, 
x (O25 “sin (1S*, 7) 
therefore not deviating much from 1, that is, the electromotive power 
is in both spirals the same. 

I endeavoured in a more striking manner to confirm this position by 
the following experiment : I wound the wire No.2 in six convolutions 
round a great wooden wheel of 28 inches in diameter, and placed the 
wheel on the iron cylinder. After having completed, as in the former 
cases, the experiment, I wound also six convolutions of the same wire 
immediately round the same iron cylinder, where also, as above, the 
convolutions again were 0°73 inch in diameter. The experiment gave 

| Angle of deviation. Mean 
ligt lcs aie SS CMe ROLT ce 
ee 2 3 4 

Narrower € ' ; : . 
edu 113°] |15°8 |12°8 |12°4.| 13°52 | 19°2 | 692°45 

Wider y 7-1| 8°7| 7-1] 8°7| 7:90 |549°2 | 1229°75 


1222°75 * sin. (3° 52’) 
692°45 * sin. (6° 45/5) 
Here the proportion of both electromotive powers approaches still 
more nearly to unity than in the former case, although the proportion 
of the diameter of the spirals is = 1 : 38°3. We may therefore regard 

as a thing proved by experiment, the position, that 

“the electromotive power which the magnetism produces in the sur- 
rounding spirals is the same for every magnitude of the convolutions.” 
Since however a spiral wire inclosing the armature presents to the 
action of the magnetism in the armature a length greater in proportion as 
its diameter or its distance from the armature is greater, it follows from 
the law just discovered that the electromotive action of the magnet upon 
one and the same particle of the wire decreases in the simple ratio of 
the distance. This is as it were the reversal of the law demonstrated 
by Biot in the field of electro-magnetism, which, as is known, states 
that the action of an electric closing wire upon a magnetic needle de- 
creases in the simple ratio of the distance ; and it follows from our ex- 


therefore sl OlOn. 


periments as from those of Biot, that the action of a particle of the 
electric currents which encircle the magnet upon every particle of 
the spiral, is in the inverse ratio of the squares of the distance. 

It also immediately follows from the law just demonstrated that the 
electric current produced in the various wire rings which inclose 
the armature, by its removal from the magnet, is in the inverse ratio of 
the diameter of the rings; for the electromotive power is the same in 
every ring, but the resistance it suffers in being conducted increases as 
the diameter of the rings; therefore the electric current, the quotient 
of the electromotive power, by the resistance it suffers, decreases as the 
diameter of the rings increases. 

III. Influence of the Thickness of the Wire of the Electromotive Spirals 

on the Electromotive Power produced in them. 

I have also again made these experiments with the horseshoe mag- 
net, since in this case the convolutions of the wires had always the same 
magnitude. I here employed ten convolutions, which I formed from 
the wires No. 1, No.3, and No. 4, and in which the diagonals were in 
the same proportion as the numbers 233 : 839: 1661. The entire 
length of the convolutions in each sort was 33 inches. The deviations 
are contained in the following table. 

Angle of deviation. 

1 2 3 4 
Spirals 39:3 | 40°4| 35:1 | 37°8 | 38°15 38°19 
from No. 1. 39°3 | 40:4] 35:2 | 38°8 | 38°22 

Spirals 36°8 | 39°6| 40°2 | 42°0 | 39°65 39-60 
from No. 3. 36°4.| 39°4| 40°4] 42°0 | 39°55 

Spirals 40°5 | 42°4:| 37°5 | 39°3 | 39°92 39°74 
from No. 4. {| 40°3 | 40°4| 37°5 | 40°1 | 39°57 

Spirals 38°6 | 40°6 | 35°7 | 37°8 | 38°17 38-00 
from No. 1. 38°7 | 40:0] 35:2 | 37°4 | 37°82 

If we now combine the observations No. 1, at the beginning and end 
of the series of experiments, and take their mean, we have the following 
deviations : 

For No. 1 the deviation or @ = 381, 
— No.3 OLj8, na, 50'G; 
ee Nos Anh ON Bolin 
‘From the proportion of the diagonals in which that of the wire of the 
multiplier is expressed by 274, we find the following reduced lengths 
(referred to the wire of the multiplier or No. 2) of our three spirals, 



A = 38°81 therefore L +/+ aA = 712-06, 
a! = 10°78 L+l+A' = 68403, 
Al= 544 L +/+ Aa"= 678°69, 
the equation (A.) gives therefore 
7 = (1s go sero 3), 
a! = 68403 * p- sin. (19 48 ), 
x= 67869 * p* sin. (19 51), 
or, if the two last electromotive powers be compared with the first, the 
@ T1206 sins (19° 3! )ianuerey 
a > GSS an. (IS? 481) 
x _ 712°06° sin. (19° 3') 
— SS  — 10085. 
x!" . 678°69 > sin..(19°.51") 
Both propositions differ so little from unity that we are fully warranted 
in concluding that the electromotive power which the magnet produces 
in the wire No.1 is quite as strong as those in the wires Nos. 3 and 4, 
although the latter possesses a diagonal almost four and seven times 
greater, and therefore that the electromotive power is independent of 
the thickness of the wires. A second confirmation of this position is 
found in the following experiment previously made : 

Angle of Deviation. 

1 2 3 | 4 

10 Conv. of wire No.3| 36-3 | 37°8| 33°5| 35°7| 35°82 
36:0 | 37-0] 32+1| 349] 340 lay. 
No.2) 35-4 | 36-8] $2°6| 35°0| 35°9 \ 34 a2 
No.3} 33°6 | 35°5| 35°7| 37-3] 35:52 

Consequently we have for 
No.2, « = 34°95, further A = 34°00, also L +/+ A=707°25 
No. 3, a! = 35°67, a’ = 11°52, and L +7 + a!= 68477, 

#o of OT-25 *\sins. (17° 29!) 
a! 684°77 * sin. (17° 50’) 
Here also the proportion is so near to unity that we may from this, 
combined with the above results, regard it as an established truth, that 
“ the electromotive power produced in the spirals by the magnet re- 
mains the same for every thickness of the wires,or is independent of it.” 
From this law again it immediately follows that in rings of wires of 
various thickness surrounding the armature of the magnet, the electric 

= 1°013. 


current produced by its removal is directly as the diagonals of the 
wires ; for the electromotive power remains the same, but the resist- 
ance it experiences in being conducted decreases inversely as the dia- 
gonals ; consequently the electric currents, or the quotients of the elec- 
tromotive powers by the diagonals, increase as the diagonals. 

IV. On the Influence of the Substance of the Wires on the Electro- 
motive Power produced in the Spirals. 

Nobili and Antinori have in their first paper on the electrical phe- 
nomena produced by the magnet (Poggendorff’s Annalen, 1832, No.3) 
already determined the order in which four different metals are adapted 
to produce the electric current. They arrange them in the following 
order,—copper, iron, antimony, and bismuth. 

It is particularly striking that this order is the same as that which 
the above metals occupy also in reference to their capacity of conduct- 
ing electricity ; and the idea suddenly struck me whether the electro- 
motive power of the spirals did not remain the same in all metals, and 
whether the stronger current in the one metal did not arise from its 
being a better conductor of electricity than the other. With this view, 
therefore, I examined four metals, namely, copper, iron, platina, and 
brass, and pursued the following course: In order to avoid entirely the 
influence of different conduction, I brought at the same time into the 
metallic conducting circle through which the electric current had to 
pass, two spirals, equal in all respects excepting that they were of dif- 
ferent metals, binding the one end of the first with the one conducting 
wire, the one end of the second with the other conducting wire, and 
connected the two ends of the spirals which had remained free with a 
distinct copper connecting wire. I now brought first the one spiral upon 
the iron armature of the horseshoe magnet, and proceeded in the same 
way with it as in the former experiments, and then the other. In this 
manner the resistance which the electric current suifered in each pro- 
cess was naturally quite the same.—I must also remark that I carefully 
avoided all thermo-electric disturbing forces, as I surrounded the places 
of connection of the various wires with several layers of blotting-paper, 
and after having arranged the apparatus I always waited several hours in 
order to give the places of connection time to take the temperature of 
the room. 

The experiments themselves are as follows : 


Angle of deviation. 


Copper spir. on the ar- 17°3 
mature { 

Copper and 
Iron spirals 17°3 

iron spirals 

Copper spirals 17°4 

Copper and jamacianiel 

platina spirals 

Platina spirals 15-7 

Copper spir. on the ar- } 15-2 

Copper spirals 15°4 
Brass spir. on the ar- 184 

Copper and 
brass spirals. |) Copper spirals 

Brass spirals 

If we now combine the single means together and convert the deci- 
mals of the degrees into minutes, we obtain from this table the follow- 
ing results : 

Copper spirals, deviation ....@ = 17° 360 
Iron spirals, ati CeO == Oe 
Copper spirals, deviation....@ = 15° 34"5 
Platina spirals, a) = 15 .35°2 
Copper spirals, deviation....a = 18° 19'2 
Brass spirals, .-..a@'=18 202 

Since in this case the resistances remain the same for every pair of 
observations, our chief equation (A.) gives, when treated as before, the 
following proportions of the electromotive powers, if we designate them 
for copper, iron, platina, and brass with a, a', a!’, 2!’: 

msn. (8" 2400) 

az’ sin. (8° 42"6) 

= 1-00033, 

a __sin. (7° 47'-2)_ 

——=2 == 099917, 
x! ~ sin. (7° 47"6) 
ets (9 OG) 
— = = 0°99894. 
a sin. (9° 10"2) - 

These three proportions are all of them so near to unity that there will 
exist no doubt as to the fact, that wires of copper, iron, platina, and 
brass suffer one and the same electromotive action; and that I may be 
allowed to extend the same position by analogy, even to all other me- 
tals and substances in general, until direct experiments shall have left 
the matter beyond all doubt. We shall have therefore the law, 

“that the electromotive power which the magnet produces in spirals 


of wires of different substances, but in every other respect placed in ex- 

actly the same circumstances, is completely the same for all these sub- 


Hence again it immediately follows that in two perfectly equal wire 
rings of different substance, surrounding the magnetic armature, the 
electric currents which are produced by taking the armature off or 
placing it on the magnet, are in direct proportion as the capacities of 
the substances for conducting electricity. Silver and copper wires 
therefore are the most advantageous. 

From the latter observations we shall easily be able to deduce the 
capacity of the four metals for conducting, if we make a second similar 
observation, in which instead of bringing into the circle of the electric 
current two spirals of different metals, we make use of two of the al- 
ready used copper spirals, and then place either of them on the armature, 
and determine the angle of deviation. Let this angle be called a; and, 
for the other spirals, in the order in which they followed in the obser- 
vation (therefore the copper spiral, with that of iron, platina, and brass), 
let these angles be designated by a’, a", and a!’. Further, let the com- 
bined lengths of the wire of the multiplier of the conducting wires and 
that of the connecting wire of both spirals (all reduced to the diameter 
of the wire of the multiplier) be called L; but the lengths, which are 
equal in all the spirals, reduced also to the same diameter, be }; 
we will further designate by 1, m’, m!, m!"', the conductive power of 
the metals in the above order, where that of the copper is also expressed 
by 1. 

If we take the general formula (A.), namely 

a= (L+/+A)p°sin. da, 
we must here, since the wires are no longer of the same kind, substitute 
for the resistance (L + / + A), the resistances + 

GE +: a); (1 Es *), (1 4 ai) and (1 4 an) 
mm m m 

since they stand in inverse proportion to the capacities of conduction ; 
we have therefore four equations (in which, according to the law just 
fonnd, 2) = 2! 2!" are = 2), 


i Ca! ok 
z= (1 +2) p-sin.§ 2 

* After I had made the above experiment I saw from No. 5 of Poggendorff’s 
Annalen, which I had then just received, that this last law had already been 
demonstrated, although in a different way, by Faraday. My experiment may 
therefore serve to confirm it. 

+ In the following expressions I consider the resistance / jointly with that 
of L, since in the multiplier last employed the conducting wires consisted of 
one piece with the wire of the multiplier, therefore L + ” must always remain 

all Xenia 
r= (L +37) p-sinda 

alt } we 
= (x +77) posin be s 
consequently, by division, 
L+a_ sin.ta 

sin. L & 
i= ee or b+ = (Lt wen 
apna sin. 5 & sin. + a! 
L+a sin. da sin. $a 
sin N Serene or L+—,=(L+ A) siaa 
L+ —; 3 
_ L+a sin. $a sin. } @ 
uF A: * sind a!” or Lt eh t+ Naty ™? 

from which equations m’, m', and m''’ may be found. 
For our case, Lis = 849 inches, A = 841, a@ = 21° 52', a! = 17° 36’, 
a'' = 15° 34', a!!! = 18° 20', hence we have 

Capacity of conduction of copper ......... = 1-00000, 
DIO ON =O 7ocls 
———_—_—__—_—_—_—_— pplatina or m’ =0°18370, 

brass or m!"... = 0°32106. 

We might still find these values more exactly if the lengths of the 
wires were greater ; but this investigation did not properly come within 
the scope of this paper, I therefore defer it till another occasion. 

Consequences of the Laws already established in respect to the Con- 
struction of Electromotive Spirals. 

In the following experiments I suppose the magnet for the produc- 
tion of the electric current to be given here, therefore the question is 
to determine those spirals of a certain metal which act most advan- 
tageously with this magnet and its cylindrical armature, which is like- 
wise given. Further, I suppose the spirals, together with their free, 
not wound ends, to consist of one and the same wire; moreover, it is 
self-evident that every other property of the ends of the wires not be- 
longing to the electromotive spirals may be reduced to those above men- 
tioned, if we know the length, the diagonal, and the conducting power 
of the pieces of wire brought into the circle. 

It is easy to see that by increasing the convolutions ad infinitum we 
do not also increase the strengths of the current ad infinitum. In the 
first place,—the number of convolutions of a given wire is limited by 

Qe se eee 


the length of the cylindrical armature; therefore the further increase of 
the number of convolutions can only be made by several series of con- 
volutions placed one above another. Let the electromotive power of a 
series of convolutions which the length of the armature occupies = 9; 
the length of the wire of all these convolutions, or, in this case, on ac- 
count of the diameter of the wire being equal throughout, the resist- 
ance it offers = a; let the length of the necessarily free ends of the 
wires together = 6, the power therefore of the current of this first se- 
ries of convolutions is 

1 TaeR’ 
let y be the piece of the second series of convolutions by which its 
length, on account of its necessarily greater diameter, is greater than 
the length « of the first series, the power of the current from these 
two series is 

= Fat y+’ 
and in the same manner 

= Bsaty+otPR 

where @ designates the quantity by which the first series is surpassed in 
length by thethird. If now the second series of convolutions does not 
add to the strength of the current, we put ~, = 4, therefore 

ee 2 F 
a+B 2a+Pry 
i.e. as soon as the length of the free ends is only equal to the differ- 
ence between the lengths of the second series of convolutions and those 

of the first, the second series would then add nothing to the strength 
of the current. In order to see what three series would do in this case, 

whence we have 

let us put 6 = y in the expression for ~, and we obtain 

add to Shithiieows 
$a+28+4 9° 
d however is now greater than y or 6, we therefore put 6 = 6B + p, 
where % expresses a positive magnitude ; we obtain by this 
= 39 = p 
3a+3B+p Zz 
(a+p) +4 



This last expression for js is evidently smaller than Ser conse. 

quently three series of conyolutions would only weaken the action of 
one or two series (which actions have been here assumed as equal). 


In the same manner we find, if three series have not a more power- 
ful action than two 
c=3(y = 8B) 

i.e. this happens when the length of the free ends is half as great as 
half the sum of the differences between the length of the first series and 
the lengths of the second and third series. 

Having thus proved that by increasing the series of convolutions we 
never obtain a maximum of the electric current, and therefore that a 
greater increase would only do harm, we proceed to the general consi- 
deration of the subject. 

We therefore suppose the convolutions of a series of the bespun me- 
tallic wire to lie thick on one another. Let the length of the space on 
which the convolutions may be wound up be = a, the thickness of the 
wire = 6; let the thickness of the wire covered with silk surpass the 
thickness of the uncovered wire by the excess f, so that it be = 6 + £, 
the length of a convolution be = c, the lengths of the free ends of the 
wire = m; the number of convolutions then which can be wound in 

6+ 6 

ec, and the whole length which the elec- 

and the length of the wire 

one series upon the armature is = 

of these convolutions = —“% 
6+ 6 

tricity has to run through tor one series of convolutions 

= (+B) e+m 
If we assume the resistance offered by a wire of the same substance, 
whose length = 1, and whose thickness = 1, as unity, the resistance 
for one series of convolutions becomes 
ee a eoee  e et 
a CLE :) 

Further, let the electromotive power produced in one convolution, 
which, according to the second and third of our laws above proved, 
remains the same for every magnitude of the convolutions and for 
every thickness of the wire, be called f; the electromotive power pro- 
duced in a series of convolutions is therefore, according to the first of 
the above laws, 


and consequently the power of the electric current for a series of con- 
yolutions, or 

ms abef 
Pi ac+(b+ 6) m 

We must now for our purpose express the length of a convolution or ¢ 


in terms of the diameter of the cylindrical armature, and the thickness 
of the wire and its silky envelope. We have however the semi-dia- 
meter of a convolution, if half the thickness of the iron cylinders is = q, 

for the first series = g + a oe B 

second = ee = (6 + B) 
— third —-=9 +3 @+8) 
eS aah —=9+ = (648) 

whence we have the length of a convolution or 

e for the first series = (24 +(b+ B)) 7 

e — second =(29+3(6+6))= 
e — third = (29 +5(6+ 6)) 7 
c nth — = (29+ (@n—1)(6+6)) 
__ If we substitute the first value of ¢ in the equation for m, we obtain 
Pian (24+ @+ B)) + (b+ B)m 
The electromotive power is for two seriesof convolutions with regard 
to the above law, No. 2, 
SR pp Mahia ha ; 

but the resistance is equal to that of the two series of convolutions, 
together with the piece m, therefore 

pa p2gtb+B)nt+ py 2" + r3(6+8))x +m 
= B 
=n 2 eR EE) ee BY. 
Bb + 6) 
consequently the power of the current for two series, or 
i) av lst bo ocho ok Soeliey 1 ai 
Po= Ga (4g+40+8))+mOtB) 
6° (b + B) 

~ ae(hg + a Abe se Pd.) +m (b + B) 
Vor. I.— Parr IV. 


In the same manner we find 

pr eeenads wads AS OEE ay pitta b 

* ar(6qg+9(b+ B))+m(b+ B) 
ED een Oe kay eee 

Ps aa(8q + 16(6+B))+m(b +B) 

Pa= n abrf (D.) 

If I differentiate this general expression of the power of the current 
for m series of convolutions in regard to », I obtain 

UPn gyn CH ongtn* (68) +m(b+B)—awn(29-+2n(b+B)) 
dn lam(Qng+n?(b+f6))+m(b + B)}? 
If I put this expression = 0, we have after some reductions 
m—anrn? =0, 

consequently n= a/ (2) 

I take here the positive sign of the root, because according to its 
nature cannot be negative, and m, a, m, are all three positive. 

If we further develope pee and put in the expression found this 

: m : é : 
value of 7 = Abs ( ~) we obtain a negative magnitude; conse- 

quently this value of x represents a maximum of the current. 

From the discovered value of 2 for the maximum of the current, we 
can infer 

1. That the maximum of the action of the magnet on our spirals, for 
every thickness of the wire, is attained by the same number of series 
of convolutions ; for 7 is independent of 6 + 6. 

2. That the longer the free ends of the spirals are, or the greater m 
is, the greater is the number of the series of convolutions required in 
order to attain the maximum of the action. 

3. That the longer the space a is on which the convolutions may be 
wound round in one series, the less number of series of convolutions 
are necessary to produce the greatest current. 

4. That the maximum is independent of g, i.e. that it is quite in- 
different for the number of series of convolutions necessary to the at- 
tainment of the maximum, whether they are immediately wound round 
the cylinder of iron, or round another cylinder which is placed on the 
other one. 

If we put the above found value x = a/ ( ~) in the general ex- 

pression of the power which is contained in the equation (D.), we 
obtain after some reductions, as the expression for the maximum which 


is attained by the current, 

= oa 
P (maximum) a(3q rahe: /()) - - (E.) 

This expression again shows : 
1. That the maximum of the current stands in direct proportion to 
_ f,i.e., to the power of the magnet, or rather to the strength of the 
magnetism which is produced in the armature by the placing on of the 
magnet, and which again vanishes. 
2. The maximum is more powerful for a thick wire than for a slender 
one, for we can bring its expression to the form 

is na od 
which shows that the whole expression increases with the increase of 6. 

3. The maximum decreases with g, i. e. it becomes so much the 
smaller according to the greatness of the cylinder on which the first 
series of conyolutions is wound, it being assumed that the armature 
does not on that account become greater. 

4. It becomes smaller with the increase of m, i. e. the greater the 
free connecting ends of the spirals are, the smaller is the ultimate at- 
tainable maximum of the current. 

5. Finally, the maximum increases when a increases, i. e. when the 
space of the armature upon which a series of convolutions can be 
wound becomes greater. 

We shall consider the power of the current of a single convolution 
wound round the armature to be the same as m, then as soon as we 
_ put in the general expression (D.) for the current zm = 1,anda = 6 + 6, 
we find x ee af 

P (a convolution) — 7aqto+B) + Me 
If we divide the expression for the maximum of the current (E.) by 

this, we may designate the quotients as the maximum of increase, and 
find that 



2g +(6+8)+— 
Fascia py AAS es 

f I propose to find, for instance, with how many series of convolutions 
T attain the maximum of the current for my magnet and armature, 
hen I take a length of 850 English inches for the wire of the multi- 
lier and the connecting wires together, I have 

a=1°6,b + B = 0:065 (wire No.4) g = 0:335, m = 850. 

The formula 2 = / oe gives for x = 13:07, and the formula (F.) 

the maximum of the increase is 

ves the maximum of increase = 114°8. We shall obtain therefore the 


maximum of the current at somewhat about thirteen series of convo- 
lutions, and the current then becomes about 115 times stronger than 
when produced by one convolution. 

We will here separately consider the case in which m =o, i. e. 
where the spirals have no free ends, but close in themselves. If we 
put m = o in the expression of the current for one convolution, for one 
series of convolutions, and for 2 series of convolutions, we shall then 
obtat for a single convolution = Lo COC ae 

Ign +7 +P) 
2qr+7(b + B) 
2Qqar+n7(b + B) 
whence it follows that here the current in one convolution is just as 
strong as in a series consisting of any number of convolutions ; and 
that in both these cases it is stronger than when several series of con- 
volutions cross one another (for 2 is quite a positive number). The 
expression of the current for a convolution may moreover be exhibited 
thus it 

for a series of convolutions = 

for n series of convolutions = 

i. e. it is equal to the electromotive power, divided by the resistance 
offered by a convolution ; and in effect it is evident that in this case of 
m =o a series of convolutions must act just in the same manner as a 
single convolution; for with the increase of the number of convolutions 
the electromotive power and the resistance become increased in the 
same proportion, consequently the quotient of the one by the other, or 
the electric current remains unchanged. It is also now evident that in 
effect a second series of convolutions can only weaken the current, 
since in the second series the electromotive power increases as in the 
first, with the increase of the number of convolutions ; while, on the 
contrary, the resistance is greater in the two series than double the 
same in one series, on account of the enlarged diameter. 

But there is one phenomenon of electro-magnetism to which all the 
above positions however cannot yet be applied, namely, to the pro- 
duction of the spark. This occurs then only, when the metallic con- 
ductor of the current is disturbed at some place; there enters therefore 
into the circular passage of the current an intermediate conductor, 
whose length is almost indefinitely small, but whose resistance is almost 
indefinitely great. We must therefore, in order to apply the above- 
developed formule, first be in a condition to reduce this intermediate 
conductor to a certain length of wire, with the diameter of the wire 
given, and thus to determine m ;—but for this reduction we are yet in 

want of the data. 

Assorrtion, phenomena of, 479. 

Absorptive force of glass molecules, 44. 

bstract terms, treated by Carus as real 
entities, 254. 

cid, new, combinations of, 470. 

—-, nitric, mode of ascertaining the 
_ presence of, 441. 

——.,, tartaric, unequal dispersive powers 

_ of, 601. 

——, chlorous, 270; preparation of, 275; 
volatility of, 279; properties of an aque- 

ous solution of, 280. 

Acids, hydrochloric, 271; carbonic, 272; 

acetic, 273; chloric, 274; hydrospiroilic, 

155; spiroilic, 160; hyperoidic, 282; cy- 

anic, 286; hydrophosphorous, 290; hy- 

_ perchlorous, 305; hyperbromous, 310. 
—, action of on organic colouring prin- 

ciples, 594, 595. 

JEpinus, theory of, 449. 

Ether, Mossotti on, 450. 

Air, reflecting property of, 101. 

Alcohol, spectrum of the flame of, 492. 

Algz, infusorial motions of, 566. 

Alloys, and amalgams, table of, 520. 

Amici’s microscope, magnifying power of, 
570; improvements of, 580. 

Ammonia, hydrospiroilate of, 157; its 
composition, 158. 

- —, nitrosulphate of, 473. 

Ampere on the propagation of heat, 389. 

, elementary particles of, 490. 

, invention of the bascule of, 509. 

, on the action of the magnet, 608. 

Analysis, organic, 595, 599. 

- of wood, 148. 

— of the subnitrate of copper, 422. 

Anhydrous, sulphuric, and sulphurous 

acids, new combination of, 443. 

Animal body, composition and internal 

formation of, 245; formation of the 

solids of, 246. 

inimal bodies, considered as aggregates 

of innumerable infusoria united into a 

_ living whole, 246, 565; as plants with 
_ the roots turned inwards, 243, 247, 251. 

imal life, progressive development of, 

253; transition into vegetable, 572. 

Animal structure, a hollow globe contain- 
_ ing its roots withinside, 243, 244, 247. 

 Animalcules, gradual origin of, 562; cy- 

| clical development of, 560; structure of, 

| 559; transparency of, 562; solution of, 

——,, infusorial, doctrine of, 564; 

Wor, l.—Parr IV. 

( 631 



division of, into two classes, 564; wheel 
organs of, 564; similarity of, with larger 
animals, 564; geographical diffusion of, 
565; man dependent on the will of, 565. 
Animals, crustaceous, origin of, 565. 
Antimony, oxysulphuret ef, 433. 
Antinori on the electrical phenomena 
produced by the magnet, 621; experi- 
ments of, 608. 
Artificial light, effect of, 112. 
Ateuchus sacer ; At. Aegyptiorum, 193. 
Atmosphere, constitution of, 397; con- 
stitution of the superior regions of, 393; 
motion of light in, 393; refringent 
power of, 395. ¥ 
—_——__—,, terrestrial, altitude of, 394. 
Atoms, doctrine of, 568; law of the re- 
pulsion of, 448; various arrangements 
of, 597; angular deviations produced 
by, 602. 
—— ., hooked, of Epicurus, 476. 
——-—, organic, doctrine of, 571; utility 
ofinchemistry,571; Ehrenbergon, 555. 
Attelabus buprestoides, 197. 
Attraction, magnetic, rapid decrease of, 
Azote, chloride of, preparation of, 287. 
Bacillaria, siliceous shields of, 401. 
Balard on the bleaching properties of 
chlorine, 269. 
Barytes, combinations of, method of ob- 
taining in a crystallized state, 436. 
Bascule of Ampere, 509. 
—, mechanism of, 532. 
Battery, galvanic, Olim’s theory on, 312. 
Becquerel on the chemical effects of elec- 
tric currents, 414, 608. 
Beet root, sugar produced from, 605. 
Bergmehl, 406; fossil infusoria in, 401. 
Berthollean method of bleaching, 269. 
Berzelius’s experiments on the chloride 
of potassium, 273. 
, his views respecting the prima 
germina rerum, 571. 
Bilin, infusorial rock of, 409. 
Biot on the construction of the superior 
regions of the atmosphere, 393. 
on the application of circular pola- 
rization to chemistry, 600; to the ve- 
getation of the Graminex, 584. 
——, his method of oscillations, 513. 
——-, his experiments on electro-magnet- 
ism, 618, 619; on the electrical phe- 
nomena produced by the magnet, 621. 
Biurus of Cicero and Pliny, 198. 


Bladder-worm, its structure, 244, 247. 
Blainville, views respecting the generatio 
@quivoca, 572. ‘ 

Bleaching, Berthollean method of, 269. 

Bleuler, microscope of, 560. 

Blood, human, globules of, 407. 

Bodies, animal and vegetable, forma- 
tion of, 555; on obtaining them by 

_ chemico-synthetical means, 555. 

, coloured, limit of the power of 

the human eye for, 577. 

, combustible and comburent pro- 

- perties of, 594; ductility of, 572; ela- 

sticity of, 189, 255; electro-tonic state 

of, 530; internal constitution of, 448 ; 
classification of, according to their 
mode of crystallization, 603; charac- 
ters for distinguishing the mutual action 
of, 599 ; organoleptic properties of, 599 ; 

neutrality of, 599. 

, living, formed by combination of 

molecules, 570; infusoria, the first forms 

of, 570. 

, luminous, power of the human eye 

for discerning of, 578. 

» organic, vital relations and pri- 
mitive ccnditions of, 555; nature of in 
infusions, 572. 

, organic and inorganic, spontane- 
ous motion of the particles of, 570. 

Bog-iron ore, infuseria of, 402. 

Botto on the application of electro-mag- 
netism as a mechanical power, 532. 
Bonnet, his theory of reproduction, 570. 

Brachione, red coloured eyes of, 561. 

Brewster, Sir D., his objections to the 
undulatory theory, 478. 

Bromic gas, spectrum of light of, 478. 

Bromide of spiroil, its composition, 164. 

Brown, microscopical observations of, 570. 

Buquoi, Count, his experiments on vege- 
tables, 235. 

Burmeister on the sounds produced by 
insects, 377. 

Cadmium, sulphuret of, crystalline form 
of, 434. 

Caloric, Jaw of the propagation of, 24; 
quantity and intensity of, 524. 

Calorific rays, properties of, 57; refrac- 
tability of, 55. 

Calorific transmissions, modifications of, 

Calorimotor of Hare, 515. 

Cantharis, 171; method of destroying, 
181; mentioned by Aristotle, Aristo- 
phanes, Dioscorides, and Pliny, 182. 

Carbon, chloride of, 309. 

Carlsbad, infusoria in the waters of, 400. 

Carrots, sugar produced from, 605. 

-Candle-light, spectrum of, 491. 


Carus, Dr., on thekingdoms of Nature, 223. 

———, terms used by him in peculiar 
senses, 254, 

Cellular formation of vegetables, 287; of 
animals, 246. 4 

Centre of organization, 240, 244. 

Cerealia, Raspail’s observations on, 587. — 

Cetonia aurata, description of, 196. 

——— fastuosa, 196. 

Chain, galvanic, Ohm’s, 511. 

Chemical characteristics of the animal ) 
and vegetable kingdoms, 232, 246. 

Chemical effects of electric currents, 414. 

Chevalier, microscope of, 561; reverbe- 
ratory lamp of, 583. 

Chevreul, examination of an optical cha- 
racter by which vegetable juices may 
be distinguished, 591. 

Chime, electric, 507. 

Chladni on the vibrations of laminze of 
glass and metal, 139. 

Chloride of azote, properties of, 287; 
of carbon, 309; of potassium, Berze-- 
lius’s experiments on, 273; of sodium, 
274; of spiroil, 182; properties of, 163; 
composition of, 164. 

Chlorine, action of, 270; bleaching pro- 
perties of, 269; Dr. Liebig’s experiments 
on, 273. 

Chlorites, preparation of, 273. 

Chlorous acid, 270; composition of, 297 ; 
analysis of, 298; preparation of, 275; 
volatility of, 279. 

——, aqueous solution 
properties, 280. 

Chlorous acid gas, properties of, 293. 

Chromatic scale, formation of, 95. 

—_——- —, Nobili’s, 120. 

Clapeyron on themotive powerofheat, 348 

Clock, electrical, of Zamboni, 533. 

Coccus Adonidum, mealy aspect of, 215; 
method of destroying, 217. : 

Coccus, analogies of infuseria with, 564. 

Cochylis Roserana, devastations of, 209; 
description of, 210. 

Coloured food for infusoria, 562. 

Colours, comparison of their intensities, 
35; combination of, in dress, 113; ele- 
mentary particles of, distinct from 
atoms, 569; division of light into, 487 ; 
gamut of, 115; harmeny of, 112; ima- 
ginary or accidental, 113; natural mode 
of origination, 486; Newton’s experi- 
ments on, 99; size of the particles of, 
469; phenomena of, 570; in com- 
bined crystals, 83; varying laws of, 102. 

and sounds, analogies between,119. 

, metallic, 94, 105. 

of the spectrum, phenomena in, 

of, its 




Commutator, construction of, 504. 
Convolvulus of Cato and Pliny, 187. 
‘Copper, crystals of the protoxide of, 421; 
_ subnitrate of, 425. 

Corti’s discovery of the eggs of infusoria, 
_ 560. 

Srystals, combined phenomena of co- 
- jours in, 83; dilation of, 33; elastic 
state of, 268; life of, 230, 234, 242. 

, twin, phenomena of ccloursin,83. 
Curculio frumentarius, description of, 202; 
_ devastation caused by, 203. 
Currents, electric, chemical effects of, 414. 
al Negro, experiments of, 505, 535. 
‘Davy, experiments of, 470. 
Death, an absolute, asserted by Dr. Carus 
_ to be inconceivable, 225. 
elaroche, his method of measuring quan- 
__ tities of heat, s. 

Dermestes Pellio, description of, 205. 
Dextrine, conversion of, into sugar, 565. 
Diamonds, vivid light of dust of, 583. 
Diaphanous media, their resistance to the 
passage of heat, 21. 

Differences between solar and terrestrial 
heat, 69. 

‘Distribution of heat in a bar, 131; in 

[ spherical bodies, 131. 

Dollond, glass micrometer of, 564. 

Dove's apparatus, description of, 86. 

- experiments on circular polariza- 

tion of light, 75. 

Duality of vegetables, 235, 242, 245. 

Dulong’s law of elastic fluids, 359. 

Dumas, doctrine of organic atoms of, 571. 

- , on the formation of living bodies 

_ from elementary organic particles, 570. 

Earth’s centre, accumulation of heat to- 

_ wards, 54. 

Earth, motion of heat in the interior of, 

_ 184; primitive state of, 135. 

Eau de Javelle, nature of, 270. 

ges, circulation of fluids in, 251. 

, infusorial, the product of a generatio 

primitiva, 566- 

Eggs of intestinal worms propelled by the 

circulation of fiuids, 558; circulation 

of, in the blood vessels, 558. 

Ehrenberg, experiments on fungi and 

' mould; on fossil infusoria, 400, 407 ; 

| on the generatio equivoca of infusoria, 

| 559; oa the origin of organic matter, 

555; on organic molecules and atoms, 

555; on the power of vision, 576; on 

the ultimate power of the microscope, 

_ 576. 

Hlectric chime, 507. 

éctricity, influence of, 598 ; calorifying 
' power of, 517; distinction between 
quantity and intensity, 523; Henry’s 





experiments on, 534; Van Moll on, 534; 
Ten Eyck on, 534; nature of, 517. 

Electricity, chemical, 517. 

, statical, Franklin’s hypothe- 
sis, Hpinus’s, Mcssotti’s, on, 466. 

Electric currents, chemical effects of, 414. 

Electro-chemical compounds, 419. 

Electro-magnets, lifting power of, 503. 

Electro-magnetism, application of to ma- 
chines, 532; Schulthess on, 534. 

Euglena, red eyes of, 563. 

Entomostrati, curious origination of, 560. 

Entozoa, eggs of, 558; diseases produced 
by, 558; fecundity of, how limited, 559; 
inaccessible station of, 559. 

Epicurus, hooked atoms of, 476. 

Epizoa, vast increase of, 559. 

Equivalents, law of, in galvanic decom- 
positions, 524. 

Eruca of Pliny and the Vulgate, 189. 

Esenbeck, on the germination of the seeds 
of fungi and mould, 556. 

Euler on the equilibrium of fluids, 550. 

Eumolpus vitis, ravages of, 204. 

Exogenous trees, long duration of, 585. 

Eye, human, power of vision of, 555; ir- 
ritability of, 499; myopical and pres- 
byopical, difference between, 577. 

Eyesof infusoria,extreme fineness of, 574. 

Faraday on the nature of electricity, 617. 

, his law of equivalents in galvanic 
decompositions, 524. 

Fechner’s experiments on the galvanic 
chain, 513. 

Fengier’s apparatus for preparing pure 
zinc, 521. 

Fermentation, alcoholic, action of, 604. 

Fermentation, infusorial, 293, 555, 571.» 

, peculiar process of, 555. 

Ferrault. on organic analysis, 595. 

Ferriferous carbonate of lime, 260; struc- 
ture of, 260; primitive form of, 261. 

Fire, its action on metals, 108. 

Fixed stars of the microscopic world, 583. 

Flame, coloured, 491. 

Flint, formation of, 410. 

Fluids, elastic, Dulong’s law of, 359. 

, incompressible, equilibrium of, 

Fetus, development of the, 247, 248. 

Fossil infusoria, their occurrence, 400. 

Fourier on the distribution of heat in a 
homogeneous atmosphere, 128. 

Franklin, hypothesis of, 466. 

Frauenhofer, calculations of, 501. 

Fray, delusion of, as to the origin of En- 
tomostrati, 560. 

Fresnel on the diffraction of light, 480. 

Frogs’ blood, globules of, 407. 

Frogs, celebrated Egyptian, 560. 



kungi, cyclical development of, 557; ex- 
periments of Ehrenberg on, 555 ; ger- 
mination of the seeds of, 556. 

Gaillonella distans, occurrence of, 403. 

ferruginea, description of, 402. 

Galvanic battery, Ohm’s theory on, 312. 

Galvanic chain, Ohm’s, 51!. 

Gas, chlorous acid, properties of, 293. 

, iodic, spectrum of light of, 478. 

» propagation of sound in, 372. 

Gases, action of 494 ; agzregate condition 
of, 490; evaporation and secretion of, 
250; law of the diffusion of, 394. 

Gaza, the locust of Amos and Joel, 200. 

Generatio equivoca, critical examination 
of, 555. 

Geology, relation of infusoria to, 568. 

Glass, green, physical properties of, 335. 

, its optical action when heating and 

cooling, 85. 

, cooled, double refraction of, 78. 

, laminz of, vibrations of, 139. 

Glass molecules, absorptive force of, 44. 

Glasses, achromatic object, Selligue’s 
method of combining, 580. 

Geethe on metamorphoses of plants, 238. 

Gold, conductibility of, 322. 

—— dust, powerful reflection of, 579; 
transparency of, 579. 

leaf, thickness of, 572. 

Gourjon’s thermomultipliers, description 
of, 70. 

Goureau’s experiments on sound, 381. 

Graminez, analysis of vegetation of, 584. 

Grape-sugar, optical phenomenon of, 596. 

Green glass, physical characters of, 335. 

Greenhouse Coccus, description of, 215. 

Gruithuisen, his views on infusoria, 232, 

on the formation of orga- 
nisms, 571. 

Gryllo-Talpa, devastation of, 199. 

Gum, property of, 587. 

Gyrotrope, action of, 534. 

Hare, calorimotor of, 515. 

Harpsichord, ocular, Caslet’s, 114. 

Hauy on the refractions of light, 372. 
Heat and light, identity of, 37; identity 
of the agents producing them, 388. 
Heat at the surface of a body, movement 

of, 127. 

Heat, differences between solar and ter- 
restrial, 69; influence of, 598; mathe- 
matical theory of, 122; maximum of 
in the solar spectrum, 37; method of 
measuring, 5; velocity of its propaga- 
tion, 7; molecular vibration of, 389; 
motive power of, 348; polarization of, 
$25; propagation of, 24, 389; refran- 
gibility of, 392. 

——, radiant, concentration of, 387; 


—-——, fossil, occurrence of, 400. « » 
Ingenhousz, on the green matter, 232. 
Insects, Walckenaer on, 167; names of, 

laws of, 124 ; motion of, 125; distribu 
tion of, 128, 131; reflection of, 2833 
transmission of, 1. 
Heat, solar, theory on, 137. 
Heavens, mechanism of, 451. 
Henry, experiments on electricity, 534. 
, on the influence of a spiral con 
ductor, 540, 
Honey, the two principies of, 605. 
Hoffinann, microscope of, 560. f 
Hornschuch’s views respecting the prima 
germina rerum, 57). ? 
Human egg, development of, 247. 
Hydotina senta, duration of life of, 567. 
Hydrate of lime, properties of, 270. 
Hydraulic wheels, construction of, 506. 
Hydrochloric acid, mode of ascertaining | 
the presence of, 441. q 
Hydrogen, action of, 426. 
Hydrospiroilic acid, composition of, 155. 
Hygrocrocis ochracea, 402. ‘ 
Hypochlorites, properties of, 305; pre=_ 
paration of, 305. 
Identity of the agents producing light and - 
heat, theory of, 388. ; 
Indigo, its property of producing violet | 
vapour, 596. ; 
Induction, electro-dynamic, theory on,528. 
, dynamical, 545. y 
Infusoria, according to Koelle living glo- 
bules of Zymom, 570. b, 
Infusoria, coloured pouches of, 563; or- 
gans of nutrition, 563; generative or-_ 
gans of, 563; teeth of, 569; consum-— 
ption of, 406; occurrence of, 402; Eh- 
renberg’s observations on, 559; gene- 
ratio equivoca of, 559; formation of, } 
232; structure of, 560; fourfold mode | 
of reproduction of, 564, 567; ventral | 
cells of, 564; geographical diffusion of, 
565; man dependent on the will of, | 
565; origin from eggs of, 566; high } 
organization of, 561; cyclical develop- 
ment of, 561; nervous system of, 566 i 
internal organs of, 567; division into — 
classes, &c., 567; fertility of, 567; oc- 
tuple increase of, 568; influence of on 
organic substances, 568; how precipi- 
tated, 568; relation of to geology, 568; 
development of into other- different 
bodies, 571; formed of Zymom, 5715 
certain forms of, produced by certain 
infusions, 572; presence of infusorial 
eggs in plants, 572. 
, the larger animals considered as 
formed of a mass of them, 246. 


and in ancient writers, 171. 


Insects, sounds produced by, 377. 

Intestines of animals, root-organs turned 

_ inwards, 243, 244, 247. 

Intensities of colours, comparison of, 35. 

Tntroversion of root-organs in animals, 

243, 244, 246. 

Inyolvolus of Plautus and Festus, 186, 

Todide of spiroil, 166. 

Jodides, metallic, law of composition, 435. 

odine, property of, 596. 

Ips of Homer and Chrysostom, 205. 

Todic gas, spectrum of light of, 478. 

Irritability of plants, 241. 

- , vegetable and animal com- 

_ pared, 252. 

Jacobi, on the application of electro-mag- 

 netism to machines, 503. 

Jenkins, curious experiment of, 528. 

Julus of Aristotle and Hesychius, 184. 

Kampe, the vine-moth of Aristotle, of 

Theophrastus, Pliny, the Septuagint, 

Chrysostom, Pope Zachary, Columella, 

and Palladius, 183, 220. 

Kermes, preparation of, 433. 

Kieselguhr, description of, 400. 

Kingdoms of nature, life and affinity of 

_ the, 223. 

Kelle, his chemico-microscopical exposi- 
tion, 570. 

Klpoda Cucullus, ovarium of, size of the 
granules in, 574. 

Lagrange, theory of, 548. 

Lambert's theory of the solar heat which 

_ falls upon the earth, 137. 

Lamp, Locatelli’s, description of, 40. 

——,, reverberatory, 583. 

Laws of cooling in bodies, 125. 

Law of the diffusion of gases, 394. 

——, of the propagation of caloric, 24. 

Lead, erystals of the protoxide of, 424. 

Lenz, on the conducting power of wires, 

» 311. 

on the laws according to which the 

_ magnet acts on a spiral, 608. 

|Lethrus Cephalotes, 202. 

|Leuciscus papyraceus of Agassiz, 402. 

Liebig’s experiments on chlorine, 273. 

Life, Dr. Carus’s general conception of, 

224; its endless variety of forms, 224 ; 

an original principle, of which the body 

is one of the phenomena, 225; the 

a wee 

through outward forms, and of unity 
_ through multiplicity; nature one in- 
finite life, in which single forms are 
constantly merging, 225; life of the 
different kingdoms of nature; of the 
inorganic kingdom, 228; physical life, 
_ 235; planetary life, 230; life of the 
- earth, water essential to. it, as wellasto 


‘manifestation of an internal principle ° 


animal and vegetable life, 230; life of 
crystals, as distinguished from organic 
life, 230, 234, 242; organic life, 234; 
vegetable life, 234; distinguished from 
animal life, 234; the line the arche- 
type of the plant, the globe the arche- 
type of the animal, 234, 244; animal ex- 
ists one half within the other; plant, one 
half upon the other, 235; relations of 
vegetable life to universal life and to 
inorganic nature, 239; to the life of the 
earth, 241, 242; animal life, 242; per- 
fect unity its characteristic, 242; di- 
stinguished from vegetable life, 234, 
244; its relation to the universal life of 
nature, 246; metamorphosis of vege- 
table into animal life, 246, 250; of 
animal into vegetable, 572; develcp- 
ment of the animal organism, 246; ani- 
mal an introverted plant, 246; absorb- 
ing and exhaling poles, 25!; circulation 
of the fluids, centrifugal and centipetal, 
251; animal sensation, 252; the ner- 
vous life, 252; psychical life and self- 
consciousness, 252 ; animal life develop- 
ed out of the life of the lower kingdoms 
of nature, 253 ; metamorphosis of de- 
stroyed organic substances into ele- 
mentary forms of life, 560. 

Life, infusorial, duration of, 567. 

——, organic, unfathomableness of, 576. 

, vegetable, carbonated products of, 

Light, absorption of, 477; circular polar- 
ization of, Dove on, 75; diffraction 
of, 480; division of, 491; influence of, 
on vegetables, 598; its division into 
colours, 487 ; limit of lines determined 
by the intensity cf, 579; motion of, in 
the atmosphere, 393 ; phenomena of, 
theories for the explanation of, 568; 
propagation of, 490; refrangibility of, 
$92; relative intensities of, 499; theory 
of retardation of, 579; undulatory 
theory of, 477, 569. 

——.,, artificial, effects of, 112. 

Light and heat, identity of, 37. 

—— , identity of the agents pro- 
ducing them, 388. 

Lime, effect of, on plants, 589. 

, ferriferous carbonate of, 260; struc- 

ture of, 260; primitive form of, 261. 

, hydrate of, properties of, 270. 

Liquids, density of, 593. 

Locatelli lamp, description of, 40. 

Locusta aptera, devastation of, 200. 

Liéwig on the essential oil of Spirea ulma- 
ria, 153. 

MacGauley, on the application of mag- 
netism as a moving power, 547. 


Machines, application of electro-mag- 
netism to the movement of, 503. 

Magnet, Jaws according to which it acts 
on a spiral, 608 ; electromotive power 
of, 610. 

, (Antinori and Biot), on the elec- 

trical phenomena produced by, 608, 

Magnetic power produced by voltaic ap- 
paratus, 511. 

Magnetism, active force produced by, 
508 ; application of, as a moving power, 
547; mechanical effect of, 507. 

Magnets, electro-, lifting power of, 503. 

Mammalia, intestinal worms in the foetus 
of, 558. 

Materialists, Carus’s representation of 
their views respecting life, 252. 

Mathematical theory of heat, 122. 

Matter, constitution of, 490; elementary 
particles of, 490. 

, organic, origin of, 555, 
Meadow-sweet, essential oil of, 153. 
Melloni on the transmission of radiant 

heat, 1. 

, on the polarization of heat, 325. 

——,, on the reflection of radiant heat, 

———, on the identity of the agents pro- 
ducing light and heat, 388. 

Melolountha of Aristophanes, Aristotle, 
and Pliny, 193, 195. 

Mercury, oxydization of, 509. 

Metal, vibrations of the laminz of, 139. 

Metallic colours, 105. 

oxides, crystallization of, 4145 
formation of, 420. 

Metallochromy, 95. 

Metals, action of fire on, 108; new me- 
thod of colo suring, 94. 

—, classification of,according to their 
electrical properties, 621 ; experiments 
of Lenz on, 621,622; Faraday on, 623. 

Metamor phosis of “destroyed organic sub- 
stances into elementary forms of life, 

Micheli’s experiments on the germination 
of the seeds of fungi and mould, 556. 

Microglena monadina, eyes of, 57 

volvocina, fiery ring round, ‘575. 

Microscope, Amici’s, 570, 580, 581 ; Che- 
valier’s, 561, 580; Pistor and Schiek’s, 
581; Hoffmann’ 8, "560; Bleuler’s, 560; 
Plasi’s, 57). 

Microscopes, ultimate power of, 576. 

Milne Edwards, organic atoms, 571. 

Mind, analogy between the laws of, and 
the phenomena of nature, 223. 

Mitscherlich on the dilation of crystals, 33. 

Mole cricket, devastation caused by, 199. 


Molecules, active, Brown on, 570; 
——,,gradual origin of organic beings§) 
from, 562. 
————,, material, figure of, 459; den-| 
sity of, 463. 
» organic, Ehrenberg on, 555 si 
proximate finity of, 575; organic, per= 
fect organization of, 557. 
Moll, van, experiments on electricity, 534. | 
Mionas pee size of, 573; coloured in- 
ternal sacs of, 573. 7 
pulvisculus, motion of, not effected 
by a change of gravity, 559; cilia of 
559; fringe of cilia of, 573 ; ’membra - 
naceous sacs, 574. 
Monas atonius, experiments on, 575. 
Mossotti on the forces which regulate the 
internal constitution of bodies, 448, 
Motion, molecular, influence of, 526. 
Motion of heat, 125; in the interior off 
the earth, 134. : 
Mould, cyclical development of, 557; 
experiments of Ehrenberg on, 555; 
germination of the seeds of, 556. 
Munke’s microscopical observations, 571.9 
Nature, division of, 228; kingdoms of, 
Dr. Carus on, 565. 
, represented by Carus as one in-| 
finite life, in which no proper death is 
conceivable, but merely the merging of 
a single form in the universal life, 225. 
Naviculz, description of, 401. 
Newton’s elementary par ‘ticles of colours, }} 
569, 580; experiments on colours, 99. 9 
Nitric’ acid, mode of ascertaining the pre- ff 
sence of, 441. | 
Nobili’s chtaratte scale, 120. 
theory of electro-dynamic induc. | 
tion, 528; double needle, 608, 609; 
method of exciting the electric cur- 
rent, 609, 
Oersted’s discovery, 503, 504. 
Ohm on ‘the galvanic battery, $12; his 
galvanic chain, 511. am | 
Organic life, its connection with inorganic, 
232. | 
Organisms, or organic bodies, 226; how 
distinguished from i inorganic, 227, 243, 
Organized matter, its production ‘from | 
unorganized, 246, 233. : § 
Oscillations, Biot’s experiments on, 513. 
Oscillatory beings, between animal and jf 
plant, 232, 246. 
Osseous system, development of, 249. 
Ostrogradsky on the equilibrium of ing 
compressible fluids, 548. 
Oxychloride, double, analysis of, 431. 
Oxides, metallic, crystallization of, 414, 
Pander’s experiments on circulation in 
the egg, 251. 


Paramecium Aurelia, long duration of 
_ life of, 568; octuple increase of, 568. 
arsneps, sugar produced from, 605. 
articles, elementary, 490; magnitude of, 
555; of Ampére, 490. 

Yelouze on certain combinations of a 
new acid, 470. 

ersoz, on circular polarization, 591. 
Ahtheir of Ctesias and the Geoponics, 214. 
ile, action of, on alkaline sulphurets, 428. 
—, voltaic, chemical effects in, 513. 
—,,thermo-electric, hydro-electric, 526. 
Pixii’s magneto-electric machine, 543. 
Plants, cellular tissue of, 560; gradual 
origin of animalcules from, 562. 

, irritability of, 241; metamorpho- 
| -sis of, 586; presence of infusorial eggs 
in, 572; circulation in sap of, 239; sen- 
_ sibility of, 240; structure and compo- 
_ sition of, 286; sugar contained in the 
foliaceous parts of, 588. 

Plateau on the angles of vision, 576. 

Pohl, experiments of, 608. 

Plosl’s microscope, 571. 

oisson, on the theory of heat, 122. 

olarization, circular, application to ve- 
getation, 584; laws of, 600. 

‘oles, vegetative, light and gravitation, 
240, 245, 251; animal, absorbing and 
exhaling, 251. 

‘olirschiefer, infusoria of, 401; formation 
of, 406. 

Poncélet, on hydraulic wheels, 506. 

olygastrica, ovarium of, 566. 

Potash, nitrosulphate of, 475; nitroxides 
of, 470. 

|- , sulpho-carbonate of, experiments 
on the, 437. 

otassium, chloride of, 273 ; experiments 
of Berzelius on, 273; spiroilide of, 
158; its composition, 158. 

ower of transmitting caloric not pro- 

*Priestley, green matter of, 232, 236. 
Pyralis Vitana, caterpillar of, method of 
_ destroying, 211. 

Radiant heat, laws of, 124; reflection of, 
| 383; transmission of, 1. 

Raspail on the Cerealia, 587. 

WRetractibility of calorific rays, 55. 

Refraction, double, of cooled glass, 78. 

Ritter on alloys, and amalgams, 519. 

Rive, De la, on the chemico-electric ac- 

| tion of zinc, 521. 

fRock crystal, optical properties of, 258; 

} sonorous vibrations of, 255; primitive 
form of, 255. 

Rose, H. on a new combination of the an- 





hydrous sulphuric and sulphurous acids, 
Rotatoria, intestinal canal of, 561. 
Sap of plants, circulation of, 239. 
Savart on elasticity of bodies, 139, 255. 
Savary, experiments on the variation of 
magnetic needles, 546. 
Scale, chromatic, 120. 
Schaftrinsky, improvements of, on the mi- 
croscope, 581. 
Schiek, microscope of, 581. 
Schilling’s experiments on thegermination 
of the seeds of fungi and mould, 556. 
Schulthess, on electro-magnetism, 534. 
Screens, polish of, 18; thickness of, 19; 
nature of, 15. 
Seebeck’s experiments on the maximum 
of heat in the solar spectrum, 37. 
Seeds, algze, distinct from monads, 566. 
Semi-opal, infusoria of, 410. 
Sensibility of plants, 240. 
Shields, siliceous, of Bacillaria, 401. 
Sky, morning tints of, 100. 
Slime, coagulation of, into organized be- 
ings, 560, 562. 
Soda, nitroxides of, 470. 
Sodium, chloride of, £74. 
Solar spectrum, maximum of heat in, 37. 
Solar and terrestrial heat, differences be- 
tween, 69. 
Solids, formation of, in animals, 246. 
Solution, aqueous, of chlorous acid, pro- 
perties of, 280. 
Soul and psychical life, 225, 252. 
Sound, experiments of Goureau on, 381; 
propagation of, 372. 
Sounds and colours, analogies between, 
114, 119. 
Sounds produced by insects, 277. 
Soubeiran, experiments of, 272. 
Spark, electric, occurrence of, 630; no 
criterion of electric power, 510. 
Spectrum, solar, colours of, phenomena 
in, 81; maximum of heat in, 87. 
of candle-light, 491; of spirit 
flame, 492. 
Spermatazoa, primitive origin of, 582; 
inoculation of, 583. 
Spirea ulmaria, essential oil of, 153. 
Spiral conductor, influence of, 540. 
Spirals, best construction of, 608, 624. 
, electromotive, combinations of, 
Spiroil, its properties, 154. 
Spiroilic acid, 160; its composition, 161. 
Spondyle of Aristotle, of Pliny, 191, 197. 
Stahl’s doctrine, that the soul forms its 
own body, 253. 
Starch, chemical and physiological history 
of, 591, 598. 


Steam, mechanical force of, 349. 

Steel, violet colour of, its property, 110. 

Steffens, H., on carbon and hydrogen as 
characteristics of the silicecus series, 
and of vegetables ; nitrogen and hydro- 
gen, of the calcareous series, and of 
the animal world, 232. 

Sturgeon’s experiments, 504, 536. 

Streams, their origin from woody meoun- 
tains, 241. 

Sugar, conversion of dextrine into, 585 ; 
curious property of, 592. 

———, starch, 592; cane, 592; carrot, 
605; parsnep, 605; beet-root, 605. 
——, grape, 592 ; optical phenomenon 

of, 596. 

— , cane, analogy of with starch su- 
gar, 596; physical character of, 597. 
Sulphuric acid, theory on the formation 

of, 476. 
Sulphurets, alkaline, action of the pile on, 

, metallic, crystallization of, 431. 
Sulphurous acid, volatility of, 444. 
Tannin, action on animal matter, 595. 
Tenia, curious mode of propagation, 564. 
Tabanus bovinus, notes produced by, 378. 
Ten Eyck’s electric experiments, 534. 
Terrestrial atmosphere, altitude of, 394. 
Terrestrial and scolar heat, differences be- 

tween, 69. 
Thermoscopes, description of, 8. 
Thermomultiplier, 9; Gourjon’s, 70. 
Thorax of insects, description of, 378. 
Transmission of radiant heat, capacity of 
bodies for, 30. 
Transmission,calorific, modifications of,39. 
Treviranus’s method of forming infusoria, 
Tripoli, 401; infusoria of, 408. 
Tourmaline, optical phenomena of, 59. 
Twilight-Monad, vast increase of, 575. 
Twin crystals, phenomena of colours in, 




Undulatory theory, objections to, 477. 

Unity, organic, 240, 252; Carus’s notio 
of its division into duality, 242. : 

Vapour, violet, produced by iodine an 
indigo, distinction between, 596. 

Vapours, theory of, 370. 

Varying colours, laws of, 102. 

Vegetable kingdom, influence of, upon the 
earth, 241, 

Vegetables, dualism of, terrestrial and 
aérial, 235; cellular formation of, 237; 
metamorphosis of, 288; sensibility o 
240; irritability of, 241, 252, 253. 

Vessels, formed by circulating fluids, 251. 

Vibrations of laminz of glass, &c. 139. 

Vine, insects injurious to, 167, 171. 

Voltaic action, formation of metallic ox- 
ides by, 420, A 

pile, chemical effects in, 513. 
apparatus, magnetic power pro- 
duced by, 511. 

Walckenaer on insects of the vine, 167. 

Watkins’s experiments on electricity, 536. 

Watt, discovery of, 506. 

Water-drop, formation of, 229. 

Wheel-animalcules, intestinal canal of, 
561; red-coloured eyes of, 561. 

Wheels, hydraulic, construction of, 506. 

Wiesenerz, formation of, 402. 

Wires, conducting power of, 311. 

Wood, analysis of, 143. 

World, infusorial, Milky Way of, 566. 

, microscopic, fixed stars of, 583. 

Worms, intestinal, Ehrenberg on, 557; 
generatio primitiva of, 557; structure 
of, 557; cyclical development of, 558; 
occurrence of, 558; fecundity of, 558. 

Wrede on the absorption of light, 477. 

Zamboni’s electrical clock, 533. 

Zinc, apparatus for preparing it pure, 521 ; 
crystals of the oxide of, 425. 

Zoophytes, generatio equivoca of, 572. 

Zymom, origination of the lowest forms 
from, 570; formed by silica, 571. 

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