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DRYDEN    HOUSE,    43    GERRARD    STREET,    SOHO,    W. 


AMEN    CORNER,    B.C.,    AND    IN    NEW    YORK. 
1911,  for  the  Issue  of  1906. 

>    V     6 

No.  46. 



§  1.  THE  title  of  the  poem.  In  the  colophons  of  the  MSS.  and 
oldest  editions  we  find  "  Here  endeth  the  destruccioun  of  Thebes  "  or 
"  Here  endeth  the  Sege  of  Thebes."  But  in  later  times  the  poem  has 
most  often  been  spoken  of  as  "  The  Story  of  Thebes."  In  the  text 
Lydgate  repeatedly  refers  to  "  (the)  story "  ;  but  here,  with  a  few 
exceptions,  by  "(the)  story"  he  means  his  Old  French  original.  His 
own  poem  he  generally  mentions  as  "my  tale."  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
the  question  of  the  title  has  been  decided  by  Lydgate  himself,  who* 
in  his  Falls  of  Princes  calls  our  poem  "The  Sege  of  Thebes." 

Al  to  declare  /  me  semyth  it  is  no  nede, 
For  in  the  Sege  of  Thebes  ye  may  Rede 
The  stoory  hool  /  and  maad  ther  mencyoun,  etc. 

(Mus.  Brit.  Bibl.  Harl.  1766,  fol.  49  back.) 

§  2.  The  Siege  of  Thebes  was  written  by  Lydgate  to  form  an 
additional  link  in  the  famous  series  of  the  Canterbury  Tales  composed 
by  Chaucer.  He  represents  himself  as  falling  in  with  the  pilgrims  at 
their  inn  in  Canterbury,  when  in  mid-April  he  comes  to  the  town  to* 
perform  his  vow  to  St.  Thomas  for  recovery  from  an  illness.  He  is 
received  in  the  hall  of  the  inn  by  the  host  of  the  Tabard  and  invited 
to  join  the  company  of  pilgrims  in  their  return  journey  to  London. 
At  sunrise  on  the  following  morning  they  all  start  off,  and  before  they 
have  ridden  a  bow-shot  from  Canterbury'  the  host  turns  to  Lydgate- 
and  asks  him  to  tell  some  merry  tale.  Lydgate  obeys,  and  "  My  tale 
I  gan  anon  as  30  shal  here"  (1.  176).  The  prologue  is,  of  course, 
addressed  to  the  readers  of  the  poem.  In  the  tale  itself  Lydgate  tries, 
by  occasional  references  (11.  182,  322  sq.,  1043  sq.,  1047  sq.,  cf.  also 
4522  sq.),  to  keep  alive  the  impression  that  he  is  speaking  to  the 
pilgrims  en  route. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  Prologue  was  the  first  portion  written 
of  the  poem.  And  evidently  Lydgate  keenly  enjoys  his  idea  of  com- 
posing an  additional  Canterbury  Tale,  and  thus,  as  it  were,  taking  up 
and  continuing  the  unfinished  work  of  his  admired  master.  The 

vi  Temporary  Preface. 

palpable  anachronism  involved  in  this  idea  did  not  deter  him,  and  it 
would  not,  I  suppose,  much  strike  the  general  reader,  nor  does  it, 
indeed,  essentially  diminish  the  quaint  interest  of  his  conceit.  But 
it  is  ohvious  that  Lydgate,  who  was  about  thirty  at  the  time  of 
Chaucer's  death,  could  not  at  "  nyj  fyfty  jere  of  age  "  (1.  93)  have 
found  still  remaining  at  Canterbury  the  same  company  of  pilgrims 
with  which  Chaucer  had  come  there. 

§  3.  The  poem  has  4716  lines.  The  prologue  (11.  1-176),  see  §  2. 
The  first  part  (11.  177-1046)  tells  the  story  of  Edippus  and  locasta, 
the  second  part  (11. 1047-2552)  the  disputes  of  Ethiocles  and  Polymytes 
about  the  supremacy  in  Thebes,  the  third  part  (11.  2553-4716)  the 
siege  and  destruction  of  Thebes. 

§  4.  The  principal  source  of  Lydgate's  Thebes l  is  an  Old  French 
prose  romance,  derived  from  the  Old  French  poem  Bonian  de  Thebes. 
No  known  version  of  this  prose  romance  agrees  in  all  particulars  with 
that  used  by  Lydgate.  But  the  version  first  printed  1500  and  re- 
printed 1858  in  the  "Collection  Silvestre,"  with  the  title  "  Sensuyt 
le  Eoman  de  edipus  fils  du  roy  Layus"  (RE),  comes  very  near  to 
Lydgate's  original.  They  differ,  however,  in  some  details.  In  most 
of  these  details  Lydgate's  original  corresponded  with  the  somewhat 
later  version  of  the  prose  romance  represented  by  that  "  Hystoire  de 
Thebes"  (HT)  which  is  found  inserted  into  a  late  15th-century  Old 
French  translation,  with  numerous  additions,  of  Orosius'  well-known 
History  of  the  World.  Thus  the  apparently  lost  version  that  formed 
the  basis  of  Lydgate's  Thebes  must  have  held  an  intermediate  position 
between  the  two  versions  just  mentioned.  But  it  was  decidedly  much 
more  closely  allied  to  RE  than  to  HT. 

From  his  Old  French  source  Lydgate  has  taken  about  two-thirds  of 
his  poem.  More  than  a  fourth  he  has  drawn  from  his  own  creative 
imagination  or  from  his  general  store  of  knowledge.  The  rest  of  the 
poem,  about  the  twentieth  part  of  the  whole,  comes  partly  from  the 
Bible,  but  principally  from  such  authors  as  Seneca,  Martianus  de 
Capella,  Boccaccio,  Chaucer. 

§  5.  Lydgate  treats  his  original  with  perfect  freedom  as  regards 
form,  recasting  the  expressions,  enlarging  or  shortening  the  tale, 
not  infrequently  omitting  unimportant  particulars.  In  a  few  cases 
Lydgate  has  left  out  points  the  poetic  beauty  of  which  would  certainly 

1  See  Koeppel,  Lydgate's  Story  of  Thebes.  Eine  Quellenuntersuchung. 
Munchen,  1884.  Constans,  Legende  d'Oedipe.  Paris,  1881  ;  and  Roman  do 
Thebes,  vol.  ii.  Paris,  1890. 

Temporary  Preface.  vii 

have  caught  at  once  the  attention  of  Chaucer.  But  on  the  whole  it 
may  be  said  that  everything  the  poem  possesses  of  poetic  charm,  it 
owes  to  Lydgate's  work. 

The  hero  of  parts  II  and  III  is  Tydeus,  on  whom  Lydgate  lavishes 
his  highest  praise.  In  painting  Tydeus'  character  and  extolling  his 
exploits,  the  author  had,  no  doubt,  in  his  mind's  eye  England's 
youthful  hero,  King  Henry  V.  Here  and  there  in  the  poem  allusions 
to  contemporary  political  events  may  be  traced  (see  for  inst.  §  6). 

§6.  Lydgate  probably  began  his  Thebes  in  the  latter  part  of  1420. 
It  was  finished  before  the  death  of  Henry  V  (August  31,  1422). l 
And  it  seems  safe  to  assume  that  the  poem  had  been  completed  so 
long  before  that  date  that  copies  of  it  had  been  made  and  circulated. 
For  if  it  had  still  been  in  its  author's  hands  when  he  learnt  the 
irreparable  loss  his  country  had  suffered,  he  would  certainly  have 
recast  the  end  of  it.  In  writing  11.  4690-4703,  and  especially  the 
last  lines  of  this  passage  :  "  And  charite  .  .  .  shal  her  bryghte 
bemes  sprede  ...  in  dyuers  naciouns  Forto  reforme  atwixe  Regiouns 
Pees  and  quyet,  concord  and  vnyte,"  Lydgate  clearly  had  in  view 
•certain  terms  of  the  treaty  of  Troyes  concluded  in  May  1420.  The 
24th  paragraph  of  this  treaty  says  (see  Rymer's  Foedera,  Tom.  ix, 
p.  901) : 

Item,  ut  Concordia,  Pax,  &  Tranquillitas  inter  pnedicta  Franciae  &  Angliae 
Regna  perpetuo  futuris  temporibus  observenttir,  &  obvietur  Occasionibus  & 
Principiis,  ex  quibus  inter  eadera  Regna,  quod  absit,  Debata,  Dissensiones  seu 
Discordise  futuris  possent  temporibus  exoriri,  Concordatum  est,  quod  dictus 
films  noster  Rex  Henricus  laborabit,  .  .  .  ambo  Coronae,  scilicet  Franciae  et 
Anglise,  perpetuo  futuris  temporibus  commanebunt  &  erunt  in  una  &  eadem 
Persona,  viz.  sua,  etc. 

A  comparison  of  the  words  of  this  paragraph  with  1.  4703  shows 
at  once  whence  have  sprung  Lydgate's  "Pees  and  quyet,  concord  and 
vnyte."  See  also  the  25th  paragraph.  Cf.  Troy  Book,  v,  3999-3442. 
The  whole  passage  1.  4690  sq.  of  Thebes  resounds  with  a  jubilant 
note  of  hopefulness,  and  could  not  possibly  have  been  written  or  issued 
after  England's  hopes  of  a  triumphant  peace  had  been  so  suddenly 
blighted  by  the  King's  death. 

§  7.  The  Siege  of  Thebes  is  written  in  heroic  couplets.  It  has 
long  been  held  up  as  a  specimen  of  unusually  bad  metre.  This 
censure  seemed  to  be  justified  by  the  character — very  unsatisfactory 

1  Cf.  Koeppel  1.  c.,  and  Schick,  Lydgate's  Temple  of  Glas,  1891.  Also 
H.  Bergen,  The  MSS.  and  Prints  of  Lydgate's  Troy  Book.  Bungay,  Chaucer 
Press,  1906. 

viii  Temporary  Preface. 

from  a  metrical  point  of  view — of  the  old  printed  texts.  The  present 
edition,  the  text  of  which  is  based  on  the  best  MS.  collated  with  all 
the  other  known  MSS.,  will  prove  the  censure  to  be  unmerited.  The 
live-beat  iambic  lines  of  Thebes  present  the  metrical  traits  peculiar  to 
Lydgate's  heroic  verse. 

§  8.  The  great  number  of  MSS.  still  preserved  bears  evidence  of 
the  popularity  once  enjoyed  by  our  poem.  There  are,  as  far  as  is 
now  known,  21  MSS.  of  Lydgate's  Thebes  in  the  public  and  private 
libraries  of  England.  To  this  number  are  to  be  added  the  old  editions 
of  1500  (?)  and  1561,  each  of  which  represents  a  separate  MS.  The 
best  MSS.  are  the  Arundel  119  (Brit.  Mus.),  the  Bodley  776,  the 
Additional  18632  (Brit.  Mus.),  and  the  MS.  belonging  to  Lord 
Mostyn,  designated  by  Ar.  Bo.  Adr  M.  in  the  variae  lectiones  given  at 
the  foot  of  the  pages.  As  basis  of  the  present  edition  the  Arundel 
MS.  has  been  taken,  every  deviation  from  it  being  marked  by 
asterisks  in  the  text,  or,  in  the  case  of  pause-bars,  only  mentioned 
among  the  vv.  11.  The  Arundel  MS.  119  is  a  small  folio,  10£  x  7f 
English  inches,  on  vellum,  bound  in  calf,,  and  contains  only  the 
complete  text  of  our  poem.  It  has  80  leaves.  The  text  is  written 
in  single  columns,  and  ends  on  leaf  79  front. 


Upsala,  April  6,  1911. 



1.  Adr  =  Brit.  Mus.  Additional  18632. 

2.  Ad2.  =  Brit.  Mus.  Additional  5140. 

3.  Ap.   =  Brit.  Mus.  Cotton.  Appendix  XXVII. 

4.  Ar.    =  Brit.  Mus.  Arundel  119. 

5.  Ba.    =  Marquis  of  Bath's  MS.  257  (Longleat). 

6.  Bo.    =  Bodley  MS.  776. 

7.  C.      =  Cambridge  University  Library,  Addit.  3137. 

8.  Di.    =  Bodl.  Library,  Digby  230. 

9.  Du.   =  Prince  Frederick  Duleep  Singh's  MS.  (Old  Buckenham  Hall). 

10.  Ej.  =  Wynken  de  Worde's  edition  (1500  ?)  8vo. 

11.  E2.  =  in  William  Thynne's  fol.  edition  1561  of  the  works  of  Chaucer. 

12.  G.  =  Mr.  J.  H.  Gurney's  MS.  (Keswick  Hall). 

13.  I.  =  The  late  Sir  H.  Ingilby's  MS.  (Ripley  Castle),  now  belonging  to 

Mr.  Lawrence  Hod  son  (Compton  Hall). 

14.  Lj.  =  Bodl.  Library,  Laud.  Misc.  557. 

15.  L2.  =  Bodl.  Library,  Laud.  Misc.  416. 

16.  Lb.  =  Lambeth  Palace  Library,  MS.  742. 

17.  M.  =  Lord  Mostyn's  MS.  (Mostyn  Hall). 

18.  P.  =  Magdalen  College  (Cambridge)  Library,  Pepys  2011. 

19.  Ra.  =  Bodl.  Library,  Rawlinson  C.  48. 

20.  Ro.  =  Brit.  Mus.  Royal  18.  D.  II. 

21.  S.  =  Brit.  Mus.  Additional  29729  (Stow  MS.). 

22.  Tr  =  Trinity  College  (Cambridge)  Library,  MS.  R.  4.  20. 

23.  T2.  =  Trinity  College  (Cambridge)  Library,  MS.  0.  5.  2. 

In  the  foot-notes  the  manuscripts  and  oldest  editions  are  given  in  the 
following  order  (cf.  the  genealogy  in  the  Introduction)  : 

Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lt.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adr  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
L2.  Ro.  Ap. 

SYNOPSIS  OF  THE  GAPS  exceeding  two  lines,  in  the  manuscripts  and 
oldest  editions  (the  numbers  are  inclusive) : 

Adt.  785—788. 

Ad2.  785—788,  4094—4158,  4504  to  the  end. 

Ap.  1681—1746,  3409  to  the  end. 

Ba.  2490—2580,  4432  to  the  end. 

Bo.  1—8,  31—40,  4456—4586. 

C.  1—822,  886—951,  1017—1142,  1103— 1468,  1858—1922,  3668—4060, 


Di.  1—153. 

x  Synopsis  of  the  Gaps  in  MSS.t  etc. 

Du.  111—337,  4284—4340,  4459—4572,  4630—4716. 

E4.  107—176, 4363—4418. 

I.  785—788,  3935—4116,  4582-4676. 

JL,.  849—852. 

Lb.  65—392, 4597—4658. 

M.  147—222. 

P.  1669—1672. 

Ha.  2099—2294. 

Ro.  513—1130,  1987—2400,  3011—3210,  3407—3590,  3989— 4340. 

S.  14552— 14591. 

Tr  615—726,  1061—1172. 

Tj.  2485—2672,  3634—4209.  « 

Ar.  E2.  Q.  Lj.  are  complete. 


Mug.  Brit.  Bibl.  Arundel  119. 

Incipit  Prologus. 

'  Han  brijte  phebus  /  passed  was  j?e  ram 
Myd  of  Aprille  /  and  in-to  bole  cam, 
And  Satourn)  old  /  with  his  frosty  face 
In  virgyne  /  taken  had  his  place, 
Malencolik  /  and  slowgh  of  mociouw, 
And  was  also  /  in  thoposicioiw 
Of  lucina  /  the  mone  nioyst  and  pale, 
That1  many  Shour  /  fro  heuene  made  avale ; 
whan  Aurora  /  was  in  ]>e  morowe  red, 
And  lubiter  /  in  the  Crabbes  Hed 
Hath  take  his  paleys  /  and  his  mansions ; 
The  lusty  tyme  /  and  loly  fressh"  Sesou?z 
whan  that  Flora  /the  noble  myghty  quene, 
The  soyl  hath  clad  /  in  newe  tendre  grene, 

[leaf  1] 

Phebus  in  ariete. 
In  mid-April, 

Satc/Tius  in 


lubiter  in  capite 

the  jolly  fresh 

1-6  cut  away  in  Bo.  (7,  8  incomplete,  the  second  half  being  cut  aicay). 
1-153  lost  in  Di.  1-822  lost  in  C.  1.  Whan]  Whan  that  T2.  Ba.  brijte]  om. 
Tj.  Du.  LI.  Lb.  M.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  2.  Myd]  and  myd  LI.  and]  om.  Lb.  in-to 
bole]  into  the  bole  Tj.  Du.  LI.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ba.  Er  S.  TQ.  P.  E2.  in  the 
bole  Ra.  L2.  Ro.  to  the  foule  I.  3.  old]  olde  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 

5.  P.  E2.  Ap.     om.  L2.  Ro.         4.  In]  In  pe  Ap.     virgyne]  virgyn  M.  P.     had] 
hath  Ra.  S.     has  Ba.     his  place]  a  p.  Lj.          5.  Malinkkolik  Adj.     Melyncolik 
P.     slowe  M.     slow  Adi.     sclough   S.    Ro.      slouth  Ej.     mocioun]  mocions  LI. 

6.  thoposicioun]    the  opposicioun   Ada.  Ba.   T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.     opposicioun  Ad2.  I. 
the   opposicions    Lj.  8.   many]   many   a   Du.    Lj.    Ba.    P.       Shour]   shouris 
Tj.    Lb.    Ad2.    I.        shours   Adi.        fro    heuene    made]    made    fro    heuene    Lb. 
10.  lubiter]  lupyter  E^     lupiter  E2.          11.  paleys]  place  I.         12.  The]  That 
Bo.  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  P.     and]  that  P.         13.  the  noble]  that  noble  P.     the 
lusty  Lb.     myghty]  om.  Lb.         14.  newe  Adi.     new  Bo.  M. 


Chaucer's  Canterbury  Tales  and  Pilgrims.     [  PROLOG. 

with  her  floures  /  craftyly  ymeynf, 

Braunch  and  bough  /  wij)  red  and  whit  depeynt,  1C 

Fletinge  J>e  bawme  /  on  hillis  and  on  valys  : 

The  tyme  in  soth  /  whan  Canterbury  talys 

Complet1  and  told*  /  at1  many  sondry  stage 

Of  estatis  //  in  the  pilgrimage,  20 

Euerich  man  /  lik  to  his  degre, 

Some  of  desporf  /  some  of  moralite, 

Some  of  knyghthode  /  loue  and  gentillesse, 

And  some  also  of  parfif  holynesse,  24 

And  some  also  in  soth  /  of  Ribaudye 

To  make  laughter1  /  in  )>e  company e, 

(Ech  admitted  /  for  non  wold  other  greve) 

Lich  as  the  Cook  /  J>e  millere  and  the  Eeve  28 

Aquytte  hem-silf  /  shortly  to  conclude, 

Boystously  /  in  her  teermes  Rude, 

whan  ]>ei  hadde  /  wel  dronken  of  the  bolle, 

And  ek  also  /  with  his  pylled  nolle  32 

The  pardowner  /  beerdlees  al  his  Chyn, 

Glasy-Eyed  /  and  face  of  Cherubyn, 

Tellyng1  a  tale  /  to  angre  with  the  frere, 

her]  his  Ba.  tlie  L^.  Ro.  craftyly]  craftly  Bo.  Ba.  Ap.  ymeynt]  meynt 
Bo-  TiV  LI-  Lb.  M.  Ej.  E2.  16.  wib]  om.  Ap.  [red  and  whit]  white  &  rede  Ro. 
depeynt >~|  dopeynt  mitwrittc n  Ar.  17.  second  on]  in  Ap.  om.  Adj.  I.  18.  whan] 
whanne  ^at  Lj.  Adj.  T2.  Cauntrebery  Bo.  Caunterbury  M.  Kaunterberi  Adj.  In 
Ad2.  I.  18  v  and  ;_  19  are  transposed.  19.  many]  many  a  Lb.  20.  estatis] 
estate  S.  tl^e  statis  Lb.  there  astates  P.  the]  their  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  M.  T2.  P.  L,,. 
here  Lb.  .Zta  Ra  a  inter  hand  has  altered  the  into  ther  by  adding  an  r. 
21.  Euerich]  eV,ery  Bo.  TI.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  E2.  man]  om.  Lg.  Ro. 
lik]  lyke  Bo.  M\  Adj.  liclie  Lb.  22.  desport  some]  d.  and  s.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj. 

Lb.  M.  23.  gWillesse]  geutilnesse  TI.  Lj.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  L2.  Ro.  Ap. 
25.  And]  om.  Ra.\  na.  K2.  also  in  soth]  eke  i.  s.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  LI..  M.  T2.  P. 
in  soUi  eeke^Lj.  in\  sotll]  om.  L2.  Ro.  Kibaudye]  ribawdrye  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  1.  Ra. 
Ba.  E}.  P.  E2.  L.,.  IVjwed  ribaudrye  Ro.  26.  maken  Bo.  M.  make  Adj.  27. 
Ech]  They  Ad.2.  I.  fo\r]  om,  ^  RO-  other  greve]  ooyr  eve  Lb.  28.  as]  om.  Lb. 
millere]  mylnere  Ro.  \  29.  Aquytte]  Acquit  Ra.  L2.  Acquite  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Ad2. 
Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ro.  Ap.v  Acquiten  M.  hemsilf]  hem  wel  Tj.  shortly]  sothly  Ra. 
to]  for  to  P.  30.  boys\tously]  boystuously  S.  31-40  cut  away  on  back  side  of  the 
first  leaf  in  Bo  (38.  mice,  4\n  Breteyne  is  left  at  the  end  of  the  line).  31.  droiiken] 
droukynge  Ap.  32.  PMled]  piled  Adj.  peled  Lb.  S.  pallid  Tj.  Du.  T2. 

ballyd  Lj.  33.  The  pard^pwnei,  beerdlees]  The  berdles  pardoner  Lj.  (taken  from 

the  rvbric,  which  in  this  MS.  forms  tjte  preceding  line  of  the  column),  al]  of  Ro. 
34.  Olasy-Eyccl]  Glasyne  Eyde^  Ro>  Giasy  eyes  EJ.  Ed2.  Glasy  yen  P.  glasid 
eyen  S.  glasy  •  rede  •  Du.  of]\mnm  j^.  35,  a]  to  Q. 

when  the  Canter- 
bury Tales  were 

some  moral, 

some  ribald, 

like  those  of 
The  Cook, 
the  Millere, 
And  the  Revc.J 

also  the 

If  Pardonere, 
[leaf  1,  back] 


PROLOG.]    Lydgates  Praise  of  Chaucer,  Flower  of  Poets. 

written  by 
If  Chaucer, 

40    the  Flower  of 

As  opynly  //  the  storie  kan  jow  lere,  36 

word  for  word  /  with"  euery  circuwstauwce, 

Echon  y  write  /  and  put1  in  remembrau/zce 

By  hyrn  pat1  was  /  $if  I  shal  not1  feyne, 

Floure  of  Poetes  /  thorghout1  al  breteyne, 

Which"  sothly  hadde  /  most1  of  excellence 

In  rethorike  /  and  in  eloquence 

(Rede  his  making1  /  who  list1  the  trouthe*  fynde) 

AVhich"  neuer  shal  /  appallen  in  my  mynde,  44 

But1  alwey  fressh"  /  ben  in  my  memorye*  : 

To  whom*  be  ^oue  /  pris/  houure  /  and  glorye* 

Of  wel  seyinge  /  first1  in  oure  language, 

Chief  Registrer  /  of  pis  pilgrimage,  48 

Al  pat1  was  tolde  /  forjeting1  noght  at  al, 

Feyned  talis  /  nor  ping1  Historial, 

AVith  many  prouerbe  /  diuers  and  vnkoutfi, 

Be  rehersaile  /  of  his  Sugrid  mouth, 

Of  eche  thyng1  /  keping1  in  substau?*ce 

The  sentence  hool  /  with-oute  variance, 

A^yding1  the  Chaf  /  sothly  for  to  seyn, 

36.  As  opynly]  As  o.  as  TI.  Du.  Lb.     And  o.  as  Lj.     Al  o.  as  M.  37.  for] 

bi  LI.  38.  Echon  ywrite]  Echon  writen  Tj.  Echone  wreton  M.  39.  was] 
om.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  shal]  shuld  Ra.  Ba.  1^.  40.  Poetes]  poietys  Ro.  Ap. 
thorghout]  thorough  out  L2.  throughout  E%.  thorugh  Du.  M.  Adx.  Ra.  Ap. 
thorough  Lb.  T2.  thorgh  TI.  Ba.  P.  Ro.  through  l,i.  S.  thorugh  out  of  EI. 
41.  sothly]  shortly  P.  hadde  Adx.  Ra.  T2.  had  Bo.  M.  of]  om.  L2.  Ro.  42.  In] 
bothe  in  Bo.  TI.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  T2.  rethorike]  retryk  T2.  and]  and  eke  Ra  (eke 
added  by  later  hand),  second  in]  om.  Ad2.  I.  43.  Rede]  Redeth  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lb.  M.  T2.  P.  who]  whos  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  who  so  Lb.  Ba.  trouthe  M.  Adj. 
trouth  Ar.  Bo.  fynde]  to  finde  M.  Ra  (to  added  by  later  hand).  44.  Which]  ]>at 
Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  45.  alwey]  evir  1^.  fressh  ben  Adp  fresshe  be  Bo.  M. 
be  fressh  T2.  freyshely  bene  Ap.  my]  om.  I.  Ro.  memorye]  memoyre  Ar. 
in  my  memorye]  called  Geffray  Chawcer  byname  P  (written  by  a  later  hand,  partly 
on  erasure).  46.  whom]  who  Ar.  be]  ben  Ra.  Ba.  3oue]  yoven  Ba. 

yeue  Er  Ap.  geven  S.  ioye  Bo.  TJ.  Du.  LI.  Lb.  M.  Ad2.  I.  glorye]  gloyre  Ar. 
Ap  ( :  memory).  The  scribe  of  P.  wrote  honoure  glorie  and  pris,  the  later  hand  has 
erased  most  of  pris  and  written  ffame  across  it.  47.  seyinge  Adi.  saiyng  Bo. 
seieng  M.  langage  G.  Bo.  48.  Registrer]  regestrier  Bo.  Registerer  T2. 

Regester  Lj.  P.  regystere  Adj.  S.  Ap.  regestire  Ro.  Registre  Ba.  regestre 
A<i2.  I.  L2.  of]  in  E2.  his]  his  S.  49.  Al]  Of  Ro.  footing]  forgetyn  Lj.  Ba.  P. 
at]  om.  Lg.  Ro.  50.  talis]  tale  I.  nor  >ing]  ne  thing  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  Ro. 

no  thing  L2.     nor  nothynge  Lx.  Ba.     and  thing  Lb.         51.  prouerbe]  prouerbes 
Lb.  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Er  S.  P.  E2.          52.  Sugrid]  sugir  L2.          53.  in] 

(who  will  be 
always  fresh  in 
my  memory,) 

and  told  his 

52     with  his  sugard 

>e    Bo. 

Du.    Lt.    Lb.    M. 


55.  Voyding]  Wyndyng  Ad2.  I.      the]   om.  Adx.    Ad2 
for]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  L^.  Ro.     for  to  seyn]  fro  the  seyne 

54.  hool]   of  lobe   Ad2.    of  love   I. 


sothly]   softely 

4        Lydgate  finds  Chaucer  s  Pilgrims  at  Canterbury.    [PROLOG. 

from  the  Pil- 
grims' meeting 

If  At  be  tabard* 
in  Suthwerk, — 

on  to  Canter- 

IT  The  Hoste. 
[leaf  2] 

Enlumynyng1  /  \>e  trewe  piked  greyn 
Be  crafty  writinge  /  of  his  sawes  swete, 
Fro  the  tyme  /  that1  thei  deden*  mete 
First  the  pylgrimes  /  sothly  euerichon, 
At  the  Tabbard  /  assembled  on  be  on, 
And  fro  suthwerk  /  shortly  for  to  seye, 
To  Canterbury  /  ridyng1  on  her  weie, 
Tellync  e  a  tale  /  as  I  reherce  can, 
Lich"  as  the  hoste  /  assigned  euery  man. 
None  so  hardy  /  his  biddyng1  disobeye. 
And  this  while"*  /  that1  the  pilgrymes  leye 

at  this  time, 
while  the  Pil- 
grims were  lodgd   At1  Canterbury  /  wel  logged*  on  and  all, 

I  not1  in  soth"  /  what1  I  may  it1  call, 
i  chanst  to  enter  Hap  /  or  fortune  /  in  Conclusion?*, 

the  town, 

That1  me  byfil  /  to  entren  into  toun, 
The  holy  seynt1  /  pleynly  to  visite 
Aftere  siknesse  /  my  vowes  to  aquyte, 
In  a  Cope  of  blak  /  and  not1  of  grene, 
On  a  palfrey  /  slender  /  long1  /  and  lene, 
wifi  rusty  brydel  /  mad  nat1  for  fe  sale, 
My  man  to-forn  /  with  a  voide'  male ; 
which"  of  Fortune  /  took1  myn  Inne  anon 

in  a  black  cope, 

5T  Disory  ving  of 

the  Monk. 

on  a  scraggy  nag 

with  a  rusty 








56.  Enlumynyng]  Elewmynyng  L^.     piked]  pyken  Bo.  Du. 
I.  T2.     ded  Ar.     dede  G.  S.     diden  M.  Ad2. 

58.  cleden  Adj. 

did  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Ba.  P.  E2.  L2. 
Ro.  dide  T,.  Ra.  Ev  Ap.  59.  sothly]  om.  P.  60.  At  the]  atte  Adj.  T2.  at 
Tj.  M.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E2.  on  be  on]  euery  one  by  one  Ad2.  I.  Between  59  and 
60  Lv  JMS  the  rubric  :  At  the  Tabard  in  Southwerk  first  they  met  ;  in  connexion 
with  this,  I.  60  has  been  altered  into  And  ther  they  assembled  one  bi  oone. 
61.  And  fro]  At  G.  suthwerk  Ar.  Southwerk  Tj.  Du.  Lr  M.  T2.  L.2.  Soujwerk 
Adi.  Sowthwerk  Ad2.  I.  soutwerk  Bo.  Southewerk  Ro.  E^  Southwerke  Lj.  P. 
Sothwerk  Ra.  Sothewerk  S.  Sothwerke  E^  Suthwarke  Lb.  Sothwarke  Ba.  Ap. 
shortly]  soobli  Adt.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  62.  on]  in  Ad2.  I.  her]  the  I. 

63.  tale]  take  misicrittcn  Ar.      as]   liche  as  Adj.    Ad2.    I.    Ba.    S.       lich   Ra. 

64.  the  hoste]  thost  1\.  Lb.  65-392.  gap  in  Lb.  66.  this]  in  this  Bo.  Tx. 
Du.  Lj.  M.  T2.  P.     while  Bo.  Adj.    whil  Ar.     tyme  M.     pilgrymes]  pylgrimage  L^. 

67.  logged]  louged  Ar.   G  (cp.  78).     logid  LI.   S.  Ro.     looged  Ad2.     lodged  E2. 

68.  not]  ne  wote  l^.  Ro.     soth]  feith  Ad2.  I.          69.  in]  as  in  Ro.          70.  entren 
into  Ar.      enter  into  G.      entre  into  L.J.   Ro.      entre  into  }>e  Bo.  and  the  rest 
(see  Notes).         72.  siknesse  my  vowes]  my  sykenesse  vowes  Et.  E.J.      to  aquyte] 
tacquite  Adi.    for  to  aquyte  Ra.       73.  Cope]  Cape  G.       74.  slender  Ar.  G.  T2.  E2.  I. 
slendre  Ra.  Ba.     sklendre  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ad2.     sclendre  S.  1^.     sclender  Lt. 
Ex.  P.     sclendire  Ro.     sklendyre  Ap.     slender  long]  longe  sklendre  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj. 
M.  T2.  P.         75.  nisty]  a  rusty  Lj.  T0.     lusti  Adi.     mad  nat]  nat  maad  Ad].  Ad2. 
I.   P.  76.  voide  Bo.  M.     void  Adj.  77.  which]  That  Ad?.   Ad2.  I.    Ra. 
Ba.  Ej.  S.  E2.     took]  took  I  Ad2.  I. 

PROLOG.]   The  Pilyrims    Host  asJcs  Lydgate  to  sup  with  them.    5 

Wher  pe  pylgryrnes  /  were  logged  eumchon, 
The  same  tyme  /  Her  gouernowr,  the  host1, 
Stondiug  in  halle  f  ful  of  wynde  and  bosf, 
Licfr  to  a  man  /  wander  sterne  and  fers, 
Which  spak  to  me  /  and  seide  anon,  "  daura  Pers, 
Daun  Domynyk  /  Dan  Godfrey  /  or  Clement1, 
3e  be  welcom  /  newly  into  kent1, 
Thogh  3oure  bridel  /  haue  neij>er  boos  ne  belle ; 
Besechinge  3011  /  jjat  30  wil  me  telle 
First1  3oure  name  /  and  of  what1  contre 
With-oute  more*  •  shorte-ly  that1  30  be, 
That1  loke  so  pale  /  al  deuoyde  of  blood, 
Vpon  3oure  hede  /  a  wonder  thred-bar  hood, 
Wei  araie'd  /  for  to  ride  late." 

I  answerde  /  '  my  name  was  Lydgate, 
Monk  of  Bery  /  nyj  fyfty  3ere  of  age, 
Come  to  this  toune  /  to  do  my  pilgranage, 
As  I  haue  hight1  /  I  haue*  therof  no  shame.' 
"  Daim  lohn,"  quod  he  /  "  wel  broke  30  }oure  name  ! 
Thogh  30  be  soul  /  beth  right1  glad  and  light ! 
Preiyng1  3ou  /  soupe  with  vs  to-nyghtf, 
And  36  shal  haue*  /  mad  at  3oure  devis, 


The  Host,  the 
Pilgrims'  boss, 

If  The  wordes 
of  the  host  to 
the  Monk. 

welcomd  me, 

and  askt  me  who 
I  (so  pale  and 
seedy)  was,  and 
whence  I  came. 

I  said  I  was 

If  Lydgate 

If  Monk  of  Bery, 

near  50, 

and  had  come 

on  pilgrimage. 

96    If  The  wordes  of 
|>e  host. 
[leaf  2,  back] 

He  askt  me  to 
sup  with  his 


78.  Wher]  Where  as  Adr  Ad2.  I.  Ther  T2.  were  logged]  loged  wern  Bo.  Du. 
M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  were]  om.  Lx.  euerichon]  echon  M.  Ad2.  Ar.  has 
a  second  pause-bar  after  were.  79.  Her]  the  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  the]  here 
Adv  Ad2.  Ra.  their  Ba.  S.  80.  halle]  he  halle  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  81.  Lich 
to]  Liclie  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Ra.  Ba.  L2.  Ro.  sterne]  stoor  Ra.  Ba.  82.  Which] 
That  Adv  Ad2.  I.  S.  om.  Ra.  Ba.  to  me]  anone  P.  and  seide  anon]  anon  and 
seid  Lx.  84.  welcom  Adj.  Ra.  welcome  Bo.  T,.  M.  into]  vnto  P. 

85.  neij>er  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tx.  LI.  M.  Ro.  nyther  Du.  nether  L2.  nouthir  Ra.  T2. 
Ap.  nober  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.  P.  E2.  noobr  Ba.  boos  ne  belle]  liste  nor  belle 
Ad2.  I.  86.  Besechinge  G.  Adj.  Ra.  besekyng  Bo.  Tx.  Ad2.  I.  wil]  wolde 
Adp  I.  me]  om.  Ev  E2.  87.  Joure]  of  youre  Er  E2.  of]  om.  Bo.  TI.  Du.  M. 
Ej.  E2.  88.  more]  mor  Ar.  G.  Ra.  L2.  89.  al]  and  G.  91.  araied  Ad,, 
arraied  M.  arayde  Bo.  ryden  Bo.  M.  ride  Adj.  92.  Lydgate  (Lidgate)]  Lidgat 
Bo.  Lydygate  Ap.  93.  Bery  Ar.  G.  L2.  Bury  Bo.  and  all  the  rest  (cp.  131). 
ny3]  nat  Ad2.  I.  95.  haue]  ha  Ar.  alone.  I  haue  therof]  therof  haue  I  M. 
96.  broke]  brouke  Bo.  Tv  Du.  M.  Adp  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  E2.  30]  bee  Bo.  om.  Ad2.  I. 
3e  3oure]  lie  her  T2.  97.  be]  om.  Ad2.  I.  soul  Ar.  G.  Ra.  sovl  Ad^  sowl  S. 
sole  Bo.  Du.  M.  Ad2.  L2.  E2.  Ap.  soole  Lt.  sool  I.  Ex.  T2.  Ro.  3e  be  soul]  ye 
be  foull  Ba.  ye  be  seke  P.  it  be  so  Ta.  beth]  be  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Ad2.  I.  S.  T2. 
L2.  Ro.  right]  om.  Ad2.  I.  98.  soupe]  to  soupe  Bo.  TI.  Du.  LI.  M.  Ex.  T2.  P. 
E2.  to  nyght]  >is  nyght  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lr  M.  Ej.  T2.  E2.  L2.  Ro  (cp.  143). 
99.  haue]  han  Ar.  alone,  mad]  om.  L2.  Ro.  3oure]  youre  owne  Ro.  devis]  avyce  P. 

6       The  Host  gives  Lydgate  advice  as  to  his  Health.     [PROLOG. 

and  ride  home 
with  em  to- 

He  bade  me 
drink  nutty  ale, 

A  gref  puddyng1  /  or  a  rounde  hagys,  100 

A  Franchemole*  /  a  tansey  /  or  a  froyse. 
To  ben  a  Monk  /  Sclender  is  joure  koyse ; 
$e  han  be  seke  /  I  dar  myn  hede  assure, 
Or  late  fed  /  in  a  feynt  pasture.  104 

Lift1  vp  joure  bed  /  be  glad,  tak  no  sorowe  ! 
And  30  shal  horn  ride  with  vs  to-morowe  ! 
I  seye,  whan  30  rested  han  30111°  fille. 
Aftere  soper  /  Slepe  wil  do  non  ille.  108 

Wrappe  wel  3oure  hede  /  vfiih*  clothes  rounde  aboute  ! 
Strong1  notty  ale  /  wol  make*  3011  to*  route. 
Tak  a  pylow  /  fat1  30  lye  not1  lowe ! 
3 if  nede  be  /  Spare*  not1  to  blowe  !  112 

To  holde  wynde  /,  be  myn  opynyou??, 
Wil  engendre  /  Collikes*  passiouw 
And  make  men  to  greuen  /  on  her  roppys, 
whan  thei  han  filled  /  her  mawe?  ^,tre/her  croppys.        116 
afnightf "Seed      But1  toward*  nyght1  /  ete  sopslenel  Kede, 

100.  rounde]  om.  P.  hagys]  hagsr;.<;  5ca.  Ba.  P.  Agys  Ro.  Ap.  hastyng  G. 
101.  Franehniole  Ar.  Frangcb^nOle  G.  frankmole  Ap.  franche  myle  Bo. 
Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Al.  fraunchemr1.-  Adj.  Ad2.  fraunchemule  T2.  S.  Fronchemul  I. 
freunchemule  Ba.  frauncV«nule  Ro.  fransmule  Ra.  franchemele  Lg.  fraunche- 
moyle  Ej.  E2.  fraunch'v'Mayle  P.  102.  ben.  Adx.  be  Bo.  Al.  sklendre  Bo. 
lY  Du.  M.  sklendyr  Lj.  Ro.  Ap.  slendir  Ra.  I*;.  T2.  E2.  Ba.  koyse  (coise)] 
choyse  Ba.  103.  'han  Ar.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  L%.  haue  Bo.  and'the  rest.  han]  om. 
M.  be]  ben  L,,  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ro.  seke  Ar.  G.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  Ro. 
Ap.  sek  T?.  seek  Ad2.  seeke  Lx.  syke  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  M.  EI.  S.  L2.  sik  Adj. 
sicke  E2.  '  104.  late  fed]  late  I-fedde  T2.  lette  fede  EI.  E2.  latte  fede  S. 
105.  take  Bo.  Al.  Adj.  tak]  and  take  P.  In  Bo.  1.  105  and  1.  106  have 
been  transposed.  106.  shal]  shul  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Al.  Ra.  T2.  shold  Ex.  should  E2. 
horn  ride]  ride  horn  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  ride.  107. 
say  Bo.  M.  sey  Adj.  han  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  Al.  Adj.  Ra.  haue  Ta.  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba. 
S.  T2.  P.  E2.  LJJ.  Ro.  Ap.  restid  han]  haue  restid  Ad2.  I.  ;  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar 
after  Je.  107 — 176  gap  in  Ej.  108.  Slepe]  to  slepe  Ad2.  I.  wil  do  non]  woll 
do  you  none  P.  well  &  do  noun  L2,  109.  wel]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  with]  om. 
Ar.  G.  Ra.  Ba.  E2.  Ap.  110.  notty]  noppy  L2.  A  p.  ;  in  Lj.  notti  is  by  a  late 
hand  altered  to  noppy.  mak  Ar.  make  Bo.  M.  Adj.  to]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ill — 337 
gap  in  Du.  111.  j>atxj  and  P.  lowe]  to  lowe  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  112.  jif] 
And  ill'  T2.  Spare]  Spar  Ar.  spaar  Adx.  to]  for  to  L,,.  Ko.  om.  Ra.  114.  Wil] 
It  wil  Bo.  Tj.  LI.  Al  At?,.  Ad2.  T.  T2.  P.  engendre]  gendyr  Lx.  Collis  Ar. 
G.  Bo.  TI.  LI.  Adj.  Ra  (cc\llyke  written  in  margin  by  late  hand).  Ba.  T2.  Ap. 
colles  P.  EJJ.  collikes  Al  \collykcs  L2.  collyk  Ad2.  I.  collica  Ro.  colica  S. 
115.  men]  om.  Bo.  to]  om.  P.  greuen]  gronyn  L2.  on]  in  Adi.  Ad2.  1.  L2.  Ap. 
on  her]  om.  S.  116.  han  Bo.  Adj.  haue  M.  filled]  fylled  wele  Ro.  her  mawes 
and]  om.  Ro.  and  her  croppys]  and  croppes  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  L^.  117. 
fenel]  febell  T2.  venel  l^.  Rede]  I  rede  Adj.  Ad2.  ;  L,,.  and  Ro.  have  sede,  I.  has 
seed,  from  118. 

PROLOG.]  The  Host  tells  me  how  to  get  a  good  Night's  Eest.      7 

Annys  /  Comyn  /  or  coriandre  sede ! 

And  lik  as  I  /  pouer  haue  /  and  inyght1, 

I  Charge  3ow  /  rise  nof  af  Mydnyght,  120 

Thogh"  itf  so  be  /  the  moone  sfiyne  cler. 

I  wol  my-silf  /  be  3oure  Orloger  Sly  f" 

To-morow  erly  /  whan  I  se  my  tyme, 

For  we  wol  for],  /  parcel  a-fore  Pryme,  124 

A  company  /  parde  /  Shal  do  3ou  good. 

What1 !  look  vp,  Monk  /  for,  by  kokkis  blood, 

Thow  shalt1  be  mery  /  who  so  fat  sey  nay. 

For  to-morowe,  anoon  /  as  it1  is  day,  128 

And  that1  it1  gynne  /  in  be  Estf  to  dawe,  [leaf  3] 

Thow  shalf  be  bounde*  /  to  a  newe  lawe, 

At*  goyng-  oute  of  Canterbury  toune, 

And  leyn  a-side  /  thy  professions.  132 

Thow  shalt1  not1  chese  /  nor  bi-silf  withdrawe, 

3if  eny  myrth  /  be  founder  in  thy  ma  we, 

Lyk  the  custom  /  of  this  Compenye ; 

For  non  so  proude  /  that1  dar  me  denye,  136 

Knyght  nor  knaue  /  Chanon  /  prest  /  ne  nowne, 

118.  omitted  in  I.  118.  Comyn]  comyng  G.  coriandre]  colyaundre  G.  Ad2.  S. 
P.  collyandir  L2.  sede]  rede  Ro.  119.  pouer  hane]  haue  p.  P.  120.  rise] 
to  rise  Bo.  Tx.  M.  T2. ;  in  Ad2.  and  I.  I.  120  is  quite  altered:  I  shall  ba  your 
herberiowr  for  this  nyht.  121.  so  be]  be  so  LI.  L,.  Ro.  be]  be  that  P.  122. 
I  wol  mysilf]  myself  wil  be  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Orloger  Ar.  G.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.  E.2.  Ro. 
orligere  Bo.  Tj.  L^  M.  T2.  P.  orlegere  L2.  orlagere  Ap.  our  loggere  Ba.  124. 
For]  And  for  Ra.  parcel  afore]  a  parcill  afforc  Ra.  parcel  bifore  Bo.  Tx.  LI.  M.  I. 
L2.  a  parcel  bi-fore  Adi.  Ad2.  parcell  or  Ba.  percas  before  P.  parse  aftyr  Ap. 
125.  A  company]  Accotnpanie  E2.  And  company  Ro.  Ap.  shal]  >at  shal  Bo.  Tj. 
Lj.  M.  T2.  P.  jou]  no  Lj.  126.  by]  my  G.  127.  |wv  shalt  Adj.  M. 

|>ou  shal  Bo.  who  so]  who  Bo.  Tx.  LT.  M.  Ba.  T2.  P.  sey  Adj.  seith  Bo.  M. 
128.  anoon  as]  as  sone  as  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  M.  T2.  anoon  whan  Ra.  Ba.  In  Ad2.  and 
I.  the  original  1.  127  is  missing  and  its  place  is  taken  by  I.  128,  which  in  I.  agrees 
with  Ar.  Adj.,  but  in  Ad2.  is  altered  to :  To-morwe  anone  as  sone  as  hit  is  day  ;  a 
new  1.  128  has  been  composed :  Thow  shalt  ful  wel  knowe  as  I  the  say  Ad2.  As 
thow  shalte  knowe  as  I  the  say  I.  129.  gynne]  begynneth  P.  to]  om.  E2.  in 
t>e  Est  to  dawe]  into  the  Est  to  drawe  Ba.  130.  Thow  shalt]  Ye  shalt  Ba. 
bounde  Bo.  M.  Adj.  bound  Ar.  to]  vnto  Ra.  P.  131.  Canterbury]  Caterbury 
Ar.  Cauntrebery  Bo.  Caunterbury  M.  Adx.  132.  lay  Bo.  Tx.  M.  Adi. 

a-side]  a-doun  G.  professioun]  proffeschoun  Lj.  133.  nor]  ne  Bo.  Tj.  Lx. 
M.  S.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  134.  myrth  Bo.  merthe  M.  Adj.  founde?i]  founde 
G.  Bo.  Tv  Ad,.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  E2.  om.  La.  135.  lik  Adj.  lyke  Bo.  M. 
companye  G.  Bo.  136.  non]  noon  is  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  M.  T2.  P.  proude]  bold  T2. 
hardy  Ro.  that  dar]  that  day  T2.  me]  om.  Ad2.  1.  137.  nor]  ne  Lv  T2.  P.  1^. 
Ro.  prest]  om.  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  ne]  nor  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ap. 

8     We  leave  Canterbury  at  sunrise,  to  dine  at  Ospringc.    [ PROLOG. 

ns  every  one 
had  to, 
on  the  home 

If  How  cure  host 
spak  to  Dawi 


Then  we  had  a 
good  supper, 

went  to  bed, 

and  in  the 

started  at  sun- 

meaning  to  dine 
at  Ospringe. 

When  out  of  the 

our  Host  said 

'  let's  liave  some 
[leaf  3,  back] 

To  telle  a  talc  /  pleynly  as  thei  komie, 

Whan  I  assigne  /  and  se  tyme  opportune. 

And  for  that1  we  /  our  pwrpoos  wil  contune,  140 

We  wil  homward?  /  the  same'  custome  vse, 

And  thow  shalf  not1  /  platly  the  excuse. 

Be  now  wel  war  /  Stody  wel  to-nyghtf ! 

But,  for  al  this  •/  be  of  herte  li^f !  144 

Thy  wit1  shal  be  /  J)e  Sharper  and  the  bet1." 

And  we  anon  /  were  to  Soper  set1, 
And  serued  wel  /  vnto  oure  plesaunce ; 
And  sone  after  /  be  good  gouernaunce  148 

Vnto  bed  goth"  euery  maner  wight*. 
And  touarde  morowe  /  anon  as  it  was  light1, 
Euery  Pilgryme  /  bothe*  bet  and  wors, 
As  bad  oure  hoste  /  toke  a-non  his  hors,  152 

Whan  the  so?me  /  roos  in  the  est1  ful  clyere, 
Fully  in  purpoos  /  to  come  to  dynere 
Vnto  Osspryng1  /  and  breke  per  our*  faste. 

And  whan  we  weren  /  from  Canterbury  paste  156 

Noghtt  the  space  /  of  a  bowe  draught1, 
Our  hoost1  in  hast  /  haj>  my  bridel  rauhtf, 
And  to  me  seide  //  as  it1  were  in  game, 
"  Come  forth,  dawn  lofin  /  be  your  Cmtene  name,        160 
And  latf  vs  make  /  some  manere  myrth  or  play  ! 

138.  pleynly]  such  Adr  Ad2.  I.  139.  Whan]  Whan  that  Ba.  and  se]  om. 
Ra.  Ba.  to  se  Ad2.  I.  139  and  140  omitted  in  L%.  140.  And]  om.  Ra.  Ba. 
that]  om.  Bo.  TV  Lj.  M.  T2.  P.  we  our  purpoos  wil]  we  will  o.  p.  Lj.  wil]  forth 
wil  M.  contune]  continen  S  (:opertune).  141.  the  same]  our  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  S.  In  13o.  II.  141 — 146,  150,  151  were  nearly  obliterated  and  have  been 
filled  in  again  by  a  later  hand,  not  always  correctly  (e.g.  shat  f.  shal  142.  new  f. 
now  143).  142.  platly]  pleinly  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  E2.  143.  to-nyght] 
this  nyght  L2.  Ro.  144.  lijt]  right  light  Bo.  TV  M.  T2.  P.  146.  And]  Yf 
Bo.  M.  T2.  P.  to]  vnto  Ba.  were  to  soper]  to  soper  ver  S.  147 — 222  gap  in 
M.  147.  vnto]  to  TV  Adj.  Ad2.  149.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  goth.  150. 
anon,  as]  as  sone  as  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  E2.  151.  bothe  TV  bo>e  Adj. 
both  Ar.  Bo.  152.  As]  And  L.J.  Than  Ro.  oure]  be  Bo.  TI.  Lj.  T2.  P. 
toke]  take  L2.  Ro.  153.  roos]  aroos  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  om.  Ba.  the  est]  thest 
TV  154.  Fully]  Ful  Bo.  T\.  Lx.  Di.  T2.  P.  to  dynere]  vnto  d.  Di.  T2.  to 
oure  d.  Ro.  155.  Osprynge  Bo.  Ospring  G.  Adi.  Hosprenge  P.  156.  worn 
Adv  were  Bo.  from]  fro  Bo.  TV  LI.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  om.  Adj. 
Ad,j.  I.  158.  haast  Bo.  hast  TV  Adj.  haste  Ra.  raught]  kauht  Ra.  laght 
Ba.  160.  cristen  Bo.  Adj.  161.  manere]  om.  Bo.  TV  LI-  Di-  Ad^  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  S.  or]  and  P. 

PROLOG.]     Lydgate  agrees  to  tell  the  Pilgrims  a  Tale. 

Shet1  3oure  portoos  /  a  twenty  deuelway ! 
It*  is  no  disport  /  so  to  patere  and  seie. 
If  wol  make  ^oure  lippes  /  wonder  dreye. 
Tel  some  tale  /  and  make  ther-of  a*  lape ! 
For  be  my  Rouncy  /  thow  shaltf  not1  eskape. 
But  preclie  not  /  of  non  holynesse  ! 
Gynne  some  tale  /  of  myrth  or  of  gladnesse, 
And  nodde  not*  /  with"  thyn  heuy  bekke  ! 
Telle  vs  some  thyng1  /  that1  drawe])  to  effecte 
Only  of  loye  /  !  make  no  lenger  lette  !  " 

And  whan  I  saugh"  /  it  wolde  be  no  bette, 
I  obeyed*  /  vnto  his  biddynge, 
So  as  the  lawe  /  me  bonde  in  al  thinge ; 
And  as  I  coude  /  with  a  pale  cheere, 
My  tale  I  gan  /  an  oil  /  as  30  shal  here. 

Explicit1  Prologus. 
Incipit1  Pars  Prima.    Per  &c. 


If  How  oure  host 
bad  Daun  lohan 
telle  a  tale, 

not  a  holy, 
168    but  a  merry  one. 


So  I  obeyd  him, 

-.f-f,    and  began  my 
UO    Tale  (which  is  a 
sad  one). 

162.  Shet]  Shot  vp  Bo.  Tx.  Lj.  Di.  P.  leve  Ad2.  I.  portoos]  portos  G.  Bo.  Di. 
Ra.  P.  portas  Lx.  portes  E2.  porteis  L2.  portoys  Ba.  portewes  S.  E2.  a]  on 
P.  in  a  Ba.  163.  It  is  Tx.  Lj.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  L2.  Ro.  Hit  is  Bo. 
P.  Is  (om.  it)  Ar.  G.  E2.  Ap.  Is  it  S.  no  disport]  no  sporte  Lj.  T2.  none  sporte 
Di.  a  disport  S.  so]  om.  P.  to]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  1.  Ra.  Ba.  seie]  to  seye  Bo.  P. 
so  to  seye  T2.  In  T2.  163  and  164  are  transposed.  164.  wonder]  om.  G.  dreye] 
drye  Bo.  Ap.  165.  therof]  herof  1^.  a]  no  Bo.  Lv  Di.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  Ap. 

om.  Ar.  G.  166.  not]  it  not  Bo.  L\.  Ra.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ad^      not  it  Di.  Ba. 

167.  preche  Bo.  Adj.  holynesse]  hevynesse  Di.  168.  Gynne]  Begynne  Di.  Ap. 
Gyf  Bo.  yeve  T:.  Gyff  vs  Lv  or  of]  or  G.  and  of  Bo.  Ta.  Lj.  Ro.  and  Di.  P. 
169.  nodde  I.  nod  Bo.  Adj.  nodde]  om.  Ad0.  with]  so  with  Ro.  om.  Ap. 
bekke  Ar.  G.  Lj.  Adj.  S.  E2.  beck  Ba.  Ap.  bek  Bo.  Tj.  Ra.  T2  P.  l^.  beke 
Di.  beeke  Ro.  necke  Ad2.  I.  170.  vs]  om.  LI.  some  thyng]  merithing  Di 

(written  by  later  hand,  the  original  reading  being  effaced),  draweb]  touchib  Di. 
to]  o??!-.  G.  til  Ad2.  I.  effecte  Ar.  Lx.  Ad2.  I.  S.  P.  ft.?  Ap.  effect  Ba.  effekke 
G.  Adr  effek  Bo.  Tj.  Di.  Ra.  T2.  l^.  to  effecte]  of  to  speke  Ro.  In  Ar.  effecte 
has  been  altered  by  a  later  hand  into  effekke.  171.  make]  and  make  Bo.  TV 

Lj.  Di.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  172 — 176  in  Di.  almost  effaced  and  partly  filled  in  by  a 
later  hand.  172.  wolde]  woll  P.  173.  obeyed  TV  Di.  Ra.  Ad2.  I.  P.  EQ. 
L2.  Ro.  obeyde  Ar.  G.  Bo.  LI.  S.  Ap.  obeid  Adi.  Ba.  T2  (cp.  408).  174. 
So]  And  L2.  Ro.  And  so  G.  (with  And  underdotted).  om.  Bo.  TV  Lj.  Di.  lawe] 
haue  (by  later  hand)  Di.  bonde]  bounde  Lx.  S.  Ro.  allowid  Ad2-  I.  175. 

And]  om.  Ro.  coude]  couthe  Bo.  Tj.  Ba.  a  pale]  a  ful  pale  Ro.  176.  I  gan 
anon]  I  began  anon  Ap.  anon  I  gan  S.  began  P.  anon  as]  so  as  T2.  shal]  shul 
Tr  T2.  P.  may  G.  om.  Ra.  here]  aftir  here  P. 

10         Lydgate  will  tell  the  Tale  of  the  Siege  of  Thebes.     [PT.  I. 

[leaf  4] 

As  I  am  now  one 
of  your  company, 

I  will  tell  you 
a  story  of  the 
Siege  of  Thebes, 

a  city  built  by 

King  Amphion. 

How  he  raisd 
the  walls, 

Prima  "Pars. 

Sirs  /  quod  I '.  sith"  of  jour  curtesye* 
I  entred  am  /  in-to  $our  conipanye, 
And  admitted  /  a  tale  for  to  telle 
By  hym  bat1  hajj  pouer  to  co?npelle, 
I  mene  our  hoste,  gouernour  and  guyde 
Of  $ow  echon  /  ridyng  her  be-side ; 
Thogh"  that1  my  wit1  /  barayn  be  and  dul, 
I  wol  reherce  /  a  story  wonderful, 
Towchinge  the  siege  /  and*  destrucciouu 
Of  worthy  Thebees  /  the  myghty  Eoyal  toun, 
Bylt1  and  begowne  /  of  olde  antiquite, 
Vpon  the  tyme  /  of  worthy  J  "ne, 
Be  dyligence  /  of  kyng1  Amphiou?z, 
Chief  cause  first1  /  of  his  fuudaciouw, 
For  which"  his  fame  /  which"  neuere  shal  away, 
In  honure  floureth"  /  jit1  vnto  this  day, 
And  in  story  /  remembred  is  and  preised. 

But  how  the  wallys  /  weren  on  heghte  reised, 
If  is  wonder  /  and  merveil  forto  here. 




177.  I]  he  Adj.  curtesye  Tx.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ej.  S.  T2.  Ro.  E2.  curteseye  Ar. 
curteysye  I.  curtasye  Bo.  Ba.  curtesy  Ra.  P.  L2.  cowrtassy  Lj.  180.  hab 
pouer]  •  ower  hath  Bo.  Tx.  Di.  T2.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  pouer.  181.  Oste  Bo. 
Oost  vdj.  Ost  Tj.  Di.  host  Ra.  182.  echon]  eueri  on  Di.  183.  that]  om. 

T2.  L.  Ro.  my]  om.  S.  barayn  be]  be  baryn  S.  184.  wonderful]  full 
wonderf  >1  LI.  rijt  wonderful  Di.  184-194  in  Di.  are  partially  effaced  and  the  words 
filled  in,  sometimes  very  incorrectly  (e.g.  186,  187,  190),  by  a  later  hand. 
185.  and]  of  Ar.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  191.  fame]  name  Bo.  TI.  L^.  Di.  T2.  P.  which] 
>at  Bo.  TI.  La.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.  T2.  om.  L2.  P.  ueuere  shal]  shal  neuer  T2. 
P.  Lkj.  Ro.  192.  vnto]  into  Bo.  Tx.  LI.  193.  in]  om.  Ra.  preised]  preved  LI. 
Ar.  has  a  secoitJ,  pause-bar  after  remembred.  194.  weren  on  heghte]  on  height 
were  Bo.  Tj.  Di.  on  high  were  Lj.  on  heghte]  on  heigh  T2.  S.  in  hih  Ad2.  I. 
reised]  areisid  Di.  I-reysed  Ba.  195.  wonder  and  merveil]  merueile  and  wondre 
Bo.  Tx.  LT  (marveli;.  Di. 

PT.  I.]       Amphion's  persuasive   Words  got   Thebes  built. 


you  will  find  in 

How  kyng  Am- 
phyou'/i  was  be 
first  bat  bUt  the 
Cyte  of  Thebes 
be  be  swetnesse 
of  his  soune. 

204  He  built  the  city 
by  the  warbles  of 
his  harp. 

But  if  30  list1  /  I  shal  }ow  platly  lere  196 

The  maner  hool  /  shortly  in  sentence, 

Vnder  support1  /  of  joure  pacience, 

As  writ*  myn  auctoiw  /  and  bochas  both  two, 

Rede  her  bookes  /  and  ^e  shal  fynde  it1  so,  200 

How  this  kyng1  /  thys  prudent1  Amphyoiw, 

With"  the  swetnesse  /  and  melodious  sou?i 

*  And  armonye  /  of  his  swete  song1 

The  Cytfe  bylt1  /  that  whilom  was  so  strong1, 

Be  vertue  only  /  of  the  werbles  sharpe 

That  he  made  /  in  Mercuries  harpe, 

Of  whicfr  the  strenges  /  were  not1  touched  softe, 

Wherby  the  walles  /  reised  weren  a-lofte,  208 

With"-oute  craft1  /  of  eny  rnannys  hond,  fleaf  4,  back] 

Fill  joor  agon  /  myd  of  Grekes  lond? ; 

which  is  a  bing1  /  of  Poete's  told, 

Neuere  yseyn  /  neither  of  jong  nor  old.  212 

IT  But,  as  Bochas  /  list1  to  specific, 

Cler  expownyng1  /  this  derke  poysye, 

II  Seith"  *  Mercurye  /  god  of  Eloquence, 

jaf,  be  the  myght1  /  of  heuenly  influence,  216 

Vnto  this  kyng1  /  at1  His  natiuite 

Thorgh  glade  aspectes  /,  that1  he  shulde*  be 

Most  excellent  /  be  craft1  of  Eethorik, 

That1  in  this  world4  /  was  noii  to  hy?«  lik  ;  220 

Which  signyfieth"  /  to  hem  that1  ben  prudent1, 

196.  platly]  playnly  Lj.  S.  P.          197.  shortly]  playnly  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  Di.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  S.     platly  Adx.  Ep  T2.  E2.     sothely  P.  200.  }e  shal]  ye  shulen  1\. 

bou  shalt  Bo.     it]  right  Ad2.  I.  202.  With  the]  Wit  his  Ra.  203.  In  Ar. 

G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  E2.  II.  203  and  204  are  transposed.  And]  Bi  Adv 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  204.  The]  This  Di.  whilom]  some  tyme  Bo.  Tx.  Lj.  Di.  T2. 
P.  L2.  Ro.  205.  the]  his  Bo.  Tx.  Lj.  Di.  am.  Ra.  Ba.  206.  made]  had  made 
Ad2.  1.  208.  wern  Adj.  were  Bo.  T3.  wer  Ra.  a-lofte  Bo.  on  loft  Adj.  Ra. 
209.  honde  with  e  underdotted  Ar.  210.  Joor  ngon]  yere  agoo  Ba.  many  a  yeere 
ago  P.  myd]  in  mydde  Di.  am  yd  P.  212.  yseyn]  seyn  Tx.  sene  T2. 

neither]  on.  Bo.  Tv  Lj.  Di.  T0.  nor]  ne  Tx.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ba.  S.  L2.  Ro.  nethir  P. 
old]  of  old  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  Adj".  Ev  S.  T2.  213.  Bochas]  bookes  Ad2.  I. 

214.  Cler]  Clerly  Bo.  Ta.  Lj.  Di.  T2.  Clerkely  P.  this]  be  Di.  L2.  215.  Seith] 
Seth  Ar.  G.  Ap.  Sith  Adp  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  P.  E2.  L2.  Seith  bat  Bo.  1\. 
L!.  Di.  T2.  217.  this]  be  Bo.  ri\.  Lx.  Di.  T2.  P.  G.  218.  shulde  Bo. 

shuld  Ar.  220.  this]  the  I.  P.  worlde  Bo.  world  AdL.  was]  ]>er  was  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  non]  Man  P.  to]  vnto  T2.  P.  om.  Di.  S. 

Tf  The  exposici- 
ouii  of  lohn 
Bochas  vpon  bis 
derk  poysie. 

12    Amphion's  Song  ivas  his  crafty  Speech,  his  sweet  Words.  [PT.  I. 

The  Musycal  /  the  lusty  instrument1, 

11  I  mene  the  harpe  /  most  melodious, 

yove  to  this  kynge  /  be  Mercurius,  224 

And  his  song1  /  this  auctowr  can  30  w  teche, 

was  no  thyng1  /  but  the  crafty  speche 

Of  this  kyng1  /  ycalled  Amphioun  ; 

Wher-by  He  made  /  the  centres  envyrou/z  228 

To  han  such"  lust  /  in  his  wordes  swete, 

That*  were  so  plesaunt  /  fauourable,  and  mete 

IT  In  her  Eerys  /  that  shortly  ther  was  noon 

Disobey sauwtt  /  with  the  kyng  to  goon,  232 

Wher  so  euere  /  that1  hym  list  assigne. 

His  cheer  /  his  port1  /  was  outward*  so  benygne, 

That1  thorgh  his  styring  /  and  exortacioun 

With"  hym  they  went1  /  to  bylde*  first1  this  iowi,          236 

And  forsook  /  ecch"  man  his  contre, 

Be  on  assent1  /  to  make  this  Cyte 

Koyal  and  riche  /  that1  lich  was  nowher  noon. 

And  thus  the  wallis  /  made  of  lym  and  stoon,  240 

Were  Reysed  first*  /  be  syngyng  of  this  kyng1, 

lich  as  Poetys  /  feyne  in  her  writyng1, 

Passyng  Rich  /  and  Royal  of  entaille. 

U  Her  may  30  See  /  how  nayche  may  avaylle  244 

The  goodlihed  /  and  lownesse  of  a  kyng1, 

222.  the  lusty]  >at  lusty  Bo.  Tj.  Di.  lusty]  listi  Adj.  224.  yove  Ar.  G.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  E2.  Ap.  youen  Bo.  T,.  M.  Di.  Ba.  T2.  P.  yeve  L2.  Ro.  geven 
Lj.  S.  gone  E,.  this]  he  Di.  225.  can]  gan  Ro.  227.  this]  the  P.  kyng] 
om.  La.  ycalled]  ecallid  L2.  called  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ba.  S.  P.  Ro.  230.  so] 
cm.  1^.  Ro.  plesaunt]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Lj.  11.  Di.  plesaunt  favourable]  favourable 
plesaunt  T2.  P.  231.  Eerys]  hertis  L:.  that]  om.  P.  ther]  >at  ber  Di.  ther 
was]  was  ther  Tj.  233.  so]  sum  Lj.  Ra.  that]  om.  Bo.  T}.  Lj.  M.  Di.  S.  P. 
hym]  he  S.  list]  om.  T^  assigne]  to  assigne  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad>2.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ap.  234.  outward]  after  Ar.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  evar  S.  efte 
E2.  om.  G.  benyngue  with  the  second  n  underdottcd  Ar.  234.  om.  in  Ad2.  I. 
235.  Thatj  What  Tx.  L^.  thorgh]  om.  P.  styring]  steringes  Adj.  strength  Ad2. 
I.  strenth  Crossed  through  and  sterynge  written  above  by  old  hand  Ap.  termys 
Ra.  Ba.  ster.nesS.  236.  bylde  Bo.  bildeM.  byldAr.  Adj.  bigge  T2.  bylte  P. 
first]  om.  P.  this]  >e  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  239.  and]  om.  Ad2.  I.  was 
nowher]  nowhere  was  Bo.  T\.  Lj.  M.  Di.  nowher]  nevir  L2.  om.  Ea.  E2.  241. 
Reysed  first]  first  reisid  M.  Di.  244.  myche  may]  moche  it  may  Bo.  T1.  Lj.  M. 
moche  Je  may  Di.  may]  om.  Ba.  245.  goodlihed]  goodelihood  Ba.  and]  and 
the  Ba.  of  fe  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  lownesse  Ar.  G.  lowlynesse  Bo.  and  all  the  other 

If  The  signiflca- 
cioun  of  f>e  harpe 
of  Mercure. 

Atnphion's  song 

was  his  sweet 

U  How  kyng 
Amphion,  be 
mediacion  of  his 
soft  spech,  wan 
be  loue  &  be 
hertes  of  the 

whereby  he  got 
folk  to  build  him 
Thebes,  of 

lime  and  stone, 
[leaf  5] 

as  poets  feign. 

PT.  I.]    How  a  King's  Kindness  is  letter  than  Ms  Frown.         13 

H  Nota. 

1  What  availed 
to  a  kyng  or  to  a 
If  prince  to  ben 
goodly  and  be- 
nygne  of  his  port 
to  his  puple. 

A  prince's 

begets  Envy 
in  folks'  hearts. 

And  specealy  /  in  cher  and  in  spekyng1, 

To  his  lyeges  /  and  to  bern  hjm  fayre 

In  his  apport1  /  and  shewe  hym  debonayre,  248 

And  naf  to  bene  /  to  straunge  ne  soleyn 

In  coiitenaimce  /  outward!  /  be  disdeyn ; 

Which"  causejj  ofte  /,  who  that1  Can  aduerte, 

Grete  hatred  /  in  the  puples  herte,  252 

And  ther-vpon  •/  priuely  wol  rowne, 

Whan  a  prynce  /  doth  vp-on  hem  frowne, 

Shortly  deme  /  for  al  his  excellence, 

Among1  hem-silf  /  out  of  his  presence,  256 

Euerych  conclude  /  lich"  his  fantasye. 

And  thus  ful  ofte  /  gendred  is  Envye 

In  folke's  hertes  /  of  soleynte  and  pryde, 

For  swich"  as  list1  /  nat  onys  loke  a-syde  260 

To  Reward  hem  /  whan  they  lowe  loute. 

And  ageyn  kynde  /  it1  is  •  out1  of  doute, 
That1  eny  hed  /  be  recorde  of  the  wyse, 
Shuld  the  foot1  /  of  disdeyn  despyse  264 

Which  bere])  hym  vp  /,  who  so  can  take  hede, 
And  Susteneth  /  in  his  moste*  nede 
As  his  Pyler  /  and  his  sowpowayle. 

246.  And]  An  Ar.  248.  apport]  porte  Bo.  TV  Lx.  M.  Di.  and]  and  to  Bo.  Tj. 
Lj.  M.  Di.  to  Ro.  hym]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  249.  And]  om.  Bo.  TV  Lz.  M.  Di.  nat] 
ne  Bo.  TV  Lj.  nat  to  bene]  to  be  not  T2.  P.  to  straunge]  or  stronge  Ba.  to]  om. 
Lj.  ne]  nor  Bo.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  S.  Ap.  no  L2.  or  Ra.  Ba.  and  Lj. 
neither  T2.  251.  ofte]  of  G.  that]  so  Di.  om.  P.  252.  grete  Bo.  gret  M. 
Adj.  puples  Ar.  G.  puplis  TV  peples  Bo.  M.  Di.  Adj.  P.  peplis  T2.  peeplts 
Ra.  pepils  L2.  pepeles  S.  pepilis  Ro.  pepyllys  Ap.  poeples  Ad2.  poeplis  I. 
peoples  Lj.  Ej.  E2.  253.  priuely  wol]  whilom  L\.  wol]  wil  thei  M.  Di.  wollyn 
P.  254.  vp-on]  on  Adj.  doth  vp-on]  wol  on  Ad2.  I.  255.  Shortly]  And 
shortly  Bo.  TV  Lj.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  256.  Ar.  has  a  second  pause-bar  between  out 
and  of.  258.  ofte  gendred]  ofte  cngendrid  Lj.  Ro.  260.  loke]  to  loke  Bo.  Lx. 
M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  a-syde]  on  syde  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  262.  Ar. 
has  a  pause-bar  after  kynde,  a  high  point  after  is.  And]  om.  Ro.  kynde]  om.  Ba. 
out  of]  withoute  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  withouten  Ba.  S.  263.  eny]  the  Bo. 
TV  Lt.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  264.  shulde  Bo.  Tv  Di.  shuld  M.  Adj.  Ra.  foot] 
fete  S.  stock  Ad2.  I.  265.  bere>]  beren  M.  Di.  bere  P.  who  so]  whos  Bo.  TV 
M.  who  L,.  Di.  266.  And]  And  him  Bo.  Tr  La.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  Ashuld  G. 
susteneth]  hym  susteyneth  Bo.  Tt.  Lx.  T2.  hym  sustenen  M.  Di.  hym  susteyne 
P.  susteneth  hym  Ad2.  I.  most  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  267.  As]  And  G.  As 
his]  As  is  his  Bo.  TV  Lx.  M.  Di.  And  be  his  P.  Pyler]  pyllors  P.  sowpowayle 
Ar.  G.  sowpowaylle  Ap.  sopowayle  Ro.  suppowaile  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ba.  suppo- 
waille  Di.  suppouaile  Ad2.  suppewaile  I.  suppoayle  Ej,  E2.  supporaylle  S. 
supportaile  P  (rtai  is  written  by  a  later  hand,  on  erasure). 

1f  How  j>e  poor 
puple  supporten 
and  beren  vp  J>e 
estat  of  a  kyng. 

1 4     Kind  words  and  looks  win  a  Prince  his  People's  Hearts.  [PT.  I. 

[leaf  5,  back] 


«i  What  the  good- 
lihede  of  a  pn'nce 
avaylleth  to 
wy/me  the  hertes 
of  his  puple. 
Kind  words  and 
looks  get  more 
love  than  gold 
and  pride. 

For  fynaly  /,  ne  were*  the  porayle  268 

her  berer  vp  /  and  Supportaciouw, 

Farwel  lordshyp  /  and  domynaciouw 

Thorgh-oute  the  world  /  of  euery  hegh  estat ! 

Wherfor  me  seme]?  /  mor  is  Fortunatf  272 

Of  Mercurye  /  be  soote  sugred  harpe 

Than  Mars  /  swercJ  /  whetted  kene  and  sharpe, 

Mor  accepted  /  wijj  asspectis  goode 

Than  is  this  god  /  with"  his  lokes  woode.  276 

For  humble  speche  /  wij>  glad  contenau?zce 

May  a  prynce  /  sotlily  mor  avamice 

Among1  his  puple  /  Hertes  forto  wynne 

Of  inward?  loue  /  which  that*  wol  not  twynne,     .        280 

Than  gold  /  rychesse  /  pride  /  or  tyranye, 

Outher*  disdeyne  /  daurcger  /  or  surquedye. 

For  of  lordes  /,  as*  Clerkes  can  reporte, 

But1  that1*  loue  /  her  crowne  do  supporte,  284 

The  fyn  ys  noght*  /  in  conclusioun. 

I  Take  record1  /  of  kyng1  Amphyou?z, 

That1  bylte  Thebes  be  his  elloquence 

Mor  than  of  Pride  /  or  of  violence,  288 

j^oble  and  riche  /  that1  lik  was  nowher  non, 

And  thus  the  walles  /  mad  of  lym  and  stoon 

Were  reised  first1  /  be  syngyng  of  this  kyng1, 

lich"  as  Poetes  /  feyn  in  her  wryting1.  292 

H  But1  sothly  ^it1  /  Some  expositours, 

Groundyng  hem  /  vpon  olde  auctoura, 

268.  For]  And  Bo.  T,.  Lj.  M.  Di.  were  Bo.  M.  Ad^  wer  Ar.  269.  bercr] 
beiyng  Bo.  TV  Lj.  M.  Di.  T.2.  P.  271.  Thorgh-oute]  Thoruh  Ad^  I.  Ra. 
world]  londe  Ej.  lande  Eo.  hegh]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  271  and  272  transposed 
in  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  274.  Than]  Thanne  is  T2.  Whau  DL  whetted]  whet  Bo.  Tj.  Lx. 
M.  Di.  T2.  P.  grounde  Ro.  277.  speche  Bo.  M.  Adj.  spech  Ra.  280.  which 
that  T.J.  which  all  the  other  MSS.  282.  Oyther  Ar.  G.  outher  Ro.  Other  Bo.  M. 
either  Adj  Ra.  disdeyue]  this  deyne  Ra.  283.  For]  Or  Er  S.  om.  Ro.  of]  Of 
his  Ro.  a?]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ej.  E?.  L.2.  Ro.  Ap.  cau]  konue  Bo.  M.  Di.  kun  Tx. 
284.  But  tiiat  Adj.  Ad.>  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E!.  S.  E.J.  L^.  That  but  Ar.  G.  Bo. 
Tj.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  Ro.  Ap.  That  but  if  Lj  (see  Notes),  loue]  om.  Bo.  crowne] 
coroun  Tx.  do]  doth  Ba.  T2.  Ro.  to  G.  om.  Adi.  Ad.^  I.  285.  noght] 
uat  Ar.  G.  Ap.  not  Ej.  E2.  287.  hilt  Bo.  G.  M.  Adi.  290.  mad]  y  made 
T2.  om.  Bo.  wer  made  Ba.  291.  reised  first]  first  reisid  M.  Di.  293. 
sothly]  shortly  Ra.  294.  Grouudyng]  Groundyn  T2.  Grounden  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  M.  P 
294  om.  in  B;i. 

•  Ensample  of 
kyng  Amphiou/'. 

•f  How  aftere  the 
opynycun  of 
some  auctours 

IT.  I.]   Cadmus  sets  out  the  site  of  Thebes  with  lull's-hide  strips.   15 

Seyn  that1  Cadmvs  /  the  famous  olde  man, 
Ful  longe  afor  /  this  Cite  first  began 
And  the  ground?  /  of  the  bielclyng1  sette, 
And  the  boundes  /  be  conipas  out-niette* 
With"  thong1  ouf-korve  /  of  a  boolys  hyde, 
Whych"  envyrou?i  /  strecchij  myghte*  wyde 
To  get1  Inne  londe  /  a  ful  large  space 
Wher-vp-on  to  byld  /  a  dwellyng1  place, 
And  called  was  the  Soyle  /  Jms  geten  Inne, 
U  Whyloni  Boece  /  of  the  bolys  skynne. 
The  name  after  /  into  Thebes  turned. 
U  But  Cadmus  ther  /  hath  longe  not1  soiozwned, 
lik  in  Story  /  as  it1  is  compyled ; 
For  shortly  he  from  thennys  was  exiled, 
Neuer  after  to  dwellen*  in  this  toun, 
Be  the  knyghthode  of  this  Amphiouw, 
Which  vp  parformeth  /  riche  for  the  noonys 
The  Cit&  Thebes  /  of  myghty  square*  stonys, 
As  1  $ow  tolde  /  a  litil  here  to-forn ; 

bilt  first 

be  Cite  of 
296    Thebes- 

He  cut  a  bull's 
hide  into  strips, 
3QQ    and  enclosed 

land  as  the  site 
of  Thebes. 

If  How  J>e  contre 
of  Boece  toke 
OA  |     first  his  name  of 
OU;t     a  bolys  skyn, 

After  called 
[leaf  6]  Thebes. 



If  How  kyng 
Cadmus  was 
exiled  out  of 
Thebes  be  prow- 
esse  of  kynge 

295.  Seyn]  Seynge  P.  Cadmvs]  Cadicius  Bo.  Cadinus  Adj.  I.  Tadrnus 
Ra.  Cadimius  P.  the]  bat  Bo.  Tv  Lx.  M.  Di.  Ba  T2.  famous]  om.  Ba.  T2. 
297.  And  the]  And  Ba.  of  the]  of  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E^  S.  E2.  298.  be 
compas  out  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  E2.  Ap.  oute  by  compas  Bo.  Tj. 
Lx.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  mette]  he  mette  Ar.  Ap.  be  mette  G.  In  Ar.  there 
is  a  second  pause-bar  after  compas.  299.  thong]  a  thonge  Lj.  a  whong  Ro. 
out-korve  Ar.  G.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.  Ro.  Ap.  out-corue  Bo.  Tj.  M.  L^. 
outkerue  Ej.  T2.  P.  E2.  korve  out  Lj.  boolys  Ar.  bolys  M.  Adj.  bulles  Bo.  boles 
Lj.  boollys  Ro.  liyde]  side  Ex.  S.  E2.  299  omitted  in  Ba.  300.  myghte  Di. 
Ad2.  myght  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  wyde]  ful  wyde  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  Euyn 
envyroim  streight  met  full  wyde  P.  302.  "Wher-vp-on]  There  vpon  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  M. 
Di.  "T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  303.  Soyle]  place  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  bus]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  M. 
Di.  P.  geten]  goteu  Bo.  M.  Di.  Ad.2.  T2.  P.  304.  Boece]  Boete  Ra.  Boyte  Ba. 
Cyte  L2.  305.  name]  names  M.  Di.  306.  But]  And  Ro.  Cadmus]  Cadinus 
Adv  Cadymus  P.  Thadmus  Ad2.  Thadinus  I.  Tadmus  Ra.  ther  hath  longe  not] 
hath  riot  there  longe  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ex.  S.  T2.  E2.  P  (om.  there),  hath  not  long 
here  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  B:i.  In.  1^.  hath  here  not  longe  Ro.  308.  from]  om.  Bo.  Tj. 
Lj.  M.  Di.  T2.  thennys  Ar.  thennes  Ad,.  Ev  S.  Thebes  G.  thens  Bo.  and  all 
the  other  MSS.  he  from  thennys  was]  thens  he  was  Di.  T^  he  was  from  thens  P. 
from  Thebes  he  was  G.  In  Ar.  the  pause-bar  is  between  shortly  and  he.  309.  to] 
for  to  Ep  E.2.  dwellen  M.  Adx.  Ad.2.  Ra  (dwellyn).  dwelle  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  I.  dwell 
Ej.  E2.  In  Ar.  pause-bar  after  dwelle.  this]  the  Ej.  T2.  E2.  310.  the]  om.  Lj. 
this]  kyng  M.  Di.  311.  vp]  vpon  Ba.  riche]  richely  Jil.  Di.  riht  Ra.  right 
Ba.  312.  square  G.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  squar  Ar.  In  Ro.  li  312  reads:  The  Cite  of 
Thebes  with  many  square  s.  313.  litil]  lyte  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  T2.  E2.  a 
litil  here]  here  a  litil  Ra.  Ba.  toforn]  beforne  G.  Lj.  S.'  P.  Ap.  atforne  Ad,2.  I. 

1C  Til  not  talk  longer  of  Cadmus  as  my  Tale  'II  last  for  7  miles.  [PT.  I. 

I've  now  told 
you  all  about 
the  building  of 

and  won't  say 
more,  as  my 
Tale  '11  last  for 
7  miles. 

If  How  J>e  lyne 
of  Amphiou/i  be 
disoent  was  con- 
veied  to  kyng 

And  Cadmus  Jms  /  hath  his  kyngdam  lorn, 
Sceptre  and  crowne  /  and  his  powere  Royal. 
U  Now  have  I  told  /  vnto  3011  /  ground  of  al,  316 

That  30  wel  knowe  /  be  Informacioun 
Cleerly  the  pith"  /  and  exposiciouw 
Of  this  mater  /  as  clerkes  can  3011  telle. 
If  were  but  veyn  /  lenger  for  to  dwelle,  320 

!  To  tary  $ow  /  as  in  this  matiere, 
Sith  my  tale  /  which  that*  36  shal  here, 
Vpon  oure  waie  /  wil  lasten  a  longe  while, 
The  space*  /  as  I  suppose  /  of  vii.  myle.  324 

And  now  30  kuowe*  /  first  how  Amphyouw 
Bylt  and  began  /  this  Cite  and  this  toun, 
Regnyng1  ther  /  long1  aftere,  as  I  rede. 

Of  hym  no  more  /  ;  for  I  wil  precede  328 

To  my  purpoos  /  that1  I  first1  began  : 
Nof  tellyng  here  /  how  the  lyne  Ean 
From  kyng1  to  kyng  /  be  successiou?^, 
Conveying  doun  /  J>e  stok  of  Amphyou/i  332 

Cereously  be  lyneal*  discent; 
But  leue  al  this  /,  pleynly  of  entent 
To  telle'  forth  /,  in  booke's  as  I  rede, 

IT  How  layus  be  p?-ocesse  /  gan  succede  336 

To  here  the  Croune  /  in  this  myghty  LomT, 
holdyng1  the  Sceptre  of  thebes  in  his  hond, 
Manly  and  wys  /  dnryng1  al  his  liff. 

314.  Cadmus]  Cadinus  Ad^  Thadinus  I.  Thadmus  Ad^  316.  vuto]  to 
Ado.  I.  T.2.  P.  Lg.  Ro.  Ap.  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ba.  ground]  the  ground  Lx. 
Al.  Di.  Ba.  T2.  P.~  318.  pith]  path  Lj.  P.  pitche  T0.  and]&ofKo.  exposicioun] 
thexposicioun  Al.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Er  S.  T2.  E.,!"  318  omitted  in  Ba.  322. 
Sith]  Syn  Ra.  With  Lj.  which]  om.  Bo.  TV  Lj.  M.  Di.  that]  as  L,.  om.  Ba. 
shal]  shul  Bo.  TV  T2.  P.  323.  oure]  youre  Bo.  TV  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  T2.  P.  wil] 
it  wil  Ad2.  it  wol  I.  lasten  Ap.  last  Bo.  laste  M.  Adj.  324.  The]  Into  the 
Ba.  space]  sp^ce  in  soth  Ar.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  except  Ba.  space  for  sothe 
Ba.  as]  om.  T2.  P.  L.2.  Ro.  Ap.  suppose]  deme  Ro.  vii.]  sex  Ro.  an  EJt 
325.  knowe  Bo.  Al.  Adj.  know  Ar.  326.  began]  gan  Lj.  this  Cite]  his  cite 
Ra.  Ba.  the  Cite  P.  and]  furst  and  P.  this  toun]  his  t.  Ra.  Ba.  327.  Eegnyng] 
And  regned  Bo.  Tj.  L,.  Al.  Di.  T2.  P.  aftere]  om.  S.  330.  lyne]  lyn  Adv  kyn 
Ad2.  I.  332.  be]  to  the  G.  M.  Di.  by  the  E^  E2.  333.  Cereously]  Curiously 
P.  Coryously  I^.  lyneal]  lyne  /  al  Ar.  lyne  al  G.  lyne  all  S.  P.  lyne  all  the 
Ej.  E.J.  lyne  of  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  335.  To  telle  forth]  Now  wole  I  tele  Ro. 

336.  gan]  can  G.     succedej  precede  Al.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 

[leaf  6,  back] 

If  Kyng  Layus 
and  locasta  hys 

PT.  I.]  Jocasta,  the  wife  of  King  Layus,  conceives  a  child,  Edippus.  17 

She  is  barren. 

Layus  does 
sacrifice  to  get  a 

Layus  prays  3 
Goddesses  to 
help  him. 

And  locasta  /  called  was  his  wyff",  340 

Ful  wo?ttmanly  /  the  story  seith  certeyn, 

For  a  tyme  /  thogh  she  were  bareyn, 

Tyl  Layus  /  in  ful  humble  wise 

To  haue  a  child  /  dide*  Sacrifise,  344 

Fyrst  to*  apollo  /  in  his  char  so  bri^fr, 

And  lubiter  /  that1  ha)>  so  gret1  a  myghtf, 

Besechyng1  hem  /  with  deuoufr  reuerence, 

To  grauntt  only  /  thorgh  her  influence,  348 

That*  his  request*  /  may  excecuted  be ; 

And  specially  /  to  Goddesses  thre, 

He  besoughte  /  Pallas  and  luno 

And  Dyane  /  forto  helpe  also  352 

That1  he  be  not*  defrauded  of  His  bone. 

And  his  preyere  /  accepted  was  ful  sone, 
That1  fynaly  /  thorgh  his  ryytys  olde, 
Evene  lik1  /  as  his  herte  wolde,  356 

The  queene  locasta  /  hath  anon  conceyued ; 
Which  whan  the  kyng  /  fully  hath  perceyued* 
He  made  in  hast1  /,  hym  lyst  not1  to  abide, 
Thorgh  hys  kyngdom  /  Massageres  ryde  360 

Fro  Coost  to  Coost1  /  the  story  can  devyse, 
For  dyvynoures  /  and  phylosophres  wise, 
For  such  as  weren  /  famous  physiciens 
And  wel  expert  /  Astronomy  ens,  364 

To  Come*  in  hast  /  vnto  his  presence 
To  fynden*  out  /  shortly  in  sentence, 

344.  did  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  E*.  L.2.  Ro.  Ap.  he  dide  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lj.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  345.  to  apollo]  tapollo  Ar.  G.  E2.  Ap.  so]  full  T2.  P. 
346.  lubiter]  to  lubiter  Bo.  T:.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  T.2.  P.  gret  a]  gret  Lx.  T2. 
Ra.  Ba.  moche  Ro.  350.  to]  vnto  T2.  vnto  the  P.  to  the  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ro. 
Goddesses]  goddesse  Di.  Ro.  goddes  Lj.  Ba.  P.  goddys  G.  Ra.  I.  352.  And] 
And  eke  T2.  And  to  Di.  helpe  Bo.  Adj.  helpen  M.  356.  herte  Bo.  hert 
M.  Adj.  wolde]  thinke  wolde  Ro.  358.  fully]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  hath]  om.  Ap, 
perceyued]  conceyued  Ar.  G.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ap.  consitheryd  S.  360.  kyngdom] 
kyngdom  his  L:.  Ap.  Massageres  Ar.  G.  Messagers  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adj.  S. 
Messageris  Di.  Messengers  Lj.  Ej.  K2.  Ap.  Messingers  Ba.  Messangers  T2.  P. 
Lo.  Ro.  Messangeris  Tj.  Massangers  Ra.  Massangeers  Ad2.  I.  ryde]  to  ryde 
Bo.  Tp  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  P.  for  to  ryde  Ra.  Ba.  8.  T2.  Ap.  363.  weren 
Bo.  wern  M.  Adj.  365.  Come]  Corve  Ar.  G.  366.  fynden  M.  Di.  fynde  Ar. 
Bo.  and  all  the  otlier  MSS. 

His  wife  con- 
ceives a  child. 

He  sends  for 
diviners  to  find 
out  the  child's 



18        Astronomers  calculate  the  fate  of  the  child  Edippus.      [PT.  I. 

[leaf  7] 

11  How  the  astro- 
nomyens  and  the 
phylisophres  of 
Thebes  calked 
out  J>e  fate  *  of 

They  are  to 
discover  it  by 
searching  the 
mansions,  (fee. 


If  The  cursed 


and  iudisposici- 

oun  of  )>e  heuene 

in  J>e  natiuyte  of 


By  Craft1  only  /  Of  Calculacioun, 

The  Chyldes  fate*  /  and  dispositions ;  368 

And  ther-vpon  /  to  }eve  /  a  lugement1, 

The  Boot1  y taken*  /  af  the  ascendent1, 

Trewly  sought1  out*  /  be  mynut1  and  degre 

The  silfe*  houre  /  of  his  natyvyte,  372 

Not1  for^ete  /  the  heuenly  mansiouws 

Clerly  Cerched  /  be  smale  fracciouws, 

First1  be  Secoundes  /  tiers  and  eke  quartes, 

On  Augrym  stoones  /  and  on  white  caartes  376 

ypreued  out1  /  be  diligent1  labour, 

In  tables  correcte  /  devoyde  of  al  errowr 

lustly  soghf*  /  and  founde  /  out1*  bothe*  twoo, 

The  jeeres  cdllecte*  /  and  expance  also,  380 

Consydred  ek  /  be  good  inspecciowz 

Euery  hour*  /  and  constellaciouw 

And  eche  aspecte  /  and  looke's  ek  dyuers, 

Which  were  good  /  and  which"  also  pervers,  384 

Wher  they  were  touard  /  or  ellys  at  debatf, 

U  happy,  welful  /  or  infortunaf. 

And  fynaly  /  in  conclusyouw, 

They  founde  satourn  /  in  the  Scorpiourc,  388 

Hevy-chered  /  malencolik  /  and  loth", 

368.  fate]  face  Ar.  Lj.  Ra.  Ap.  facte  S.  disposiciouu]  his  disposicyon  Bo.  J>e 
disposicioun  L2.  369.  And]  A  Ar.  a]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  P.  Ro.  370. 
Root  ytake  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Er  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  rote  taken 
Bo.  TV  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  at  the]  atte  TV  M.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  T2.  371.  out]  om.  G. 
372.  silfe  Di.  P.  selfe  Lx.  Ra.  Ej.  selfFe  Ap.  sylve  Ro.  silf  Ar.  self  Bo.  T\. 
Du.  M.  Adj.  Ba.  T2.  E2.  L2.  fwll  S.  first  Ad2.  I.  375.  tiers  Ar.  G.  ters  Bo.  TV 
Du.  M.  Di.  A<12.  I.  Ra.  S.  T2.  teersAdj.  Ex.  tercesE2.  Ro.  tercii(sL2.  tercyes  Ap. 
eke  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adx.  eke]  he  L2.  om.  Ra.  Ro.  quartes]  quaters  Bo.  T2.  Ra.  Ba. 
quartercesRo.  376.  white]  om.  G.  Ad2.  I.  caartes]  coartes  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  M. 
Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  S.  T2.  P.  coarters  Ra.  Ba.  379.  soght]  foght  miswritten  Ar. 
sought  owte  P.  out]  out  of  Ar.  G.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  E2.  on  I.  om.  Ad2.  bothe  Tj.  M.  Adj. 
Ra.  both  Ar.  Bo.  380.  In  Ar.  after  Jeeres  is  written  expans,  but  crossed  out.  collecte] 
correcte  Ar.  G.  La.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  carect  S.  correcte  (crossed  out)  comen  Ad2. 
382.  hour]  tour  Ar.  G.  1^.  Ap.  and]  of  Bo.  384.  second  which]  om.  Bo.  Du.  P. 
also]  om.  Lj.  3So.  Wher]  Whe>er  Lj.  P.  Whedir  Ad2.  om.  Ba.  they  were] 
Wer  they  Ba.  toward]  coward  Ba.  or]  om.  Lj.  ellys]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  Eg.  at  debat]  at  )>e  bate  Lx.  386.  welful] 
wylfull  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  E2.  I*,.  Ro.  willfull  S.  or]  other  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S. 
387.  in]  as  in  Ro.  38£.  In  the  Nota  Egyppiis/or  Edyppus  ;  also  Egippus  in  the 
next  Nota ;  here  also  face  for  fate. 


^  How  the  fate' 
of  Edippus  dis- 
posed that  he 
shulcle  sleen  his 
owne  fadere. 

PT.  I.]  To  stop  his  son  slaying  him,  Layus  lids  Jocasta  kill  him.  19 

And  woode*  Mars  /  furious  and  wrotli, 

holdyng  his  Sceptre  /  in  J?e  Capricorn, 

The  same'  houre*  /  whan  this  chyld?  was  born,  392 

Venus  deie'cte  /  and  Contrarious 

And  depressed  /  in  Mercuryes  hons  ; 

That  the  dome  /  and  lugemenf  fynal 

Of  thies  Clerkes  /,  to  speke  in  special,  396 

Be  Fatal  sort1  /  which"  may  not1  be  wibdrawe, 

That  with  his  swerd?  /  his  fader  shal  be  slawe ; 

Ther  may  no  man  helpe  it1  /  nor  excuse. 

On  whiche  thyng1  /  the  kyng1  gan  sore  muse, 
And  cast1  he  wolde  /  on  that  other  side 
Agayn  her  doom  /  for  hym-silf  provide, 
Shape  a  way  /  and  remedy  to-forn, 

Biddyng*  the  queene  /  whan  the  chyld  were  born,         404 
Witfr-oute  Mercy  /  or  moderly  pyte 
That1  he  be  ded  /  :  it*  may  non  other  be. 
And  in  al  hast1  /  lik  as  he  hath"  sent1, 
She  obeyed  /  his  comaundemenf.  408 

With"  wooful  herte  /  and  a  pitous  loke 
And  face  pale  /  her  ^onge  sone  she  toke, 
Tendre  and  grene  /  both  of  flessh  and  bonys, 
To  certeyn  men  /  ordeyned  for  be  noonys  412 

From  poynt  to  poynt  /  in  al  maner*  Jring 
To  execute  /  the  biddyng  of  the  kyng. 

400    Thinking  on 
[leaf  7,  back] 

Layus  bids 
Jocasta  kill  her 
child  as  soon  as 
it  is  born. 

She  gives  her 
boy  to  men, 

390.  woode  Lx.  Ba.  wode  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  wood  Ar.  Adj.  Ra.  and]  and  eke 
T2.  392.  houre  Bo.  hour  Ar.  M.  Ada.  whan]  bat  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lv  M.  Di. 
this]  the  Ra.  Ba.  I.  was]  om.  Ba.  born]  Iborn  S.  393.  deiecte]  dyrecte  Ej. 
directe  E2.  395.  and]  and  be  Bo.  Ra.  P.  397.  sort]  force  Lj.  swart  L2. 
which]  bat  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Lb.  Ej.  T2.  P.  E2.  they  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
398.  second  his]  om.  G.  399.  helpe  it]  it  helpe"  G.  400.  whiche  Bo.  M. 
which  Adx.  sore]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Lb.  T2.  P.  gan  sore]  sore  gan  Ro. 
muse]  to  muse  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad?.  I.  T2.  P.  402.  Agayn 
Adj.  Ayen  Bo.  M.  Ayenste  Lb.  and  gayn  G.  provide]  to  provyde  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lj.  M.  Di.  T2.  403.  Shape]  To  shape  Lv  Shapyng  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  remedy] 
a  remedie  Di.  to-forn]  aforn  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  T2.  L2.  Ro.  beforne  Ra.  Ba.  P. 
I.  be  to  forn  Lb.  final  Di.  405.  moderlys  with  s  underdotted  Ar.  406, 
it]  hit  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  P.  that  Ar.  bere  G.  407.  al]  om.  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M. 
Di.  T2.  P.  all  the  Ad^  I.  408.  obeide  Bo.  obbeied  M.  obeied  Adj.  409. 
a]  om.  G.  410.  her]  she  hir  Bo.  T\.  Du.  L:.  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  3onge]  om.  M.  Di. 
sone]  childe  Du.  M.  Di.  she  toke]  toke  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  412. 
To]  And  Tj.  413.  tinge  Ar.  and  414.  kynge  Ar  (both  final  e  underdotted). 

20  The  baby  Edippus  is  hung  on  a  tree  with  holes  thru  his  feet.  [PT.  I. 

They  durste  not  delay  if  /  nor  abide, 
who  take  him  to  But  to  a  Forest  /  that1  stood  fer  besyde, 

a  forest  to  kill  J 



But  as  he  is  so 

they  hang  him 
up  on  a  tree, 
by  holes  thru 
his  feet. 

They  took  Her  wey  and  faste  gan  hem  spede 

The  kyngges  wille  /  to  parforme  in  dede, 

Havyng1  therof  /  passyng1  hevynesse. 

But  whan  that1  they  /  beheelden-  the  fairnesse  420 

Of  the  Chyld  /  and  excellent*  beaute, 

In  her  herte  /  they  hadde  grete  pyte, 

And  pleynly  cast1  /,  among  hem  was  no  stryf, 

That  the  child  /  shulde*  han  his  lif.  424 

And  anon  ful  hygh  /  vpon  a  tre, 

In  a  place  /  that  no  man  myght  se, 

They  henge  hym  vp  /  the  story  kan  reherce. 

But  first1  his  feet1  /  porgh  /  they  gan  to  perce,  428 

And  on  bowes  tendre  /  tough,  and  smale, 

They  knett  hym  vp  /  shortly  j)is  is  no  tale, 

Hym  to  preserue  /  from  bestys  wild1  and  Rage. 

And  after  that1  /  they*  token  her  viage  432 

Toward  Thebes  /  in  alle  the  hast1  they  may. 

IT  But1  of  fortune  /  thilke  same  day 

with  her  hound  es  /  serchyng  vp  and  doun, 

The  hunte's  went  /  of  kyng1  poliboura  436 

Thorgfi  the  forest*  /  game  forto  fynde, 

Some  aforn  /  and  some  /  cam  behynde, 

415.  durst  Bo.  dorst  M.  Adj.  416.  fer]  here  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lt.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T^  P. 
Eg.  In  Ra.  and  Ba.  416  and  417  are  missing  ;  in  Ra.  abide  415  is  altered  to  a  bode 
to  rhyme  with  in  deede  418.  417.  Her]  the  1^.  Ro.  faste]  fast  bei  Bo.  TV  Du. 
Lj.  Lb.  P.  gan]  gonne  M.  Di.  T2.  420.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Ba.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  behelde  Bo.  M.  Ad^  422.  her]  om.  Di.  herte]  hertis  Lb. 
P.  they  hadde]  had  they  M.  Di.  424.  That]  But  that  L2.  the]  thys  Ap.  om. 
T2.  shulde  Bo.  TV  shuld  Ar.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  shulde  han]  haue  shold  M.  Di. 
shulde  playnly  haue  Ro.  pleynly  shuld  haue  Ap.  425.  And  anon]  Anone  thes 
seruantis  Ro.  ful]  om.  Bo.  T\.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  Rj.  fylle  1^.  fel  Ro. 
hygh]  om.  1^.  Ro.  426.  a]  om.  TV  Du.  T2.  E2.  that]  ther  I*,,  se]  it  see  Bo. 
T\.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  E2.  427.  They  henge  hym  vp]  And  hynge  this 
childe  Ro.  428.  ]>orgh]  om.  M.  Di.  Ba.  gan]  gonne  M.  T2.  begonne  Di.  can 
Ba.  to]  om.  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  first  M  (sic). 
>orgh  they  gan]  >ei  gan  borugh  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  T2.  P.  R2.  430.  shortly]  om. 
I.  Ej.  >is  is  no]  in  Ar.  these  words  have  been  erased,  but  are  still  partly  legible  ;  on 
the  erasure  is  written  to  make  a.  bis  is]  }>is  G.  thys  Ro.  om.  Lb.  no]  the  Ad2. 
P.  in  Lb.  432.  that]  om.  I^.  they]  om.  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Adg.  I.  Ej.  S.  Ap. 

token]  taken  Ej.  436.  went  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adx.  wente  Lb.  Di.  Ra.  wenten 
TV  438.  and  some]  and  some  ther  Ra.  Ba.  cam]  came  Lx.  Ao^.  Ap.  camen 
Tj.  com  Lb.  come  Bo.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  E2. 

[leaf  8] 

The  same  day 
King  Polibon's 

PT.  I.]       Edippus  is  adopted  ~by  King  Polibon  of  Arcady. 


And  gan  serch"  /  and  seke  wonder  sore 

Among*  the  hilles  /  and  the  holtes*  hore.  440 

And  as  they  Reenge  /  the  trenchis  by  and  by, 

They  herde  a  noyse  /  and  a  pitous  cry 

Of  thys  chyld  /  hangyng1  on  the  tre ; 

And  aft  att  onys  /  drowe  forto  se,  444 

And  lefte  not*  til*  they  han  hym  founde; 

And  toke  hym  doune  /  and  his  fete  vnbounde, 

And  bare  hym  horn  /  vnto  Polybou?z, 

Kyng1  of  Archadye  /  the  famous  Regiouw.  448 

And  whan  that1  he  /  first1  be  chyld'  gan  See, 

Of  his  woundes  /  he  hadde  grete  pyte, 

To  beholde  /  his  tender  fete  /  so  blede ; 

And  called  hym  /  Edippus  /  as  I  rede, 

which  is  to  seyn  /,  platly  this  no  phage, 

Bored  the  feete  /  as  in  that1  langage. 

And  first1  the  kyng1  in  his  Royal  halle* 
Made  his  men  /  an  norys  for-to  calle, 
This  jonge  chylde  to  foster  and  to  kepe 
With  her  Milk  /  that1  he  naf  ne  wepe  ; 
And  his  leches  /  he  charged  ek  also, 

Til  he  were  Hool  /  Her  deuer  forto  do  :  460 

Fully  in  purpoos*  /  for  the  child  was  fair, 
After  his  day  /  to  maken  hym  his  hayr ; 
For  cause  only  /,  who  so  taketh  hede, 
Sone  hadde  he  noon  /  be  lyne  to  succede ;  464 

hear  the  boy's 

IT  How  the  hun- 
tys  of  kyng  Poli- 
boun  fonde  the 
chyld  in  be 
forest  '  and  pre- 
sented hym  to 
be  kynge. 

take  him  down 
and  carry  him 
to  King  Polibon 
of  Arcady, 

452    who  calls  him 
=  with  bored 

456    has  him  nurst 
and  doctord, 

and  means  to 
make  him  his 

440.  the  hilles]  hilles  P.  holtes]  haltes  Ar.  G.  441.  they]  the  Ar.  renge 
Adj.  rengen  Bo.  M.  444.  drowe]  drowe  hem  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2. 
P.  E2.  Ap.  drewe  Ro.  drow  it  Adj.  Er.  S.  drowe  thedyr  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  I.  445. 
til]  to  Ar.  alone.  447.  bare  hym  horn]  hym  bare  home  Du.  449.  that  he 
first  be  chyld]  bat  he  he  childe  first  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  E2.  Bo  (om. 
that),  bat  be  childe  he  first  Lx.  that]  om.  Ap.  gan]  can  Ra.  Ba.  E2.  450.  Of] 
On  Ba.  Of  his  woundes]  Off  his  sore  woundes  forsothe  P.  he  hadde]  had  he  M. 
Di.  451.  so]  om.  Ro.  453.  this]  bis  is  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
T2.  P.  £5.  L2.  Ap.  phage]  fage  Lb.  T2.  P.  face  Ro.  455.  halle]  alle  Ar. 
456.  an  Ar.  a  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Ra.  458.  he]  hyt  Adj  (seems  to  be  altered  from  he), 
it  Ad2.  I.  ne]  om.  Lv  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  P.  L2.  Ro.  nat  ne]  ne  natt 
Ap.  460.  deuer  G.  Tx.  Adj.  Ra.  devoire  Bo.  Du.  deuoir  M.  deueir  T2. 
461.  purpoos]  propoos  Ar.  alone,  the]  bis  Bo.  Tlt  Du.  Lb.  M.  T2.  fair]  so  faire 
Lj.  462.  hayr  with  h  above  the  line  Ar.  463.  who  so]  whos  Bo.  Ta.  Lj.  Lb.  M. 
whos  so  Di. 

22          JEdippus  grows  up  proud,  and  is  askt  why  he  is  so.      [PT.  I. 

[leaf  8,  back] 

Edippus  grows 
up  proud  and 


One  day  a 

boy  asks  him 
why  he's  so 
proud : 

And  Whether*  that1  he  had  /  a  wif  or  noon, 

I  fynde  not  /  and  therfor  laf  it  goon. 

H  But  by  processe  /  of  dayes  and  of  ^eeris, 

This  Edyppus  /  among1  his  pleying1  feeris  468 

was  in  his  port1  /  passyng1  f ul  of  pride, 

That*  non  with  hy?tt  /  myght1  in  pees  abide. 

In  hertf  he  was  /  so  Inly  Surquydows, 

Malencolik1  /  and  Contrarious,  472 

Ful  of  despyfr  /  and  of  hegh  disdeyn, 

That  no  wight1  durste*  /  shortly  hym  with-seyn  ; 

Til  on  a  day  /  he  gan  with  oon  debate 

To  whoom  he  hadde  /  specyaly  grete  hate,  476 

Which"  of  Eancour  /  and  of  hasty  tene, 

As  he  that1  myght  /  His  pride  not1  sustene, 

Gan  vpon  hym  /  cruelly  abrayde, 

And  vnto  hym  felly  /  thus  he  saide  :  480 

"  wherto,"  quod  he  /  "artow  so  proude  of  port1, 

Contrarie  also  /  euer  /  in  oure  disport1, 

Froward  and  felle  /  lastyng1  euere  in  oon, 

As  thow  were  lord  /  of  vs  euericfion,  484 

And  presumestf  fully  in  wyrchyng, 

Lik  as  thow  were  sone  /  vnto  the  kyng, 

And  descended  /  of  His  Eoyal  blood  ? 

465.  Whether]  Wher  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ex.  S.  T2.  Ap.  om.  E^  that] 
om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lt.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  a]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  466.  not]  hit 
not  P.  and]  om.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  lat]  I  late  Bo.  TT.  Du.  L,.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  T.2.  P. 
E2.  Ro.  Ap.  it]  om.  T2.  467.  by]  in  Tj.  of  dayes  and  of  Jeeris]  by  dayes  and 
by  yeres  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  469.  in]  of  P.  his]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj. 
Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  470.  myght  in  pees]  in  pees  myght  M. 
Di.  Lj.  P  L^.  Ro.  471.  he  was]  was  he  M.  Di.  so]  om.  S.  472.  and]  and  eke 
M.  Di.  T2.  474.  durste  Di.  Ra.  durst  Ar.  dorst  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  shortly 
hym]  him  shortli  Adj.  hym]  om.  Ad2.  I.  476.  specyaly  grete]  grete  and 
odyous  Ro.  478.  might  His  pride  not]  might  not  his  pryde  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  1^.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  T2.  Ap.  pride  myht  nat  (his  om.)  Ra.  Ba.  Adj.  Ad^.  I.  S.  myght  not  his 
pres  P.  479.  cruelly]  cruly  Lj.  truely  Ej.  abrayde]  to  abrayde  Bo.  T,.  Du.  La. 
Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  E2.  abrayde]  obreide  Adj.  chied  Ad2.  chide  I.  480.  vnto] 
to  Bo.  TI.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ba.  L2.  Ro.  yet  to  Ad2.  I.  felly]  fully  T2.  felly 
thus]  thus  felly  P.  481.  artow  Ar.  Bo.  TJ.  M.  Ra.  ertow  Adj.  art  thow  Lb. 
arthow  T2.  ar  tow  Du.  485.  presumest  fully]  fully  presumest  Bo.  alone. 
wyrchyng  Ar.  werching  T2.  I.  worching  Adj.  Ad^-  Ej.  S.  werking  G.  Bo.  Tj. 
Du.  Lr  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E2.  Ro.  Ap.  workyng  Lb.  1^.  486.  vnto  the]  vnto 
oure  Bo.  Ra.  to  the  I.  to  a  Lb. 

PT.  I.]     Edippus  asks  King  Polibon  if  he  is  a  King's  son.     23 

He's  not  the 
king's  son, 
but  was  found 
in  a  forest, 
and  should  be 

[leaf  9] 

Edippus  is  taken 
aback  by  this, 

But  wher  so  be  /  thow  be  wroth  or  wood,  488 

Thow  art*  no  thing  /,  and  thow  list  take  hede, 

Appartenyng1  /  vnto  his  kynrede, 

But*  in  a  Forest1  /  founden  and  vnknowe, 

whan  thow  were  jonge  /.  therfor  bere  the  lowe  !  492 

And  vttrely*  remembre,  $if  the  lysf, 

Thy  byrtfi  and  blood  /  ar  bothe  two  vnwistf. 

This  the  fyne  /  shortly  /  of  my  tale. 

"Wherwith  Edippus  /  gan  to  wexe*  pale,  496 

And  chaunge  also  cheer  and  contenaimce, 
And  gan  a-point  /  in  his*  remembraunce 
Word  be  word  /  and  forgat*  right1  no^t1, 
And  felly  /  mused*  /  in  his  owne  tho^f,  500 

And  cast*  he  wold  /  with-oute  more  tarying1 
The  trouth  enquere  /  of  polibouw  the  kyng1. 
And  whan  he  saugh  /  opportune  space, 
And  the  kyng1  /  in  a*  sycre  place,  504 

He  hym  bysoghte  /  lowly  on  his  kne  ' 
To  his  request*  //  benignely*  to  se, 
And  that  he  wolde  /  pleynly  /  and  not1  spare 
Of  his  byrtfi  /  the  trewe  ground*  declare,  508 

And  make  hym  sure  /  of  this  thyng1  anon 
^if  he  were  /  his  verrey  sone  or  non. 

488.  But]om.  Lj.  wher]  whether  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  E2.  whe her  that  L!.  T2. 
so  be]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  so  Ad2. 1.  E^  so  euer  P.  thow  be]  thou  Ba.  S. 
L2.  489.  and]  if  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  E2.  thow]  >e  Adx.  Ba.  E2. 
take]  to  take  Ra.  490.  kyngrede  Ar  (g  under  dotted).  After  his,  Ar.  has  a  second 
pause-bar.  493.  vttrely]  vntrely  Ar.  wittirly  Ra.  wittrely  Ba.  remembre] 
remembre  bee  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  1^.  Lb.  M.  Di.  S.  T2.  P.  £3.  the  lyst]  bou  list  La.  M. 
Di.  Ra.  Ro.  494.  and]  or  Lx.  ar  bothe  two]  bothe  two  am  M.  Di.  ar]  om. 
Lb.  two]  om.  P.  495.  This]  This  is  Tj.  Du.  Lv  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S. 
Lo,.  Ro.  496.  Edippus]  Egippus  Ar.  wexe  Di.  Ad2.  I.  waxe  Bo.  M.  wex  Ar. 
G.  Adv  498.  gan]  gan  to  Di.  T.2.  M  (tapoynte).  a-point]  pointe  T2.  apeinte  E2. 
his]  her  Ar.  G.  498  om.  Ba.  "499.  forgat]  foryeteth  Lb.  fey  tied  Ar.  G.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  500.  mused]  musen  Ar.  G.  Ro.  Ap.  to  muse  Adj.  Ad^ 
I.  Ej.  S.  his  owne]  this  and  aboue  E2.  503.  opportune]  oportune  and  L2.  Ro. 
tyme  and  oportune  Lb.  In  Ra.  1.  503  is  perfectly  legible  (=  Ar.),  but  a  later  hand 
has  struck  through  the  whole  line  and  written  in  the  margin :  and  whan  yat  he  had 
found  convenient  space.  504.  a]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ra.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  secre  Bo.  M. 
secreet  Adj.  secrete  G.  504  om.  Ba.  506.  benignely]  benignly  Ar.  G.  Du. 
beningly  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  Ro.  Ap.  508.  trewe  Bo.  trew  M.  the  trewe  ground] 
the  trewe  troube  Ar.  G.  Ej.  be  soth  trouthe  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S  (sothe 
undcrdotted  by  Stow),  the  treuthe  Ro.  declare]  to  declare  Lj.  Adr  Ad^.  I.  S.  Ro. 
510.  Ar.  has  a  second  pause-bar  after  verrey. 

and  asks  King 


to  tell  him  about 

his  birth  and 

whether  he  is  the 

king's  son. 

24    King  Polibon  tells  Edippus  how  he  was  found  on  a  tree.  [FT.  I. 

He  conjures 
Polibon  to  hide 

So  King  Polibon 
tells  Edippus 
how  he  was  found, 
but  that  he' 11  one 
day  be  King  of 
the  Realm. 

[leaf  8,  back] 

Edippus  goes  to 
a  Temple  of 
Apollo,  . 

If  And  Polyboiw  /  only  of  gentilles, 
whan  he  heheeld  /  the  grete  hevynesse 
Of  Edippus  /  and  the  wooful  peyne, 
he  gan  dissimule  /  and  in  manere  feyne, 
lik  as  he  had  be  /  verrely  his  heyre. 
But1  mor  and  mor  /  he  falleth  in  dispeir, 
And  doune  on  knees  /  eff  a-geyn  gan  falle, 
Hym  coniuring1  /  be  the  goddes  alle 
To  telle  trouth  /  and  no  thyng1  to  hide ; 
AfFermyng1  ek  /  he  wolde*  naf  abide 
Longer  with"  hym  /  but1  ryden  and  enquere, 
Til  tyme  he  may  /  the  verrey  sothe  lere 
In  eny  part'  of  hap  or  of  fortune. 

And  for  that1  he  /  was  so  inportune 
In  his  desire,  the  kyng1  with-outf  abood 
Ceriously  /  tolde  hym*  how  if  stood, 
In  a  Forest1  first  /  how  he*  was  founde 
Vpon  a  tre  /  be  the  feet  ybounde, 
And  how  he  caste,  in  conclusions, 
To  make  hym  kyng  /  of  that*  regiour< 
Aftere  his  day  /  shortly  forto  telle. 

But1  Edippus  /  wil  no  lenger  dwelle, 
But1  took  lieve  /  and  in  hast1  gan  ryde 
To  a  temple  /  faste  ther  be-syde 







512.  grete  Bo.  gret  M.  Adj.  513 — 1130  lost  in  Ro.  514.  in  manere]  a 
raaner  Bo.  TV  T2.  in  a  maner  Du.  Lj.  Di.  Lb.  E2.  Ap.  manar  S.  515.  as]  om. 
Ra.  Ba.  verrely]  om.  Bo.  verry  T2.  517.  doune  on  knees  eft  a-geyn]  doune 
ayen  efte  on  his  knees  P.  doun  ayen  oft  on  knees  T2.  doune  ayen  on  knees  E2. 
doun  on  knees  after  ayen  1^.  ;  dovne  eft  on  knees  Bo.  TV  Du.  Iq.  Lb.  M.  doun 
ofte  on  knees  Di.  doun  on  k[n]ees  efte  he  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  down  on  knees  he  eft 
Ra.  Ba.  (these  last  thirteen  MSS.  om.  ageyn).  gan]  gan  Edippus  Lj.  520.  eke 
Bo.  TV  M.  wolde  Lb.  Di.  Ra.  wold  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  521.  riden  Ra.  Adj. 
ride  Bo.  TV  Lb.  M.  522.  soth  Bo.  TV  M.  Adj.  sothe  Ra.  523.  In]  And  L,. 
eny]  euery  P.  Ad2.  I.  part]  partye  Ad2.  I.  of  hap]  or  hap  Bo.  or  of]  or  Ra.  Ba. 
Adj.  Ad2.  526.  Ceriously]  Curteysly  P.  hym]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  Lg.  Ap.  how] 
hov  that  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  527.  first]  om.  L:.  P.  first  how  he]  hou  first  he  Du. 
how]  hou  bat  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  he]  it  Ar  (from  1.  526).  528.  ybounde]  bounde  Bo. 
TV  Du.  L!-  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  529.  And]  An  Ar.  caste  in  Ar.  first  written  cast1 
with  a  very  long  tag,  then  e  added  on  the  tag.  531.  his]  this  S.  forto]  to  Bo. 
TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  532.  Edippus]  Egippus  Ar.  wil]  wolde  S.  T2.  Lg.  E2.  Ap. 
dwelle]  ther  dwell  L,.  533,  in  hast  gan]  fast  gan  to  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  534.  fast 
Bo.  faste  M.  Lb. 

PT.  I.]  Edippus  asks  Apollo's  fiend  who  he  is,  &  is  sent  to  Thebes.  25 

whose  statue  is 
in  a  chariot 
of  gold, 

but  an  unclean 
spirit  is  inside 

Edippus  prays 
to  be  told  of 
what  kin  he  is. 

Of  Appollo  /  in  storie  as  is  tolde, 

Whos  statue  /  stood  /  in  a  char  of  golde  536 

On*  wheles  four  /  boornyd  bright  and  shene; 

And  with-In  a  spirit  /  ful  vnclene, 

Be  fraude  only  /  and  fals  collusiourc, 

Answere  gaf  /  to  euery  question??,  540 

Bryngyng1  the  puple  in  ful  gret1  enow, 

Such  as  to  hym  dyden  fals  honowr 

Be  Rytys  vse'd  in  the  olde  dawes 

Aftere  custome  /  of  paganysmes*  lawes.  544 

And  Edyppus  /  with  ful  humble  chere, 

To  Appollo  make'd  His  preiere, 

Besechyng1  hym  on  his  knees  lowe, 

Be  some  signe  /  that1  he  myghte  knowe,  548 

Thorg1  Evidence  Shortly  comprehendyd, 

Of  what1  kynrede  /  that1  he  was  discendyd. 

U  And  whan  Edyppus  be  gret*  deuociouw, 

Fynysshed  hath  /  fully  his  orysouw,  552 

The  fend*  anon  /  with-Innen  Invisybte, 

With  a  vois  dredful  and  horrible, 

Bad  hym  in  hast1  /  taken  his  viage 

Toward?  Thebes  /  wher  of  his  lynage  556 

He  here'n  shal  /  and  be  certefied. 

And  on  his  way  /  anon  he  hajj  hym  hyed, 
by  hasty  lourne  /  so  his  hors  constreyned 

535.  is]  it  is  Bo.  T:.  Du.  LJ.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra  (it  crossed  out  by  a  later 
hand).  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.         537.  On]  Of  Ar.  G.  S.     And  Lb.     and]  as  golde  P. 

538.  with-In]  ther  with-yn  M.  Di.  T2.      yn  hit  Adj.  Ad2.  I.     ful]  right   Lb. 

539.  collusioun]  conclusion  S.     illusion  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  1*.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  E2. 
542.  dyden  Ar.  EJ.      diden  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.     deden  Lb. 
T2.     dydden  P.     did  Lj.  S.  E2.  L2.     dyd  Ap.     fals]  om.  Bo.  Ad2.  I.     the  false  P. 
544.  custome]  be  custume  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  E2. 
the  customs  P.     paganysme  Ar.  G.  Ap.  (see  Notes),     paganymes  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.   I.  Ej.   S.   T2.   E2.     paganyes   Ra.     Pagayns    Ba.     paganis  P. 
paynemis  L2.         546.  To]  Vnto  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.     maked  Ar.  M. 
Adi.     made  Bo.  Du.     maade  Ra.     maad  Tj.     maketh  G.         547.  lowe]  ful  lowe 
Ra.          548.  that]  om.  Adj.     might  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra.         549.  comprehendit  Bo. 
Du.  M.  Adj.         550.  kynred  Bo.  M.  Adj.     kynrede  Ra.     descendit  Bo.  Du.  M. 
Adj.         553.  The  fend]  The  finde  T2.     He  fond  Ar.  S.  Adj.     He  founde  Ej.  Ad2. 
I.      He  herde   Ra.    Ba.     anon]   a   soun   Ra.   Ba.      with-Innen   Ar.   Adj.  S.   Ap. 
withynne  Ra.     withyn  Bo.  and  the  rest,  except  Edj.   that   has  wymmen.     anon 
with-Innen]  with-yn  anon  M.  Di.         554.  With  a  vois]  That  was  both  Ra.  Ba. 
555.  haste  Bo.  M.  Adj.     taken  Adj.     take  Bo.  M. 

The  invisible 

bids  him  go  to 
Thebes  and  there 
learn  his  lineage. 

26  At  a  tournay,  Edippus  unknowingly  kills  his  father  Lay  us.  [PT.  I. 

[leaf  io] 

e  day  j  til  he  haj>  atteyned 

Vnto*  a  castel 

where  his  un- 
known father, 
King  Layus,  is 
holding  a  Tour- 


/  and  wel  aboute  walled, 

Adiacent1  /  be  syyt1  of  the  centre 

And  pMeynent1*  to  Thebes  the  Cyte  :  564 

IT  kyng1  Layvs  /  beyng1  ther  present,      \ 

For-to  holde  a  maner  tornemenf 

With"  his  knyghtes  /  ^ong1  and  coraious,  1 

And  folkes  /  that1  were  desyrous  568 

To  preue  hem-silf  /,  shortly  for-to  telle, 

Who  by  force  /  other*  myght1  excelle, 

Or  gete  a  name  /  thorgh  his  hegh"  prouesse. 

Euerich  of  hem  /  dyd  his  bysynesse  572 

On  hors-bak  /  and  also  ek  on  foote, 

Al  be  that1  some  founde  ful  vnsoote, 

Eather  a  pley  of  werre'  /  than  of  pees  ; 

Wher  Edyppus  put  hym-silf  in  prees,  576 

As  he  that1  was  /  ay  redy  to  debat1, 

Enforsyng  hym  /  to  entren  at  the  gate, 
l?h  hiffeder  of  MauSre  aH  tho  /  that*  hym  wolde*  lette. 
£teLUnce  at  *"    ^  And  in  the  Pres  /  of  aventure  he  mette  580 

Kyng1  layvs  /  and  cruelly  hym  slogh, 

Thow  the  story  /  writ1  not1  the  maner  howh", 

Ne  no  wight1  can  /  of  alle  the  companye 

560.  hab]  haue  Lb.  hath  hym  Ra.  561.  Vnto  a]  Vnta  Ar.  ycalled]  called 
Tj.  Di.  T2.  is  called  Lg.  562.  aboute  walled]  aboute  I-walled  Ba.  S.  aboue 
iwalled  E2.  563.  syyt  Ar.  syet  Bo.  Tx.  M.  Di.  syght  G.  sight  Ej.  T2.  L^ 
cyyt  Adj.  ryite  Ad2.  right  I.  side  Lj.  the]  that  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad^.  I.  In  Ra. 
1.  563  reads  Wele  I-stuffid  of  al  thyng  plentye  (=  Ba.).  564.  perteynent  Ra. 
Ej.  perceynent  Ar.  G.  parteynent  S.  pertenent  Ba.  pertinent  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ap. 
apperteinent  E2.  appertenente  T2  P.  appertynent  Lg.  aperteynynge  Lj.  appar- 
teynyngTj.  Lb.  Di.  appertenyng  Bo.  Du.  M.  567.  corageus  Bo.  corayus  M. 
curious  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  568.  folkes  Ar.  G.  1^.  Ap.  folke  or  folk  the  rest.  569. 
preue  Lb.  La.  Ad2.  L2.  proue  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  570.  Who]  Who  that  £2. 
other]  oyther  Ar.  other  myght]  might  other  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  572.  Euerich]  eche  Bo. 
Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  his]  here  Lb.  573.  also  ek]  eke 
also  M.  also]  om.  F^.  ek]  om.  Lj.  Lb.  Di.  574.  Al  be  that]  And  al  be  that  Ra. 
Al  be  hit  >at  P.  Albe  though  Lb.  And  by  that  L2.  founde]  founde  it  Lj.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ap.  (see  Notes).  ful]  al  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  sor  Lj.  sone  L2.  om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  575.  pley]  pleyer  Ar. 
577.  he]  om.  Tj.  ay]  om.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  P.  578.  entren  Bo.  Adj.  entre  M. 
579.  all  tho]  all  hem  T2.  of  tho  Bo.  of  all  thoo  Ba.  wolde  Bo.  wold  Ar.  M. 
hym  wolde]  wold  him  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  582.  bogh  Bo.  though  Du.  583. 
In  AT.  a  pause-bar  also  after  wight. 

PT.  I.]     King  Lay  us  is  buried.     SJdippus  goes  on  to  Thebes. 


Edippus  with- 
draws in  haste. 

Be  no  signe  /  verrely  espye  584 

By  whos  hond  /  that*  the  kyng1  was  slawe ; 

For  Edyppus  in  hast*  /  gan  hym  with-drawe 

And  kept1  hym  Coy  /  of  entencioim. 

Gref  was  the  noyse  /  and  the  pitous  soun  588 

In  the  Castel  /  for  slaughter  of  the  kyng1, 

Dooel  and  compleynt  /  sorowe  and  wepyng1. 

IT  But1  for  they  segh  /  hevynesse  and  thoght1  [leaf  10,  back] 

Ageynes  deth  •  vayleth  lit  or  noghfrj  592 

They  ordeyne  with  Ryytys  ful  Eoyal 

For  the  feste  /  called  /  Funeral. 

And  lik  the  custom  /  of  the  daye's  olde, 

The  corps  they  brent1  /  into  asshes  colde,  596 

And  in  a  vessel  /  rounde,  mad  as  a  bal, 

They  closed  hem  in  gold  and  in  metal. 

And  after  that  did  her  bysy  Cure 

In  Thebes  to  make  a  sepulture,  600 

And  richely,  hem  list  no  lenger  lette, 

The  asshen  dide*  they  enclose  and  shette. 

Of  this  matere  /  ther  ys*  no  mor  to  seyn. 
But  to  Edippus  /  I  wil  retowme  ageyn,  604 

Which"  hym  enhastej)  /  ay  fro  day  to  day 
Towardes  Thebes  /  in  al  that1  euere  he  may, 
Brennyng  in  herte  /  hoot1  as  eny  fire, 

The  fyn  to  knowe  /  of  his  fatal  desire.  608 

IT  But,  for  that  he  failed  /  of  a  Guyde, 
Out1  of  his  way  /  he  wente  fer  be-side, 

584.  verrely]  it  verreili  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  E2.  P.  verily  it  S.  even  verily  Ad2. 
I.  586.  in  hast  gan  hym]  gan  hym  in  hast  E2.  L2.  gan  in  haste  P.  in  hast] 
om.  Du.  with-drawe]  to  withdrawe  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  T2.  S.  drawe  Ap.  589. 
slaughter]  the  skitter  Di.  592.  Ageynes  Ar.  G.  ageynys  Ap.  ageyns  Bo. 

Tj.  ayens  M.  Ageinst  Adj.  Ej.  Ayenst  Lb.  vayleth]  auaileth  Du.  LJ.  M.  Di. 
T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  lit  Ar.  G.  lite  Bo.  E2.  1^.  light  Lb.  litel  Tj.  Du.  LJ.  M.  Di. 
Ada.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  Ap.  593.  rightes  Bo.  594.  fest  Bo.  feste 
Du.  Adj.  596.  cors  Bo.  M.  Adj.  In  Ar.  is  an  underdotted  p  between  they  and 
brent.  599.  after  that]  aftreward  Du.  601  and  602  om.  in  Ad2.  I.  602. 
diden  Ra.  dide  M.  Tj.  Du.  dede  Adj.  did  Ar.  Bo.  603.  ys]  nys  Ar. 
604.  retourne]  turne  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  LJ.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  AcL,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S. 
wil]  om.  P.  605.  ay]  om.  Du.  606.  Towardes  Ar.  G.  Toward  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lb.  M.  Adj.  in  al  that  euere]  in  al  ]>e  hast  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  he]  om.  S.  euere  he] 
euereche  G.  607.  hert  Bo.  M.  Adj.  609.  that]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 
T2.  610.  went  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

King  Layus's 
corpse  is  burnt, 
and  the  ashes  put 
in  a  vessel  of 

King  Layus's 
ashes  are  put  in 
a  shrine. 

Edippua  jour- 
neys in  haste 
towards  Thebes. 

28     Edippus  passes  the  hill  of  the  Sphinx,  a  cruel  monster.     [PT.  I. 

f  The  descnp- 
ciou/i  of  the  foule 

[leaf  11] 

f  How  Edippus     Thorgh  a  wylde  /  and  a  waast  contre, 

passed  by  the 

Kyii  wher  the       j>y  a  m0untevn  /  that1  stood  vpon  the  see,  612 

monsnv  lay  tnat         J  *      I 

Spyiuflled  Wher  that*  monstres  /  of  many  dyuers  kynde 

Were  conuersaunfr  /  in  story  as  I  fynde ; 
Amonges*  which  /  sothly  ther  was  on, 
So  Inly  cruel  /  that*  no  man  durst1  gon,  616 

For  drede  of  deth  /  forby  that  passage. 
This  monstre  was  so  mortal  in  his  rage, 
which  hadde  also  /,  be  descn'pciowi, 
Body  and  feet1  /  of  a  fers  lyouw ;  620 

And  lik  a  mayde  in  soth  was  hede  and  face, 
Eel  of  his  look  /  and  cruel  to  manace, 
And  odyous  of  countenaurcce  and  sight ; 
IT  And  as  I  rede  /,  Spynx  /  this  moustre  highf,  624 

Wors  than  Tygre  /  dragon  /  or  serpent1. 
And  I  suppose  /  by  enchauwtemenfr 
He  was  ordeyned  /  on  the  hyl  tabyde, 
To  sleen  aH  tho  /  that1  passeden  be-syde,  628 

And  specially  /  aH  that1  diden*  fayle 
To  expowne  /  his  mysty  dyvynaile, 
His  problem  ek  /  in  wordes  pleyn  and  bare 
With-oute  avys  /  opynly  to*  declare,  632 

Or  with  the  lif  /  he  myghte  not1  eskape. 
This  verray  soth"  platly  and  no  lape. 
IF  And  }if  that1  he,  be  declaraciouw, 

3af  ther-vpon  /  cleer  exposicknm,  636 

He  shuld  in  hast  /  there  was  non  o]>er  mene, 

615.  Amonge  Lb.  E-,.  Among  Ar.  and  the  rest.  615 — 726  lost  in  Tr  617. 
forby]  forthby  Lb.  M.  T2.  P.  E2.  sothly  Di.  619.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  also 
between  hadde  and  also.  622.  Fel]  Full  P.  to]  of  Di.  to  his  Ad2.  I.  623. 
odyous]  hidious  Lb.  sight]  of  sight  Bo.  Du.  La.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex. 
624.  I]  om.  G.  626.  by]  >at  by  Du.  Adj.  Ad^.  I.  be  somme  T2r  that  bi  some 
Lb.  bat  it  be  Bo.  L,.  627.  tabyde  G.  Adj.  to  abyde  Bo.  M.  628.  tho] 
om.  T2.  Ap.  passeden]  passid  Lj.  T2.  P.  L2.  passen  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  passeth  Lb. 
be-syde]  forthe  besyde  Lb.  T2.  per  beside  P.  L2.  him  beside  Ba.  629.  diden 
M.  Di.  Adj.  T2.  deden  S.  dide  Du.  dede  G.  did  Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  632.  avys]  a 
mysse  Ej.  opynly]  plemly  T2.  P.  fully  E2.  to]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ej.  L2.  Ap.  633. 
he]  om.  G.  might  Bo.  Ad^  Ra.  myghty  M.  634.  This]  bis  is  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb. 
E!-  S.  P.  E2.  L2.  The  Di.  soth  Bo.  Ada.  sothe  M.  Ra.  soth]  sothe  is  Ad2. 
platly]  om.  1^.  pleynly  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E2.  shortly  T2.  633  and  634  are  transposed 
in  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  636.  Jaf  jif  G. 

The  Sphinx 
slays  all  passers- 
by  who  can't 
solve  the  Pro- 
blem he  sets 

PT.  I.]     The  Sphinx  sets  Edippus  a  hard  Problem  to  solve.        29 

Sleen  this  monstre  /  for  al  his  cruel  tene. 
Ther  may  of  mercy  /  be  /  non  oper  graimte. 

But1  of  al  this  Edyppus  ignorauwte,  640 

This  dredful  hiH  /  stondyng  on  a  roche, 
Er  he  was  war  /  gan  ful  nygh"  approche, 
More  perilous  platly  /  than  he  wende. 
And  sodeynly  /  the  monster*  gan*  descende,  644 

To  stoppen  his  way  /  and  letten  his  passage, 
Thus  abraydyng1  •  with  a  fel  corage  : 
IT  "  I  haue  in  herte  Inly  gret1  disport1 
That1  fortune  /  hap  broghtf  the  to  my  sort1,  648 

To  make  a  preef*  /  3if  thow  mayst  endure, 
The  fatal  ende  /  of  this  auenture, 
Set1  at1  a  fyn  /  sothly  be  daie's  olde." 
And  by  and  by  /  al  the  caas  hym  tolde,  652 

Charging1  hym  to  be  wel  war  and  wise, 
Gete  the  palme  /  and  bere  away  the  pryse 
Touchyug1  this  thyng1  /  sette  a-twene  vs  tweyn, 
with  lyf  or  deth  /  which  we  shal  dareyfi.  656 

IT  And  this  Monstre  /  with  a  despitous  chere 
his  problem  gan  /  thus  as  ^e  shal  here. 
IT  "Ther  is  a  beest1  merveilous  to  se, 
The  which"  in  soth"  at1  his  natiuyte  660 

Is  of  his  /  so  tender  and  so  grene, 
That  he  may  hym-silue  *  nat1  sustene 
Vpon  his  fete  /  thogh  he  hadde  it  sworn, 
But  ^if  that1  he  /  be  /  of  his  moder  born.  664 

Edippus  is 
stopt  by  the 
Monster,  the 
Sphinx,  and 
charged  to  solve 
the  Problem  he'll 
be  set. 

[leaf  11,  back] 

f  Of  the  problem 
that  Spynx  putte 
to  Edippus. 

'There's  an 
animal  which,  at 
its  birth,  can't 

638.  slee  Bo.   M.  640.  of]  for  Du.   Lb.  Ra.   Ej.          642.  er  Bo.  Lb.     or 

M.  644.  monster]  moyster  Ar.  gan]  can  Ar.  645.  stoppen.  letten  Bo.  Du. 
M.  Ada.  stoppyn.  letten  Lb.  stoppyn.  lettyn  Ea.  stoppe.  let  1^.  646.  Thus] 
This  M.  Di.  abraydyng]  obreidinge  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  fel]  full  P.  E2.  corage]  rage 
T2.  647.  I  haue]  Seide  I  haue  T2.  E2.  And  seyde  I  haue  P.  in  herte]  in  my 
herte  P.  I  haue  in  herte]  In  hert  I  haue  Bo.  in  herte  Inly]  inly  in  hert  Ad2.  I. 
Inly]  cwi.  P.  648.  ha]>  broght  the]  hath  the  broght  M.  Di.  the]  om.  G.  P. 
649.  a  preef]  a  preest  Ar.  G.  Ad:.  Ej.  S.  651.  sothly]  oonly  Di.  653.  wel] 
om.  L2.  655.  a-twene  vs]  at  Ad2.  I.  656.  or]  and  G.  Ad2.  I.  which]  om. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  658.  gan]  bigan  Lb.  thus]  om.  Lb.  T2.  like  P.  Je  shal]  yee 
shul  Bo.  Lb.  Di.  T2.  P.  E2.  659.  beest  Bo.  best  M.  Ad^  661.  Is]  As  Bo. 
662.  hymsilue,  of.  710.  hymselue  Lb.  hymselfe  Lj.  Ra.  P.  hymsilf  Ar.  himself 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  hymsilf  nat  Ar.  T2.  E2.  L2.  Ap.  not  himself  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M. 
Di.  G.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  not  hymselfe  not  P.  664.  jif]  om.  M.  Di. 

30     The  Sphinx's  Problem.     Edippus  denounces  the  Sphinx.   [PT.  I. 

Then  it  goes  on 
4  feet ; 

then  on  3 ; 
at  last  on  2. 

Then  on  3  again, 
then  on  4, 

and  finally  goes 
back  to  the 
matter  it  came 

Solve  this, 
or  die.' 

Edippus  thought 
over  the  puzzle, 

And  /  be  processe  of  age, 

On  foure  fete  /  he  make])  his  passage ; 

After  on  thre  /  if  I  shal  not  feyne, 

And  alderlast  /  he  go))  vpright1  on  tweyne ;  668 

Dyuers  of  port1  /  and  wonderful  of  cherys  : 

Til,  be  length  /  of  many  sondry  ^eeres, 

Naturely  /  he  goth  ajeyn  on  thre, 

And  sith"  on  foure,  it  may  non  oj)er  be,  672 

And  Fynaly  /  this  the  trouthe*  pleyn, 

he  retourneth  /  kyndely  ageyn 

To  the  matere  /  which  that*  he  kam  fro. 

1T  loo  /  her  is  al  /.  my  problem  is  I-do.  676 

Muse  her-vpon  /  with-oute  werre  or  stryff 

It  to  declare  /  or  ellis  lese  thy  lyff." 

And  whan  Edyppus  /  gan  this  Jnng  aduerte, 
Wei  assured  in  his  manly  herte,  680 

Gan  in  his  wyttt  cerchen  vp  and  doun, 
And  of  prudence  /  cast1  in  his  resouw, 
Be  grete  avis  /  what*  thyng  this  may  be  ; 
Seyng  also  /  that1  he  may  not1  flee,  684 

and  how  ther  was  /  counsel  noon  ne  rede, 
But*  telle  trouth  /  or  ellys  to  be  dede. 

And  be  ful  good  /  deliberaciouw 

Thus  he  answerd  /  in  conclusiou?*,  688 

'  Thowe  Spynx '  quod  he  /  '  fals  and  fraudulent1 ! 
Thow  foule*  Monstre  /  thow  dragon,  thow  serpent1! 
which"  on  this  hyl  /  lich  as  I  conceyve, 
lyst  in  a-waite  /  folke's  to  deceyue,  692 

665.  aftrewardes  Bo.  afterward  M.  Adj.  668.  vpright]  vpritht  Ar.  vp-rygh 
G.  671.  Naturely  Bo.  M.  Naturelly  Adj.  namely  Ad2.  I.  672.  sith]  om. 
Bo.  efte  P.  it]  as  P.  673.  this]  }>is  is  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  P.  E2.  La-  Ap.  trouthe  Lb.  M.  Adj.  trouth  Ar.  Bo.  675.  which]  om.  P. 
that]  om.  G.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ap.  676.  is  I-do  Ar.  G.  P.  is  do  Di.  Ap. 
do  (om.  is)  Bo.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  L2.  Lo  here  my 

grobleme,  is  all  ido  E2.  In  Ar.  a  third  paiise-bar  after  problem.  677.  without 
o.  withoute  M.  Adj.  679.  gan]  can  E2.  681.  his]  om.  G.  684.  also] 
allone  Di.  may]  might  T2.  Ap.  not]  om.  Du.  685.  and]  om.  G.  was]  nas 
Ad2.  counsel]  om.  L^.  noon]  om.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  ne]  nor  M.  Ra.  Ej.  Ap.  o)>er 
La.  to  Bo.  Du.  and  I.  686.  telle]  to  telle  Du.  688.  Thus]  This  Lb. 
answerd  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  answered  Lb.  answerid  Di.  690.  foule]  vyle  Ar.  G. 
La.  Ap.  (see  Notes').  691.  which  Ar.  Ap.  L2.  That  Bo.  and  the  rest. 

[leafl  2  J 

then  cald  the 
Sphinx  a  foul 

PT.  I.]      Edippus  solves  the  Problem  the  Sphinx  set  him. 

But1  truste  wel  /  for  al  thy  sleghty  wit1, 
Thy  false*  fraud  e  /  shal  anon  be  qwyt. 
Me  list  not1  nowe  whisper  neither  rowne, 
But"  thy  problem  /  I  shal  anoii  expowne 
So  opynly  /  thow  shalt1  not1  go  ther-fro. 
loo  !  this  it1  is  /.  tak  good  hede  therto  ! 
IT  Thilke*  best1  thow  spak  of  herto-forn, 
Is  euery  man  /  in  this  world  yborn, 
Which  may  not1  gon  /  his  lyme's  be  so  softe, 
Bot1  as  his  moder  /  bereth  hym  alofte 
In  her  armes  /  whan  he  doth  crye  or*  wepe. 
And  after  that1  /  he  gynneth  forto  crepe 
On  foure'*  feefr  in  his  tendre  ^outh, 
Bexperience  /  as  it1  is  ofte  kouth, 
A-forn  yrekned  /  his  honde's  bothe*  two. 
And  by  processe  /  thow  mayst  consider  also 
With  his  two  fete  /  for  al  thy  felle  tene, 
He  hath  a  staf  /  hym-seluen  to  sustene, 
And  than  he  goth  /  shortly  vpon  thre. 
And  alther-last  /  as  if  most  nede's  be, 
Voyding1  his  staf  /  he  walkej)  vpon  tweyn  : 
Til  it  so  be  /  thorgh  age  /  he  atteyfi, 
That1  lust1  of  ^outhe  wasted  be  and  spent1; 
Than  in  his  hond  /  he  taketh  a  potent1, 
And  on  thre  feet  /  thus  he  goth  ageyn, 

and  solvd  its 

H  How  Edippus 
expounded  the 
problem  that 
Spynx  put  to 


every  man,  who 
can't  walk  as  a 
babe,  but  is 



'  -1" 

then  on  3,  his  2 
feet  and  a  stick, 

then  on  2  feet 

[leaf  12,  back] 
When  he  gets 
older,  he  takes  a 
staff  again,  or 
goes  on  three 
feet  ; 

694.  fals  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ad:.  695.  In  Ar.  the  pause-bar,  in  Bo.  the  high  point 
is  put  after  whisper.  697  in  the  rubric  Egippus.  698.  this]  thus  Ej.  it  is] 
is  it  Ra.  Ba.  take  Bo.  M.  Adj.  tak  good  hede  therto]  make  goode  chere  too  Ba. 
thou  shalt  not  goo  therfro  (repeated  from  697)  Di.  699.  Thilke  Bo.  Lb.  Adj. 
Thilk  Ar.  M.  This  Du.  699  om.  Ba.  thow]  jjat  thou  L:.  herto-forn  Ar.  G.  Lb. 
E2.  Ap.  here  beforn  Bo.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj  (er  bifern).  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P. 
beforn  Lx.  to-forn  L2.  700.  worlde  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  M.  world  Adj.  T2.  yborn] 
born  Bo.  Du.  Llm  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ex.  S.  T2.  P.  702.  alofte]  vp  alofte 
Adx.  Ad2.  I.  on  lofte  Ra.  Ba.  Lb.  703.  or]  and  Ar.  G.  Lb.  Di.  705.  On] 
On  his  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  foure  Bo.  M.  Adx.  four  Ar.  706.  Pexperience  mis- 
written  Ar.  By  experience  Bo.  M.  Adj.  oft  Bo.  ofte  M.  Adj.  707.  bothe 
Lj.  M.  Adr  both  Ar.  Du.  bothe]  om.  Bo.  ben  Lb.  709.  his]  om.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  fel  Bo.  Du.  felle]  cruel  M.  Di.  710.  him-selueu  Bo.  Adj.  him-self  M. 
Du.  711.  he  goth]  goth  he  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  712.  as]  om.  Ra. 
it]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  most  (must)]  mot  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Di.  714.  thorgh]  to  Ra. 

that  Ba.     he]  bat  he  Bo.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.         717.  thre]  his  Adj.  Ad2.  I.     thus] 
om.  P.     he  goth]  goth  he  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2. 

32  Edippus  has  solved  the  Problem  and  will  kill  the  Sphinx.  [PT.  i. 

and  at  last  he 
crawls  on  all 
fours  like  a  child. 

When  he  dies,  he 
goes  back  to 

So  your  Problem 
is  solved, 

and  I  shall  at 
once  kill  you.' 

I  dar  afferme  /  thow  maisf  it1  not*  withseyn, 
And  sone  aftere  /  thorgh  his  vnweldy  myght, 
By  influence  /  of  naturys  right1,  720 

Bexperience  /  as  ewery  man  may  knowe, 
Lich  a  child?  /  on  foure  he  crepeth"  lowe. 
And  for  he  may  no  whyle*  here  soiourne, 
To  erth"  ageyn  /  he  most1  in  hast*  reto?«-ne,  724 

Which"  he  kam  fro  /,  he  may  it*  not1  remewe*. 
For  in  this  world  /  no  man  may  eschewe, 
This  verray  soth  /  shortly  and  no  doute, 
Whan  the  wheel  of  kynde  cometh  aboute,  728 

And  naturely  hath  his  cours  y-Ronne 
Be  circuete  /  as  doth"  the  shene  sonne, 
That1  man  and  chyldf  /  of  hegh  and  lowe  estat1, 
It1  geyneth  nat*  /  to  make  /  mor  debat*,  732 

His  tyme  sette  /  that1  he  moste*  fyne, 
Whan  Autropos  /  of  malice  doth  vntwyne 
His  lyve's  thred  /  by  Cloto  first  compowned. 
Loo  /  her  thy  problem  /  fully  is  expowned,  736 

At1  oure  metynge  /  as  I  took  on  honde, 
To  the  lawe  /  that1  thow  most  nede's  stonde 
And  in  al  hast  /  of  myn  hondes  deye, 
But  of  reson  /  thow  can  if  ought*  withseye.'  740 

And  so  this  Spynx  /  awapyd  and  amaaf , 

718.  dar]  dar  it  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  maist  it] 
racist  Bo.  Lb.  Ra.  it  not]  not  it  G.  M.  Ba.  ;  in  P.  I.  718  is:  I  dar  seyne  hit 
ma}  not  be  withseyn.  withseyn]  withstoude  Lx.  721.  By  experience  Bo.  M. 
Ada.  722.  lowe]  a  lowe  Du.  723.  while  Bo.  wile  Adj.  whyl  Ar.  no  whyle 
here]  here  no  while  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adj.  724.  in  hast]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  ageyn  he 
most  in  hast]  in  hast  he  must  ageyn  Lj.  in  soth  he  must  ageiii  Adj.  Adg.  I. 
ayen  he  nmste  ayen  P.  725.  renewe  Ar.  G.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  S.  renue  Adt.  Ej.  T2. 
remewe  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E2.  L^  remue  Bo.  M.  remme  Ap.  rewe  Ad2.  I.  726. 
worde  Bo.  world  M.  Adj.  "  729.  y-ronne  Bo.  Adj.  ronne  Du.  M.  Di.  730. 
circuite  Bo.  circuyt  M.  Adj.  732.  make  Bo.  mak  Ad^  mor]  no  G.  with 
him  Ad^  Ad^  I.  733.  sette]  ysette  P.  is  sett  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  he]  om.  T2. 
moste  Lb.  Di.  most  Ar.  M.  Adj.  must  Bo.  Ta.  735.  lyves]  lyf  is  Bo.  Tj. 
lyff  ys  Du.  lyffe  his  Lj.  first]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  738.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tt.  Du.  L,. 
Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  740.  But]  For  E^  om.  Ad2.  I.  can]  canst 
L,.  Adj.  Ad2.  1.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  E2.  om.  P.  ought]  owt  Lb.  oute  Ra.  not  Ad2.  I. 
P.  E2.  om.  Ba.  741.  so]  thoo  T2.  P.  1^-  Ap.  om.  £3.  amaat]  al  mat  Adj. 
Ada.  !•  awapyd  and  amaat]  dismayed  and  dissolaat  Lb.  (cp.  742). 

PT.  I.]     Having  killd  the  Sphinx,  Edippus  reaches  Thebes.         33 

744    Edippus  cuts  the 
Sphinx's  head 






[leaf  18] 

is  well  reoeivd 
at  Thebes, 

and  as  the 
Thebans  have 
only  a  Queen. 

Stood  /  disamayed  /  and  dysconsolaaf, 

With  Chier  doune-casf  /  Muet,  pale,  and  ded. 

And  Edippus  anofi  smote  of  the  hed 

Of  this  fende  /  stynkyng1  and  vnswete, 

And  the  Contre  sette  holy  in  quyete ; 

Wherby  he  hath  /  such  a  pris  ywonne 

That  his  fame  is  euery  cost1  yronne 

Thorgh  al  the  londe  /  that1  he  the  monstre  hath  slawe. 

And  lyne-right  /  to  Thebes  he  gan  drawe, 
Wei  receyued  /  for  his  worthynesse, 
For  his  manhode  /  and  his  grete*  prouesse. 
And  for  they  segh  /  he  was  a  semly  knyght1, 
Wei  fauoured  /  in  euery  ma?znys  sight1, 
And  sawh  also  Thebes  the  myghty  toun, 
Not1  only  they  /  but  al  the  Eegioun, 
Wereri  destitut  /  of  a  gouernoMr, 
A^eynsf  her  foon  /  hauyng*  no  socour 
Hem  to  defende*  /  but*  the  queue  allon  ; 
Among1  hem-self  /  makyng1  ful  gret  mon, 
For  heire  was  non  /  as  bookes  specifie, 
The  Sceptre  /  or  crowne  forto  occupie  : 
For  which  the  lordes  aH  be  on  assent 
with-Inne  the  toun  /  set*  a  parlemenf , 
Shortly  concludyng  /  if  if  myghte  ben, 

742.  disamayed]  dismayde  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  L%.  Ap.  all  dismaide  T2. 
E2  Ad.2.  !•  dysconsolaat]  dissolaat  Eb.  desolate  P.  743.  Muet]  om.  G.  Muet 
pale  and  ded]  hevy  as  any  lede  T2.  P.  E2.  fully  dysmaide  L>.  744.  the]  his  Bo. 
L2.  Ba.  746.  sette  holy]  holy  sette  M.  Di.  T2.  holy]"onely  Ad2.  I.  747. 
Wherby]  "Where  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  748.  is  euery  cost]  is  in  euery  cost  LJ.  M.  Di.  is 
in-to  e.  c.  Ad2. 1.  euery  cost  is  LQ.  Ap.  in  euery  cost  is  T2.  P.  E0.  yronne]  ronne 
Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap.  749.  Thorgh]  In  T2.  That  ttiurgh  P.  al]  om. 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  that  he  the  monstre  hath]  >at  he  hath  >e  monstre  Bo.  Tj. 
>at  the  monstre  was  T2.  E2  (this  for  the),  the  monstre  was  P.  pat  J>e  monstre  is 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  750.  And]  and  as  Bo.  gan]  gan  him  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  L3.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ra.  S.  began  Ad2.  I.  drawe]  to  drawe  Ad2.  I.  Ap.  he  gan  drawe] 
worthynes  Ba  (the  end  of  750  and  the  whole  of  751,  except  the  rhyme-word,  om.). 

752.  grete]  om.  G.  Adlt  Ad.2.  I.  P.  E2.     rijt  Ar.  Ra.  Ba.  EV  S.     high  T2.  L2.  Ap. 

753.  sye  Bo.  M.  Adx.     a]  om.  T2.     semly]  manful  M.  Di.     manly  Ba.         754. 
favoured]  y-favored  P.     euery]  eche  M.  Di.         755.  sawe  Bo.  M.     sawh  also]  also 
saugh  Adj.  Ad2.  I.     se  also   Lx.          757.  weren  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Adj. 
Ra.  Ej.     were  Lj.  and  the  rest.         759.  defende  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.     defend 
Ar.         761.  heire]  there  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.         762.  or]  and  T2.  P.  E2.     crowne]  the 
crowne  Ad0.  L.,.     forto]  to  M.  Di.  Ado.  S.  P.  Eo.  L.,.         764.  with-Inne]  whiche  in 
Bo.         765".  might  Bo.  M.  Adj. 


34  Incestuous  Marriage  is  against  G-od's  Law  &  ruins  folk.  [PT.  I. 
they  resolve  to      Prudently  to  trete  with  the  quene, 

ask  her  to  wed  * 

makpephfinamng.    Namely  they  /  that  helde  hem-silf  most  sage, 

To  condescende  /  be  way  of  Mariage,  768 

She  to  be  loyned  to  this  manly  knyght, 

Passing  prudent1  /  and  famous  ek  of  myght, 

Most  likly  man  /,  as  they  can  discerne, 

The  worthy  Cyte  /  to  kepen  and  gouerne.  772 

And  thorgh  counsayl  /  of  the  lorde's  alle 

To  her  desyre  /  pleynly  /  she  is  falle, 

And  accorded  /  with-oute  mor  tarying, 

That  of  Thebes  /  Edippus  shal  be  kyng*,  776 

[leaf  is,  back]     By  ful  assent  /,  was  non  that*  seide*  nay. 

And  tyme  set1  /  ageyn  a  certeyn  day 

Among1  hem-silf  /  and  finaly  devysed, 

The  weddyng1  was  /  in  Thebes  solempnyzed  780 

Edippus  marries   Ful  W^Yi  which  nede's  most  vnthryve, 
kt>wtag1tr; not    Only  for  he  his  moder  /  toke  to  wy ve, 

Vmvist1  of  bothe  *  /  he  was  of  her  blode, 

And  ignoraunt  /,  shortly,  how  it  stode,  784 

or  that  he'd  slain   That  he  to-forn  hadde  his  fadere  slawe, 

his  Father. 

For  which  this  weddyng1  was  ageyn  the  lawe. 
God  win  not  And  to-for  god  /  is  neiber  feire  ne  good. 

that  blood 

touch  blood.        Nor  acceptable  /  blood  to  touche  blood  :  788 

Whicfi  cause  hath  ben  of  gret  confusioun 
In  many  londe  /  and  many  Kegyouw, 
Grounde  and  roote  /  of  vnhap  and  meschaunce, 

it  leads  to  The  fyn  concludyng  /  alway  with  vengeaunce,  792 


As  men  han  seie  /  by  cleer  experience ; 

766.  trete  Bo.  M.  Adj.  767.  sage]  age  G.  769.  manly]  famous  Adv  Ad2. 
1.  om.  S.  772.  to]  om.  Adj.  kepen  Bo.  Adj.  kepe  M.  gouerne]  to  gouerne 
M.  1*2-  775.  taryinge  Ar  (e  underdotted).  tareyng  Bo.  M.  tariyng  Adj.  777. 
seide  Tx.  M.  Lb.  Ra.  seid  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  781.  rialy  Bo.  M.  Roialli  Ad3.  needis 
Bo.  uedus  Adj.  782.  he  his  moder  toke]  he  tok  his  moder  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  783. 
bothe  Tj.  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Ap.  both  Ar.  Bo.  Lj.  Lb.  bothyn  1^.  784.  how] 
hou  >at  Adv  Ad2.  I.  785.  to-forn  Ar.  tofore  Bo.  M.  785 — 788  are  missing  in 
Adj.  Adg.  I.  786.  For  which]  Wherfor  M.  Di.  For  which  thing  Ba.  this]  >e 
Di.  om.  Ba.  790.  londe  and  many]  londis  and  Ad2.  I.  792.  concludyng 
alway]  alway  concludyng  G.  Ad2.  I.  793.  seie  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Adx.  Ap. 
seyn  L\.  Ra.  E2.  seyen  T^  seyne  L2-  see  Ad2.  I.  seen  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  P. 

FT.  L]     Edippus,  tho'  sinning  in  ignorance,  VMS  yuniskt. 


Herod  took  his 

brother  s  wife, 

thru  which 

John  the  Baptist 

lost  his  head. 
Beware,  then, 

And  holy  writ1  /  recordeth  in  sentence 
How  herodes  /  falsly  in  his  lyff 

By  violence  toke  his  brother  wyf,  796 

For  she  was  faire  /  and  plesaunt1  to  his  sight, 
And  kepte  her  stille  /  be  force*  /  Jjorgh  his  myght, 
Al  be  to  her1*  /  he  hadde  /  title  noil  ; 
And  for  her  sake  /  the  holy  man  seynt1  lofin  800 

For  his  trouth  /  in  prison  lost1  his  hede. 
Therfor  I  rede  /  enery  man  take  hede, 
Wherso  he  be  Prynce,  lorde,  or  kyng, 
That  he  be*  war  teschewe  such  weddyng,  804 

Er  that1  the  swerde  /  of  vengeauwce  l\ym  inanace, 
lest  he  lese  /  hap,  fortune,  and  grace  ; 
Takyng  ensample  /  in  al  manere  thynge 
Of  Edyppus  /  in  Thebes  crowned  kyng1  ;  808 

J  rj 

Al  be  that1  he  wroght1  of  ignomtnee, 

Ful  derk  and  blynde  /  of  his  woful  chau?zce. 

And  jif  vnwist1  /  he  of  Innocence, 

As  36  han  herde,  fil  in  such  offence,  812 

For  which"  he  was  punished*  and  brought1  lowe, 

What*  ar*  they  worthy  that1  her  errowr  knowe, 

And  fro  the  knotte  /  list1  not1  to  abstene 

Of  such  spousale  /  to  god  and  man  vnclene  1  816 

I  can  not1  seyn  /  nor  mor  therof  devise. 

Derueth  ^our-silf  that1  prudent1  ben  and  wise, 

»      i  T7-J-  /T.J.-U  _,-  j  • 

And  .Ldippus  /  hath  among1  m  mynde, 

794.  recordeth]  recordeth  it  Bo.  Tt.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  796.  toke]  take 
G.  his]  om.  G.  brother  Ar.  Tj.  Di.  brothre  Du.  brotheres  Lb.  brothers  Bo. 
brothres  Adt.  Ra.  brotheiis  Ado.  I.  brothers  G.  Lj.  T2.  brothirs  L.,.  798. 
force  Bo.  Ra.  Adx.  fors  Ar.  Tx.  jWgh]  of  M.  Di.  799.  Al  be]  All  Lj. 
Al  though  Lb.  Eo.  hur  Ar.  hire  Bo.  hir  M.  here  Ad^  hadde  Du.  Lb.  had 
Bo.  Ada.  he  hadde  title]  title  had  he  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  T2.  P.  E.2.  had  he  title 
L[.  804.  be]  om.  Ar.  G.  teschewe  Ar.  to  eschewe  Bo.  G.  and  eschewe  Lb. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  805.  Ere  Bo.  Tx.  Or  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  hym]  of  Ej.  806. 
lese  Bo.  Adj.  Ra.  lose  M.  811.  jif]  yit  Lb.  vnwist  he]  he  wist  Ad.2.  I.  And 
3if  vnwist  he]  And  he  vnwetyug  and  Ra.  812.  lian  Bo.  Adj.  haue  M.  fil]  fall 
Ad2.  I.  813.  punshed  Ar.  G.  Lb.  punysshed  Bo.  M.  Adx.  Ra.  Ap.  814. 
omitted  in  Lb.  ar  Bo.  are  T2.  er  Ar.  G.  ere  Adj.  arn  M.  815.  kuotte  Du. 
Lb.  Ra.  knott  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  abstene]  absteyne  (:  vnclene)  Bo.  Lb.  E2.  (:  vncleyne) 
Ra.  S.  816.  spousale  Ar.  G.  M.  spousaile  Bo.  spousail  Ad:.  spousales  Lb. 
817.  seyn]  seen  Ej.  nor]  ne  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2. 
E2.  no  Lb.  E!.  L2.  ner  P.  819.  hath  Ar.  G.  I*,.  Ap.  haue  Bo.  TJ.  Lb.  M. 
Adj.  Ra.  hauith  T2.  among]  om.  S. 

Deaf  H] 

by  Edippus, 

who,  tho'  he  sind 

in  ignorance. 

was  p 

The  wedding 


No  Muse  was  at  Edippus's  unhappy  Wedding.     [PT.  i. 

was  unhappy. 

None  of  the 
Nine  Muses 
was  at  it, 

as  they  were  at 
Philology's  mar- 
riage in  Heaven 
to  Mercury  : 

see  Martianus  de 

[leaf  14,  back] 

Of  whom  the  weddyng1,  lik  as  $e  may  fynde,  820 

Vnhappy  was  /  and  passing1  odious, 
Infortuned  /  and  vngracious. 

I  am  wery  mor  therof  to  write. 

The  hatful  processe  /  also  to  endyte  824 

I  passe  ouer,  fully  of  ententt ; 
For  ymeneus  /  was  not1  ther  present1, 
Nor  lucyna  /  list1  not1  ther  to  shyne, 
Ne  ther  was  none  /  of  the  musys  nyne  828 

By  on  accord  /  to  make  melodye ; 
For  ther  song1  not*  be  heuenly  Armonye 
^Neither  Clyo  /  nor  Calyope, 

On  of  the  sustren  /  in  nombre  thrie's  thre,  832 

As  they  dyde*  whan  philolegye 
Ascendid  vp  hegh  aboue  the  skye 
To  be  weddid  /  this  lady  virtuous 

Vnto  hir  lord  /  ]>e  god  mercurius ;  836 

As  Marcian  ynamed  /  de  Capelle, 
In  his  book  of  weddyng  can  pu  telle, 
Ther  concludyng1  in  this  mariage 

The  poete,  that1  whilom  was  so  sage,  840 

That1  this  lady,  called  sapience, 
I-wedded  was  vnto  eloquence ; 
As  it1  sat  wel,  by  heuenly  pzwueaunce, 
hem  to  be  ioyned  /  be  knot1  of  Aliau?ice.  844 

But1  bothe*  two,  sothly,  of  en  tent1 

822.  Infortuned]  Infortunat  Du.  Ad2.  S.  E2.  and]  and  eke  M.  Di.  T2.  (in  Ra. 
the  later  hand  has  added  eke  above  the  line),  eke  and  P.  823.  mor  therof] 
therof  more  M.  Di.  and  therof  more  Ej.  826.  ymeneus]  Imnus  or  Innius  Ad.,. 
I.  827.  list  Bo.  M.  Adj.  828.  ther]  mn.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  musys]  Musas  E2. 
829.  omitted  in  Ba.  By  on]  Of  oure  Ej.  make  Bo.  M.  Ea.  maken  Adj.  832". 
On]  Non  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  sustren  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Adj.  T2.  sistren  TV  systryu  L.2. 
sustern  Lj.  sustres  M.  Di.  sostres  C.  sistrcs  Ra.  systers  P.  in  nombre] 
nombred  C.  833.  dide  TV  Du.  M.  Ex.  S.  dede  Adj.  T^  diden  C.  dyd  Ar. 
Bo.  Ra.  whan]  whan  ]>at  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  philolegye  Ar.  Bo.  TV  Adj.  Philologie 
Di.  Ad2.  PhilolaieE2.  Philoloy  C.  T2.  philolis  P  (:  skies).  834.  vp  hegh]  hi 
vp  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  vp  an  high  Lb.  aboue]  abou  Ar.  the]  in  the  Ad2.  I.  835. 
this]  thus  Ra.  to  this  Adj.  L2.  to  his  Ad2.  I.  837.  As]  And  as  C.  P.  E2.  L2. 
Marcian]  Matrician  E^  ynamed]  named  TV  de]  be  Ap.  by  P.  mn.  Adp  Ad.,. 
I.  Capelle]  Copelle  E2.  839.  this]  his  C.  TV  P.  E2.  Lo.  Ap.  845.  bothe  Bo. 
Tj.  Adj.  M.  Ra.  C.  both  Ar.  G.  T2. 

PT.  I.]       The  dread  Ghiests  at  Edippuss   Wedding. 


848    Edippus's  wed- 
ding brought 
about  the  ruin 
of  Thebes. 




f  The  Infortunat 
fi  folk  J>at  weren 

at  J>e  wed- 

•[  Cerberus 

1  Herebus 

1  Nyght  &  her 
thre  doghtren 

Atf  the  weddyng*  /  in  Thebes  were  absent4  ; 
That1  caused  after  /  grete  aduersite. 
For  fynal  eende  /  of  that1  solempnyte 
was  sorowe  /  and  woo  /  and  destrucciou??, 
Vtter  ruyne  /  of  this  Eoyal  toun. 
Ther  may  no  man  helpe  it1  nor  socoure, 
For  a  tyme  /  in  loye  /  thogh"  they  floure. 

But1  at1  this  weddyng1  /,  platly  forto  telle, 
was  Cerberus  /  Chief  porter  of  helle, 
And  herebus  /  Fader  to  hatrede, 
was  ther  present1  with  his  hool  kynrede, 
His  wiff  also  /  with  her  browes  blake, 
And  her  doghtren  /  sorow  forto  make, 
hydous-chered  /  and  vggely  forto  see, 
Megera  /  and  Thesiphonee, 
Allecto  ek  /  with  labour  and  envie, 
Drede  and  fraude  /  and  fals  trecherie, 
Tresoura  •  pouerte  /  Indigence,  and  nede, 
And  cruel  deth  /  in  his  Rente'  Wede, 
Wrechednesse  /  compleynt*  /  and  eke  Rage, 
Fer  ful  pale  /  derknesse  /  croked  age, 
Cruel  mars  /  as  eny  Tygre  wood, 
Brennyng1  Ire  /  of  vnkynde  blood, 
Fraternal  hate  /  depe  sett1  the  rote, 
Saue  only  deth  /  that1  ther  nas  no  bote,         [leaf  15] 

846.  At  the  Ar.  G.  Lx.  S.  L.2.  Ap.  Atte  Adv  Ra.  Ej.  At  (the  om.)  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
M.  Di.  Ba.  C.  P.  E.2.  Att  Ad2.  I.  T2.  Ad  Lb.  848.  solennite  Adj.  849— 
852  omitted  in  L2.  851.  it]  09/1.  G.  P.  nor]  ne  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ba.  E^ 
S.  T.2.  P.  Eg.  "  853.  at  this]  atte  Ej.  at  his  E2.  platly]  plainly  S.  C.  E2. 
forto]  to  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  C.  854.  was]  were  Ra.  S.  Cerberus]  Cerebrus  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Chief  porter]  a  feend  Ad2.  I.  855.  to]  vnto  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  of  C.  ; 
Ad2.  and  I.  omit  And  herebus,  and  have  I.  855  ffadir  and  foundour  unto  hattred. 
856".  hool  Du.  hole  Bo.  Adj.  In  the  rubric  beside  I.  858  Nyght]  Nygh  Ar. 
860.  Megera]  Mergera  Ba.  and]  and  eke  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  and  also  C. 
Thesiphonee]  Tysiphone  M.  Di.  Thesiphonie  Ba(:see).  Thesyphane  P. 
Thesyffene  Ap.  863.  pouerte  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Lx.  Ej.  P.  pouert  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adp  Ra.  S.  C.  T2.  E2.  1^.  Ap.  lindigence  Ar.  864.  rent  Bo.'  Tj.  M.  Adj. 
865.  compleynt]  compleyn  Ar.  G.  eke  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  eek  Ra.  866.  Fer  ful 
pale  Ar.  G.  Ba.  fereful  pale  Bo.  and  all  the  rest  except  L:.  and  Lb.,  that  have 
fferdfull  pale,  derknesse]  Dronkenesse  E2.  croked]  and  croked  Bo.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  P.  L.2.  868.  vnkynde  Bo.  M.  vnkynd  Adj.  869.  deep  Bo.  depe"  M. 
Adj.  870.  only]  onelich  Du.  that]  om.  G.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  L2.  nas]  was  1\.  LV 
Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  P.  L2.  Ap.  no]  non  o]>er  Lg. 



T  Drede 
f  Fraude 
IT  Trecherie 
IT  Tresoun 
f  Pouerte 
If  Indygence 
•[  Nede 
II  Cruel  Mars 

«[  AUe  pise  folk 
weren  at  the 
wedding  of 

38       Edippus's  Reign  in  Thebes  was  prosperous  at  first.     [PT.  I. 

Edyppus and 

Edippus  reignd 
long  in  Thebes, 

had  2  song 

and  2  daughters 
by  Jocasta, 

and  led  at  first 
a  merry  life. 

But  when  Edip- 
pus was  most 

Fortune  cast  him 
into  woe. 

One  night 

Assuryd  othes  /  af  the  fyn  vntrewe  : 

AH  thise  folk  /  weren  /  atf  this  weddyng1  newe,  872 

To  make  the  towne  /  desolatt  and  bare, 

As  the  story  /  after  shal  declare. 

IT  But*  ay  in  Thebes  /  with  his  walles  stronge 

Edyppus  regneth  /  many  day  and  longe.  876 

And  as  myn  autour  writf  /  in  wordys  pleyfi, 

By  locasta  he  had  sones  tweyn, 

Ethyocles  and  also  Polymyte 

And,  invokes  /  as  sondry  clerkes  write,  880 

Doghtres  two/  f  ul  goodly  on  to  se, 

Of  which*  the  ton  hightf  Antygone, 

And  that*  other  /  called  was  ymeyne, 

Of  her  beaute  /  Inly  souereyn.  884 

Edyppus  ay  devoyde  /  of  werre  and  strif , 
with  locasta  ladde  a  mery  lyf 
Tyl  fortune  /  of  her  iniquyte 

Hadde  envie  /  of  his  prosperite.  888 

For  whan  he  shon  /  most*  ricfre  in  his  renou«, 
From  her  wheel  /  she  plonged  hym  a-douw 
Out*  of  his  loye  /  into  sodeyn  wo, 

As  she  is  wonte  /  frowardly  to  do,  892 

And  namely  hem  /  that  setten  her  affiau?*ce 
Of  erthly  trust1  /  in  her  variau»ce. 
IT  For  whan  this  kyng1  /  passing1  of  gret  myght1, 
Sat1  with  the  quene  /  vpon  a  certeyn  nyght1,  896 

Casuelly  whan  his  folk  echon 
Out  of  his*  Chambre  sodeynly  wer  gori, 

872.  were  Bo.  Adj.  this]  be  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  873.  the]  o m.  G.  878.  sonnes 
Bo.  sones  M.  Adj.  879.  also]  om.  Bo.  Polymyte]  Pollymyte  Ad.2.  P.  881. 
ful]  07?i.  G.  882.  which  Di.  C.  T2.  E2.  the  which  Ar.  G.  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
the  ton]  oon  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ea  (won).  Ba.  Ej.  S.  that  one  Ad.2. 
I.  C.  T2.  E2.  883.  called  was]  was  called  G.  885.  ay]  om.  Adx.  Ad2.  I. 
devoyde]  devoidid  L.2.  of]  of  al  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  886—951  lost  in  C.  889. 
his]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  890.  From]  Fro  Bo.  T2.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  E!-  S.  T?. 
she]  he  M.  plonged]  plukkyth  L,.  891.  his]  om.  Adj.  Ad.,.  I.  into]  into  a  Di. 
and  to  P.  893.  setten  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lv  M.  Adj.  T2.  sefRa.  L2.  894.  Of] 
On  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lv  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  erthly]  hertly  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap. 
895.  this]  the  E2.  passing  of  gret  myght  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  898.  his] 
om.  Ar.  G.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap. 

PT.  I.]    Jocasta  sees  the   Wound-marks  on  Edippus's  feet. 


marks'of  old*1"5 

tleaf  15>  back] 

and  sighs  deeply. 

He  asks  why  she 
does  so. 

Or  he  was  war  /  locasta  gan  byholde 

The  Carectys  of  his  woundes  olde,  900 

Vpon  his  fete  /  enprented  wonder  depe  ; 

Turnyng1  her  face  /  brasf  out1  forto  wepe 

So  secrely  /  he  myght1  it1  not1  espie. 

And  she  anon  /  fille  into  a  fantasie,  904 

Ay  on  thys  thyng1  /  musyng*  mor  and  more, 

And  in  her  bed  /  gan  to  sighe  sore. 

And  whan  the  kyng1  /  conceyueth  her  distresse, 
He  gan  enquere  /  of  her  hevynesse  908 

Fully  the  cause  /  and  occasioure ; 
For  he  wil  wite  /  in  conclusioura, 
What1  her  eilejj  /  and  why  she  ferde  so. 

"  My  lorde,"  quod  she  /  "  withoute  worcles  mo,         912   She  ^s  she 
Parcel  cause  /  of  this  sodeyn  rage 
Is  for  that1 1  in  my  tender  age 
had  a  lorde  /  I-named  Layus, 

kyng1  of  this  toune  /  a  man  ri^t1  vertuvs,  916 

Be  whom  I  hadde  /  a  sone  /  wonder. fair1, 
likly  tabene  /  his  successour1  and  hair1 : 
But1  by  cause  /  his  dyvynowrs  tolde 

At  his  birthe  /  sothly  that1  he  sholde,  920 

3if  he  haue  lyf  /  be  fatal  destanye, 
Sleen  his  fader  /  it  may  non  oper  be ; 
For  which  the  king1  /  his  fate  to  eschewe, 
Bad  me  in  hast1  /  as  hym  thoghte  dewe,  924 

To  sle  the  childe  /  and  haue  therof  no  routh" : 
And  I  anon  bad  with-oute  slouth 

902.  brast]  barst  Tj.  breste  E.2.  and  brast  Lj.  forto]  to  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
905.  on]  in  Lb.  thyng]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  mor  and]  mn.  Lb.  907. 
the  kyng]  mn.  Du.  908.  gan  enquere]  her  enquerid  L2.  enquere  Ar.  Bo.  and  all 
the  other  MSS.  (enquire  Ra.  enquer  S.).  910.  witte'Bo.  wete  G.  Lb.  Di.  S.  P. 
Ap.  wite  Ar.  M.  Adj.  and  the  rest.  910  in  Ra.  reads :  Whi  she  sorwid  and  maad 
lamentacioun.  911.  ferde]  ferd  G.  Bo.  Adj.  fere  Tj.  912.  with-oute  Bo.  M. 
with-out  Adj.  914.  that]  om.  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad:.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  915.  I-named]  named  Tj.  917.  sone  M.  Adj.  son  Bo.  '  918.  likly] 
like  S.  tabene  Ar.  G.  to  ben  1^.  P.  E,.  to  haue  Ra.  to  haue  ben  Bo.  and  all 
the  rest.  919.  divynours  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  920.  birthe  M.  Adj.  birth  Bo.  921. 
destanye  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  destenye  Ej.  destane  S.  destine  Adx.  922.  may  Ar.  G.  L.2. 
Ap.  might  Bo.  and  all  the  rest,  shulde  P.  924.  >ouht  Bo.  thought  M.  thoughtc 
Adj.  926.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  bad.  with-outen  Bo.  Adj.  Ra.  withoute  M. 

bore  a  son  to 
King  Layus, 

who  was  told 
that  the  boy 

should  slay  his 

Layus  bade 
Jocasta  kill  her 

But  the  men  she 


Jocasta  tells  Edippus  her  Baby's  stwy,  his  own.    [PT.  I. 

told  to  do  it, 

[leaf  16] 

bored  the  child  s 

and  hung  him 
on  a  tree. 

There,  hunters 
found  him. 

Of  late,  Layus 
was  slain 

*  Certeyn  men  /  vp  peyne  of  lugeruente, 

To*  execute  /  the  comaundemente  928 

Of  the  king1  /  as  I  gaf  hem  in  charge. 

And  forth  they  gon  /  to  a  forest1  large, 

Adiacent1  /  vnto  this  contre, 

Percen  his  fete  /  and  honge  hyra  on  a  tre,  932 

Nat1  parfourmyng1  /  thexecucioun. 

On  hym  they  hadde  /  such  compassioun. 

lefte  hym  ther  /  and  horn  resort1  ageyii, 

Beyng1  in  doute  /  and  in  non  certeyn,  936 

At  they  re  repeire  /  as  they  told  en  alle, 

Of  this  childe  /  what*  afterward'  is  falle  ; 

Saue  they  saide  /  huntys  han  hyw  founde, 

Which  lad  hym  forth  /  and  his  feet1  vnbouwde  ;  940 

But1  to  what1  coost1  /  they  coude  not1  declare. 

Which  parcel  is  of  myn  evel  fare, 

Grounde  and  cause  /  of  myn  hevy  chere, 

Considred  ek  the  woundes  that1  appere  944 

Ypon  ^oure  fete  /,  and  woot1  not1  what1  they  mene. 

And  on  thyng  /  ay  /  is  at  myn  herte  grene, 

My  lord,  alias  f  but1  of  newe  date  : 

kyng  Layus  /  slayen*  was  but1  late  948 

927.  Certeyn]  To  certeyn  all  the  MSS.  (IP  for  To  in  L2.).  men]  om.  T2.  vp] 
vpon  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  L.2.  (in  Ra.  vp  altered  to  vpon  by  the  later  hand),  on  Lj.  Lb. 
928.  To  execute]  Execute  Ar.  G.  Texecute  Bo.  Tj.  To  execute[n]  all  the  other 
MSS.  the]  the  kynges  Ba.  929.  Of  the  king]  In  all  thing  Ba.  I]  he  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  hem]  om.  Ad2.  I.  in]  om.  Di.  931.  vnto]  to  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S. 
this]  the  G.  932.  Percen]  Perced  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  Persyng  P.  E,,.  L^ 
Ap.  Percen  they  Ej.  honge  Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  hange  Tj.  hangen  Ad^  I.  heng  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  E2.  hyng  Lj.  P.  L2.  Ap.  hangynge  EJ.  hym]  om.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  EJ.  on]  vpon  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  933.  parfourmyng  Bo.  partbrmyng  M. 
Adj.  the  execucion  Bo.  M.  Adj.  934.  had  Bo.  M.  Adj.  935.  lefte  hym 
ther]  Left  ther  the  child  Iig.  horn  resort]  home  resorted  Bo.  LJ.  Ra.  Ba.  resorted 
home  T2.  E2.  horn  thei  resorte  Ad2.  I.  restored  home  P.  937.  theyre  Ar.  Bo. 
Ti.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  S.  £2.  L2.  Ap.  (M.  At  heir),  ther  Ad2.  hir  Di.  Ra.  T2.  here  Ad^ 
Ej.  his  Ba.  repeire]  report  Ad^  tolden  Bo.  M.  tolde  Lb.  Ad:.  Ra.  938. 
afterward  is  falle]  aftreward  is  byfall  Bo.  Tp  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  £3.  after  was  befalle  T2.  aftir  shulde  falle  P.  939.  Sauf  Bo.  Saf  M. 
Adp  saide  Bo.  M.  seide  Adj.  940.  lad]  had  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  P.  haue 
Lb.  941.  to]  om.  G.  coude  Bo.  M.  Adj.  946.  on  thyng]  a  nodir  Ra.  Ba. 
ay  is]  is  ay  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  at]  in  G.  Ad2. 
I.  P.  hert  Bo.  M.  Adj.  grene]  greve  Lj  (:  mene).  947.  newe  Bo.  Adj.  new 
M.  948.  layus  Ar.  slayen]  slayn(e)  Ar.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  (see  Notes). 

PT.  I.]         Jocasta  asks  why  Edippus  came  to  Thebes.  41 

At1  a  Castel  /  nygfi  by  this  centre.  when  Edippus 

'      J  &        »  came  into  the 

vpon  ^oure  comyng1  /  into  this  Cite. 

Al  this  yweied  /  and  rekned  into  on, 

Maketh  myn  herte  /  hevy  as  a  ston,  952 

So  that  I  can  counsel  /  non  /  nor  Eede." 

And  with  that1  word?  the  kyng1  lift*  vp  his  hede, 

And  abrayd?  /  with  sharpe  sighe's  smerte,  Bdippus  sighs. 

And  al  this  thing1  be  ordre  /  gan  aduerte,  956 

Ceriously  /  be  good  avisement1 ; 
And  by  signes  /  cleer  and  evident1 
Conceyueth  wel  /,  and  sore  gan  repente, 
If  was  hym-silf  /  that1  locasta  mente.  960 

And  whan  the  Quene  /'  in  manere  segh  hym  pleyn,  E&mnLfwhy 

By  her  goddes  /  she  gan  hym  to  constreyne 
To  shewen  out1  the  cause  of  his  affray, 
And  it1  expowne  /  and  make  no  delay,  964 

Crop  and  roof  /  shortly,  why  that*  he  Thebefand 

Entred  first  /  into  that1  contre,  whence' 

Fro  when  he  kam  /  and  fro  what1  regiou??. 

But1  he  hir1  put*  /  in  dilusioim,  968 

As  he  hadde*  done  it  for  the  nonys. 
Til  af  the*  laste  /  he  brak  out1  atonys 

Vnto  the  queene  /  and  gan  a  processe  make  tekenfUth^s 

First1  how  he  was  /  in  the  forest1  take,  972   Pierstfeet' 

wounded  the  feet1  /  and  so  for]?  euery  thyng1, 

Of  his  Chershing1  /  with  Polybouw  the  kyng1,  ^f  Po" 

And  hool  the  cause  /  why  he  hym  forsoke, 

952.  hert  Bo.  M.  Adj.  953.  nor]  ne  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  S. 
P.  Eo.  Ap.  ober  L2.  954.  that]  om.  G.  left  Bo.  955.  sharp  Bo.  M.  sharpe 
Adj."  957.  Ceriously]  Curiously  Du.  P.  E2.  LJ.  good]  the  P.  959.  Con- 
ceyueth] Conceuyd  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  961.  In  Ar.  after  the  is  kr,  underdotted. 
pleyn]  feyne  Ad2.  I.  963.  shewen  Bo.  Adj.  shewe  M.  964.  it  expowne] 
expowne  it  Bo.  965.  Ccrop  Ar.  967.  Fro  when]  Fro  whens  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad2. 
I.  S.  From  whense  P.  E2.  kam]  come  M.  Di.  Ba.  C.  P.  968.  he]  om.  G. 
969.  hadde  G.  Lb.  Di.  Adj.  had  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Ra.  970.  at  the  laste]  at  last1 
Ar.  Tj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  C.  P.  E2.  atonys]  all  attonys  Ra.  Ba  (all  at  oons  :  for  the 
noons).  S.  971.  a]  to  G.  974.  his]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Chershing  Ar.  G. 
cherisshyng  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  Di.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  T.2.  P.  Eg.  L.2.  Ap.  cherising  Ad:.  Ad.2. 
chersyng  M.  S.  C.  chercyng  Lb.  serchynge  E^  with]  bat  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  S. 
of  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  and  of  Ra.  Ba.  how  Ex.  om.  G.  Polibon  Bo.  polliboun 
Ra.  Pollibon  Adj. 

then  went  to- 
wards Thebes 
by  Apollo's 

and  slew  King 

42          Edippus  tells  Jocasta  the  Story  of  his  Life  and  Sins.  [PT.  i. 

And  in  what*  wise  /  he  the  weye  toke  976 

Toward?  Thebes  /  as  Appollo  bad, 

And  of  fortune  /  how  that  he  was  lad 

Wher  that1  Spynx  /  kepte  the  mounteyn, 

And  how  that  he  slough  also  in  certeyn  980 

kyng1  Layus  at  the  castel  gate, 

Towardes  nyght  whan  it1  was  ful*  late, 

And  how  to  Thebes  that1  he  gan  hyw  spede 

To  fynden  oute  /  the  stok  of  his  kynrede :  984 

which  vnto  hyw  gan  to  wexe*  couth"; 

For  by  processe  /  of  his  grene  ^outh" 

he  fonde  out1  wel,  be  reknyng  of  his  lif, 

That1  she  was  both  /  his  moder  and  his  wif.  988 

So  that1  al  nyght1  and  sving  on  J>e  morow 
A-twene  hem*  two  /  gan  a  newe  sorowe  : 
Which  vnto  me  were  tedious  to  telle ; 
For  ther-vpon  /'$if  I  shulde  dwelle,  992 

A  long^space  it  wolde  occupie. 

[leaf  17] 

t  Tragedia          But1  2e  may  reden  in  a  Tragedye 

Senece  de  Edippo 

Rege  thebanu».     Of  Moral  Senyk  fully  his  endynge, 

Seneca's  Tragedy  His  dool,  his  meschief  /  and  his  compleynyng1  996 

of  Edippus 

tells  how  he         How  with  sorow  /  andivnweldy  age 

lost  his  wits, 

This  Edippus  /^fille  into  dotage, 

lost1  his  wit1  /  and  his  worldly  delit1, 

And  how  his  sones*  /  had  hym  in  despit1,  1000 

And  of  disdeyn  /  tok  of  hym  no  kepe. 

And  bookes  seyn  /  his  eyen  out1  he  wepe. 

He  now  finds 
that  Jocasta 
is  his  mother 
as  well  as  his 

Both  sorrow. 

976.  waye  Bo.  way  M.  Adj.  to  ke  Ar.  978.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  Adlt  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.  P.  979.  kept  Bo.  Adj.  kepte  M.  980.  And]  An 
Ar.  how]  om.  Du.  981.  layus  Ar.  982.  towardes  Bo.  towardis  Du. 
towardus  Adj.  toward  M.  ful]  fal  Ar.  983.  that]  ban  Bo.  Tr  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ado..  I.  Ej.  S.  P.  om.  G.  984.  fynden  Bo.  Adj.  tinde  M.  985. 
Which]  For  whiche  Lb.  (from  986)  vnto]  to  C.  to  om.  in  all  AISS.  except  Ar. 
G.  Lo.  Ap.  wexe]  wex  Ar.  G.  Du.  Lj.  L,.  Ap.  wixe  Lb.  waxe  M.  Ra.  C.  To. 
wax  Ba.  couth]  vncouth  La.  986.  grene]  gret  Ad.2.  I.  988.  in  Ar.  a  pause- 
bar  also  between  was  and  both.  989.  that  al]  al  that  G.  990.  hem  Bo.  Adj. 
ham  Ar.  them  Ra.  newe  Bo.  new  M.  Adj.  992.  jif  I  shulde]  yff  that  I  shall 
Ad.2. 1.  shulde  Bo.  sholde  Adj.  shold  M.  993.  wolde  Bo.  wold  M.  woold 
Adj.  994.  reden  Bo.  M.  Adj.  997.  and]  and  wel  Ad2.  I.  999.  and  his]  and 
Adj.  Ad^  I.  1000.  how]  om.  Bo.  sonnes  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Ba.  P.  E.2.  L^.  Ap. 
soues  Tj.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  C.  T.2.  soones  Lb.  in]  om.  G.  1002.  And]  And  as  Du. 

PT.  I.]  Now  Edippus  died  mad,  &  his  corpse  was  cast  into  a  Pit.  43 

And  as  myn  auctozw  liketh  to  devise, 
As  his  sones  rebuke  hym  and  dispise,  1004 

Vpon  a  day  /  in  a  certeyn  place 
Out1  of  his  hede  /  his  eye'n  he  gan  race, 
And  Cast1  at1  hem  /,  he  can  non  other  bote, 
And  of  malice  /  they  trad  hem  vnder  fote,  1008 

Fully  devoide  /  both  of  loue  and  drede. 

And  whan  Edippus  /  for  meschief  was  thus  dede, 
with-Inne  a  pytte  /  made  in  the  erthe*  lowe, 
Of  cruelte  /  his  sones  /  han  hym  throwe,  1012 

"Wers*  than  serpent*  /  or  eny  tigre  wood?. 
Of  Cursid  stok  /  cometh  vnkynde  bloocfe, 
As  in  story  /  30  may  rede  her  to-forn ; 
Al  be  the  Roose*  /  grow  /  out1  of  a  thorn.  1016 

Thus  of  Edippus  /,  whan  he  was  blynd*  and  oldf, 
The  wrecched  ende  /  I  haue*  jou  pleynly  tolcP. 

For  which  shortly  /  to  man  and  child  I  rede 
To  be  wel  war  /  and  to  taken  hede  1020 

11  Of  kyndely  ri^t*  /  and  of  conscience 
To  do  honur1*  //  and  due*  reuerence 
To  fader  and*  moder  /  of  what  estat  thei  be, 
Or  certeyn  /  ellis  /  they  slml  neuere  the.  1024 

1004.  As]  and  as  M.  (from  1003).  That  Di.  his]  om.  M.  sonnes  Bo.  soones 
Lb.  hym]  om.  Ap.  1007.  can]  cowde  Ad2.  I.  1009.  devoide  Bo.  Lb.  M. 
devoyd  AdP  Ka.  1010.  was  thus]  thus  was  M.  Di.  Ra^Ba.  P.  thus]  om.  Adj. 
Ad.2.  I.  1011.  made]  om.  Lb.  the]  om.  Di.  erthe  Ta.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  erth  Ar. 
Bp.  Du.  Within  be  erthe  a  pitte  made  full  lowe  Lj.  1013.  Wers  Adj.  Ra.  L.,. 
Ap.  Wors  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  Wars  Du.  Ba.  Werre  Ar.  G.  Ej. 
Were  Bo.  Wer  Tj.  Wer  wors  Ad2.  I.  than]  than  a  Lb.  P.  than  any  Ba.  or 
eny]  or  Ba.  S.  1014.  vnkynde  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1015.  her]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 

1016.  rose  M.  Adx.     Roos  Ar.  Bo.     Roose  G.     a]  the  G.         1017 — 1142  gap  in  C. 

1017.  of]  o?3i.  Lj.     blynd  and]  om.  Di.  S.     whan  ....  old]  ])at  was  so  bolde  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.         1018.  haue  Bo.  Tlt  Lb.  JVI.  Ada.     ha  Ar.     }ou]  om.  Bo.  Di.     pleynly] 
om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ap.         1020.  wel]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.     taken  Bo.  M.  Adj.     In  Ra. 
and  Ba.  II.  1017 — 1020  are  very  much  altered,  thus: 

Thus  I  haue  rehersid  al  the  caas  1017 

Off  Edippus  whens  that  he  was  1018 

And  the  wrechid  end  wherfore  that  I  rede  1019 

Every  (eny  Ba.)  man  and  child  be  war  and  take  hede  Ra.  1020 

1021.  and  of]  and  Ad2.  I.         1022.  honur]  nur  (misivritten)  Ar.     due  M.  Ada. 

dewe  Bo.     diwe  Lb.     dieu  Ar.     dew  G.     om.  Ra.  Ba.         1023.  and]  om.  Ar.  G. 

Ap.     of]  om.  Ra.  Ba.     estat]  of  state  G.          1024.  certeyn]  certenly  Lb.  Ej.  G. 

ellis]  om.  Ba.     certeyn  ellis]  elles  certein  Ad:.  Ad,.  I.  Ra.  S.     shul  Ar.  Bo.  Du. 

Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.      shulen  Tj.      shall  Lv  Ad2.  S".  P.  Lg.     shuld  G.     sholde  Ex. 

the]  I-the  Lb.  Adj.  Ba.  S. 

and  tore  his  eyes 

and  how  his 
corpse  was 
thrown  into  a  pit 
by  his  sons. 

From  cursed 
stock  comes  un- 
natural child. 

*\  How  every 
man  oght  of 
dieute  to  do 
reuerence  to 
Fader  and 
•f  Or  ellis  ther 
wil  folowe 
[leaf  17,  back] 

44        Ills  of  not  honouring  Parents.    Blean  Hill  and  Vale.  [FT.  I. 

For  who  that*  is  not*  to  hem  debonayr 

In  spech",  in  port1  /  for  to  trete  hem  fair, 

Hem  to  obeye  /  in  honeste  and  drede, 

And  to  cherissfr*  /  of  what  they  han  nede,  1028 

I  dar  afferme  /  exceptyng*  non  astatf, 

That  he  shall  first1  be  infortunatt 

In  alle  his  werk  /  both  on  see  and  lond?, 

And  of  what*  thyng*  that*  he  take  on  hond*  1032 

Fortune  fro  ward  /  to  hym  and  contrayre*, 

Waast**  of  his  good  /,  pleynly  and  appaire, 

Fynde  plente  /  of  contek  /  werre,  and  striff, 

Vnhappy  ende  /  and  shortnesse  of  liff,  1036 

And  gracelees  /  of  what1  he  hath  to*  do, 

Hatrede  of  god  /  and  of  man  also. 

IF  Therfor  no  man  /  be  herof  rekkelees,* 
But1  make  }oure  mjiozir  of  Ethiocles  1040 

And  his  brother  /  called  Polymyte, 
Which  in  such  thyng1  /  gretly*  were  to  wite, 
As  30  shal  here  /  of  hem  how  it  fil. 

And  whan  we  ben  /  descendid  doune  this  hil  1044 

And  ypassed  /  her  /  the  lowe  vale, 
I  shal  begynne  the  remnant*  of  my  tale. 

IF  Explicit  Prima  pars  istius  Codicilli. 
1F  Incipit  Secunda  Pars  Eiusdem. 
Secunda  pars. 

1028.  And]  And  nem  P.  E2.  cherisshe  Tj.  Lb.  M.  cherish  Bo.  Du.  Lr  Ad2. 
T2.  cherssh  Ar.  G.  Adj.  S.  of]  hem  of  Lx.  nede]  drede  Lj.  (from  1027). 
1031.  werk]  werkus  Lb.  on]  on  >e  G.  in  Lb.  1032.  of]  after  AI.  Di.  thyng] 
om.  P.  that]  om.  G.  Ad2.  I.  P.  he]  am.  G.  take]  taketh  G.  ^  P.  on]  in  S. 
1033.  Fortune  froward]  For  the  tyme  forward  E2.  to  hym  and]  and  to  hym  Ej. 
contrayre  Lb.  Ej.  P.  E2.  1^.  contrarye  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest,  except  S.,  that  has 
congye.  1034.  Waast]  Wayst  Ar.  G.  good]  godis  Lx.  K2.  and]  om.  Bo. 
pleynly  and  appaire]  plenty  and  appaye  S.  1035.  fynde  Bo.  AI.  Adj.  1037. 
to  do]  at  do  Ar.  G.  a  do  T2.  a  doo  Ap.  addo  P.  he  hath  to  do]  that  he  ha]>e 
do  1,3.  1038.  HadredeAr.  Hatered  Bo.  Hatred  AI.  Adr  hated  Di.  1039. 
Therfor]  Ther  of  G.  reklees  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Lj.  Lb.  T2.  reklesse  Ra.  rekeles  Tj.  Du. 
1^.  reccheles  M.  Di.  1042.  thyng]  thinges  E2.  caas  Lb.  gretly]  gretlich  Ar. 
were]  was  Lb.  gretly  were]  wer  gretly  Ra.  Ba.  P.  1043.  3e]  he  G.  here  Ar. 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  hire  Lb.  fil  Bo.  Adj.  felle  Lb.  fel  M.  fell  (:helle) 
Ra.  1044.  And]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ba.  T2.  P.  descendid]  con- 
descended G.  this]  >e  Bo.  M.  Di.  Ad,,.  I.  G.  of  this  S.  1045.  ypassed]  epassid 
La.  passed  T\.  Ao^.  I.  the]  this  M.  P.  lowe  Bo.  AI.  Adj.  Ra. 

They  who  don't 
honour  parents, 

shall  end  badly. 

Let  no  man  be 
reckless ; 
but  be  you  warnd 
by  Edippus's 

When  we're  out 
of  Blean  Vale, 
I'll  go  on  with 
my  Tale. 

PT.  II.]         After  Boughton,  the  Tale  goes  on.  45 

Secunda  Pars.  [leans 

Assed  the  throp  /  of1  Bowtotw  on  be  ble,  when  we'd  past 


By  my  chilyndre  /  I  gan  anon  to  se, 
Thorgh  be  sonne  /  bat  ful  cler  gan  shyne, 
Of  be  clok  that1  it  drogh  to  nyne  ;  jj^  near 

And  saugh"  also  be  siluer  dropes  shene 
Of  be  dewe  /  lich  peeHys*  /  on  be  grene,     1052 
Vapoured  vp  in-to  the  eire*  alofte, 
whan  zephyrus  /  with  his  blowing1  softe 
be  wedere  made  lusty  /  smoth  /  and  feir, 
And  right*  attempt  /  was  the  hoolsom  eir*;  1056 

The  same  hour  /  aft  the  hoole*  Eoute  A1jthe  Pilgrims 

'  rode  round  me 

Of  the  pylgrymes  /  rydyng1  round?  aboute,  wKyTale.011 

In  my  tale  /  whan  I  gan  procede, 

Eehercyng1  forth  /  as  it  was  in  dede,  1060 

Whan  Edippus  /  buryed  was  and  graue,  £"<*  Edippus's 

How  his  sones  /  the  kyngdam  for  to  haue, 

,  -,  -1 /.   /i       o  i  ,    i  i     .  his  sons  strove 

Among1  hem-sill  /  be  iul  mortal  hate  for  the  Crown. 

1047.  throp]  thorpe  LT.  Ej.  Boughton  Bo.  Boughten  P.  Broughton  E2. 
Loughton  Ba.  on  be]  of  be  Tj.  vnder  be  Lx.  Ad^.  I.  vppon  P.  -  1048. 
chilyndre]  chelandir  Ad2. 1.  chiklern  Ex.  childryn  L2.  chalandre  Ra.  kalendar 
Ba.  kalender  E2.  anon]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  1050.  clok  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adi.  Ra.  Ej.  T2. 
P.  Lo.  clook  Lb.  clokke  G.  clocke  Du.  Di.  E2.  that]  om.  L2.  to]  toward  Ra. 
1051.  And]  An  Ar.  also]  all  Ba.  J>e]  of  T2.  P.  L2.  as  E2.  shene]  shyne  Lj.  and 
T2  (:  grene  ;  see  1049).  shynne  Ra  (:  greene).  1052.  Of]  And  Lb.  lich]  like 
the  Lb.  perelys  Ar.  perleys  G.  pereles  P.  Ap.  peerles  Bo.  perles  Adj. 
1053.  eier  Bo.  ayr  Adj.  heire  Ar.  1055.  lusty  smoth]  smothe  lusti  Adj.  Ad2. 
1055.  om.  I.  1056.  attempre]  attemperyd  Du.  attempred  E:.  hoolsom]  om. 
Lb.  aire  Bo.  air  Adj.  heir  Ar.  1057.  hoole  Bo.  hool  Ar.  Adi.  1061 — 
1172  lost  in  Tj.  1063.  be  ful  Ar.  G.  Lj.  P.  by  full  T2.  E2.  Ap.  by  fell  1^.  by 
full  of  Ej.  bee  ful  of  Bo.  Du.  Lb  (ben).  M  (ben).  Di  (bene).  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 

46         Edipiws's  Sons,  Eteocles  and  Polyneices,  quarrel.     [PT.  n. 

Each  lookt  to 
his  own  interest 

Neither  of 
Edippus's  sons 
would  give  way 
to  the  other, 
[leaf  18,  back] 

so  the  citizens 
of  Thebes 
settled  that  the 

elder,  Eteocles, 

For  the  crowne  /  go?me  to  debate  1064 

which  of  hem  /  lustly  /  shal  succede, 

And  the  Sceptre  /  of  the  toune  possede ; 

Advertyng  nought1  /  neither  to  right1  ne  wronge, 

But1  eche  of  hem  /  to  make  her  partie  stronge,  1068 

And  his  querele  /  proudely  to  sustene  : 

From  whoos  herte's  /  was  devoyded*  clene 

Of  brotherhode  /  the  faithful  alliaunce. 

Fals  Couetise  /  so  made  hem  at  distance,  1072 

Fully  worchyng1  into  destructions 

And  Euyne  /  of  this  noble  touii. 

So  hoote  brente  the  hatred  and  envie 

Of  bothe  two  /  thorgh  pompous  Surquedye,  1076 

That1  nowther  wolde*  /  pleynly  in  a  poynf 

Other  forbern*  /,  they  stod  in  such  disioynte 

as  thow*  they  hadde  /  of  berthe*  be  foreyns. 

Tyl  of  the  toune  /  the  noble  Citezeyns,  1080 

knyghtes,  Barounes  /  with  many  wor)>i  lord, 

Shope  a  way  /  to  niak1  hem  of  accord, 

And  to  set*  hem  /  in  quyete  /  and  in  pees. 

But1  for  his  part1  /  this  Ethiocles  1084 

Alegge  gan  that1  he  was  first  yborii ; 

1064.  For]  And  for  Bo.  Lv  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ea.  Ba.  S.  gonne  Ar.  Bo. 
Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad:.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E1%  T2.  P.  E^.  gau  Lx.  Ad2.  S.  Ap.  they  gon  1^. 
to]  for  to  S.  P.  £3.  om.  Bo.  Ba.  debate]  bate  Ra.  1067.  Advertyng]  "Hautyng 
or  Hantyng  Ra.  Ba.  nought  Bo.  not  M.  Di.  nat  Ra.  Ba.  neither  to  r.  ne  Ar. 
G.  Bo.  LI.  Lb.  Adj.  S.  P.  E2.  neither  to  r.  nor  Ra.  Ad2.  I.  neibre  to  r.  no  Du. 
neither  to  r.  ne  to  Ba.  nother  to  r.  ne  Ej.  nothyr  to  r.  nor  Ap.  no)>er  r.  ne'  L^. 
to  r.  neither  to  M.  Di.  to  r.  nor  to  T2.  1069.  querele  Ar.  G.  quarel  Bo.  Lb. 
M.  Adj.  Ra.  quarell  Du.  T2.  1070.  devoyded]  devoyden  Ar.  1073.  worchyng 
Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  werchyng  Eg.  werkyng  Lv  Ra.  T2.  1075.  hoot  Bo. 
1076.  bothe  Bo.  1077.  nowther  T2.  neither  Bo.  Lb.  Adi-  Ra.  wolde  Bo. 
Lb.  wold  Ar.  Adj.  Ra.  a]  o  M.  Di.  Ra.  T2.  noo  Ba.  1^.  1078.  forbern] 
forborn  (miswritten)  Ar.  for  ber  G.  1079.  As  though  Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Di.  how  as  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Ej.  S.  Though  as  Lj.  lik  as  T«.  P.  E2.  L.2.  Ap. 
berthe  Du.  birthe  M.  Ra.  berth  Ar.  Adj.  birth  Bo.  T2.  of  berthe  be]  be  of 
birthe  M.  Di.  1080.  Citezeyns  Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  Citefeyns  Adj.  S.  Citezens  T2. 
Cetezens  1^.  1081.  many  Bo.  M.  many  a  Adj.  1082.  Shope  Ar.  G.  Bo. 
Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  Eg.  Lt.  shop  Adx.  Ad2.  Shupe  Du.  Shopen  M.  Di. 
Shape  Ap.  mak  hem  of  accord]  make  hem  at  accord  Di.  Ad2.  I.  M  (at  o  corde). 
make  hem  a  cord  Bo.  P  (accorde).  1085.  Alegge  gan]  Gan  alegge  Lx.  Alegge 
can  S.  I^.  first]  om.  Du.  yborn  Ar.  G.  Ad^.  I.  I^.  Ap.  born  Bo.  Adj.  aiid  all 
the  rest. 

PT  II.]       Eteodes,  as  the  elder,  is  to  be  croumd  first. 


For  which  he  oghtf  of  resouw  go  to-forn 
In  the  Cite  /  to  be  crowned  kyng1, 
Sith  be  lawe  /  ther  was  no  lettyng*. 
For  vnto  hym  /  longeth  /  the  heritage 
Be  discentt  /  and  be  title  of  age. 

But1  poly  my  te  /  of  ful  hegh  discleyn, 
Al  opynly  gaii  replie  ageyn 
And  for  his  part1  /  seide,  in  special, 
Eeson  was  non  /  that1  he  shuld  haue  alle 
Eegaly  and  domynacioun, 
And  the  lordship  hooly  of  the  toun, 
And  he  right1  nought1  /,  out  of  the  Cyte 
But*  lyve  in  exile  /  and  in  pouerte, 
Ful  concludyng1,  with-oute  feer  and  dred, 
Eather  than  suffre  that  /,  he  wil  be  ded. 
And  thus,  alias  /  thorgh  her  envious  strif , 
At1  the  ende  /  euerich  loste  his  lif, 
At1  gret1  mischief  /  as  30  shal  after  here. 

But1  thylke  tyme  the  lordes  al  yfere 
Ful  bysily  did  her  dyligence, 
By  gret1  avis  /  and  ful  high  prudence, 
To  setten  hem  in  quyete  and  in  Eeste ; 
Conseylyng1  hem  pleynly  for  the  beste, 
To  leve  her  strif  /  of  wisdam  and  resoun, 
And  condescende  /  to  some  conclusions 

should  be 

1088    IThecontro- 
uercy  of  the 

But  the  younger, 



said  he'd  sooner 

die  than  let  his 

1100    brother  have  all 

In  the  end,  each 
kild  the  other. 



[leaf  19] 

1086.  For  which]  Wherfore  M.  Di.  T^  of  resoun]  of  rejt  Bo.  he  oght  of 
resoun]  of  reason  he  oughte  Ej.  Ad.2.  I.  M.  Di.  Adx  (om.  he),  go]  to  go  G.  Lj.  S. 
Lg.  Ap.  to-forn]  be-forn  Lj.  forn  S.  L2.  Off  which  a  resoun  he  aughte  go  aforn  P. 
1087.  crowned]  crownyng  Bo.  1090.  be  title]  be  om.  Adx.  Ad,.  I.  1092.  gan] 
gan  to  M.  Di.  T2.  P.  1^.  1094.  that  om.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  he]  W  Bo.  one  Du. 
shuld  Ar.  Adj.  Ea.  shulde  Lx.  Lb.  shol  Bo.  shul  Du.  1095.  Regaly]  Bo  the 
regalye  T2.  P.  E2.  Te  Regayle  LI.  Regalite  Ad2.  and]  and  eke  M.  Di.  and  the 
T2.  1098.  But]  om.  Ar.  G.  Er  1^.  Ap.  lyve]  life  Ba.  secoiid  in]  om.  Ra. 
1099.  Ful]  fully  Lj.  om.  P.  E2.  with-oute  Bo.  and]  or  P.  drede  Ar  (with  final 
e  under •dotted).  1100.  in  Ar.  a  pause-bar  also  between  suffre  and  that.  1102. 
At  the  ende  Ar.  G.  Du.  Atte  the  ende  Ra.  atte  ende  Bo.  Adj.  T2.  at  thende 
Lb.  att  end  Ba.  at  ende  M.  Di.  euerich]  eche  Bo.  eueryche  of  hem  Lj.  lost 
Bo.  loost  Lb.  1104.  thilke  Bo.  Adt.  thilk  M.  in  feere  Bo.  in  fere  G. 
y-fere  M.  I-fere  Adx.  1105.  besily  Bo.  T2.  bisili  Adt.  did  Ar.  Bo.  diden 
M.  Di.  Ad2.  S.  dede  T2.  deden  Adj.  I.  1106.  and]  of  EL  high]  om.  Bo. 
Du.  Lj.  1107.  setten  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ad^  Ra.  sett  Lj.  Lb.  T2.  hem]  om.  Bo. 
rest  Bo  ( 

48       Each  Brother  is  to  reign  for  one  year  alternately.  [PT.  n. 

The  Theban 
lords  get  them 
to  agree  that 
each  brother 

shall  reign  for 
a  year; 

and  while  one 


the  other  shall 

go  away  and  do 

warlike  deeds. 

"Which  to  bothe  *  /  myghte  most*  availe ; 
That1  fynaly  /  thorgh  her  gouernaile,  1112 

The  lordes  alle  /  beyng<  tho  present1, 
They  han  hem  broghtt  /  to  be  of  on  assent1, 
Of  on  hert  /  as  brother  vnto  brother, 
Euerich  of  hem  /  to  regnen*  after  other,  1116 

^eer  be  ^eer  /  as  if  cam  aboute, 
So  that  the  ton  /  shal  absent1  hym  oute 
Fully  that  ^eer,  and  hym-siluen  *  guye 
Be  his  manhode  /  and  his  chyualrye,  1120 

f  The  conuencion  haunte  hvm-self  /  in  Dedys  marcyal : 

of  the  breberen.  * 

whil  his  brother  /  in  his  See  Royal 

Holdeth  his  sceptre  /  the  Cite  to  gouerne ; 

And  whan  the  }eer  /  his  cours  hab  rowne  3erne  1124 

And  is  come  out*  /,  he  shal  haue*  repair 

To  Regne  in  Thebes  /  lik  as  lord?  and  hair, 

There  to  receyue  /  fully  his  dignyte ; 

whil  the  tother  voideth  the  Cite,  1128 

Paciently  /  taking1  his  auenture 

Til*  he  ageyn  /  his  honure  may  recure. 

Thus  entrechaunge  euery  $ere  they  shal : 
The  ton  ascendeth*  /  that1  other  haj?  a  fal.  1132 

They  most  obeye  of  hert1  /  and  take  it  we], 
lich"  as  the  tourn  /  resortej?  of  the  whel. 
For  this  was  hool  /  the  composiciou?i 
Both  Eteocies      A-twene  the  bretheren  /  and  conuencioura,  1136 

1111.  bothe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  both  Ar.  Du.  Lb.  Ra.  T2.  myght  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra. 
om.  G.  myghte  most]  most  myght  M.  Di.  T2.  1112.  thorg  Ar.  1113.  alle 
Bo.  M.  Adi.  tho]  ther  I.  1116.  regne  Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Ra.  rengne  Adi. 
1117.  Jeer]  There  Lb.  cam]  comeM.  T2.  cometh  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E2.  1119.  Fully] 
Full  Lb.  hym-siluen  cp.  710.  hym-silf  Ar.  Bo.  Ad^  hymsilfe  Ra.  Ex.  guye  Ar. 
Ra.  T2.  gye  Bo.  Adj.  1120.  and  liis]  and  (his  om.)  Bo.  1121.  Dedye  Ar. 
marcyal]  mercial  Bo.  Du.  1122.  while  Bo.  M.  Adi.  1124.  Jeer  his]  yeres 
T2.  his  cours  hab  ronne]  hath  ronne  his  cours  M.  Di.  3erne]  om.  P  (ronne : 
governe).  1125.  is]  om.  Lb.  is  come  out]  is  ended  Adj.  Ad2.  1.  ha  Ar.  haue 
Bo.  M.  han  Adj.  1128.  whil  Ar.  while  Bo.  M.  Adj.  whyle  that  E3.  the 
tother  Ar.  T2.  Ap.  bat  other  Bo.  M.  Ad^  Ra.  the  other  Ej.  L2.  his  brother  Lj. 
voideth]  avoydith  P.  1130.  Til]  To  Ar.  1131.  Thus]  This  Lb.  entrechaunge 
all  the  MSS.,  except  entrechaunginge  Lb.  Di.  P.  1132.  the  ton  Ar.  G.  P.  L2. 
Ro.  Ap.  bat  oon  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adn.  Ra.  T2.  ascendeth]  descendeth  Ar.  ascende  P. 
Ro.  that  other  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  Ap.  the  other  G.  the  tothir  P.  L2. 
Ro.  hab]  hadde  Di.  haue  P.  1136.  A-twene  Ar.  T2.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  And  twene 
G.  Bitwene  Bo.  M.  Ad^  Ra.  and]  and  be  Du.  Ra.  L2.  Ro. 

They  shall 
change  yearly. 

PT.  II.] 

Polyneices  rides  from  Thebes. 


[leaf  19,  back] 

But  Eteocles  is 
to  reign  first. 

Ful  knet1  vp  /  be  gref  avisenient1, 

To-for  the  goddys  /  be  oth  of  sacrament1, 

J^euer  after  to  groche*  lie  to  varye, 

But1  a-complissfren.  Shortly  /  and  not  tarye,  1140 

lich  as  thaccord  /  enrolled  in  the  toune, 

From  poynt1  to  poynt1  /  made  menciouw. 

But1  alderfirst1  /  be  reson  of  his  age, 

Ethyocles  /  hadde  thauau?itage  1144 

To  regne  aforn  /  and  to  were  a  croune, 
Polymyte  /  hym  hastyng  out1  of  toune 
Duryng1  that  3eer  /,  it1  may  non  other  be, 
Whil  his  brother  /sat1  in  his  Eoyal  See  1148 

Ful  richely  vpoii  fortunes  wheel ; 
And  rode  hym  forth  /  armed  brijt  in  stele, 
This  Polymyte  /  sothly  as  I  rede, 
Hym-silf  allone  /  on  a  Ryal  Stede, 
With-oute  guyde  /  al  the  longe  day, 
Beyng1  aferd  /  to  kepe  the  heghe*  way, 
In  his  herte  /  hauyng1  suspecioure 
To  his  brother  /  of  malice  and  tresouw,  1156 

lest1  he  pz^rsued  /  thorgh  fals  vnkynde*  blood 
To  haue  hym  ded  /  for  couetise  of  good, 
That  he  allon  /  myghf  haue*  possessions 

1137.  be]  with  G.  gret]  full  Ad2.  I.  1139.  groch  Ar.  gruch  Lb.  grucche 
Bo.  M.  gmchche  Adj.  grutche  Ej.  a  pause-bar  in  Ar.  before  ne.  1140. 
a  complisshen  Bo.  Ra.  tacomplisshen  M.  Adx.  to  complisshen  Di.  in  Lb. 
a  written,  complisshen  omitted,  with  blank  space  left  for  it.  Shortly]  om.  Adj.  Ad^ 
I.  1141.  as]  om.  P.  Ro.  as  thaccord]  to  accorde  Ad2.  I.  enrolled]  envolvid 
Ad2.  1142.  From  Ar.  Du.  Adj.  Ra.  Fro  Bo.  Lb.  M.  made]  maked  M.  Di. 
as  made  ys  P.  Ro.  S  (as  added  above  the  line).  1144.  hadde  thauauntage  Ar. 
hadde  the  auauntage  Di.  T2.  Ro.  had  thauauntage  Bo.  M.  had  the  auauntage  C. 
P.  had  J>e  vauntage  Lv  L2.  had  tho  the  Avauntage  Ba  (in  Ra.  the  later  hand  has 
scrawled  some  indistinct  letters  over  tho).  had  tho  thauauntage  Adr  S.  had  ther 
to  avauntage  Ad2.  I.  1145.  to  were]  to  bere  Lb.  Ba.  to]  om.  E2.  a  crowne]  be 
crowne  L^  Lb.  M.  Di.  I.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ro.  1146.  hym  hastyng]  haastyng 
him  Bo.  Du.  La.  Lb.  E^  him]  om.  S.  1148.  second  his]  ofm.  G.  1149.  richely 
M.  Adj.  richly  Bo.  1150.  armed  brijt]  bright  armyd  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  in]  as 
G.  1151.  This]  Thus  Ra.  So  M.  Di.  1152.  allone  Du.  AdP  alloon  Bo. 
rial  M.  roial  Bo.  Adx.  1153.  long  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1154.  hegh  Ar.  hye  Bo. 
M.  Adj.  hihe  Ra.  1157.  pursued]  pursue  C.  E2.  be  pursued  L\.  borgh]ofC. 
fals]  his  fals  Bo.  Du.  1^.  Ej.  his  M.  Di.  Ada.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  fals  and  E2. 
vnkynde  Bo.  M.  Ra.  vnkynd  Ar.  Adi.  (in  Ra. ,  by  the  later  hand,  vnkynde  is  crossed 
out  and  vnnaturall  written  above  the  line).  1159.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adv  ha  Ar. 

So  Polyneices 
rides  out  of 



Polyneices  comes  to  a  Forest  ly  the  Sea.          [PT.  II. 

to  a  forest  by 
the  sea, 

fuU  of  wild 

[leaf  20] 

A  tempest  rises ; 

the  rain  pours 

Duryng*  his  lif  /  fully  of  the  touii.  1 160 

For  which  in  hast*  /,  havyng*  no  felawe, 

Polymyte  a-side  gan  hym  drawe 

By  a  forest1  /  loynyng  to  the  See, 

knowyng*  right*  nought1  the  syyt  of  the  contre,  1164 

Ful  of  Mile's  /  and  of  hegh  mounteyns, 

Craggy  Eoches  /  and  but*  fewe  playns, 

wonder  dredful  and  lothsom  of  passage, 

And  ther-with-al  /  ful  of  beestis  rage ;  1168 

holdyng*  his  way  of  herte'*  no  thyng*  light*, 

Maat*  and  wery  /  til*  it*  drowe  to  nyghtf. 

And  al  the  day  /  beholdyng*  enviroun, 
He  neyther  saugfi.  castel,  toure,  ne  touw ;  1172 

The  whiche  J)ing*  /  greued  hym  ful  sore. 
And  sodeynly  /  the  se  began  to  Eore, 
wynde  and  tempest*  /  hidously  tarise. 
The  Eeyn  doune  bete  /  in  ful  grisly  wise,  1176 

That*  man  and  beesf  /  therof  were  adrad, 
And  negh  for  fere*  /  gan  to  wexe  mad, 
As  it  sempte  /  by  the  wooful  sownes 
Of  Tygres  /  here's  /  boore's  /  and  lyounes,  1180 

which  for  refut*  /  hem-silue  *  forto  saue, 
Euerich  in  hast*  /  drogh  vnto  his  Caue. 

But*  Polymyte  /  in  this  tempest*  huge, 
Alias  the  while*  /  fyndeth  no  refuge,  1184 

1161.  haast  Bo.  hast  M.  haste  Adj.  1162.  drawe]  to  drawe  M.  DL  with- 
drawe  C.  T2.  E2.  1164.  syyt  Adj.  cyet  Bo.  Du.  M.  the]  >at  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
1165.  hegh  Ar.  hye  Bo.  1166.  Craggy]  Cracchy  Ad2.  I.  roches]  roges  M. 
Di.  fewe  Bo.  M.  Adi.  1169.  herte  Adj.  Du.  hert  Ar.  Bo.  M.  1170.  til] 
to  Ar.  G.  drowe  Bo.  Lb.  drouh  Ra.  drew  Adx.  T2.  1171.  al  the  day] 
alway  Bo.  1173.  whiche  Bo.  Du.  M.  which  Tj.  Adj.  greued]  greueth  E2. 
ful]  om.  Lb.  right  Adi.  T2.  1174.  began]  gan  Bo.  Ba.  1175.  hidously] 
sodeinly  Di  (cp.  1174).  tarise  Ar.  E2.  to  arise  Bo.  TI.  Adj.  Ra.  toryseP.  ganne 
ryse  Lb.  1176.  grisly]  grevous  Ad2.  I.  1177.  man  and  beest]  many  a 
beste  Eg.  were  Ar.  L2.  Ho.  om.  Tj.  was  all  the  rest,  adrad]  drad  Ra.  Ba.  C. 
1178.  fer  Ar.  feer  Bo.  fere  M.  Adi.  to]  om.  M.  Di.  waxe  Bo.  M.  wex 
Adj.  wax  Du.  1179.  semyd  Bo.  M.  Adi.  1180.  Of]  As  Di  (cp.  1179). 
1181.  refut]  resku  LT.  fortune  P.  hem-silue  Lb.  hem-selfe  Lj.  EI.  Ap. 
hem-silf  Ar.  T2.  hem-self  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adi.  forto]  to  Ra.  Ba.  1182.  haast 
Bo.  hast  Du.  haste  Ad^  1183.  P  underdotted,  before  But  Ar:  1184.  while 
Bo.  M.  Adi.  whil  Ar. 

Polyneices  comes  to  Argos,  whose  King  Adrastus  has  2  Daughters.    51 

Nor  hym  to  schrowde  /  saugh  nowher  no  socour 

Til  if  was  passed  /  almost1  mydnyght  hour 

A  large  space  /  that1  the  sterres  clere, 

The  clowdes  voyde  /,  in  heuene  did  appere ; 

So  that1  this  knyghtf  /  out*  of  the  forest1  large 

Gan  approchen  /  to  the  londe  of  arge, 

Seyng  a  palays  myghty  of  beeldyng1, 

Of  which  Adrastus  /  called  was  the  kyng*, 
A  manly  man  /  riche  and  wonder  sage, 
And  ronne  was  /  somdel  /  into  -age, 
Born  of  the  He  /  which  called  is  Chysoim, 
And  whylom  sone  /  of  the  kyng*  Chalowra ; 
And  for  his  witt1  /,  in  story  as  is  koutfi, 
he  chosen  was  /  in  his  tendre  jouth, 
Of  alle  Arge  /  to  be  crowned  kyng1, 
Chief  of  alle  Grece  /  by  record  of  wryting1, 
Not  be  dissent1  /  nor  succession?*, 
But1  al  only  /  of  fre  eleccioim 
To*  holde  of  Arge  /  the  sceptre  in  his  hond, 
As  most*  worthy  /  of  alle*  grekes  lond, 
loued  and  drad  /  for  wisdam  and  Justice. 

And  as  the  story  /  pleynly  can  devise, 
This  worthy  kyng1  hadde  doghtres  two, 

Near  midnight 
the  clouds  oleai 


IT  How  Poly- 
mytes  cam  into 
the  lond  of 

1192    Adrastus  is  king 
of  Argos, 



[leaf  20,  back] 


and  has  2  fair 

1185.  Nor]  Ne  C.  P.  saugh]  safe  Ad2.  nowher]  nothir  Ba.  om.  Ad2.  no]  om. 
Du.  Adj.  Ba.  P.  nor  Ad2.  I.  1186.  was]  om.  Du.  mydnygh  Ar.  1188. 
clowdes]  cloude  Du.  voyd'e  Bo.  void  Adj.  1190.  approchen  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
the](wi.  G.  londe]  longG.  1191.  beldingAdi-  byldyng  Bo.  1192.  the]  om. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1193.  riche]  wis  Adi.  Ad^  I.  1195.  which]  J>at  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx. 
Lb.  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  om.  P.  called]  I-called  P.  is]  om.  P.  was  I. 
Chysoun  Ar.  G.  T2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  Chifon  C.  P.  E^  Clysoun  Bo.  TL  Du.  L:.  Lb.  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  EL  S.  Elisoun  I.  1196.  whylom]  som  tyme  C.  T2.  E2.  L2. 
Ro.  om.  P.  sone]  )>e  son  Bo.  of]  to  T2.  P.  vnto  Ad9.  I.  the]  om.  Lb.  Adi.  Ad0.  I. 
Chaloun]  Claloun  Ad2.  Thalon  Ra.  Caloun  Ba.  called  Cholon  P.  1197.  And 
for  his  witt]  And  is  writyn  Ra.  Ba.  in  story]  om.  Ad.,.  I.  is]  it  is  Lx.  M.  Di.-Adi. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  Ap.  kouth]  couthen  Ad.,.  I.  "l200.  alle]  om.  G.  1201. 
Not]  Nor  Bo.  TI.  L:.  M.  Di.  Adi.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  nothir  Ad2.  I.  nor]  ne  Bo. 
Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  P.  nother  LI.  successioun]  by  s.  Ba.  Ad2.  I.  P. 
1203.  To  holde  G.  Bo.  T:.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  A2.  I.  Be  holde  Ar.  EL  S.  He 
helde  C.  T2  (miswritten  helge).  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  Heeld  Ra  (he  added  after 
Heeld  above  the  line).  Ba.  in  his  hond]  and  the  Croune  P  (a  different  hand  has 
added  and  Towne  with  paler  ink  at  the  end  of  1204).  1204.  As]  And  G. 

of  alle]  in  all  (om.  the)  Ad.2.   I.     of  alle  the  Ar.      of  the   (om.   alle)   L2.   Ro. 
1207.  had  Bo.  M.  Ad:. 


H  Deyphyle(and) 
U  Adrastus 

but  no  son. 

Adrastus  hopes 
to  marry  his 
daughters  well. 

IF  The  drem  of 
kyng  Adrastus 
of  A  bor  and  A 

But  he  dreams 

that  a  wild  Boar 
and  a  Lion  shall 
wed  them. 

[leaf  21] 

Adrastns  dreams  of  his  two  Sons-in-law.          [PT.  n. 

Passyng*  fair  /  and  right1  good  also.  1208 

It  were  to  longe  /  her  beaute  to  discryve. 

And  the  eldest*  /  called  was  Argyve, 

Deyfyle  ynamed  the  seconds.  . 

And  Adrastus,  lich  as  it1  is  founde,  1212 

This  worthy  kyng1  /  hadde  sone  non, 

To  succede  /  after  he  be  gon ; 

For  which  he  was  duryng1  al  his  lyff 

Trisf  in  hert1  /  and*  passingly  pensif.  1216 

But1  hool  his  trust1  /  and  his  hope  stod, 

Be  Aliaunce  /  of  some  worthy  blood 

Brou^t  Inne  by  mene  /  of  his  doghtres  tweyn, 

That*  he  shal  be  relesed  /  of  his  peyne,  1220 

Thorgh  recomforfr  /  of  some  hie  mariage. 

And  sothly  yet*  ful  high  in  his  corage 

He  troubled  was  be  occasion 

Of  a  sweuen  and  a  vision,  1224 

Shewed  to  hym  /  vpon  a  certeyn  nyght. 

For  as  hym  thoght  /  in  his  inward  sight* 

whyl  he  slept  /,  by  cleer  inspeccioun, 

A  wylde  boor  /  and  a  fers  lyouw  1228 

Possede  shal,  thise  bestes  in  her  Rage, 

His  doghtres  two  /  be  bond?  of  mariage 

In  shorte  tyine  /  with-In  a  certeyn  day ; 

which  broght  his  herte  /  in  ful  grete  affray.  1232 

But1  bing1  in  soth  /  thaf  destine  hath  shape, 

1211.   ynamed]  ynamed   was   G.  1212.   lich]'>e   kyng   L2.      is]   was   LI. 

1213.  This  worthy  kyng]  In  all  his  lyf  L2.  had  son  Bo.  had  "sone  Adj.  sone 
had  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  sone  hadde  G.  1214.  succede  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  rest,  except 
succede  and  regne  LI.  after]  aftre  >at  Du.  be]  is  Lj.  were  Ro.  1216.  trist] 
trysty  Ad2.  I.  and]  om.  Ar.  G.  passingly]  passyng  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ada.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  L^.  1221.  marige  Ar.  recomfort]  comfort  Adj. 
Ad^  I-  joynynge  P.  hie]  om.  I.  1222.  yet]  right  Ar.  G.  Lb.  ful]  om.  Lb. 
high]  hevy  Lb.  ofte  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  in]  of  Ad2.  I.  his]  om. 
I.  1225.  Shewde  Bo.  Du.  1228."  wilde  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1229.  Possede] 

Precede  1^.  shal]  om.  Bo.  shul  M.  Di.  C.  P.  E2.  shuld  T2.  thise 
La-  >ees  Bo.  these  Lb.  M.  thes  Adj.  thies  Du  the  EI.  her]  his 
Ra.  1230.  His]  And  his  L.J.  doghtren  Bo.  be  bond]  by  bounde  Lb. 

Ro.  be  bounde  T2.  by  way  Lj.  Ap.  by  lawe  Ad2.  by  lond  I.  hurt 
I^.  of]  and  Bo.  1233.  destanye  Bo.  Du.  destene  M.  Adi.  shaps 

(miswritteri)  Ar. 

PT.  II.]  Polyneices  enters  Argos  city  and  goes  to  the  Palace.      53 

Her  in  this  world  /  ful  hard  is  to  eskape  ; 
Eke  merveylous  /  a  man  teschewe  his  faate. 

And  Polymyte  /  of  whom  I  spak  late, 
"With  the  tempest  /  bete  /  and  al  be-reyned 
Be  grace  only  /  the  Cite  hath  atteyned, 
11  "Wher  Adrastus  /  ful  statly  of  degre, 
Thilke*  tyme  /  helde  his  Royal  see. 
The  troubly  nyghtf  /  myrk,  and  ful  obscure, 
hath  brought1  this  knyghtf  /  only  be  auenture 
Thorgh  the  Cite,  enclosed  with  a  wal, 
Vnto  the  paleys  /  chief  and  p?'mcipal, 
Wher  as  the  kynge  /  in  his  chambre  alofte 
lay  in  his  bed  /  and  slepte  wonder  softe. 
Eke  alle  his  folk  /  hadde  her  chambres  take, 
lik  as  Fortune  /  peraunter  hadde  shape, 
The  silf  e  *  tyme  /  be-cause  if  was  so  late  ; 
And  Casuelly  /  no  porter  /  at  the  gate, 
As  it1  hadde*  be  right  for  the  nonys. 
And  in  a  porche*  /  bilf  of  square  stonys, 
Ful  myghtely  enarched  envyrowz, 
wher  the  domys  /  and  plees  of  the  toufi 
weren  execut1  /  and  lawes  of  the  kyng1, 
And  ther  this  knyght  /  without*  nior  tarying*, 
Wery  and  maat  /  from  his  stede  alight*. 

1236    Poljneices 





enters  Argos 

and  goes  to  the 

where  Adrastus 

and  all  his  folk 
lie  asleep. 

The  porter  is 
at  the  gate. 

1956  Pplyneices  ties 
his  horse  up  in 
a  porch, 

1234.  ful]  om.  Di.  hard]  herd  L2.  Ro.  is]  it  is  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2. 
I.  (in  Ra.  it  is  added  by  later  hand)  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  K2.  to  eskape]  teschape  E^.  to 
scape  P.  S.  (the  scribe  of  Ar.  first  wrote  eschewe  (see  1235),  but  underdotted  this 
word  and  added  eskape).  1235.  to  eschewe  Bo.  M.  teschue  Adi.  1237.  albe 
reyned  Ar.  1240.  Thilke  Bo.  Adj.  Thilk  Ar.  M.  1241.  troubly]  trouble 
Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  troublid  Ra.  myrk]  merke  Lj.  P.  E2. 
mark  Lb.  derke  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  om.  L,.  ful]  om.  Adj.  Ad2-  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
£2.  obscure]  oscure  L2.  Ro.  1242.  hath]  That  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  be]  of  Ro. 

1246.  slepte  M.  slept  Bo.  Adj.  1247.  had  Bo.  M.  Adi.  her]  om.  Bo.  the 
Ro.  allherAd2.  I.  chambres]  chambre  M.  Di.  S.  Ra.  caumbre  Ba.  1248.  had 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  1249.  silf  Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  M.  self  Adi.  1250.  no]  nor  G.  atte 
gate  Bo.  Adi.  1251.  hadde  Di.  Ej.  had  Ar.  Bo.  M.  hade  Adj.  (Ar.  has  a  pause- 
bar  after  right).  1252.  in]  om.  G.  porche  Bo.  M.  Ad!,  porch  Ar.  porte  Du. 
1253.  myghtely]  myghti  Ad^  Ad.2. 1.  1254.  wher]  There  P.  and]  and  >e  Bo.  TI. 
Du.  M.  Di.  Adi.  Ra.  Ba.  EI.  S.  T2.  plees]  paleys  P.  ;  in  C.  :  the  plees  and  domes. 
1255.  execut]  executid  Lx.  Ra.  Ba.  E2.  and]  and  >e  Ad,.  Ad.2.  I.  Ba.  1256. 
without]  with  Ar.  G.  mor]  om.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra"  Ba.  1257.  fro 
Bo.  Adj. 

To  Polyneices,  asleep,  comes  Tideus  of  Caledonia.     [FT.  II. 

and  sleeps  there 

Then,  in  rides  a 
manly  knight, 
[leaf  21,  back] 


who  's  been 
banisht  from 

Hangynge  the  rene  /  in  al  the  hasf  he  myghtf, 
vppon  his  arme  /  surer  hym  to  kepe, 
And  leyde  hym  doune  /  and  gan  anon  to  slepe,  1260 

As  hym  sempte  /  that  tyme  for  the  beste. 
And  whil  that*  he  lay  thus  forto  reste, 
Of  aventure  /  ther  cam  /  a  knyghtf  ryding1, 
The  worthiest1  in  this  world  lyvyng1,  1264 

Curteys,  lowly  /  and  right*  vertuous, 
As  seith  myn  autowr  /  Called  Tidyus, 
Eurous  in  Armes  /  and  manly  in  werkyng*, 
Of  his  byrthe  /  sone  vnto  the  kyng*  1268 

Of  Calydonye  /  a  londe  of  gret1  renoun. 
And  he,  alias  /  out*  of  that*  Kegiomi 
Exiled  was  /  for  he  his*  brother  sclowe, 
As  Stace  of  Thebes  /  writ1  the  manere  howe,  1272 

Al  be  that1  he  /  to  hym  no  malys  mente. 
For  on  a  day  /  as  they  on  huntyng1  wente 
In  a  forest*  /  for  herte  /  and  for  hynde, 
So  as  he  stod  vnder  a  grene*  lynde,  1276 

And  Casuelly  /  lete  his  Arow  Slippe, 
he  slough  his  broder  /  called  Menalippe, 
Thorgh  mortal  sort1  /  his  honde  was  begyled  : 
For  which  /  he  was  /  banished*  and  exiled,  1280 

As  the  lawe  /  narowe  /  sette  his  charge. 

1259.  surer]  sure  C.  T0.  P.  E2.  Ro.  ]>e  surer  LI.  Lb.  M.  Di.  (in  Ra.  the  added  by 
later  hand),  to]  for  to"C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1260.  leyde]  lenyd  Ad2.  I.  1261. 
sempte  Bo.  M.  Ad^  1262.  "while  Bo.  Adr  Ra.  that]  om.  M.  Di.  fit.  he]  he  bat 
tyme  P.  (sec  1261).  thus]  om.  P.  1264.  The]  One  the  C.  P.  E2.  On  of  the  T2. 
in  this]  in  be  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lv  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adr  Ad.,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E:.  S.  T2.  of  the  C. 
P.  £3.  1266.  I-called  Adj.  Tidyus  Ar.  Bo.  Du"  Tideus  G.  Lj.  Adj.  Lb.  Di.  Ra. 
C.  L2.  ThedeusAdo.  I.  T2.  Tydyus  Ej.  Tydeus  M.S.  P.  Ro.  TydiusTj.  1268. 
birth  Bo.  birthe  M.  Adj.  the]  a  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1269.  Calydonye  Ar.  Adj.  Ra. 
Ej.  S.  Ap.  Calidone  Ro.  Calidoyne  Lb.  Callidoyne  Ad.^  I.  E2.  Calcidonye  Bo. 
Du.  M.  Di.  Ba.  Tj  (altered  into  Calicdonye).  Calcidoyne  C.  T2.  Calcidoue  LI. 
Lg.  Calcydoun  P.  (cp.  1405).  1271.  his]  is  Ar.  LI.  sclowe  Ar.  (the  copyist  first 
wrote  slogh,  but  underdotted  this  and  added  sclowe  ;  cp.  1278).  slow  G.  Bo.  Tj. 
Lb.  M.  Adj.  sloughe  P.  slew  T2.  scleughe  Ro.  1272.  Stace  Bo.  Lb.  Ra. 
Stas  Adj.  Stage  1^.  Ro.  >e  Stace  Di.  thestage  C.  writ]  wrote  Du.  1273.  that 
he  to  hym  no  malys]  that  he  no  malice  to  hym  L2.  to  hym  that  he  no  malyce  Ro. 
Lj.  to]  on  C.  T2.  at  P.  ;  in  M.  Di.  1273  and  1274  are  transposed.  1275.  and 
for]  and  G.  1276.  Ar.  has  a  paiise-ntroke  between  vnder  and  a.  grene  Bo.  M. 
Adj.  gren  Ar.  1280.  banshed  Ar.  G.  banesshid  Bo.  banesshed  M.  Adj. 
1281.  As]AndDi. 

for  accidentally 
shooting  his 
brother  Mena- 

He,  batterd  by 
the  storm, 

PT.  II.]   Polyncices  wakes  at  the  Neighing  of  Tideus's  Steed.          55 

And  for  this  caas  /  he  cam  first  to  Arge, 
IT  Into  the  porche  /  wher  polymyte  slepe, 
Of  auenture  /  ere  he  toke  eny  kepe,  1284 

The  same  nyghtt  hidously  beseyii 
With  the  tempest1  /  of  thonder  /  wynde  /  and  reyn ; 
And  filf  also  /  anoy  /  and  gretf  damage, 
Thorgh  the  Forest1  holding  his  passage,  1288 

As  Polymyte  hadde*  do  to-forn, 
In  peryl  ofte  /  likly  to  be  lorn, 
"With  beestes  rage  /  set1  on  euery  side, 
Til  of  grace  with-outen  eny  guyde  1292 

He  rode  thorgh  Arge  /  the  grete  myghty  toun, 
Streght1  to  the  paleys  /  and  the  chief  dongoun, 
Lich"  as  I  tolde  /  wher  polymyte  lay ; 
And  at4  his  comyng  /  made  a  gret1  affray,  1296 

For  he  was  blynde  /  forgh  derknesse  of  the  nyghf , 
And  hym  to  gwye*  /  he  ne  fonde  no  lijtf 
whan  he  cam  lime  /  of  prikef  nor  of  torche, 
Til  he  vnwarly  /  entred  the  porche,  1300 

And  wold  han  take  ther  /  his  herbygage. 

But1  Polymyte  /  stertf  vp  in  a  rage, 
Sodeynly  awaked  /  as  I  rede, 

with  the  nyinge  /  of  his  proude  stede.  1304 

And  first1  of  al  /  whan  that1  he  byhelde 
A  knyght1  y-armed  /  vpon  his  brestt  a  shelde, 

1285.  hidously]  hidiously  Lb.  1286.  omitted  in  Ba.  With]  of  C.  of]  om. 
Lb.  C.  T2.  wynde]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  P.  E2.  and]  and  of  K2.  1287.  filt  Bo. 
Tj.  felt  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  also]  om.  To.  anoy]  noye  M.  Di.  P.  noo  Ba.  and] 
om.  Ba.  and  a  To.  1289.  As]  And  G.  hadde  Di.  Ej.  S.  had  Ar.  Bo.  Ta.  Lb. 
Adj.  toforn  Ar.  T0.  E.2.  L.2.  Ro.  beforn  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  1290.  oft  Bo. 
ofte  M.  Adj.  1292.  withoute  Bo.  M.  Ad:.  guyde  M.  gyde  Bo.  Adi.  1293. 
grete  Bo.  gret  M.  grete]  strong  Ad3.  Ad.,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  1297.  ]>orgh]  >orugh  be 
Bo.  Du.  Ba.  for  Ro.  1298.  to]  for  "to  M.  Di.  gwye  TP  guyejM.  Di.  Ba. 
gwy  Ar.  G.  gye  Bo.  Du.  Adj.  guyed  Ra.  ne]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  La.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ado..  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  he  ne  fond  no]  fonde  he  no  M.  Di.  fonde] 
founde  1^.  Ba.  1299.  cam]  come  Du.  M.  Di.  C.  nor  Ar.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
ne  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  1300  entred]  enterid  La.  Ap.  entrid  in  Ra.  Ro. 
entred  into  Ba.  C.  T2.  Eo.  1300.  omitted  in  1^.  1301.  haue  Bo.  M.  take  M. 
taken  Bo.  Adj.  herbygage  M.  Ada.  herbergage  Bo.  1302.  in]  on  G. 

1304.  nying  Bo.  neieng  M.  neing  Adj.  proude  Bo.  M.  proud  Adj.  proude] 
om.  G.  1305.  And]  But  G.  1306.  y-armed]  armed  M.  Di.  C.  vpon  in  all 
the  MSS. ,  except  in  P.  E2.  that  have  and  on.  brest]  hors  Di. 

rides  thru 

[leaf  22] 

and  into  the 
Porch  where 
Polyneices  lies. 


56       Polyneices  leaps  on  his  horse  and  threatens  Tideus.    [PT.  n. 

leaps  on  his 
and  abuses 

who  answers 

and  says  he  was 
driven  in  by  the 

And  gan  the  maner  /  of  his  aray  aduerte, 

Of  verrey  Ire  /  vpon  his  hors  he  sterte,  1308 

And  cruelly  gan  tydinges  enquere 

Whennys  he  cam  /  or  what  he  dede  there, 

And  bad  in  hast1  /  his  answer  to  devise. 

And  Tydeus,  in  ful  humble  wise,  1312 

Answerd?  ageyn  /  of  verrey  gentillesse, 

And  seid  in  soth  /  that1  of  hegh  distresse, 

Of  the  tempest1  /  and  the  derke  nyght1, 

he  dryven  was  /  lich  an  erraimt  knyght,  1316 

Of  nede  only  /  and  of*  necessite 

And  high  constreyntt  /  of  his  adversite, 

To  take  loggyng1  /  wher  so  that1  he  myghtf ; 

And  in  that1  courte  /  therfor  he  alight1  1320 

With-oute  more*,  thenkyng1  non  outrage 

Nor  to  no  wight1  /  noyeng*  ne  damage. 

Than  Polymyte  /  of  malys  /  and  hegh  pride 
Tolde  hym  shortly  /  he  shulde*  not1  abide,  1324 

Nor  logge  ther  /  thogh  he  had  it1  sworn. 
"  For  I,"  quod  he  /  "  toke  it1  vp  to-forii 
And  wil  it1  kepe  during1  al  this  nyght*, 
I  seie  the  platly  /  maugre  al  thy  myghf."  1328 

H  Quod  Tydeus  /  'that  is  no  curtesie 

1309.  tydinges  Ar.  G.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  tydynge  Ej.  tithendes  Ra.  Ba. 
TediusBo.  Tydeus  Tj.  P.  Ap.  TidyusDu.  Tideus  Lx.  Lb.  C.  E2.  1^.  Thydeus  Ro. 
Thedeus  Tg.  enquere]  tenquere  Adi.  Ra-  to  enquere  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  1310. 
"Whennys  Ar.  Tj.  Adj.  M.  Whens  G.  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Ra.  C.  T2.  cam]  come  M.  Di.  Ra. 
C.  Ta.  or]  and  G.  La.  M.  Di.  S.  P.  E^.  1^.  Ro.  dede  Ar.  Ra.  dide  Tv  Du.  M.  did 
Bo.  Lb.  Ba.  ded  G.  1311.  bad]  bad  hym  Du.  1313.  gentillesse]  gentilnesse 
Lb.  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  1314.  that]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  Ro.  that  he  Lb.  hegh]  full  highe  T2.  Ro.  his  Ra.  Ba. 
1315.  derke  Bo.  Adj.  derk  M.  1317.  and  of]  and  Ar.  G.  C.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  and 
great  E^.  1318.  high  constreynt]  hih  constreynyng  Ra.  high  constrened  Ba. 
him  constreined  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 1^.  Ro.  hije  conuersaunt  Di.  his]  gret  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
1320.  in]  om.  Du.  courte]  place  Ad2.  I.  therfor]  wherefore  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  P.  he] 
om.  Du.  1321.  more  Bo.  M.  Adj.  mor  Ar.  G.  thenkyng  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  M. 
Adj.  C.  binkyng  Lj.  T2.  L^  Ro.  non]  of  any  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  name  Du. 
non  outrage]  no  damage  Ro.  ;  pause-bar  in  Ar.  after  thenkyng.  1322.  Nor  to]  Ne 
to  Lb.  P.  Ner  to  do  M.  Di.  .no]  om.  G.  noyeng  nor  Bo.  Lj.  noyeng  ne  Du. 
M.  Di.  noyeng  no  Tj.  moving  ne  Ar.  mouyngno  Adj.  Ad^  I.  S.  mevyngno  G. 
raeuyng  noo  1^.  P.  Ap.  meenyng  no  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  C.  T2.  E2  (meaning),  no  maner 
Lb.  to  do  no  Ro.  damage]  outrage  Ro.  1324.  shuld  Ar.  shold  M.  Adj. 
shulde  Bo.  1326.  toforn  Ar.  G.  T2.  Lg.  Ro.  Ap.  beforn  Bo.  aiid  the  rest. 

1327.  kepe  Bo.  M.  Adj.        1329.  curtasye  Bo.  Du.     curtesye  M.     curteisie  Adj. 

and  that  he 
means  no  harm. 

Polyneices  de- 
clares he  shan't 
stay  there. 

[leaf  22,  back] 

PT.  II.].         Polyneices  challenges  Tideus.     They  fight. 

has  no  more 
right  to  the 
porch  than  he 

and  asks  leave 
to  stop. 

But  Polyneice 

says  they  must 

Me  to  deuoyde  /  but  rather  vileynye, 

$if  $e  take  hede  /  that1  seme  a  gentil  knyght1. 

And  I  suppose  /  je  han  /  no  title  of  right1  1332 

To  this  loggyng1  /  be  way  of  heritage, 

More  than  haue  I,  for  alle  ^oure  fell e  rage. 

And  parde  /  jifr  it1  shal  be  no  desese, 

Til  to  morowe  thogh  30  do  me  ese,  1336 

Of  gentillesse  /  only  with  ^oure  leve  ; 

To  suffre  me  /  it1  shal  litil  greue.' 

11  But1  ay  the  more  Tydeus  spak  faire, 

Polymyte  was  fro  ward  /  and  contrayre,  1340 

And  shortly  seide  /  it1  geyneth  not1  to  stryve ; 

That1  of  force  he  shal  devoide  blyve, 

Or  vttrely  /  a-twen  hem  bothe  two 

This  thyng1  to  Trie'  /  he  most  haue  ado.  1344 

1T  And  Tydeus,  seyng  /  no  bettre  mene, 

Ful  lik  a  knyght1  /  in  steel  y-armed*  clene, 

With-ouf  abood  /  faste  gan  hym  spede 

"Wonder  lyvely  /  forto  take  his  stede,  1348 

And  thus  thies  knyghte's  /  pompous  and  ellaf. 

For  litil  cause'  /  fillen  at1  debatf. 

And  as  they  ranne  to-gider  on*  horsbak, 

Euerich  on  other  /  first1  his  spere  brak.  1352 

And  after  that1  /  ful  surquedous  of  pride, 

With  sharpe  swerdes  /  they  to-gyder  ryde 

Ful  yrously  /  thise  myghty  champiourcs, 

In  her  fury  /  lik1  Tygres  or  lyouws.  1356 

1330.  vilonye  Bo.  Du.      velonye  Di.      vilenye  Adj.  1334.  fel  Bo.  II.  Adj. 

1337.  with]  by   Bo.    Tx.    Du.    Lr    Lb.   M.   Di.    Adv   Ad2.   I.    Ra.    Ba.    Ej.    S. 

1338.  shal]  shal  you  Lo.     shal  but  C.  T2.  P.  E^  Ro.  1339.  more  Bo.  M.  Adx. 
1340.  contrayre]  contrarie  Du.         1341.  not]  om.  I.         1342.  of  force]  of  deuorce 
Lj.     shal]  shulde  P.        1343.  a-twen]  bitwene  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.     both  Bo.    bothe  M.  Adj.    om.  Lj.         1343  and  1344  omitted  in  Ad2.  and  I. 

1346.  armed  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  (cp.  1306).      clene]  brith  Lx  (:  mene). 

1347.  faste  Ad:.      fast  Bo.  M.  1348.  Wonder]  Wondirly  Ba.     lyvely]  lifli  Lj. 
C.  T2.      lyghtly  Ej.      forto]  to  Ba.  C.  T2.      take]  stride  E«.      bestride  C.  T2.  P. 
1350.  fillen  Bo.  Adx.    fellen  M.       1351.  ranne]  ronne  Lj.  Lb."M.  Di.  C.    rydden  P. 
on]orAr.  ;  in  Ar.  a  pause-bar  after  they  and  anotlier  after  ranne.        1352.  Euerich] 
either  C.  T2.  P.  E,.  1^.  Ro.      first]  om.  P.      his]  her  Bo.  T^  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  P.      spere]  speres  Ba.  Ad2.  P.      brak]  to  brak  M.  T2.  1354. 
sharpe  Bo.  Ada.     sharp  M. 

They  charge 

one  another, 

break  their 


II  How  Tydeus 

and  Polymyte 

strif  for  her 


and  attack  with 



Adrastus  stops  Polyneices  and  Tideus  fighting.      [PT..II. 

[leaf  23] 
Adrastus  wakes. 

and  sends  his 
men  to  them. 

Adrastus's  folk 
tell  him  two 
knights  are 
fighting  in  his 

He  comes  down, 

bids  them  stop 

takes  their 
swords  away, 
and  tells  em 
they're  great 

And*  as  they  hurtle  /  that1  all  be  paleis  shoke, 
kyng1*  Adrastus  /  out1  of  his  slep  awoke, 
And  made  in  hast1  his  chamberleynes  calle, 
And  J>orgh  the  courte  /  his  worthy  knyghtes  alle,        1360 
Comaundyng1  hem  to  descende  and  se, 
And  reporte  /  what1  if  myghte  be, 
This  wonder  noyse  /  in  his  courte  be  nyght. 
And  whan  they  saugh  two  strauwge  knyghtes  fight1    1364 
In  platys  bright1  /  and  in  thikke*  maile,* 
with-oute  luge  /,  they  hadde  grete  nwvaile* ; 
And  disamayed  /  of  this  vnkouth  Jring1, 
As  they  fond  /  tolde*  to  the  kyng1.  1368 

1T  And  Adrastus  /  for  derknesse  of  the  nyght, 
From  his  Chambre  /  with  many  torche  *  light1 
Into  the  courte  /  is  discended  down, 

AH  his  meyne  /  stondyng  en-vyrouw,  1372 

Of  thyes  knyghtes  having1  ful  gret  wonder. 
And  of  manhode  /  he  put1  hem  first1  a-sonder, 
Hem  comaundyng  /  lich  a  gentil  kyng1, 
To  leuen  her  strif  and  sesen  of  her*  fighting1;  1376 

And  entred  Inne  with  a  knyghtly  loke, 
And  first1  fro  hem  /  her  swerdes  both  he  took, 

1357.  And]  om.  in  all  the  MSS.  (see  1.  1358  and  Notes),  hurtle]  hurtled  Lj.  P. 
LZ.  that]  am.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  1^.  Ro.  1358.  kyng]  And  kyng  all  the  MSS.  out] 
om.  Ra.  Ba.  his]  om.  G.  1359.  chamberleyns  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1362.  And] 

And  to  P.  And  make  Lb.  reporte  Bo.  M.  Adj.  what]  what  that  M.  Di.  T2.  Ro. 
mighte  Adj.  might  Bo.  M.  1364.  They]  The  Ar.  two]  tho  G.  1365.  and 
in]  and  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  thikke  Bo.  Tj.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  thik  Ar.  G.  Lb.  M.  Ba.  C. 
maile]  male  Ar.  1366.  mervaile]  mervale  Ar.  T1.  1367.  And]  And  were  E2. 
disamayed]  dismaied  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T0.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  1368.  As]  And 

as  LJ.  Lb.  Eo.  Lyke  as  S.  fond  Ar.  G.'Ba.  fonde  Bo.  Du.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ap. 
founde  Lr  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  To.  Eo.  l^.  Ro.  tolde  G.  C.  E2.  Ro.  Ap.  toolde  Lb. 
told  Ar.  T2.  L2.  tolde  bei  Bo.  Du.  Ej.  talde  thei  Tj.  tolden  they  M.  Di.  tolde 
alle  Ro.  ]> ei  tolde  Lj.  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  to]  vnto  LJ.  T2.  om.  S.  Ro.  to  the  on 
to  Ap.  And  as  they  founde  hit,  tolde  hit  to  be  kynge  P.  As  thei  we  fonde  the 
told  to  the  kyng  Ra.  1370.  with]  went  with  LJ.  many]  many  a  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 

Ra.  om.  Lj.  torche  M.  Adj.  Ra.  torch  Ar.  torches  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Ej.  E2. 
1373.  ful]  om.  M.  Di.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1374.  he]  om.  Lj.  P.  first]  om.  Bo. 

both  Lj.  put  hem  first]  first  putt  hem  To.  a-sonder]  on  sender  Lj.  in  sonder  Lo.. 
1375.  gentil]  getil  (miswritten)  Ar.  1376.  leuen  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Adj.  E2. 
leeue  M.  Ra.  C.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  sesen  Ar.  Ra.  P.  cessen  Ad2.  T2.  E2.  cese  Bo.  Du. 
Lb  (seese).  Lo.  (sese).  cesse  Tj.  M.  Adj.  C.  of]  om.  Ba.  her]  om.  Ar.  G.  T2.  E.J. 
fighting]  fight  Ba.  1378.  her  swerdes  both]  both  her  swerdes  M.  Di.  C. 

both]  om.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.     he]  om.  P. 

PT.  IL]  Polyneices  and  Tideus  submit  to  Adrastus.  59 

Affermyng1  ek,  as  to  his  fantasie, 

If  was  a  Eage  /  and  a  gretf  folye  1380 

So  wilfully  /  her  lyves  /  to  luparte, 

with-oute  luge  /  her  querel  to  departe, 

And  specialy  /  in  the  derke*  nyght1 

Whan  neither  myght  of  other  han  no  sight*,  1384 

Charging*  hem  vpon  peyne  of  her  lif 

To  disseuer  and  styntyn  of  her  strif. 

[leaf  23,  back] 

IT  And  Tydeus  in  al  the  hasf  he  myghf, 

Ful  humblely*  from  his  stede  alight1.  1388 

submits  to 

And  right  mekely  /  with  cheer  and  contenance  Adrastus, 

Put1  hym  hooly  in  the  gouernance 

and  so  does 

Of  Adrastus  /  in  al  maner  f  ing1.  Poiyneices. 

And  Polymyte  /  mad  ek  no  tarying1*  1392 

To  light  also  /  and  wolde*  not*  wibsey 

The  kyngges  biddy  ng1  /  lowly  to  obey, 

So  as  hym  ought*  /  with  due*  reuerence. 

And  as  thei  stoode*  /  both  in  his  presence,  1396 

He  gan  enquere  first1  /  of  her  estaatt, 

The  cause  also  why  they  weren  afr  debaf ,  ttfemth^the'y 

Of  her  cuntrees  /  sothly  and  her  age, 

I-axed  ek  /  touching1  her  lynage,  1400 

Be  discenf  of  what1  stok  ]>ei  were  born. 

And  Tydeus  his  answer  /  gaf  to-forn ;  Tideus  my* 

Tolde  pleynly  /  and  made  no  lesyng1, 

1380.  and  a]  and  G.  1382.  Inge]  a  luge  Ad2.  I.  1383.  derke  Bo.  Adj. 

derk  Ar.  M.  1384.  Whan]  And  whanne  T0.  myglit]  mygh  Ar.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
no  Ar.  Ap.  eny  Bo.  Tx.  Lx.  Lb.  a  M.  Di.'Ado.  I.  Ej.  S.  To.  P.  Lo.  Ro.  no]  (>m. 
Du.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  Eo,.  myghte  of  other  han]"  of  other  myght  haiie  Ej.  1385. 
Charging]  Charching  A~r.  C.  vpon]  on  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ex.  Ra.  vp 
Ad.,.  I.  C.  P.  Eo.  Ap.  of  Adj.  Ba.  in  S.  of]  on  Ra.  Ba.  her]  om.  I.  C.  1388. 
humbly  Ar.  Bo."  Tx.  Ad^  humbely  M.  Di.  To.  humbyly  G.  humble  Lb.  Ra.  (cp. 
1631,  3746).  alight]  he  light  Du.  1389"  right]  righ  Ar.  1392.  tarying] 
taryng  Ar.  1393.  light]  ligh  Ar.  alight  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ej.  hie  C.  T2.  P. 
highe  him  Eo.  wolde  G.  Bo.  Lb.  Di.  Adj.  wold  Ar.  M.  Ra.  C.  woll  P.  wolde 
itEj.  1395.  due  Bo.  M.  Adj.  diewAr.  dewG.  1396.  in  Ar.  a  pause-bar 
also  between  thei  and  stood,  stode  Bo.  Tj.-  M.  Ra.  stoode  Lb.  stood  Ar.  G.  Adx. 

1398.  Between  also  and  why  in  Ar.  qui  crossed  through,     weren  Ar.  G.    were  Bo.  Ada. 

1399.  cuntrees]  cuntree  Ad^  Ado.  I.     and]  and  of  Adj.  Ado.  I.  1400.   I-axed 
Ar.  G.      He  asked  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  La.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ado.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.       And  axed  C. 
T2.  P.  Ro.  Ap.      And  asked  Di.  Ba.  L2.      And  asked  hem  E2.     ek  Ar.     eke  Bo. 
also  C.         1403  to  1468  lost  in  C.         1403.  made  Bo.  M.     mad  Adj. 

60  Polyiieices  says  he  is  Jocasta's  son.     Adrastus  knows  his  Father. 

and  is  banisht.      Qf  Caledoyn  /  and  rijtful  heir1  therto  ; 
And  of  his  exile  /  the  soth  he  told  also, 
As  $e  han  herde  /  in  the  storye  rad. 

Poiyneices  And  Polymyte  /  with  cheer  and  face  sad, 

vnto  Jje  kyng  /  touching1  his  centre, 
Seyde  he  was  born  /  in  thebes  J>e  Cite, 

says  Jocasta  was  And  locasta,  the  grete  famous  quene, 

his  mother, 

but  holds  his 
tongue  about 
his  father. 

Still,  Adrastus 
knows  all  about 

his  moder  was  /  with-outen*  eny  wene. 

But*  of  his  fader  /  whilom  kyng*  and  lord, 

For  verray  shame  he  spak  not*  a  word, 

Only  for  he  /  jif  I  shal  not1  feyne, 

his  fader  was  /  and  brother  bothe*  tweyne  : 

The  which,  in  soth  /  he  was  ful  loth  to  telle. 

And  eke  the  kyng1  /  wold  hyra  not1  compelle 

Of  gentillesse  /  but1  bad,  with-oute  blame, 

Of  his  birthe*  /  forto  haue  no  shame ; 

For  hool  the  caas  /  and  maner  euery  deH, 

Touchyng*  his  kynne  /  he  knewe  fe  ground  ful  wel, 

lich  as  it1  was,  by  ful  clier  report* ; 

Enforsyng1  hyrn  forto  do  comfort*, 

with  aH  his  myght*  /  and  his  bysy  peyne, 

This  manly  kyng*  /  to  the  knyghtes  tweyne, 

And  to  hem  seide'/  aforn  hym  as  they  stood, 

He  wiste  wel  /  fat*  of  ful  worthy  blood 

They  were  dyscended  /  touchy ng*  ther  kynrede. 

And  made  in  hast*  /  his  offi cere's  *  lede 






He  has  the 

1404.  that]  om.  T2.  E^.  Lo.  Ro.  sone  Ar.  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  To,  sonne 
Ro.  son  Bo.  Ap.  to]  vnto  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  £5.  L^.  Ro.  on  to  Ap.  1405. 
Caledoyn  Ar.  Caleoyn  G.  Calidoyne  Lb.  S.  Calidonye  Adj.  Ej.  Calydone  Ra. 
Callidoun  Ad2.  I.  Calcedoyne  Bo.  M.  Di.  T2.  E2.  Lg.  Ap.  Calcidoyne  Du. 
Calecdoyne  TV  Calcidonye  Lj.  Ba.  Ro.  Calcidon  P.  fi3tful]  right  Lj.  1406. 
his]  be  Lj.  Ej.  om.  Bo.  TV  Du.  M.  Adj.  S.  solh]  cause  T2.  P.  Eo..  Lo.  Ro.  Ap. 
1410.  Seyde]  Seid  bat  Lx.  J>e]  >at  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  Ra.  S.  •  1411.  grete  Bo. 
gret  M.  Adj.  1412.  withouten  Di.  Ej.  L.2.  withoute  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Adj. 
Ad^  I.  Ra.  T2.  P.  without  G.  TV  LJ.  E2.  1414.  not]  neuerM.  Di.  T2.  E2.  nat 
of  Ba.  a]  oo  Lb.  oon  Ba.  1416.  bothe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  both  Ar.  1418.  wolde 
Bo.  wold  M.  Adj.  1420.  birth  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Ra.  birthe  TV  Lb.  M.  Adj.  forto] 
to  Ra.  1424.  Enforsyng]  In  forthryng  Ad2.  I.  1426.  the]  these  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I. 
Ba.  Et.  S.  P.  E,,.  Lo..  Ro.  1427.  aforn]  afon  Ar.  1428.  wist  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

weleBo.    wilLb.    )>at]o?w.  Di.    ful]  fully  Ad2.    om.  Dn.  Ej.  S.  P.    worthy]  riall  Lj. 
gentyle  Ro.        1430.  officeres  Lb.     officeris  Di.     officers  Ar.  G.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra. 

PT.  II.]  Adrastus  sends  Polymices  and  Tideus  to  his  Palace.          61 

The  straunge  knyghtes  /  beyng1  atf  clebat1, 
Thorgh  his  paleys  /  to  chambres  of  estaf, 
Eche  by  hym-silf  /  forto  take  his  ese. 
And  euery  Jjing1,  in  soth,  that  myghf  hem  plese, 
was  offred  hem  /  lich  to  her  estates. 

And  whan  they  weren  /  disarmed  of  her  platis, 
Cusshewes  /  Greues  /  and  her  sabatons, 
her  harneys  voyded  /  and  her  habergons, 
TVeyne*  mantels  /  vnto  hem  wer  broght, 
Frett1  with  peerle  /  and  riche  stonys,  wroght 
Of  cloth  of  golde  /  and  veluyt  cremysyn, 
Ful  richely  furred  with  hermyn, 
To  wrap  hem  Inne  /  ageyn  the  cold<?  morowe, 
After  the  rage  /  of  her  nyghtes  sorowe, 
To  take  her  reste  /  til*  J?e  sonne*  arise. 

And  than  }>e  kyng1  /  in  ful  prudent1  wise, 
First  of  alle  /  was  not1  rekkeles 
J?e  knyghtes  hertes  /  for*  to  sett1  in  pees, 
that*  euer  after,  I  dar  affernie  it  wel, 
Eche  was  to  other  trew  as  eny  stele 
During  her  lif  /  both  in  word  and  dede, 
vnder  a  knotte  /  bounde  of  broberhede*. 
IT  And  Adrastus  /  j?e  worthy  kyng  famous, 
A  feeste  made  /  riche  and  plenteuous, 

1139    led  to  state- 

1436    Tideus  and  Poly- 
iieices  disarm, 





are  clad  in  rich 

and  furd  wraps, 

and  then  rest. 

Adrastus  makes 
them  friends, 

and  each  is  then 

true  to  the  other. 

[leaf  24,  back] 

Adrastus  feasts 

1435.  hem]  to  hem  Lb.    M.      haue  T.2.  1437.  Cusshewes  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  M. 

Adj.  Ra.  Cusshews  Lx.  Cushens  Lb.  Cusshwes  Ba.  Cusshens  E.2.  and  her 
sabatons]  solieres  and  haberions  Ra.  Ba.  1438.  voyded]  voyde  La.  habergons] 
lambisons  Ra.  Ba.  1439.  Tweyne  Ra.  Tweyn  Ar.  G.  Bo.  T:.  Adx.  Twey  Lb. 
M.  Two  T2.  mantels  Ar.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  mantles  Ra.  mantelles  Bo.  manteles  G. 
Lb.  mantelis  To.  vnto  Bo.  M.  to  Adj.  were  Adj.  wernBo.  1440.  Frett  M. 
Adj.  Ep  E2.  Freyt  Bo.  Tj.  S.  Freight  Lb.  peerle  (perle)  in  all  the  MSS. 
and]  and  with  P.  1440.  omitted  in  G.  1441.  veluet  cremesyn  Bo.  velwet 

crimsin  Adj.  1442.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  furred,      ermyn  Bo.  M.  Adz. 

1443.  colde  Bo.  M.  cold  Adj.  1444.  her]  the  M.  Di.  1445.  rest  Bo.  M. 
reste  Adj.  til]  to  Ar.  G.  Ba.  Ro.  sonne  Bo.  M.  Adj.  sone  Ar.  1447.  was]  he 
was  E2.  not]  nothyng  Ej.  rekkeles  Ar.  rekeles  P.  E2.  rekelesse  Ro.  reklesT2. 
L9.  Ap.  reccles  Lj.  reccheles  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adx.  AcL>.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  rechles 
Bo.  1448.  for  to]  to  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S. 
so  G.  set]  serue  Ra.  Ba.  1450.  was  to  other]  to  other  was  P.  trew]  as  trewe 
Bo.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  T0.  L>  Ro.  1451.  in]  their  Ba.  word]  wordes  Lj.  worke 
Bo.  Tj.  Ap.  werk  M".  Di".  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ep  S.  wark  Ba.  and]  and  in  M. 
1452.  knotte  G.  Bo.  Adj.  knot  M.  brotherede  Ar.  brotherhed  G.  brothrehede 
Bo.  bretherhed  M.  Adj.  1454.  feste  Bo.  Adj.  fest  M.  made  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

62    Polyneices  and  Tideus  are  ckarmd  with  Adrastus's  Daughters. 

and  sends  for  his 

who  come  in 
like  the  glad 
morning  star, 

heavenly  fresh 
and  pleasant  to 
the  strangers. 

Tideus  and 
Polyneices  think 
the  girls  celes- 
tial beings, 

To  thise  knyghtes  /,  hym-silf  ther-af  present*. 

And  after  mete  /  ful  goodly  he  haj?  sent,  1456 

This  noble  kyng1  /  for  his  doghters  dere, 

Of  gentyllesse  /  forto  make  chere 

To  the  knyghtes  /  come  fro  so  ferre. 

And  lik  in  soth  /  as  lucyfer  the  sterre  1460 

Gladeth  the  morow  /  at1  his  vprysing1, 

So  thoo  ladies  /  at  her  In-comyng4, 

With  the  stremes  /  of  her  eye'n  clere, 

Goodly  apport1  /  and  wommanly  manere,  1464 

Contenaunce*  /  and  excellent1  fayrnesse, 

To  alle  the  court  /  broghten  In  gladnesse. 

For  the  fresshnesse*  /  of  Her  heuenly  cheres 

So  agreable  was  to  the  straun-gers,  1468 

At  her  Entre  /  that1  in  especial* 

hem  thoghtf  it  lik  a  thyng1  Celestial ; 

Enhastyng1  hem  /  in  ful  knyghtly  wise 

ageynes  hem  /  goodly  to  arise.  1472 

And  as  they  mette  /  with  humble  Contenaunce, 

Ful  konyngly  /  did  her  obseruatmce, 

Hem  conveying1  /  to  her  sitting-place. 

But1  sothly  I  haue*  leyser  non  nor  space  1476 

To  reherce  /  and  putt  in  remewbraurcce, 
Hooly  the  maner  /  of  her  daliaunce. 
If  were  to  longe  /  for  }ou  to  abide. 

1455.  To]  -And  G.  knynghtes  Ar.  S.  has  omitted  1455  second  half  to  1459 
second  half,  so  that  1455  reads:  To  thes  knyghtes  come  for  (sic)  so  fer. 
1458.  for  to]  to  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  make]  make  hem  Bo. 
Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  P.  make  hem  bothe  Lb.  1459. 
come  Ar.  G.  S.  E2.  comen  Tx.  T2.  L.2-  Ro.  com  Ap.  ycome  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ez.  J>at  com  P.  fro]  from  Lb.  Ra.  Ro.  P.  so]  om.  Ba. 
1462.  thoo]  the  Lx.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  thilk  M. 
Di.  In-comyng]  horn  coming  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1464.  apport]  of  porte  Du.  Lb.  Ad2. 
I.  P.  Ap.  manere]  chere  Lj.  of  manere  Ad2.  I.  1465.  Contenaunce]  Con- 
tenaunces  Ar.  G.  T2.  E.,.  1467.  fresshnesse]  frocchnesse  Ar.  1469.  her]  the 
Ro.  especial]  special"Ar.  G.  Bo.  TI.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  Ap.  (cp.  2823). 
1470.  AT.  has  a  pause-bar  after  it.  1472.  ageyns  Bo.  ayens  M.  ageinst  Adj. 
to  arise  Bo.  M.  for  tarise  Adj.  for  til  anise  Ad2.  I.  1473.  humbly  G. 

1474.  konyngly  Adj.  konnyngly  Bo.  did  Bo.  dide  M.  dede  Adx. 
1476.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  ha  Ar.  nor  Ar.  Ra.  T2.  ne  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Ad,.  L  . 
1479.  for  jou  to  abide]  to  you  tabide  Adj.  Acl2.  I. 

PT.  II.]    Polyncices  &  Tideusfall  in  love  with  Adrastus's  Girls.    63 

But  wel  I  woot  /  that1  the  god  Cupide, 

By  influence  /  of  his  myghty  hon<J 

And  the  feruence  /  of  his  firy  brond?, 

Her  metyng1  first1  /  fortuned  hath  so  wel, 

That1  his  arowes*  /  of  gold,  and  not1  of  stiel, 

Iperced  han  /  the  knyghtes  hertes  tweyii, 

Thorgh  the  brest1  /  with  such"  a  lusty  peyii 

That*  ther  abood  /  sharpe  /  as  spere  or  lamzce, 

Depe  yfiched  /  the  poynf  of  remembrance, 

which  may  not1  /  lightly  /  raced  ben  away. 

And  thus  in  loye  /  they  dryve  forth  fe  day 

In  Play  and  Eeuel  /  for  the  knyghte's  sake. 

And  towardes  nyght1  /  they  her  chambres  take 

At  due*  tyme  /  as  her  fader  bad, 

And  on  her  way  /  the  knyghte's  han  hem  lad 

Eeuerently  vp  be  many  staire ; 

Takyng1  lieve  /  gan  anon  repaire 

To  her  logging1  /  in  a  f ul  statly  toure, 

Assigned  hem  /  be  the  harberioure. 

And  after  spice's  /  pleynly,  and  the  wyii 
In  Coppes  grete  /  wroght1  of  gold  ful  fyii, 
With-oute  tarying1  /  to  bedde*  streght1  they  gon. 
Touchyng1  her  reste  /,  wher  thei  slepte  or  noil, 
Demeth  30  louers  /  that1  in  such  nianer  thing1 
Bexperience  han  fully  knowlecchyng1 ; 

1480    and  at  once 
[leaf  25] 





fall  in  love  with 

They  have 
games  and  fun 
all  day, 

and  then  take 
the  ladies  to 

their  tower. 


The  2  lovers 
drink  wine, 

and  go  to  bed, 

but  of  course 
can't  sleep. 


1480.  wel  I  woot]  y  woot  wel  Adj.   Ad,.   I.  1482.  firy  Bo.      fuyri   Adj. 

fury  Du.  1483.  fortuned  hath]  hath  fortuned  Di.  1484.  arowes  G.  Bo.  M. 
harowes  Ar.  arwes  Adj.  gold]  om.  G  (loue  added  by  later  hand  above  the  line). 
steel  Bo.  TJ.  Adj.  stel  M.  G.  1488.  yfiched]  y-fixed  Ej.  ficchid  Tj.  AI.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2  (fixhed).  I.  Ra  (fechchid).  Ba.  C.  S.  the]  to  Ad.2.  I.  1491.  and]  or  Bo. 
knyghtes]  kyuges  LJ.  1492.  towardes  Bo.  toward  Adj.  1493.  At]  Ad  Ar. 
due  Bo.  Adj.  dieu  Ar.  dewe  G.  1495.  many]  many  a  Bo.  Du.  LJ.  Lb.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  EJ.  S.  T2.  P.  E.2.  Ro.  Ap.  1496.  Takyng]  Taken  Ad2.  I. 
lieve  Ar.  G.  leeue  Bo.  C.  leue  TJ.  Adj.  T2.  leef  AI.  here  leve  Lb.  P.  gan] 
gonne  M.  T.2.  and  gan  Ap.  1498.  herbergeoure  Bo.  herbergour  Adj. 

herbeioure  M.  1500.  cuppes  Bo.  Adj.  coupes  Ro.  grete  Bo.  AI.  Adj.  gold] 
om.  G.  1501.  to  bed  Ar.  Bo.  and  all,  except  to  bedde  Lb.  Ej.  S.  Ap.  to 
bedde]  om.  P.  to  bedde  streght]  streightto  bed  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ro.  1502.  wher  Ar. 
wheber  Bo.  whedir  Ra.  whyther  Ro.  wer  Ad:.  1503.  Je]  the  P.  1504. 

by  experience  Bo.  AI.  Adj.  Ra.  han  Bo.  AI.  Adj.  Ra.  fully]  ful  Lj.  AI.  Di.  Adj. 
Ad2-  L  Ra.  Ba.  fwlly  such  S.  knowlecchyng  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  knowlachynge  Lj. 
knowliching  S.  knowlegeynge  Ro.  knowyng  Lb.  P.  Ap. 

64   Adrastus  sees  his  Dream-beasts  on  the  2  Princes'  shields.  [PT.  II. 

Adrastus  lies 

[leaf  25,  back] 

whether  he  shall 

wed  his  girls  to 
Tideus  and 

because  of  his 
Dream  of  the 

Wild  Boar  and 
the  Lion,  p.  52. 

For  if  is  naf  declared  /  in  my  boke. 

But1  as  I  fynde  /  the  kyng1  al  nyghtf  woke, 

Thoghtful  in  herte  /  the  story  specifies, 

Musing1  sore  /  and  ful  of  fantasies ;  1508 

First  aduerting1  /  Jje  grete  worthynesse 

Of  this  knyghtes  /  and  the  semlynesse, 

Her  lusty  jouth  /  her  force  /  and  her  manhode, 

And  how  thei  weren  y-come  of  Eoyal  blode.  1512 

Al  this  he  ganne  /  to  reuolue  aboute, 

Ay  in  his  herte  /  hauyng*  a  maner  doute, 

A-tweue  two  /  hangyng*  /  in  balaunce 

where  he  shulde*  /  maken  an  aliauwce  1516 

A-twene  his  doghtren  /  and  the  knyghtes  tweyn. 

For  on  thyng1  /  ay  /  his  herte  gan  constreyn, 

The  remembrance  /  of  his  avisioun, 

Of  which  to-forn  /  I  made'  menciou?^,  1520 

Touchyng1  /  }>e  lyon  /  and  the  wilde  boor, 

It1  nedeth  naf  /  to  reherce  itf  mor, 

Casting  alway  /  in  his  Fantasie, 

What1  it1  myghte  /  cleerly  signyfie,  1524 

This  dirke  dreme  / ;  this  was  hid  arid  cloos. 
But1  on  the  morowe  /  Adrastus  vp  aroos, 

And  to  the  temple  /  the  ri^te  way  he  took, 

And  gan  preie  /  deuoutly  on  his  book  1528 

To  the  goddes  /  his  dreme  to  specefie. 
sees  these  Beasts  And  they  hym  bad  homward!  forto  hye, 
knights"' shields,    And  to  beholde  /  in  the  knyghtes  sheldys 

1506.  alnyght  Ar,  1512.  weren  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  EJ.  were  (wer)  all  the  rest. 
ycome  Ar.  Ap.  comen  Du.  Ra.  EJ.  C.  L2.  come  all  the  rest,  thei  weren  ycome] 
comen  thei  were  C.  Royal  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  T2.  rj*al  C.  E.,.  full  riall  Lj.  worthy 
S.  Ro.  hygh  Ap.  1515.  A-twene]  Bi  twene  Bo.  Tj".  Du.  L,.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  EJ.  S.  P.  in]  in  a  G.  Lj.  Ad.,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E^  C.  E2.  L^.  1516. 
where  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Adj.  were  G.  whe]>er  Lx.  M.  Di.  shulde  Ta.  Du.  Lx. 
Di.  Adj.  shuld  Ar.  G.  Bo.  M.  'raaken  A.  makyn  G.  make  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj. 
an]  any  G.  Lj.  1517.  A-twene  Bo.  M.  Adj.  doghtres  Bo.  doughtres  M.  Adj. 
1520.  Of]  om.  P.  which]  whome  Bo.  T?.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  to-forn  (to  fore)]  therfore 
Ej.  I  made]  made  I  haue  M.  Di.  made  is  C.  P.  E2.  makid  is  T.,.  mencioun]  a 
mencion  E2.  1522.  nedeth]  nede  Lo.  it]  om.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  mor]  no  more  L\. 
M.  Di.  C.  Tp  E2.  1524  and  1525  arc  transposed  in  I.  1526.  aroos]  rose  Ra. 
Ba.  he  ros  Ad:.  Ad*  I.  1527.  right  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1528.  preie]  to  pi-ay  Lb. 
Ad2.  I.  on]  in  Lb.  "  1530.  forto]  to  G.  1531.  beholde  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

Next  day  he 

and  they  explain 
his  dream, 

PT.  n]    Adrastus  sees  his  Dream-beasts,  on  the  Princes'  Shields.     65 

The  felle  beestys  /  peynted  in  the  feeldys ;  1532 

Which  shal  to  hym  /,  be  cleer  inspecciowz, 

Ful  pleynly  /  make  declaraciou?* 

Of  his  dreme  /  which  he  hadde  in  the  nyght. 

And  Adrastus  /  enhasted  hym  ful  ri^fr  1536 

In  her  Sheldes  wisly  to  beholde. 

Wher  that  he  saugh  /  as  the  goddes  tolde, 

In  the  Sheldes  /  hangyng1  vpon  hokys, 

The  beestes  rage  /  with  her  mortal  lokys*. 

And  to  p?<rpos,  lik  as  writ1  Bochas, 

Polymyte  /  ful  streght1  enbraced  was 

In  the  hyde  /  of  a  feerce  lyouw. 

And  Tydeus  /  abouen  his  haberiouw  1544 

A  Gypon  hadde  /  hidous  /  sharpe  and  hoor, 

wroght1  of  the  bristels  /  of  a  wylde  boor. 

The  whiche*  beestis  /  as  the  story  lerys, 

wer  wroght1  /  and  bete  /  vpon  her  banerys,  1548 

Displaied  broode*  /  whan  they  shulde  fight. 

wherof  the  kyng1  /  whan  he  haddo  a  sight* 

Att  hys  repeir  /  in  herte  was  ful  glad, 

And  with  a  face  /  ful  demur  and  sad  1552   Adrastus 

with  his  lordes,  that1  he  about  hym  hadde, 

To  the  temple  /  he  thys  knyghtes  ladde. 

And  whan  they  hadde  /  with  aH  circumstau/ices 
Of  Eytys  olde  /  don  her  obserucrances,  1556 

1540    as  Boccaccio 

[leaf  26] 

shield  has  a 
lion's  hide  ; 

and  Tideus's 
gipon  is  of  wild- 
boars'  bristles. 

takes  Tideus 
and  Polyneices 
to  the  temple, 

1532.  beestys  peynted]  peinted  bestes  Adj.  Ad^  I.  in]  of  Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
1535.  which]  bat  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  in] 
on  S.  C.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ap.  1536.  enhasted]  hasted  M.  Di.  1537.  her]  the  M. 

wisly]  wise  Lj.  auisely  T^  1537  second  half  to  1539  second  half  is  omitted  in 
Du.  Di.  and  Ej.,  so  that  1537  reads :  In  her  Sheldes  hangyng  vpon  hokes  Du.  Di. 
Ej.  1538.  that]  tha  Ar.  as  LJ.  Lb.  P.  as]  )>at  Bo.  1539.  vpon]  vppe  in  T2. 
1540.  lokes  G.  Lb.  Ra.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  hokys  Ar.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ej.  crokes  Bo.  Tv  Du. 
Lx.  M.  Di.  I.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  (see  Notes).  1541.  writ]  wryteth  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
S.  writh  Ra.  1544.  abouen  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  aboue  Tj.  M. 

habergon  Bo.  Adj.  habirgoun  Tx.  1545.  gipon  Bo.  gepon  Adj.  gryphoun 
Ad2.  I.  had  Bo.  Adj.  cm.  Ad2.  I.  1546.  bristles  Adj.  brestis  Di.  wilde  Bo. 
wild  Adj.  1547.  whiche  Bo.  which  Adj.  Ar  (in  Ar.  followed  by  a  pause-bar). 
lerys]  leres  (:baners)  Bo.  Adj.  1548.  bete  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Ej. 
C.  T2.  P.  E2.  beete  Ap.  bet  Du.  bett  Lj.  Lb.  betyn  1^.  betten  Ro.  vpon] 
on  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1549.  Displayed  Bo.  Displayde  Du.  brode  Bo.  Adj.  brood 
Ar.  1555.  had  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1556.  Of]  With  M.  Di.  rytes  M.  Adj.  rightes 
Bo.  Lb.  L2.  her]  his  Bo.  obseruaunces]  observaunce  ( :  cyrconstaunce)  Lj. 
THEEES.  '  F 

06       Adrastus  feasts,  and  talks  to,  Polyneices  and  Tideus.     [PT. 

and  has  a  talk 
with  them. 

Hom  to  the  court*  /  they  resort1  ageyn. 
And  in  an  halle  /  riche  and  wel  beseyn, 
This  worthy  kyng1  of  herte  lyberal, 
then  feasts  them  Made  a  feeste  /  solempne  and  Royal,  1 560 

in  his  court, 

Which"  in  deyntees*  /  surly  dyd  excelle. 

But1  if  were  veyn  /  euery  cours  to  telle, 

her  straunge  sewes  /  and  her  sotyltees. 

Ne  how  they  sat1  /  lik  to  her  degrees  ;  1564 

For  lak  of  tyme  I  laft  it*  ouerslyde. 
And  after  mete  /  Adrastus  toke  a-syde 

The  knyghtes  two  /  and  lik  a  prudent1  man 

In  sykre  wise  /  thus  his  tale  he  gan.  1568 

,"  quod  he  /  "I  ne  doute  it  nou^t 
Jjat  it  is  fressh"  /  and  grene  /  ay  in  jour  thojt 
[leaf  26,  back]     How  that1  first*  /  by  goddys  ordynauwce, 

And  after  next1  /  thorgh  fatys  purveawzce,  1572 

And  be  workyng1  /  of  fortunes  hond, 

How  that*  $e  weren  broujt1  into  this  lond 

Bo  the*  tweyn  /  But*  now  this  laste*  nyght' : 

Of  whoos  comyng1  /  I  am  ful  glad  and  light  1576 

First1  in  my-self  /,  shortly  to  expresse, 

whan  I  considre  /  and  se  the  liklynesse 

Of  3our  personys  /  with  the  Circumstancys 

And  hool  the  maner  /  of  jour  gouernancys ;  1580 

Seyng1  ful  wel  /,  wherto  shuldl  I  feyne, 

3e  likly  be  her-after  to  atteyn 

1558.  an]  om.  Bo.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  E^  beseyn]  beseen  (:ayen)  M.  Di.  1560. 
feest  Bo.  feste  Adj.  deyntees  Bo.  Lb.  Adj.  deyntys  Ar.  deyntes  M.  C. 
deynteis  Lg.  Ba.  surly]  shortly  Ro.  1563.  and  her]  and  other  C.  T2.  E.2-  1565. 
lak]  lyt  lak  Ap.  Ij  they  P.  lat  Ar.  Bo.  TJ.  Adj.  E2.  letteEj.  let  P.  1^.  leteLb. 
Ro.  leet  Ad2.  it]  om.  Ar.  G.  Bo.  TV  P.  E^.  Ap.  ouerslyde]  slide  L2.  Ro.  1567. 
and]  om.  M.  Di.  1568.  In]  and  in  Bo.  T\.  Lj.  M.  Di.  secre  G.  Bo.  Lb.  M.  T2. 
Ap  (cecre).  secret  Adj.  Ra.  Ej.  Ro.  secrett  S.  thus]  and  thus  C.  this  IA 
he  gan]  began  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  he  began  Ra.  Ba.  1569. 
ne]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  it]  om.  P.  1570. 
it]  om.  Bo.  Ad2.  P.  is]  om.  Ra.  ay]  om.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  S.  T2.  P.  Lg.  Ro. 
Jour]  my  P.  In  M.  the  illuminated  capital  S  of  I.  1569  having  been  cut  away,  the 
first  letters  0/1570  and  1571  are  gone,  together  with  the  words  And  after  in  I.  1572. 
1571.  goddys]  the  goddis  Ra.  1572.  thorgh]  bi  Adj.  Ad^.  I.  honde  with  a  dot 
under  e  in  Ar.  1574.  How]  Whw  G.  1575.  Bothe  Bo.  Adj.  Both  Ar. 

laste  Adj.    last  Ar.  Bo.      1578.  liknesse  G.      1579.  with]  and  Di.    the]  alle  Ra.  Ra 
Circumstancys]  Circumstaunce  (:governannse)  P.         1582.  likly]  lik  Ada.  Ad2. 

PT.  n]    Adrastus  will  give  his  Daughters  &  Land  to  the  Princes.     67 

To*  grete  estat  /  and*  habundaimce  of  good, 

Thorgh  joure  birth  /  and  jour"  Royal  blood ; 

$e  may  not*  fayle  /  but1  je  haue  wrong1, 

For  ^e  are  bothe*  manly  /  and  right1  strong1. 

And  forto  sette  ^oure  hertes  mor  at1  reste 

My  purpoos  is  /  I  hope  for  the  beste, 

So  that*  in  ^ou  be  no  variance, 

To  make  a  knotte  /  as  be  allyauwce, 

Atwixe*  jow  and  my  doghtres  two, 

$if  ^oure  hertes  /  accorde  wel  therto. 

IT  And  for  I  am  fully  in  dyspeyr 

To  succede  for  to  ban  an  heir1, 

Therfor  }e  shal  han  possessions, 

Duryng1  my  lyf  /  of  half  this  Regiouw, 

Forthwith*  in  hond?  /  and  hool  after  my  day. 

Ther  is  no  man  /  that*  therto  shal  sey  nay. 

And  sothly  after  /  whan  that*  I  am  graue, 

Eche  of  ^ow  /  shal  his  party  haue 

Of  this  kyngdam,  as  I  haue  provided ; 

This  to  seyn  /  it*  shal  be  devyded 

A-twen  ^ow  two,  euerich  to  be  crowned, 

3oure  pourparties  /  be  equyte  compowned 

So  egally  /  in  euery  mannys  sight1, 

That1  ech"  of  $ow  /  reioyse  shal  his  ryght1. 

And  by  $our  wit  /  30  shul  the  lond  amend, 

And  of  manhode  /  knyghtly  it  diffend? 

Ageyn  oure  enmyes  /  and  oure  mortal  fon. 

1  584 



As  Tideus  and 
Polyneices  are 

Adrastus  pro- 
poses that 

they  shall  wed 
his  daughters, 

have  half  his 
land  during  his 

1596  life> 

and  all  after. 



[leaf  27] 

Eaoh  shall  have 
an  equal  share, 

1608  fid  defend  the 
land  against  its 

1583.  To]  The  Ar.  G.  Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  and]  of  Ar.  G.  Adx.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  ET.  S.  habundaunce  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  abundance  C.  1^. 
1584.  and  Jour]  and  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  P.  1586.  bothe  Adj.  both 
Ar.  Bo.  1587.  mor  at  reste]  atte  mor  reste  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1591.  Atwix  Lb.  Ra. 
Atwixt  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tv  Atwixte  Adj.  Atwene  M.  T2.  Bitwex  Ad2.  Bitwixe  I. 
1592.  accord  Bo.  accorden  Adj.  wel]  woll  Ad9.  1594.  for  to]  to  Bo.  Ba.  an] 
anyRa.  1596.  half]  haufe  S.  al  Di.  this]  my  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1597.  Forth 
with  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  C.  forwith  Ar.  Di.  Fourth  with  all  T2.  1599. 
whan]  om.  C.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  1602. 

This]  This  is  G.  Du.  Lj.  Lb,  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  E.,.  L2.  Ro.  That  is 
M.  Di.  1603.  A-twen  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Betwene  Lj.  Lb.  Atwix  Ba. 
euerich  Bo.  euery  Ra.  eche  M.  Adj.  1607.  shul  Bo.  shal  Adj.  Ra.  1609 
oure  enmyes]  enemyes  Bo.  your  enemyes  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T2.  and  oure]  and 
youre  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ba.  C.  T2. 


Tydeus  accepts  Adrastus' s  offer. 


They  shall 
reign ; 

Adrastus  will 

hunt,  and 

take  his  ease. 

And  for  the  dates  /  passed  ben  and  gem 
Of  my  desyres  /  and  my  lusty  ^outh", 
I  am  fal  set*  /  forto  make'  koutli 
That1  je  shal  han  /  lik  myn  opynyoim, 
The  gouernaiwce  /  of  this  Kegioun. 
To  this  entente  /  me  semeth"  for  the  beste, 
3e  to  gouevne  /  and  I  to  lyve  in  reste, 
Fully  to  folowe  /  the  lust  of  my  desyris, 
Hunte  and  hauke  /  in  wodes  and  Kyverys 
whan  so  euer  /  I  haue*  therto  plesauwce, 
And  for  to  han  /  non  other  attendance 
Vnto  no  thing1  /  but1  vnto  myn  ese. 
For  which  shortly  /  }if  it  agre  and  plese 
That1 1  haue  seid  /  to  3ou  /  that1  be  so  \vis, 
And  be  according1  /  vnto  ^oure  avis, 
Delaieth  not1  /  but1  in  wordes  pleyfi, 
What1  ^ow  semeth  /  gif  answere  ageyn." 

And  whan  Adrastus  /  hadde  his  tale  fyned, 
Tydeus  /  with  hed  /  ful  lowe  enclyned, 
As  he  that  was  /  a  verray  gentyl  knyght, 
With  al  his  power  /  and  his  fulle*  myght 
Ful  humblely  /  thankede*  the  kyng1 
Touchyng1  his  profre  of  so  high"  a  thyng1. 
And  for  his  parte  /  seide  he  wolde  assente 
Fully  of  herte  /,  neuere  to  repente, 
To  aH  that1  euer  the  kyng1  ha]?  sayd. 

1611.  and  my]  and  of  my  Ad2.  I.          1612.  ful]  om.  T2.       forto]  to  Ra.  Ba.  P. 
make]  make  it  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lt.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  E2.  1613. 

han  Bo.  haue  M.  Adj.  1614.  The]  The  hool  C."  hool  the  T2.  this]  >e  Bo. 
this  my  P.  al  this  E2.  1616.  I]  me  Lj.  L.2.  ;  in  Ra.  a  later  hand  has  altered  Je 
to  gouerne  into  that  ye  shold  rule.  1619.  I  haue  (ha  Ar.)  therto]  ther-to  I  haue 
M.  Dj.  1621.  Vnto  no]  To  no  M.  Di.  vnto  myn]  to  myn  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1622. 
For  which]  Wherfore  M.  Di.  T2.  it]  ye  P.  1624.  be]  it  be  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lt.  Lb. 
Ra.  Ba.  be  it  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  by  L.2.  vnto]  to  P.  1625.  Delaieth]  Delayeth 
it  M.  Di.  Ba.  L2.  1626.  What]  That  L^.  Ro.  gif]  yeueth  M.  Di.  1628.  ful] 
om.  Bo.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  with  hed  ful  lowe]  ful  low  with  hed  M.  Di.  1630.  and  his] 
and  Adv  Ad2.  I.  ful  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  1631.  humblely  Ar.  Ap.  humbeli  Lj.  M. 
Di.  Adj.  P.  humbly  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  Eo.  Lo.  Ro. 
thankede]  thanked  Ar.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  except  bankyng  Bo.  P.  (sec  Notes). 
1632.  his]  be  G.  1633.  seide  he]  he  seide  he  G.  Ad^  I.  In  P.  assent  has  been 
erased  and  be  content  written  by  a  later  hand  with  paler  ink.  1635.  that  euer]  that 
euer  that  S.  Lg.  Ro.  Ap.  the]  om.  S.  sayde  (e  underdotted)  Ar.  (see  Notes). 


[leaf  27,  back] 
accepts  Adras- 
tus's  offer, 







PT.  E]      Polyneices  chooses  Argeia ;  and  Tideus, 


and  so  does 

who,  by  Tideus's 

chooses  Argeia, 

while  Tideus 
takes  Deiphyle. 

Adrastus  sum- 
mons his  lords 
to  the  wedding 
of  his  daughters ; 

And  Polymyte  /  was  also  wel  apayd,  1636 

In  the  story  /  as  it1  is  conprehendid. 

And  so  they  ben  /  bothe*  /  condescendyd 

The  kyngges  wille  /  to  fulfille  in  dede 

From  poyntt  to  poyntt  /  and  ther-vpon  precede,  1640 

wherso  euer  /  that1  they  Wynne  or  lese. 

And  Tydeus  /  made  /  his  brother  chese, 
Of  gentillesse  and  of  curtesye, 

which  that1  was  /  most  /  to  his  fantasye  1644 

Of  the  sustren  /  for  to  han  to  wive. 
And  he  in  soth  /  chosen  hath  argyve, 
which  eldest  was  /  ful  woramanly  to  se. 
And  Tydeus  /  tok  than*  Deyphylee,  1648 

Of  her  beaute  /  most1  souereyn  excellent. 

And  Adrastus  /  thorgh-oute  his  lond!  hath  sent 
For  his  lorde's  /  and  his  baronage, 

To  be  present1  /  atH  the  mariage  1652 

Of  the  knyghtes  /  and  make  no  lettyng1. 
And  they  echon  •  cam  at1  his  bidding1, 
In  goodly  wyse  /  meke  and  ful  benygne, 
Ageyn  the  day  /  that  he  dide  assigne.  1656 

And  thyder  cam  ful  many  lusty  knyghtH, 
Ful  wel  beseyn  /  and  many  lady  bri^t1, 
From  euery  Coosf  /  and  many  frecssh"  sqwyer", 
jje  Story  seith  /  and  many  comunere,  1660 

1636.  apayde  (e  underdotted)  Ar.  1638.  bothe  Bo.  Adj.  both  Ar.  1641. 
wherso]  wher  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  that]  om.  Du.  1642.  chese]  to  chese  M.  Di.  Ba. 
1643.  Of]  As  of  Ada.  Ad*  I.  S.  gentillesse  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad^  I.  Ej.  C.  T2. 
gentilnesse  TV  Lj.  Ad2."Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  1644.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Du. 
Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  was]  ys  P.  was  iriost]  most  was  C. 
1645.  sustren  Bo.  Adj.  sistren  Tj.  T2.  systerne  P.  1646.  And]  An  Ar.  1647. 
which]  That  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  eldest] 
oldest  Lo.  Ro.  ful]  om.  P.  wommanly]  wounderly  L2.  to  se]  of  sight  Ro  (see 
1648).  '  1648.  tok  than]  than  tok  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  C.  tok  Ar.  G.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap. 
taken  hath  T2  ;  in  Ro.  1.  1648  rends  And  Tedeus  choes  Deiphyle  ful  right.  Ar.  has 
a  second  pause-bar  of ter  tok.  1650.  thorgh-oute]  thorgh  M.  Di.  1651.  For]  Of 
G.  1652.  at  the]  at  her  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1653.  the]  >ese  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ro.  thes  two  S.  knyghtes]  knyttes  Ar.  1654.  cam  Bo.  come  M.  Ad1. 

1655.  ful]  om.  G.  1657.  ful]om.  G.  1657  and  1658.  many]  many  a  Du.  Lj.  Lb. 
Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  S.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  1659.  many]  many  a  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I. 
S.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  1660.  "many]  many  a  Du.  Lj.  Lb./Adj.  Ad2.  I.  C.  T2.  E2.  L2.  Ro. 
many  a  freshe  S.  many  a  gode  P.  comunere  Ar.  Ad{.  E2.  Ap.  comoner  Bo.  Du.  Ra. 
Ad2,  comounerel.  comyner  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  Ba.  Ej.  S./*T2.  P"  L2.  Ro.  comener  M.  Di.  C. 

and  they  and 
their  ladies 

70         The  Weddings  of  the  Princes.     Eteocles  is  trembled.     [PT.  H 

[leaf  28] 

But  I  really 
can't  describe 

all  the  feasting 
and  love-making 
that  went  on. 

The  news  of 
the  marriage 

reaches  Eteocles 
in  Thebes, 

and  troubles 

To  byholde  the  grete  Kyalte 

And  the  maner  /  of  thys  solempnyte. 

But1  to  telle  /  arl  the  circumstances 
Of  lustes  /  Keuel  /  and  the  dyuers  daunces,  1664 

The  feestes  riche  /,  and  the  gyftes  grete, 
The  pryv6  sighes  /  and  the  feruent  hete 
of  louys  folk  /  brennyng1  as  the  glede, 
And  devyses  /  of  many  sondry  wede,  1668 

The  touches  stole  /  and  the*  amerous  lookes, 
By  sotyl  craft1  /  leyd  oute*  lyne  and  hokes, 
The  lalous  folk  /  to  traysshen  and  begyle 
In  their  away  ft  /  with  many  sondry  wile  :  1672 

Al  this  in  soth  /  descryven  I  ne  can. 

But*  wel  wote  I  /  the  newe  fame  ran, 
This  mene  while*  /  with  ful  swiff  passage 
Vnto  Thebes  /  of  this  manage.  1676 

And  by  report1  trewe  and  not1  yfeyned, 
The  soune  therof  the  eere's  hath  atteyned, 
Myn  auctowr  writ*  /,  of  Ethyocles, 

Touchy ng1  thonowr  /  and  the  gretf  encres  1680 

Of  Poly  my  te  /  heghly  magnytied, 
And  how  that*  he  /  newly  was  allyed 
With  Adrastus  /  in  the  londe  of  Arge. 
The  whiche  thyng1  /  he  gretly  gan  to  charge,  1 684 

1661.  Ryalte  Bo.  roialte  Adj.  1663.  telle  Ar.  Bo.  telle  or  tell  all  the  other 
MSS.  all]  of  Bo.  1667.  In  Ar.  of  stands  before  the  column  ;  the  copyist  hadfrst 
written  The,  which  is  undcrdotted.  loues  Bo.  M.  Adj.  T2.  louyng  G.  C.  folk] 
flok  Lb.  1669—1672  omitted  in  P.  1669.  stole  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  other 
MSS.,  except  scole  (sic)  LJ.  L^.  and  sutill  Ra.  sotill  Ba.  (cp.  1670).  be  amerous 
Bo.  Tj.  M.  Ra.  thamerous  Ar.  amerous  Adj.  Ad2.  auervous  I.  lookes]  look 
(:  hook)  Ra.  Ba.  1670.  doun  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra".  Ba.  Ej.  S  (adoun). 
oute  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  LJ.  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  E.2.  L.,.  Ro.  Ap.  lyne]  lines  E2.  bi 
lyne  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1671.  lalous  Ar.  lelous  Bo.  Adj.  gelous  M. ;  in  Lb.  is 
an  empty  space  between  The  gelious  folke  and  bigyle ;  the  copyist  was  unable  to 
decipher  his  original,  or  else  this  original  presented  a  gap  in  this  line.  1672. 
their  Bo.  Adj.  1673.  discryuen  Bo.  Adj.  descryve  M.  1674.  wote  I]  I  wote 
M.  Di.  1675.  while  Bo.  M.  Adj.  whil  Ar.  1676.  this]  this  ilke  M.  thilke 
Di.  the  Adj.  Ad2.  this  bje  C.  Ro.  this  noble  Ra.  Ba.  1677.  y-feyned  Bo. 
feyned  M.  Adj.;  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  trewe.  1678.  theres  Ad:.  ther  Ad2.  I. 
1680.  be  honour  Bo.  M.  thonour  Adj.  1681—1746  lost  in  Ap.  1682.  how] 
om.  Bo.  C.  T2.  P.  E.,.  1684.  the]  om.  C.  he  gretly  gan]  lie  gan  gretly  G. 
gretly  he  gan  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ada.  I  •  Ei-  c- 

PT.  I.] 

Etcocles  fears  Polyneices  will  attack  him. 


Dredyng1  Inly  /  that1  this  mariage 
Shal  after  turne  /  vnto  his  damage, 
Sore*  musyng1  /  and  castyng1  vp  and  dorm 
The  grete  pouer  /  and  the  hegh  renouw 
Of  Adrastus  /  the  which  of  grekes  land? 
Hadde  al  the  power  /  sogef  to  his  hand1 : 
Lest1  that1  he  /  for  Polymytes  sak 
wold  vpon  hyni  /  a  newe  werre  make, 
But1  }if  that1  he,  lik  the  conuenciowz, 
At1  tyme  sette  /  delyuered  the  touw 
To  his  broder  /  by  bond  of  oth*  I-sworn*, 
Be  couenauntes*  /  assured  her  to-forn, 
3if  je  remembre  /  late  as  I  $ou  told1 : 
which  he  was  nat  /  in  pwrpos  forto  hold, 
But1  from  his  heste  /  Caste  forto  varye. 
And  ther-vp-on  list1  no  lenger  tarye, 
Lich  his  desiie  /  to  shape  remedyes. 

And  first1  he  sente  for  his  next1  allies 
In  whoom  he  hadde  /  most1  his  affiau?ice, 
For  his  lorde's  /  that1  hadde  goue?-naur«ce 
Of  his  kyngdom  /  to  come  to  hyra  anon. 
And  whan  they  weren  present1  euerichon, 
he  seide  pleynly  /,  wenyng1  for  his  best1, 
That1  his  hert1  /  shal  neuer  lyve  in  rest1, 
But1  in  sorowe  /  and  in  a  maner  drede, 

Bteocles  thinks 
that,  backt  by 
1688    Adrastus, 

[leaf  28,  back] 
Polyneices  will 
1692    attack  him, 

unless  he  resigns 
his  crown  at  the 
end  of  his  1st 



So  he  sends 
for  his  allies 
and  lords, 


and  tells  em  he 
can  never  rest 


1685.  Dredyng  Inly]  Inly  dredyng  T2.     Inly]  oonly  Lb.     gretly  C.  1686. 

Shal]  Shuld  L.2.  after]  after  tyme  C.  P.  E.,.  afterward  T2.  turne  Ar.  Bo.  and 
all  the  rest,  vnto]  into  Bo.  Tt.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  to  Ra.  Ba. 
C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1687.  Sore  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Sor  Ar.  1690.  Hadde  al]  All  had  T2. 
had  of  Bo.  soget]  subiecte  Lv  to]  vnto  M.  Di.  Ba.  1692.  make]  take  G. 

1693.  Jif]  om.  M.  Di.  of  L2.  lik]  lyk  to  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  Adt.  Ad2.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  Ej.  1694.  deliuert  Adj.  1695.  bond]  boondis  Lb.  of  oth  Ba.  Ra  (of 
om.).  C.  T2.  P.  E.2.  Ro.  of  o]>er  L2.  of  both  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Lv  Ad2.  S.  of 
bothe  M.  Di.  Adx.  I.  E:.  I-sworn  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  besworn  Ar.  G.  be  sworn  S.  sworn 
Bo.  and  the  rest.  1696.  couenauntes]  couauntes  Ar.  her]  hir  Bo.  beforn 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  1699.  heste  Bo.  Ad^  cast  Bo.  caste  Adj.  1700.  tarye]  to 
tarye  Bo.  Tr  Ej.  S. ;  in  Ar.  a  pause-bar  after  list.  1703.  he]  om.  Ra.  had 
Bo.  Adx.  his]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ev  S.  Ro. 
most  his]  his  most  E2.  1704.  had  Bo.  Adj.  1706.  weren  ~&n/(with  a pame-bar 
after  weren).  were  Adj  (Ar.  and  Adj.  have  no  pause-bar  in  this  line).  1707. 

wenyng]  om.  L^  his]  the  Lb.  M.  Di.  Elt  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  Ro./  1708.  lyve  in] 
haue  Du.  1709.  in  a  maner  Ar.  Ad2.  I.  and  the  rest,  cxccptfa.  inancre  in  Adj. 

72  Eteodes  is  exhorted  to  be  True,  and  keep  his  Oath.      [PT.  U 

tin  his  brother     Tvl  his  brother  /  outrely  be  dede  ; 

is  dead.  *  . 

That1  he  in  Thebes  /  in  his  Royal  sete 
Myghtf  allone  /  regnen  in  quiete  ;  1712 

he  mente  hym-silf1  /  shortly,  and  non  other, 
Vnperturbed  /  of  Polymyte  his  brother. 

And  at  this  counsayl  /  diuers  of  entent1, 
But  three  sorts  of  H  I  fynde  writ1  /  thre  folkes  were  present1.  1716 

men  are  present. 

Some  in  soth  /  that1  feithful  were  and  trewe, 
And  some  also  /  that  can  chaunge  of  newe, 
And  other  ek  /  that1  be-twixe*  tweyn 
Couertly  kowde  /  vnder  colour  feyn.  1720 

[leaf  29]         fl^he  firste  seide,  abouen*  alle*  thyng 

If  Gomendacioun 

of  Trouthe.  JL     Ti'outhe*  shulde*  /  longe  to  a  kyng1, 

The  first  tells          r\c  i,  •  ji   /        j_i  i  •   i  i 

Eteocies  that  a     Of  his  word?  /  not1  be  variable, 

lie?8'  But  pleyn  /  and  hool  /  as  a  Centre  stable.  1724 

IT  For  trouthe*  first*  /  with-outen*  eny  wene, 
Is  Chief  Pyler  /  that1  may  a  kyng*  sustene, 

U  Nota.  jn  i0ye  and  honour  /  for  to  lede  his  lyff. 

ifhowteouthig     ]por  trouth  whilom  /  hadde  a  prerogatiff,  1728 

preferred  in  the  ' 

As  of  Esdre  /  the  book  can  specyfie, 
and       Recor(j  i  take  /  of  pradenf  Neemye, 

That*  worthy  kyngges  /  for  al  her  grete  pride, 

Wyn  /  and  wymmen  /  ben  ek  set1  a-syde,  1732 

1710.  vtterly  be  Bo.  M.  be  vtterli  Adj.  Ad2. 1.  1712.  alone  Adx.  alloon  Bo. 
regne  Bo.  Ad^  1715.  this]  his  Lb.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  E2.  at  this 
counsayl]  at  her  comynge  P.  1716.  written  G.  1717.  were  faithful  G.  1718. 
can  Bo.  conneAdj.  can  chaunge]  change  konne  M.  Di.  1719.  other]  some  other 
G.  eke  Bo.  Adj.  that]  om.  1^.  Ko.  be-twix  Ar.  Ba.  Ro.  betwixe  Ra.  betwixt 
P.  La.  betwene  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adr  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  E2.  between 
Du.  tweyn]  ]>o  tweine  Ad^  them  both  tweyne  Ad2.  them  tho  tweyn  I. 
1720.  kowde  vnder  colour  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  vnder  colour  koude  M.  Di.  1721. 
aboue  al  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  abouen  alle  Ra.  1722.  Trouthe  Bo.  M.  Ad^  Trouth 
Ar.  Tj.  Lb.  Ra.  shulde  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  Adj.  shuld  Ar.  M.  Ra.  longe  Ar.  Bo.  Tj. 
Lb.  M.  Adj.  long  Ra.  to]  vnto  T2.  E2.  Ro.  til  Ad2.  I.  1723.  be]  to  be  Lj. 
Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  variable]  veriable  Lj.  1724.  Centre] 
Countre  Lx.  1725.  trouthe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  trouth  Ar.  withoute  Ar.  Bo.  Adj. 
M.  withouten  Di.  1730.  Neomye  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  1731.  That]  What  Ad2. 
kyngges]  kyng  Bo.  Du.  L;.  Lb.  Adx.  Ra.  Ba.  E}.  S.  her]  his  Lj.  1732.  and]  a 
Ar.  ek]  also  Lg.  Ro.  ;  in  Adt.  Ej.  S.  1732  is  omitted;  Ad^  and  I.  instead  of 
wyn  and  wymmen  have  haue  bene  put  doun  ;  in  Ra.  after  1730  the  space  of 
one  line  is  left  blank,  and  then  follows,  making  three  lines  for  the  two  1731  and  1732 : 
AfForiie  kyngis  wemen  and  wyu  That  worthi  kyng  for  al  ther  grete  pride  Leid  hym 
doun  and  put  on  a  side.  Ba.  has  no  blank  line  ;  after  1730  follow  the  same  three 
lines  as  in  Ra. ,  only  with  wyfe/or  wyn  and  on  syde/or  on  a  side  (sec  Notes). 

PT.  II]       Many  Kings  have  been  overthrown  ~by  Falseness. 


With  ali  her  pouer  /  and  domynaciouw, 

havyng1  reward?  /  in  comparisons 

To  trouthes  niyght1  /  and  trouthes  worthynesse. 

For  as  Esdre  /  pleynly  /  doth  expresse,  1736 

Who  taketh  hede  /,  in  the  same  place, 

Be*  the  Influence  /  sothly  /  and  the  grace 

Of  trouthe  allon  /  this  olde  ]S"eemye 

Gat*  hym  licence  /  to  reedifie  1740 

The  wallys  newe  /  of  lerusalem. 

Which  trouth  is  tresour  /  chief  of  euery  rewme, 

For  Salamon  writ1  /  how  that1  thynges  tweyne, 

Trouth  /  and  mercy  /  lynked  in  a  cheyne,  1744 

Preserve  a  kyng1  /  lik  to  his  degre, 

From  al  meschief  /  and  aduersite. 

Alias  therfor  /  that1  eny  doublenesse, 

Variauwce  or  vnsicrenesse,  1748 

Chaunge  of  word?  /  or  mutabilite*, 

fraude  /  or  deceyte  /  or  vnstabilet6  *, 

Shuld  in  a  kyng1  /  han  domynacioun, 

To  causen  after  /  his  destrucciou??.  1752 

Of  kyngges  /  redeth  the  story  doune  be  rowe, 

And  seth  /  how  many  /  han  ben  ouerthrowe 

Thorgh  her  falshede  /  fro*  fortunes  whel*. 

For  vnto  god  /it*  pleseth  neuer  a  del,  1756 

A  kyng  to  ben  /  double  of  entent1 ; 

For  it1  may  happe  /  that  the  world  is  blent1 

Truth  Is  above 

By  truth,  Nehe- 
miah  got  leave 
to  rebuild  the 
walls  of  Jeru- 

«;  Trouth  and 
mercye  pr«s«ruen 
a  kyng  from  al 

If  Chaunge  nor 
doublenesse  shal 
n°t  oei»i  akyng. 

[leaf  29,  back] 

See  how  many 
kings  have  been 
overthrown  by 
falseness ! 

1734.  reward]  no  reward  Ad2.  I.  comparisoun  Bo.  Tj.  comparacion  Du. 
1735.  To  trouthes]  To  trouth  his  P.  The  trouthes  Ej.  and]  om.  Ej.  and 
troutlies]  and  his  Ad^  Ad2. 1.  1738.  Be  the]  The  in  all  the  MSS.  1742.  trouth] 
om.  C.  P.  £5.  1*2.  tresour]  om.  Ro.  chief]  om.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  T2.  euery] 
all  the  T2.  rewme  Tj.  reme  Bo.  Lb.  Adj.  reem  M.  reame  T2.  Ro.  realme 
Ej  (:  lerusalem).  1743.  For]  om.  Ro.  writ]  writeth  Ba.  how]  om.  Ra.  Ba. 
thynges]  kynges  Lj.  L2.  1748.  vnsikernesse  Bo.  1749.  mutabilite]  mutablite 
Ar.  1750.  or]  outher  M.  Di.  vnstabilite  C.  T2.  L2.  Ro.  vnstablete  Ar.  G. 
ynstabilitee  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  1753.  redeth  Du.  redith  Adx.  rede 
Bo.  1754.  And]  om.  L2.  seethM.  see  Bo.  Adj.  1755.  Thorgh]  For  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  her]  his  L2.  Ro.  fro]  for  Ar.  Ra.  Ba.  (in  S.  for  is  underdotted  and 
the  iisual  abbreviation  of  and  ivritten  above  it),  borugh  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
whel]  wel  Ar.  1756.  it]  om.  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  L\.  Lb.  Ap.  it  pleseth]  plesith 
it  M.  Di. 

74          Eteodes  wouldn't  be  True,  and  so  destroy d  Thebes.       [PT. 

God  sees  all. 

Tho'  Truth  may 
for  a  time  be 

it  will  shine 
clear  at  last. 

Jt  is  the  pre- 
server of 

Kings  should 
keep  their  troth. 

But,  by  Eteo- 
cles's  falsness, 
Thebes  was 

[leaf  30] 

Ful  ofte  sith  /  be  sleghtf  of  her  werkyng1. 

But1  this  the  trouthe*  /  god  see]?  eue?y  thyng1         1760 
Eight1  as  it  is  /  for  ther  may  be  no  cloude 
To-forn  his  sight1  /  trouthe*  forto  shrowde. 
U  It  may  be  clipsed  /  and  derked  be  disceyte, 
By  fals  engyne  /  liggyng  in  a-weyte,  1764 

As  a  serpent1  /  forto  vndermyne ; 
But1  at  the  last*  /  it1  wol  clerly  shyne, 
Who  that1  seith  nay  /,  shew  his  brijte  bemes. 
For  if  in  soth  /  of  kyngdames  and  of  Reawmes          1768 
Is  berer  vp  /  and  conseruatrice 
From  al  Meschief  /  sothfast1  mediatri'ce 
To  god  aboue  /  who  so  list1  to  se, 

To  kepe  a  kyng1  /  in  Prosperite  1772 

On  euery  side  /  as  I  afferme  dar. 

For  which  30  kyngges  and  lorde's  beth  Avel  war 
3our  bihestes  /  lustly  forto  holde  ! 

And*  thenk  how  Thebes  /  with  his  walles*  olde        1776 
Distroied  was  /  platly  /  this  no  les, 
For  doublenesse  /  of  Ethiocles, 
Which  his  puple  /  after  sore  abouhf  : 
Only  for  he  nat1  by  counsel!  wroght1  1780 

Of  hem  that1  wern  /  bothe  trewe  and  wis  : 

1759.  sith]  sight  L,.  sleght  Bo.  Du.  sleight  Adj.  sleith  TV  scleghet  Ro. 
be  sleght]  by  cause  M.  Di.  her]  om.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  working  Bo.  Adj.  wyrkynge 
P.  Ro.  workyng  Ad2.  walking  T2.  1760.  this]  this  is  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb. 
Adj.  I.  trouthe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  trouth  Ar.  euery]  al  M.  Di.  1762.  trouth 
Bo.  troube  Adx.  M.  1763.  clipsed]  eclipsid  Adj.  1764.  liggyng]  liyng  Bo. 
TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  1765.  trouth  is  written  by 
the  same  hand  to  the  right  of  the  line  in  Du  (red  ink),  and  Lb  (black  ink).  1766. 
at]  a  Ar.  ;  to  explain  it,  the  copyist  of  Ar.  has  written  -I-  trouth  with  black  ink  to  the 
right  of  the  line.  1767.  Who  that]  Whos  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Di.  "Who  so  Du.  who 
TV  Lij.  seith]  say  M.  Di.  L.,.  Ro.  Ap.  nay]  nay  nay  M.  shew]  and  shewe  M. 
Di.  C.  T.2.  P.  R2.  bright  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1768.  rewmes  Bo.  remes  M.  Ad,.  1769. 
Is]  His  Ra.  P.  And  his  Lx.  conseruatrice]  conservatiff  Lj.  1770.  Fro  Bo.  M. 
Adj.  For  Adj.  I.  1772.  Prosperite]  gode  prosperite  M.  Di.  long  prosperite 
T.2.  1774.  je]  >e  Bo.  T...  I.  om.  Lj.  E^  P.  beth  Ar.  Du.  T.,.  be  Bo.  T,.  M. 
Adj.  Ra.  C.  we]]  om.  Lv  Lb.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  1776.  And]  I  Ar.  Ra.  Ba. 
S.  thenk]  )>inke  Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  Ro.  thenketh  C.  £3.  thynckyth  L...  T.,.  P. 
walles]  wal  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Ej.  S.  Ap.  1777.  this]  bis  is  Du.  Lb.  Di.  Ra. 
Ba.  P.  Eo.  La.  1778.  For]  For  the  Lt.  M.  Di.  Adt.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  C.  T.,  P.  E2.  Ro. 
doubleuesse]  doublenesses  T0.  Eo.  1781.  wern  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  C.  Ro.  weren 
TV  Du.  Lb.  Di.  Ra.  were  E!.  S.  T.,.  P.  L-j.  bothe  M.  Adj.  both  Bo. 


End  of  Eteocles'  first  year's  reign  in  Thebes. 


He  gave  up 

5T  the  counsayl 
of  Flatareres. 
and  followd 
those  who  bade 
him  stick  to 

and  let  his 
brother  whistle 
for  it. 

1796    Eteocles  decides 

hym  lyst1  nat1  worchen  /  after  her  devys ; 

But1  lefte  trouthe  /  and  sette  his  fantasye 

To  be  gouerned  /  by  fals  flaterye  *,  1784 

IF  That1  bad  hym  thenke*  /  how  he  was  a  knyghfr, 

And  to  holde  of  force  /,  more*  than  of*  right1, 

Duryng1  his  lyf  /  lordship  of  the  toun, 

And  not1  to  lese  his  possessioun  1788 

For  no  bond  /nor  heestes  mad  toforii ; 

But1  lete  his  brother  /  bio  wen*  in  an  horn, 

Wher  that  hym  lyst1  /  or  pypen  in  a  red. 

This  was  the  counsail  /  platly  and  be  Eeed  1792 

Of  swich"  as  liste  nat1  /  to  seyn  the  soth", 

But1  falsly  flater  /  with  her  wordes  smoth". 

IT  And  whan  they  hadde  /  hool  her  tale  fyned, 

Ethyocles  /  fully  is  enclynyd, 

Who  so  euer  ther-atf  /  laugh  or  wepe, 

lik1  her  counsayl  •  possession/a  to  kepe, 

who  that1  sey  nay  /  or  gruche  ther-ageyn ; 

hym  to  contrarye  /  he  thoght1  was  but1  veyn. 

But1  in  this  whyle*  hath  the  shene  soraae 
The  twelue  signes  /  round?  aboute  Eonne 
Sith  Ethiocle  /  be  lust1  rekenyng1*, 
In  Thebes  was  crowned  /  lord  and  kyng1, 
holdyng1  the  sceptre  /  and  the  dyademe ; 
That1  be  resouw  /  as  it1  wolde  seme, 
The  tyme  was  f ul  complet1  /  and  the  space,  ls  ended, 

1782.  worchen  Bo.  Adj.  worche  M.  werke  T2.  devys]  avise  Ad.2?/ 1.  1783. 
lefte  Bo.  Adj.  1784.  flaterye  Bo.  Adj.  flatrye  Ar.  1785.  tbfenke  Bo.  M. 
thenk  Ar.  Ad^  1786.  And]  om.  Tj.  to  holde]  tolde  Di.  to  sh/flde  Ej.  more 
Bo.  Tj.  M.  nior  Ar.  om.  C.  than  of]  than  Ar.  G.  Ap.  1789.  bond]  bondes 
Bo.  nor  Ar.  Ra.  ne  Bo.  M.  Adj.  T2.  heestes]  heste  Ra.  Ba.  to/Torn  Lb.  aforne 
M.  Ej.  beforn  Bo.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  1790.  his]  youre  Lj.  blo/en  G.  Bo.  Tx.  Lb. 
M.  Ej.  Ap.  blowe  Ar.  Adj.  Ra.  C.  T2.  1793.  Swich  Ar.  .Bo.  Du.  siche  TV 
Soche  E2.  Suche  all  the  rest,  as]  >at  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lv  M.  Di. .&.  S.  C.  T2.  1795. 
hool  her  tale]  holy  her  tale  M.  Di.  Ba.  C.  hool  the  tale,Lb.  her  hole  tale  P. 
talle  whole  S.  her  tale  holy  T2.  fyned]  Ifynid  S.  feyned  (:  enclyned)  Da. 
Ba.  1799  and  1800  omitted  in  Du.  1800.  hym  to]  Or  holdeth  the  P.  contrarye] 
contraire  Ra.  Ba.  E2.  he]  him  Ba.  E2.  L2.  they  Ro.  om/Lb.  Di.  was]  it  was  Ha. 
Ba.  L.,.  Ro.  1801.  while  Bo.  Adx.  Ra.  whyl  Ar.  liath]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  shene 
Ad^  "sheen  Bo.  1802.  The]  Th  Ar.  twelve]  XII  Bo.  Adj.  round]  hath  Adt. 
Ad2.  I.  1803.  Ethiocle  Adj.  Ethiocles  Bo.  rekenyng  Bo.  Adt.  reknyng 
Ar.  1805.  and  the]  and  M.  Di. 

to  stick  to  his 

1  CAA    IT  How  the  jeer 
was  come  out 
that  Ethiocles 
His  first  year's 
reign  in  Thebes 


76        Polyneices  consults  Adrastus  on  his  Claim  to  Thebes.     [PT.  IT 

togiveupgthe       Of  couenawnte  /  he  shulde  voide  his  place,  1808 

ne°c™, to  P°ly"      And  Polymyte  ek  /  his  ioz«-ne  make 

Toward1  Thebes  /,  pocessiouw  to  take 

Of  due*  title  /  But1  he  hadde  wronge  : 

Which  thoghtt  in  soth"  /  the  $eer  was  wonder  longe     1812 

Of  his  Exil  /  er  it1  kam  aboute. 

And  for  he  hadde  /  in  hert1  a  manere  doute 

Lest1  in  his  broder  /  ther  wer  falshed*  found' 

Taquyte  hym-silf  /  lik  as  he  was  bound1,  1816 

U  To  Adrastus  /  he  gan  declar  his  herte, 

Beseching1  hyra  /  this  mater*  to  aduerte, 

And  ther-vpon  /  to  jiue  a  counsayl  sone, 

Touchyng1  his  right1  /  what1  was  best1  to  done,  1820 

wher  it1  was  bet1  to  gon  /  or  to  abyde, 

Or  liche  a  knyght1  manfully  to  Eyde 

hym-silf  allone  /  and  make  no  massage, 

For  to  Chalauwge  /  his  rightful  heritage  1824 

with-Inne  Thebes  /  outher  *  be  pees  or  stryf , 

And  ther-vpon  /  to  luparte  his  lif. 

Thus  was  he  set1  /  for  al  his  ferce  brother. 

But1  Adrastus  /  sothly  /  thoght1  a-nother  1828 

Bet1  was  to  sende  /  than  hyjra-silf  to  gon 

Lest  he  were  trapped  among  his  mortal  foil ; 

Havyng1  his  brother  /  suspecte  in  this  cas 

That1  be  fraude  /  or  be  some  fallas,  1832 

He  wolde*  werk  /  to  his  destrucciouw, 

[leaf  80,  back] 

who,  doubting 
his  brother, 

asks  Adrastus 

to  advise  him 
whether  he 
shall  sit  still 

or  claim  Thebes  , 

may  be  trapt 

1808.  voide]  leve  Adj.  I.  1809.  Polymyte  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ka.  iourney  Bo. 
iornay  M.  Adj.  1811.  due  Bo.  Adj.  dieu  Ar.  G  (in  the  margin  due  is 
written  by  late  hand),  had  Bo.  Adj.  1812.  was]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M. 
Di.  C.  T2.  Ro.  wonder]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  oner  Lb.  passynge  Ro.  1813. 
er  Bo.  or  M.  Adj.  1815.  falshede  Bo.  Adj.  falsed  Ar.  1816.  to  acquyte 
Bo.  Adj.  1819.  2'hecopyist  of  AT.  has  first  written  counsayl  good,  then  underdottcd 
good  and  added  sone.  1820.  was]  were  Di.  Ba.  C  (where),  was  best]  best  was 

Ra.  Ba  (wer).  1821.  wher  Adj.  C.  Wheber  Bo.  Lb.  M.  was]  were  Adv  C. 
abyde]  byde  C.  1828.  message  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1825.  oyther  Ar.  Ap.  either 

Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ej.  K.,.      aythre  Ba.      outher  Ra.  C.  Ro.      other  Lb.  Adj.  T2. 

LJ.  om.  P.  be]  with  TvVdV  Ad2-  L  Ra-  Ba-  1827-  feers  Bo-  M-  Adv  183L 
this]  be  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lbf  Ad^  Ra.  Ba.  E,.  S.  1832.  or  be]  or  M.  Di.  Ad,. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  P.  C  (other  for  or).  or  ellis  Ro.  1833.  He]  How  he  Lt. 
wolde  Bo.  Lb.  Adj.  wold  Ar.  M.  T2.  wolde  werk]  werke  wolde  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 

PT.  Ii]  Tideus  resolves  to  claim  Thebes  for  Polyneices. 


3  if  lie  wer  hardy  e  to  entren  in-to  tows. 

For  which  he  bad  hyw  /  prudently  tak  hede, 

Ful  concludyng1  /  how  it*  was  mor  spede  1836 

That1  some  other  be  /  to  Thebes  sent, 

To  apparceyve  fully  the  entent1 

1[  Of  Ethiocle  /  outward*  /  be  some  signe, 

And  wher  that1  he  /  his  crouwe*  wil  resigne 

For  thilke*  jeer  /,  lik  as  he  made  his  ootfi  : 

And  whan  he  knewe  /  how  his  pwrpoos  goj> 

Ther-vpon  to  werken  /  and  precede. 

Thus  Adrastus  /  wisely  gan  hym  rede. 
U  And  whil  they  trete  /  vpon  this  inatere, 
Tydeus  with  a  manly  chere 
Saide*  vttrely  /  for  his  broder  sake, 
This  massage  /  he  wold?  vndertake 
with  hool  thempris  /  of  thenbassyat, 
wer  it1  wilful  /  or  infortunat1  : 
He  wil  not1  spare  /  what*  so  that1  betide. 
U  But  Adrastus  /  on  the  tojjer  syde, 
And  Polymyte  /  in  conclusions, 
Weren  contrarye  /  to  that  opynyouw, 
And  seide  sothly  /  as  hem  thoghte  right1, 
Sith  that1  he  was  /  so  wel  /  a  preue'd  knyghtt  1856 

And  discended  of  so  worthy  blood, 

if  he  goes  to 
Thebes : 

he  must  send 
some  one  else 





[leaf  31] 

Tideus  at  once 

undertakes  to 


If  Tydeus  took 

vpon  hym  to  don 

\>e  massage  of 


Adrastus  and 

1834.  entren  Ar.  G.  Ex.  Ro.  Ap.  entre  Bo.  and  the  rest,  into]  in  G.  om.  Ra.  Ba. 
tounAr.  Ro.  the  toun  Bo.  and  the  rest.  1836.  Ful]  Fully  Lj.  P.  E^  was]  were  M. 
Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E.2.  mor]  moste  Lb.  was  mor]  more  were  Di.  spede]  uedeC.  1839 
and  1840  transposed  in  I.  1840  omitted  in  S.  wher]  whether  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  if 
Ra.  Ba.  E9.  his]  the  P.  crowne  Bo.  M.  Adj.  croure  Ar.  wil  (wol)]  wolde  Lj.  M. 
Di.  L.2.  Ro  (walde).  1841.  thilke  Adj.  Ra.  bilke  Bo.  thilk  Ar.  M.  C.  T2.  1^. 
be  ilke  Lx.  ylke  S.  1843.  worken  Bo.  M.  1845.  trete  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Lb.  M. 
Adj.  Ra.  vpon]  of  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  1846.  manly]  manful  Di.  ful  manly  LJ. 

T2.  1847.  Saide]  Sade  Ar.          1849.  whith  Ar.     thempris]  emprise  M.  Di. 

he  enbassyat  Bo.  thenbassyat  M.  Adj.  1850.  wer  it]  whether  it  were  M.  Di. 
Whether  hit  be  Lb.  wilful  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  LT.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba,  Ex.  P.  Ro. 
Ap.  welful  Ad:.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  T2.  E2.  L2.  or]  other  C.  infortunat]  fortunat  Di. 
1851.  what  so  that]  what  so  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  M.  C.  T2.  P.  L2.  whatsoeuer  E2.  what 
so  hym  La.  1852.  bat  other  Bo.  M.  Adj.  1853.  Polymyne  Ar.  1856. 
Sith]  Syn  Ra.  that]  om.  Ro.  so  wel  a  preued  Ar.  G.  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  C.  T2.  L.2.  Ro. 
Ap.  so  wel  a  proued  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  so  wel  approved  a  Ad2.  I. 
so  well  a  priued  E2.  so  well  a  preferred  P.  so  well  a  prowd  S.  a  gentil  Bo  (so 
wel  om.). 

78  Tideus  rides  to  Thebes,  and  (joes  to  the  Palace,      [PT.  E 

[leaf  31,  back] 
Tideus  rides 

That1  they  nolde  /  for  non 

For  aH  Thebes  /  with  the  regalye, 

Put  his  body  /  in  such  lupartie.  1860 

But1  aH  this  thyng1  /  auayled  hew*  rijt1  nojt1 ; 
For  he  wol  forth  /  how  dere  that1  it  be  bo3f, 
Takyng1  lieve  /  first1  of  aH  thestatys, 
And  armed  hym  in  Mayle  /  and  sure  platys,  1864 

And  Shope  hym  forth  /  vpon  his  lourne. 
f  The  sorowe  of    wno  made  sorowe  /  but1  Deyphyle, 

Devphile  whan  J  r    J 

Coward  Thebes      w^n  Bitter  teeres  /  dewed  al  her  face, 

Ful  ofte  sith  /  swownyng  in  the  place,  1868 

Trist  and  mowrnyng  /  in  her  blake*  wede, 

Whan  she  saugh  /  that1  he  took  his  stede ; 

So  inwardly  gan  encres*  her  mone, 

Seyng1  her  lord1  /  so  ride  forth"  allone  1872 

Vpon  his  way  /  this  worthy  Tydeus. 

And  in  al  hast1,  the  story  telleth  vs, 
He  spedde  hym  so,  makyng*  no  delayes, 
That1  in  space  /  of  a  fewe  daies  1876 

The  heghe  ioures  of  Thebes  /  he  gan  se, 
And  entred  is  /  into  the  Cite, 
Wisly  enqueryng1  /  wher  the  Paleys  stood ; 
And  lik  a  knyght1  /  thidere  streght1  he*  rood,  1880 

Markyd  ful  wel  /  in  many  mannys  sight1, 
lich"  Mars  /  hym-silf  /,  in  stiel  y-armed*  bright1, 
Til  he  atteyned  hath  the  chief1  dongouw, 

goes  to  the          wher  as  the  kyng1  /  helde  his  mancyouw.  1884 

And  thorgh"  the  paleys  /  with  a  knyghtly  look 

and  into  the  j^  th(j  ^  /(  ^  ^^  w&y  he  ^^ 

1858 — 1922   lost  in  C.         1861.   hem  Bo.  G.   M.   Adj.      hym  Ar.     om.    Ra. 
auayled  hem]  he  sette  by  Ad2.  I.  1862.  that]  om.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  1864. 

armed]  armeth  G.  sure]  in  sure  M.  Di.  1866.  The  rubric  begins  with  Who  mad 
sorowe,  but  these  three  words  have  been  crossed  out  with  red  ink.  1869.  blake  Bo. 
blak  Ar.  M.  Adj.  1871.  So]  She  M.  gan  encres(e)]  encres  gan  Ar.  G.  T2.  Eg.  Ap. 
gan  encressen  Ba.  gan  tencresen  Ra.  gan  to  in-crease  S.  1872.  ride]  ridyng 
LI.  M.  Di.  T2.  E2.  1876.  in  space]  in  J>e  space  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  a 
fewe]  fewe  Adj.  Ada-  I.  T2.  P.  E2.  1877.  gan]  gan  to  G.  1878.  the]  om.  Du. 
1880.  streght  he]  he  streght  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  Tj.  Lb.  1882.  y-armed]  I-armed 
Ap.  armed  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  (cp.  1306,  2618).  1883.  Ar.  has 
a  pause-bar  between  atteyned  and  hath.  1884.  Wher  as]  ther  as  Bo. 

to  Thebes, 

PT.  i:] 

Tideus  meets  Eteocles  and  his  Lords. 





1900  themspeak8t° 
[leaf  32] 


From  his  stede  /  whan  he  lighte  douii, 

Not  afered  /  but  hardy  as  lycmn,  1888 

Wher  as  the  kyng1  /  with  lordes  a  gref  route 

In  the  halle  sittyng1  /  rounde  aboute, 

he  entrecl  Inne  /  most  manful  of  corage, 

To*  execute  /  the  fyn  of  his*  massage. 

And  as  hym  thou^f  /  conuenient1  and  due 

Ful  kormyngly  /  he  gan  the  kyng  salue 

Kequiring1  hym  /,  of  kyngly  excellence, 

In  goodly  wise  /to*  jeve  hym  audience, 

And  not1  disdeyne  /  neither  in  port1  ne  cheer, 

Sith  he  was  Come  /  as  a  massagere 

From  Polymyte  /  his  owne  brodere  dere; 

Gynnyng1  his  tale  /  thus,  as  ^e  shal  here. 

"  Sir*,"  quod  he,  "  vnto  your  worthynesse 

My  purpoos  is  breefly  to  exp?'esse 

Theffecte  only,  as  in  sentement1, 

Of  the  massage  why  that1  I  am  sent1. 

It1  were  in  veyn  /  longe  processe  forto  make. 

But1  of  my  mater  /  the  verrey  ground'  to  take, 

In  eschewyng  of  prolixite, 

And  voyde  away  /  al  superfluyte, 

Sith  }otire-silf  best1  ought1  to*  vnderstond* 

The  cause  fully  /  that  we  han  on  hond?, 

And  ek  conceyve  /  J?entent  of  my  menynge, 

Of  rightwisnesse  /  longgyng1  to  a  kynge  :  1912 

First1  considred  /,  jif  that1  $e  tak  hede, 

1887.  whan]  whan  >atLb.  lighte  M  .  Adlt  lightBo.  a-li3te  Di.  T2.  dounjado^n 
M.  Di.  Adr  Ad2.  1.  P.  E2.  Ro.  1888.  affered  Bo.  a  ferd  Adj.  as]  as  a  Tj.  Du.  Lj. 
M.  Di.  Adx.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  Ro.  1892.  to  execute  Bo.  TV  M.  Adj.  Texecute 
Ar.  his]  this  Ar.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  1894.  Ful  konnyngly]  Iful  konnyng  G. 
1895.  kyngly]  knightly  Bo.  Lv  T2.  P.  kyndely  Du.  1896.  to]  om.  Ar.  Ap. 
1898.  Come  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  T2.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  also  between 
was  and  Come,  messagere  Adj.  messangere  Bo.  Tj.  M.  190Q.  Gynnyng] 
Begynnyng  Lj.  S.  Ap.  his]  a  P.  thus  as]  as  thus  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  1901. 
Sir  only  in  P.  and  Ro.  (re-inserted),  omitted  in  all  the  other  MSS.  ,\Q  in  Ar.  is  a 
two-line  capital.  In  Ra.  the  late  corrector  has  written  0  king  at  the  beginning  of  the 
line.)  1903.  only]  hooly  T2.  P.  E2.  Ro.  Ap.  1908.  And]  to  Di.  1909.  to] 
om.  Ar.  Adj.  Ap.  1911.  conceyve]  to  knowe  Di.  toucheinge  P.  my]  the  1^ 
Ro.  menynge]  comyng  Di.  1913.  that]  om.  G.  Ad2.  I. 

1904  Tideus  did  h« 


Tideus  reminds 


80     Tideus  reminds  Etcocles  of  his  Oath,  &  bids  him  keep  it.    [FT. 

of  his  agreement 

that  he  should 
reign  for  one 
year  only, 
and  then  give 
place  to  Poly- 

[leaf  82,  back] 

*j  The  request 
but  Tideus  mad 
in  be  name  of 
Polymyt  vnder 
the  title  of  be 

who  now  re- 
quires him  to 
keep  his  oath. 

Truth  should 
,  "9  more 

whan  Edippus  /  the  olde*  kyng1  was  dede, 

ho\v  that  jour-silf  /  and  joure  brother  blyve 

For  the  croune  /  contagiously  gan  stryve  1916 

As  mortal  foon  /  by  ful  gret1  hatrede, 

which"  of  jow  two  /  shulde*  first1  succede  : 

Til  that1  je  were  /  be  meenys  reconcyled, 

3e  to  regne  /  and  he  to  be  exiled  1920 

Out1  of  this  towne  /  for  a  jeeres  space, 

And  than  ageyn  /  resorte  to  his  place, 

To  regne  as  kyng1,  and  je  to  voyden  oute, 

So  as  jour  tourne  /  be  processe  kam  aboute ;  1924 

Euericn"  of  jow  /  paciently  tendure 

Thenterchaungyng1  /  of  his  Auenture, 

Who  were  put1  out1  /  or  stood  in  his  estat1, 

Ther-vpon  to  make  no  debat1,  1928 

Lich  the  Couenamtt  /  and  conuenciowi, 

Enrolled  vp  /  by  lordys  of  this  touw, 

Which  of  reson  may  not1  be  denyed. 

And  sith"  je  han  /  a  jeer  /  y-occupied,  1932 

1F  Poliuiytes  /  requerej)  jow  of  rijt1, 

Taqwite  jou  /  lik1  a  trewe  knyght1, 

In  eschewyng1  of  mortal  werre  and  strif ; 

Sith  je  han  had  '.  a  Prerogatif  1936 

As  eldest1  brother  /  forto  regne  aforfl  : 

And  thenketh  eke  /  how  that1  je  ar  sworn 

jour  oth  to  kepe  /  and  make  no  tarying1, 

Holy  aduerting  /  lien"  a  prudent1  kyng1,  1940 

That*  trouth  is  mor  /  in  conparisouw, 

x'1914.  olde    Bo.    M.    Adx.       old   Ar.  1916.    gan    Bo.    Ad2.       gonne  Adj. 

stryve]  to  striue  Adj.  Ad2.  1918.  shulde  Bo.     shuld  Ar.  1919.  that]  om. 

Adt.  Ad.j.  1921.  Out]om.  Lt.  this]  his  Lb.  jeeres]  yere  Bo.  Du.  1922.  ageyn] 
anoon  Di.  resorte]  resorten  P.  to  resorte  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  to]  vnto  M.  Di. 
into  T2.  E2.  his]  ]>is  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  1923.  as]  as  a  Lb.  C-  P.  to  voyden] 
voiden  Bo.  to  voide  Lx.  Ej.  S.  L^.  Ro.  to  be  voided  T2.  1925.  to  endure  Bo. 
M.  Adj.  tendur  G.  1926.  J>e  entrechaungyng  Bo.  Adj.  thenterchangyng  M. 

1927.  Who]  Whos  M.   Di.      put  out]  pacient  Bo.      his]  om.  Lb.   Adj.   Ad2.   I. 

1928.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  make.          1930.  this]  be  Bo.  M.   Di.   Adj.   Ba. 
T2.  P.   E2.  1932.  y-occupied  Bo.  M.   Adj.  1933.  requireth  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
1934.  Taqwite]  to  acquite  Bo.  M.   Adj.  and  the  rest,     lik]  as  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
1941.  That]  The  Ar.  G. 

PT.  I.]          Eteocles  at  first  dissembles  and  remonstrates. 


Than  aH  the  tresour  /  of  ^our1  Kegyoiw, 

Mor  acceptable  /  vnto  god  and  man 

Than  aH  richesse  /  that*  $e  rekne  kan.  1944 

Wherefor  in  hasf  /  and  laf  ther  be  no  slouthe, 

Quyteth  ^our-silf  /  Justly  of  $our  trouthe 

Vnto  ^oure  brother  /  avoyding1  this  Cyte, 

And  lat1  hym  regnen  /  in  his  Kyalte,  1948 

U  The  croune  of  Thebes  /  a  $eer  to  occupie. 

Than  wol  al  Grece  /  preise  and  magnyfie 

joure  hegh  renovw  /  and  may  sey  non  other 

But*  ^e  han  quytt1  ^ou  /  lustly  to  $our  brother.  1952 

This  hool  theffecte  /  of  al  that  I  wil  seyn, 

Answer  expectaunt1  /  what  ^e  list*  sende  ageyfi." 

Whan  Tydeus  /  hadde  told!  his  tale, 
Ethiocles,  trisf  /  and  wonder  pale,  1956 

his  conceyt  first*  in  maner*  hath  refreyned, 
Dyssimulyng1  /  vnder  colour  feyned, 
Shewyng1  a  cheer  /  in  maner  debonayre, 
To  his  ententt  /  wonderly  contrayre,  1900 

Inward*  in  herte  /  wood  and  furious, 
Turnyng1  his  face  /  towarde  Tydeus, 
he  gan  abraid!  /  and  at  the  last1  oufr-brak, 
And  euen  thus  /  vnto  hym  he  spak.  1964 

^T  "  I  haue*  gret  mervaile  /"  quod  he,  "  in  my  thoghf 
Of  the  massage  /  which*  that1  thow  hast1  broghtt, 
That*  my  brother  /  as  thow  hast1  expownyd, 

to  a  king  than 

should  then 
quit  Thebes, 

and  let  Poly- 
neices  reign  his 

Eteoclea  turns 

and  dissembles. 

[leaf  83] 

f  The  answer  of 

He  wonders 

that  Polyneices 
wants  Thebes, 

1943.  vnto]  both  to  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  1944.  all  Ar.  G.  Ej. 
C.  T2.  Ap.  al  be  Bo.  and  the  rest.  G .  has  omitted,  of  1.  1 946  the  words  silf  lustly  of 
your  trouthe,  and  of  1.  1947  Unto  youre,  and  reads :  Quyteth  your  brother,  etc. 
1947.  avoyding]  voidyng  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  this]  the  P.  1948.  regne  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

1952.  Je]  om.  Bo.     Je  hau  quytt]  ye  acquite  C.  T2.  £5.  1^.  Ro.     that  ye  aquyte  P. 
ye  haue  (om.  quytt)  Ra.  Ex.  S.  Ap  (beginning  of  line  is  burnt),      that  ye  haue  Ba. 

1953.  This]  This  is  Bo.   Tv  Du,  Lv  Lb.  Adj.  Ad^  I.   Ra.   Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  L.2.  Ro. 
hool]  om.  Ba.  Ro.     the  hole  P.     of]  and  Bo.     om.  P.     al]  om.  Lb.  P.     I]  om.  Du. 
1955.  had  Bo.  M.  Adj.     hadde  told]  told  had  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.,         1957.  first]  om. 
P.  L2.      in  maner]  in  a  maner  Ar.  G.  Bo.  M.  Di.     in  maner  first  hatli  C.         1958. 
dissymelyng  Bo.  M.     disimelingAdj.        1959.  a]  om.  M.  Di.         1961.  herte]  in  h. 
G.        1963.  abraid]  to  biaid  G.         1964.  vnto]  to  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.     he  spak]  lie  gan  to  spake  (sic)  Ra.          1965.  I  ha  Ar.      I 
haue  Bo.  Adj.     In  a  G.         1966.  woch  for  which  Ar.      which]  om.  S.      that]  om. 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  C.  P.     broght]  I -brought  Ej. 


82     Eteocles  hoped  for  help  from  Polyneices,  not  banishment.    [PT.  t 

seeing  that  he 
has  so  much 
in  Argos. 


says  he  hoped 
would  have 
helpt  him, 

not  wanted 
to  banish  him 
into  poverty. 

[leaf  33,  back] 

Desyreth  so  /  in  Thebes  to  he  crownyd,  19G8 

Havynge  reward!  /  to  the  habundance, 

The  grete  plente  /  and  the  suffisaunce 

That1  he  hath  nowe  /  with  the  kyng  of  Arge  : 

That*  me  semeth  /  he  shuld  lityl  charge  1972 

To  han  lordship  /  or  domynacioun 

In  the  boundis  /  of  this  lytyl  toura, 

Sith  he  regneth  /  so  fresshly  in  his  flours, 

Surmountyng1  /  aH  his  predecessours  1976 

Be  newe  encres  /  thorgh  fortunis  myght1 ; 

wherof  in  hert1  /  I  am  right1  glad  and  light1 : 

Fully  trustyng1  /  }if  I  hadde  nede 

To  his  helpe,  that1  with-oute  drede  1980 

Kk  a  brother  than*  I  shuld!  hyra  fynde 

To  meward  feithful,  trewe,  and  kynde  : 

Supposing1  pleynly  euermor 

Of  this  regne  /  he  set  /  but1  lityl  stor,  1984 

Nor  cast1  hym  not*  /  for  so  short1  a  while 

As  for  a  ^eer,  his  brother  to  exile, 

To  lyve  in  pouerte  /  and  gret1  distresse. 

he  wol  not1  suffre  it1  /  of  his  high*  noblesse.  1988 

It1  were  no  token  as  of  brotherhede  *, 

But1  a  signe  rather  of  hatrede, 

To  interrupts  my  possessions 

Of  this  litil  pore  Kegiou??."  1992 

Al  that1  he  spak  /,  who  that1  couth  aduerte, 
Of  verrey  scorn,  Eooted  in  his  herte ; 

1972.  That]  as  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lt.  LI..  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  that  as  M.  Di.  he] 
bat  he  Bo.  T,.  Du.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad.,.  I.  Ej.  S.  1977.  thorgh]  of  A-lj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
S.  be  C.  T2.  1978.  right]  mil.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  1979  and  1980  are 

transposed  in  Adj.  Ad2-  I.  Ba.  S.  1979.   jif]  if  |>at  LI.  Adv  Ad2.      though  Ro. 

1981.  than]  that  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  than  I  shuld]  than  sholde  I  Adlt 
shold  I  (than  om. )  Ad.2.  I.  1982.  To  meward]  To  me  ware  Bo.  feithful]  feith- 
fully  Bo.  Tj.  Ad,.  Ej.  sothefull  Ba.  trewe]  om.  Ra.  B;i.  S.  1986.  to]  forto  G. 
his]  me  his  Ad2.  I.  1987 — 2400  lost  in  Ro.  1987.  pouerte  Lb.  M.  pouertee 

£5.      pouert  Bo.      and]  and  in  Lb.  C.  P.  E.2.  L2.  Ap.  1988.  high]  gret  Ar.  G. 

Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  (see  1987).  1989.  brotherede  Ar.         1991.  my]  of 

my  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Ej.  S.  me  of  my  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  1992.  Of]  as  Ho. 
litil]  litil  and  poure  M.  Di.  litil  pore]  pore  litil  Ad,.  Ad.2.  I.  S.  Of  this  litil] 
And  put  from  this  Ra.  Ba,  1993.  second  that]  om.  G,  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 

PT.  I.]     Eteocles  says  hell  never  give  up  Thebes  to  Polyneices.        83 

As  if  sempte  /,  the  story  can  3011  teche, 
By  the  surplus  /  sothly  of  his  speche  : 
H  He  myghte  nat1  no  lenger  hym  refreyne 
But1  platly  seide  /  "  as  a-twene  vs  tweyne, 
I  raene  thus  /  Polymytes  and  me, 
Ther  is*  no  bonde  /  nor  no  surete, 
Nor  feith  y-made  /  that1  may  hyw  avaylle, 
As  he  cleymeth  /  to  haue*  the  gouernaylle 
Of  this  Cite,  nowther  ^ere  nor  day. 
For  I  shal  lette  hym,  sothly,  }if  I  may, 
That*  he  shal  not1  be  title  of  no  bond!, 
Reioysse  in  Thebes  /  half  a  foot1  of*  londe. 
IT  late  hym  kepe  aH  that1  he  hath  wonne  ! 
For  I  pwrpoos  /  as  I  haue*  begonne, 
To  regne  in  Thebes  /  enforth  al  my  lyve, 
Maugre  al*  hem  /  that*  ther-ageynes  stryve, 
And  in  despit1  /  of  his  frendes  aH, 
Or  the  counsaylle  /  that1  hym  list1  to  calle. 
lat1  hym  be  sur  /,  and  knowe*  this  right1  wel, 
his  manacyng1  I  drede*  neuer  a  del. 
And  sikerly,  as  to  my  devis, 




And  he  flatly 
declares  that 

shan't  have  6 
inches  of  land- 
in  Thebes, 

2008    as  he,  Eteocles, 
means  to  reign 
there  all  his 


As  to  Tideus, 

1995.  sempte  Ar.  T2.  sempt  C.  L2.  semed  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  semeth  Ej. 
1997.  nat]  om.  C.  T2.  E2.  no]  om.  LJ.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  nat  no 
longer  hym]  not  him  no  lenger  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Ej.  not  hym  longer  Lj.  M  (lenger). 
Di  (lenger).  him  nat  leuger  than  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba  (longer).  S.  refreyne] 
restreyn  Ba.  E2.  1999.  I]  In  G.  mene  Adj.  meen  Bo.  2000.  is]  nys 

Ar.  L2.  no  bond]  nother  bond  M.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  neither  bond  Adj.  Ba.  S.  noon 
o]>er  bonde  Di.  nor  no]  nor  (no  om.)  Bo.  Tj.  Du  (ner).  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2  and 
I  (nouthir).  Ra.  Ba.  Ej  (nother).  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  ne  (no  om.)  Lb.  surete  Lj.  Ra. 
T2.  suerte  Bo.  M.  Adj.  E2.  surte  Tj.  2001.  y-made  Bo.  made  M.  om.  Di. 
2002.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  ha  Ar.  2003.  nowther  •  nor  Ar.  Ad2.  Ra.  nouther  •  nee 
T2.  L2.  neither  •  ne  Bo.  Tj.  Adj.  nor  •  ne  M.  Di.  Jere]  nyght  G  2004.  shal] 
will  f  2.  lette]  mn.  Bo.  sothly]  trevvly  T2.  om.  P.  }if]  and  Lb.  2005  and  2006 
omitted  in  Ad2.  I.  2005.  be  title  of  no]  bi  no  title  of  Adj.  Ra  Ba.  2006.  of] 
om.  Ar.  Ra.  L2.  2007.  kepe  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ra  (keep).  C.  T2.  P. 
E,.  L2.  Ap.  all]  om.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  2009.  enforth  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  M. 
Di.  C.  T2.  P.  Ap.  hens  forth  Lj.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra  (henforth).  Ba.  Ej.  S.  E2.  1^. 
forth  Lb.  lyve  Ar.  Ap.  E2.  lyf  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  C.  P.  L2.  life  Ba.  Ej.  S. 
liff  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  Du.  liffe  Lj.  Ra.  2010.  al]  of  Ar.  G.  >ere  ageyns  Bo. 
]>er  ayen  Adj.  there  ayenst  Lb.  }>er  ageyne  wil  Lj.  stryve  Ar.  C.  P.  E2.  Ap. 
stryf  Bo.  M.  Di.  Adj.  T2.  stryfe  Ba.  Ej.  striff  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Du.  striffe  Lj.  S. 
2012.  hym]  he  G.  to]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Ej.  2013  and  2014  omitted  in 
Ad2.  I.  2013.  knowe  Bo.  M.  know  Ar.  Adj.  2014.  manassyng  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
drede  Bo.  Adj.  dredAr.  I  drede]  drede  1  M.  Di.  2015.  as  to>  as  at  Bo.  vnto 
M.  Di.  C.  as  vnto  Ba.  my  devis]  myn  avis  Tj.  Ej. 

Eteocles  is  surprised  at  the  presumption  of  Tideus.     [PT. 

Eteocles  is  sur- 
prised at  his 
presumption  in 
bringing  Poly- 
neices's  message. 

[leaf  34] 

While  Eteocles 

It1  scheweth  wel  /  that*  thow  Avere  not  wis, 

But1  suppn'sed  with  a  manere  rage, 

To  take  on  the  /  this  surquedous  massage, 

And  presume  /  to  do  so  hegh  offence, 

So  boldely  /  to  speke  in  my  presence. 

But1  al  yfere  /  avayle*  shal  right1  noghf. 

For  the  tyding1*  /  that1  thou  hast*  ybroght1, 

Shal  vnto  hym  /  be  but1  disencrees. 

He  better  were  *  /  to  ha  ben  in  pees, 

Than  of  foly  /  and  presumpcioim 

Ageynes  me  /  to  seke  occasiouw. 

For  whil  I  lyve  /  and  thereto  her  myn  hond!, 

As  I  seide  erst1  /  he  wynneth  her  no  lond*, 

whyl  the  walles*  /  of  this  toune  may  stond*. 

For  Fynaly  I  do  the  vnderstoncB 

That1  they  shal  first1  /  be  bete  doune  ful  lowe, 

And  alle  the  toures  /  to  the  erth"  ythrowe, 

Er  he  in  Thebes  /  haue  eny  thynge  ado. 

Lo !  her  is  al  /  .  retowne  and  sey  him  so  ! " 

Whan  Tydeus  saugh  the  feruent1  Ire 
Of  the  kyng1  /  with  angre  set  a-fire, 
Ful  of  despit1  /  and  malencolye ; 
Conceyuyng1  eke  /  the  grete  felonye 

2017.  supprised]  supprisyng  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.      suppressed 
C.  P.   £3.       supposing   Ra.   Ba.   S.  2020.  So]   And   G.       boldely   M.  Adj. 

boldly  Bo.  2021  and  2022  omitted  in  Ad2.  I.  2021.  yfere]  in  fer  Ra.  availe 
Bo.  M.  avayl  Ar.  Adj.  2022.  dyding  Ar.  tidyng  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
S.  G.  tithyng  Ra.  Ba.  tidyngis  Lj  (>i  for  the).  Ej.  C.  T2.  P.  1^.  tithynges  Eg. 
(Ap.  burnt  to  that),  ybroght  Ar.  T2.  Ap.  bmght  Bo.  G.  and  the  rest.  2023. 
vnto  hym  be]  be  vnto  hym  Du.  But  alle  shal  be  vnto  hym  disencrees  Ad2.  I.  (see 
2021).  2024.  were  Bo.  M.  Adj.  wer  Ar.  to  haue  ben  Tv  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Adj.  to  ha 
be  Ra.  to  habene  M.  to  hauen  Bo.  Ex.  2025.  and]  and  of  Ad2.  I.  2026. 
ngeyns  Bo.  Adj.  ayens  M.  2027  and  2028  omitted  in  Ad2.  I.  2029  and  2030 
are  transposed  in  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  2029.  while  Bo.  M. 
Adj.  whyl  Ar.  While  that  C.  walles  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  wallis  G.  watt 
Ar.  Lb.  La.  Ap.  walle  Bo.  Lx.  M.  Di.  Ej.  P.  wal  C.  E2.  2030.  Fynaly] 

plninly  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  vnderstond]  to  vndrestonde  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ev  S.  C.  T2.  2031.  bete]  fylled  G.  2032.  alle  the]  alle 
Du.  to  the  erth  Ar.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Adj.  T2.  to  therthe  Tr  Lb.  to  the  yearth  E;,. 
vnto  the  erthe  Bo.  to  erthe  Ra.  Ba.  ythrowe]  throwe  Tt.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  C.  P. 
2033.  Er  Bo.  Or  Tj.  M.  C.  ado  Ar.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap.  at  do  G.  to  do 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E,.  S.  2037.  and]  and  of  Lj. 
Ra,  Baf  S.  C.  T2.  E2.  2038.  velonye  G.  M.  D, 

Polyneices  shall 
have  nothing  to 
do  with  Thebes. 

Tideus  is  silent 






PT.  r.]        Tideus  brands  Eteocles  as  faithless,  and  a  Liar.  85 

In  his  apport,  lik  as  he  wer  wood  ; 

This  worthy  knyght1  a  lityl  while*  stood,  2040  a  while, 

Sad  and  demur  /  or  oght1  he  wolde  seyn. 

But*  at1  the  laste  thus  he  spak  aeeyn.  but  then  tells 


1F  "  Certes,"  quod  he  /  "  I  conceyve  of  newe 

Aboute  the,  thy  counsel  is  vntrewe,  2044 

I  dar  if  seyii  and  vowen  at*  the  best*, 

•vr         i  jj  f  -n  e   i     f  ji       i    i  he  is  unfaithful. 

JNor  thow  art*  not1  feithful  ot  thy  behest1,  Theknyghtiy 

Stable  of  thy  word  /  that1  thow  hast  seid  to-foiii,  g5£?  ageyn  of 

But1  deceyveable  /  and  falsly  ek  forsworn,  2048 

And  ek  periur  /  of  thyn  assured  ooth". 

v  But1  wher  so  be  /  that1  thow  be  lief  or  lotfi,  Tideus  sa>'s 

I  seye  the  shortly  /  hold  if  for  no  fage,  [leaf  34' backl 

Al  shal  turn  /  vnto  thy  damage,  2052 

Trust*  it1  wel  /  and  in  ful  cruel  wyse. 
Alle  Grekes  londe  /  shal  vpon  the  ryse, 

To  ben  avenged  /  and  manly  to  redresse  Eteocles, 

The  gref  vntrouth  /  and  the  hegh  falsnesse  2056 

Which  that1  thow  hast1  /  ageyn  thy  brother  wroght1. 
It  shal  ful  dere  /  after  this  be  bought1. 
And  verrely  in  dede,  as  thow  shalt1  lere, 

kyng^  Adrastus  /  wil  medle  in*  this  matere,  2060  ^  a^^ord* 

And  alle  the  lordes  /  about1  hywi  envyroujj, 
That1  bounde  ben  /  to  his  subieccioun ; 
Prynces  /  Dukes  /  and  many  a  noble  Knight1, 
In  sustenyng1  /  of  thy  brotheres  right1,  2064 

Shal  on  a  day  /  with"  sper  and  with  sheld*.  wm  make  war 

on  him, 

Ageynes  the  be  gadered  in  a  feldl, 

2039.  appor  Ar.  2040.  while  Bo.    M.    Adj.      whil   Ar.          2041.  or  Bo. 

Adj.  saien  (:  ayen)  M.  seyn  (:  ageyn)  Di.  2042.  thus]  this  Lb.  he  spak]  spak 
he  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ka.  Ba.  spak]  seide  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  2043.  of]  om.  Di.  2045. 
voweu]  vowe  it  C.  T.2.  E2.  L^.  Ap.  avowen  Lx.  Lb.  avowe  it  S.  wele  avov  Ba. 
at  the  best]  at  the  lest  Ar.  G.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  E!.  S.  Ap.  at  the  last  (:  beheste) 
Ra.  2046.  Nor]  Ne  Lb.  E2.  om.  P.  not]  om.  Ev  Nor  thow  art  not]  nor  thou 
nert  also  Adj.  nor  thou  art  nat  also  Ad2.  I.  2050.  wher  Ar.  whejer  Bo.  that] 
om.  M.  Di.  2051.  the]  it  Ad2.  I.  2052.  turn  Ar..  tome  Bo.  tourne  Adj. 
turne  Ra.  vnto]  to  Ra.  2054.  ryse]  arise  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  E2.  2056.  vntrouthe 
M.  Adj.  vntrouth  Bo.  2057.  ageyn]  vnto  Adj.  Ad2.  Ka.  Ba.  S.  thy  my 
Ra.  Ba.  2060.  medle  iu]  medle  of  Ar.  1^.  Ap.  2062.  bounde  Bo. 

bounden  M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  to]  vnto  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  "  2063.  many  a]  many  M.  Di. 
2066.  Ageyiis  Bo.  Adj.  ayens  M.  gadert  Bo.  M.  Adj. 


Tideus  upbraids,  threatens,  and  defies  Eteodes.        [PT.  L. 

and  prove  him 

God  will  punish 

In  Polyneices's 
name,  Tideus 
defies  Bteocles. 
[leaf  35] 

Tideus  calls 
on  the  Theban 

knyghtly  to  preue  /  al  be  on  assent1, 

Thaf  thow  art1  fals  /  and  double  of  entent1,  2068 

Of  thy  promys  /  atteynf  and  ek  outrayed. 

And  leue  me  wel  if  shal  not1  be  delayed, 

But1  in  al  hast1  /  execute  in  dede. 

lik  thi  desert1  /  thow  shalt1  haue*  thy  mede.  2072 

For  god  aboue  /  of  his  right  wisnesse, 

Swich"  open  wrong1  /  shal  in  hast1  redresse, 

And  of  his  myght1  /  al  sucfi  collusiowz 

Reforme  ageyn  /  and  al  extorsiouw.  2076 

For  this  the  fyn  /  falshede  shal  not1  availe*, 

Ageynes*  trouth  /  in  feeld*  to  hold  batayle*. 

Wrong1  is  croked  /  bothen  halt1  and  lame. 

And  here  anon  /  in  my  brotheres  name,  2080 

As  I  that1  am  next1  of  his  *  alye 

In  his  querel  /  I  shortly  the  deffye, 

Fully  avysed  /  with  al  myn  hool  entent1. 

And  36*  lordes  /  that1  ben  her*  present1,  2084 

I  3ow  requere  /  of  ^our  worthynesse, 

To  saye  trouth  /  and  to  ber  wittnesse, 

whan  tyme  come]?*  /  lustly  to  recorde 

How  3our)  kyng1  /  falsly  can  discorde  2088 

From  his  heest1  /  of  fals  variau?ice. 

And  thenk  how  36  /  of*  feith"  and  lygaurcce 

Ar  bounde  echon  /  30  may  not1  go  ther-fro, 

2067.  to]  it  to  Adv  proue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2068  and  2069  transposed  in  I. 
2071.  al]  al  the  Ex.  P.  all  with  second  1  underdotted  Ar.  execute]  executid  Lb. 
Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2072.  haue  Bo.  Adj.  ha  Ar.  2073.  aboue  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
Ra.  abouen  Ba,  of]  and  C.  To.  P.  E.2.  2074  omitted  in  Adj.  here,  inserted  at 
the  bottom  of  the  column  after  2096  ;  replaced  in  Ad.2.  and  I.  by  quite  a  new  line  : 
This  mateer  off  rilit  shall  redresse.  open]  opon  Ar.  vpon  Bo.  2075.  conclusioun 
G.  2077.  this]  \>i$is  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  L.2.  availe]  vaile  Ar. 
G.  Eo,  Lo,  Ap.  2078.  Ageyn  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  in  feeld]  om.  Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad.2. 
I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  L.2.  Ap.  to  hold]  to  haue  Bo.  to  take  Ra.  Ba.  batayle]  no 
liatayle  Ar.  G.  Ap.  any  batail  Ra.  Ba.  2079.  bothen  Ar.  bothe  Bo.  both  Adj. 
2081.  As]  And  P.  I  that]  that  I  L2.  next  of  his  allie  Ra.  Ba.  his  next  alye  Ar. 
Bo.  and  all  the  rest  (see  Notes).  2082.  In]  On  Ra.  Ba.  I]  om.  Adj.  Ad.,.  I. 

the]  CM/I.  I.  2084.  And]  All  Lj.  ye  lordes]  the  lordes  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  La. 
M.  Di.  Ra.  Ev  S.  T.2.  her]  ther  Ar.  G.  Ej.  S.  2086.  say  trouthe  Bo.  2087. 
cometh  Bo.  M.  comj>  Ar.  2088.  falsly]  iustlyM.  Di.  (see  2087).  can]  ganne 
To.  2090.  thenk]  thenkith  C.  T2.  P.  how]  on  howe  P.  E...  of  feith]  on  feith 
Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  P. ;  (cp.  2646). 

PT.  &]      Tideus  calls  on  the  Thebans  to  support  Polyneices. 


Forto  obeye  /  and  seme,  bothe*  two, 
This  nexte  jeer  /  now  anon  folowyng1, 
As  to  jour  lord  /  and  jour1  trewe  kyng1, 
U  Polemytes  /  thogfr  he  be  now  absent1, 
By  lust  accord?  /  niaad  in  parlemeuf, 
At1  joure  devis  /  which  sitten  her  a-rowe, 
Engrosed  vp  /  as  it1  is  wel  knowe, 
And  enrolled  /  only  for  witnesse 
In  joure  regestres  /  to  voyden  al  falsnesse, 
That  non  of  3011  /  vary  may  of  newe 
Fro  that1 1  saye*  •  /  but1  he  be  vntrewe. 
For  which  I  rede  /  jour-silf  to  acquyte. 
Laf  no  tynie  /  lenger  /  30  u  respit1, 
But1  at1  onys  /  with-oute  mor  tarying1, 
Of  manly  force  /  fetteth  horn  jour1  kyng1, 
Maugre  his  foon  /,  lik  as  je  ar  boundc, 
And  lat1  in  jow  /  slouthe*  non  be  founde, 
To  put1  hym  lustly*  in  pocessiouw 
This  my  consayl  in  conclusions." 

Whan  Tydeus  /  hadde  his  massage  saide, 
lik  to  the  charge  /  that1  was  on  hy??z  laide 
As  he  that1  list1  /  no  lenger  /  ther  soiowrne, 
Fro  the  kyng1  /  he  gan  his  face  tourne, 
Nat*  astouned  /  nor  in  his  hertf  afferde ; 
But1  ful  proudly  /  leyde  hond  on  his  swerde, 

2092    to  obey  Poly- 
neices the  next 

2096    as  they  agreed 



and  at  once 
fetch  him  honiej 
as  their  king. 



[leaf  35,  back] 

Tideus  turns, 
and  goes 

2116    IT  How  manly 

2092.  both  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  2093.  next  Bo.  Adj.  folowyng  Bo.  folvvinge  Adj. 
2098.  vp]  was  yp  E.2.  wel]  right  well  Ex.  is  wel]  wele  be  Di.  knowe]  I-knowe  Ra. 
S.  2099  in  Tj.  is  almost  wholly  cut  away.  2099 — 2294.  in  Ra.  the  original  four 
leaves  are  lost  and  new  ones,  ivith  modernizing  alterations  of  the  text,  supplied  by  the 
same  hand  that  has  made  several  alterations  in  other  parts  of  the  poem.  Ra.  is  put  within 
brackets,  when  quoted  in  this  part  of  the  poem  ;  (2099  in  Ra.  reads  :  Aud  eke  enrolled 
for  to  bear  wytiiesse).  2100.  voyden]  aroiden  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2102.  Fro  Ar.  Tj. 
Du.  I.  P.  L>.  Ap.  From  Lj.  Ad.2.  E2.  For  (see  2103)  Bo.  Q.  M.  Di.  Adj.  (Ra.)  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  C.  T.2"  Of  Lb.  say  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  but]  but  yf  Ej.  Kj.  om.  Lv  (except : 
Ra.)  he  be]  yee  be  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  L^  Lb.  M.  Di.  S.  Adj.  Ada.  f.  (Ka.)  Ba.  2103. 
your-self  Bo.  M.  Adj.  to  acquite  Bo.  acquite  Adj.  2106.  fetteth  Bo.  Tj.  Adx. 
fecchith  Lj.  Lb.  M.  fetteth  horn]  (fet  home  agayn  Ra.)  2108.  slouthe 

Tj.  M.  C.  slouth  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  slouthe  non]  no  slouth  Bo.  Ad.,.  I.  Ej.  S.  P.  E.^ 
(And  lett  in  you  no  slothfastnes  be  founde  Ra. )  2109.  lustly]  lustyly  Ar. 

2110.  This  is  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2111.  Ar.  has  a  second  pause-bar  after  hadde.  2113. 
he]  him  Adj.  Ado.  I.  Ba.  S.  that]  om.  S.  he  that  list]  bat  list  he  Di.  ther]  om. 
S.  P.  no  lenger  ther]  bere  no  lenger  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  soiourne]  to  soiourne  Ad^ 
Ba.  2115.  astonyed  Bo.  M.  astoneid  Adj. 


Tideus  leaves  Thebes.     Eteocles  is  furious.          [PT.  1. 

Tydeus  de- 
parte[d]  from 
pe  kyng. 

Tideus  rides 

towards  Argos. 

Eteocles  is 

He  bids  his 
Chief  Constable 

pursue  Tideus 

And  iu  despitf  /  who  that1  was  lief  or  loth", 

A  sterne  pas  /  thorgh  the  halle  he  goth", 

Thorgh-ouf  the  courte  /  and  manly  took  his  stede, 

And  out?  of  Thebes  /  faste  gan  hyra  spede,  2120 

Enhastyng1  hyra  /  til  he  was  at1  large, 

And  sped  hym  forth  /  touard?  the  londe  of  arge. 

U  Thus  leue  I  hyra  /  ride  forth"  a  while, 

whilys  that*  I  retourne  ageyn  my  style  2124 

Vnto  the  kyng*  which  in  the  halle  stood 

Among1  his  lordes  /  furious  and  wood, 

In  his  herte  /  wroth  /  and  euel  apayd 

Of  the  wordes  that1  Tydeus  had*  said ;  2128 

Specialy  /  havyng1  remembraurcce 

On  the  proude  dispitous  diffiaunce 

Whilys  that1  he  sat*  in  his  Eoyal  See ; 

Vpon  which"  he  wil  auenged  be  2132 

Ful  cruelly,  what*  euere  that*  befalle. 

And  in  his  Ire  /  he  gan  to  hyra  calle 

Chief  constable  /  of  his  Chyualrye, 

Chargyng1*  hym  /  faste*  for  to  hye  2136 

with  al  the  worthy  Choys*  of  his  housholde, 

which  as  he  knewe  most1  manful  and  most  bolde, 

In  al  hasfr  Tydeus  to  swe 

To-forn  or*  he  out1  of  his  lond?  remwe,  2140 

2117.  was]  were  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2118.  sterne  Adj.  stern  Bo.  M.  2119. 
Thorgh-out]  Thorugh  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  C.  P.  E2.  manly]  om..  Ba.  2120.  fast  Bo. 
M.  faste]  manly  Adj.  Ad.2.  I  (see  2119).  2121.  In  G.  til  he  was  at  large  2121 
and  And  sped  hym  2122  are  omitted,  and  the  two  remaining  half  lines  made  into  one 
line.  2123.  ride]  ridyng  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  (Ra.)  Ba.  S.  C.  T.J.  P.  E2.  L.2. 
a  while  Bo.  M.  Adj.  awhile  Ar.  2124.  (and  2131)  whilys  Ar.  whiles  M. 
whils  Bo.  Du.  While  Adj.  2125.  which  Ar.  >at  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2127. 

apayed  with  e  underdottcd  Ar.  2128.  the]  (those  same  Ra.)  wordes]  worde  LJ. 
Di.  Tydeus]  he  Adj.  Ad2.  he  he  I.  had]  hath  Ar.  G.  Lb.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  P.  J^. 
2129.  (Ra:  Inspeciall  hauynge  in).  2130.  the  proude]  the  proude  and  M.  Di. 
(Ra.  The  stout  and  proude  d.  d. )  dispititous  Ar.  2132.  which]  be  which  Lj.  (Ra.) 
wil]  wolde  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  (Ra.)  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  L,,.  auenged]  venged  Bo.  2133. 
what  euere  that]  what  that  euere  M.  C.  G.  what  so  euere  Di.  what  euere  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  euere]  euel  Du.  2136.  Charchyng  Ar.  faste  Lb.  M.  fast  Ar.  Bo. 
Adj.  2137.  al]  om.  Lb.  worthy]  om.  P.  choys  (chois,  choyse,  choise)]  Chooce 
Ar.  choose  G.  chose  Ej.  C.  chosyn  L>  2138.  which]  Such  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
L.J.  Ap.  as]  bat  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  Ba.  S.  om.  M.  Di.  manful]  manly  S.  second  most 
om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  K2.  L2.  2139.  al]  al  the  Bo.  Lj. 
Ad^  I.  C.  P.  to]  for  to  C.  Tjj.  P.  Kj.  2140."  or  Bo.  M.  Adj.  ar  Ar.  om.  Tj. 

Ff.  L]  JUteocles  sends  Fifty  Knights  to  kilt  Tideics. 


[leaf  36] 
and  slay  him. 

Fifty  knights 
ride  to  waylay 

IT  How  falsly 
Ethyoeles  leyde 
a  busshment  in 
the  way  to  haue 
slayn  Tydeus. 

Vp  peyn  of  lyf  /  and  lesyng1  of  her  hede, 

With-oute  mercy  /  anon  that1  he  be  dede. 

And  of  knyghtes  /  fyfty  weren  in  nombre, 

Myn  autoM/-  seith  /,  vnwarly  hy??i  tenconibre  2144 

Armed  echon  in  mayle  and  thikke*  stiel, 

And  ther-with-al  //  yhorsed  wonder  wiel. 

At1  a  Posterne  /  forth  they  gan  to  ryde 

By  a  geynpath  /  that1  ley  oute  a-side,  2148 

Secrely  /  that1  no  man  hem  espie, 

Only  of  tresouw  /  and  of  felonye. 

They  haste  hem  forth  /  al  the  longe  day, 

Of  cruel  malys  /  forto  stoppe  his  way,  2152 

Thorgh  a  forest1  /  aH  of  on  assent1, 

Ful  couartly  to  leyn  a  busshement1 

Vnder  an  hill  /  at1  a  streite  passage, 

To  falle  on  hym  at1  mor  aucwntage,  2156 

The  same  way  /  that1  Tydeus  gan  drawe, 

At1  thylke  mount1  /  wher  that1  Spynx  was  slawe. 

He  nothing1  war  /  in  his  opynyouw, 

Of  this  conpassed  /  conspiracies,  2160 

But1  Innocent1  /  and  lich  a  gentyl  knyght1, 

Rood  ay  forth  /  til*  that1  it  drowe  to  nyghfl, 

Sool  by  hym-silf  /  with-oute  companye, 

havyng  no  man  /  to  wisse  hy?/&  or  to*  gye.  2164 

IT  But1  at1  the  laste  /  liftyng1  vp  his  hede, 

2141.  Vp]  Vjion  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Er  S.  Oou  Lb.  peyn  of]  am.  Ad2.  I.  and]o??t. 
Adj.  2143.  And]  am.  P.  of]  of  thes  Ba.  weren  Ar.  Lb.  (Ra.)  Ej.  E2.  werne 
Ap.  were  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  2144.  tencombre  M.  Adj.  to  encombre  Bo.  2145. 
thikke  Lb.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  (Ra.)  Edg.  thik  Ar.  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Adj.  Ba.  Ev  S.  C. 
P.  L2.  theke  Ap.  tlieti'k  T2.  2146.  yhorsed]  horsed  M.  Di.  wonder]  am. 
Adj.  Ad0.  I.  2147.  At]  And  G.  And  at  Ad2.  I.  posterne  M.  Adj.  postern 
Bo.  gan]  gonne  M.  Di.  to]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2154.  couertly  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2. 
Ap.  (Ra.)  couartly  Ar.  I.  couarly  G.  cowardly  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  Ej.  S.  vnwardlye  Ba.  to]  for  to  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
leyn]  hym  G.  2155.  at  a]  of  Adt.  Ad.,.  I.  2156.  falle]  fallen  E2.  2157. 

way]  day  Di.  2158.  At]  And  L.,.  thilke  Lb.  Adj.  thilk  Bo.  Tj.  be  ilke  Lj. 
pat  P.  the  S.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tj".  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  C. 
T2.  was]  wer  Ba.  2162.  (He  rode  styll  forth  Ra.)  til  that]  tyll  that  I.  Ap. 
(Ra.)  to  that  Ar.  G.  til  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  2164.  wisse]  wyseEj.  E2.  wisshe 
S.  L2.  wysche  Ap.  or]  ne  M.  Di.  S.  nor  Adx.  Ad.2.  I.  T2.  G.  nothir  Ap.  to 
nYe]  gje  Ar.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  (hys  waye  for  hyni  to  gvye  Ra.) 
2165.  at  be  laste  Lb.  Di.  atte  laste  Adj.  atte  last  Bo.  at  last  M.  liftyug] 
heuing  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  (by  lyftynge  Ra.) 

Tideus  rides  on 


but  at  last  sees 

90  Tideus  slays  the  Theban  Leader,  &  fights  the  rest  of  the  Fifty.  [PT.  H 

armd  men. 

[leaf  36,  back] 

How  Tydeus 
outrayed  fifty 

knyghtes  |>at 
lay  in  a-wayt 
for  hym. 

He  puts  his 
spear  in  rest, 

and  kills  the 
TUeban  leader. 

The  rest  attack 

He  fights  all. 

Toward!  Eue  /  he  gan  taken  hede ; 

Mid  of  his  way  •  rijf  as  eny  lyne, 

jjoghf  he  saugh  /  ageyn  j)e  mone  shyne  2168 

Sheldes  fressh  /  and  plates  borned  bright*, 

The  which  environ  /  casten  a  gret1  lyghtt ; 

ymagynyng1  /  in  his  fantasye 

Ther  was  treson  /  and  conspiracy e  2172 

w  roughf  by  the  kyng1  /  his  iowrn^  forto  lette. 

And  of  al  that*  /  he  no  thyng*  ne  sette, 
But1  wel  assured  /  in  his  manly  herte, 
list1  naf  onys  /  a-syde  to  dyuerte,  2176 

But1  kepte  his  way  /,  his  sheld  vpon  his  brest1, 
And  cast1  his  spere  /  manly  in  the  rest1. 
And  the  firste  platly  /  that  he  mette, 
Thorgh  the  body  /  proudely  he  hym  smette,  2180 

That*  he  fille  ded  •  chief  mayster  of  hem  aH  ; 
And  than  at1  onys  /  they  vpon  hym  falle 
On  euery  part*  /  be  compas  envyroun. 
But1  Tydeus  /  thorgh  his  hegh  renoun,  2184 

His  blody  swerde  /  lete  /  about4  hym  glyde, 
Sleth"  and  kylleth  /  vpon  euery  side 
In  his  Ire  and  his  mortal  tene, 

That*  mervaile  was  he  myghte  so  sustene  2188 

Ageyn  hem  aH  /  in  euery  half  besette. 
But1  his  swerde  was  so  sharpe  whefete, 

2166.  EuV|  evyn  Ba.  heuene  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  taken]  to  take  C.  T2.  P.  2167. 
Mid]  In  myfl  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  Amydde  P.  In  myddes 
Lb.  In  mynde  Ej.  his]  be  Bo.  way  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  eny]  a  Ba.  L2.  2170. 
The  whicl^1  whiche  Lb.  casten  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Ej.  casted  M.  Adj.  S. 
caste  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  environ  casten]  cast  environ  Lb.  2173.  forto]  to 
M.  Di.  21V  I.  he  no  thyng]  nothing  he  Ba.  L2.  ne  Ar.  Ap.  ne  om.  G.  Bo. 
and  all  the  rest.  (And  for  all  that  he  nothyng  thereof  sett  Ra.)  2178.  the] 
his  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  (ryght  manly  in  >e  r.  Ra.)  2179.  first  Bo.  Adj. 

2180.  proudely]  om.  Adj.    Ad2.    I.      myghtly  Lx.      smertly  L2.      prudently  S. 

2181.  fell  Bo.   M.   Adj.          2182.  than]  with  bat  Adj.  Ad2.    I.      they]  bei  gan 
Bo.          2184.  hegh]  gret  Ad.,.  I.     om.  Lb.          2186.  Sleth]  Slowe  Lb.      kylleth] 
kylled  Ej.      styketh  Ad0.  I.  "  (That  he  dothe  slee  and  kyll  Ra.)         2187.   and] 
and  in  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Ej.  S.         2189.  in  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lr  Adt.  Ad2. 
I.  Ba.  Ev  S.  E2.      on  Lb.    M.  and  the  rest.      half]  parte  Lb.  Adj.  Adr,.   I.   Ba. 
S.  C.  To.  P.          2190.  whetto  Ar.  G.  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  (Ra.)  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ap.       y- 
whette  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Ad^  A<J2.  I.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  1^. 

FT.  L] 

Tideus  defends  himself  in  a  narrow  Pass. 


Tideus  is  beaten 
to  the  ground, 

but  gets  up, 

seizes  a  narrow 

and  defends 
[leaf  37] 

That1  his  foomen  fonde  ful  vnsoote. 

But1  he,  alias  !  /  was  mad  /  alight*  a-foote,  2192 

Be  force  grounded  in  ful  gretf  distresse  ; 

But1  of  knyghthod  and  of  gref  prouesse 

Vp  he  roos,  maugre  aH  his  foon, 

And  as  they  cam,  he  slogh  hem  oon  be  on,  2196 

lik1  a  lyoun  /  rampaimt  in  his  rage. 

And  on  this  hille  /  he  fond  a  narow  passage, 

which"  that1  he  took  /  of  ful  high  prudence  ; 

And  liche  a  boor  stondyng1  at  his*  diffence,  2200 

As  his  foomen  /  proudly  hym  assaylle, 

vpon  the  pleyn  /  he  made  her  blode  to  Raylle 

Al  envirou/2,  that1  the  soyl  wex  rede, 

Now  her  now  ther  /  as  they  fille  dede,  2204 

That1  her  lay  on  /  and  ther  lay  two  or  thre. 

So  mercyles  /  in  his  cruelte 

Thilke  day  he  was  vpon  hem  founde. 

And  attonys  /  his  enemyes  to  confounde,  2208 

wher  as  he  stood  /  this  myghty  champioure, 
Be  side  he  saugh  /  with  water  turned  dou??, 
An  huge  ston  /  large  /  rounde  and  squar ; 
And  sodeynly  /  er  that1  thei  wer  war,  2212 

As  if  hadde  leyn  /  ther  for  the  nonys, 
Vpon  his  foon  /  he  rolled  it  at  onys, 
That1  ten  of  hem  /  wenten  vnto  wrak, 

2191.  foomen]  foon  Ex.  fonde  Bo.  M.  C.  G.  founde  Tj.  Adx.  founden 
LI.  founde  it  E2.  Ba.  (dyd  fynde  hyt  Ra.)  (it  not  in  Ar.  G.  Bo.  or  the  rest). 
fnl]  well  Lb.  vnsoote]  vnswoote  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj  (ounswote).  vnswhete  Lb. 
vnswette  Ex.  2192.  alias]  najjeles  L2.  he  alias]  alas  he  Lb.  mad]  om.  EP 
alight  M.  Di.  light  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  rest,  a-foote  Ar.  G.  S.  Ap.  on  foote  Bo.  and 
all  the  rest,  except  on  fete  Lb.  Ej.  2193.  ful]  om  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  gret]  sore  Lo. 
(Ra.)  2194.  and  of]  and  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  2198.  this]  the  Di.  P.  narow 

Adj.  narowe  Bo.  narwe  Ad.,,  streit  Ba.  (strayght  Ra. )  2200.  his]  om.  Ar. 
G.  T2.  P.  L2.  Ap.  (ystandyng  at  defence  Ra.)  2202.  her]  >e  Di.  2203. 
enviroun]  newe  y-ronne  P.  wex]  waxe  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  (J.  T2.  E2. 
was  Lj.  (A.  e.  so  that  t.  s.  waxte  r.  Ra. )  rede]  al  red  Adj.  Ad.,.  I.  S.  2204.  they] 
om.  Ad2.  I.  fille  Ar.  fillen  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Di.  Ad^  Ej.  tiln  C.  fill  P.  Ap.  felleu 
TV  M.  S.  E2.  fallen  Ba.  T2.  (dyd  fallen  Ra.)  felle  one  Ad2.  fe!  oon  I.  2205. 
second  lay  om.  Ba.  2206.  in]  than  in  Adj.  Ad.,.  I.  Ba.  S.  (thus  in  hys  crueltie 
Ra.)  his]  his  fers  Ej.  here  Lb.  2207.  Thilke  Bo.  Adx.  Thilk  M.  vpon]  on 
Ad^  Ado.  I.  2211.  An]  And  Ar.  2213.  had  Bo.  M.  Ad,,  leyn  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ad2. 
C.  ley  Ad,.  2214.  it]  om.  Bo.  2215.  wenten  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Adj.  T2. 
went  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  L2.  vnto]  to  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ba.  S.  C.  T.,.  (then  wenteu  vnto  Ra.) 

He  rolls  a  huge 

down  on  his 
kills  ten, 

02      Tideus  kills  all  but  One  of  his  Fifty  Theban  pursuers.     [PT.  U. 

and  then  all 

the  50  but 

This  one  knight 
Tideus  kept, 

to  tell  Btcocles 

[leaf  37,  back] 
how  his  fellows 
had  sped. 

IF  Hou  trouth 
with  lityl  multi- 

And  the  remnauwt  amased  drogh  a-bak ;  2216 

For  on  /  by  on  /  they  wente  to  meschaimce. 

And  fynaly  /  he  broghte  to  outrauwce 

Hem  euerychon  /  Tydeus,  as  blyve, 

That1  non  but1  on  /  was*  left1  of  hem*  alyue ;  2220 

hym-silf  yhurfr  /  and  ywounded  kene, 

Thurgh  his  harneys  /  bledyng  on  the  grene. 

The  theban  knyghtes  /  in  compas  rouwde  aboute 

In  the  vale  /  lay*  slayenj*  aH  the  route,  2224 

which  pitously  /  ageyn  the  mone  gape ; 

For  non  of  hem,  shortly,  myghf  eskape, 

But1  dede  echon  /  as  thei  han  deserued, 

Saue  on  excepte  /  the  which  was  reserued  2228 

By  Tydeus  /  of  intenciouw, 

To  the  kyng  /  to  make  relaciouw 

how  his  knyghtes  /  han  on  her  iowrne  sped, 

Euerich  of  hem  /  his  lyf  leff  for  a  wed,  2232 

And  at1  the  metyng1  /  how  they  han  hem  born  : 

To  tellen  al  /  he  sured  was  and  sworn 

To  Tydeus  /  ful  lowly  on  his  kne. 

By  which  ensample  /  $e  opynly  may  se  2236 

Ageynes*  trouthe*  /  falshed  hath  no  myghf. 
Fy  on  querilis  /  naf  grounded  vpon  rijf, 

2216.  drowe  Bo.  drewe  Du.  drowen  Adj.  Ad^  I.  2217.  In  Ar.  there  is 
a  bar  also  before  the  second  on,  put  there  to  distinguish  the  numeral  on  from  the 
preposition.  2217.  wente  Adj.  went  Bo.  Ad2.  I.  wen  ten  M.  Di.  In  Adj. 
2220  precedes  2219,  but  the  copyist  has  observed  his  mistake,  and  corrected  it 
by  writing  a  before  the  latter  and  b  before  the  former  line  ;  in  Ado..  I.  the  lines  arc 
right.  2220.  was  not  found  in  any  MS.  (see  Notes),  hem]  ham  Ar.  2221.  yhurt] 
hurt  M.  Di.  C.  ywounded]  wounded  C.  2224.  vale]  valey  Lj.  Lb.  E2.  lay]  om. 
Ar.  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  (Ra.)  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E.,.  U.  Ap.  slayn(e)  all  the  MSS. 
all  the]  all  the  hole  Ba.  T2.  E2.  2227.  lian]  had  Ba.  S.  it  han  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb. 
Ej.  it  hadde  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  had  it  M.  Di.  2228.  the]  om.  M.  Di.  which  Adj. 
whiche  Bo.  M.  2229.  of]  of  this  Adj.  Ado.  I.  Ej.  S.  C.  E2.  of  his  Ba.  for  this 
T2.  (of  good  Ra.)  2230.  To]  Vnto  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  (Ra.)  Ba.  S.  T2.  2231.  spedde 
with  de  undc.rdotted  Ar.  2232.  Euerich]  Eche  M.  Di.  C.  To,  his  lyf  left]  lefte 
his  lyf  La,  (tharlifhatheleftRa.)  for  a]  for  Ap.  to  Ba.  (Ra.)  L2.  2234.  tellen] 
telle  Lj.  C.  P.  L2.  tell  hym  S.  he]  howe  he  P.  sured]  assured  M.  Di.  Ba.  C.  T2. 
P.  E2.  om.  Tj.  and  cwi.  Tj.  2236.  opynly]  oonly  Lb.  om.  S.  (playnly  Ra.)  ?e 
opynly  may]  openly  ye  may  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ex.  C.  T2.  P.  R2.  2237. 

Ageyn  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  trouthe  Adx.  trouth  Ar.  Bo.  2238.  Fy]  Figh  E.,.  qiunels 
Bo.  quarells  Adj.  quarellis  Lb.  querilis  Ar.  a  quarell  S.  T.2.  P.  nat  grounded 
vpon]  grounded  nat  on  Adj.  Adg.  I.  (Ra.)  Ba.  S. 

PT.  it]  Bleeding  and  weary,  Tideus  rides  into  Lycurgus*  land.       93 

with-oute  which*  /  may  be  no  victorye*. 

Therfor  ech  man  /  haue*  this  in  memorye*, 

That1  gret1  pouer  /  shortly  to  conclude, 

Plent6  of  good  /  nor  moche*  multitude, 

Scleight1  or  engyne  /  fors  /  or  felonye, 

Arn  to  feble  /  to  holden  Chanpartye 

Ageynes*  trouthe*  /  who  that1  list1  take  hede. 

For  at1  the  ende  falshede  may  not1  spede 

Tendure  longe  /  ^e  shul  fynde  if  thus. 

Record  I  take  of  worthy  Tydeus, 

which  with  his  hand  /  thorgh  trouthes  excellence, 

Fyfty  knyghtes  /  slogh  in  his  dyffence, 

But1  on  except1  /  as  I  late*  tolde, 

Sworn  and  assured  with  his  honcle  vpholde, 

The  kyng1  tenforme  /  how  they  wern  atteynf. 

And  Tydeus,  of  bledyng1  wonder  feynfr, 
Maat1  and  wery  /  and  in  gret1  distresse, 
And  ouerleyd  /  of  verray  feblenesse ; 
But1  as  he  myght1  /  hym-silue  tho  sustene, 
He  took  his  hors  /  stondyng1  on  the  grene, 
Worthed  vp  /  and  forth  he  gan  to  ryde 
An  esy  pas  /  with  his  woundes  wyde. 
And  Sothly  /  31^  in  his  opynyoura 
he  was  alway  /  affered  of  tresourc. 
But1  anguysshous  /  and  ful  of  bysy  peyne 
He  rode  hyra  forth  /  til  he  did  atteyne 
Into  the  bowndes  /  of  lygurgus  lond, 
A  worthy  kyng1  /  and  manly  of  his  hond. 

tude  hath  euere 
in  the  fyn  vie- 
2240    tory  of  falshede. 






The  rest  of  the 
50  Tideus  slew 

Tideus,  tho' 
bleeding  and 
weary,  . 

mounts  his  horse 
and  rides  away. 

[leaf  38] 


Tideus  rides  into 
the  land  of  King 

2239.  which]  woch  Ar.  whom  G.  victoyre  (:  rnemoyre  2240)  Ar.  2240.  ech] 
euery  Lb.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  ha  Ar.  2242.  moche  Bo.  M.  Adj.  moch  Ar. 
2243.  Sleight  Bo.  and  all,  except  Scleight  Ar.  Ej.  fors  or]  force  of  Ba.  (force 
ekeorRa.)  2245.  Ageyns  Ar.  Bo.  ageinst  Adr  troupe  Adj.  trouth  Ar.  Bo. 
2247.  To  endure  Bo.  M.  Adj.  longe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2250.  sloweM.  Adj.  slewe  Bo. 
2251.  late  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ej.  C.  layf  Ar.  (as  I  have  latly  tolde  Ra.)  2253. 
tenforme  Adj.  to  enfourme  Bo.  to  enforme  M.  2254.  wonder]  was  wonder  Du. 
2257.  hym-silue  Ar.  G.  Ap.  hymselfe  Ej.  S.  (Ra.)  him-self  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
tho]  to  G.  Ad:.  Ad.2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  so  Lj.  Di.  hym-silue  tho]  tho  hymself  C.  T2. 
P.  E2.  L2.  (he  gan  hym-selfe  Ra.)  2258.  Stondyng]  (yat  stode  vppon  Ra.). 
2259.  "Worthed  vp]  worchid  vp  (sic)  S.  (And  vpp  he  lyght  Ra.)  to]  om.  Ad2.  I. 
2262.  aferde  Bo.  Adj.  2263.  anguysshous  Bo.  M.  anguissous  Adj. 


Tideus  rides  into  the  Castle  Garden, 


sees  a  castle, 

If  How  Tydeus, 
al  forwounded, 
cam  into  ligur- 
gus  lond. 

rides  into  its 

And  he  ful  paal  /  only  for  lak  of  blood, 

Tydeus  saugh  /  wher  /  a  castel  stood,  2268 

Strong*  and  myghty  /  belt1  vpon  a  roche, 

Touard?  which  /  he  faste  gan  approche, 

Conveyed  thider  /  be  clernesse  of  the  ston, 

That*  be  nyghf  ageyn  the  inoone*  shon,  2272 

On  heghe*  toures  /  with  crestes  marcyul. 

And  loyneauwf  /  almosf  to  the  wal 

was  a  gardyn  /  lityl  out1  be  syde, 

Into  which  /  Tydeus  gan  ride,  2276 

Of  aventure  /  be  a  gate  smal. 

And  ther  he  fond  /  forto  rekne  al, 

A  lusty  herbere  /  vnto  his  devis, 

Soote  and  fressh"  /*lich~  a  paradys,  2280 

Verray  heuenly  /  of  inspecciown. 

And  first1  of  al  /  he  alyghte  doim, 
The  goodly  place  /  whan  that*  he  byheltf, 
And  fro  his  nek  /  he  voyded  hath  his  sheld1,  2284 

Drogh  the  brydyl  /  from  his  horses  hede, 
let1  hym  goon  /,  and  took  no  maner  hede, 
Thorgh  the  gardyn  /  that1  enclosed  was, 
Hym  to  pasture  /  on  the  grene*  gras.  2288 

In  Adj.  2268  precedes  2267,  but  the  copyist  has  marked  tlie  lines  with  b  and  a  ; 
Ad2.  and  I.  are  right.  2269.  bilt  Bo.  M.  Adj.  bildid  L2.  bylde  P.  (ybylt 
Ra.)  Strong  bilt  and  niighti  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  vpon]  in  L.2.  2270.  which]  whome 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  LJ.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ba.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S  (horn).  (the  whyche  Ra.) 
faste  Adj.  Et.  fast  Bo.  M.  he  faste  gan]  fast  he  gan  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej. 
S.  he  gan  fast  L2.  2271.  Conveyed  M.  Adj.  Conveid  Bo.  2272.  ageyn] 
by  M.  Di.  mone  Bo.  M.  moone  Adj.  moon  Ar.  2273.  hegh  Ar.  hye  Bo.  M. 
his  Lb.  S.  )>e  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2274.  loyneaunt  Ar.  I*j.  Ap.  ioynyng  Bo.  and  all 
fie  rest,  except  loyned  Ba.  (adioynynge  Ra.)  2275.  lityl]  a  litil  G.  Di.  I.  2276. 
which]  whome  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  ye  which  S.  (the 
whiche  tho  Ra.)  gan]  streight  gan  C.  ride]  to  ride  Lb.  Ad,.  Ad2.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2. 
P.  £2.  2278.  rekeue  Bo  M.  Adj.  2280.  Soote  Ar.  Lb.  Ba.  S  (Sotte).  C.  T2. 
P.  L2.  Ap.  (Full  soote  Ra.)  Swote  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Sweet  Bo.  Ej.  E.7. 
lich  a]  lich  to  a  Adj.  lyke  to  Ad2.  I.  (much  lyke  Ra. )  (2281  and  2282  omitted 
mRa.)  2282.  alyjt  G.  alighte  M.  Di.  alight  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  C.  T2.  P. 
E2.  L2.  Ap.  lighte  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  P.  lyghted  Ej.  doun]  a-down  Lb.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  1^.  2284.  he]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  P.  voyded favoidid  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  hath]  had  Bo.  Di.  thanne  T2.  2285.  drowe  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adj.  drewe 
£3.  And  drewe  P.  Drawe  Ej.  (And  gote  Ra.)  the]  his  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  horses  Ar.  (Ra. )  horsys  Ap.  hors  Bo.  and  all 
the  rest.  2288.  pasture  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2288  and  2290.  grene  M.  Adj.  gren 
Ar.  green  Bo. 


lets  his  horse 

PT.  L] 

lies  on  the  grass,  and  rests  till  Sunrise. 


And  Tycleus  /  mor  he  vie  than  is  led, 

Vpon  the  herbe's  /  grene',*  whit1,  and  red, 

As  hym  thoughts  /  that1  tyme  for  the  best1 

he  leid  hym  doune  /  forto  tak  his  rest1, 

Of  werynesse  /  desirous  to  slepe, 

And  non  awaytt  /  his  body  forto  kepe  ; 

And  with  dremes  /  grocched  euer  among1, 

Ther  he  lay  /  til*  the  larke  song1 

with  notes  newe  /  hegh  vp  in  the  ayr,* 

The  glade  morowe  /  rody  and  right1  fayr, 

Phebus  also,  casting1  vp  his  bemes, 

The  heghe*  hylles  /  gilte  with  his  stremes, 

The  syluer  dewe  /  vpon  the  herbe's  rounde  ; 

Ther  Tydeus  lay  vpon  the  ground, 

At1  the  vprist1  /  of  the  shene  svnne, 

And  stouttderaele*  /  his  grene*  woundes  rvnne 

Round'  about1  /  that  the  soyl  was*  depeynf 

Of  the  grene  /  with  the  rede  meyntf. 

And  euery  morowe  /  for  hoolsomnesse  of  eyre*, 
Lygurgws  doghter  /  maked  her  repeyr, 
Of  custom  ay  /  among  the  flowre's  newe 
In  this  gardyn  /  of  many  dyuerse  hwe, 
Swich  loye  hadde  /,  forto  taken  hede, 
On  her  stalkes  /  forto  sen  hem  sprede, 
In  the  Allures  /  walking1  to  and  fro. 

And  whan  she  hadde  a  litil  while*  goo 

leaf  38,  back] 
2292    lies  on  the  grass, 



and  dreams  till 
the  lark  sings 

and  the  sun 
rises ; 




but  his  wounds 


^J  Hou  Ligurgus 

doghter  fond 

Tydeus  sleping 

in  the  herber, 

al  forwounded. 

To  this  garden, 

daily  comes 



2293.  desirous]  desiringe  P.  to]  for  to  Ad2.  I.  P.  (Ra.)  2294.  forto]  to  Adj. 
Ad.2.  I.  2295.  grocched  Ar.  Du.  M.  Ap.  grucchid  Bo.  Tx.  La.  Lb.  Di.  Ba.  C.  T2. 
gruchchid  Ra  (grutched  by  later  hand),  grutched  Ej.  gruggid  L^.  grudged  E.2. 
grughynge  P.  grucche  S.  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  2295  is  found  twice  in  Ra.,  first 
written  by  the  later  hand  as  the  last  line  on  the  back  side  of  the  fourth  new  leaf  (see 
2099),  then  as  the  first  line  of  the  following  original  leaf.  2296.  Ther]  grucching 
here  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Til]  to  Ar.  G.  2297.  newe]  om.  Bo.  hayr  Ar.  G.  2300. 
hegh  Ar.  hye  Bo.  Adj.  gilt  Bo.  gilted  Adj.  glistred  Ad2.  I.  2303.  shene  Adj. 
sheen  Bo.  shene  svnne]  sune  shene  S.  2304.  stoundemele  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Ra.  C.  Ta.  P.  stoundemell  Ba.  E2.  Ap.  stoundmele  Ar.  Bo.  L1.  Adj.  Ej.  L.2.  in 
that  while  Ad2.  I.  And  swmdell  his  wondes  ron  grene  S.  grene  AI.  Adj.  gren 
Ar.  green  Bo.  2305.  that]  om.  Lb.  was]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ej.  C.  T&  P.  1^.  Ap. 
(E.2.).  2306.  Of]  Was  of  E2.  with  the]  with  Ra.  Ba.  C.  meynt]  y-tneynt  Ad^ 
Ad^.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  The  rubric  of  Ar.  has  Barurgus  for  Ligurgus.  2307.  heyre 
Ar.  G.  2308.  maked  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  Ap.  made  (maad)  Bo.  and  the  other  MS  S., 
except  did  make  E.2.  2314.  while  Bo.  Adj.  whil  Ar. 

96  Lycurgus's  Daughter  wakes  the  sleeping  Knight.      [PT.  fcr 

She  sees  a 
sleeping  knight 

his  steed, 

and  his  blood, 
[leaf  39] 

She  touches  him 

He  starts  up, 

her-self  allone*  /  casting*  vp  her  sight1, 

She  byheld?  /  wher  an  armed  knyghfr  2316 

lay  to  rest1  hym  /  on  the  herbes  colde ; 

And  hym  besyde  /  she  gan  ek  byholde 

his  myghty  stede  /  walkyng1  her  and  ther. 

And  she  anon  /  fille  in  a  maner  fer,  2320 

Speceally  whan  she  saugh"  the  blood 

Sprad  al  the  grene  /  aboute  ther  she  stood. 

U  Butt  at1  the  laste  /  she  kaughfr  hardynesse, 

And  wommanly  /  gan  her  forto  dresse  2324 

Toward!  this  knyghf,  havyng  a  manere  drede 

And  gret1  doute  lest1  that1  he  were  dede. 

And  of  her  wille  /  sothly  this  was  chief, 

That1  she  thoughts  forto  male*  a  prief  2328 

how  that*  it1  stood  /  of  this  man,  ful  ofte. 

And  forth  she  gooth  /  and  touched  hy?ra  ful  softe, 
Ther  as  lie  lay  /  with  her  hondes  smale. 
And  with  a  face  dedly  /  bleyk1,  and  pale,  2332 

lich  as  a  man  adawe'd  /  in  a  swogh", 
Vp  he  sterf  /  and  his  swer<?  he  drogh", 
Nat1  fully  out*  /  but  put1  it  vp  ageyfi 
Anon  as  he  hath  the  lady  seyn,  2336 

Beseching  hir1  /  only  of  her  grace, 
To  han  pit6  /  vpon  his  trespace, 
And  rewe  on  hyw  of  her  wowmanhede. 
For  of  affray  /  he  was  falle  in  drede  2340 

lest1  he  hadde  /  assayled  ben  of  newe 
Of  the  thebans  /  preued  ful  vntrewe ; 

2315.  allone  Bo.  allon  Ar.  2322.  al]  on  Adj.  A<32.  I.  C.  T2.  P.  Kj.  ther]  where 
M.  Di.  La.  she]  he  Lj.  om.  P.  2324.  gan]  she  gan  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 
her]  om.  Ba.  forto]  to  S.  2328.  forto]  to  Adj.  A(i2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  prief  Ar. 
E2.  preef  Bo.  M.>  Adj.  preif  L2.  prefe  Lb.  Ba.  ;  Ar.  has  aprief.  2329.  of] 
with  G.  2331.  Ther]  Wher  C.  T2.  E^  L^  Ap.  And  her  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 
2333.  as]  om.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  adawed  in]  dawed  in  Ej.  adawed"  of  Lb.  that 
dawed  of  Adj.  that  dawith  of  Ad2.  I.  2334.  Vp  he  steri]  He  vpsterte  C.  T2. 
Eg.  second  he]  om.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  L^.  drogh]  out  drowe 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2335.  but]  om.  Bo.  2340.  of]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  fallen  G.  M.  Di.  C. 
T2.  Ba.  falle  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  in  a  drede  Ar.  with  a  underdottcd.  2341. 
had]  om.  M.  Di.  he  hadde  assayled  ben]  lie  hadde  be  assailed  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  E2. 
assayled  he  hadd  be  Ba.  he  assayled  hadde  be  C.  of]  om.  Lo.  2342.  preued 
M.  proued  Bo.  Adj.  proude  and  I. 

and  begs  her  to 
pity  him. 

PT.  II.]     Lycurgus's  Daughter  promises  to  see  Tideus  righted.        97 

For  dred  of  which  he  was  so  rekkeles, 
Ful  humblely  /  hym  gelding1  to  the  pes, 
Tryst*  in  hym-silf  /  he  passed  hadde  his  boundes. 
And  whan  that1  she  saugh"  his  mortal  woundes, 
She  hadde  routh  /  of  verrey  gentyllesse 
Of  his  desese  /  and  of  his  distresse, 
And  bad  he  shulde  /  no-thing1  be  dismayd, 
Nor  in  herte  sorouful  nor  affrayd?, 
Disconfort1  hym  in  no  maner  thing1. 
"  For  I,"  quod  she  /  "  am  doghter  to  the  kyng1, 
Callyd  lygurge  /  which  gretly  me  delyte 
Euery  morowe  /  this  gardyn  to  visyte ; 
It1  is  to  me  so  passingly  disport1." 
"  Wherfor,"  quod  she  /  "  beth  of  good  comfort1 ; 
For  no  wight  her  /  touchyng1  ^our1  viage, 
Shal  hynder  ^ou  /  nor  do  3ow  no  damage. 
And  3if  30  list1  /  of  al  $our  auentwre 
The  pleyne*  trouth  /  vnto  me  discure, 
I  wil  in  soth  /  do  my  bysynesse 
To  reforme  /  $oure  greuous  hevynesse 
with  al  my  myght1  /  and  hool  my  dylygence ; 
That  I  hope  of  3oure  gret  offence 
30  shal  han  helpe  in  3our>  aduersite. 
And,  as  ferforth  /  as  it1  lith  in  me, 



She  bids  him  not 
fear ;     . 

[leaf  39,  back] 

2352    yshe  is  the  King's 
Daughter ; 

IT  How  worn- 
manly  the  lady 
2356     acquythirto 
Tydeus  in  his 



no  one  shall  hurt 
him ; 

she  will  see  him 

2343.  recheles  M.   Adj.      rechles  Bo.  2344.  hnmblely  Ar.  Ap.      humbely 

Adj.  Di.  T2.     humbly  Bo.  and  the  rest,     hym  Jelding  Ar.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  E2.  Ap. 
yeldyng  him  Bo.   Du.  G.  and  the  rest,     the]  om.   Ba.  2346.  that]  om.   Du. 

2348.  and  of]  and  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  C.  E2.     and  for  LP     distresse]  grete  distresse  Lb. 

2349.  shulde  Bo.  Adj.     shold  M.     no  thing  be  Ar.  G.  Du.  L:.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S. 
L2.  Ap.     be  no  bing  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  T2.  P.  E2.     not  be  nothing  C. 
dismayd]  disamayed  Ad^.         2350.  Nor  .  nor]  Nor  .  ne  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Di.  Ba.     Nor  . 
nother  C.     Ne  .  nor  Lb.     Ne  .  ne  Lj.     herte  Adjt     hert  Bo.     sorouful]  ferful  Adx. 
Ad2.  I.         2353.  which  Ar.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap.     }>at  Bo.  and  the  rest.         2354. 
morowe]  mornyng  Lb.  Ba.      morwnyng  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.      this]  the  Ra.  Ba.      to] 
forto  Adj.         2355.  so]  om.  P.     passingly]  passyng  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  P.         2356.  beth] 
byth  Ej.  C.     be  S.     be  ye  M.  Di.         2358.  hynder]  nat  hynder  Ra.  Ba.     nor]  ne 
Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  E2.     }ow  no]  om.  Ra.  Ba.     no]  om.  G.          2360. 
pleyne  Lj.  Ra.  Ad2.  I.      pleyn  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.      vnto  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  E2.  L2.  Ap. 
to  Bo.  and  the  rest.         2362.  refourme  Bo.      reforme  M.  Adj.          2363.  hool  my 
Ar.   G.  C.  T2.  P.   E2.    L2.    Ap.       myn  hool   Bo.  and  the  rest  (my   whole  S. ). 
2365.  shal  Ar.   Bo.  Ra.    Ea.     shul   M.   Adj.   C.      aduersite]  gret  aduersite  Adj. 
Ad2.  I. 



Lycurgus's  Daughter  takes  Tideus  to  a  Chamber.      [PT.  II. 

Tideus  trusts 

Tideus  tells 
all  his  story. 

•f  Hou  Tydeus 
was  refresshed  in 
the  castcl  of  the 

[leaf  40] 

She  takes  him 
to  a  soft  bed, 

unarms  him, 

Trusteth  right1  wel  /  30  shul  no  faute  fynde." 

And  whan  he  saugh  /  that1  she  was  so*  kynde,        2368 

So  woramanly  /  so  goodly,  and  benygne 

In  al  her  poorf  /  be  many  dyuers  signe, 

He  vnto  hir*  /  be  ordre  wold  not1  spare 

his  auenturis  /  fully  to  declare,  2372 

In  Thebes  first1  touching1  his  massage, 

And  at*  the  hil  /  of  the  woode*  Rage, 

Of  his  woundes  /  and  his  hurte's  sore 

(It  were  buf  veyn  /  to  reherce  if  mor)  2376 

By  and  by  he  told  her  euery  del, 

The  which  in  soth  /  she  liked  neuere  a  del, 

But*  hadde  routh  and  compassiou?^ 

Of  his  meschief  /  wroghfr  be  fals  tresouw  :  2380 

Byddyng  in  hastt  /  that1  he  shuld  hir*  swe, 

And  wommanly  /,  as  her  thoghte  dwe, 

To  a  chambre  /  she  ladde  hym  vp  alofte, 

Ful  wel  beseyn  /,  ther-in  a  bed  right1  softe  2384 

Eichely  abouten  apparayled 

With  cloth  of  gold  /,  al  the  floor  yrayled 

Of  the  same  /  both  in  length  and  brede. 

And  first  this  lady  /  of  her  woramanhede,  2388 

hir*  wymmen  badde  /  as  goodly  as  they  kan, 

To  be  attendauwt1  on  this  wounded  man. 

And  whan  he  was  vnarmed  to  his  sherte, 

2367.  shul  Ar.  M.  Adj.  shal  Bo.  2368.  that]  om.  G.  she]  om.  Du.  so  G. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  om.  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  rest,  that  he  was  kynge  E1. 
2369.  so  goodly]  goodly  Lb.  benygne]  so  benigne  Bo.  Tr  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ada. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  2370.  many]  many  a  Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2371.  wold]  wol 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2374.  atte  the  hil  G.  L2.  at  hill  Ba.  E2.  al  the  hil  Ar.  Bo.  and 
all  the  rest,  except  )>e  hille  Lj.  all  be  wholl  S.  (see  Notes},  wode  Bo.  M.  wood  Ar.  Adj. 
of  the  woode]  of  all  )>e  woode  Lx.  of  the  woodie  E2.  of  the  worthy  P.  and  the 
wood  Ad2.  I.  2375.  and  his]  and  of  his  Bo.  and  Ex.  2379.  hadde  M.  had 
Bo.  Di.  Adj.  routhe  M.  routh  Bo.  Adj.  2381.  Shewe  Lb  (:  dewe).  2384. 
Ful  wel  beseyn]  om.  Ad2.  I.  ther-in]  where  inne  Ad2.  I.  bed]  bed  was  Ad2.  I. 
right]  ful  Ra.  S.  2385.  abouten]  aboute  Bo.  Lx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  1^.  Ap. 

Richely  abought  aparaylid  for  the  nones  P.  (the  last  three  words  added  with  paler  ink 
by  later  hand).  2386.  of  gold]  om.  C.  yrayled  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  E2.  Ap.  1^  (eraylid). 
arayed  Bo.  Tx.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  S.  Et  (I-rayed).  Du  (raied).  Ba  (auarrayhed). 
trayled  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2386  omitted  in  P ;  the  later  hand  has  loritten  in  the 
margin:  With  Curtont  &  hangynge  Of  Arras  golde  and  stonys.  2389.  they 
Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  1^.  Ap.  she  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  2391.  whan]  om.  Bo. 

PT.  ii.]    She  has  Tideus  cared  for,  but  he  will  not  stay  with  her.     99 

She  made  first*  wassh  his  woundes  smerte,  2392 

And  serche  hem  wel  /  with  dyuers  instruments, 

And  made*  fette  /  sondry  oynementes, 

And  leches  ek  /  the  beste  she  koude  fynde, 

Ful  craftely  to  staunche  hem  /  and  to  bynde.  2396 

And  euery  thing1  /  that1  may  do  hym  ease 

Taswage  his  peyn  /  or  his  woo  tapese, 

Was  in  the  courte  /  and  in*  the  Castel  sought1, 

And  by  her  byddyng  /  to  his  chambre  brought.  2400 

And  for  his  sake  /  she  hath  after  sent1 

For  swich"  deyntees  /  as  wern  cowuenyent1, 

Moost  nutn'tyf  /  be  phisikes  lore, 

hem  that1  wern  syk  /  or  wounded  /  to  restore,  2404 

Makyng  her  wymmen  /  ek  to  taken  kep 

And  wayt1  on  hym  /  anyghtes  whan  he  slep, 

And  be  wel  war  /  that1  no  thing1  asterte 

That  was  or  myghf  be  /  lusty  to  his  herte.  2408 

U  And  with  al  this  /  she  preie'd  hym  abyde 

Til  he  were  strong1  /  and  myghty  forto  ride, 

In  the  castel  to  pley  hym  /  and  disporte, 

And  at1  ley  sere  /  horn  ageyn  resorte  2412 

whan  he  myght1  by  welde  hym  at  his  large. 

But1  al  for  nought1  /  :  he  wil  horn  to  Arge, 
Toke  his  lyeve  on  the  nexte  day, 

With-out1  abood  /  to  hast1  hym  on  his  way,  2416 

lowly  thonkyng1  /  vnto  her  goodnesse 

washes  and 
dresses  his 

gives  him 

and  bids  her 
women  watch 

Tideus,  tho 
askt  to  stop 
at  Lycurgus's 
[leaf  40,  back] 

will  go  home 
to  Argos. 

2392.  wassh  Bo.  wasshe  M.  Adj.  In  Ar.  a  pause-bar  after  wassh.  2394. 
made  Bo.  M.  Adj.  mad  Ar.  fette  M.  Adj.  fett  Bo.  2395.  leches]  leche  T2. 
she]  bat  she  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  2396. 

Ful]  And  ful  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ka.  Ba.  to  staimche  hem]  to  staunchen  hem  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  Ej.  did  hem  staunch  Ra.  Ba.  to  bynde]  binde  Adv  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2396 
omitted  in  P.,  but  And  caused  theym  his  woundes  to  bynde  written  in  the  margin  by 
later  hand.  2398.  Taswage  Ar.  To  aswage  Di.  1^.  to  swage  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
tapese  Ar.  Bo.  and  all,  except  to  apese  S.  P.  L^.  to  pese  Ap.  Lj.  To  swage  his  wo  & 
peyne  to  pease  Lj.  2399.  courte]  centre  Ad2.  I.  in  the  Castel]  in  om.  Ar.  Ba. 
Ap.  2404.  hem]  to  hem  Adj.  Ad^  I.  wern  Ar.  were  Bo.  and  the  rest,  to 
restore]  sore  Tj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2409.  preied  Ar.  praide  Bo.  M.  Ra.  praid  Adr. 
abyde]  to  abide  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  2413.  bywelde]  biwilde  Di.  S.  beweldy 
Lb.  welde  Ba.  at  his]  to  his  Bo.  at  Lb.  2415.  nexte  Ad^  nexste  Di.  next 
Bo.  2417.  thonkyng]  towchyng  T2.  vnto]  to  P.  hir  of  Ad2.  I.  goodnesse] 
greet  goodnesse  M.  DL  goodlynesse  T2.  worthynesse  Ro. 


Tideus  returns  to  Argos,  to  his   Wife. 

[PT.  II. 

II  Hou  Tydeus 
repeyred  hy»i  to 
Arge  al  for- 

Of  her  fredam  /  and  bountevous  largesse, 

So  wo??imanly  that*  hir1  list  taken*  hede 

Hym  to  refressh  in  his  grete  nede,  2420 

Beheestyng1  hir1  /  with  al  his  fulle*  myght1, 

He  wolde*  be  hir  seruaunf  /  and  hir  knyghf, 

Whyl  he  leueth,  of  what1  she  wold  hym  charge. 

And  forth  he  rood  /  til  he  cam  to  Arge  2424 

In  ful  gref  hast1  /  and  wolde  nowher  dwelle. 
But*  what*  shuld?  I  rehercen  owther  telle 
Of  his  repeir  /  the  coostes  or  the  pleyns, 
The  craggy  Roches  /  or  the  hegh  mounteyns,  2428 

Or  al  the  maner  /  of  his  hoom-comynge, 
Of  the  metyng*  /  or*  the  welcomynge, 
Nor  the  loye  /  that1  Adrastus  made, 

His  wife  clasps     Nor  how  his  sustre  /  and  his  wif  were  glade  ?  2432 

Nor  how  that1  they  /,  wherto*  shuld  I  write, 

him  in  her  arms.  Enbraced  hym  /  in  her  Armes  white, 

Nor  the  gadryng1  /  about*  hym  /  and  the  pres 
Nor  of  the  sorowe  /  that  Polymytes  2436 

Mad  in  hym-silf  /  to  sen  hym  so  forwouwded,* 
his  greuous  hurtes  /  his  soorys  /  ek  vnsouwded, 
His  dedly  look  /  and  his  face  pale  ? 
(Of  alle  this  /  to  gynne  a  newe  tale  2440 

[leaf  4i]        It  were  in  soth"  /  a  maner  ydylnesse) 

2418.  and]  and  of  hir  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ej.  S.  and  her  Tj.  Lj.  largesse] 
largenes  Lj.  and  largenesse  (sic)  T2.  2419.  tak  Ar.  Adj.  take  G.  Lj.  and  the 
rest,  except  to  take  Bo.  T,.  Du.  M.  Di.  (cp.  2311).  2420.  refressh  (refresshe)  Ar. 
and  all.  2421.  Beheestyng  Ar.  Ra.  Behestyng  Bo.  Ba.  Ap.  By-hestyng  G. 
Bihotyng  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E^  Be-hetyng  Lj.  I. 
Besechyng  L^.  Ro.  ful  (full)  Ar.  G.  Bo.  and  all,  except  hoi  Adj.  hoole  Ad^  I. 
2422  and  2423.  wolde  Bo.  M.  Adj.  wold  Ar.  wyl  G.  and  hir]  and  Ra.  knyght] 
trewknyghtM.  Di.  Ba.  C.  Ta.  P.  E2.  2426.  what]  wherto  M.  Di.  owther  Ar.  Bo. 
other  M.  Adj.  or  more  Ad^  I.  2427.  his]  Jris  Bo.  or]  o}>er  Adx.  2430.  or] 
nor  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  Eg.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  or  the]  or  of  >e  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  L,.  M.  Adv  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  4-  2431-  Nor]  For  Di.  Ba.  Ne  L!.  Lb.  2432.  Nor]  Ne  Lj. 
Lb.  P.  and]  ne  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ej.  T2.  P.  nor  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  L^.  or 
Ra.  Ba.  E^  were]  was  T2.  P.  2433.  Wherto]  Wherfor  Ar.  write]  it  write  Ba. 
In  Adj.  AcLj.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  the  second  halves  of  2433  and  2434  are  transposed,  that  of 
2434  being  tacked  on  to  the  former  half  of  2433  and  vice  versa.  2435.  N"or]  Ne 
Lb.  P.  hym]  om.  Bo.  and]  nor  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  TL%.  L2.  ne  Ej.  P.  or  Eg.  in 
Ra.  Ba.  2436.  of]  om.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  sorowe]  gret 
sorwe  C.  2437.  so]  om.  S.  P.  E^.  1^.  forwounded]  soor  wounded  Ar.  G.  Du. 
M.  Di.  Ada.  Ad2.  I.  Ea.  S.  P.  E2.  sor  forwoundid  1^. 

grieves  to  see 
him  wounded. 

PT.  II.] 

Adrastus's  Doctors  soon  cure  Tideus. 

Nor  how  hym-silf  in  ordre  did  expresse 

First1  how  that1  he  in  Thebes  hath  hym  born, 

Nor  how  the  kyng1  /  falsly  was  forsworn, 

Nor  of  the  awayt1  /  nor  tresouw  that1  he  sette, 

whan  fyfty  knyghtes  /  on  the  way  hym  mette, 

As  36  han  herd?  /  al  the  manere  howe, 

With-oute  which  /  my  tale  is  long1  ynowe. 

IT  But  Adrastus  /  made*  men  to  seche 

In  euery  Coost1  /  for  many  diuerse  leche, 

To  come  in  hast1  /  and  make  no  tarying1, 

Vpon  a  peyne  /  be  biddyng1  of  the  kyng1, 

To  don  her  craft*  /  that1  he  wer  recured 

And  of  his  force  /  in  euery  part  assured. 

And  they  echon  /  so  her  konnyng1  shewe 

That1,  in  space  /  of  a  dale's  fewe, 

He  was  al  hool  /  maad  of  his  siknesse. 

Tho  was  ther  loye  f  and  tho  was  ther  gladnesse 

Thorgh-out1  the  courte  /  and  thorgh-out1  al  the  touw. 

For  euery  man  /  hath  swich"  opynyouw 

In  Tydeus  /  for  his  gentyllesse, 

For  his  manhood  and  his  lowlynesse, 

That1  he  was  holde  /  the  moste  famous  knyghfr 

And  best*  byloued  /  in  euery  mawnys  sight* 

Thorgh-oute  grece  /  in  euery  Regiouw. 

But1  now  most1 1  /  make  a  digression n, 
To  telle  shortly  /  as  in  Sentement1, 
Of  thilke  knyght  /  that1  Tydeus  hath  sent1 
Into  Thebes  /  only  to  declare 
The  grete  meschief  /  and  the  euel  fare 



Adrastus  gets 


2456    wh°  s°on  cure 

to  every  one's 



But  I  must 
now  turn  to 

2468    the  knight 

whom  Tideus 
sent  to  Thebes. 

2444.  Nor]  And  P.  was]  is  Adj.  om.  Ad2.  I.  2445.  the  awayt  Ar.  Bo.  M. 
thawaite  C.  be  waite  Di.  await  (om.  the)  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2449.  made  Bo.  Adj. 
maad  Ar.  2455.  konnyng]  konnynges  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  L,..  Lb.  M.  EJ.  2456. 
space]  the  space  C.  a  dates  fewe]  dayes  fewe  Tj.  LJ.  Lb.  Adj  (daies  a  fewe).  Ad2. 
I.  Ba.  Ej.  C.  P.  L.2.  Ro.  2457.  al  hool]  alhool  Ar.  hole  Tx.  2458.  and  Ar. 
G.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ap.  om.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  ther  .  ther]  her  .  her  .  L2.  Ro. 
2459.  and  thorgh-out]  and  thorgh  M.  Adj.  2462.  his  manhood]  manhod  of 
him  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  and  his]  and  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2463.  moost  Bo.  most  M.  Adj. 
moste  Du.  Di.  I.  2466.  Ar.  has  a  second  pause-bar  after  make,  digressioun] 
disgressioun  I.  2468.  thilk  Adj.  tliilke  Bo.  2470.  gret  Adj.  grete  Bo. 
2471  in  Ar.  begins  with  In  w  Vnto,  the  first  two  underdotted. 

102     Eteocies  is  furious  when  he  finds  Tideus  has  slain  his  Knights. 

[leaf  41,  back]     Vnto  the  kyng1  /  how  it  is  befalle, 

The  opyn  trouth  /  of  his  knyghtes  alle,  2472 

Eteocies,  on        \io\t  Tideus  hath  slayn  hem  euerychon. 

hearing  that 

his  50  knights      That1,  sauf  hym-silf  /  ther  eskaped  non  : 

were  slain, 

which  was  reserued  /  from  sheding1*  of  his  blood, 
The  kyng1  to  telle  pleynly  how  it  stood.  2476 

And  whan  he  hadde  rehersed  euery  poynt1, 
is  nearly  mad       Ethiocles  stood  /  in  such  disioynt1 

with  rage. 

Of  hatful  Ire  thafr  he  wex  nye  wood. 
Eteocies  And  in  his  tene  /  and  his  felle  mood,  2480 

Of  cruel  malys  /  to  the  knyghtf  he  spak, 
says  his  knights    And  felly  seide*  /  that1  it  was  for  lak 

were  cowards, 

Only  of  manhood  /  thorgh  her  cowardys, 
If  HOW  Ethiocles  That  thei  wern  slayn  /  in  so  mortal  wyse.  2484 

was  asstonyed 

Sa£theofeMs       "  And  hanged  be  he  /  highe*  by  the  nekke 
knyghtes.  That,  of  ?our  deth  /  or  of  ^our1  slaughter  Eekke, 

Or  3ou  compleyn  /  outher*  on  or  aH, 

Of  the  meschief  /  that  is  }owe  befaH.  2488 

I  do  no  force  /  that1  non  of  3011  asterte. 

But1  fye  vpon  $our  false  *  couard*  herte, 
to  let  one  man     That  on  knyghfr  hath,  thorgh  his  hegh  renouw, 

kill  50  of  em.  J6 

Brought  $ow  aH  into*  confusiouw,  2492 

Ful  graceles  /  and  ful  vnhappy  to." 

The  survivor  .,  -yr       j>  j  1.1  •     i  T.JJ    u  -u  •  ii  •       * 

answers  that  -Nay,    quod  this  knyght1,  "  it1  is  no-thing*  so. 

2475.  which  Ar.  G.  0.  P.  &,.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.      That  Bo.  and  the  rest,     from  (fro)] 
for   Di.   Ba.     sheding]  the   sheding  Ar.  G.  2478.  stood]  stood  thaime  Adj. 

Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2479.  that]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Kj.  wex  Ar.  G.  Lb.  Di.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  E2.  Ro.  waxe  Bo.  M.  Du.  Adj.  Ex.  S.  C.  T2. L^.  wyxe  Ap.  waxte  Lj.  was 
Tj.  nye]  nere  Ba.  1^.  Ap.  2480.  and]  and  in  Lv  Lb.  Di.  Adj.  Ad,j.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  £3.  La.  Ro.  felle  Ar.  Bo.  M.  fel  Ad^  ful  Ra.  felle]  om.  S.  2482. 
seide  Ad^  Bo.  seid  Ar.  2485—2672  lost  in  T2.  2485.  be  he]  he  be  Ba. 
highe  E2.  hye  Bo.  M.  Adj.  high  Ar.  highe]  om.  S.  hanged]  y-honged  Adv 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2486.  of  Jour  deth]  your  deth  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  2487.  outhre  Bo. 
other  M.  Di.  othreDu.  oytheAr.  2488.  is  Jowe]  is  on  you  M.  Di.  now  is  Lj. 
befall]  fall  Lb.  2489.  that]  though  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  though  >at  Adj.  asterte] 
astart  (:hert)  S.  2490—2580  lost  in  Ba.  2490.  fals  coward  Ar.  M.  Adj. 

fals  cowarde  Bo.  2491.  That]  Tha  Ar.  on]  of  o  with  of  underdotted  Adj.  of 
oo  Ad2.  I.  hath]  om.  Bo.  T,.  Du.  Lv  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S. 
L^.  Ro.  hegh]  om.  Ra.  E^  renoun]  resoun  Ra.  2492.  Brought]  hath  brought 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  into  Tv  Du.  Lv  Adr  Ad2. 
Ra.  S.  in  Ar.  G.  Ej.  P.  E.J.  Ap.  to  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Di.  I.  I^.  Ro.  vnto  C.  2494. 
nothing]  not  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S. 

PT.  II.]     The  Survivor  of  Eteocles's  fifty  Knights  kills  himself.    103 

It1  is  thyn  vnhappe  /  pleynlv,  and  not  oures,  Eteocies  him- 

That1  so  many  worthy  werreoures,  2496 

Which  al  her  lif  /  neuer  hadde  shame, 

Except  this  quarel  /  taken  in  thy  name, 

That  grounded  was  /  and  rooted  on  falssenesse : 

This  was  cause  /  in  verray  sikernesse,  2500   was  the  cause  of 

their  mishap : 

Of  our1  vnhappe  /  I  woof  wel,  and  non  other,  deaf  42] 

And  the  vntrouthe*  /  don  vnto  thy  brother, 

And  that*  thow  were  /  so  opynly  forsworn  : 

A  parcel  cause  why  that1  we  wer  lorn  2504 

was  fals  brekyng1  /  of  thyn  assured  oth."  he  broke  his 

And  tho  the  kyng1  /  almost1  mad  for  wroth, 
In  pwrpoos  was  forto  slee  this  knyght1, 
Oonly  for  he  seide  to  hyrn  right1,  2508 

The  which  alias  /  both  at  eue  and  morowe,  This  knight, 

in  a  fit  of  sorrow 

Supprised  was  /  with  a  dedly  sorowe,  and  despair, 

Renewed  ay,  in  his  remembrawnce, 

With  the  pitous  /  and  vnhappy  chauwce  2512 

Of  the  meschief  /  and  mysauentwre, 

Touching1  the  deth  /  and  disconfittwe 

Of  his  feeres  /  and  of  hym-silf  also  : 

That1  the  shamfast1  /  in-portable  wo  2516 

So  frat1  on  hym  /  with  such  a  mortal  stryf 

That1  he  was  wery  /  of  his  owne  lif ; 

Hent1  a  swerc?  /  and  a-side  sterte,  drives  a  sword 

into  his  own 

And  rove  hym-silf  euen  to  the  herte,  2520  heart- 

2495.  pleynly]  om.  Adx.  Ad^  I.  S.  pleynly  and]  and  pleynly  Ra.  2497.  had 
Bo.  2499.  on]  in  Bo.  L^  Ej.  1^.  Ap.  and  rooted  on]  vpon  Adj.  Ad^  I.  2500. 
-cause]  the  cause  Du.  L:.  Adj.  Ad2-  I.  Ra.  sikernesse]  sewernesse  S.  sothnesse  C. 
P.  E2.  2502.  vntrouth  Ar.  Bo.  2504.  A]  And  Lb.  C.  P.  E.2.  Ro.  Ap.  parcel] 
percell  Ej.  E2.  that]  om.  M.  Di.  lorn]  forlorn  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adx. 
Ra.  Er  S.  E2.  Ap.  2508.  to  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  vnto  M.  and  the  rest,. 
2509.  in  Ar.  above  which  is  ivritten  i.  miles  in  smaller  letters,  both]  om.  M.  Di. 
2512.  pitous]  poyntes  G.  2513.  and]  and  the  G.  I.  2514.  and]  and  the 
Du.  Lj_.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  P.  of  the  I.  2515.  his]  alle  his  Ad^ 
Ad2  I.  feeres  Ar.  Bo.  feers  M.  Adj.  felowes  S.  second  of  om.  S.  Ro.  silt'] 
am.  Du.  Ada-  2516.  importable  Bo.  M.  Adx.  2517.  So]  om.  Ro.  frat] 

frett  Lj.  M.  Di.  S.  Sat  Ro.  was  E2.  that  L.2-  on]  om.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  hym]  om. 
Ad?.  2519.  Hent]  He  hent  G.  Lj.  Ra.  C.  Hent  he  hath  E^  Tburgh  the 
whiche  he  hent  P.  Toke  he  S.  a-side]  a-sid  Adj.  asiden  Lx.  om.  P.  sterte] 
a-sterte  Di.  a-start  S.  2520.  roue  Bo.  M.  rof  Adx.  And  the  poeple  nad  be 
ta  ryven  thoruh  (therewith  I.)  his  herte  Ad2.  I. 

104    The  corpses  of  the  slain  Knights  are  burnt  and  buried.   [FT.  II. 

The  friends  of 
the  dead  knights 

want  to  take 
vengeance  on 

but  the  lords 

[leaf  42,  back] 
quiet  them. 

The  corpses 

are  brought  to 

and  buried. 

11  The  kyng1  hym-silf  /  beyng1  tho  present1 ; 

That*  the  rumour  /  and  the  noys  is  went1 

Thorgh-oute  Thebes  /of*  the  woode*  rage, 

Be  swich  as  weren*  /  loyned  by  lynage  2524 

To  the  knyghtes  /  slayen*  at1  the  hille ; 

That1  aH  atonys  /  of  oon  herte  and  wille, 

They  wold  han  ryse  /  thorgh-out1  the  Cite, 

Vpon  the  kyng1  /  avenged  forto  be,  2528 

Which  of  her  deth  /  was  chief  occasiouw. 

But1  the  barouws  /  and  lordes  of  the  touw 
Ful  busy  wern  /  this  Rumowr  to  dysesse, 
Of  high  prudence  /  to  stynten  and  appese,  2532 

In  quyete  /  euery  thyng1  to  sette. 

And  after  that1  the  bodyes  horn  they  fette 
Of  the  knyghtes  /  lik  as  30  han  herde, 
Aforn  yslawe'  /  with  the  blody  swerde  2536 

Of  Tydeus  /  ful  sharpe  whet1  and  grounde. 
And  in  the  felde  /  so  as  they  hem  founde, 
Only  of  loue  /  and  affecciouw, 

Solempnely*  they  broght1  hem  into  touw.  2540 

And,  lik  the  maner  /  of  her  rytis  olde, 
They  weren  first1  brent  /  into  Asshes  colde, 
Euerich  buryed  /  lich  to  his  degre. 

2521.  beying  Ar.  beyng  tho]  tho  being  Adj.  so  beyng  Ad2.  I.  2522.  The] 
om.  Lj.  rumour]  Iniurye  I.  is]  am.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  it  Lj.  Ra.  2523.  Thorgh- 
oute]  Thorgh  C.  P.  E2.  Thrugh-oute  all  Ej.  of]  and  Ar.  G.  Lt.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra. 
Ej.  S.  La.  Ro.  Ap.  wode  Bo.  M.  Ad^  wood  Ar.  2524.  wern  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
2525.  slayen]  slayn(e)  all  the  MSS.  2527.  ryse  Ar.  G.  Ap.  C.  rysen  Bo.  Tj.  M. 
Adj.  Ej.  resen  Ra.  arisen  ~E^.  thorgh-out]  thorugh  M.  Di.  P.  thrugh-oute  all 
Ej.  25'28.  forto]  to  haue  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2530.  lordes]  be  lordes  Bo.  Tj.  Lb.  M. 
I.  Ej.  S.  C.  2531.  besy  Bo.  M.  Ad?.  discese  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2534.  the  bodyes 
horn  they]  home  be  bodies  they  M.  Di.  2535.  herde]  redde  Ad2.  I.  2536. 

yslawe  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ap.  eslaw  L2.  slawe  Ta.  M.  Di. 
slayn  C.  yslayne  P.  E^  2537.  sharpe  Ar.  Du.  Lb.  P.  sharp  Bo.  G.  Tj.  M. 
Adj.  Ra.  C.  K2.  W  R°-  whet]  whittid  Ra.  ;  S  has  Iwhett  full  sharp  and  grounde. 
2538.  so]  om.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  2539.  and]  and  of  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  C. 
P.  £3.  Lg.  2540.  Solempnely  Lb.  Di.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ej.  Eo.  L2.  Ap.  solennely  Adg. 
solempnly  G.  Bo.  Du.  M.  Lx  (solempnye).  Solemply  Ar.  Tj.  S.  C.  P.  Ro.  into]  into 
be  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  S.  C.  Lo.  to  the  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  P.  E2.  2541. 
lik]  lik  to  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  her]  the  M.  Di.  C.  L.2.  rytes  M.  rightes  Bo.  right  L2. 
2542.  were  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2543.  Euerich]  And  euerich  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  And  eche 
one  E.J.  Euery  man  Lb.  buryed]  I-buryed  Ej.  Eg. 

PT.  II.]  Destruction  is  coming  to  the  Thebans'  King  and  Region.    105 
Lo  her  kalendys  /  of  aduersite,  2544   Ruin  is  to  fail 

on  king  and 

Sorowe  vpon  sorowe  /  and  destruccioim,  realm, 

First1  of  the  kyng1  /  and  att  the  Regyoim ; 

For  lak  oonly  /  lik  as  I  $ow  tolde, 

That1  biheestes  /  trewly  wern  not1  holde  :  2548  as  troth  was  not 


be  Firste  grounde  /  and  Eoote  of  this  Ruyne, 

As  the  story  /  shal  clerly  determyne, 

And  my  tale  /  her-after  shal  ^ow  lere, 

$if  that  jow  list1  /  the  remenaiwf  for  to  here.  2552 

IF  Explicit1  Secunda  pars 
Joh"  Lydgate 

IF  Incipitf  pars  Tercia 

2544.  kalendys]  >e  kalendes  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  P.  E?. 
is  )>e  kalendes  Lj.  2546.  and]  and  after  Lb.  all]  om.  Bo.  of  S.  Ro.  the]  his 
Li.  2548.  were  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2549.  ]>e]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adx. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  ;  in  Ar.  )>e  is  written  before  the  line,  first  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra. 
2552.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lr  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  C. 

106     Appeal  to  Mars.   Adrastus  resolves  to  conquer  Thebes.    [PT.  in. 

[leaf  43] 

Why,  Mars, 

were  you  so 
wroth  with  men 
of  Thebes, 

whose  city  was 

burnt  thru  hate, 

from  Original 

King  Adrastus 
resolves  to  con- 
quer Thebes. 

He  calls  a 

IF  Tercia  Pars. 

0  Cruel  Mars  /  ful  of  malencolye,  2553 

And  of  thy  kynde  hoof  /  combust1,  and  drye, 
(As  the  sperkles*  /  shewen  fro  so  ferre, 
By  the  stremes  /  of  )>'  rede  sterre, 
In  thy  spere  /  as  if  aboute  goth) 
what1  was  cause  /  that1  thow  were  so  wroth" 
with  hem  of  Thebes'?  /  thorgh  whoos  feruenf  Ire 
The  Cite  brent1  and  was  sette  a-fyre, 
As  bookes  olde  /  wel  reherce  konne, 
Of  Cruel  hate  /  rooted  and  begvnne, 
And  engendred  /,  the  story  maketh  mynde, 
Oonly  of  blood  /  corrupt1  and  vnkynde, 
Bynfeccioura  /  called  Orygynal, 
Causyng1  a  strif  /  dredful  and  mortal, 
Of  which  the  meschief  /  thorgh  al  grece  Ran. 

And  kyng  Adrastus  /  alderfirsf  began, 
which  hath  hym  cast1  /  a  conquest1  for  to  make 
vpon  Thebes  /  for  polymytes  sake, 
In  knyghtly  wise  /  ther  to  preve  his  myght1, 
Of  ful  entent1  /  to  recure  his  right1. 
And  first1  of  al  he  sette  a  parlemenf, 






2554.  thy]  om.  Bo.  G.  C.  be  Lj.  2555.  spercles  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Ej.  S.  sparkles 
M.  Ad^  and  the  rest,  except  sperkes  Ar.  G.  I.  fro  so  ferre]  from  the  fire  Ra. 
2556.  $i  Ar.  G.  thy  L.2.  Ro.  Ap.  the  Bo.  and  the  rest.  2557.  thy]  be  Lt.  Adj. 
I.  Ra.  La-  2558.  cause]  be  cause  Di.  1^.  Ro.  that]  om.  Ra.  P.  L2.  Ro.  2560. 
The]  Te  Ar.  brent  and  was]  was  brent  and  Adx.  Ad^.  I.  brent  was  and  Lb.  E^. 
a-fyre]  on  fyre  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  E2.  1^.  2565.  Bynfeccioun]  By  enfeccion  Du. 
Bo  (enfencioun).  M.  Tj.  Adj.  2569.  Which]  That  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Adg.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  hath]  om.  Lj.  forto]  to  M.  Di.  2571.  his]  her  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  ther  S.  2572.  recure]  rekouere  Du. 

TT.  in.]    Adrastus's  Lords  prepare  for  the  Theban  Expedition.    107 

And  hath  his  le^res  /  and  massageres  sent 

Thorgh-oute  Grece  /  to  many  sondry  kyngges, 

hem  to  enhast  /  and?  make  no  lettyngges.  2576 

And  rounde  about1  /,  as  maad  is  menciouw, 

he  sent  also  /  to  many  Regyouw 

For  Prynces  /  Dukes  /  lordys,  and  barouws, 

To  taken  vp  /  in  Citees  and  in  touws,  2580 

And  chesen  out1  /  the  moste  liklyesf, 

And  swich  as  weren*  /  preue'd  for  the  best* 

As  of  manhode  /  and  sende*  hem  vp  ecfron, 

And  in  her  hoiide  /  receyve  her  pay  anon,  2584 

with  Adrastus  to  Thebes  forto  ryde. 

And  tho  lorde's  /  that1  with  hym  abyde 
In  houshold  stille  /  han  her  leve  take, 
To  ryden  horn  /  her  retenue  to  make  2588 

In  ther  contrees  /  as  they  wern  of  degre, 
To  stuffen  hern  /  and  taken  vp  meyne 
And  make  hem  stronge  /  with  knyghtes  and  squyers, 
with  speres  /  bowes  /  and  with  ablasters,  2592 

In  al  the  hast1  possible  /  that1  they  may, 
And  to  retourne  /  in  their1  best1  aray, 
At1  ternae'  sette,  ful  manly  to  be  seyn, 

of  kings, 

dukes,  lords,  etc. 

[leaf  43,  back] 

All  are  to  go 
to  Thebes  with 

If  The  grete  pwr- 

ueau/ice  of  kyng 

Adrastus  touard 


The  court-lords 

go  home  for 

men  and  arms, 

to  muster  soon 

2575.  Thorgh-oute]  Thorugh  Bo.  M.  Di.  C.  P.  E2.  Grece]  alle  Grece  Ad2.  I. 
to]  vnto  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  many]  many  a  Ra.  kyngges]  kyngxRa.  kyngges  in  Ar. 
was  first  written  kynggs,  then  e  put  above  the  line  between  g  and  s,  with  the  usual 
mark  of  insertion  (two  converging  strokes)  under  the  line.  2578.  to]  into  Adv 
Ad2.  I.  many  Ar.  Bo.  Ta.  M.  Ej.  Ro.  Ap.  many  a  Du.  Lj.  Di.  and  the  rest. 
2581.  chesen  Ar,  G.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  chese  Di.  S.  L2.  Ro.  to  chesen  C.  E2. 
to  chese  P.  the]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  most  Ar.  G.  M.  Adj.  moost  Bo.  moste  Du. 
Ra.  Ba.  liklyest]  semblyeste  Ro.  2582.  swich]  which  G.  weren  Tj.  Lb.  I. 
wern  Ar.  G.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  wcryn  Ra.  were  Bo.  and  tJie  rest,  preued] 
proued  Bo.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  2583.  As]  And  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  sende  E!. 
S.  C.  P.  E2.  send  Ad.2.  I.  savde  Ar  (seems  to  be  altered  from  saide).  sande  Bo. 
Du.  G.  sonde  Di.  soude  Tj.  M.  sovde  Lb.  sowde  L.2.  Ap.  sowede  Ro. 
sonded  Adj.  sowdid  Ra.  Ba.  wage  I(1.  hem]  om.  Ad2.  I.  2586.  And]  And 
how  Lx.  tho  Ar.  G.  C.  Eg.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  be  Bo.  and  the  rest.  2589.  ther  Ar. 
Ro.  beir  Bo.  their  Tj.  Du.  Ba.  Ej.  L2.  Ap.  the  Ra.  P.  her  M.  and  the  rest. 
2590.  stuffen]  sustene  C.  P.  E2.  and]  and  to  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  to  Lj.  M.  Di.  E!.  P. 
E2.  L2.  Ro.  taken  Ar.  Ad2.  I.  Ap.  make  S.  take  Bo.  and  the  rest.  meyne] 
money  Ba.  2592.  second  with]  om.  Lj.  M.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  P.  E2. 
ablasters  Ar.  Bo.  arblasters  Adx.  Ra.  Ro.  alblastyrs  Ap.  arblastreres  Lb.  Ad2. 
Ba.  arblastres  Ex.  S.  arwblasters  M.  arowblasters  C.  Ar.  has  a  bar  also 
between  with  and  speres.  2594.  to]  om.  Di.  Ba.  retourne  Ar.  Bo.  and  all. 
their  Ar.  Ba.  S.  L2.  Ap.  Ro  (ther).  her  Bo.  and  the  rest.  2595.  At]  At  the  Lb. 

108        T/te  Kings  wJw  sliare  in  Adrastus's  Expedition.     [PT.  ill. 

To-forn  Arge  /  mostren  in  a  pleyn.  2596 

U  And  as  I  rede  /  ful  worthy  of  degre 

Thider  cam  first1  /  protonolope, 

The  which  was,  be  recorde  of  wryting1, 

Of  Archada  /  sone  to  the  kyng1.  2600 

II  And  ful  prudent  found!  in  werre  and  pees 

Ther  came  also  /  the  kyng1  Cylmythenes. 

H  And  as  I  fynde  /  ful  famous  of  renoun 

Thyder  cam  ek  /  the  kyng1  ypemedouw.  2604 

H  And  passing1  aH  /  of  knyghthode  and  of  name, 

And  excellyng  /  by  worthynesse  of  fame, 

The  noble  kyng  /  callyd  Campaneus, 

kam  ek  to  Arge  /  the  story  telleth  vs,  2608 

Proued  ful  wel  /  and  hadde  ryden  ferre. 

II  And  thider  kam  the  kyng1  Melleager, 

IT  Kyng  Genor  ek  /  that1  helde  his  Eoyal  sete, 

Myn  Autour  seijj  /  in  the  lond!  of  Crete  ;  2612 

IT  Kyng1  Laeris  and  the  kyng1  Pyrrus  *, 

And  ek  the  kyng1  /  called  Tortolanus. 

And  renomed  in  many  regyouw 

at  Argos. 

The  kings  who 
come  are  Pro- 




Meleager,  etc. 

[leaf  44] 

T[  The  kynggcs 
and  princes 
that  cam  with 

2596.  mostren  Ar.  Du.  Adj.  moostre  M.  moustren  Ej.  mustren  Tj.  mustre 
Ra.  moustren  Bo.  mostren]  to  mvster  Lj.  Adj.  Adg.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  Lj.  Ro. 
in]  on  Ra.  Ba.  P.  L.2.  Ro.  a]  be  L2.  Ro.  2598.  protonolope]  Prothonolope  Bo. 
Lb.  M.  Adj.  C.  Ap.  Prothonolphe  Lj.  partonolope  P.  protholonope  I. 
Protholope  Du.  drothonolope  S.  2599.  whiche  Bo.  M.  which  Ar.  Adj. 
2600.  Archada  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Archadye  M.  Adj.  Archedie  L2. 
Archade  Ra.  E2.  to]  vnto  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  P.  E2.  2602. 
Cylmythenes  Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Adg.  I.  Ej.  S.  Cylmythenees  Ro. 
Sylmythenes  Lg.  Clymythines  La.  Cilmychenes  C.  Ap.  Gilmichenes  £2.  P. 

Thilmythenes   Ra.       Thillmethenes    Ba. 
Ypomedoun  Lb.  M.  C.  P.  E.J.  L*  Ro.  Ap. 

Ipomodoun  Di.  Loymedon  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.  Epimidoun  Lj.  Opimodon  Ra. 
Opymodoun  Ba.  ->f  Epemedotin  I.  2607.  Campaneus]  Capaneus  Adj.  of 

Capaneus  Ad2.  I.  Cimphaneus  Ra.  2608.  vs]  bus  G.  C.  2609.  Proued  Ar. 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  Preued  Ap.  Provyn  1^.  Provided  Lj.  and]  om.  M.  had  Bo.  M. 
Adj.  hadde]  hath  Tj.  and  hadde  ryden  ferre]  in  many  a  degre  Ra.  in  many 
agree  Ba.  2610.  And]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  kam]  come  eke  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  C. 
Melleager]  Melliager  Lb.  Melleagerre  Du.  Melliacher  P.  Melergerr  L2.  Melliagre 
Ra.  Melliogree  Ba.  2611.  Genor]  tenor  Ra.  Ba.  Gover  1^.  Ro.  sete]  Cite  Ra. 
Ba.  se  C.  Eg.  2612.  seib]  telleth  Lb.  Crete]  grete  Tj.  Ra.  Ba.  grece  P.  E^ 
2613.  Laeris  Ar.  G.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ej.  L2.  Layerys  Bo.  Layeres  Ro. 
laerus  Ra.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  Laierus  Ba.  layers  Ap.  loeris  C.  E.2.  loers  P. 
lacris  Lb.  Pyrrus]  of  Pyrrus  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  pernonne  P  (altered, 
mi  erasure).  2614.  called]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Tortolanus]  Tortalanus  Ad^ 

Tortolonus  £2-  tortolomus  C.  Tortolonyus  Ro.  Tortelows  Lo.  Tartalonne  P. 
2615.  renomed]  wel  renomed  M.  Di.  many]  many  a  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  P.  E.2. 

Cilmynthees   Lb.       Cylmytheus   G. 
2604.  ypemedoun  A.r.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 

Tideus  sends  to  Chalcedon  for  Warriors.     Thebans  join  him.      109 

Ther  cam  the  kyng  /  ynamed  palemou?i,  2616 

Oft  assayed  /  and  found!  a  manly  knyght, 

That1  with  hym  broght1  /  in  steel  y-armed*  bright1, 

Ful  many  worthy  /  out1  of  his  cuntre. 

IT  And  Tideus  /  most1  knyghtly  forto  se,  2620   Tideus  sends 

That1  manly  man  /  that*  noble  werreyour, 

As  he  that1  was  /  of  worthynesse  flour, 

Maister  and  myrour  /  by  prouesse  of  his  hond, 

hath  sent1  also  into  the  niyghty  lond  2624 

Of  Calcedoyne  /  of  which"  he  was  hayr,  into  Chalcedon 

That*  is  a  kyngdam  /  bothe*  riche  and  fayr, 

Chargyng1  his  counsale  /  and  officers  also, 

In  al  the  hast1  /  that1  it1  may  be  do,  2628 

To  seken  out1  /  the  beste  werreyours,  for  its  best 

Of  famous  knyghtes  /  and  preued  sawd  yours, 

Thorgh  al  the  lond  /  and  layde  on  hem  this  charge 

With-oute  aboode  /  forto  come  to  arge.  2632  to  come  to 

And  they  obeye  /  ful*  lowly  his  biddyng1, 

Enhastyng1  hem  /and  made  *  no  lettyng1, 

But1  spedde  hem  fast1  /  vppon  her  iourne. 

And  fro  Thebes  /  the  myghty  strong  Cite,  2636  From  Thebes 

kam  doune  knyghtes  /  with  many  another  man, 
Maugre  the  kyng1  /  to  helpe*  what  they  Can, 
Considred  first1  /  his  falshed  and  tresouw, 
Ymeued  only  /  of  trouth  and  of  resoun,  2640 

2616.  Ther]  Thider  Lj.  Eo.  ynamed]  named  Lb.  C.  I-callid  Lj.  ecallid  1^. 
called  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  E2.  Ro.  palemoun]  Palamon  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  L2. 
Polemon  Ej.  Palemeoun  G.  2617.  assayed  Ar.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  EJ."  assaid  Bo.  G. 
Du.  Lj.  Ra.  Ap.  found]  I-found  Ej.  2618.  y-armed]  armed  Ar.  Bo.  and  the 
rest.  2622.  flour]  be  flour  Du.  I.  2624.  into]  to  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2625. 
Calcedoyne]  Calcydoyne  Du.  Adj.  Ad^  Calcydoun  L2.  Calcfdonye  I.  Ro. 
Calydonye  Ej.  of  which]  wherof  Ej.  2626.  kyngdom  Bo.  M.  Adj.  bothe  Bo. 
M.  C.  both  Ar.  Ra.  om.  Adj.  Ad2. 1.  2627.  counseile  Bo.  2628.  haste  Bo. 
hast  M.  Adj.  2629.  seken]  seke  S.  L2.  beste  Lb.  Ap.  best  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj. 
worthy  Di.  werriours  Bo.  werriouris  Tj.  warreiours  Ra.  2630.  preued  Ar. 
Tj.  Du.  P.  Ap.  proude  Ba.  best  L2.  Ro.  proued  Bo.  and  the  rest,  sawdyours 
Ar.  Ej.  Ap.  soudeours  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2631.  al]  om.  C.  this]  be  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  2633.  obeye  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest,  except  obeyd  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  obeied  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  ful]  shal  Ar.  G.  Bo.  TJ.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  all  Ra.  Ba.  om.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  lowly]  om.  M.  Di.  Ej.  Ar.  has  a  second  pause-bar  after  shal.  2634.  mad  Ar. 
make  M.  Di.  1^.  made  Bo.  and  the  rest.  2635.  fast  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2636. 
myghty  strong]  stronge  and  myjty  Di.  2638.  helpe  M.  Adj.  help  Ar.  Bo. 

110  The  Flower  of  Grecian  Chivalry  are  in  Adrastus'sArmy.  [PT.  ill. 

to  help  Poly- 

[leaf  44,  back] 

as  they  are 
bound  by  oath 
to  do. 

In  Adrastus's 
army  is  the 
flower  of  the 
Chivalry  of 

To  tell  youNall 
their  new  and 
quaint  arms  \ 


1T  Polymytes  /  as  they  were  sworn  of  jore, 

To  his  Croune  /  Justly  to  restore : 

And  whan  they  weren  at1  large  out1  of  the  toun, 

Vnto  Arge  /  they  be  descendid  doun, 

And,  lik  her  oth*  /  and  her  assurauwce, 

As  they  wern  bounde  /  only  of  lygeaunce, 

To  hym  they  Cam  /  in  ful  lowly  wise, 

Eedy  to  don  /  what*  hym  list1  devise.  2648 

And  whan  he  hadde  /  her  trouthe  *  ful  conceyued, 
He  hath  to  grace  /  goodly  hem  receyued, 
Assignyng1  hem  /  her  place  mydde  the  hoste, 
Assembled  ther  /  from  many  diuerse  coste  : 
That1  fynaly  /  in  this  companye 
ygadred  was  /  the  floure  of  Chyvalrye 
Ychosen  out1  of  al  grekes  lond 
The  most1  knyghtly  /  and  manful  of  her  hond ; 
That1 1  trowe,  sith  the  world  began, 
Ther  was  not1  seyn  /  so  many  manly  man, 
So  wel  horsed  /  with  sper  and  with"  sheld, 
To-gydre  assembled  /  sothly,  in  a  feld*. 

Ther  men  may  see  many  straunge  guyses 
Of  Armyng1  newe  /  and  vncouth  devyses, 
Euery  man  /  after  his  fantasye ; 
That  ^if  I  shuld?  /  in  ordre  specific 
Euery  pes  /  longyng1  to  armure, 
And  ther-vpon  /  do  my  bysy  cure, 





would  be  a  day's    T,.  •  .1     /     -i  j      ••  i 

work,  It1  wer  in  soth  /  almost  a  dayes  werk ; 


2641.  they]  om.  Bo.  2642.  crowne  Bo.  M.  Adj.  to]  hym  M.  Di.  E0.  hym  to  C. 
2644.  Vnto  Ar.  G.  C.  P.  E2.  And  to  L2.  Ro.  Into  Bo.  and  the  rest.  "  2645.  lik] 
om.  Bo.  oth]  both  Ar.  and  her]  and  Tv  2646.  bounde  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra. 
boundyn  1^.  2647.  Cam]  cause  M.  Di.  2648.  Redy]  godely  C.  Lowly  E2. 
what]  that  Ra.  hym]  it  M.  Di.  list]  om.  S.  hym  list]  he  wold  L^.  Ro.  devise] 
to  devise  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  2649.  hadde]  hath  Adt.  Ad2.  I.  trouthe 
Tv  M.  trouth  Ar.  Bo.  Adx.  ful]  wel  Bo.  1^.  Ro.  fully  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  C. 
2650.  goodly  hem]  hem  goodly  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  them  godly  S.  2653.  fynaly] 
fully  M.  Di.  this]  his  1^.  Ro.  2654.  ygadred]  Ther  gadred  1^.  Ro.  gaderd 
C.  M.  2655.  Ychosen]  Ichose  Lb.  Chosen  Tx.  C.  Ichosen  was  Ra.  al]  the  Lb. 
2656.  manful]  manly  M.  Di.  2659.  with  sper]  and  with  spere  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 

second  with  om.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ba.\  2661.  may]  might  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S. 
C.  P.  £3.  mowe  Lb.  men  may]  myhte  men  Ra.  Ba.  gyses  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
2662.  of  Armyng  newe]  or  armour^  new  Du. 


PT.  in.]        Adrastus  pays  and  feeds  his  Soldiers  well. 


And  the  termes  also  ben  to  derk,  2668 

To  reherce  hem  clerly  and  to  Eyme  : 
I  passe  ouer  /  only  for  lak  of  tyme. 

And  telle  I  wil  /  forth  of  her  loggyng1, 
How  Adrastus  /  the  noble  worthy  kyng1, 
Hath  euery  lord  /  lik  to  his  degre, 
Eeceyued  wel  /  with-Innen  his  Cyte : 
And  ther  they  hadde  /  lik  to  her  plesaunce, 
Of  what  nedeth  /  fulsom  habundaunce,  2676 

For  man  and  hors  /  plente  of  Vitaylle ; 
Comaundyng1  /  that1  no  thyng1  ne  faylle 
That1  alle  thise  noble  worthy  werreoures, 
Both  high  and  lough"  •  and  poore*  soudeoures,  2680 

Iserued  weren  of  that1  they  hadde  nede. 
For  Adrastus  /  prudently  took  hede, 
Ful  lik  a  kyng  /  touching4  her  terme-day, 
That1  thei  to-forn  /  wer  serued  of  her  pay.  2684 

He  was  so  free  /  hym  list1  no  thyng  restreyn ; 
And  no  man  hadde  cause  to  compleyii 
For  hunger  /  thrust  /  nor  for  Indygence. 

And  in  a  prince  /  if  is  ful  gref  offence,  2688 

As  clerkes  seyn  /  and  a  gref  repreef, 
Suffre  his  puple  /  lyven  at  mescheef. 
If  is  ful  hevy  /  and  greuous  in  her  thoghf 
3if  he  habound?  /  and  they  han  righf  noghf.  2692 

he  may  nof  both  /  possede  good  and  herte, 
He  to  be  riche  /  and  Seen  his  puple  smerte. 

so  I  leave  it 

2672    Adrastus  gives 

[leaf  45] 
every  one  good 

and  food  for  man 
and  horse. 

1  What  vayleth 
a  kyng  to  payen 
his  puple  trewly 
her  sowde. 

No  one  could 

It's  a  great 
reproach  to  a 
prince  to  be  full 

and  leave  his 
folk  empty. 

2668.  also  ben]  ben  also  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Ex.  bethe  also  P.  to]  so  LJ.  Ad2.  I. 
Ba.  E2.  Ro.  2669.  clerly]  pleynly  Ro.  and  to]  into  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2673. 
euery]  euery  worth!  Ra.  lik]  logged  lik  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2674.  with-Innen  Ar.  G. 
Ap.  withynne  Tv  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  T2.  with-in  Bo.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  P. 
E2.  L2.  Ro.  in-to  Lj.  his]  the  Ra.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  2676.  what]  what  that  Lb. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  what  theim  Ba.  S.  fulsom]  fwll  S.  2678.  that]  there  that 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  that  ther  Ra.  Ba.  ne]  ther  S.  om.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P. 
2679.  noble]  om.  P.  worthy]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  T2.  2680.  poure  M.  pore  Du.  poor  Ar.  poer  Bo.  pour  Adj.  2681. 
Iserued]  Serued  M.  Di.  had  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2684.  wer  serued]  serued  \vern  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2686.  hadde  cause  Ar.  Adj.  had  cause  Bo.  cause  had  M. 
2687.  thursf  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2690.  Suffre]  To  suffer  Lj.  S.  P.  E2.  Ro.  lyuen] 
liue  E2.  Ro.  J^  (lyf).  to  lyven  Lx.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  to  lyue  M.  Di.  S.  P. 
at]  in  I.  L2.  in  a  S. 


Kings  must  give  freely  if  they  wish  to  be  loved.      [FT.  in. 

Thought  is  free. 

[leaf  45,  back] 
Let  kings  be 

or  his  people 
'11  fail  him. 

He  must  banish 
stinginess ; 

•:  Hou  Loue 
Vayle}>  mor  a 
kyng  than  gold 
or  gret  richesse. 
then  he'll  win 
his  people's  love, 

which  is  more 
than  gold. 

He  may  the  body  /  of  power  wel  constreyne, 

But*  her  herte  /  hath  a  ful  long1  Reyne,  2696 

Maugre  his  myght1  /  to  louen  at  her  large. 

Ther  may  no  kyng1  /  on  hertes  sette  a  charge, 

Nor  hem  coarten*  /  from  her  lyberte. 

Men  seyn  ful  ofte  /  how  that1  thouht1  is  fre.  2700 

For  which  eche  prince  /  lord  /  and  gouernour, 

And  specialy  euery  Conquerour, 

Lafr  hym  be  war  /  for  al  his  hegh  noblesse, 

That*  bounte,  Fredom  /  plente,  and  largesse,  2704 

Be  on  accord  /  that  they  his  brydel  lede, 

Lest1  of  his  puple  /  whan  he  hath  most1  nede, 

He  be  defrauded  / ;  whan  he  is  but1  allone, 

Than  is  to  late  forto  make  his  mone.  2708 

But1  in  his  courte  /  lat  hym  first1  devise 

To  exile  scarshed  and  couetise  ; 

Than  is  he  likly  /  with  fredam  ^if  he  gynne, 

loue  of  his  puple  /  euermore  to  wynne,  2712 

To  regne  long1  in  honure,  and  contune 

Ay  to  encresse  /  be  fauour  of  fortune, 

And  his  ennemyes  manly  to  oppresse. 

For  loue  is  mor  /  than  gold  or  gret  richesse ;  2716 

Gold  faileth  ofte  /  loue*  wol  abyde 

2695.  power]  pore  Adj.  poore  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  poor  Ea.  poer  Ba.  the  power  Lx. 
povert  S.  He  may  wel  be  body  of  pore  c.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  He  may  the  poore  body 
well  e.  Lb.  wel]  om.  Ro.  2696.  herte  Adj.  hert  Bo.  M.  2697.  louen]  lyven 
Ad2.  I.  her]  their  L2.  there  Ro.  om..  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  2699.  Nor]  Ne  Lb.  E2.  L.2.  Ro.  Nere  P.  coarten  Bo  (by 

correction  ;  the  &  is  quite  different  from  the  usual  form).  Ba.  C.  T2.  E^.  Ap.  coarte 
P.  Ro.  coart  1^.  coharten  Ra.  coherten  Ar.  Adg.  coerten  G.  cohercen  Tj.  Du. 
Lb.  Adj.  I.  Ej.  coercen  M.  Di.  coverten  Lj.  to  bynd  S.  from]  for  Lx. 
2701.  For  which]  Wherfore  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  Wher  Ad2.  I.  eche]  eche 
one  S.  euery  Lb.  lord]  om.  C.  2703.  hegh  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap. 
om.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  2705.  on  Ar.  oon  Bo.  M.  Ra.  one  Ej.  T2.  Ap.  om. 
Adv  Ad-j.  I.  in  Ar.,  between  his  and  brydel,  is  written  plei,  but  this  is  both 
crossed  through  and  underdotted.  2708.  is]  is  it  Adj.  Adg.  I.  S.  C.  it  is  Tv 
Ba.  T2.  his]  om.  Ad2.  I.  2710.  scarshed]  scarste  Lx.  Ad\.  scarsete  Ad2.  1. 
scarstye  Ro.  scarnesse  C.  and]  and  eke  M.  and  foule  Di.  and  fals  Ra.  Ba. 
2711.  is  he]  he  is  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  is  £2-  likly]  like  Di.  gynne]  begynne  Ad2.  I. 
S.  P.  2713.  and]  to  P.  L2.  Ro.  contune]  continue  Bo.  Du.  Ra.  Ba.  T2. 
contunew  S.  contenu  Ap.  2714.  Ay]  As  Tj.  euer  C.  of]  and  Bo.  Du.  Ad2. 
I.  Ra.  or  Lb.  2714  om.  in  G.  2717.  loue]  gold  Ar.  and  loue  Du.  but  love 
P.  E. 

Greece  ready  for  war  against  Thebes.   Eteocles  takes  counsel.        113 

For  lyf  or  deth  /  be  a  lordys  syde ; 

And  the  tresour  /  shortly,  of  a  kyng1 

Stondeth  in  loue  /  abouen*  alle*  thyng1.  2720 

Farwel  lordshipe  /  bothe*  morowe  and  Eve 

Specially  /  whan  loue  taketh  his  leve  ! 

And  who  so  list4  /  a  merour  forto  make 

Of  kyngly  f red  am  /  lat1  hym  ensample  take  2724 

Of  Adrastus  /  the  manly  kyng  famous, 

So  liberal  and  sb  bountevous 

Vnto  his  puple  /  at1  al  tymes  found!  : 

Which"  mad  hym  strong1  /  his  foomen  to  confound*;    2728 

And  loue  only  /  his  enmyes  to  werreye, 

Alle  grece  made  his  bidding1  to  obeye,  ^  ^Jj5 reteoce 

Of  oon  accord  /  knyghtly  be  his  side,  gfflifcbS 

Al  attones  /  to  Thebes  forto  ryde,  2732 

For  tavenge  /  sith  they  were  so  strong1,  tleaf  461 

The  gret1  Iniurye  /  and  the  inportable  wrong* 

Don  to  his  sone  /  and  his  next1  allye, 

As  30  to-fom  /  han  herd  me  specifie.  2736 

But1  while*  Grekes  /  rest1  a  whil  in  pees, 
I  will  resort1  /  vnto*  Ethiocles  :  in  Thebes, 


which*  in  Thebes  warly  hath  espied, 

Be  his  frendes  /  as  he  was  certefied,  2740 

Of  the  Grekys  /  hooly  the  ordinauwce, 

Her  pwrpoos  ek  /  and  her  purueauwce, 

And  therof  had  in  herte  a  manere  drede. 

And  first1  he  took  his  counsayle  and  his  rede  2744  of^s  lords'6 

2719.  the]  om.  Adv  Ad2.  I.  2720.  aboven  alle]  aboue  al  (all,  alle)  Ar.  Bo. 
and  all  the  other  MSS.  2721.  bothe  M.  Ra.  bof>e  Tv  both  Ar.  Bo.  bothe  at 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2733.  For  tavenge  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tx.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ev  S.  C.  E2.  For 
to  avenge  Du.  L:.  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  I.  P.  L^.  For  to  veuge  Ap.  For  the  avenge  T2. 
2734.  second  the  om.  Di.  C.  E2.  Ro.  Ap.  2735.  Don  to]  Vnto  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  sone] 
sone  Polymytes  Ap.  and]  and  to  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
allye]  om.  Ba.  2737.  But]  om.  Ro.  whil  Ar.  while  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Ej.  C.  T2.  Ro.  Ap.  whiles  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  P.  £3.  1^.  whils  Ra.  rest  a 
whil]  areste  a  whyle  Ej.  a  while  rest  T2.  rest  a  time  E2.  in  P.  2737,  as  the 
bottom  line  of  leaf  44  back,  reads  But  whiles  Grekes  reste  a  while  in  pece  ;  it  is 
inadvertently  repeated  as  top  line  of  leaf  45  front,  in  a  slightly  altered  shape :  But 
whyle  that  Grekes  reste  a  whyle  in  pese.  2738.  resort]  ayen  resorte  T2.  me 
resort  Ad2.  I.  vnto]  to  Ar.  E:.  L2.  Ap.  2739.  which  in]  with  Inne  Ar.  G.  Ej. 
with  in  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  The  whiche  in  Lb. 



Eteodes  prepares  Thebes  against  Attack.          [PT.  in. 

as  to  his  defence. 

If  How  Ethiocles 
made  hy /,/  strong 
ageyn  pe  comyng 
of  be  Grekes. 

He  sends  to  his 

masks  his  walls, 
and  mans  em 
with  soldiers. 


gives  great  gifts 
to  knights 
[leaf  46,  back] 

and  lords, 

to  help  him. 

He  lays  in  store 
of  flesh  and  fish, 

Of  the  lordis  /  and  barons  /  of  the  toun, 

And  of  the  wisest*  /  of  his  Kegiouw, 

How  he  myghte  maken  resistance, 

Manfully  /  to  stonden  /  at  diffence,  2748 

To  be  so  strong1  /  that1  ther  wer  no  doute. 

And  in  the  contrees  /  adiacentt  aboute, 

And  ek  also  in  foreyn  Regiouws, 

He  hath  withhold  /  aH  the  Champiouws  ;  2752 

And  ther-vpon  /  he  sent1  out1  his  espies 

And  his  frendes  and  his  next1  allies 

And  alle  the  worthy  /  dwellyng1  envirouw, 

3ong  /  fressh  /  and  lusty  /  he  gadred  into  touw ;          2756 

Maskowede  his  wallys  /  and  his  heghe*  tours, 

And  stuffed  hem  /  with  manly  sowdeours. 

Hound  aboute  /  he  sette  many  Gonnys, 

Grete  and  smale  /  and  some  large  as  tonnys ;  2760 

And,  in  his  hasty  /  passing1  feruent1  hete, 

He  spent1  his  tresour  J  and  gaf  gif  tes  grete 

Vnto  knyghtes  /  and  worthy  men  of  name ; 

And  ouermore*  /  to  encres  his  fame,  2764 

he  $af  to  lordes  /  luellis  many-fold, 

Clothes  of  Veluet  /  of  Damask,  and  of  gold, 

To  gete  hym  herte's  /  sothly,  as  I  rede, 

To  helpe  hym  now  in  his  grete  nede.  2768 

And  prudently  pwrveied  /  hym  to-forn 

Of  flessh  and  fissh"  /  and  of  wyn  and  corn. 

2745.  the]  his  L2.  lordis  Ar.  lordes  Bo.  and  the  rest.  barons]  of  be  barouns 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  EJ.  be  Barons  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  2746.  his]  J>is  Bo.  the  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ro.  2749.  so]  om.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  wer]  be  Di.  Ap.  2752.  He] 
om.  Ro.  withhold  Ar.  withholde  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2753.  sent]  sende  Lb.  his] 
om.  Bo.  espies]  spies  Ra.  2756.  Jong  fressh  and  lusty]  younge  lustie  and  fresh 
Ba.  into]  to  Lb.  P.  E2.  toun]  the  toun  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P. 
£3.  Ap.  2757.  Maskowede  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  Ro.  Mascewyd  T.  E2.  Mascawed  P.  Maskowes  Ap.  Mannyd  1^. 
his]  om.  Lj.  hye  Bo.  M.  Adj.  hegh  Ar.  heghe]  om.  E2.  2758.  manly]  many 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  Ap.  (ep.  2759).  2760. 
some  Ar.  som  Bo.  and  some]  om.  Tj.  as]  at  Bo.  2764.  ouermore  M.  Adj.  C. 
T2.  G.  ouermor  Ar.  euer  more  Bo.  and  the  rest.  2765.  luellis  Ar.  Tj.  Lb. 
iewelis  T2.  iowellis  1^.  Ro  (lowewelles).  luels  Bo.  Du.  Adj.  Jewels  M.  luellis] 
yeftes  C.  2768.  his]  this  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  2769.  hym]  om.  Bo.  2770. 
and  of]  and  M.  Di. 

PT.  in.]  Eteocles  will  resist  Polyneices.    Adrastus  s  Parliament.  115 

Sette  his  Capteyns  /  erly  /  and  ek1  late 

with  ful  grefr  stuf  strong1  at  euery  gate.  2772 

And  mad  also  be  workmen  /  that1  were  trewe, 

Barbykans  /  and  bulwerkes  newe, 

Barreris  /  cheynys  /  and  diches  wonder  depe ; 

Makyng  his  Voufi  the  Cite  forto  kepe  2776 

Whil  he  lyueb  /  despit  of  aH  his  foon. 

And  by  his  goddys  of  metal  and  of  ston, 

Ful  ofte  he  swoor  /  both  of  herte  and  thouhf, 

That1  it  shal  first1  /  ful  dere*  be  abouht1,  2780 

And  many  a  man  with  pollex,  swerd,  and  knyff 

To-for  this  toune  /  shal  first  lese  his  liff, 

And  ther  shal  ek  /  many  sydes  blede, 

Or  his  brother  pessibly  possede 

The  toune  in  pees  /  licfi  as  Grekes  wene. 

But*  at1  the  ende  /  the  trouthe*  shal  be  sene, 

lat  hym  be  war  and  wel  to-forn  provyde  ! 

For  Adrastus  /  on  that  other  side. 
For  his  party  was  not1  necligent1, 
But1  on  a  day  /  helde  a  parlement1, 
AH  his  lordes  sittyng1  enviroun, 

To  dryve  shortly  /  a  pleyn  conclusiouw  2792 

And  vp  tapoynt1  /  the  fyn  of  ther  entente. 

But1  some  thoughts  /  ful  expedient1, 
Or  they  procede  /  to  wirke*  be  thavice 

and  builds  new 

He  swears  that 

many  shall  die 

2784    before  his 

brother  shall 
win  Thebes. 

2788    Adrastus 

holds  a  parlia- 

[leaf  47] 

2771.  capiteyns  Bo.  M.  Adj.  erly  and  ek]  bobe  erly  and  Adv  Ad2.  I.  2773. 
werkmen  M.  werke  men  Bo.  workmen  Adj.  2774.  bulwerkes  Bo.  bolewerkes 
M.  bolwerkes  Adj.  2775.  Barreris  S.  Barrers  Tj.  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Barreyrs 
Ro.  Berrers  T^  Berrours  Lg.  Barres  Bo.  Ej.  Barrys  Ap.  2776.  vowe  Bo. 
M.  vov  Adr  "  2777.  all]  om.  M.  Di.  2780.  dere  M.  Adj.  der  Ar.  Bo.  ful 
dere  be]  be  full  dere  Ba.  P.  be  Ra.  C.  ben  Ba.  M.  Adj.  abouht  Ar.  Bo.  Tx. 
Du.  Adj.  I.  Ej.  y-bought  Lb.  M.  Di.  T2.  E2.  Ap.  bought  Lx.  and  the  rest. 
2781.  pollax  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2782.  lese]  leue  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2784.  Or]  Or 

that  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  For  G.  pesibly  Bo.  Adj.  Ra.  peisibly  M.  pesible  G. 
possibly  E2.  Ap.  Ba.  possede]  shal  possede  Lj.  2785.  Grekes]  ]>e  grekes  G. 

2786.  trouthe  M.  Adj.  trouth  Ar.  Bo.  2789.  party]  parte  Ej.  Ba.  necligent] 
negligent  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  M.  Ad2.  S.  C.  T2.  E2.  2790.  helde]  he  held  Adv  Ad^.  I- 
Ra.  Ba.  S.  a]  his  E2.  parlement]  parlyamente  Ej.  P.  2793.  vp]  vpon  S. 
tapoynt  Ar.  Bo.  M.  to  appoynte  Du.  Di.  thapoint  Adj.  Ej.  the  appoynt  Ad2. 
I.  the  point  Ra.  >e  poynt  S.  2795.  wirke  Bo.  wirk  Ar.  werke  M.  Adj. 
thavys  M.  Adj.  be  avice  Bo. 

116         Adrastus  sends  for  the  wise  Bishop  Amphiorax.   [PT.  ill. 

It  is  thought 
best  to  go  by 
the  advice  of  the 
wise  old  bishop, 


If  How  the  bys- 
shope  Amphiorax 
was  sent  for 
to  come  to  |>e 

He  knew  the 
secrets  of  the 

and  could  tell 
how  things 
should  end. 

He  knew  that 
if  the  Greeks 
went  to  war, 

Of  on  that1  was  ful  prudent1  and  right1  wyce  2796 

And  circumspecte  /  in  his  werkes  alle, 

A  worthy  bisshop  /  into  age  falle, 

And  Called  was,  sothly  /  by  his  name 

Amphiorax  /  of  whom  the  grete  fame  2800 

Thorgh  al  the  londe  /  bothen  est1  and  south, 

Amonges*  Grekes  /  passingly  was  kouth" ; 

A  man,  in  soth  /  of  olde  antiquyte 

And  most1  acceptid  of  auctorite,  2804 

First  be  resou/i  of  his  high"  estat1 

And  ek  for  he  was  so  fortunat1 

In  his  werkes,  and  was  also  secre 

with  the  goddys,  knowyng*  her  pryvete  :  2808 

By  graunf  of  whom  /  as  booke's  specifye, 

He  hadde  a  spirit  /  of  trewe  prophecye, 

And  cowde  aforn  ful  opynly  dyvyne 

Thyngges  begonne  /  how  they  shulde*  fyne,  2812 

And  eke,  be  craft1  /  of  Calculaciouw, 

3iue*  a  dome  /  of  euery  questions; 

And  hadde  in  magik  /  grete  experience, 

And  fynde  cowde  /  be  heuenly  influence  2816 

And  by  mevyng1  /  of  pe  heghe*  sterrys, 

A  fynal  doome  of  Contek  and  of  Werrys ; 

And  wiste*  wel,  as  his  goddys  tolde, 

that1,  $if  Grekes  /  forth  her  iowrne  holde,  2820 

It1  turne*  shulde*  platly  /,  this  no  fage, 

2796.  ful]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  right  S.  right]  om.  Ad^  Adg.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2. 
P.  E2.  ful  Ro.  wys  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2801.  londe]  landes  E2.  bothen  Ar.  Bo. 
Du.  botlie  Tj.  M.  Adj.  both  Lj.  2802.  Among  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Grekes] 
the  Grekes  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  passingly]  passyng  Lj.  S.  P.  passingly  was]  was 
passingly  Adj.  was  passyng  Lj.  S. ;  in  Ad2.  and  I.  2802  reads  Most  wytty  callid  / 
in  euery  mannys  mouth.  2806.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  was.  2807.  and] 
om.  C.  P.  was  also]  also  was  C.  secre]  secret  L2.  Ro.  P.  S.  2808.  pryvete] 
pryvet  L2.  2812.  shulde  Bo.  sholde  Adj.  shuld  Ar.  shold  M.  2814. 
yeue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  }if  Ar.  3ef  G.  dome]  iudgment  S.  2816.  cowde]  he  coude 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2817.  mevyng]  meanyng  Ej.  >e]  om.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Ad^  Ad2. 
I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  hegh  Ar.  hie  M.  Adj.  om.  Bo.  2819.  wist  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
his]  om.  Bo.  JKJ  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  P.  here  Di.  2820.  Grekes]  the  Grekes  G.  P. 
Grekes  forth  her  iourne]  the  iournay  forth  by  Grekes  Adx.  the  iornee  forth  off  the 
Grekes  Ad2.  I.  2821.  turne  Bo.  tome  M.  Adt.  turn  Ar.  shulde  Bo.  sholde 
Ad4.  shuld  Ar.  shold  M.  this  Ar.  M.  his  is  Bo,  Di. 

PT.  III.]         Amphiorax,  foreseeing  ill,  hides  himself. 


[leaf  47,  back] 

If  The  prpph[e]eie 
of  Amphiorax. 
most  of  its 
Kings  would 
be  slain, 

and  he  himself 
devourd  alive. 

To  save  his  life, 
he  hides  himself, 

and  asks  his  wife 
to  keep  him 

To  grefr  meschief  /  and  to  gret1  damage 

Of  hem  ychon  /  ;  and  in  especial 

The  inoste  parte  /  of  the  blood  Eoyal  2824 

Thorgh  al  Grece,  it1  may  not1  be  withdrawe, 

In  this  viage  shortly  shal  be  slawe  ; 

And  3if  hym-silf  /  with  the  Grekes  wente, 

Who  that1  euer  wepte  hym  /  or  byniente,  2828 

This  was  the  fyn  /  and  may  nat1  be  socoured, 

Of  the  erth  /  he  shulde*  be  deuoured, 

Quyk  as  he  was,  he  knewe  it  in  certeyn. 

And  for  he  saugh  ther  was  non  ober  geyn  2832 

To  saue  his  lif  /  nor  no*  bef  diffence, 
Than  vttrely  withdrawen  his  presence  ; 
IF  Preying1  his  wiff  /  for  hym  to  provide, 
3if  he  wer  sought1  /  that1  she  wold?  hym  hide,  2836 

And  wo?»manly  /  for  to  kepe  hym  cloos, 
And  of  trouth  concelen  his  pwrpoos  ; 
For  al  his  trust*  /  touchyng1  his  greuawnce, 
was  fully  sette  /  in  hir  pwrvyance.  2840 

I  hope  to  god  /  that1  he  thar  not1  drede 
Of  no  deceyt1  /  in  hir*  wowmanhede. 
She  was  so  trewe  /  as  wommen  ben  ecnon, 
And  also  cloos  /  and  mwetf  as  a  ston,  2844 

That1  she  ne  wold  /  as  the  matier  stood, 
Discuren  hym  /  for  no  worldly  good. 

2822.  To  gret]  In-to  Adx.  I.  Vn-to  the  Ad.2.  and  to]  and  Adj.  Ad2.  of  I. 
moste  M.  moost  Bo.  Adj.  parte  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  M.  Ba.  Ej.  P.  Ap.  part  T 
Ra.  S.  C.  T2.  I*,.  Ro.  partie  Di.  Ad^  Ad,.  I.  blood  E0.  of]  right  of  E2. 
Jif  hym-silf  with]  of  him  why  £3.  the]"om.  AdT.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  P. 
wepte]  bewepte  P.  2830.  erth  Ar.  Bo.  erthe  M.  Adj.  shulde  Bo. 
Adj.  shuld  Ar.  shold  M.  2832.  he  saugh]  t>e  soothe  Lb.  2833.  saue]  haue 
TV  no]  to  Ar.  G.  bet]  better-  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Lj.  Ro.  2834.  vttrely]  Covertly  P 
(on  erasure,  apparently  written  by  the  same  hand  as  the  text),  withdrawen]  to 
withdrawen  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  Ej.  to  withdrawe  Tx.  M.  Di.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
2838.  concelen  Ar.  Tx.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  conseleyn  G.  councelen  Ej. 
S.  console  L2.  couuseilen  Bo.  conseylyn  Ap.  conceyle  Ro.  conceling  Ba.  C. 
T2.  councelyng  Lj.  P.  conceiling  E0.  2841.  that]  om.  Bo.  he]  the  Ra.  him 
Ba.  om.  Du.  thar]  that  S.  there  E2.  ther-of  Lb.  nede  Ej.  dar  Tj.  L2.  M.  Di. 
I.  C.  L2.  dare  T2.  P.  Ap.  2842.  no]  om.  Lb.  2843.  echon]  euerychon  Bo. 
Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  2844.  mwet  altered  from  muet  Ar.  mvvet 
Du.  mewet  Bo.  muyt  M.  Adj.  2845.  matier]  mille  E2.  2846.  Discuren] 
Diskevir  L2.  Ro.  Disceyven  Ad2.  Dyscry  S.  no  worldly]  al  the  wordles  Adj. 
alle  the  worldis  Ada-  I. 

At  first,  she 
does  so, 

j.  Lb. 


Amphiorax's   Wife  tells  where  he  is  hiding.        [PT.  in. 

[leaf  48] 
«f  How  the  wif 
of  Amphiorax  of 
conscience  to 
saue  her  both 
discured  her 
but  on  being  put 
to  her  oath, 

she  sadly  tells 
them  where 
Amphiorax  is, 

in  a  tower. 

Amphiorax  was 
a  fool  to  trust 
his  secret  to  his 

1T  But1  fynaly  /  the  Grekes,  of  entent1, 

In  al  his  drede  /  han*  for  this  bisshop  sent1;  2848 

Thogii  if  was  long1  /  er  they  myghf  hym  fynde, 

For  cause  his  wif  /  was  to  hy?rc  so  kynde, 

That1  ful  seurly  /  hath  lokked  vp  his  cors. 

But1  for  she  hadde  a  maner  of  remors  2852 

In  hir-silf  /  grevyng1*  her  conscience, 

Dreding1  to  falle  /  in  ful  grete  offence, 

Lesfr  her  soule  /  were  in  peryl  lorn, 

whan  she  be  oth*  /  compelled  was  and  sworn ;  2856 

They  requeryng1  /  jif  she  coude  telle 

wher  her  lord?  the  bisshop  shulde*  dwelle  : 

Which  to  discure  /  hir  herte  was  ful  loth, 

Til  tyme  she  gan  /  remembren  on  her  oth"*,  2860 

And  coude  a  trouth  /  of  Custom  not1  denye 

And  hadde  also  gret1  conscience  to  lye, 

Wonder  hevy  /  with  a  sorowful  face, 

Maugre  hir  lust1  /  taught1  hem*  to  the  place  2864 

wher  as  he  was  /  shet1  vp  in  a  toure, 

Al  alone'  /  havyng1  no  socour. 

They  falle  on  hym  /  or  that1  he  was  war, 

And  sette  hym  vp  /  in  a  ful  riche  Char.  2868 

A  fool  he  was  /  to  lupard?  his  lif 
Forto  discure  his  counsel  to  his  wif ; 
And  $it  she  was  ful  sory  for  his  sake, 
Specially  /  whan  she  saugh  hym  take.  2872 

Bot1 1  hope  /  that1  her  hevynesse 

2848.  his]  this  Ad2.  I.  S.  Adj  (t  underdotted).  her  L2.  han  Bo.  M.  Adj.  G. 
hath  Ar,  this  Ar.  Ad2.  I.  C.  T2.  E2.  be  Bo.  G.  and  the  rest.  2849.  was]  were 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  2853.  grevyng]  gervyng  Ar.  2854.  falle  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  fal 
Du.  2856.  oth]  hoth  Ar.  2857.  They]  there  Ev  requeryng]  required  Bo. 
P.  requyryng  her  L:.  conde]  wolde  P.  2858.  shuld  Ar.  Bo.  shold  M.  Adj. 
2860.  her]  the  M.  Di.  hoth  Ar.  2862.  hadde]  om.  Bo.  she  had  Adx.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  had  sche  S.  gret]  om.  M.  Di.  a  grete  Ad2.  I.  as  gret  S.  to]  for  to 
Ho.  2864.  hem]  hym  Ar.  2865.  wher  as]  Wher  bat  Di.  shet  Ra.  shitte  Bo.  M. 
shut  Ad,.  2866.  Al]  om.  Ba.  2867.  falle]  fell  Lj.  Ej.  E2.  They  falle  on  hym] 
Alias  Amphimorax  Ro.  that]  om.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T.,.  P.  Ro.  was] 
were  Ad.2.  I.  2868.  And  sette  hym  vp]  Is  take  and  sett  Ro.  2869.  fool]  grete 
fool  Ej.  yeoparde  Ex.  Eo.  lupart  Bo.  iuparte  M.  T2.  iubarte  P.  iuparten 
Adj.  C.  iupertin  S.  2871.  she  was]  was  she  M.  Di. 

PT.  in.]     Amphiorax  tells  the  Greeks  the  Evils  to  Gome.          119 

Gan  asswage  fill  sone,  by  processe, 

In  short*  tyme  /  whan  that1  he  was  gon. 

Ther  is  no  tempest1  /  may  last1  eue?-e  in  on.  2876 

11  But1  this  bissliope  /  be  verrey  force  and  myght, 

Vnto  Grekes  /  conveyed  was  ful  right, 

This  hoore*  gray  /  in  his  char  syttyng1. 

And  they  ful  glade*  /  wern  of  his  comyng1,  2880 

havyng1  a  trust1  /  and  ful  opynyou?? 

That1,  thorgh  cause  and  occasiou?i 

Of  his  wisdani  /  and  his  sapience 

And  by  vertue  /  of  his  hegh  presence,  2884 

They  shuld  eschewe  /  al  aduersit& 

Possible  to  falle  /  as  in  her  lourne. 

And,  as  the  story  /  fully  hath  devised, 
Ful  circumspect1  /  and  rihf  wel  avised,  2888 

he  hath  pronounced  /  in  the  Parlernenf, 
To-forn  the  lorde's  /  and  the  president1, 
his  Cleer  conceyte  /  in  verray  sikernesse, 
Nat*  entryked  with  no  doublenesse,  2892 

her  dysemol  daies  /  and  her  fatal  houres, 
Her  auenturys  /  and  her  sharpe  shoures, 
The  froward?  soorf  /  and  the*  vnhappy  stouwdys, 
The  compleyntes  /  of  her  dedly  woundys,  2896 

The  wooful  wrath  /  and  the*  contrariouste 
Of  felle  Mars  /  in  his  cruelte, 
And  howe,  by  mene  /  of  his  gery  mood,  and  how 

2874.  asswage]  taswage  M.  C.  E^  to  aswage  Di.  to  swage  T2.  P.  2875. 
that]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  he]  she  C.  T2.  2876.  tempest]  tempest 
that  TV  Du.  LJ.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  P.  may  last]  last  may 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  lastith  Ra.  Ba.  euere]  ay  M.  2&78.  Grekes]  the  Grekes  TV 
Du.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  P.  1^.  Ro.  2879.  hoore  Bo.  hore  Ad^  toor  Ar.  M. 
char]  chair  Ba.  2880.  glad  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adr  2882.  That]  om.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
cause]  be  cause  Lj.  T2.  E2.  2884.  hegh]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  presence]  prescience 
C.  P.  E2.  prudence  Bo.  TV  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  2885.  eschewe  Ar. 
Bo.  Adj.  eschu  M.  2886.  falle  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  fall  M.  fallen  C.  2888. 
riht  wel]  a  wele  G.  2892.  entryked]  entrikled  Du.  2893.  dysemol  Ar.  TV  Du. 
disemoll  Lx.  S.  dismoll  Lb.  dysmol  M.  Adj.  dysmole  Ex.  C,  T^  L2.  dysmele 
Bo.  dysemele  Ro.  disemale  E2.  2895.  soort]  sortes  Ap.  sette  P.  and]  of 
Lj.  the]  om.  Ar.  G.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  here  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Pta.  Ba.  S.  2897. 
the]  om.  Ar.  G.  L2.  Ap.  contrariouste]  contrariocite  altered  from  contrariousites 
Lo.  contrauersite  Di.  contrauerse  Ej.  2899.  gery  M.  Adj.  ghery  Bo. 

He  was  taken 
to  the  Greeks, 

who  hoped, 
by  his  advice, 

[leaf  48,  back] 

to  avoid  ad- 

But  he  told  eir 

of  their  coming 

1 20        Amphiorax  urges  Adrastus  not  to  invade  Thebes.      [PT.  in. 

ail  the  best          Ther  shal  be  shadde  /  al  the  worthy  blood  2900 

blood  of  Greece 

would  be  shed.     Of  the  Grckes  /  if  may  not*  ben  eschewed, 
If  her  purpoos  be  execute  /  and  swed. 
"  Ther  is  no  more'  /  this  shal  be  the  fyn  : 
The  hegh"  noblesse  shal  drawe  to  declyne  2904 

Of  Grekes  blood  /  in  meschief,  sorowe,  and  woo  : 
And  with  al  this  /  I  my-silf  also, 
As  my  fate  hath  a-forn  disposyd, 

Depe  in  the  grounde  / 1  shal  be  enclosed,  2908 

And  lokked  vp  /  in  the  dirke*  vale 
Of  cruel  deth."  /  lo  !  this  was  the  tale 
That1  the  bisshope  /  to  Adrastus  tolde, 
Hym  courasayllyng1  /  his  pzwpos  to  withholds,  2912 

In  eschuyng1  of  mor  meschief  and  sorowe. 
For  alle  his  goddis  he  took  vnto  borowe, 
3if  )>e  Thebans  /  and  }>e  grekes  mete, 
The  fyn  berof  shal  be  so  vnswete  2916 

Jjaf  alle  grece  after  shal  if  rewe ; 
warnyng1  hem  /  $if  bei  the  meschief  knewe 
That  shal  folowe  /  which  no  man  may  lette, 
Thei  wold  abstene  /  a  siege  forto  sette  2920 

Vnto  Thebes  /  and  her  pwrpoos  leve. 

with  whos  wordes  /  the  lordes  gan  hem  greve, 
And  ther-Inne  hadde'*  /  but  ful  smal  delif, 
And  euerechon  /  of  hertly  hegh"  despif,  2924 

They  abrayde  /  and  seide  he  was  vntrewe, 
A  controover  /  of  prophecies  newe, 
And  ek  also  /  for  al  his  longe  berde, 

2900.  Ther]  The  Ar.  2901—2904  omitted  in  Du.  2902.  execute]  executed 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  swed]  shewid  Lj.  served  P.  2909.  dirk  Ar.  derke  Bo.  Adj. 
derk  M.  2914.  vnto]  to  T2.  P.  E.J.  1^.  Ro.  2916.  so]  ful  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ail2.  I.  S.  om.  Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  P.  vnswete]  vnsette  S  (:  mette). 

2919.  which  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  I^-  Ro.  Ap.     om.   Lb.     bat  Bo.  and  the  rest. 

2920.  Thei]  The  Ar.         2922.  whos]"ivhiche  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Tg.     gan]  gonne  M.  Di. 
T.J.     hem]  om.  M.  Di.         2923.  hadde  T2.     had  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.     om.  Di.     but] 
om.   Lj.  Adj.   Ad9.   I.   P.      ful]  om.  Lb.          2924.  euerechon]   eueriche   Lb.    P. 
2926.  A]  And  a  G".  P.  E2.  Ro.    And  I.  Ap.    controover  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba. 
C.     contreuer  Di.  T2.  P.  E2.     contryver  G.  T,.  L,.  Ad2.  I.  Ex.  S.  1^.  Ro.     contrevor 
Lb.     contrarye  Ap.         292"?  omitted  inAd2.  and  I. ;  2928  in  Adj.  and  Ad2.  inserted 
after  2934,  in  I.  omitted  altogether  (see  Introduction).         2927.  ek  also]  also  eke 
Ad^     al]  om.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  "l^-  Lb.  Adt.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P. 


will  be  kild. 

He  urges 
Adrastus  not  to 
fight  Thebes, 

[leaf  49] 

for  all  Greece 
shall  rue  it. 

The  Argive 
lords  abuse 

PT.  in.]       The  Greeks  abuse  Amphiorax.     Youth  is  rash.  121 

An  olde  Dotard  /  a  coward,  and  aferde ; 

And  of  Eancour  /  gonne*  to  diffye 

Both  his  kalkyng1  /  and  his  astronomye, 

And  shortly  seide  /  bei  took  therof  non  hede, 

Ne  wil  no-thyng1  /  gouerne  hem  after1  his  rede. 

This  was  the  clamowr  /  and  noyse,  in  euery  cost, 

Of  hegh  and  lough"  /  borgh-out  all  the  hoost, 

And  specialy  /  of  the  sowdeours, 

And  of  lordes  /  regnyng  in  her  flours, 

And  of  thestates  /  effectuely,  I  mene, 

which  of  age  /  were  hut  tendre  and  grene, 

That1  han*  not1  hadde  /  by  martys  Influence, 

Of  the  werre  /  gret1  experience. 

IF  her,  ^if  $e  list1  /  ^e  may  considre  and  Se 

Of  conceytes  ful  grete  diuersyte, 

How  that  3outh  /  no  peril  cast1  a-forn 

Til  he  by*  meschief  /  sodeynly  be  lorn*, 

Wher  as  age  /  provydeth  /  eue?y  thing 

Or  he  bygynne  /  to  casten  the  endyng1. 

IT  ^outh  is  gouernyd  /  be  a  large  Eeyne 

To  renne  forth,  and  can  hym  not  reffreyn, 

But*  of  hede  /  set  on  al  attonys, 

As  he  that1  hurtleth  /  ageynes  harde  stonys 

2928    call  him  an  old 

and  say  they'll 
not  follow  his 
2932    advice, 

specially  the 


young  folk. 


But  Youth 
[leaf  49,  back] 

2944    is  rash, 

^T  How  age  and 
jouth  ben  of 
2948    oiuerseopynyons 

runs  its  head 
against  stones, 

2929.  gonne  Di.  Adj.  C.  P.  E2.  Ro.  gon  M.  T2.  gan  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
to]  hym  to  Ad2.  hym  I.  diflye  Di.  T2.  defye  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2930.  his]  for  his 
Ad2.  of  his  I.  kalkyng]  calkeling  written  on  erasure  with  blacker  ink  Adj. 
calcling  E2.  calculyng  Lb.  talkyng  Ad2.  I.  2932.  no-thyng]  in  no  thyng  S. 
after]  by  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  2933.  Ar.  has  coste  with  the  final  e  crossed 
out  with  a  vertical  stroke.  2935.  sowdeours]  poure  soudeours  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 
2936.  lordes]  yong  lordes  S.  regnyng  Bo.  reynyng  M.  Lb.  her]  om.  Ej.  hygh 
Ap.  2939.  ha  Ar.  Ap.  haue  Bo.  M.  han  Adj.  hathe  P.  by]  of  E2.  martys] 
MertysLj.  MarcesE2.  2940.  werre]  warresT2.  verreyLj.  very  P.  gret]fulgret 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2942.  conceytes]  coueiting  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  ful]  om.  Lb. 
C.  T2.  E2.  off  P.  diuersyte]  aduersite  Lb.  Di.  Ad.2.  I.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ap.  2943. 
How]  And  hou  C.  T2.  no]  in  Ra.  cast]  castith  Ra.  Ba.  L2.  2944.  Til]  to 
Du.  he  by  (G.  Ta.  L,.  Lb.)]  he  Ar.  by  Bo.  M.  Di.  he  in  C.  T2.  P.  E.,.  1^.  Ro. 
Ap.  hie  Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  >e  E^  S.  lorn  G.  Bo.  Lj.  Lb.>  M.  Di.  C.  T2. 
P.  Eg.  L2.  Ro.  forlorn  Tj.  born  Ar.  Du.  Adj.  Ao^.  I.  Ra.  Ex.  S.  Ap.  beforn  Ba. 
2945.  thinge  with  e  underdotted  in  Ar.  2948.  renne  Ar.  Tj.  M.  ren  Bo.  Du. 
ronne  Ba.  S.  sterte  £3.  hym  not]  not  him  Bo.  Tl.  Du.  Lx.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej. 
S.  2949.  of  hede]  on  hede  Ra.  Ba.  P.  set]  settith  Ra.  Ba.  2950.  hurtleth] 
hurtyllyth  L2.  ageyne  Bo.  ayen  M.  ageyn  Adj.  hard'  altered  to  harde  in  Ar. 
harde]  the  haule  Ta.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  Ro. 

and  rushes  into 
enterprises  that 

while  Age  looks 

122    Age  and  Youth  contrasted.   Folly  oft  beats  Wisdom.    [PT.  in- 

Broseth  hym-silf  /  vnwarly  and  parbraketh". 

But1  age  experte  /  no  thyng1  vndertaketli  2952 

But1  he  to-forii  /  be  good  discreciouw, 

Make  a  due  examynaciomz 

How  it1  wil  tourne  /  outlier*  to  badde  or  good. 

IT  But1  jouth,  as  fast*  /  as  stered  is  the  blood,  2956 

Taketh  emprises  of  hasty  wilfulnesse, 

loye  atf  the  gynnyng1  /  the  ende  is  wrechednesse. 

11  The  olde,  prudent1  /  in  al  his  gouemauftce, 

Ful  longe  a-forn  /  maketh  purueaimce ;  2960 

But  jouth  alias  be  counsail  wil  not  wyrke, 

For  which  ful  ofte  /  he  stumbleth  in  the  dyrke. 

Thus  selde  is  seyne  /  the  trouthe*  to  tmnyne, 

That1  age  and  ^outhe*  /  drawe  be  o  lyne.  2964 

And  wher  that1  foly  hath  domynaciovw, 
Wisdam  is  putte  /  into  subiecciou?*, 
lik  as  this  bysshop  /,  with  al  his  hegh  prudence, 
For  cause  he  myghte  haue*  /  no  audience,  2968 

AH  his  wisdam  /  and  his  profecye 
Of  the  Grekes  /  was  holden*  but  folye. 
For  thogh  Plato  /  and  wise  Socrates, 
Moral  Senek  /  and  Diogenes,  2972 

Albumasar  /  and  prudent1  Tholomee, 
And  Tullius  /  that1  hadde  souereynte 

H  How  that  wig- 
dam  wijj-oute 
avayleb  lit  or 

[leaf  50J 

2951.  Brosyth  Ro.  Bruseth  Bo.  Adj.  Brisith  M.  Breseth  P.  vnwarly  and] 
and  vnwarly  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  2953.  be]  of  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lr  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  I  a.  Ej.  S.  as  Lb.  2954.  Make]  makitli  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  makyng 
S.  due]  full  due  T2.  dewe  discrete  Ro.  2955.  oyther  Ar.  either  Bo.  M. 
other  Adj.  ouber  Di.  2957.  emprises  M.  Adj.  enprises  Bo.  2958.  at 
the  Ar.  at  Bo.  M.  atte  Adj.  gynnyng]  begenyng  S.  Begynnynge  P.  2960. 
maketh]  doth  make  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2961.  wirke  Bo.  Ad2.  Ra.  werke 
M.  Ad2.  I.  2962.  oft1  altered  to  ofte  in  Ar.  dirke  Adj.  derke  Bo.  M.  And 
that  makith  him  /  full  ofte  to  smerte  Ad^  I.  2963.  trouthe  M.  Adx.  trouth 
Ar.  Bo.  termyne]  determyne  Lb.  P.  2964.  youthe  Bo.  M.  Adx.  jouth  Ar. 
drawe  Bo.  Adj.  draw  M.  drawen  C.  2967.  this]  be  La.  I.  S.  P.  L<>.  Ro.  his] 
this  M.  al  his]  full  P.  hegh]  om.  G.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  2968.  he]  bat  he  Du.  Ar.  has 
a  pause-bar  also  between  myghte  and  ha.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  ha  Ar.  Ap.  2969. 
second  his]  om.-  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  2970.  Of  the  Grekes]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  halden  Ar. 
holden  Bo.  M.  Adj.  was  holden]  holden  was  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  Was  rekned  ther 
but  in  (into  Ba.)  folye  Ra.  Ba.  2971.  wise  Ar.  "wys  Bo.  M.  Adj.  2973. 
Albumasar  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Albimasar  Adj.  Albemosar  P.  Albimaser  Ro.  Albumager 
Ap.  Tholomee]  thelome  C.  2974.  hadde  Adj.  had  Bo.  M. 

PT.  ill.]   Amphiorax  is  taken  with  the  Greeks'  Expedition.       123 

whylom  in  Rome  /  as  of  elloquence  : 

Thogh  aH  tliise  /,  shortly  in  sentence, 

were  a-lyve  /  most1  konnyng1  and  experte, 

And  no  man  list  /  her  counsel  to  aduerte, 

NOT  of  her  sawe's  /  forto  taken  hede, 

What  rnyght1  availle  /  and  it1  cam  to  nede  1 

For  wher  prudence  /  can  fynde  no  socour 

And  prouidence  /  haueth  no  favour, 

Farwel  wisdam  /  farwel  discreciou?^, 

For  lakke  only  /  of  supportaciou?*. 

For  vnsupported  /  with  his  lokkes  hore, 

Amphiorax  /  sighen  /  gan  ful  sore 

With  hede  enclynyd  /  and  many  evyl  thouhfr, 

whan  that"  he  sauhe  his  couwsayl  stood  for  nought1. 

For  vttrely  /  the  grekes,  as  I  tolde, 

han  fully  cast*  /  her  lourne  for  to  holde, 

Made  hem  redy  /  and  gonnen  to  hosteye 

Toward*  Thebes  /  the  Cyte  to  werreye ; 

And  in  Grece  /  wil  no  lenger  tarye, 

And  forth  with  hem  /  Amphiorax  they  carye, 

Sette  in  his  Char  /  with  a  doolf  ul  herte, 

Whan  he  wist1  /  he  myghte  not*  asterte 

Of  his  fate  /  the  disposiciouw. 

And  hosteying1  /  into  the  Eegiou?i 

Of  lygurgus  /  Grekes  gan  approche 

A  sondy  londe  /  with  many  Craggy  roche. 







What's  the  good 
of  wise  men's 

if  folk  won't 
follow  it? 

grieves  that  his 
advice  is  not 

The  Argives 
and  their  allies 
start  for  Thehes 

with  Amphiorax. 

They  go  thru  a 
sandy  desert, 

2979.  forto]  wold  Ra.  Ba.  2980.  What]  whan  Ra.  myght]  shuld  it  Ra.  Ba. 
availle  Ar.  and  all.  and]  if  Tj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  whan  Ba.  2982.  pronidence] 
providence  Ra.  Ba.  prudence  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  haueth  Ar.  G.  T2.  Ap.  hath  Bo. 
Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  ^.  S.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  haue  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  C.  fyndith  P. 
2987.  and]  with  P.  om.  Ba.  many]  many  an  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  E2.  evyl]  heuy  M. 
Di.  Ad2.  I.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  2988.  that]  om.  M.  Di.  P.  L2.  Ro.  he 
sauhe]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  stood]  stonde  Bo.  Du.  Ej.  S.  2990.  fully]  ful  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  for  to]  to  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  holde]  iholde  E2.  2991.  redy]  ostry  Lj.  gonnen 
Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Ev  C.  T2.  gonne  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ra.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  gan  Lx. 
gonnen  hem  Ap.  gan  hem  Ad2.  I.  goon  Ba.  to]  forto  P.  E2.  hosteye]  hostrye  Lj. 
hastye  Ad2.  I.  hasty  L2.  haste  P.  2992.  to]  forto  T2.  P.  werreye]  verreye  Lj. 
werry  1^.  werre  (:  hostee)  Lb.  waste  P.  2995.  char  Tj.  M.  Adj.  chare  Bo. 
Ra.  (X  T2.  chair  Ba.  doolful]  dulfull  Ra,  woful  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  2997.  the] 
his  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Ej.  and  Tj.  om.  P.  3000.  many  a  Bo.  M.  Ad^ 

124  The,  Greeks  run  short  of  water.    Tideus  searches  for  it.  [PT.  in. 

[leaf  50,  back] 

and  find  no 


«f  }>e  grete  mes- 

cnief  |>at  Crrekes 

hadde  for  watere. 

But1  al  the  way,  sotlily,  bat  bei  gon, 

For  hors  nor  man  /  water  was  \>er  non : 

So  drye*  weren  the  vales  and  the  pleynys. 

For  al  bat  jeere  /  they  hadden  had  no  reynys  3004 

But1  f  ul  gref  drouhfr  /  as  mad  is  mencioiw ; 

And  al  the  londe  /  Cerchyng1  envirouw 

They  nowther  fonde  /  welle  nor*  Eyver 

hem  to  refressh  /  nor  water  that1  was  cler,  3008 

That1  they  alias  /  no  refuf  ne  konne. 

So  inportable  /  was  the  shene  sonne, 

So  hoot1  on  hem  /  in  feldes  wher  they  leye, 

That*  for  meschief  /  man  and  hors  gan  deye,  3012 

Gapyng1  f  ul  drye  /  vpward  into  south ; 

And  some  putten  /  her  swerdes  in  her  mouth" 

And  sperys  hedes  /,  in  story  as  is  told, 

Taswage  her  thirst1  /  with  the  yren  cold ;  3016 

And  of  his  lif  /  f  ul  many  on  dispeyred 

In  this  meschief  /  and  horn  ageyu  repeyred  : 

Tyl  on  a  day  /  worthy  Tydeus, 

And  with  hym  ek  the  kyng1  Cainpaneus,  3020 

Of  pzwpoos  rood  /  Jjorgh-oute  the  centre 

3  if  they  myght1  eny  water*  See, 

Fro  Coost  to  cost  /  bothe*  fer  and  ner; 

Til  of  fortune  /  they  entred  an  herber,  3024 

with  trees  Shadowed  for  the  so?me  Shene, 

Ful  of  floures*  /  and  of  herbe's  grene, 

3001.  |>at]  as  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  3002.  nor]  am.  Bo.  ne  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  T2.  P.  E.2.  1^.  Ro.  was  >er]  fond  bei  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3003. 
drye  Bo.  M.  Adj.  dry  Ar.  vales]  valeyes  Bo.  Ro.  valeis  C.  L2.  3004.  had] 
om.  M.  Di.  3007.  nowther  Ar.  neither  Bo.  Adj.  Ra.  ne  M.  fonde  Ar.  Bo. 
M.  founde  Adj.  nor  Ra.  no  Ar.  ne  Bo.  Adj.  neither  M.  3008.  nor  Ar. 
M.  ne  Bo  Adj.  3009.  That]  But  Bo.  Tr  LJ.  Lb.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej. 
refut]  refuge  Lj.  ne  konue]  konne  Lj.  they  ne  konne  Lb.  fynde  konne  Ra.  can 
fynd  Ba  (:  son).  3010.  importable  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3010—3210  lost  in  Ro. 
3011.  in  Ar. ,  before  leye,  is  written  lay  but  crossed  through.  3013.  into]  into  \>e 
Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ka.  Ba.  S.  C.'T2.  P.  E^.  Ap.  in  ])e  Adj.'  Ad2.  I.  3014.  some  M. 
Adj.  som  Bo.  oqn.  S.  putten  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3015.  is]  it  is  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di. 
Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  3016.  thirst  M.  thurst  Bo.  Adj.  ;  in  Ar.  colde 
with  K  under  dotted.  3016  om.  in  G.  3017.  ful]  om.  Bo.  3018.  hom]hanDu. 
3022.  Jifj  yf  that  C.  mijte  Adj.  might  Bo.  M.  eny]  ony  where  Adj.  Adg.  1 .  3023. 
bothe  M.  Adj.  both  Ar.  Bo.  3024.  they]  he  Ad2.  I.  3026. floures  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
Hours  Ar.  floures  and  of  erbes  M.  Di.  E.,.  herbes  and  of  floures  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest. 

Men  suck  their 
spear  heads 

of  cold  iron. 

Tideus  and  Ca- 

ride  out  to  search 
for  water. 

They  enter  a 

PT.  ill.]  He  finds  the  lady  Tpsiphyle,  &  tells  her  the  Greeks'  want.     125 

Wonder  hoolsom  /  both  of  syyt  and  ayr* ; 

Ther-Inne  a  lady  /  which  passingly  was  fayr,  3028 

Sittyng  as  tho  /  vnder  a  laurer  tre ; 

And  in  her  Armes  /  a  litil  child  hadd  she, 

Ful  gracious  /  of  loke  and  of  visage, 

And  was  also  /  wondre  tendre  of  age,  3032 

Sone  of  the  kyng1  /  born  forto  succede, 

Called  ligurgus  /  in  story  as  I  rede, 

Whoos  hertly  loye  /  and  worldly  ek  disport1, 

Al  his  myrthe*  /  plesaiwce,  and  conforf  3036 

Was  in  this  child?  /  of  excellent1  fayrnesse. 

And  this  lady  /  Myrour  of  seinlynesse, 
Al  sodeynly  as  she  cast  vp  her  sight 
And  on  his  stede  /  sauh  an  armed  knyghf,  3040 

Gretely  abasshed  /  gan  anon  remwe. 
But  Tideus  after  gan  to  swe 
And  seyde  /  "  sustir  /  beth  no-thyng  dismayed,1 
In  3oure-silf  displesed  nor  affrayed  !  3044 

For  we  ar  come  /  only  to  pis  place 
}ow  to  biseche  /  of  mercy  and  of  grace, 
Vs  to  socour  /  in  oure  grete  nede, 

Declaring  $ou  how  it  stonf  in  dede  :  3048 

her  faste  by  /  almost1  /  at1  the  hand, 
The  worthiest1  of  al  Greke's  land!, 
Kyngges,  Prynces  /be*  logged  in  the  feld?, 

in  which  is  a  lady 

with  a  child, 

[leaf  51] 

son  of  King  Ly- 

The  lady  moves 

If  how  Tideus 
co;,-pleyned  to 
be  lady  in  the 
herber  for  water. 

Tideus  tells  her 
what  distress  the 
Argives  are  in 

3026.  om.  in  Ap.  3027.  syyt  Ar.  sijt  Di.  Adj.  siht  Ra.  Ad2.  I.  sight  Bo.  and 
the  rest,  ayr]  hayr  Ar.  I.  Ea.  Ej.  P.  3028.  which  Ar.  >at  Bo.  M.  Ad:.  om. 
Lb.  passingly]  passyng  G.  Lx.  Ad.2.  I.  S.  passandli  Ra.  Ba.  was]  om.  Lb.  was 
and  Lx.  passingly  was]  was  passyng  Ad2.  I.  S.  3029.  laurer]  layry  Bo.  laury 
Tx.  Du.  M.  laure  Lb.  Ex.  E^.  laurell  Lx.  S.  3033.  of]  to  G.  Lx.  vnto  P. 
forto]  to  G.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  3035.  hertly]  herty  S. 
hertes  £3.  worldly]  worthy  Ad2.  I.  om.  Ra.  Ba.  ek]  om.  S.  P.  3036.  myrth 
Ar.  murthe  Bo.  merthe  M.  merth  Adj.  3041.  abasshed  Bo.  abaysshed 
M.  baisshed  C.  anon  remwe]  renne  a-weye  faste  Ad2.  I.  3042.  swe]  swe  in 
haste  Ad2.  I.  3043.  sustre  Bo.  Adj.  soster  M.  syster  Ex.  Ap.  beth  Ar. 
Du.  Adj.  bith  Bo.  M.  C.  be  Di.  3045.  ar  Bo.  M.  arn  Adj.  come  Ar.  Bo. 
M.  Adj.  3047.  socour  Ar.  Adx.  socoure  Bo.  M.  grete  Bo.  gret  M.  Adj. 
3048.  Jou]  to  you  Ba.  S.  how]  om.  T0.  stont  Ar.  Adx.  stant  Bo.  M.  stondith 
Ad^  I.  L.2.  3049.  fast  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3050.  al]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Grekes] 
srece  S.  3051.  Kyngges  Prynces]  knyghtes  and  squyers  Lb.  be  Bo.  Adj.  ben 
M.  beth  Ra.  both  Ba.  ly  Ar.  G.  logged]  loggyng  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2  I. 
Ba.  E.  S. 

for  want  of 

126  Tideus  asks  Ipsiphylefor  Water  for  the  Greeks.     [PT.  in. 

And  many  other  /  with  pollex  /  speer  and  shek?,        3052 

which  in  meschief  /  peryl,  and  gref  dre<J, 

For  want1  of  water  /  ar  likly  to  be  ded. 

For  ther  was  non  /  of  hegh  nor  lowgh  degre 

In  art  our  host1  /,  now  passed  daie's  thre,  3056 

That1  drank  alias  /  excepting1  non  estatf  ; 

Our  viage  /  is  so  infortunatf : 

Preying*  jow  /  of  wommanly  pyte, 

Benygnely*  /  and  graciously  to  se  3060 

how  of  Grece  aH  Jje  Chyualrye 

Of  her  lyue's  /  stont1  in  lupartie ; 

That  $e  Avoid  /  of  wommanhede  telle 

^if  je  knowe*  Ryver  /  spryng1,  or  welle,  3064 

Specially  /  now  in  al  oure  Care, 

Of  gentillesse  vnto  vs  declare. 

lo  f  her  is  alle  /  jif  $e  list1  to  here, 

That1 1  wol  seyn  /  myn  owne  suster  dere."  3068 

And  whan  this  lady  /  Inly  vertuous, 
The  conpleynt1  herde  /  of  worthy  Tydeus, 
Of  verrey  pyte  /  chauwgeth  cher  and  hewe, 
And  in  her  herte  /  vpon  her  woo  gan  re  we,  3072 

And  ful  goodly  /  seyng  his  distresse, 
Seyde  vnto  hym  '.  in  al  his  hevynesse, 
"  Certes,"  quod  she  /  "  3 if  I  were  at1  large 
Touching1  this  child!  /  of  which"  I  haue  charge,  3076 

I  shuld  in  hast1  /  of  al  that*  doth  ^ow  greve 

3052.  pollax  Bo.  M.  Adj.  polax  Lj.  L^.  speer]  om.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  and]  and  with 
C.  T2.  P.  E.J.  with  pollex  speer  and  sheld]  with  spere  pollax  and  sheld  Adj.  Ad2I. 
3054.  want]  faute  Lb.  ar]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ba.  S.  likly]  like  L2.  S.  P.  ar  likly] 
likli  been  Ha.  3055.  before  hegh  in  Ar.  so  is  crossed  through.  3057.  excepting 
Ar.  P.  L^  Ap.  I  excepte  E.2.  except  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3058.  Ar.  has  a  second 
pause-bar  between  is  and  so.  3060.  Benygnely  Tx.  Lx.  Ada.  Ra.  C.  Benygnly 
Ar.  Du.  M.  benyngly  Bo.  Benyngnely  Adv  Benyngenely  P.  to]  for  to  Bo.  Tj. 
Du.  M.  Di.  Ex.  S.  3062.  stont]  stonden  C.  stand  Ad2-  I.  3064.  knowe] 
knewe  Ar.  G.  Lj.  Ra.  S.  Ap.  3065.  al]  om.  C.  T2.  3068.  That]  What  Ra. 
om.  Ba.  I  wol  (wold  G.  1^.)]  we  wol  Tj.  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  ye  wol  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  Adj. 
Ej.  S  (wold),  ye  wil  uow  M.  Di.  will  ye  Ra.  Ba.  owne]  om.  Bo.  3070.  com- 
pleynt  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3071.  verrey]  womanly  P.  chaungeth]  chaungid  G.  Lj. 
cher]  hide  Lx.  3072.  vpon]  on  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  P.  her]  his  P.  £3.  3076.  of 
which]  of  whom  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  which  C. 
P.  £3.  that  T2.  charge]  the  charge  Ap.  in  charge  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  3077.  al] 
om.  Du. 

[leaf  51,  back] 
and  begs  her  to 
tell  him  where 
some  is. 

•f  How  the  ladye 
taught  Tydeus  to 
the  welle. 
The  Lady  says 

that  if  it  were 
not  for  the  child 

PT.  in.]     Ipsiphyle  guides  Tideus  to  a  Well  and  a  River.  127 

she'd  guide  them 
to  a  River  near. 

The  Lady  lays 
the  child 

in  the  herbs, 

[leaf  52] 

To  my  pouer  /  helpen  to  releve, 

Only  of  routh  /  and  compassiouw, 

And  leue  /  al  other  /  occupacioim,  3080 

Conveye*  ^owe  /  and  be  ^oure  trewe  guyde 

To  a  Eyver  /  but1  lityl  her  be  syde. 

But*  I  dar  not1  /  so  moche  me  assure 

This  litil  child*  /  to  put1  in  auenture.  3084 

I  am  so  ferdf ul  /  from  it1  to  departe. 

But1  for  ^oure  sake  /  yet*  I  shal  iuparte 

My  lif,  my  deth  /  of  trewe  affeccioura, 

To  provyde  /  for  ^our  sauaciouw."  3088 

Took  the  child?  /  and  laide  if  in  her  lappe, 

And  richely  in  clothes  /  gan  it1  wrappe, 

And  Couched  it1  /  among1  the  herbes  soote, 

And  leyde  aboute  /  many  hoolsom  roote  3092 

And  floures  ek  /  bothe*  blewe  and  rede. 

And  supprised  /  with  a  mauer  drede 

with  Tideus  /  forth  /  anon  she  wente, 

As  she  in  trouthe*  /  that  no  treson  mente,  •    3096 

And  on  hir  way  /  wolde  *  neuere  dwelle 

Til  she  hym  brouht  /  to  a  right1  faire  welle 

And  ta  Eyvere  /  of  water  ful  habounde. 

3378.  helpe(n)]  helpen  you  M.  Di.  helpe  you  E2.  to  helpen  Lj.  to  releue]  and 
releue  E2.  to  my  releve  Ad2.  *  3079.  Only  of  routh]  Of  routhe  only  T2.  and] 
and  of  TV  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  E2.  3081.  Conveye  Bo.  M.  Adv  Convey  Ar.  trewe  Bo. 
trew  M.  Adj.  3082.  but]  but  a  Ra.  Ba.  a  Lx.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  P.  om.  Adj.  T2. 
lityl]  om.  TV  3083.  moche  Bo.  M.  Adj.  so  moche  me]  me  so  moche  Bo. 
3085.  ferdful  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lx.  Ba.  L2.  ferful  M.  Adj.  and  the  rest,  except 
aferde  P.  it]  him  Ba.  3086.  yet  C.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ap.  om.  T2.  that  Ar.  G.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Elt  S.  now  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  I]  om.  Tj.  shal]  om.  Ej. 
I  shal]  shal  I  Bo.  Du.  L:.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  I  will  T2.  woll  I  Lb. 
iuparte]  in  parte  Ex.  do  parte  E2.  3091.  herbes]  leues  G.  3092.  leyde]  om. 
Lb.  aboute]  aboute  it  Lx.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  aboute  him  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  many  Lb.  M. 
Adj.  Ba.  C.  T2.  many  an  Bo.  TV  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  P.  E2.  L2.  "  3093  omitted  in 
P.  3093.  eke  Bo.  M.  Adj.  bothe  Bo.  M.  Adv  both  Ar.  3094.  supprised] 
supprised  it  Ra.  Ba.  she  suppressid  P.  maner]  maner  of  E2.  3095.  forth]  om. 
S.  forth  anon]  anoon  forth  Bo.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  wente]  yede  P  (written  on  erasure,  by 
later  hand,  which  has  also  added  in  the  right-hand  margin  And  hfc  w*  a  full  good 
Entente,  to  rhyme  with  3096).  3096.  As]  And  Ba.  trouthe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  troutb 
Ar.  that]  om.  Lj.  Adj.  Ado,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  3097.  on]  in  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  C.  T., 
way  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ad:.  wolde]  wold  Ar.  wolde  she  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ev  S.  dwelle]  reste  ne  dwelle  P.  3098.  brouht  Ar.  Bo.  M. 
broughte  Adj.  to]  vnto  P.  right]  om.  Lx.  P.  a  right  faire]  right  a  faire  Lb.  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  T2.  3099.  ta  Ar.  to  Ra.  Ba.  a  Lb.  to  a  Bo.  and  the 
other  MSS.  of  water] "om.  Bo.  ful]  right  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  G. 

and  takes  Tideus 
to  the  River. 

1 28    The  Greek  troops  rush  to  the  River,  drink  and  lathe.    [PT.  in 

He  sends  to 

and  all  the  host 
nin  to  the  River. 

Some  drink 
sensibly ; 
some  too 

and  fall  dead. 
Some  bathe. 

[leaf  52,  back] 

But*  who  was  glad  /  and  who  was  tho  locounde     3100 
But*  Tydeus  /  Seyng  the  Eyver  ! 
which  in  al  hast1  /  sente  his  messager 
To  Adrastus  /  and  bad  hym  naf  abide, 
But*  doune  descends  /  to  the  Eyver-syde  3104 

with  al  his  host1  /  recur  forto  haue 
At1  this  Eyver  /  her  lyues  forto  saue. 
And  bei  enhast*  hem  /  makyng  non  abood, 
Att  attonys  /  to  the  Eyver  rood*  3108 

Forto  drynke*  / ;  bei  hadde  so  gret1  lust1 
Of  appetit*  /  forto  staunche  her  thrust*. 
And  some  dronk  /  and  fonde  it1  did  hem  good ; 
And  some  wern  /  so  feruent1  and  so  wood  3112 

Vppon  the  water  /  that1  in  sikernesse, 
Thorgh  vndiscret1  /  and  hasty  gredynesse, 
Out1  of  mesur  /  the  watere  so  J>ei  drynke 
That*  they  fille  ded  /  euene  vpon  the  brynke  ;  3116 

And  some  naked  /  into  J>e  Eyvere  ronne, 
Only  for  hete  /  of  the  somer  sonne, 
To  bathen  hem  /,  the  water  was  so  cold ; 
And  some  also  /  as  I  haue*  $ow  told,  3120 

I  mene  tho  that1  prudent1  wern  and  wise, 
The  water  drank  /  in  mesurable  wyse, 
That*  of  be  thrust*  /  they  haue*  to-forn  endured 
They  were  refresshed  /  fully  and  recured.  3124 

And  Grekes  than  /  of  hegh  and  lowe  degre, 

The  Argives 
pitch  their  tents 

3100.  But]  And  L^  glad]  tho  glad  S.  and]  om.  Ra.  was  tho]  was  Tx.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  3101.  Seyng]  seyng  wel  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  3102.  hast  M.  haste  Bo. 
Adj.  3104  omitted  in  Ba.  3105  and  3106  are  in  Ba.  contracted  into  one  line: 
With  all  his  oste  recure  their  lives  to  save.  3105.  Ost  Adj.  boost  Bo.  3107. 
bei]  this  Ej.  enhast]  enhasted  C.  P.  Eg.  hasted  T2.  in  haste  Ad2.  I.  L%.  hem] 
om.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  P.  ]>er  Lg.  makyng]  and  made  Ba.  made  P.  3108.  to]  vnto 
C.  rood]  hood  Ar  (the  copyist  having  written  abood,  erased  the  a  but  forgot  to  alter 
the  b  into  r).  3109.  drynke  Bo.  M.  Adj.  drynk  Ar.  lust  (:3110.  thrust)  Ar. 
Du.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  lust  (:thurst)  Bo.  Tj.  Lt.  Lb.  M.  C.  Ap. 
list  (:  thurst)  Adj.  lyst  (:  thirst)  Ad2.  list  (:  thrist)  I.  lust  (:  fyrste)  G.  3110. 
Of]  and  C.  forto]  and  forto  Ra.  Ba.  3112.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  also  between 
some  and  wern.  3114.  Thorgh]  That  throgh  Ba.  3116.  euene]  om.  Ra.  Ba. 
3119.  bathen  hem]  bathem  for  Lj.  bathen  hem  ther  Ad2.  I.  the]  )>at  Ad^ 
I.  Ra.  Ba.  water]  om.  Ad2.  so]  om.  Tj.  3120.  some]  sure  Ad.2.  I.  ha  Ar. 
haue  Bo.  M.  Adj  (also  3123).  }ow]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3121.  mene  M.  Adj. 

meen  Bo.         3123.  thurst  Bo.  M.     thrust  Du.  Di.  Adj. 

PT.  in.]       The  Greeks  thanle  Ipsiphyle  for  her  kindness.          129 

For  high"  profit1  /  and  gret1  commodite, 

Compas  the  Ryuere  /  cristalyn  of  sighte,  on  the  river- 

Of  oon  accorde  /  they  her  tentys  pyhte  3128 

To  rest  hem  ther  /  in  relees  of  her  peyne, 
Only  the  space  /  of  a  day  or  tweyne. 

And  whylys  Grekes  /  vpon  the  Ryuer1  lay, 
This  Tydeus  /  vpon  the  same  day  3132 

Ful  knyghtly  /  hath  don  his  diligence, 
This  3onge  lady  /  with  gret1  reverence, 

To  Adrastus  /  goodly  to  presente :  Adrastus 

At  whoos  corny ng1  /  J>e  kyng  hym-silve  wente  3136 

Ageynes  *  hir*  /  she  fallyng  doun  on  knees, 

AH  thestates  present1  and  degrees  and  his  lords 

Of  Grekes  lond  /,  absent1  was  naf  on  ; 
And  in  his  Arme's  /  took  hir*  vp  anon,  3140 

Thanking1  hir*  /  of  her  bysynesse,  thank  the  lady. 


Of  hir1  labour  /  and  her  kyndenesse, 

Behotyng1  hiij  /  lik  as  he  was  holde, 

If  eny  thyng1  pleynly  that  she  wolde  3144 

That*  he  may  don  /  she  shuld  if  redy  fynde. 

And  Grekes  aH  /,  the  story  maketh  mynde, 

Of  thestatys  /  beyng1  tho  present1, 

Thanked  Mr  /  with  al  her  hool  entenf,  3148 

For  refresshyng  /  don  to  many  Grek  ; 

And  for  her  part1  /  they  biheght1  her  ek,  and  promise 

that  they'll  do 

With  her  body  /  and  goode's  bothe*  two,  anything  for  her 

she  tells  them 

What1  her  list1  /  comaunde  hem  forto  do,  3152  t°d°- 

3128.  they  her]  here  her  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  AdP  Ada.  I-  &a-  Ba.  Ev  ther  S. 
ther  is  T2.  pyhte  (pight  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  T9. )]  were  pight  Bo.  have  they  pight 
S.  3131.  whiles  M.  Adj.  whils  Bo.  whan  Ra.  Ba.  3136.  hym-silve  Ar. 

him-silfBo.  him-self  M.  Adj.  3137.  Ageyns  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ayeyns  Adr  3138. 
thestates  Bo.  M.  Adv  ;  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  before  present.  3141.  of]  and  of 
Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.  her]  her  gret  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  3142.  Of  hir]  And  of  hir 
Du.  and]  and  of  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  3142  om.  G.  3143. 

Behotyng]  Behetyng  Lj.  BehytyngL2.  Beseching  Ba.  3145.  shuld]  shal  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ba.  3147.  testates  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3149.  refresshyng  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  P. 
L2.  Ap.  J>e  refresshing  Bo.  and  the  rest  (fresshingE2).  many  Ar.  G.  T2.  L2.  Ap. 
many  a  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3150.  part  M.  Adj.  Ra.  parte  Bo.  partie  Ba.  S. 
behight  Bo.  M.  AdP  hiht  Ra.  they  biheght]  behightynge  P.  3151.  bothe 
M.  Adj.  both  Ar.  Bo.  3152.  comaunde  hem]  hem  comande  Adj.  S.  hem] 
om.  Du.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  forto]  to  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  om.  Adx. 



Why  Ipsiphyh  had  to  leave  her  own  Land.         [PT.  in. 

says  sho  had 

to  leave  her 
land  because 
she  wouldn't 
agree  to  join 
other  women 

in  killing  all 
the  men, 

[leaf  53]         To  be  redy  platly  /  and  naf  faille. 

And  her  myn  autour  /  make])  rehersaille 
That1  bis  lady  /  so  faire  vpon  to  se, 

Of  whom  be  name  was  Isyphile,  3156 

To  Adrastus  told  /,  as  36  may  rede, 
Lynealy  /  the  stok  /  of  her  kynrede, 
Whilom  how  she  /  a  kyngges  doghter"  was  : 
Rehersyng1  hym  /  hooly  al  the  cas,  3160 

First1  why  bat1  she  /  out1  of  her  centre  wente, 
Shortly  for  she  wolde  *  not1  assente 
To  execute  /  a  conspiraciouw, 

Mad  by  the  wymmen  /  of  that1  Regioun,  3164 

A  thyng  con  tray  r  /  and  ageyn  al  right1, 
That  eche  of  hem  /  vpon  a  certeyn  nyght1, 
Be  on  accord  /  shal  warly  taken  kepe, 
Fader  /  brother  /  and  husbond  in  her  slepe,  3168 

With  knyves  sharpe  /  and  rasoures*  kene 
Kytt  her  throtes  /  in  that1  mortal  tene ; 
Vnto  this  fyn  /,  as  bochas  telle  can, 

In  al  that1  londe  /  be  not1  founde  a  man),  3172 

But1  slayn  echon  /  to  bis  conclusiouw 
That1  wymmen  /  myght1  han  domynaciouw 
In  fat  kyngdam  /  to  regne  at  liberte 
And  on  no  partie  /  Interrupted  be.  3176 

But  for  bis  lady  /  passing1  debonayre, 
To  Jris  mordre  /  was  froward?  and  contrayre, 
saved  her  father,  Kept1  her  fader  /  fat1  he  was  not1  slawe 

But1  fro  J>e  deth  /  preserued  and  wibdrawe,  3180 

3155.  so  faire  vpon]  full  faire  on  Ba.  3156.  Isyphile]  Isophilee  £3.  3160. 
hym]  to  him  C.  T2.  E2.  to  her  P.  hooly  al  the]  al  the  hole  C.  Ta.  P.  £3.  holly 
J>e  trew  S.  3161.  why]  how  C.  T2.  P.  Eg.  that]  om.  C.  Ba.  3162.  wolde  Bo. 
wold  Ar.  M.  Adx.  3164.  the]  om.  Du.  3165.  contrayr  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  E2.  Ap.  contrarie  Du.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E2.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  I^.  and] 
om.  E2.  3167.  on]  om.  Ra.  shal  warly]  warly  shal  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  T2.  warlishuld 
Ra.  Ba.  warly]  verraly  Du.  veryly  P.  taken  Ar.  takyn  Ap.  take  Bo.  G.  and 
the  rest.  3168.  husbond  Ar.  S.  L.J.  husbondes  G.  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MSS. 
in  her]  while  bei  Adj.  Ado.  I.  3169.  rasours  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adx.  rasoures  Lj.  3170. 
kitte  Bo.  M.  Ad^  kutte  C.  3172.  al]  om.  M.  Di.  founde]  lefte  Tj.  3174. 
domynacioun]  J>e  domynacyon  Adj.  3175.  in  Ar.  before  In,  is  A  crossed  through. 
3176.  on]  in  Lb.  C.  partie]  parties  E2.  parte  Ra.  3178.  mordre]  matere  E2. 
was  froward  and]  frowarde  was  and  M.  Di. 

so  that  women 
might  rule. 


PT.  ill.]         Ipsiphyle  is  in  charge  of  Lycurgus's  Son. 


For  which,  alias !  /  she  fledde  fe  centre, 

And  of  a  pyrat1  /  taken  in  the  see, 

To  kyng  lygurgus  /  brouht1  In  al  her  drede. 

And  for  her  trou)>  /  and  her  wowimanhede  3184 

To  hir  he  took  /  his  jonge  child  to  kepe, 

which  in  the  herber  /  allone*  she  left1  slepe 

whan  Tydeus  /  she  broghte  to  the  welle. 

And  by  lason  /  some  bookis  telle  3188 

That1  this  lady  /  hadde  sones  two, 
whan  that1  he  /  and  hercules  also 
Toward  Colchos  /  by  hir"  contr6  Cam 
For  tacomplyssh"  /  J>e  conquest1  of  the  Earn.  3192 

But  who  that1  lyst1  /  by  and  by  to  se 
The  story  hool  /  of  this*  ysyphyle, 
Hir  fadres  name  /  of  which  also  I  wante*, 
Thouh"  some  seyn  /  he  named  was  Thoante,  3196 

And  some  boke's  •  vermes  ek  hym*  calle  : 
But1  to  knowe  /  J>e  auentures^alle 
Of  J>is  lady  •  Isyphile  the  faire, 

So  feithful  ay  /  and  inly  debouayre,  3200 

Lok  on  the  book  /  that1  Ioh~n  Bochas  made 
Whilom  of  wo?nmen  /  with  rethorikes  glade, 
And  directe  /  be  ful  souereyn  style 

To  fayre*  lane  /  the  queen  of  Cecile.  3204 

Rede  ther  the  rubrich  /  of  ysiphyle, 


was  captured, 

[leaf  53,  back] 
taken  to  Ly- 
curgus,  and 
had  charge  of 
his  boy. 

H  ysypnyle. 
If  yon  want  to 
see  Ipsiphyle's 

look  in  Boc- 
caccio's Book 
of  Illustrious 

3181.  fledde  Bo.  fled  M.  Adx.  3184.  trouthe  M.  Adj.  troub  Ar.  Bo. 
and]  and  for  Lj.  Ad2.  her]  om.  Bo.  wwrananhede  Tj.  M.  Adj.  wymman- 
hede  Bo.  3185.  To]  T  Ar.  yong  Bo.  M.  yonge  Adj.  child]  sone  M.  Di. 
3186.  Which  in]  That  in  T2.  Withynne  Ea.  Ba.  therber  Tj.  M.  C.  the  herber 
Bo.  Adj.  Ra.  allone  Bo.  M.  Adx.  allon  Ar.  she]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  left]  lete  L2.  allone  she  left]  she  left  allone  G.  T^  P.  E2. 
slepe]  aslepe  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  Ap.  to  slepe  G.  M.  Di.  Adr  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P  E2.  3187. 
brought  Bo.  Adj.  3188.  som  bokes  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3192.  tacomplissh 

Bo.  M.  Ad^  3193.  to]  for  to  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  'E,.  3194.  of  Ar.  G.  C.  T2. 
P.  Eo.  L2.  Ap.  of  bis  Eo.andtfie  rest.  -6195.  wante]  wente  Ar.  E,.  S.  wont  Tj.  Lb. 
write  E2.  3196.  som  Bo.  M.  Ad^  som  Men  I.  P.  Thoante]  Thorite  E^  3197. 
vermes]  Vermos  E2.  L2.  Vormes  P.  Sermes  Ad2.  I.  hym]  hem  Ar.  3203. 
ful]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  3204.  faire  Bo.  M.  Adj.  fayr  Ar.  lane]  Ihan  Ba.  the]  om. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  Vnto  Jane  the  fayr  quene  of  Cedle  T2.  3205.  Rede] 
Redeth  P.  rubrich  Ar.  G.  S.  Ap.  Rubrik  C.  T2.  E^  Rebrike  P.  rubrissh  Bo. 
and  the  rest. 

132          Lycurgus's  Son  is  poisond  and  kild  by  a  Serpent.    [PT.  in. 

Of  her  trouth  /  and  her  hegh  bounte, 
Ful  craftily  conpiled  for  her  sake. 

And  whan  that1  she  haj)  her  lieue  take  3208 

Of  Adrastus  /,  homward!  in  her  weye 
Tydeus  gan  hyr  to  conveye, 
To*  the  gardyne  /  til*  she  is  repeyred. 
But1  now,  alias  !  my  mater  disespeyred  3212 

Of  alle  loye  /  and  of  alle*  welfulnesse, 
And  destitute  /  of  myrth  and  alle  gladnesse, 
For  now  of  woo  /  gynne  ]>e  sharpe  shoures. 
For  this  lady  /  fond1  among  the  flowres  3216 

her  litil  child?  /  turned  vp  be  face, 
Slayn  of  a  serpent1  /  in  be  selue  place, 
hyr  taile*  burly d  /  with  skalis  siluer-shene. 
The  Venym  /  was  /  so  persyng1  and  so  kene,  3220 

So  perilous  ek  /  the  mortal  violence 
Caused,  alias  !  /  thorgh  her  long  absence  : 
She  was  to  slouh  /  homward1  forto  hie. 
But*  now  can  she  /  but  wepe,  wayle,  and  crye ;  3224 

Now  can  she  nouhf  /  but1  sighen  and  compleyn 
And  wof ally  wryng4  her  handys  tweyn, 
Dedly  of  look  /  pal  of  face  and  chore ; 
And  gan  to  rende  /  her  gilte*  tresses  clere,  3228 

She  is  taken 
back  to  the 

garden  by 

[leaf  54] 

and  finds  Lycur- 
gus's  boy  dead, 
If  How  be  child 
was  slayn  wib 
the  Serpent, 
poisond  by  a 

Ipsiphyle  tears 
her  hair, 

3206.  trouthe  Bo.  and  Ar.  G.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  Lj.  Ap.  and  of  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
hegh]  om.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  3207.  compiled  Bo.  3208.  that] 
om.  S.  hab  her  lieue]  her  leve  hath  E2.  P.  3210.  gan]  gan  godely  M.  Di. 

3211.  To]  Til  Ar.  G.   Lb.  Ba.     gardeyn  Bo.  M.   Adj.     til]  to  Ar.  G.     that  Ba. 

3212.  is  despeyred  G.       is   dispayred    Ad2.    I.   C.   T2.   P.  E2.   Ro.       dispeired 
Adj.  S.     ys  disapayred  L1.     disespeyred  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest.         3213.  second  alle] 
om.  Ar.  G.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.    welfulnesse  Ar.  G.  Tj.  Adj.  Ra.  C.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.    wilfulnesse 
Bo.  and  the  rest  (in  P.  wilfulnesse  IMS  been  erased,  and  replaced  by  gladnesse  by  a 
later  Jtatul).         3214.  of  myrth]  of  all  myrth  Lj.  E2.     and  alle]  and  of  all  Lb. 
and  of  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.      and  Adj.  Lg.  Ro.  •  And  restitute  of  all  hevynesse  P  (the 
last  word  written  by  later  Jutnd,  on  erasure).       3215.  gynnen  Bo.  M.  Adj.    gynneth 
Di.     beginne  E2.        3216.  fond]  found  Lv  Lb.  Et.  T2.  P.  L^.  Ro.     hath  founde  E0. 
3217.  litil]  om.  S.     be]  his  Ba.     the  fight  (sic)  T2.        3218.  >e  selue  Ar.  Ap.     the 
selfe  L,.  Di.  I.  E2.  P.  E2.  Ap.     the  self  Bo.  G.  Tj/Du.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  Ad.2.  C.  T2.     the 
same  Ba.  S.  L2.  Ro.         3219.  hyr]  hy  Ar.     His  Ro.  Ap.     taile  Bo.  M.  Ad-,,     tail 
Ar.     burlyd]  burled  vp  P.     Curlyde  Ro.        3224.  now]  nought  1^.     can]  gane  Ro. 
wepe  wayle  and  crye]  waile  wepe  and  crye  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  P.     wayle]  om.  Lrj. 
3225.  Now  can  she  nouht]  But  nov  she  can  nought  Adz.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.     Now  can 
she  Lj.      Nought  can  she  L2.      Nowe  can  P.      but]  om.  Ap.      sighen]  wayle  L0. 
3227.  face]  hir  face  S.         3228.  gilt  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.     gylty  P.     clere]  of  here  S." 

PT.  III.]    Ipsiphyle  thinks  she  will  be  slain  for  her  neglect.          133 

And  ofte  sitfr  she  gan  to  seyn,  "  alias  ! 

0  wooful  wrech  /  vnhappy  in  this  cas, 
What1  shal  I  don  /  or  whider  may  I  tourne  1 

For  pis  the  fyn  /  }if  I  her*  soiourne,  3232 

1  woof  right1  wel  /  I  may  it1  not1  eskape 
The  pitous  fate  /  pat1  is  for  me  shape. 

Socour  is  non  /  nor  ther  may  be  non  red,  ^yg  she  must 

die,  as,  by  her 

lich  my  desert1  /  but1  that1 1  mot1  be  ded ;  3236   neglect, 

For  thorhe  my  slouth  /  and  my  neclygence 

I  haue,  alias  !  don  so  gret1  offence 

That1  my  gilt1  /,  I  may  it1  natf  excuse, 

Shal  to  the  kyng1  /  of  treson  me  accuse.  3240 

Thorgh  my  defaute  /  and  slouthc*  bothe*  two, 

His  sone  is  ded  /  and  his  heir  also,  Lycurgus'a  heir 

is  kild. 

which  he  loue'd  mor  than  al  his  good  :  [leaf  54,  back] 

For  tresour  non  /  so  nygh  his  herte  stood,  3244 

Nor  was  so  depe  '/  graue  /  in  his  corage  : 

That1  he  is  likly  to  fallen  in  a  Eage 

whan  it1  is  so,  myn  odyous  offence 

Reported  be  vn to  his  audience ;  3248 

So  inportable  shal  be  his  hevynesse. 

And  wel  woot1 1  /  in  verrey  sothf  astnesse,  The  Queen  too 

That1,  whan  the  quene*  /  hath  this  ping1  espied, 
To  myn  excus  /  It  may  nat1  be  denyed,  3252 

3229.  sith]  sithes  Ba.  sythis  L9.  she]  om.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  she  gan  to] 
gan  she  Bo.  TV  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad*  I.  Ha.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  3231.  may  Ar.  £3.  Ap. 
shal  Bo.  and  the  rest,  tourne]  gone  P  (:  soiorne).  3232.  om.  in  Ba.  3232. 
bis]  bis  is  Bo.  TV  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  Ra.  S.  P.  L2.  Ro.  the]  om.  Ra.  her]  ther  Ar.  Bo. 
TV  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ej.  ?if  I  her]  of  my  S.  3233.  right]  it  M.  Di.  P.  Ro.  it]  om. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  not]  no  Bo.  3235.  is]  is  there  M.  Di.  Ad^.  I.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  nor] 
ner  Bo.  Du.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  ne  TV  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  E2.  nother  Lb.  for  Ro.  ther] 
om.  E2.  may  be]  is  TV  none  other  E2.  red]  drede  T\.  ;  Ar.  has  rede  with  the 
final  e  underdotted.  3236.  that]  om.  L^.  Ro.  mot]  mvtt  Ap.  most  Lj.  C.  Ro. 
must  Ba.  S.  P.  1^.  3237.  slouthe  M.  Adj.  slouth  Bo.  necligence  Ra. 
negligence  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3238.  so]  to  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  3239.  Ar.  has  a, 

second  pause-bar  after  it.  3241.  slouthe  M.  Adj.  slouth  Ar.  Bo.  bothe  M. 
Adj.  both  Ar.  Bo.  3242.  in  Ar.  after  is  is  an  1,  underdotted.  3243.  which] 
Which  that  P.  loued]  loueth  Ej.  3244.  hert  Bo.  Adj.  3246.  he]  om.  Lb. 
fallen  Ar.  G.  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T2.  E2.  Ap.  falle  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  Ej.  S.  P.  L2.  Ro.  likly  to  falle]  fall  lykly  P.  in  a]  in  such  a  Adj.  Ad2.  in 
such  I.  3251.  quene  (queen  Bo.)] king  Ar.  G.  Ad:.  Ad2. 1.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  P.  E2. 
this  bing]  om.  Bo.  bing]  om.  TV  Du.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej. 
S.  hath  this  ting]  this  thing  hath  C.  T2.  this  hath  Lb. 


Ipsiphyle  appeals  to  Tideusfor  help. 

[PT.  ill. 

will  be  revenged 
on  her, 

and  demand 
her  death. 

She  runs  back 
to  the  Greeks. 

tells  Tideus 

that  a  serpent 
has  kild  Lycur- 
gus's  boy, 
and  that  she  is  in 

[leaf  55] 

Tidens  promises 
to  help  her, 

I  doute  it1  not*  /  tlier  geyneth  no  pyte, 

With-out1  respit1  /  she  wil  avenged  be 

On  me,  alias !  /  as  I  ha  deserued ; 

That1  fro  the  deth  /  I  may  not1  be  p?vserued  3256 

Nowther  be  bille  /  ne  supplicacioim ; 

For  the  rage  /  of  my  transgressioim 

Requereth  deth  /  and  non  other  mede." 

And  thus,  alias !  she,  quaking  in  her  drede,  3260 

Non  other  helpe  /  nor  remedy e'*  kan, 
But1  dreyntf  in  sorow  /  to  ]>e  Grekes  Ean, 
Of  hertly  woo  /  face  and  chere  disteyned 
And  her  chekes  with  vvepyng  al  bereynyd,  3264 

In  hir1  affray  /  distracte  and  furious. 
To-forn  alle  /  she  cam  to  Tydeus, 
And  fille  on  knees  /  and  gan  her  compleynt  mak, 
Tolde  pleynly  /  that*  for  grekes  sake  3268 

She  mot1  be  ded  /  and  shortly  in  suhstauwce 
Rehersing1  hym  the  grete  of  her  greucmnce  : 
First1  how  be  traynys  of  a  fals  serpent1 
The  child  was  slawe  /  whil  she  was  absent1 ;  3272 

In  what  disioynte  /  and  peril  that*  she  stood. 

And  whan  that*  he  her  meschief  vnderstood, 
Vnto  hire  ful  knyghtly  he  behihfr 

To  help  and  portlier  /  al  that1  euere  he  myghf,  3276 

hir  pitous  woo  /  to  styuten  and  appese. 
And  forto  fynde  /  vnto  hir1  dissesse 
Hasty  confort1,  he  went1  a  ful  grefr  pas 

3264.  she]  he  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.       wil]  shall  Tj.  3257.  Nowther] 

Neither  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  bille]  wille  Di.  ne]  ne 
by  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ba.  nor  Ra.  nor  bi  I.  C.  T2.  E2.  3260.  she]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  quaking]  quakith  Ad2.  P.  L^.  Ro. 

3261.  remedy  Ar.  remedie  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3262.  dreynt]  dreynct  Lb.  drant  S. 
adreynt  P.  sorow]  sorw  M.  C.  teres  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3268.  Tolde]  And  tolde  E2. 
LJJ.  Ro.  grekes]  ]>e  grekes  Lb.  S.  3270.  hym]  om.  Bo.  the  grete]  the  greef  Ra. 
the  chefe  Ba.  the  grounde  E2.  the  grete  cause  P  (cause  of  her  Grevance  written 
ly  a  later  hand,  on  erasure),  of  her]  om.  Adj.  Ad,,.  I.  3271.  First  how]  How 
first  Du.  3272.  slawe]  slayn  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E,.  S.  E2.  L.J.  Ro  (sclayne).  3273. 
disioyute]  distresse  Ad2.  distreyat  I.  3274.  he]  Tydeus  Ro.  Ap.  And  wh;iu 
he  herd  that  rnischefe  and  vndrestoode  Ba.  3278.  i'yude  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest, 
except  fynd  S.  L3. 

PT.  ill.]    The  Greeks  will  appeal  to  Lycurgusfor  Ipsiphyle.         135 
To  Adrastus  /  and  told  hy?ra  al  the  cas  3280  andteiis 


Of  ))is  vnhappy  /  wooful  aventure, 

Besecliing  hym  to  don  his  bysy  cure, 

As  he  was  bound?  /  of  equyte  and  ri^tf, 

And  aduerten  /  and  to  han  a  sijt*  3284 

How  she  qwit  her  to  Grekes  her  to-forn 

whan  they  wer  likly  /  forto  haue*  be  lorn, 

The  socour  voide  of  her  womnanhede  : 

For  which  he  most1  of  knyghthod  taken  hede  3288 

To  remedien  J)ls  vnhappy  thing1. 

And  Adrastus  /  lik  a  worthy  kyng1  who  resolves  to 

aid  Ipsiphyle. 

Taquytt  hym-silf  /,  the  story  make])  myn(J, 

To  thys  lady  wille  natf  be  founc?  vnkynd,  3292 

Neither  for  cost1  /  nor  for  no  travaylle, 

But1  bysy  was  /  in  al  J>af  myghfr  availle 

To  hir  socour  /  considered  alle  J>ingg&>-, 

And  by  thavice  /  of  alle  J>e  worthy  kyngges  3296   The  Greeks 

r\c  n     u-    i       j    /  i.   •  v.  J    J  AU  agree  to  appeal 

Of  Grekes  lond  /  Jjei  be  accorded  thus,  to  Lycurgus. 

Prynces,  Dukes  /  and  worthy  Tydeus, 
To  hold  her  way  /  and  al  at  onys  ryde 
To  lygurgus  /  dwelling  ther  be-syde,  3300 

Of  on  ententt  /  }if  they  may  purchace 
In  eny  wise  /  forto  gete  grace 

For  this  lady,  Called  ysiphile  ;  [leaf  55,  back] 

They  wold  assaye*  $if  it1  myghte  be.  3304 

And  to  his  paleys  ful  ryal  bylt1  of  ston, 

3283.  he]  om.  Du.  3284.  And]  om.  P.  aduerten]  aduert  L.,.  Ro.  to  aduerten 
M.  Di.  P.  T2.  eke  aduertise  E>.  and  to]  and  T2.  3286.  whan]  That  Lb.  C.  T.,. 
P.  E.2.  La.  Ro.  Ap.  they]  om.  Lb.  P.  forto]  to  M.  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  S.  C.  T2.  E2.  L". 
elles  to  Lb.  P.  ha  Ar.  C.  Ap.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj.  lorn]  forlorae  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T2. 
L.J.  3288.  For]  Of  Bo.  Du.  3292.  thys]  thy  Ar.  Ap.  Ar.  has  a  paitse-bar 
after  wille.  3293.  Neither  .  nor  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  L,.  Lb.  Ra.  Nother  .  nor  E2.  C. 
T2.  L2.  Ap.  Neither  .  ne  T^  Ba.  S.  P.  E2.  Nouther  .  ne  Ro.  Neither  .  neither 
Adx.  Neithir  .  nouthir  Ad2.  I.  Nor  .  nor  M.  Di.  for]  om.  Ba.  no]  om.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C."  T2.  P.  1^.  Ro.  3295.  his]  J>eyre  Lb.  considered] 
considreth  Ado.  I.  considre  S.  concydere  Ro.  3298.  and]  and  with  hem 
Lb.  C.  T.J.  P.  £2.  L2.  Ap.  worthy]  om.  Lb.  T2.  P.  £3.  Ap.  3299.  al]  om. 
Du.  al  at  onys]  altonys  Ar.  3304.  assaye  Bo.  Ad],  assay  Ar.  M.  3305.  his 
paleys]  bis  place  Lj.  ful  ryal  bylt]  full  rially  bylt  Lb.  E2.  ryght  ryally  bild  S. 
for  royallie  bilt  Ba.  roiall  bylte  P.  wel  bilded  Ad.,.  I.  bilte  Lt.  of  stone]  of 
lyrue  and  stone  Lv  P. 


Lycurgus  promises  the  Greeks  Rooms,  [PT.  ill. 

The  Greeks 
ride  to  Lycur- 
gus's  palace. 

U  Ho-w  Adrastus 
a, >.ii  all  thestatis 
of  Grekis  proiden 
lygurgus  for  Jje 
lif  of  ysyphile. 

He  welcomes 

and  is  delighted 
that  they've 

He'll  put  the 
lords  in  rooms, 

The  worthy  Grekes  /  cam  ryding1  euerichon, 

Euery  lord  ful  fresshly  on  his  stede. 

And  lygurgus  /  example  of  manlihede,  3308 

Anon  as  he  knewe  of  her  comyng1, 

Taquyt1  hym-silf  /  lich  a  gentil  kyng1, 

Ageyn  hem  went1  /  to  mete  hem  on  the  way, 

Ful  wel  byseyn  /  and  in  fill  good  array,  3312 

Beceyvyng1  hem  with  a  ful  kyngly  chere. 

And  to  Adrastus  seid,  as  je  shul  here, 

U  "Cosyn*,''  quod  he  /  and  gan  hym  to  enbrace, 

"  }e  be  welcome  /  to  joure  owne  place,  3316 

Thankyng1  hertly  to  jour*  hegh"  noblesse 

That1  so  goodly  /  of  jour1  gentillesse 

Towardes  me  /  je  list1  jou  to  acquite, 

$oure-silf  J)is  day  /  jour  cosyn  to  visite,  3320 

In  this  castel  to  take  joure  loggyng1 ; 

That1  neuer*  jit1  /  I  was  so  glad  of  thyng* 

In*  al  my  lif  /  and  therto  her  my  troutli. 

And  ouermore*  /  ther  shal  be  no  slouth"  3324 

That1  the  Chambres  /  and  the  large  tours 

Shal  be  delyuered  /  to  jour  herberiows ; 

That1  euery  lord  /  as  he  is  of  degre, 

Vnto  his  loggyng1  /  shal  assigned  be.  3328 

}oure  officeres*  /  laf  hem-silf  *  devise 

3308.  example]  ensaumple  Tj.  Lj.  of]  for  Ra.  Ba.  S.  manlihede]  manhede  Lx. 
Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  Ro.  P  (altered  to  manhode  by  late  hand),  manhode  Lb.  3309. 
knewe]  kneuh  Ra.  knoweth  Ba.  3310.  Taquyt  Bo.  Adj.  To  quyte  M.  To 
acquyte  Ra.  3312.  Ful  wel]  Right  wel  M.  Di.  in]  in  a  Bo.  Lb.  C.  T2.  ful] 
ryght  Ap.  om.  Lb.  P.  £3.  good]  riche  Ro.  array]  ray  C.  ful  good]  a  gret  G. 
3313.  with]  in  C.  T2.  ful]  om.  G.  Tj.  kyngly  Ar.  Tj.  M.  Ra.  Ej.  T2.  l^.  Ro. 
knightly  Bo.  G.  and  the  rest.  3314.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  Adrastus.  3315. 
Cosyn]  Cosy  Ar.  Ra.  enbrace  Bo.  Adj.  embrace  M.  3317.  hegh]  om.  Ra.  Ba. 
3318.  goodly]  om.  I.  Jour]  your  hie  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  your  good  hih  I.  your 
gret  C.  3319.  Towardes  Ar.  Bo.  and  all,  except  Toward  Ba.  C.  Jou]  now  you  Bo. 
nowe  Ro.  not  l^.  om.  S.  to]  so  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  to  acquite]  taquyte  Bo.  M.  Ex.  3322. 
That]  For  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  I  was]  was  I  Tj.  Lj.  That  I  was  so  glad  ncuere  yet 
of  thing  Adj.  I.  Ad.2  (yit  nevir).  3323.  In]  An  Ar.  And  Ej.  3324.  ouermore 
Tt.  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  G.  Ro.  ouermor  Ar.  more  over  Lj.  AoLj.  euer  more  Bo.  and 
the  rest.  3328.  shal  assigned  Ar.  G.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  assigned  shal  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
3329.  officeres  Lb.  officers  Ra.  oih'cers  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Adj.  hemself  Bo.  Lb. 
M.  Adj.  them-self  L2.  hym-silf  Ar. 

PT.  III.]     Tents  and  Food.     But  they  ask  for  something  more.     137 

3if  the  howsyng1  /  may  largely  suffise 

To  jow  and  ^cmres  /  strecchen  and  atteyn, 

That1  noii  estaafr  /  haue*  cause  to  co?npleyn.  3332 

And  alle  ^our1  hoost1  /  logged  her  be-syde,  [leaf  50] 

which  in  Tentys  /  vpon  sou  abide,  and  feed  their 

men  in  tents. 

laf  hem  fette  /  be  myn  auctorite, 

Vitayle  ynoh  /  her  in  my  Cite.  3336 

And  alle  that1  may  socour  hem  or  saue, 

And,  at1  a  word  /,  al  that1  eue?-e  I  haue 

Is  ful  and  hool  /  at1  $our  comaufidemenf." 

II  Quod  Adrastus  /  "  that1  is  nat1  our1  en  tent1,  3340  Adrastus  says 

!N"or  on  no  parte  /  cause  of  oure  comyng1. 

For  we  be  come  al  for  anober  thyng1,  they  want  an- 

other gift, 
A  certeyn  gift1  /  of  $ou  to  requere, 

Benygnely  /  }if  30  list1  to  here,  3344 

which  may  Greke's  /  passyngly  availle, 

Of  our*  request  /  sif*  that1  se  nat1  ne  faille,  but  daren't 

name  it  till  he 

which  we  dar  not  /  opynly  expresse,  promises  to 

with-oute  that1  30  wold  /  of  gentillesse,  3348 

3oure  graunt1  aforn  /  conferme  and  ratefye. 
Than  wer  we  bold  /  it1  to  specify  e." 

3330.  howsyng]  haunsinge  Lb.  houshold  Ba.  may  largely]  largely  may  Lb. 
T2.  P.  ELj.  Ro.  largely]  large  Ra.  3331.  youres  M.  Adj.  yours  Bo.  3332. 
non]onyLb.  any]?,  ha  Ar.  Ap.  Laue  Du.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  hath  Bo.  3333.  3our] 
his  Du.  hooste  Bo.  Ra.  Ost  Adj.  logged]  om.  Ba.  3334.  which  in]  Within 
Ra.  Ba.  I*,.  Ro.  in  Tentys]  ententifly  Lb.  T2.  P.  E2.  C  (intentifly).  vpon]  om. 
Ra.  Ba.  "abide]  to  abide  Ra.  Ba.  S.  L2.  Ro.  3336.  ynogh  Bo.  ynow  M. 
y-nov  Adv  3337.  socour  Ar.  socoure  Bo.  M.  Adj  (the  final  e  added  above  the 
line  by  the  same  hand),  socour  hem  Ar.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  hem  socoure  Bo.  G.  and 
the  rest,  or]  and  Di.  S.  P.  1^.  Ro.  3338.  a  Ar.  o  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3339.  ful] 
fully  Ba.  3341.  on]  in  EJ.  S.  of  Ba.  om.  Tx.  Lb.  M.  Ad^  I.  C.  T2.  P.  E,. 
no]  oon  Ba.  parte  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  Di.  Adj.  P.  E2.  Lj.  part  T\.  Lx.  Lb.  M.  S.  C.  T2. 
parti  Ra.  partye  G.  Ba.  Ej.  om.  Ad^  I.  on  no  parte]  percele  Ro.  3344. 
Benygnely  Bo.  M.  Ad>2.  I.  beningly  Adj.  30  M.  Ad^  I.  C.  you  Bo.  Adj. 
3345.  passyngly]  passyng  G.  Lj.  Ba.  3346.  our .  ye  Tr  Du.  Ad2.  I.  S  (Stowe 
has  written  yowr  but  crossed  out  y).  jour .  30  Ar.  G.  Bo.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  our . 
we  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  your  Lj  (om.  30  or  we)  (see  Notes). 
request  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3if  that  (in  no  AfS. )]  that  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
Ej.  S.  yf  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  that  yf  Ad2.  I.  30  nat  ne]  nat 
ye  Adj.  nat  ne  faille]  not  fayle  G.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  1^.  Ro.  not  vs  fayll  S. 
do  not  faile  E2.  may  not  fayle  Lx.  3348.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  also  after  with-oute. 
3e]  we  T2.  wold]  wil  C.  Eg.  gentillesse]  your  gentillesse  E2.  gretnesse  Ba. 
3350.  specifye]  especifie  Bo.  Du. 


Lycurgus  is  told  of  his  Boy's  Death. 

[PT.  III. 

Lycurgus  says 
he'll  give  em 
anything  but 
his  life, 

his  son  and  his 

[loaf  56,  back) 

and  says  the 
King's  son 

has  been  stung 
to  death  by  a 

Quod  lygurgus  /  "  what-euer  thyng1  it*  be, 
Nouhtf  exceptid  /  but*  only  pingges  thre  :  3352 

U  The  first1  is  this  /  if  touche*  naf  my  lif, 
My  jonge  sone,  pleynly,  nor  my  wyf ; 
Take  al  my  good  /  or  what*  je  list1  provyde 
Of  my  tresour  /  and  sette  J>ies  thre  a-syde,  3356 

Al  the  surplus  /  I  count1  nat1  af  a  myte." 

Than  Adrastus  /  astounyd  was  a  lyte 
whan  lygurgus  /  in  conclusions, 

Of  his  sone  /  made  excepciouw.  3360 

And  whilis  they  /  entreten  Jms  yfere, 
Ther  cam  forth  on  /  with  a  wooful  chere, 
Of  face  and  look  /  pal  and  no-thing1  rede, 
A-lowde  crieth  /  "  the  kynges*  sone  is  dede,  3364 

Alias  the  whyl !  /  that*  whilom  was  so  fayr, 
After  lygurgus  /  born  forto  ben  hayr ; 
The  which,  alias !  /  hath  3olden  vp  the  bretn, 
Of  a  Serpent1  /  stonge  to  the  deth"  3368 

And  with  his  woundc*  /  newe*,  fressh  and  grene, 
In  therber  lith  /  that  pite  is  to  seue, 
And  hath  so  leyne  /  almost*  al  this  day ; " 

3351.  what-euer  thyng  Ar.  Ap.  1^.  Ro.  what  bing  euer  Bo.  and  the  rest,  except 
what  thyngo  bat  euer  P.  what  bat  euer  thyng  G.  3352.  exceptid]  except  G.  Ad2. 
I.  Ba.  Lj.  3353.  is  this  it]  is  jmt  L2.  touche  M.  Ap.  touch  Ar.  Ra.  touchith 
Bo.  Du.  Adj.  E].  Lg.  Ro.  3354.  yonge  Ada.  yong  Bo.  M.  om.  0.  nor]  ne  Bo. 
Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  S.  P.  nother  C.  and  Du.  Lo,  Ro.  3355.  ye  Bo.  M. 
you  Adj.  3357.  surplus]  surpluys  To.  surplice  Lb.  remnont  P.  count]  compte 
Eo,  covyte  1^  at]  om.  Di.  I.  C.  T2."  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  3358.  astonyed  M. 
astoneied  Adj.  astoned  T2.  stunyed  Bo.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  was]  not  L.J.  Ro.  3361. 
whilis  Tj.  whiles  Adj.  while  M.  whils  Bo.  whil  Ra.  om.  Du.  entreten  bus 
Ar.  G.  Ro  (entrete).  Ap  (entrete).  bus  entreten  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
Ej.  S.  entretid  thus  L2.  thus  entretiden  Tj.  treten  thus  M.  Di.  trete  thus  Lb.  C. 
T2.  P.  £2.  infeerBo.  3362.  Ther]  om.  Ro.  cam  Bo.  come  M.  Adj.  a]ora.  Lb.  P. 
wooful]  ful  woful  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  rewful  Ba.  sorful  C.  dvedful  To.  3363.  and  look] 
of  loke  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  3364.  A-lowde]  and  a-loude 
Bo.  And  lowde  G.  Lb.  Di.  Adv  Ad2.  I.  C.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  Ap.  crieth]  cried  Ra.  Ba. 
C.  T2.  kynges  M.  Adx.  kynges  Bo.  kyng  Ar.  3366.  forto  ben  Ar.  G.  Tj.  Du. 
Lj.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  Ap.  to  haue  ben  Bo.  forto  have  be  Ba.  to  ben  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  C.  T2.  P.  £3.  Lg.  Ro.  to  Lb.  hayr]  his  heir  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  E2.  3368.  stonge 
Ap.  stong  T2.  E2.  L^.  stongyng  I.  stongen  Bo.  G.  and  the  rest,  to]  vnto  Bo.  TI. 
Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ada.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  T2.  E^  the]  om.  Di.  3369.  wounde  Bo. 
Adj.  wound  Ar.  M.  woundis  Ra.  Ba.  newe  Tj.  Ej.  new  Ar.  M.  Adj.  now  ]5o. 
ncwc  fressh]  fresh  new  Ra.  Ba.  L2.  Ro.  3370.  lith]  om.  T2.  that]  om.  Bo.  Tj. 
Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E!.  S.  pite]  pitous  Ra.  is]  it  is  S.  to]  om.  Du. 
3371.  leyen  Bo.  layn"M.  Adj.  lien  Ba. 

PT.  III.] 

Lycurgus  laments ;  his  Queen  swoons. 


That  whan  lygurgus  /  herde*  this  affray,  3372 

And  wist  his  child  Avas  ded  and  hath  no  mo, 

Lytil  wonder  /  thogh  that1  he  were  wo. 

For  sodeynly  /  the  inportable  smerte 

Kan  anon  /  and  hent1*  hyra  by  the  herte  3376 

That,  for  constreyntt  /  of  his  dedly  peyne, 

Thorgh-oute  he  felte  koruen  euery  veyne. 

The  rage  gan  myne  in  hyra  so  depe 

That*  he  can  not1  but*  sighe*  /  sobbe,  and  wepe.          3380 

And  with  the  noyse  /  and  lamentaciou» 
The  qwen  distrauht1  /  is  descendid  douw. 
And  whan  she  knewe  /  the*  ground  of  al  this  sorowe, 
hit4  neded  *  her  no  teere's  /  forto  borowe  3384 

But1  twenty  tyme  ny*  vpon  a  rowe 
A-swoune  she  fille  /  vnto  J?e  grounds  lowe ; 
And  stounde-mele  *  /  for  this  hegh  meschauwce, 
Stille  as  ston  /  she  lyggeth  in  a  Traunce.  3388 

U  And  whan  the  child?  /  into  the  courte  was  brouht1 
To-fore  lygurgus  /  alias  !  I  wite  hym  nought1, 
Vpon  the  cors  /  with  a  mortal  face, 
he  Fil  atonys  /  and  gan  it  to  embrace,  3392 

weeps  for  his 
sou's  death. 

H  The  aorow  }>at 
)>e  kyng  ligurg-us 
made  for  the  deth 
of  his  child  and 

the  lamenta- 
ciou/i  of  the 

His  queen 


and  lies  in  a 


The  boy's  corpse 

is  brought  in. 

3372.  That]  Than  Ra.  Ba.  AndLb.  L2.  Ro.  But  S.  E2.  herde  Bo.  Adj.  herd-Ar. 
M.  harde  Ej.  T2.  this]al  bis  Adj.  Ad2. 1.  Ra.  S.  of  this  Ba.  affray]  om.  Ba.  3373. 
wist]  wist  than  Tv  hath  Ar.  Ap.  hat  G.  had  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MSS.  3374. 
that]  mn.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  P.  he]  his  hert  S.  were]  was  T2.  Eg.  Ap.  3376. 
hcnte  Lb.  Ad}.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Er  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E.J.  L2.  Ro.  rent  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj. 
Du.  Lr  M.  Di.  Ap.  3379.  myne]  gynne  L^.  gyne  Ro.  in  hym]  on  hym  Lb. 
M.  Di.  0.  T2.  hym  Ra.  3380.  can]  coude  E2.  not]  om.  Ra.  sighe  M.  Adj. 
sigh  Ar.  Bo.  om.  T2.  sobbe]  om.  Ad2.  I.  L2.  sighe  sobbe  and  wepe]  sobbe  sighe 
and  wepe  Lb.  Ba.  P.  E^  sorwe  sighe  and  wepe  C.  3382.  distraulit]  distracte 
Ro.  3383.  And]  om.  L2.  Ro.  the]  mn.  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej. 
C.  T2.  Ap.  sorowe]  sorw  M  (:borw).  3384.  neded  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  E2.  Ap. 
nede  Ar.  Bo.  Ej.  nedeth  Tr  and  the  rest,  her  no]  hir  nat  Adj.  nat  hir  Ad2.  I. 
forto]  to  S.  T2.  3385.  tyme]  tymes  Lv  Ba.  S.  om.  Ad2.  I.  ny  Bo.  Ta.  M. 
nygh  Lj.  nyje  Di.  by  Ar.  G.  Adj.  I.  Ej.  S.  Ap.  be  Ad2.  bi  and  bi  Ra.  Ba.  om. 
Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  a  rowe]  A  throwe  Ro.  3386.  A-swoune]  Aswound 
E2.  vnto]  to  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  vpon  Ba.  grounde  Bo.  M. 
ground  Adj.  erthe  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  Ap.  3387.  stound-mele  Ar.  Adr 
stoundemele  Bo.  stoundemel  M.  3388.  ston]  a  stoon  Di.  Ad.,.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 

lyggeth  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Ap.  lyeth  M.  aiid  the  rest.  3389.  And]  But  E0.  the 
child]  it  Adv  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  this  Ba.  into  the]  into  Bo.  Du.  E2.  the  child 
into  the  courte  was]  into  the  court  it  was  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba  (this),  it  into  the 
court  was  I.  Ex.  into  be  court  was  it  S.  3391.  the]  pat  Lb.  3392.  it]  om.  Ba. 
to  embrace  M.  to  eubrace  Bo.  Adj.  teubrace  Tx. 


Lycurgus's  dead  Son  is  luricd. 

[PT.  III. 

[leaf  57]         Soore  *  Grype  /  and  ageyn  vpsterte ; 

That*  whan  Adrastus  /  gan  this  thyng1  aduerte, 
Of  kyngly  routh  /  and  compassioun 
The  Greeks  weep   From  his  eyen  /  the  teeres  fille  doun  3396 


Ek  kyngges  /  Dukes,  that1  aboute*  stood, 

Only  of  pite  /'  which  is  in  gentyl  blood, 

No  power  hadde  /  the  water  to  restreyn 

That1  on  her  chekes  /  doune  bygan  to  reyn.  3400 

But1  al  a  day  /  wolde*  not1  suffise 
Alle  her  sorowes  /  in  ordre  to  devise, 
First*  of  the  kyng1  /  and  of  the  quene  also  : 
To  tellen  aH  /  I  shulde*  neuer  ha  do,  3404 

Not  in  the  space  /  almost1  of  an  hour. 
But  whan  the  stormes  /  and  J>e  sharpe*  shour 
Of  her  wepyng1  /  was  somwhat1  ouo-goii, 
The  lytil  cors  /  was  grauen  vnder  ston.  3408 

11  And  Adrastus  /  in  )>e  same  tide 
lygurgus  took  /  a  litil  out  aside, 
And  ful  wisely  /  with  his  prudent1  spech", 
The  qwene*  present1  /  gan  hym  forto  tech"  3412 

That*  so  to  sorowe  /  avaylle  may  right1  noght1, 
To  mordre  hym-silf  /  with  his  owne  thouhf, 

3393.  Soore  Lb.  Sore  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Soor  Ar.  to  gripe  Bo.  and  all,  except  Grype 
Ar.  G.  Lj.  Ro.  Ap.  3394.  That]  Than  Ta.  Ad2.  I.  E2.  Ro.  tbyug]  om.  Ba.  Ej. 
gan  this  thyng]  this  thyng  gan  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2  (can).  aduerte]  advart  S 
(:  vpstart).  3395.  kyngly]  kyndly  Di.  knyghtly  Lg.  routhe  Bo.  M.  Adt. 
ruthe  Lg.  3396.  the]  there  Ej.  doun]  a-doun  Du.  Lb.  Di.  I.  C.  T2.  E2. 

3397.  kyngges]  princes  M.  Di.  Dukes]  and  dukes  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  aboute 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  about  Ar.  3398.  of]  for  Ra.  om.  S.  which  Ar.  G.  1^.  Ro.  Ap. 
)>at  Bo.  and  the  rest.  in]  of  Ra.  Ba.  om.  Ap.  3399.  water]  teeres  Lb.  Adj. 
Adg.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  restreyn]  constreyne  1^.  3400.  her] 
om.  Bo.  bygan]  gan  Adv  Ad2.  I.  Ex.  S.  Ra.  Ba  (can),  to]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  3401. 
aday  Ar.  the  day  Ra.  Ba.  wolde  Bo.  wold  Ar.  M.  Adj.  wyll  L-j.  3403. 
second  of]  om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  Ap.  kyng  .  quene]  quene  . 
kyngesRo.  3404.  tellen]  telleLb.  P.  S.  Ro  (tele),  shulde  Bo.  shuld  Ar.  shold 
M.  Adj.  taAr.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  haue  a  Di.  haue  JBo.  and  the  rest.  3406.  sharpe  Bo. 
sharp  Ar.  M.  Adj.  teary  E2.  om.  Ra.  Ba.  3407  to  3590  lost  in  Ro.  3407. 
in  Ar.  before  ouergon  is  written  fo,  underdotted.  3408.  graueii]  om.  Ad.2.  I. 
vnderston  Ar.  ston]  a  ston  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3409  to  the  end  of  the  poem  lost  in  Ap. 
3410.  a  litil]  a  lite  Bo.  Du.  M.  Di.  om.  Lx.  a  litil  out]  oute  a  litil  C.  3412.  qwen 
Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  gan]  thus  gan  C.  forto]  to  C.  om.  S.  3413.  so]  om.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  3414  in  Adj.  is  omitted  at  its  right  place  and  stands  at  the  bottom  of  col.  2 
of  leaf  25,  front ;  in  the  original  of  Ad2.  and  I.  it  has  been  replaced  by  a  new  line 
composed  to  rhyme  ^vith  3413,  viz.  But  best  remedie  /  to  put  it  out  of  thouht. 
3414.  hym-silf]  them -self  S.  with]  in  Ra.  S. 

I  should  never 
have  done,  if  I 
tried  to  describe 
their  sorrow. 

The  boy  is 

Adrastus  re- 
minds Lycurgus 
and  his  wife 

PT.  in.]     Adrastus  reminds  Lycurgus  that  all  folk  must  die.      141 

Sith  loos  of  cleth  /  no  man  may  recure 

Thogh  he  in  woo  /  pe?'petuelly  endure  ;  3416 

Al  helpeth  nat1  /  whan  the  soule  is  go. 

"And  our  lif  her,  who  taketh*  hed  ther-to, 

Is  but1  an  exile  /  and  a  pilgrymage, 

Ful  of  torment1  /  and  of  hitter  Eage,  3420 

Lieh"  a  See  •  rennyng  to  and  fro, 

Swyng  an  ebbe  /  whan  the  flood  is  do, 

Lytil  space  abidyng*  at1  the  fulle  : 

Of  whos  soiour  /  the  pope  ^euej)  no  hulle.  3424 

For*  kyng<  is  non,  nor*  duk,  nor  Emperour, 

That1  may  hym  shroude  /  ageyn  be  fatal  shour 

Of  cruel  deth  /  whan  hym  list1  manace 

To  marke  a  man  with  his  mortal  mace.  3428 

Than  geyneb  nat1  to  his  sauaciouw 

Neyther  Fraunchyse  /  nor  protecciouw, 

And  lit1  /  or  noghf  /  may  helpen  in  this  caas 

Sauffecondit1  /  or  Supersedyas.  3432 

For  in  this  world!  /  who  so  look  a-right1, 

Is  non  so  gret1  /  of  power  nor  of  myght1, 

Noon  so  riche  /  shortly/  nor  so  bold 

But*  he' mot1  dey  /  outher*  3ong)  or  old.  3436 

And  who  in  ^outhe*  /  passeth  bis  passage, 

he  is  eskaped  /  al  the  woode*  Eage, 

Al  sorowe  and  trouble  /  of  this  present1  lyff, 

•f  Ageynes  deth 
may  be  no  recur, 
that  our  life 
is  but  a  pil- 
grimage ; 

[leaf  57,  back] 

that  no  one  can 
avoid  death : 

all  must  die : 

and  those  who 
die  young 
are  saved  from 

3415.  Sith]  Sayth  La.  Such  Ra.  Sith  loos  of  deth]  Ayenst  dethe  Lb.  C.  T2.  P. 
E2.  no  man  may]  may  be  no  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  recure]  recover  P  (:  endure). 
3418.  who]  whos  C.  who  so  P.  thus  E2.  taketh]  take  Ar.  G.  T2.  P.  3422. 
do]  go  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  3423.  the  copyist  of  Ar.  first  wrote 
falle,  but  underdotted  it,  and  added  fulle.  3424.  in  Tt.  pope  yeueth  no  bulle  has 
been  erased  ;  the  words  are,  however,  still  legible.  3425.  For  Lb.  Ad2.  P.  E2.  Nor 
Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest,  except  ne  T2.  is  non]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ba. 
S.  non]  om.  M.  Adj.  Ej.  nor  duk]  duk  Ar.  G.  L:.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  C.  T2.  P.  E2. 1^. 
ne  duk  S.  no  Duk  Ra.  nor  Emperour]  ne  Emperoure  Lj.  Lb.  Ej.  P.  E2.  \22. 
3426.  That]  om.  Ad2.  I.  hym]  om.  Adj.  may  hym  shroude]  hym  may  shroude 
L2.  May  nat  shroude  Ad2.  I.  ]>e]  hat  L\.  Di.  his  Lb.  C.  T&  P.  £3.  om.  Ra.  Ha. 
shour]  houre  Lx.  our  L2.  3429.  sauacioun]  saluacioun  Du.  E2.  3432. 

Saufcondit  Adj.  saufconduyt  Bo.  Saff-condite  Lb.  Saue-conduyte  ET.  either 
saufconduyt  M.  Di  (saufcondit).  3433. whos  luketh  Bo.  who  lokith  M.  Adj. 
3436.  But  Lj.  But  that  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  S.  P.  That  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest,  he]  om. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  mot]  most  Lj.  Lb.  Ex.  S.  P.  E2.  1^.  oyther  Ar.  eyther  Bo.  M. 
other  Adj.  outher  C.  3437.  Jouth  Ar.  Bo.  "  3438.  wode  Bo.  M.  wood  Ar.  Adj. 

So  Lycurgps 
and  his  wife 
should  take  in 
patience  what 
the  Gods  send. 

Adrastus  then 
begs  mercy  for 

[leaf  58] 

•who  has  not 



142  Adrastus  begs  Lycurgus  to  forgive  Ipsiphyle.        [PT.  in. 

Repleneshiid  *  with  contek  /  werre  and  stryff,  3440 

which  seeld  or  neuere  /  stonfr  in  Suerte. 

"\Yher-for  best1  is,  as  semeth  vnto  me, 

No  man  gruche*  /  but,  of  hegh  prudence, 

The  sonde  of  goddis  /  tak  in  pacience.  3444 

And  30  that  ben  so  wis  /  and  manly  to, 

^oure-silf  to  drowne  in  torment1  and  in  woo 

For  loos  of  thyng1  /  jif  *  that  30  list  to  se, 

which  in  no  wise  may  recured  be,  3448 

Is  grett  foly  and  vndiscrecciouw." 

And  thus  Adrastus  /  hath  conveyed  doun 
The  substaunce  hool  /  of  that1  he  wolde  seye  : 
Til  that  he  fond  /  a  tyme  forto  preye  3452 

Conuenyentt  /  for  ysyphilee, 
Bysechyng  hym  forto  han  pite 
Of  J>att  she  hath  offended  his  highnesse, 
Not1  wilfully  /  but1  of  reklesnesse  :  3456 

First1  J>af  he  wold*  /  his  doorues  so  *  dy  vide, 
Mercy  preferre  /  and  sette  *  right1  a-side, 
At  the*  request1  and  preier  of  hem  alle, 
Of  this  vnhappe  /  and  meschief  that"  is  falle  3460 

3440.  Kepleneshed]  Repleveahed  Ar.  G.  repleuessed  Bo.  Repleuisshed  C.  Re- 
pleuysshed  or  Replenysshed  M.  Di.  Adj.  T2.  Replesshed  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  replenshed 
Tj.  Replenyshed  Du.  Lb.  and  the  rest.  3441.  suerte  Bo.  M.  surte  Adj. 

3442.  as]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  semeth]  it  semeth  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E^.  vnto]  to  M. 
C.  om.  Lb.  Di.  S.  T2.  P.  E2.  3443.  grucche  Bo.  M.  Adj.  grucch  Ar.  gnige 
S.  grugge  L^.  to  grucche  T2.  hegh]  his  S.  L^.  3444.  sonde]  wyll  S.  goddis 
Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  god  Bo.  and  the  other  MSS.  of  goddis  tak]  or  god  he  take  E2.  tak] 
take  yt  1^.  3446.  Jour-silf  Ar.  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  youre  lyf  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
torment]  tornament  L:.  tournement  Ej.  your-self  to  tunnent  in  anguysh  and  in  wo 
1^.  3446  and  3447  om.  in  Ra.  and  Ba. ;  in  Ra.  3445  reads :  And  ye  that  been  so  wis 
and  manli  to  se,  and  is  followed  by  3448  :  Sith  in  no  wise  recouered  it  may  be  ;  in  Ba., 
between  3444  and  3450  are  three  lines,  viz. :  Sith  in  noo  wise  recoverd  it  may  bee  And 
ye  that  bei?  so  wise  and  so  manlie  to  see  Itt  is  grete  perell  foly  and  one  destruccioun. 
3447.  Jif  that  (in  no  MS. )]  that  Ar.  G.  Ex.  S.  if  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  C.  J»t  yf  Adj. 
Ad2. 1.  and  Lb.  T2.  P.  £3.  1^.  om.  Lj.  to]  om.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  3448.  which]  That 
C.  T.J.  P.  E2.  recured]  recouerid  Ad2. 1.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  L^.  may  recured]  recured  may 
Adj.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  recouerid  may  Ad2.  I.  3449.  Is]  It  is  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lr  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Adg.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  3453.  for]  for  faire  M.  Di.  T2.  for  worthi  Ra.  Ba. 
3455.  }>at]  what  Ba.  offended]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  La.  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  his]  om.  Ra. 
this  S.  highnesse]  hevenesse  S.  3456.  reklesnesse  Bo.  M.  rekelsnesse  Adj. 
3457.  so]  to  Ar.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ev  S.  om.  Ra.  Ba.  dyvide]  devoide  (:  aside)  I.  Ba. 
deuoiid  Ra.  3458.  sette  Adj.  M.  set  Ar.  Bo.  3459.  At  )>e  Du.  Lj.  P.  1^. 
Atte  Bo.  Tj.  Adj.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  C.  At  Ar.  and  the  rest.  3460.  that  is]  so  Ra.  Ba. 
falle]  befalle  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  Lx.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2. 

FT.  III.] 

The  Serpent  or  Ipsiphyle  must  be  kild. 


Ey  hasty  Rigour  /  nat1  to  do  vengeaurcce, 
But1  thynk  aforn  /  in  his  purvyauwce, 
who  to  wreches  /  doth  mercy  /  in  her  drede, 
Shal  mercy  fynde  /  whan  he  hath  most1  nede  : 
And  sith  he  hatli  power,  myght1,  and  space, 
Lat  hym  tak  this  lady  /  to  his  grace, 
For  lak  of  routhe*  /  that1  she  nat1  ne  dye. 
U  But1  tho  the  quene  /  gan  agayn  replye 
And  platly  seide  /  as  in  this  matere, 
Avayleth  not1  requeste  /  nor  preyere, 
Pyte,  Mercy  /  nor  remyssyouw, 
But1  jif  if  be  /  by  this  condiciourc 
That1  the  serpent1,  cause  of  al  ])is  sorowe, 
Thorgh  her  labour  /  lay  his  hed  to  borowe. 
This  is  fynal  /  and  vtter  recompense 
To  fynde  grace'  /  for  her  gret1  offence, 
Or  ellis  Shortly  /  sheede*  blood  for  blood. 

And  whan  Grekys  her  answer  vnderstood, 
Al  of  accord  /  in  her  beste  wise, 
Took  on  hem  /  this  auenturous  emprise, 
For  loue  only  /  of  Ysyphylee ; 
And  gan  to  ryde  /  envyron  ]>e  contre, 
By  hille's,  vales  /  Roches,  and  ek  Caue's, 

He  who  does 
mercy,  shall 
3464    find  nierey. 

Let  Ipsiphyle 
be  forgiven. 

3468    UHowthequen 

wil  algate  han 
|'C  Berpent  dede. 




But  the  Queen 

either  the  ser- 
pent or  Ipsiphyle 
must  die. 

The  Greeks 
hunt  for  the 

[leaf  58,  back] 

3461.  nat]  and  nat  Adj.  Ad-j.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S  vengeaunce]  no  vengaunce  M. 
Di.  3465.  sith]  syn  Ra.  he  hath]  ye  haue  Ra.  Ba.  myght]  and  myght  Ra. 
3466.  Lat  hym  tak]  That  ye  will  tak  Lv  Receyveth  Ra.  Ba.  to]  vnto  Bo.  Tx. 
Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  T2.  into  ELj.  his]  youre  Ra.  Ba.  om. 
Lx.  Ad2.  I.  3467.  routhe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  routh  Ar.  natJnovAdj.  now  Ad2. 1.  fc>. 
nat  ne]  now  nat  Ra.  ne]  om.  Bo.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  1^.  she  nat  ne]  ne  nat  thus  E2. 
3468.  tho]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  3470.  request  Bo.  M.  Adj.  nor  Ad^  ne  Bo.  M. 
3471.  nor  M.  ne  Bo.  neither  Adj.  3473.  That]  But  'Jo.  Tj.  Du.  L^  M. 
Di.  S.  But  if  Ej.  the]  this  1^.  bis]  om.  Lb.  C.  P.  3474.  Thorgh]  For  Ad,. 
Ad0.  I.  her  Ar.  Ra.  L2.  their  Ba.  his  Bo.  and  the  rest,  lay]  leyde  Ad2.  I. 
347"5.  fynal]  finaly  Bo.  Du.,Ra.  the  final  Di.  vtter]  the  vtter  M.  Di.  3476. 
her]  his  Bo.  Du.  3477.  ellis]  els  L^.  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lx.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad,j.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  Shortly]  sothly  Tj.  sheed  Ar.  shede  Bo.  M.  Ad^  shedde  P. 
first  bloood  Ar.  3478.  And]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  Grekys]  J>e  Grekes  Bo.  Tj.  \.  M.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ej.  S.  her]  this  Ra.  her  answer]  this  Adj.  Ad^.  I.  3479.  Al]  om.  Lb. 
C.  T2.  P.  E2.  accord  (Ar.  G.  La.  L2.)]  oon  accorde  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3480. 
auenturous]  auentures  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  L^.  aventours  Ad2. 
I.  3481.  loue]  the  loue  T2.  of]  of  this  Ra.  Ba.  3482.  gan  Bo.  gon  M. 
Ad,.  3483.  vales]  valeys  C.  vayles  T2.  vales  Roches]  roches  vales  Adj.  Ad.2.  I. 
ek]  om.  E2. 

144         The  Serpent  is  shot,  and  Ipsiphyle  is  forgiven.     [PT.  in. 

If  How  partho- 
nolope  saugh  jie 
finds  it, 

In  dychis  dirk1  /  and  in  olde  gravis,  3484 

By  euery  cooste  /  cerchyng1  vp  and  doun  : 

Til  af  the  last1  /  ful  famous  of  renoiw, 

The  worthy  knyghf  /  parthonolope 

was  the  first1  /  that1  happed  for  *  to  Se  3488 

This  hydous  Serpent1  /  by  a  Eyver-side, 

Grett  and  horrible  /  stern  and  ful  of  pride, 

Vndere  a  Rocche  *  /  by  a  banke  lowe ; 

And  in  al  hast1  /  he  bentf  a  sturdy  bowe,  3492 

And  ther-In  sette  an  arowe*  fyle'd  kene, 

And  thorgh  the  body  /  spotted  blew  and  grene, 

Ful  myghtily  he  made  if  forto  Glyde, 

Henf*  out*  a  swerde  /  hongyng1  be  his  syde,  3496 

Smoof  of  his  hede  /  and  anon  it  hent 

And  ther-with-al  gan  the  Quene  present1, 

wherthorgh  her  sorowe  parcel  gan  aswage. 

And  thus,  of  prowesse  /  and  of  hegh  corage,  3500 

This  manly  man  /  parthonolope 
hath  reconciled  faire  Isyphilee 
Vnto  grace'  /  fully  of  fe  Quene, 

Hir*  Ire  avoided*  /  and  her  olde  tene.  3504 

And  by  Adrastus  mediacioun, 
Kyng  lygurgus  /  graunted  a  pardouw 
To  this  lady,  that1  from  al  daunger  fre, 
She  was  restored  to  her  liberte,  3508 

3484.  dirk  Ad?.  derke  Bo.  derk  M.  3486.  atte  last  Bo.  Adj.  at  last  M. 
3487.  knyght]  king  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3488.  happed]  happonde  Lb.  happenyde  P. 
for  to  Lb.  C.  T2.  E2.  to  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3491.  roche  Bo.  M.  Rocch  Ar. 
roch  Adj.  banke  Bo.  bank  M.  Adj.  3492.  al]  al  the  Ad^  I.  bent]  hente  Di. 
Ba.  Ej.  C.  T2.  1*3.  3493.  a  narowe  Ar.  3496.  The  line  begins  with  And  in  all  the 
MSS.  except  Ar.  G.  1^.  Hent  out]  Rent  out  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  'Du.  Lr  Ex.  1^.  3499. 
her  sorowe]  om.  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  parcel]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  gan]  she 
gan  E2.  aswage]  tasswage  E2.  to  aswage  Lb.  Ra.  P.  to  swage  C.  T2.  3500. 
and  of]  and  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.  C.  3501.  parthonolope]  this  prothonolope  C. 
this  Parthonolope  T2.  E2.  3504.  avoided  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  L2. 
avoiden  Ar.  G.  Adt.  auoyed  EI.  voyded  Lb.  C.  T2.  E2.  voyde  P.  olde]  om.  G.  Ra. 
Ba.  3f«04  in  Ad3.  is  omitted  at  its  right  place,  and  stands  at  the  bottom  of  the 
second  column  of  thcpage,  after  I.  3522  ;  in  Ad2.  and  I.  it  has  been  replaced  by  a  new 
line,  to  rhyme  with  3503,  viz.  Off'  the  offence  /  of  hir  pardouned  to  bene.  3507. 
that]  om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  daunger]  damag  S.  in  Ba.  I.  3507,  which 
is  the  bottom  line  of  leaf  38  bade,  stops  at  To  this  ladie  th  ;  after  th  a  few 
letters  seem  to  be  erased,  but  most  of  the  latter  half  of  3507  has  never  been 
written,  the  vellum  being  quite  untrnvhed  here. 

shoots  it, 

cuts  off  its  head, 
gives  it  to  the 

and  reconciles 
Ipsiphyle  to  her. 

Adrastns  par- 
dons Ipsiphyle, 

PT.  in.]  Lycurgus  was  King  of  Thrace  and  friend  to  Falamon.  145 

In  his  paleys  /  al  her  lif  to  dwelle. 

Thogh  lohn  Bochas  /  be  co?itrarie  telle  : 

For  this  autowr  affermej)  /,  out1  of  dred 

That1,  whan  this  child  /  was  by  the  serpent  ded,         3512 

She  durste  not1  /  for  her  gret1  offence 

!Neuer  after  comen  in  presence 

Of  lygurgus  /,  but1  of  intenciouw 

Fledde  anon  /  out1  of  that1  Kegiowz ;  3516 

Att1  herte  she  took  /  the  childes  deth  so  sore. 

what1  fille  of  hir  *  /  I  fynde  *  can  no  more 

Than  36  han  herd1  /  aforn  me  specifye. 

And  the  kyngdain  /  but1  jif  bookys  lye,  3520 

Of  lygurgus  /  was  ycalled  Trace. 
And,  as  I  rede  in  an  other  place, 
He  was  be  same  myghty  Champiouw, 
To  Athenes  /  that1  kani  with  Palamomz  3524 

Ageyne  his  brother  /  that1  called  was  arcyte, 
Lad  in  his  chaar  /  with  foure*  boolys  whyte, 
Vpon  his  hed  /  a  wreth  of  gold1  ful  fyn. 
And  I  fynd  ek1  /  how  bachus,  god  of  wyii,  3528 

with  this  kyng1  /  was  whilom  at  debat1, 
Only  for  he  /  pompous  and  Elaf , 
Destruccioun  /  dide*  to  his  vynys, 

tho'  Boccaccio 
saya  she  never 

[leaf  59] 
dared  face  Ly- 

but  fled  from 

*|  "Sotn  de  Li- 
gurgo  Rege 

Lycurgus  came 

to  Athens  with 

Palamon  against 


(See  Chaucer's 

Knight's  Tale.) 

•|  Bachus  decs 

As  he  destroyd 
Bacchus's  vines, 

3509.  his]  hir  Bo.  Tj.  Lv  M.  Di.  Ad1;  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  >is  G.  3510. 
lohn  Bochas  be  contrarie]  the  contrarie  lolm  Bokas  Ba.  telle]  do  telle  Ad2.  I- 
3511.  a  pause-bar  -in  Ar.  also  before  affermed.  3512.  this]  the  Lb.  Di.  Ba.  C.  T2. 
P.  E2.  L<2.  was  by  the  serpent]  bi  the  serpent  was  Adj.  (this  serpent  Ad2.  I.)  Ra. 
(with  the  Ba.)  S.  ded]  om.  M.  3514.  comen  Ar.  to  come'M.  Di.  Adj.  S.  come 
Bo.  and  the  rest,  in]  into  the  Ra.  Ba.  to  the  Ad2.  I.  8515.  intencioun]  pitous 
intencioun  Ra.  Ba.  3517  and  3518  transposed  in  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3518.  hur  Ar. 
fynde  Bo.  M.  Adi.  fynd  Ar.  fynde  can]  can  tell  Ba.  3519.  Than]  But  that 
Ra.  Ba.  herd]  hard  T2.  aforn  me]  me  aforn  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  LT.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2. 
I.  Ex.  S.  P.  Lg.  me  to-fore  G.  han  herd  aforn]  before  haue  herd  Ra.  Ba.  specifye] 
especefie  Tj.  Du.  to  specifye  S.  3520.  but]  om.  P.  jif]  om.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lr  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  lye]  do  nat  lye  P.  3521.  ycalled  Ar.  G.  Adx.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  Ej.  L^.  called  Bo.  and  the  rest.  was  ycalled]  called  was  Lb.  T2.  E2.  that 
called  was  P.  3524.  To  Athenes  that]  bat  to  Attens  S.  kam]  wente  Adi.  Ad2. 
I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  3526.  Lad]  Mad  Lb.  T.,.  P.  Yled  E0.  And  Di.  I.  foure  Lv 
four  Ar.  ;  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Ad^  C.  P.  E2.  have  IIII.  ;  T2.  has  II.  3529. 
was  whilom]  whilom  was  Adr  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  at  debat]  at  bate  Lb.  at  be  bate 
Lx.  3531.  dide  Tj.  M.  dede  Lb.  Adj.  did  Ar.  Bo.  vnto  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  T2. 
to  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest. 


146  Boccaccio  next  to  Petrarch.   Adrastus  leaves  Lycurgus.  [PT.  III. 
and  put  water      And  for  he  first1  /  sett1  allay  on  wynys,  3532 

in  winCj 

Meynte  water  /  whan  they  were  to  strong1, 
the  God  broke      And  this  Bachus  /  for  the  grete  wron£? 

his  limbs 

anddrowndhim.   Brak  his  lymys  /  and  dreynt1  hym  in  ]>e  See. 

Of  lygurgus  /  $e  gete  no  more  of  me.  3536 

H  But1  the  trouth  /  jif  30  lyst1  verryfie, 

Rede  of  goddes  /  the  Genologye, 

lynealy  /  her  kynrede  be  degrees, 

I-braunched  out1  /  vpon  twelue  trees, ,  3540 

Mad  by  Bochas  /  decertaldo  called, 

Among1  Poetys  /  in  ytaille  stalled, 

Next1  Fraunceys  Petrak  /  swyng1  in  certeyn. 

Now  vnto  Grekys  /  I  wil  retourne  ageyn,  3544 

To  telle  forth  shortly,  $if  I  konne, 
Of  her  Iourn&  /  that1  they  haue  *  begonne  : 
how  Adrastus  /  hath  his  lieve*  take 
Of  ligurgus  /  with  his  browe's  blake ;  3548 

And  departyng,  with  seynt1  Ioh"n  to  borowe, 
Mad  his  wardes  /  on  the  nexte  morowe 
So  wel  beseyn  /  so  inyghty,  and  so  strong, 
Wonder  eiiy  /  whan  fe  larke*  song1,  3552 

With  a  trompet1  /  warned  euery  man 
To  be  redy  /  in  al  the  hast1  they  kan, 
Forto  reniwe  /  and  no  letting1  make. 

IF  Nota  de  xii 
arboribi(.t  in  libro 
Bochacii  de 
See  Boccaccio 
on  the  Genealogy 
of  the  Gods. 

He  was  next  poet 
to  Petrarch. 

[leaf  59,  back] 

Adrastus  takes 
leave  of  Ly- 

3532.  sett]  oin.  C.  allay]  alaies  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  Alies  Ad2.  I.  sett  allay]  allay 
sette  Ej.  allayes  sett  Ea.  Ba.  on]  in  Bo.  S.  1^.  of  G.  3533.  Meynte  M. 
Ad!.  Meynt  Bo.  water]  with  water  E2.  whan  Ar.  G.  Lb  (when).  C.  T2.  P.  E^. 
Lg  (when).  bere  Bo.  where  TI.  and  the,  rest-.  to]  so  La.  Di.  Ea.  om.  Ba. 
3534.  this]  thus  Lb.  S.  .p.  Bachns  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ada.  Bacus  Tj.  bakes  Lb. 
Bochas  E2.  the  gretc]  giete  Ra.  Ba.  bat  stronge  M.  Di.  3535.  lymys  M. 
lymes  Bo.  limes  Adi.  iemes  S.  dreynt]  drouned  C.  3537.  verrylie]  to 
verrifie  Bo.  Du.  Adj.  to  specific  Ad2.  I.  3538.  Rede  Bo.  M.  redith  Adj. 
goddes]  the  goddes  Ad2.  I.  of  goddes  the]  the  goddes  of  Ba.  genoologye  Adj. 
genalogye  Bo.  Geuealogie  M.  genelagye  Di.  Genelogie  Ad2.  geneologie  S. 
3540.  vpon]  on  Ra.  of  Ba.  'XII 'Bo.  twelfAdj.  3541.  decertaldo  Ar.  Bo. 
M.  Adi.  Decertalde  Ra.  Ba.  de  cretaldo  I.  3542.  Itaille  Bo.  Italye  M.  Adj. 
3545.  forth  shortly]  shortly  forth  Adj.  3547.  lief  Ar.  leeue  Bo.  leue  M.  Adj. 
G.  take]  itake  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  I.  3549.  departyng]  departed  Ra.  Ba.  lohn 
Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ion  C.  lohan  E.-,.  borowe  Bo.  borw  M.  Adj.  3550. 

omitted  in  Ba.          3551.  myghty]  my^tely   Di.          3552.  larke  Bo.   Adj.     lark 
Ar.    M.  3553.    warned]  warue  Ad3.  Ad2.    I.          3554.  they]  he  Adr  Ad2. 

I.  Ba.         3555.  remue  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

PT.  ill.]   The  Greeks  besiege  Thebes.     The  Thebans  watch  them.    147 

to  Thebes, 

and  pitch  their 

The  Thebaus 

And  so  they  han  /  the  righte  way  I-take  3556   Adrastus  and 

his  Greeks  march 

Touardf  Thebes  /  the  grekiis  euerychon, 

That1  such  a  nombre  /  gadred  into  on, 

Of  worthy  knyghtes  neuere  aforn  was  seyn, 

whan  they  in  fere  /  monstred  in  a  pleyn.  3560 

And  they  ne  styntf  by  non  occasiou/i 

Til  they  be  come  euen  a-for  the  toura, 

And  pighf  her  tentys  /  proudly,  as  I  rede, 

Vnder  the  wallys  /  in  a  grene*  mede.  3564 

IT  And  whan  the  *  thebans  /  were  besette  aboute, 

The  manly  knyghtes  /  wold  han*  yssyd  oute 

And  haue*  scarmosshed  /  in  her  lusty  pride, 

With  her  foomen  /  on  the  toper  side.  3568 

But1  be  byddyng1  /  of  Ethiocles 

Alle  J>ilke*  nyght  /  fei  kepte  hem-silf  in  pes, 

Be  cause  only  /  that1  it  was  so  late, 

With  gret1  awayt1  /  set  at*  euery  gate,  3572 

Men  of  Armys  /  al  the  nyght1  wakyng1 

On  the  wallys  /  be  byddyng1  of  be  kyng, 

Lest1  per  were  /  treynys  or  tresourc. 

And  on  the  tours  /  and  in  the  Chief  Dongouw  3576 

he  sette  vp  men  /  to  make  mortal  sowns 

with  brasyn  hornys  /  and  loude  Clarions, 

Of  ful  entent1  /  ]>e  wacches  forto  kepe, 

In  his  warde  /  that1  no  man  ne  slepe.  3580 

And  Grekys  proudly  /  al  be  longe  nyght1 

kyndled*  fyrys  /  and  maad  ful  gret  lyght1,  The  Greeks 

3556.  right  Bo.  M.  Adj.  way  Bo.  M.  Adj.  weye  Di.  om.  Lb.  I-take  Ar. 
Lb.  L,.  take  Bo.  mid  the  oilier  MSS.  3560.  in  fere]  yfere  C.  T^  to-gidre  Ra. 
Ba.  monstred  Bo.  mostred  M.  monstred]  mostren  LI.  Adj.  moustren  Ad.2. 
I.  Ej.  mustren  Ra.  were  moustred  E.2.  to  mustre  S.  in]  on  Lj.  Adx.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  P.  3564.  a]  the  M.  Di.  grene  Bo.  M.  Adi.  gren  Ar.  grete  Du. 
3565.  whan]  whan  bat  Bo.  om.  Lj.  the  Thebans]  Thebans  Ar.  L2.  besette]  sett 
all  S.  3566.  hau  Bo.  Adj.  an  Ar.  haue  M.  "  3567.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adx.  ha 
Ar.  scarmysshed  Bo.  Adj.  scarmesshed  M.  scyrmysshed  Ad2.  Lg.  lusty]  hasty 
Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  L2.  3568.  bat  othre  Bo.  M.  Adx.  3570.  jrilke  Bo.  bilk  Ar. 
M.  Adv  3571  aiid  3572  are  transposed  in  Adi.  Ad2.  I.  3576.  on]  in  M.  Di. 
Ad2. 1.  C.  in]  on  Ba.  om.  Lb.  Ra.  S.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  P  (om.  the).  3577.  to]  ta  Ar. 
3578.  brasen  Bo.  3580.  ne]  om.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  ;  in  Adj.  ne  is  written,  but  it  has 
been  underdotted  with  black  ink  and  crossed  with  red,  ink  ( ~  the  rubric  ink).  3581. 
long  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3582.  kyndled]  kyndle  Ar/  kyndly  ^.  fyrys]  fuyre  Lb. 
ful]  om.  S. 

keep  quiet, 

but  watch  at 
the  gates, 
[leaf  60] 

and  blow  horns 

to  keep  the 
watchers  awake. 

148  The  Greeks  ravage  the  Country  round  Thebes.     [PT.  in. 

lie  all  round 

U  The  Forey  bat 
f>e  Grekis  made 
in  be  centre 
about  Thebes. 

The  Greeks 
plunder  the 
Tlii 'bun  land, 

kill  all  the  game, 

and  collect  all 
the  fodder. 

Sctte  vp  loggyng1  /  vpon  euery  Syde 

lik  as  they  sliuld  /  euer  ther  abyde,  3584 

Coinpas  the  toune  /  ther  was  no  voide  space 

But1  al  besette  /  her  foomen  to  mauace. 

And  whilys  they  afor  Jje  Cit6  laye, 

On  eue?y  cost4  /  they  sent1  out1  to  forraye,  3588 

Brent«  townes  /  thorpes  and  vilages, 
with  grete  ravyn  makyng1  theyr  pillages, 
Spoyle  /  and  robbe  /  and  brou^te*  hom  vitaille 
And  al  maner  soortes  /  of  bestaylle,  3592 

Shop  /  and  neett  /  and  in  her  cruel  rage 
with  houndes  slowe  /  al  that*  was  sauage. 
Hertt  and  hynde*  /  bothe  buk  and  doo, 
The  blake*  beer  /  and  J>e  wilde  Eoo,  3596 

The  fatte  swyn  /  and  be  tusshy*  boor, 
Karying1  al  hom  /  for  the  greke's  stoor, 
whete  and  wyn  /  for  her  auawntage, 
Hay  and  Otys  /  fodder  /  and  forage.  3600 

With  J>is  kalendis  /  as  hem  thynke  *  dwe, 
Grekys  gan  /  the  thebans  to  Salwe, 

3583.  loggyng]  loggynges  Du.  8584.  shulde  Bo.  shuld  M.  Ad^  8585. 
space]  place  M.  Di.  3587.  whiles  M.  Adj.  whils  Bo.  aforn  Bo.  M.  be- 
fore Ad^  tofore  Ej.  3588.  On]  In  Bo.  Lj.  Di.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  S.  And  C. 
sent]  sett  Ra.  Ba.  S.  settyn  L2.  out  to]  out  to  the  Ej.  vn-to  the  P.  a  S. 
in  Ar.  after  out  is  tho,  underdotted;  to  is  written  above  the  line,  with  the  usual 
mark  of  insertion.  8589.  Brent  Bo.  M.  Adx.  Brynd  S.  thorpes  Bo.  M. 

Adj.  throppes  Du.  thruhuppis  Ad2.  thruhupys  I.  3590.  ravyn  Ar.  G.  Bo. 
Du.  M.  Adj.  C.  raven  Lb.  raveyn  Tx.  Di.  Ra.  T2.  ravyne  Ej.  raveyne  Lj.  I^. 
ravenne  P.  rauing  E.2-  theyr  Ar.  her  Bo.  M.  Adj.  om.  Lj.  3591.  first  and] 
om.  Ro.  Spoyle  and  robbe]  Spoylid  and  robbed  P.  Spoyll  and  robery  S. 
broughte  Adj.  brought  Ar.  Bo.  M.  hom]  hem  Bo.  Du.  Ad2.  I.  them  S. 
3592.  soortes  Bo.  Tj.  Ra.  sortes  Du.  M.  Adj.  £3.  stoore  Lb.  P.  bestaylle]  bestial  1 
Ba.  in  P.  3592  reads :  And  all  maner  store,  to  strength  be  batayle.  3593.  Ar. 
has  a  bar  also  between  and  and  neet.  her]  om.  Bo.  3594.  with  houndes 
Woundes  Lj.  .witA  woundes  Lb.  slowen  C.  slowe  Ar.  Bo.  slow  M.  Adj. 
slough  Du.  Lj.  sfleughe  Ro.  slayne  Lb.  To.  P.  E2.  3595.  hynde]  ynde  Ar. 
buk  Bo.  M.  bookke  Adj.  3596.  blake  Bo.  Adj.  blak  Ar.  M.  wilde  Bo. 
wild  M.  Adj.  3597.  fatte  Adj.  fat  Bo.  M.  tusshy  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Adj. 
Ra.  Lg.  Ro.  tussky  Ad2.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  tuskyd  Lb.  trusshy  Ar.  G.  tussy  I. 
3598.  Karying]  Bryngenge  Ro.  L^  hom]  hem  Bo.  3601.  this  Bo.  these  M. 
Adj.  be  Lj.  E2.  hem]  theim  Ba.  S.  Ro.  bey  Lj.  Lb.  Ada.  ?•  thynke]  thynk 
Ar.  Ej.  ]>inke  Lr  Adv  Ad2.  I.  thenke  Bo.  Tj.  Di.  S.  thenk  Du.  M.  them  G. 
thought  Lb.  and  the  rest.  3602.  Grekys  Ar.  G.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ad0.  I.  Ra. 
Ba.  Ej.  S.  Lj.  Ro.  pe  Grekes  Be.  Lb.  Adj.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  gan]  om.  Bo.  konne  M. 
come  Di.  the  thebans]  thebaus  Ta.  to]  om.  G.  Adj.  I.  C.  E2. 

PT.  in.]  Different  opinions  on  the  War  raisd  among  the  Thebans.  149 

Mynistring1  hem  /  occisiones*  felle, 
]3e  sege  sette  /,  shortly  forto  telle, 
Of  ful  entent1  /  in  their  hatful  pryde, 
For  lif  or  deth  /  ther-vpon  tabide, 
who  so  euer  /  ther-with  be  a-greued, 
Til  they  fully  /  her  pz^rpoos  haue  acheued  ; 
Ther  may  therof  /  be  make'd  no  releee. 
And  of  al*  this  /  ful  war  /  Ethiocles 
Gan  in  party  /  gretly  to*  mervaille 
whan  that*  he  saugh  /  fe  grete  apparaylle 
Of  the  Grekes  /  ])e  Cite  rounde  aboute ; 
And  in  hym-silf  hadde  a  maner  doute, 
Now  at1  the  poynt  /  what*  was  best1  to  do. 
For  thilke*  tyme  /  it1  stood  with  hym  so 
That1  to  some  abidyng*  in  J)e  tou/i 
he  hadde  in  herte  /  gret1  suspecioun 
list1  toward1  hym  /  that1  they  were  vnstable, 
And  to  his  brother  /  in  party  fauorable ; 
For  in  the  Cite  /  ther  was  variance, 
which  vnto  hym  was  a  gret1  nieschauwce  ; 
For  in  his  nede  /  shortly  /  he  ne  wiste 
Vpon  whoom  /  fat1  he  myghte  triste ; 
For  they  wer  not1  /  alle  of  oil  entent1 : 
For  which  he  hath  /  for  his  counsale  sent1, 

(leaf  60,  back] 

3G04    They  mean  to 
press  the  siege 

to  the  death. 


ia  in  doubt 
what  to  do. 

He  knows  some 
Thebans  favour 

3620    1J  The  variauHce 
in  Thebes  among 






Eteocles  asks 
the  advice  of 

3603.  Mynistring]Mustrynge  Lb.  AtLj.  I.  P.  L2.  occisiones]  occasions  (occasiouns) 
Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MSX.  (cf.  4204  and  see  Notes).  3605.  her  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
3606.  to  abide  Bo.  M.  Adj.  '  3607.  ther-with]  herwith  Lb.  P.  theratte 
E2.  3608.  Ar.  has  another  pause-bar  after  they.  3609.  maked]  made  LJ.  Adj. 
Ad-j.  I-  Ra-  Ea-  S.  P.  £3.  Eo.  om.  1^.  3610.  al  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  Ko. 

om.  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  And  of  al  this]  Of  this  and  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Of 
bis  Lj.  And  all  this  while  Ro.  ful  war]  ful  weel  war  Ra.  C.  full  wele  war  was 
Ba.  full  warre  was  Lj.  Lb.  Ad.2.  I.  was  ware  P.  3611.  Gaii]  Wheche  ganne  Lb. 
P.  to  Lb.  T2.  P.  E2.  L.J.  Ro.  om.  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3612.  that]  om.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  grete  Bo.  gret  M.  Adj.  grete]  om.  Du.  3614.  in]  om. 
Ra.  Ba.  hadde]  he  had  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3615.  atte  poynt  Bo.  Adj.  at  poyut  M. 
all  the  poyiit  Lb.  3616.  thilke  Bo.  Adj.  thilk  Ar.  M.  that  S.  3617.  Ar. 
has  a  pause-bar  after  abidyug.  3619.  list  Ar.  G.  lest  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  (see 
Notes),  toward  hym]  to  him  ward  Adj.  to  hym  Ad2.  I.  him]  om.  Lb.  that] 
om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ra.  Ej.  P.  3621.  the]  J>is  Di.  ther]  tho  Ba.  om.  Adj. 
Ada.  I.  3622.  which]  that  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  vnto]  to  T.2.  a]  om.  P.  Ro.  3623. 
his]  >is  Bo.  nede]  herte  Ad2.  I.  3624.  might  Bo.  M.  Adj.  sholde  Ad2.  I. 
wiste  :  triste  Ar.  Adj.  wist :  tiist  Bo.  M.  wiste  :  truste  C.  3620.  For  which] 
•\Vherfore  M.  Di.  T2.  E2.  Ro.  he  hath]  hathe  he  Ra. 

150  In  the  TJtelan  Council,  some  say '  Fight'  others  'Yield.'  [PT.  in. 

his  lords 

and  his  mother 


[leaf  61] 

Al  his-  lordcs  /  and  the  oldii  Quene, 
which  as  he  dempte  /  were*  pur  and  clene, 
Hool  of  on  herte  /  and  nof  variable, 
Of  ol(J  experf  /  and  alvvay  founde  stable ; 
Requeryng1  hem  /  be-cause  they  were  wys, 
Al  openly  to  tellen  •  /  ther  avis 
Wher  if  wag  bef  /  pleynly,  in  her  sight1, 
"With  his  brother  /  to  treten  or  to  fighf . 
And  some  gaf  /  a  ful  blunf  sentence, 
which  hadde  /  of  werre  /  non  experience : 
Seyde  if  was  besf  /,  and  naf  ben  afford, 
To  trye  his  righf  /  manly  with  J?e  Swerd. 
And  some  also  /  thaf  wer  moor  prudenf, 
Spak  vnto  hym  /  by  good  avisemenf 
And  lisf  naf  spare*  /  buf  their  conceyte  tolde 
how  hif  was  besf  /  his  couenamit  forto  holde, 
And  to  parforn  /  his  heeste  mad  to-forn 
To  his  brother  /  lich"  as  he  was  sworn ; 
So  thaf  his  word  /,  the  wors  to  mak  hym  spede, 
Be  naf  founde  /  varianf  fro  the  dede, 
For  non  hatred  /  rancour,  neyther  pryde. 
And  tho  /  the  queene*  /  took  hym  out  aside, 
Tolde  hym  pleynly  /  if  was  ful  vnsittyng1 
Swich"  doublenesse  /  to  fynden  in  a  kyng*, 

3628.  w&ich]  Suche  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.     dempte]  deemyd  Ad2.  I.  S.     deputed  Ra. 
deputith  Ba;       were]  that  were  Ar.  E2.      pure]  true  S.      were  pure]  pure  were  M. 
in  Lj.  a^d  Ro.  3628  is  much  altered:  Which  that  his  hert  most  wold  deme 
Which  in  Affect  he  demyd  shulde  seme  Ro.          3630.  and]  in  Du.          3632. 

Some  say 
'  Fight ' ; 


'  Keep  your 
promise  to  your 

II  The  word  of 
j?e  qwene  looasta 
to  £thiodes. 
Jocasta  fakes 
Eteocles  aside, 








ther  Ar.  her  Bof>-  M.  Adj.  3633—4209  gap  in  T2.  3633.  Wher]  Whedre 
Bo.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di'  Ra-  Ba.  S.  P.  was  Ar.  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lr  were  Lb.  and  the  rest. 
bet]  better  Lx.  Lb.  l?*a-  S.  P.  E2.  Ro.  3635.  And]  om.  Ra.  ful]  om.  Bo.  Adi. 
Ad2.  I.  3637.  anv^  na'  ben]  an^  no)>iDg  be  Lx.  and  nat  to  be  Ra.  nat  to  be 
Ad2.  I.  C.  nat  be  Ad,v  3638-  tryel  trete  Ro-  ^  Ar-  c-  ^-  Lz-  a  G-  Lb-  Ba. 
P.  his  Bo.  and  the  reset;  3639.  wer  Ar.  were  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3640.  vnto]  to 
M.  Di.  3641.  spare  Bo^  ^-  ^i-  8Par  -^r-  t^ie^r  -^r-  ^°-  ^i-  ^er  ^-  3642. 
couenaunt]  couenantes  M.  tPi-  forto]  to  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ra.  S.  E2.  3643.  to]  om. 
C.  parforn  Ar.  Bo.  T  .'  \)  parfourne  Du.  parforme  G.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  C. 
parfourme  I.  Ra.  Ba.  L  .'  RoXo  performe  Lr  S.  P.  perfourme  Ej.  E2.  heest  M. 
Adj.  heste  Bo.  3644.  AW1^  ^°  esc^ewe  in  all  wise  to  be  forsworn  Ra.  Ba. 
3645.  to  make  hym]  make  hv.  m  *°  ^2-  8Pe(ie]  fare  Lb.  P.  And  if  he  purpos 
trewlie  to  spede  Ba.  Ra*.  3\6<!46-  *^e  dede]  your  dede  Ra.  Ba.  noo  dede  Ej. 
in  P.  3646  reads  :  Tolde  hym  fiiL,  1  pleynety  (so  as  tney  dare).  3648.  queen  Ar. 

Bo.       quene  M.  Ad,        out  i  \C\P\  1  vnside  Ra. 
C.  E2.  L,.  Ro.     0in.lBo.  and  Ihi       ' 


on  side  Ba. 

3649.  ful  Ar.  G. 

PT.  in.]     Queen  Jocasta  advises  her  son  Eteodcs  to  do  Right.       151 

And  seide  hym  ek  /  al-thoh"  he  were  strong1, 

To  his  brother  /  how  he  dide*  wrong1,  3652 

"As  al  the  toune  /  wil  record!,  in  dede, 

And  here  *  witnesse  /  31!  if  kam  to  nede. 

Wherfor  laf  vs  shape  another  mene 

In  this  matere  /  whil  that1  it1  is  grene,  3656 

Or  this  quarel  /,  gonne  of  volunte, 

Turne  /  in  the  fyn  /  to  mor  aduersite. 

For  $if  if  be  /  darreyned  be  bataylle, 

who  tresteth  mosf  /  may  ful  likly  faille.  3660 

And  if  is  foly  /  be  shorf  avisemenf, 

To  putte  a  strif  /  in  martys  lugemenf. 

For  hard  if  is  /  whan  a  luge  is  wood. 

To  tref  aforn  hyin  /  with-ouf  loos  of  blood.  3664 

And  jif  we  put  our  mater*  /  hool  in  Marte, 

which  with  the  swerd!  /  his  lawe's  doth  coarte, 

Than  may  hif  happe  /  wher  30  be  glad  or  loth, 

Thow  and  thy  brother  /  shal  repente  both ;  3668 

And  many  a-nojjer  /  thaf  is  her  presenf, 

Of  joure  trespas  /  thaf  ben  Innocenf , 

And  many  thousand  /  in  cas  shal  compteyn 

For  the  debaf  /  only  of  $ow  tweyn,  3672 

And  for  3our  strif  /  shal  fynde  ful  vnsoote. 

"  And  for  thow  arf  gynnyng,  ground*,  and,  Eoote 

and  reminds  him 
of  his  wrong- 

[leaf  61,  back] 
II  How  perilous 
it  is  to  be  go- 
vernyd  by  (short 
auisement  in)* 
any  querel. 
Jocasta  tells 

that,  as  he's  the 

3651.  al-thoh]   bough    Bo.    Lj.  3652.    how]    haue    Du.       dide    Bo.    M. 

dede  Adj.  did  Ar.  3654.  omitted  in  Lb.  P. ;  in  Lb.  the  line  is  left  blank ; 
in  P.  3655  follows  immediately  on  3653  ifi,  the  column,  while  a  later  hand 
has  written  with  much  paler  ink  in  the'  right-hand  margin:  Contrarye  to 
bat  was  agreid.  3654.  here  Bo.  Adj./G.  ber  Ar.  M.  3if]  whan  Ad2.  I. 
cam  Bo.  come  M.  Adj.  3656.  that]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  it]  orn.  G.  S657.  Or] 
Er  Tj.  Ra.  Ba.  E,.  Of  S.  gonne]  begonp  S.  gynne  Ra.  Ba.  gone  P.  thus  gone 
E.2.  goo  Lb.  o"f]  to  Lb.  P.  3660./tristeth  Bo.  M.  trustith  Adj.  most]  om. 
Lb.  P.  ful]  om.  Lb.  Ex.  P.  likly]  Rightly  Lr  Lb.  P.  E2.  3663.  a]  be  P. 
3665.  ^if]  om.  M.  Di.  put  our  mater/ Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  I*j.  Ro.  puter  Ar.  putte  G. 
put  it  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  ML.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ev  S.  hool]  holy  M.  Di.  Ra. 
Ba.  in]  on  Ad!.  Marte]  Mart  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  1^.  Mars  Lj  (:coars)  ;  in  the  rubric, 
after  by,  the  rest  of  the  line  is  blank  ;  supplied  from  Du.  3666.  which]  that  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  the]  his  Lb.  P.  Ro.  his  lawes]  his  lawe  Lx.  be  lawe 
Adr  Ado.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  3667.  loth]  wroth  M.  S.  C.  E2.  L2.  Ro.  3668—4060 
(jap  in  C.  3670.  Of]  That  of  Ro.  that]  om.  Ro.  they  S.  ben]  bethe  L2. 
beyng  S.  Innocent]  verry  Innocent  Lb.  P.  E.2.  ful  innocent  Ro.  3673.  shal] 
shul  Bo.  Tt.  Du.  Lv  Ra.  ye  -ihall  P.  ful]  hit  P.  om.  Ra.  Ba.  3674.  gynnyng] 
begynnyng  Ad.2.  I.  gynner  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E2.  begynnere  Lb. 


Jocasta  urges  Etcodcs  to  give  way  to  Polyncicss.    [PT.  ill. 

lie  '11  have  to 
account  for  all 
who  die  in  the 

Peace  and  war, 

life  and  death, 
hang  in  the 

He's  at  the 

and  must  fight 
or  treat. 

[leaf  62] 

Jocasta  tells 

Of  this  Iniurie  /  and  this  gref  vnrighf, 
To  the  goddys  /  that1  herof  han  a  sight*, 
Thow  shalf  accountys  /  and  a  reknyng  make 
For  alle  tho  /  that1  persshyn  for  Jji  sake. 
And  now  the  cause  /  dryven  is  so  ferre, 
Sodeyn  pees  /  outher*  hasty  werre 
Moot1  folwe  anon  / ;  for  the  fatal  chaunce 
Of  lif  and  deth  /  dependeth  in  balauwce. 
And  no  man  may  /  be  no  craft  restreyne 
That1  vpon  on*  /  platly  of  this  tweyne 
The  soort1  mot1  falle  /  lik  as  it1  doth  tourne, 
Who  so  euer  lawgh  /  or  ellys  mxmrne. 
And  thow  art1  dryve  /  so  narowe  to  Jje  stake 
That1  thow  rnayst1  nat1  /  moo  delayes  make, 
But1  fight1  or  tret1  /  this  quarel  forto  fyne ; 
By  non  engyn  /  thow  canst  /  it1  not1  declyne. 
And  hasty  cas  /,  as  folk  seyn  that1  be  wys, 
Redresse  /  requereth  by  ful  short  avys  : 
For  trete  longe  /  now  avaylleth  noght1. 
For  to  the  poynt1  /  sothly  thou  art*  brouhf , 
Outher*  to  kepe  thy  pocessiouw 
Or  in  al  haste  /  devoyde  /  out1  of  this  touw, 
wher  thow  therwith  /  be  wroth  or  wel  apayd." 

"  Now  note  wel  /  al  that1 1  haue*  sayd, 
And  by  my  counsayl  /  wisly  condescende 
Wrong1,  wrouhf  of  olde  /  newly  to  amende. 







3676.  herof]  therof  S.  theron  Ba.  a]  om.  Adr  Ad2.  I.  3678.  pershen  M. 
perisshen  Bo.  Adj.  3680.  Sodeyn]  Sodeinly  E2.  oyther  Ar.  outher  Ro.  other 
L2.  either  Bo.  Adj.  or  Tj.  M.  Lb.  or  ellys  Lj.  Di.  3681.  Mote  Bo.  Adj. 
Most  M.  Di.  S.  fatal]  final  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  3682.  and]  or  Di.  in]  in  a  Tj.  Ad2. 
I.  S.  3684.  That]  om.  I.  on]  om.  Ar.  G.  platly]  playnely  P.  planly  S. 
this]  hem  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  you  Lb.  P.  E2.  3686.  Who  so]  Who  that  M.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Who  so  >at  Di.  S.  Whcs  that  Ej.  euer]  euer  therof  Lb.  P. 
euer  ther-at  £3.  om.  Di.  or  ellys  (Ar.  G.  Ro. )]  other  Bo.  Tj.  Lx.  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  S. 
either  M.  Di.  or  Du.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  P.  E2.  1^.  3688.  nat  moo]  no  mo  L?. 
nat  no  Ad2.  P.  L2.  Ro.  not  no  more  Di.  not  no  mo  S.  3691.  And]  An  M.  Di. 
3693.  For  Ar.  G.  Lg.  To  (om.  For)  Ro.  For  to  Bo.  and  the  rest,  long  Adi. 
longe  Bo.  M.  avaylleth]  avayleth  |>e  Lb.  3695.  Oyther  Ar.  Outher  Bo.  Eyther 
M.  Adj.  3696.  al]  om.  M.  Di.  3697.  wher  Ar  Bo.  M.  Adj.  whether  Lb.  Ra. 
therwith]  om.  Ta.  P.  herwith  Ra.  Ba.  wel]  euelo  Di.  P.  Ro.  3698.  al]  om. 
Ad2.  ha  Ar.  haue  Bo.  M,  Adr  haue  the  Ad2.  I.  lio.  to  the  have  Ra.  Ba. 

PT.  in.]     Eteocles  insists  on  remaining  King  of  Thebes.  153 

The  tyme  is  come  /  it1  may  be  non  other, 
wherfor  in  haste  /  trete  with  thi  brother 
And  ageyn  hym  /  make  no  resistence, 
But  to  thy  lordys  /  fully  ^iue*  credence  : 
33y  whoos  counsayl  /  sith  they  be  so  sage, 
late  Polymyte  /  reioyse  his  heritage. 
And  that1  shal  turne  /  most  to  thyn  avail, 
loo  !  her  is  hool  /  the  fyn  of  our  couftsail." 
IT  And  shortly  tho  /  for  verrey  Ire  wroth",' 
Tliouh  he  therto  /  froward!  was  and  lotfi, 
Accorded  is  /,  heryng1  al  the  prees, 
3if  he  algate  shal  trete  for  a*  pes, 
It  moste  be  /  by  this  condiciouw 
That1  he  wol  han  /  the  domynaciouw 
First1  in  chief  /  to  hym-silf  reserued, 
As  hym  thouhf  /  he  hadde  wel  disserued, 
And  saue  to  hy?n  /  hool  the  souereynte ; 
And  vnder  hym  /  in  Thebes  )>e  Cite 
he  to  graunte  /  with  a  right1  good  cher, 
Polymytes  /  to  regne  for  a  $er, 
Than  tavoyde*  /  and  not1  resoort1  ageyn  : 
For  mor  to  cleyme  /  was  nat1  but*  In  veyn. 
This  wold  he  don  /  only  for  her  sake, 
And  other-wise  /  he  wil  non  ende  make 
with  the  Grekys  /  what*  fortune  euere  falle. 

And  fynally  /  among1  his  lordys  alle 
Ther  was  not*  on  /  of  hih"  nor  lowgh  estaf, 






topive  Poly- 
neices  his 

Eteocles  is 

but  agrees  to 
treut  for  peace 
if  he  may 

remain  King, 
and  Polyneices 

3720    reign  under  him 
for  a  year. 

[leaf  62,  back] 

3724    If  not,  he'll 

No  Theban  lord 
•will  propose 
this : 

3702.  haste  .  trete  Bo.  with]  well  with  Ej.  3704.  ?if  Ar.  Jyf  G.  Dn.  gytie 
Bo.  yeue  M.  Adv  3708.  hool]  all  Ro.  hool  the  fyn]  the  fyn  hoi  Adj.  Ad.2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  S.  our]  my  Ro.  3709.  verrey]  om.  E.J.  Ire]  ire  and  S.  P.  L2.  Ko. 

wroth]  wrath  P.  wroght  Ba.  3710.  he]  om.  Lb.  therto]  herto  E2.  and]  or 
Ej.  3712.  he]  Je  Di.  algat  Bo.  he  algate  shal  trete]  algate  entrete  he.  shal 
Ad2.  I.  he  algate  trete  shal  G.  a  pes  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  pes  Ar.  Bo.  and  the 
rest.  8713.  most  M.  Adj.  musteEj.  mot  Bo.  Lb.  L2.  3716.  wel]  it  wel  Bo.  Tv 
Du.  Lj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  EL  S.  E2.  3717.  And  saue]  Po  sone  Lb.  And  sole 
P.  to]  vnto  Ra.  Ba.  hool]  holy  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  3719.  a  right  good]  rijt  a 
goode  Di.  3721.  tavoide  Bo.  Tx.  M.  Adr  Ra.  E2.  to  avoyde  Du.  Lj.  Lb.  Di. 
Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  P.  avoyde  Ar.  G.  Ej.  Ro.  to  voide  L2.  3722.  nat]  om.  M. 
Di.  Ad2.  I.  P.  nat  but]  all  but  E0.  In  veyn]  Inveyn  Ar.  veyn  Adr  S. 
3723.  This]  Thus  Bo.  Du.  L^  M.  Di.~Adr  Ra.  Ba.  Er  S.  L.,.  her]  his  Pia.  Ba. 
3725.  the]  om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  E2. 

1 5-4  Jocasta  and  her  Daughters  go  to  Adrastus  &  Polyneiccs.  [PT.  ill. 

so  Jocasta  will. 

Jocasta  and  her 
<da  lighters, 

Antigone  and 

ride  to  King 

who  welcomes 


kisses  her  and 
his  sisters. 


That1  wolde*  gon  /  on  this  ambassyat1  3728 

Out1  of  the  toune  /  nouthcr  for  bet1  nor  wors ; 

Til  locasta  /  made  sadyl  her  hors, 

And  cast1  her-silf  /  to  gon  for  this  trete, 

To  make  an  ende  /  3  if  it1  wolde  be.  3732 

And  this  was  don  /  the  morowe  right1  be  tyme, 
Vpon  the  houre*  /  whan  if  droli  to  pryme. 
And  with  hyr  went1  /  hyr  ^onge  dohtres  tweyne, 
Antygone  /  and  the  feyr  ymeyne,  3736 

Of  hyr  meyne  /  ful  many  on  aboute, 
At*  the  gate  /  she  was  conveyed  oute, 
And  of  pwpos  /  she  made  first1  hir  went1 
On  hors-bak  /  to  kyng1  Adrastus  tent1,  3740 

He  and  his  lordys  /  beyng1  al  yffere. 
And  they  receyve  hyr  /  with  a  right1  glad  chere, 
Shewyng1  hyr  /  lik  to  hir  degre, 

On  euery  half  /  ful  gret1  humanyte,  3744 

Polymytes  /  rysyng1  fro  his  place, 
And  humblely  /  his  moder  gan  enbrace, 
Kyssede  hyr  /  and  than  Antigone, 

And  ek  ymeyne  /  excellyng1  of  bewte.  3748 

And  for  that1  they  /  passyngly  were  faire, 
Gref  was  the  pres  /  concours,  and  repaire 
Of  the  ladyes  forto  han  a  sight1. 

And  locasta  /  procedeth  anon  ryght1  3752 

3728.  wolde  Bo.  wold  Ar.  M.  Adj.  Ra.  on]  vpon  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  in  T^ 
Lj.  this]  his  Lj.  om.  Ex.  ambassyat  Ar.  M.  Adj.  embassiate  Bo.  enibassate  Ba. 
bassate  Ej.  3729.  for]  om.  Ad^  Ad.2.  I.  L2.  nor  Ar.  nc  Bo.  M.  Adj.  ne  for  Ba. 
wors]  wers  (:  hors)  Ra.  Ba.  Ad.,.  3731.  for]  on  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adi.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
P.  E2.  this]  the  Ro.  3734.  "houre  Bo.  M.  hour  Ar.  Ad^  3735.  yong  Bo.  M. 
Adj.  3737.  on]  her  Ro.  3738.  At  the  Ar.  Atte  Bo.  Adj.  At  M.  conveyed 
M.  conveyde  Bo.  Adj.  3741.  al]  there  M.  Di.  3742.  receyve]  resseyvid 
Lj.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  a]  om.  Ej.  S.  right]  full  Lj.  om.  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  P. 
a  right]  right  a  T2.  Lb.  Adj.  glad]  om.  Ra.  goocle  Ba.  3743.  Shewyng] 
Sewyng  Bo.  Suing  Ej.  3746.  humblely  Ar.  G.  humbely  Llt  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  P. 
humbly  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3747.  Antigone]  Antigon  Lb.  3748.  ek]  om.  G. 
M.  Di.  Ej.  thenue  Lb.  than  P.  excellyng  of]  excellynge  in  Lb.  excellent  of 
G.  Ba.  Ej.  Eo.  of  excellent  P.  bewte]  beute  anon  Lb.  3749.  that]  om.  Lb. 

M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  passyngly  were]  were  passyngly  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj. 
Ad2.  I.  Ej.  were  passyng  Lj.  were  passandli  Ra.  Ba.  wer  so  passyng  S.  were 
so  excellent  P  (so  on  erasure).  3751.  the]  bo  Bo.  Tj.  forto]  to  Adj.  Ad.2. 
I.  Ra.  Ba. 

PT.  ill.]  Ticleus  rejects  Eteoclcs's  terms.   Poly neices  must  le  King.  155 

To  Adrastus  /  hir1  mater  to  pwrpose, 
And  gan  to  hym  /  opynly  disclose 
Theutent1  and  wift  of  Ethiocles, 
And  by  what1  mene  he  desireth  pes, 
To  hym  reserued  /,  as  she  gan  specific, 
The  honour  hool  /  and  the  regalye, 
with  Sceptre  and  Croune  fro  hyrn  not  devyded, 
But1  hool  to  hym  /  as  he  hath  provided ; 
U  And  Polymyte,  be  this  condiciouw, 
Vnder  hym  to  regnen  /  in  the  toun 
As  a  Soget1,  be  suffrau??ce  of  his  brother. 
But1  the  Greke's  /  thouhten  al  another, 
And  Specyaly  worthy  Tydeus, 
Pleynly  affermyng  it1  shuld  nat1  be  thus  : 
For  he  wil  haue  /  no  condiciouws, 
But1  sette  a-Syde  /  att  excepcioujzs, 
Nothyng1  reservid  /  as  in  special, 
But1  hool  the  lordship,  Eegalye,  and  al, 
Polymytes  it  fully  to  possede, 
In  Thebes  Crowned  /  ve?Tayly  in  dede, 
As  Eightful  kyng1  /  putte  in  pocessiou?z, 
lich  the  Couenauntys  and  conuenciou?z 
Imad  of  olde  /  assuryd,  and  asselyd, 
"  which  shall  not1  now  of  nwe  be  repelyd, 
But1  stable  and  hool  /  in  his  strengthe*  stonde. 
And  lat1  hym  so  platly  vndyrstonde  ! 
And  first  that1  he  devoyde  hym  out1  of  tou?z, 

[leaf  63] 

proposes  Eteo- 
cles's  terms : 


that  he  shall 
remain  King, 


and  Polyneices 
reign  under  him. 


Tifleus  rejects 


If  The  answer 

of  Tydeus. 


Tideus  says 

must  be  crownd 
3772    King  in  Thebes, 


and  Polyneices 
must  leave  the 

3754.  opynly]  specially  Lb.  P.  disclose  Ar.  G.  M.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  L^  to  disclose 
Bo.  cnid  the  rest.  3755.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  after  Thentent.  3757.  reseruyd 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  reserue  E2.  she]  he  L2.  gan]  can  Du.  M.  Di.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ea.  Ej. 
3758.  The  honour  M.  thonour  Bo.  Adj.  hool]  holde  Du.  3759.  with  Sceptre] 
That  Septor  P.  3760.  hool]  holy  M.  Di.  holde  Du.  3763.  suffraunce] 
soveraunce  Ba.  3768.  in  Ar.  after  all,  is  ce,  underdottcd.  3769.  special] 
especiall  Du.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  3771.  in  Ar.  it  is  added  above  the  line 
with  the  iisual  mark.  3773.  As]  And  T:.  La.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  E.2. 
Rightful]  rihtfulli  Ra.  putte]  putte  hym  Tj.  3775.  luiad]  Maad  Tv  asselyd] 
enseled  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  E2.  I-selid  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ro.  essealed  Ej.  3776.  newe  Bo. 
new  M.  AdT.  "3777." strengthe  M.  Adj.  strength  Ar.  Bo.  trouth  Ba.  3778. 
so  platly]  platly  soo  Lb.  P.  E2.  so  pleynly  Bo.  S.  3779.  first  that  he]  hastli 
Ra.  hastelie  Ba.  hym]  om.  Lv  P.  Ro.  toun  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Lb.  Adj.  E.2.  L,.  the 
toun  TV  and  the  rest  of  the  MSS. 

150      The  Greeks  insist  on  Eteoclcs  resigning  to  Pulyncices.   [PT.  ill. 

And  delyuere  the  Sceptre  /  and  the  Croun  3780 

To  his  brother  /  and  mak1  therof  no  more. 

And  shortly  ellys  If  shal  be  bouht1  ful  sore 

Or  this  mater  brought  be  to  an  ende. 

For  Grek  is  non  /  that*  shal  hennys  wende  3784 

Or  that*  our  right1  /  which  is  vs  denyed, 

with  lif  or  deth  /  darreyned  be  and  tryed  : 

we  wil  not1  arst  fro  this  towne  remewe. 

"  And  jif  hym  lyst  /  al  this  thyng1  eschwe  3788 

And  al  meschief  /  styntyn  and  appese, 
To  either  part1  /  he  may  do  gref  ese  : 
Thus  I  mene  /  for  his  aucmntage, 

Delyuer  vp  hool  /  the  trewe  herytage  3792 

To  his  brother  /  for  a  jeer  tendure. 
And  Grekys  shal  fully  hym  assure, 
By  what1  bonde  that1  hy??i  list1  devise, 
The  jeer  complef  /,  in  our  beste  wise  3796 

To  hym  delyuer  /  ageyn  pocessiouw 
with-oute  strif  /  or  contradicciouw. 
And  to  this  fyn  /  lustly  hold*  vs  to. 

"  And  3if  it1  falle  /  that1  he  wil  nat  so,  3800 

Lat1  hym  not1  wayte  /  but1  only  after  werre. 
The  hour  is  come  /  we  wil  it1  not1  differre. 
1T  lo !  her  is  al  /  and  thus  30  may  reporte 
To  hym  ageyn  /  whan  that  je  resorte ;  3804 

Fro  which  apoynt1  /  we  cast1  vs  not1  to  varye." 

3780.  delyuere]  deliuere  vp  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  3782.  shortly  ellys]  cllis 
shortly  M.  Di.  3784.  Grek  is  non  Ar.  G.  Ro.  Grek  is  j?er  noon  Bo.  Tj.  Du. 
Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  C-rekis  is  £er  non  Lj.  Ea.  Grckes  be  ther  none  E2.  Grekys  non 
ther  L2.  Grek  is  here  noon  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  that]  om.  L2.  shal]  shull 
E2.  hennes  Bo.  he.ns  M.  Ad^  3785.  which]  that  P.  E.,.  vs]  so  Adj.  Ad3.  I. 
om.  Du.  denyed]  deveyd  Ba  (:  treid).  3787.  wil  not  Ar.  ne  wol  Bo.  M.  Adv 
erst  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3788.  this  thyng  eschwe  Ar.  G.  Lb.  P.  E2.  I*,.  Ro.  this  to 
eschue  Bo.  and  tlie  rest.  3790.  part  M.  Adj.  parte  Bo.  3791.  mene  M. 
Adj.  meen  Bo.  3792.  true  Bo.  trew  M.  Adj.  3793.  ajeer  Ar.  to  endure 
Bo.  M.  Ad^  3794.  shal]  shul  Lb.  Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  om.  Lj.  3796. 
best  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3797.  pocessioun]  in  possessioun  Ra.  Ba.  3799.  holdc 

Bo.  M.  hold  Adj.  hald  Ar.  3802.  it]  om.  M.  Di.  wil]  shal  Ba.  3805. 
Fro]  For  G.  Di.  Ba.  apoynt  Ar.  TV  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ej.  Ro.  a  poynt  Bo  (with  a 
middle  point  after  a).  Du.  Ra.  o  point  Adj  (with  the  usual  point  on  each  side  of  o, 
to  mark  the  numeral).  oon  poynt  Ba.  on  poynt  S.  poynt  Lz.  Ad2.  I.  P.  Lg. 
appointment  E.,.  (sec  Notes).  Ar.  his  a  pause-bar  also  after  which. 

[leaf  63,  back] 

No  Greek  will 
depart  till  this 
is  done. 

If  Eteocles 

will  give  up 
Thebes  for  a 

the  Greeks  will 
guarantee  him 

possession  of  it 

If  not,  he  must 

FT.  III.]  Jocasta  tries  to  appease  the  Greeks.    A  Tiger  appears.    157 

And  }it  to  hym  /  Amphiorax  contrarye 
Ful  pleynly  saide,  in  conclusion??, 
This  fyn  shal  cause  a  destruccioun 
Of  hem  echon  /  3  if  it  forth  procede 
To  be  parfcmrmed  /  and  execute  in  dede. 
But1  thilke  tyme  for  al  his  elloquence 
He  had  in  soth  /  but4  lytyl  audience. 
For  wherso  euer  /  he  ment1  /  good  or  ille, 
kyng1  Adrastus  /  bad  hym  to  be  stille. 
^1  And  tho  locasta  /  as  wisdom  did  hyr  tech", 
humble  of  her  port1  /  with  ful  softe  spech", 
Gan  seke  menys  /  in  hyr  fantasye 
}if  she  myght1  the  Ire  modefye 
Of  the  Grekes  /  to  make  hem  to  enclyne 
In  eny  wise  /  hyr  rancour  forto  fyne. 
She  dyd  hyr  dever  /  and  hir  bysy  cure. 

But1  tho  byfel  a  Avonder  aventure, 
Cause  and  ground  /  of  gref  confusiouw, 
Grekys  perturbyng1  /  and  also  ek  the  toiuz, 
And  it*  to  telle  /  may  me  not  asterte. 
For  Avhich  a  whil  /  my  styett  I  mot1  dyuerte, 
And  shortly  telle'  /,  by  descripciouw, 
Of  a  Tigre  dwellyng  in  the  tourc, 
which  fro  a  kyngdam  /  besyden  adiacent1, 
Out1  of  Egipte  /  was  to  Thebes  sent1 : 
the*  whiche*  beestt  by  record*  of  scripture 


says  war  '11  be 
death  to  every 

3808  one; 






but  few  listen 
to  him. 

Jocasta  tries 

to  modify  the 
Greeks'  anger. 

But  a  wonderful 
event  happens. 

sent  from  Egypt 
to  Thebes. 

For]  om. 

M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.   I.  Ra.  Ba.  Er  S." 

(:  stylo).         3815.  did  hyr]  om.  Ra. 

3806.  Amphiorax]  Amphorax  Bo.         3807.   Ar.  lias  a  pause-bar  after  pleynly. 
3808.  cause  Bo.  M.  Ad1.     Ar.   has  a  pause-bar  between  fyn  and  shal.          3810. 
parfourmed  Bo.     parformed  Adj.          3811.  thilke  Bo.  Adj.     thilk  M.          3813. 
wherso]  whej>er_so  LJ.  Lb.  E2.     what  so  M.     he]  it  Bo.  Tj.  Dn.  Lj. 
ment]  mene  Adj.  Ad2.  I,     or  ille]  evele  Ro 
can  her  Ba.         3816.  her]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 

softo  Bo.  soft  M.  Adj."  "  3821.  deuoir  Bo.  M.  devour  Adj.  3824.  par- 
tnrbyng  Bo.  Adj.  perturbling  M.  pertourbing  E2.  also  Ar.  G.  S.  1^.  Ro.  om. 
Bo.  and  the  rest.  3825.  it]  yit  Ad2.  I.  to]  om.  Ej.  may]  it  may  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ro.  I  may  E2.  L2.  me]  om.  Ad2.  I.  E2.  L2.  may  me  not]  may  not 
me  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ba.  Ej.  S."  may  not  he  Ra.  3826.  while  Bo.  M.  Adj.  stile 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  3829.  besyden  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  E:.  S.  Ro.  besidyn  L2. 
besident  E2.  by  syen  G.  beside  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  besides  Lb.  P.  3831. 
whiche  Bo.  M.  which  Ar.  Adj.  (see  Notes). 


The  wondrous  tame  Tiger  of  Thebes.  [PT.  in. 

The  tiger  is 

•with  a  lion's 


a  greyhound's 


red  eyes, 

and  spotted  skin. 

[leaf  64,  back] 

This  tiger  at 
Thebes  was 

never  did  any 

and  used  to 
amuse  Eteocles. 

Is  most1  swiff  /  as  of  his  nature,  3832 

And  of  kyndf  also  most1  sauage, 

And  most1  cruel  /  whan  he  is  in  his  rage, 

And,  as  Clerkys  make  mencioure, 

He  of  body  /  resembleth  the  lyoura,  3836 

And  lik  a  greyhoundl  /  the  mosel  and  the  hed, 

And  of  Eyen  /  as  eny  fyret1  red, 

Ek  of  his  Skyn  /,  wryten  as  I  fynde, 

lich"  a  parcter  /  conue?'sanf  in  ynde,  3840 

with  al  maner  hwys  and  colours ; 

And  is  ful  oft1  /  disceyued  with  merours 

By  fraude  of  huntys  /  and  fals  apparence 

Shewyd  in  glas  /  with-outen  existence,  3844 

whan  his  kyndles  /  arn  be  sleight*  ytake*, 

And  he  deceyued  /  may  no  rescus  make. 

And  lik  a  lombe  /  was  this  Tygre  tame, 
Ageynys  kynde  /,  rnyn  autour  writ1  the  same.  3848 

H  And  this  beest1,  mervaillous  to  se, 
was  sent1  to  *  ymeyne  and  antigone  : 
which"  vnto  hem  /  dide*  gret1  confort1, 
And  Cowde  playe  /  and  make  good*  disport1,  3852 

lik  a  whelp  /  that  is  but1  3ong1  of  age ; 
And  to  no  wight  dide*  no  damage, 
No  mor  in  soth  /  fan  doth  a  litil  hound ; 
And  it1  was  worth  many  hundred  pound  3856 

Vnto  the  kyng1  /,  for  ay  in  his  greuazmce 

3832.  of]  »;o  Ba.  his]  hie  oune  Adv  Ad2.  I.  3833.  of]  of  his  M.  Di.  Ej. 
also]  om.  M.  Di.  3836.  the  Ar.  Lb.  P.  E2.  l^.  Ro.  a  M.  Di.  to  a  Bo.  and 
the  rest.  3837.  greyhounde  Bo.  grehond  M.  grehound  Adx.  mosel  M.  Adj. 
rausel  Bo.  mozoll  P.  3838.  of]  the  M.  Di.  eien  M.  Adj.  yen  Bo.  as  eny] 
lyke  A  Ro.  fyret  Ar.  G.  feret  Ikj.  ferete  Ro.  fyre  Bo.  and  all  the  rest  (see 
Notes).  3841.  hewes  Bo.  Adr  hues  M.  3845.  arn  Ar.  Ej.  L2.  aron  Lb. 
ar  Bo.  and  the  rest,  sleight  Bo.  M.  Adj.  sleightes  E2.  take]  y-take  Bo.  Du.  La. 
Adj.  Ad^  I.  Ej.  S.  3846.  deceyued]  destreined  E^  rescus  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

reskewe  Ad2.   I.      no  rescus]  no  recours  Lb.      uat  receute  Ba.  3848.  ayeris 

Bo.  Adj.  3850.  to]  om.  Ar.  G.  (Lb.)  P.  L2.  Ro.  and]  vnto  Lb.  3851. 
did  Ar.  Bo.  M.  dede  Adr  3852.  good  Lb.  M.  Di.  P.  E2.  gret  Ar.  Bo. 
and  the  rest  (cf.  3851).  3854.  did  Ar.  Bo.  dide  M.  dede  Adj.  3856. 
was]  om.  Du.  many]  many  an  Du.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2.  I.  S.  E2.  L,.  many  a 
L].  Ej.  hondred  M.  hundreth  Bo.  hondert  Adj.  3857.  in  Ar.  before  for, 
an  crossed  through. 

PT.  ill.]   This  Tiger,  the  Greeks  kill.    Thebans  try  to  avenge  it.  159 

Ther  was  no  ping1  /  did  hym  mor  plesaunce, 

That*  for  no  tresour  /  it  myght1  not  be  bought1. 

For  whan  that1  he  was  pensif  or  in  thought1,  3860 

If  putt  hym  out  of  his  hevynesse. 

And  thilke*  tyme  /,  the  story  doth  expresse, 
That1  locasta  treted*  for  a  pes, 
This  tame  Tygre  /  in  party  rekkeles,  3864  NOW  it  runs  out 

of  the  gates. 

Out1  at1  the  gates  /  in  sight  of  many  a  man, 

Into  the  felde  /  wildely*  out  ran, 

And  Casuelly  rennyng  to  and  fro, 

In  and  oute,  as  doth  a  tame  Eoo ;  3868 

Grekys  weny/zg1  that1  wer  aong1  of  age,  The  Greeks, 

thinking  it  wild, 

That1  this  Tygre  /  hadde  be  sauage, 
And  Cruelly  besettyng  al  the  place 
Kound!  aboute  /  gan  hym  to  enchace  3872  hunt  it 

and  kill  it. 

Til  he  was  ded  /  and  slay  en*  in  the  feld.  [leaf  GOJ 

The  slauhter  of  whom  whan  Jjat1  they  byheld, 

The  proude  Thebans  /  which  on  the  wallys  stood, 

They  ronne  doune  ful  furious  and  wood,  3876   The  Thebans 

wenyng  he  had  /  be  slayen*  of  despitf. 

Takyng1  her  hors  /  with-oute  mor  respit1, 

Fully  in  pwrpos  /  with  Grekys  forto  fighte, 

The  Tigres  deth  /  tavengen  $if  they  myghte.  3880 

And  out1  they  rood  /  with-oute  gouernaylle,  sally  out 

And  ful  proudly  /  Grekes  gan  assaylle, 

And  of  hatred  /  and  ful  hegh  desdayne 

3858.  did]  }>at  did  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E.2.  1^.  Ro.  3859.  it]  he  Bo.  myght] 
may  Ra.  Ba.  not]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  be]  ha  be  M.  Di.  3860.  whan  that]  om. 
Ra.  that]  om.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  3861.  putt]  putted  Ad^  3862. 
thilke  Bo.  Ad:.  thilk  Ar.  M.  3863.  tretid  Bo.  M.  Adj.  treded  Ar.  3864. 
rekles  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3865.  Out  at]  Out  of  Bo.  Tx.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  Ro. 
gates]  gate  M.  Di.  3866.  wildely  Bo.  M.  Adj.  wildly  Ar.  3867.  rennyng  Bo. 
Adj.  ryniiyng  Du.  ronnyng  S.  3870.  had  Bo.  M.  Adj.  3873.  slayen]  slayn 
Ar.  Bo.  and  all.  ded  and  slayen]  slayn  and  ded  M.  Di.  3874.  slauhter]  deth  E\. 
]>at]  om.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  3875.  which]  that  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ro. 
3876.  ronne]  rann  Ba.  Kj.  renne  Ad2.  I.  ronne  doune]  began  to  wexe  P.  ful] 
om.  Bo.  Lb.  P.  3877.  had]  om.  E.2.  slayen]  slayn  Ar.  Bo.  and  all.  of]  in  Lb. 
Ar.  has  a  second  pause-bar  after  be.  3879.  in  purpos]  purposed  Lb.  P.  1S^. 
Grekys]  the  grekes  M.  Di.  S.  forto]  to  M.  Di.  Ba.  S.  3880.  tavengen  M. 

Adj.     to  avengen  Du.     to  vengen  Bo.         3882.  Grekes]  the  Grekes  Ro.     gau]  gon 
M.  Di.  E.2.     om.  Lj.     assayle]  thei  saile  Ra, 

160     Many  men  are  slain.     The  Thcbans  are  driven  back.  [PT.  in. 

and  slay  the 

Greeks  who  kild 
the  tiger. 

With  them  are 

and  King 

Many  on  both 
sides  are  slain. 

[leaf  65,  back] 

IT  The  manhod 
of  Tydeus. 

Tideus  drives 
the  Thebans 
back  to  their 

Fyl  vpon  hem  /  that1  han  the  tygre  slayne,  3884 

And  cruelly  qwitten  hem  her  mede, 

That1  many  Greke  /  in  the  grene  mede, 

By  the  force  /  and  the  grete  myght1 

Of  her  Foomen,  lay  slayen*  in  )>is  fight1.  3888 

The  Tigres  deth  /  so  dere  they  aboughto, 

So  mortally  the*  Thebans*  on  hem  wroughte 

That1  al  the  host1,  in  the  feld  liggyng1, 

was  astounyd  /  of  this  sodeyn  thyng1.  3892 

And  in  this  whil,  of  Eancour  rekkeles, 
Out1  of  Thebes  rood  Ethiocles, 
And  with  hym  ek  /  the  worthy  kyng1  Tremour, 
Of  his  hond  a  noble  werreour,  3896 

That1  made  Grekes  to  forsak  her  place, 
And  to  her  tentys  /  gan  hem  to  enchace. 
And  myd  the  feld  /  as  J?ei  to-gyder  mette 
On  hors-bak  /  with  speres  sharpe*  whette  3900 

Of  verray  hate  /  and  of*  envious  pryde, 
Ful  many  on  was  ded  on  outher  syde. 
1T  The  whiche*  thyng1  /  whan  Tideus  espieth*, 
wood  as  lyoura  /  to  hors-bak  he  hieth",  3904 

As  he  that1  was  neuer  a  del  afferd! ; 
But  ran  on  hem  /  and  met1  hem  in  the  beret, 
And  Maugre  hem  /  in  his  cruelte, 

he  made  hem  fleen  /  horn  to  her  Cite,  3908 

hem  pwrsuyng1  /  of  ful  cledly  hate, 

3885.  quitten  Bo.  Adt.  quyt  M.  quyten  I.  Ad2.  gan  quiten  Ra.  3886. 
many  Bo.  M.  many  a  Adr  3887.  grete  Bo.  Ad,,  grot  M.  3888.  slayen] 
slayn  A.  and  all,  except  dede  Ro.  bis  Ar.  G.  Lb.  P.  E2.  1^.  Ro.  om.  Lj.  the 
Bo.  and  the  rest.  3890.  the  Thebans]  Thebanys  Ar.  Thebans  Lb.  P.  E2.  L2. 
Ro.  3891.  Ar.  has  alle,  with  le  underdotted.  3892.  a-stonyed  Bo.  a-stoned 
M.  Adj.  3893.  whil]  wise  E2.  rekles  Bo.  M.  Adj.  rechelese  Lb.  3895.  ek] 
om.  Lb.  Ej.  P.  with  hym  ek]  eke  with  hym  Lx.  kyng]  om.  Lj.  Tremour] 
Treuour  or  Trenour  Bo.  3896.  honde  in  Ar.,  with  e  underdotted.  hondis  Lb. 
3897.  That  made]  To  make  Di.  made]  make  Bo.  3898.  to  enchace]  enchace 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  Adr  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  3900.  sharpe  Bo.  sharp  Ar.  M.  Adp 
sharpely  E2  whette]  y whette  P  (but  y wli  written  by  later  hand,  on  erasure}.  3901. 
and  of]  and  Ar.  Bo.  ami  all.  3902.  Ful]  om.  Ad,.  A<12.  I.  3903.  whiche  Bo. 
M.  which  Ar.  Adj.  espieth]  espeth  Ar.  3904.  lyoun]  a  leon  Lj.  Lb.  Di. 
Ad2.  I.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  E2.  L2.  to]  on  Ro.  he]  om.  Bo.  Tj.  Lr  M.  Di.  Adj.  Adg.  I. 
Ba.  Ej.  S.  hieth]  hyede  Ro. 

PT.  III.]  Polyneiccs  recalls  the  Greeks,  'but  the  War  has  begun.     1G1 

That1  many  on  /  lay  slaycn*  at  the  gate, 

Gapyng1  vprightys  /  with  her  woundys  wyde  ; 

That1  vttrely  /  they  durste  not*  abyde  3912 

To-for  the  swerd?  of  this  Tydeus. 

he  was  on  hem  so  passing1  furius, 

So  many  theban  /  he  roof  vnto  the  herte 

That1  whan  locasta  /  the  slauhtre  gan  adueHe,       '      3916  Jocasta  begs 


H  Polymytes  /  she  gan  prey  ful  fayre  *°  re^u  the 

To  make  Grekis  /  horn  ageyn  repayre, 

And  that1  they  wolden  styntyn  to  assaylle 

For  thilke*  day  /  and  cessen  her  bataylle.  3920 

At1  whoos  requests  /  pleynly  and  preyere, 

And  at1  Reuerence  /  of  his  moder  dere, 

Polymytes,  her  herte  to  conforte,  He  does  so. 

Grekes  made  /  horn  ageyn  resorte  3924 

And  Tydeus  to  stynten  of  his  chas. 

And  they  of  Thebes  hasting1  a  gref  pas, 
Ful  trist1  and  hevy  /  ben  entred  into  tour*. 

And  for  the  Tygre,  in  conclusions,  3928  This  tiger-busi- 

ness begins  the 
As  36  han  herd  /  first1  began  this  stryff,  war. 

That1  many  theban  /  that1  day  lost1  his  lyff 

And  recuiiees  /  hath  jolden  vp  the  bretR, 

In  thavengyng1  /  of  the  tygres  doth.  3932 

And  al  this  while  /  duely  as  she  ought1,  [leaf  66] 

fe  queue  locasta  /  humblely  besought1 

3910.  slaien  Adj.  slayn  Ar.  and  all  the  rest,  at  the  Ar.  atte  Bo.  Adj.  at  M. 
3911.  vprightys  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  Ej.  Ro.  vpright  Lj.  and  the 
rest.  3913.  To-for]  Ther  for  Ej.  S.  this]  om.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  worthy  P.  3915. 
many  M.  Adx.  many  a  Bo.  theban]  Thebans  Lb.  Ra.  P.  E2.  roof]  rood  Adg.  I. 
vnto]  to  G.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ej.  P.  E2.  3917.  she  gan  prey]  she  preie  gan  P.  E2.  L2. 
Ro.  to  pray  she  gan  Lb.  ful]  right  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  3919.  wolde  G.  Bo.  Adj. 
wil  M.  wolden  styntyn]  stynten  wolde  Ad2.  I.  3920.  bilke  Bo.  Adj.  thilk  Ar. 
M.  that  S.  P.  day]  tyme  Lb.  P.  E2.  cessen  M.  Adj.  cesen  Bo.  ceassen  E2. 
cheson  Lb.  P.  her]  of  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  3921.  preyeiro  Ar. 
3922.  at  Ar.  M.  atte  Bo.  Adj.  at  be  Lb.  Di.  P.  3924.  horn]  hem  G.  Bo.  Du. 
I.  he  Ad2.  made  horn]  made  he  horn  Lb.  P.  resorte]  to  resorte  G.  M.  Ad2.  I. 
3925.  to]  om.  Ad^  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  stynten]  styntith  Ad2.  styntyng  I.  3926. 
hasting]  enhasting  M.  Di.  3927.  into  toun  Ar.  G.  L2.  Ro.  be  toun  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  vnto  the  toun  S.  in-to  >e  toun  Bo.  and  the  rest.  3929.  herd]  herd  me 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  began]  gan  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  this]  the  Tj.  Lx.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  E2. 
3930.  That]  But  E2.  3931.  recurlees]  reklesli  Ra.  Ba.  S.  golden]  yeuen  E2. 
3932.  In]  Of  E2.  thavengyng]  the  avengyng  Lj.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  P.  L2.  Ro. 
3934.  humblely  Ar.  hmnbely  LI-  M.  Di.  Adlt  P.  humbly  Bo.  aiid  the  rest. 


Jocasta  returns  to  Thebes. 

[PT.  in. 

to  make  peace ; 

but  he  will 

do  it  only  on 
Tideus's  terms. 

Jocasta  goes 
back  to  Thebes. 

King  Protho- 
nolope  rides 
with  Ismene, 

and  in  his  heart 
pledges  his 
troth  to  her. 

Kyng1  Adrastus  /  only  of  his  grace, 

Some  raene  way  /  wisly  to  purchace  393G 

To  make  a  pees  /  atwene  the  bretheren  tweyii, 

And  the  trete  /  so  prudently  ordeyne, 

On  eifer  party  /  that1  no  blood  be  shad. 

And  this  Adrastus  /  avise  and  ri^t*  sad,  3940 

For  Grekis  party  /  answer  gaf  anon 

That1  other  ende  /  shortly  gete*  she  non, 

licfi  as  the  lordis  /  fully  ben  avisyd, 

Than  Tydeus  hath  aforn  devisyd.  3944 

1F  And  whan  she  saugh  if  may  non  oj>er  be, 

She  lieve  tok  /  and  horn  to  the  Cyte 

She  is  repeired  /,  hauyng1  to  hyr  Guyde 

Polymytes  Rydyng1  be  her  syde.  3948 

And  Tideus  ladde  Antigone, 

And  of  Archadye  /  prothonolope, 

The  worthy  kyng1,  did  his  bysy  peyne 

To  ben  attendauwf  /  vpon  fair  ymeyne,  3952 

Whos  hert1  she  hath  /  to  her  servise  luryd  : 

And  he  ageyn  hath  purtraied  and  fyguryd 

Myd  of  his  bresf  /,  which  lightly  may  not  passe, 

Hooly  the  feturis  /  of  her  fresshly  face.  3956 

Hym  thouht1  she  was  so  faire  a  creature ; 

And  though  that1  he  durst1  hym  not1  discure, 

3  it  in  his  hert  /  as  ferforth  as  he  kan, 

He  hath  avowed  /  to  ben)  her  trwe  man,  3960 

vnwist  to  hir  /  pleynly  and  vnknowe 

3935  to  4116  lost  in  I.  3936.  wisly  Ar.  M.  Ad^  wisely  Bo.  Ra.  onely  Ad2. 
3938.  trete]  tretye  Du.  tretise  L,.  so]  om.  Adr  Ad2.  3939.  in  Ar.  between 
On  and  eiber,  is  an  underdotted  A.  3940.  this]  thus  Ra.  P.  E2.  avise  Ar.  G. 
Avised  Lb.  P.  E2.  Ro.  fullwyse  L2.  wise  Bo.  and  the  rest  (wis  Adj.  Ra.).  3941. 
anon]  he  none  Du.  3942.  gete  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad2.  Ej.  L,,.  getys  Ar. 
G.  gate  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  E2.  Ro.  3943.  fully]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  3944  is  omitted 
in  Ba.  3944.  Than  Ar.  G.  Du.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  L2.  Ro.  As  Lb.  P.  bat  Bo.  and 
the  rest,  hath  aforn]  aforne  hath  G.  Ro.  3953.  to]  in  P.  servise]  hert  S. 
3955.  which  Ar.  G.  Lb.  P.  E^  L2.  Ro.  bat  Bo.  and  the  rest,  lightly  may]  likly 
many  G.  3956.  of  her]  and  the  P.  her]  his  La.  fresshly]  fressh  La.  Lb.  Adj. 
Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  3958.  durst  hym  not  Ar.  G.  Lb.  Ra.  Ej.  L2.  Ro.  dorst  not 
him  Bo.  and  the  rest,  exccjrt  P.  ;  in  P.  3958  is  erased,  and  on  the  erasure  a  later 
hand  has  written  with  paler  ink :  So  plesaunt  and  so  comely  of  fayture.  3959. 
Jit]  And  yit  Ad2.  That  P.  3960.  trewe  Bo.  trew  M.  Adj. 

PT.  III.]        Tideus  will  not  risk  an  entry  into  Thebes. 



[leaf  66,  back] 

Jocasta  and  her 
daughters  enter 

The  Greeks  take 

How  he  was  marked  with  Cupides  bowe, 
with  his  Arwe  /  sodeynly  werreyed. 
And  to  the  jate  /  the  ladyes  conueyed 
Ben  entred  In  /  for  if  drow*  to  eve, 
Grekys  of  hem  taking1  tho  her  leve ; 
Thogh  some  of  hem  wer  sory  to  departe, 
$if  of  wisdam  /  they  durste  not1  iuparte 
Vnder  a  conduit1  /  to  entren  into  toun, 
lest1  it  turned  to  her  confusion. 

Thoufi  some  bookes  /  the  contrarye  seyn : 
But1  myn  Autour  /  is  platly  ther-ageyn, 
And  affermeth  /  in  his  opynyoun, 
That  Tydeus  /  of  hegh  discreciouw, 
Of  wilfulnesse  /  nor  of  no  folye, 
Ne  wold  as  tho  put  in  lupartie 
Nowther  hym-silf  /  nor  non  of  his  ferys. 

And  the  ladyes  /  with  her  heuenly  cherys, 
Angelik  /  of  look  /  and  contenance, 
Lich"  as  it1  is  /  put1  in  remembrance, 
At1  her  entryng1  from  Grekys  into  tou/?, 
Polymytes  /  of  gret1  affecciou??, 
The  quen  bysouhte  /  thilke*  nyght  not1  fyne 
For  tasseye  jif  she  myght1  enclyne 
Ethiocles,  of  conscience  and  ryghf, 

3965.  Ben]  And  bethe  P.  drowe  Bo.  droweth  Ar.  drow  M.  1^.  drough  Adr 
G.  drewe  Ej.  E2.  it]  to  Ro.  drow  to  eve]  drewe  night  to  eve  Lb.  drew  nye 
Eve  P.  drewe  to  night  Ro.  3966.  taking  tho]  tho  takyng  Ra.  P.  tho  taken  Ba. 
taken  han  Lv  taking  tho  her  leve]  ther  leve  toke  right  Ro.  3969.  conduit  Ar.  G. 
Bo.  M.  condit  Adj.  conduct  Lj.  entren  Bo.  M.  entre  Lb.  entere  Ro.  entyr 
Lg.  into  toun  Ar.  G.  Ro.  in  the  totin  Lg.  vnto  the  toun  S.  in-to  be  toun  Bo. 
and  the  rest.  3970.  turned]  turne  Ra.  Ba.  to]  vnto  M.  Di.  3972.  platly] 
pleynly  Lb.  S.  P.  playne  Lj.  E2.  3973  and  3974  omitted  in  Du.  3975  and 
3976  transposed  in  Du.  3975.  wilfulnesse]  wofullnes  Lr  nor  of  no]  or  of  no 
Ra.  Ba.  neither  of  M.  Di.  nere  off  P.  nor  of  high  Ro.  more  of  G.  3976. 
as  tho]  as  then  S.  3977.  nor]  ner  Bo.  Du.  ne  M.  Adj.  3978.  the]  tho  Bo. 
her]  om.  Ad2.  Ex.  heuenly]  hevy  S.  3981.  Grekys]  be  Grekes  Du.  Lb.  P.  into 
toun  Ar.  G.  L%.  Ro.  into  be  toun  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  LT.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba. 
Er  P.  Eg.  vnto  be  town  S.  3982  in  Adj.  and  Ad2.  begins  with  fro  Grekes, 

which  is  left  out  of  3981.  3982.  Polymytes]  Pollimite  besoujte  Di.  3983. 
bysouhte]  besought  bat  E^  om.  Di.  bilke  Bo.  Adx.  this  Ar.  that  M.  Di.  S. 
om.  P.  nyght]  om.  Lb.  P.  not  fyne]  ne  fyne  M.  not  to  fyne  S.  not  for  to  fyne 
P.  bat  she  ne  fyne  Di.  nat  feine  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  3984.  tasseye  Ar.  to 
assay  Bo.  Ej.  to  assaie  M.  Ad^  tassaiu  E.> 


3972    My  author  is 

that  Tideus 

3976    would  not  risk 
lives  by  entering 


begs  Jocasta 

3984    to  try  and  make 
Bteocles  keep 
his  word. 

164  Jocasta  in  vain  urges  Eteodes  to  keep  Faith.      [PT.  in. 

The  Greeks  go 
back  to  their 

[leaf  67] 

Jocasta  tells 
Eteocles  that 

they  despise 
his  offer, 

and  hold  to  his 
old  agreement. 

She  advises  him 
to  keep  it. 

But  he  is 

resolvd  not  to. 

To  kepc  couenaimf  /  as  he  hath  behighf 

Ful  3010  agon  /  with  the  surplusage, 

List1  the  contrarie*  /  tourne  to  damage,  3988 

First1  of  hym-silf  /  and  many  an  ofer  mo. 

And  thus  fro  Thebes  /  grekys  ben  ago 
To  her  Tentys  /  and  rest1  hem  al  that  nyghf. 
And  Lucyna  /  the  mone,shon  ful  bright1  3992 

with-Inne  Thebes  /  on  the  chief  dongourc, 
whan  locasta  made  relaciouw 
Vnto  the  kyng1  /  and  told1  hyw  al  the  Guyse, 
How  that1  Grekys  vttrely  despyse  3996 

his  profre  made  be  fals  collusiouw ; 
Only  excepte  /  the  conuenciouw, 
Of  old  engrocyd  by  gref  p?wvyance, 

which  is  enrollyd  /  and  put1  in  remembrance,  4000 

Vpon  which  they  fynaly  wil  reste  : 
hym  cou?zsaillinge  /,  hir  thouhte  for  the  beste, 
To  conforme  hym  /  to  that1  he  was  bounde, 
lysfr  in  the  fyn  /  falsnesse  hym  confounde.  4004 

But1  al  hir  couwsayl  /  he  set1  it  at  no  prys, 
he  dempt1  hym-silf  /  so  prudent1  and  so  wys ; 
For  he  was  wilful  /  and  he  was  indurat1, 
And  in  his  hert  /  of  malyce  obstynaf ,  4008 

And  outtrely  /  avise'd  in  his  Jjouht1, 
with-Inne  Thebes  /  his  brother  get  right1  nouhf. 

3988.  List  Ar.  G.  lest  Bo.  M.  Adx.  Ra.  contrarie  G.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  L,.  Lb.  M.  Adr 
Ad2.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  P.  L2.'Ro.  contrayre  Ar.  E2.  tonrne]  come  E2.  3989  to  4340  gap  in 
Ro.  3989.  of]  on  Bo.  Du.  Lv  Ad,.  Ad2.  Ej.  and]  and  sith  of  M.  Di.  and  syth  on 
E:.  an]  om.  Ba.  Ex.  mo]  Man  P  (:agoo).  many  an  o)>er  mo]  many  mo  M.  Di. 
3990.  thus]  om.  Lj.  grekys  Ar.  Lj.  L%.  be  grekes  Bo.  and  the  rest,  ben  ago]  be 
go  Adj.  Ad2.  gan  goo  Ba.  3991.  rest]  om.  Ra.  that]  be  Lj.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej. 
3996.  Grekys]  be  Grekes  Du.  Ej.  3997.  his]  A  Lj.  collusioun]  conclusion  Lj. 
3999.  engroced  Bo.  engrosed  M.  Adj.  4001.  they  fynaly  wil  Ar.  Lb.  P.  E2. 
L.J.  fynaly  bei  wil  Bo.  and  the  rest  (wold  Ad2. ),  except  bei  will  fynally  G.  4002. 
counsaillinge  Ar.  M.  counceilling  Adj.  conselyng  Bo.  bought  Bo.  M.  boujte 
Adj.  4003.  conforme]  confourme  Tj.  conferme  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  confyrme  S. 
hym]  om.  Ba.  4004.  lyst  Ar.  lest  Bo.  M.  Adj.  the]  om.  Du.  4005.  it]  Ar. 
G.  Tj.  Lb.  Ra.  E2.  1^.  om.  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  P.  at  no 
prys]  att  nouht  Ra.  Ba.  4006.  and  so  wys]  in  thouht  Ra.  Ba.  4007.  and  he 
was]  and  Lb.  Adj.  Ad.,.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  P.  4008.  Ant  Ar.  4009.  vtterly  Bo.  M. 
Ad,.  4010.  with-iii  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

The  Greeks  take  the  Field.     Amphiorax  sinks  down  to  Hell.     165 

And  in  his  Errour  /  Jras  I  lete*  him*  dwelle. 

And  of  Grekis  /  forth  I  wil  3011  telle, 
which  al  that1  nyght1  kepte  hem-silue  cloos. 
And  on  the  morow  /  whan  Tytan  vp  aroos, 
They  arinyd  hem  /  and  gan  hem  redy  make, 
And  of  assent*  /  han  the  felde  I-take, 
With  the  Thebans  /  that1  day,  out1  of  doute, 
Forto  fighten  /  jif  they  yssen  oute. 
IT  And  Adrastus  /  in  ful  thrifty  wise, 
In  the  feld?  /  his  wardys  /  gan  devise, 
As  he  that1  was  /  of  aH  deceytes  war. 
And  richely  I-armyd*  /  in  his  char 
Amphiorax  cam  with  his  meyne, 
Ful  renomyd  of  antiquite, 
And  wel  expert1  /  be-cause  he  was  old. 
And  whil  that1  Grekys,  as  I  haue  jou  told, 
wer  bysiest1  her  wardys  to  ordeyne, 
Myd  of  the  feld  /  bifyl  a  cas  sodeyne, 
Ful  vnhappy  /  lothsom,  and  odyble  ; 
For  liche  a  thing1  /  fat1  wer  invisible, 
This  olde*  bisshop  /  with  char  and  hors  certeyn 
Disaperyd  /  and  no  mor  was  seyne. 
Only  of  fate  /  which  no  man  can  repelle, 
jje  erth"  opnede  /  and  he  fille  doun*  to  helle, 
with  aH  his  folk  /  fat1  vpon  hym  abood. 
And  sodeynly  /  the  grounde  on  which  he  stood 
Closyd  ageyn  /  and  to-gydre  shette, 

Next  morning 

the  Greeks  take 
the  fleld. 




comes  out  in 
4024       [leaf  67,  back] 
his  chariot, 


^  How  Amphio- 
rax fll  doune  into 

4032    but  the  earth 
opens ; 

he  falls  into 

4036    and  the  earth 

4011.  his]  hir  Bo.  lete  Bo.  M.  Adlt  lote  Ar.  late  Du.  him]  hem  Ar. 
4012.  Grekis]  >e  Grekes  Du.  E^  I]  om.  Bo.  }ou]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  4013.  kepte 
M.  kept  Bo.  Adj.  hem-silue  Ar.  hem-self  Bo.  M.  Adx.  4014.  Tytan] 
tiban  Lb.  bey  Lx.  vp  aroos]  vp  he  rose  Bo.  vp  ros  Lx.  Ba.  Lg.  4016.  of]  of 
oon  L0.  of  assent  han]  han  of  assent  Ra.  Ba.  I-take  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  Di. 
Adj.  Ad,j.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  £3.  L2.  take  Du.  M.  Ra.  4018.  yssen  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
issue  Ba.  Ex.  E2.  4022.  And]  Full  Ba.  I-armyd]  armyd  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the 
other  MSS.  in  his]  him  in  Bo.  char]  chaire  E2.  cheare  S.  4024.  Ful]  Full 
richelie  Ba.  renomyd  Ar.  Bo.  renomed  M.  Adj.  renoumed  E0.  of]  of  old  Ra. 
Ba.  4026.  Grekys]  be  Grekes  Du.  4028.  bifyl  Ar.  befel  Bo.  M.  ther  fel 
Adj.  Ad.2.  fill  Ra.  Ba.  4031.  olde  Bo.  Adj.  old  Ar.  M.  4034.  opnede  Ar. 
opned  M.  Adjt  openyd  Bo.  openeth  Ej.  fille]  went  P.  L2.  doun]  om.  Ar.  G. 
L,.  4036.  on  which  he  stood  Ar.  L2.  that  they  on  stode  Lb.  P.  that  he  on 
rode  E.2.  bat  he  on  stode  Bo.  and  the  rest  (vpon  Lv  Ad2). 

166         AmpMorax  is  sent  to  Hell  for  his  false  Idolatry.     [PT.  in. 

The  Devil  paid 
him  his  wages, 

for  his  idolatry, 
[leaf  68] 

necromancy  and 

sinking  into 

j>at*  neuer  after  Grekis  with  hym  mette. 

And  thus  the  devel  /  for  his  old  outrages, 

lich"  his  decerfr,  paied  hym  his  wages.  4040 

For  he  ful  lowe  /  is  discendid  dou?i 

Into  the  dirk  and  blake*  Regyoura 

wher  that1  Pluto*  /  is  crown  yd  and  ystallyd 

with  his  quene  /  proserpina  I-callyd.  4044 

with  whom  this  bisshop  /  ha])  made  his*  mansiouw 

Perpetually  /  as  for  his  guerdouw. 

H  lo  here  the  mede  /  of  ydolatrie, 

Of  Rytys  old  /  and  of*  fals  mawmetrye.  4048 

lo  5  what  auayllen  Incantaciourcs 

Of  exorsismes  /  and  coniurisourcs ; 

what1  stood  hym  stede  his  Nigromancye, 

Calculaciouw  /  or  astronomy e ;  4052 

what1  vaylled  hym  /  the  heuenly  manciouns, 

Diuerse  aspectis  /  or  constellaciourcs  ? 

The  ende  /  is  natt  /  hot1  sorowe  and  meschaunce, 

Of  hem  J>at  setten  /  her  outre  affiaunce  4056 

In  swiche*  werke's  supersticious, 

Or  trist1  on  hem  /  :  he  is  vngracious. 
Record!  I  take,  shortly  forto  telle, 

Of  this  bysshop  /  sonken  dourc  to  helle,  4060 

whos  wooful  ende  /  about1  in  eue?-y  cost1 

Swich  a  Kumowr  /  hath  maked  in  the  host* 

4038.  Grekis]  J>e  Grekes  Da.  4040.  paied  Ar.  Bo.  Lb.  paid  Adj.  quyt  M. 
Di.  4042.  dirk  Ar.  derke  Bo.  M.  Adj.  blake  Bo.  blak  Ar.  M.  Adj. 
4043.  wher]  whor  Ar.  wher  that]  Where  as  TJ.  Di.  Pluto  Tj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2. 
P.  Plyto  Ar.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  £3.  Plito  G.  Lj.  Plato  Bo.  Du.  Kj.  ystallyd] 
stalled  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  4045.  his]  is  Ar.  Adj.  4048.  and  of]  and  Ar. 
Lb.  P.  E2.  Lg.  of  Ad2.  mawmetrye]  mawmatrie  Bo.  mawmentrie  Ra.  Ba.  4050. 
and]  and  of  Bo.  Tj.  L:.  M.  Di.  S.  coniurisouns]  coniuracions  S.  congurasons  L2. 
4051.  stood  hym  stede  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  1^.  stode  in  stede  Lb.  Adj. 
Ad2.  P.  E2.  stode  hym  in  stede  Du.  Lx.  Ba.  Nigromancye]  nygramancye  Bo.  Ba. 
Ej.  nigrimansies  Lb.  4053.  vailed  Bo.  M.  availed  Adj.  4054.  or]  or  the 
Ra.  Ba.  and  Tj.  of  Di.  4055.  not  Bo.  nat  Du.  noght  Adj.  4056. 
outtre  G.  vttre  Bo.  vtter  M.  Adj.  affiaunce]  assurance  S.  4057.  suche  Bo. 
M.  swich  Ar.  such  Adj.  which  G.  4058.  trist  Ar.  Bo.  M.  trust  Du.  Adj. 
treste  Lb.  on]  of  Ij^  4061.  about]  don  Lb.  doun  C.  done  P  (altered  to 
down  by  later  fiand,  but  done  perfectly  legible  under  it).  4062.  hath  maked] 
maked  hath  M.  Di.  hath  maad  Tx.  Lb.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  C.  £3. 

PT.  Hi.]     The  Greeks  all  fear  that  they  may  go  to  Hell  too.         167 

That1  the  noys  /  of  this  vnkouth  thyng1 

Is  yronne  /  and  come  to  the  kyng1,  4064 

how  this  vengeau?ice  /  is  vnwarly  falle. 

And  he  anon  /  made  a  trumpet  calle 

Alle  his  puple  /  out1  of  the  felcJ  ageyn ; 

And  euerychon  /  assembled  on  a  pleyn  4068 

To-fore  the  kyng1  /  and  also  rounde  abouto. 

Euery  man  /  of  his  lyf  in  doute,  makes  ail  the 

.  .  .  Greeks  fear  for 

Ful  pitously  /  gan  to  irowne  ana  loure,  their  own  lives. 

list1  that*  the  grounde  hem  alle  wil  deuouro  4072 

And  Swalowen  hem  /  in  his  dirke*  kave ; 

And  they  ne  can  /  no  recur  hem  to  save. 

For  nouther  force  /  nor  manhode  may  availle 

In  swiche  meschief  /  the  valewe  of  a  maylle.  4076 

For  he  that1  was  wisest1  /  and  koude  most1  As  their  wisest 

To  serche  and  seke  /  thorgh-out1  al  the  host1, 

Amphiorax  /  whan  that1  he  lest1  wende, 

To  helle  is  sonken  /  and  coude  hym  not1  diffende,       4080  ftag  gone  to  Hell 

/m     ,  . ,  ,  ?  •  ^\  so  suddenly, 

(To  hym  the  tyme  vnknowen  and  vnwisf ) 

In  whom  whilom  was  al  J>e  Grekis  tristf, 

her  hoole  *  conf ort1  /  and  her  affiaunce.  [ieaf  es,  back 

But  aH  attonys  /  for  this  sodeyn  chauwce  4084 

And  this  meschief  /  they  gan  hem  to  dispeire,  despair,618 

4063.  vncouth  Bo.  Adlt  vncouthe  M.  4064.  Is]  hath  Ba.  yronne]  ronne  Tx. 
C.  yronne  and]  om.  S.  come]  ycome  Bo.  Du.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  to]  vnto  Lb.  S.  C.  E2. ; 
in  Ar.  thekyng,  but  the  words  separated  by  a  vertical  stroke.  4065.  this]  the  Ba. 
veniance  C.  vnwarly]  vnwardly  Ej.  sodenly  C.  4068.  on  Ar.  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  E1. 
in  Tj.  L.2.  vpon  Lb.  and  the  rest,  a]  om.  P.  4070.  Euery]  Eneryche  Lb.  C. 
P.  E2.  in]  stoode  in  Ba.  tho  stood  in  Ra.  4071.  Ful]  And  ful  Ra.  Ba. 
gan]  gonne  M.  Di.  to]  om.  S.  frowne]  sorowe  Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  4072.  list  Ar. 
lest  Bo.  M.  Adj.  that]  om.  Ra.  alle  Ar.  al  Bo.  M.  om.  Adj.  wil]  wold  M. 
Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  E2.  4073.  swalowen  Bo.  swoluen  M.  Adj. 
swelwen  E2.  swolowe  Lb.  P.  in]  in-to  Ad^  C.  derke  Bo.  Adj.  dirk  Ar. 
derk  M.  4074.  ne]  om.  Ba.  can]  konne  M.  Di.  C.  E2.  to]  forto  Ba.  4075. 
force  nor  manhode]  manhod  ne  fors  Lj.  may  Ar.  G.  Lb.  Ba.  C.  P.  1^.  hem  may 
Bo.  Tj.  Du.  may  hem  L^  M.  Di.  Adv  Ad2.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  doeth  E2.  4079.  whan 
that  Ar.  G.  L2.  whan  (om.  that)  Bo.  and  the  rest,  he]  hym  Di.  4080.  coude] 
can  Adj.  Ad.2.  Ej.  not]  om.  Du.  4081.  vnknowen  Ar.  G.  M.  Adj.  vnknowe 
Bo.  4082.  al]  om.  Du.  4083.  hole  Bo.  hool  Ar.  Adj.  M.  affiaunce] 
assurance  S.  4084.  this]  his  Ba.  om.  Du.  Ad,2.  chaunce]  myschaunce  Ba. 
4085.  gan]  gonne  M.  Di.  hem]  om.  Lb.  P.  to  Ar.  G.  Lb.  C.  E2.  L2.  om.  P. 
al  Bo.  and  the  rest,  in  Ra.  Ba.  the  second  half  of  4085  reads:  wordee 

168      The  Thebans  mock  the  Greeks.    Adrastus  s  Council.  £PT.  in. 

and  want  to  go 

The  Tlicbans 
chair  the  Greeks, 

Horn  to  Greco  /  that  they  wil  repeyre. 
This  was  the  pwpoos  /  of  hem  euenchon. 

And  on  the  wallys  /  of  Thebes  lay  her  fon,  4088 

Reioysing1  hem  /  of  this  vnhappy  cure, 
wenyng  therby  /  gretly  to  recure. 
And  on  her  toures*  /  as  they  loken  oute, 
They  on  Grekys  /  enviously  gan  shoute,  4092 

And,  of  despitt  /  and  gret  enmyte, 
Bad  hem  foolys  /  gon  horn  to  her  contre, 
Sith  they  han  lost1  /  her  conforf  and  socour*, 
her  false*  prophete  /  and  her  dyvynour :  4096 

wherthorgh  /  her  partie  /  gretly  is  apeyryd. 
And  in  this  wise  /  Grekys  disespeyryd, 
Dempte  pleynly  /  be  tokens  evidente, 
This  cas  was  falle  /  by  som  enchauwtementf,  4100 

By  wichecraft*  /  or  by*  fals  sorcery e, 
Ageynes*  which  may  be  no  remedye, 
Tristy  diffence  /  helpe*,  nor  socour. 

And  whan  Adrastus  herde*  this  clamour,  4104 

he  bysy  was  ageyn  this  pe/turbauwce 
To  provyde  /  some  maner  chevysaunce. 
And  to  hym  calleth  /  such  cou?isayl  as  he  wiste, 
For  lyf  or  deth  /  thaf  he  myghte  tryste,  4108 

Requeryng1  hem  /  but1  in  wordys  fewe, 
In  this  meschief  /  her  mociou?i  to  shewe, 

4086.  wil]  wold  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  4089.  Reioysing]  Reioisshinge  Di.  cure]  eur 
Lb.  M.  Ra.  vre  LJ.  Ad2.  P.  E^  vr  L2.  cure  Ba.  owre  S.  4090.  wenyng] 
Sownyng  E2.  gretly]  om.  Ad2.  recure]  to  haue  recure  M.  Di.  4091.  toures 
Bo.  M.  Ad^  tours  Ar.  4092.  Grekys]  the  Grekes  Du.  Lj.  gan]  gon  Tj.  Lb. 
M.  Di.  C.  shoute]  to  shoute  Adj.  Ad2.  Ra.  Ba.  C.  E2.  1^.  4093.  despit  and 
gret]  gret  dispit  and  Adj.  Ad2.  Ba,  S.  gret  despit  and  of  Ra.  enmyte  Ar.  Adj. 
ennemyte  Bo.  enemyte  M.  envite  LJ.  L2.  4094  to  4158  lost  in  Ad2.  4095. 
lost]  om.  Ba.  socour  Du.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  Ba.  C.  P.  E2.  L2.  her  socour  Ar.  G.  Bo. 
Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  4096.  fals  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  4098.  Grekys]  be  Grekes 
Du.  E2.  disespeyred]  dispeired  Adj.  S.  E2.  4099.  tokens  Bo.  M.  toknes  Adx. 
4101.  wicchecraft  M.  Adj.  wichcraft  Ar.  wycche-crafte  Bo.  or]  and  E2.  by] 
om.  Ar.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  L2.  fals]  om.  Lb.  S.  C.  P.  E2.  in  Ar.  before 
wichcraft  is  wh,  underdotted.  4102.  Ageyns  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  may  be]  be  may 
Ba.  4103.  helpe  Bo.  help  Ar.  M.  Adj.  4104.  herde  Bo.  Adj.  herd  Ar.  M. 
4105.  this]  the  Adj.  4106.  chevysaunce  Adj.  chevisshaunce  Bo.  4107.  such 
counsayl]  om.  C.  he]  om.  Lb.  P.  him  Adj.  wiste]  list  Adj.  4108.  inyght 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  4109.  but  in]  bouten  Bo. 

who  think  that 
witchcraft  works 
against  them. 

Adrastus  sum- 
mons his  Council 

to  devise 

PT.  in.]   The  Council  advise  vigorous  Carrying-on  of  War.        169 

And  declare  by  good  avisemenfr 

What*  to  Grekys  /  was  most*  expedient1,  4112 

To  remedyen  /,  and  make*  no  delay, 

The  vn  couth  noyse  /  and  the  gretf  affray 

That*  Grekys  made  /  with  clamour  inportune, 

And  newe  /  and  newe  /  euere  in  on  con  tune.  4116 

H  And  they  that*  wern  /  most*  manly  and  most1  wise, 

Shortly  saide  /  it  wer  a  cowardyse, 

The  hegh  emprise  /  that*  they  han  vndirtake 

For  dred  of  deth  /  so  sodeynly  forsake.  4120 

If  wer  to  hem  /  a  perpetuel  shame 

And  outre  hyndryng1  /  vnto  grekys  name ; 

And  better  it1  wer  /  to  euery  werreyour 

Manly  to  deye  /  with  worship  and  honour,  4124 

Than  lik  a  coward  /  with  the  lyf  endure. 

For  onys  shamyd  /  hard  is  to  recure 

his  name  ageyn  /  of  what  estafr  he  be. 

And  sith  Grekes  /  of  old  antiquyte,  4128 

As  of  knyghthode  /,  who  so  list1  tak  hod, 

Ben  so  famous  /  and  so  renomed, 

^if  now  of  newe  /  the  shyning1  of  her  Fame 

Eclipsid  were  /  with  eny  spotte  of  blame,  4132 

It1  were  a  thyng1  vncouth  forto  here, 

the  best  remedy 

for  this  trouble. 

[leaf  69] 

They  say  it 
would  be  cow- 
ardice to  give 
up  their  enter- 
prise : 

soldiers  had 
better  die 

than  live  as 

Council  say  that 
as  Greeks  of  old 
were  so  faind 

4112.  was  Ar.  G.  1^.  were  Bo.  and  the  rest,  most]  more  Ba.  4113.  make  Bo. 
M.  Adj.  mak  Ar.  ;  Ar.  has  delaye  with  the  final  e  under  dotted.  4114.  vncouth 
Bo.  Adj.  vncouthe  M.  4115.  clamour]  labour  M.  Di.  inportune  Bo.  Adv  im- 
portune M.  4116.  And  newe  and  uewe  Ar.  Lb.  P.  and  now  and  now  Bo.  and 
the  rest,  except  now  and  S.  euere  in  on]  neuer  in  on  Ba.  in  euer  P.  contuiie] 
contynue  Bo.  Du.  Lb.  S.  4117.  first  most]  more  Ba. ;  btfore  most  is  an  under- 
dotted  w  in  Ar.  second  most]  om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  Ba.  S.  C.  P.  Ej.  4118. 
wer]  was  Adj.  I.  a  cowardyse  Ar.  G.  Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  L2.  a  grete  cowardise  Bo. 
and  the  rest.  4119.  The  hegh  emprise  Ar.  G.  Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  L2.  The  emprise 
Bo.  and  the  rest,  that]  om.  P.  4119  and  4120  are  transposed  in  I.  4120.  so] 
om.  Ra.  forsake]  to  forsake  Lb.  C.  P.  E.2.  4122.  And]  An  Lj.  at  Bo.  Du.  Tj. 
outre  Ar.  G.  vtter  Lj.  Lb.  C.  P.  L2.  our  Bo.  Du.  Tx.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ej.  S.  after 
E2.  in  I.  grete  Ra.  Ba.  vnto]  to  >e  Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  4123.  better]  bet  C. 
to]  vnto  Adj.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  for  P.  om.  Lb.  4125.  endure]  to  endure  Di.  I.  S. 
tendure  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  4128.  sith]  sith  that  E2.  Grekes]  be  Grekes  Du.  old]  so 
old  Adj.  I.  4129.  who  so]  whos  M.  C.  take  Bo.  M.  Adj.  tak  Ar.  4130. 
renomed  Ar.  Bo.  renomede  M.  Adj.  (in  P.  a  later  hand  has  altered  renomed  to 
ivuomyd,  but  the  original  spelling  is  perfectly  legible),  renomed]  worth!  of  deede 
E...  4132.  euy  spotte  of  blame]  spot  of  oiiy  shame  _M.  Di. 

170        The  Greeks  resolve  to  fight  till  Thebes  is  laid  low.     [PT.  in. 

Of  whoes  renovm  /  the  bemes  $it  ben  clere 
Thorgh  al  the  world?  /  wher  as  they  han  passyd, 
And  ben  not1  ^if  /  dyrkyd  nor  diffacyd,  4136 

By  no  report1  /  nouther  on  se  ne  londe 
thyng1  to  forsake  /  that1  they  tok  on  honde. 
"  And  by  example  /  of  our  progenitours, 

as  conquerors,      Jjaf  whilom  wern  /  so  manly  conquerours,  4140 

To-forn  that1  we  into  Grece  wende, 
Of  thyng1  bygon  /  lat1  vs  make  an  ende, 
[leaf  69,  back]     And  parte  naf  /  nor  Seuere  from  this  tourc 

th«y  now  will  •     -i      i         i 

not  leave  Thebes  Til  if  be  brouht1  to  destruccioure, 

wallys  /  tourres  /  Crestyd  and  batailled 

And  for  werre  strongly  apparaylled, 

Be  first1  doune  bete  /  that*  no  thyng1  be  seyn, 
tm  it's  laid  low,    But*  al  to-gyder  /  with  the  erthe*  pleyn  4148 

Be  lowe*  leyde  /  or  that1  we  resorte  : 
so  that  folk         That1  afterward  /  men  may  of  vs  reporte. 

may  say  "  what 

th«y  began,  they  That*  we  bygan  /  we  knyghtly  han  achieuyd 

Vpon  our  foon  /,  with  worship  vnrepreuyd."  4152 

This  was  the  counsaylle  /  shortly,  and  thavis 
TO  this,  an  the     Of  the  Grekys  that1  manly  wern  and  wys, 

Greeks  agree. 

That1  neuere  aforn  wer  markyd  with  no  blame, 

And  specialy  /  swich  as  drede*  Shame,  4156 

And  fully  caste  /  what1  fortune  euer  tyde, 

On  her  pwrpoos  /  to  the  ende  abyde, 

That1  on  no  part1  /  her  honure  not  apalle. 

4136.  ?it]  on.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  derked  Bo.  M.  derket  Adj.  dirket  Du. 
diffased  Bo.  defaced  M.  Adi.  to  faced  Lb.  4137.  nouther]  om.  M.  Di.  on  se] 
in  see  Lb.  P.  by  see  Ba.  ne]  ne  on  Bo.  Tx.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ej.  nor  Lj.  Adj. 
I.  Ra.  S.  C.  Ea-  4139.  example  M.  ensample  Bo.  Ad^  4142.  begon  M. 
begonne  Bo.  bygonne  Adj.  4143.  parte  nat]  nat  departe  Adj.  I.  4144. 
to]  vnto  Bo.  Tlt  Du.  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  into  Lx.  4145.  Crestyd]  crestes 
Lb.  crestes  P.  and  crestes  E2.  and  batailled]  Enbatayled  P.  E.2.  4146 

omitted  in  Ba..  4147.  that]  and  Adj.  I.  4148.  erthe  Bo.  M.  Adj.  erth  Ar. 
4149.  lowe  Bo.  low  Ar.  M.  Adj.  4149  omitted  in  G.  4151.  knyghtly]  kyndely 
Du<  4154.  the]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  4155.  wer  markyd]  marked  were  Lb.  Adj.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  Eg.  no]  om.  Adj.  I.  E2.  4156.  specialiche  Du.  M.  Di.  drede 
Adj.  dred  Ar.  Bo.  drad  M.  dredde  Di.  4157.  tyde]  betyde  Du. 

4159.  part  M.  Adj.  parte  Bo.  her]  om.  Lb.  not]  ne  L1.  doith  P.  apalle 
Ar.  appalle  Bo.  Ad^  enpalle  Lb.  P.  her  honure  not  apalle]  to  the  e  M  (here 
M.  stops  short,  leaving  the  line  unfinished;  cp.  the  preceding  line),  what  so  euere 
falle  Di. 

PT.  ill.]     The  Greeks  choose  a  Diviner  to  succeed  Amphiorax.      171 

And  to  this  cou/zsaille  /  Grekys,  on  and  alle,  4160 

Ben  condescendyd  /  and,  for  mor  happy  sped, 

In  sted  of  hym  /  that1  was  so  late  ded, 

Amphiorax  /  buryed  /  depe  in  helle, 

That1  koude  whilom  /  to  the  Grekys  telle  4164 

Of  thyngges  hid  /  how  if  shal  falle,  aforn  : 

In  stede  of  whom  /  now  they  han  hym  lorn, 

They  casten  hem  /  wisly  to  purchace 

Some  prudent1  man  /  to  occupye  his  place,  4168 

That1  in  swich  thyng  /  myght1  hem  most1  availle 

Thorgh  mystery  of  his  dyvynaylle, 

By  craft1  of  sorte  /  or  of  profecye, 

3if  eny  swich  they  couden  out  espye.  4172 

And  among1  al  /,  her  pwrpoos  to  atteyne, 
As  I  fynde  /  they  han  chosyn  tweyne, 
Most  renomed  /  of  hem  euerychon. 

And  Menolippus  /  callyd  was  the  ton,  4176 

And  Terdymus  /  ek  the  tother  highte. 
And  for  he  hadde  most1  fauozjr  in  her  sighte, 
This  Terdymus  /  was  chosen  and  p?*eferryd. 
And  in*  her  choys  /  Grekys  han  not1  erryd ;  4180 

For  whilom  he  /  lernyd  /  his  emprise 
Of  his  maister  /  Amphiorax  the  wyse, 
And  was  disciple  /  vndyr  his  doctrine. 
And  of  entent1  /  thaf  he  shal  termyne  4184 

Vnto  Grekys  /  thynges  that*  shal  falle, 
*As  a  bisshop  mytred  in  his  stalle, 

IT  How  Grekes 
chosen  hem  /  a 
new  dyvynour 
in  stede  of  Am- 

[leaf  70] 

Of  the  two  candi- 
dates proposed, 
Melanippus  and 
Terdimus,  the 
latter,  who  was 

Eupil,  is  chosen 
y  the  Greeks 
in  his  place. 

Terdimus  is 
made  a  Bishop. 

4161.  for]  om.  SI.  Di.  Ev  mor]  om.  Lb.  P.  happy]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  for  mor 
happy  sped]  after  beste  redde  E.2.  4164.  koude  whilom  to  the  Grekys]  whilom 
to  Grekes  coude  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  4165.  shal  falle  aforn]  sholde  be  beforn  Ad2.  I. 

4166.  In  stede  of  whom]  In  whos  stede  C.  4169.  hem]  om.  Ra.  Ba.          4170. 

mystery  M.  mysterie  Bo.  Ad^  4172.  espye  Bo.  Adx.  aspye  M.  4176. 
Menolippus  Ar.  Bo.  Menalippus  SI.  Adj.  Slenelappus  P.  J>at  oon  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
one  Du.  4177.  Terdymus  Ar.  Bo.  SI.  Adx.  Therdymus  G.  Tredimus  Lb.  C. 
P.  E.2.  Terdinus  Ad2.  Tardynyus  Ej.  >at  othre  Bo.  SI.  Adj.  4179.  was 
chosen]  chose  was  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  chosen  was  Ra.  Ba.  4180.  in]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ej. 

choys]  chose  Ba.  Grekys]  the  Grekes  SI.  Di.  S.  4181.  his]  this  Adj.  Ado.  I. 
4184.  termyne]  determyne  P.  4184.  om.  in  G.  4186.  As  Lb.  C.  P.  ~E.>. 
And  as  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  a]om.  Ej.S.  mytred  M.  Adj.  myterd  Bo. 


The  Thebans  sally  met,  and  are  driven  back.      [PT.  ill. 

They*  don  for  him*  /  in  many,  vncouth  wyse 

In  the  temple  /  to  goddys  sac/v'fise;  4188 

And  thus  conformed*  /  and  stallyd  in  his  Se, 

A  fewc  daye's  /  stood  /  in  his  degre, 

After  his  mayster  /  with  ful  gret1  honour, 

Of  Grekys  chose  /  to  be  successozm  4192 

And  al  this  tyme  /,  in  story  as  is  told, 
Ful  gret1  meschief  /  of  hungre,  thrust*,  and  cold1; 
And  of  Thebans  /  as  they  -issen  oute, 
lay  many  on  /  slayen*  in  the  route  4196 

On  outlier  part1  /,  of  fortune  as  they  mette  : 
her  mortal  swerdys  /  wer  so  sharpe  whette. 
U  And  Tydeus  among  hem  of  the  toun 
Fro  day  to  clay  /  pleyeth  J>e  lyouw  4200 

So  cruelly,  wher  so  that*  he  rood, 
That  Theban  non  /  aforn  his  face  abood. 
He  made  of  hem,  thorgh  his  high  renown, 
So  gret1  slaughter  /  and  occisiouw*  4204 

That1  as  the  deth  /  fro  his  swerd  they  fledde, 
And  who  cam  nexte  /  leid  his  lyf  to  wedde. 
He  qwitte  hym-sylf  /  so  lik  a  manly  knyghtf 
That*  wher  he  went1  /  he  putte  hem  to  the  flight1,       4208 
And  maugrfe  hem,  in  his  cruelt^ 
He  droff  hem  horn  /  into  her  Cite, 
hem  purswyng1  /  proudly  to  the  gate  : 

4187.  They  doon  for  hym  Lb.  C.  P.  E2.  Don  >ei  for  him  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj. 
M.  Di.  Don  for  him  Adj.  Ad,j.  I-  Ra-  Ba  (fro)-  Ei-  s-  Don  for  .hem  Ar-  G-  LZ- 
vncouth  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  I.  vneouthe  M.  sondry  Ad^  wise]  guyse  Ba. 
4188.  to]  to  do  Ad.2.  I.  goddys]  the  goddes  M.  Di.  C.  '  4189.  conformed] 
conformed  Ar.  confirmed  Ba.  E2.  stallyd]  stabled  Eg.  4190.  A  fewe]  And 
few  Lj.  by  fele  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  And  fele  Adj.  Ra.  Ba.  And  fell  Elt  S.  And  many 
Adg.  1.  4192.  chose  Bo.  M.  chosen  Adj.  4194.  thrust  Ar.  thurst  Bo. 
thorst  M.  Jnrst  Adx.  4196.  slayn  Ar.  Bo.  and  all  tlie  rest,  the  route]  the  grete 
route  Ra.  4197.  outlier  Ar.  either  Bo.  M.  Adj.  4198.  sharp  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
4200.  pleyeth]  he  pleyeth  Ad.2.  I.  4201.  wher  so  that]  that  where  so  Adj.  Ad.2. 
I.  where  so  euer  P.  where  so  euer  J>at  Lb.  4204.  occisioun  Ba.  Ad.2.  I. 
S.  E2.  occasioun  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest  (in  P.  altered  to  occisioun  by  a  later  hand)  ; 
in  Tj.  occasioun  is  underlined,  and  occisioun  written  in  the  right  margin  by  a  later 
hand;  cf.  3603.  4205.  fro]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  4206.  who]  who  Vat  S.  nexte] 
nyghe  S.  leid]  left  S.  lyf]  hede  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  E,. 
S.  4207.  so]  om.  Ad2.  I.  so  lik  a  manly]  lik  so  manly  a  Adj.  4208.  the] 
om.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad0.  I.  Ra.  P.  4210.  droff  T2.  drofe  Bo.  droi'  M.  Adj.  droue 
E.2.  4211.  hem]  And  Bo. 

The  Thebans 
suffer ; 

some  are  slain. 


[leaf  70,  back] 

slays  many 

and  drives 
others  back  into 
the  city. 

PT.  III.]     Tideits,  the  best  of  the  Greeks,  is  slain  by  a  Bolt. 


But  one  day 
*T  How  pitously 
Tydeus  was  slayn 
with  a  quarell. 

That1  vnto  hyin  /  they  bar  so  dedly  hate  4212 

That1  they  hem  caste  /  by  sleyhf  or  some  engyn, 

To  bryngyn  hym  /  vrnvarly  to  hys  fyfi ; 

And  leyde  awayf  /  for  hym  day  and  nyght1. 

But1  0.  alias  !  /  this  noble  manly  knyghtt,  4216 

Ypon  a  day  /  as  he  gan  hem  enchace, 

And  mortally  /  made  hem  lose  her  place 

And  sued  hem  /  almost1  to  the  toun, 

That1  cause  was  of  his  destrucciouw.  4220 

For  on,  alias !  /  that1  on  the  wallys  stood, 

which  al  that*  day  /  vpon  hym  abood, 

With  a  quarel  /  sharpe  heded  for  his  sake, 

Markede  hym  with  a  bowe  of  brake,  4224 

So  cruelly,  makynge  non  arestf 

Tyl  it1  was  passyd  bothe  *  bak  and  brest. 

"VVherthorgh,  alias  !  /  ther  was  non  o]>er  red 

Nor  leche-craftf*  /  but*  that1  he  mot1  be  ded,  4228 

Ther  may  therof  be  maked  non  delayes. 

And  }it  was  he  /  holdyn  /  in  his  dayes 

The  beste  knyght1  /  and  most  manly  man, 

As  myn  Autour  /  wel  reherce  kan.  4232 

But1  for  al  that1  was  ther  no  dyffence 

Ageyn  the  strok  /  of  dethys  violence. 

And  Bochas  writ1  /  er  he  was  fully  ded, 

he  was  by  Grekys  /  presentyd  with  be  hed  4236 

Of  hym  that1  gaf  /  his  laste  fatal  wounde  : 

And  he  was  callyd  /,  lik  as  it1  is  founde, 

Menolippus  /,  I  can  non  other  telle. 

4213.  sleyht]  sum  sleight  S.      crafte  LJ.      or  some]  or  by  some  Bo.  Tj.      or  S. 
of   Lj.   P.  4214.  bryngen   Bo.    M.      bring   Adj.      vnwarly]  warly   Bo.    Du. 

to]  vnto  Ba.  E2.  4216.  But]  That  Ad2.  I.  ;  the  low  point  after  0  is  in  Ar. 
0]  om.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  P.  4222.  that]  the  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  4226.  bothe  Bo. 
Adx.  M.  both  Ar.  4228.  Nor]  ne  Adj.  Ad^  I.  E2.  leche-craft  Bo.  M. 
lech-craft  Ar.  Adj.  but  that  he  Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  L2.  but  lie  C.  T2.  that  he 
Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  M.  Di.  Ej.  S.  E.J.  that  he  ne  Tj.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  mot]  must  Ra. 
Ba.  S.  P.  4229.  maked  Ar.  "Lb.  C.  T2.  E2.  L2.  made  Bo.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ad.2. 
Ba.  Ej.  S.  P.  maad  Tj.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  Ther  may  be  mad  ther-of  Adj.  Therof  may 
be  maade  Ad,.  I.  4230.  he]  om.  T2.  3it  was  he]  vet  he  was  Lb.  P.  E.,. 
4231.  best  Bo."  M.  Adj.  4237.  gaf]  ga"f  hym  Lj.  was  Lb.  last  Bo.  M.  laste 
Adj.  4238.  callyd]  y-called  Adj.  S.  is]  was  Bo.  (in  L^.  is  written  above  was, 
which  is  crossed  out}. 

a  Theban 

shot  and  kild 

Tho'  he  was 
the  best  of  the 

[leaf  71] 

he  couldn't  with- 
stand Death. 

174  Fortune  frowns  on  the  Gh'eeks.   Eteocles  rides  to  the  Front.  [PT.  in. 

«•  He  that  slogh 

Tydeus  was 

callyd  Meno- 


King  Parthono- 

lope  was  also 


and  Ypomedon. 

Fortune  frownd 
on  the  Greeks. 


rides  forth 

[leaf  71,  back] 
to  fight  Poly- 

U  But1  thilke*  day  /  Thebans  wex  so  felle  4240 

Vpon  Grekys  /  that1  vnder  her  Cyte 

The  manly  kyng1  Parthanolopfc 

Islayen*  was  /  euene  afor  the  gatys ; 

And  ther  also,  Armyd  bright1  in  platys,  4244 

The  famous  kyng  /  callyd  ypomedouw, 

The  same  day  /,  as  mad  is  menciouw, 

On  hors-bak  /  manly  as  he  faughf, 

At1  the  brigge  /  euene  vpon  the  draught1,  4248 

Besette  with  pres  /  casuelly  was  drownyd. 

And  thus  fortune  /  hath  on  Grekys  frownyd 

On  euery  syde  /  thilk  vnhappy  day. 

But*  al  the  maner  /  tellen  I  ne  may  4252 

Of  her  fightyng1  /  nor  her  slaughter  in  soth, 

Mor  to  declare  /  than  myn  Autowr  doth". 

But  thilke'*  day  /  I  fynde  /  as  je  may  sen, 
whan  Phebus  /  passyd  was*  merydyen  4256 

And  fro  the  south  /  westward  gan  hym  drawe, 
his  gylte  tressys  /  to  bathen  in  the  wawe, 
U  The  Theban  kyng1  /  felle  Ethyocles, 
Kote  of  vnreste  /  and  causer  of  vnpes,  4260 

The  slauhter  of  Grekys  /  whan  that1  he  beheld*, 
Armyd  in  steel  /  he  kam  out1  in-to  feld1, 
Ful  desirous  /  in  that1  sodeyn  hete 
Polymytes  /  at1  good  leyser  to  mete,  4264 

4240.  thilke  Bo.  Adj.  thilk  Ar.  M.  Thebans]  Thebanx  Bo.  Du.  waxe 
Bo.  M.  Ad^  4241.  her]  the  Ad^  Ad^  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  4243.  Islayen]  Islayn 
Ar.  G.  Bo.  Du.  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  T2.  P.  E^  slayn  Tr  L,.  Lb.  M.  Di.  C. 
1*2-  4244.  ther  also]  also  >ere  Du.  4248.  At  the  Ar.  Atte  Bo.  Ad2.  At  M. 
brigge  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ad^  bregge  Ad2.  brugge  1^.  bridge  E.2.  At  the  brigge  euene] 
Att  briggis  eend  Ra.  Ba.  euene]  om.  Ra.  Ba.  vpon]  above  P.  4250.  frowned] 
froned  Bo.  4251.  thilk]  thik  Ar.  4253.  nor]  ne  Lj.  M.  her]  of  her  Lb.  M. 
Di.  P.  of  S.  4255.  thilke  Bo.  Adt.  thilk  Ar.  M.  4256.  whan]  Whanne 
that  Tg.  passyt!  was]  was  passyd  Ar.  G.  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lb.  C.  E2.  I^.  was]  om. 
P.  merydyen]  the  meridien  Ra.  Ba.  S.  4257.  gan]  can  Eg.  hym]  om. 

Adx.  AcLj.  I.  4258.  gilt  Bo.  M.  Adj.          4260.  causer]  cause  Lb.  P.      vnpes] 

vnhappes  Ej.  In  Du.  the  second  half  of  4260  (and  causer  of  vnpes)  and  the 
first  tioo  words  of  4261  (The  slauhter)  are  omitted,  and  the  remnants  of  the  two 
lines  joined  into  one  line.  4261.  Grekys]  the  Grekis  Lb.  P.  peple  Di.  that] 
om.  Ad^  Ady  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  4262.  out]  om.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  in-to]  in 

Ba.  of  P.  feld  Ar.  G.  J>e  felde  Bo.  and  all  the  rest.  4263.  sodeyu  Bo.  M. 
Ad^  sodeyne  Di. 

PT.  III.] 

Polyneices  kills  his  brother  Eteocles. 


Syngulerly  /  with  hym  to  han  ado. 

For  in  this  world  /  he  hatede  no  man  so ; 

he  sat1  so  nygh  /  emprented  in  his  herte. 

whoos  comyng1  out1  /  his  brother  gan  aduerte  4268 

Vpon  his  stede  /  in  the  oppositt, 

And  hadde  ageynward!  /  also  grett  delytt 

To  meten  hym  /  }if  fortune  assente. 

Thenvious  fyr  /  so  her  hertys  brente  4272 

with  haate  Cankered  /  of  vnkynde  blood. 

And  lik  two  Tygres  /  in  her  rage  wood, 

with  speerys  sharpe  /  grounde  for  the  nonys, 

So  as  they  ranne  /  and  mette  both  attonys,  4276 

Polymytes  /  thorgh  platys,  mayle,  and  sheeld 

Eoof  hym  thorgh-out  /  and  smette  hym  in-to  feld!. 

But1  whan  he  sauh"  /  the  stremys  of  his  blood 

Eaylle  about*  /  in  maner  of  a  flood,  4280 

Al  sodeyuly  /  of  compassiouw, 

From  his  coursere  /  he  alighte  dotm, 

And  brotherly,  with  a  pitous  face, 

To  saue  his  lyf  /  gan  hym  to  vnbrace*,  4284 

And  from  his  wounde  /  of  newe  affecciouw, 

Ful  bysy  was  /  to  pulle  out*  the  trunchourc, 

who  is  ready 
to  meet  him. 

Eteocles  and 
attack  one  an- 

f  How  euerich  of 
eren  slogh  other 
to-forn  |>e  Cyte. 
Polyneices  runs 
Eteocles  thru, 

and  then  dis- 

to  pull  his  spear 
out  of  his 

4265.  to]  forto  Ra.  Ba.      ado]  at  do  Ba.     to  do  Lb.     do  C.        4266.  worlde  Bo. 
4267.  emprented  Bo.  M.    enprented  Adj.      enprintid  Di.      In  G.  the  second  half 
of  4267  and  the  first  half  of  4268  are  omitted:  He  sat  so  nygh  out  his  brother  gan 
aduerte.          4269.  stede  M.   Adj.     steed   Bo.          4270.  hadde]  om.  Bo.       4271. 
Ar.  has  tometen,  with  a  vertical  stroke  between  the  two  words,     assente]  will  assente 
E2.          4272.  Thenvious  Bo.  M.  Adj.          4273.  with]  Whiche  T2.  ]L      Whiche 
of  P.     haate  Ar.      hete  Bo.      hate  M.  Adj.  and  the  rest.      cankred  Bo.  M.  Adx. 
Cankered]  was  cancred  E2.     om.  P.      of]  and  of  P.          4275.  sharpe  Bo.      sharp  ^ 
M.  Adp      grounde  Bo.      ground  M.  Adx.      grounden  Ra.   Ba.      speerys  sharpest*, 
sharpe  sperys  Ba.  T2.         4276.  ranne]  ronne  M.  Di.     renne  T2.    rood  Ad2. 1.     arj2.  I. 
om.  Ra.  Ba.      and  ne  T2.      mette  Bo.  M.   Adj.      mete  Lb.      mette  both]  h-.  Bo. 
mette  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.          4277.  thorgh]  with  Ra.  Ba.      platys]  plate  T-  (into). 
M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.     platys  mayle]  mayle  plate  P.         4278.  Roof  M.    Ad^ 
Bo.      Rof  M.  Adj.      thorgh-out]  thoroh  Adx.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  T2.      smette  A~4324.  was] 
sinete  Bo.  Du.     bar  Adx.  Ad2.  I.     smote  Tj.  and  the  rest,     hym]  om.  R^  Ar.  M.  Ad^ 
to]  in  T2.     feld  Ar.  G.  C.     >e  feld  Bo.  and  the  rest.         4280.  raile  Bo.  JV£d2.  I.  Ba.  L2. 
as  Ad2.  I.         4281.  Al]  And  Ba.  Ra  (And  written  above  Al,  which  isf.  Bo.  Tx.  Adj. 
sodeynly]  sodenliche  M.  Di.     of]  meeued  of  Ra.  Ba.         4282.  courj,      aryvinge  Lb. 
Adj.      coursour  Bo.      coursar  L2.     alighte]  light  G.  Du.  Lb.  M.  E.  BO.  M.  Adx.      at 
doun  Ar.  Lj.  Ex.  C.     a-doun  Bo.  G.  and  the  rest.         4284.  unbra^.      entailes  Ad2.  I. 
Ez.  S.  C.  E2.     umbrace  Bo.     embrace  Ar.     enbrace  G.  Lx.  Lb.  ^eroun   L2.      gestran 
P.  L2.         4286.  out]  om.  Ar.  G.  Ra.  Ba.  L2. 


On  which 

stabs  Polyneices 
to  the  heart : 

[leaf  72] 
so  both  die. 

The  Thebans 
mourn  their 
king's  death. 

176  Eteocles  kills  his  brother  Polyneices.  [PT.  ill. 

Of  loue  only  /  handlyng  hyrn  ryght  softe. 

Butt  O  /  alias !  whil  he  lay  alofte,  4288 

Ful  yrously  /  Ethiocles  the  felle, 

Of  al  this  sorowe  /  verraye  sours  and  welle, 

his  brother  smoott  vnwarly  to  the  herte  :  4292 

which  al  her  lyf  /  hadde  be  so  wrothe. 
And  thus  the  Thebans  /  were  yslawe  *  bothe 
Att  the  entr6  /  euene  aforn  the  koun. 

But1  Grekys  /  tho  /  ben  availled  douw  4296 

Outt  of  the  feld!  /  the  worthy  knyghtys  alle. 
And  in  Thebes  /  loud*  /  as  eny  shalle, 
The  Cry  aroos  /  whan  her  kyng  was  ded. 
And  to  the  gatys  /  armyd  foot  and  hed,  4300 

Outt  of  the  touw  /  cam  many  proud  Theban. 
And  some  of  hem  /  vpon  the  wallys  ran 
And  gan  to  shoute  /  that1  pit6  was  to  here. 
And  they  with-outt  /  of  her  lyf  in  were,  4304 

with-oute  confortt  //  or  consolacioun, 
Disespeyred  /  ronne*  horn  to  the  toura 
And  Grekys  folowen  after  att  the  bak, 
Thatt  many  on  /  that1  day  /  goth  to  wrak.  4308 

4287.  handlyng]  handeled  M.  handlid  Di.  holding  Ba.  S.  ryght]  ful  G.  Lb. 
M.  Ad,.  Ad,,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  4288.  0]  om.  Ad^.  I.  one  E2.  alofte]  on  loft  Ra. 
Ba.  P.  4289  and  4290  omitted  in  Ad^  and  I.  ;  in  Ad,,  these  two  lines  are  omitted 
in  their  right  place,  but  written  in  the  bottom  margin  of  the  page  a  little  bit  below 
the  column.  4291.  smert  Bo.  M.  Ad,,  sinarte  E^  4292.  smoot]  roff  Lb. 
C.  TS.  P.  E2.  vnwarly]  vnwardly  £,.  hert  Bo.  M.  Ad,,  harte  E.J.  4293.  had 
Bo.  M.  Ad,.  4294  omitted  in  Ba.  4294.  Ar.  has  a  bar  also  between  the  and 
Thebans.  the]  these  P.  om.  Ra.  Thebans]  Thebanx  Bo.  T,.  yslawe  Bo.  £3. 
yslowe  Ar.  slawe  T,  (weren  s.).  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ad,.  C.  yslayn  T2  (y.  were).  L2. 
n  Lj.  Ad,,.  I.  Ra.  E,.  S.  P.  4296.  tho]  thus  S.  availed  Bo.  avaled  M. 
4298.  And]  om.  £3.  in]  in-to  Ad,.  Ad2.  I.  Thebes]  Thebans  Ra.  Ba. 
,.  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  lowde  Ad^  I.  L^.  londe  E,.  lond  Ba.  S.  lande 
£3.  land  Ar.  G.  L,.  Ad,,  om.  Ra.  as  eny]  as  in  eny  L,.  as  euere 
\.A>.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  as  soche  thing  E2.  shalle]  shralle  T^  shall  fall 
4299.  Cry]  Cytee  E,.  whan]  bat  L,.  4303.  gan]  gon  M.  DL 
omitted  in  Ra.  4304.  wib-oute  Bo.  M.  lyf  in  altered  in  P. 

-    ind  to  lyfes.      in  were]  in  weer  Ad^      in  wyre  Lb.      in  werre  L,. 
first  two  words  Adi   Ej   T       in  fer  r^.         4306.  Disespeyred]  Dispeired  L,.  Lb.  M. 
lines  joined  into  o.   c  P   j^  LZ>     Dessapeyryd  S.     Disepeired  T2.     ronne  Bo.  T,.  M. 
om.  Ad,.  Ada.  I.  _c   ^  E2.      runne  LJ.      ran  Lb.  Ad?.  I.  Ba.  S.  P.  Lo.     room  Ar. 
of  P.      feld  A,  Ra.  Ba>  c.      vnto  S.         4307.  after]  om.  Bo.  T2.  "    at  the  Ar. 

,.  Ad^. 
nnappes  E,. 


Ad,,     sodeyne  Di. 

j        atte  her  ^ 

PT.  III.]  Hideous  Noise.     Furious  Fight  at  the  Gates  of  Thebes,  177 

Many  Greeks 
were  shot. 

The  noise  of 
the  guns  was 

At  the  gates 

the  Thebans 
fight  the  Greeks 

[leaf  72,  back] 

with  dagger, 

And  as  her  foomen  /  proudely  hem  assaylle 

Ful  many  Grek*  /  thorgh  platys  and  thorgh  maylle 

was  shette  thorgh-outf,  pressyng  at1  the  wallys, 

And  betyn  of  /  with  grete  rounde  ballys,  4312 

That*  her  lay  on  •/  and  another  Bonder. 

And  the  noyse,  hydouser*  than  thonder, 

Of  gonne-shofr  and  of*  Arblastys  ek, 

So  loude  oufr-ronge  /  that1  many  worthy  grek  4316 

Ther  lost1  his  lyf  / ;  they  wern  on  hem  so  felle. 

And  at1  the  gatys  /,  shortly  forto  telle, 
As  Grekys  prees  /  to  entren  J>e  Cyte, 
They  of  Thebes  /  in  her  Cruelte  4320 

with  hem  mette  /  ful  furious  and  wood, 
And  mortally  /  as  they  ageyn  hem*  stood, 
Men  myghte  sen  /  sperys  Shyuere  a-sonder, 
That1  to  byhold  /  it  was  a  verray  wonder  4324 

how  they  foyne  /  with  daggers  and  with  swerdys, 
Thorgh  the  vyser  /  amyng**  at1  the  berdys, 
Percyng1  also  /  thorgh  the  rownde  Maylles, 
Kent*  out*  peces  /  of  ther  aventaylles,  4328 

That  nouhf  availleth  /  the  myghty  Geseran, 

4309.  And]  Ans  Ar.  4310.  Grek  Ra.  Ba.  C.  T0.  Grekys  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
thorgh]  thorgh-oute  M.  Di.  platys]  plate  M.  Di.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  C.  T2.  P.  Eg. 
second  thorgh]  om.  Lr  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  E2.  4311.  was]  were  Lb.  M.  Di. 
P.  shette  Ar.  shet  G.  Bo.  'i\.  Lb.  Ej.  C.  T2.  E2.  shot  Lv  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
S.  P.  L2.  shoten  Ra.  Ba.  borugh-oute  Bo.  M.  borhout  Adj.  ;  in  Ar.  (also  in  Bo.) 
there  is  a  pause-bar  dividing  thorgh  and  out.  thorgh- out]  thoruh  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
at  the  Ar.  atte  Bo.  Adj.  at  M.  to  the  Ba.  4312.  grete  Bo.  Ad!,  gret 
M.  rounde  Bo.  round  Adj.  M.  4313.  her]  ther  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S. 
4314.  hydowser  L2.  hydousher  Ar.  G.  more  hid-ms  Bo.  and  the  rest,  thondei] 
be  thondur  Bo.  G.  Tj.  Ba.  4315.  Of  gonne-shot]  Of  gret  strokes  S.  and  of  Lx. 
Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  and  Ar.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  Arblastys  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
Arblastres  Lb.  Arowblasters  Lj.  arowblastes  C.  4319.  As]  Atte  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
Ra.  Ba.  Ex.  S.  prees]  pressen  M.  Di.  presen  Et.  T2.  E2.  to  entren  Ar.  Bo. 
Adj.  to  entre  M.  to  entyrn  L2.  to  cuter  in  S.  in  entryng  to  Ra.  Ba  (into). 
4320.  Cruelte]  fel  cruel  te  M.  Di.  T2.  4322.  ham  Ar.  hem  Bo.  M.  Adt. 
4323.  mijte  Adj.  might  Bo.  M.  a-sonder]  iri-sovndre  Ba.  4324.  was] 

were  Lj.  a]  om.  G.  Bo.  Lx.  Ad2.  I.  verray]  grete  T^  4325.  foyne  Ar.  M.  Adt. 
fuyne  Bo.  foyned  Lb.  feyne  Ej.  fyn  S.  second  with]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  L2. 
4326.  Torgh  Ar.  vyser  Bo.  Adj.  vysour  M.  hamyng  Ar.  G.  Bo.  TI-  Adt. 
Ra.  amyng  M.  aymeng  C.  awmynge  Di.  E2.  arniyng  T^  aryvinge  Lb. 
hauing  Lt.  Ad2.  Ba.  Ej.  S.  hangyng  I.  L2.  at  the  Ar.  atte  Bo.  M.  Adz.  at 
Ej.  E2.  Li2.  at]  om.  Lb.  4328.  aventaylles]  ventaylis  L.J.  entailes  Ad2.  I. 
4329.  Geseran  Ar.  gesseran  M.  Adx.  gesserou  Bo.  gesseroun  L2.  gestran 
L,.  E!. 


178        All  the  Knights  of  Greece  and  Thebes  are  slain.  [PT.  in. 

and  spear. 

Men  are  trodden 

The  cries  of  the 
dying  are  loud. 

How  al  the 
gentyl  blood  of 
grece  and  Thebes 
was  distroyed 
on  /  o  •  /  day. 

Of  the  Greek 


only  Adrastns 

and  Capaneus 


The  Thebans 
bar  their  gates, 

Thorgh  brest1  /  and  nekke  /  that  the  sperys  Ean. 

her  wepnys  wern  /  so  sharpii  grounde  and  whet1, 

In  ther  arrnure  /  that1  ther  was  no  let1.  4332 

For  ther  laye  on  /  troden  vnder  foote, 

And  Bonder*  /  on  /  percyd  to  the  herte  roote. 

Her  lith  on  ded  /  and  ther  another  lame. 

This  was  /  the  play  /  and  the  mortal  game  .       433G 

Atwene*  Thebans  /  and  the  Grekys  provide, 

That1  the  swowys  /  and  the  crye's  loude 

Of  hem  that1  lay  /  and  golden  vp  the  goosf, 

was  herd  ful  fer  /  aboute  in  many  cost*.  4340 

U  And  at1  the  gatys  /  and  sayllyng  of  J?e  wal 

Islayen*  was  /  al  the  blood  Eoyal, 

Both  of  the  touw  /  and  of  Grekys  lond, 

And  aft  the  worthy  knyghtys  of  her  hond*.  4344 

And  of  lordys  /,  31  f  I  shal  not1  feyne, 

On  Grekys  syde  /  alyve  wer  but  tweyne, 

Kyng1  Adrastus  /  and  Cainpaneus. 

That1  day  to  hem  /  was  so  vngracius.  4348 

And  for  Titan  /  westryd  was  so  lowe 
That1  no  man  myghf  vnnethys  other  knowe, 
Tho  of  the  touw  /  shet1  her  gatys  faste 

4330.  nek  Bo.  brest  and  nekke]  nekke  and  brest  Lb.  Adv  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S. 
C.  T2.  P  (corrected  from  brest  and  nek),  that]  so  Lt.  sperys]  myghty  speres  Ej. 
Ran  Ar.  M.  Adj.  ron  Bo.  4331.  wepenes  Bo.  wepens  M.  wepons  L^.  sharp 
Bo.  M.  Adj.  grounde  and  whet]  whet  and  ground  M.  grounde  and]  om.  Lb.  P. 
grounde]  y-grounde  (om.  and  whet)  Di.  4332.  ther  was  no  let]  no  let  was  found 
M.  Di.  they  were  nat  lette  C.  T2.  4333.  vnder  foote]  vnder  be  foote  Adj.  I. 
4334.  Jonde  Ar.  G.  yondre  (yonder)  Bo.  and  the  rent,  on]  a-nothir  S.  P.  percyd] 
pressid  Ad2.  I.  peresed  Ba.  herte  Adx.  hert  Bo.  M.  vnto  the  rote  (om. 
herte)  T2.  4337.  A-twene  Adj.  M.  Atwen  Ar.  Bo.  Atwix  Ha.  Betwix  Ba. 
Bitwene  1^.  Thebaus]  Thebanx  Bo.  Tj.  Adj.  the  Thebans  S.  4338.  That] 
om.  Bo.  swowys]  swoughes  Lb.  P.  E2.  swoes  M.  swounes  Ej.  showghtes  Lj. 
showes  I*;.  sowtesS.  swerdes  Bo.  4340.  many  Ar.  many  a  Bo.  4341.  at 
the  Ar.  atte  Bo.  Adj.  at  M.  and]  om.  Lb.  of  L2.  sayllyng]  assailing  Ad^ 
Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  saylynges  L^.  soylinge  Lb.  sawtyng  Lj.  om.  P.  of  be]  atte 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  on  the  G.  L2.  before  the  P.  4342.  Islayen]  Islayn 
Ar.  Bo.  and  all,  except  Slayn  La.  M.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  C.  4343.  Grekys]  be  Grekes 
Lj.  Di.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  £3.  Ro.  4345.  ?if]  om.  Ro.  in  Ra.  4345  reads:  And  of 
the  sothe  if  I  shall  nat  feyne  ;  in  Ba :  If  I  shall  nat  in  sothe  feyn.  4348. 
vngracius]  gracious  Di.  4349.  westryd]  westward  Bo.  Ra.  Ba.  westryd  was] 
was  westrid  Ad^  I.  4351.  Tho  of  the  toun]  Thei  of  the  toun  Bo.  L2.  These 
of  be  toun  L:.  Of  the  toun  thei  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  her]  pe  S.  P.  shet  her 
gatys]  shotte  her  gonnys  Ra.  Ba  (govnes). 

PT.  III.]   Eteocles  is  buried,  mournd  "by  his  Mother  and  Sisters.    179 

with  barrys  rounds  /  maked  forto  laste,  4352 

In  which  no  wight1  kerve  may  nor  hewe.  [leaf  73] 

And  Adrastus  /  with  a  grekys  fewe 
Eepeyred  is  horn  vnto  his  Tent1, 

And  al  that*  nyght1  /  ne  wastyd  hath  and  spent1          4356 
For  his  vnhappe  /  in  sofowe  compleynyng1. 

And  they  in  Thebes  /  the  next*  day  swyng1  and  next  day 

J  bury  Eteocles. 

her  devoyre  did  /  and  her  bysy  cure, 

To  ordeyne  and  make  /  a  sepulture  4360 

For  her  kyng1  /  yslayen*  in  the  feeld  ; 

And  offred  vp  his  baner  and  his  sheld, 

His  helme  /  his  sword?,  and  also  his  penourc, 

Ther-Inne  of  gold1  /  I-betyn  a  dragouw,  4364 

high  in  the  temple  /  that1  men  myghte  sen. 

And  locasta  /  that1  infortunyd  quene.  His  mother 

and  sisters 

her  sones  deth  /  soore  *  gan  compleyne  ;  mourn  him. 

And  also  ek  /  her  3onge  doghtres  tweyne,  4368 

Both  ymeyne  /  and  Antigonee, 

Cryden  and  wepte  /  that1  pyte  was  to  se. 

But1  to  her  sorowes  /  that1  was  non  refut1. 

And  thus  the  Cite  /  bar  /  and  destitut1,  4372 

havyng  no  wight1  to  gouern  hem  ne*  guye  :  No  one  is  left  to 

rul6  in  j.  zi6  DCS. 

For  ded  and  slayn  /  was  al  the  Chyualrye, 
And  no  wight1  left"  almost1  in  be  touw 

4352.  barrys]  ballis  Ra.  Ba.  round  Bo.  M.  Adj.  made  Bo.  M.  Adj.  4353. 
may]  might  M.  Di.  4354.  a  grekys  fewe]  Greke8  a  fewe  Lj.  Ad,.  Ad2.  I.  S. 
Grekes  fewe  Lb.  P.  a  knightis  fewe  T2.  4356.  that]  )>e  Lj.  he]  om.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  wastyd  hath]  hasted  E^.  Ro.  4357.  in  sorowe]  and  sorw  Adx.  Ad^.  I.  Du. 
4358.  nexte  Adx.  next  Bo.  M.  4359.  dide  M.  dede  Bo.  Ad^  '  4361. 

yslayeii]  yslayn  Ar.  G.  Ej.  Ro.       alayn  Bo.  and  the  oilier  MSS.  4362.  and] 

an  Ar.  4363  to  4418  gap  in  Ex.,  one  leaf  (I  1)  being  lost.  4363.  His  helme 
his  swerd]  His  swerd  his  helme  M.  Di.  4364.  Ther-Inne  of  gold]  ther  in 

golde  Bo.  I-betyu]  beten  Bo.  Du.  M.  Di.  S.  C.  P.  y-bete  L2.  a]  om.  Ba. 
4365.  might  Bo.  M.  Adx.  4366.  that]  the  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T2.  P.  E,,. 

infortunyd  Ar.  G.  L2.       infortunat  Bo.  and  the  rest.  4367.  sore  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

soor  Ar.  4368.  also  ek]  eke  also  M.  Di.  Adr  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  T2.  yong  Bo. 
M.  Adj.  om.  Du.  4369.  Antigonee]  fair  Antigone  Ra.  Ba.  antygon  Lb. 

4370.  to  se]  to  se  on  Lb.  4371.  sorowes]  sorownesse  Lb.  that]  om.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  ther  Lj.  Di.  Ba.  E0.  4373.  to  gouern  hem]  hem  to  gouerne  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj. 
M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ro.  ne]  nor  Ar.  and  G.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  4374. 
and]  an  Ar.  Adj.  4375.  left]  om.  Bo.  Tv  Du.  Lv  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 

S.  Ro.     left  almost]  almost  left  T2.     in  \>e  touii]  in  al  )>e  toun  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 


/i  old  Tyrant,  Cleon,  is  elected  King  of  Thebes.     [PT.  in. 

[leaf  73,  back] 

v  How  creaurtt 
]>e  oldt  Tyraunt 
was  chosen  kyng 
of  Thebes. 

Oreon  is  elected 
King  by  Parlia- 

The  Thebans 
swear  allegiance 
to  him. 

Adrastus  sends 

To  regne  vpon*  hem  /  by  successioun.  4376 

U  Buf  for  they  saugh  /  and  tokyn  also  hed, 

with-oute  jris  /  that*  they  hadde  an  hed 

In  the  Cyte  /  fei  may  not1  dure  longe  : 

For  though  so  be  Comownerys  be  stronge  4380 

with  multitude  /  and  have  no  goueraaylle 

Of  an  hed  /,  ful  lytyl  may  avaylle  : 

Therfor  they  han  vnto  her  socour 

ychosyn  hem  a  newe  gouernour,  4384 

An  olde  Tyraunt1  /  J>af  call  yd  was  Creon, 

Ful  acceptable  /  to  hem  eumchon, 

And  crownyd  hyw  /  with-oute  mor  lettyng1, 

To  regne  in  Thebes  /  and  to  ben  her  kyng1,  4388 

Al-thogh*  he  hadde  no  title  by  discentf 

But  by*  fre  choys*  /  made  in  parlemenF. 

And  ther  to  hyw,  lik  as  it  is  founde, 

By  her  lygeatwco  /  of  newe  they  wer  bounde,          -    4392 

For  to  be  trewe  /  whyl  the  Cite  stood, 

To  hym  only  /  with  body  and  with  good. 

Thus  they  wer  sworn  /  and  suryd  euerichon ; 

And  he  ageynward  /  to  saue  hem  from  her  foon,         4396 

And  hem  dyffende  /  with  al  his  fulle*  myghf, 

And  meynten  hem  /  in  al  manere  ryghf . 

This  was  thacord  /  as  in  sentemenf. 

And  in  this  while*  hath  Adrastus  sent1  4400 

4376.  vpon]  on   Ar.    G.    Lb.    C.    T2.    P.    E.2.    L2.       vp  Ro.       hem]  om.    Ro. 

4377.  tokyn  also]  toke  also  M.  Di.  C.    also  toke  P.    takyn  also  Ra.    also  taken  Ba. 

4378.  that]  om.  Ar.  G.      hadde]  han  Ra.  Ba.      haue  Ad^  I.  C.          4379.  dure] 
endure  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ro.          4380.  so  be]  hit  so 
be  Lb.  C.  Eg.    com  oners  Adj.    cominers  M.    communes  Lj.    comouns  Ra.  Ba.  Ad2. 
I.     commynis  S.     Comownerys  (Ar.  G.  C.  P.  1*2.)]  bat  comonus  Lb.  E.2  (commons), 
be  comoners(e£c-)Bo.  and  the  rest,    stronge]  so  strong  Bo.  Ta.  Du.  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  Ro. 
4382.  lytyl]  lite  Lb.  M.  Adj.  C.  T2.  Eg.      may]  it  may  Lb.  M.  Di.  Ba.  S.  C.  T.2. 
£2.  Ro.        4383.  Therfor]  Ther  Du.  Lr      han]  om.  Adr  Ad,,.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  (cf. 
4384).       4384.  ychosen  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.     chosen  M.     hem]  han  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
S.     anewe  Ar.     a  newe  Bo.     a  new  M.  Adj.          4386  to  4515  gap  in  C.          4389. 
Al  they  Ar.  L2.    As  bough  Bo.    Ami  al  though  M.  Di.    And  thouh  I.    Al  though 
Adj.  G.  and  the  rest.  4390.  by]  om.  Ar.  G.   Bo.   T,.  Du.  Lj.  Ad,.  S.  Ro. 
choys]  loys  Ar.     made]  emade  L%.     in]  a  E.2.         4392.  her]  high  Ba.         4397.  al] 
om.  Adj.      fulle]  ful  Ar.  Bo.  and  all.          4398.  maynten  Tj.  Du.  Lj.      mayntene 
Bo.  M.  Adj.     al  manere]  al  manere  of  Lv  S.     all  their  Ba.         4400.  while  Bo.  M. 
Adj.     whil  Ar. 

FT.  ill.]      All  the  Gh'ecian  Ladies  in  black  come  to  Argos.  181 

From  the  Siege  of  Thebes  the  Cyte  home  to  Greece 

the  news  of  the 

A  woundyd  knyght1  horn  to  his  centre, 

Thorgh  al  Grece  /  pleynly  to  declare 

Al  pe  slaughter  and  the  evyl  fare  4404 

Of  worthy  Grekys,  ryghf  as  it*  is  falle, 

And  how  that1  he  hath  lost1  his  lordys  alle  slaughter  of 

.  .    ,    .  his  lords. 

Att1  mor  meschief  /  pan  eny  man  can  moutn. 

And  whan  this  thyng1  /  was  in  grece  couth,  4408 

Fyrstf  to  Argyve  /  and  Deyphylee,  The  Grecian 

And  to  the  ladies  /  ek  in  the  centre 
And  of  provynces  /  aboute  hew  adiacent1, 
They  come  dou?«  /,  al  be  on  assent*,  4412 

Worthy  queenys  /  and  with  hem  ek  duchessys,  [leaf  74] 

And  other  ek  /  that1  callyd  were  contessys, 
And  alle  the  ladyes  /  and  wymmen  of  degre 
Ben  assembled  /  in  Arge  the  Cyte.  4416   f  HOW  allege 

J  ladyes  of  Grece* 

lik  as  I  rede  /,  and  alle  in  clothes  blake:  . 

toward  Thebes. 

That1  to  byholdl  /  the  sorowe  that1  they  make,  mourn. 

It*  were  a  deth  /  to  eny  man  alyve. 

And  $if  I  shulde*  /  by  and  by  descryve  4420 

Ther  tendre  wepyng1  and  ther  wooful  sownys, 
her  complayntys  /  and  lamentacions, 
her  ofte  swounyng*  /  with  facys  ded  and  pale, 
Ther-of  I  myghte  make  a  newe  tale,  4424 

4401.  in  Siege  the  first  e  is  written  above  the  line,  with  the  usual  mark  of 
insertion  Ar.  4402.  to]  into  Lj.  Ra.  Ba.  4405.  worthy]  be  worthi  Bo.  Tj. 
Du.  LJ.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ba.  S.  T2.  Ro.  whiche  E.2.  om.  Ra.  Grekys] 
knightes  M.  Di.  4407.  Att]  And  Ra.  eny]  om.  Ba.  mouth]  tell  S.  4408. 
whan]  whan  that  T2.  thyng]  om.  Ba.  was  in  grece]  in  grece  was  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
T2.  couth]  knowne  well  S.  4409.  and]  and  to  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  S.  T2. 
E2.  4410.  to]  om.  Du.  4411.  provyuces  in  Ar.  corrected  from  provinces. 
4412.  come  M.  Adj.  cam  Bo.  al  be  on]  by  oonlie  Ba.  4413.  ek]  om.  LJ.  Lb. 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  Rj.  4415.  wymmen  Bo.  M.  wommen  Adj.  4417. 
in  the  rubric  Ar.  has  Grce.  4419.  a]  om.  Ad2.  I.  eny]  many  Ba.  alyve]  on 
lyve  Lj.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  P.  Ad2.  I.  4420.  jif]  om.  Du.  shulde  Lb.  shuld  Ar. 
Bo.  sholde  Adj.  shold  5l.  descryve]  bescryue  Bo.  4421.  Ther  .  ther  Ar. 
Their  .  her  Bo.  Their  .  her  Da.  Ther  .  her  M.  Her  .  her  Adj.  sownys]  swowns 
Bo.  bale  EJ.  Ro.  4422.  and]  and  her  Bo.  Tj.  Du.  LJ.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ba. 
S.  T2.  and  her  lamentacions]  om.  Ej.  Ro.  4423.  ofte  Bo.  M.  Adj.  her  ofte] 
With  ofte  Lb.  P.  Of  her  Lj.  swounyng]  sownyng  I*,,  swounynges  Lb.  Adj. 
Ad2.  sownes  Lj.  her  ofte  swounyng]  om.  Ej.  Ro.,  w/tich  two  MSS.  thus  make 
one  line  out  of  the  former  half  of  4422  and  fho  latter  half  of  4423.  facys]  her  faces 
Tj.  face  Lb.  P.  4424.  might  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

182  The  Greek  Ladies  will  go  to  ^Thebes  to  mourn  their  Lords.  [PT.  ill. 

They  gather 

Almost  a  day  /  $ow  to  occupye. 

And  as  myn  Autowr  /  doth  clerly  certifie, 
Thurgh-oute  Grece  /  from  arl  be  Kigiouns 
Outf  of  Cities  /  and  of  Eoyal  touns  4428 

Cam  alle  the  ladies  /  and  wymmen  of  estat1, 
Ful  hevy-cheryd  /  and  disconsolate, 
To  this  assemble  /,  afom  as  I  ^ou  tolde, 
In  pwrpoos  fully  /  her  lournd  forto  holde  4432 

Toward  Thebes  /  thys  sorwful  creaturys, 
Ther  to  bywaylle  /  her  wooful  auenturys, 
Taquyte  hem-silf  /  of  trouth  in  wowmanhede 
To  her  lordys  /  which  in  the  felcJ  lay  dede.  4436 

And  as  the  story  /  liketh  to  declare, 
Al  this  Iourn6  /  they  went1  on  foote  bare, 
lik  as  they  hadde  /  gon  on  pylgrymage, 
In  tokyn  of  mowrnyng*  /  barbyd  be  visage,  4440 

Wympled  echofi  /  and  in  burnetf  weedys. 
Nat1  in  charys  /  drawen  forth  with  stedys, 
Nor  on  palfreys  blake  nowther  white, 
The  Sely  wy?nmen  koude  hem  not1  delite  4444 

To  hold  her  way  /but  barfote  forth  they  \rente, 
So  feithfully  /  euerichon  they  ment, 
Thorgh  hevynesse*  /  diffacyd  of  her  hwe. 
And  as  I  fynde,  they  weryn  alle  trvve.  4448 

IT  Now  was  not1  bat1  /  a  wonder  forto  se 

4426.  doth  clerly]  clerely  doth  Ad^  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  Ro.  certifie]  specifye 
Bo.  Ada.  Ada.  I.  Ra.  Ba.  S.  4427.  Grece]  all  Grece  Lb.  P.  from]  in  Lt. 
be]  om.  Lb.  Ra.  Ba.  T2.  P.  E«.  4428.  Citees  Bo.  M.  Adv  the  citees 

Ad2.  I.  Ta.  second  of  (Ar.  S.  Eo..  L2.)]  othre  Du.  om.  Bo.  and  the  rest. 
4429.  Came  Bo.  Come  M.  Adx.  Comen  Ba.  the]  om.  Ro.  4431.  To]  In  Ba. 
4432  to  the  end  lost  in  Ba.  4432.  In]  I  Er  Ro.  om.  Bo.  T,.  M.  Di. 

purpoos]  Purposed  Ta.  M.  Di.  4433.  Toward  Bo.  M.  Towardes  Adj.  4435. 
of  trouth  in  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  P.  in  troube  of  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  of  trouth  and  E2. 

4438.  lourne]  meyne  S.      on  toote  Bo.  Tj.  Ra.  T2.  L2.      oil  foot  M.  Adj.      on  fete 
Lb.      they  went   on  foote   bare]   the   women  went  foot    bare  Ad2.    I    (wcuten). 

4439.  had   Bo.    M.    Adj.  4440.  barbyd   he   visage*]    barfote   the   vyage   Lli. 
4441.  in]  with   Ad2.     burnet]    moornyng  Ad2.    I.  4442.  in]   with   Ad.,.    I. 
charys]  Chaires  Eo..     with]  nor  with  Ad2.  I.         4443.  nowther  Ar.     neithre  Bo. 
Adj.     nor  M.         4445.  To  hold  her  way]  Her  way  to  hold  in  ese  Adj.  Ado.  I. 
forth]  om.   Ad^   Ado.    I.   E,.   Ro.          4447.  Ar.  has  hevnesse.  4448.  weren 
Adj.     wern  Bo.   M.      alle   M.      al   Bo.      they   weryn   alle]   euerychon   were   G. 
4449.  bat]  bis  Bo.      a]  om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.      a  wonder]  a  woiidyr  thynge  Lb.    P. 
forto]  to  Ta.  P. 

to  journey  to 

to  bewail  their 
dead  lords. 

They  travel 

in  dark  gar- 

[leaf  74,  back] 

and  are  all  true. 

PT.  ill.]  The  Greek  Ladies  reach  Adrastus's  Tent  near  Thebes.  183 


It's  a  strange 
thing  that  in 
1000  or  2000 
women,  none 

was  a  snai"- 

So  many  trewe  /  out1  of  a  cuntre, 
Attonys  gadryd  /  in  a  companye, 
And  feithful  alle  /,  bookys  can  not1  lye, 
Both  in  her  port1  /  and  inward!  in  menyng1 1 
Vnto  my  doom  /  if  was  an  vncouth  thyng1, 
Among1  a  thowsand  wymen  outher  tweyne 
To  fynden  noon  /  that1  kowde  in  herte  feyne. 
It*  was  a  mervaylle  /  nat1  ofte  seyn  aforn. 
For  seelde  /  in  feldys  /  groweth  eny  corn 
But1  jif  some  wede  /  spryng1  vp  per-among1. 
Men  allay e*  wynys  /  whan  they  be  to  strong1; 
But1  her  trouth  was  meynte  wijj  non  allayes, 
They  were  so  trewe  /  founde  at1  alle  assayes. 

And  they  ne  stynt1  /  vpon  her  ioztme 
Tyl  that1  they  cam  Jjer  as*  they  wolde  be, 
wher  Adrastus  /,  wrytyn  as  I  fynde, 
lay  in  his  Tent1  /  al  of  colour  ynde  ; 
Gretly  mervaylyd*  /  whan  that1  he  biheld 
The  notnbre  of  hem  /  sprad  thorgh  al  be 
Clad  aft  in  blak  /  and  barfoot1  euerychon. 
Out1  of  his  Tent1  /  he  dressy  d?  hym  anon, 
Vpon  his  hand  /  the  kyng1  Campaneus  *  ; 
Ful  trisf  in  herte  /  and  face  right1  pitous, 

4450.  trewe  Bo.  Adj.  trew  M.  trew  women  Ra.  out]  om.  Ra.  a  Ar.  o  Bo. 
M.  Adj.  oon  Lb.  Ra.  4451.  gadred  Bo.  gadert  M.  Adz.  a  Ar.  Bo.  M. 
o  Adj.  4452.  alle  M.  Ad^  al  Bo.  can  Bo.  konne  M.  4453.  her] 

om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  T2.  port]  thoght  G.  menyng]  her  mening  G.  Adj.  Ra.  S. 
her  meevyng  I.  her  moornyng  Ad2.  4455.  outher  Bo.  or  M.  Adj.  4456 
to  4586  lost  in  Bo.  4456.  To  fynden  Ar.  Tx.  Du.  Lb.  E^  Not  to  finde  E.,.  To 
fynde  Lj.  and  the  rest,  noon  Ar.  Ra.  Lo.  nat  one  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  in  on  S.  oon  Tj. 
and  the  rest,  hert  Tj.  M.  Adx.  kowde  in  herte]  coude  not  in  herte  Di.  P.  cowde 
in  hert  nat  Ra.  4457.  ofte  Tv  Ad^  oft  M.  seyn  Ar.  Tv  M.  Di.  T2.  l^.  sen 
j.  and  the  rest ;  in  Ar.  the  y  of  seyn  is  added  over  the  word  with  the  tisual  mark 

4459  to  4572  lost  in  Du.          4460.  allaye  (alaye)]  laye  Ar.  G. 

to  Ar.  M.  Di.  om.  G.  Tx.  and  the  rest.  4461.  non]  om.  Ra. 
trew  M.  Adj.  4463.  stynte  Lt.  M.  Adj.  4464.  Tyl] 

Alle  Ad2.  that]  om.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad.2-  I-  cam  Ar.  come  M.  Ad1.  her  as] 
)>er  Ar.  G.  Di.  E.,.  1^.  where  Lb.  P.  wolde  Ar.  wolde  Adj.  wold  M. 
wol  Lb.  Ar.  has  a  pause-bar  between  they  and  cam.  4467.  Gretly]  And  gretely 
Lb.  P.  E2.  mervaylyd]  amervaylyd  Ar.  G.  Tj.  T2.  1^.  biheld]  behilde  (:  felde) 
Lb.  Di.  4468.  sprad]  ysprad  L^.  thorgh]  in  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  om.  Lx.  Lb.  P.  al] 
om.  Adj.  Ad.2.  I.  Ra.  S.  4469.  all]  om.  Di.  Ra.  4471.  The]  am.  Ad^  Ad.2.  I. 
Ra.  S.  Companeus  Ar.  Campaneus  G.  M.  Ad2.  Capaneus  Ad,.  4472.  trist] 
tristiRa.  face]  of  face  M.  Di.  right]  ful  Lb.  P.  pitous]  pituous  Lb.  pyteous  Ej. 


The  Grecian 
ladies  roach 
4464    Adrastus's  tent. 


He  and  Cam- 
paneus meet 
44/2    them. 

of  insertion. 
may  allaye  T2. 
4462.  trewe  Ra. 

184  The  Greek  Ladies  mourn.  Their  Husbands'  corpses  can't  be  buried. 

Ageyn  the  wommen  /  forth  they  went1  yfere. 

And  to  byhold*  /  the  wooful  hevy  chere, 
The  wooful  cryes  /  also,  whan  they  mette, 
The  sorful  sighys  /  in  her  brestys  shette,  4476 

The  teerys  newe  /  distillyng  on  her  facys, 
And  the  swownyng1  /  in  many  sondry  placys, 
whan  they  her  lordys  /  alyve  not1  ne  founde, 
But1  in  the  feeld?  /  thorgh-girt1  with  many  wounde,     4480 
lay  stark  vpri^tes  *  /,  pleynly  to  endite, 
with  dedly  eyen  /  tournyd  vp  the  white, 
who  made  sorowe  /  or  felt1  her  herte  Ryve 
For  hir  lorde  /  but1  the  faire  Argyve?  4484 

who  can  now  wepe  /  But1  DeyphyleeJ 
Tydeus  /  for  she  ne  myghte  se  ? 
whoos  constreywtys  *  were  so  f el  and  kene 
That1  Adrastus  myghte  not1  sustene  4488 

To  byholde  the  ladyes  so  eompleyne, 
wisshing1*  his  herte  /  parted  wer  on  tweyne. 
1T  And  ^if,  alias  !  /  bothen*  eve  and  morowe, 
0  thyng1  ther  was  /  that1  doubled  al  her  sorowe,          4492 
That  Old  Creon  /  fader  of  fellonye, 
Ne  wolde*  suffre,  thorgh  his  Tyrannye, 
The  dede*  bodies  /  be  buryed  nowther  brente, 

4473.    forth]  om.    Adj.    Ad2.   I.       forth    they    went]  went  forth  P.      yfere] 
in   feere   Lz.    Lb.    Di.    Ra.    S.    E^.  4476.    sorful    Ar.    M.       sorghful    Ad?. 

sorowful  LP  woful  Lb.  P.  ferful  S.  sighes]  sightes  Lb.  S.  brestys]  brest  Di. 
hertis  Lj.  shette]  shent  S  (:  mett).  4478.  the]  so  E2.  sondry]  om.  Adj.  Ad2. 
I.  placys]  place  (:  face)  Ad2.  I.  4479.  her  lordys  alyve]  on  lyve  her  lordis  Lj. 
not]  om.  S.  ne]  om.  Lb.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  P.  L^.  4480.  in]  on  L2.  thurgh  P. 
thorgh-girt]  thorgh-gert  M.  gyrte  P.  many]  om.  Di.  many  a  Lj.  Lb.  Ad2.  I.  Ra. 
S.  E.J.  La-  4481.  stark]  straught  E2.  vprijt  Ar.  Tt.  Adj.  M.  and  all.  4483. 
herte]  om.  Ad^.  I.  4484.  the]  om.  Ad2.  I.  4485.  who]  And  who  Adj.  Ad2.  I. 
But  who  Ra.  S.  can]  ganne  M.  T2.  now]  om.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  4486.  Tydeus  for]  For 
Tideus  bat  Lt.  ne  myghte]  myght  nat  M.  Di.  P.  se]  fele  Ej.  Ro  (both  the  copyists 
pronounced  :  D£yphyle).  4487.  constreyntys]  constretys  Ar.  G.  Tx.  S.  constreytcs 
L.J.  conipleyutis  Ad2.  fel  and]  om.  Ex.  Ro.  4488.  myghte  not]  ne  myght  nat  M. 
Di.  myght  it  not  Ra.  S.  myght  not  hym  G.  4490.  whisshing  Ar.  his]  her 
Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  Ro.  hert  Tj.  M.  hertes  Adj.  Ad2. 1.  Ra.  S.  parted]  coruen 
Lb.  T2.  P.  Eg.  corvid  L2.  wer]  om.  Lj.  Ad2.  I.  S.  on  tweyue]  atweyne  Lb.  S.  T2. 
P.  in  tweyne  Lj.  Adj.  Ra.  E2.  L2.  4491.  And]  But  Tj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Ad^  Ad.^.  I. 
Ra.  Ej.  S.  P.  1^.  Ro.  both  Ar.  Adj.  bothe  Tj.  M  (cp.  2801).  eve]  even  Llt  Lb.  Ad.,. 
I.  S.  E2.  4492.  al]  om.  Ad2.  I.  4493.  Old  Ar.  olde  M.  Adj.  4494.  wolde 
Adv  wold  Ar.  M.  4495.  The]  Tho  Ra.  ded  Ar.  M.  Adj.  dede  Lb.  Ra.  be 
buryed]  to  buried\be  Adr  to  be  buried  Ad2.  I.  brente]  y-brente  Lb.  Ej.  Ro. 

[leaf  75] 

They  sigh  and 

when  they  see 
their  dead  lords, 

face  upwards. 

Delphi  le  weeps 
for  Tideus. 

5  How  creon  wil 
not  suffre  the 
bodies  nowther  to 
be  buryed  nor 

Creon  leaves 

PT.  III.]        The  Greek  Ladies  wait  till  Theseus  comes. 


But*  with  becstis  and  houndys  to  be  rente. 

',  ,     ,  u    ,  ,  ,      ,       -. 

he  made  hem  aft  /  vpon  an  hepe  be  leyde. 
wherof  the  wymmen  trist1  and  evyl  apeyde, 
For  verray  dool,  as  it  was  no  wonder, 
her  hertys  felt*  almost  ryve  a-sonder. 
U  And  as  my  mayster  Chaucer1  list1  endite, 
Al  clad  in  blak  /  with  her  wymples  whyte, 
With  gretf  honour  /  and  due*  reuercnce, 
In  the  temple  /  of  the  goddesse  Clemence 
They  abood  the  space  /  of  fourtenyghtf 
Tyl  Theseus  /  the  noble  worthy  knyghf, 
Duk  of  Athenys  /  with  his  Chyvalrye 
Repeyred  horn  /  out1  of  Ferny  nye, 
And  with  hym  ladde  /  ful  feir  vpon  to  sene, 
Thorgh  his  manhod  /  ypolita  the  quene, 
And  her  suster  /  callyd  Emelye. 

and  whan  thies  wo??imen  /  gorcne  first  espye 
This  worthy  Duk  /  as  he  cam  rydynge, 
Kyng1  Adrastus  /,  hem  alle  conveyinge, 
The  wommen  brouhtf  vnto  his  presence, 
which  hym  bysoughf  /  to  jive  hem  audience. 
And  ail  attonys  swownyng  in  the  place, 
Ful  humblely  /  preiden*  hym  of  grace 
To  rewe  on  hern  /  her  harmys  to  redresse. 
But1  jif  $e  list*  /  to  se  the  gentyllesse 
Of  Theseus  /  how  he  hath  hym  born, 

4496   the  corpses  to 



AS  Chaucer  says, 

[leaf  75,  back] 

4504    the  ladies  stay 
in  the  Temple 



till  Theseus 
comes  with 

Hippolita  and 

4516    They  pray 

to  redress  their 



bei    felte    Di.       ryve]   reyue 
I.       a-sonder]  on  sounder  Lv 

4498.  wherof]  Ther-of  M.  Di.  \Vherfbre  S.  wymmen  AdT.  wommen  M. 
trist]  were  trist  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  trist  and]  o/ti.  Lb.  P.  evyl]  well  Lx.  ben 
evel  Lb.  were  evell  P.  4999.  as]  om.  Tj.  Lx.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad., 

Ra.    E!.    S.    Ro.  4500.    felt    Tx.    M.    Adj. 

Ej.   Ro.      almost  ryve]   riue  almost  Adj.   Ad2. 

in    sender    Ro.  ;    Ar.   has    a  pause-bar  after   almost.  4501.   my  mayster] 

myn  auctour  M.  Di.  Chaucer]  om.  Tx.  1^.  M.  Di.  Adj.  Ad2.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S. 
Ro.  endite  Ar.  G.  L2.  to  endyte  Tx.  and  the  rest,  except  forto  eudite  Ad2.  I. 
4503.  due]  dieu  Ar.  4504  to  the  end  lost  in  Ail2.  4505.  abood]  bode  E2. 
fourtenyght  Ar.  Lb.  P.  fourten  night  M.  Di.  A'dj.  fortynyght  Tj.  "E^.  Ro. 
fortyn  nyght  S.  fortnyght  Ra.  Lg.  a  fortenyjt  Lj.  E2.  fourtene  uightes  T2. 
4508.  horn]  hem  E2.  Femynye]  Femenye  P.  femeuy  Lt.  L.J.  feuiyne  To. 
femene  S.  4512.  these  M.  hise  Di.  Adj.  wy?Hmeu  JVI.  Adj.  gon  M. 

gan  Adj.  gonne  first]  first  gan  E2.  4514.  alJe]  om.  Adj.  I.  4515.  vnto  Ar. 
T2.  P.  E^  into  Lb.  to  Tj.  and  the  rest.  4518.  humbly  M.  Adx.  hunibely 
Di.  preide  Ar.  and  all. 


Theseus  kills  Creon  and  routs  his  Army.         [PT.  in. 

t  How  the  fynal 
destruccioun  of 
Thebes  is  GO//I- 
pendeously  re- 
hersyd  i»i  }>e 
knyght«  tale. 

Theseus,  as 
Chaucer  says, 
comforts  the 
Grecian  widows. 

[leaf  76] 

lie  goes  to 

slays  Creon, 

and  puts  his  host 
to  flight. 
(Some  say  the 

women  beat 
down  the  walls 
of  Thebes, 

and  that  Jo- 
casta  and  her 

3  if  30  remembre  /  30  han  herde  if  to  forn 

\vel  reliersycl  /  at  Depforth  in  the  vale, 

In  the  bygynnyng1  /  of  the  knyghtys  tale  :  4524 

IT  First1  how  that*  he  /  whan  he  herd  he?w  speke, 

For  vejTay  routhe*  felt*  his  herte  /  breke  ; 

And  her  sorowys  /  whan  he  gan  adue/te, 

From  his  courser  /  doun  anon  he  sterte,  4528 

Hem  confortyng1  in  ful  good  entente, 

And  in  his  Armys  he  hem  aH  vp  hente. 

The  knyghtys  tale  /  reherseth  eue/y  del 

Fro  poyntf  to  poynf  /  $if  je  looke*  wel,  4532 

And  how  this  Duk  /  with-oute  more  abood, 

The  same  day  /  toward  Thebes  rood, 

Ful  lik  in  soth  /  a  worthy  conqueroz^r, 

And  in  his  hoostt  /  of  Chyualrye  the  flow.  4536 

And  fynally,  to  spekyn  of  thys  thing, 

with  old  Creon  /  that1  was  of  Thebes  kyng1, 

how  that*  he  faught1  /  and  slough  hym  lik  a  knyghf, 

And  aH  his  host*  /  putte  vnto  the  nyghtt.  4540 

II  }it,  as  some  auctours  make  menciou^, 

Or  Theseus  entred  into  touw, 

The  women  first  with  pikkeys  and  with  mallys, 

with  gretf  labour  /  bete'  douw  the  wallys.  4544 

And  in  her  writyng  also  as  they  sayn, 

Campaneus  /  was  on  the  wallys  slayn, 

with  cast1  of  ston  /  he  was  so  ouerlade ; 

For  whom  Adrastus  /  such  a  sorowe  made  4548 

That1  no  man  myghtf  reles  hym  of  his  peyne. 

And  locasta  /,  with  her  doghtres  tweyne, 

4522.  je]  as  ye  E2.  haue  Tj.  M.  Ad,,  herde]  hard  Ra.  T2.  Ro.  4523.  Depford 
M.  Ad!.  Depworth  P.  4524.  bygynnyng]  gynnyng  Di.  4525.  that]  om. 
Adj.  I.  he]  om.  I.  4526.  routh  Ar.  Adj.  pite  I.  4528.  hejsterte  Ar. 
4530.  he]  he  gan  Ra.  4532.  loke  Tj.  M.  Adj.  look  Ar.  loke  hit  Lb.  C.  IV  P.  E2. 
4540.  the]  om.  Adj.  I.  Ej.  S.  4541.  jit]  And  C.  make]  maken  Tj.  Adj. 
4542.  into]  vnto  S.  toun  Ar.  G.  L2.  he  touu  Tlt  and  the  rest.  4543.  pykoys  M. 
Adj.  pekois  E2.  pikes  S.  4544.  bete  M.  beteu  Adj.  4547.  ston]  stoones  Lb. 
E2.  over-ladde  Lj.  S.  ouerlayde  Lb.  T2.  over-throwe  P.  ouerlade  Ar.  Tj.  M.  Adj. 
atid  therest.  4548.  such  a]  suchTj.  Lj.  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  Ro.  made]  brayde 
Lb.  made  such  a  sorwe  P.  4549.  That]  Tat  Ar.  no  man]  no  bing  Adj.  I. 
myght]  may  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  reles  hym]  hyin  reles  Ej.  T2.  Ro.  hym  of]  om.  S. 

PT.  ill.]  Theseus  destroys  Tlicbes.    The  Giwlc  Lords  are  buried.    187 

Ful  woofully  oppressyd  of  her  cherys, 
To  Athenus  wer  sent1  as  prysonerys. 
What1  fil  of  hem  more  /  can  I  not1  seyn. 

But*  Theseus  /,  myn  Autoitr  writ  certeyii, 
Out1  of  the  feld  /  or  he  fro  Thebes  wente, 
He  bete  it1  downe  /  and  the  howsys  brente, 
The  puple  slough  /  for  al  her  crying1  loude, 
Maad  her  wallys  /  and  her  towrys  protide 
Eounde  aboute  /,  euene  vpon  a  rowe, 
with  the  Soyle  /  to  be  laide*  ful  lowe 
That1  nou^t  was  left1  /  but  the  soyle  al  bare. 
And  to  the  wommen  /  in  reles  of  her  care, 
The  bony s  of  her  lordys  /  that1  were  slayii 
This  worthy  duk  /  restoryd  hath  agayfi. 
^  But1  what1  shuld  I  /  any  lenger  dwelle 
The  olde*  Ryytys  /  by  and  by  to  telle, 
Nor  thobsequies  /  in  ordre  to  devise ; 
Nor  to  declare  /  the  manere  and  the  Guyse 
how  the  bodyes  /  wer  to  Asshes  brent1, 
Nor  of  the  gommes  /  in  the  flaumbe  spent1, 
To  make  the  ayre*  /  s  wetter  of  relees, 
As  f  raunc  encence  /  Mirre  and  Aloes  ; 
Nor  how  the  wo?nmen  /  round?  aboute  stood, 
Some  with  my  Ik  /  and  some  also  with  blood, 
And  some  of  hem  with  vrne's  made  of  gold, 
whan  the  asshes  fully  weren  made  cold, 
Tenclosyn  hem  of  gret1  affecciouw 
And  bern  hem  horn  /  into  her  Kegiouw ; 

4552    were  sent  to 

Theseus  levels 
Thebes  with 
the  ground. 



[leaf  76,  back] 

IT  HO^  Duk  The- 
seus  delyuered  to 
the  ladies  the 
bodyes  of  her 

I  shan't  describe 
the  burning  of 
the  bodies, 



or  the  gold  urns 
that  the  ashes 
4576    of  some  were 
put  in, 

4553.  of]  vpon  P.  more  Ar.  G.  Lb.  C.  Tg.  P.  E.2.  1^.  om.  Tj.  and  the  rest,  can  I] 
I  can  Tj.  I.  P.  (sec  Notes).  4558.  second  her]  om.  Adj.  I.  4559.  aboute  M.  Adx. 
4560.  lade  Ar.  4563.  bonys]  bodyes  Lb.  M.  Di.  C.  T.2.  P.  E.,.  (see  Notes},  her] 
the  C.  P.  4565.  what]  om.  L2.  any  lenger  Ar.  G.  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  1^.  ban 
lenger  Lj.  M.  Adj.  I.  Ex.  S.  Ro.  lenger  thanne  Tj.  Ra.  lenger  now  Di.  4566. 
olde  M.  Adj.  old  Ar.  4567.  Nor]  For  Di.  the  obsequies  M.  Adj.  4568. 
Nor]  Ner  Lb.  nethir  P.  to]  om.  G.  Lb.  Eg.  and]  nor  T.>.  ne  Lb.  gyse 
M.  Adj.  4570.  Nor]  Ne  Lb.  Di.  P.  in]  of  Di.  flaume"T1.  M.  Adj.  E,. 
tlamme  G.  Ej.  T.2.  flame  S.  flawmes  Ra.  4571.  ayr  M.  Adj.  hayre  Ar. 
4572.  fraiik  eucense  M.  Adj.  and]  om.  Adx.  4574.  and]  om.  Adj.  I.  4576. 
were  M.  Adj.  4577.  To  enclosen  Ad1.  To  enclose  M.  gret]  ful  gret  C. 
4578.  bern  Ar.  bere  Ad^  borne  M.  DL 

1SS    Theseus  returns  to  Athens,  and  the  Argives  to  Argos.   [PT.  ill. 

And  liow  that  other  /  ful  dedly  of  her  loke, 

For  loue  only  /  of  the  bonys  tooke,  4580 

Hem  to  kepe  /  for  a  remenibraiwce  : 

That*  to  reherce  /  euery  obseruau??ce 

That1  was  don  /  in  the  fyre's  bright1, 

or  the  games,       The  waku-playes  /  duryng1  al  the  nyghf,  4584 

or  wrestling,         Nor  of  the  wrastlyng  /  to  telle  poynf  be  poynt1, 

Of  hem  that  weren*  /  nakyd  and  enoywf, 

how  eueriche  other  lugge  gau  and  shake ; 
or  the  taking        ]>^or  how  the  wowmen  han  her  leve  take  4588 

leave  of  Theseus. 

Of  Theseus  /  with  ful  grefr  humblesse, 
Thankyng1  hyni  of  his  worthynesse 
That1  hym  lysfr  vpon  her  woo  to  rewe  ; 
And  how  that1  he,  his  fredam  to  renewe,  4592 

[leaf  77]         with  the  wowtmen,  of  his  hegh  largesse, 

ypartyd  hath  /  ek  of  his  Eichesse ; 
Theseus  goes        f  And  how  this  Duk  Thebes  ek  forsoke 

to  Athous. 

And  to  Athenys  /  the  righte  waye*  tooke,  4596 

with  laurer  crownyd  /  iu  signe  of  victorye, 
And  the  palme  of  conquest1  and  of  glorye, 
Did  his  honur  /  duely  to  marte ; 

And  how  the  wymmen  wepte  whan  they  departe*      4600 
with  kyng1  Adrastus  /  hoin  ageyn  to  Arge  : 
Kyn?  Adr^tus     Xo  tellyn  al.  it*  wer  to  gret1  a  charge, 

•w ith  the  lady es  * 

a^7nto Arge       ^  Anti  ek  also>  as  3e  slial  vnderstonde, 

At1  the  gynnyng  I  took  no  mor  on  honde  4604 

Be  my  promys,  in  conclusioiw, 
But1  to  reherce  the  destrucciouw 

4582  to  4676  lost  in  I.  4582.  reherce  Ar.  aiwL  all.  4585.  Nor]  No  Lb.  P. 
of]  for  G.  the]  om.  Ro.  wrastlyng]  wrestlyng  Ko.  wrostelyng  Lj.  vvraxling  S. 
to]  om.  C.  to  telle]  telliiig  T2.  E2  L2.  om.  Lb.  P.  4586.  wern  Ar.  M. 
vveren  Di.  were  Adj.  4588.  han  M.  haue  Bo.  Adj.  4589.  ful]  om. 

Adj.  Ra.  P.  4592.  that]  om.  Ra.  to  Ar.  G.  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  E.2.  L2.  gan  Bo. 
and  the  rest.  4594.  yparted]  And  parted  Di.  Parted  T\.  C.  4596. 

right  Bo.  M.  Adj.  weye  Tj.  Ra.  Ej.  E2.  way  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj.  righte 
waye]  way  right  he  Adj.  right  wey  he  P.  4597  to  4658  lost  in  Lb. 
4598.  secoiul  ot]  om.  Ra.  Ej.  Ro.  4600.  wepte  M.  wept  Bo.  Adj.  they]  he 
L2.  departe]  parte  Ar.  G.  T2.  P.  E.,.  4601.  Arge]  Arche  L,.  4602.  it]  om. 
Ar.  G.  L2.  a]  om.  T^  T2.  4603.  shal  Ar.  Adj.  shul  Bo.  M.  sholde  Ej.  Ro. 
4004.  At  the  Ar.  Atte  Adj.  At  Bo.  M.  gynnyng]  Bygynnynge  P.  L.,.  took] 
take  Bo.  Du.  Ra.  P. 

Adrastus  dies.    Thebes  destroy d  400  years  before  Rome  founded.    189 

Of  myghty  Thebes  /  shortly,  and  no  more. 

And  thus  Adrastus,  with  his  lokkys  hore, 
Stille  abood  in  Arge  his  Cyte 
Vnto  his  ende  / :  36  gete  no  more  of  me, 
Sauf,  as  myn  aucto?//-  /  liketh  to  compyle, 
After  that  he  lyued  but*  a  while ; 
For  he  was  old  er  the  siege  gan, 
And  thought1  and  sorowe  so  vpon  hy???  ran  ; 
The  which  in  soth  shortyd  hath  his  dayes. 
And,  tyme  sette,  deth  make]?  no  delayes, 
And  al  his  loye  /  passid  was  and  gon, 
For  of  his  lordys  /  alyve  was  not*  on 
But  slayn  at  Thebes  /,  $e  knowen  al  the  cas. 

and  whan  this  kyng  /  in  Arge  buryed  was 
Ful  Ryaly  /  with  gref  solempnyte, 
If  was  acountyd  /,  in  bookys  $e  may  Se, 
II  Four  hundred  $eer  /,  as  mad  is  menciouw, 
To-foor  the  beelding*  /  and  fundaciou/i 
Of  gret1  Rome  /  so  Ryal  and  so  large, 
whan  the  ladies  /  departyden*  from  Arge 
To  her  contres  /  ful  tresf  and  desolaf. 
lo  f  her  the  fyn  /  of  contek  and  debaf . 
Lof  her  the  myghf  of  Mars  the  fro  ward*  sterre. 
Lo '.  what*  if  is '  for-to  gynne  a  werre. 
U  How  if  concludeth  /  ensample  }e  may  se 
First1  of  Grekys  /  and  next1  of  the  Cyte  : 

4608    Adrastus  stays 
in  Argos, 


but  the  trouble 
of  the  Siege 
shortens  his  life. 

4616    He  dies, 

4620    and  is  buried. 

[leaf  77,  back] 
CCCC  5ere  to-fore 
)>e  fundaciou;!  of 
Rome -was  Thebes 



4632    Thebes. 

4608.  his]  om.    Bo.  4609.  his]  the  G.  4613.    gan  Ar.   G.   C.  T2.    LJ. 

began  Bo.  and   the   rest.          4614.  sorowe   Bo.      sorw    M.    Adj.  4616.  And 

tyme]  atte  tyme  Ad,,  deth]  om.  P.  4617.  al]  om.  Du.  passid  was]  is  passed 
Adj.  4619.  slayn  at  Thebes]  atte  Thebes  slayn  Adj.  al]  om.  Adj.  4620. 
in  Arge]  om.  Adj.  4621.  ryally  Bo.  M.  royally  Adj.  4622.  acountyd 

Ar.  Adj.  accountyd  Bo.  acomptiu  Lj.  counted  M.  Je  may]  as  ye  may  Lj.  Ad,. 
4623.  hundred  Adj.  hundreth  Bo.  hondred  M.  CCCC  yere  C.  4624. 
belding  Bo.  Adj.  bildyng  M.  4625.  grete  Bo.  gret  M.  Adj.  the  grete  P. 
ryal  Bo.  M.  roial  Adj.  hye  P.  Royally  Ej.  Ro.  second  so]  om.  Adj.  4626. 
departyden]  partyd  Ar.  G.  departyd  Bo.  and  all  the  other  MS8.  (sec  Notes). 
4627.  tryst  Bo.  Adj.  4628.  contek]  contecte  Lj.  and]  of  Di.  4629.  second 
the]  bat  Lj.  froward  Ar.  G.  C.  T2.  P.  £5.  L^  mighti  Bo.  and  all  the  rest. 
4630,  forto  Ar.  G.  M.  Di.  Ra.  to  Bo.  and  the  rest,  gynne]  begynne  Lj.  S.  C.  T0. 
P.  Eo.  L2.  4632.  Grekys]  be  Grekes  Bo.  L,.  E2.  next]  sith  G.  Adj.  S.  C.  T2. 
P.  E.2.  sithen  Ra.  the]  this  Adj.  the  Cyte]  Thebes  be  Cyte  Lj.  P.  the  Thebans 
cite  Eo. 

190  Grecian  Worthies  are  all  slain.    All  Folk  suffer  in  War.  [PT.  III. 

«[  The  worthy 
blood  of  Grece 
•was  distroyed  at 
the  siege  «n</ 
the  Cyte  fynaly 
brouht  to  nought 

In  war, 

high  and  low, 
both  suffer. 

1  Bellona  is  god- 
desse  of  bataill. 

[leaf  78] 

Both  sides 
are  damaged 
by  war. 

For  owther  parte  /  hath  matcre  to  conpleyiie. 

And  in  her  strif  /  36  may  se  thyngges  tweyne  : 

IT  The  worthy  blood  of  al  grece  spilf , 

And  Thebes  ek  /,  of  Amphion  first  bylf ,  4636 

With-oute  Recur  /  brouht1  vnto  Ruyne 

And  with  the  soyle  made  pleyn  as  a  lyne, 

To  wyldernesse  turnyd  /  and  desert*, 

And  Grekys  ek  /  falle  into  pouerf ,  4640 

Both  of  her  men  /  and  also  of  her  good ; 

For  fynaly  /  al  the  gentyl  blood 

was  shad  out1  ther  /,  her  wound ys  wer  so  wyde, 

To  los  fynal  vnto  outher  syde.  4644 

For  in  the  werre  is  non  excepcioure 
Of  hegh  estaf  /  nor  lowfi  condicioura, 
But1  as  fortune  /  and  fate,  both  yffere, 
List1  to  dispose  /  with  her  double  chere,  4648 

And  Bellona*  /  the  goddes  in  hir  char 
Aforn  provydeth  / ;  wherfor  ech  man  be  war 
Vnavysed  /  a  werre  to  bygynne. 

For  no  man  woof  who  shal  lese  or  wynne.  4652 

And  hard  it  is  whan  eyther  party  leseth. 
And  douteles  /  nowther  of  hem  cheseth 
That1  they  most1  /  in  al  swich  mortal  rage, 
Maugre  her  lust1  /,  felyn  gref  damage.  4656 

If  may  naf  be  by  ma?mys  myghf  restreyned. 
And  werre  in  soth  /  was  neuer  first  ordeyned 

4633.  owther  Ar.       eyther  Bo.   M.   Adj.       parte]  partie  Di.       hath]  om.  Di. 
hath  matere]  mater  hath  M.  4635.  grece]  grekes  S.  4636.  first]  om. 

Adj.  4638.  soyle    Bo.    M.       soil   Adj.       a]   ony   C.    T2.    P.    £3.          4639. 

wydernesse  Ar.  wildernesse  Bo.  4640.  ek]  om.  Al.  Di.  falle  Ar.  Bo.  M.  Adj. 
fallen  Ra.  S.  P.  1^.  full  Lj.  broujte  Di.  into]  in  Adj.  to  Ha.  4641.  also] 
om.  Adj.  4644.  To  los  fynal  vnto]  vn-to  gret  los  of  Adj.  outher  Ar. 

eyther  Bo.  M.  Adj.  )>e  tother  G.  every  S.  P.  4649  and  4650  are  transposed 
in  M.  Di.  4649.  Bellona]  Belliona  Ar.  G.  4650.  wherfor  Ar.  G.  T2.  Eo.  L2. 
)>er-fore  Bo.  and  the  rest,  ech]  euery  C.  T2.  P.  E^  4652.  woot]  om.  Ra.  lese 
M.  Adj.  lees  Bo.  4653.  And  hard  it  is]  Ne  wot  and  hard  is  Ra.  whan]  where 
P.  eyther  Ar.  Bo.  M.  euery  P.  party  Bo.  part  M.  eyther  party  leseth] 
bobe  parties  leseth  Adj.  Ra.  S.  4654.  nowther  Ar.  Bo.  Adj.  neither  M. 
nowther  of  hem  ]  ne]>er  party  P.  4655.  swich]  sewyth  G.  rage]  rache  M. 

4656.  lust  M.  Adj.  list  Bo.  felyn  Ar.  C.  T2.  R,.  L2.  fallyn  in  G.  fall  to  P. 
folowe  Bo.  and  the  rest. 

PT.  in.]  War  begun  in  Heaven  thru  Lucifer.    Envy  rules  now.  191 

But1  for  synne  folkis  to  chastyse. 

And  as  the  byble  /  trewly  kan  devyse,  4660  «f  HOW  that 

•>  I  werre  byganne 

Hegh  in  heuene  /  of  Pryde  and  Surquedye,  *riaS  sur-he 

Lucyfer,  fader  of  Envie,  £«£c  of  Lu' 

The  olde  Serpent*  /,  he  levyatlian, 

Was  the  first*  /  that1  euer  werre  gan  :  4664 

Whan  Michael  /,  the  heuenly  Champiouw, 

with  his  Feerys  /  venqwisshyd  the  Dragon??, 

And  to  helle  /  cast1  hym  downe  ful  lowe. 

The  whiche  serpent1  hath  the  Cokkyl  sowe  4668   1 lorn™ 

Thorgh  al  erth  /  of  envye  and  debaf,  Bnyy rulcs  now" 

That1  vnnethys  /  is  ther  non  estat1, 

with-oute  stryf  /  can  lyve  in  Charite. 

For  euery  man  /  of  hegh  and  lough  degre,  4672 

Envyeth  now  /  that1  other  shulde  thryve. 

And  ground?  and  cause  /  why  that1  men  so  stryvc,  j^I^nMtton 

Is  coveytise  /  and  fals  Ambitious, 

That1  euerich  wold  han  domynacioura  4676 

Ouer  other,  and  trede  hym  vndyr  foote  : 

which  of  al  sorowe  /  gynnyng1  is  and  Kootc.  oTalfev™0*8 

And  Crist'  recordyth  / —  red  luk  *  and  30  may  se — 
For  lak  of  love  /  what1  meschief  ber  shal  be.  4680  f  Sureet  eens 

contra  ge/ttem, 

For  .0.  puple  /  as  he  doth  devyse,  Luoe  xxi°- 

Agayn  anojwr  /  of  hate  shal  aryse. 

And  after  tellith  what1  dy visions  [leaf  78,  back] 

4659.  for  synne  Ar.  G.  Ra.  Ej.  S.  L2.  Ro.  for  synful  Bo.  Tj.  Lj.  Lb.  M. 
Di.  (Adj.)  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  folkis]  folke  LI.  Lb.  C.  T2.  P.  sinful  folkes  for  to  Adj. 
4661.  in  the  rubric  Ar.  has  pde  and  suuquedye.  4662.  om.  in  P  (a  later  liaiul 
has  written  in  the  margin :  ffirste  ye  shall  vndirstonde  and  se).  4662.  fader]  the 
fader  C.  that  fader  T2.  Envie]  al  enuye  C.  cursed  envie  Adj.  4663. 
olde  Bo.  he]  the  Ra.  4664.  the]  ]?o  Bo.  euer]  om.  S.  werre]  syn  M.  Di. 
gan  Ar.  began  G.  Bo.  and  the  rest.  4666.  venquisshed  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Feerys] 
felowes  S.  4668.  whiche  Bo.  M.  which  Adj.  Cokkyl  Ar.  kokkel  Bo.  Adj. 
kocle  M.  cockal  Ra.  in  Ar.  before  serpent  is  ko,  underdotted.  4669.  Torgh 
Ar.  al  erth]  al  the  erthe  Adi.  S.  E2.  4670.  vnnethys]  vnnethe  Lb.  vnneth 
P.  non]  ony  Tj.  Lb.  M.  Di.  eny  Adr  any  P.  estat]  stat  M.  Di.  astate  Lb. 
P.  4673.  shold  M.  shal  Bo.  4674.  that]  om.  Ra.  S.  stryve]  scryue 
ET.  Ro.  4675.  Ambicioun]  abusion  Adj.  4676.  haue  Bo.  M.  Adj. 

4677.  Ouer]  Of  G.  4678.  sorowe  Bo.  sorw  M.  Adj.  gynnyng]  gynner  M. 
Di.  4679.  Crist  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Christ  E2.  hike  G.  C.  P.  L2.  luce  T2. 

loke  Lb.  looke  E2.  bok  Ar.  ]>e  boke  Bo.  and  the  rest.  4680.  what]  om.  Adv 
I.  ]>er  shal]  shal  )>er  Bo.  Tx.  Adi.  I.  S.  4681.  puple  Ar.  G.  peple  Bo.  M. 
people  Ej.  E2.  Ro. 

192  Your  War  shall  cease,  and 'Love  ami  Peace  shall  spread.  [PT.  ill. 

Strife  starts 

But  War 

shall  cuasi! ; 

Lovo  shall 


Christ,  who 
is  God 

and  man, 

lot  us  pray  Him, 

Ther  shal  be  /  atwixe*  regyou»s, 
Eumche  bysy  /  other  to  oppresse. 
And  al  swicli  strif  /,  as  he  berth  wytnesse, 
Kalendys  ben  /,  I  take  his  word  to  borowc, 
And  a  gynnyng*  /  of  meschief  and  of  sorowe  : 
Men  haue  if  founde  /  be  expmence. 
But1  the  venyra  /  and  the  violence 
Of  strif,  of  werre  /  of  contek,  and  debatf, 
That  make])  londys  bare  and  desolaf, 
Shal  be  prescript  and  voyded  out  of  place, 
And  Martys  swerd1  /  shal  no  more  manace, 
Nor  his  spere  *  /  greuous  to  sustene, 
Shal  now  no  more*  /  whettyd*  be  so  kene, 
Nor  he  no  more*  /  shal  his  hauberk  shake. 
But1  loue  and  pees  /  iu  hertys  shal  awake, 
And  charite  /,  both  in  length  and  brede, 
Of  newe  shal  her  bryghte  beemys  sprede 
Thorgh  grace  /  only  f  in  dyuers  naciou??s, 
Forto  reforme  /  a-twixe*  Regyou«s 
Pees  and  quyef  /  concord?  and  vnyte. 
And  he  that1  is  /  both  on  /  and  two  /  and  thre, 
Ek  thre  in  on  /  and  souereyn  lord  of  pes, 
Which  in  this  exil  /  for  our  sake  ches, 
For  loue  only  /  our  troubles  to  termyne, 
For  to  be  born  /  of  a  pur  virgyne  : 
^r  And  lat  vs  prey  /  to  hym  that1  is  most  good, 







4684.  be]  om.  I^.  atwix  Ar.  Ra.  a-twene  Bo.  M.  Adj.  betwyxt  L2. 
bctwene  Lb.  4686.  berth  Ar.  bereth  Bo.  berith  M.  Adj.  4687.  ben] 
thei  ben  C.  borowe  Bo.  borw  M.  Adx.  4689.  haue  Bo.  han  M.  Adj. 

it]  om.  Bo.  4690.  venym]  venom  M.  Adj.  4691.  of  werre  of  contek]  of 
contek  of  werre  Adr  I.  S.  coutek  werre  Ra  (both  of  om.).  and]  and  of  E2. 
4693.  be]  om.  Ra.  S.  proscripte  Ar  (with  e  undcrdotted).  be  prescript]  prescript 
be  Adj.  I.  voyded]  voide  Llt  Lb.  P.  voiden  Ra.  4694.  Martys]  mars  S. 

swerd]  swerdes  E2.  4695.  spere  Bo.  M.  Adj.  sper  Ar.  4696.  now]  om.  IV 
Di.  Ra.  C.  T2.  more  Bo.  M.  mor  Ar.  Adj.  whettyd]  whtyd  Ar.  4700. 

bright  Bo.  M.  Adj.  4702.  reforme  M.  Adj.  refourme  Bo.  a-twix  Ar.  G. 
a-twene  Bo.  M.  Adj.  Lb.  atween  Ra.  bytwene  L2.  4703.  first  and]  om.  Ad-,. 
I.  4704.  he]  om.  Bo.  S.  is]  om.  I.  both]  om.  Lb.  L2.  both  on]  on  both  S. 
second  and]  om.  LI.  Lb.  M.  Di.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E2.  L2.  4706.  sake]  loue 
C.  ches]  these  Ej.  Ro.  4707.  For]  om.  I.  loue]  om.  A'dj.  I.  troubles]  trouble- 
nesse  Adj.  trouble  I.  to]  for  to  do  I.  4708.  pur]  clene  G.  4709.  to]  om. 
Adi.  I. 

Let  us  pray  Christ  to  give  us  Peace  here,  and  Heaven  hereafter.   193 

Which  for  mankynde  shadde  his  herte  blood, 

Thorgh  byseching*  /  of  that  heuenly  quene,  thru  MS  Mother, 

"Wyff  and  moder  and  a  Mayde  clene,  4712 

To  sende  vs  pes  /  her  in  this  lyf  present1,  [leaf  79] 

And  of  oure  synnys  /  parfitf  amendemenf,  here  " 

And  loye  eternal  /  whan  we  hennes*  wende.  and  joy  here- 


Of  my  tale  /  thus  I  make  an  ende.     Explic^.  4716 

Here  endeth  the  destruccioiw  of  Thebes. 

4710.  Which  Ar.  G.  Lt.  Ra.  L2.  Ro.  >at  Bo.  and  the  rest,  mankynd! 
Ar.  L.2-  mankend  G.  mankinde  41.  Adj.  and  the  rest,  except  man-kvn  Bo. 
Tj.  shadde  Ar.  shad  Bo.  M.  Ad^.  shed  Ej.  S.  Ro.  herte  Tv  hert  Bo.  M. 
Adj.  precious  S.  4711.  byseching]  >e  besechyng  Bo.  Lj.  Lb.  Di.  P.  that]  the 
P.  4712.  first  and]  om.  P.  a]  om.  Lb.  M.  Adj.  I.  Ra.  S.  C.  T2.  P.  E.J.  Mayde 
Ar.  Bo.  Tx.  Ra.  Ej.  L^.  Ro.  mayden  G.  La.  and  the  rest.  4714.  amedement  Ar. 
4715.  hennes  Bo.  Adj.  hennys  1^.  hens  Ar.  M.  4716.  Of]  And  of  Lb.  Adx. 
I.  C.  Tg.  P.  E2.  G  (the  u-hole  line  supplied  by  a  late  hand,  see  Introduction).  M. 
and  T3.  add  Deo  gracias. 


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c^v^-JK  o 

PR  Chaucer  Society,  London 

1901  cPubli  cations-, 

ser.    2