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Full text of "Studies on the effect of parasitism upon the tissues. I. With special reference to certain gasteropod mollusks"

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Helmer Pareli Von Wold Kjerschow Agersborg 

Bes;. M. S., University of Washington, 1916 
A. M., Columbia University, 1920 . 


24a/0 6 "ts a = 2 Pale : 



Reprinted from ‘The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ 
Vol. 68: 361-401, 10 double plates, ~ 
‘ October, 1924, Oxford, Enpland. 

Se ar hk ee 


cae PRD 


4 51339 

Studies on the effect of Parasitism upon the 
Tissues. I. With special reference to certain 

Gasteropod Molluscs.! 
H. P. Kjerschow Agersborg, 

Professor of Biology, the James Millikin University, 
Decatur, Illinois. 

With Plates 12-21. 


INTRODUCTION. Comments on the present status of the ee 
I. Condition of Normal Cytoplasm 
II. Normal Tissue : 
III. Parasitized Tissue 
1. Avenue of Infection . 
2. Effect of Infection 
3. Glycogen 
IV. The Liver 
1. Anatomy of ule Diver 
2. Physiology of the Liver 

3. The Livers of parasitized Physa Att B L anor wy ists, 

I. General Discussion . 
Metabolism of Host ae ae 
II. Is an Antidote formed ? 

Antidote for Parasitic Toxin . 




1 Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of 

Illinois, under the direction of Henry B. Ward, No. 235. 
No. 271 Bb 



Tue cytological changes which take place in parasitized 
tissue is one of the details of parasitology that now may be 
undertaken without any suffering from lack of a proper founda- 
tion; for many admirable works on parasitology have long 
since appeared and are steadily being added to this important 
branch of zoology. Histological and anatomical changes in 
parasitized organisms have been studied in various ways and 
by a number of workers. And yet detailed cytological studies 
of the effect of parasitism upon the host is nearly a virgin field. 
Perhaps this may be demonstrated, although necessarily only 
briefly, by referring to the labours of certain workers in para- 
sitology and pathology, to wit: 

Schaper (1889) in his study on ‘ Die Leberegel-Krankheit der 
Haussaugethiere ’ made a distinct addition to the development 
of pathology of the subject. His pathological anatomical 
descriptions of the host are perfectly clear, but one may be 
justified in stating that he did not give an adequate treatment 
of the subject since the cytological aspect was of significance. 
This is true both as regards the text and illustrations. 

Naumann (1892), commenting on the pathological anatomy 
of the sheep, says: ‘ The first effect of the penetration of the 
flukes into the bile-ducts is inflammation (period of traumatic 
hepatisis, according to, Gerlach). The liver is enlarged, and 
contains more blood than usual; it is friable in texture, and 
its surface is smooth, or marked in places by openings the 
size of a pin’s head to that of a millet-seed, from which exudes 
a sanious fluid on pressure. ‘There are traces of local peri- 
tonitis, or exudations, which cover the young flukes; and 
small haemorrhagic centres exist in the parenchyma. The bile 
is slightly reddened and the peritoneal serosity 1s more abun- 
dant, and often contains small flukes. The faeces do not 
yet contain ova’ (p. 535). ‘ The hepatic parenchyma is soft, 
and the thickened connective tissue slightly grates on section ; 
the surface of the latter is of a dirty-gray, yellowish-red, or 
blood colour, and perforated by spaces the size of a pea, which 


contain one or more young flukes in a blood-clot, or in a sanious 
fluid formed of white and red corpuscles, hepatic cells which 
have undergone fatty degeneration, and a finely granular 
detritus. . . . Over the entire liver the cells are granular, and 
infiltrated with fat; the connective tissue is in process of 
proliferation ’ (p. 586). Neumann’s description indicates that 
he made cytological studies of the livers of hosts suffering from 
fluke-infection. Unfortunately, however, his methods are not 
mentioned, nor are his statements quoted above supported 
by illustrations. 

Acland and Dugeon (1902: 1318), in their study on 
Primary carcinoma of the liver, made a general histo- 
logical examination to show the relative amount of connective 
tissue, and the normal and abnormal liver cells of that infected 
organ. Their purpose of study would certainly have been 
advantaged by cytological studies. In such an event, however, 
a different fixing agent than was used should have been 
employed. The fixing agent used was alcohol and the stain 
was Mayer’s haematoxylin. : 

Leiper (1915: 177), in his study on Bilharzia, pointed 
out the avenue of infection of the Bilharzian trematode larva 
of its vertebrate host, and stated that the cerearia ‘ are able 
to pierce the skin very rapidly’. He also referred to the 

intermediate hosts by saying: ‘The glandular tissue of an 
infected organ disappears apparently through pressure atrophy 
(fig. 44).’ : 

Fantham, Stephens, and Theobold (1916), in describing the 
pathological anatomy of the sheep, give graphic pictures of 
the general condition: * The bile ducts are conspicuous on the 
surface of the liver. They are thickened and much dilated 
and in part saccular, and considerable atrophy of the liver cells 
accompanies the condition. Histologically there is immense 
proliferation of the epithelium of the bile ducts leading to 
‘““adenomata’”’’ (p. 241). * Anaemia through loss of blood to 
worm ; enlarged spleen, toxic in origin (?) ; phlebitis, throm- 
bosis, due to portal stasis; the eggs, however, cause the 
greatest mischief. They are carried by the circulation to various 

Bb 2 


organs where they produce inflammation, granulation tissue, 
and later connective tissue ’ (pp. 280-1). 

Cawston (1918), Manson-Bahr, and Fairley (1920) may also 
be mentioned, although they do not give any pathological facts. 
about the tissues of either the primary, intermediary, or 
secondary hosts. Walton (1918), on ‘ Liver Rot in Sheep’, 
points out certain facts briefly and says: ‘ The liver of many 
are found to be atrophied and hardened to the consistency of 
leather’ (p. 287). And again: ‘... her liver was then found 
to be “like a stone”’’ (p. 248). In his study on the effect. 
of cercariae on the snails he says: ‘ The only conclusion arrived 
at was that, while differences were observable in structure of 
the liver of infected snails, yet no rediae or cercariae were 
recognizable ’ (p. 264). 

Noguchi (1918, 1918 o,.1918'b, 1918 ¢ 4919 F 1910 a) 191g) 
demonstrated the yellow fever organism through his study 
of the pathological changes of the tissues of the human host. 
Up to 1918 the causative agent of yellow fever outside the 
mosquitoes Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) was thought to be 
an ultra-microscopic virus. By painstaking and resourceful 
methods and skilful technique he demonstrated definitely 
the mysterious organism which, in more than one way, had 
been an object of much speculation for a long time. Whether 
the swamp fever virus may not be demonstrated also is a 
question of some interest (Van Es, 1911; Swingle, 19138; 
Van Hs and Schalk, 1917; Schalk, 1920). 

The work of Faust (1920) is significant. To my knowledge 
it is the first scientific treatise which contains a careful analysis 
of the liver of gasteropods suffering from trematode infection. 
Unfortunately the original coloured illustrations of this paper 
were redrawn in order to reduce the cost. The author did not 
see the paper after the figures were redrawn until the contribu- 
tion appeared in print. The published article lacks some of the 
original merit of the contribution. This explains why the illus- 
trations of Faust’s paper do not quite support the text. This 
contribution nevertheless is by far the most comprehensive 
work on this subject up to the present time. It concerns 


itself, however, with the hepatic organ only. Further comments 
will be made on this later. 

Pirie (1921), in his important discourse on Carcinoma 
and Cirrhosis of African natives, points out Schisto- 
sOmiasis as the causal factor. This author’s comment 
on the cytological condition of the organs involved is much 
to his credit. Since, however, he does not describe his technique 
one cannot tell whether the 3,900 specimens sent him for 
‘general histological examination’ were favourable for cyto- 
logical study. Unfortunately so many doctors who have 
an excellent opportunity to secure important material of 
immense biological importance do not realize the significance 
of the fixing of the tissues for microscopic examination. A 
twenty-four hours’ post-mortem examination cannot 
possibly reveal the same cytological structures as existed 
ante mortem or in articulo mortis (vide Hance, 
1917, 1917 a). Every cytologist will agree with this state- 
ment. In point of fact Pirie states : ‘ I have also been strongly 
impressed by the variety of- structure to be met with in a single 
case, so that where only a single piece of tissue is examined 
a false idea of the variety of tumour might easily be given, 
and it is possible that in some of the cases received a different 
opinion might have been given, at all events of the type of 
structure, had a large number of pieces been examined.’ 
Indeed, this variety of structure may be due in part to the 
methods of fixing the tissue. And the variety may be exag- 
gerated greatly by the lapse of time between death and the 
preserving of the specimens in question. A great deal of credit 
is due to Pirie for his care in analysing the cytological structure 
of the tissues with which he dealt. 

The labours of many other authors might have been cited. 
Suffice it, however, to add: It is clear from the works reviewed 
above, their meritorious nature notwithstanding, that the 
pathological changes of the tissues of almost any organism 
suffering from parasitic attack have not been studied by many 
authors, neither in very much detail by any one. Of course, 
in order to understand the pathological condition of any organ, 


it is necessary first to know its normal condition. The writer, 
therefore, has attempted to raise Physa gyrina (Say), 
the most common species studied in this work, in the laboratory, 
and studied a number of young while in different stages of 
growth and age and before they became infected. This was 
quite necessary since all the specimens collected in nature were 
infected with flukes in various stages of development. 

The works of human pathologists have hardly touched on 
the cytological phase of the problem. Leading men in this 
field, Cohnheim (1882), Sternberg (1893), Adami and Nichols 
(1919), and MacCallum (1920), indeed, might have increased 
the value of their published works considerably had they 
considered their subject-matter from a cytological point of 
view also and not only from a histological one. The work of 
Faust (1920) deals with the liver only, and no consideration 
is paid to any of the other organs. All the other students of 
vertebrate and invertebrate hosts suffering from trematode 
and other infections have not studied the tissues from a cyto- 
logical point of view. Their technique, except in a few cases 
(Noguchi, Faust, Ward, and Calkins), has not lead to new 
discoveries. Merely some of the gross histo-morphological 
changes of the host have been studied, and many of these 
are recorded only briefly. As we shall see, then, ample excuse 
exists for approaching to this subject seriously from a cyto- 
logical standpoint. 

The purpose, then, if this investigation has been to study 
the cyto-physiological changes which take place in the hepatic 
organ and all the tissues of certain organism affected by 
parasites. This has not been attempted earlier. The aim of 
this paper is to present a general survey of the subject and give 
some of the data obtained. It is hoped that subsequent 
papers dealing with further and more detailed phases of this 
topic may be published. 

For this investigation fresh-water snails were used ; partly 
because several species (Physa gyrina (Say) and Plan- 
orbis trivolvis (Say)) were easily obtainable in nature 
all the year, and partly because of the direct application which 


may be readily made of fresh-water gasteropod material of 
this nature both from an economic and medical standpoint. 
Some material was collected each month from September 
1921 to May 1922, and also during August 1922, from the 
Drainage Ditch of Crystal Lake at Urbana, Illinois. Some 
material of Physa was raised in the laboratory from January 
to August. Some of these and their progeny were kept alive 
until September 1922, when most of them were killed and 
preserved for later study. This Drainage Ditch has been 
a collecting ground for several previous investigators (vide 
Cort, 1914; Faust, 1919). It is remarkably suitable for this 
purpose because of its considerably diversified fauna. The 
Drainage Ditch is artificial, and was built to carry off the surplus 
storm and seepage water. At times the streamlet may nearly 
overflow its banks. At other times it decreases very much in 
size, and filamentous algae, Elodea, et al., flourish abun- 
dantly. ‘This offers a suitable breeding-place for animals. 
In these aquatic plants are found representations of several 
animal phyla: Amphibians—adult and larvae; Pisces— 
Boleosoma nigrum (Raf.), Notropis anogenus 
(Forbes), et al.; Pelecypoda and Gasteropoda; 
Crustacea and Insecta, the latter both in adult and 
larval stages; Polychaeta. Among the higher forms may 
be mentioned the kingfisher, wading birds that feed on the 
lower forms. I have not attempted to give a full list of the 
fauna, but to show that the opportunity is good for parasites 
to find primary and secondary hosts. 


The writer wishes to express his appreciation to the various 
members of the Department of Zoology of the University of 
Illinois for their ever-ready and kind disposition and sym- 
pathetic interest in this work. Among these he wishes to thank 
Professor Charles Zeleny in particular. Special mention 
should be made of Professor Frank Smith and his Assistant, 
Mr. J. L. Hyatt, for their friendly readiness to leave at the 
writer’s disposal considerable material which they had collected ; 


of Mr. F. C. Baker, Curator of the Museum of Natural History, 
for identifying the species of snails upon which this work 
is based. Special thanks are due to Professor Dr. Henry 
B. Ward, under whose direction this work was done, for his 
helpful suggestions and friendly criticism. 


The material used for this study was three different species 
of fresh-water snails: Lymnaea obrussa (Say), Physa 
gyrina (Say), and Planorbis trivolvis (Say). Some 
specimens were studied alive. The shell was first removed 
and the animal placed on a slide with a few drops of water. 
Very slight injury to the surface of the snail made it apparently 
easy for the cercaria, if present, to come out of the host, for they 
frequently came out in considerable number. For killing 
purposes specimens were partly dissected and immersed in the 
fixing mixture. The smaller specimens (8 to 7 mm.) were 
placed whole in the killing fluid. 

A peculiar difficulty developed in connexion with fixing the 
specimens. A great deal of free gas developed in the body of 
the specimens which were immersed in acid mixtures, so that 
small bubbles of this gas covered the surface of these specimens 
and prevented penetration of the fixatives. A modification 
of Carnoy’s fixing agent caused a steady stream of gas to 
flow from the fixing object for several seconds. The regular 
standard acid-mixture-fixatives, which penetrate more slowly, 
proved satisfactory, provided the fluids were constantly and 
gently stirred. Because the gas liberated tended to be caught 
in the mucus exuded by the snail. Hence good fixations 
were often impaired. Hammersten (1885: 393) found grains 
of CaCO, present in the mucus of the mantle of Helix 
pomatia. Substances of this nature may be the cause of 
some of the gas formed. Owing to some bad fixation, caused 
by too slow a penetration of the fixative, it was necessary to 
prepare a large number of duplicates of fixed specimens of both 
infected and apparently uninfected individuals. 

The fixing agents used were (1) F.W.A., a formula intro- 


duced by Gatenby for Flemming’s mixture without acetic 
acid. (2) Flemming’s strong mixture. (3) Lams’ fixative, 
which consists of equal parts of the following: (a) saturated 
aqueous solution of picric acid; (b) 2 per cent. osmis acid 
aqueous solution; (c) 2 per cent. chromic acid aqueous solu- 
tion ; (d) glacial acetic acid ; (e) 40 per cent. formaldehyde ; 
(f) saturated aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate; and 
(g) absolute alcohol. This fixing agent was used by Dr. Honoré 
Lams (1910) on the ovotestis of Arion empiricorum 
(Fér.) with very fine results. (4) Saturated aqueous solution 
of corrosive sublimate with 3 per cent. to 5 per cent. glacial 
acetic acid. (5) Corrosive sublimate saturated in normal 
saline solution with 3 per cent. glacial acetic acid. (6) Bouin’s 
picro-aceto-formol fluid. (7) Zenker’s solution. (8) Miiller’s 
solution. (9) Hetherington’s modification of Carnoy’s fixing 
agent ; this is made as follows: (a) absolute alcohol, 20 parts ; 
(b) chloroform, 15 parts; glacial acetic acid, 5 parts; and 
phenol crystals to raise the volume by 10 parts. The material 
is handled thus: fix for half an hour to twenty-four hours or 
until clear; add oil of wintergreen, little by little, until 
transparent (the object becomes hard); rinse in wintergreen, 
chloroform, cedar-wood oil, or clove oil, to get rid of the acid ; 
imbed. (10) Saturated aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate 
with glacial acetic acid, and from a few drops to equal parts 
of normal urine at 87° C. (11) 10 per cent. formaldehyde. 
(12) Alcohol. (13) Bowen’s modification of Weigl’s sublimate- 
osmi¢ fixative ; fix in glass-stoppered bottles for twenty-four 
to thirty-six hours in Mann’s sublimate-osmic made up of 
equal parts of 1 per cent. osmic acid solution and corrosive 
sublimate saturated in normal salt solution. (14) Kopsch’s 
method for mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. (15) Mann- 
Kopsch’s method for cell-organs. (16) Champy’s method for 
mitochondria, &c. (17) Champy-Kull’s method for mito- 
chondria, and Golgi apparatus and cytoplasmic granules. 

A number of stains were used. (1) Tests for glycogen: 
(a) the iodine method, (b) Best’s carmine stain. (2) Heiden- 
hain’s iron haematoxylin. (38) Weigert’s iron haematoxylin. 


(4) Delafield’s haematoxylin. (5) Mallory’s phosphotungstic 
acid haematoxylin, and (6) safranin. For counter-stains were 
used : (a) light green, (0) orange G, and (c) eosin. ; 

Hetherington’s Carnoy-phenol penetrates very rapidly, and 
the fixing is quite uniform throughout. The sublimate-aceto- 
normal-urine-mixture is good as a cytoplasmic fixative. It 
preserves a large number of cytoplasmic granules which cannot 
be stained otherwise, e.g. if fixed in Flemming’s or Bouin's 
fixing agents. The results obtained by the last four methods 
cannot be discussed here. Fine results were obtained with 
material fixed in Flemming’s solution and stained with safranin 
and light green. Most sections were made less than 10 micra 
in thickness. The thickness of the sections ranges from 4 to 
15 micra. All specimens sectioned were mounted serially. 


I. Condition of Normal Cytoplasm. 

The classical works of Altmann (1889, 1894, 1896, 1896 a), 
Wilson (1895, 1899, 1904), and later of Schreiner (1916, 1918), 
show that the cytoplasm is primarily granular in structure. 
The ultra-microscope reveals objects ca. 2 to 5uy~—far below 
the possible limit of vision. There are numerous kinds of 
recognized cytoplasmic granules specified both in structure and 
in origin: (1) microcomes, (2) mitochondria, (8) chromidia, 
(4) metachromatic granules, (5) secretory granules (vide 
Schreiner 1916, 1918), (6) pigment granules, (7) metaplasmic 
and paraplasmic granules, such as fat, yolk, starch, leucocytes’ 
granules and many others. In addition to these may be men- 
tioned the Golgi bodies. Gatenby’s treatises on ‘ The Cyto- 
plasmic Inclusions of the Germ-cells’ (1917, 1917 a, 1917 }, 
1918, 1919, 1919 a, 1920, 1920 a, 1922), and Gatenby and 
Woodger (1921) are in support of the workers who claim that 
protoplasm is fundamentally granular in structure. But the 
_works of Gatenby, &¢., need not be considered in detail in 
this connexion as these treatises are concerned with the germ- 
cells only, and the germ-cells will not be discussed in the present 


paper. It is, however, the opinion of the foremost cytologists 
of to-day that the protoplasm is fundamentally granular in 
nature. ‘This is in agreement with Altmann’s contention that 
the cytoplasmic granules exist in a constantly regressive size, 
from larger granules to smaller ones, which finally become 
ultra-microscopic. In my own studies at Wood’s Hole in 1920 
(not yet published) I was able to demonstrate in the growing 
ege of nudibranchs an apparent constant gradation in size of the 
cytoplasmic granules from fairly large ones to the ultra range 
of the microscope. These granules had in most cases affinity 
for three different stains. 

Schreiner (1916, 1918) builds on Altmann’s work. He 
carries this phase of cytology to a climax. He shows better 
than any other cytologist up to the present time the inter- 
nucleo-cytoplasmic relationship. He found that cytoplasmic 
granules of different nature had their origin in the nucleolus 
and the nuclear ‘ Netzknoten’. From the works of Schreiner 
it is seen that the nucleus plays an important role in the various 
activities of the cell. Inmy study on Physa and Planorbis 
T have come to the conclusion that the large amount of black 
granules (which will be discussed later) among the tissues of 
individuals newly infected by trematodes have their origin 
in the nucleus also. A more detailed report on this phase of 
this problem will follow later. 

Miller (1896 : 321) also agrees with Altmann that the saliva 
‘aus typischen Granula-stammt’. Indeed, Altmann claimed 
that the granules originated from the homogeneous inter- 
sranular substance. In his opinion both the granules and the 
intergranular substance are living (1894: 51). Nussbaum 
(1882), in his study on vertebrate glands, saw a special cyto- 
logical activity in the vicinity of the nucleus. Lange (1902) 
elucidated this point better than Nussbaum in his work on 
the structure and function of the salivary glands of gasteropods. 
He showed that the nucleus takes part in the secretory activity 
of the salivary glands, in that the nuclear membrane dissolves 
and the nuclear contents mixes with the cytoplasm, so that 
the first part of the secretory activity of the gland is noticeable 


on the nucleus. And Korschelt (1891), in his ‘ Morphologie 
und Physiologie des Zellkernes’, brings out this point by 
showing that the nucleus and cytoplasm are dependent on 
each other in the life of the cell, and yet, ‘im Allgemeinen 
erscheint der Kern als ein Theil der Zelle, der sich vom Zell- 
plasma scharf sondert’. My findings (Agersborg, 1928) for 
the nuclear activity of the nidomental gland of Melibe, 
Lange’s for that of the salivary glands of certain gasteropod 
molluses, and Korschelt’s for a variety of cells, agree with 
Schreiner’s observations on Myxine. Dahlgren and Kepner’s 
(1908: 8-9) secretion substances, secretion fibrils, and secre- 
tion material which arise in the nuclear environs of the gland- 
cells resemble very much the paranuclear bodies (PI. 18, fig. 34, 
pnb) of the liver of Planorbis (vide infra). Fuchs (1902) 
demonstrated some very interesting facts in regard to the 
secretion activity of the epididymal epithelium of the mouse. 
A certain ‘ Fadenknauel’ arises at the distal region of the 
nucleus, and from it * Zellfaiden’ pass to the periphery or free 
border of the cell. The argument brought forth by Fuchs 
substantiates the works of Altmann and others. His illustra- 
tions are strikingly similar to points found in my study of the 
intestinal epithelium of Physa gyrina (Say) (PI. 21, figs. 53, 
54), 1n which case excretory accumulations on the luminal side 
of the nucleus appear as a nuclear cap (nuc), and from it may 
be seen passing similar delicate strands as in Fuchs’s figures 
to the border and beyond it into the lumen. In the liver of 
Planorbis trivolvis (Say) paranuclear bodies are some- 
times seen (Pl. 18, fig. 34, pnb). These resemble very closely 
the nuclear caps (PI. 21, figs. 53, 54, nuc) and the * Fadenkniuel ’ 
of Fuchs. In this case, however, as may be noticed in Pl. 21, 
figs. 53 and 54, no fibrillar stands (st) are seen. A fact which 
seems to be peculiar to the entire hepatic organ. The para- 
nuclear body (PI. 18, fig. 34, pnb) represents apparently some 
nuclear products preparatory for secretory material, which of 
course sooner or later leaves the cell. That this is most probable 
is gathered from the vacuolar condition of the cell in the imme- 
diate vicinity of the paranuclear body. This is also the opinion 


of Fuchs. Schneider (1902: 570) recognized two kinds of 
granules in liver cells of Helix pomatia. Both kinds 
may be jointly voided into the lumen frequently in the 
process of forming into spheres. ‘The excretory cells of 
the liver have bubbles which contain a large excretory ball 
of similar consistency as the excretory granules of the liver 
cells. It appears thus that leading cytologists agree upon 
a very essential point, viz. the cytoplasm is fundamentally 
granular in structure, Wilson (1899: 28); even the astral 
rays in the dividing sea-urchin egg are formed by linear arrange- 
ments and fusion or close union of granules or microsomes of 
the reticulum (Wilson, 1895: 467). It may be fair to say, 
however, that Wilson is cautious in his statements, but he is 
not far from supporting Altmann’s view altogether. Altmann 
even thought that the secreted extracellular substance was 
granular also. On this point his claim agrees with my observa- 
tions on the pathological tissues of the aquatic pulmonates: 
Physa and Planorbis. For, in this case, it is very evident 
that there are in the intercellular (extracellular) substance an 
abundance of granules which had their origin in the cells. The 
presence of an extra amount of certain granules among the 
tissues, located generally intercellularly, is the main secondary 
feature of the tissues of the parasitized snails. This condition, 
as will be pointed out presently, is most striking in the newly 
infected individuals. After some time following an infection 
the granules seem to decrease quantitatively. That is, the black 
intercellular granules of parasitized Physa and Planorbis 
are a temporary element which under a certain physiological 
condition appears in the homogenous intercellular matrix, 
and which origin is intracellular. 

Tel NO 2. a EE 6s use 2 

The anatomy and morphology of pulmonates in general 
have been worked out by several investigators: Swammer- 
damm (1737), Leydig (1850), Semper (1857), Leydig (1876), 
Simroth (1885), Bronn (1896), and others. Leydig (1850) 
points out that there are present black and yellow pigments 


in the tissues, and in 1876 he calls them chromatophore 
granules. But otherwise he does not record anything about 
intercellular granules. In this second work this author worked 
on four different genera of pulmonates: eight species of 
Limax, two of Helix, one Physa fontinalis, and one 
Arion. But he does not record anything about granules 
other than those mentioned. Semper (1857) also pictures 
pigment, but that is as far as he went on this point, although 
he dealt with seven genera of pulmonates, containing nine 
different species, one of whichwas Planorbis marginatus. 

Since all the specimens I examined were infected at the time 
of examination, it was impossible to ascertain from them the 
exact nature of the normal tissues. But judging from many 
cases with an early or mild infection, I believe that upon 
infection the tissues become less responsive to ordinary stains. 
Infected specimens are difficult to fix properly. It is difficult 
to make good sections. The tissues have a tendency to crumble 
before the edge of the knife. None of these difficulties were 
met with in the uninfected material which was raised in the 
laboratory. The normal tissue has less tendency to shrink 
during the process of preparation. And the black intercellular 
granules are absent. 

Tilo Parasittiiged Taisane, 

Since serial sections were made of all the specimens sectioned, 
it was relatively easy to make a survey of the entire animal 
from the anterior to the posterior and in this way ascertain 
the degree of infection. At first a general survey of ca. 40,000 
sections were made and notes recorded on points observed. 
Then additional material was prepared, both from fresh speci- 
mens collected in nature and from some reared in the laboratory. 
After this mode of procedure a more intensive study ensued. 
This was coupled with the preparation of drawings made to 
scale as indicated below. Every specimen collected in the 
Drainage Ditch was infected with trematode larvae. The 
infection consisted of miracidia, rediae, and cercariae in various 
stages of development. All of these stages were present every- 


where in the body of the host (Pl. 12, figs. 1,2; Pl. 18, 3-14; 
Pl. 16, figs. 20-3; Pl. 17, figs. 24-830; Pl. 18, figs. 31, 35; 
Pl. 20, fig. 48 ; Pl. 21, fig. 55). In Pl. 12, fig. 1 (par), a parasite 
(probably a cercaria) may be seen just below the ectoderm 
of the foot. 

1. Avenue of Infection. 

Infection is apparently established by way of the blood 
system. (1) Because the earliest stages of the parasite are 
found in the sinuses all through the body. This is most mani- 
fest as regards the finer connective tissue of the respiratory 
organ. (2) Because later stages are found in the loose connective 
tissue of any organ. By the time the cercaria stage is reached 
the parasite has arrived in the hepatic sinuses. In fact the 
hepatic sinuses seem to be a general collecting-place in so 
much that they may be completely filled even to the extent 
that the hepatic wall is distended and stretched until the 
epithelium is practically obliterated (Pl. 13, figs. 3-14; Pl. 18, 
fig. 34). On this pomt my observations agree with Leiper’s 
findings, for this author claims that the epithelium disappears 
apparently through pressure atrophy. And Faust (1920: 81) 
verifies this when he says: ‘The food which the parthenita 
takes in first of all is from the lymph.’ That is, the infection 
takes place by way of the blood system. Faust also says: 
‘ The parasite is always found in the connective tissues and the 
interstices between tubules, while the portion of the epithelial 
cell bordering the lumina are always intact except in the most 
necrotic tissues.’ According to Leiper (1915: 177), if an 
infected Planorbis boissyi is kept in tap-water which is 
renewed daily, it may discharge large numbers of cercariae 
daily for weeks. But the cercariae will die within thirty-six 
hours if they do not find a definite host. Cort (1914: 74) 
found specimens of Planorbis trivolvis infected with 
encysted stages of Cercaria trivolvis (Cort), showing, 
as this author claims, that Planorbis trivolvis (Say) 
is able to serve both as intermediate and secondary-inter- 
mediate hosts for this trematode. In this connexion it may be 


noted that such a condition seems to be common for Physa 
gyrina (Say) as well. Does this mean that the bilharzian 
cercaria of Planorbis boissyi is more specialized than 
Cercaria trivolvis? 

2. Effect of Infection. 

The first and immediate effect of infection as represented 
by the changes in tissues of the host is that of a distorted and 
disintegrated condition (Pl. 12, fig. 1). As the parasite passes 
from one stage to another it migrates into all the parts of 
the host’s body. Cercariae or rediae may be found in the 
tentacles (Pl. 12, fig. 2), the foot (Pl. 12, fig. 1), and the pharyn- 
geal wall. 

The second noticeable change in the tissues of the secondary- 
intermediate host infected with trematode larvae is an attempt 
apparently by the tissues of the host to react to the presence 
of the parasite. This is shown first by an increase of black 
granules throughout the host. According to Schreiner (1916) 
1918) the origin of certain cytoplasmic granules is in the nucleus. 
Tividence as to the origin of the black granules so abundantly 
present (Pl. 14, figs. 15-17 ; Pl. 15, figs. 18,19; Pl. 16, figs. 20- 
23; Pl. 17, figs. 24-80, gr) in all the tissues of newly infected 
Planorbis trivolvis and Physa gyrina, seems also 
in this case to point toward the nucleus as a source. A detailed 
discussion of this will be given in another paper. Heavily 
infected specimens seem to have less of these granules, reverting, 
as it seems, toward the normal even while parasites in all 
stages are abundantly present. It does not seem that the 
parasite is the source of this excessive pigmentation. But, 
as pointed out by Ward (1920: 51-2), it is the product of the 
tissues of the host. It is well, however, to note that Ward, 
in the case of the cyst of the myxisporidian parasite Myxo- 
bolus aureatus (Ward), finds that the cyst itself has 
a pigmentation of its own. This pigmentation of the cyst 
may be the product of Myxobolus. The later phase of this 
stage of infection is noted by an apparent readjustment (in 
some cases); this readjustment does not take place in every 

specimen. When it does not the organism dies. After the 
readjustment of the tissues of the host is accomplished there 
is a diminution of pigmentation or granules, and the tissues 
approach the normal condition. This is easily comparable 
to the tissues of young uninfected individuals and adults with 
only a few cercariae in the foot. The response of the tissues 
of the host to the parasite may be partly illustrated by figs. 20- 
30 (Pls. 16,17). The black granules (gr) are shown definitely 
in the tissues, and there are no transitional stages of granules 
passing from the parasite to the host. An acute case of maxi- 
mum pigmentation 1s demonstrated in figs. 15 and 16 (PI. 14). 
This case represents a condition of a newly infected young 
Physa (Pl. 14, fig. 16) in which miracidia could be found. 
Fig. 15 (Pl. 14) represents a conditionin Planorbis generally 
infected. During the second or readjusting period the tissues 
may proliferate considerably also, as in certain cases, e.g. in 
the walls of the hepatic sinuses (Pl. 18, figs. 31, 33, 35, mfct, 
mct). This is accompanied by a rapid growth of the parasite 
(Pl. 18, fig. 35, par). ts | 

The third stage of the parasitized tissues is a much distorted, 
disintegrated, and shrunken condition., During this time the 
host ‘ hangs between life and death’. In the liver the epithe- 
lium may be nearly destroyed. Only small nuclei remain, 
and these are in a highly concentrated condition giving the 
effect of squamous epithelium instead of columnar (PI. 18, 
figs. 32, 33). 

The fourth period is marked by definite changes toward the 
normal condition ; this may be called a period of regeneration. 
During this time the parasite is less abundant and the tissues 
are slowly recovering. 

3. Glycogen. 

Nearly forty years ago Barfurth demonstrated the presence 
of glycogen in the various parts of the body of gasteropods 
(Limax variegatus and Helix pomatia). He writes 
(1885: 842): ‘ Bei der mikrochemischen Untersuchung fand | 
sich in fast allen Organen reichlich Glycogen.’ That is, he 

NO. 271 cc 


found glycogen in all the organs save the tentacular retractor. 
In the case of Physa gyrina I found that glycogen was 
present in the muscles. But as a granular substance it is quite 
different from the black granules mentioned above. Granules, 
then, may be present everywhere in, and between, the tissues. 
Shun Ichi (1920) finds that osmicated mitochondrial fixatives 
preserve glycogen which can be stained in Best’s carmine and 
iron haematoxylin. Hammersten (1885) substantiates the 
findings of Blundstone and Barfurth. The works of Barfurth, 
Blundstone, Hammersten, and Pfliger deal with normal tissues. 
It is necessary, however, in such a work as the present one, to 
have in mind the condition of the normal tissue as a compara- 
tive basis for pathological tissue. Parasitized Physa has 
glycogen in its muscles. In this connexion it may be well to 
recall that Faust demonstrated the presence of glycogen in the 
parasite. And, in his opinion, this glycogen was obtained from 
the host. That is, the parasite which may be anywhere in the 
body of the snail may not only obtain food from the blood- 
stream but also from stored-up food of the body in general. 

LV} the Liver: 
1. The Anatomy of the Liver. 

The liver offers an interesting topic of study because of its 
important physiological activity in the life of the organism. 
Several morphological regional differences of this organ are 
noticeable. These differences may be exaggerated in parasi- 
tized specimens. The anatomy of this organ has been worked 
out by several workers as stated above (Swammerdamm, 
Leydig, Semper, Simroth, Bronn), and also Faust (1920) 
described it partly. It will therefore not be necessary to 
go into any description of the anatomy here, although the 
anatomy of Physa gyrina (Say) has not been described 
before. It is not so very different, however, from other related 
aquatic pulmonates. This also is true as regards the liver. 
The molluscan digestive gland has also been the subject of 
the attention of a number of other authors, who have studied 


it both from the standpoint of its finer structure and from 
the standpoint of physiology. 

2. The Physiology of the Liver. 

Before considering the livers of parasitized Physa and 
Planorbis it is necessary, although briefly, first to point 
out the normal condition in other gasteropods. De Quatre- 
fages (1842) maintained that the liver in nudibranchs was of 
a threefold function; hence his term ‘ plebenterism’ to 
designate that species of gradation which consists in the union 
of different function in one system of vessels. One unquestion- 
able function of the hepatic tubules, as far as Aeolidia is 
concerned, is as an exit of harmful indigestible parts taken in 
with food (Alder and Hancock, 1845 ; Glaser, 1903 ; Hertwig, 
1912). Frenzel (1886: 278) believed with Max Weber (1880) 
and Barfurth (1883) that the liver of molluscs has a double 
function: (1) as in Crustacea it is a digestive gland ; 
(2) in addition this gland, according to Weber for the Crus- 
tacea and Barfurth for the Mollusca, 1s of © excretorische 
Funktion’. They think that the liver of these forms 1s analogous 
to that of vertebrates. Frenzel described three kinds of epithe- 
lial cells of the liver of the nudibranchiate mollusc Tethys 
leporina (Linnaeus): (1) ‘ Kornerzellen’, (2) ‘ Keulenzellen’, 
and (8) ‘ Kalkzellen’. ‘These are also described by Hecht 
(1895: 671). Eliot and Evans (1908) think that some of the 
liver cells in a doridiform ¢ladohepatic nudibranch are excretory 
in function and are dropped into the follicle as they become 
extended with excreted material. Eliot (1910: 39) attributes 
to the liver the function which in the case of the nudibranchiate 
molluse Melibe leonina (Gould) I have shown (Agersborg, 
1923) to be that of the epithelium of the posterior chamber of 
the stomach, e. g. the gizzard. The epithelium of the liver 
of Melibe leonina (vide Agersborg, 1923) shows a similarity 
to the ‘ Keulenzellen’ of Frenzel, or ‘ Cellules vacuolaires 
excrétrices ’ of Hecht. The nucleus as a rule is basal in posi- 
tion and contains one or two nucleoli. That part of the function 
of the liver of Melibe is secretory and digestive may be 

CG 2 


judged from the fact that some of its product passes into the 
stomach. This is readily shown by the fact that the surface 
of the stomachal contents gives the same staining reaction 
as the wall of the hepatic ducts which pass through the walls 
of the gizzard. In fact, these are stained differently from any 
other part of the organism treated chemically in the same way. 
In looking at the hepatic epithelium one is impressed with the 
nucleo-cytoplasmic relationship. There is a strong indication 
that the nucleus takes an active part in the secretory activity 
of this gland (Agersborg, 1923). Lange (1902) recorded a similar 
phenomenon for the salivary glands among gasteropods, viz. 
the nucleus seems to take an active part during the secretory 
activity of the cells. This he could observe easily after feeding 
and starving experiments on the snails with which he worked. 
Boas (1916: 389) states that the liver of gasteropods is a large 
compound acinous gland which secretion among certain snails 
has been shown to have a strong dissolving effect on cellulose. 
But besides being a secretory organ the liver also acts as an 
absorption organ in that it takes up finely parted solid particles 
of food (for example, starch granules), dissolves and absorbs 
them. Further, it serves as_a storage chamber partly for 
nutrition material (glycogen, fat), partly for calcium salts 
which are stored in different cells of the liver. This is also 
the opinion of Barfurth (1883: 332-4) and Bierdermann and 
Moritz (1899: 61). But the liver is not the only organ in 
which glycogen may be stored, for Barfurth (1885) and Blund- 
stone (1885) demonstrated independently the presence of 
glycogen in practically all parts of the body of Limax 
variegatus and Helix pomatia. Using Best’s carmin 
test, I found glycogen in the muscle-tissue of Physa gyrina 
(Say). The liver in gasteropods, according to Barfurth (1883), 
performs several activities which in higher animals may be 
divided between several organs. 

_ 8. The Livers of Parasitized Physa and Planorbis. 

It was pointed out that the tissues of the host try to adjust 
themselves to the presence of the parasite. In the liver this 


may be manifested in various ways. The fluke, being first of 
all in nearest contact with the interstitial cells of the sinus, 
affects them first. The earliest change seems to be a quantita- 
tive increase in cell material in the lumina of the sinuses (PI. 18, 
fig. 31, mfct). The nucleus of the hepatic epithelium is uniformly 
remarkably nearer the free luminar border than is usually 
the case. Presumably the parasite uses up available food quite 
quickly, which source of supply both for the hepatic wall and 
the parasite is the blood-stream. The nearest supply for the 
hepatic wall is in the hepatic epithelium itself. The nucleus 
must migrate to the source of supply—the free luminar border— 
a fact also observed by Korschelt (1891). I have reason to 
think that the hepatic epithelium takes a more active part in 
digestion than is generally accepted (Pl. 21, figs. 49, 58, 54). 
If such be the case then digestive fluid may be available in 
the hepatic lumen. Hence the position of the nucleus of the 
hepatic epithelium. Be this as it may, the hepatic gland seems 
to be an organ of secretion, which is also contended, among 
other things, by several investigators. The position of the 
nucleus near the free border, as seen in fig. 31 (Pl. 18), may be 
initial to disintegration, since in this position-—at this level 
within the sinus—may be found a parasite (par). The striking 
condition of the basement membrane (bm) should be noted. 
The basement membrane is not discernible in fig. 33 (Pl. 18) 
(taken from Planorbis). But this is an exception to the 
rule, as will be seen presently. 

The nucleus of the atrophied hepatic epithelium does not 
drop out of the cell altogether, as may be inferred from fig. 31 
(Pl. 18). Because, in another follicle adjacent to it, the nucleus 
is still present although the cytoplasmic reduction is exceed- 
ingly great, the cytoplasm having practically disappeared 
(Pl. 18, fig. 832). In other young Physa (5 mm. long) killed 
in strong Flemming’s and F.W.A. fixing reagents (Pl. 20, 
figs. 46 and 47) respectively, and in which the liver was not 
infected, the nucleus was basally situated. And on the luminar 
border are seen in many cells prominent secretion vacuoles 
(vac) and granules (Pl. 20, fig. 47, sg). The secretory activity 


is beautifully demonstrable in the liver of Planorbis 
(Pl. 18, figs. 88-6; Pl. 19, figs. 87-8, 40-2). In fig. 33 
(Pl. 18) nearly all the cells on this plane of the organ have 
large secretion vacuoles (vac) with a secretion ball (para- 
nuclear body) init. The free border in some of them is charac- 
terized by fine granules. This vacuolization (vac) is much 
more easily demonstrable in fig. 34 (Pl. 18). The paranuclear 
body (pnb) is in closer proximity to the nucleus in this case 
than in the previous figure, and the border is even more 
oxyphil (ozb). The specimen was quite heavily infected. 
The sinuses (s) are in many places crowded with developing 
flukes in various stages (Pl. 18, fig. 35, par). In spite of such 
high infection the hepatic epithelium (he) presents a normal 
picture. This specimen was killed in strong Flemming’s fixing 
fluid, and the figs. 88-5 (Pl. 18) were drawn from three different 
places of the same individual in order to show the variable 
condition of the liver. The nucleus in all these cases is located 
basally, and shows quite a contrast to the condition found in 
a heavily parasitized two-months old Physa (PI. 18, fig. 31) 
also killed in F'lemming’s mixture. In the case of Planorbis 
(Pl. 18, fig. 35) the interstitial cells (mct) of the sinus (s) are 
greatly modified. This is no doubt a direct response on the 
part of the tissue of the host to the presence of the parasite 
(par). The globules (met) are nuclei located in a cyncitium. 
Black granules as shown in the connective tissue (ct) imme- 
diately below the basement membrane (bm) and in the epithe- 
lium near the basal border are stained black by the osmic acid. 
Quite a contrast to the condition as represented in the last 
three figures (83-5) may be seen in fig. 36 (Pl. 18). This 
drawing was made of a section of the liver of another individual 
of Planorbis killed in Bouin’s fixative. The organism was 
generally infected and showed the same general features as 
demonstrated in figs. 18 and 19 (PI. 15). In fig. 36 (PI. 18) 
the epithelium may be seen in the process of eliminating 
secretion products into the lumen. The cells show vacuoliza- 
tion and fibrillar formation, a condition common to normal 
glandular activity. 


As pointed out already by Barfurth, Boas, Faust, and others, 
the hepatic gland has several functional properties, among 
others that of absorption. Planorbis killed in F.W.A. 
shows absorption substances (Pl. 19, fig. 88, sgr) in great 
abundance in the epithelium, some of which seem to have 
passed into the sinus (cts). In this connexion it is imperative 
to note the simple condition of the basement membrane (bm) 
and compare this fact with that shown in fig. 381 (Pl. 18). 
The specimen upon which fig. 88 (Pl. 19) is based was very 
heavily infected, also the specimen represented by fig. 31 
(Pl. 18). Whether the condition of the basement membrane 
is affected by the parasitic action on the host or by the absorp- 
tion action on the part of the epithelium of the hepatic organ 
of the host remains a question. This same condition is mani- 
fested in fig. 41 (Pl. 19), taken from the same specimen as 
fig. 88 (Pl. 19). But here the epithelium, besides having the 
absorption substances well distributed within it, also exhibits 
the sloughing off or discharging of products into the lumen (sp). 

The nucleus, indeed, may not be situated basally as shown 
in fig. 42 (Pl. 19), in which case it is located at various positions 
within the cell. Previous to this I have stated that it has held 
a basal position (PI. 18, figs. 33-6; Pl. 21, fig. 49). There is 
an exception to this, as has already been pointed out and 
demonstrated in fig. 31. The basement membrane even in 
the same individual may fluctuate considerably (Pl. 19, figs. 38, 
41; Pl. 20, fig. 43). Such a condition as represented in certain 
parts of the gland (PI. 20, fig. 48) 1s quite extraordinary. But 
it shows that the liver of the same individual is capable of 
extensive variation (Pl. 18, figs. 88-5; Pl. 19, figs. 37, 38, 41 ; 
PI. 20, fig.48). Planorbis killedin Bouin’s fluid may show the 
basement membrane quite prominently (Pl. 20, fig. 45) and the 
secretory activities of the epithelium as well. ‘The vacuolated 
and fibrillated condition of the hepatic organ may be demon- 
strated also in the epithelium of the genital duct (PI. 19, fig. 39). 
An apparently non-infected Physa (except with a few mira- 
cidia (?) in the foot) shows a highly vacuolated hepatic epithelium 
(Pl. 20, fig. 44) with practically no basement membrane. _ 


Il. General Discussion. 

Metabolism of Host and Parasite. 

As pointed out by Ward (1907), the effects of parasites on 
the host may be mechanical, morphological, and physiological. 
Mechanical changes are recognized as the local structural 
disturbances ; morphological changes such as abnormal pro- 
liferation of the tissues and cyst-formation ares common 
phenomena; and physiological effects are expressed in the 
limitation or modification of the normal physiological processes 
of the host. The body of an organism, in order to live, must 
carry on the necessary metabolic activities. It is evident that 
the metabolism of an individual whose body is invaded by other 
organisms becomes very greatly augmented. In addition to the 
normal metabolic activities of the host, if it 1s to continue its 
own existence, it must provide for itself and its guests. This 
is done in various ways according to the nature of the para- 
sitism. Metabolism being a process of taking in food, assimilat- 
ing it, building up new material, and voiding material of no 
longer use—a process alike in host and parasite—it 1s evident 
that the host has to work harder if it 1s to continue its existence 
successfully. Endoparasites do not only feed upon the host, 
but their metabolic wastes must be taken care of by the host 
as well as its own. This is often a greater difficulty than the 
providing of board for the parasites. The parasitic excretions 
become frequently poisonous to the host. That is, the meta- 
bolism of the host may be impaired in various ways: either 
by lack of sufficient food, owing to the drainage on the food- 
supply of the parasite; or by the impaired function on the 
part of certain organs of the host, owing to the particular 
specificity of the parasite which is adapted to certain host- 
organs only and the consequent overwork of these organs in 
the attempt of the host to maintain metabolic equilibrium, 
or by actual general or local weakening of the host by the 
toxic parasitic excretions. The life of the host may be absolutely 


shortened. This, of course, is a disadvantage for the parasite 
inasmuch as the death of the host, indeed, may result in the 
death of the parasite also. On the other hand, it is of advantage 
to the parasite that a tolerable condition, or balance in relation- 
ship between host and parasite, be reached. The continued 
existence of the host may ensure the life and reproduction of 
the parasite. Therefore it becomes of mutual importance both 
to host and parasite whether an adjustment in the physio- 
logical relationship between the two can be established quickly. 
Since this may save the life of the host it may also secure the 
propagation of the parasite and of the host without which 
neither may long endure. 

Ebeiseane Antidote tormed ? 

Antidote for Parasitic Toxin. 

As stated above, the first reaction of the tissues of Physa 
and Planorbis infected with trematodes is to provide 
an antidote against the parasitic excretions. In the case of 
the monkey and of man the bilharzial excretions are very toxic 
(Fairley, 1919: 299). This author states that pigmented cells 
were not uncommonly found in the vicinity of bilharzial lesion. 
He was not able to tell, however, whether the pigment originated 
in the haemolytic action of the bilharzial toxin or was derived 
from blood metabolized in the process of digestion by the 
adult parasite. This’ pigment seems to resemble closely 
malarial pigment, and it actually exists in the intestinal coeca 
of the worm. Brown (1911: 299) found that melanin is the 
product of the action of a proteolytic enzyme of the malarial 
parasite upon the haemoglobin of the erythrocytes. The con- 
dition of the liver in Schistosomiosis in man, as shown 
by Phalen and Nichols (1908), is an increase of connective 
tissue of the liver at the expense of the hepatic epithelium. 
This, of course, leads to serious metabolic disturbances of the 

1 | purposely avoid the term antibody, which has a very precise signifi- 

cance, and which, so far as I know, no one has ever seen. I prefer also not 
to coin a new term. 


host, which ultimately is fatal. There is not the proper 
adjustment between host and parasite. Fairley (1919: , 312) 
showed that there is a definite relationship between the cellulo- 
humeral response in experimentally infected monkeys (infected 
with Bilharzia haematobia and Bilharzia man- 
soni), and the prognosis. In hyperinfected monkeys dying 
within few weeks he found that there was a constant leucopenia, 
absence of eosinophilia, and a negative complement fixation 
reaction. In monkeys surviving the sixth week of infection 
there was constantly present an eosinophil leucocytosis asso- 
ciated with a positive serological reaction. Finally, the death 
of the hyperinfected monkeys prior to the deposition of the 
ova, and the constant presence of positive serological reactions 
in monkeys recovering from the initial stages of infection, 
go far to prove the action of some toxic body elaborated 
by the metabolic activities of these parasites, and the protec- 
tive immunization of the definite host by antibody production. 
From this excellent work of Fairley, one may well conjecture 
that the molluscan host suffering from trematode infection 
also has to solve the problem of immunization. 

Faust (1920) states that melanin deposition in the connective 
tissue 1s a matter of record in molluse and vertebrate liver, 
as a result of trematode infection. I am not able to agree 
yet on this point as far as the gasteropods which I have studied 
are concerned. That ‘ the flukes work their way to the liver 
through the blood sinuses (in molluscs) coming to reside in the 
interstices between the liver tubules’ is substantiated by my 
studies. Faust proved that a great deal of absorption of the 
digested foodstuffs on the part of the fluke took place in the 
hepatic sinus of the host. More than that, it may be stated that 
the hepatic epithelium in some cases is actually greatly decreased 
quantitatively by the presence of the parasite (compare Pl. 18, 
figs. 32 and 35, he); also that flukes ‘empty a burdensome 
amount of excretory wastes into the tissues and cause serious 
cytological changes both in the epithelial cells of the (hepatic) 
tubules and in the intertubular connective tissues’ (Pl. 18, 
figs. 31, mfct ; 82, ct; 35, met). In other words, Faust then 


anticipated me in my opinion relative to the problem which 
the infected snail has to solve. That is, molluscan hosts 
suffering from trematode infections have to solve the problem 
of immunization. 

That the parasites produce and liberate a toxin or toxins 
into the system of the snail may not be doubted. That a 
visible difference between non-infected, newly infected, and 
long-infected snails exists is very apparent. Part of this 
difference consists in the presence of a large amount of an inter- 
cellular granular substance which may be blackened by osmic 
acid. It seems to be of a lipoid nature. This granular substance 
does not originate in the parasite. It originates in the cells 
of the tissues of the host, e.g. in the muscles. Is the granular 
substance something produced to counteract the parasitic 
toxin ? Oris it the result of the parasitic waste upon the tissues 
of the host ?. Why is it more abundant during an early infection 
stage than at a later and even more heavily infected stage ? 
Has the host-metabolism adapted itself to the extra task of 
caring for the elimination of the parasitic wastes ? Are even 
necrotic tissues of heavily infected snails better able to take 
care of the parasitic toxins than normal tissues of lightly 
and newly infected snails? These are some questions that 
must be answered. It does not seem reasonable that tissues 
which are highly abnormal morphologically can function better 
than normal tissues. Therefore to conjecture that the gradual 
decrease in intercellular granular substance proportionally with 
the duration of the infection, irrespective of the continuous 
increase of the infection and the consequent destruction of the 
tissues, 18 an indication of a balance in reaction between a 
tissue-reaction substance and the parasitic waste, does not 
seem logical although it may be a helpful suggestion. However, 
if this supposition is correct, do antibodies counteract the 
parasitic toxins? What is the nature of the intercellular 
granules so abundantly present during an early infection ? 
Are they metabolic wastes of the host ? What becomes of them 
later ? Are they voided by the host and are less and less formed 
even during progressively increased infection? Without 


designating any role to the intercellular granular substances 
at present, I must call the attention to their presence. If they 
represent metabolic waste of the host in its combat with the 
parasitic toxins, then their consequent decrease may suggest 
that the metabolic activities of the host becomes more effective 
because of the antibodies which counteract the toxins, the 
necrotic condition of the tissues notwithstanding. 


1. This work shows that the fresh-water snails Physa 
gyrina (Say) and Planorbis trivolvis (Say), infected 
with trematode larvae, respond to the infection by a cytological 
secretion on the part of all the tissues. 

2. This secretion probably originates in the nucleus and is 
further developed in the cytoplasm before it is discharged into 
the intercellular spaces. 

3. The secretion remains intercellularly all the time during 
an infection. It seems to be most abundant during the early 
infection stage, and decreases toward the normal after the 
infection has lasted for some time. 

4, This cell-product, which possibly may have the function 
of an antidote for the parasitic excretions, is represented in the 
prepared specimens and in my drawings by fine black granules 
situated everywhere in the tissues. 

5. These granules may be blackened by osmic acid (OsOs). 
They can be demonstrated also, but less easily, in material 
fixed in Bouin’s fixative. 

6. Physa gyrina (Say) raised in the laboratory became 
infected in the aquarium containing several minnows? 
(Notropis anogenus (Forbes)) collected in the same 

1 Mr. R. E. Richardson, who kindly identified this species for me, 
was quite unwilling to believe that it had been collected at Urbana, 
Illinois, because he had hunted for it all through the state for twenty 
years without any success of finding it. (See also 8. A. Forbes and R. E. 
Richardson, ‘ The Fishes of Illinois ’, 1920.) However, this fish was present 
in large numbers during the fall and winter of 1921-2 in the Drainage 
Ditch of Crystal Lake, Urbana, [llinois. 


place as the parents of the snail. The aquarium was balanced 
with filamentous algae (Spirogyra, Cladophora) and 
Elodea canadensis. They were very heavily infected 
when three weeks old. At this time cercariae filled the hepatic 

7. The liver may present a normal physiological aspect 
although the organism may be heavily infected. 

8. Several striking morphological differences in the liver of 
the same individual may be demonstrable at one and the same 

9. The basement membrane seems to wax and wane accord- 
ing to the physiological state of the liver (Pl. 18, figs. 31-6 ; 
Pl, 19, figs. 37-8, 41-2; Pl. 20, figs. 48-5). This is in 
strong contrast to the condition found in the ectoderm of 
the foot in which the basement membrane is never present. 
The ectoderm passes imperceptibly on to the underlying 
connective tissue (Pl. 21, figs. 50-2). This condition is common 
both for Physa and Planorbis in young as well as adult 

10. Absorption and secretion are demonstrable functions of 
the liver of Physa and Planorbis. Conspicuous bodies, 
which I have called paranuclear bodies, are present in the cells 
of the hepatic epithelium of Planorbis trivolvis (Say). 
They are usually situated between the nucleus and lumen ; 
but sometimes this position may be altered. They are granular 
in structure and resemble the Golgi bodies. Their variable 
position seems to indicate that they are related to the different 
functional states of the cell (Pl. 18, fig. 34, pmb). In the 
intestinal epithelium of Physa gyrina (Say) there are 
definite nuclear caps which break up and pass out of the cell 
and into the lumen (PI. 21, figs. 58, 54, nue). 

11. The adult cercaria having left the host (Planorbis 
trivolvis and Physa gyrina) may re-enter and encyst. 

12. Trematode larvae in various stages of development 
may enter any part of the host. 

13. A macerated condition of the tissues caused by. the 
invasion of larval flukes may be overcome by subsequent 


reaction on the part of the host. This reaction is of two kinds : 
(1) the building up of an antibody ; (2) the regeneration of the 
macerated tissues. ) | 
14. Four infection stages may be recognized. (1) The 
parasite invades the host. The tissues shrink and become more 
and more difficult to handle for cytological purposes. The 
tissues become friable. (2) The tissues secrete an intercellular 
granular substance which becomes present everywhere in the 
host. It is not present in the parasite. (3) During prolonged 
heavy infection the tissues disintegrate. The epithelium of the 
liver may be reduced from tall columnar to squamous. The 
host may die. (4) If the host does not die, then there follows 
after the third stage a gradual return to the normal. The 
parasites also decrease in number within the host. 


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‘ Journ. Path. and Bact.’, 23: 289-314, 4 plates. 

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‘Nova Acta K. Leop.-Carol. Akad. Naturf.’, 48: 81-296, 2 Taf. 

—— (1893).—‘‘ Mikrographie der Mitteldarmdrisse (Leber) der Mollusken. 
II. 1. Specielle Morphologie des Drtisenepithels der Lamellibranchiaten”’, 
ibid., 60: 317-408, 4 col. Taf. 

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—— (1920).—‘‘ The cytoplasmic inelusions of the germ-cells. Part VI. 
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64: 133-53, 2 plates. 

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of the germ-cells. Part IX. On the origin of the Golgi apparatus, on 
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acrosome ”’, ibid., 65: 265-91, 2 plates. 

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1-124 pp. (Ref.: T. 1: 97-193; T. 2: tabulae 4-10, pp. 10-26.) 

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N.B.—The drawings were made by the use of the camera 
lucida and Leitz microscope. Tube length 117 mm. and 334 mm. 

total length from the ocular to the drawing. Ocular no. 3; 

objectives nos. 8, 5, 8, and ,, (75 =the oil-immersion). The 

magnification is indicated in each case. Also the fixatives 
and stains employed are mentioned. F.W.A.=Flemming’s 
solution without acetic acid. 

PLATE 12. 

Fig. 1.—Section through the foot of Planorbis trivolvis (Say), 
killed in Bouin’s picroformol-acetic solution ; stained with Heidenhain’s 
haematoxylin and light green. Sections 8 micra thick. ct, connective 
tissue ; ect, ectoderm; ics, intercellular secretions ; mus, muscle-fibres ; 
par, parasites. In this specimen, though it was highly infected, pigment 
granules are relatively scarce. Magnification: 50 mm. = 250 micra. 

Fig. 2.—Longitudinal section of a tentacle of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), to show encysted parasites (par). , optic nerve; eye. In this 
instance, too, note the scarcity of intercellular granules. The section is 
from the same specimen as fig. 1. Magnification also the same. 

PuaTE 13. | 

Figs. 3-14.—Serial sections of a hepatic sinus from two-months-old 
Physa gyrina (Say), toshow: (1) the presence of two cercariae, a and b, 
in the sinus, and (2) the distended condition of the hepatic wall. ¢, tail; 
vs, ventral sucker; wlf, hepatic wall. Killed in Flemming’s strong solu- 
tion; stained with safranin, light green. Sections 8 micra thick. Mira- 
cidia are found in the foot ; pigmentation less abundant ; hepatic follicles 
filled with cercariae. Magnification: 50 mm. = 100 micra. 

PLATE 14. 

Fig. 15.—Section of part of the body-wall covering the connective-tissue 
capsule (tunica propria) of the liver, to show the intercellular secretion 
granules among the muscle-fibres of Planorbis trivolvis (Say). 
Killed in Flemming’s solution without acetic acid. Stained with Heiden- 
hain’s haematoxylin. Infection general; intercellular secretion granules 
abundant. Trematode larvae were noticeable during dissection. Sections 
8 micra thick. m/f, muscle-fibres; nf, nerve-fibres; sgex, intercellular 
secretion granules. Magnification: 50 mm. = 50 micra. 

Fig. 16.—A section through the base of a tentacle'of Physa gyrina 
(Say), to show the intercellular secretion granules (sgexv). Killed in 


Hetherington’s carnoy-phenol ; stained with Mallory’s phosphotungstic acid 
haematoxylin. Sections 5 micra thick. m/f, muscle-fibres. The specimen 
was partly infected with rediae; pigmentation was quite prominent through- 
out. The liver of this specimen shows a striking pathological picture : 
many cells are sluffed off in part into the lumina. The magnification is 
the same as in the previous figure. 

Fig. 17.—A few muscle-fibres from Physa gyrina (Say), to show 
the presence of black granules within the muscle-fibres; killed in Weigl’s 
corrosive sublimate acetic mixture: stained with Heidenhain’s haema- 
toxylin. Sections 10 micra thick. -mf, muscle-fibres; nu, nucleus ; 
sgint, intracellular granules (mitochondria). Magnifications the same as 
the last figure. 

PLATE 15. 

Fig. 18.—Horizontal section of the right jaw of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), killed in Flemming’s solution; stained with safranin and light 
green. Sections 10 micra thick. csmc, cross-sections of muscular columns ; 
ct, connective tissue ; gr, intracellular cytoplasmic granules ; m/f, muscle- 
fibres. The specimen showed a general infection throughout its body. 
Magnification: 45 mm. = 30 micra. ; 

Fig. 19.—Longitudinal vertical section of the jaw of Planorbis 
trivolvis (Say), showing the muscle-columns (/smc) cut longitudinally. 
epc, epithelial cover of the organ ; gr, intercellular granules ; mf, muscle- 
fibres; nu, nucleus. Magnification the same as in fig. 18. 

PLATE 16. 

Figs. 20-3.—Serial sections of a parasite in the foot of Planorbis 
trivolvis (Say), killed in Flemming’s strong mixture; stained with 
safranin, light green. These sections show: (1) a scanty amount of 
secretion granules (gr), and (2) these granules are not present in the 
immediate proximity of the parasite, (3) the dark spherules in the parasite 
are the nuclei which are all stained uniformly red by the safranin. cap, 
cyst-wall; gr, secretion granules ; nu, nuclei; par, parasite ; su, sucker. 
Sections 10 micra thick. Magnification: 50 mm. = 50 micra. 

PLATE 17. 

Figs. 24-9.—Serial sections from the foot of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), to show the parasites imbedded in the tissues. Killed in Flemming’s 
mixture. Stained with safranin, light green. Sections 10 micra thick. 
cap, cyst-wall; gr, secretion granules; nu, nuclei; par, parasite; pg, 
pedal gland ; spar, small parasite (micracidia ?). Magnification: 50 mm. 
= 100 miera. 

Fig. 30.—Section through the foot of Planorbis trivolvis (Say), 
killed in Flemming’s fixative. (Same specimen as in figs. 24-9.) To show 
the intercellular secretion granules (gr) of the host in relation to the 


parasite (spar). The muscle-fibres have been omitted from the drawing. 
Six encysted parasites are seen in the field. All the parasites stain faintly 
oxyphil (green). Stained with safranin, light green. The granules are 
black; muscles red; parasites green. These parasites are probably 
developmental stages of rediae. Magnification: 50 mm. = 50 micra. 

PuateE 18. 

Fig. 31.—Cross-section of a hepatic follicle of Physa gyrina (Say), 
about two months old. Killed in Flemming’s solution. Stained with 
safranin, light green. Micracidia found in the foot; pigmentation less 
abundant ; liver filled with cercaria. The cercariae are not in the lumen, 
but in the sinus. Sections 8 micra thick. he, hepatic epithelium ; lu, 
hepatic lumen; mfct, modified connective tissue; par, parasite within 
sinus ; s, sinus. Magnifications: 50 mm. = 50 micra. 

Fig. 32.—Cross-section of a hepatic follicular wall adjacent to the one 
represented in fig. 31, to show the flattening of the hepatic epithelium (he) 
and the secondary change of the connective tissue (ct) which borders on 
the sinus (s); bhm, basement membrane of hepatic epithelium ; bms, 
basement membrane of cells lining the sinus; ibmr, inter-basement- 
membranal substance ; lu, hepatic lumen. 

Fig. 33.—Cross-section of a hepatic villus showing a central sinus (s) 
of Planorbis trivolvis (Say). Killed in Flemming’s solution without 
acetic acid (F.W.A.); stained with Heidenhain’s haematoxylin and light 
green. he, hepatic epithelium ; lu, lumen; s, hepatic sinus ; vac, vacuole. 
Sections 8 micra thick. Magnification the same as in fig. 31. 

Fig. 34.—Section of a liver tubule from the same specimen as in fig. 33. 
The epithelium is highly vacuolated, and oxyphil in staining reaction. 
Note the paranuclear bodies which are acid or oxyphil in staining reaction. 
bm, basement membrane; he, hepatic epithelium ; Ju, lumen ; oxb. oxyphil 
border ; pnb, paranuclear body; vac, vacuoles ; s, sinus. Sections 8 micra 
thick. Stained with Heidenhain’s haematoxylin. Magnification as above. 

Fig. 35.—Section of a liver tubule from lumen to lumen of the same 
specimen as shown in fig. 33. The columnar hepatic epithelium shows 
a striking condition of an actively functioning epithelium at the time of 
death. Immediately below the interstitial connective tissue (ct) are a large 
number of densely basic (red with safranin) bodies (mct) which in general 
resemble nuclei of mesenchymous tissue. The granules of the epithelium 
are black (from the osmic acid). bm, basement membrane ; ct, connective- 
tissue cells of the interstitial cells ; he, hepatic epithelium ; mct, nuclei of 
modified connective-tissue cells; nu, nucleus; par, parasite within the 
hepatic lacuna; s, lacuna or sinus. Sections 8 micra thick. Magnifica- 
tion as above. 

Fig. 36.—Section through the hepatic wall of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), killed in Bouin’s fixative. The specimen at the time of killing showed 


the same general condition as the specimen represented in fig. 19. Neither 
was apparently infected, but microscopic investigation revealed that both 
were infected. 06m, hepatic epithelium. Stained with Heidenhain’s 
haematoxylin and light green ; 10 micra in thickness, Magnification same 
as above. 

PuaTE 19, 

Fig. 37.—Cross-section of the hepatic follicle of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), killed with F.W.A.; stained with Heidenhain’s haematoxylin, 
light green. chl, interhepatic lacunae; Jt, interstitial hepatic tissue ; 
lu, lumen; « (vide fig. 38). Magnification: 50 mm. = 250 micra. 

Fig. 38.—z2 from fig. 37 ; magnified 50 mm. = 50 micra. bm, basement 
membrane; cts, hepatic sinus; he, hepatic epithelium loaded with fat 
granules blackened with osmic acid ; sgr, absorption granules. 

Fig. 39.—Section of oviduct of Planorbis trivolvis killed in Flem- 
ming’s fixing agent; stained with safranin and light green. Sections 
8 micra thick. ct, connective-tissue capsule ; e, epithelium ; nw, nucleus ; 
vac, semi-vacuolar space. The lumen had considerable mucilaginous 
substance which had stained with safranin. Magnification the same as 
in fig. 38. | 

Fig. 40.—Section through the tunica propria of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), fixed in Bouin’s fixative. ct, connective tissue of tunica propria ; 
hc, ectoderm; bm, basement membrane; he, hepatic epithelium; lu, 
lumen hepaticum. Stained with safranin and light green. Magnification : 
50 mm. = 100 micra. 

Fig. 41.—Section of a liver-tubule of Planorbis trivolvis (Say), 
fixed in F.W.A., and stained with safranin, light green. bm, basement 
membrane; ct, interstitial connective tissue; cts, lacuna; he, hepatic 
epithelium ; sp, cell-particles sluffed off into the lumen. Note the irregular 
condition of the hepatic border; the marked basement membrane as 
in fig. 38; also the granules of the epithelium. Sections 8 micra in thick- 
ness. Magnification: 50 mm. = 50 micra. 

Fig. 42.—Section of a liver tubule of Planorbis trivolvis (not 
the same specimen as in fig. 41), fixed and stained in the same way as the 
previous one (fig. 41). bm, basement membrane ; he, hepatic epithelium. 
The liver shows a very variable condition of its epithelial lining. Sections 
10 micra thick. Magnification as in fig. 41. 

PLATE 20. 

Fig. 43.—Section of the liver of Planorbis trivolvis (Say), fixed 
in F.W.A. and stained with safranin, light green. Sections 8 micra thick. 
bm, basement membrane; cic, connective-tissue capsule; he, hepatic 
epithelium ; Ju, lumen; vac, vacuoles of the epithelium ; sp, secretion 
particles sluffed off from the epithelium into the lumen of the organ. 


The finely stippled border is oxyphil ; the remainder is basiphil. Magnifica- 
tion the same as the foregoing. 

Fig. 44.—Section of the liver of Physa gyrina (Say), fixed in four 
parts absolute alcohol, one part glacial acetic acid ; stained in Best’s carmin 
stain for glycogen. A few rediae were found in the posterior end of the 
foot ; pigmentation of the mantle quite general, also in the anterior region 
of the body. The liver was highly vacuolated. Sections 8 micra thick. 
bm, basement membrane; lu, lumen; sgr, secretion granules; vac, 
vacuoles. Magnification as above. 

Fig. 45.—Section of a liver tubule of Planorbis trivolvis (Say) 
(the same specimen as in fig. 36), killed in Bouin’s fixative; stained with 
Heidenhain’s iron haematoxylin, light green. Note the general feature 
as seen in fig. 36. This section was taken from the inner portion of the 
hepatic organ. Sections 10 micra thick. Magnification as above. 

Fig. 46.—Cross-section of the liverof Physa gyrina (Say), ca. 5 mm. 
long, killed in Flemming’s solution and stained with Delafield’s haema- 
toxylin. The organism was a little infected with miracidia (?). Note the 
vacuoles between the nuclei and the hepatic lumen. nu, nucleus; s, 
hepatic sinus. Section 7 micra in thickness. Magnification: 45 mm. 
= 30 micra. 

Fig. 47.—Section of the hepatic tubule of Physa gyrina (Say), 
ca. 5 mm. long, killed in F.W.A. and stained with safranin, light green. 
The organism was found to be a little infected with miracidia (?). 
Sections 7 micra thick. bm, basement membrane ; Ju, lumen; nu, nucleus ; 
s, hepatic sinus; sg, secretion granules; vac, vacuoles. Magnification : 
the same as in fig. 46. 

Fig. 48.—Section of the genital tubule of Planorbis trivolvis 
(Say), killed in Bouin’s fixative and stained safranin, light green. Sections 
10 micra thick. alc, alimentary canal; gd, genital duct; gh, hepatic 
gland ; icto, inter-organ connective tissue ; par, rediae; spar, miracidia. 
Magnification: 50 mm. = 250 micra. 

PLATE 21. 

Fig. 49.—Section of the stomach of Physa gyrina (Say), killed in 
F.W.A., and stained with Heidenhain’s iron haematoxylin. Sections 
9 micra thick. bgr, basal granules ; bm, basement membrane ; cil, cilia; 
ctc, nucleus of connective-tissue capsule; nu, nucleus of entoderm. 
Magnification: 45 mm. = 30 micra. 

Fig. 50.—Cross-section of the foot of Planorbis trivolvis (Say), 
showing ciliated ectoderm with pedal glands, both of which are inter- 
spersed with black granules. The basement membrane is absent; the 
ectoderm rests imperceptibly upon the connective tissue. Section 10 micra 
in thickness. bgr, basal granules; cil, cilia; ect, ectoderm; ct, connec- 
tive-tissue cells; sgr, secretion granules; pg, pedal glands. Magnifica- 


tion: 50 mm. =50 micra. (Specimen killed in strong Flemming’s fixative 
and stained with safranin and light green.) 

Fig. 51.—Cross-section of the foot of Physa gyrina (Say), ca. 5 mm. 
long, raised in the laboratory ; killed in Flemming’s fixative ; stained with 
safranin, light green. Section 7 micra thick. The organism was infected 
with a few miracidia in the foot. A basement membrane is absent. bgr, 
basal granules ; cil, cilia; ect, ectoderm of the foot ; nw, nucleus. Magni- 
fication: 45 mm. = 30 micra. 

Fig. 52.—Cross-section of the foot of Physa gyrina (Say), one day 
old. Killed in Bouin’s fluid; stained with Delafield’s haematoxylin. This 
demonstration stands in striking contrast with those represented by 
figs. 50 and 51. The absence of the basement membrane in this part of the 
body is apparently a common characteristic of both the young and adult 
of Physaand Planorbis. Sections 8 micra thick. bgr, basal granules ; 
cil, cilia; ct, connective tissue; ect, ectoderm; mgl, mucous gland ; 
nu, connective-tissue nuclei. Magnification as above. 

Fig. 53.—Cross-section of the intestine of Physa gyrina (Say), 
2 mm. long; killed in Hetherington’s carnoy-phenol fixing agent ; stained 
with Mallory’s phosphotungstic acid-haematoxylin. Sections 5 micra 
thick. This drawing demonstrates an interesting phenomenon relative to 
secretion. Note the nuclear caps (wc) and strands (st) which extend from 
them and beyond the ciliated border. bgr, basal granules ; bm, basement 
membrane; cil, cilia; ctc, connective-tissue capsule ; nu, nucleus; nue, 
nuclear cap; sf, mucous strands. There are no miracidia in the foot ; 
pigmentation general. Magnification: 50 mm. = 50 micra. 

Fig. 54.—Cross-section of the intestine as in fig. 53, showing the same 
phenomenon still better ; stained in Delafield’s haematoxylin. Section 
5 micra thick. bm, basement membrane; nu, nucleus; nuc, nuclear 
cap ; wsbi, unstained internal border. Magnification: 45 mm. = 30 micra. 

Fig. 55.—Section of the foot of Planorbis trivolvis (Say), infected 
with flukes in various stages. Killed in Bouin’s fixing agent; stained in 
Delafield’s haematoxylin. Section 8 micra thick. This shows an encysted 
cercaria in the foot ; the tissues around the parasite does not seem to have 
any of the black secretion granules present. cap, capsule of the parasite ; 
mf, muscle-fibres of the host ; nw, nuclei of the parasite ; par, parasite ; 
spar, smaller parasites (miracidia ?); su, suckers. Magnification: 50 mm. 
= 100 micra. 

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Vaus and Crampton. 


HELMER PARELI VON WoLp KJerscHow AGERSBORG, born on the 26th of 
October, 1881, at Gjersvik in Roédoy, Nordre Helgeland, Norway. 


Hr. Albert Martin Petersen Agersborg, and fru Hansine Marie Zahl Agersborg 
(Née: Hansine Marie Zahl Christensen Mechlenborg). 



1913, 1914, 

Loty, 120, 


Attended school in the District, and under private Tutor at home. 
Lived on parental estate, and traveled in Norway. 

Attended evening schools in Brooklyn, N. Y., and Seattle, Wash. 
Attended Seattle Seminary (Seattle Pacific College) Seattle, Wash. 
Attended the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 
Attended the Universitas Regia Fredericiana, Oslo, Norway. 
Attended Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 

Attended the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, and the Summer 
Session of the University, 1922. 

1921, Student and investigator at the Pugent Sound Biological Sta- 
tion, Friday Harbor, Washington (summers). 

Expeditions to the aretics of Norway, to collect littoral mollusks for 
the purpose of a study of distribution, variation and evolution 

1918, 1919, 1920, 1923, Student and investigator at the Marine Biological Labora- 

tory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts (summers). 


1916. Bachelor of Science, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 
1916. Master of Science, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 
1917. Akademisk Borger, Universitas Regia Fredericiana,, Oslo, Norway. 
1920. Master of Arts, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 

1923. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 

1916, 1914, 

LOL -1 918; 


lee. 019° 

LEO -1 920: 


Assistant -and Acting Curator, respectively, Pugent Sound Biological 
Station, Friday Harbor, Washington (summers). 
Charge of the Biological Supply Department, University of Washing- 
ton, Seattle, Washington. 
Student Assistant in Zodlogy (general invertebrate zoology), Uni- 
versity of Washington, Seattle, Washington. 
Tutor in Biology (botany, general zodlogy, and comparative vertebrate 
anatomy), and in the Evening College (comparative anatomy, and 
histology), College of the City of New York, New York, N. Y. 
Assistant in Zodlogy (general biology, and vertebrate comparative 
anatomy), Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 
First Assistant in Zodlogy, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. 
Demonstrator in Anatomy (histology and embryology), Long Island 
College Hospital Medical College, Brooklyn, N. Y. 
Instructor in Anatomy (histology and embryology), Long Island 
College Hospital Medical College, Brooklyn, N. Y. 
Assistant Professor of Zodlogy (general zodlogy, comparative verte- 
brate anatomy, histology, and economic zodlogy), University of Wyom- 
ing, Laramie, Wyoming. 

1920-1921. Assistant Parasitologist, University of Wyoming Agricultural College, 

Laramie, Wyoming. 

1921-1922. Graduate Assistant in Zovdlogy (ontogeny and general zodlogy), 

University of Illinois, Urbana, Illionis. 

1922-1923. Instructor in Zodlogy (general z00logy ), University of Nebraska, 

Lincoln, Nebraska. 4 

1923-1924. Instructor in Biology (general invertebrate zodlogy), Williams Col- 




1918 a- 








> © 

at a 
cj ea 
oS Do 
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lege, Williamstown, Massachusetts. 

Professor of Biology (and Head of the Department), The James 
Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois. 


Assistant in Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia 
University, New York, N. Y. 

Associate Professor of Anatomy, Emory University, College of Medicine, 
Atlanta, Georgia. 
Associate in Anatomy, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, 

Konservator av den zodlogiske Avdeling, Tromsé6 Museum, Tromso, Nor- 


Pacific Fisheries Society, Seattle, Washington. - 

Det kongelige norske Videnskabers Selskab (Trondhjems Museum), 
Trondhjem, .Norway. 

The Corporation of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 

The American Scandinavian Foundation, Fellow, New York, N. Y. 

The American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, 

The Ecological Society of America. 

The American Society of Mammalogists. 

The International Honorary Scientific Society of the Sigma Xi, (Illinois 

The National Geographical Society, Washington, D. C. 

- The Nebraska Academy of Science, Lincoln, Nebraska. 

The American Society of Zoodlogists. 

- The American Nature Association. 

The American Tree Association. 

American Association for Medical Progress, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts. 
The Honorary Scientific Society of the Gamma Epsilon Tau, Alpha Chap- 
ter, Decatur, Illinois. 

The Illinois State Academy of Science. 

The American Ornithologists’ Union. 


‘¢Nematodes on marketable fishes.’’ Science, N. 8., 48: 493-495. 
‘¢Bilateral tendencies and habits in the twenty-rayed starfish, Pycnopodia 
helianthoides (Stimpson).’’ Biological Bulletin, 35: 232-254, 3 text 
figures, and 1 plate. 

‘‘The teaching of natural science in the Primary and Secondary Schools 
of Norway.’’ School and Society, 9: 675-678. 

‘¢Notes on the nudibranchiate mollusk, Melibe leonian (Gould).’? Publi- 
cations Puget Sound Biological Station, 2: 264-277, 2 plates. 


1920, ‘The utilization of echinoderms and of gasteropod mollusks. ’’ American 
Naturalist, 54: 414-426, 4 text figures. 

1921. ‘Contribution to the knowledge of the nudibranchiate mollusk, Melibe 
leonina (Gold).’’? American Naturalist, 55: 222-253, 12 text figures. 

1921a. ‘“On the status of Chioraera (Gould).’’ Nautilus, 85: 50-57. 

1922. ‘The relation of the madreporite to the physiological anterior end in the 
twenty-rays starfish, Pycnopodia helianthoides (Stimpson).’’? Biological 
Bulletin, 42: 202-216, 10 text figures. : 

19229. “*Notes on the locomotion of the nudibranchiate mollusk, Dendronotus 
giganteus O’Donoghue.’’ Biological Bulletin, 42: 257-266, 4 text figures. 

1922b. “Some observations on qualitative chemical and physical stimulations in 
nudibranchiate mollusks with special reference to the rédle of the 
‘rhinophore’.’’? Journal Experimental Zodlogy, 36: 423-444, 4 tables and 
2 text figures. 

1923. <‘*A eritique on Professor Harold Heath’s Chioraera dalli, with special 
reference to the use of the foot in the nudibranchiate mollusk, Melibe 
leonina (Gould).’’ Nautilus, 36: 86-96, 3 plates. 

1923a. ‘“Notes on a new cladohepatic nudibranch (Olea hansineénsis) from 
Friday Harbor, Washington.’’ Nautilus, 36: 133-138, 1 plate. 

1923b. ‘*Gymnosomatous Pteropoda (Clione kincaidi and Trichocyclus han- 
sineénsis) from Friday Harbor, Washington.’’ Annales Sciences 
Naturelles, Zodlogie, (10) 6: 391-402, 5 text figures. 

1923e. ‘The morphology of the nudibranchiate molluse, Melibe leonina (Gould).’’ 
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. 67: 507-592, 10 double plates. 

1923d. ‘*The sex of the nudibranchiate Mollusca. I. With special reference to 
Germ-cell secretions in Melibe leonina (Gould).’? An abstract in An- 
atomical Records, 25: 346, (Read in part before the American Society of 
Zoodlogists, Cincinnati, December 28, 1923). 

1923 e. ‘*The sensory receptors and the structure of the oral tentacles of the 
nudibranchiate mollusk, Hermissenda crassicornis (Eschocholtz 1831), syn. 
Hermissenda opalescens Cooper 1862, 1863.’? An abstract in Anatom- 
ical Records, 25: 347 (Read in part before the American Society of Zoolo- 
gists, Cincinnati, December 28, 1923). 

1924. ‘Studies on the effect of parasitism upon the tissues. I. With special 
reference to certain gasteropod molluses.’’ Quarterly Journal of Mi- 
croscopical Science, 68: 361-401, 10 double plates. 

1924a. ‘‘The sex of the nudibranchiate Mollusca. I. With special reference to 
Germ-cell secretions in Melibe leonina (Gould).’’ Archives de Biologie, 
34: 215-233, 3 plates. 

1924b. ‘‘A proposed biagraphical entomological dictionary.’’ Science. 60: 431. 

1925. ‘The sensory receptors and the structure of the oral tentacles of the 
nudibranchiate mollusk, Hermissenda crassicornis (Eschscholtz 1831), 
syn. Hermissenda opalescens Cooper 1862, 1863.’’ Acta Zodlogica. (in 
press), 23 figures. 

1925a. ‘‘Studies on the effect of parasitism upon the tissues. II. With special 
reference to a new diplostomous trematode found in the minnow, 
Notropis anogenus (Forbes).’’ (In press) 3 plates. (Read in part be- 
fore the parce State Academy of Science, Springfield, Hlinois, February 
21, 1925).