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Full text of "Synopsis of the parasites of vertebrates of Canada : cestodes of waterfowl (Anseriformes)"

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Synopsis  of  the 

Parasites  of 


of  Canada 

Edited  by  Murray  J.  Kennedy 

of  Waterfowl 

J.  Daniel  McLaughlin 


Animal  Health  Division 

Other  titles  in  this  series 

Synopsis  of  the  Parasites  of  Vertebrates  of  Canada 

—  Helminths  and  Protozoa  of  Terrestrial  Mammals 

Murray  J.  Kennedy,  1 986,  90  p.  $5.00 

Synopsis  of  the  Parasites  of  Vertebrates  of  Canada 

—  Ectoparasites  of  Terrestrial  Mammals 

Murray  J.  Kennedy  and  Robert  A.  Newman,  1986,  109  p.  $5.00 

Synopsis  of  the  Digenea  of  Mammals  of  North  America 
Murray  J.  Kennedy,  1988,  83  p.  $5.00 

Synopsis  of  the  Parasites  of  Domesticated  Mammals  of  Canada 
Murray  J.  Kennedy,  1988,  53  p.  $5.00 

Synopsis  of  the  Parasites  of  Vetebrates  of  Canada 

—  Parasites  of  Marine  Mammals 

Leo  Margolis  and  Hisao  P.  Aral,  1989,  26  p.  $5.00 

Synopsis  of  the  Parasites  of  Vetebrates  of  Canada 

—  Ectoparasites  of  Birds 

Terry  A.  Wheeler  and  William  Threlfall,  1 989,  93  p.  $5.00 

Synopsis  of  the  Parasites  of  Vetebrates  of  Canada 

—  Haemoprotozoans  of  Birds 

G.  F.  Bennett,  C.  B.  Woodworth-Lynas  and  M.  A.  Bishop,  1989  47  p.  $5.00 

Copies  of  these  publications  are  available  from  the 

Queen's  Printer,  11510  Kingsway  Avenue,  Edmonton  T5G  2Y2 

Orders  for  these  publications  must  be  accompanied  by  a  cheque  that  is  payable  to 

The  Provincial  Treasurer 

1990  03  1M 

Synopsis  of  the 

Parasites  off 
off  Canada 

Edited  by  Murray  J.  Kennedy^ 

of  Waterfowl 

J.  Daniel  McLaughlin2 

Alberta  Agriculture 
Veterinary  Laboratory 
6909 -116  Street 
Edmonton,  Alberta 
Canada  T6H  4P2 

2  Department  of  Biology 
Concordia  University 
1455  de  Maisonneuve  Blvd.  West 
Montreal,  Quebec 
Canada  H3G  1M8 


Animal  Health  Division 


This  synopsis  contains  Parasite-Host  and  Host-Parasite  lists  of  76  species  of  cestodes  from  30  species  of  wild 
waterfowl  (Anseriformes)  from  Canada.  Records  from  natural  and  experimental  infections  in  domestic  waterfowl  and 
from  experimental  infections  in  wild  species  are  also  included. 

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in  2015 


This  synopsis  includes  records  published  in  the 
primary  literature  up  to  December  1988.  No  attempt 
has  been  made  to  extract  records  from  unpublished 
theses  or  from  federal  or  provincial  government 
reports.  Additional  records  therefore  likely  exist. 

The  taxonomic  arrangement  of  the  cestodes 
listed  in  this  synopsis  generally  follows  that  of 
Schmidt  (1986)  although  the  genera 
Tschertkovilepis,  Wardium  and  Wardoides 
(Hymenolepididae)  have  been  retained. 

Host  nomenclature  (scientific  and  common) 
conforms  to  that  in  the  1983  A.O.U.  checklist 
(Checklist  of  North  American  Birds:  the  species  of 
birds  of  North  America  from  the  Arctic  through 
Panama,  including  the  West  Indies  and  Hawaiian 
Islands.  American  Ornithologists  Union 
Washington  D.C.). 

In  keeping  with  the  format  of  previous  issues  of 
the  Synopsis  the  following  information  is  provided 
for  each  parasite  species  listed: 

1)  The  current  scientific  name,  including 
author(s)  and  date(s),  followed  by  any  recognized 
synonyms  that  may  have  been  used  in  establishing 
the  Canadian  record(s).  No  attempt  has  been  made 
to  evaluate  systematically  the  validity  of  published 
records,  but  attention  has  been  drawn  to  obvious 

2)  The  site  of  occurrance  of  the  parasite  in  its 
host(s).  When  the  site  was  not  given  in  the  original 
reference  it  was  determined  from  other  records. 

3)  The  hosts.  Only  currently  accepted  scientific 
names  are  used.  Numbers  in  parentheses  after  each 
host  name  correspond  to  the  numbers  assigned  to 
the  references  establishing  the  particular  parasite 
host  records. 

NB  (New  Brunswick),  Nfld  (Newfoundland  and 
Labrador),  NS  (Nova  Scotia),  NWT  (Northwest 
Territories),  Ont  (Ontario),  PEI  (Prince  Edward 
Island),  Que  (Quebec),  Sask  (Saskatchewan)  and 
YT  (Yukon  Territory). 

5)  Authors  responsible  for  records  are  listed  in 
chronological  order  of  published  records.  To  enable 
the  reader  to  grasp  at  a  glance  the  author(s) 
responsible  for  particular  parasite-host-locality 
records,  references  listed  under  "Records"  have 
been  numbered  and  the  corresponding  number 
placed  after  the  host  name.  Each  reference  is 
followed  by  the  locality  or  localities  from  which  the 
parasite(s)  was  (were)  reported.  When  only  one 
host  is  listed  for  a  particular  parasite  the  references 
are  not  numbered  and,  when  all  records  are  from 
the  same  locality  the  latter  is  not  listed  after  the 
Author's  names. 

6)  Under  remarks,  explanatory  comments  as 
required  are  offered  on  systematics,  nomenclature, 
synonyms  of  parasites,  sites  within  hosts  and 
whether  immature  or  gravid  specimens  were 
recovered  in  experimental  life  cycle  studies. 

In  the  Host-Parasite  List,  only  currently  valid 
names  are  used.  Host  synonyms  are  included  only 
when  used  in  establishing  Canada  records. 

Subfamilies,  tribes,  genera  and  species  have 
been  listed  alphabetically.  Sections  on  domestic 
ducks  and  geese  have  been  included.  The 
geographic  distribution  is  given  in  parentheses  after 
the  name  of  each  parasite  species. 

To  facilitate  access  to  information  in  the 
parasite-host  and  host-parasite  lists,  the  synopsis 
concludes  with  an  INDEX  to  parasite  and  host 
scientific  names. 

4)  Distribution  (Dist.)  Species  distribution  is 
indicated  by  Provincial  or  Territorial  boundaries 
listed  in  alphabetical  order  as  follows:  Alta 
(Alberta),  BC  (British  Columbia),  Man  (Manitoba), 





Schistocephalus  solidus  (Mueller,  1776) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Lophodytes  cucullatus  (2) 

Mergus  merganser  ( 1 ) 
Dist:  BC,  Ont 

Records:  1.  Wardle  1933  (BC);  2.  Bain  and 
Threlfall  1977  (Ont) 

Ligula  intestinalis  (Linnaeus,  1758) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas platyrhynchos  (3) 
Mergus  merganser  ( 1 ,2) 
Dist:  BC,  Man,  Que 

Records:  1.  Wardle  1933  (BC);  2.  Mahon 
1956  (Que);  3.  Crichton  and  Welch  1972  (Man) 



Gastrotaenia  cygni  Wolffhiigel,  1938 
Site:  gizzard,  under  lining 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  (2,3) 

A.  americana  (3) 

A.  clypeata  (3) 

A.  crecca  (3) 

A.  discors  (3) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (2,3) 

A.  strepera  (3) 

Aythya  ajfinis  (3) 

A.  americana  (3) 

A.  valisineria  (1,3) 

Bucephala  albeola  (3) 
Dist:  Man 

Records:  1.  Comwell  and  Cowan  1963; 
2.  Crichton  and  Welch  1972;  3.  McLaughlin 
and  McGurk  1987 



Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Pallas,  1781) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Aix  sponsa  (12) 

Anas  acuta  0,1  MM) 

A.  clypeata  (3) 

A.  crecca  {  \  1,12) 

A.  discors  {AM  M) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (6*,7,1 1) 


A.  strepera  (3,6*) 

Anatidae  (5,14) 

Domestic  ducks  (5*) 


A.  americana  (6*) 



A.  valisineria  (2,6*) 

Bucephala  clangula  (11,12) 

Mergus  merganser  ( 1 ) 

Branta  bernicla  (10) 

Chen  caerulescens  (10) 
Dist:  Alta,  BC,  Man,  NB,  NWT,  Que 
Records:  1.  Wardle  1933  (BC);  2.  Comwell 
and  Cowan  1963  (Man);  3.  Buscher  1965  (Man); 
4.  Buscher  1966  (Man);  5.  Denny  1969  (Alta); 
6.  Podesta  and  Holmes  1970  (Alta);  7.  Crichton 
and  Welch  1972  (Man);  8.  McLaughlin  and  Burt 
1973  (NB);  9.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta); 

10.  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975  (NWT); 

11.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a  (NB); 

12.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979b  (NB);  13.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta);  14.  Hoeve  and  Scott 
1988  (Que) 

Remarks:  *  Experimental  infections 
producing  mature  cestodes. 

Fimbriarioides  intermedia  (Fuhrmann,  1913) 
Site:  duodenum,  small  intestine 
Host:  Somateria  mollissima  (1,2) 
Dist:  Nfld,  NWT 

Records:  1.  Cooper  1921  (NWT);  2.  Bishop 
and  Threlfall  1974  (Nfld) 

Fimbriarioides  sp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Melanitta  nigra 
M.  perspicillata 
Dist:  BC,  NB,  Nfld 
Record:  Bourgeois  and  Threlfall  1982 


Anatinella  spinulosa  (Dubinina,  1953) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 


Aploparaksisfurcigera  (Nitzsch  in  Rudophi,  1819) 
Site:  intestine,  caecum 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  ( 1 ) 

A.  disc  or  s  (2,4) 

A.  ruhripes  (3,4) 

A.  strepera  (1) 

Aythya  collaris  (4) 
Dist:  Man,  NB 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man);  2.  Buscher 
1966  (Man);  3.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973 
(NB);  4.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 

Aploparaksis  veitchi  Baylis,  1934 
Site:  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  clypeata 

A.  strepera 
Dist:  Man 

Record:  Buscher  1965 
Remarks:  Spasskii  and  Freze  (1961)  listed 
this  species  as  species  inquirenda. 

Aploparaksis  sp. 
Site:  intestine 

Host:  Somateria  mollissima 

Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Cooper  1921 

Cloacotaenia  me  galops  (Nitzsch  in  Creplin,  1829) 
Syn:  Hymenolepis  megalops  (Nitzsch  in 

Creplin,  1829) 
Site:  cloaca;  occasionally  in  ureter  (Wobeser 

198 1 )  and  bursa  of  Fabricius  (Bourgeois  and 
Threlfall  1982) 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  (2,4,8) 
A.  americana  (7) 
A.  clypeata  (2) 
A.  disc  or  s  0,1) 
A.  platyrhynchos  (4,8) 
A.  strepera  (2) 
Aythya  ajfinis  (5) 
A.  valisineria  (1) 
Melanittafusca  (9) 
Chen  caerulescens  (6) 
Dist:  Alta,  BC,  Sask,  Man,  NB,  NWT 
Records:  1.  Comwell  and  Cowan  1963 
(Man);  2.  Buscher  1965  (Man);  3.  Buscher 
1966  (Man);  4.  Crichton  and  Welch  1972  (Man); 
5.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  6.  Neraasen 
and  Holmes  1975  (NWT);  7.  McLaughlin  and 
Burt  1979a,b(NB);  8.  Wobeser  1981  (Sask); 
9.  Bourgeois  and  Threlfall  1982  (BC) 
Remarks:  Specimens  found  in  ureters  were 
immature  (Wobeser  1981). 

Dicranotaenia  coronula  (Dujardin,  1845) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  coronula  (Dujardin,  1845) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  platyrhynchos  (5) 
A.  rubripes  (2,5) 
Domestic  ducks  ( 1 ) 
Aythya  ajfinis  (3,6) 
A.  collaris  (5) 
A.  marila  (5) 
Bucephala  clangula  (5) 
Branta  bernicla  (4) 
Chen  caerulescens  (4) 
Dist:  Alta,  NB,  NWT,  Ont 
Records:  1.  Schofield  1932  (Ont);  2. 
McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB);  3.  Hair  and 
Holmes  1975  (Alta);  4.  Neraasen  and  Holmes 
1975  (NWT);  5.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b 
(NB);  6.  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta) 
Remarks:  Schofield  (1932)  reported  this 
helminth  as  a  possible  cause  of  mortality  in  a 
flock  of  domestic  ducks. 

Diorchis  asiatica  Spasskii,  1963 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 

Diorchis  bulbodes  Mayhew,  1929 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  (1) 
A.  rubripes  (2,4) 
Aythya  affinis  (3) 
Dist:  Alta,  Man,  NB 
Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man); 
2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB);  3.  Hair 
and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  4.  McLaughlin  and 
Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 

Diorchis  excentricus  Mayhew,  1925 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  affinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975;  2.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b 

Diorchis  inflata  (Rudolphi,  1819) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  affinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975;  2.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b 


Diorchis  microcirrosa  Mayhew,  1929 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Anas  discors 
Dist:  NB 

Records:  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b 

Diorchis  nyrocae  Yamaguti,  1935 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  ( 1 ,3) 

A.  clypeata  (I) 

A.  discors  (2) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (3) 
Dist:  Man 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965;  2.  Buscher  1966; 
3.  Crichton  and  Welch  1972 

Diorchis  nyrocoides  Spasskaja,  1961 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 

Diorchis  ransomi  Schultz,  1940 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 
Remarks:  More  frequently  found  in  Fulica 
americana  and  recorded  from  this  host  in 
Manitoba  (McLaughlin  and  Burt  1975). 
Schmidt  (1986)  has  included  this  species  in  the 
genus  Schillerius  Yamaguti,  1959. 

Diorchis  spinata  Mayhew,  1929 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  strepera  (1) 
Aythya  ajfinis  (2) 
Dist:  Alta,  Man 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man);  2.  Hair  and 
Holmes  1975  (Alta) 

Diorchis  stefanskii  Czaplinski,  1956 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Aythya  affinis  (2) 

Branta  bernicla  (1) 

Chen  caerulescens  (1) 
Dist:  Alta,  NWT 

Records:  1.  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 
(NWT);  2.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta) 

Diorchis  spp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anatidae  (3) 

Aythya  affinis  {\ 2) 
Dist:  Alta,  Que 

Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  2. 
Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta);  3.  Hoeve  and 
Scott  1988  (Que) 

Drepanidotaenia  barrowensis  (Schiller,  1952) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anser  albifrons 

Branta  bernicla 

Chen  caerulescens 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 
Remarks:  Schmidt  (1986)  has  included  this 

species  in  both  Drepanidotaenia  and 


Drepanidotaenia  lanceolata  (Bloch,  1782) 
Syn:  Hymenolepis  lanceolata 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Branta  bernicla  (2) 

B.  canadensis  (3) 

Chen  caerulescens  ( 1 ,2) 
Dist:  NB,  NWT,  Que 

Records:  1.  Mahon  1956  (Que);  2.  Neraasen 
and  Holmes  1975  (NWT);  3.  McLaughlin  and 
Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 

Echinocotyle  rosseteri  (Blanchard,  1891) 
Site:  duodenum,  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  (2) 

A.  clypeata  (1,2) 

A.  crecca  (1,5) 

A.  discors  (1,3,5) 

A.  rubripes  (4,5) 
Dist:  Man,  NB,  Que 

Records:  1.  Mahon  1956  (Que);  2.  Buscher 
1965  (Man);  3.  Buscher  1966  (Man); 

4.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB); 

5.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 
Remarks:  Specimens  described  by  Mahon 

(1956)  differ  from  those  described  by  other 
authors  and  are  likely  not  E.  rosseteri 
(McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a). 

Hispaniolepis  arcuata  (Kowalewski,  1904) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  arcuata  Kowalewski,  1904 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  affinis 
.  Dist:  Alta 
Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975;  2.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b 

Hymenolepis  albertensis  Denny,  1969 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Domestic  duck  (1*) 
Aythya  ajfinis  {\+,2) 


A.  americana  (1+) 
Melanittafusca  (1) 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Denny,  1969;  2.  Bush  and 
Holmes  1986a 

Remarks:  +  Experimental  infections 
producing  mature  cestodes.  *Experimental 
infections  producing  immature  cestodes. 

Hymenolepis  anatina  (Krabbe,  1869) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  ( 1 ) 

A.  disc  or  s  (2) 
Dist:  Man 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965;  2.  Buscher  1966 
Remarks:  Schmidt  (1986)has  listed  this 
species  in  Echinocotyle  Blanchard  (1891). 
According  to  McDonald  (1969),  H.  anatina  is 
unrecognizable.  Regardless,  the  sucker  armature 
is  quite  different  from  that  of  E.  rosseteri.  See 
remarks  on  H.  rauschi. 

Hymenolepis  pusilla  Podesta  and  Holmes,  1970 
Site:  small  intestine  (posterior  third) 
Hosts:  Aythya  ajfinis  ( 1 ,2,3) 

A.  valisineria  (1) 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Podesta  and  Holmes  1970; 
2.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975;  3.  Bush  and  Holmes 

Remarks:  Podesta  and  Holmes  (1970)  also 
completed  the  life  cycle  of  this  species  in 
A.  ajfinis  and  A.  valisineria. 

Hymenolepis  rauschi  Schiller,  1950 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Anas  ruhripes 
Dist:  NB 

Records:  1.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973; 
2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b 

Remarks:  Yamaguti  (1959)  placed 
H.  rauschi  in  the  genus  Echinocotyle  Blanchard 
( 1 89 1 )  on  the  basis  of  its  armed  suckers. 
Schmidt  (1986),  apparently  following  Yamaguti, 
also  included  H.  rauschi  in  Echinocotyle.  The 
sucker  armature  in  H.  rauschi  resembles  that 
seen  in  many  Diorchis  species  and  is  quite 
different  from  that  of  E.  rosseteri,  the  type 
species  of  Echinocotyle.  McLaughlin  and  Burt 
(1979a)  suggested  that  Echinocotyle  should 
include  only  those  species  whose  sucker 
armature  resembled  that  of  E.  rosseteri  and 
returned  H.  rauschi  to  the  genus  Hymenolepis  s.l. 

Hymenolepis  spinocirrosa  Podesta  and  Holmes, 

Site:  small  intestine  (posterior  third) 
Hosts:  Aythya  ajfinis  (1,2,4) 

A.  americana  (1) 

A.  mar i la  (3) 

A.  valisineria  (1) 
Dist:  Alta,  NB 

Records:  1.  Podesta  and  Holmes  1970  (Alta); 
2.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  3.  McLaughlin 
and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB);  4.  Bush  and  Holmes 

Remarks:  Podesta  snd  Holmes  (1970)  also 
completed  the  life  cycle  of  this  species  in 
A.  ajfinis,  A.  americana  and  A.  valisineria. 

Hymenolepis  trombidacantha  Podesta  and  Holmes, 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Podesta  and  Holmes  1970 
Remarks:  Podesta  and  Holmes  (1970)  also 

completed  the  life  cycle  of  this  species  in 

A.  ajfinis. 

Hymenolepis  spp. 
Site:  intestine 
Hosts:  Aix  sponsa  ( 1 2) 

Anas  acuta  ( 1 ,6) 

A.  discors  (1) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (6) 

A.  rubripes  (7,\2) 

Anatidae  (11,16) 

Aythya  ajfinis  (8,15) 

A.  valisineria  (4) 
Bucephala  albeola  (12) 
Lophodytes  cucullatus  (10) 
Melanittajusca  (14) 

M.  nigra  {\ A) 

M.  perspicillata  ( 14) 

Branta  bernicla  (9) 

B.  canadensis  (12) 
Domestic  goose  (3) 
Cygnus  buccinator  (2,5, 1 3) 

C.  columbianus  (13) 

Dist:  Alta,  BC,  Man,  NB,  Nfld,  NWT,  Ont, 

Records:  1.  Swales  1933  (Alta);  2.  Cowan 
1946  (BC);  3.  Schad  1962  (Que);  4.  Comwell 
and  Cowan  1963  (Man);  5.  MacNeill  1970  (BC); 

6.  Crichton  and  Welch  1972  (Man); 

7.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB);  8.  Hair  and 
Holmes  1975  (Alta);  9.  Neraasen  and  Holmes 
1975  (NWT);  10.  Bain  and  Threlfall  1977  (Ont); 


11.  MacNeil  and  Barnard  1978  (BC); 

12.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979b  (NB); 

13.  McKelvey  and  MacNeill  1980  (BC); 

14.  Bourgeois  and  Threlfall  1982  (BC,NB,Nfld); 

15.  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta);  16.  Hoeve 
and  Scott  1988  (Que) 

Microsomacanthus  abortiva  (von  Linstow,  1904) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  abortiva  von  Linstow,  1904 
Site:  small  intestine,  caecum 
Hosts:  Anas  discors  (3) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (3) 

A.  rubripes  (1,3) 

Aythya  ajfinis  (2,4) 
Dist:  Alta,  NB 

Records:  1.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB); 

2.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  3.  McLaughlin 

and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB);  4.  Bush  and  Holmes 

1986a,b  (Alta) 
Remarks:  All  specimens  from  Anas  spp. 

found  in  caecum;  those  from  Aythya  ajfinis 

occurred  in  the  small  intestine. 

Microsomacanthus  compressa  (Linton,  1892) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  compressa  (Linton,  1892) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  ( 1 ) 

Aythya  ajfinis  (2) 
Dist:  Alta,  Man 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man);  2.  Hair  and 

Holmes  1975  (Alta) 
Remarks:  Specimens  identified  as  H. 

compressa  by  McLaughlin  and  Burt  (1973)  are 

H.  paracompressa. 

Microsomacanthus  collaris  (Batsch,  1786) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  collaris  (Batsch,  1786) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  rubripes  ( 1 ,2) 
Aythya  collaris  (2) 
Dist:  NB 

Records:  1.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973; 
2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b 

Microsomacanthus  fausti  (Tseng-Shen,  1932) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  jausti  (Tseng-Shen,  1932) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Aythya  ajfinis  (1,3) 

A.  collaris  (2) 
Dist:  Alta,  Ont 

Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta); 

2.  Nose  worthy  and  Threlfall  1978  (Ont);  3.  Bush 

and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta) 
Remarks:  Bush  and  Holmes  (1986a,b)  found 

only  immature  forms.  Czaplinski  and  Vaucher 

(1977),  on  re-examination  of  the  original 
specimens,  concluded  that  the  original 
description  was  based  on  fragmentary  material 
consisting  of  strobilae  of  Microsomacanthus 
paramicrosoma  Gasowska,  1931  and  scolices  of 
a  different  species,  possibly  Microsomacanthus 
spiralibursata  CzapVinski,  1956.  They  renamed 
Microsomacanthus  jausti  of  Spasskaja  and 
Spasskii  ( 196 1 )  Microsomacanthus  baeri. 

Microsomacanthus  formosoides  Spasskaja  and 
Spasskii,  1961 
Syn:  Hymenolepis  (Microsomacanthus) 

formosoides  (Spasskaja  and  Spasskii,  1961) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Somateria  mollis sima 
Dist:  Nfld 

Record:  Bishop  and  Threlfall  1974 

Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  (Schiller,  195 1 ) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  hopkinsi  Schiller,  195 1 
Site:  caecum 
Hosts:  Aix  sponsa  (1) 
Anas  acuta  ( 1 ,6) 
A.  platyrhynchos  (6+,7) 
A.  rubripes  (2,4,7) 
A.  strepera(\) 
Domestic  duck  (2*) 
Aythya  ajfinis  (3-i-,5) 
A.  americana  (3*) 
A.  valisineria  (3+) 
Dist:  Alta,  Man,  NB 
Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man); 
2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1970  (NB);  3.  Podesta 
and  Holmes  1970  (Alta);  4.  McLaughlin  and 
Burt  1973  (NB);  5.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 
(Alta);  6.  McLaughlin  1975  (Man); 
7.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 
Remarks:  *Experimental  infections  only. 
+Natural  and  experimental  infections  yielding 
mature  specimens. 

Microsomacanthus  melanittae  Ryjikov,  1962 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  melanittae  (Ryjikov,  1962) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b 
Remarks:  Only  immature  specimens  were 

Microsomacanthus  microskrjabini  Spasskii  and 
Jurpalova,  1964 
Syn:  Hymenolepis  (Microsomacanthus) 

microskrjabini  (Spasskii  and  Jurpalova,  1964) 


Hymenolepis  microskrjabini  (Spasskii  and 

Jurpalova,  1964) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Domestic  duck  (1*) 

Aythya  ajfinis  ( l+,2,4) 

A.  americana  (1+) 

Somateria  mollissima  (3) 
Dist:  Alta,  Nfld 

Records:  1.  Denny  1969  (Alta);  2.  Hair  and 
Holmes  1975  (Alta);  3.  Bishop  and  Threlfall 
1974  (Nfld);  4.  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta) 

Remarks:  *Experimental  infection;  only 
immature  forms  recovered.  +  Experimental 
infections  producing  mature  cestodes. 

Microsomacanthus paracompressa  (Czaplinski, 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  paracompressa 

Czaplinski,  1956  Hymenolepis  compressa  of 

McLaughlin  and  Burt  (1973) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  (2) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (2) 

A.  rubripes  (1 ,2) 

Aythya  ajfinis  (3) 
Dist:  Alta,  NB 

Records:  1.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB); 

2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB);  3.  Bush 

and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta) 
Remarks:  Bush  and  Holmes  (1986b) 

reported  immature  specimens  only. 

Microsomacanthus parvula  (Kowalewski,  1904) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  parvula  Kowalewski,  1904 

Kowalewskius  parvula  (Kowalewski,  1904) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  rubripes  ( 1 ,4) 
Aythya  ajfinis  (2,5) 
A.  collaris  (3) 
Dist:  Alta,  NB,  Ont 

Records:  1.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB); 
2.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  3.  Noseworthy 
and  Threlfall  1978  (Ont);  4.  McLaughlin  and 
Burt  1979a,b  (NB);  5.  Bush  and  Holmes  1985a 

Microsomacanthus  recurvata  Spasskaja  and 
Spasskii,  1961 
Syn:  Hymenolepis  recurvata  (Spasskaja  and 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975;  2.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b 

Microsomacanthus  somateriae  Ryjikov,  1965 
Syn:  Hymenolepis  (Microsomacanthus) 

somateriae  (Ryjikov,  1965) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Somateria  mollissima 
Dist:  Nfld 

Record:  Bishop  and  Threlfall  1974 

Microsomacanthus  spiralibursata  (Czaplinski, 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  spiralibursata  Czaplinski, 

Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Domestic  duck  (1*) 
Aythya  ajfinis  ( 1 ,2) 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Denny  1969;  2.  Hair  and  Holmes 

Remarks:  *Experimental  infection  producing 
mature  specimens. 

Microsomacanthus  teresoides  (Fuhrmann,  1906) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  teresoides  Fuhrmann,  1906 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Anas  strepera 
Dist:  Man 

Record:  Buscher  1965 

Microsomacanthus  tuvensis  Spasskaja  and  Spasskii, 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  tuvensis  (Spasskaja  and 

Spasskii,  1961) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Domestic  duck  ( 1  *) 

Aythya  affinis{\+2,'i. 5) 

A.  americana  (2) 

A.  mar i la  (4) 

A.  valisineria  (2) 

Melanittafusca  (2) 
Dist:  Alta,  NB 

Records:  1.  Denny  1969  (Alta);  2.  Podesta 
and  Holmes  1970  (Alta);  3.  Hair  and  Holmes 
1975  (Alta);  4.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b 
(NB);  5.  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta) 

Remarks:  *Experimental  infection;  only 
immature  specimens  recovered.  +Mature 
specimens  from  natural  and  experimental 


Parabisaccanthes  philactes  (Schiller,  1951) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anser  albifrons 

Branta  bernicla 

Chen  caerulescens 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 

Retinometra  cyrtoides  (Mayhew,  1925) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Ay  thy  a  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b 
Remarks:  Immature  specimens  only. 

Retinometra  longivaginata  (Fuhrmann,  1906) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anser  albifrons 

Branta  bernicla 

Chen  caerulescens 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 

Retinometra  macracanthos  (von  Linstow,  1877) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Bucephala  clangula 
Dist:  NB 

Record:  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b 
Remarks:  Immature  specimen  only. 

Retinometra  macrocephala  (Fuhrmann,  1913) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  macrocephala  Fuhrmann, 

Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  clypeata  (1) 

A.  discors  (2) 
Dist:  Man 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965;  2.  Buscher  1966 
Remarks:  Synonym  of  Retinometra  venusta 
according  to  Spasskaja  (1966). 

Retinometra  pittalugai  (Lopez-Neyra,  1932) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Hair  and  Holmes  1975;  2.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b 

Retinometra  venusta  (Rosseter,  1897) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Anser  albifrons 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 

Sobolevicanthus  filumferens  (Brock,  1942) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  filumferens  Brock,  1942 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  clypeata  ( 1 ) 

A.  crecca  (4) 

A.  discors  (2,4) 

A.  rubripes  (3,4) 
Dist:  Man,  NB 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man);  2.  Buscher 
1966  (Man);  3.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973 
(NB);  4.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 

Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (Zeder,  1803) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  gracilis  (Zeder,  1803) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Aix  sponsa  (6) 
Anas  acuta  ( 1 ) 
A.  americana  (6) 
A.  discors  (6) 
A.  rubripes  (2,6) 
Aythya  ajfinis  (3,7) 
A.  collaris  (5) 
Branta  bernicla  (4) 
Chen  caerulescens  (4) 
Dist:  Alta,  Man,  NB,  NWT,  Ont 
Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man); 
2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973  (NB);  3.  Hair 
and  Holmes  1975  (Alta);  4.  Neraasen  and 
Holmes  1975  (NWT);  5.  Noseworthy  and 
Threlfall  1978  (Ont);  6.  McLaughlin  and  Burt 
1979a,b  (NB);  7.  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a  (Alta) 
Remarks:  Bush  and  Holmes  (1986a) 
recorded  only  immature  specimens. 

Sobolevicanthus  kenaiensis  (Schiller,  1952) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Bush  and  Holmes  1986a 

Sobolevicanthus  octacantha  (Krabbe,  1869) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  affinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a 
Remarks:  Immature  specimens  only. 

Sobolevicanthus  stolli  (Brock,  1941) 

Syn:  Hymenolepis  stolli  Brock,  1941 
Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Anas  acuta 
Dist:  Man 

Record:  Buscher  1965 


Sobolevicanthus  sp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Ay  thy  a  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 

Tschertkovilepis  krahhei  (Kowalewski,  1895) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anser  albifrons 

Branta  bemicla 

Chen  caerulescens 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 
Remarks:  Schmidt  (1986)  considered  the 
genus  Tschertkovilepis  a  synonym  of 
Microsomacanthus.  T.  krabbei  was  not  listed. 
Yamaguti  (1959)  listed  it  as  a  synonym  of 
Tschertkovilepis  conscripta  Railliet  et  Henry, 

Tschertkovilepis  setigera  (Froelich,  1789) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anser  albifrons 
Branta  bemicla 
Chen  caerulescens 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 
Remarks:  Transferred  by  Schmidt  (1986)  to 

Wardium  creplini  (Krabbe,  1869) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anser  albifrons  ( 1 ) 

Branta  canadensis  (2) 
Dist:  NB,  NWT 

Records:  1.  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 
(NWT);  2.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 

Remarks:  Schmidt  ( 1986)  listed  the  genus 
Wardium  (Mayhew,  1925)  as  a  synonym  of 
Dicranotaenia  (Railliet,  1892)  and  transferred 
this  species  to  it. 

Wardium  sp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Ay  thy  a  affinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 

Wardoides  nyrocae  (Yamaguti,  1935) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Branta  bemicla 

Chen  caerulescens 
Dist:  NWT 

Record:  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975 

Remarks:  Schmidt  (1986)  has  included  this 
species  in  Drepanidotaenia. 


Diploposthe  laevis  (Bloch,  1782) 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Ay  thy  a  mar  i  la  (1) 

A.  collaris  (2,3) 
Dist:  NB,  Ont,  Que 
Records:  1.  Mahon  1956  (Que);  2. 
Noseworthy  and  Threlfall  1978  (Ont);  3. 
McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979a,b  (NB) 


Anomotaenia  sp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Ay  thy  a  affinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Hair  and  Holmes  1975 

Lateriporus  geographicus  Cooper,  1921 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Clangula  hymealis  (2) 

Somateria  mollissima  (1) 
Dist:  NWT,  Que 

Records:  1.  Cooper  1921  (NWT);  2.  Mahon 
1956  (Que) 

Lateriporus  mathevossianae  Ryjikov  and  Gubanov, 

Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Ay  thy  a  affinis* 
Dist:  Alta 

Record:  Denny,  1969 

Remarks:  Denny  (1969)  also  recovered 
immature  specimens  from  experimentally 
exposed  M.  fusca  and  A.  affinis. 

*Immature  specimens  in  natural  infections. 

Lateriporus  skrjabini  Mathevossian,  1 946 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  ( 1  *) 

A.  americana  (1*) 

A.  disc  or  s  (1*) 

A.  platyrhynchos  ( 1  +) 

A.  strepera  (1*) 

Domestic  duck  (1+) 

Aythya  affinis  ( 1  ',2,3) 

A.  americana  (!') 

A.  valisineria  (1) 
Bucephala  albeola  ( 1  *) 

B.  clangula  (\*) 


Melanitta  fusca  ( 1  *) 
Oxyura  jamaicensis  {X'^) 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  1.  Denny  1969;  2.  Hair  and  Holmes 
1975;  3.  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b 

Remarks:  *Im.mature  specimens  only  from 
natural  infections.  +Immature  specimens  only 
following  experimental  infections.  'Mature 
specimens  from  natural  and  experimental 

Lateriporus  teres  (Krabbe,  1869) 

Site:  duodenum  and  small  intestine 
Host:  Somateria  mollissima 
Dist:  Nfld 

Records:  1.  Threlfall  1968;  2.  Bishop  and 
Threlfall  1974 

Oligorchis  sp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Aha 

Records:  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b 
Remarks:  Immature  specimens  only; 

apparently  an  undescribed  species  (Bush  and 

Holmes  1986a). 

Unidentified  Cestodes 
Site:  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  (2) 

A.  americana  (2) 

A.  clypeata  (2) 

A.  crecca  (2,4) 

A.  discors  (2,4) 

A.  platyrhynchos  (2,3) 

A.  ruhripes  (7) 

A.  strepera  (2) 

Anatidae  (6) 

Aythya  ajfinis  (2,9) 

A.  collaris  (8) 

Bucephala  clangula  (7) 

Cygnus  columbianus  ( 1 ) 

Lophodytes  cucullatus  (5) 

Melanitta  fusca  (2) 
Dist:  Alta,  BC,  NB,  Ont,  Sask 
Records:  1.  Wickware  1930  (Ont);  2.  Swales 
1934  (Alta);  3.  Wobeser  1974  (Sask);  4.  Turner 
and  Threlfall  1975  (NB);  5.  Bain  and  Threlfall 
1977  (Ont);  6.  MacNeil  and  Barnard  1978  (BC); 

7.  Mahoney  and  Threlfall  1978  (NB,Ont); 

8.  Noseworthy  and  Threlfall  1978  (Ont);  9.  Bush 
and  Holmes  1986a,b  (Alta) 

Platyscolex  ciliata  (Fuhrmann,  1913) 

Syn:  Anomotaenia  ciliata  Fuhrmann,  1913 
Site:  small  intestine 
Hosts:  Anas  acuta  ( 1 ) 

A.  clypeata  (I) 

A.  discors  (2) 

A.  rubripes  (3,5) 

A.  strepera  (1) 

Bucephala  clangula  (5) 

Branta  bernicla  (4) 

Chen  caerulescens  (4) 
Dist:  Man,  NB,  NWT 

Records:  1.  Buscher  1965  (Man);  2.  Buscher 
1966  (Man);  3.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1973 
(NB);  4.  Neraasen  and  Holmes  1975  (NWT); 
5.  McLaughlin  and  Burt  1979b  (NB) 

Unciunia  sp. 

Site:  small  intestine 
Host:  Aythya  ajfinis 
Dist:  Alta 

Records:  Bush  and  Holmes  1986a,b 
Remarks:  Apparently  an  undescribed  species 
(Bush  and  Holmes  1986a). 






Tribe  Anatini 

Anas  acuta  L. 

-  Northern  Pintail 

-  Syn:  Dafila  acuta  (L.) 
Aploparaksisfurcigera  (Man) 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Man,  Sask) 
Diorchis  bulbodes  (Man) 

D.  nyrocae  (Man) 
Echinocoytle  rosseteh  (Man) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Man,  NB) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Hymenolepis  anatina  (Man) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Microsomacanthus  compressa  (Man) 
M.  hopkinsi  (Man) 
M.  paracompressa  (NB) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (Man) 
Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (Man) 
S.  stolli  (Man) 
Cestodes  (Alta) 

Anas  americana  Gmelin 

-  American  Wigeon  (Gmelin) 

-  Syn:  Mareca  americana 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (NB) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (NB) 
Cestodes  (Alta) 

Anas  clypeata  L. 

-  Northern  Shoveler 

-  Syn:  Spatula  clypeata  (L.) 
Aploparaksis  veitchi  (Man) 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Man) 
Diorchis  nyrocae  (Man) 
Echinocotyle  rosseteri  (Man,  Que) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Man) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (Man) 
Retinometra  macrocephala  (Man) 
Sobolevicanthus  filumferens  (Man) 
Cestodes  (Alta) 

Anas  crecca  L. 

-  Green-winged  Teal 

-  Syn:  Anas  crecca  carolinensis 
Echinocotyle  rosseteri  (NB,  Que) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NB) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Sobolevicanthus  filumferens  (NB) 
Cestodes  (Alta,  NB,  Que) 

Anas  discors  L. 

-  Blue-winged  Teal 

-  Syn:  Querquedula  discors  (L.) 
Aploparaksisfurcigera  (Man,  NB) 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Man,  NB) 
Diorchis  microcirrosa  (NB) 

D.  nyrocae  (Man) 

Echinocotyle  rosseteri  (Man,  NB,  Que) 
Fimbriaria  fasciolaris  (Man,  NB) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Hymenolepis  anatina  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Aha) 
Microsomacanthus  abortiva  (NB) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (Man) 
Retinometra  macrocephala  (Man) 
Sobolevicanthus  filumferens  (Man,  NB) 
S.  gracilis  (NB) 
Cestodes  (Alta,  NB,  Que) 

Anas  platyrhynchos  L. 

-  Mallard 

Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Man,  Sask) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NB) 
D.  nyrocae  (Man) 

Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta,  Man,  NB) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Ligula  intestinalis  (Man) 
Microsomacanthus  abortiva  (NB) 
M.  hopkinsi  (Man,  NB) 
M.  paracompressa  (NB) 
Cestodes  (Alta,  Sask) 

Anas  rubripes  Brewster 

-  American  Black  Duck 
Aploparaksis furcigera  (NB) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NB) 
Diorchis  bulbodes  (NB) 
Echinocotyle  rosseteri  (NB) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NB ) 
Hymenolepis  rauschi  (NB) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (NB) 


Microsomacanthus  abortiva  (NB) 

M.  collar  is  (NB) 

M.  hopkinsi  (NB) 

M.  paracompressa  (NB) 

M.  parvula  (NB) 

Platyscolex  ciliata  (NB) 

Sobolevicanthus  filumferens  (NB) 

S.  gracilis  (NB) 

Cestodes  (NB,  Que) 

Anas  strepera  L. 

-  Gadwall 

Aploparaksis furcigera  (Man) 
A.  veitchi  (Man) 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Man) 
Diorchis  spinata  (Man) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta,  Man) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  (Man) 
M.  teresoides  (Man) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (Man) 
Cestodes  (Alta) 

Domestic  ducks 

-  (Includes  Anas  platyrhynchos  domesticus; 
most  represent  experimental  infections) 

Dicranotaenia  coronula  (Ont) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta) 
Hymenolepis  albertensis  (Alta) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  (NB) 
A/,  microskrjabini  (Alta) 
M.  spiralihursata  (Alta) 
A/,  tuvensis  (Alta) 

Tribe  Aythyini 

/4>'r/2}'«  ^#>?/-y  (Eyton) 

-  Lesser  Scaup 
Anomotaenia  sp.  (Alta) 
Anatinella  spinulosa  (Alta) 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Alta) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (Alta) 
Diorchis  asiatica  (Alta) 

D.  bulbodes  (Alta) 

£>.  excentricus  (Alta) 

D.  (Alta) 

D.  nyrocoides  (Alta) 

D.  ransomi  (Alta) 

D.  spinata  (Alta) 

D.  stefanskii  (Alta) 

Diorchis  sp.  (Alta) 

Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta) 

Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 

Hispaniolepis  arcuata  (Alta) 

Hymenolepis  albertensis  (Alta) 

//.  (Alta) 

//.  spinocirrosa  (Alta) 

//.  trombidacantha  (Alta) 

Hymenolepis  sp.  (Alta) 

Lateriporus  mathevossianae  (Alta) 

L.  skrjabini  (Alta) 

Microsomacanthus  abortiva  (Alta) 

M.  compressa  (Alta) 

M.fausti  (Alta) 

M.  hopkinsi  (Alta) 

M.  melanittae  (Alta) 

M.  microskrjabini  (Alta) 

M.  paracompressa  (Alta) 

M.  parvula  (Alta) 

M.  recurvata  (Alta) 

M.  spiralibursata  (Alta) 

M.  tuvensis  (Alta) 

Oligorchis  sp.  (Alta) 

Retinometra  cyrtoides  (Alta) 

7?.  pittalugai  (Alta) 

Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (Alta) 

5.  kenaiensis  (Alta) 

5.  octacantha  (Alta) 

Sobolevicanthus  sp.  (Alta) 

Unciunia  sp.  (Alta) 

Wardium  sp.  (Alta) 

Cestodes  (Alta) 

Aythya  americana  (Eyton) 

-  Redhead 

Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Hymenolepis  albertensis  (Alta) 
//.  spinocirrosa  (Alta) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  (Alta) 
M.  microskrjabini  (Alta) 
M.  tuvensis  (Alta) 

y4>'r/z>'a  collaris  (Donovan) 

-  Ring-necked  Duck 
Aploparaksis  furcigera  (NB) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NB) 
Diploposthe  laevis  (NB,  Ont) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NB) 
Microsomacanthus  collaris  (NB) 
M.fausti  (Ont) 

M.  parvula  (Ont) 
Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (Ont) 
Cestodes  (Ont) 


Aythya  marila  (L.) 

-  Greater  Scaup 

-  Syn:  Nyroca  marila  (L.) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NB) 
Diploposthe  laevis  (Que) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NB) 
Hymenolepis  spinocirrosa  (NB) 
Microsomacanthus  tuvensis  (NB) 

Aythya  valisineria  (Wilson) 

-  Canvasback 

Cloacotaenia  megalops  (Man) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta,  Man) 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Hymenolepis  pusilla  (Alta) 
H.  spinocirrosa  (Alta) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  (Alta) 
M.  tuvensis  (Alta) 

Tribe  Cairini 

A/a:  sponsa  (L.) 

-  Wood  Duck 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NB) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (NB) 
Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  (NB) 
Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (NB) 

Tribe  Mergini 

Bucephala  albeola  (L.) 

-  Bufflehead 
Gastrotaenia  cygni  (Man) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (NB) 

Bucephala  clangula  (L.) 

-  Common  Goldeneye 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NB) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NB) 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (NB) 
Retinometra  macracanthos  (NB) 
Cestodes  (Ont) 

Clangula  hymealis  (L.) 

-  Oldsquaw 

Lateriporus  geographicus  (Que) 

Lophodytes  cucullatus  (L.) 

-  Hooded  Merganser 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (Ont) 
Schistocephalus  solidus  (Ont) 
Cestodes  (Ont) 

Melanitta  fusca  (L.) 

-  White-winged  Scoter 

-  Syn:  Melanitta  deglandi  (Bonaparte) 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (BC) 
Hymenolepis  albertensis  (Alta) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (BC,  NB,  Nfld) 
Lateriporus  mathevossianae  (Alta) 

L.  skrjabini  (Alta) 
Microsomacanthus  tuvensis  (Alta) 
Cestodes  (Alta) 

Melanitta  nigra  (L.) 

-  Black  Scoter 

Fimbriarioides  sp.  (BC,  NB,  Nfld) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (BC,  NB,  Nfld) 

Melanitta  perspicillata  (L.) 

-  Surf  Scoter 

Fimbriarioides  sp.  (BC,  NB,  Nfld) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (Alta,  BC,  NB,  Nfld) 

Mergus  merganser  L. 

-  Common  Merganser 

-  Syn:  Mergus  americanus  Cassin 

Mergus  merganser  americanus  Cassin 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (BC) 
Ligula  intestinalis  (BC,  Que) 
Schistocephalus  solidus  (BC) 

Somateria  mollissima  (L.) 

-  Common  Eider 

-  Syn:  Somateria  mollissima  var.  w/gra 

Aploparaksis  sp.  (NWT) 
Fimbriarioides  intermedia  (Nfld,  NWT) 
Lateriporus  geographicus  (NWT) 
L.  re/T.?  (Nfld) 

Microsomacanthus  formosoides  (Nfld) 
M.  microskrjabini  (Nfld) 
M.  somateriae  (Nfld) 

Tribe  Oxyurini 

Oxyw^«  jamaicensis  (Gmelin) 

-  Ruddy  Duck 
Lateriporus  skrjabini  (Alta) 


Tribe  Anserini 

Amer  albifrons  (Scopoli) 

-  Greater  White-fronted  Goose 
Drepanidotaenia  barrowensis  (NWT) 
Parabisaccanthes  philactes  (NWT) 
Retinometra  longivaginata  (NWT) 


R.  venusta  (NWT) 
Tschertkovilepis  krabbei  (NWT) 
T.  setigera  (NWT) 
Wardium  creplini  (NWT) 

Branta  hemic  la  (L.) 

-  Brant 

-  Syn:  Branta  bernicla  nigricans  (Lawrence) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NWT) 

Diorchis  stefanskii  (NWT) 
Drepanidotaenia  barrowensis  (NWT) 
D.  lanceolata  (NWT) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NWT) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (NWT) 
Parabisaccanthes  philactes  (NWT) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (NWT) 
Retinometra  longivaginata  (NWT) 
Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (NWT) 
Tschertkovilepis  krabbei  (NWT) 
T.  setigera  (NWT) 
Wardoides  nyrocae  (NWT) 

Branta  canadensis  (L.) 

-  Canada  Goose 

Drepanidotaenia  lanceolata  (NB) 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (NB) 
Wardium  creplini  (NB) 

Chen  caerulescens  (L.) 

-  Snow  Goose 

-  Syn:  Chen  caerulescens  caerulescens  (L.) 

Chen  hyperborea  atlantica  Kennard 
Cloacotaenia  megalops  (NWT) 
Dicranotaenia  coronula  (NWT) 
Diorchis  stefanskii  (NWT) 
Drepanidotaenia  barrowensis  (NWT) 

D.  lanceolata  (NWT,  Que) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (NWT) 
Parabisaccanthes  philactes  (NWT) 
Platyscolex  ciliata  (NWT) 
Retinometra  longivaginata  (NWT) 
Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  (NWT) 
Tschertkovilepis  krabbei  (NWT) 
T.  setigera  (NWT) 
Wardoides  nyrocae  (NWT) 

Domestic  geese 

Hymenolepis  sp.  (Que) 

Tribe  Cygnini 

Cygnus  buccinator  Richardson 

-  Trumpeter  Swan 

-  Syn:  Cygnus  cygnus  buccinator  Richardson 
Hymenolepis  sp.  (BC) 

Cygnus  columbianus  (Ord) 

-  Tundra  Swan 

-  Syn:  Cygnus  columbianus  columbianus 


Hymenolepis  sp.  (BC) 
Cestodes  (Ont) 

Unspecified  Anatidae 

Hymenolepis  sp.  (BC,  Que) 
Fimbriariafasciolaris  (Alta,  Que) 
Diorchis  sp.  (Que) 
Cestodes  (BC) 



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Acoleidae  10 

Anatinella  spinulosa  3 

Anomotaenia  sp  10 

Aploparaksis  furcigera  4 

Aploparaksis  sp  4 

Aploparaksis  veitchi  4 

Aporidea  3 

Cestoda  1 1 

Cloacotaenia  megalops  4 

Cyclophyllidea  3 

Dicranotaenia  coronula  4 

Dilepididae  10 

Dilepidinae  10 

Diorchis  asiatica  4 

Diorchis  hulhodes  4 

Diorchis  excentricus  4 

Diorchis  inflata  4 

Diorchis  microcirrosa  5 

Diorchis  nyrocae  5 

Diorchis  ny roc oides  5 

Diorchis  ransomi  5 

Diorchis  spinata  5 

Diorchis  sp  5 

Diorchis  stefanskii  5 

Diphyllobothriidae  3 

Diploposthe  laevis  10 

Drepanidotaenia  barrowensis  5 

Drepanidotaenia  lanceolata  5 

Echinocotyle  rosseteri  5 

Fimhriariafasciolaris  3 

Fimbriariinae  3 

Fimhriarioides  intermedia  3 

Fimhriarioides  sp  3 

Gastrotaenia  cygni  3 

Hispaniolepis  arcuata  5 

Hymenolepididae  3 

Hymenolepidinae  3 

Hymenolepis  alhertensis  5 

Hymenolepis  anatina  6 

Hymenolepis  pusilla  6 

Hymenolepis  rauschi  6 

Hymenolepis  sp  6 

Hymenolepis  spinocirrosa  6 

Hymenolepis  trombidacantha  6 

Lateriporus  geographicus  10 

Lateriporus  mathevossianae  10 

Lateriporus  skrjabini  10 

Lateriporus  teres  11 

Ligula  intestinalis  3 

Microsomacanthus  abortiva  7 

Microsomacanthus  compressa  7 

Microsomacanthus  collaris  7 

Microsomacanthus  fausti  7 

Microsomacanthus  formosoides  7 

Microsomacanthus  hopkinsi  7 

Microsomacanthus  microskrjabini  7 

Microsomacanthus  melanittae  7 

Microsomacanthus  paracompressa  8 

Microsomacanthus  parvula  8 

Microsomacanthus  recurvata  8 

Microsomacanthus  somateriae  8 

Microsomacanthus  spiralibursata  8 

Microsomacanthus  teresoides  8 

Microsomacanthus  tuvensis  8 

Nematoparataeniidae  3 

Oligorchis  sp  1 1 

Parabisaccanthes  philactes  9 

Platyscolex  ciliata  1 1 

Pseudophyllidea  3 

Retinometra  cyrtoides  9 

Retinometra  longivaginata  9 

Retinometra  macracanthos  9 

Retinometra  macrocephala  9 

Retinometra  pittalugai  9 

Retinometra  venusta  9 

Schistocephalus  solidus  3 

Sobolevicanthus  filumferens  9 

Sobolevicanthus  gracilis  9 

Sobolevicanthus  kenaiensis  9 

Sobolevicanthus  octacantha  9 

Sobolevicanthus  sp  10 

Sobolevicanthus  stolli  9 

Tschertkovilepis  krabbei  10 

Tschertkovilepis  setigera  10 

Unciunia  sp  1 1 

Wardium  creplini  10 

Wardium  sp  10 

Wardoides  nyrocae  10 



Aixsponsa  15 

Anas  acuta  13 

Anas  americana  13 

Anas  clypeata  13 

Anas  crecca  13 

Anas  crecca  carolinessis  1 3 

Anasdiscors  13 

Anas  platyrhynchos  13 

Anas  platyrhynchos  domesticus  14 

Anas  rubripes  13 

Anas  strepera  14 

Anatinae  13 

Anatini  13 

Anser  albifrons  15 

Anserinae  15 

Anserini  15 

Ay  thy  a  ajfinis  14 

Aythya  americana  14 

Aythya  collaris  14 

Aythya  marila  15 

Aythya  valisineria  15 

Aythyini  14 

Branta  bernicla  16 

Branta  bernicla  nigricans  16 

Branta  canadensis  16 

Bucephala  albeola  15 

Bucephala  clangula  15 

Cairini  15 

Chen  caerulescens  16 

Chen  caerulescens  caerulescens  16 

Chen  hyperborea  atlantica  16 

Clangula  hymealis  15 

Cygnini  16 

Cygnus  buccinator  16 

Cygnus  cygnus  buccinator  16 

Cygnus  columbianus  16 

Cygnus  columbianus  columbianus  16 

Dafila  acuta  13 

Ducks,  domestic  14 

Geese,  domestic  16 

Lophodytes  cucullatus  15 

Mareca  americana  13 

Melanitta  deglandi  15 

Melanitta  fusca  15 

Melanitta  nigra  15 

Melanitta  perspicillata  15 

Mergini  15 

Mergus  americana  15 

Mergus  merganser   1 5 

Mergus  merganser  americanus  15 

Nyroca  marila  15 

Oxyura  jamaicensis  15 

Oxyurini  15 

Querquedula  discors  13 

Somateria  mollissima  15 

Spatula  clypeata  13