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THE book entitled “ Rhopalocera Africe Australis; a Cata- 
logue of South-African Butterflies,’ which I published in 
1862-66, has for long been out of print as well as out of date. 
Incomplete as it necessarily was, I am glad to know that it has 
proved very serviceable, especially in South Africa; and this has 
encouraged me to prepare the present work on the same subject, 
embodying as far as I am able the results of the wider know- 
ledge gained during the twenty-one years which have passed 
since the old book made its appearance. As the new work is 
much more than a second edition of the former one, I have 
given it a different title, concisely descriptive of its character 
and scope. 

Unable to finish the work as soon as I had anticipated, I 
think it well to publish the completed portion without more 
delay. The two parts now together issued contain the Fami- 
hes Nymphalide, Erycinide, and Lycende, comprising 238 
species,—a little over three-fifths of the whole number known. 
The concluding part, dealing with the Families Papilionide 
and Hesperide, will describe about 142 species, bringing the 
total of known South-African forms up to about 380,—a strik- 
ing increase over the record in 1866, when (after removing the 
erroneous admissions from the list) only 197 natives of South 
Africa were registered. 

Keeping in view the requirements of students and collectors 
in the Cape Colony, Natal, and elsewhere in South Africa, who 
are for the most part debarred from opportunities of consulting 


properly classified collections or accepted works of reference, I 
have prefixed an Introduction, which comprises a brief notice of 
the structure of insects generally, and a fuller account of the 
Order Lepidoptera. After the technical diagnosis of the Sub- 
Order Rhopalocera, which follows, I give at some length a series 
of general observations on butterflies, under the heads of ; 1. Dis- 
tinctive Characters of Rhopalocera ; 2. Classification ; 3. Geogra- 
phical Distribution ; 4. Differences Presented by the Sexes; 5. 
Haunts and Habits; 6. Protective Resemblances and Mimicry ; 
and 7. South-African Butterflies. In Plate A., exhibiting the 
neuration of the wings and some other structural features of 
chief value in classification, I have selected for illustration a 
common and characteristic species of each Family and Sub- 
Family inhabiting South Africa, and in the explanation accom- 
panying the plate I have entered into full details. 

In the generalities just referred to, as well as in the subse- 
quent ones following the diagnosis of the various Families, 
Sub-Families, and Genera, care has been taken not to confine 
them to South-African, or even to Ethiopian forms, but to 
include, wherever serviceable, reference to allied groups or 
species in other parts of the world. 

In dealing with the species, the progress of observation 
has made it practicable to give, either from my own or (more 
frequently) others’ notes, many more interesting details of 
the larvee, pupee, and habits generally than were contained in 
my former work. In revising the synonymy, I have endea- 
voured (following the example long ago set by the illustrious 
Darwin) to weed it of ‘‘references to works in which there is 
not any original matter, or in which the plates are not of a 

”* and in all cases where the authority 

high order of excellence ; 
was accessible to me, I have personally verified every reference 
given either to a description or to a figure. In instances where 

this has not been practicable, inverted commas denote that the 

1 Monogr. on the Sub-Class Cirripedia, i. p. x. (1851). 


quotation is not my own. Special care has been taken to 
ascertain and state systematically the recorded geographical 
range of every species, and the known localities have accord- 
ingly been arranged uniformly throughout in the following 

order, viz. :— 


A. Great Namaqualand. 

B. Cape Colony (¢. Western Districts, ). Eastern Districts, 
c. Griqualand West, @. Basutoland). 

Orange Free State. 

. Kaffraria Proper.! 

Natal (a. Coast Districts, ). Upper Districts). 



. Delagoa Bay. 


. Transvaal. 


. Bechuanaland. 
M. Kalahari. 

A. South Tropical (a. Western Coast, aa. Islands, a1. Western 

B. North Tropical (subdivided as in South Tropical). 

C. Extra-Tropical North Africa. 

III. Europe. 
IV. Asta. 

VI. America, 

In this arrangement South Africa is, of course, treated more 
in detail than other regions, and in the map issued with this 
work the several territories south of the Tropic are denoted by 

red letters corresponding to those above given. As regards the 

1 When this arrangement was planned, Kaffraria Proper or Independent Kaffirland 
occupied all the territory between the Cape Colony and Natal, or, in other words, between 
the Kei and Umzimkulu. Politically the whole of this territory, except the central coast 
tract of Pondoland and the small north-east tract named ‘‘ Alfred” annexed to Natal, 
now forms part of the Cape Colony. The several subdivisions of the territory are named 
Tembuland Proper, Emigrant Tembuland, Fingoland, Gcalekaland, and Griqualand East. 

vill PREFACE, 

list of recorded localities of each species, it should be noted that 
(1) when I have personally captured the species, the name of 
the place is given alone; (2) when I have received specimens 
of the species and determined them, the name of the collector 
(in italics and bracketed) immediately follows that of the place ; 
and (3) when place and collector are quoted from other authors, 
they are placed between inverted commas, and the name of the 
author responsible is added. 

The coloured plates are wholly new, none of the species 
represented in the former work being re-figured. Plates I. and 
II. are devoted to larvee and pupe, taken from life by myself 
in a few instances, but mostly drawn by other observers. Plates 
III. to IX. depict perfect insects of the Families treated in 
Parts I. and II. of the work, exhibiting both upper and under 
surfaces of the wings. ‘Three other plates have been executed 
in illustration of Part III. While the figures are for the most 
part those of new or previously unfigured species, a fair pro- 
portion consists of more accurate representations of butterflies 
hitherto inadequately depicted, or of which only one sex had 
been illustrated. They have been chromo-lithographed from 
nature by Messrs. West, Newman, & Co., of Hatton Garden, 

Although for many years fortunately situated as regards 
the prosecution of this work by my tenure of the Curatorship 
of the South-African Museum, I have, on the other hand, had 
to sustain the serious disadvantage of being tied by official 
duties to a locality lamentably barren of butterfly life. Cape 
Town and its neighbourhood is absolutely not more productive 
of species than Brighton, and, as regards size (with three excep- 
tions) and abundance of individuals, the butterflies of the South- 
African metropolis compare very badly with the series yielded 
by the principal town of Sussex. Beyond a stay for nine months 
in the Knysna, district, and occasional more or less hurried ex- 
cursions to Namaqualand, Griqualand West, Grahamstown, and 


Natal, my opportunities for personally collecting and observing 
have only extended to the unproductive Western Districts within 
150 miles of Cape Town. This unfavourable limitation of my 
own field-work has, however, been very largely counterbalanced 
by the abundant material which has always been placed at my 
disposal by the activity and liberality of my numerous corre- 
spondents in different parts of South Africa. 

At the head of these generous helpers in my work stands 
my friend Colonei James Henry Bowker, to whose energy and 
observant powers as a naturalist I owe the greater part of my 
acquaintance with the rarer Lepidoptera of the country. As 
long ago as 1866 I had the pleasure of recording how largely 
he had contributed to my former work; and my indebtedness 
to his generous aid has, I am happy to say, steadily increased 
ever since. 

Colonel Bowker’s début as a votary of entomology took 
place in Kaffraria twenty-seven years ago, and the great suc- 
cess which attended his researches in that productive region 
was only the prelude to his fruitful labours in Basutoland, 
Griqualand West, Natal, and Zululand. The fine collection of 
native butterflies in the South-African Museum owes the greater 
part of its treasures to his exertions,—no less than forty new 
species, and one most remarkable new genus (Deloneura), in 
addition to very many rarities, being his own discoveries and 
donations. ‘The gift of specimens has been immeasurably en- 
hanced in value by his copious notes on the haunts and habits 
of the insects, their distribution in South Africa, and their 
earlier stages. It is in very inadequate but most grateful 
acknowledgment of his co-operation that I have, with his per- 
mission, associated his name with my own on the title-page of 
the work to which he has so extensively and ably contributed. 

To Mrs. F. W. Barber, the sister of Colonel Bowker, I am 
also greatly indebted. Long known to European botanists for 
her attainments and discoveries in regard to the Flora of the 


Cape, this lady had a wide acquaintance with South-African 
Natural History generally, and in 1863 turned her attention 
specially to the Lepidoptera. With characteristic generosity— 
knowing that I was engaged in bringing out a book on the 
subject—Mrs. Barber offered me the fullest aid, and constantly 
since then have her net, pen, and artistic pencil been actively 
engaged in furtherance of my work. Of special value have 
proved her graphic accounts of the habits and stations of the 
butterflies of the Eastern Districts of the Cape Colony, where 
she has chiefly resided, and her excellent coloured drawings of 
larvee and pupze, some of which are reproduced in Plates I. and 
II. of this volume. My friend’s strong love of nature and keen 
observant powers are happily shared by her daughter, Mrs. 
Bailie, and her two sons, Mr. Frederick and Mr. Henry Barber ; 
and many of the most interesting captures and discoveries 
recorded by Mrs. Barber are due to their enthusiastic co-opera- 
tion as collectors and observers. Mr. F. and Mr. H. Barber 
have also independently rendered me much service by sending 
down several collections made in the Transvaal and the country — 
northward to the Zambesi. 

The principal material at my disposal has been as follows 
in respect of the various South-African territories named; and 
I must ask the donors who may see these pages to excuse the 
brevity with which their valued contributions of specimens and 
notes (and in some cases drawings also) are of necessity here 
gratefully acknowledged :— 

GREAT NAMAQUALAND.—A small series from Mr. W. C. 

Care Cortony (Western Districts).—Collections from the 
neighbourhood of Cape Town, besides those made by myself 
for many years :—Mr. C. A. Fairbridge, Senior Trustee of the 
South-African Museum; Mr. E. L. Layard, formerly Curator 
of the Museum; the late Mr. H. W. Oakley, Assistant to the 


From Knysna District, besides my own collection made 
there in 1858-59: a fine collection formed by Miss Wentworth, 
now Mrs. J. J. Muskett; and a smaller series from the late 
Mr. W. H. Newdigate. 

From Caledon, Swellendam, Montagu, and Robertson : small 
collections made respectively by the Rev. G. Hettarsch, the 
late Mr. L. Taats, Dr. D. R. Kannemeyer, and myself. 

From Carnarvon District: several small separate series 
from Mr. E. G. Alston. 

From Namaqualand District, in addition to some species 
taken by myself in 1873: a very interesting collection made 
in 1885 by Mr. L. Péringuey, Assistant Curator of the 

(Eastern Districts)—From Albany and Bathurst Districts 
and parts of adjacent Districts, besides Mrs. Barber’s extensive 
collections and one formed by myself in 1870: various contri- 
butions by Miss M. L. Bowker, Mr. H. J. Atherstone, Dr. H. 
Becker, Mr. W. F. Billinghurst, Mr. John L. Fry, and Mr. F. 

From Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage Districts, besides a 
small series of my own taking: collections by Colonel J. H. 
Bowker and Mr. 8. D. Bairstow. 

From King William’s Town and East London Districts: 
many specimens and drawings, with excellent notes, from Mr. 
J. P. Mansel Weale; various living pupx, as well as other 
specimens, from Miss F. Bowker; numerous examples, with 
valuable accounts of seasons and haunts, from Mr. W. 8S. M. 
D'Urban ; a small collection made at East London by Mr. P. 
Borcherds ; and various species from the Venerable Archdeacon 
Kitton. Colonel Bowker also from time to time forwarded a 
considerable number of butterflies from these districts. 

Albert District : a small but most interesting series collected 
by Dr. D. R. Kannemeyer, illustrated by notes of much value 
on stations and habits. 


Basutoland.—F¥rom this territory the only material received 
was the collection formed by Colonel Bowker between March 
1868 and June 1870; it consisted of sixty-two species, 

Griqualand West.—Mrs. Barber and Colonel Bowker for- 
warded considerable series, chiefly from the banks of the Vaal 
River; smaller sets from time to time contributed by Mr. 
John B. Currey, Mr. John L. Fry, Mr. H. L. Feltham (with 
notes of much interest), and the late Mr. S. Stonestreet. 

KAFFRARIA PRopeR.—A very fine and complete collection 
gathered by Colonel Bowker in the country between the Great 
Kei and Bashee Rivers during the years 1860-66. 

Natat.—In addition to my own captures in 1867, very 
extensive series (with copious notes, larvee, pups, &c.), secured 
by Colonel Bowker from 1878 to the present time; many 
specimens (with excellent drawings of early stages and useful 
observations and descriptions) from Mr. W. D. Gooch; a few 
specimens, but many most interesting sketches and descrip- 
tions of larvee and pups, from Captain H. C. Harford; many 
admirably preserved examples from the Upper Districts, collected 
by Mr. J. M. Hutchinson ; a large collection formed at D’Urban 
by the late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken; several new and rare forms from 
Mr. W. Morant; and a small series (with drawings of larve 
and pupze) forwarded by the late Dr. J. HE. Seaman. 

ZULULAND.—A small collection made at St. Lucia Bay by 
the late Colonel H. Tower in 1867, and numerous specimens 
captured by Colonel Bowker in 1880. 

SwAZILAND.—A few examples (with notes of localities and 
coloured photographs of many species taken) from the late Mr. 
K. C. Buxton. 

Dextacoa Bay. — An interesting series (accompanied by 
some good sketches and notes) from Mrs. Monteiro. 

TRANSVAAL. — A fine collection, in the best order, formed 
by Mr. T. Ayres, and acquired by the Trustees of the South- 
African Museum in 1879; a small series collected by Mr. F. 


and Mr. H. Barber; a large number from Mr. A. W. Eriksson ; 
and a considerable collection made by Mr. F. C. Selous. 

The four gentlemen last named have all contributed in 
addition many butterflies from the Tropical Interior extending 
to the Zambesi Valley ; and for many specimens from Damara- 
land I am indebted to the late Mr. C. J. Andersson, Mr. J. A. 
Bell, Mr. J. J. Christie, and Mr. W. C. Palgrave. 

Tio the kindness of Mr. P. MacOwan, Director of the 
Botanic Gardens in Cape Town, I am indebted for the identi- 
fication of many food-plants of the larvee of South-African 

The assistance rendered me by entomologists in EKurope 
has been invaluable, and my only regret is that my visits to 
England have been too few and brief for more fully availing 
myself of the liberality with which access to their collections 
was awarded me. ‘The treasures of the magnificent National 
Collection in the British Museum have always been open to me 
through the courtesy of the officers of the Zoological Depart- 
ment, and I cannot sufficiently thank my friends Mr. A. G. 
Butler and Mr. W. F. Kirby for the cordial manner in which, 
for many years past, they have in every way furthered my 
researches, The limits of a preface preclude a full mention of 
the many friends who have lightened my labours, but I give 
myself the pleasure of specially thanking Mr. H. W. Bates, Mr. 
W. L. Distant, Mr. F. Du Cane Godman, Professor R. Meldola, 
Mr. F. Moore, Mr. O. Salvin, Mr. H. Grose Smith, Mr. A. R. 
Wallace, and Professor Westwood. 

Among Continental entomologists, I must express my 
special obligations to Mr, P. O. C. Aurivillius, of the Royal 
Museum in Stockholm, who not only sent for my examination 
typical specimens from Wahlberg’s South-African collections 
described by Wallengren, but also procured for me some ad- 
mirable figures of a few unique types in the same collections, 
besides presenting me with his own valuable publications treat- 


ing of African butterflies. I had previously received from my 
kind correspondent, Pastor H. D. J. Wallengren of Farhult, a 
series of his papers on the above-named and other collections, 
and found them of the greatest assistance. 

I am glad to acknowledge, in conclusion, the liberal con- 
tribution to the cost of publishing this work which has been 
made by the Trustees of the South-African Museum, who, 
regarding it rightly as constituting a full and permanent 
record of the South-African butterflies in the Museum Collec- 
tion, have subscribed for copies to the value of £100. 


16th February 1887. 


T. THe Crass Insecta 


Sub-Family— Danan 







As the Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths) are an Order of the Class 
Insecta or true Insects, a few words are requisite to indicate the 
structure of these animals. 

The entire class is associated with three others, viz., the ARACHNIDA 
(Spiders, Scorpions, &c.), the Myriopopa (Centipedes, Millipedes, &c.), 
and the Crustacea (Crabs, Lobsters, &c.), to form the great sub- 
kingdom ARTHROPODA. ‘This immense assemblage is characterised 
by the body consisting of a series of rings or segments (somites) bearing 
hollow jointed limbs; and by the integument being so hardened and 
solidified by the peculiar deposit chitine, as to constitute a more or less 
rigid external skeleton to which the muscles are attached. The rings 
or segments of the body succeeding those which unite to form the head 
do not, as in the higher members of the sub-kingdom Vermes, present 
a repetition of the same structure throughout their series, but tend 
with more or less distinctness to form two separate groups or regions 
to which special organs and functions are allotted. These two unequal 
sets or groups of segments are respectively termed thorax (the anterior) 
and abdomen (the posterior); and, speaking generally, the organs and 
functions of locomotion may be said to reside in the former, and those 
of nutrition and reproduction in the latter. 

The CRUSTACEA are separated from the rest of the Arthropoda by a 
respiratory system working by gills (branchie), adapted to their aquatic 
life; while all Insects, Myriopods, and Arachnids are alike in direct 
aérial respiration by breathing-tubes (trachew) traversing the body 
and opening on its exterior by stigmata,—or (in the case of certain 
Arachnids only) by pulmonary sacs. Associated with this important 
distinction there are others of much note in external structure. Thus, 
the Crustacea have two pairs of antenn,—other Arthropods but one 
pair; in the former there is a second pair of inferior jaws (mazille) 
functionally active,—but these in the other classes are united to form 
the under-lip (labiwm); the abdominal limbs of Crustaceans have no 
representatives in adult Insects or Spiders (though homologous append- 

VOL. I. A 


ages exist in the Myriopoda); nor are the prevalent stalked or pedun- 
culated eyes of Crustaceans to be found in the other classes, except 
in a very few instances—and in these the stalked eyes are immovable. 

The nervous system of the Arthropoda is situated inferiorly, con- 
sisting of a double nerve-cord presenting a pair of swellings or nerve- 
centres (ganglia) at intervals, the total number of which normally 
corresponds to that of the segments, but varies in proportion as the 
more or less intimate union of the segments in groups accompanies the 
coalescence of certain ganglia. From the ganglia proceed nerves 
extending to the various organs; and, between the two pairs (superior 
and inferior) of the head which constitute the “ brain,” passes the gullet 
(esophagus). The upper (“cerebral”) of these two pairs supplies the 
nerves of the antennz and eyes, and the lower (“ cerebellar”) those of 
the organs of the mouth. The three pairs of the thorax emit nerves 
to the muscles of that region, and to the legs and wings (if any) 
attached to it; in some of the higher Jnsecta these thoracic ganglia 
are combined to form a single nerve-centre, while in others the middle 
and hind ganglia only are united, leaving the front pair apart. In 
addition to this main system there is a second visceral one, also 
ganglionated, which originates in the cerebral ganglia, and is distri- 
buted to the gullet and stomach. 

These latter organs, with the rest of the alimentary canal and its 
accessory glands, lie centrally along the body, above the main nervous 
system, but beneath the circulatory or blood-vascular system; which 
latter consists of a long-chambered dorsal vessel or “ heart,” situated 
along the middle line of the abdomen, and terminating anteriorly in a 
thoracic aorta. 

The reproductive system is elaborately developed, and the sexes are 
separate—except in the cases of certain low Arachnids (Tardigrada), 
and of the probably degenerated Crustaceans known as Barnacles 
(Cirripedia). The Arthropoda are with but few exceptions oviparous, 
but some produce the larvee already hatched. 

Among the three classes of air-breathing or tracheated Arthropoda, 
the InsEcra are, as their name implies, specially distinguishable by the 
very marked division of the body into the three separate portions of 
head, thorax, and abdomen. In the Arachnida the head and thorax 
coalesce into one mass (cephalo-thorax), while in the Myriopoda the 
thoracic and abdominal segments exhibit no distinctly separate grouping. 
Insects and Arachnids agree in never having any jointed limbs attached 
to the abdominal segments; but the former never have more than six 
(three pairs) ambulatory or walking limbs, while the latter have eight ; 
and insects alone in the sub-kingdom are provided with wings. These 
organs are not true limbs like the hollow jointed legs, but merely 
expansions of the integument, springing from the sides of the middle 
and hind segments of the thorax; they are traversed, and at the same 
time extended and supported by hollow, horny, stiff, rib-like tubes, 


known either as veins or nervures. The possession of six thoracic 
legs only, and of four thoracic wings, are the unmistakable marks of 
Insects properly so called. The number and position of the legs are 
quite constant; but the lowest groups (Collembola, or “ Spring-tails,” 
and Thysanura, or “ Fish-insects”) have no wings, the Diptera (House- 
flies, Gnats, &c.) have the hind pair of wings undeveloped, and in all 
the winged Orders cases of wingless forms occur. 

Closely associated with the possession of wings—which is the 
exclusive privilege of the adult insect—is the more or less complete 
metamorphosis, or series of changes from one stage or state of develop- 
ment to another, undergone in the course of progress from the egg to 
the Imago, or perfect Insect. This is very striking in those Orders 
(Lepidoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Newroptera, and Coleoptera) in which 
the larva is cylindrical and worm-like, and the pupa, or chrysalis, 
perfectly quiescent and helpless; while in the others (Hemiptera and 
Orthoptera) the close resemblance of the larva when hatched to the 
adult, with the result that there is no true pupal state, but unbroken 
activity throughout life, renders the acquisition of wings a matter of 
more gradual and apparent development, as the successive casts of skin 
or moultings are gone through. 

While the Orders of Insects were named by Linneeus, and are still 
for the most part conveniently grouped, in accordance with characters 
peculiar to the wings, a more trustworthy basis for their classification, 
as far as external structure is concerned, is found in the parts of the 
mouth. When these are carefully studied, they are found in the several 
Orders to be fairly constant modifications of the typical insect-mouth, 
which consists of (1°) a single horny upper lip (labrum) articulated to 
the fore-part (clypeus) of the head; (2°) a pair of principal seizing or 
biting jaws (mandibles); (3°) a pair of accessory masticatory jaws 
(mawille); and (4°) an under lip (/abiwm), which is formed by the 
more or less complete coalescence of a second pair of maxille. This 
typical form of mouth, so well adapted for seizing, holding, and tearing 
up food, is most fully shown in the Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Praying- 
insects, Leaf-insects, Dragon-flies, &c.), and Coleoptera (Beetles). In 
the Neuroptera (Ant-lions, Lace-wing flies, Caddice-flies, &c.), while 
the masticatory type prevails, there exist certain groups in which 
there is modification towards a suctorial type (Panorpide), or con- 
siderable atrophy of the mouth-organs generally (Phrygancide). In the 
Hymenoptera (Ants, Bees, Wasps, Ichneumon-flies, &c.), there is a 
series of gradations from the masticatory to a combined masticatory 
and suctorial mouth. Lastly, the Orders Hemiptera (Bugs, Cicadas, 
Aphides, &c.), Diptera (House-flies, Gad-flies, Gnats, &.), and Lepid- 
optera (Butterflies and Moths) are exclusively suctorial, the mouth- 
organs being profoundly modified to form a channel for liquid food. 
As compared with the other two suctorial Orders, in which all the 
typical mouth-parts are well expressed, though altered in order to the 


formation of the beak-like proboscis (rostrum), the Lepidoptera exhibit 
a remarkable suppression or abortion of all the organs except the 
maxillee, which are greatly lengthened and so shaped as together to 
form a tubular “trunk” (haustellwm), capable of being rolled up spirally 
when not in use. 


From what has been stated above, it will be apparent that the 
Butterflies and Moths belong to the higher or more specialised Insects, 
distinguished by a more concentrated nervous system, and accompany- 
ing compactness and very distinct partition of the three regions of the 
body, as well as by the complete metamorphosis they undergo. From 
the latter character, the five Orders Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, 
Neuroptera, and Coleoptera, constitute a Sub-Class named Metabola. 
The following may be regarded as the distinguishing features of the 

(a.) Imago (or Perfect Insect). 

Body and limbs clothed with scales and hairs. 

Head with the labrum, mandibles, and (except in some of the 
lower Moths) maxillary palpi, rudimentary; but with the maxille 
elongated and modified into a tubular haustellum; labium much 
reduced, but the labial palpi moderately developed and laterally com- 
pressed, forming a protection to the haustellum when coiled up. The 
lateral compound eyes large and prominent; two simple eyes (stem- 
mata) on the vertex in some groups. Antennz: many-jointed, very 
variable in shape and structure, inserted on upper part of head, between 
compound eyes. 

Thorax very compact and robust; its first segment (prothoraz) 
very small, bearing the first pair of legs; its second segment (meso- 
thorax), bearing the first pair of wings and second pair of legs, much 
enlarged, and constituting the mass of its bulk; its third segment 
(metathorax) small, bearing the third pair of legs and second pair of 
wings. Prothorax also bearing dorsally a pair of small, horny, scale- 
like organs (patagia); mesothorax bearing laterally, immediately 
above the bases of the fore-wings, a pair of similar appendages (tegul@ 
or pterygodes). Wings very large, exceptionally broad, not folding 
(except longitudinally in the hind-wings of many, and the fore-wings 
of a few Moths), clothed with scales both above and beneath. Legs 
short and weak, little used for walking (especially the first pair, reduced 
to atrophy in many Butterflies); the coxe immovable, solidly affixed 
to the thorax; the middle and hind tibia armed with a pair of spurs 
at their extremity, and-the hind ones (except in the typical Butterflies) 
with a second pair rather beyond their middle; the tarsi five-jointed 
(except in the fore-legs, when much atrophied). 

Abdomen composed of eight or nine segments, sub-cylindrical, 


elongate, compressed laterally; the anal and genital apertures at its 

(o.) Larva (or Caterpillar). 

Worm-like, cylindrical or sub-cylindrical, presenting thirteen seg- 
ments (taking the head as the first); the integument generally softer 
and more elastic than in the Imago. Head hard and horny, divided 
into two more or less distinct lobes by a frontal depression ; inferiorly 
these lobes are divergent, between them lying the clypeus. Hyes not 
compound, but tubercular and simple (stemmata), usually six on each 
side, situated in a ring at the lower end of the cephalic lobe. Antennze 
horny, small, short, conical, three- or four-jointed, situated inferiorly, 
between the simple eyes and the base of the mandible. Labrum of 
moderate size. Mandibles large, very hard, strongly and acutely 
toothed on their inner meeting edges. Labium and maxille united ; 
the former lying between the latter, and presenting at its extremity a 
small tubular organ (spinneret) containing the common duct of the two 
silk-glands, and a pair of very minute palpi; the maxille small, much 
softer than the mandibles, conical, three-jointed, adapted for prehension 
(not mastication), bearing minute palpi near their extremity. 

Legs (true) six, borne on the three segments next succeeding the 
head (which answer to the thorax of the perfect insect), short, horny, 
cylindrical, composed of five short joints, of which the terminal one 
(tarsus) forms an acute curved claw. Posterior to the sixth segment, 
a series (two to five pairs) of highly retractile, stout, fleshy “ claspers ” 
or pro-legs, fringed at their extremity by numerous small hooked 
bristles." Breathing-pores (spiracles) lateral, inferior, a pair on each 
segment except the head, and the third, fourth, and thirteenth. 

(c.) Pupa (or Chrysalis). 

Hlongate, more or less sub-conical, blunt anteriorly, and pointed 
posteriorly ; closely invested by a hard membrane, which binds the 
developing limbs of the future Imago closely to the breast and basal 
part of the abdomen, but leaves their form more or less defined ; 
mummy-like, quiescent, only‘the abdominal segments capable of motion. 
Regional boundaries of head, thorax, and abdomen distinctly defined 
by the sutures of the investing membrane (theca). Abdomen consist- 
ing of nine segments, gradually decreasing to the last, which is more 
or less acutely pointed. Hach abdominal segment except the last 
bearing a pair of lateral spiracles. 

The Eggs (ova) laid by Lepidoptera are very variable in form, 
being found globular, pyriform, regularly ovate, melon-shaped, &Xc., 
and the shell or external membrane is very commonly distinguished 

* The seventh, eighth, and ninth segments may want pro-legs (as in the Geometer larvae), 
and very rarely the thirteenth or last segment (as in the Bombycid Dicranura), but the maxi- 
mum number is five pairs, and the minimum two pairs. The fifth, sixth, eleventh, and 
twelfth segments never possess pro-legs. 


by intricate raised or impressed sculpturing of the most varied pat- 
terns. Their colouring also varies, and is often not uniform, but 
exhibits contrasted hues in the form of spots or bands.t The number 
produced by the individual mother is usually large; and they are laid, 
singly or in smaller or larger groups, on the leaves, twigs, or trunks of 
trees for the most part,—a viscid fluid which invests them on exclu- 
sion usually in hardening glueing them to the surface on which they 
are deposited. 

On emerging from the egg, the young lepidopterous Larva or 
caterpillar is sufficiently advanced in general structure, and in the 
development of its mouth-parts especially, to enable it at once to 
begin a more or less active independent life of voracious eating 
and correspondingly rapid growth. The nature of the integu- 
ment (which, though not so hard as that of the perfect insect, is, 
nevertheless, the external skeleton to which the muscles are attached) 
is such that it does not admit of gradual accessions to: suit the 
growth of the animal, but is only so far accommodating as its 
natural elasticity allows. It follows that, at a certain point of the 
animal’s increase in bulk, the too limited investing skin must be 
got rid of, and one of more capacity secreted in its stead. The cater- 
pillar temporarily abstains from eating, and its skin becomes faded, 
dry, wrinkled, and detached as the new one is developed beneath it. 
The process of detachment is aided by the dilating and contracting of 
the segments, and by various other motions of the larva; and at length 
the old integument splits dorsally, and the insect emerges through 
the rent. The moult is a most complete one, extending to the head 
and legs, and even including the fine membranes of some of the prin- 
cipal internal organs. The new external skin (which often differs in 
colour or marking from the discarded one) soon hardens, and the 
caterpillar resumes feeding with increased zest, sometimes (as I have 
seen in Cherocampa Celerio), in the first place, devouring its old skin. 
This process of moulting has been recorded to occur from three to as 
many as ten times, but it appears seldom’to take place more than five 
times. When the caterpillar has attained its full size, after some days 
it finally leaves off eating, and sets about the necessary preliminaries to 
assuming the pupa or chrysalis state. It commonly shows much rest- 
lessness at this time, wandering about in search of a suitable retreat ; 
and in those kinds which have smooth, brightly-coloured skins there is 
often a remarkable change to dull and sombre hues. It is now that 
the large reservoirs of silk are chiefly drawn upon, although the 
amount employed by members of different groups varies very greatly, 
from the mere disk to which the caterpillars of many butterflies hook 
their last segment to the full cocoon fabricated by those of the typical 

F? 1 Coloured figures of the eggs of forty-two European species are given by M. Th. Goosens 
in illustration of his memoir, “‘ Les Giufs des Lépidoptéres,” in the Annales Soc. Entom. de 
France for 1884 (October). 


Bombycid moths, so well represented by the common silkworm. Many 
caterpillars bury themselves in the ground before becoming pupe ; 
others lie on the surface, only drawing together a leaf or two by silken 
attachments; some introduce particles of sand, earth, or wood into 
their cocoons, many hairy larvae even interweaving their own hairs ; 
and in others, again, a higher degree of protection is obtained by the 
abundance in the material of a hard-setting gummy secretion. In 
those cases where the pupa is wholly exposed (as in nearly all butter- 
flies), or is in the incomplete open-meshed sort of cocoon, there is no 
difficulty in observing the changes in the form of the caterpillar prior 
to its last moult, which consist mainly in its contracting to much 
shorter, but at the same time thicker, dimensions, in the acumination 
of the abdominal region, and in the shrinkage and withdrawal from 
external projection of the head and legs. The abdominal pro-legs 
now finally disappear, and it is only in the last cast-off skin of the larva 
that any record of their having existed remains. 

The caterpillars of Lepidoptera exhibit considerable variety in general 
form, those of several groups not presenting the ordinary sub-cylin- 
drical elongated shape so familiar to all in the silkworm, but being 
more or less widened, shortened, and depressed. Some have the skin 
smooth, while in others it is more or less roughened or granulated ; 
and in a great number of others it is set with hairs, bristles, or spines. 
Among the hairy kinds there is immense diversity in the distribution 
and arrangement of the hairs, which are sometimes generally dispersed, 
but as often disposed in tufts, or springing from tubercles, or arranged 
in bands or local stripes and patches. Some of the more rigid and 
acute spines in the larvee of certain Bombycid moths are modified into 
weapons both defensive and offensive, being not only exceedingly sharp 
and serrated, so as to pierce and greatly irritate, but grouped in clus- 
ters or fascicles exsertible at the will of the animal. No other insect 
larvae approach caterpillars in beauty and variegation of colour and 
marking, whether we look to the smooth or hairy kinds. The few 
almost colourless or very dull-coloured caterpillars are those that live 
in the stems or at the roots of plants. The prevalent colour is green, 
and this is highly protective in concealing from their enemies creatures 
feeding almost entirely on leaves. But some of the most brilliantly 
variegated patterns of caterpillars are really protective in nature, as is 
well seen among the very large and beautiful larvee of the Hawkmoths 
(Sphingide), where the stripes and spots of strongly-contrasted colours 
are adapted to the lights and shades, the outlines and tints, of the 
leaves, twigs, and buds of the plants the larvae frequent. Where this 
adaptation to surroundings does not prevail, it has been found in many 
cases that the gaudy, conspicuous caterpillars are unpalatable to birds 
and other insectivorous animals, and so are not liable to the persecution 
So generally experienced by their tribe. Some caterpillars of moths 
(Psychide, and many of the Tinew) construct from the first a descrip- 


tion of cocoon which they carry about with them, and from which only 
the head and front segments bearing the legs protrude. These silken 
fabrics are externally both strengthened and disguised by attached 
pieces of objects among which the larva lives, such as woollen tissue 
(in the case of the Clothes-Moth caterpillars), sand, small particles 
of stone, bits of grass, or sticks. In the case of many of the latter, 
the bits of grass or sticks are most neatly cut of the required length, 
and firmly secured in most regular order, the whole resembling the 
conventional fasces of the Roman lictor. E 

Caterpillars are, apparently, of all insect larve the most liable 
to attack by the parasitic Hymenoptera, known as Ichneumon-flies 
(families Ichneumonidae, Chaleidide, &c.). The female fly is provided 
with an acute ovipositor, by means of which she pierces the caterpillar’s 
integument, and introduces her eges. The grubs of the Ichneumon-fly 
soon hatch in the caterpillar’s body, and begin to devour its tissues, 
They appear to avoid injuring the vital organs, and to derive nearly all, 
if not the whole, of their sustenance from the spacious fat-body (corpus 
adiposum) which envelops the caterpillar’s alimentary canal, &., and 
fills almost all the space between those organs and the body-walls. The 
caterpillar so infested usually lives to attain its full size, and sometimes 
to assume the chrysalis form, but it never reaches the perfect state, its 
devourers either emerging to spin their own little cocoons around its 
skin, or undergoing their metamorphosis within it. Other deadly 
parasites are the species of Zachina, flies of the Order Diptera, which 
fasten their eggs on the surface of the caterpillar, into whose body the 
maggots hatched from them penetrate. 

There is much difference among caterpillars as regards activity 
of motion. Those of Butterflies are for the most part remarkably 
sluggish, scarcely moving except from one leaf to another, and those of 
the Hawkmoths and higher Bombyces are as a rule but little more 
active. Among the latter, however, the well-known hairy larvee of the 
lovely Tiger-Moths (Arctvidw) are an exception, being frequent and 
rapid walkers. The caterpillars of many of the lower groups of moths 
(Noctue, Pyrales, Geometre, and Tortrices) are very quick in their 
motions, a few even exhibiting the power of leaping away when dis- 
turbed. The Geometre larvee almost invariably have only two pairs of 
“claspers” or pro-legs, situated posteriorly on the tenth and thirteenth 
segments, with which peculiarity is associated the mode of progression 
which led to their name; this consisting of their stretching out the 
body forward and grasping with the true legs near the head, and then 
bringing up the pro-legs close to the others, so that the long inter- 
mediate legless portion of the body is looped or arched. In this way 
they proceed by long-measured steps, instead of by the continuous 
undulatory motion of caterpillars with the full complement of pro-legs. 
These Geometer larvee have in a great many instances the extraordinary 
power of keeping the body for hours rigidly extended from its base of 


attachment by the four posterior pro-legs, at a very considerable angle 
to the twig on which it rests. This strange attitude, in association 
with special colouring and configuration, is eminently protective, render- 
ing the caterpillar almost indistinguishable from the twigs it frequents. 
Many caterpillars of Moctuw, having in addition to two pairs of pro- 
legs possessed by the Geometers only one pair (on the ninth segment), 
approximate the latter in their mode of progression, and are commonly 
known as “ half-loopers.” 

While nearly all lepidopterous larvee are solitary, or only found in 
close proximity owing to their having been hatched more or less re- 
cently from a cluster of eggs, there are a few among those of moths 
which are distinctly social, constructing a common silken nest in which 
they remain until eventually assuming the chrysalis state. ‘The most re- 
markable of these social larvee are those of the so-called “ Processionary ” 
Bombycid moths, which not only live in community, but, when they leave 
the nest, proceed in long columns widening from the single leader to 
many abreast, and return, after feeding, in the same regular order." 

On its first disclosure by the moult of the last skin of the cater- 
pillar, the lepidopterous Pwpa or chrysalis exhibits a soft moist sur- 
face, usually of a greenish or yellowish tint, the viscid secretion upon 
which gradually hardens into a rather thin, but hard and firm, outer 
casing or horny shell, closely investing the entire body, and binding 
flatly upon the breast and sides the incipient trunk (haustellum), 
antenne, palpi, legs, and wings. It is very remarkable that in the 
chrysalis, from the very first, these various limbs are all distinctly 
present in outline, or in mould as it were, and are to a great extent 
free from the body at first, though subsequently the investing secretion 
glues them down. 

Pupe, leading an absolutely quiescent life and requiring no food, 
present but little variation in comparison to the larvae. In form, be- 
sides being more elongate and slender in some groups than in others, 
the only marked difference is presented by the chrysalides of most 
butterflies, in which the head and thorax are more or less sharply 
angulated. The surface in some is very smooth, but in most more or 
less granulated or pitted. Many of the angulated butterfly chrysalides 
bear on the back of the abdomen two rows of tubercles, usually more 
or less pointed, and in a few cases prolonged into spinous processes. 
Some of the Bombycid pupe (Liparide), and also that of a South- 
African Lyceenid butterfly (D’Urbania), have dense tufts of hair. 

The colours of pupze are considerably varied in the case of those 
fully exposed to the light or in very thin cocoons, but limited to various 

1 A characteristic “‘ Processionary ” inhabits the eastern part of Cape Colony and Natal ; 
it is the Anaphe Panda of Boisduval. 

Westwood long ago described a Mexican Pieride butterfly (Zuchetra socialis), the larve 
of which “construct a very strong parchment-like bag, in which they not only reside, but 

undergo their change to the pupa state ;” but he has not recorded, I believe, whether these 
caterpillars are processionary. 


shades of reddish-brown, deep-brown, or blackish in those enclosed in 
dense cocoons or buried in the earth. ‘The immense majority of butter- 
fly chrysalides are included in the former class, and some of them 
(Nymphalide) exhibit the brilliant golden spots or patches which gave 
origin to the name of chrysalis or awrelia. But much of the colouring 
of these exposed pupz is protective, closely resembling that of the 
objects to which they may be attached; and, as has of late been 
discovered, the general tint of different individuals of the same brood 
will, in some kinds, be found to vary (within certain limits) in accord- 
ance with the colour of the objects upon which they assume the pupal 
state.’ Besides this, there are instances where the form as well as the 
colouring aids in the protective resemblance, as Mr. Mansel Weale and 
I have shown in the case of the South-African Papilio Cenea ; and the 
hirsute chrysalis of ’Urbania amakosa, already mentioned, appears 
from Mrs. Barber’s observations to resemble certain lichens growing 
on the rocks to which it is attached. 

The motions of lepidopterous pupe are very limited, and those of 
butterflies, whose caudal extremity is fixed to a silken attachment, are 
all but motionless. The abdominal segments have, however, consider- 
able freedom of movement in many moths, and such pup, by the aid 
of a strong caudal spine (mzcro)—and, in some cases, of a series of 
small dorsal spines on the other segments—are able to push themselves 
along, either in the ground or in the hollowed interior of the stems of 
plants. Many display this particular sort of activity when the perfect 
insect is about ready to emerge. 

The structural changes wrought during the chrysalis state of 
quiescence are astonishingly great. The body becomes distinctly 
divided into the three heteronomous portions of head, thorax, and 
abdomen, and covered with scales; ample wings are developed, also 
covered with scales; the pro-legs disappear, and the true legs as well 
as the antennz are much lengthened and completely altered in shape. 
The eyes are enormously enlarged and developed; and while the 
united maxilla and labium are separated and profoundly modified into 
the long spiral sucking-tube (haustellwm) and the under-lip bearing 
well-developed palpi, the large jaws (mandibles) are reduced to the 
merest rudiments. Not less profound are the accompanying internal 
changes, for the thoracic nervous ganglia become approximated and 
united into two masses, while the two basal pairs of the abdominal 
segments are aborted; the alimentary canal is differentiated into well- 
defined tracts of cesophagus, crop, stomach, &c. ; the silk-glands entirely 
disappear; the great fat-body (corpus adiposwm) is almost wholly 
absorbed; and the reproductive organs are fully developed. —_—, 

1 One of the most remarkable cases of this kind is that of the pupe of the well-known 
South-African Papilio Nireus, recorded by Mrs. Barber in the Transactions of the Entomo- 
logical Society of London for 1874, pp. 519-521. The same observer informs me that the 
pup of Callidryas Florella present quite a parallel case. 


What renders the transformation the more remarkable is the brief 
period in which it is commonly accomplished. The duration of the 
pupa state varies very much, and development is greatly accelerated 
by a high temperature and acide by a low one. Among South- 
African species the shortest time I have noted is in the case of the 
common butterfly, Acrwa Horta, which remains only eight or nine days 
in the chrysalis form during the height of summer, but in the winter 
months of June and July is twenty-four days developing. As a rule, 
the smaller species produce the perfect insect much sooner than the 
large ones. The summer brood of Papilio Demoleus is from twenty- 
one to twenty-four days in the pupa state, but the offspring of this 
brood remain pupe from April to September or October. Instances 
are, moreover, not rare in which certain individuals do not complete 
their development simultaneously with the rest of the brood, but 
remain arrested until the corresponding season of the next year, 
notwithstanding that all the conditions of food, temperature, &c., may 
have been identical as respects the entire brood. That this “ standing 
over” until next season of a certain number of the year’s brood must 
be of advantage to the species concerned can scarcely be doubted, but 
in what way it is brought about has not, to the best of my knowledge, 
been explained. 

When the Jmago, or perfect insect, of the lepidopterous Order 
makes its appearance from the cracked skin of the pupa, all its organs 
are completely developed with the exception of the wings. ‘The latter 
are short, thick, and much folded or wrinkled, but exhibit in miniature 
the colouring and marking proper to the species. They consist of two 
separate membranes, upper and under, and are traversed by hollow 
horny nervures situated between the two membranes. ‘The insect 
climbs to some situation where it can cling with the little moist 
crumpled wings hanging freely downward, so that they can gradually 
expand without obstruction,—a process effected by the steady extension 
of the nervures. The elongation and stiffening of the latter tubular 
organs seems to be due to their distension by introduced air, and partly 
also by the entrance of fluid matter from the body. As the membranes 
become stretched and tense they approach each other and _ finally 
coalesce. This growth of the wings to their full extent is aided by 
slight movements of the insect in turning from one side to the other, 
or partly spreading the wings. Except in some of the largest species 
the process is not of long duration, a few minutes sufficing in the case 
of the smaller Butterflies,’ while in some of the largest Moths I have 
known it to occupy five or six hours. 

The Lepidoptera surpass all the other Orders of Insects in the 
immense size of their wings in comparison with that of the body. 

1 One of the larger South-African Butterflies, a female Diadema Misippus, which I 
timed from the moment of its complete extrication from the chrysalis, was exactly fifteen 
minutes in acquiring the full expansion of the wings, 


This is especially noticeable in the Butterflies, and reaches its maximum 
in the Morphite of tropical South America, in many species of which 
magnificent group it is difficult to comprehend how the small slender 
thorax can contain sufficient muscular power to work the enormous 
wings.’ The scales, which give to these organs their infinite variety 
of colouring and marking, and to the Order its name (Aemis, scale, 
mTepov, Wing), are planted in the membrane by slender, very minute 
foot-stalks, and arranged so closely in transverse (not always quite 
straight) rows, that the basal portions of the scales of each row are 
hidden by the overlapping outer portions of those of the next row. 
These scales are in themselves objects of remarkable beauty under the 
microscope, their shape presenting a wonderful variety of outline, and 
their surfaces being covered with raised longitudinal and transverse 
lines forming a reticulation of the utmost minuteness and delicacy.” 
The entire Order consisting of insects which live solely on fluid 
nutriment, there is not much variation in the mouth-parts except as 
regards the adaptation of the trunk or haustellum (modified maxillee) 
to obtaining liquid from various sources. A certain number of Moths 
take no food, their trunk being rudimentary ; these mostly belong to 
the group Bombyces, of which the common Silkworm Moth is a familiar 
example. The great majority of Lepidoptera, however, is in the per- 
fect state dependent on the honey of flowers, and the trunk varies 
greatly in length in accordance with the form of the nectar-yielding 
blossoms frequented. ‘T’he nectaries of many flowers are shallow and 
open, and to rifle these a short haustellum suffices; but where the 
honey lies in a long tubular receptacle, a proportionately elongated 
trunk is necessary. The greatest development of this kind is reached 
in the typical Sphingide, or Hawkmoths, which are thus enabled to 
take their food on the wing, without settling, and to reach supplies 
shut out from all other members of their Order. Thus, the haustellum 
of the common and widely-distributed Unicorn Hawkmoth (Sphinx 
Convolvult) is four inches long, or twice the length of the whole body ; 
and a huge South-American ally, Amphonyx Cluentius, has a trunk 
over nine inches in length. The in many ways aberrant Death’s-Head 
Hawkmoth (Acherontia Atropos)—as well-known and much-dreaded in 
South-Africa as in other parts of the world—has, on the contrary, a 
short, stiff, broad proboscis, specially adapted for piercing the waxen 
lid of, and abstracting the honey from the cell of the hive-bee. Again, 
various large Moctuww—such as the well-known South-African Achwa 
Chameleon—-are able to pierce the skins of peaches and other fruits, 

1 Thus in Morpho Iphictus the whole body is but an inch long, and the thorax less than 
half an inch long and a quarter of an inch in breadth, while the fore-wings not only expand 
six and a half inches from tip to tip, but are two inches broad at the outer edge, and the 
hind-wings are each two and a half inches long and two inches broad. 

* A favourite “test object” for some powers of the microscope has long been the scale of a 
Morpho Butterfly,—a good glass giving clear definition of the delicate ridges on the surface 
of the scale. 


and the end of their trunk (as has been well shown by Mr. F. Darwin 
in the case of the Australian Ophideres fullonica, which penetrates even 
the rind of oranges) is bayonet-shaped and armed with saw-like teeth 
and ridges. 

The antennze of Lepidoptera have the characteristics of being well- 
developed and many-jointed throughout the Order, and in the great 
majority of genera long and conspicuous. ‘The shortest antenne are 
found in the Moths known in England as “Ghosts” and “ Swifts” 
(family Hepialide), and the longest in the so-called ‘“ Long-Horns ” 
among the smallest Moths (family Zincide). Their form varies greatly, 
from the simple thread-like (jiliform), or gently tapering (setzform), to 
the doubly comb-toothed (bipectinate) or feathered (plumose). Their 
office has not yet been certainly made out; they do not appear to be 
employed as many insects of other Orders use them, viz., as feelers or 
organs of touch ; but, if they are the seats of any special sense, it seems 
probable, from the fact of their being, in very many cases, much more 
highly developed in the male sex, that they are olfactory. The pro- 
minence of the antenne and the facility with which they can be 
examined, no less than the fact that their various forms are very 
characteristic in the main of certain large natural groups, have led to 
the employment of these organs as representative ones in separating 
and naming the divisions of the Order. Dumeril, in 1823, proposed 
four such divisions ; of which the first, Ropalocéres, comprised the Butter- 
flies or Clubbed-Horns, having the antenney knobbed or thickened at 
the tip; the second, Closterocéres, the Moths whose antennee are thickened 
about the middle (fusiform), included the Sphinges or Hawkmoths ; 
the third, Nematoceres, or Thread-Horns, contained the Bombyces; and 
the fourth, Chétocéres, or Bristle-Horns, was composed of all the remain- 
ing Moths. The last of these divisions was a most heterogeneous 
assemblage, and neither it nor the two preceding divisions (which are 
comparatively natural ones) have been adopted by any lepidopterist ; 
but the first, Rhopalocera, was accepted by Boisduval in 1836, and by 
Westwood in 1840. ‘The former of these authors professed himself 
unable to separate the Sphinges from the other Moths as a primary 
division of the Order, and united all Duméril’s three groups into one, 
which he styled Heterocera, or Varied-Horns; and in this also he was 
followed by Westwood, who stated that he could not adinit the minor 
divisions of the nocturnal Lepidoptera “ to a rank equivalent to that of 
the whole of the Diurna.” This simple partition of the Lepidoptera 
into the two great groups of those with clubs or terminal thickenings 
of the antenne, and those without them (however variable the organs 

1 It is noteworthy that the antenne are very highly developed in the males of those 
Bombycide which so readily discover the sedentary female under circumstances (such as 
enclosure in a shut box) which seem to preclude the employment by them of any but a sense 
of smell of extraordinary keenness. That this sense is the one exercised seems to be proved 

by the fact (to which I can testify in the case of Lasiocampa Quercus) that males are 
attracted by the empty box from which a female has been removed. 


may be in other respects), has been generally adopted; and although 
not satisfactory—the greater of the two divisions being founded on a 
negative character—it is undoubtedly preferable to the older arrange- 
ment into Diuwrna, Crepuscularia, and Nocturna, which were mere equi- 
valents of the original Linnzean genera, Papilio, Sphina, and Phalena. 
The English terms, Butterflies and Moths, exactly correspond to these 
two Sub-Orders of Rhopalocera and Heterocera. The name Rhopalocera 
has been objected to on the ground that some Butterflies have no 
actual club or knob to the antenne ; but these exceptions are few, and 
even in them there is always, as far as I have seen, a slight and 
eradual thickening or incrassation towards the extremity of those 
organs. Herrich-Schiiffer announced, in 1843, a further distinction in 
structure between the antennz of the two Sub-Orders—viz., that their 
joints (or at least those of the middle third of the organs) were in 
the Rhopalocera twice as long as, or much longer than, thick; but in 
the Heterocera about equal in length and thickness, or not longer 
than thick. 

The present work deals only with the South-African species of the 
first Sub-Order, viz., the Rhopalocera or Butterflies. 


ImaGo.—Head of moderate size (rather large in the family Hespe- 
ride). Antenne slender; the joints of the middle third longer than 
broad; some of the terminal joints almost always broadened more or 
less, so as to form a club; bases of insertion close together (except in 
the Hesperidw). Labial palpi well-developed, ascendent, three-jointed, 
scaly, more or less hairy (except in mary cases the terminal joint) ; 
the middle joint almost always the longest. Haustellwm always well- 
developed (longest in the Hesperide). Stemmata obsolete. 

Thorax compact, rounded anteriorly and posteriorly, usually rather 
thick and deep, with the sides somewhat flattened; mesothorax with 
its dorsal median suture and posteriorly-situated triangular scwtellum 
usually very distinct. Wings large and broad, without the bristle and 
socket (retinaculum) found in most Heterocera ;' general outline of 
fore wings sub-triangular, of hind wings sub-circular ; newration almost 
wholly longitudinal, with the exception of the disco-cellular nervules, 
and in its main plan the same in both fore and hind wings; near 
bases, especially in hind wings, usually a clothing of fine hairs as well 
as of scales; fringe of hair-like scales (cilia) projecting from outer 
edge (hind-margin) of wings usually short. JZegs slender, rather short ; 
the first pair often atrophied (family Nymphalide, and males of family 
Erycinide) ; femora generally hairy ; tvbice and tarsi finely spinulose ; 
tibie of hind pair armed with a terminal pair of spurs only (except in 
the Hesperide, almost all of which have an additional pair rather 
beyond the middle of the joint); ¢avsi terminating in a pair of simple 
or bifid claws, usually accompanied by a foot-cushion (pulvillus) and 
two bifid supplementary membranaceous claws (paronychia). 

Abdomen short (except in the Sub-Families Danaine, Heliconine, and 
Acreine), slender, laterally compressed, dorsally arched, and with more 
or less of a median ridge; the extremity inferiorly obliquely truncate, 
and fissured longitudinally for the anal and genital outlets. 

Larva.—Usually elongate and sub-cylindrical (but widened and 
inferiorly flattened—onisciform—in Family Lycenide and in some 

1 This structure, which links together the fore and hind wings in many Moths (and is 
particularly well shown in the Sphinges), is formed by the free precostal nervure at the base 
of the hind wing passing through a small horny loop or ring, which arches the subcostal 
nervure near the base on the under side of the fore wing. 


Erycimde) ; smooth, granulated, transversely ribbed, downy, or spiny ; 
always with ten pro-legs. Head often horned superiorly; tail some- 
times forked. 

Pupa.—Smooth or granulated, usually more or less angulated: 
head with one more or less acute anterior median projection, or two 
divergent ones; thorax dorsally prominent or humped; abdomen often 
dorsally tuberculated, rarely spinose. Attached by the tail to a silken 
web, and either hanging free vertically or braced horizontally or at an 
angle by a silken girth. Not enclosed in any cocoon or covering 
(except in a few Papilionide and the Hesperide generally, which are 
partly enclosed in a leaf drawn together by silken threads, and certain- 
Satyrine and Lyccenide which are hidden in the ground). 


In the diagnosis of the Sub-Order given above, the more promi- 
nent characters distinguishing Butterflies are, in the perfect insect, the 
long-jointed and clubbed antennze; the absence of stemmata or simple 
eyes, of retinaculum, or retaining ring and bristle,’ and of transverse 
or reticulated neuration in the wings; and the want (except in one 
Family) of a second pair of spurs on the tibiz of the hind-legs. There 
do not appear to be any points of structure in the larve or pupe 
which are not discoverable among those of the Sub-Order Heterocera ; 
although it is quite an exception to find any pupa of a Moth angulated, 
freely exposed, or suspended by caudal and median silken attachments, 
like those of nearly all Butterflies.” 

There are, however, some secondary characteristics of Butterflies 
which are worth noting, although not absolutely peculiar to them. 
The first of these is the distinctness or definition of the colouring and 
marking of the under side of the wings, which usually displays an 
entirely different pattern from that of the upper side, and is often more 
elaborate in decoration, and sometimes more brilliant and varied in 
hues. The second, which is evidently in close relation to the first, is 
the almost universal habit of holding the wings vertically when at rest, 
by which attitude the under side of those organs is (often for a long 

1 Blanchard employed the presence or absence of this character, in naming his two 
divisions of the Lepidoptera respectively Chalinoptera (=Heterocera or Moths), and Achali- 
noptera (= Rhopalocera or Butterflies). 

* Until recently I was not aware that any Moth chrysalis existed which was attached by 
the tail only, in the manner so frequent among Butterfly chrysalides, but this case has 
occurred to me (August 1884) in rearing what I believe to be an aberrant member of the 
Tortrices from larve tunnelling the woody receptacle of Protea mellifera. ‘The larva was of 
the ordinary sub-cylindrical form, but the pupa was in appearance intermediate between the 
Lycenid and Hesperid types, and, to my astonishment, was attached horizontally to the lid 
of a breeding-cage by the tail only, quite in the manner of several species of Lycenide. The 
three larve I had all assumed the pupal state in this position, but only one imago was pro- 
duced. The stout, thick pupa, alike in colour, size, and shape (except for a small pointed 
projection on the front of the head) nearly resembled that of Thecla Lynceus as figured by 
Duponchel (Iconogr. Chen., pl. viii. fig. 31). 


time) fully exposed, while the upper side is concealed. In Moths the 
under side of the wings is nearly always duller and paler than the upper 
side, and any pattern or colouring presented more or less indicates 
what is on the upper side; and these Lepidoptera, instead of holding 
the wings erect over the back, deflect them at various angles when at 
rest, and for the most part so dispose them that the longitudinally 
folded hind-wings and the abdomen are covered or roofed by the fore- 
wings. The only group of Moths containing numerous exceptions to 
this rule is the Geometre, and it is very noteworthy that these alone 
have the rhopalocerous habit of resting with wings erect. 

A third distinction of Butterflies is their diurnal flight; but, as 
certain groups are crepuscular (many lesperide, some Morphite, all 
the Brassolinw, and a number of Satyrinw), and as a great variety of 
Moths in all the great divisions, including some entire Families 
(Zyenide, Uranide), are diurnal in their habits, this can only be 
taken as much more characteristic of Butterflies as a whole than of 
Moths as a whole. 


A satisfactory arrangement of the Sub-Order is admittedly most 
difficult to arrive at, the fundamental structure of its members (as 
indeed may be said of the entire Order Lepidoptera) presenting but 
comparatively slight modifications, and those being often inconstant in 
character. As regards the Jmago, the most important features from a 
classificatory point of view are (1°) the neuration of the wings, (2°) the 
condition of development of the first pair of legs, and (3°) the presence 
or absence of a second pair of spurs on the hind pair of legs. In the 
Pupa, the mode of its suspension affords the most trustworthy character, 
while in the Larva the general form, the nature of the dermal append- 
ages, and the smooth or spined condition of the head, are points of chief 
importance. It is remarkable that in proportion to the atrophy of the 
first pair of legs, which is the character in which the higher Butterflies 
differ most absolutely from all Moths, the chrysalis is free from silken 
attachments. Thus the pupe of the Hesperide, the group of Butter- 
flies in all respects most intimately related to Moths, and whose fore-- 
legs are invariably fully developed in both sexes, are not only attached 
by the tail and girt with silk, but also secured by many silken threads, 
which in many cases form a slight cocoon. Those of the Papilionida, 
a family which also has the fore-legs perfect in both sexes, are always 
attached by the tail and also girt; and, in the case of the remarkable 
Alpine genus Parnassius, the chrysalis, like those of the Hesperide just 
mentioned, is further enclosed by many additional silken threads. It is 
when we come to the Lycwnide, in which, although the fore-legs of the 
female are perfect, those of the male begin to exhibit the failure of the 
tarsal articulation and claws, that we first find instances of chrysalides 
attached by the tail only, but still in a fixed horizontal or slightly 



inclined position. Going on to the Hrycinide, the males of which have 
the fore-tarsi smooth and reduced to two joints (or even one only), there 
appear first a series of girt pups, then one of ungirt but rigidly 
inclined pupze, and finally—in the Sub-Family Libytheine—pupe sus- 
pended freely by the tail. This last mode of suspension is universal 
in the Nymphalide, the perfect insects of which display reduced and 
atrophied fore-legs in both sexes. In the males of these ¢etrapod or 
“four-legged” Butterflies, and even in the females of some in the Sub- 
Families Danaine and Satyrine, the fore-legs are so reduced as to be 
hardly noticeable in their folded position against the prothorax. 

In the neuration the most serviceable distinctive characters are to 
be found in the number and points of crigin of the branches or nervules 
of the subcostal nervure of the fore-wings, and in the completeness or 
otherwise of the transverse or oblique disco-cellular nervules, which 
serve to connect, in both fore and hind wings, the discoidal or radial 
nervules (the main trunk or nervure of which is atrophied in all Butter- 
flies), with the subcostal nervure above them and the median nervure 
below them. The short disco-cellular nervules in question constitute 
the outer limit of the so-called discoidal cell, lying between the subcostal 
and median nervures; when the lowest of these nervules is developed 
the discoidal cell is said to be closed, and when it is obsolete or rudi- 
mentary the cell is styled open. 

As regards the presence of a second pair of spurs on the tibie of 
the hind-legs, this is among Butterflies a feature of the Hesperide only. 
But this aberrant and curious family, by common consent the nearest 
to Moths, possesses a kindred feature common and peculiar to itself 
and the Papilionine only, viz., a process or expansion, sometimes 
acuminate, on the inner side of the tibia of the fore-legs. 

Further aids to the scientific arrangement of the Butterflies are to 
be found in the length and gradual or abrupt clavation of the antenne ; 
the size and clothing of the labial palpi; the smoothness or downiness 
of the compound eyes; the size, shape, clothing, and texture of the 
wings, and the prevalent colouring and pattern of the latter organs. 
The two last named of these are of considerably more weight in the 
Lepidoptera than in the other Orders of Insects; the coloured scales 
on the immense area of the wings being apparently affected in their 
arrangement and tints in direct relation to any modification arising 
in the species, and so serving, as Mr. Bates has well observed,’ as 
natural tablets on which are registered all the changes of organisation, 
however small. 

The claws at the end of the tarsi, with their curious appendages 
(first illustrated carefully by M. Doyére in 1843, and afterwards so 

1 T adopt Doubleday’s modification of Lefebvre’s analysis of the system of neuration in 
the Lepidoptera, given by the former in the Transactions of the Linnean Society, 1845, vol. 
xix. pp. 477-485, and in Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, i. p. 31 (1847). 

* Naturalist on the Amazons, 2d edit., p. 413. 


thoroughly examined by Messrs. Doubleday and Westwood in their 
Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera), present features worth considering in 
comparing the structure of the different groups. The claws themselves 
(wngues) seem to be simple throughout the various Families, except in 
the Sub-Family Pierine, in many genera of the Satyrinw, and in a 
single species of Papilignine,' where they are more or less deeply bifid. 
But the appendages to the claws, termed pulvillus and paronychia, are 
more or less developed in all groups, except in some of the sub- 
family Danaine, in the Acrewine, and in the Papilionine; and they 
appear to attain their greatest development in the Sub-Family Nym- 

Taking into consideration all the details of structure above 
mentioned, and having regard to the earlier stages as well as to the 
adult or perfect state, an approximately natural arrangement of butter- 
flies is arrived at; but, as is the case throughout Nature, the linear or 
serial classification, which for convenience has to be employed, can only 
very inadequately represent the affinities which exist. 

In consequence, originally, of Linné’s beginning his genus Papilio 
(equivalent to the whole group of Butterflies) with his so-named 
Hquites, and of these being naturally retained as the representatives of 
the restricted Papiliones, when that great genus was broken up into 
several others, it remained for many years the practice to place the 
Family Papilionide at the head of the Sub-Order Rhopalocera, and 
to put between them and the WHesperide all the remaining groups. 
Though Herrich-Schaeffer in 1843 (Syst. Bearb. der Schmett. von 
Europa, i. p. 16) amended this by commencing the series with the 
Nymphalides, continuing with the JLibytheides and Hrycinides, and 
placing the Pierides, Lycenides, and finally the Hywitides, next above 
the Hesperides (which he separated altogether from the other Butter- 
flies) ; yet, mainly I think from the influence of Boisduval’s system, 
published in 1836, which placed the Suspensi (= entire Family 
Nymphalide) between the Succincti (= Families Papilionide and 
Iycenide and most Frycinide) and the Involuti (=Hesperide), the 
more natural classification was not adopted by entomologists generally. 
The magnificent Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera of Doubleday and West- 
wood (1846—52) perpetuated the old arrangement, which was adopted 
by all English lepidopterists, and followed by myself in Rhopalocera 
Africe Australis (1862-66). The adoption of late years of the 
more natural system is mainly due to the able advocacy of it by Mr. 
H. W. Bates, whose memoirs dealing with the matter appeared in the 
Journal of Entomology (1861 and 1864) and in the Transactions of 

’ One of the genus Leptocireus. Doubleday (Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 23) records this 
exception, at the same time inentioning that in the only other known species of the genus 
the claws are simple! Blanchard, with evident reference to this case, abandons (Metam. ete. 
des Insectes, 1868, p. 160) the idea that the structure of the claws can be employed with 

any advantage in distinguishing genera or groups ; but this appears to me to be too sweeping 
a decision. 


the Linnean Society, vol. xxiii. (1862).’ Mr. Bates’s later arrangement, 
the details of which are given at p. 176 of the Journal of Hntomology 
for 1864, will be followed in this work, and the linear order stands 
thus, viz. :— 

Family I.—NyMPHALIDA, 

Sub-Family 1.—Danaine. 

af 6.—Nymphaline. 

Family I].—Erycrnipa. 

Sub-Family 1.—Libytheine. 
. 2.—Stalachtine. 
5 3.—LHrycinine. 

Family I1J.—Lycanip2. 

Family [V.—PapriLionipm™. 

Sub-Family 1.—Pilerine. 
4 2.—Papilionine. 

Family V.—HEspPERIDz. 

In this classification the Family characters employed by Mr. Bates 
are those above mentioned, viz., the structure of the fore-tarsi in both 
sexes, and the mode of suspension of the pupa. For the grouping of 
the Sub-Families of the Vymphalide he relies firstly on the development 
or atrophy of the lower disco-cellular nervule at the extremity of the 
discoidal cell; secondly, on the shape and clothing of the larvee ; thirdly, 
on the clothing of the palpi; and fourthly, on the presence or absence 
of a pre-discoidal cell in the hind-wings. He divides the three Sub- 
Families of the Lrycinide in accordance with the mode of suspension of 
the pupa, either freely by the tail only, rigidly in an inclined position 
by the tail only, or by the tail and a girdle.” The two Sub-Families 

1 Mr. A. R. Wallace, whose opinion is entitled to the most careful consideration, opposed 
the removal of the Papzlionide from the head of the Butterflies in his most excellent paper 
on the Malayan members of the Family in vol. xxv. of the same Zransactions ; and after I 
had, in vol. xxvi. (1869), adduced various structures in which the Papilionide showed their 
affinity to the Moths, he argued at length, as late as 1871 (see his Contributions to the Theory 
of Natural Selection, 2d edit.), in favour of their being retained at the summit of the Rhopa- 
locera, But in his Geographical Distribution of Animals (vol. ii. 1876) I was glad to notice 
that he had virtually abandoned his contention, by placing (p. 479) the Family at the end of 
the series, next above the Hesperide. 

2 In a subsequent paper of great value on the entire Family Lrycinide (Journ. Linn. 
Soc., Zool., ix. p. 367, 1868), Mr. Bates gave up this character of the position of the pupa as 
distinctive of the Sub-Families, having found that in a species of Hmesis, one of the Lry- 
cinine, the pupa was suspended as in the typical Stalachtine. He omits the Libythwina, 
and arranges the Family into Nemeobiine, Eurygonine, and Erycinine, in accordance with 
the number of branches of the subcostal nervure of the fore-wings, and (in Hurygonine) the 
position of the lower radial nervule in the hind-wings. As it is preferable, for purposes of 
classification, to depend upon the characters of the imago, it will be well to accept this 
amendment, but at the same time not to exclude the Libytheine. 


of the Papilionide are separated by the circumstance that in the 
Papilionine the inner margin of the hind-wings is hollowed or curved 
inwards, while in the Pierine it is convexly prominent. 

The following tabular view of the Rhopalocera, in which only the 
characters of the Perfect Insects are employed, may be found helpful in 
determining the Family and Sub-lamily to which any given butterfly 
may belong. 


A, Antenne close together at origin; tibie of hind pair of legs with a 
terminal pair of spurs only. 
b. Tarsi of first pair of legs imperfect, and the whole hmb much re- 
duced in both sexes. 
Family L_—Nympnuarip”. 

c. Discoidal cell of hind-wings closed. 
d. Hind-wings without a pre-discoidal cell. 
e. Palpi very short, slender. 
Sub-Family 1.—Danaine. 
ee. Palpi of moderate length or long, not slender. 
J. Fore-wings short, broad; their nervures often swollen at 
the base. 
Sub-Family 2.—Satyrine. 

Jf. Fore-wings much elongated, narrow; their nervures 
never swollen at the base. 
g. Tarsal claws without appendages, but much enlarged 
basally ; head of moderate breadth. 
Sub-Family 4.—Acreine. 

gg. Tarsal claws with paronychia and pulvillus; head 
very broad. 
Sub-Family 5.—Heliconinee. 

dd. Hind-wings with a pre-discoidal cell. 
Sub-Family 3.—Brassoline. 

cc. Discoidal cell of hind-wings open or incompletely closed. 
Sub-Family 6.—Nymphaline. 

BB. Tarsi of first pair of legs imperfect in male, perfect in female. 
Family [1.—Erycinipz. 

h. Palpi very long. 
Sub-Family 1.—Libytheine. 

hh, Palpi of moderate length or short. 
7. Subcostal nervure of fore-wings with four branches. 
Sub-Family 2.—WNemeobine. 

vz. Subcostal nervure of fore-wings with from two to four 
branches; radial (or discoidal) nervule of hind-wings 
intimately connected with subcostal nervure. 
Sub-Family 3.—Hurygonine. 


tit. Subcostal nervure of fore-wings with three (in one species only 
two) branches; radial nervule of hind-wing somewhat dis- 
connected from subcostal nervure, being united to it only by 
an imperfect transverse nervule. 
Sub-Family 4.—Lrycinine. 

BBB. Tarsi of first pair of legs in male wanting one or both claws, 
but spined beneath ; perfect in female. 
Family I11.—Lycanipz. 

BBBB., Tarsi of first pair of legs perfect in both sexes. 
Family [V.—PapiLionip&. 

k. Tarsal claws bifid; inner margin of hind-wings prominently 

Sub-Family 1.—Pvrerine. 

kk. Tarsal claws simple; inner margin of ‘hind-wings hollowed ; 
tibie of first pair of legs with a small process on their inner 
Sub-Family 2.—Papilionine. 

AA. Antenne wide apart at origin; tibie of hind pair of legs with an 
additional pair of spurs rather beyond the middle. 
Family V.—HeEsPerip&. 


Taken as a group, Butterflies may be described as of almost uni- 
versal distribution over the earth, there being scarcely any known spots * 
(except in the Antarctic lands and islands) where in the summer, at 
least in favourable years, some species do not occur. In the highest 
northern latitudes yet explored various kinds have been met with, even 
Grinnell Land, in the extreme north of America (between lat. 78° and 
83°), having yielded five species belonging to three families.” The 
most southern known station of Butterflies is at the other extremity of 
America, several kinds inhabiting Tierra del Fuego, on the shore of the 
Strait of Magellan. These remote outposts are, however, highly un- 
favourable to butterfly existence, which finds its highest development 
in the Tropical Regions, and, speaking generally, thins out and wanes 
in proportion to distance from the equatorial belt. In the same way, 
as a broad rule, these insects become scarcer as a higher altitude is 
reached, although there are many peculiar and abundant alpine forms; 
and where flowering vegetation dies out, the limit of the actual habitat 
of Rhopalocera is found, seeing that the larvee are exclusively, and the 

1 Tceland is perhaps one; Dr. Staudinger, the well-known lepidopterist, having found no 
butterflies among the thirty-three species of Lepidoptera he collected in that island. But I 
believe he only collected during a single season ; and several butterflies have been reported 
as inhabiting Iceland. 

* See M‘Lachlan’s Report on the Insects collected on the Arctic Expedition of the 
“ Alert” and “ Discovery” in 1875-76 (Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., xxv. p. 98, 1878). 


perfect insects almost exclusively, dependent on the higher plants for 
food. It is very noteworthy that the Butterflies met with at great 
altitudes are of the same genera, and sometimes even of the same 
species, as those found in the highest latitudes; and this intimate 
alliance of high alpine and circumpolar forms points with unmistak- 
able significance—as in the parallel case in plants—to the long pre- 
valence of the last cold period or glacial epoch." 

Of the five Families of Butterflies, the Nymphalidw, Lycenide, and 
Papilionde are the most widely and generally distributed; but two 
Sub-Families of the first of these, viz., the Heliconine and Brassoline, 
are peculiar to Tropical America (Neotropical Region), and the Sub- 
Family Papilionne of the third is very poorly represented in Europe 
and temperate Asia (Palearctic Region) and in North America. The 
Erycinide have one Sub-Family, the Libythwine, which (though con- 
sisting of but one genus and twelve species) ranges over the globe— 
without penetrating, however, into the coldest parts; but while the 
Nemeobtine have a few representatives scattered about the world, the 
great majority of them is Neotropical; and the remaining Sub-Families, 
Hurygonine and Erycinine, are confined to America, where but very 
few of the latter exist north of Mexico, by far the larger part and all 
the Hurygonine being limited to the tropical (chiefly Brazilian) lands. 
The Hesperide, although very much more generally spread than the 
Erycinide, still find their metropolis in the wonderfully rich Neotropi- 
cal Region, twenty of the thirty-three genera recorded from there being 
peculiar to it, and several of those genera containing very numerous 
species. Two Sub-Families of the Nymphalide, the Danaine and 
Acreine, may also be regarded as by no means of general distribution, 
because, although both have a very wide range of longitude, and the 
former group sends a few stragglers into the Nearctic and Palearctic 
Regions, they are almost wholly tropical and sub-tropical in their range ; 
the Danaine prevailing in the Neotropical and Oriental Regions, and 
the Acrwine in Africa and its islands (Ethiopian Region). 

Tropical America is undoubtedly by far the most productive region 
for Rhopalocera. Some idea of its riches may be formed from the 
facts that at Para, at the mouth of the Amazons River, a year’s collect- 
ing yielded Mr. Bates about 600 species; and that in four years, at 
Hga, on the Upper Amazons, he obtained 550 species, Para has 

1 As the climate in either Northern or Southern Hemisphere grew continuously colder, it 
seems clear—as so many able naturalists have pointed out—that there must have been a 
gradual retreat towards the equator of animals and plants of temperate latitudes, accom- 
panied by a simultaneous advance in the same direction of the organisms characteristic of 
the frigid zone. The geological evidence shows how very severe cold prevailed over the 
present temperate latitudes ; and it is reasonable to suppose that, when at length gradually 
rising temperature set in, and the organisms unfitted for a warm climate had to retreat in 
the direction of the pole, many animals and plants existing at the base or on the foot-hills of 
mountains would, as time went on, find their refuge at hand on the higher elevations, and 
finally remain isolated there, while their kindred were driven to higher latitudes, and sup- 
planted in temperate lowlands by the advancing forms from nearer the equator. 


actually produced no less than 700 species. Mr. Wallace notes 
(Geogr. Distrib. of Animals, ii. p. 14) that no less than about 200 
genera, or not far short of half the total number (431) of known 
genera, are peculiar to the Neotropical Region; and Mr. Kirby’s Cata- 
logue shows that more than half the entire number of known species 
have been found within its limits. The Oriental Region, consisting of 
Tropical Asia and the Indo-Malayan Archipelago, holds the second 
place, and yields an immense variety of forms,—Mr. Wallace observing 
that a few months’ assiduous collecting in any of the Malay islands 
will produce from 150 to 250 species, and that thirty or forty species 
may be obtained any fine day in good localities (Zropical Nature, &c., 
p- 74, 1878). Africa, so far as we know at present, is, in comparison 
with the two regions just mentioned, very poor; the whole number 
recorded for the Ethiopian Region (which extends to the Tropic of 
Cancer northward, and includes Madagascar and various groups of 
small islands) by Mr. W. F. Kirby? being but little over a thousand 
species. The Australian Region would be less productive than the 
Ethiopian were the continent of Australia alone to be considered, its 
poverty in butterflies, except in the north and north-east, being most 
surprising; but when with Mr. Wallace we add the very rich Austro- 
Malayan islands, the number and variety are greatly augmented,— 
New Guinea, the Moluccas, and Celebes yielding a long series of 
splendid forms. The Palearctic Region, notwithstanding its enormous 
area, lies wholly beyond the Tropic; and although its western half 
(Europe and the Mediterranean basin) has been incomparably better 
searched than any other division of the globe, it has not yielded more 
than about five hundred species.” 

The Nearctic or North American Region, in strange contrast to the 
Neotropical, is no richer than the Palearctic one, except in the fact 
that, while the number of known species in the two regions is about 
the same, the area of the Nearctic is estimated at less than half that 
of the Palearctic Region. Generically, all the forms of the former are 
represented in the latter region. 

Oceanic islands are particularly poor in Rhopalocera, whether lying 
in tropical or temperate latitudes, and in this respect—as, indeed, in 
regard to their entire fauna and flora—exhibit (as Darwin, and espe- 
cially Wallace, have shown) a marked contrast to both recent and 
ancient ‘ continental” islands, viz., those which have at some time 
been connected with a continent. All the isolated Atlantic islands, 
and many of the very numerous Pacific ones, are cases in point, the 
few butterflies they possess being unmistakably, for the most part, 
chance settlers from other lands—usually the nearest continent—or 

1 Tn his most careful and invaluable Synonymic Catalogue of Diurnal. Lepidoptera 
(1871), and Supplement (1877). 

2 Dr. Staudinger’s very thorough Catalog der Lepidopteren des Europeischen Faunen- 
gebiets (1871) gives 456 species arranged in 44 genera. 


their slightly modified descendants. But there is no case of the kind 
so striking as that of New Zealand, which, though 1200 miles distant 
from Australia, lies wholly in temperate latitudes (between 33° and 
53 8.), is in extreme length 1100 miles, and has an area not much 
less than that of Great Britain and Ireland, but has not hitherto 
yielded more than sixteen species, of which, as Mr. A. G. Butler points 
out, six are probably of Australian origin, and one is a recent intro- 
duction from America. ‘This extraordinary scarcity is the more appa- 
rent when it is remembered that the British Isles, one of the very 
poorest countries in Hurope for butterflies, have sixty-three undoubt- 
edly native species. 

The total number of Rhopalocera now known to science must be 
between ten and eleven thousand. Mr. W. F. Kirby’s Synonymic Cata- 
logue, published in 1871, included about 7700 species, and his Sup- 
plement of 1877 enumerated nearly 1800 additional forms brought: 
to light during the intervening six years, making together about 
9500 species. ‘Taking the five families in the order of their respective 
numbers, it is found they stand as follows, viz.:—1. Nymphalidae, 
4040; 2. Lyceenidw, 1550; 3. Hesperrde, 1550; 4. Papilhonide, 
1400; 5. Lrycuude, 900. The continual discovery of new species 
is not likely to change this order of numerical relation between the 
families; but almost certainly the ranks of the smaller members of 
the Lycenide and Hesperide will be largely augmented, and the great 
disparity in numbers between those families and the Nymphalide 
proportionately reduced. When the twelve Sub-Families are placed 
according to the number of species they respectively contain (the Lycw- 
nide and Hesperide are excluded from this series, not being divided 
into Sub-Families), they stand thus, viz. :— 

1. Nymphaline, . . 1980] 7. Nemeobiine, ; a7 
2. Satyrine, : . ro4o| 8. Heliconina, . ‘ < a50 
3. Pierine, ; ; . goo} g. Acreinz, . : . Ifo 
4. Danaine, ; : . 680] 10. Eurygonine, . : : go 
5. Erycinine, . ; . 650/11. Brassoline . : 70 
6. Papilionine, . . . 510/12, Libytheine, . : ; II 

The Ethiopian Region, of which extra-tropical Southern Africa 
constitutes a characteristic zoological province or ‘‘ Sub-Region,” has 
all the families and eight of the twelve sub-families, the four of 
the latter that are not represented being the Heliconine and Brassoline 
among the Nymphalidw, and the Hrycinine and ELurygoninw among 
the Hrycinidw. South Africa is poorer by one sub-family than the 
Region, having hitherto yielded no representative of the Nemeobiine. 

With very few exceptions, the male is smaller than the female, and 
his wings are comparatively narrower, the fore-wings often being more 

1 Trans. Wellington Philos. Soc., 1878, p. 263. 


pointed. The abdomen of the male is more slender and compact, and 
laterally compressed, while the thorax is relatively larger and thicker. 
The more atrophied condition of the fore-tarsi in the male of three of 
the five Families has been already treated of; in contrast to those of 
the female, the fore-tarsi are especially noticeable for their imperfect 
development in the male Lrycinide. This sex is also distinguished in 
many genera by various badges on the wings, consisting of a small sac 
(Danazs), smooth patches of peculiarly arranged scales (Zuplaa), streaks 
of short appressed hairs along the nervures (Avgynnis, some species of 
Papilio), or tufts of hair (Callidryas, Mycalesis)."_ The prehensile or 
clasping organs at the extremity of the abdomen, although not very 
apparent externally (except in the Papilionine, where the outer valves 
are conspicuous), are of remarkable development and complexity; and 
in all cases where the sexes are much alike in general appearance they 
afford with a little pressure a certain means of determining the male.” 
Many of the Danainw (genera Danas, Huplea, Amauris, Lycorea, Ituna) 
possess, in the same region of the body, a pair of elongate organs 
provided with a dense terminal fascicle of radiating hairs, which do 
not appear to be often exserted, and which I have found only in the 
males. Where there is much difference in colouring, it is almost 
always the male that is the more brilliant in hue, most of the notable 
exceptions being cases in which the female has been modified in pro- 
tective resemblance to some species of another group. In the Danaine, 
the Heliconine, a large number of the Satyrine and Nymphaline, most 
Papilionine and some Lycwnide, the sexes are alike, or differ merely 
in the female being somewhat duller than the male, and the same may 
be said of most of the Hesperide. Among the Acreine, on the con- 
trary, it is rare to find a species whose sexes are alike. It must be 
noted, however, that in the cases of widest dissimilarity between the 
sexes, it is almost invariably only the wpper surface of the wings that 
exhibits so great a contrast, the under surface presenting very slight, 
if any, differences.” The manifest reason of this is that, with scarcely 
an exception, the colouring of the under side (exposed when the butterfly 

1 These are regarded as scent-organs by Fritz Miiller and some other observers ; but I 
have not seen proof of this view adduced, and am disposed, with Mr. Bates, to regard them 
as “an outgrowth of the male organisation,” without special function. 

2 These accessory male organs have been carefully investigated by Dr. F. Buchanan 
White throughout the European Butterflies, and by Mr. P. H. Gosse in the genus Papilio 
from all parts of the world. In the allied group of Trichoptera, Mr. R. M‘Lachlan has 
found in the homologous parts good classificatory characters ; but the astonishing differences 
which they exhibit in closely-allied species of the genus Papilio (e.g., P. Demoleus of Africa 
and P. Erithonius of India, or the African P. Nireus and Bromius) render them apparently 
of little value for systematic arrangement. See Trans. Linn. Soc., Zool., 2d Series, vol. i. 
p- 357, and vol. ii. p. 265 (1877 and 1883). 

3 This is practically a character of the greatest assistance to the collector and student, 
enabling him to identify the sexes of a species in numberless instances where, if both 
surfaces of the wings had greatly differed, it would have been impossible to arrive at any 
satisfactory conclusion. 


is at rest) is more or less protective, from its obscurity or its resem- 
blance to the tints of the customary surroundings. 

In two genera of butterflies, viz., Acrwa of the Sub-Family Acrwine, 
and Parnassius of the Sub-Family Papilionine—which are very remote 
from each other in almost every respect except their semi-transparent 
wings—the females exhibit a very remarkable and quite peculiar 
structure, in the form of a horny pouch or sac, attached to the under 
side of the abdomen. In Acrwa this appendage is on the penultimate 
segment, and is of moderate size, being best developed in A. Neobule 
and A. Horta; but in Parnassvus it is much larger, and in P. Delius 
is widely open posteriorly, and occupies the whole under side of the 
abdomen. ‘The use of this pouch—which is often detached and lost 
during life—has not been satisfactorily determined. 

A curious difference between the sexes is presented in several genera 
of Lycenide,—such as Lumeus, Myrina, Deudorix, and Capys,—where 
the palpi of the female are considerably longer than those of the male. 
The same character is noted by Westwood Gn Gen. Diwrn. Lep.) as 
occurring in three genera of Hrycinide, viz., Alesia, Nymphidium, and 

It occasionally happens that the male and female characters are 
combined in one and the same individual butterfly, and, where the 
secondary sexual differences are very marked, the appearance of such 
an example is very singular. Boisduval (Sp. Gen. Lep., 1. p. 27) men- 
tions eight species of which so-called ‘‘ hermaphrodite ” individuals had 
been noticed by authors, and a good many other cases have been re- 
corded. A recent instance in South Africa is that of a specimen of Lyceena 
Telicanus (Var. pulchra, Murray), taken near Grahamstown by Mr. F. 
Billinghurst, in which the wings of the right side are of the female 
pattern and colouring, while the left-hand wings are of those of the male. 


The dependence of Butterflies on vegetation (especially in their 
caterpillar state), and their need of shelter from high winds, explain 
how it is that they chiefly abound in wooded districts. Sunshine, a 
still atmosphere, and flowers are the surroundings most favourable to 
the great majority of them: in exposed spots, when the weather is 
boisterous, nearly all species are helplessly driven before the gale, and 
they speedily succumb to combined cold and rain. There exists, of 
course, a large number of species found in open country, and many are 
peculiar to such tracts (especially in mountain stations), but forest-clad 
lands are incomparably richer. Only a few butterflies, however, inhabit 
the depths of woods, the great gathering of them being on the out- 
skirts, or where the forest is broken by open spots and the sunshine 
has access. In South Africa, the richest collecting-ground is the 
wooded coast of Kaffraria, Natal, and Zululand, and the country about 
Delagoa Bay seems almost equally productive. 


The food of these insects in their perfect state consists mainly of the 
honey of flowers, and this renders them of great importance to the 
world of plants; their downy heads and bodies, and in some cases their 
long trunks, conveying the pollen to the stigma of the flowers which 
they visit. Hermann Miiller has well indicated (Befruchtung der Blu- 
men, Engl. transl, 1883, p. 594, &c.) how exactly and reciprocally 
many flowers and butterflies are thus adapted to serve each others’ 
purposes, especially in the Alps, whose exceptionally brilliant flora 
appears to lay itself out, as it were, to attract the Rhopalocera, which 
are more numerous at considerable altitudes than any other group os 
diurnal insects. Many other liquid substances, however, prove attrac- 
tive to butterflies,—water, the juice of fruits, sap of trees and other 
plants, and even animal excreta, blood, and decomposing matter attract- 
ing various species.. It is not uncommon to find small clusters or 
groups of various species drinking at damp sand or mud on the edge 
of water; and observers on the great tropical rivers never fail to notice 
the brilliant effect of the larger assemblies of this description there 
prevalent. The butterflies that affect the stronger drinks above men- 
tioned are chiefly members of the Sub-Family Vymphaline, some of 
which (the genus Charazes, for instance) appear never to visit flowers ; 
but several Lyceenide and some of other groups are found indulging in 
the same liquids, especially at the sap exuding from the wounds in 
trees. ‘The compound of sugar and beer used by collectors to attract 
nocturnal moths proves also very seductive to butterflies with the tastes 
described, and may be used with considerable effect in bringing some 
of the high and rapid flyers within reach. There are, again, a good 
many species that appear to take little or no food in their imago state ; 
such are various Satyrinw and Lycwnide, and apparently nearly all the 
Erycinide, of which latter Mr. Bates observes* that very few species 
frequent flowers, though he mentions that some were noticed imbibing 
the moisture from damp sand.° 

The flight of butterflies varies very greatly in speed, height, and 
duration. The Danainw, Acrwine, and Satyrine are nearly all slow 
flyers, and the latter are erratic and wavering, and seldom rise far 
above the herbage. The Hrycinidw, Lycenide, and Hesperrde—espe- 
cially the latter—are all characterised by the shortness of their flight, 
though they show every degree of speed. Most of the Pierinw are very 
active insects, and they exhibit the peculiarity of travelling onward in 
one direction, instead of fluttering about particular spots. Nearly all 

1 Oberthiir has observed (Etudes d’Entomologie, i. p. 17, 1876) that the beautiful Zeracolus 
Charlonia (Donzel) of Northern Africa seemed to be attracted by the sweat of horses; and 
Mr. H. O. Forbes records (Naturalists Wanderings in Eastern Archipelago, p. 138, 1885) 
that in Sumatra Huplea Ochsenheimeri settled numerously on the perspiring bodies of the 
natives and on his own hands; and that another large butterfly, Cynthia Juliana, was also 
often caught at the bodies of the natives. 

2 Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., ix. p. 369 (1868). 

3 Naturalist on the Amazons, 2d edit., p. 331. 


the Papilionine have a powerful sustained flight, and some soar to a 
considerable elevation. For habitual high flight certain groups of 
Nymphaline, represented by the genera Morpho and Charazes, are most 
noticeable, those of the latter group being also immensely rapid on 
the wing. The males are in all butterflies the stronger and more 
frequent flyers; but this difference is less pronounced in the Vympha- 
line than in the other divisions. In South America, as Mr. Bates and 
Mr. Wallace inform us, the males of many Nymphalinew and Pierine 
congregate in sunny open places in the forenoon, while the females 
remain retired in the forests, to which the males resort in the afternoon. 
In the South African woods I have noticed that the fine pale-yellow 
males of Papilio Cenea follow a set course during all the forenoon, 
sometimes sporting with each other, or stopping on their way to visit 
flowers, but not diverging far from the circular track they pursue. 
The females, however, keep near the ground and fly but slowly, often, 
too, remaining motionless for a long time in some shady spot.’ Colonel 
Bowker and Mr. W. D. Gooch have noticed the same habits in the 
grand Papilio ophidicephalus. The males of many butterflies are very 
combative, not only in rivalry with those of their own species, but with 
members of wholly different families. I have observed this chiefly 
with members of the Nymphalinw, Lyceenidw, and Hesperide ; and it 
has often amused me to see a pugnacious little ‘“‘ Copper ” or ‘‘ Skipper ” 
take up his station on some tall flower, and persistently drive off all 
other visitors. Having no offensive weapons, butterflies’ encounters 
do not lead to more serious results than the impairing of their beauty 
to a small extent; but they sometimes show much pertinacity in their 
conflicts. Captain Harford sent me, through Colonel Bowker, in 1879, 
two males (differently coloured) of Acrwa Encedon, which he had 
observed struggling together on the ground for a long time; and Mrs. 
Barber informs me that even the females of Acrwa Horta contest with 
much fury the possession of a leaf on which to deposit their eggs. 
From certain observations of Colonel Bowker in 1882 at D’Urban, 
Natal, on the Diadema Misippus, it appears that this determined 
defence by the male of a particular station is in some cases due to the 
fact of there being in the immediate vicinity the chrysalis of a female 
just about to disclose the perfect insect; and this is confirmed by Mr. 
W. H. Edwards’ notes on Helwonia Charitonia in the Southern United 
States, and the Rev. W. D. Cowan’s on Papilio Demoleus in Mada- 

The carriage of the wings when at rest varies a good deal among 
butterflies, and is not always the same during a mere temporary sus- 
pension of activity and during prolonged repose. ‘The erect position 
of all four wings is the most general, and prevails among the Vym- 

1 Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale notes (Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 132) that in the later 
afternoon the females show themselves more, and are then hotly pursued by the rival males. 
2 See Proc. Lint. Soc. Lond., 1882, p. iv. 


phalide, Lycenide, Prerine, and many Hrycinide ; but most of these, 
when temporarily settled, open and shut the wings, or keep them a 
little apart. The Papilionine usually settle with wings erect, but are 
fond of resting with the wings expanded, in such a way that the hind- 
wings are more or less covered by the fore-wings; and they have further 
the peculiar habit, when visiting flowers, of keeping the wings in rapid 
vibration. The Lycenide universally, when settled temporarily, pro- 
ceed to move the erect or half-erect hind-wings alternately up and 
down.’ <A large number of Lrycinide and some Hesperide keep their 
wings fully extended when at rest on leaves or on the ground, but 
many of the latter have the fore-wings only, and a few all the wings, 
erect. It is not easy to discover butterflies when really in a state of 
prolonged rest or of sleep, but those noticed lower the closed front 
wings between the hind-wings, so that only the apical part of the former 
remains exposed. It is most noticeable that, with very rare exceptions, 
this apical part of the fore-wings is coloured in accordance with the 
under side of the hind-wings, and that by this attitude the conspicuous 
colours and marks so often found on the disk of the under side of the 
fore-wings are completely concealed.” While most butterflies perch on 
flowers or leaves, many are fond of sunning themselves on bare twigs 
or on the ground. Others (among the Nymphalinw and Satyrine) 
prefer the stems of trees, and many of these always sit so that their 
heads are downward. Some of the same groups commonly settle on 
rocks or on the sides of overhanging banks; and it is not rare among 
these, as well as among those that frequent tree-trunks, to find little 
companies of a dozen or more sitting close together in a sheltered 
cranny. Such cases recall the hibernating Vymphaline and Pirerine 
of Northern Europe and other countries, which in the autumn find 
refuges in which to sleep away the winter, emerging in the ensuing 

Male butterflies usually make their appearance before the females, 
and appear, as a rule, to be more numerous. The less active and more 
retiring habits of the females no doubt render this disproportion in 
numbers greater apparently than it really is, but observation has con- 
vinced me that there is in most cases a decided majority of males.’ It 

1 T believe that Swainson, Zool. Jllustr., 1st Series (1821-22), was the first, in his 
notice of Thecla (Deudorix) Galathea, to record this curious habit. It is practised by every 
member of the Family that I have watched when settled, and it seems not improbable— 
_ looking to the brilliant eye-like metallic spot and (very often) adjacent tail or tails at the 

posterior angle of the hind-wings of these butterflies—that the movement may serve to 
accentuate these ornaments, either in rivalry or in menace. 

2 An instance of remarkably different port of the wings in temporary and in real repose 
was discovered by me in 1857, in the case of the well-known Hesperide Thanaos Tages of 
Europe. This butterfly holds its wings horizontally when settled temporarily, but I found 
two at rest in the evening with the wings deflected exactly as in a Bombycide or Noctuide 

Moth. This observation has recently been confirmed by Mr. Frohawk (see Lntomologist, 

1884, p. 49). 
3 See a full collection of evidence on this point in Darwin’s Descent of Man, &c., vol. i 

Pp. 309. 


is common to see a female “ mobbed” (as Professor Moseley says of 
the magnificent Ornithoptera Poseidon in the Aru Islands) by many 
competing males; and in the case of many Satyrinw which frequent 
open ground, and whose sexes have the same habits, the females are 
unquestionably much the scarcer. 

With the exception of the Danainw'* and Acrwine, butterflies in 
general do not exhibit a sociable or gregarious disposition. There are, 
however, extraordinary assemblages of Prerinw, which, in South 
America especially, have been recorded by many observers, including 
Darwin, Wallace, Bates, and R. Spruce. ‘The innumerable multitudes 
on the wing in some of these swarms may be imagined from Darwin’s 
often-quoted account of his experience when in the “ Beagle” off the 
South American coast. He writes (Journ. Researches Nat. Hist., &c., 
new edit., 1870, p. 158): ‘‘ Vast numbers of butterflies, in bands or 
flocks of countless myriads, extended as far as the eye could range. 
Even by the aid of a telescope it was not possible to see a space free 
from butterflies... . More species than one were present, but the main 
part belonged to a kind very similar to, but not identical with, the 
common English Colias Edusa.” Mr. Bates, too, describes a flight of 
butterflies across the Amazon: which lasted for two days without inter- 
mission during the hours of daylight; and in this case nearly all were 
species of Callidryas, swift-flying Pierine allied to Colias, and, as far 
as the observer could ascertain, the swarms consisted exclusively of 
males. Mr. Spruce (Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., ix. pp. 355-357), in a 
most interesting paper on these migrations, points out that in South 
America their direction is always to the south, and attributes them as 
mainly due to the exhaustion of the food supply in seasons when the 
insects concerned are by rains and other favouring circumstances 
produced in certain districts in unwonted abundance, Mr. Spruce 
mentions a swarm near Guayaquil consisting of both butterflies and 
moths; and in this case both sexes were concerned, as he noticed the 
females laying eggs, and saw the innumerable resulting larvae destroy 
the shore vegetation, leaving none for the hordes that continued to 
arrive, and that thereupon “launched boldly out over the Pacific 
Ocean.” As I have already put on record (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 
1870, p. 383), Colonel Bowker witnessed, in March 1869, an immense 
flight of Callidryas Florella, “ all steadily moving on eastward” across 
the Maluti Mountains in Basutoland: in this swarm both sexes were 
represented, the females being easily recognised by being mostly yellow 
instead of greenish-white. Colonel Bowker mentioned that he had 
Seen similar gatherings both in the Cape Colony and in the Trans-Keian 

1 In Moore’s Lepidoptera of Ceylon, i. pp. 1, 2 (1880), there is an interesting note by 
the late Dr. Thwaites on the “amazing numbers” of one or more species of Huplaa which 
appear on fine calm days, all flying together in the same direction. From the particulars 
mentioned, these Cingalese Danaine swarms seem to behave very similarly to the flights of. 
Pierine mentioned in the text. 


country. As I suggested in the place cited, there is an evident con- 
nection or relation between these wonderful migrations of certain species 
of Pierine and the well-known habit of nearly all the members of the 
Sub-Family of flying straight onward in one direction. If it is the 
case that males only compose some of the migrating hosts, the wider 
distribution of the species concerned would not in such instances be 
promoted ; but where both sexes are represented it cannot be doubted 
that these multitudinous invasions of fresh territory must considerably 
widen the area occupied by the species; and it seems probable that 
the world-wide prevalence of the Pierinw, and the immense range of 
such genera as Callidryas and COolias, have been largely aided by both 
the ordinary and extraordinary travelling tendencies of these butterflies. 
It may be added that when (as seems not seldom to be the case) these 
vast flocks wing their way out to sea, although as a rule destruction 
must sooner or later overtake them all, yet occasional stragglers of such 
powerful flyers may occasionally reach oceanic islands, and possibly 
succeed in establishing their species there. It is true that the swifter 
and lighter males would be more likely to profit by any remote chance 
of reaching such a haven, but it is not impossible that a female may 
now and then succeed in doing so. A passing ship may sometimes aid 
in this dispersal of a species; for I have seen Pyrameis Cardut, the 
most widely-distributed species of butterfly known, fly on board a vessel 
ninety miles to the west of Teneriffe, and after a short rest start off 
westward again; and on another occasion, 195 miles west of Sierra 
Leone, I captured (among numerous other insects that flew on board 
the steamer ‘“ Norseman”) ten specimens of butterflies belonging to 
the Sub-Family Satyrinw.’ 


The prevalence in Nature of disguises protective to the wearers is 
matter of observation everywhere, and is particularly noticeable among 
the varied and multitudinous tribes of insects. In a world where com- 
petition is intense, where the relations between organic beings are of 
infinite complication, where it is the lot of the favoured few only to get 
enough to eat and to avoid being eaten, the advantages of escaping the 

1 Mr. Barber in 1881 sent me a graphic account of the extraordinary abundance of this 
Callidryas during that season in Griqualand West. The caterpillars were observed in thousands 
on Cassia arachnoides, a very abundant plant there. They stripped it entirely of leaves, 
and then devoured the young shoots, and even the bark of the stems. In March and April 
the butterflies appeared in myriads; but in the height of their greatest abundance there 
came a week of cold and very wet weather, which reduced their numbers very considerably. 
This case is instructive, indicating how the migration in force of species of this genus is most 
probably occasioned by their having as larve exhausted the supply of their proper food-plant 
in a tract where circumstances had favoured their excessive multiplication. 

2 This was a remarkable case, for the butterflies in question were slow-flying shade-fre- 
quenting species of Melanitis and Mycalesis, which haunt dense woods and thickets, and 
avoid the open sunshine altogether. The wind on this occasion, though from the eastward, 
was not at all strong; the time was noon, 


notice alike of eager foes or wary prey are sufficiently obvious; and 
this is very materially aided by any strong resemblance to inorganic 
substances, to plants, to inoffensive animals in the case of prey, and to 
offensive ones in the case of enemies. Every one is familiar with cases 
of colour-likeness to general surroundings, such as those of desert ani- 
mals to the desert sands, arctic animals to the white expanse of snow, 
arboreal animals to the green of foliage. Numerous more special resem- 
blances to inanimate or vegetable objects are also matter of common 
observation, but those of one animal to another of different structure 
are comparatively rare, and are little known except to naturalists, 
although they are perhaps the most remarkable of all. 

Butterflies and Moths are quite exceptionally defenceless ; there is 
not a single instance in the whole Order of a species possessing either 
offensive weapons or defensive armour; nor does any one of them prey 
on other animals. While, therefore, they have no need of disguise to 
enable them to steal unobserved upon a watchful prey, they require 
more than any other equally large group of insects protection from 
enemies by concealment,’ and it is not surprising to find all the three 
kinds of protective resemblances above mentioned strikingly developed 
among them. Without here considering the very numerous cases 
among Moths, it will be interesting to notice some of the more promi- 
nent instances in Butterflies. 

It is the immense size of their wings that renders butterflies so 
conspicuous ; their bodies are small even in the largest species, but the 
wings cover a considerable area, the smallest known Lyccena measuring 
half an inch in expanse. When to this broad field bright and strongly 
contrasted colours are, as often happens, added, the eye is at once 
arrested by so large and distinct an object. Although, when settled, 
the erect position of the wings in nearly all butterflies reduces the 
visible area by one-half, and although, when thoroughly at rest, this 
is still further lessened by the mode in which the fore-wings sink 
between the hind-wings, yet the exposed surface is of considerable 
size.” On the wing, the great swiftness of some species, and the 
exceedingly uncertain wavering motions of others, enable them to 
evade their enemies; but when at rest, it is obvious that their main 
refuge must be sought in concealment. It is found, accordingly, that 
the under side is protectively marked and coloured, being rendered 
inconspicuous by either its dulness or its resemblance to the immedi- 
ately surrounding objects. As instances of this among South-African 
Species, I may mention the universal Pyrameis Cardui, the beautiful 
Junonia Cebrene and J. Clelia, and several kinds of Zeritis, all of 

' The known enemies of butterflies are birds, lizards, dragon-flies, hawk-flies (Asiide, 
&c.), Mantide, and spiders. The birds and dragon-flies seize them chiefly on the wing, the 
others pounce on them when settling or at rest. 

2 A good many Frycinide and Hesperide have the singular habit of settling on the 
under side of leaves with wings fully expanded, so that their own under side is not at all 

exposed, and the whole insect hidden from view from above. 
VOL. I. C 


which have the under side very closely resembling the tints of the 
ground on which they are in the habit of settling.t Melanitis Leda 
and M. diversa rest habitually among dead leaves in shady spots, and 
their under side is so coloured and marked as to render it indistinguish- 
able. The female “ronia Leda has a rather bright sulphur-yellow, 
red blotched under side, and it was only when I saw her settle on the 
half-withered leaves of the Lrythrina that I even guessed how pro- 
tective this under side was. Similarly, Mrs. Barber wrote to me how 
struck she was with the behaviour of the conspicuous male Papilio 
Cenea, which twice deliberately selected in her garden, as a resting- 
place during a shower of rain, a shrub whose pale yellow and brown 
seeds and flowers entirely agreed with the colouring of the under side 
of hiswings. ‘The shining white under side of Jolaus Silas is extremely 
conspicuous in the cabinet, but I was surprised to observe in Natal 
how it escaped notice, in the full noonday sunlight, among the highly 
polished glittering leaves of a shrub the butterfly frequented. 

By far the most elaborate disguise of this kind among butterflies 
is the famous one, first brought prominently to notice by Mr. Wallace, 
of the Indian and Malayan Kalluma Inachis and K. Paralekta. In 
these species of Nynvphalinw, which on the upper side are deep blue 
and orange, the under side copies with perfect accuracy the withered 
or shrivelled leaves of certain dead trees or bushes, the imitation 
going into such exact details as to reproduce in appearance the minute 
fungi or moulds that grow on the leaves. But this is by no means all 
the extent of the representation, the shape of the wings when the 
insect is at rest not only agreeing generally with that of the leaf, but 
presenting both the elongated apex and the foot-stalk, and the attitude 
assumed both bringing into prominence those details and concealing 
such parts as the head and antennz, which might impair the complete- 
ness of the deception. It is no wonder to find Mr. Wallace speaking 
of these large and swift butterflies “vanishing” when they settled 
among a cluster of the withered leaves. 

It has been above observed that it is by either the swiftness or the 
irregularity of their flight that butterflies, so conspicuous on the wing, 
evade pursuers; but there are some remarkable exceptions to this rule. 
Throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions there occur slow- 
flying, brightly or very distinctly coloured forms, rendered even more 
conspicuous by their lengthened bodies and wings, which seem to 
make no effort whatever to escape or to conceal themselves, but which, 
though usually very numerous in individuals (and sometimes numerous 
in species), and exposing themselves freely in haunts abounding with 
the enemies of butterflies, are evidently exempt, or almost so, from 

1 Junona Cebrene has been observed by Colonel Bowker to be much hunted by a small 
lizard in the Trans-Kei country ; and Mrs. Barber informs me that Pyrameis Cardui is a 
frequent victim among the butterflies with which the Sun-Birds (Nectarinie) feed their 


attack. These lucky exceptions to the common condition of being 
hunted down by hungry devourers are the Danaine and Acreime, 
Sub-Families of Vymphalide ;+ and they owe their immunity to their 
being malodorous and unpalatable as food, and to their evidently being 
recognised as uneatable by insectivorous animals. It is most interest- 
ing to find these protected butterflies accompanied, wherever they are 
prevalent, by species of different Sub-Families or Families which closely, 
or even exactly, resemble them in form, colours, and markings, though 
quite diverse in structure. The first entomologist who carefully ob- 
served these ‘“ mimicries” in Nature, and arrived at a clear and 
reasonable explanation of their meaning and origin, was Mr. H. W. 
Bates, F'.R.S., whose paper on the subject was read before the Linnean 
Society of London in 1861, and subsequently published in the 7rans- 
actions (vol. xxi.) of that body. Mr. Bates dealt with the very rich 
material yielded by the butterfly fauna of Tropical South America, and 
showed that while the models (protected species of Danainw) were 
most abundant and presented the ordinary jfacies of their family, the 
mimickers were rare, and departed very widely from the appearance of 
their nearest allies; that the latter frequented the same spots as their 
models, often flying among them; and that the resemblance in life 
was so exact as constantly to deceive his own experienced sight. He 
observed that the very conspicuous and slow-flying Danainw were not 
pursued by any of the ordinary enemies of insects to which they would 
have fallen an easy prey, and detected the reason for this security in 
the peculiar smell which they emitted, and thus indicated the obvious 
advantage it would be to butterflies not so defended to resemble 
Danaine closely enough to be mistaken for them, and so passed over 
as uneatable. Demonstrating the identity in kind of these mimicries 
with the protective resemblances to inorganic and to vegetable forms 
so prevalent in Nature, he traced them similarly to the long-continued 
action of natural selection, the chief operating agents being insecti- 
vorous animals, which would continually destroy all those individuals 
of the mimicking species least resembling those which are exempt 
from persecution. Mr. Bates gave a list of no fewer than thirty-six 
eases of mimicry known to occur among Tropical-American butterflies, 
and in thirteen of these even the remote Moths (of the groups Castniw 
and Bombyces) supplied instances of mimicry. In one of these cases, 
the Danaine Methona Psidii is imitated by two other Danaine of the 
genus Jtwna,” by the Pierine Leptalis Orise, and by two Moths; while 

1 There are also some similarly protected species among the Heliconine and Papilionine ; 
and these too have accurate imitators in other butterflies. 

2 These cases of apparent mimicry within the limits of the protected group itself present 
much difficulty. It might be supposed that the mimickers in these instances had for some 
reason failed to acquire the distastefulness of their kindred, but this has not yet been shown 
to be the case. Dr. Fritz Miiller, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Distant have discussed the ques- 
tion in Kosmos (1879-81) and in Nature (vol. xxvi.); and Mr. Meldola (Annals and Mag. 
Nat. Hist., December 1882) has published an interesting summary of the discussion, in 



four butterflies (of three different groups) and a Moth all copy the 
Danaine Jthomia Flora. The imitations of species of Jthomia, Mecha- 
nitis, and Methona, Danaine genera, by species of Leptalis, a genus of 
Pierine, are so surprisingly exact, that no one can wonder at their 
deceiving on the wing the most experienced collector, 

Mr. Wallace, in 1864, called attention to the occurrence of a 
similar series of mimicries in India and the Malayan Archipelago, and 
expressed his full concurrence in Mr. Bates’s view of the causes at 
work in the production of them. The list given in his paper 
(Trans. Linn. Soc., xxv. p. 20) includes fifteen cases where species of 
Papilio mimic Danaine, Nymphaline (one case), and other forms of 
their own genus.’ The first of these may be noted as peculiarly 
interesting, seeing that the male and female of the mimicker, Papilio 
paradoxa, differ considerably, and that each imitates the corresponding 
sex of Huplea Midamus. In seven of the fifteen cases given, only the 
female is mimetic; and Mr. Wallace suggested that the reason for this 
is probably that the slower flight of that sex when laden with eggs, 
and her exposure to attack while ovipositing, render a protective dis- 
guise specially necessary.” 

It was most interesting to me to be able to supplement the cases 
brouglit forward by these distinguished explorers of South America and 
the Malayan Archipelago by a corresponding series of mimetic analogies 
among African butterflies. The cases in life known to me personally 
in South Africa were only four, but it so happens that one of them was 
the most remarkable ever recorded, viz., that of Papilio Cenea. I 
found, however, seven other very marked mimicries among the butter- 
flies of Tropical Africa, and several additional instances (two of them 
in South Africa) have since then (1868) been discovered and placed 
on record. I was able to show’ (1°) that the Danainw and Acreine 
of Africa, like their allies elsewhere, were provided with offensive 
odours and secretions ; (2°) that the butterflies mimicking them invari- 
ably occurred in the same districts, and in six cases (South African) in 

which, on the ground “ that a certain number of individuals of distasteful species have to be 
sacrificed to the inexperience” of young insectivorous animals, he shows that “there would 
be a great gain in one distasteful species resembling another which exceeded it in numbers.” 

Mr. Bates (loc. cit., p. 503) marks six of the imitating Danaine as undoubtedly very 
much fewer in individuals than the species which they imitate; so that the fact of their 
being for some reason in need of protection seems established. 

1 Mr. Wallace observes (p. 21) that these imitated Papilios of the East belong to the 
group of Papilio Polydorus and P. Coon, and that, like the d/neas group of Papilio in South 
America, they are forest insects and have a low, weak flight. What their protection con- 
sists in has not been ascertained, but most probably it lies in their being unpalatable as food. 

2 A most striking case of this kind is that recorded by Mr. Wallace (7rans. Ent. Soc. 
Lond., 1869, p. 287). Diadema anomala, a Nymphaline of the Malay Archipelago, has the 
male plainly tinted with bronzy or olive brown, only a blue gloss appearing on the margins of 
the fore-wings; while the female is rich purple-brown, with two-thirds of the fore-wings 
richly glossed with satiny blue, so as to closely imitate Huplea Midamus, a protected 
Danaine, ‘one of the very commonest butterflies of the East.” 

3 Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xxvi. p. 497, &e. 



the very same localities; (3°) that in eight cases the mimickers were 
known to be very much scarcer than the species which they copy; 
(4°) that in five cases where the Danais or Acrea presents local forms 
or merely slight varieties, even these were mimicked by individuals of 
the imitating species; (5°) that in three cases where the sexes of the 
insect mimicked differed strikingly from each other, the sexes of the 
mimicker presented corresponding differences; and (6°) that in four 
cases observed by me in life it was next to impossible to distinguish 
the mimicker from the species which it mimicked. It must be remem- 
bered that these extraordinary likenesses are not those of general 
colouring and pattern alone, but include outline and form, and extend 
to minute reproduction of prominent markings, however small; and 
that the deception is often further ensured by following closely the 
kind of flight and mode of resting proper to the species copied. 

The following table exhibits the known cases of mimicry among 
Extra-Tropical South-African Butterflies :— 

Protected Forms that are 

Mimicked. Mimicking Forms. ' 

Famity.— NY MPHALID~. |Famiry.—_NYMPHALID.| Famity.—PAPILIONID &. 
Sub-Family.—Danaina&. | Sub-Family.—NympuHain&. | Sub-Family.—Paprinionina&. 

Genus.— Amauris. Genus.—Luralia. Genus.—Papilio. 
I. Amauris Ochlea (Boisd.) | 1, Luralia deceptor (Trim.) 
2, Amauris Echeria (Stoll.) 2. Papilio Cenea, Stoll. 2. 

(Form 1. P. Cenea, Stoll, 
typ.) ; 
Papilio Echerioides, Trim, 


(Small yellow-spotted varia- 

tion. ) 
2a. Amauris Echeria 2a. Euralia moma 2a. Papilio Cenea, Stoll. 
(Stoll.) (Trim. ) . . 
(Variety A. albi- (Variation of Form 1. 
maculata, Butl.) P. Cenea, Stoll.) 
Genus.— Pseudacreea. Papilio Echerioides, 
rim.) <. 
2a, Pseudacrea Tar- Papilio Brasidas, 
quinia (Trim.) ¢ Feld. 
Genus. —Euralia. 
3. Amauris dominicanus 3. Euralia Wahlberg, 3. Papilio Cenea, Stoll. °. 
Trim. Wallengr. (Form 2. Near P. Hippo- 
Genus.—Danais. Genus. — Diadema. coon, Fab.) 
4. Danais Chrysippus 4. Diadema Misippus, 4. Papilio Cenea, Stoll. 2. 
(Linn.) (Linn.) @. (Form 3. P. Z'rophonius, 
4a. Danais Chrysippus 4a. Diadema Misippus 4a. Papilio Cenea, Stoll. 
(Linn. ) (Linn.) @. i 
(Variety D. Dorip- (Variety D. Inaria (Variation of Form 3. P. 
pus, Klug.) (Cram.) Trophonius, Westw.) 
Genus.—A crwa. Genus.— Pseudacrea. 
5. Acrea Acara, Hewits. | 5. Pscudacrea Trimenii, 
and ¢, Butl. 6 and &, 

Genus, — Planema. 
6. Planema Aganice, Hewits.| 6. Pseudacrwa imitator, 
6 and ?. Trims, 6: and 2, 

Pseudacrea Tarquinia, 
(Trim.) ¢, 


Among the species tabulated, probably the second, Amauris Echeria, 
a Danaine of wide distribution in wooded localities, is the best protected 
butterfly in South Africa, judging from the number of its imitators. 
The most accurate copyist is the female Papilio Cenea (type), and the 
smaller specimens of this Papilio cannot in the field be distinguished 
from the Amauris. It is the variety of A. Hcheria, with all the spots 
of the fore-wing white, which prevails in Kafirland and Natal, that finds 
most imitators, being very closely copied, not only by a slight (white- 
spotted) variation of Papilio Cenea, but also by the female of Papilio 
LEcherioides, by individuals of both sexes of Papilio Brasidas, by both 
sexes of the Nymphaline Luralia mima, and by the female of Pseudacrawa 
Tarquinia. Though the females of Papilio Cenea and P. Echerioides 
are so much alike in their imitation of A. Heheria as to be indistinguish- 
able on the wing, the males of these species of Papilio are utterly 
dissimilar both from their respective mates and from each other.” 

The case of Papilio Cenea presents certainly the most remarkable 
mimetic analogy yet recorded among butterflies. The male of this 
species (the Southern representative of P. Merope, Cram., of Western 
Africa) is a very fine conspicuous insect, and has a peculiar colouring 
of very pale creamy-yellow, with a broad black border to the fore- 
wings, and a black band across the disk of the hind-wings,—the latter 
wings bearing each a long broad process or “tail,” while the female 
exhibits three quite different forms (all with the hind-wings untailed), 
each of which is entirely unlike the male, but imitates with more or 
less exactness one of three prevalent species of South-African Danainw.” 
It is observable, too, that numerous intermediate variations of the females 
exist, showing a series of links between the three prominent forms, 
and serving to indicate how plastic for further development the poly- 
morphic female Cenea remains. 

Other circumstances which add to the great interest of the case are 
(1.) that the very closely allied Papilio Merope of Western Africa ‘also 
has a polymorphic female, several forms of which have been described 
as distinct species, and are imitative of Danainew inhabiting the same 
region; and (2) that in Madagascar the likewise nearly related Papilio 
Meriones, Feld., has but one form of female, and that form only shghtly 
differing from the male. Even more surprising is it to find, as I 
learn from Mr. Ch. Oberthiir, that the representative of P. Merope at 

1 The nearest alloy of P. Echerioides is the West-African P. Cynorta, Fab. Curiously 
enough, while the males are very much alike, it is here the females that are totally dis- 
similar ; for while the female Hcherioides mimics an Amauris, the female Cynorta (= P. 
Boisduvallianus, Westm.) exactly copies the female Acrea Gea, Fab., a butterfly of quite 
different pattern. 

3 The varying females of the mimicking species of Indian and Malayan Papiliones, de- 
scribed by Mr. Wallace (loc. cit.), appear in no case directly to copy more than one pro- 
tected species. But in the remarkable cases of Papilio Memnon and P. Androgeus, the 
extreme mimicking form of the female (= Achates, Cram.) has the hind-wings tailed in 
imitation of the protected model, although the male and less modified females of her own 
species are quite tailless. 


Lake Tsana in Abyssinia also has the sexes nearly alike. The inference 
is obvious that the females in Madagascar and Abyssinia for some reason 
do not stand in need of the protective disguises so elaborately worked 
out for them in Southern and Western Africa. Probably some active 
persecutors of this large pale type of Papilio are absent in those 
countries, or may there have found some easier or more attractive 
insect prey. In South Africa the handsome fly-catcher Tchitrea eris- 
tata has been seen by Mr. Mansel Weale to capture the male P. Cenea, 
and he had reason to suspect a bird of an allied family and quite 
similar habits, Dicrurus musicus, to be another of this butterfly’s 
enemies. Insectivorous birds of both these genera are found in 
Abyssinia—the very same species of Dicrurus is, I believe, a native of 
that country—and also in Madagascar, but it is possible that circum- 
stances may have led to their leaving Papilio Merope and P. Meriones 

In considering these cases of mimicry, a difficulty naturally 
arises in perceiving how the initial stages of them could have been 
of service to the mimickers. Taking, for instance, this very case 
of Papilio Cenea and its allies, it may be asked of what possible 
advantage to a large pale-yellow female such as the present P. 
Merrvones would be the merest beginning of darker colouring or of 
shorter tails on the hind-wings, seeing that no enemy could for a 
moment be led to mistake a specimen so very little modified for the 
unpalatable Danais or Amauris? Mr. Darwin has undoubtedly eluci- 
dated this point by remarking (Descent of Man, i. p. 412) that “ this 
process ’—the development of mimicry—‘“ probably has never com- 
menced with forms widely dissimilar in colour. But with two species 
moderately like each other, the closest resemblance, if beneficial to either 
form, could readily be thus gained; and if the imitated form was 
subsequently and gradually modified through sexual selection or any 
other means, the imitating form would be led along by the same track, 
and thus be modified to almost any extent, so that it might ultimately 
assume an appearance or colouring wholly unlike that of the other 
members of the group to which it belonged.” And Mr. Wallace has 
further argued with much reason (Z'ropical Nature, &c., 1878, p. 190), 
that there is no ground for supposing that, when the first steps towards 
mimicry occurred, the Danainw were what they are now; on the con- 
trary, the considerable proportion still among them of species of what 
may be termed ordinary butterfly colouring seems to indicate that, at 
the period when they began to acquire those distasteful secretions 
which protect them, their appearance and flight may not have been 
nearly so peculiar as at present, but may have much more resembled 
those of the unprotected families. At the same time, as they became 
more unpalatable to enemies, it cannot be doubted that any peculiarity 
about them would be preserved and emphasised by those enemies 
avoiding the most distinguishable of them, and it is probably thus that 


their bodies and wings began to be elongated and their flight charac- 
teristically weakened. “It would be at this stage,” writes Mr. Wallace, 
“that some of the weaker-flying Pieride, which happened to resemble 
some of the Danaidz around them in their yellow and dusky tints and 
in the general outline of their wings, would be sometimes mistaken for 
them by the common enemy, and would thus gain an advantage in the 
struggle for existence. Admitting this one step to be made, and all 
the rest must inevitably follow from simple variation and survival of 
the fittest.” 


As has been remarked above, the Extra-Tropical South-African 
Sub-Region possesses representatives of all the African or Ethiopian 
Families and Sub-Families except the Nemeobiinw, a Sub-Family of 
Lrycinide ; but the representation of this Sub-Family in the Region 
is exceedingly poor, only four species of one genus (Abisara) being 
recorded. ‘The Butterflies known to occur in the Sub-Region and those 
peculiar to it are numerically as follows, viz. :— 

Inhabiting Peculiar to 

South Africa. South Africa. 
Families. ; : 5 . : . None 
Sub-Families : 7 : . None 
Genera : ; > 69 ; : ; 6 
Species . ; - 380 : : 165 

Though the proportion of peculiar genera is thus little more than 
one-twelfth of the entire number represented, it should be noted that 
no fewer than twenty-one other genera—making twenty-seven in all, 
or rather over two-fifths—are confined to the African Region. Simi- 
larly, while but slightly above half the species appear to be endemic, 
yet only thirteen,’ or about one-twenty-ninth, are known to extend 
beyond the Region. . 

The genera which are not known to extend into Tropical Africa are the 
following, viz., two in the Family Vymphalide (Sub-Family Satyrine),— 
Meneris (one species) and Cenyra (one species); and four in the Family 
Lycenide,—Capys (one species), Arrugia (three species), D’ Urbana 
(three species), and Deloneura (one species). 

There are seventeen Tropical-African genera besides Abisara, of 
which no South-African representatives are known, viz., (Satyrine) 
Bieyclus, Heteropsis ; (Nymphaline) Tera, Elymnias, Discophora, Dole- 
schallia, Ergolis, Enotrea, Cyrestis, Aterica, and Philognoma ;* (Lyccn- 
ide) Phytala, Epitola, Miletus, and Hewitsonia ; and (Hesperide) Cera- 
trichia and Carystus. The rich Tropical genera Huryphene, Hupheedra, 

1 These are Danais Chrysippus, Atella Phalantha, Pyrameis Cardui, Hypanis Ilithyia, 
Diadema Misippus, Melanitis Leda, Ypthima Asterope, Lycena Betica, L. Lysimon, L. 
Trochilus, Terias Hecabe, Pieris Mesentina, and Teracolus Eris. 

* Varanes, Cram., seems properly referable to Charazes, 


and Harma (all Nymphaline) are each represented by a single species 

The following table exhibits, as far as known to me, the total 
representation of the Rhopalocera in Extra-Tropical Southern Africa, 
and the proportion borne to it by the genera and species which appear 
to be peculiar to the Sub-Region :— 


Families and Sub-Families. Total Representation in | Genera and Species peculiar 

South Africa. to South Africa. 
Genera. Species. Genera. Species. 
Danaine : ‘ 2 4 ee 
Satyrine  . : , : 9 29 2 21 
Acreine . , : ‘ 4 24 — 6 
Nymphaline 5 ; : 20 61 — 20 
—— 35 —— 118 | —— 2 -—— 47 
Lrbytheine. : : ; I I 
— I —— I -—... —... 
LYCHENIDE  . . : : 15 116 4 75 
Pierine : : j 8 69 wee 28 
Papilionine : : ; I 15 Se 7 
OA ee —— 65 
HESPERIDZ . ; : é 9 61 a 38 
69 380 6 195 

Omitting the solitary representative of the Hrycinide, it will be 
seen that the several Families almost follow their scientific order as 
regards their respective numbers of genera and species, the Nymphalide 
leading with 35 genera and 118 species; Lycwnide following with 
much fewer (15) genera, but with an almost equal number (116) of 
species; and the Papilionide and Hesperide succeeding, with the same 
number of genera (9), but with 84 and 61 species respectively. 

The genera most richly represented are two of the Family Lyceenide, 
viz., Lycena (46 species) and Zeritis (28 species), and one of the 
Family Papilionide, viz., Teracolus (37 species). The next most 
numerous genus is the Nymphalide one of Acrwa, which has 20 South- 
African species. 

As regards endemic forms, the genera richest in them—apart from 
the six genera above mentioned as themselves peculiar to South Africa 
—are exactly those which have just been indicated as the most fully 
represented in the country, viz., Lycena with 29, Zeritis with 23, and 
Teracolus with 22 species, which have hitherto not been recorded as 
occurring out of the Sub-Region. As regards genera, the Lycwnide 
exhibit, both absolutely and relatively, the greater peculiarity, more than 


one-fourth (4 out of 15) being peculiar, while the Satyrinw have less 
than one-fourth (2 out of 9); but in species the latter show a much 
larger proportion of peculiar forms, nearly three-fourths (21 out of 29) 
being known only from the Sub-Region, while among the Lycenide 
rather less than two-thirds (75 out of 116) are peculiar. 

There can be no doubt that, with the exception of the eastern 
coast-belt, from about the Kei River to Delagoa Bay and Inhambane, 
Southern Africa is very scantily supplied with butterflies. Here and 
there some more productive spots, such as a river-bank, a flowery 
hummock or “ kopje,” or a patch of dense scrub in a ravine, will 
occur; but taking the great area generally, notwithstanding its 
temperate climate and its wealth in many parts of flowering plants, 
butterflies are certainly rare, both in species and in individuals. The 
country is, indeed, too bare and dry, and too little wooded, to afford 
the conditions of food and shelter most favourable to butterfly life ; 
and it is only near the coast of Kafirland, Natal, Zululand, and farther 
northward, where the warm Indian Ocean current appears to produce 
conditions quite tropical in character, that there is anything striking 
either in the aspect or abundance of the Rhopalocera. So accustomed 
are we to associate butterflies with flowers, that I well remember how 
much the dearth of those insects surprised and disappointed me when 
first I contrasted it with the unrivalled variety and beauty of the flora 
of the Cape district." A residence of nearly twenty-five years (with 
the exception of five intervals of from four to thirteen months on leave 
of absence) at Cape Town, during which a great part of my leisure has 
been devoted to the subject, enables me to state with some certainty 
that the species inhabiting the neighbourhood, including the entire 
peninsula and a radius of twelve miles at least to the northward and 
eastward, do not number more than: forty-seven. This remarkable 
poverty of butterflies is rendered the more striking from the circum- 
stance that twenty-nine of the species are small Lycwnide (22) and 
Hesperide (7), and that the bulk of the remainder consists of sombre 
Satyrine (10) of medium size. The Acrwinw are represented by 
Acrea Horta only, and the Nymphaline by none but the ubiquitous 
Pyrameis Cardui; and the only other species at all conspicuous from 
elther size or colouring are Danais Chrysippus (not common), Meneris 
Tulbaghia, Capys Alpheus (very local), Pieris Hellica (the solitary 
representative of its genus), Colias Hlectra, and Papilio Demoleus. 
Six stragglers occasionally make their appearance in the summer 
and autumn months, viz., Junonia Cebrene, Diadema Misippus, Pieris 
Mesentina, Hronia capensis, Callidryas Florella, and a species of Tera- 
colus; but all are found only rarely and singly, and of the last named 

1 T believe that when the Cape flora comes under investigation as regards fertilisation 
by insect agency, it will be found that a great proportion of its large and brilliant blossoms 
are adapted for the visits of Diptera, and a good part of the remainder for those of Hymen- 

optera. ‘The great number of densely hairy flower-frequenting Coleoptera in South Africa 
must also play a large part in plant fertilisation. 


I have seen but one example on one occasion. ‘The long isolation of 
the present Cape peninsula from the mainland by a wide arm of the 
sea between the existing False and Table Bays, where the sandy 
“Flats” now extend, is the probable explanation of much of this 
poverty of butterfly life; but the violent winds that sweep the whole 
tract render it a highly unfavourable station; and it must also be 
remembered that, as far as is known, the. entire western and north- 
western districts of the Colony are but little more productive in the 
Rhopalocera. The “karoo” tracts universally, but especially the more 
northern and elevated ones beyond the second mountain range travers- 
ing the Cape Colony from west to east, are apparently exceedingly poor 
in butterflies, though possessing some peculiar forms of Satyrinw and 

It is only when we progress eastward along the belt between the 
first mountain range and the sea-coast, that the Rhopalocerous fauna 
finds conditions more and more favourable for its development. Thus, 
at Knysna, where extensive forests of large trees clothe a large area, I 
collected, during nine months’ residence, sixty-two species; and I have 
no doubt that a more prolonged investigation of the district generally 
would yield several others. Considerably farther eastward, the Albany 
district (especially the neighbourhood of Grahamstown, where Mrs. 
Barber and other good collectors have resided) has produced eighty- 
three species; and, from the little that has been done at Port Alfred, 
at the mouth of the Kowie River, I anticipate that this number will 
be considerably increased when that part is attended to by a resident 
collector. British Kaffraria (chiefly the vicinity of King William’s 
Town) yielded ninety-four species to the researches of Mr. W. 8. M. 
D’Urban many years ago, and the rich district of Hast London, when 
properly worked, will undoubtedly add largely to the local list. Across 
the Kei River, in the wooded valley of the Bashee, Colonel Bowker 
collected 117 species, and added several others from the Tsomo (the 
principal tributary of the Kei) and other parts of the territory. From 
the Bashee River northward, little is on record respecting the native 
butterflies until reaching D’Urban, on the coast of Natal, where the 
augmentation of their ranks is most remarkable. At this spot, the 
Rhopalocera become a constant and beautiful feature of the scenery, 
and, from their size, abundance, and beauty, cannot be overlooked by 
the most casual observer. I was so much struck with their prevalence, 
that, on several days during the summer of 1867, I made a careful 
register of all the kinds met with. The most productive day was the 
4th February, when, in a radius of certainly not more than three miles 
from the town, I captured or determined with certainty no less than 
jifty-four species,’ and believe that several examples which I noticed 

1 One more species than the vicinity of Cape Town has yielded to careful research by 
many collectors, and by myself for twenty-five years, even including the six occasional 

stragglers named in the text. Such a “bag” in a single day’s collecting compares well 
even with Mr. Wallace’s experience (mentioned above) of the rich Malayan Islands. 


without being able to reach or identify them belonged to species not 
included in that number. On the coast of Natal, as far as the Tugela, 
I took in a period of ten weeks 134 species; and 206 are now known 
to me as certainly inhabiting the tract. 

At Delagoa Bay—the richness of whose butterfly fauna has only 
of recent years been made known by the late Mr. J. J. Monteiro and 
by Mrs. Monteiro—not only do the characteristic forms of the Natal 
coast prevail, but there are numerous very fine additions, for the most 
part belonging to the Tropical Hast-African series. Such are the glassy 
Acrea Rabbaie, the conspicuous green and yellow Huphedra Neophron, 
the remarkable Godartia Wakefield, Charaxes Castor, Papilio Colonna, 
&c., which do not appear to occur in Natal; while the lovely Crenis 
fiosa seems only to have been met with elsewhere at the Victoria 
Nyanza, and Pseudacrea Delagow, Charaxes Pheus, Deudorix Dariaves, 
Pamphila producta, &c., are peculiar to the district. Swaziland and 
the Lydenburg district of the Transvaal have been respectively the 
scene of considerable collections by the late Mr. E. C. Buxton and by 
Mr. T. Ayres; they are evidently rich in butterflies, but have not 
hitherto yielded the striking forms just mentioned as characteristic of 
the not far distant Delagoa Bay. 

As regards the high-lying interior country, there can be little 
doubt that it is very poor. In Basutoland, Colonel Bowker’s assiduous 
researches for more than two years produced only sixty-two kinds. I 
have no record of the Orange Free State butterflies, but Dr. H. Exton, 
a good observer, informs me that they are few and inconspicuous, and 
the ten or twelve species I have seen are the same as some of those 
inhabiting Basutoland. Griqualand West seems almost equally poor, 
except along the course of the Vaal River, where Colonel Bowker and 
Mrs. Barber found a good many rather striking forms. The elevated 
Transvaal tracts must be richer, judging from Mr. T. Ayres’ collection, 
received in 1879, which contained seventy-nine species from the south- 

western district of Potchefstroom. The few Bechuanaland butterflies ° 

that I have examined were taken at Motito, many years ago, by the 
late Rev. J. Frédoux; they were identical with species occurring in 
Griqualand West. The great adjacent territory, styled the Kalahari 
“ Desert,” has not to my knowledge had any of its Rhopalocera brought 
to scientific notice; and the conterminous wide tracts between it and 
the Atlantic, collectively named Great Namaqualand, are all but equally 
unknown; Mr. W. C. Palgrave being the only traveller of my acquaint- 
ance who noticed the butterflies among other insects there, and brought 
me six or seven kinds, reporting that in the barren country he 
traversed they were very scarce. 


Famity I.—NYMPHALID/As. 
Nymphalide, Swainson, “Phil. Mag., Ser. II. vol. i. p. 18753 March, 

moe fee 

Suspensi (excl. Libythides), Boisd., Sp. Gen. Lep., i, pp. 162 and 164 

Nymphalide and Satyride, Swains., Hist. and Nat. Arrangem. Ins., pp. go 
and 93 (1840). 

Helicontide and Nymphalide, Westw., Intr. Mod. Class. Ins., ii. pp. 347 

Danaide, Ageronide, Heliconide, Acreide, Nymphalide, Morphide, 
Brassolide, Satyride, and Eurytelide, Doubl. and Westw., Gen. 
Diurn. Lep (1846-52). 

Nymphalide, Bates, Journ. Ent., 1861, p. 220; 1864, p. 176. 

ImaGo.—First pair of legs in both sexes much smaller and more 
slender than the others, and too short to be used in walking or 
clinging: in the male usually much more reduced than in the female, 
and with the tarsus devoid of terminal claws, not jointed, or even 
(rarely) wanting altogether ; in the female with the tarsus five-jointed 
(the fifth joint sometimes scarcely perceptible), but without terminal 

Larva.—Cylindrical: often set with spines generally; or some- 
what rugose, with spines on the head; or tomentose, with the tail 
bifid; or smooth, with a few pairs of flexible tentacles. 

Pupa.—Suspended vertically by the tail only. 

Throughout this great Family, which embraces six Sub-Families, 
223 genera, and more than 4000 known species, amid very great 
diversity of structure generally, one distinctive character only, viz., 
the greater or less atrophy of the fore-legs in both sexes, prevails 
without exception. Functionally impotent in every member of the 
group, these limbs are most reduced in the Sub-Families Danaine 
and Satyrinw, the extreme in the former being reached in the South- 
American genus Sais—the male of which, as Doubleday records,’ 
has the fore-legs only about one-sixteenth of the length of the middle 
and hind-legs—and in the latter in the South-American genus 
LIymanopoda and the Old-World genus Ypthima.* In two of the 
cases referred to, besides the very small size of the fore-legs, both 
tibia and tarsus are aborted, being represented by a small knob, 
and in Ypthima even the femur is merged in the small appendage 
which alone represents the limb beyond the coxa, The same legs in 
the female are in these genera far more complete, but still very small, 
and in many of the Satyrinw they are but little more developed than 
in the male. 

As indicated in the tabular view of the Sub-Order Rhopalocera 

1 Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 132. 
2 A species of this genus, Y. Asterope, Klug, is a widely distributed native of South 


given above, a characteristic point in the neuration of the wings in 
this Family is the presence or absence of the lower disco-cellular nervule 
in the hind-wings, according to which the discoidal cell is closed or 
open. ‘This nervule is well developed throughout all the Sub-Families 
except the Vymphalinw, in which the majority of the genera has the 
cell quite open, though in many others the closing nervule is distinctly 
or feebly exhibited. | 

Three of the six Sub-Families, viz., the Danainew, Acreine, and 
Heliconine, are readily distinguished from the rest by their elongated 
body and wings. In the Heliconide Danaine of South America and 
in the Heliconine of the same region, which possess this elongation in 
its greatest development, the antenne are also, in general, very long. 
The Danaine present an apparently constant distinction in the internal 
nervure of the fore-wings, which is very slender and short, and, instead 
of having a free course to the inner margin, as in the Papilionine, 
ends by anastomosing with the immediately superior submedian ner- 
vure. The Acrwine differ from the Heliconine in their much narrower 
head, thicker palpi, shorter and more abruptly clavate antenne, shorter 
wings, and usually much longer discoidal cell of the hind-wings. All 
these three Sub-Families are also characterised by the small develop- 
ment of the thorax, which is much shorter and narrower than in the 
Nymphaline and Brassoline—in this respect resembling that of the 

The Brassolinw, which are confined to South America, are singular 
among the Nymphalide in possessing in the hind-wings a small pre- 
discoidal cell, formed (as in the Papilionine) by the junction of the 
lower branch of the precostal with the costal nervure. The principal 
differences between the Nymphalinw and Satyrinw are that the former 
have generally a more robust structure, especially as regards the size 
of the thorax and the thickness and rigidity of the wings; their palpi 
are more porrect, and clothed with scales more than with hairs; the 
fore-legs of the male are better developed ; and the discoidal cell of 
the hind-wings is usually open or but imperfectly closed. 

When we turn to the Zarve and Pupe of the several Sub-Families, 
we do not find that the differences among them are such as to make 
the divisions founded upon them correspond closely with the groups 
formed from the characters of the perfect insects, but there is never- 
theless very considerable agreement between the two arrangements. 
Thus the Danaine larvee differ from all the rest in having the skin 
smooth, with simply a few pairs of thread-like tentacles or two rows of 
small tubercles; while the pupz are very round, short, and smooth, 
with a blunt head. The Satyrinw larve are attenuated towards the 
hinder extremity, which is usually bifid or forked, and their skin is set 
with a stiff sparse clothing of extremely short hairs; their head is 

1 The same arrangement of the internal nervure recurs in some of the more robust genera 
of Pierine, such as Hebomoia, Eronia, Callidryas, &e. 


usually rounded, but sometimes more or less cleft superiorly, and 
occasionally furnished with a pair of spines or horns. ‘The pupe are 
more elongate than those of the Danaine, but still thick and rounded, 
only a few of them exhibiting any approach to angular prominences. 
In these characters, however, the earlier states of the Satyrine very 
much resemble not only those of the Srassoline, but also those of the 
large and important portion of the Nymphalinew represented by the 
genera Apatura, Charaxes, &c. ‘The rest of the Nymphaline agree 
with the Heliconine and Acreime in the larvee being thickly set with 
branched or bristled spines, but only a portion of the first-named group 
have the head armed with spines as well as the rest of the body. The 
pup are elongated in both Heliconinw and Acrwine ; they appear to 
be almost without angles in the former, and are only bluntly angulated 
in the latter; but those of the Nymphalinw with spinose larve are 
much thicker, more curved abdominally, and prominently angulated, 
with the head strongly bifid. 

The Family Nymphalide is better represented in South Africa 
than any other, thirty-five genera being recorded, comprising 118 
known species. The Sub-Family Mymphaline is by far the richest, 
including five more genera (20) and four more species (61) than 
those of the three other Sub-Families combined. The Satyrinew 
follow with nine genera and twenty-nine species, and after them the 
Acreine with four genera and twenty-four species, while the Danaine 
present only two genera and four species. With respect to the last, it 
should be remarked that their very small number does but reflect the 
poverty with which the Danaine are represented in Africa generally, 
only fourteen species belonging to three genera being known from the 
whole Hthiopian Region. This paucity of forms is the more singular 
because these African Danainew are unquestionably protected species, 
and no less than nine of the fourteen are known to be the direct objects 
of mimicry by butterflies of other groups. ven more striking, how- 
ever, 18 the scarcity of the Acrwinw to-the eastward of Africa, only 
three species being known from the entire Oriental Region, and only 
two from the Australian Region; but not one of these five species is, 
so far as I am aware, the object of mimicry, whereas numerous cases of 
this occur among the African, and some among the American Acrwinw. 

SuB-FaMiIty 1.—DANAIN/. 

Danaides and Heliconides (part), Boisd,, Sp. Gen. Lep., i. p. 165 (1836). 
Danaide and Heliconide (part), Doubl. and Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., 

1. pp. 84, 96 (1847). 
Danaine, Bates, Journ. Ent., 1861, p. 220; 1864, p. 176. 

Imaco,—Head of moderate size, or rather small; eyes oval, pro- 
minent, naked; palpi slender, short, divergent, rising but little above 


forehead, clothed with scales and beneath also with hairs—terminal joint 
very small and short; antennw rather thick, very gradually clavate, 
rather short, or of moderate length in the Old-World genera, but long 
or very long in the South-American genera. Thorax rather short and 
narrow. ore-wings elongate, and usually produced in apical portion: 
discoidal cell always elongate, closed; upper radial nervule united to, 
and often apparently continuous of, subcostal nervule—the Ist disco- 
cellular nervule being obsolete; lower radial in several New-World 
genera penetrating discoidal cell; subcostal nervure 5-branched—the 
Ist nervule branching off at some distance before the extremity of the 
discoidal cell, and sometimes anastomosing with the costal nervure; in- 
ternal nervure very slender and short, uniting with submedian nervure 
at a little distance from base. Hind-wings large, obovate, more elongate 
in the New-World genera; discoidal cell usually rather elongate, 
closed ; costal nervure short, sometimes joined to subcostal nervure for a 
little distance from base ; radial nervule usually appearing more associ- 
ated with the subcostal than with the median nervure, and in several 
New-World genera penetrating discoidal cell; internal nervure well 
developed and terminating at, or a little before, anal angle; inner 
margin convex near its origin, but not channelled completely so as to 
receive abdomen. Jliddle and hind legs rather long and thick; tibia 
spiny, with terminal spurs of moderate size. ore-legs very small and 
short ; the tarsi in the male reduced to one joint (or rarely two), in the 
female usually to four joints, and without any claws. 

Abdomen elongate, slender, but usually thickened towards extremity ; 
very long in the South-American genera. 

Larva.—Moderately stout, smooth, somewhat attenuated towards 
the head, with two or more pairs of long fleshy dorsal filaments, or 
with two rows of small tubercles. 

Pupa.—Short, stout, rounded, smooth; somewhat constricted at 
junction of thorax and abdomen. Often wholly golden, or with golden 
spots and lines. 

The Butterflies of this Sub-Family are well characterised by their 
long abdomen and fore-wings, very gradual clavation (in the genus 
Festia all but obsolete) of the antennz, very small palpi, and slender 
internal nervure anastomosing with the submedian nervure of the fore- 
wings. As mentioned above in the notes on the Family Nymphalide, 
the atrophy of the fore-legs attains an extreme degree in the males of 
some of the New-World genera, tibia and tarsus together being repre- 
sented by a single small thick joint; but it is also very well marked in 
those of the Old World; and it is to be noted that the same limbs in 
the female are often better developed and with more distinct tarsal arti- 
culations among those South-American genera whose males exhibit the 
extreme atrophy mentioned, than in the case of other (especially Old- 
World) genera, where the male fore-legs are not so greatly reduced. 
The males of many species of Danais and Huplea present conspicuous 


secondary sexual characters in the form of small vesicular sacs, or of 
smooth differently-scaled streaks or patches on the wings; and several 
of the latter genus have the inner margin of the fore-wings greatly 
expanded convexly, so as to cover a considerable space of the hind- 
wings, and the two opposed surfaces are smooth and glistening, and 
coated with scales of different form from those clothing the wings 
generally. I believe that the peculiar tufted organs protruded from 
the extremity of the abdomen by many species of these two genera, 
as well as of Amauris, Lycorea, and Itwna, are also peculiar to the 

The South-American (Heliconioid) forms of Danainw are more 
specialised, and depart farther in structure and appearance from the 
other groups of Nymphalide and of butterflies generally, than the Old- 
World forms. In such genera as Mechanitis and Melinwa, the elonga- 
tion of antenne, wings, and abdomen is extraordinary; and it is 
scarcely less in Methona, Athesis, and Jihomia, which are rendered of 
even more remarkable aspect by the great (in many Jthomiw almost 
entire) transparency of their wings. The neuration of their hind- 
wings exhibits many peculiarities, particularly that of the crowding 
together of the costal and subcostal nervures (with the branches of the 
latter) close to the costa; and in a good many cases the arrangement 
of the disco-cellular and radial nervules differs considerably in the sexes 
of the same species. 

The maximum of size in the Sub-Family is attained by the species 
of the very remarkable Oriental and Austro-Malayan genus Hestia— 
semi-transparent white or greyish butterflies, strongly veined and 
spotted with black—some of which expand over six inches across the 
fore-wings. Many of the Huplew from the same region are also of 
large size, and nearly all the species of Danais are butterflies of con- 
siderable stature. 

Conspicuous rather than brilliant colouring prevails throughout the 
eroup, the bands and spots being usually in strong contrast to the 
eround-colour; but many of the Huplww have a splendid purple-blue 
gloss over their dark-brown white-spotted wings. There are few, if 
any, instances of marked disparity in the colouring of the sexes. The 
head and thorax throughout the Old-World forms, and in many 
of those characteristic of the Neo-Tropical Region, are spotted with 
white. | 

Africa, as stated above, is singularly poor in Danainw, The great 
Hastern genus Huplwa only reaches the edge of the region in two 
species inhabiting the Mascarene Islands and Madagascar. One of 
these, H. Goudoti, Boisd., was recorded as having occurred in Zululand, 
a specimen ticketed with that locality having been presented to the 
British Museum by Dr. (afterwards Sir) Andrew Smith ; but no South- 
African example has since been met with, and it is almost certain that 
the habitat assigned to Dr. Smith’s specimen was a mistaken one. 

VOL. I. D 


The genus Danais, also numerously represented in the Oriental Region, 
has but two species known to inhabit the African continent, viz., the 
very widely-spread D. Chrysippus (Linn.) and a variety of D. Limniace 
(Cram.) The ten remaining Kthiopian Danaine belong to the endemic 
genus Amauris, very closely allied to Danais. 

South Africa possesses only four known species of the Sub-Family, 
viz. Danais Chrysippus, and three species of Amauris, two of which 

inhabit also South Tropical Africa, while the third, A. Eeheria (Stoll), 

has occurred north of the equator at Fernando Po. All these four 
species are the direct objects of the remarkable mimicry by butterflies 
of other groups which has been mentioned above, and the known cases 
of which in South Africa are tabulated at p. 37. 

The plants eaten by the Danaine larvee mainly belong to the 
Orders Asclepiadacew and Apocynacee ; but according to a note by Dr. 
Thwaites (Moore’s Lepid. of Ceylon, i. p. 2), some of them in Ceylon 
feed also on species of fig. 

Genus DANAIS. 

Danais, Latreille, Encyc. Meth., ix. p. 10 (1819), [Part]. 
Euplea, Fabricius, Syst. Glossat., in Iliger’s Mag., vi. p. 280 (1807), [Part]. 
Danais, E. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 89 (1847), [Part]. 

Imaco.—Antenne rather short, about half as long as the whole 
body, from 1 to % the length of the fore-wings, gradually but distinctly 
clubbed. Fore-wings prolonged in apical region ; apex rounded ; hind- 
margin slightly hollowed; inner margin rather prominent in basal 
half; first subcostal nervule given off a little before the end of dis- 
coidal cell, and ending freely on costa,—second at end of cell, 
immediately above junction of upper radial nervule——third midway 
between second and fourth,—fourth terminating at apex,—fifth a little 
below apex; disco-cellular nervules forming a rather acute angle at 
junction of lower radial nervule. Hind-wings rather elongate, but 
obtusely rounded; costa nearly straight; discoidal cell rather short, 
its extremity widened, obliquely closed by lower disco-cellular nervule, 
which forms an acute angle with third median nervule; on lower side 
of first median nervule, or between it and submedian nervure, the ¢ 
with a small pouch or sac, in some species free and very prominent 
on the under side. Jore-legs very small, about equal in size in the 
two sexes; tarsi in the ¢ one- or indistinctly two-jointed, in the 2 
indistinctly three- or four-jointed. Middle and hind legs with tarsi 
well spined; the terminal claws long, without pulvillus or paronychia. 
Abdomen considerably shorter than inner margin of hind-wings. 

Larva.—A. pair of long dorsal filaments on the third segment; a 
similar pair of shorter ones on the twelfth segment ; sometimes (as in 
D. Chrysippus) with a third pair of moderate length on the sixth segment. 


Pupa.—Thickest abdominal segment with a dorsal and lateral half 
ring, ridged and finely tuberculated. 

The first (Amauris, Hiibn.) and fourth (/deopsis, Horsf.) sections 
of this genus, established by EH. Doubleday (op. cit.), have been separated 
by later writers, Danais as restricted including the two sections of 
which D. Chrysippus (Linn.) and D. Limniace (Cram.) are represen- 
tatives. Besides the different form and slightly different position of 
the sac in the hind-wings of the ¢, the sections are distinguishable by 
a very different colouring, the Chrysippus group being chiefly ochre- 
red with white-spotted black margins, while the Limniace group has 
the wings blackish or brown with greenish or whitish stripes and spots 
between the nervures. 

It is curious that of this genus, containing about forty species and 
the most widely distributed of the Sub-Family, only two species should 
be found in the whole of the African continent. D. Chrysippus ranges 
all over Africa, and is a common species all through the Southern 
Extra-Tropical Sub-Region; but the other, a variety of D. Limmniace 
which was named Petwwerana by Doubleday (and subsequently Leonora 
by Mr. A. G. Butler), representing so decidedly Oriental and Australian 
a form, has hitherto only been brought from the Gold Coast and Angola 
on the west, and from Mombas and the Upper Nile on the east. It 
is very probable that other races of this section of Danais will be found 
to inhabit Eastern and Central Africa, and possibly a representative 
may extend as far as the Delagoa Bay district. 

The dominant American species, D. Hrippus (Cram.), which is 
apparently abundant from Canada to Uruguay, is at the present time 
ranging widely afield, having of late years appeared in New Zealand, 
and even been captured in England. JD. Chrysippus (as will be seen 
below) has also an immensely wide, though different, distribution, 
extending north and south from Southern Italy to Cape Town, and 
west and east from Sierra Leone to Timor. 

1. (1.) Danais Chrysippus (Linnezus). 

Papilio Chrystppus, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 263, n. 82 (1764) ; 
Syst. Nat., ed. xii, tom. 1, pars 2, p. 767, n. 119 (1767). 

Papilio ioe. Cram. aaeap. Exot. pole eexey Ullal By ON) (177.0); 

¢ and 92, Limnas ferrug. Chr ysippus, Haba, Samml. Exot. Schmett. bd. 
Mh (1806) ; EKuplea Chrystppe, Hibn., "Vez. Bek. Schmett., p. 15, 
ny Ot (1816). 

Danais Chrysippe, Godt., Encyc. Meth., ix. p. 187, n. 38 (18109). 

3, 2, and Vars., Danats Chrysippus, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 88, 
i. 56 (1862), and i. p. 333 (1866). 

2, Danais Chrysippus, Trim., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., vol. xxvi. pl. 42, 
f. 5 (1869). 

Var, A. Papilio Aleippus, Cram., op. cit., pl. cxxvii. ff. 5, r. [3]. 

Var. B. Euplea Dorippus, Klug, Symb. Phys., dec. v. t. 48, ff. 1-5 (1845). 

3, Danais Dorippus, Oberthiir, Etudes d’Ent., iii, pl. 1, f. 5 



(Javanese).—Horsf. and Moore, Cat. Lep. EH. I. C. Mus., vol. i. pl. 4, ff 

7, 74 (1857). 

(South-African).—Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., pt. i. pp. 89, 90 (1862), and pt. 
U. pl a di, 3; 3a (1300). 

(Cingalese).—Moore, Lep. Ceyl., p. 7, pl. 3, f. 1b (1880). 

Exp. al., 2 mm. 8 lin.—3 in. 7 lin. 

Dull red-ochre, with whate-spotted black margins. Fove-wing : costa 
with a narrow black edging as far as extremity of discoidal cell, where 
the black suddenly widens, covering apical portion of wing, and 
narrowing again to anal angle,—the inner edge of the black is 
irregularly excavate; on costa, before middle, almost invariably an 
elongate, small, white mark; followed, a little farther on, by a similar, 
rather larger mark, immediately above extremity of discoidal cell, 
where there is generally a small, rounded white spot; beyond these, an 
oblique row of six more or less closely-connected, somewhat quadrate, 
white spots, extends from costa to bend of hind-margin, meeting a 
hind-marginal row of from four to six small white spots, situate close 
to hind-margin’s edge, about its middle; two white spots at apex, the 
outer one close to commencement of hind-margin ; above these two 

spots, and a little before them, are sometimes two minute white dots; | 
almost always a rounded white spot between third and second median © 

nervules, close to the junction of red and black; and between the same 
nervules, immediately beneath the sixth spot of the oblique row, a 
similar, rather smaller spot; cw/za conspicuously black and white 

chequered. Hind-wing: rather paler than fore-wing ; three ill-defined | 
black spots on upper side of discoidal cell,—the largest spot occupying | 
extremity of cell; on costa, beyond middle, a narrow blackish mark, | 
relieved with white on either side, connected by a black line with a | 

moderately broad, inwardly much excavate, black hind-marginal bor- 

der, sometimes containing a few white dots near anal angle, more | 
rarely a few near apex, sometimes wholly spotless ; ¢ badge black; cilia | 

as in fore-wing. UNDER sIDE.—White markings generally like those | 

on upper side; apex of fore-wing (beyond oblique white band) and | 
whole of hind-wvng, soft, creamy, ochre-yellow. Fore-wing: red darker | 
than on upper side near costa, paler near inner margin; black colour- | 
ing within the oblique white band as on upper side; a hind-marginal — 
narrow black band from apex, containing a conspicuous outer row of | 
white spots throughout, and an inner row of smaller spots only bor- | 
dering the apical yellow. Mind-wing: base black, containing three — 
white spots; nervures and black markings all relieved by a white or 

whitish edging; costal spot broader than on upper side, with a con- 

spicuous, white, black-tipped spot on each side of it ; before it, on costa, | 

a narrower, less conspicuous, but similar, black and white marking; © 
hind-marginal band marked throughout with large and conspicuous | 
white spots, arranged in pairs between nervules; spots bordering © 


discoidal cell larger and blacker than on upper side; ¢ badge con- 
spicuous, being centred with white. Cilia of both wings as on upper side. 

Var. A. (Alcippus, Cram.) ¢ and 9. 

Disc of hind-wing more or less widely suffused with white, particu- 
larly on upper side. 

Var. B. (Dorippus, Klug), $ and 2. 

Black and white of apical portion of fore-wing wanting, replaced by 
the red-ochre ground-colour ; hind-marginal black of both wings blurred, 
and its white spots obsolete on upper side. General colour duller and 
paler than in type-form. Disc of hind-wing often suffused with white, 
as in Alcippus. 

Aberration.—, Exp. al., 2 in. 10 lin. 

In fore-wing, the costal spots, the sub-apical bar as far as third 
median nervule, and (less completely) the small separate spot at junc- 
tion of ground-colour and apical black, wnited into one broad, rather 
suffused, white marking, which extends a little into discoidal cell and 
narrowly along costa to before middle, leaving a thin black streak 
closing the cell. 

Hab.—King William’s Town (M. HE. Barber, August 1870). In 
the collection of R. Trimen. 

Larva.—Pale bluish-grey ; on the back transversely barred with 
bright pale-yellow and streaked with black. Yellow bar on front of 
each segment from 3rd to 12th (both inclusive), edged with black both 
anteriorly and posteriorly, and usually divided mesially by a short 
black streak uniting the black edges; three thin black streaks across 
each of these segments in its middle and posterior portion, and three 
similar streaks also on 2nd and last segments; front of head with 
a black horseshoe-shaped streak; spiracular stripe bright-yellow, rather 
suffused; legs bluish-grey barred with black. Three pairs of moder- 
ately long, black, flexible filaments, springing from the back of the 3rd, 
6th, and 12th segments respectively, in each case from near the ex- 
tremities of the transverse yellow bar; all these filaments are crimson 
just at the base, and the front pair longer than the others. Length, 
iin. 6—9 lin. 

Food- plants: Gomphocarpus fruticosus and other Asclepiads. 
“Near Grahamstown on Gomph. fruticosus, EH. Meyer; in Trans-Kei on 
Ceropegia Barberw, Harvey” (M. E. Barber). “ Near King William’s 
Town on Stapelia sp.” (J. H. Bowker). 

Pupa.—Semi-transparent ; either green or pinkish, and sometimes 
of a tint including both hues. A raised golden spot on each eye, at 
the base of the wings, and about the middle of the costal edge of the 
wings ; also two similar spots on each side of back of thorax. On fourth 
Segment of abdomen, dorsally and laterally, a thin blackish tuberculated 
ridge, edged posteriorly by a continuous row of golden dots. Attached 
to twigs of the larva’s food-plant. Usual period of development into 
imago, fourteen to twenty days. 


This well-known butterfly is an abundant species in nearly all parts of 
South Africa, but seems much less common near Cape Town than elsewhere. 
Its size and boldly-contrasted colours, in conjunction with its rather slow flight » 
and habit of frequenting open ground and gardens, render it a very conspicuous 
object. Though so indifferent to concealment, I have often noticed that, when 
conscious of being pursued, it very considerably increases its speed, and exhibits 
very respectable powers of flight. Apart from the unpalatable nature which. 
renders it distasteful to insect-eaters, there can be no doubt that the wide pre- 
valence of Chrysippus is largely due to the circumstance that its larva affects 
chiefly, if not solely, asclepiad plants, which very few, if any, herbivorous 
mammals will feed upon. 

I have met with the butterfly on the wing from November to May; Mr. 
W.S. M. D’Urban noticed it in British Kaffraria from December to July. 

The larva is very conspicuous, and lives fully exposed on its food-plants. In 
walking, the first pair of filaments is kept in continual slow motion backward and 
forward, each filament moving alternately ; but the other pairs are motionless. 

I have not found the variable colouring of the pupa to accord with its im- 
mediate environment, though I have allowed the larve in confinement free 
choice of various convenient surfaces for pupation, with the view of ascertaining 
whether there was any relation between the green or reddish tint and the 
colouring of adjacent objects. It seems not improbable that this brilliant pupa 
stands in no need of special protection, but, like the imago (and apparently the 
larva also), is avoided by insectivorous animals. 

The African specimens of Chrysippus differ from the Asiatic in their deeper 
red ground-colour, narrower subapical white bar in the fore-wings, and (usually) 
smaller and fewer white dots in the hind-marginal black borders. 

The Variety Aleippus, Cr., with white suffused hind-wings but ordinary 
fore-wings, prevails very largely on the Western Coast of North-Tropical Africa, 
while on the Eastern Coast, and in Abyssinia, Nubia, &c., the Variety Doruppus 
appears to be as common as the type-form. 

In South Africa the former is not uncommon, but the white on the hind- 
wings is less developed as a rule. Dortppus, on the contrary, is seldom met 
with, and the only example I possess was taken by the late Mr. M‘Ken at 
D’Urban, Natal. It is a @, considerably larger than Klug’s figure (op. cit.), 
with very little sign of the hind-wing’s white suffusion, and much less fuscous 
clouding on costa of fore-wing, but with a good deal of the dusky tint over the 
basal half of both wings shown in Klug’s Var. ¢ (fig. 5). || 

Mr. A. G. Butler (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, pp. 480, 481) has published 
Major Yerbury’s notes on D. Chrysippus at Aden, from which it appears that 
both the above-named varieties occur there commonly in company with the 
typical form, and that the latter and the variety Dorippus were very frequently 
taken 7m codtu. 

This Danais is very accurately mimicked by the 4 Diadema Misippus 
(Linn.), even its varieties Aleippus and Dorippus being copied by corresponding 
varieties of the @ Diadema. Less exact but very obvious mimickers are the 
form of the @ Papilio Cenea (Stoll), named Zrophonius by Westwood, and 
the @ Argynnis Niphe (Linn.) The latter butterfly, so common in India and 
China, is recorded by M. Ch. Oberthiir among the species taken in Abyssinia 
by the Marchese Antinori in 1877. 

The very extensive range of D. Chrysippus is as follows, viz. :— 

I, South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a, Western Districts. —Cape Town. Caledon (Genadendal: G. 
Hettarsch). Worcester. Robertson. Victoria West (Kenhart: 
F. Chittenden). Oudtshoorn (Adams). Knysna and Pletten- 
berg Bay. Ookiep, Namaqualand District (Z. Péringuey). 

DANAIN/. 55 

b. Eastern Districts—Murraysburg (J. J. Muskett). Colesberg (A. 
F. Ortlepp). Uitenhage (S. D. Bairstow). Grahamstown. Kowie 
River Mouth (J. fry). King William’s Town. 
d. Basutoland. —Maseru (J. H. Bowker). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth (J. H. Bowker). Bashee River 
(J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Tongaati River. 
b. Upper Districts. —Pietermaritzburg. Greytown. Estcourt (J. J. 
F, Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (H. Tower). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). Marico and Upper Limpopo 
Rivers (£. C. Selous). 
L. South Bechuanaland.—Motito (J. Prédoux). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast. — Damaraland (Otjimbingue: H. Hutchinson) ; 
‘‘ Swakop River (Wahlberg) ”: Wallengren). Angola (‘S. Paolo 
de Loanda (2. Meldola)” : A. G. Butler). Congo (“* Kinsembo 
(HT, Ansell)”: A.G. Butler). “Chinchoxo (Falkenstein)” : Dewitz. 

aa. St. Helena. 

a1. Interior—Khama’s Country, near Bamangwato (i. Barber). 
“ Gubuleweyo and Umvungu (Oates).”—Westwood. 

b. Hastern Coast.—Zambesi River (fev. H. Rowley). Mozambique 
(“ Querimba” : Hopffer). “ Zanzibar (Rafray).”—Oberthiir. 

b1. Interior.—* Victoria Nyanza (ev. J. Hannington.)”’—A. G. Butler. 
“ Kilima-njaro (H. H. Johnston.)”—F. D, Godman [Dorippus]. 

bb. Comoro Islands: “Johanna (C. W. Bewsher).”—A. G. Butler. 
Madagascar (Layard). ‘‘ Bourbon”: Boisduval. Mauritius. 
“ Rodriguez (Gulliver)”: A.G. Butler. Socotra (J. B. Balfour). 

B. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Fernando Po (Bourke). Gold Coast (Swanzy). 
Sierra Leone (Cutter). 

b. Eastern Coast.—Somaliland (Cape Guardafui: Heuglin). Abys- 
sinia (“Shoa (Antinort))”: Oberthiir; “ Atbara”: A. G. 
Butler). Red Sea (‘ Akeek Island and Harkeko (J. K. Lord)).”— 
F. Walker. Nubia (‘ New Dongola and Ambukohl”: Klug). 

C. Extra-Tropical North Africa, 
a. Western Coast.—Canary Islands (Teneriffe : Coll. Brit. Mus.) 
b. Eastern Coast.—LEgypt (“ Cairo (J. K. Lord)).”—F, Walker. 

III. Europe. 
A. Southern Coast.—Italy (“‘ Naples.”—Gagliardi). Greece (“‘ Athens.” 
—Doubleday). “ Turkey.”—A. G. Butler. 

IV. Asia. 

A. Southern Region.—Asia Minor. Syria. Arabia (“Wady Nash 
(J. K. Lord)).”—F. Walker. “ Aden (J. W. Yerbury.)”—A. 
G. Butler. Persia. India (“ N.W, Provinces”: De la Chau- 
mette ; Scinde :—“ Kurrachee”: C. Swinhoe. Madras: E. Ind. 
Mus.) ; Darjeeling: E. Ind. Mus.) Ceylon (Layard). Penang: 
Brit. Mus. Coll. China (Hongkong: Brit. Mus.) 

B, Malayan Archipelago.—Java: Brit. Mus. “ Philippine Islands.”— 
A. G. Butler. 

V. Australia. 
A. Austro-Malayan Archipelago. Ceram: Brit. Mus. “ Timor”: Godart. 



Amauris, Hiibner, Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 14 (1816). 

Danais, E. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 89 (1847), [Part]. 

Amauris, Reakirt, “ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1866, p. 240.” 
. Butler, Lep. Exot., p. 54 (1870). 

ImMaGo.—Characters of Danats, except the following, viz., Antenne 
rather longer, with the club more abruptly formed, thicker, and curved ; 
palpi with the third joint longer, more porrect. Fore-wings with the 
disco-cellular nervules forming a much more obtuse angle (or even a 
continuous curve only) at junction of lower radial nervule. Hind-wings 
with discoidal cell longer, and wider near its extremity; sexual badge 
of the ¢ not a distinct sac, but a double, elongated, shining patch, near 
anal angle, divided by the submedian nervure. Abdomen rather longer, 
and more distinctly thickened posteriorly. 

Larva.—With five pairs of divergent subdorsal filaments, on the 
2nd, 4th, 6th, 11th, and 12th segments (4. Echeria). 

Pupa.—Gibbous, moderately angulated. 

The structural distinctions from Danais are so slight, that, without 
the additional characters presented by the larva and pupa, the peculiar 
facies of the group, and its absolute limitation to the Ethiopian Region, 
I should have hesitated to follow Reakirt and Butler in treating 
Amauris as a distinct genus. 

The ten or eleven species known are all black or brownish-black, 
with extremely conspicuous, semi-transparent, white (rarely ochrey- 
yellow) spots and patches. In A. Ochlea, Nossima, and dominicanus, 
the white patches are so much enlarged as to occupy half the area of 
the wings, but in A. Niavius they are much reduced, and in the others 
still smaller and more broken into spots. The hind-wing patch, so 
conspicuous and. largely developed in the majority of the species, 
becomes smaller in A. Damocles, very small in A. inferna, and altogether 
disappears in A. Vashti. Seven of the species (including the three 
South-African ones, A. Hcheria, A. Ochlea, and A. dominicanus) are very 
accurately mimicked by butterflies of quite different groups (Wympha- 
line and Papilionine), and it is probable that the remaining species 
will also be found to have their faithful imitators in the countries 
where they occur. 

Of the three species inhabiting Southern Africa, only A. Echeria, 
Stoll, is at all widely distributed, being found in wooded spots very 
generally, but not, as far as I know, occurring farther westward than 
the Knysna District of the Cape Colony. The very striking and con- 
spicuous A. dominicanus, mihi, and A. Ochlea, Boisd., have not hitherto 
been recorded south of D’Urban in Natal, All the species of Amauwris 
appear to be strictly sylvan in their haunts, but I have taken 4. 
Phedon, Fab., in Mauritius, on flowers in gardens at some little distance 
from the woods. 

DANAIN 2. 57 

In flight the members of this genus have a very deliberate, floating 
motion, and keep much about one spot. Unless they happen to be 
sporting about some elevated branches beyond the collector's reach, 
they are usually easy of capture. 

9. (1.) Amauris KEcheria (Stoll). 

Papilio Echeria, Stoll, Suppl. Cram. Pap. Exot., pl. 29, ff. 2, 2b (1791). 
Amauris Echeria, Hiibn., Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 14, n. 68 (1826). 
Danais Vaillantiana, Godt., Encyc. Meth., ix. p. 183, n. 25 (1819). 
Danais Echeria, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 86, n. 55 (1862), and 
Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xxvi. t. 42, f. 3 [ oJ, (1869). 
Var. A. Euplea Hcheria, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg. dans l Afr. Aust., 
p. 589, n. 48 (1847). . 
», Danais Echeria, Trim., op. cit., p. 87 (1862), and Trans. Linn. 
Soe, (oc, ci. b Az. 1, 7 9): 

Exp. al., 2 in. 9 lin—3 in. 2 lin, 

Deep velvety-black, with pale ochrey-yellow and white spots.  ore- 
wing: in discoidal cell, a little beyond its middle, a narrow, elongate, 
irregularly shaped, oblique, yellow spot; below cell, and in an oblique 
line with the last-named spot (but a little beyond it), between second 
and first median nervules, a conspicuous, oval, large spot,—the largest 
on the wing; at extremity of cell, but above sub-costal nervure, a small 
yellow spot; a little beyond, and in a line with it, close to costa, a 
yellow dot is the first of a row of four spots, obliquely crossing apical 
portion of wing to near hind-margin, of which the second and third 
are the largest, and somewhat quadrate in form, and the fourth is near 
hind-margin, immediately beneath third median nervule; two small 
white spots near apex, that nearest costa being often split into two by 
the third subcostal nervule; near hind-margin, a small yellow spot 
beneath second median nervule, and another similar spot below first 
median nervule; in some specimens, on hind-margin about middle, and 
more rarely near apex, a few minute yellow or white dots; fringe 
narrow, white dotted. Mind-wing: on costa, about middle, commences 
a yellow band, which at first extends to extremity of discoidal cell, 
whence it abruptly turns almost at right angles, and in a suddenly 
much broadened form, to inner margin, of which it occupies the greater 
portion,—it is divided into nine unequal portions by the nervures 
crossing it; near hind-margin a row of yellow spots parallel to it, 
varying from three to nine in number; d badge on submedian ner- 
vure well marked, but smaller than in A. Ochlea. UNDER SIDE.— 
Very similar in marking, but paler than upper side. Fore-wing: spots 
close to costa, and near hind-margin, white ; row of white dots along 
hind-margin clearly defined and numerous, arranged in pairs between 
nervules,—two pairs between first median nervule and submedian 
nervure; apical portion of wing tinted dark-brown.  Hind-wing: 
glossed with brown, particularly in hind-marginal portion; two con- 


spicuous white spots at base, close to thorax; inner and outer row of 
hind-marginal spots both white and conspicuous, arranged in pairs 
between nervules,—between third median nervule and submedian 
nervure there are three spots in the inner row, and four in the outer. 
Fringes of both wings white-dotted. 

Var. A. f and 2 (Albimaculata, Butl.)—All the spots in fore- 
wing pure white. Under side paler; the ground-colour of hind-wing 
and apical portion of fore-wing pale-brown. Hab. Natal, almost to 
exclusion of type-form. 

Wallengren (Lep. Lhop. Cafir., p. 20, in Kongl. Sv. Vetens.-Akad. 
Handl., ii. pt. iv., 1857) notes a “ Kaffrarian” specimen in Wahlberg's 
collection, belonging to this variety, in which the outer hind-marginal 
row of white spots on the under side was entirely wanting. 

Var. B. ¢.—Spots very small throughout, slightly tinged with 
yellow. ind-wing patch unusually small, pale-yellow. Hab. Fer- 
nando Po (Lieut. EH. Bourke, R.N.) 7 

The species most nearly allied to A. Echeria is A. Egialea (Cram.), a native 

of West Africa, known to inhabit Sierra Leone, Cape Palmas, and Ashanti. 
Echeria is readily distinguished by the whole of its markings being smaller 
and less transparent (especially the spot in the discoidal cell of fore-wing), and 
by the small and well-defined yellow band of the hind-wing, the corresponding 
marking in Lgialea beginning quite close to the base, and externally very 
gradually shading off into the brown ground-colour. 
«= A, Phedon (Fab.), inhabiting Mauritius, is also a close ally, but its mark- 
ings are, on the other hand, smaller than those of Echeria (with the exception 
of the hind-marginal spots, which are larger), and the yellow band of the hind- 
wing is totally different, being a rather straight and even bar across outer area 
of the wing. 

Larva.—Black, with narrow blue and orange longitudinal stripes. 
Median dorsal stripe, from 5th to 13th segment, very narrow, bright- 
blue; subdorsal lateral stripe interrupted, yellow-orange; spiracular 
stripe (superior) interrupted, pale-orange, (inferior) festooned on each 
seoment, yellow-orange. Spiracles faintly ringed with light-blue. 
Skin slightly rugose. Head smooth, black. ive pairs of rather 
short, divergent, subdorsal black filaments, springing respectively from 
the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 11th, and 12th segments. 

Food-plant not known: two specimens found in clearing bush. 

Pupa.—Thick, short, gibbous, moderately angulated. Shining 
silvery-golden; the angles and points defined with markings of red 
and black. 

Attached by the tail only ; imago disclosed on the sixteenth day. 

(The foregoing descriptions of larva and pupa are drawn up from 
Mr. W. D. Gooch’s notes and pencil drawings of specimens observed at 
Little Umhlanga, near D’Urban, Natal, in October 1873.) 

Like most of the Danaine, this butterfly is rather gregarious, and the 

males are far more frequently met with than the females on the wing. It is 
strictly confined to woods and copses, and gardens immediately adjacent to 



them. Its flight is remarkably graceful and leisurely, and on calm days higher 
than that of Danais Chrysippus, though not nearly so extensive in range. It 
is fond of floating across open spots in the woods, flapping its wings twice or 
thrice in its course, and then of settling on some projecting twig and remaining 
for some time motionless, usually with the wings closed and hanging down- 
wards. When in pursuit of a companion, or when itself pursued by the 
collector, Hcheria displays the power of much more rapid motion. I have 
noted its appearance throughout the warmer months, viz., from the beginning 
of October to about the middle of April. 

The typical form figured by Stoll is that which prevails in the Cape 
Colony and in that part of Kaffraria Proper which is near the eastern border of 
the Colony; but I took one specimen at Port Natal in the summer of 1867. 
The Variety A., with white spots in the fore-wings (first noticed by Boisduval), 
is, on the contrary, very scarce in the Colony—lI only met with one at Knysna— 
but becomes more frequent on the Bashee River in Kaffraria, and is the prevalent 
form at Natal. Colonel Bowker also met with this variety at Delagoa Bay 
in 1878.4 

The Variety B. above noted is in colouring much nearer to the type-form, 
- and is remarkable as the only West-African: (and indeed the only Tropical) 
example of Echeria that is known to me. J examined the fine collection made 
on the West Coast by Lieutenant Bourke of H.M.S. Druid in 1873, and he 
distinctly recollected the capture of this solitary specimen at Fernando Po. 
Without further material it is impossible to determine whether this specimen 
represents a characteristic West-African form or is a mere aberration. 

Amauris Echeria is of special interest in relation to the mimicry by other 
butterflies of which it is the object. It may be said more than even Danazs 
Chrysippus to set the fashion in South Africa. The most accurate imitator 
is the @ Papilio Cenea, Stoll, small examples of which it is almost impossible 
on the wing to distinguish from her model. Almost as gooda mimic is Diadema 
mima, Trim., both sexes very closely resembling the white-spotted variety of 
Echertia. The 2 Papilio Echerioides, Trim., is also an excellent copy ; while 
P. Brasidas, Feld.—an unstable species closely allied to P. Leonidas, Fab.— 
presents some variations which very fairly imitate the favourite pattern. Some 
examples of the Nymphaline Pseudacrea Tarquinia (Trim.), especially the 
females, also indicate a decided leaning towards the prevalent livery. 

Localities of A. Heheria. 

I, South Africa. 

B, Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Knysna. 
b, Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown (Highlands: J, £. Barber). 
D. Kaffraria Proper—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker’). 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Avoca (J. H, Bowker). 
b. Upper Districts.— Pietermaritzburg (diss Colenso). 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Hf. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay (J. J. Monteiro, and J. H. Bowker). 

II. Other African Regions, 

A. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Fernando Po (£. Bourke). 

1 It should be noted that intermediate specimens, viz., with only the spots near costa of 
fore-wings white, are occasionally captured. 


3. (2.) Amauris Ochlea (Boisduval). 

Euplea Ochlea, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg. dans Afr. Aust., p. 589, 

n. 47 (1847). 
Danais Ochlea, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 85, n. 54 (1862), and ii. 

pl. 2, £. 6 (1366): 

Hp. al., 2 in. 11 lin—3 in. 6 lin. 

d Black, with a large semi-transparent white patch in each wing, 
and smaller sumilar submarginal spots; cilia black varied with white. 
Fore-ning : originating before middle, a large oblique, elongate, irregular 
patch, divided into three portions by median nervure and first nervule, 
extends from subcostal nervure to submedian nervure considerably 
beyond middle; at extremity of discoidal cell (but above subcostal 
nervure) a small spot; a little beyond it a smaller spot; an oblique 
subapical bar of three confluent spots, extending from subcostal nervure 
to third median nervule; a submarginal row of four widely-separated 
spots, of which the first (near apex), third, and fourth are minute, but 
the second (near extremity of subapical bar) is of moderate size and 
rounded. Mind-wing: a very large sub-rhomboidal patch, divided into 
ten very unequal portions by crossing nervures, leaves a small triangular 
space at base, a very narrow costal edging, and a broad apical and 
hind-marginal border, widening greatly in anal-angular region, black; 
this patch extends to its farthest point between radial and third median 
nervule, and is narrowest (and rather suffused with greyish) on inner 
margin; a submarginal row of two or three minute white spots, the 
first close to apex and the last just below third median nervule; sexual 
badge large and conspicuous, the two smooth spaces occupying both 
sides of submedian nervure almost throughout its passage across the 
black portion of the wing. UNDER SIDE.—Chief white markings as on 
upper side; ground of hind-wing and apical portion of fore-wing glossy 
ochreous-brown.  Fore-wing: two minute white spots close to apex; a 
row of four or five white dots along middle part of hind-marginal edge. 
Hind-wing: submarginal row of spots increased by several white dots, 
of which the last is just above submedian nervure; an outer row of 
white dots arranged in inter-nervular pairs along the whole hind-may- 
ginal edge as far as submedian nervure; basal space and costal edging 
pitchy-black, the former with a small but conspicuous white spot. 

2 rather larger than 6, but with the same markings. Hind-wing: 
anal-angular inner-marginal region dull brownish-grey. — 

This Amauris is in colouring and pattern much like A. dominicanus, mihi, 
but at once distinguished by its inferior size and by the oblique median white 
bar (instead of white inner-marginal space) of its fore-wings. It is more nearly 
related to A. Nossima, Ward, a native of Madagascar, but the latter is also a 
much larger butterfly, and its white markings are proportionally so much more 
extensive as to occupy in both fore and hind wings the greater part of their 

area; the principal white patch of fore-wing occupying the discoidal cell almost 
to the base. Another ally is A. Hyalites, Butl, from Ambriz, leading in the 

direction of A. Hgialea (Cram.); this butterfly has the hind-wing patch very - 


like that of Ochlea, but may at once be recognised by its presenting in the 
middle of the fore-wing two widely separated spots instead of the broad un- 
broken bar. 

I did not meet with this species while in Natal. Mr. W. D. Gooch informs 
me that it appears in very unequal numbers in different years, but is sometimes 
numerous. He found it, like A. Echeria, a strictly sylvan butterfly. 

Colonel Bowker took nine examples at Delagoa Bay in September 1878, 
and described the species as abundant at Lorenco Marques, flying about with 
A. Echeria. At Quilimane he noticed it sporting in company with A. domint- 
canus. He subsequently (in 1879) forwarded several specimens captured on 
the coast of Natal. 

Like the other South-African Danaine, A. Ochlea is the object of mimicry 
by a Diadema, the imitator being D. deceptor, Trimen, an exceedingly rare 
species inhabiting the coast of Natal; but there is no known Papilio which 

copies it. 
Localities of A. Ochlea. 
I. South Africa. 

E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (M‘Ken and J. H. Bowker). 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (1. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay (J. J. Monteiro and J. H. Bowker). 
II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
b. Eastern Coast.—“ Quilimane.”—J. H. Bowker. “ Zanzibar.”— 

4, (3.) Amauris dominicanus, Trimen. 

Danais Niavius (Linn.), var., Trimen, Trans. Linn. Soc., xxvi. pp. 511, 
s2r, pl. 42, £. 6 (2), (1869). 

3 2 Amauris dominicanus, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 323. 

Exp. al., (3) 3 in. 11 lin,—g4 in.; (2) 3 in. 10-11 lin. 

Black, with semi-transparent white patches and spots. Fore-wing : 
inner-marginal white patch large, roughly semicircular, not extending 
to base or anal angle or into discoidal cell; subapical oblique white 
bar broad, its extremities not attaining quite to costal or hind-marginal 
edges; a very oblique elongate white spot in outer half of discoidal 
cell; another (longitudinally) close to costa, immediately before sub- 
apical bar; two small rounded spots close to apex; a submarginal row 
of 3—4 small spots just below subapical bar, succeeded by a hind- 
marginal row of smaller spots. Mind-wing: one large white patch 
occupies the greater part of the area, leaving only a narrow basal, a 
linear costal, and a broad hind-marginal (much widened at anal angle) 
border, diminishing gradually along inner margin to base. UNDER SIDE 
similar, but the white markings all larger and with suffused edges— 
notably the hind-wing patch, which covers the whole inner-marginal 
and anal-angular region, and leaves only a rather narrow brown border 
at apex and along upper part of hind-margin. ore-wing: apical 
region beyond bar brown. Hind-wing: two small white spots at base. 

In the ¢ the nervures are strongly clouded with black, as well as 


the inter-nervular rays, in the large white patch of both wings; in 
the ? this character is either wholly wanting or very faintly indicated. 

Closely allied to A. Niavius, Linn., but seems constantly to differ 
as follows, viz. (1) ws size is bone neraely larger, the West African 
form expanding only 34 to 33 inches; (2) the great extent of the white 
patches (especially that of the hind-wings, which in Miavius does not 
extend beyond the extremity of the discoidal cell) readily distinguishes 
it. In the clouding of the nervures and inter-nervular rays the 6 
Dominicanus exceeds the 6 Miavius, but the reverse appears to be the 
case with the ¢s. 

I only on two occasions met with this very fine Amauris, viz., on the 6th 
February 1867, in the Botanic Gardens, and on the 22nd, at the Umgeni 

Bridge, near D’Urban, in Natal. Three or four examples were floating about 

a wooded slope, quite in the manner of A. Hcheria, but none descended within 
reach. The late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken at different times forwarded several 
D’Urban specimens to the South-African Museum; and Colonel Bowker has 
recently, viz, on 2oth November 1880, taken the butterfly in the forest at 
Clairmont, near the same place. 

A. dominicanus is the austral representative of A. Niavius (Linn.), the well- 
known species of Tropical Western Africa, which is recorded from Angola, 
Ashanti, and Sierra Leone. It extends, however, far up the Eastern Coast, 
Colonel Bowker having taken several examples at Quilimane, and Gerstaecker 
(Gliederth.-Fauna des Sansibar-Gebietes, 1873, p. 367) recording two speci- 
mens from Mombas. 

This butterfly is most accurately mimicked by Euralia Wahlbergi, Wallen- 
eren, which is the southern representative of the West-African 2. Anthedon, 
E. Doubl., and differs from its tropical ally in exactly the same manner as 
A. dominicanus does from A. Niavius. Another imitator is a black-and-white 
form of the 9 Papilio Cenea, closely allied to the West-African ? of P. Brutus, 
Fab., formerly known as P. Hippocoon, Fab. ; and it is most interesting to 
note that while the Western 9 Papilio and Huralia copy the Western Amauris, 
the Southern ones closely follow the differing pattern of A. dominicanus. 

Localities of A. dominicanus. 

T. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts. —D’ Urban. 
H. Delagoa Bay (J. J. Monteiro). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
' b, East Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley.) Quilimane (Col. J. H. 
Bowker.) ‘“‘Mombas (Dr. O. Kersten).”—Gerstaecker. 

Susp-FaMInty 2.—SATYRINA. 

Satyrides, Boisd., Sp. Gen. Lep., i. p. 166 (1836). 

Satyride, Swains., Hist. and Nat. Arrangem. Ins., pp. 93, 94 (1840), [Part]. 
* Doubl. ‘and Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep.; i. p. 3527 (1351): 

Satyrine, Bates, Journ. Ent., 1861, p. 220% 1864, p: 176: 

- ImaGo.—Head small or rather small, always more or less hairy, 
often with a distinct frontal tuft of longer hairs; eyes usually naked, 


put in several genera hairy ; palpi more or less flattened or compressed 
laterally, rather long, ascendant, nearly always very hairy beneath ; 
antenne usually short and slender, with the terminal club generally 
very long and gradually formed, and in some genera scarcely notice- 
able. Thorax short and narrow. Jore-wings large and broad, the hind- 
margin commonly entire, without angulation or dentation; discoidal 
cell rather long, always closed; one or more of the nervures generally 
more or less swollen at the base. Hind-wings large, usually rounded, 
but in some genera tailed or angulated at extremity of third median 
nervule, and in one (Corades, Hewits.) at anal angle; discoidal cell 
closed; groove or channel formed by inner margins shallow and incom- 
plete, generally leaving the apical half of abdomen exposed. JLiddle 
and hind legs rather short and slender; the femora often finely hairy, 
the tibie scaly and often spinose, the tarsi usually finely spinose. 
Fore-legs very small, or even minute (especially in the ¢); sometimes 
altogether concealed by the hairy clothing of the thorax. Abdomen 
slender, rather short, seldom more than two-thirds of the length of the 

Larva.— Smooth or (more commonly) pubescent, attenuated towards 
hinder extremity, which terminates in two more or less pronounced 
points or in a bifid fork. Head superiorly often bifid, sometimes with 
two distinct horns. 

Pupa.—Moderately long, but rather thick; not or only bluntly 
angulated; head rounded or more or less bifid. 

The Satyrine are, on the whole, probably nearer to the Nymphaline 
than to any other group, being certainly in all their stages not far 
removed from Morpho and the allied genera, or very far from the section 
represented by Apatura, &c., as regards their earlier stages. The 
generally weaker structure, thinner and less rigid wings, shorter and 
more slender antennee, very prevalent inflation of the bases of the 
nervures of the fore-wing, and constantly closed discoidal cell and 
incomplete inner-marginal groove of the hind-wings, are characters 
serving to distinguish the perfect insects from the Mymphaline gene- 
rally; while the extreme atrophy of the first pair of legs points to a 
strong affinity to the Danainw. The relationship to the Mymphaline 
is best shown in some of the larger forms, such as the Indian genus 
Neorina, Westw., and the South-American JZisiphone, Hiibn., in which 
the fore-wing nervures are not or but slightly dilated, and also in the 
genera Debis, Westw., and Melanitis, Fab. It is with some hesitation 
that I have determined on placing the South-African Meneris, Westw., 
‘among the Satyrinw, looking to its robust structure generally, and its 
long and rather thick antennz; but the hirsute palpi and eyes, the 
striking development of the ocellated spots of the hind-wings, the 
habits of the butterfly, and the characters presented by its larva and 
pupa, taken altogether, seem to justify the position so long ago assigned 
to this fine insect by Hiibner. 


The known larve of Satyrinc feed on grasses, and are remarkably 
difficult to detect, being coloured like those plants, and’ marked with 
longitudinal stripes which accord with the lines of growth of the grass, 

The singular fact that the larvee of some species of the European 
genus Satyrus do not suspend themselves to assume the chrysalis state 
is supplemented in South Africa by the case of Leptoneura Clytus 
(Linn.), whose pupa has been discovered lying quite unattached on the 
ground under a stone. 

The Satyrinw are nearly all of middle size, only a fow forms 
exceeding, and not many falling below it. Their colouring is for the 
most part rather sombre, fae generally of a darker or lighter 
shade of brown, very commonly marked with spaces of brick-red or 
ochreous-yellow, and usually bearing more or less distinct eye-like 
spots (ocelli) in rings of a hue paler than the ground-colour. Among 
the more brilliant exceptions adorned with bright or metallic hues 
may be mentioned the blue Ptychandra Lorquiniw of the Philippine 
Islands; the transparent, rosy- or violet-flushed South-American 
Hetere ; the New Zealand Argyrophenga with silvery stripes, and the 
New Guinea and Australian Hypocyste with silvery rings on the under 
side; and, most splendid of all, Argyrophorus argenteus, from Chili, 
whose entire surface is like burnished silver. Silvery centres, single or 
double, of the ocellated spots are, however, commonly met with; and 
a semi-iridescent gloss over the general surface of the wings is not 

The members of this Sub-Family are almost all very weak on the 
wing, their flight being wavering and erratic, near the ground, and 
never long sustained. I have noticed that the more active of them 
are those which do not possess the basal inflation of the fore-wing 
nervures so characteristic of the group generally. The haunts of most 
of the genera are in open ground, but a good many of the more re- 
markable and aberrant forms inhabit woods; some even preferring the 
thickest shades, and not voluntarily taking flight before sunset. The 
inexhaustible supply of grasses, which constitute the sole known food- 
plants of their caterpillars, probably accounts for the extreme abund- 
ance of many of the Satyrinw, familiar to every one who has traversed 
meadow, plain, or mountain in the summer or early autumn. The 
innumerable Satyri and EHrebiew of Europe are represented in South 
Africa by the much less numerous species of Leptonewra and Pseudo- 
nympha, several of which, however, occur in the utmost profusion of 
individuals. The last-named genus is the largest, containing eleven 
species, while Leptonewra has seven representatives. Of the remain- 
ing seven South-African genera, four—viz., Ypthima, Physcceneura, 
Cenyra, and Meneris—have single representatives only, and the two 


latter appear to be restricted to the extra-tropical region. Out of | 

the twenty-nine recorded species as many as twenty-one seem to be 
endemic; six extend into the Southern Tropic; and two have a much 



wider range,— Vpthima Asterope inhabiting all Tropical Africa and a 
great part of Southern Asia, and Melanitis Leda extending throughout 

- the Old-World Tropics. 


Ypthima, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 394 (1851). 
Yphthima, Hewitson, Trans. Ent. Soe. end , 3rd Ser., ii. p. 284 (1865), 

IMaco.—Head small, hairy in front; eyes smooth; antenne short, 
slender, with an elongate, narrow, but distinct club; palpi long, slender, 
divergent, thickly clothed inferiorly with long bristly hairs, except the 
terminal joint, which is long, slender, and with only a few short hairs. 
Thorax short, narrow; downy and hairy beneath. Fore-wings with 
apex rather pronounced ; hind-margin entire; costal nervure much, 
median nervure slightly, swollen at base; discoidal cell short, broad, 
abruptly sub-truncate, the middle and lower disco-cellular nervules form- 
ing a slightly-curved continuous line; first subcostal nervule originating 
just before extremity of cell, second at a considerable distance beyond it. 
Hind-wings much rounded externally, entire ; discoidal cell short, broad, 
obliquely truncated at extremity. ore-legs in the d extremely small, 
quite concealed among the hair of the prothorax, reduced to one 
rounded piece attached to the coxa; in the ¢ small (but very much 
larger than in the d), of the ordinary development, slender, scaly. 
Middle and hind legs rather short, slender, clothed with scales, the 
femora slightly hairy beneath. 

Abdomen short, slender. 

This genus is mainly Asiatic, seventeen of the twenty-two recorded 
species being natives of Asia or the Indo-Malayan Islands. Two of these 
(Y. Asterope, Klug, and Y. Nareda, Kollar) extend to Africa, where 
they are widely distributed, and two others (Y. Batesiz, Felder, from 
Madagascar, and Y. Jtonia, Hewits., from the White Nile) appear to 
be confined to the Ethiopian Region. The three remaining species 
inhabit Australia or the Austro-Malayan Islands. The only species 
that enters the South-African Sub-Region is the very widely-ranging 
Y. Asterope.' 

The Ypthime are small and dull-coloured butterflies, usually of 
an unvaried obscure greyish-brown on the upper side, bearing a well- 
marked bipupillate black ocellus near the apex of the -fore-wings, and 
from one to six smaller unipupillate ocelli towards the hind-margin of 
the hind-wings. The under side is closely hatched with minute, irregular, 
short, dark and light lines, and the ocelli on it are usually more con- 
Spicuous than on the upper side. 

The extraordinary atrophy of the fore-legs of the male, and the 

1 Professor Westwood (App. to Oates’s “ Matabeleland,” 1881, p. 350) gives Y. Nareda 
as having been taken by the late Mr. Oates near the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi River, 
VOL. I. E 


disposition of the subcostal nervules in the fore-wings, combine with 
the peculiar facies of these butterflies to distinguish the ‘genus. Their 
structure is very weak, and their flight feeble and near the ground, 
The larvee and pupze do not ¢ ppear to have been observed. 

5. (1.) Ypthima Asterope (Klug). 

3 9 Hipparchia Asterope, Klug, Symb. Phys., dec. iii, t. xxix. ff. 11-14 


2 eee Asterope, Lederer, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Vereins in Wien, 1855, 
t. i. f. 6 [apud Hopffer, op. cit. | 

Ypthima Asterope, Hopff., Peters’ Reise Mossamb., p. 395 (1862). 

Yphthima Asterope, Hewits., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 3rd Ser., i. p. 283, 
TW) 1(0605): 

Yphthima simplicia, Butl., Ann, and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th Ser., xviii. p. 481 

aoe ‘pthima Norma, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pl. 67, f. 1 (1851). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 3-8 lin. 

Brownish-grey ; wm fore-wing, a large, or rather large, black subapical 
ocellus with two bluish-silvery pupils and a well-defined pale-yellowish 
iris ; in hind-wing, a subanal-angular similar (but unipupillate), small, 
or very small, ocellus. Fore-wing: ocellus in a discal more or less 
distinct rounded paler space, defined by a darker encircling streak ; iris 
of ocellus externally edged with a dark ring. AHind-wing: ocellus 
between first and second median nervules, sometimes minute, but seldom 
indistinct; in some examples a faintly-marked submarginal dark line. 
UNDER SIDE.—Hoary-grey, finely and closely hatched or striolated with 
greyish-brown. Fore-wing: ring of ocellus paler, brighter; dark en- 
circling streak well defined inwardly and outwardly, and inferiorly 
merged in a good-sized discal brownish-grey patch, free from any 
intermixture of hoary-grey, which reaches inner margin and posterior 
angle. Hind-wing: besides the ocellus between Ist and 2nd median 
nervules (which is usually smaller than on upper side, and occasionally 
very minute), there is usually a subapical, quite similar one between 
the subcostal nervules, and almost invariably a third very small or 
minute one close to anal angle itself; three irregular brownish trans- 
verse strize (of very variable definition, and seldom really distinct), viz., 
one (the most ill-expressed) before middle,—the second (usually the 
most apparent) just beyond middle, angulated rather acutely on radical 
nervule,—and the third (commonly fragmentary) submarginal, and 
biangulated on radial and third median nervules. 

In a ¢ taken on the Shashani River (Makalaka Country) by 
Mr. F. C. Selous, not only is the principal ocellus of the hind-wing 
larger than usual on the upper side, but the minute one at anal angle 
is represented, and there is a third minute ocellus quite abnormally 
situated between 2nd and 3rd median nervules; while in the fore-wing 
a very minute ocellus is inferiorly attached to the large subapical one. 

CO —— 


These peculiarities are alike on right and left sides, but are limited to 
the upper side. 

The largest example (1 in. 8 lin. in expanse) is a 9 taken at Delagoa Bay 
by Mrs. Monteiro. This specimen has the ocelli on the under side of the hind- 
wing very minute, but the transverse striz better marked than usual. 

The Arabian and Syrian type of this butterfly—with which Mr. Butler’s 
Y. simplicia from Abyssinia seems very closely to agree—has the ocelli repre- 
sented as larger than those of the South-African specimens which*I have 
examined, especially in the @; and scarcely any trace is depicted of the 
transverse strie of the under side of the hind-wing. This latter feature is 
almost always more or less characteristic of the species, the central stria only 
being of frequent definition. The only individual in which I have found all 
three stria well marked is a g taken in Swaziland by the late Mr. E. C. 
Buxton; but a ¢ sent from Delagoa Bay by Mrs. Monteiro (in which the 
hind-wing is whiter than usual) exhibits them very fairly, and so does also a 
¢ captured by Mr. W. Morant at Colenso, in Natal. As a rule, these stria 
are most obsolete, as far as South Africa is concerned, in examples inhabiting 
the Cape Colony, and more developed in the countries to the east and north- 
east of it. A Cape Coast Castle ¢ in the South-African Museum, which was 
taken by Mr. J. Morton Pask, not only has the striz well defined on the under 
side, but the central and marginal ones also expressed strongly on the upper 
side. The dark discal space below the ocellus on the under side of the fore- 
wing is variable in extent, but, as Hewitson (loc. czt.) points out, a constant 
distinguishing character of Asterope. 

I have not seen the Y. Norma of Westwood, from China; but both 
Hewitson and Mr. A. G. Butler (Cat. Satyride in Brit. Mus., p. 148) agree in 
regarding it as a variety of Asterope, and the figure in the “Gen. Diurn. Lep.,” 
cited above, appears to differ only in its smaller size, darker colour, and want 
of the ocellus on the upper side of the hind-wing. Hewitson (loc. cit.) notes 
that “there are similar varieties from the Holy Land.” 

In 1867 I took a single ? near Greytown, in Natal, in the same spot in 
which Physceneura Panda and Cenyra Hebe occurred; its weak flight and 
habit of frequently settling on the ground made it resemble those two species. 
I also met with several specimens at Klipdrift, on the Vaal River, Griqualand 
West, in September 1872; they were flitting among and sitting on the large 
stones on the river-banks; and I observed the same habits in others of the 
species which, in the summers of 1876 and of 1877, I found near Montagu 
and Robertson in the Cape Colony. Robertson is the most southern locality 
of this butterfly known to me; but the insect is so very inconspicuous and 
haunts such arid rocky stations, that it would easily escape the notice of any 
one but a lepidopterist, and may occur in many places from which it is at 
present unrecorded. In 1870 Colonel Bowker sent me the paired sexes,'cap- 
tured by him at Aliwal North, on the north-eastern boundary of the Cape 
Colony ; except in its larger size and less pronounced darker streaks, the 9? 
example does not differ from the ¢. 

Localities of Ypthima Asterope, 

I. South Africa, 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Robertson. Montagu. 
b. Eastern Districts.—Between Somerset East and Murraysburg (J. 
H. Bowker), Aliwal North (J. H. Bowker). Burghersdorp (D. 
R. Kannemeyer). 
ce. Griqualand West.—Klipdrift. 


E. Natal. | 
b. Upper Districts—Greytown. Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). Colenso | 
(W. Morant). Ladysmith, Biggarsberg, and Rorke’s Drift (J. _ 
H, Bowker). \ 
F, Zululand.—Isandlhwana and Napoleon Valley (J. H. Bowker). St. | 
Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). | 
G. Swaziland (Z. C. Buzton). | 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourencgo Marques (Mrs. Montero). | 
K. Transvaal (7. Ayres). 
L. Bechuanaland.—Motito (Rev. J. Frédouw). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—“ Damaraland (R. Swakop: Wahlberg).”— 
Aurivillius. ‘ Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. 
b. Eastern Coast.—“ Querimba (Peters).”—Hopffer. Zanzibar (J. _ 
H. Bowker). ‘‘ Mombas (Kersten).”—Gerstaecker. | 
br. Eastern Interior.—Between Limpopo and Zambesi River (7. | 
Ayres). Shashani River (f. C. Selous). Zambesi (/. C. Selous). 
B. North Tropical. 
a. West ance. Calabar.” —Hewitson. Cape Coast Castle (J. WM. 
b. East Coast.—Red Sea: “ Harkeko and Hor Tamanib (J. K. 
br. Eastern Interior.—Abyssinia: ‘‘ Atbara.”—Butler. | 
IV. Asia. 
A. Southern Region.—‘‘ Arabia and Syria.”—Klug, et auct. “Aden — 

(J. W. Yerbury).’—Butler. ‘Java and China (Coll. Brit. : 

Cenyra, Hewits., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 3rd Ser, ii. p. 281 (1865). 

ImaGo.—Closely allied to Ypthima. Antenne rather longer, the 
club less distinct, more gradually thickened, Palpi with shorter, less 
bristly hair beneath ; terminal joint shorter, not so acute. Fore-wings | 
with costa much arched; apex not pronounced; hind-margin decidedly — 
convex ; costal nervure much swollen, but median simple; first sub- 
costal nervule arising considerably, second a little, before extremity — 
of discoidal cell; in ¢, on submedian nervure, before middle, a large, 
elongate, darker patch or badge, set with scattered hairs; discoidal cell 
a little longer than in Ypthima, the middle and lower disco-cellular ner- 
vules of about equal length, and together forming a strong inward curve. 
Hind-wings much rounder, especially at base of costa and at anal angle. 

Abdomen considerably longer than in Ypthima. 

Mr. Hewitson founded this genus on a beautiful South-African 
Satyrine, described by me in 1862 as Yphthima Hebe. The characters 
given rightly distinguish this butterfly from the genus Ypthima, and 
the curious marking, exhibiting rufous transverse streaks on both sur- 
faces, and in the fore-wings two unipupillate ocelli of equal size, instead 
of the single bipupillate one of Ypthima, renders the species easy of 

——— ee 


identification. Owing to paucity of specimens, I have not been able 
to examine the fore-legs of the ¢, but they are evidently very minute ; 
those of the 2 agree with the same limbs in the 2 Ypthima. 

6. (1.) Coenyra Hebe (Trimen). 

6 Yphthima Hebe, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 3rd Ser., i. p. 280 (1862); 
Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii. p. 205, n. 118, pl. 4, f. 3 [3 var.], (1866). 

2 $ Cenyra Hebe (Corycia in plate), Hewits., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 
Brdvoersdl p. 250, pl ty; it, 2 | 2 |) (dos). 

Exp. al., 1 io. 4-8 lin. 

S Dull greyish-brown ; fore-wing with four indistinct transverse fer- 
ruginous strie and two silvery wnipupillate ochreous, yellow-ringed, black 
ocellt of about equal size; hind-wing with four or five similar smaller 
ocelli. Fore-wing: strie commencing on subcostal nervure,—the first 
short, oblique, not reaching below median nervure,—the second (a little 
before middle) straighter, longer, reaching to submedian nervure,—the 
third short, curved, marking end of discoidal cell, inferiorly joining the 
fourth or third median nervule,—the fourth longer, reaching to sub- 
median nervure, curving outwardly below ocelli; beyond this last strize 
are the two discal subapical ocelli, separated by the third median ner- 
vule, and faintly encircled with ferruginous; two submarginal parallel 
dark-brown streaks. Hind-wing: the two ocelli between first and third 
median nervules, of about equal size, much larger than the rest, which 
are very small; submarginal streaks as in fore-wing, but closer to- 
gether. UNDER SIDE.—Pale dull-yellowish; the striw conspicuous, 
ochreous-red, and marking hind-wing as well as fore-wing; all ocellr 
very distinct, with pale-yellow ring, and circled with ferruginous.  Fore- 
wing: swelling of costal nervure edged with ochreous-red; submar- 
ginal streaks very distinct. Hind-wing: five transverse strie, viz., 
the first, third, and fifth (respectively close to base, before middle, and 
about middle) quite across from costa to inner margin; the second (in 
cell near base) and the fourth (closing discoidal cell) short and thin,—the 
fourth inferiorly joined to the fifth on third median nervule; six ocelli, 
of which the first, between subcostal nervules, is the largest, and the 
second, third, and sixth smaller than the remaining two; submarginal 
streaks very distinct. 

2° (from Hewitson’s figure and description, loc. cit.) Paler and 
duller ; transverse strie darker, more suffused,—the third and fourth 
indistinctly present on upper side of hind-wing; ocelli of hind-wing 
larger, especially the two upper of the four. 

Var. A. (gf and 2). [f fig. Rhop. Afr. Aust.]—Z much paler ; 
the strice orange-red, and some of them much enlarged inferiorly ; ocelli 
all in pale-yellow (rather dull) rings, and circled faintly with dusky- 
brownish ; hind-margins tinged with dusky-brownish. ore-wing: the 


second and fourth stria much widened inferiorly (especially the fourth), | 

and sometimes confluent below first median nervule; inner-marginal 
badge fuscous, conspicuous. Hind-wing: the fifth stria occasionally 

indistinctly represented, dull-reddish ; ocelli above third median nervule | 

rarely obsolete; in one example the fifth (subapical) ocellus is repre- 
sented. UNDER SIDE.—The striw arranged as in type-form, but much 
enlarged (especially the 2nd and 4th in fore-wing and the 3rd and 5th 
in hind-wing) ; better defined, and of brighter red than on upper side ; 
all the ocelli very distinct in clear pale-yellow rings, narrowly encircled 
with fuscous-brown. 

2. Paler; red striz brighter and better marked superiorly in fore- 

wing, and the three outer of them well represented in hind-wing; ocelli | 

larger, especially in hind-wing, where the first (subapical) and sixth 
(subanal-angular) are more or less distinctly represented. UNDER SIDE. 
—Quite as in f, but markings, if anything, rather brighter and better 

(A g aberration, taken by Colonel Bowker in the Bashee River, has 
the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th striz of the fore-wing on both upper side and 
under side, and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th strize of the hind-wing on the 
under side, completely confluent throughout, so as to form a broad 

Hab.—Hastern Cape Colony and Kaffraria Proper. 

The variety just described was first discovered in Kaffirland by Colonel 
Bowker, and its appearance is so dissimilar from that of the type-form from 
Natal, that I felt disposed at first to separate it as a distinct species. Except, 
however, the great development and much brighter colouring of the transverse 
striz, there is no character of importance to warrant its separation from Hebe 
proper. While the variety, though very local, does not seem to be very scarce 

as regards individuals, the typical Hebe from Natal is still very rare. I met — 

with only one, in the “ Thorns” country near Greytown, on 12th March 1867. 
It was flitting about stony slopes, in company with Physceneura Panda (Boisd.), 
and frequently settled on the ground. ‘This, like the specimen from Natal in 

the British Museum, on which I founded the species, was a ¢; and not having | 

seen any other examples of either sex, I am obliged to describe the ? from the 

late Mr. Hewitson’s rough figure and very brief description. Colonel Bowker | 
wrote from the Bashee that there was nothing in the habits of the beautiful — 

variety to distinguish it from other commoner Satyrine. 

Localities of Cenyra Hebe. 

I, South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts.—Kleinemond River, Bathurst (Mrs. Barber and 

Miss Ff. Bowker.—Var. A.) King Wilham’s Town (J. #. 
Bowker.—Var, A.) East London (P. Borcherds.—Var. A.) 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker.— Var. A.) 

ki. Natal.—Greytown. 

H. “ Delagoa Bay” (Kirby, Cat. Hewits. Coll.) 



Physceeneura, Wallengr., Kongl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl, 1857, Lep. Rhop. 
Catt, py 32. 
Periplysia, Gerst., Gliederth.-Fauna d. Sansibar-Geb., p. 370 (ee 2): 

ImaGo.—Closely allied to the two preceding genera, Ypthima and 
Cenyra. Antenne very short and slender, with a cylindrical, elongate, 
gradually-formed but distinct club, rather blunted at the tip; palpr 
with long bristly hairs beneath (not so thickly set as in Ypthima), the 
terminal joint very long and sharply pointed, not hairy. Sore-wings 
shaped as in Ypthvma, except in being a little more elongate and 
more rounded at apex; costal nervure largely swollen basally, the other 
nervures simple; first subcostal nervule originating before extremity 
of cell (a little nearer base than in Ypthima), the second at some 
distance beyond it. Hind-wings longer than in Ypthima, and more 
rounded at anal angle. Cilia of wings remarkably long and sparse, 
especially in 9. 

I have not had sufficient material to admit of dissection, but it is 
evident under the lens that while the fore-legs of the § cannot be 
made out at all among the hairs of the breast, those of the ? are 
ereatly reduced, being very much smaller than those of 2 Ypthima, 
and with the tarsus apparently almost obsolete. 

Irrespective of the structural differences mentioned, Physceeneura 
exhibits the peculiarity in marking of possessing on the fore-wings a 
series of five, and on the hind-wings a series of six or seven ocelli, 
which, while conspicuous and silvery-centred on the under side of the 
wings, are on the upper side ill-defined and almost blind (Panda), or 
wanting altogether (Leda). The two known species differ remarkably 
in colouring, P. Panda (Boisd.) being on the upper side of the ordi- 
nary dull-brown, with dull-rufous, ill-marked ocelli, while P. Leda 
(Gerst.) is white margined with blackish, after the manner of a 7erias ; 
and on the under side the conspicuous vermiculation, general in Panda, 
is confined in Leda to the margins of the wings. 

The genus is not known to extend northward beyond South-Tropical 

_ Africa; and while Panda, the type of the genus, ranges from Natal to 
Matabeleland and Damaraland, Zeda has hitherto only been recorded 
from Mombas on the Hast Coast, where it was discovered by Dr. Kersten. 

7. (1.) Physceeneura Panda (Boisduval). 

Satyrus Panda, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., 11. p. 594, n. 85 (1847). 

Physceneura Panda, Wallengr., Kongl. Sv. Vet.-Akad., 1857, Lep. Rhop. 
Caiitge 0:33: 

2 Lrebia Panda, Hopft., Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb.,—Ins., p. 392, pl. 
Rave ti. 1, 2 (1662) " 

3 Hrebia Panda, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii, p. 204, n. 117 (1866). 


Exp. al., 1 in. 5—9 lin. 

g. Dull-brown, each wing with a discal transverse row of rather 
dull ochrey-red, black-centred spots. Fore-wing.: swollen base of costal 
nervure ochrey-red ; five spots of discal row confluent, forming a toler- 
ably broad band near hind-margin. Hind-wing: spots of discal row 
three to five (the two upper ones often wanting), smaller than in fore- 
wing, quite separate, the last (close to anal angle) bipupillate; in some 
examples a more or less distinct thin white line, black-edged on both 
sides, on inner and hind margins near anal angle, UNDER sIDE.— Very 
closely striated transversely with numerous irregularly-confluent, slender, 
alternate, very pale-yellowish and fuscous streaks ; spots of transverse discal 
row bright ochrey-yellow with brilliant-silvery centres. Fore-wing: swell- 
ing of costal nervure ochrey-yellow; all inner-marginal area below 
median nervure and first median nervule dull-fuscous without any pale- 
yellowish striolation; band of confluent spots edged with fuscous on 
both sides; hind-marginal border beyond spots pale-yellowish, almost 
free from any black striolation, but with two well-defined, almost paral- 
lel, black linear streaks from costa to a little below first median ner- 
vule. Hind-wing: transverse striolation extends to inner-marginal 
edge; five spots of discal row much larger than on upper side, con- 
tiguous, finely black-edged; an additional, similar, larger spot before, 
and apart from, the row of five, between subcostal nervules ; submar- 
ginal black linear streaks as in fore-wing, but the inner one slightly 

2. Paler, the striolation of the under side vaguely perceptible; ochrey- 
red spots larger; in fore-wing more suffused, and forming a broader band ; 
in hind-wing not fewer than four (usually five), sometimes contiguous. 
UNDER SIDE.—Jore-wing: the general striolation extending to inner 

Specimens of both sexes taken at Delagoa Bay by Mrs. Monteiro are smaller 
and darker than those which I met with in Natal; and in one ¢ the spots of 
the fore-wing on the upper side are very small, and those of the hind-wing 
obsolete except that close to anal angle. It is very singular that in all the six 

examples (three of each sex) captured by Mr. H. Barber in the Northern Trans- 
vaal, in a @ obtained on the Upper Limpopo by Mr. F. C. Selous, and also in 

a 2 taken by the former gentleman in the Matabele country, the inner of the © 

two submarginal linear black streaks is in the fore-wing rather sharply dentate 
(instead of being nearly straight), and in the hind-wing quite deeply festooned 
(instead of being sinuate-dentate). I find the same peculiarity noted as present 
in the single specimen (a g/) brought by the late Mr. C. J. Andersson from 
Damaraland ; but none of the Delagoa Bay examples exhibit it, nor does it 
appear in the figure of the female obtained at Inhambane by the Peters Expe- 
dition. I cannot discover that this feature is associated with any other dis- 
tinction in the specimens possessing it, except a slight tendency to more con- 
fluence in the black striole of the under side generally. 

The remarkable beauty of the under side of this butterfly is'in striking con- 
trast to the dull £rebia-like colouring of the upper side, and at once distin- 
guishes Panda from all the other South-African Satyrine. Its only known 
congener (P. Leda, of Gerstaecker, from Mombas) is of totally different aspect, 
owing to all the field of the wings being pure white; the upper side having an 

—$—$$$ = 


unspotted fuscous margin, and the under side a slightly striolated one, with 
spots resembling those of Panda. 

Only on one occasion have I seen this species in life, viz., on the 12th March 
1867, when it was by no means uncommon in the “Thorns” country near 
Greytown, in Natal. About the steep exposed hillsides specimens of both 
sexes flitted constantly, but with no activity, keeping close to the ground, and 
frequently settling on it. The elaborately-ornamented under side of the wings 
was not conspicuous at a little distance. 

Localities of Physcencura Panda. 

I. South-Africa. 
E. Natal. 
b. Upper Districts.—Greytown. Estcourt (J. MM. Hutchinson). 
F. “ Zululand (Delegorgue).”—Boisduval. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Mrs. Montevro). 
I. “Inhambane (Peters).”—Hopffer. 
K. Transvaal.—North-West District (ZZ Barber). Upper Limpopo 
River (£. C. Selous). 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson). 
br. Eastern Interior—Kama’s Country and Matabeleland (Z. 


Pseudonympha, Wallengren, Kongl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1857, Lep. 
; Rhop. Caffr., p. 31. 
Erebia (Dalman), Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 376 (1851); Trimen, 
Rhop. Afr. Aust., il. p. 196 (1866). 

Imaco.—Head small, very hairy; eyes smooth; palpi long, slightly 
ascendant, covered with hair throughout, but especially beneath, where 
the hairs are densely set, long, and bristly,—the terminal joint rather 
long, slender, acute; antennw short, with the club usually rather 
elongate and gradually thickened, but in some species (P. Sabacus, 
Hippia, vigilans, &c.) more abruptly formed. 

Thorax short and narrow, more or less hairy above, densely hairy 
beneath. Fore-wings with costa moderately or slightly arched; hind- 
margin entire, nearly straight; costal nervure only swollen at base ; 
discoidal cell short, broad, the nervules closing it forming a more or less 
obtuse angle towards base at Junction of lower discoidal (radial) nervule ; 
first branch of subcostal nervure arising just before or at extremity of 
discoidal cell, second branch a long way beyond it. Hind-wings with 
hind-margin entire or very slightly sinuated; anal angle somewhat 
prominent; discoidal cell short superiorly but prolonged inferiorly, 
the closing nervules running very obliquely, and the lower one being 
twice as long as the upper. Jore-legs of d minute, scaly; tibia and 
tarsus together but little longer than femur; a scanty clothing of 
rather short bristly hairs on femur; tibia and tarsus densely clothed 
with very long stiff hairs; of 9 rather long, slender, scaly ; femur and 


tarsus of about equal length; tibia a little shorter, ending in a blunt | 

spur, and with a few bristles superiorly ; tarsus with four joints, shortly 

spinose beneath and at extremity. Middle and hind legs of moderate | | 
length, rather slender; femur scaly; tibiee with a few spines beneath, 

and with terminal spurs long; tarsi spinose inferiorly. 

Abdomen short, in ¢ very slender. 

The butterflies of this genus are very nearly allied to Hrebia—a 
group well known from its great development in the Alpine tracts 
of Central Europe. They are, however, separable by the following 
characters, viz., (1) their much less robust structure generally, espe- 
cially as regards the shorter and more slender abdomen, which in 
the 3 is not thickened at the end; (2) the less density of their hairy 
clothing, especially on the head, palpi, and thorax; (3) their shorter 
and more slender antennz ; (4) the rise of the second subcostal nervule 
of their fore-wings far beyond, instead of before or just about, the 
extremity of the discoidal cell; (5) the constantly swollen base of the 
costal nervure of their fore-wings; and (6) the greater width (and in 
the fore-wings less length) of their discoidal cells. 

The Pseudonymphe known are butterflies of small or moderate size, 
very much resembling some of the species of Hrebia. Unlike the latter, 
however, they are all of one pattern of colouring and marking. This 
consists of a ground of paler or darker dull-brown, with a larger or 
smaller discal patch of fulvous in the fore-wings and usually in the 
hind-wings. Except in rare instances of aberrant individuals, the fore- 
wings bear only a single bipupillate ocellus not far from the apex, 
while the hind-wings (in some cases devoid of markings) usually pre- 
sent two submarginal unipupillate ocelli. The underside is generally 
mottled or freckled, and paler than the upper side; the fore-wings are 
of the same pattern as above, but often with a larger field of fulvous; 
while the hind-wings bear from two to six submarginal ocelli, and two 
transverse streaks (often enclosing a darker or paler space) rather before 
middle, as well as often a third streak beyond the ocelli. Of this 
pattern the transverse streaks and the ocelli on the under side of the 
hind-wings vary most in the different species, both characters being 

almost obsolete in P. Hyperbius and P. wrrorata. The eleven species — 

recognised by me as inhabiting South-Africa seem, with the exception 
of P. Natalit (Boisd.), which extends beyond the Southern Tropic, to 
be peculiar to that region, but a twelfth species, closely allied to P. 
Natalti, occurs in Southern Tropical Africa, so that the genus may 
perhaps have a wider range than has hitherto been assigned toit. The 
species most generally distributed in South-Africa are P. Cassius (Godt.), 
P. Sabacus (Trim.), and P. vigilans (Trim.), but the first-named seems 
nowhere so abundant as the others. P. Narycia, Wlegrn., and P. Neita, 
Wlgrn., are widely spread in Eastern South Africa, but cannot be 
termed common; and the remaining species appear to be very local 
and scarce. As the country becomes better explored, especially in its 


mountainous tracts, new forms of Pseudonympha will very probably be 
discovered. The known species are very closely related, and in several 
cases are difficult to distinguish. They all frequent open ground, 
Cassius only seeming to show any liking for the neighbourhood of woods 
or plantations, and their flight (except perhaps in the case of P. vigi- 
lans) is very weak as well as wavering and close to the ground. They 
bask on stones and on the bare earth, and only occasionally seem to 
visit flowers. 

8, (1.) Pseudonympha Hyperbius (Linnzeus). 

Papilio Hyperbius, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ul. Reg., p. 257, n. 76 (1764); and 
Syst. Nat., i. 2, p. 769, n. 130 (1767). 

Q Papilio Hyperbius, Cram., Pap. Exot., ii, pl. clxviii. ff. 5, Fr. (1779). 

Papilio Hyperbius, Wulfen, Descr. Capens. Ins., p. 32, n. 31 (1786). 

Pseudonympha Hyperbius, Wallengren, Lep. Rhop. Caffr. in. K. Sv. Vet.- 
Akad, Handl.,.1857, p. 32, 0...3. 

Erebia Hyperbius, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., il. p. 197, n. 111 (1866). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 6 lin—1I in. 9 hin. 

Dark-brown, with a violaceous gloss; fore-wing much coloured with 
deep-fulvous ; hind-wing with a small fulvous patch. Fore-wing: falvous 
occupies the same space as in /. Sabacus, but is not externally dark- 
edged, nor ever divided into two patches, though its cellular portion is 
often much obscured in #; an apical ocellus, white-bipupillate, and 
ringed indistinctly with pale ochreous, marks upper portion of fulvous. 
Hind-wing : on median nervules an ill-defined fulvous patch, enclosing 
two small unipupillate ocelli (one or both often wanting). Both wings, 
but especially hind-wing, clothed with fulvous hairs on basal half. 
UNDER SIDE.—Hind-wing, and costa, apex, and hind-margin of fore-wing 
wrrorated with whitish atoms. ore-wing: faulvous paler (more regu- 
larly extending from base in f); from its outer edge beyond ocellus 
extends to costa a narrow ferruginous streak, sometimes almost obsolete ; 
ring of ocellus more distinct. Hind-wing: beyond middle two parallel, 
rather widely-apart, usually indistinct, ferruginous transverse lines, 
parallel to hind-margin, between which is a row of inconspicuous 
whitish dots, two of them representing the ocelli of upper side. 

Aberration ¢.—Fore-wing : ocellus very small (not larger than those 
often present in hind-wing), faintly unipupillate, in a very faint ring 
scarcely distinguishable from contiguous fulvous; adjoining this ocellus 
and immediately below it (in the left fore-wing only) a second, similar, 
very minute and indistinct ocellus. Hind-wing: no ocelli, but a single 
whitish dot (occasionally found in ordinary examples) on fold beyond 
extremity of discoidal cell. UNDER siIDE.—Ordinary, except for the 
very small ocellus in the fore-wing; no trace of the second ocellus in 
left fore-wing. 

Hab.—Cape Town, September 1870. 


This is the darkest of the South-African species of Pseudonympha, and is, 
moreover, peculiar in the dense fulvous hair coating the basal area of the wings. 
The specimens taken by me in Namaqualand in 1873 were considerably smaller 
than ordinary examples, expanding only 1 in. 4-6 lin. 

It is the first of the genus to appear in the spring, in some seasons occurring 
as early as the end of July, but is not long out, disappearing towards the end of 
September. It frequents mountain-sides and rocky situations of some eleva- 
tion, often sitting on large stones, and sometimes on flowers; its flight is very 
low, feeble, and irregular. About Cape Town it is abundant, but in other 
western districts I have not noticed many specimens; and to the eastward of 
the district of Worcester it is not known to occur. I captured the paired sexes 
near Cape Town on the 9th September 1870. 

Localities of Pseudonympha Hyperbius.* 

I. South Africa. 
A. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.\—Cape Town. Kalbas Kraal, Cape District. 
Malmesbury. Piketberg. Ookiep. Springbokfontein and 

Tweefontein, Namaqualand District. Konstabel’s, Worcester 

9, (2.) Pseudonympha irrorata (Trimen). 

Erebia trrorata, Trim., Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 103, pl. i. f. 2. 

Hope di. (4) 1 ame 5 lings {yo in G7 

Pale greyish-brown. Fore-wing: a fulvous patch occupies discoidal 
cell, not rising above it, but extending beyond it and over median 
nervules to about their middle, as well as below median nervure and 
its first nervule, but not reaching submedian nervure or quite to base; 
touching extremity of upper portion of patch, a bipupillate black ocellus 
in a pale yellowish-grey ring; costal margin indistinctly hatched with 
greyish-yellow from base to beyond middle. MHind-wing without mark- 
ings, UNDER SIDE—WHind-wing and costal and apical region, with hind- 
margin of fore-wing wrrorated with greyish-yellow. Fore-wing: fulvous 
patch slightly smaller than on upper side; ring of ocellus paler, more 
distinct. Hind-wing: beyond middle a submarginal row of eight ill- 
defined greyish-yellow spots; preceding fourth spot, and between it 
and extremity of discoidal cell, a similar spot; an indistinct similar 
spot near base, between median and submedian nervures; two smaller 
ones on edge of cell, marking origins of radial and second subcostal ner- 
vules; and two or three small ones on costa before middle. Jn both 
wings, on hind-marginal edge, a row of small, inter-nervular, greyish- 
yellow spots, more apparent in hind-wing than in fore-wing. 

The sexes do not differ, except that the irrorations and spots of the 
under side of the wings are more conspicuous in the &. 

1 In Rhopalocera Africe Australis (ii. p. 198) I noted that a specimen of P. Hyperbius in 

the British Museum was registered as having been collected in “ Afghanistan.” No confir- 

mation of this surprising habitat has been given; and it is extremely unlikely that the 
butterfly should occur so far from the known range of its genus. 


This species stands nearer to P. Hyperbius, Linn., than to any other 
South-African Pseudonympha ; but it differs from the latter in its much 
paler colouring throughout, its total want of any ocelli or fulvous 
colouring on the upper side of the hind-wings (in which respect it is 
like P. Narycia, Wallengren), its hatching of greyish-yellow on the 
upper side of the costa of the fore-wings, its much yellower and more 
distinct under-side hatching and irroration, and its want of the two 
transverse ferruginous striz on the under side of the hind-wings. 

Colonel Bowker discovered this species in the Uitenhage District in August 
1870; and in July 1872 he sent an example from the District of Albert. In 
the latter year Mrs. Barber forwarded a specimen captured by her in the Storm- 
bergen, forming the southern boundary of the Albert District. 

It was not until January 1876 that the butterfly was recorded from the 
Western Districts, owing to my taking two individuals at the village of Robert- 
son; and a few years afterwards (September 1879) I met with a solitary speci- 
men at Malmesbury, about thirty miles north of Cape Town. These examples 

occurred only singly, flitting about stony spots, and looked on the wing like 
rather faded P. Hyperbius. 

Localities of Pseudonympha trrorata. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts.—Malmesbury. Robertson. 

b, Hastern Districts.\—Zwaarte Ruggens, Uitenhage District (J. H. 
Bowker). Stormbergen (M. H. Barber). North of Albert Dis- 
trict (J. H. Bowker). Burghersdorp, Albert District (D. RB. 

10. (3.) Pseudonympha Narycia (Wallengren). 
Pseudonympha Narycia, Wallgrn., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1857, Lep. 
Huhop. Calir.; p. 32; 1: 4. 

Q Erebia Narycia, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 350, pl. vi. 

ae © 

Exp. al.. 1 in. 55—8 lin. 

Pale-brown, welining to grey; wm fore-wing a well-defined discal 
patch of fulvous ; hind-wing wholly without marking. Fore-wing: api- 
cal ocellus rather large, very distinct, black, with two small silvery- 
white pupils, and in a very pale-yellowish ring outwardly edged with 
fuscous; fulvous patch beginning near extremity of discoidal cell, ex- 
tending as far as inner and beyond lower edge of ring of ocellus, not 
rising above first radial nervule, or descending quite as far as submedian 
nervure; a rather indistinct submarginal dark streak from costa bound- 
ing the even outer edge of fulvous patch. UNDER siDE— Very similar 
to upper side, but hind-wing with a discal series of five very distinct ocelli. 
Lore-wing: fulvous patch slightly smaller, being straighter along its 
inner edge; submarginal dark streak more distinct than on upper side. 
Hind-wing : series of ocelli sharply angulated on third median nervule, 
—first ocellus (between subcostal nervules) almost always considerably 


larger than the rest,—second ocellus usually smaller than the others 
(except sometimes the last), and occasionally blind; all ocelli very 
clearly defined, unipupillate with silvery-white, and in dark-edged 

pale-yellowish rings; about middle an indistinct, irregular, dark, trans- | 

verse streak, and beyond ocelli a similar but regular and darker streak, 

more or less suffused with fulvous in its upper portion; at base, for a 
little distance along costa, a pale-fulvous edging (in 2 this is wider and 
deeper in colour, and there is a similar second basal marking extending 
on inner margin). In both wings a dark line, followed by a pale one 
immediately before hind-margin. 

Except in the character just mentioned, the ? only differs from the 
f in being slightly paler, and having the hind-wing ocelli larger, and 
the fulvous suffusion of the outer dark streak more pronounced. 

The fifth ocellus on the under side of hind-wing is rarely in both 
sexes bipupillate. 

A 2 taken by Mr. W. Morant near Pretoria, in the Transvaal, not 
only presents the character last named, but has the second ocellus imme- 
diately surmounted by a very minute blind ocellus, and also exhibits 
the remarkable peculiarity of the ocellus of the fore-wing being tri- 
pupillate on the upper side, and respectively quadri-pupillate (right) 
and quinque-pupillate (left) on the under side. <A ¢ from Potchefstroom 
has the fore-wing ocellus tripupillate both above and below, while a ¢ 
from Basutoland has it bipupillate above and tripupillate below.’ 

The small size and pale ground-colour of this species, and its very 
distinct yellowish-ringed ocellus of the fore-wings, give it something of 
the aspect of P. Cassius (Godt.), but the perfectly unmarked upper side 
of the hind-wings, no less than their very conspicuous under side series 
of ocelli, at once characterise it as altogether another butterfly. All the 
other Pseudonymphe have ocelli or a fulvous patch (or both) on the 
upper side of the hind-wings,—even P. Neita, Wallengr., the nearest 
ally of Narycia, presents some red-ringed ocelli. 


This insect seems confined to elevated country in the interior of South 
Africa. In Basutoland, Colonel Bowker reports it as occurring “all over the 
country, on high hills and rocks.” It occurs as far north as Pretoria in the 
Transvaal; and in the Orange Free State, Mr. C. Hart, who sent me some 
examples, found it “common in January 1871.” Ihave not heard of its having 
been found to the south of the Orange River. 

Localities of Pseudonympha Narycia. 

I, South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
d. Basutoland.—Maseru, Maluti Mountains, &. (J. H. Bowker). 
C. Orange Free State.—Special locality not recorded (C. Hart). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom District (7. Ayres). Pretoria( W. Morant). 

- 1 Tn these cases of more than two pupils, it is remarkable that there is no indication of 
additional ocelli having been incorporated in the ordinary one,—as is so often noticeable in 
the Satyrine. 


11. (4.) Pseudonympha Neita (Wallengren). 
| PLATE 7, fig. 2, ¢ - 
Pseudonympha Neita, Wallgrn., K. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl, 1875, p. 84, 

nl. 3. 
Erebia Narycia, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii. p. 198, n. 112 (1866). 

Wie. al., 1 in. 7 lin.—z in. 

Dull-brown.  Fore-wing: a large subquadrate fulvous patch on 
disc, commencing immediately beyond discoidal cell, leaving a broad 
border of ground-colour bounding it on each margin of wing, and half 
enclosing in its upper exterior portion a black, white-bipupillate ocellus 
ina paler fulvous ring. Hind-wing: beyond middle, between first and 
third median nervules, two similar (but unipupillate) ocelli, which are 
more conspicuous in ?, and of which the superior one is the larger; the 
pale fulvous rings of these ocelli, and especially that of the upper one, 
often suffused. UNDER sIpE.—Slightly paler; markings very distinct. 
Fore-wing: falvous defined inwardly and outwardly by a line darker 
than ground-colour, the outer line dentate in 9; iris of ocellus ochreous, 
ringed with dark-brown. Hind-wing: costa at base tinged with fulvous 
(in 2 some indistinct fulvous tinting along inner margin); beyond 
middle a most indistinct fascia, shghtly paler than ground-colour, con- 
taining four ocelli like that in fore-wing, of which the two wanting on 
upper side are respectively between first and second subcostal nervules 
and first median nervule and submedian nervure, the latter being 

Wallengren (loc. cit.) notes a ? from Potchefstroom, in the Transvaal, 
which has on upper side of hind-wing two fulvous spots in place of the ocelli. 

Before seeing the typical Narycia from the interior country, I took this 
larger, darker form from the Eastern Coast districts for it. Good distinguishing 
characters, irrespective of size, are the more restricted area of the fulvous patch 
in the fore-wing, which does not intrude on the discoidal cell, and the presence 
of ocelli in more or less suffused fulvous rings on the upper side of the hind- 
wing. On the under side of the hind-wing there are only four ocelli, that 
which in Narycia is the second of a series of five being always wanting in 
Neita. Specimens taken by myself near Greytown, Natal, and others found in 
the Transvaal by Mr. W. Morant and Mr. T. Ayres, are smaller and paler than 
the Kaffrarian examples, but present the distinguishing characters noted. One 
$ of those I captured has the costal ocellus of the hind-wing distinctly repre- 
sented on the upper side; while another g received from Mr. Morant has that 
ocellus faintly, and the fourth (near anal angle) pretty clearly shown on the 
upper side. i 

I met with this butterfly rather sparingly in grassy places near Greytown 
in March 1867. There was nothing in its flight or appearance distinguishing 
it from its congeners, Wallengren notes that Mr. N. Person found it not 
uncommonly in similar country near Potchefstroom during February. 

Localities of Pseudonympha Neita. 
_ IL. South Africa. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Tsomo and Bashee Rivers (J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 
6. Upper Districts.—Greytown. Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (W. Morant and T. Ayres). 


12. (5.) Pseudonympha D’Urbani, sp. nov. 

Exp. al., 1 in. 8-10 lin. 

Dull-brown ; a subquadrate discal fulvous patch and rather small 
black, white-bipupillate ocellus in fore-wing ; two indistinct (sometimes 
obsolete) minute unipuprllate fulvous-ringed ocellt in hind-wing. Fore- 
wing : fulvous patch small, clearly defined, even on both edges,—reach- 
ing superiorly as far as dull-yellowish ring of ocellus along inner and 
lower edge, and inferiorly to a little below first median nervule,—not 
infringing on discoidal cell; along median nervure a more or less 
distinct suffused fulvous streak. Hind-wing: ocelli between first and 
third median nervules, the upper one usually a little larger, and with 
its fulvous ring suffused. UNDER SIDE.—/ore-wing: outer edge of 
fulvous patch bounded by a dentated dark-brown streak, commencing 
close to costa; in some examples the discoidal cell presents, a little 
beyond its middle, a faint, transverse, fulvous mark. Hind-wing: 
three dark-brown irregular transverse streaks—one before, one about, 
and the third beyond, middle; between the central and outer streaks 
the ground-colour is paler, forming a broad fascia, marked exteriorly 
with four minute but well-defined unipupillate, black, yellow-ringed 

ocelli, of which the first is between the two subcostal nervules and the 

others in a row between third median nervule and submedian nervure ; 
these ocelli very finely encircled exteriorly with dark-brown. 

This Pseudonympha is nearly related to P. Neita, Wallengr., but is 
easily distinguished by 2s total want on the under side of the hind- 
wings of any basal fulvous, and rts possession of a quite distinct pale 
discal fascia, and of a third (pre-median) dark transverse streak. On 
the upper side as well as on the under side all the ocelli are smaller, 
and in much duller rings, especially those of the hind-wings, 

Mr. W. S. M. D’Urban, F.L.8., late curator of the Exeter Museum, dis- 
covered males of this butterfly at King William’s Town and Bodiam, in the 
colony of British Kaffraria, in the year 1861; and it gives me great pleasure to 
name the species in his honour. It was not until 1870 that I saw three other 
$ examples, which were taken by Mrs. Barber, two near Grahamstown and 
the other at King William’s Town; and in 1872 Colonel Bowker sent a ¢ 
and two @ from the Albert District in the north-east of Cape Colony. No 
other specimens have come under my notice. 

Localities of Pseudonympha D Urbani. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts;—Grahamstown (M. li. Barber). King William’s 
Town (W. 8S. M. D Urban and M. E. Barber). North of Albert 
District (J. H. Bowker). 


| 13. (6.) Pseudonympha Natalii, (Boisduval). 

Satyrus Natalit, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 594, n. 84 (1847). 
Erebia Natalti, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 203, n. 116 (1866). 
Pseudonympha Natalii, Butl., Cat. Sat. Brit. Mus., p. 94 (1868). 

Hep. al., 1 in. 7-9 lin. 

Very pale greyish-brown ; wn both wings a pale fulvous-ochreous dis- 
cal patch,—that of fore-wing enclosing subapical ocellus. Fore-wing: ful- 
| yous-ochreous patch large, edged throughout with a streak darker than 
| the general greyish-brown ground-colour, lying between subcostal and 
| gubmedian nervures, its inner edge at or not much beyond extremity 
of discoidal cell superiorly,—its outer edge running parallel to hind- 
| margin; ocellus subovate, rather oblique, bipupillate with white, in a 
| wide and distinct ochre-yellow ring, outwardly vaguely circled with a 
dark shade of rufous, and superiorly completely but narrowly enclosed 
by fulvous-ochreous patch ; a thin dark streak just before hind-margin. 
Hind-wing: fulvous-ochreous patch ill-defined superiorly about radial 
nervule, reaching inferiorly to a little below first median nervule, inter- 
nally bounded by a rather faint, externally by a very distinct dark line ; 
enclosed by the patch, between first and third median nervules, two 
small ocelli like that of fore-wing, but unipupillate and with a less dis- 
tinct yellow ring; in one example the upper of these ocelli is almost 
obsolete, and there is a third inferior equally obsolescent ocellus ; close 
to costa, not far before apex, a similar but larger obsolescent ocellus; 
submarginal streak as in fore-wing. UNDER SIDE.—Jore-wing: like 
upper side, but streak edging fulvous patch and submarginal streak 
ferruginous ; fulvous obsolescent about superior part of ocellus; outer 
dark circle of ocellus more distinct, tinged with ferruginous. Hind- 
wing: brown, not so greyish in tint as that of fore-wing; a dull ferru- 
ginous border on costa at and near base; before middle a rather 
indistinct, interrupted, transverse ferruginous stria; about middle a 
well-defined, similar, but quite continuous and more or less angulated 
stria from costa to submedian nervure; four ocelli of moderate size, 
very distinct, all unipupillate, the largest that near apex; of the others 
that nearest anal angle is the smallest; a little beyond ocelli a ferru- 
ginous stria, which, between second subcostal and third median nervules, 
forms two very abrupt and deep inter-nervular loops; the end of the 
lower loop encloses a minute fifth ocellus (obsolescent on left side in 
one example); streak close to hind-margin distinct, ferruginous. 

Boisduval does not, in his description cited, mention the very sin- 
gular double looping of the stria just beyond the ocelli on the under 
side of the hind-wing, but the characters he notes of the rather large 
fulvous patch in both wings marked with the ocelli, and the brown 
under side of the hind-wing crossed by two transverse ferruginous strize 
before the ocelli, are combined in no other Pseudonympha, and enable 
me to identify with P. Natali the specimens above described. The 



same author observes that he was acquainted with the $ only; and the 

two examples from which my description is made both appear to be of | 

that sex, but one has lost the abdomen and is otherwise injured. The 
most striking distinctive features of this rare species are those specially 
noticed, viz., on the upper side (1) the complete enclosure of the ocellus 
of fore-wing in the fulvous patch, and (2) the exceptionally large extent 
of the fulvous patch in the hind-wing; and on the under side (3) the 

two transverse ferruginous stria before the ocelli of the hind-wing, and — 
(4) the extraordinary looping of the stria just beyond them. Apart 

from these distinctions, NVatalw on the whole resembles P. Narycia and 

Neita, Wallengr., more nearly than any others of the genus yet de- | 

scribed ;1 but in the first and fourth features just mentioned it stands 
quite alone. 

Beyond the solitary much-injured specimen from Damaraland noted by me 

(loc. cit.) in 1866, I have seen only three examples of this butterfly, viz., one | 
taken in 1875 by Mr. F. W. Barber on the N.W. border of the Transvaal; | 

another found on the Tati River in 1882 by Mr. F. C. Selous; and the third in 
the collection brought from Matabeleland by Mr. Jamieson in 1881. Only 
the first of these three localities is south of the Tropic. 

Localities of Pseudonympha Natalic. 

I. South Africa. 
F. “ Zululand (Delegorgue).”—Boisduval. 
KX. Transvaal.—Crocodile River, 8. of Shoshong (f. W. Barber). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (J. A. Bell). 

b1. Eastern Interior.—Tati River (/. C. Selous). Matabeleland | 

(Jamieson). , 

14. (7.) Pseudonympha Hippia, (Cramer). 

Papilio Hippia, Cram., Pap. Exot., iii. pl. cexxii. ff. o, D (1782). 

. Papilio (Hipparchia) montana, Burchell, Travels Int. S. Afr., i. p. 45, 
note and woodcut (1822). 

Satyrus Cassius, 2, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 526, n. 134 (1819). 

Heo. a. (6) ian: 7 in (meen. 

a Dull greyish-brown ; discoidal cell and a space beyond and below 
it in fore-wing, and lower part of cell and wide space over median ner- 
vules beyond and below rt in hind-wing, very deep obscure-fulvous. Fore- 
wing: apical ocellus of moderate size, its two bluish-white pupils large 
and conspicuous, its outer ring of pale-brownish suffused and indistinct ; 

1 In Mr. Selous’s collection from the Tropical Interior of South Africa there are several 
examples of a much closer ally of Natalii. This form is larger, has the fulvous patch in 
both wings much smaller, and on the under side of the hind-wings wants the stria before 
middle, and has that beyond the ocelli unlooped. 







obscure-fulvous area very ill-defined, barely attaining outer ring of 
| ocellus, but descending as far as submedian nervure. Hind-wing: 
: obscure-fulvous area only occupying lower and outer half of cell, but 
| extending beyond over median nervules (and a little above and below 
| them) to not far from hind-margin. UNDER sIDE.—Hind-wing hoary, 
closely speckled with brown; a little beyond middle, a well-defined, irre- 
gular, rather bluntly dentate, dark-brown transverse streak. Fore-wing : 
fulvous much paler and better defined ; apex paler than rest of margin 
and speckled with brown. J/ind-wing: costa marked with some very 
small fuscous spots ; before middle, a very indistinct, irregular, in- 
_terrupted transverse dark-brown streak; streak beyond middle most 
| strongly dentate in its median portion; not far from hind-margin, two 
minute black white-unipupillate ocelli, one between subcostal nervules, 
the other between first and second median nervules. 
2 Fulvous in both wings paler, better defined. Fore-wing: apical 
ocellus considerably larger, its pale outer ring better defined. Hind- 
wing: avery minute ocellus, with a white centre between first and 
second median nervules. UNDER SIDE.—As in g, but the hind-wing 
with coarser mottling, inclining to striolation, with the streak before 
middle almost obsolete, and that beyond middle less distinct and rather 

Burchell’s very brief diagnosis leaves it doubtful whether his Mon- 
tana is identical with Cramer’s species, but his rough woodcut of the 
upper side (though it gives two small ocelli near the anal angle of the 
hind-wings instead of one) evidently depicts the fulvous area in both 
wings as occupying the same spaces; and this character (coupled with 
the conspicuous dark-brown streak beyond the middle on the under 
side of the hind-wings) affords the best distinction of the true Hippia, 
the area in question being so much larger (especially in the fore-wing, 
where it extends almost to the base) than in the nearly-allied P. vigilans, 


I have seen but two examples (a ¢ and a ?) which are strictly referable to 
the Hippia of Cramer,—the numerous specimens mentioned under that name 
in Rhopalocera Africe Australis being, I am now of opinion, of a different 
though very closely-related species. 

These two examples were captured by myself near Cape Town, on the sum- 
mit of the southern part of the Table Mountain range, in February 1864 and 
January 1865. Dr. Burchell’s insect is also noted as having been taken on 
the summit of the eastern side of Table Mountain on the 24th January 1811. 

Locality of Pseudonympha Hippie. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts:—Cape Town, 


15. (8.) Pseudonympha vigilans, sp. nov. 
Erebia Hippia, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii. p. 199, n. 113 (1866). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 7 lin.—2 in. 

§ Pale, dull, greyish-brown ; in each wing a small post-median deep- 

fulvous patch,—in fore-wing slightly intruding on outer part of discoidal 
cell, in hind-wing wholly beyond it. Fore-wing: black apical ocellus 

large, bipupillate with bluish-white (the upper pupil the larger), in a 

rather ill-defined yellowish-grey ring; fulvous patch rather elongated | 

transversely, lying between second radial and first median nervules, and | 

not extending as far as ring of ocellus,—its outline somewhat rounded, © 
Hind-wing : falvous patch smaller and more rounded than that of fore- © 
wing, scarcely rising above third, and not quite descending to first 

median nervule. UNDER SIDE.—Costa and apex of fore-wing and whole 

of hind-wing grey, with brown hatchings or short striole. Fore-wing: 

fulvous patch very mach enlarged inwardly, extending uninterruptedly 

to base; ring of ocellus better defined, outwardly edged with brown | 

throughout. Hind-wing: costal, apical, and upper hind-marginal area 

usually tinged with brownish, making the striole there less apparent; — 
sometimes a small unipupillate, black, yellowish-ringed ocellus near | 
hind-margin, between first and second median nervules, and sometimes 

also a similar, larger, subapical ocellus between the subcostal nervules. 

2 Paler, especially the fulvous patches, of which that in fore-wing is_ 

rounder and intruding more on discoidal cell. Hind-wing: rarely a 
single indistinct small ocellus between first and second median nervules.’ 

As a rule, specimens from the Cape Peninsula (Cape Town to Simon’s 
Town) have no ocelli on the under side of the hind-wings ; the ? occasionally, 

and the ¢ very rarely, presents a minute one between first and second median | 
nervules, but the subapical ocellus seems to be always wanting. It is probable | 

that this form prevails through the greater part of the Colony, as the examples 
IT met with near Grahamstown were quite like those found in the Cape Dis- 

trict. But farther to the east and north-east it is common to find specimens | 

in which both ocelli (and especially the subapical one) are more or less well 

marked. This character is, however, most variable ; for instance, among nine- | 
teen Basutoland examples collected by Colonel Bowker, five (including two 9?) | 
exhibit no trace of the subapical ocellus; one has the ocellus very small; five — 
present it small but distinct; two (¢ and @) possess it of a moderate size; _ 

in five it is large ; and one (a ¢) has it very large and conspicuous. Besides 

this tendency to the development of the subapical ocellus, the specimens in | 

question exhibit a browner under side of the hind-wing, owing to the more 
general and pronounced striolation ; and on the upper side of the fore-wing the 

1 In some Natalian and Transvaalian specimens of both sexes there are distinctly fulvous 
striole mixed with the brown ones, and two imperfect series of these, forming a median and 
a submarginal streak, are specially noticeable. This peculiarity is much developed in two 
small és taken by Colonel Bowker near the sources of St. John’s River, in the mountainous 
country on the border between Kafirland and Natal. 

2Intwo gs taken at Burghersdorp by Dr. Kannemeyer in 1883, this ocellus is well marked 
on both sides of the wing, and one of them very nearly equals in size (on the under side) the 
subapical ocellus, which is itself unusually large. In the other ¢ this subapical ocellus is 
quite distinct, though of small size, on the upper side. 


fulvous patch presents an extension in the direction of the base, especially in 
| the @, where it sometimes occupies rather over the outer third of the discoidal 
| cell. 
| From its very near ally, P. Hippia, Cram., this species is distinguished by 
its paler ground-colour, and paler, much smaller, fulvous patches on the upper 
side in both wings, and by the total absence of the dentated dark transverse 
streak beyond the middle on the under side of the hind-wing. 

This Pseudonympha haunts broken and rocky ground in elevated situations, 
| but is also to be found sometimes at lower levels near mountains and stony 
i hillsides. It is not uncommon on and about Table Mountain, and I have 
twice taken it flitting about the Museum enclosure in Cape Town. Its flight 
is extremely wavering and irregular, though weak and near the ground, and it 
is fond of settlng on stones or on the soil. On the 4th April 1872 I took 
| the paired sexes near the summit of the Lion’s Head Mountain. The butterfly 
| appears in the months of September and October, but I once met with it 
_ towards the end of August. It is, however, more numerous near Cape Town 
in March and April, and it was in March that I found it sparingly in Natal. 
Near Grahamstown I took it pretty commonly at the end of January and in 

Localities of Pseudonympha vigilans. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts\—Cape Town. Constantia, Muizenberg, Kalk 
Bay, Simon’s Town, Cape District. Genadendal, Caledon Dis- 
trict (G. Hettarsch). Worcester. 

b. EKastern Districts.—Grahamstown. King William’s Town (W. S. 
M. DUrban). Stormberg (M. £. Barber).  Burghersdorp, 
Albert District (D. R. Kannemeyer). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Heads of St. John’s River (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 

b. Upper Districts.—Noodsberg. Greytown. Estcourt (J. Wf. Hut- 
chinson). Biggarsberg and Rorke’s Drift (J. H. Bowker). 

d, Basutoland, Maseru and Koro-Koro (J. H. Bowker). 

F. Zululand.—Isandlhwana and Napoleon Valley (J. H. Bowker). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom and Lydenburg Districts (7. Ayres). 
Pretoria (W. Morant). 

16. (9.) Pseudonympha Sabacus, (Trimen). 

Erebia Sabacus, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 11. p. 200, n. 114, pl. 4, f. 1 

Pseudonympha Sabacus, Butl., Cat. Sat. Brit. Mus., p. 93 (1868). 

Pseudonympha Hippia,! Wallengr,, Kae Sy. Vet. veel Handl., 1857, 
Lep. Rhop. Cafir., p. 32, n. 1. 

Emp. al., (f) 1 in. 6-84 lin.; () 1 in. 4—8 lin. 

Greyish-brown ; fore-wing with a disco-cellular and discal deep 
fulvous patch, extending up to lower half of subapical ocellus ; hind-wing 
with two small ocelli in confluent fulvous rings near lower half of hind- 

1 Among the typical examples of Wahlberg’s butterflies, kindly forwarded to me from 

the Stockholm Museum by Mr. Aurivillius, was “ P. Hippia, Wallengren, 6,” which turned 
out to be a small 2 of P. Sabacus, mihi. 


margin. Fore-wing: a deep fulvous patch occupies, and sometimes 
extends a little below, discoidal cell, and is usually confluent at inser- 
tion of median nervules with a larger patch of the same colour, lying 

between fifth subcostal and third median nervules, and defined, partly | 

internally and wholly externally, with a line of dark-brown, the external 
line commencing on costa and slightly inclining inwards as far as first 
median nervule; black apical ocellus touching outer fulvous, ovate, 

-_ > ’ 

bipupillate with bluish, and with an incomplete, indistinct, yellowish- 

grey ring. Hind-wing: an indistinct dark-brown line near and parallel 
to hind-margin; touching its inner edge, between first and third median 
nervules, a small fulvous patch, enclosing two small, black, white uni- 
pupillate ocelli, very variable in size, and all but obsolete in some 
examples. UNDER SIDE—Costal and apical area of fore-wing indis- 
tinctly, whole of hind-wing conspicuously, whitish-grey, hatched with 
short dark-brown lines. ore-wing: fulvous paler, the two patches 
more completely confluent, but the inner brown edging of the outer 
patch often well-marked; ring of ocellus more distinct and complete. 
Hind-wing: three trregular, transverse, brown streaks,—one crossing 
cell between middle and base, occasionally rather indistinct,—one 
median, much zigzagged, always strongly marked,—the third regularly 
dentate, near hind-margin, sometimes a good deal obscured by the 
brown hatching, which is densest along hind-margin; between median 
and outer streak (but nearer the latter) three ocelli, usually with 
suffused brownish clouding, two answering to those on upper side, the 
third between two subcostal nervules; the latter ocellus often, and all 
three occasionally, quite wanting. 

This species differs from P. vigzlans, Trim., in its double fulvous patch, 
much smaller, incompletely-ringed ocellus, and dark-brown line of fore-wing, 
and much smaller fulvous marking of hind-wing; and beneath, in its triple- 
streaked whiter hind-wing. The antenne have a more slender, gradually- 
formed club, and are much more conspicuously white-ringed, especially beneath. 
The 9s as arule are smaller than the gs, and the fine dark-brown striole are 
much closer and more evenly distributed all over the hind-wing. 

Var. A: (f aid 2). 

Larger (exp. al., I in, 8-10 lin.) Sore-wing: ocellus propor- 
tionately smaller. Hind-wing: ocelli larger, but their fulvous rings 
narrow, not confluent. UNDER sIDE.—Hind-wing: whiter, shining ; 
the first and second transverse brown streaks strongly marked, and so 
clouded with brownish (the first exteriorly and the second interiorly) 
as to form a median irregular fascia, more or less white mesially; the 
third (submarginal) streak better marked, more dentate, usually inter- 
rupted with white on the nervules; ocelli very much larger (their 
pupil often obsolete) and the suffused brown clouding surrounding 
them much darker and broader; in some examples, a minute additional 
ocellus close to anal angle. 

ffab.—Kastern South Africa. 


le Var. B. (4). 

Same size as Var. A. Fore-wing: cellular fulvous very much 
' reduced (in two examples barely visible). Zind-wing: subapical ocellus 
of under side reproduced in three out of four examples; two lower 
| ocelli large, well-defined, with a very distinct bluish pupil, and set 
| in moderately wide fulvous rings; accompanying them an additional 
smaller ocellus between radial and third median nervules. UNDER 
| sE.—Fore-wing: fulvous field as usual; apical white reduced to a 
short streak between brown transverse line and ring of ocellus; on 
apex, some fulvous scaling. Hind-wing: the four ocelli and (in three 
| examples) a fifth minute anal-angular one very distinct, and in evident 
rings paler than the restricted pale-brown clouding surrounding them ; 
fulvous scaling marks the clouding of all the three transverse dark- 
brown streaks, of which the outer (submarginal) one is much less den- 
tate than in Var. A. 

Hab.—Natal. In the collection of R. Trimen. 

With this last-described variety I am disposed to associate three 9 speci- 
mens taken by Colonel Bowker at the heads of the Kraai River, in the Aliwal 
North District of the Cape Colony. In the rather better development of the 
cellular fulvous of the fore-wing, and in the fewer, less distinct ocelli of the 
hind-wing on the upper side, they approach Variety A.; but the under side, 
though duller, in its colouring and the hind-wing ocelli nearly resembles that 
of the ¢ Variety B. 

‘This is an exceedingly abundant species in open country all through the 
coast districts of the Colony. The typical form swarms on the sandy flats near 
Cape Town in October and November, and occurs as late as the middle of 
May. I found it equally plentiful at Knysna during the summer months. It 
extends to Uitenhage and to Grahamstown, occurring near the latter place 
during my visit in January 1870. I do not know the exact eastern limit of 
the typical form, or whether it occurs in some districts In company with 
Variety A.; but the latter prevails in the Trans-Kei District of Kaffraria 
Proper, and seems altogether to replace the typical Sabacus in the interior of 
Natal, where I found it in great numbers in the summer of 1867. Variety B. 
was only met with near Greytown and in the Great Noodsberg, but I captured 
Variety A. also in those localities. Everywhere, both as regards the typical 
form and the Variety A., females are very rarely taken among the very nume- 
rous males, 

Localities of Pseudonympha Sabacus, 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts—Cape Town. JBlaauwberg, Cape District. 
Eerste River, Stellenbosch District. Paarl. Bain’s Kloof, Wor- 
cester District. Mossel Bay. Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. 

6. Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown. Uitenhage (S. D. Bairstow). 
Coega River (J. H. Bowker). Windvogelberg (Dr. Batho). 
Stormbergen (Mrs. Barber.—Var. A.) North of Albert District 
(J. H. Bowker.—Var. A.) East London (P. Borcherds.— 
Var. A.) 

d. Basutoland.—Maluti Mountains (J. H. Bowhker.— Var. A.) 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker.— 
Var. A.) 

EK. Natal. 

b. Upper Districts.—Udland’s Mission Station.—(Var. A.) Tun- | 
jumbili—(Var. A.) Hermansburg.—(Var. A.) Greytown.— — 
(Vars. A.and B.) Great Noodsberg.—(Vars. A. and B.) Little — 

Noodsberg.—(Var. A.) Karkloof (J. H. Bowker.— Var. A.) 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres.—Var. A.) 

17. (10.) Pseudonympha Trimenii, Butler. 

Pseudonympha Trimenti, Butler, Cat. Sat. Brit. Mus., p. 94, n. 6 (1868). 
. Erebia Sabacus, Var. A., Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 201, pl. 4, f£. 2 
Pseudonympha Sabacus and P. Trimenit, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 
1868, p. 284. 

Exp. al, 1 in. 64-84 lin. 
Rather dark-brown, with two small, well-separated, deep fulvous patches 
in fore-wing ; entire neuration of under side of hind-wing white. Fore- 

wing: in discoidal cell, a small fulvous patch, not extending beyond — 
origin of second median nervule, bounded exteriorly by a rather indis- | 
tinct slightly angulated fuscous line; beyond cell a larger, upper- — 

discal fulvous patch, bounded everywhere but superiorly by a well- 
defined fuscous line ; subapical ocellus of moderate size or rather small, 
directly touching fulvous interiorly, but with a very indistinct yellowish- 
grey half-ring exteriorly. Mind-wing: a slightly sinuate submarginal 
fuscous line; before it, between radial and first submedian nervules, 
three small ocelli, of which the middle one, and to a less extent the 
lowest, are ringed with broadly suffused fulvous. UNDER sIDE.—Fore- 
wing: edge of costa before middle, costal nervure at base, and terminal 
portion of nervules at and near (below) apex white; two fulvous patches 
united into one long field, paler than above, but the fuscous bounding 
lines quite as well marked as on upper side; ring of ocellus faintly indi- 
cated interiorly. Mind-wing: besides the entire neuration, a fine costal 
edging line, a fine line at base of hind-marginal cilia, the hairs edging 
inner margin, a bifurcate longitudinal streak in discoidal cell, and a 
longitudinal streak from base to near anal angle above and parallel to 
submedian nervure, are all white; ground-colour pale greyish-brown, 
irregularly and sparsely freckled with dark-brown short lineole, espe- 
cially near base and margins; three transverse fuscous streaks inter- 
rupted by white neuration,—that before middle rather sharply angulated, 
that about middle sinuated irregularly, and that beyond middle slightly 
but regularly dentated ; space between middle and outer streak whitish, 
and containing near its external edge a row of five or six more or less 
distinct very small ocelli in faint yellowish-grey rings surrounded by 
brownish. , 

The fulvous markings of the upper side, especially the disco- 
cellular one in the fore-wing, are in some specimens much reduced and 


Var. A. (f and 9). 
f Fore-wing: dusky, suffused; cellular patch only indicated by a 

fulvous gloss; outer patch paler, wider, without bounding fuscous line ; 
ocellus larger, but its two pupils indistinct. Mind-wing: five ocelli, 
all apparent, the fulvous surrounding the two lowest expanded into a 
good-sized patch. UNDER sipE.—Duller. Hind-wing: neuration not 
so white before middle; ocelli with barely perceptible pupils; whitish 
clouding sparse and less extensive. 

2 like ¢ in most respects, but cellular fulvous of fore-wing on upper 
side well developed and united to that beyond middle as on under side. 

Hab.—? British Kaffraria. 

This is a close ally of P. Sabacus, mihi, and, while one example only was 
known to me, I was disposed to regard it as a variety, or perhaps a mere indi- 
vidual aberration, of that species. But having since taken specimens of both 
sexes in three different localities, and found the differences constant, I think 
that Mr. Butler rightly separated it from its near congener. The conspicuous 
white neuration of the under side at once distinguishes Trimenit from its near 
congeners, and the constancy of the unbroken row of five (rarely six) ocelli on 
the under side of the hind-wing is also a very characteristic feature, 

The variety noted was taken by Mr. (now Colonel) Bowker in the year 

1868, and sent by him to the South-African Museum while I was absent from 
the Colony. Both specimens were unfortunately much broken; and Mr. 
Layard, at that time curator of the Museum, could not tell me their precise 
locality, but believed it was some part of British Kaffraria. 
_ PP. Trimenii has quite the habits and appearance on the wing of the widely- 
distributed and abundant P. Sabacus, but seems to be extremely local. On 
Table Mountain I have met with it haunting a small tract at a considerable 
elevation, where I did not find any Sadacus, and it was not uncommon, under 
the same conditions, near Simon’s Town ; but on another occasion, near Eerste 
River, in the Stellenbosch District, I found Trimenii in quite a lowland station, 
—a few specimens flying among swarms of Sabacus which enlivened the spot. 
It is on the wing in September and October. 

Localities of Pseudonympha Trimenii, 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts—Cape Town. Simon’s Town. Eerste River, 
Stellenbosch District. 
6. Eastern Districts.—? British Kaffraria (J. H. Bowker). 

18. (11.) Pseudonympha Cassius, (Godart). 

Papilio Hyperbius, g, Cram., Pap. Exot., ii. p. elxviii. ff. c, p (1779). 

Satyrus Cassius, Godt. [part], Enc. Meth., ix. p. 526, n. 134 (1819). 

Pseudonympha hyperbioides, Wallengr., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl, 1857, 
Lep. Rhop. Caffr., p. 32, n. 2. 

Erebia Cassius, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii, p. 202, n. 115 (1866). 

mupedl. Tain. 3—7 lin. 

Grey-brown. Fore-wing: a brick-red, ill-defined central patch, vari- 
able in size, on median nervure and nervules, and occupying outer lower 
portion of discordal cell; beyond it, two transverse streaks darker than 


eround-colour,—the first not extending below red patch, the other, 
which is near hind-margin, extending from near costa to near inner 
margin; between the two streaks, near costa, a large, nearly circular, 
black ocellus, yellow-ringed and bipupillate with blue. Hind-wing: 
outer transverse streak as in fore-wing; two small ocelli near hind- 
margin towards anal angle, coloured as in fore-wing, but unipupillate, 

—the ocellus nearer anal angle smaller than the other. UNDER SIDE.—. 
Paler; hind-margin near apex of fore-wing and whole of hind-wing, 

more or less closely hatched with numerous short, thin, red-brown lines, 
Fore-wing: brick-red patch larger, almost filling discoidal cell; ocellus 
and transverse streaks more distinctly marked. Hind-wing: two angu- 
lated, transverse, reddish-brown streaks, one before, the other about 
middle; hind-margin densely hatched with red-brown lines; only the 
smaller ocellus visible near anal angle, and that very minute; another 
small ocellus between subcostal nervules, close to apex; sometimes one 
or two white dots, representing additional ocelli, between the two 
ocelli mentioned ; in some specimens the whole hind-wing is so densely 
hatched that the two transverse streaks are inconspicuous. 

A @ specimen from Knysna in my collection has in both fore- 
wings a minute ocellus adjoining the lower extremity of the ordinary 
large ocellus; and there is an additional ocellus in the hind-wings, 
smaller and more towards costa than the two ordinary ones. 

In a 2 example from the same locality, the small ocellus on under- 
side of hind-wing, near apex, is also distinct on the upper surface of 
the wing; while in another 2, taken at Forest Hall, near Plettenburg 
Bay, by Mr. W. H. Newdigate, the fore-wings bear, in addition to the 
small ocellus adjoining the ordinary large one, a further small ocellus 
between first and second median nervules. 

The remarkable distinctness of the yellow rings of all the ocelli is charac- 
teristic of this Pseudonympha, and the ocelli of the hind-wing are on the 
upper side unusually large, and without any vestige of fulvous round them. 
The under side of the hind-wing is quite devoid of the white clouding so 
characteristic of P. Sabacus, Trim., and P. Trimenzt, Butler; and the minuteness 
of its ocelli and vague definition of its transverse striz recall the same surface 
in P. vigtlans, ‘Trim. 

P. Cassius is very common and of general distribution in Southern Africa, 
and probably occurs throughout the year, as June and July are the only 
months during which I have not observed it. As usual with the species of 
this group, the ?s are comparatively seldom met with. Cassius is a butter- 

fly of very slender structure, and flies more feebly than any other member of 
this genus I have seen on the wing. 

The paired sexes, taken at D'Urban, Natal, were forwarded to me by ~ 

Colonel Bowker in the year 1879. 

Localities of Pseudonympha Cassius. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.\—Cape Town. Hout Bay. Swellendam (4. C. 
Harrison). Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. Oudtshoorn (— Adamis). 

ae ? _. F a ——— - 

SATYRIN &. gt 

6, Eastern Districts.—Port Elizabeth (W. S. Jf. D’Urban). Uiten- 
hage (S. D, Bairstow). Grahamstown. Frankfort (W. S. J. 
D Urban). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.— Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 

E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts —D’Urban. Verulam. Mapumulo.  Itongati. 
b. Upper Districts.—Pietermaritzburg. Greytown. Intzutze. Tun- 
jumbili. Udland’s Mission Station. Karkloof (J. H. Lowker). 

K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 


Leptoneura, Wallengren, Kongl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1857 ; Lep. Ithop. 
Caffr., p. 31; Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., il. 192 (1866). 

Imaco.—Closely allied to Pseudonympha. Hyes hairy; palpi scaly 
laterally, and with much shorter, less bristly hairs (especially beneath) ; 
the terminal joint shorter, less acute than in Pseudonympha ; antennw 
| rather short, with the club distinct and rather gradually thickened 
(except in L. Cassus and Cassina, where it is rounded, abruptly formed, 
and somewhat flattened). Zhorax rather more robust. Wangs with 
neuration similar to that of Psewdonympha, but with the costal nervure 
of fore-wings unswollen, and the discoidal cell of hind-wings much 
shorter; in the g, on the under side of fore-wings, a narrow, elon- 
gate, shining greyish space, on inner margin at base, ordinarily hidden 
by the costa of hind-wings. Jore-legs of § extremely small, clothed 
with elongate scales and a few bristly hairs; tibia rather shorter than 
femur, short tarsal portion abruptly reduced terminally into a straight 
acute spine. Middle and hind legs short; femora smooth, scaly ; tibiee 
set with very fine bristles, and with terminal spurs short; tarsi also 
finely bristly, with a longer, more spiny pair of bristles at end of each 
articulation beneath. 

Larva.—Rather thick and short; head large; tail very shortly 
bifid. Skin set generally with very short bristles. 

Pupa.—Cylindrical, very thick (especially about middle); head and 
back of thorax very blunted, scarcely prominent. 

Besides the difference noted in the antenne, Z. Cassus, Linn., and 
Cassina, Bul., are distinguished from their congeners by the more 
slender terminal joint of the palpi, and by a generally more robust 
structure of the body, the abdomen being longer and thicker, and tufted 
at the extremity. 

The Leptoneure are larger insects than the species of Pseudo- 
nympha, the two smallest of them (LZ. Bowkert and Cassina) being 
equal in size to the  P. vigilans, the largest of its genus. Their 
habits are quite like those of the latter group; they frequent open 
ground, several species preferring hilly tracts. Their flight is rather 
Stronger and (in the males) longer sustained than that of Pseudo- 


nympha, and in the case of ZL. Clytus (the most numerous of the 
known species), inclining to take a circular direction. With the excep- 
tion of Clytus, the members of this genus appear to be very local, and 
none of them seems to present the abundance in individuals of the 
species named,—Cassus, Linn., being, however, tolerably plentiful near 
Cape Town. 

‘The undoubted occurrence of the latter species in Madagascar is 
very remarkable, as it certainly seems to be scarcer in the eastern 
districts of the Colony, and is not recorded from Natal or from the 
African coast nearer to Madagascar. But for this singular extension 
of the range of one of its species, Zeptonewra would stand as one of the 
few endemic South-African genera. 

19. (1.) Leptoneura Clytus, (Linn.) 

Papilio Clytus, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 268, n. 87 (1764); and Syst. 
Nat; 1..2, p: 763, nm. 124°(1 707), 
Papilio Tistphone, Rott., in Naturforschen, vi. p. 16, t. 1, ff. 1, 2 (1775); 
apud Kirby, Syn. Cat. D. Lep., p. 56. 
Papilio Clytus, Cram., Pap. Exot., i. pl. Ixxxvi. ff co, p. (1779). 
‘5 Wulfen, Descr. Capens. Ins., p. 31, n. 30 (1786). 
Satyrus Clytus, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. sos. M. 1¢2 (15uo): 
Erebia Clytus, Westw., Gen. D. Lep., Il, pa, 380,043 (aga). 
Leptoneura Clytus, Wallenor., KX. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl, 1857, Lep. Rhop. 
Carte: = p43 x. 
* >,  cLrim., Khop. Adr, Aust., ii. p. 192, n. 109 (1866). 

Hipp. Ol 2 in, 24 lim 

Brown, with a glistening greenish and reddish surface-light ; fore- 
wing with creamy-yellow, macular, transverse stripes. Fore-wing: on 
costa beyond middle commences an outwardly-convex, interiorly much- 
dentated creamy-yellow band, very variable in depth of hue, width, and 
continuity, properly reaching to submedian nervure, but often shorter 
and much interrupted by ground-colour; this band is usually joined 
about first median nervule by a much narrower stripe of the same 
colour from fourth subcostal nervule near apex, outwardly bordering a 
large ocellus, which is narrowly edged with darker yellow inwardly ; 
ocellus compound, elongate, black, with two (rarely three) large blue 
pupils. Mind-wing: near and parallel to hind-margin a row of five 
black, fulvous-ringed ocelli, unipupillate with blue, of which the fifth 
is much the smallest and occasionally nearly obsolete; rarely a sixth 
small ocellus near costa. UNDER SIDE—VPaler ; hind-wing much paler, 
with dark zigzag strie.  Fore-wing: apex greyish-white; yellow stripes 
much narrowed, the larger seldom reaching below third median nervule, 
its inner edge thence being indicated by a dentate dark-brown streak, 
—the outer forming with the inner edging only a ring about ocellus ; 
in discoidal cell, about its centre, two dark transverse streaks, the 
inner of which is macular and nearly always continued to submedian 
nervure. Hind-wing: transverse strie three,—the macular one near 

SATYRIN 2. 93 

base, and the zigzag one crossing cell, both edged outwardly with 
whitish scales,—the zigzag one about middle similarly edged inwardly ; 
a dark line closing cell; ocelli in row seven, brown, with white-pupilled 
black centres, and narrowly ringed with yellow and brown, two first on 
costa out of line with the rest, the last larger than on upper side, often 
bipupillate,—all of them bounded by confluent rings of whitish scales. 
Both above and below, a paler border on hind-margin of both wings, 
divided longitudinally by a dark line, straight or slightly waved on 
upper side, waved near apices on under side. 

The sexes do not differ appreciably, except that in the %, on the 
under side, the creamy-yellow band almost always extends brokenly 
below third median nervule, and as far as first median nervule, and 
the white scaling in the hind-wing is more pronounced. 

Pupa.—Dull brownish-grey, speckled with fuscous. On back of 
abdomen, a transverse row of thin small indistinct fuscous spots occupy- 
ing middle line of each segment; on under side of abdomen fuscous 
irroration close and thick, leaving two convergent clear streaks of 
ground-colour from ends of wing-covers to anal point. Central line of 
breast covering haustellum defined by two fuscous longitudinal streaks. 
Neuration of wings distinctly defined with brown on wing-covers. 

The pupa here described was found by Mr. T. D. Butler, the taxi- 
dermist of the South-African Museum, on the 26th March 1873, under 
a large stone on the ascent of the Devil’s Peak, Cape Town. It was 
lying perfectly free, without attachment of any kind. The imago, a 
fine 2, emerged on 8th April. 

Var. A. (Grahamstown, Cape Colony). 

wep. al; 2 in. 6—7 lin. 

df Considerably larger; rings of ocelli in hind-wing paler, yellower. 

Aberr. $ (Cape Town). 

Fore-wing: a reddish-ochreous transverse meso-cellular fascia, in- 
wardly ill-defined, outwardly bounded by dark-brown streak ; a little 
scaling of the same colour between extremity of cell and pale creamy- 
yellow stripe. Hind-wing: some similar, but more conspicuous scaling 
between extremity of cell and first two ocelli of submarginal row. 
(Taken by R. Trimen, roth April 1874.) 

The large Grahamstown variety occurs freely at Highlands, whence 
Mrs. Barber sent me several specimens; but I have not seen the 2 of 
it. It manifestly inclines towards the more eastern and still larger 
form LZ. Oxylus, mihi. 

The g aberration shows in its ill-defined imperfect upper-side 
fascize some indication of an approach to the colouring of the curious 
form L. Mintha, Geyer, but exhibits no trace of the latter’s peculiar 
pale neuration, &c., of the under side. 

In a g captured near Seymour, in the Stockenstrom District, by Mr. Scully, 
the upper part of the fore-wing ocellus is reduced to a very small separate 
ocellus, which on the under side becomes quite obsolete. 


This well-known species appears in open ground generally during the 
autumn, from the middle of February to the end of May, being most numerous 

in March. Among the great number of ¢s which keep in active flight over | 

the fields, very few Qs are to be seen—I think not more than one in fifty. 
Clytus is of wide distribution in the Cape Colony, but does not seem to occur 
further eastward, the nearly allied LZ. Oxylus, mihi, replacing it in Kaffraria 
Localities of Leptoneuwra Clytus. 
I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts—Cape Town. Caledon (J. X. Merriman). 
Genadendal (G. Hettarsch). Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. Oudts- 
hoorn (— Adams). 

6. Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown (MM. H. Barber). Uitenhage 
(S. D. Bairstow). Seymour, Stockenstrom (W. C. Scully). 

20. (2.) Leptoneura Oxylus, Trimen. 
Prare Wl fig esas. 
3d Leptoneura Oxylus, Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 437. 

Leptoneura Clytus (Linn.), Var. A., Trim., Rhop. Afr, Aust., ii. p. 194 

Exp. al., 2 in. 74-94 lin. 

& Brown, strongly glossed with a bronay lustre of mingled reddish 
and greenish ; fore-wing with pale-creamy macular transverse submarginal 
stripes. Fore-wing : a transverse, exteriorly convex, interiorly strongly- 
dentate, pale-creamy macular stripe, from costa just beyond middle to 
anal angle; of this stripe the upper portion is rather narrow and un- 
interrupted, but the lower portion is broader and consists of three spots 
more or less completely separated from the upper portion and from each 
other; close to apex, a short, mu¢h curved, unbroken, wider stripe of 
the same colour, from near costa to third median nervule, along which, 
by a very thin ray, it is united to the preceding stripe ; touching inner 
edge of this short stripe are three rather small, more or less confluent, 
black ocelli with widely blue-clouded white pupils, bounded interiorly 
by a thin creamy-yellow line; along hind-margin a rather narrow, ill- 
defined whitish border, separated by a brown streak from apical pale- 
creamy stripe, and traversed longitudinally by another brown streak 
close to hind-marginal edge. Hind-wing: beyond middle, between 
second subcostal nervule and submedian nervure, a curved transverse 
row of five conspicuous black ocelli, with bluish white pupils, in pale 
fulvous rings; of these ocelli the fifth is much smaller than the rest, 
and often bipupillate; a narrow hind-marginal border of a paler brown 
than the ground-colour, traversed by a dark brown streak close to hind- 
marginal edge. UNDER SIDE: rather paler, less glossy. Fore-wing: the 
creamy bands whiter, the inner one considerably narrowed, its upper 
portion more irregular, and sometimes even interrupted, its lower 
macular portion with the two lower spots very much reduced or obsolete ; 
the inner edge of this stripe is defined by a dentate stria darker than 



the ground-colour; in discoidal cell, a little beyond its middle, a 
slightly-angulated dark-brown transverse stria, preceded by a shorter 
striate marking, sometimes broken into two small spots. Mind-wing: 
a very short dark stria (or two small spots) in discoidal cell near base ; 
two irregular dark transverse strive from costal to submedian nervure— 
one before, the other about, middle—of which the first is exteriorly 
edged with some indistinct whitish scales ; outer stria much more irre- 
gular than the inner; ocelli as above, but their pupils smaller, their 
rings yellow, narrower, and enclosed in thin outer rings of dark-brown, 
and the black containing traces of a very thin bluish crescent; two 
additional, rather duller, but similar ocelli near costa, before the others ; 
both interiorly and exteriorly the ocelli are bounded by some whitish 
or whitish-violaceous clouding. 

This fine form of Leptoneura seems to be sufficiently distinct from 
L. Clytus (Linn.), to be ranked as a separate species. The female still 
remains unknown to me, but, considering how rarely that sex of Clytus 
proper is taken in comparison with the very numerous males, this is 
perhaps not to be wondered at in the case of a form that appears to be 
very local. The male Z. Oxylus differs from LZ. Clytus in the following 
respects, viz.:—(1) Its much larger size, Clytus not expanding above 
2% inches, and being generally not more than 2 in. 4 lin. across the 
wings; (2) its paler colouring throughout; (3) the proportionally 
smaller and invariably triple ocellus of fore-wing, which in Clytus is 
rarely more than double, and, in the instances where it is triple, the 
lowest (or third) factor of the compound ocellus is small or minute ; 
(4) the greater width of the creamy stripe beyond this ocellus; (5) the 
whitish hind-marginal border of fore-wing; (6) the more irregular and 
broken character of the macular creamy stripe across disc of fore-wing ; 
(7) the more distinct ocelli of hind-wing, and their conspicuous pale 
fulvous (instead of dull fulvous) rings; (8) on the under side of the 
hind-wing the ocelli are much blacker and their yellow rings much. 
brighter ; while (9) the two dark striz are very much less irregular, 
the outer one projecting farthest from base on the radial nervule, so 
that the space between the strie is widest at that point, instead of on 
the third median nervule; and (10) the whitish edging of the striz is 
either wanting or very faintly present, and the basal broken stria of 
Clytus is all but obsolete. A structural difference is noticeable in the 
antenne, which are proportionally shorter in Oxylus; they are also of 
a paler and more yellowish rufous. 

Colonel Bowker sent this butterfly from Butterworth, Kaffraria Proper, as 
long ago as 1861, and afterwards from the Bashee River in the same territory. 
Mr. W. 8. M. D’Urban informed me that he had noticed this large ‘ Variety 
A.” of L. Clytus in the then colony of British Kaffraria ; but it was not until 
March 1875 that Colonel Bowker succeeded in taking specimens on the west 
bank of the Kei River, in the division of East London. I have not heard of 
the butterfly occurring in Natal, or elsewhere in South Africa than within the 
limited range indicated. 


Localities of Leptonewra Oxylus. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony.—East London District: bank of Kei River (J. H. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 

21. (3.) Leptoneura Mintha, (Geyer). 

Dira Mintha, Geyer, Zutr. Samml. Exot. Schmett., 5th Cent., p. 15, 
n. 426, ff. 851-852 (1837). 
Erebia Mintha {an E, Clytus, Linn. Var. ?], Westw., Gen. D. Lep., p. 380, 
Nn. 45 (0351). 
Leptoneura Clytus (Linn.),? Var. ©, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii 
p. 194 (1866). 
Leptoneura Mintha, Butl., Cat. Sat. Brit. Mus., p. 71, n. 2 (1868). 
Exp. al., 2 mm. 1-5 lin. | 
t Dull brown, with a bronzy surface-gloss ; fore-wing with a pale- 
creamy macular transverse stripe beyond middle. Fore-wing: stripe 
occupying same position as in LZ. Clytus, but more distinctly interrupted 
- on third median nervule, and more curved inward inferiorly ; the three 
lower spots of the stripe quite disconnected, and, though blunter inte- 
riorly, exteriorly quite sharply acuminate—the reverse of what occurs 
in Clytus ; compound ocellus near apex bipupillate (rarely tripupillate) 
with white (not blue, as in Clytus), and bordered externally by a narrow 
quadri-macular dull-creamy stripe; a little before middle, a transverse 
fuscous streak, crossing cell, and interrupted on median nervure. AHind- 
wing: beyond middle, an interrupted, often very indistinct, fuscous 
streak, externally edged narrowly with dull ochreous-yellow; a sub- 
marginal row of four moderate-sized white-pupilled ocelli (often a 
minute indistinct fifth ocellus near anal angle) in pale dull ochreous- 
yellow rings. UNDER SIDE.—Paler and duller; neuration of hind- 
wing clouded with white. Fore-wing: base suffused with deep-fulvous 
as far as fuscous transverse streak ; apical margin narrowly clouded 
with white, fading into pale-brown along hind-margin. Hind-wing: 
near base, two fuscous whitish-edged spots in discoidal cell, and a 

short longitudinal fuscous whitish-edged streak between median and _ 

submedian nervures; a fuscous streak marking extremity of cell; 
before middle, across wing, a highly irregular dentated fuscous streak, 
exteriorly clouded with white; beyond middle, a similar but stronger, 
less dentated streak, exteriorly much more widely white-clouded, and 
sharply interrupted on first and on third median nervules; six ocelli, much 
smaller than those on upper side, and with scarcely any trace of yellowish 
rings ; a rather narrow submarginal shining-white stripe, thinly edged 
on both sides with fuscous, running from costa just before apex to 
anal angle; costa itself with a linear white edging. 

2 Pale-creamy stripe beyond middle of fore-wing of a yellower tint 


than in f; rings of ocellt in hind-wing more distinct and faintly tinged 
with fulvous. Fore-wing: transverse fuscous streak bounded interiorly 
by well-marked fulvous clouding. Hind-wing: transverse fuscous 
streak exteriorly edged with somewhat suffused fulvous. UNDER SIDE. 
—Fore-wing: fulvous extending more or less fully over disc as far as 
lower part of creamy macular stripe (sometimes covering the lowest 
spot).  Hind-wing: white clouding of neuration and of transverse 
streaks much more restricted, but at the same time much more clearly 
defined ; rings of ocelli much more distinct—in one case quite clear 

This butterfly looks so very like a mere aberration of L. Clytus (Linn.), 
that I should not have been disposed to treat it as distinct had not specimens 
(the first that reached me) of both sexes been lately—1883-84—sent from 
Burghersdorp, in the north-east of the Cape Colony, by Dr. D. R. Kannemeyer, 
with the information from that careful observer that it was the prevalent form 
of Leptonewra in that vicinity. The differences noted in the above description 
seem to be constant, but more material is necessary to make this clear. The 
exact locality of the well-coloured ¢ figured by Geyer in the “ Zutrage ” 
quoted is not recorded, but it is not unlikely that the specimen was taken near 
Cape Town. Mintha is, however, in contrast to Clytus, extremely rare in this 
locality, as I have never yet met with it, and the only example known to me 
as certainly found in the neighbourhood is a 2 captured at Tokai, in the Cape 
District, by the late Mr. H. W. Oakley, Assistant-Curator of the South-African 
Museum, on the 4th April 1884. Mr. Oakley revisited the spot, but did not 
obtain any other specimens, though he informed me that he believed one 
Leptoneura which escaped capture belonged to the form in question. 

Localities of Leptoneuwra Mintha. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—-Tokai, Cape District (HW. W. Oakley). 
b. Eastern Districts.—Burghersdorp (D. &. Kannemeyer). 

22. (4.) Leptoneura Dingana, Trimen. 

& Leptoneura Dingana, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., £873, p. 102, 
0) Ae in ia 

Exp. al., 2 in. 2--4 lin. 

f Dark-brown.  Fore-wing: beyond middle a curved macular 
fulvous-ochreous band between subcostal nervure and second median 
nervule, the three upper spots united and forming a subapical bar ; 
contiguous to outer edge of bar a compound black ocellus, bipupillate 
or (rarely) tripupillate with bluish-white. Hind-wing: a submarginal 
row of five unipupillate black ocelli in strongly-marked fulvous-ochreous 
rings, of which the first is between the subcostal nervules, and the 
fifth between second and first median nervules; an indistinct and 
minute sixth ocellus close to anal angle. UNDER SIDE.—Dull fuscous- 
brown, with very indistinct markings. Fore-wing: only a faint (often 



no) trace of fulvous band; compound ocellus smaller than above, ill- 
defined, but the pupils conspicuous. Hind-wing: the six ocelli present, 

but without fulvous rings; usually an additional small ocellus next | 

costa; before them indistinct traces of an irregular transverse streak, 
darker than ground-colour, but inwardly edged by a paler line; beyond 
them two indistinct, parallel, hind-marginal dark streaks; before 
middle a similar irregular streak, with a paler external edging. 

2 Paler. Fore-wing: fulvous-ochreous band broader, especially 
in its lower portion. Hind-wing: rings of ocelli paler, broader. 
UNDER SIDE.—Sore-wing: band present, but much narrower through- 
out. Hind-wing: median transverse stria rather more distinct. 

This Zeptoneura is nearly allied to L. Bowkert, mihi, but is of the 
larger size of Clytus, Linn., and presents a very different appearance 
from the former species, owing to its fulvous band and very much 
larger compound ocellus in the fore-wing. 

I founded this species on a single specimen taken in Natal (October 1868) 
by Mr. Walter Morant. Examples of both sexes received from the Transvaal 
in 1878 and 1879 show that the original specimen in question is a g. Mr. 
Morant wrote that he observed it flying low, and settling on the ground and on 
rocks, with the wings open. 

A fine ¢ specimen was sent to me from Estcourt, Natal, by Mr. J. M. 
Hutchinson, in November 1884. 

Localities of Leptoneura Dingana. 

I, South Africa. 

EK. Natal. 
6. Upper Districts—Malang Spruit, between Mooi and Bushman’s 
Rivers (W. Morant). Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

23. (5.) Leptoneura BowkKeri, Trimen. 
3 Leptoneura Bowkeri, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 348, 

Dias 32) 
3 Leptoneura Clytus (Linn.), Var. B., Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii. p. 194 

Exp. al., 1 in. 10 lin.—2 in. 3 lin. 

g Dark-brown, with a rufous gloss. Fore-wing: a strongly-curved 
row of six whitish irregularly-shaped spots (of which the upper three 
are in contact with each other, but the lower three separate, sub- 
rhomboidal, and diminishing in size downward) running from the costa 
a little beyond the middle to just above the first median nervule, near 
hind-margin; rarely a seventh indistinct spot below the first median 
nervule; externally contiguous to the second spot of this row, near the 
apex, an indistinct small black ocellus, unipupillate with bluish-white. 
Hind-wing : a submarginal row of four or five moderately-sized white- 
unipupillate black ocelli, in narrow dull-rufous rings. UNDER SsIDE.— 

et ER 51 ee = 


Hind-wing and apex of fore-wing very slightly paler than the rest of the 
surface. - Fore-wing: a row of spots as above, but the fifth and sixth 
spots more or less tinged with fulvous, and a faint trace of a seventh 
spot (also fulvous) below the first median nervule ; a spot, and a curved 
stria beyond the spot, rather darker than the ground-colour, about the 
middle of the discoidal cell; two parallel dark lines along hind-margin, 
the inner one becoming obsolete about the second discoidal nervule. 
— Hind-wing: a short dark transverse streak in discoidal cell, near base ; 
a dark line closing the cell; two somewhat suffused dark stripes across 
the wing, one (edged with greyish scaling outwardly) before the middle, 
dentate, but continuous and tolerably regular, the other (edged with 
greyish scaling inwardly) irregular, more strongly dentate, and abruptly 
interrupted on the third median nervule; ocelli seven (but that nearest 
the costa small and indistinct, or sometimes wanting), usually ill- 
defined, in brownish-ochreous rings; two parallel marginal lines dis- 
tinct throughout. 

2 Duller, more reddish.  Fore-wing: the first (costal) spot of 
curved transverse row wanting, and the second, third, and fourth spots 
much reduced in size; all spots except the second dull-rufous instead 
of whitish ; ordinary apical ocellus much better defined than in ¢,— 
below it two similar ocelli, of which the lower is smaller and externally 
edged with rufous. Hind-wing: ocelli larger, more distinct, their 
rufous rings much wider and paler. UNDER SIDE—Fore-wing: row of 
spots as on upper side, but the three upper ones all more or less 
whitish ; lowest of three ocelli obsolete. Sind-wing: greyish scaling 
of transverse striz much better developed; ocelli more distinct. 

In two examples (f) the small and imperfect ocellus of the fore- 
wing is accompanied, on the upper side only, by a minute black spot, 
below and separate from it, on the outer edge of the third spot in the 
whitish band. In one of the Bashee River specimens, all the spots 
(seven) of the band are unusually small, and completely separated, the 
three lower ones being minute and fulvous-tinged, both on upper and 
under sides of the wings; while in a Katberg example, taken by Mrs. 
Barber, they are all very small indeed,—the three lower ones being all 
but obsolete. 

The ¢ may readily be distinguished from ZL. Clytus by its smaller 
size; darker ground-colour ; total want of narrow ochreous band beyond 
ocellus of fore-wings; much narrower, paler, and more strongly-curved 
macular band, and almost obsolete ocellus of the fore-wings,—both which 
markings are much farther from the end of the discoidal cell, and 
nearer to the apex, than in Clytus, and the much wider distance apart 
(on the under side of the hind-wing) of the two transverse dark stripes at 
their costal origin. The antenne are rather paler than those of Clytus. 
These differences also characterise the 9 Bowkeri, except that the latter 
presents three small ocelli in the fore-wing, and is not so dark in 


L. Bowkert is a lover of high-lying localities, all the recorded 
specimens having occurred at a tolerable elevation. Colonel Bowker 
notes it as not rare in Basutoland, and in Kaffraria observed that it 
was confined to lofty hill ridges.’ 

The only ¢? that I have seen was acquired by the South-African Museum 
in 1879 from Mr. T. Ayres, who noted it as having been captured in the 
Lydenburg District of the Transvaal. 

Localities of Leptoneura Bowkeri. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts.—Katberg (M. L. Bar ber), Aliwal North Dis- 
trict : heads of Kraai River (J. H. Bowker). Bedford District : 
Kagaberg and Winterberg (J. P. Mansel Weale). 
d. Basutoland.—Koro-Koro (J. H. Bowker). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). North Pondoland | 

(Sir H. Barkly). 
EK. Natal. 
b. Upper Districts.—Karkloof (W. Morant). Weenen County (J. 
M. Hutchinson). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

24. (6.) Leptoneura Cassus, (Linn.) 

Papilio Cassus, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 269, n. 88 (1764) ; and 
Syst. Nat., 1. 2, p. 768, mn. 125 (1767). 

ome se Cram., Pap. Exot., iv, pl, CCexiv,, dl. C.D (a7oey: 

Satyrus Cassus, Godt., Ene. Meth; 1x5 pr 520s. 133 (1819). 

Erebia Cassus (Linn.), [? Clytus o] Westw., Gen. D. Lep., p. 380, n. 44 | 

ne ee Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., il. p. 195, n. 110 (1866). 

Exc. al., 2 in. 1-6 lin. 

Very dark brown, with a purplish gloss ; fore-wing widely colowred 
with deep-fulvous. Fore-wing: fulvous in ¢ much obscured, ferruginous, 
or almost merged in ground-colour, nearly filling discoidal cell, covering 
basal halves of median nervules, and extending to the inner edge of a 
large white-bipupillate, ill-defined black ocellus, near apex—in 

broader, paler, and crossed by a faint disco-cellular streak of brown, 

and a long, more conspicuous streak from costa beyond middle,—in 
neither sex extending above subcostal or below submedian nervure. 

Hind-wing : a row, beyond middle, of 3-5 white-pupilled black ocelli 

in deep-fulvous rings, between second subcostal nervule and median — 

nervure. UNDER SIDE.—Paler,; costa and apex of fore-wing, and hind- 
wing wholly, more or less suffused with greyish-ochreous ; fulvous of fore- 

1 Three specimens presented to the South-African Museum in 1874 were taken by 

Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., “‘on a steep grassy ridge” on the border of Jojo’s Country, | 
North Pondoland. Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale also informed me that he never met with the | 
butterfly away from mountains in the Bedford District ; it appeared there from October to | 



wing not reaching ocellus, but scarcely reaching beyond outer transverse 
streak, which, with that in cell, is usually clearly marked in both sexes. 
Hind-wing : two crenelated dark-brown transverse lines, one before, the 
other about middle; ocelli very faintly represented by pale dots and in- 
_ complete pale rings, seven in number; beyond them a lunulate dark 
line. In both wings a dark line along, and close to, hind-margin. 

In some ¢ specimens the ocellus of fore-wing is tripupillate, the 
lowest pupil indicating the existence of a second ocellus; and two 2s in 
my collection have, in addition to the large three-pupilled ocellus, two 
well-marked smaller ocelli between first and third median nervules, the 
lower being the larger. In one @ the fulvous indistinctly extends 
round outer edge of large ocellus, as in Cramer’s figure, and indications 
of this appear in others. 

Aberr. 2.—Fore-wing: fulvous paler than usual, well-defined, dis- 
tinctly and broadly divided into two portions, basal and subapical 
(very much as in Pseudonympha Trimenii, Butl.), the dark dividing 
space being limited by the two dark transverse streaks usually obser- 
vable in the 2, and dusted with fulvous; ocellus bipupillate, larger 
than usual, more obliquely placed. Mind-wing: three of the four 
ocelli rather larger than usual and very distinct. UNDER sip—E—More 
ochreous; markings less distinct. ore-wing: fulvous paler; outer 
dark transverse streak straighter and more strongly marked. 

Hab.—Zwaarte Ruggens, Uitenhage District; August 1870 (J. 
H, Bowker’). 

Godart (loc. cit.) notes two males in which the fore-wings wholly 
wanted the ocellus on the upper side, but on the under side were quite 
as usual. 

Larva.—Pale sandy-brown; along middle of back a fine double 
black line, between two sinuated dusky streaks ; on each side a sub- 
dorsal, broad, dusky streak, crossed superiorly on each segment by a 
short, oblique, narrow mark of the ground-colour; spiracles black, 
surrounded by dusky irroration. Head large, dark-brown, set with 
short black bristles and sandy hairs. Body generally rather closely 
set with short black bristles; tail very slightly bifid, the two short pro- 
minences sandy, set with black bristles like the rest of the surface. 

Pupa.—Pale-sandy, inclining to reddish abdominally, everywhere 
minutely reticulated with fuscous. A fuscous line down middle of back ; 
the edges of all the limbs, and the neuration of the wings defined by 
fuscous lines. Back of abdomen with a pale-sandy streak on each side 
and two very indistinct central ones; a series of indistinct paler spots 
just above spiracles. Length 71 lines. Form like that of Clytus, but 
abdomen shorter inferiorly, being more abruptly curved. 

Not suspended; lying perfectly free and unattached. 

Mr. T. D. Butler and Mr. R. Lightfoot both brought me examples of this 
larva, but I did not succeed in rearing any of them. The latter, however, 
was more successful, obtaining two pup from larvee collected in August 1885. 


From one of these pup I hatched a ¢ Cassus on 18th September, the pupal 
state having lasted thirty days. The larve fed on a grass. 

This Leptoneura is not uncommon in the Western Districts of the Cape 
Colony, but local in its habits, preferring hilly or elevated stations. It flies 
from the end of September to the middle of December, and is conspicuous on 
the wing from its dark colouring. In flight it resembles its allies, keeping 
near the ground and often settling, but it is rather swifter than Z. Clytus. I 
captured the paired sexes near Worcester on the 22d October 1863. 

The occurrence of this species in Madagascar, for which in 1867 the only 
evidence known to me was a specimen labelled with that locality in the British 
Museum, has of late years been established ; and the butterfly has been figured 
as Ypthima Cassus in the plates of M. Grandidier’s great work on the Mala- 
gasy fauna, which were shown to me by Mr. H. Grose Smith in 1881. 

Localities of Leptonewra Cassus. 

I, South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts—Cape Town. Simon’s Town. Vogel Vley, 

Tulbagh District. Worcester. Hex River, Worcester District | 

(L. Péringuey). Springbokfontein, Namaqualand District (G. 
A. Reynolds). 
b. Eastern Districts—Zwaarte Ruggens, Uitenhage District (J. . 
Bowker). Murraysburg (J. J. Muskett). 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
bb. Madagascar.—Coll. Brit. Mus. 

25. (7.) Leptoneura Cassina, Butler. 

@ Leptoneura Cassina, Butl., Cat. Sat. Brit. Mus., p. 72, pl. ii. f. 12 (1868). 
Leptoneura Cassus (Linn.), [part], Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 196 (1866). 
Leptoneura Cassina, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 283. 

Exp. al., (¢) 1 in. 9Q—I0 lin.; (Q) 2 in. 

a Very dark-brown, with a purplish gloss; fore-wing suffused with 
deep ferruginous-fulvous (sometimes almost obsolete).  Fore-wing: apical 
ocellus as in Z. Cassus (Linn.), but not so well defined, and sometimes 
tripupillate ; dark-fulvous usually more restricted than in Cassus, and 
rarely extending as far as ocellus. Mind-wing: ocelli beyond middle 
very indistinct (especially their fulvous rings), seldom exceeding three 

in number. UNDER SIDE.—Hind-wing and costal and apical border of | 

fore-wing rather paler than on upper side, trrorated wnequally with 
whitish or hoary-grey scales. Fore-wing: as in Cassus, except for rather 


dense hoary scaling just at apex. Hind-wing: whitish irroration thickest | 

immediately beyond inner transverse dark streak, and between discal 
row of ocelli and hind-margin (especially at and near apex); ocelli 
very obscure, except as regards the inner portions of their rings, which 
form conspicuous, thin, whitish lunules or lunulate spots. 

2 Fulvous better defined, especially in rings of ocelli in hind-wing ; 
ground-colour quite as dark as in g. UNDER siIDE.—Fulvous of fore- 



wing much paler; hind-wing and borders of fore-wing very much paler 
than in f, with an ochreous tinge, and with the hoary irroration much 
better developed (especially at and near apex of hind-wing). 

This form is doubtfully separable from Z. Cassus (Linn.), the only differ- 
ences of importance being its considerably smaller size, darker colour (especially 
in the ¢), and the hoary scaling on the under side (particularly apparent at 
the apices and on the fragmentary rings of the hind-wing ocelli). It is certainly 
scarcer than Cassus, and haunts a different station, being confined, as far as I 
know, to the sandy flats in the Cape District and Piketberg. The only example 
of several seen which I took at the latter locality was a very dark ¢, which 
' in size and the yellower less hoary under-side scaling showed some approach 
towards Cassus. The only females (two) that I have met with present no trace 
of the small additional ocelli in the fore-wing often found in the ? Cassus. 
October is its chief month of appearance, but I have taken it in September, 
and (worn) as late as December. 


Localities of Leptoneura Cassina. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Cape Town. Piketberg. 

Mycalesis, Hiibner, Verz. Bek, Schmett., p. 54 (1816). 

Imaco.—Head small, tufted in front; eyes usually smooth; palpr 
rather long, laterally compressed, acute, the basal and middle joints set 
densely and compactly beneath with bristly hairs, the terminal joint 
rather short, acuminate, clothed with very short hairs; antennw rather 
short, gradually but generally very distinctly clubbed. Thorax small 
and short, prominent and hairy dorsally. ore-wings rather broad and 
truncate ; costa much arched ; hind-margin slightly convex, very slightly 
sinuated ; costal nervure always, and median and submedian nervures 
usually, swollen at the base; a the @, the last-named nervure often 
has on its lower edge, a little before middle, a small sac enclosing a 
tuft of hair, and the inner margin between base and middle is usually 
convex, while on the under side there is a glossy, sub-iridescent, inner- 
marginal space; first subcostal nervule originating some way before, 
the second at, extremity of discoidal cell; where median nervure is 
swollen, its first nervule is given off at extremity of swelling; cell broad, 
rather short; middle and lower disco-cellular nervules forming at their 
junction an obtuse angle towards the base,—the lower nervule much 
longer than the middle one. Hind-wings broad, rounded; hind-margin 
more or less sinuated; anal angle often rather pronounced; costa at 
base slightly excavated, but at a little distance from base strongly pro- 
minent, more or less fringed with short hairs; in the @, costal border 
conspicuously glossy and sub-iridescent, with usually a tuft of long hairs 


springing from edge of subcostal nervure; discoidal cell very short, 
rather broad, obliquely truncate terminally by the almost continuous 
disco-cellular nervules. fore-legs of $ small, but quite noticeable, with 
the femur short, slender, and finely hairy, but with the tibia and tarsus 
densely hairy ; those of 2 much larger and longer, and very finely hairy 
throughout. Jdiddle and hind legs moderately stout, clothed with scales ; 
tibial spurs short. Abdomen in f rather elongated, and tufted with 
hair at the end. 

This genus of numerous closely-related species is characteristic of 
the Old-World Tropics, extending from the West-African coast to 
Australia, only a few species occurring in extra-tropical countries, one 
of them inhabiting Japan. About half of the ninety species recorded 

are natives of South-Eastern Asia and the Indo-Malayan Islands, while | 
Australia Gncluding the Austro-Malayan Islands) and Africa nearly 

equally divide the remaining half. Westwood (Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. 
p- 393) has pointed out that the genus is divisible into two groups,— 

one with only the costal nervure of the fore-wings swollen basally, and | 

with the $ badge borne on the.submedian nervure of the same wings,— 
the other with the median and submedian nervures also swollen, and 
with the badge borne on the subcostal nervure of the hind-wings.* All 
the African species appear to belong to the latter division. 



These butterflies are of medium size and obscure-brown colouring | 

(varied in some Hastern species with fulvous-ochreous), with submarginal 
ocellated spots more numerous and distinct on the under than on the | 

upper side of the wings. The fore-wings usually bear only two of these 
ocelli, the lower of which is almost always considerably the larger of 
the two. The two South-African species that I have seen in life fre- 
quent wooded spots, J/ Safitza—which is by far the commoner and 
more widely distributed—preferring shady spots in woods, and J. per- 
spicua more open localities on the outskirts. JI am not aware of the 


haunts of JZ. Simons, a singular pale yellow-ochreous form, which | 

appears just to penetrate extra-tropical South Africa, but in all pro- 
bability it is also a sylvan butterfly. The flight of Safitza and Per- 

spicua is extremely weak and low, and interrupted by frequent settling - 

on the ground or on herbage. 

It must have been in error that the little WM. Narcissus, Fab., so 
abundant in Mauritius, was recorded as a native of Natal, no specimen 
having occurred in any of the numerous collections from various parts 

of that colony which I have examined during the past twenty-two 

1 Mr. Moore’s genera Orsotricena and Calysisme (Lep. Ceylon, i. pp. 20, 22) seem respec: 
tively to correspond with these two groups. The Japanese M. Perdiccas, Hewits., links the 

two divisions, presenting the three swollen nervules and g badge in the fore-wings, and also 
the 6 badge in the hind-wings. 


SATYRIN 4. 105 

96. (1.) Mycalesis Safitza, Hewitson. 

& Mycalesis Safitza, Hewits., Gen. Diurn. Lep., p. 394, n. 10, pl. 66, f. 3 
(1851); Exot. Butt., iii. p. 80, pl. 4o, f. 4 (1862). 

& Mycalesis Hustrus, Hopff., “ Monatsber. d. KK. Akad. Wissensch., Berl., 
1855, p. 641, n. 13;” and Peters’ Reise n. Mossamb., Ins., p. 393, 
Mineo, t.. >,.4.(1862), 

$ Mycalesis injusta, Wallgrn., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1857, Lep. Rhop. 
@aiits,. ps 32. 

Var. A. ¢ and @. 

| § Mycalesis Evenus, Hopff., op. cit., “1855, p. 641, n. 143” 
Pls 25, di.5,.6 (1862). 
© Mycalesis caffra, Wallgrn., op. cit., 1857, p. 34. 
3 9 Mycalesis Lvenus, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., il. p. 207, n. 120 (1866). 


and p. 394; 

Exp. al., (f) 1 in. 8-11 lin. ; (2) 1 in. 10 lin—2 in. 1 lin. 
f Dark-brown, tinged with yellow-ochreous; a common submarginal 
darker line; fore-wing with a small, black, white-pupilled, subapical 

— ocellus, ringed with pale dull ochrey-yellowish, and (usually) a larger, 

similar, less distinct ocellus between first and second median nervules. Fore- 
wing: beyond extremity of discoidal cell, an indistinct, rather suffused, 
short, transverse, dull ochrey-yellowish streak ; subapical ocellus between 
radial nervules; between the two ocelli a more or less indistinct dull 
pale-ochrey-yellowish suffusion ; lower ocellus sometimes very indistinct, 
and almost as small as the upper one,—rarely quite obsolete; a small 
elongate sac touching lower edge of submedian nervure, about middle. 
Hind-wing : without markings; along costa a smooth glistening grey- 
ish-white space, wider nearer base, and on its lower edge, springing 
from subcostal nervure close to base, a tuft of long whitish hairs, suc- 
ceeded by a similar tuft of rather shorter fuscous hairs on second sub- 
costal nervule. UNDER SIDE.—Sasal halves of wings dark-brown (darker 
than wpper side), sharply defined externally by a thin, creamy-yellowish, 
slightly-sinuate streak, from costa of fore-wing to imner margin (near 
anal angle) of hind-wing ; outer halves very pale yellowish-brown, marked 
with distinct white-pupilled black ocelli, with yellow iris encircled with 
dark-brown ; an inner sharply-dentated and an outer slightly-sinuated 
submarginal dark-brown streak common to both wings; surface gener- 
ally, but especially outer portion, with a more or less distinct violaceous 
gloss. ore-wing: across middle of discoidal cell a narrow pale-brown 
streak with darker edges (often indistinct and sometimes obsolete); a 
little before this streak an all but obsolete similar shorter one; lower 
ocellus large and conspicuous; occasionally one or two minute (usually 
imperfect) ocelli adjoining each of the two constant ocelli; beyond the 
pale streak bounding dark basal half, some more or less developed 
brown clouding, which, uniting with the enlarged lower portion of the 
inner submarginal streak, forms an almost complete ring about (but at 
some little space from) the larger ocellus ; a rather wide inner-marginal 
Space, from base to beyond middle, shining-silvery, marked with the 
same little sac that is seen on the upper side. Hind-wing: seven 


ocelli on disc, in a series from near apex to close to anal angle, of which 
the first, fourth, fifth, and sixth are of moderate size and the others 
much smaller; before and beyond these ocelli there is some more or 
less developed brown clouding of the same character as that in fore-wing. 

2 Considerably larger, paler. Fore-wing: lower ocellus always 
present, better defined; in some examples, a minute third ocellus 
immediately above the larger one. UNDER SIDE.—Lasal halves not 
nearly so dark, and with the paler outer halves tinged with ochreous- 
yellow. Hore-wing: from one to three of the minute additional ocelli 

always present ; streak across cell usually better marked. Hind-wing: | 
fifth ocellus rather markedly larger than the rest; before middle, a | 

rather indistinct dark transverse stria, pale-edged interiorly. 

Var. A. (¢ and 9.—I. Hvenus, Hopft.) 

Upper side as above described. Under side in both sexes with the 
lower ocellus of fore-wing smaller, and all the other ocellr very much 

smaller,—in some specimens extremely minute; with the common pale | 
streak less defined in the hind-wing, and with the brown clouding | 
beyond the streak almost obsolete except near large ocellus of fore- — 
wing; the paler outer areas (and sometimes also the basal half of | 

hind-wing) more or less suffused with violaceous-grey. 
The larger size, darker colour, more distinct and defined space of 

yellowish near subapical ocellus of fore-wing, and total want of the | 


lower ocellus in the same wing, in Hewitson’s figure of the upper side | 

of his Sajfitza, led me to dissociate from it the Husirus of Hopfter; but 
the figure of the under side of Safitza in Hewitson’s Hxotic Butter- 
jlues shows that the two forms cannot be kept apart, although the 

latter gives a more defined apical pale space in fore-wing and con- | 
siderably larger ocelli (especially in hind-wing) than I have ever met | 

‘with in Hopffer’s form. Dewitz (Wov. Act. Leop.-Carol.-Deutsch Akad. 
Naturf., xli. p. 176, 1879) states that in the collection of the Berlin 
Museum Lusirus is by Hopffer himself marked as synonymous with 
Safitza. My identification of MZ. injusta, Wallengr., with the Luswrus 

of Hopffer is confirmed by the examination of a typical specimen of | 
the former lent to me by the Royal Stockholm Museum, through the | 

kindness of Mr. P. O. C. Aurivillius. 

The Variety (AL Evenus, Hopff) is linked to Fusirws proper by 
several specimens of both sexes from the Cape Colony and Natal, in 
which all the ocelli of the hind-wing, though very small (or even 
minute), are perfect and distinct. Jf. Saga, Butl. (Cat. Sat. Brit. 
Mus., p. 130, pl. 11. f. 1, 1868), from Sierra Leone, is apparently very 
close to the Hvenus form, but the suppression of the ocelli extends even 
to the lower ocellus of the fore-wing, which is quite minute. 

At Knysna, which I believe is the southern and western limit ot 
Mycalesis in the Cape Colony, I found the Hvenus form predominant, 
specimens with well-developed under-side ocelli rarely occurring; but 
from Grahamstown eastward, and in Natal, the contrary appears to be 


the case, the examples that I met with being either of the Husirus form 
or near it. Colonel Bowker has, however, sent a set of twelve of the 
former from D’Urban, Natal, including the paired sexes (the ¢ with 
ocelli a little better shown than in the ?) taken in 1879. 

| Hewitson’s type of Sajitza had no other locality than ‘“ Africa” 
attached to it, but Mr. Butler (loc. cit.) recognises the species as 
occurring in Congo and at Natal. It seems to be most nearly allied 
| to the West-African JZ Hvadne, Cramer (Pap. Exot., t. ccxxii. ff. E, F), 

as regards the under-side markings, but has the streak before middle 
) almost obsolete, and quite wants the purple gloss on the upper side of 
| the wings, while the fore-wing has on the upper side an ocellus lacking 
altogether in Hvadne. 


| This butterfly is only found in woods and patches of ‘“ bush,” preferring 
_ the thickest shades, and delighting to settle on dead leaves and twigs in the 
_ narrow footpaths. In such situations it is difficult to distinguish when at 
rest, its sombre colouring agreeing so well with surrounding objects. The 
flight is weak and close to the ground, and two or three specimens may often 
_ be observed flying round together in small circles, and then abruptly settling. 
I have noticed a female quietly seated with four or five males excitedly circling 
about her; and the instant one of the males settled, all the others would do so, . 
when, after a little jostling, off they would all start again. It has been 

_ recorded as occurring in every month of the year except June and July. 

Localities of Mycalesis Safitza. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts—Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. 
b, Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown. Peelton, near King William’s 
Town (W. 8S. M. D’ Urban). Cove Rock, near East London 
(W. S. M. D’ Urban). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Avoca and Lower Um- 
komazi (J. H. Bowker). 
b. Upper Districts.—Pietermaritzburg (Miss Colenso and — Wind- 

F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 

II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.— “ Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. “Angola: Lo- 
anda (£. Meldola).”—Butler. ‘Congo: Kinsembo (Z. 

b. Hastern Coast.—‘“‘ Querimba.”—Hopffer. 

27. (2.) Mycalesis perspicua, Trimen. 
Mycalesis perspicua, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 104, pl. i. 
Hapedls, (f) I-inm, 7-10 lin.; (¢) I in. ro lin. 
Pale-brown, with very clearly marked, white-pupillate, black ocelli 
m yellow-ochreous rings ; common to both wings, a slightly paler shade 


of ground-colour beyond an indistinct line about middle, and three 
parallel, hind-marginal, dark lines, of which the outermost is on the 
edge next to cilia. Sore-wing: a small ocellus between radials; a 

large one on second and first median nervules, its ring extending | 

above and below those nervules respectively. ind-wing: two good- 
sized ocelli between third and first median nervules; a small one above 
third median nervule; occasionally a minute indistinct ocellus near 

anal angle. UNDER sIDE.—Pale greyish-ochreous, closely hatched and | 

trrorated with brown ; two reddish-brown transverse lines, one before, 

the other beyond middle; the outer line immediately succeeded by a | 

conspicuous pale-yellow stripe, externally ill-defined ; hind-marginal 

streaks well-marked ; all the ocelli in well-marked rufus-brown rings — 

encircling the yellow-ochreous rings. Jore-wing: the two ocelli 

answer to those on upper side. ind-wing: seven ocelli in sub- | 

marginal row, of which the fourth and fifth (between third and first 
median nervules) are considerably larger than the rest, the three above 
them small (about equal in size), and the seventh (at anal angle) much 
the smallest, but clearly defined. 

Both sexes, but especially the f, present a variation which has all 

the ocelli on the under side of the wings indistinctly marked, and much 

smaller than usual, or all but obsolete,—only the white pupil of the 
large fore-wing ocellus being conspicuous; the yellow stripe beyond | 

middle deeper in tint; and the transverse line before middle immedi- 
ately preceded by some yellow clouding. 

The close brown lines or hatchings and conspicuous pale-yellow | 
stripe of the under side readily distinguish this butterfly from IZ. Sajitza, — 
Hewits., apart from its much paler colouring and three or four distinct — 
hind-wing ocelli on the upper side. Its other allies are JL. Mineus, | 
Linn., and JZ. Ostrea, Westw. (= Otrea, Hiibn. nec Cram.); but it | 
differs from the former by the much broader stripe of the under side, | 

and from both by the number (three) and distinctness of the ocelli on the 

upper side of the hind-wings. The two species just named are natives 
of China and North India respectively. 

I think it very probable that JZ Victorina, Westw. (App. to Oates’ 
Matabeleland, p. 350, n. 58, 1881), from the Zambesi (near Victoria Falls), | 

is identical with M. perspicua ; but the diagnosis given is not sufficiently | 

detailed to admit of certainty on this point. If not identical, it must be a 
very close ally." 

I discovered this Mycalests at Port Natal, taking a single example (?), 
on 3d August 1865, flitting about long grass in some rough ground at the 
base of the slope near D’Urban, where the Botanic Garden is situated. On 

1 T have received from Mr. F. C. Selous two és of a Mycalesis taken on the Shashani 
River, Makalaka Country, which only differ from Perspicua in being (1) greyer on upper 

side, with (2) ocelli in duller rings and only two in jhind-wing ; and on under side (3) a | 

greyer ground-colour without any hatching or irroration, (4) a much narrower common pale- 

yellow streak,—in one of the examples lznear, and (5) the ocelli all encircled with neatly 
defined pale-yellowish linear wings,—especially perfect in fore-wing. This may possibly be 
the Victorina of Westwood. 

= 1 oie - 9 = =, 

—— —— 


the 4th March 1867 I again met with the species at Mapumulo, between the 
Umvoti and Tugela Rivers, capturing one of each sex among grass at the bottom 
of a deep ravine. Captain H. C. Harford, who sent me a ¢ from Pinetown, 

' taken in January 1869, also noted the butterfly as occurring among long grass. 
' In Natal it is rather a scarce species, Colonel Bowker having forwarded single 
specimens only from Avoca in August 1878 and from the Lower Umkomazi 

in February 1883 respectively. Its range northward must, however, be great, 
as, besides examples found between the Limpopo and Zambesi by Mr. T. 
Ayres, the South-African Museum possesses a pair taken by Colonel Bowker 
at Zanzibar in September 1878. These specimens, as well as four others taken 
by M. Selous in North-West Transvaal, all have the ocelli well developed, and 
quite agree with the Natalian type. 

Localities of Mycalesis perspicua. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.— D’Urban. Avoca and Lower Umkomazi (J. 
H. Bowker). Pinetown (1. C. Harford). Mapumulo. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay ( Colonel H. Tower). 
H. “ Delagoa Bay.”—Kirby, Cat. Hewitson Coll. 
K. Transvaal.—Marico River (/. C. Selous). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
b. Eastern Coast.—‘ Shire River.” — Kirby, Cat. Hewitson Coll. 
Zanzibar (J. H. Bowker). 
b1. Eastern Interior.—Between Limpopo and Zambesi Rivers (7. 

28. (3.) Mycalesis Simonsii, Butler. 

3 2 Mycalesis Simonsit, Butl., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th Ser., xix. 
p. 458 (1877). 

Hop dl..(¢) tim. 78 lin. ; (2) 2 in. 

a Very pale ochre-yellow; fore-wing slightly deeper in tint, and 
with a costal-apical bordering of reddish-brown ; common to both wings, 
a fine transverse discal darker line, relieved externally by a lighter 
line or streak, and two shghtly-sinuated submarginal darker lines 
(very faintly marked in hind-wing). ore-wing: brown border com- 
mencing faintly at base, continued narrowly along costa as far as ex- 
tremity of discoidal cell, and thence darkening and widening into a 
good-sized apical patch, ill-defined interiorly, which extends along 
hind-margin as far as end of second median nervule; inner of two sub- 
marginal lines developed into a strongly-marked streak of brown, darker 
than that of apical patch; a small black, white-pupilled, yellow-ringed 
ocellus near apex between the radial nervules, and a similar, much 
larger, conspicuous ocellus on disc, between first and second median 
nervules. Hind-wing: a discal series of three minute, similar, but 
very imperfect non-pupillate ocelli between third median nervule and 


submedian nervure. UNDER SIDE.—Dudller, less yellow (especially in basal — 
half), very finely speckled and hatched with brownish; common discal | 
streak much better marked than on upper side, reddish-brown, extertorly | 
relieved by a pale-yellow line ; submarginal lines almost obsolete; a 
common indistinct transverse brown line before middle. ore-wing: | 
ocelli much less distinct than on upper side, the subapical one minute, | — 

the large one consisting of a grey spot, enclosing an enlarged shining- | 
white pupil, and obscurely ringed with yellow. Hind-wing: a discal — 
row of seven very small grey ocelli from costa to anal angle,—the second, | 
third, and seventh being minute or almost obsolete, and the pupils of 
all indistinct. 

@ Similar, but brown border less apparent along costa, and more 
rufous apically. UNDER SIDE..—Somewhat darker, with a rufous tinge; _ 
the fine hatching closer and more distinct; yellow external edging of l 
common discal streak wider, more conspicuous. 

The dull-yellow ground-colour of this Mycalesis gives it a very , 
peculiar aspect, but its alliance to the similarly-tinted IZ EHliasis, — 
Hewits., noted by Mr. Butler (loc. cit.), is more apparent than real, — 
Simonsit being in fact much closer to I. perspicua, mihi, This will 
be seen on comparing the under sides, that of Simonsw being very | 
close to that of those examples of Perspicwa in. which the ocelli are 
almost suppressed. In J. Hlwasis (a Congo species) the ocelli are 
well developed on the upper side of both wings, but are strikingly dis- 
tinct and numerous on the under side; and they present the more 
important character of being situated in quite a different positron; viz., 
quite close to the hind-margin. 

M. Simonsit was described from specimens brought from Lake Nyassa, 
which appear from Mr. Butler’s description to have been a httle darker than 
those which I have received from Mashunaland and the Zambesi, and to have | 
as many as six spots in the discal series on the upper side of the hind-wing. 

I include the butterfly in my lst on the strength of an example received in 
1875 from Mr. F. H. Barber, who took it on the Crocodile (or Upper Limpopo) 
River on the north-west boundary of the Transvaal, at a locality very near 
the Tropic, but believed to be a little to the southward. Though I could not 
identify this individual with any described Mycalesis, it was too much injured 
to enable me to diagnose it as a new species. 


Localities of Mycalesis Simonsit. 

I. South Africa. 
K. Transvaal.—Upper Limpopo River (/ H. Barber). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
br. Eastern Interior.—Inyoutete River, Mashunaland, and Zumbo, 
north bank of Zambesi River (#. C. Selous). “ Lake Nyassa 
(7, A, A. Simons).”—Butler. | 





Melanitis, Fabricius, “ Illiger’s Mag., vi. p. 282 (1807) ;” Butler, Cat. Sat. 
Brit. Mus., p. 1 (1868). 

Hipio, Hiibner, Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 56 (1816). 

Cyllo, Boisduval, ‘‘ Voy. Astrolabe, Lep., p. 140 (1832),” and Faune Ent, 
de Madag., &c., p. 57 (1833); Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 
360 (1851); Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., il. p. 186 (1866). 

Gnophodes, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 363 (1851) ; Trimen, Rhop. 
Air, Aust. 11. p: 189 (1366). 

IMaGo.—Head small, clothed with short dense hair; eyes very pro- 

| minent, smooth ; palpr short, compressed, ascendant, densely clothed 
| with long scales, the terminal joint short, moderately acute; antenne 
| rather short, slender, only very slightly and gradually thickened termi- 
| nally. Z'horax moderately robust, elevated dorsally ; covered with short 
down on breast, but hairy on back, especially posteriorly. Wings 
large and broad, more or less angulated. ore-wings produced api- 
cally, usually angulated at extremity of second discoidal nervule, 
beneath which hind-margin is excavated (being moderately dentate 

generally); costa strongly arched ; inner margin nearly straight (convex 

in f of some species) ; first and second subcostal nervules originating 
before extremity of discoidal cell,—the subcostal nervure and all its 

branches situated very close to costa; discoidal cell long and broad ; 

upper and middle disco-cellular nervules both very short (so that the 

two radial nervules arise very near each other), but lower one very long, 
with an inward curve in its upper part; in ¢ of some species a large 
oval tuft of long hairs, directed outwardly, lying between first median 
nervule and submedian nervure, near base. Hind-wings produced 
inferiorly, more or less prominently angulated at extremity of third 
median nervule, and with a smaller projection at extremity of first 
median nervule; hind-margin moderately dentate generally ; anal angle 
prominent; costa prominent at base, but thence only slightly arched 
or nearly straight; costal nervure extending almost to apex ; discoidal 
cell narrow, rather short,—the lower disco-cellular nervule considerably 
longer than the upper, slightly bent just below origin of radial nervule, 
and meeting third median nervule at acute angle ; inner margin pro- 
duced to form a wide channel in its basal half, so as to cover almost all 
the under surface of the abdomen, but excavated inferiorly. ore-legs 
of ~ very small, rather thinly clothed with short rough hair on tibia 
and short tarsus; those of 2 considerably larger, not hairy but scaly, 
with the tarsus as long as the tibia, and indistinctly articulated. 
Middle and hind legs moderately thick, smooth and scaly; tibiae with 
a few thin spines inferiorly, the terminal spurs very short; tarsi with 
a few very short spines beneath. 

Larva.—Elongate, thickened about middle. Head large, surmounted 
by a pair of straight spinulose horns. Last segment bearing a pair 
of long, slightly divergent, bristly spikes, directed posteriorly. 


Popa.—Smooth, thick, rounded (especially about middle); cephalic | 

prominence obtuse, dorso-thoracic prominence rather acute. 

I have felt obliged to unite Gnophodes to Melanitis, not being able 
to discover any characters warranting its being held generically dis- 
tinct. Westwood himself (loc. cit.) doubted the propriety of treating 
it as a separate genus, noting that the tuft of hair and dilated inner 
margin of the fore-wings of the f were the chief distinguishing features, 
and that the former character was wanting in the West-African G. 
Morpena (= Pythia, Fab.) The only other differences from Melanitis 

that I have detected are the longer upper and middle disco-cellular — 

nervules in the fore-wings, and the less curved lower disco-cellular 
nervule in both fore and hind wings." 

The rather large and striking insect, MW. Leda of Linneus, which 
is the type of this genus, is one of the most variable of known butter- 
flies, and has an immense geographical sange over the Ethiopian, 
Oriental, and Australian Regions. Although several Indian and 
Malayan variations are still marked in collections as distinct species, 
I am most strongly disposed—looking to the large number of so-called 
species which have, with common consent, been sunk as varieties of 
Leda, and knowing the remarkable extent to which this butterfly 
varies, alike in outline of wings, pattern, and colouring in one and 
the same locality even (¢.g., Port Natal)—to think that there exists in 
reality (besides the species hitherto referred to Gnophodes) but one 
Melanitis, spread over all the warmer parts of the Old World. 

The nocturnal habits of Melanitis lend it an additional interest. 
During the day it frequents the darkest and shadiest spots in woods 
or plantations, sitting on the ground or among dead leaves, where its 
under-side colouring well conceals it from notice. When roused from 
these retired spots, it takes a short but wild, uneven, flapping flight, 
and drops again into some shaded nook. At sunset it becomes active, 
and ventures into open spots, where it may be observed sporting 
about until dark. 

29, (1.) Melanitis Leda (Linnzus). 

Papilio Leda, Linn., Syst. Nat., i. 2, p. 773, mn. 151 (1767). 
. je ra TU) Nat Gost. tp xe tes Onno) 
e ,,  Cram., Pap. Exot., iii. t. cxevi. ff. co, p, and iv’ t. cexem 
f(T 7 52). 
. >»  Hab., Ent. Syst., mi. © p- 108,m. 239 (1702), 
Oreas marmorea Leda, Hiibn., Samml. Exot. Schmett., i. t. gt (1806). 
Satyrus Leda, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 478, n. 4 (1819). 

1 Mr. A. G. Butler (Cat. Sat. Brit. Mus., p. 5, pl. ii. f. 1) describes and figures an 
Indian butterfly which he names Melanitis Gnophodes, with the following note, viz. :—‘‘ The 
3 of this species resembles Gnophodes Parmeno on the upper side; the ? has a brighter 
orange band, and resembles the Natal form” [afterwards named by Mr. Butler G. diversa] 
‘of the same insect. It may possibly be a link between the two genera, though a true 

| | SATYRINA. 113 

_ Cyllo Leda, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Madag., &c., p. 58, n. 2 (1833). 
Melanitis Leda, Horsf. and Moore, Cat. Lep. H.E.I.C. Mus., p. 222, n. 461 
ROE 7.): 
ae ae and P. Solandra, Fab., Syst. Ent., pp. 499, 500, nn. 243, 
244 (1775). 
Papilio Ismene, P. Mycena, P. Phedima, and P. Arcensia, Cram., Pap. 
HixOb.s 1. b, <<vi, iia, B (1779); and iv. t. cexci. f, F; and t. ¢éxcii. 
its, B, © (1752). 
Cyllo Leda, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 186, n. 106 (1866). 
| Melanitis Leda, Butl., Cat. Satyr. in Coll. Brit. Mus., p. 1 (1868). 
| Melanitis Leda and M. Ismene, Moore, Lep. Ceyl., 1. pp. 14, 15, pl. 10, 
| ies 2 L800): 
| LARVA AND Pura. 
(Java.) Horsf. and Moore, Cat, Lep. H.E.I.C. Mus., pl. vi. ff. 8, 8a (1857). 
(Ceylon.) Moore, Lep. Ceyl.,i. pl. 10, ff. 2a, 2b (1880). [As “ I Ismene, 

| Exp. al. ($) 2 in. 8 lin.—3 in. 1 lin.; (2) 2 in. Io lin.—3 in. 6 lin. 

Dull-brown ; sometumes more or less suffused with fulvous ; hind- 
margins in most specimens with an ill-defined paler-brown or dull- 
greyish narrow border, thinly hatched with short dark lines, and tinged 
_ with a faint violaceous gloss. fore-wing: near apex, between second 
discoidal and second median nervules, a large compound black ocellus, 
outwardly enclosing two conspicuous white pupils, of which the upper 
| is almost always the larger; fulvous varying from a scarcely-perceptible 
tinge, bordering upper and inner edges of ocellus, to a conspicuous 
discal patch, commencing close to costa above ocellus, extending much 
below ocellus, and shading off into discoidal cell, and nearly to base. 
— Hind-wing: near hind-margin, between discoidal and first median 
nervules, from one to three ocelli (of which that nearest anal angle is 
the largest, and often perfect when the others are half-obsolete or 
wanting), properly black, white centred, and ringed with faint ochreous, 
but often only represented by whitish dots, or all but obsolete; fulvous 
very indistinct when present, and only forming an ill-defined tinge 
on disc. (Cilia inconspicuously varied with whitish. UNDER SIDE.— 
Excessively variable; scarcely two specimens alike. Paler than above 
(sometimes pale ochreous), always more or less markedly hatched or 
irrorated with darker short lines or dots; typical markings, a common 
dark, transverse streak from costa of fore-wing before middle to inner 
margin of hind-wing beyond middle, a similar streak confined to fore- 
wing from costa beyond middle to near posterior angle, and a row cf 
bluish-white pupillate ocelli, ringed with pale yellow, in both wings 
near hind-margin; often a common dark transverse streak not far 
from bases. Fore-wing: properly five ocelli, of which the fourth (be- 
tween third and second median nervules) is the largest, and often 
pretty well marked when the others are obsolete or wanting. Hind- 
wing: properly six ocelli, of which the first (between subcostal nervules) 
and the fifth (between second and first median nervules) are the largest, 

and the sixth bipupillate. 
VOL, I. ss 


The variations of the under side in this species are so numerous, 
and so finely graduated into each other, that it is impossible to fix upon 
any variety properly so termed, 1.¢., a constant form differing from the 
type. The ground-colour is tinged with ochre, pinkish-red, dark- 
brown, or purple-grey ; the transverse stripes wanting, indicated by 
detached dark blotches, or broadly shaded with dark-brown internally 
(while the ground beyond them is very pale); the ocelli very con- 
spicuous in both wings or one wing to their full number, half wanting, 
ill-defined, without rings, without black, very indistinct, or barely 
traceable as whitish or pale dots. The ocellus of upper side of fore- 
wing is sometimes compounded of three black spots. The outline of 
the wings also varies much, especially as regards the fore-wing, the 
hind-margin of which presents every gradation between being almost 
straight (save for a slight prominency in apical region), and the assump- 
tion of an almost falcate form. 

Larva.—Bright yellow, shaded with greenish; nine longitudinal 
ereen streaks, viz., one central, dorsal; and on each side two thin ones 
(subdorsal and lateral), one wider lateral, and one thin just above legs. 
Cephalic horns divergent, projecting almost directly forward, only 
slightly ascendant at extremity. Caudal processes about as long as 
cephalic horns, but stouter at base, acuminate, and less divergent. 
The surface generally is transversely ribbed, and very slightly pubescent. 
Feeds on the “ Bush Guinea Grass.” 

Mr. W. D. Gooch sent me the notes and rough drawing from 
which the above description is made. He observes that the Larva 
was not uncommon on the Natal Coast, and was invariably found 
on the under side of the leaves of its food-plant, generally at the 
base with its head downward. Many of the specimens observed were 

Pupa.—Mr. Gooch has given me no record of this stage. The 
figures of the Indian and Cingalese specimens above quoted give the 
pupa as green, rather paler on the wing-covers, which bear two or 
three blackish lines, probably indicating some of the nervures. The 
Indian pupa is represented as attached to a thin stalk, the Cingalese 
to the edge of a broad leaf of a grass. 

In my Rhopalocera Africe Australis (1. c.), I recorded my reasons for adding 
Bankia, Fab., to the array of synonymes attaching to this exceedingly variable 
species. In January of the following year (1867), Mr. A. G. Butler, in a paper 
contributed to the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, retained Bankia 
as a variety of Leda, and added to the list MW. Helena, Westw., from “‘ West 
Africa.” He gave at the same time an interesting analysis of the various forms 

1 Tt should be observed that the larva of the Oriental Leda is represented as greener 
than Mr. Gooch describes that of the Natal Leda to be ; and also that in the figure in the 
Lepidoptera of Ceylon, above quoted, the larva is depicted as having the cephalic horns 
rusty-red and perpendicular instead of greenish-yellow and porrect, and as possessing on . 
each side of the face a vertical, black, outwardly white-edged stripe running from the base 
of the horn, 

SATYRIN&. 115 

of the butterfly contained in the Collection of the British Museum from all the 
warmer parts of the Old World, specifying no fewer than twenty-eight recog- 
nisable variations. In his British Museum Catalogue of Satyride (issued in 
| 1868), pp. 1-3, he reduced these with judgment to nine, at the same time 
| remarking, “I have found it utterly impossible to separate the above forms 
specifically from one another; slight differences in form and in the colouring 
of the upper side are the only guides by which to distinguish the different 
| named varieties; but even these are not constant. The true Leda, however, 
| appears to occur only in India and the Indian Islands; but the slight variety 
Ismene (including Mycena and Arcensia) has a much wider range, being found 
in India, Java, Australia, and Africa. The (?) Zaztensis of Felder links this 
form to Solandra, the latter and Banksia appear to exist only in Australia 
and Africa, whilst Phedima seems to be strictly confined to Australia.” 

As supplementing this account, I may mention that I have captured at 
D’Urban, Natal, true Leda, indistinguishable from the type inhabiting Con- 
tinental India, and have received other specimens from the same locality, one 
of which precisely agrees with Cramer’s figure of Leda (pl. cexcii. a, under 
side) from India. In May 1879 Colonel Bowker forwarded a considerable 

number of specimens taken near D’Urban; these exhibited every variety of 
tint and marking on the under side, and one of them (a ¢) was quite like 
Cramer’s figure of Arcensta (c on the same plate), while another ¢, except for 
a little more fulvous on the upper side, closely agreed with Cramer’s figures of 
Ismene (pl. xxvi. ff. a, B). In some of the Natal and Madagascar examples, of 
_ both sexes, the fulvous covering is very largely developed on the upper side, 
extending almost to the bases of the wings. Throughout the several varia- 
tions, the 9 always has the fore-wings more angulated than those of the ¢. 

The specimens which I met with in Mauritius (see Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 
1866, p. 336) correspond pretty nearly with Natalian examples, including 
typical Leda, with scarcely a tinge of rufous on upper side, and with the 
—under-side ocelli largely developed, and others with a very rufous upper side, 

and the under-side ocelli obsolete. 

I found this butterfly rather scarce near D’Urban during the summer of 
1867, only taking a few individuals in the month of February; but it is 
evidently numerous there in some seasons, the late Mr. M‘Ken and Colonel 
Bowker having sent down many specimens. Shade-loving habits are car- 
ried to their farthest point by this Melanitis, which rests among the dead 
leaves, which its wonderfully-variable under surface so closely resembles, in 
the darkest parts of woods, and seldom moves during the daytime unless 
roughly disturbed. On one wet and gloomy day, I took a specimen sitting out 

in the open on the bare mould of a flower-bed ; but, as a rule, it is only about 
sunset that Leda begins to fly heavily about near the ground. In Mauritius, 
where the species was abundant, I observed these butterflies chasing each other 
at dusk until it became too dark to see their movements any longer. In 
Moore’s Lepidoptera of Ceylon similar habits are recorded of Leda by Mr. 
Hutchison, who notes that it “flies at dawn and dusk of the evening, rarely 
by day” (p. 15). When aroused in the daytime, Leda seldom keeps on the 
wing for more than a few yards’ distance, flying in a most irregular, flapping, 
heavy manner, and settling again on the ground or on dead leaves. 

Localities of Aelanitis Leda. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’ Urban. 
6. Upper Districts.— Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson), 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tove). ° 
K. Transvaal.—Upper Limpopo (Ff. C. Selous). 


II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and J. A.: Bell), 
“ Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. Congo (Coll, Brit. Mus.) ‘“ Chin- 
choxo, Loango (Falkenstein).” —Dewitz. 
b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley).—Coll. Hope Mus, 
Oxon. ‘* Querimba.”—Hopffer. 
bb. Madagascar (V. de Robillard). “ Bourbon.”—Boisduval. Mauri- 
tius. ‘‘ Rodriguez (G. Gulliver).”—A. G. Butler. 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Ashanti and Sierra Leone (Coll. Brit. Mus.) 
6. Eastern Coast.—“ Shoa, Abyssinia (4 ntenorz).”—Oberthiir. 

IV. Asia. 

A. Southern Region.—India (Nepaul, Silhet, Ceylon :—Coll. Brit. 
Mus. ; Scinde :—‘ Kurrachee,” C. Swinhoe ; Bengal :—Boisduval 
and Felder) ; Burmah (Moulmein :—Coll. Brit. Mus.) “ China.”— 
Drury and Boisduval. Philippine Islands (Manilla: Lorquin). 

B. Malayan Archipelago.—Java, Borneo, Celebes, and Ceram (Coll. 
Brit. Mus.) 

V. Australia.—Queensland (Brisbane: W. H. Miskin). 
VI. Oceania. —“ Otaheite.”—Fabricius and Felder. 

30. (2.) Melanitis diversa, (Butler). 

Gnophodes Parmeno, Trim. [part], Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii. p. 190, n. 107 (1866). 
” 5 Butl. [part], Cat. Satyr. Coll. Brit. Mus., p. 6 (1868). 
‘s diversa, Butl., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), v. p. 333 (1880). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 11 lin.—3 in. 3 lin. 

Dull-brown, greyish-tinged for the greater part, but darker externally 
(especially in fore-wing); a curved ochre-yellow transverse bar crossing 
fore-wing in its darker outer portion. Fore-wing: costa speckled with 
ochre-yellow along its edge; curved bar commencing rather broadly 
on costa beyond middle, and narrowing to a point at posterior angle: 
its inner edge distinct, with three inter-nervular excavations, its outer 
edge ill-defined below second radial, whence the bar is more or less one 

with a narrow hind-marginal bordering of ochre freckled with short 

blackish lines and atoms. Hind-wing: a very narrow yellow-ochreous 

edging, freckled with blackish throughout, but more thickly so in its_ 

inferior portion, from costa beyond middle to anal angle; immediately 
before it, between third median nervule and anal angle, a somewhat 
indistinct clouding of pale-grey thickly hatched with short black lines. 
Cilia of fore-wing brown mixed with whitish; of hind-wing whitish 
with very thin nervular brown interruptions. UNDER SIDE.—Paler- 
brown; apical area of fore-wing and costal border of hind-wing pale 
cream-colour ; the whole surface irregularly hatched and irrorated with 
dark-brown short lines and atoms, more conspicuous on the creamy 
parts. ore-wing: costa transversely marked with irregular creamy 
lines uniting into four indistinct cellular fascize; creamy apical area 

a RR 

—— . —— rr 


marked with a row of four minute, almost obsolete, imperfect, dark- 
brown annulets between upper radial and second median nervule at 
some distance from hind-margin, which is tinged with brown in its 
middle portion. Mind-wing: costal border bounded by subcostal ner- 
vure and its first nervule (except for a very slight infrmgement on 
discoidal cell close to base), its costal half much hatched with brown, 
but the rest usually clear cream-colour; all the remaining area brown 
strongly tinged with violaceous; a more or less interrupted darker- 
brown curved fascia, commencing widely on first subcostal nervure, 
narrowing into a linear form between extremity of discoidal cell and 
first median nervule; a submarginal row of six annulets like those in 
fore-wing but larger, and their creamy centres more conspicuous 
(especially the first, whose ring is more or less suffusedly widened), 
between first subcostal and inner margin, the last being a double spot ; 
a narrow hind-marginal ochreous edging. 

The sexes do not differ to any appreciable extent in either marking 
or colouring. 

I have followed Mr. Butler (doc. cit.) in treating this very pro- 
nounced Southern form as distinct from JZ. Parmeno (Doubl.) of the 
West Coast of Africa.’ Mr. Butler has not characterised Jf. diversa, 
but its most obvious distinction is its much greater size, Parmeno only 
expanding 2 in. 5-8 lin. In markings it conspicuously differs in the 
comparatively broader bar of the fore-wing, which in the 2? Parmeno, 
moreover, is indistinct whitish instead of ochre-yellow, and more 
developed border of the hind-wing; while the general ground of the 
wings is paler and duller above. The sexual badge of the $ is more 
oval, more densely hairy, and not circumscribed by a pale ring. On 
the under side, the pale apical patch in the fore-wing in Dwversa is a 
good distinction,—that part in Parmeno being but little paler than the 
rest of the wing. 

There is much similarity in outline, size, and general appearance 
between I. diversa and M. Leda, and the imperfect blind ocelli of the 
under side are in number and position precisely the same in both 
species (though replaced in the typical Zeda by complete ocelli), but 
the former seems as constant to one pattern of colouring and marking 
as the latter is variable. The absence of any ocellate spots on the 
upper side, combined with the position of the conspicuous ochre-yellow 
bar on the fore-wings, readily distinguish Diversa, which is further 
noticeable for longer projections of the hind-wings, and for the upward 
and outward curve of the longest projection (at the end of third median 
nervule). The # is also at once recognisable by the conspicuous sexual 
badge on the fore-wings—a feature totally wanting in the f Leda. 

’ I captured a? Parmeno at sea, about 190 miles due West of Sierra Leone, and saw two 
other examples of the same species, on the 24th November 1871. The day was perfectly 
calm ; but quite a variety of Lepidoptera and other insects came about the ship. I was 

much surprised to find such shade-loving inactive Satyrinw as this butterfly and several of 
two species of Mycalesis among the visitors from the distant shore. 


Larva.— Ground-colour yellow; a median dorsal green stripe, and | 

some narrower ones on each side, from head to tail. Both head and 

tail forked. About two inches long.”——J. H. Bowker’s description of | 
two specimens found at Northdene, near Pinetown, Natal, feeding on | 

‘“‘ Ribbon grass,” May 1885. 
Pupa.—Bright grass-green throughout, semi-transparent, surface 
like shining wax. No markings of any kind; rather paler on wing- 

covers. Length, 10 lines. Thick and rounded, especially the abdo- | 
men, which is dorsally globose and very strongly convex. ‘The main | 
dorsal prominence highly ridged and rather acute. Head blunted, not | 

bifid, but with two minute pointed tubercles on eye-covers. 

I received the pupa here described on 22d May 1885, from Colonel | 

Bowker, who wrote that it was developed from one of the two larve above 
mentioned. It was suspended by a well-developed caudal stalk to a small but 
dense silken web on the under side of a leaf of broad ribbed grass. The imago, 

a fine 9 of MZ. diversa, appeared on May 31st. Colonel Bowker subsequently | 

sent me a crippled JZ. diversa produced from the other pupa, which he retained 
in Natal. 

This Melanitis seems considerably rarer than M. Leda in Natal. I met | 

with only a few examples near D’Urban and Verulam in February 1867; 

their haunts and habits were precisely those of Leda, and they were quite as | 
difficult to see when settled among dead leaves and undergrowth in the shade | 

of the woods. 

Localities of Melanitis diversa. 

I, South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Pinetown (J. H. Bowker). 

Genus LETHE. 

Lethe, Hiibner, Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 56 (1816); Butler, Cat. Sat. Brit. 
Mus., p. 114 (1868). 
Debis, Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 358 (1851). 

Imaco.—LHead rather wide, hairy; eyes large, with a close clothing 
of short hair; palpi long, very much flattened laterally, separated but 
not divergent,—the second joint, very long, with a few short appressed 
hairs above and a smooth dense fringe of hair beneath,—the terminal 
joint minute, slender, smooth ; antenne short, very gradually incrassated. 
Thorax short, pilose, stout. ore-wings in some species (L. Luropa, 
(Fab.), and allies) produced apically; costa rather strongly arched; 
apex rounded; hind-margin entire or bluntly dentate; inner margin 
straight; costal nervure in a good many species moderately or slightly 
swollen at base; first and second subcostal nervules given off before 
extremity of discoidal cell, not far apart; discoidal cell of moderate 
length, wide near extremity, closed rather obliquely, the third disco- 
cellular nervule forming a somewhat acute angle at junction with third 


median nervule. Hind-wings broad; costa very prominent at base, 
but beyond it only very slightly curved; hind-margin more or less 
deeply scalloped, usually with a marked projection, or even a short 
tail, at extremity of third median nervule; discoidal cell very short 
superiorly, the disco-cellular nervules being curved and very oblique, 
and the lower one meeting the median nervure at a very acute angle 
just at the origin of the second median nervule. Jore-legs of f not 
very small, slender; the tibia and short tarsal joint densely fringed 
with short soft hair; those of the 2 rather larger (having a much 
longer imperfectly articulated tarsus), thinly clothed with hair. Middle 
and hind legs with the femur smooth, slightly downy beneath, the tibia 
and tarsus rather closely set with short bristles and with longer ones 
beneath ; spurs of tibiee rather long and slender. Abdomen short, not 
(or but little more than) half the length of the inner margin of hind- 

Larva.— (Of D. Portlandia) long, sub-cylindrical, longitudinally 
striated ; the head with two erect horns; and the body terminating in 
two obliquely porrected points.”— Westwood, Gen. D. Lep., i. p. 359. 

Pupa.—“ Short, thick, rather constricted across the base of the 
abdomen ; head-case obtusely rounded.”— Westwood, loc. cit. 

Notwithstanding the distinct facies of the two South-African species 
which I here refer to Lethe, the slight structural differences they present 
do not seem to warrant their separation from that genus. The unswollen 
costal nervure of the fore-wings cannot be considered of much import- 
ance in a group presenting that character very feebly in many of its 
members ; and the more obliquely-closed discoidal cell of the fore-wings 
and shorter one of the hind-wings are not of themselves generic 
distinctions. I was disposed to think that the prolongation of the 
costal nervure of the hind-wings to the apex was peculiar to the species 
under notice, but I observe that Mr. F. Moore (in his Lepidoptera of 
Ceylon, p. 16) gives this feature as one proper to Lethe in his defini- 
tion of the genus. The blunted, sub-truncate outline of the wings 
and the hind-marginal contour in the South-African forms very nearly 
resemble those of the Japanese Z. Sicelis and the Chinese LZ. Segonaz, 
é&c., figured by Hewitson in Exotic Butterfltes (vol. iii.) 

Of some thirty other species recorded, all but one—Lethe Portlandia, 
(Fab.), an aberrant form from the United States—are Asiatic, rang- 
ing from Ceylon to Celebes and from North India to China and Japan. 
The two South-African species have but a limited distribution, Z. den- 
drophilus, (Trim.), being apparently found only in the wooded parts of 
the eastern districts of the Cape Colony and of Kaffraria, and Z. Indosa, 
(Trim.), inhabiting similar tracts in Natal and the Eastern Transvaal. 
Both insects are above the middle size and quite similar in general 
colouring and marking, but Jndosa has much brighter ochre-yellow on 
the disc of the hind-wings, and is further rendered very conspicuous 
by the possession of pure white well-defined spots (instead of the 


suffused ochreous ones of Dendrophilus) in the fore-wings. They settle 
on tree trunks, usually near the ground, and almost always head down- 
ward, their flight, though pretty frequent, being short and weak. 

31. (1.) Lethe dendrophilus, (‘Trimen). 

¢ Satyrus dendrophilus, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 3rd Ser., 1. p. 

399 (1862). “ 
6 2 Debis dendrophilus, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 191, n. 108, pl. 
3, 1. S (1866), 
' Neope dendrophilus, Butl., Cat. Satyr. Coll. Brit. Mus., p. 113, n. 3 (1868). 

Hep. al, (f) 21m, 6-10 lin. ; (2) 2 imo jim=—-3 in: 

gf Dull-brown in fore-wing, suffused with fulvous-ochreous, and with 
a discal row of yellow and fulvous-ochreous spots ; fulvous-ochreous vn 
hind-wing bordered with dull-brown. Fore-wing: a fulvous-ochreous 
tinge over basal half and to near anal angle; beyond middle, an irregu- 
larly sinuate transverse row of seven spots, ill-defined externally, from 
costa to submedian nervure; the spot on costal edge whitish, the 
others ochreous-yellow, deepening outwardly into fulvous, elongated 
longitudinally, the largest between second and third median nervules ; 
beyond these, a submarginal row of five small whitish spots, mdis- 
tinctly ringed with blackish, from fourth subcostal to second median 
nervule ; occasionally a minute sixth spot nearer costa; a pale-brown 
narrow hind-marginal border, divided by a dark-brown line. Huind- 
wing: fulvous-ochreous; hind-marginal border as in fore-wing, but 
wider, with another dark line separating it from the ground-colour; a 
submarginal row of seven white-pupilled, rounded, black spots, of which 
the second and the fourth are smaller than the rest (or sometimes 
wanting altogether), and the last, above submedian nervure close to 
anal-angle, is sometimes bipupillate; inner-marginal region pale- 
brownish. UNDER SIDE.—Paler, with a slight violaceous lustre ; fulvous- 
ochreous suffusion entirely absent. Fore-wing : markings, similar, fainter 5 
a dark, waved streak crossing discoidal cell, which has likewise a faint 
ochreous and two faint whitish transverse markings; a row of whitish 
spots as above, but the second distinctly ringed with black and yellow ; 
apex and base suffused with faint brownish. Hind-wing: same colour 
as apex of fore-wing; with a strong violaceous gloss; four irregular, 
interrupted, brown strize crossing basal half; row of ocelli as above, 
but in pale-yellow rings; two dentate stria bordering hind-margin, 
which is paler than rest of wing; a space inwardly bordering the ocelli, 
from discoidal nervule to submedian nervure near anal angle, irrorated 
with fuscous scales. Cilia dark-brown, interrupted with white between 

2 Similar, but paler and duller. Fore-wing: the spots of discal 
row of a much paler yellow interiorly,—the first three of them (includ- 
ing the yellowish-white one on costa) forming a narrow oblique bar. 


UNDER SIDE.—Ground-colour of hind-wing (especially near hind-margin), 
and of apex and hind-margin of fore-wing, very much paler and greyer 

| than in f—in one example quite hoary near hind-margins. 

This fine Satyride was first made known to me by Mr. W.S. M. D’Urban, 
who took it abundantly in the year 1861, in forest country near Frankfort, to 
the north of King William’s Town. It afterwards proved to be rather widely 
distributed in the eastern districts near the coast, from near Grahamstown as 
far as the Bashee River in Kaffraria Proper. At the end of January and during 
February 1870, I had the welcome opportunity of observing the species at High- 
lands, near Grahamstown, where it was plentiful on the outskirts of woods 
clothing the north sides of the hills. As noticed by Mr. D’Urban, Archdeacon 
Kitton, and Colonel Bowker, I found that Dendrophilus very rarely settled on 
leaves, but perpetually lighted on the stems of trees, near the ground, keeping 
its head downward. It isa great lover of shade, seldom venturing into a spot 
on which the sun is shining. I once found a number of specimens sucking at 
moisture in a hollow part of a tree-trunk just above the surface of the ground. 
I was struck by the scarcity of the ?; out of thirty-six examples taken by 
Messrs. F. and H. Barber and myself at Highlands, only four, or one-ninth, were 
2s; and this is the more noteworthy, because both sexes have the same haunts 
and habits, flitting weakly about under cover of the trees. On examining 
nineteen specimens from various localities in the collection of the South-African 
Museum, I found about the same disproportion in the relative numbers of the 
sexes, only two being @s. 

Localities of Lethe dendrophilus. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

6. Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown. King William’s Town (Z. 
Kitton). Frankfort (W. S. df. D’Urban). East London (P. 

D, Kaffraria Proper.—Tsomo and Bashee Rivers (J. H. Bowker). 

32. (2.) Lethe Indoga, (Trimen). 

Puate VII. fig. 1, ¢. 

3 Debis dendrophilus, Var., Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 285. 
6 2 Debis Indosa, Trim., op. cit., 1879, p. 324. 

Exp. al., (f) 2 in. g-11 lin. ; (2) 3 in. 3-6 lin. 

§ Dark-brown ; the fore-wing with white spots, the hind-wing with 
ochre-yellow disk and black ocelli. Fore-wing: white spots rounded, of 
various sizes, forming two irregular transverse rows in outer half of 
wing; those of the inner row arranged so that four constitute a narrow 
oblique bar commencing on costa just beyond middle; a fifth is below 
and rather before the fourth and much smaller, and the sixth large and 
sub-ovate between second and first median nervules about as far from 
base as the costal commencing spot of the row; the outer row sinuated, 
consisting of seven spots, of which the first and third are minute, and 

the fifth and sixth about equal in size and largest; an ochreous tinge 

over basal region most pronounced on inner margin. Hind-wing: 


entire disk ochre-yellow; a brown suffusion over basal and inner- 
marginal region and narrowly along costa; a moderately broad hind- 
marginal border of dark-brown, traversed by two parallel lunulated 
pale-brown streaks, cf which the outer is well-marked; beyond middle 
a row of five black ocelli with minute bluish-white centres ; of these, 
the first (close to costa) and the second (between second subcostal and 
radial nervules) are widely separated from each other and from the other 
three (which lie between the third median nervule and anal angle), and 
the fourth is the smallest and usually bipupillate. UNDER sIDE.— 
Hind-wing and base and apex of fore-wing pale-brown, varied with dull 
cream-colour, and streaked with dark-brown. Fore-wing: four bluish- 
white, irregularly-shaped spots in discoidal cell near its extremity, and 
a fifth (minute) just beyond cell; the second and third white spots of 
outer transverse row (close to apex) ringed with yellow, and the third 
also with an inner black ring so as to constitute a perfect ocellus; the 
apical pale-brown extends along great part of hind-margin and is 
traversed by two parallel slightly-sinuated dark-brown submarginal 
streaks. Hind-wing: basal region crossed by three extremely irregular 
dark-brown striz, of which the outermost is greatly interrupted but 
joins the innermost by a longitudinal streak running between. sub- 
median and internal nervures; an independent short stria marking 
extremity of discoidal cell; ocelli more elaborate than on upper side, 
all in yellow rings outwardly brown-edged and containing a more or 
less incomplete internal blue iris; occasionally a sixth small ocellus 
situated between the first and second, but usually only a very faint 
circular spot there; the three lower ocelli surrounded by dark-brown 
clouding; the two submarginal brown striz conspicuous on the pale 

2 Like the ¢, but duller and paler in colour; the white oblique 
costal bar of fore-wing considerably broader. On under side of fore-wing 
the two inner bluish spots in discoidal cell are enlarged and sometimes 
confluent, forming a short rather wide bar indented outwardly. 

Intimately allied to D. dendrophilus, Trimen, but at once known by 
the very conspicuous white spots of the fore-wings, particularly those of 
the inner row, which in D. dendrophilus are always small and ochreous 
and externally ill-defined or suffused, and in some specimens almost 
indistinguishable from the general ochreous clouding. ‘The continuous 
costal bar formed by the conjunction.of the upper four spots of this 
row is the most striking feature of this character; it is quite constant in 
the male, and more developed in the females that I have seen. The 
larger size and darker ground-colour as well as the much brighter 
ochre-yellow of the hind-wings are also very noticeable in Jndosa, the 
female being in proportion to the male very much larger than is the case 
in Dendrophilus ; while the under side of the hind-wings is paler and more 
variegated. The ocelli are larger and more conspicuous than in Den- 
drophilus, and are much more constant in number (five) and position ; 

a eee 



the species just named possessing from five to seven, but more com- 
monly six or seven on the upper side, and invariably seven on the 
under side." 

As noted by me in the Transactions of the Entomological Society for 1868, 
I discovered this striking form on the eastern border of Natal in 1867. Early 
in March I found it abundantly in the high lying woods at Tunjumbili, over- 
looking the Tugela River. The pure white spots of the fore-wings are very 
conspicuous in flight, and give the butterfly a very different aspect from that 
of its very close ally, Dendrophilus. The habits of Indosa are quite like those 
of Dendrophilus, and I noticed little companies of from six to ten settled head 
downwards on the trunks or low branches of trees, especially towards sunset. 
No @s occurred among the individuals I took ; but in 1879 a Transvaal speci- 
men of that sex was received from Mr. T. Ayres and others quite recently 
(April and May 1884) from near Pinetown, Natal, where they were captured 
by Colonel Bowker. The last-named gentleman informs me that he secured 
several fine examples, including one ?, by sugaring the stump of a tree in a 
spot where he had noticed the species ; and also that he has observed specimens 
frequenting human excreta and fallen fruit. Colonel Bowker forwarded to me 
a dried specimen of the plant on which he believes Zndosa to feed. It is one 
of the Acanthacee, and has been kindly determined by Mr. P. MacOwan as 
Hypoestes aristata. 

Localities of Lethe Indosa. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—Pinetown (J. H. Bowker). Intzutze River. 
b. Upper Districts —Tunjumbili (Fort Buckingham). Karkloof 
(J. H. Bowker). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

Meneris, Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 296 (1850). 

Imaco.—Head of moderate size, densely hairy; eyes large, clothed 
with short hair; palpi of moderate length, ascendant, compressed 
laterally, clothed above and on the sides with a short velvety pile, 
densely hairy beneath, slightly convergent,—the terminal joint very 
small and distinct, short, slender, smooth; antennw long and rather 
thick, with the club elongate, gradually formed, cylindrical, outwardly 
curved and pointed at the tip. 

Thorax rather robust, elongate-ovate, densely hairy on the back, 

1 Colonel Bowker, early in February 1886, found an interesting small variety of Zndosa at 
Karkloof, some twenty-two miles north-west of Maritzburg, at an elevation of about 5000 
feet. The two gs sent to me measure respectively only 2 in. 6 lin. and 2 in. 7 lin. across 
the wings, while the ? barely expands 3 in. Both sexes, moreover, show a slight approach 
to L, dendrophilus in a slight ochre-yellowish suffusion of the lower spots of the discal row in 
the fore-wings. Colonel Bowker mentioned that this variety was numerous about rotten fruit 
in the garden of a farmer, and that the more active 6s flew round in a certain line, and all 
ended by flying into the base of an old quince hedge, where he suspected there must have 
been the pupa of a ?. 


especially laterally and posteriorly, where the hair is much longer. 
Fore-wings large, somewhat truncate ; costa moderately arched, the con- 
- vexity growing very gradually from base; apex rounded; hind-margin 
almost straight, moderately sinuated; inner margin almost straight; a 
coating of very short hairs near base, more developed on inner margin; 
discoidal cell rather short, truncate, the disco-cellular nervules (of which 
the upper is very short, the middle of moderate length, and the lower 
much longer and slightly bent outwardly) being only a little oblique ; 
first and second subcostal nervules arising near each other, a little before 
end of cell, and the third a considerable distance beyond cell, not far 
from the origin of the fourth. Hind-wings large; costa slightly arched 
about middle; hind-margin scalloped; anal angle pronounced; inner 
margins meeting to a little beyond tip of abdomen, forming a deep 
groove,—beyond that slghtly hollowed; discoidal cell very short, its 
termination pointed inferiorly, the lower disco-cellular nervule forming 
a very acute angle with the median nervure just beyond origin of 
second median nervule; costal nervure extending to apex; internal 
nervure strong, curved, ending on inner margin rather beyond middle ; 
inner margin ciliated throughout; over basal half a dense coating of 
long hairs, more developed towards inner margin. Jore-legs of f very 
short, slender; tarsal joint very short; tibia and tarsus clothed with 
very short velvety pile, and fringed externally and at the tip with dense 
long hair; those of 2 rather thicker and longer (especially tarsal joint), 
and not so hairy. Middle and hind legs of moderate length, rather 
thick; femora smooth, slightly downy; tibie strongly spinose gene- 
rally, the terminal spurs rather long and acuminate; tarsi with the joints 
very distinct, finely spinulose above, more coarsely so beneath. <Abdo- 
men rather short, laterally compressed. 

Larva.—Rather thick, but attenuated towards each extremity ; 
anal segment bearing two small pointed projections; skin thinly 
clothed with short hairs.—(Characters derived from a drawing by Mrs. 
F. W. Barber.) 

Pupa.—Very smooth and robust, with all the prominent parts much 
blunted and rounded; region of wing-covers extremely convex ; a deep 
constriction on back between thorax and abdomen; anal suspensory 
stalk slender and elongated.—(Characters of a specimen received from 
Mrs. F. W. Barber.) 

This genus is one of the few which are peculiar to South Africa, the 
large and beautiful butterfly which alone represents it not being known 
to occur in any tropical locality. As mentioned in my remarks on the 
Sub-Family, I had considerable hesitation in placing MMeneris among 
the Satyrinew, on account of its long and thick antennz and robust 
general structure,—to which may be added the comparatively similar 
size and development of the first pair of legs in the two sexes; but 
these approximations to the Nymphaline are together of less import- 
ance than those characters which, in the earlier states as well as in the 


imago, exhibit clear Satyrine affinities. In neuration Meneris agrees 
very closely with ZLethe—especially with the South-African L. dendro- 
philus and L. Indosa—and alike in general colouring and pattern bears 
great resemblance to the latter. 

The only species, Meneris Tulbaghia, was named by Linneus in 
honour of a Dutch governor of the Cape (1731-51), who is said to 
have been the first to send to Europe a collection of the insects of the 
Colony. It is a very active, handsome butterfly, frequenting open ele- 
vated ground, especially steep mountain-sides and rocky hills. It is 
remarkably constant in colouring and pattern, only varying in being 
rather smaller and darker in some of the drier interior districts. The 
largest examples are found on the eastern side of the Cape Colony and 
in Natal. 

33. (1.) Meneris Tulbaghia, (Linnzeus). 

$ Papilio Tulbaghia, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 284, n. 102 (1764) ; 
and Syst. Nat., i. 2, p. 775, n. 158 (1767). 
Ss Cram., Pap. Exot., bean th ry 5): 
3d (as 2) Oreas marmorea Tulbag ghia, Hiibn., Samml, Exot. Schmett., 
i, t. 93 (1806). 
6 Nymphalis Tulbaghia, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 400, n. 171 (1819). 
Meneris Tulbaghia, Doubl., List. Lep. Brit. Mus., 1. p. 106 (1844). 
$ Meneris Tulbaghia, Westw., Gen. D. Lep., i. pl. 46, f. 3 (1850). 
3 2 Meneris Tulbaghia, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 162, n. 96 (1862) ; 
and il. p. 339 (1866); and Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 358. 

Exp. al. 3 in. 3 lin—q in. 2 lin. 

kich dark-brown, with deep yellow-ochreous transverse stripes and 
spots; hind-wing with blue ocellated spots. 
ft Fore-wing: suffused with chocolate-brown from base; beyond 
middle, a short, transverse, deep yellow-ochreous band, from costa to 
between second discoidal and third median nervules, divided unequally 
into four by three crossing nervules; a little before this band, com- 
mencing immediately beneath extremity of discoidal cell, a similar, 
longer, transverse band of the same colour, also crossed by three 
nervules, and extending to inner-margin beyond middle; beyond bands, 
near and parallel to hind-margin, a row of eight yellow-ochreous spots, 
the first three of which are contiguous and somewhat quadrate, the 
fourth sub-obvate and inclining out from the line towards hind-margin, 
the remaining four rounded, the last of them (between first median 
nervule and submedian nervure) being the smallest ; along hind-margin, 
a moderately-wide border, shghtly paler than ground-colour, and con- 
taining a thin, dark, median streak from apex nearly to anal angle. 
Hind-wing : ochreous band of fore-wing (that extends to inner margin) 
continued across this wing by a slightly-paler band from costa, narrow- 
ing to a little before anal angle, but not quite reaching inner margin ; 
Space before band almost wholly chocolate-brown, with a coating of 
hairs of that colour, which are longest on submedian nervure; beyond 


band, a transverse row of five ocellated spots, of different sizes, black, 

in thin, yellow-ochreous rings, with glistening violet-blue centres 

pupilled with white, extending from second subcostal nervule to anal 
angle; of these ocelli, the second is sometimes wanting, and always 
small when present,—the fifth, at anal angle, being always bipupillate, 
with scarcely a tinge of the blue central colouring, but in a complete 
yellow-ochreous ring. Cilia of both wings pale creamy-yellow ; brown- 
chequered in fore-wing, only partly so in hind-wing. UNDER SIDE.— 
Paler and duller in colouring, but the surface more glossy and smooth ; 
yellow-ochreous markings much paler, especially in hind-wing.  ore- 
wing: in and beyond middle of discoidal cell, a broad, transverse, short, 
pale-yellowish bar, rather widely black-margined both internally and 
externally ; basal portion, and hind-margin from apex, paler than rest 
of ground-colour, the latter including two thin, parallel, dark streaks 
from apex, becoming obsolete a little above anal angle. Hind-wing: 
of the same hue as base and apex of fore-wing ; two irregularly zigzag, 
black, transverse striz before middle, from costa to submedian nervure 
or a little below it; on costa, between the two striae, a more or less 
distinct, very pale, yellowish spot, occasionally obsolete or nearly so; 
discoidal cell closed by a short, black streak; pale transverse band 
edged internally with a sharply-defined, black streak; ocellated spots 
very different from those on wpper side, more equal in size (the second 
spot wanting, but a large additional ocellated spot between first and 
second subcostal nervules), their violet, white-pupilled centre very 
small, surrounded by dull-golden, black, and pale-yellow rings in a 
more or less defined, black outer circle; of these ocelli, the first three 
are similar, the fourth has a large black centre edged with violet on 
its aner rim, the fifth has a black, bipupillate centre without violet, 
and its rings are half-obliterated outwardly ; immediately beyond the 
fourth ocellus is an oblong space of glistening-violet scales; from apex, 
two parallel blackish streaks extend along hind-margin, the inner one 
ending in the patch of violet scales just described, the owter one reach- 
ing anal angle. Culia of wings paler than on upper side. 

2 Slightly duller and paler in colouring, unth broader markings ; 
the blue in ocelli of hind-wing purer than in g, with scarcely any 
violet reflection. ore-wing: in discoidal cell, near its extremity, a 
yellow-ochreous bar, similar in size and shape to that on wnder side of 
¢ (this marking is sometimes half obliterated). Hind-wing: second 
ocellus always wanting, but in some specimens the traces of an addi- 
tional ocellus between first and second subcostal nervules are visible. 
UnpbER sipE.—Like that of ¢, but the markings generally broader and 

The early stages of Tulbaghia were discovered at Highlands, near 
Grahamstown, by Mrs. F. W. Barber, who in 1864 sent me drawings 
of them, and a dead specimen of the pupa, from which the following 
descriptions were made. 


Larva.—Pale bluish-green ; a conspicuous black, dorsal stripe from 
head to tail. Head: chestnut-red ; legs ochreous; spiracular rings black. 
“Found on Hebenstreitia and on several species of Composite, in high 
sheltered situations among rocks, September and October. The young 
larva is of a much yellower green than in its full-grown state.”—WA/. 
E. Barber. 

In 1863 twenty larvee were hatched from eges laid by a specimen 
captured near Cape Town. When just emerged, they were about 
1 inch in length, rather closely set with bristly hairs, and with the head 
large. Their colour was sandy-yellowish. They would not eat various 
plants which I offered them, and I therefore liberated the survivors. 

Pupa.—‘‘ Semi-transparent, French-white in colour” (M. EH. B.) 
Abdomen with a dorsal row, and on each side three rows, of small 
black spots; rest of surface irrorated with black dots for the greater 
part; some larger black spots at dorsal and lateral angles, and about 
head, and a row of them across outer portion of wing-covers. Anal 
prominence at point of suspension black. ‘ Suspended to ferns or 
other plants growing under shelving rocks. Imago emerged from pupa 
after two months” (M. H. B.) 

On 24th December 1876 Mr. C. A. Fairbridge took two examples 
(f and 2) in his garden at Sea Point, near Cape Town, of which the 
¢ individual had only just emerged from the chrysalis. The pupa- 
skin, which he forwarded with the butterfly, was attached to a slight 
silken web among dry stalks and leaves on a trellis immediately above 
a bank thickly covered with the “Kweek” grass (Stenotaphrum gla- 
brum); and Mr. Fairbridge conjectures that this grass was probably 
the food-plant of the larva. Mrs. Barber informed me that she doubted 
if the larva fed on the plants on which she found it, as she had not 
seen it eating any of them. 

This very fine insect is peculiar to South Africa, but seems generally distri- 
buted wherever mountains or high rocky hills exist. It keeps very closely to 
elevated stations, as a rule, but will sometimes haunt lower ground, especially 
when strong winds prevail. Its flight is tolerably swift, and sometimes long- 
‘sustained, but usually it settles frequently, either on rocks, under overhanging 
banks, or on flowers. It exhibits a decided liking for red flowers ;—I have 
noticed it on Nerine, Heemanthus, Antholyza, and Disa cornuta, and have 
taken two examples with the pollinia of the last-named plant attached to the 
head. Mrs. Barber found that at Highlands the butterfly was fond of the 
aloe flowers. When settled on flowers, it is easily approached and captured, 
but is very wary when resting on the ground or on rocks. Specimens which I 
have noticed in Cape Town flew along under the eaves of houses, and occasionally 
entered open windows ; and two were thus captured in the Exhibition room of 

the South-African Museum. It is most prevalent during February, March, and 
April; but I have known it to occur as early as the 24th December and as 
late as the 18th May. 

The northern limit of Tudbaghia’s range is not known, but its most northerly 
locality yet recorded is the district of Lydenburg, in the Transvaal, whence Mr. 
T. Ayres sent a specimen in 1879. This example, and those I have received 
from Burghersdorp, in the north-east corner of the Cape Colony, and from 
Basutoland, are rather smaller and darker than usual. 


Localities of Meneris Tulbaghia. 

I South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Cape Town. Kalk Bay. Bain’s Kloof, 
Genadendal (G. Hettarsch). Swellendam Mountains (Burchell), 
b. Eastern Districts.—“ Port Elizabeth (S. D. Bazrstow).” Grahams- 
town: Highlands and Brookhuyzen’s Poort. Queenstown Dis- 
trict: Windvogelberg (Dr. Batho). Burghersdorp (D. R. Kan 
d. Basutoland.—Maseru (J. H. Bowker), 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Tsomo River (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 

b. Upper Districtsx—Hermansburg. Tunjumbili. Greytown. 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

Sus-FamMity 3.—ACRAXIN AM. 
Heliconides (part), Boisd., Sp. Gen. Lep., i. p. 165 (1836). 
Acreide, Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep:, i. p. 137 (1848). 
Acreine, Bates, Journ. Ent., 1861, p. 220; 1864, p. 176. 

Imaco.—Head of moderate size (rather broad in genus Acrea), 

clothed with close down; eyes smooth, rather prominent; palpi. 

rather long, divergent, ‘ascendant, rather scantily clothed with hair 
(which is longer beneath),—the second joint long, usually more or less 
thickened or swollen,—the terminal joint very small or even minute; 
antenne rather long and thick, with a rather abruptly formed flattened 

Thorax compressed laterally, narrow, short, downy ; prothorax very 
distinctly defined, more or less hairy. ore-wings elongate, sometimes 
markedly produced in apical portion; costa almost straight, only 
slightly curved at base and near apex, which is rounded; hind-margin 

entire, rather convex, except when apical portion is produced, making 
lower part hollowed; posterior angle much rounded; inner-margin | 

nearly straight ; discoidal cell of moderate length or rather short, narrow, 
closed obliquely by the more or less strongly outward-bent lower disco- 
cellular nervule, which (except in Actinote) is much longer than the 
middle one; first subcostal nervule originating a little before or at 

extremity of cell, second at a considerable distance beyond it. Hind- | 
wings rather elongate, much rounded outwardly, sometimes inclining | 
to prominence about middle of hind-margin, which is entire; costa | 
very prominent at base, but thence remarkably straight; anal angle — 

not at all marked, much rounded off; inner-margins convex at base, 
sometimes almost meeting across basal part of abdomen ; costal nervure 

extending to apex; discoidal cell narrow, usually short Gn Planema — 

ACRAIN A, 129 

very short); internal nervure well-developed, ending considerably 
beyond middle. ore-legs of ¢ much reduced, slender, scaly, in some 
cases very finely hairy ; femur and tibia about equal in length; tarsus 
less than half as long as tibia, cylindrical, without articulation ; those 
of 2 larger, smoother, with the femur proportionately longer, and 
tarsus indistinctly four- or five-jointed, and finely spinulose beneath. 
Middle and hind legs rather stout and short; femora and tibiee about 
equal in length, the former smooth, the latter finely spinose and with 
rather short terminal spurs; tarsi very spinose, especially on the sides 
and beneath,—the terminal claws long, curved, without paronychia or 

pulvilli, but with an inferior basal lobe or expansion. 

Abdomen elongate, laterally compressed, thickened more or less at 
extremity, usually much arched, sometimes extending as far as or beyond 

anal angle of hind-wings; penultimate segment in 2 often bearing on 
its under side a hollowed corneous appendage. 

Larva.—Cylindrical, of almost even thickness throughout, set with 
rigid bristled spines; head smooth, without spines. 

Pupa.—Slender, elongated; sides of thorax angulated, its back 
bluntly prominent; head more or less rounded, sometimes bluntly bifid ; 

back of abdomen usually smooth (but in Planema bearing several pairs 

of tubercles or of long filaments).* 
The Acrwine are well characterised by their long abdomen and 
fore-wings, abruptly clavate antenne, thick divergent palpi, unchannelled 

Inner-margin of hind-wings, and want of any appendages to the tarsal 

claws. Their wings are never thickly covered with scales, but exhibit 
every gradation from semiopacity to transparency. The abdominal 
horny pouch or plate borne by the female seems to be most developed 

in A. Horta (L.),’A. Neobule, Doubl., and A. Anemosa, Hewits.; and it 

is certainly remarkable that no similar structure is to be found among 

butterflies except in Parnassiws, a genus of Papilioninw, which at the 

same time presents two other characteristic features of the Acrwine, 
-yiz., semi-transparent wings and simple tarsal claws lobed at the base.” 

While in several ways resembling the Heliconine, especially in the 

lengthened abdomen and wings, and in the closed cell of the hind- 
wings, the Acrwinw seem on the whole to be most closely related to 
the group of Nymphalinw represented by the genera Argynnis, Melitea, 
and Phyciodes, possessing in common with the latter abruptly-clavate 

short antennse, swollen and divergent palpi, short stout legs, scaly and 
finely spinose, and elongated fore-wings and abdomen. ‘The larvz of 
the two groups also exhibit great similarity, and the pupz are much 
alike, except that Acrwa is more elongate. 
The Acrwine present considerable diversity of pattern and colouring, 
1 Stoll (Suppl. Cramer, Pap. Exot. pl. 1), and more recently Fritz Miiller (Kosmos, Dec, 
1877, apud R. Meldola), have described and figured the pupa of the Brazilian Actinote 
Thalia ; it is white streaked with black, and bears five pairs of black spines on the abdominal 
Segments—not nearly so long as the filaments in Planema. 

* See Doubleday, Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 139. 
VOL. 1, : 


but none of them can vie in beauty with the most brilliant species of 
Nymphaline or Heliconine. The ground-colour in many is ochre~ 
yellow or deep brick-red thickly spotted with black, the females being 
duller and often distinguished by an oblique whitish bar in the fore~- 

wings. ‘The red in Acrea Acara, Hewits., and A. Petrwa, Boisd., is, 

however, very vivid, and with a gloss of carmine in the living ¢s; but 
it fades—like all the red tints in this Sub-Family—to quite a dull hue 
in the course of a few months after death. In the genus Planema the 
ground-colour is dull-brown or blackish, with broad fulvous, ochre- 
yellow, or white patches and bars, and with no black spots except a 

small group at the base of the hind-wings on the under side. ‘The — 

American genus Actinote has a similar style of colouring, but the bars 
and patches are of brighter tints, and the dark ground is in A. Ozomene 
and A. Stratonice (Godt.), and allies, richly glossed with blue. . The 
heads and bodies of the Acrwine are (except in some of the South- 
American species) conspicuously spotted with white and ochre-yellow, 
and in some species of Acrwa the terminal half of the abdomen of the 
male is suffused with an ochre-yellow or creamy whitish tint. 

I here adopt, as generically distinct, Doubleday’s ‘“ Section II.” of 
the genus Acrwa, named Planema, but not his Sections ILI. and IV., 

Gnesia and Telchinia, which seem to me insufficiently distinguished | 

both from each other and from the typical Section I. (Hyalites, Doubl.) 
I have found it necessary to remove Alena from the Sub-Family, as 
there can be no doubt that the resemblance to Acrewa presented by the 
two curious little butterflies constituting the genus—viz., A. amazoula, 

Boisd., and A. Nyassw, Hewits.—is superficial only, and that they are. 

really an aberrant form of Lycenide, allied to Liptena, &. For Acrwa 
punctatissima, Boisd., I am obliged to create a new genus (Pardopsis), 
as it presents characters of considerable divergence. 

The Acrwine are butterflies of very slow flight, and usually con- 
gregate in some numbers in their favourite haunts.’ Most of the genus 
Acrea, especially those of the Horta group, prefer open localities, 
where they bask with expanded wings on low flowers (strongly remind- 

ing one of the European Melitew); but others, such as A. Natalica, 

A. Buxtoni, and A. Cabira, frequent the outskirts of woods, and the 
species of Planema and Pardopsis are thoroughly sylvan. The deli- 
berate movements of these butterflies and their complete disregard of 
concealment, in conjunction with their very conspicuous appearance, 
indicate very clearly that little if any active persecution of them is 
carried on. As noticed above in the generalities under “ Rhopalocera,” 

1 Though so gregariously inclined, the Acrwinw would appear to be rather quarrelsome 
and combative. Mrs. Barber wrote to me that she had noticed ?s of A. Horta struggling 
with each other for the possession of a particular leaf of the food-plant, “although on the 
same tree there were ten thousand equally good,” and after a prolonged rough-and-tumble 
fight, end by laying their eggs on each other and flying away with them ! 

Captain Harford, too, sent me two males of A, Encedon, which he captured while engaged | 

in a most pertinacious conflict on the ground. 

ACRAGIN &. ia 

they, in common with the Danaine, owe this immunity to their mal- 
odorous and uneatable nature, which leads insectivorous animals to pass 
them by.’ Like the Danainw also, many of them are the objects of 
“mimicry” by butterflies belonging to other groups—Nymphaline, 
Papilionine, and even a few Lyceenine—which do not possess the 
advantage of unpalatableness. ‘Two South-African cases are noted in 
the table given above, and ten or twelve others have been recorded 
from Western Tropical Africa; while one in Tropical South America 
—that of Actinote Thalia—has been tabulated by Mr. H. W. Bates 
(Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xxiii. p. 503). 

The spiny larvee of the Acrwinw are very gregarious, feeding in 
companies and fully exposed. ‘They emit a rather offensive odour, 
of the same character, but not so strong, as that of the perfect insects. 
The various species known consume plants of several different orders, 
and some (A. Horta, A. Acara) are very destructive to passion-flowers 
in gardens. 

The sub-angulated elongate pups are remarkably handsome, and 
usually very conspicuous from their white or yellowish ground-colour, 

veined and streaked with black, and marked abdominally with orange 

and black spots, orange tubercles, or pink filaments. Unlike the 
immense majority of chrysalides, in which concealment is secured by 
form and colouring, they seem to court observation; and their showy 
appearance, like that of the perfect insects, doubtless serves to indicate 
to the hungry insectivore a distasteful morsel. 

Though ranging throughout the tropical regions, the Acrwinw find 
their main development in Africa and its islands, some ninety species, 
or about two-thirds of the number known, being Ethiopian. From 
South America thirty-eight are recorded; while the Indian region pro- 
duces but three, and the Australian only two species. Some highly- 
interesting and peculiar forms of Acrwa inhabit Madagascar. Planema 
seems specially characteristic of West Africa, only two representatives 
occurring south of the Tropic; while of Acrwa twenty South-African 
species are on record. 


Acrea, Fab., “ Illiger’s Mag., vi. p. 284 (1807);” Latreille, Enc. Meth., 
ix. p. 10 (1819); Doubl. (Sections Hyalites, Gnesia, Telchinia, 
Pareba), Gen. Diurn. Lep., 1. p. 137-142 (1848). 

ImMaco.—Head rather broad ; palpi with the second joint long and 
swollen, thinly clothed with hairs (which are much longer and bristly 
beneath), and with the terminal joint minute, 

The peculiar odour of these butterflies seems to reside chiefly in a bright-yellow liquid 
secretion, which, on pressure of the thorax, exudes somewhat copiously. 

The Acreine are extremely tenacious of life, and their structure is so elastic that no 
pressure of the thorax, short of absolute crushing of the tissues, suffices to kill, or even 
paralyse them, 


Fore-wings with discoidal cell short; first discoidal nervule given 
off before extremity of cell. Hind-wings with discoidal cell short, 
closed very obliquely by lower disco-cellular nervule, which joins third 
median nervule at some little distance from its origin. 

Abdomen usually shorter than hind-wings, sometimes as long or 
a little longer; inferior corneous appendage in @ of variable size, 
developed largely in the Horta group. 

The other characters of the imago, and those of the larva and 
pupa, are sufficiently described under the Sub-Family. 

Acrwa is the largest and by far the most widely-ranging genus 
of the group, the few scattered Indian and Australian forms belong- 

ing to it, and the outlying southern province of its African metropolis, — 

yielding twenty known species. 

In pattern and coloration the numerous species of Aerwa group 
themselves into a good many sections, and the South-African forms 
may be arranged in that way as follows, viz. :— 

1. Wings wholly transparent—A. Rabbaiw (Ward). 
Wings partly transparent—A. Horta (Linn.), A. Neobule, Doubl., 
A. Cerasa, Hewits. 


3. Wings red (in 9 duller), with numerous black spots and black’ | 
margins—A, Violarum, Boisd., A. Nohara, Boisd., A. Petra, — 

Boisd., A. Doubledayi, Guér., A. Caldarena, Hewits., A. 
Aglaonice, Westw. 

4. Pattern like that of No. 3, but black margins more developed, | 
and some wide black suffusion about bases—A. Stenobea, — 

Wallener., A. Natalica, Boisd., A. Anemosa, Hewits., A. 
Acara, Hewits., A. Barberi, Trim. 

5. Wings yellowish or dull-rufous, thinly black-spotted; apex of 
fore-wing dusky, crossed in both sexes by a white bar— — 

A. Encedon (Linn.) 

6. Wings ochre-yellow with many black spots.—<A. Rahira, Boisd., | 

A, Anacreon, Trim. 

7. Wings rufous-yellow, with yellow-spotted black borders.—A. 
Buxtom, Buti. 

8. Wings dark-brown with pale-yellow bands.—A. Cabira, Hopff. — 

Only five species—A. Cerasa, Violarum, Barberi, Anacreon, and | 

Buxtoni—seem to be peculiar to South Africa, and of these, Barbers 
probably occurs within the Tropic line. Nine others, however, have — 

not hitherto been recorded from north of the Equator. 

The commonest and most generally distributed South African | 

species, and the only one which extends to the Cape peninsula, is A. | 

Horta; and next to it comes A. Rahira, which does not, however, 

range farther to the south-west than the Caledon district. In addition — 

to these, the eastern districts of the Cape Colony yield A. Meobule, 

Stenobea, Natalica, and Eneedon ; but, with the exception of the last-— 

ACRASIN Zi. 133 

named species, they seem to be rather scarce. Two or three others 

have been brought from Kaffraria Proper, but it is not until Natal is 
reached that the genus is richly represented ; nine more species, mostly 
very numerous in individuals, inhabiting that region. Zululand and 
Delagoa Bay are equally rich, the latter being, moreover, the only 
known South-African locality for the remarkable A. Rabbaiw ; and the 
Eastern Transvaal contains a good many species. A. Caldarena, Aglao- 
mice, Anenosa, and probably Barberi, are characteristic of the Tropical 
interior country, and only just enter South Africa proper. 

34. (1.) Acreea Rabbaiee, Ward. 

Acrea Rabbaic, Ward, Ent. M. Mag., x. p. 152 (1873). 
Oberthiir, Etudes d’Ent., iil. p. 25, pl. i. f. 1 (1878). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 1-9 lin. 

Transparent, almost colourless, with a few fuscous markings ; neura- 
tion strongly defined, dark brown. ore-wing: base narrowly suffused 
with fuscous; near base, between median and submedian nervures, a 
more or less conspicuous fuscous spot, variable in size and shape; 
rather before than beyond middle, a very irregular transverse sub- 
macular fuscous stripe, from costal to submedian nervure ; the upper 
part of this marking is broadest and occupies the outer extremity 
of discoidal cell,—it is immediately preceded by a small (usually con- 
tiguous) costal spot above the cell; apical and hind-marginal border 
very faintly tinged with brownish, crossed by some just perceptible 
very pale-yellowish inter-nervular rays. Hind-wing: not so trans- 
parent as fore-wing, thinly covered with white scales, unspotted; base 
narrowly suffused with fuscous; a broad more or less even hind- 
marginal fuscous border, containing six or seven semi-transparent 
sagittate spots faintly tinged with ochreous-yellow ; of these spots, the 

first (next apex) is much the smallest and sometimes almost obsolete, 

—and the first and seventh (and occasionally also the second) are some- 

‘times joined to the ground-colour of the wing. UNDER sIDE—Glossy, 

almost scale-less ; markings the same as on upper side, but fainter 

(except the fuscous markings of fore-wing, which are quite as dark). 

Palpi and thoracic spots pale creamy-yellow ; abdominal spots 
(more or less confluent posteriorly) creamy-whitish. 

M. Oberthiir (op. cit., p. 25) notes that the hind-wings are white 
or yellow, and that the transverse band of the fore-wings is variable in 
development. The colouring of his figure is more ochreous than that 
of any of the Delagoa Bay specimens which I have seen; and the 
transverse band of the fore-wings considerably narrower and more 

This beautiful Acrea is very distinct from all the known South-African 
Species ; its almost total want of colour and extreme transparency, together 
with the conspicuous central black bar across the fore-wings, rendering it very 


easily recognised. Its nearest ally is probably A. Satés, Ward, also a native of 
East Africa; but this species differs markedly in possessing two conspicuous 
white spaces in the fore-wing and an irregular transverse double row of black 
spots in the hind-wing. In the Hewitson Collection in the British Museum 
there is another allied species (unnamed) labelled ‘‘ Zanzibar ;” but in this 
butterfly the wings are only semi-transparent and warm reddish-ochreous, and 
the fore-wing has a conspicuous large black spot in the discoidal cell and a 
dusky hind-marginal border enclosing six or seven large spots of the ground- 

high flight. 

Localities of Aerwa Rabbaie. 

I. South Africa. 

H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (J. J. Monteiro, 1878). 
IU. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 

b. Eastern Coast.— Bagamoyo (Raffray).”—Oberthiir. “ Ribé.”— 

35, (2.) Acreea Horta, (Linn.) 

Papilio H. Horta, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 234, n. 53 (1764), and 
Syst...Nat., ed. XM. p. 755. 0.54) (0707). 
$ Papilio Horta, Drury, Ill. Nat. Hist., iii. pl. 28, ff. 1, 2 (1782). 
na » Cramer, Pap, Hxot., pl 298, i. red )*(a7ee): 
. »  Wulfen, Cap. Ins:, p.37, 0. 29 (1786): 
5 » ab. Wnt Syst, 1 1, p.150, mend ioe): 
Acrea Horta, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 231, n. 1 (1819). 
3d 9 Acrea Horta, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 92, n. 57 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 n.—z2 in. 8 lin. 

g Semi-transparent ; brick-red with black spots; the apical portion 
of fore-wing transparent ashy-grey.  Fore-wing: base narrowly suffused 
with black; red ground-colour abruptly and irregularly bounded by 
the apical grey in an oblique line from costa beyond middle to end of 
first median nervule; an oblique irregular black streak closing dis- 
coidal cell; in some specimens a small more or less distinct spot in 
cell near its extremity; occasionally a small blackish spot beneath cell, 
between first and second median nervules; more rarely another small 
spot nearer base, a little below median nervure; along hind-margin a 
row of six more or less defined inter-nervular red spots, of which the 
first and second, next apex, are larger and more elongate than the rest. 
Hind-wing: all brick-red; a conspicuous basal black patch, formed of 
three or four confluent large spots; a separate spot close to costa near 
base; two spots marking extremity of discoidal cell, and another near 
them in the cell; a discal row of eight spots from costa to inner 
margin, highly irregular, the outermost spot being that immediately 
above third median nervule, and the spots between it and inner margin 
larger and less rounded than the others; a hind-marginal black border 

The late Mr. Monteiro informed me that he met with A. Rabbaie not — 
uncommonly at Delagoa Bay, but that it was not easily captured owing to its — 


of moderate width, containing seven rounded inter-nervular spots of a 
tint varying from pale-yellowish to the red ground-colour (some of 
these spots, and often most of them, join the ground-colour, the black 
festooned line inwardly bounding them being very thin and in places 
obliterated). UNDER SIDE.—Jore-wing: similar, but much paler in 
tints. Hind-wing: pale ereamy-yellowish ; the black spots very con- 
spicuous, those near base more separate than on upper side, being less 
suffused; a brick-red patch at base close to costa, and a margin of 
the same colour running round wing from just before apex to anal 
angle, and thence to base; hind-marginal border more perfect than on 

upper side, the yellowish spots in it round and conspicuous. 

2 Faint ochrey-reddish, sometimes dingy pale-ochreous. Fore-wing : 
pattern and markings similar, but in the paler specimens almost bereft 

of colour, and very transparent. HMind-wing: black spots similarly 

arranged; in the redder specimens often a blackish suffusion beyond 
the extremity of discoidal cell, but not reaching hind-marginal band ; 
in the latter the spots are usually conspicuous from their pale-yellowish 
tint. UNDER SIDE.—Quite similar to that of ¢, but paler. 

Palpi yellow, thickly set with black hairs. Collar with a yellowish 
spot; pectus with five white spots, on each side. Thorax and back of 
abdomen black; the latter fuscous beneath, and with a lateral row of 
reddish spots, gradually increasing towards tip. These spots more 

developed in the ¢, which has also a subdorsal row of four or five very 
small similar spots on each side of terminal half of abdomen scarcely 

visible in the &. 

Aberration.—f In hind-wing all the basal and discal spots are. 
enlarged and confluent, so that nearly the whole surface is black. 

Hab.—Pembroke Farm, néar King William’s Town (Miss Agnes 
Bowker, 1873). In the collection of the South-African Museum. 

The size and even number of the spots in this species vary very 
much as regards the hind-wing, some examples having them very large 
and well developed throughout, and others presenting very few and 
minute spots. The specimens having (like the ¢ figured by Cramer, 
loc. cit.) three spots in the fore-wing are not common. 

Larva.—About 14 in. long; with strong branched spines. Dull 
brownish-ochreous, closely striped with black transverse streaks: the in- 
cisions of segments and a line down the back pale-ochreous; a broad 
ochreous band, not crossed by the black streaks, on each side, above the 
legs, which are of a bright shining yellow; head shining-black. On 
the second segment are two, and on the last four black branched 
spines; on each of all the other segments, six similar spines. Feeds 
on Kiggelaria Africana (a tree not uncommon about Cape Town) and 
in gardens on Passiflora cwrulea, Tacsonia magnifica, and other pas- 

Pupa.—About 3 in. long, rather slender; head blunt, hardly bifid ; 
lateral angles at bases of wing-covers prominent and acute; back of 


thorax not ridged, rather blunt and rounded; abdomen considerably 
elongate, curved inwardly towards its extremity. Pale-creamy, with a 
tinge of ochreous: wing-covers streaked with black along the positions 
of the nervures ; two curved black streaks from eyes to angles at bases 
of wings; two black, short, longitudinal streaks on back of thorax; a 
transverse black streak at junction of thorax and abdomen; on each 
side of the back, a row of large, united, black, ochre-yellow-centred 
spots; each row united by thin, black lines to a row of similar spots 
below it, on side of abdomen ; a shorter row of similar, more contiguous 
spots along middle of under side of abdomen. 

Attached to stems and leaves of plants, palings, walls, &c. The silk to 
which the tail is attached often covers an area of an inch in diameter. ‘The 
butterfly emerged, in most instances, eight or nine days after the disclosure of 
the pupa. 

A common and abundant species throughout South Africa. In fields and 
gardens in and about Cape Town these butterflies are particularly plentiful ; 
they can be taken all the year round, but are less numerous in May and June 
than at other times. Throughout the summer they are quite a feature of the 
locality, their deep-red colour and slow flight rendering them very conspicuous 
objects; while their spiny larve and remarkably handsome pendant pupe are 
everywhere noticeable on gates, trunks of trees, and walls. The larve often 
occasion much damage to passion-flowers in gardens, as I have seen both in 
Cape Town and Grahamstown. In the latter locality, Mrs. Atherstone was 
much concerned to find that the fowls would not eat these destructive cater- 
pillars when collected for them by the gardener; but this was not to be 
wondered at, as the larve, in addition to their prickly skins, have a strong and 
disagreeable odour, more perceptible than in the pupa, or even in the butterfly. 
The pupa, however, is probably a distasteful morsel, as it is peculiarly con- 
spicuous wherever attached. 

It is rather surprising that so prevalent and widely-ranging an Acrea as this 
should, as far as is known, be attended by no mimicker.} 

I have frequently captured the paired sexes of A. Horta. In one instance, 
which I carefully noted at the time, the ¢ rested on the ground with expanded 
wings, and the ¢ rested on the ? with his wings also flatly extended. In this 
position (which was maintained) the heads of the two were held in the same 
direction, and the extremity of the ¢ abdomen was twisted sideways, as in the 
union of the saltatorial Orthoptera. 

Localities of Acraa Horta. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districtss—Cape Town. Caledon (Genadendal: G. 
Hettarsch). Robertson. Swellendam (L. Zaats). Oudtshoorn 
(— Adams). Knysna (Miss Rez). 

b. Eastern Districts—Uitenhage (S. D. Bairstow). Grahamstown. 
King William’s Town (W. S. M. D’'Urban). Queenstown, 
Windvogelberg (Dr. Bathv). 

d. Basutoland (J. H. Bowker). 

1 Mr. A. G. Butler has recently (August 1884) suggested that the variety of Pseudacrea 
Trimenit, Butl., which he has named P. Colvillei, is probably modified in imitation of A. 
Horta, to which it bears considerable resemblance. 

eS a ae ae 


D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth and Bashee River (J. /7/. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
a, Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Mapumulo. 
b. Upper Districts—Hermansburg. Pietermaritzburg (J/iss Colenso). 
Karkloof (W. Morant). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District: 7. Ayres. 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. West Coast.—‘ Angola (Pogge) and Chinchoxo (Falkenstein).” — 
B. North Tropical. 
a, West Coast.—Sierra Leone [Coll. Brit. Mus.] 

36. (3.) Acreea Neobule, EH. Doubleday. 

Acrea Neobule, E. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pl. xix. f. 3 (1848). 
As 5,  Guérin, in Lefbv. Voy. en Abyss., vi. p. 378 (1849). 
s »,  eiche, in Ferr. et Gal. Voy. en Abyss., iii. p. 466, pl. 33, 
ff. 3, 4 (1849). 

a bs Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 345. 
A re Gerst., Ghederth.-Fauna d. Sansibar.-Geb., p. 368, n. 14 

Acrea Seis, Feisth., Ann. Soc. Ent. de France, 2me Série, vill. p. 247, 
No. 1 (1850). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 1-6 lin. 

gf Pale-red, inclining to ochreous, semi-transparent, with blackish 
spots; apical region of fore-wing transparent ashy-grey. ore-wing: 
red, ill-defined exteriorly, but extending to beyond discoidal cell, and 
thence obliquely to posterior angle and hind-margin near it; a large 
spot in discoidal cell, immediately above origin of first median nervule ; 
a large elongate curved spot on nervules closing cell; below, and in a 
transverse line with this latter spot, two rather large spots, one above, the 
other below, first median nervule ; a little beyond end of cell, a subcostal, 
oblique row of three or four small spots (often indistinct or almost 
obsolete); below median nervure, not far from base, a very small spot 
(sometimes all but obsolete); close to apex, a faint ill-defined reddish 
curved transverse ray reaching to upper radial nervule. Hind-wing: 
all pale-red; base narrowly suffused with blackish; two moderately- 
sized spots in discoidal cell; two on closing nervules of cell; one above 
it; two below it, confluent with basal blackish; a strongly-curved 
irregular discal transverse row of eight spots, of which the first and 
sixth are larger and nearer base than the rest, extending from costa to 
inner-margin ; a rather narrow fuscous hind-marginal border, with its 
inner edge regularly dentating the ground-colour between nervules, 
completely enclosing five or six small inter-nervular spots of the ground- 
colour, between costa and first median nervule. 

UNDER SIDE.—Paler; markings of fore-wing only faintly visible ; 
hind-wing creamy-whitish, varied with rufous, the markings con- 


spicuous. Fore-wing: pale-red very faint, both in wide space and at | 
apex. Hind-wing: basal black well marked, and enclosing two or | 
three conspicuous creamy-white spots; other black spots as above, but | 

more distinct ; spots in hind-marginal border larger, creamy-white, six, 
with a seventh (between first median nervule and submedian nervule) 
incompletely enclosed interiorly ; vaguely-defined rufous clouding on 
costa at base, along inner edge of hind-marginal border, and along inner 

2 Similar, usually rather paler and duller, and with the spots often — 


An example (?? ), captured in Socotra by Professor J. B. Balfour, has been 
noted and figured by Mr. A. G. Butler in Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 177, 
pl. xvui. f. 5. This specimen has the blackish spots unusually large throughout, 
and the rufous colouring on the under side of the hind-wings is represented as 
less diffused, and forming distinct inter-nervular rays. In these respects it is 
nearer to the Abyssinian example figured by Reiche (op. cit.) than to specimens 
from the more southern parts of Africa. 

Two ¢ specimens captured on the Gold Coast by Lieut. Richards, R.N., 
and presented by him to the South-African Museum, are unusually large (ex- 
panding 2 in. 8-9 lin.), and less rufous than usual, with the spots of hind-wing 
very well marked. 

The species is closely allied to A. Horta, and may be said to occupy a posi- 
tion between that species and A. Mahela, Boisd., of Madagascar. From the 
former insect it constantly differs in its palerand duller ground-colour, in having 
spots on the fore-wings beyond, as well as in and below the discoidal cell, and 
in the complete black border of the hind-wings, which encloses the spots of the 
ground colour; its abdomen in both sexes being much paler than that of Horta, 
owing to the greater width (in most instances confluence) of the pale ochreous 
markings. The whitish spots on the head and on the back and pectus of the 
thorax are much more conspicuous, especially in the @, which possesses in 
addition a spot behind each eye, two spots on back of mesothorax, and two 
salmon-reddish spots on back of first abdominal segment. From A. Mahela 
(Faune Entom. de Madagascar, p. 31, pl. vi. fig. 1) the well-marked border of 
the hind-wings readily distinguishes it, the Madagascarene Acrea having only 
small fuscous spots at the extremities of the nervules; but the other markings 
are almost identical in the two butterflies, except that Meobule, like Horta, 
possesses some short reddish rays at the apex of the fore-wings, and has gene- 
rally smaller spots than those of Mahela, besides being much more rufous in 
general colouring. 

Localities of Acrwa Neobule. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.— Victoria West (Kenhart: 2’. Chittenden). 
b. Eastern Districts.—Bathurst (Kowie River Mouth: Plant). Coles- 

berg (A. F. Ortlepp). 

d. Basutoland (Maseru: J. H. Bowker). 

K. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’ Urban. 
6. Upper Districts. —Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 

K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). Vaal and Hart Rivers (7. 
Ayres). Upper Limpopo River (/ C. Selous). 

ET AO OR ee 

ACRZEIN 2. 139 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 

a. West Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and John A. Bell) ; 
also, “Swakop River (Wahlberg).’—Wallengren). Angola 
(Boma: J. J. Monteiro—Druce). Congo [Coll. Brit. Mus.] 

a1. Interior.—Khama’s Country, near Bamangwato (H. Barber). 
Tati (C. Hart). “ Ramaqueban River (Oates).”— Westwood. 

b. East Coast.—“ Lake Jipe (O. Kersten).”—Gerstiicker. 

b1. Interior.—“ Victoria Nyanza (fev. J. Hannington).”—A. G. 

B. North Tropical. 

a. West Coast.—Gold Coast (Lieut. Richards, R.N.) ‘ Guinea ”— 
Gersticker. ‘‘Senegambia ”—Gersticker. ‘Gambia River’”— 

b. East Coast.—“ Abyssinia (Lefebvre) ””—Gueérin-Meneville ; and 
(“ Ferret et Galinier ”)—Reiche. 

bb. Socotra (Balfour). 

(37. (4.) Acreea cerasa, Hewitson. 
Acrea cerasa, Hewits., Exot. Butt., i. pl. xx. f. 10 [ ¢ | (1861). 

Expl. al., (f) 1 in. 54-11 lin.; (2) 1 in. 10 lin—2 in. 3 lin. 

& Semi-transparent ; brick-red with black spots; outer half of fore- 
wing and narrow hind-marginal border of hind-wing (wider near apex) 
fuscous-grey. Fore-wing: base and inner margin near it blackish; red 
only extending as far as an oblique line from extremity of discoidal 
cell to a little before posterior angle; costa, apex, and hind-margin 
rather widely bordered with fuscous; in discoidal cell usually a large 
ovate black spot, and at its extremity a small sublinear spot; occa- 
sionally a minute spot near base below median nervure; and very 
rarely, two (one above the other) faintly marked on edge of red, about 
middle, above and below second median nervule. Hind-wing: base 
pale-fuscous; five spots in basal region, of which one is in discoidal 
cell; a central irregular transverse row of seven small spots. UNDER 
SIDE.—More glossy, paler, the red fainter, the spots not so well-de- 
fined ; bases and margins scarcely fuscous. Sore-wing: spot at ex- 
tremity of discoidal cell obsolete. 

29 Larger; the red paler and duller. Hind-wing: grey border 
wider in apical region; near hind-margin, between third median ner- 
vule and sub-median nervure, a row of three very small black spots. 

There is much instability in the spotting of this butterfly as regards 
both size and number of spots. In several males taken near Pinetown 
in Natal the spots of the hind-wing are very small, and in one example 
are wholly wanting, with the exception of two near the base; while 
in one gf there is no spot in the fore-wing except the linear one at 
the extremity of the discoidal cell, and in another even that spot is 

Larva.—Above livid-purplish; a central dorsal dull-greenish 


streak, edged on both sides by a linear series of small white marks, 
which on the anterior segments (two to five) are developed into thin 
transverse strie; a similar series of minute white spots bounds lower 
edge of livid-purplish on each side; below this, each side is olive- 
ereenish; under side and pro-legs light-green; head black, shining, 
striped frontally, superiorly, and laterally with white; legs pale- 
greenish, yellowish terminally. Dorsal spines on third to sixth seg- 
ments considerably longer than the rest, erect, nearly straight, rather 
thick, with only a terminal bristle, dull-greyish ; other spines through- 
out yellowish or greenish-white, set with a few whitish bristles; the 
dorsal ones inclining backward from the ninth to the anal segments. 
Length 14 in. Feeds on ; the very young larve, 
according to Colonel Bowker, advancing in a regular row, side by side, 
from the base of a leaf, eating away the parenchyma as they proceed. 

Pupsa.—Pale orange-yellow. Two dorsal rows of bright orange 
black-ringed acute tuberculated spots, and on each side a row of 
similar (but not tuberculated) spots, mark the abdominal segments, 
some of the incisions of which are dorsally thinly defined with black. 
Neuration of wings, and a median stripe along back of thorax, and 
head black; eyes and lnes of antennze and limbs also edged with 
black. Rather more curved than usual in Acrwa pupe; back of 
thorax very prominent, its lateral angles prominent; cephalic tubercles 
rather acutely pointed. Length $ in. 

(Colonel Bowker informed me as to the ground-colour of the pupa, 
which was much altered in the spirit specimens sent, and scarcely 
indicated in the single empty pupa skin previously received.) 

A. Cerasa has much the look of an undersized A. Horta (Linn.), especially 
in the deep-red colour, the spotting of the hind-wing, and the fuscous bases of 
the wings. In the pattern of the spotting of the fore-wing it more resembles 
A. Neobule, Doubl. The colouring of the abdomen is intermediate in char- 
acter, the lateral and terminal rufous being much more pronounced and 
developed than in Horta, but less so (and much deeper in hue) than in 
Neobule. From both species the absence of any black, pale, spotted hind- 
marginal border in the hind-wing at once separates Cerasa. Perhaps Cerasa’s 
nearest ally is A. Quirina (Fab.), from Tropical Western Africa; but the latter 
differs very markedly in having the entire fore-wing transparent, with only a 
faint reddish tinge over the inner-marginal area, and in presenting a broad, 
even, well-defined hind-marginal transparent border in the hind-wing, interiorly 
bounded by a series of six small black spots. 

Until 1883 this Acrea was only known to me by the type (a ¢) in the 
Hewitson Collection, and I felt some doubt whether it was more than a 
dwarfed aberration of A. Neobule ; but Colonel Bowker changed the aspect of 
affairs by sending me two ¢ 8, taken on 2d April of that year near Pinetown 

in Natal. Others were met with by him in the same locality during April,’ 

May, and October 1883; and in January 1884 a ¢ was reared from a larva 
found in the verandah of the house. In the following March Colonel Bowker 
discovered the larvee on their food-plant, and sent me full-grown specimens (as 
well as some pupe in spirit) in the May ensuing, followed in June by more of 
the perfect insect. Among twenty-four examples received, only four were 
females, one of these being of the unusually large expanse of 24 inches. 


Locality of Acrea Cerasa. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a, Coast Districts.—Pinetown (J. H. Bowker). 

38. (5.) Acrewa Violarum, Boisuval. 
Puarn Ti. fig, 4°( 9 ). 

Acrea Violarum, Boisd., App. Voy. de. Deleg. dans PAfr, Aust., p. 591, 
n. 58 (1847). 

3d Acrea Nataliensis, Angas, Kafirs. Ilustr., pl. xxx. f. 6 [ $ ] (1849). 

3 @ Acrewa Violarwm, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 95, n. 59 (1862). 

Hap. al., 2 in. 2 lin—2 in. 4 lin. 

& Soft, creamy brick-red, with an orange tinge, spotted with black. 
Fore-wing: base narrowly suffused with black; on hind-margin a 
narrow black border, widest at apex, diminishing to a point at anal 
angle; a short, black, transverse stripe, on costa before middle, crosses 
discoidal cell to insertion of first median nervule; a small, narrow, 
slightly-curved spot occupies the upper portion of the nervules closing 
discoidal cell; an elongate, transverse stripe of five connected black 

spots, a little beyond cell, from costa to second median nervule; two 

black spots below cell, touching median nervure, one between first and 
second median nervules, the other between median and submedian ner- 
vures ; near hind-margin a transverse waved row of seven black, rounded 
inter-nervular spots of moderate size, extending from near costa to just 
above submedian nervure ; a small black spot on inner margin, slightly 
beyond middle, and another larger spot a little beyond it, but above sub- 
median nervure. Hind-wing: base suffused with black, which extends 
towards anal angle on both sides of median nervure; a spot across 
widest part of discoidal cell; a similar costal spot nearer base ; a highly- 
irregular and much interrupted discal row of seven rather small spots; 
a rather broad black band along hind-margin, slightly but regularly 
dentate on its inner edge, and containing six or seven small, pale- 
yellowish spots between nervules. UNDER SIDE Paler than wpper 
side, with a peculiarly glossy appearance; black spots not so large. 
Fore-wing : base without black suffusion ; at apex, two or three yellow- 
ish-white spots in the black marginal stripe. Hind-wing: base but 
narrowly black; spots more distinct than on upper side, some addi- 
tional ones near base being clearly visible, viz, a small one on costa 
close to base; a small round one in discoidal cell; a very large elongate 
one between origin of first median nervule and inner margin; and two 
spots on inner margin—one near base and the other an eighth spot in 
discal row; spots on hind-margin very large, conspicuous, paler than 
above, seven or eight in number, Fringes of wings yellow. 

? Spotted and otherwise marked as in {; but ground-colour much 


duller, varying from pale reddish-ochreous to obscure ochreous-brown 

inclining to pale-fuscous; the spots usually larger, and the hind- 
marginal border of the hind-wings wider. 

A @ specimen in the Hewitson collection has a dull-whitish suf- 
fusion over the upper median region of the hind-wings. 

I met with this handsome Acrewa not uncommonly in Natal, where it 
frequents hillsides and table-lands, preferring the sheltered hollows. Its flight 
is very low, and it often settles among the herbage and on flowers. Though 
having the gregarious inclination of the Acree generally, this butterfly was in 
no place at all abundant, but was more prevalent inland than on the coast. 
February and March were the months in which my specimens were captured, 
but Angas (op. cit.) notes the species as occurring in October. 

Localities of Acrwa Violarum. 
I. South Africa. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Jojo’s Country, North Pondoland (Sir 4. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). Umhlanga. Verulam. 
b. Upper Districts.— Fort Buckingham, Tugela. Hermansburg.  In- 
tzutze, Great Noodsbere. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (H. Tower). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom and Lydenburg (7. Ayres). 

39. (6.) Acrea Nohara, Boisduval. 

Acrea Nohara, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg. dans ?Afr. Aust., p. 590, 
n. 54[¢ | (1847). 
Acrea Actiaca, Hewits., Exot. Butt., i. pl. 29, f£. 3 [3d ] (1852). 
Acrea Nohara, Wallengr., Lep. Rhop. Caffr., p. 21, n. 5 [ 1857). 
< Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 96 (1862); ii pl. 3,f1[ 3 | 

Exp. al., 1 in. 8 lin —2 in. 2 lin. 

g Bright brick-red, with black spots and borders. Sore-wing : 
border beginning as a very thin linear edging on costa near base, 
gradually widening to apex (but not broad there), and thence narrowing 
along hind-margin to a point at posterior angle; hind-marginal part of 
border emitting black rays along the nervules,—the longest rays towards 
apex; base black, most widely on inner margin; two spots in dis- 
coidal cell, one elongate-ovate just beyond its middle,—the other 
broader, squarer, at its extremity ; about midway between end of cell 
and apical border, an oblique macular bar formed of five spots, of 
which the first, on costa, is smallest and often obsolete, and the last, 
between third and second median nervules, usually separate from and 
placed at an angle with the fourth spot; below median nervure and 
not far from terminal cellular spot, a rather large rounded spot ; 
beyond this, a small spot, below first median nervule; near basal 

OO = rr 

ACRAIN&. 143 

black, below median nervure, a small round spot. Mind-wing: basal 
black very narrow next costa, wide in discoidal cell, and very wide 
below cell ; an elongate spot in cell and one at the upper part of end 
of cell; avery irregular discal row of seven spots, of which the second, 

| third, fifth, and seventh are farther from base than the others; a spot 

on costa before middle; an even hind-marginal border, very much 
broader than in fore-wing, unspotted, and emitting little more than 

| denticulations on the nervules. Cilia dull-whitish. UNDER SIDE.— 
| Much paler ; the surface smoother, that of the fore-wing shining. ore- 

wing: spots duller, with suffused edges; a small black spot on costa 
at base; basal black otherwise all but obsolete; costal and hind- 
marginal border somewhat narrower; from it run inter-nervular pale- 
rufous rays, diminishing in length towards posterior angle; some pale- 
yellowish irroration marks inner edge of border generally, but especially 
on costa at apex. Hind-wing: spots more conspicuous than on upper 
side; basal black suffusion obsolete, but the clearer ground exhibiting 
six additional spots, of which two are above, one in and three below 
discoidal cell; between the spots in and below cell some pale-yellowish 
irroration ; two additional spots (eighth and ninth) at lower end of discal 
row; in outer portion of hind-marginal border a row of seven large 
sub-lunulate pale-yellowish spots. Cilia yellowish-white. 

2 Pale dull brownish-ochreous, with fore-wing semi-transparent on 
disc ; spots and border somewhat larger than in g. UNDER SIDE.— 
Mind-wing and apical portion of fore-wing very pale-yellowish ; the hind- 
wing variegated with reddish-pink in the basal region and as far as 
discal row of spots. 

This species is readily distinguished from its nearest ally, A. Violarum, 
Boisd., by its want in the fore-wings of the conspicuous submarginal row of 
black spots, and in the hind-wings of any pale spots in the hind-marginal 
border on the upper side. This Acrwahas inall respects the habits and haunts 
of A. Violarwm, and the two species may often be met with flying in company. 
Nohara was in the summer of 1867 much more numerous than Violarum 
in the hilly parts of Natal; especially near Hermansburg, where, chiefly in 
sheltered hollows,*I took a large number of specimens, including two pairs 
in copuld, 

Localities of Acrwa Nohara. 

I, South Africa. 
HE. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam, Tongaati River. Mapu- 
6. Upper Districts. —Udland’s Mission Station. Fort Buckingham, 
Tugela River. Hermansburg. Little Noodsberg. Intzutze, 
Great Noodsberg. Pietermaritzburg (Windham). Karkloof 
(J. H. Bowker). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
c. West Coast.—‘ Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. 


40. (7.) Acrwa Petreea, Boisduval. 

3 Acrea Petrea, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg. dans l’Afr. Aust, p. 489, | 

n. 49 (1847). 
g and 2 Acrea Petrea, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i, p. roo, n. 63 (1862), 
9 and @ dAcrea Petrea, Hopff., in Peters’ Reisenach Mossamb., Ins,, 
Pp. 373, pl. xxiv. ff. 1-4°(186@). 
3 Acrea Petrea, var., Oberth., Etud. d’Ent., ii. p. 26, pl. ii. f£ 4 (1878), 

Hep. cl. Tain. Ty lime; messin, 
gf Deep-red (inclining to carmine), with black spots and borders. 

Hore-wing: base suffused with black, rather widely so towards inner — 
margin; costa rather narrowly edged with black ; whole of hind-margin 
with a narrow black border, which emits strongly-marked nervular rays; _ 
apex also more or less clouded with blackish near the border ; two good- _ 

sized spots in discoidal cell, the outer one touching an oblique black 

mark on costa immediately above it; a spot, variable in size, at ex- — 
tremity of cell; beyond it, but very close, a rather wide, irregularly- | 

shaped, black stripe from costa to near middle of hind-margin, where 

its extremity touches, or almost touches, the first of a row of three spots 
parallel to hind-margin, between third median nervule and submedian — 

nervure; above first median nervule, close to its insertion, a rather 

large, rounded, black spot; below the same nervule, a little beyond the » 

latter spot, a similar, more kidney-shaped spot; a more or less distinct 

small black spot beyond middle, on inner margin, which is very nar- | 

rowly edged with black. Hind-wing: base suffused with black on both 
sides of median nervure; about twelve rather small, round, black spots 
in basal half of wing, the outer seven or eight of which form a sinuated 
transverse row; a curved black streak at upper portion of extremity 
of discoidal cell; hind-margin with a moderately broad black border, 
unspotted, which radiates strongly upon nervules. UNDER SIDE.—Paler 
and duller than upper side. ore-wing: dull, creamy salmon-red; a 

small black mark on costa at base, but no black suffusion; two spots — 

nearest to base wanting; the other spots similar in number and arrange- 
ment, but dull-blackish; an additional small black spot just below 
median nervure, before middle; beyond the blackish stripe a small 
space clouded with whitish ; no black border on hind-margin, but the 
nervules are clouded with dark-grey near it, and there are broad, reddish- 
ochre rays between the nervules all along hind-marginal border. Hind- 
wing: reddish-white; black spots as on upper side, but three or four 
more visible close to base, all very conspicuous; interspersed among the 
spots several pale-reddish marks; hind-marginal band blackish, radiat- 
ing in dark-grey on the nervules, and containing seven elongate, yel- 

lowish or yellowish-white spots, between nervules, along its outer 

portion ; immediately within band a row of Holst wedge-shaped, 
reddish-ochre marks between nervules. _ 

2 Very different from f, varying in ground-colour from dull-red to 
dull-greyish or ochreous-brown, and even to brownish-fuscous. Fore-wing : 



black spots less conspicuous than in gf, but similar in number and 
arrangement (except that the spot nearest base is wanting); beyond 
black costal stripe a large, very conspicuous, broad, white patch, divided 
into six portions by crossing nervules, the two sections next costa being 
very small and narrow, the lower edge of the white touching second 
median nervule; apex more broadly and darkly clouded with blackish. 
Hind-wing: paler, more ochreous than fere-wing; marked as in @, but 
radiations of black on nervules from hind-marginal border usually 
broader and more strongly marked, making the inter-nervular rays of 
the ground-colour narrower and more acute. UNDER SIDE.—JSore-wing : 
paler than on upper side; white patch less conspicuous; spots as in f; 
nervules clouded with blackish near hind-margin ; mter-nervular rays 
dull yellow-ochreous. fHind-wing: dull yellowish-white ; black spots 
asin gf; interspersed pale-reddish marks very faint or wanting; spots 
in hind-marginal berder yetlower than in @; inter-nervular marks im- 
mediately before border ill-defined, dull yellow-ochreous, usually irrorated 
thinly with fuscous on their inner side. 

Var. ¢.—All the black markings smaller and less dark than in type 
form, especially the hind-marginal borders and the oblique bar of fore- 
wing. Hind-wing: the second, third, and fifth spots of median trans- 
verse row wanting. 

Hab.— Tchouaka.”—Oberthiir. 

Larva.— Back yellowish-brown, with transverse blackish streaks ; 
dorsal stripe and sides purplish-black, the latter much lighter about 
spiracles ; lateral inflation edged with light-yellow, almost white. UNDER 
sip—E.—Light bluish-green; ventral claspers and pro-legs yellowish. 
Head black and polished, larger than second segment; mouth and 
bifid mark on forehead white; in some specimens also two small 
white streaks on summit of head. Spines steely-black, largest on 
third, fourth, and fifth segments; a suffusion of white at the base of all 
excepting these on the second, third, fourth, and fifth segments. About 
$-inch in length.’—H. ©. Harford, in litt. 

Of the younger larvee Mr. Harferd remarks that they have very 
few black markings, and no dorsal or lateral stripes, but that these 
gradually appear and grow more distinct with the development of the 
insect. He further observes that the larvae feed on a tree in great 
numbers together, and that, when the bough upon which they are so 
congregated is shaken with any violence, they lower themselves to the 
ground by a silken thread, and there, lying still, are with great diffi- 
culty to be detected among the dead leaves and débris. 

Pupa.—Pale-grey anteriorly ; the outlmes of the head and limbs 
and the nervures of wings finely defined with black. Abdominal region 
of a browner tint; spots of the usual rows ochreous-yellow in black 
rings, separate from each other. 

Described from a drawing of Mr. Harford’s, giving a lateral 

VOL. I, K 


This species is extremely variable in the markings of the f andin | 
the colouring of the 2. The following is a very striking 

Aberration.—f Fore-wing entirely dull-black ; hind-wing with black 
border much widened, and inwardly suffused. UNDER sipE.—Fore- 
wing: basal area tinged with dull-red to about middle, with traces of | 
a few spots. Hind-wing: hind-marginal border much suffused, so as ‘| 
almost to obliterate both the yellowish-white spots 16 contains and the l% 
reddish marks bounding it inwardly. 

Hab.—Pinetown, Natal (J. H. Bowker, June 1881). In the col- 
lection of the South-African Museum. 

The Querimba specimens figured by Hopffer (doc. cit.) are smaller, paler, 
and with much less pronouneed dark markings, especially in the ?, than the 
Natalian type-form, with the single exception that the dark borders in the g@ 
are rather broader. The ¢ is thus an approach to the more northern variety i 
figured by M. Oberthiir, who must, | imagine, be mistaken in the statement | 
(op. cit.) that the sexes of this variety are “ absolument semblables entre eux,” 
the white subapical bar of the fore-wing being very constant in all the 2 
Petrea that I have seen, whatever varying tint the ground-colour might 

There is no known South-African Acrexa that A. Petra closely resembles, 
but it is not distantly related to A. Cepheus (Linn.), a native of Angola, which 
has, however, a very much broader hind-marginal dark border in the fore- 
wings.t A feature very distinctive of Petrea is the wide distance in the hind- | 
wings of the transverse row of spots from the hind-margin, the row being strictly 
not discal, but median. 

A, Petrea is abundant round D’Urban, Port Natal, where I found it con- 
stantly on the wing from the end of January to the beginning of April 1867. 
It keeps to woods and their immediate neighbourhood ; and a company of the 
slowly-flying, richly-coloured males in the full sunshine, conspicuous on @ | 
background of intensely green foliage, is a striking sight, not easily forgotten. 

| == 

Localities of Aerewa Petrea. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Distriets.—D’ Urban. 
b. Upper Districts.—Pietermaritzburg (Miss Colenso and W. Hayes). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. | 
a. Western Coast.—“ Angola (Pogge) and Chinchoxo (Falkenstein).” 
b. Eastern Coast.—“ Querimba.” —Hopffer. ‘‘Tehouaka (A. Raf- 

1 The specimens noted as A. Cepheus by Mr. A. G. Butler (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 
Dec. 1875, p. 395), brought from Natal by Mr. Burrowes, and presented to the British 
Museum, are unquestionably examples of A. Petrea. | 


41. (8.) Acrea Doubledayi, Guérin. 
9 Acrea Doubledayt, Guér., Voy. Lefebv. en Abys., vi. p. 378 (1847). 
2 ae - Reiche, in Ferr. et Gal., Voy. en Abyss., ui. pl. 33, 
ited, 2 TOA 0), 
¢ and ? Acrea Onceea, Hopff., “ Monatsber. Verh. Akad. Berl., 1855, 
p. 640, n. 6;” and Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., p. 375, pl. xxiv. 
ff. 5-8 (1862). 

Var. A. g and ? Acrea Oxcea, var. Nelushka, Oberthiir, Etudes d’Ent., 
tive tid 4p. -25, pls i, Hi. 2, 3-(1873). 

Var. B. 3 Acrea Axina, Westw., App. Oates’ Matabele Land, p. 344, n. 33, 
pl. F, ff. 5, 6 (1881). 

Exp. ai, 1 in. 104 lin.—z2 in. 2 lin. 

g Pale creamy reddish-cchreous, with a slight tinge of pink; with 
small black spots and narrow black borders.  Fore-wing: semi-trans- 
parent; basal portion rather dusky, the base itself narrowly black; in 
discoidal cell, rather beyond its middle, an elongate spot; at upper 
part of extremity of cell a similar thinner spot; a little beyond cell an 
oblique row from near costal edge of five small spots, of which the first 
or second (sometimes both) are obsolete, and the fifth, below third 
median nervule, is distinctly separate from the rest; below cell, in a 
line with its terminal spot, two spots, one above, the other below, first 
median nervule; nearer to base than all the others, a small round spot 
below median nervure; black border merely linear along costa till near 
apex, where it widens to ferm rather.a wide apical tip, but thence 
becomes very narrow along hind-margin and linear near posterior 
angle; along hind-margin the border emits linear nervular rays; 
between upper radial and second. median nervule, two (sometimes 
three) inter-nervular short linear black rays, not united with hind- 
marginal border. Hind-wing: base suffused with blackish, principally 
below discoidal cell; in cell two spots, the outer one larger, elongate ; 
a spot at upper part of extremity of cell; another on costa before 
middle; another below median nervure; a very irregular discal row of 
seven spots, of which the first, fourth (just outside end of cell), and 
sixth are nearer to base than the rest; the border along hind-margin 
varies from consisting of a terminal thin edging, preceded by a suffused 
festooned streak (failing towards anal angle) enclosing spots of the 
ground-colour, to being moderately-broad and unspotted. Cilia pale 
greyish-ochreous. UNDER siDE.—Hind-wing ale creamy-yellowish, 
varved with dull-pink basally, inner-marginally, and towards hind- 
margin ; spots of fore-wing less, those of hind-wing more conspicuous 
than on upper side. ore-wing: two small spots on costa at base; no 
basal blackish; very narrow linear costal and hind-marginal black 
edging inwardly bounded by pale-yellowish irroration, most noticeable 
at and near apex ; the incomplete subapical black inter-nervular streaks 
are continued to hind-marginal edging as orange-ochreous streaks; 
above them one long wholly orange-ochreous inter-nervular streak. 
Mind-wing : a small spot at origin of costal nervure; another on costa 


close to base; another at base below median nervure; a fourth on. 

inner margin near base; an additional (eighth) spot at imner-marginal 
end of discal row; hind-marginal border enclosing seven large sub- 
lunulate spots of the creamy-yellowish ground-colour; the dull-pink 
preceding it in the form of broad inter-nervular discal rays. 

2 Varying from dull pale reddish-brown to dull dark greyish-brown ; 
spots larger and dark borders broader wm parts; fore-wing with an 
oblique subapical white bar. Kore-wing: blackish border much broader 
at apex; white bar variable in definition and width, but widest and 

most conspicuous in the darker individuals, immediately succeeding’ 

oblique row of black spots, not extending below second median 
nervule. Hind-wing: hind-marginal border usually broader through- 
out, sometimes enclosing a row of seven very indistinct spots of the 
ground-colour. UNDER sSIDE.—Paler than in ¢. Fore-wing: apical 
pale-yellowish extending to subapical white bar, which is not nearly 
so clearly defined as on upper side. Mind-wing: pink variegation 
usually less pronounced, and in the darker individuals all but obsolete. 

A small gf, taken by Mr. W. Morant at Avoca, on the coast of 
Natal, has on hind-wings a limited roundish space of white between the 
median nervure and its second nervule and the inner margin. 

A small 9, taken by the late Mr. HE. C. Buxton in Swaziland, is 
very near the figure of Guérin’s type, having the apical region of fore- 
wing paler, and the discal region of hind-wing redder than the rest of 
the wing; and on the under side the inter-nervular fulvous and pink 
rays very strongly marked. 

Var. A. (Weluska, Oberthiir). 

g Hore-wing : apical border considerably broader; subapical inter- 
nervular black rays wanting. UNDER siDE.—Pale reddish ground- 
colour almost uniform throughout. @ Like the duskier individuals of 
the typical Doubledayt, but in the fore-wing only one small spot of the 
subapical oblique row perceptible, and the white bar altogether wanting. 


Var. B. (Axina, Westw.) 

Gg Hep. al., 1 in. 8-104 lin. 

Brighter in colour, with a tinge of pink in hind-wing. fore-wing : 
two small spots near posterior angle wanting; spot in middle of cell 
larger; below the subapical inter-nervular streaks usually a third, and 
sometimes also a fourth similar shorter streak. Hind-wing : third spot 
(from costa) of discal row wanting. 

9 Hzxp. al., 1 in. 7-84 lin, 

Paler ; tHigvones: of spots as in fg, except that one specimen 
possesses the third spot in hind-wing row.- Fore-wing: subapical white 
bar very narrow, externally ill-defined; inter-nervular rays increased 
to six, the last (near posterior angle) a double streak. 

One @, taken on the Marico River by Mr. F. C. Selous, has nearly 
all the disc of the hind-wings suffused with white. 

ACR ASIN 2A. 149 

A. Doubledayt is a near ally of A. Cecilia, Fab. (Hypatia, Dru.), a well- 
known West-African species, but, as far as the g sex is concerned, may readily 
be recognised by its more rufous colour (extending to the terminal half of the 
abdomen), narrower blackish borders, smaller spots, and much less pronounced 
basal blackish ; while on the under side the spots in the hind-marginal black 
border are larger. It has no closely-related known South-African form, the 
least distant, A. Stenobea, Wallengr., having the sexes almost alike, and 
remarkably suffused with black over all the basal region of the fore-wings. The 
9 Doubledayt bears a superficial resemblance to the @ A. Petrcea, Boisd., as 
well as to the reddish-brown form of A. Lycta, Fab. From the former it is at 
once distinguished by its much smaller and more separate spots, and much 
narrower and less conspicuous subapical white bar of the fore-wings, and from 
the latter by its possession of a black border to the hind-wings. The variety 
A. (Neluska, Oberth.) decidedly approaches in character the closely-alled A. 

Caldarena, Hewits., in which both sexes possess a very broad black tip to the 
fore-wing. — 

From January to April 1867 I found this butterfly abundant near D’Urban, 
Port Natal, and the late Mr. M‘Ken and Colonel Bowker have since sent many 
specimens from that neighbourhood to the South-African Museum. It is a 
very slow flyer, chiefly frequenting wooded spots. I took the sexes paired on 
March 24th, and Colonel Bowker has since 1877 sent me several pairs captured 
en copula. ' 

Localities of Acrwa Doubledayt. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts —D’Urban. Avoca and Pinetown (W. Morant). 
H. ‘Delagoa Bay.—Lorenco Marques (J. J. Monteiro). 
K. Transvaal.—Marico River and Upper Limpopo River.—Var. Axina, 
, Westw. (F. C. Selous). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a1. Interior.— Tati and Gwailo River.—Var. Axina, Westw. (/ 
_' Oates).”— Westwood. 
b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley). Zanzibar. “ Zanzi- 
bar ;—var. Neluska, Oberth. (A. Raffray).”—Oberthiir. 
B. North Tropical. 
_ 6. Eastern Coast.—‘ Abyssinia (Lefebvre).”—Gueérin-Meneville, and 
(“‘ Ferret et Galinier”) Reiche. 

42. (9.) Acreea Caldarena, Hewitson. 

3 Acrea Caldarena, Hewits., Ent. M. Mag., xiv. p. 52 (1877). 
3 Acrea Amphimalla, Westw., App. Oates’ Matabele Land, p. 347, n. 37, 
ly Epil. 1, 2 (1651). 

Lap. al., 1 in. g lin.—2 in. 6 lin. 

& Pale creamy-ochreous, with more or less of a pink tinge (especially 
in hind-wing), with small black spots; apex of fore-wing very widely 
black.  Fore-wing: apical black extending from costa to end of second 
median nervule; a little before inner edge of apical black, but not 
quite parallel with it, an oblique row of three or four spots ; an elongate 
spot at extremity of cell; another in cell towards extremity; a spot 
below median nervure, not far from base; two spots almost in a line 


with and below spot at extremity of cell, one above, the other below 
first median nervure ; base moderately suffused with dusky-grey ; costal 
and hind-marginal black edging line very attenuated. Hind-wing: 
basal and disco-cellular spots, and discal row of eight spots, quite as in 
Doubleday, but smaller and often indistinct (excepting the two near 
and at extremity of cell, and the two beyond cell respectively above 
and below third median nervule); hind-marginal border consisting of a 
terminal black line and an inner fainter festooned line enclosing between 
them seven elongate spots of the groand-colour ; towards anal angle 
the festooned line becomes fainter and sometimes obsolete. UNDER 
SIDE.—Paler. ore-wing: apical black wanting, replaced by greyish- 
yellow, crossed by yellow-ochreous inter-nervular rays from hind-margin ; 
no basal suffusion; two small black spots on costa near base; other 

spots as on upper side. Hind-wing: pale-yellowish, varied near base ~ 

and as far as middle with pinkish-red (leaving rings of the pale ground- 
colour about the black spots); hind-marginal and sub-marginal lines 
more defined, their enclosed spots of the pale ground-colour; a little 
before the border, and leaving a bounding line of the ground-colour, a 
series of broad, short, inter-nervular, yellow-ochreous rays; spots as on 
upper side, but more constant and much better marked. 

2 Paler, duller ; basal suffusion wider, darker, in hind-wing eaxtend- 
ing over inner-marginal area. Hind-wing : hind-marginal border much 
wider, suffused, its enclosed spots almost obsolete. UNDER sIDE.—As 
in f, but paler; spots of hind-wing larger. 

This butterfly is very closely related to A. Doubledayi, Guér., but at once 
distinguishable by the very conspicuous broad black tip of the fore-wing. In 
the $ the ground-colour is paler and with less of a fulvous tinge, and the fore- 
wing is less transparent ; while in the only ? I have seen (from Tati) there is 
no trace whatever of the subapical whitish bar of Doubledayt 9. Acreea 
Dircea, Westw. (loc. cit., p. 348, n. 42), seems from the short diagnosis given 
not to be separable from A. Caldarena. 

The species appears only just to enter the extra-tropical region. Hewitson 
(/. c.) notes that it was received “in abundance” from Lake Nyassa, and had 
previously been sent from the Transvaal by Dr. Bradshaw. Specimens have 
reached the South-African Museum at different times from the Matabele 
Country and the Zambesi Valley, and also one from Damaraland; while 
recently (April 1882) Mr. F. C. Selous collected several individuals on the 
Marico and Upper Limpopo in the North-West Transvaal, and forwarded them 
to me, with many other species, for determination. 

Localities of Acrwa Caldarena. 

J. South Africa. 
K. Transvaal.—Upper Limpopo and Marico Rivers (f. C. Selous). 

IT. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (Zutchinson). 
a1. Interior.—Between Limpopo and Zambesi Rivers (7. Ayres). 
‘“‘Motloutsi River and Tati (f. a "Westwood. Zambesi 
(Ff. H. Barber), 


43. (10.) Acreea Aglaonice, Westwood. 
Prate Il. fig. 3 (¢ ). 

¢ Acrea Aglaonice, Westw., App. to Qates’ “ Matabele Land,” 1881, p. 246; 
Hee 25h DLA ESA. 'Q,- 10. 
& Acrea fenestrata, Trimen,! Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 435. 

Bypedl., (¢) 2 im: 2 lin.; (Y) 2 in. 6 lin. 

a Warm fulvous-ochreous, incliang to rufeus, with narrow black 
borders and a few black spots. Fore-wing: base very narrowly marked 
with black, which extends for a little distance along inner margin ; 
costa very thinly black-edged from near base, but more widely near 
apex; hind-margin narrowly black-edged throughout, and all the ner- 
vules near it clearly defined with black, those near apex for the 
greatest length, and the submedian nervure least of all; basal area 
thinly irrorated with black ; in discoidal cell near extremity a moderate- 
sized reniferm spot; at extremity an elongate and more irregular mark- 
ing of about the same size; a little beyond the cell, between subcostal 
nervure and third median nervule, an oblique row of three small rounded 
contiguous spots; immediately bounding the second and third spots of 
this row externally, two small elongate transparent markings with ill- 
defined edges; below the third spot of the rew, and well separated from 
it, a very small rounded black spot, between third and second median 
nervules; a similar slightly larger spot between median and submedian 
nervures, on edge of basal irroration; and a third, larger and not so 
rounded, between first median nervule and submedian nervure beyond 
middle. Hind-wing: base more widely marked with black than in 
fore-wing; black spots very small and few in number, viz., two in dis- 
coidal cell (that near base confounded with black suffusion); one on 
upper disco-cellular nervule; one above and one below cell; and five 
minute ones in a very irregular discal row about middle (interrupted 
widely about the branching of median nervure), of which only the first, 
fourth, and fifth are distinct; hind-margin with a rather narrow, well- 
marked, unspotted black border. UNDER sipE.—flind-wing and apical 
area of fore-wing cream-colour dusted finely with grey. SHore-wing: a 
narrow edging of cream-colour along costa; spots as on upper side, with 
the addition of a black dot on costa at base; ground-colour paler, 
more glossy, inclining to pink; apical and hind-marginal cream-colour 
crossed by conspicuous inter-nervular orange rays, of which the longest is 
between subcostal nervure and upper radial; nervules and hind-margins 
more finely and thinly defined with black than on upper side, particu- 
larly the latter. Hind-wing: black spots better defined than on upper 
side, especially those of median transverse row; an additional one on 

1 In explanation of my having named and described this species so soon after Professor 
Westwood, I may mention that the paper referred to was read on the 3d August 1881, when 
the work containing A. Aglaonice had not appeared. The work in question was published on 

the 15th August, whereas Part III. of the Entomological Society’s Transactions, containing 
my paper, was not published until the 7th September. 


costa near base; another on inner margin near base; and two between 
submedian nervure and inner margin a little before termination of 
median row; a very thin hind-marginal black edging line preceded at 
a little distance by an equally thin festooned line; the space between 
these two lines is clear cream-colour, without irroration, but is crossed 
by the very fine black nervular lines; before the festooned line a row 
of eight conspicuous cuneate orange markings of about equal size, the 
elghth interiorly becoming pink; other dispersed pink markings, irre- 

cular in form and size, before middle, viz., one on costa at base, two | 

above, one in, one at extremity, one beyond, and two below discoidal 
cell; and a long ray along inner margin. 

g Very different from #. Fore-wing: dull ochreous-yellow ; base 
widely clouded with blackish as far as middle of discoidal cell, and 
thence the median area suffused with brown; black edging wider gene- 
rally, but especially at apex; black spots and two transparent spots 
asin ¢. Hind-wing: creamy-reddish ; spots larger ; base widely clouded 
with blackish ; hind-marginal black border very much broader, suffusedly 
radiating inwardly on nervules ; eround-colour between rays clouded 

with brown. UNDER stpEi—As in 2, but paler and duller. Hinds | 

wing: submarginal streak thicker and more deeply festooned. 

The ¢ of this very distinct Acrea exhibits affinities with A. VV ohara, 
Boisd., A. Doubledayi, Guér., and A. Anacreon, mihi; its upper surfaee colour- 
ing and markings resembling those of the first named ; its markings generally 
that of the second ; and its under surface colouring that of the third. From 
all three, and indeed from all, the other Acree that I have examined, it may 
readily be recognised by the two peculiar diaphanous spots immediately follow- 
ing the costal transverse macular black bar beyond the middle of the fore-wings. 
The singularly minute black spots of the hind-wings are also a very marked 
character in A. Aglaonice. 

The @ is above described: from a single Delagoa Bay example given me by 
Mrs. Monteiro. Its general appearance and pattern strikingly resemble those of 
A. Natalica, Boisd., but 1t is a much smaller insect. Two @s received from 
Mr. F. C. Selous, who took them:on the Marico and Upper Limpopo Rivers 

early in 1882, agree entirely with the ¢ in question except in their smaller 
size (2 in. 1-2 lin..) 

A single male of this butterfly was contained in the collection purchased by 
the South-African Museum’ in 1879 from Mr. T. Ayres. It is noted in Mr. 
Ayres’s list as having been captured in the Lydenburg district of the Transvaal. 
There are two males in the Hewitson Collection of the British Museum labelled 
“Transvaal,” and Mrs. Monteiro possesses another taken at Delagoa Bay. 

The male specimen on which Professor Westwood founded the species was 
brought from Tati (21° 28° 8.) ‘by the late Mr. F. Oates, and, as figured, pre- 
sents larger transparent spots: than the Lydenburg example above “described. 
Three males from the Marico: and: Upper Limpopo Rivers, received with the two 
females above mentioned, have’ the hind-marginal black border rather broader 
at apex of fore-wing and much broader throughout in hind-wing. 

Localities of Acreea Aglaonice. 

TI. South Africa. 

K. Transvaal. Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). Marico and Upper 
Limpopo Rivers (£..C. Selous). 

ACRAIN A. 153 

II. Other African Regions. 

A, South Tropical. 
a1. Interior.—“ Tati (Oates).”— Westwood. 

44, (11.) Acreea Stenobea, Wallengren. 
Paar Wil. fig, 2 (¢))- 

Acrea Stenobea, Wallengr., Wien. Ent. Monatschr., 1860, p. 35, n. 9; 
and K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., 1872, p. 49, n. 24[¢ |. 

g Acrea Acronycta, Westw., App. Oates’ Matabele Land, p. 346, n. 36, 
Dlr tH. TT, £2. (188r). 

Var. A.—Acreea Lygus, Druce, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1875, p. 408, n. 21. 

Q Acrea Natalica (variation), Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 

1370.0. 340. 


Eup. al., 2 in.—z in. 6 lin. 
f Pale creamy yellow-ochreous, the fore-wing darker and tinged 
with brown, the hind-wing paler and tinged with pink; black spots 

few; bases strongly suffused with blackish. FKore-wing: a very narrow 

black edging from base to posterior angle, widening slightly at apex ; 
a large spot in discoidal cell towards its extremity, and a small spot 
nearer base below median nervure, are almost indistinguishable in the 
basal suffusion ; a large spot at extremity of cell; below it two smaller 

rounded spots, one above the other, the first median nervule passing 

between them; between end of cell and apex, but nearer to the 
former, a well-marked oblique bar of five spots, of which only the 
lowest spot is separated from the rest; all the nervules finely but 
distinctly black in outer portion of wing. ind-wing : basal suffusion 
very much more restricted than in fore-wing, extending usually to 
about middle of discoidal cell; spots in and at extremity of cell as in 
fore-wing, but smaller; a small spot on costa before middle; a discal 
row of only three (or sometimes two) widely-separated spots; between 
the costal and subradial of these spots (which are always present), 
occasionally traces of two very small spots; a moderately-wide hind- 
marginal blackish border, indented regularly with the ground-colour 
on nervules, and enclosing faint indications of paler spots. Cilia 
whitish. UNDER sIDE.—Paler; hind-wing creamy-whitish, more or 
less generally clouded with reddish-pink. ore-wing: basal suffusion 
almost obsolete; spots duller, slightly suffused; blackish edging 
narrower; two small spots on costa at base; some whitish scaling near 
apex, chiefly on costa; from hind-margin a series of rather indistinct 
inter-nervular orange-ochreous rays; occasionally a very small spot 
below first median nervule near hind-margin. Hind-wing: no basal 
blackish suffusion; the reddish-pink clouding leaves a whitish ring 
round each spot, and a well-marked whitish inner edging to the hind- 
marginal border,—it is strongest near base and towards hind-margin ; 
discal row of spots less imperfect, the number varying from four to 
eight, the most constant additional spots being two small ones on 


inner margin; an irregular black basal marking enclosing a white 
spot; a small black spot on costa, near base, and a large elongate one 
a little farther from base; hind-marginal border enclosing seven large 
whitish sub-trigonate spots. 

@ Darker; the basal suffusion in fore-wing ill-defined, gradually 
shading off into brownish. Hind-wing ; hind-marginal border broader, 
its inner edge not regularly denticulated but rather suffused; a con- 
spicuous white cloud on lower part of disc, covering median nervules 
about their origin, and extending to submedian nervure. UNDER SIDE. 
—Fore-wing : apical whitish developed over some space; blackish spots 
more clistinct. 

Var. A. f and 2 (Lygus, Druce). 

¢@ Basal blackish suffusion less pronounced in fore-wing; black 
spots smaller, especially those of oblique bar beyond discordal cell, which 
are separate from each other, and only three or four in number; in 
hind-wing the hind-marginal border broader. UNDER sIDE.—AHvnd- 

wing: ground-colour duller, more rufous; the spots in the hind- | | 

marginal border much smaller, so as to occupy only the outer part of 
the border. 

@ General differences like those presented by ¢. Hind-wing: 
basal suffusion and hind-marginal border much broader and darker. 
Hab.—Kastern extremity of Cape Colony, Basutoland, and Angola. 

This rather sombre-coloured Acrcea is allied to A. Cecilia, Fab., but is easily 
distinguished by its yellow-ochreous ground-colour and much wider dark basal 
suffusion, while the hind-marginal border is narrower, and there are fewer 
discal spots. The white cloud on the hind-wing of the ¢, though variable in 
extent, seems invariably present. The reddish-pink clouding on the under 
side of the hind-wing is remarkably developed in some fine examples collected 
by Mr. F. C. Selous on the Upper Limpopo, especially in the ¢s. 

Stenobea is also closely related to A. Natalica, Boisd., and may indeed be 
regarded as linking that species and Cecilia. Its distinctive characters are 
smaller size; paler, clearer ground-colour (especially in hind-wing); wider, 
more suffused basal, but very much narrower apical, black in fore-wing ; want 
in the same wing of the outer discal series of spots; and more imperfect discal 
row of spots, and very much narrower and unsuffused hind-marginal border, of 

In 1872 Mr. W. Morant sent me the paired sexes of A. Stenobea, captured 
at Hebron, on the Vaal River, Griqualand West. 

Localities of Acrwa Stenobea. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts—Colesberg (A. &. Ortlepp). king William’s 
Town [Var. Lygus, Druce] (Capt. G. C. Swiney). 
c. Griqualand West.—Hebron, Diamond Fields (W. Morant). Vaal 
River (J. H. Bowker). 
d. Basutoland.—Maseru | Var. Lygus, Druce] (J. H. Bowker). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom District (Z. Ayres). Upper Limpopo 
(7. C. Selous). | 
L. Bechuanaland.—Motito (Rev. J. Frédoun). 


ACRAEIN i. 155 

Il. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and J. A. Bell). 
“River Swakop (Wahlberg).” — Wallengren. Angola [Var. 
Lygus, Druce] (J. J. Monteiro). 
a1. Interior.—Khama’s Country, near Bamangwato (H. Barter). 
Tati (C. Hart). 

45. (12.) Acresa Natalica, Boisduval. 

Acrea Natalica, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg. dans PAfr. Aust., p. 590, 

mM. 57 (1847). 
Acrea Bellua, Wallengr., Lep. Rhop. Caffr., p. 22, n. 9 (1857). 
Acrea Natalica, Hopff., in Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., p. 371, pl. 23, 

ie 12, 13 | 6 | (1862). 
Acrea Hypatia, var. B., Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 98 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 3 lin.—3 in. 

gf Yellow-ochreous ; the hind-wing, and vn a less degree the fore- 
wing, in the central part paler and with a creamy-pink tint ; bases and 
hind-marginal borders black ; a discal serves of black spots.  Lore-wing : 
basal black well marked, but seldom extending as far as the middle of 
discoidal cell, where there is an elongate black spot; costal edge at 
base ochreous, but thence very thinly black to near apex; apical tip 
broadly black, but hind-margin from extremity of third median nervule 
with only a linear edging ; a narrow irregularly-shaped spot at extremity 
of cell; a little beyond it an oblique well-marked bar of five spots, of 
which ‘our are united and the fifth separated from the fourth by the 
third median nervule; beyond this bar, in some specimens, a more or 
less ill-defined dusky suffusion extending in the form of a curved 
transverse fascia towards posterior angle; usually a submarginal row 
of three inter-nervular spots between third median nervule and sub- 
median nervure; of these, the uppermost spot is very often and the 
second sometimes wanting; below extremity of cell, two small spots, 
one’ above and the other below first median nervule; below median 
nervure a small rounded spot just on the edge of basal black. Hind- 
wing: basal black narrow, wider below median nervure ; a spot in cell, 
just beyond basal black; a smaller indistinct spot on edge of cell a 
little beyond and above the last; an irregular discal row of seven small 
spots, often rather indistinct; a broad hind-marginal black border, 
without spots, with its inner edge slightly suffused; ground-colour 
clouded with a dull-red tint near this black border. Cilia grey. 
UNDER SIDE.—Paler ; the surface more shining (especially in fore-wing) ; 
lind-wing and apical region creamy-whitish, the former varied with 

— brick-red. Fore-wing: all the spots considerably fainter; a black spot 

(dotted with a white one) on costa at base, and another a little beyond 
it; apical black border very narrow, but emitting short black nervular 


rays; between these a parallel series of ochre-yellow rays ; basal black 
merely indicated by a grey tinge. Hind-wing: all the spots larger 
and well-defined, with clear edgings of the ground-colour where the 
brick-red variegation approaches them; the red occupies basal, inner- 
marginal, and sub-hind-marginal portions, leaving disc clear; before 
hind-marginal border this red is in the form of broad, short inter- 
nervular rays, leaving a clear line of the ground-colour between it and 
the border; the latter has its inner edge somewhat irregular, and 
emitting very short rays on nervules; it encloses seven large yellowish- 
white spots, and is also marked at anal angle with an elongate mark 
forming part of a long inner-marginal streak; at base an irregular 
black marking half enclosing a small white spot, a small costal spot, 
and a large inner-marginal one; a large one just below subcostal 
nervure before middle; a round spot before the central one in discoidal 
cell; between median nervure and inner margin a large spot followed 
by two smaller contiguous ones; an eighth spot in discal row, close to 
inner margin. 

2 Duller, paler ; without the creamy-pink tint, except rarely vn hind- 
wing ; all the spots larger and darker ; basal black rather wider. Fore- 
wing: apical black broader, its inner edge rather suffused. Hind- 
wing: hind-marginal border very much broader, its inner side being 
greatly suffused as far as discal row of spots. UNDER SIDE.—Fore- 

wing: base slightly suffused with blackish. Hind-wing: spots of | 

hind-marginal border nearly always smaller than in ¢@, and acute 

Larva.—Light ‘buff-yellow, with longitudinal black and white 
stripes. A white dorsal stripe edged with black, and a white stripe, 
just above legs on each side, carrying lowest row of spines. A black 
stripe on each side just above lateral row of spines; a broad black 
ventral stripe, interrupted by bases of pro-legs. On a succulent 
climbing plant (much affected by the Acrwine generally), with small 
green flowers. 

The above description of the larva is from notes by Mr. W. D. Gooch. 
The pupa,is hot described; but from a pencil sketch appears to be more 
sharply angulated on the head and thorax than that of A. Horta. A note as 
to its colours and markings is given below, from two examples received from 
Colonel Bowker. 

This species belongs to the Cecilia group. It is larger and darker than 
any of its South-African near allies, except A. Anemosa, Hewits., which 
stands alone in its lack of discal spots, but is in habit and general colouring 
very near Natalica. The basal suffusion of the fore-wings is not half as 
extended as in Stenobea, and only in one ? have I found any trace of the 
white cloud,in the hind-wings so characteristic of the same sex in the latter 
species. . | 

: I first met with this butterfly when landing at Port Natal for a day in 
August 1865, and afterwards became well acquainted with it during my visit 
to Natal from January to April 1867. It frequents wooded spots, and is con- 
spicuous on the wing, flying as slowly as most of the genus. _ 


a —— 


In March 1878 Colonel Bowker sent me from Natal two living pupe of 
A. Natalica, attached to stems of a grass. Unfortunately the butterflies 
endeavoured to emerge en route in a very small box; and thus neither pupe 
nor imagines arrived in a useful condition. But the specimens sufficiently 
show that the pupa is quite of the type of that A. Horta, Linn., being creamy- 
white, with the limbs and position of wing-nervures outlined in black; a 

| triple black streak from top of head along middle of back of thorax, and a 

broad lateral streak varied with white spots; the abdomen bearing two dorsal, 
two lateral, and one median ventral, chains of black rings enclosing orange- 
yellow spots. 

From the same indefatigable observer I received, in 1879, no fewer than 
three pairs of this butterfly taken by him zn copula. 

Localities of Acrwa Natalica. 

J. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
b, Eastern Districts.—Kei River (J. H. Bowker). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Mapumulo. Avoca (J. 
HH. Bowker). Mouth of Tugela River (J. H. Bowker), 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorengo Marques (J. J. Monteiro), 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg and Potchefstroom Districts (7. Ayres). 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). ‘“Tette.”— 
br. Interior.—‘ Motloutsi River, Tati, and Dry River (Oates).”— 
Westwood. ‘ Kilima-njaro (H. H. Johnston).”—F, D. Godman. 

46. (13.) Acreea Anemosa, Hewitson. 

& Acrea Anemosa, Hewits., Exot. Butt., ii. pl. 8, ff 14, 15 (1865). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 8-10 hin. 

fa Ochre-yellow, in fore-wing inelining to orange, in hind-wing 
tinged with salmon-red ; bases and borders black. Fore-wing: basal 
black very distinctly defined from costa to inner margin, extending 
as far as origin of first median nervule; costa and hind-margin very 
narrowly bordered with black, apex more widely so; a black line 
marks disco-cellular nervules; a little beyond this a strongly marked, 
slightly oblique, black bar, widest on costa, and thence narrowing to an 
abrupt end on third median nervule; in some specimens, a small black 
spot just below end of bar, and another, nearer base, below second 
median nervule. find-wing: basal black not so wide or externally so 
sharply defined as in fore-wing; hind-marginal border varying in width 
but always very broad, its inner edge more or less deeply serrated by 


nervular projections on the salmon-red central band. Cilia black, with | 
white inter-nervular interruptions (small in fore-wing, but large and | 
conspicuous in hind-wing). UNDER sipeE.—Paler; markings much like | 
those of upper side. Fore-wing: subapical region more or less clouded | 
with whitish. Hind-wing: in basal black eight small but conspicuous | | 
white spots, viz., one basal, two costal, two in cell, and three below 
cell; a less conspicuous white spot just at external edge of basal black 
on inner margin; central bar broad, reddish-white, bordered next basal 
and hind-marginal black with pinkish-red; black border of hind- 
margin much narrower and internally more even than on upper side, | 
containing along its middle line eight small but conspicuous inter-— 
nervular white spots, of which the seventh and eighth are close | 
together, between first median nervule and submedian nervure. | 

? Paler and duller. Fore-wing: basal black wider, emitting a | 
projection in discoidal cell, and, in one example, another (broader) | 
below first median nervule.  Hind-wing: central bar very much | 
obscured, and, in one example, externally fading into the very broad 
hind-marginal black. UNpER sIDE.—Fore-wing: projections of basal _ 
black more sharply defined. MHind-wing: in one example, three of the 
white spots in basal black wanting, viz., the outer cellular one and the — 
two lower of those below cell. 

Aberration.—? 2 Fore-wing: all the nervules clouded with white — 
near margin, especially on costa before apex. Hind-wing: all the red 
of central band wanting (except a little towards costa beyond middle), 
being replaced by white, which also somewhat suffuses basal black; 
hind-marginal black narrower than usual. UNDER SIDE.—<As above, — 
but the white somewhat more developed. 

Hab.— Damaraland. (In the Hewitson Collection, British Museum.) 

The description above given of the normal 9 is made from a single | 
Damaraland example presented to me many years ago by the late Mr. Charles | 
J. Andersson, and from another example sent me from Delagoa Bay by Mrs. | 
Monteiro. The special peculiarities noted are in the former specimen. 

The simple but most effective colouring of this remarkable Acrea renders | 
it very easy of recognition ; the heavy intense black of the bases and of the | 
outer part of the hind-wing, and the absence or great paucity of discal spots | 
at once distinguishing it from its nearest congener, A. Natalica, Boisd. | 

First discovered on the Zambesi, A. Anemosa is quite a tropical species, | 
only being known in South Africa proper as far as about 26° S., in the neigh- | 
bourhood of Delagoa Bay and in Swaziland, as well as in the adjacent district | 
of Lydenburg in the Transvaal Territory. | 

Loealities of Acrwa Anemosa. 

I. South Africa. 
G. “Swaziland” (£. C. Buxton). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorenco Marques (J. G. Montezro). ' 

K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). Upper Limpopo (7. 
C. Selous). 


II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and J. A. Beil). 
‘*‘ Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. 

a 1. Interior.—Between Limpopo and Zambesi Rivers (7. Ayres). 
Khama’s Country, near Bamangwato (H. Barber). ‘* Victoria 
Falls of Zambesi and Umvungu (Oates).”-—Westwood. 

b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi [Coll. W. C. Hewitson]. “ Bagamoyo.” 
— Oberthiir. 

47. (14.) Acreea Acara, Hewitson. 
d Acrea Acara, Hewits., Exot. Butt., 11. pl. viii. ff. 19, 20 (1865). 
d Acrea caffra, Felder., Reise d. Novara, Lep., il. p. 369, t. xlvi. ff. 10, 
11 (1865). 
$ Acrea Zetes, Trimen (part), Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 99, n. 62 (1862). 
dg and 9 Acrea Zetes, Var.,;Trim., Trans, Linn. Soc. Lond., vol. xxvi. 

Pacny, t 42, . 8, 6 (1800). 

Eup. al., (¢) 2 in. 7 lin.—3 in.; (2) 2 in. 10 lin—3 in. 3 lin. 

a Deep-red tinged with carnine; with black spots and bands. 
Fore-wing: base suffused with deep-black; in discoidal cell, three 
black spots;—one round, touching basal black,—another elongate 
transversely, somewhat quadrate, a little beyond middle of cell,—the 
third at extremity of cell, variable in thickness, slightly curved out- 
wards; three spots below cell, one touching median nervure, and more 
or less included in the basal black,—another between median nervure 
and its first nervule,—the third a little beyond the second, below first 
median nervule; a little beyond extremity of cell, a broad, oblique, 
black band, directed towards middle of hind-margin, and extending to 
second median nervule; apical portion of wing, beyond this black band, 
warm reddish-ochre; apex rather widely bordered with black, which 
narrows to a thin, hind-marginal edge on third or second median 
nervule, where, suddenly widening again, its inner edge is united to 
the extremity of the oblique band from costa, and it extends to anal 
angle, containing two or three spots between nervules of the apical 
ochre tint. Hind-wing: base broadly suffused with deep-black, con- 
taining a thin cellular white spot; touching the edge of which, in cell, 
and about median nervure, is a clouding of white scales, sometimes 
large and conspicuous; a small black spot at extremity of discoidal cell, 
and beyond it a more or less interrupted transverse row of six or seven 
rounded spots ; a broad, well-defined, black band bordering hind-margin, 
slightly dentate on its inner edge, and sometimes containing four or 
five very small inter-nervular reddish spots. UNDER sIprE.—Black 
markings much as on upper side, but differing much in ground-colowrs ; 
surface generally glistening.  Fore-wing: pale salmon-red; black suffu- 
Sion at base faint, and only present below median nervure; two black 
Spots on costa, close to base; space between black costal stripe and 
black-bordered apex whitish; bordering this white outwardly, and 


continuing to submedian nervure, a row of six large, elongate, some- 
what wedge-shaped, orange-ochreous spots, of which the fifth and sixth 
are internally bordered with black. Hind-wing: pinkish-white ; the 
basal black assumes the form of an irregularly-shaped but strongly- 
defined black patch, containing six quadrate or triangular small white 
spots; costa at base rather broadly edged with salmon-red, containing 
a more or less conspicuous black spot; outer edge of basal patch is also 
clouded with salmon-red; spots in central part of wing arranged as 
above; two additional ones continue the transverse row to inner 
margin; these spots are very conspicuous from the white ground- 

colour they are on; hind-marginal band broad and black, containing — 

seven or eight moderately-sized white spots; the band being bordered 
inwardly by a row of seven sub-triangular, brick-red spots. 

2 Much duller, suffused with a brownish tint ; the black markings 
not so dark, especially the basal black, which is reduced to a fuscous 

suffusion, often vndistinct. Fore-wing: more or less semi-transparent | 

in middle portion; subapical ochreous paler, yellower, occasionally 
partly clouded with white. Hind-wing: any white suffusion about 
middle of wing rarely found; hind- marginal border considerably 

narrower, its inner portion indistinctly defined, so that its row of | 
spots is usually in contact with the somewhat darker ground-colour. | 

UNDER SIDE._—As in ¢. 

The black markings in this species vary much in size, especially _ 
the oblique costal bar of the fore-wing, which is sometimes so enlarged | 

as to be completely confluent with the streak at end of discoidal cell. 
In the Hewitson collection there is a small ~ from the White Nile 
(mentioned in Hot. Butt., ui. p. 16), which has the border of hind- 
wing very broad, and the white spots which it contains on the under 

side very small. A fine @ taken by Colonel Bowker on the Bashee | 
River in Kaffraria has the basal black almost as pronounced as in > 

the f; in the fore-wing the apical and hind-marginal blackish is much 

widened and suffused, with only indistinct traces of the ochreous spots, | 
and the space beyond costal black bar is narrowed and yellowish-white ; _ 
while in the hind-wing the hind-marginal border is even, complete, © 

a . - —————————eeeee—ee ne 
Se eee - 

and well-defined from the ground-colour, the row of small pale spots | 

traversing its middle line. 

Larva.—Ochreous-yellow. Hach segment broadly banded trans- | 

versely with purplish-red, the band occupying the middle portion. 

Spines long and distinctly branched, blackish, springing from tubercles | 

situated in the purplish-red bands; the two dorsal spines on segment _ 
next head longer than the rest, erect. Head ochreous-yellow. Legs | 

and pro-legs purplish-red. 
‘“‘ Weeds on Passiflora” (Dr. J. E. Seaman, in litt.) 

LED UUD a afar 

Pura.—Pinkish-white. Margins of head, limbs, and wing-nervures | 

defined with black. Abdominal rows of spots arranged as in pupz of 


A. Horta and A. serena, but more continuous; the spots rose-pink in 
wide black contiguous rings. Median line of under side of abdomen 
tinged with rose-pink ; two spots of the same colour on median line of 
back of thorax, and one at base of wings. Head ochreous-yellow. 

Pear I. fie. ya. 

This pupa appears to be rounder and blunter anteriorly than that 
of A. Horta, and is so much more curved that the dorsal outline is 
strongly convex in a lateral view. 

The above descriptions are made from a coloured drawing executed 
by the late Dr. Seaman in 1869, exhibiting a lateral view beth of 
larva and pupa. 

This very handsome and conspicuous Acrwa is the Southern and 
Hastern representative of the abundant and widely-spread A. Zetes 
({Linn.) of Western Africa, and is readily distinguished by the warm 
red and ochreous colouring of the fore-wings, which are suffused 
fuscous-grey in Zetes. 

I only once took this species on the coast of Natal, in the summer of 1867; 
but it is usually pretty common there, numereus specimens having been taken 
near D’Urban by the late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken, Colonel Bowker, and others, At 
Pietermaritzburg, however, at the end of March and beginning of April, I 
found the butterfly abundant, frequenting flowers in mest gardens, and as easy 
of capture as A. Horta. 

The Jate Dr. Seaman and Colonel Bowker alike reported the larves as doing 
much damage to passion-flowers in Natal; but I have not heard what is their 
native food-plant. 

As I have recorded in the Transactions of the Linnean Society (vol. xxvi. 
pp. 517 and 518), A. Acara is the subject of close mimicry by a member of 
the Nymphaline, deseribed by Mr. A. G. Butler as Pseudacrea Trimenti. In 
this very interesting case each sex of the Acrea is distinctly copied by the 
corresponding sex of the Pseudacrea. The latter haunts the same localities as 
A. Acara, but is a rare insect. 

Localities of Acrwa Acara. 

I, South Africa. 
Hi. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. 
b. Upper Districts. —Pietermaritzburg. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorencgo Marques (J. J. Menteive). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom and Lydenburg Districts (7. Ayres). 

Il. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
b1. Interior.—“ Victoria Nyanza (Rev. J. Hanningten).”—A. G. 
B. North Tropical. 
6. Eastern Coast.— Tongu (A. Raffray).”—Oberthiir. 
bi. Interior.—~ White Nile.”—Hewitson, 
VOL. I. L 


48. (15.) Acreea Barberi, Trimen. 
Puare WAS ies gy)) etna (o): 
Acrea Barberi, Trimen, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 433. 

Hop. al,,.2 in. 5s —O line (4) 6 ms 2 dina 2) 

fg Warm brick-red, tinged with carnuine ; spotted and edged with 
black. Fore-wing: base suffused with black, narrowly near costa, but 
more widely on inner margin; costa edged with fuscous very narrowly ; 
from apex to posterior angle a broad hind-marginal fuscous border, 
containing seven large yellow-ochreous spots, of which the first is 
smallest, and the second not enclosed by fuscous on its inner edge; a 
large elongate spot closing discoidal cell; a similar marking in the 
cell not far from the extremity, and another (of variable size and 
rounded) in the cell near base; slightly beyond the last-named spot, 
and below median nervure, a curved elongate spot, and another (also 
below median nervure) between first and second median nervules; a 
spot below first median nervule, not far from posterior angle; beyond 
discoidal cell a subapical transverse black bar of five confluent spots, 
extending from costa to second median nervule, and slightly curving 
inwardly at its lower extremity; beyond this the ground-colour is 
slightly tinged with yellow-ochreous. Hind-wing: Base rather widely 
suffused with black, a disco-cellular spot being partly confluent with 
the suffusion; a small spot surmounted by a thin short streak at 
extremity of discoidal cell; an irregular transverse discal row of seven 
rather small spots, of which the first and sixth are nearest base; on 
inner margin an eighth spot is indistinctly perceptible; a moderately 
broad interiorly-crenelated hind-marginal black border, completely 
enclosing seven rather small yellow-ochreous spots. Cilia white, inter- 
rupted with fuscous at extremities of nervules. UNDER sIDE.—Markings 
similar; but hind-wing and small subapical space of fore-wing pinkish- 

white, and ground-colour of fore-wing pale salmon-pink. Fore-wing: 

Base slightly suffused with black below median nervure only; two 
very small black spots on costa at base, and a third (very small also) 
close to base in discoidal cell. Hind-wing: the basal black is a 
sharply-defined patch enclosing six white spots; an eighth and a ninth 
black spot continue the discal row to inner-marginal edge before middle ; 
a regular row of seven or eight broad red lunulate marks interiorly 
bounding hind-marginal black border; also some red suffusion exteriorly 
bounding basal black; spots in hind-marginal border larger than on 
upper side, and conspicuously creamy white. 

2 Semi-transparent in fore-wing ; ground-colour very much duller 
and paler; basal black almost obsolete; all the blackish markings 
smaller and much tainter, especially the hind-marginal border of hind- 
wing, which is all but obsolete. UNDER sIDE.—Except in the trans- 
parency of the tore-wing with its fainter spots, and duller white of the 
hind-wing, like that of male. 

ACRAIN Z. 163 

This <Acrea stands between A. Acara, Hewitson, and A. Chilo, 
Godman (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1880, p. 184, pl. xix. figs. 4, 5), a 
native of Abyssinia. It differs from the former in its much less developed 
black markings (particularly the basal black of both wings, and the 
subapical bar and apical border of the fore-wing), and in the apical 
yellow-ochreous of the fore-wing being very much fainter. In the female 
these differences are as marked as in the male, but the former is also 
- distinguished by the remarkable transparency of the fore-wing. T'rom 
A. Chilo, on the contrary, A. Barberi is in both sexes distinguishable 
"py its stronger black markings (with the exception of the inner edge 
of the fuscous hind-marginal border of the fore-wing in the male and 
of both wings in the female, which in A. Chilo is unbroken near apex 
of fore-wing), and in the female by the much less transparency of the 
fore-wing. The under-side markings and colouring of A. Barberi agree 
entirely with those of A. Acara, except that the former are smaller. 

I have named this butterfly after its discoverer, Mr. H. Barber, who cap- 
tured the two males and the female here described in the Transvaal country 
during the year 1873. Mr. Barber collected a number of species in that, region, 
but did not note localities further than stating that all were taken to the north 
of Pretoria. 

To this species, I consider, should be referred two butterflies received at 
the South-African Museum, viz., a male taken on the Vaal River by Colonel 
J. H. Bowker, and a female forwarded from some part of the Transvaal by Mr. 
D, Arnot. These examples are clearly referable to one and the same variation, 
both having the apical yellow-ochreous of fore-wing more pronounced, while 
the interior fuscous edging of the hind-marginal border is almost obsolete. In 
the male this last-named character extends in a less marked degree to the hind- 
wing, while in the female the peculiar transparency is not noticeable, the 
wings being quite as opaque as in ordinary females of A. Acara. 

Localities of Acrwa Barberi. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
c. Griqualand West.—Klipdrift [since Barkly], Vaal River (J. 7. 
Bowker).—V ar. 
K. Transvaal.—? Locality (D. Arnot). North of Pretoria (H. Barber). 

49, (16.) Acreea, Encedon (Linnzus).* 

Papilio Encedon, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 244, n. 63 (1764). 
Papilio Encedonia, Linn., Syst. Nat., i. 2, p. 762, n. go (1767). 
Acrea Sganzint, Boisd., App. Voy. Deleg. dans Afr. Aust., p. 590 (1847). 
Acrea Lycia, Fab. (var. Sganzini, Boisd.), Guér., in Lefebv. Voy. en 
Abyss., pl. 10, ff. 4, 5 (1849). 
is » Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pl. 19, f. 2 (1848). 
“ Var, As Uvim., Rhop. Air. Aust., 1. p. 103 (1862). 

1 The satisfactory identification of this species as the rufous form of the more recent 
A, Lycia, Fab., is due to the research of Mr. P. O. C. Aurivillius, of the Royal Museum at 
Stockholm. See his Recensio Critica Lepidopterorum Musei Ludovice Ulrice, &c. (in K. Sv. 
Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1882, p. 56). 


Var. A.—Papilio H. Lycia, Fab., Syst. Ent., p. 464, n. 94 (1775); and 
Ent. Syst., i. 1, p. 176, n. 546 (1793). 
Acrea Sganzint, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Mad. p. 34, pl. 6, ff. 6, 7 

Acrea Lycia, Trim., op. cit., p. 102, n. 62 (4862). 

Kup. al., 2 i1.—2 in. 8 lin. 

gf Dull browmsh-red, inclining to ochreous-yellow (especially in hind- 
wing), with black spots ; apical area of fore-wing dusky-blackish, crossed 
obliquely by a conspreuous white bar. Fore-wing: before middle, in 
discoidal cell, a conspicuous transversely-elongate black spot; occa- 
sionally a much smaller ovate spot nearer base; at extremity of cell a 
large spot, usually indistinct from being united to blackish of apical 
area; below this spot a strongly-curved discal row of three good-sized 
spots, between second median nervule and inner margin beyond middle ; 
near base, below median nervure, a moderate-sized spot, usually obliquely 
elongate, but sometimes smaller and rounded ; subapical white bar broad, 
about equally dividing the blackish, composed of five elongate spots 
(the first four of which are united, the fifth smaller and separate), and 
extending from close to costal edge, almost to hind-margin. Hind- 
wing: a small spot at base; an obliquely-transverse row of four or five 
small indistinct spots near base (of which one is usually in discoidal 
cell) ; a second small spot in cell, and two small ones obliquely placed 
at its extremity; a discal, sinuated row of eight distinct rounded 
spots, from costa to inner margin; hind-margin with a narrow, dusky- 
blackish, unspotted -border, not well defined interiorly, from which 
radiate short thin blackish inter-nervular lines. UNDER SIDE.—Hind- 
wing and apical-hind-marginal area of fore-wing beyond white bar pale 
ochreous-yellow ; the inter-nervular rays suffused fulvous-ochreous.  Fore- 
wing : ground-colour much paler; surface smooth and glistening ; spots, 
and blackish immediately before white bar, duller and more suffused 
than on upper side. Hind-wing: spots as on upper side, but very 
distinetly defined. 

© Larger and paler than f; the black spots duller and smaller. 
Fore-wing: spot below median nervure, and lowest of three discal 
spots, wanting or but faintly indicated. 

Var. A. (Lycia, Fab.) $ and 8. 

$ Ground-colour creamy-yellowish ; blackish apical area of fore-wing 
and hind-marginal border of hind-wing much enlarged ; in fore-wing, @ 
dusky-fuscous suffusion over basal area and sometimes also over disc. 
Fore-wing: blackish of apical area extending to posterior angle, and 
almost enclosing first and second spots of discal row. Hind-wing: 
hind-marginal border broader (usually very much broader), and more 
suffused interiorly; inter-nervular rays very strongly and _ broadly 
black. UNpbER sipE.—Hind-wing and apical hind-marginal area of 
fore-wing (beyond white bar) creamy-yellowish, brighter than on 
upper side; inter-nervular rays thin, well-defined, blackish with, faint 

ACRALIN 2&. T 65 

fulvous-ochreous scaling.  Fore-wing: discal area whitish (except in 
the most dusky individuals on upper side). Zind-wing : hind-marginal 
border quite linear, not suffused. 

2 Much paler, almost white (especially in fore-wing, which is almost 
transparent, and with very narrow basal and scarcely any discal Juscous 
suffusion). UNDER stipE.—As in g, but hind-wing and apical area of 
fore-wing much paler, in some specimens approaching white. 

Aberr.? 2.—¥ore-wing entirely pale dull brownish-red, wanting 
the apical fuscous and ats white bar (as in the Dorippus form of Danars 
Chrysippus, Linn.) 

Hab.—Zambesi (Coll. Hewitson, 1867}. 

Guérin’s figures (loc. cit.) of an Abyssinian specimen represent the 
fore-wing as slightly clouded with fuscous and the hind-wing as more 
inclining to yellow than to red; so that the individual in question, 
though nearer Lncedon proper, appears to have varied a little in the 
direction of the Lycia form. ‘The type of the latter, in the Banksian 
Collection of the British Museum, is a good-sized whitish ¢, with the 
fore-wing thickly suffused with fuscous, and is ticketed “ Sierra 

The Natalian fs of the Zycia form are yellower than those usually 
brought from the West-African Coast. ‘Two of the latter, in the South- 
African Museum, which were taken by the late D. G. Rutherford 
at Camaroons, are much smaller than usual, expanding only I in. 
m@) lin. 

I have not been able to separate Madagascar specimens (Syanzin?, Boisd.) 
from the true Lycia, though I find in them a tendency to confluence of some of 
the spots in the fore-wing (particularly the two in and at the extremity of the 
discoidal cell)! In the ‘unusually small individual figured by Boisduval (ec. 
cit.), this tendency is carried further, and, with the partial failure of the inner 
part of the subapical fuscous, gives the look of a distinct form. 

A. Hncedon has no very near allies, but presents points of affinity to 
A. Petrea, Boisd., in one direction, and to A. Rahira, Boisd., and A. Anacreon, 
Trim., in another. It may at once be known from all its South-African con- 
geners as the only Acrxa with a white subapical bar of the fore-wing in both 

This very well-known and widely-ranging species is abundant on the coast 
of Natal, chiefly frequenting wooded places, and is also met with inland as far 
as Pietermaritzburg, where I found it in 1867. The pale variety seemed as 
common as the rufous type-form, and I took numerous examples of both sexes 
at D’Urban, Verulam, and Pietermaritzburg. The paired sexes of Hncedon 
(typical) were sent to me from D’Urban by Colonel Bowker in 1878. The 
same gentleman, in 1879, forwarded me two males, one of the typical and the 
other of the pale form, which had been taken at Fort Chelmsford, while fight- 
ing together on the ground with great pertinacity, by Captain H. C. Harford 
of the 99th Regiment. The typical Hncedon is also known to me to occur at 
King William’s Town in the Cape Colony, at Delagoa Bay, and in Damara- 
land ; while Aurivillius (doc. c7t.) notes its inhabiting “Guinea in company with 
the L, ycia form. 

' These two spots are united by a fuscous ray in three Natalian examples, one of the 
rufous and two of the Lyciu form. 


Localities of Acrwa Encedon. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

6. Eastern Districts. —King William’s Town (J. H. Bowker’). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
HK. Natal. 
a, Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Mapumulo. 
b. Upper Districts. —Pietermaritzburg. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (H. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorengo Marques (J. J. Monteiro and J. H. Bowker), 
Kk. Transvaal. 
Limpopo (£7. C. Selous). 

II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (J. A. Bell). ‘‘ Angola (J. J. Mon- 
tevro).”—Druce. ‘ Kinsembo, Congo (H. Ansell).”—Butler, 
“‘Chinchoxo (Falkenstein),”—Dewitz. : 

6. Eastern Coast. 

bb. Madagascar (Caldwell). 

Bb. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Sierra Leone.—Coll. Brit. Mus., &c. 

b. Kastern Coast.—‘* Abyssinia (Lefebvre).”—Guérin-Meneville. 

bi. Interior.— White Nile. Upper Egypt. 

50. (17.) Acreea Rahira, Boisduval. 

3 Acrea Rahira, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Madag., &c., p. 33, pl. 5, ff 4, 5 
(1833); and App. Voy. de Deleg. dans l’Afr. Aust., 
p. 590 (1847). 

So 2, »  trim., Rhop. Afr, Aust., i. p. 103, n. 65 (1862). 

kep. al., Yim. $ lim.——2 1m. 3m; 


“Southern Part (VV. Person).”—Wallengren. Upper 

fg Warm yellow-ochreous, with a rufous tinge, spotted with black. . 

Fore-wing: a small ovate or reniform spot in discoidal cell, a little 
beyond its middle; a larger, irregular-shaped spot at extremity of 
cell; costa edged with blackish, widest at apex; beyond extremity of 
discoidal cell, an oblique transverse row of four spots, from just below 

costa to second median nervule, not far from hind-margin; two black — 

spots, one above and the other below first median nervule, lying 
nearer to base than the row of four spots; on hind-margin, nervules 
strongly clouded with blackish, which, narrowing inwardly, forms sharp, 
distinct rays, deeply piercing the ground-colour; base narrowly black- 
ish. Hind-wing: lower portion of base clouded with blackish; two 
transverse rows of spots,—one, before middle, of few spots, irregular 
and interrupted,—the other, commencing about middle of costa, and 
extending to about middle of inner margin, is rather sinuous, and 
angulated on radial nervule, from whence to inner margin it proceeds 
in a direct line, containing eight spots in all; parallel to the row last 
mentioned, a more or less distinct grey streak, from just before anal 




ACRAEIN ©. ; 167 

angle, on inner margin, as far as radial nervule; on hind-margin, 
nervules clouded with blackish, forming a narrow border, dentate 
inwardly, but not forming nearly such sharp and deep indentations on 
the ground-colour as in fore-wing. UNDER SIDE.—-Fore-wing : paler 
than on upper side; base with a black spot, but not clouded with 
blackish ; spots as on upper side, but rather smaller and not so black ; 
apical portion, beyond transverse row of four spots, pale whitish- 
yellow, with orange-ochreous rays between the nervules, which are 
narrowly clouded with black; a narrow yellowish edging along costa. 
Hind-wing : pale whitish-yellow ; two or three additional small black 
spots near base; transverse rows of spots as on upper side ; base, inner 
margin as far as outer row, and internal edge of straight portion of the 
latter row of spots, clouded with reddish-ochreous between nervules ; 
space between outer row and parallel streak from inner margin wholly 
spotless, forming a conspicuous pale band, in consequence of there 
being elongate reddish-ochreous marks all along hind-margin beyond 
streak between the nervules, which are narrowly black clouded. 

2 Duller, varying from pale yellow-ochreous tinged with brown to 
pale dusky-grey ; but similar in marking. Jore-wing: an additional, 
more or less observable, small, thin, black spot, below median nervure, 
not far from base; other spots as in ¢, but larger and fainter; a paler 
space of colour sometimes tinged with whitish beyond transverse row 
from costa; blackish clouding on nervules not nearly so strong or 
clearly-defined as in ¢, being much suffused. Hind-wing: quite like 
@’s, excepting that the hind-marginal clouding is duller. UNDER SIDE. 
—Universally paler. ore-wing: ochreous inter-nervular rays fainter. 
Hind-wing: hind-marginal inter-nervular markings ill-defined, the 
three next costa obsolete; fuscous streak wider than in ¢. 

In the greyest @s there is but a faint tinge of yellow-ochreous in 
the fore-wing, while its apical area and the whole field of the hind-wing 
have a greenish tinge with the reddish-ochreous markings almost 

| obliterated. 

A rather dull-coloured female sent from the Tsomo River, Kaffraria, 
by Colonel Bowker, is remarkable for the enlargement and partial con- 
fluence of the spots on the upper side of the fore-wing; the spot in 
discoidal cell being united by a long ray to the spot at the end of the 
cell, and the latter spot again being united by a similar ray to the third 
spot of the oblique subapical bar; the discal dark streak on the under 
side of the hind-wing is also enlarged and suffused externally. <A g 
taken by Mr. J. M. Hutchinson at Estcourt, Natal, has the dark 
borders and spots of the upper side all much enlarged but normal 

A, Rahira is a very distinct species, its only ally in South- 
Africa being A. Anacreon, Trim., readily recognised by the maculated 
hind-marginal border of the hind-wings. It is, however, closely related 
to A. Zitja, Boisd., of Madagascar, but the latter is of a deep fulvous- 


ochreous, with the dark borders only very slightly radiating on nervules 

in the fore-wing, and not at all in the hind-wing; while the ground- 

colour of the under side of hind-wing is uniformly dull creamy-fulvous, 
with a whitish band immediately succeeding discal row of spots, and a 
narrow, dentated, whitish hind-marginal edging. 

This species is local in its haunts, being almost confined to marshy or 
swampy spots, bet is usually in great abundance where it occurs, arly in 
February 1859 it was on the wing in amazing numbers in the marshes _border- 
ing the bitouw River at Plettenberg Bay om the southern coast of the Cape 
Colony. It is in such damp places that the food-plant of its larva, a species of 
Polygonum (¢ P. tomentosum), flourishes ; and I learn from Mrs. Barber, who 
discovered them, that the larvee abound on the plant in question, and that their 
colouring resembles the pink and bronzy hues of the inflorescence. The 
butterfly has a slow flight, with a whirring action of the wings, and a tendency 
to a circular direction; it always keeps near the ground, and settles very 
frequently on low flowers. I believe that there are two broods in the year, 
as | have found them numerously from the end of October to the middle or 
nearly the end of November, and again from the middle of January to the 
middle of Mareh, but not in the intervening period. 

Localities of Acrwa Rahira. 

I. South Afrisa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

(Zoetmelk . in Mus. Hope, Oxon.— 
Swellendam (Z. Taats). Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. Oudts- 
hoorn (— Adams). 

b. Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown, East London (P. Borcherds). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth, Bashee River, and Tsomo River 
(J. H. Bowker). 
ii. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Mapumulo. 

b. Upper Districts —Udland’s Mission Station. Greytown. Little 
Noodsberg. Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson).  Colenso (W. 

K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (JV. Morant and T. Ayres). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—“ Angola (J. G. Montetro).”—Druce. 

51. (18.) Acreea Anacreon, ‘'rimen. 

Acrea Anacreon, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 77, pl. vi. ff. 3, 5, 
(3g) and 4 (¢); and 1870, p. 347. 

Exp. al., 1 in. 8 lin—2 in. 7 lin. 

ft Fulvous-ochreous ; each wing with a discal transverse row of black 
spots, and a black hind-marginal border marked with spots of the ground- 
colour. Fore-wing : a conspicuous rounded black spot in discoidal cell, 
near extremity; another spot, narrower and more oblique, on disco- 

ACRAKIN At. 169 

cellular nervules; seven spots in irregular discal row, of which the fifth 
and sixth are largest, the first (near costa) usually indistinct, and the 
seventh (on inner margin beyond middle) often wanting; costa edged 
with black, which widens into a broad apical and hind-marginal border 
containing seven spots of the ground-colour; this border gradually nar- 
rowing to a thin edging at posterior angle, its inner edge radiating on 
the nervules, but leaving the last two spots confluent with the discal 
ground-colour; between upper spots of discal row and hind-margin 
some more or less distinct whitish scaling ; base narrowly clouded with 
black, which emits a ray along inner margin, Hind-wing: no black 
spot on disco-cellular nervule, but one in cell near extremity; before 
middle a spot between costal and subcostal nervures; seyen spots in 
irregular discal row, the last two of which are the largest; hind-mar- 
ginal border moderately broad, somewhat narrower towards anal angle, 
more or less radiating inwardly on nervules, and enclosing eight sub- 
lunulate spots rather paler than the ground-colour or (sometimes) 
whitish-yellow ; basal black rather deeply piercing cell and extending 
widely below median nervure to rather beyond origin of first nervule ; 
inner margin beyond middle tinged with whitish-yellow in those speci- 
‘mens in which the hind-marginal spots are of that hue. UNDER sIDE.— 
Hind-wing and costal edging and apical area of fore-wing whitish-yellow ; 
nervules strongly clouded with black near margin. Jore-wing: spots 
as on upper side; along hind-margin, between apex and first median 
nervule, a series of more or less conspicuous inter-nervular short ful- 
vous rays. Hind-wing: spots as on upper side, but larger, those of 
discal row often contiguous; below median nervure a transverse stripe 
of three contiguous spots extends to inner margin, almost touching the 
eighth (additional) spot of discal row; base marked with two rather 
large pink spots, edged with black; immediately before discal spots a 
row of pink spots, indistinct or obsolete near costa, but large and con- 
spicuous towards inner margin; spots of hind-marginal border whitish- 
yellow, and so much larger than on upper side as to reduce the black 
to a linear external and narrow internal edging; before the border 
some very faint inter-nervular fulvous rays. In both wings the basal 
black is wanting, but the costa near base is marked with a small dis- 
tinct black spot. . 

2 Semi-transparent greyish-ochreous ; the hind-wing more or less 
tinged with pale fulvows; an indistinct yellowish-white oblique bar 
outwardly bounding three upper spots of discal row; black of hind- 
marginal borders duller, rather broader. ore-wing: occasionally a 
minute elongate spot before middle, below median nervure. Hind- 
wing: sometimes a minute spot on disco-cellular nervule. UNDER 
SIDE.—Yellowish colouring paler; inter-nervular rays obsolete, or 
nearly so; pink markings of hind-wing duller, especially discal ones, 
which are sometimes obsolete. 

Var. A. (f and 2).—Both wings (but especially fore-wing) nuch 


elongated ; colouring and markings normal, except that all the black | 

spots are lengthened and attenuated. 

Hab.—Natal (Maritzburg, Greytown, and Udland’s Mission Station), | 

The ¢s from Basutoland and the sources of the Umzimvubu are much 
paler and smaller than those from Natal; diminished size is also very note- 

worthy in the ?s from the same districts. In these gs, and also in one from | 

the southern border of Kaffraria Proper, the whitish scaling before the apex 

of fore-wings exhibits an approach to the oblique indistinct bar possessed — 

by the ¢. 

A @ taken near Estcourt, Natal, by Mr. J. M. Hutchinson, presents the | 
peculiarity of hind-wings of the same warm fulvous tint that characterises _ 

the 3g. 

This very distinct species has no known near ally; its appearance, how- 
ever, approximates it to A. Rahira, Boisd. From the latter it is distinguished 
readily, not only by the bright fulvous colouring of the ¢ and the greater 
transparency of the 2, but by the possession of a spotted hind-marginal border, 
This last-named character is also presented by A. Bu«tonz, Butl., but the small 
size of that species, and its want of any discal spots in the fore-wings, preclude 
the possibility of confusing it with Anacreon. 

In April 1865 two ¢ specimens, taken on the bank of a small river called — 

the Sogana, were received by me from Colonel Bowker, and these Kaffrarian 
examples were the only ones I had seen until March 1867, when I found the 
species pretty commonly in the Umvoti District of Natal, particularly near 

Greytown and about the Noodsberg. Like A. Rahira, this butterfly delights | 

in damp, reedy spots, and has a very weak low flight. It frequently settles on — 
flowers, and the ?s may easily be taken with the fingers. I met with Rahira © 

in the same district, and often in the same spots; the two species, where they 
occurred together, being equally numerous. 

Loealities of Acrwa Anacreon. 

I, South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
d. Basutoland.—Heads of the Orange River (J. H. Bowker). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Sogana River (J. H. Bowker). Heads of the 
Umzimvubu (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
b. Upper Districts.—Great Noodsherg. Greytown. Estcourt (J. M. 
Hutchinson). Maritzburg (Colonel S. Scott). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

52. (19.) Acreea Buxtoni, Butl. 

Acrea Serena (Fab.), Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 590 (1847). 

Acrwa Manjaca (Boisd.), Wallgrn., Lep. Rhop. Caffr., p. 22 (1857). 

Acrea Serena (Fab.), pars, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 107, n. 67 

Acrea Buxtoni, Butl., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xvi. p. 395 (1875). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 7 lin.—2 in. 

a Bright fulvous-ochreous, with narrow blackish borders and a few 
black spots. Fore-wing: base very faintly and narrowly blackish; costa 
with a narrow blackish border, wider about middle; about middle 

ACRALIN i. yp 

of discoidal cell, sometimes touching costal border, a small rounded 
spot; at extremity of cell a short, broad, oblique, curved black bar, 
generally ending abruptly on third median nervule, but rarely partly 
prolonged towards hind-margin by a small elongate mark below that 
nervule ; apical border rather broad; hind-marginal border narrower, 
its inner edge emitting irregularly short thin nervular rays, and one 
inter-nervular projection between second and third median nervules ; 
enclosed in border, from apex to posterior angle, eight inter-nervular 
spots of the ground-colour (of which the upper four are more linear 
than the lower), sometimes very distinct, but oftener obscured or 
wanting near apex. Hind-wing: base a little more widely blackish 
than in fore-wing; a well-marked, slightly curved, sub-linear spot at 
upper part of extremity of discoidal cell; basal and discal spots of 
under side faintly showing; hind-marginal border much like that of 
fore-wing, but containing seven spots, which are seldom very distinct, 
and sometimes almost obliterated. UNDER sIDE.—WHind-wing and 
apical area of fore-wing pale creamy-yellowish, the nervules clouded 
with black towards margin, which is bounded by a black line, Fore- 
wing: ground-colour much paler, especially towards posterior angle ; 
costal border mostly creamy-yellowish ; oblique bar not so strongly 
marked; along hind-margin a row of short inter-nervular ochreous 
rays. Hind-wing: the following small black spots, viz., two at base, 
one on costa close to base, one close to costa before middle, two in 
discoidal cell, one at extremity of cell, one just below median nervure, 
and two close to inner margin near base; about middle an angulated 
discal row of eight spots from costa to inner margin; a sharply- 
festooned black line, before hind-marginal one, but meeting it on each 
nervule, separates from disc seven large, inwardly-narrowed spots of 
the ground-colour. 

Q (Form a.)—Paler, duller; hind-marginal borders considerably 
broader, all their enclosed spots large and distinct. Fore-wing : oblique 
bar narrower, more curved; inward projection of hind-marginal border 
between second and third median nervules much greater. UNDER SIDE. 
—As in ¢. 

2 (Form 0b.) — Fore-wing: semi-transparent grey, basally tinged 
with more or less fulvous-ochreous ; oblique bar much reduced or almost 
obsolete ; the space immediately beyond wt more or less whitish (this 
whitish 1s usually vaguely and narrowly prolonged to posterior angle) ; 
hind-marginal border and its spots more or less suffused and indistinct. 
Hind-wing : several of the discal and basal spots of under side well 
pronounced but rather suffused; usually some dull grey irroration in 
basal area. UNDER SIDE.—Hind-wing : before the festooned line which 
encloses hind-marginal spots, a similar (but not parallel) less pro- 
nounced festooned line, so that the two lines seclude between them an 
inner series of small spots of the ground-colour, each spot divided by 
a black-clouded nervule, 


This is the southern form of A. Serena, Fab., and perhaps not | 

sufficiently distinct to rank as a separate species, either from it or from 
A. Manjaca, Boisd., the Madagascar representative. From the West- 
African insect, d. Buxtont is in both sexes to be distinguished by the 
shortness and incompleteness of the oblique subapical black bar of the 
fore-wing, which in Serena is almost invariably broader and united to 
the hind-marginal black border. In the @ this distinction is very 
marked, particularly in the “ Form b” (upon which Mr. Butler chiefly 
characterised Buatont), in which the subapical white—a strictly limited 

and enclosed bar in Serena—is diffusedly extended in the outer discal 

region. In Natal this peculiar form of 2 is more prevalent than that | 
which nearly resembles the ¢. In the $ Serena the hind-marginal — 

border is broader than in the f Buxtoni, and the enclosed spots larger, 

and almost invariably very well defined; while in both sexes the inner | 

festooned line on the under side of hind-wing, described above as 
peculiar to “ Form 6” of 2 Luxtont, appears to be always present. 

Judging from Boisduval’s figures (up. cit.), A. Manjaca would 
appear to be even nearer to Buxtont than Serena is, the subapical bar 
in the ¢, though complete, being very slender, and in the 9 quite as 
imperfect as in the “Form }” above described. The 2 figured by 
Boisduval seems, indeed, very close to the latter, the fore-wing being 
even more transparent and almost colourless. Both sexes are repre- 
sented as smaller than either the West-African or South-African form. 

Larva.—Dull green. A whitish stripe along each side of the 
back, interrupted on each segmental incision by a transverse line 
darker than the ground-colour. Spines of the dorsal and upper lateral 
rows black; of the lower lateral row on each side yellow. ‘The two 
dorsal black spines on segment next head longer and more distinctly 
branched than the rest, and projecting forward beyond the head, which 
is ochreous. 

(Described from a drawing by Mr. H. C. Harford, giving a dorsal 

The food-plant is stated to be a species of Hermannia. 

Pupa.—Pale-yellowish. Outline of wings and nervures very finely 
black; some thin and ill-defined dorso-thoracic black marks; on each 
side of abdomen a subdorsal and a lateral row of yellow spots in black 
rings, the latter being thinner in the lateral than in the subdorsal row. 
Attached to a slender stalk. 

(Described from a figure by Mr. H. C. Harford, giving a lateral 


A. Buxtuni is a common species on the coasts of Natal, where I observed it 
from January to April 1867. Going inland it became scarcer; but I met with 
occasional individuals as far as Greytown. It is a very weak flyer, even for an 
Acrea, and is most easily captured. The outskirts of woods are its favourite 
haunt. I once met with two ordinary males and a dark specimen of the 9 
“Form 6” flitting about together in the same spot. Colonel Bowker sent me 

a — EE 

ACRAGIN 4. L724 

in June 1879 a remarkably dark female of this form, captured by him near 
D’Urban. In this example the fore-wings are almost uniformly ashy-grey, 
with the apex darker; the subapical whitish forms a defined narrow bar, and 
only two ochreous spots are traceable on hind-margin. The hind-marginal 
border of the hind-wings has only the faintest indications of spots. 

Localities of Acrwa Buztoni. 

J. South Africa. 

E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Mapumulo. Mouth of 
Tugela River (J. H. Bowker). 
b. Upper Districts\—Greytown. Pietermaritzburg (Miss Colenso). 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (71. Tower). 
G. “Swaziland.”—I*. Ei. C. Buxton. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorencgo Marques (J. J. Monteiro and J. H. Bowker). 

53. (20.) Acreea Cabira, Hopff. 

Acrea Cabira, Hopff., Monatsber, d. K. Preuss. Acad. d. Wissensch., 
mioss, p. 640,m. 7; and Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins., p. 378, 
ple xxiit. if 14,75 | | (1862). 
Acrea Cynthia, Trim. [part], Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 108, n, 68 (1862). 

Exp. al., (f) 1 in. 74-10 lin. ; (Q) 2 in. 2-5 lin. 

a2 Blackish-brown, with pale yellow-ochreous bands. Fore-wing: a 
narrow subapical oblique band, of somewhat irregular outline, extend- 
ing from first subcostal nervule to third median nervule at some dis- 
tance from hind-margin; a very irregularly-shaped medio-discal broad 
patch or short band, of which the upper part just enters discoidal cell, 
the inner side projects towards base just below median nervure, the 
outer edge is deeply indented on first median nervule, and the lowest 
part (on inner margin) very much narrowed; subcostal and median 
nervures red near base, the former more brightly, but the latter to a 
greater lenoeth. Hind-wing : a broad median transverse band, paler 
and narrowed both on costa and imner margin, its inner edge irregu- 
larly indented by some black spots indistinct on the ground-colour, its 
outer edge slightly indented on nervules and much produced outwardly 
between first subcostal and third median nervules, below which the 
band is abruptly narrowed ; in basal area two parallel transverse rows 
of black spots. UNDER SIDE.— Bands as above, but very much paler, 
and the outer and lower edge of the subapical bar of fore-wing ill- 
defined. Fore-wing: a dull-red suffusion covering basal area, extend- 
ing to end of discoidal cell and to inner edge of disco-median patch, 
and marked in both places with a dark streak; costa narrowly edged 
with pale-yellowish ; apical space beyond oblique bar, and_hind- 
marginal border below it, pale-yellowish crossed by black nervules, 
and by a series of inter-nervular, broad, hastate, fulvous markings, 
narrowly black-edged on each side. Hind-wing: costa at base tinged 


with dull-red, and marked with two small black spots; a third small 
black spot at base, below median nervure; basal ground-colour pale- 
yellowish ; near base a double row of black spots (enclosing an inter- 
rupted dull-red band, widest near costa), composed of four in inner 
row and five in outer row; the latter bound the inner edge of median 
band, while the outer edge is more regularly indented on the nervules 
than on upper side; beyond median band the whole of the broad 
hind-marginal border is marked as in fore-wing, but more vividly, and 
the outer extremities of the hastate fulvous inter-nervular rays are of 
the same pale-yellow as that of median band. 

2 Similar, but rather duller and paler. Fore-wing: subcostal and 
median nervures more broadly red, sometimes conspicuously so; disco- 

median patch more narrowed inferiorly, scarcely passing submedian — 
nervure and not reaching inner margin. Hind-wing: median band 

less prominent externally in upper portion; on hind-margin often a 
row of six or seven usually ill-defined fulvous or fulvous-yellowish 
inter-nervular spots. UNDER SIDE.—As in ¢. | 

Var. A.—Only subapical bar of fore-wing pale yellow ; the disco- 
median patch of fore-wing and the band of hind-wing dull-fulvous ; the 
former of these two latter markings emitting a ray towards base. 

Hab.—Zambesi (Hewitson Collection). 

Larva.—Bluish-green with yellow-ochreous longitudinal lines and 
transverse bands. Head and segments two, three, and four, yellowish- 
brown. Longitudinal lines three, a dorsal and two subdorsal ones, 
From the transverse band on each segment arise the spines, which 
are rigid and of moderate length, black on the second, twelfth, and 
thirteenth segments, yellow-ochreous on the rest. The band is marked 
on each side with a bluish-green subdorsal spot and a black spiracular 

Feeds on a woolly, fleshy-leaved weed like a Lamiwm, common in 

Pupa.—Whitish-green, with the usual pattern of the markings 
slightly marked, the dorsal markings more pronounced than the 

Mr. W. D. Gooch, from whose pencil sketches and notes the above descrip- 
tions are made, states that these larvee are very abundant near Springvale, on 
the Natal Coast, and that there are three broods in the year. They are 
gregarious, and when young fasten leaves together with silk, feeding on the 
under side of the leaves. The pupal state usually lasts during ten days, but 
sometimes only seven days. 

This species, founded by Hopffer on a single ¢ example from Inhambane, 
is allied to Bonasta, Fab.,! and Cynthius, Drury, but more closely to the 

1 T have examined the Fabrician type-specimen in the Banksian Collection in the British 
Museum, and find that Cramer’s Eponina ¢ (Pap. Exot., t. cclxviii. ff. A, B) quite agrees 
with it. The butterfly given by Cramer (J. c. ff. c, D) as Eponina ? (see text of vol. ili. 
p. 138) is evidently a distinct species, being indeed the ? Serena, Fab. In both cases the 
Fabrician names have priority. 

ACRALIN &, 175 

| former. From Bonasia it may be known by all the bands being yellow 
| instead of fulvous, and of different shape; the subapical bar of the fore-wing 
being less curved, the disco-median patch not united to base by a longitudinal 
yay, nor extending with even width to inner margin, and the median band of 
the hind-wing regularly indented outwardly and much widened towards its 
upper portion. On the under side, too, Cabira has only the basal part of 
fore-wing, and not the disco-median patch, fulvous ; while the marginal border 
is much broader, and presents fulvous inter-nervular rays, which in Bonasia 
are black. The Zambesi variety above noted makes a decided approach, how- 
ever, to Bonasia in the points of having two of the bands fulvous, and of one 
of those (in the fore-wing) emitting a fulvous ray towards the base. 

| The Cynthius of Drury is a rather larger insect than Cabira, and its bands 
are narrower, straighter, and more even throughout; while the hind-wing has 
~ arow of fulvous spots midway between the median band and the hind-margin. 
On the under side the marginal borders are broad, but present no fulvous 
rays in either wing; and in the hind-wing the basal black spots are more 

A. Cabira is a very handsome species, and very different in appearance 
from any of its South-African congeners. The well-defined, clear, pale-yellow 
bands on the dark-brown ground of the upper side, and the elaborate vandyked 
border of the under side, render it most easily recognised. 

Though constantly to be met with on the coast of Natal, this Acrwa was 
less numerous than most of its congeners in the summer of 1867; and I only 
found it in the vicinity of D’Urban and Verulam. I have not seen any 
examples from the upper districts of Natal, or from farther in the interior. 
It frequents woods and their outskirts, seldom appearing in open ground, and 
flies slowly, not far above the herbage, often settling on low flowers. It 
appears in the winter as well as in the summer, for I took a specimen at 
D’Urban in June 1865, and Colonel Bowker captured several in August 


ae een 

Localities of Acrwa Cabira. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam. Avoca (J. H. Bowker). 
F. “Zululand (A. Delegorgue).”—Boisduval. 
I. “ Inhambane.”—Hopffer. 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. | 
6. Kastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rey. H. Rowley).—Coll. Hope, Oxon. 


Planema (Section ii. of Acrwa, Fab.), Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 140 
Acrea (part), Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. pp. 92, r10-111 (1862).” 

ImaGo.—Head smaller than in Acrwa ; palpi with the second joint 
very slightly or not at all swollen, and the terminal joint, though very 
short, better developed. 

Hore-wings more or less apically produced, especially in g ; first gub- 
costal n ivule emitted before end of discoidal cell in the Zsebria and Lycoa 


group, but at or beyond end of cell in Huryta and Gea group. Hind- | 

wings with discoidal cell shorter; in Huryta group exceedingly short. 

Abdomen more slender, longer; in Huryta group sometimes longer 
than the hind-wings. 

Larva.—Like that of Acrwa, but with longer spines. 

Pupa.—Like that of Acrwa, but with back of abdomen armed 
with several pairs of pointed tubercles or long filaments; the head and 
back of thorax also tuberculated in some species. 

This genus has a very distinct facies, owing to the blackish or 
dusky-brown ground-colour of the wings, plainly banded with rufous, 
yellowish, or white, and the length of the fore-wings and abdomen, 
The palpi are in nearly all cases black, streaked with white, instead of 
yellow, as in Acrwa; and the long abdomen has in both sexes the 
incisions of the segments superiorly, a row of large spots on each side, 
and the inferior surface generally, ochre-yellow. 

The point of origin of the first subcostal nervure of the fore-wings, 
used by Doubleday to distinguish the two groups represented by Lycoa 
and Gea, is an unstable character in Planema, for while in the Lycoa 
group it seems constantly to be before the end of the discoidal cell (as 
in Acrea), it is just at the end of the cell in the $8 of P. Huryta and 
Aganice, but beyond it in the 2s of those species as well as in both 
sexes of P. Gea. 

Planema is a thoroughly tropical and sylvan genus of Acrwina, 
strongly characteristic of Western Africa, whence about twenty closely- 
allied species have been recorded. The males usually present yellowish 
or rufous bands, and the females broader white ones, but the latter 
occasionally present both white and coloured markings, and in some 
cases the bands are white in both sexes. 

The Planeme are, even more than the Acrew, the objects of the 

closest “mimicry” by Nymphaline of the genera Pseudacrea and | 

Hlymmias, and one, the 2? of P. Gea (Fab.), is also faithfully imitated 
by the 2 of Papilio Cynorta, Fab. The Pseudacreew present some of 
the most thoroughly deceptive mimicries known, their imitation ex- 
tending to both sexes, however different in colouring these may be, 
and following every variation in the models, however slight. 

Only two South-African species are known, P. Hsebria, Hewits., 

belonging to the Lycoa group, and P. Aganice, Hewits., belonging 
to the Huryta group. Both are natives of Natal, but while the former 
extends as far south-westward as King William’s Town, the latter is not 
known to range beyond the Igora River in Kaffraria Proper. They 
frequent wooded places, and fly higher at times than any of the species 
of Acree that I have seen on the wing. 


54, (1.) Planema Esebria, (Hewitson). 

é and ? var. Acrea Hsebria, Hewits., Exot. Butt., 11. pl. 20, ff 11, 12 

Acrea Protea, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 110, n. 70 (1862) ; and pl. 3, 
f. 2[var. ? | (1866). 

2 Acreea Cydonia,! Ward., ‘ Ent. M. Mag., x. p. 59 (1873).” 

Exp. al., (2) 2 in. 1-44 lin.; (Q) 2 in. 44 lin.—3 in. 

fa Blackish-brown ; a broad ochre-red patch occupying all hind-wing 
except a wide hind-marginal border and the greater part of inner- 
marginal portion of fore-wing ; an oblique pale-yellow bar in fore-wing, 
a little beyond extremity of discoidal cell. ore-wing: oblique bar 
rather narrow, divided into five spots, of which the first (near costa) 
is small and sublinear, and the last (below third median nervule) small, 
squarish, out of line with the rest, often indistinct, and sometimes 
obsolete; red patch occupying all inner margin except near base and 
at posterior angle, rising as far as median nervure, and sometimes 
encroaching on discoidal cell; subcostal and median nervures more or 
less clouded with red from base to about middle. Hind-wing: only a 
very small and faint dusky suffusion at base, near which are indistinctly 
visible five or six very small black spots; hind-marginal border emits 
strong fuscous rays piercing red field between the nervules. UNDER 
SIDE—Hind-wing and apical portion, with costal and hind-marginal 
border of fore-wing, dull pale-brownish with a tinge of yellow, crossed 
by thin fuscous wter-nervular rays. LFore-wing: subapical bar paler, 
almost white; inner marginal patch much paler, only faintly reddish ; 
inter-nervular rays extend from hind-margin as far as outer edge of 
subapical bar. ind-wing : at base two small black spots, one above, 
the other below origin of median nervure; near base the following 
small black spots, viz., one above costal nervure, two below it (the 
outer of which is farthest from base of all the spots), two close together 
in cell, two more widely apart below median ‘nervure, two below sub- 
median nervure. two below internal nervure; middle area paler than 
rest of wing and with a slight reddish tinge; inter-nervular rays well 
marked, extending almost to origins of nervules; between first median 
nervule and submedian nervure two rays. 

2 Similar to f; but subapical oblique bar of fore-wing pure white, 
and ved colouring darker, less tinged with ochreous. Fore-wing: sub- 
apical bar broader, more even, its last spot larger, well marked, and 
Incorporate with the bar; occasionally a small elongate white mark 
below extremity of bar, between second and first median nervules; 

1 T refer with doubt to Mr. Ward’s insect (not having seen his specimens or description), 
because in the very fine collection of Mr. Godman, F.R.S., I noted unquestionable examples 
of the rufous form of Esebria named Cydonia, Ward, and understood from that gentleman 
that they had been determined by Mr. Druce, well known as a good lepidopterist. If this 
identification prove accurate, the range of P. Esebria will have to be extended to the Cama- 
toon Mountains, Western Africa, the habitat of Cydonia, Ward. 

WOL. I, M 


subcostal nervure more strongly clouded with red. UNDER sIDE.— 
As in 2; but subapical bar of fore-wing pure white, rather wider than 
on upper side (its edges somewhat suffused), occasionally less distinctly 
prolonged as far as first median nervule. 

In a f captured by Colonel Bowker at Inchanga, Natal, the sub- 
apical bar of the fore-wing is of the same ochre-red as the rest of the 
markings on the upper side. 

The red of the hind-wings is in both sexes variable in extent, 
sometimes extending to hind-margin near anal angle, and in the 
2 occasionally covering all the wing, except some narrow fuscous 
clouding towards apex. 

Vor ae (o and’): 

a Red of both wings replaced by the same pale-yellow as that of 
subapical bar of fore-wing. Fore-wing: inner-marginal patch much 
smaller, only occupying middle portion of inner margin, and rarely 
rising above first median nervule. Hind-wing: basal blackish much 
more developed, sometimes quite broad; hind-marginal border con- 
stantly wider and more even throughout. UNDER sIDE.—Jore-wing: 
inner-marginal patch and subapical bar pale-yellowish.  Hind-wing: 
basal spots larger, rounder; central area occupied by a broad, ill- 
defined, dusky-yellowish band; base tinged with brownish-ochreous. 

2 Like g, but subapical bar of fore-wing (and sometimes all the broad 
markings) pure white. Fore-wing: inner-marginal patch smaller, its 
edges suffused. 

It is the 2 of this variety which is figured by Hewitson (J. ¢, 
fig, 12) as that of the red-marked ¢; but (as described above) there 
is a red-marked 9, which much more closely agrees with his type 
of the ¢, and which is figured as “ Var. B.” in my work above quoted. 

In a few aberrant examples (f and three 9s) of this variety the 
markings are reduced in size, the mner-marginal patch of the fore- 
wing especially being almost obsolete. In the { the markings are 
almost, and in the 9s quite white. In both sexes, on the under side 
of the hind-wing there is a faintly indicated row of four inter-nervular 
fuscous dots just beyond discoidal cell. (These examples are respec- 
tively from King William’s Town, the Coast of Natal, and St. Lucia Bay.) 

Larva.—About 1} inches long. Pale ochreous-brown; each 
segment (except head and segment next to it) bandéd transversely 
and centrally with a black streak edged on both sides with a pale- 
yellow streak. A lateral stripe of the same pale-yellow. Head black. 
Second, twelfth, and thirteenth segments each with two black spines ; 
third and fourth segments each with two pairs of black spines; each 
of the remaining segments with four black spines springing from 
central black streak, and two lateral pale-yellow spines. On a species 
of Flewrya, in February and March. 

PLATE I. fig. 2. 

ACRAEIN 2. 170 

Pupa.—About 2 inch long. Chalky-white, with a faint yellowish 
tinge. A series of very fine linear black markings along dorso-thoracic 
ridge. Antennee and wing-nervures faintly indicated by delicate linear 
_ black markings. Five rows of abdominal black spots, viz., two dorsal, 
two lateral, and one ventral; these markings are sometimes slightly 
_ tinged with orange, and the dorsal ones on the first three segments of the 
abdomen are conspicuously orange, black-edged, tubercular, and pointed. 
At anal extremity three looped black marks. Head very slightly 
bifid. Thorax prominently angulated at bases of wing-covers, and 
with a pair of smaller projections posteriorly. Duration of pupal state 
eight days. 

PLATE I. fig. 2a. 

Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale, from whose drawings and notes the fore- 
going descriptions of the larva and pupa are drawn up, writes that in 
some specimens kept in a dark box all the resulting pupz were pale- 
ochreous, with the black and orange markings much intensified. Of 
seven imagines bred in 1873, Mr. Weale wrote that the first, second, 
and sixth that came out were of the form with all the bands yellow; 
the fourth with yellow bands, except the subapical bar of the fore- 
wings, which was white; the fifth with all the bands white; and the 
third and seventh with brick-red bands and yellow subapical fore- 
wing bar. 

The type-form of P. Hsebria is by its brick-red coloration well 
distinguished from its congeners of similar size and pattern. The 
species is, however, nearly related to P. fava (Dewitz), P. Carmentis, 
Doubl., and P. Lycoa (Godt.), as 1s apparent on comparing with these 
butterflies from Western Africa the yellow-banded and white-banded 
examples of Hsebria. P. flava is wholly yellowish-banded (judging 
from Dewitz’s figure’), but has in fore-wing a very broad subapical 
patch instead of a narrow bar, and a much paler under-side colouring. 
In P. Carmentis all the bands are pure white, as in many ?s of the 
variety of Hsebria, but the great development of the markings of the 
fore-wing (where the broad subapical bar irregularly joins, or almost 
joins, the enlarged inner-marginal patch), and, on the contrary, the 
considerably narrower hind-wing band, render the former very distinct. 
The markings of P. Zycoa are also wholly white, but semi-transparent ; 
and in the fore-wing, instead of an inner-marginal patch, there is an 
oblique discal bar, of an inner large and outer small spot, almost 
parallel to the subapical bar. 

The only near ally in South Africa that has hitherto been found is 
P. Aganice (Hewits.), but this is a much larger insect, and at once to 
be recognised by having only one pale marking in the fore-wing, viz., 

1 Nov. Act. K. Leop.-Car.-Deutsch. Akad. Naturf., xli. 2, pl. xxv. f. 10 (1879). 


a central, rather narrow, irregular, transverse bar, yellow in the ¢ and 
white in the 9. 

T found this variable butterfly numerous in Natal, but did not meet with 
the rufous-coloured specimens, which (from a ¢ of that coloration having 
been figured and described by Hewitson, the founder of the species) must 
be regarded as the typical form. Although Mr. Hewitson’s specimens are 
recorded from Natal, the rufous form seems to be uncommon there, as 
Colonel Bowker has only forwarded one example (and that aberrant), and I 
have noticed but one other in collections formed in that Colony. Further 
southward, however, and as far as King William’s Town, Colonel Bowker 
frequently met with it, and the specimens above mentioned as reared by Mr. 
Mansel Weale were natives of the last-named locality. In the Hewitson 
Collection there is a ? of this form labelled ‘‘ Zambesi;” and in the same 
Collection, and in the Hope Collection at Oxford, I noted wholly white- 
banded @s of the variety A. from the same region. 

This is quite a sylvan species, often flying quite 7m the woods, and some- 
times rather high among trees. JI met with several, however, in gardens at 
Pietermaritzburg, Natal. It kept out, and in fair condition, from the 1st 
February to the 8th April 1867. In very fresh specimens (as Mr. Mansel 
Weale has also noted in one of his letters) there is a submetallic blue gloss 
over the dark portions of the wings, and a slightly iridescent one over such 
markings as are white. 

Localities of Planema Hsebria. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts.—King William’s Town (W. 8S. M. D’ Urban 
and J. H. Bowker). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth (J. H. Bowker). Bashee River 
(J. H. Bowker). 
K. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam. Mouth of Tugela River 
(J. H. Bowker). 
b. Upper Districts. —Pietermaritzburg. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Lieut.-Col. H. Tower). 

II. Other African Regions. | 
A. South Tropical. 

b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley).—In Coll. Hope, 
Oxon. ; also in Coll. Hewitson. 

55. (2.) Planema Aganice, (Hewitson). 

3 Acrea Aganice, Hewits., Exot. Butt., i. pl. 29, f. 6 (1852). 
@ Acrea Aganice, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 109, n. 69 (1862); and 
Trans. Linn, Soc. Lond., xxvi. p. 516, pl. 42, f. 2 [ ¢ ] (1869). 

Bap. al., (2) 2 im. 7-11 lin.; (Y)°3 im, 3-7 lin. 
a Brownish-black ; a transverse pale-yellow bar about middle of each 
wing. Fore-wing: bar rather beyond middle, commencing with two 

ACR ANA: 181 

small thin marks next to costa, just beyond extremity of discoidal cell, 
and consisting of five spots of different sizes and shapes, the largest 
and lowest of which is between second and first median nervules; on 
its inner edge this bar is deeply excavated between third and second 
median nervules; below the end of the bar, but above submedian 
nervure, a separate small pale-yellow spot, usually rather indistinct, 
| but sometimes well defined. Hind-wing: central band of moderate 
| width, narrower towards costa; its inner edge only slightly curved 
| and bounded by a row of small black spots (representing the more 
conspicuous spots of the under side), its outer edge about parallel to 
hind-margin, slightly suffused, and denticulated by the beginning of 
| black clouding on the nervules as well as by the tips of black inter- 
nervular rays; near the base the ground-colour is rather paler, and six 
or seven black spots (besides the row next yellow bar) are more or 
less visible. UNDER SIDE.—Similar, but owter area of both wings dull 
yellowish-brown, with the clouded nervules and inter-nervular rays 
| distinct ; transverse bars paler. ore-wing: bar wider, suffused, less 
macular, ofter including or meeting the spot which on upper side is 
separate. Hind-wing: bar narrower, especially towards costa; basal 
portion warm ochreous-brown, marked with the following well-defined 
rather small black spots, viz., one close to base, above costal nervure, 
two farther out below costal nervure, two in discoidal cell, one below 
median nervure, one (minute) between submedian and internal ner- 
vures, one below internal nervure, and a row of eight just on the 
edge of the yellow bar, between first subcostal nervule and inner 

2 Duller and paler in grownd-colour ; transverse bars white, broader. 
Fore-wing : bar more even, continuous from costa; separate spot always 
well marked. Hind-wing: bar much less narrowed towards costa. 
UNDER sipE.—Hind-wing : bar markedly narrower than on upper side 
throughout; basal brown paler and duller than in ¢. 

Larva.—Pale whitish-green; the spines not rigid, very long, 
yellowish, set) with inconspicuous black bristles. Head yellowish- 
brown, shining, the base slightly tridentate; mandibles black. Legs 
of the same colour as the body, longer than usual. Along middle of 
back, on segments four to eleven, a row of indigo-blue dots arranged 
in pairs between each subdorsal pair of spines; only one such spot 
on segments three and twelve. On each side, between subdorsal and 
lateral rows of spines, a row of larger indigo-blue spots, one on each 
Segment from the second to the eleventh; spiracles ringed with the 
same colour ; also an indigo-blue sub-spiracular festooned streak. 

Pupa.—Whitish-green. On back of abdomen four pairs of long 
divergent red spines, set rather widely apart; on each side between 
each spine and its successor two indigo-blue dots; on back of thorax 
three pairs of short tubercular processes, each marked with an indigo- 
blue dot; head with a pair of similar, longer, curved processes. 


PAE elena 3. 

I describe this curious larva and very remarkable pupa from the sketches 
and notes of Mr. W. D. Gooch, who reared the butterfly in Natal. He 
observes that one of the caterpillars, in the absence of a proper supply of its 
food-plant, devoured a chrysalis of its own species. 

This Planema is nearly related to the West-African P. Huryta (Linn), 
especially as regards the 9. The ¢ Ayganice is, however, a smaller and very 
differently coloured insect: Huryta g (in all its variations) being dull- 
brown, with the fore-wing band dull-red, while the hind-wing has no distinet 
band, but only a general dull-red suffusion from the base. The 9 Aganice 
chiefly differs from the 9 Huryta in its much narrower white bar in the 
fore-wing. In both sexes the basal spots of the hind-wing are smaller in 
Aganice, and differently arranged as regards the outer. row of them, which igs 
straight across, instead of being strongly curved as in Huryta. 

This is a thoroughly sylvan butterfly, keeping closely to woods and their 
immediate outskirts. It is a higher flyer than most Acreine, and delights 
to sail across clearings after the manner of Amauris Echeria, settling quite 
in the same way, with the wings closed and hanging down, at the end of 
some overhanging branchlet or twig. J met with it only in the neighbour- 
hood of D’ Urban, once in July 1865, and frequently in February and April 
1867. Itis there accompanied by two rare mimicking species, Pseudacreea 
Tarquinia, Trim., which closely resembles the ¢, and P. imitator, Trim., 
which even more accurately copies both sexes. At the end of 1879 and begin- 
ning of 1880, Colonel Bowker met with the paired sexes on two occasions, 
and sent me the specimens. Unlike its congeners, P. Aganice seems to be 
very constant in both sexes, alike in pattern and coloration. The ¢ when 
worn has the bands whitish instead of pale-yellow. 

Localities of Planema Aganice. 

I. South Africa. 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Igora River Mouth (J. H, Bowker). 

E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Umgeni Railway Station (J. Z. 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—“ Angola (Pogge)” [? sp. ead. |—Dewitz. 

Genus PARDOPSIS, 1.4. 

Acrea, Fab. (part), Boisduval, Faune Ent. de Madag., &c. (1833); 
Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 105 (1862). 

ImaGo.—Head rather wide; palpi slightly swollen, very hairy 
(especially beneath), the terminal joint not so small as in Acrwa, and 
set with hairs; antenne long, more than half the length of the fore- 
wings, with an abrupt, broad, flattened, spoon-shaped club. 

Thorax very short and narrow. Jore-wings shaped much as in 
typical Acrewa, but rather more prominent apically; costal nervure 
short, terminating on costa beyond middle; first subcostal nervule 

ACRAIN &. 183 

given off before extremity of discoidal cell, second considerably beyond 
it; wpper disco-cellular nervule remarkably long, and so directed longitu- 
dinally as to look like a prolongation of subcostal nervure ; middle disco- 
cellular extremely short, the two radial nervules originating close to each 
other ; lower disco-cellular rather long, only slightly oblique, joming 
first median nervule at a rather acute angle some way from its origin ; 
discoidal cell thus elongated but very narrow. Hind-wings shaped as 
in typical Acrwa ; second subcostal nervule angulated at junction with 

_ upper disco-cellular ; radial nervule much curved near its origin. Legs 

as in Acrea. 

Abdomen longer than hind-wings, remarkably slender, in 2? without 
any corneous appendage. 

The characters particularised above, and especially the very singular 
arrangement of the disco-cellular and radial neuration of the fore-wings, 
seem to warrant the generic separation of Acrwa punctatissima, Boisd. 
The very large number of black spots on the wings gives this butterfly 
a peculiar aspect, and it differs from Acrwa and Planema in having 
both thorax and abdomen unspotted, the latter being ochre-yellow on 
the sides and beneath. Its structure is so slender, and its flight so 
weak, as to remind one of Pontia Alcesta among the Pierine. Origin- 
ally discovered in Madagascar, it has since been found to have an 
extensive range in Hastern and South-Eastern Africa. 

56. (1.) Pardopsis punctatissima, (Boisduval). 

Acrea punctatissima, Boisd., Faune Ent. Madag, &c., p. 31, n. 5, pl. 6, 

fee (os 3), 
Var. Acrea Stictica, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg. dans lAfr, Aust., 

pP- 590, n. 51 (1847). 

Acreea Punctatissima, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 105, n. 66 (1862). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 6 lin.—t1 in. 8 lin. 

Pale yellow-ochreous, semi-transparent ; thickly spotted with black. 
Fore-wing : base slightly blackish between the nervures ; costa narrowly 
edged with blackish; apex rather broadly clouded with the same; 
which is continued along hind-margin in a narrow border, forming 
rounded spot-like projections between nervules, indenting the ground- 
colour; three small spots on costa before the middle, and one just 
beyond the middle; four spots in discoidal cell, viz., two small rounded 
ones near base, only divided from the first two on costa by subcostal 
nervure; a large kidney-shaped one, as long as cell is wide, just above 
insertion of first median nervule; and a rounded spot, not so large as 
the last, at extremity of cell; a good-sized spot below median nervure, 
before insertion of first median nervule; a sinuous, irregular, transverse 
row of seven spots commencing beyond extremity of cell on second 
subcostal, and extending to inner margin about middle,—the last spot 
being small, but with a prolongation towards base; parallel and near 


to hind-margin a row of six round spots between nervules, the upper 
two generally merged in apical blackish, but quite perceptible; inner 
margin very thinly edged with blackish. AHind-wing: arrangement of 
spots very similar to that of fore-wing; two rounded spots above sub- 
costal nervure before middle; three in discoidal cell, the outer one at 
extremity; between cell and inner margin about six spots; a trans- 
verse sinuous row of eight spots beyond middle, continuous of that 
in fore-wing, from costa to inner margin; parallel and near to hind- 

marein a row of six rounded spots between nervules, also continuous - 

of that in fore-wing; a blackish hind-marginal border, broader than 
that of fore-wing, and forming rounded projections on ground-colour 
between nervules. UNDER sIDE.—Paler, with a slightly glistening sur- 
face; position and number of spots precisely as above.  Fore-wing: 
no basal blackish ; apical blackish limited to a faint and narrow border ; 
hind-marginal border also wanting, but its projections represented by 
separate spots between nervules. Hind-wing: spots on hind-margin 
as in fore-wing. 

Except in being larger, and having the spots and other dark 
markings more strongly developed, the 2 does not differ from the ¢. 

The South-African variety is rather larger, darker in ground- 
colour, and with considerably larger spots; it also almost always 
presents an additional (seventh) spot in the irregular discal row of 
fore-wing on the inner-marginal edge. When I was only acquainted 
with the type-form in the shape of Boisduval’s figure of a small and 
faintly-marked example, I was disposed to regard the variety Stzctica 
as distinct; but, since comparing the latter with specimens from 
Madagascar, I consider that it cannot be separated as a species, every 
spot (with the exception noted) corresponding in the two forms. In 
the British Museum I examined two unusually small examples, taken 
by the late Mr. E. C. Buxton beween Natal and Delagoa Bay, which 
nearly approach the type-form, especially in the smallness and separate- 
ness of the hind-marginal spots. These examples expand only I in. 
3 lin.; and two others (with the spots comparatively larger) sent from 
D’Urban by Colonel Bowker in 1879 and 1881 expand respectively 
I im, 3 lin and © 1n,.4 lim. 

A similar individual was sent to me by Mrs. Monteiro from 
Delagoa Bay in 1884; but in it the spots are all very small, and that 
below median nervure of fore-wing is wanting; the abdomen, too, is 
more evenly ochre-yellow, as in the Malagasy type. 

A specimen from Zanzibar in the British Museum, also below the 
usual size, has the fore-wing spots rather small, but the apical fuscous 
very well developed, while the hind-wing spots are tolerably large. 

This butterfly was not uncommon in the neighbourhood of D’Urban, Port 
Natal, from the beginning of February to the beginning of April 1867, but 
it was nowhere numerous. Its flight is very low and weak, and it is scarcely 
ever to be seen away from wooded spots. JI met with a few examples in the 


other localities mentioned below, but none of these, except the Intzutze River, 
was at any distance from the coast. Colonel Bowker did not find this butter- 
fly in Kaffraria Proper, nor have I seen any specimens from that region ; but 
a single individual was in 1870 taken by Miss Agnes Bowker on the Buffalo 
River, near King William’s Town, and there is thus some reason for supposing 
that ‘the species does inhabit the country between the Cape Colony and 

Localities of Pardopsis punctatissima. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Kastern Districts.—King William’s Town (Miss Agnes Bowker), 
K. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam. Mapumulo. 
b. Upper Districts.—Intzutze River, Great Noodsberg. 
F. “ Zululand (A. Delegorgue).”—Boisduval. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
b. Kastern Coast.—Zanzibar (Coll. Brit. Mus.) 
bb, Madagascar. 

SuB-FfamMity 4.—NYMPHALIN AQ, 

Nymphalides, Morphides, and Biblides, Boisd., Sp. Gen. Lep., 1. pp. 165-167 

cq ie Morphidx (part), and Eurytelide, Doubl. and 
Westw., Gen. D. Lep., i. pp. 81, 143; and 11. pp. 332, 403 (1852). 

Nymphalide and Eurytelidx, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 112; and ii. 
p. 210 (1862-66). 

Nymphaline, Bates, Journ. Ent., 1861, p. 220; 1864, p. 176. 

Imaco.—Head of moderate size or rather broad, more or less 
hairy ; eyes rather large, seldom hairy; palpi always well developed, 
projecting considerably in front of head, clothed with scales, and 
beneath more or less compactly with hairs; antennw usually long and 
stout, their club sometimes broad, abruptly formed, and flattened,— 
sometimes gradually formed and more or less cylindrical. 

Thorax always robust, in some genera very long and thick, more 
or less pilose. Wings large and of thick consistency, the nervures 
strong and rigid. ore-wings: variable in outline, commonly more or 
less pointed or produced apically, often angulated ; almost always with 
the hind-margin more or less sinuate or dentate; costa well or strongly 
arched; inner margin usually more or less emarginate about middle ; 
discoidal cell usually short, more often closed than open, but the closing 
lower disco-cellular nervule commonly very attenuated ; nervures rarely 
swollen basally ; subcostal nervure emitting one or two branches before 
extremity of discoidal cell, the fifth branch always with an obliquely 


downward direction, so as to reach hind-margin at some little distance 
below the fourth branch. Hind-wings: broad and rounded, often 
angulated at extremity of third median nervule, or produced at anal 
angle; costa always markedly convex next base, and often much arched 
throughout ; hind-margin more dentated than in fore-wings, often 
scalloped, sometimes bearing more or less pronounced processes or 
“tails” on third and first median nervules; inner margins strongly 
convex from base to beyond middle, and meeting to form a deep groove 
usually completely covering under side of abdomen; discoidal cell 
short, often quite open, but more commonly imperfectly closed by a 
very thin or interrupted lower disco-cellular nervule; costal nervure 
long, extending to apex; internal nervure strongly developed, usually 
extending to beyond middle, and sometimes to a point not far from 
anal angle. ore-legs of ¢ very slender, short, more or less hairy, 
especially tibia and tarsus, which are often very densely fringed; 
tarsus one-jointed, rather thickened at tip; those of the @ rather 
larger, less hairy or even smooth, with the tarsus indistinctly articu- 
lated and shortly spinose beneath: fiddle and hind legs rather long 
and stout; tibie and tarsi almost always more or less spinose; the 
latter particularly so on the under side. 

Abdomen short (never more than three-fourths the length of inner 
margin of hind-wings, usually about half, and often still less), deep at 
base, compressed laterally, and acuminated posteriorly. ; 

LarvA.—Spiny generally, with segmental incisions constricted ; 
or slightly rugose, with horns or spines on head only, and with the 
middle part thicker than the rest of the body. 

Pupsa.—Short and stout, abdominal portion generally much curved ; 
commonly with head and thorax more or less angulated, and back of 
abdomen tuberculated. 

The butterflies of this Sub-Family are well distinguished from other 
Nymphalide by their robust structure generally, only Morpho and some 
allied genera (treated as a distinct Sub-Family by some authors) ex- 
hibiting in their feeble organisation, as well as in the more reduced 
fore-legs, and in the characters of the larve, an approximation to the 
Satyrine. The prominent scaly palpi, long and strong antenne, 
broad wings, and stout spiny middle and hind legs, are striking and 
characteristic features of the Vymphaline, no less than the deep groove 
or channel formed by the dilated inner margins of the hind-wings, 
and the usually open or imperfectly-closed discoidal cells of both 
wings. ‘The first pair of legs, though much reduced, is not nearly so 
atrophied as in the Danainw or Satyrine (especially in the ¢), being 
always easily observable and better developed than in the Acrwine. 
The wings are densely scaled in almost all the genera, and no instance 
of a transparent-winged species is known. 

It is to the Mymphalinew, numbering nearly two thousand species, 
or almost as many as all the rest of the Nymphalide put together, 


that the swiftest and most active, and very many of the largest and 
most splendidly-coloured, butterflies belong. Such conspicuous and 
familiar forms as the Fritillaries, Vanessw, and Apaturw of Europe 
are replaced or accompanied in the warmer parts of the world by very 
numerous allies of far greater size, brilliancy, and speed. Every 
variety of outline, pattern, and coloration is to be found in this group, 
which may be said to culminate in the magnificent genera Morpho of 
South America and Thawmantis of the Oriental Region,—butterflies 
whose beauty and great size are unequalled except in the groups 
Brassoline and Papilionine. These giants among butterflies are 
not, however, remarkable for swift flight, the palm for speed being 
assignable to the more powerfully-built allies of Apatwra, such 
as the Old-World genus Charaxes and the American Prepona and 

Though exceedingly active and alert, nearly all the Nymphaline 
have the habit of keeping about some spot of limited extent, even the 
swiftest of them, after darting away at a speed which the eye can 
hardly follow, returning again and again to the same place, and often 
to the very same favourite flower or twig. 

Of the twenty genera known to occur in South Africa, none is 
endemic, but nine are limited in range to the Ethiopian Region, 
viz., Lachnoptera, Crems, Huralia, Pseudacrea, Huryphene, Huphedra, 
Hamanunuda, Harma, and Codartia. All the remaining genera 
extend through the Ethiopian Region, and have a more or less 
extensive range beyond it, viz. Hurema in Central and South 
America; Precis, Salamis, Eurytela, and Hypanis over much of the 
Oriental Region; while Neptis and Charaxes add to that range 
Southern Europe and Australia; and Atel/a, Australia and some of the 
groups of the Pacific Islands; Junonia and Diadema extending over 
yet wider regions, omitting Europe, but including a great part of 
America; and Pyrameis being truly cosmopolitan. 

The genus best represented in South Africa is Charawes (fifteen 
species), and next to it Precis (twelve species). Crenis and Pseudacrea 
have each four representatives; Junonia, Neptis, and Huralia, three ; 
Atella, Eurema, Salamis, and Hurytela, two; and the remaining nine 
genera one species only. 

The Mymphaline afford some of the most striking cases of mimicry 
yet discovered among butterflies. The genera Limenitis, Hestina, and 
Diadema include several very exact copies of sundry species of Danats 
and Huplea; but Huralia and Pseudacrwa seem really to depend for 
their existence upon accurately mimicking the species of Amauris and 
certain Acrwinw. Some of these cases have been already mentioned 
above, and will again be referred to under the Nymphaline genera in 


Aitella, KE. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., 1. p. 165 (1848). 

Imaco.—Head very broad, wider than thorax, tufted with hair 
superiorly ; eyes smooth, very prominent; palpi wide apart, projecting 
considerably in front of head,—the second joint long and swollen, 
thicker anteriorly, grooved centrally and longitudinally beneath, closely 
hairy above but scantily so beneath,—terminal joint very small and 
slender, acutely pointed, clothed with scales; antennw of moderate 

length, with rather a gradually-formed, flattened, not broad, spoon- 

shaped club. 

Thorax moderately robust, rather short, hairy (especially on breast), 
Fore-wings prominent apically; costa well arched; hind-margin rather 
hollowed in middle; inner margin slightly hollowed beyond middle ; 
costal nervure short, ending about middle; first subcostal nervule 
given off at or just before extremity of discoidal cell, second at a little 
or considerable distance beyond it; discoidal cell short, closed by 
attenuated lower disco-cellular nervule joining median nervure about 
origin of its second nervule; upper disco-cellular nervule extremely 
short, straight,—middle one of moderate length, much curved inwardly. 
Hind-wings very slightly or more distinctly prominent in the lower 
anal-angular portion ; costa slightly arched ; hind-margin moderately 
dentated,—the dentation at end of third median nervule more pro- 
nounced than the others, and sometimes prolonged into a short tail; 
inner-margins almost touching as far as end of internal nervure— 
forming a very wide, shallow, imperfect groove—but thence divergent ; 
costal nervure extending to apex; first subcostal nervule arising not 
far from base, and very oblique upper disco-cellular nervule only a 
little distance farther; lower disco-cellular short, very thin, almost 
atrophied, slightly curved; discoidal cell short, narrow; internal ner- 
vure extending to considerably beyond middle. Fore-legs of ¢ very 
slender; tibia and femur of about equal length, the former and tarsus 
densely fringed with hair: of ? longer and thicker, not or very slightly 
hairy ; tarsus indistinctly articulated, and slightly spined beneath. 
Middle and hind legs moderately stout, scaly; femora smooth; tibize 
and tarsi very spinose beneath, less so above; tibial spurs long, very 

Abdomen short, slender, slightly arched. 

Larva.—Armed with rather long spines set with bristly hairs ; 
head without spines or horns. 

Pupa.—Moderately stout, not much curved abdominally, and rather 
rounded anteriorly; dorsal region with six or seven pairs of pointed 
tubercles or short thin spines. 

The differences which distinguish this genus from Argynnis—the 


well-known group so largely developed in the Palearctic and Nearctic 
Regions—are very slight. They consist in (1) the palpi having the 
second joint less swollen and with much denser, longer hair beneath, 
and the terminal joint much smaller; (2) the antenne possessing a 
broader, more abruptly-formed club; (3) the fore-wings having the 
costal nervure shorter,—the first subcostal nervule arising at or just 
before (instead of considerably before) the end of the discoidal cell,— 
and the second at some distance beyond (instead of just before or at) 
the end of the cell, while the lower disco-cellular nervule joins the 
third median nervule at some distance from (instead of at) its origin ; 
and (4) the hind-wings present a more or less decided projection 
(wanting in Argynnis) at the extremity of the third median nervule. 

Atella is essentially a Tropical Old-World group, its ten or twelve 
known species ranging from the West Coast of Africa (4. Columbina, 
Cram.) to Tahiti (A. Gaberti, Guér.) The most widely distributed 
species is A. Phalanta (Drury), which inhabits a large part of Africa, 
all the Oriental Region, and even enters the Australian Region as far 
as Timor. The Oriental Region is the home of the genus, four species 
inhabiting it, including the section, of which A. Hyista (Cram.) is the 
type, in which the hind-wings not only have a distinct ‘ tail” on the 
hind-margin, but are prolonged in the anal-angular area. 

Two species inhabit South Africa, A. Phalantha and A. Columbina, 
and are the only members of the genus known to extend beyond the 
Tropics. They are very closely allied; but while the former is spread 
pretty generally over the country except to the westward, the latter has 
only been found hitherto on the Natal coast. Phalantha is a very 
active insect, of considerable powers of flight, and though frequent in 
wooded places, is very often to be met with in gardens and open ground. 

57. (1.) Atella Phalantha, (Drury). 

apie Phalantha, Dru., Ill. Nat. Hist., i. pl. 21, ff 1, 2 (1770). °' 
Papilio Columbina, 2, Cram., Pap. Exot., iv. t. 337, ff. p, = (1782). 
Papilio Phalanta, Fab., Ent. Syst., ii, 1, p. 149, n. 455 (1793). 
Argynnis Phalanta, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 259, n. ro (1819). 
Boisd., Faune Ent. de Mad., p. 41 (1833); and App. 
Voy. de Deleg., p. 592 (1847). 
Atella Phalanta, Trimen [part], Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 115 (1862); and 
ii. p. 334 (1866); also in Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 
1870, Pp. 352. 
55 $5 Moore, Lep. Ceylon, p. 62, pl. 31, f. 1 (1881). 

9) 99 


(Javanese) Horsf. and Moore, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. Mus.,i. pl. 5, ff. 7,7a (1857). 
(Cingalese) Moore, Lep. Ceylon, p. 62, pl. 31, ff. ra, tb (1881). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 14—64 in. 
Warm yellow-ochreous, spotted with black ; hind-margins with three 
lunulate and festooned black streaks. Fore-wing : two thin, waved, trans- 


verse black streaks in discoidal cell, that nearer base very short, the other 
considerably longer, but not reaching median nervure; at extremity 
of cell, two transverse similar streaks, one outwardly, the other inwardly 
bordering the disco-cellular nervules; on costa, a little beyond cell, 
commences a row of seven spots, very sharply elbowed on lower radial, 
of which the first three are contiguous, and form a short irregular bar ; 
the fourth is rather farther from base, and hes between lower radial 
and third median nervules; while the fifth, sixth, and seventh, widely 
separated, follow a line below median nervure in the direction of the 
inner margin near base; the seventh spot is often small and indistinct, 
and sometimes obsolete; beyond middle, a rather suffused macular 
black streak from costa to lower radial, occasionally extended to third 
or second median nervule by one or two small, separate, ill-defined 
spots; parallel to hind-margin a row of five spots between upper radial 
and sub-median nervure, all of which are small and rounded, except 
the fifth, which is large and sub-quadrate, and nearer hind-margin 
than the others; from costa to sub-median nervure, a strongly-marked 
sub-marginal festooned line, connected at extremities of nervules with 
a row of contiguous sub-triangular markings on hind-marginal edge ; 
a distinct thin black line from costa traverses the points of junction of 
the festooned streak and the markings of hind-marginal edge. Hind- 
wing: on costa, a little beyond middle, a linear black mark, rarely con- 
tinued by another similar mark towards extremity of discoidal cell; 
beyond middle, a row of four spots, rather larger than the correspond- 
ing spots in fore-wing, between upper radial and first median nervules ; 
festooned and other hind-marginal markings, much as in fore-wing, 
but the festooned line not so regularly connected with the markings of 
hind-marginal edge, and the thin traversing middle streak not straight, 
but lunulated. UNDER sipE.—Zuch paler, rather glossy, varied with 
violaceous clouding ; black markings mostly replaced by indistinct brownish 
or grey ones.  Fore-wing: violaceous clouding in discoidal cell and 
over central portion of hind-marginal area; cellular streaks much 
thinner than on upper side, but well’ defined; elbowed transverse 
macular row indistinct, except the two last spots (which are them- 
selves sometimes reddish-brown instead of black); costal macular streak 
beyond middle reddish-brown, the spots continuous of it forming a 
row extending to beneath first median nervule, and all reddish-brown 
except the lowest, which is usually black; spots of outermost trans- 
verse row obsolete, except the fourth and fifth, of which the latter is 
larger than on upper side, and very conspicuous; hind-marginal mark- 
ings all brownish, and indistinctly marked. Mind-wing: an irregular, 
interrupted, reddish-brown, thin streak from costa before to inner 
margin beyond middle; in discoidal cell, a short, transverse streak of 
the same colour; a more continuous, less irregular streak than the 
interrupted one, crossing middle a little beyond the latter, from costal 
nervure to inner margin; space between it and festooned streak (which, 


with other hind-marginal markings, are thinly expressed in greyish or 
reddish-brown) dull-violaceous, more or less varied with the pale ground- 
colour, and containing four ill-defined small ocelli, black-centred, with 
rufous-brown and pale yellow-ochreous rings, answering to the black 
spots of the upper side. 

A singular aberration of the g, taken by Colonel Bowker near 
D’Urban, Natal, in the year 1880, has all the markings of the fore- 
wings, and a few of those of the hind-wings, dull-grey and partly 
transparent, instead of black and opaque. ‘This is an unusually large 
f, expanding 2 in. 5 lin. A very small, normally marked ¢%, taken in 
the same locality by Colonel Bowker in August 1881, expands only 
I in. Q lin., and has the violaceous clouding very strongly developed. 

Larva.—Green ; a white stripe along each side above the legs; 
four spines of moderate length, set with hairs, on each segment from 
second to twelfth; only two spines on last segment; head brownish- 
red. (Javanese: described from the figure in Horsfield and Moore’s 
Sot, Leo. H. I. C. Mus., 1857, pl. v. f 7.) 

Dark-brown; the spines black. ‘Traces of the whitish lateral stripe 
on the five hinder segments. (Cingalese: described from the figure in 
Moore’s Lepidoptera of Ceylon, 1881, pl. 31, f. 14.) 

Pupra.—Green, darker on the back, inclined to yellowish beneath. 
Margin of wing-covers laterally edged with blackish. A dorsal series 
of small pointed tubercular processes, apparently shining-blackish, 
arranged in pairs from head to penultimate segment, (Javanese : 
described from op. cit. sup. f. 7a). 

Yellowish-green ;; margin of wing-covers white, edged on both 
sides with crimson; tubercular pointed processes white, ringed with 
crimson at base. (Cingalese: described from op. cit. sup. 1881, f. 1a.) 

Pale-green. Hyes, a spot on back of head, imner and hind margins 
of wing-covers, and dorso-abdominal pointed tubercular spots, silvery- 
white edged with dark-red. (Natalian : described from a figure drawn 
by Captain H. C. Harford.) 

‘The Javanese larva is described by Dr. Horsfield (op. cit. p. 152) 
as feeding on a species of Zxora, and that of Ceylon by Mr. Moore as 
eating Flacourtia, Salix, &c. As I have elsewhere noted (7rans. Hnt. 
Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 352), Colonel Bowker found the larvae very 
numerous in Basutoland on the native willow (Salix Gartepensis ?); but 
he did not make any description of them. 

A, Phalantha varies considerably in size and tint (some of the female speci- 
mens presenting a greenish tinge), and also in the size of the black spots. In 
Mauritius (where I met with the species numerously) and in Madagascar the 
examples known agree closely with South-African ones, except that in the 
former island they are usually smaller and with the discal black spots of the hind- 
wings rather larger. Three from the Comoro Islands (Johanna), in the British 
Museum, are also of small size, one of them having the ocelli on the under 
side of the hind-wings rather strongly black-centred. In the Asiatic Region, 
however, though the Cingalese examples are of small size (exp. al., 2 in, 13- 


3 lin.), the butterfly appears constantly to present on the upper side of the 
fore-wings the middle discal row of black spots, which in South-African indi- 
viduals is only completely shown on the under side ; and in the same way they 
possess on the upper side of the hind-wings two lines of disconnected short 
thin black lines before the discal row of spots corresponding in position to the 
streaks present on the under side. The largest examples are those from China, 
the type-specimen figured by Drury expanding about three inches. 

A. Phalantha has quite the habits of the larger European species of d7r- 
gynnis , but its flight is more rapid and irregular, and it usually rests on a 
flower for a very short time before hurrying on again. It is conspicuous on the 
wing, looking almost golden in the sunshine. In August 1865 I took an ex- 
ample near D’Urban, Natal, and in 1867, from February to April, often met 
with the species in that Colony, most commonly near Pietermaritzburg. Colonel 
Bowker has forwarded to me two pairs of Phalantha captured in copula, one at 
D’ Urban in April 1881, the other at Isipingo in November 1882; the sexes 
present no noticeable difference in either case. 

Localities of Atella Phalantha. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b, Eastern Districts—Kleinemond River, Bathurst (7. J. Ather- 
C. eid West.—Vaal River (IZ. £. Barber). 
d. Basutoland—Maseru (J. H. Bowker). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam. Isipingo (J. H. Bowker). 
b. Upper Districts. —Pietermaritzburg. Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (HZ. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay (J. J. Monteiro). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). Marico River (Ff. C. Selous). 

IJ, Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast. ‘Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—H. Druce. Do. 
(Dr. Pogge, “10° 8. lat.”)—H. Dewitz. 
b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley). ‘ Querimba.”— 
bb. Comoro Islands: Johanna (Bewsher) Madagascar (Cfrevé). 
“ Bourbon.”—Boisduval. Mauritius. 
B. North Tropical. 
b. Eastern Coast.—‘* Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinorz).”—Oberthiir. 

IV. Asia. 

A. Southern Region.—India (North India, Nepaul, Bengal: Brit. Mus. ; 
“ Kurrachee:” C. Swinhoe). Ceylon (#. L. Layard and 4. 
Trimen). Malacca, Penang: Brit. Mus. China (Shanghai: 
Brit. Mus.) 

B. Malayan Archipelago.—Java: Brit. Mus. 

V. Australia.—Austro-Malayan Archipelago.—“Celebes (Macassar), Timor.” 
— Wallace. 



58. (2.) Atella Columbina, (Cramer). 
Papilio Columbina, Cram., Pap. Exot., iil. pl. 238, ff. a, B (mec iv. pl. 3375 
iD, Ee — Phalanta, Dru.) (1782). 
Papilio Columbina, Fab., Ent. Syst., ii. 1, p. 148, n. 453 (1793). 
Atella Eurytis, Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., p. 167, pl. 22, f. 3 (1848). 
Atella Phalanta, var., Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 115 (1862). 

Hap. al., 2 in. 2—6 lin. 

fg Warm yellow-ochreous wnelining to fulvous, spotted with black ; 
hind-margins with three strongly-marked lunulated and festooned black 
streaks. Fore-wing: markings as in A, Phalantha, Drury, except in 
the following particulars, viz., transverse streaks in and at extremity of 
discoidal cell finer, better defined, less irregular,—those at extremity 
farther apart; spots of elbowed transverse row below median nervure 
thinner, more elongate,—in some specimens (Hurytis, Doubl.) partly 
or all but the uppermost one obsolete; spots of discal row larger; 
submarginal inner festooned streak more sharply angulated between 
nervules; contiguous subtriangular markings on hind-marginal edge 
completely confluent; the streak between them and festooned streak 
more strongly marked and distinctly lunulated. Hind-wing: differing 
as follows from that of A. Phalantha, markings before middle 
(except very faintly in one example); spots of discal row larger,—in 
some examples much larger and suffused; festooned streak and follow- 
ing hind-marginal streaks presenting the same differences as shown in 
fore-wing. UNDER siDE.—AIl the markings better defined than in 
Phalantha ; all the spots of discal row in both wings more or less con- 
spicuously black,—in some examples much enlarged. Sore-wing: besides 
the very large fifth spot of discal row, the fourth is considerably enlarged 
and conspicuous. ind-wing: transverse streaks before and about 
middle more regular and continuous,—the space between them paler 
than basal area; outer streak immediately followed by a rather wider 
interrupted glistening-whitish one, tinged with violaceous ; spots of discal 
row distinctly ocellate, with broad rings of fulvous,—a fifth ocellus (not 
quite complete) between first median nervule and submedian nervure. 

2 Paler, duller ; the black markings more or less suffused (especially 
the cellular streaks of the fore-wing and the costal markings beyond 
them). ore-wing: a brownish-grey cloud over basal region. Hind- 
wing: fulvous rings of spots of discal row distinctly perceptible. 
UNDER sipE.—Paler; the violaceous clouding more or less inclining to 

This very near ally of A. Phalantha (Drury) is to be distinguished 
from it by the characters pointed out in the above comparative descrip- 
tion, of which the most striking and apparent are—(1) the great, or 
very great, development of the black spots of the discal row; (2) the 
deeper colour of the male; (3) the dull and pale colour of the female ; 
and (4) the broken whitish streak on the under side of the hind-wing 
outwardly edging the median transverse fulvous streak. The entirely 

VOL. I. N 


unmarked upper-side basal field of the hind-wing, and the frequent 
failure of the lower spots of the elbowed row of the fore-wing, are 
also characters not presented by Phalantha. <A strict examination 
of Cramer’s figures A and B on his Plate cexxxviii. will show the 
lepidopterist that they represent the form now under notice; while 
those marked D and E on his Plate cccexxxvii. thoroughly agree with 
the Phalantha of Drury. 

A. Columbina (as here restricted) is a purely African species, 
attaining its greatest size and distinctness on the North-Tropical West 
Coast. I have examined the specimen marked “ Murytis D.” in the 
British Museum, which is ticketed ‘“‘ West Africa,” and appears to 
have been the type figured in the Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, and 
found that it agreed with Natalian examples, except in the diminution 
of the cellular and discal markings, and in the absence of all but the 
uppermost of the spots of the lower part of the elbowed row in the 

? Larva.—Greenish-black, varied yellowish-green and light-green 
subdorsally ; a yellowish-white line above legs, slightly angulated 
upward on each segment. ‘Top of head and of second segment yel- 
lowish-green ; face with black markings on each side. Spines long, 
shining, set with alternating hairs; the second, third, and last segments 
having 4 (2 subdorsal and 2 lateral), and the remaining segments 6 
(the additional 2 being infra-spiracular) spines each. Length about 
11 lin. : 

? Pupa.—Bright-green, with crimson streaks and spines and_ bur- 
nished golden spots. Inner- and hind-margin of wing-covers edged 
with raised golden streak, outwardly bounded by a crimson one. five 
pairs of curved, thin, divergent, crimson spines on the back, springing 
from golden spots, viz., one pair on the head, one (shorter) on thorax, 
and three on abdomen. Also two pairs of dorsal small pointed crimson 
tubercles, one at hinder part of thorax, the other at base of abdomen. 

Pupal stage lasted eight days in the month of November. 

I give the above description of the larva and pupa with some httle doubt, 
as Mr. Gooch refers the pencil outhne and notes from which (with two pupa 
skins) they are drawn up to A. Phalantha. He, however, was not at the time 
aware of the existence of two species of Atel/a in Natal, and would naturally 
include Columbina under Phalantha. I subsequently saw both species 
together in his collection. The differences presented by this caterpillar and 
chrysalis from those of Phalantha are considerable, especially as respects the 
pupa; and it may almost be assumed that they are the early stages of 

I did not take or notice this butterfly in Natal ; but Colonel Bowker early 
in April 1881 took several examples in the park at D’Urban, where they 
frequented a species of tree then in flower. In sending me the specimens, he 
wrote that while pursuing each other these butterflies did not have anything 
to do with A. Phalantha, which was common at the same spot, but did not 
visit the particular tree. I examined three individuals (¢ and two Qs) 

ticketed ‘Port Natal” in the collection of the British Museum, and found 
them to present no differences from those received from Colonel Bowker. 


Localities of Atella Columbina. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (J. H. Bowker and W. D. Gooch). 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Angola: Brit. Mus. 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Camaroon; Old Calabar; Sierra Leone; Brit. 
Mus. ‘‘Gaboon (Theorin).”—Aurivillius. 
b. Eastern Coast.—‘ Abyssinia (Shoa: Anténor?).”—Oberthiir [A. 

Lachnoptera, E. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 161 (1848). 

Imaco.—Closely allied to Atella, Doubl. Palpi with the second 
joint not grooved, less swollen, more hairy beneath; antenne with a 
longer, narrower, less flattened, not spoon-shaped club. Fore-wings 
more markedly produced apically, and more prominent towards posterior 
angle; hind-margin more sinuate; costa more arched; discoidal cell 
broader; lower disco-cellular nervule better developed, much longer, 
straighter, joining median nervure before origin of the second nervule. 
Hind-wings considerably longer in lower half, angulated bluntly at 
extremity of third median nervule; anal angle square and prominent, 
not rounded off; inner margins more prominent, and forming a more 
complete groove as far as end of internal nervure, but beyond that 
point more emarginate; discoidal cell fully open, the lower disco- 
cellular nervule being quite obsolete; in ¢ a conspicuous roughly- 
ovate silky patch near costa and apex. 

It is questionable whether the differences above noted are sufficient 
to warrant the generic separation from Atella of the two species com- 
prised in Lachnoptera ; but the butterflies in question, apart from the 
striking sexual badge in the male, have a peculiar facies, owing to the 
length and truncate form of the hind-wings. 

The group is limited to Africa, and was founded by Doubleday on 
P. Lole, Fab., a species ranging from Sierra Leone to the Gaboon. 
Until 1874 I was not aware that any South-African representative 
existed; but in that year Mr. W. D. Gooch sent me a drawing of an 
indubitable ¢ Lachnoptera, taken in Natal, and not long afterwards the 
specimen itself. I did not wish to found a new species on a single 
example of one sex, and it was not until 1879 that I had the pleasure 
of receiving from the same entomologist a pair of the butterflies captured 
by himself on the Natal coast. Colonel Bowker has since been most 
successful in obtaining numerous examples of both sexes in the neigh- 
bourhood of Pinetown. 


59. (1.) Lachnoptera Ayresii, Trimen. 
Prats IL. fig. 5 (¢ ), fig. 5a (9). 

& @ Lachnoptera Ayresti, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 326. 

Exp. al., ($) 2 in. 2-5 lin.; (2) 2 in. 5-72 lin. 

$ Warm fulvous-ochreous (a faint rosy-violaceous surface-gloss), 
with fuscous markings. Fore-wing: beyond middle a conspicuous 
transverse bar from costa to third median nervule, exteriorly irregularly 
dentated, interiorly suffused and emitting two linear rays (along costa 
and subcostal nervure respectively) towards base ; about midway between 
this bar and apex a similar much smaller bar, not extending below first 
radial, exteriorly confused on costa with some narrow apical fuscous 
clouding; beyond middle, extending from fifth subcostal nervule to 
submedian nervure, a somewhat irregular row of six variously-shaped 
spots, of which the first (touching apical fuscous) and last are larger 
than the rest, and about equal in size; near hind-margin a well- 
marked, strongly-lunulated streak, from just before apex to extremity 
of submedian nervure; between second radial and second median 
nervules this streak is interiorly broadly suffused, so as to form a 
conspicuous irregular marking; a submarginal streak touching the 
lunulated streak at extremities of nervules; hind-margin itself un- 
equally clouded with fuscous; a very faint linear streak closing discoidal 
cell, preceded by traces of another. Hind-wing: sexual badge glossy 
leaden-grey, occupying costal-apical area, covering both subcostal 
nervules, but not reaching radial or anywhere extending to edge of 

wine; about middle, disconnected traces of a thin transverse streak; — 

beyond middle, an irregular row of four sublinear lunulated marks, 

preceded (between second median nervule and submedian nervure) by 

two small rounded spots; lunulated and submarginal streaks as in — 

fore-wing, but the former presenting no suffused marking; hind-mar- 
gin free from any fuscous clouding. UNDER sIDE.—Soft ferruginous- 
ochreous, clouded with violaceous in parts; the markings chiefly fulvous- 
ochreous and inconspicuous.  Fore-wing: inner marginal area, as far as 
a little above first median nervule, pale yellow-ochreous; all the mark- 
ings corresponding to those of the upper side almost obliterated, except 
the last spot in the transverse row, which is fuscous and conspicuous ; 
in discoidal cell two irregular fulvous-ochreous rings; beyond them, an 
interrupted transverse streak of the same colour, meeting (between first 
median nervule and submedian nervure) a similar interrupted streak 
from costa a little beyond middle; just above posterior angle a slight 
hoary-grey clouding. Hind-wing: a fulvous-ochreous irregular streak 
before middle, from costal to below submedian nervure; a short linear 
streak of the same colour closing discoidal cell; about middle, an 
indistinct similar transverse streak, bounded exteriorly by a sinuated 
interrupted series of white spots; these spots immediately succeeded 
by some dusky violaceous clouding, which completely surrounds two 




faintly white-centred fulvous-ochreous ocelli (in narrow rings of the 
ground-colour) between first subcostal and radial nervules, as well us 
two other similar ocelli between second median nervule and submedian 
nervure; beyond these, a broken irregular line of lunular marks, 
succeeded by lunulated and submarginal streaks corresponding with 
those of the upper side—all fulvous-ochreous ; a hoary-violaceous cloud- 
ing about upper hind-marginal area. 

2 Duller and paler than $, and without vielaceous gloss; all the 
fuscous markings more pronounced.  Lore-wing: from lower extremity 
of first costal bar, an irregular interrupted streak extending to about 
middle of submedian nervure; second costal bar prolonged to third 
median nervule by two small elongate spots; all spots of discal row 
larger than in ¢; two cellular streaks distinct, the inner one extending 
below cell and a little over first median nervule. Mind-wing: about 
middle, an irregular interrupted streak (continuous of that in fore- 
wing) extending and gradually attenuating as far as submedian nervure 
beyond middle; three black spots (of which the two upper are large 
and the costal one somewhat suffused) take the place of the leaden-grey 
badge of the &; these spots are continuous of the discal row of the fore- 
wing, and the costal one is anteriorly bounded by a whitish lunule. 
UNDER sIDE.—Very different in colour from that of the ¢, being very 
pale dull greyish-ochreous, with a strong brassy-greenish gloss ; nearly all 
the markings indistinct. Sore-wing: last spot of discal row large and 
conspicuous. Hind-wing: the interrupted series of white spots want- 
mg; ocelli with small but conspicuous white centres; an additional 
(fifth) ocellus next costa. 

In outline this Lachnoptera differs from the only species hitherto known, 
L. Tole (Fab.), from West Africa, the fore-wings being more produced apically, 
and the hind-wings more angulated at the extremity of the third median 
nervule. The male differs from the g Jole on the upper side in both colour- 
ing (which is brighter and yellower) and marking, the fore-wings present- 
ing two costal blackish bars and a blackish suffused marking on the lunulated 
submarginal streak, and the hind-wings having a much smaller sexual badge. 
On the under side, the South-African form has the markings far less dis- 
tinct, and the white stripe of the hind-wings is interrupted and macular ;} 
the latter wings also want the ocellus, which in Jole is situated between the 
subcostal nervules. The female differs greatly in appearance from the butter- 
fly which the late Mr. Hewitson referred (I believe rightly) to that sex of ole, 
which I noted as ‘‘fuscous ; all the outer area of the wings dull-white, with 
the spots and streaks strongly and blackly marked, markings of the under side 
agreeing with those of Jole ¢.”? 

1 This character appears to be highly variable. It is quite wanting in two of the twelve 
males received from Colonel Bowker ; in two others, reduced to two and three white spots 
next costa ; and in three others, very thin, and with wide interruptions. Of the six females, 
one has the stripe represented by two small white spots next costa; and another has the 
three lowest spots of the stripe also present, and the immediately following violaceous cloud- 
ing well represented quite across the wing. 

2 There seem to be two distinct forms of the female Jole. The type of the species in the 
Banksian Collection (which I had the opportunity of examining in 1881) is a 9, not differ- 


This interesting new species I have named after its discoverer, Mr. B, 

Ayres, of Pinetown, in Natal, who took a single male in that locality. Mr, 
W. D. Gooch, who brought the specimen to my notice, subsequently took 
another ¢, and also the @ above described, at his farm on the coast of Natal, 

Until April 1883 I saw no further examples of this butterfly ; but on the 
23d of that month I received from Colonel Bowker seven specimens just 
captured by him at Pinetown, and he has since forwarded eleven others from 
the same locality. These others were taken in December and January, and 
among them were the paired sexes captured on January 16th. The wings of 
most specimens that had been out for some time were much tattered, which 
Colonel Bowker attributes partly to the insect’s pugnacious habit of attacking 
and driving away other butterflies, and partly to the assaults of a large Mantis, 
He describes Ayresz as flying up and down the edge of a wood, at a height of 
from six to ten feet from the ground. 

Localities of Lachnoptera Ayresit. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts——D’Urban [Little Umlhanga] (W. D. Gooch). 
Pinetown (B. Ayres and J. H. Bowker). 


Pyrameis, Hiibn. (and Vanessa, Hiibn.), Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 33 (1816); 
Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 202 (1849). 
Cynthia (pars), Fab., “Illig. Mag., vi. p. 281 (1807).” 

Imaco.——Head moderately broad, densely hairy; eyes closely 
covered with fine short hairs; palpi long, projecting considerably in 
front of head, convergent at tips,—second joint elongated, thickened 
beyond middle, set with long hairs superiorly and outwardly, scaly and 
finely downy beneath,—terminal joint well developed, somewhat flat- 
tened laterally, acuminate, scaly, and slightly downy; antenna rather 
long, with an abruptly-formed, flattened, elongate-ovate club, having 
its terminal joint minute and pointed. 

Thorax rather long, robust, densely hairy, especially on breast and 
on back of metathorax. ore-wings: more or less produced apically, 
and sometimes bluntly angulated at extremity of lower radial nervule ; 
costa but slightly arched; hind-margin moderately sinuate, emarginate 
about middle; inner margin nearly straight; costal nervure ending 
about middle of costa; first and second subcostal nervules arising close 
together, a little before extremity of discoidal cell,—third at a long 
distance beyond it, and terminating at apex; upper disco-cellular 
nervule obsolete, middle one very short and oblique, lower very long, 
but so much atrophied as to be rudimentary only,—its termination 
ing very widely from the ¢, and, except for its large size, not unlike the 9 of Atella Colum- 
bina (Cram.) In the Collection of the British Museum there are, however, two? s like 

that mentioned in the text—one from Sierra Leone, and the other from the Gaboon River— 
which to a great extent resemble the 9 Harima Althea (Cram.) of the same region. 


being on third median nervule at a little distance from its origin. 
Hind-wings : broad, often somewhat prolonged in anal-angular portion ; 
costa moderately or very slightly arched, but prominent at base; hind- 
margin moderately dentate-sinuate, the dentations on third and first 
median nervules sometimes projecting more than the rest; anal. angle 
well-marked ; inner-margins meeting to form a deep complete groove 
to a little distance beyond end of abdomen, but thence moderately 
emarginate and divergent; costal nervure extending to apex ; discoidal 
cell very short, the closing lower disco-cellular nervule long, oblique, 
very attenuated, joining median nervure at origin of its second ner- 
vule; internal nervure extending to end of inner-marginal groove. 
Fore-legs of ¢ conspicuous, brush-like, very densely clothed and fringed 
with hair (especially on tibia and tarsus); of 2 similar, but the tarsus 
with distinct articulations, slightly spinose beneath, and hairy, chiefly 
on the basal portion. Middle and hind legs rather long and stout, 
scaly; tibiee beneath with a lateral row of strong spines externally, 
and two rows internally, the terminal spurs long and rigid; tarsi very 
spinose laterally and beneath ; terminal claws stout and curved. 

Abdomen short, but rather thick. 

Larva.—LHlongate, with numerous rigid spines set with bristles ; 
head and segment next it without spines. 

Pura.—Moderately stout, angulated, tuberculated on back of 
abdomen; head rather bluntly bifid; ornamented with gilded spots 
and spaces. 

Pyramets is very closely allied to Vanessa, Fab., and by many 
authors is not separated from the latter genus. ‘The species compos- 
ing it are, however, of a less robust structure; their wings (especially 
the hind-wings) are very much less angulated; their palpi not nearly 
so hairy (particularly as regards the terminal joint); and the colour- 
ing and pattern of both surfaces of their wings, prevailing without 
great modification throughout the group, are altogether different from 
those exhibited by Vanessa. The two sections so well represented by 
such familiar butterflies as the “Painted Lady” (P. Cardwi) and 
the “Red Admiral” (P. Atalanta) do not materially differ in mark- 
ings, their very different aspect being found on close comparison to be 
owing entirely to the predominance of the black basally in Atalanta, 
and of the red basally in Cardwi. The under side in Pyrameis is of 
remarkable beauty, and quite unlike that of Vanessa, being greatly 
variegated, marked with submarginal ocelli, and usually intersected by 
whitish nervures in the hind-wings. 

The distribution of the thirteen or fourteen species may be said to 
include the whole globe, except the extremes of North and South, and 
a broad equatorial belt in South America; but the only representative 
in South Africa is P. Cardui, the most widely-ranging and generally- 
distributed of all butterflies. The force of the genus is strikingly 
illustrated by its prevalence in oceanic islands and the farthest extremi- 


ties of continents, and especially by its presenting three quite distinct 
species in a country so exceptionally devoid of butterfly-life as New 

60. (1). Pyrameis Cardui, (Linn.) 

Papilio Cardui, Linn., Syst. Nat., 1. 2, p. 774, 0. 157 (1767). 

Papilio Carduelis, Cram., i. p. 40, t. 26, ff. n, F (1775).} 

Vanessa Cardui, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 323, n. 62 (1819). 

Cynthia Cardui, Steph,, Il. Brit. Ent.—Haust., 1. p. 47 (1827). 

Pyrameis Cardui, Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., p. 105 (1849). 

Pyrameis Cardui, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 119, n. 73 (1862). 

Aberr.— Vanessa Cardui, Herr.-Schaff., Schmett. Eur., i. p. 41, ff. 157-158 

ees ee Cardut, var., Trimen, op. cit., ii. p. 335 (1866). 


(Zuropean.) Duponchel, Icongr. et Hist. Nat. des Chenilles, i. p, 107, 

lex, i. 42, 0,1C( £o49): 

(Javanese.) Horsf. and Moore, Cat. Lep. E. I. C. Mus., i. pl. v. i 33 
3a (1857). 

(Cingalese.) Moore, Lep. Ceyl., p. 51, pl. 27, f. 14 (1881). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 2 lin—2 in. 7 lin. 

Paler or darker salmon-red, wnclining to orange-ochreous, varied with 
black ; apical portion of fore-wing black spotted with white.  Fore-wing: 
basal portion blackish, thickly dusted with golden scales; in discoidal 
cell a short, rather broad, black, transverse mark, the lower edge of 
which almost touches the upper point of an irregular, angulated, black 
marking, commencing on inner-margin beyond middle, and thence, 
arching outwardly, extending along first median nervule into discoidal 
cell; apical black extending fully half-way along costa, its inner edge 
forming two deep, irregularly-angulate indentations on the salmon-red 
eround-colour, and containing an elongate, abruptly-truncate, white 
stripe from costa, divided into three by nervules, beyond which is a 
curved row of four white spots from costa to first median nervule, 
parallel to hind-margin; two rows of lunules along hind-margin, the 
outer row ochreous, the inner whitish, becoming half obliterated towards 
anal angle; fringe chequered black and white. Mind-wing: costal, 
basal, and inner-marginal portions broadly blackish, the two latter 
dusted with golden scales, and inner-marginal region with long, silky, 
golden hairs; a little beyond middle a transverse blackish stripe, thin 
near costa, but suddenly thickening on third median nervule, unites 
costal and inner-marginal blackish; beyond this stripe are three rows 
of spots parallel to hind-margin,—the first consisting of four or five 
rounded black spots between nervules,—the second of sub-lunular spots, 
sometimes contiguous, between nervules (of which the fifth spot, at 

1 Cramer states that his specimen came from the Cape of Good Hope, His figure of the 
under side is not good. — 


anal angle, is the largest, and has its outer half pale-blue),—the third 
of more or less rhomboidal spots on nervules, generally united by their 
lateral angles; fringe as in fore-wing. UNDER SIDE.—Much paler than 
upper side; the hind-wing exquisitely marbled. Fore-wing: base and 
costa whitish, the former with a single blackish dot, the latter with 
numerous short, minute, blackish, transverse strie as far as black spot 
in discoidal cell; salmon-red much paler than on upper side, particu- 
larly near hind-margin, but next base suffused with a soft pale-carmine 
tint; a whitish space in cell beyond black spot, and an indistinct 
greyish-white costal cloud beyond cell, which is closed by a broad 
black stria; white spots as on upper side, but apical black replaced by 
yellow-ochreous, which extends along hind-margin; two blackish spots 
on hind-margin close to anal angle; and a more or less distinct row 
of blackish, outwardly white-edged, lunules parallel to hind-margin. 
Hind-wing: varied with white and various shades of yellow-ochreous ; 
nervures white; a conspicuous white space immediately beyond ex- 
tremity of discoidal cell; and three irregular whitish markings on 
costa, two before and one about middle; a transverse, ochre-brown, 
white-edged mark in discoidal cell; and near it, outside cell, a larger 
similar mark, divided into three by nervules,—its lower portion on 
disco-cellular nervule; near, and parallel to hind-margin, a row of five 
round ocellated spots, situated between nervules from first subcostal to 
first median, and variously coloured, viz., the first, nearest costa, a 
simple, ovate whitish spot, containing an ochreous dot; the second, 
blackish-centred, with sometimes a small blue pupil, ringed with yellow 
and black; the third and fourth black, with a large metallic-greenish 
lunule, and ringed with pale yellow; the fifth larger than the rest, 
with a black, blue-lunuled centre in red, yellow, and black rings; 
beyond these spots a row of narrow violet-blue lunules, the largest 
next anal angle and edged with black internally; succeeded by a 
parallel white stripe; the hind-marginal border yellow-ochreous. 

Aberration.—Fore-wing suffused with blackish, to the confusion of 
the ordinary markings; large apical white spot obliterated; blackish 
border at anal angle broad and suffused. Hind-wing: blackish suffu- 
sion over the whole costal region as far as apex; row of black spots 
faint, whitish-centred; hind-marginal rhomboidal spots not contiguous. 
UNDER SIDE—Similarly suffused. ore-wing: large apical spot want- 
ing; anal angle varied with whitish. Hind-wing: blackish suffusion 
obliterating costal and disco-cellular white markings; nervures yellow- 
ish-white ; first, third, and fourth ocelli whitish, indistinct, merged in a 
white and greyish band immediately succeeding them. 

Hfab.— King William’s Town (W. 8. M. D’Urban). 

This aberration closely resembles that figured by Herrich-Schaeffer 
(Joc. cit.) | 

Another aberrant example, taken by the Rev. H. Wilson near 
Cape Town in 1877, is also very near Herrich-Schaeffer’s figure, but 


differs in having four of the hind-wing spots on the upper side well 
defined, blackish, with large bluish-white centres (resembling those of 
P. Kershawi, M‘Coy, of Australia and New Zealand), and the two 
largest of the same row on the under side coloured as usual, though not 
quite complete. 

Intermediate between these extreme sports and the normal form 
are three examples taken at Cape Town in 1866, 1873, and 1874— 
the first by myself—in which the fore-wing markings are scarcely 
affected, but the hind-wing spots are minutely ocellate and externally 
prolonged, so as to be confluent with the succeeding row of lunules. 

Larva.—Blackish, with numerous branched yellow spines; two 
faint-yellowish, longitudinal streaks along the back, and a brighter 
yellow, broader, interrupted stripe on each side above the legs; head 
black; segment next head not spined, four spines on both third and 
fourth segments, seven on each segment from fifth to twelfth, four on 
the last or anal segment; legs reddish-ochreous; under side greyish, 
13 or 2 inches long. Feeds on thistles, J/alvacew, and other low 
plants. Mrs. Barber informs me that at Highlands, near Grahamstown, 
she noticed the principal food-plants of this caterpillar to be Urtica 
dioica, Malva parviflora, and Argyrolobium Andrewsianwin. 

Pupa.—Greyish-ochreous, more or less gilded on the back and wing- 
covers ; with three rows of brightly-gilded pointed tubercles down the 
back. Suspended to plants, walls, &c. 

This well-known butterfly, the most widely distributed of all existing species, 
is found in every part of South Africa, but I have nowhere seen it so numerous 
as at Cape Town. At this place it is always to be met with throughout the 
year, but is more abundant during the warmer months from September to March, 
I have constantly noticed it sporting about during the fiercest south-east gales, 
when every other butterfly had long since been driven under shelter. It is 
probable that this robust indifference to rough weather contributes to some 
extent to the world-wide prevalence of the insect, which is, however, no doubt 
mainly due to the polyphagous larvas being principally attached to such uni- 
versal wayside weeds as thistles, mallows, and nettles. To these considerations 
must be added its rapid and powerful flight and great activity. It is fond of 
settling on bare open spots, and when at rest there with completely closed wings, 
the mottled ochreous and white colouring of the under surface often admirably 
serves to protect the butterfly from observation. J have more than once seen 
Cardui far out at sea, on one occasion on a ship about ninety miles westward 
of Teneriffe ; and it not only inhabits that island, but is found in the whole 
series of Atlantic islands, from the Azores to St. Helena. 

The immense range of this species was formerly held to be truly cosmo- 
politan; but Mr. H. W. Bates (Journal of Entomology, 1864, p. 181) has 
recorded that the entire genus Pyrameis is absent from the great valley of the 
Amazons, and also (teste W. F. Kirby, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 3d ser., 1. p. 488, 
1863) that the Brazilian insect often referred to P. Carduz is really a variety 
of P. Huntera, Fab., a very distinct member of the genus, extending through 
the greater part of America generally. We may accordingly be right perhaps 
in excluding South America proper from Cardui’s range, although Doubleday 
(Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 205) mentions the occurrence in Venezuela of a variety 
named “ Leachiana, Sommer, MSS.” Australia and New Zealand are also now 
regarded as beyond the limits of true Cardut, Professor M‘Coy having in 1868 



- separated as distinct the very closely allied form inhabiting those countries 

under the name of P. Kershawit. This form chiefly differs from ordinary 
Cardui in having three or four of the discal black spots on the upper side of 
the hind-wings centred with blue; it is also smaller and darker on the under 

I have not traced the extreme northern range of P. Cardui ; but Herrich- 

Schaeffer mentions Lapland as one of its European localities, and Doubleday 
(who noticed the butterfly by “tens of thousands” in the United States) gives 
Hudson’s Bay in North America. Regarding the Australian P. Kershawiit as 
distinct, the Cape of Good Hope is Cardwi’s southern limit. Eastward and 
westward the butterfly appears to encircle the globe, being as much at home in 
California as in Algeria, Eastern Asia, and the Sandwich Islands. 

Instead, then, of giving the customary list of ‘ localities,” it will be suffi- 
cient to note that Pyrameis Cardui inhabits all the world except the Arctic 
and Antarctic Regions, South America proper, Australia, and New Zealand, 
and that it is not only to be found, but is usually numerous, in every part of 
South Africa. 

Genus EUREMA. 

Eurema, FE. Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 192 (1848). 
Hypanartia, Hiibn., Samml. Exot. Schmett., vol. 1. index (? 1806). 
Pyrameis (part), Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1, p. 117-118 (1862). 

Imaco.—Differs but lttle from Pyrameis, Hiibn. Antenne longer ; 
palpt more ascendant, not convergent at tips, with terminal joint shorter 
and blunter. ore-wings with longer costal nervure, and (usually) 
longer middle disco-cellular nervule. Mind-wings with the projection 
on hind-margin at extremity of third median nervule very marked, 
forming a shorter or longer “ tail; ” the projection at extremity of first 
median also usually marked, though less so than the other; rarely a 
third sharp projection at extremity of second median; anal angle more 
or less prominent. | 

Larva.—As in Pyrameis, but thicker (Z. Hippomene, Hiibn., drawn 
by Mrs. Barber). 

Pupa.—More angulated than in Pyramets, resembling that of 
Vanessa Io and V. polychloros ; head deeply bifid, the projections very 
acute; marginal prothoracic ridge with two acute projections; tubercles 
of two latero-dorsal rows on abdomen elongated into short, acute, broad- 
based spines, inclining anteriorly (P. Hippomene, Hiibn.; specimen 
received from Mrs. Barber). 

The butterflies referred to Hurema are barely separable from Pyra- 
mets, and Doubleday has himself (loc. cit.) recorded how very closely 
they are allied to the Oriental genus Laogona. Out of eleven recorded 
Species, seven are American, and the remainder are confined to the 
Kthiopian Region. The two South-African species are in pattern and 
marking very like the Atalanta section of Pyrameis, but they are 
smaller insects, and the bands are ochre-yellow instead of scarlet or 
fulvous-red. The tailed hind-wings, however, give them a peculiar 


aspect, especially in the case of #. Scheneia, Trim., a form which 
appears to be peculiar to South Africa. In flight and habits they 
resemble Pyrameis, but are more partial to wooded spots. 

61. (1.) Eurema Hippomene, (Hiibner). 
Hypanartia Hippomene, Hibn., Samml. Exot. Schmett., ii pl. 25, ff. 3, 4 


Pyrameis Hippomene, ? (nec $), Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 122 (1862), 

Exp. al., t in. 104 lin.—2 in. 3 lin. 

& Brownish-black (darker in apical area of fore-wing); a band of 
ochre-yellow in both wings; fore-wing with small but conspicuous white 
spots near apex. LKore-wing : yellow band obliquely transverse, running 
from costa before middle (where it is narrowed and tinged slightly 
with whitish) to inner margin near posterior angle (where it is abruptly 
narrowed and pointed; inner edge of band slightly indented here and 
there, its lower portion a little hollowed; outer edge convex through- 
out; midway between band and apex an oblique costal row of three 
rather small spots, of which the first (touching the second) is linear 
and irregular and ochre-yellow, while the others are somewhat rounded 
and white; parallel to upper half of hind-margin, between costa and 
second median nervule, a row of six white spots, of which all are 
minute but the fifth, which is of moderate size and rounded, and the 
first and second are only separated by a nervule; cilia white, inter- 
rupted by broad nervular black spots. Hind-wing: yellow band hind- 
marginal; rather narrower than that of fore-wing, extending from apex 
to second median nervule, where it abruptly narrows to a point; two 
parallel lunulated submarginal black lines, all but obsolete where they 
traverse the yellow band, but thickened and strongly defined between 
third median nervule and anal angle, in which part the space between 
them is superiorly ochre-yellow and inferiorly closely irrorated with 
metallic greenish-blue; a little before these lines, between third and 

first median nervules, two rather large black ocelli pupilled with’ 

shining blue, of which the upper is less distinct, and is bordered by 
extremity of yellow band, while the lower is marked with a dull- 
crimson lunule inwardly edging the blue pupil, and is surrounded by a 
thin outer ochre-yellow ring only distinct on the external side; cilia 
white with very small black nervular interruptions. UNDER SIDE.— 
Beautifully variegated with ochreous-brown, dark-brown, white, metalle- 
bluish, and bronzy-green ; yellow band of hind-wing wanting, that of 
fore-wing much paler and rather wider. Fore-wing: costa from base 
to commencement of yellow band finely striated transversely with 
bluish-white ; in discoidal cell at base a white mark, succeeded by two 
linear white strie, and a broader less distinct chestnut-red stria, quite 
across cell; on costa, just above extremity of cell, a small whitish 


spot; a little farther on a similar spot commences a thin metallic- 
bluish line reaching almost to third median nervule and preceded by 
good-sized subreniform marking formed of metallic-bluish scales; a 
narrow apical area clouded with pale ochreous-brown ; apical white 
spots arranged as on upper side, but those of oblique costal row all 
white and united to form an irregular streak, and the third and fourth 
of the outer row subocellate in thin blackish rings; apical half of hind- 
marginal border as far as second median nervule ochrey-whitish, tra- 
versed mesially by a series of thin sagittate lunules. MWind-wing: 
ground-colour reddish-brown, crossed by three highly-irregular white 
and bluish strize, respectively before, about, and beyond middle; the 
first and second of these striz commence with a conspicuous whitish 
costal spot, which in the case of the second (middle) one is much 
larger and suffused, are thence finely linear and shining-bluish as far 
as median nervure, whence to inner margin they are widened, inter- 
rupted, angulated, and yellowish-white; the third stria is scarcely 
visible as a brownish line as far as second median nervule, where it 
suddenly alters like the others, but becomes even more broken and 
angulated ; the first and second striz are internally, the third exter- 
nally, bordered by very dark brown; space between second and third 
strie very dark brown, irrorated near costa and about middle with 
bluish, but lower down as far as inner margin densely with creamy- 
white; in discoidal cell, between first and second striae, an elongate 
blackish transverse mark, centred indistinctly with chestnut-red, 
entirely enclosed by a lhnear bluish ring; only the lower of the two 
ocelli well represented, and in a well-defined outwardly black-edged 
thin yellow ring; a row of four subocellate metallic-green-dusted 
blackish spots in imperfect yellow rings between the ocellus and first 
subcostal nervule ; position of yellow band of upper side indicated by 
pale dull ochrey-brown, traversed by two interrupted lunulate blackish 
streaks; metallic greenish-blue irroration near anal angle much denser 
than on upper side. 

2 Like g, but ochre-yellow bands paler, rather broader, and white 
spots of fore-wing a little larger. UNDER SIDE.—Paler throughout ; 
the nervures of basal and wner-marginal areas of hind-wing creamy- 

Larva.—Sandy-brown, inclining to ashy dorsally over posterior 
half; on each segment, except the second and last, two dorsal pairs and 
one lateral pair of short, black, oblique streaks, all tending to converge 
posteriorly ; of these, the central pair is linear, the next pair thicker, 
and the lateral pair very thick posteriorly; second segment without 
markings; last segment with central and lateral streaks only; head 
ashy-fuscous; spines black; legs and pro-legs grey edged with crim- 
son; a zigzag black spiracular streak, Second Horm.—White tinged 
with bluish-grey dorsally; each segment with a very broad central 
black bar, slightly narrowing inferiorly, and ending quite abruptly just 


above spiracular line; head black; legs, pro-legs, and spines as in 
brown form. 

Described from drawings by Mrs. Barber of specimens found near 
Grahamstown. Mrs. Barber wrote that the black-and-white second 
form was very much rarer than the other, and fed lower down among 
the branches of its food-plant, and that it always produced the 9, while 
the commoner brownish form, she believed, produced 3s only. 

I feel some uncertainty about this case, because at the time the 
drawings were made I had in error, in my work on South-African 
Butterflies, treated the ¢ HL. Schamneia, mihi, as that of Hippomene ; 
and it seems possible that the differing larvee might really be those of 
two distinct species. It is true that Schwneia has not hitherto, to my 
knowledge, been met with near Grahamstown, but it has occurred at 
the Kowie River-mouth, a distance of under thirty miles. 

Pupa.— Ochreous-yellow ; a lateral ferruginous brown streak along 
abdomen from pedicel almost to wing-covers. 

Described from a dead specimen forwarded by Mrs. Barber. 

This is an active, rapidly-flying insect, having quite the habits of Pyrameis 
Cardui and its congeners. It is fond of settling on flowers in gardens, prefer- 
ring those of Lantana. The male is often to be seen basking on a twig or leaf, 
especially in open places on the outskirts of a wood, and darting off to pursue 
the female or a rival of his own sex, only to return to his perch almost imme- 
diately. At Highlands, near Grahamstown, I took, on 15th February 1870, a 

female laying its eggs on a nettle; and Mrs. Barber, who had reared the larva, 

informed me that this plant (Urtica mitis) was in that locality the habitual 
food-plant of the species. The butterfly is on the wing from October to April. 
It seems to be nowhere abundant, but commoner in some seasons than in 

Localities of Lurema Mippomene. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Knysna (IMiss Wentworth). 
b. Eastern Districts.—Port Elizabeth (J. H. Bowker). Grahams- 
town. Bedford (J. P. M. Weale). King William’s Town (W. 
S. M. D’ Urban). 
D. Kaffraria Proper. 
Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). Mapumulo. 
b. Upper Districts. —Pietermaritzburg (Miss Colenso). 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
bb. Madagascar.— Fianarantsoa (Rev. W. Deans Cowan).”— A. G. 
B. North Tropical 
b, Eastern Coast,— Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinorz).”—Oberthiir. 



62. (2.) Eurema Schoeneia, Trimen. 
PoatH LV., ig. 1 (¢ ). 

Pyrameis Hippomene (Boisd.), Trimen, ¢, Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 121 
& 2? Eurema Scheneia, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 329.1 

Exp. al., ($) 1 in. 11 lin.—2 in.; (Q) 2 in. 3-5 lin. 

Brownish-black ; both wings with a band of ochre-yellow ; the fore- 
wing with small white spots in apical portion. 

gf Fore-wing: band from costal edge a little before middle to inner 
margin just before anal angle, narrowest on costa and widening down- 
ward, slightly arched outward ; about midway between band and apex, 
three small spots form a thin transverse costal streak, the spot on costal 
edge being ochre-yellow, and the other two spots white; parallel to 
hind-margin a row of five to six small white spots between costa and 
second median nervule, the spot next costa germinate; costa from 
base to ochre-yellow band dull-ferruginous. Hind-wing. band hind- 
marginal, much narrower than that of fore-wing, extending only from 
apex to third median nervule, traversed longitudinally by an indistinct 
lunulated ferruginous-brown streak; a little before band two suffused 
transverse black streaks, convergent, but not extending below third 
median nervule; anal angle acuminate, and anal-angular portion pro- 
duced ; a long, ferruginous, whitish-tipped tail at extremity of third 
median nervule; another (not whitish-tipped and only half as long) 
on first, and an acute dentation on second median nervule; between 
third and second nervules a very imperfect blue-dotted black ocellus 
edged outwardly by an ochre-yellow lunule, and immediately below it 
a similar but almost complete ocellus ; close to hind-margin some in- 
distinct black lunulate marks, that at anal angle preceded by a 
pale-bluish streak. Cilia white between nervures. UNDER SIDE.— 
Hind-wing and apical portion of fore-wing variegated with ochreous 
and ferruginous brown and with lilac-blue wrrorations. Fore-wing: 
band much paler than on upper side, and white on costa ; apical white 
markings as on upper side, but fuscous-edged, the streak from costa 
wider and immediately preceded by some lilac-blue irroration ; in dis- 
coidal cell, a black ferruginous-centred spot in a bluish-white ring, and 
a similarly-coloured transverse bar (touching inner edge of yellowish 
band) whose white edges are irregularly prolonged below cell to sub- 
median nervure; hind-margin edged with ochreous and ferruginous 

1 Mr. A. G. Butler (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. V. vol. v. No. 28, April 1880, 
p. 336) has proposed for Boisduval’s Hippomene of Bourbon and Mauritius the name of 
Hypanartia commixta, observing that it, as well as the true Hippomene of Hiibner, occurs 
in Natal. He thus evidently associates as identical Boisduval’s Hippomene and my South- 
African Schencia ; but, to judge by Boisduval’s figures, the two forms are distinct. How- 
ever this may be, Mr. Butler’s name commixta will have to yield precedence to Oberthiir’s 
title of Bord nica, given to Boisduval’s insect in the Ann. Mus. Civ. d. St. Nat. Geneva, vol. 
xv., February 1880, p. 36. 


brown ; a lilac-blue submarginal streak, indistinct towards apex, near 
which it is preceded by three to four lunules of the same colour, 
Hind-wing : a pale-ochreous spot at base enclosing a blackish-centred 
dull-whitish ocellus in a ferruginous brown ring; the following dark 
ferruginous-brown markings, viz., one roughly triangular on costa next 
to basal spot ; another elongated and elbowed on costa a little beyond 
the first ; and two in discoidal cell, one basal and circular, the other 
central and elongated, both ringed with a bluish-white line; defining 
extremity of cell a similarly-coloured much longer marking, blunt 
superiorly and pointed inferiorly, crossed by paler nervules ; near inner 
margin on disc much lilac-blue irroration, and a little near costa 
towards base; beyond middle a very irregular pale-brown streak, 
bordered on both sides by dark ferruginous-brown, and becoming very 
zigzag and broken near inner margin; apical hind-marginal region 
pale-ochrous shaded with brown and glossed with violaceous; sub- 
marginal lunules linear, black, edged outwardly with yellow, inwardly 
with lilac; the ocellate spots imperfect, but beyond and above them 
much greenish-blue irroration, and immediately before them a strongly- 
festooned black streak, which becomes ferruginous-brown, and finally 
obsolete in its extension towards apex. 

2 Duller and paler than #3; apical region of fore-wing less produced 
and blunter, the tails of hind-wing broader and with blunt tips. 

Very closely allied to #. Hippomene (Hiibn.), and to the butterfly 
described and figured under the same name by Boisduval in his Fawne 
Entomologique de Madagascar, &e., p. 43, pl. 8, figs. 3, 4. In outline 
and marking, 2. Scheneia would appear, judging from Boisduval’s work 
only (for I have no examples of the Mascarene species), to be more 
intimately related to Boisduval’s insect than to its South-African con- 
gener, the true Hippomene of Hiibner. From the latter, Schencia is 
best distinguished by (1) the very much longer (and ferruginous instead 
of black) tails of the hind-wings; (2) the narrower (especially in hind- 
wings) and more deeply-coloured yellow bands; (3) the two suffused 
transverse black streaks on dise of hind-wings, which are wanting in 
Hippomene ; and, as regards the under side, by (4) the costa of fore- 
wing near base being faintly dusted with bluish scales instead of con- 
spicuously barred with whitish ; (5) the decidedly ferruginous and lilac- 
glossed general colouring ; and (6) the absence in hind-wings of both 
the costal white patches and the two or more ocelli in superior half of 
discal region. 

The palpi of Scheneia are ferruginous beneath, with a pure white 
edging on the upper-lateral and internal-inferior portions, while in 
Hippomene they are uniformly yellowish-white ; above they are fuscous 
in both species. 

Notwithstanding the great difference between this butterfly and the West- 

African E. Delius (Drury) in the pattern and colouring of the upper side (which 
in Delius is dark suffused Indian-red, with broad dusky-brown borders), the 



under side is almost identical in the two species; except that in Delius the 
pale-yellow bar of the fore-wing is expanded into a wide space reaching almost 
to base, the ground-colour of the hind-wing is paler, and the cellular spots in 
both wings are darker. The wings of Delius are, however, considerably longer, 
especially the fore-wings, which are much produced apically. 

Localities of Hurema Scheneia. 

I, South Africa. 
B, Cape Colony. 
6, Eastern Districts.—Bathurst: Kowie River (Plant) King Wil- 
liam’s Town (J. ff. Bowker and J. P. M. Weale). 
D, Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban (C. Morland, J. Sanderson, W. D. 
b. Upper ee eee (Colonel Scott, R.A.) 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom and Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 


Junonia (and Alcyoneis), Hiibn., Verz. Bek. Schmett., pp. 34, 35 (1816) ; 
E. Doubl. (Sect. I.), Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 208 (1849). 

ImaGco.—fHead of moderate size, clothed with short hair; eyes 
smooth ; palpi of moderate length, scaly, clothed with long fine hair 
above, and very short hair beneath,—terminal joint short, rather wide, 
moderately acute at tip; antenne short, with a short, blunt, abruptly- 
formed, spoon-shaped club. 

Thorax moderately robust, scaly, with a little scanty hair posteriorly 
on the back. ore-wings less produced apically than in Pyrameis, but 
otherwise similar in shape, except that costa is more arched; neuration 
also similar, but middle disco-cellular nervule much longer, and lower 
one obsolete, leaving discoidal cell quite open. Hind-wings as in 
Pyrameis, but anal angle more or less markedly projecting; dentation 
on first median nervule always more or less prominent, and that on 
third median sometimes strongly so; lower disco-cellular nervule quite 
obsolete. Fore-legs of $ small, slender, thinly set with fine hairs, scaly ; 
of the 2 but little larger, smooth, scaly, with hairs only on under side 
of femur. 

Abdomen of moderate length, rather slender. 

Larva.—Rather stout, and of nearly even thickness throughout. 
Head usually bifid superiorly, with a pair of short horns; all the other 
Segments bearing rather short, strong, branched spines. 

Pupa.—tThick and rounded, scarcely angulated; head and thorax 
usually blunted, the former sometimes moderately bifid; dorso-abdo- 
minal tubercles small. 

Junonia—here restricted to Doubleday’s “ Section I.”—is well 
characterised structurally by its smooth eyes, short and abruptly-clubbed 
antennee, quite open discoidal cells, and fore-legs almost hairless in the 

WO. I, O 


9, and but moderately hairy in the f. The twenty species referable 
to the group are remarkable for the beauty, and often the large size, of 
the ocellated spots which adorn the upper side of the wings, and some 
(among which are the three South-African species) are further orna- 
mented by a blue space or a large blue spot on the hind-wings. On 
the under side the colouring is remarkably plain and uniform, the hind- 
wings and apical area of fore-wings being pale-clay colour, inclining to 
either a yellowish or greyish tinge, with the ocellated spots chiefly 
obsolete or inconspicuously and imperfectly represented. This under 
surface here is protective, especially when the butterfly is settled on 
the ground——a frequent practice of the Junoniw, which are active, alert 
insects, with the habits of the Vanesse and allies. 

The genus ranges throughout the warmer parts of the world 
(except, apparently, Western Polynesia), but does not enter the Pale- 
arctic Region, except at points along its southern boundary. The 
ereater part of the genus is Oriental and Australian, five (or perhaps 
six) species are African, and three American. ‘The three natives of 
Southern Africa are J. Cebrene, Trimen, J. Clelia (Cram.), and J. 
Boopis, Trimen. Of these, the first and second have a very wide range 
through Africa, while the third inhabits Damaraland, the Zambesi 
Valley, and the Transvaal, extending from the latter country to Delagoa 
Bay and Natal. Cebrene is at once recognisable by the broad ochre- 
yellow patches on the upper side; Clelia and Lodpis agree in possessing 
a creamy-white subapical bar in the fore-wings, but the former has in 
the hind-wings only a circular blue spot lke that of Cebrene, while the 
latter has nearly all the hind-wing surface blue. Bodpis is the African 
representative of the widely-spread Oriental species, Orithya, Linn. 

63. (1.) Junonia Cebrene, Trimen. 

g Junonia Gnone, Hiibn., Samm], Exot. Schmett., i. t. 34, ff. 1, 2 (nec 

2, 4), (1806) 

& 2 Vanessa Ginone, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 318, n. 51 (1819). 

= » Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 592 (1847). 

¢ 2 Junonia Ginone, Trim. (part), Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 125, 1. ge 

¢ g ee Cebrene, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 353; and 
Butler (J. Crebrene), loc. ctt., p. 524. 

Junonia Crebrene, Gerst., Gliederth.-Faun. Sansibar-Gebiet., p. 369, n. 17 


Exp. al., t in. 10} lin.—z in. 3 lin. 

Black ; a broad ochre-yellow patch in each wing; im hind-wing, a 
large, round blue spot. 

2 Fore-wing: ochre-yellow patch occupying middle of wing, ex- 
tending from costa almost to submedian nervure, and from middle ot 
discoidal cell to hind-marginal border, deeply indented with ground- 
colour both on its upper and lower portion beyond middle,—much paler 

——=> ont —_—— 


tes aaa 


in its central portion; near apex, on costa, a narrow, pale-yellow, 
transverse streak joins the large ochre-yellow marking, the point of 
junction being marked by a more or less apparent black spot, which is 
sometimes indistinctly ocellate ; bordering apical portion of hind-margin 
three or four sublunular, dusky-whitish marks; cilia brownish, indis- 
tinctly varied with whitish. Hind-wing: a large, rounded, metallic- 
blue spot shot with violet-pink near costa about middle, its lower 
portion in discoidal cell, its upper edge touching costal nervure ; beyond 
it, occupying anal-angular portion of wing, extending along hind-margin 
to before its middle, and almost to middle of inner margin, a large, 
ovate, ochre-yellow patch, paler in its central portion; at anal angle, a 
curved, short, blackish streak, and traces of a lunulate hind-marginal 
line; cilia as in fore-wing. UNDER SsIDE.—Strikingly dissimilar to 
upper side. ore-wing: black replaced by dull ashy-grey ; ochre- 
yellow patch paler, ill-defined, commencing from base in discoidal cell ; 
costa whitish-grey from base; two pairs of slightly zigzag, transverse, 
thin, black streaks in discoidal cell, each pair including a whitish-grey 
space; a sinuate blackish streak, from costa about middle to insertion 
of second median nervule, marks extremity of cell; apex hoary-grey ; 
the streak joining ochreous patch from costa whitish,—the spot mark- 
ing point of junction distinct; a blue-pupillate, round, black spot 
marks the lower indentation of the ochreous patch. Hind-wing : hoary- 
grey; three transverse, brownish, waved, subdentate streaks—one 
before, the second about, the third beyond, middie—the second of 
which is the most distinct and regular; between the latter and the 
third a series of small blackish spots between nervules, parallel to 
hind-margin; ochreous patch very faintly indicated by a slightly 
yellowish tinge; centre and hind-margin varied with narrow shadings 
of pale-brown; in some specimens, a narrow, lunulate, brown streak 
bordering hind-margin ; no trace of the blue spot so conspicuous on 
upper side. 

2 Ground-colour not so intense a black as in gf; the blue spot 
m hind-wing smaller and much duller (the edges of it not so clearly 
defined). Fore-wing: basal half of discoidal cell dusted with ochreous 
scales, and with a short, indistinct, transverse, ochreous streak, situate 
a little within the large ochre-yellow patch; which latter commences 
farther from base than in ¢, does not extend so low, is more deeply 
indented with black both on its upper and lower edge, and contains a 
transverse black streak which, as on under side of f, indicates extremity 
of discoidal cell; the ocellate spot marking the junction of pale apical 
streak with ochreous patch more distinct than in g¢, and blue-pupilled ; 
the lower black indentation of the ochreous patch is also marked with 
a larger ocellate spot, likewise blue-centred. Hind-wing: two small 
black spots, sometimes blue-centred, in ochreous patch, one on its upper 
edge above discoidal nervule, the other between second and first median 
nervules; the lunulate streak bordering hind-margin distinctly marked, 


blackish. /vringe of both wings as in f, perhaps more distinctly marked 
with whitish. UNDER SIDE.—-Quite similar to that of f, but more dis- 
tinctly marked; the hind-wing a litile more brownish in tint. 

Larva.—Dull violaceous-grey on back, margined laterally by a 
broad fuscous stripe, interrupted on segmental incisions; below the 
fuscous stripe a series of elongate yellowish markings on a ground- 
colour slightly darker than that of the back; below this the sides are 
brownish-ochreous. Spines black. Head black, rather bristly, white- 
spotted in front, with a pair of short divergent horns on summit, 
Legs and pro-legs dull violaceous-grey. 

Described from a drawing by Mrs. Barber, reproduced in Puate I. 
jig 4. Mrs. Barber informed me that the food-plant of this larva is a 
purple-flowered species of Barleria (Ord. Acanthacee). 

This butterfly is very nearly allied to the well-known Asiatic species J, 
Cinone, Fab., of which it is indeed the African representative. The much 
more limited area of ochre-yellow in both wings, and the larger, more viola- 
ceous, rounder blue spot in the hind-wings, on the upper side, readily distinguish 
Cebrene ; its under side is universally greyer and less ochreous in tint. In 
the ¢ the fore-wing has the ochre-yellow marking paler centrally, not occu- 
pying basal area, but commencing at about the middle of the cell, deeply 
indented by black in costa beyond middle, but not by any disco-cellular ter- 
minal streak, The hind-wing has the ochre-yellow patch narrower on the 
inner margin, not extending so far in the direction of the costa; the dark 
hind-marginal lunular striz, excepting that at the anal angle, are scarcely 
traceable, and the basal blue spot is not flattened superiorly. On the under 
side, the fore-wing has the terminal disco-cellular streak thinner and fainter; 
while the hind-wing has the transverse strize fainter, subdentate instead of 
sharply crenelate (especially the subbasal and submarginal ones). In the 9 
the fore-wing has the ochre-yellow patch still smaller; but the hind-wing has it 
larger than in the ¢, while there is a single well-marked hind-marginal lunulate 
streak instead of the two (or sometimes three) parallel streaks found in Ginone, 

The late Mr. F. Walker gives (Newman’s Entomologist, 1870, p. 51) Mada- 
gascar as one of the localities of Génone, hut judging from six male specimens 
from Murundava, on the west coast of that island, in the collection of the South- 
African Museum, the Malagasy form, though very near Cebrene, is quite distinct 
both from the latter and Ginone. As compared with Cebrene, it presents the 
following points of difference, viz.,in the fore-wing: (1) The ochre-yellow patch 
is differently shaped and situated, being vertically deeper, with its inner edge 
considerably farther from base and much less oblique; (2) in the discoidal 
cell, thus left almost wholly black, there are two metallic-blue strie, of which 
the inner one is usually indistinct; (3) the subapical pale-yellow mark is very 
small, remote from ochre-yellow patch, and divided transversely. In the hind- 
wing (4) the blue spot is larger, more metallic, not violaceous, less rounded, 
being prolonged outwardly on radial nervule; and (5) the ochre-yellow patch 
is much less rounded, its inner edge being farther from base, and it is also 
marked externally by two slightly darker streaks running parallel to hind- 
margin. On the under side, in the fore-wing, (6) the black-edged cellular 
strie are strongly defined, that at end of cell being double like the others, 
which are distinctly bluish; and in the hind-wing (7) the colouring beyond 
middle is tinged with ferruginous; while (8) the median transverse line 1s 
much more irregular and dentated, and bounded externally by a dark ashy-grey 
stripe, broadest on costa. 

Should this form be undescribed, I propose that it should be named Junoma 
Paris. eeld 


This beautiful insect inhabits the greater part of South Africa, and is 
usually numerous in its favourite haunts, which are waste open ground, marshy 
spots, stubble-fields, &c. It is very active, but frequently settles on the ground 
and on low flowers. When the wings are closed, the grey under side renders 
the butterfly very inconspicuous, especially when settled on certain sandy 
soils, Colonel Bowker observed in Kaffraria that a persistent enemy of Cebrene 
was a small striped. lizard, which cautiously stalked and seized the prey, not- 
withstanding its activity and alertness. ‘The lizards often hunt in pairs, 
driving the game from one to the other.” I have found this /unonia on the 
wing from the beginning of December to the end of June. During April I 
have twice seen a worn straggler in Cape Town; but I do not think that the 
species inhabits the country westward of Swellendam. 

Localities of Junonia Cebrene. 

la I. South Africa, 

| B. Cape Colony. 

: a. Western Districts—Cape Town [occasionally]. Swellendam (LZ. 

| Tuats). Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. 

| b. Eastern Districts.—Port Elizabeth. Uitenhage (S. D. Bazrstow). 
Bathurst; Kowie River (J. Z. Fry). Grahamstown. King 
William’s Town (W. S. 1 D'Urban and J. H. Bowker). 
Queenstown; Windvogelberg (Dr. Batho). 

| D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 

| B. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam. Itongati River. Umhlah 
River. Umvoti River. Mapumulo. 

b. Upper Districts.—Udland’s Mission Station. Little Noodsberg. 
Greytown. Pietermaritzburg. Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 
Biggarsberg (J. H. Bowker). 

F. Zululand.—Isandlhwana (J. H. Bowker). St. Lucia Bay (Colonel 
H. Tower). 

K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). 

L. Bechuanaland.—Motito (Rev. J. Frédoux). 

I], Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and J. A. Bell). 
“ Angola: Loanda.”—A. G. Butler. ‘Congo: Ambriz (J. J. 
Montetro).” —H. Druce; and “ Kinsembo (H. Ansell).”—A. G. 

b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). ‘ Mozam- 
bique.”—Hopffer. “Lake Jipe” [between 3° and 4° S. lat.]— 
Gerstiicker, “ Kilima-njaro (HZ. H. Johnston).”—F. D, Godman 
[ Genone]. 

B, North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.— Sierra Leone (Rev. D. £. Morgan).”—E. 
Doubleday. “ Senegambia.”—Gerstiicker. 

b. Eastern Coast.—‘Somaliland.”—-Felder. ‘Tajora (Straits of 
Bab-el-Mandeb); Harkeko; Hor Tamanib! (J. K. Zord).”— 
F, Walker. “ Upper Egypt.”—Gerstiacker. 

IV. Asia. 
A. Southern Region.—‘ Arabia (Ehrenberg in Mus. Berol.).”—Ger- 

1 A $ example, ticketed “ Hor Tamanib,” from Mr. Lord’s collection, and presented to 
me by Mr. R. Meldola, does not differ from the ordinary South-African Cebrene. 


64. (2.) Junonia Clelia, (Cramer). 

Papilio Génone, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 274, n. 93 (nec Var. Gin, 
p. 275) (1764); and Syst. Nat, 1. 2, p. 770,-m. 135 (azo 
d Papilio Clelia, Cram., Pap. Exot., 1. t. xxi. ff. B, F (1779). 
3. Habs, Ent, Dysts, UL 1, Pp. Ol, Ds 285 (uo) 
Vanessa Clelia, Godt., Ene. Meth:, 1@ p. 317, 0.50 (1619). 
do 2 Junonia Clelia, isan , Rhop. Afr, Aust. 1. p. 226, 0., 7/0 (1862); and 
Me Pl soy tee Fae) (1866) ; also in Trans. Ent. Soc, Lond., 1870, 

P- 354- 
Junonia Ginone, Gerst., Glederth.-Fauna Sansibar-Gebiet., p. 369, n. 16 

(1873). | 

Exp. al., 1 in. 11 lin.—2 in. 3 hn. 

& Black, with creamy-white markings ; a large metallic-blue, violet- 
glossed spot in hind-wing. Fore-wing: two dull ferruginous-red trans- 
verse streaks in discoidal cell, the outer streak closing cell; a little 
beyond extremity of cell is a short, slightly-curved outwardly, transverse, 
creamy-white band, extending obliquely to second median nervule, and 
divided into five portions by crossing nervules; an irregular creamy- 
white mark close to hind-margin, between first and third median 
nervules, almost touches the oblique band, and seems to form a con- 
tinuation of it; an irregularly-shaped whitish spot close to costa, near 
apex; beyond it, two lunules of the same colour, slightly below it, 
which appear to form part of an otherwise almost obliterate row of 
lunules bordering hind-margin; an ocellate spot, black, with a blue 
centre, and ringed with ferruginous-red, between first and second 
discoidal nervules, immediately below subapical white spot, and another 
similar, rather larger and distincter, ocellus between second and first 
median nervules, immediately before white mark; fringe brownish 
black, varied with white. Hind-wing: metallic-blue spot occupying 
the same position as in Cebrene, but larger ; two ocelli lke those in 
fore-wing, one immediately above discoidal nervule, close to blue spot, 
the other between second and first median nervules, and rather 
nearer hind-margin; two rows of conspicuous inter-nervular creamy- 

white lunules, almost contiguous, border hind-margin; fringe white, 

spotted with black at extremities of nervules. UNDER SIDE.—Very 
different, much paler; the apical portion of fore-wing and whole of 
hind-wing being greyish varied with clay-brown. Fore-wing: ground- 
colour blackish ; discoidal cell pale orange-reddish, crossed by two pale- 
bluish striz, edged on both sides with black; a black streak marks 
extremity of cell, and is outwardly bounded by a bluish one; the three 
outermost striz, viz., two bluish and one red, prolonged a little 
below cell; large creamy-white marks as on upper side, but smaller 
apical marks obsolete or very indistinct; a thin brownish line from 
costa close to apex to hind-marginal creamy-white marking; two 
ocellated spots very indistinct, the upper one sometimes obsolete. 
Hind-wing: an irregular, wavy, brown or ferruginous-brown streak 
crosses wing, from costa to submedian nervure, before middle; beyond 


middle, two dentate, brown, transverse streaks, from costal to inner- 
marginal edge, enclose a pale clay-brown, rather broad band, usually 
irregularly-varied with dark- or ferruginous-brown, and containing 
more or less distinct traces of a row of five ocelli, consisting of blackish 
dots in brown rings, situate between second subcostal and first median 
nervules; hind-margin bordered with a lunulate line, slightly darker 
than the ground-colour. 

2 Differs but shghtly from g; not so black in ground-colour. Fore- 
wing: red strie in cell paler, duller, but larger and more distinct ; 
two ocelli larger, more conspicuous. Sind-wing: blue spot not so 
brilliant, often much smaller ; ocellate spots large, very conspicuous. 
UNDER SIDE.—Jore-wing: blue and red transverse streaks crossing 
discoidal cell prolonged almost to submedian nervure; apical markings 
more distinct. //ind-wing: usually more strongly marked; ocelli in 
band more conspicuous. | 

The under-side colouring is subject to much variation, being some- 
times pale-creamy or tinged with grey, with the markings very dis- 
tinct, while other individuals have a faint dull-reddish hue with the 
markings rather obscure. Specimens, usually females, occur in which 
a smooth uniform greyish-argillaceous tint prevails, leaving only very 

‘faint indications of the characteristic markings. 

Larva.—Dark purplish-grey, with strong, short, steely-blue spines. 
Head larger than second segment, hairy, deeply notched at vertex, 
bearing two short horns or processes; a small yellow triangular spot 
in middle of forehead. Second segment constricted, slightly tufted 
anteriorly, its lower half bright-yellow, with a yellow spine on each 
side just above the leg. ‘Third and fourth segments with similar 
yellow-spines, as well as four steely-blue ones. Fifth to tenth segments 
each with seven spines, eleventh with eight, four on anal segment. <A 
white interrupted streak above spiracles, from fifth to twelfth segment ; 
behind each spine in the row just above it a round white dot; a narrow 
lateral white stripe immediately above the legs. Dorsal stripe (of two 
narrow sinuate lines) darker than ground-colour, but thickly irrorated 
with minute lighter dots; ring about base of each spine similarly 
marked. Under side paler. A thick larva in proportion to its length. 

Pupa.—Umber-brown, darker on the back. Several of the small 
pointed tubercular spots on the thorax and abdomen shining-golden in 
some lights. 

Duration of pupal state (January 1870), sixteen days. 

The above characters of larva and pupa are drawn up from a description 
and drawing of Natalian examples made by Captain H. C. Harford. I have 
also careful pencil-drawings of similar specimens by Mr. W. D. Gooch, in 
which the head of the larva is represented as smaller than shown by Captain 
Harford. J. Clelia is readily recognised from J. Cebrene by its want of the 
warm yellow-ochreous patches on the upper side. It is more nearly related to 
J. Boopis, Trim., but is at once distinguished by presenting in the hind-wings 
only a rounded large blue spot (like that of Cebrene) instead of a wide area of 


blue. The very closely allied form of Madagascar, J. Hpiclelia, Boisd., is in 
both sexes much smaller and has the creamy-white markings of the upper side 
much reduced. In the the cellular red striz of the fore-wing are much more 
distinct, and the blue patch of hind-wing is usually larger, and never violaceous, 
but pure glittering blue. In the ? there is present in the fore-wings a bluish 
cellular stria between the two red ones; and the blue patch in hind-wings 
(obsolete in Boisduval’s specimen) is much reduced internally, and pale and 
dull in colour. On the under side, in both sexes, the pale-orange and bluish 
cellular striae of the fore-wings are more developed, extending farther below cell. . 

In connection with these differences it is remarkable to note that the four 
gs and one 9 brought from the Comoro Islands by Mr. Bewsher are stated by 
Mr. Butler to be ‘all quite like Natal examples.” 

This beautiful species is bold and active like J. Cebrene, but shows more 
preference for wooded than open localities, though by no means keeping among 
the trees, but courting the full sunshine. It is fond of basking on bare spots 
of sand or clay. I met with many specimens in Natal from the end of 
January to the beginning of April, but did not observe it at any considerable 
distance from the coast. One of the best localities for it was the Botanic 
Garden near D’Urban. Colonel Bowker sent me the paired sexes taken at 
Port Natal on 3d November 1878. 

Localities of Junonia Clelia. 

J. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

b, Eastern Districts;\—Grahamstown. Kleinemond River, Bathurst 
(1. J. Atherstone). King William’s Town (W. S. J. D’ Urban 
and J. H. Bowker). 

d. Basutoland.—Maseru (J. H. Bowker). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee and Igora Rivers (J. H. Bowker). Mouth 
of St. John’s River (Ser H. Barkly). 
E, Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam.  Itongati. 

b. Upper Districts.—Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 

F, Zululand.—Isandlhwana (J. H/, Bowker). St. Lucia Bay (Colonel 
H. Tower). 

H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Jf's. Montetro). 

I. ‘ Inhambane.”—Hopffer. 

K. Transvaal.—Limpopo and Marico Rivers (/. C. Selous). 

L. Bechuanaland.—Motito (Rev. J. Frédouz). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (J. A. Bell). “Angola (J. J, 
Montetro).”—Druce. ‘Congo: Kinsembo (H. Ansell).”—A. G. 
Butler. - Loango: “Chinchoxo (Falkenstein).”—Dewitz. 

b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (fev. H. Rowley). “ Querimba.” 
—Hopffer. “ Bagamoyo (Raffray),.”—Oberthiir. 

bt. Interior, —Lotsani and Motloutse Rivers (Ff. C. Selous). ‘‘ Kilima- 
njaro (7. H. Johnston).”—F. D. Godman. 

bb. “Comoro Islands: Johanna (W. C. Bewsher).”—A. G. Butler. 

B. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Gold Coast (J. MZ Pask). Sierra Leone (Coll. 
Brit. Mus.) 

b, Hastern Coast.— Abyssinia: Shoa (Anétinort), Massowah (Raf 


65. (3.) Junonia Boopis, Trimen. 
uate LV. fic. 2 (>). 

Junonia Orithyia (Linn.), Wallengr., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., 1857, 
pee. 0) trim, Rhop: Air. Aust., 1. p. 327 (1866). 
Junonia Boopis, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 331. 

Eup. al., (f) 1 in. 94 lin.—2 in. 1 lin.; (2) 2 in. 1-34 lin. 

gf Black; hind-wing mostly shining violaceous-blue ; fore-wing with 
subapical creamy-whitish oblique bar. Fore-wing: costa edged with 
creamy-white, which is widest and suffused about middle; in discoidal 
cell two transverse fulvous striz, of which the outer (marking extremity 
of cell) is the better marked ; between them a blue stria; immediately 
beyond cell occasionally traces of another blue stria; subapical whitish 
bar narrow near costa, strongly indented by ground-colour just below 
second radial, divided into four by crossing nervures,—its two lower 
and much broader divisions vertically intersected by a more or less 
suffused black streak; near apex a short creamy-whitish narrow costal 
bar; between this and the lower part of the subapical oblique bar, a 
small blue-centred black ocellus in a fulvous ring; a similar, usually 
rather larger, ocellus (commonly suffused with fuscous) adjoins lower 
extremity of the oblique bar; between the latter ocellus and inner 
margin, close to posterior angle, a subquadrate violaceous-blue patch ; 
just before hind-margin two parallel creamy-whitish streaks (of which 
the outer is very thin and sometimes nearly obsolete), broken into spots 
by the clouded-blackish nervures, and shot with blue at and a little 
above posterior angle. Hind-wing : blue occupies entire discal portion, 
infringing a little the outer part of discoidal cell, whose extremity 
is usually marked by a strong black streak; inner-marginal border 
fuscous ; two ocelli like those of fore-wing on disc, one between second 
subcostal and radial nervules, the other between first and second median 
nervules; of these, the upper ocellus is often minute and without the 
fulvous ring; the two hind-marginal whitish strie less broken than in 
fore-wing and preceded by a fuscous one, but much suffused by the 
discal blue. UNDER SIDE.— Dull cream-colour. Sore-wing: basal por- 
tion ochre-yellow, which does not reach, however, either costa or inner 
margin; blue cellular striz, represented by whitish ones, black-edged 
on both sides; oblique bar rather paler than ground-colour, strongly 
black-bordered anteriorly ; ocelli ill-defined, their wings much paler, the 
lower one larger than on upper side; a fuscous space below the latter. 
Hind-wing : two thin, inconspicuous, crenulated, fuscous, transverse 
streaks from costa to inner margin, one before, the other a little beyond 
middle; of these, the outer is externally bordered by an ill-defined 
argillaceous fascia; in discoidal cell two slightly-paler transverse striae, 
thinly fuscous-edged ; ocelli usually very faintly indicated with fuscous, 
but between them traces of two other faint ones, and above the second 
subcostal the indication of a fifth; a fuscous mark at anal angle. In 


both wings, two parallel submarginal fuscous lines, the outer continuous 
and lunulated, the inner broken into small cuneiform marks. 

2 Fuscous; all the ocellt much larger, but especially those of hind- 
wings; blue of hind-wings much smaller in extent, and both duller and 
paler. Fore-wing: a minute ocellus usually confluent with the lower 
edge of upper ocellus, and an imperfect one touching its upper edge, 
Hind-wing: the much-enlarged ocelli have great violaceous centres 
(often with a white dot in the middle), inwardly bordered with pink 
and outwardly with black; the upper ocellus commonly includes a 
minute inferior pupil; above and below the lower ocellus occasionally 
some black irroration ; blue space not violaceous, not infringing on dis- 
coidal cell, and much narrower in its superior portion; black pretty 
evenly occupying almost the basal half of the wing. UNDER sIDE.— 
As in g, but with the markings (especially ocelli of hind-wing) more 

Cilia whitish, varied in fore-wing with fuscous at the extremities 
of the nervures. 

A very close ally of the South-Asiatic J. Orithyia (Linn.), but 
appearing to differ from it constantly in the particulars now to be 
mentioned. As regards the gf, J. Boopis has (1) the narrower sub- 
apical bar of the fore wings and the adjacent pale markings much yellower 
in tint; and (2) the black streak intersecting the lower part of the 
bar between the two ocelli is never wanting, and usually very strongly 
marked; while (3) the fulvous strie and rings of the ocelli are well 
pronounced; (4) the blue of the hind-wings, besides being decidedly 
violaceous in tint, occupies a considerably smaller space, being replaced by 
black in the basi-costal region to a little beyond the branching of the 
subcostal nervure; and (5) the under side colouring is duller and 
more inclining to argillaceous, The 2 Sodpis presents similar differ- 
ences from the 2? Orithyia, except that the blue of the hind-wings, 
though deeper in tint, is not violaceous, and, though occupying a 
smaller space (the basal black being considerably broader), the difference 
in area is not so marked as in the gs. 

Compared with Orithyia from Ceylon and Southern India (Banga- 
lore), the $ of which expands only 1 in. 83-11 lin., and the 2 1 in. 
94 lin.—2 in. 1 lin., Bodpis is considerably the larger; but farther 

eastward, especially in China, the Asiatic species is fully as large as, 

and even larger than, the African. The wings of the ¢ Bodpis are 
proportionally longer; but I have not seen any specimen in which the 
fore-wings are subfalcate, as is the case with some of the Chinese 
examples of Orithyia. Hopffer’s J. Orithya from Querimba (Peters’ 
‘Reise nach Mossambique,” Ins. and Myriop., p. 380) is probably 
referable to J. Bodpis. 

Though recorded by Wallengren in 1857 as among Wahlberg’s “ Kaffrarian ” 

captures, and though known to me in 1862 as a native of Damaraland and the 
Lower Zambesi Valley, it was not until 1867 that I knew of the occurrence of 


this beautiful Junonia as far south as Potchefstroom in the Transvaal. In 1872 
fine examples from that locality were sent to me by Mr. Walter Morant and 
Mr. Thomas Ayres, the former of whom wrote that at the end of February the 
butterfly was plentiful but local on the banks of the Mooi River, and also 
occurred in January, stragglers continuing to appear in April and May. Near 
Pretoria Mr. Morant also took an example, in swampy ground, on 28th March. 

Colonel Bowker has sent me a single male example, with the information 
that it was captured on the 27th November 1882 in a footpath at Isipingo, 
Natal, in company with a number of J. Clelia. 

Localities of Junonia Boopis. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—Isipingo (J. H. Bowker). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorengo Marques (Mrs. Montetro). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (W. Morant and T. Ayres). Pretoria 
(W. Morant). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (J. A. Bell). 
b, Eastern Coast—Zambesi River (Coll. S.-Afr. Mus.) 
b1. Interior.—Mashunaland (/. C. Selous). ‘ Victoria Falls of Zam- 
besi (£. Oates).” —Westwood. 

Genus PRECIS. 

Precis, Hiibn., Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 33 (1816); Doubl. (“ Junonia, Sect. 
II.”), Gen. Diurn. Lep., i. p. 209 (1849). 
Junonia (part), Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 124 (1862). 

ImaGco.—-Most closely allied to Junoma. Palpi with second and 
terminal joints longer; antennw usually longer, with club more gra- 
dually formed. Wings with hind-margin more dentate ; fore-wings 
always more or less angulated at extremity of upper radial nervule, 
sometimes falcate; prominence at extremity of first median nervule 
often very pronounced ; hind-winys sometimes rounded, but more 
often produced or tailed at anal angle, and in many cases angulated 
at extremity of third median nervule. Jore-legs of ¢ with the tarsi 
considerably shorter. 

Larva.—Set with rather long, rigid, acute, verticillate spines ; 
head with two long, thick, erect, blunt, shortly-branched horns. 

Pupa.—Rather robust; head bluntly bifid, the pointed pre- 
ocular tubercle on each side unequally cleft at tip; thorax with a 
central dorsal tubercle, a row on each side of three smaller tubercles, 
and two acute points on each shoulder-ridge ; tubercles of three dorsal 
rows of abdomen large, rounded basally, and pointed; on sides of 
abdomen two rows of very small tubercles, one above, the other below, 


(These characters of larva and pupa are given from the skins 
of those of P. Octavia, Cram.; and Captain Harford’s description of 

the larva of P. Sesamus, Trim., agrees with what is noted of that 


It is very doubtful whether Precis is really separable from Junonia, 
some of the few distinctive characters of the imago above given being 
rather inconstant. The species referred to it have, however, a common 
and very characteristic facies, the usual pattern of the upper side con- 
sisting of a rufous or fulvous common discal band, marked with a continu- 
ous series of more or less incomplete ocellated spots, on a dark-brown 
field, while on the under side the basal half is varied with transverse 
irregular streaks, and the line of the inner edge of the common discal 
band prominently defined by a strong dark streak, bounded internally 
or externally by one lighter than the ground-colour. . In P. Octavia 
(Cram.) and P. Cloantha (Cram.) the red and fulvous-ochreous respec- 
tively occupy nearly all the field of the upper side; while in P. Sesamus 
(Trim.) pale-blue occupies as large an area, leaving only a narrow 
irregular brick-red discal band. In the Indian P. Hedonia (Linn.) 
and allies the discal band is very inconspicuous, but the ocellated spots 
are very well developed. ‘The latter character is also prominent in 
the African P. Cloantha, a species whose robust body and thick hairy 
wings remind one of Vanessa, and, with its thick, short, and very 
gradually clavate antenne, make it rather an aberrant member of 
the genus. 

Precis is a specially African group, twenty-five of the thirty-four 
recorded species being peculiar to the Ethiopian region. ‘The remainder 
consist of six Oriental and three Austro-Malayan and Australian species. 
Of the twelve species known to inhabit South Africa, only two appear 
to be peculiar to the country, viz., P. Simia, Wallengr., and P. Tugela, 
Trim.; four are not known to occur north of the Equator, and the re- 
maining six range through the greater part of the region. 

All the South-African species occur in Natal, where the only rarities 
are P. Sophia (Fab.), P. Simia, Wallengr., and P. Tugela, Trim. Six 
of them inhabit Kaffraria Proper, and of these four-—Cloantha, Sesanvus, 
Archesia, and Pelasgis—extend into the eastern districts of the Cape 
Colony. The George and Knysna districts seem to be the south- 
western limit of the genus, only Cloantha and Archesia being known to 
me to range so far. 

I have seen all the South-African forms on the wing except Sophia 
and Simia. They are bold and active butterflies, with the habits of 
Vanessa and Pyrameis, and, with the exception of Elgiva and Tugela, 
seem to prefer open ground, especially the summits and ridges of rocky 
hills, about which they hover, chasing each other, and frequently settling 
on stones or on the ground. 


66. (1.) Precis Sophia, (Fabricius). 

Papilio Sophia, Fab., Ent. Syst., iii. 1, p. 248, n. 771 (1793). 

2 Donov., Ins, Ind., t. 36, f. 3 (1800) [este W. F. Kirby]. 
Vanessa Sophia, Godt., Ene. Meth., ix. Suppl. p. 823 (1819). 
Junonia (Precis) Sophia, Doubl., Gen. Diurn, Lep., p. 210, n. 23 (1846-50). 

Eup. al., 1 in. 10-11 lin. 

a Brown, with pale rufous-ochreous bands; on hind-margins two 
parallel, ill-defined, sub-lunulated, brownish-grey streaks, the inner one 
immediately preceded by a row of indistinct blackish spots. Fore- 
wing: base widely suffused with deep brownish fulvous ; immediately 
beyond discoidal cell a strongly-curved transverse band, convex out- 
wardly, of five or six divisions; two double black striz across discoidal 
cell; at extremity of cell a long, oblique, black stria, extending through 
transverse band to submedian nervure beyond middle; a moderately 
wide subapical bar of three divisions, irregular, slightly convex out- 
wardly ; between lower end of subapical bar and submedian ner- 
vure, a row of three indistinct, large, blackish spots. Mind-wing: base 
fuscous, crossed by two waved, short, disco-cellular rufous striae; a 
median band quite across wing, rather broad except for a sudden nar- 
rowing on costa; between first and second median nervules, the band 
is externally pierced by a well-marked straight brown streak, and 
between first median nervule and submedian nervure by a shorter and 
blunted projection ; just beyond band, a row of five to six large blackish 
spots. Cilia brown, with white inter-nervular interruptions. UNDER 
SIDE.—Rufous-ochreous of base and bands replaced by pale whitish- 
creamy; all strice and spots very distinct, conspicuous ; along hind- 
margins, a yellow streak, black-edged on both sides. ore-wing: in 
discoidal cell, clear-rufous fills the space on each side of the two pale- 
creamy black-edged striae; subapical bar suffused externally ; between 
it and apex a minute oblique whitish streak. Mind-wing: three highly 
irregular, basal, transverse blackish streaks, forming a network of 
markings; two streaks outwardly piercing central band united in an 
irregular W-like marking, of which the innermost arm is extended as 
far as the basal marking. 

2 Similar, paler, the bands broader. Fore-wing : basal rufous much 
reduced, and with a fuscous tinge. UNDER sIpDE.—Subapical bar of 
Jore-wing and central band of hind-wing widely suffused externally, so 
as to occupy the greater part of hind-margin. 

WiAE: ( ). 

Fuscous, with the ordinary transverse band common to both wings, 
and the subapical bar of fore-wing white and somewhat narrowed. 
Under side normal. 

Fore-wing elongated in apical, hind-wing in anal-angular portion. 

This curious variety is represented in the British Museum by an example 

from Fernando Po, and in the South-African Museum by one taken on the 
Gold Coast by Mr. J. Morton Pask, of I.M.S. Drucd. One is reminded by 


it of the singular seasonal form Prorsa of the European Araschnia Levana (L,) 
The elongation of the wings, combined with the fuscous and white colouring, 
give it much the appearance of a small Neptis.} 

The only South-African specimen of this butterfly that I have seen is a 9 
sent to me by the late Mr. E. C. Buxton in 1874, with the note that it had 
been captured at D’Urban, Natal, in the previous year, and was the only indi- 
vidual met with. This example agrees in all respects with specimens from 

Tropical Western Africa, 

Localities of Precis Sophia. 

I. South Africa. 
KE. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (£. C. Buaxton). 
II. Other African Regions. 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Fernando Po (Coll. Brit. Mus.) Gold Coast 
(J. M. Pask). Sierra Leone (Coll. Brit Mus.) 
b. Eastern Coast.—‘ Abyssinia: Lake Tsana (Raffray).”—Oberthiir. 

67. (2.) Precis Cloantha, (Cramer). 

@ Papilio Cloantha, Cram., Pap. Exot., iii. t. ccexxxviii., ff. a, B (1782). 
2 Vanessa Cloantha, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 322, n. 61 (1819). 

3 5s Chenu., Ene. @Hist, Nat. -Pap., pl. 26, f. 3 (1852). 

3d F Junonia Cloantha, Trim. , Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 137, n. 83 (1862) 

Exp. al., 2 in. 3-94 lin. 

Brighter or duller warm orange-ochreous; with transverse black 
streaks, and blue-centred black ocellt. 

& A splendid purple lustre, strongest over basal half of wings, is 
visible in certain lights. ore-wing: base clouded with black, nar- 
rowly so on costa, more widely on median nervure, and extending 
nearly to middle on inner margin; two moderately-broad, transverse, 
black streaks in discoidal cell, the outer one closing cell; a similar 
streak beyond middle, between subcostal nervure and third median 
nervule, which, interrupted on the latter nervule, is continued thence 
by an irregular streak, inclining inwardly, to submedian nervure, where 
it joins the black clouding from base; in some distinctly-marked speci- 
mens, the streak closing cell is also, though interrupted at insertion of 
second median nervule, produced to join basal black; beyond the strize 
a black mark on costa commences a row of six black, blue-centred ocelli, 
of which the first three are contiguous, the largest and lowest ocellus 
being between second and first median nervules,—the line of spots 
being parallel to hind-margin; beyond ocelli a transverse, thin, inter- 
rupted, macular, black streak, broader and more continuous on costa and 

1M. Oberthiir mentions (Etudes d’Ent., iii. (Oct. 1878), p. 27) that this variety occurs, 
and that some examples exhibit the passage between the different colorations, He does 

not say, however, whether the variety in question obtains in the female as well as in the 


close to anal angle; costa and hind-margin closely hatched with very 
thin, minute, short, transverse lines; occasionally this hatching is want- 
ing on hind-margin, when there is an irregular black streak closely 
bordering hind-marginal edge. ind-wing: more or less broadly 
clouded with black at base, the black occupying most of discoidal cell, 
at extremity of which is a subovate black spot; this spot is occasion- 
ally united to basal black by a thin black line along discoidal nervule ; 
near and parallel to hind-margin a row of six ocelli similar to those of 
fore-wing, but much larger (except the ocellus next anal angle, which 
is always small, and sometimes very minute), situate between nervules 
from first subcostal to submedian nervure; macular streak of fore-wing 
continued across this wing in a more lunulate form, dusted with bluish 
scales, and ending in a thickly blue-dusted mark at anal angle; speci- 
mens possessing the exterior hind-marginal streak in fore-wing have it 
likewise bordering hind-marginal edge of hind-wing. Cilia of both 
wings hoary-greyish, with tufts of longer hairs on dentations of hind- 
wing. UNDER SIDE.—Paler or darker dull ochreous-brown (rarely pale 
greyish-ochreous), the markings of upper side narrowly and_ faintly 
reproduced in slatey-black. ore-wing: no basal black; some short, 
strong, pale-yellowish hairs on costa near base; stria in discoidal cell 
outlined only with slatey-black, but darker than ground-colour, ocelli 
mostly indistinctly marked, not blue-centred, but with a few, minute, 
pale-yellowish hairs springing from their centres; at anal angle, and 
more rarely at apex, is a whitish-violaceous tinge. Hind-wing: a 
small slatey-black spot in discoidal cell; an irregularly-waved slatey 
streak, crossing wing before middle, closes cell; a similar, but more 
recular stria beyond this, and continuous of the third stria in fore-wing, 
extends nearly to anal angle; ocelli very indistinctly defined, much 
smaller than on upper side, rather conspicuously tufted in their centres 
with pale-yellowish hairs; similar, but longer, hairs are scattered over 
base and margins of wing, but are most abundant and longest on inner 
marginal portion covering abdomen ; a bluish tinge at anal angle. 

A specimen with very pale under side, in my collection, has the 
ocellt much distincter and bluer than above described, without any hairs 
in their centres; these hairs are indeed almost universally wanting, 
except a few near bases of wings. 

2 Without the rich purple lustre of f; but markings quite similar 
to those of the other sex. Ocellate spots in both wings larger, and, as 
a rule, comparatively with more blue. UNDER SIDE.—Quite like that 
or f. 

This species is very variable as regards both depth of colouring andjinten- 
sity of marking. The ocelli of hind-wing are particularly so, being in some 
specimens so enlarged as to form a broad continuous submarginal band. 

In its robust structure and thick, partly hairy wings, no less than in its 
colouring, this Precis is not at all unlike that section of the allied genus 
Vanessa which is represented by the well-known V. Polychloros (Linn.) 

I am iniormed by Mrs, Barber that the larva feeds on ‘‘a large brown- 


coloured species of Gomphocarpus, which grows in wet or swampy spots among 
long grasses or sedges ;” but I have not received any drawing or description 
either of it or of the pupa. | 

P. Cloantha is a widely-spread species in the eastern parts of South Africa, 
but I am not aware of its occurrence westward of George in the Cape Colony, 
It is on the wing from the end of September to the beginning of April, but is 
most numerous in January and February. It frequents open ground, preferring 
damp marshy places with much grass, either in valleys or hollows on hillsides, 
I have seldom noticed it on flowers ; it usually settles on the ground or on the 
lowest plants, and when basking with expanded wings in the sunshine, is a 
most conspicuous and beautiful object. It has all the activity of the Junonie 
and Vanesse, and is, I think, even bolder than they in returning to the same 
spot after an unsuccessful attempt at its capture. 

Localities of Precis Cloantha. 

I. South Africa. 
A. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—George (W. Atmore). Knysna. Plettenberg 
b, Eastern Districts.—Uitenhage (S. D. Bairstow). Kowie River, 
Bathurst (J. LZ. Fry). Grahamstown. King William’s Town 
(W. S. M. D Urban). East London (P. Borcherds). 
d, Basutoland.—‘* Maluti Mountains” (J. H. Bowker). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
K. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’ Urban. Verulam. Itongati River. Mapumulo. | 

b. Upper Districts.—Udland’s Mission Station. Fort Bucking- 
ham, Tugela River. Greytown. Little Noodsberg. Intzutze, 
Great Noodsberg. Maritzburg (Miss Colenso). Estcourt (J. 
M. Hutchinson). 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). 

II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Angola: ‘“‘Loanda (R. Meldola).”—A. G. 

b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). 

bi. Interior.—“ Victoria Nyanza (Rev. J. Hannington).”—A, G. 

B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Cape Palmas (Coll. Hope Mus.) 
b, Eastern Coast.—Abyssinia: “ Shoa (Anétinorz).”—Oberthiir. 

68. (3.) Precis Ceryne, (Boisd.) 

Salamis Ceryne, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 592, n. 68 (1847). 
Junonia Ceryne, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 131, n. 78 (1862), ; and il 
Digan (asco) |. 

Exp. al., 1 in. 11 lin.—2 in. 2 lin. 

a Brown; a broad, pale-ochreous, reddish-tinged band crossing both 
wings, and in hind-wing whitish on vs inner side. Fore-wing: two 
short, pale-ochreous striz cross discoidal cell, the outer of the two 
extending a little below median nervure and its first nervule; the 


broad pale-ochreous band, tinged with reddish externally, occupies 
wing from about middle, is bifid on costa, being divided by a brown, 
curved mark, containing a row of four white spots; this row of spots 
continued towards inner margin by three small black spots in ochreous 
band; a row of eight small blue crescents along brown hind-margin ; 
fringe brown, spotted with white; a thin indistinct transverse bluish 
streak just beyond extremity of cell, and a minute bluish spot in cell 
close to base. Mind-wing: ochreous band of fore-wing continued across 
this wing to inner margin before anal angle, and containing a row of 

five black spots; blue crescents and fringe as in fore-wing; usually 

a pale-yellowish spot near base, close to costa, and another in dis- 
coidal cell towards extremity. UNDER sIDE.—Deep, rich ochre-yellow. 
Fore-wing : transverse strize in discoidal cell white margined with black ; 
broad band white on its inner edge, which is also bordered with black ; 
spots in band all or mostly white-centred ; hind-marginal crescents 
white, instead of blue, finely edged with black on both sides, and im- 
mediately succeeded by a parallel row of white lunules without black 
edges; a black line along hind-marginal edge. Hind-wing: two 
white black-ringed spots near base; band as in fore-wing, but its 
black spots not white-centred; hind-marginal crescents, row of lunules, 
and black edging line as in fore-wing. 

° Band common to both wings much broader, more rufous, not so 
much inclined to whitish on its inner side; all the markings clearer 
and brighter than in the f. UNDER SIDE.—As in ff, but redder near 

A female taken at D’Urban, Natal, in 1878, by Colonel Bowker, has the 
under side much obscured, the ground-colour inclining to ferruginous, and the 
white of the band and basal markings replaced by ochre-yellow. This specimen 
in these respects much resembles the very closely allied P. Z’uhwoa, Wallengr. 

In March and April 1867 I met with this gaily-coloured species pretty 
frequently in different parts of Natal. It is fond of open country, especially 

of grassy valleys in uplands, seeming to prefer the vicinity of streams. It is 
active, but not swift on the wing, and settles very frequently. 

Localities of Precis Ceryne. 

I. South Africa. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
EK. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts —D’Urban. Itongaati River. Mapumulo. 

b. Upper Districts.—Udland’s Mission Station. Hermansburg. Grey- 
town. Great Noodsberg. Maritzburg. Karkloof (J. H. Bow- 
ker). Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 

F. Zululand.—Napoleon Valley (J. 1. Bowker). 
K. Transvaal.—Pretoria (JV. Morant). Lydenburg District (7. Ayres), 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.— Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—Druce. 
b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). 
VOL. I. P 


69. (4.) Precis Tukuoa, (Wallengren). 

Salamis Tukuoa, Wallgrn., K. Sv. Vet.-Ak. Handl, 1857; Lep. Rhop. 
Cait, 40-25... 
Junonia Pelarga, Fab., Syn. g, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., ii. p. 337 (1866), 

Exp. al., 1 in. 11 lin—z in. 34 lin. 

Brown, with a common fulvous-ochreous discal band, bifid in fore- 
wing, and in hind-wing more or less tinged with dull creamy on rts inner 
portion. Fore-wing: costa rufous-ochreous from base to extremity of 
discoidal cell; across cell two short broad fulvous-ochreous stripes, the 
outer of which extends below cell, where it is crossed by base of first 
median nervule; in cell, the spaces before, between, and beyond the 
fulvous-ochreous stripes are rather indistinctly bluish with blackish 
edges ; just beyond extremity of cell a short, angulated, transverse 
black streak, immediately succeeded by a rather suffused blue one; 
discal band bifid from third median nervule, and partly traversed by 
three spots of a row of seven parallel to hind-marginal border ; of these 
spots, the dark rings of the upper four are merged in the ground- 
colour between the arms of the discal band, the first having a blue 
suffused centre, while the other three have well-defined pure-white 
centres (that of the third spot the largest),—the fifth and sixth are 
without centres, and the last (which is double) has a minute white 
centre in its larger upper portion; inner half of moderately wide brown 
_hind-marginal border traversed by a row of rather faint and suffused 
black-edged bluish lunules,—outer half externally edged with a blackish 
line. Hind-wing: near base two small fulvous-ochreous spots, one 
between costal and subcostal nervures, the other in discoidal cell; five 
small black spots in the row traversing discal band, between first sub- 
costal and first median nervules,—the second spot occasionally (and 
very rarely the third also) with a minute white centre; hind-marginal 
border as in fore-wing, except that at anal angle the last blue lunule 
of inner portion is larger and brighter than the rest, and joins on the 
anal-angular process a similar outer lunule. Cilia brown, with whitish 
inter-nervular interruptions. UNDER sIDE— Dull reddish-ochreous, much 
shot with violaceous; a common narrow median yellow stripe, externally 
dentated ; the markings of the upper side faintly indicated by corre- 
sponding outlines of slatey-grey. ore-wing : transverse cellular stripes 
indicated by a paler, yellower colour; the three white-centred spots of 
upper side represented by impure-white spots in rufous-grey rings; a 
slight hoary irroration at apex. Hind-wing: a similar irroration about 
anal-angular process. | 

The sexes do not differ in appearance, except that in the 2 the 
wings are broader and less angulated, and the common discal band 1s 
markedly wider, and of a duller, deeper fulvous. 

Notwithstanding the much more angulated wings—the fore-wings are 

indeed faleate—and the dull-coloured, little-varied under side, Tukuoa 1s 
undoubtedly a very close ally of Ceryne, Boisd., every marking actually cor- 


responding in outline and position in the two forms. On the upper side 
Tukuoa wants, or only slightly presents, the pale suffusion of the inner part 
of the common discal band; in the fore-wing, the centre of the first spot in 
the discal row is blue (not white), and the bluish scaling in the discoidal cell 
is more pronounced. The cilia are much narrower, and faintly (instead of 
very conspicuously) varied with white. On the under side the conspicuous 
ochre-yellow ground-colour and white black-edged markings of Ceryne are 
obliterated, only their outlines being indicated in grey; while the narrow 
median yellow stripe (corresponding to the inner part of the discal band of 
Ceryne) is externally sharply dentated. 

In station and habits there seems to be nothing to distinguish this species 
from P, Ceryne, but it is apparently scarcer. In March and April 1867 I took 
several specimens at Natal in three different localities, all of which were fre- 
quented by Ceryne; and in one (Tongaati River) the two forms were flying 
together about the same spot. As I at that time did not regard Tuhwoa as a 
distinct species from Ceryne (and indeed had not identified the butterfly with 
Wallengren’s insect), it is not unlikely that I may have passed it over at 
several of the other localities I visited. 

Localities of Precis Tukuoa. 

I. South Africa, 
i. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts\—D’Urban, Pinetown (/V. Morant), Itongaati 
6. Upper Districts.—Great Noodsbere. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (HZ. Tower). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 
II, Other African Regions, 

A. South Tropical. 
b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). 
bi. Interior.—Mashunaland (f. C. Selous). 

70. (5.) Precis Simia, Wallengren. 

Precis Simia, Wallgrn., K. Sv. Vet.-Ak. HandL, 1857; Lep. Rhop. Caffr., 
DO Te. 

ip Octavia, Cram.,? Var., Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 11. p. 335 (1866). 

Hapa, TI. .10 lin, 

Fulvous-ochreous, with fuscous borders, spots, and basal clouding. 
Fore-wing : costal border narrowly fuscous, traversed by a fulvous 
streak near base and a little beyond middle; basal part of inner- 
marginal area irrorated with fuscous almost to middle; base of cell 
and middle part of a black-edged cellular transverse stria irrorated 
with fuscous; immediately beyond cell a broad irregular fuscous fascia, 
angulated externally between second and third median nervules, en- 
closing an irrorated ill-defined traversing stripe of the ground-colour ; 
and becoming indistinct near inner margin; a little before apex a 
short oblique fuscous bar, uniting with the upper part of hind-marginal 
border to isolate two small spots of the ground-colour; a curved discal 
row of four round fuscous spots between end of oblique bar and sub- 
median nervure; hind-marginal border traversed by two very indis- 


tinct parallel rows of paler lunules, of which the inner are slightly 
bluish-tinged. Mind-wing: basal fuscous very broad (especially along 
costa, where it almost reaches hind-marginal fuscous border), marked 
with a whitish-fulvous spot between costal and subcostal nervures, 
and with a large fulvous space (outwardly connected with ground- 
colour) in outer half of discoidal cell; discal waved row of five spots, 
smaller than in fore-wing; hind-marginal border considerably wider 
than in fore-wing, its inner edge irregularly and bluntly dentated, 
its two rows of lunules almost as indistinct as in fore-wing. Cilia 
fuscous, with inter-nervular white spots. UNDER sIDE.—FPaler, the 
ground-colour tinged with whitish; basal fuscous and rts ineluded 
markings of the ground-colour very distinctly defined ; the lunules of 
hind-marginal border much whiter and distincter than on upper side. 
Fore-wing : basal fuscous not irrorated with fulvous, its external edge 
only bluntly angulated, containing a basal and a terminal disco-cellular 
bar (the latter narrowly continued to submedian nervure), and an 
irregular thin streak beyond cell; fuscous costal bar near apex obsolete, 
so that first and second spots of discal row are distinct. Hind-wing: 
basal fuscous much narrower on costa, extending only slightly beyond 
middle ; disco-cellular markings corresponding with those of fore-wing, 
but smaller and whiter; spot between costal and subcostal nervures 
near base large and conspicuous; immediately above it a small indis- 
tinct fulvous spot; curve of costa at base bordered with fulvous; a 
sixth spot near costa in discal row. 

As above stated, I formerly referred Sima, Wallengr., with doubt to 
Octavia, Cram., judging from the author’s description only. But in November 
1881 I received a very carefully coloured drawing of Wallengren’s type (most 
kindly procured for me by M. Aurivillius, of the Royal Stockholm Museum), 
and on my return to the Cape found a worn specimen of Simda, which had 

been sent to the South-African Museum by Colonel Bowker. A comparison 
of this specimen with the drawing and with Wallengren’s description has 

convinced me that the latter author was justified in separating this butterfly” 

from Octavia. Its small size and duller, more fulvous colour distinguish it 
widely in appearance from the southern examples of Octavia, but it is much 
more like the West-African type-form. As regards the upper side, the wider 
extension of the basal fuscous, and its fulvous irroration and singular external 
angulation in the fore-wing, together with the narrower hind-marginal border, 
are distinguishing marks of Simda,; and, on the under side, the entire basal 
field of fuscous completely enclosing all the ground-colour markings, but 
wanting the two conspicuous basi-costal pale spots of Octavia, as well as any 
trace of the blue irroration, are characters by which the butterfly can well be 

Colonel Bowker’s specimen of this apparently very rare species is a ¢, and 
was taken in the Park at D’Urban, Natal, in June 1881. I sent a drawing 
and note of the insect to that excellent observer; but he has not again met 
with an example. 

Localities of Precis Sinia. 
I, South Africa. 

E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.--D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). 


71. (6.) Precis Octavia, (Cramer). 

Papilio Octavia, Cram., Pap. Exot., ii. t. exxxv. ff. B, c (1779). 
Vanessa Octavia, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 322, n. 60 (1819). 
Angas, Kafirs. Ilustr. pl XxXet, On LOAG). 
Precis Octavia, Hiibn., Verz. Bek. Schmett., D: 34, M274 (1626). 
Junonia Octavia, Trim. , Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 130, n. 77 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 2 lin.—2 in. 8 lin. 

Salmon-red, inclining to brick-red, with black borders and spots. 
Fore-wing: base rather broadly blackish, especially on inner margin, 
where it extends as far as middle; costa bordered with black, nar- 
rowest about middle, becoming broad and suffused before apex; a 
broad, black, transverse stria in discoidal cell unites costal and inner- 
marginal black, leaving a spot of ground-colour between it and base ; 
a similar, more waved, rather narrower streak occupies extremity of 
discoidal cell; a moderately-broad black border along hind-margin, 
containing two rows of small bluish lunules, the outer row generally 
ill defined, the inner almost always distinct; immediately beneath, and 
united to, apical black is the first of a discal row of six round black 
spots, between nervules, from fifth subcostal nervule to submedian ner- 
vure; fringe black, conspicuously spotted with white. Mind-wing: 
disc with a pink gloss; base broadly blackish, extending in a broad 
band to middle of costa, where it ends abruptly, immediately below the 
termination of the inner-marginal black in /ore-wing, occupying inner 
half of discoidal cell, and extending, rather suffusedly, to about middle, 
between first median nervule and submedian nervure; a black streak, 
sometimes united to costal black, at extremity of cell; along hind- 
margin, a black border similar to that in fore-wing, but broader,—its 
two rows of bluish lunules usually more distinct than in fore-wing ; 
an irregular transverse discal row of six round black spots, continuous 
of that in fore-wing, extending from costa to first median nervule ; 
towards inner margin is a clothing of silky ochreous hairs; fringe as 
in fore-wing. UNDER SIDE—MMuch paler, more creamy in tint, shot 
with glistening pink ; black markings very similar to those of upper 
side. Fore-wing: a tinge of pale-yellow on costa, particularly near 
apex, where there is xo broad blackish suffusion, but sometimes a faint 
fuscous cloud; the row of spots parallel to hind-margin commencing 
distinctly from costa, the first spot increasing the number to seven; 

‘double row of bluish lunules more conspicuous than on wpper side, 

whiter. Hind-wing: basal black containing four rather large, very con= 
spicuous spots of the ground-colour, and dusted with blue scales, which 
form a transverse streak between costal and subcostal nervures near 
extremity of black; whitish-bluish lunules in hind-marginal border 
large and very conspicuous; row of black spots as on upper side; 
inner-marginal region stained with ochre-yellow. 

The sexes do not differ except in the larger size and broader, more 
rounded hind-wing of the 9. 


Larva.—(Cast skin of final moult.) Apparently wholly black, 
except the head, which is shining yellowish-brown, with a central 
arrow-head black mark in front and a conspicuous rounded black spot 
on each side. Spines of the body very acuminate, set with whorls of 
strong acicular bristles; the pair on the summit of the head also black, 
very thick and long, blunt and rounded at the tips, quite erect, bearing 
short, stout, thorn-like branches throughout. 

Pupa.—(Cast skin.) Pale yellowish-brown, mottled irregularly 
with darker-brown on abdomen generally and on back of thorax; 
three darker-brown sub-quadrate spots on wing-covers near base. 

Colonel Bowker reared a specimen of Octavia at Pinetown, in Natal, 
in October 1883, and sent me the exwice above described, with the 
note that the duration of the pupal state was twelve days. As far as 
can be judged from the shrivelled skin, the larva must closely resemble 
that of P. Sesamus, described by Captain Harford. 

The much larger size and brighter, clearer red of the Southern examples 
give them a very distinct look from the Tropical West-African type-form, 
which also in fore-wing has the discal row of black spots less curved inwardly, 
and in both wings on upper side the rows of bluish lunules almost obsolete. 
But, on a close comparison, I have not judged it advisable to separate the 
Southern form as a distinct species, though it certainly constitutes a marked 

I found this beautiful Precis widely spread over Natal in the summer of 
1867, but did not notice it near D’Urban. It frequents open, grassy hills, 
especially their summit ridges or highest points, and is very conspicuous, 
whether flying or settled. Its companions on these exposed spots are usually 
its own congeners, P. Sesamus, Archesia, and Pelasgis, though the last-named 
species often prefers a station on the edge of a wood. All are active, bold 
butterflies, and their size and striking colouring give much animation to their 
favourite haunts. 

While in Natal, I captured, near Verulam, on 25th February 1867, a very 
fine example of what I took to be a dark example of Octavia, but which, on 
examination, exhibited manifest indications of an approach towards the char- 
acters of P. Sesamus. I have had this example figured (see Pl. IV. fig. 4), 
and it will be observed that the basal black is much more developed than 
usual, and in the fore-wing is irrorated with blue; that a black-edged blue stria 
crosses the discoidal cell of the fore-wing, while a triple blue and black striated 
marking occupies the extremity of the cell; that the two upper spots of the 

discal row in the fore-wing, which in Sesamus are white-centred, are centred ~ 

with whitish-blue; and that the under side presents, immediately beyond the 
ordinary basal markings, an irregular fuscous bluish-varied stripe, corresponding 
in position to the similar marking in P. Sesamus. I saw a second individual 
of apparently quite the same pattern in the Umvoti District during the follow- 
ing March, but did not succeed in capturing it. 

These two butterflies recalled to my mind two singular specimens taken by 
Colonel Bowker on the Tsomo River, Kaffraria, in December 1865, which pre- 
sented in the main the characters of Sesamus, but with a very decided inclina- 
tion in the direction of Octavia. To these latter specimens I shall revert 
under the heading of P. Sesamus. 

It was not until 1879 that I found, in the fine collection acquired from 
Mr. T. Ayres for the South-African Museum, two examples from the Lyden- 
burg District of the Transvaal which closely resembled my Natal example ; 
but in the absence of any basal blue irroration, and in having only faint traces 


of blue in the eellular striz, showed less divergence from Octavia. The larger 
of the two, however, had the two upper spots of the discal row of fore-wing 
as conspicuously white-centred as in Sesamus ; and also exhibited a very dark 
under side, the basal half being very completely fuscous with a sharply-defined 
and dentated outer hmit, while the hind-marginal area had a distinctly bronzy 

These exceptional variations, together with those of Sesamus already referred 
to, acquired a special interest in the same year (1879), as Mr. Frank N. Streat- 
feild, C.M.G., an experienced collector and observer of Lepidoptera, wrote to 
me to announce that he had just captured at Ibeka, in the Trans-Kei Territory, 
Octavia and Amestris (Sesamus) tn copula. He wrote, “ There was no mistake 
about it; I caught, killed, and pinned them in my box (with the intention of 
sending them to you) still 7m copuld. . . . Amestris was flying and Octavia 
passive while the two paired butterflies were on the wing.” The voracity of 
the ants frequenting Mr. Streatfeild’s hut unfortunately did not spare these 
most interesting specimens, which were devoured the very night after their 
capture. This testimony from so good an authority is of special value, as I 
had not communicated my suspicions on the subject to Mr. Streatfeild, nor was 
he at the time aware of my having any specimens pointing to intercourse 
between the two species. It is only to such occasional unions, and to their 
fertility, that the origin of the intermediate examples under notice can be 

Localities of Precis Octavia. 

I. South Africa. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). Mouth of St. 
John’s River (Str H. Barkly). ‘Ibeka” (Ff. N. Streatfeild). 
E. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts. —Verulam. Umvoti. Mapumulo. 

b. Upper Districts—Intzutze River. Little Noodsberg. Great 
Noodsberg. Udland’s Mission Station. Fort Buckingham. 
Hermansburg. Greytown. Pietermaritzburg (W. Hayes). st- 
court (J. M. Hutchinson). Karkloof (J. H. Bowker). Van 
Reenen’s Pass, Drakensberg (C. Hart). 

K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 

II, Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—“ Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—Druce. 
b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (fev. H. Rowley).—Coll. Hope, 

Oxon. [Austral form]. 

B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Sierra Leone (A. WV. Innes). 
b, Eastern Coast.—“ Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinorz).”—Oberthiir. 

72. (7.) Precis Sesamus, Trimen. 
Puate IV. fig. 3 (9). 

Vanessa Amestris, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 592 (1847). 
° is Wallerm., K. Sv. Vet.-Ak. Handl, 1857; Lep. Rhop. 
Caffr., p. 26 (1857). 
Junonia Amestris, Dru. [part], Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 132, n. 79 (1862). 

Hep. 2 in. & lin.—2 in. 11 lin. 
Black, dusted with violaccous-bluc, and with blue transverse bands ; 
a transverse band of red spots near hind-margin. Fore-wing: thickly 


irrorated with blue as far as middle; in discoidal cell the irrorations 
form three transverse striz, separated from each other by streaks of 
the black ground-colour; a waved, irregular, at third median nervule 
sometimes interrupted, blue stripe crosses wing beyond middle, from 
costa to inner margin; beyond it commences a transverse row of six 
spots parallel to hind-margin, the first two spots being conspicuously 
bluish-white and of small size, the remainder red (the first of which 
is small, the other three large, and excavate internally, where each is 
marked by a deep-black spot) ; beyond this row is another of blue sub- 
lunulate spots; a line of thin blue lunules close to hind-marginal edge ; 
fringe black, white-spotted in indentations. Mind-wing: basal area 
dusted with blue; no strize in discoidal cell; beyond middle, the blue 
and red stripes of fore-wing are continued across this wing to inner 
margin before anal angle, the blue stripe becoming indistinct in its 
lower portion, the ved consisting of seven conspicuous, internally 
black-dotted spots; row of lunulate spots and of hind-marginal lunules 
as in fore-wing, but larger; fringe white-marked in indentations. 
UNDER SIDE.—Glossy dark greenish-bronze, with transverse blackish strive. 
Fore-wing: five sinuate, black transverse strie in discoidal cell; a 
dull-blackish, ill-defined fascia just beyond cell, quite across wing; 
followed by another, sharply-defined outwardly, and marking the inner 
edge of the blue transverse stripe on wpper side ; an irregular trans- 
verse row of small black rings (the third from costa conspicuously filled 
with white); toner margin glossed with purplish ; a dull-reddish stain 
near anal angle; two rows of indistinct blackish lunules along hind- 
margin. Hind-wing: much varied with indistinct blackish fascie in 
basal half; a blackish streak, enclosing a greenish line, at extremity of 
discoidal cell ; a much-dentated, irregular, black line continues the well- 
defined one of /ore-wing to inner margin beyond middle; also a row 
of five or six little black rings, continuous of that of fore-wing, as far as 
first median nervule; two rows of blackish lunules along hind-margin, 
less distinct than in fore-wing, but ending in a black mark at anal angle. 

Larva.— Dark velvety-brown, with transverse rows of lght- 
brown tubercles, which are centred with rather long, branched spines. 
Head light reddish-brown, with a black spot on each cheek, and one 
above the mouth, and crowned with two long branched spines.”’— 
H. C. Harford, MSS. description of Natalian specimen. 

This is the Southern representative of the West-African P. Ames- 
tris (Drury), and is separable from that species by (1) its conspicuous 
basal blue irroration, (2) the constancy and large development of the 
blue discal band, (3) the less irregular black and red discal row of 
spots, (4) the absence of red strize in discoidal cell of fore-wings, and 
(5) the uniform dark bronzy-green tint of the under side, without any 
representation of the red spots of the upper side except near anal 
angle of fore-wing. P. Sesamus is also larger than P. Amestris. It 
varies somewhat in the tint of its blue colouring, some individuals 


being more violaceous than usual, while in some rare instances the 
blue is very pale and suffused. 

There are few such striking contrasts of colour among the South-African 
butterflies as that of the blue and red on the upper side of this beautiful 
species. I did not know the butterfly in life until June 1865, when I was 
delighted at beholding it basking in the sunshine on the Berea Road at 
D’Urban, Natal. During my subsequent visit, in the summer of 1867, I met 
with many specimens, chiefly in open hilly country. Though constantly to be 
seen flitting about with its congeners, Octavia, Archesia, and Pelasgis, I have 
noticed that Sesamus has a greater liking than any of them for shady places, 
preferring to settle under a bank or in some deep road-cutting. Colonel 
Bowker records an interesting note of the extent to which this habit is carried 
at the end of autumn, when he has found Sesamus congregated in some 
number under rocks and in holes of dry banks, as many as twenty-nine indi- 
viduals having been captured at once by placing a net over the hole and 
disturbing them. The very dark bronzy-green under side is well adapted 
for concealment in such spots; but why the butterflies of this species should 
assemble in this manner is not very apparent. 

In connection with the remarks given above under Precis Octavia, respect- 
ing certain curious individuals exhibiting characters allied to those of P. 
Sesamus, I here call attention to some examples in which, though on the 
whole the characters of the latter species predominate, there are features 
unmistakably approximating them to Octavia. These two examples (¢ and 
@) were taken by Colonel Bowker in December 1865, within a few days of 
each other, near the Mounted Police Post on the River Tsomo, in Kaffraria 
Proper. They want on the upper side the blue basal irroration ; the central 
fascia is red, tinged with violaceous (instead of blue), and only separated from 
the ordinary red band—which is scarcely macular—by a narrow suffused fus- 
cous ray; the two rows of blue marks in the hind-marginal border are very 
much reduced (especially in the 2 specimen, where they have quite lost the 
form of lunules); and in the fore-wing the discoidal cell is marked as in Octavia 
with two red striz, one near base very small and almost obsolete, the other 
near extremity of cell and very conspicuous. On the under side, the discal 
area beyond middle is clouded with pale-red, obscured with bronzy-green near 
costa of both wings; the basal region is less bronzy, with the markings more 
distinct, and in the discoidal cell of the fore-wing are two pale-reddish stria. 

A third South-African specimen (which I noted in the British Museum 
Collection in 1867 as “ presented by R. C. Townshend, Esq.”) much resembled 
the two just described, but was smaller, and the red colouring of the upper 
side was without violaceous lustre. On the under side of the hind-wing, the 
basal markings and the inner marginal border to submedian nervure were 
reddish—a feature presented by the Natal specimen near Octavia figured on 
my Plate IV. 

In several of the characters just mentioned these three examples resemble 
the West-African P. Amestris, Dru., but differ remarkably in the possession of 
the central red fascia on the upper side. 

Taking these specimens in association with those noted under P. Octavia, 
and bearing in mind Mr. Streatfeild’s capture of the united sexes, it seems only 
reasonable to conclude that they are the hybrid progeny of two such different- 
looking species as Octavia and Sesamus. 

Localities of Precis Sesamus. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts\—Perie Bush, King William’s Town (J. H. 


D, Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee and Tsomo Rivers, and Butterworth (J, 
H, Bowker). ‘“Tbeka” (F. N. Streatfeild). 
E. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Mapumulo. 

6, Upper Districts.—Intzutze River. Little Noodsberg. Great 
Noodsberg. Hermansburg, Greytown, Pietermaritzburg. Est- 
court (J. M. Hutchinson). 

K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). 

II, Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
6, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley)—Coll. Hope, 
br. Interior.—Mashunaland (/. C. Selous). ‘ Kilima-njaro (H. H. 
Johnston).”—F. D, Godman. 

73. (8.) Precis Archesia, (Cramer). 

Papilio Archesia, Cram., Pap. Exot., ili, t. cexix., ff. D, E (1782). 
Vanessa Archesia, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 316, n. 47 (1819). 
Junonia Archesia, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 133, n. 80 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 4 lin.—2 in. 5 lin. 

Warm-brown, with a tinge of ochreous; fore-wing with cellular blue 
strie ; a dull-red band crossing both wings. ore-wing: three bluish, 
slender, transverse striz edged with black in discoidal cell; a broader, 
sometimes ill-defined, inwardly black-edged, bluish streak from costa 
just beyond extremity of cell; a whitish-violaceous stripe from costa 
beyond middle becomes merged, on third median nervule, with a dull 
ochreous-red band parallel to hind-margin; this red band commences 
on costa, close to apex, with a narrow macular streak of dark-red 
(sometimes half-obliterated); a row of seven pale-bluish spots—all 
conspicuously white-centred except the first (and rarely the fifth)— 
parallel to hind-margin, four spots being before the dark-red streak 
from costa, and three 7 the red band; bordering hind-margin are 
two more or less distinct, lunulate, blue streaks; fringe dull-whitish, 
spotted with brown at extremities of nervules. Hind-wing: dull-red 
band, continuous of that in fore-wing, completely crosses wing from 
costa to inner margin a little before anal angle, and contains five small, 
bluish-white, black-ringed spots, between first subcostal and third 
median nervules; a slightly darker shade externally bounds red band ; 
and a dark-brown, dentated streak runs near and parallel to hind- 
margin; anal angle irrorated with pale-blue scales ; fringe as in /ore- 
wing, but the brown marks not so distinct. UNDER sIDE.—Dark-brown 
(varied with lighter-brown, and crossed by transverse greyish fascice) to 
beyond middle of both wings ; where, in place of the dull-red band of 
the wpper side, is a whitish-ochreous one—the inner fork of the band, 
on costa, being the whitest portion—tinged with reddish or ochreous, 
particularly in hind-wing, and generally ill-defined outwardly ; the row 


of spots common to both wings smaller than on upper side, without 
bluish tinge, whitish, in brown rings; hind-margins varied irregularly 
with whitish-grey, particularly at apices and anal angles; two dark- 
brown, lunulate streaks, more or less distinct and continuous, border 
hind-margins, the streaks in hind-wing occupying the same position as 
on upper side; fringes duller than on upper side. 

The 2 in colouring and pattern is like the g, but a little duller 
and paler; while her hind-wing is considerably broader and more 
rounded, being less acuminate at the anal angle. 

Var. A. (¢ and $). | 

Rather smaller. Common rufous band considerably paler, inclin- 
ing to ochreous-yellow along its inner portion; the stripe from costa 
of fore-wing which forms part of the band not, or but very slightly, 

violaceous. ore-wing: the cellular bluish striz and the hind-mar- 

ginal lunulate blue streaks less developed and sometimes indistinct. 
UNDER SIDE.—Basal areas more uniform in colour, being less varied 
with paler strize; common discal band much paler and more developed, 
approaching in character towards the same feature in P. Pelasgis 


It seems not improbable that this variety, which occurs near Grahamstown, 
in Kaffraria, and in Natal, in company with the typical form, is the result of 

unions between Archesia and Pelasqis,' all the points in which it differs leading 
towards the distinctive characters of the latter. 

The under side in true Archesta presents much variation, some examples 
exhibiting slight bronzy reflections, and others inclining to a reddish tinge in 
parts. A 3 taken by me at Greytown, in Natal, in March 1867, has all the 

under side of a warm ochreous-brown varied with ferruginous ; and a similar 

but rather darker ¢ has reached me from the Lydenburg District of the Trans- 
vaal, where it was taken by Mr. T. Ayres. 
I am inclined to include as a further variety of Archesta the Precis Stand- 

— ingerti of Dewitz? from Angola, which differs chiefly in the larger development 
of all the blue markings of the fore-wing and smooth unstreaked pale- 

brownish colouring of the under side. I have not, however, seen any Angolan 

examples; but I note that Mr. Druce (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1875, p. 408) 
includes, without comment, Archesta amongst the late Mr. Monteiro’s collec- 
tions in Angola. 

There are few handsomer or more conspicuous South-African butterflies 

than P. Archesia. It is fond of elevated situations, and, more than any of 

its congeners that I have observed, delights to bask or repose on rocks or 

large stones. Colonel Bowker has noted that it sometimes congregates under 

rocks, and is often met with in small rocky caverns in deep forest kloofs. It 

visits flowers pretty frequently nevertheless, and, though wary, is a bold insect, 
and not difficult to capture. Commoner in the summer, it yet is to be found 
in the winter months, and I recently met with good specimens at Grahams- 
town as late as the end of June. As far as known, the species does not come 

farther westward and southward than Knysna, where a single specimen was 

taken by Miss Wentworth (now Mrs. Muskett) in the year 1861. 

1 Mr. A. G. Spiller has noted in the Hntomologist for January 1882, that he had taken 

_ these two species in copuld. 

2 Nov, Act. Acad. Leop.-Carol.-Deutsch., xli. pars ii, n. 2, p. 193, tab. xxv. n. 15. 


Localities of Precis Archesia. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Knysna (Miss Wentworth). 
b, Eastern Districts.—Uitenhage. Grahamstown. Peddie. Kowie 
River Mouth (J. Z. Fry). King William’s Town (WV. S. 
D Urban, Ven. H. Kitton, J. H. Bowker). Windvogelberg. 
Queenstown (Dr. Batho). 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—Tongaati River. 

6. Upper Districts—Pietermaritzburg. Greytown. Estcourt (J. M, | 


II, Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—‘ Angola (Pogge).”—H. Dewitz. ‘“ Banana, 
Angola (J. J. Montezro).” —H. Druce. 
6. Kastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley).—Coll. Hope, 

74. (9.) Precis Pelasgis, Godart. 

Vanessa Pelasgis, Godt., Ene. Meth., ix. Suppl, p. 820, n. 38-39 (18109). 
Junonia Pelasgis, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i p. 135, n. 81 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 1 lin.—2 in. 4 lin. 

Dark-brown ; beyond middle a pale ochreous band tinged with dull- 
red crossing both wings. Fore-wing: some dull-reddish scales on costa 
near base; two irregular, sometimes half-obliterated, dull-red trans- 
verse striae in discoidal cell, the inner striz externally, the outer 
internally, edged with a blue-dotted black line; a thin black line 
inwardly edged with blue at extremity of cell, and a more indistinct 
similar stria a little beyond it; pale-ochreous band bifid on costa, 
the outer ray being very much narrower than the inner, macular, and 
more or less interrupted; immediately before the outer ray of the band 
are the first three of a transverse row of six white-centred black spots, 
parallel to hind-margin, of which the remaining three (as in the allied 
species) are 7 the ochreous band, near its outer edge, the last spot 
being above submedian nervure; close to hind-margin are two rows of 
lunular markings, scarcely paler than ground-colour, but the inner 
row more or less coloured with bluish scales; fringe brown, white- 
spotted in indentations of margin. Hind-wing: ochreous band con- 
tinued across this wing, beyond middle, to a little before anal angle 
on inner margin, and containing five black dots, not white-centred, 
between first subcostal and third median nervules; two indistinct, 
slightly paler in tint, lunulate streaks, divided by a streak darker than 
ground-colour, border hind-margin; at anal angle is a faint-bluish 
mark; fringe as in fore-wing. UNDER SIDE.—Of a darker, duller 


brown than above; the transverse band very conspicuous, white, with 
a creamy tint on its edges, and with a faint violaceous lustre. ore- 
wing: some scarcely distinguishable, thin, dark, transverse lines in 
cell; between which lines are occasionally a few scattered whitish 
scales; row of spots conspicuous, the lowest one geminate; apex 
more or less clouded with white scales; double row of lunules dis- 
tincter than on upper side, some of them marked with white scales. 
Hind-wing : spots in band as on upper side; an ochreous-yellow tinge 
on inner margin at conclusion of band; lunular streaks as in /ore- 


‘his near ally of P. Archesia (Cram.) is easily known by its paler, 
wider, differently-coloured transverse bands, which on the under side 
are very conspicuously creamy-white, and most distinctly defined on 
both edges. On the upper side also it almost totally wants every 
trace of the pale-blue markings of Archesia ; while the ground of the 
under side is uniform dark-brown, with little if any paler strie or 
varied clouding. 

P. Chapunga (Hewits.), from the Zambesi, is still more closely related to 
Pelasgis. The two examples on which the late Mr. Hewitson founded the 
species both exhibit the striking features of the discal common band being so 
reduced as to consist (except as regards the costal bar at the upper extremity) 
only of reddish rings round the small black spots. The lunulate marginal 
rows on the upper side of the fore-wing are of the same reddish tint and well 
marked. On the under side the band is of the same character as in Pelasgis, 
but considerably narrower. 

The range of P. Pelasgis agrees nearly with that of P. Archesta, and the 
habits of the two butterflies are much the same. I have frequently found them 
in company, haunting the same spots, and settling on the same rocks or flowers. 
At Highlands, near Grahamstown, I noticed, however, a habit in the ¢ Pelasgis 
which I have never witnessed in the case of Archesva, viz., that of perching 
himself on the projecting twig of some high bush at the edge of a wood, and 
thence giving chase to other passing butterflies. Mrs. Barber informed me 
that in the same locality she had noticed the 9 Pelasgis laying her eggs on 
a white-flowered Labiate of the genus Plectranthus. ‘This butterfly also keeps 
on the wing during part at least of the winter season, as I saw several examples 
at Grahamstown during June 1883. 

Localities of Precis Pelasgis. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

6, Eastern Districts;—Grahamstown. Bedford (J. P. Mansel Weale). 
Keiskama Hoek, and King William’s Town (W.S. J. D’ Urban). 
Windvogelberg, Queenstown (Dr. Batho), 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Mouth of St. John’s River (Sir H. Barily). 
HK. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. Umhlali. Umvoti, Mapu- 

b. Upper Districts—Fort Buckingham. Hermansburg.  Pieter- 
maritzburg (Miss Colenso). Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson), 
Rorke’s Drift (J. H. Bowker). 

K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom (7. Ayres). 


II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 
61. Eastern Interior.—Shashani River (/ C. Selous). “ Victoria 
Nyanza (Rev. J. Hannington).”—A. G. Butler. 

75. (10.) Precis natalica, Felder. 

Precis natalica, Feld., Wien. Ent. Monats., iv. p. 106 (1860). 
Junonia Hecate, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 140, n. 84 (1862); and ii, 
pl. iii. £. 6 (1866). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 2 lin—2 in. 5 lin. 

Dull greyish-brown, with dull ochreous-red transverse striw and ocel- 
lated spots; four conspicuous pure-white spots near apex of fore-wing. 
Fore-wing: two ochreous-red, blackish-edged striae across discoidal 
cell, the outer one closing cell; a broad space on costa, commencing a 
little beyond extremity of cell, is much darker than rest of wing, and 
contains three pure white spots, arranged transversely from first sub- 
costal to third median nervule; a dark stripe, including an indistinct 
dull-red one, extends from third median nervule, immediately before 
the lowest white spot, to a little beyond middle of inner margin; a 
small pure-white spot on costa close to apex commences a row of 
blackish spots parallel to hind-margin, between nervules, as far as sub- 
median nervure, the two lowest spots the largest, and always surrounded 
by an ochreous-red ring, wider on the inner side,—the other spots 
occasionally in indistinct smaller rings, some of them generally with 
minute bluish pupils; beyond these ccellate spots are two dark-brown 
or blackish lunulate striz bordering hind-margin; fringe varied with 
white and brown. Mind-wing: a transverse, dull ochreous-red, black- 
edged stria about middle of discoidal cell, composed of two small 
spots, and a similar stria at extremity of cell; the dark stripe of fore- 
wing, enclosing a dull-red one, is continued across this wing, gradually 
narrowing towards inner margin, where, a little before anal angle, it 
becomes obsolete; beyond it, a transverse row of more or less con- 
spicuous ochreous-red ocelli, with blue-dotted black centres, five in 
number, situated between first subcostal nervule and first median 
nervule,—the last spot the largest and brightest, and in a distinct, 
thin, yellow ring; in some specimens, a sixth similar but much smaller 
(occasionally minute) ocellus, above submedian nervure; two dark- 
brown, lunulate streaks beyond ocelli, parallel to hind-margin, but 
more continuous than in /fore-wing,—darker at anal angle, where there 
is a slight irroration of blue-grey scales; fringe brown, slightly marked 
with white. UNDER sIDE— Very variable: ground-colour commonly 
much paler than on upper side. Fore-wing: an additional dull-red 
mark in discoidal cell, at base; three white spots beyond cell, in 
darker portion, rather larger, commonly contiguous,—the row continued 
to first median nervule by two pale markings, immediately beneath 
which is a large, whitish spot; before this spot, and likewise imme- 


diately beneath first median nervule, is a similar, slightly smaller 
whitish spot; ocellate spots distincter than above, particularly the two 
immediately below small white costal spot,—the two lowest ones rounder, 
in thin yellow rings; hind-margin varied with whitish-grey. Hind- 
wing: sometimes, an additional, basal, dull-red mark in discoidal cell, 
the other transverse marks frequently extending above and below cell ; 
two indistinct, darker, waved striz cross wing before middle; just 
beyond middle, a more or less distinct, dull-red, outwardly dark-mar- 
gined streak crosses from costa to inner margin a little before anal 
angle; occasionally, next costa, this streak 1s immediately succeeded 
by a short thin white mark, interrupted in its middle; ocelli mostly 
rather conspicuous; streaks beyond, parallel to margin, tinged with 
blue, especially near anal angle; the hind-margin more or less varied 
with violaceous or whitish-grey. 

In some specimens the under side is much suffused and the mark- 
ings indistinct and without the usual red tint; the transverse stripe on 
hind-wing is, however, very conspicuous, and commences with two 
white markings on costa. In others, the wader side is much tinged with 
a bronzy lustre, and with the ocellated spots scarcely visible. 

This species may be regarded as the Southern representative of P. Chort- 
mene (Guér.), although it extends far to the northward along the Western 
Coast. It is distinguished by its much darker ground-colour, deeper red striz 
and ocelli, and (especially) by the possession of the subapical row of three con- 
spicuous white spots in the fore-wing. Its hind-wing is not so sharply angu- 
lated, nor so much produced at the anal angle. 

Natalica differs similarly from the allied but smaller P. Goudotii (Boisd.) 
of Madagascar; but the latter also presents the peculiar character of a row of 
seven minute white spots in black rings running near and parallel to the hind- 
margin in the fore-wing. 

I do not know of the occurrence of this butterfly to the south of Natal, 
but on the coast of that Colony it is numerous. It frequents the outskirts of 
woods, and has a hurried irregular flight, often setthng on the ground. Colonel 
Bowker has sent me two pairs taken 7m copuld, and I captured one pair on rath 
February 1867; the sexes only differ in size and in the rather paler colouring 
of the female. The species must be on the wing for the greater part if not 
the whole of the year, as I met with specimens on one occasion at the end of 
June, and afterwards abundantly throughout the summer. 

Localities of Precis natalica. 

I. South Africa. 
ik. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban. Verulam. ‘ Lower Umkomazi,”—J. 
H. Bowker. 
II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. . 
b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (ev. H. Rowley). 
b1, Eastern Interior.—Zambesi ; opposite Zumbo, and near Umsen- 
gaisi (I. C. Selous). Inyoutete River (2. C. Selous). 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Calabar.—Coll. Hewitson. 


76, (11.) Precis Elgiva, (Hewitson). 

Junonia EHigiva, Hewits., Exot. Butt., iii. pl. 13, f. 1 (1864). 
Junonma Xipha, Butl., Cist. Ent., 1. p. 7 (1869). 

Exp. al., 2 in—2 in. 44 lin. 

Dark-brown; a common transverse discal band of ochre-yellow, 
bounded externally on hind-wing by a row of ocellated spots. Fore- 
wing: an indistinct dull-reddish transverse stria edged narrowly on 
both sides with blackish, about middle of discoidal cell, and a similar, 
more waved, stria at extremity of cell; discal band commencing 
narrowly near costa about middle, but widening gradually downward 
to inner margin,—its outer edge much curved posteriorly, its inner 
edge bluntly angulated on third median nervule; just within the 
outer edge of the band (and usually touching the brown ground- 
colour) in its lower half, a row of three rather suffused inter-nervular 
dark-brown spots, of which the lowest 1s geminate; close to costa 

and near apex, two very small white spots, of which the lower is _ 

sometimes obsolete; a moderately wide hind-marginal border of paler 
brown traversed longitudinally by a dark-brown streak. Hind-wing : 
closing discoidal cell, a faint reddish stria like that in fore-wing, but 
narrower and straighter; discal band commencing narrowly and palely 
on costa beyond middle, its inner edge only slightly waved, its outer 
edge directly bounded by a row of six ocellated spots; of these spots 
all but the two lowest are externally imperfect and obscured with dark- 
brown, but the two complete ones are dark-red, ringed with ochre- 
yellow and blackish, and centred with black bearing a bluish pupil, 
—the sixth or last being geminate and bipupillate; hind-marginal 
border as in fore-wing; anal-angular process irrorated with bluish. 
Cilia dark-brown, with small but distinct white inter-nervular spots. 
UNDER SIDE—Pale dull-creamy, streaked and clouded with brown; a 
common median dark-brown streak from costa of fore-wing to anal 
angle of hind-wing, and a common discal row of ocelli; two sub- 
marginal brown streaks, the inner much more dentated than the outer 
one. Sore-wing: cellular striz distinct, ochre-brown, both prolonged 
as far as submedian nervure; beyond them a third, darker, broader, 
more denticulated stria immediately preceding the dark-brown trans- 
verse streak; apical area clouded with brown, which extends along 
nearly all the hind-margin; discal row of ocelli commencing with the 
lower of the two very small white spots near apex, and having the 
second, third, and fourth very small and indistinct, but the fifth and 
sixth large and better marked, being pale-ochreous in a brown ring 
and centred with a whitish-pupilled blackish spot. Mind-wing: 
median dark-brown streak conspicuous, slightly suffused with reddish- 
brown; before middle a similar but much more curved and irregular 
transverse streak; three or four thin brown striolee in discoidal cell; 
of the six discal ocelli the third and fourth are very small and imper- 


fect, but the others are distinct, the fifth having the colours almost as bright 
as on the upper side; hind-margin clouded with brownish inferiorly. 

The colouring of the under side varies much, some specimens being 
suffused with a pale-olivaceous or dull-brownish tinge generally, while 
a few examples present an almost uniform dull creamy-ferruginous 
tint, except for the dark median streak inwardly bordered rather con- 
spicuously with ochre-yellow. The sexes are quite alike, except that 
in the $ the discal band of the upper side is rather broader. 

P. Elgiva is the Southern representative of P, Zerea (Drury), which 
inhabits Tropical Western Africa. It is readily separable on the upper 
side by its much narrower ochre-yellow discal band (untraversed by the 
longitudinal streak so conspicuous in Zerea), and by its having in the 
fore-wing only two subapical small white spots, instead of a submar- 
ginal row of six or seven subocellate ones, and in the hind-wing much 
better defined ocelli. On the under side all the markings in Elgiva 
(except in the rather rare examples coloured with creamy-ferruginous) 
are darker and browner and more strongly developed, especially the 
strize before middle and the discal ocelli. 

I first met with this fine Precis near the Tongaati River, in Natal, on the 

2oth March 1867, and a few days afterwards fell in with it again on the 
Umhlanga, not far from D’Urban. The neighbourhood of the latter place has 

since yielded many specimens to Mr. W. D. Gooch and Colonel Bowker, and 

the latter has sent me the paired sexes taken in March 1879 and April 1881. 
The butterfly is conspicuous on the wing, and has quite the same habits as P. 
natalica, flitting about near the herbage in wooded spots. 

Mr. Hewitson’s figure is from a Zambesian example, apparently faded, the 
colouring being considerably paler than in good Natalian examples, 

Localities of Precis Hlgiva, 
I, South Africa. 
i. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (J. H. Bowker and W. D. Gooch). 
Umhlanga. Tongaati. 
II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—‘ Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. 
b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (J. Dichinson).—Hewitson. ‘ Tchou- 
acka (Raffray).”—Oberthiir. 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—“ Old Calabar (Coll. Druce).”—Butler. 

77. (12.) Precis Tugela, Trimen. 
uaratY. tie. 5 (9 ). 
Precis Tugela, 'Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 334. 

inp. al., 2 im. 54 lin. (¢); 2 in. 11 lin. (9). 

§ Dark-brown, with broad ochre-yellow discal band.  Fore-wing : 
band commencing on costa, curved convexly outwardly, its edges irre- 
gular (especially the inner one, which is deeply indented by grownd- 

MOL. I, Q 


colour just below third median nervule); from near apex to above 
submedian a discal row of six small black spots, the lower three of 
which are in the yellow band just beyond its middle line; the first and 
second of the row are white-centred (the latter conspicuously), and the 
sixth accompanied inferiorly by a black dot; costa near base scaled 
with ferruginous-rufous; in discoidal cell three black-edged irregular 
strize, of which the basal one is rufous-tinged and imperfect, the central 
one distinctly rufous in its upper portion, and the outer one of the 
eround-colour defining extremity of cell; along hind-margin two very 
indistinct paler lunulated strie, the inner rather more apparent than 
the outer, being slightly dusted with whitish. Hind-wing: band com- 
mencing narrowly on costa, but suddenly broadening between subcostal 
nervules, and continuing widely almost to inner margin beyond middle ; 
it is rather paler than in fore-wing, but similarly contains exteriorly a row 
of small black spots, all six of which are conspicuous on the ochre-yellow; 
hind-marginal lunulated striae rather more distinct than in fore-wing, 
especially near anal angle, where they are sprinkled with bluish-white 
scales continuous of those which cover the long anal-angular projection ; 
hind-margin distinctly edged with rufous-ochreous. Cilia very narrow, 
dull-brown generally, but white just below projection of fore-wing. 
UNDER SIDE.— Varied with ferruginous-brown and pale ochre-yellow; a 
conspicuous patch of the latter in fore-wing on costal border beyond middle ; 
the submarginal lunulated stria lilac-white, suffused; the small black spots 
of discal row all white-centred except the fourth and fifth of the fore- 
wing; a dark-brown streak curving inwardly commences suffusedly on 
subapical projection of fore-wing and runs to anal-angular projection of 

2 Closely resembles g. Jore-wing: costa narrowly suffused with 
ochreous throughout, the ferruginous-rufous towards base and in disco- 
cellular striz more distinct than in ¢; third spot of discal row (as well 
as first and second) white-centred. Hind-wing : third spot of discal row 
minutely white-centred. UNDER sipE.—That of one example marked 
asin #, and with the pale-ochreous patch of fore-wing very conspicuous, 
but with broney greenish-grey replacing the ferruginous-brown, and the 
common dark stripe very strongly marked; while that of a second 
example is wholly pale-ferruginous with violaceous and bronzy reflec- 
tions, with the common streak and the discal spots faintly marked 
in dull eream-colour. In outline of fore-wing the subapical projection 
is very long and dusted with bluish-white, while in the % it is quite 
short and without irroration. 

In colouring and marking this species bears a very strong resem- 
blance to P. Hlgiva (Hewits.), but is at once distinguishable (1) by the 
hind-wings presenting a row of simple black spots of small size on the 
upper side instead of the multicoloured ocelli, and (2) by the deep 
indentation of the ochre-yellow band of the fore-wing on its inner side. 
In outline, P. Tugela has the projections of the wings in both sexes 


(but particularly in the 2 as regards the fore-wings) very much longer. 
The species to which Tugela seems actually most nearly allied (setting 
aside the colour of the transverse band) are P. Pelarga (Fab.) and P. 
Kowara (Ward) from West Africa, both of which present almost the 
same outline of wings, description of spots in discal row, and inner 
indentation of the band on the fore-wings. 

IT met with a single specimen of this butterfly in Natal on the 8th March 
1867; it was settled, with expanded wings, on a fern in a densely-wooded 
ravine at Kranzkop, Tunjumbili, on the Tugela River. This was a ¢; and I 
saw no other examples until 1879, when two ?s were received at the South- 
African Museum in a fine collection formed by Mr. T. Ayres, with the note 
that they had been taken in the Lydenburg District of the Transvaal. In 
May 1882, in a collection shown to me by Colonel S. Scott, R.A., and stated 
to have been made at Maritzburg in Natal, I noticed a single specimen of 
what appeared to be a variety of P. Tugela, having the discal band tinged 
with rufous. 

Localities of Precis Tugela. 

I. South Africa. 

EK. Natal. 
b. Upper Districts.—Tugela (Tunjumbili). ? Maritzburg (Colonel JS. 

K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 


Salamis, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Madag., &c., p. 46 (1833); Doubl. (Juno- 
nia, “Section III.”), Gen. Diurn. Lep,, 1. p. 211 (1849). 
Protogoniomorpha, Wallgrn., Lep. Rhop. Caffr. in K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Hand1., 
iNT is 23) LOS, ). 

Junonia (part), Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. pp. 124, 125 (1862). 

Imaco.—Characters of Precis generally. Antenne shorter, with a 
narrow, elongated, very gradually formed club. Prothorax very dis- 
tinctly defined, forming a distinct neck, Discoidal cell in both fore- 
and hind-wings closed by a very slender nervule, meeting third median 
nervule in fore-wings a little beyond, in hind-wings at, its origin. 

Besides the few characters given, there is only the large size of the 
nine or ten species included in Salamis to distinguish them from Precis. 
The Malagasy S. Augustina, Boisd. (on which the genus was founded), 
and S. Anteva, Ward, are in outline of wings like the group of Precis 
represented by P. Tugela, Trim., and P. Kowara (Ward), and their 
colouring—dull-red and fuscous above and ochreous or ferruginous- 
brown beneath—is rather sombre; but the Cacta and Cytora sections 
present a handsome bluish-purple upper side, and have rather well- 
marked ocellated spots on the under side; while the splendid pearly 
Anacardii, Linn., and its allies have a most peculiar facies, and are 
among the loveliest of known butterflies. 

Salamis is confined to the Ethiopian Region, appearing to be most 

developed on the Tropical Western Coast, while two species seem to be 


peculiar to Madagascar, and a third confined to it and the neighbouring 
Mascarene Islands. It is the Anacardw section that has the widest 
range through the region; and two of its members reach Natal, where 
the finest perhaps of all—Anacardw itself—is numerous in the coast 

I can find no record of the larva, except a brief note by M. 
Vinson respecting that of the Malagasy S. Duprai (Voyage a Madagas- 
car, 1865, p. 574), which he mentions as “ white, in length 5% centi- 
metres, covered with branched spines.” 

78. (1.) Salamis Anacardii, (Linn.) 

Papilio Anacardii, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 236, n. 55 (1764); and 
Syst. Nat., 1-2, Pp 755; 0. 74 \partl) (769). 

Papitio Parrhkasus, Dru., Wl Nat. Hust., ui. pliive © 1 21762) 

Vanessa Aglatonice, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 299, n. 8 (1819). 

Protogoniomorpha Anacardti, Wallgrn., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad, Handl, Lep. 
Rhop. Caffr., p. 24 (1857). 

Junonia Anacardit, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1, p. 141, n. 85 (1862). 

Exp. al., 3 in. 5 lin.— 4 in. 3 lin. 

Very pale greensh or greemsh-white, shot with a brilliant rosy-violet 
lustre, more vivid in g, ging a “mother-of-pearl”-like aspect to the 
wings ; spotted and margined with blackish. 

Fore-wing: costa thinly powdered with minute blackish atoms to 
slightly beyond middle, where commences a narrow, blackish edging, 
rapidly widening to apex, where it forms a rather broad bordering; 
hind-margin also bordered with blackish, which, wide at apex, gradually 

narrows to anal angle, where it is sometimes very indistinct; from sub- 

costal nervure are two short, transverse, thin, slightly waved streaks, 
one crossing discoidal cell about its middle, the other closing cell; 
from first subcostal nervule, a little beyond extremity of cell, is a third 
streak to first median nervule; these three streaks are all liable to be 
very indistinct, or even obliterated in their lower portion, but the streak 
beyond cell is always continued to inner margin about middle by a very 
faint, thin, grey line; near apex, between the two discoidal nervules, a 
rounded blackish spot, sometimes united to apical blackish ; two other 
black spots beyond middle, one above, the other below, first median 
nervule,—the upper spot the larger, and centred with violet-blue 
(which centre is sometimes edged inwardly by a red crescent); two 
blackish dots, between this ocellate spot and the blackish spot near 
apex, complete the transverse row of spots; close and parallel to hind- 
margin, a row of larger or smaller blackish spots, between nervules, 
sometimes writed to hind-marginal blackish. Hind-wing: beyond 
middle, parallel to hind-margin, between costal nervure and first 
median nervule, a row of six black spots, of which the first and second 
are of moderate size and not ocellate,—the third larger, with violet- 


blue pupil and red lunule,—the fourth and fifth blackish only (rarely 
red-centred), very small, or sometimes altogether obsolete,—the sixth 
large, very distinct, containing a violet-blue pupilled red centre in a 
conspicuous yellow ring ; beyond these, also between nervules, a row of 
thin, blackish, lunulate marks, from costa to anal angle, strongest in 
?, the thickest lunule being at anal angle, and in some specimens 
broadly suffused with blackish internally ; the thin, grey line of /ore- 
wing continued obliquely across this wing to inner margin, a little 
before anal angle; a blackish streak bordering hind-margin, which is 
also thinly irrorated with blackish atoms. UNDER sIDE.—Paler, glisten- 
ing somewhat irridescent, but without the rich lustre of upper side ; 
blackish markings reduced to very thin lines and dots; thin line crossing 
both wings distinct and black. ore-wing : two pale, slightly pinkish, 
thinly black-edged, rather broad, transverse stripes, from costa before 
middle to just above submedian nervure, where the outer black edging 
of the stripe nearest middle meets the thin black line from costa, 
forming a spot, while its inner edging forms a similar spot with the 
outer black edging of the stripe nearer base; on the imner side of the 
thin transverse line, a minute irroration of black atoms, and bordering 
it externally is a whitish, pink-tinged stripe; spot near apex in the 
same position as on upper side, but pale-yellow, with a violet-pupilled 
red centre, and 7m a thin black ring; spot above first median nervule 
also of these colours, and conspicuous, but spot below that nervule 
small and not clearly marked; hind-marginal row of spots represented 
by a very thin, wavy, often interrupted hne; a slight, pale-brownish 
tinge on hind-marginal edge. Hind-wing: marked very similarly to 
fore-wing ; only one indistinct pale band before middle, not defined on its 
imner side; a rather large elongate whitish spot in discoidal cell near 
its extremity; blackish irrorations, bordering inner edge of black 
transverse line, more thickly sprinkled than in /ore-wing ; only two 
ocellated spots visible, more conspicuous than those in /ore-wing, but 
of the same colours, situated respectively between second subcostal 
and discoidal nervules, and between first and second median nervules. 


Mr. H. Druce (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1875, p. 409) jobserves that Mr. 
Monteiro’s specimens from Angola were ‘smaller than those from Natal, with 
a much deeper pink gloss.” 

This large and splendidly-coloured butterfly has a wide range across Tropical 
Africa, and seems to find its southern limit in Natal. At D’Urban, in that 
Colony, it is a common species in the summer months, and, during my stay from 
January to April 1867, I observed and captured many examples. The flowers 
of Lantana were its favourite resort in the Botanic Garden, and it was not 
unusual to see six or eight on a single bush. I often noticed one perched on 
the leaves of trees at some height from the ground, keeping its head outward 
and its wings erect, and occasionally I found a female at rest on the under 
surface of a leaf with her wings hanging downward. Among scattered bushes 
or in roads about wooded spots Anacardii is fond of sporting at about eight 
or ten feet from the ground, floating about with fully expanded wings ; and 
it is then that the full beauty of its glittering wings is most apparent. On 


such occasions it is generally a pair that appears, the male flying round the 
female. Colonel Bowker informs me that he observed several, females ovi- 
positing in the Berea Woods, near D’Urban, on 23d November 1879; the 
greenish eges were deposited singly on the under side of the upper leaves of a 
herbaceous plant in the underwood. 

I have published in the Proceedings of the Entomological Society of 
London the same observer’s account of his capture of a male Anacardii paired 
with the female of a Saturnide moth (Aphelia Apollinaris, Westw.) of some- 
what similar appearance. 

Localities of Salanuis Anacardii, 

I, South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts —D’Urban. Verulam. Tugela River Mouth 
(J. H. Bowker). ** Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. Bowker. 
b. Upper Districts.—Pietermaritzburg (— Windham). 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—‘‘ Angola (Pogge) ; Chinchoxo (Falkenstein),” 
—Dewitz. ‘Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—Druce. 
b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (H. Waller). ‘Mombas [Endara 
(Kersten).” —Gerstiicker. ‘ Abyssinia: Lake Tsana (Rafiray).” 
— Oberthiiz. 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Fernando Po (E. Bourke). Calabar (Hewitson 
Collection), Ashanti and Sierra Leone (Brit. Mus. Coll.) 

79. (2.) Salamis nebulosa, Trimen. 
Puate LV, fig. 6 (¢ ). 

Salamis nebulosa, Trim., Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 441. 

Lgp. al. 2 m.'6 lim. (f)3 2,1n. 6 lim.——3 ine 7 lin (2) 

af Iridescent whitish, with fuscous markings. Fore-wing: a well- 
defined pale bluish-grey basal cloud reaching as far as middle of 
discoidal cell; upper disco-cellular nervule with a thin curved fuscous 
mark ; apical area widely fuscous, from costa a little beyond end of cell 
to end of second median nervule on hind-margin; inner edge of this 
apical patch irregularly excavated; near apex three white spots, of 
which the second (close to subapical projection) is divided by a trans- 
verse fuscous streak, and the third is indistinct; lower portion of 
hind-marginal fuscous narrowly continued to posterior angle by rather 
suffused hind-marginal and submarginal fuscous streaks; near the 
inner of these streaks, between second median nervule and submedian 
nervure, two fuscous spots, rather large, obliquely placed, and slightly 
suffused. MHind-wing: a basal grey suffusion, narrower and less dis- 
tinct than in fore-wing; immediately before hind-margin a parallel 
fuscous streak, preceding which is a lunulate, suffused, fuscous streak, 
becoming irregular and less distinct in its lower portion, but with the 
outer streak enclosing six more or less ill-defined whitish marks; a 


little before apex, from costa to second subcostal nervule, a large elon- 
gate fuscous marking, leaving two white spots between it and the 
submarginal streak; immediately beneath and slightly beyond this 
marking an obscure fuscous red-centred pale-yellow-ringed ocellus ; 
below this some greyish irroration, extending to anal angle, but inter- 
rupted between second and first median neivule by a conspicuous red, 
blue-pupilled, black-clouded, yellow-and-black ringed ocellus; the trace 
of a faint grey line from costa, about middle, straight to before anal 
angle or inner margin, where it becomes darker but suffused. UNDER 
sIDE.—Duller, widescence much fainter, very thinly irrorated with fus- 
cous, except about a central band; the fuscous markings only indicated 
by a greyer tint; near bases a common double transverse irregular 
stria (indistinct in hind-wing) from costal nervure of fore-wing to sub- 
median nervure of hind-wing; also a common fuscous streak from first 
median nervule of fore-wing to inner margin near anal angle of hind- 
wing. Jore-wing: avery short, thin transverse stria in cell close to 
base; a double stria, closing cell, from costa to below first median 
neryule, where its outer edge joins the common fuscous streak; fuscous 
spots near hind-margin and posterior angle represented by two imper- 
fect fuscous ocelli in white rings; another similar (or more imperfect) 
ocellus near subapical projection. Mind-wing: the two ocelli equally 
distinct and well coloured, but the lower one the larger; anal-angular 
termination of submarginal streak enlarged and conspicuously fuscous. 

2 Like the male, but with all the fuscous markings broader. Lore- 
wing: basal grey ill defined or almost obsolete; common fuscous 
streak of under side usually more or less distinctly marked, inter- 
rupted, commencing on subcostal nervure a little beyond cell, and 
sharply angulated on third median nervule; an additional small white 
spot immediately beyond the first in apical fuscous; the two large 
black discal spots usually so suffusedly increased as to be confluent 
with the hind-marginal fuscous, and so enclosing three or four whitish 
spots. Hind-wing: the common streak distinct; other markings 
much as in male; the upper ocellus more obscured with fuscous. 
UNDER SIDE —Duller, much more closely vrrorated than vm male, inelin- 
ing to yellowish (ii one example, very pale sandy-brownish). Hind-wing : 
the ocelli remarkably smaller, rather ovate than circular, much duller 
in colouring. 

The subapical projection of the fore-wing is considerably longer 
in the female than in the male. 

This butterfly is nearly related to S. Anacardu, L. It is dis- 
tinguished by its smaller size (especially in the male, where this is 
very remarkable); white, instead of greenish, ground-colour; much 
duller iridescence, and great development of the dark markings, espe- 
cially in the apical area of the fore-wings; while the under side is 
conspicuously duller and less metallic, more irrorated, without white 
variegation, and with uncoloured and almost obsolete ocelli in the fore- 


wing. In outline the projections of both wings are much shorter and 
blunter, especially in the male. 

In several of the characters noted, S. nebulosa approaches the Mada- 
gascarene S. Dupri, Vinson, but it altogether wants the long anal- 
angular tail of the hind-wing so conspicuous in that species, and has 
much larger dark markings in the hind-wing; while the blunt sub- 
apical projection of the fore-wing is totally different from the long 
process so conspicuous in S. Dupri." 

Three specimens of this butterfly—a male and two females—were taken 
near St. Lucia Bay, in Zululand, by the late Colonel H. Tower in the year 
1867, and presented to me by him in the following year, It was not until 
1878 that I saw another example, Colonel J. H. Bowker having, in November 
of that year, forwarded to the South-African Museum a female found by him 
in a collection of insects made at D’Urban, Natal, by a resident there. 

Colonel Bowker has recently sent me a male captured by himself in the neigh- 

bourhood of D’Urban. 

Mrs. Monteiro’s collection contains a fine female taken at Delagoa Bay ; 
and there are three specimens in Mr, Henley Grose Smith’s collection, which 
were sent, I beheve, from some part of Tropical Eastern Africa. 

Three examples which I have seen from the Gold Coast, one of which is 
in the collection of the South-African Museum, differ slightly from those above- 
mentioned in having the black markings of the upper side less developed, 
although much more so than in Anacardit. 

Localities of Salamis nebulosus. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts. —D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). 
F, Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (d/7s. Montezyo). 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
b. Eastern Coast.—Zanzibar (Watkins). 3 
61. Interior.—Zambesi [mouth of Umsengaizi] (F. C. Selous). 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Cape Coast Castle (£. Bourke and J. M. Pask), 

Genus CRENIS. 

Crenis, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Madag., &c., p. 48 (1833); Doubl. (“Section 
4” of Myscelia), Gen. Diuin, Lep., i. pp. 220-223 (1849); Wallengren, 
Lep. Rhop. Catfr. 1857, p. 30. 

Myscelia, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 144 (1862). 

Eunica (Hiibn.), Hoptt., Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins, p. 381 (1862) ; 
TPiny 5 OP. -Ci... lle p36 (loo): 

Imaco.—fHead rather small, very hairy on summit and in front ; 
eyes smooth, very prominent; palpi rather short, convergent, ascendant, 

1 §. definita, Butler (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Sept. 1879, p. 230), is nearly allied to 
S. Dupri, and also inhabits Madagascar ; in the much less faleated fore-wings and smaller 
size (especially of the g ), it makes some approach to S. nelulosa. 


clothed with scales and very fine short hairs (most developed on second 
joint above), the terminal joint not distinctly separated from the second, 
rather wide, moderately acute; antenne of moderate length, with a 
narrow, elongated, gradually-formed club, somewhat flattened and hol- 
lowed externally. 

Thorax rather slender, moderately clothed with longish hair above, 
closely and shortly pubescent beneath. ore-wings: with costa slightly 
arched ; apical portion slightly prominent, or produced and moderately 
truncate ; hind-margin slightly or moderately concave about middle ; 
inner margin almost straight; costal and median nervules swollen 
for some distance from base; submedian nervure curved downward at 
a little distance from base ; first subcostal nervule emitted considerably 
before extremity of discoidal cell, second about midway between first 
and extremity of cell; middle disco-cellular nervule rather long, much 
curved towards base; lower disco-cellular longer, less curved, slender 
but distinct, meeting third median nervule at or just beyond its origin ; 
discoidal cell very short, truncate. J/ind-wings: with costa mode- 
rately humped close to base, and thence almost straight ; hind-margin 
rounded, moderately sinuate-dentate ; discoidal cell very short, the 
nervule closing it very much attenuated or almost obsolete ; internal 
nervure terminating in a line with tip of abdomen; groove formed by 
inner margins moderately deep. Jore-legs of f clothed rather thickly 
throughout with long hairs; of 2 not much larger, with the femur 
hairy, and the tibia and tarsus scaly, with a few short hairs.  JLiddle 
and hind legs of moderate size, scaly ; tibise with only a few small spines 
laterally and beneath, and with the terminal spurs short and weak ; 
tarsi moderately spinulose beneath, the terminal claws strong and curved. 

Abdomen rather short, very slender in ~. 

Pupa.—Head rather acutely and deeply bifid ; thorax rather deep, 
and very broad (owing to lateral expansion of wing-covers, forming 
blunted angulations at bases and posterior angles); dorso-thoracic pro- 
minence very high, acute; abdomen slender, slightly recwrved. 

(Described from a pencil drawing by Mr. W. D. Gooch of a 
Natalian example of either C. Natalensis or C. Boisduvalt.) 

Crenis is doubtfully separable from unica, Hiibn.—a South- 
American genus—the only differences that I can discover being that in 
the former the head is smaller, the palpi longer, the thorax less robust, 
and the costa of the hind-wings not nearly so prominently humped 
near the base. . 

The swollen costal and median nervures of the fore-wings afford a 
ready mark of distinguishing Crenis from any other South-African 
genera of Nymphaline except Hurytela and Hypanis, and both the 
latter are at once recognised by their very much longer palpi. All the 
nine species’ recorded are natives of the Ethiopian Region, and the 

1 Harma Concordia, Hopffer (figured in Peters’ Reise nach Mossambique, Ins., t. xxii. 

ff. 3, 4), is evidently a Crenis not distantly allied to C, Amulia (Cram.) Only the ? is 
recorded ; its locality is given as Querimba, 


genus comprises two sections very distinct in appearance. ‘The first of 
these, represented by the type C. Madagascariensis, Boisd., consists of 
middle-sized or rather small butterflies, with apically prcduced fore- 
wings, and of dull yellow-ochreous and brown tints above, while 
beneath their colouring is pale-grey with darker streaks and ocellated 
spots. The second, of which C. Amulia (Cram.) is typical, are rather 
larger insects, whose fore-wings are not or very little produced, with 
blue or metallic-violet upper side and a rich yellow-ochreous or orange- 
ochreous under side, with shining-violaceous or greenish-white streaks 
and ocellated spots. C. Lbbei, Dewitz, from Angola, is to some 
extent intermediate between the two sections, combining the outline 
and dark colouring of the first group with a purple upper-side gloss. 

The genus is quite tropical, but better developed to the south than 
to the north of the Equator. ‘The three very nearly-allied species found 
in Natal—Watalensis, Boisduvali, and Morantu—are closely related to 
the Malagasy type-species; but the very rare C. Ltosa, Hewits., dis- 
covered at Delagoa Bay, is a very handsome member of the second 
section above described. 

C. Natalensis and C. Loisduvali are confined to wooded spots; their 
flight is weak and short, and they keep much about a particular tree 
or group of trees in little companies, settling very frequently on the 
trunks and branches. Colonel Bowker has found them come freely to 
“sugar,” and I have noticed them drinking the moisture exuding from 
wounds in trees. 

80. (1.) Crenis Natalensis, Boisduval. 
Puate V. fig. 1 (¢ ). 

Crenis Natalensis, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 592, n. 80 (1847). 
Hunica natalensis, Hopf., in Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., p. 381 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 im. 1-3 lin. 

& Dull yellowish-ochreous, clouded with fuscous-brownish in apical 
area of fore-wing ; a common discal row of small black spots and a 
common row of thin black lunules close to hind-margins, which are 
narrowly clouded with brownish. ore-wing: fuscous-brownish ill- 
defined interiorly, commencing at about extremity of cell, and leaving 
a subapical rather indistinct oblique macular ray of the ground-colour ; 
in discal row of spots a wide interval, two being wanting between third 
and first median nervules. ind-wing: seven spots in discal row, 
more conspicuous than in fore-wing, ringed rather widely with yellow- 
ish-ochreous slightly paler than the ground-colour. Cilia fuscous- 
brownish, with whitish inter-nervular marks. UNDER SIDE.—Hind-wing 
and apex of fore-wing hoary-grey ; a submarginal common fuscous 
streak broken into inter-nervular spots in fore-wing, but more linear 
and continuous in hind-wing. Jore-wing: yellowish-ochreous ground- 
colour much paler and clearer, especially near inner margin; apical 


grey rather narrow, bounded inwardly by a large conspicuous but ill- 
defined subquadrate fuscous patch; the subapical spots of discal row in 
the middle of very indistinct brownish-ochreous rings. Hind-wing : 
before middle an irregular, broken, transverse ochre-yellow streak ; 
about middle a similar but more continuous streak; both these streaks 
include an outer thin line of brown, and the space between them is 
sometimes duller grey than the rest of the wing; a short streak of the 
game colouring at extremity of discoidal cell; seven spots of discal row 
well marked, in the middle of seven contiguous ochre-yellow rings; a 
smaller, additional, similar, rather indistinct spot before the seventh 
on inner-margin. 

2 Ground-colour yellower, clearer ; apical fuscous of fore-wing much 
broader and darker, and enclosing two conspicuous, parallel, oblique, 
macular rays of a paler ochre-yellow than the grownd-colour.  Hind- 
wing: discal spots rather larger than in g. UNDER stpE.— Hind-wing 
and apex of fore-wing paler than in f, all the markings better defined. 
Fore-wing : ground-colour deeper; subapical fuscous patch enlarged to 
imperfectly enclose an interrupted oblique ray corresponding to that on 
upper side. 

Compared with its very close ally, C. Madagascariensis, Boisd., this 
butterfly is in both sexes characterised by a more rufous instead of 
olivaceous upper-side tint of ochreous, and by the much less develop- 
ment of the apical fuscous in the fore-wings, especially in the ¢, where 
it is little more than a dusky suffusion without defined limits. The 
under side hoary-grey is inclining to a lilacine tinge, and almost free 
from the fine fuscous irroration noticeable in Madagascartensis, while 
the rings of the ocellate spots and the basal and median streaks in the 
hind-wing are ochre-yellow (the latter brown-edged) instead of fuscous. 
All the three transverse streaks of the hind-wing are algo less irregular 
and dentated. 

This butterfly is not uncommon at D’Urban, in Natal, though apparently 
much less numerous than its near congener, C, Boisduvali, Wallengren, with 
which I associated it in my Lhopalocera Africe Australis, taking the few 
true C. Natalensis I had seen as only larger and paler examples of the same 
species. Both forms have quite the same habits, flitting about trees in wooded 
spots, and frequently settling on the trunk or branches. The specimens I cap- 
tured were on the wing in February, but Colonel Bowker took a good many in 

Localities of Crenis Natalensis. 

IT, South Africa. 
i. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts. —D’ Urban. 
K. Transvaal. Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 
II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.— Angola (Pogge).”—Dewitz. 
b, Eastern Coast.—‘‘ Querimba” (Hopffer). 


Sl. (2.) Crenis Boisduvali, Wallengren. 
Prats V. fig. 2 (iG); te 2a o): 

Crenis Boisduvali, Wallgrn., K. 8. Vet.-Akad. Handl. ; Lep. Rhop. Caffz., 
D. 30; ume (Toh 7): 

Myscelia Natalensis, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust. i. p. 144, n. 86 (1862). 

Exp. al. 1 in. 94 lin.—2 in, 1 lin, 

gf Dull-brown with a tinge of yellow-ochreous. Fore-wing : unicolor- 
ous, with only the faint indications of a transverse row of darker spots 
near hind-margin. ind-wing: an ochreous tint prevails towards 
hind-margin which has an edging of thin lunules darker than ground- 
colour; beyond middle, parallel to hind-margin, a row of five small, 
rounded, blackish spots between nervules. UNDER SIDE.—Paler. 
Fore-wing: dull-ochreous, somewhat glistening; on costa, a little be- 
fore middle, an obliquely transverse dark streak, inclining owtwards as 
far as third median nervule; immediately beyond streak a dusky, ill- 
defined, darker space; apical portion pale yellowish-greyish, with four 
elongate black spcts near the inner edge of the greyish colouring; a 
row of seven dusky-blackish short streaks parallel to hind-margin, 
not reaching to anal angle. Lind-wing: pale yellowish-grey ; before 
middle a broad, irregularly-shaped, violet-grey fascia with brown 
edges; beyond middle a row of seven contiguous ocellated spots, 
violet-grey, black-centred, in golden-brown rings; on inner margin is 
an indistinct, smaller, eighth ocellated spot, without a black centre, a 
little before the row of spots; beyond these a thin dark streak, parallel 
to hind-margin, composed of united lunules. 

2 Paler, strongly suffused with yellow-ochreous. Fore-wing: shaded 
with blackish in apical portion, from extremity of discoidal cell, with 
an oblique, dull, yellow-ochreous stripe, interrupted on third median 
nervule, from costa about middle to second median nervule, not far 
from hind-margin; nearer apex is a much shorter, narrower, paler, 
and less distinct stripe, parallel to the larger one. Hind-wing: yel- 
low-ochreous tint pervades the whole surface, but is strongest near 
hind-margin, where the row of black spots is conspicuous, and the 
brown along hind-margin forms a distinct border to the wing. UNDER 
SIDE.—JLore-wing: warn yellow-ochreous; the dusky oblique markings 
from costa in this sex assume the form of two conspicuous blackish 
stripes; colouring at apex much paler than in fg, yellowish-white, 
varied with pale-brownish, the black spots very conspicuous. Hind- 
wing: ground-colour yellowish-white ; fascia before middle much paler 
than in 2, its brown edges conspicuous; row of contiguous ocellated 
spots much paler, their black centres very conspicuous. 

The constantly smaller size and much darker colouring distinguish 
this form from C. Natalensis, Boisd. In the g these characters are 
very marked, but some of the larger 2 examples exhibit a yellower 
tint than the ordinary ones possess. ‘The under-side markings are 
all more strongly defined and darker than in C. Natalensis. 


On the upper side of the fore-wing oisduvali in both sexes wants 
altogether (or occasionally presents a slight trace of) the large isolated 
black spot of the discal row which lies between the first median nervule 
and the submedian nervure. 

This species is abundant at Port Natal, where I met with it in June and 
August 1865, and again from January to April 1867. A tree in the Botanic 
Gardens near D’Urban was shown to me by the superintendent, a great number 
of the leaves of which was white with the empty pupa-skins, and I found one 
pupa from which the imago was on the point of emerging. ‘This pupa was 
slender and subangulated, but, as the imago was completely developed, I could 
not record the proper colour or marking. 

C. Botisduvali appears to range farther southward than C. Natalensis, a female 
specimen having been sent to the South-African Museum which was taken by Mr. 
Alexander Bowker at Pembroke, near King William’s Town, in March 1873. 

Colonel Bowker has twice sent me the paired sexes; they were taken in 
August 1878 and March 1879. I had previously taken a pair at D’Urban, 
Natal, in April 1867. 

Localities of Crenis Boisdwvalt. 
I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts.—King William’s Town (A. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts. —D’Urban. 
H., Delagoa Bay.—Lourenco Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

82. (3.) Crenis Morantii, Trimen. 
Puate V. fig. 3 (2). 

Crenis Morantii, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1881, p. 439. 

Wap. 0. 2 1m. 1 tinn(<). 

2 Dull ochreous-brown ; the fore-wing with a darker space and some 
pale dull yellow-ochreous marks, ore-wing: a fuscous-brown space 
near costa, about and beyond middle, forming an ill-defined cloud, 
commencing immediately beyond extremity of discoidal cell; this cloud 
encloses a yellow-ochreous spot a little beyond cell, and is bounded 
externally towards apex by an elongate paler spot close to costa, and 
between third and second median nervules by a smaller similar spot 
ill-defined outwardly ; towards hind-margin the ground colour is paler 
and very faintly tinged with yellow-ochreous (except near apex); a 
submarginal row of very indistinct inter-nervular small fuscous-brown 
spots. Hind-wing: very faintly tinged with yellow-ochreous about 
apex, near which are two faint fuscous-brown dots. UNDER SIDE.— 
Hind-wing and apical area of fore-wing cream-colour, inclining to 
argiulaceous. Fore-wing : yellow-ochreous, becoming much paler beyond 
middle ; fuscous-brown cloud very conspicuous, and the ochreous spot 
it encloses larger and better defined than on upper side; the two outer 
spots, on the contrary, much less distinct, and quite merged in the 
ground-colour ; costa from base narrowly bordered with dull cream- 


colour; submarginal row of seven small fuscous spots; a little before 
it, near costa, a curved row of three black dots. Hind-wing: three 
transverse thin brownish-rufous striz, the first and second (respectively 
before and about middle) very irregular and interrupted, the third 
(near hind-margin) regular and lunulated; between the second and 
third stri~ a row of seven contiguous ocelli, centred with a black and 
yellow dot, and ringed with brownish rufous; of these, the middle 
(fourth) one is smallest and more indistinct than the rest; a small 
brownish-rufous striola at extremity of discoidal cell; between it and 
the first ocellus some slight fuscous irroration. 

This species is nearly allied to both C. natalensis, Boisd., and 0, 
madagascariensis, Boisd. From the former it differs, on the upper 
side, in its very much darker colouring and exceedingly ill-defined 
marking, wanting alike the warm yellow-ochreous ground-colour in 
both wings, and the black spots and lunules in the hind-wings; while 
on the under side it is cream-colour, with rufous markings, instead of 
hoary, clouded with fuscous-grey and with fuscous markings; and the 
fore-wing altogether wants the suffused spot near posterior angle, so 
conspicuous in C. natalensis. 

From C. madagascariensis it diverges almost similarly, as regards 
the upper side, in its want of warm ochreous colouring; and its vague 
fuscous-brown space (enclosing an ochreous spot) is altogether different 
from the broad dark apical area, which in C. madagascariensis is only 
varied by the bar of three small indistinct ochreous spots from costa, 
not far from apex. On the under side, C. Morantii has none of the 
hoary colouring of the Malagasy species, and all its stria and ocelli 
are much more distinct, besides being rufous instead of dull grey; 
while in the hind-wing the central and submarginal strize are more 
irregular and dentated. 

The only example of this insect that I have met with is the female above 
described, which was taken at Pinetown (Natal) in April or May 1869, by 
Mr. Walter Morant, an able observer and collector, after whom I have named 
the species. Mr. Morant wrote that the specimen in question settled on the 
trunks of trees, with closed wings, in the same manner as C. natalensis, and 
that he believed he had seen, if not taken, a male nearly resembling it.} 

1 Colonel Bowker has since taken three examples near Pinetown, viz., a ¢ on 26th July 
1884, and two ¢?s in July and December 1884 respectively. The 9s are on the upper side 
of a rather warmer, more rufous tint, with the spots about the fuscous cloud of the fore-wing 
of a deeper ochre-yellow ; and one of them expands 2 in. 4 lin. The ¢ is much smaller, 
expanding only 1 in. 11 lin.; the fore-wings are more produced apically, and the upper 
side generally appears to be unicolorous dull ochreous-brown of the same tint as prevails in 
the ? discovered by Mr. Morant, with the exception of a small paler marking in fore-wing 
midway between discoidal cell and apex, and in hind-wing between discoidal cell and hind- 
margin (these markings are in this specimen much enlarged and blurred in the left-hand 
wings). The under side does not differ from that of the ? except in the markings generally 
being less clearly defined. 

Colonel Bowker wrote that the few specimens of this insect he met with flew higher than 
either Natalensis or Boisduvali, and that the ¢ just described fluttered down from a tree 
and settled on a stone in the bed of the Umbilo. 


Locality of Crenis Moranti. 

I. South Africa. 
BE. Natal. 
a. Coast District.—Pinetown (JV. Morant). 


83. (4.) Crenis Rosa, Hewitson. 
Crenis Rosa, Hewits., Ent. M. Mag., xiv. p. 82 (1877). 

Exp. ai, 2 in. 54 lin. 

Q Blwsh-violaccous, with fuscous spots and borders. Fore-wing: 
between extremity of discoidal cell and apex two oblique fuscous bars 
crossing from subcostal nervure to near third median nervule; a 
moderately-wide hind-marginal border of fuscous, radiating rather 
broadly along the nervures, and forming a suffused cloud between 
second and first median nervules; a row of spots near and parallel to 
hind-marginal border, of which only the three upper ones are distinct ; 
just below third median, a small isolated spot in a line with the inner 
oblique bar. Hind-wing: duller than fore-wing ; hind-marginal border 
ill-defined, traversed by a hght-blue streak, brightest and widest near 
anal angle; submarginal row of spots continuous of that of fore-wing, 
but the spots much larger, rounder, and relieved by an outer ring of 
somewhat paler blue. Nervules generally defined with reddish-fuscous. 
Cilia dull-white, mixed with fuscous at extremities of nervules. UNDER 
SIDE.— Warm ochre-yellow, with greenish-white and black markings. 
Fore-wing: costa very narrowly, apex and hind-margin narrowly, 
bordered with greenish-white ; a fine extreme hind-marginal edging of 
black, preceded by a similar black line broken into eight inter-nervular 
lineole ; inner oblique bar only represented, and that much attenuated, 
but spot below third median nervule larger than on upper side; a sub- 
apical row of four black spots, representing submarginal row of upper 
side, of which the upper three are small and in greenish-white rings, 
while the fourth is much larger. Hind-wing : a pre-median, a median, 
and a hind-marginal band, and also a narrow costal edging, of greenish- 
white, each traversed by a black streak interrupted on the nervures 
—that traversing the middle band being highly irregular ; midway 
between median and hind-marginal bands, a row of seven conspicuous 
black spots in broad greenish-white rings; hind-margin itself finely 
edged with black. 

Allied to C. Benguele, Chapman, from the Congo, but the upper- 
side colouring much brighter than in the @ of that species (being, 
indeed, bluer than in the # Benguelw), which is greenish-grey, clouded 
from bases with dull-fuscous. The under side is remarkably different, 
especially as regards the ochre-yellow of the fore-wing, which in both 
sexes of Lenguele is restricted to a small basal patch, leaving the discal 


area almost wholly fuscous varied with bluish; while all the spots 
and other black markings are very much thinner, and the greenish- 
white much brighter, than in Benguelw throughout. 

From the West-African Crenis Amulia (Cram.) the species de- 
scribed is easily separated by its much bluer tint on the upper side, 
and by the much wider and greenish-white instead of bluish-white 
markings on the under side, although in the feature of the almost 
uniform ochre-yellow of the under side of the fore-wing the two species 
approach each other. 

The only example of this very beautiful Crenzs that I have seen is the 9 
above described, which was taken by the late Mr. J. J. Monteiro at Delagoa 
Bay in 1877, and was acquired for Mr. Hewitson’s collection, now in the 
British Museum. Mrs. Monteiro has informed me that this butterfly was 
captured on the wing “a little overhead,” at a spot called Poulana, and that 
no other example was met with. 

In a paper in the Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. for August 1883, Mr. A. G. 
Butler records the receipt of ‘a splendid male” of C. Rosa from the Victoria 
Nyanza, but does not note in what respect it differs from the female. 

Localities of Crenis Rosa. 

T. South Africa. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (J. J. Monteiro). 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
br, Interior.—‘ Victoria Nyanza.”—A. G. Butler. 


Eurytela, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Madag., &., p. 54 (1833); Westw., Gen. 
Diurn. Lep., i, p. 408 (1851). 

Imaco.—Hcad of moderate size, hairy, with a small tuft of longer 
hairs at base of each antenna; eyes usually hairy; palpi much elon- 
gated, not compressed laterally, separate throughout but converging 
slightly at tips,—second joint tufted above and finely hairy beneath,— 
terminal joint unusually long (about half as long as the second), rather 
blunt at tip, bent at a very obtuse angle with second joint and pro- 
jecting horizontally about level with top of head, densely scaled ; 
antenne of moderate length, with a gradually formed but rather short, 
slender, laterally-flattened club, ending obtusely. 

Thorax rather slender ; back shortly pilose anteriorly and poste- 
riorly; breast rather scantily hairy. ove-wings: generally more or 
less produced apically, usually angulated at extremity of lower discoidal 
(radial) nervule and prominent at extremity of second median ner- 
vule; costa but little arched; apical angle well marked ; hind-margin 
dentated, usually more or less excavated in middle; inner margin 
very slightly hollowed about middle; costal nervure strongly swollen 


for a considerable distance from base, curved upward rather abruptly 
towards extremity, and terminating about middle of costa; first and 
second subcostal nervules originating rather close together, just before 
extremity of discoidal cell,—third at a considerable distance beyond 
cell, and terminating at apex ; discoidal cell very short ; upper disco- 
cellular nervule minute, almost obsolete,—middle one short or very 
short and curved inwardly,—lower one very long and attenuated, 
very slightly curved, ending at origin of third median nervule. Hind- 
wings: with costa prominently humped near base, but thence nearly 
straight ; apex rather pronounced; hind-margin more dentate than 
in fore-wings, especially towards anal angle slightly prominent; groove 
formed by inner margins shallow, incomplete, leaving much of lower 
side of abdomen exposed ; costal nervure running close along costa to 
apex; radial nervure originating not far from base, just beyond the 
branching of subcostal nervules; discoidal cell extremely short, nar- 
row,—the lower disco-cellular nervule exceedingly slender or obsolete 
altogether. ore-legs of gf very small, slender, scaly, set rather 
scantily throughout with longish hairs; of 2 larger, smoother, with 
scarcely any hairs, the tarsus dilated and spinose beneath at ex- 
tremity. Jfiddle and hind legs stout, rather short, scaly,—femora 
fringed with fine hairs beneath,—tibiz finely spinulose beneath, with 
terminal spurs very short,—tarsi rather thickly armed with minute 
spines laterally and beneath. 

Abdomen slender, rather short. 

Larva.—Head with two long, erect, curved, spiny horns; body 
with dorsal and lateral tubercular processes bearing at extremity radiat- 
ing bristles. 

Pupa.—Head acutely bifid ; wing-covers not only prominently angu- 
lated at bases, but sharply angulated and extended flatly outwardly ; 
back rather gibbous; abdomen slightly curved, bifid at extremity. 

[The above characters of larva and pupa are taken from drawings 
of Natalian specimens of #. Hiarbas reared by Captain Harford and 
Mr. Gooch. Except for the very long branched horns on the head, the 
larva recalls those of Limenitis and Neptis ; and the pupa only exhibits 
in an exaggerated form the extended wing-covers of the chrysalis of 
the latter genus,—to judge from the figure of that of Meptis Varmona, 
Moore (Lep. Ceylon, i. pl. 28, f. 10.) | 

The long and very porrect palpi, and the simple instead of swollen 
median nervure, at once distinguish Lurytela from Crenis, apart from 
the less apparent characters (especially the dilated fore-tarsi of the ? 
and the peculiar neuration of both wings) mentioned in the above 
diagnosis. The genus is mainly Ethiopian, five species being recorded 
from the African Continent and two others from Madagascar; but two 
or three are known to inhabit the Indo-Malayan Sub-Region.* 

1 Mr. Wallace (Zrans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 331) states his belief that two of these 

latter, Boisduval’s /orsfieldit and Stephensii, from Java, are g and @ of one species. 
WOL. I. R 


For so small a group there is considerable diversity of form and 
great differences of colouring among the species. LH. Hthosea (Drury), 
from West Africa, is so peculiar in outline and pattern as to have been 
placed in the genus dcrwa by Godart; #. Ophione (Cram.) closely 
resembles Neptis Melicerta (Drury); £. fulgurata (Boisd.), of Mada- 
gascar, has a somewhat similar black and white (though much more 
irregular) pattern, but is very strongly angulated and dentated on the 
hind-margins; while the Malaccan and Bornean #. Castelnaut, Feld., 
is, on the upper side, of an uniform bright blue. The two species 
occurring in South Africa, #. Hiarbas (Dru.) and H. Dryope (Fab.), 
present a white or ochre-yellow transverse band (chiefly developed in 
the hind-wings) on a blackish-brown ground, while the under side is 
varied with pale-brown and ferruginous. ‘They have a very wide range 
through Africa, Hiarbas penetrating considerably farther south than 
Dryope, whose limit seems to be the coast of Natal. Both species 
are strictly sylvan, and in habits and mode of flight much resemble 

84, (1.) Eurytela Hiarbas, (Drury). 
Puate V. fig. 5 (Var. A. ¢). 

Papilio Hiarbas, Dru., Il. Nat. Hist., mi. pl. 14, ff. 1, 2 (1872). : 
Biblis Hiarba, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. Suppl. p. 824, n. 5-6a (1819). 
Eurytela Hiarbas, Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pl. 31, £. 4 (1846-50). 
Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 212, n. 122 (1862) 

99 PP) 

Exp. al., 2 in.—2 in, 6 lin. 

Glossy blackish-brown (@ duller and paler), with a common trans- 
verse white stripe, commencing near hind-margin (to which it is 
parallel) of jfore-wing about third median nervule, widening as it 
descends, and extending straight across hind-wing from costa (close to 
apex) to anal angle. ore-wing: a white dot close to costa near apex, 
beneath which are two indistinct ferruginous spots, indicates proper 
origin of transverse stripe ; costa and hind-margin more or less tinged 
with ferruginous, especially the latter, which is marked by a row of 
thin silvery-white lunules towards anal angle. Mind-wing: hind- 
margin coloured as in fore-wing, more conspicuously so near anal 
angle, and with two rows of silvery lunules, the inner continuous of 
that of fore-wing, and its lunules touching so as to form a festooned 
streak,—lunules of the outer row separate, indistinct towards costa. 
Cilia white between nervules. UNDER SIDE.—Pale-brownish with fer- 
ruginous streaks and clouds ; transverse stripe narrower, not so white as 
above, commenced by a very thin, often indistinct, streak (originating 
a little below white costal dot of fore-wing), and interrupted on costa 
of hind-wing, where it is clouded with ferruginous and marked with a 
row of three blackish dots: common to both wings,—a dentate out- 


wardly bluish white-edged stria crossing discoidal cells; a double 
bluish-white line closing cell; an irregular transverse stripe, inter- 
rupted on third median nervules, just beyond cells; a darker shade of 
brown between this stripe and the white one; and two rows (more 
or less interrupted) of whitish hind-marginal lunules. ore-wing: a 
minute line close to base and a ring beyond it (enclosing a ferruginous 
one) in discoidal cell, bluish-white; a ferruginous cloud on costa 
beyond middle, and two others (smaller) on projections of hind-margin. 
Hind-wing : a whitish ring in cell near base; close to it a smaller one 
above cell; a large ferruginous cloud on hind-margin, between dis- 
coidal nervule and anal angle. 

Var. A. f.—Common transverse stripe warm ochreous-yellow instead 
of white, and a little wider in hind-wing and on inner margin of fore- 

Hab.—D’Urban, Natal (one specimen; Colonel Bowker, July 1880). 

PLATE V. fig. 5. 

Aberration 2.—Common transverse white band crenelated on both 
sides, and somewhat suffused,—in hind-wing considerably broader than 
usual ; two hind-marginal rows. of silvery-white lunules in hind-wing 
united so as to form a border, thinly irrorated with fuscous. UNDER 
sIDE.—Ferruginous and other markings somewhat confused and blurred ; 
white stripe not so well defined as on upper side. 

Hab.—D Urban, Natal (one specimen ; Colonel Bowker, 29th Octo- 
ber 1879). 

Larva.—Green or greenish, paler on under surface, with elevated 
sub-spinous dorsal and sub-spiracular lateral tubercular processes ter- 
minating in a stellate tuft of three to five bristles; processes on second 
and third segments only half the length of those on fourth to tenth 
segments, but on eleventh and tweltth much longer than the latter. 
A sub-spiracular white or whitish longitudinal stripe, interrupted 
obliquely on each segment from fifth to tenth; below this stripe, on 
third and fourth segments, a black streak. Granulated black dorsal 
patches on fourth, sixth, seventh, and eleventh segments. Head 
dark-brown or blackish, slightly larger than next segment, bearing 
in front two long, upright, outwardly-curving, rather widely-diver- 
gent horns, thickened and branched at the tip, and irregularly spined 
throughout; these horns are black in front and sandy - coloured 
behind ; the face flat, edged with white, and closely set with white hairs 
or bristles. Length, 1 to 1} inch. Feeds on a common creeper, Dale- 
champia capensis. 

Pupa.—Green, darker on back; wing-covers finely edged and 
transversely streaked with dark-brown or blackish; also the following 
blackish marks, viz., a dot on each wing-cover, on each side of the 
thorax and abdomen, and on the head. In form, the head is acutely 
bifid; lateral angles at bases of wing-covers very prominent; wing- 


covers flattened, sharply angulated, and extended far out from the 
body ; thorax rounded, expanded; back prominent; abdomen more or 
less angular, slightly curved inward, bifid at tip. The chrysalis state 
lasts from ten to fifteen days. 

The above descriptions of larva and pupa are from notes and drawings 
furnished by Captain H. C. Harford and Mr. W. D. Gooch. Both these 
gentlemen reared the butterfly on the Natal Coast. Captain Harford notes 
that the larva, hke those of many Nymphalide, has a habit of wagging its 
head about—-doubtless a menacing gesture, to which the long antler-like horns 
would give point. He also remarks that it spins a web to lie upon over the 
surface of a leaf. Mr. Gooch observes that the larva presents a variety in 
which all the body except the spiracular stripe is blackish. 

Mr. Druce (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1875, p. 409) notes that examples of 
this butterfly, taken by the late Mr. J. J. Monteiro in Angola, had the white 
band of the hind-wings much wider than in the specimens from Natal. 

The Variety A. of Hiarbas indicates an intimate relation of the species 
with its congener Dryope, Cramer, which has the common transverse stripe of 
the same warm ochreous-yellow, but much broader. This alliance is emphasised 
by the circumstance of the capture by Colonel Bowker, on 13th April 1881, at 
D’Urban, Natal, of an ordinary male Hiarbas, paired with a female Dryope, 
only separable from ordinary examples by a narrower yellow band in the hind- 
wings. My correspondent wrote—-‘‘ There was no question about this union, 
as I followed the pair for some distance before making the capture; on the 
wing, the female carried the male.” The paired sexes of Hiarbas were taken 
by Colonel Bowker at D’Urban in March 1879. 

This elegant butterfly prevails widely over the wooded parts of South 
Africa. Its flight is somewhat curious, not rapid or direct, but backwards and 
forwards in a limited space, usually about a group of shrubs or young trees, 
Often several individuals keep hovering around a single tree, or settle on the 
stem and sun themselves, shuffling about in a playful fashion. I have not 
noticed it anywhere in abundance, but it may be termed common—specimens 
almost always being seen in the course of a woodland walk. 

Localities of Hurytela Hiarbas. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts.— Knysna. 

6. Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown. Kleinemond River, Bathurst 
(H. J. Atherstone). ‘King William’s Town.”’—W. S. M. 
D’Urban. East London (P. Borcherds). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 

EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’ Urban. “ Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. Bowker. 
b. Upper Districts.—Pietermaritzburg (J/iss Colenso). 

F. Zululand.—sSt. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 

II. Other African Regions. 

A, South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—“ Angola (J. J. Monteiro).”—Druce. 

B. North Tropical. 
a, Western Coast.—Sierra Leone: Ashanti.—Coll. Brit. Mus. 
b, Eastern Coast.—“ Abyssinia: Shoa (A ntinorz).”—Oberthur. 



85. (2.) Hurytela Dryope, (Cramer). 

Papilio Dryope, Cram., Pap. Exot., t. Ixxviii. ff. n, F (1779). 
Biblis Dryope, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. Suppl. p. 824, n. 5-60 (1819). 
Eurytela Dryope, Trim., Rhop. Afr, Aust., il, p. 213, n. 123 (1866). 

Hep. al., 2 in. I—7 lin. 

§ Brown, with a warm ochreous-yellow discal transverse band common 
to both wings. Fore-wing: the band begins very narrowly on upper 
radial nervule, but widens greatly downwards till it occupies about the 
outer third of inner marginal edge; externally the band is bounded 
by a lunulate submarginal black streak, and internally by a broad, 
obscure, chocolate-red band extending from costa to inner margin ; 
on costa near apex a short row of two to four very faint small ochreous- 
yellow spots indicate actual origin of the band of that colour; before 
middle two obscure, irregular, transverse fuscous streaks, of which 
the outer internally edges the obscure chocolate-red band; also, 
two cellular striole, one near base, the other at extremity of cell; a 
hind-marginal narrow border of mixed brown and ochreous-yellow, the 
yellow predominating at posterior angle. Hind-wing: ochreous-yellow 
band very wide, occupying apical area and extending pretty evenly 
to inner margin before and up to anal angle, leaving a border of 
the ground-colour only along its middle portion, and that of variable 
width and distinctness ; lunulate black submarginal streak more con- 
spicuous than in fore-wing, becoming silvery-edged in its lower 
portion; hind-marginal brownish-ochreous border traversed by a 
broken indistinct fuscous streak; before middle, two very obscure 
fuscous streaks continuous of those in fore-wing. Cilia fuscous, with 
white inter-nervular marks. UNDER sIDE.—Zrownish-grey, much varied 
with transverse irregular ferruginous streaks and thin white or whitish 
lines; in both wings the following thinly white-edged ferruginons 
streaks before middle, viz., a short cellular one (smaller in hind- 
wing), a long one from costa to submedian nervure crossing cell, an 
almost linear even one at extremity of cell, and a broader very irre- 
gular one quite across wing beyond cell; a little beyond this latter 
streak, an irregular whitish line (sometimes indistinct), which in hind- 
Wing runs near and almost parallel to the ferruginous streak. ore- 
wing: immediately beyond whitish line just mentioned a ferruginous 
transverse bar, widest on costa; succeeded by a row of eight small 
lunulate marks, of which the first (on costa) is white and all the 
others ochreous-yellow; beyond the lunules a paler space traversed 
inwardly by a more or less distinct white or whitish streak; two 
hind-marginal, lunulated, parallel white linear streaks (of which the 
inner one is silvery), obscured by a ferruginous cloud both below apex 
and a little above posterior angle.  Hind-wing: a similar arrange- 
ment of markings to that in fore-wing; in the row of seven lunules 
the two near costa are usually creamy-yellow and conspicuous, the 


others indistinct and sub-ocellate (being outwardly marked with a 
fuscous dot) ; inner of two hind-marginal white linear streaks bright 

Q Duller, paler throughout ; ochreous-yellow band in hind-wing 
usually proportionately narrower; transverse fuscous streaks before 
middle much more apparent, broader. ore-wing: first spot of short 
subapical row enlarged, whitish, rather conspicuous. UNDER SIDE.— 
Paler, more inclining to ochreous ; all the markings more conspicuous; 
the paler discal space well marked; its traversing whitish ray rather 
suffused, but continued across hind-wing. 

In a small female, taken near D’Urban by Colonel Bowker, the fore-wing 
presents in a narrower form the median transverse chocolate-red band of the 
male, and the ochreous-yellow band in the hind-wing is very broad, having 
only a little brown irroration externally and inferiorly. 

Southern examples of this butterfly are usually considerably larger than the 
type-form from the West Coast of Africa, and the under side of their wings is 
rather darker, especially in the discal area,—in which latter, however, the 
traversing whitish streak is much more distinct, being sometimes obsolete in 
Gold Coast specimens. The angulation of the wings is also much more pro- 
nounced in South-African examples.! 

Colonel Bowker has sent me the paired sexes, taken at D’Urban, Natal, in 
May 1880. In this case the female was the small one above mentioned. As 
noted under #. Hiarbas, a female not separable from Dryope (but with a 
narrower than usual ochreous-yellow band in hind-wing) was captured in 
copuld with an ordinary male of the former species. A very perfect male 
Dryope, received from Delagoa Bay (where it was taken by Mrs, Monteiro), 
almost exactly agrees with the female just mentioned in the comparative 
narrowness of the hind-wing band; but even in this individual the band is 
twice as wide as in the male Hurytela, which I have described as Variety A. of 
i, Hiarbas. 

Apart from its colour, the width of this band in both wings, the browner 
eround-colour, the fuscous streaks before middle, and the male character of 
a chocolate-red median band are the chief features distinguishing Dryope 
from Hiarbas on the upper side; while on the under side, the more ochraceous 
general tint, the less broken and less angulated striz, the want of any dis- 
tinct discal stripe in the hind-wing, and the presence, instead, of two con- 
spicuous costal lunules heading a row of very indistinct imperfect ocellate 
marks are all distinctive of Dryope. 

I did not meet with this species in Natal, but Colonel Bowker has been 
more fortunate, taking several examples near D’Urban in August, December, 
and February, and two at the mouth of the Tugela River in July. He 
describes it as having the same habits as Hiarbas, but as much rarer, I have 
not heard of its occurrence tothe south of Natal. 

1 [ think that £. Narinda, Ward, from Madagascar, though closely allied to £. Dryope, 
is entitled to recognition as a distinct species. It is small (about the size of the West-African 
Dryope), but the wings are even more angulated than those of the Southern examples described 
in the text. On the upper side the ochreous-yellow band in the male begins nearer apex of 
fore-wing, and is very much broader in both wings; and in the fore-wing its inner side is 
deeply pierced by the dark-clouded nervules, while in the hind-wing it occupies greater part 
of surface from before the middle. In the female, the only marked difference in the band 
is its width in the fore-wing. In both sexes the hind-marginal strie are straighter, not so 
lunulated. The under side is very different ; all the striz being straighter, narrower, and 
of a yellower ferruginous; the hind-marginal clouds very pronounced ; and the white discal 
streak very well marked. 


Localities of Hurytela Dryope. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D'Urban and mouth of Tugela River (J. H. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Mrs. Montezro). 

II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 
a, Western Coast.—“ Angola: Loanda (R,. Meldola).”—Butler. 
“ Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—Druce. 
6, Eastern Coast.—“ Querimba.”—Hopffer. 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.——Cape Coast Castle (J. IZ Pash). Sierra Leone 
(Coll. Brit. Mus.) 
b. Kastern Coast.— Abyssinia: Lake Tzana (Raffray), and Shoa 
(Antinorz).” —Oberthiir. 


Hypanis, Boisd., Faune Ent, de Madag., &., p. 55 (1833); Westw., Gen. 
Diurn. Iep., 1 p. 41° (1857). 

ImaGco.—Characters generally of Hurytela. Antenne with a longer 
club; eyes smooth. TZhorax rather thicker, more rounded. JFore- 
wings: not apically produced; hind-margin not angulated or dentated, 

but very slightly sinuated. Mind-wings: not so prominently humped 

near base ; hind-margin rather more decidedly sinuated than on fore- 
wings. Middle- and hind-legs with the tibiae and tarsus more spiny, 
and the tibial spurs longer. Abdomen more slender and much longer. 

Pupa.—Slender, elongate, especially in abdominal region; anal 
extremity with suddenly-narrowed point of attachment from blunt end 
of abdomen. Cephalic prominences well-marked, acutely pointed ; 
dorso-thoracic elevation highly ridged to a sharp point ; edges of wing- 
covers prominently ridged at shoulders and again at posterior angles, 
forming strong projections laterally ; between these two hinder projec- 
tions, at base of back of abdomen, a pointed tubercular prominence ; 
two minute tubercular points on median line of back, about midway 
between base and extremity of abdomen. Antennz-covers prominent. 

(These characters of the pupa are given from a living example 
sent to me by Colonel Bowker at the beginning of December 1878, 
from Natal.) 

The elongated abdomen and almost entire hind-margins of the 
wings are the features which mainly distinguish Hypanis from Kury- 
tela. Its pattern and colouring are, however, highly characteristic, the 
fulvous-ochreous upper side being varied with black bands and irregular 
markings, while the under side of the hind-wings is remarkable for the 


number and varying shades (creamy, yellow-ochreous, ferruginous, 
black-and-white) of its transverse bands and chains of spots. 

As will be seen below, I have not been able to separate specifically 
more than one of the many forms of A. Jlithyia (Drury) which have 
been named by different authors, viz., the Malagasy H. Anvatara, 
Boisd.; but the form most prevalent in South-Hastern Africa (to 
which Wallengren’s name Acheloia is given), while it follows the type- 
form in the extreme variability of its under-side colouring, is a suf- 
ficiently recognisable variety. 

H. Ilithyia is a handsome and conspicuous insect on the wing; it 
shows much more activity than Hurytela Hiarbas, and though more 
frequent about woods, is often to be found in open ground. It ranges 
over the whole of Africa, and as far eastward as India and Ceylon, its 
near ally, H. Anvatara, appearing to replace it in Madagascar and 
the Comoro Islands. 

The pupa is in form not unlike that of the allied genus Lrgolis, 
Boisd., judging from the figure given by Horsfield and Moore (Cat. 
Lep. Ins. HE.L.C. Museum, 1857, pl. vi. f 6a) of the chrysalis of the 
Javan L. Coryta (Cram.) 

86. (1.) Hypanis Ilithyia, (Drury). 
Puate V., fig. 4 (Var. A. 3g). 

3d Papilio Ihthya, Drur,, Ill, Nat. Hist., i. pl. xvi. ih 1, 24773): 

9 Papilio Polinice, Cram., Pap. Exot., iv. t. ecclxxv. ff a, H (1782). 

Biblis Ilithyia, Godt. [part], Enc. Meth., ix. p. 327, n. 7 (1819). 

Hypanis Polinice, Boisd., Sp. Gen. Lep., i. pl. ix. f. 6 (1836). 

Hypanis Cora, Feisth., Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr., 1850, p. 249, n. 2. 

Hypanis Ilithyia, Hopf. [part], Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins., p. 396 

a Lrim, aa Rhop. Afr. Aust., il, p. 214, n. 124 (1866); 

and Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (1870), p. 359. 

Byblia Ilithyia, Moore, Lep. Ceylon, p. 45, pl. 23, ff. 3, 3a (1881). 

Var. A. Acheloia, Wallengr. 

Papilio Ilythia, Cram., Pap, Exot., iii. t. 213, ff. 4, B (9), and t. 214, ff 
GD (2). 41782): 

Biblis Llithyia, Godt. [part], Enc. Meth., ix. p. 327, n. 7 (1819). 

Hypanis Ilnthyia, Doubl., Gen. Diurn. Lep., p. 411, pl. 68, f. 1 (1851). 

Hypanis Itithya, Wallgrn., K. Sv. Vet.-Ak. Handl., Lep. Rhop. Caffr., 
p:. 29: 0, -1°(18577). 

Hypanis Acheloia, Wallgrn., op. cit., p. 29, n. 2 (1857). 

Hypanis Ilithyia, Hopff. [part], Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins., p. 396 


‘s », ‘Lrim. [part], Rhop, Afr. Aust., ii. p. 214, n. 124 (1866). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 84 lin.—2 in. 3 lin. 
tg Warm fulvous-ochreous, with black bands and other markings. 
Fore-wing : along costa, from base to a little distance before apex, a 
moderately broad band, emitting downward three rather curved trans- 
verse disco-cellular striz,—a wider, more oblique, subangulated bar 


beyond cell, as far as third median nervule, and a small, short stria 
(sometimes a mere dentation) near the end of the band; from inner 
margin, before middle, an oblique irregular marking, emitting an 
upward sharp projection which all but meets the middle disco-cellular 

-stria, and ending abruptly in a broad subquadrate portion which 

superiorly touches origin of third and second median nervules; a 
short, narrow, black line along third median nervule connects this 
irregular marking with the angulated transverse bar emitted by costal 
band beyond extremity of cell; a moderately wide or rather narrow 
submarginal band, from inner margin to lower radial nervule, inwardly 
denticulated on nervules, outwardly united by five black nervular rays 
to a narrow black hind-marginal edging traversed by a whitish line ; 
end of costal band and of its almost terminal short ray or denta- 
tion also united to hind-marginal edging by four black nervular rays, 
much longer than the five lower ones. AHind-wing: an irregular basal 
patch, externally dentate and somewhat excavate, not running along 
costa, but emitting two sharp denticulations to it; a little before 
middle a transverse row of four or five small spots, from near upper 
extremity of basal patch to near inner margin; a rather broad sub- 
marginal band (continuous of, but wider than, that of fore-wing), in- 
wardly denticulate, and outwardly united by nervular black rays to a 
hind-marginal edging rather broader than that of fore-wing, so that 
seven rather large elongate spots of the ground-colour are enclosed. 
Cilia fuscous, with conspicuous white inter-nervular spots. UNDER 
SIDE.—Paler, duller ; hind-wing with strongly-contrasted transverse bands, 
very variable. Fore-wing: costal band wanting, but its rays and cellu- 
lar strize (of which latter the middle one commences on costa) present, 
narrower, not so black, with here and there some whitish edging; 
inner marginal and submarginal markings also much attenuated ; 
apical area crossed by a transverse quadrimacular white ray; hind- 
marginal edging very narrow, the traversing streak being pure white 
and conspicuous; a small black spot at base of discoidal cell. Hind- 
wing: varees from pale dull yellow-ochreous to deep ferruginous ; always 
two pale-creamy or whitish transverse bands, one near base bordered 
on both sides by a macular black stria, the other median, bordered 
inwardly by black spots, and outwardly by a fuscous line; black sub- 
marginal band very much narrowed, containing seven pairs of small 
white inter-nervular spots; upper part of ground-colour spots between 
this band and the hind-marginal border either creamy or whitish, 
giving the effect of a third pale transverse band; pure-white travers- 
ing streak of black hind-marginal edging broken into seven pairs of 
inter-nervular elongate spots; a small white-edged black spot marks 
upper angle of extremity of discoidal cell; in the ferruginous-tinted 
specumens, both the submarginal and hind-marginal white-spotted black 
bands are partly or wholly obliterated. Cilia as above, but brownish- 
fuscous replaces the black. 


2 Paler, duller ; the costal black of fore-wing and the basal black of 
hind-wing replaced by suffused fuscous, except the strice and spots respec- 
tively. Fore-wing: submarginal band united to outermost costal stria 
or dentation, so that in all eight instead of six spots of the ground- 
colour are enclosed; inner-marginal marking much attenuated. Hind- 
wing: a fuscous streak a little before submarginal band and united to 
it by blackish on the nervules so as to enclose seven small spots of the 
ground-colour. UNDER SIDE.—As in ¢. 

Var. A. (Acheloia, Wallengr.) gf, 9. 

gf Darker, more inclined to rufous. Fore-wing: costal black broader, 
especially its downward ray beyond discoidal cell, which is very wide and 
sharply dentated externally, the outermost dentation usually joining, 
or almost joining, the top of submarginal band on second radial ner- 
vule; ground-colour beyond the wide downward ray extends all but to 
costal edge, so as to isolate subapical extremity of costal band; lower 
part of submarginal band much thickened at posterior angle, so as 
almost to obliterate the lowest enclosed spot of the ground-colour. 
Mind-wing : no spots before middle ; submarginal band and hind-marginal 
border more developed, and united by wider nervular rays, so that spots 
of ground-colour are smaller. UNDER sipE.—Like that of typical 
form, but even more variable, the hind-wing and apex of fore-wing being 
often of a pale creamy-yellowish, rn which the whitish or creamy bands 
are. indistinguishable, but all the black markings very conspicuous; 
while in others every grade of deepening coloration is found as far as 
the same deep-ferruginous as the typical form sometimes exhibits, or 
even rather darker. 

2 Differs quite in correspondence with the characters just given, 
but is very commonly duller and more suffused in markings than the 

typical 9. : 
|PLaTE V. fig. 4 (9). 

Pupra.—Dull greenish-grey, antenne-cases pale-yellowish. Attached 
to middle of a leaf. 

Description of a living specimen sent to me from D’Urban, Natal, 
by Colonel Bowker, and received on gth December 1878, The imago 
emerged the next day, so in all probability the colour of the pupa was 
duller than at an earlier date; it was a % of the Acheloia variety that 

** Wallengren’s I/lithya and Acheloia both belong to the variety just described, 
as I have ascertained from drawings of his types which Mr. W. F. Kirby 
showed me in 1881; the former being an example of the medium under-side 
coloration, and the latter one of the deep-ferruginous hue. ‘The differences 
pointed out enable me to distinguish the variety from the typical form, but I 
think it best not to separate it as a species, for the present at any rate, as I 
have seen so few Hypanis specimens from Tropical Africa, and both forms are 
so extremely variable both in size and marking. It is Ilithyia proper which 
(in a smaller form with thinner black markings) extends to Ceylon and India; 


it is figured by Cramer (t. 375, f. G@, H) as Polinice.1 The variety seems to 
have almost as wide a range in Africa as the typical form, but not to extend 
beyond the continent; MH. anvatara, Boisd., inhabiting Madagascar and the 
Comoro Islands, though more nearly related to it than to Ilithyia proper, 
being, I consider, a distinct species.? 

§ Many of the West-African specimens of this variety approach in appear- 
ance Cramer’s figures (A and B, t. 213, and c and p, t. 214) of ¢ and 9,3 
having the black markings strongly developed throughout; the submarginal 
band of fore-wing being not only continued rather widely to costa, but broadly 
united just above third median nervule to the broad projection of the costal 
bar, so as to completely isolate an oblique subapical ray of!the ground- 
colour. I also possess a g from D’Urban, Natal, in which the black hind- 
marginal bands are very wide, and so completely coalesce as to leave only five 
small spots of the ground-colour. 

The specimen figured by Drury, and stated to be from ‘ Senegal,” is a large 
well-coloured and strongly-banded ¢, with the ground-colour of the hind-wings 
on the under side dull-ferruginous, yet with the white-spotted black sub- 
marginal and hind-marginal bands quite distinct though narrow. I possess a 
very similar ¢, taken by Mr. T, Ayres in the Transvaal in 1870, but it is not so 
large, and the upper-side markings are rather narrower, the base of the hind-wing 
being suffused with fuscous. A very small 9 of the typical form, from Damara- 
land, has all the upper-side markings much attenuated, and the under side of 
the hind-wing uniform deep-ferruginous, except for the three white bands and 
narrow white black-edged hind-marginal border. 

Along the Eastern Coast of South Africa it is the Variety A. which prevails ; 
but the late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken sent me a 4 of the Ilthyia proper, which he 
took at D’ Urban, and I met with one not far to the northward, in the Victoria 
Country. The variety fis very common about D’Urban, and I took many 
examples there in the summer of 1867, including two pairs 7m copuld. The 
sexes in each case were nearly alike, with the palest under-side colouring of 
the hind-wings, but the males had the faint yellow-ochreous bands rather more 
distinct from the general creamy-yellowish ground-colour. Colonel Bowker 
in 1878 and 1881 captured two quite similar pairs, and in 1880 sent me a 
pair with ferruginous under sides, In the latter, the ferruginous was less deep 
in the ¢ than in the 9. Farther inland the typical J/ithyia seems to replace 
the variety, but it is by no means so numerous in individuals. 

This very pretty butterfly, which has somewhat the look of a large Melitea, 
frequents grassy and bushy spots on the borders of woods. It is conspicuous 
on the wing, flying low and not rapidly, and often settling on the ground or on 
the herbage. I do not recollect having seen it feeding on any flower. It 
comes out in the winter, but is not then so numerous as in the hotter months. 

Localities of Hypanis Llithyia. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b, Eastern Districts.—King William’s Town (H. J. Atherstone). 
c. Griqualand West.—Vaal River (MZ. E. Barber.—Typ.) 
rd, Basutoland.—Maseru (J. H. Bowker.—T'yp.) 
D, Kaffraria Proper.—Butterworth and Bashee River (J. H. Bowker.— 
Var, A.) 

1 T think that Boisduval’s Polinice (op. cit.), from “ Senegal,” is of the typical form, but 
as he only figures the under side, cannot be certain about it. 

2 A constant distinguishing character in H/, anvatara is the waved and dentated form 
of the bands crossing the under side of the hind-wings, 

3 Cramer in his text gives ¢ for 2? and vice versa, j 


E. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (Typ. and Var, A.) Victoria Country 


b. Upper Districts—Greytown (Typ.) Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson, 

—T yp.) 

F, Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower.— Var. A.) Napoleon 

Valley (J. H. Bowker.—Typ.) 
K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom District (7. Ayres.—Typ.) Marico 
River (/. C. Selous.—Typ. and Var. A.) 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (H. Hutchinson, J. A. Bell, and 
W. C. Palgrave.—Typ.) ‘‘ Angola (J. J. Montezro).”—Druce. 
Congo (Coll. Brit. Mus.) ‘‘ Chinchoxo (Falkenstein).”— Dewitz. 

b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). ‘“ Tette 
(Peters).”"—Hopffer. “Tchouacka (Rafay).” — Oberthiir. 
“‘Mombas and Lake Jipe (O. Kersten).”—Gersticker. 

br. Interior.—Kama’s Country, near Bamangwato (H. Barber.—Typ.) 

B. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—‘ Gaboon.”—Oberthiir. Cape Coast Castle (J. 
M. Pask.—Var. A.) Sierra Leone (Col. Brit. Mus.) “ Casa- 
manza.”—Feisthamel. ‘ Senegal.”—Drury. 

b, Eastern Coast.—‘‘Somauliland.”—Felder. ‘Samara: Tajurrah 
(J. i. Lord).”—H. Walker. Abyssinia: ‘ Schoa (Antinori).”— 
Oberthiir; ‘“ Harkeko (J. K. Lord),”—F. Walker. ‘ Atbara.” 
—A.G. Butler. ‘‘ Nubia.”—Hopffer. 

IV. Asia. 
A. Southern Region.—‘“ Arabia.”—Oberthiir and Hopffer. India 
(North India): E. Ind. Mus. Madras: Brit. Mus. Ceylon (Z. 
L. Layard). 

Genus NEPTIS. 

Neptis, Fab., “ Syst. Gloss.—Illiger’s Mag., vi. p. 282 (1807) ;” Westw., 
Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 270 (1850). 

Neptis and Athyma, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. pp. 145, 148 (1862). 

ImaGo.—Head broad, moderately hairy above and in front; eyes 
large, very prominent, smooth; palpi short, slender, acute, not rising 
above level of forehead, scaly, clothed beneath with rather long but not 
dense hair, and above with a little short hair,—second joint rather short, 
—terminal joint long, broad at base, but ending in a very attenuated 
and acute point; antenne rather short, with a gradually-formed elongate 
but rather thick club, slightly flattened and hollowed inferiorly. _ 

Thorax about as broad as head, rather short and weak, slightly 
hairy anteriorly, posteriorly, and inferiorly. Sore-wings: elongate, 
rather truncate ; costa but slightly arched ; apex more or less rounded ; 
hind-margin very slightly sinuated, sometimes a little emarginate about 
middle; posterior angle marked ; inner margin rather convex near base, 
but emarginate in middle; costal nervure very short, ending on costa 
before middle; first subcostal nervule emitted considerably, second one 
slightly, before extremity of discoidal cell in most species, but occa- 
sionally the latter nervule originates at a little distance beyond cell; 


third subcostal nervule emitted far beyond cell and ending at apex; 
upper and middle disco-cellular nervules both very short (the latter 
inclined towards base), so that the radial nervules are closely approxi- 
-mated at their origin,—lower disco-cellular quite wanting; discoidal 
cell short. Hind-wings: broad, subtruncate ; costa strongly arched, 
especially in ¢ (where the very convex margin is superiorly polished 
and subnacreous, and covers a corresponding similar surface on inner 
margin of fore-wings; hind-margin rather more sinuated than in fore- 
wings; anal angle not prominent ; inner margins but slightly convex, 
forming a very incomplete and shallow groove, leaving hinder part of 
abdomen exposed; costal nervure usually terminating beyond middle, 
but rarely extending to just before apex; subcostal nervure branched 
very near base; upper disco-cellular nervule (forming base of radial 
nervule) leaving second subcostal nervule very near its origin,—lower 
disco-cellular quite obsolete; discoidal cell extremely short; internal 
nervure usually rather short, ending about middle. ore-legs of f very 
small and slender, scaly, sometimes with a very sparse external edging 
of minute hairs; tibia much shorter than femur; tarsus exceedingly 
short, blunt at extremity,—of 2 considerably larger, almost without 
hairs; tarsi nearly as long as tibia, distinctly jointed, finely spinulose 
near and at extremity. J/iddle- and hind-legs rather short and stout, 
scaly; tibize strongly spinose inferiorly, and with rather long terminal 
spurs; tarsi densely spinulose inferiorly. 

Abdomen elongate ; very slender in ¢. 

Larva.—Head large, bifid on its summit; on back of fourth seg- 
ment a pair of elongate, divergent, erect fleshy processes, set with short 
bristles ; similar but very much smaller pairs of short processes on back 
of third, sixth, and twelfth segments,—the two latter pairs inclining 
backward ; body rather attenuated posteriorly. 

Pupa.—Usually much curved abdominally, thick centrally; head 
deeply bifid; wing-covers projecting widely on each side. 

(These characters of larva and pupa are taken from figures of 
those of WV. Aceris, Lepech., in Pl. V. of Horsfield and Moore’s Catal. 
Lep. Ins. in H.EL.C. Museum (1857), and of those of WN. Varmona 
and NV. Jumba, Moore, in The Lepidoptera of Ceylon, pl. xxviii. 

Neptis is not nearly related to any other South-African genus, but 
is in several respects intermediate between Athyma and Limenitis, 
neither of which has any African representative, although both have 
otherwise a very wide Old-World distribution, and Zimenitis extends 
also to North America. From Athyma, which it most nearly resembles 
in colouring and pattern, Veptis is at once known by its far smaller 
thorax; while it is distinguished from Limenitis by its much more 
acute palpi; shorter, less gradually-clavate antenne; open discoidal 
cell of the fore-wings; much smaller fore-legs in the $; and more 
strongly-arched costa in the hind-wings. 


This is an extensive group of closely allied forms, about ninety species 

having been described. ‘They are butterflies of rather small or middle 
size, mostly characterised by very conspicuous sharply-defined white or 
ochreous bands and spots on a black or fuscous ground. ‘The metro- 
polis of the genus is the Indo-Malayan Sub-Region, but it extends through 
the Austro-Malayan Islands to Australia, and in opposite directions to 
China, Japan, and Eastern Siberia, over the Ethiopian Region, and 
even to Hastern Hurope,—two species (Aceris, Lep., and Lucila, W. V.) 
occurring not uncommonly in many parts of South Russia, Turkey, 
Austria, &c. 

Of the fifteen Ethiopian species known, four are apparently limited 
to Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, and three to Angola; five 
others seem only to have occurred in Western Africa north of the 
Hquator; while of the three remaining, all of which inhabit Southern 
Africa, V. Agatha (Cram.) appears to range throughout the Continent, 
NV. Marpessa, Hopft., extends through South-Tropical Africa and on the 
eastern side northward to Abyssinia, and NV. Goochit, Trim., has only 
been found in Natal. Of these three South-African forms, only Mar- 
pessa appears to penetrate the Cape Colony, a specimen haying been 
sent to me from Port Alfred at the mouth of the Kowie River. Agatha 
is considerably the largest, and is very striking from the size of the 
pure-white bands. Gooch is the smallest, and differs from both the 
others in possessing a longitudinal white bar in the discoidal cell of the 

The butterflies of this genus frequent sheltered wooded spots. 
Agatha and Marpessa, which I observed in Natal, and Frobenia, Fab., 
a yellow-banded species which I took in Mauritius, all have a weak 
but rather floating flight; they haunt a particular tree or shrub, and are 
fond of settling on the leaves, often keeping their wings expanded when 
at rest. 

87. (1.) Neptis Agatha, Cramer. 

Papilio Melicerta, Fab. [nee Drury], Syst. Ent., p. 508, n. 274 (1775). 2 
Papilio Agatha, Cram., Pap. Exot., iv. t. ccexxvii. ff. a, B (1782). 
Nymphalis Melicerta, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 432, n. 260 (1819). 
Neptis Melrcerta, Trim., Khop, Afr. Aust., i. p. 146, n. 87 (1862). 
Neptis Agatha, Hoptt., Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins., p. 383 (1862). 

Exp. al, 2 i1.—2 in. 7 lin. 

Lrowmsh-black, with a reddish gloss, with pure-white transverse 
bands. Sore-wing: a slightly curved, rather broad white band, com- 
posed of six contiguous spots, beyond middle, extending from costa to 
first median nervule not far from hind-margin; on inner margin, a 
little before the end of band, a semicircular white spot, crossed by sub- 
median nervure; along hind-margin three rows of paler markings, 
thin, lunular, partly white, the two first spots of the innermost row 


being larger and whiter than the rest; between the latter row and 
white band is a series of rather large, almost contiguous quadrate 
marks, darker than ground-colour, and forming a stripe parallel to 
hind-margin; from three to seven pure-white dots in discoidal cell, 
and one or two just beyond extremity of cell. Hind-wing: a broad 
white stripe, continuous of the inner-marginal, semicircular mark on 
fore-wing, divided into seven by crossing nervules, occupies central 
portion from costa to inner margin, being curved, parallel to hind- 
margin; series of dark spots broader than in /orc-wing ; three thin, 
lunular, pale streaks: bordering hind-margin as in /fore-wing. Cilia 
of both wings conspicuously marked with white between denticula- 
tions. UNDER SIDE.—Very sumilar, ground-colour paler. Fore-wing : 
costa white close to base; a short, white, longitudinal streak from base 
in discoidal cell, bordering subcostal nervure; five or six white dots 
in cell, and a transverse row of three from costa, a little beyond cell; 
white band and marking as on upper side; three rows parallel to hind- 
margin conspicuously white, and forming almost continuous streaks ; 
the three first spots of the innermost row larger than on upper side, 
longitudinally triangulate. Hind-wing: three white bands in basal 
portion—a broad one edging costa to a little before middle, a narrow 
one, parallel to the first, commencing on inner margin, and a broad 
one, also parallel and from inner margin, which is broken into three 
spots towards costa; central band as on upper side; lunulate streaks 
bordering hind-margin conspicuously white. Cilia as on upper side. 

A very close ally of WV. Agatha is N. Nysiades, Hewits. (Exot. Butt., iv. 
pl. 25, ff. 3, 4), from Old Calabar; but it differs in having the lower portion of 
the band of the fore-wings much narrowed and divided into two entirely sepa- 
rate spots ; it has, moreover, in discoidal cell of fore-wing on upper side only a 
white dot and oblique line ; and on under side, besides the longitudinal streak 
from base, only two oblique streaks, 

Neptis Ktkidelt, Boisd., from Madagascar, is also nearly related to UN. 
Agatha, but at once recognised by its very broad white bands (scarcely 
indented externally by black nervules) across hind-wings and lower discal area 
of fore-wings. 

A Neptis taken by Colonel Bowker at Quilimane, in the year 1878, is to 
some extent intermediate between Agatha and Aikidelz, having the bands in 
arrangement like those of the former, but markedly broader, and externally not 
more indented by black nervules than those of the latter. 

This strikingly-marked Neptis frequents wooded places; it flies rather 
slowly, and often settles on the leaves of low trees. I once took a specimen 

on the flowers of Lantana. It was far from numerous on the coast of Natal 
during the summer of 1867, and does not appear ever to be abundant there. 

Localities of Neptis Agatha. 
I. South Africa, 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Verulam. Tongaati River. More: 
wood’s Bay (J. H. Bowker). ‘ Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. 
| Bowker. 
K; Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 


II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.— Angola: Loanda (R. Meldola).”—A. G. Butler, 
“Congo: Kinsembo (H. Azsell).”—A. G. Butler. “ Chinchoxo 

6, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley).—Coll. Hope, Oxon. 
‘“Querimba.”—Hopffer. “ Zanzibar (Raffray).”—Oberthiir, 

br. Interior.—Mashunaland and Zumbo, Zambesi (F. C. Selous), 

B. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Cape Coast Castle (#. Bourke). Ashanti.—Coll, 
Hope, Oxon. Sierra Leone.—Coll. Brit. Mus. 

b, Eastern Coast.— Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinor?).”—Oberthiir. 

88. (2.) Neptis Marpessa, Hopffer. 

Neptis Marpessa, Hopff., Monatsh. K. Ak. Wiss. Berl., 1855, p. 640, n. 8; 
and Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins. p. 383, t. xxiv. ff. 9, 10 

Athyma Saclava, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 148, n. 88 (1862); and 
(Neptis 8.) i. p. 338 (1866). 

Exp. al., 1 in. 74 lin.—2 in. 
Browntsh-black, with white bands and spots. Lore-wing: on costa 
beyond middle, not far from apex, three white spots of moderate size, 

forming a short band inclining towards hind-margin; below them, 

between first and third median nervules, a large, somewhat quadrate, 
white spot, divided almost equally by the second median nervule; 
immediately below the latter marking, and a little nearer base, is a 
semicircular, moderately-sized, white marking on inner margin; 7 
discoidal cell three white dots; at its extremity a dark-margined, pale, 
transverse streak ; just beyond extremity, three white dots; bordering 
hind-margin, three parallel rows of whitish lunules, the outer row 
very indistinct or even obsolete; between the innermost of these 
lunular rows and the large white spots is a row of spots darker than 
the ground-colour; close to the outer edge of the white spots are a 
few minute, white, thin spots, two or three of which are situate 
between the large white markings. Hind-wing: a compact rather 
narrow white band, almost straight on its imner edge, crosses about 
middle, from costa to inner margin, and is continuous of the semi- 
circular marking on inner margin of fore-wing ; row of darker spots as 
in fore-wing, but more distinct ; rows of lunular marks almost obsolete. 
UNDER SIDE —Pale-ochreous, varied with ferruginous-brown ; white bands 
and spots as on upper side. ore-wing: costa at base ochreous-white ; 
four whitish-brown margined spots in discoidal cell, and a streak 
similarly coloured at its extremity; portion around large white spots 
ferruginous-brown, with blackish rays between nervules ; row of darker 
spots, beyond white ones, blackish ; between the rows of white lunules 
bordering hind-margin are parallel dark-brown streaks. Hind-wing: 
basal portion pale-whitish ochreous, varied with ferruginous-brown strie 
and marks, darker macular row, and lunular lines, as in fore-wing. 


This species is readily distinguished from WV. Agatha by its smaller size, 
browner ground-colour, much broken and macular white marking of fore-wing, 
and totally different under-side colouring. It is a very close ally of NV. Saclava, 
Boisd., from Madagascar; but, as Hopffer (doc. cit.) points out,! appears to 
differ in having three white dots just beyond discoidal cell of fore-wing, and 
the row of fuscous spots common to both wings followed by three rows of 
whitish lunules ; Saclava wanting the former altogether, and instead of the 
latter, possessing two or three rows of blackish lunules separated (in the fore- 
wing only) by a thin white line. 

Another near ally is the West-African NV. Nemates, Hewits. (Hxot. Butt., 
1868, iv. pl. 25, f. 1, 2), which differs from MJarpessa in having the large 
white spot on median nervules of fore-wings and the inner-marginal spot 
united and much widened, so as to form a short irregular band ; while on the 
under side the tint of the ground-colour is much duller and greyer, and there 
are no white spots in or just beyond discoidal cell. 

I met this butterfly not uncommonly at Port Natal in February, March, 
and April 1867, Its habits are quite like those of its congener, N. Agatha , it 
frequents wooded spots, and flits slowly about trees and shrubs, often settling 
upon the leaves. 

Localities of Neptis Marpessa. 

I. South Africa, 
B, Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts.—Port Alfred, Kowie River (J. H. Randall). ~ 
D, Kaffraria Proper.—Tsomo River (J. Hf. Bowker). 
K. Natal.—D’Urban. ‘ Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. Bowker. 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H, Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

II, Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical, 
a. Western Coast.—‘‘ Angola (J. J. Monteiro).”—Druce. ‘ Chin- 
choxo (Lalkenstein).” —Dewitz. 
b, Eastern Coast.—“ Zambesi: Tette.”— Hopffer. 
B. North Tropical. 
b, Eastern Coast.—“ Abyssinia : Atbara,”—Butler. 

89, (3.) Neptis Goochii,Trimen. 
Pruate V. fis, 6(¢). 
Neptis Goochii, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 336. 

Exp. al., 1 in. 44 lin—1 in. g lin. 

Fuscous, with pure-white bands and spots. Lore-wing: a longi- 
tudinal white bar, divided transversely about its middle, occupying 
lower half of discoidal cell; a small spot immediately beyond ex- 
tremity of cell; subapical costal bar broad, even, abruptly truncate 
on radial nervule; close to outer extremity of this bar a small spot, 

1 IT have compared Boisduval’s description and Chenu’s figure of N. Saclava, but the 
only note I have of the Madagascar specimens in Mr. Hewitson’s collection (in the year 1867) 
is that the band of the hind-wings was broader than in the Natalian butterfly then associated 
with them. 

VOL. I, s 


in a longitudinal line with that just beyond extremity of cell; large 
spot on disc between third and first median nervules about the same 
size as costal bar, but less elongate and more rounded; inner-marginal 
marking rather small, acuminate superiorly ; five almost parallel, thin, 
submarginal white streaks, of which the innermost is indistinct and 
more widely separated from the rest, more irregular, and the outermost 
also indistinct. Hind-wing: central band broad, even, extending to 
inner-marginal edge but not to costa, being abruptly rounded off just 
below the first subcostal nervule; five submarginal streaks much as 
in fore-wing, but more distinct, the innermost less irregular and more 
remote from the second. UNDER sIDE.—Ground-colour much paler, 
almost grey; markings corresponding with those of upper side, but 
submarginal streaks broader and more conspicuous. fore-wing: 
cellular longitudinal bar not, or but very indistinctly, transversely 
divided. Hind-wing: basal portion with three curved transverse white 
stripes (much as in NV, Agatha, Cramer, but not nearly so conspicuous), 
of which the first is on costal edge, and the third near central band, 
and less distinct than the others. 

This butterfly is allied to N. Melicerta, Drury (nec Cramer), and to 

N. Marpessa, Hopff., but is considerably smaller than those species. — 

It agrees with the former insect in possessing the longitudinal white 
bar* in the discoidal cell of the fore-wings (which character at once 
separates it from JJarpessa), but differs markedly (1) in the short, com- 
pact, undivided costal bar of the fore-wings; (2) wm the broad, even, 
superiorly-rounded band of the hind-wings ; and (3) in having four 
(instead of three) parallel hind-marginal white lines. Other characters 
separating it from Marpessa are the small size and acuminated form of 
the inner-marginal white marking of the fore-wings, and the entirely 
different colouring and pattern of the under side. 

Mr. W. D. Gooch, after whom I have named this species, met with four 
specimens in the neighbourhood of his plantation (Spring Vale) on the coast of 
Natal. No other examples came under my notice until Colonel Bowker sent 
one taken near D’Urban in December 1879, and again, in June 1881, for- 
warded four others captured in the same locality. Nothing special in the 
habits of the butterfly has been noted by either observer; and it is not 
unlkely that NV. Goochii may often be passed over in mistake for NV. Marpessa. 

Localities of Neptis Groochit. 

I. South Africa. 
FE. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts —D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). Little Umhlanga 
(W. D. Gooch). 

1 In four of Colonel Bowker’s specimens the inner portion of this bar is almost obsolete. 



Diadema, Boisd.,} ‘ Voyage de l Astrolabe—Lep., p. 135 (1832),” and Faune 
Ent. de Madag., p. 39 (1833); Westw. (“Section A, Sub-Section a, 
Divn. *,” of Diadema), Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. pp. 279-280 (1850) ; 
Wallace, Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 277; Trim. (part), Rhop. 
mur, Aust, 1. : 150,(1862). 

Imaco.—Head large, as wide as thorax, densely hairy and scaly, 
and with a long tuft of hairs in front; eyes large, prominent, smooth ; 
palpt rather stout, elongate, widely separated, divergent, porrected 
horizontally, not rising above middle of eyes, densely scaly,—second 
joint long, with a dense fringe of short, stout hairs superiorly and 
internally,—terminal joint of moderate length and rather broad, with 
the tip rather blunt; antenne rather short, slender, with an abruptly- 
formed, subovate, slightly-flattened club, bearing a minute acute point 
at its extremity. 

Thorax moderately stout, clothed beneath and anteriorly above 
with short hair, posteriorly above with long hair. ore-wings elon- 
gate, produced apically ; costa considerably arched; hind-margin con- 

eave about middle, slightly sinuated; posterior angle prominent but 

rounded; inner margin slightly emarginate in middle; costal nervure 
strong, terminating at some distance beyond middle; first and second 
subcostal nervules arising not far from each other, a little before extre- 
mity of discoidal cell,—third at a considerable distance beyond cell, 
and terminating at apex; upper disco-cellular nervule very minute,— 
middle one rather short, very strongly curved or bent towards base 
of wing inferiorly,—lower one well developed, rather long, slightly 
curved, united to third median nervule at a little distance beyond 
its origin; discoidal cell rather short, truncate. ind-wings broad, 
rounded, somewhat truncate; costa very convex close to base, thence 
moderately arched ; hind-margin sinuated; anal angle marked, rather 
prominent; inner margins strongly convex to considerably beyond 
middle, forming a broad, deep groove completely receiving abdomen, 

thence markedly divergent; costal nervure extending to apex; dis- 

coidal cell very short; upper disco-cellular nervule (forming base of 
radial nervule) united to second subcostal nervule not far from the 
latter’s origin,—-lower one very slender but quite distinct, slightly 
angulated towards base of wing, joining median nervure at or a little 
before origin of second and third nervules; internal nervure rather 
short, terminating just at end of convexity of inner margin. ore- 

1 Mr. W. F. Kirby (Syn. Cat. Diurn. Lep., 1871, p. 224) has abandoned Diadema as a 

| Mame preoccupied, and has substituted for it Hiibner’s title of Hypolimnas. It is true 
| that the name Diadema was proposed by Schumacher in 1817 for a genus of Cirripede 
| Crustacea, but it has not been adopted in that class, being synonymous with Lamarck’s 

genus Coronula, founded in 1802. (See Darwin, Monogr. Cirrip., 1854, p. 397.) 


legs of g§ small and slender; femur clothed with long hair infe- 
riorly,—tibia and tarsus fringed with short hair ; of 2 not very much © 
larger, but throughout with much scantier hair; tarsus much better 
developed, indistinctly articulate, spinulose at extremity. Middle and 
hind legs of moderate length, rather thick, scaly ; tarsi with two rows 
of strong spines beneath and a few small ones above,—the terminal 
spurs long and strong; tarsi spiny, especially beneath, where the 
spines at end of each joint are longer than the rest. 

Abdomen of moderate length, rather stout. 

Larva.—Rather tapering towards head, armed with stout, rigid, 
branched spines; head with two erect, elongate, spinose horns. 

Pupa.—Thick, rounded, more or less constricted at junction of 
thorax and abdomen ; head very bluntly bifid, not prominent; dorso- 
thoracic prominence rather elevated posteriorly ; wing-covers bi-angu- 
lated laterally at and near bases, somewhat projecting at apices; 
abdomen strongly arched; back of thorax with three very small acute 
tubercles on each side; back of abdomen with three rows of larger 
very acute tubercles, and each side with two rows of very small or minute 

Pruste Tato. 5. 

Of this genus, as restricted by recent authors, only one species, 
the well-known D. Misippus (Linn.)—long called by the name of its 
near ally, D. Bolina (Linn.)—occurs in South Africa. It is rather a 
large butterfly, expanding over three inches; the male being of remark- © 
able beauty and instantly recognised by the large purple-ringed white ~ 
spot which adorns the black upper surface of each wing, while the 
entirely different female is coloured with reddish-ochreous in close 
imitation of Danais Chrysippus. As will be-seen from the list of 
localities given below, this species has an immense range over the 
warmer regions of the globe; but I think Mr. Wallace (following 
Westwood, Joc. cit.) inaccurately—in his Votes on EHastern Butter- — 
flies in the Transactions of the Entomological Society of London for 
1869, p. 280—gives it as a native of Australia. Hxcept in copying 
the varieties of Danais Chrysippus, the female Diadema Misippus can- 
not be termed very variable; but the female of the closely related JD. 
Bolina is one of the most unstable forms known, exhibiting such 
numerous variations that quite a formidable array of different names 
has been assigned to it by various authors. The geographical distribu- 
tion of this Diadema is also extremely wide, including India, the whole 
Malayan Archipelago, Australia, and many islands of the Pacific, but 
not any part of Africa. 

' As Mr. Wallace, however, points out, these two Diademe stand 
alone in their enormous range, the great majority of the genus occur- 
ring in the Austro-Malayan Islands only, while six or seven are 
described from Polynesia. Besides Misippus, the Ethiopian Region 


_ yields only three other species, but these are peculiar to it, viz., D. 

Salmacis (Drury), reputed (but I believe erroneously) to have occurred 
in South Africa ;! D. Monteironis, Butl., from Old Calabar and Angola, 
allied to Salmacis ; and the very distinct D. Dexithea, Hewits., a native 
of Madagascar. 

An even more striking case of mimicry than that of Danais Chrysip- 
pus by Diadema Misippus 2 occurs in this genus, and has been well 
described by Mr. Wallace (loc. cit., p. 287). It is that of the Indo- 
Malayan D. anomala, Wall., where, in reversal of the rule among 
butterflies, the male is dull-brown, while the female is glossed with rich 
purplish-blue, in simulation of the protected and abundant Luplea 
Midanvus (Linn.) 

In Diadema, the head, the prothorax, and the sides and under part 
of the mass of the thorax are marked with conspicuous white spots. 

90. (1.) Diadema Misippus, (Linnzus). 
@ Papilio Misippus, Linn., Mus. Lud. Ulr. Reg., p. 264, n. 83 (1764); 
ADGGOVsta Nab, 2, pa 707) Neto (1767). 
e Lapilio Bolina, Dru., Il. Nat. Hist., i. pl. xiv. ff. 1,2 (1770),  —- 
1 Cram., Pap. Exot., i. t. Ixv. ff EB, F (1779). 
2 Papilio Diocippus, Cram., Opn, t, Rxavll eit, Bye C, 
@ Nymphalis Misippe, Godt., Ene. Meth., ix Pa 394.0. 158 (Tono): 
6 2 Diadema Bolina, Boisd., Faune Ent. de Madag., &c., p. 39, n. 1 
fe) ae apie dnarid, Cram, 0p. Cit. t. CCxiv, tl, A, B{1752). 
3 9 Diadema Bolina, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1. p. 153, n. gi (1862). 
3 9 Diadema Misippus, Hopff., Peters’ Reise nach Mossamb., Ins., p. 
385 (1862). 
5, 5s Trim., Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 356. 
Larva AND Popa. 
(Cingalese) Moore, Lep. Ceylon, pl. 29, f. re (1881). 

ep. al. 2 in. 7 lm.—3 in. 7 hn. 

f Black, with white, violet-shot, large spots. Fore-wing: just beyond 
extremity of discoidal cell, a transverse, rather large, elongate, sub- 
ovate, obliquely-lying, white marking, shot with blue-violet (forming 
in certain lights a lustrous circle on the black ground-colour around 
the white), crossed by four nervules, and extending from near costa to 
below second median nervule; a similar, much smaller spot, crossed by 
two nervules, close to apex. Hind-wing: a large, central, circular, 
white marking, violet-ringed like those in jfore-wing ; two or three 
small, indistinct, thin, bluish lunules, close to anal angle. ringes of 
both wings very short, black, varied with white in indentations of 

1 I included this very fine species, which expands 4} inches, in Rhopalocera Africe 
Australis (i. p. 151), on the strength of its being included by Boisduval as among Delegor- 
gue’s captures at “ Port Natal;” but as no other Natalian or South-African example has 

ever been forthcoming, it is probable that some mistake occurred, and I have withdrawn the 
species fiom this work: 


margin. UNDER SIDE.—fore-wing: large white markings as on wpper 
side, but not violet-ringed; costa thinly dusted with white as far ag 
larger white marking; three small white spots immediately below 
subcostal nervure; a space of rich chocolate-red, from base, occupies 
nearly whole of cell, extending a little below it; apical portion shining 
brownish-ochreous ; white spot at apex commencing a row of white 
dots, parallel to hind-margin, only a few of which are apparent; two 
parallel rows of conspicuous white lunules along hind-margin, which is 
black ; immediately before larger white marking, and sometimes touch- 
ing it, is a small, narrow, irregularly-shaped white mark on costa. 
Hind-wing: shining brownish-ochreous ; tinged with chocolate-red near 
anal angle, and on costa near base; large central spot extended into a 
very broad, white, median band, from costa to inner margin, edged 
with black inwardly from costal nervure, and containing an elongate 
black spot, close to costa a little beyond middle, and a black streak on 
inner margin before anal angle; hind-marginal black broader than in 
fore-wing, its two rows of white lunules larger and more conspicuous ; 
parallel to hind-margin a row of-rather distinct white dots. 

2 Dull reddish-ochreous. ore-wing: apical half of wing blackish, 
narrowing to a very thin bordering at base and anal angle, containing 
an oblique pure-white stripe from costa, consisting of four moderate- 
sized spots (of which the lowest is separate from the rest), and almost 
reaching hind-margin ; two rows of whitish lunules border hind-margin, 
as on under side of g, but not so distinct; close to apex, a narrow 
white stripe, composed of three small spots, almost parallel to the 
larger stripe, with a white dot a little below it. Hind-wing: a dusky- 
blackish spot on costa, a little beyond middle, as in f on under side, 
but much broader ; a rather narrow, blackish border to hind-margin, 

containing a row of more or less distinct, whitish lunules, and the 

indications of a similar row before the outer one; faint-bluish tinge at 
anal angle as in f. UNDER sipE.—Considerably like that of 3%, parti- 
cularly the fore-wing. fore-wing: white stripes as on upper side; 
white spots below subcostal nervure as in f; dull-red from base much 
paler than in g, tinged with ochreous, and occupying whole of inner 
margin (where it is very pale), only leaving a narrow band of blackish, 
from base to anal angle, before larger white stripe; apical portion, 
beyond larger stripe, shining yellow-ochreous; hind-marginal lunules 
as in f. Hind-wing: shining yellowish-ochreous; a whitish central 
shade indicates position of white transverse band; blackish costal spot 
as on upper side; a blackish mark at base, on costal nervure; and 
another, larger, irregular, blackish mark at extremity of discoidal cell 
on discoidal nervure; hind-marginal border as in {, as well as row of 
white dots parallel to it. 

Var. 2 (D. Inaria, Cram.)—A suffusion of the reddish-ground- 
colour covers apex, only leaving costa and hind-margin blackish ; the apical 
and subapical white stripes beng also obliterated with the same hue. 

—--—— - 



Between the Jnaria form and the ordinary 2 very numerous grada- 
tions appear, some examples retaining part of the apical blackish as 
well as the white markings, others presenting the white markings only, 
and some again exhibiting merely a part of the latter in varying 
degrees of distinctness. 

The 2 often presents a whitish suffusion on the disc of the hind- 
wing, chiefly about the median nervure and its nervules; this seems to 
be more frequent in the Znaria form and the specimens more or less 
approaching it. 

LaRva—Fuscous-brown on back; sides dull-greenish, with two 
longitudinal dull-red streaks (of which the upper one is the broader) ; 
all the legs red. Head dull-red, with two rather long, divergent, 
spinose, black horns. Body beset throughout with blackish branched 
spines, tinged with pale-red at their bases. Feeds on Portulaca oleracea 
and P. quadrifida (M. EH. Barber). 

Pupa.—(Plate I. fig. 5.) Brownish yellow-ochreous, varied with 
very dark-brown; abdominal segments rather closely ringed with fine 
fuscous parallel lines; back of thorax irregularly patched with very 
dark-brown ; wing-covers all dark-brown except for some ochreous 
spotting near extremity. 

The above description of the /arva is from a drawing sent to me 
by Mrs. Barber in the year 1867; that of the pupa is from a specimen 
I obtained at Maritzburg, Natal, in April of that year, and from two 
others (which produced respectively a ¢ and a 2 of the Jnaria form) 
sent to me in March 1870 by Colonel Bowker from Maseru, Basuto- 
land. One of the latter is represented in my figure. 

Judging from the figures given in Moore’s Lepidoptera of Coy ylon, 
the Cingalese Jarva is of much duller colouring, the back and upper 
sides being given as ochreous-brown, the lower sides very dark-brown ; 
the head and pro-legs dull ochre-yellowish, and the spines of the body 
almost the same colour but paler. The Cingalese pupa is also darker 
and more uniform in colouring; but the South-African one is variable 

in this respect, a figure of Mrs. Barber’s representing it as of a pale 

greyish-brown without dark variegation. 

This well-known and widely-ranging species is generally distributed over 
South Africa, except in the S.W. of the Cape Colony, where it only occurs as 
a straggler, a few examples even reaching Cape Town in seasons when the 
insect is numerous. The ¢ varies scarcely at all, except in size and in the 
depth of the under-surface colouring, while the 9, as above noted, is highly 
variable within certain limits. Md‘sippus is a bold and active insect, frequent- 
ing flowers in gardens and open spots, and often settling on the ground, The 
latter habit is more practised by the ¢, who thus shows off his expanded 
purple-ringed wings to much advantage. Colonel Bowker has noted, near 
D’Urban, with what persistence a ¢ will continue to occupy one particular 
spot. In one instance, when a ¢ so guarding a little space of about ten 
yards square, and beating off other ¢s who intruded, was captured, Colonel 
Bowker found, the next day, that another ¢ had taken possession of the 
vacant station. He suggests that possibly the presence of a @ pupa almost 


ready to emerge as imago may be the explanation ; and the similar cases 
recorded (cf. those of Papilio Demoleus and Heliconius Charitonia mentioned 
in Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1882, p. iv.) render this not improbable. 

The ¢ (as noticed by Colonel Bowker in 1863), when in pursuit of the | 

@, keeps a little below her, with his wings constantly and rapidly quivering ; 
while the ¢ slowly rises, with little motion of the wings, towards the summit 
of some adjacent tree. I observed the same habit in Natal. 

The imitation of Danas Chrysippus (Linn.) by the 9 Diadema Misippus 
is one of the most exact and unmistakable cases of mimicry known, and is 
the more striking from the extreme dissimilarity of the ¢ Diadema. The 
obvious intention of the mimicry is demonstrated by the singular fact that 
the very variations of the Danais are correctly reproduced by the 9 Diadema, 
viz., the failure of the ordinary black and white at the apex of the fore-wings, 
and the suffusion of white on the disc of the hind-wings.! In life the imita- 
tion is singularly deceptive, as well when the butterfly is settled on flowers as 

when it is on the wing; and it requires a keen eye and close observation to— 

distinguish one insect from the other. I once noticed at Port Natal a Chry- 
sippus for a long time pursue a ? AM’sippus, and have little doubt that the 
former mistook the latter for a female of its own species. 

Mrs, Barber notes that the larve of Misippus, however unlike in colouring 
to their food-plants, are really protected by their appearance, the species of 
Portulaca on which they live being prostrate in habit, with their stems often 
half-hidden in the soil; and the larve being thus, when feeding, as much on 
the dark earth as on the plants. 

She adds that the pupe are not suspended, but simply concealed among 
dry leaves on the ground; but there seems to be variety of habit in this 
particular, Colonel Bowker reporting that the two pupe he sent to me from 
Basutoland were found suspended by the tail in clefts of rocks. 

D. Misippus has a very wide range, being found throughout the countries 
inhabited by Danais Chrysippus (with the single exception of the European 
shore of the Mediterranean), and apparently occurring also in several parts of 
South America and the West Indies. 

Localities of Diadema Misippus. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts—Cape Town. Swellendam (7. Cazrncross). 
Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. Oudtshoorn (Adams). 

b, Eastern Districts;—Uitenhage. Grahamstown. Kowié River 
(Sir A. Scott), King William’s Town (W. S. M. D’ Urban). 
Burghersdorp (D. R. Kannemeyer). Colesberg (A. &. Ortlepp). 

d. Basutoland.— Maseru (J. H. Bowker), 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). ° 
i. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. “ Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. Bowker. 

b. Upper Districts.—Pietermaritzburg. Estcourt (J. If. Hutchin- 

F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 
K. Transvaal.— Potchefstroom District (2. Ayres) Limpopo River 

(Ff. C. Selous). 

L. Bechuanaland.—Motito (Rev. J. Frédouz). 

* Colonel C. Swinhoe (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, p. 505) notes that at Kurrachee the 
¥ Dradema mimics the variety Dorippus more commonly than the typical Chrysippus. 


II. Other African Regions. 
A, South Tropical. 

a, Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and J. A. Beil). 
“Angola (J. J. Monteiro).”—Druce. “Congo: Kinsembo 
(ZH. Ansell).”—Butler, “ Chinchoxo (Falkenstein).”—Dewitz. 

aa. St. Helena (Miss Shorts). ‘‘ Ascension (Bewicke).”—Mrs, Wol- 

b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley). ‘* Tette.’—Hopffer. 

br, Interior.—Bamangwato District (H. Barber). Tauwani and 
Tati Rivers (/. C. Selous). ‘ Zambesi: Victoria Falls (/. 
Oates.)”— Westwood. 

bb. Mauritius.—“* Madagascar and Bourbon.”—Boisduval. “ Rodri- 
guez (G. Gulliver).”—Butler. 

B, North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.— Gaboon (Theorin).”-—Aurivillius, Ashanti.— 
Coll. Brit. Mus. Sierra Leone (J. M. Pash). 

b. Eastern Coast.—‘ Somauliland.”—Felder. ‘Abyssinia (Raf- 
fray); and Shoa (Antinort).”—Oberthiir.  ‘ Abyssinia: 
Atbara.”—A, G. Butler. | 

GY, Asia, 
A. Southern Region.—India (North India: Canara.—Coll, E. Ind. 

Mus.) Madras: Bangalore (2. G. Southey). Ceylon (£. L. Layard). 

“ China.”—Boisduval. ‘ Formosa.”— Wallace. 

B, Malayan Archipelago.—Java: Borneo.—I. Ind. Mus. ‘ Lombock, 
Timor, Celebes,”— Wallace. 

VI, America.—‘ Guiana.”—Boisduval. “ Surinam.”—Cramer and Drury. 
“ Cayenne.”—Godart. ‘‘ Para (Berlin Mus.).”—Hopfter, ‘St. Chris- 
topher’s.”—-Drury. Antigua.—Hewitson Coll. : 


Euralia (“ Sect. B. Sub-Sect. a,” of Diadema), Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., 
il, p. 281 (1850). 
Diadema (part), Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 150 (1862). 

ImaGco.—Intimately allied to Diadema, Head narrower; antenne 
considerably longer, with the club gradually-formed and elongate. 
Hind-wings: with discoidal cell open,—the lower disco-cellular nervule 
entirely wanting. 

Larva.—aAs in Diadema, but apparently thicker. 

(In Mr. W. D. Gooch’s series of drawings and notes there are two 
pencil outlines and written details of a larva stated to have resulted in 
“ Buralia mima or H. dubia.” The attenuation of the two segments 
next the head is represented as more abrupt from the general thickness 
of the body than is usual in Diadema. The colouring is noted as vel- 
vety-black, with the spines springing from narrow white rings.) 

It is with very great hesitation that I have allowed Luralia generic 
rank, as I can discover in the perfect insect no constant structural 
distinctions from Diadema except those above noted. The section or 
sub-section was defined by Westivood for the two West-African species 
D. dubia (Pal. de Beauv.) and D, Anthedon, Doubl.; and the seven 


species—five being near allies of the former and two of the latter— 
which have since been described are all confined to the Ethiopian 
Region. Of these, one, H. Drucei (Butl.)," belonging to the Dubia 
section, inhabits Madagascar; three, viz., Dubia, Dinarcha, Hewits., 
and Anthedon, belong to Tropical Western Africa north of the Hquator ; 
Damoclina, mihi, is found in Angola; Usambara, Ward, an ally of 
Anthedon, was discovered in Eastern Africa a few degrees south of the 
Equator; and AZima, Trim., Wahlbergi, Wallengr., ad Decepior, ‘Trims 
seem to be limited to Natal and Zululand. All the species have a 
peculiar facies, six of them very closely mimicking the same number of 
the Danaine genus Amawis inhabiting their respective localities, and 
the remainder being probably imitative (less perfectly) of some of the 
same kinds of Amauwris, or possibly of certain forms of that genus not 
yet known. It is worthy of remark that while in Diadema close 
mimicry of other butterflies is confined to the female, in Hwralia both 
sexes are equally well disguised. 

Although the Anthedon section, with its broad white patches, has so 
different a superficial aspect from that of the Dubza section, in which 
the white or yellowish spots of the fore-wing are small, all the forms 
known are really most intimately related. The white spotting of the 
head and thorax is identical in all; and the fact of a male Mima 
having been taken paired with a female Walberg: is a further indica- 
tion of the close alliance existing between the sections. 

The few specimens of the two last-named species that I observed 
in Natal were confined to the outskirts of woods, where they frequented 
low trees; their flight was slower and more floating than that of Diadema 
Misippus. All the three South-African forms present striking instances 
of mimicry; &. mina copying the Natalian variety of Amauris ELcheria, 
EL. Wahlbergi most exactly simulating A. dominicanus, and the very 
rare ZL. deceptor very closely resembling A. Ochlea. 

91. (1.) Huralia Wahlbergi, (Wallengren). 
Prate V1. fie. 2 ( ¢). 

é Diadema Wahlbergir, Wallgrn., K. Sv.-Ak. Handl., 1857,—Lep. Rhop. 
Cali. 0.27 .0.n: 

g Diadema Anthedon, Trim. [part], Rhop. Afr. Aust., i p. 152, n. gt 
(1862) ; Trans. Linn. Soc., xxvi. pp. 511-512 (note) (1869); and 
Trans. Ent. Soc., 1873, p. 106, 107 (note) [¢, @ ]. 

Euralia Anthedon, Doubl., Var. marginalis, Butl., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 

1875, P. 395: 
Exp. al., 3 vo. 4 lin.—q in. 1 lin. 
ft Black, with large patches of iridescent white. Fore-wing: an 
elongate, more or less distinct, longitudinal-oblique white streak in 
1 Mr. Butler (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 426) gives this form—which appears to be 

the Diadema dubia described by Boisduval in Faune Ent. de Madag., p. 4o—as a ee j 
but there can be no doubt that it is really referable to Euralia. 


discoidal cell; a broad, oblique, white stripe beyond middle, not reach- 
ing to costa or to hind-margin, crossed by three nervules; a large, 
somewhat semicircular white blotch occupies nearly the whole of 
inner margin, rising as far as median nervure, but not quite to its 
second nervule. HMind-wing: iridescent white ; basal portion blackish ; 
a broad black band along hind-margin, wider and suffused with brownish 
about anal angle, radiating in streaks bedween nervules. UNDER SIDE. 
—Paler;: similar in pattern. Sore-wing: a small white spot at base ; 
another on costa, near base; a third in discoidal cell, before the white 
streak ; costa tinged with ochreous-brown, as well as apical portion 
beyond oblique white band. Mind-wing : hind-marginal band coloured 
with ochreous-brown, very much narrower than on upper side, radiating 
very distinctly between nervules ; a conspicuous white spot on narrow 
basal black. On both wings are the traces of a double row of minute 
whitish lunules along hind-margin, and in hind-wing a submarginal 
series of rather indistinct white minute spots in fuscous rings situated 
on the inter-nervular blackish rays. 

2 Similar to the fg, but all the white markings larger, especially 
the cellular streak and the subapical stripe. Sore-wing : a small spot 
in discoidal cell corresponding to that of the under side. UNDER 
SIDE.—Hind-marginal lunules more pronounced,—those of the fore- 
wing tinged with blue. 

This is a very near ally of EH. Anthedon, Doubl., a native of Western 
Africa, being indeed its Southern representative. The principal differences pre- 
sented by Wahlbergi are (1) its considerably larger size (Anthedon not appearing 

to exceed 3 in. 8 lin. in expanse of wings), and (2) its larger white markings, 
especially as regards the hind-wing, where in Anthedon the white extends to 
but little beyond the middle. These differences exactly correspond to those 
which distinguish the South-African Amauris duminicanus, Trim., from the 
West-African A. Neavius (Linn.); and £. Wahlberg? is as accurate a mimicker 
of the former as £. Anthedon is of the latter species of Amaurvis. 

I met with this very conspicuous butterfly at D’Urban, Natal, in February, 
March, April, and June; but it was always scarce, and I captured four speci- 
mens only. It is a woodland insect, and is fond of floating about low trees, 
quite in the manner of the Amawrvs it so closely resembles. The imitation is 
so exact, that, prior to actual examination of a captured individual, I found it 
impossible to tell whether I was taking the Huralia or the Amaurits. The late 
Mr. M‘Ken sent several specimens to the South-African Museum, all taken in 
the D’Urban Botanic Gardens ; and Colonel Bowker has since forwarded a few 
from the same neighbourhood. Of the latter, one remarkably small ¢ is only 
3 in. 1 lin. in expanse of wings. Ihave recorded (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, 
p. 107, note) the capture by Captain H. C. Harford of a 2 of this butterfly 
paired with a 6 £. mima, Trim. Notwithstanding the very different pattern 
and colouring of the wings, the two forms are very closely related, 

Localities of Zuralia Wahlbergi. 
I, South Africa, 

E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. Little Umhlanga (A. C. Harjord), 
“ Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. Bowker. 
F, Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 


92, (2.) Euralia mima, (Trimen). 

Diadema mima, Trim., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., xxvi. p. 506, note (1869) ; 
and Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 107 (notes). 

Exp. al., 3 in. 3 lin—4 in. 

g Sooty-black, with slightly-cridescent white spots; hind-wing with a 
pale ochrey-yellow patch. Fore-wing: the following white spots, viz., 
towards middle an oblique row of two—one thin, elongate, almost 
longitudinally placed, in discoidal cell near the extremity, the other 
much larger, subovate, farther from base, between first and second 
median nervules ; a nearly parallel oblique subapical row of three, about 
midway between the first row and apex, consisting of two small rounded 
spots close together near costa, and a larger, inferior, irregularly sub- 
ovate one just above third median nervule; and a submarginal row of 
seven small round ones, of which the first and seventh are largest, and 
the fourth and fifth minute or obsolete. Hind-wing: yellow patch 
occupying basal and central area, commencing very near base, rounded 
superiorly, rising more or less above subcostal nervure, extending to 
rather beyond middle on disc and also to inner margin, having its outer 
limit rather ill defined, and more or less penetrated by inter-nervular 
black rays from hind-margin; nervures crossing yellow patch black; a 
submarginal row of five small round white spots, of which the lowest 
(between first and second median nervules) is tinged with yellow. Cilia 

black, with small but very distinct inter-nervular white spots. UNDER | 

SIDE.—Hind-wing and apical area of fore-wing pale ochreous-brown with 
a tinge of grey ; markings like those of upper side. ove-wing: a small 
white spot in discoidal cell, before the first of the oblique median row ; 
three still smaller ones close to base,—two on costa and one at origin 
of subcostal and median nervures; on costa, immediately above first 
spot of subapical row, a narrow white mark; submarginal row of seven 
spots, usually complete,—often a minute additional spot just above the 
first; from anal angle to lower radial nervule a double row of bluish- 
white lunules along hind-margin. Mind-wing: ochrey-yellow patch 
paler, smaller, its exterior outline better defined but irregular ; spots 
of submarginal row larger, better defined—a sixth sometimes present 
below first median nervule; a double row of white lunules usually well 
marked along all the hind-marginal border; inter-nervular black rays 
well-defined ; base narrowly black, with two small white spots,—one 
close to origin of precostal and costal nervures, the other at origin of 
subcostal and median nervures. 

2 Similar to f, but the white spots of oblique rows in fore-wing larger, 
and usually ringed with bluish (sometimes also with a few ochreous-yellow) 
scales ; in both wings traces of a double row of bluish-white lunules 
along hind-margin. UNDER sIDE.—As in f. 

Specimens of both sexes occur in which the yellow patch of the 

hind-wing is much restricted, not rising above subcostal nervure or 



extending far below or beyond median nervure, With one exception 
-—a @—the five examples (3 fs, 2 2s) I have examined presenting 
this variation are unusually small. 

Var. A (f and 9). 

mie... (26) 3 im.; (2) 3 1m. 6. lin, 
Fore-wing : two spots of median oblique row much enlarged (especially 

that in discoidal cell), almost touching. Hind-wing: basal patch iri- 

descent-white, only slightly tinged with ochreous-yellow on its edge. 

UNDER SIDE.—In ff with a slightly rufous tinge in the brown portions. 
Hab.—f, Natal (? local.) ; 2, D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). 

This Hwralia is the Southern representative of H. dubia (Palis. de Beauv.) 
of Western Africa. It differs with apparent constancy in the following parti- 
culars, viz., in the fove-wing : (1) the two spots of the median oblique row are 
much smaller and far apart ; (2) the subapical oblique white band is narrower, 
and divided into three quite distinctly separate spots ; (3) the white spots of 
the submarginal row are smaller ; (4) the ochreous scaling or suffusion on the 
inner margin is altogether wanting ; and (5) the white spot near base, in dis- 
coidal cell, is obsolete ; while in the hind-wing (6) the basal patch is broader 
and uniformly yellow-ochreous. The under side differs correspondingly, and 
(7) the white spots at the bases of the wings are smaller. 

The small Variety A. above characterised decidedly inclines in the direction 
of EL. dubia, as far as the enlarged median spots of the fore-wing and the white 
patch of the hind-wing are concerned, but in other respects retains the distince- 
tive features of LE. mima.+ 

A very fine ?, taken at D’Urban by Colonel Bowker in March 1879, is 
remarkable for possessing a gloss of indigo-blue over the black ground in the 
apical half of the fore-wings, and also for having all the spots in those wings 
very distinctly ringed with bluish on the upper as well as on the under side. 

E. mima was very rare on the coast of Natal in the summer of 1867, and 
I only met with two specimens—one at D’Urban and the other near Verulam, 
both during February. On each occasion I at first mistook the butterfly for 
Amauris Echeria, until I noticed its more active flight. The late Mr. M. J. 
M‘Ken and Colonel Bowker, during their long residence in the Colony, often 
took specimens, and about twenty examples have been received from them. 
Among the latter gentleman’s captures was a pair taken zz copuld in the Park, 
D’Urban, on the rith February 1881. These individuals were unusually 
small—the ¢ expanding only 2 in. 11 lin,, and the ? 3 in. 4 lin.—and much 
alike, both presenting the variation above mentioned, viz., the much-reduced 
yellow patch of the hind-wing, and having also the spots of the fore-wing 
smaller and less distinct than usual, especially in the g. This close resem- 
blance of the paired sexes is of interest, seeing that (as noted under LZ. Wahlbergr) 
the ¢ Mima has on one occasion been taken én copula with the 9 Wahlbergt. 

Localities of Huralia mama. 

I, South Africa, 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban, Little Umhlanga (1. C. Harford). 


1 This small variety appears to approach very closely £. (“ Panopea’’) Drucet, Butler, 
from Madagascar (to judge from the description and figure in Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1874, 
p. 426, pl. vi. f. 3), differing chiefly in the less regular macular bars of the fore-wing, and in 
the smaller and less ochre-tinged patch of the hind-wing. 


93. (3.) Huralia deceptor, (Trimen). 
Prare VL, fe 380O7 
3 Diadema deceptor, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 105. 

Hop. al. (h) 3 in. 34, lin. 3) (2) un, 2 lin. | 

a Black, with white (wery slightly pink-glossed) markings.  Fore- 
wing : costa dusted with pale-bluish scales near base; a small rounded 
spot in discoidal cell near base ; an irregular oblique central bar, con- 
sisting of a narrow cellular stripe and a large ovate patch, lying mainly 
between second and first median nervules (but extending slightly above 
the former and considerably below the latter nervule); a narrow sub- 
apical stripe of three spots, extending from a little below costa to 
third median nervule (the lowest spot largest); a small spot near apex, 
and a similar one near anal angle, just above submedian nervure. Hind- 
wing: in basal region a large, sub-rotundate patch, not reaching base, 
and scarcely extending above subcostal nervure, but spreading indistinctly 
to inner margin, and projecting outwardly between radial and third 
median nervules; outer edge of patch indented by black between 
nervules ; a submarginal row of four minute whitish spots, between 
first subcostal and second median nervules,—that nearest costa less 
indistinct than the rest; beyond them, but towards anal angle, very 
faint traces of a hind-marginal, lunulate, whitish streak. UNDER SIDE. 
—Hind-wing, and costal and apical border of fore-wing, pale, glossy, 
greyish-brown.  Lore-wing: violaceous-pink lustre over white mark- 
ings more observable than on upper side; three additional white spots 
at base; subapical stripe commencing on costa with a broad white 
mark; brown border commencing at base, extending widely along 
costa, so as to cover upper portion of discoidal cell (irrorated with 
whitish scaling on each side of costal nervure), and occupying apical 
region to below extremity of third median nervule; some faint whitish 
irroration on costa near apex just above white spot; and some (rather 
stronger) at lower extremity of subapical stripe; a double row of hind- 
marginal white lunules; a blue tinge over the black ground-colour, 
especially on the edges of the large central marking, of the anal- 
angular spot, and of a minute spot above latter. Hind-wing: basal 
lobe dull-white ; this dull-white extends beyond precostal nervure ; 
an orange dot and a white dot at origin of costal and median nervules 
white patch duller than on upper side, larger and more irregular in 
outline, widening so as to occupy inner margin to its edge as far as in 
a line with end of abdomen, and emitting a conspicuous ray upward to 
apex from between the subcostal nervules; from outer angle of patch 
there extends some dense whitish irroration, on each side of third 
median nervule, as far as hind-marginal lunules; five distinct dots in 
submarginal row; two rows of hind-marginal lunules, thin, distinct, 
almost continuous throughout. 

Palpi and legs of the same greyish-brown as the under side of 
hind-wings and of great part of the fore-wings. | | 


9 All white markings larger. Fore-wing: central bar touches 
small spot near base, reaching inwardly to origin of first median 
nervule, and outwardly to a httle beyond lower part of extremity of 
discoidal cell. Hind-wing: white patch very much larger, extending 
so far beyond middle as to leave only a moderately broad hind-marginal 
border of black (of almost even width throughout). LEdges of larger 
markings (especially of central bar of fore-wing) glossed with violaceous- 
blue as in HL. Anthedon. UNDER SIDE.—As in f, but white mark- 
ings much enlarged, especially in hind-wing, which is all white except 
for a costal and a hind-marginal border of brown. 

This Huralia presents an unmistakable mimicry of Amauris 
Ochlea (Boisd.), a local species inhabiting the coast of Natal and St. 
Lucia Bay. All the white markings in the Hwralia are in proportion 
smaller than in the Amawuris, and the central bar of the fore-wings is 
more obliquely placed ; while on the under side the grey colouring is 
paler and the hind-wings want the narrower basal black of Ochlea, and 
present a pale ray (from the central patch to the apex) which is not 
found in the latter. 

_ E. Deceptor is intermediate in character between H. mima and 
E. Wahlbergi, but is on the whole perhaps nearer to the former, both 
in size and markings; though the absence of any ochreous tinge in 
the white bars and the pinkish gloss of those markings, added to the 
width of the central bar of the fore-wings, approximate the insect to 
the latter. The white spots of the head, palpi, and back of thorax 
are identical in the three species, and a tuft of ochreous hairs on the 
posterior region of the breast is also found in all of them. 

The first example (a ¢) of this interesting Diadema known to me was 
taken by Mr. W. Morant in a road cut through thick bush, in Victoria 
County, Natal, about the middle of July. In reply to an inquiry from me, 
that gentleman states that the place of capture was one in which he had some- 
times found Danais Ochlea. 

The only other specimen I have seen was captured by Colonel Bowker at 
Clairmont, near D’Urban, on 2d February 1880. This is the ¢? figured on 
Plate VI. Colonel Bowker wrote at the time that it was quite a chance 
capture, having been started by his walking among some low branches and 
leaves by the side of a bush-road.' 

Localities of Huralia deceptor. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts. —D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). Victoria County 
(W. Morant). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorenco Marques (Mrs. Montetro). 

1 Since the above was written, I have seen a second 4g, from the collection of Mr. H. 
Grose Smith, taken at Delagoa Bay by Mrs. Monteiro. This individual differs slightly on 
the upper side from Mr. Morant’s example, having the central bar of the fore-wing narrower 
in its lower and larger portion, not rising at all above second median nervule, and extending 
only a very little below first median nervule. 



Pseudacrea, (“Section A. Sub-Section b, Division **,” of Diadema) and 
Panopea (‘ Do. do., Divn, * of Do.”), Westw., Gen. Diurn, Lep., ii. p, 
281 (1850). 

Panopea, Trim., Trans. Ent, Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 79. 

Imaco.—Alled to Diadema, Boisd., and Huphedra, Hibn. Head 
of moderate size, downy above, hairy in front; palpi elongate, conver- 
gent, densely scaly, ascendant to about level of forehead,—second joint 
long, tufted above and along inner edge, and sometimes thinly hairy 
beneath,—terminal joint short and blunt; antenne long or very long, 
rather thick, with the club very elongate and very gradually formed. 

Thorax long and thick, densely downy beneath, more thinly so 
above, and moderately hairy posteriorly. Fore-wings elongate, more or 
less produced apically, much as in Diadema; first subcostal nervule 
originating much more towards base, and second considerably more 
before extremity of discoidal cell than in Diadema, and third one origi- 
nating not so far beyond cell; lower disco-cellular nervule stronger, 
more arched. AMind-wings with costa, after basal convexity, very slightly 
arched; hind-margin more or less sinuated; anal angle sometimes 
decidedly prominent in f#; neuration as in Diadema; discoidal cell 
rather shorter (in P. Semire (Cram.) exceedingly short); lower disco- 
cellular nervule quite distinct, more or less curved, usually joining 
median nervure where second and third nervules originate; groove 
formed by inner margins not so deep or complete as in Diadema. 

Abdomen very compressed laterally; much longer than in Diadema 
or Huralia. 

With the exception of the green-spotted Semire, Cram., and Jmerina, 
Hewits. (= Glaucina, Guér.), and the rufous-and-black Hostilia, Drury 
—which have the hind-wings much produced in their inferior half, and 
constitute a section apart—all the species of this Ethiopian genus are 
in both sexes distinctly imitative of various species of Acreine, the ? 
of two only (P. Tarquinia and P. Delagow, Trim.) showing more resem- 
blance to two species of Amauris, of the sub-family Danaine, It 
would be difficult to imagine more perfect mimicries than several of 
these—e.g., that of Planema Gea (Fab.), gf and 9, by Pseudacrea 
Hirce (Dru.), ¢ and 2; of Pl. Aganice (Hewits.), ¢ and 9, by ae 
imitator, Trim., ¢ and 2; or of P. elongata, Butl., 9, by Ps. meta- 
planema, Butl., 9—extending as they do not merely to colouring and 
pattern, but to outline of wings and such minutize as the colour of the 
palpi and the spotting of the thorax and abdomen. Almost as per- 
fect also are the imitations of Acrwa Zetes (Linn.), $ and 2, by Ps. 
Boisduvalvi, Doubl., # and 2, and of A. Acara, Hewits., f and 2, by 
Ps. Trimenii, Butl., f and 2. The exactness of these and of some other 
mimicries among African butterflies can best be estimated by the fact 


that they have deceived not only practised collectors, but experienced 
entomologists, so that it was by no means uncommon until recently to 
find even in public collections specimens of the models and of their 
copies placed together, in the mistaken belief that they were represen- 
tatives of one and the same species. ‘There is thus no difficulty in 
understanding how complete is the deception in the field, where the 
habits and flight of the mimicking insects are more or less assimilated 
to those of the protected species mimicked, which inhabit the same 
districts, and very often haunt the same spots. 

Of the four known South-African species, Ps. Trimenii and Ps. 
imitator respectively imitate the red black-spotted Acrwa Acara and 
the black yellowish- or white-banded Planema Aganice,—the latter 
affording an instance of remarkably exact imitation. The males of the 
remaining two, Ps. Tarquinia and Ps. Delagow, present a much less 
close resemblance to the same Planema ; while their females, singularly 
enough, are modified in distinct relation, respectively, to the Danaine 
Amauris Echeria and A. Ochlea. In range, Tarquinia seems farthest 
distributed, occurring at Natal, on the Zambesi, and in Usambara; 
Trimenw inhabits Natal, Delagoa Bay, and Zambesia; Jmztator has 
been found only in Natal; and Delagow inhabits the place after which 
it is named. All appear to be rather scarce insects, but it is not 
unlikely that they are less rare than they seem,—their disguise render- 
ing them very apt to be passed over among the abundant Acree. 

94. (1.) Pseudacreea Tarquinia, (Trimen). 

§ Panopea Tarquinia, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 79, pl. v. 

Exp. al., 2 in. 44 lin.—3 in. 

$ Lrownish-black, with white and yellowish-white bands.  Fore- 
wing: an outwardly arched band of four white spots, of which the first 
(much smaller than the others) is in discoidal cell close to its extremity, 
and the fourth (the largest) between first and second median nervules ; 
two elongate yellowish-white spots, one on each side of submedian 
nervure, forming an irregular patch on inner margin rather beyond 
middle (of these the upper spot is sometimes very much reduced or 
almost obsolete); between white band and apex two obliquely-lying 
subquadrate white spots, one on each side of first discoidal nervule; a 
fine linear edging of pure-white along costa from a little beyond 
middle, ending at apex in a conspicuous white spot extending to the 
cilia immediately adjoining. Hind-wing: crossing middle, a broad 

_yellowish-white band, beginning close to costa, opposite inner-marginal 

patch of fore-wing; of this band, the inner edge, not far from base, is 
slightly irregular,—the outer edge regularly and sharply dentated by 

inter-nervular black rays extending from hind-margin. In both wings, 
WO. I, AA 


but especially in fore-wing, indistinct traces of a submarginal row 
of small dull-whitish spots; ci/ia with minute inter-nervular white 
spots. UNDER SIDE.—Ground-colour pale ochreous-brown, except discal 
area of fore-wing, which is brownish-black. Fore-wing: a small white 
spot at origin of subcostal and median nervures; a fulvous-ochreous 
streak along costa for a little distance from base; a longitudinal black 
ray in discoidal cell, at extremity joining the discal black; white band 
and spots larger than on upper side, especially spot at apex, which is 
widely suffused inwardly ; sometimes a third spot, narrower and usually 
much smaller than the other two, at lower end of subapical bar; four 
or five small white spots in a submarginal row between third median 
nervule and anal angle. Hind-wing: base, as far as inner edge of 
central band, dull fulvous-ochreous, marked with eight black spots, 
viz., one on costa at base, one on each side of precostal nervure, three 
in discoidal cell, and one on each side of first subcostal nervule; four 
of these are on the edge of central band, which igs broader than on 
upper side; a more or less complete submarginal row of small white 
spots arranged in pairs between nervules (wanting in one example); 
inter-nervular rays more conspicuous than on upper side. 

Head and thorax black; head with a large white spot in front 
and four small ones on summit,—the palpi black above, with white 
black-edged sides; thorax with four small white spots on each side 
above, and seven large ones on each side beneath. Abdomen black 
above, with a row of five small white spots on each side; creamy 

2 Ground-colour browner than in §; all the markings of fore-wing 
smaller, more yellowish, and more or less obscured by some greyish 
scaling; band of hind-wing pale ochreous-yellow ; submarginal row of 
small whitish spots much better marked im both wings, but especially 
in hind-wing. Jore-wing: apical white spot wanting, but adjacent 
cilia white as in ~. UNDER SIDE.—Ochreous-brown duller than in ~. 
Fore-wing: bands yellower, narrower, more distinctly macular; basal 
fulvous-ochreous streak and apical white spot wanting. Hind-wing: 
basal colouring duller, browner. 

Apical portions of fore-wings much more elongated in the &. 

This species is closely allied to P. Lucretia (Cram.), but, as far as the male 
sex is concerned (I have not seen the ? Lueretia), presents the following dif- 
ferences, viz.: In fore-wing (1) the two spots of subapical bar are more or less 
quadrate, and do not radiate towards hind-margin ; (2) the inner-marginal patch 
is yellower and much smaller; (3) the white costal edging and apical spot are 
characters wanting in Lucretia; while in hind-wing (4) the band is yellowish 
and much broader. On the under side, in fore-wing (5) the whitish scaling in 
discoidal cell and the conspicuous white radiation from subapical bar are both 
wanting ; (6) the median band is wider; (7) the submarginal spots are smaller 
and fewer ; while in hind-wing (8) the basal ochreous is broader ; (9) the sub- 
marginal spots are smaller; and (10) the inter-nervular streaks fainter. The 
abdominal white spots are smaller than in Lucretia. 


The ¢ P. Tarquinia is apparently imitative of Planema Aganice (Hewits.),1 
the shape and position of the central bands, the colouring, and particularly the 
basal markings of the under side of the hind-wings, being remarkably similar ; 
but the Pseudacrea has a short subapical white bar not found in the Planema. 
The latter marking is, however, not noticeable in flight, and I fully believed 
the first example that I met with to be Planema Aganice,—a butterfly 
frequenting the same spot. Curiously enough, the 9? Varquinia does not 
resemble either sex of Pl. Aganice, but is plainly modified in imitation of 
Amauris Echeria (Stoll), as shown by the reduced spots and (especially) apical 
prolongation of the fore-wings, the ochreous-yellow band of the hind-wings, the 
more distinct series of small submarginal spots, and the browner colouring of 
the under side. I have not seen the ? ZVarquinia in life, but the likeness to 
Echeria in the cabinet is so strong, that on the wing it is in all probability 
entirely deceptive. 

I met with two examples only in Natal, one near D’ Urban, on 18th February 
1867, and the other near Verulam, on the 24th of the same month; the former 
was settling on a shady pathway in a wood, and the latter hovering about young 
trees at the edge of a wood, and settling on the outermost twigs occasionally. 
This latter individual had precisely the same slow floating flight as Planema 
Aganice, and settled in exactly the attitude adopted by that butterfly and by 
Amauris Echeria, viz., with the wings dependent and closely shut, at the very 
extremity of a twig. 

The butterfly is undoubtedly rare ; but the late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken forwarded 
a male from D’Urban in 1869 and a female in 1871. A female from Natal 
was in Mr. Hewitson’s collection in 1867, as well as a male from the Zambesi. 
During his stay in Natal, Colonel Bowker has sent me four males from D’Urban 
(April 1879 and June 1881), one male from Isipingo (April 1879), and two 
males and one very small female (eap. al., 2 in. 44 lin. only) from Pinetown. 

In Mr. Distant’s collection I noted an apparent g from Magila, East Africa, 
in which the bands were tinged with reddish-ochreous. The Natahan ¢s vary 
in the more or less yellowish tint of the band of the hind-wings. 

Localities of Pseudacrwa Tarquinia. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts —D’Urban. Verulam, Pinetown and Isipingo 
(J. H. Bowker). 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi.—Coll. Hewitson. Usambara: Magila. 
—Coll. Distant. | 

95. (2.) Pseudacreea Delagoe, Trimen., (f) 2 in. 64 lin.; (2) 2 in. 11 lin. 

f Black, with white bands and spots. Fore-wing: an outwardly arched 
rather broad band of five white spots, of which the first is of about the 
same size as the second, and is in discoidal cell at its extremity (being 
separated from the second by the curved and strongly black-clouded 

1 The West-African Lucretia, with its much more conspicuous subapical white marking 

| in the fore-wings, bears a strong likeness to Planema Lycoa (Godt.), a native of the same 



lower disco-cellular nervule),—the fourth is the largest,—and the fifth 
(immediately below first median nervule) very small; two elongate 
white spots, one on each side of submedian nervure, forming a distinct, 
rather small, superiorly-rounded patch on inner margin rather beyond 
middle; between arched white band and apex two obliquely-lying 
white spots, of which the lower is outwardly rather deeply bifid; 
below the lower of these two spots, the indistinct trace of a linear 
white mark, succeeded by a very faint series of almost obsolete minute 
whitish spots, between nervules, close to hind-margin; a very fine 
linear white edging along costa from a little beyond middle to apex, 
where it terminates in a conspicuous white spot extending to the cilia 
immediately adjoining, and somewhat suffused on its inner side. Hind- 
wing : a very broad central white band from costa to inner margin; of 
this band, the inner edge near base is slightly dentated, the outer edge 
regularly and deeply pierced by inter-nervular black rays extending from 
hind-margin ; the ray between submedian and internal nervures much 
longer than the rest, reaching almost to base; close to hind-margin, a row. 
of very indistinct whitish minute spots arranged in pairs on both sides 
of each inter-nervular ray ; at anal angle two or three indistinct ochrey- 
yellow marginal marks. Cilia with minute inter-nervular white spots. 
UNDER SIDE.—Very pale ochreous-brown, nixed with whitish in apical 
hind-marginal area of both wings ; discal area of fore-wing tinged with 
fuscous. Fore-wing: a small white spot at origin of subcostal and 
median nervures ; a pale fulvous-ochreous streak along costa from base. 
to a little before middle; a longitudinal black ray in discoidal cell 
surmounted by a shorter divergent white ray; white markings larger 
than on upper side, especially first spot of central band and both sub- 
apical spots,—the latter forming a continuous bar inferiorly confused 
with the whitish inter-nervular clouding of apical hind-marginal area ; 
crossing this area, conspicuous inter-nervular fuscous rays; apical white 
spot enlarged and inwardly merged into whitish clouding ; submarginal 
white spots distinct from third median nervule to anal angle. Mind- 
wing : base, as far as inner edge of central band, pale fulvous-ochreous 
marked with eight black spots as in P. Yarquinia; central band 
broader than on upper side; submarginal white spots much larger 
than on upper side, and quite distinct except near apex, where they 
are confused with the inter-nervular whitish clouding ; hind-margin and 
anal angle bordered with ochrey-yellow. 

2 All the white markings (except apical spot) considerably larger, 
especially the central band in both wings. Fore-wing: central band 
very much broader than in f, more even and continuous, its first spot 
so enlarged as to occupy outer half of discoidal cell; lower disco- 
cellular nervule only thinly marked on the white; costal white edging 
line wanting, and apical white spot very thin and minute; submarginal 
spots distinct,—the two next succeeding subapical spots elongated, sub- 
linear. Hind-wing: central band begins rather nearer to base and 


extends rather nearer to hind-margin ; submarginal spots distinct in 
pairs throughout; hind-marginal ochrey-yellow marks developed into 
an edging from radial nervule to inner margin a little before anal angle, 
UNDER SIDE.— White markings as above, but with a distinetly greenish 
gloss, in parts tinged with violaceous ; whitish clouding almost obsolete 
in apical area of fore-wing, and quite wanting in that of hind-wing. 
Fore-wing: discal area much darker than in f, Hind-wing: hind- 
margin distinctly edged with ochrey-yellow throughout, and anal angle 
suffused with that colour. 

This butterfly is a very near ally of P. Tarquinia, Trim. ; and when I had 
only seen a ¢ example in- Mrs. Monteiro’s collection in the year 1881, I did 
not think that it should be treated as more than a variety of the species 
named. But having now (August 1884) received both sexes on loan from Mr. 
H. Grose Smith, I find that the @ presents features so very dissimilar as to 
demand specific separation. As regards the ¢, P. Delagow is distinguishable 
by (1) the greater development and purer white of the central markings, 
(2) the better definition of the small submarginal spots, (3) the presence of 
ochrey-yellow marks at the anal angle of the hind-wing, and on the wnder side 
by (4) the mixture of whitish clouding in apical hind-marginal area of both 
wings, (5) the paler fulvous ochreous at base of hind-wing, and (6) the ochre- 
yellow hind-marginal and anal angular border. In the @ all these differences 
(except the whitish clouding on the under side) are emphasised ; and the con- 
trast between her and the. narrowly yellow-banded ? Tarquinia is too great 
to need minute description. In fact, while the 9 Tarquinia, as above pointed 
out, is in outline, pattern, and colouring modified in resemblance to Amauris 
Echeria, the 9‘Delagow is decidedly imitative of A. Ochlea. The abdominal 
white spots, which are indistinct in 2? Tarquinia, are conspicuous in 9 Delagoe. 

The g and @ here described and the ¢ above referred to are all the ex- 
amples I have seen, and all three were taken at Delagoa Bay by Mrs. Monteiro. 

It is curious that the ¢ Delagow, though in some characters farther removed 
from the West-African Lucretia, Cram., than is Tarquinia, shares with the 
former only the conspicuous feature of whitish clouding on the under side near 
the apex of both wings. 

Locality of Pseudacrea Delagoe. 

I. South Africa. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourenco Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

96, (3.) Pseudacreea imitator, Trimen. 
Prats VI. fig. 1 (¢ ). 

Pseudacrea imitator, Trim., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 107. 

Exp. al., 2 in. 114 lin.—3 in. 24 lin. (Q). 

2 Fuscous, with yellowish-white bands. Fore-wing: an oblique, nar- 
row, subapical band, tolerably even and continuous, slightly broader 
inferiorly, crossed by three nervules, extending from a little below 
costa as far as second median nervule; on inner margin, beyond 
middle, a small space inconspicuously irrorated with yellowish-white ; 
five black spots in discoidal cell, the largest one at base, and enclosing 
a small white spot; two rather smaller, nearer to base than to extre- 
mity of cell, placed very obliquely, so that the lower is wholly beyond 


the upper; and two, smaller than the two central ones, still more 
obliquely placed at outer end of cell, the lower being on second disco- 
cellular nervule; two small black spots just below cell, one at base, 
immediately preceded by a white dot, the other about as far from base 
as second cellular spot; a bluish-bronzy gloss along costa and over 
basal and inner-marginal region, strongest on inner-marginal edge, 
Hind-wing: a rather broad, central, transverse band, rather straight, 
and of even width except near costa, where it is rather narrowed and 
obscured ; a good-sized black spot at base, marked (on origin of median 
nervure) with a whitish dot, and surmounted towards costa by a whitish 
spot; two black spots obliquely placed in discoidal cell near base; 
two above cell, one on each side of first subcostal nervule; one imme- 
diately below cell, close to base; one (small and thin) on the almost 
atrophied nervule closing cell; and one (minute) just outside cell above 
the radial nervule; the two spots last mentioned are within the white 
transverse band. Jn both wings inter-nervular black rays extend from 
hind-marginal edge to exterior of white band, in hind-wing piercing 
the band to some depth. UNDER sipE.—JMuch paler; outer halves of 
wings ochreous-grey ; spots near base as on upper side, but much more 
conspicuous ; pale bands with less distinct outline, that of hind-wing 
narrower ; in each wing an additional white spot at origin of costa. 
Fore-wing : inner-marginal whitish space more apparent, but still ill- 
defined ; a faint basal tinge of fulvous below cell. Hind-wing: all the 
basal ground-colour before transverse band /ferruginous-fulvous, with a 
faint violaceous gloss. 

Antenne black; palpi black above, laterally and beneath yellow; 
head, thorax, and base, broad dorsal line, and segmental incisions of 
abdomen black. Head with six white spots (two on front, two on 
summit, and two behind the eyes); collar with two; thorax with 
eight; base of abdomen with two; breast with one central white spot, 
and two yellowish spots on each side; legs brown, with a white spot at 
base of each femur, except first aborted pair, which are yellowish. 
Abdomen with sides and under-surface ochre-yellow. 

The species is nearly allied to P. Hirce, Drury. (See Mr. Hewit- 
son’s figure of the typical form of the 2 Hirce (Eurytus, Clerck), from 
Calabar.) It may, however, be readily distinguished from the latter 
by the absence in the fore-wings of the conspicuous white band which 
in the @ Hirce extends from the inner margin towards the subapical 
band; and by the fuscous base of the hind-wings, which in the 2 Hurce 
is occupied by the white of the band. In P. imitator the subapical 
band of the fore-wings is much longer and narrower, and the second 
and third cellular spots are in all the wings nearer to the base. 

The above description was made from the only two specimens (both ¢) 

then known to me. I have since received from Colonel Bowker the follow- 
ing Natalian examples, viz, a @ in 1878, whose locality was not recorded, 1f 

ee Eee 

1 Exot. Butt., iv. Diadema, iii. f. 11 (Part 66, April 1868). 



having been mistaken for Planema Aganice, Hewits.; and two ¢s and three 
9s from Pinetown in 1883. The @s quite agree with the foregoing descrip- 
tion, except that in the finest and freshest of them the bands of both wings 
are pure white. The two @s are considerably smaller than the 9s, the 
expanse of wings being respectively 2 in. 64 lin. and 2 in, 8 lin. In pattern 
they do not differ from the ?, except in the narrower oblique band of fore- 
wing beyond middle. The fresher of the two has, however, the bands of both 
wings of a decidedly pale ochrey-yellowish throughout, while the other has only 
a tinge of that colour at the superior extremity of the band of hind-wing. On 
the under side the sexes present no difference. 

The ¢ P. ¢mitator is very unlike the ¢ P. Hirce, which has rufous bands 
(including a large patch or short band on inner margin), in imitation of the 
3 Planema Gea (Fab.) of Western Africa. 

From P. Tarquinia (Trim.), which inhabits the same districts, P. dmitator 
may at once be distinguished by possessing—(1) only one oblique even bar in 
the fore-wing, instead of two submacular ones, and (2) the black spots in the 
basal area of both wings. The apical area is very much blunter in outline, 
especially in the @. ‘The palpi are ochre-yellow laterally and beneath, instead 
of white with a black edging; and the sides of the abdomen are of the same 
yellow, without any white spots. 

Captain H. C. Harford, of H.M. 99th Regiment, took a single specimen, on 
the 21st January 1868, in a narrow bush-path near the Little Umhlanga, 
and describes it as settled on the ground with the wings expanded, sucking 
moisture from the damp sand. Another example was captured by Mr. Walter 
Morant, on the 8th June 1869, near Pinetown: it is noted by him as flying 
near the ground on a hillside in the vicinity of thick bush. Mr. Harford 
observes that these two individuals were the only ones ever seen by him. 

P. imitator is a close mimicker of Planema Aganice (Hewitson), the ? dif- 
fering principally in the fore-wings in the minor features of possessing some 
black spots near the base and a slight inner-marginal whitish suffusion, and of 
wanting a separate white or yellow spot at the extremity of the subapical bar. 
The spots at the base of the hind-wings are not so numerous as in the Acrea ,; 
and the palpi are yellow, instead of black spotted with white. The spotting 
of the head, thorax, and base of abdomen is almost identical in the two 
insects; and in both the abdomen is ochreous on the under side, while the 
ochreous abdominal spots and rings of Aganice are roughly represented by the 
general ochreous lateral colouring in the Pseudacrcea. 

Colonel Bowker, when forwarding ¢ and ¢ in very fine condition from 
Pinetown in April 1883, wrote: ‘“‘It is quite impossible to distinguish the 
difference between this butterfly and Aganice, either when settled or on the 
wing; and the first notice you get is the brittle crunch between finger and 
thumb of Jmitator, or the soft leathery feel of Aganice. Death is, moreover, 
instantaneous with the former, while you may squeeze Aganice as long and as 
hard as you like without effect; nothing but the poison-bottle will settle 
him!” This very exact mimicry leads to the conjecture that possibly P. ¢m- 
tator may not actually be so rare as it would appear; for undoubtedly the 
ordinary collector would overlook it among specimens of its model, Aganice. 
At present (April 1884) the eight specimens above mentioned are the only 
ones known to me as having been met with. Colonel Bowker’s examples were 
taken on 31st March (one), in April (two), and in June (two). 

Localities of Pseudacrea imitator. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—Little Umhlanga (H. C. Harford). Pinetown 
(W. Morant and J. H, Bowker). 

97, (4.) Pseudacrea Trimenii, Butler. 

3 @ Panopea Boisduvalit, Trim. [part], Trans. Linn, Soe. Lond., xxvi. pp. 
517-518, t. 43, ff. 8, 9 (1869). 

& Pseudacrea Trimenit, Butl., Ent. M. Mag., xi. p. 57 (1874). 

Var. 6, Trim., loc. cit., pp. 517-518 = Pseudacrea Colvillet, Butl., Ann. 
and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th Ser., xiv. p. 123 (1884). 

Hp. al., (f) 3 in. 3-5 lin.; (2) 3 in. 8-11 lin. 

2 Deep-red (more vivid and carmine-tinged in hind-wing), spotted 

and bordered with black ; apical half of fore-wing semi-transparent 
Juscous, crossed by an oblique yellow-ochreous bar. Fore-wing: costa 
from base very narrowly, apex broadly, and hind-margin rather nar- 
rowly, bordered with black; on inner margin for a little distance from 
base a narrow black or fuscous streak, prolonged thence as a mere 
linear edging as far as posterior angle ; red ground-colour not reaching 
upper corner of extremity of discoidal cell, nor rising above second 
median nervule, but extending to hind-marginal border; in discoidal 
cell, five rather large rounded black spots, viz., one near base, two 
obliquely placed about middle, and two (the lower situated on lower 
disco-cellular nervule) at extremity; below median nervure, six similar 
spots, viz., one at base, two (one above and a little beyond the other) 
near base, and three (in a transverse row) situated respectively on 
second median nervule at its origin, on first median nervule, and on 
submedian nervure; all these spots are very thinly ringed with semi- 
transparent fuscous-grey scales; neuration everywhere black; semi- 
transparency of apical half of wing most pronounced on its inner por- 
tion; oblique yellow-ochreous bar variable in width, sometimes rather 
narrowed superiorly, extending from costal to hind-marginal black 
border; from hind-margin a series of seven strongly-marked inter- 
nervular black rays (changed to fulvous where they cross the ochreous 
bar), much thickened inwardly, especially the three lower ones. Hind- 
wing: at base, four or five black spots unite to form a large marking 
above and partly entering discoidal cell; the black at base of cell is 
marked with a white or whitish spot; in cell near extremity a good- 
sized rounded black spot, and a similar spot on the disco-cellular 
nervule; another black spot just below median nervure, and a row of 
three small ones on the median nervules at or near their origins; a 

moderately-broad hind-marginal black border containing seven fulvous-_ 

ochreous spots between nervules; the inner edge of this border radiates 
slightly on the nervules, and in some specimens also emits short inter- 
nervular rays; about median nervure and its branches and submedian 
nervure some more or less distinct clouding of whitish scales. Cilia 
extremely narrow, black, in hind-wing with very minute inter-nervular 
white spots. UNDER sIDE.—Very like upper side, but deep-red replaced 
by rose-pink tinged with carmine. Fore-wing: borders fuscous-grey 
instead of black ; yellow-ochreous bar paler; black spots as on upper 

EEE oo 


side; inter-nervular rays almost obsolete except at their inner ends. 
Hind-wing: whitish discal clouding much more developed ; neuration 
generally black finely edged with whitish scales ; basal black broken 
up into one large mark at base enclosing three white spots, three rather 
large rounded spots above discoidal cell, and a small round spot in upper 
part of cell ; other black spots as on upper side; inner-marginal fold 
more or less clothed with creamy-yellow hairs; spots in hind-marginal 
border pale ochreous-creamy, in parts faintly tinged with pink (an 
eighth spot between submedian and internal nervures). 

Head, thorax, and abdomen black, with the following white and 
yellow markings, viz.: superiorly, two small white spots on front, and 
two on back of head ; two rather larger white spots on collar; two 
white spots on patagia of thorax, and four large ochreous-yellow ones 
(one pair about middle, the other posterior) behind them; on abdomen 
a pair of white spots on basal segment, and a pair of large ochreous- 
yellow ones on each other segment ;—inferiorly, the palpi are ochreous- 

yellow with the terminal small joint black; thorax with a central 

ochreous-yellow stripe, and nine or ten good-sized white spots on each 
side ; abdomen with the segmental incisions and a stripe on each side 
pure-white. Antenne black. Legs black, with small white spots 
defining each joint. 

2 Much duller, the red in fore-wing replaced by pale greyish-ochreous, 
and in hind-wing by pale rufous-ochreous ; the black spots in paler 
(some of them in whitish), more developed rings; other black markings 
duller and less pronounced, especially the inter-nervular black rays of 
the fore-wing. ore-wing : yellow-ochreous subapical bar paler and 
broader (ats lower extremity in one example indistinctly separable from 
the discal colouring); immediately preceding its upper part an ill- 
defined, short, blackish oblique ray. UNDER SIDE.—Very much paler 
and duller, with only a faint reddish tinge over bases and on discs. 
Hind-wing : whitish-creamy, tinged with pale-yellow on the margins; 
spots in hind-marginal border the same colour, partly tinged with red- 
dish ; before hind-marginal border some faint inter-nervular reddish 

Head, thorax, abdomen, &c., coloured and marked as in ¢. 

Var. A.—f and §. 

a The subapical yellow-ochreous bar of fore-wing wholly wanting, 
so that the whole apical half is left semi-transparent fuscous-grey. 
The spots in hind-marginal border much larger than usual. (Two 
examples. ) 

2 An oblique, narrow, white subapical ray in fore-wing, obsolete 
superiorly, inferiorly tinged with yellow-ochreous; ground-colour 
brighter and redder, especially in hind-wing near base; spots in hind- 
marginal border not much larger than in ordinary 2. On under side 
the basal and discal rose-pink is much developed, and only a little paler 
than in the g. (One example; exp. al., 4 in.) 


P. Trimenii is the Southern representative of P. Botsduvali, Doubl., from 
West Africa, The black spots are in size, number, and arrangement the same 
in both forms, but the hind-marginal border of the hind-wing is broader and 
the spots it contains are smaller in Z'rimenz?. It is in the colouring, however, 
that a striking difference exists, Bovsduvaliz having in the fore-wing only a 
basal and inner-marginal reddish suffusion, and wanting altogether the con- 
spicuous yellow-ochreous subapical bar,—the 9, however, having in its place a 
faint white mark, while the red of the hind-wing is duller and paler without 
a carmine tinge. The variety of Zrimeniz above described approximates to 
the West-African form in wanting the yellow bar of the fore-wing, and in 
having the spots of the hind-marginal border of the hind-wing larger; but in 
other respects, and especially in the deep red ground-colour of both wings, is 
quite like the Southern form.! 

This extremely handsome butterfly was first brought to my notice in a 
collection sent from Natal by the late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken, who from time to time 
met with individual examples near D’Urban, and forwarded altogether five 
males (one of the Variety A.) and two females. During my visit to Natal in 
1867, I specially watched for this species, but only saw one (a 9) in the 
Botanic Garden, on the 25th March. ‘This example was on the wing, and 
floated overhead in the full sunlight of mid-day—just out of reach of my net! 

Colonel Bowker wrote to me that during the first eighteen months of his stay | 

at Natal, 1878-79, he saw but four “ Boisduvaliz,” all of which he captured. 
Besides two of these D’Urban specimens, both ¢s, he has forwarded a ¢ of the 
Variety A. from the Umkomazi (February 1883), a ? of the variety taken at 
D’Urban (on 7th April 1884), and a very fine and perfect ordinary ¢ from 
Pinetown (May 1883). 

As pointed out in my paper on Mimetic Analogies among African Butterflies 
(Trans. Linn, Soc. Lond., xxvi. p. 517), 2. Lrimenti—then regarded as a local 
variety of P. Botsduvalii—closely imitates Acrwa Acara, Hewits., just as Bots- 
duvalii itself is a mimicker of A. Zetes (Linn.) The mimicry is twofold, each 
sex of the Pseudacrwa copying the corresponding sex of the Acrca, and is 
carried out on the under as well as on the upper surface of the wings, and also 
in such minutie as the yellow palpi and the spotting of the thorax and 
abdomen. Even the variable whitish suffusion on the disc of the hind-wings 
in A. Zetes is reproduced more or less distinctly in P. Trimeniz. 

A brought from the Zambesi by the Rev. H. Rowley, and presented to 
the Hope Museum at Oxford, did not differ from Natalian examples. 

It is remarkable that the brilliant carmine-tinged red of this beautiful 
Pseudacreea soon fades in the cabinet to a dull brick-red, exactly as the similar 
bright reds of the Acree face. 

Localities of Pseudacrea Trimenit. 

I. South Africa. 
EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts —D’Urban (M. J. M‘Ken and J. H. Bowker). 
Pinetown and Umkomazi (J. H. Bowker). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourencgo Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

II, Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. East Coast. 

Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley). 

1 It has recently been described as a new species (P. Colvillei) by Mr. A. G. Butler, but 
it does not seem to me separable from P. Trimenit. 



Godartia, Lucas, “ Ann, Soc. Ent. France, 1842, p. 299;” Westw., Gen. 
Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 282 (1850). 

ImaGo.—Head of moderate size, shortly tufted in front; eyes 
smooth; palpi rather small, erect, divergent, roughly scaly; basal 
joint hairy beneath ; middle joint tufted above as in Diadema, rather 
long and thick, terminal joint short and blunt; antenne short and 
thick (especially in ?), with the club elongated and but slightly hol- 
lowed inferiorly. 

Thorax moderately thick, very convex superiorly, downy beneath 
and in front above, hairy posteriorly above; prothorax forming a well- 
marked neck. SFore-wings: broad, remarkably truncate in ¢—-inner- 
margin being of unusual length; costa very strongly arched in ¢, 
moderately in Q, finely serrated; apex squared in g, rounded in §; 
hind-margin rather convex about middle in ¢, concave in 2; inner 
margin fringed with hair near base, shghtly concave about middle; 
costal nervure very thick and rigid, especially near base; first sub- 
costal nervule short, slender, rising far before end of discoidal cell and 
united to costal nervure at about the same distance beyond cell; second 
and third also slender, but very long (the latter ending at apex), and 
arising respectively considerably before and a little beyond extremity 
of cell,—fourth and fifth thicker, branching off not very far beyond 
third ; discoidal cell very short ; disco-cellular nervules all very oblique, 
—upper one rather long, middle one very short (radial nervules thus 
originating close together), lower one very long, more slender than the 
others, slightly curved, joining third median nervule at same distance 
from its origin. lind-wings: very broad—especially in ¢, where they 
are markedly prominent apically ; costa very slightly arched after basal 
prominence; hind-margin slightly sinuated; inner-margins forming a 
wide rather shallow groove; nervures thick and rigid near base, espe- 
cially the precostal ; costal nervure terminating at apex; upper disco- 
cellular nervule forming curved base of long radial nervule, lower one 
wanting (leaving discoidal cell quite open); submedian and internal 
nervures much curved,—the latter short and unusually thick and rigid. 
Fore-legs of & very small, but rather thick, densely scaly ; tarsi with some 
short thick hairs at extremity ; of the 2 much longer, rather smoother, 
—tibia about as long as the femur, tarsus rather long, thickened at 
extremity, spinulose beneath. Middle and hind legs short, thick, 
scaly ; tibize and tarsi bristly above, spinose beneath; tibial spurs very 

Abdomen rather thick (in ¢ rather long), dorsally hairy at base and 
along median line. 

This remarkable genus, though exhibiting relationship with Diadema 


and allied groups, more especially in the female, is emphatically charac- 
terised by its erect palpi, short antenne, very exceptional neuration of 
the fore-wings, and extraordinary shape of the fore-wings in the @. 
The last-named feature gives a peculiarly clumsy, almost deformed look 
to the male, rendering it impossible to fail in recognising a Godartia of 
that sex; but the female in pattern and outline of wings usually much 
resembles a Diadema or Huralia. All the six species recorded are 
Ethiopian only, one being from Madagascar; and in all but one—@. 
Trajanus, Ward, from Camaroon in Western Africa, which has white 
markings tinged with yellow, and a chestnut-red basal patch in the 
fore-wings—the male has a peculiar colouring of shining-greenish ray- 
marks and spots on a black ground. ‘This gives him somewhat of the 
appearance of a Danais of the Limniace section; but his shape is so 
very different, that the resemblance in life cannot be very close, 
especially as I learn from Mrs. Monteiro that his habits and flight are 
quite unlike those of the Danaine butterflies. Mr. Butler (Lep. Exot, 
p- 53), In noticing the resemblance to a West-African Danais borne 
by G. Hurinome (Cram.), points out that the female of the latter is the 
more accurate mimicker; and in the case of the only species—@. 
Wakefieldii, Ward—inhabiting Southern Africa, it is noticeable that 
the male is less hke a Danais than his near congeners, while the female 
clearly imitates a large black-and-white species of Amawris. All the 
Godartie have the head, palpi, prothorax, breast, and legs spotted with 
white, and their abdomen (except apparently in G. Zvrajanus) is 

G. Wakefield is a native of Eastern Africa, and its only known 
South-African station is Delagoa Bay. 

98. (1.) Godartia Wakefieldii, Ward. 

Godartia Wakefieldii, Ward, Ent. M. Mag., x. p. 152, pl. vi. f. 3 (1873). 
ess 5 Oberth., Etudes d’Ent., liv. ill, p. 28; pl. 711) tame 

Hap. d., (g) 3 in. 6 lin. 

gf Black, with macular bands and spots of pale-green changing to 
white wm certain lights. Fore-wing: an oblique median macular band 
of nine distinct elongate spots, running from costa before middle to 
inner margin beyond middle; of this band, one large spot is in dis- 
coidal cell, and of the eight spots external to it, the second and eighth 
are much the smallest (almost linear), and the fifth and sixth the 
largest ; a subapical slightly-oblique bar of three separate rather small 
subquadrate spots; a submarginal row of six very small rounded 
spots (of which the upper four are wanting in one example). Hind- 
wing : a sub-basal pale-green patch occupies discoidal cell and a space 
below and above it, but does not reach base or extend above first 


subcostal nervule or below submedian nervure; this patch is divided 
very unequally into six by the crossing black nervures, the cellular 
portion being very much the largest, and the portion at furcation of 
third and second median nervules very much the smallest ; a discal row 
of eight conspicuous rounded spots, of which the first is largest, and the 
seventh and eighth (close together) are the smallest; close to hind- 
margin, a row of eight minute inter-nervular spots ; just preceding them, 
in lower part of wing, a closer series of similar spots arranged in pairs 
between nervules. UNDER SIDE.—AHind-wing, and costal, apical, and 
hind-marginal border of fore-wing warm ochreous-brown ; markings of 
upper side reproduced, but those of fore-wing greenish-white and those 
of hind-wing pure-white. ore-wing: a very small white spot on costa 
at base; another, close to the first, at origin of median nervure; a 
rather larger one on costa near base; and a similar one in discoidal 
cell a little beyond the third. Hind-wing: three small white spots at 
and near base,—one at base marking common origin of nervures, 
another just above costal nervure, and another on precostal nervure ; 
a fourth larger white spot on costa a little farther from base; sub-basal 
patvh produced inferiorly to inner margin; a ninth small spot in discal 
row near inner margin; eight minute spots along hind-margin edged 
with fuscous; inner series of minute spots completed as far as costa. 
Head, palpi, collar, breast, and legs black spotted with white ; 
abdomen ochreous-yellow, fuscous superiorly at end near its base. 

I have not seen the 9! of this species, but, through the kindness of Mr. A. 
G. Butler, of the British Museum, possess a lithographic figure of it in the proof 
of a plate intended for a third part of Ward’s African Butterflies, From this 
carefully drawn figure of the upper side, it is evident that the ? differs much 
from the ¢, wearing more the aspect of the genus Huralia. The fore-wings 
are lengthened and produced apically (exp. al., 3 in. 8 ln.), and the median 
band is enlarged by the increased size and complete union of the cellular and 
the four larger divisions, while the subapical bar is similarly much enlarged ; 
there are further a small spot superiorly just preceding subapical bar, and one 
in discoidal cell near base. The hind-wings have the patch very much enlarged 
outwardly, and extending very broadly quite to inner-marginal edge; the sub- 
marginal row of very small white spots in pairs complete, as on the under side 
of the ¢. , 

G. Wakefieldii, as far as the ¢ is concerned, seems more closely allied to 
the West-African type of the genus, G. Hur/nome, Cramer, than to any other 
known Godartia. The ¢ is distinguished from that sex of Hurinome by its 
deeper-green markings, and by their greater development in the fore-wing, the 
component spots of both the median and subapical bands constituting a toler- 
ably even and continuous bar, instead of being widely separated and irregularly 
placed. The 2? Wakejieldit differs greatly from the 9 Hurinome in the fore- 
wing, which is produced apically, instead of being of the ordinary form; and 

1 The South-African Museum has since acquired a ? example taken at Delagoa Bay by 
Mrs. Monteiro. On the upper side it nearly resembles the figure described in the text, but 
in the fore-wing has the median band (which is pure white) wider in the lower portion, and 
wants a small white spot in the discoidal cell near the base. On the under side the white 
markings are like those of the upper side, the basal white spots are similar to those in the 6, 
and the brown of the margins is of a much duller, less ochreous, brown. 


in which the enlarged markings are massed into a median and a subapical 
band, instead of being scattered and separated. 

This very striking species, first known from East Africa between 3° and 4° 
S. of the Equator, was found at Delagoa Bay by the late Mr. J. J. Monteiro, 
but does not seem to extend farther southward. Mrs. Monteiro informs me 
that she has noticed several specimens of Wakefieldii sporting together and 
“‘ tumbling over each other,” at a height of about six feet from the ground. She 
found the insect wary, letting one approach pretty near, and then going 
straight towards the nearest cover with an irregular but not swift flight. It 
was attracted lke the Noctue to “sugar.” An example of the ¢ from Delagoa 
Bay was presented to the South-African Museum in 1882 by Mrs. Thompson, 
through the good offices of Colonel Bowker. It is almost exactly like Ober- 
thiir’s figure, above cited, of a Zanzibar example, and has the central band of 
the fore-wings considerably narrower and more macular than in a figure of the 
typical ¢ which accompanies that of the ? in the plate for Ward’s African 
Butterflies, above mentioned as communicated to me by Mr. Butler. 

While the ¢ of this Godartia, like G. Eurinome and its near allies, but in 
a less degree, is imitative of the variety of Danais Limniace (Cram.), from 
Western Africa, named Petiverana by Doubleday (1847), and Leonora by 
Butler (1866), the 9 most decidedly mimicks an Amauris of the Niavius form, 
being most like the Malagasy A. Nossima, Ward, but also very similar to A. 
dominicanus, Trim. The outline of wings in the g (as in others of the genus) 
is not at all Danaine, but in the @? the apical production of the fore-wings 
makes it decidedly so, and quite approximates it in aspect to the species of 
Luralia which mimic the same group of Amaurvs. 

Localities of Godartia Wakefield. 
I. South Africa. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (J. J. Montero). 

IT, Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
b, Eastern Coast.—“ Zanzibar (Raffray).”’—Oberthiir. “ Ribe.”— 


Euphedra, Hiibn., Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 39 (1816). 
Romaleosoma, Blanch., ‘‘ Hist. Nat. Ins., iil. p. 448 (1840).” 
Romaleosoma, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., il. p. 283 (1850). 

ImaGo.—Head broad, shortly downy ; eyes smooth, very prominent ; 
palpr short, compressed, ascendant, convergent, not rising above summit 
of head, densely clothed with scales and appressed short hairs,—basal 
joint tufted with longer hairs beneath,—second joint superiorly with 
a tuft of hair near extremity,—terminal joint very short and small, 
almost hidden by terminal hairs of second joint; antennw very long, 
slender, with a gradually-formed, very elongate, only slightly flattened 
club, rather blunt at tip. 

Thorax very (in some species extremely) thick and rather long, 
especially in ~; clothed with short fine down, moderately hairy above 
posteriorly. Fore-wings rather elongate, being slightly or moderately 


produced in apical portion; costa usually rather strongly arched ; apex 
not pronounced ; hind-margin slightly sinuated, slightly or moderately 
concave about middle ; inner margin almost straight; costal nervure 
strong, ending considerably beyond middle; first and second subcostal 
nervules arising (the former at some distance, the latter considerably) 
before extremity of discoidal cell,—third ata little distance beyond 
extremity of cell and extending to apex,—fourth very short, arising not 
very far before, and terminating a little below, apex; upper disco-cel- 
lular nervule extremely short,—middle one short, shghtly curved,— 
lower one rather long, oblique, slightly curved, very slender, joining 
third median nervule at a little distance beyond its origin ; discoidal 
cell short, rather wide at extremity. Mind-wings broad, in f somewhat 
(rarely much) produced in anal angular portion ; precostal nervure 
strong, much curved; costal nervure extending to apex ; upper disco- 
cellular nervule united to second subcostal nervule not far from the 

latter’s origin,—lower one very attenuated, slightly curved, joining 

third median nervule at or just beyond its origin; d'scoidal cell very 
short, rather narrow ; internal nervure strong, rather short; costa very 
convex at base, and thence moderately arched (more so in ¢); hind- 
margin more sinuated than in fore-wings; anal angle rather marked 
(rarely projecting as a short “tail”); inner margins very convex, 
forming a deep complete groove to beyond middie. Jore-legs of f 
rather large ; femur hairy beneath,—tibia and tarsus densely fringed 
with rather long hair,—the latter joint nearly half as long as the former ; 
of the larger and longer, scaly, with only the femur hairy,—tarsus 
rather long, indistinctly articulated, sharply spinulose beneath towards 
extremity. JMMtddle and hind legs thick, rather long; tibie slightly 
spinose above, strongly so beneath,—the terminal spurs long and rigid ; 
tarsi long and thick, very spinose throughout, but more strongly so 

Abdomen compressed, rather short, hairy on back near base. 

Among the characters given above, those which best distinguish 
Euphedra are the broad head, small short palpi, very long straight 
antenne, closed wing-cells, very short fourth subcostal nervule of the 
fore-wings, thick spinose legs, and very robust thorax. The last-named 
feature reaches its extreme in #. Perseis (Drury), but is almost as 
marked in #. Hlews (Dru.), where the volume of the thorax is larger 
proportionally than in the most robust Charazxes. 

The colouring of the majority of the species is above black glossed 
more or less with dark-greenish or bluish-purple, and marked in the 
fore-wings with a bluish-whitish or dull-yellow subapical bar, and in 
the hind-wings with a central space of greenish or bluish inclining to 
whitish in the middle; while beneath the surface is of a yellowish- or 
bronzy-green, with numerous sub-basal and submarginal black spots, 
and in some species basal or discal spaces of purplish-crimson. A 
section of the genus, however, distinguished by the extraordinary size 


of the thorax above referred to, has the colouring more diversified, 
with a good deal of red on the upper side, and the body most con- 
spicuously spotted with large white or whitish spots. Two of these, 
E. Ruspina (Hewits.), and (in a less degree) the allied #. Eleus (Drury), 
are indeed distinctly imitative of the slow-flying conspicuous Lithosiid 

Moth, Aletis Helcita (Linn.), in which the wings are brick-red with broad 

black white-spotted borders. 

The genus is essentially Tropical African, and does not seem to 
have any representatives in Madagascar. About thirty-three species 
are recorded, many of which are so closely allied as to be very difficult 
to distinguish satisfactorily. I have not seen any recent mention of the 
habits of these butterflies; but a century ago Smeathman (as recorded 
by Drury, op. cit.) noted that they frequented the gloomiest shades of the 
West-African woods, often congregating about a puddle or moist spot. 
Only one species, the Hast-African 2. Neophron (Hopffer), enters South 
Africa proper, occurring at Delagoa Bay; it is easily recognised by its 
general bluish-green upper side, and by the width and brightness of the 
oblique yellow bar crossing the apical black of the fore-wings. | 

99, (1.) Euphedra Neophron, (Hopffer). 

Romaleosoma Neophron, Hopff., Monatsb. K. Akad. Wiss. Berl., 1855, 
p. 640, n. 9; and Peters’ Reise n. Mossamb., Ins., p. 386, t, xxilj 
fi, 1,2 [9 |) (7862). 

& Romaleosoma Zambesia, Feld., Reise d. Novara, Lep., iii. p. 430, n. 687 

(1867). 7 

Exp. al., 2 in. 6-11 lin. 

f Dull bluish-green ; apical half of fore-wing black, crossed by a 
broad bar of ochre-yellow. Fore-wing: two smail round black spots 
about middle of discoidal cell, of which the lower spot is a little 
beyond the upper one; subapical oblique ochre-yellow bar extending 
from costa to hind-margin, its outer edge sinuated, its inner edge 
irregularly dentated; at apex a good-sized ochre-yellow spot. Hind- 
wing: all dull bluish-green, except near margins, which are rather 
narrowly bordered with brownish-grey, ill-defined on the inner edge. 
UNDER SIDE.— Pale dull greyish-green, with a slight violaceous gloss, and a 
tinge of ochre-yellow over areas beyond middle. Fore-wing : two spots in 
cell not so distinct; subapical bar and apical spot represented only 
by ill-defined dingy ochrey-whitish ; traces of a submarginal row of 
imperfect whitish rings. Hind-wing: a small round black spot in 
discoidal cell, close to bifiurcation of subcostal nervure; an indistinct 
central paler fascia; traces of a submarginal row of imperfect whitish 
rings, as in fore-wing. 

2 Similar to g. UNDER sIDE.—Darker, violaceous gloss more 
apparent ; all the markings much more distinct, whitish, viz., in fore- 



wing, the subapical bar (in its upper portion) and apical spot, the 
submarginal rings, and a short narrow median fascia; and in hind- 
wing the median fascia and submarginal rings. 

This very handsome Euphedra belongs to the group of which Z. Medon 
(Linn.) is the type, but is very distinct from all its allies in the breadth and 
rich yellow tint of the subapical bar of the fore-wings. Oberthtir (tudes 
d@ Entomologie, iii. p. 28) notes an example from “ Tchouacka,” in which the 
dull bluish-green of the upper side is replaced by violaceous. 

I include Neophron in my list on the authority of Mr. W. F. Kirby’s 
Catalogue of the Hewitson Collection, in which (p. 93) Delagoa Bay is given 
as one of the localities of the examples contained in that collection. The late 
Mr. J. J. Monteiro wrote to me in 1877 that he had taken the species at one 
spot about three miles from Lourengo Marques; and it is probable that Mr. 
Hewitson obtained it from him. 

The examples that I have examined are from the Zambesi Valley and 

Loealities of Huphedra Neophron. 

I, South Africa. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Coll. Hewitson. 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

b. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi Valley (Rev. H. Waller). ‘“ Querimba.” 
Hopffer. Zanzibar.—Coll. Brit. Mus. ‘ Tchouacka (Raffray).” 
—Oberthiir. Magila.x—Coll. W. Distant. 

b1. Interior.—Lake Nyassa.—Coll. Hewitson. 

Euryphene, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 285 (1850). 

ImaGo.—Nearly allied to Huphedra. Head not so wide, with a 

. tuft of hair in front; palpi longer, not so ascendant, not convergent. 

Thorax much less robust, more hairy beneath. ore-wings some- 
what truncate, with apical angle more or less pronounced; hind-margin 
usually entire, occasionally slightly hollowed about middle; neuration 
as in Huphedra, except that (in some species) third subcostal nervule 
originates very little beyond extremity of discoidal cell.  Hind-wings 
larger, and in f considerably lengthened inferiorly ; hind-margin entire 
or very slightly sinuated ; lower disco-cellular nervule very attenuated, 
sometimes almost obsolete. ore-legs of $ not so densely hairy generally, 
but with a longer tuft of hairs at extremity of tarsus. Middle and hind 

legs with considerably longer, slightly curved femora ; tibie only very 

finely spined beneath,—terminal spurs extremely small; tarsi long, 
scarcely spinulose above, and but moderately spinose beneath. 

These characters, while serving to distinguish Huryphene from 
Luphedra, for the most part approximate it to Aterica, Boisd., and 

Harma, Westw. From the two latter genera it differs, however, in its 
WOE. 1, U 


more hairy head and palpi, less robust thorax, origin much nearer to 
discoidal cell of third subcostal nervure of fore-wings, larger fore-legs 
in ¢, and much longer middle and hind legs in both sexes. 

The limits of Huryphene, Aterica, and Harma—all purely Ethiopian 
genera—are by no means well defined, and authors appear of late years 
to have referred newly-discovered species to them somewhat at random. 
Aterica, founded by Boisduval in 1833, is the oldest in date, and its 
type was A. Rabena, Boisd., of Madagascar. Huriphene (sic) was pro-. 
posed, but not defined, by Boisduval in 1847 (Appendix to Dele- 
gorgue’s Voyage dans l Afrique Australe, p. 592) for a South-African 
butterfly ( £. cewrulea, Boisd.) brought from Natal; and it was West- 
wood (op. cit.) who first gave a diagnosis of Huryphene, adding to £. 
cerulea the Fabrician species, Sophus and Absolon, with Doriclea, Drury, 
and seven others referred with doubt to the group. Among the nume- — 
rous species since added to the genus, such differing forms as £. Comus, 
Nivaria, and Porphyrion, of Ward, and £. Soemis, Phantasia, Aramis, 
and Doralice, of Hewitson, seem ill associated with #. cerulea and its 
allies; and those of them which prove not to be better placed with 
Aterica (or some possibly with Harma) will probably require new genera 
for their reception. Harma—also characterised by Westwood in 1850 
—ais a more homogeneous group in general facies, but, as its founder 
pointed out, variable in neuration; and in nearly all respects its struc- 
ture agrees with that of Aterica. 

E. cerulea would appear to be a very rare butterfly, as no example 
has to my knowledge occurred in any collection made in Natal or the 
neighbouring regions since the time of Delegorgue’s visit. It is, 
however, a species of small size and dark colouring, and if, like some 
of its congeners in Western Africa, it frequents the shadiest parts of 
the woods and is not very active, it would easily escape observation. 
No other Huryphene is recorded from Southern Africa, nor does the 
genus appear to be represented in Eastern Africa, all the species except 
E. cerulea being natives of Tropical Western Africa to the north of the 

100. (1.) Kuryphene cerulea, Boisduval. 
Euriphene cerulea, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 592, n. 77 (1847). 

Habit and size of Guwineensis.|\—Deep-blue, as in Veronica, Cram. 5 
near hind-margin of both wings a row of oval spots rather darker than 
ground-colour, succeeded by a marginal streak of the same hue. Basal 
portion of wings, as far as middle, of a darker hue than ground-colour ; 
and on this darker portion, in fore-wing, are two or three annular spots 
of paler blue, situated transversely between costa and median nervure. 

1 This seems to be only a manuscript name of Boisduval’s, and is by Westwood (Gen. 
Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 286) doubtfully given as a synonym of #. Absolon (Fab.) 


UNDER SIDE.—Lrownish-red, as in Veronica, with some paler transverse 
strie; beyond middle, as in Veronica, a transverse series of small 
whitish dots. 

The above description is adapted from Boisduval’s brief diagnosis. In 
1867 the late Mr. W. C. Hewitson showed me a specimen which had been lent 
to him by Boisduval, and I noted at the time that it seemed to agree very fairly 
with the characters noted in the Appendix to Delegorgue’s Voyage, but had 
not an opportunity of fully describing it." The Veronica of Cramer (Pap. Exot., 
iv. t. cccxxv., 0, D), with which Boisduval compares /. cerulea, is a native of 
Western Africa, placed doubtfully in the genus Atertca by Westwood, and in 
the pattern of the under side having apparently some resemblance to H. Deda- 
lus, Fab. (= Meleagris, Cram.), with which, indeed, Hiibner associates it in his 
genus Hamanumida. 

Locality of Huryphene cerulea. 

TI. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—“ Port Natal.”—Boisduval. 


Hamanumida, Hiibn., Verz. Bek. Schmett., p. 18 (1816). 
Aterica (part), Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., li. p. 286 (1850); Trim., Rhop. 
Afr. Aust., i. p. 156 (1862). 

Imaco.—Head not quite so broad ag thorax, hairy in front; eyes 
smooth; palpi short, not or very slightly convergent, projecting for- 
ward, rising to about a level with top of head,—basal joint with a tuft 
of hair beneath,—second joint long, scaly, hairy superiorly and along 
inner edge,—terminal joint very short, scaly; antenne of moderate 
length, with a well-marked but elongate sub-cylindrical club, blunt and 
rounded at its tip. 

Thorax robust, rather long, clothed with a fine close down, and 
finely hairy posteriorly (especially on back). ore-wings: in $ sub- 
acuminate, in 2? scarcely prominent, apically; costa moderately arched ; 
hind-margin almost imperceptibly concave about middle, scarcely 
sinuate; inner margin almost straight; costal nervure strong, its 
extremity not far beyond middle; first and second subcostal nervules 
originating near each other, before extremity of discoidal cell,—third 
one very short, originating not far from apex (where it terminates),— 
fourth extremely short, originating half way between base of third and 
apex (a little below which it terminates) ; upper disco-cellular nervule 
exceedingly short,—second one short, oblique, strongly curved,—third 
long, well-developed, slightly angulated about its middle, joining third 

1 Hewitson (Exot. Butt., iii. p. 53, 1866) notes as follows, viz. :—‘“ £. cwrulea, of Bois- 
duval, which he has kindly lent me for comparison, resembles Veronica more closely than 

Tadema” [described by Hewitson as an Aterica], ‘‘and is also without the apical white 


median nervule at some distance from latter’s origin. Hind-wings: 
large, prolonged inferiorly (especially in $); costa very prominent at 
base, thence moderately arched; hind-margin slightly sinuated; anal 
angle rather pronounced in %, rounded in 2; inner margins forming a 
complete but not deep groove; costal nervure extending to apex; 
upper disco-cellular nervule rather long, united to second subcostal 
nervule not very far from latter’s origin, bent slightly outward,—lower 
one slender but quite distinct, gently curved, joining third median 
nervule just beyond latter’s origin ; internal nervure short, not reaching 
beyond middle of inner margin; discoidal cell very short. Fore-legs 
of ¢ very slender, scaly,—femur with a fringe of hair beneath, tibia 
considerably shorter than femur,—tarsus less than half as long as tibia, 
tufted thinly with fine hairs; of the 2 much larger and thicker, with 
tarsus distinctly articulated, not at all hairy, fully two-thirds the length 
of tibia, and spinose near extremity beneath. Middle and hind legs 
rather long and thick; femora smooth, slightly curved; tibie spinu- 
lose above, armed beneath (especially middle pair) with unusually long 
spines, and with long terminal spurs; tarsi thick, finely spinulose 
above, very spinose beneath, with terminal pair of spines on each arti- 
culation longer than the rest. 

Abdomen short (less than half as long as inner margins of hind- 
wings); very slender in ¢. 

I have followed Mr. Kirby (Synon. Cat. Diurn. Lep., 1871, p. 
249) in adopting for Daedalus, Fab. (= Meleagris, Cram. and Drury), 
distinct generic rank from Aterica under Hiibner’s name, Hamanumida, 
because, on comparison with A. Rabena, Boisd., the type of Aterica, I 
found that the characters of the former (which are those given above) 
differed very considerably from those of the latter. Besides the closed 
cell of the hind-wings noted by Westwood (/oc. cit.), Daedalus presents 
the following differences from <Alerica, viz., antennee much shorter, 
with very much shorter, thicker, more cylindrical, and bluntly-tipped 
club; palpi much more hairy both above and inwardly; thorax longer 
and more robust; fore-wings less acuminate apically, especially in 9, 
with the third subcostal nervule originating much nearer to apex, and 
the lower disco-cellular nervule shorter; hind-wings not so prolonged 
inferiorly, with costa not at all hollowed beyond middle, and more 
roundly convex at base, and with the upper disco-cellular nervule 
much longer, and not forming merely a curved base for the radial 
nervule; fore-legs of the 2 with tarsal joints more distinct; middle- 
and hind legs with the tibie much more strongly spined; and abdo- 
men shorter. 

I have not had the opportunity of examining the West-Afri- 
can Veronica, Cram., which (as noted above under Zuryphene ccerulea) 
looks much like Daedalus, and cannot, therefore, judge whether Hiibner 
rightly associated that species with Daedalus in his genus Hama- 


Cramer’s name of J/eleagris so well indicates the guinea-fowl style 
of colouring of Dedalus that it could be wished the Fabrician title had 
not priority. The butterfly has a very wide distribution over the T'ro- 
pical parts of Africa, but is seldom met with in South Africa proper. 
From the accounts of collectors who have observed its habits, it appears 
to be an active insect, frequenting open spots as well as woods, and 
often settling on the ground. 

101. (1.) Hamanumida Deedalus, (labricius). 

Papilio Dedalus, Fab., Syst. Ent., p. 482, n. 174 (1775). 
Papilio Melantha, Fab., op. ctt., p. 513, n. 297. 
Papilio Meleagris, Cram., Pap. Exot., i. t. lxvi. ff. a, B (1779). 
- . Dri, WE Nat. wist., it. pl. xxviieit.3, 4 (1732). 
y Fab., Ent. Syst., iii. 1, p. 128, n. 393 (1793). 
Nymphalis Meleagris and N. Deedalus, Godt., Ene. Meth., ix. pp. 387-388, 
nn. 130-131 (1819), 
Vanessa (Adolias) Meleagris, var., Reiche, in Ferr, and Gal. Voy. en Abyss., 
nts, piediOo, pl 32:4r 3, 4 (1849): 
Aterica Meleagris, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., ii. p. 287 (1850). 
bs . Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust. 1. p. 157, 2. 93 (1862). 

Exp. al., 2 in. 2 ln—2 in. 7 hn. 

Soft br ownrsh-gr ey, with transverse rows of white black-edged spots. 
Fore-wing: in discoidal cell two irregular, zigzag, transverse black 
lines, each more or less conspicuously bordered with white, and enclos- 
ing a white dot at their commencement; closing cell is a similar 
streak, but annular, and shaped like the figure 8; beyond cell, three 
transverse rows of white spots commence on costa,—first row consider- 
ably sinuate, from costa beyond middle to inner margin a little before 
middle, consisting of seven or eight spots (only black-edged on their 
wmner side),—second row straighter, consisting of eight spots ringed 
with black, but not extending below submedian nervure,—third row 
close and parallel to hind-margin, small, lunular, only black-edged on 
their inner side (the first spot in f enlarged so as to form a small 
white typ to wing at apex). HMind-wing: three transverse rows of 
spots in fore-wing continued across this wing, the innermost and middle 
rows only as far as first median nervule, the outer row to anal angle ; 
a thin black ring in discoidal cell, another closing cell, and a third 
indistinct one touching the latter ring superiorly. Cilia grey, spotted 
with white between nervules. UNDER sSIDE.—Rich ochreous, tinged 
with brown, deeper towards hind-margins; spots mostly rather larger 
than on upper side, but not so sharply defined; second transverse row 
of spots grey-margined on their outer edge, making them appear ocel- 
lated ; spots in outer row united to hind-marginal edge by short dark- 
grey streaks. ore-wing: a greyish space at anal angle; annular 
streak at extremity of discoidal cell enclosing a whitish space. Hind- 


wing: first and second rows of spots both extending to submedian 
nervure by an additional spot; black rings in cell enclosing white 

In some specimens the ground-colour of under side is more obscured than 
described above, and the white spots are indistinct. This is the form first 
described by Fabricius under the name of Dedalus. His type-specimen of 
Melantha, too—which I have examined in the Banksian Collection of the 
British Museum—has the under-side spots almost obsolete. In the same col- 
lection there is a specimen with the spots in question well marked ; and in the 
Entomologia Systematica (p. 128) Fabricius describes as Meleagris a specimen 
with the white spots on the under side, and notes, ‘* Mus. D. Banks.” 

Mr. Druce (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1875, p. 411) notes that specimens 
from Angola were “ very pale-coloured, with the white spots much smaller 
than in specimens from Old Calabar.” 

This well-known and widely-dispersed native of Tropical Africa is far from 
common in South Africa proper, to judge from the few examples that have 
reached me. Mr. W. Morant, who took two specimens near Pretoria in March 
1872, wrote to me that one was met with frequenting bare patches of ground 
on the top of a rocky hill, and the other settling on a sandy footpath in low 
ground. These two specimens were of opposite sexes, and both white-spotted 
on the under side, but not conspicuously so. The only example sent by Colonel 
Bowker from D’Urban (February 1883) is also white-spotted beneath; he 
described its habits as like those of Pyramets Carduz, and noted that it settled 
on a footpath with wings expanded. 

Localities of Hamanumida Dedalus. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban (M. J. M‘Ken and J. H. Bowker). 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Ms. Monteiro). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). Rustenburg (V. £. 
Noren). Pretoria (W. Morant). Limpopo River (/. C. Selous). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (C. J. Andersson and J. A. Bell). 
« Angola (J. J. Monteiro).” —H. Druce. 
6, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi Valley (Rev. H. Rowley). ‘‘ Querimba.” 
—Hopffer. ‘ Kiriama (Kersten),”—Gerstiicker. 
b1. Interior.—Shashani River (Ff. C. Selous). ‘‘Umvungu (/. 
Oates).” —Westwood. 
B. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Cape Coast Castle (J. M. Pask). Cape Palmas - 

(EH. Bourke). Sierra Leone (A. NV. Innes). 
b. Eastern Coast.—“ Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinorz).”—Oberthiir. 

Genus HARMA. 
Harma, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., il. p. 287 (1850). 

Imaco.—Head of moderate size, with a tuft of hair on vertex and 
in front; eyes smooth; palpi short, scaly, inserted rather widely apart, 
and not or slightly convergent at tips, basal joint hairy beneath, middle 


joint long, rather thick, more or less hairy above and on inner side, 
terminal joint very short, conical ; antenne long or rather long, with a 
very gradually formed, elongate, sub-cylindrical club. Thorax mode- 
rately robust, clothed above with close short down (anteriorly and 
posteriorly with moderately-long hair), beneath with short hair. ore- 
wings usually elongate apically, but often truncate ; costa moderately 
or rather strongly arched; apex more or less pronounced, sometimes 
rather acuminate; hind-margin slightly sinuated, usually more or less 
sub-angulated below apex, excavated about middle, and prominent 
again above posterior angle; inner margin nearly straight; costal 
nervure terminating not far beyond middle ; first subcostal nervule ori- 
ginating at some distance before extremity of discoidal cell,—second a 
little before, just at, or a very little beyond, extremity of cell,—third 
at a long distance beyond cell and terminating at apex,—fourth very 
short, originating not far before apex and terminating a little below it ; 
disco-cellular nervules as in Hamanwmida, but less oblique.’ Hind- 
wings large, usually more or less prolonged inferiorly, especially in f 
(where anal angle itself is often produced into a blunt point); costa 
almost straight beyond strong basal convexity; hind-margin more 
sinuated than in fore-wing, sometimes with prominence at extremity of 
second subcostal nervule; inner margins meeting to form a deep, broad 
groove to beyond middle, and thence separated ; costal nervure extend- 
ing to apex; upper disco-cellular nervule united to second subcostal 
not far from latter’s origin, and forming little more than a footstalk 
for radial nervule ; lower one usually wanting entirely,—when present, 
much attenuated; internal nervure extending to about or considerably 
beyond middle. ore-legs of § very small and slender, femur densely 
hairy beneath, tibia and tarsus rather densely fringed with hairs on 
each side, less hairy superiorly; of 2 considerably larger and thicker, 
femur thinly hairy beneath; tibia three-fourths as long as femur, 
smooth, scaly; tarsus about half as long as tibia, indistinctly articulate, 
scaly, with a few spines beneath at tip. Middle and hind legs thick, 
rather short, scaly ; tibiza with short spines beneath and moderately- 
long terminal spurs; tarsi rather strongly spinose beneath. 

Abdomen short ; compressed in ¢. 

Harma is nearly related to Aterica, Boisd., differing chiefly in its 
shorter antenne ; thicker, less ascendant, more hairy, and more sepa- 
rated palpi ; more hairy fore-legs in f; shorter middle and hind legs ; 
and (usually) longer, sub-angulated fore-wings, and anal-angular pro- 
jection in hind-wings. These characters, with the exception of shorter 
antennee and the greater hairiness of the palpi, also serve to distinguish 
it from Hamanumida ; and it further differs from the latter in its 
longer antennal club, not blunt at its extremity; more hairy breast ; 

1 Westwood (loc. ct.) describes the South-African H. Eupithes (= 6 Alcimeda) as having 
the discoidal cell open in all the wings; but I find the lower disco-cellular nervule distinct, 
though very slender, in the fore-wings.; 


different points of origin of the first, second, and third subcostal nervules 
of the fore-wings ; longer internal nervure and less developed upper 
disco-cellular nervule of the hind-wings; and much less spinose middle 
and hind tibie. 

The butterflies of this genus are very variable in the outline of 
their wings, and the females appear almost always to have longer and 
more angulated (though often apically less acute) fore-wings than the 
males. As, besides this, the disparity in the upper-side colouring and 
marking of the sexes is very great, and is noticeable also in some cases 
with regard to the under side, much difficulty is experienced in satis- 
factorily determining the limits of the species. The males are almost 
unicolorous above, the field of creamy or greenish white, pale or deep 
ochre-yellow, or (in two cases) deep-red, being varied only by some 
fuscous hind-marginal zigzag edgings, and (more rarely) discal cloud- 
ing ; while the females are strikingly different and very varied in pattern, 
for the most part rather resembling Limenitis in their white or ochre- 
yellow banding on a dark-brown or fuscous ground. On the under 
side both sexes bear numerous fine, dark, broken striz and striolee, and 
a common more strongly marked discal transverse streak on a pale or 
deep ochreous or ochreous-and-ferruginous ground ; but in two cases 
the females have a shining pale-greenish under side with the white 
markings of the upper side reproduced. 

Thirty-two species have been recorded, all from Tropical Africa 
except the South-African H. Alcimeda (Godt.), which is the smallest 
of the genus. -No other South-African species has been described ; but 
I have received from Natal a much-broken ¢ Harma, taken by Colonel 
Bowker, which is larger and paler and has much longer antenne than 
the f Alcimeda (= Hupithes, Westw.), and which I believe will be found 
to represent a distinct species. It is only in wooded tracts that Z. 
Alcimeda is to be met with, but the insect is rather widely distributed, 
occurring as far to the south and west as the district of Knysna in 
the Cape Colony. 

102. (1.) Harma Alcimeda, (Godart). 
2 Nymphalis Alcimeda, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 384, n. 112 (bre 

d Harma Eupithes, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., li. p. 289, pl. 41, f. 1 (1850) 

Tm. Rhop. Afr, Aust., 1. p..160, n. 95 (1862). 
2 Harma Alcimeda, Trim., op: CU. aD 159, n. 94. 

Exp. al., 1 in. g lin.—2 in. 1 hn. 

g Cream-colour, with a slight yellow tinge; bordered with two 
brownish-fuscous lunulated streaks.  Fore-wing: base suffused with 
fuscous-grey, most widely on inner margin; in discoidal cell, about its 
middle, a small irregular imperfect fuscous ring, open on median 
nervure, and with the outer edge prolonged downward in a curved 
line almost to submedian nervure; a large somewhat quadrate fuscous 


marking, dusted with creamy scales, occupying outer fifth of cell, 
extending some distance beyond and a little below it, and enclosing a 
narrow stria of the ground-colour at the extremity of cell; costa with 
a linear edging, apex and hind-margin with a narrow border of dark- 
brown ; just before the latter two parallel brownish-fuscous lunulated 
streaks,—the lunules composing the inner streak thinner and acuter 
than those of the outer one (except the three next inner margin, which 
are thick and somewhat suffused), while in the outer streak, the two 
middle lunules are conspicuously larger and thicker than the rest; 
nervules fuscous near hind-margin. Hind-wing: a basal fuscous-grey 
suffusion, darkest in discoidal cell, and extending narrowly along sub- 
median nervure almost to anal angle; subcostal and median nervures 
and parts of their nervules fuscous; two lunulate streaks as in fore- 
wing, but rather more regular, and the outer one more distinctly 
separate from hind-marginal border; this border is hke that of fore- 
wing, but varied by a row of seven orange-ochreous spots’ at ends of 
nervules, the sixth being largest and sometimes confluent with the 
seventh (at anal angle). Cilia fuscous, with white inter-nervular dots. 
UNDER SIDE.—Du/ll pale-ochreous, slightly tunged with ferruginous ; varied 
in basal half by linear fuscous striz, edging short fascize somewhat 
darker than ground-colour (which represent the upper-side markings) ; 
an indistinct linear reddish-brown discal streak from costa of fore-wing 
to anal angle of hind-wing. Fore-wing: a small imperfect ring enclos- 
ing a darker space immediately below median nervure; lunulate sub- 
marginal streaks very faintly indicated by greyish marks. Hind-wing : 
in cell a linear 8-like mark; a double linear streak closing cell; traces 
of a highly irregular transverse linear streak just about middle; 
lunulate streaks rather better indicated than in fore-wing; hind- 
marginal orange-ochreous spots duller, less distinct than on upper side. 

gf Fuscous, with a transverse discal creamy-white band. Fore-wing: 
a conspicuous, externally angulated, short, transverse, white stria near 
extremity of discoidal cell; a similar, but straighter and more macular 
stria, some distance beyond cell, from subcostal nervure to third median 
nervule; transverse band beginning narrowly and indistinctly near 
costa not far from apex (where it is tinged with yellow-ochreous), but 
abruptly widening on third median nervule (where the outer white 
stria meets it),—its outer edge deeply scalloped between nervules ; 
just following band, a transverse row of six small white spots, one 
spot marking each inter-nervular excavation of the band; beyond the 
white spots a series of very indistinct blackish ones, succeeded by traces 
of a streak paler than the ground-colour. Hind-wing: transverse 
band much as in fore-wing, but wider, and though narrowed near costa 
quite distinct there; outer edge of band not so deeply scalloped; suc- 
ceeding series of white spots, blackish spots, and pale lunulate streak 
as in fore-wing, but the two latter more distinct; orange-ochreous 

1 One specimen has minute similar spots on hind-margin of the fore-wing. 


hind-marginal spots more conspicuous than in fg. UNDER SIDE.— 
Pale brownish-grey tinged with ferruginous ; discal area with a lilacine 
gloss; the white markings as on upper side, but duller; other mark- 
ings in basal area as in %; common discal brown streak better marked, 

One ¢ specimen from the Knysna District of the Cape Colony has 
the under side almost as pale as the upper side, with all the streaks 
(except the common discal one) better defined. 

Var. A. 

Hupl. als, (f) 1 im. 11 lin——2 in, 3 line; *(@) 2 1m. 357 ime 

a Paler; in fore-wing the markings in and about discoidal cell 
wanting, as well as all but the lowest portion of the inner sub- 
marginal lunulate streak; in hind-wing the same streak is often 
obsolete in its middle portion. UNDER SIDE.—Paler (like the Knysna 
specimen just mentioned, but with the common discal brown streak 
strongly marked), with all the markings more distinct; in some 
examples the darker parts in basal half, as well as a hind-marginal 
suffusion, are warm-ferruginous. 

2 Transverse white band broader, especially in hind-wing ; sub- 
marginal blackish spots considerably larger and more distinct. Fore- 
wing: disco-cellular white stria attenuated, more angulated; costal 
white stria beyond cell distinctly broken into three spots and continued 
inferiorly by two more or less distinct small spots, between third and 
first median nervules, immediately before transverse band. UNDER 
sipE.—Markings more distinct; colouring varying from that nearly 
resembling the type-form to almost general warm-ferruginous,—inter- 
mediate examples occurring only variegated with ferruginous. 

Aberrant 2s of this large variety occur having the common trans- 
verse band ochre-yellow instead of white. In one specimen, taken by 
Colonel Bowker in Kaffraria, the yellow band is much obscured and 
partly obliterated by dull-brownish suffusion. 

This smallest of the genus Harma is allied to H. Ceenis, Dru., from West 
Africa, but very much less in size. The g is distinguished also by the fore- 
wings being more produced apically, and the hind-wings much more at anal 
angle ; by the possession of orange-ochreous hind-marginal spots ; and (on the 
under side) by the absence of the greenish tint so pronounced in Cenis, and by 
the common transverse brown streak not being nearly so straight. The 9? of 

Cents appears to be Althcea, Cram., and from this the 9 Alcimeda differs in — 

possessing a conspicuous disco-cellular white mark ; in presenting, immediately 
beyond common white band, a series of small white spots instead of one of 
large suffused sub-hastate marks, and in having bright orange-ochreous hind- 
marginal spots. 

I have regarded as the type-form the smaller race found in the south of the 
Cape Colony, because Godart describes the @ as being only about two inches 
in expanse of wings. The ¢ belonging to this is that figured by Westwood 

1 T have not seen any specimens of H. Amphiceda, Cram. (Pap. Exot., ii. t. exlvi. ff. D, 
E), but, from the figure, it seems in size and pattern to be nearly related to H. Alcimeda, 
var., but has in both wings the submarginal markings very much darker and much more 
sharply dentated. Its locality is given as the Coast of Guinea. 



(op. cit.) as H. Hupithes, with the fuscous markings on upper side of basal half 
of fore-wings. 
The variety first appears farther eastward near King William’s Town, and 

| prevails in Kaffraria Proper and Natal, extending also to the Eastern Trans- 

vaal, The entire absence of the upper-side markings just referred to gives 
the g a very distinct aspect; but I have not found any other character to 
separate it from the type-form. 

HI, Alcimeda frequents woods only. I saw the ? at Knysna, and took it 
on the Tugela frontier of Natal. In the latter locality both sexes were 
frequenting the same spot, but the gs kept high up out of reach. Both 
sexes are, however, fond of settling on damp mud, Archdeacon Kitton having 
taken many so engaged in the Perie Bush. A 9 sent to me from Knysna was 
caught settled on the ground in a sheep-kraal. Colonel Bowker forwarded a 
good many examples of both ¢ and @ from the Tsomo River in Kaffraria, and 
also from near the mouth of the Kei River. In the latter locality he noticed 
the gs seated with expanded wings on the damp sand, while the 9s were 
more active in flitting about, and were occasionally pursued by the és. 
Alcimeda has been noticed on the wing in December, February, March, and 

Localities of Harma Alcimeda. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts—Knysna. Zitzikamma (W. Fitzherbert). 
b. Eastern Districts.—King William’s Town (Ven. H. Kitton.— Var.) 
Kei River (J. H. Bowker.—Var.) 
D, Kaffraria Proper.—Tsomo and Bashee Rivers (J. H. Bowker.— 
E. Natal. 
b. Upper Districts. —Tunjumbili, Tugela River.— Var. 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres.—Var.) 


Charaxes, Ochs., ‘‘Schmett. Europ., iv. p. 18 (1816) ;” Herr.-Schaff., Syst. 
Bearb. Schmett. Europ., i. p. 45 (1843). 

Nymphalis, Latr. [part], Encyc. Meth., ix. pp. 10, 11 (1819); Westw., Gen. 
Miurn, Lepy, i. p. 306 (1850); Trim., Khop. Air -Aust., 1 p. 165 

Imaco.—Head rather broad, densely clothed with velvet-like down ; 
eyes large, smooth, very prominent ; palpi of moderate length or rather 
long, well separated, more or less convergent, ascendant, rising con- 
siderably above top of head, clothed with closely-appressed scales and 
scaly hairs,—basal joint inferiorly tufted with hair,—middle joint long 
and thick, clothed superiorly with short hair,—terminal joint small and 
slender, sometimes short and conical, sometimes more elongate; an- 
tenn: rather short, thick, straight, with a gradually formed, but very 
distinct, rather thick, almost cylindrical, blunt club. 

Thorax extremely thick and long, especially in f; clothed with 
very fine, close, thick down, hairy posteriorly on back and inferiorly 
on prothorax. Fore-wings rather broad, apically more or less acumi- 


nate ; costa moderately or rather strongly arched, its edge horny and 
very finely serrated to beyond middle; hind-margin entire or gently 
sinuated, more or less hollowed about Fg middle, but very prominent 
above aa at posterior angle,—sometimes angulated or sub-angulated 
below apex; inner margin almost straight; nervures very strong and 
rigid ; costal nervure very thick, ending at or a little beyond middle,— 
first subcostal nervule originating little more than half way between 
base and extremity of discoidal cell,—second at a little distance before, 
third at a little distance beyond extremity, the latter ending at apex, 
fourth not far beyond third, very long, bent downward not very far 
before apex; upper and middle disco-cellular nervules very short (the 
latter rather the longer), not oblique, slightly curved,—lower one very 
much longer, more slender, slightly or more strongly-curved, joining 
third median nervule at a considerable distance from latter’s origin ; 
discoidal cell short, narrow. Hind-wings broad, rather truncate, some- 
times more or less produced at anal angle; costa strongly or very 
strongly arched ; apex rather marked ; hind-margin sinuated or mode- 
rately dentated, tailed usually on third and first median nervules, but 
sometimes only on the former, and rarely (in ¢) only on the latter ; 
inner margins long, forming a broad, deep, complete groove, but more 
or less emarginate beyond middle ; precostal nervure thick, transverse, 
abruptly bent outwardly near its extremity; costal nervure much 
curved, terminating at apex; upper disco-cellular nervule forming the 
much-curved base of radial nervule, and united to second subcostal 
nervule at some distance from latter’s origin,—lower one either wanting 
or extremely attenuated (in the latter case Joming median nervure just 
at origin of its third nervule); internal nervure very strong, short, 
ending at about middle of inner margin.  Jore-legs of f extremely 
small, rather thickly clothed with downy hair,—tibia and tarsus 
together about as long as or a little longer than femur,—tarsus very 
short; of 2 much larger and longer, scaly,—femur inferiorly finely 
hairy, especially towards extremity,—tarsus about as long as tibia, 
thickened and obliquely truncate at extremity (which bears inferiorly 
three pairs of short spines), with articulations scarcely defined. Jiddle 
and hind legs short, thick, scaly ; tibiae considerably shorter than femora, 
often finely and thinly spinulose generally, with two inferior rows of 
short spines, and short terminal spurs,—tarsi thick, densely spiny be- 
neath, sometimes finely spinulose above. 

Abdomen short, moderately stout in gf, very robust in 2; tufted 
with silky hair inferiorly at base. 

Larva.—Finely granulated, thickened about middle, attoneated 
towards tail, without spines on body; head large, wide, flattened, 
meoonetion and sloping backward, crowned with four spinose horns 
or processes; anal segment more or less bifid. 

Pupa.—Very thick, rounded, smooth; back extremely convex ; 
head very bluntly bifid; anal segment with two small round tubercles 


inferiorly, and four others at its extremity round base of pedicel; back 
of thorax globosely prominent, not ridged. 

Charaxes shares with the South-American genera Aganisthos, Agrias, 
and Prepona the distinction of being the most massively-formed as well as 
the swiftest of known Nymphaline. There seems structurally to be little 
or no difference warranting the separation of either Agrias or Prepona 
from Charaxes, but they respectively present characteristic pattern and 
coloration, and their males usually have a whorl or tuft of hairs on the 
submedian nervure of the hind-wings, Aganisthos and also Megistanis 
(another South-American group, very like Charaxes in pattern and out- 
line) are separable at once by the very short fourth subcostal nervule of 
the fore-wings. The great length and downward subterminal flexure of 
this nervule are apparently peculiar to Charaxes, Agrias, and Prepona. 

The Ethiopian Region is the metropolis of this large and striking 
genus, but it is fairly represented both in the Oriental and Australian 
Regions, and single species are recorded from the Fijian and New Cale- 
donian Islands, in addition to the well-known Mediterranean C. Jasius, 
Linn., which is, however, quite African in character. Out of about 
eighty recorded species, fifty are proper to the Ethiopian Region, eight 
of them being peculiar to Madagascar. South Africa has now yielded 
fifteen species, of which five—C. Pelias (Cram.), Hthalion (Boisd.), Pheus, 
Hewits., Xiphares (Cram.), and Cithwron, Feld., seem to be endemic. 

In addition to their exceptional strength of structure, the species of 
Charaxes are rendered conspicuous by their size, and by the great beauty 
of their colouring and markings. Except C. Jahlusa (Trim.), Zoolina 
(Westw.), and Neanthes (Hewits.), all the South-African species are 
large, C. Xiphares (Cram.) and Castor (Cram.) even attaining an expanse 
of wings of nearly 44 inches, and several others expanding 3? inches. 
In the majority, the upper side has the ground-colour blackish, with 
white, ochre-yellow, fulvous, or blue stripes and spots, while the under 
side is often most intricately streaked and marbled with pearly and 
olive-greys, or with many white-bordered shining-black spots on a 
ferruginous ground, and margined with violet or greenish and yellowish 
lunules, In C. Varanes (Cram.) and Neanthes (Hewits.), the under-side 
colouring is beautifully imitative of faded leaves; and in Jahlusa 
(Trim.), its exquisite grey and silver resembles the shining white bark 
of a tree frequented by the butterfly. In some sections of the genus 
(including that of Aiphares and its allies) the sexes differ very con- 
siderably, not only in size, but in the pattern and colouring of the upper 
side, so that in several cases they have been described as distinct species. 

Nearly all the known species are strictly sylvan, but C. Pelias 
(Cram.) frequents more open mountainous country, settling, however, 
on the taller shrubs or small trees growing in such tracts... I am not 

1 In these habits C. Pelias resembles its near congener ©. Jasius, which haunts the 
Arbutus (the food-plant of its larva) on the hills and mountain-sides of the countries border- 
ing the Mediterranean, 


aware that any species except C. Zoolina (Westw.)—which Colonel 
Bowker found about a yellow-blossomed thistle in Kaffraria—resorts to 
flowers for food; the moisture exuding from wounds in the trunks 
and branches of trees being the favourite drink of these butterflies, 
which are also attracted by damp earth, the droppings of animals, and 
even decomposing carcasses. Honey and the entomological “ sugar” 
also readily entice some of the species. In velocity of flight the larger 
species of Charaxes excel all other butterflies; and if it were not for 
their eagerness to drink, and their other constant habit of returning 
after a brief excursion to the same branch or bare twig which they 
fancy, the collector might almost despair of capturing them at all, espe- 
cially the males. Notwithstanding the thickness and rigidity of their 
wings, they soon fracture the extremities by fluttering among rough 
twigs in search of food or in pursuit of each other, and acquire a worn 
and tattered appearance, the slender tails of the hind-wings being earliest 
broken or lost altogether. In these appendages of the hind-wings 
there is considerable variety; they are usually two in number on each 
wing, and situated on the third and first median nervules respectively ; 
but in C. Varanes (formerly included in the genus Philognoma) only 
that on the third nervule is present, and in the males of C. Zoolina 
and Neanthes, while the females have two tails, there is but one on 
the first nervule.’ 

As regards distribution in South Africa, the coast of Natal is appa- 
rently the centre of the group, ten of the fifteen species being knowu 
to me to occur there. Of the other five, C. Castor and Pheus are 
recorded from Delagoa Bay only; C. Yiphares ranges from Knysna in 
the Cape Colony to the Bashee and Tsomo Rivers in Kaffraria Proper ; 
C’. Pelias represents C. Saturnus in the Western Districts of the Cape; 
and C. Jahlusa, occurring in the east of the Colony, Kaffraria, and also 
on the Zambesi, is most probably a native of Natal and other inter- 
vening countries as well. Besides Xiphares, Pelias, and Jahlusa, only 
Lthalion and Varanes inhabit the Cape Colony, extending westward as 
far as the George District. 

103. (1.) Charaxes Zoolina, (Westw). 

© Charazxes, n. sp., Angas, Kafirs Ilustr., pl. xxx., f. 7 (1849). 
2 Nymphalis Zoolina, Westw., Gen. Diurn. Lep., pl. liii. f. 1 (1850). 
a Be Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 178, n. 103; and(¢) 
li, p. 341 (1862 and 1866). 
Ep. al., (f) 24m. 1-3 lin.; (@) 2 in. 5—7 lin. 
gW. ue Oia cous inclining to greenish, with fuscous hind-mar- 
ginal border. Fore-wing: border very broad apically, reaching almost 
1 A similar sexual difference is observable in the Indian species Bernardus, Fab., and 
nearly allied forms, in which the tail on first median nervule is in both sexes much reduced, 

but smaller in the male ; while that on the third nervule, always very small and acute in 
the male, is elongated and blunt in the female. 


to end of discoidal cell, but narrowing much to posterior angle; bor- 
der contains five (rarely six) spots of the ground-colour, viz., two near 
costa, about midway between end of cell and apex,—two below and 
beyond these two, one on each side of third median nervule,—and one 
near apex,—the sixth, when present, being much smaller than the rest, 
and between second and first median nervules; costa to about end 
of cell narrowly bordered with ochreous-brown; a conspicuous short 
fuscous transverse bar closing extremity of cell, and a small, rather 
indistinct fuscous spot in cell, about the middle, touching subcostal 
nervure. Hind-wing: border of moderate width, containing eight very 
small spots of the ground-colour, of which the three next anal angle are 
tinged with violaceous-blue; before these spots the band encloses a 
more or less indistinct and interrupted lunulate streak of the ground- 
colour, from anal angle (where it is tinged with yellow-ochreous) as far 
as radial nervure, and beyond them a hind-marginal ochreous-yellow 
lunulate streak becoming broken and almost obsolete towards apex ; 
tail (on first median nervule) blackish, with a fine central streak of the 
ground-colour. In both wings a median dusky streak of the under side 
is faintly shown on the upper side. UNDER sIDE—Paler, with a silvery 

glitter over hind-wing and the pale marginal markings of fore-wing ; 

the marginal borders and transverse stripes pale-brown. Fore-wing: dis- 
coidal cell crossed, before its middle, by a short broad stripe, emitting 
superiorly a stricla extending to base; a longer similar stripe at ex- 
tremity of cell extending to, and abruptly ending at, the fold between 

_ first median nervule and submedian nervure; spots in apical and hind- 

marginal border enlarged and more numerous, a third (superior) being 
added to the inner group of two near costa,—while the apical spot and 
lower group of two are completely merged in a continuous submacular 
band Gmmediately followed by a lunulate interrupted streak of the 
same silvery tint) running from apex to posterior angle; costal edge 
brown, with a good-sized silvery mark at base. Hind-wing: a stripe 
in line with the outer of the two in fore-wing, commencing on costa 
(where it encloses a small silvery spot) before middle, extends across 
extremity of cell to below first median nervule not far from anal angle, 
whence it is deflected at an acute angle to inner margin beyond middle ; 
from base a straight rather narrow brown streak runs between median 
and submedian nervures, and meets the stripe just described before the 
point of deflection; in hind-marginal border, the upper four spots are 
enlarged and confluent into a wide silvery band, while the lower four 
are small, separate, tinged with bluish, and strongly black-edged: this 
whole series of spots is both preceded and followed by a silvery streak, 
of which the inner is edged internally with black, and the outer stained 
with ochreous-yellow in its lower half. 

2 Like gf, but with all the fuscous markings much reduced, especially 
the hind-marginal border, in which the pale spots are greatly enlarged 
(with the exception of the apical spot of the fore-wing) and more 


or less confluent with the discal ground-colour ; hind-wing with an addi- 
tional (shorter) tau on third median nervule. UNDER SIDE as in 2, but 
less silvery. 

This delicately-coloured species frequents woods, and the few examples I 
noticed in Natal remained among the higher branches of trees, on which they 
frequently settled. Colonel Bowker, who met with the butterfly in Kaffraria 
Proper, noted that the 9 was commoner than the ¢, and more easily captured, 
frequenting a yellow-fiowered thistle near the banks of the Bashee River. The 
2 was also often to be taken flying up and down a valley among scattered trees 
or bushes, and at such.times looked very like some of the commoner Pleride, 
Zoolina’s season of appearance was the autumn, and Colonel Bowker did not 
notice it after the beginning of April. 

Localities of Charaxes Zoolina. 

I. South Africa. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—D’Urban. 
H. “ Delagoa Bay.”—Coll. Hewitson. 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi.—Coll. Hewitson. 

104. (2.) Charaxes Neanthes, (Hewitson). 

@ Nymphalis Neanthes, Hewits., Exot. Butt. 1 p. 88, pl. 44, ffi 2, 3 

3 9 s a Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i, p. 179, n. 104 (1862). 

Hep. al.,(h) 2 im. 2-5 lings (2) 2am Ay dina 

gf Fulvous-ochreous, with ill-defined ferruginous brown hind-marginal 
borders, the inner edge of which is expressed by a curved irregular 
series of small fuscous spots (lunulate and linear in hind-wing). Sore- 
wing: a narrow ferruginous-brown short transverse streak closing dis- 
coldal cell; apical and hind-marginal border beginning not far from 
end of cell, and enclosing an indistinct costal marking composed of two 
good-sized spots of the ground-colour, and a curved submarginal row 
of six still more indistinct similar spots, incompletely separated from 
the ground-colour of the disc by the series of fuscous spots above 
mentioned. Mind-wing : hind-marginal border very indistinct, contain- 
ing traces of a median series of ground-colour spots, preceded and fol- 
lowed by a streak of the same hue; of these streaks the mner is wider 
and immediately preceded by the series of small fuscous lunulate spots, 
which is more irregular than in fore-wing; at anal angle an indistinct 
fuscous, blue-dusted lunulate mark, outwardly bounded by a greenish- 
yellow edging; tail (at end of first median nervule) ferruginous-brown. 
UNDER SIDE.—Duller, more or less closely irrorated with ferruginous- 
brown ; discal series of spots represented by very small inconspicuous 


rounded spots; a common, rather broad, dark ashy-grey streak, edged on 
its inner side with white, from costa of fore-wing (at extremity of cell) 
— interrupted abruptly on fold between first median nervule and sub- 
median nervure—to a little before anal angle of hind-wing; hind- 
marginal border of fore-wing, and all hind-wing except an inferior 
discal patch, with a submetallic gloss; no hind-marginal brown border. 
Fore-wing : costa, from base to extremity of cell, irrorated with hoary- 
grey; a minute, round, fuscous spot, ringed with hoary-grey, in dis- 
coidal cell. Hind-wing: hind-margin near and at anal angle, and tail, 
thinly irrorated with grey. 

2 Rather paler, especially as regards hind-marginal borders ; spots 
of discal series usually darker and better defined. Hind-wing: anal- 
angular markings more distinct; sometimes two additional lunulate 
hind-marginal marks of the same description between third and first 
median nervules; an additional tail (shorter) at extremity of third 
median nervule. UNDER SIDE.—Usually paler than in gf, with the 
irroration coarser, not so close, and less evenly distributed ; gloss not so 

In both sexes the transverse streak of the under side is often indistinct, 
and is sometimes almost obsolete. 

This insect is allied to C. Betsimisaraka, Lucas, but the latter has a white 
basal suffusion as in Charazes Varanes (Cram.) Another small Charaxes, from 
Madagascar, which I saw in the fine collection of Mr. Henley G. Smith, but 
which I believe is unnamed, appeared to be a still nearer ally. 

C. Neanthes, notwithstanding its widely different colouring, is closely related 
to C. Zoolina (Westw.) in every other respect, and appears to have quite similar 
habits and distribution. While in Natal I only saw two specimens,—one at 
Verulam and the other at Itongati River; each was among the branches of a 
tree, making short flights and returning to its perch. Colonel Bowker, who met 
with it not uncommonly in Kaffraria Proper, noted that it sometimes visited 
the ground, settling for a few minutes on grass or shrubs; in that part of 
South Africa he observed it in December and January, and again from April 
to August, finding it more numerous in May. 

Localities of Charaxes Neanthes. 

I. South Africa. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts—D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). Verulam. Itongati. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). 

105. (3.) Charaxes Varanes, (Cramer). 

é Papilio Varanes, Cram., Pap. Exot., ii. t. clx. ff. p, B (1779); and 
(CO) iy. taccelxxxyill, th A, B (17 o2), 
3 sy Dru., Ill. Nat. Hist., iii. pl. xxxi. (1782). 
VOL. I. Xx 


Nymphalis Varanes, Godt., Ene. Meth., ix. p. 364, n. 48 (1819). 
Philognoma Varanes, Westw., Gen. D. Lep., ii. p. 311,'n. 2 (1850). 
_ » crim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i p. 181, n. 105 (1802) 

Eap. al., 3 in. 2—9 lin. 

ich-ferruginous, spotted with warm orange-ochreous ; basal portion 
of fore-wing pale-yellowish shading into orange-ochreous, of hind-wing, 
suky-white. ore-wing: narrowly white on inner margin, gradually 
shading through dull-yellow into orange-ochreous, which latter colour 
occupies middle; three short, transverse, ferruginous marks on the 
ochreous portion,—one just beyond extremity of discoidal cell,—another 
between third and second median nervules, below, and slightly beyond, 
the first mark,—the third between second and first median nervules, 
vertically in a line with the first mark; outer half of wing dark-ferru- 
ginous, Which colour commences abruptly just beyond the three marks 
described, indenting the orange-ochreous between median nervules; 
beyond middle, two transverse rows of orange-ochreous spots, the outer 
row parallel to hind-margin, the inner somewhat sinwate,—the spots of 
the outer row thinner and more lunular than those of the inner; neither 
row extending below submedian nervure, and both with the spot next 
costa often indistinct; between the two rows is another of dark spots, 
more apparent in 2 (whose ground-colour is paler). Hind-wing: basal 
portion, to beyond extremity of discoidal cell, glistening-white ; along 
submedian nervure, from base, a dense clothing of silky, white hair, 
not extending to anal angle; rest of wing ferruginous, inclining to 
ochreous near costa and next basal white; two rows of ochreous spots 
in fore-wing indistinctly continued in this wing, the row of dark spots 
distinctly so, diminishing in size from subcostal nervure as far as second 
or first median nervule ; bordering hind-margin, a row of thin, dull- 
blue lunules, of which the three next anal angle are the most con- 
spicuous, being owtwardly very thinly white-edged ; tail at extremity 
of third median nervule brownish-ferruginous, slightly widened at its tip, 
from two to three lines in length, UNDER sIDE.—Very variable ; dull 
greyrsh-brown, inclining to ferruginous, with pale-green nervures ; outer 
portions of wings more or less glistening. Fore-wing: crossing discoidal 
cell, three transverse, more or less distinct, strongly waved and angu- 
lated grey lines, sometimes defined with glistening-silvery outwardly, 
the third extending almost to submedian nervure ; a little beyond cell, a. 
fourth, similar, longer, interrupted line, about middle, also nearly reach- 
ing submedian nervure ; beyond middle, a slightly-curved, transverse, 
continuous, dark-grey streak, glistening-silvery externally, from costa to 
below first median nervule; beyond this, the surface is more or less 
washed with glistening-silvery, which does not, however extend to 
hind-margin, except at apex and at anal angle; parallel to hind- 
margin, a row of more or less indistinct, dark-grey spots, from costal 
edge to submedian nervure. Hind-wing: before middle, three trans- 
verse, much-angulated, zigzag grey lines, similar to those in fore-wing, 


—the two outer lines sometimes extending nearly to imner-margin ; 
transverse streak of fore-wing continued completely across this wing, 
from costa beyond middle to inner margin immediately before anal 
angle; surface beyond streak much washed with glistening-silvery 
(usually more so than in fore-wing) ; an imperfect, greyish, ferruginous- 
ringed ocellus next streak, close to costa, and two similar, more 
imperfect ocelli, between anal angle and second median nervule ; 
bordering hind-margin, a row of rather indistinct, glistening, greyish 

Other variations of the under side often occur, notably one in which 
the ground-colour is olivaceous-yellow, with all the striation and 
markings strongly and conspicuously marked, and the ocellate sub- 
marginal spots more developed, and forming a complete or almost 
continuous series on both wings; and another (in the 2) in which 
olivaceous-brown prevails, and the striation is rather indistinct, but the 
ocellate spots of hind-wing are well developed, and the silvery gloss is 
unusually bright, and there is in both wings a terminal cellular silvery 

The South-African examples differ from those I have examined 
from different parts of Tropical Africa in having the basal white of the 
fore-wing so much restricted. They are, however, variable in this 
particular, some females exhibiting a small inner-marginal white patch, 
extending as far as median nervure; but none that I have seen present 
nearly so much white as is found in specimens from Cape Coast Castle 
and Sierra Leone on the West Coast, or Quilimane and Zambesi on the 
Kast Coast, in which, in both sexes, the white largely invades the 
discoidal cell, and in the 2 nearly fills it. In the hind-wing, also, the 
white in the Tropical examples is extended to a point considerably 
nearer anal angle! 

Larva.—Dull bluish-green above; pale whitish-green beneath, 
irrorated with very minute silvery dots. On 6th, 8th, and roth 
segments, a pale-ochreous, somewhat crescentic, mark on the back,— 
that on the 10th segment very faint and only found in full-grown 
specimens. A thin, sinuated, silvery lateral stripe. Head flat, armed 
with four backward-sloping, recurved, somewhat serrated horns, bright 
turquoise-blue beneath, and in young specimens edged with reddish. 
Anal segment flattened, bifid. Feeds on a species of Rhus (probably 
fi. levigata). 

ZVATE 1. fies 6. 

1 The nearest known ally of Varanes is the very curious Charaxes Balfouri, Butler (Proc. 
Zool. Soe. Lond., 1881, p. 176, pl. xviii. f. 6), from the island Socotra, which altogether wants 
the basal white suffusion, and has on the hind-wing an almost linear tail on third median 
nervule, and a very short tail on the first median nervule. The hind-marginal lunules of the 
hind-wing are developed into a continuous festooned border, black internally, blue mesially, 
and pure-white externally. The under side is very like the olivaceous variation of Varanes 
above noted, but the silvery-white transverse streak is enlarged into an angulated white stripe, 
and the hind-wing has a conspicuous series of broad white hind-marginal lunules. The hind- 
margin is throughout much more dentated than in Varanes, particularly in the hind-wing. 


Pupa.—Pellucid blue-green with a delicate plum-like bloom. On 
each side of abdomen a row of six black dots. On anal pedicel two 
pairs of small yellowish tubercles, and a similar pair on ventral surface, 
close to pedicel, facing towards the head. 

Mr. Mansel Weale, who sent me the notes and drawings from which the 
above description of the larva and pupa (found near King William’s Town, 
Cape Colony) are drawn up, informed me that the chrysalis state lasted for 
fourteen days. 

Colonel Bowker also reared Varanes in Natal, and in 1882 sent me a 

specimen with the skin of the pupa from which it had emerged. On this skin 

the tubercles on and near the tail described by Mr. Weale were very prominent 
and conspicuous, being tipped with black ; it further presented two raised black 
spots, one on each side of the bluntly bifid head. This pupa was attached to 
the edge of a green leaf. 

This very fine butterfly is common in the wooded parts of South Africa, and 
is very conspicuous on the wing. At rest, it is by no means easy to detect, its 
under-surface colouring being so like faded or withered leaves, and its accus- 
tomed seat being on the stems or among the branches. Its flight is not so 
rapid as that of several of its near allies, and it often descends to sport about 
low trees and even bushes. The exuding sap from wounds of trees is very 
attractive to it; and I once enticed a specimen by honey smeared on a trunk 
at Plettenberg Bay. The species seems to be out during every month of the 
year, but is numerous only during the warmer season. 

Localities of Charaxes Varanes. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 

a. Western Districts.—Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. 

b, Eastern Districts.—'‘ Van Staden’s River, near Port Elizabeth.” — 
D Urban. Grahamstown. King William’s Town (W. D’ Urban 
and J. H. Bowker). East London (P. Borcherds). 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 

EK. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts— D’Urban. ‘ Umkomazi (Lower).”—J. H. 

b. Upper Districts. —Estcourt (J. M. Hutchinson). 
F. Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (Colonel H. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lorengo Marques (Mrs. Monteiro). 

II, Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast. ‘“ Angola (J. J. Monteiro).”—Druce. 
b. Hastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). Quilimane 
(J. H. Bowker). 
B, North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Cape Coast Castle (J. Mf. Pask). Sierra Leone 
(J. M. Pask). 
b, Eastern Coast.—‘ Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinor?).”—Oberthiir. 

SS ea 


106. (4.) Charaxes Jahlusa, (Trimen.) 

@ Nymphalis Jahlusa, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 177, n. 102 (1862) ; 
and (¢) ii. pl. 3, f. 5-(1866). 
Charaxes Argynnides, Westw., Proc. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. ro. 

Hop. a.,(f) Lin. £1 lin.—2-in. 2 lin.; (2) 2 in. 5—7 lin. 

g¢ Fulvous-ochreous, with black spots and hind-marginal border. 
Fore-wing: in discoidal cell, a minute round spot in upper part near 
base, succeeded by a sinuate short transverse streak; at extremity of 
cell, an irregularly-quadrate marking; two rather small spots below 
median nervure; a discal transverse series of six spots (of which the 
upper three, near costa, are contiguous, and sometimes emit rays joining, 
or almost joining, disco-cellular terminal marking), curving inward to 
below first median nervule; a rather narrow hind-marginal border, 
marked externally with eight spots of the ground-colour, of which the 
first is linear and indistinct, the second to the fifth decreasingly lanceo- 
late, and the others bluntly rounded, the last being much the largest ; 
just before hind-marginal border, between costa and third median 
nervule, a row of four more or less suffused and contiguous spots, so 
connected with the border as to shut off four small spots of the 
ground-colour; the second of these enclosed spots is the largest, and 
paler than the rest (in one instance white); base and costa somewhat 
dusky. Hind-wing: paler towards costa, fading into whitish on costal 
edge,—the nervures there situate markedly green; on costa, about 
middle, an imperfect ring-spot (sometimes filled with black) ; occasion- 
ally three minute spots marking upper and outer edge of discoidal 
cell; hind-marginal border narrower than in fore-wing, and more 
broken along its inner edge, enclosing mesially a series of eight small 
lunulate spots of ground-colour, and externally a continuous lunulate 
streak of the same colour (commencing on first subcostal nervule, and 
marked with silvery-bluish at anal angle), leaving a linear but very 
well-defined black hind-marginal edging; tails narrow, acute,—the 
one on third shorter than that on first median nervule. UNDER SIDE. 
—Hind-wing, and costal edging and apical area of fore-wing, pale 
olivaceous-grey, varied with brownish and with silvery markings.  Fore- 
wing: rest of area pale salmon-red; spots as on upper side, but 
smaller, more sharply defined, and thinly edged with silvery-white ; 
two additional spots near base, one in cell and the other just above it 
on costa; spots of discal row (except the lowest) broadly bordered 
externally by silvery ; hind-marginal border greyish-silvery,—its exter- 
nal spots (all faintly marked except the lowest) pale salmon-red, and 
the two lowest inwardly edged by conspicuous black lunulate marks ; 
the streak before hind-marginal border much narrower than on upper 
side and prolonged to first median nervule,—the spots between it and 
border silvery, mixed with salmon-red in the lower ones. Hind-wing : 
before middle, between costal and submedian neryures, a transverse 


row of five silvery spots, black-edged on both sides, of which the upper- 
most is very much the largest; beyond middle a continuons, wide, sub- 
macular silvery band, with its very irregular inner edge interruptedly 
marked with black; inner-marginal area dull-silvery, with two small 
black spots before middle, and a black line (longitudinal) between sub- 
median and internal nervures; three small black spots along costa 
before middle; hind-marginal border immediately preceded by a series 
of fuscous-edged lunulate spots, of which the second (largest, between 
subcostal nervules) and fifth are silvery, and the rest salmon-red; 
border itself greyish-silvery, its contained spots creamy-white tinged 
with ochreous-yellow, and ringed (near anal angle very distinctly) with 
black enclosing a very thin line of bluish-silvery ; indenting silvery 
discal band externally, a series of inter-nervular thin brown rays. 

2 Similar, but paler and duller; the outer markings fuscous ; spots 
in hind-marginal border larger. Hind-wing: an irregular transverse 
row of seven spots (sublinear except the subannular large spot on 
costa) extending to below first median nervule. UNDER SIDE.—As in 
g, but paler throughout. 

Head tawny above, with four white spots; palpi tawny above, black 
laterally, white below,—the terminal joint black throughout. Thorax 
tawny above; collar with a white spot on each side; below, brown 
with a broad white breast-stripe (longitudinal), and seven or eight 
different-sized white spots on each side; legs whitish. Abdomen tawny 
above; below with a creamy dark-bordered stripe down the middle. 

A ¢ specimen from the Zambesi, in the South-African Museum, has the 
ground-colour darker on both upper and under surfaces, and the silvery band 
beyond middle of hind-wing much narrower and more macular. (It was on a 
Zambesi specimen that Professor Westwood founded his Charaxes Argynnides.) 

Until Colonel Bowker found this curious little Charaxzes in Kaffraria in 
the year 1862, the only specimen known to me was one presented to the 
British Museum by Sir Andrew Smith. Mrs. Barber also sent the butterfly 
from Highlands, near Grahamstown; and in 1870 I had the pleasure, with 
her, of observing it in some numbers at a spot a few miles from Highlands. 
On the Bashee River Colonel Bowker noted Jahklusa as rare, and keeping 
constantly to particular trees, whence it would chase away other butterflies. 
Both at Uitenhage and at Zwaartwater’s Poort I found that Jahlusa delighted 
to settle on the stems and twigs of the ‘“‘Spekboom” (Portulacaria afra), but 
did not avoid those of other trees, and sometimes visited twigs of mere bushes. 
At the latter locality they also continually settled on a low, rough-leaved 
Solanum with dull-purple flowers, sucking at an exudation on its stems and 
(in one instance) at its flowers! When thus engaged they were well hidden, 
the leaves of the Solanum being broad and lying horizontally towards the 
summit of the plant; and when settled on the white bark of the trees (espe- 
cially on the glossy-white of the Spekboom), their silvery under side rendered 
them very inconspicuous. On the wing the species most resembles Atella 
Phalantha. Its flight, even in the case of the ¢, is very slow for a Charazes, and _ 
more like that of Pyrameis Carduz. It was in February that I made these obser- 

1 As will be seen elsewhere, the Marquis Antinori in Abyssinia noted the same habit in 
Ch. Candiope (Godt.) 


vations; and during the same month Mr. F. Barber, who found the species - 
numerous in the Fish River Bush, noticed that it kept about a species of 
Celastrus, but saw one example, just out of the pupa, resting on a Spekboom 
with its wings hanging downward. 

Localities of Charaxes Jahlusa. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
b. Eastern Districts. —Uitenhage. Grahamstown: Highlands (Mrs. 
Barber) ; Zwaartwater’s Poort. 
D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
II. Other African Regions, 

A. South Tropical. 
b, Eastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). 
bx. Interior.—Tati River (Ff. C. Selous). 

107. (5.) Charaxes Candiope, (Godart). 
PuateE VI. fig. 4 (3). 

Nymphalis Candiope, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 353, n. 10 (1819). 
Charaxes viridicostatus, Auriv., K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forhandl., 1879, p. 41, 

Hap. al., 3 im. 7—9 lin. 

Fulvous, inclining to ferruginous; a basal space (much wider in 
fore-wing) pale-yellow, with the nervures crossing it bright pale-green ; 
area beyond middle dark-brown, marked with a submarginal row of 
very distinct fulvous spots and a hind-marginal row of fulvous lunulate 
spots (in hind-wing forming a continuous border). Fore-wing: costal 
edge bright pale-green like the nervures; basal yellow extending to a 
little before middle, where it fades into the fulvous; from subcostal 
nervure at extremity of discoidal cell an irregular outwardly-dentate 
dark-brown streak, narrowing downward, interrupted on third and 
second median nervules, and ending a little below the latter nervule ; 
a little beyond this streak, a subcostal irregularly quadrate dark-brown 
marking, touching dark-brown of outer area on lower radial nervule, 
and so isolating a rather larger fulvous marking immediately suc- 
ceeding it; seven well-defined rounded spots in submarginal row (which 
is curved superiorly), increasing in size downward; lunulate hind- 
marginal spots also increasing downward, but mostly ill-defined (ex- 
cept the lowest), and partly confluent. Hind-wing: basal yellow very 
limited inferiorly, only extending into upper part of discoidal cell,— 
the costal and subcostal nervures bright pale-green; inner-marginal 
and lower discal area ferruginous-fulvous; dark-brown of outer area 
narrowing downward to first median nervule, where it ends; its six 
fulvous spots decreasing and narrowing downward, the lowest being 
almost linear; a subocellate marking at anal angle, consisting of 
two lunulate black spots, bordered internally by pale-bluish and an 


indistinct whitish fulvous line, and externally by dull-greenish; two 
tails ferruginous-fulvous,—that on first median nervule in both sexes 
long, rather wide, somewhat spatulate at the tip, and curving upward 
towards apex,—while that on third median nervule is in the ¢ short, 
straight, and acuminate, but in the @ of the same form as the other 
tail, only straight instead of curved; cilia whitish UNDER sIDE,— 
Hind-wing and apical hind-marginal area of fore-wing pale soft 
yellowish-brown (sometimes inclining to ferruginous), towards hind- 
margin with a surface-gloss of violaceous-whitish ; newration throughout 
bright-green.  Fore-wing: space between costa and costal nervure 
green, transversely striated with fine white lines; basal area pale- 
yellowish ; in discoidal cell, a basal blackish spot and three widely- 
separated thin blackish streaks (of which the outermost is prolonged 
below the cell); at extremity of cell, a short, irregular, brownish- 
ferruginous fascia, externally bounded by a blackish line, ending 
between second and first median nervules; a curved discal transverse 
ferruginous-brown fascia from costa to inner margin, becoming blackish- 
violaceous in its lower portion, which is also edged with black exter- 
nally ; an indistinct pale submarginal lunulate band, inwardly bounded 
by dusky spots, of which only the two lowest are well-defined and 
subocellate with bluish. Mind-wing: before middle, an irregular ferru- 
ginous-brown fascia, thinly black-edged and more or less completely 
white-bordered on both sides; a narrow, discal, strongly lunulated ferru- 
ginous-brown (inwardly yellow-edged) stripe from costa to anal angle; 
a more or less indistinct series of submarginal whitish spots, and another 
of hind-marginal whitish lunules; between these series one of small 
black violaceous-scaled spots (surrounded by greenish irroration), only 
distinct between radial nervule and anal angle; at base, between costa 
and subcostal nervure, a smooth greenish space almost bare of scales. 

There is much variation in the distinctness of the under-side 
markings, which are sometimes obscured by a pale-ferruginous suffusion 
and sometimes by the extension of the violaceous-whitish gloss. 

The sexes do not differ except in the form and size of the superior 
tail of the hind-wing, and in the rather paler colouring of the @. 

This species bears considerable resemblance to C. Varanes, (Cram.), but is 
readily recognised by the absence of white at the base of the hind-wing, the 
conspicuous green of the nervures, and the presence of two tails, instead of 
one only, on the hind-wing ; the under-side pattern is also widely different.} 

I did not meet with Candiope during my stay in Natal, but Mr. W. Morant 
and Colonel Bowker have both found it not rarely at Pinetown and D’Urban 
respectively. The first South-African specimen I received was from the late 
Colonel H. Tower, who took it at St. Lucia Bay in 1867. Colonel Bowker’s 
examples were captured in August 1878; but Mr. Morant informed me that 

1 There isa very near ally of Candiope in Madagascar, in which the neuration is much 
less green; the basal yellow duller, as well as the spots of the fore-wing ; and the dark 
outer area of the fore-wing extending quite up to the extremity of the cell; while, on the 
under side, the striz in basal area are very well marked and edged with white. | 


he had seen the species on the wing during the greater part of the year. Ober- 
thiir publishes (Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, xv., 1880, p. 166) a note by the Marquis 
Antinori that he found this butterfly in Abyssinia to feed chiefly on an exuda- 
tion from two sorts of Solanaceous plants. 

Localities of Charaxes Candiope. 

I, South Africa. 
E. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts. —D’Urban (J. H. Bowker). Pinetown (W, 
F, Zululand.—St. Lucia Bay (7. Tower). 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Coll. Godman. 
K. Transvaal.—Limpopo River (Ff. C. Selous). 

II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Damaraland (J. A. Bell). ‘Angola (J. J. 
Monteiro).”—Druce. Congo,—Coll. Brit. Mus. ‘‘ Chinchoxo 
(Falkenstein).” —Dewitz. 

B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Sierra Leone.—Coll. Brit. Mus. 
b, Eastern Coast,—“ Abyssinia: Shoa (Antinorz).”’—Oberthir. 

108. (6.) Charaxes Druceanus, Butler. 
3 Charaxes Druceanus, Butl., Cist. Ent., i. p. 4, n. 1 (1869); and Lep. 
Exot., i. pl. 10, f. 4 (1870). 
3 Charaxes Cinadon, Hewits., Ent. M. Mag., vi. p. 177 (1870). 
d Charaxes Druceanus, Westw., Thes. Ent. Oxon., p. 182, pl. 34, f. 6 

Exp. al., ($) 3 in—3 in. 4 lin.; (2) 3 in. 84 lin. 

gf Fuscous, suffused with ferruginous vn basal area ; a common discal 
deep-fulvous band and hind-marginal lunulate border, the latter in fore- 
wing broken regularly into seven spots, but in hind-wing continuous. Fore- 
wing : ferruginous extends in costal area to beyond extremity of discoidal 
cell (where it tinges two short transverse fulvous fasciee that converge and 
join the fulvous discal ban] above third median nervule), and in inner- 
marginal area as far as inner edge of discal band ; this band, beginning 
narrowly close to costa near apex, widens as far as inner margin; 
lowest hind-marginal spot large, double ; near end of discoidal cell an 
elongate black spot, before which is an indistinct very small blackish 
spot. Hind-wing: inner-marginal area suffused with greyish-brown, 
and edged narrowly with ochreous-yellow discal band narrowing down- 
ward, ferruginous on its outer edge and over its lower portion, be- 
coming obsolete about first median nervule ; lunulate hind-marginal 
border narrowly black-edged outwardly, its anal-angular extremity 
tinged with greenish; a little before border, between third median 
_nervule and submedian nervure, three small blue spots, the lowest 
_ geminate,—the first and second sometimes obsolete ; tails acuminate, 
narrow, rather short,—that on third median nervule straight,—that on 


first median nervule somewhat longer and slightly curved upward; 
cilia white. UNDER SIDE.—Terruginous ; the common discal band, and 
a narrow transverse band before middle of hind-wing, bright-silvery. 
Fore-wing: from base to middle a silvery streak between costa and 
costal nervule; three greenish-fuscous, on both sides silvery-edged, 
transverse marks in discoidal cell, the third prolonged below cell to first 
median nervule; asimilar marking at extremity of cell; faint greenish- 
black traces in bifurcations of silvery band, and three spots of the same 
colour (the lowest much enlarged and centred with whitish) along 
inner edge of band; a submarginal series of seven fuscous, outwardly 
dull-silvery-edged, lunulate spots, of which the two lowest are greatly 
enlarged. Hind-wing: silvery discal band broad on costa (where it is 
marked with a small ferruginous spot), and extending to inner margin 
(where it is very narrow); along inner edge of band, from second sub- 
costal nervule downward, an interrupted irregular greenish-fuscous 
streak ; narrow silvery band before middle unmarked above discoidal 
cell, but there containing a greenish-fuscous middle streak, and thence 
(much narrower) deflected longitudinally to a point below first median 
nervule beyond middle, where it is joined by a similar fuscous-marked 
narrow stripe crossing discoidal cell near extremity; the inner- 
marginal area marked by three longitudinal similar stripes from near 
base, uniting at their extremities, and the first and second of them 
meeting end of discal band a little before anal angle; a submarginal 
row of fuscous lunules, dull-silvery-edged on both sides, preceded by a 
similar more irregular series, only silvery-edged externally ; near anal 
angle the two series approximate, and form two black-ringed ocellate 
markings, irrorated with greenish and bluish, and centred with silvery ; 
on costa, close to base, a narrow, oblique, silvery-ringed greenish-fus- 
cous marking. 

2 Paler, especially the common discal band, which is very pale 
ochre-yellow inclining to cream-colour, edged narrowly with ferrugvnous. 
UNDER SIDE.—As in f, but the silvery of the submarginal markings 
much enlarged. 

C. Druceanus is allied to both C. Hudoxus (Drury) and CL Cynthia, 
Butler; on the upper side more resembling the latter, and on the under 
side the former. Its under side, on the whole, however, is closer to that 
of C. Brutus (Cram.) It differs from Cynthia on the upper side (in fore- 
wing) in the width, continuity, and inferior confluence with the discal 
band of the two short costal fasciz; in the discal band commencing 
close to costal margin; in the better marked and more separated hind- 
marginal spots; and in possessing a quadrate black spot in discoidal 
cell not far from the extremity ; while (in hind-wing) the hind-marginal 
border is narrower and more distinctly lunulate, and outwardly bounded 
throughout by a well-marked black edging. From Hudoxus it differs 
on the wpper side in having the discal band not nearly so sharply 
defined and not dentated on the nervures, especially as regards the 


hind-wing (on which the tails are longer and narrower); and, in the 
fore-wing, in the possession of the cellular black marks and the costal 
short fulvous fasciz. On the wnder side, the markings before the 
discal band correspond pretty nearly to those of Hudoxus, but are less 
irregular, and with broader silvery (instead of creamy-white) edges ; 
in the fore-wing the discal band is silvery and continuous, instead 
of fulvous-ochreous and macular, and there is a costal silvery streak ; 
and in the hind-wing the discal band is much broader, and wants three 
of the four ferruginous spots which mark its upper half in Hudozus. 
Compared with C. Brutus, the wnder side has the submarginal mark- 
ings not sagittate ; and (in the hind-wing) the dark spots that mark 
the upper half of the inner side of the discal band are wanting; while 
the stripe before middle is straight and continuous, and unmarked above 
the cell, instead of being (as in Brutus) composed of two distinct greyish- 
fuscous white-edged elongate marks out of line with each other. All 
the silvery pattern is far more brilliant than in Brutus. 

I first saw this very beautiful Charazes in 1867 at the Hopeian Museum 
at Oxford, in a collection made on the Zambesi by the Rev. H. Rowley. In 
1869 Mr. W. Morant sent mea ¢ from Natal, with a note that it was not 
uncommon, but local, and had been observed from February to May at Pine- 
town. Colonel Bowker, ten years subsequently, met with the butterfly in 
the same locality, and sent me the paired sexes, taken on the 5th April 1879. 
Besides the 9? of this pair (which is that above described), I have seen only 
one other example of that sex, in a collection brought by a lady from Natal 
in 1883. A 4 from Pinetown, sent by Colonel Bowker in July 1879, and 

two 3s from the Kastern Transvaal, taken by Mr. Ayres, are all the other 
South-African specimens I have seen. 

Localities of Charaxes Druceanus. 

I. South Africa. 
K. Natal. 
a. Coast Districts.—Pinetown (W. Morant and J. H. Bowker). 
K. Transvaal.—Lydenburg District (7. Ayres). 
If. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
_ a. Western Coast.— Angola (Pogge).’’—Dewitz. 
* 6, Hastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley). 
B. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—‘ Old Calabar.’”’—Butler. 

109. (7.) Charaxes Pelias, (Cramer). 

3 Papilio Pelias, Cram., Pap. Exot., i. t. iii ff. c, p. (1779). 
SU Pelias, Godt., Ene. Meth., ix. p. 351, n. 2 (1819). 
»  Trim., Rhop. Afr. ‘Aust., i i. p. 175, n. ror [part] (1862); 
"and ii. p. 340 [part] (1866). 
? Charaxzes Pelias, Butl., Lep. Exot., p. 25, pl. x. f. 5 (1869). 

Hap. al., 2 mn. 11 lin.—3 in. 4 lin. 
g Fuscous, suffused with dull-ferruginous wm basal area; a common 
discal yellow-ochreous band, and also a hind-marginal series of yellow- 


ochreous spots.  Fore-wing: ferruginous extends costally to beyond 
middle, occupying discoidal cell, and inner-marginally as far as inner 
edge of discal band; a fuscous mark at extremity of cell,—another 
(smaller) in cell towards extremity,—and a third, very indistinct and 
small, in cell not far from base; discal band broad, its inner edge 
indented on nervules,—very deeply so on second radial, its outer edge 
regularly serrated by deep nervular indentations ; outer portion of band 
traversed by a series of six contiguous sub-lunulate black spots from 
close to costa as far as first median nervule,—a seventh separate minute 
spot below the nervule; spots on hind-margin eight, very distinct, well 
separated, the lowest geminate. Hind-wing: discal band narrowing 
on median nervules and becoming obsolete on the first; hind-marginal 
spots seven, a little before hind-margin itself (which is black-edged), 
lunulate (especially the three lowest, which are more or less suffused 
with white), the last tinged with greenish; inner-marginal area grey, 
with a whitish mark just before anal angle, indicating end of discal 
band; between third median nervule and submedian nervure a sub- 
marginal row of three small bluish spots, the lowest lunulate; tails 
short, narrow, black, that on third median nervule a good deal shorter 
than the other, and straight, the other slightly curved upward; cilia 
white. UNDER SsIDE.—JLasal area dark-ferruginous, closely marked with 
shining-grey, Juscous-edged, white-bordered spots and strie; discal band 
white, shining; outer area shining pale-grey. Fore-wing: a shining 
white streak from base between costa and costal nervure; in discoidal 
cell a small basal, a larger oval, and an elongate outer marking, the 
latter irregularly prolonged below cell as far as first median nervule; 
at extremity of cell a similar but shorter marking; bounding inner 
edge of band a very irregular macular stria of the same colours, ending 
in a basal inner-marginal grey space above submedian nervure; series 
of fuscous spots traversing band conspicuous against the white, the 
serrated outer portion of the band beyond them of a paler brighter 
yellow than on upper side, and more macular, and immediately followed 
by a series of fuscous spots, all faint and very small except the lowest, 
which is large and geminate; hind-marginal spots much less distinct 
and of a paler brighter yellow than on upper side. Hind-wing: a 
curved elongate oblique mark on costa at base, and just beyond it a 
very strongly recurved mark, interrupted on costal, but extending to 
subcostal nervure; white discal band inwardly bounded by a long sub- 
macular stria, interrupted, and emitting a short separate outward-curv- 
ing thin spot just below first median nervule on the white; in discoidal 
cell commence two long strize, which thence run longitudinally above 
submedian nervure, and of which the inferior joins two similar striz 
from near base along inner margin at their extremities, at the end of 
streak bounding white discal band; the band itself extends quite to 
inner-marginal edge, and is there widened; it is marked with a fuscous 
lunule externally just below radial nervule, and outwardly bounded by 


a series of short sub-sagittate contiguous dark-ferruginous marks, and 
(close to anal angle) by a black curved line; the hind-marginal yellow 
lunulate spots are surrounded by bluish-white, preceded by a series of 
blue-black thin lunules, only conspicuous near anal angle; between 
end of white band and anal angle a space is greenish-tinged and sub- 
ocellate, bounded internally by a pale-yellow lunule. 

9 Duller and paler throughout, especially as regards the common 
discal band, the hind-marginal spots, and the basal dark-ferruginous. 
Fore-wing : spots traversing discal band larger, more suffused. Hind- 
wing: discal band extending narrowly and obscurely to inner margin ; 
submarginal bluish spots larger,—a small additional one above third 
median nervule. UNDER SsIDE—As in fg, but the markings generally 
somewhat fainter. 

The 2 figured by Mr. Butler (loc. cit.) shows the under side mark- 
ings as brighter and stronger than in the ¢; especially well marked 
are the fuscous spots bounding externally the discal band in the fore- 
wing, and even more enlarged are the dark-ferruginous acuminate 
markings bounding it in the hind-wing. This may very probably be 
the normal appearance of the ?, as I have only received one example 
of that sex. 

C. Pelias is in the upper-side colouring and pattern not unlike 
C. Druceanus, Butl., though everywhere paler, and with only the 
basal area suffused with ferruginous; but on the under side is at once 
separated by its very much duller markings (scarcely silvery any- 
where), and greyish (instead of ferruginous and fulvous) hind-marginal 

This is the only South-African Charazes known to inhabit the open moun- 
tainous western tracts of the Cape Colon¥. Specimens have reached me from 
Genadendal ! (Rev. G. Hettarsch) and Montagu (Myr. L. Taats), and I noticed it 
in Bain’s Kloof in January 1876. Having heard from Dr. D. R. Kannemeyer 
that the species occurred abundantly at Montagu, I visited that locality in 
January 1876, but did not succeed in taking any examples, although I saw 
four during my two days’ stay. I found that, as my correspondent reported, 
the butterfly haunted the ‘“‘ Wagenboom ”’ (Protea grandiflora), sitting close 
until accidentally disturbed, when it darted away with great rapidity, and 
would settle on some distant bush of the Wagenboom—not returning to its 
former station, as is the habit of many species of Charaxes. Dr. Kannemeyer, 
however, who had a very much more intimate acquaintance with Pelzas than 
I enjoyed, noted that it commonly showed a preference for some particular 
twig, generally a withered one ; it was most prevalent at the end of November 
and beginning of December. Mr. Taats took it, in the same locality, “ flying 
about willows, February.” I think it very probable that the larva feeds on 
the Wagenboom, and that the butterfly will be found all through the moun- 
tainous country where that fine shrub or small tree prevails. 

1 IT was much interested at finding an example of this butterfly, labelled ‘‘ Genadendal,”’ 
among the remains of the Burchell Collection, preserved in the Hopeian Museum at 


Localities of Charaxes Pelias. 

I. South Africa. 
B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Bain’s Kloof; Worcester side. Genadendal 
(G. Hettarsch). Montagu (LZ. Taats and D. Kannemeyer). 

110. (8.) Charaxes Saturnus, Butler. 

¢ Charaxes Saturnus, Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 624, pl. 36, 
f/ 1; and (9) Lep. Exot., p. 5, plo i. f. 2°@8e0). 

Nymphatis Pelias, Trim., Rhop. ‘Ate. Aust., i. = 175, n. 101 [part] (1862) ; 
and ii. p. 340 [part] (1866). 

Exp. al., 3 i. 4—7 lin. 

gf Fuscous, suffused with ferrugynous-ochreous im basal area; a 
common discal warm yellow-ochreous band, and also a hind-marginal 
series of yellow-ochreous spots. Fore-wing: quite as in Pelias, Cram., 
but considerably prolonged in apical portion; outer part of discal 
band, beyond traversing series of black spots, consisting of more 
elongate marks; lower part of band rather narrowed. Hind-wing: as 
in Pelias, but the transverse band paler and narrower, with its lower 
portion more completely obscured ; bluish spots near hind-margin much 
larger; hind-marginal lunulate spots more generally suffused with 
white,—in the lower ones mixed with greenish; tail on first median 
considerably longer than in Pelias. UNDER SsIDE.—Very like that of 
Pelias, but generally brighter and clearer,—especially the ferrugynous-red 
of basal area ; outer area with a distinctly bluish tint im fore-wing and 
greenish tint in hind-wing. Fore-wing: two series of ochreous-yellow 
spots larger and brighter than in Pelias,—the black spots outwardly 
touching the inner series much more strongly marked. Hind-wing: 
outer costal mark distinctly divided into two; discal white band much 
narrower on inner-margin, and without the small curved fuscous mark 
below first median nervule; series of ferruginous markings externally 

bounding white band much enlarged, prolonged, and acuminate, and 

followed by an interrupted, sharply and regularly angulated, fuscous 
streak ; submarginal lunules with their bluish internal edging expanded 
into violaceous markings, which become large and round towards anal 
angle; hind-marginal yellow and white lunules larger and brighter. 

2 Like ¢, but paler and duller on both surfaces, 

The ? figured by Mr. Butler (doc. cit.) is of very great size, expanding five 
inches across the wings, and is closer to the ¢ in colouring than are the two 
smaller 9s (from Damaraland and the Transvaal) which I have received.} 
Mr. Butler’s example was sent from the Congo ; and it would be of interest 
to know if a correspondingly large form of the g occurs there. 

1 A brightly coloured @ since received from Colonel Bowker (Pinetown, Natal) expands 
4 inches I line. Its fore-wings are considerably more acuminate than those of the specimen 
figured by Mr. Butler. 


Although C. Saturnus is so very near an ally of C. Pelvas (Cram.) that I 
did not think it separable up to 1866, it may be always recognised by its 
larger size and longer wings, as well as by the very much enlarged and 
acuminate ferruginous discal marks on the under side of the hind-wings. In 
my description are mentioned several other points of difference which appear 
to be constant. 

This species seems to have a much wider range than C. Pelias, being 
recorded from as far north as Chinchoxo on the West Coast, and the Zambesi 
on the East Coast, while in the interior a specimen has occurred at the Victoria 
Nyanza (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., xu. p. 101, August 1883). In Damara- 
land, where Mr. J. A. Beil found it rather abundant, the butterfly was 
commonly found on the droppings of the larger animals. In Natal it would 
appear to be rare, Colonel Bowker having sent me only an example (belong- 
ing to Mr. B, Ayres), which was taken on an orange-tree at Pinetown, and 
another ¢ captured at the same place in April 1883. 

Localities of Charaxes Saturnus. 

I. South Africa. 

HK. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts.—Pinetown (B. Ayres). 

K. Transvaal.—Potchefstroom District (7. Ayres). 
II. Other African Regions, 
A. South Tropical. 

a, Western Coast.—Damaraland (H. Hutchinson, C. J. Anders- 
son, and J. A. Bell). “Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—Druce. 
‘“‘Congo.’’—Butler. ‘ Chinchoxo (Falkenstein).”— Dewitz. 

b. Hastern Coast.—Zambesi River (fev. H. Rowley). 

b1. Interior.—Bamangwato, Khama’s County (H. Barber). Bula- 
wayo (Ff. C. Selous). .Mashunaland (2. C. Selous). “ Victoria 
Nyanza (Rev. J. Hannington).”—Butler. 

111. (9.) Charaxes Brutus, (Cramer). 

Q? Papilio Brutus, Cram., Pap. Exot., ui. t. cexli. ff n, F (1782). 

Papilio Cajus, Herbst., Nat. Bek. Ins., Schmett., iv. t. 64, ff. 1, 2 (1790). 

Nymphalis Brutius, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 351, n. 3 (1819). 

Nymphalis Brutus, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., 1 p. 173, mn. 100 (1862). 

Var. Charaxes Brutus, Cram., var. Junius, Oberth., Ann. Mus. Genov., xv. 
p. 166 (1880). 

Eup. al., ($) 2 in. 10 lin.—3 in, 6 lin.; (2) 3 in. 8 lin—zg in. 

& Brownish-black, with a gradually-widening, yellowish-white, nar- 
rowly bluish-edged band, beyond middle, from costa of fore-wing to near 
mner margin of hind-wing. Sore-wing: a greenish gloss over basal 
portion; the first five spots of the transverse yellowish-white band, 
which commences not far from apex, distinctly separate from each 
other,—the remainder confluent as far as inner margin, where the 
band is widest; along hind-margin, between nervules, a row of small 
reddish-ochreous spots. Mind-wing: the transverse band prolonged 
across this wing, as a broad, continuous, median band, as far ag sub- 
median nervure; along hind-marginal edge, a row of narrow bluish, or 


greenish lunules, sometimes yellow-tinged, always more or less obli- 
terated towards costa, and sometimes quite obsolete, except two or three 
imperfect lunules near anal angle; a little before these lunules is a row 
of pale-blue spots, of which only two large ones at anal angle are 
usually visible; tails on third and first median nervules slender, rather 
long, black, the former the longer of the two. UNDER sIDE.—Rich 
chocolate-red, with numerous white margined, metallic-centred, blackish 
transverse strie and spots; the transverse white band very conspicuous, 
glistening, continuous throughout. Fore-wing : five of the white-margined 
striz described on costa,—three in discoidal cell, one at its extremity, 

and one beyond middle, its lower end touching transverse white band; _ 

three similar strize below cell,—one immediately beneath the third stria 
in cell, the other two (whose outer white edging is merged in trans- 
verse band) situate one above, the other below, second median nervule; 
two faint-blackish marks in transverse, glistening-white band, close to 
costa; beyond white band, the ground-colour is more ochreous in tint, 
and marked with a transverse row of triangular, or sub-triangular, 
blackish marks, outwardly edged with glistening-whitish (except the 
two last and largest, below first median nervule, which are contiguous, 
and edged outwardly with greyish-blue); on hind-margin, a greyish 
mark at extremity of each nervule, and a yellowish tinge between ner- 
vules; before transverse white band, and touching it, beneath third 
median nervule, a large, somewhat quadrate, blackish spot, not with a 
metallic centre; the space between it and base dull ochreous. Hind- 
wing: at base, on costa, an elongate spot, coloured similarly to strize 
in fore-wing, and like them margined with glistening white; inner- 
marginal edge bordered with a black, inwardly white-margined streak 
near base, where its outline is most strongly convex ; obliquely crossing 
the deeply-grooved portion of wing are three elongate glistening strie, 
like those above described, white-margined on both sides, the second 
and third united by a curve at their lower and outer extremity (where, 
close to inner margin, they meet the broad transverse white band),— 
and the third likewise united, by a curve in the opposite direction 
from the same extremity, to a similar elongate streak lying in the 
fold where the swelling of the side of the groove commences; this 
latter streak seems continuous of a transverse row of three short, 
similarly coloured, contiguous marks from costa, which it meets on 
median nervure, very little removed from base; near end of cell is a 
similar, curved streak, which is continued downwards and outwards by 
a further streak of the same colours, that, touching the streak lying 
in the fold of wing, suddenly curves wpward at its extremity, where 
it meets white transverse band; broad, transverse white band more 
glistening than that in fore-wing, more sharply defined than on wpper 
side, continued conspicuously to inner-marginal edge, a little before anal 
angle, edged inwardly by a row of metallic-centred, small spots of 
variable size (the outer portion of whose white margins is merged with 


the band itself) as far as first median nervule,—and outwardly by an 
ill-defined, blackish streak, which always becomes obsolete towards 
costa, about second subcostal nervule; beyond band, two transverse 
rows of dull-blackish, sublunular marks, edged, the first extertorly, the 
second interiorly, with metallic glistening-whitish, thin rays of which, 
between nervules, in some places unite the two rows; between second 
and first median nervules, these two rows unite almost wholly, forming 
a large, imperfect, steely ocellus, black-ringed, and with a pale-blue 
pupil in its outer half; a similarly coloured, but larger, and perfect 
ocellus, bipupillate with blue, succeeds at anal angle; around it, and 
bordering hind-margin, for the greater part, is a yellow-ochreous space ; 
hind-margin narrowly bordered with a black edging, which is very 
thinly edged with whitish inwardly and outwardly. 

2 Like g, but somewhat duller and paler (the fore-wing with a 
brownish tinge); common transverse white band considerably broader in 
hind-wing and near inner margin of fore-wing ; hind-marginal lunules 
of hind-wing whitish. UNDER sIDE.—As in ¢, but the common white 
band broader, and the markings beyond it not so distinct. 

The variety which M. Oberthiir has named C. Junius appears to 
be proper to Abyssinia. I have not seen it; but its distinguishing 
feature is in the colour of the common transverse band, which is stated 
to be pale-yellow instead of white. 

Larva.—Bright yellow-green (covered with minute yellow granules) ; 
second and last segments of a much duller green than the others. On 
each side of back a row of cuneiform yellowish marks, broad anteriorly, 
and deflected upward and posteriorly, narrowing to a point before hind- 
edge of the segment. On seventh segment a yellow-circular dorsal 
marking with a brown centre. Head light-green; the frontal horns 
short and tipped with cobalt-blue,—the two outer horns shorter than 
the two middle ones; mandibles light-blue tipped with black. (W. D. 
Gooch, M.S. description and outline drawing of Natalian larva, 1874.) 

Captain H. C. Harford, who also observed the larva in Natal, saw 
the ova deposited on the leaves of the Seringa (Melia azedarach), and 
noted that they were at first pale-yellow, but became in a few hours 
reddish-brown. From an egg that was watched on a leaf cut of doors 
the larva was hatched on the eighth day after its deposit. It was 
brownish-green, with the head and horns brown, and the caudal pro- 
cesses very long and curved inward. After the first moult, it was 
dark olive-green, with a slight indication of a pale spot on the back of 
the seventh seoment; the head being of a darker brown, but the horns 
lighter at the tip; while the anal processes were light ashy-erey. 
After the second moult, it became dark-green minutely irrorated with 
white, and showed the whitish spot on the seventh segment much more 
distinctly ; the head was larger in proportion to the body, and pre- 
sented an ochreous line running along the sides and along outer edge 
of the horns, After the third moult, it remained of the same dark- 

VOL. I. ae 


green, but the white dorsal spot was circled with light-blue. (This 
larva does not appear to have been described by Captain Harford in its 
final stage.) 

Pupsa.—Bright-green ; spiracles reddish-brown ringed with white, 
diminishing in size towards last segment; projections of head tipped 

with white ; some confluent white spots on wing-covers. Head rather | 

acutely bifid; thorax very convex; wings forming slight lateral pro- 
jections ; abdomen making a great angle at the segment in a line with 
apex of wing-covers, the last segment prolonged into a pedicel bearing 
four tubercles. (H.C. Harford, MS. notes on Natalian pupa, 1869.) 

The white band towards costa of fore-wing becoming so attenuated 
and markedly macular, on the upper side, readily distinguishes Brutus 
from its South-African congeners; while the under side is in colouring 
and pattern intermediate to a great extent between those of Druceanus 
and Saturnus. 

I frequently met with this fine Charawes at Port Natal, and managed to 
capture a good many specimens at the “sucking-places” (on stems or branches 
of trees where moisture exuded) so specially attractive to butterflies of this 
group. On the wing, Brutus is one of the very swiftest of Nymphalide, and 
it is difficult to follow its flight, except when it is chasing another of its species 
or some competitor at the drinking stations mentioned. I noted examples 
in February, March, and April, and Colonel Bowker took several in August 
in the same locality ; while in Kaffraria he had noticed the butterfly’s occur- 
rence in March, May, and June. 

Localities of Charaxes Brutus. 

I. South Africa. 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—Bashee River (J. H. Bowker). 
iE. Natal. 

‘Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. Bowker. 
II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—“ Angola (J. J. Montetro).”—Druce. 
b, Kastern Coast.—Zambesi River (Rev. H. Rowley). 
Bb. North Tropical. 
a. Western Coast.—Fernando Po (E. Bourke). Sierra Leone.— 
Coll. Brit. Mus. 
b, Eastern Coast.—‘‘ Abyssinia, Shoa (Antinort).”—Oberthiir [Var. 
Junius, Oberth. | 

112. (10.) Charaxes Castor, (Cramer). 

3 Papilio Castor, Cram., Pap. Exot., i. t. xxxvii. ff. co, p (1779). 

Papilio Pollux, Fab, Ent. Syst., li. 1, Pp. 63, 0. 197 (1793). 

Nymphalis Pollus, Godt., Ene” Meth., ix. p:.352,. 0. 5 (1819). 

Charaxes Pollux, Feisth., Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr., Vill. p. 255, pl. o,im 

Exp. al., (9) 4 in. § lin. [f, apud fig. Cram,, 4 in.] 
2 Fuscous, with a tounge of bronze (greyish in hind-wing) near bases ; 
a common transverse pale ochre-yellowish band. Fore-wing: a dark spot 


in cell towards extremity is just apparent, being bounded on each side 
by a little vague yellowish irroration; discal band as in Pelias and 
Saturnus, but the series of fuscous spots traversing it more strongly 
marked and the outer part of band more completely separated into 
spots,—the latter much more rounded; a hind-marginal series of very 
small and ill-defined pale-yellowish inter-nervular marks; cilia marked 
rather conspicuously with white where these spots adjoin it. Hind- 
wing: band whitish near costa, its form and direction as in Saturnus ; 
inner-marginal area greyish-brown; hind-marginal lunules very dis- 
tinctly marked, more elongate than in Saturnus, but similarly coloured 
with white and greenish, the three uppermost having a tinge of ochre- 
yellowish ; submarginal series of blue spots very well developed, the 
largest (next anal angle) having a double white centre, and there being 
one or two additional minute spots superiorly; cilia white; tails 
slender, black,—the one on third median longer in comparison with 
that on first median nervule than in Saturnus. UNDER sIDE.—Mark- 
ings and colouring agreeing very nearly with those of Saturnus, but 
ground colour of basal area dark reddish-brown instead of ferruginous- 
red, darker than in Pelias, and of outer area more decidedly greemsh im 
tint ; the white-bordered fuscous spots and striw of basal area so much 
darker centrally as to be almost uniform. Fore-wing: spots of outer 
part of discal band of a paler yellow; hind-marginal spots very thin, 
white, alternating with thin black ones; a submarginal, dentated, 
interrupted, ill-defined, fuscous line. Hind-wing: ferruginous mark- 
ings outwardly bounding discal band much darker. 

I have no g examples of this Charazes, but, from Cramer’s figures and 
from notes of specimens in other collections, that sex is evidently much less 
like the nearly allied forms than is the ?, as far as the upper side is con: 
cerned, owing to the contraction and general diminution of the ochreous-yellow 
discal band, which is edged with ferruginous, and in fore-wing has the inner 
portion of its upper half reduced to three or four small separate spots. The 
ground-colour of the upper side is very dark, almost black, with only a 
narrow greyish suffusion at bases; the hind-marginal lunules of the hind- 
wing are blue. 

The differences pointed out clearly serve to distinguish C. Castor from 
C. Saturnus and C. Pelias (both of which have the basal area suffused with 
ferruginous), and I should have added, its very much larger size, if it were 
not for the immense 9 of Saturnus above mentioned as figured by Mr. A. 
G. Butler. 

I was not aware that this very fine Charaxes was found south of the 
Tropic until 1878, when Mrs. Monteiro sent me two female specimens from 
Delagoa Bay. I noted in 1881 that a male example from the same locality 
in Mrs. Monteiro’s collection had the tail on the third median nervule much 
shorter than it is in the female. 

Localities of Charaxes Castor. 

I. South Africa. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Lourengo Marques (Mis. Monteiro). 


II. Other African Regions. 
A. South Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—‘ Angola (Pogge).’’—Dewitz. ‘‘ Chinchoxo 
(Falkenstein).””—Dewitz. § 
b, Hastern Coast.—Zambesi (Rev. H. Rowley). 
B. North Tropical. 

a. Western Coast.—Elmina (£. Bourke). Ashanti.—Coll. Brit. 
Mus. Sierra Leone.—Coll. Hewitson. 

113. (11.) Charaxes Achzemenes, Felder. 

dand? Charaxes Achemenes, Feld., Reise d. Novara, Lep., il. p. 446, 
pl. ne 70, 7 [6S | (son): 

Hip. al. (f) 3 in. 

gf Fuscous, with a common transverse white band and whitish hind- 
marginal spots; bases suffused with olivaceous-grey.  Fore-wing: band 
formed much as in C. Saturnus, but more widely bifid in its upper 
portion, the traversing black marks being enlarged and confluent, so 
that the inner part of the band is much narrowed, and also separated 
from the broader lower part,—its third (lowest) spot being small and 
far before the others; a faint bluish tinge along outer edge of lower 
part of band; hind-marginal spots somewhat suffused, inter-nervular,— 
the lowest sharply divided into two; in discoidal cell a small whitish 
spot at the extremity. Mind-wing: band obscured and widely inter- 
rupted below first median nervule, but its termination shown by a 
whitish inner-marginal mark a little before anal angle; white spots 
submarginal, seven, lunulate, much mixed with bluish; beyond them, 
close to hind-margin, a lunulated bluish-white streak, running into 
both tails as a median stripe, and becoming bronzy-green close to anal 
angle; tails rather long, the shorter one (on third median nervule) 
straight, rather acute, the other slightly curved, blunter; a marked 
projection in the outline of the hind-margin between radial and second 
median nervules. UNDER SIDE— Pale grey, hoary on margins, elsewhere 
tinged with brownish ; before middle marked with dark ferruginous striae, 
of which all those in fore-wing and a few of those in hind-wing are on 
both sides edged with fuscous. Fore-wing: upper part of white band 
wider, not so macular; in outer part of band a much broken, thin, 
black traversing streak, and along the external edge of band a series of 
black marks, inwardly edged with ochre-yellow lunules, of which the 
two lowest are large and conspicuous, the others small; a submarginal 
row of ochre-yellow lunules (the lowest becoming fuscous), not well 
marked ; hind-marginal whitish spots small, and mostly rather indis- 
tinct; in discoidal cell a short oblique streak near base, a spot followed 
by a similar more bent streak about middle, and a closing streak curv- 
ing outward; along inner edge of white band a much interrupted streak 
from costa to submedian nervure ; below cell a short streak above first 
median nervule, and another (nearer base) below it. Hind-wing: band 


broad between costa and radial nervule, but below this suddenly attenu- 
ated into a broken macular thin streak, and ending on first median 
nervule; inwardly bounding band a dark ferruginous streak, strongly 
marked, and black edged as far as the band is broad, but thence quite 
thin, and prolonged in a zigzag deflection to inner margin; before band 
two broken transverse striz: crossing cell, and a thin curved line closing 
it; beyond middle two parallel, black, irregularly sinuate streaks from 
costa to inner margin, enclosing a dull yellowish stripe, the inner streak 
thicker than the outer, especially in its upper half; submarginal series 
of lunules as on upper side, but more clearly defined, and the blue in 
them confined to their outer portion (but in those below radial enlarged 
and marked with black); hind-margin rather narrowly bordered with 
white (which below radial nervule is clouded with greenish), traversed 
mesially by an ochre-yellow line, most apparent and regular in its upper 
portion. Head with four white spots, two in front and two behind, all 

I have not seen the ?, but Felder describes it as being on the upper side 
much like C. Pelias (Cram.), having the common band and the spots on the 
hind-margin of fore-wing suffused with fulvous, the latter being much larger 
and the former broader than in the g; the bases ferruginous, and the sub- 
marginal spots and hind-marginal streak of the hind-wing much enlarged. 
The under side is described as being almost the same as in the ¢, but hoary 
at the bases, and with the submarginal spots much larger.! 

The pale dull colouring of fuscous and white on the upper side, and of 
grey streaked thinly with ferruginous and black on the under side, together 
with the much-produced fore-wings, readily distinguish this small Charaxes 
from any known South-African congeners, as far as the ¢ sex is concerned. 
The under-side pattern, as Felder remarks, bears some resemblance to that 
of the West-African C. Htheta, Godt., but it is much duller and less varied, 
with much thinner markings. 

C. Achwemenes appears to be decidedly rare south of the Tropic, its nearest 
principal habitat being the neighbourhood of the Zambesi, while the wideness 
of its range is shown by recorded stations so far asunder as Angola and 
Abyssinia. Felder, however, gives Natal as one of its localities, and there is 
a specimen from Delagoa Bay in the Hewitson Collection. 

Localities of Charaxes Acheemenes. 

I. South Africa. 
K. Natal.—‘ Port Natal.’”’—Felder. 
Hi. Delagoa Bay.—Hewitson Coll. 
L. Bechuanaland.—Crocodile River, 8. of Shoshong (/. W. Barber). 

1 Mr. Butler (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 274, note) identifies Achwemenes, Feld., as 
the ¢ of the unpublished Jocaste in the Collection of the British Museum, not referring to 
that author’s description of the @. Mr. Butler adopted the name of Jocaste in his arrange- 
ment of the genus Charawes (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 628), and intimates that his 
“ sectional description, taken in connection with the locality, sufficiently characterised the 
insect, so that Felder’s name must sink into a synonym ;” but the brief diagnosis to which 
he refers was framed to include four species, and no characters were given to distinguish 
Jocaste from the other three butterflies. The locality, moreover, was “‘ Senegal,” whereas 
Felder’s specimens are noted as from Natal and the Zambesi. 


II. Other African Regions. 

A. South Tropical. 
a. West Coast.—“ Angola (Pogge).’’— Dewitz. 
6, East Coast.—‘ Zambesi,’’—Felder. 
b1. Interior.—Zambesi, near mouth of Umsengaizi (Ff. C. Selous), 

Lake Nyassa.—Hewitson Coll. 

B. North Tropical. 

b. Kast Coast.—‘ Abyssinia: Atbara.’’— Butler. 

114. (12.) Charaxes Ethalion, Boisduval. 
@ Charaxes Ethalion, Boisd., App. Voy. de Deleg., p. 593, n. 83 (1847). 
@ Nymphalis Hrithalion, Westw., Gen. D. Lep., pl. 48, f. 1 (1850-52). 
36 9 Nymphalis Ethalion, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 170, n. 98 (1862) ; 
and NV. Hphyra, i. p. 340 (1866). 

Hep. a. s) 2am..2-7 lin. CP) 3 ih ——3 am. 4 dom. 

gf Black, with a few blue dots. Fore-wing: dusted with a few blue 
scales; beyond middle, close to costa, a shining-blue dot: sometimes two 
faint blue dots at posterior angle. Mind-wing: near anal angle, parallel 
to hind-margin, a row of inter-nervular shining-blue dots; on hind- 
margin, above third median nervule, one or two dull-red lunules; from 
third median to anal angle, some greenish-ochreous lunules; a rather 
slender tail at extremity of both first and third median nervules,—the 
former the longer of the two. UNDER sIpE.— Dull brownish-olivaceous, 
with blue-black, occasionally white-edged, transverse strie ; an irregular 
streak from costa of fore-wing near apex, to near anal angle of hind- 
wing, running near, and almost parallel to, hind-margins. Jore-wing: 
two dusky-blackish spots near anal angle. Hind-wing: red and oliva- 
ceous lunules much more distinct than on wpper side; the transverse 
streak crossing both wings is im this wing immediately succeeded by a 
row of dull-red lunular markings. 

2 Brownish-black, glossed with violet-blue: transversely striped and 
spotted with white. Fore-wing: on costa, a little beyond middle, com- 
mences a transverse row of white spots, interrupted on second discoidal 
nervule, and from third median nervule widening into a gradually- 
broader band of contiguous white spots, violet-margined on each side, 
to inner margin a little beyond middle; on costa, near apex, com- 
mences a second row of smaller white spots, tinged with ochreous or 
bluish, extending to below first median nervule, where the two lowest 
spots usually join the broad central band. Hind-wing: white, violet- 
margined band of fore-wing continued more broadly across middle of 
this wing to just before anal angle; a row of seven more or less dis- 
tinct white lunules parallel to hind-margin; on hind-marginal edge 
the olivaceous and red lunules are larger and distincter than in ¢, those 
of the latter colour extending nearly to apex ; unlike what is found in 
g, the tail on third median is rather longer and broader than that on 
first median nervule. UNDER SIDE.—Similar to that of g, but paler 

———— LS ae 


and more glistening, with transverse white band in fore-wing. Fore-wing : 
white band less distinct than on wpper side; blackish spots near anal 
angle larger than in ¢. Hind-wing: a very indistinct, irregular oliva- 
ceous-whitish median band, outwardly edged with a blackish streak ; 
the dull-reddish, lunular markings, immediately succeeding band, 
larger and more continuous than in $; hind-marginal lunules as in 3%, 
but more conspicuous, and immediately preceded by a lunulated whitish 

In a § sent from D’Urban, Natal, by the late Mr. M. J. M‘Ken, all 
the pale markings on the upper side of the fore-wings are suffused 
with dull-ochreous-yellow. In both sexes the extent and brightness 
of the glistening areas on the under side are variable, but the gloss 
is most silvery and developed in the costal-apical area of the fore- 

This species is distinct from C. Ephyra, Godt., with which I 
formerly identified it, but the two forms are closely allied. The ¢ 
Ethalion is considerably smaller than the f Hphyra, and wants the 
latter's bronzy-greenish hind-margins, and two spots of the same colour 
about middle of costa of fore-wing; while on the under side it is duller 
and more ochreous in tint, and has the dull-reddish discal lunular 
markings much more distinct in the hind-wing. The 2 Z£thalion is 
very different from the 2 Hphyra on the upper side; to judge from a 
Cape Coast Castle specimen of the latter in the British Museum, in 
which the two macular series of the fore-wing are almost united by 
connecting suffused whitish-dusky rays between the spots. On both 
surfaces of the wings the 2 Hthalion bears considerable resemblance to 
the much larger C. Citheron, Feld., 9. 

I met with this interesting Charaxes sparingly at Port Natal in January 
and February 1867, but succeeded in capturing female examples only. One 
of the latter was seated quite on the bare ground, and had evidently only 
just recently emerged from the chrysalis. Iwas attracted to the spot by see- 
ing her flutter downward from a neighbouring tree. Colonel Bowker found 
both sexes on the wing in the same locality in August 1878. I believe that 
I noticed a ¢ in the edge of a wood at Knysna, in the Cape Colony, as long 
ago as 1858; and Mr. Streatfeild, C.M.G., informed me that he took the 
species in the George District in 1877, and in Kaffraria Proper in 1879. 

Localities of Charaxes Hthalion. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony.— George District.”—F. Streatfeild. Oudtshoorn 

D. Kaffraria Proper.—‘ 25 miles W. of Bashee River,’’—F. Streat- 

Hi. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts. — D’Urban. ‘“ Lower Umkomazi.”—J. H. 


H. Delagoa Bay.—Coll. British Museum. 


115. (13.) Charaxes Pheeus, Hewitson. 
Charaxes Pheus, Hewits., Ent. Month. Mag., xiv. p. 82 (1877). 

Hip. al., (¢) 2 im. 10 lin. ; (9) 3 am. 35 lin. 

& Fuscous, with a broad basal blue patch vn each wing. Fore-wing: 
blue fills discoidal cell, and extends obliquely to inner margin (where 
it is tinged with whitish) considerably beyond middle; a slightly 
elbowed submarginal row of six whitish spots (the three lower ones 
small and tinged with blue) from subcostal nervure a little before apex to 
second median nervule. Hind-wing : blue covers entire disc from base, 
leaving only a broad costal, apical, and hind-marginal fuscous border, 
and an inner-marginal greyish one; hind-marginal spots and lunules 
of the same colours and arrangement as in C. Hthalion, Boisd., but 
brighter and more conspicuous. UNDER SIDE.—Ground-colour con- 
siderably paler and more reddish; all the fuscous markings as in Etha- 
lion, but thinner and fainter. 

2 Like Lthalion 2; but with white transverse bar of /fore-wing 
commencing conspicuously (somewhat as in C. Cithwron, Feld., 2) on 
subcostal nervure at end of and just beyond discoidal cell, and well curved 
outward, forming a wide band, edged with violaceous in its lower 
portion ; while in hind-wing the blue band is brighter than in Ethalion. 
UNDER SIDE.—Paler and more glossy than in gf, quite silvery in apical 
area of both wings; markings similar, but white bar of fore-wing con- 
spicuous, and a narrow irregular whitish median band across hind-wing. 

This near ally of C. Hthalion has the apex of the fore-wing, in 
both sexes, more produced than in that species. The # has consider- 
able resemblance on the upper side to the much larger C. Bohemani, 
Feld.; but on the under side it is altogether different, that of Bohemani 
being like that of C. Citheron, Feld. 

The only specimens I have seen are a ¢ and two @s in the Hewitson 
Collection, which I believe were received from the late Mr. J. J. Monteiro. 

Locality of Charauxes Pheeus. 

I. South Africa. 
H. Delagoa Bay.—Coll. Hewitson. 

116. (14.) Charaxes Citheeron, elder. 

Charaxes Citheron, Feld., Wien. Ent. Monats., ill. p. 398, t. 8, ff. 2, 3 

6 @ Nymphalis Xiphares, Var. A, Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 169 


Exp. al., (¢) 3 in. 6—8 lin.; (2) 3 in. 10 lin.—zg in. 1 lin. 
a Black, glossed from bases with violaceous-blue, and marked with 
pale violaceous-blue bands and spots; the band in hind-wing suffused with 



white in its lower part. Hore-wing: two transverse series of spots much 
as in Aiphares, but more apart as far as submedian nervure, where 
their junction forms a considerably wider marking ; hind-marginal 
spots smaller, indistinct, obscure-whitish, the two lowest shghtly bluish- 
tinged. Hind-wing: central band generally broader, but superiorly, as 
a rule, much reduced, and presenting above second subcostal nervule 
only one small separate portion ; between second median nervule and 
submedian nervure the band becomes white ; submarginal biue spots con- 
siderably larger and not so lunulate; hind-marginal lunules yellowish- 
white or pale-yellow ; both the tails considerably longer and narrower. 
UNDER SIDE.—Pale glossy olwaceous-ochreous, with very thin blue-black 
white-edged striw (faintly marked in hind-wing) ; the olivaceous-whitish 
band obsolete, or barely indicated by a slightly paler tint of the ground- 
colour ; submarginal markings all as in Xiphares, but much fainter, 
especially the violaceous lunules in hind-wing. 

2 Black, glossed with violaceous ; median band of fore-wing pure- 
white, rather broad ; that of hind-wing bluish-white shot with violaceous. 
Fore-wing : inner row of spots enlarged so as to form a very con- 
spicuous broad median band, commencing widely on costal edge, and 
extending to inner-marginal edge (near which it is widened and suffused 
with violaceous-bluish) ; outer row of spots obsolete except the upper 
two (rarely three) which are white; hind-marginal spots wanting. 
Hind-wing: median band considerably narrower inferiorly than in @, 
but more developed superiorly, being prolonged to costal nervure ; sub- 
marginal spots and hind-marginal lunules as in gf. UNDER SIDE.— 
Quite as in g, except that white band of upper side of fore-wing is 
conspicuously reproduced, though not extending quite to costal edge or 
below submedian nervure. Tails of hind-wing longer than in f, and 
narrower and slightly longer than in Xiphares &. 

Larva.— Deeper or lighter green, closely granulated with yellow, 
on back; light bluish-green or light bluish-grey on under surface ; 
a chrome-yellow lateral-inferior stripe from second segment to anal 
extremity, which is bifid into two acute processes of the same yellow as 
the stripes. On sixth and eighth segments the yellow stripes are con- 
nected by a backward-curved, almost semicircular, transverse, yellow 
stripe; on back, just preceding the hinder portion of each transverse 
stripe, a dark-purple spot, composed of two small spots connected by 
indistinct purple lineole. On each side of eleventh segment, a small 
yellow spot, just above longitudinal stripe. Head rather large, green, 
surmounted by four serrated green horns (of which the two middle 
ones are longer than the others and divergent); face and outer edge 
of horns bordered with yellow; between the two middle horns a pair 
of small, acute, black-pointed tubercles. Feeds on the Flat-crown 
Acacia (Zygia fastigiata) in March and April. 

Pupa.—Light-ereen, slightly maculated with white. A silvery- 
white line running along curved edges cf wing-covers to summit of 


head, interrupted on the line of the antenne. Anal segment pro- 
duced, and bearing three pairs of small pointed tubercles. 

The above description of the larva and pupa are made from notes and 
drawings of Natalian specimens communicated to me by Captain H. C. Har- 
ford and Mr. W. D. Gooch. The former gentleman wrote that he found 
several of the larve almost full-grown in the month of April, and that — 
shortly before becoming pups they changed to a very light-green. The but- 
terflies were disclosed after thirteen days’ pupation. 

This close ally of C. Xiphares (Cram.) is readily recognised by the charac- 
ters given above, which appear to be quite constant. It seems also to be 
quite a local form, as I have seen no examples except from the coast of 
Natal, and have found no record of its occurrence elsewhere. 

At D’Urban, Port Natal, Citheron is of very frequent occurrence. From 
the middle of February to the beginning of April 1867 I observed many 
specimens of both sexes, frequenting chiefly the “ sucking-places”’ on the 
stems and branches of Zygia fastigiata (the Flat-crown Acacia), on which 
tree, as above noted, the larva lives, and of Acacia Lebbeck. Another 
favourite resort of this butterfly was an exudation on the stem of Oncoba 
spinosa in the Botanic Garden. In habits and flight it entirely resembles 
its close congener. I observed a specimen on the wing on 23d June 1865; 
and Colonel Bowker has taken examples in the month of August; but they 
are only numerous in the summer months. When within reach, specimens 
engaged in feeding are easily captured. 

The paired sexes were taken by Colonel Bowker, and sent to me in August 

Localities of Charaxes Citheron. 

I. South Africa. 
E. Natal. 

a. Coast Districts. —D’ Urban. “ Lower Umkomazi.’’—J. Ee 

117. (15.) Charaxes Xiphares, (Cramer). 
Q Papilio Xiphares, Cram., Pap. Exot., iv. t. ecclxxvii. ff. a, B (1782). 
¢ Papilio Thyestes, Stoll, Suppl. Cram. Pap. Exot., t. xxxii. ff. 2, 2B 
¢ Nymphalis Thurius, Godt., Enc. Meth., ix. p. 354, n. 15 (1819). 
@ Nymphalis Xiphares, Godt., op. cit., p. 357, n. 25. 
gO» - Trim., Rhop. Afr. Aust., i. p. 167, n. 97 (1862). 

Hep. al., {$) 3 im. 7-10 lin.; (2) 34n. 10 hn.—4, m. (5) am: 

g Black, glossed with vrolaceous-blue, and with violaceous-blue bands 
and spots. Fore-wing: strongly glossed with blue from base; a median, 
transverse row of blue spots commencing immediately beyond extremity 
of discoidal cell, and extending to inner margin beyond middle, where 
it is joined by the last two or three spots of another, straighter row of 
smaller blue spots, commencing on costa, not very far from apex, with 
two conspicuous white spots; along hind-marginal edge are observable 
some faint, small, pale-ochreous spots, one between each two nervules, 
except between first median nervule and submedian nervure, where there 
are two such spots. Hind-wing: a broad, median, violaceous-blue 


band, widest about first median nervule, not reaching sukmdia 
nervure, narrowing to costa (where it is tinged with white), and inter- 
rupted on first subcostal nervule,—its lower outer edge not far before 
anal angle; a row of seven or eight sublunulate, blue spots near and 
parallel to hind-margin ; beyond it, bordering margin, a row of partly 
contiguous, thin, bluish lunules, becoming thinner and almost obsolete 
towards costa; two short black tails, rather slender, at extremities of 
first and third median nervules respectively, the latter the longer of the 
two. UNDER SIDE.—Pale, glistening, olivaceous-ochreous, with thin, blue- 
black, white-edged, transverse stric.  Fore-wing: in discoidal cell three 
transverse striz, and a fourth parallel stria, less distinct, just beyond 
extremity of cell; two similar strize below cell, short, transverse, one 
above, the other below, first median nervule, the latter a little before 
the former ; the position of the inner row of blue spots on upper side 
is indicated by an olivaceous-whitish externally ill-defined band, inter- 
rupted on third median nervule, and edged internally by a blue-back, 
white-bordered streak ; in outer row of spots, the two first are white as 
on upper side, the remainder ochreous-yellow or whitish tinged with 
that hue, the two last large and lunular, surrounded with blackish, 
which, on their outer edge, forms a large conspicuous spot, violet-edged 
externally ; hind-margin faintly stained with dull yellow. Hind-wing: 
near base two irregular, transverse, blue-black, white-edged striz, 
commencing near costa, and extending to median nervure ; a similarly 
coloured stria inwardly bounds a rather narrow, irregular, olivaceous-. 
whitish stripe from costa beyond middle to inner margin a little before 
anal angle; this irregular stripe being bounded externally by some ill- 
defined, dull-yellowish, on both sides fuscous-bordered lunulate mark- 
ings; bordering hind-margin a row of lunular, violet, inwardly white- 
edged spots, becoming very indistinct towards costa, and immediately 
preceding a row of indistinct, contiguous, dull-yellow lunules ; tazls 

2 Black, with a deep purple reflection ; spots on fore-wing large and 
white, band on hind-wing pale-yellow. Fore-wing: spots of inner row 
pure white, connected so as to form an obliquely transverse stripe inter- 
rupted on third median, and extending to first median nervule; the 
three spots that continue the row to inner margin small and creamy- 
yellow, and seeming to belong more to the outer row of spots, though 
the jirst of the three is half white ; in outer row the first two are pure 
white and rather large, the third white tinged with yellow, and the 
remaining spots wholly creamy-yellow ; only the two lowest of the 
hind-marginal spots distinct, ochre-yellow. Mind-wing: median band 
broader in proportion than in g, except close to costa, soft creamy- 
yellow, in some specimens nearly touching anal angle ; row of lunular 
spots of a purer blue than in f; row of contiguous lunules on margin 
creamy-yellow, conspicuous ; fats similar to those of gf, but propor- 
tionately longer. UNDER sIDE.—Similar to g¢, but greyer and more 


glistening, with white transverse stripes. Fore-wing: white band pure 
and conspicuous, continued narrowly to submedian nervure ; outer row 
of spots conspicuous, particularly the lower two; hind-margin stained 
with dull-yellow near anal angle. Hind-wing: median stripe white, 
though not so brilliant as that of fore-wing ; beyond band, and near 
inner-margin before it, a silver-grey tint; violet spots more lustrous 
than in f; dull-yellow lunular streak beyond them more apparent, and 
green-tinted at anal angle. 

This grand Charazes inhabits the woods of the Cape Colony and of 
Kaffraria Proper as far eastward as the Bashee River. In Natal it is 
replaced by the closely-allied C. Citheron, Feld., which does not as yet appear 
to have been taken elsewhere. ‘The actual district in Kaffraria where 
Aiphares gives place to Citheron is not known. 

At Knysna and Plettenberg Bay I met with C. Xiphares not uncommonly 
from the middle of December until the middle of May. Both sexes haunt 
by preference the outskirts of woods, seeming to delight in short flights of 
great velocity over open spaces, ending in a return to the tree stem or pro- 
jecting twig they have quitted. The moist exudations on the trunks and 
branches always attract this butterfly, and I have frequently seen three or 
four specimens together busily engaged in drinking at one of these supplies 
of moisture. J have more than once disturbed a ? at rest on quite a low 
bush, but the ¢, though occasionally descending to within a few feet of the 
ground, never appears to settle except at a considerable height. Mrs. Barber 
has often observed the ? at highlands near Grahamstown—and I noticed 
examples there and at Mitford Park in 1870—but singularly enough has 
never seen the ¢ on the wing. Colonel Bowker, who forwarded several fine 
examples of both sexes from Kaffraria Proper, noted the species as ‘rare ”’ 
on the Bashee River. Mr. W. C. Scully, who has lately (1885) observed the 
species in woods near Seymour (Eland’s Post), found that a large number of 
these butterflies were attracted by the sap exuding from a climbing composite 
shrub, the stem of which he had wounded for the purpose. 

Localities of Charaxes Xiphares. 

I. South Africa. 

B. Cape Colony. 
a. Western Districts.—Knysna. Plettenberg Bay. 
6. Eastern Districts.—Grahamstown. LEland’s Post, Stockenstrom 
(J. H. Bowker). 
D. Kaffraria Proper. Bashee and Tsomo Rivers (J. H. Bowker). 

( 349* ) 




Sub-Family DANAIN 4 
Genus Danais, Latreille 
D. Chrysippus, (Linn.) 
Genus AmAuRIs, Reakirt 

A. Echeria, (Stoll) . 

A. Ochlea, (Boisd.) . 

A. dominicanus, Trzmen . 

Sub-Family SATYRINA 
Genus Ypruima, Westwood 
Y. Asterope (Klug) 
Genus Canyra, Hewitson . 
C. Hebe, (Z'rim.) ; 
Genus Puyscm/NEuURA, Wal- 
P. Panda, Guay 
Genus PseuponyMpHA, Wal- 
. Hyperbius, Ce 
. irrorata, (T7rim.) 
. Narycia, Walleng. 
. Neita, Wadlleng. . 
D’Urbani, Trim., sp. n. 
. Natali, (Boisd.) 
. Hippia, (Cram.) 
. vigilans, Zrim., sp.n. . 
. Sabacus, (Trim.) 
. Trimenii, Butler 
. Cassius, (Godt.) . 
Genus LeprongeurA, Wal- 
L. Clytus, dia 
L, Oxylus, Trim. 
L. Mintha, (Geyer) 
L. Dingana, Trim. . 
WOL. I. 

aU ne ee Cle ened hae 

Genus LEPTONEURA—continued. 
L. Bowkeri, Trim. . 
L. Cassus, (Linn.) . 
L. Cassina, Butl. 

Genus Mycatesis, Doubleday 
M. Safitza, Hewitson 
M. perspicua, 7’rim. 

M. Simonsu, butl. . 

Genus ME.anitis, Fabricius 
M. Leda, (Linn.) 

M. diversa, Buti. 

Genus Lretue, Hiibner . 
L. dendrophilus, ( 777m.) 
L. Indosa, 7'rim. 

Genus MEneErRIs, Westwood 
M. Tulbaghia, (Linn.) 

Sub-Family ACRAINA 
Genus Acr#A, Fabricius 
. Rabbaix, Ward 
. Horta, (Linn.) . 
Neobule, Douwobl. 
cerasa, Hewits. . 
Violarum, Bozsd. 
Nohara, Boisd. . 
Petreea, Boisd. 
Doubledayi, Guérin 
Caldarena, Hewits. 
Aglaonice, Westw. 
Stenobea, Walleng. 
Natalica, Bozsd. 
Anemosa, Hewzts. 
Acara, Hewits. 
. Barberi, Trim. . 
. Encedon, (Linn.) 
. Rahira, Boisd. 

PPP PP DP >> bb bb bb bb 





Genus Acrma—continued. 

A. Anacreon, Trim. 

A. Buxtoni, Butl. . 

A. Cabira, Hopf. 
Genus Piuanema, Doubleday 

P. Esebria, Hevwits. 

P. Aganice, Hewits. 
Genus Parpopsis, Trimen, 

P. punctatissima, Been) 


Genus ATELLA, Doubleday . 
A. Phalantha, (Drury) 
A. Columbina, (Cram.) 

Genus LAcHNOPTERA, Double- 

day . 
L. Ayresii, ieee 
Genus Pyramets, Doubleday 
P. Cardui, (Linn.) . , 
Genus Eurema, Doubleday 
E. Hippomene, (/7zibn. ) 
E. Schoeeneia, Z'77m. 
~ Genus JunontA, Doubleday 
J. Cebrene, 772m. 
J. Clelia, (Cram.) 
J. Boopis, Trim. 
Genus Precis, Doubleday . 
P. Sophia, (Fad.) 
P. Cloantha, (Cram.) 
P. Ceryne, (Boisd.) 
Pe eieii02, (Walleng.) 
P. Simia, Walleng. . 
. Octavia, (Cram.) 
. Sesamus, 7’r7m. . 
. Archesia (Cram.) 
. Pelasgis, (Godt.) 
. Natalica, Felder . 
. Hlgiva, Hewits. . 
. Tugela, Trim. 
Genus SALAmis, Boisduval . 
S. Anacardii, (Linn.) 
S. nebulosa, Tvzm. . 
Genus CRENIS, Boisduval 
C. Natalensis, Boisd. : 
C. Boisduvali, Wadlleng. . 
C. Morantii, Trim. . 
C. Rosa, Hewits. 








Genus Euryte.a, Boisduval 
K. Hiarbas, (Drury) 
K. Dryope, (Cram.) 
Genus Hypanis, Boisduval . 
Hf. Dhthyia, (Drury) 
Genus Neptis, Fabricius 
N. Agatha, (Cram.) 
N. Marpessa, Hopf: 
N. Goochi, Trim. 
Genus DiapEmA, Boisduval 
D. Misippus, (Zinn.) 
Genus HurALiA, Westwood 
K. Wahlbergi, fea 
E. mima, Trim. 
EK. deceptor, Tram. . 
Genus PsEuDAcR&A, West- 
wood . 
P. Tarquinia, (Tr Bey 
P. Delagox, Trim., sp. n. 
P. imitator, Trim. . 
P. Trimenii, Butl. . 
Genus GopartTia, Lucas 
G. Wakefieldil, Ward 
Genus KupHapra, Hiibner. 
EK. Neophron, (Hop#:) 
Genus EuryYpHENE, West- 
wood . 
E. cerulea, Boisd. . 
Genus Hamanumipé, Hiibner 
H. Dedalus, (Fab.) 
Genus Harma, Westwood . 
H. Alcimeda, (Godt.) 
Genus CHARAXES, Ochsen- 
. Zoolina, (Westw.) 
Neanthes, (Hewits.) 
. Varanes, (Cram.) 
Jahlusa, (Trim.). 
. Candiope, (Godt.) 
Druceanus, But. 
Pelias, (Cram.) . 
Saturnus, Butl. . 
Brutus, (Cram.) . 
Castor, (Cram.) . 
Achemenes, feld. 
Ethalion, Goisd. 
Pheus, Hewits.. . 
. Citheron, Feld. . 
. Xiphares, (Cram.) 

Sie 2G OG Co OC Gi oo 


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R.T. ad nat. delt 

(aeeg5r 3 



t. In this Plate the neuration of the fore-wing and hind-wing of butterflies of each Family 
and Sub-Family found in Southern Africa is represented, as are also the head and legs of some 
of them. 

The species here illustrated have been purposely selected as the commonest and most easily 
procurable among the more characteristic representatives of the several groups, with the 
exception of Libythea Laius (fig. 5), which is the only South African member of its Family, 
and Rhopalocampta Keithloa (fig. 9), which from its large size afforded more convenience of 
illustration than the commoner small species of Hesperide. 

The figures of wing neuration-are in every case of the natural size. Those of the head are 
all somewhat magnified, except fig. 8A (Papilio Demoleus) and fig. 9A (Rhopalocampta Keithioa). 
The figures of the legs are all of the natural size except fig. 1B, a’ (Danais Chrysippus), which is 
considerably enlarged. j 

The species representing the several Families and Sub-Families are the following, viz. :— 

. Family NyMPHALIDZ— 

Sub-Family Danaine . . Figs, 1, 1A, 1B. Danais Chrysippus. 6 
ra Satyrine ; . eo eee Pseudonympha Sabacus. 
- Acroine : i 53 > Op. BAS Acrea Horta. 6 
gs Af Nymphalinee . Fig. 4. Pyraneis Cardui. 6 
_ Family Erycrinta— 
Sub-Family Libythewine . . Figs. 5, 5A. Libythea Laius. ¢ 
' Family LYCHNIDE . : : : », 6, 6A. — Lycena Asteris. 6 
4, Paprnionipa— . 
Sub-Family Pierine ee Bien, Pieris Hellica. 2 
Pe Papilionine . . Figs. 8,84, 8B. Papilio Demoleus. 6 
Family HESPERIDA , : P x 95 OA, Rhopalocampta Keithloa. 

The sign ¢ denotes the male, the sign @ the female. 

2. In the figures of W1nG NEURATION, the letter and numbers attached to a particular 
nervure and its nervules (or branches) are uniform throughout, and apply to both fore and hind 
wings. In fig. 8 (Papilio) advantage has been taken of its large size to add the names of the 
various marginal parts and chief areas of the wings, such as base, costa, hind-margin, discoidal 
cell, &c., which apply to all butterflies alike.. The names of the nervures and nervules, and the 
letters and numbers indicating them, are as follows, viz. :— 

aa. Costal nervure. Simple, without nervules.! 

b. Subcostal nervure ; bi, b2, b3, b4, b5, subcostal nervules. There are usually five sub 
costal nervules in the fove-wing, but sometimes (see fig. 6) four only, or more rarely 
(see fig. 7) three nervules. In the hind-wing there are invariably only two subcostal 

ci, c2. Discoidal or radial nervules. These nervules.are held to be persistent branches of 
a discoidal nervure traversing the discoidal cell, still found in many moths (Hete- 
rocera) but wanting in all butterflies, except for a trace or rudiment in rare instances 
at the outer extremity of the discoidal cell (see figs. 1 and 9). There are two of 
these nervules in the fore-wing, but only one in the hind-wing. The latter is, how- 
ever, badly developed or wanting altogether in the Family Hesperide (see fig. 9). 

d.*Median nervure: di, d2, d3, median nervules. There is no variation in the number of 

_, these nervules. bi 

e. Submedian nervure. Simple, without nervules. 

f. Internal nervure. Simple, without nervules. This short nervure is usually wanting in 
the fore-wing. When present it usually terminates (see Danais, fig. 1; and Libythea, 
fig. 5) by junction with the submedian nervure. In Papilio (fig. 8) it is best 
developed, and terminates independently on the inner-margin. In the hind-wing it 
is usually much more prominent, and always independent, terminating at some point 
on the inner margin ; but in Papilio it is altogether wanting. ; 

gi, g2, g3.\ ‘Disco-cellular nervules. These short transverse or oblique nervules connect 
the discoidal or radial nervules with each other, and also with the subcostal and 

median _nervures (or one of their nervules) respectively above and below them. In 
_ the fore-wing the first (upper) nervule is generally very short, and sometimes (as in 
ieris, fig. 7) absent entirely, the first (upper) discoidal, or» radial nervule being 
directly united with the subcostal nervure 3 while the third (lower) nervule is some- 

1 The base of this nervure, in common with that of the median and submedian nervures in some 
* . . 4 74 , i ui 152 - o + y Fz) +f 
poate; is in many Satyrinw and some Nyimphalinw swollen or inflated (see fig. 2, aa) in the sore-wing 
only. , 


<i ir 


times almost obsolete (as in Pyrameis, fig. 4), so that the discoidal cell appears to be 
open. In the hind-wing there are never more than two of these nervules, as only 
one discoidal nervule exists; and of them the second (lower) one is often obsolete or 
absent entirely (as in Pyrameis, fig. 4; Libythea, fig. 5; and Rhopalocampta, fig. 9). 

h. Interno-median nervule. In fore-wing only. This minute transverse nervule is shown 
in fig. 8, uniting the median and submedian nervures near their origin. It is only 
found in the Papilionine and Morphite. 

k. Precostal nervure. In hind-wing only. This short curved nervure, close to the base, is 
almost always simple, but in Papilio (fig. 8) and several allied genera, and in the 
Sub-family Brassoline, is forked, its lower branch being then united +o the costal 
nervure so as to form a small prediscoidal cell.1_ The precostal nervure is wanting 
in Lyccena (see fig. 6), and apparently throughout the Family Lyccenide, as well as 
in several genera of Pierine. 

_In fig. 4 (Pyrameis) is shown, along the hind-margin of both fore and hind wings, the fringe 
(cilia) of hairs or hair-like scales more or less developed throughout the Lepidoptera. 

3. In the figures of the Hnap, figs. 1A and 5A are viewed from below, fig. 9A from above, and 
the remainder from the side. The following letters are used throughout to denote the several 
organs, viz. :— 

aa. Antenne. These many-jointed organs vary much in length and thickness, and the 
thickening or club at their tip is also very variable in the different groups as regards 
size, shape, and gradual or abrupt formation from the main antenna. In the 
Hesperide (see fig. 9A) the antennez are widely separated at their origin, springing 
from each side of the wide head, and the point of the club is prolonged into a 
slender acute bristle, either bent at an angle or hooked. 

pp. Labial palpi. These organs, springing from the /abiwm or under lip, are three-jointed, 
but the extent and form of the third (terminal) joint only is readily perceptible, 
owing to the second (middle, and usually much the largest) and first (basal) joints 
being coated with scales and hairs. The extraordinary length of the palpi in 
Libythea (see fig. 5A) is due, however, to the unwonted development of the third 
joint ; while in Papilio (see fig. 8A) these organs are so short as to rise only half as 
high as the head, not projecting forward at all. 

ee. Compound Eyes. These great organs occupy a large space on each side of the head. 
They are always prominent and globose, and present but little variation in size or 

t. Trunk or haustellum. This consists of the greatly modified maaille (second pair of jaws 
in biting insects), forming together a tube for sucking liquid food. When not in use 
it is spirally rolled up. between the labial palpi. It is much longer in the Hesperide 
than in other butterflies. 

4. In the figures of the LmGs (1B, 8B, and 9B) the various parts are distinguished by the 
following letters, viz. :— : , 

Leg of first (front) pair. a : 

. Leg of second (middle) pair. — es 
. Leg of third (hind) pair. : pe heme 
. Lemur or thigh. 

 t. Tibia or shin. : 
ts. Tarsus or foot. : 

rho oe 

In fig. 1B all three legs of Danais are shown (a. b, c). The front leg is nota quarter the size 
of the middle or hind leg, and its tarsus is reduced to a single joint, with the minutest rudi- 
ments of two other joints (see fig. a’, magnified), instead of having the five joints and pair of 
terminal claws possessed by the other (normal) legs. The spurs at the end of the tibia are 
unusually small in both middle and hind legs. 

In fig. 8B the front and hind legs of Papilio are given (a,c). The front leg (a) is quite as 
fully developed as the others, the tarsus possessing the five usual joints and the terminal claws. 
The spurs at the end of the tibia are well developed in the middle and hind legs, and the tibia 
bears on its inner (inferior) edge a large acutely-pointed process. 

In fig. 98 (Rhopalocampta) the front and hind legs are shown (a,c). As in the Papilionde, 
the front leg is fully developed, and also bears a process (similar to that in Papilio) on the tibia. 
On the tibia of the hind-leg (c) there is a second pair of strong spurs at a little distance above 
the ordinary terminal ones. The femur of all the legs and the tibia of both middle and hind 
legs are densely clothed with hair. 

Norte.—The student will find it serviceable to consult this Plate, and the explanatory details 
here given, in connection with the remarks on the structure and classification of butterflies 
above offered (pp. 15-22) under the heading of ‘‘ Rhopalocera ;’’ and also with the particulars 
as to distinguishing characters given under each Family, Sub-family, and Genus in the body of 
the work. 

1 The smaller and less complete prediscoidal cell found in several Hesperide (see Rhopalocampta, 
f. 9) is differently formed, between the costal and subcostal nervures, at the very base of the discoidal 
cell itself, by the downward flexure and sub-angulation of the subcostal nervure. 


(P2531 8) 



VOL. I. 
Fig. 1, 1a.—Acrea Acara, Hewits. Larvaand Pupa, Hab.—D’Urban, pace 
Natal. (From drawings by the late Dr. J. E. Seaman) . . 160 

Fig. 2, 2a.—Planema Esebria (Hewits.) Larva and Pupa. Hab.— 

King William’s Town, Cape Colony. (From drawings by 
Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale) : é . 178-9 

Fig. 3.—Planema Aganice (Hewits.) Pupa. Hab.—D’Urban, Natal. 
(From a drawing by Mr. W. D. Gooch) : : : . 181 

Fig. 4.—Junonia Cebrene, Trimen. Larva. Hab.—Grahamstown, Cape 
Colony. (From a drawing by Mrs. F. W. Barber) 5. ome 

Fig. 5.—Dradema Misippus (Linn.) Pupa. Hab.—Maseru, Basuto- 
land. (From a drawing by R. Trimen) 279 

Fig. 6.—Charaxes Varanes (Cram.) Larva. Hab.—King William’s 
- Town. (From a drawing by Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale) . e322 
Fig. 7, 74.—Myrina jicedula, Trimen. Larva and Pupa. Hab.— vor. un. 
Grahamstown, Cape Colony. (From drawings by R. Trimen). 143 
Fig, 8, 8a.—Iolaus Silas, Westw. Larva and Pupa. Hab.—King 
- William’s Town, Cape Colony, and (Pupa) D’Urban, Natal. 
(From drawings by Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale and Captain H. C. 
Harford) . : : . 2 6 E28 


Fig. 1, 1a.—Hypolycena Lara (Linn.) Larva and Pupa. Hab.— 
Grahamstown, Cape Colony. (From drawings by Mrs. F. W. 

Barber) : ; ; : - 124 
Fig. 2, 2a.—D’ Urbania Amakosa, Trimen. Larva and Pupa. Hab.— 

King William’s Town, Cape Colony. (From drawings by Mrs. 

F. W. Barber and R. Trimen) ; : , : 216 

1 The habitat of each of the specimens figured is given, with the name of the collector 
who is the authority for it. 


Fig. 3, 3a.—Pieris Agathina (Cram.) Larva and Pupa. Hab.—King 
William’s Town and Grahamstown, Cape Colony. (From 
drawings by Mr. J. P. Mansel Weale and Mrs. F. W. 
Barber) : ; 

Fig. 4.—Papilio Tee ca Pupa. Hab.—D’Urban, Natal. 
(From a drawing by R. Trimen) : : : ; 

Fig. 5, 5a.—Papilio Nireus (Linn.) Larva and Pupa Hab— 
Grahamstown, Cape Colony. (From drawings by R. Trimen). 

Fig. 6, 6a.—Rhopalocampta Florestan (Cram.) Larva and Pupa. 
Hab.—King William’s Town. (From drawings by Mr. J. P. 
Mansel Weale) 


Fig. 1, ra.—Acrea Barberi, Trimen, ¢ and 9. Hab.— Transvaal 
(H. Barber) : ; : ‘ 

Fig. 2.—Acrea Stenotea, Wallengr., 6. Hab.—Hebron, Vaal River 
(WV. Morant) ; ; : 

Acrea Aglonice, Westw., 6. Hab.—Lydenburg District, 
Transvaal (7. Ayres) ; : : : 

Fig. 4.—Acrea Violarum, Boisd., 9. Hab.—Lydenburg District, 
Transvaal (7. Ayres) ‘ : 

Fig. 5, 5a.—Lachnoptera Ayresit, Trimen, 6 He 9. Hab.—Little 
Umhlanga, Natal (W. D. Gooch) . 



PUMTE Type) he 

Fig. 1.—Hurema Scheneia, Trimen, 6. Hab.—King William’s Town, 
Cape Colony (J. H. Bowker) ; : 

Fig. 2,—Junonia Boopis, Trimen, 9. Hab.—Potchefstroom District, 
Transvaal (7. Ayres) : : 

Fig. 3.—Precis Sesamus, Trimen, ?. Hab. — Lydenburg District, 
Transvaal (7. Aves) 

Fig. 4.—Supposed Hybrid between Precis Seathinn Trim, 55 re P. 
Octavia (Cram.), 9. Hab.—Verulam, Natal (R. Trimen) 

Fig. 5.—Precis Tugela, Trimen, 2. Hab.—Lydenburg District, Trans- 
vaal (7. Ayres) : ; ‘ : ; , 

Fig. 6.—Salamis nebulosus, Trimen, 9. Hab.—St. Lucia Bay, Zulu- 
land (Colonel H. Tower) 

VOL. Ill. 


1 Each figure represents both the upper and under surfaces of the wings in this and the 

subsequent plates. 

oo ann = 




1.—Crenis Natalensis, Boisd., 9. Hab.—D’Urban, Natal (A. J. 

. 2, 2a.—-Crenis Boisduvalt, elnen. : ia 2. Fy ae 

Natal (J. H. Bowker and M. J. M‘Ken) 

. 3.—Crenis Morantii, Trimen, 9. Hab.—Pinetown, ‘Natal (W. 


. 4.—Hypanis Ilithyia, Dee ae A., 9. fee Ue, ‘Natal 

(J. H. Bowker) 

g. 5.—Hurytela Hiarbas (nat ar. 6. Hab.—D’Urban, Natal 

(J. H. Bowker) . 

g. 6.—Neptis Goochi, Trimen, @. Hub. _Little agape ‘Natal 

(W. D. Gooch) 


. 1.—Pseudacrea imitator, Trimen, 9. Hab.—D’Urban (2), Natal 

(J. H. Bowker) . 

‘ig, 2.—LHuralia Wahlberg, Wallengr., ¢. Hab, Say tieen Natal 

(J. H. Bowker) 

ig. 3.—Huralia deceptor, Esa 9. Hab.—D’ Urban, Natal (J. 7. 


. 4.—Charaxes Candiope (Godt, )s 4. Hab. _p io N atal (at. i 

M‘ Ken) 

5.—Leptoneura Cyt Trittien, & Habs ds Bbbhec Riv ver, Kafira. 

ria (J. H. Bowker) 



SJ) 5) 

VOL, I. 





West, Newman & nat. chrom. ith. 

Plate 2. 

ae eee 

Tine RSE OT TR i 

(A es RA COTS ea RO I eb 

West Newman & Co. aduat.chrom. lith, 

Plate 3. 

West Newman & Co. ad.nat.chrom.]ith. 


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