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Supplement 76 

Some Special Plant Disease Surveys in New York State 
in 1929 

September 1, 1930 



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Prepared by ae 

H. H. Whetzel, Collaborator, Mycology and Disease Survey, and Professor 
Plant Pathology, Cornell University. Assisted by J. G. Horsfall, A. G. 
fewielt: D. 5. Welch, B. H. Davis and H. J. Lee. 

Plant Disease Reporter 
Supplement 76 september 1, 1950 


Mmeroduction, by H. H, Whetzeleses.+sese- ce wees cect eee cee see eccewes LY 
Re itsense Survey of Muck Crops, by A. G. Newhall.......-.eene20+5 [9 
upeemeteeednine Crone, by J, G. Horsfall...c cc cee we ce cee seem ewnen or 
Pe eeew@tearnr. Wicat, by H. H. Whebzel.s ...cbeeseeesscecrevcecvesas, GO 

umeemenitecacces of Trees and Shrubs, by D. 5S. Welche.ccecccveversee YO 


The Willow Bli ght, by iy H, ihe zel. ereeereeees ecwveeeeeeeevrezreeveeeeerere ose ee oe a1 
Lilac Blights, bv ine --6@ Jhetzel. eeeee@eepeeereeovree7eseeeseeeeeseseeoexseeee toes see oie 
The Leaf Sy ot of the oa Sy by H. ines whe tzel. eeesvneteaoerv7e7 fF © ee See eeeeeee 9A 

SueeeenomiTs of the Garden, by H. H..Whetzel.....cncwcecessseenvens 99 

Mist of Svecimens Deposited in the Mycological Collections of the 
iG fi 
Bure am b Ot: Plant Industry. eeeeeveeeeesveeseeseeeeeoeeeeoeeeeeeeeweeereeeeeese ees 55) 

ee te 

OM TR eo Cue TO 

H, H. Whetzel 

Witn.the, financial cooperation of the Plant Disease Survey of the Bureau of 
Plant Industry, United States Deoartment of Agriculture, some special plant 
disease survey work in the State of New York was undertaken by the writer during 
June, July, and August, 1929. B. H. Davis, assistant in the Department of Plant 
Pacnology at Cornell University, and J. H. Lee, assistant in the Department of 
Botany in Wabash College, Indinna, devoted much of their time to the work in the 
Meera and in the determination 6f the specimens collected in the course of the 
surveys. Dr. J. G. Horsfall, in charge of Investigations on the Diseases of 
Canners' Crops at the Geneva Exneriment Station, assisted with the survey work 
Meonese Crops; Dr, A. G. Newhall, in charge of Truck Crop Disease Investigations 
at Cornell University, gave considerable time to the surveys of diseases in crops 
meow on the muck lands of the State. Dr. D. S. Welch, Forest Pathologist in 
Cornell University, took notes on the diseases of trees and shrubs that came to 
Our attantion during the summer, 

The writer made a special study of the occurrence and distribution of willow 
Memes eid the bacterial blight of lilac in the State. He also made two trips 
through the ginseng—growing sections of the State during the summer to study the 
diseases of this crop. { Dr. Whetzel's observations on ginseng diseases were pub-— 
eished in the Plant Diseas se Reporter 13:136-7.1929.) Special attention was given 
to the occurience of lea? rust and loase sinut in wheat by Messrs. Davis and Lee. 

specimens of the more interesting and uncommon fungous and bacterial dis-— 
Cases encountered wcre collected and preserved as herbarium specimens. Duplicates 
Sreenese have been deposited in the Mycological Collections of the United States 
Department of Agriculture. 

To all those who have assisted and cooperated in the work of the survey 
the writer is greatly indebted and records his appreciation, 


ne ee te pee ee ee ee 

A. G. Newhall 

Approximately 20,000 acres of muck land in New York are utilized to grow 
Onions, lettuce, aie. and) carrots; perhaps 1,000 acres of this areid@evercd 
to potatoes, svinach, Chinese cabbage, and other miscellaneous vegetables, such 
as beets, turnips, and asparagus. 

A number of serious diseases annually cause enormous losses to these crops, 
and the weather largely determines which of them will be the most destructive. 
Thus a wet soring favors onion snut and a wet summer onion mildew and celery 
Blight. Tn a dry season onion vink root and lettuce yellows become very prev-— 
alent, and tipburn is most severe in a hot summer, 

Por the State as a whole the season of 1929 was characterized by a very 
Wet spring followed by very dry, cool weather in July and August. Two or three 
hot periods of short duration occurred. As a result of these conditions onion 
smut was very severe wherever the formaldehyde treatment was not employed. In 


many ficlds the treatment was rendered less efficient than usual due to heavy 
falling immediately after sowing. Onion mildew, though present, was held inc 
by the dry weather. Pink root was more common than usual. lettuce yellows bec@ 
very destructive by August 15. Tipburn was severe only in certain regions where 
heavy fertilization is practiced and hot weather occurred. Bottom rot Was again 
the most destructive disease of lettuce, causing the loss of over one—third of 
the crop, iildew of lettuce was Tonio ent on the early spring and late fall 

sowings,. Celery blights, though present, were neld in check by the dry weather , 
as was true also of spinach mildew. A direct loss to the growers from all cause 

is estimated at a million and a cuarter dollars, of which about half was due tom 
diseases, | : i 

since pede ens were not the same in all parts of the State, a more 
detailed account of the diseases found in the orincipal muck regions follows, ' 
is based on the field counts made by the fellowship men in field laboratories in 
three of the orincipal muck regions of the State and upon special survey trips 
to ail the important areas, 


The Genesee—Orleans Re gion 

In the Elba section, where close to 2,200 acres are nearly evenly ai vided 
between lettuce and onions and about 400 more arc devoted to carrots, potatoes, _ 
spinach, and misccllancous crops, the chief diseases were” botton rot (Rhizoctonié 
sp.) end yellows (virus) of lettuce, According to Mr. Cook, ‘our field laboratory 
man stationed at Elba, over 50 :-per cent of the lettuce crop was destroyed during 

he season by bottom rot, tho heaviest losses coinciding with rains and high ; 
temperatures occurring the last wecks of .June and July. 

Lettuce yellows (virus) appeared two or thrce weeks varlier than usual 
(June 23), and due to the dry season Bete for lear-hopper development becamem 
very prevalent by the middie of August. A ‘ 5 per cent loss for the season has “@ 
been estimated for the Gisease. baad 

Yarm weather the third week of June and last of July caused considerable © 

loss from tipourn, although for the season the disease was less severe than usuam 
a t 

the estimated total loss for the Genesee—Orleans region being but 2 per cent, 
Mosaic (virus) of lettuce was present in most fields in small quantities,) 

one-half to 4% per cent, but toward the end of the summer it could be found three™ 
to four times as abundant. , : 
Mildew (Bremia lactucae) was prevalent on practically all the early spring 
and lete fall-sown lettuce. Its stunting and discoloring effects together with 
the fact that affected plants are more subject to transit rots make it of more 
importance than is usually realized. el 
A lettuce wilt (cause unknown) was more prevalent than in the past, being 
Prescae in most fields and often affecting 4 or 4 per cent of the plants, 
ray mold (Botrytis) and a stem girdle of unknown cause togethcr with cut- 

worms further reduced the yield by approximatcly 16 per cent. 
Thes,1t. May be scen that. over Baia ohn of the lettuce that was sown” 
wes destroyed by various discases and insect nests in the Elba section, which 

Was not cspecially exceptional. Teed y this amounted to more than $100, 000, 

Onion mildew (Peronospora schleiden i) apveared three wecks later than 
usual (August 13), but made Sei Gk Sa Pe progress on account of dry weather, probably — 
causing but 2 per cent loss, 

Srut(Urocystis ccpulne) has now been found in several places on the Elba 
muck and caused an ap reciable loss on several farms so that control measures wil 

ee : SL 

doubtLess be introduced there another year,. A 2 per cent loss is estimated for 
the entire Elba section. It is.a remarkable fact that smut has been absent 
from that region for so many years (over 12). es: 
| High temperatures the last week in May caused many onion seedlings to 
burn off at the surface of the muck, In spite of these handicaps, together 
| with maggots and thrips, a very good crop of onions was harvested, since a dry 
season is very favorable for this crop. 
Pink root (Phoma sp,) was more abundant than usual on account of dry 
| conditions but is estimated to have caused only 4 per cent loss | 
A Botrytis neck-rot was founded causing perhaps per anes damage, mostly 
t@ set onions, . 
The greatest losses to onions were from maggots, cutworms, and thrips, all 
of which thrive in a dry summer and which are estimated by Mr. Cook to have cut 
| the yield 20, 15, and 3 per cent, respectively. 
j Thus, in scite of the fact that 1929 was considered to have been a very 
| favorable one for onions little better than half the possible yield was realized 
in the Genesee-—Orleans region, 

The Wayne County Muck 

In Wayne County, where over 5,000 acres of muck are said to be in culti- 
vation, celery is the leading crop. Ordinarily late blight (Septoria apii} and 
bacterial leaf spot (Pseudomonas apii ) caused much loss, but on account of droughi 
during the months when celery Was g1 growing there was but a,trace of early, late, 
and bacterial blights, The crop was cut about 20 per cent by lack of moisture, 
and Mr. Gaines, the fellowship man at Williamson, estimated at least a 12 per 
cent loss from the tarnished plant bug, which was much worse than usual. 

Carrots are the next crop of importance in this region, having taken the 
piace of much of the lettuce that used to be grown. The principal reduction in 
yield was occasioned by the rust fly, which damaged about 10 per cent of the 
crop. leaf spot, (Cercospora} soft rot (Sclerotinia and bacteria), a crown rot 
caused by Rhizoctonia, and yellows (virus) were noted in a few fields, but were 
Daeescrsous,..- |. 

fhe onion crop was nearly 20 per cent above normal on account of the dry 
Weather, although smut would have ruined it in this region if the formaldehyde 
treatment had not been very generally practiced, In one untreated field the 
stand was reduced about 60 per cent and the yield almost the same. The loss for 
the county is set at 10 per cent, The treatment doubtless saved the county 
#80, 000 in 1929, Pink root was more abundant than usual, on account of dry soil 
conditions, Over 89 per cent of the onions were affected, but the loss is esti- 
mated at less than 5 per cent. Neck rot (Botrytis) and mildew (Peronospora) 
were found in a few fields, but caused appreciable loss in enly one or two, 
Maggots and thrips are thought to have reduced the yields by about 15 per cent, 
the latter being fairly abundant. 

There are still hundreds of acres of lettuce grown in the county, but 
20 per cent of it was lost on account of tipburn and about 10 per cent from 
each of the other two major diseases, bottom ce and yellows, which would bring 
the total loss to the lettuce crop well above $45,000 for the county. Mosaie 
Was present to the usual extent of about 4 prcent for the season, being much 
more than this on the later crops. A stem girdle of unknown cause and Botrytis 
gray mold were present in several fields, 


The Oswego County luck 

At least four-fifths of the 4,000 acres of tilled muck in-.Oswego County 
are devoted to lettuce. The season of 1929 was cooler and drier than usual, al 
though April and May were very wet. Again, nearly a third of the crop was un-— 
marketable on account of bottom rot, according to Mr. Townsend, the fellowship 
man located at Oswego, who made counts in the field once a week throughout the 
harvest season. It is likely the county lost over $225,000 from bottom rot ) 
and about that sum in 1928, Leaf hoppers (Cicadula sexnotata) became exceeding 
abundant, so that yellows (virus)ruined over 50 per cent of some fields by 
August 15, and the average loss for the season is placed at 10 per cent. Mosaig 
(virus) also affected as high as 24 per cent of some fields the latter part of | 
the summer and is credited with an average reduction of about 5 per cent of the 
crop, Drop (Sclerotinia), mildew (Bremia), damping-off (Rhizoctonia), Botrytis 
rot, and stem ap alle Weniee unknown) were all found during the Season and toget 
are believed to have reduced the yield by 4 per cent, since nearly half of the 
crop was rendered unmarketable on account of one disease or another, Itis 
evident, therefore, that by a conservative estimate the diseases of lettuce co 
the county over $300,000, 

Little reduction in yield is thought to have occurred to the 200 acres of 
carrots in the county, although a disease thought to be yellows was present in 

many fields to a small extent, 

A seed—borne Fusarium caused considerable loss to spinach by y dampine ae 
the seedlings, It was controlled by soaking the seed one hour in bichloride at 
ited %10080. | | 7 

Approximately 100 acres of celery in the county were much damaged by 
drought. The tarnished plant bug caused heavy losses also by its injury known © 
as black joint. Only a trace of early and late blight was found, 

The Orange County Muck 

Some 4,000 acres of muck in Orange County are devoted to vegetables, near 
three-fourths of which are onions. Onion smut probably took 10 per cent of thes 
crop, some growers still refusing to use the formaldehyde treatment. Pink root™ 
Was more prevalent than usual on account of the dry weather. . But in spite coe 
this and of thrips and maggots an exceptionally good cro» was harvested. Wo 
mildew was seen, ‘ 

Tipburn of lettuce ruined a number of soring sowings during a very hot 
period the last week in May end again in the latter nart of June. Bottom rot 
likewise destroyed « high percentage of the heads at these times. The late 
soWings were badly affected with yellows and mosaic, some fields showing over 
a DEL CEG « | . 

Celery taal were almost unknown this season, but the dry weather re= © 
duced the yield a Brae nee 25 per cent, and much loss was reported by growers 
in February from ae off in the greenhouse. seedbeds. 3 

After an absence of four years from the State the writer was impressed by 
the 1929 muck survey with two interesting things in regard to lettuce tipburn. @ 
In the first place, from the fellowship reports of the past two or three seasons 
it is evident there is much less tipburn than five years ago. In the second plagg 
a marked change in fertilizer practice has taken place in certain sections where © 
tipburn formerly was very severe. The old formula of 20-10 has been replaced 
with one much lower in potash and higher in nitrogen, such as a A-8-4 or 
j-10-5. In view of the positive correlation between tipburn and fertilizers 
high in potash, which was pointed out in Wayne County by the author several 
years ago, and in view of the fact that tipburn is still more severe in those 



sections of the State where the most potash is used, the improved condition 
ean be attributed to the change in fertilizer practice; a change induced largely 
by the efforts of the vegetable gardening extension service. 

In regard to bottom rot of lettuce, Mr. Townsend is getting’ considerable 
evidence of the positive value of cleaning off all refuse from the soil immediately 
after harvest, in order to remove the sclerotia of Rhizactonia that formed in the 
junharvested heads and to avoid tu:ning under any leaves on which the fungus ean 
\Brow. Certain growers who have heen practicing this "clean up" program for 
Several years are notably freer from bottom rot than their neighbors who have 
Been regularly pkowing under their refuse. 

Increasing evidence is heing gathered by Mr. Cook indicating that onion 
“Mildew is commonly carried over as mycelium in the Tesh as well as in the bulbs 
| Of Set onions. 


J. G. Horsfall 

pince the writer was employed early in 1929 to devote his time to studying 
the diseases of canning crops in New York State, it seemed desirable first of all 
to learn what diseases are affecting these crops in the State, how serious they 
are, and how widespread. The survey method was adopted as a means to this end. 

Many of the observations, especially near Geneva, were made incidental to 
Other work in the field, but several exploratory trips by automobile were made 
through the canning-crops area, the most important being a 500-mile trip in 
company with Prof. H. H. Whetzel and Messrs. B. H. Davis and H. J. lee, of the 
Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University. The major results of this 
trip have been reported briefly already (Plant Disease Xeporter 13:93-95. 1929). 

The writer traveled more than 1,500 miles during the summer in making the 
Survey through the canning-—crops area in central and western New York, and in- 
spected 144 fields of these crops as well as 25 fields of dry beans aa 6 fields 
of market garden tomatoes for comparison. This mileage was consumed in surveying 
B= tields in ail parts of Ontario County, 29 fields in Wayne, 7 in Yates, 9 in 
Beeuben, 9 in iivingston, 2 in Wyoming, 12 in Genesee, 18 in Niagara, 1S en 
Orleans, 10 in “onroe, 6 in Oswego, 2 in Madison, 1 in Onondaga, and 6 in 


Canners everywhere in the State were bemoaning the poor pea pack of 1929. 
Alimost without exception the men were in agreement that the crop was the poorest 
that they had had in many years. One individual said that he had been canning 
peas for 40 years, but he had never had such a voor pack, t seems that two 
Major factors operated in producing this condition—-drought as such and disease 
aS aggravated by the drought. A prolonged wet spring retarded planting operations 
Over the entire pea area, and the peas which did go into the ground formed roots 
Only in the upper layers of soil. Then the season turned ary, catching the 
Shallow-rooted peas unprepared. In some cases pcas were planted in wet soil and 
never received enough rain to wet the soil again before they were harvested. 
(Certainly such conditions are not conducive to a bumper crop. The lack of moistur 


does not tell the whole story. The wet weather in the spring was highly stim— 7 
ulating to the diseases, especially the root rots, to which the pea plant is su 
When dry weather hit the infected peas, their yield was curtailed tremendously. 

Altogether 69 pea fields were seen, totaling about 183 acres. Péas as a . 
rule are planted in small patches by the farmer. Usually he grows two varieties; © 
an early and a late, in order to prolong the harvest season and reduce the peak © 
load in the caning factory. 

ROOT ROT caused by Aphanomyces euteiches was the most powerful factor among 
the diseases in curtailing yields, especially ‘'y of the earlier varieties, It was 
found in 27 per cent of the 56 pea fields examined, ranging from a trace to 100 © 
per cent of infected plants. Frequently this disease occurs in a field in patches 
which may be seen from the road as yellowed areas in the peas. These patches 
cause trouble in determining the percentage of diseased plants in afield. Only 
one field was seen where the disease was recorded as a trace. On the other hand 
it Was estimated to affect 10 per cent of the plants in one field, 25 per cent am 
another, 50 per cent in two more, and from 75 to 100 per cent in six fields, ii 
six other fields it was adjudged serious or very serious. Several fields scattered 
Over the State were hardly worth harvesting because of this disease; one was not © 
harvested; and one was plowed up in the spring. 

2 Loss in any field is difficult to estimate. Haenseler (New Jersey Rep. . 
1926: 2/5. 1929) states ae infected plants produce less seed by 20 per cent thar 
healthy plants, but this seems too conservative, especially where the soil is 
thoroughly contaminated wins the organism. He obtained his figures by mixing 
naturally contaminated soil with the soil in certain rows of peas as contrasted 
with adjacent check rows, His reductions in yield vrobably would have been greater 
if he could have mixed the inoculum more intimately with the soil. Aphanomyces 
euteiches causes increascd loss from year to year if peas are planted in the same @ 
soil, This probably is due to a progressively more thorough contamination of the © 
soil, The yield was reduced almost to the vanishing point, and the quality was 
very poor in several fields where the plants were affected severely. The writer 
refrains from offering estimates of actual loss in the State. Suffice it to say) 
that Aphanomyces root rot was the most important malady affecting early peas in 
the State, . It should be said, however, that plants which were infected suffered 
grcatly when the- drought ee them. . 

The disastrous cases of Aphanomyces root rot, in which the pertinent facts 
concerning the rotation were available, always occurred in fields which had been 
in yeas from once to sevcral times before, usually within two to four years. 
Several interesting fields came to light in this connection. Near Lyons, in | 
Wayne County, two neighbors agreed to plant their peas cooperatively. Ac cording 
they fitted their two adjoining fields as one niece the same day with the same : 
Machinery. They vlanted it as one piece the same day with the same drill with 
the samé seed, and yet even a casual observer could detect the difference in the @ 
growth of the peas a few Aged after they had been planted. The crop in one fielam 
had a dark—grcen color, with large sturdy stalks on white unblemished roots, The ¥ 
crop in the other ficld had a sickly yellow-green color, with scrawny stems on 
dark shrunken cpicotyls and roots, which contained Aphanomyces oospores in abun— 
dance. The first field was growing its first crop of peas; the second had pro-— 
duced several before. On the canning-crops farm of the experiment station peas on’ 
soil which had not had. the crop before were free of Aphanomyces root rot; peas on © 
soil which had grown peas two years or one year before had from 25 to 50 per cent 
of the plants affected; and peas on soil which had been planted to the crop for 
four years consecutively were too poor to be harvested. On the other hand, a field 


of peas near the experiment station grounds was so severely infected with 
Aphanomyces euteiches that it had to be plowed up, and yet it had not had peas 
for 15 years, according Be the local informants. 

RHTZOOTONIA ROOT ROT caused by Rhizoctonia solani injured many peas in 
| New York during 1929, but was decidedly of less importance than Aphanomyces root 
rot. The fungus frequently attacked a few scattered plants in the field without 
affecting the stand or the yield appreciably. t was found in -seven Trelds: 
moere it could be rated as a trace. It affected also 100 per cent of the plants 
along one side of a field in Ontario County, near Rushville. The plants were 
simply drying up like newly-—cured hay, beginning: at the. bottom. The -cortex of 
iMenyroors and epicotyl of such clents was full or xhizoctonia gee 

MISCELLANEOUS ROOT ROTTS. Peas are al freee universally infected in the 
State with a browning whieh starts at the decayed seed and spreads both ways in 
the taproot. No fungus has been found constantly associated with this condition, 
| and the extent of the damage resulting is uncertain, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium 
| have been found, but probably these’ symptoms result from penetration by various 
| soil organisms through’ the rotted seed which serves as an excellent infection 
court. | : | | 7 
|...... This year the seed-corn maggot (Phorbia fusdieups) has exceedingly com- 


ee oe ee 

plicated the pea ee problem. According tore. Hugh Glasgow, the station 
entomologist dealing especially with canning crops, the seed-corn maggot usually 
does not attack peas, because the crop is in the ground:before the brood of 
‘Maggots apvesrs, The wet weather this spring delayed planting so long, however, 
#that many of the neas were in the right stage to be attacked, Not infrequently 
the pea roots wore browncd and rotted adjacent to the maggot injury much as 
they were adja Ls, to the decomposed see d, as described in. the last paragraph. 
This trouble also seems to be caused by various soil organisms which are able 

to enter the yea root through injuries.” : 

: Alaska peas in the vicinity of Geneva eee kanye y were affected with a 
discase which caused the roots to shrivel excessively without becoming discolored, 
This was not attributable apparently to drought, but frecuent and careful micro- 
ee examination failed to reveal any causal organism. 

MYCUSPHAERELLA BLICHT caused by ilycospuaerella pinodes was the most serious 
malady on th late varieties of peas. In the absence of reliable data on losses, 
it- is difficult to decide uyon the relative importance of this disease and Aphan~— 
omyces root-rot. Certainly both of them tozcethcr. destroyed a large part of the 
pea crop in 1929, The discase was found in 10 of the 56 pea fields cxamincd, It 
Was rated as unin ipor'tanit in two ficids, .25°x«r cent infection in one field, .50 
Per cent in one, 75 to 100 per cent in three others, and scrious or very scrious 
in three fields... | ; : 

-. The canners' field ison, who dutermine when the!ceas are just at the. right 
stage for caning, experienced great difficulty as a result of this disease, A 
field man said that he might sce a certain field, say on Monday, and decide that 
Meswould order it cut for the viner on Thursday. Then he would go back on Wed- 
nesday afternoon to check his judgment only to find that the peas had "gone by." 
They had become too hard for the best cuality pack. . Furthermore, they would be 
undersized, which reduced. the yicld to the farmer, causing him to say unkind 
things.” Apparently the malady retards: the fens of the large cuantity ,of 

water to thc sceds which is necessary for their final: enlargement just before 
reaching the stage for canning. Hence they dry and harden more QWickly than 
normally. . : 

"the plants affected. The Tahoe. -grown seed almost invariably showed large perce 


~It.apoears that the whole story of the origin oF an tare in _ 
.has ne been Written. For éxanmble, the ‘Geeva Preserving ‘Gags ain 1929: used on 
seed from the dryland Western States, supposedly relatively free of the blight 
pathogene, Seed from the same lot planted in different. places produced plants 
with different quantities of infection, No peas had.been on any of the Fields 
question for several years, according to the field man.. This indicates a. local 
origin of inoculum, | | 4 

‘ASCOCHYTA LEAF AND POD: a caused by Ascochyta pisi was found occasiona 
but never in a severe amount, sq 

ASCOCHYTA FOOT ROT-caused by Ascochyta pinodella also occurred spor adica 
in vea fields without doing much apparent damage. 

Bee hs Nos 

In general, beans were comparatively free of the troubles like anthracno 
and blight, which canners usually recognize as serious The exceedingly dry se 
during the germination and growth of the beans held the spread of these twoumm™ 
diseases to a minimum, so that canners over the State were fairly well pleaaa 
with.the bean pack, .The dry weather reduced the yields some, but the pods wer 
unusually free of spots, Forty-two fields containing 313 acres of canners' bee 
were examined, as weil as a fLeids of field beansTtor comparison. - 

“MOS ATC, a disease not usually recognized by canners or field men, was 
‘most destructive trouble of string beans in the State in 1929. Several Canim 
when questioned, averred that their bean crop was singularly free of ai sea ge 
in all cases a short field trin was sufficient to demonstrate that the individ 
was laboring.under.a delusion, because mosaic was present in severe form in. 
neighborhood of all canneries from Mount’ Morris, in the western part of the State 
to Canastota, in the Gentral. © Out of the, 42 fields of string beans examined 1; 
tava y 42), or 76 per cent, showed mosaic ranging from a trace to 100 per cent 

ages of mosaic, It is of interest that only 2 out of 21 areas of field beans™ 
showed mosaic, One field had only a trace of the trouble, and one field Gime 
Genevas. had 20 ver cent of the plants affected, as shown from an average of thi 
counts. a 
ly Seven fields of string beans showed only a trace of mosaic; three showe 

1 per cent of the »lants diseased; three showed 5 per cent; five showed 10 per 
cent; five showed from 20 to 25 »er cent; and nine showed vractically all thes 
plants ai reeLed,)) By Re Rea Beats nercentage of diseased nlants in the fields 
various sizes it was found that an average of 16 per cent of the string beans - 
the State were affected with mosaic. In the absence of definite information 2 
garding the reduction which mosaic causes in individual plants, it is ai fficull 
to say what loss was bare but 10° per cent probably is not too high. 


BACTERIAL BLIGHTS © denen by various bacterial pathogenes were not causi 
any serious trouble in late July when the majority of the bean fields were 
veyed. The blight caused: by Bacteriun | phaseoli was rated as a trace to 1 ‘per 
cent in nine fields totaling 53 acres. Burkholder's bacterial disease, halo! 
blight caused by Bacterium medicaginis var, “phaseolicola, occurred in five fie 
totaling 115 acres where it was causing some loss, which, however, was not. a 
These two bacterial: diseases seemed ‘to: be somewhat more prevalent in the, dry” 
beans. . 


ANTHRACNOSE caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum was not observed in 
-any of the 63 fields of teans. is examined, ‘Tt doubtless occurred in very small 
quantities, but the dry weather reduced its ravages almost to the vanishing point. 
No anthracnose appeared in one field planted with seed showing 8 per cent in- 

| fection an the germinator, 

DRY ROOT ROT caused hy Fusarium martii var. phaseoli occurred in 14 fields 
containing 167 acres, sometimes only as a trace, sometimes very severe. In some 
cases the plants had wut out adventitious roots above the injury which were al- 
lowing them to combat it. Although fields containing 100 ner cent infection 

Were not uncommon in the canners' bean area, they were less frequent than they 
were in the dry bean section in Livingston and Wyoming Counties, Root rot caused 
by Rhizoctonia solani was found occasionally. 

————— + 


Tomatoes are grown for canning in western New York near Lake Ontario and 
bake Erie from Rochester to Buffalo and southwest of the latter city in Erie 
County. Ali of this area except Erie County was surveyed, as well as a small 
section of market-gardcen tomatoes near Poughkcepsie, in the Hudson Valley, Al- 
together 44 fields, including about 270 acres, were inspected. In general, 
tomatoes were decidedly free of discases. In western New York this condition of 
affairs seems directly attributable to the meticulous care used by the large plant 
growers there. The premiscs are kept scrupulously clean, and ali growers use 
§0il which has not had tomatoes on it, certainly not for many years. One man, 
Meteast, steams his soil and flats for one hour before using. Several treat . 
their seed with copper sulphate at the rate of 4 pounds in 50 gallons of water, 
Which aids in controlling damping~-off when the conditions are unfavorable. Severa: 
in Chautauqua County also add charcoal to the soil, thinking that it helps them 
to control aamping-orf (according to Chupn, Plant ewes Reperter is: :68, 1929). 
The source of the seed is not controlled, however, 

MOSAIC. Contrary to e3 sy Shy abc mosaic was not a serious factor in the 
tomato industry. Ten fields of 52 acres scattered throughout the tomato area 
showed a trace of the disease. Counts in several fields planted from seedlings 
originating in the same prefer puSe near Geneva revealed 0.7 per cent in one field, 
2.4 per cent in another,and 8,5 per cent in a third; . These plants were affected 
With the fernleaf type of the disease, One field? near Ontario Center had 1 per 
Cent of the plants affected with mottled mosaic, ‘and a field near Poughkeepsie had 
a@ 50 per cent infcction, v 

SEPTORIA LAF SPOT (Septoria lycopersici) sometimes called blight, was un-— 
important in the State as a Seay of the ary weather which obtained reese 
the season. In fact, the writer had difficulty in inducing the disease to spread 
in some artifically inoculated plots on the station farm. When the majority of 
the tomato fields were inspected late in July, only traces of the disease were 
Observed in three fields. Near Lockvort the only two fields examined had a small 
amount of infcction on the lower leaves. The local county agent thought that 
Lockport had had more rain than some of the neighboring scctions. The farmers 
OWning these two fields probably stood an apyreciable loss in yield from the 
disease, UHarly in Septembcr two snall contiguous fields of Landreth and Marglobe 
Were seen near Wilson, in Niagara County. Leaves on Landreth plants were much 
more Severely spottcd than those on the Marglobe. In fact, the, Landreth plants 

88  - 


were almost defoliatcd, but only a few leaves were gone from the Marglobe plants 
Also, near Poughkeepsie ong ficld contained plants which were more than half 
defoliated by Septoria by September 6. 

EARLY BLIGHT. caused by Alternaria solani was not seen except as mere 
traces in westcrn New York, but it caused a peculiar condition in the Hudson 
Valley near Poughkeepsie where it was called to the writer's attention by ; 
E. V. Shear, vathologist in the branch laboratory of the New York State Agricul= 
tural Experiment Station dealing with fruit investigations. It appeared shortly 
after the Georgia-grown plants were set into the field. Different diagnosticians 
pronouneéd the disease of different origins, One said it was due to Bacterium 
vesicatorium or Apvlanobacter michiganense, Another said it was due to Phoma 
destructiva, and still another thought it was caused by Alternaria solani, 
Ascochyta lycopersici also was suggested as a possible causal agent. A conference 
between Miss Mary K. Bryan, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agri- 
culture, Washington, D. C., Mr. Shear, and the writer at Poughkeepsie early ina 
September resulted in diagnosing the disease as early blight. It had none of the 
symptoms of the bacterial diseases, and pycnidia were too scarce to admit of a ¥ 
causal relationship with the Phoma or the Ascochyta. Briefly, the symptoms early 
in the season were sharply delimited spots on stems, usually superficial, but ~ 
occasionally deep seated, sometimes girdling the stem, causing it to swell above 
the lesion or to break over and then grow upright again at the end. The lesions 
were dark brown and frequently zonate. When the writer saw the disease in the 
field in September, the stems and petioles as well as the leaves were peppered — 
With typical zonate Alternaria lesions, The inclement weather kept many tomato ~ 
plants in the greenhouse until they were quite large. The result in several 
cases Was a severe attack of Alternaria, which caused the loss of several hundred 
plots in Chautaugua County. | | 

FUSARIUM WILT caused by Fusarium lycopersici does not occur as a rule in 
northern and western New York, but one field observed in the Hudson Valley had 
more than 5 per cent of the plants killed by this vascular parasite. This is 
the only record which the writer has of this disease in the State in 1929. 

BACTERIAL CANKER caused by Aplanobacter michiganense was observed in only 
one field of the 44 examined in the State. A few plants from Utah seed were 
affected in an experimental field on the station farm. A survey especially for 
this disease through the tomato arca in company with Miss Mary K. Bryan failed to 
discover a single trace of the malady. ‘ 

SUNSCALD was so severe in a ficld near Egypt, Montoe County, that the loca 
canner sent in specimens for idvntification, This secmed to be due to a lack of 
shade for the' fruit as a result of early defoliation by Septoria, | 

LEAF ROLL, which is alleged to be caused by disturbed water relations, 
occurred occasionally. Two fields in Orleans County and two fields on the statio 
farm showed large vercentages of the malady. : 

SW OR Be Oe eee 

RUST caused by Puccinia sorghi occurred in a small quantity here and the Ce 

SMUT caused by Ustilago zeae is an-almost ubiquitous parasite of sweet 
corn in the State without resulting in much damage as a rule. 

ROOT ROT caused by various pathogenes occurred in a small amount in an 
Sxperimental field on the station farm. It was rated as a trace in one field 
near Mount Morris, 

Sr ecb oA GE 

WIRS STEM. caused by eee eee solani injured ebout 75 ver cent of the 

——— eee ener ae nee meee ce 

Beeciings in a plant bed near North Rose, in Wayne County. 

BLACK-LEG caused. by Fhoma lingam was brought in once from Hall near Geneva, 
and was present ina number of other fields in Ontario County. The source very 
evidently was the seed bed, 

CLUBROOT: caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae occurs very commonly in the 

te ee ony ee eee 

Beate on the more acid soils, ‘Growers, however, are coming more and more to 
realize that lime is a good preventive. . 

TITBURN, which is a physiol 
Was seen ina small area ina fiel 
less common ep oue the State t 

gical trouble appearing as dead leaf terminals, 
f cabbage on the station farm, Tt was much 

BLACK -RY oT (Bacterium came stre ) was rare in‘the State, In the Schenectady-— 
Albany district some affected:ficlds were observed, The growers named it yellows, 
and Many had bought yellows-resistant seed to-combat it. Apparently the yellows- 

resistant seed also was free from black rot, 

CERCOS PORA LEAF S07 caused by Cercospors beticola was neglibible near 
Geneva, orobably because of the dry weather, 

DALPING-OFF caused-by various wathogenes occurred in a small field of 
Market garden beets with an overhead irrigation system. It ruined the stand com- 
pel. In a ficld of about 160 acres of beets near Mount Morris, in Living— 
ston County, the ae was exceedingly poor a fuw weeks after planting. The local 
Canner. ascribed this condition to the extreme drought which prevailed after 


WILT caused by Sara eS tracheiphilus was destroying 5 per cent of the 

orop in one )- “acre fake Cx fined tear Holley, Orleans County. 

MOSAIC WaS a serious factor in several plots of market garden cucumbers 

|) M€ar Rochester, This disease was very severe also in certain squash and melon 

plantings near Geneva. It was more common generally upstate than in 1928, 
es The cucumber crop was very poor, not due so much to disease as to very 
strong, dry winds that seemed to scorch the lenves and vines, ‘The plants that 

grew behind windbreaks looked much better. 

Thes general practice of treating the seed, together with the dry weather, 
suppressed almost entirely the angular leaf spot. 


ee eee ee ee Se 

Hs H. Whetzel 

The leaf rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia triticina, was very general and 
severe throughout the wheat-growing sectidns of western New York, Several long 
srs were mace through the wheat sections and many fields examined, In most of 
the fields the leaves were all more or less rusted and yellowing at blossoming 
ne. the Latier parte: sume. the rust appeared early and developed rapidly. 

On the basis of studies made by Mains in Indiana (communicated to the 
writer by letter) on losses in winter wheat due to leaf rust in 1927 in that . 
State, the writer is of the opinion that the injury to the wheat crop of western™ 
New York in 1929 was not less than 15 to 20 per cent. By dusting 5 times with 
sulphur Mains obtained an ae eee yield of aporozimately 11 per cent on plome 
which at heading time showed from a trace to 10. per cent rusted leaves, At 
this stage of development of oe wheat in New York in 1929 the rust was general 
and severe in most fields. In fact, in many fields all the foliage was dead or 
dying by the time blossoming was over. It seems safe to say, therefore, that a 
loss at least twice as heavy as that recorded by Mains for his plots in 1927 is 
‘well within reason for the wheat crop of New York in 1929. 

Little or no stem rust was observed in any of the fields examined, 

Records. taken of counts of smutted heads in 41 wheat fields showed but 

: e smut in western New York in 1929. As high as 5 per cent 

Was count e in but 3 or 4 fields. In-1l ficlds no smut was to be found, The 
remaining fields showed from a trace to 2 per cent. The average was below one— 
hea tt or 2 per cent, 





D. S$. Welch 

The following is a brief summary of some observations on important diseases 
of woody plants made’ during the stason of 1929. No attempt has been made to in-— 
clude the score or more of wood-rotting discases which are constantly present 
and @estructive. ! os 

Foliage diseases of the anthracnose group attracted considerable attention 
during the year. The following cases were: observed in the field. or were received) 
from correspondents: 

Anthracnose of oaks caused by Gnomonia veneta (Sacc and Speg.) Kleb. 
apveared to be more serious on members 'of the white.-oak group. 

Anthracnose cf maple, caused by various species of Gloeosporium, was most © 
commonly found on Acer: platanoides var. schwedieri and A. palmatum var rubrum. 

Serious cases of anthracnose were observed on Fagus ; grandifolia and 
Betula lutea, associated in both cases with species of Gloeosporium, : 
Leaf blotch of horse-—chestnut caused by Guignardia aesculi (Pk. ). Stewart — 
continues to be epiphytotic and was unusually destructive this year. : 
sy The anthracnose of catalya caused by Gloeosporium cataipae was received 
from Long Island. oe ee Shea: | 

A Gloeosporium has been observed for several years associated with a leaf 
and twig blight of Salix alba var. vitellina (?). Severe dnmage to the new 
growth OCeurs ever yvixe-- SE Vog | bate 



A serious anthracnose of Eyropean linden, caused by Glocosporium tiliae 
Was Giseovered on Long Island. This appears to be the first report of this 
disease in America, 

Other tree diseases of importance are indicated in the following list: 
Leaf blister of oak, caused by Taphrina coervlesc cens (Mont. and Desm., ) 

|} Tul., was found in abundmce on several trees. The actual damage appeared to 
Be slight, 

| Bacteriosis of walnut (Juglans regia) caused by Bacterium juglandis 

| (Pierce) EFS., was received from several correspondents, This disease of the 

® cultivated walnut appears to be well established in the State. 

| Leaf scorch of Acer saccharum, cause vhysiological, was quite prevalent 
| during the year, TN TU ere a eine 

| Twig blight and die-back of Acer saccharum were found in numerous cases 
‘associated with Coryneum negundinis B, and C. 

| Leaf blister rust of | Pinus resinosa caused by Coleosporium solidaginis 
'(Schw.) Thuem. was received from two correspondents in the Hudson Vall enie This 
disease does not appear to be causing much damage. 

Dothichiza populea Sacc. and Briard, on Populus nigra var. italica, twig 

We light, yee 
| Guignardia vaccinii Shear on Kalmia latifolia, leaf spot. 

Cytospora chrysosperma (Pers.) Pr., on Salix caprea. twig. blight and 
| Canker. 
| Dothidea tetraspora B. and Br, on Osage-—orange (Maclura aurantiaca), 

enema —— = 

Cytospora pees ingae | Sace, on Syringa vulgaris, die—back k of twigs. 

H. H. Whetzel 

| The pioneer work of Clinton and McCormick, as set forth in Connecticut 

| Bulletin 402, 1929, on the willow "scab" [Venturia chlorospora (Ces.) Karst. (Fusis 

| ¢ladium saliciperdum (All. and Tub.) Tub.)} in North America, first stimulated 

| the author to search for the disease in the State of New York, This brief article 

sets forth the results of a rather limited survey for this disease in the State 

Meeeine the sumcr of 1929, 

| As suggested by Haskell (special memo: Willow Saab, June 10, 1929) the 
@teease is a “blight” rather than a "scab" disease. The writer, therefore, pro— 

poses the name “willow blight" to designate this disease. 

| According to Clinton and McCormick (1929:445) the willow blight was re- 
ported from "restricted localities" in New York as early as 1927, and was again 

collected by Miss McCormick along the Hudson-—Hillsdale highway and on the road 

from Pittsfield to Albany in the Hudson Valley region in 1928, Thus, : So. far 

as published rccords go, the disease was unrecorded west of the Hudson River 

Valley in this State at the beginning of i923... Our efforts, thereromre were 

primarily directed to determining if it had spread to the western sections of 

the State. The shaded portion of the accompanying map will show roughly the 

area included in our survey. The eastern extension of the survey comprises a 

Marrow strip along the Cherry Valley highway covered by D. S. Welch and the 

Writer returning from the summer meeting of the American Botanical Society held 

pat Hanovep, N. H., the latter part of June. Although we were on the sharp look— 

Out for the blight all along the way, it was not picked up until we reached the 

dittle village of West Winfield, in the very southwest corner of Herkimer County. 

The northwestern part of the State, from Niagara County east to Oswego, 

Was covered by three rathcr extensive survey trips during the season, the first 
Of which was made July 22 to 28, in connection with the canning—crep survey trip 
reported on elscwhere in this Eemaleanebet by J. G. Horsfall. Several survey trips 


throuae cen tral New:Xork, the first of.which was made early in June, yielded th 
only records of the discase which we obtained. Only seven stations for the 
disease were discovercd. ‘fith one exception all thc’ collections were made duri 
June and early July. The surveys of western New York and the two trips north of 
Oswego into Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties were all nade after July 15. A 
newspaper article on: the willow blight published the latter part of July brought 
a considerable number of specimens from different parts of the State, but only | 
one, that from Slaterville Springs,.a few miles from Ithaca, proved to be this | 
disease, meh | 
It seems Sener ¢ that the willow blight in the western half of the ; 
State is confined to the south-central area represented by the seven stations ~ 
where 1t was taken. Frequent trips were made either by the writer. or by Messrs@ 
Lee and Davis during June north and west of Ithaca as far as Batavia in Genesee 
County, yet the blight was never discovered in that section of the State, There 
are, however, good grounds for believing that surveys for this disease are likem 
to prove most fruitful early in the season, in most seasons probably from the . 
middle of May to the first of July. This is illustrated by observations made at 
South Bay, the local ae Where the disease was first taken by us. When we first” 
saw this willow swam at the cast end of Oneida Lake on June 1%, the bushes 
appeared as if swept 2 fire, and the destruction was visible for a long distances 
This station was’ visited again in July and August. The shrubs had put forth new 
leafy shoots, and the old blighted leaves had largely drie@ and fallen, so that! 
the bare dead twig tips were almost completely hidden by the new leafage. From 
a short distance the bushes appeared normal .and healthy. One had to go into the) 
swamp to discover the blighted, more or less bare twigs which had stood forth 
SO prominently early in the scason.. To what. extent this “recovery” of blighted 
willows may have hidden other stations from us during the July and August trips, 
I can not be sure, It seems highly prohable, however, that it did. 

+ that in only one case was the disease taken on a tree 
Willow (Salix fragilis), That was on two young trees planted in the Catholic 
churchyard ct West Winfield, In all the other cases it occurred only on shrub 
willows; five cases on S. cordata ana one case on S. sericea. The most general) 
and severe outbreak seen was that at South Bay where the species involved was 
S. cordata Here several acres of swamp were covered with this species and 
Boaeecally ail the early twig growth on all the plants was killed back more 
or less completely. It is remarkable that the new twig growth put out during q 
late June and July was >ractically free from infection. Our collections confirm 
the observations of Clinton and McCormick (1929:443) that S. cordata is the most 
susceptible of ou: willows, S. discolor growin; intermixed with badly diseased | 
bushes of S. cordata at.Erieville were entirely free of infection. 

The accompanying mad shows the stations where diseased specimens were 
collected, and the species of willows affected. . an 

Ton igonkes of most of the specimens were sent to Dr. Clinton for-confirma- 
tion, and duplicates of ali of them have been deposited in the Mycological Col-— 
lections of the Bureau of Plant Industry. The host species were in every case 
determined by Dr. K. M. Wiegand, of the Department of Botany at Cornell Universit 


South Bay, June 14, Salix cordata 
East Lansing, June 20, ce cordata 
Erieville, June 30, S. cordata 
West Winfield, June 30, S. fragilis 
Flemingville, heey 10, Salix sp. 
Truxson, July 12, 5S. cordata. 

Slater Gite Springs, Aug. 1) Si. cordeta 


SJ Ow fs Ww of 

Figure 7. Showing surveyed area and stations for willow blight in State 
err New York for 1929° (By HoH. Whetzel 


Be velo Wetzel 

The bacterial blight of lilac, caused by Bacterium syringae, was widely 
prevalent in the State during the spring of 1929. In some sections, especially 
in the northwestern part of the State, it apnears to have been Weny joe were. 
Assistant wounty Agent E, J. Hamilton, who sent specimens from this section on 
June 6, wrote : "Practically all the way from Lancaster in Erie County through 
‘East Aurora, pavaen: Glenwood, and Springville into Cattaraugus County the lilacs 

apoear as if swept by fire. They vary of course in the degree of infestation, 


some showing only traces 67 Syupe els while others show few green leapeeee Hea 
found the disease prevalent as far south as Salamanca, beyond which he did not © 


The writer collected or received: specimens of this disease Prout many | 
widely separated sections of the State: Olean, Schenectady, Oswego, Morrisville 
Colden, Webster, Carden; West Amboy, and Ithaca. ’ 

There scems to be marked variation in the susceptibility of species and 
varieties of Syringa. There is also a most puz:ling variation in the incidenees 
of the disease on individuals of the same variety in any given'locality. The wm 
common (lilac) vari ae of Syringa vulgaris appears to be most frequent and 
Severely aifected. .The white-flowered - form is less severely attacked. 5S. Persm 
Waa -et so 1 ound (Lo: Me affected in one garden, though not nearly so severely as — 
a bush of S. vulgaris standing beside it. 

The Gace (eee eae during May, was generally wet, which apyears to 
have favored the dissemination of the bacteria. Invasion seems to take place @ 
commonly through the stomata into the leaves which are ravidly blighted, the in& 
fection vroceeding down the petiole into the young rapidly growing shoots. These 
quickly die back to last season's wood. Infection takes place only when the 
leaves are quite young. The young shoots or suckers arising from the trunks 
and main branches arc most severely blighted. No case, however, was observed 
where the infection’ extended from the blighte >d sucker into the bark of the limb: 
or trunk, The discase does:not avpéar to cause cankers as does the fire blight 
of pomaccous trees, With which in other respects the lilac blight is strikingly 
similar, Blossom infection was bery common, the blossom clusters often being 
killed when half grarn and before the flowers opened. Infection of open blossom™ 
was also common, causing ee browning and fall of flowers, | 

A severe outbreak of this discasc in the writer's own garden afforded | 
excellent ovx:ortunities for study and observation on ee of i 
bacterial blight. 

he Phytophthora blight, caused by. Phyt ophthora syringae, was rene 
from two localities not far from Ithaca. This disease, while somewhat like. the 
bacterial disease in its general aspect, is distinguished by the light brown 
color of the leaf and stem lesions. The mycelium and conidia.of the fungus.cang 
readily be detected in the lesions, id i — 


ee ere 

Hi He Whetzed: 

tie Veet Snot Ge the cultivated iris, caused by Heterosporium gracile, 
the conidial stage of ' Didymellina macros ora eee was to be observed in: every | 
iris plantation in the State. 

The disease appeared early in the suamer of 1929, and by the middle of 
June was already very severe on susceptible varieties. The leaves were not 
only spotted but were already dying back severely from the tips. This disease 
1s clearly more harmful to the iris than is commonly realized by iris growers, 
While some varieties are almost or cuite immune, many of our choice forms are 

almost always severely affected. 

Observations made in a large iris vlantation at Ithaca during the summer 
of 1929 prove beyond ouestion that the disease is really very injurious and | 
incidentally indicate that it may be quite readily controlled. The grower had tw 
plantations of many varieties sevarated only by a grassy swale. His “show” plot, 
Situated on one slone, faced his stock plantings of the same varieties opposite. 



ments Dilan should also be a host fo 


S0i]1 conditions, etc., were essentially the same. The show plot had been 

| thoroughly cleaned the previous autumn by the removal and cestruction of all 

diseased leaves. The stock plot had been allowed to go into winter with the 
blighted and spotted foliage untouched, This was not removed in the spring 

before culture began. By the middle of June when the iris were in full bloon, 

the stock slot was brown and ragged, due to the severe spotting and dying back 

of the foliage. The show plot showed only traces of the leaf snot on the foliage 

of the more susceptible varieties. The show pilose had, 1b isctirue, received one 

aed application of copper—lime dust early in May, but this can hardly account for 
tne extraordinary contrast between the two pe The plants in the show plot wer< 


j} larger anc more vigorous, the flowers on the average larger and more numerous 

for the same varicty, foliage more abundant, and the asnect of the two plots a 
striking and instructive contrast, 
The Hetcrospovium leaf spot appeared in-very severe form on the blackberry- 

lily, (Belamcanda chinensis)in the writer's garden in a planting quite isolated 


om iris plants These plants were grown from seed collected from escaped plants 
nN a meadow pelt ew rordeyvi lie Ind some years before, Tt is interesting that 
the pathogene. The native wild iris, Iris 
versicolor, sccms to be completely immunc to the disease. ; 




H. H. Whetzel 

For a number of years the writer has observed two Entyloma diseases which 
apoear ory each season in eve acden al. [thacay N.Y. 

About iO years ago he introduced into his garden Physalis pruinosa, the 
fruits oi which make a most tasty jam. Since that time plants of this ground— 
cherry come up regularly each spring as volunteers all over the garden. For the 
first year or two the plants were Large, spreading, and healthy, producing an 
abundance or fruit. In 1921 the white smut was observed on several plants. 

The leaves were covered With rather small white erumpent areas covered with a 
powdery white coating of the oblong conidia of Entyloma australe Speg. These 
Bees SoOn bur to a rusty brown. S283 sections of the lear through these 

desions exhibit the brownish globose thick-walled chlamydosvores in great 

abundance in the tissues. 

The disease has appeared regularly every summer since, becoming very 
severe and destructive by August. The affected plants are dwarfed, due to severe 
lear injury and defoliation. The fungus apparently winters as chlamydospores in 
the rotted leaves in the soil, Although no attempt at control has been made 
it is quite probable that dusting with sulphur or copper-lime dust would largely 
prevent sccondary infcctions by the conidia, 

Entyloma australe Speg. also occurs on another species of Physalis in New 
Roe ME Wiireropcen iwice collected ON das subs glabrata, in 1922 at Taughannock, 

N. ¥. (C. U, Plant Pathology Herb. 11859) and once 1923 at Auburn, N. Y. (C. U. 

Slant Pathology Herb. , 12530 ne Tt has been reported on P. pruinosa in this ~ State 
only from the writer's garden at Ithaca (Cc. U. Plant Pathology Herb. 11750, 12439, 

12441, 17743). Clinton ( N. A. Fl.) reports this fungus on several ral other s species 
of Physalis, as well as on Solerun nigrum, S. triflorum, and Solanum SP. (From: 

eee eee ae — 

Florida)® He does not list it on either es oruinosa HOR Ven e. subgladrata. Lt 
ap .ears to be world-wide in its distribution. * 

Another white smut also occurs regularly in the writer's garden on a weed, 
hobelia inflata. This is caused by Entyloma lobeliae Parl. It nas also been take 

ae ee a ee 


several times on the sane host in the fields and forests about Ithaca. It 
auses circular white patches on the leaves. The lesions are larger than the 
of E. australe on Physalis. They are fewer in number ver leaf and do not ~ 
ppear tc te seriously injure the plant, 




oe sees 

No, 17541 * Venturia chlorospora (Ces,) Karst on Salix cordata 

Se SS eee 

17539 Venturia chlorospora (Ces.) Karst on Salix cordata 

ee ee 

175A0 Bacteriwa 51 syringae » (Van Hall) EFS. on Syringa vulgaris 
LP HAL Scolecotrichum graminis Fekl. on Alopecurus geniculatus 
17542 Phytophthora syringae Klebh. on Syringa vulgaris 

17543 Gloeosporiun tiliae Ot Oud. on Tilia cordata 

owt eee 

17573 - Puccinia cyani (Schleich) Pass, on Centaurea cyanus 
17676 Venturia chioros spora (Ces,) Karst. on Salix fragilis 
ea Venturia chlorospora (Ces.) Karst. on Salix cordata 
17501 Ointractia caricis (Pers,) lagn. on Carex muricata 

ee a ee ne ee 

17602 Coryneum negundinis B and ©. on Acer saccharum 

17603 Nectria cinnabarina (Tode) Fr. on Malus malus. 

17609 Phacidium tini Duby on Viburnum cassinoides 

~—s ee  ee 

17612 Tusicladiua vadiosur (Lib. ) Lendr. on Populus grandidentata 

==t- ee ee kee ee em a 

17615 Fe: sonospora polygoni Thumen on Polygonum scandens 

re ee 

17620 ? Sphaeroth 1eGa gee (DC) Burr. on Filipendula rubra 
17621 Does “‘thalictri Chev. on Thalictrum polygonum 

eee ee eee re 

17622 Cercospora zebrina Pass. on Melilotus alba 

—— seis 

17623 Biyllosticta Tantanoides Pk. on Viburnum dentatum 

Se ee 

1762 Ramuleria aromatica (Sacc.) V. H6hnel on Acorus calams 

ee ee 

17626 Pseudopeziza trifolii (Fr.) Fekl, on. Trifolium pratense 
A Wane CR ; i 
17040 Venturia ¢ chlorospora (Ces.) Karst. on Salix sericea 

14 Seg ee EE P : 
7od44 Aphelenchus olesistus Ritz. Bos. on Begonia melior 

ee mee 

= a —— 

17743 Enuyloma oustrale Speg. on Physalis pruinosa 

17707 Venturla pyrina Aderh., on /yrus communis 

17730 Glocosporium ce catalpae E.and E. on Catalpa sveciosa 

1779 Ent tyloma alismecearun (Or. ) Sacc, on Alisma phantago-aquatica 

17003. Septoria lycopersici epee on Lyconersicum esculentum 

ee ee ee ee ee 

17804 Bacterium medicaginis Sackett, var. phaseolicola Burk on Phaseol 

ne a a Se eee 

17805 Bacterium medicaginis Sackett var. phascolicola Burk. on Phaseol 
ks, vulgari Ss Via nile ‘_ 
17606 Fusarium martii var. pha sseold (Burk) on Phaseolus vulgaris . 
1790 .. Aphanomyces eu uteichés Drechsler on Pisum sativum 
17906 , Microsohnaera alni (Wallr.) Salmon on Lathyrus palustris 

17044 Venturia chlorospora (Ces.) Karst. on Salix cordata 

* Plont Pathology Herb. Cornell Univ. numbers,