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Stipatocrinus, a New and Unusual 
Camerate Crinoid from the 
Lower Silurian of Western New York 

James D. Eckert and Carlton E. Brett 


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Stipatocrinus, a New and Unusual 
Camerate Crinoid from the 
Lower Silurian of Western New York 

James D. Eckert 
Carlton E. Brett 




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James D. Eckert completed his M.Sc. studies in the Department of Geology at the 
University of Toronto in 1981. He is currently continuing graduate studies in the De- 
partment of Geological Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. 

Carlton E. Brett is associate professor in the Department of Geological Sciences, Uni- 
versity of Rochester. 

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data 
Eckert, James D., 1952- 
Stipatocrinus, a new and unusual camerate 
crinoid from the Lower Silurian of western New York 

(Life sciences contributions ; 146) 

Bibliography: p. 

ISBN 0-88854-336-0 

1. Crinoidea, Fossil. 2. Paleontology — New York 
(State) — Ordovician. 3. Paleontology — New York 
(State). I. Brett, Carlton Elliot. If. Royal 

Ontario Museum. III. Title. [V. Series. 

QE782.E24 1987 563'.91'097479 C87-094782-6 

Publication Date: 15 November 1987 

ISBN 0-88854-336-0 

ISSN 0384-8159 

© Royal Ontario Museum, 1987 

100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Canada, M5S 2C6 

Stipatocrinus, a New and Unusual Camerate Crinoid from the 
Lower Silurian of Western New York 


Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Upper Llandoverian Reynales 
Formation of western New York. Diagnostic characters of this unusual camerate crinoid 
include a peculiar cup in which the lowest circlet, consisting of two large and two small 
plates designated as basals divided by sutures passing through the AE-interray and C- 
ray, possesses a combination of infrabasal, basal, and radial features. Unique t-shaped 
radials bridge interrays consisting of numerous small interbrachials irregular in shape and 
arrangement. Stipatocrinus probably represents an archaic, previously unrecognized lin- 
eage of camerate crinoids that persisted into the Silurian but became extinct in the late 
Llandoverian. Thinly plated, flexible interrays of Stipatocrinus reduced metabolic cost 
of skeletal growth and possibly aided in respiration. 


Crinoids are poorly represented in Lower Silurian (Llan- 
doverian) strata of eastern North America. This interval 
is critical to understanding the evolution of the class, for 
it followed major Late Ordovician extinctions that deci- 
mated crinoids and other groups of marine invertebrates 
and preceded major taxonomic radiation and restructuring 
of crinoid assemblages in the Late Silurian (Wenlockian). 
One might predict, therefore, that Llandoverian crinoid 
assemblages would comprise transitional forms, including 
ancestral stocks of certain of the major Wenlockian clades. 
Indeed, such precursor taxa have been reported from the 
Hopkinton Dolomite (late Llandoverian, C,;—C,) in lowa 
(Witzke, Frest, and Strimple, 1979; Witzke and Strimple, 
1981), and a slightly older fauna is known from the Brass- 
field Formation of Ohio (Ausich, 1985, 1986a, 1986b) in 
strata considered to be of late Llandoverian (C,—C,) age 
(Berry and Boucot, 1970). Potential ancestors of Wen- 
lockian crinoids also occur in the Cataract Group of On- 
tario (Eckert, 1984) and in the lower Clinton Group (middle 
to late Llandoverian, B,—-C,) of the northern Appalachian 
Basin in New York State (Eckert, in prep.). However, 
Early Silurian crinoid assemblages of Ontario and New 
York State are also distinctly Ordovician in aspect and 

characterized by persistence of primitive lineages. For ex- 
ample, Ptychocrinus medinensis, a species closely related 
to the Late Ordovician crinoid P. splendens, is locally 
abundant in the Power Glen Formation (early Llandover- 
ian, A,-A,) of New York and the Cabot Head Formation 
of Ontario (Brett, 1978; Eckert, 1984). The Reynales For- 
mation contains undescribed crinoids very similar to the 
Middle Ordovician crinoid Tornatilicrinus from the Leb- 
anon Limestone of Tennessee. Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. 
et sp. nov. is also inferred to represent a primitive but 
persistent Ordovician lineage. These taxa appear to rep- 
resent relict lineages that escaped Ashgillian extinction. 
Stipatocrinus hulveri formed monotypic, high-density as- 
semblages, suggesting that it may have acted as an op- 
portunistic species that thrived in physically stressed, un- 
crowded environments such as existed in the Early Silu- 
rian of the northern Appalachian Basin. These environ- 
ments may have provided a refuge for primitive holdover 
taxa that became extinct or were displaced coincidentally 
with an invasion of diverse Wenlockian echinoderm as- 
sociations that may nave evolved in the North American 
midcontinent (Witzke, Frest, and Strimple, 1979) or in 
presently unknown areas. 

Occurrence and Stratigraphy 

In 1983, while studying Early Silurian brachiopod com- 
munities in western New York, Michael Hulver of the 
University of Chicago discovered dolostone slabs covered 
with long crinoid stems from talus in the eastern side of 
the gorge of the Genesee River at Rochester, New York 

(Text-Figs. 1, 2). Subsequent investigation by Brett re- 
sulted in discovery of numerous nearly complete individ- 
uals of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. at this site, 
0.3 km north of the lower falls of the Genesee River and 
10 to 40 m east of the Rochester Gas and Electric access 

Oo km = 30 

———————— el, 




Niagara Rochester 

® Falls 

Conkey Ave. 

TeExtT-Fic. 1. Locality map of southwestern Ontario and western New York State. Arrow in inset at right 
indicates occurrence of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. 



Thorold sang 


TextT-FiG. 2. Upper Ordovician Queenston Formation and Silurian formations exposed in eastern side of 
gorge of Genesee River at Rochester, New York. Vertical section is approximately 50 m. Slabs bearing 
Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. were found on talus slope between access road and Reynales Formation 
exposed in cliff. Arrows indicate lateral extent of occurrence. 

road south of Seth Green Drive, Rochester, Monroe County, 
New York (United States Geological Survey, Rochester 
West 7.5’ Quadrangle). 

Crinoid-bearing slabs appear to comprise parts of a large 
rockfall from the Wallington Member of the Reynales For- 
mation, exposed in the cliff above the talus (Text-Fig. 2). 
Laminated calcisiltite containing crinoids closely resem- 
bles that found interbedded with green shales near the base 
of the Wallington Member. Crinoid columns and distinc- 
tive t-shaped radials were obtained in situ from the lowest 
metre of this member, which probably represents the ho- 
rizon from which the study material was eroded. 

The Reynales Formation, also known as the Reynales 
Limestone, consists of complex, time-trangressive, dom- 
inantly carbonate strata extending from the Niagara area 
eastwards to near Wolcott, New York, where it grades 

laterally into the Bear Creek Shale. The Wallington Mem- 
ber (Fisher, 1960) is the uppermost unit of the Reynales 
Formation in the Rochester area. Approximately 4 m thick 
in the Genesee Gorge, the Wallington consists of thin- to 
medium-bedded, light grey, cherty, dolomitic limestone 
and dolostone with greenish-grey shale partings. Cross- 
lamination with a maximum amplitude of 2 cm occurs in 
calcisiltite (pelletal grainstone beds). Several horizons of 
fossiliferous packstone and grainstone within the Walling- 
ton contain abundant specimens of the brachiopods Pen- 
tamerus oblongus and Eocoelia hemispherica. On the basis 
of these brachiopods, the Wallington was considered to 
be of late Llandoverian (C,) age (Berry and Boucot, 1970). 
However, further consideration of brachiopod and cono- 
dont biostratigraphy led Rickard (1975) to propose an ear- 
lier (C,) age. 

Materials and Methods 

Most specimens of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. 
are embedded in a hard, dolomitic calcisiltite and proved 
difficult to prepare. Attempts to remove matrix, using so- 
dium bicarbonate in an airbrasive machine, were not suc- 
cessful. Dolomite powder proved to be an effective abrasive 
but readily damaged the thin plates of these crinoids. For- 
tunately a few specimens, including the holotype, are 
embedded in a softer, slightly argillaceous matrix and were 
prepared using needles and airbrasion with little damage. 

Immersion of specimens in ethanol facilitated morphologic 
study. Text-Figures 5, 6, and 7 were prepared by tracing 
over photographs. Plate dimensions were measured using 
vernier Calipers; orientations of these plates are given in 
Table 1: 

All study material is deposited in the collections of the 
Department of Invertebrate Palaeontology, Royal Ontario 
Museum (ROM) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

Systematic Palaeontology 

Class Crinoidea Miller, 1821 
Subclass Camerata Wachsmuth and Springer, 1885 
?Order Monobathrida Moore and Laudon, 1943 
Superfamily Stipatocrinacea superfam. nov. 


Lowest circlet in cup consisting of four plates (basals?); 
two large plates adjacent to one another along C-ray suture 
and two small plates directly in line with A- and E-ray 
radials. This circlet divided by sutures in AB-, DE-, and 
EA-interrays. Radials and fixed brachials narrow, elon- 
gate, raised. Primanal and anitaxis absent. Interbrachials 
small, exceptionally numerous, irregular in shape and 

Family Stipatocrinidae fam. nov. 

Characters of superfamily. 

Stipatocrinus gen. nov. 

Stipatocrinus hulveri sp. nov. 


From the Latin stipatus—crowded—in reference to the 
numerous interbrachials crowded together in the interrays, 
and from the Greek krinon—lily. 


Monotypic genus of Stipatocrinidae with narrow conical 
cup and depressed interrays. Radials t-shaped, bridging 
interrays. Primibrachials two in each ray, elongate, straight 
sided, grooved ventrally. Fixed secundibrachials four to 

iA > 

oe hs 


rH 2 RT B ree Z < 

TEXT-FiG. 3. Plate diagram of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. Note peculiar configuration of proximal 
circlet, divided into bilaterally symmetrical halves by sutures in AE-interray and C-ray. The t-shaped radials 
(black) enclose suboval interbrachial areas and are smaller in BC- and CD-interrays than in remaining interrays. 

six in each ray branch. Fixed pinnule borne by second 
secundibrachial. Interbrachials smooth, without ornamen- 
tation. Narrow cylindrical anal tube eccentrically located 
on tegmen. Arms ten, pinnulate; brachials in immature 
biserial arrangement. Column transversely circular. 


There is little doubt that Stipatocrinus gen. nov. belongs 
to the subclass Camerata in view of its densely pinnulate 
arms, fixed ray series, fixed pinnules, and numerous in- 
terbrachials. However, below this level, classification be- 
comes difficult. It is not clear whether Stipatocrinus should 
be classified among the Monobathrida or the Diplobath- 
rida, or in a separate order altogether, because the peculiar 
plate configuration of the base of the cup in this crinoid 
renders plate homologies obscure. The problem is com- 
pounded, for the column of Stipatocrinus is neither pen- 
tameric nor pentagonal, but cylindrical with a round lumen. 
Hence, this column does not provide any indication of 
orientation of thecal plates relative to the entoneural sys- 
tem, as suggested by the “‘Law of Wachsmuth and Spring- 
er’ (Warn, 1975). 

Even the location of radials in Stipatocrinus 1s somewhat 
problematic. The A- and E-rays are each supported by a 
single uninterrupted row of plates beginning in the lowest 
circlet of the cup (Text-Fig. 3). Thus, plates of this circlet 
in the A- and E-rays could be considered to be radials. 
However, if this interpretation is followed, the radials of 
these rays would lie immediately above the stem facet, a 
feature unknown in all other crinoids. In the B-, C-, and 
D-rays the lowest plates of the rays are t-shaped and sit- 
uated within the second circlet of plates (Text-Fig. 3). 
These t-shaped plates are relatively narrow, as in fixed 
brachials, and are even grooved ventrally (Pl. 1, figs. 
16,20). However, they are differentiated from all other 
cup plates by their lateral processes, and they form a dis- 
tinctive circlet. We feel fairly confident in designating 
plates of the second circlet as radials because a t-shaped 
plate of the C-ray overlies a suture between plates of the 
lowest circlet. This plate is therefore in typical radial po- 
sition. Furthermore, the strong differentiation of these plates 
is also suggestive of radials. In other primitive camerate 
crinoids, including reteocrinids and xenocrinids, the ra- 
dials are always markedly separate from other adjacent 
plates (Brower, pers. comm., 1986). 

Configuration of the lowest circlet of cup plates in Sti- 
patocrinus is unique among camerate crinoids, both in 
terms of the shapes and relative sizes of these plates and, 
most notably, in their orientation with respect to the ra- 
dials. The lowest circlet combines features of infrabasals, 
basals, and radials. Three of four sutures dividing this 
circlet are interradial (AB-, DE-, and EA-interrays), a 
characteristic of infrabasals; the fourth suture is directly 
below the C-ray radial as it would be in a normal basal 

TEXT-FiG. 4. Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. Specimens 
immersed in ethanol. 

A. Individual centred on C-ray. Proximal circlet is divided 
by suture in C-ray but not in BC- or CD-interrays. Aborally 
directed bifurcation of C-ray ridge continues on basals. Small 
suboval interbrachial areas in BC- and CD-interrays, bounded 
above by t-shaped radials, are of similar size. Interbrachials, 
underlain by black integument, are poorly preserved. Paratype 
ROM 44309a, x 4.0. 

B. Individual centred on D-ray. Proximal circlet is divided 
by suture in C-ray and DE-interray but not in CD-interray. Sub- 
oval interbrachial area in DE-interray, bounded above by t-shaped 
radials, is smaller than adjacent area in CD-interray. Interbra- 
chials are well preserved in this specimen, and proximal portion 
of anal tube is visible. Paratype ROM 44309b, x 4.0. 

circlet (Text-Figs. 3, 4A,B). Furthermore, two plates in 
the lowest circlet resemble radials because they are directly 
in line with and support the A- and E-rays. 

An unusual and interesting feature of Stipatocrinus is 
that the plates of the lowest circlet are dissimilar in size 
and shape with respect to each other. Two plates of this 
circlet, directly in line with the A- and E-rays, are five- 
sided and considerably smaller (narrower) than the larger 
six-sided plates that they adjoin laterally (Text-Fig. 3). 
Pairing of each larger plate with a smaller one divides the 
lowest circlet into bilaterally symmetrical halves, each with 
two plates, about a sutural plane passing through the AE- 
interray and C-ray. To our knowledge, no other camerate 
crinoids, including xenocrinids, possess a basal circlet with 
this symmetry. 

We emphasize that the peculiar configuration of the 
lowest circlet of cup plates in Stipatocrinus is not an ab- 
normality. Consistent orientations have been observed in 
all seven specimens that have been adequately prepared. 
Furthermore, plate organization appears well coordinated 
with ray ridge configuration. 


Homology of the lowest circlet of cup plates in Stipa- 
tocrinus is a problem. We have termed these plates basals 
because they comprise the only circlet of plates between 
the stem facet and inferred radial circlet. However, the 
proximal circlet resembles a typical basal circlet only at 
the C-ray suture, situated directly below the C-ray radial. 
An alternative interpretation is that the lowest circlet of 
plates in Stipatocrinus may be homologous with the in- 
frabasals of dicyclic camerates, in which the sutures are 
invariably interradial in position. However, number and 
sutural configuration of plates in the lowest circlet of S1- 
patocrinus do not precisely conform to that of a normal 
camerate crinoid infrabasal circlet. Nearly all diplobath- 
rans possess five equal infrabasals, although the Anthemo- 
crinidae possess four. None of these crinoids has a suture 
in the C-ray position as in the Stipatocrinus base. Instead, 
sutures between infrabasals normally occur in the BC- and 
CD-interrays; such sutures are absent in Stipatocrinus (Text- 
Figs. 3, 4A). 

The origin of the unequal basals in Stipatocrinus 1s un- 
clear. The infrabasal circlet of anthemocrinids, a family 
unrelated to Stipatocrinus, possesses a large plate presum- 
ably derived from fusion of two smaller plates. In contrast, 
Stipatocrinus possesses two large and two small plates in 
the lowest circlet. The two large plates could have devel- 
oped by lateral fusion of two pairs of plates in an infrabasal 
circlet that originally possessed six plates. However, this 
seems unlikely, for crinoids with six infrabasals are un- 
known. A more plausible explanation is that the two larger 
plates of Stipatocrinus were derived in two different ways: 
one by fusion of two plates, the other by enlargement of 
a single plate, so that the sutural position migrated from 
an interradial to a radial position. This would imply an 
ancestral condition with five plates in the lowest circlet, 
for which no evidence exists. 

If the lowest cup plates of Stipatocrinus are homologous 
with infrabasals, we are faced with the obvious problem 
of absence of a basal circlet. Most researchers have implied 
that a pseudomonocyclic condition results from loss of 
infrabasals (Warn, 1975; Ubaghs, 1978). For example, the 
inadunate genus Jocrinus could have evolved from Mer- 
ocrinus by loss of infrabasals. Alternatively, certain mon- 
ocyclic inadunates including Belemnocrinus may have 
evolved from dicyclic forms by loss of the basal circlet 
(McIntosh, 1979). The latter process may also have oc- 
curred in Stipatocrinus. 

The interrays of Stipatocrinus are peculiar in several 
respects. Most notably, they are filled with an exceptional 
number of small ossicles, more than 400 plates in the CD- 
interray of the holotype specimen (ROM 44310a, Pl. 1, 
figs. 1,3). Moreover, these plates are irregular in size, 
shape, and arrangement and are unusually thin. Unlike the 
majority of camerate crinoids, Stipatocrinus has interrays 
without a well-developed gradient of progressively smaller 

plates distally. Finally, Stipatocrinus lacks a primanal and 
anitaxis but possesses a cylindrical anal tube composed of 
plates resembling interbrachials. 

Moore and Laudon (1943) considered small, irregular, 
and numerous interbrachials to be a primitive character. 
Brower (1974a) believed this characteristic to be advanced 
in xenocrinids, crinoids with interray plating similar to 
Stipatocrinus and occurring stratigraphically above sup- 
posedly related camerates with fewer and larger interbra- 
chials. However, this conclusion was based, in part, on a 
misinterpretation of the phylogeny of xenocrinids (Brower, 
pers. comm., 1986). Poorly known phylogenies of ca- 
merate crinoids do not prove that either of these conflicting 
theories is correct. However, we believe that ontogenetic 
patterns of growth in primitive pelmatozoans and biostrati- 
graphic evidence lend support to the Moore and Laudon 

Ontogeny of interbrachials in most camerate crinoids 
was closely integrated and coordinated with increase in 
size of the cup (Brower, 1974b). Originating near the 
periphery of the tegmen, interbrachials were derived from 
tegmen interambulacrals that were modified in size and 
shape, becoming regular polygons as they were gradually 
incorporated into interrays. Consequently, interrays of most 
camerate crinoids typically show a well-developed gra- 
dient of progressively smaller and more irregular inter- 
brachials towards the tegmen. This gradient apparently 
evolved early in the history of camerates, first appearing 
in the Lower Ordovician crinoid Proxenocrinus. 

Unlike that of most crinoids, ontogeny of interbrachials 
in Stipatocrinus and the Late Ordovician crinoid Xeno- 
crinus was poorly coordinated and poorly integrated with 
overall growth of the cup. In these crinoids, interbrachials 
grew more slowly than other calyx plates, necessitating 
an intercalatory mode of growth (Brower, 1974a). As a 
consequence of this mode of growth, interbrachials in Sti- 
patocrinus and Xenocrinus are irregular in shape and ar- 
rangement. Interbrachials could have been added anywhere 
within interrays of these crinoids. This pattern 1s especially 

‘well developed in Stipatocrinus, in which small interbra- 

chials adjacent to larger interbrachials are scattered 
throughout interrays. Intercalation increased the number 
of interbrachials at a given level within the cup as this 
crinoid grew. New interbrachials were also added by in- 
corporation of interambulacrals. Interbrachials in Stipa- 
tocrinus merge smoothly into the tegmen, indicating that 
tegmen plates were incorporated into interrays, unaccom- 
panied by substantial modification in size or shape of these 
ossicles. Because of an intercalatory mode of growth, in- 
terrays of Stipatocrinus and Xenocrinus display a poorly 
developed gradient of progressively smaller plates distally. 

The origin of camerate crinoids and their relationships 
to other groups of pelmatozoans is poorly known. How- 
ever, biostratigraphic evidence indicates that primitive 

Cambrian pelmatozoans, including the probable crinoid 
Echmatocrinus, are characterized by thecae possessing a 
large number of plates irregular in shape and arrangement. 
Moreover, thecae of these echinoderms typically show a 
poorly developed gradient of progressively smaller plates 
distally, and these plates commonly merge into the tegmen 
with little differentiation. We suggest that similar features 
in Stipatocrinus represent primitive characters. 

The calyces of Stipatocrinus and Xenocrinus are similar 
in that both possess large numbers of small irregular in- 
terbrachials. However, Xenocrinus has a well-developed 
anitaxial ridge, and configuration of the lowest circlet of 
plates in Stipatocrinus is unlike that of Xenocrinus. We 
conclude that similar morphology of interrays suggests 
simply that these crinoids belong to archaic lineages prob- 
ably not closely related to each other. In fact, superficial 
similarity of these genera could be an example of con- 
vergent evolution, although this possibility seems doubt- 
ful. It implies repeated development of large numbers of 
small interbrachials from ancestors with larger regular in- 
terbrachials, which is contrary to evolutionary trends in 
camerate lineages of simplifying cup structure by reducing 
numbers of interbrachials or eliminating them altogether. 

Even the assumption that Stipatocrinus 1s related to di- 
plobathran camerates does not provide insight into the 
evolution of this genus. Gaurocrinus and Reteocrinus, both 
members of the Reteocrinidae, possess large numbers of 
irregular interbrachials as in Stipatocrinus. However, these 
crinoids have a primanal within the radial circlet and also 
possess a prominent, ridged anitaxis. Furthermore, Reteo- 
crinus has divergent characters, including interinfrabasal 
gaps, spiculelike interbrachials, and apinnulate, branching 
arms. None of the more advanced diplobathrans is at all 
similar to Stipatocrinus. Thus, Stipatocrinus presently stands 
by itself. We follow convention in tentatively assigning 
this genus to the Monobathrida because only a single circlet 
of plates is situated below the radials. However, we also 
emphasize that the present monocyclic-dicyclic schism in 
classification of crinoids, discussed by Warn (1975), may 
obscure phylogenetic relationships. In fact, Stipatocrinus 
may belong to a sister group of the Diplobathrida. Dis- 
covery of additional genera related to Stipatocrinus may 
readily justify erection of a new order to encompass these 
unusual crinoids. We conclude that the several seemingly 
primitive features of Stipatocrinus suggest that it may have 
been a “‘living fossil’’ in late Llandoverian seas. 

Stipatocrinus hulveri sp. nov. 
Text-Figs. 1-8; Pl. 1, figs. 1-21; Pl. 2, figs. 1-12 

Numbered slabs containing approximately 75 calyces and 
crowns associated with numerous columnals and columns 

of this species are deposited in the collections of the De- 
partment of Invertebrate Palaeontology at the Royal On- 
tario Museum, catalogue numbers ROM 44309-44344. 
Figured specimens: holotype ROM 44310a; paratypes ROM 
44309a,b,d; 443 10b-44323. 

Reynales Formation, Wallington Member, exposed in the 
gorge of the Genesee River, Rochester, New York. 

The species is named in honour of Michael Hulver. 

As for genus. 


Calyx steeply conical (height/width = 1.5—1.7), with highly 
elevated ray ridges and depressed interrays. CD-interray 
about 20 per cent wider than other interrays. 

Four plates in lowest cup circlet, here designated as 
basals, possibly representing infrabasals. Proximal circlet 
comprising approximately I5 per cent of calyx height, 
divided by sutures in AB-, DE-, and EA-interrays and in 
C-ray, undivided in BC- and CD-interrays (Text-Figs. 3, 
4A,B; Pl. 1, figs. 1,5,6,13—15). Basals two large and two 
small (Pl. 1, fig. 13). Basals directly underlying A- and 
E-ray radials five-sided, smaller (narrower) than larger six- 
sided basals occupying AB- through DE-interrays (Text- 
Figs. 3, 4A,B, 7; Pl. 1, figs. 5,6). Smaller basals elongate, 
widest just above stem facet (PI. 1, fig. 5). Larger basals 
expanding in width distally. Sutures passing through AE- 
interray and C-ray divide basal circlet into bilaterally sym- 
metrical halves (Text-Fig. 3). In AB-, DE-, and EA- 
interrays basals meeting along straight suture for about 
one-third to one-half of basal height, diverging above 
forming concave margins of proximal interrays (Text-Fig. 
3; Pl. 1, fig. 5). In BC- and CD-interrays these concave 
margins less pronounced, not extending as close to stem 
facet (Text-Figs. 3, 4A). Basals in A- and E-rays each 
with ridge continuing onto A- and E-ray radials, respec- 
tively. Larger basals meeting directly below C-ray along 
straight suture for about 80 per cent of basal height, each 
possessing two adradially directed ridges. Pair of ridges 
divided by suture separating these basals merging up- 
wards, forming single ridge on C-ray radial (Text-Figs. 
3, 4A). 

Radials and higher fixed brachials grooved ventrally (PI. 
1, figs. 16,17,20,21), extremely narrow, forming highly 
elevated ray ridges extending full width of brachials (Text- 
Figs. 3, 4A,B, 8; Pl. 2, figs. 1-5). Radials t-shaped (height/ 
maximum width = 1.6—1.8). Each radial bisected near 
midpoint by pair of short, narrow, laterally directed pro- 
jections (Text-Figs. 3, 4A,B; Pl. 1, figs. 5,20). Projections 

forming ridges lower in height than ray ridges, crossing 
proximal interray areas, narrowly joining radials together. 

First primibrachials rectangular, highly elongate (height/ 
width = 3.0—5.0), straight-sided. Second primibrachials 
Y-shaped (height/width = 1.4—1.6), axillary (Pl. 1, fig. 
10). Each ray bifurcating near centre of second primibra- 
chial, forming two straight ray ridge segments continuing 
upwards towards arms. First secundibrachials rectangular 
(height/width = 1.5—1.9), each bearing a stout fixed pin- 
nule bounded by interprimibrachials (PI. 1, figs. 1,4). Sec- 
ond secundibrachials equidimensional (height/width = 1.0). 
Succeeding fixed secundibrachials rectangular, wider than 
high (height/width = 0.6—0.8). Arms free beyond third 
to seventh secundibrachial. 

Interrays filled with exceptionally numerous interbra- 
chials (more than 400 ossicles in CD-interray of holotype 
specimen, ROM 44310a; PI. 1, fig. 1). Interrays of smaller 
individuals with fewer plates (Pl. 2, figs. 10,11). Inter- 
brachials immediately above basals enclosed in suboval to 
subtriangular depressed areas bounded above by lateral 
projections of radials (Text-Figs. 3, 4B, 5; Pl. 1, fig. 19). 
These enclosed areas smaller in BC- and CD-interrays than 
in remaining interrays (Text-Figs. 3, 4A,B; Pl. 1, fig. 6). 
Interbrachials irregular polygons, typically five- or six- 
sided, varying from four- to seven-sided. Largest inter- 
brachials commonly with rounded corners. Interrays dis- 
playing poorly developed gradient of progressively smaller 
plates distally; smaller plates occurring between larger plates 
throughout interrays (Pl. 1, fig. 3). Interbrachials smooth, 
without ornamentation, very thin (approximately 0.03 mm 
thick), resting on black layer representing degraded or- 
ganic matter (Text-Figs. 3, 4A; Pl. 1, fig. 5). Interray 
areas loosely sutured to straight-sided ray series. 

Primanal and anitaxis absent. Narrow cylindrical anal 

1 m m , i 

TextT-Fic. 5. Plate diagram of basals and proximal interbra- 
chials in AB-interray of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. 
Paratype ROM 44310b, PI. 2, fig. 19. 

tube developed in CD-interray, eccentrically situated near 
edge of tegmen (PI. 1, figs. 1,11; Pl. 2, figs. 1,9). Anal 
tube incompletely preserved in available specimens, com- 
posed of smooth polygonal plates resembling interbrachi- 
als (Text-Fig. 6; Pl. 1, figs. 2,4). 

Tegmen seen only in cross-section, forming shallow 
dome consisting of polygonal plates resembling interbra- 
chials in size and shape. Some tegminal plates nodose, 
commonly bearing short spines (PI. 1, fig. 12). 

Arms ten, pinnulate, relatively long (Table 1). Proximal 
brachials in uniserial arrangement (PI. 1, fig. 5), rectan- 
gular, wider than high (height/width = 0.4—0.6). Suc- 
ceeding brachials cuneate, in immature biserial arrangement 
in distal portions of arms (PI. 1, fig. 8). Pinnules incom- 
pletely known. Pinnulars attached directly to free brachi- 

TEXxT-FiG. 6. Plate diagram of anal tube of Stipatocrinus hul- 
veri gen. et sp. nov. Anal plates resemble interbrachials. Dotted 
area represents area damaged during preparation. Holotype ROM 
44310a, Pl. 1, fig. 2. 

als, short, quadrangular, tapering distally (Pl. 1, fig. 7). 
Succeeding pinnules lath-shaped (height/width = 2.2—2.7). 

Column transversely circular, heteromorphic, tapering 
uniformly almost to a point distally (Pl. 2, figs. 4,5,8,10). 
Proximal nodals biconcave in longitudinal cross-section 
with thickened, rounded epifacets concealing adjacent in- 
ternodals (Text-Fig. 7A,B; Pl. 1, fig. 18). Internodals rec- 
tangular or slightly biconvex in longitudinal cross-section. 

Proximal columnals thin (nodal height/width = 0.25—0.33, 
internodal height/width = 0.06—0.13). Columnals becom- 
ing successively thicker in distal portion of column (nodal 
height/width = 0.28—0.36, internodal height/width = 0.17— 
0.22). Noditaxis typically consisting of one nodal, two or 
three second-order internodals, a first-order internodal, and 
two or three second-order internodals (Text-Fig. 7A—D). 
Lumen small, round (PI. 2, figs. 6,7). 

TABLE 1. Measurements (in mm) of types of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. 

Orientation of plate measurements as follows: ROM 44309a—below B- and C-rays (basal), C-ray (radial— 
secundibrachial); RoM 44309b and 44310a—below C- and D-rays (basal), D-ray (radial—secundibrachial); 
ROM 44310b—below B- and C-rays (basal), B-ray (radial—secundibrachial). 

Measurements ROM 44309a 
Calyx height 13.7 
Calyx width ll 
Arm length 33.07 
Proximal stem diameter Het) 
Basal height 2.1 
Basal width 2.1 
Radial height 37 
Radial width Dal 
First primibrachial height 2.8 
First primibrachial width 1.0 
Second primibrachial height 2.4 
Second primibrachial width 1.8 
Second secundibrachial height 1.4 
Second secundibrachial width 1.0 
*Specimen crushed. Actual width less than indicated. 
tDistal portions of arms not preserved. 

aes | 



Paratype Holotype Paratype 
_ ROM 44309b ROM 44310a _ ROM 44310b 
14, 1 18. 4 N32 
Sa 10.5* a 
— ss 18.07 
2.8 3.1 Pes) 
1.9 DD eS) 
1.9 DS) DS) 
3.6 3.8 3)-5) 
si 2.0 we i) 
3.6 3.8 32) 
2 2. 0.89 
Dell 2.9 DS) 
1.9 2.0 IES 
1.6 2.0 1.4 
0.97 1.0 0.81 

a IN Diss IN 
‘ alex IN rake “8 

C D 

TEXT-FiG. 7. Diagrams of longitudinal cross-sections through pluricolumnals of Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. 
et sp. nov. Nodals and internodals are indicated, respectively, as follows: N, 1 IN, 2 IN, 3 IN. 

A. Pluricolumnal between 9 and 10 mm below cup of paratype ROM 44319, indicated by upper pair of 
arrows on PI. 1, fig. 18. Very thin second-order internodals are not visible from exterior of proximal column. 

B. Pluricolumnal between 26 and 28 mm below cup of paratype ROM 44319, indicated by lower pair of 
arrows on PI. 1, fig. 18. Second-order internodal is incipient nodal. Note prominent, thickened epifacets of 
nodals, which partly enclose adjacent third-order internodals. 

C. Distal pluricolumnal of paratype Rom 44320, indicated by upper pair of arrows on PI. 1, fig. 9. 

D. Distal pluricolumnal of paratype ROM 44320, indicated by lower pair of arrows on PI. 1, fig. 9. 



Limited lateral extent of slabs bearing Stipatocrinus hul- 
veri on a talus slope in the gorge of the Genesee River 
and apparent absence of similar slabs in the cliff wall above 
indicate that these crinoids comprised a highly localized 
stand, or “‘garden,’’ on the seafloor. The area of seafloor 
occupied by this stand, assuming that the majority of spec- 
imens have been discovered, did not exceed 0.2 m?. This 
occurrence represents a high-density stand (sensu Brower, 
1973) with about 400 crinoids per square metre. Few fos- 
sils, including poorly preserved specimens of the brachio- 
pod Coolinia? and encrusting bryozoans are associated 
with these crinoids (PI. 2, fig. 10). The horizon from which 
the Stipatocrinus material was apparently derived is nearly 
devoid of fossils, indicating that the seafloor surrounding 
this stand was sparsely populated by skeletonized benthic 
organisms. Stands of Early Silurian crinoids described by 
Brett (1978) and Eckert (1984) also occur in poorly fos- 
siliferous strata. Clustering of conspecific crinoids in these 
environments may have conferred adaptive advantage by 
providing viable breeding populations (Brower, 1973). 
Polished slabs obtained by sectioning perpendicular to 
bedding planes reveal that well-preserved Stipatocrinus 
individuals consisting of nearly complete crowns with long 
stems occur in calcisiltite adjacent to a thin encrinite (Text- 
Fig. 8). Although it is not possible to demonstrate con- 
clusively the sequence of deposition of these layers be- 
cause the slabs were not recovered in situ, comparison 
with stands of Early Silurian crinoids excavated in situ 
(Eckert, 1984) and personal observations of occurrences 
of well-preserved crinoids in the Middle Devonian Ham- 
ilton Group of western New York and Ontario strongly 
suggest that well-preserved Stipatocrinus individuals are 
situated immediately above the encrinite. Consisting al- 
most entirely of Stipatocrinus columnals, cup plates, and 
arm fragments, the encrinite rests with a sharp lower con- 
tact on plane-laminated, unfossiliferous calcisiltite. Com- 

TeEXxT-Fic. 8. Vertical section through slab containing Stipa- 
tocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. Basal encrinite (En) is inferred 
to represent lower surface of slab. Calcisiltite layer (Ca) above 
encrinite shows well-preserved, sectioned cups and pluricol- 
umnals of S. hulveri. Paratype ROM 44322. 

plete calyces, typically lacking arms and columns, are 
embedded in the lower surface of this encrinite. 

In reconstructing the palaeoecology of this occurrence, 
we infer that the Stipatocrinus hulveri stand originated 
from a chance spatfall on a sparsely populated seafloor. 
Most of these pioneer individuals attained maturity, as 
indicated by the large size of radials in the encrinite (PI. 
1, fig. 20). Death, decay, and subsequent disarticulation 
of these crinoids under conditions of generally slow sedi- 
mentation gradually formed a carpet of ossicles, repre- 
sented by encrinite, below the stand. Resuspension of 
ossicles by currents buried decaying, partly articulated, 
individuals relatively quickly. Small crinoids, evidently 
juveniles, associated with larger individuals indicate that 
the stand survived for more than one generation. Even- 
tually the stand was completely extirpated by rapid burial, 
indicated by excellent preservation of articulated crinoids 
in calcisiltite, displaying undulatory laminations. Burial 
must have been rapid because modern crinoids exposed 
on the seafloor typically decay and disarticulate quickly 
after death (Meyer, 1971; Liddell, 1975; Meyer and Meyer, 

In the Reynales Formation at Rochester, beds of Pen- 
tamerus, a brachiopod that inhabited relatively shallow, 
rough-water environments (Boucot, 1975; McKerrow, 1978) 
alternate with sparsely fossiliferous strata deposited in rel- 
atively quiescent, probably deeper water conditions. Thus, 
occurrence of well-preserved Stipatocrinus specimens in 
sparsely fossiliferous strata lacking Pentamerus is con- 
sistent with a previous interpretation (Brett and Eckert, 
1982) that occurrences of well-preserved crinoids are typ- 
ically associated with quiet-water palaeoenvironments near 
the limit of normal wave base but within reach of storm- 
generated waves and currents. Several slabs bearing S. 
hulveri show prominent, subparallel orientation of crowns 
and columns suggestive of storm-generated currents during 
or immediately preceeding burial (PI. 2, figs. 10,12). After 
burial the crinoids rapidly decayed, but disarticulation was 
prevented by overlying sediment and absence of biotur- 
bation. Internal organs were not preserved in any speci- 
mens of Stipatocrinus. However, a black carbonaceous 
film representing degraded organic matter commonly cov- 
ers inner surfaces of interbrachials (Text-Figs. 3, 4A; Pl. 
1, figs. 5,11). A reducing, acidic environment was ap- 
parently generated within the calyces as decay proceeded, 
inducing formation of syngenetic pyrite on some speci- 
mens. Acidic conditions caused dissolution of interbra- 
chials in some individuals (Text-Figs. 3, 4A; Pl. 1, figs. 
5,11). Dissolution probably occurred before lithification 
because the crinoids are not preserved as steinkerns. 

Many Stipatocrinus calyces are filled with sparry cal- 
cite. These specimens are typically less crushed or flat- 

tened than individuals filled with calcisiltite. Precipitation 
of calcite within hollow calyces early in diagenesis may 
have allowed the crinoids to resist compaction (see Sprin- 
kle and Longman, 1982:69). However, it is also possible 
that calcite was precipitated late in diagenesis after lithi- 
fication. When calcite was absent, thinly plated interrays 
of Stipatocrinus made these crinoids susceptible to com- 
paction, distorting and flattening them. 

Densely pinnulate arms and the flexibility of the prox- 
imal portion of the column suggest that Stipatocrinus was 
a rheophilic filter feeder. The t-shaped radials that bridge 
proximal interray areas helped to strengthen the base of 
the calyx. However, narrow brachials and unusually thin 
interbrachials that do not interlock with the ray series made 
the Stipatocrinus calyx relatively fragile in construction 
when compared to most other camerates, perhaps restrict- 
ing this crinoid to relatively low-energy environments. 
Apparent absence of Stipatocrinus in the Pentamerus com- 
munity is consistent with this interpretation. 

Extremely narrow fixed brachials and t-shaped radials 
made possible incorporation of more interbrachials in Sti- 
patocrinus than any other described crinoid of similar size. 
Functional morphology of this interray plating is conjec- 
tural. The ease with which Stipatocrinus calyces were flat- 
tened during compaction of the sediment, without breakage 
of plates, demonstrates that the interrays were flexible in 
life. Brower (1974a) postulated that large numbers of in- 
terbrachials in Xenocrinus aided respiration by diffusion 
of oxygen through plate sutures, enhanced by pumping 
action of flexible interrays. Perhaps oxygen could diffuse 
directly through the unusually thin (0.03 mm thick) inter- 
brachials of Stipatocrinus. We note, however, that unlike 
certain Ordovician crinoids with pore-bearing calyces, there 

is no evidence of auxiliary respiratory structures in Early 
Silurian crinoids. Numerous interbrachials in Stipatocrinus 
may simply be a scaling phenomenon involving thickness/ 
width ratios of plates: reduction in plate thickness neces- 
sitated smaller plate size in order to retain resistance to 

Unusually thin interray plating and a thick but very 
narrow fixed ray series of the calyx of Stipatocrinus in- 
corporated the smallest amount of calcite possible con- 
sistent with requirements for sufficient strength and rigidity. 
Thus, metabolic cost of calcite secretion in Stipatocrinus 
was minimal compared to most other thicker-plated cri- 
noids. By reducing metabolic cost, overall growth of Sti- 
patocrinus may well have been rapid, perhaps allowing 
early reproduction. If Stipatocrinus is assumed to have 
colonized environments generally unfavourable to most 
crinoids, as occurred during deposition of the lower Wal- 
lington Limestone, an r-selective strategy of early repro- 
duction may have ensured survival. 

The column of Stipatocrinus 1s relatively short, not ex- 
ceeding 10 cm in length, and tapers gradually almost to a 
point distally. Curvature of the distal portion in paratype 
ROM 44314 (PI. 2, fig. 8) and in other specimens suggests 
that the column of Stipatocrinus was coiled distally around 
other objects for anchorage. This mode of attachment is 
characteristic of many camerates with gradually tapering, 
heteromorphic columns, including Alisocrinus, Glypto- 
crinus, Xenocrinus, and most diplobathrids (Brett, 1981). 
Possession of a distally coiled column permitted attach- 
ment to a wide variety of substrates (Brett, 1985) and was 
probably a contributing factor in the survival of melocrin- 
itids, glyptocrinids, dimerocrinitids, rhodocrinitids, and 
the lineage leading to Stipatocrinus into the Silurian. 


Diligent field work by Michael Hulver resulted in discov- 
ery of the study material, and we are indebted to him for 
making us aware of this occurrence. Additional specimens 
were collected by Gordon Baird and Karla Parsons. George 
C. McIntosh, James Brower, and James Sprinkle critically 
reviewed the manuscript. Janet Waddington of the De- 

partment of Invertebrate Palaeontology at the Royal On- 
tario Museum provided curatorial services. Darkroom and 
preparation facilities were provided by the Department of 
Geological Sciences at the University of Rochester. Fi- 
nancial support for this study was provided by the Geo- 
logical Society of America as grant 3288-84 to Eckert. 


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PLATE 1, figs. 1—21. 

Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. Reynales Formation, Rochester, New York. Specimens immersed 
in ethanol. 

1. CD-interray of well-preserved individual. Note absence of primanal and anitaxis. Proximal circlet is 
divided by suture in DE-interray but not in CD-interray; t-shaped radials bridge proximal interray areas, 
enclosing interbrachials between basals and lateral projections of radials. Narrow, highly raised brachials 
enclose thinly plated interrays consisting of numerous, polygonal interbrachials. Distal interbrachials merge 
with plates of anal tube and tegmen without differentiation. See also Text-Fig. 6; Pl. 1, figs. 24,10; Pl. 2, 
fig. 1. Holotype Rom 44310a, x 3.5. 

2. Cylindrical anal tube of above individual showing arrangement of irregular polygonal plates. Distal 
portion of tube is missing. See Text-Fig. 6 for a diagram of this specimen. Holotype Rom 44310a, x 8.0. 

3. CD-interray detail between first primibrachial and second secundibrachial. Interray, slightly separated 
from C-ray in this individual, is composed of numerous polygonal interbrachials irregular in shape and 
arrangement. Holotype ROM 44310a, x 7.0. 

4. C-ray and adjoining interbrachials showing proximal portion of anal tube and first pinnular of fixed 
pinnule borne by second secundibrachial. Holotype Rom 44310a, x 7.0. 

5. Anterior view of nearly complete crown. Orientation of rays unknown. Interbrachials, apparently 
dissolved during diagenesis, are absent in most of interray area, revealing underlying black layer representing 
degraded organic matter. Interray areas below lateral projections of radials are subtriangular in this specimen. 
Proximal free brachials are uniserial. See also Pl. 2, fig. 12. Paratype Rom 44311f, x 3.0. 

6. Specimen centred on B-ray. Numerous irregular polygonal interbrachials are visible in BC-interray. 
Basal circlet is divided by suture in AB-interray but not in BC-interray. See also Text-Fig. 5; Pl. 1, fig. 19; 
Pl. 2, fig. 3. Paratype Rom 44310b, x 4.0. 

7. Proximal arm detail. Note short pinnules. Paratype ROM 44321, x 5.0. 

8. Distal portion of arm with cuneate brachials. Paratype RoM 44309d, x 5.0. 

9. Longitudinal cross-section through distal column. Nodals have prominent, thickened epifacets. Typical 
noditaxis consists, sequentially, of a nodal, two or three second-order internodals, a first-order internodal, 
and two or three second-order internodals. See Text-Fig. 7C,D for diagrams of two noditaxes indicated here 
by pairs of arrows. Paratype ROM 44320, x 4.0. 

10. Intersecundibrachial detail between bifurcation of D-ray. Holotype Rom 44310a, x 6.0. 

11. CD-interray of crown. Incomplete anal tube is outlined by black integument. Most interbrachials are 
missing. See also Pl. 2, fig. 12. Paratype ROM 4431la, x 2.0. 

12. Longitudinal cross-section through distal fixed secundibrachials and tegmen. Many tegminal plates 
possess nodes or short spines. Paratype ROM 44315, x 6.0. 

Figs. 13-16. Sequential series of cross-sections through lower portion of cup destroyed by progressive 
grinding. C-ray is at upper left of each section. 

13. Basals just above stem. Note small opening for lumen. Basal suture at upper left is directly below 
C-ray. Two basals below B-, C-, and D-rays are larger than remaining basals. 

14. Slightly higher section through basals showing initial development of ridges on rays. 

15. Basals sectioned near top of cup with prominent ridges on rays. 

16. Section through proximal portions of radials and interrays. Each radial has prominent ventral groove. 

17. Cup transversely sectioned just below bifurcation of rays. Cup has been strongly compressed, dem- 
onstrating flexibility of thinly plated interrays. Paratype ROM 44316, x 3.0. 

18. Longitudinal cross-section through column and proximal portion of cup. One basal and part of adjoining 
radial are visible. Proximal nodals are transversely biconcave with slightly thickened epifacets. Internodals 
are typically transversely biconvex. See Text-Fig. 7A,B for diagrams of two noditaxes indicated here by 
pairs of arrows. Paratype ROM 44319, x 3.0. 

19. Proximal AB-interray area enclosed by basals and lateral projections of t-shaped radials. Numerous 
irregular, polygonal interbrachials are visible. See Text-Fig. 5 for a diagram of this specimen. Paratype ROM 
44310b, x 10.0. 

20. Isolated radial showing characteristic lateral projections and deep ventral groove. Left projection is 
incomplete. Paratype ROM 44323, x 5.0. 

21. Transverse cross-section through three calyces, each sectioned near bifurcation of rays. Fixed brachials 
contain prominent ventral groove. Paratype ROM 44313, x 3.0. 

PLATE 2, figs. 1-12. 

Stipatocrinus hulveri gen. et sp. nov. Reynales Formation, Rochester, New York. Blackened specimens 
whitened with ammonium chloride. 

1. CD-interray of holotype specimen. Suboval interbrachial area in CD-interray, bounded by a single basal 
and t-shaped radials of C- and D-rays, is smaller than adjacent area in DE-interray, bounded below by two 
basals. See also Text-Fig. 6; Pl. 1, figs. 14,10. Rom 44310a, X 3.5. 

2. Lateral view of nearly complete crown centred on B-ray. See also Pl. 2, fig. 12. Paratype Rom 4431 1d, 
x We). 

3. Crown centred on B-ray. Suboval interbrachial area of proximal AB-interray is larger than adjacent 
suboval area in BC-interray. See also Text-Fig. 5; Pl. 1, figs. 6,19. Paratype Rom 44310b, x 2.8. 

4. Partial crown centred on C-ray. Proximal bifurcation of C-ray ridge continues on basals. See also PI. 
2, fig. 12. Paratype RoM 44311b, x 2.8. 

5. CD-interray view of crown with most of column. See also PI. 2, fig. 12. Paratype RoM 4431le, x 2.0. 

6. Pluricolumnal. Two internodals are attached to nodal with prominent epifacet. Paratype ROM 44318b, 
x 710: 

7. Pluricolumnal. Internodal is attached to nodal displaying broad epifacet. Note small lumen. Paratype 
ROM 44317a, X 7.0. 

8. Incomplete column coiled distally. Paratype RoM 44314, x 2.0. 

9. CD-interray of individual with proximal portion of anal tube. See also Pl. 2, fig. 12. Paratype ROM 
443lla, x 3.0. 

10. Small slab with nearly complete crown and column near centre of photograph, two additional partial 
crowns and numerous pluricolumnals. These small specimens represent juvenile crinoids. Paratypes ROM 
44312a—c, X 0.8. 

11. Detail of above slab. Lower crown possesses two essentially complete arms. Paratypes ROM 44312a-c, 
x 1.6. 

12. Well-preserved crinoids on small slab. Specimens are oriented subparallel to each other, suggesting 
unidirectional current at time of burial. Paratypes RoM 4431 la—-i, x 0.8. 



ISBN 0-88854-336-0 
ISSN 0384-8159