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Late of Great New York Aquarium, &c., &c. 

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1886, ee 186137 

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—$—$$—$—$— —$ 

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Student’s - Aquarium: 



Late of Great New York Aquarium, &c., &c. 

Price, 25 Cents. 



S. JACOB, Naturalist, 
[ Late of the N. Y. Aquarium, and Eastbourne, Sussex, England, &c., &c. | 


Sea Shells,———_- Marine Curiosities, 

Minerals, Eggs, 
Bird and Animal Skins, 
Antique Furniture, Delft and China Ware, Paintings, 


Silver and Brass, 


BELLEVUE AVENUE, Newport, R. I., U. S. A. 




aes FOLLOWING are some of my specialties, which I 
forward by freight, express or mail, on receipt of price. 

A great many articles that I handle cannot be obtained else- 
where in the United States. Please remember, if you have any 
cause for complaint in goods that I forward you, the article 
can be returned and your money refunded. No allowance 
made for damage unless the article is returned, when either the 
money will be refunded or a new one sent,—except in case of 
live stock for Aquarial purposes, when the can must be re- 
turned at once and claim made same day and we will try it 
again. Be sure when ordering to give your name, address, 
county and State in full, and please have it plainly written, so 
that no mistakes may occur. In sums under $1 you may send 
r and 2 cent stamps ; over that amount, postal notes and post- 
office money orders. | 

Correspondence solicited with colleges and institutions 
desiring specimens in any branch of Natural History. I have 
correspondence with Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and 
every State in the United States, so that if I do not have what 
you want, I can put you in correspondence with those who can 
get it. All correspondents in the United States requiring an 
answer must enclose stamp ; foreign correspondents may suit 
themselves, although their stamps will be fully appreciated. 

My store is situated on Bellevue Avenue, Newport, and 
parties visiting the Queen of American Watering Places, inter- 
ested in any branch of Natural History, are invited to make it 
their headquarters, and they will find that I havea stock which 
is in a very small way described in this little book. 

All packages sent to me by freight, express or mail, must 
be prepaid or I cannot accept them, unless otherwise agreed. 

I shall be pleased to furnish references to anyone who may 
desire them. 

Address all communications to 
S. JACOB, Naturalist, 
Newport, R. I., U. S. A. 

eee ee, 




] MAKE no charge for registering in a book which I keep 
for the purpose. Anyone having a collection of anything 
pertaining to Natural History will do well to send mea full and 
detailed description, and the price; decide on the very lowest 
price you will take, so as to avoid useless correspondence. 
When a sale is effected through me I charge a commission of 
10%. Be sure and state if price mentioned includes cabinets 
or not. Ifin cabinet, state size and if possible send drawing. 

+ 8 + —- 


AM WILLING to exchange or buy any of the following 

articles ; but I want it understood that while I am willing 

to pay fair prices, [am a dealer, and as I have to sell again I 

cannot pay ‘‘fancy prices’’ for any article wzless it is some- 

thing very rare and curious, when I stand ready to pay the 
highest price on behalf of Colleges in Europe and America. 

Perfect stone implements. 

Well identified eggs. 

Well preserved skins, skulls and horns. 

Antiques of all kinds, especially Colonial buckles set with 
paste stones. 

Wedgwood medalions (old). 

Bes of shells and minerals, and curiosities in gen- 




OLLEGES, Institutions, &c., supplied at short notice with 
the following in their season :—Sharks, Sword-fish, Stur- 
geons, Porpoises, Whales, &c., &c.,—delivered alive for aqua- 
rial purposes, or on ice for dissection. Also, all varieties of 
smaller animal life, marine or fresh-water, visiting or inhabiting 
our waters, delivered alive or done up as desired in alcohol. 
Special terms on application. 

i AM PREPARED on short notice to go to any part of the 

United States, and arrange ponds, natural or artificial, for 
the breeding and stocking of the different varieties of fish, or 
will supply the spawn or fry, as desired. Terms on application. 

ENCH SHOWS.—I can go on short notice to any part of 

the U. S. and arrange for and take the management of 

Bench Shows of horses, dogs, poultry, birds, &c., &c., or to 

arrange schedule of classes, &c., as desired. Terms on appli- 

ALT WATER for aquarial or bathing purposes shipped to 
any part of the U.S. This branch of my business has 
wonderfully increased in the past two years, a great many med- 
ical gentlemen living in inland towns having recommended 
their patients tepid and cold salt water baths. This water is 
obtained about % mile off Newport and I can guarantee its 
purity. I ship it in barrels of 10 gallons and casks of 35 gal- 
lons, and put in seaweed to prevent stagnation. 

OLLECTIONS.— My facilities for the collecting of shells, 
minerals, birds, fossils, eggs, &c., &c., are such that I 
can guarantee high schools, museums, &c., a saving of at least 
25%, and will assume all risk and responsibility. Communica- 
tions on this subject should say about how much they expect 

_ to expend and I will submit what I can do. 

mens, 25 and 50 cts. each, free by mail. 

ground and polished showing beautiful color, the other 
valve in natural condition; 25 cts., by mail 20 cts. 

= ooo. 






FURNISH stock enough for a Marine Aquarium for $3.00, 
I $1.00 to be refunded on return of the can, making the 
actual cost for stock and water, $2.00. I will send you all that 
is necessary, but the variety being so large it would be better 
for you to mention about what you like, some preferring a col- 
lection of shell-fish, others wanting all anemones, &c. Say 
about what you want and I will guarantee you satisfaction, hav- 
ing the Atlantic Ocean at my front door-step and the Narra- 
gansett River at my back door. 

fs SEA SHELLS, &c.—For $1.00 I will forward 

you by express a collection of American shells, as fol- 
lows: 3 varieties Clams, 1 pr. Deep-sea Scollops, 1 pr. Pectan 
irradians, 1 pr. Mussels, 1 Natica, 1 small Perriwinkle, I Sea 
Urchin, 1 Star Fish, 1 Finger Sponge, and 1 package of assorted 
Sea Moss. All these coming from the American shore are 
very desirable in helping you fill your cabinet, and if you wish 
to make an exchange with a foreign country you will find they 
will be appreciated. The price is very low. 

ee SCOLLOP (Pectan pleuronectes).—The Amer- 

ican Deep-sea Scollop, smooth on both sides, measuring 
about 6 inches across. Cabinet specimens, 25 cts. a pair; by 
mail, 30 cts. 


“‘ Call us not weeds, we are flowers of the Ocean.’’ 

Can be prettily arranged on cardboard. 6 or 7 varieties, 
well cleaned and dried ; 25 cts., done up in packages, free by 
mail. Mounted in R. I. Clamshell, 50 cts., by mail, 60 cts. 
I have a few very rare and beautifully mounted specimens of 
Algaes from the Pacific Ocean; from 1 to 7 specimens on a 
card, $1.00 per card, free by mail. 

TAR FISH.—West India Mammoth, from 50 cts. to $2.00 
each, by express. Rhode Island, ro cts. each; by mail, 

ae URCHIN.— Rhode Island, 10 cts., by mail 15 cts. Flor- 
ida Sea Urchins or Sea Beaver, from 50 cts. to $2.00 each, 
by express only. 


OSSIL FERNS.—I have about 50 varieties of Fossil Ferns 

found in the slate rock on the coast at Newport. Speci- 

Mens 25, 50, 75 cts. and $1.00 each. Large specimens showing 

numerous varieties, from $1.50 up. By mail, express or freight 
according to price. 

ORALS.—I will send by express or freight on receipt of 
$2.50, a collection of Coral as follows: 1 specimen of 
Brain, 1 of Mushroom, 1 of West Indian Branch, 1 East Indian 
Branch, 1 East Indian Red Pipe, 1 Naples Branch. Six speci- 
mens which cannot be bought elsewhere for 3 times the price. 

ee —For $1.00 I will send per express 6 speci- 

mens from the coast of Newport showing the peculiar 
action of salt water off Iron, Coal, Wood, Shell, &c., &c. This 
collection is a decided addition to any cabinet. It will give as 
much satisfaction to admirers of Nature as though they cost ten 
times the money. 

ISCROSCOPY.— Students interested in this beautiful 

study should not fail to have one of my 25 ct. pack- 

ages of Sea Moss. There is nothing that will give such an end- 

less amount of amusement and instruction. I also put up $1.00 
collections of oddities for the above study. Free by mail. 

TTO OF ROSES.— From Constantinople, put up in ele- 

gant bottles; will last a life-time; warranted genuine. 

Price $1.00 per bottle, free by mail. Turkish Smoking Caps, 
$1.00 each, free by mail. 

LOCK ISLAND (R. I.) SWORD-FISH.—Sword by ex- 

press only, $1.25 each. This must not be confounded 

with the Saw-fish; it has no teeth and the sword measures 
from 30 to 4o inches long. 

UCKY TOOTH OF COD-FISH.—Three specimens, 25 

cts., free by mail. This tooth is considered by the super- 

stitious to.bring good luck to those who carry them. They are 
found only in the head of the larger fish. 

ei Slat aa  e 

LSS ee 



HE reader of this little treatise on the Aquarium may 
want to know How much of itis Theory and How much 
Practice? and when IJ reply and say it is all solid, hard 

earned experience, they may feel interested enough to know 
where | received such experience. 

I was brought up from infancy in one of the principal 
branches of Natural History: asa boy I collected shells and 
operculums for Messrs. Bryce Wright and George Sowerby of 
London, England, who were acknowledged to be the greatest 
conchologists that England has had; since which I have been 
connected more or less with all the Aquariums and Zoological 
Institutions in Europe. The two years of 1877-78 I served with 
The Great New York Aquarium; in 1880 I was the manager 
of one of the most successful exhibitions of dogs, poultry, rab- 
bits, pigeons, birds, cats and monkeys held in the South Coast 
of England under the patronage of England’s nobility, and at 
different periods of my life I have had in charge in some way 
or another nearly all the known varieties of animal life, and in 
a great many instances have captured them myself or have 


Ft es Sng ger ae 

: taken charge soon after their capture, and have most generally 
succeeded in keeping them in good health and condition. 
Among the larger varieties I may mention whales, man-eating 
| sharks, bottle-nose dolphins, porpoises, sword fish, sun fish, 16 
. foot alligators, sea lions, seals, snakes and serpents of all kinds, 
elephants, tigers, lions, bears, giraffes, ostriches, chimpanzees, 
and smaller varieties of nearly all the known kinds of fish, ani- 
mals and birds. In 1879, I put in the lake of August Belmont, 
Esq., at Babylon, Long Island, 65,000 young trout. Such is 
some part of my experience, and with the experience I have 
had aside from the above details, I make claim to the title of 
Naturalist. Very respectfully, t 

Newport, R. I., 1886. 

oe AR 


T has often occurred to me that if people knew how easy it | 

| was to manage an Aquarium, Marine or Fresh-water, we {i 
should see them in not only every house, as we do birds a 

and pet animals, but in schools, colleges, and institutions of 
all kinds. I never could see anything in having a globe with 
two or three gold-fish, or a tank with an assortment of fish, and 
a changing the water every day, or two or three times a week. 
It always appeared to me too much like a set picture; certainly 
nothing could be learned from it, for nothing has a chance to 
germinate in the water used insucha manner. In public aqua- 
riums in Europe, where there is a circulation, it will be found 
that the water is allowed to flow in and out ofa tank, but that 
the water runs into a reservoir, and a continual circulation is 


kept to and from the reservoir, and the water preserved for the 
purpose of what it will germinate. The different varieties of 
fungus and parasites that will come into life will, I am sure, 
amply repay any one who would take the little trouble neces- 
sary, and who has the love of nature at heart. 

The starting of an aquarium is really the first and only 
trouble that one has to overcome, and then to avoid over- 
stocking the tank, and all will be well :—but too much stress 
can not be put on the matter of overstocking. It is always the 
difficulty that new beginners have,—everything they see they 
want to place in the tank, and the result is failure and disgust. 

After my twenty years experience in Europe and America, 
I feel justified in writing a few instructions, feeling confident 
that if they are read carefully success is assured ; and in giving 
these instructions I shall avoid as much as possible, if not alto- 
gether, the use of Latin names and technical terms, so that the 
school-boy may understand the matter and go ahead himself. 

Let us then commence with a Fresh-water Aquarium. We 
must have something to hold the water; what shall it be? As 
it is for fresh water it matters not what it is made of; but the 
principal use of an aquarium being that we may study the lives 
of the inmates, it would be better if we could have one with 
glass sides and ends. Any tinsmith can make you one out of 
tin, say about 18 inches long by about g inches wide ; this bot- 
tom piece should have % inch turned down all around, so that 
it could be fitted on to a piece of board ¥% inch thick, which 
would prevent any bending from the weight of water, and the 
wooden bottom must have a beading ¥ inch thick for the glass 
to rest against. It then wants four corners soldered on, about 
to inches high and extending % inch each way, for fitting your 
glass into, and a piece of tin about % inch wide for a band at 
top of the corners. | 

The tank is now ready for glazing and decorating. Do 
your own glazing in the following manner: take 1 tb, of com- 

ot eee 


mon putty and work ¥ ib. of litharge into it, and use in the 

same manner as you would set an ordinary window pane, push- 

ing the glass bedded in the putty as far home as it will go, then 

fill the corners in the angle from bottom to top with putty, and 

have four strips of glass about 9 inches long by % inch wide, 

and press these well on to the putty,—this will give the corners 

all the strength they require and prevent any leakage there; 

this must be done after the sides and ends are set; the putty 

in the corners need be no thicker than where your strip of glass | 
will meet each side of the corner piece. You can Japan or 
paint the outside any way your fancy may dictate. You will | 
doubtless have friends who will advise you to set the glass with 
red or white lead, but these same friends perhaps do not know 
that glass will expand or contract according to the tempera- 
ture, and that red or white lead sets like stone and will allow 
of no expansion or contraction, consequently when set with 
lead the first great change in temperature will leave the aqua- 
rium with a cracked glass, and it would take anyone with the 
patience of Job to set another in its place, even if they suc- 
ceeded in getting the lead out, which I think is doubtful. 

But perhaps before going to the trouble and expense of 
getting an aquarium, you would like to try what success you 
can have in keeping fish alive without changing the water. 
Then get a tin dish-pan, a china bowl, or wooden wash-tub,— 
in fact anything, as I have said before, anything that will hold 
water; if for fresh water, it matters not what. Before going | 
any further we will stop and consider what supports life, and 
after due deliberation we conclude that it is oxygen, air. We 
find nothing created can exist unless it has a supply of fresh 
air. Let us take an instance in the subject of aquarial life. 

We catch a fish: if we place it out of water in a cool spot it 
will live say 24 hours,—I have had them live longer; place 
that fish in a bucket of water, he will die in two hours. Why 
will he die in two hours in a pail of water, which is its natural 


element, and live 24 hours out of water? Because it can live 
on the air while out of its element, but as soon as it has ex- 
hausted the air that is in the pail of water it must suffocate, 
unless you devise some way of keeping the water charged with 
oxygen, air. This must show us at once what is needed, if 
we desire to keep fish alive without changing the water, when- 
ever the oxygen is exhausted. It has been known for many 
years that all true fresh water aquatic plants, and some marine 
algaes [plants], are capable of supplying oxygen to the water in 
which they grow or are grown. It is also an established fact that 
all true aquatic plants take root from a joint. Having become 
acquainted with these facts, we are prepared to go ahead and 
see if we can keep fish alive on this principle. Now we will get 
our vessel, whatever we may have concluded to put the water 
into, and put at the bottom of one side sand, and the other 
gravel. ‘This sand and gravel for the fresh water must not be 
from the sea-shore but such as builders use, and have it washed 
well before putting it into your tank. When putting it in you 
can suit your fancy, for it is only for the purpose of helping 
your captives to keep themselves clean, and the scavengers to 
retire and restin. Ihave stated that I generally put sand at 
one end and gravel at the other. I have seen it prettily ar- 
ranged in alternate strips of gravel and sand, and again, with 
a circle of sand surrounded with gravel,—but in this, as I have 
said, you may devise some original and pretty way of doing it. 
Some small sea shells that have been allowed to remain 24 
hours in water before using them, may be used with perfect 
safety, and can be mixed with the gravel and sand. You can 
build very pretty rock work with larger shells, by mixing 24 
Portland cement with % sand; or if you prefer it, very realistic 
rocks can be built with pieces of pumice stone. After you 
have the gravel in and rock work built, itis advisable to fill 
the tank with water and let it remain 24 hours, and then draw 
that water off and throw it away. Though arches are generally 


built for rock work, again your ideas may vastly improve this 
methodical way of doing. Of course the pumice stone can be 
joined together with the same mixture of Portland cement and 
sand. One of the prettiest home aquariums I ever saw repre- 
sented a small cave, with pumice stone hanging as stalactites 
from the top. They were hung in rows and were arranged on 
strips of wood running from end to end of the tank; in front 
they just touched the water, and gradually lengthened with 
each row, until at the back they nearly touched the bottom of 
the tank. The effect was really beautiful. In filling the tank, 
as we do not wish to disturb the gravel, sand, &c., we put a 
pail of water so that its bottom is as high as the top of the tank ; 
we then get a piece of rubber pipe, say about three feet long, 
close one end by bending over about three inches, and fill the 
pipe with water to about three inches of the other end, and 
close it in same manner, place one end in the pail of water and 
the other end in the tank below the bottom of the pail, then 
release both ends and thus create a siphon.. The tank is emp- 
tied in same manner, but of course the pail into which you wish 
to empty the water must be below the tank. Everybody lives 
in the neighborhood of a lake or large pond of fresh water, and 
we will now go on an expedition to collect some plants, for 
aerating the water. We want something to drag the bottom of 
the lake with,—a garden rake is a good thing for the purpose ; 
tie a good stout cord to the handle of it, then find what looks 
like a clear spot along the edge of the pond or lake, and is not 
too deep ; throw the rake in and drag it along for a short dis- 
tance, and if you do not get any green plant the first time, no 
matter what the season of the year, try till you do, as it is there. 
You will likely pull it out some 2 or 3 feet long; nip the ends 
off about 6 inches or even 2 inches from the top; these top 
ends are what you want, but as it grows from a joint it will not 
matter what part you take so long as it is green. For the 
Fresh-water Aquarium I will not recommend any one variety. 


I am aware that some claim one variety will supply more oxy- 
gen than another. My experience is that all true aquatic plants 
will do the work required of them, and that in different locali- 
ties we find different varieties, so get as many different kinds 
as you can find and tie them together in bunches of say from 
3 to 10 slips in each bunch; from 3 to 6 bunches will be enough 
for the tank, according to the size of the bunches; then tie a 
stone or shell to the bottom of the bunches and they are ready 
for the tank. This work can be done, and perhaps it is better 
to do it, previous to putting the water in the aquarium. When 
you put the plants in the water, try and cover the stone or shell 
to which you have them attached with the sand and gravel that 
is in the bottom of the tank. While on the subject of plants it 
is well to know that a Calla Lily will make a pretty ornament 
to your aquarium. You can in building the rock work men- 
tioned before, take and work into it a flower pot,—by covering 
it over with your mixture of Portland cement it will match the 
rest of the work,— put the lily not quite to the bottom of the 
pot, fill the pot two-thirds full of earth and fill up with gravel. 
The water should not reach more than \% the height of the lily 
out of water, and you will find it thrive and do well. If your 
rock work comes within say 3 inches of the top of the water, 
you can tie to ita Stag-horn Fern. Any florist will provide you 
with one and show you how it should be bound on in order 
that it may adhere to the rock. Of course these suggestions 
are of no practical value outside of their ornamental uses. 

We are now ready to get and put in our live stock,— but 
before doing so, let me tell you under no circumstances to take 
hold of with your hands anything that you desire to keep in 
good health. Always use a small net; if you cannot make one 
you can buy one for a few cents. If you do not handle your 
captives yourself you will allow no one to do so. I have had 
parties who deal in fancy fish for aquarias tell me it will not 
hurt the fish, but I never take them when thus handled. I have 


had fish in my charge treated as above, and ina few days the 
marks of a person’s hand has appeared in the growth of a fun- 
gus. I have seen it where the fingers and thumb have been 
fully outlined, and in nearly every case it has resulted in death. 
The most important reason why you should adapt yourself to 
the use of the net only, at home and on collecting expeditions, 
is your own safety. In my own experience I have had so many 
what | thought close calls, that I cannot lay too much stress 
on what we are at first sight led to believe is a simple matter. 
An instance, one of many, that I consider came near costing a 
lad and myself our lives, occurred in the lower bay of New 
York city, and may not be out of place if mentioned here. I 
was in the employ of the Great New York Aquarium, and was 
on a collecting expedition. It was Summer, and we were in a 
small cat-rigged sailboat, and had pleasantly sailed through 
the Narrows and were heading for Port Monmouth, N.J. I was 
about half way across the bay when the wind died out and we 
were becalmed. The lad was in the bow and I was lazily 
smoking in the stern and almost asleep, when he shouted out, 
“Look! look at the snake!” I replied, ‘‘ You must have 
good eye-sight to see a snake ashore from here.’’ But on 
looking in the direction pointed out, I saw, about fifty yards 
from the side of the boat, the head and part of the body of a 
snake extending about six inches from the surface of the water 
and pointed to the sky. By a good deal of manoeuvring, still 
having no wind, I managed to get alongside. The lad’s first 
impulse was to take hold with his hands, and I must confess 
that I came near doing the same, thinking it was only a small 
adder, he having one coil around a Diamond-back Turtle, 
which was nearly exhausted. However, I took the ze and 
lifted turtle and snake into one of the cans of water I had in 
the boat. I leave it to the reader to decide whether the lad 
and I had a narrow escape or not, when on my return to the 
Aquarium, and after due inspection it was determined that the 


snake was a South American Copperhead, which had undoubt- 
edly left a fruit vessel at Quarantine. You perhaps would be 
glad to know that Mr. Turtle, after his experience, lived some 
time to enjoy the hospitality of the Aquarium. I had puta piece 
of cork in the can for him to rest on. Mr. Copperhead also 
enjoyed himself in the same institution with others of his clan. 
This is only one of numerous instances I could give you. 

Nowadays there is hardly a town of any importance where 
there is not a store that deals in fancy fish for aquarial purposes. 
But perhaps you happen to live in the country, or that there is 
not such a store in your town, so much the better,—you will 
have to collect the specimens yourself. Remember that the 
smaller your specimens, the better success you will have in 
keeping them. Go to the lake or pond where you procured 
the aquatic plants and you will find adhering to the plants some 
small water snails; you want 6 or 12 of these, as they act as 
scavengers, and you may also be successful, if you again use 
your rake, in hauling up two or three clams,—these will also 
assist the snails in keeping your tank clean. 

The most interesting fish that can be kept in a Fresh-water 
Aquarium, is the Fifteen-spine Stickleback. They are gener- 
ally found in the Spring of the year in brackish water. I have 
taken large quantities of them on Staten and Long Island, 
where streams run into the New York bay. Again, I have 
taken them in Lakes Mahopac and Gilead, Putnam county, 
N. Y., and have seen them in the Mohawk River, at Utica, N. 
Y., &c. If you can obtain them, I advise you to have them. 
They are from two to three inches long, and this beautiful little 
fresh-water fish build a nest in just the same manner as a bird 
does, and will hatch their young and bring them up in places 
where a great many apparently more hardy fish will die. As I 
have said before, if possible get them,—they will amply repay 
for expense or trouble. Get seven or eight of them and put in 
your tank; they are very pugnacious, and at the least fancied 



insult will have a terrific battle, and the weak ones will go to 
the wall and the strong live,—and these are what you want. 
You will likely keep out of seven or eight fish, one or perhaps 
two pair. They breed three or four times a year, and during 
those periods the male fish will possess as beautiful and brill- 
iant colors as the Humming-bird, and will divide the attention 
to the nest with the female: their attention consists in blowing 
water on their eggs all day and night until their young are 
hatched, and it is certain death for any other small variety of 
fish to approach their nest during this operation. There is the 
brilliant Golden Carp or Gold-fish, Dace, Roach, Perch, Sun- 
fish, Cat-fish, Eels, and numerous other varieties, all of which 
will do well if the specimens are not.too large. You can at 
any time divide your tank with a small piece of wire netting 
with very small meshes, or a piece of glass will answer _all pur- 
poses, so that you can keep the varieties named with the nest- 
building Sticklebacks, otherwise Mr. Stickleback will soon end 
their career. All the other varieties will live harmoniously 
together. You can add with perfect safety a small Nute, 

-or Lizard, and a small Turtle. If your rock-work does not 

allow of them getting their heads out of the water it will be 
necessary for you to put a piece of cork or wood in for them to 
rest on, otherwise they will be drowned. They must be well 
supplied with raw beef for feed, which should be placed on the 
rock-work or wood,—and they will have no fooling about it; 
if you do not supply them they will help themselves, and some 
fine morning you will find your other captives minus their cau- 
dal appendages. Again, I beg the student to get the size of 
the fish in accordance with the size of the tank they are to be 
kept in. 

And now let us understand something about the location 
of the aquarium, as this is also a very important matter. It 
wants all the light it can possibly get, so that the plants can 
thrive, but under no circumstances must the sun be allowed to 


shine direct on it, in fact it must be kept away from heat of any 
description. The fish mentioned in this treatise can stand any 
amount of cold, but if the water gets any way warm they must 
die. I have had fish frozen solid in a glass globe, and the 
globe crack and fall to pieces, and have then taken them ina 
solid lump of ice, put them in a bucket of water to thaw out, 
and have then kept them several months in perfect health. 
Again, I have had by accident fish where the sun shone direct 
upon them or too close to the stove, and in a very short time 
they have been live fish no more. Should you find your fish 
at any time swimming close to the top of the water, in almost 
a perpendicular position, something is wrong; hasten and get 
a common tea cup, dip it in the water and lift it up about 18 
inches from the top of the tank, and then empty the cup of 
water into the tank and thus force air into the water ; do this 
three or four times, and then look for the trouble ; it will gen- 
erally be found that there is a dead fish, or some food that has 
been overlooked and has commenced to putrify. Your aquari- 
um should havea cover, made of fine linen, to keep out the dust. 
After we have considered something about feeding fish I will 
tell you what I know about a Marine Aquarium. Big fish eat 
little fish all the world over, but in the face of this old saying, 
you will have people tell you your fish in the aquarium can 
live on nothing or else on the animalculze contained in the 
water. I tell you it is all nonsense, but I am willing to admit 
that they can live longer on apparently nothing than anything 
created that I know of. I myself kept two gold fish eight 
weeks without feeding them, and they then looked in perfect 
health although rather thin, but at the expiration of the time 
mentioned I took pity on them and commenced to feed them. 
I do not believe I ever saw anything hungry before until I saw 
those fish eat; between them, in less than five minutes, they 
managed to dispose of seventeen worms, and might have still 
peen at it if the worms had lasted. My experience with the 

———— Eee 


occupants of rivers, lakes and oceans leads me to the convic- 
tion that there is not in this world greater gormandizers created 
than the said occupants. Once in a while we read of the 
devastations of the grasshopper and army worm on land, but 
to use a phrase perhaps more expressive than polite, they do 
once ina while “take a rest.’’ Ask an oyster fisherman if he 
ever knew a star fish to do so. I maintain that fish and the 
lower orders of aquatic life will go through more and give up 
their lives quicker than anything else created, for something to 
eat. Perhaps you have seen the educated seal go up stairs, 
ring a bell, bow, &c. Let me tell you, if you do not know it, 
that he does it all for something to eat. No fish! then no bell 
ringing, bowing, &c. I knew ofa pair of nest building Stickle- 
backs who had been taught to ring a bell when they were 
hungry. It came about by hanging a worm to a thread sus- 
pended in the water: they used to pull on the thread when 

there was no worm ; some one suggested a bell on the end out 

of the water, and then the fish rang the bell because there was 
no worm where the worm ought to be. | 

Feed your fresh-water stock with worms and your salt- 
water stock with any kind of clams: put in what you think 
they will eat, and in an hour’s time take out what is left. Al- 
low nothing to decompose in the water, and all will be well. 



N the management of a Marine Aquarium we support life 
by air in the water, exactly as we do with fresh water, but 
we encounter a difficulty here that we do not in fresh 

water,—that is, Evaporation. Where you have only a small 
body of water without a circulation, it is much more easily 


managed than when you have a large body of water with a 
circulation. We must remember, that it will not be the salt 
which will evaporate but that it will be the water. Where there 
is a circulation the density of the water must be kept with a 
lactometer; but in a small aquarium it can be easily ascer- 
tained by the sediment on the glass. Particular care must be 
taken of this sediment; it must be watched closely, and it will 
be found that when you fill the tank or globe say within three 
inches of the top, that after 24 hours it will have a line of sedi- 
ment on the glass level with the water, this is your lactometer. 
When the water has fallen one-half inch or more from the line 
of sediment, that is the amount of water that has evaporated 
and this must be replaced with fresh water, zof salt water, for 
the salt is still there, it is only the water that has been lost. 
Again, the aquarium I have recommended for fresh water will 
not answer for salt water. In the first place, salt water is 
much more penetrating than fresh, and would work its way 
through the putty and litharge in a very short time ; and sec- 
ondly, under no circumstances must you allow salt water to 
come in contact with metal of any description. If you have a 
large iron tank, and the glass has been set with some other 
substance than putty and litharge, or red or white lead, you can 
make it serviceable by covering the iron with a mixture of % 
Portland cement and % of sand,—this will be found to resist 
salt water. But the nicest, cleanest, and in every way best 
adapted vessel for the Marine Aquarias are those bell glasses 
with ebonized stands, sold or obtained for you by the glass and 
china trade throughout the United States. These can be used 
successfully for all the lower varieties of marine life. You can 
keep in one, say anemones, barnacles, serpules, coral, clams, 
and oysters, in another you can keep hermit, spider and rock 
crabs, star fish, &c., &c. In fact you will find a very large 
variety of life in the orders mentioned, and with the ways of 
which you are not acquainted or ever will be until you have an 


opportunity of studying their modes of life, which can only be 
seen to advantage in the aquarium. But I fancy I can hear 
you ask, ‘“‘ Why can I not keep a flounder, striped bass, black- 
fish, and other fish in the Marine Aquarium?’’ You can if you 
are inclined to go to the expense of a tank, say from 4 to 6 feet 
long, and about 2% feet wide and 3% feet high, and then your 
tank must be one mass of algaes to keep two or three fish 
alive, and perhaps besides you might have to go to the ex- 
pense of a circulation or an artificial aeration, and for that rea- 
son the keeping of fish is generally left in the hands of institu- 
tions and colleges who will go to the expense. But I have no 
hesitation in saying, that if you could have fish swimming 
around you, say ten or twenty varieties, you and your friends 
who have the least love of nature would nine out of ten times 
be attracted by what we would call the lower orders of life, 
among which say the varieties named for the bell glasses. 
Such has been my experience in institutions where we have 
had a very large variety of fish; the lovers of nature could 
always be found studying the anemones, corals, &c., &c. 
Now as regards plants or algaes for the Marine Aquaria. 
There are two kinds whose reputations are well established :-— 
the first is Uliva, which is a plant that grows in long strips, 
sometimes found measuring 6 inches across and 18 or 20 inches 
long, again not %4 inch wide and only about 5 or 6 inches long ; 
you cannot mistake it,—it is dark green in color and looks 
very much like a lettuce. This is by all odds the best oxygen- 
giving algae known. The other is Sylira: this grows in bunch- 
es like coral; it is dark red in color and almost transparent. 
These are really the only two algaes that are of any service as 
oxygen-giving plants. I have thoroughly tested some twenty 
other varieties, and although I found some that do throw offa 
certain amount of air, but none that J would venture to recom- 
mend to a new beginner for the purpose of supporting life in 
an aquarium. The two algaes mentioned being of two such 


distinct colors allow of very effective grouping. They must 
be anchored in the same manner as directed for fresh-water. 
The bell glass can be fitted with rock-work, gravel, &c., ex- 
actly as the fresh-water one. As I have before stated, the only 
difference between the fresh and salt-water aquarium, is the 
matter of evaporation, and the action of the salt-water on 
metal, and its penetration. The same principle governs both. 
I think the palm for hardiness must be given to marine aquatic 
life. JI have succeeded in shipping and delivering specimens 
from salt-water in good condition much further than I have 
specimens from fresh water. In conclusion, while I make no 
claim to literary ability, I am quite sure that if you wish to have 
an Aquarium and will read the foregoing carefully you will be 
enabled to carry one on successfully, and if you can do that 
my object in writing this treatise will be attained. 

aki game 



MALL SEA SHELLS.—For Aquarial purposes or Fancy 

Work. East or West India assorted, about 8 varieties, 

25 cts. ; half-pint by mail, 30 cts.; $3.25 per gallon, by freight 
or express only. 

HODE ISLAND SCOLLOP SHELL (Pectan irradians.) 
Polished and mounted into pairs, making a pretty nee- 
dle book finished with flannel and silk ribbon; free by mail, 25 
cts. 5 valves mounted into a pretty basket finished with silk 
ribbon ; 50 cts., free by mail. 12 polished valves, free by mail, 
35 cts. I havea few very small specimens, beautiful colors, 
mounted as gentlemen’s scarf pins, measuring about % inch ; 
35 cts. each, free by mail. 

HELLS FOR PAINTING.—The Rhode Island Clamshell, 
measuring from 5 to 7 inches long and about 4 inches 
wide, nicely cleaned, 75 cts. per dozen, by express. This is a 
nice and cheap shell to study painting on. The Pearl Saddle- 
back Shells, 25 and 50 cts. each, free by mail. Large Mother 
of Pearl Shells, 75 cts. to $2.00 each, by express only. 

pe those who cannot visit Newport I can send by express 

an exact model of the ‘‘Old Stone Mill,” about five 
inches high, worthy of a place in any cabinet. The Mill is 
without any authenticated history but is supposed to have been 
built by the Norsemen. Price, 50 cts. 

VIEWS of the principal places, such as the Old Mill, Forty 
Steps, Ida Lewis’ Lighthouse, Fort Dumplings, &c., painted 
on R. I. clamshell, 50 cts. each, free by mail. 

GUIDE BOOKS with views of some of the principal villas, 
25 cts., free by mail. Books containing from 12 to 24 views of 
the city, 50 cts., free by mail. 

HINESE CAT’S EYES for specimens or mounting, two 

sizes, 75 cts. each, free by mail. This must not be judged 

by the price ; it is a dark pearl from China, and at day or night 

looks like the eye of a cat; is really worth more money, but 

having received quite a consignment I offer them to my custo- 
mers at this price. 

= —— = ee 


from Australia, sometimes found 
in the West Indies. This little nut 
contains an indelible ink for marking 
linen. It will grow if planted in a 
conservatory. It is chewed by the 
- natives of Australia to blacken their 
teeth. One nut will mark six dozen 
pieces of linen with initials. to cts. 
each, 3 for 25 cts., free by mail. 

YE-STONE or Operculum, from Singapore; price 75 

cts. each, free by mail. This is the eye-stone used by 
oculists for passing through the eye. These are already ground 
and polished, and mounted on pearl as a shirt stud. The sup- 
ply is limited and they cannot be obtained elsewhere in the 

United States. 

NGLISH SCOLLOP-SHELL (Fectan /acobeans), used 

for cooking and serving oysters and fish in; 75 cts. per 

dozen, by mail 85 cts. This shell measures from 4 to 6 inches 

across and has gone through a process of cleansing that makes 

it perfectly sweet and clean. During the last two seasons I 

have sold several hundred gross of this article. It is the only 
known shell that will stand the heat of the oven. 


HELL CAMEOS, beautifully carved in Rome, suitable for 
mounting or the cabinet; subjects, principally heads ; 
small sizes 25 cts. each, large sizes 75 cts. each, free by mail. 
These cannot be matched elsewhere in the United States for 
double the money. 

ALRUS TEETH, showing the nervine or marrow bone 
of the tooth, the upper part of the ivory having been 
cut off; 75 cts. each, by mail 85 cts. 

Papas RED CORAL in natural condition, very rare 
, and nice specimens for cabinet, 75 cts. each, free by 

LO RN = = = = —_---— ue ee ee ee 


BORN. os = | -wOLED 

NY NAME cut on a Leopard Cowrie shell as above, giving 

full name, date of birth and death. This is an everlasting 

remembrance of the departed and can never be erased. I claim 

to be the only one in the United States who does this work. 

It always gives great satisfaction. Price 50 cts. each, by mail 
60 cts. 


its name indicates it is cut from Mother of Pearl and re- 

sembles a sickle with wooden handle; an elegant present. 
Price 50 cts. each, free by mail. I manufacture this article. 

ANGING FERN BASKETS, made from four of the 
large English scollop shells, 50 cts. each; double ones, 
standing, $1.50 each ; both by express or freight only. 


mounted with ivory handle; a great curiosity, made by 
sailors on whaling ships.. I have only a few and they are get- 
ting scarce. $3.00 each, by express. 

Cee ee JEWELRY, of which I have a large variety, 

manufactured by myself, among which I will mention the 
Tasmania Spiral Shell; the iridescent colors in these shells are 
acknowledged to be the most beautiful of anything known in 
the way of shells; mounted in ear-rings in solid gold, $1.50 a 
pair, free by mail. A very pretty pair of Shell Ear-rings, 50 
cts., free by mail. Shells mounted in Gent’s Scarf-Pins, very 
pretty and rare, from 25 cts. to $1.00 each, free by mail. 

CLAIM to be Headquarters in the U. S. for Sea Shells, for 

cabinets, ornamental uses and for manufacturing purposes, 

and collectors will find numerous rare shells among those ad- 

vertised under head of ‘‘ Small Shells’? which other parties 
sell per specimen. 


O YOUNG BEGINNERS who will send me $r1.00, I will - 

send by express 12 specimens of Native and Foreign Sea 
Shells, all good nice-sized cabinet specimens, something they 
cannot collect or buy elsewhere for three times the money. 
I make up collections of shells at $5, $10, $15, $20, $25, named 
or not as desired. In writing for any of the above, tell me 
about what you think you want, and J will give you more for 
the money than you can get elsewhere and guarantee to satis- 
fy you. You will learn more by not having them*named, so 
that you can search them out yourselves. 

| BERRIES from Jamaica, W. I. These will 

grow if planted in hot-house or conservatory. 15 cts. a 
package, free by mail. This must not be confounded with the 
Florida Black-eyed Susan. 

OB’S TEARS on Strings, from the West Indies. Price 50 
cts. a string, free by mail. 

GGS.—OsTRICH and Emu EacGs, from $2.50 to $5.00 each; 

ALLIGATOR, 25 cts. each; FLAMINGO, $1.00 each ; FLor- 

IDA GALLINULE and FLORIDA HERON, 25 cts. each. I can 

supply you with all commoner varieties that you may require. 
Send 2 cts. for Egg Catalogue. 

N AMMALIAN SKINS AND SKULLS furnished on short 
' notice. 

CAN FURNISH you with any of the known varieties of 
Bird Skins, mounted or not as desired. : 

OUTH SEA ISLANDS.—I make a specialty of Curios 
from this part of the world. I generally have in stock an 
assortment of weapons of warfare, &c., that | can supply lower 
in price than they can be obtained elsewhere. I claim my suc- 
cess in business to be the result of always giving satisfaction to 

. my customers in price and quality of goods and making no 
false representations. 


aN SLAVER’S TREASURE CHEST, about 350 years old. 
36 inches long, 19 inches wide and 1g inches deep. Wor- 
thy of a place in any museum ; price, $50.00. 

From the Newport Daily News, March 19, 1885.—‘‘ Mr. S. 
Jacob, of Bellevue Avenue, has temporarily deposited with the 
Historical Society for public examination, the treasure chest of 
one of Newport’s slaving vessels. It is a massive affair, weigh- 
ing some four hundred pounds, and yet with no mean preten- 
sions to beauty of workmanship and adornment. The lock is 
not the least of its features of interest. The strength of the 
chest is suggestive of the fears of its former owner that his 
ship might be overhauled by one of its dreaded Newport rivals, 
by courtesy termed privateers but elsewhere sometimes called 
pirates. Possibly itself has one time been filled not with 
milled dollars merely, for the purchase of flesh and blood, but 
with gold and silver chalices and candlesticks, rifled from the 
churches of the Spanish main. Its full history will probably be 
given at the next meeting of the society, but meanwhile it is 
well worthy a special visit during the librarian’s hours, from 10 
to 12 and from 2 to 4 daily. Such a marked illustration of a 
civilization and of public morals now fortunately past, and of 
the methods by which Newport achieved its former prosperity, 
should not be allowed by our moneyed men to leave the city, 
as so many of our most valuable memorials have already done. 
Whoever sees this treasure chest will agree with us that it 
should be purchased and presented to the society for perma- 
nent preservation.” 

AGO PALM.—A bunch of the seed, about six feet long; 

brought from the Island of Martinique, W. I. It resem- 

bles a bunch of bananas, the seed being cones intersected with 

leaves and curious fir. A curiosity that has attracted an im- 

mense amount of attention from scientific people. Price $35. 
Specimens of the cones, 25 cts. each, by mail 30 cts. 


Spade. These are becoming quite rare, and are much 

sought after for collections ; to parties in want of them I shall 
be pleased to quote price per piece or in set. | 



re = = a i a 

NTIQUES.—I am quite a large dealer in these goods. [ 
always have on hand Old Brass Door Knockers and 
Latches, Plated and Brass Candle-Sticks, Snuffers and Trays, 
Warming Pans, Spinning Wheels, Old China and Silver and 
Pewter Tea Sets, Brass Andirons, Colonial Currency, Shoe 
Buckles, Watch Keys and Charms, China Cups and Saucers, 
Figures, Plates, &c.,—a variety far too numerous to enumer- 
ate. I have from the battlefield of Telekeber, Egypt, a Stack 
of Arms‘suitable fora Museum, consisting of 3 guns, 3 horse 
pistols, 2 sabres, marked ‘“‘ British Crown, Tower, 1864.”’ 

ES oe ee CHINA FIGURES [Antique]. I havea pair 
of most beautiful figures, standing about eleven inches 
high, representing a shepherd and his lady surrounded with 
flowers. They are in perfect preservation, but it is impossible 
to give a description of their beauty of workmanship ; they 
must be seen to be appreciated. They are marked on the bot- 
tom of each piece with a red anchor. Price $50 for the pair. 
They could not be duplicated at any price. 

Deter ohne WATER BOTTLES.— These are very 

curious shapes, and some are decorated with various 
colors. They make very pretty decoration for any room, being 
great curiosities. The ones that are not painted keep drinking 
water quite cold in the hottest weather. Price $2.00 each, by 

NIMAL SKINS FOR RUGS.—I have constantly on hand 

a large variety of Leopard, Tiger, Fox, Wild Cat, Deer, 

&c., &c., with and without heads, mounted, lined or not, as 

desired, China Goat, black, white and silver grey. The prices 

of these goods varying so much it is impossible to quote a reg- 

ular price. I will supply anything in this line as low as good 
and thoroughly cured skins can be sold at. 

UFFALO HORN AND TOOTH from Dakota, mounted 
on a small wooden shield. Price 75 cts., by mail 85 cts. 


INERALS.—I have in stock at all times a very large 
variety of all known American minerals, prices ranging 
from to cts. per specimen up, and am constantly receiving 
shipments from all parts of the world, such as Rough Dia- 
monds and Crocidolite from Africa, Flourite, Calcite, Quartz 
and Iron, Zinc Blende, Galena, &e., from Cumberland, Eng- 
land, fine Topaz Crystals from Brazil, from Io cts. each, Mala- 
chite and Azurite from Arizona; a splendid specimen of the 
Moonstone, from Middletown, Delaware County, Pa., meas- 
uring 4 by 2V inches, polished on one side, price $5. oo. Com- 
mon minerals, fair specimens, can be supplied At, 10, 25 SO; 75 
cts. and $1.00 ‘each ; on all others the prices range from 25 cts. 
to $2.50 and for rare minerals from 50 cts. to $50.00 each. I 
have a large stock of Brazilian and other Agates polished, from 
25 cts. to $2.00 each. 

HE NEW ENGLAND CORAL [Astrangia Danae].— 

This is the only true coral yet discovered on the coast of 

nae England ; specimens, 50, 75 cts. and $1.00 each, free by 

ASTS OF FISH.—I am now taking casts of all fishes vis- 
iting or inhabiting American waters. These casts are 
taken direct from the fish, not from models. They are very 
desirable for museums, &c. Price from 50 cts. to $1.00 each ; 
a large reduction where 20 or more are taken. 

OBSTER FIGURES.— Something very comical ; old men 

made from lobster shells. ‘They are very much admired 

and are very cleverly made. Something entirely new. Single 

Figures, $1.00 each ; Fishing in Rockwork, and Ash, and Match 

Stands, $1.50 each; Two Figures Fencing, &c., $1.75. They 

stand from g to 12 inches high and are very firmly made. If by 
mail, 20 cts. must be added to prices given. 


LD STONE MILL.—In September of 1885 the Old Mill 
showing signs of decay, the City ordered it to be put in 
thorough order. “I secured from the mason having the work 


in hand, what old cement and stone was taken off the Mill. I 
now have it in nice small boxes, with a label showing the Old 
*Mill and giving a full account of the repairs. Price 25 cts., by 
mail 30 cts. 

being no regular supply of a great many articles that I 
carry in stock it is next to impossible to catalogue many things. 
It often happens that I receive specimens of one of a kind, du- 
plicates of which cannot be had at any price,—I find it useless 
to catalogue these. There are a great many who advertise an 
immense stock of goods, very few of which they carry in stock 
and take refuge under substitutes. This system I am very 
much adverse to, and in no case will anything be sent which is 
not ordered,—and I again repeat that I will refund money in 
every instance, less amount of postage, where anything is not 

: * . 
—oo SEX) US OED <0 o= 

ae Ce a — mn A - rea aGcnaslaa BORDON SOMA EDS NOC TT 
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a rr KL Sa Ss ap 7 tes G . " é DTS aes: _ 
annie mamas BET 33s cnc otc CDaicmabts iene ia. ere * 

} . 



——T H kE—— 

Bode Island Historical Magazine. 

A Quarterly publication devoted to the History, Genealogy, 
and Biography of the State of Rhode island 
and Providence Plantations. 

———_—_—-_——_ - > 6 = —______-_ 

Terms, $2.00 per annum, in advance. 

—— + © o —________ 

HIS Publication is now in its sixth year, having gained in public favor since 
its commencement. I[tisinvaluable to the Historian and Genealogist, cov- 
ering a field not occupied by ordinary periodical literature, and is in every 

way an admirable table companion for the scholar and for all persons of literary and 
antiquarian tastes. It has met with general approval and already forms a storehouse 
of material not accessible in any other form. 

Abstracts from the Jamestown, R. I., records and also from the records of Trin- 
ity Church and the Society of Friends, of Newport, R. I., were commenced in the 
April number, 1885. 

In the July number (No.1, Vol. 6, 1885), was commenced a very interesting 
diary kept by Lieut. John Trevett from 1774 to 1782. The same number contained 
the will of Gov. Benedict Arnold of Newport, made in 1678, in, which he mentions 

\ his ‘* Stome-built Wind Mill.’’ | 

The October number contains an interesting paper on the Jewish Cemetery at 
Newport, the will of Gov. Nicholas Easton and many historical and genealogical 
notes of interest. 

In the January number (1886), we hope to commence the republication of 
‘“* Bull’s Memoirs of Rhode Island,’’ 1638—1783, with additional notes. 

£G5- ‘Vhe first and second volumes of the Magazine have become so scarce that 

they can be supplied only as odd numbers can be picked up here and there. The 
publishers will receive orders for them, however, which they will endeavor to fill as 
‘rapidly as possible, and in the order in which they are received. 

| Vols. three, four and five can be furnished on demand. 

Send all orders and communications to R. H. TILLEY 

Newport, R. I., Box 603. 


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