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Summer 2020 

he word “Unprecedented” has 

to be a contender for some 
dictionary’s “Word of 2020.” We are 
hearing this word everywhere—press 
briefings, news, webinars, conference 
calls, and conversations—to describe 
how COVID-19 is impacting our 
once-normal activities and behaviors 
in personal and work life. Likewise, 
routines in how we think and plan, 
how and where we work, and how we 
interact at Natural Heritage, continue 
to be challenged. Our charge is to 
stay focused on protecting Virginia’s 
biodiversity, in accordance with 
Governor Northam’s Executive 
Order 55, and to learn the lessons 
these unusual times are offering. Our 
hope is for there to be net positive 
on the other side of COVID for 
Virginia’s natural heritage resources. 

We have learned much already. 

First, the talents and passion of staff 
at Virginia Natural Heritage are 
proven every day. We are teleworking 
and adjusting all fieldwork and travel 
logistics to assure social distancing. 
Indeed, field season is upon us, green 
is reappearing, 
animals have 
emerged, wings 
are in the air, and 
we are steadfast ¢ 
to stay on pace. 
Field observation 
refines data and 
our data are the 
engine that moves 
us toward doing 
the conservation 
that is our mission. 

Do not use parks or 
trails if you are ' 
exhibiting symptoms. i | 

The Quarterly of the Virginia Native Plant Society 

Pandemic means adaptability, creativity 

From Your 
Natural Heritage 
By Jason Bulluck 

Natural Heritage staff have shown 
such impressive creativity, agility, 
and expertise, to ensure that we 
stay productive, safely. This group 
of scientists, data specialists, land 
protection specialists, Natural 
Areas stewards and supporting 
administrative staff are the best, and 
exactly what we need right now. 
Secondly, we are learning 
moreover about the carrying capacity, 
and in some cases the vulnerability, 
of Virginia’s Natural Area Preserves. 
We take any opportunities we can 
through press and other outreach, to 
reiterate the purpose of the Natural 
Area Preserves: to conserve Virginia’s 
biodiversity through protection and 
stewardship of the best examples of 
rare plants and animals, and unique 
natural communities. Providing 
public access via parking areas, trails 


Be prepared for limited 
access to public restrooms 
or water fountains. 

other trail users of your 
presence and a5 you pass. 

Share the trail and warn 4 

Observe CDC’s minimum 

and water access is secondary to our 
mission, though we work hard for it, 
realizing the benefits to our citizens 
and program. We select very carefully 
which preserves have facilities for 
public access. We steer that access 

to less vulnerable areas. We keep 
parking lots to small sizes that match 
a preserve’s carrying capacity. We 
work to keep public access to levels 
that our staff can manage in terms of 
facility upkeep and natural resource 

With two to four stewardship 
staff per region, and in some regions 
the help of Volunteer Stewardship 
Committees, our plates were more 
than full with resource and public 
access management prior to COVID. 
But, since mid-March, public access 
alone has dominated staff time. We 
have seen the impacts of heavier foot 
traffic on trails; damages to over full 
parking areas; portable toilets that 
can’t be accessed for service; and, in 
the worst cases, intentional vandalism 
of vegetation and rock features, 
signage, and even theft of equipment. 
Without enough 
staff to control the 
levels of visitation, 
F many preserves 
have surpassed their 
capacity, and this 
is exacerbated as 

recommended physical distancing of 

6’ from other persons at all times. 

other public lands 

in their vicinity 

are closed due to 

safety and social 
(See Pandemic 
Learning, page 9) 

A; you can tell, this is our COVID-19 
Pandemic issue. To comply with 
our commonwealth’s guidelines, 

we canceled all our spring activities 
including our annual workshop. With 
much of our membership in the older, 
at-risk population, we want everyone 
to stay safe. Many of us are using the 
time at home to appreciate the nature 
in our own backyards, but it is sad 
that Shenandoah National Park and 
popular natural area preserves had to 
close during the height of the spring 
wildflower season. 

As we have publicized previously, 
our annual meeting is scheduled for 
the last weekend in September in 
Abingdon. Because we do not know 
what the situation with the pandemic 
will be at that time, we have paused 
our planning. We hope to decide at 
our June board meeting whether we 
will proceed with the regular annual 
meeting format in September or 
consider alternatives. 

From the President, Nancy Vehrs 

Ponderings on pandemics and more 

Our social media presence 
continues to grow and we hope 
that you follow us. We now have a 
following on Instagram of more than 
one thousand after just a few months. 
Our Facebook page has more than 
18,000 followers and we strive to 
create a post a day. Our Facebook 
group, created by Potowmack 
Chapter member Marty Nielsen 
many years ago, now includes more 
than 6,700 members and is growing 
rapidly. Members post photos, 
provide native plant identifications, 
and offer native plant gardening and 
invasive plant removal advice. With 
so much action on the page, we set 
up rules and appointed moderators 
to keep everyone on the native plant 
track. I owe a debt of gratitude to our 
moderator team that includes Susan 
Gitlin, Judy Dority, Garrie Rouse, 
and Steve Young. Thank you all! 

Another person I need to thank 
is our web administrator Mark 
Murphy. He initiated and recently 
completed posting an archive on 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

our website of all the Society’s 
newsletters from 1982 to the present. 
Wow! Thank you, Mark. 


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Society newsletter, Vol. 1, issue 2, 1982 

Nature offers solace during pandemic 

ie the news media keeps 
reminding us, it is a strange 
time in which we live today with the 
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. 
“Social Distancing” is the new 
normal and wearing a mask to the 
grocery store is now de rigueur. 
Many of us in the Society take solace 
in nature. I invited members of our 
board of directors to share how they 
are coping with the “stay at home” 

Catie Cyrus is working from home 
and considers herself extremely lucky 
to have a naturally wooded backyard 
with an outbuilding (old workshop) 
to use as an office. “I keep the door 

open when the temperatures are 
okay so I can hear the birds calling. 
My coworkers comment on the bird 
sounds during conference calls. I have 
been in this house for three years and 
am noticing more native species in the 
yard this year than any year before. 
I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m 
home more, or as I like to imagine, the 
woods are naturally regenerating now 
that they have an owner who doesn’t 
pull the ‘weeds’. 
Ruth Douglas says: “I’ve been almost 

9 99 

exclusively practicing self-isolation 
EXCEPT when I’m outside on the 
beautiful wildflower trail along the 
Rivanna River near my subdivision (Key 

West, NOT in Florida). A good friend is 
shopping for me, which is wonderful. 
Outside, I am incredibly fortunate 
to have a wonderful wildflower-lined 
trail along the Rivanna River in my 
subdivision. I have given a field trip 
there in early April for the Rivanna 
Master Naturalists training class since 
our chapter began in 2006, but this 
year, the class is via Zoom, and we had 
to cancel the field trips. But, some of 
my subdivision neighbors have come 
to enjoy the labels too, so I set it up 
for them. We use red surveyor flags to 
mark the location of each plant, put 
a number on each, and create a key to 
(See Solace, next page) 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 


(Continued from page 2)) 

the numbers with the common names 
of the plants, which are in a realtor’s 
info box at the start of the trail. The 
only fly in the ointment is the invasives 
that are getting more numerous all the 
time, mainly Oriental Bittersweet and 
Japanese Honeysuckle. I do what I can 
but can’t invite the Master Naturalists 
to help because it’s private property. I 
am “patrolling” the trail almost daily, 
working on slowing the invasives down. 

So, in summary, I keep busy with 
nature-related activities mainly and 
they keep me sane (or as close to being 
sane as I can get these days). I feel I’m 
living in a bubble, though, because (so 
far) I don’t have close friends or family 
with coronavirus and the disruption to 
my life has not been anywhere near so 
severe as is true for many others. But 
it’s certainly a very stressful time, and 
I have become so easily distracted, lots 
more than usual. I hope it’s temporary.” 

Mary Lee Epps has a farm and is 
taking frequent woodland walks. “This 
has been a great year for morels. Wake 
and I would starve to death if finding 
them were up to us, but [daughter] 
Mary Jane has managed several 
brief visits and she has found two or 
three pounds’ worth. (My personal 
maximum was five and that was after 
I gave up looking and was climbing a 
steep slope on the way home, which 
both slowed me down and forced me 
to watch the ground closely.)” Mary 
Lee thought the season was over then 
reported “In two hours, I found none. 
She found a pile!” They also found 
Showy Orchis in bloom. 

Jan Smith said, “Like a broken 
record this thought keeps going 
around and around in my mind: ‘Iam 
so lucky to be retired with a pension 
and living in Rockbridge County 
during this time of COVID! I guess 
it is true that it is better to be lucky 

than good.” She went on to report 
that because all Master Gardener 
activities were cancelled, this is the 
spring that she is working on her own 
property. “Sixty-seven acres provides 
me with lots of opportunities—from 
managing invasives to planting new 
shrubs. And our Upper James River 
Chapter has received many thanks 
from community members for our 
self-guided plant walks. In lieu of 

our guided Saturday morning plant 
walks, we thought social distancing 
would be better maintained by a 
flagged walk. Our first attempt was 
the busy Chessie Trail [in Lexington]. 
We flagged about 20 plants, listed 
their names, whether native or not, 
and any fun facts we could find about 
the plant. This list was emailed out 

to our chapter members and other 
interested people. It was a fun thing for 
families to do—the kids liked finding 
the flags and the adults learned a bit 
about plants. After COVID, we will 
keep the self-guided walks as well as 
doing the Saturday guided walks. Iam 
not delusional; I know the walks were 
popular because there was little else. 
But perhaps with the flexibility of the 
self-guided walks, more people will be 
able to grab a few minutes to enjoy the 
beauty of our wildflowers.” 

Nancy Sorrells is following the 
rules and getting outside during the 
pandemic. “I am using this ‘gift of 
time’ to be out gardening. We have a 
whole new solar installation that needs 
to be landscaped and I am enjoying 
getting plants in the ground.” 

Nancy also explained that she 
and a friend committed to exploring 
a Virginia natural area every week 
(per Gov. Ralph Northam’s orders 
to get outside, breathe fresh air, and 
exercise). So far they have explored 
McCormick’s Farm, the Virginia Blue 
Ridge Railway Trail, Natural Bridge 
State Park, the Chessie Trail, Natural 

Mary Jane Epps shows off her morel bounty. 

Chimneys and the G. Richard 
Thompson Wildlife Management 
Area. “We have enjoyed nature’s 
spring like perhaps never before. 
And, we have followed proper social 
distancing rules.” 

Personally, I miss my weekly bird 
(and botanical) walks at Huntley 
Meadows Park; the park’s trails are 
open, but its parking lots are closed. 
To continue the camaraderie of the 
birding group, I host a weekly Zoom 
meeting that substitutes for the aprés- 
walk at the local Denny’s. We have had 
as many as 30 on the call. My 62nd 
birthday occurred in March, and I 
was disappointed that I was unable to 
celebrate with my planned purchase 
of the “geezer pass,” the senior 
pass that allows lifetime entry to all 
federal parks and national recreation 
lands. It has been challenging, but 
I still managed to visit some of my 
favorite places for spring wildflowers. 
Following a nonexistent winter, we 
have been gifted with a long spring. 
Our native plants are oblivious to 
our health issues and perhaps some 
natural areas have relished the reduced 
human presence. + 

—Nancy Vehrs, Society President 


Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

Checking in with Conservation Chair Alex Fisher 

n 2020, Society President Nancy 

Vehrs launched a new initiative 
for Sempervirens. In an ongoing 
series of interview features, she goes 
behind the scenes to introduce us to 
those volunteers whose hard work 
and enthusiasm make VNPS such a 
success. In this chat, Nancy checks in 
with Conservation Chair Alex Fisher 
to find out what makes him tick. 

Nancy: The VNPS is so fortunate 
to have you as our Conservation Chair, 
Alex. Can you tell us a little about 
your childhood and how you became 
interested in plants and nature? 

Alex: I grew up in Midlothian, a 
suburban town outside of Richmond. 
There I had the luxury of growing up 
in a neighborhood where many of the 
riparian areas had large intact forested 
buffers connecting to undeveloped 
land in several directions. As a child 
this allowed me to wander through 
the forest traversing waterways 
enabling endless exploration of 
nature’s wonders. It was hard not to 
be interested in joining nature’s grace 
when there was always something to 
learn or find anew. These experiences 
and my mother’s willingness to have 
me spend most of my days outside 
must have seeded my interest in nature 
early in my childhood. My specific 
interest in plants grew during my 
college years spent in Wilmington, 
N.C., where I gained the foundational 
understanding of much of life’s 
reliance on the Plantae Kingdom 
and spent ample time exploring the 
threatened and biodiverse long leaf 
pine ecosystem. 

Nancy: You received your degree 
from the University of North Carolina 
at Wilmington. Tell me more about 
that experience. 

Alex: After I decided I wanted to 
study environmental science in college, 
I did a college tour and ended it shortly 
after visiting UNC Wilmington. It was 

immediately appealing to me because 
it has a pedestrian friendly campus, 
the university exists in a coastal 

town with access to two different 
waterfronts (Cape Fear River to the 
west, Atlantic Ocean to the east), 

and is a very different environment 
than what I was used to in Virginia. 
Favorite classes: Natural Resource 
Policy-opened my eyes up to the U.S. 
history of natural resource policy 

and how our environment has and 

is regulated; tropic ecology—studied 
an entirely different habitat and 
complex relationships associated 

and participated in a field study in 
Belize collecting avian population 
data in the highly biodiverse region of 
the Maya Mountains. Additionally, 

I studied abroad at James Cook 
University in Townsville, Australia, in 
the dry tropics region of Queensland. 
There I gained new perspectives on 
natural resource management, social- 
ecological systems, and evolutionary 
history. It was inspiring to see regional 
natural resource agencies integrating 
traditional knowledge into their 
conservation and restoration planning. 
All the independent travel throughout 
Queensland that I embarked on 

was bestowed with inspirational 
natural landscapes wildly foreign yet 
refreshing. Most importantly, after 
my extended time living abroad in 
Australia, I returned home with a 
renewed appreciation for the Piedmont 
of Virginia and all the organisms that 
make this region unique. 

Nancy: What was your career path 
once you graduated with a degree in 
environmental studies? 

Alex: Shortly after graduating 
from college I decided to ride my 
bicycle across the country with a close 
friend. We rode from North Carolina 
south to Florida and then west to San 
Diego, California, finishing our ride 
in Burbank, California. Although it 

placed a hold on my career search, 
I gained a lot of life experience 
from it. After this I began work at 
American Conservation Experience, 
as an AmeriCorps member and later 
as a crew leader. I was based out 
of Flagstaff, Arizona, and spent my 
workdays throughout the Southwest, 
including the Lower Rio Grande Valley 
of Texas building and repairing trails, 
clearing vegetation, performing habitat 
restoration, building rock structures, 
and numerous other conservation 
and forest management related tasks. 
Doing that work meant spending 
three-quarters of a year camping 
in the outdoors in many different 
habitats. Spending so many days in the 
outdoors up close to nature, I became 
entrenched in learning to identify 
plants and animals more vigorously. I 
next began work with Virginia Forestry 
and Wildlife Group in Charlottesville 
and was tasked with providing 
various ecological restoration, wildlife, 
and forest management services 
throughout central and western 
Virginia. This mostly included invasive 
species removal and subsequent 
native plantings. I am thankful for 
those tireless days removing acres of 
invasive plants, as it taught me the 
real damage invasive species have on 
our native ecosystems and the power 
of collective action in successfully 
reducing the negative impacts caused 
by them. In following my non-linear 
career path, I moved on to working 
for a development engineering firm 
in Richmond providing professional 
wetland and soil consulting services. 
Following this I began working for The 
Nature Conservancy Virginia, based 
out of our downtown Richmond 
office. Here I work as a wetland 
restoration ecologist, monitoring 
stream and wetland restoration 
projects throughout the state. 

Nancy: We know your wife Ashton 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

Alex Fisher with daughter Paige. 

is Program Director at the Blue Ridge 
Partnership for Regional Invasive 
Species Management (PRISM). Did 
you meet over invasive plants? 

Alex: Ashton and I did not meet 
over invasive plants. We met at a 
concert venue in Richmond just after 
I finished cycling across the country. 
She embarked with me on the journey 
to Arizona working as AmeriCorps 
members at American Conservation 
Experience. She excelled quickly as a 
crew leader, specialized in chainsaw 
work removing invasive species and 
felling hazard trees. We shared many 
of the same fun and challenging 
experiences associated with working 
very long days followed with primitive 
living quarters. Following our 
experience out west Ashton began 
work with the Blue Ridge Partnership 
for Regional Invasive Species 
Management on her own accord while 
I was working with Virginia Forestry 
and Wildlife Group. Invasive species 
are a known threat in our household, 
but we encourage others to get 
involved in the fight with us! 

Nancy: You and Ashton welcomed 
your baby daughter Paige into the 
world this past summer. How has 
she changed your life? 

Alex: Yes, Paige was born in 

August at our home in Bon Air, Va. 
Daily life has certainly changed for 
us. Having her has created challenges 
for Ashton and me in managing 
our time and balancing all of our 
responsibilities. These challenges are 
a part of the journey with a growing 
child as Paige has become the most 
important part of our lives. Her 
growth and experience in this world 
are wonderful to witness. She has 
opened my eyes to so much of life 
that, as adults, we tend to take for 
granted or forget the brilliance of. 
Nancy: Tell us a little about your 
work for the VNPS, especially during 
this session of the General Assembly. 
Alex: In this position lam 
constantly doing my best to stay up 
to date on the latest and preexisting 
conservation issues throughout the 
state. I also strive to stay informed 
about existing or proposed natural 
resource and environmental policies 
at the local, state, and federal level 
that influence the conservation of 
our Virginia native plants, plant 
communities, and ecosystems. The 
goal is to share this information with 
partner organizations, members 
of this society, and the general 
public to spread awareness of these 
issues and policies that may then 
catalyze action for engagement 
in the public policy process or on 
ground conservation activities. 
Additionally, in collaboration with 
other board members, | draft position 
letters on such policies offering 
a voice to our cause. During this 
past Regular Session of the Virginia 
General Assembly, which formally 
adjourned March 7, 2020, I crafted a 
budget amendment to the governor’s 
proposed budget for additional funds 
to be appropriated to the Department 
of Conservation and Recreation’s 
Division of Natural Heritage. I 
spent much of January walking the 
General Assembly building, gathering 

support from various legislators for 
this amendment. Unfortunately, our 
budget amendment did not make it 
through important money committees. 
The Division of Natural Heritage 

is an important partner to VNPS. It 
shares a similar mission by focusing 
on conserving Virginia’s biodiversity 
through inventory, protection, and 
stewardship. An increase in funding 
for its work is critical to maintaining 
quality services while managing 
increased public access to enjoy some 
of the state’s best examples of our rich 
natural history. 

Nancy: As a member of the 
millennial generation, are you hopeful 
for the future of our environment? 

Alex: There are many days where 
I am not hopeful for the future of 
humankind on this Earth. There 
are many good reasons to doubt 
our species’ ability to have a more 
harmonious relationship with nature. 
However, | am hopeful too, that the 
sliver of ourselves so innately bound 
to nature will help humanity move 
forward and progress away from our 
destructive relationship with nature. 
Like never before, there are people 
experiencing the negative impacts 
of climate change and habitat 
destruction around them. These 
realities can no longer be ignored, 
and communities around the world 
are taking action to protect the 
environment as it provides people 
with everything they need to survive. 
Humans have everything to lose if we 
do not stand up for it, so lam hopeful 
that we will. 

Nancy: Thank you, Alex. We are 
indeed fortunate to have you on our 
team and wish you much success as 
you pursue your graduate certificate 
in ecological restoration at the 
University of Florida while working 
full time, engaging in a full family life, 
and serving the VNPS.* 


Autecology of Wild Geranium 

Article and photo by W. John Hayden, Botany Chair 

his article explores the autecology 

of Wild Geranium, Geranium 
maculatum, the 2020 VNPS 
Wildflower of the Year. Autecology 
encompasses all aspects of how 
an individual species is adapted to 
and interacts with both its physical 
environment and other species found 
in that same environment. Autecology 
stands in contrast with synecology, 
which focuses on interactions among 
groups of organisms at larger scales 
of organization examining, e.g., how 
communities or whole ecosystems 
function. The information that follows 
is derived largely from a publication 
based on the PhD dissertation of 
Sister M. Celine Martin (1965), 
supplemented with information from 
Willson et al (1979). 

Let’s examine a year in the 
autecology of Wild Geranium, 
starting in the spring. After winter 
dormancy, the first sign of life is 
emergence of long-petioled leaves 
from the rhizome. Most of these 
first-to-develop leaves arise from 
the apical meristem (terminal bud) 
of the rhizome, but some may also 
grow from the rhizome’s lateral 
buds. At this time, there is no above- 
ground stem; consequently, these 
first-formed leaves constitute a brief 
rosette stage of growth. Timing of 
basal rosette emergence varies, of 
course, with latitude and altitude. 
About two weeks after the rosette is 
fully formed, flowering stems begin to 
emerge, initially visible as mere buds 
at ground level. Soon, these buds grow 
upwards, forming the aerial stem and 
supporting one pair of cauline (stem) 
leaves before terminating in a sparsely 
branched, cyme-derived, flower cluster. 
Compared to rosette leaves, cauline 
leaves have much shorter petioles and 
smaller leaf blades. 

Flowering (Figure 1) lasts for 10-14 

days. “Anthesis” is the technical term 
for a flower that is open with stamens 
and/or stigmas developmentally ready 
for pollination. Typical bisexual 
flowers of Wild Geranium possess 
10 stamens, arranged in two whorls; 
stamens of the inner whorl are taller 
than those of the outer whorl. The 
inner stamens begin to shed pollen 
within an hour or so of petal opening; 
the outer whorl of stamens shed their 
pollen a day or two later. 

The style terminates in five 
stigma branches. Initially, stigmas are 
not ready to receive pollen; in this 
early phase, stigmas are fully erect 
and clustered tightly together, thus 
rendering their pollen-receptive surfaces 
inaccessible to pollen. Once the styles 
separate by recurving outwards, 
pollination becomes possible. 
According to observations made 
by Martin (1965), timing of stigma 
receptivity varies among the different 
Wild Geranium plants she sampled: 
“Of 48 plants, 16.6% had stigmas 
open at the first pollen shedding, 
18.7% at the second pollen shedding, 
35.4% one day later, 8.5% two days 
later, and 20.8% more than two days 
later.” These data reveal a complicated, 
and perhaps, therefore, flexible model 
for a balance between self- and cross- 
pollination in Wild Geranium flowers. 
Clearly, there is a large component of 
protandry: Martin’s data show that 
much pollen can be shed before stigmas 
are receptive and many stigmas do not 
become receptive until most pollen in 
the same flower is likely to have been 
removed by pollinators. However, the 
data also show sufficient overlap in the 
timing of pollen release and stigma 
receptivity that self-pollination is 
certainly possible. 

Martin (1965) conducted more 
than one hundred controlled 
pollinations to test the efficacy of 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

Figure 1. Geranium maculatum, Wild Geranium, flower 
at anthesis; in this flower, note that inner stamens 
are shedding pollen while outer stamens remain 
closed and the stigmas are closely appressed and not 
yet receptive to pollen. 

self versus cross pollination in Wild 
Geranium. First, as a necessary control, 
she removed all anthers from one 
group of flowers before those anthers 
had opened and she then covered these 
emasculated flowers with bags to 
prevent insect visitation; these plants 
produced no fruits and no seeds, thus 
eliminating the possibility of asexual 
parthenogenesis which, if present, 
would have complicated interpretation 
of this experiment. To test for self- 
pollination, Martin removed already 
open flowers from test plants and 

she then covered these plants so that 
remaining flower buds could open in 
the absence of insect visitors; of the 
flowers thus treated, 12.5% produced 
fruits, showing that self-pollination is 
possible, but not particularly common. 
Cross-pollination was measured by 
removing unopened anthers from 
newly opened flowers, followed by hand 
application of pollen from different 
plants to receptive stage stigmas of 
these emasculated flowers; 24% of 
flowers thus treated produced fruit. In 
other words, cross pollination appears 
to be roughly twice as successful as 
self-pollination in Wild Geranium. 
From similar observations, Willson et 
al. (1979) conclude that while Geranium 
maculatum flowers are self-compatible, 
insect visitors make a significant 
contribution to successful pollination 
and ultimate formation of fruits and 
seeds. An interesting but unexplained 

(See Autecology, next page) 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

¢ Autecology 

(Continued from previous page) 
result from both studies is that a fairly 
large proportion of flowers fail to 
produce any seed at all. Petals drop 
shortly after pollination and no insect 
visitors were recorded by Willson et al. 
(1979) for apetalous flowers. 

Wild geranium flowers conform to 
what is described as the “open bow] or 
dish” pollination syndrome. All floral 
structures essential for the pollination 
process, i.e., nectaries at the base of 
petals, anthers bearing pollen, and 
pollen-receptive stigmas, are fully 
exposed at one time or another during 
anthesis and are, therefore, readily 
accessible to floral visitors. It should 
not be surprising, therefore, that many 
different insects have been docu- 
mented to visit flowers of Geranium 
maculatum. Martin (1965) recorded 28 
categories of insect visitors collected 
from flowers of Wild Geranium. 

Some of the insects she recorded were 
identified to species, but others were 
identified just to the taxonomic level of 
family, so the actual number of species 
visiting Wild Geranium is certainly 
much greater than 28. Like last year’s 
WOY (Ceanothus americanus), Wild 
Geranium appears to have a relatively 
unspecialized pollination syndrome. 
Willson et al. (1979) note that small 
flies and small bees are able to reach 
Wild Geranium nectaries at the base 
of petals without contacting anthers 
or stigmas; while these small insects 
might, on occasion, transfer pollen 

to stigmas, they are most likely not 
very effective pollinators. Perhaps the 
small insects that remove nectar but 
accomplish little to no pollen transfer 
are a factor in the low seed set noted 
(above) for Wild Geranium flowers. 
Bumblebees, on the other hand, seem 
to be the right size to get the job 

done. When bumblebees visit Wild 
Geranium, they initially clamber about 
for a while accumulating pollen on 

their ventral surfaces, then they straddle 
the stigmas while reaching for nectar 
at the base of the ovary and, from this 
position, any pollen on their ventral 
surfaces is easily transferred to stigmas. 
Of course, that pollen could be from 
the same flower, or from flowers of any 
other previously visited Wild Geranium. 
There exists a specialized bee, the 
Geranium Miner (Andrena geranii), 
that once seemed to provide an 
interesting counterpoint to the broadly 
unspecialized pollination biology of 
Wild Geranium. Species of Andrena 
are solitary ground-nesting bees, the 
characteristic from which the common 
name, Miner Bee, is derived. Adult bees 
emerge coincident with the flowering 
time of their host plants, from which 
they collect both nectar and pollen. 
Pollen is stored as larval food in 
burrows dug into soil. Some Andrena 
species are referred to as polylectic, 
meaning they visit flowers of multiple 
different plant species. For many years 
the Geranium Miner Bee was thought 
to be monolectic, i.e., completely 
dependent on flowers of Wild 
Geranium. However, natural history 
observations reveal that Andrena 
geranii bees also visit flowers of 
Anemone, Campanula, Hydrophyllum, 
Rosa, Rubus, Viola, and Zizia (Discover 
Life 2020). Clearly, Geranium Miners 
are at least oligolectic (few hosts), if not 
outright polylactic (many hosts). 
Successful pollination leads to fruit 
and seed development. Fruits mature 
about three weeks after pollination, and 
seed ejection (via active outward flinging 
of individual carpel segments) takes 
place over the course of one to three 
days. Seeds can travel up to 900 cm (30 
feet) from their maternal parent plants. 
Once fruits have matured and seeds 
have been dispersed, the business of 
Wild Geranium is preparation for next 
year’s flowering season. New buds 
for the next season’s aerial stems and 
flowers form during late summer and 
fall, but only if the plants experience 


favorable conditions of moisture, light, 
and temperature to support enough 
photosynthesis by rosette leaves to 
generate the resources needed for next 
year’s reproductive output. 

Martin (1965) dissected several 
samples of fresh seed and found about 
90% to contain healthy (firm, green, 
intact) embryos. Fresh seeds, however, 
are dormant, in part because of the 
physical barrier to water absorption 
provided by the hard seed coat, but also 
because of the embryo’s initial, inherent, 
physiological quiescence. By simple 
experimental observations of seeds 
treated in petri dishes, Martin showed 
that cold stratification was necessary 
for breaking of seed dormancy. Under 
natural conditions, prolonged exposure 
to soil moisture and low temperatures 
during winter serve to rehydrate the seed 
and break embryo dormancy. Seedlings 
naturally germinate in the spring. 

And that completes a year in the 
autecology of Geranium maculatum. 
This brief summary represents a 
distillation of more than 50 pages of 
published information from, as noted 
above, Martin (1965) and Willson et 
al. (1979). One point I wish to make 
in closing is that it takes a tremendous 
amount of careful work and keen 
observation to wrest this sort of insight 
about how just one species functions in 
its natural environment. I certainly do 
not wish to take anything away from the 
important work documented by the two 
sources consulted for this article. But as 
we shall see in the next Sempervirens, 
there is, alas, one gaping hole in the 
story of Wild Geranium autecology as 

related above. Stay tuned... % 

Discover Life. 2020. Andrena geranii Robertson, 
search=Andrena+geranii (accessed 8 April 2020). 

Martin, M. C. 1965. An ecological life history of 
Geranium maculatum. The American Mid- 
land Naturalist 73: 111-149. 

Willson, M. E, L. T: Miller, and B. J. Rathcke. 
1979. Floral display in Phlox and Geranium: 
adaptive aspects. Evolution 33: 52-63. 

8 Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

School! habitat thrives despite empty classrooms 

he wah * - - ’ ’ " —— 7 Dd 

Jamestown Lilies (Zephyranthes atamasa). 

Say has come to Williamsburg 
and especially to the native 
plants in the Schoolyard Habitat 
at Stonehouse Elementary School. 

Entrance to the Stonehouse Habitat Gas with sence (Shadbush) (Arelonene: 
arborea) in the foreground. 

Unfortunately, no one can enjoy the _ the beds are thriving. These photos —_and improve the garden and have 

native plants this spring because were captured on a short walk 
James City County schools are closed in mid-April by garden caretaker 
for the remainder of the school year 
due to the COVID-19 virus. 

In spite of the stay-at-home 

added several pathways, all in 

cooperation with school staff, a few 
Susan Voigt. parents, and two boys working on 
Jan Newton, parent and former _—_ Eagle Scout projects. 
VNPS member, helped create 

the garden 15 years ago in a bare 

The chapter occasionally 
orders, native plants (and weeds) in provides plant walks for the public 
at the garden and, following one 
of those walks, the Williamsburg 
Council of Garden Clubs 

recognized Susan Voigt, the school 

courtyard close to the kindergarten 
and first grade classrooms. It was 
certified as a National Wildlife 
Federation Schoolyard Habitat. 
After Jan moved from Virginia, 
members of the John Clayton 
Chapter have continued to maintain 

garden caretaker, with their Arbor 
Day Individual Award. 
—Susan Voigt, John Clayton Chapter Nancy Vehrs, 
President; Nancy Sorrells, Edi- 
tor; Karen York, Office Manager. 
Original material in Sempervirens 

Pinxterbloom Azalea (Rhododedron 
periclymenoides), top, and Winterberries 
(Ilex verticillata) 

mental Farm, 400 Blandy Farm Lane, 

Unit 2, Boyce, Va. 22620, 540-837-1600, 

ie may be reprinted if credit is given to 
Phy the Virginia Native Plant Society, to 
big vl RGI N iA NATIV E Sempervirens, and to the author of 
mM P L A NT SOCI ETY the material, if named. Readers are 
' ay ; be és 3 ‘ 
aes he Sempervirens (ISSN 1085-9632) is the ae a a 
| ee ete, and queries for consideration. 
eee. ie Oat quarterly newsletter of the Virginia 3 
Tre ee fa ee | ve Pl : ae E-mail items to Nancy Sorrells at 
reas Met" of 7. 2 Native Plant Society, Blandy Experi- 

Next submission deadline: 
July 15, 2020 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

Preserved newsletters tell Society’s story 

Did you know the VNPS was 
originally named the Virginia 
Wildflower Preservation Society 
(VWPS) and was founded in 1982? 
Recent efforts to obtain and publish 
newsletters from the early years of 
the Society have revealed a fascinating 
story of the dedication and 
perseverance of our founding leaders 
and volunteers. 

The VWPS was incorporated in 
Virginia in July of 1982 and published 
its first 10-page Newsletter in 1982. 
Founding board members included 
President Mary Painter, Vice-President 
Linda McMahan, Secretary Dorna 
Kreitz, and Treasurer Tommee Kerr. 
Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) 
was chosen as the floral symbol. The 
Charter Membership Roster included 

Pandemic learning 

(Continued from page 1) 

distancing concerns with COVID-19 
and overcrowding. 

Buffalo Mountain, The Channels, 
as well as VOF-owned Bull Run 
Mountains Natural Area Preserves 
have been closed. We are watching the 
visitor numbers and impacts closely at 
other preserves such as The Pinnacle, 
Crow’s Nest, Poor Mountain, Hughlett 
Point, and Savage Neck Dunes. We 
have learned that not only does beyond- 
capacity visitation require more staff 
presence, but that closed preserves 
require the same if not greater levels 
of presence as well, to prevent trespass 
and unsavory activities. With challenges 
of social distancing, our staff are 
unprecedentedly working as parking 
lot attendants for open preserves and 
serving as oversight and patrols for 
closed preserves. This has required us to 
request assistance from volunteers, local 
law enforcement, and partner agency 
staff, all of whom are also stretched 
thin. We are greatly appreciative for the 

106 Associate, Patron, and Family 

Early Newsletter editions included 
announcements and articles about 
planned plant rescues, volunteer 
guidelines, “eradicating moles,” 
membership profiles, committee 
activities, and the Society’s first 
Annual Meeting at the National 
Wildlife Federation in Vienna 
in October 1982. Several active 
committees reported meetings with 
county supervisors, starting a native 
plant propagation program, planning 
conservation projects for children, 
and walks and presentations. 

In 1983, the Newsletter became 
the Bulletin. Thanks to VNPS 
members Nancy Sorrells and Nicky 
Staunton, who provided paper 

copies of many issues, we now have 
a complete archive of all issues 
from 1982 until the Bulletin became 
Sempervirens in 2015. Potowmack 
chapter members Roberta Day and Pat 
Salamone also provided archive issues 
of the Potowmack News.In 1988, the 
VWPS membership voted to change 
its name from the Virginia Wildflower 
Preservation Society to the Virginia 
Native Plant Society to encompass the 
conservation of native plants other 
than just those commonly considered 
as “wildflowers.” 

To browse the Bulletin and 
Sempervirens archives visit 

Be sure to also check our blog post 
on The First 10 Year of VNPS: How 
We Began. 

—Mark Murphy, Website Manager 

assistance we have been receiving. 

COVID-19 has brought bigger 
crowds from farther away and thus 
newcomers to the preserves, pointing 
to another lesson that COVID is 
underscoring already: the critical need 
for strong messaging to the public, 
stronger partnership, volunteer support, 
and continued need for funding to 
support the program and the preserves 
system. When we have passed the 
COVID curve, we may well see a new 
normal of visitor numbers. It will be 
ever important to effectively interpret 
and communicate to the public the 
primary purpose of preserves, how they 
are unique from other public lands and 
why they should be treated with special, 
leave-no-trace respect. 

The opportunity to educate a larger 
audience may be a silver lining not only 
for preserves but all public lands. We 
can hope that the clear need for more 
public lands will drive a movement 
to invest in the strategic expansion 
of public lands for natural resources 
conservation and management, and 

to benefit those communities most 

in need of outdoor recreation. This 
will require funding, both for those 
lands and for the jobs of stewards and 
resource managers needed on them. 
More conserved lands, more public 
access, and more jobs—there is a win- 

Lastly, we are reminded of how 
important our family of supporters 
and partners are, and the VNPS 
is a long-standing leader. Without 
the outreach, funding support, and 
shared efforts to communicate the 
values and needs of Virginia’s natural 
heritage to the public and elected 
officials, I am certain we would not 
be as resilient as we, and your natural 
area preserves, have been up to now. 

I believe that this support will help 
to insure that when this challenging 
time is behind us, this support 

will be moreover important and 
valuable as we move forward, maybe 
even to achieve conservation, in an 
unprecedented way. % 


Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

Strange times: Botanizing during the ‘plague’ 

Article and photos by Gary Coté, New River Chapter 

CG S"s of Emergency declared 

in San Diego because of the 
Coronavirus.” My husband David 
got that snatch of news from his 
radio. More followed. Schools closed, 
bars closed, restaurants limited to 
half capacity. We were in San Diego 
County, California, when we got that 
news, although nowhere near a bar 
or restaurant. We were huddled ina 
tent, waiting out the rain, in a deserted 
campground on the Los Coyotes 
Indian Reservation, on the slopes of the 
highest peak in the county, Hot Springs 
Mountain (6,533 ft.). We hadn’t seen 
anyone since the tribal policeman who 
had signed us in the day before. 

We were on a trip back to San 
Diego to revisit old friends and former 
haunts, the first trip back together 
since moving east in 1986. Although 
David, who had grown up there, had 
been back many times, I had not. So 
when my retirement from Radford 
University was approaching, we started 
making plans and arrangements. An 
Amtrak trans-continental train would 
take us through the desert southwest 
where we would stop to visit a retired 

Radford colleague in northern Arizona. 

Onward from there we would camp 

in the familiar mountains and deserts 
of San Diego County, then visit family 
and friends in the city. Then north to 
visit a friend in the Bay Area, stopping 
to botanize in San Luis Obispo County, 
and finally we would head home ona 

trans-continental train over the Rockies. 

Dates were carefully chosen to fit 
everyone’s schedules, coincide with the 
spring blooming of coast and desert, 
and take advantage of Amtrak deals. 
But our timing turned out to 
be somewhat unfortunate. We left 
Virginia amid reports of a new virus 
sickening people in China, and then in 
Washington State, and we wondered 

if perhaps this was not 
the best time to travel. 
Despite our worries, 

the westward train ride 
was restful and scenic. 
With our Arizona 
friend we visited Native 
American petroglyphs, 
Montezuma Well and 
the Montezuma Castle 
National Monuments, 
and, of course, the 
Grand Canyon. The interest was 
primarily archaeological at most of 
those places, while the Canyon, that 
vast chasm where, little by little, the 
Colorado River and the rains have 
carved and tumbled eons of rocks, 
and the river has borne it all away 

to the Gulf of California, upstaged 
everything else. However, we stuck 
our faces into the bark of Ponderosa 
Pine (Pinus ponderosa) to inhale the 
rich vanilla aroma, and marveled at 
the gnarled forms of Pinyon Pines 
(Pinus edulis) and the Utah Junipers 
(Juniperus osteosperma) with their 
orange clumps of parasitic Mistletoe 
(Phoradendron juniperinum). We 
also enjoyed seeing cacti once again, 
admiring great branching clumps of 
Prickly Pear (Opuntia phaeacantha). 
Although it was early March, brilliant 
yellow blooms covered Golden 
Currant bushes (Ribes aureum), and 
the purple pea-like flowers of the 
early-blooming Torrey Milkvetch 
(Astragalus torreyana) decorated the 
sand. We finished our Arizona stay 
with dinner in a bustling restaurant 
in Flagstaff before boarding a train 
to California. 

In California we rented a car 

and headed to Los Coyotes Indian 
Reservation, one of our favorite places 
in San Diego County. We pitched our 
tent in a grove of Canyon Live Oak 

Flower of Apricot Mallow (Sphaerdieed ambigua), common flowering 
shrub of the California Desert. 

(Quercus chrysolepis) and cooked 
dinner. West of us, although we didn’t 
know it, clouds were lifting gallons 
upon gallons of the Pacific Ocean 

up into the mountains, preparing 

to dump it on us in a torrential 
downpour, and to carry the remnants 
eastward to flood the desert. 

Because of the rain, we spent much 
of our stay at Los Coyotes in the tent, 
reading, talking and munching trail 
mix. We had no cell phone signal 
there, but the radio promised more 
rain and delivered occasional grim 
bulletins about Coronavirus spreading 
on the West Coast and social 
restrictions being mandated. 

As more rain was coming, we 
packed up the next day and moved to 
Blair Valley Primitive Campground 
in the Anza-Borrego Desert State 
Park, which amounted to a couple 
of bathrooms at the edge of a broad, 
high valley containing a dry lake bed, 
now carpeted with the pink flowers 
of naturalized Red-stemmed Filaree 
(Erodium cicutarium), naturalized in 
Virginia as well, although uncommon. 
Navigating around the huge puddles 
left by the previous day’s storm, we 
headed well away from the enormous 
RV’s and found a pleasant site to 
pitch our tent at the base of a cliff, 
among tumbled boulders and bushy 
mounds of Desert Sunflowers 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

(Bahiopsis parishii). Gander Cholla 
(Cylindropuntia ganderi) lifted 
spiny arms around our campsite, 
and Desert Barrel Cacti (Ferocactus 
cylindraceus) were just opening their 
first blooms here and there between 
boulders. The area by our tent was 
made cheerful by the yellow blooms 
of Bristly Fiddleneck (Amsinckia 
tessellata), tiny white Popcorn 
Flowers (Cryptantha sp.), and even 
tinier Yellow Whispering Bells 
(Emmenanthe penduliflora). A pair 
of Common Ravens was nesting on 
the clifftop above us, winging in with 

unidentifiable morsels for their chicks. 

While in the Blair Valley area, we 
hiked a few miles to Yaquitepec, the 
high-desert homestead of Marshal 
and Tanya South. In the early 20th 
century they had performed an 
“experiment in primitive living” on 
waterless Ghost Mountain (3,200 ft.). 
Around the ruins of their homestead 
we saw the same plants they would 
have seen in a similar season, Gander 
Cholla, Agave (Agave deserti), a riot 
of blooming desert sunflowers, and, 
hiding between the rocks, Fishhook 
Cacti (Mammillaria dioica), with 
their candy-striped flowers. On our 
hikes there and back we encountered 
Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) just 
beginning to open flame-red flowers 


trigger germination. 

My favorite desert annual, Desert Monkeyflower (Mimulus 
bigelovii), a common plant of desert washes. It grows, 
blooms, and sets seed very quickly when spring rains 


at the tips of their long 
stalks. A few agave 
plants had already 
decided this was their 
year to bloom and die 
and were sending up 
flower stalks; many 
more had bloomed 
last year and their 
dead stalks still stood 
sentinel. Bees were 

swarming the Desert 

Sea Dahlia (Leptosyne maritima), formerly in the more familiar genus 
Apricot Bushes (Prunus Coreopsis. The leaves, visible in the background, are intricately dissected 

into linear segments. It frequently blooms alongside coast sunflower, 
which has simpler leaves and a brown disk. 

fremontii) with their 
white cherry-flower 
blossoms. Lavender flowers of Thistle At the end of our stay we said 
Sage (Salvia carducea), golden flowers — good-bye to the ravens, returned the 
of Blazing Stars (Mentzelia sp.), and 
blue-violet flowers of Wild Heliotrope 
(Phacelia distans) dotted the ground 
beneath the shrubs. 

We also drove down to the lower 

car, and took commuter rail to our 
hotel in the Old Town neighborhood 
of San Diego. With our return to 
civilization we gained a cell phone 
signal and access to newspapers; 
desert to see what might be in bloom the warnings we had gleaned from 
there. Chuparosa (Justicia californica) the radio became starker. The 
with flaming red flowers, Creosote Bush hostel in San Luis Obispo, where we 
(Larrea tridentata) with yellow blooms, _ had reservations, had called to say 
Desert Wishbone Bush (Mirabilis 

laevis) with delicate white flowers, and 

they were closed, and a newspaper 
announced that the Bay Area, where 
Desert Lavender (Condea emoryi) our friend lived, was under stay-at- 
covered with pale purple blooms were home orders. Amtrak proved flexible 
common shrubs. We were delighted to 
find an Apricot Mallow (Sphaeralcea 

ambigua) with its showy orange, tulip- 

and we revised our itinerary to 
backtrack through Arizona and New 
Mexico at the end of our planned 
shaped blooms. week in San Diego, We then went 
looking for a restaurant that had not 
already reached the mandated half 

capacity, but found only restaurants 

We got down on hands 
“» and knees ina desert wash, 
where, just days earlier a flash 
flood had likely rampaged. I that were actually closed or open 
found my favorite desert flower, but nearly empty, The next day, all 
Desert Monkeyflower (Mimulus restaurants were ordered closed except 
bigelovii), outsized pink blooms _ for take-out or delivery. Our hotel 
on plants slightly taller than was near Old Town Historic Park, 
the flowers were long. We normally teeming with tourists, but 
also found Gold Poppies 
(Eschscholtzia parishii), and the 

gorgeous bells of Brown-eyed 

now a ghost town, historic buildings, 
theaters, and shops closed. 

In San Diego, we visited coastal 
bluffs and the beach. The bluffs were 
dominated by the yellow sunflower- 
like blooms of two shrubs, Sea Dahlia 

(See Pandemic botanizing, page 12) 


Evening Primrose (Chylismia 
claviformis) with their pure 
white petals, dark red centers, 
and brilliant yellow stamens. 


Pandemic botanizing 

(Continued from page 11) 

(Leptosyne maritima) and Coast 
Sunflower (Encelia californica). On 
the beach, the naturalized Hottentot 
Fig (Carpobrotus edulis), sported 
thick succulent leaves and large yellow 
and purple blooms, as it usually does 
in every season. It originated in South 
Africa, but now invades beaches all 
over the world. 

The trip back had an eerie 
feeling. San Diego’s historic Santa Fe 
depot, built for the 1915 Pan-Pacific 
Exposition, was nearly deserted. The 
trains, sleeper and coach cars alike, had 
few people. Chicago was empty at rush 
hour on a Tuesday, traffic sparse and 
only a handful of people out, many 
taking pictures of the emptiness. On 
the train out of Washington, we saw 
the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin 
in their glory, but no one was on the 
sidewalks, and traffic was sparse. In 

O8 ON Wuuad 
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Lynchburg, the station 
platform is normally 
brightly lit by headlights, 
and a wave of people 
spreads out from the 
train, but this time the 
platform was dark and 
three people got off. 
Within a few weeks | 

of our return, almost — Amaijor tourist site, San Diego’s Old Town Historical Park. Note the 
unusual lack of tourists during the pandemic. 

every place we had 
visited had closed, the Grand Canyon, 
national monuments, Los Coyotes 
Reservation, Anza-Borrego Desert 
State Park, museums, restaurants, 
campgrounds, beaches, even scenic 
overlooks. Had we left a few weeks 
earlier, we might have been back 
before the pandemic. Had we planned 
for a few weeks later, we would not 
have gone. Despite our unfortunate 
timing, we still saw incredible scenery, 
fascinating archaeology, and beautiful 

Sempervirens, Summer 2020 

southwestern plants, a reminder that 
even in difficult times, the natural 

world abides. + 

Gary Coté is a long-time member of 
VNPS, and a founding member of the 
New River Chapter. He majored in biology 
at MIT, received his PhD at the University 
of California in San Diego, and taught for 
20 years at Radford University, where he is 
now professor emeritus. He lives in Radford 
with his husband, David Darnell, a former 
president of the New River Chapter, and 
their cat, Kismet, who shows no interest in 
native plants except to eat grass. 

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