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SPRING  2012 

Shortia  galacifolia 

Oconee  Bells 


Vice  President 

Karen  Koelling 
Mary  Kathryn  Hardman 

Secretary  Paula  Robbins 
Treasurer  Alan  Graham 

From  the  President 

Karen  Koelling 

We  are  spending  January  - March  in  Florida  enjoying  the  great  weather  and  visiting 
the  wonderful  array  of  things  to  do.  We  have  visited  many  special  places  lauded  as  "the  real 
Florida"  where  nature  has  been  preserved  or  restored  and  saved  for  residents  and  visitors 
alike  to  enjoy  as  Florida  once  was.  The  following  are  some  of  my  favorites. 

Paynes  Prairie  Preserve  State  Park,  near  Gainesville,  has  some  of  the  most 
interesting  Florida  landscapes.  Native  plants  and  wild  beautiful  scenery  are  showcased  in 
the  21,000  acre  preserve,  managed  by  the  Florida  Park  Service.  The  abundant  animal  and 
plant  life  described  by  William  Bartram  when  he  visited  in  1774  still  abounds  today.  The 
Prairie  is  a natural  feature  that  is  biologically,  geologically,  and  historically  unique  with  herds 
of  bison,  wild  horses,  and  abundant  aquatic/shore  birds,  and  of  course  native  flora.  Trails 
and  lookout  towers  allow  access  to  this  dense  upland  forest  and  sinkhole-rich  topography. 

This  is  Real  Florida. 

Rainbow  Springs  State  Park  near  Ocala  is  a large  natural  springs  and  is  the 
headwaters  of  Rainbow  River.  The  1472  acre  park,  home  to  gardens  and  waterfalls,  was 
renovated  and  preserved  from  the  days  when  the  head  springs  was  a private  attraction.  The 
first  time  we  visited,  the  waterfall  was  turned  off!  Being  from  Transylvania  l just  don't 
understand  that!  Nature  trails  meander  throughout  and  in  early  Spring  the  entire  park  bursts 
into  blooms  of  pink,  purple  and  white  azaleas.  Many  flowering  trees  also  are  evident  here 
including  several  species  of  dogwood,  red  bud  and  flowering  plum,  as  are  palmetto,  live 
oak,  wild  flowers  of  all  kinds  and  untold  butterfly  species.  The  natural  springs  flow  so  clearly 
it  is  easy  to  see  the  river  bottom  and  all  the  aquatic  life  through  many  feet  of  crystal  water. 

Kanapaha  (ka  NAP  uh  ha)  Botanical  Gardens  in  Gainesville  was  visited  by  William, 
Bartram  during  the  American  Revolution.  Don  Goodman,  Kanapaha's  Founder  and  Director 
for  30  years,  created  and  developed  this  62  acre  botanical  garden  out  of  unmanaged  cattle 
pasture  using  his  own  ideas,  manpower  and  perseverance!  Some  feat!  Today  it  includes 
25  specialty  gardens  including  rare  and  unusual  plants  from  around  the  world  in  addition  to 
Florida  native  flora.  Giant  snake  arums,  bamboo,  rare  and  colorful  vines,  palms,  and  giant 
water  lilies  are  among  the  myriad  botanical  treasures  included  in  the  meadows  and 
lakeside  forests  of  Lake  Kanapaha.  The  herb  garden  includes  one  of  the  largest  medicinal 
plant  collections  in  the  SE.  Today  the  Kanapaha  Botanical  Gardens  is  managed  and 
operated  by  the  North  Florida  Botanical  Society,  and  the  current  Director  is  Don's  daughter. 
They  kept  it  in  the  family! 

These  three  jewels  of  North  Central  Florida  are  truly  gem-like  pockets  being 
preserved  as  examples  of  the  "Real  Florida".  Plan  to  visit  them  when  you  are  in  the 
sunny  South. 



Welcome  New  Members 

Carol  Urn,  Hendersonville 
Jim  and  Kent  Loy,  Asheville 
Ron  & Sheri  Metzger,  Flat  Rock 
Patsy  Panther,  Dana 

For  privacy  reasons  the  Western  Carolina  Botanical  Club  does  not  distribute  it's 
membership  list.  If  you  need  to  reach  another  member  you  may  contact  Alan  Graham, 
treasurer,  828-884-3947,  to  obtain  whatever  information  you  need. 


Thanks  to  Bonnie  Arbuckle,  Larry  Avery,  Nancy  Martin  and  Elisabeth  Feil  for  their  cash 
donations  and  to  Lucy  Prim  for  her  note  card  donation. 

oo  00  00  oo  00  oo  OO 

Winter  Meetings.  All  winter  meetings  are  held  at  the  Bullington  Center.  These  meetings  will 
be  automatically  cancelled  if  the  Henderson  County  Schools  are  closed.  Check  with  weather 
reports  or  telephone  the  Henderson  County  Office  at  697-4733. 

oo  oo  oo  oo  oo  oo  oo 

Any  change  of  address,  email  or  telephone  number,  please  inform  Alan  Graham,  544  Tip 
Top  Road,  Brevard,  N.C.,  28712,  828-884-3947,  < 

00  oo  oo  oo  oo  oo  oo 

Field  Trip  Cancellations.  On  occasion  field  trips  need  to  be  cancelled  or  changed 
either  for  weather  conditions  or  other  reasons  such  as  road  closings.  Such  changes  are 
sent  out  by  e-mail  to  all  members  at  the  latest  by  7 a.m.  the  day  of  the  field  trip.  If  you  do  not 
have  e-mail  access,  we  will  try  to  reach  local  members  by  telephone  by  7 a.m.  If  in  doubt, 
contact  a leader  or  co-leader  whose  telephone  number  is  listed  on  the  schedule.  When  a 
field  trip  is  cancelled,  no  member  will  be  at  the  contact  point. 

OO  OO  OO  00  00  OO  00 

This  is  my  last  issue  as  editor  of  SHORTIA.  Paula  Robbins  has  volunteered  to  take  over  as 
SHORTIA  editor  beginning  with  the  next  issue.  Thanks  to  all  the  members  for  encouragment 
and  support  and  a special  thanks  to  those  who  contributed  news  and  articles  throughout  my 
years  as  editor.  -Anne  Ulinski 


Recorder  Ramblings 

The  Year  2003 

Betty  Jones 

Can  you  identify  the  location  of  twelve  of  our  2003  field  trips  from  the  hints  provided 
below?  Locations  are  listed  at  the  bottom  of  this  page  - just  match  them  to  the 
descriptions.  Answers  are  on  page  6 

1.  A botanically  rich  site  - Cynoglossum  virginianum  (Wild  Comfrey)  and  Delphinium 
tricorne  (Dwarf  Larkspur)  blooming  next  to  the  road. 

2.  Eleocharis  quadrangulata  (Four-angled  Spikerush)  and  Spiraea  tomentosa 
(Hardhack)  near  a lake. 

3.  Chelone  obliqua  (Red  Turtlehead)  and  Parnassia  asarifolia  (Grass-of-Parnassus) 
are  found  here. 

4.  Richest  fern  site  in  South  Carolina;  patches  of  Pachysandra  procumbent 
(Allegheny  Spurge). 

5.  Dry  location  where  we  found  Ipomoea  pandurata  (Wild  Potato  Vine),  Lechea 
racemulosa  (Pinweed),  Lobelia  nuttallii  (Nuttall's  Lobelia),  Platanthera  ciliaris  (YeHow 
Fringed  Orchid)  and  Talinum  teretifolium  (Fameflower). 

6.  Philadelphus  inodorus  (Mock  Orange)  on  the  hillsides;  one  of  few  locations  where 
we  see  Dodecatheon  meadia  (Shooting  Star)  and  Isotria  verticillata  (Whorled 

7.  Home  of  Carex  misera  (Wretched  Sedge),  Robinia  hartwigii  (Hartwig's  Locust)  and 
Solidago  simulans  (Granite  Dome  Goldenrod). 

8.  A WCBC  favorite  site  with  Hybanthus  concolor  (Green  Violet)  in  bud  and  Saxifraga 
virginiensis  (Early  Saxifrage)  blooming  on  the  dripping  rock  overhang  along  the  trail. 

9.  Photo  opportunity  for  these  plants:  Asclepias  variegata  (White  Milkweed), 
Calopogon  tuberosus  (Grass  Pink),  Lindernia  monticola  (Piedmont  False  Pimpernel), 
Sarracenia  rubra  ssp.  jonesii  (Sweet  Pitcher  Plant)  and  Utricularia  cornuta  (Horned 

10.  Aconitum  uncinatum  (Monkshood)  on  the  roadside  and  Delphinium  exaltatum 
(Tall  Larkspur)  along  the  trail. 

11.  Popular  site  to  find  Allium  cernuum  (Nodding  Wild  Onion),  Campanulastrum 
americanum  (Tall  Bellflower)  and  Smilax  tamnoides  (Bristly  Greenbrier). 

12.  A new  location  for  the  club;  two  noteworthy  plants  identified:  Goodyera  repens 
(Lesser  Rattlesnake  Plantain)  and  Cypripedium  parviflorum  (Smaller  Yellow  Lady's 


Book  Review 

American  Chestnut:  The  Life,  Death,  and  Rebirth  of  a Perfect  Tree 

Susan  Freinkel 

Freinkel,  a freelance  journalist  from  California,  brings  the  reader  along  as  she 
discovers  the  history  of  the  tragic  introduction  of  the  blight  that  decimated  the  beloved 
chestnuts  that  had  once  flourished  along  the  Appalachians  from  Maine  to  Georgia. 
The  tree  was  an  important  part  of  the  economy  of  the  residents.  The  Native  Americans 
and  European  settlers  relied  on  the  fall  harvest  of  nuts  as  an  important  part  of  the  diet. 
Chestnut  lumber  was  prized  for  its  versatility:  lighter  than  most  other  hardwoods  and 
containing  valuable  tannin,  which  enabled  it  to  defy  rot  and  warping. 

She  begins  in  1904  when  the  Chief  Forester  of  the  Bronx  Zoo  discovered  that 
the  chestnuts  in  the  park  were  ailing.  She  follows  it  as  the  blight,  identified  at  first  as  a 
canker-causing  fungus  called  Cytospora  but  now  known  as  Cryphonectria  parasitica, 
spread  north  and  south. 

Freinkel  tells  the  story  of  the  various  methods  attempted  to  control  the  blight, 
many  of  them  misguided,  such  as  the  cutting  down  of  millions  of  yet  unaffected  trees. 
Most  interesting  was  the  story  of  the  dedicated  scientists  who,  over  the  years,  have 
worked  tirelessly  in  their  quest  to  save  the  tree.  They  used  methods  that  ranged  from 
classical  plant  breeding  to  cutting-edge  gene  technology,  working  not  only  on  the  tree 
but  also  trying  to  tame  the  fungus. 

As  she  writes,  “Faith  in  a seed  has  propelled  chestnut  restoration  for  over  a 
century,  and  it  continues  to  sustain  the  two  chief  breeding  efforts  under  way  today:  one 
devoted  to  the  wondrous  possibilities  of  combining  the  American  chestnut  with  its 
sturdier  cousins,  the  other  dedicated  to  the  potential  of  the  American  chestnut  to  save 
itself.”  She  describes  in  detail  the  work  of  the  Connecticut  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station  and  the  American  Chestnut  Society  at  its  research  farm  in  Meadowview, 
Virginia.  Their  offspring  are  now  being  planted  here  in  WNC  at  the  NC  Arboretum  and 
at  the  Bullington  Center. 

This  book  is  entertainingly  written  and  should  be  a must  read  for  members  of 

Paula  Robbins 


The  Botanical  Gardens  at  Asheville 

“Born  of  the  dream  of  a handful  of  local  gardeners  and  educators,  the  Botanical 
Gardens  at  Asheville  occupies  a unique  position  among  public  gardens  because  it  serves 
as  a preserve  for  Southern  Appalachian  native  plants.  Years  ago,  forward-thinking 
individuals  saw  acres  of  their  beloved  wildflowers,  shrubs  and  trees  disappearing  under  the 
heavy  equipment  of  developers  and  highways  crews.  They  began  to  fear  the  extinction  of 
many  species.  The  Gardens  is  the  result  of  their  foresight,  impressive  botanical  knowledge 
and  hard  work. 

What  makes  these  botanical  gardens  worthy  of  special  recognition?  Very  simply,  it  is 
because  they  specialize  in  native  plants  of  an  area  that  is  internationally  botanically 
significant.  Throughout  geological  history,  nature  has  blessed  the  Southern  Appalachians 
with  favorable  climate  and  good  soil.  Far  enough  north  to  avoid  blistering  heat,  far  enough 
south  to  escape  bitter  cold  with  mineral  rich  soil  and  range  of  altitude  from  875  to  6684  feet, 
the  many  habitats  and  micro-climates  in  these  mountains  favor  a great  variety  of  plants. 
Plants  from  farther  north  traveled  southward  before  the  advancing  glaciers  and  found 
favorable  growing  conditions  in  these  ranges,  which  fortunately  escaped  the  icy  blanket. 
During  the  following  era  of  gradually  receding  ice,  plants  originally  from  farther  north  made 
their  slow  return  home.  However,  many  remained  here,  often  in  micro-environments  in 
higher  altitudes  where  they  had  found  suitable  climate  and  soil.  “ 

In  the  1950’s  the  women  members  of  the  Asheville  Garden  Club  began  to  think  of  the 
possibility  of  a public  garden  devoted  to  native  plants.  Their  idea  was  to  provide  a place  to 
protect  as  many  threatened  native  plants  as  possible  in  a local  area  where  the  plants  would 
be  safe  and  the  public  would  learn  about  their  importance. 

At  this  time  the  Asheville-Biltmore  College  was  acquiring  land  for  a campus  and  was 
persuaded  to  set  aside  some  of  this  land  for  a public  garden.  (Asheville-Biltmore  College 
was  a junior  college  but  later  became  the  University  at  Asheville.  ) A Board  of  Trustees  was 
formed  and  established  a Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  By-Laws  under  the  name  of  the 
Asheville-Biltmore  College  Botanical  Gardens,  Inc.  These  documents  were  signed  on 
February  28,  1961. 

Doan  Ogden,  a noted  landscape  architect,  prepared  the  plans  for  the  Gardens  and 
the  Men’s  Garden  Club  of  Asheville  pledged  funds  for  this  initial  step  and  has  continued 
thorough  the  years  as  a loyal  supporter.  Since  there  were  no  funds  available  for  the  new 
garden  from  the  college  this  new  Board  for  the  Gardens  realized  they  would  need  to 
establish  a fund  raising  system  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  new  organization. 

The  future  site  of  the  Gardens  was  filled  with  invasive  plants  and  mountains  of  trash 
which  had  been  dumped  on  the  land  through  the  years.  Hundreds  of  volunteers  were 
recruited  from  the  community  including  Boy  Scouts,  Girl  Scouts,  the  initial  garden  club 
members,  members  of  other  civic  organizations  and  even  prisoners  from  the  local  jail. 


Then  began  the  task  of  collecting  and  planting  native  species  in  the  new  garden.  Tom 
Shinn  who  worked  for  Carolina  Power  & Light  helped  the  volunteers  identify  areas  where 
native  plants  were  threatened.  Pete  Hanlon  of  the  US  Forest  Service  and  officials  of  the  Blue 
Ridge  Parkway  dug  plants  from  their  areas.  Frank  Crayton  of  Biltmore  Estate  knew  remote 
local  areas  and  obtained  hundreds  of  plants  for  the  Gardens.  All  the  collected  plants  had  to 
be  put  in  gunny  sacks  for  transportation  to  the  Gardens  in  vehicles.  Many  trips  were  difficult 
because  mountain  roads  were  in  poor  shape  and  many  of  the  cars  were  old.  Some  plants 
were  found  at  high  elevations  where  a sudden  thunderstorm  could  wash  out  a road  in 

After  collection  came  planting  and  this,  too,  had  many  difficulties.  There  was  no  road 
going  into  the  Gardens.  The  water  source  was  downhill.  The  dedicated  workers  often  had  to 
stay  late  into  the  night  to  get  the  plants  in  the  ground.  Charter  members  Bruce  and  Tom 
Shinn  who  were  cultivating  their  land  with  native  plants  passed  on  their  knowledge  of  plant 
propagation  and  contributed  in  every  possible  way. 

Doan  Ogden’s  plan  for  the  Gardens  comprised  the  creation  of  a series  of  garden 
"rooms”  and  a network  of  trails  connecting  them.  The  natural  features  of  the  land  — open 
meadows,  creek  banks  and  tree  covered  hillsides  --  provided  sites  for  the  abundance  and 
variety  of  wild  flowers.  Three  bridges  were  built  by  the  Army  Reserve  Corps  and  entrance 
gates  were  donated  by  the  Veteran’s  Hospital  in  Osteen  N.C.  In  1972  the  legal  name  was 
changed  to  the  University  Botanical  Gardens  at  Asheville.  Today  it  is  commonly  known  as 
the  Botanical  Gardens  at  Asheville. 

In  1983,  23  years  after  the  organization’s  first  meeting,  the  construction  of  the  Botany 
Center  was  completed  and  dedicated. 

The  year  2010  was  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  Gardens.  More  than  600  species  of 
plants  native  to  the  Southern  Appalachians  have  been  planted  including  trees,  shrubs, 
wildflowers,  grasses  and  vines.  Uncommon  or  endangered  plants  are  Oconee  Bells, 

Swamp  Pink,  French  Broad  Heartleaf,  and  Pale  Yellow  Trillium.  Volunteers  continue  to  play 
an  important  role  maintaining  the  gardens.  In  the  first  year  of  operation  2000  visitors  signed 
the  guest  book.  Today  35,000  visitors  come  annually. 

If  you  have  never  been  to  the  Gardens,  this  is  a place  to  visit. 

Part  of  this  article  was  copied  ahd  part  excerpted  from,  “The  Botanical  Gardens  at  Asheville,  A 
LABOR  Of  OF  LOVE  , The  First  50  Years”  prepared  by  the  Education  Committee  of  the  Botanical  Gardens 
at  Asheville,  Copyright  2010. 

Answers  to  Page  3 Recorder  Ramblings 

1.  Peach  Orchard  Branch  2.  Pearson's  Falls  3.Coleman  Boundary  4.Tanbark  Tunnel  5.  Cabin  Cove  at 
Fine's  Creek  6.  Ashmore  Heritage  Preserve  7.  Whiteside  Mountain  8.  Kanuga  Conference  Center  9. 
Bee  Tree  Gap  1 0.  Sky  Valley  Road  1 1 . Heintooga  Area  1 2.  Log  Hollow  Overlook  along  the  Blue 
Ridge  Parkway  South 




do  Anne  Ulinski 
1212  Chanteloup  Drive 
Hendersonville,  N.C.  28739 



A quarterly  publication  of  the  Western  Carolina  Botanical  Club 
Vol.  XXXIV  No.  1 

Editor  Anne  Ulinski 

Assistants:  Jean  Lenhart,  Elaine  Montgomery 
Spring  2012 

The  purpose  of  the  Club  is  to  study  the  plants  of  the  Southern  Appalachian  Mountains  and  the 
Southeast  through  field  trips  and  indoor  meetings.  Membership  is  open  to  all.  Individual/family 
memberships  are  $15.  New  members  joining  from  the  period  July  1 -December  31,  pay  $8.  All 
memberships  are  renewable  on  January  first  of  each  year.  Send  dues  to:  Alan  Graham,  544 
Tip  Top  Road,  Brevard,  N.C.  29812